HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-24 - Orange Coast Pilot7 t • 0 e1 aw ers Bud Abbott Dies; Straight Man • Ill 1940s Comi~ Team DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 24, 1974 VOL. P , MO. 114, S JIECTIONS, 1' "AGli5 Posed Pi~ture? EXPERT CLAIMS PATRICIA UNWILLING GUN MOLL Was She Forced to Participate in Bank Robbery? Two Women to Testify In Patty Hearst Probe SAN FRA.\'CISCO fUPl l -Two young women have been called to teslify before the federal grand jury in\'L>sligating the Patricia ~learst kidnap case, it was reported here. KQED television said Janet Cooper. Berkeley. and Cynthia Garvey. Oakland. were belie\•cd to have known persons u•ho became members of the Symbionese Liberation Army. The SLA kidnaped ri.1iss Hearst Feb. 20. Members of 1he terrorist organization recently held up a San Francisco bank and were accompahied by Miss Hearst. fl.fiss Cooper's idcntUicaUoo was u~ to rent automobiles ih the robbery. The FB I said Miss Cooper's papers h'ad ~ lost. Reporter ~arilyn Baker of KQED said fl.fiss Cooper 'had been acquainted with PaDicia ~rl. Sollyslk, 22. and Camilla C. HaH, 28, wactcd for the robbery. It is not known when Miu Cooper and ~liss Garvey will appear before the grand jury, which was lmpane~ last week . fl.leanv.1llle. .an authority on the 1970 Kenl State thootings has decided by an independent scudy or pictures .taken during tile bank holdup that Patricia Hearst was an un1A1illing member of the robbery team. Peler Davies. a Slaten J~land, N.Y. realtor. said study of the photos 1akcn by a l)tlnk camera during the April 15 holdup Indicated l\1\1u1 lle:ir~l was being forced 10 carry an au101nallc rifle an ci partlclptuc In the crime .. Davies' conclu~ions were cont alnl'd In n leller to the Hearst family \\'hich released contents to neY:smt'n Tue~day. The letter \YllS turned over to t:.s. At· tomey James L. Browning Jr. \\'Ith a 1See HEARST, Page 21 Police Find 21 1ili.ens in Van . In Slut Cle1ne11te ' A . largr while van crui.<!ing San Oemente strcet.4' before da'A'"1l. today spurre'!,t the ink!rest of a police lieutenant on patrol~ who soon round that he had 21 persons to keep under control until help arrived. Police U. Qifford Gntes stopped the . van at s a.m. along South El Camnio Rtal after folk>1,1,•tng lt for s e v e r a I minutes. lnside.Jhc found 8 anvef hailing from Durango. ~fexlco. 19 male passengers and a lone v;omln. All 1,1,·ere Illegal nlicns. police said. and were turned over lo border Jl'llrOlm en who arrived shortly after the trnfflc stop. The aliens 1,1,·ere Joadt'd in another van -a recieral model -and processed for deportation. The driver, F'ranclsco G:ivllan ZunigA, 2fl. v.'a i; booked on charges ()f nhen ~muggting. The van was re~l:1;tcrcd to 11 U.1~ Angeles man . B·ud Abbott Of Co111edy Tean1 Dies HOLLYWOOD <UPI 1 -Vol i 11 i am ''Bud'" Abbott. 75. th:? skinny straight man to Lou Cos1ello in -one or the most famous comedy trams of the 1940s . died toda y at hi s home in \Voodland Hills. Death Y:as attributed to cancer. a family spokrsman sa id . Abbott's v.·idov,r Betty was Ydth him y,·hcn he died at 7 a.m. Abbott had been in poor healt h for 1nore than a decade after a ser1 es of strokes. He finished his llfe living on Social Security after his savings· from the hu ge su1ns he hearned as a star were stri1,pcd from him by the government in a tax action in 1959. 1\bbol\ and Costello spent much or their professional lives in obscurity until thev achieved speclacular fame in the t940s with routines Y.'hich established them as the successors to Laurel and !lardy. Costello died in 1959. Abbott was 38 bv the time he team rd \\'i lh Cos!ello and in his 40s by the time t he~· became a nat iofl\\'ide hit in the \\'orld \Var 11 vears. lie and Cosiello made more th.1n 50 movies and v.'ere together for 21 years. Abboll once said he made $400,000 a year at the height or his career in the 1940s. Abbott was born into show business in Atl ant ic Cit y, N,J _, Oct. 2. 1898. llis motht>r was a circus bareback rider and his father y,·as an ad\·an("C 111an for the shov.·. At 15 he left home to become a sailor. shoveling coal on a ship bound for Norv.1ay. His father got him a job in a box office and that was hi s car~r for 13 years, y,·orklng in assorted burlesque houses. One night "in some lown in Pcnnsyl\'ania," as a studio biography !laid years later . the comic fell ill and Abbott the ticket taker took his place. It 1,i,·as not until years lal cr. in 1936. that he met Costello. another burlesque ISee ABBOTI', Page :n Strike Threatened SACRA~1El\"TO rt;PJ l-The California Stale £1Tlployes Association lo day studied possible aclions. including a · strike, it might ta.kt in rrsponse to Gov. Ronald Reagan's refusal to submit its wagC<-benerit proposal 10 arbitration . lt-cagan Tuesday fl ully rc}eclcd CSEA0s request that lhe Issue of higher y,•ages And fringe bcncllts or sl11te cmpluye1 n<'Xt yea r be submiltcd to arbitrallon. Six Boys Enter •Miss Newport~ Beauty Contest Motlo11 Flied Mrs. Popeil's Lawyers Attempt to Block Trial One more 1noVC' in an effort to pre1·ent Xe"·port Beac h rrsident E:lf.ise Popeil from facinli( tri;il for allegedly plouin~ the niurder of her mililonai re husba nd 2.000 mile~ <1 v.·ay has been taken by her defense al!omcys. ,\ motion TNJUCsting the Californi;i Supre1ne Court to rule on °"'"hether or not a true ronspiracy can be prl'"Umcd tn ha1·e existed-at such :i d1stt1nce-11·1ll SO<l'l he heard S.:1n1a An:• ;111nn1t•v l'hil Pt'!!\' <;air! Tuesday thu t he expcCts ii quick d.ecis1on on the motion filed y,·ith the state's hig-hcst court in San Francisco. f.lc mainta ins that no co nspira<'Y could hu vc st'riously existed. riesp1!e what ;in~ defendants may hav e mentioned in terms of casual conversation . Pett.v was denied a hea rin~ hy an nppeals court in Los Angeles. on grounds the appeal should follo111 l'ne trial lie has been refu sed motions on l ho~c reasons at municipal and superior court tria ls. too. "They're generally prelly 51,i,•ift. ·· Pruy said of th(' ll'ngth of time it might take for the s1<1tr Su preme Court to dccide on hi<: rnouon. 1>erhaps as' lil11c . hi' prrdicll·ci. as t"·o weeks. li t' ha s been rcpre scnl ing .\lrs. Pnpcil. ~ll. of 519 llarhor Island Dri\'l', silll'f' her arrest in Janu3 ry along y,·ith Dan 1f'l A~·t'rs, J7. of Santa Ana, by J_.ong Be;1ch polict•. lloth h:nl' plf'aded innocent to allc(.!edly plo111ng the 1nurder of Samue l Pope1l .Jr fi.1. a f'hica(.!o k1rchton gadget t ~·coon. !'ell \' has also v.·on a con!1nuatinn of lhl' trio l un11l .rune 17. ht·c·;H1~1· 111~ p;1nncr. :'\ew port Brach l;n\·ycr Hobe rt {:ri·l'n. has a l'<J11fhcr111 r; n1urdcr trial in progress. A~c rs :ind .\lrs. Pop!'1! both rt"1na1n free un bail. \ rnn11on for a chnnl!c nf vt•nur ro a d1ffrrrn1 arc;i In the event Mrs. Por ;ind A1rr~ t«1nnnt a\·oicf lnLll i' al"o due for a· hf•anng :-Olay 10 111 Long Bt'ach Superior Court Their cle(«nse a!lomcy!; 1na1n ta1n that /Set' l'Ol'EIL, !'age 21 T~e Male Ego Six Bovs E'nter Beauty Contest • • Uy JACKIE HV~1AN 01 1!1t 01llY P'llot Sliff ThC're is a record number of l'll!ries 1n the ~liss Newporl Be/lch contl'st 1hi~ year. but ,six or the 'l7 ap1>licants are boys. Scwporl Harbor Jayee~s ad mi tted today. "We disco1·ered that some boys had aliered their namrs on the appl\cation. such as from Grorgc to Gcorgi n'l, v.·hrn y,·e \i.'Cnt to the high schools to check up on thrir academic records.,. said cont('S t chairman Dennis l.andcsman. "I guess they thought it was funny," he said. ··1'd be upset. but I kno"' r would have done the same thing myself when t was in high school.'0 Ten semi-finalists-all gir]S-\\'ill be selected tonight . Landesman ~a id. The girls \\'ill be informed of the decision µr l\1atel)'. Fi\'e flnallsts will be chosen ,\pril 30. The winner will be cro~1ned by O(>bb1c l~odglns. the present :-.1!ss Ne1,i,·port Btach, on June 21 at the Commodore's Ball at the Balboa Bay Cl ub. The ~'Inner wlll rtpresent the city of Ne"'port Beech durin~ the nex-t yt>ar at a variety of functions, ContesUlnts, who must be betwc.>en the: a ~e!! nf 15 and 17. are jurigl'd Oil talent, • JX'rsonal inte r \' le 11· s , S!'hola~ic ac:h1c\r1nrnt. po1sr and .1pp<'ar11nct'. :ind ~outh f1tnr~s and atl!tu de, L;ind rsman s11itl. Thrrr will be no swim ~uit comprtitrin ;ind 110 J)ilJ,!Cant in th{' N~" port !lt'al'h contrst ••\\'r I'(' look1nA for a typic::il high 5(·hool ,l!irl. not a beauty qut'C'n t~·pc,'' l .. 'lndrc;n1an sa1rl. The l>lJl>hc can nice! the f inalist~ .June !l at 7 3fl a n1 at thr Commodor('·s fireakf:ist nt the Ba lboa R.1 v Club. v.•ht•n the t.ilrnl L'Omprt111on y,·111 be h!'l<!. 1\lso open 10 the public LS a rastuon ~hQ-.i.'-lunchMn June 1$ ;i.t 12:30 p.m at the Nev•po rter Inn in ;o.;'ewport Beach. The fll'e finalists and 17 mod<'15 \\ 1\l sho"'' th<· lall'SI fashions. Th<' ll{'V.' .\llS~ ~1'1\port llf,ICh "ill ronllX!lt' 1n thE' Ccil1forn!A Junior \Ilse; Pageant in Jflnua ry 1975 U he Y.1ns. 1>-ht:> v.-ould go on to tht' national pai.teitnl 111 :-Olar The remal<' apphcant5 from ~ewr10rt !!arbor 11\gh School arl' Linda .Jean ~lauge.ri, Ursuln Robinson. :O.lchnda Smoot. Joyce ~tcV11y .1nd Su!i11 n Odell. Al so from Ncwpor1 llarbor •li.l!h School l~e ENTRANTS. Paize 11 ' I Gi1·l's Body Fou11tl i11 Hotel Room Anaheim police ~nid 1oc1ay tht>y h:l\t' no clurs to !he idcn111~· of thi· killer in the brutal scx.sla\·u1g Tu1~sd<1~ nf a 1i·)car- old hotel maid from (;arden f;ro\·t· The nude. knih··sla:-.ht'<l hod\ nf l.nurlc• ,\. R<-rtsch. ll:l.11 Norina l.nn1·. \\as round sp ray,·!e<i on a Ix.ii in a \ a1·ant room at thr Sheraton Inn on B.111 Hm1cl nea r I >i.~nc~·land A police spokc-.~man ~lid in\'t·~tig:itnro; ~tiH ha\1· no !r;:1ds Ill tht· !.l;i\111g nnd have found nn tract• of :1 11t':Jflllll Pt1l1•·r 11oul1l n'1 say if tht• rr.0111 11'ht•ri· ~ tht• ~1rl's b<idv hat! hf't'll [r11111d w~~ 11t·cup1td durin~ th1· 111J.1!11 hl'lurc thl' rnurder. .\l 1ss B1.·rts('h·s b()(I\' v.·:is dis1·011.·n'd stinrtl\' ;;f\fT ll'"'n h1 !'ion11· ol hl•r eo· 1vork11°rs whn to!d pntirc· thrv lx·eanie 11·1irr1•1d 11·h1·n sht· didn't sh1111 up fu r he~ JIJ a 1n cnff«c hrl':1k Thr\' ~i1id lht•y fnund h1·r 1 li·nn1ng c:1rt 111 ;1 hall nu t ... 1di.: ihl' rOl'•tn 11 hf'rr· 1t1f' pr1•111 hro":n ·ha1n·d ~1rl s h01_ly v.«1s fflund \lith n1ult1pll' st.'lb 11f1un1!., and !he thrnat C"llt 1'0!1(' "t·r•' !11ld .\l1ss HrrtYli 11a" la !:it S•~·n ;_1!1r1• al ahout 8 Jo a n1 ~hnr1l1• af1t·r sh1· bt:i:on her sh1f1 ;d !lit· hnh·I. · ,\n autopsy Y.<lS rlur to h~· 1>1:rfnr111L"l.l tSee SEX Kil.L I ~(;. l'at-:t' 21 Orange Coast Weather {loud\ ;ind conl t' !ht• outlorik fnr Tht11'\d;1~. \1 Hh 1·h:1nc1•s o( dr111h· d1m1n1 ~h1nj.\ t1nd t<'mper;1- t11n·' r• r11<11n1ng 111 111•_· 1011 ,•r 60s ,1lnn;: thr· <-oa't I "I: TOii \ \' l 11·111rrpd Jorn1 11 11 r k r r. 1~ /,.,~,· i1c/1111ri t il l111r/11 .~t11r11l 111 Iii•• 1·r,r11cr ul u 1'' •t 111/ lu•)'I'!(' 111 S1,11fl• ('11111/u1n /rir .1 1 ~ y1•11r.~. ·lrt'-)-i'•I 1ri1r1 1i·r11rn 11 c1 l11Jr, r(·11/ (11u1l/:1 hf' lu1rl 111 rrs1 Sec P11!1e J. .1,1 'l'f>v 'ff•ott I '""... ,. \. M llOJO It (Ohlf•lll• S c.,,., ,,,,,., u (lfU l!tfd ~J t0 Comlct 41 C .. H '<>'O•d .. D•olll No!l(ll 11 l:d>lfl'lll l>1W • ' I: 11lt•!1l111T1ffl! 'i •JI lt11>•~Ct ft.JI FOOCI n It ,o, t~' ltttr• i., n HO .. lCOO. )I 111 ll\f St••1<• .. 0.1111 l1Mtn lt ..... ltlll • • "'Oft•• lrtt l• MO•o•• 1t II ~~11111 itu'>ll• " "'•"'"" .. ,.... . o ...... tfll"'' 1'·•• '"~·· '""'"' ,. l•o•h 11 JJ [Ir \!••'"1'01111 ,. \!II{-M•<__.t ~I ,.,~ .... ~.. ''·" Tiit•"" H·U w,...... • WorlO Nt•l ; '\ ' Nixon Aslis $2 50 Million Aid to Go to Egypt . ·-· · .. :- .-·. ·WASlllNGTON IAP\ -!'resident Nixon today asked Congress for 55.18 billion In foreign aid money, including $250 roilHon to help Egypt clear tile SUC:'I. Canal, repair war danlaJ:t in adjtiCf'nt cities and ~store trade with the United States. At llw san1e thne, Nlt:on asked for $3&1 million In mUltary support for Isr ael anti *207.5 nllUloo for Jordan. lJe sak1\ tht United States "can ~nd ipold pl~;r a cocutruclive role in leCUrlng a It and durable peace 1n the ~die . Ea by fa cilitating increased • :. -Three Killecl In Border • (;u~ Battle ~. :: :NOGALES. Ari7.. 1API -Two U.S =:.· Qiswms Service ptltrol mcn and a young •: ~rican Were killed during an apparent ~= gun battle tOday a rew miles north of the •• »exican border, authorities said. ::· :Officials said the Customs agents \\'ere :.... l'klnd besidfl thei r veh1cle; the young .... 4Jnerican, wilh several pounds of · •• $lrijuana nearby, was found several ·.:: 9rds away. ::. :~'The agents were round outside their :;' l!I!' by a )'OUAI girl who saw them while !*" jJiq to 9Chool ," Jerome Hollander, ::: Customs Servfce spokesman in Los :~ • .fogeles, said. •!• :u-esse Partid of the Customs Service :: • (ffice here said the two men had been : .. working together 'I\Je!day night. but that the Customs Service had no indication that they were in trouble be.fore today 's report by the girl. He said the agents, one 27 and the oUler 33. had been assigned in the NogaJes area for two or, three mon ths. The bodies were found in the Parker Canyon Lake area. a secluded fishing and camping resort in the southem Ari:r.ona mountains jost north or the Mexican border. Partida said the shooting site may have been just inside Cochise County, rather 1han Santa Cruz which includes Nogales. ''Their govemment ve hicle was with them." Partida said. "It's a mobile Wlit they use 10 go all over the border." Jack Smith, acting CUstoms Service director here. was not immediately . avai lable for comment. The Arizona Department of Public Safety said it originally had been asked -to send a helicopter to the scene. but the request was withdrawn a short time later. ·' Custom Service agents and sheriffs deputies were investigating at the set!ne. Na mes o( the three victims were not re leased. Partida said authorities were searching the area for more poaible victims. From Page 1 POPEIL ... even if both must be tried on the existing charges of conspiracy to commit murder and solidlation to comm.It murder that tbey could not receive a fair trial 1ocally. A pair of men who once worked with Ayen at Douglas Aircraft COmpany in Long Beach went to authorities after allegedly being solicited to kill Popeil. He has been estranged from his blonde wife and living in a Chicago apartment while awaiting final dissolution of their marriage. If Popeil died before ii became final. she and the couple's daughters would inher it a large share of his estate, estimated at $200 million. Shootiu ~ P rolcb lcd BERKELEY (UPl )-About 80 persons staged a rally on the City Hall steps Tuesday night lo prolest the shooting of a 12-year~ld pay by a police inspector. The City Council later voled ~3 to ask the Alameda Count y district attorney to prosecute inspector Charles Crane for attempted murder. OlAHGICOAST SI DAILY PILOT T,.. 0.•~ Coo1t 0..l\ """' *'"'•"'<ft """"" ~ ... t .. No.,\P'•" 1fV&l<."«1~•-0.•"()or C.O.ot ~e«·~·"'I c.._ ....... """ .... """'°"" .,. rtut>lo-~ ..,~nd•v ""·Ol'l• ,,,,..~ """ C.0.11 "-'.-& N•.,-• U...;~ '""'''"l'"" 6or•<10\I; UI'" W•'l•o LIQ"~· 8"KI' ,..,.,.. '\di-· .,.., S.O" C~n••1SM> ""'" C.e>•"•"" • ,~ nigo<onll e<!<!!(lfl ,. llUtll<•"-d S.luodo"' ••<! •.,,. ~.,. '""0"""""'11l'°'""'"''"tn1 ""3,j()"""'' S.yS!•••I Coot• -r ... Mc:•"·• ~~~ Pol -!l v.·-1 ''"'""""•""""Ill- hd R C .,i~~ '1<¢1Ji't•-'ltel'lllO. .... o11,1_,., l ~"""'l'"' 1.•.n l,.,,. "'•""l•~IOo!O' Ool"'H.l l'l>l' P~1\yd~ N.>l ,..,,,,,..,..~t<l,f(n °""" ,..,.,,, ~,,,. lJOW.U 9., ~~ ..... N .. •flQt! s~ ..... l:t»-...... &,.,,.., ..... LonUfl•li.~ r11f,.,..i~­"'·"""'7""&oo-1 1~7'0-..voe.-· ~ ... c-"'" ~-•1c;.....,...11 ... T••r.h-1714164Z·•lZI Cl11•lf td .\d•trihlltCJ 64Z·S6?1 ltoni~i\1-.i "'°""'"'~·-•""'odt 49J-4420 f.,,... ~I-0.• .,.. c.e.,i., C-_,.,,., 14~1 ZZO ~Ill 11 /1, O'-°"'"' """''-0 cq,,. ...,, ....,.....,,tor--··•--on••.,.,.. Qf _ .... nll -·" llWY. ~ ..,,,..,,, ... ..i~o1-·1"'- --"" CtfU llCll• ... ., .el OOlll -· C.~9-'"au~"""'-1:ioo _...,i1,.,. ... w 14.00 """'~"Ull!..v.,.,.,.....,... 13 00-'IW • under1;tand111g bl'l w<.'Cn the ,\rab nations and fsrael . . '1 Thr Prcsidf•nt al!>O r\'llU!'stf'd ~9:19 8 miUlon to assist South Vi c l n am , RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA. Analysis, Pilge 4 Cambodia and Laos "In th eir efforts to shift their economlrs fron1 wnr to pencl.' and 10 actf.'lcratc reconstit uti on of thl•lr socieLies." Tht.· Jnclochlna figure did not inl'l udt· nuli tary assistance, whith this yea r is runnlng at an aMual rate of $1.4 bllllon. All the 1non~. Including a special $100 mi1llo11 ~l lde:ist fund for peaceketplng lon:cs. refugee aid and developmen t proJe<:lll , "·oold be for the ri!tal year lhal b<'nins .Jul y 1. Congress· response Is u n ce rt a In, 11\though one member or the Senate Foreign Relations Con1mlttee, Sen. Fr:enk Church I O.Jdaho). has said he is oppost'Ci "to reverting again to that old hubit of trying to outbid the Soviet Union in securing Egypt's friendship." Nixon's request for Egypt accelerates Cot1ld l' 011 Fi1t1f l' 01u·s? the fast-building change in re\a1lons between the countriea. The t1P;o restored full diplomatic contacta last week after a 6"1-yea.r break and Secretary of State llenry A. Kissinger is concentrating on Anwar Sadat of Egypt for Arllb IUPPorl in working out settlements Yi'ith L!rael. On Sunday he begins his flfth tour of the region since the A'tab-lsraeli war last October, seek in" a disengagement between Israel! and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights. "The hope for a lastin g solution to the Arab-Israeli dl!pute is slfOllger today than at any time in the previous qu arter cen\.Llry," Nixon told Congress in propos ing the special assistance program for the ~fiddle East. "American diplomatic lnltiati\·es ba\'e helped create the condltlon1s neceSMry for an end ta O)l'lnlC!l and violence. White our diplomatic t fforu mu.st and will continue, there is already much that can be done to supplement and oonsolidate what has been acbieved so far ," he said. While Israel Bnd Jordan would get Fro111Pqe 1 ABBOTI ... house comic and Conner Hollywood stunt man. In the 50s, the team faded and 1n 1957 broke up. Jn 1959. the Internal Re,·enue Sen•lce audited Abbott 's tax returns for ~lghl years and disallowed $1 milllon In deductions. ~ He sold his $25,000 esta!e and his ranch north of the city and said the govenunent had taken all his aecurlties "and put a lien, on everylhing," !eaving h i m penniless. He t ven sold his TV res\dUal rights. He moved Into a modest house in Encino. At one point, when the publicity about his financial troubles drew some donaUons, he appealed to his fans to send 50 cents apiece to help him pay off the thousands he owed the IRS. He received $300 and said "it was damed nice of them." After the team split up, Abbott filed suit against ~tello for money he claimed from their TV series. The suit "·as stilt in lltigation \\'hen Costello died. Abbott played a some11o·hat stuffy man who "''as always correcting the impulsive, fumbling Costello. Early in their career, they appeared on the Kate Smith radio show and soon were in "Streets of Paris" on Broadway. Their first movie was "One Night In The Tropics." military aid, Egypt's r..so mllllon 'A'ould be entirely economic. In Indochina , Nixon said, U.S. aid ''j3 no less trueiaJ" to ach ieve a peace that "proteets our interests and reflects our past involvement'' in the area. Nixon sakl he was seek.Ing a boost in economic aid for Indochina from the $450 million appropriated by Congress for thl.5 year to "permit the developn1cnt of vtable, self-wpporting economies" that \\'ill need: reduced U.S. aid a few years from oow. Police Book Student, 17, In Rape Ccise Hwuington Beach police arrested a 11· ·yea r.-old boy today on suspicion of rape in connection with the assault l.1onday of a l~year~ld F.cllson High School coed. Detective Sgt. lltonty ~1cKennon said the boy was picked up early today at the campus but police are not sure if he U an Edison student. HiJ name was not released. The rape reportedly happened during the noon hmcb hour on the parking lot of the campus:. The girl told police she had entered the car with a male friend wbo supposedly knew the driver. They drove to another part of the campus for lunch, where the girl's friend got out or the car. She told police whln she tried to get out ol the car kl rolJoy.· her friend . the driver grabbed her and sped away , driving around the area until most studems had gone back to class. He then returned to the parking lot. she said, where !hey struggled. After a while. she was able to kick him &\\'ay and hop oul of the car, according to !.he police report . There's a distinctly unified look abou t this quain t. half·timbered hon1e in the tiny village of Freuden- berg, Germany. Each house has bee n given its an· nual spring coating to help style. retain a. centuries-old The tall, thin Abbott and the short, fat Costello ·were the comedy kings of the 19403 and '505, making dozens of films, appearing weekly on radio and going into television in the late 1950s. 11leir most famous routine was "who's on first ,'' which th ey performed five limes for the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt. McKennon said the suspected rapist was arrested by Det. Fred Loya without any trouble and was held for questioning at police headquarters. ri.tcKennon also said the department had received several calls from parents worried about the rape repon at the campus. He said there have not been an outbreak of attacks there and this appears to be merely one isolated case. -------- Magee Asks for Life Te1·m: SAN JOSE (UPJ ) -Con vict Rurhcll J\1agce has asked a jud~e to send hin1 to prison for life because, "1'111 going to sta rl killing." In an outburst of frus1ration during pretrial hearings. bcforr Superior Judgl" \\'i!liam lngran1. the 34-year·old l\1agee asked Tuesday that his plea of innocent be changed to guilty on chnrges resulting from the bloody August. 1970 shooting :il the ~1arin County Courthou se in v.•hi ch :i judge and three others v.·ere kill~. l\fagec's trial is scheduled 1.o start lilay 28 on kidnaJH!xlortion chnrges in connect ion w•ilh the incident. Judge Ingram refused to allow lh!! defendant to cha nge his ple<l. telling him that it could not be accepted lx'causl' lifagee had not conferred with his attorney. Sheldon Portman. and accusing the judge or being prejudiced. \Vhen Ingram refused to d!squolify himself from the case, ri-1ngee left the courtroom. He came back a few minutes lutcr and told t.he judge: "I \\'ish to \\"ithdraw111y not guilty plra and enter a guilty plea to get out of this rourtroom . I want you to give n1e lire. f\lan. l\e been through this (or 10 years. I an1 tired of this insult ... I y.·an t lo go b..1ck to prison or y.·herever it's at because I'm going to start killing wherever I'm al. I'm going to start here ... l"m going lo make you shoot me." The judge recessed court for a hair hour and lhrn annowic«I he y.·ou\d delay further hearing witll 'Thursday lo allow· ri.lagff' to confe r "'ith any attorney he wishes . F rom Page 1 P rison ln1nate Flees, Leaves Note for Mom In addition to hls widow, he is survived by a son, Bud Jr., a daughter, Victoria. and three grandchildren. F u n e r a 1 arrangements were pending. Frontl' .. e J SEX KILLING. • • From Pagel HEARST ... reccmmendaUon it· be submitted to the federal grand jury probing the Feb. 4 SAN QUE NTIN lAP )-San Quentin today by the coonty corooer, but police abduction by the Symblonese Liberation Prison officials said an Inmate who said it appears the girl was the victim of Am>y and the robbery. escaped from family visiting quarters a sex slayer. Davies' analyses of photographs taken ea rly today left a note which read : h11ss Bertsch was a January graduate during the Kent State trouble played a of Garden Grove High SChool and was key role in the recent intiictments of ··~tom I love you. I'm just tired of all National Guardsmen In Ohio. He also ,.,,orking to earn money to pay her way this time." h wrote a book on the shootings. throug junior college, where she • Information officer Bill Nyberg said planned to study police sclence, her The letter to the Hearst family sald: officers searched the area and fowid parents told officers. "1be strap of the weapon (Miss Hearst f · I R p was carrying) does not go around the son1e o 1nma e Gcorce . eltit's prison back of her neck . Apart from the fact clolhing al a nearby highway. Nyberg Truckers Walk Out that this Is a little unusual, that the strap theorized that someone picked up the 33-should go over her right sboulder only, year-old convict serving a term for what makes it extremely significaut is robbery. PHARR, Tex. {AP) -Several hundred that her coat has been put on after angry truckers stalked out of a meeting shouldering the gun l1e said Pettit y.·as on minimum Tuesday night after a fed er a I "Consequently, It. becomes impossible secu rity and therefore allo·wed lo spend government official told them, "The for her to throw doY.'n the weapon the night "'"ilh his mother in the visiting price of fuel Is not going to be rolled without first removing the coat." facility. His mother woke up at S a.m. back. no matter whal" Millard Holden. Davies also noted that the bank photos and reported him missing. president of the Independent Produce showed l\1iss Hearst with her right hand She found a scrawled note saying, Haulers Association, said after the in her coat pocket. ''ft1om , please try to understand . Don't meeting he hopes the trucketl will not "With her right hand in the pocket of Vt'Orry, J .,.,·on't get hurt or hurt anyone . I stage a planned nationwide shutdown her coat, how can she possibly get a love you. I'm just tired of all this time. ~1ay 13, but a trucker from the t.11d.,.,·est finger on the trigger mecha nism of the l\lagee, ·who ha.s been invol\·cd in frequent courtroom outbursts during lengthy trials, was beraling his court· appointed la\\•yer. public d c f e nd e r ENTRANTS . • • I . Please don't :·orry. Lo_v_e-;yooo;:;ii' ;So;;;M;;y,-.·-· _s_a_id~l;;he;;;-;:sh:;trtd;;;:-o;;w;:n::-w_lll-;:-ta-::--ke_-:-Pl_a_ce_.-:;;;gun;-:-'--'-;' ::;he-;:-a:sk;;;ed~. :::~-::::::=:;:;-:- ~.,... ~..... ~~ .aiiZ: .......... , m;: -I Shotgun Blast IGUs Man, 25 SACRA~I ENTO \U Pl1 -/\ North lli_~hlands man ll'tlS ki lled by a sho1gu n blast early today :1s he sat nea r a di ning room "indO\\' in his pa rents' ho1nc. !t \\"O\S lhf'" Sl't'Qnd such sli'I~ ing in S<·tiramento 111 less than 2t hours. S:lf.'ramenlo County shrriff's tJPpU hC'S id1·ntihed the \:Jlest victi111 as Jos<·ph F. U1·l rnort·. 25. Tu e:idnr. Harmond Sih·a. 5.1, \\IKl hC'adt'd N:uion\\·ide lnvt1!1!1ga11on St~r­ ' lt('s, a SaC'rarnento-bascd finn , \1•as ki1!1·d 1\ith a shotgun blast in !he nllr.v bl.•hind hi s i.1parl111t•11t. arc Tami :O.leehan. illar1a Robinson, Gail \\'ayne and Ellyn Beamish. Other Nc1-1•port Harbor applicants are Sandra Eaton. l\i1nberly Pe a cock . Suzanne Aubert. Leslee Pf i s ch n e r , Debbie l..a"1itz and Andrea Herman. Coron.1 del lt.!ar High School applicants are Jeannie Rush. Cheryl Karpels. C~·11thia Erger, ~lartha Rome r o. Kimberly Oden and Heather ri.1cKenzie. Nixon Takes Cruise \\'"SlflXC;TQN (AP) -President I t\ixnn \1·cnt cruising on !he Polomnc H1\'cr Tuesday evening "'ith his \Vhite !louse chief of staff . Alexander M. Haig Jr. TtlX Break Give11 Court li11 l1.olds .f,<uv fo r W idoivs \\"\SHINGTON 1UPll -The U.S. Supreme Cou rt upheld on a 5.;1 vote today a Florida law giving \vido"'S. but not widowers. a $500 tax bre~k on grounds that society Is ''inhospitable" to working 'vomcn. Justice \Vill iam 0. Dou glas wrote the majority decision, citing lhe generally lower eco no1nic st3tus of won1en as a proper basis for thP. l::iw. "There tan be no dispute that the financial difficulties con· fronting the lone won1an in Florida or in any other state exceed those fa t'lng the rn nn," Douglas said, '·\Vhethcr from overt di scrimination or from the soclaliz.a tion process of a malc·do1nina ted culture, the job market is inhospitable to the woman seeking any but the lowest paid jobs." Justices Byron R. \\'ltite and \Villiatn J. Brennan Jr. wrote sc~ arate cl i5scnts, and .J11.,11cc Thurgood r.tarsall endorsed Brenn.an s viewi; . The c~~e was brought br ~1c.I Kahn. a Florida widowe r who claimed violat ion of his const1tulional rt ghls to equal protection of the law without regard to sex. ·-; """ .... •• 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA---"46-1919 ClOSll> SUHD.\Y Little League Shoes 5. 95 All Purpose Shoes 8.95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes 10. 95 up Tennis Shoes 9.95 up· Football Shoes 17. 95 up Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters fenn is Rockets Tennis Bolls Tennis Rocket Stringing ' • Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rockets Squash Rockets Table Tennis Paddles Darts Dort Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets .croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks Raleigh Bikes Ports -Tires -Tubes Accesso ri es -Repairing • ' f I At Your Service . . A Sunday, "'tdnesday and Frida)' ftlilUtt: Of tbt 0<111ly Pt\ot Cot a problem~ 'flle-11 Pat Dunn, J>ot uour Socil•I !\'11m ber1 l 11deed DEAR P • .\T: It seems that \\'C Americans are beroming identified more iJnd 1norc by our Social Securily nun1bcrs. I've heard that years ago a lOt o[ people \\·ere assigned the SU!OC numbers. If this is true. \\'hat's the story behind this error and ho''' do all of thcS<' people ntanage to file tax returns ,,·ith· oul having me government get tl1en1 mixed up v:ith One another. not to men- tion the problctn "'hC'n it comes time to collect benefits·: I'. K .. San Juau Ca pistrano It's true, hut the go,·ernment's not to blamt. 111 1938, thre-e ~ears ane-r Social Sf-l'urity h11d been instituted, a manufaclur('r sold a larie number of \.l'allels "'ith a sample Social Seci:.~ity Card be.11rln i: the numbtr 071-65-11%0. !\lany \\"Hllet buyers assumed lbe numbtr Yl'as !heirs and lhe Social Security Ad- ministration t nded ap \\·Uh 6,000 persons l'laiming the same number. By 1961, "hen taxp:iyers first had to insert thtlr SS numhers. only 39 \\'tre listing 078-05- 1120. !'\o"'· irs do\1·n to 10 and the go\'· ernm (•nt is mnnaging to cope with these indh·irtuals, seeing that each pays bis o"'·n taxt"s and coUects benefits due. flat Pot on U'n11 DEAR PAT: Wst (klob<!r I ardered a ''hat pnt" from Cup-:i-Soup. Englev:ood Oiffs. N. J. In i'\ovc.mbcr. r received a card sa~·in<? lhcv \l'et" trmporarily out ·of stock and that I shnuld recei\'e my order 11·ithin four to sh: 11·cc ks. rm still \\'aiting and I'd like rny ~ back. 8. Q., Casta !\tesa l\larie l\lcOermott. Lipton's customer ser\·lce dep1:1rtment maoaj?er, sa ~·s Sbt Is sendin g a llot Pot to )'OU along wllh some complimentarv coupons to be redeemed :it your superfnarket for Cup-a-Soup. She apologl7.ed for the lncon\•enlence aDd explained that the company was delugtd "'ith ord ers. depleting the supply, All orderii; DO\\' have been filled. C 111•re 11f C f1111111 e 11de d DEAH PAT: I'm Y.Titing in anS\l'er 10 a reader's recent inquiry about the business reputation of Current. Inc. in Colorado Springs, Colo. During a year and a half as assistant manager and treasurer flf a large hospital gift shop in Virginia . I h;id grrat success and salisfaC1ion in selling Current's products. Thi s Nmpany is mainly a supplif"I' of rund raising mt>rchandise for charitable organizalions. though individuals are \\·eleome lo buv fo r rcsalt". The above mentioned shop. has gross sales of more than $100,000 ann ually. so I think you "'·ould agree ii chooS('S only reliable suppliC'Mi:. C. F ., Laguna Kiguel \'ourii; \\'BS one of maay letters Teceived from Al Your Service readers praising this fi rm's mercba adise and business practices. These letters wUI be for"'arded to Z. l\I., Costa l\1esa. !\·em Address DEAR PAT: Could you help me lind out the curr('nt husi ncss nddres.s of Evel yn \Vood Reading Dynamics? It was formerly located in San Diego and then in Thousand Oaks. I ¥-'as to start the class last sum mer and p3id my fee by check. Due to circumstances beyond my control al v.·ork, I couldn't attend classes then and never v.·as able to speak ¥-·ith anyone in authority about the refund of mv ft.-c. I 1\·as told I could start classes in NO,·ember. but that too ¥-'as impossible. Now I can't even !ind out where this business Is located . T. JI., Costa ~1esa E'•elyn \Vood Reading Dynarnk!s is located at 4~%1 Rl\·enilde Drive, Burbank (phone: !IW-ll-83?2 1. If you ca n't arrange lo atltnd classes now and run Into a snag getting your N!ft1nd, lei me kh0\1'. Tree• ;,. T r o uble DEAR PAT: l\ly young sycr.more trees are in big trouble. The ne\\· leaves appear to be dying and son1e of the established leaves have large. irregular brO\\"ll blotctles on them and others are fallinQ. I\·c ferlilized lhe trees. but that doesn t seem to do nny good. \Vhat should I try now? N. C .. Slln Clemente Ask your nur~ryman lo recomml!'nd • <"Opper fungicide. Tbe University of Californ~ Agricultural ~Xtl!'mion Seoitt says lt 50unds like )'Our trtts are Infected by a f11ng11l disease, common durtni nur \1et sprin~. Prune out blighted '"'ig!l and branches to reduct &aurces of lnfectiQn for next year and spr1y "'ltft the fungltlde thoroughly, covering l"lgs and bolb sides of expost.d ltft\'l'S. At the "·eatbcr bttomr11 drltr. infection of ne"' le.A \'e! stop!l nnd ~·our rtee1 "·ill produce ne,v. healthy lea,·es. Lole.r appllcallnn of nitrogen ftrlllbtr w111 111m11la1e vigorous growth during the rest or lhe ytar. Power Rate Campaign • Ba.ke1·'s Bid for Specitil Cl1c1rg·e E 1 1clor~ed By \Ill.LIA" SCIIBEIDElt 01 110t 0•1~ J>llef $1•1f F'or the second time in 3 l\'L"'I: Or~nge COWlly Supervisors refused lo file ;:. formal protcsl \\'Ith the state Pvhlie lTlil· ilirs commission over a pt•nding ~1"8 million electric con1pany r.ile hik e request. But they did endorse a lettrr \\riltcn bv Supervisor David Baker asking that the PUC coosider establishing a SIX'('inl l0\1' rate for very s111all pov.·er 1:onsu1ners -sut'h as those oo fill:ed or lo\1· incomes. Baker n1ade his requesl for a board protest of the increases aftcr a presentation by County Adm inistrali\'t> Officer Robert Thomas, \\'ho \\·as askt>d last ,,.et>k to study the Sou1hern California Edison Co1np.1ny request. \\'hen supervisors authorized Tho111as to study the increase re<1ucst. they alsfl rejected Baker's fir St crfort lo prolest the move. In his report to the board, Thomas said it appears likely the SCE req uest is a rl'asonobl e ooc de sil?ned to offset incrensed costs or fuel on for the generating plants. Raker's chief romp!aint about the inC'reasc stemmed frQn1 an SC F. qu:1rterly fiscal rrport c\ailning n net profit of fl8 percent -about 5-18 tnitllon -over the first three months of th1s 1·car · Al·~rding to Thom:is. lhe profit n1erint a return to SCE stock!l{)lders of 90 cents pl'r share compared to :i return or onl~· .i9 cttlls per share during the san1c pl'rind last year. SCE spokesman Rnndall Smith told supe rvisors the latest rcqucsl for a $1:?.8 111illion incrcasC \\•ill CO\'('r un:1nticlpatL'<i costs of fuel over the coming year. Thomas said his study of lhe situntk>n revealed no attempt by SCE to 1nakc unreasonable profits at the expense of lht• public. ' _• He. said the compatty is entitled bv law · to make an annual rate of return Or 8.2 percent and •·despite a faworable rirst ·Patient Corp·se Awaits Burial SPARTANBURG, S.C. I UP I ) -A migrant fann worker, whose unclain1cd body stood in a <.-orner of a funeral hon1e for 31·2 yea rs. must wait a few 111orc months for burial. The body of James Evans, v;hich was f'n1balmed in 1970 and sllO\\'S no signs uf deterioration, has been in the \\'oodward Funeral Home since Sept. 22, 1970. It was unclaimed until a few weeks ago "''hen Evans' sister-in·la11', !\-I a rt ha Evans, a beautician v.·ho was at the funeral home fixing hair of a deceased person, discovered by accident \\'ho Evans was. · Earl Alexander, manager of !he funeral home. said Tuesday that l':vans v•as a migrant farm \\'Orkcr ~·ha v.·as 80 years old when he died. Alexander said the body was brought to the fw1cral home ~·hen no one claimed it at 1hc hospital. He embaln1ed it, and prepart.'<I it for burial. "For the alst 31i years. it has bet·n upstairs, standing in a corn~r dressed, with a hat on," Alexander said, He said the fwteral horne placed the body in the corner to get it out of the way. "ll "'ilS conv£'nient for US, \'OU kllO\\'," he said, ''fl l\'as out or the° \\'fly. and nobody "''as stumbling over it. .. The body \\'as apparently not cl:iimeft because the death notice published in the nel\'Spapcrs had been under the name of "\\'illiam Bryant." Alexander sai1l that r:vans had apparently been using !hat nan1t" for sonic time v.·ithout the knO\\•lcdge of his sur.•ivors. Al exandt'r said the bodv v.·as so perfectly prcser\'ed that · "v.·c ju~t decided to kt'fp it." Alexander said the sister-in-Jaw heard about the body and asked him if she could take a look at it. "\\'e took her up there and diSCfl\'Cr{'(I ii 11·as her brother-in-la\\'," Alexander sa id. lie said the buria l scr.·ices ha\·e been 1!elaycrl unti l July 27 to al101\' !amily 1nt•1nix'rs in Texas. Xe1~· Jersev and California 10 attend. lie said the bcidy has lx!en placed in a 1nakesh1ft coffin in !ht• luneral home's storage room pending buri:il. There at First Can clidate Taylor Tel ls Facto rs •. Editor's note: This is /lie secnnfl 111 a series of profiles ""'-conclidote.~ fo r th ree vacancies 011 lrre Socldlebuck College Boord of Tr1t~tees. Otlier slor· u•ill run periudica/ly giviur1 t•nter.~ o look at the slate of 10. All votc>rs iu rJ1e Tus!i'n to San l'lcrn e11e rlist ri1·t are eligi ble to pick ll1e 11e1v trus- ies will Till! periodically gi1·iu!1 voters a look 01 the slale o( 10 All voters i11 tlie Tustin to So11 Clem1•1He rlis rritt are eligible o picl: rl1e 11ew trustees - ti.oo fro1n T ustin aud 011e from Lcig1ou1 Beach -h1 tile June 4 electio11. Bv JAN \\.ORTl l o( Th• 0111Y '"1101 s1111 Larry Ta~·lor ot l,;1guna Reach \\'as present for the very first birth pangs of Saddleback College. ~re believes that is one of his strongest attributes as a candid ate for lhe Laguna area vacancy on the present Saddleback board of trustees. "At lhis time in the history ol Saddleback Q:imunity C o I I e g e , educational experience. proven interest. and time are the key factors a person running ror trustee must hal'e." said Tayka", who lives at 463 31yrtl"St. A 35-year resident of .Lagutra, Tal'lor served on the Laguna Beach School Board from 1958 to 1963 and from 1967 to 1971. He \lo'3S board president three times. During one of his terms as prcsi<k?nt of the Laguna board, he chaired tile first meeting in 1961 an1ong La g u n a . Capistrano, and Tu stin school board officials v.·ho u·antcd a community college for the southern end of Oran;:e County. Six years later he v.•as still active in the college formation process \1•hen \'Oters approved it and JX•SScd a S9 A million bond issue to bring If to life. Th.rough the yf!aM; of getting the college slarted, Ta~1lor became familiar \vith t\\-o vital studies "'hich helped local planners decide \\'bethcr the school "'3.S a likely possibility. One of them "'as !he Briscoe-Allen report of 1960. v.•hich predict~ booming educational needs for the ne:<I 20 years. Another voas a feasibility study by Boyle Engineering, ~·hich prtdicted that by 1973 a .south county junior college would have at least 3,700 students. All of this expttiencc -his years as a school board menlber and his saturation of knowledge about Saddleback Itself - "gil'es me an edge O\'Cr Ille other three candidates." Taylor said. ~le i~ running ngainst ~1 1 e ha e 1 ~fcFaddf!n. Norman Cole. and Jlonald Krtber, all of t • .iguna. Taylor has also bcrn a r11e1nbcr of the Orange Coun1y SChool O o a rd s Assoc.i•tion and the California School Boards A-SiOCialion. . ' CANDIDATE TELLS VI EWS Laguna's Larry Taylor A locksmith. Taylor and his 11ife ?>.largarct have four chi ldren: J eff of lr.,ine. Susan CrO\\'I of South Laguna. Kent of Tucson. and Lyn n, a junior at L.1guna Beach lfi gh. "I kno"· budget pr~urcs and under thr state code today . that cll:perience i~ very important. especially with four resignation s in the past few months from lllf' Saddlcback board," he sald. "It takes hme fat least a year) to begin to U!lderstand the language of financing.'' he said. "I f<.-e1 ccruiin that immediately after the election. I can begin to fWlCtioo effecti\'ely in areas of fin:ince. budget. construction. contracts, and curriculum." Taylor is a life member of the J>arcnt: Tl"acher Association and has been a panel chairman and speaker at state and regional state school boards as!IOCialion nll>ctings. "I have proven my interest ond dedlcati<il to educ;:1tion. I run on that reron:I with pride,·• he said "\\'ith rights. one has responsibilities. t belie\•e that teachers. student.'! and stuff \\'Orking under tho~ guldelineo; can and 1.,,111 bt--eon1e a \lo'Orking unit at Soddlcback College. · "As-a board member I \rill gi\'e them lh respons-l bility and tilik them 10 <."Ontinoe to serve communities in fl style that earns them the. rights 90 1~mry for success!' qu:1rter SCF. v.·on·1 reah>:l' fls <1u1horuNI ra!e of rclurn prUJC't:h.'<l O\'l'r the l'l'lllaindf'r or thr ~·c.1 r," \\'hlle the hoard \'OlL'<l not to prolr!lt the rate hike. th~~· did lend th('i r \\'t'ii;:hl 10 nrgumrntl'i by 1~tlkl'r th.'.11 Sflnlt' cMsideratinn bt• l!h·rn to thr poor \1·ho ('11nnot hear the burden of n1orc Ulili ty incrrascs. Jn his letter to PUC Ch3irman \°l'rnnn ·L. Sturgeon . B.'.1ke.r su~grslL'<i tTt•ati01\ of a S\>eci:il rate structure that 11ould i;!l\'t' a break to ~'Op!r "''ho 1·oluntaril~· d(-cldr to use a minimal a111oun1 or po\1·er c:ich month. The concept is sin1ilar to one no1t used by trlephooe con1p:1nics. . SCt-:'s Smilh said such a consideration \l'OUld probably n1t>-an a co1npll•h: rr!'ltructuring of Edison's rate syster11. That possibility v.·as intin1atOO in Tho1nas' report. 'ol'hich said much of the oppositiOn to conti~ual po'ol·er ralL' hikes is aimt.'<I at long-standing rate sl ruclurt•s 11·hich give the biggest breaks to the biggest users. .. .4.cto r l'Vea rl.y • J_,oses II is 11 eat/ \\'OHTllJ\G, En!!.land rt;Pl l - An at10r p!a.1 ins the role (lf the l-ondc1nncd Thon1as ~lmrc 1n a sia ge version of ··A ~!:in For All Sca'iOns" nearlv lost his hrnd \\-hl'll he failed lo get 1t f1ut fn.1n1 under l\ic exCCt1t1ont'fs ax in lllll£'. Luckily ror navid Beale, the ax \\ i\'i n1ade nr "'0011. Beale ha<I his hea d on tile blot:k rluring the final n1 .. n1ents vi r1 drr .... ~ rehearsal of the play. "Yes. you could say tl 11:i~ unnerving," said Bl·a!r-. v.ho lll'Ci.li.:d s1x st1trhcs to tlo~c the 11ouud un Ills neek. (:l 1i ef of Polic·c ll cl d i11 S hootin !.! ' .'\I::\\' ~l,\l)RID . ,\1o. rt.:PI 1-l'flhl•t• Chief O. E lloust:holdt•r ha:-bt•1·11 llrdl'red hy !he City ('ounr ll to ll·!111 h~ IJI' should not be dismissed follfl11·•r:!! J b•,,1., I out side a ta\·t:m in 11]11l'l1 llous4:hold"r and All'rn1l·n Jaml·S Jones \1 ere shot Householder, polite chief n1':1rl·.-~fl years. has ~n charged v.ith reloniou" a~sault in the 1nc1dent. Aut horities said the argun1cnt !irr..-111 11hc·n Jones refu~t'd 10 lf't J-lousrh11lt!t·r. 61. dant'e 11'i1h hi.~ \\'ife. Thi: t110 sh·pit•:<I 11utsld1! Hoste's ('oloni:il Ht's tauran1 ru1d Tavern early Sund;lv and hci.;an fightin;:: During the sc11ffl t•. a Derringer idcn11(1Pd as hclon~ing 10 Jlousehol1lt'r rl is<·hargE'd, ~triki ng l!uu~c:holdcr in !he ]('g :ind Jont·~ 111 the Tinger l'lan (;on Yie tc1 I S.\X DIEGO 1AP 1 -l.('L1nd !. Andr 1•11·s, 2t h;-1s br1·r1 l'O!l\'1<'\td •of f1r~1 dc~rrl' murdrr in the dpa\h of 3 n1an 11 h1, was strantrlL'<I 1n do1rnto1\11 i:ft!t}n;i l':ir~: A Sl1pcrior Cot1Il jury also cn111·1ett'd A11clre;i1s of rohh··r \ and tln·f! Lhar~1·~ Tuc<;<J:iv 111 coni11·tl!on with t h r i\01·c111hcr ~1avin" of ]>avid S. S[X'f'\l•I'. ::1. of El CajoO_ "" Annlhl'r Snn J>ir.,:o 1n:1n , H 11·~111 I. Thatcher. 19. earlier \'.<"!" c0.'1\irtrd ot first·drgrce rnurd"r in the i'.'.l'I' :ind .Jamrs F. Coopt•r, ?O. nf San Di .. :.!11. pleaded ~u1l1y to ~ceond-dl';.(ft'(' P11tn!•'r GEM TALK TODA Y by J. C. HUMPHRIES THE GEM OF MAY Emerald, the stone for ~lay. is dc{li cated to Venus. goddess of !1)\'1'. To son1e an cients it n1eanl eternal youth and faithrulnc!'s of lo\'crs. ,\n old rhvrnc stales: "II i:-a ;!em that hath the pO\l'Cr to sl11 111· if pl1 ;,:-htl'.'d lovers keep their troth nr nn: tf faithful it is like tile lca1·cs (lf spring. ir fail.hless like thr1~c lca1·cs 1\'ilhering." Cleopatra had an aln10 .. t 1nex· hau~1 a ble supply of en1<'ralcl 1; fr11n1 her niine~ in Egypt. :'\cro·~ poll~hed en1crald shil'.'lclcd a 1\C<1k eye "hile \\'atc hing gladiators. anrt Ho n1an v.•on1cn tt•orC' the cmerttlcl to 1n-:11r' constancy a::;ai n~I the pain of ch1kl· blrlh. ~lo!:t ,genuine C'mC'ralrJi,; <'Ontain !Inv Jnrlu~lon s \\'hith the frt>nch ter'm ··en jn rdi n" -thC' i;nrclen 11f the erncralrl. Their ~rcate, .. 1 hc~ut y Hes in the color. \t'hich !lhould he n rich green \l 'ilh hill<' oreorl nnc ... Thev are undcrstandahlv t•a\uC"<I ai; one ·or our rour mo~t poj,ular· precl· nnli gems. s UML I PILOr :r {'lose Cnll :O.lrs, ~haron \·ancC\ nf :.!7271 \'l:i Sa n l'rllro. \11 o;;;:-u 111 \ !l'IO !01ih." 1rcon1 lu•r ho11u• ;1! ·\\'rt•1 ·h.a ~1.· nf \1·a1cr trut'k lhat l'!l!lvd rl11\\'ll ~ll'l'P 11H·lin1· '1'111•sday. h.1ll1n i! !he dr!\'l'I'. 'l'h :iynC' E \'11ttl'r ·II: of Garden tiro1c \\'l!h her nlll'I' th(' rJo,c call 1 .. ~on Hnb('r!. :.!' He re Co1 11es R o be1·to l:EI> Jlf>CI\. \' \1 1 l l'l • -H(1!l\·1!11 .. 1 111u·•,1•,1r ... 1d cl1·<.1·rt l11~h·1rn ~h1•1·p r:1111. th ln f...; hh II.ti 1111h th .. ~irl~ ., :;OUl:.l 1•1 rn;rf..•· 111111 rnhl't' f;1111hu' 1n:1ri Fr.i.u·r Hw '>l'lll'>ll"lh 1;1011 l;.!1111r111~ lt ~r, r 11 tlc,1·1 l !11~hi>1·•1 -.hP~·•i •n1·1:d l>1·h;1 1·u•r. wh ich ':tifl hl" ,110u!d11 \ h1· ~l·:-O.u.1l\I 111,l!urc uni.I hr 11<-i-; 111 il 10 ~\!I: )''""~' u\11, H11\n1 1u •ul'd hi.;, !11 .. \ 1.1n1h 11! !hl' ;1.,:\' of Iii 111nnth~ And to sl1n11 1h11t 11 llJ•!l I Jll't a l!uk•·. th1· ?00-pound r:un ... ir1·d thrl'c n1nrt· l.11111!-; Ii.I' ! 1•· 11rr1t• h1'; •!·•11ncl lurthtl,•Y r ul!vd :1rourul. \iJll. !hl" "\l'l'l'l~ ~:iy 11111 111ror1· n·c1·11l l1 bo111 1:11111>, .in· lt11h•·1·10\ Tilt· ~t:d1· ticu11t• ;111d 1'1,h llt•par1n1 .. n1 . 11h11'il 1' k!'l'j!lll~ H11iJ<·rto ;ind its n\·d Horf.. ~al!H' pa~tuJ'l' ul ~iJulll\\'t',!rrn Nc1~, .\t··~1Ltl. "-'.11l! 11 1h111J..., Horx.•rtn c.u1 ~inion Opposes . \ 'l' (' t' , 11 Y ax .u · \\,\Siii\! .TO \ i l l'l 1 -\\'•l h,1n1 E Sunon, t.1hlit'<l l.1· l'1 t·s1ll1·nt :\1xon t11 11,, !lu· 111•11 Tr1·;1-.11r\ :-.1·r1 1•r:1r,1·. :;.;11tl t()d<1 1 It•· !>lnirh.,:I\ opl)("'-s :u1y 1:1~ cut 11011 .is ht~hly lflfl;1[llt!l:t1 I ' S11n11u s:i1d h(• 11ould T11;d\t' th(' l1~ht :1·~:i11"! 111fl;d111r1 111, \u I p1111ntv 111 th1· Tr• :i"1u1 1uh 11u1 \11th rl''Pt·c·t to :.:ro111n.: '! 11t11t11·11t h•r ,, t;ix e111. purt1cul11rly ;11rl•1ng l>rn111rr(1I•. 11(• ':111! "\\'e 111i,t 11 .. ·l ;1 1:1\' 1·111 :11 !hi~ 111111• 1or111lrl la-h1ghll 1nf1:111on:iry \\'1, h,!\'1• ;1 111111li·1i1 uf 'ilppl\ 111J11 . 11•1\ (it derna 1•1t " :-1n111n '"'11 lu·d 111·1"''' tf11· ~l'n.1!'.' 1·111:•111" C111nrn1tl •·f \'.h1c·h is 1·:..pec1••d !u qu1lkl;-;1p1•tof\t• /11s 11•1m1na!lllll (} flfUll'f /111 it.1· r-L'hp111· !ht· fl·cord of I· r;1~11·1 1h1· llu1 1 11h.1 ;.:.111, d nul!•l'l "i~ :1! l.1r111 L'11u111r1 ~;1f;1 r1 h) •1n11g J..1111·11-: .1L :1r1 ai.:·· l1t•h ·1 ~·<! hJ !1.1\r 111·"11 1~:1~! h1-; pnn!t'. \\'1lh.1n1 s ./111•\ t;an11· .ind Fi~ti l){•p;,n1:11-nt d·-put1 tl 1rt·1·\11r. 1~h•1 ('til l the r;1111 ·1:nl)('rlo lh1• Sl rt.'akcr:· s:11.I 111 .. ;1ru:11:il 111\1 11rnh:1hly bl• kepi in lh• n1<fl Jt qt•\, p.1,t11r1· a~ hrel'd ing !>Lock for the th·p.1rt1111·111'~ 1·xo\1l' g;1nH· progru111. ll t11·v "\;11·' :1 dt·s1TI biqhorn ran1 eau r·>;p<'1•i I 1 111 !1•·1111 ·•11 ~1() :ind JIY! 1;11 111J , duri11 ~ ht~ a !1, II\ \i•ar~ of scxu;i! 1:1:.1111·1:\ 1:111 1 .. ,lur1· ·his horn'> h;1d 1·n1 11ph•i1·d .1 full 1·11rl. Rolx·r\!J h.1d :1 bi ~ li·a1I nn !~11• ~t;111<:!1r~. :111d Huey ft'l'I' hr· ~·.111 1•;1'\ilY "1·\ a r1·1·nrd '1'110 n1.lu·1· r;u11, 11,.11' hu111 .1hn111 th~· s:11111· tu111· ·" HohP110. hut ht·'..; 1·<.1ahl1,h••fl 111111..i·H :1'\ th,, rult·r "Il l'\ lhl' d111111n.1n1 r.1111 'lf 1!1•· herd Hui•\ .. :1111 "lit·"· !h1· f111ll' 11111· ut lh" lhrr·,. \1·c'v1· "'l'l'fl l:tr1:1·tli11~. He'll sp.•,' 1lilh the otl1•·r t110 r.1ms, liul ;.ippurcn1 1'. ;1l11:J~<; tolllt·S !JUI hi•"l " 1,l l,I·;,\,\. S1~f·df'n i l.Pl )-F(lr 1·1·a r• S11~·r!1~li tl·1nrlo·1·r aull('rs havl' h•·1·11 )!11 ppr•d lo \"l:l , l\IH•r1• p11ll'err1ed anth·r..;. ;i r•· ht·l1t11·d 111 1111r1·i1~1· ~t·!l:u::t l po1cn1·1 · '1'111 ~ 1':-u1 I grt 1111." <;111tl H;ign;11 l.;1~~1nan11 gfl;rrn"r ot Sw•'!llsh Lapl;111rl 'tJur 1.:i pp!> \1on'1h:1\1·1·n•u14h r1111l•·r1:d for 1hl·!I' ii:1d11111n11I h ;1 n ti 1 er a ! 1 !-<1111 l'lllr.' lit• ,:11d h1' pl:1nncd a ti.111 on ··~potl ' Ill' (/ J,ifr,ti1111 · -.., ( .,;'"' ' ..... •• or;~·. -~ ' . .., C/1 5.78 CARAT DIAMOND FINE WHITE COLOR PLATINUM MOUNTING WITH TAPERED BAGUETTES A TRUE BARGAIN AT $28,000 J. L .Jfuniphri eJ Jewe£,:.s 1111 NEWPO RJ ttVO., COSl A. ~£SA C0'1Vl'i!fNT ~11111.$ }1 'Yf Al l IN l•H S"'loll LOC,o,f!Otir ,,..-. ... ., ~··i -..,.,.,. C••·t• ,~Nf \•t·Ufl ' I •, > -. . .;. .j ()AILY PILOT ~ledntsday, Anril 24, iq74 • Just ~ Coasting,~~ J Police Seize 2 Air Force Men ·., ~ .,, .i· i '' ~ t ' " ·'" ·ah i::~11·.' WI '··· Tom urphine In Acid-torture of Hostages (l)f Pres ide11ts _\nd Prerede11ts ()FF AND JlUNNISG -Boy, has the gQOd congressnuin rrom our coastal rej:ion, Rep. Andrew J. liinshaw, really o~ned a can or financial worms back 1hi re in \Vashington. lie just may have brbught governmen t ,accounting to a sc.t ceching halt . IUnshaw, you see. is 11 member or a coogrcssiohal outfit known as the 1;qvcrnment Operations Committee . Aqiong other things, this group ts <·tfrgctl \\'ith re\•iewing all the money spent on ]>resident Nixon for security pui-poses. Security outlays for 1'-tr. Nixon have c:ctnc under considerable scrutiny. Such thtngs as the wind screens put up around tlie swimming pool al his San Clemente t•state. Also. the air condit ioning wiils at 1 h~ San Clemente pad. ' tr \VA S ltEPORTED !hat the Secret $4'\>ice got the arm put on it for the air ccflditioning because the chimney .!irtloked inside the place. Thus is \\'8S suggested !hat the air l'tf1ditioning to S'.l'eep av.•ay all the .:himney sn1nkc ,,·nuld be a securi ty 1neasure lo kl't'Jl frorn asphyxiat ing "You Kno11· \Vho .. " 1\n y "·ay, ll insha\v and his c·nngressional corn111illee now have the !ask of rcvie"'ing all the SC('Urity money .!.pent on President Nixon a n d determining if all this "'as really JUSlified . 'rh::it's 1vhcn Hinshaw t_roppcd his little tx1mb. 1111\'SllAW SAID IF they're really ~01ng to be fair . 1he.v need tu put !he n1oncy S!MJnt on Pres ident Nixon in 1~1111cxt with the security cash 001no1v for all rt'Cl'llt presidents. 'io our congreS.<;n1A n s1 n1ply asked the r.encral Accounting Office to pro\'ide lists on all the sccurily moneys s~nt on~ presidents back to and including Franklin D. Roosevell . You just trt11•e to believe Hinsha1v v.·as .srniling to himself v.·hen he sug.l{ested the GAO people dig back into the files a bi!. All it means is thal the general acco unting folks woul d have to come up \\'1th the security expense sheets for Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson. John F. l\t•nnedy, lh1ght D. Eisen ho11.·er. Harry S Truman and the aforementioned FDR. YOU FURTl1 ER IJAVE to suspect that this li ttle record search n1ay just take a day or 111·0. Our Congressman }Jinsh.1w probably h~ls some notion about the time angle on this since he is fairly 11•ell :.icquainted 'rith acoounling procedures as the fo rmer Orange Cowit y assessor. RC'gardless. 1he GAO people should just be relieved tha t Hinsha1v didn't ask them 10 trace expenses back to the \Van-en G. !larding Admi nis tration. whefe they rnight have come up \\'ith some really -..11t·ky figures. ~ after !he (icneral A('(.'(lunting OCfice rltg-; out all these records on the past five p!'csidcnts. you can already figure v.•hat Congressman Hinshaw's next request n1ay be . LET'S SAY lT is discovered that for st·cu rity pur!JOSes. Prcsiden! Tn1n1an got a 54,000 air conditioner installed. But Nixon's flir conditioner for anti -smoke choking in SRn Clementc costs $15,000. ~011• Hinsha1v t·an sitnply ask if the fii;!u res are actua l l~· cornparablc, \\'hat "'ith the sagging value of a dollar over all these years. \Vhy. it actually may v.·ork out that 'fruman's air eondi!ioner 11•as more t•,pensivc lhlln N1xon's---after Hinshaw A"ts the account;inls to work out dollar tit' \'a!ualion. cost-of-livin;:: incrrasrs. vr1ce indl'xes and 1ncrtascs in sales tax and the like. Clearly. this niay be a congressional probe-!hat lll'\ICr ends. , .. . .,. ' • ' ' ' U~I TeltP'"'IO AFTERMATH Two U.S. helicopters, one ca rr_v· ing towline to mi nesweeper. go into aclion along Suez Canal in search of 1nines on '''ateno.'ay. The carrier Iwo Ji1na docked off Port Said 'l'ucsday. the first An1erican warship to enter E gy ptian waters in 16 years. Russia Bolsters Syria \Vr\S HINGTON fA P) -ThC' Russions hav(' sent Syria more ~llG jet fighters to bolslcr ils Air Force in the grov.·ing air war aloog the Golan Jlcights. li.S. intelligen ce sources say. other military supplies since last ;-;01·cn1bt•r. 'lflus t<anc on top of an cstirnatcd ti0.000 Ions detJ\l'red during <ind shortly after the 19-day v.·ar. They said Soviet merchant shillS unloaded 12 crated J\'11G2ls recently at the port of Latakia. a.Jong "'ith other military equipment. These were reported to have been the fi rst J{ussian lighters delivered to Syria in nearly ty,·o n1onths . Aniong Soviet v.·eapons to appc.•ar in S,1'ria !his month 11·ere additional long-range 180mm guns. U.S. sources said . The vessels bearing lhC' 1\llGs arrived lx>fore Syriun and Soviet leaders annnuuced last v.·eek that Hussia \\'Ill increase military ai d to the Dam;1scus government. Although Russia supplies n1ost of Syria's arms sup- port. East European Co rnmunist countries also ex tend aid. Next month. atcordinR to U.S. intelligence. S~·rian soldit~rs 11i ll go to Prague, Czechoslovakia , to tr;1in in ni;iinte- nancc of Soviet-n1ade T55 tanl;s. Tank n1uintt·nancc wa sa n1ajor problern for the Syrian Arn1y during the w;1r last fall. Pentagon officials discount Beirut report!! that Bussia has pron1ised to send Syria the 1\1/G25. one or the n1ost ad- vanced Sol'iel wa r planes. Syria lost llJS planes in the bric( war 11·ith lsrJl'I Jnsl October and Russia has replaced most of the1n. Air losses in the ne1v fighting hal'e been relatively light , but could hccomc significant if the battles esc;ilatc. A :1.500-rna n t.loroccan infantry brigadl' is expected 10 nio1·e home from Egypt b,I' air and sea before the end of A1lril. The brigade \\"ith :10 tnnk s and artillery :1rr1ved 111 Ei.:~·p1 dur ing the Ocotbcr \1 ar. Anotlu:r 2,0l.JO ~toroccan .!oOldlc rs still arc in Sl'ria. U.S. ntilitary experts calculalr the Hussians ha\'e sent Syria at least 20.000 tons of "·eapons, ammunition and Tll'o fast missilC-arined lral'li boats ha\'c tx•en Sl'nt on a long vos:.ige :1round Afric;i to !he Bl'd S•·a. r1·1X1rtrdly 10 µrl'rl'nt any rt'inst<lll'tncnt of ;u1 £gyplian ncn ;1! block· adl' thl'rc. Reco1~d Oil P1·of its Evoke Heatecl 'I Tolcl Yoi1 So' From \\'Ire Ser\·iccs Critics \\'ho charged that the encrA.I' crisis 1vas a maneuver bv oil compan iC's to increase prices have 11ddit ional fuel for thei r arguments in light of reports of increased profi ls. Exxon. 11·orld lendl'r in the oil industry. C'Slin1aled nct inconie fnr the first lhrec nlnnths up nearly 39 percent , \\'hile Texaco, third larg est in lite nAtion. reported an increase of 123 percent. Earlier this ~·eek, Gulf Oil rcportL-d :i i ti percent incrcaSC' in profits: Amoco 81 percent and Ashland Oil <10.5 percent. OCCIDE~'TAL PETHOLEU~t CORP., the 11th largest, reportOO first-quarter Ei ght Kiss ers Go 1{)0 Hours FORT LA UDERDALE, Fla. (UPl l - The kiss·a·thon ,~·hich is attc1npting 10 stt a nl'~' v.orld's kissing rl'cord ne;1red the 100-hour mark today with four l'Oupl"!i still going strong. 1\s n1ost of t.hc 42 original cot1ples dropped oul. lhe four re1naining kissers sho\1ed ingenuity in kissini; style. di et. and conscr\'ation of energy to kel'p their lips touching fo r the required 5.1 n1inutes oi each hour. profits of $67.7 million. up 7l8 Pl·rcrn1 01Cr profits of $8.28 million durtng the first qua rter of last year. Occidental said gross re1·l·nues for tht> period jun1ped frorn $681.~ niillion in 1973 to ni ore than $L3 billion this ye:1r. Earnings p11r con1n1on share increasl'd frorn six rents to SI.It TI1e company said the big jump sho11hl nol be considered indicative of !he rect of the year. Tht· 1973 first-quarter ean1i11gs 11·ere restated ro reelassify extraordinary ite1ns as ordinary earnings and to provide for deferred Canadian laxes on operations there. CRITICS \\'ERE quick to say "I told you so." Sen. Ho11·ard D. t.lctz enbaum (D·Oh1of based n1uch of his campaign for tht• Dernocralic nomination to 1he Senalr on big oil con1pany -price gouging during the l'nergy shortage. A spokesn1an for r.1rtzenbau1n said today: "Th e huge profits announced by the oil companies confimis all that &>n. ~letztnbaum has been saying abou t the oil cornpan ies b<11looning !ht> ('llCr!!:Y shorttl)'.!C into a crisis in order to inflate their profits. It also confirms the nl'l'd for a price rollback 1vhieh the Sl.'n<ilor \'Otcd for and "'as vetoed by President /'iixon." 1issoci alc Sa ys • 'J(i<f /Hip ltad l l eory L o.~s • f ron1 \\'Irr Services ~llA'.11 1. Fla -A fornlt'r bu!;in•·s<; ;1 ~YK:lall' of ,\lhf'l'1 I.. llantzll'r. a b:i11k otfiri:il 11ho sa~s he 11as k1clnaned fur !.,110.llOO rnn~rn. snys Dan tzirr ~11!ft>n·d a ht•:1vv fin<Jnl'ial se!haek l;1i:l 'l'ar. A ooJlcC source snid nantz\C>r is being in\'estigatcd for extortion. L:1rrv I.. V:in nussrlclnrp s111d TU f'!'(!a\· th:1t he and Dantzler "bolh h.w:ik i1 ('-_I_N_S_H_O_R_T_ .. _· _J substantial loss .. 11hen a pri,·ate n1ai1 deli\'et)' fimt they inVl'Sted in llt'!l\ OU\ Of business. Van Dusseldorp's statt>tnent can1c :ifter it v.·as lf.'arncd !hat Dantzler 1ras Ix-ins in\'estig:ited in C<lnneclion \I ith .a possible extortion hoax in thf.' ca!'('. e Air \''it·ti111s 1re 1111·11 e •f DENPASAR. Bali-Ind onesian jungle troops !O<lny began the gri1n task of taking the bodi('s of 107 Pan A1nerie<1n Air11·ays criish victims do11n a sleep. tOOO-foot 1nountnin on the rt'Sort islsnd of Bali. Twenty-eight Americans \\'ere an1ong the dead. Rainstorms Hit 2 Coasts Con1m;indos and paratroopers. hacking al the dense undC'rgrov.•th with machetes. bC'gan g:ithering the ren1ains in the Jungle on volcan ic ~lahese rnountain for the rough trip dov.·n, the slopes. e ('/1 is/m/111 Cler1re d S lii e.~ Clear , Weather 'l 'e 1111•e 1•11t11 r es Hit~ Low l'c• ·"II~"~ " •• " ~!lfnl~ " ,, !~g·,Pgrt .. " " ~""~'~ ' ,. " (M~rlC!t\• , .. .. (11,, .... ,. .. ~ r .11 .. nnA•, ,, b'""trtno " ti ill~• " " o"''"~' " j} C•1ro·t n "~v•v (11\111 c ... r L·U Vl'Qll " l ?U!1vlPlt ,, " ...... ...,, ~I l! Y•lwtu•"• "''""'&OC'" n " " " ~:: y~, ..... n •• i"'""""'" c ty " "' ....... ~ • .,,.,, •O<l"lll " ll110•1ll•I01>•• ,, ~ .. ,_ .. 1. " .. D1tl\tlur'GI\ y ' i: .,., ... "II. °"' y •• lt<etilf'Ol\ll ... ~ ,, > hteram•nto " " .. I l.OU•l " u •II Ll~t C>h " ••'I F'r•nc•KO ' " Sffltf9 " ., Wt"'l""IOll n " S. Calitor11ia TM .-1•1\i't '" ~ .. , ... ," C•·••ern • ~~~~~ 'c;';J""r,,!; ·~:t°"'Jo "~~ v9:,;: •'1""1. ~ M" 1tl0111I Wtl r¥1tt l•hl ''"' <l'lt~t er 1hoM1• w111 111,..,. llVOVO!\ tfl•Olll lluf l~ln 1110ulll r•"tl ll\ (t~"'f Tll\.r~ay lllnll 'I i:/0~111wn LOf ~'1Clfltt, "'Ilk /I •tlltfltG 6J U~ut~~ lrlOU II 11•00 1 'rr;' dOll~H• 111rou<1 r '" 1"4 fft'lfl ilf'O n mo\I "" uowatd. Cold • !ll i ti sec tion Ill, ~I A l,.~)N0W .__ ..... ~)'l()W!tS ., flOw t<><:11v. ""I'" m11'1 .lll•Mlc Qnd PAC,,, c~11t •'•'C• wtrr d<enc/\111! w1!~ rl•n •"d ~ 1C•lltrlnO Of !iQh! l'IOW, Oroo1 In t<mO!••lurt 1<0"'' '"' G'".i l•~tl •nil Qll!o V1llev rrsul!eo I" fro•! ~~.~1~1!: 0'11~~~1~· .. ,~;k~~,i~i .. rc'"~:~' Ski" we•e mo1T1y cl"'' ''""' \" •~\lt1 t/\ro~l'I tl'lt G•t•t l•-•• ·~ o<1 ~no me tt>e ,,.,u111.,,., A•lln!lc ~·~it• A•ono !~ Picnic CN1•. Q~1tv wfn~t 'OS'+d u•o .. , IDO~! •' ~kl"•' •l•Y•!l~n• wllll• 11\uno•"'"'""''I ru,.,019<1 trom ct~trtp (tlltornl1 !(' ,,.OlllAl'\I llUPll!uan tl lf'\flll "'II 11<11'1 1 "~""! t!IYIWr\I v.•:o 1,.ul!<t Ill• '"" ~ .... ~ Nevt!la llou"lll"' II""' to l'llQ/I wlna1 1od NOW!f'IG u•ow. At '"" al ... t tM O! t/le CCU'll,..., I •!<Ym ell !llt N.,_, Ert<J\t~!I con•• ~~'IM!r~!'."N:;:z~~I~~ t~llt 'f,,_:~ Grt .. Ll-H. Coastal ll'e nlhe r Clol.IClv w!•ll c11.,1c1 ol J/\Owt'I ,,,. 11•¥· l l9M v••l•bl<t W•P'ldt ,,;tM 1"11 mor"ll'>V llout1 Dtcomll'>G WU"'"'"'' ro wfit lO to 11 tl'>Gt\ ani:1 .,..,1 to ll«'"w<tlt 1S lo 1J k'>Oll l ll11<W•v. Hlol'I I0111J 11. toa1t11 1u.,11t••l11ttt ••1'>9• "..,.. 1l 10 ,. '"''1'111 lfm10e•llu•t1 ••no• !ror!I SI IO 61 W1•rr l~mvt•••u•r )t .fitrn. !ti"'""· T idt1~ WlONlSO•Y $•c-~•t~ 110Cn"1 Jt ltcO<>d IQW 4 fQ P'" 11 TltUlllOAV Fin! "'~II 11 JI•·"' ) ; ~!ti! low 6 21 • "'· 0 I $ttor.o ~·o~ II .. p "' l,I St<..,d Low I 11 '·"" 1.1 ,. s ... ~ ,1,,, • n • "'· s.•1 1.11 o ... MOCWI rh .. 1:.0 • m, kll 10 n o '" \\'1\S lllr\GT ON-Thc Justice Dcp.1rtmC'nt says it h;is substanti<llly closcct its in\'estigation into the handlin~ of Rep. Shirley Chishol m's presidl•nt ial c:in1paign funds without unrovcring \'lolalions of 11111·. "The c:ise is substanlia'll\' closed, 11·ith n couple of n1inor rllillll'rs Sttll penJ1ng. · dvp11rt1ncnt spokc~n1nn Hobe1·t SleVt•nsnn llaid Tu1•sday nigh1. llC' dl•clint·d \u elaborate. DAILY PILOT DELI VERY SERVICE ~ ...... '' f • 0 1~ 1. r'• I "'..,,\"f•-· l!-llD'9'11\ft• ....... Ot. ... f>)o~lQ 1-• LJlll'Wl...V 'f'O Ofll',,,,..~1 1 ~,., C,..• .,.,, • ..,,,,., llf)ro"" ~··"'h '"' \<.-.... ",,.,.,"" -'"<-...,. • .,.. "'''"''"""''-"'•'"!iu""'·" ,....,.~. ~-·~i.u..< ... ~ .... {.o·•••· .. ·~""''''~·,.. ~. -t\ .. ~ ... "'O!~ e.11:•· 1'>.J NW1• -' ~.~e1-• ea,... .. , ..... .,,, 51n M• Cl&.-t"'l 0...0 ......, !lo.II~ ...... ~"'· .... \ . Of P r 11gs . ()(;Of.::-;, l't<th l l'PI I -fv.o airmrn 11r·r1· ht'ld today on ~11~picinn of torturing fi ve host11ges "'ilh flCJd and shooting each of them tn thf' head durini; a robbery Thrt'e of th,• 11rllms v.cre killed • ,,\ t!urcf ;11rn1an 11 a~ qul·~nont•d bu! v.:is released. .-\n JS.1·t·ar-0td .Q•f'I 11a.~ raped tx>1orc .!.he was ·kll!L'<I in :\lontlay 's robbery :.it a Stcrl..-, shop. l'ol1ec s;Htl !he rolibcrs ja1rui1ed a pen inlu lhl' cnr of one 1 ictim and kicked it. 111l' m11n survi1•cd the a1t:1C'k and l'>'as fountl 11;dk1ng ;1rou11d tht• shop with tht: pen sucking 11ut of his ear. THE T\l'O ~I F:~ s11rrt>ndercd l'>ithout 1•"•1s1;u1ce at !heir U11rracks at nt'arln' 111!! /ur VoreC' H3~ Tut1~day night. They 111·rr 1cl!•ntd1t·d as !)alt· S. l,1crre. 21. of Trirutlad . \Vcsl Indies, and \\'illian1 A AnrlrC\IS. 20. of Jont·sboro. La. O~den police s:1id tht• third suspect 11<t~ 11u1·~t1nnt:d rrt the :11r l1;isc and 1oluntri rily 111·nl to police hcadf]uartt·rs 11 hcrl' h~ 11 :1~ 1ntcrrognt1'tl funht·r. The rn;in 11as relf'ascd. Police off1c1al:-. !;aid he 11as "in\'olvcd" bu! dechnecl additional ron1ment until consulting 11ith the county ntlomey. l'olice Ch ief l.l' llov Jacobsen said P1 errt,> had bt:en a susPect in an Ogden 111urder last \'C:1r but 11·as 1101 arrested because of 'in~uffit'il'nl c \' id t n c e . J.1rr1b;,i.•n calll'd him a ''vie i o u S ch:iracter" 11 ith a n:conl of drug usl'. Till' killL•rs broke into the llifi Shop :\londay n1gh1 , loaded SC'l'eral thousand dollars 11or1h of l"ler•·o c<1uiprncnt into a \'iU1 ;ind then began the 1ncthodical rnr rure of f(iur 1"np!o~·1'S and one 1·111p!o.1(··:-falhl'l'-11ho 11tn110 lhe s!orc ro s"c 11 h,1 his son h,ul not C'Qmc home on tune TllE \'ICTl:\IS \\'Eltf: herded into !hl' b:is.<'ment, forced to drink acid and then shot 1n lhe hrad one at a lune. "It l\8S one of the mo~t ghastl y. grisly thJn~s l\·r f'1·rr SC'Cn." ~aid a nursc at a local hospital 1rhere some of Lhe \'LClim;: 11 l!rc lei ken. "They made the J>eople s111dlo11 acid and then poured it on their \xxtil'S." Thi· atitl app<1rtn11 y c:;1n1t· rro:n a l·<.1M.'llll'lll rl'pair ~ho1>. \1lit'fl' i1 11ai; u~C'tl !O rn:1ke prinlt•d l:ll'C.llif boards for Slf:l'l'\l rquiµn1cn t. l 'ormd llen•I 'l'hc body of 4·year-old Brenda Jirobasco has been found in creek under ra ilroad overpass in \\lo6dstown. N.J., afler search of 12 days. 1\n autopsy has been odered to deternline if C'hild was rnurdered. Pair 1'1ee1Jj Gi ve Up i11 Brt1tal Death f~ASTO.\'IA. N.C. IUPI 1 -Two men h.1vc been arrested in the torture slayi ng of a l&-year-0ld Atlanta girl 1\'ho was stabbl:d rcrcatedly. tied to a pine tree and left to die. Thl' susµccts. \\'allacc Charles Lanford, 21. and Pinknl'V Tho1nas '1itchell. 25, su rrendered nlcekly to poli<.'C after officers chased do'ol'n their car. The nien. both of Hcsscmc r City. '.'J.C .• "·ere chargc-d wit h the n1urdr.r or Kathleen Ruth Smiley. 16. of Atlanta, v.hose body '<''as disco11crcd Sunday. The girl had been stabbed al least Sl'\'en ti n1es and struck on the head, possibh· \\'ith a brick. Iler hands \1ere bound ·\\'it h l\l'ine behind lhe tr ee and pa11 of a n1an ·s knit undershirt v.·as stuffed in her niout h. She was bound v.·ith a lamp cord that held hl'r head against the trL't?. and the gag in place. "It definitely 11·os a torture 1nurder," said Police Ca.pt. A.B. Homesley. "one or the worst I've e1·er seen. I don't lhink she had bt'en dead very long "'hen ~'e found her. J think sire died a slow death ." Au!horities speculated that she ran out of g:is nnd fell into the hands of her ~la) ers. "'ho first helpt'<I her obt:iin gas, and then took O\'er her car. Ni xo11 Ex1le1·t Repo1·tedly· \'X1ill Ag1·ee Tape Editecl :XE\\' \"ORK 11\P1 -'.\'11C '.\C\VS s:1.1s an i''>J>l'l'I hired by the \\'hLtC' !louse will :it:rl·c 1\•i1h n courl-appointcd team of 1·lectron1c:; specialists whic h concluded that :i \\':ilergatc 1ape \1'i th an HP2· 1ni11ute J:np was cr!ited and l'C'-rccorded. '.\'BC 1u•11s1nan C<1rl Stern said Tuesda.v th.1 1 the \\'11\tc l!ous(' 1•xr>t·rt. Dr '.llichnC'l lll'i kl•r of the Sta nford Bese:arch l11:-11ru1e. rna~· not at;rl'e 11ith procedures used b~· 1he otht·r expert~. However. said Strm, Hecker '1·il! not clbpLJ!(' 1hc f'Otll'l11 5i11n of the six lnJlC au1t10ritics. 11ho snicl lllr 1:ipc under1\·ent ''the process or cd111ng and re-recording at lea~t f1\'r and perhaps as many as nine scp:i ra1e :1nrl contiguous seginen!!;." TI1c pant>l. chose n mutually by the \\'h11e lfotr.$f' :ind Ill\: spcc111l \Vateri;ate pn1~e(·11 1 or. did ll!it say 1f 1he erasure was acc1:\cn1al or dl'hbcratc. nut the group told t;.S. Di slrict Court .Judge John J. Sir1ca tha! "TI1c recording rornrols rnust ha1 e been opcratt'd by hnnd Ill the n1:ik n1g of l'aeh .st:gn1ent.'' Siru?a iil!>O heard tl'St1nlt1ny fro1n PrC'~1d1·11t ;\'1\on·~ ~ccre1.1r~. Tlose 1\lary \\'ocxls. thut she tna~ ha1·l· al't1dentall~· l'ros<'<I sorne of the taµc ll'h1lc ansv.'l'riug ;1 tl·!t·phonC'. · Stl'fll said ilt'ckcr "l"\l>t.:'t'ls to teslify 11 hcthl•r ir hL•lps or hurt~ the President, ;.ind nov.· it looks as thou,1Jh It 11·111 hurt." .\rcording to i\'UC. u \VhJtc House spokes nian said late Tuesda}' !hat no1hing in Stern's story came from \\'hite House sources. There "·ould be no further con11ncnt. the spokesman told Uie llt't\\'Ofk. The controversial !ape is a recording of a June 20. 1972, ronversation belw~n President Nixon and his forn1e r top aide, H. JI. Haldeman, that took place three clnys after the burglary of I he Den1ocratic National C:on1n1ittet offices ui the \\la tcrgate con1p!cx. 1'ed l{cru1 cd y Dr a,,·s Cro,vds LE~l:\GRAD, USSR ( IJPI I -U.S. Sen. Ed"'ard ~I. Kennedy today mixed touring v.ith ca1npaign·like appearances in this fonner Czarist capital. l1C' drew large crov.·ds at the llennilage r.lu:;cuin a turbine factory and \\ henevcr he s\cf'.l!MJd ou1 of his ti1nouslne. "This is just like Fitchburg it.lass.) the Ja~t "t-ek of the !senatorial\ campaign." Joan Kennedy said as her husband plunged inlo a cro11·d outside a souvenir .!ilOrc. gr:1bbing hands clutelnng at him. ·w ithin Rights' $11"/e11 ts Sho1ti11 Sex .4.cts • F i lni Ul NE \\' YOBK ! l'PI) -A ft'deral judge hns rf'fu~l'd 10 re1n.!l1ate a high school biology 1t·11chcr 11ho sl'IO\.\cd his class a .ie-('d11rn1to11 mo111e 1n v.hich a couple ··n~a11.1rt in S4.'\U;1I Intercourse ilnd oral ~. \; ill t~ The oo~r1\ of l'<iue1111on IS tn\c~11g1111n11 1he int·1de11t. Th" tf'ilchfr. idcntH1Pd only a! " John Out•." filed a la11·sun af1 er he \\'as 1ran~fl·rrell to ti 11onteaeh1ng ,iob at 10c- ho.;1rd ot edut·n tion pa~1ni:: the san1e liaL1r~ Ht• :111111 lu~ lL~t o! the 1nn1 IC' was '·an ••!1!Jr"n' 1a1r <'\••r,..ise of ti1s r111ht to <~cadcr,11c lrrt•doni." lie 'snid hi~ dul' p10C'e~ r1rth ts \1t1rr ,·1olattd by the lransfl•r und th at torblddln11 1ho use of 1he film 1\J!( ai;ainst free speech. gunranteed by the rLrst Amendment. Sul U.S. District Courl Judge Harold R. Tyler said Tuesday he could not order the reinsta tement ··be for c th6 ln 1·estlgat!on Is cotnplete and A dl-cisioo is O).'lde ~ hether or not 10 rne charges." Tyler said b('fore the teacher sho~'t'd the fi!n1 in the ch1ssroc11n during !he first \\etk tn )larch. 1'14! askt.'<1 his studc111s. all aged 1$ to 18. whelher nny or them v.·anttd lo lca1'e. All reinuined. l.a1l'r. lhe traC'her·s suit Jl!eRL'd that a parent L'Omplalncd lu lhe s rho o I principal, an invesligat1on '"es l:tcgu.n 11Kl the leai;ber wa s lrJnsferred. r ·< \i·.'1111t1J.1) A11f1I t~ J 11.0 Otlll V PILOT ,';' --"-'-----·--- Sto11-a11d-Searcla S110\v Hit s Liquor Bill Killed Coi11·t to Decide Bay Area ~f OtltltaiJlS SACRA\11-::"iTO i1\1'1 -,\ ll'ClS l:lll\ (' subt.'OlllllHl!•·l' h:i~ kltled a liquor rt>lorn1 bill niter one of 1he bill's 111•-111 \111h <;:1rihald1 on 11om1•n. but th.11 C:;1r1b;1ld1 :'i lllOllt'lary l.'-.lfltnbut1on:; ur1· a 111:iuer or record. Sllp~1l~1n~ 1101\ll'll 111• (\11l~'(f 1-'11rt :i h.1r .ind 1hr.·;111·n1·d tu ~Ill'. 011 Zebra Policy SAN FRA.~CISCO c AP , -supporters C'i'i"utt'<I J hiror by t:.1rlbaldi. \\h0"1' l' I 1 c 111 ' i11ch1d1• the \\'inc ,ind Sp1nts ror1 hl':td~ .. J drug .ind~ :1lcvholi,1H lf"l,1!1111•nt 1·1.·n!1•r 111 s .• n J.'r:inei ,t•() Ill· ';1 L d pro,!llu!1•s ~n1111•!Htll'~ ('QJl1l' to thl• t'1•1111:r fr1r hl'IJl SAN FHAXCIS(.'0 ! AP 1 -A federal coorl today t<itllc!i the issue of the-c·1ty police department's slOp.and·SC'.lrth policy in the hunt for one or 1norc blnck killC'rs believed to h<i\'e randomly slain 12 whitt>S T'>'-o la .... ·suits have bl.'t!n filed to ha lt OperatiOn Zebra . th<.- code name or the caSl' der1Vl'd fro m the .. z·• radio channel used by police. The first. (ilrd by the :-\aUonal 1\sSO'~iation for th<> Advance.1nent uf Co 1 o red People, asks U.S. Dislritt Judge Alfonso Zirpoli to issue an injunction halting the sea rches. The second. filed by the Arnerican Civil Li be rt 1 e s Union. asks the court to n1 le !be stol}'and·scarch t a c t 1 c unconstit utional. The city has been ordered 10 show cauSt' why it shouldn't be prohibited frotn condu<.:tin~ !he scarches and v.•as expcttcd lo ricfrnd its pohty in courl today. .\t E AN\\'lllL~. <1 ~pecial detachment of JO pl ainclothrd blr:ck o(ficers v.·us sent info the streels to rerrcl out clues in the Zebra case ··This is a s pe c ial . predominantly black u nit assigned "'ith pa rt i cu I a r c m p ha s i s on getting intelligence rrom 1nforrna1ion sources \\"e mighl not be able Burto11 Responds SANTA i\·lON ICA (,\Pl Actor Richard Burton JS. responding well to lr.:>atment for innucnzal bronchitis and \\•ill be released front St. John's Hospi!al within the next two days. a six>kesman for him says. The Britis h actor \\'as hospitalized after completint: filming of '·The K1ansman" in Northern Californi a. The spoke s m an s:ud Burton's a ctr e s s -w i £ c , Elizabeth Tavlor. has been vacationing in-Hawaii 1\•ilh her family and plans to return to the mainland for a reunion with her husband early next week. to contact otherv.·isc," .said Lt. \VllJiam O"Connor. 'the 7£bra killings began last r\oven1bcr and havt:-resultt.'<I in 12 deaths and six persons v.·ounded. The victims we.rt gunned do"'" Yi'it hout apparent moti"e. polire say. .Msyur Joseph Aliolo insisted Tuesday the street searches arc constitutiona l and hH\·e bt'Cn used as a ··regular police 11rac11cc" in other hunts for d::ingerous criminals. The mayor, \\'ho sa id he \\'OUld abid:! bv a federal court r11hng. told a 'nt'ws conference the searches v.·ilt continue as long as Police Chief Donald Stott helic,1cs thev have \•alue. Gh:e• Blr1l1 Singer Carole King gave b111 1t ·ruesday to an Ii-pound. 4-ouncc son bv natural c hild- birth ·in her Laurel tanyon home v.rith the help of her husband. bass player Charle:; Larkey. ~tiss King has three daughters, ages 2. 10 and 12. t:11scasonabl~· i'uld ll't'iilhl·r detlnring hquor 1 o b b ~ • ~ t ~ strutk '.\orthern California provide la11·n1akt'rs v. I 111 \\"ho!1•!>.1l1·rs 01 ('.d1forn1.1 . d1•n1~'<l :.111~· t:h.1r~r u f th is n'IOrn111g. (.'llPlli11g S:in prostltutt'S. Franclsco area rnountauL'l CALIFO RN lA The 5--0 \'Olr Tucsd:iy junkl'tl .----------------------~---, v.•i1h 11no~· 11·hile hc:i1le r ameasurel>y i:tntt·N:·n A rl~'n i EXTEN D YOUR LIFE runounls fell 1n Sierra Nevada tiregorio (D·S:in \t:1!t'Ol. 1i1e Ne\'Ada. bill v.·ou!d h:ivt! c1out:il1·d 81ah· EXTEND YOUR ARM A truiclers ad\1SOr} 1\arni'<I M' ll• taxes on liquor, tndcd ··fair ssu RE CH ECK motorisl.' ul !"'"'"'°'" rnRtl tilO l 1011 '"'de" pric.ng. nod poun·d BLOOD PRE conditions toda~· in lh' Sierra 1nore money intll !ht• f1~ht 1 Nl'Vl'lda v.·herl' stron~. gt1:St~· S ttl' l Fc'l"e.:. aµainst alroholisn1 FREE.I \\ 1nds nlixcd v.•1th snov• and '-oJ The measurl' \\":JS .~tronl!h· r::iin. ~ordcn, n('ar !Kinner on1n""t'd b.v ;1 b.'lU t·r~' or liquor I~ I I F ICJb'1sists durinf! a four-hour su1nmit. rcp:ined \~ inches o{ .\e( { o~x h t' 3 r in ~ bl' r 0 r f' 1 ht' nc11· snov.• fell overnight . Subrommittee on Alrohol1<' Tiie Na11on!ll \\!e a t her LOS A~GELES 1UPI 1 -He\•er:agrs or th<• ~ .. n.1!1' Seri ire said more than three--Redd Foxx and l)cmoncl Committee on liOVl'rnmf'nlal quarters of an uieh of rain \\'ilsoo. st ar& of the television Organiza tion. Alcohol rt"scarc:ht•r and drug "' HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORROW, APRIL 25 B~ Tuesday niS;ht some 500 black men had been stopped. --------~­ questioned up to several hours drCllctlt'd !01\'t.'r ino u n lain series "Sanford :11ld Son,:·· I I' f s areas Tuesdil•· . .,,,tore sho"·ers f'Xpt>rt J0t• · ort 0 ·,in 1 v.·t•re sued SID m1ll1on each Francisco said at both a 111•11' or thundershov.·t>rs . and snow .. 1 Huntington Center -Beach & Edinger 12 noon · S pm, 7 pm · 9 pn'I Ed ison High Sc.hoo l 21 400 Magnolia , 7 pm · 9 pm Huntington Beach High School -1905 Mclin St ., 7:30 pm -9:30 pm and the n released. In their search, pohrc arc us111g a tomposite drawing of :1 1nustachioed black man . about 6--fcct tall and 30 years old. The dra\vlng "'as madt> fro tn the descriptions given by 111·0 Zc.bra victims. -·· u Cri1ne Rate Dro1Jping Earnings Slu1np Told Bv Utilitv Tuesday becau!'le they failt,,,. to ronf 'rcnce ru1d thP he·1rin"' above the 3,$u0-foot elevation. ~ ' ' '" sho\v up for n.hearsal. that liquor lohhy1~1<; 11 1 ~· "'e re CXl"V>l'ted today. .d I' I I I r-~ Tan en\ r0< uchons, n<.. legislators \\'i lh '•food. l><M•ft' IN Tllf: San Francisco Bay \\'hich producrs thL' po1>ular and \1'ornen. ·· fir <'J letl lubh~·- ar('a, si x inches of snow fe ll show, filed <;t•pt1ralt suits ist J:un<>s Garib;1ld1 as ~I\"·' ,11.l'nlight ;it Lick Obserl'ntory a~ainst the 111·0. t•harginc: !ht•y ing monC'~' to mt'lllbt:r.~ of on :\11. Hanlilton in &1nta did not appear at .'IHC 's the t'on111H1!t•1• and ut!11 •r l"la ra County. Soo"' also was <;\tldios in l\urhank \londay [or !er::is\ators ln order to I.i ll hills Arevelos School -19692 Lexington Ln., 7 pm -9 pm :('\ .. '": ~':: rt•IJl,trted on :-Oil . Tanlalp .. 'lis in the schcdult'<I start of on :ilroho! n·fnnu. \lari n Count\'. :-,u Diablo in r(•hcarsal for the upron1111~ A:;kt:d h~· 11 r1·1)()rt1'r. ·Ar•' p • f • SA,'\l" DIEGO ~AP I -San Contra Cosia County nnd 1974-75 season . ~·ou suggcstinA Thal <:11r1h.1ld1 ac1 IC Dil'go Gas & Electric . Co. along Sk~·hne Boule1 ard sout h Superior Court J u d g C' providt·s \\'ninl'n···· f Or t reports a slump in earn ings uf San Francisco. Ci!mpbcll Lul'a5 issued a ans'ft·rrcd. ··Y1'<;, l ;un. · l\11t for 1973 and the fir st quartt·r The California valley city of lernpo rary rt·str<i in1nt{ ordt'r Fo rt ];Her said 1h;1L 111 1h1• c 't a k •' of 1974. blaming higher fu rl S1ockton. v.•hich usually h:ls prohibiting Foxx and \\"t l!'On {'()nfuc;1on nf Ol<Lll\" ll<'llplt• I y an rosls and lowe r c n e r g':' tugh tempera tures in the R&.i. from engaging m pu blic talking at OnC'f'. hr thnu..:ht l1t• l n Bay Area consumption. 1n rnid -April also had snow for \l!.'Tformances. A hearing 11as \1 ;1~ an.0:1\·enn;:: 11 pr1•11nu:. Goldenwest & Edinger, Huntington Beach Shareholders \\Crc told at about 15 minutes Tuesday. ~t·hedult.>d for ~tay 6. qu1""St1on. lie said ht'.' h:ls no'1_ __________ .;.. ____ ;... ______ _, 'l'uesday's annual meeting th at -==::..=_::::..::_ __ .:_ ________ _c _____ _c ____ _ SA.\"" FIV\~C ISCO (AP) - Police report a dramatic drop in ntajor criml's here since stepping up street patrols in a search for gunmen responsible lor a' series of random shoo1ings. 1"he patrols \\•ere inc reased 111 late January after five persons "'ere gunned do"11 on t'1ty streets over a iv.·o-hour period. In areas \\'here the shoot- ings have occurred. police revealed Tuesday that major cri1nc dropped 30.7 percenl in Februar~·. co1n parcd with the same period in 1973. Cit~'Wide. niaJOr crime \\"as dov.·n 21.3 percent. Figures for 1\1arch v.·ere less dramatic but v.·ere still considC'red '"signi ficant" by police. f\lajor crime was dov.·n 6.5 percent in 7..ebrt\ areas last n1onth con1pared \\'ilh f\larch. 1973. Ci1y11·ide. the crime rate dt>c lined 2.5 percent. the utili1 y's earnings last year \ we re $1.78 a share. a drop of six percent from 1972. de spi te , gains of 16 percent 1 n operating rc\'enues and 13.:> percent in net income. For the first quartf'r of the yC'ar. earnings "'ere 63 cents n ~are, compared v.·11h 70 CTnt~ in the fi rst qui!rl.er or 1!173. ctlthou~h operating rcvcnut·~ and net income both inC'rl•;1 sl'd 11 percent. the company s;iid. Cornpany president \\'alt l'r Zitlau said th is y ca r ' ~ construction budget has bt..~n cut from $172.7 n1illion lo 51 4~.8 1nillion. He said other economies include elimlnal ifln of a pan1phlct enclosed 111 utility bills. Zitiau said the utility has ~'On appro\'al for $75 mill ion in rate increases in the past yt'ar and is preS!ling for more. In the long run. he said. the utili!y pins its ho~s on "the development and rxpansion or Greater San l)icgo. ·· NOW! FOR A NEW LOW $2,500 DEPOSIT YOU ENJOY ALL THE LATEST ~~BENEFITS OF THE ~uia -~~~ia/ SAV ERS CLUB minimum amounts of $1,000- passbook accounc s in any amount. So long as your sav- ings tolal $2,500 in one or more .. LFS savings accounts, you are -eligible !or a Savers Cl ub '"" membership. Sears Where Th ri ft Is Al w ays In Style Located On The Lower Level ....,,,. \ \ a.i\lisses' Fa•hion Ny lon Knit Pant> 4ss I )1111h\1: L.n1t \lrl"ltli !l) luH \'.Int,. l·l"rl' il").: ~tyh nt-:. I .1,hl• •11 1.11l11r" :-011~\l'\0 !>LL('l , t.. lUisses' Tailored Cotton Shirts 3ss A hll1hl 111 r0h·1.·,r1.r-Jn,l-r\1 nl' r Jyon. Jl1-rm.1n1.·11i rr1.·'' C .I~'"< - .1lly ~f\'le,I 1111 h !11n,i.; po11H1.·,l ,.,t !Jr'. :-Ol1ss.1.·,· !>111·'· "·Juniors' Polyeslf·r Warp Knit Pants 666 \\'1rh ~·idc: t\ .111.t\1Jn•I' 111 ;i~~nrr1"! 'l}"ll"s .ind tJJlvrs. ~l.1c h111..:-11.~~11. Jun1cir !>Ill:'- ti.Juniors' Rihhed Ny lon Knit Tops 3ss :--11.('L. \!\ hn;.: 11 11h n\1111 n b-. ''' -.ur11.-.I r.1M cl I' 1l11r'. \1 ,1•h .. ul1 ln ~Ill.''~ •. \t .1acl I Pant Line r Girdle 288 A .c.rc,u \Junn1l"r 1~11vl·.1 r UO<IC'r r.1n!~. ~nl• H 1rh 111- rtni;:. L1u1.~ knL'.1h. "'1'""~ ~I, L, J.n ,\ :\ L \\ h111. • l I \ \ <-P ~\' ~~ ... . \ ,, " ~ ~ \') -...c ' ' '.'/ ' I /, I I \ I \ I I \ '___,; "1w(·-H i;.:h nosit•r\' '• ' I ' ' I J ~ f I ./ ' 1 11i1 ~· 39c I'" i" 1'1r•\11 1• 111t 1•.1n1~' One ~111· 11r-. .u! I ,,,hio •II .11 ... l1·, , , HOME OFFICE: 260 Ocean Avenue. Laguna Beacti, Califo1oia 92651 . TelephoM: 494.7541 •LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 Mona1ch Bay Plaza • SAN CLEMENTE: 601 NO!lh El C•mloo Real • l..J.GUNA HILLS: 24038 Calle de la Plat a • LAKE ELSINORE • 600 West G1ana1T1 AYenue Costa Mesa Bue11a Park "'""' I luol'·~ \l111t•h•• "''" .... , ..... 1 .. , Sears :1:1:1:1 tlri slol !"I. l'Jl(lllC' ,j.4(1.:J:~:J :J ~{l.lt) l .~t l 'al11 111 \\1•, l1h11nt• ~~:?it.1 llH' ' 'I \of \,\I tu 9 ; tll I'. \1 ... ..... 111• '~ 'i"'" '" -, I' \I 8 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE De-annexation Cost Officials of the Saddleback College district have won lhe first skirmish in their st ruggle with Tustin residents who want to secede from the Saddleback district. At the hearing la st week, the Orange County c:on1· mlttee on School District Organization recomn1en<led against the proposed de-annexation of Tustjn from the college district. 1'~1 nancial data revealed thnt if Tu stin leaves, the tax rate of remaining property O\Yners will have to go up 16 to 19 ce nts a year just 10 keep the t-ollege sol\'ent. ... Tustin leaders co ntend that cost, spread over th e entire remaining district, is better than the Sl50 a year or more the 500 Tustin students at Saddlebatk spend on gasoline to get there. But taken as a total. the cost of the de-a nnexation would be much greater and affect rnany n1ore people. rr Tustin leaves, it certainly will save so1ne 1noney for 'l'ustin stuOents -and cause problems for everyone else. The financial problems the school will hnve to con- front may meaii a blow to educational quality. That is !he greaLest cost ol all -a cost Lhe district cannot af- ford . l~a'v .l\'loves South The vast, spray;Jing are;. of South Orange County soon will have its own sheriff's station. Sant.1 Ana every day before going back down south to patrol. 1'he resultant waste of ga-;oline, man-hours and ve- hicle wear and tear is 1nonumcntal. \Vhen the fa('Uity is comP.lc tcd toward the end of the s ummer, 1nost deputies will have a relatively short drive to the stati on to pick up their cars and a short dnve ~ack to their areas of rcspoosibHJty. Since the Sheriff's Department provides the only criminal Jaw enforcement in the unincorpora~d terrl· tory, every hour wasted in comn1ut ing to Santa Ana for shift changes or other reporting is another hour of com· muni ty protection lost. l~c t's Finish It! .4.gain last week a critic of Laguna's ~fain Beach Park' design ttame before lhe city council -this time to com- plain abou t the amount of concrete being po ured and possible obstruclions of the view from the Pacifi c Coast 1-lighway. Taking the criticism to heart, the council, which has go_ne through an orgy or revisions on the co ntro- versial project, almost took a look at the plan again to consider another change -even as the work proceeds. But as ~fayor Roy Hol m com mented in the face of lhe criti cism of last week. the council could go on re- designing the plan until the park is finished. It seems that the time has come for local residents to stop nitpicking at park del ails and let the work pro- ceed. The mo re the plan is dissected, the 1nore of a mess things could become. ~rtft'i11";; /· 1'he Board of Supervisors has authorized constn1c- tion of a temporary substation with 60 deeuties workin g out or it, and manned on a 24-hour basis in a vacant courtroon1 at the South County AtunicipaJ Co urt in La· guna Niguel. Considering rapid growth in the area, the move wa s long overdue. Though many of the deputies who patrol the South Co unty also live Lhere, they have to report to Residents of L:lguna have waited for years for the completion of A-fa in Bea ch Park. Everyone wants it to be the best possi ble. Since demolition of the old beachfront shacks almost three years ago. the park has been in a constant shambles -and it is time to end the bickering. 'Hello, White House? I'd like to invite President Nixo11 to come out to our state and campaign for my opponent.' · This Crisis Will Be flard to Top ( ART HOPPE J Federal Crisis Coordinato r Upton Oo\1'flS vigorously denil'd an y responsibili- ty in !he strange disappearance of The Energy Crisis. "It is the duty or The U.S. Crisis Manufacturing Bureau to initiate ttises." Downs told a press conference, "not to terminate them." He noted the average life of an American crisis in the past 15 years was 8.2 months. In scope and depth. if not duration, he aaid, "The Energy Crisis far exceeded our fondest aspirations." While not 8.!I long-lived as The Threat of Nuclear Holocaust in the late 1950s or The Civil Rights Battles of the early 1960s he said. The Energy Crisis had a . .. "much more immediate lmpnct. "Our studies show It generated more cocktail party conversation than either Poverty, which replaced Civil Rights on our calendar. or Student Unrest. which succeeded Poverty." he said proudly. "Frankly, we consider it one of our very best crises in recent years.•· UNLIKE Busing. which followed. Stu· dent Unrest. he said, The Energy Crisis "brought the country togethe r" - particularly in gas lines. In th is respect, it was similar to Ii i· jackings, which replaced The Population Explosion, which followed Pollution, which supplanted Student Unrest v.•hcn interest in that crisis waned. "And it certainly had far wider appeal than 'lbe ~1onetary Crisis which v.·e manufactured to fill the gap left lly Pollution," he said. "The Monetary Crisis was one of our few fiasco s. "But we 've more than made up for that mista ke in the past year. We began \Vith The Watergate Crisis and follo"'ed that up with Inflation. Remember the ••nu Dear Gloon1y Gus King Richard is confusing the "in- herent right or the Presidency" with the "di vine right of kings." c. n. Gt_., Girt com'"tnll l ft IUbinlttttl !IJ .... °',., '"' •• Ml nKnMritY rt ffKI lhf YleWI ti """ news•-· SHI YMlf "' '"'• tt G6"!Ylr Gu1, 01lly Plktl. housewives' Betf Bovcott? That \\'as a good one. Then \\'e ihrew in Shortages and now that they're gone, we're dru m- ming up interest in The Impeachment Crisis . Any qucstioM?" "tR. DOWNS was Immediately asked what happened ta the gas Jines. He smiled. "One thing ~·e'vc learned in the Bureau is never to overestimate the at· tention span of the A1nerican people," he said. ''They simply grew bored with gas lines· and refused to wail in them any more. After all, a crisis requires the full cooperation of every citizen." A young reporter inqui red how the gove rnment bad managed to solve all Uie problems "tr. Downs had cited. htr. Downs looked puzzled. "Solve them? But "'e haven't solved nny of them. We still have a Nuclear Thre:it. Racial Injustice, Poverty, Students, Busing, a Population Explosion, Pollution. a l\1onetary Crisis. \Vatergate. Jnn ation and Shortages. They m e r c I y ac· cumulate." "nrEN 'VllY manu£11clure crises?" the young reporter dcmandl'd. "\\'hy, to take the people's mind off their problems, of course,'' replied l\Ir. Do11o'ns, ''particularly the previous crisis they just went through." An older reporter asked what crisis we could expect ncx!, "We are plarming a Depression coupled with Jn nation. "A Depression alone sitn1>ly v.ouldn't do." s Police Drift Toward Militnri%atio1i Danger of Non-thinking Tradition To the Editor : I was delighted that Sgt. Tony Villa took the trouble to write abuu t my article. "Ameri can P o I i c e arc Strangers." (Daily Pilot. April 14/19). lte appropriately takes nie to task for being ignorant of day-to-day police opcralions. especially recruitment. and I concede lhc point. llOWEVER, I wish he had addre!lsed himself to the larger issues I att<'mptcd to set forth. For example. I suggested lhat the police are tradition-ridden. that they do not think through why they do v.•hat they do with our money 11nd our so- ciety. Again . I suggested that !his habit or acting while non-thinking produces a drift or direction or change t o w a r d mi\itaril.ation. toward the attitudes of an ilrmy of occu.patioo. t suggested tlwt the collective police of lhis CQunty are in total violation of the law in setting the mselves above our democratically eloctcd and I e g a 11 y responsible representatives -exactlv the point that Supevisor Diedrich has since niade in his current conflict with the police. I could have gone on. as I am sure Sgt. Villa knows. I could have suggested that these local but steady shifts in emphasis arc the necessary, but not suffici ent, preconditions for a police state. All unconscious. however. All just drift . withoUt direction. BUT Sgt. Villa should not feel too bad about all this. Other human institutions proceed equally blindly, equally on mo- mentum from the past papered over by rationaliulions in the present ever more absurd. The shooting wa r in Vietnam n·ith its shootin~ artermath -\\'e now hire Vietnatnese to kill Vietnamese -is the ullimate a\vful example. DAVlD A. MUNRO lln110 Respond• To the Editor : Wayne Baglin "·onders (Mailbox. April 19) "'hat niy niotivrs \vere in opposing the 30-unit condominium on the Const ( MAILBOX J Letters fr om reader" are toelcom~ . Norniolly, writer3 should conuey their 1nPssage3 in 300 wards or lesl. The rig /it f.o condense letters to fit spoct or eliminate libel i.! reserved, All let- te r! must include signature and mail- ing address but mimes ma11 be 1vi t11.· l1e/d on reque.tt if !Ufficicnt reason is apparent. Poetry will 1wt be pulr lislled. highway, and in fighting to save two lovely buildings on La guna Federal property. Gee. Waynt. why didn't you ask me? Or, better still. \\'hy didn't you attend any or the city council 1nL-etings on those Issues? ON THE condominium -largest in Laguna Beach -I felt the project violated the design review ordinance and in no wa y represented "small-scale vil lage quality," a criteriOO such bu ildings must meet before receiving design approval . There's nothlng small- Wi<!ks ~ to the Middle East, we ars In complttte agreement. That Is my wife and I are/' scale about two buildings. each O\'Or 100 fee t long and three stoiies high, risi ng some 45 feet above the Jlavement. blocking vie"·s. and dwarfing neighboring structures. So I said so. As to the t\\'O buildings on Laguna Fed property, they're lovely buildings and 1 hate to sre lovely things destroyed . ti's as simple f!S that. Now that the State Coastal Commission ,feels the same v.'ay, I've been asked by the cily council to "·ork with Laguna Fed repl'esentatives and other inleresled Lagunans lo see whether the buildiogs can be saved on the site. and if not. "'hether they can be moved elsewhere. Would you prefer they be turned tnto rubble? BA.GUN doesn 't' stop there. He has decided to analyze me, and m:v goals in life. He wonders whether my goal is lo write another f.1oby Dick, or to lead a local cultural revolution. Gosh. \Vayne, it look me six yea rs to read Moby Dick: imagine trying to "'rite il. As to "cultural revolution," I leave lhat to you. \Vayne: you 've suddenly bcconic the expert on socialism. And I must take exception to an error in Baglin's letter. lie says l'\'e been a speech writer for Charlton Boyd. That's going too far. Have you ever heard one of Charlton Boyd's speeches? Nobody but Charlie writes those du\\, long-winded, obscure tracts. Seriously, Wayne, I had hoped 1 \\'ouldn't have to explain why I do some ()( the things I do in Laguna, like tryins to save a star pine tree, or trying to keep our greenbelt green, or leading a campaign against high rise on the beach. 1 thought alt that v.•as obvious. I do it beca use you don "t. ARNOLD HANO Whlrh Christin111? To the Editor: thousands \vho took the opportun ity lo become better acquainted with the cam· pus were as pleased. STUDENTS. faC'ulty and st:lff v.·ho \\'f'nt to the rffort to exhibil, hx:turc and entertain were encoura~ed by the turnout and'the evident i11trrest in the campus by members of the eo1nmunity. Open liousc at UCI probably \\"ill become a tradi· tional annual event. J join with r..1rs. Olson in hcr belief th at the community cao benefit regularly from attendance and pa rticipation in campus events throughout the year. oot just at Open House. My slight dismay at "1rs. Olson's ni~ Jetter is that she evidently is una \\'Brc or the many lectures, e x h i b I t s , performances and seminars ""hich are regularly open to public attend~nc and pa rt icipation. Many are fret', ass e sug. gests. and others are su bjcc an ad· mission charge to cover costs. ONE LECTURE series i,11hi ch 1nay be or particular interest to ~·!rs. Olson (and hopefull y t<t many olhcrs1 \l'ill be sponsored by the Friends of UCI, for fou r Thursday evenings. starting ~lay 7. Entitled "Pe rspectives of Our Society.'' the series "·ill feature nicmbcrs of the Social Sciences faculty and will examine the impact of the social sciences on cu r· rent social problems. lnfonnation oo this seri es and on the many other public e\'ents on eampus niay be obtained by a regular readiog of the columns of the Daily Pilot or by call· ing the UCI Public lnformalion Office. WAYNE A. CLARK Public lnfonnation Officer University of califomia, Irvine S peed Limit To the Editor: Chaos • Ill the Vet Administration Like many concerned Laguna Beach citizens I was O\'Crjoyecl upon reading the recent exciting front page announcement that Amold Hano <ind Charlie Boyd have made up. You can ima gine how my heart sank a fc"' days earlier when it wa s rtported that Charlie had referred to Arnold as a "fringe lunatic.'' HANO has been called many things in the past by ordinary citizens who were victimized by his arbitrary actions while on the Laguna Beach Board of Adjustments. but never so eloquently by a citv councilman. Your editorial of April 15 iinp!ies lhat Asse mblyman Rotert R a d h a n1 ' s proposed bill to permanently set frec1vay s~s at 55 mph will rontribute s1gnificanUy toward lowering t h (' highway auto fatality rate but ignores California •lighway Patrol alU horities "'ho state that "less traffic" is the reason for recent lower fnl<ilities \\1hich occur on city strrtls as well as the free\\·ay. But on city streets those spreds were always under 55 mph. so \1•here does that leave lhe Daily Pilot ed1torla1 rationale that ··speed Kills?" Thi! tel!tk Donald E. Jolimon an- nounced his p/an.s to resig11 a.t head nf Ute Vttero11s Adn1i11istrotio11. Editm. \VASHlNGTON-The horrors nt)\v af· flicling the nation's veterans programs ca n be traced to the radicn l plan of the old Haldcmun-Ehrllchman \Vhite lloust•, offlcially repudiated but s u r v I v i n ~ never theless, to ccn lrahzc 1111 po\\'er in the Oval Office dur- ing Presiden t Nix- on's secoM 1ern1. Although II. ll. llaldcman 11nd John 0. Ehrlich m11n :ir<! / long gone. I h' Ir ~ · grand deSign en-1i dures -11:dmlnister· ed by spiritual heirs nnd gentr~lly Ignor- ed by \Vawrgate-prcoccupied \Vashlng- lon. The dJsru ptlve rr~ulls arr no1v !'Ur· lacing In one agt.'f\CY nfler aootht•r. In lhc Vete:rans Admin1str,iuon (VA 1, the pc:>liUcal e>tplosion has just begun. A cen1ral fe111ure of the llaldcman· F.hrllchm11n plnn Y.-as to place trusted Nix:on aldts. from th e \\'hite !louse and lhe widely defamed Comn11ltl'C for the Recleclion of the President (CREEP)f In tey pos!Uons of ex:ecutive dcpa rtmenu. Hunnlng the goverMlent then v.'Ould be Hakfeman and his it.arr, backed by the Office ol A1anagement anrt Budget \OMO.) heod<d by Roy .Uh and bjs dew· I ( EVANS·NOVAK ) I~. Fred ~falck. \\'ho hud been sccond·in- 1:on1n1and '11 CRl!:EP. NA~tED DY r-.111lek to lK' \\'hitc !lou se 1tgent for VA's multl·billlon-dollnr opera· lions ""llS Frnnk Naylor, frosh fron 1 a ~tint al CREEP rounding up veterans orgnnizntions' support fo r lhc Nixon· 1\gnpw tlc~el. Naylor moved In to V1\'s 1>lus h 10th floor executive offices as a super~rnde 18 paying $oll.!126. l)ther CREEP !ll umni fron1 tl1t: ~talck stable moved to lesM:r VA jObs: Among !hr 1n11ny: l\1ichael Rronsan. a CBEEr field represcntativ as assis1ant ad· n1inistr:i1or for planninfil and evaluation : Andrew Adams, a K~nsas coordinato r for CREEP as deputy director in VA's no\1·· en1ba1tlcd education di\'1sion. \\'hat '!''as happening at the: VA re!Jecttd a radlca l effflrt to fi:ive the \\'hilt' House total rontrol of all major bureaus and departments. Nov.·. 15 months later, the OUICQmt' .nt the VA. 1s clear : utter disaster, NAYLOR. who come to VA \\'1lhout clC· perience in the •gency's hii;:hly spe<::lali:l.· rd v.•ork , ha' now been quietly shunled to the F'anner.! llome Ad1ninistration. Bronson j.s nn his way out, Adam,, 8 polio victim l'Onfincd to a wheelchair, Is sla lfd to run the new rebabllltatlon offioo -- in the Oeparttn('nt of Hea lth, Education and \\'elfare (but po"'erful Congressmen n1ay block that appointnient). This accelerating collapse or the llaldeman-Ehrlich1nan ceotratization of power barely begins the story of the VA's l'fiSIS. TllE: A~fER ICAN LEGION cheered \\'hen then Repu blican Sen. Jack J\li ller of lo"·a tdefeatcd for reelection io 1972) persuadt'd J\lr. Nixon In 1969 to nan1e Don Johnson, a fringe Iowa Republic.in politician aod former nRlion::il com· rnander of the Legion, lo head the VA. Today . ho"•ever, even the Legion h<is soun.'d on John~n·s performance run· nlng 1he \IA's 171 hospitals. 59 regional offlC't's and tens of thousands of cmploycs. "l)on,'' s<i id one congressional critic, ··iJ a political primitive v.·ho plays everything by the tll11lek rulebook." f.1alek's first ntle 15 saving rnonrr. Thl.o. Joh.Mon's crlllcs comp I a n he .automatically O\'Crrldts bis own expens, plus lbt organized veternns' l-Obble1, to aC"L'Cpt O~IB's bodgcl proposal!i e\•en at the e:q>m.se of essential ''elttans' servlcts. . 111E l\IOST drnmatic Cll$t wns the Johnson-contrived ouster uf Dr. ri.11r..: J. Musser. VA's highly r egarded chief medical director. In A prh•ate letter Aprll 3 to Rtp, Olin Teague, chairman of the House Vtternns Committee, and Sen. Alan Cranston, chairman ot the Senate ' ' subcommittee on veterans health and hospitals. f.tusscr said that "an an- t.agonistic and uncooper at i ve ad· minlstrator (Johnson)" made his job im· possible and that "the infiltration of tbe department by persoonel selected and appointed by .•• the administrator has virt ually eliminated any possibility of functional integrity" in the medical branch. When f.1usser came under attack by Johnson's office last year. then presiden- tia l counselor Melv in Laird interceded. I.nird wrung from Johnson a rinn agree- nienl to stop interfering wi th f.tu sscr's opera lion. ~IORE SIG NlFICAi"\T, ~1r. Nixon himself strongly indicated to Teague last December th11t Musser .,..•ould stay. Nav;, v.•ith the President preoccupied v.·ith fighting impeachment and with Laird i;:one, r-.1usser has been houoded out of of- fice. "lu~r·s top deputy , Dr. Benjamin F. Well$, v.·as also forced out. \Velis lold us Johnson "ju.st could not stand" Wells's. connections with powerful congressional Democrau. By throwing its full weight behind Johnson. OtllB ret.,ins draconian control O\'er VA's budget, The cosl is high : loss of support from the powerful veterans' \obhy . from h!ns of thousands of Vietnam ve teran. .. , t1od admlnl$trative ctwios in the VA. Such is one bitter after-taste of the llaldeman·Ehrllchman blueprint for JlOWU. Ariiold .... ·as very active in a recall movement against another councilman "'ho dared to e:qnse him. and I was fearful that Charlie \\'OOld nieet the same fa te. However, we can all breathe a Hiile easier to know that they \I.ill be around to keep an eye on each other. AL THOUGll it \\'3S very sweet that the two shook hands in a public display of conciliation. it is Important to note that Boyd's astute evaluation of Hano's men· tal situation \\'3S not nltered. Finally. one item which demands Immediate clarification ls Amold"s 5tatt:ment to the pre~ thnt. "We dccidC'd lhal means the sco~ Is lunatics. one - Christians. nothing." It is obvious who the lunaUcs are. but I think Arnold should specify \~hich Christians, so as not tn offend en mas!;(! a significan t segmrnt of the popuJ3ct. PAIJL WF.STBROOK VCI Olterl119• To thl" Editor; Judith Olson's letter to the editor of the Pilot 1Aprll IO\ \l.'as both heart"·arming flnrl n bit dismaying. It wns heart.,..•annlng lhat :1he and her husband found lht'ir, attendance at lhe UC Irvine open house "an enriching cx- pqrlenc~." We hope all of lhe se\·eral BRUCE llOPPING CllP F'tbruary fi gures showrd in- 111ry accidents down 44 perce11r. all accidents do w11 32 percent, ovrta.ll rrajfic vo/unte do101t 4 to S percent. Editor. DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vrtd, Publ.t.thtr Thomas Kee1lil, P.dilor Barbar<Z Krcibich .Editorial Page Editor The editorial .pag~ of thr Dally Pibt M!eks to Inform a.nd J1lmul11~ l'f'lldm by pt't'tl"ntirc on this P<"U:"t di\·fne C"Ommqntary' on topics ot 1n. 1n11st by syndic11Jtd <'Olwnmt111 and ~•noonbits, by pr'7V'dir« a fonim ror rc1dm' vl-·1 and by pf'l'lm11ns,r thlr n('wgp&i>tt's OJ!ir'liomi and fdc-as m cu~nt IOl!lcs. The editorial oplnlon!c Of the l>aily Pilot l~IU' oni)' in lhe edltorlt.I column at lht' 1.n11 fl( the !>ii<'· OplnJcr,,11 f'..Xl>n'nni by l~ t.'IW· umnlsts 11nd (1rtoonl~11 :ind lettC'f" •Tlttts ar,. their own lll'ld 1'1C'.'1 f'ndor$f'o mtnt of their vi~• tly tho Dall.)' Plkx ftliu)d ~ lnftr'l'Td. Wednesday, A1>rll 24, 1974 • Election Could Result • Ill First 'Veto-proof' Congress WASHINGTON -What now Portend1 •·hen only the Howe w11 tn the hands of Nance Gomer, and fliixon's prospects are cent margin, ,.·hlch indicates that th' Congress. ln Washineton, llke so much el1e in the the party oppo.s.ing the Precidenl ~ ~ much worse. elteted congrt wnan is on unsure lie could, thi.'Or\1ti<'ally. ordrr rnfllt:iry past year or so, is beyOnd lhe upui~ RICHARD WILSON Tht Pruldent's men argue Iha! politica l ground and cannot fttl confident disposit1oni1 such ns he did In 1111 rarlier of anyone ~ r-·-s.s. wi'Ut ••· -•i'ble IN SU~EDING Rooscvtll years, . about rtt'lectlon. ~1 ideast t•r1,r.s and 1·rt>alt!' a 1nilltnry 1" """'&''" uic ,,_ hea Dtmocr Ur }orlU In both electlon.s lo fill vacancies are not a sure ~xceptlon of Represent.alive ·wright vy • ma es nieasure of politica l sentiment. and hav~ Hut 900lt of thnse ..-.·ho \\"trt' timed 11lert, i.s In" lalcr one. but as a practlc11I Patman (Dem •• Texas ), w·ho h•· served bou.Rs generally supported 1 Otmocnllc make sound! ns i! lht)' 1hooght the\' 1nattcr ht· 11oulcl bl: t'OOStrainL-d to do~) ~ -ski t lo h •-t that some slatiJUC5 on their side. but there coolinooualy since 1-. ,.... en · IUC an exKli Nothing like that has been ex-rlenctd received a mandate tor inlpet1.e hn1cnt. e . ..:cept in dire rm~rgrncy. •""" Coogress wu called a "rubber itamp" """ Republicans ln Congress ..-.·ho have •1 I b •·. I 1·• lh h The likelihood now exists that the for the White House. by living men. Presklenl Ei&enho,.·er. watched traditional Republican dist ricts 1• ere}' Y '-".'.Ing rec cu «>y ni·r r\or 11·ould thl' pro for111a conl!UHation5 :l octlon1 thla year v.•llJ produce a U the present trend of early elections though lacking Republican control In go Deinocratic are alarmed. In their increased t~ posslb11lty of impeach111t!n\ s11ch as those nf Prl.'sldl-nl Trun1nn prior i>emocratlca lly-controlled c 0 n gr e 111 to fill vacancies in the House c«itinues In Consreu. had a working arrangement a Jann. Impeachment of the President to the point ..-.·here lt Is popul:ir to $HY to the Korean intervention 11nct l'rc11!dc11t ;>owerful enough to override executive the fall and unaeatt Incumbent with Dtmocratk speaker Sam Rayburn prior to lhe election has cer1ain practical that the odds are S0.50, "'"hich is saying Kt>nnedy pr ior to the Bay of Pigs. bt iuthority and dictate policy. Even the RepubUcan.s In the degrff lndlcattd, the and Senate ma)Orlty leader Lyndon 8. altractions, especially 1£ they can nothing. adequal ~·. h1pres.slvely senior Patman oouJd not Democratic Congress wJll be in the Johnson, but Prtsldent Nixon will be establish that they are not prtjudging the TllE ALTt.:R~ATIVE, ..-.·Ith Nixon 1'Iaybe th is \\·as the "''ay the prt•sidenry ~ve served In Congress under the same saddle. It.will be, as AFl.rCIO Preildent naked to hil enemies, and hopelessly so, case. rernaining in officr ror his full term as he was intC'ndl'd to "'tlrk , 11·ith n Presldrnl :lrcumstances, for his experience with George Meany hopes, veto proof, and because even Rtpublk!ans v.·ho survive Som,thlng Is to be said for the fact says he intend~ to do, can prob.abl y be \\'ho pn•sided rath('r lhnn ru\t'd . If thr '>emocratic coogresslonal control in a thus able to Impost lt.s will upon the will be v.•ary ln tbtlr support. ttiat the election of four Democ rats in surv h·cd if thl•rt• is no external or preM>nt trend ronlinucs. he 11111y find oul Republican admlnistraUon dates back to Preskient whenever party tines can be HERBEftT HOO\}ER was paralyied by flv' contests ""'as n1argin al. Th e internal crisis. In eilher case. Nixon"' ill if a prl'!idency oper;lled th ;H v:a~' can :be end or the Hoover administration, mad~ to hold. a Democratic House led by speaker John Democratic \•ictors fall v.·ithin the 5 per be Wlable in · at·t ..-.·ithout Nnsulr1n1.: arnounl to an~·thiug. and ii v.111 be risky .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~- Terrorists l\1 ove Into The Cities By JACK ANOERSON \VASHINGTON Th e Symbionese Li beration Army's 1.:ommando raid on a bank , with Patricia Hears.t \\'lelding an auton1atic rif!~·. h:.is government officials frankly worried. 'They see it as a sign that the ;issassina!ions. bombings , kidnapings and oth,•r terrorist tactics. \\'hich plague otht'r na tions from Argentina to Britain. may soon hit our cities: F'or the lrigger·hnppy SLA raiders are typical of a ne"' breed of urban guerrillas "'ho appear to be in touch with one another aroWld the \~·orld. 'There is no coordinated und er ground guerrilla 1n ovc m en t. Indeed, the insurgents often argue over ideol ogy and tactics. But the FBI has e v id e n c e of increasing coop c ration belv•een gu~rrilla groups." JN TllE ~l iddle East. the JaJXinesc Red Army is aidi ng the Popular Front for the Liberallon or Palestine \•;hich. in tum. is sharing training resources vt'ith 'fur k i s h di~sidcnts. Irish Republican Ar my insurgents h a• c obtained s ophis t icate d weapons from Arab terrorists, who get Onan cial support from Libya. r: u err i 11 as in Bol h·ia. Chile and Uruguay a r e believed to be sharin g weapons, tactical infonnation and training resources. And in Europe. Arab terrorists are cooperat ing with Ger man anarchists. I n t c 11 i g en c e reports warn they. too, have access to extrcn1ely advanced weapons. THE FBI has linked SLA membe rs to a st11dent connnunc. kno"'TI as the "Peking House." outs id e Berkeley. Calif. The SLA a 11 e g c d 1 y has dra..-.·n inspiration from the ~taoist philosophy taught at the "Peking House." \Vhcn SLA me mber s Russell Little and Joseph Remiro were arrested for the murder of an Oakland school offi cial. police found guerrilla literature in their possession. 'The texts are apparently evolved from gu e rr i 11 a manuals firs t produced by the Chinese Conununists. 'f h c Hearst kidnapin~ appears to have been taken right out of a Chinese text. TI1e manual even sugges1s th<1t the kidnap victi n1s should be ransomed to fertl the poor. BUT THE :\IOST ominous development in the revolutionarr movement ha s been a shift from t h' countryside to urban ghettos. Enlire n1anuals ha,·e been \~Till!'n especially for the urbt1n guerrillas. 111f'~ have been widel y studied b y insurgents in Ari!entina. Brazil and Uruguay. E'idcnce of t~ shift to..-.·ard urban "·arfare has also appeared in Africa and the ~-fiddle East. The Syn1bioncsc Liberation Arn1y is now itnitating th.is new breed of revolutionaries. They sta.e;e darin~ robberies. 1nurdcrs and kidnaplnq:s. then disa pocar into hideou1s in the mlddle of cro\\"ded cities. TillS f\I OVE~I ENT i n to heavily populated areas has forced An1erican 111 i I i t a r y rxpcrts 10 re\'amp the I r slra!eRV for fiRhtinli! guerrillas. The militarv is forbidden by Ja..-.'. howe,·er, from applving their exoertis' <Utainsl domesli c mililnnts. The responsibililv belonqs slrlctly vdlh lhe FBI. \\'e have setn lists of tht: rrvolutionar:v groups the F'BI keepti tnb.-1 on. nnd Wf? have ~rcn intelliRmce re po r Is describing th t i r acth·Jties. ~taoist-style guerrilla gangs already nre acth•e In many American cities, according to the$e F'BI reports. and mort act~ of terroris m can bf expected In the fliture . Sale230 • ~eg, 2.98. Boys' knil!cd shirts or 100~~ cotton and polyesler/couon blend lea1u1c high mock crew neck in luck bar and v1heet patte rn s. Short skleVe$. Boy$' sizes. · 399 Boys' favorite western styled jeans are of durable never-iron collonfpolyester mldwale corduroy. Two front western scoop pockels, two back patch pockets, and flare legs make this a great buy! 6-18 reg. and slim. Sale prlctl effecil•• through Sunday. Boys' cotton~,.,,..,.,., crew socks.~- 3tor88~ Get lots al this low pr ice! Stripe tops on while and assorted solid color!; in 100~~ colton. Sizes 7·10, ! Boys' kni_t shirt sale. 20% off at Penneys. Sale1 90 Rtg. 2.49. His favorile atyle &hort sleeve O:ic1on•· polyes1er and cotton knit :.h11t. Embroidered !rim; mock lurllenec.k and raglan sleeves. Boys' si t es. I ' \ Right· now! \ • \ \ -' / Reg . 2.98. Penn Pr,,.~1 • never-Iron ~rut <;tint has one pocket .:ind ra9lan :.lt·tV•'f., co mes in grc.:i t assortod c.c.ilo rs. Boys' :;1zcs. \ I ) Sale 3tor$4 \-;1-il-~_._, ' -~~ Reg. 3 lor $5. Great value on boys" high c.rew neck k1111 sh•llS. Ho111on1.11 stdpes or solids on polyesle1 I couon. Boys' ::.ite~. Boys' briefs. 3tor 199 S1oc.k up now at lhis !01v Penney p11ce 1 I x 1 rlb couon kn1L Sizes S·M·L. JCPenney '· ' ...,__ / We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at tM followim;i storts: FASHION ISLAND, Newporl Beech (7 14) 644 ·2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntin gton Beach (71 4) 892 -7 77 1. HARBOR CENTER, Cosio Mesa (7 14 ) 646-502 1. ' I Boys' T-shirts. .,. . - 3 for I 99 Su per buy ori t>oys.' 100%1 llal ~•nl c.onon l-st11r1s. S•lCS 5·1,,·l. jf• .. Sale prices elhtctive lhrough Sund•Y· • ' 1 8 DAILY PILOT Color TV Safety Debuted \VASlllNGTON {UPI I Peter B. Young said it was "the nicest Chrisllnas present we ever got." Three years later, he Is convinced the present. a color televi sion set. killed his wife, mother-in·law and infarit daughter. Young told a Consumer Producl Safety Commission hearin g Tuesday' the goverrunent should "'a r n owners of the 117 nlillion TV sets in use in An1erica - especially those with the "instant on " design -to unplug them v.•hcn not in use. TllE ALTEFCNATIVE, :1e contended,· is risk of fire such as the one in tlis Swnn1il. N.J. home on New Year's Day, 1973, \\'hich :..illed his famil y, but fro1n \Vhich he was pullt.od WlconsciGus by a neighbor. The Electronic Industries Assoclalion. which repre!!l!nts the 1nanufacturers of 8 5 percent of the TV sets sold in this country, told th c ... commission, however. that the deaths in lhe YoWlg fam ily - • and 11 other fire deaths in New Jersey last year -\\'ere not caused by color TV set fires as Young and others contend. : The industry group also i contended Young's suggestion ; for pulling out !he plug is not a • Jood one since it could result , 111 the line cord wearing out. Commission C b a i r m a n Richard 0. Simpson also • agreed it is "not a good idea" to keep pulling the plug out. TllE C0~1l\USSION is ' holding two days of hearings • so it can draw 1nandatory f safety r u I e s for the • manufacture of TV sets and one of the issues it is trying to solve. however. is what the industry can do about sets : already in the hands of ' consum ers. r• TeStimony submitted t.o the commission has shown that ' l\\'O manufaclurers. Zenith t and RCA. are about lo oh.:lse : out the "instanl On" device in ' which a small amoWlt of ~current keeps coursing • through parts of the set to • provide a picture as soon as ; the switch is turned on. ' l YOUNG, A GRAY.SUITED, ; short-haired public relations • man for a New Jersey clec- : tronics firm, said his set \vas not an "Instant on" but felt i o"·ners of such sets should be told plainly that they are ; really not "off" when the ~ switch is off. • • • Agne\v Book ~May Bring : $1 Millio11 . • • WASHINGTON IAPl ~ former Vice President Spiro : T. Agnew already has !>cen assured of more than $300.000 ~ for his novel and could get ,, more than $1 ntililon. his agent says. And, lhe agent. Scott Meredith, said Agnev.· is committed by contrart to visit , England for five days to promolc the novel, "A Very Special Relationship." on its publication there by \\'JI. Allen Ud. : ~lEREDITH SAID the visit could come next January or ; February U Agnew completes : the. book by September as he : hopes to. or as late as ~lay if ! Agnew writes up to his contractual dead I i n e in 1 December. ~leredith has periodically issued reports on n e "' contracts for the book. al\~'ays giving general rath er than exact figures on the an1own Agnew v.·o\ild receive. IN ADDITION TO t h c British contract, he said conlracts had been signed for a Japanese publication by Hayakawa Shobo. Portuguese publication by Morales . r.re .. k publication by Labrakls Press and Fk!mish serializalion by the Brussels new.sJ)aper De Post. lie said Spanish, Brazilian and French offers had been turned dOIA'fl, but that he anticipated signin(t 20 r1ore foreign con1racts. ~1ost rights have not been sold . Q\lll WA.111 OLOGUNS MANNING'S CoLLi!CTORS SHOP. ~~ \'Jtdnesday, April 24, l!f74 ---- Wllne11 \Vatter Cronkite has been called as defense witness In trial or two Gay activists who dis· rupted CBS network progran1 last Decem· her. Cardboard sign said, 11Gays Protesi CBS Prejudice." Sale 480 Reg. 5.98. Polyesler knit goll shirt. Swea \er s11tch in assor!ed lashion colors. Men's sizes S·M-L·XL. Sale s4 Reg. S5. Banlon· nylon knit shirt . Placl<et colla r slyling : While, navy, yellow or blue. Sizes S·M-L-XL. --- Sale s4 Reg. SS. Contempora1y styling in a high mock turtle neck shirt. Ac1yllc kn 11 1n assor!ed slr1pes. Sizes S-M·L-.XL. I I Candidate Ties Bugliosi ·10 Leaks to F\rr LOS ANGELES iAPl - Attorney general cundidate William Norris has revealed a transcript of sworn testimony which he said raists the "gravest suspicions" that bis opponent Vincent Bugllosl lled to the P.1anson trial judle aboot his possible involvement in leaking information to a newsman. Norris told a n e "' s conference Tuesday he will ask the Californ ia State Bar Association t o Inv estigate whether Bugllosl violated a court order by leaking the material to reporter Wllllarn F'arr and then committed \ \. \ I 1 \ , ( ' perjury by den)1ng be had in prosecuting the 19'/0 trial of done to. Qiarles ~taMOO and three "ll, HE DID," said Norris, >A'omen followen, said he uw "Vincent Bugliosi should be Farr with BugHosi at Ute time disquallfled from practicing Kay delivered to t h e Jaw, much less be a candidate prosecutor copies of a witness' for attorney aeneral." statement alleging that the Reached for comment Manson "family" p I an n e d Tuesday in San Francisco, multiple murders of movie Bugliosi denied all of Norris' stars. acc~atlons. The information contained In was jafted ror refusing to disclose the source of tnat information_ In the lifloosition. Kay sakt he delivered the copies, then left the room and that when he returned later the two .. were atill there jusl talking ... " Later. Kay told of seeing Farr with a large 'manila envelope which he brought to t.'OOrt. recollection. It had Vlnce'1 name (Vincent Bugllosi) on It. Kay said F'arr approached hlm and asked him tO &Ive the e~ek>pe to Bugli-OSi." Kay did not look in the envelope but testified that later Bugllosi threatened to ha\'e him taken off the Manson case if ha ever revealed the transaction. Norris sa.id he was basing that document lat.er appeared his charges on a deposit ion in a U>s Angeles Herald· _ ll\l_g!llJOi !!<nloo_ 'l'ueoday hr leaked the information to Farr. given ~ Deputy Dist. Atty. Examiner 11tory written by "TO THE BEST OF my Stephen R. Kay In connection Farr and has been the subje<1:1-;;;==p;;, .... ;-;;E;-.C;;;-;;.._:--;R;;-O:;;;W;-;; .... ~E;;R~S;;;;;=;;;;:;-wllh a lawsuit by two other of nwnerous court proceedings n R n ~1anson trial altorneys. · since. LEATHER W.V• .._,~I..,. 1 r · 1 KAY, BUGLIOSl'S assistant \ I ' FARR SUBSEQUESTLY JJFE . •• 1'4'h af ......... w u1 IJIJI lt .. IHI Celebrate summer savings. Men 's shirts 'n shorts. ·-. __._, " h j ·Sale 398 ' • . • ,. • \. ' t ... \ I l • . · , H --, Reg. 4.91. Polyester 'collon · walk shorls are easy care in assorted solid colors . or patterns. Men's sizes 32·42, ·--- Un your JC Penney cherge card. Sale prices •ffec:tlve lhrough Sund1y. . • .... • •• Vi , Sale sa Reg. 9.98. Polyester knil pullover shirt 1n assor1ad f::isl11on colors. Men 's sizes S·M-L·XL. • • •• i I I f ---~ ' ?'.,/ . ..... ,. - . .... . ' • > ••• . ' • • JC Penney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at the follo'wlllCJ stores: fl\St-llON ISLAND. Newport Beoch (714 ) 644-2313. HUN TINGTON CENTER . Huntington Beach (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER _(o5ta_Meso (1I 4)_6A~02 l . , .. 1 ' . Judge Upholds Alitnotay She's in Co11ve11t, Collects CHICAGO (AP ) -James A. "poverty, chastlt~: a nd ''I SBIPLY can't t1 fford lo Lane's ex-wife now li ve! in a obedience" as a Catholic nun. pay her." Lane said. "I dorf t convent in Milwa ukee and is LANE, WHO claims to make thin k she is en!ltlc<I to it or known as Sister ~1ary. $21.000 a year, told Hunter he needs that kind of money·· Bt.rr LA.NE, a suburban could not continue paying hi! Slster ~1&r)' I est i f i ~ d . insurant-e salesman, mu s t bills and the alimony \\--ere It howeve r, that she needs the keep paying ber S250 a month not for the S7.400 salary of bis alimony because us a novice !1~~_, C\rcuit Court Judge new wife and $20 a week room she roost pay fOI" her own nooeru... ll!lfller ruled here. and board peymen1s from a medical, dental and incidental Hunter said Lane, f7 , cannot W.year"6ld son. experaes and buy her O\\'fl halt the payments until Siner The Lanes were divorced in insuranct. She said it could be Mary, 41, a Dominican flO\'ice, 1970. She entered the convent three-to six years !>;!fore she baa taken her fmal 'vows of In 1972. ta kes her final vo~rs. ~----~::..:.:.__::..::.;.:::._ ____ __::=.=:_ - -~ • • ~ . ""!' ~'-OOk' ,.T IT'fMIS" iti~''•Wf.'lt.f: UP A 1li:~f.. SLJT 1..ors OF f'tOPi.E ARE our ON A I.IMS !~ Reagan to Judge Great Snail Race SACRAME~"l'O !UPI.\ -great evont 1'o get oot ·,, '''. 1 1 Gov. Ronald Reagan 'A'Lil be rat rarl', to enjo~· :i !ina1I !I off1 cl nl jucige of the "Gr~at paet', JOUl us ul the l:1"1·ut ' Snail RaC"e" Thursday at Srl11il Race " liolbmok 1-:tcmentary School lleagan's ort1ci? sa11J tilt In Coll(_'Ofd :1 rter an 8-yenr-0ld r ace course "'Ill he a nine-Inch con\·1nct'd hin\ to ser\·e. 'A'idt circle. I! said the winnf'r 1 The Gove rnor's office said v.·ill be the fin;t snail ihnt 1 Reagan accepted :in invita tion from Jenna Holt of Concord to cra..-.·ls from the ctrClt''~ ~·n1t'r bt> judge of the even!. to its edge or lhe snail 11 h1f'l1 The youngster told Reag:.n era" ls the farlh1•~t rrorn thf' 1n a letter : "Don't miss this center In tl\ree nlinutec -------· airs 1n "C':: t 2299 Remington 850 Mist st yler/dryer. Han d held model wi th mist spray attachm ent, styling bru sh, \vide and fine toot h combs. Thermosta t preve nts ove.rhealing. 120 volts. l'-n (' --· --· --·--~ r -:-----·---· · · (. --·--~ -~ 1699 Cl:1irol Crazy Curl 15 .1 "t"l"l styling wand 1hat curls v11lh gentle hf'a1. Aulomat1 c curl releasl'. safety signal and two-way sta nd _ make !his a real beauly aid. 3299 Schick. Tim•• M;ic!i•ri<? Ha rr.I Hal f-l ,,1r Or}"' E •.t u:i l.tr'l" bonn.-.1 y»! compact pnouqh tor Pa sy !rav'"l Rnd s1oraq~ J /icJt sf'tt1nQs and aa1utr.1at11e bonn~\ outle t lor your tomlQt! ese 2499 Cl.t1r0I Kinaess C u<..:orn C.1'" Oelu1ee Cond1t1on1ng ~A ist t-•.1 •rs.~Uc1. Three scl!1nns so vo11 r an ~~!cct a dry :.Pt. stca1n ~'"' r1• a cond111oncd set ----- Qm f I ~ '''°'J~j SI,~ ~~~\ ...... ~ 1 ~··if1 (' " d r;,•1 .. no:? r~i.0 • .. , ·: , .... "'\ · ~ nltacnn1en• fur s:, ,,, , C.<.r•'• JI 6 ;:- ;ifld 850 wans lo• n1::in 51;('"1 (l1 y1nq. Ory1nq tn'J s1 111ng t•(IS ncvor been 1 •as1r~1 . JCpenney _ We know what you're looking .for. . . Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at thr followin9 storrs: FASHION i$LAND, Newport Beach (7 14) 644·23 13. HUNTINGTON CENTt~. Huntinqt on Beach (714 ) 892-7771 • What CAN You Get for only a dime these days? Postage Stamp? ... Gum? ... Candy Bar? ... Phone Call? .. • Your WORLD ... Delivered Right To Your Home! Only the Daily Pilot Brings You: *All the local news *Complete local sports *Lojal want ads inc uding our famous Dime-A-Lines every Saturday *Final stocks *People Section a 11 about your neighbors and other people you know *'Both AP and UPI worldwide reports *14 daily comic strips including No. 1 in adventure (Dick Tracy) and No . 1 in entertain- ment (Peanuts) *The best of 8 nationally known editorial page columns'plus choice daily from among 3 major editorial cartoons *And more ... lots and lots more -all in one hon1e-delivered package Just $3 Per Month Home Delivery SUBSCRIBE NOW! Phone Today ~ 642-4321 (or th e n ail y Pilot oflice nearest you l • ' ' t • • • . . . . . • . . • . . . • • • • . ' . . • )0 OA!LY PILOT Wtdntsday, Aprll 24, }q/4 I -Shop for Today's Favorite Fashions at White Front ••• S PEC IAL PU RC/11ISE! FRONT BLAZER· JACKET PANTSUITS IN JACQUARD· PATTERNED POLYESTER ·DOUBLEKNITS 15 ~~ VAlU( Snappy· looking pantsu its with the sta· !us-symbol blarnr ol the"Roaring Twent 1es::. now revived by th al great. new movi e' A big. Spring collection ol 1ac quard·knit textures and patterns 1n color·combinalions galore .. pantsuits wit h all the fashion and quality of h1gh·pri ced su1ls' Sizes in group 8 to 18 NO IRON ••• MACHINE WASHABl.E P"'~-~· A f'/l\'D AT THI S LOW PRICE! POLYESTER 'DOUBLEKNIT JACKET TOP FASHIONS with FLIPPY LITTLE SKIRTS 13gg ~ormg s fre1~est colnr CMtras'. {1:1n's on wh1tP b.!c•~rr1u·.a V!ltly !!arterr~ , -p1ete !asn1~s ri,1: c~u.o~ I tJP llf'o'.<·r l"(ve1 \\'1111 ~ti.lpe'( Daclo-bo>!IOO 1a•J•', deer colla·lld picot e1we Col r ' .i:O:i'I"' t·1r-~ flirting t~0 \\l~i·" • \ l11tle •• rt s.1es 10 !{I •' A BIG-BIG JO o/o :;AV/NG! SHORTDRESS AND SHORTS SETS In CREPE· TEXTURE POLYESTER DOUBLEKNITS egg~ ~DI to SUl IOI 12." Sttort is ttle lash1on·wo1d . 1f's tllat hee·and-easy leeling lt>f Spring! And, look at the styhng ... 10JIS with eye·catch· mg apphques 1n comraG1 colors ... scal!o~ed edge5 or slit sides ... newest necklines ... rib-knit contrasls.'..belte{J and unbelted. Pa1fed with color coo1dinated shorts. Siles 1n group 8 to 18. I I I TERRIFIC SAVING:;! WOW 'EM WHIH DENIM JEANS 'ln those SNAPPY SLIK·at·the·HIP STYLES 7aa RIG. l .'9 & 9.9' Cool-as ice wh11e ... the colOf that stands out. complementmg tops of any and all c:_olo1s! Crisp col!on d~n- 1m~ 1n !lared leg 1eans with /ID· , pered lly-lronts ... b~-cut style with '1 d1g-down-dei:p pockets. s11es 5 to 13 .... low-rise style with welted sht- pockets. Siles 3 to 13. JJlt; SELECTIO.'Y~ /J/(; J'.•Ll'I-; 41111\ II' II lAIJIEf 1.MGWfA1 IN . ADIES' PE MANY STYlfJ AN1 FAlllCS · l·PC. AND ' 59910 999 ~: tO"O nl prr.lll St.it'. ,....1.x:t (ar'"i$ulg' IP~· ;,r•1 ~•-Y-•ntloa:• "'*'l"oo.lh;.-;.nl1W111-'\t•· II";' 1--.'1r.e1 h,!Go~ r;:IOll"o<.Mu,...i ~'l!'. ~.1t:. S-111 l~"-~ .\l(J ,ll . -"'.41'£ 9H: ().\' 2 TOlllllBIS' i-PIECE SETS WITH SHIFT AND PANTIES lllG. '-"SIT 5 '"'· -. • nJTS' BO lll CUFFE . ! .. ' -~··• l~;r t"lo·• !~ •3,• ~!:Ir ~~l~·llld·Pi!l1TI!\ ;•"\ I, t •1:" > J" r •' '""' uio.i:i' l\Pe1! lr,:1 w:,it •lOl!ll't sl1lt1' w II • IC•·f·j' I, [>'1•;••''•1din!/IKr 1w1•dC'!"•'•lw•1 ~1acolr1' • '.-li d,,.,n A"1 l~!!I )C•'i 1t1fth S le\ J 10 ~ BOYS' POLO SHIRTS ANO TANK TOPS 199 rl:H /Uf'/( lllVENILE RllRT l f ¥ • .,. :·•-t ,•·" · •-~ ..... '"" ,,.., t ' •1 COT!'" ,.. -·· "I'· (!>'I ' t· -L '<·' I;'' !"I ·"ile! e· ·1.,·::E~t !.1:"1'~-' r·'. . ,._ •. Selection, Real Val_ue & Big S a.v i11 ~rs ... --- QUILTRA SONIC MATTRESS PADS RlG. 4.49 TWIN Sill 299 !.."~ ~·· •,, r if tt1 J't111 1:)."t:ii ~•" I' 'i!('{'o •"l-J1.~•l 'll o'.r,J1J1e . r ~~.1~ .. ~····~,.·.·ti ~--.11·p1geri1r. Hill !REG. S4fl ..•.. , •.••••• 1" WHITE.FROl\IT OFFER!i ALL THl!i PLU!i THE LOWE!iT Dl!iCOUl\IT PRICE!i 11\1 ALL THE WE!iT i:CHAIG E\ CH ARG E IT ... USE YOUR CREDIT CARD I_ I WI MONOI ... IT • IUIWl(l1(1ilil •• 1 1 151 ' . • MAStlt Clllit'l CUI I I .. .. -i j 10DAY 1 ot"s111111co11vf11 1l111c1t1nn1•1 ' FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE JUST CHARGE IT TODAYI ' I • • IES' PEIGNOIR UTS IN • AND 2 ·PC. IYLES 599,.sss • • ,. 't' •· r ,•·I .. ' . ,. ' • ,, 4 • ' S' BDXfR·SllORTS CUFFlO IDLE 129 •, > • . . . , - LADIES' SPRING HANDBAGS IN GENUINE LEATHER AND MORE . 399,.899 ,. ' ' .. • ~ '" t '' ' :.. . t ..... ' . ' I:\ 'flt-I ./.J J If" l 'I( l t:E IJ ! TOTS' HALTERS, nlau, •AND MlllRllf-TOPS 159 · GIRLS' TOP·AND·SHORTS SETS IN POLYESTER llG ltt 10 2 .. ~7 •.It Sil SPECIAL GROUP Of BOY'S EASY-CARE FLARf JEANS lllG. 4.'1'1 & S.99 333 rlJ'."••"l ''I• :;JrJ ., r.•, · 8./lil"":,~1''' "•,···~··'!!''I'·· l<•·l'dl' x•J •J ··~J"J 1(1 r•r' .... I• •• \ ··~ :t<~I .... lUI' • • • • ._ h , ••• ' • ·~· ... 'Y••Nl'',l:!~1<~111Jr ··:• • • ~;. tic' 'M·l·;· • ·-11<,r_.~t'J.l-,," )•/t o : lo t • HH/l'l l: 11t ·1· VINILE BOYS' IHI g SHORT SET 249 •1 tlll'!C" • " ·•' • ' • "' ' • .• ''HTl!f t"l ::•~I ;,• "" ,,' ' .. •'-' ' ... .'. 1, MEN'S TERRY WRAPAROUND ·~·· 419 fo1 ail t'r b~tti. 51l.a.,1ag! In sol1dj. ~1tnts. One size. ---------- ·MEN'S NEVER- IRON PAJAMAS Long sleeve. long leg .. in solids. ori nts. AB.CO ~'.I; 2 87 's." ea. FOR BIG AND TALL MEN'S SHIRTS, SLACKS & JEANS 2o i1;FF our entire slock! ~' ,. ' . ~ i ,~r • .:~ J; ;v J "_-:-------~, I . ~. I ) ~ "'VISIT OUll : I l !G I TAU MIN'S 01,ARTMINTS \IZIS TO ~O Oh!i<RIQ • A'i h'.RN~RDI NO 1r.•rrR:.1 r10R~~:.NO.( Jr.a SA ~ DIEGO ii'O~~CRA'tS ONl. ) ir ·-·:':•:1 1x~ .. ~twi•@'auil •e1 1 •:le ~'·i, t r .. i ;uha~ anc! teillt•!•l l>',.I Hl~D IOWtl ttmp111 11 1.IS ••••.• 91c WlSK CLOTM tt•Plrt at lie , • _ •• , .41t Sj J E 88 MEN! DON1 MISS OUR EXCITING NEW LINE-UP OF FASHION SPORTCOATS i!6g5 COMPARABLE VALUE '35 Sv1 1 linen-lw~. 1 ~'/fi , ~r ~l,i/er J v, ·1 CU~!i ~~: ,! ! r ~ ~ 1 P11l~e5ter dO~i)lp~r.t~ Iii rr ~ pe$ p:dl0). cr.~~I r lwo-bution modi::~ -1·11th wide !aµe !s, aeep ve~l'.i wide flap pockeh1 Hand 5ome ly tailored, expertly ae!a11tj Something tor e~er,or,e 1n great Sp ring col0t~. l:·El1l1.z.h!:ng tnt: very -ne w light tone~ 1 Regular ar.~ lor.~ •; .• >.' -~·:··1 ' . ',' ·=· . . . '.• -~ ,. . .. ' ' ' J'• • -· t ·-'· KING SIZE KAPOK PILLOWS REG. 4.49 299 Lt r·-~1·•;i!'":r :c·•·· 1·~ .,.,.'""' ~1 : r ~ l 't.""':,1,~;A '••l:'•l\ ,., ' t'l"' r' .~>·) l.i,.1~1 ~~;;,.--,,j I,• '· : ,t :• .11-'' I ' '· I \ \ ~ • ' l I • I j . I I I i ···----" WN!ntsda/ Apri l 2.: 1c.,.i DAI LY PILOT I I ------- FRONT ~ ............. ' ~ ······ ' ~liirl ,i.;,,,,clut'11lar! ' SPORT SHIRTS KNIT SHIRTS ·g 3 ~.~ "' i!~A l8UT l ' I ' :, /, • ,• I :1 I 1: ,. ~" ' \: I "'I ~" .. , , ,~ -- ' ( , . ' " ' ' . .'. ' • .'iA I 'f; , :! . . ' '" MEN'S FLARE JEANS IN THE SEASON'S BEST FASHION LOOK! COMPARABllggg VAlUI I Ill I I '. ' '' r, ".·. I ' I . ' ., ... '· t ' ' . . " ' .•, JI '" 0 -..~ \-. . . . ~ ·~ j ' -I . '~-• J ' ,/' . ·I MEN'S POLYESJER ··,.__;_ .... , DOUBLEKNIT SLACKS IN NEWEST PATTERNS! COMPARABl( !Ii B VAlU( 11.99 i,·,·r ~ 1! r.' ·1~: :. ~'tJ' .,.:'~s,. IHIS I~ 111 ioo · ~ ..•. :"r CO'J~lt.•T. ii 1• .. ',', ··r \', jto V.i:1.!:~1 j' l~·. I'. ft:,'. c ·~·,'· .. I~~·",~ t-::,1 ~IL'~. P·t- •,_ .. , Ladies' Comfort Scuffs Ladies' Platform Sling :. ·~, -. --.~·o ·~~:· ~ rw:.·,.:.·~ .. ~ NOW s 1 , • : •. , ; ..• , : • . ONl Y Ladies' Leather Clogs 6i>.J.: I. '• I •_) 'f~!·~· ;,t ... " • s7 t :i; ~-~,.~; .. · 4 ~·,c •• ·· .... !-~ .(] ,1 j ~)!''.k~ N 1~ ~ill'~ , ,., t.tt :r/.,., •;1'Jt~1~:,. :.~311 . . . ~ ' ,, ' l• /, •• .. . ' " . Handsome Moc for Men t ~ r• ! ' ., .. . f • s5 ., ~-··i··· .. ,,. .. ,.. ~ •. ' .. '·. ... ~-. \ . ,,. . •, . ·"' WfC 4-401 STOIE HOUIS: MON. tilt~ 6'11. 10 AM M f"PM Sil.IOM7 $UN. II i. S COSTA MESA 3088 BRISTOL ST. S• Di<9o moway at lri•lol . ' \ • . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . · 12 DAILY PILOT ·~fdnt\da1 J.p~I 24, 1974 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'/!Mnc~da y Apr11 24, 1974 PILOT-ADVERTISER 5 ~Bicycle ' ' i Clinics ~ • ~Offered ' TJ1c recent increase 111 the use of bicycles and the What's Best for Y ou-+lob~ School? By JOYCE L. KENNEDY ' . THE MISTAKE you're making ·IS trying to evaluate separate ii:pokea of y o u r problem without con1iderinR the wheel . That ii, HOW DO YOU WANT TO LIVE vm;n LJJ.'E? You aay nothing about whether you enjoy your work or what career goal you hope I practical s trate 1i e1~ 1co11cht:rs and students" Sl n1on . Rowe ad K i rschenbau m ( Publ ~hlng. N'"' York. N) .l. concurrent Increase in bicycle •I!!!!!""!"!'!!! aceidents has formt>d the OEAR JOYCE : I h3\'t! bten a pos1al employe for three years.· I'd like to know what you think is best: Gt1 a college education and have trouble finding good pt>rmancnt jobs. or stay and work al the Postal Service ·with exce llent pay a n d benefits but no educalion? I realize education is important nnd makes one a different pt>rson. '!'his Is a difficult dt>clsion to make. ~1y h]J1h school counselor didn 't help me. much. Thanks for your considerate cooperation. - E.S., \Vorcester, ~1ass. (Career Corner] 1hat mone)' and security are tops on your values list and that you're ~·illlng to settle for a job that PfO\'ides thes.e and little else. u 50, your ca1·cer would not be the center of your life , or it.• soun.:e ot meaning. but .simply a means to-A·ard enjoyn1t!nt of other pur11uits and sceur1ty. Which is ok.3y. On the othl'r hand . you tnay rind !hat you prefer joh sa!Jsractlon , r <' s p e <' t or assoculll ng v.ith high I y educated co-v.·orkers to other values. This also ls okay. You n1ay ha v e to make rompromises. A key questk>n to 1 ask voorsclf ll where do you.want io be 20 years from nO'tll. Will employment with the Postal Service provide yo4i with the kind or life you tope lo Jead? If ..not, ronsid other career opliom. Or, if (OU want to stay, examine ttt career ladder possiblllti9. ~ ~ e Service has its OWi training program ior advarment. If voutre hoping to a Postal Ser\ ice executive, a to li ege degree wu u\d prob a b I y rnhanC<' your cha.Ices because it's an indiea11on of incenti\'l'. ~1any 1-'ostul Sctvlce v.•orkers ::11tend college di ys and work n1ght:1. theme for Hea!tors \Vee~, now being observed. The !\'£'Wport Harbor-Costa ~·Iesa Board of Realtors, u·hich eAch year dedlcntts a u·eek to public service, hopes to enc:ourage b i c y c 1 e regi strations and a c,q :.1 a in t rid ers v.·lth lhe laws governing bicycle use during the week . In coope ration with police and fire deparllncn ts, the realtors wlll set up bicycle registration and safet y clinics in Costa ?i-1esa, Irvine and Newport Beach this Saturday. Bicycles brought to the clinics will be regislcred. Additionally, bicyclists u·ill be given copies of Newport Beach's first bicycle trail map, the 1974 issue 0 r ''Bicyclists' Guide to the Californla Veh icle Codes" and pamphlets on "bicycle safety, maintenance, lire care and derailleur lightweights . Locally, bicycle thefts are beginning to declin e , according to Tom Laza r of hte Co sta Mesa Police Dept., but while statistics here are not available, 1,100 bicycl es are stolen each day in California. amounting to a $20 million loss each year. Unless the bicycle i s registered or the owne r hos a record or its seri al number, a ,;tolen bike that is recovered r.annot be returned, Laza r said. The locations and times for the registration and safety clinics a re: Newport Beach at Westcliff Shopping Center, 17th St. and Irvine Ave .• from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ~eaa at Harbor Shopping Center, Harbor Blvd. and Wilson St., from 9 a.m. tu 3 p.m. City of Irvine at Walnut Park Shopping Center, Culver ·i::>r. and Michel.son Dr., from l a. m. to noon. City of Irvine at University Park SOOpplng Center, CUlver Dr. and Michelson Dr., fl'Qm J to 3 p.rn. Hospital Officicrl Appointed A new administrator has been appointed at Costa ~1c>sa Memorial Hospital. replacing a predecessor who h a s accepted a position as head of a San Gabriel Valley are a hospital. Tom Richards. formerly of 1 Corpu s Chrisli . Tex., I sj moving to the Harbor Arca to assun1e command of the Beverly Enterprises nicdical facility. He repl aces Ralph R. Castleton. wh"o head ed the hospl1al at 301 Victoria St., for severa l years before accepting a p o s t as administrator of the Greater El ~Jonte Com mu nity Hospital. Richards was previously adininistrator of Physcian~ and Surgrons General llospital ln Corpus Christi and Mids a bachelors degree in business admirustrat ion fro1n I he Un ive rsity of Ok!ahorna. lie also did graduatC' work at the University of Tc:oc :is and I is a 1ncmbe r of the Amer ican Colle g e of Hospital Ad ministrators. the American Hospital 1\ssoci;11ion and thP Texa s Hospital Association. His related commu n it y career has tnvoh·cd ser\'ing as a volunt eer executive 'ol"ith the American Red Cro!ls in ~cvcr­ al rotes including rhairmun of a county-wide blood donation dri ve Richards and his "' ifr Judith have a married son v.·ho !Ives \\1th his own fnn1ily In Louisiana. NEW ADMINISTRATOR Tom Rich1rds 01llr Plloi S!ill Pllllo BIC.YCLE REGI STRATION AND SAFETY CLINICS SCHEDULED SATURDAY Capt. Michael M.,urpby, Scott Thorne, Newport, Mrs. Willia~ Ritt•~- ALL STORES CELEBRATING GIANT GRAND OPENING SALE FOUNTAIN VALLEY 15945 Harbor Blvd:(714) 839-1700 DUPONT NYLON HI.LOW 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON PILE. ALWAYS POPULAR Hl·LOW PAITERN THAT COMBINES BEAUTY AND DURABILITY. A LARGE SELECTI ON OF BRIG HT TWEEDS IN A GREAT VARIETY OF COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED •• COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••• $4.99 Your question is a bit like 8.'iking a pr~nant v.·oman to pole-vaul!. Nob o d y including Merlin or the \Yor!d'~ Best l·ligh /)c:hool Cou n~elor -can infallibly ath 1~c> vou v.·hethcr to sit tight 11·11h a sure thin!!. or ta ke 1h<> biK gambit·. the rs.'>'•ntial natW'(' of your dilemn"lJI. to achie\·e by attending college. Stop viewing your )ob and education in isolation. but as component! in an overall plan for your life goals. As a beginning , ask youi-se!r what values you d e em important. By values: I mean such things as status. power, family cons i ti er flt ion s. security, money. respi>ct and e ste e m of other ~. i nde pe nd e~C l'. an;! j'lh sotisfaction. If you're honest 'A ifh yourself. you may find S0!\1E C01\11\1UNITY Colleges offer courses in values clarifi c:ition. Course !illes \'ary. and mav be callt>d such lhings as ··car rer Orientation" or · · C a r c er Counseling Scn1inar ." A helpful book is · ' V a ! u t' s Clarification. a handbook of . DUPONT NYLON tj TRI-COLOR SHAG . 100% DUPONT NYLON PILE. RICH. DEEP DURABLE SHAG IN NEW THREE ·CDLDR DESIGNS. NOW SALE PRICED COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••• $5.99 HERCULON ® WOVEN PATTERN . " '' ., ........ ' ' .. . U• """" ' • ' '• • • "• 100% HERCULDN• DLFEIN PILE IN A llGHl LDDP WEAVE THAT COMBINES BRIGHT DECORATOR COLORS WITH A UNIQUE DESIGNER PAITERN. NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL •• ,. $8 .99 I l" I 1974. ~~Naui:ht Syndi· rate·. Inc. Alt light reserved. 1000' s of REMNANTS LARGE SIZE SMALL SIZE ' • 1 ST QUALITY llAME IRAllD CARPETS AT LOW DISCOUllT PllUS CARPET TILEI. SAYE $ SAVINGS60% S.IVINGS80 % UP TO . UP TO . IRING TOUR ROOM MEASUREMENTS DACRON ® PLUSH I 00'> DACRO N· POL VESTER PILE HIGH F ASHIDN. LAV ISHLY THICK PLUSH IN MA NY 5 99 COLORS. ·o..~ •• , '"'"'"'"""•-rt NOW SALE PRICED • s~. •o. COMPARABLE RETAIL$8.99 st.'.;, KODEL ® m SCULPTURED 100% KDDEL' Ill POLYESTER PILE. A NEW THREE· L(YEL PAYTERN WITH MA NY . BRIGHTS 99 TWD·TONE COLO RS AVAILABLE NOW SALE PR ICE D • s~. YO. COMPA RABLE RETAIL $8.99 sn~ KODE L® :m PLUS H 100 KDDEL · Ill POLYESTER PILE A NEW. DEEP. LUSH CARPEl .VITH LU XURIOUS APPEAR· 59 9 ANCl AND PERFORMANCE MAN Y COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED. 'i; •o. COMPARABLE RETAIL$8.99 11.'J, • SELECT FROM THE LARGEST lllVEllTOIY Ill THE WEST • EVERT ROLL OF CAIHT IS MARKED AllD PRICED FOi YOUR SHOPPlllG COllVElllEllCE • ALL LABOR UNCOllDITIOllALLT GUARAllTHD 100% FDRTREL• PO\YESTER PILE. A SCULPTURED EFFEC DF OUTSTANDING ATTRACTIVENESS WHICH BLENDS INTO ANY DEC OR. LONG WEARING AND EASY TO KEEP CLEAN . MANYCOLDR COMBINATIONS. NOW SALE PllCID ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL ••• $9.99 DO·IT·YDURSELF. 100% NYLON PILE. FEELS LIKE VELVET -OUTWEARS OTHER 19 CARPET S • STAIN RESISTAN T C • l2"xl 2" SAVE 69¢ EA. NYLON EMBOSSED SHAG 100% NYLON PILE. A CREATIVE BLEND DF LUXURIOUS SHAG TEXTURE AND BEAUTIFUL CUT· LOOP PATTERN. OFFERS RUGGED g99 DURABILITY AND RESISTANCE TD WEAR. NOW SALE PRICED 'i; Yo. C0"8PARABLE RETAIL$14.9 ss.~ DUPONT MYtON SHAG INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPETS • • 99 99 11v Of1/1~· Do-It-Yourself Cut and Carry I Of Al FDR I AMll Y ROOMS, PLAYROO 'i~ AND POOLS AvA ILABL[ IN MANY NEW lX (l11 NG COLORS NOW 5ALI PRICED •••• COMPARABLE RETAIL ................ 53.99 SQ. TD. SAYE 52.00 100% DUPONT NYLON PILE. EXTRA DENSE , LOW PROFILE SHAG IN LAVISH MULTI-COLOR COMBINATIONS THAT WILL ~RING HIGH FASHION TO ANY ROOM. NOW SALi 'RICED •••• COM,AIAILI RETAIL ................. $ 16.99 SQ. YD. SAYE ss.oo ""tl-'l~~i • J0-60-90 OIYS NO lllTEREST • COllVElllEllT tMOIT 'lANS AMO IAlllt TERMS AVAIWLE • CAll Fl>'! FM:£ IMOP·AT·MOME Sf:hta • VISIT OUR CUSTOI OWfRY DEPT . • Cllll. COITMCTOM llCEIH llt t01084 NO. HOLLYWOOD VENTURA WHITTIER LONG BEACH WEST COVINA MILLBRAE FOUNTAIN VALLEY • GUID OPllllK • 1001 lawr•I Canyo" 2501 f . Mai11 St. 1Jt11 I . Wh lHier llv4. )OOI .. ltflower llvirl. 2526 I. Wortl1•ttu• Ava. 120 II CortM,.. 1..r 1SM5 HorNt llYtl. llvd. -912-2200 641-5041 943-0161 .. ,, .. ,,.. 9U·447\ If (4111 ffi·21JJ (714) IJf..1700 HOLLYWOOD W. LOS ANGELES TORRANCE PASADENA CANOGA PARK MONTCLAIR· SAN CARLOS CAMPBELL • ' 11JJ VlllST. 4236 Arte1ia llYd. ••Z·•2l2 5'2-4696 I • 0 si a s Ii c li a H a ' g g h J c I d s f I f -~ --"' . Wtdntlday, A1>rll 24, lC:,74 DAIL V PILOT f :J Piirdue Yearbook Wit)J l-l!l mme1·, Sickl e Sth·s U p1·oar · 1 fl11CHIGAN CITY , I n d . on the \\'est Lafayette Purdue President Arthur (UPI) -~ Purdue campus. Hanen disagreed. Uni\ersity )'earbook "Debris. Slate Sen. John f'. Sha"ley "The sy mbol that oppears 1974" \\1lich carries 1 hamn1er charged In l"'O s1atemenls \\3S an anempt 011 the 1)8rt and sickle emblem on Its 1hal the book was the "·ork pf of the L-dilOr to emphasiie th<it cover has cruted such a "smart sleek" R9bert Dlttu!S. Purd ue Univcrs1t\' was a land· controversy that a state the editor-in-chief, and called p;rant t'Ollegc." ·11anen said. senator has Cl!lled for an for an \nvcstlgation or a "111elr concept at le ast was investigation, saying the bQok Ollcago finn "'hlch designed that the hammer reptt'S('rtls shov.·ed Communist infiltraUon the book. the n1echani cs art and the sickle is a u niversally acce pted synibol for :itb'l'iculture. "From 1M standpoint or format, and so on, it is one of the best put togeth er ·yearbooks l'\•e ever seen, Tht're is nothing to do wllh the so-called Comfllunlst interest or innut"nct lhroughout the ent ire book." Sha'll'ley disagrc~. "TI\e Con1munists h a ,. e sut'Cf:ssfu11y Infilt rated subtly into the yearbook. I am sorry that lhe preside-nt of the uni\·ers1ty Is unable I o r e r og n l z r that subtle 1nf1ltralion of 1hc Comn1un1 s1 porly Into Oil(! of the country's I great unh•ersHie!I." i You can Charge DAILY PILOT Classified Ads 642 ·5678 L.A. LINES $31 /MONTH T(,LEPHONE COMPANY Of CALI,. "'·IJ:M JOtl ltloll Miii, C•tll Mtt• PRECISION SCAIES DIAL·O.GRAM Tll'1.f IEAM LAGUNA SCALE CO. 1 l S S. eo.~f Hwy. Llf9ltl"'ll ... 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ U,.I T ...... 9t SCARRED EARTH - Skylab IV astronauts ha\'e shown House com- n1ittee dra1natic film s of go uged mountain· sides. denuded forests and cities obscured by s1nog. Pilot Lt. Col. \\'ii· liam R. Pogue sald "you caIJ. almost taste" pollu.· tioTI over metropolitan areas. Corr1etist Hackett 111 Coma From \\'Ire Services Jau cometisl 8 o b b y Hackett is in critical condition at Cape Cod (~lass.) llospital suffering from a diabetic coma. officials said. liackelt, 62. was taken to the hospital Saturday night. Hackelt is noted for plavtn1 \\'ilh Glenn Miller, V I e Olektnson. the Eddie Condo11 group in New York and other greats of the jazz era. 1\lany jazz fans also know him as the soloist on many Jackie Gleason string orche• \ tra mood recordings . • ~layor Jack Orr of ~1i8mJ's metropolitan Dade Co u n I y government has married for ( PEOPLE J the seventh lime -just three da ys after he disclosed he is suffering from Jung cancer. The M-year-<>kl ma r.rr i e d Priscilla ••rykbolm. ,31, of !'t1iami in a simple cere111ony performed by a minister-real estate salesman at Arlington. Va. ft was the first marriage for Miss Frykholm, a secre- tary. • K.ahn·Tlneta Horn. L~e lndia'n activ.1.st and former fashion model, says she is getting married June 8 to Dr. George W, !'t1lller, an Indian who is executive director of !'t1anitou Community College at La Macaza, Quebec. Several years ago Miss Hom announced she was starting a family fathered by undisclosed Indians. She said she has two girls "and a boy, ranging in age from four months to three years. Asked if she would be having more chiklren after her marriage. she beamed and replied : "Certainly. You kno\\', 10 little Indians." • Salvador Dall, his wife ; Gala, and a purple, 5-fool·tall "Bugs Bunny" doll are on their "·ay back to Europe. The surrealist painter, who spent three months in the United States, gol the doll as a boo voyage gift as he got ready to sail on the liner France. It was a gift from A. ReglnaLd 1\forse. president and director or the Sal\'ador Dali 1\tuseum in Cle\•eland. • Doctors at the Institute of Legal l\lcdlclne in Naples visited J. Paul Getty m . 17, to see if they can detennine "'hetber his right ear ••as seve red by an expert or a layman when he was kidnaped last faU . Kidnapers wOO h e I d the American billionaire's grandson for five months last year cut off hi s ear a.nd mailed it lo his famil y in their ransom demands. T h e y eventually released t h e teen-ager Dec. 15 in return for $2.9 million ransom, Doctors refused lO tell newsmen what the y discovered in their examination. THll EJUU.'S ~,.,._.M. ~ ··-Tlme Sllrtt .. ,..._ .... ~'--,,_, '42·1751 • • - Extra care in engineering ... it makes a big difference in small cars . Haff the ~sonyou~t a· small car 1s the engtne ••• Chrysler Corporation offers you a 318 V-8 that, in a recent test, got better gas mileage than a competitor's 6 ... or a Slant 6 that did as well as a competitor's 4! The United Sta tes Auto Club sanctioned the test and cert1!1ed the results rn January and February of 1974. A Dodge Dart Sport and a Plymouth Duster. equipped with the 318 V·B. actually got bcl!cr gas mileage 1n city driving than a Chevrolet NovJ equipped with a six· cylinder engine In the same test. USAC ccrt1t1cd that .J Plymouth Ou ster and a Dodge Dari Sporl, cquipocd with a 225 '"Slant S1)l" engine ;1nrl new standard 2.76 1 cn r axle. go t much better ~as rnilcJ~~c tha n Nova or Maverick. \Vlt h s1x-cyhnder eng1ncs - d1d better than a tuur·cy!1ndcr Mustang 11111 the city and con1parably on the highway ••• the other half is the car! "" • Dodge Dart Sport and Plymouth Duster are sticker-priced surprisingly low com pared to many other small cars. •Dodge Dart Sport and Plymouth Duster give you 20 inches more total hiproom than Maverick-and also more than Nova , Pinto or Vega . •Plymouth Duster and Dod ge Dart Sport give you as much trunk space as 3 Pintos or 2 Vegas. •Plymouth Dust er and Dodge Da rt Sport have electro nic ignition standard -can save you up to $62 on recommended ignition maintenance in the first 24,000 miles alone over compet itive 6's · like Nova's'.:' The answer is at your Dodge or Chrysler-Plymouth Dealers: (And you can drive one home today!) , I • DODGE DART SPORT ' f ' '~CHRYSLER ~ CORPORATIO"I DODGE • CHRYSLER • Pl YMOUTH • ooooe TRUCKS ..B1tttrGn Mil1191'" is 1 booklet full of Information th1t can help you savt o•s. Get yours lret frOfntYOur nearest Dodge or Clwysltt·l'tymooth dnlers'I .,.,,,,~,_. n.i •I!" -IN!H 11'11 "' t•floctM "~"" 1•~· c~.~O'I' l •Der c... c~ ..-.it """ ~. l•tlOf •.tn~Oll ... hClftfl ,.., .. ,°' .io.oo,... -·· ' I • SEE THE DUSTERS AND \llLIANTS AT YOUR m,ALER. SEE ALL THE DARTS IQ' YOUR ~DEALER. ... ,-I • • • • • J 4 DAILY PILOT Holdi11g s Revealed By Dills SACRAME NTO LUPll Democratic Sen. Ralph C. Dills. "'ho has authore d legislation encouraging geother1nal develop1ne.nt , say s he o"Tis 160 acrcs In an Wfdn.ydl!, AprU 24~ 1974 Stepping Dou:tn N. Dale Anderson, suc- cessor to Spiro Agnew as Baltimore County e x e cut Iv e, has an- nounced he will resign. 1-lc 'S been convicted or evading taxes and ex- tortion and will be sen· tenced May 1. Jn1perial Valley area which l-----------has geothennal potential. Dills told a news Cilnferencc he did not believe his holdings cons t I t u t e d a conOict-0f· intcreslS. TllE GA RDENA lawmak . cr's volunao iy disclosure'' came as be provided neY•s· men with copies of his 1973 state and U.S. income tax re1ums aod details of his real estate invest ments. Dills, chairm1u1 of th c powerful Senate Governmental Organization Cotnm ittee, said he was providing the information because he was in a "tough" re-<!lectlon contest. lie said one opponent. Robert .. Buzz" Pauley of Hawthorne , has accused hiln of favoring special interests. P/\ULEY, A OEl\fOCRAT. is the son of oU tycoon Ed Pauley of Los Angeles. Diiis said Ule hnperial Valley property he o"·ned is located in"th e East t.1esa area. [f the land is determined to be valuab le for geothermal development. he saki he v.·ould have •1fi rst exploratory rights." Asked if it had dete r mined lo geothermal potential. replied. ''I wouldn't sur prised if it did have." been have Dills be TifE EAST l\1ESA i s generally considered by scienlists to be rich in geothennal r eso urce s - subsurface superheated brine and steam which can be used to generate power. One measure Dills has a u t hor e d would give geothermal plants a tax break similar to the on industry's depletion allowance. He said the bill was needed to foster geothermal de\.·elopment. DILL S CllAU.ENGED Pauley to make a financi al and Lax disclosure similar to his. He sa id Pauley has investments i n 61 corporations. including fi\'C major oil companies. He also said Pauley's corpo r ate investments exceeded $10,000 each in 20 cases. Chevrolet .~ust Pay Repair Bill SAN ltAFAEL (AP f -John 0 ·Rourke . whose 1972 Chevrolet Vega broke do"'" v.•ilh just over 25.000 nliles on the odometer. figured he had a good ca se again.st General ~1otors. The judge agreed. So the v.·orld's I a r g cs t auto1nobilc manufacturer was ordered to reimburse the .37· year-old engineering geologist for $500 or the $679.8.1 It cost ror repairs. TJIE ~1ATTEll \\1AS settled in f\.larin Cow1ty Small C\a i1ns Court before .Judge lloberl A. Srna\ln1an . No la\vycrs are allowed to argue cases in small clainls courts. where the limit of damage allowed is $500. TI1e judge ordered Che\•rolct to pay O'Rourke tht' $500 plus $27 in court costs. "111E CONSUAIER has bee n shafted too often." O'Rourk e said outside the courtroom. "The people y,·ho boy th is kind or car just can't afford to pul a new engine In it." Arter revicy,·ing the l'lf!"mcnts of the case. the 1udgc concluded th:il · · a reasonably prudent person \Yould be unable to keep his engine fro m burning up. Apparently Detroit thought so too or they wouldn't have gone to the expense" of installing a coolant reeovery kit o n O'Rourke's car to keep it fro m overheating." It burned up nnyv.·ay. ARE YOU FAT? OVERWEIGHT? ODAINEX cont1it11 tile most tlltcllv1 11d11cln1 aid 1v1i11blt wflhou l pr11cfipl!On I One 11n1 ODRINEX lablel bt!Oft meals and you want to tat less • down 10 ~1 u bies · clown 1ot1 yout wtlaht I Thoosands o{ womtn rrorn t0as1 to eotst rtporl ODAIHEX tits htlptd llltft'I loM 5, 10, 20 poond1 In 1 1h0fl lilflt • so CIA you, Gel rid or UJIW Ill •Fld lfvt lon1er I OOAINEJC must tetlsry or your 1110fl1w •Ill be refundtd. No Qu1tli011s as•ed. Sold wllh 11111 ru1r1n1tt bw I THRIFTY °'""· ., •• 01\(0U"'l \TORf \ 4 • ..-1 For the Record ,,,,.--.. Dissol•tions of Marriage I First In 60 Years • PVC Holds Open Hearing • SAN FRANCISCO I AP I For the first time in 60 yea rs, the California Public Utilities Comm issk.in has opened its controversial, closed decision cooference to the public. The previously c Io s e d conferences long had been n source or frict ion between conswncr groups and certain l egis lator s and the commission. But there wa'i no indication whether the open confe r enc cs would be continued. --- STATE SEN. George ri.toscone , ( 0-San Francisco) was on hand TuesdQY along with \Yillianl ri.tatson Roth , v.·ho seeks !he Democratic nominat ion ''for governor, in what they called a test erfort to open the com m iss ion hearings. Last week. San Franeisco Ex.aminer reporter f{. L . ltevenaul!;b v.·as arrested when he rerusect lo leave . the hearing roo1n at the beginning of the PUC d ecisio n conferen«. lie was on hand again Tue!day but 11 k e everyone else was allo"'ed to remain when the conference was ope ned. PUC PRESIDENT Sturgetn announced at the outset !hat the meeting would be opened for the first time, but gave no indication whether this .v.·ould he a regular practice .. BOOK FAIR Saturday and Sunday April 27th and 28th •o-~m. to 5 p.m. Library . Plaxa La9una Beach . -Mo•ie , ... ,_ ,..,.. "' Llbrcrf S-.loy I 0 ..,.. ..i 11 ..,., The price is ri.ght. And you can charge it. • Sale CHARGE IT w1!h your JCPennev Cha•QC Carel II you don '! have a charge. 1ust see how !as! we can open up yqur new account '.J 2/ $5Reg.$3ea. Women's sandals SOii wlnyl •Ith ..-dded in10le1. Black, while, red, pink, 11. blue. Whole elz115to 10. BUENA PARK ..... .. ~ ...... 0,... o.tfy f:JO .. t:JO ,... 5-cN'f I 0 .. 1 I ' •• • • . ' ' 0 l " .. ' I ' ' ' . , 1 ' ' ' It I~ I I I ' . I I I • I . " • ·~ • • • ' • ' I ' " ' • ' ' ' ' .. 20o/o OFF 1.20 to 3.18 Boys' knit shirts Reg.1.50to3.98 Crew, coH•r •nd lank lop 1tyle1. AU eatycere no-iron blendt of polye11er /cotton. Slzea3 lo 7•nd810 19. SA A AMA ltOO S.. lrt.W • ...._ of h . C .... P1im 0,..1 ........... _ .... . • ' ~~ UPI Tti.Moto D11lng Dearborn 1-leights J\!ay. or John ('nnfield i~ dying of lung cancer. but he vows to stav on iob to the end. ··rhe Michigan official. 56. ... ays doctors have told him unless there's a 1n a j or breakthrough, he will be dear! in year. • Ne"tv Wo111an Created Patient of Clinic flas Su rge ry HARTFORD (AP) -A y .. r aher he began hOrmone treatments ind psychiatric. medical and legal counseling. the first patient at the Gender Identity Clinic of New England. Inc. had surgery to change his sex from male to female. Dr. ~fichnel Baggish. an obstetrician and grnecologist \11ho helped perform t h e operation, said the man he operated on last v.•eek is no\v I happy \\'Oman. "SHE'S llAPPTt:R now than she's ever beffi in her hfe." he said. "She's walking around a little bit and should be going home in about l\\·o weeks." The !Iartford clinic opened a ~·ear ago to help transsexuals, people Con\·inced they've be<>n born the \\'rong sex. B;iggi!ih said a lot of transsexuals ha\•e been going to ~1orocro for thf' operation' and that John s H opkins Hospital also prrforn1s the surgery but has a two-year \\'Siting list. BAGG ISJI SAID the clinic hert'. employing phvsicians. p:,-vchiatrists. attorneys and olher professienals, h a s betwet.-n 25 and 30 p:lµtnt s. Dr. Loul!I Oold. a psychiatrist. sa1d transsexuals usulltly rentizc something is ·,,.roog Y.ith them y.·hcn they are 4 or S years old . Birt not until puberty do they full)' r£>alize the~· are In the wrong body , he sa id. "flit!y hate thelr bodies." (~Id l'inid. ··They despise their St'XUHI l'i!ructure. \\' 1i in(' n dread 1nl·nstrualion and f('el it's an affliction." ABOtrr A QUARTER of the cl1n!c's p:ttienl.s arr "·on1cn 1\-ho 11·ant lo become men Each person v.·ho comes to the clinic is c~amlncd by psyrhiatr:i s t s and p->~ cholo,1?.ist~f to df'lenninc 11 twrtx-r he or she truly 11·ant s to chan1i:t• scxcs. If accepted. a patient n1ust undergo thf' year·long preparation lx'fore undergoing a sex change. I lonnonc treatnients nrc lx>gun to acccntljnte t h e ph)sical chnractcrisllcs or the opposite sex. The p.1ticnt must drrss as a member of th<' opposite srx and hold a job in th:it se x role. TO ENSURE Tiit: patient is fully aware of what ht or she races. the merucal and legal aspects of the change are ex1,1:"1lned both by the clinic and independent physicians and attorneys. If lhc clinic iJ satlsfied the: patient has adjuS'ted to living, dressing, \\--Orki ng and thl11klng as a n\ember of the opposite sex. the operation is performed. A n1.1le has his gcnitnls ren'IOvtd and a vaginn i!i cr<•a.ted. The ho rm on t trealmt'nls cause breasts to form. A fe1na!(' has her S<'X 011:ans remo1 ('(! and breasts reduced. and a second pha5-e of the change involves plastic surgery 10 creale a male or- gan. THE'.'\. TllF. !'\E\\' n1an or l\'OITT~n n1us1 legally changr his or her na111e. and the Ill'"' sex must lX' put on Social &-curily fon11s. d r I \' l' r's licenses, bank rrt'Ords. birth cc rt i r i ca I es and other documents. BnJtg ish said 1hnt arter the operation !he pa!il'nl C'Ontinues under counseling, someti1nes for th<' rest of his life. "\\'e don 't abandon 1hcsc p:itienls." he said --- ' • Get 'em. In our new Shift Shop. BUENA PARK ..... o •• ,,....,. 0,.. Olly' f:)I to f:JO ,...._ ~ I 0 to 1 A c heery collection of easycare polyester/collon blends. Zip on. Slip on. And button up styles. Assorted colorful pr ints. S.M.L. Size s XL and XXL . 3.99 ORANGE SANTA AHA Cly °'· .. G.-.... " -...&. 0,.. IG-t p.-. Delly ~ 10 t. & JtOI k M.w·W.. ef S.. C...t ..._ 0,... l .. f , ... hll'y,,.,., Ith & I WH!ntsdJy, Apr'll 24 19/.l D.~JLY PILOT J,) Oh baby, what a baby sale SAVE4.20 16.80 Reg.$21 Swivel-wheel stroller Tubular steel frame, padded seat. Shopping basket, plastic tray. Adjustable backrest. Swivel wheel st roller with slorm sh;eld-Reg. $25 $20 SAVE 55.80 523.20 Reg.$29 Kantwet°' Car Seat 2·posilion recliner. S·po1nt harness. Tubular sl eet frame. 1 Padded guard rad. Wash able vinyl cover. BUENA PARK ORANGE leecll et ar-,tthotp• City CW ... Goordett ~o•• 11.,.4 Opet1 D.i1y t.JO to f:30 P·"'-~ 10 to J 0,.11 10-f p.11'1. Dolly Sw11dey 10 fo & ' v.olll l 0\11 .JCP··r11H·\ C•1.ir·J• Ci•.! 11 /0~J (l(ln 111 1 •~' .1 L''·!' j• tu~!!'>('" ri~1 .·1 t,1<.! 'N f' r .1r1 Ol)f•n ur> yn1J 1 11• •1v <1 ( lOt• • · t SAVE 4.50 s18 Reg. 22 .5 0 Bobby Mac' car seat Padded one· piece molded pl<1st1c shel l, removable safety shield. Adjust<1blc. I I I . • • . . . • . • . . . . . • 8 DAILY PILOT Wtd nesday, Al!f'll 24, 1CJ74 L. M. Boyd, V egeta1·ians' Health Pe1·iled 1'hc innards o( animal!l that graze, as do cowl!, manu- facture sornc sore of enzyrne that breaks down the cellulose in grass fibers, so said grnzcrs cun ge l the grub out of san1c. Hut pt!ople's gizzards don'l pump out that enzyme. ·rhcrcforc. one l">r. Lendon ll. Smith is quoit_'<! as claiming tha t hurnan beings 1uust cat rQeat. ''I'm convinced that \'cyc1arians arc jeopardizing their health," says he. "Their tissues need animal protein which is more tompletc than that in nuts and vegetables." ~take mention if. this coo- lcollon because it's a rare one. Usually, the vegetarian is the critic of the meat cater. <l. "\Vhere does 'got kicked out' rank of that list or major reasons why dropouts leave school?" A. H's No. 3. Right after No. 2, which is "\\·as flunki.J1g." And No. I, which is "hated classes.'' I~ Tii t: Bl::OROOi\1 The beds pt'Oplc sleep on determine whether they're highbrow, up1>er middle brow, lower middJe·brow or low- brow. Aad the clothing they sleep in, If any, determines that, too. Such as the whimsical claim of a pair of Indiana scholars. Beds: Highbrov•. double. Upper middle brow, king.size or twin with one headboard. Lower middle bro\v, twin with matching night t<Jbles. Lowbrow, douQle. Cloth- ing : Highbrow. none. Upper middle brov.'. a red turtle- neck night shirt for him, a gown with matching peignoir for her. Lower middle brow, pajamas for both. Lowbrow, underv;ear for him . nightgown for her. Where do you and your matrimonial mate rank on this bedroom brow scale? WlNTER WEDDINGS Coo pies v.•ho get married in January. February and i\larch wind up with the highest divorce rates. Statistics compiled by the Heall h Insurance Institute show that. And they indicate J une 1narriage procluces the lowest divorce rates. To his four-word wisdOm list, our Laaguage man has ;1dded : ''l\1irth is God 's mcdiflin e." •·Love makes labor light." "Slaves ca n't teach freedom ." "Patience is passion ta1ned." And "Journalism is organized gossip.·· Any others? Do hour;e cats sometimes pretend to sleep? The first edilion or the Encyclopaedia Britannica, published a cou- ple of centuries ago in Scotland. said they do. Specifica lly: "Domestic cats often assume the appearance or sleeping, when in reality they're meditating mischief.·· \Vhen pollsters <1ske<I college coeds nationwide if they'd ev('r been in Jo ve. one out of every four said no. Sad. "Cigarette" in Ch inese literally translates "paper smoke." 1\tlclrt'S1" 1nnil tu L.. ill. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, New· port Beac(1 92GtiU. • QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi ·"Aslong as it isn't near a college.] don't want lo spend my v~catlon avoiding a bunch of idiotS ru'rlning down the str .. t without.clothes on." -AN EXPERIENCE IN DYNAMIC LIVING COSTA MESA COUNSELING CENTER presents A SEMINAR . April 2b -1 P.M. 9 A.M. to Noon • Soturdoy • April 27 Or. Ja.ws M. Hetry, Dw.ctor of tti. Cftltw ... & l.cM. ~ty of ... on ..... Dyu.k• ,......., wit ..... Cllt c,..,....c. -...,...,. "WHO ARE YOU?" Dr. J-• 0 , CCMlllK "POWER OF POSITIVE LIVING" SPECIAL SPEAKER (} 1 .. n. ..!\)' ... '' Navy, Saturday • April 27 - 9 A.M. REGISTRATION FEE : '·':.. ., Ifie dot.ii r., • r 1nT •'11 ,. r· c:all 646-9126 COSTA MESA COUNSELING CENTER First laptiit Church • 30 I Mo9nolia, Costa Mesa THIS SEMINAR CAN CHANGE YOUll LIFE! Nearly Everyo1ie Listens to Landers Sears Prices Etrective through Saturday, April 27 Cut $ J .30 y_d. Screen Print Cotton Crepe Was $2.29 yard yard :-\crt•t.•n print:-. in l1rig:ht . llol<I ('alifo r- nia t'olnr:-.. JI)()', ruttun 11)1111 -car e !;ihri{· .. 1.·1-i11ches \\'i<le. Available Only at These Sears Stores • Buena Park• Costa Me1a • Laguna Hill• •Orange e Cerritos Cerritos Use Sears Revolving Charge Buena Park 100 Los Cerritos Mall 8150 La Palma Ave. 3333 Bristol St. Phone: 860-0511 Phone: 828·4400 Phone: 540-3333 • Great Health and Beauty Buys! I 40..nes-Hind · ~tti Sol ."9 utlOll •.. -~--· . . .. ....... BUEl'-IA PARK ·-· .. 0r .. , • ......,. 0,.. o.1ty. t:.:JO to..J:l.O p 111 S:ado•y I 0 to 1 ' . SS"'Cltt prictt IOCJd rhru ~nct.v. April 21, 1974 • Laguna Hills Orange 24300 Laguna Hills Mall 2100 N. Tustin Ave. Phone: 586-1100 Phone: 637-2100 I t d' ~ II d p t c c t l c ' a d p s •I a s lJCI P rogra111 W ome11 Political Leade1·s to Talk DAIL V PILOT I 7 Power Plant Siting Bill Opposed SA,\'TA A~r\ -Or;ing1• County Supcr1 isors ha\'e \'Ol~d lo oppose an As!)crn bly bill the1t \IO U!iJ end local Air l'o!lut1on Control Dist r l L' l • urhority to <.'hoo!)c new sih·s rl•g-ulation of th1.· 1>1ll" !)hould ren1aln in 1Qc3J h:i.nds. usurp ;ill 1·ontrt1l Oll'I' l>'.J\11·r plunt s:1un;.: The C'al1forni11 Sup r 1· 111 ,, Court u11h1•ld 1h1· 11011 l·r~ ut l<K:al Al 1("J) ulf11't•rs l 11 dch•r1nu1<' 11 lic1 e .1n1I LC •• JXlllt'r µl ;u1r l-uuld 0..' btu!t 5"nuie f1nunl·t· l'urnrl\HlC'l' ThL· fll't (vr111111t1N> h<'artnt tuJ..L·~ J1l<1t'1· Thur~u1· Uy 0 .C. HUSTINGS ot ,,. OtHr l"Utt Still cutb:1cks in existing progra1ns for clt>t'tnc Po\ler plants. and la}'oCfs or 10 percent of the • co u 11 1 y Admln1str<11L\ l' 11·oult.1 ('rt':ll(' a nev.· sl.Jt('1r1dc <igency th.at "'OOkl supersede "any state, 'lo<:al or Ce<ie.ral reguklnons" governing power pli.1.nt siting and regulation. F!tchen said in his rtpon to Thom.as. lie said lht nc'>'' <XMn•nission l'Ould choose 10 1ru.t.ill a pov.·er plant if it "drtcm1ints that such a racihtr is requ ired for pubhc con\' en 1 c n cc and necessit\' ... TllE DILL cst;1blish1n11 .1 s1 .-11c E111•r.:\' HI' .. 0 u r I' t.' .. ('on'~· r 1 :11 1 •1 n a n d l)(>1~·lvpn11•1it ('~11n1111 .. ·11111 l1a' .1lfl'<ld) µ;: .. St·d lht• .\ .. _-.l'lllloil a1n.i is 01\a1uni,: ,1l·t1on u1 th•· Fll<"ht·n :;.:11d 1•1 1·n if ano1h1·r llOlll'I' 1>1;111! I\ llt'\1•f htJLI[ 111 !ht' 1\lun1,·. 1t1c board should uppos1• 1h .. · l.111·-~t ll!l':l!)Ul'l' )US! in l'<i,1· "\Vomen in Politics" wlll bC' lhe 11ubject of a p n n e I disc1.:-ssion at UC 1 r..,. in c l\1onday. department's workforce If the Officer Hobert Ttw1nas tn.i<l<! THOrit\S SAID it appears Fitt·hen said the cour1ty successfully oppos<:Q a ~lmilt1r n\Casurr SCl'<'ral ~·curs ago 11.·hen the Publi c U 1 il1t11.·~ Co1nn1ission 1:1 ttc111ptcd to lh· \,IHI tlw t11•11· l'Olll11l1~,1on 11oultJ tt.»•t•r11· Ila• nght to ;1ppru\1· n1•1\ pl;,1n1' 1111 111:1\!c•r 11 hat th<· 1·on't'IJ1ll'!:i·l· 111 a; or 11.atrr !10llu11011 legislation is not appro1•ed. ORANGE COUNTY lhl· r't·qucst Tu<"$day at tht~ likl'ly that no more power .o\lso lnercascd substantiall)' un:1n~ of Al1CL> 0 r f i c e r plan1s "'ill be built in Orange The djscuulon is p::irl or "\Vomen Free To Be," UCl's \Vom en's Month. The panel discuss io n will be held at 7:30 p.m. ln the Gatev•ay Commons third floor lounge. Admission is free. under tho bill v.:ould bl.! \\ i'l!1H1n Vitcht•n. Qx1nty but the potential is licen~es _<ind recs paid by '----------" The 1nea.sur<'. AB 15i:-i. always there and any comrnerc1al . and pJrlyl>o<Jt 11'-iiiii""liii------------··--··--iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiloiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•llil••••••••••••••••-•--•••• fishermen. 11.1ho gen c r a 11 y Panel ists \viii be Alicita Lewis. Stanton City Council : Carolyn Ewing, Yorba Linda City Council: Gabrielle Pryor. Irvine City Council, a·n d !\larcia Bentz. r o r i:n er I y Orange Coun ty Grand Jury chairman and currently a candidate for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Further information about the program may be obtuined from Michele Herman . assistant dean of st udents and dire ctor of v.•oznen's progran1s, <it 833-7253. • A JtEAGA~ adn1inis1rat101l· sponsored bill increasing the cost of hunting licenses :-ind "fishing stan1ps for Californi ans has ad\'anccd to the Senate floor. The measure (S B1650) Uy Senator Dennis E. Carpenter 1 Il-Ne\v]')Ort Beach; w .:t s :1ppro\'ed l\londay by the Senate Finance Co1:1mittce on a 10-2 \'otc. The legislation is desicned 10 1nake up for an expeC1e<.1 S5 million budget deficit in the Slate Department of Fisti :111:! Game by raising the cost of hunting licenses from S6 to $10 and by increasing the cost of sportfishing stan1ps hy $1. Deput y r ish and Gaine Director Charles Fullerton warned the con1mittcc of opposl'd !he measure. • 73RD ASSE i\1BLY Distri..:t cand idate De nnis ~Iangcrs L!i on the coffee klatch ci rcuit. ~!angers. a Democrat 11 ho 1vould like to unscut Republic.in Asse1nblin1an Bob Burke. will be at the ho111e of ~Ir. and ~lrs. \Valter ?i.tact'lon in Huntington Beach Thursd:i,· a~ 7:30 p".m. · On Friday at 7:30 p.1n l\1ang<'rs \\•ill be at the ho:ue of Sandy Biere, also of Huntington Beach. For information on ho\\.' to drink a cup of javu \vith the candidate, call Jea n Bogen at 847-5024. • JI~I TllOltPE. the forincr l mayor of San Juan Capistr<ino who would like lo replace Hon Caspers on the county Board of Supcr\'isors. \\•ill open h1'< soulh county campaign headquarters Friday night. He 1s inviling ol\ those interested in his campaign to drop by the office at 28052 Camino Capistrano. L;i~una Niguel, be twee n S:JO and 8 p.1n. • THE SOUTH Coast Republican Forun1 plans a dinner-dance Friday at lhc off icers club of the ~·l arine Corps llrlicoptcr St n t i o n • Santa An a. Rescr\·ations c:in be n·1.1dc by contacting Bill Vardoulis. 552-9387. Cou11ty Endorses Pararnedic Drive SA~IA ANA -The Orange County J{ealth Depar!n1ent has recei\'ed the go-ahead Tuesday to seek more lhan Sl.5.1 m.Hlion in federal grant money lo pay for count)"'·idc paramedic se rvice. The Board of Supcr\'iSors Tuesday end orsed a request 4-H Fair Will Begin The Orange Coun1y 4-1-l ''outh Fair \\'ill be held this lveekcnd at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa l\·tcsa. Among the events schedu led for Saturday are a beef and sheep sho1\.'1nanship class and a dog Sho\\' :u 9:30 a.m. S11·inl', dairy catllc and goats will be sho\\'11 at I p.n1 . Livestock judging 11ill be held Sunday. Auctio11 Scheduled by Dr. John Philp. health departn1ent di rl'clor to apply for the mone y. \\'hich would be doled out 01•cr a t11•t>-yea r periOO starting July I. TllE 1\10NEV Philp \\'ants \\'Ould come fron1 a fund established by the Emergency l\·lcdica l Services Act of 1973. ''The nc1\· la1\.' provides grant moncv for planning. initiation and improve1nenl of area'>'•ide emergency med ical services." Philp said in his report to the board. Philp told the board that a i~rant of that size 1\·ould ··con1plete dc1elopmcnt of 1hc paran1cdlc prograin.·· THE BULK of the n1onc1· - about $4n.200 of it -\\'ould pal' for the purchase of 20 fully-equipped par a me d i c \ans. A $313.600 chunk 1roold pay for crearion of a training unit that "·oul<l turn out about 160 !rained p<1ran1edics \1ithin 24 1nonths. Philp said. The re maining ni o n c :,. . nPa rly $196.000. \\'OUld pay for 111anagemenl or !he systcni. Philp's go<il is to ha\·e :i par;i1ncdic team on d11t~· 21 SANTA Ai\A -The Oran ge hours a day al every county County Lupus Ch apter, fire s1ation. sponsored by the City of Hope, lie said the ideal s~·<;fcm 11'ill hold an auction Sunday to \\'OtJ ld put a paran1edic unit on raise funds for research into the scenP of an emergency lupus erythematosis, an \vithin fi ve to 10 minutes to iucurable blood disease. provide emergency n1edical fhe ~l uction \\'ill be held a1 Care and first aid. th e Orange Countv Auction ---- House. 83:8 ~· First.St., Santa Kids Like to Ano. beg1nn1ng at I p.m. About 500.000 persons in the U.S. are victims of the often falal disease. CHAIN SAVE ON CHAIN LINK FABiTC 50°/o OFF* FAIRJC WHEtl IHSTALUD IY WARDS Ask And y WOOD AHO WI OUGHT llOM ALSO A 'IA.ILAIU HUNTINGTON CENTER nn··: ,. llqil=-• -"•'411 HONER PlAZA ~ ....... ,.. ........ ~ _ .. , ... .. • Cn111:e11 i<!11ce , • AFTER EASTER CLEARANCE Thur. Fri. Sat. April 25, 26, 27 • QL1<1lity FREE BICYCLE LICENSES and SAFETY CHECK <3 STORES 10 srnvl, YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON JCPenney Bicycle Clinic and Public Service Display : Sponsored by Newport-Mesa Boord of Realtors on<l the Costa Mesa Police Deportment Saturday, April 27 9 am 'til 3 pm SEE ••••• FIRE EQUIPMENT Costa Mesa fire Dept., Ambulance by Schaefer, Police Helicopters, Patrol Car, etc., Animal Control, Search and Rescue . All LOCATED ON FRONT PARKING LOT . HARBOR CEMTER • COST A MESA • tn sor While They Last! earance RACKS These Items (:.o On Sale l;hursday 9:30 A.M. Women's Wear Costa Mesa Or•g. . 5 Dusters, Jr. S+Z·'\ 9-I 3 800 7 Body Suit.!., Mos!ly Vlh ·''! 6 OQ.9.00 12 Bright Acryl ic l(rut Tops 6 50 18 Yole BocL ~d Style .l<!o'l~ 900 7 C1J!!ed Polyes·~r !rouser\ 15 00 15 Perky Plo•d Acrylic Pon!~ 1200 12 Hip Huggo;r PolyesT'!r Po11T\ R'!duced 5 lof1g Slee·,.,d Sweoier} 8.00 3 Embroidered Cord•aO~\ 1500 7 Short Cope Sle-~ .. d Taos 8 OCJ.9 00 9 Handsom!' Acrylic. Tr ouser· 1100 18 Colorful Plo1d Jeans 900 l 7 Posrel Dres~y Bl01JS'!'· l!'"'d •J(Pd I 0 Wh11e Polyesier Pont\ 1500 14 Stri~:ied Seer~uc L <>r Too\ 1000 4 See•suck.er Blot'!• Joc0.c1~ 14 00 5 Fron1 Pl cc~et S1ylr Too\ 6 00 24 Pr1111ed Coi1on Sh111s Reduced 9 Poly French Und,.r s•··"~ 6 00 I '1 Sleeveless Polye;ler Tops J 50 6 long Sleeve Pro'lt $rrQcli 1000 6 A-line Pull-an Poly S~lrt 6 00 34 Dres-.er. & Pont Su•IS 23 00-26.00 80 Dre$-.es ond Pon! 5,,,1s 14 00-17 00 2.S Assoned Styles Kn it Tops 8 50 57 Plo1d PleoTed S~1r1s 900 Women's Accessories Costa Me sa 9 Foshionable Lo11go Be·1s 300 13 A~soned Sry1es Hoodbog\ 900 14 ShovlMr S• 1le Handbags 11 00 54 01$C.ont1n1;ed Hoodbog\ .s oo.a oo " Shor1 Peo·I Nec~loc.'!s 300 I .S Lovel I p .. url Eorr1nqs '00 5 P•erc€'d farrinq Holder ~ '.? 00 ?2 Bracelers and Eo•nngs 2 uo 40 .Asso•1"!d Stylf's l"orrings 99 8 Bloc • & Brown Leoiher P1;r<,.es 15 00 Family Shots Cosio Mesa 0•-<1 20 M--n s Two-ion~ Or"S\ 5h.o'!~ 18 r;i9 8 l~n ~ T wo·ione Dresi Shoes 12 Q(/ I 0 Wo~n·s Suede Soddle-Shoe1 14 Q9 JO Warr"'! n s Cos vol & Dress Shoes 1099-1299 • 1.S Womens fosh•on Clogs l!ed"'c"d I ':t VVoiren-s SL1ede Casual ShOf!s l4 99 I 0 Worrt!n 's leo1her Saddle Shoes 14 99 9 WolTW!n s Plo!forrn Dress Slices 1299-1399 20 Girl!,' leO!her W111g l •m 099 25 Toddlers Comlor1oble Clogs 499 15 Boys' Siylish Or,.ss 5h0'!\ 9.99. ~o 99 16 J• Boys Dress Shoes 899.!099 105 Family Tenii•r. Shoe-r. 3 99,7 99 69 Girls' Asr.orted Clogs 7.99 NOW S.88 4.88 4.88 4.99 ..... ..... S.'W """ ..... 3.9" ..... ,,.,. 4.9" 10.9" 7.99 10.88 3 .9" 2.44 3 .9" 2.22 ..... 4 .99 11.81 10.88 ,,.,. 2.99 .50 S.81 S.81 3.81 2.22 1.44 1.44 1.44 ••• 11 .81 NOW 7.81 7.88 12.18 5.11 1.88 12.11 12.81 10.81 7.11 2.81 7.18 7.11 1.11 ..i.11 ' Infants & Girls Costa Me sa 16 N-:.·"'=l" ?·rx: P:in• 5<.!t~ 5 61 9 Pol1C•0-cLed~·"'1.!,6 &6- 3 Ov•h"d Both R :iV~. S•l'! 2 J PQflT s~"."O'./{Or'!, 2 & 4 10 Ec'f (01-: Kntl fGps. 4-6·• 22 B·;~'-Q'J1 Sipe Blov~~, 4 ·6 ~ I I P1.nt .. d Top & Sol•d Pant 5 ••• 1.: Ur.,\:y Po"' Se" S11e 5·6• <: Doonty LC/J• '"'1 Dre~Se\, 'l 4 8 P11101.:i1':' lo'l• Dre1~~·. '2·4 10 E1~ht Wo1~r Prm•~. S·:• 7-1 4 2 U whed N·flo•1 Rohr S•l':' 8 ~ ti' o L111eri lo:i:C. 5.,.1, 511<: ;.1.: 8 L0.,gSL rt.BL,, ,_5,., 7-1 .! 6 Ec~y0.:i1<:Kr11tl'i1 \,/ l 4 [4 81.;1.0 ;! Sivie B J "s. I '.: I it l·~"'J 5;'!';"' Pr.11· Bl'Jv~ .. ~ 7 Wosfioble Pol 1 P l'>' ~ ••• , '/ 1.: 8 Po~iel Pol I 51,n <,e·~ 1 l .: 8 Siyl1~h P-;,.1 PontS .. •\ /-1.! 7 S'!er~vcler Po••1 S<>ts, 7 1 <: 4 Polvf larP.dSL ·ri~.S11e7-1 ~ 7 Sm::ir ~ed B:i·-J.r .. Or"\~"'. S1 zo /-1 4 69 2 CY p,.,,1 .. -j S·•r1 ':i•" 9 N ilr,n Hooded JU"l"'l. <, :·· 12 2 rx Pon! s~•I\ S'!"I I j.: 0•><1 .: ".i? ,j 00 .: '18 ? ,,,, .i r1) 4 (jl) I 1)(J ~ '" 9 ljJ a U'J I Of) r; 98 500 12 QI) 5 50 ~ ,o .) uo I I G-0 II M !3M I ! 51) 6 00 8 00 s Q Cj .: YI ;, fJ>} Home Furnishin9s Costa Mesa rt/ 1;d\. Up~1;,l•te•y lk1"""'11 O· ' ~ '1'} 1.:1 yd> U;:iii:i•· ..... ,,. /J.o·~· .-j .. } 87 vds floc ked G,.11!.io"' 1::., • • .J ?Q ,, vds 5oi.d (",l·,r .,,., 1•··~·(• :' ':i 21 yd~ Pr·n!.,d Sho111 J•:> -:: 99 39 yd1 Palyn>'~1 Cc-;,,J,.,.,., . :: '18 89 ,,, All Co11011 0.:i'l~lor ... I 79 "? 7 61os\ B,;••011~ IV ( M ' . ,, 8 Alurl'lt11vn1 Kii•t"nq N•erJI•. ' I 31 0 0ubl" Po1n1 K111•· nri Nt" 1 • •8 Pe':ln\11 Pr1111 Hoii I fc;,;,.ls I ;o 39 P!!on•.1Prinl 1,Vo• Ii (lr•I-· ,,, ~6 [),~""' / Pr "11 Hti·· J T: .-.~.~ I • l Men & Boys' Wear Cosio Mesa 2'i Meo~Kt'l•I Sr,i-•lr"f' 30 Meri> K11•t So:iri ""'r1l 15 Co>1Jol 5:'l{I.• S• • ··n ~·:~· 20 N')·.ron Bo'1'1'" S!~·ll'! J·-;.i•., 30 s.,., .... S• 11. '• 5:~•1 51> ,, 5-6 &:.i<. (..;r •• J11,,,'J,,~~"i 10 &'..,-> 6'Jq9·'.! \·~·I .. Sh111~ 6 IY:i'(1' y,.., IJ'lrl C-,f1 .. 1 St•\ !4 Boy\' Plo•d flannel Sh1r1} 18 Boy\· Bogg•e Styl'! Shirts Or•q 11 ?8 8 98 ' ,, :> :;i 3 ~,j 3 98 ~ 9, IR3 3 50 NOW 2.88 1.88 2.88 \.22 1.88 1.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 3.88 6.88 3.88 8.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 6.88 6 .88 11 .00 6 .88 3.88 6 .88 4.44 2.88 4.88 NOW } .88 2.88 3 .88 l .44 1.44 1.88 .... .01 .99 .44 .88 .44 ••• NOW 1.88 6.88 - 2.99 5.98 1.88 2.88 2.88 4.81 .9• 1.88 USE YOUR PENNEY CHAAGECARD JC Penney SHOP We. know what you're looking for. HARBOR CEMTER OMLY-COSTA MESA Mon .• Sot . 9:30..9:15 SundaY' 17-.5 2300 HARBOR AT WILSON • at • Include s: DRESSES·J ACKETS ·PAHTS · BLOUSES·S WEA TERS-SKIRTS · PANT SUITS..,tc. • All Famous Maker Mf qs. Bro11<jhl From Our Othor Stores To Make The Mo st Fantastic Sale Yet ! \Din '7irls DRESSES Boys CORDS sor 20% OFF 20% OFF Girls & Boys I / 2 PAJAMAS PRICE llBIBDlllD COSTA MESA , • . . " • O(flclnl Bend President Franl Jonas of Austria died early today at age of 74. I IC h ad l>een president since 1965. r·au).ic of death \\'as not given. J)e<1ths ()tf1cr cn.ANBUHY, r\ .. J, I:\!') - Ed~·ard L. Kaltrnbach .Jr., j~, brother of forn1rr l.S. Atty. Gen. f\1chola!' Dell l\alzcn- hach. shot hirnsclf lo dt·n lh Tuesday \l'ilh a h:indg1!n, ;u:- cording lo polil'». 1\ s~ch 11Titer for l>rcsid<'nt John F. Kennedy. Ed11ard l\i1ltenb;1 ch also scr1·cd in U1!'.! 0(-fcnsc De· pitrhncnl. TA OS. N.;..f. 1AP I-Stephen A. ~Utcbell. 71. chaim1an of the DenlOCratic ,'\/at ; on a I Comn1iltee from 1952 to 1955 and an l llinoi~ and New ~rcxico taw~t·r. died Tuesday. BEVERLY HILLS (UPf f_: Garner ,\. Beckett. 8 3 . industrialist. civic leader and cofoundC'r of tv.·o colleges. died Tucsda v. Beckett was fouodin.g boord chairman of Ctarcn1ont i\lcn 's Collt'gc and a ct>founder of Har\'CY fl ludd C-011'-'g:C. He headed the Riverside Cc1ncnt Corp .. and \1'3S board chairman of the Am<'ricnn Cemenl Corp. SA:'\'T 1\ 1\;\' ..\ -LacillllR 13l'al'h )uperinterdent o r schools Don;1ld \\'oochngton. a candidate for Ora11ge County supt•rlntcndent of Schools, hus ass:<iled his opponent, intiunent !Wbert Pctrrson. fur il!>!>ertL't.lly wasti:ig "literally hundreds of thousand5 of lax 1noncy'' and a \'ariety of other clH1rgcs. "In his eight years 11s ro11n1y superintendent, the i11C'un1bent nut only fal\ed nll~rablr a:> an administrator -he has z•educcd the Orange C-Ounty dcpartnient to a lau:zhing stoclc., and he ha5 opened the door to direct state c-01Hrol of our sc hools,'' \\'O'Jdington said in a lit'CSS l'Onlcrcnce ~1'1nday. \\' 0 fl D I N GT 0 S llAS refiigned his Laguna B..!ach post after Jess than a year on !he job. effective Sept. 15. lie said th~ rrsignatio11 \\'Ould be ofllcial v.hethcr or not he 11·ins in the June 4 election. \l.'oodin~ton charged Pclerson \\'ilh indu lging In unprofessiona l and extrn legal n1ancuvers that have inspired one of Orange Coun t." 's own ll•gislators to introduce bills in the Assembly call ing for abolitio n of the co u n I y depa rtment syste1n and direct controls of schools b y Sacramento. Grarel Pit Park Price Establishe£l S.\,'\'ri\ A~i\ -Orange C-011111.v Supc>n•isors got the official \\'Otd 1\iesday that It \rill eost the CQUnty exactly Sl.24 million to buy an 83-acre Fullerton gravel pit to use as a public park. The California Department or Trausporlation told the board in a Jetter th:tt the site of U:is Coyotes Regional Park \\'i ll probably be offered to the county v.ithin the nexl 10 days. . • TARGET OF BLAST Robert Peterson \\'oodington said. "lte has 1•.;1~t<'d litrral\y hundreds of thou,,.1nds of doll11rs of , lax n1oncy by falling to inlrodu1.:e local dis1 ril't costs a n d incrc:i sing efficiency. "AS i\ llJ;:SULT, local t:1:0:Jlii}Cl'S havr been hit_ by rising tax rates in the \·cry Jl•:riod 11 h~·n !he tXtUnty's lax base has rnore th:tn doubled ." "This is "'h~· I have given up :1 1:x>sition I cared deeply about :ind h<t\'e entered the race ror County Superintendent." \\'oodi11gton said. Peterson hud • • J 'WASTES MONEY ' Donald Woodington eatlJL'r criticized \\'oodington for leal'iug his nc1v post to sct•k the county superintendency. Before con1ing lo Laguna. \\'ood ington \Vas lhc State st.pcrintcndcnt of Schools in Colorado. ' "I CA!\ 1\IAKE the Orange <:11u11ty department dyn:::unic, cffecth t' cha1npion uf loc;1I t'Onlrol und an r xamplc 10 inspire dccen tr a l izini:: attemp1s as self-governemcnt throughnut our 1 and , ' · \\'oodingron suid. Co1111ty Exte11ds SCAG Prog1·am :-0::\\"L\ A\'1\ -Oran~e County \\'ill eontinuc to particip;itc in r c ~ i on a 1 ~hareci \l'ilh SCAf: 11·011ld br tarC'fully strccnt'<l lir1)L planning: <'fl'or1s h,v ! Ii e "l'LL HE SUHE to St'rCt'n Soul her 11 Ca 1ifor11 i a n!l the n1atC'rinl first :ind if Association of frl1\'cn11n1•nts 1 nnything need.~ ;1 polic.v ISCAG ) to the tune of SW.000 dl'cision. I'll bring it br11·k pl'r year. he fore 1hc board." o~bornc The R0<1rd of Supc>r\·i,;;or~ snid . agreed to cxlrnd !he pl'ria l 11! Cnli1 !hr joint vcnturt· coopcra1ion trith SCAG u11til rxpircd at lhe end or 1!li3, H lhc enJ of 1!!7i and put 1he \\'ilS suppu rtL'fl prirn11ril.v br county planning 1lcpartn1cnt in the planning drpartn1cn1. the charge of coordinating the Harbors. Beaches and !':irks n1u1ual aid progranl. Dc.·parlmrnt and !he Cou111 .1 Supc>rvisor Ralph Oi('(lrich ,\dn1inisira tivc Office. In odtll1lon to his ~e;;r:) as Colorado State superinten· dent , \\'oodington has been superin1cndcnt of schools in ~lortland. lnglc11.•ood. and r.1ont€rl'y S<:hool districts in (';1lifomia. lie hns !augt11 at San Jose ;ind San Fr;incisco State Colll'ges and at Stanford l:nivcrsily. D y1nally . . Will Speak At Coll~gc St:itc Scna1or ~1 e r v in J)yr1111lly ~J).Los Angclesl \\'ill he a1oong speakers ~l:iy II at a day. long conference at c;olden \\'est Collrge stucl~ ing the use gf polilicr1l po11er by 1H1rscs lO <1l'h1£•\ e lx:ttcr health cart•. The co nference will be ;1l let1dcd by arc:t con1n1unity collc1~e nursing te11chers \\'ho l)t'!ung to lhC' Ass1)Ciate l)cgrcc i\ur~e Educa tors Council. Dyn1atlr. vice chairman of the senate health and welfare con1rnilll'C. 1\·i ll be on a panel discussing issues I a c in g nur~1ng. Parw1· Attack Cctse Set SANTA ANA-,\ 1nan \'.hO all~gedly \\'l'llt berserk in n/ Ne"'Port Jkach m a s s a g c 1n1rlor 1:1nd atte1nptcd to rape ,,,·o len1ale en11,lo.1'f:'S has hl'•'r\ ordered to face trial i\1ay 13 in Orange County Su1>erior C.o11rt on charges ot Assault wit:1 inl<'nt to eomrnit rap!'.'.· Judge Ja1nes Turner sel the trial date for meterologisl Irving Parkhurst Krick, 29, or Palm Springs. after t h e de(endant pleaded not guil!y b_v r~ason of insanity. Krick \vas ·arrestC'd last Oct. 28 at the O!yn1pus n1:1ssag1• parlor. 2390 \\'. C o,a s I Hi~h\\·ay. afler on£ of the glrl; he al!egcdly <illacked b~okc 1 free from his grasp <111d ran fo r h Ip. Police said the alleged second viclim 1vas freed from Krick's clu tches by a nearby liquor store clerk \\'ho ran into the n1assage parlor a n d gra bbed her attacke r. J>ollce said lhe a ttacks appea red 10 be provoked by the girls' refusal to provide services !hat are not a part of the parlor's curri1:uhun . LAS VEGAS ............ _..,.,.Lqttl-1.-........ , .. _lld ... tt h111111tltilf.Cil9CS-llll ...... ·stwardGJio <J)lo~t t!I ~a~ino BEVERLY IULLS lt.:PJ 1 -SU p E R v Iso n s ha\'e balked at first but agree<i 10 The nr\rest co1111~1itnll·nt of ·<JU0/58 I The Vl'r'( tu~t .... ire on 1hi~ J1n.111~ n1Jch1ne ~incc 1b 1111fudultion, in t1n1c for ,111 your ~prifl!!/.)ummcr ~l·win;.; ! ~u1 11\ only un ...ih· l<1r .i limi1ed tinll'. ..u r.1 ~c Jdv.1ntJ)!l' uJ the tri.'n1cnd0u' '" v1ng otfrll'd t\!IW, rcJllHl'\ inllUdt.' Ill $l>r\·ices \I ill bt'.' held Tl·urs· d:ty for Frank Clnpp. 82. t•.1·:re lll<l\'Or or Bf!\'('f]\' 1 !ill~. \\'hO di<d SundAy at Cnlifornin Lutheran llo5 pil.:il. already agreed to bu:-o the site. con!inue 1he j11inl t•ffort \\'hen t\1·0 rruu1 years ]>Cr yea r in \\·hich lies an1idst rolling hills lntrrin1 Planni114 11 i rt' c In r cnunlv aid ror S:'AC plannini.; along Rosecrans Avenue just 11.1 :. "(;eorge" 0 s b n r n c tnakeS Osbornt'°s dl'p<1rtn1t•nt up the road fronl ' i ls assurl'tl hin1 all 1naterial !he !rad :ig~ncy. hu1H ·1n plu1, 1:! 1nll'I lh,tn).!<'Jhlc ,l1tcll l'>.llU ~l\'L' t'V('ll le ll1u 1 !ur p.i tll' 111.ll\.hin,t.:, ~Hlll)ll•, 1J1.111.11ntn1!, .in d Ii 11111•' ILrhr1 •• 111nn. . ~ interS<.-ction \\'ith B ca c 11\-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~~;;.;;;.;-;_;;;;:-:..:-:..:_..=;;;;;:;;:;:; Boulevard. l'"· '" LJNCOL~. Neb. (UPJ)-Dr. James Reinhardt, 79. a nalion;illy kno1vn criminologist and friend of the late FBI Director J. Edga r lloo\'er. died Tuesday at the Lincoln Veterans Hospital. He wa s the author of nine books. including "The i\lurderous Trail of Charles Sta rkweather.'' De•fh Notices Nlll!:l$EN ,,•arv C 111~1•1"1. rn•Mnl or l..,un1 Bttcn. 0~1• ol 0.11 April 23. 1974 a1 BP-IV 1.•&l'Ot Conv1lt.cerot ~0\P••~I. ~;u~.~~~e';.~1 ~':r:'N'f!1!!;, s~~"~:'u~: Be•(n, II•• ROie Smith <II A!lr0t1a; Hvt ~::~·~,.~':.r. w. r rw.n~i::."ti-1.~~.'":ia';:i Miiier, Sin 01~. Jenni• Soutigney and C•rol•ne Oe•n DOlh of Olr.1•1>C1m1: tn•~e broth~r-. r:o·.,.~1d YI. C"'l1!•n1en and lldolO!I (h•hten1en. botn o! Olr.l1nom1 ar><I v 1c1or •'.hrur•nMn of N~ M••lco: tw" pr11'1dch1!dr.., 11\(1 IDUr ort1111r1nd- (nlldren, 111d m1ny, m•nr nltcts l r>d n,gnew5. Mr5. NletRn WIS I mem~ ~f Tro<> cnur(u 01 cn .. ~t sc,1nll1h l o• ,\nQ••eJ. Ser.Ice' ,.;u be htld Frld~v Aorll =~ 1911 <1! FAitv\pw C~mP!l!r~. ,\~~·~'" O~ 1.>nom~. ~1>11:e1 L;iound Be•ct> 11111';"•' IC•··.-~Ntln1~1!'o'..rto" ARIUCKLI A SON WISTCLIFF MORTUARY A17 E. l 7th 51 . Coiro Meso 646-4888 -·-BALTZ·lfRGIRON FUNllAL HOMl The hills once prot·ided slate free"•ay cre\l'S \1•ith their sand and gravel but sinCC' !he 11<'cd for fill material decreases. lhc unfenced · property has be<'n used moslly by motorcy<'li l>!S. Tean1s of archt'Ologists frorn several colleges h:n·e been excavating in the arr.a for several years an cl reportedly have niadC' significant fiJ1ds of fossilized bones and so1ne h u 1n a n artifacts. Part of the county's plan for the park site is to preserve ihe "dig'' areas as an educational tool fo r the county 's rhildrl'n. REAL PROPERTY Ser\·iccs Ot-part111cnt Direclur Slanlcy Krause s<i id the state arri\'ed at the price after checking its files to d<'lerTlline hov.• 1nuch had been paid for it and hov.• rnuch had been spent lo 1nHintain it over the years. Pro\'isions nf a nC'll' stnte la\\' 1>ennit surplus sl:ilt' land io be sold to ot hrr go\·en1mental agencies at the original cost Krause said !he pnrrcl or land t.he countv 11·ants - kllO\\'ll as the Einery Borro\V Site-v;·ill cost ~I.I~ million in h.1sic ro~ts plus Rn o t her $93.000 for accrued O\'erhrad. c ~•tno del Mat Cc..110 1.1 .. so -·- 67J.9.ol.SO 6 BELL IROADWAY MOITUAIT lte told the board final legal preparations to offer the lanrl . 1 tn Ule county ar'l near completion. ' ' ._ ... l ~ ' so WHAT'S NEW WITH YOU? Only the Daily Pilot really tells you what's new in your local community .•. every day DAILY PILOT '" tU- 1,•. " ' , · 11 r., .. .,.,.es""l .. • -bu•I! •no.-.. . .,~ ~-h<>11onhn! .. -~~ ' .. "" /' H [•clu•- !>-'!'9•!' ... , ..... bobb•n-nd°"' SILE REG.119.95 FASHION MITE ' 1ig·1ag sewing machine 11.n. both iJshion .ind li1!·l.<1g <.tilchc ....... 1nU il dJrn ... , nicnd~. O\'Crl·dg<'~ •• 111 \vi!hou\ Jt· 1.1chr11rnts. \Vi1h buill·in bli11d)lit1...h, \llJp·un Pll'''<'r lc'L'I. buhl>in U\'t'l\Vi11d prcYcnl ion. 1\hidc! 251 CARRYING CASE OR CABINET EXTRA GOOD llEWS! SAVE $20.95 SILE $149 GElllE · Portoltl• •••l•t ••chine with carryln9 case Model 353 REG. 169.95 YO~NG PEO PLE ! LEA RN TO SEW IN A SINGER' SEWING COURSE, geared to age groups 10·18. Only 98¢ hr. !8·2V.. hr. lessons, S17.50.) Enter the ga rment vou make in thfl Singer Stylemaker Contest. Great prizes! Register now! SI NGE R Sewing Centers and participating Approved Dealers Fo, store rie~rest vou, \Ce the yellow pages under SEWING MACHINES. S1ngrr h•~ • Uber•I tr•dc·1n polity, Aho,• Cred11 Pl•n h •1•irJhle i! Sinicr Sc win& Ce,;ftr~ •nd m~ny Approved Ot•lcrs 11 0 Srood.,.ov. Co~!a Mesa .S4S.34JJ -·- McCORMICK LAGUNA HACH MORTUARY 1195 loguno Canyon lid, 494-94 lj l::c111t f!rlll1tllll 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==·=·=·=·=·'='=m='="=·=·~T=H=l=S=l=N=G=E=R=C=O='=''=A=N=Y=========-C=-o=o='="='-'='=Q=='-""=-="='="='='='·="G==E=R=C=O='=''=·=N=Y=.=·="="='·="="="='='="=''='='="='"="='=''="='="="=W=o=·="=·~ ldentifie£l -·-McCORMICK MISSION MORTUARY :aali Com•"? C:1r.•"ra•:. -·-PACIFIC VllW MEMORIAL PARK 1.....,llu(jr 1 l orw-l l~O(I PO( 1 • Vr-01 • N .. ,,.l'.IO" b-7:". Cal•loin LI 6J4 2100 -·-PllK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOMI 780 r Soho A•• WC'\l"""v'"r 89J.Jl2l -·- SMITHS' MOllTUARY 677 "'1om S1 r.AllDEN CiROVE -TI1c n1ystcr? grand prize \l1inner or rhe recent Orange County Public Libr3ry photography 1 cont.est has been located . 03n Loggans. R senior at R.1ncho Al3n1itos 1-ligh School h1 G;_1rdcn Grove. failesl to put hl5 name on the "'iMing print of a young girl in a bean !Jag chair. l.oggon~. y;·ho y;•on $85 \\'Orth rf prites. Is a photn"rllpher lor his school ne,,·spApt:!r and plans lo study pholography al C:;press CollC>ge ne:tt year . THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY Ct<flpltte (rtmtlltll Stl"li<" wit~ •i•MmhM"-' tT ... f"'-Ol9nlllt11 Slmt !t AlltfllolliVt 'f1 ~Tht C1t1lly ln\IO!v..S ""-"'"'' 'u11Nll (1m1te•r Sy11ttr1 H~1111119IOI' 61.'!octi J 4 H ... , S.rflc• 714·646·74l l j)6..6..\39 I ·------ I I , See Denny Reos, Premier Unicycle Performer, 12:30, 1:30 end 2:30. COME ONE -COME ALL! See new bicycles ... bring you r ow n and wi n cash prizes. $100 Grand Pr ize for "Best of Show." $25 each for: "Best Single Ride"; "Best Mu ltiple Ride"; "Largest"; "Smallest" (Rideable); "Best Antique"; "Best Customized"; "Best Dressed Rider." Judging Begins at 1 p.m. Prizes Awarded at 3 p.m. Place: NEWPORT CREST (Robon Court) Time: 12 Noon, Saturday, April 27th. New Bicycles on Exhibit from NEWPORT CYCLERY, 2116 Newport Blvd. Newport Cr•" 1• • l"Olttl ol Pte•ltt N C .. lllc Refreshments • Fun • Prizes Aobtlt H, G1t11I Coroor•llon. G.nertl Co11111cl0< I I• ( From Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue · !ntef'!ecllon, drl'le up Superior lo Newport Cre11 entrance. Sales otllce: =2 Aobon Court. Open daily 10 A.M. to Sunset. (714) 645-614 1, , • Fl orr Ma Fra flu con as eel nex law nev ass A sur ... a ?ilf an I em "si ap ad ne Ev Sk in in p Ca Ta re Bl ba bl h 14 m In de u \ • • I , ' U,IT ........ t F lunked Official state car of blassu:husetts Gov. Francis \V, Sa_rg~nt flunked an em1ss1on control test this week as part of an Earth Da v celebration. All car's will have to pass te st next year under federal laws. Helping Out the President By Dll::K WEST 'VASHINGTO:"J fVPil Mon! than 5,000 kind-hearted · cttlzens have offered to help President Nixon pay h I s income tax bill. But he keeps sayin g, "Please, Mother, I'd rather do it myself." There are. however, other recoorses avallable to the President in raising t h e $467 ,000 he owes. ONE POSSIBILITY v•ould be for him to declare the White House a disasfer area. That would make him eligible for long-term loans at low inte rest rates. "' Some quibblers may argue that the White House is not ,. ~nlcally a disaster area in the sense of areas hit by floods , storms, fires, famines and pestilences. But those are people who cever got hit by an IRS assessment. ANYON E WHO HA S undergone that experience surely would agree that being "almost totally "'i ped out" by a tax audit Is not a great deal ~i((erent from devastation by an act of God. If for some reason Kixo n chooses not to avail himself of disaster relief, he may wish to reooup in the tradit ional fanner of taxpayers in a financial bind . I refer, of course, to moonllg!tting . BY TAKING a part-time job in addition to his presidential duties. Sixon could lx>lster hi s income enough to offse t part of the tax bite. But \\'hat wou1d be considered suitable employment? Watch for the following "situations wanted" items to appear in the cla!s i fied advertising seetion of the local newspapers: -"Expert sound technician seeks positkin as t a p e recorder operator. Has own equipment Reproduction ol hist o ric conversations a spec i a It y. Write 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If no reply. try General Delivery, Key Biscayne, F1a.. or San Clemente. Calif." -4 'YOYO LESSOr\S. Evening classes opening soon. Skilled tutor available for in di vid u al or group instruction. Apply I 6 0 0 Pennsylvan!a Ave. ~·eek days: Camp David. l\td., v.·eekends.,. -"Have piano, will tra\'el. Talented pi an i s t ~with repertoire ranging from God Bless America' to 'Ho on the Range' seeks bookings at dedications, lodge meetings. bar mitzvahs, etc. Uses both black and whl te keys. tv:o hands. all 10 fingers. Call 456- 1414 after 6 p.m.'' -"GOUR.Ml."T OIEF v.'ho makes house calls vdl1 conic into your honle and prepare delicious cottage che'*and· ketchup ~j es for special occasions. ean 45&-1414 for rates." -"Tax consultant. Expert advice 8nd asslstanl"t In preparation of income tax returns. l\faximum deductions IOJ ... nte<d. Ca ll ISli-1111 .. II member of Jlouse Judiciary Q>mmlttec answers, h a n g up.'' \ \ U • PILOI 19 Fonda, Hayde11 Visit Ha11oi , Lon g Gone Reagan to Hel11 Reinecke TOKYO tAP1 -Actr cSJ Jane Fonda dnd her husband Tom Hayden, the radjcal activist, y.·cre reet!lved in Hanol by ~Ofjb \'ielnamese Premier PliiWi Van Dong, the official North Vietnamese . nev.·s agency reported . The agency said that durin~ ·~· '.J r. • • ' - • / I I' , .. • " OUR REG. J5c • the metting the visitors exprc1sed "their rl•solvt· to support the Vietnamese people in lheir struggle for lht' hnplcmentallon of the Parl! agree1nenl. and for pcact 111 \'if'lna m." Tri Province in South Vietnam 3nd vnr1ous historica l !1ile9 in :\'orlh \'letnam during lhl'ir Gravesto11e S.\C-lt<\ \IE\TO 1l'l'l 1 - curreni visit. Co\ Hon.ild He:i~an sJ ... s hr 'A Ou!d trstify on behalf of Lt. (fO\' 1-:Al RelnN'ke at lhl' ltl·utt·nant .:o..-f'rnor's perjury trial !f tlf' \\l•re ask1'CI lo do so. Hroadcast.s monitored In Tokyo said the coup1e toured Viet Cong-rontrolled Quang ~liss Fonda "'as In Hanoi last in July 1972, wht>n she reportedly made anti.,,,. a r broadcasts over Radio Hanoi lo U.S. servicemen then 1n IPS\\'ICH , Eng 1 a nd !UP l1 -A gravestone "'as turll('d 10 to the lost propt·My o(fir.e JI lpswJch police staLion. It Y.:U :hued 1886 . South1'ast Asia. '-------------' l~eint>cke, :i Hepublican r,11ben1a1or1a\ c· :i 11 di d fl ! e indil·ted on thrt'!c <.'OWlts of perjury in conn{'('l1on .,.,,Jth his c n.11 "·•''•" EXTERIOR SIDING • Routh Sl'M'L • Variety of pM'terns. OUR REG. 5.99 !l!I EA. PILLOW GLASS SWAG • Beautlful ~Ing. • C.Ofl1)1ete with line switch. • All hardwlrt included. OUR REG . 12.99 nn EA. No,84201 • IL MONTI 11260 I . OllVIY 1 11.00.t .,,, OI' S IOlt-IU •WOODLAND Hllll 22940 VICfOI Y &lVD. """'"°" '"UMOOIC tou•11 WASTE KING GARBAGE DISPOSAL • Iii H.P. motor. • Plltnted "Jam Free" swivel irr.-lleri.. OUR REG. 37.88 nn ,. Utei Refwoo4 SIMI& s..i.. 2''•4''xl FT. REDWOOD MER CH • SorflCld four sldK. • Long last.Ing Ulifomi.& R.twood. OUR REG . 1.69 SLIDING WINDOW LOCK EA. • For erlr1 protKtion. • LoO: out bu"Jl1n. AllGILS LATEX REDWOOD STAIN • A fine radwoocl finish. • 5t1fns Ind ials the wood in OM operrtion. • Dl'ies in one hour. GAL. OUR REG. 2.99 ' !l!I No.69::.7 10 LI. BAG WHITE ROCK 'Otti • Newer roO: offers llgMer de115ity, ~II ..... "" ...... 0 Cf. OUR REG. 1.49 '\1::/ ¢ BAG . '"" • POMONA •NORWALK BIRNARDINO "IESfONI ILVO. M4 OIAMGI SllOW lO. 6SS NO. MILLS 01 STUDEIAKll .. TWUN I0, 111 ....... HOii AOIO AHOllJHt 10 ""'°~' lfll tll! OI .. I lfUWU •SANTA ANA • RIVIRSIDI • GARDINA ll°' SO. lllSTOl 1Oll1 MAONOUl 1,... SO. WHTllll 1 lo Ill,, NO Of A<IOIJPIOM NI.Ill TO ("l·M ' 14UIH C.0.t..SI JUIA l\'llt .. "41 IU'1 NO. OI' IOWCflWI ' ----- FAMOUS PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL OUR REG . le • .. T~ .skid for mo1or oll."' • Choiu of 20 or 30 ""'~l LOllG HAllDUD GARDEN TOOLS • 01C1CM form: Bow rake Round point sl'i!1"~ Garden nos. OUR ' REG. 2.99 '~!I I DELUXE WEBBED CHAISE • 21 " 11 111'. nn • 5 position concealed ad1urtl'T'errl • 2lf6" wehbi111J.. OUR REG. 8.99 CHAMPIOll SURFACE SPRINKLER HEAD • Madt af rturtly plartic. • Choose from lie, lfl or f ull W>f'IY pattern. OUR REG . 47c ¢ EA. •GARDIN GROVI • HUNTINGTON 11662 BIACH CHA,MAN AVI, 7100 I OINGlll Ml IAUOI' OtOI kOCI. WHI ... ft.OI ""°· Of N~IOVO . • WHITTllR LONG BIACH 1155.S 211 7 I.SOUTH 51 . TEllGllA'" 10. Nllt OfltlT 111.0Cll 1•11 ""'°'°"'" Of Miii Ntll 10 IOOY'S !t'•IHnOn\ 111 1~12 10 n :-ic'na1l' t•o1 nn11ttt•<'. h:i~ 11\!t'tl H1•;1g;1n ti!' :i po1P11!1;i! t ll J r ..i (' t 1· r 11 ttnt•ss '111c Co\ c•rnor tohl a II!'"~ conft·rt·nt·r ·ru1·~d111· ht• h.idn 't ~('n as~1>d ro 1i·,11fy. but :.a1cl tf he \\t·n· ... l think th,1t l .. 1ould. \"l0S A" I ..._,n . \1 hu1t•1rr •~ r1)!h! ·Tu do ' Reai;:an also said "yep," he p11Jd a slnte !(IX on his 1973 1noon1e. llt:a~an. "ho long ha !I <'O!lh'ndrd th~t "!;1.'l.t'S should hurt." drew f1rr three venrs a~o v.hl'n 11 \\!!$ disclosf.d he paid nl) 1970 slate inronH• 1.1xt·~ Ix-cause of "business fl'\ rrsr~ ''" 'JW.yr -J fm. ~OTQR OIL IUllllllG "Y" CONCRETE BLOCK • 4" ){ 8" )( 12". • Natural color. OUR REG . 49c DELICIOUS 1 GALLON GRAPES • 3 plant,. Q EA. • Grow rrouth wrterlrog delicious grapes. • Assorted v1riettes. • Teirtured ~i!'MJ, • Variety of col0ts. , r-"'iliGns- :coKSIRVATIOK I TIP No . 14 I U1• of l1t91 t1u9t I wilt •e-d11c11 0 H"4S ll'h" CO~tr•tl "°"''' I l fld ft<l\ltll llt1l. Au.111c•119 old w111 I Cl " •ed uc• p0w1r dttt 1nci (OllM,....t I 1lt cl••c111. t"'" I U1>119 !on9 t•\t 111oon cord\ ''" I w1111 oowt r 111d II h111rdo111. I ------ toU tTlMS J.1 ,,,., ''"" ~' 4 Wl«\.I "\11)1 OUJ.111111111 l.J.U. , .. I •• 20 DAIL V PILOT Allergy ~uspected 111 Colds By DR. STElNCROllN DEAR DR. STEll'«:ROHN' I catch cold easily. Although I am In good health otherwise, 1 get these infections on and orr right through the summer and "''inter. 1 have them when no one else is sick -so I surely can't blame them on epidemics. I take aspirin but it doesn't seem to prevent colds from coming on. I have noticed . though, that I'll surely Ctime down with an infection when I sit in a draft and when I get my fe<!l v.·et. But my friends tell me that this is an old-fashioned theory, t h a t drafts and getting wet have nothing at all to do with colds. I'll appreciate very much anything you cun tell me about my problem. -t.1rs. H. COJ\1l\1ENT: Let's dis<'USS this in t\•:o parts. First, coruider the question· of the DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE frequency of colds in an apparently healthy individual (as you say you are l. I believe a good rule is always to consider tbe possibility -or likelihood -of allergy being the guilty party when "colds"' hang on for months nr keep recurring as often as yours do. 1[ your family doctor hasn't discovered the reason for your susceptibility. then ask for a consultaUon with an allergist. It 's possible you are allergic to pollens all year round: trees, grasses. plants. etc. I recall one patient whose colds stopped plaguing her after she gave up drinking orange juice to .,s:hich she \\'as allergic. Now let's take up the common controversy : 1 s sitting In a draft, or g_4'.!tting feet wet, conducive to Id infections? I'm on the side of those who are "certain" that drafts make them susceptible. So do \\'el clothes. So do chills. ALTHOUGH THERE is no scientific proof that these facton are instrwne.ntal in cold Infections, experienc'e indicates that there arc peroons like yourself, ~1rs. H., who invite colds w h e n subjected to drafts and wet feet. I know that virus infections can also occur in robust athletes and olh<!rs. But I've found it to be true that anything that lowers a p(!rson·s resistance invites infection. It opens the door. so the germs or viruses can "walk in." This is as true for more se rious infections such as tuberculosis and pneumonia as it is for the so-called lowly common cotd. 1 suggest, ~1rs. H., that you keep out of drafts and keep YQU.r feet dry and wann. Let >·our brave friends raise eyebrows. or even laugh at your apparently silly anxiety. For some people it isn·t silly at all. FOR l\1R. 8.: Fungus infections of the feet can be stubborn. In addltlon to using the medirine }'Our doctor has prescribed, I suggest lhat you become ml'liculous about the care of your feet. Keep them dry and cle<in. Change S04lk! t\\·o or three limes a day. Use powder, if nettssary, to !:eep them from swealin::? too much Even a change of shoes da il y is somclhlng you s h o u I d consider. . If the local fungus Infection doesn't clear up artcr a few weeks or months of treatment. then It Is like.ly your doctor will c o n s I d e r prcs<!rlblng medication you wlll lake by mouth. This Is often effective when other mesns fail. ' Wfdnr~ay , AprH 24, l'i74 ' P•k•• ..... ttir• T•••ll•f, ...,,II ,. Selling Elsewhere for 2.00 & 3.00! 74e NEW SUMMER FASHION JEWELRY (~d•ong collKtion bf' lop d•1l;nws' Me>,,Y one.gf·o·kindl G•1:1duo1ed poll•I rno1on1• neckle>c•1, 1w1111d rad-willl•·blul 1ope1 wuh molch•ng eo,,•n"g1, 2-to'.iie ropec1, joda-look p1ndo11t1 plo11K btOC•lotll, cou111len plol!IC b•- l•ll, coun1l111 "'°''·All 01 miKll h;ghet tJ•icn 1kew...,.1! Sale Price 121 TOTS' 2-PIECE PLAY SUITS Adorobla ... 1y-cor• 1-1.·2-pc:. ploy..-. few w_, fun M 0 , .... , .,.,.i. 1.iecfioll 01 on i«rftl!Wy ._ prk•. c ... i. prin••_'n plain• in 1i1ft for t-2A .....a.~ f."<l .. ' ~o2FOR500 2.99 TOTS' SHORT & SLACKS SETS Cui. 2-p<. slack .. ,. wllh flor .. 1~ po11ta. elo~i;c -n .. bo<fd a. popcw.r_ IOfll In 2-4. S'-t 11t1 in i-ti.Y nlon. 0.1ig111.. 9-24 1otos.. & 2-4. fo1y co•• ..ylonl ) • .. -.<' ~~ • .. ,. PILOT-AD VERTISER • Wtdnt\id1y, Apnl 24, ~!:'.:'7'.:4_________ " SAVE 3•• • All Plrpose • Heawy llltJ, Re1uler 596 9.14 snn 4-SHELF SHEL YING UNIT V•rtol~• 1i..S 1111it """"' A fult<,r od- jt,1tob11 ll'i.-lvas. Groy wilh bloi:k poll's. lOJl.48•11. ~ lu~I for ...,...ic1I • FO~oa STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE PIECES No! Alt O.lig111 in All S1or11I TIO I. 1oup1p0011l, dinn•r f0<k1 & ktli'n1, ic.cl 1101Poon1 & serving pi•c•1. ' .. ,.5•• 7.29 ~~. . f..,11?~-r-~~·,, •. '"°'i!.!!mf'' ~ 3 8 3 . FOi e R.;.Sl19 22 TODDLERS PAJAMAS Reg. 33c to 52c ea. HOOLA COUPE BABY WALKER A WORLD OF BABY NURSERY NEEDS Round 10< MJftfV, 2.t" H•ghe•I quoliry boby need1. 6 cull 1011!.1. cUpi, 1poon1, hangers, pocif<ffl, <Mlpe• p.n1, bottle bru1ht1, moral uS.Ofery-mode" in 11!. U.S.A. So~• 16c lo 73c on avery 3 rou b\IV fat boby gofls. 5 9 c 1IC1boli1~• ""II· Swiwl Ftr•erly S1l• f1r $$$M1r1! I l"":5';;';:''':;:· ;;•ol\terv ~~~-~NTS' TIAINING PANTS Prinl 4 Po1t1I 101y cor• pe>iomcu - 1i111 1 lo A. ·Reg. -'--11 '' SALE! MAJOR LABEL snREO ALBUMS ~~;ro:~~,_:o;"' 3 for 1.00 Clo1t-Ollll )lilho11 mft1. lit! p•k11 wen! up to $4,91! V0<ol1, in111umlM!ol1. mOY\ll, cC1Untry w11!1rn. g1C1Upt. R.cord hill now Cito •e<:Ofd low! • M1j1r lJlel l·llJck 1',ts ...................................... 1.17 -·-... --- Visiiie RIG. 1.22 VISINE EYE DROPS !Xe b<:lth. deou o,;p ir1i1o11d ev•• from 100 much 1un, wind. ! l. r ( f $: .. I f 79 CRIG. 39c SI' -. RIG. 1.09 COLGATE . TOOTHPASTE FAMOUS BARBASOL o• ......,.,,,~~u_..g1 II'" .,_ «..,..."'...,"" lO.:-n;r• f>e<>o'd ol P'~~ R«j "'""""'"'°' . RIG. 91' REG. 79c 2 88( RIG. 66( I" OR 94< ALLER EST COSMETIC PHILLIPS CAPSULES PUFFS MAGNESIA PLAJTEl IAIJ BOTYLES 2 for 1.49 3'' ' Millions S.14 Otll TV for 9.951 tOUC~ 'N TIA• AUTOMATIC DISPENSER FD• plo11ic w•op, aluminum fo;L wOll po~<, qui<•· load• I. di1~nset ot tovch of bvtton.1 f Wmin0111 11icl- in9, w•inkla1. Mounll on ..,.o1,. und.r cClbi...e\. Handsom• decoro1..i wo..,..ing "oy1 doubl• 01 1•..W.gi 1n:ry1t 2Sllr ti•• in Gold and G1""· Buy now Jo• Moth.•'• Doy 011d btrthd<iy gifts 1:1rtd 11e1 .... Reg. 5.76 4'' FLOATING LANTERN & BATTERY r-............i oicl toGlllQ'l IUI· _, ..i 100 1., _..., •"" r-• l"t>.I"" ., 11 01 '"~' Abtolut.ty a ~mu11"" fol_..., t.o..M, offic:•• ce>mper or ,_ ...... 110. -~<•,.. """"2 bet• I ,.,. <1....:e ol plow>"'"""' Ila-tor' All w19"'9f. wilh l.lltnl .,_flll tr.a"' !hot ... ttf>d1 \<fi ,,, ••• Adjultoblt fCIC:ul,. U.$.A. ""Ctd•. ... ~~~---y'~~~~r-~~~~-r-----: , .. k99c ofl BIC BANANA MARKERS CURITY IAIJ TIDf·UPS 15.99 t'ii-Y5n-llid ivid uo l po (k of 66 1" p••moi1l'tn.cl doil11. lag. $2.19 3 POUND DACRON "' Fill SLEEPING BAG ., .. :.· TNRlnf IAIJ SHAMPOO ' Sleep in comfort in thi1 full 1i1e 1l11ping bog 1ho! meo1u•e• 33•7SH ._ ...... --I0.01. bottle -_., 1mort baby'•,.,.,, J9C fifli1h1d. H•°"'f dufy colton c.,.,,,, 100'" Z•Pi>ec•. 2 101 1r .. ng1. Fully weo1h- .,.erjpped. l illed wiff! J-lb1. Docron' poty.:11~• fiber fiU. 1 1·•0 17-INCH ELEm1c HIBACHI io.1r IMbochl wilh heavy okimW.u"' badv &. troy feolu .. t od;..11t1bl• chrorn..i glil. U.L li1i.d. Can't ru11, corrod•. No i.poMrl Eo1y to u1e 4 -sy to c1 ... n! ··==-- ~~ 13'' PROPANE ZEBCO STOYt .... 5ss 1.11 TRUE TEMPER FISH RODS 2·bvrnar. ligll1W•igh1, f1•1h wore• 6 l!. tp;n- .... . .. 244 FRESH WATER SPIN REEL 8y Heddon. Hold1 175 rd•. 6# lell l <onomicol. 6 ,400 cool or 6'h 11. 19in 9 96 ~'::"':-""-m_••::•:;-----'°'-'-· ______ m_~_o_"_"_· ---I Reg. 12. 99 -,;;;~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~E~~~.~E~·-~~~E '.~~~~Jl,_- . handla, non-corrCldingi 11olnl111 1lffl blod11 I. g•-Oll */ ~I.... YtOH guards. Cunirtg blo&.1 llip apart for "'Y d ..,nin;. ,...... :.... ,).( .. .,,~ · 1 a .. g'7 .ff 1'£°"" I ,, .. TWl._OIV I .... ~&$1.19 78~ STURDY PLASTIC HANGERS 3c::r25c '°'• of 6 plot1ic .__ ~fl. pock of 3 pku!Ot it.lit honprs Clf pock of • plo11ic drip cHy he>ngtor~ 8uy -al 11Ms ~ d>i.c:"""t prictl 3" lloffipk Doily Vit•,..i•s ,11,s Iron BATHHOLDER TRYLON HOOKS ftq. 2lc CCltd kith. heldtf' hoob 01 llCIY-.... ~~-39c TRYLDN RED SALMON EGGS 2-oz. lo• 01 20c llCI,.. ing1 ifl 1pe<Ol 1C1l1. ~~· 66c TRYLON MONO FISHING LINE •I l•OO ych .• 6# 1000 yd1., ,, 13.5 yd1., IOI 710 yd1 •• Sometimes It Is n~('{'ssary for doctors to use cortime drugs aVd <intibiotics t o overcome conta ct dermatilis . .. ys Dr. Stcincn>hn In his Huntington Beach booklol. "'Practical Guido To JJJ L.17111 st. J 406 W. E• 'I" & lritlal II Tore ol lodi-211 JI ...... ll•d. at·-• Skin Problems." For a copy M ilt him al lhls papor Costa Mesa Santa ~na ~ain Valley-.• Westminster Huntlntjfon Beach-Huntington Beach ~.~:~o~E~~~ori~ss~ l~~2~J:oo:.::H.11:= ... :~•~W1too::::::.. .. .J.~a~J~2~s:.i;:::t1o1~11::.:•:4ec~.t.rlllr~:;. .. J.~•~·~•:•~•:•e.:::~::;~"~':::•:•=':;;il-;w;::•;"':h:•:":'•~·ll:.:•=•=W=•:•~W~..i:::.-mli .. ~'~'~1:1u1:::1:-::;:i;:;::;miiiiiiiiilliiliiiiiiii._:S1:•~1~w:: .. ~..,:~·~ .... .J ED EN\/El.Ol'E. • /~ I I I Baseball Hl\rdles Barriers • Ill CREELE\', Colo . t1\P\ -!My pl1y bastb.'.111 l\'tlh R r.mile and n sparkle ln thlcr e~~s and all 1tmr JOY ('(Hlctals 1hat l~y t"innot henr S1n1..'C · Scplt;-mber, member" of the Uni \'Crslly of Norlhem Colorado busehall h•a1n hove lx.>tn teaching dear students at the university's laboratory .s<.i100J how to , pluy baseball. '--(t has lurnt.'tl out lO be a two-v.·ay lc<1rnin11 cxptrlC>1lt.'t!. Andy N lel~·11, in.~truc1or ot 1hc dear sl'UdE"nl~. suid !h!! Idea began when base.ball coacl! -Toni Petroff siw some of the &tudeoll awlmrnlng last 11Wnn1er. Petrofr decided 1hn1 hl.s baseball program could be used ns port of 1>hysJcal education activities ror the studt>nts and incorporated Into lhe cla.s.yoom. ''At (lrsl. I thought the ball players were working in lhls out of cooperation for tnl', bu! I found UM!y re11:lly !iffte lnt~tct'.1 ," Petroff said. Tta1n me1nber Dennis l..conida saidJ "I had mix.cd feeling!l at first . I didn'I knO"' 11 It \\'OOld \\'Otk," n.e second txlseman sakt the thirf re\\·ard for tht ball player!! has been seeing the young deaf boys, front aaes S. 12. make drama.lie lrnpro\'e1ntnts In their baseball skills. "Tbese kids literally couldn't do anything when we first came," Ll.'Onidn 1i1aid. Petroff a.aid he made 1novies of Lhc deaf boys to record lheir level of sklll \\'hen lhe program began. lie said all the boys v.·ere \'f:ry ..-·eak in tbe foy.r basic GAL LITTLE LEAGUER -Julie Spencer. IO. a bubblegu 1n blowin g second baseman. is the first n irt to play on a Lillie League tea111 in Kissimmee. J·'Ja .. a s1nall town near Disney \Vorld. While the U,.I Ttl""919 courts in some communities have barred girls front the Little League, Kissimmee has 15 in ils bas e- ball prpgram. Sports Briefs Laver Rolls Past Dibley; Chicago , Flyers Win llE:\VEfl -Si'COnd·Sl'edCd Hod La\'er of Corona del ~Iar employed a strong \'O)ley and lob ganu~ in holding off Auslralian Colin Dibley , 7-6. &.4 in a first- round ma tch Tu esday ni ght in th~ SS0.000 \\'orld Championship Tt•nn is green grou p to11man1cn l. Sixlh-sccdl'd Hnsroe Tanner a 1 s o ;Ji h·ancrd, bea t ing Ct:t'Choslova kia 's \'Jadim ir 7.ednik 6-3. 6-7, 6-3. In other 1natchl's, Harold Solomon de(cated Bill Bro\1'Tl. 6-0, 6-4. and Tom Edlefsen ootlaslrd Ove Bengtson of S11cdcn. G-3, J-ti. i·6. e Rr1ri1r .~ T 11111ble ClllCAGO -Jim Pa ppin·s goal at 3:48 or . .._ suddcn-cf~·;ith ove r!imc gave the Chicago Blac k Ha"·ks a 4-3 victo ry 01·er !hi' Roston Bruins Tuesda\' night and ::i 2- l edge in their best-of-seven semifinal Stanley Cup plavoff SC'ries. The Hawks. tralling 3-1 early in the third period got a pair of goals from Stan ?ilik ita . including one "'ilh ~2 seconds to p!av in r~ulatlon tlmt to tie the contest 2nd send it into overtin1c. Game four v.•il! be plarrd in Chicago 'l'hursday night and the fifth gan1c is set fur Boston Sunday. e Ranrie r s Fall PHILADELPTJIA -A controversial ~cond-period goal b~· 1· e t er a n defenseman Ed Van Impe Uta! set off a \1iolent JG-minute argument helped the Philadelphia fl }•ers to a S-2 victory over the \ew York Rangers Tuesday night. The \'ictory \'aulted the Flyers inlo a 2- 0 lead in !ht> bcst-O(·S<'ven ganle National l locke~ I.eagut> Stanley Cup semifinal playoffs. The !!Cries resun1cs Thursday nigh t in Nev• 't'ork. Bobby Cla rke. nnd Hick ~1acLeish each scorl'd onre and Ross Lonsberry scored t"'iee for the flyers. • Ad1t>r 011•led INDIANAPOLIS-Tim l-larohan o e Chambliss oo Charlie Spikes' double. A crov.·d of I.405 1\·itnessed the game. Brohamcr also had a single, ooe of three hit.s allowed by Oakland 's Jim "Catfish" Hwtter. e ~·e1v,•0111be lfi••~ ST. LOCIS -John Ne111rombe needed 11ro hours to edge 25·ycar-old Brian f:iirlie of Ne111 Zealand 6-7. 6-2. 6-3 ln a first-round match flf the third annual $50,000 Holton Tennis Classic Tuesday. Earl "Butch" Buchholz tired badly as he lost to Zeljko Franulovic o ( 't'ugoslavia 7-5. 6-0. Earlier in the day. 1he unseeded Dick Creaty. 29. of Australia, upset Jeff Boro"·iak 6-1. 7-6 and. in a battle betv.·ecn t\\'O unseeded player.~. Charles Pasarell defeated ,\ustarna·~ 0¥i·en Davison 6-4, 5- 2. Second-seeded Stan Smirh triumphed over· Patricio Cornejo of Chile, 6-2, 6-4. e f'avorilt>s 1'1in PHILADELPHIA -Billie Jean King. Evonne Goolagong and Hosemary Casals advanred lo the second round in this stop on the "·omen 's tennis circuit after turning back tough oppos ition Tuesdar. ?i-lrs. King o\·crrarne Diane F'romholtz of Australia 6-1 , 6-3, rallying to "'in the first n1alch. ~fiss Goolagong beat Sue Stap 7·5, 6-~ after trailing by scores of 0-2 and 0-3. Meanwhile. sixth-seeded ~iiss Casals defeated Pat Bostrom 6-2:, 6-4. lie.Jen Gourlay of Tasmania began her bid for the SJ0,000 fi rst prize with a 6-2. 6- 3 \'iclory over Sally Greer. Kathy Kuykendall "·on 11 tv.·o-hour baseline struggle with ~1arcie Lollie, 6-4. 5-7, 6-3. Janet Newberry scored by 7-5, 6- 1 over Kristy Pigeon. e Coach Resign• BALTIMORE P.faryland-Eastern Shore basketball coach John Bates anoouriced his resip:naUon Tue5day night and said he would fake a similar position at Coppin State College in Baltimore. (:eltics Seek To Eli11tl11ate Knicks Tonight BOSTON (AP) -The Boston Celtics. smelling champffinship money as in their glory Years in the 1900s. are favored lo defeat the New \'ork Knicks and v.Tap up their playoff series tonight at the Garden. \Vith a 3-1 advantage in the best-of-7 series, the Cellics already arP looking ahead to a shov.·dov.11 wltlt the ~lil'>' .. auker. Bucks for the Nationa l Baske tball Association title. Ho"·ever. Boston coach To m m y Heinsohn guardedly 1\·arned his charges against looking beyond the Knicks, notin g: "\Ve st ill ha\•e to \\'in one more in their series." The Knicks "·ere put on the br ink ot elimination in a 98-91 loss in the fourth ga1ne in Ne,.,, York Sundav. Thing!! don't look much brighter for them. although the record shows that lhe visiting team has won the last three game! in the Eastern Division final playoff. Ne\\' York is faced with a "mu st v.·in" situation -(or three games in a ro11.'. And no one ln the game thinks the Knicks ca n v:in three in a row rrom Boston. The Celtics v.·on five or se\'en regular season encounters before taking command in the playoffs. "\\'e know ""hat we have to do ,'' New York super star Walt fraJ:ie r said. "\Ve're not conceding anything. ff \\'e play as well as v.·e did at home Sunday, we can v.·in." The Knicks, though. just don't appear to ha\'e the muscle or the speed to cope '>''ilh the Celtics. Boston captain John lla\•licek is having a ball as the team's leading scorer. Dave Co'>'·ens. Paul Silas & Co. are dominating the boards. With center \\'illis Reed and veteran forward Dave DeBusschere hurting, the Knicks hardly resemble the same team "·hich .,,, .. on the NBA title by defea ling Los Angeles after eliminating Boslon in SC\'en games laJit year. Reed is plagued by bad knees and admittedly can't move with the Celtic11. who can blow an opponent off the court "·ith the fast break offense. skllls ol hlttina. catchins:. 1hrol'.i ng and rw1ning. ''The only idea they had of "'hat thty '>''ere doing \\'HS frorn what they htid seen -On television," Petroff bid. "The kids \j,'ere just mlrulckb1g "'hat they had setn on TV ond this is the v.·ot'S1 thing you can do." Tiie players said it "'as a frus1rating and lime-<JOCl.SUming process to try and teoch 1tle boys what to do and to <-'Orret1 b:id habit!. Not having a good v.·ay of co1nn1unicatlng wlth the deaf boys, the At1gels Stai· To Be Lost 3-6 -Weel{s BAt.TJ~IORE IAPI -. .\n inside pitch from Ross Grin1slcy sent Baltimore msnager Earl \Venvrr and Califomi<l outfielder Lee Stanton to the sidelines Tuesday night. and lhe An gels v.·erc the big losers, dropping more than lhe ganic, 4.,'J. Y.'eaver. \\'ith a .000 a\'erage art er three rlays of arguments v.·ith umpire Larry ]'t;'app. v.·ill be back directing the Orioles tonight for the coorlusion of the (11.·o- game series. Stanton, v.·hosc .390 batting a1·erage h11d herpcd the Ange ls get off to their best start in years, v.·il\ be out or action 011 T \I Todnlf Cha1111el ii al ,1:30 from thrte lo six v.·eeks \j,'ith a br~ken bone in his left hand. "!l's tough to lose anytime ," said general manager Harry l)alton of the Angels. "But you don 't 1nind it as much \\'hen you ha\'c your best team oo Ufe fie ld. We've been gett ing too 1nany of these serious injuries." Last ti.fay 17 . the Angels Jost Bobby Valentine "'ilh a broken leg y.·hen he "'as leading lhe club 11·ith a .302 average. and he remained out for the remainder of the season. Sandy Alornar missed the final three "'eeks v.·ith a broken leg. In the final exhibition game this spring, Charl ie Sands strained ligaments in his right knee in a home plale coll isi on v.·hile hilling .524. Sands, v.·ith his knee no\\' out of a east and supported by a brace. took balling practice Tuesday for the fir st lime since being injured. and might be acliv.ated . If not, it's possible lhat ~lorris Nettles. "'ho led the Texas League in batting last year with a .331 mark, might be recalled (rom Salt Lake City. The Ca lifomla outfielder v.·ent do"·n after trying to pull away from the pitch in the fourth inning. \\.hen he was a1\·ardcd first base. \Veaver hustled out for "'hilt is becon1ing his daily dispute \\'ilh l'iapp. The Baltimore skipper lost the argument. just as he did last Saturday and Sunday v.·hcn he filf'd protesL<> of decisions 11·ilh Na pp, the umpire-in-chief of lhl' four ·rnan crew. ClLtl'Oltl'lll tALTIMOlf llVUS Cl Cht"' '' V~lt~l\t>e Jb r1-..n ch ltOtlve< H> ~cht\Otm I! St..,ton •f L•l>OV<I II e111:ar .. 1 c OOcylt 1b lltn•t Ph '"'-••111 T1'4"• P _Siiis " •b • ~ bl • 0 0 0 81~"(' S 0 I 0 G•«h 2~ S 1 1 0 TOavi\"511 • 0 1 0 8 1,fQ•ll S O 2 I 81tob<n•n lD I O r O ENoll1m• 1!1 I 0 0 0 JPn,.tl!Pn 2 I 0 0 F~llt••! J I I 1 CO~l'"' rt 2 0 O 0 El<fl•Orn ( I o t 1 8umttr; ~~ 1 O O O Hen•~•\~ 0 0 0 0 B•l~n'it' I 0 0 0 0 Gr•m\'•f ~ Bl!•vn•~• o TO't1•• )I J ' l l ot1i• lwo out "'"tn W•nn.n1 "'" •tor..i •t t II t• ~ t 1 0 • 0 I U S I l 1 :; 7 0 0 • 0 1 ' ) 0 ' 0 I 0 0 ~ l 0 1 1 1 0 I l J 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 •11 • C11!fotnl1 bOI! Ml i\O ~ Bt ltlmort 000 Yll 100 1-1 E-8, llotll"'C"· I! CllVtr Or> -C.ol•!O•f!t~ I L08-C1tlfo•nl1 1, a1111mor• 10 iB-1. Oavlt. E•l!a•vtt, 58-ll lvtr• ;. 81v!or, til1lr. 5-~l1no•r 2, Baw!o•. SF-8. llobln.on. 11' H It Elt Bt SO l'1n1n1 1 ~ l ? 0 J Stilt !L. t·l) ''' 1 l 0 I I Grlm1l1v 1 81JJl 811evnld> IW 2·0l l I 0 0 0 0 H8P-17V Grlmtlt'f !S•~~lon), bv l an1nt (E \'Iii· ll1m11. bv St!lt (Grlt~I, by 5<111 l!hflod. WP- StllJ. PB-Etltdrqtl T-2:" .O-J,Hl. _,~ ... . ., ,, ,., A1VG EL S SllORTEN S PRING TR AINING Players '>''ho have contended for yea rs that sprin g training is unnecessa rily long have finall y been heard -by one team at least. The Californ ia An gels. responding to player criticism and rising costs. said Tuesday that they "·ill open spring training tl'•o "'eeks later in 1975 than they did in 1974 and that they will shorten the exhibition ga me schedule by a week. The move \1·ould make the Angels the first major league team to significantly slx>rtcn spring v.-orkouts. • \Ytdntsd.iy April 24, 1974 ----_.:_:__;_ ___ _ OAJL V PILOT 2 / ---- Silent World p!n~·ers nlany 1in1e" had tu Jlll'k up a boy's leg and pul 1t do1rn properly or !urn lhe1r bod~, 11.Jwn ~h0"111g tlk.'111 ho\\' tu suuld . Besides !ht.' L'0111n1u111l'a!101l barnt•r, the re v.·ere 11pp11rcrllly dil fl'rerlt at111uclcs on both the part uf !ht• deaf bo)'S <Hltl !he teant thnt hHd to chlln~e Petroff saJd. "I think lh~ kids 11·ere just v.·oo<.lt!rin,i,: at !ht• tX'unu11ug If 1/11s. Y.as just ano1ht>r 1•xpcrh11l·11 t !llt.'y Y.OUhl ha1·c to .:u throuiJh ;u1tl 11uultln't last, like so 1nany !hey ha1t' probubly ~el'n. "Co1111nurlic:1tloru; n·as the bi~ prohl(.'ln ag;un. · he .~31d, "plus the fact lhnt nobody had taken lhe 1i1nc before 10 "ork 111th tlicui In athll'tics." l..ctJ111tl3 :-:tttl 11no1ht•r problcnl the pl<t~ l'rs h.'Ld to V\'Crcomc \\·as to lh.ink u( thl' bo11~ 11ho tould not hc:1r. "ll "/IS ju,t n big fref' period \l'hMl \\'C fir~1 t·arnt'. Afll'r :n\hill~. \\'t started 1~1 t'()rnrnun1tlll{'. •\\'e lcamed 1h.:1t 1\'e h11ve to tc!l 1h1·n1 \\'hen they do suu)t'tlun;,; 1\•ron~ :1!'> v.1·11 a~ ll'hl'n lhl') clv su111etlunt; right.'' LA Ralli e~, 5-3 Dodgers Display Another Weapon LOS ANGELES (AP\ -~ILK·h has lx·rn 1nade of the t~•lf'nt·rirh hcnch of rhe Los Angrlcs Dodgers, bul unlil Tul':-d;i~· night il h;idn't h.ad the opportunity to du rnuc:h. Hut in a dramatic a.3 'ictof)' O\'t'r !ht.' P'h.iladclphia ~lill ies. capped by Tom Paciorek's thret..'-run pinch IXMner 111 the bottom of the ninth, the bcJK'h h11d ns duy. f or instanL't': -~1anny ~Iol a ck>l1\'errd a pinch single in the se\'cnth that scort'<l. at the un1e. ~--- nie tyi ng run . For ~to1a It 1\·as his fifth SUCCl'Ssful pinch hit in St!l'C'll Ines. -Ken l\fc.\\ullcn stant..'<I the nin th in· ning rally "·ith a pinch single. -Lee Lary entered as a p11u.:h runner and deftly a1·oided a tag to keep the n1n!h _inning alil'C. ' ~ Steve Yrager ca n1e off the b1.•n<:h to rr.ph1cc the S!urn ping Joe Ferguson and deli\'ered l\\'O si ngles and scored the Dodgers' fi rst run. -And. finally. Paciorek p;:ipped lhc gan1e-11·inning blow "·i rh one out 01 tho ninth. ''It's the first tin1e I e\'er hit a p1111·h ho1ne run," he said later. "~lost of the tinle J'rn just try111g to hit the hall. to nlake t'Ontact . for me. as a pinch hiller. l11;1!'~ an arc\)tllphsh1nC'nt." The Ph illies had t11ken a 3-2 lead in the toµ of the ninth inning (Jn a run-scorin~ pineh stogle by TQny Taylor. Hut in tilt' button1 or the ninth ~l c\lullcn singled \t) ecnter "·itti (Jne out. Lacy ran for hin1 and then Oal'e l . .(lpes grounded to second br1se1nan Oa\·e Cash. \\'hen he lriNI to In g the ctushe L:iry the b;1 1J squirted louse for an error ;ind both runners 11cre snfe. Danny Olark, the P h i I ;1 cl r 1 phi a manu gcr i111d f0r111"r coath of the !)Odgers. argued. elai111ing tlt.11 La cy had run uut of the b11!>el1nes . lie forn1aHy prolc11tl'd lh\• ,L!a1nc. btl! Los Ani::1·le' rnanag('r \\'a lt ,'\l:;ton saitl, "It's a judg1111·11t c'all. I rlon't think therc:'i. ;i l'hi-Hl'C of th(' pro1rs! 1)1.•iug upheld." That bl'oughl \la<' Sc;1 rcc out of lh" bullpt•n !u replal'(' Frank L.inty who hat! rcht·i·c<l st:1rtl'r llon St•hucll'r. It al~u brought l'ltl'K>rrk to !he plate lo bat lor Bill llul'knt?r. lie slugged SC':i rl·c·s first pitl'h into lh(' lcfl fi t•Jd \J<l\'lli\lll \f) "In il. "A good plll'h"" Paciorek said later. reµc1t!111g !he fJUci.lion. "It "as a i;rol pilch for n1c. n1:1yhe not so good for hun ." Philadelphia had 1a ken n 241 lcad 1n lh•· f•rsl 1nnin.i; ;1ga1ns1 l.loug !tau "'hen Grrg 1.ulu1ski slu1a;cd a t"·o-run hon1t•r. A single hy \'ea~t·r 11nd Hill l'J.u!;scll'.~ triple of( tl1t..· cen1cr field "'all got one run back . The J)O<\gC'rs tird 1t 1n the !iC'\'e11ti1 11·l1cn HusSt.'11 singled, took thi rd on a 11~0· b:ise v.·ild pi!l'h hy Scl111clrr and th rn scorrd on ~I ot a's pinch single. Jirn Brc1\·er. 2.0. \\'Oil 11 f,,r !hf' Dodgers although he gal'c llll \j,'h;1t \\'.'.\~ the gu-ahead run in th(' tup of lhc nin1 h. Linz.v, 1-1 , 11·as U1c IOS('r. ,.KILAOEL,.KIA ~D•ft!bl LOS Al'IGl.~I S OC••ft. 1t> 8!;· ..... ,, ,,....,,a,.n. '' lUflft\-1, ti BRobi"'°"· cf S<ftm•d1. JD Boor>0.t """""· lb TI IVll>f, c:h Gr!Wwlf, pr Lln1v.1> $c. .. t• ~ ~·~""' .... p l>'•Ot'1f•IC<, IO 0 ' ' • I 1 I) ) 0 0 0 ' ' ' • I I 0 l 0 I 0 • 0 I 0 l 0 1 0 l 0 I I 0 0 0 D D D 0 0 o a o o ' 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1.011'1'•. lb llllCk .. t•. I! f'•c•o••~. C:h IYY""· t ! Cty, 'lo V•(r•Wftl"', ,j G••~ry, \0 YM,t•. < ""0""°"· c ltu>Hll," R~u. o Mt•\.lt~tl. P '·"""" pn "~•boo~~. pr n, .... , •. " /~(M.,lltn, ~ l•< /, pr Ta!ll• 11 ) 9 l Tnt1>I• ~ ot11 "'h"" W'h'"no •un .cored ., , ft •b• • I 0 fl l C I f\ I I I I l 0 0 0 ' 0 0 " ' ' ' • 0 D " l I 1 " ' ' ' • t 1 ' 1 o o' .. (I 0 0 "' I 0 I I ' ' ' 0 0 0 ~ I 0 I 11 0 , 0 • ll 5 ' ~ P~1ladel1>1'•• JOO 000 001-l lo. Al>g•lt• OJO l tO l~J-. S r.--SrJ>m•a•, """tit, O C.••ft. OP-Pn•t~delD!i•O 7, lO"< fu>Qtl<• I L()8 PIH•d•tpf>i~ f , LOI A"!ltf• I J8-Ruuetl. KR lu11"1•I (?). f'~Ciof !'I< (I), S- S<~utlf" 1. lOPt'•· ~-~ml(ll 1~H1tl.•••so SP>.,tl•• ~ 1 1 7 l Lln•v (l. 1 I i l I I ' 1 c 0 ~~••tt 0 T I I 0 G R•u 'll/1)1 M•r?~;;tl 1 ) 0 0 0 0 Brewt•il'/,101 7 7 I 1 0 WP-Scl').,rltf. 1-l J6. A-1 ...... • " ' 15th St1·11it1ht. lfitt A11teate1·s Use Lo11g Ball To Dest1·oy U CR, 9-3 llJ 111)\\'ARl'J !.. llA~U\' CC Irvine 1L<;ed 1he homt' n.Jn h.'lll to :1d,·antnge in defea ting L'C Ri\'1•r'>1<I " Tuesday afternoon . 9-3. 11 ith .!['ff \lnlinorr hitt ing the first grand slan1 f)f thf' season in lhe sixth inning to highlight <H:tion on the UCI field. StC\'C \Vh iteheacl anrl Craig A11dcrso11 belted back-to-back homers in the SC('f)ntl inning lo get the onslaughl rollin::!. The three homers in one gan1c is tops for the team this season and bringc; thr total lo 30. a single season high for the Antcater.i. The \\in v.·as the !5tl) Slraigh! for V('[ and brings the season record for thf' nation's No. I <"Ollege di\'i!-100 te.an1 10 Jt} 7 going into today's gan1c v.·lth C<1I Swtc IF'ullcrton). Gary \\'heelock. arc of rtw pitching staff. l'.·ent all the \\ay to post his 11th \'idory against t\1·n dcfcal5. ill' had HI strikeoots v.·hile ~ie\d1ng fl1e hits and three runs. tlfaliooff. after a sJoy.• stan in \~\1ich he "·as hilting at a paltry .095 after the fir..t 12 games. has come to life in the J;i~1 2S outings to raise his a\'erage to .321. Dur ing that span he h11s hit at a torrid .414 clip and in the last four gan1cs. h<is slugged three horne runs to bring hi.~ !01:1! t() fi\·e for the year Terry Stupr, the n1nst consislent hitter ror the season to rlatt', h:u! ;i p;1ir or · singles to ra ise his ;n·erage lo .J&i. top' among the re~ri.1!.'lrs. 1-~ollowing the l \\'O second inrun~ honlPr.~. C('J SC'Orrd a sing!;~ unrarnrtl run in Ilic thi rd on 1\lali11of('s 1nfiel<l ~1ngll'. r1n error and a fu:ldcr's t:hoic:c. In the bi;? sixU1. Dnve Lyons opi....,,ecl "llh a '>''alk. Keith Bridges and Stupy singlrcd to cenlt·r lo load the bases a11d set lhc stage for ~lalinoff's blow o\'cr tht> 3~foot n1ark 1n ti ght center . Lyons scored !he ltnal !.<illy in !hr Sl'l'enth. his thi rd of the gat1lC. aflcr singt ini;:: !o center. J1c mo\'cd to third on a nit-and-run !i.1ngle by Carl Petemell and SL1'.lred on Stupy's s.1crifice fly. Saturday the Antealt'r.i; "ill enten<un Southern L'tah in a doublf'hcadcr and Sunday ii "ill he th<' annual celebnt~ ga me at I o'clock. 8ria•e,, Cl P•...,fltll, ti $1UDV, t /l'flll!Olt, 11:1 ~~~·.t· f'•lll\•f, If UC: INI,,_ !fl ., r II bi W~l!fft~1a. '' ) I ' I 5 1 10 11..,..~fl,IS 000 1) SO J IAnclt•'°"''l:I J I!' •l?lW~te•oc~p JO O O •ll •lvo"s.l!> Jll O S 0 1 O lotah ]t ' Tl • (I 0 0 0 St•r• 11'1 1 .. .,1no1 UC P l~f•1!at 001 002 «I0--.3 \ ) UC: l•">"t 0.)1 OCt 10•-t lS I Capislrano Beach is still in the running for the chan1pionship or the 24th A.mcricnn Bowling Congress ~1asters tournament cro"'n but Costa ~1esa '5 Barry Asher has been eliminated. l{arahan is one csr rour bov.·lers with one defeat in the tournnment. Paul Colwell of Tuc!On and Don Johnson of Akron Are the only undefeated bowlers Jert ni the e\•enl. They meet today ror the right to race: !he loaers' bracket rtnalist for llw! title. i Bates, 35, led the l~awks to a 27-2 record this past sea son and to tne quarter~final round of Uie Nation.al Invitational Tournament. The previowi season, the 0a¥i'ks ~re lhe National AssociatJon of. lnlcrcolleglate Athlelits runner•ups. Kentucky Der by Tickets Hard to Find ifnrahan lost out to Colwell. 002-892,t with gan1cs of 23-4, 2.35. '1111 and 216. e Br11h111r1•,r .~eore~ CLEVELANO-J;1ck Broha mer of Hwitington Bench scored the llrst run ror the Cle\·~land Indians Tuesday and l ~a)•lprd P~rry scnth,!rl'Ci eight h,its as the Indian$ defea ted 1he 011kland As. 2·1. Brohunler "'alkcd to lead off the seventh inning or a scorelcas dcadloc:.k , moved to second on Buddy Btll's sncrifice bunt and scored ~·llh Chr!s • Wiiiiams Die s F.AG L& HIVER . \\tis. -Fred "Cy" \Vi\lian1s, major league baseball player for 19 yea.rs and the first N•ttonal League hitter to reach 200 home n.IM ln a career, died Tll1!sday at Memorial Hospital here. He was 86. ' 1\ n.itive of Wack!nn . Ind .. Wiiiiams was a baseball and track star nt Notrt Dame L'nlversity "'hen the Chicagu C.'ubs signed h1nl In the fall of 1911. lie played ror the C\J.bs from 1912 lhro\Jgh 1917 and with the PhHadclphia Pl\illlcs from 1118 through 1930. • . LOUISVILLE. Ky. f AP\ -One nev."Spaper ad offers a $1.000 ··re'>'-anl" for bo:ii: scats. Another offers to trade season tickets to tile Cincinnati Bengals football games (or tv..'O precioUs sea ts. The rush is on for seats. and they are incrtasln,iy hard to find for this year's IOOth ruMlng of the Kentucky Derby, 1he most ballyh>oed and wildly celebroled two mlnulet in sport. Polks \\'ho've been around fnr a nun1ber or Derbies say this )"<'ar's competition for tickets ill the keene!it lhty've seen. . Minneapolis banker r.Uke Brennan ne\•er h3d any trouble getting Derby tiekets In lhe past. He placed ads in the Louisville newspapers. "Usually I get dozens of calls and c;in pick my seats. or course . 1 pay tbroUgh the DOM! ro~ lhem, .. he said. "Bot Utis year I've only had two calls. "One guy sakl he bad a deluu. lwo- b«lroom apartment and a Uncoln Continental with a chauffeur ror four dn)'I, plus the tickets. All he \\'anted \\'as .. 2,800 bucks. r laughed." Churchill Downs. the hlstcrl c track v.·here the most famous of horse racts Is nin, seats only 42,000 in tts grtndstand, I and those tickets are sold out. Anyone CBn get 1 ticket for admission to the infield, and up"·artU of li0.000 or i0,000 alv.·ays do. But unless you'rt! cootenl 1\ llh drinking "'·atered -dol'.'n mint julc1>5 a1)d \\'atching aboul anything txcept n hor~ race. the lo£1l'ld Is not the place. Sta tus on Derby l)ay is ha\'ini: seats in Utt grandstand, where Southern ladic5 in brightly colored hat~ 11nd drel!~ ;ind gcntleinen in anticipation of a "'Inning bet bask In the sun and await tho slratns o! "~1y Old Kenlucky Home.•• Then for t~·o minutes. ~h'l' or tal.e ~ $C('()fld. 11 cro"·d or l -\ e 3 r . o 1 ti lhoroughbrl'ds tear around ttie nlil"" tral·k one and n quarter limes ln SCt\rch of a bed of roses. SI00.000-plus and fan1<' And for th<' IOOth Dt'rby , ii set'nls here as if e,·erybod~· intends on being thcrt. \\'hen J.Aolgh Zarsc put an ad in the: nc"·spaper. he ;i~ked for 11nyone v.•lt h si:>. Ocrb~· tickets to "cull Leigh oolle<:t ·• After t'lO \\'Orth of rollecl C'<llls. a u1an phoned u'ho said he had the six tlckc · Leigh v.·anted. The man demanded cash. l~lgh snid he sent him $120. He Is still \\'8.iting for the tickets. ?Z DAILV PILOT WtdnHday, Ap!'\I 24, 1974 Edison Falls, 2-1 Rustlers Barons Triumph. -U1i"' 11-10; On Squeeze Bunt Take Lead Ry CRAIG Sll!FF By ROG>:n CAR I.SOS 01 rr. o.i1y l"li.t sr1n ~lark Garlicld '~ SUl't:essful bunt Q\'(•r the outstretched glove of hard luck 8diwn pitcher Dave Whitt!'s glu\'t1 scored the ~·Inning run In the hol\om of tl1c 10th 1nn1ni:: 'l'u.;:sday as !hf' ho.~t Fountain Vallry ll 1~h B:irons 1>11t the , !lk1ds to nv:tl Edison. 2·1. in Irvine Li.-<iJ.(U\' lla~cball nctlou The lus~ drops ~.Alison Into a 1hn.~<'·'>l.'ll) t1l' for second pince behu1d lf':lgUC' lend('r Los /\lamir.os tind in uddillon the phf'nomcn11I hitting strtak of Ediwn's r.i lke Sclwood was snappt_"Ci. "' Se\\j,•()(')d. 11 ho !Krd h J I i>uc.-cess(ully 1n hi:; last nine appearance~ at lhc plate and wa s on base the Inst .dozen at bats, W('ut 1 ... :0-for·four. ~11 popped to ccrtt1·r in the sroond inning to .snap tus pcr!ional skein. In the <'nd It was a case of coach John Cole's Barons l<iklng ndv:inlagc of thei r opportun itic~ \vhllc Edison blew two go[d{'ll chances in regulation . Tu•ice ~.Alison had rtJnners on second and third with no out only lO corne up ernpty handed against sophornore lefty lHck \Voolard. EdiS011's only seore c8ml" in the sixth on Ste\•e Hines' lrlple to nght and nn cnsuJng ·wild pitch. It lll'guted fUck Tessler's solo ho1n1:r in the fifth that gave f'ount;iin Valley a short· l1v;'() 1-0 1·dse. .lack Upton scored the .,..·11u.1ng run after reJchlng first on an infield error and nJO\'tng 10 third on a pair of s;1crifir(> plilys. The11 <;arficl<l squeezed and the ball wtont over the tl1:1rg1ng \\ hitc. lintil then t.hc Barons had no Ont! ni; f~r as second ou!Side of Ti:ssier's four-baggc•r. ttl ..... Ii Mttoy, (I N!d•eb. rl ~~lw«d, ~a ~cNt!,r, pr Wlolll. 11 M•CV, C 801~0< •• ,. o~"o•it11. 20 ·~!bb~'"· lb f O!lll •0•11'11 ) I I 0 ' o a o ~ 0 1 0 • 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 ! 0 1 0 ] 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 " 1 ' 0 J'o1111111~ v1n1y cu 1brllrbl '''uler. 7D WllOl~rd, JI Up!Ofl. 1tl V tltMI'.. II Ogden, pr Foa, lb Gl fllfld, •I ft•~ltr, t • Q 0 0 • 0 0 0 t l I 0 3 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 ] 11 0 0 J 0 , l 3 I 1 I ) 0 0 0 , ' 0 0 1 0 0 0 :io a s a 0 Blt Mil;. ti ;,,11;i.on. -~ v.ien11. "11 t olol' kOl't •1 lnnlnh • • ' ' ' ' ' 000 001 CM 6-1 000 010 (l(IQ ,_, OI lhl DlllJ' ~1111 It•" r..olden West Co I l eg e staggered I n I o undisputed position or first place in the wild Southern Califomla Con- ference baseball chase 1\tes- day. The Rusllers. sparkl"d by Cury Nori.h's bases·looded triple and Pat Espinoza's rclll'f pitching, topped visiting E..1st LA . 11·10. SPORTS DONS FORFEIT GRID GAMES The win put Golden \\'est a hair game ahead of eypres,,: and a game up on LAOC Santa Ana College has Cypress tell to LACC 7.2· forfeited aU or lls football Tu~ay. ' ' games from the 1973 .sea90n Golden \Vest had t 0 .. becaweofanlnellgibl e o v e r c om e some wild player, the Dally Pilot has maneuvers In the field to beat learned . East LA. The R u s 1 \ e r s Santa Ana has tent a letter com mlttt.'<I six errors, four in to So.uth O>a.st Conference lhe first three innings when conuruuJoner Don Hall ol !he ff usklet jumped to a 6--0 CerritOI requesting the games lend. be forfeited . But coach Fred •roover's _TIM' Dons' 197? reCord wa1 3- heavy-hitting Rustlers began $;1. Th~ victones were over to k 11. h E San Diego Mesa, ML San pee away, cu ing t e ast AntoniO and Mexlco City Poly LA lead to 7-4 after four while the tle waa wilh Orange innings. coa 1 Then In the sixth , the s · Rustlcr:s bombarded the fluskies for six runs on six hits \\'ith North's three.baager the blg blow. Pirates, Gauchos I\'lesa in ·11-0 Victory; Jack Hudson started the rally with a doubl e that was lost in the :sun by the Ea.st LA right-fielder. Espinoza then silliled to right but Hudson was thrown out ul the plate and GWC appeared to be in for a Jong afternoon -espe. dally when Bill Nodland struck out. Dun1ped . Eagles Trip CdM, 3-0 But Bill Whitel ey singled and Mike Sanchez walked to load the bases. Aller Gordon Blake1ey singled In a run and Curt Peterson walked to force in another, Norlil snapped out or a sl ump with a drive over lbe right fielder 's head. He scored minutes later on Craig Kennedy's sln~le. .. . Orange Coast and Saddleback colleges hammered the ball well, but came away empty-handed in JC baseball action Tuesday. Costa l\1esa llig~ jumped back into the Irvine League baseball picture wit h a 4-0 victory over host Santa Ana Valley Tuesday. The win was the l\1ustnngs' Hf'\h In a row und put them into a st.'COnd plaec tic \Vilh Edison and Santa An.i Valley (5-->IJ, two games behind Los Alamitos. In another Irvine gan1l'. Estancia bJanked Corona de! l\tar. 3--0. fllcsa pitcher John Brown .stymied Valley on six hits. slrik\ng out five and 1\•alking 01\C. Ile got the only run he needed in the third when Dave Bcmhardt hit a 400 -Coot homer to center field . The 1\-lustangs added three more in lhe seventh on si ngles by John Crandall, Bi I I Valentine, Bernhardt, Jim Brandt and Don Tryon and a \Vi)d p\tch . Mean"'hile, Estancia pitcher Bob Isaksen shut Corona de! r..1ar out on six hils. 1'he Eagles scored all of their runs in the fourth inniag. Glenn Robertson opened the i\lcsa Banquet ·1 ... frame \\'ilh a triple and Steve ~1orton singled him home. One out later, Joe llonquillo doubled in Morton . Ronquillo was thrown out attempting to go to third on ~lark Deven's grounder. Deven later scored on an error. Etl•11tl1 UI Lorion. d Rooet114t1, Jb Mor ton, c li1r!lty, II Ronqvllio. Ht Ow.n, cl '"°'"-5t Mtl•llVl"•/11. pfl l.otflll, ltl Fll'mll'IQ. llfl h t-Mfl, p ()h!un, P Tcttll •It r h rtll 1 0 0 0 4 1 l I 3 I I l 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 ) I J 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 • 0 I O I O ,, l 1 J c.r.... -,...., (t) Mlflln.I i 0 I 0 • ' 2 0 , 0 ' 0 i 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 2 • c 0 Jvri-•• Nooow•. 1b G••flt·1. It Moll, 111 ll(QPol..-, rt DeMIU•. rt Ff6"lrllfl, cl G11i11>1n . lb WU~l11i.on, p M11r1>hy, Pl! MDOre, t fol•l5 ,l 0 0 0 ' ' . I 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 lt 0 • 0 u-lly lnnl1191 Espinoza relieved Peterson In the third and was to:ugh the rest of the way, allowing three runs-all of them unearned. o.lfttl Wnl 1111 •• , "rM Nociltlld. (I l I '• 8 Whlltlt v. 7b l S..ncll•r. ltl l I 1 ISlf~tl•V• •• f t l 1 t:~~' P.lll ! l t : IC.IMfdY, rt • 0 1 I -.( • l l 1 ltlt!tr.111 100 0 EJC>l"OTI, p 1 l I 0 T1t1tlt l1 II U IO k..-. .,. lftnl!19t ' .. E•11 l.A ().12 100 002-lO I 1 Gollllf>•Wt•I 00J \Ot 01•-11 12 6 (XX;'s Pirates hit safely JO times, but fell to invading Cerritos, 8-5. The wln was the Falcons' 15th in 16 South Coast Conference games and it wrapped up the circuit title. M e a n w hile, Saddleback battered 11 hits but was dumped by host Southwestern, S.5, in a A.fission conterence game. Rich lblglass pa c e d Saddleback with a tJne.run double in the fifth inning and a single. John Springman bad a sJX1h inning homer for the Gauchos. Cerritos rolled to a 7.0 lead before OCC could get on the board with four unwn«f nw in the fifth. Jeff Grant had three hits for the Pirat~ while Rora SWanson and K e v I n Ji.1orrow had two each. Or1"" CHtl U) 1llr llrltl Grt~!. di! j 11 l O ll(ubf1k1. c ' I O O klW11PCJ, ('f 0 ' .. l!:sl•nc1• 000 ~ 0-J t o Coron. Otl Mft< 000 ~ 0-0 t I Co.fl MtH {4) Rachu11ok Paces SCC •brhBA t~~11:11 !, i l i •,••ndt._!! • 1 l I LA l\1 1Rf\DA-Steve r~!~ ... 7b ! ! I ryon, ,. 4 0 7 I R h k h ZJ.....,,.r. 21) o o o 0e1t"Y· c ' o o o ac uno pitc eel his sevenlh y011, ,, I 1 , ! ~!\Arp. lb 3 0 0 0 lr · hi ' ' 8 ,.1.,..,..11, pr 0 0 0 0 s aig victory as Southem .:~t:l~~·: I ! erow11. P 1 o 1 o Cell!omla r-llege d 0 n e d Tott11 l s 10 2 !. 15ttftll11"111. Jb l 0 0 0 ....,., w ·-· lty , ..... cra"!l111. s1 J 1 1 o Bloln, 4·1, in bil:!ebal\ action r 11 • V•lt~l!nt, rl l O 1 11 (trr!!1t1 tlO CM1 oao-.. 1? 4 o. e •• ,.,.. • .,,, 111 J , , , Tuesday. Or•• cDl'lt • °'° 001-5 10 , fot•l1 21 • 10 J JtH'9N<I !II S111t1 Alll \'1fkoy It) S. Ct! Cell-!41 •• 1 .. rltl 11irllr.i •ltr llrlll Kl,,,.,)& ! 8' 0 M1ft!ne1. '' ' o o o ~..,111"· 11 I O (~uln<ltn, cl l 11 I O L~~. (! J I 2 0 rl"'lmt n. ti l I H~tllf). l'b J o 1 O JOl\n.on, JD • l 1 I 11111"1. C 1 0 O·Rourkt. lb l O 7 O Mottles, C J l I 0 H .. 11', 7to 4 t 0 I l rotter, t l O 1 O ~1~:1t~~ 11 ! I J / ,.,...,, rt ! I I 0 k~tlo. lD J O O 0 MllU!>. lb I 1 I Ooual111. lb i Cosla l\1esa lligh's ~':i~~' ~: ~: t::i;;'.:::n,1i1 i g f g =~J.d11 ' o sv.·11nming tca1ns will be ~:r1~~'.·: ~ : : : ,._,,h~~"p ~ 2 g g M~1,;:r...,, o J I,, f honored with 11 sports a1vard 101111 11 11 • 0 To1t11 .u 1 • '*• a., 111nl• ~t'::,~e~a::~~~~ 16) at the '°'"Me::•" •1~~::_: I~ ; I<.., ~Y ifllll...-, II ~llttK\ cm CM1 ~1~ ; ---------------':':....:"_"'-'---""-""-,_, __ •_• __ 'c•'fc"c:' ____ ~:::.c!r.c'"~::_"'-"--l _lc_ __ •_w_..., __ "'_' __ "_'_M_'_"_'-' __ '_'_ NOW YOU-CAN LEASE '74 VOLVO 164 4 DR . Au tomatic. air cond .. 6 cylinder. genuine leather 1nler ior. steel radial tires. Safely-Economy-Luxury. F o r only $158 .. MO. • WE HAVE ONLY * 22 * 74 TOYOTAS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICES! • PICK-UP TRUCK OF. THE YEAR Toyota HI-LUX Now Showing. v Baseball S landings ' All1ER1CAN LEAGUE £est Division w L Boston 9 6 l'\lih1•eukee 7 5 llalti1nor(' 8 6 Nc11• ''ork 9 7 Cle\·eland 5 10 Wtst DlvisJon ~1 innesota R • Texas a • AnJit'IS 9 7 Oakland 6 7 N1n.<ms City ; 8 Chicag() 5 9 f'"10'''' W•mtt Cltv,ltnd 1. O•~l•l'd 1 I<•"""' cuv J. ·~· ... , e.11 . .....,,, " .-,,...1, J l>'lnnroo!I 1, Dt lrolt O Cn1c100 3, MllwMtl<~• , Only .,,,..., t(Mo(lull'd , • .,.... 011114• Pel .r.oo .583 .571 .563 .333 .571 .571 .563 .533 .385 .357 GB \\ II 31\ ' \\ 21\ 3 O•t.laM l ~Olll""lft •11 •I C:lt vtlt!ld ITld~ow 1·11 O.:tn~•1 (l!V (PAll!n IHI> ti Hr"' Yl>"l tMMlc~ 1·ll AnQfl! l~l"Qff 1·11 •t l!tlllmv~ iMcN•U~ I 'I .o.•1n11•'1Ct1 1tt1111h o-l) •I O.trolt ICott,.,111 2·11 t oiton rTl1nr 1-ll ti Tt••• IJ1nlln1 ).tl Mllw•u~ff (WFI~! J-01 1t c~lclf(I 1WOOd lo;I) flMIO<'I 11 f't•ll 0.:•~'41• C.I!~ II Hew 'l'Olt. Oft•v o•"''' K,_.,,"'41 r, NATIONAL LEAGUE Easl Division w L ~lontrtal 9 2 1,niladelphia 9 6 SI. [.(IU\s 10 7 Chien so 6 6 New York 3 10 Pittsburgh , 10 Dodgl"rs l1ou!ton Cincinnall Wert Dtvtdon 11 s San Francisco Atlanta San Diego 10 8 8 7 9 8 a g 5 13 - 1 I Pel. .818 .r.oo .588 .500 .231 .231 .688 .556 .5.13 .1211 .~71 .2711 2 2 3'' 7 7 Vikes Win: ' HB, Lions Toppled 1'1arlna Hl&h'• VI kt n gs knocked Arulhetm Hf&h t•·o a•mes b<hlnd S..... League baseball leader Newport Har- bor 'fue!lday with a 5--2 vic- tory on the winner'• diamond. In other Sun1et League play Westem handed the host WestmJnster Llon1 1 10.S loss and Huntington Beach was burled by \'lllllng Loara , J().I. !\farina's win wJ.s wrapped up la the first lMlng when the Yikes JCON!d nve tJmes. Mike Dapello lilt a t•"1>-r1m single and <l>lrles lllnK knocked In Daptllo with a ba.se rap. Gregg Foster got the last two Yikes plated with a sintJe then Foster Jtslfl Bora and Dave Werner combined to 11tlfle Anaheim on five hits. Tom Freman &ot Huntington Beach Out ln front early with a first-inning walk, eventuaily scoring on "Bob Stlmmler'1 sacrlrtce bunt. But a slx"'fUD fifth Inning by Loara put Huntlogton Beach to re.st. Westminster scored four tlme1 in the flret iMlng with Curnal Rungo'a two.run single hlghllghilng the frame. But Western batters came back with thne In the fOW'tb and four in the seventh to handle the Uons. .... .,... llfl .. , 11"4 ~""·.. . ! ' ' . 'l • • ' 111. II 2 0 ,,..,_, ,, I I . r1,c t 1 1\11', ,1 ' ! I Clrllon. H l O OloM~.1' 1!1! A':~u·~· • o fOl•lt " • 11 i Wttfn'llllllWI' Ill •• , llrtll 5-" •,111 YE'~::~~"· ?b '• • I II: htrat. • 1 ~:.:. ':\ 'i' l I l e;.bldc!, II 11. lb •l;'i,, c • I I "'r."lii, II I I I It r:r:(, I\ I""° "1 lllfllfl'll I l ' .. 700 )10+-l~ 11 I tOI 000 t-I lJ I ANJ!tl!ll Ill . "' ll:tV91, :l'tt P1lm1r, c F11-fV• I\ Klno 7b \r;;;;t111.r. c1 l'05Ml1, ~t '""r.'rat. II Htrl M , rl wi ...... lb Wllf'\, o Ectctrt, pi, llltt~I. 01\ Tot1l1 .. ' • ,! l . 1 I l I ' ! I 0 ' ' n • , I 1 g I ! ! • ' f . , M111 .... UI An•flflm Morini ·~ f llf"tf I t s t 11 i l 8 i i $Ctl't .., lft~ ..... S t J ' .. l .. ~ 'fR,F :=1 i 1 •• r II Fii i 1 • 0 l i l I l I I I . ! t l \ . . Frtr•ll"' ,. V•n Tkllll~1 " $tlmmltr, p M1ntol!no. 2l> t • 0 I ~=·::..1: ,~ i' I 1' ,: Hutton, l~ J~rt'W, ID i 0 I 0 1(=:.: DP \ OO OO ~ Oollo1•'· p I 0 0 0 TGl•h ZJ1t1 "'-.., '""""" ' .. t lO UCI 2-10 11 1 KI0 .. 0-1 '1 Schmidt's Belt Sparks Diahlos, 3-1 Erie Schmidt belted a \\'&ist4 high fastball over the right centerficld rence at lhe 365- root mark with two mates aboard In the oecond Inning to give ~Ussion Viejo High a 3-1 Crestview League baseball victory over host Villa Park Tuesday afternoon. Jim Reyoolda was safe on a blooper hit over the pitcher's head and Bob Bates was safe on an error to set up the borne run. I.Jave P•tterson pitched five- hit ball while striking out nine. He gave up one walk in the se,•enth after tiring. The only other ~fission Viejo hit came in the top or the seventh, a single bv Bates. Mlt-'" Viii. Ul ... , ""' :r:n:~~~on. lb I ! ! I W.h~"~d,, c i o I ! lJl'MI, ct j o o Rtvnola~. ti 1 1 o W•it.1"\' II 0 0 II •::::;.:. • f ' ~ I l~!ffi:l:l " J ! ! SW..., ....... ' .. DJO 000 o-.i , • GOO 010 1-1 J l Clinic Tonight UC Irvine bucball all!Ches G•ry Adams and '!'om Spenoe will be the featured speakers at a cltn~ for youth coaches and fathen tonight and Thursday • evening al Costa Mc,. lllah School. The cllnlc Is i.... and will last for two hours etch nlghl. from 7:30 to 9:30. It will be held tn the gym. ' .-_ Sizzling Tars Nine Sinks Saints, 3-2· By BANK Wl!SCB OI .. O•Or ,.... Neff Dave Vester acored a run with t0me daring base n.IMlng In the Jixth lMhlJ, aud then drew a walk to forte In die v.1nning run to the teVenth 11 Newport Harbor downed Santa Ana. 3-2. ln sunset League base.ball Tuesday at Newport. The victory, Newport 1 1 oevenlh in eight 1eaaue 1ames, te<ps the Sailora • pme ahead at Loara In Ibo loop standingJ. Tuelday'I wtn CID about even though Newport. was outhit by Santa Ana'• Satnls, "'· and 1railed throuab all but the rmal lnl!lng of play. Going Into the s I x t h • Newport found 1 ... u behind I· O to i pltdlfng gem by Santa Ana left-hander John Kimbler. But ·Newport Ued the pme """1 Morgan Abbo\t walked. stole aecond. took iltlrd on a wild pitch and came ln on a otnd>hll single by M I k ~ lllanct.ard . Blanchard was a pinch- hitter for Vester, but 1.D'tder the league's subAltutlon rule Vester was allowed ton.in !M hlmsell. And ""' he did. The little -bMeman stole .......i cleanly. and thm bmke fOI' UUrd while Khnbler * "* * ii 1 • I I • "l ! I MD Posts 4-1 Victory Over Amat LA PUENTE-1\-fater Dei High's ~1onarchs cootinued their all-conquering: ways ln An1<lua League baseball action 'J'uesday with a +1 triumph over the host Bishop Amat Lancers. Don Catozza fashioned a two-hitter and !<)15t his shutout bid In the seYenth when the Lancers 3COr'E!d without benefit of a hit. But by that time the 1.fonarchs of coach Art Perry had the game weU ln band \\'Ith a pair of mark.en ln the fourth and fifth frarneJ sealin& the issue. The ~-ocored in the fourth "''hen Tel'TY Canale drew a bases loaded v.·alk and Dave Najera stroked a sacrifice fly. Two more came across ln the fifth "''hen Catozza singled and advanced to second on Jim Gardea's ~ hit. Chuck Linnert got lhe first run across with a single and Gardea scored on an outtielder's e'1!"'. Mil., o.1,1<> . '• ' ... ••\ .. '·" J 11 Srntll.11 l I • I ICll'kMlJ. pll I ~'"· rl 4 It«•. • 4 1 ' "'••·ci • ' an,lb )!I ll ...,..rt,c 2 o 10 Mltllllrf. )b ) 0 Ht n11t . 3~ 0 0 Cl Ctftt1•, 'to 1 o ! !Min, 2D 1 0 0 T011tl I nn ..., l~lll' • I J ' .. :mt:.1 1~ ,1 J>td the ball .. rho mound forclng a wtld throw v.'hich allowed him to KOrt. Th.at gave Newport Jhu'bor a :.-1 ll"ad ·eoJng into the final Inning, bill Sanla Ana lied Ii>< sc:ore on a dca!btt, single and tnll<kl OOL Niewport loaded the b3Sf'll in I.he bottom <l \he stventh on Area Track three walks , and w1.th two out Vester came to bat. Aht:r watch.Ing two 5iTlktJ sa11 by. h< rooled olf >w pitches whUe v.-orking for a walk that brought home D:>\1g Chard v.•l!h !he wlrutlng run. Abboll pllched 1he victory. stc[king out eight in the pnx.'t'S.S. Sena Clears 6-7; Diablos Run. 43.9 Mission Viejo. behind scbool records by Mike Sena and tile 440 relay team . d o w n e d Foothill 93--43 In dual meet track and field action Tuesday at A.fission Viejo. Sena improved his school recOrd in lbe high jump by one inch, <:!earing &-7. The 440 rtlay team of Kevin Weilein. Derek Palmer, W i I bur Gregory and freshman Greg Jones clocked 43.9, snipping three-tenths off their own mark . Jones also swept the sprints In 10.4 and 22.7 while Gregory won both hurdle races at 14 .9 and 7D.3. In other tract action. El Toro, with double wiM from Brian lteaney, Chuck Van Llew, Charles Hicks and ti.lark Delay, stopped E.!perarua, 75-- 48. M""-vi.i:~r,.,1 """"'11 IDl)....1. J_. fM\ 2. ,.. ''"' {M) l. f.,,.lffoofff'fif-. T!mt: 10.t. 2 1. JOI*: M 2. '°'°'" (Ml l. timer !Ml t,..., 'J-' ....._,, l".-i1" Ml t. .:.t1i.11Urv IFI l. H-IMl. lmt: 51.&t; lll0-1, H-11' IMO /,· ttoft !Ml 3. kl>l,ulnotr I l Tft\f: l:j•·•· Mlt.-1. I.•" !F 1. Coek IM 1, Horrlt IMI. ] ""' ''1! 0. !~11t-, C .. lc ,U) ,, H•.,I• !~I) 3. Vffmllll1 !Fl. Tlmt; t:~.t. lXI HH-1. c-vtMl 1. "rthl!! IF) 2. T.....,i.ovfc IMI. hr,.: It, , "1 ';."!:;.l~~m e;,~·~;1111~ IM1 U0 ltll•t -1. Ml .. lon Vlt io. l h'"t: Ut (khod llOU'dl ~]~1~·~~;11,,:')b0;~'~-...!1::.:, l;l~{-]. tOmml~n !Fl. H1lohl: ~1. t!cllOOI LJ'!....'f.°'~cloll-'mlVlr !Ft 1 C. W•fl01n CMI 3. fltVlll CF), OIU•nct: 21·1l. $"-1. FIPll, IM) 2. M<GlllFI IF) l Hlcil;.,. {Ml. 0 111•1\Ct: •t-J. OT-1. 'tifi1111"1 !Fl J. Cl!f'!I !Fl 3. T r~r.'\J.'il.,;..,~:'lYi' i.44N"o.. IM)' ], LOPI! fMl Ol1!anc:t: 0 ·7. ,-V-1 .. Mont-rv (~) 1 0'(&,,Mll /Ml l . i mllh \M) H .. oM: 12•1. J•lflllf Vu•tltv MhtlM Vl•I" f .. \ Ill) '""""''' 100 -I. ll:aft~ (M) 1. Tri"' CF l 1 ~nclllM .. tf '":J· f lfT!t: 11 I. 1. lte>llt"1 M) 1. Ft• !Ml l. .......,194..,. C \. Timi: 7S.l. l, M1wltv CMI 2. Wtilnoer ff ) ..... : .1-1.7. ,.,,.,..O:~'c1e'i,,:r. 4~.?...~ {:O:~ 1F1 t Milt-!. ~"9 fMI !, Go&'le 1Ml l . ,.Bl~.~· c1l1"'2'. M~:;.~ cF1 t H.,.,,..,. ... w !Ml. t t11·": 11 :se.t. 12!! Htt-1, Ktrdt Cfil 2, Onru11t1 {Ml L"M-1, ~rrl• (Ml 1. 01 l"trttl !Fl , TrlllD Fl. Tl'!le: :!?.•. ~. 0.F'l!'P.I CF!. 1......,: !I.I lllt-1. Mlt•I"" Vlf !o Tl"'t ' •l.t. M It lt•l•v-1. MIUIOf'I Vlt lo. Tim•: l,n•. H -1. lp••I-!Fl ' 8111~0 (Ml !. F"""1 !Fl. HtltM: $-.I. ,....._,_ w.1"9trf (II') 1. kt1M IM) l , Tit ~IFMI IS"YI" (Fl H•tn~" ,_.... u~T '(~~!Ji1l~~;"°'u~:2. 1' TJ-1. Jtl:r.1 IMl 1. Lovt !Fl l. P~tll '"/· Dlt 1nnr: JU. 5"-,._,.,.m "" ' Fr•~ ..... 10 IMl ]. GrtY CFl. Dltr.ntt: ..,._., l)T-1, LOUllf!--IWI! ?. R~··•• tM ) J. AAtr,......,1,, ct..11. 0 1•••'1(1: ns.o. ·--MltMll Viti• (ft) lf7l "'"'""• ...... , f"~"w fr.l 2. (.•l1otno IMI 1, Hl•f'll" flo\J T""t: 11ft !20-1. TOFNY !Fl t. Sl•llltY IFl ]. CrlUltno !Ml, )111'11: 7• o. '40-1. Oerov•11 F) 2 111 ourl!e p,i. ! l. e..-1.....i (Ml. TlrM: ss.•. llG-1. Vt f'll;t ,,,., t. e-t-•n CF) l." ~1-!n IF ! T!..,.: 2:11.1. Mlif....1. T-"' (Fl '· M.t1111 (loll ]. Giles {Fl. Tl""; f•4$,t . J-Mll-1. 1..itW.•"• /Fl 1 O"lch !Fl ]. M•l'ol'I M\i Tlmt: t:•.S. 1'0 HM-II H""' ••11 !F l 2. l..,rlWI (IA ) ~' Hfllll l<\t " (l"l. TI"": '-'-l \H-1 H')l,lllMI' fl:"J 2 loi"dtfW\ • /,· Hout111111 !Fl. f ll!'4 : u 1. 4.0 11,~ t •-1. Ffl"lt>lll. Tl~•: .tit Miit R1l1v-I, For.111!1!, TlrM: 1:'6 1, HJ-1. C""•.od (Ml 1. Pl"'".,Oll •Fl 1. I-IMl. HtlaM: S·l0''1 IS<lleo! M:ordl. PV-1. Mcl(~I• l Jl'l 2. lv...,..,.rt CM) J, 4rl*l'llfl (Fl Htltlll: 11.0. Sl"-1. •l·l'T"' fM! t. Fl...,lno c,1,11 1 '1'011,.. F D 1!1nc t : »·' 1$e"Ooi cr~~L-,. !M\ 2. H~•tv !Fl 1. Al· 1Stv111 '(Mir.· Ohl111Ct: 17S·?. LJ-1. HOiii ~~ (Fl I. Sc~uttr I F) 1. Crltot"" Ml. 0111.,,c.: 11-4. ,,_\; Hf11ot1 !Fl t. sc•u1,_, (F) l. H1 l'VO /M). Dl,l•ntt; :ie-10'), \la"lty uJ'll ... r11t .. cn1 "" ,.,. I00-1, RllM (\JI :L Gr1111"' IU) ), 11:-~ Cf'· Tl""'' 10.1 7"-1. ll:IU (~ '· ~rtl'>tm CUl ]. ~j!.:t (gr::L ·~.,,_. (1!11 1 Llfl'llll (~,) T!"'t' $.!.•. *-'· e1 k!I• cu l 2. c ,,..1"' 11 > J. DIJ-r I\. Tl"'I ' t;Ool,4 Miii-i. WI 1111"' I ) 1. •·111M11 {U1 ), Tr11>1•M._t . f~· 4:llt. 2...,Ut-1. WI !11-1151 f, ~1k~n1 IU1 J, a ttn..., IUI. Tl,,..: •:SO 1. 1)0 HH-1~ ~ lUl J· M111\ln1 1a1 l. 1t0~.'...!.T. ·~-iu\'·1: Mu!llt>J (15 1 l . P111m1ft tU l. Tl-: r..1. .t«I rtlt v-1. U11lvtr1!tv. Time: 4$.$, Miit •IOl••-1. art•· Time: l :•1.•. HJ-I, H®ltlnt \8 ) 1. 01111111 (81 S. H ... llC!ft lUl. l'tl •Ohl: S·IO, l.J-1. 5!1rlt 1111 1. ,.ftllon CU) J, R1yno10 f,), Dl1l,1"t1: 11·10. Pll-1. Enabll•I (a ) 1. Cr•~ (8! l. GreiP<>barli 18/. H•kthl: 'f•· >e-\· HDQan 15) 2. Schll 1111 {Uf l. Sm lh (8), Dl1t1nct : Sl·l \I), Of-1. MtlllOWS /lU 1. HOQtn (15) J Sc~ulltn IUl. 0 1!1nc1: 1.a.11. ' Sc.M""'n • Uto1¥t1"111Y i.'1 (51) lru \Ol).l. tllOPI• 1Ul 1. JOllft•Oll 1151 l D1vl1 181. Tlfl'll': 10.t , 720-1. c-· Ill)'· Cl1rlt CU) l. "••I nil. Tl.,.,.: ts.•. Ul-1. Wthh !UJ 1 SllM {151 l . 11ort '"\· ,,_ "' 110-. lllnt (8) !. OulMlv (8 ) J. Wolth IUI. Tl'"': l :ll o. M It-I, Fl <tO YU) 1. OublV !81 I. "GmtrO'o' IUJ. 1.,.,.: ,,SJ.l. 2..,.lt+-1. Ftrt\ UJ 1. Ptteri.on /Ul 1 l'ol11110it 181. lmt · lO:J:J.J 10 ioitt-1. Ol1r1t !UI 2. Gr•"•'" \Ul l Ot11lt lt IUJ. Tl.,.,.: 10.1 1'0 LH--1. EIMll !UJ 2. Corlu 18) l Gft~tm !Ul. Tl,,.,.: lt.t. ' 4iO rtltv-1. un1...-,1rv. Time: ,70 M!lt '°ltV-1. arN! t :0!.1 . • . ' HJ-1. H1'1'fllorl cal t. E<Hn !UJ l . Dtnlel' JU), Hllol!I: H . U -1. Civil 1e1 2. Cortez (81 l. Gr1111m !U/· o 1ttnct ; 11·•. "'ti~1i~"r;_..ul 2. Ol1tt1 UI l. e ... 1. SP-I. Jol'w'l1«1 ca 1 2. Hoa1t1 11~ ~ (ttMV (U). Obt,ncoi: »7. OT-I, JQM10t0 ! l 1. St!•!o 181 l . HD0111 /a l. Ol1!1"C1: 1JO..t\~. ··-u"rvtrt1r. Ull uo ''" 100--1, H11,11 [U) 2. Looi CU! ) 111me111 (IS L Tl.,.,., 11 ,0, 270-1. R1m1111 (81 1. Looi !Uf J McGvlrt !Sl. Time: 25.1. 0-1()-1, Mumt IS ) 2. Hobbs (151 J. ~rOOd~ !u11 rim" ss.s. f!,,,;.,Hnr. Tii i ?·2:~V (UJ J, Mlle-I. Mul"I• j1'e 2. Mtrl'Clltl! !8) 1, Gtl~tn /Ul. T "'" •:53.f· 2-mllt----1 LOl'IO {()> ?. 8 Inks (8 ) J, Dtrtv rul. Tlmt : 10:4'.S . 10 HH-1. lhll"I /U) 2. lll1vnoao !8) ) PUl'Tiln (U L l lm1: 10.1. . 121' LH-1, Ht1rl1 llJ) 2. A~llM (U) J P11tm1" \Ul T mt: U,t, .. ~ rtl•~-, I•~•. Tim•· 41 6 Miit AllV-1. l f'Q. Tl;,,. ·3·: ... J. HJ-1. l-• lUI 1. c;,..,. ru1 ] Hotroe• IU1. H•iohl: ,... ' LJ -1. 11t•rle l\.H 1. Looi HJ! J. ReYno.o 1e1. 01,11"''' 17.9, PV-1. J ... 5.,p 1u11. Allred 115) J Btlz ! I ). He!Qh1: t-0. SP'-1. M•'!lf)ll fl ! 1. Mc:G11!'9 11!11 J M"'°"" (UJ. 0 !ltflCt: l$-11h D'-1.· ae,, .. re 1. "'"'o"" ·1u1 l He 111blct Il l. Olllln<f: 107-3. V1nllv El Tt r9 IHI IU) l!:llfflftII 1C0-1 Hfl/llV (El\ 1. ll1lnt YOl<I !El 1 SPOdo/ll IE). Time: 10.,. ?70-1. Ht•ll<!~ !ETI 7, llltintvokl !El ). 01100!• IE) f !l'nt: ?l.J. UO--! Vtll Lltw (ET ) 1. ~PCCloll IE I J, Mlllf'f' (Ell Tltnf: SJ.t. Q0-1. You"O tETl l . ttu1!1<1 fEI l. Brown (E). f imt: 1.0S.6. Mllt--1 11:"""'1ts fEl 7. C1rt1 IEf) l. ll:obi"10!I !El. Tlmt: 4:G.]. '·Milt-1. Knowl1t (El 2. SpOdola (E~ ), Kvc~tl~I~ IE\. flmf': 10:f1.0. no Hl'l-1, Hit~ .• IETl 1 McK•v ~El'· WI!'°" !E). Time: U.I. 190 LH-1. Hlctt (ET) 1. Mt lClr 1EJ J, H1mo1llng !E!. Tl'"': 21.3. UO Rt!1v-1. El Toro. Time: .U.•. Miit lt'lav-1. El Toro. f lmtt; J;~O.l. HJ-1, 811kl11 (El 1. Co• CET! J . Hicti.1 !ETJ. H~lghl: 6·1, LJ-1. Vin Llt w (El ) 1. Rtln~vol<I !El J, J1ca1>H IEf), OltllflCI; Z..10. P'V-1. ltl~Y !Ell. H1lohl: 1()..1. SP-1. Oelav (ET~ 1. $1!ul1llt IET)]. l!um~1otn (Ef. Di1lmct: •3-1. DT-1. DlltY IET> 1. Mc.F1dden (El l J. Clt •k !El. Oll11nct: t•1. 11'""1\•SOP~ s:1 T...., 1'31 nsi 11..,"1'" llZ-1. llt<t~r<I !Ell 2. H11tr1r /ET) J, llf~tr 1£1. Tlrnt: 11.2. 2:10--1. l !rtl\tr6 (ET) 2. '°""l'llFIQ!O!I fEl J. No T~l1d. Time: 2f.t. Ml-1. H....,11191t (El) 2. Hllllfl' IE! 1 1511~1' CE1. Tl-. !4.6. ll0-1 Ptmbtr1'0rl !ET\ l. HltJ..1 {ETl J Timt· J;1,.o. Mlie-1. Oroc>n• IE1'11. O!tnentll /Efl J G•ll•lv• LETl Tim•: s·n.s. 1'Mlle-I. Grt nl !El l 2. Fr..,.,•n (El Tlm.: 11 •Jl.1 111 HH-1. 91~ tETl ,, C.1kl-ll !El. T\mt: IO.•. 120 LH-1. a lnaer (ETI ,, C116W'tll lE!. Tlmt: 11.6. "40 lltl•Y-1. El Toro. f lmt' u .t. Mil' lltlov-1. El Toro. Tlmt· •:CW.I. HJ-1. Gllll1m IE1'1 2. lltrbOur IEl. l . llurlon (El. !1e1ghl; J..J. U -1. C•l-'Wlll (El 2. 151rthat6 tET) 3. I•~., (E), Olslarn;t: 11·10. "V-1. McFICl<ltn (Ell. 1->tlOhl; •-4. SP-1. l ufldV (E'Tl J. t-ietntn!lll (E) 3. Smllh IE). Ols!Ancl: t2·10'1t. Of-1, Lun<1v IET I 2. Movlin \ET) l. ~iur'l111ger (El l. OllMn~t; 120-S'h. G y1nnastics Gi,,•t G1lft11tlt' Wnfflllftlltr (71.tJ) /'6.501 (•II M••• !tll~ le.m-1, Provlntl (W) 2. 1'111111' !Cl l. A"<llrtoii CCL 5,ort : . ._ Fl-·•-1. Fl111fr ICl 2. Tie sm;th CCI tf\d ,.111111ps IW! $.core: 1.1 Ytllll-1. 0. LIOfl (WI J, M~tntyrt fW! l. Fl1hfr (C l. $cort: 1.75 U~t~ll be•t-1. l'h lllr ICI 2. Sfl'llll\ CCJ :l. H-11 !WI. Score: •• 6. Orange League Baseball Action Dolphins, SC Collect Joe Janton and Don Fowler plt.cbed shutO\IU M s a n Clemente and Dana Hills Highs stayed on the hc<ls oi the leader wtth vlctories tn Orange League b a 1 e b a 11 ,..,.. Tu<Sday. Janton p i tched &in Cltrnent.e to a 7-0 "1n at Brta, v.·bile F"c:lwltt burled the Dana Hills lJolpllirw io I 4-4 venllct at El Dorado. ln other games, Sonora 11.l,Yed a game In frml In the leagu< with a lt-7 paSllng of host Unlvcrsll)'. and Laguna Beach w a s downtd at Valencia, 7-3. Brea managed onl y two hill off Janton. and the senior rl1hthander struck out 12 ln nolehlng the win. H I s "ammates prodU<td lour rum In the third lnning highlight«! b y nm-producing sacrlfict OOnts b)' Tom zanotli and ?1-ffke Stavro and a two--run s1na1o by nan Dodd. 0•111 Hllh It) \ , ' I . "' • • l l I I I i ! ! I t l ! • Coast Aitea. Net Results l td!iflll1 !I) (OJ SC( $•••!•\ ''t"'Ol'li~ <!" t>•V!~t/ ~I I •n>l~\lfu II' l!f! fl ,_ 1· ! • ~ • ; """'·~ IA I '1•1 P•t'' ,, .• " ·~•.1!&'1•Cn Il l"•' l'l••o•• •0: o' n, .... o. ("I ,, ' t '"''"' • G • I 6•u .. n II "'' · ,,Jl", ,~, 0 911bl•• " '"~·\ult• I t T '( !!•Vt•• 11 • , t<t<io•~l"" ''" ·•· " " P<ttl•n•~r "" • ., '" et'f;~.G~O~_~h, ~ "'' JUMlf• Gtti11" °t'jf>I Ill 111 °''' ,.._, l>J••~r I(., ,. ' ,..,,+ '' ,r,, p ., '" ~( , ' 1 1. r1>1<.• r. u• 1 0·~··· ·-~ D•l t"ll ,, "' ~· .. w.i.~ " , • 7 '· ) \~ ·" •·-n••'•· I ' o ' D ·»'• .,, ' I J ! , ' .. ........ li~IO"i Br.>c~ ()' I 17· I V•lt"tli D· '"' (1 •• -~ .. - ( ~~ ·•! l T •·•~''" l " f.•lt < n l l 'J ,, U• •'' f' ,.. I ''•'11 ' l ~~·~U.•v bl 61 DI r~ •t1<.1 ..o 6!;, ' r .. n"f• A<"'''CI !Li I >I l ~-H" I ! ,. Qfl ~ I I l J\on•O• llif\•11 L•9U"i II,•(" 1191 ~~) V•ltndi J ~l•~lt• " l " I •· • • ' C,, •! 1 I r O!·''" 4 I V ••t.n1~n • • I '" l I ' ., • ' I • l ri. 1 .. ·~1 ... n•• •O.~.o '' r '"''"'~" •l ,. / t l. 6·•·, n °""""'' (,..,,,,~n ~,.~u•1 •l' ~ + c.0..,1·,, 'f '"•I •t 0"1 .'.O••' ' • n • I ~ ~ ,,,.,p.,,, l·"'~"' '' l·t 6~. ...... h 14~nhnqlqft I•~<'> I•) ~If) LOI•~ Sln~lt• <o;<llJl<l l<!' "ur · r, .. , • '· dtt >l•hll"<' ,,.., I G. 1>-J lu·• tl r ,., '' ~ " lltl !(> ! 0 t 1., r~ 'J I l "·" • ; • '" ln•t C 6 ~ • ' '·' L 11, I~+ C·• 1 • • 1' OG<>r.1 .. { •• "'""'"·"'' H I • ' On,n< •··n •6 )• ""' 11f11 .• J1 · " J •·•,Gun»~«~n '"'I• ',' n . , Junoot V•r\•h Huulonqtnn Bt~<h tl''I 111 I Lf U,> S1nql•• r ,,..,. 'Ill ot• ',,,., o· •o • ' ·'"" 1·6 P ,,,, I, Ii l•.•.t ~ • I< I ' G.I h IH• l~;I IO l!•V•"' 1:. r '" "~·~· 'J 6 (~l<y (f<I "'~" ~I lo•I 0·6 Dou'>lu ~l <un<>>~l"tlr (H• 10)'> In r.,,.,1,0<1 I"~.,, .. "' 'I ~ ' ''"Y' ,.,.1 "'" ~' K,,.1,u,·Br•n•<'r IHI "'''I I. 11 v1 .. 11v un.~~·••tY tin (6) Son••~ s, ...... V""i !OJ• <!Pl 1!1<•"••·•'111 61. <I•' o.,~-.n I, , .. _, RIO<~ I 1 <!·! J~"'' " l>o•ll> !I 'I "I' • 1 ' > I "•' ·1 U ' ' G 1. t .'J. I 1 lu.,·t~ll llJ •.rr "\61.6-llll Douolt• B ~ .. 11~,,.,~,,. ~~'"'m'•t• u~r "-' 1·~·~·~ ~·~. llt'l CC'<~-CuHdn . ~ ' , A<l~n.J.<.,Jt~ IU! I .• J • !I 1~116. ,, Jun•Of VHSolY ur,~ersu1 u•· ,1 18' 1l ~ono•• ~"91t' . ral•rrmr.r• IUo ""' Ot~l(.'1 6 1 ._:0 1 BIO<.<• O·C c•·' ('M• 6.t llcl C.·1·"<.'' t.O (rt'' 'UI 1•n<' 6' I' 6 l I' <u "'''"' '.U• "'"" O·?. t•l. to 6·1 O _n 11.1• "'"" o ~. lo•T o I, 'on ta, o Double> l<rn! ll<1th 1111 ;()l•I ·Wo!~ O..C,r,111 E.•\""'"·' 6 J, 11; Suto• ,.,,1~¥ur>u11•f ~·" ·.o;n .. n 6 .j, l·4 fl,,.,,,.,,. ,.di" IUl sol•! j I, 6·1 ,·,gr•) 6, ~·· V•'\lh M~r,n~ (ll) (S' 1) A,nollc<m S•~'>le• ,,., irn~r ,,,. ' 1 .. ·a r1,., I 1. ·.1~1. Jul'•'" ~:. C.t•"•··•OI !~ l•~l()r ~·1 ~u.,><.rl':1.-.oni ·C 1~.o-1 t ~ 'I<· 1 •M• lo"•""I. 10,t 01, won o 1. • Ho 1 '"'I IM' 1011 J-6. !Of!~olt'<I. IG 1 I t., V.011 1-5 Dou bit• 81~nn">~]JCO l~'I O~! /,\.,lof; Vo ""·"C 6 I, 6 ), 0~. ~"'"u t.w•:~l 6~ ~) "n" Ti.:IHX:IOU IM> Y.11'1 6 l 61. t ~. O ' J Cs, Pre11s J11.ol"' V••~h M•rl•• cu•~• 111 Anftlm s ....... "'·''"'"' 11~1 (Wt A,n~ff•M 6 I· ~l'>O(llll(.I. 6·1 AtlY\'lkl o l (,nn· ("'') "(tm 1•2. 1.0. lu•I•• l~I .. ~ .... o •• ,. •. M•cl>t•d~ 6 0 ~U•llG 1.l.o.1 \l"l~ 1,-1 1-ll. . o. .. -.., J6<"'D•Gn 11,,..,.11 P ' n•• Mor~I•\· l ""' 1 •.0-• 1 . Jcl>l\tw·C-~•r,,,. • &-e W~··~~Hot!· .. ; IMI "~" 11 61 Cot•• Mu• till Ul SA V•ll•• 1o .. 1ql•• V••"'V ' I ''''"'' 1-1 u.J.,...•J1 <JI'• Pro~t• I 1 1~,1 •n IH~ U• dl1•~1t O•' ' . ' " •,)~ .. , (1• •:1 ·0"1• ., • ' ll·~~-~10 1 0 '.'~•~0.l 1( lo" I~ "'0" .... •7, t \ 0.UllJ•• ,._ ~ ~ !,"" r•• n•• " ''"'" ·n P•·n<n 1-0, 10, <M'I T0o111 ' ~· • ""~ ·• ·~ .. _n,: 6 l • I Jll"'~' Vl•.,IV f 0 ,, M~~ l•I) 1:1 \A v ... ,. I s .... 111 1~,1 '"' IO !';";,• J l, <I•' ...,, 6 \ 6 o I • n '' ••r •t''''' 6' Lou n1 I( ' •f 1• ' • I '" n ~ ~ Do~Olo• ••.· It -n•~n f{I ••• 5..,, .. , ">£' ••• ~" />,., ,, .. , , ... ".~~. 4~ (, . .,. l\o•IU ( l·J\I •I ... c~ 6 ' •~•toh (tt•Ulfl !lll ill Ft11ftll•n ¥11"' S•MOI•• s ....... 1 IE I M• ~ .. •0'<~ ·--. l~~··~· t JI t I M1 "''' 6-0. O'£nn& 1 l I !'•~•!fl "'"n 1·1. 6-2. e·1, ~·l I•· I[• xon.,r.o-0 6·• 61 ''"(-" \Ll ~;n ~ 1. 6-l, IO•! •6, W("n I " , I Double• "'~ l r '' ff. o<>f ~, • • 0 Al'"-''h~o 4·1 , 6J. d"I Doron."" ! •1 •' ; 1 I r"••C" E;'lm~'C ((_\ "'o" •.•. 6 I 1>-I ! Jurdot V•nlh EG;<On rn•,J ll'ol ~ou .. uon lfAll•y I s ........ r;,.~ !'' ""! (o•u ' I '10 '"L"·~r fl ,,.~r '"' f{ WO" l ·f. / > 1·.,, mdn •El ~rl. P.ro,.,)'1 u·o (1.,.,.,.,, 6 1 '-"•''-' 1E I "•~n •' •l DDll~l•• f o· .. ~h_,.!7•1 ('-1 ~•I 1~0;(' ~ •·• ·~ n~• ~u~t••no !J-] (a,..1,l>('ll Lt•'0'1 ( t I·-.• J' ~ "" • ' V•r .. 1v Ell•M;•• 110) !11) Coron• O<I Ml• 5,~9IP\ ~d ... w~ rc1 ae• ~"""""" &• . .i•• c ~!I~ c l del. (/l~•o•ne ~·7-<' ' Sn""m~•e• /,.I ~'~""'" !E) "'"" 6·1. 1~" l 6. '"" l ~ " Ro•e 11:) ICKI 5·1. "'°" !>-] 6 t. ~ • !«~ten (l 1 i. 1 1-t. '~. 1 ~. l-• Doubl., p •I~·(, .nur> JE I 1(-•I le C·• '' ••t1,'~"-''d 76, o-o. IL>' 10 Cuflev· C.u>•••l ·.Qn t-~. O·• 1'1 •l"n•·Nely.an tE1 lo.i I ~ 11 lo•! t ~-o 6. I v~·••t¥ M•1,.on Y•t io Ut l (t) Y•ll• P1<l< ll"''~ llM <J •t. (,,.,u e 61. {~p...tov•~ 6--0. Wt,! 0 0 S>o<u<n I 1 S!nale1 I l!c"v 1r,1• w·.~ 6 3, 1·<. l ·C. I I Mr(·'""''"' won'" lu.t • ·~' ' " J. Ft•" !Ii,) wr.n I I. I,, e·;. o I DOlltltS I ~Vllf· ·:.'h••d' ·., 1M' lo\! •o """''~~ 0·~. I 6; <!ti Bo••tnl· I CJ~Qon 11 ........ ·~. 1 I.\ O F\d•,.Wdl~•• P~l "'0" 6 •. 1 •. 6·1 '" Juflior V•~ih Mouooft Vlp1a 4111,) 11'>) V1ll1 P11~ Sifllllt• C.. Grillo!~ (/,\) oet S<:n<!md~C• 6 •. , .... '""'"" 6-1. t•.lf•ll 1111 IC•! J.6 _.,,. 6·\ 1 ~en•••n 1111,J 001. 0.11 6 1 ,, .. , " •~· 1 s,,, ·~-~ !Ml "'"" \·7. 6·1 Do~lllP• R ·•"'~' <:yr< I 'I (<OI I' . ..., {I • > 6-1. 6·•· <let. Nar4tn·Bvhn~on 6·1. •O w I,.'""''"'' (•.11 ~r;i.1 1·6, .l-6 .. ,nl o.:;, 6·• ' vanll• Ntwpnrt H•rlH" cts•,1 Cl'•I S•nl• .t,11al S<nv••• Pt'""~ !NJ lo'I la (l~r~ I·~. 0<1 \'10<.n1 • 6·1 110! ~<ilf 6·1, OC! w11,111e..:v t ·l l\>ym.n (NI WD~ 6·J, <,.), 6·!. l·J R~y (ljl .. oo 6·2. 6-<l, ~I, 6] B&dftdm INI WW / l , 1.1, l 11 ~ Dou bit• l'•'••l l;o,, ltl • ~'· r •• ,,. ... n.(."rl·.~~ ~ J, 6·0• L•"ll·V.~e•I• 6 '· 6·1. I ¥.·di V•Bldylock INI ,Dill 6·" 1·6. v ·~ ,.,, • • I S•n Clt menle 1711 Cl) l rta ~; .... ,~. Ltrnt>e•Q 1~1 <lei Mee• 6·1, ut• 6eva.<1 & " 0•1. N••n 6·0. ael. !:1<110e '' L•!!Ke IS) WO'> 6·1, e-1. , .•• 6·1 'j;';~l~~n °( 5 f 110';1'\~?" :.,;;, 6 ,'.,,, t o-), 6· I Fon1~v (~, 1011 1 ·~, v·~r. 6·•, 6J, o I Doullle1 [.d I~; Ret••"'"'' IS\ de t II.• .•la• M•ll•tfl 6-4. 6.J; dt! l(•H<<ll><!<• Jar""' •·O. ~-<l 1,.,\·1.,•,., ISl 1r~n i.-1, to 2; won 61 " Base l)all Sta11cli11!!s: ....., I SOUTH[RN ( ... L (ON~ERENCE W L GI I.I•" W~'I t! • r• 11 l , ~.,..,,,., f_( 10 p ~ ... ,., ,, , S J'lld MOilo(~ I 11 ! ~>! Lo\ I I; LA H ~rllOr 1 11 TuoS<ldy'I ~<O•tl l"o.1:11" \'""•I, ·I lfl 1~ Rio Hondo ~-S•nl,1 Mo"''" L••~C ' ,, • • ·' T~11r•d•v•1 """''' <·a"~"\\\ o o• •.I, AD"'''' ~ -''"' ' ,.1 L/«-l•' ><." 'M l .o· I•'• SDUTH COAST CDN FERENCE w L C.I 1:1 <,,,n AM~'" ~· .. "o.~ ,.,,.,, FUii< •IC< ('•A•QP (g; I -(1.,•c~nl <h•m1>•n~·n·o T •••h0~¥'• !oco•n ft •1to< • 01'~"•' •· ~ ~-~!·• """' f'jjllf•IOf> I •lo Sll<I d••on~ I 5"l M•>i, Thur•dly'I G•rnt• , , '. " , !A .l,njl A1 0<••·~ •.(• I ~ull••!O'I ftl ~ . ., S•~ .4~"''"0 MISS1DN CONFERENCE W L GB Pnl~""' I~ (<'-u $.1 I 8~r~,l ~.~~ r • ""~v ,,,n D•~UJ '~'e""'"' Sour'1 ... 1••e•n R've·1l<Jt s~11~1~1,. .. Tlll:•d•Y'I Scorti P•I<."'~' 1. '1•vt"'"" 1 ~l~1'11r•l•••n 0 Sf11QleD~" 5•n Oie-GO l (11•111 0 G·o•,mo1>! H C~~f!tv • T~U'id•y'• G•m1• G•o• "'0"1 ~· 5•<1dl1Dt<~ t •.,!itY ii (i'ru' '· H " . . 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SllU•dilY'' Gam' O••n•., "' El /,loo<><'• ft.MGELUS LEA.GUE: .Yole• Dti s .. ~o•e ~"'" 0 "'"'"' ~:vt:~, St ni~cnv Tu•1<lilV'l Seo ... , ~·~tt f ~ '-Bill'<(!O AMtt1 I S,...voT• 10 ~! P•ul I P•ll• ~ t S!, AnlMGfl V 1 Fr!d~w·1 G•m•• "·"•' D i .1' 'it. AnTl'oO-'v P">T " '"''~! nt S• P•ul f'tU• II; -' $t•Y•'"' W l Gii 11 I -1 . ' ' , , • 1 ' ' . ~ is :I GAllDEl'I GllQVE LE.t,f.'JE Rtt1<!1o llldm•lo• Sin'<AOO GMC•n Grove Prt<'>_' L• 0~·~·• lo• A·.,,qo· 8 •h~ o .• , .• MoM1y'• St•re W L Gii ' ' -1 ' ', ! l ' ' . ' l• f.'11·~•• s. 8clw C·••""' t ti•'"' 1. Pt-tlllCt I II ••><"Cl I It ,.,..., Ahl"l•n• J, l"' l>m....,.. 1 ~rldilT'' G•....,. Sr•· •Moo 11 U 1 Al'l'•OOi l 1 r. •;n11 "' PtcoliC<1 CiA•O..., Grc~ al 8cl•a Cit•- J>llEEWA.Y Lo H.n<• $tvA•fl~ h ey "·,11<11t·n Lt• fl' i''""' .... ' e .... n. p~·· !<:~ .. ~~· LEAGUE T'"i·il~t '(trll '·•n~ '"II• 2 ~1.-1nn1 1 1111""• P~.-), Kmnt<ly 1 Lt M1t•• 1. Troy l Lo .. flt 1, ~ullt•t"" o J>ti"tw't Gamt• \ '.l t>I 1! 81>1'"f P~t> Sun<1v 11111, It LI l~~n11 , ••• ,.,,. M u+ltllOtl IC.,,!IH~ 11 ttv w L Gii . ' -. ' ' -! I i I . . , I l ! l ·occ '''ins {)ran ~l' Coa~1 Colh·~1 ·\ tr.-11 roi,11·d to Jn 1111pr1 , ... 1 1 t' I It !ury Oil''"' .Ll'I ' I :11' 11\0J'OULJ:, tlot•ktnj.i J 'f'il.1)11 be't of li O.; 6 on lh•.' X1•11pllr' {'\lUrs.,• Hcirness R aci ng· Res1 1lts for /,(:.-; l l,:L \ had ,t !11111• ot ti I,, UCC r~·turns L 11 .it \ 1 '' u ":itunta~ hu:.lu1~; l.1J.1 1 .J :o;.u1 llll'gn St;itt• .1 11d !'!\,u1f .. 1cl ;1\ 8 ;JO ii Hl Tiii!•••~ . .l,to<•! ll. UI• ~1•ST •1.CE One "'"< Po<~ .. ~ p, • '· • r. •ul lh ~ '" 4,,, (, I~-·· I~ •W·l"•'''>t I.) ,. ~ K·~ " ' .,.,,. I • J 1 J.•~ J .., I ' ·~ Q ~ ' '· 't' YI • _, I !;[ "1 "~:, N " '-'•"11>., fl~, <"" L , \) C•U•• -l ·G••ltlul lttw ' l Oii• J~IA11', Pt•~ •11.tO 'ECDl'ID 11.t,([ ~,. "''II •··' •' "'~~ r .i1>11•t•n r.1+ ·~' "u·•~ I" •·• I.ow 1 '' I ;J _. D~, "C•Uft 1c.~•••n11l r:.c ....... 1~ (>I.It• ,,.... JOI, "' ••Ci d 0•'"'~· {ll .•• L·" N .. ,>Olltlat fHlltD llA.'I -Ont "'I• l'•.t (>.," "II Alt •Qt• P11!\e 111C\) " ..... ><•! "'IC.'·"1111< I''· I (If) ";•v· v .. '-J..,. , , • IL \I •~'Of' •"l 1 .,.,~ I ·'I 1 11'11 <f'(•il Wr• C;' D~. J II '' I Rull• '°'"°"' I •<' ' ~ 11,.JI;• •· JOUll lH It.I,(( ' " l ~ .... , " ' ' '"~'"'•l s .,, 1 • ! ... ' ' ' II· """ ''" ...... ~ ' .. > ' " ' '" I '"''" » II: ' • • SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! WESTMINSTER SANTA AHA FULLE RiOt-1 15221 IUCH ILYO.--.. Ul-1544 MOMDAT THIU FllOAT 1~)0 A..M.-' l'.M. SA.TU~DAY --·----··--1.JO A..M.·6 l'.M. WMDA'I' t;)O J..M.• 4 l'.M. V~·~~~KLOW TIBEPBICBS 1.00.13 7.JS r 14 1,l5 x 14 l .2Srl4 l•H I • • IU!I l 811·13 ClS.13 ~·••"'12"1 [uo.1111322 [ I !.'~'.'.' '.14.•:l.1.'..~.:'".1_~'.'l I 6 PLIES IN TRiAD AREA 1 flftEllC.tA.55 l f, ;5 QvlR • Plll5 Of PO l'rf5lfll COll:O $2626,1--"-.....,_·-~ \ G/110.14 l---- G/110.IS £18 -14 ! ... N(ll """- /f '.fU\ 111.'6',.. GoVI\ "°"' ( _,., •• ! s2 4 ~~ r:::=-:=-:! .: ~, .NrtONCORD/CIJARANTEto 30 MONTHs -L60-14 • ' f. '...... ' .• BUYO N1w 1=J CREDIT .... , .... I: ee:w •D•o "••••o C.U••A .. 111 ' '"I •l• ,.,.~ •·oJ ••••· ''' r )'"'''~ 1.or , '"' • ~•! "·t: ... u .. 11•r.• 1 ......... , ... •(.• •,\! .,, 1 .. •"•0 ... , •• ' ........ 1 .. "''' ••~I" .I • f •• 1., U'·f [ , .. ,, H"llt"' I! •l •t •f r~"' !" I• •• ••'lO "'"""' l e •L ~·!,.t•<! "'' ' I • • f "< r. •1 • ( , • • \I •. , O" ! • • l ,., ...... ( 160.IS 181~ "' 181! ' .. 19'!. .. 20~! " '"°'~ , • >JOOO tUllO ""l '""""! , .. , .... ... , ---HIAYY OU!f l~ACKWAUS ----f "" .. l 00. ,, . ... ' .,., .. , 22 n. 23!!,. 24~! .. 26~!,. 1uH0 '"''' "' '""o I •• " I ~'>•f 0 IO I 45~! .. "''!•"' ,, ... 29?~ .. """ ,., . " 29 ~~. ,~ .. ~ ""''' ,, ' ... ,,,, .. , ....... "'' .. ' YOU• OLD Till ACCl,flD llOAIDLISS Of CONDITION. Al l ,llCIS ,LUS f l Dll AL IXCISl l AX A OLD Tiii. I 120 E. RIST ST. AT CYPRESS ~HOHE 547.7477 I ~JO S. HARBOR CLVO.~oM" 870·07 00 MOHOA.Y THlU ~llDA.Y .---1:10 A.M.·' l'.M. MONOAT THRU J R!t'J..Y SA.TUlt04f ·-- ' Jl1 ., ,.. ' r ~ ~JO A.M ·6 f'M qco AM .4 l'M S.t.TUlO.t.T ___________ f ;)O .4..M .. 6 l'.M. SUMOAY ---~-·---·---·t:OO A..M. · 4 l'.M. SUNOA.Y HYDRAULIC ,f-'-1.J. WD·40 ~"BRAKE (~~." LUBR ICANT '!.'M4N(f BARDAHL AUTO AIR CONDITIO NER L VALVE& HOSE KIT RECMARGE YOU• Allf CON .·• OITlON(ll TOURS£lf 'SAY I ~" rn.l~d•• 18 • roltoye< .,.,. '~0'9'"11 "'>'" .,,,~ b•o11 I "'nlil (OMP lETf "~ rl b' "' ' '•I I • • , f "" 11.!J '""'"' ..... 298 -·~ , ..... 1 lc,I MA N OT ••• SH Or " HOME a OUAllT CAPACITY w~,, 1 L••o~ l •o~ 59c '" , ~ t Id•~ lo• .. a;t.•"?·1>0<h "··· FLUID WIJ.41! 12 OUNCE CAN 35c '· 17c ' . CAR BU R ~TOR CLE ANER 11 •"'0••• Qli"'\ .,.., ' "'0'""'' 0"'1 '''"""'"" ' b u•ld\ VO'" 1,, ,,,.,. C+ton1 .... ~ • 1 l~ l' •" .!J..,oo•h•1 •d' ~~ I>•"••,., ' .,,,1,~ ONI PINT CAN 1111•n.1u1 roO ' .. . ' ,. ' YOUk (ll01(1 c Mc GARD CM~OME OR MAG \~HEE L LOCK S ·' .,, ·, IA\Y 10 IN~TAtl I ( . .,. ' ., ' I " 88 BAn rnY nr.MlNAL ; ~ ' >/liJ/I!/. "-CLEA~1:;1 -l LIQU ID ' '·, . . I ~. WAX •..,"':;•I IJ,"1//Y \ r ' ' ..... , -~, '..;........ ' I'~ ,. .• "' • / , , "I'" ti I .. ,·••') 9.,,,, ~ ''"·~l1,.• ... ,.T f'••• 'J "'' ·~ \ -,)•'' ' ,,,~' 79c 11 <I oz 44c STOl'I lf015T MUFflll •t. ' ;If . •• t'•' t unij\ •1• '""' ti·~ h~ ~· tt' ~·-- nueaER & TUIE REPAIR KIT I .. 2 I OAllY PILOT Wtdntsday, Aptll 24, 1'9741 Violence Wan es in New TV Series Alpe1~t's B1·ass Pla11 s Co111el)~1ck REEL JOY -Joy Adamson (left). author of "Born • ~'rec" anQ its sequels, 1neets Diana hluldaur. who v.·111 portray Joy in the new TV. ~eries. Gary.Co llins tl'entcr! plays her husb<Ind . George Ada1nson. · ~~- ' , . Group Prefers Loentlo-.is • Dy JA\' SllAltllt.TT' ralli11~. olbt.>il on .1 \..'OOlrOlll'd N ~; \\' \' 0 R K 1AI'! "l"llk'. ni·:o.l la.II on NBC und llollywocxl"s bh111k cartr1d:.:..: C:HS. Industry. 11hich c:njoyed bl>0111 But ~1·e for thrt!c Mlo"'s 111 ti1ncs d u r 1 n g television's iiluth inayht>iu nught occur_ 1nuch-crlticlzl'd :,hoot .. ·n1 -1•,1 eru of the late 1950s, ract!s 11 "f;u11 sn1okf'" "~Rr Sund<1y bleak outlook next season. And ~I} .tcry ~lo1vl'" and "Adan1· it n111y ~et worse 12'" -none of the potcn11ully A look H1 the NRC and CBS Viflh•nt series ln the ne\v CBS· progran1 list~ for nt'l<t !;il l NBC lint.'ups airs until 9 p.n1 .. shows TV yuoflrc nnd otlll.'r , 11·ht·t1 inost of the 04Lion's 1·i~lcncc, :.ilrl•ady on tht! 1vant• yount:tl·r 111·11 1·r~ lht•fl'"C tu:n11~· a1nid continued heat fro1n 11rt· abc<I Congress and citizens ' i;roups. Thc strun;!<':.! u1d.Jca1 1011 vr conlinut'~ to decrea!'te the tr end to11:lrd less v1u!cnce ABC has not }Cl announced at ;iny hour is 1n ,\'UC's Jlt.'W its fall schedule. Shows l'IOJ)has't-ling wha t lhc 1radl' ca ll s ··hun1an values" ;ire on the rise. \\'Ith tl1e exception of CBS' new '"l'IEIOt'I 01 the Apes'' scrie~. which i~ serious 1nonkey business. fj«CLUOING ma~e-lur-TV filn1s or recent mo11es. \\hLCh niay or may net ha11· \ iolt'llCC. thcr1>"1\ sti ll lie the sounds ol guns bl3sting and lx:H:Ucs !ti/ltJtt'S t.•JllfJ#ttfSi:• ittfl tt·l1trt tlte 11·11tle t•alls ••l111111t11r r·t1I• 1tc>s'' 1t1•e 011 tlte 1·ist• l111t 9111111 1.-i ll •lill "" ,,, ... ,. t •• ,,. -------lirh•up. Out of I:!: ne\\' t·nt ··1,..~. Olll' 1s a situulion 1·omedv. t110 :ire comcdy-drarn<Js and five <trt ··1iu 111nn value'' series. Who Needs Movie Studio? CBS. 1vhich gone the Inst l';l tl·gvrv imrrtus hy slil'king 111th ··The \\"altnns" lhrough lt':111 ratings rimes. al~o is keeping f}<l<'l'. Only one of its nrw series. a 1:umshoc s::iga n:in1cd ··~tnnhuntcr.·· pJrtc nds sunpo"dcr. Dy JEllR \' HUC K LOS ANGELES iAPl -In ,i: )'Cars O( ffiaking ITIO\•ies,' "morrow E:nlcrtainmcnl has t to see the inside of a udio. . . . .1: "'There's a quality 1 n ~atioo shooting that no ~lter can write Into a script ~d that no dircclor can direct ~ actor toward." said Roger 'i':lmbl;l \'ice president in ~eia~e or production . •'"file ac1ors and the crew l the feel of being in a ~ Ison. or of being near the • fl irt or Northern Ireland. ou hear the real scrca1ns in ;,t mental hospital. I t ' s 'f(>mething no di rector can ·tnparl. The al·tors see \Vhat 's ;;:>ing on , ll adds a degree of ;'jftJthorily, :ind 1o1•hat you get is ~)lality." ~· . . ;THE CURRENT s eason <lt(la y go do1v n as the "Year of ~ TV P.tovie." TI1ere \.\'as a ~rd number of outstanding ~ films and d ra n1alic .. lpecials. T on1orrow Entertainmen t ... u. ~ '~ procluctd five TV fil n1s, all critically accalin1ed. The best perhaps was 1hc epic, "The Autobiography of P.1iss Jane Pitlman." Its other filn1s this year ""'·ere '"Tell A1e \Vhere It Hurts."' "I Heard the Owl Call P.tv Name.'' "The P.1an \\'ho cOuld Talk to Kids" and "I Lo\'e You ... Goodbye." Its ne1o1·est production , "Larry," about men ta I retardation. ui rcd on CBS Tuesday. "THE FIRST picture \\'e made was 'The Glas! Ho use." said Gimbel. 49, a tall man with curly black hair. "That's a picture that hlld to be shot entirely within a prison. We were anxious that it not be shot in a studio. "But it \Vas an antiprison- authorlty picture. and it was difficult to get permission. \Ve all persisted and finally got into the Utah State Prison.·• For the Emmy Award· \\'Inning "A Y.'ar of Children." lhcy disregarded picas of caution and filmed it in Northern lrleand ""ith lhe real religious connict ex ploding ClllFUDME 20.:. ... ~c:......:.....11 . .-11.,...:. .... • + "FANTASTIC PLANET' fPGJ .. ~,-..... ClllEODME 21 ." lebert ledfel"lll -Ml• ,.,, • ., ''THE GllAT GAnlY' lrGJ A" , ' "~'.,f7. -'' ,, -. · ..... "ALIC! IN WONDllLAND" "' . STADIUM · I : · "CHAlLll AND THI ANGIL" lG I 0. •'ln!U <.".Ul.'.-'-• "THI STING" IPGl ... "'CHAlLIE YAlllCk" IPGI --.. ' -, ... "l'Al'ILLON" l l'Gl ••• SrA01uM ·J ::: "FIST FULL OF DYNA.MIT('" ll'GI ' , R.l.<i.IJ.I.. '":'"• -·" _.,.,. ''THI CONYIRSATION" ll'GI . .. SIAD/OM •! '.:. "SLEIHl" ll'liJ ' ..-.u.i.1u.,;u.1>n ;a • Horry Caul w ill go a nywhere to bug o pri11ote conversation. His tolenh ore unequalled. They"ve olreody been re1pon ~1ble for three mur der i. ~ I', • .... c.e,;~t:kXkman ~ " Til8 Conversation " ,. . -~-~ . JohnCazaie · AlienGatfield· Cindy W~~ms Frederic RYrest · Oo.idStn · F..dRooc m ... ~, ,.,.,.,,. .. .... , __ _ -.. ...... -.. -~--1 ·-·-·-•11 ~ What's a Pooka? Ask Andy Andy is a Pooka (an elf who answers questi0n1). He doeo his olflng In a column every Saturdofon t~e family poge of the Daily Pilot. " I around the1n. ··Ju~ P1ttn1an " \l'as tiln1<·d on thl' pl;in1ations and fernier ~la1 c l1ou~cs 111 Louisi;uia. ··1 Heart.I lhc 011•1 Call ~l y Nan1c" "'3S filn1l!d at ;.in Ahous~at Indian \"illage on ;1 ren1o•c srtl1on of \lancou1cr Island in Br111sh tolurnbiR . '"Larry" \1·as made cn1ircly inside a stale rneot<il hospital. a IOUN TAIN VAll.IY 1'9~'· 11 l'llt THllU TUES. 'TIL I :~ Je~" W•ynt "Mc Q " Al P•clno "SERPICO" f R) .t.c•dtmy .t.wlrd Wlnntr Stnillilld-11 odltHd "THE WAY WE WERE"" AIM "SUMMl:ll WISHES, WINTER OllE.IMS" J,\l Af>DITIO~ 10 "l'lanet nf !he Apes." its other new 1o1·art!s arc t110 s1tcon1s. ··Bhoda" and ··The l'aul Sand Show," and lhrf'e n1•>1' ··11uman 1•.il11es" series. h~:o or 1vhich art· half· hnur eotned) ·drarnas. Thc 111·0 arc "'The Love TNE I EST OF "RED HOT BLUE" & "SEA DREAMS" plus "FRENCH KICK" 7:l0 & 9:10 Eoch E•t11iflt lilt:IWi IAU H "jl&AB" ·u. u...~bl..ul<if't...t-'6 ~ ~ . . f, A girl wijJ, a gr...t EWTY cop in the --alterhet ~else was behind het EXCLUSIVE OIAMGE COUNTY EHGAGbeff llC/.,.... GUIAWI. nrr ,.,,,.,., 111n cruc,.. IRC llllDllRUtltU CAr8lllll Daily 7-10:10. S.l.·S.. l :IS, 7, IO:JO "" Glenda J kso ACTRESS ac n A Tuuch Of Class D•lly: 1:45: s.t.-S-. 1:30, S, 1:4S 11~;."'r .\l 1'1U·:S."I Glenda ~ AlOuch OfClass ~es1 ... about an elderly-couple on Social Se<:urit\' and '"\Vc'll l:et By1'' creatl-d.by Alan Aldt1 of the ""i\t·A·S.H" gang ::ind concerning the h\'ts of a New Ji:rscy family. :-.oc·s hvc. contributions tu the '"human v a I u es · · rnovcn1cnt are -'"Born Free." based on the Atric1111 "'ildlifc book Of the same nome. -""The Little llou~(· on Ill~ Prairie," an American plains series. set in the 1890s end hased on the chtssic books b\ I.aura Ingalls \Vilder. · -"The Rangers.·· about the att1vities 01 ihe U.S. Forest Service. -"'Pcl~lli." alx>ut a ll arvard-e<iucated big c i t y h1wye r who hangs out his shi ngle in a Sou!hwcstern callle town. -"1.AJcas T;1nncr. ·· about a bl~ I ea g 11 e p1!chl'r·lt1r11~tl­ . .-;port.swri ter who beco mes a high school teal'her after the death of his wife and young "'"· ALL THESE sho1o1·.s are an hour long. 1'wo half·hour slm\\s described as comedy dn1mas. arc "Chit'O and the !\Ian," r1bo ut an cn1biuered i,:aragc 01vner and his brash )Oung C1ticano "partner.'' and '"Sunshine," about a young n1usician who"s suppor ting an orphan girl. NBC's o I hr r non1•1ultnl offering for n1e fa ll 1s a sl!com callNI "Second S!arl. ·· ,1bvut a successful businessman "'h;> g1~·cs it all up to enter medical school \1·ith the h c I p or 11i~ family . "THE NEW LAND " .... "NORTH COUNTRY " ENTERTAINMENT Ea rt11q1u11.t> .~f ovie Due LOS 1\NGELES tAPI - Sk)'i;crapcrs fall, tr c e w a y o,·erpasses crumble and a dam collapst•s -all Uinwgh s pecial effec t s 1n ··£arthquakr." a rnovif being filmed :lbout a aught)' quake dt•stroying, Los Angeles. Brigadcs of makeup artists, special t'ffects "'iia.rds. trick ph o t og r a p he r s a nd stunlpersons are being used a1 lhe Universal Pictur"l'l lot 1•1 stage thr 1emblur and its afte nnnth . On thr first day of shoot1ni.: the $7 n1illion ep ic. a r('a l c1u:lkc 1nca sur1n~ 3 :i on 1h!• Richler scalc shook I. o s 1\ngelc~. Onr of the 11101 1c cre1o1• said. '"Do ~·ou suppo~1· son1e<11v• 1~ tr~ ing to lt•ll us sorncth1ng:··· --~· ... --·-.. - --· ---~..:.:::.::-- -""' .. -........ ------·--··-·--·· ... ...... -.. ... , .• ·--,., __ I.US A."<.il·:LF:S t1\I' ··nic horn 1o1·as 1ryi11~ th t1·1I inc iso1iwthing," recallL'<I llt·rb Alpert "Son1chow 11 v. o u l tl n t rC'C't'l\"C the note~ thnt I lla~ 1ry1ng tu pu:.h 1hrough 1t I 11 ;i.~n't able tu 111 11 n1y innt•r 1'f.'l'Qllrtt'l. So I dl·t·idt'i.l !n plll the horn 3\.11-1) ror ;t while. ··1 wanh'd \ft tal-.r llna· 1ilf 111 dC'Ctdt' \lht1! [ \1,11\led I•· h1 11 hen I grew up ' TllE l&-\'EAH-old lc:11I•' ,.f the Ti1uon;i Bra\~ \\'a~ 11·1!11. \lhy hl' suddcnh h1ul-.1· 1.p th 1nul:1n111l1on-dollar l"!llr··1>r1 • four ~cars agu \l'-0 111\1 h has decided tn rt'tur11 lo ,11·"·· business \l t\h lhl·• Ii a 111l opt'OlnG HI 1.al-.l' Tahr"' .. wn IT :ill started UI IOli2 ,\lpt:I ! ;1 · onelim<· 1no1 ,. 1·\tr 1 · !I 1\rmy bugler, 1t•corrh·d ;1, nu111rcr h(' (•:illt·tl ··The Lon 1 Bull.'' It romb1nctl bnllfiphr crowd no 1 s <' i; :JT1ct I' tht11np1n~ bc:.it uf ;i .\11 \I! ·.111 111iin:u.:lli bilnd. llis p<ir111cr . .Jcrr\' \I .. '-upphed !he 11~n1c f1 1· 111 hand T1Jt1ana Bra ·" ··THE LO.'IEL\" 1: 1111 q1utkl~· sold 01 u1dl1un r11p1• l:iunch1nt: lhl' \li"'r' ,, ,\&\1 HcC'ord~ \\1th111 !I' .ll!ar!>. "f1iua na BrtiSS :1lbu.11 Family Twin Cin~m ~ "< ti1161 l!tll001CHUllSTST; ~ Fo...ta1t1 va1i., -962-1241 CINE MA I ww- lt1! Ack-ft~ A.word! Gl1111da Jocllofi "A TOUCH OF CLASS" w ..... ltll S11pporli119 Aclrr11 Tatu11 O'Hflll "'PAPER MOON"' ..... 1rt0• CINEMA II "CINDERELLA LllERTY" "PAP'EI CHASE" • SAT. & SUN.-APRIL 27 & 28 KNDTT'S BERRY FARM U11en1 Park · ,011C?n l~itr}· IJa)' al 10 i..m. • fi l I) ~Zi·l iifi ,. I t • ·1 , ·!'111 • :\ ·, rn1lhnn copies " 1 .11.1nd i.;r1·11 tur pUblit ·Jll'arunrt••. ;ind 111 196[, ! 1\lµt•1i :!;1!ht•retl :i ~roup of 11 1r·1.in-. 1u Illa\ {~i11ccrts anct ~' 1<-\ 1~1011 ~pi.,·i;1ls A ""CONllACIC" V° '"f'APElt MOON" ll'GI ""PAPILLON"" "\LITHEll"' tf'G I "OA Y fOR HtGHT" "f AT CITY" IPGI ~~.,,.,-...... ' 10 i ·· •·<•1>\ ~"" '" .. ~. 1 11.0 ,, . ' i ~ r nNV !MANC li(STltR [I(. c;; ~ <Ol.,V ICl fV OR [~ A "SLEEPER" V ""BA HAHA.S" IPGl _______ .. A ""PAf'ILLOl>I" V ""SLITHER"" !PGJ A '"THE PAPER cH·0·~,~.~ .. • T,/ ""CINDERELLA Lll!tEllTY" ""THE WA.TWf"Wf:~f!..­J\. ""\U1'1Mi l Wl\Hfi. V WIMTf~ O~~S.::_lf'GI ~··· "' • • 1 J O 10 7 aa o.,.. , 4 'fo'1f 1 100 ******** f1H-..IY !11 11t.manSI. ~1~ 1526 ••.U ""-""-Y.111 T:-tf LAST OETAIL (II I (.0Ul0 N!llER H.t.V( SIX wnH AN'r MAN WHO HAS SO lml( llJGAeD tOil 11.Y t-IU~aAND 1•1 lmtol" A•o ... >t ot Knou @71 •010 ~·"a .. ~. , .. , ...... '"'"""~'" f!>o I 962 2451 n ... 1 t.M.lJI>"" AMERICAN GRAFFITI 1o01 IHE'f SHOOT HORSCS DO N'T THEY 1001 .. .. ..,, e1.1 I .. ,;•::~on s l l 1211 1,.,n 111.o So o• GO'don c •••• , ....... ~·~ 6781 rHlfO..Y"l'i - ..... l>I' l"-l WHERE TH E LllllS 8lOOM !':ll fANTA5TI( PLANIT 'll I""""•! i..1 .. ·n . . . . It••<" ... d " '"HarlH" l l•d. 511 ll62 lU.l"i SMASH Hn AMERICAN GRAFFITI ?'GI .... ,If ... ,,_,. UIGt MNOn PE TE 'N' Tllllf !1'0! l• ... -••• "'""' ... _, s11-1 i '1 'R!I CU~NG THI l iAST MUST Dll fl'OI PUH UMT &CTION VAULT OF HORIOR ~ 'l.INo Mo • ·-·1•"111 S1010 Coffo~ SSl-7011 &&lA.Ut & IOI"' SUPER COPS IJ'Gt nus • i..1 ~~ PAT GARltm & l llLY TH[ ICID!'I S.nlO Ml , .. _ ....... S\olo Coll"• ~~t-10?1 s..o.. .. ,, ... 1<11tol.10•"·- 101'1 ........ lo""°"'" s•s 1111 lktt~ ... o+. ........ - TOUCH Of CLASS !l'O e.t1• 1.,....1.., ..._, • .,. 11•-Cl"HMI PA!'~I MOON=l,.=I =~· fl'•tJM<A .. -•!ol •••<~ ...... U? 1591 ~ .. o .. ,, ,,., ~ .... v .... Of! ..... . ••l·•••s TWO W~T 1111"1i'l lllfll ALICl IN WONOllLAND IOI "\ll t (l(lllllS UM MNN CHAJILl Y & THl ANGIL IOI • • • I'.' .. , ' . George Ban1ilton: Survi-vor 'Oldies' Bacli on Broadway .c1ctor Do1tbles as Successful Producer, Business1nan By Vt:R~ON SCOTr HOLLYWOOD tUPI ) George J1amillon is 1 sun•ivor. •1e has O\'crconw "'ore bad 1novics than HuqueJ Welch. ouilivcd )l!<lrs of publicity as an international playboy and escaped a baUyhoocd roman<:<.' 1vlth Lynda Bird Johnson. Beneath the g\os.'I, Hamilton is a man of considera ble substance. He's 11 convlncin.IZ actor , an nblc businessman, successful producer and an 1nlplacab\e realist. llc's also rich, As one or the s\ars of "Ont'e is No t Enough," due lo bt.·~1n production soon. Gt..'Orge 11 111 earn $10,000 a day. " !I E lifAY NEED it . He married model Alana Collins a year and a half ago and bought a new Beverly Hill s ~_______,.._, •\'•1•• Car1't 11•i11 ffUlltbfi11g 1111 f e SS '!JOH're 11ft1!JIHfl fo1· the ho11•e ••• l/1t1I '• tvh!I l '"e 1101 lo be u prod11ce1·.' FOR GEORGE HAMIL TON , A NEW LOOK Movie Star Branching Into Producing • • producers skiing or playing golf all ovtr the world," George went on. "They're not worried. 'Ibey work 1I 1 mon ths a year. I can't say the same fo r actors. "So thal's v.hcre it i~. Pr o du c ing . J'\'e got another proper1y. 'Aansot;n and (iems.' It's a jev.el caper. "The deal, I niake will be such !hat 1'm not Involved with a studio emotionally. 1 'm going to shoot It In Paln1 Beach, v.•here I spent a lot ol ..!!!r_~ooth. I can get access to f the\1-hole city for locations. ''TllE BUDGET is a million dollars . I will produce It and play the starring role. It v.'ill give me an oppor1unlty to woik in the kind of pict11re 1) want to make. at the same 1in1e securing the future." Hamilton wa s once, a dandy. Now he v.·ears denims and loa fers. 1\ onc-!lme past ma ster of the bon n'lOI. he ha.!! I shn1gged off the patina of elegance. The aristocratic profile is st ill here of ooursc. His and refill the reserves. refused to back him. II cost n1unners remain flawless . But .. Duri ng t11a t year l $700.000 and has ean1cd $15 the change in the man is restructured 1nv li fe Thrre mill ion to date. That is indeed unr!1is1akable. ENTERTAINMENT l'KXJO'r' ALU,">,! ".\llCS A I " '.~?~~·>O•.: LOO..: ..... r.j ~~ ~. "·~· B"' ' <\\'&.xty~1i.e cA lie it .... •J(ea1on '"Sleipct'"" ~-· "· -~·­·-----··~-. .., .,,,.,..,.,, ... tUfl GORMAN JOSlPH BOLOGNA , 11.C()~ ' )J..l.i'J'.LI '•!( ~·-· ... ~r."' . .. .. '" '~~ ~ . ~ .. 1nansion. lie will, moreover, hf:come a fa ther for the nrsl time in September. 1sn"t much future in bclng an playing for the house. The. ""'tton ·candy wocld l•e • d r. \..V "\~lt0l0"-"""'°''"-'f'\ actor, so 1 tne lo 11gurc out .. I defrrrcd the moncv over spun for hin1self as a bachelor · ._,..., -1 .......... , • . h f . "'CQn"-h<,ol l •I where I'd be.> going 111 I c ouryears,"GeorRe explalned. living the de rigu e:ir life of JI 1--,.,..:-:;::~-:;:;:-~·~~~·~·w"-""--~ years ahead. It also enabled him to make 1930s movie star has been set l'k...ty of""'"' rnMg "l\1y life is c>ntircly different now.'' said llamlhon over a cup of coffee ... For more than " ~'car I lived in Pain1 Springs replenishing my 1nind and spirit. I think tha t'S necessary for entertainers who nrc rt·a lly in the bus1nt>Ss of selling themselves. You·\'e got to restore yo.ur stock in trade .. You can't 11ii n:in1Ulin~ ex I r a ordinarily profitable aside. Today he has the look ofl S.IWid .. .._. • · I M~ofllw ...... unless you 're playing for 1he invf's men ts. a man with a mission in the ._ _ _;.;.:;;::.;::..;.::;:;:;: __ _J house -unl ess you own the "I see big, suc c essf u l new Holly.11ood. game. That's why I've J::Ol to -----------------------1=----_-_-_- be a producer." HAi\1U.TON produced "Eve! Knievel'' and starred in the film \\'hen n1ajor A MAJOR SOUTHLAND PREMIERE OF A IRILLIAHT lllTISH COMEDY! "THE PHILAMTHROP_.::IS~T'-"-- . by Clri1topt.er HCHllflfOR " .•. ckiu<ron!y rl...,. ... 1:7-14;,r• a"Cl op! •.. " -~-,,..,( ••' ....,.,...\.. 1, I' I ·"'>!!I STARS MAl YOM SYDOW• ELLEf'l IUll:STYM LINDA IU.111: • JASON MILLER • LEE J. COii PERFORMANCES MOit.· Tuti .• Wed.· Tllw1. 2:00-4:20-7:0~9:2 0 :1 fri.-2:00.4:20·6:50.9:20-11:50 : : Sat.-11:4S _.2:00 ~4:20.~:SO :I •••THE AT R E "•• 9:20-11:50 ••••• 546·3102 ••••• s.. 11 ·45 nt-2·00 ·-4·20 6·50 HARllO"I Al AOA ... S COSTill ,..!:SA .-• a ' . • . o~ ••• ..,. IUD ·L ... u SD o• .. ~ "''~~ ••• 9:20 A STORY FOR EVERY OllE Wll-0 THINKS THEY CAN NEVER fill. IN LOVE AGAIN. e:t-Cill(.WCl~.1 Lit:crty !RI STARS MARSHA MASON -JAMES CA.AH ALSO A.CAO. WIMMER JOHN HOUSEMAN @qr J .(!prr <!Lllasr ALSO STARS TIMOTHY 1onoMS-LIMOSEY WAGNER 892·4493 979.4141 ' ROBl'RT Nl'WM.\N Rl''fORD ROBl'RT 611AW , Sill 0 •"90 F•W\f . ti Brookllu•I! \ Founi.•fl V1U-v • 962·2481_ NE "' \'ORK 11JPl l -The bright hght.s of Broadv. .1y · M,·e lured tv.·o old timers back 10 New \'ork for stagt' appearan<.'\.'S after Ion r absences . nnd 11 th Ir c entertainer who ha!! r<>,·1 U\\'3Y for a long 1tn1e is i;tct11n~ ready lo upp1.':lr at the Rainbo"' Grill . Jnnc Ptt"Ken.~ is re1urn1n~ 10 ' the stage 11·ith hl'r own one-I 1roman sho\1'. Sau11n.v lJa1'1~ ,Jr. is rchcurstu~ fur "Sa1nn1y," a nc1r 13roacllruy , produclion: and Sid Caesnr isl opening at the Hainbo\\' GnlL The occasion mar ks lhl• Wth Or-. C-+y---MtM Thtotr. llllll• ... illJ ................ -... , c-... .. ~ ltecll-J:CK_. TMetrT u ·111,( ... un 1101 """' -II•.&.. - ' 0 ~ ... u.. .. r-..... ,,, ...... u .. _., ..... ,... .. ~--- .. : .. tc::Q(;,1. fK.'o ••>J. f ·~ 1Hl'6TIN6 ~ BlR<K /COTI Ull/Ol1 /1¥11 lll1WVT01 .OJ(HlU BP!KEM1 "-............ , ............ ~· ....... ~ .. ·• anruvers'ary or Cascar's fir st Broad"·av sho"" "Tars and Spars '' For ~1 1ss Pickens, 11 will be hr r first return 10 ' ., Bro;idv.•ay Slll'l.'C 19-t9 v.hcn Shi.' rrr:llrd the !ltll· role in the l\larc U I 1 1 ls t e 1 n oper.1 ··Ht>gina" OOJO IT'EfR:K/ i:f(D..( TO"l (1 R.t'.K~(L.,,.U"\fll'1 ROBERT REDfORD~ffilA FARROW . THf ' . G!\Effi " (PG J • ~ rER"°RMAMCE SCMEOULE Mafl,· Tff,.· W H.iTM.n.-Fo-i.-7: I S..9:4 S-Sot -;S-..-2:00.4:10. 7: I S·9:4 5 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • COAST HWY . AT t_,ACARTHUR BLVD . 11 NEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760 • ·OTIS YOUNG /R ANDY QUAID/CLIFTON JAMES 2ND AT HUNTINGTON ""MAH OH A SWIHG"" I 2ND AT ON 1'3 "SlEff'lll" ,...,... ......... : ~j;,;. . • t•• '"' wt.,.,..,, .. .,.,"<.•.,,,,. ........................ .1 cetm~ • • Ot,t,C::H 8 1..\10 Af l l l..!S • • ---•~ \J •~• co•s• .. w• • S•,. O•fc;.o •w-. 1:1•7 9 0 0jll • HUNTl ... C.fO N 1!1(1'(:;H ........ , .... &<110•• ••I'."'"" ., .• ,,., .. ,, ... ,a.• •"~•·,.o ••••· 847°9608 l~d AT HIJHTINGIOH r. MAN ... SWING IJ'f ROlfRTSON JOfl CREY 892·4493 ' where the lilies bloom --"" /.,..., r.•°""""'• "'"•Oun,,..,...., .II IS a HICI IJO'll llHCI TO HAVI tOUll tNTI U IGlHCl l lS•tcno .•. &HD u lit!TllfatHID&S Will" --· "-''*' ,_ C••"'~"""IO G!':Qo-"'i..,_'" • HlfOl:MANCf SCHft>ULI e -· ...... "'"" ""'"·. ,,,,.,, ...... ..-1 .• , .... 1:11 -· ·-. ,,, ... ,, ..... -............. . (IP~ ·l"llfOllMANCI SCHIDULI--...... ..,,. ,_ ... ,, ...... , ... ,, ... , ... ...... -....--•·M-11 • .. ..... ,,,., ... 1.00 ---·-·-»"• .. -·. "'"' -''°" ............ -.. Mo~.'""· WM. n. .. n. 11i. • 1:1 S·t :aS loo. ""'· • 1:00-li::>0-7: I S.t :as GD3 if!IP: ......................... --· ! In the Cory Cenllt Ort"fl • 997-0832 • Ha1bor Boulevard n111 McFldd1n Santi Ant• S31·1271 ··-·· ....... ~ 6711 WISTMIN/ttl. A\'I. ·WISfMlN Tll- 1"2~·J 19)..7Jll tOl .. IHOhon t-i., 1olenis 01• IJN!O!IOlled. lhey "' o!reody "'" re1pon11bl. lor !inee "'Uldan . : "·· .. ;: 1 J.M ADAMS e CCHfA MISA 546-3102 .:;... .. 1o llMMlll ,.......,.1a4 I I ,JWA"t> ' . ~;m~nw- •• • ALSO SHOWING 14111 chri.-Or. ,,..... c,;;-~-I --"TheCotwwsallon"__J ..,.,_,o;;,. i.::=====-------1 "Tl1 l rlllltl" CINEMA VIEJO • ..,,_..c--.u • 6'6-0573 tO•Jt HtGWWAT Al _...llHUI l lVO. NIWH)ltfl(,t,(H 644-0760 --...... --,.. .. ,...,. ......... ~ hen CIM-t;Mi •Mel ...,.., ....... , ._ ................ ... "l90ki11 Fir l1wptt1, Doll'! Miu it" .JM .. w.~ o..1y ·1 ~ °"" " 1tvttr --- ) ____ ,. ... _ .... ·-.... _ ....... f tlWllAtl~ \I '1 I I t '. 11 I( NlAI 14.'llOI! ........ 979-4141 979.-M56 1111 w.,...,;.,,.., w............ "'"'' t-h. ""';~ ....... l '"" 1111 •• 1•1·7511 H.,.,,;,,.,.., .... ~ 141·•.0I srucno OM IMft "Ill BEST" LISTS 11Wt ANY OTIIER fUI Of T1tE YURI _, t ANDT n ltl • -l -•ti SlCOHO Al WISlllootl OH\T "MAN ON A SWING" ..... ""''°' wtJ••IMflll •w. ... ~ OI tl!OOl-U .,.~,., ·-"' ,,,...... J>o<.•- HIAI HillllOCI: Off AO.lM' COST• "'!Sill 979-4141 97M456 ~! s-. ......... _ .. .... .._,c.. .. fi!HM NlAI MUIOI OH ,...., ttt-4111 ., ..... ,. ~,_., ........ WI---, ah• ,.....,..., "-'-• w ......... ,... t•14ttJ t•J.7111 D1t1 ... 1 1•11..0 r 5 OZ. SIZE ~1 Gleem II TOOTHPASTE 2~1 .. 00 32 OZ. SIZE Listerine ANTISEPTIC 1.29 . Kimbies THROWAWAY DIAPERS 87c 1.33 DAYTIME lS's HEWIORN30's •OXOFlOOTyl n 1 - eo ri:.~le wMi~ 1 8. 8 sll11ld not take Aspiril1! • •OXOF30 Co-Tylenol • COLD FORMULA : ~:~~·:;m,. 1 29 t111s wit~~ 111 asp iri1. • · PAK OF 3 NORELCO Magi cubes ~ W1rks like m11ic ~ without batteries! I I " 1.19 I 20 OZ. BONUS SIZE Radio Jergens I LOTION \~ by SOUNDESIGN With DISPENSER U1i~1e. Eltra Sm1 I swine! #11 6 1.39 .99c . 5.95 Me•i11n1 1r Har• 4i88~.-: PRO Dental Floss waxedor 79c Un waxed lDDYDS. "· sci11c1 Adjustable INJECTOI RAZOR Sdttck "!he Ptote<ID~' -..-•.. Loc~ing guard : 'i; ond 1 blade< . _lL '1.59 Grass Shear or Pruner 2.99a IOZ.NESnE Magic Ket FINISHING SPRAY With : Holding PowEJ! Lead to Match ® v,1 .. 1 covered with 1 49 "gold" looped handle. • ~~a:~ ·* ~ ·~ 't " ' A(EPlace To Shop! IN TORRANCE 4320 REDONDO BEACH BLVD. PENGUIN -# 101 ~'.I19_w.th geor rato 9 89 HUCI( FIHN -#65A 61'1 ft. Rod. • C . ..:J! .. ! I • Stacking Planter For any standard si1e flower pcts. 2 99 PJan!er contains 3 white plastic drip tray s, 6 aluminum rods and a white base. • Flower Pot HOLDER 2 39 Metal with plastic • drip tray for standard pots. Yello• w it~ while base. BERKLEY Spinning COMBO ~~:~~~ll 300 Reel for fresh l Licht Salt Water PILOT-AOVERT iSE R 13 OZ. SIZE STYLE HAIR SPRAY Choose Your · Favorite Formula! 43~ . " ' . ' "' • ' • . .. •• ' Writes a clean, clear line ... up tD 80,000 words! 99c s:~,~;;1R~1~1/ FULLSKIN Chamois Gumout . ·~""'\ ·-~-, \~'us ...... ~ ~!~:E Baseball CARD ALBUM Keeps ~ trading 1 99 c11ds ora1nized. • i13~11f> ...... ~rnJ'.i REFILL PACES S~!C!l: lillF 79c • HIWl'OIT HACH-1oio i..i... w-,._ . 15.89 , for AUTO or HOME 31'1 Square Feet! 2.99 JO SPRAY Sprays away fuel ggc system gYm. etc. 15 '" Gumout CARBUROOR CLEANER Avoids hard starting 79c and rovgh idling. PT. s t~.;: lotion --- 1.5 OZ. REG. OR UNSCENTED BAN . ANTl-PERSPIRANT . 32 GAUON "BAG.LOK" Tra·sh CONTAINER bJ LOMA " !']: . I : 4.99 B,ATH SIZE DEODORANT ZEST BEAUTY BAR ' . " . I· : je1f . 4~1.00 fresh. c11sp Spr in~ colors. , 88 Button tum and pocket. [lasticized bact Sizes • 1 4' BOYS 2-Pc. SET ' GIANT SIZE WHITE FLOUR SACK Towels ·~ l V• Ol. STYlE Musk Dust BODY DUST DEODORANT Powdef foimula with t1agranl \ "1J \k •). ____ _ JOllNSON'S NEUTROGENA Baby Soap 011~. JlllrJCare Needs ' l;:;i;y' Jot ion --- r -· ~ LOTION Secret formula hel115 p1eveM and heal 88C d:aper rash. 9 oz. on. Lanolin enriched for babr-sott ~kin 99c for evervone~ 10 "· HYPO- ALLERGENIC Incredibly mild to 59c clean se baby's lender s~in. Q-TIPS COTTON SWABS Baby soft ••• 7gc baby safe! BOX Of 401 fOWDER olm1m(1 • JOHNSON'S Diaper Liners ,..-=~* ~ More protection for Baby •.• mcre convenience , ~:J\. ;t• lor yoo! BOX Of 10 ) 66c « ,~J ~ ~ 2.88 SH Soft. pure. silky protection 111 baby 77c skin. 14 oz. BAYER ASPIRIN for CHILDREN Orange fla vored far 29 colds, etc. J l/4 G1s. ea. C · BOTILE Of 36 DIAPARENE Baby Wash Cloths Pop-up disposable cloths 59c with lanolin. ' JO SHEHS FM) AM Portab I e Radio PUBLIC SERVI CE & WEATHER BANOS Add a new dimensl()n 10 your radio listening wit~ this 3·band portable! #P4910 24.88 "S . St . " PLAYTEX an1-np Disposable Bottles 1 • Strong pull·on style ••• no expJnder needed! BOXOFIOO PETERSON Infant Carrier Adjusts to 4 posil1ons ! Bell and crotch straps for safety. Comfort lof both baby and parent. #498 PETERSON Stroller Comfortable rec lin ing back with 4 positions Salety brake and safety belt. Tray with beads to amuse baby arr:! mar~P.I basket for mother. #ISJP 18.95 WELMA:;...ID""'11"'""FL_O_RA_L-PR-IN_T_"_-.. laundry Needs 1.29 Cover & Pad 1.98 Cassette Recorder • ..:... ..... iii;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;::;.:;::;;:;;:;:::.:::;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;~;;;;:;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;\~1 H[ AC/DC • THRIE·WAY POWER CAPACITY for tN! on-the-go businessman or student. Automatic level control NM8450 29 • 77 I~ ;;; Ill Sea & Ski SEA &$1(1 8 Gl. BOTILE 10 PRICES PRtvAlt WEO .. APRIL 24th • lb" Sil.. APRIL 17th DM•Drnl I lfillID l'loce To SM,t SHOP 7 OIYS I WEEK IJO IM to MO PM MD"dar thra S1t11rdar 10,00 AM le HO PM S11"dar • l ' Preparation H Suppositories Shrinks hermrrtio10 .. and rpl1eves pain. BOXOF 11 1.49 •. 11 Ol. MEDI CA TED Ammens POWDIR R~li e~e'. and "' p1pyi>Ml, 1 d1apet rasn 1.09 12 OZ. NESTLE Curl 'n Set HAIR Sffil NC <:;;; FR££ : ' COMB • · O Steam & Ory IRON WIPES OUT WRINKL!S ! S!eam to dry al a push of a button . • 25 """! 8 66 NF-63 • Printed Towe ls , D:CELLO -rerry clolll with f,!Ch!O 2, 1 00 de~rgn~. o 16"129" " • Count Vasya VODKA r u 10Proo1 6 79 n Y: GIL • ~ MacKinnon 's U SCOTCH stE. 10 Proo! 8 49 V2 GAL. • 14 OZ. CANS Kai Kan BURGERS Beef Gravy, Cheese Sauce or Ch icken Brath ~¥'.·~ SUPll lOW PllCI 84 OZ. KING SIZE CHEER All TEMPERATURE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 1.33 BOX OF 60 REGULAR SIZE SCOTT Family Napkins ~\i'..QJID SUPll tOW Pll(( 10 OZ. WEIGHT WATCHERS Diet ~~Jll r:i·~ "-==~ DRINK NO SUGAR! 'S~ ~ . 01~·.9.I)) l ~ SUPll IOW PRICE SQUIBB ==-CASE OF 24 2.97 Theragran-M JO's FREE With lOO's '~'°"I .J. ,~ i 'i ........ 4.88 RIVA L Crock Pot ALL PURPOSE ELECTRIC COOKER 3'11 Quart sue. #J IOO ' 14.77 9-Cup Coffeemaker CORNWALL -Colorl"I a~1rim;1t1c fari1l y s11e 8 88 t .. rr::~~~r ~eep~ coHcl! ... air: 1213 9 • I -.. 28 DAil Y PILOT Big Match Race Set On S1111day The \'oyagers Yacht Club y.Jn stage a match race among Excallbur·26 sloops Sund3y, an event which V.'aS postponed fronl ~lnrch 2. Seven yacht clubs. including the host club y.•ill have boats on the line in the challenge n1alch that VYC hopt"S \\'Ill bt•cornc All annual event. Alalch racing is lhe most competiti\'e of ~·acht racing, pilling bo::ts in pairs. !he v.·inner challenging other u•inners until only one overall v.·inner is left. Clubs v.•hi ch h.:J1·e entered boats are VVC. Lido Isle Yach! Clu b, Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Balboa Yacht Club, Bahia Cnrinthian Yacht Club, South Shote Sailing Club and Hw111qgton II ;1 r b o u r Yach! Club. Group ma tch r;1ci11g came into voi:uc ll'ith the <1d1•cnl of Long Beach Yach t Club's famed Congressional Cup series Y:hich ha s grown to be 001! of the-1nost prestigious yachting cvcnls in the IJ .S. Other popular n1atch r:i.cinll series arc Long Beach Yacht Club's Douglas Cup for collegiate r n c e rs . Yacht Cluh's Governor's cup for junior racers. anrl Bahia <:or- inUtian Yacht Club's Podo!:ik Trophy series for Soling.;. Don't Wtive OUI Fl"g In Mexico Skippers in 1he Ne\vpo rt !o Ensenada race have bee n advised th.at the red, v.·hitc and green striped ~lcxica n flag is not a proper ensign to ny when entering i'ol exlcan waters. The proper nag of j\fexico has the serpent imposed on the the three stripes. Dick Jenness. president of the Newport Ocean Salling Association urged all skippers to obtain a proper fl ag to fly v,;hen entering and while remaining in i'olexican waters. Hov.·ever, yachts with the old standard tlag v.•il\ not be harrro fron1 the ract. said 1f~Mfsdi:IY. April 24, 1974 FINISHING TOUCHES -\Vork1nan welds bead on bow of the all-alu1ninurn 12-rnelcr ~1ariner in Derecktor Shipyard at· l\1a1nardneck. N.Y. as lhe yacht nears commissioning date. The C'hance-designed yacht will compete in tt-ia js start ing in June for tht right to defend the An1erica's Cup. Balboa Cl ub Will E1nploy CCA Rating The Balboa Yacht Club is adding the Cruising Club of America (CCA I ratings to its 66 Series this year. Ken Ross, \'iee commodore announced. In previous years -since the advent of the lniemational Offshore Rule-only the IOR and ~fidget Ocean !lac ing Fleet yachts ha\"e b e e n eligible to partici pate in !he 66 Series. !'.!any O\vners of IKlats rated under !he old CCA rule }1ave felt left out of racing si nce IOR because they felt their OOats were outdated by the new rule. Lau~hing Set A1nericu's Cup Entry Due e t>.Iarincr. an America'll Cup NE\\' YORK ( AJ> I -Th contender being built at the De "y.•i!I be launched sometime and v.·ill officially be comm recktor yard in ~lamaroncck, Y.'ithin the next couple of Wt..'t'ks issioned ~lay 10," its designer says. Brillon Chance Jr. also initely has some novel fc chine and is a IO\\' wetted su Chance said the design depth for Lhe keel as the I he i.~ encouraged by !he bo "\Ve'll have lo wait a said rhat the ~lariner ··ctef· atures. She has a no1iccable rface boat." is patterned to allO\V as much 2-1neter rule al!oy.•f'<I and !hat at's aluminum ronslruclion. nd see \\"hat ~l ariner can do \l"hen she is launched," he sa id. nl U.S. 12-inetrr. Courageous. J\finneford Yard in City Island, 1'he other new alun1inu is under construction at the N.Y. Dciligner Olin Stephe launching May 4. ns says ;t is scheduled for ----· --- Record 300 Entries For Havasu Regatt(t 1\ record entry of 300 catamarans are scheduled to start action Saturday at L.1ke Havasu in the London Bridge Regatta, the 'l''Orld1s largest inland sailing event. Prindlc-16s. Race dir('ctor Robert P ~lcCulloch said the largest di\"ision v.·ill be !he Hobie-16 C \l'i!h more than 100 en!rics. Titl!re :1rc se\'f'n vtomen skippers listed and a numl>f'r I ~SIR WALTERS a:... fttty fo IOk• (Or• of Wa.h n' w-Haircvh for men thor foll in ploc• nolvrolly. 20.i2 Ne wporf Blvd. ~--~ ..... ,, -- LE.t.SE .t. '74 610 W.t.l>OH S99.89 mo. • Ti•l6,..., 0£l COSTA MES.i..DATSUM 2145 HARIOl llYD. C.M. S41).64 ID I I ~ J enness. Tilt~ authentic l\1exican na~ is in short supply . Nikki's Flag Shop on Coast l1 i~"'ay said the firm has a limited supph1 on hand. The fleet is divided among Jlobio 12s, Hobie 14s. Hobie l6s. Prindle Cats and P-Cals. There v.•ere 249 entries last rear. The surge in interest appears to be in admi ssion for the first time of the 11c1v llobic-12 monocats and the I I of other dis1arf sailor s \\'ill be 1 I crc111ingon !he ~loop-rigged P-[:----------· I Cats. Hobie--16s and Prl11dil' I Jenness said f>.1 e x.i c a n officials h a v e c<ln1plained about the use of improper flags. ·t: Ca". I J A 11: 1 The rc1iaua starts Saturday l "'ilh two races and ends \\"ilh I ; one race on Sunday. ~~ * .. ' 11 cmon'S 1· Gals at the Helm I SPORTSWEAR ! t Wt:STCUH Pl.AZA . BAI.BOA ISl.Af,(J I T11 io UCLA Coeds Vie iu llavlls u Rll ce I ~tBror;tl 2161.'aine Ave. ~-4121 67S·1904 I "IF A FELLO\\' doesn't like By JACK STE\rENSON LOS A~GELES tAP I -the out-c.f-doors, he isn·t n1y Shir in ~IcElhinney first l~1Jt'." says Shirin . \\'1Klsc learned about sailing in fa1niiy now . lives in Santa IL ~1 baske1ball as \I' om c n s ir-•-•-----------... sports." ~·lonica. Ireland's Carlingford Loch and lloih gals frequentl y act as Cherri Briggs v.•as out onl y the crew for a male friend on once in a lak e al her home a catamaran; the twin-hulled state of ld;1ho but t/1e two crafr racing in the London UCLA C()('ds challenge the Bridge regatta. n1en Saturday in the London This time they 'll be aboard Bridge Regatta at L ake a lCLA Sailing Cluh Prindle tlavasu City. 16 and face about two do1.en The shapely p.1ir are the opponents. 1\11 told the entry (Inly gals' team in 1 he list has reached 300. oompctition although some of the !>oats wilt ha \"e either """E I.EARN from the n1en skippers or C'rcw people of the skippers,'' Cherri ad n1 i t s . distaff se1. a!lhough addi ng. "There is no Shitin and Cherri met at a reason a gi rl can't be as good UCLA Sailing Club advanced ,1s a boy in this s po r t . It She y.·ould like to make a good sll0\1·ing at Ha\'asu. "''ou kno\v who we 're goi ng lo be racing against? Geoff Prindle v.1ho designed the Prindle type boat and Sterling Sanllcy \Vho builds then\ at s~nta Ana ." Nc'v Type Spin11aker Gear Ont course and bolh feel sailing is doesn't take great strengt h. The new Cle\·ec1>-;\furray a i;real sport for \l.'On1cn, both You have to study winds. athletically and sociallr. C'urrents and know your boat." ball-and-socket type spinnaker Cherri and Shirin both arc pole fill ings used on man)' "SAILl~G IS 11hat 1 reallv I like and ii brings me logelhe.r instructors in sai ing and both boats in lhc One Ton cham· say fello"'S arc scirric\l.·hat · h' be. Id · 1•-i\·ith .v..-.ple of. the same p1ons 1ps arc 1ng so 1n ·~ r-v surprised lo find t he i r interests." says C'h<>rri , 21. teachers arc \romcn and a fe"· U.S. by /\'cil Pryde USA of "They like the out-0f-Ooors resent it. St;inton. i nl porter s and and arc carefree types," "They look surprised and manufa cturers of sails and ]The Irish lass. Shirin. add s. son1ctimes ask us if wc know n1<.1rine hardv.'are. " can'! stand silting around 11·hat \\·e'rc doing," sa)'S aod pla)•in11 cards. Sailing The firm also wilt be the ex-"' Cherri. 1)(>()1>lc are fri<'ndly and sort of ,\lost of the time she is c!usi\·c distributor for the two- unlnhibilcd . 1\ly 1notht1r and \\"Orking 10v,,ard 3 degree in socket n1ast fitting de signed f,1!hrr sailed in lrclanrl before nnihropolog,.·. Shirin \\·ants to f I · k ··b· rorning to the United Sta tes or l\l.'O-po e spinna ·<'r l' 1ng hr n lciWYl'r and is finishing ••,·clo~ 1·n Aust ·1· • anrl lllt'y liki•d it too." "" ~"' r .. 1a anu her J.:cnior yt'ar in vs.1'chology. Neither :;;h1rin 11flr C1wrri. Ne\I.' Zealand. bo!h \l'Cll pro!Xlrlioncd at S-"f l\1JSl1 Tiil'; school would -- foot·8. 1hink n1en should be su1lport. sai ling as .. one of the Kicl s Like I() bcuer salters than girl s. And wor11c11 s sports. declares !hey both insi~l that sailing C'hrrri. "It is more 9f .a sport Robert J. Wigme:re IF YOU HAVEN'T CHECKED • , . with 111 011 yo11r ho11te• ow11w'1 poller. you may 11ot b• pro~rlr hu111ell, '1'011 "nry 0110 so•• 111011oy by colll11g 1n for o quote. WIGMOR E ...._\ IYl\5 INSURA NCE 1t5J H11111bor llwd • .CMt• MM• 979-2555 1sn·1 a way of al!racting the rhan some they ha '4iii9-doo't Ask An<fy ,..•.PJIO'~;·''~''.'.·~~--~~~-'-h.;n•kiiiiim.oc~h••'-r.-.r_oo9o~lba~llll;..a.nri0' jiiii!i\liii\liiiiiiii\liiiiS>iiiiii.iiiii..i~~ii':::;;::;;;;;~:::;;' The Harbor Area's Newe$f Cliemlse LaCoste • Purcell · Converse -Tre1orn -Ga rria I I . SUBARU Dealer Factory Authorized Sales & Service Spe,clall1.ing in All European Car Repairs Harbor View Subaru 2100 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 645-0660 ~ ./ "'O -= eNJlhing in e1111i6 ~ n f•P •ll ~1rit1t1t1 t '.l E FF.ATlJRING &· Ro(o~•t 1t.,,.1, ltl ~ ~ ~ AU. TOP BR•SDS I ., : ~: U1'U11\0U1ll (J.Jporf.c;~ ~ Behill!f the lnrernatlonal Pancake House ~ t 333 E. 17th Si .. r~osta bl esa Pbone 642-6886 g ;. ~-G Sat.~ t>.lon. li1ru Thur s.-F'ri.to 8:00 p.m .. Sun.11 -2 .g F'rttd Perry -Wilson -Dunlop. Davis TrPtorn . Banr.roft [ ' •• .Aussie Yacht eh·aJ/e--n cr r \!.'ill be at·contpanled by Crl'tcl 11. \\ hich kt;t lb(' IDSI !t-rif'S Ill 1971) to Am~ica·S lntn.>p1d. on Its Way about Ausl rah:t'> chanr('j 11 the Amt>ricn" C:-Up oon1~,t bu! Bond '' suprPniel~ rorrlidl'nt "\V11h any lul'k "" v.111 bring The ru~ h11il\t' th l'crUl ·· he .. a·d Bot d Jfld ll,~ l',\0 CrC\\S, lea11• [llr "-'l'l~l>Orl in lul~ ~1.1} l,ERTll (AP l -Aw;tralla 's· )1achting challengu for the Americas Cu1) en!t!rL'(f a new phas£' this ll'l'<'k when the 3luminu1n challcngt"r Southern Cross began the first stage of hl'r 10urncy 10 Nl'wport. R.I. GREl'F.I. \\'11.l. act 11~ trtAll r--------------"":W':"'.'.:E __ ., horse for Southern Cross ln DOES YOUR CAR IDLE ROUGH? The n1u s tard-colored final luning up trial(< l>t'fo re START HARD? CAN HELP !he challrni;!c_.r 111eet l'i" GIVI POOR MILAGl? Freneh 12-m<trr ""hi '" THE CARBUR ETOR SH OP August to d~cide v:hich nation I 1i;..1 r1A0i~Olt 0 , , t:.;~r• ,,.., _. 6-42-IJl6 ---------- HIPPIE S flUNTED will challenge the litlc huldC'rs.I .._.,...,,..._...,_ ••• _"";.'-·.·-··~·--·~·-"-'".·•-•.,.•~·.,..._..,._...,,,..._. Superb orgnn1zation -1!1r ~ key to Perth nnllti -mil!innaire -- Alan Bond's cup ch<ll!cn,l!f' -; J>E~1ANG. ~falaysia 1 i..;r1 / -The ~1alays1;1n lnin11i{ration DcparlmJ!nt has formed a spccu1I police unit to crack tlo11n on hippies 11ho :1rr11c as lourisL~. Di'pury rron11• A tr airs i'olin1st•·r S;imad Idris said onlv !h{IS<' 11.·ho are dcccnrh• allirc(i 11"111 ht.> allowed to enter J\1:11.'.lysia. Jfe did nor define dt•("1'nl L11l1rt•. .,.,a~ t>vid('lll as Southerr1 ('roct. ~ind Gretel 1,1•ere Co\·ercd and placed 111 cradles for !hrlr road 1ourncy fron1 YanchC'p to Frtmantle ror shiµn14:'nl in !he conlainer ship Kani1nbla to America The f"·o \·acht~ hil\'l' l>Pi•n triahn~ olf \'JnChl'P Sun City Bof\d's $300 1nillion bcarhfront de\'elo1)ment. !or nine montfl"- and 1he C'h!illt'ngcr has pro\·ed to be a fast ;1nd h1qhly tlllll'd sailing n1achine prep.'.lred b_v sonic of Aui.tr;i!ia·s bc.,t yarhrsmen. SllUTll E lt~ C:ros~ ,1,ipn"r John Cuneo. Olyntpic ~old n1edalist at Kiel . Gern1an\' in 197~. supervised 1hr loa(lin& '"Tt1C' 'h1pp1c-s arc dressed 111.f' bona fide tourists when lhL·y conH' in. It's onlv '!''hen tht•y :ire alrl't1dy in thC coun- lr,\' !hat !hry re\'ert Lo their old 11•;1ys of wea ring shabby clo!hcs ," S..1rnad said. operations. 0,11,,1>u1td 11~ T~• Jilr••d Hui ca,.,~•"l' • ~o p,00, , •r.o•: G"'" N1"1•11 Sol•H• Cuneo wa s non-<.1lnun11lal Whitewall. Any Size l RE AO LIFE PROT ECTION We build 11110 every RtliAude• '"' •a!e l•ac11ori +nd•cato•s They S<O- nal when your t•re shoula De replaceo II your l"e wea1s out (e•cept tor 1nco11ec1 al•gnment) we will ma~e an allowance based on 011g1na! ou1c11ase P"Ce. e~clud1ng aopl·t.iD.e Feoe1al E•C1Se Ta o. 1owara tile purchase or a new '"' We w,u allow 113 du"nO 1he f1rs1 11au O• 1/4 ou11ng the secono llall ol tne sla!eO mOf'llns ol guaranU!e Fooe•al E•t1Sl' Ta • ad1us1menl aJ•owance .,.,u be mace on the D1s11 of Iha percent ot the o"g1nal he~d remain1n11 RfLIARIOE" TIRE PROTECTION GUARANTEE Your Rei.Anoe' 11re pro1ec1 ,on guaran\ee co•e•s all Rel•A,.de• PllS· senge• IHeS (e•cep! i.pec.al. appl•ca11on tues w1lh sep•rate gua11n· 1ersl against ;ill roao hataro 0 1 oe1et! !a1ltHes You are crotec1eo lo• 1he en!"e s1a1eo months o! guara,,tee II your tue la111 duflng !he guarantee l)etioO. •e!urn 11 to vs and we wtll. a1 our 0Dl1on. repa" your t11e. o• m•~e an allowance b1r.ed on the O••o1nal Pl.Hthase prtce. e•clur:l1ng aopi.cable Feoeral f•C•se Tao. towaro the pu•ch1se ol • new IHI! We w.11 allow 100·~ o f the o"g•na! p11tct11so price. e1clud111g IPDhcable Federal E•t•se Tai. du••ng the 100". •llow ance per100. Tl'le1eal1er. we w111 allow 50% or 25'11. or the o"g1nal o.irchase price. e1cluding apcl•C<iOle reoeral E1 c1se T11. klward the ou•cha1a of 1 new lite. Feaerol f •c•se ad1uslment a11ow1nce will be maOo on the bas•s oT !he percent o! Irle or1g<na1 !read •em11n1ng. Th11 gu1rantoe 15 nol l•ans!e1able It '' only lor P•·~a1e passenger ca•J 01 passenger station wagons e 36 month gLiaranlee wilh 14 month 100°!. allowance e steel belled conslruction for proleclion against cuts, bru ises, and punc1ures. e polyester cord body lor smoolh ride e modern w1de whitewall Sit• F1t1 A19. SALE 171•14 73J•l• 31.97 4 !or /100 A711ll 60!)1\J :::19.97 41o•'l00 171114 77511 • lS.97 4 lar 'JOO G711 14 12S11 • 35.97 410• '100 G711IS 125115 3~.97 4 for '100 H711 IS l~SttSS1 1 S 37.97 4for'IOO J711\S 115115 39.97 4 /or '100 ••• E1 . T1r :::T.•7 l .04 :::T.61 1.79 ::.16 3.06 3.19 p,,cts ~hown Jre 'o• .... t> l•'"'''11,,t,.1,.,~ ,,,..~ 1 ~~ reo [, Ta ~ 11i shown No traoe.·" n<'eCtc.i (J,,, Aer,A"O•,' O•·.~·e ~t>:~I n~ited •5 our o"'n name anc ooc$ ne>t n:l!!.'CI di'~ ni:l\1on.,,ce s!andard ot QUdl·!~ W11h the purchase of Re11 A1.o~· : .. c~ ye>11 g~I I FREE!"<! 1n~!alla1ior1 2 FAE.£ : .. e rc;\Jl•Orl C•CI¥ 5000 m•ICS BUENA PARK ORANGE .... ,. .. Or-."'°'lN OpM 0..., t:lO to t:JO P."'-S...., 10 to 1 City Or • .t ~ Gr.•• 11•4 ~ 10-t , ..... Oefty Mdoy 10 "° ' -- ,, .. ' ' ' " "' •• '" ,, .. 0 < 0 ' iftd! n c "· ' ·~ " " < .. . ,, " ., ,, '" " ... "' "' ' ,,. 0 ' ' ' ~"' ' '' '" ... ' ' • "' .. " "' " !'UB I.IC fliO'rlCE PICTITIOUI •UilMfll tt.t.M• ITlriT•MfNT l'Llll.fC 1'0TICI: FICTITIOUS I USHllE SS ~/I.ME ST/l.lfMEHT f• • !•110¥ onq pt• •• ll. ~•t ~ , 1 J,.i .... , •• , ~ ~0\/THL/l.NC /l.UTO'-'ATI-C.6.llt.C.£ OOGR CO l:ll! Nt •;>er! 81va Cc IJ '"~:• CdUle•n•• 'l~ll ' II ('>dt<I L1v1t 'i1~1Ln l.111 ~.nle1 llvC. N• \P<>r• 8 f•<11 Col fo•n l ~oe,(I I G~o•g• Jll<1•r SOI ·e ~• ,.,, w~G" 6t~cn (~l•!o•n•• "l'l!MI I Tn" tu .. ne" •• c~n<l1>t1Ht bV • .,,,,.,., µ.1tner n ~ II <°' "d l '"'"" '"" l"" •,fa•emfM W~\ tol•1I ,; 'I\ II\• ( y h (ICf~ of L••n·~< t ; >!/ g • A~rll 1] 191• PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLI C NOT ICE 'I .:.ri?/~,','.,.,,:~·;~,,,,~~:11:.r,~~;· r·· ~ 1.11 p ,., ll-'11• •t't' c,.n hQ c• t•<I• •h~I! I"' <l••e('•" 1· 1ne l >Q•"'tt• •t• "• ~ •( • J,11»e1 M /\Chl"""'t ''' (;,11 ~n ·~ fh<:•rw:•·1 l"t 1,001 <•v I'•·~ (, ~une 101, 11wlrw: C&lltOfnloJ ~1'7 Tt'epn•,. !llH 911 ·Ill • "'" ·---------- -----1 llr OuW•V"' Lo11t I nus Oh'NCll ~ RIC.l•T~ l!CSERVFO T~· PUBLIC !'iiOTICE NOTICE TO CltEDITOI!' O•n•r rr'Lr"t1 ll<e rlqhl I~ •1tfl ""'' SUl'EllDI COUIT OF TH£ I' 11 t>• I~ to •l•1te •nY •ntMrn•h" n • u • ,T .. TE 01' CAl.IFDl!NIA FOlt TH£ l"<I ro m•-• d""'C:' '" "'" 1n•r• "gt •n~ COUNTY 01' OltANGE C "~' Ne /I. n •1• OJ•e J\~•ll 11 111' E ,••!• ol Jr)HN FRA.NCIS C.ILLf~Ptr CO~TA l~FS• .:oi .-v dl•o ~novn '' JA.CI( F GILLESPIE WATl'.11 DI STii!( T Q(·~• "'l ) llv Rav llua'>G~ '"••" 1 1 ~·•" ,,QTIC E l5 HE ltEfL V GIVEN to Int P1<ot,.n,,a D••"'ile (•••! Co•I• P ••t~•IO" of '"' ~ • n ...,_<l df "-1•"! ,.,.,. l 4 ltli 1•7' IJ 1>;1,1 llta Or rot c , o ,11 'Jl?0•1i•l'lal t>l\ P"'•Ol\1 kavrn11-cl••m1 a~•ln\I tr~ """I u •nd l\ov 1 , I! \t7i li:ll ll ""'d dttedtnt a~ •cqutre<1 lo hte 1n•m I l'UULJC r\U'l ICE _ _ 1wl!n •t1• ne''".,... voucnero '" r1>e ~titee l"IJl.f(' '(l'l ICL'. ci 1~ rle•k o! 1ne at><We f nlo!led '°"" ?' \.J -1·. o P•f\ent !~m wl!h Vic n'''''~'' .~u(ht'1. 10 Int undt"•<ll'"'1 ~I Int ofloc- l'!C TIT!OUS I USIN[S' NAM[ STATEMENT ICllO>llM\I P• "0" ! ~~ < ~ CU FICT!TIOUS l!VSIHE 1i1i Id""' •Uo•n•v• JUGC!O.RT V~VEllK,. t. Tnt NAME" §fAT E•Al:.•T 11/\VN./>.N II.I.I e.~,. S!rttT (1)1.I~ Mn~ -~ lnt lollcw•n11 per1on .. dolnq oui;IM•s1C•T•!Nn•~ 9')~16 WIH(h h '"" DI~•· o! AIOllTOll [l[(lll;ICnL •[PIJ I'' " but1n~• of tl'le un.3tr>lgrw:d •n dll m~"~" 1701 lMlo.oo•f Or "'unl•n<l!c~ tit• " THE CR01'1'~ NESJ VA~t<' i:.tiOl ~-•!~lnlng !O me '''~It ol l~•d OP<tden! Co111!ornld ~11>-16 Sli!P eRO<CERAC.E, 01 11 11 N•"r '"' wltn1n fl)Ur rnon!l'I• d!!t• 11\e f ••I J~m•• II 1.l~fl<n ,101 l~rl-;x.1! 0 1 6ow1e~••<1 N" Pll" ee ocn C•ll'D•n•a 11~nlocJI•'" D• 11'11, ~c 11ce H1>M•no1"" ll•1•n C.t•1•~·n • •ll>-'~ n~ I Datea Aar t 19, 1"'7• l~" twuntu I\ conJU<lt d ov (cnnlar Inc 71'1 !l "'~'"" f~1>·"•'d P'-TlltCl>I A ll•Cll.EAO ~ hQ(•,au 1I °'ll"IOOfl lle••n C•l•h• ·f~ '1MC • ~d'l°'•n•1'''" • •tn·lh• ''" J•mt• It 1.•,,.rgn 111ls llw.,ntu i, c • .,0.,cr.-o l< • 1n,,..,ejol•,te•••••G• Th' 11att1Mnt "' r •n .,,,. 1 ,~rporat10'1 (CJlolL•noa) I r11e 1b<>v-n~'1'1td r•ce«~rl (tMJn•• Clt•k DI O••~ne Cou•HY °" A ~• I (0NM1'R Ill( JUGGfltT. V1VElllKA & WAYM6.N Jl. 111' e v J1me1 M"""' Pie "'"' uss liker Slroet l'llUl '''" "•'e~n1 ',. •·•c.i ..., 111 •he C11!1 Mt1•, C• ,,,,, P.,'>hln•n O•an~• { ~·• QJ dV '''' 1 ( ·untv Clttl< o! O·~~ l c ... n1~ °" Apflll T.i jJUJ ,,, ... 72 6.prlt ,. •nG MIY 1 t ~ 197' JJ, 191• Atlftf"MJ\ tor Mmln11lt"llrli CTA !HJ.QC r JJJol• Publ,.n•d Or1119e C<1'11• D•••v p,1., l'UBLI C !'\U'rICE Pu~!"l\eD O••"'t• (CS'' 0••1 1 PolcT Ap,,l ll an<' M~V I I h 191< l•l\ /< !OJI II j\p,rl 2• •nd M~ / I t l~ !91' HJ6 1• PUBl.ll' r\O J'I CI:'. FICTIT!OUS IUSl,.ESS N6.ME SlATEMfHf l'l 'Bl IC ~OTI CE l'UBLIC NOTICE • FICTITIOUS IUUNliSS "AME IT11T!:M£NT lcllow•"a D"ICn •• d• ~'J t~ •' e u 1LO tl ~AV[ l\r ,1•~d•a, G••~·• ?)••' ···~ \~! ·~ .. t;.•c•~ c >I" '""I l'~•ld , ... ,, C"r:<••···~ .1 ·~·"~ C'•" r 1•o•nl ~·)~ 'I " ,~ I !f v~•1. c, .. n ., G•~~t • t • ~ ;..1] T• ,,,~< tr.~'·t•! / l~Ot•I " 'll!•l D ·•OT (QOOGO OT •G•/ ~•tm •n l~n<O• 'Jrr P ~· '" T·• ·•·I• n • •!1 ,., ''~''' (l"'O "t)••~<i"" Ct.,·!~ n~ A •I I •II STLl•IT n I UCHALTiHt .. !IO•n•V 111 Wn t S •••~•" S!•et! ~""~ lt~ LO• Aftqt!•\, C•hlOfft•~ '°4111 19'0.Q( l'Li lll.IC \f)JlCL P~bl ·ni.J O•IO"l C C l • 01 ly "'0'•' ,, """ ,, 1 • tS 1911 FJlHC p ,,, 11' I< I'll''" p ·~· 1•107• PUBLIC NOTICE ---------1 --- Ah C (A~UA L TV 5'1'NO,Sll " TICE ANNUAl " STATlMEHT 37fl w ill loS PUHLIC \OTICE l'ICltTtOU~ I U51 N•Ss NII.MIO STATEMENT Tnt 111110~ rg ctr ,~ " <lt""ll t.U' .. Ol lS SPF(lllLT!ES co•t..PJI "" n ,.,,, ... ,o..-~ Lio• CO•!• II e I. C •l•!or<'ift tlel• 11.,,..,,1, l Chi 1~1 l'"l•I'''~' l~nt Cc•!i Me•~ Cil•+o•,.11 flit\ TM• b111l"•n I\ conavc1e<1 b~ , ... lndl•IC~a! RDmM l O•l s Tl111 1•11em~~• • •• CounlV Cler' ol OrJ••~t 1J, ltl• f It/I w ·~ !"' co~"'V O• /l.p• I P"Dl"httl Ort"U- "'otl! ,. '"d l/.•v 1 ~lllJl CO "' O>lv "' • I IS !'H llOil PUllLIC :'\OTICE _4 ritiwc11· Buyi1ig Possible By !\lll.TOS f.IOSKO\\'ITZ (~r9ft1Cle ...... W .. 1 I ~ 11 po~s1ble 10 t.lilor ~our Jll\t':sllnt•nts so Iha\ \Our Unlli1rs arc ne\er used 10 buy shnrl's 111 con1pan1r~ \\hu::h n1akt· v.eapons or o\hl'r \\ar rel.itcd gOQ<ls' Ths A1nenci1n Baptist J\on1c \\1ss1on Socienes in Valley !-urge. Pa ts one orc.1n1za11un lhat btlit·ves it':i possible Thi• n:ip11,,1s h.ni' an unes1n1ent por1 folio of $-15 n11lhon and noted !a~I \ t"a r th:i! one of its hnld1nJ.(s v.,p; 20,000 shar~s of L tH!l'd Aircraft l 't1111ily Cll·t·11s I • "" nu Kenn" I I I --I ,, PI LOT 2!J Over 'f lu· \.ou 11t1•r f"4'f G\IOU lo""\ !:>,. ""'' -'l" t11 ,..,. "'' °"'''" ln• T ¥.el ''""' •'"'" o• (').><,,_,,. !.-•w"'"' c. ••• ,,I°"'.,, " ... ti~ ... , Of'"' [•11"'1 "'"-"•O 1>1 ""'' 1"' 1£,Dll L <ti , .. ..,,,, ~,.,, t~ f O\ "., ~ ... ~ OI••• ,, (:-'I P, llO>t IL;•i.•• I ' .,.,., 11-' , ... Q"'11• l ~···· ,,..,,""' ""\"'"-I I I, I •tl•' ">O" ..op ,.,.,, I ,; ~-­..,,..., "' "'~·· r"'" • '°"""'a.o l•• f"ll'r'•!LI oCI•• I •• I~ "'"'••L.ol'·• '' ~·· !NOUf'tlH•l \ I , " '• 1'"'0 UTILITlf\ '•"" II' 'f "l,1• I• I l"' "l" 1:1.. ''" '•"O"' l ·~ " • "" ~ ''" .... ~ ~... 'l ,, "' (•~" An /of '" ') , 1• ' I Y, l A~ 'I " 1• 1,1 T, ! " '•·•·1' .• ...., ... • • BAI 'I,' ' '' V •'" ''°"' I '' 11""" " AP•JM>•I "....-•l A ~· I•• 1J 'I ""J Ao t 1 ! < "''~" A"' .i. ' ., '' r "l. A,.I '~" '" • • .. .. ' ... '"' .. ,, . ' ,. "'"' lo< Id ,, .. ' " " ' ' ··" . ' ' ,. • " " " ' • H , I' ·~ ,, • • " • '" . ,, y, ;. ' .. ' "-'~· y .... ~.t ~· '.I '' /of M, ' M-ti ·~· '"'q, rn ~ .. -........ It• ' ' v. " ~~ v ... "· " " ·-. -'" " "~' ·' '" " ' •. " ·~ ' .1 .... • ,, '· '• • ....... .J ........ ," 1'.o • I '" t • ' ' <' ' .. •• " . ' .. " ' ·' ... • '• " . ,. ' ' ' " 1'' ' , .... ' " L c;, 'I\ • P<>' " ....... ' • y,.,!., ' \ "''° •I• • " •• " \jl) ·1··: ·;::. ~n •P ! ,. • " Ill f """' \ ' , ., """ ,,, ,, "•Q• j ,q ~.,, ,. ,, " '• A' ... ,,,., "~ .... \ ·"~· .. "''I'> t ''"' I . .... , ., 1, r ,, I'•' • .. .. ... '·" . . , ., q •••• ". ' JO 1> 1 •• ll •· l • J • ' ' 1t • 11 10 . 10 ... %J ' I• 1• 21 . . , .. " . " " " , . " ' " ' " ' ' " • " • ,, " ' ,. •• .. .. • •• .. BA SEO " 11 ·\RTFOHD. ''Tomorrow 1~ Sundoy o nd tho! mean~ the SU N be ovt oil day will .. , ... w ' ..... ' ' •• ) .. p ••J' .... " " '· ·~·· .. ' ·"~ ;> .... ~ .... c,., .. 1 p , .. ~ I> .... , ~ t ,, ... .. "' ' " " ' ..... :,. ' .. '. ' " Conn Lntl('d Atrt'taft 1~ onl' of the giants of the acro<>p:1c1.: u\du"\r\ \I 1th S.'.lle~ 111 t''\'<'l'"" of S2 btlhon n1erre than hn'~ ,,f 11 htrh h,l ~ tr:ulnion:ilh' ro1 n• fro111 the I\ partu11•nt o f l>t•ft·u~,. 11~ Prr111 & \\1\111'"\ d111 •111n 1~ 1h1• lo 1d111,.: r11.1h1·1· 11f :11rcr.'.lft t'llf:llh.'~ And It' S1korsk\ 01\ 1s1nn '' 011• or !h2 11111 l1tl1copttr ~11ppli"'" l'tt•hn ~ rh.1 t Pih 1111t~11nr11 t 11.1s not 111 ~r1·p1n;i 111th 11, rchJ!!OU' pr1nc1 plc~ 1 h , R.1 )Jl1si<. 1\ rote L 11Hc1l \1rt r .ii 1 In 111<11ur1 11hclhtr 1h1 t'<l nlp .. n• h<td ,111\ 111.111, to Tt•dute t1:. dl pt. lH't lit I' llJI :\IO~EYTREE n11l11.1r~ proouLI~ t1J It'' 1!1.1n l!i j!lrl'tllt o f IPt.1[ IH[Ullll' 11\1.' {'<!l/lj)<lfl\ fL'jJllt'tl Jh.tl JIS (lcfl'll.:il' bu~lll!'"~ .1~ :l pLrL't:llt.1g1' 11£ !01 ti -.,J\t, 1\,1' ,.,• 11ng du11 n liu1 th 1t 1t t1"1ultln T , 111br 11 • .1111 ~ulh g•i.d ,1s 1 ·, 11' It l'Tll l'llF. BAPTISTS tuund tlu~ 1 t·~ponsc u1,1dequate Th('1 1ilf'1t fo1e <lUITI\led the Clllllt' l n1H'(I Airer.iii huld1n~~ 1)pcr.1t1ng .1long s 1 111 1 I .1 r lint " 1~ .i 1110-1e:ar-oltl 111u1u.1I f11ud 11 hu...._. shares c an ht' purcha:-l!tl hi any n1e1nl>cr o! the general public 11ho 1\,1ll1\ to .ihJ.'ll 1nvt~1111t"nl ~1r.1h 11;1 111!h ,111t111 ar "Cllt lml'lllS l h1" I• lhe Pa'I; \\01 Id f'u111! 11rg,1n1zcd for ptrsons "ho 111,,h to Jlllt:Sl 111 ('{llllpil111< ~ prod u ( 1 n g hfi:·~uppor11n~ good~ .111d ~1:11 lt't" J\1x 11;i.., f11rtllld h I \1cthod 1~1 tlcrg\111cn and th• lund h;is o;rinll' sunple ru]r,, 1o, ,tl11dt 1111l1lilr; pr11du1.:l'r~ FIHS1 ()f-ALL, 11 •• rntnp,u11 .ippcars un lh1• l'cut.t~un'::. Ji ... 1 ol Hli.l la1gl'~l tOtll/.l{IOIS JI!> 1nchi;1hlt: for 1111 l'•\flH'!ll \ cr11 npa111 l!> ri !~o h.in • d 11 11 dots rnorc th.in ·1 1:it:rtl'!lt 11! irs tot;;il hu"tlll'"s 111t h tla 1->t.~fcn sc 11l'par1n1l'n1 1hill ,1,, IOU llll.[.!hl l'Xl)l 't! hl.iLkballs a l<1t of tnn1pan1<• \ut JU::.1 l..ockhctd ,i 1111 :O.h:/)onncll D uugl.1s .ind l nit~d Aircraft but ,\T&T lll\1 Grncral ElellTI(' Gr n c 1 .1 I \lolors .1ntl La::.unan l\<Jda~ ;Hnong olhcrs \\ll\T'S LEFT 1 \\t"!I 1f \hU 11r1tl' to Pax 1al ?Z~ State ,'.)t l'orl.,!llOli!h \ H ! IOU l.!ll 1.IJ1.1111 J pro.;pel'lUS lisltng ns 1n1l'S!n1ents <tlld 111u \1 111 sec th,1t the fund h;is l•xatcd a nun1h1·r •1f coinp·uul'~ ill'IH1lden to !he l't nt:1gun !lo\ 1h1~ l}l';tl't' port Fn 11 o ult:l udcs 1 cl<11kr~ 1\\ T Gr.int, \lonl;!01ncr\ \\'nrcl l\ro(!er1, t11Qd pc ot·1 ~,or~ 1 B n r d 1· n h1:ift ,111d \.ib1st:n• ut1l1t1ts 1 r· (' n n :-. 1 l 1 an 1 .1 l'h1ladelph1a Elcctnt )'0111.'J' People~ <::·~ 1 d!l J ppl111nrc n1aker 1\l a~1.1c 1 ;1n cnt') clopcd1a ton1pan~ 1Groht•r 1 and. a textile firm rDu11l:1n 1 Considering the ~1 atc of lhe 5,!0Ck n111 rkct. Pax \Vorld Fund has nnl done loo badly Shares v.erc ur1g1nally olfe1cd :it SJO :ip1ccc They \\Crc recent I) selling abo1 e S8 r.t.:T TllE Sii,\ RE llfJl.rl· EHS hJ\e C!lJOyrrl 1 ha ndson1~ c:•sh retum b.:.-c.~u~c P:ix has concentrated 1n\icst1nents 1n 1n(omc proclucin.c sccur1t1cs Since it s c~1abl1 shnu~nt in :\o\icmbcr 1971 Pax has prud oi.11 to each sha reholder $1 0'2 f-rllnl lhc st,u1Jpo1nt nf • support fr V m P<'llCe·lov1ng 1 1n\'cstors ho1\'e' t"r P;i-.; h.~ been a dismal failure It hn~\ attracted only 200 ~hareo1\'flCfS And !he average 1nvcs1n1ent is less !h,1n S3,000 This 1nea ns lh31 Pax has only S5SO 000 of n1v1•st n1en1~-1 :.ind !hat makrs lt one of the "1nallcs1 n1utu:.il fund; 111 existence \\h1· 1011 couldn t e1"n buy 2.00ti ~h,1rc~ of IB~ll I• Ith th~t pol You <on Charge DAILY PILOT Classified Ad• 642·5678 __ I /tlfJHf!!l"s llo111e Ga1·cle11c1·~ C~111 Dier Aclvice r" 111 S\ L\ IA f'O!:TI·.\\ "' JI• !I \\, 1t• 111,11 111,! 11111 ud lh• hl·1.:h1 ,,f llll' l IL:.!l~l • II Ill ... plan!llH! ::.lJ'-un 1n h1~hll' 11 •\1.·111\\ lon .. ~ulh du.1~n t lllt Ill \ l•IC i ,111 \ ll'l 11• . . " • • .. ' • " ' ., ... " " ' '"'. ' ••• ' " ' ! '' ... ' . ' 11 " ,. l' " ,, • 11 "' ' I I• I ,. ( I l " jo' f • " ~, • ! Q IJ•no I r .,._ '~ l' k ! .. ' J, k • ' I .. " :.:: .. °'~ ·~ ( "'"" ( <> I '"~ l .~, I "' '" ,, ' ,,. ' ' ' .... , '" ' ' . ' I <' n '.I .. '" " ' " " " .. . ,. .. ... "' ' ' " " ' ' ''"" '.r: " .. .. '"" ..... " "" ". " . . " . "•" '-''II 11 .. .. , "· 1' '.'' '"' I ~<I• ' ,, . " ! .. < " ,, ! •( ' ~I" I ' " " 6. "' 1 .. ,, h .... ' . " ' '~'" r ~, '" I ' " " ,, "' '" . ' ' ' .. " ' '· " ·' " " " " ~·r. 'i'~ i: ,, ' ,.. . ' "· l _,.. • ' 1 ~;~~:·:~- '· fl ' • " . ,. ' ,, 11 .. ... .,, . " ' ,. '" ,, ' ' •' ... " ' . ''' ' ' ' " .. ~·· " " '. Y• '. ' " ' . I~' ' ~lo<' ' f 11 f " • l ""' .,~ , I '' " " " ' • " " " • " " ,, " " '. ' ,. " .... "" ( ,;: " ' ~ 1, • "'"m" l ........ ., ., ,t ,; M "') M n I I 11 II\ ' ' " .. 'I• '<I n " .,, I .,,, " " J "'""' .,, J. "' I•! ,,, < " 1 " ' • " ' ,. • " " <I • ~ 1• '~ . " '" "' .... I · .. 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I 111 Ji, tr .111,:,111 rl !10 '-PHI 11111 1!1 "I ~I<" I I I( \!· I •1•n .1 h.il 1t'' I r " 11!i n ;1.11 k;1t.:1·~ '"I• I ' I I • rl ,. 1 11~ !!l ul .. , 'd (,11.!loi.:· AVOCADO GROVES QUESTIOM iii ,, ' >)•'J I ~~ f-4nw (DI.>''> l«~e 1 _ r ;-.::! ~ 'J" '" V,.rv, J p QUESTIOM ~1 Ht-;;;"'""' •1"1"1 l(~.ffi·I'!: fl "l x,...,~ it1 '" CiitO/ES 1• ~ :;:14Qt•J.JQ 10 V§'~'""a' AHSWEI #2 S....t r-9ld Git - C.t.ll DOUG JUlMGST 171 41 SS7·2S20 loMllo C001wffmltt Comp.,r Mtwpori lecte:k. C91itontl• TOU'ltE IH GOOD GltOVlS WITH l.t.MCHO COMSUlTAt'TS :llISSIO\' \'I EJO II\I PO HTS -MERCEDES BENZ - ."ia/1 ·~ • ."ier1 11 e • /.en\111r1 28701 MARGU ERITE PARKWAY <495--1700 MISSION VIEJO 831 -1740 Son Dl..,o fwy to ••try ,....,., r•~. ri 9'1I Ofl Morgvcrlft j l • ( • !• • '> A" I•' "" lo •• ' ' ' '· .., 1.. • ~ (• ... ' 1 •• . ' .. ' . .. ,. '" " .•. .,, ' ~ .. I ;~1:"'· ,,' " 1.-.. VM• ~~· il"'n~I • 11 ' '' lo •"~ • t ?! fJ'•• f >-JI 'll f> ! 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[!"('(ft JI! •bl II!,, '~t !llC>••• lln••l ·~\ •• , ·~·o•••O<'ftel -1 ';. lJo.ILV P/LOr .~ 1'r1 • 'How Onassis Picked Site 'FilJflJtCifll Crisis' Con Eel Si1spe11<ls / ' \ns101l.: (ln:1ss1.> \1 hf·n coxcun1). :-. 11 1 \i'I Tht• c11Cp!'' l'l'l);I~ dr:11n:1r1i ·d 11hflt :'\t 11· l:'..ti.:l;111d••r, .d1".•.11lr knl'I~; tl11·.1 :1n· 111 .1 l 11 1' con~un1er·s of oil. hul rh(•'. ·u·c 111~0 at the C'nd of th1· p11>i·!1ri ·. totallv depcndcn1 vn ou!,!J\· supjili~·r i... f1•r r1'l'11·d pl'!rOlcun1 prodti..1-;. fl1·1\' t .. 1 \cw llan1pshirc I.1st I ll·l ·111ht·r ,;1y1•1;.: n.• \I ,1, ··nJt • 1 ~ 11'1·1 i., f 1•.1r1n;.: ,i.:lff\.'' ~:: ' h·.1rt,1 'X!J• 1·1t·d ;1 11<!1"11 l•rlt••lll•' fur h1::. J)l't.fJ0~;1I tu IJuiJd" gi.u11 uil rt•lt11l·;·~ Ii i': E \C(JlNT l•:ltE ll .i 11H>.t111·c t.1f 1·r11hu:;iu.~111 aud Now 1h;:it lh•' p.-:;1\·(, :u1.f'lr;~11rd" ;1't' 1r1 !•111 tl:t:ht, we thought you ~i1ould q. 1 th" !1Jll !"!orv. fxactly where we go, when w~ ci..1. 110,·1 n';,~n. J11d how niuch it's going fO cn:;f rJr p1!r~ I LJ!Ut/• '! CU!bdCI-,:;, Iii'' <:till have rnore {.;,il1lnr111.1 tJ111ht5 th1n ~ny ('!l'"f J1rl1nc ;ind nobody has low·• 1 l .. r. ·:-; 1 n pro• ... 11 1. f1pr .. ·o: our en tire schedule -fl1gt1L,, !.11• ·s. u1e worh s. c,01:1plel" and uncut So you cun cut our and tl y son1e ploc<::. NEWAND UNABRIDGED 1914PSA GRINNINGBIRD SCHEDULE ,, -TEP,,.R our 4ND sAVc::-.. • ... •''.,. , -.. ..._, .. ~ ------' ., 'PSA FROM LONG BEACH TO: ; . ~ ,_.,. l EAVE ARRIVE , __ -----~--------~,, ........ / SA N FRANCISCO 520.25 \ I ~. .'1:10 .Hn Non · ri F.<Sun • \' 8 ~~1. 11·;15 .1111 Nn11-':fr,;i :-;tJn ',,.,. ; 10::-,(J i1111 11 :'5 arn Non·· f\1p f ~Suri , , 1-. 1:'-lS 1: 11 1 JO prn Nn11-"h"l :.un ( , 5.<l5 nin r; .io prn flQn-"rn 0;111•1 1 I •1 1,1)1 I\ ~.15[1nl N in-T·•f! r11 Sun I I I -.-~ SACRAMENTO S23 00 / •• ,' 71'.l 1111 8:1'J.i1n 01u--,11·n f"$:}1tn 1 ~ L 8 30 d'11 10 ! :1 .-1 1t On"· rur ~;l;ll ....... ,~· , 1" .i_, rn1 " n: 111 V 1 !'-".I ~~·I'' , ) ~ •• 1s1_m __ ' l'1rn_ V1~•;, Uooly •.,.1 ' '"'"" A • "" ""• PSA GIVES '(OIJ LJr:.,_.. , •• • -· The Mercedes-Benz If )'llU Jpn'r \.\"an1 f t) 11\' up .1 101 llf ~·ou r n1nnt·y uv.·n1ni.; ,, car. i:umt' 1n (0 ~Cl! ll~. \'(/..:'ll Cll,hllll- tador ,1 Mcrc cJe,·R1:11~ lease It> ,our nceJ~. from$178mo. b11tl'r suspicion. [) c: s v I t c I c chnological 1 111 11 r o 't'111cnt:i . refineries pr udUt'l' noise ulld odors . l-:nv1rurlllll'lllal1~ts ha\'(' rought :;u~gl'i.t1011.s lh;1t un'.! be built :ilung the \ourist·tich !\cw io:11i;laud coast. t;u1·. i\1t•ldrirn Thon1soo of '.'lt•11' ll:1n1psh1re has balked nl :-11~gc.s1kif))' troin fellow Nev.• J·;ug!11nd S{l\ernors and ol hcrs thnt the six sla tes join in u l"l'!:iOnal crfort to . solve !he ;u'ca ':1 oll supply problen1s. Sl ~Ct: lllS inaui:niratlon t11,·o .1 l·a 1·s ago. Thomso11 has been .1et1vl•lv s ea r ch in g for N11ncol1t! to build an uil n·j111l·ry in the slate. Ile says 1t v.011ld be a boon lo the 1•11J11orny and n solution in the l'tlergy shortage. Jndu~try r·n gineers say any rt•finery in New England must lit· built ne:1r the toost to 1111nin1i1 r lhl· eost 'of f)iping 1·n1de 01\ fl'on1 o f f ~ho re tinkl'rs. Nl'w llampshire is l:inr!lol'!<Cd except for <1n JB· rn ilc slrl1f of rocks and beach thtJt toul'h !he /\!\antic in the souihca.st con1cr of thr. .st:llc. Five nlajor oil l'Onlpanics h:1vc looked at the area and g11111• ;111•uy. bu! 0 n a s s i s tlccitlcd it was \\'Orth trying. 111.; 11/\l) TllE unqualified ha cking of Thon1son and of \\'ill1arn Loeb. publi sher of the ~lanl·hcster Union Leader. the :-t;ilc's larg1·st and quHe powerful newspaper. New lf am p s hire has rrlativrlv little I an ti -u se lcgislatiOn to protect lhe l'nv lro11n1enl and ecology of 1hc seashore. And there is no )>l'rsonal incoznc or sales lax in lhc slate. Ufficiu,I s!udics indicate !hat !he wording of the slate's real C!<>latc tax lr11v 11·ould cxcnipt 1nos1 of a refinery co1nplcx fro1n pro(lt•r1y l:ixes. nnd lax 1·1'\'t•nuc rnost likclv would be dt:rivt-<l fro111 the slate's 7 percent tax on corporate pro1fts -if the refinery n1akes ;, profit. INOUS TI\ \' SPOKES~IEN say rcfi ncriC's ~cnera!Jy are 1hf' least profitable link in the oi l produrin~ and nu1rkeling t'h:un. One c:illcd I h e n1 · nt·ccss;1ry l'1·Hs 1hat the l'Utllp<1nies arc forced to build nnl~· bt'causc !hey can't sell crude oil at gas slatioos." lln;i ssis hecan1e a n11lhon;1irc at ~ by shipping oil. not refining ii. and h;is n1adt:-hundreds or 1nillions s111cc by putting tO!lClher one 213 921 -8588 House 0£ Imports 714 523-7250 of the larg9st Independent tanker ncets in the v.·orld. Tv.'enty years ago, Onassis signed a den! "'ith !he king of Saudi Arabia thal would have guaranteed hiln the right to transport at least IO percent and as much as BO perei!nt of that oil-rich Arab nation'! crude production. S e v e r a 1 n1ajor oil and ship p i n g co111panie~. "'ilh the aid or the Unittd States and Britain, con1bined forces to make hin1 break tho contract lhat would ha\·e Given hiH1 a stranGlcbold on the market. O~ASSIS CONTINUED lo n1ake tnoney on his ·flttl by pulling son1e tankers under Jong-term charter lo the 1najor oil companies and retaining others for the "spot n1arkct."' hiring out ships lo haul a single cargo on a single 1rip. Gold Fever Industry representatives say ~ the S)Xlt markcl ci1n be <'Xtroordinarily profHaUle but also risky. "You can lose your shirt if vou build a supcrt.an ker, and ·1hcn r.m'I kPCp ii full," s;1id a spokCsman for the An1cric <1n l'ctrolcurn Institute. \Vith t::old sell ing al record ,prices. the Bendix ('or· poration's Electrical Con1 ponents Division in New \'ork wil l use more than 52 n1illio n of precious 1netal in platin ~ operations thi s year. ----- in 1968, Onassis tried ag:Jin lo guarantee coostant e<1rJ!oe~ for his tankers by proinising AT&T Seel\.:s Fees to build a reCinery and po1\-l'r coniplex for his native t:rcecc. Jn exchange for building the S·IOO n1illion plant. he would hare had exclusi\'e control over !he refinery's o i I shipn1ents. Fo1· Assista11ce /\Tlu\NTA ~~Pl ) -In an effort to curb "misuse" of directory a.:>Sistancc calls. the BUT TllE DEAL re 11 board chairman of American through t\l'O yea rs ago ll'hen Telephone <ind Te I e gr a p h Onassis couldn'I deliver a tol;il (A1'&T) says his cwnpany nnancing package or assure plans to ask that customers be the refinery a source or low· charged for the sCr\'icc. priced Arabian crude oil. John D, De Hutts told a Rot ar~· Club here that 'n The cornpany has prese nted !ht' request for direc1ory assistance lolls in a fc1v states. DeBuns said, and plans to request !he tolls in others. Bank Work Under Wav • Olympie's proposal for Neiv percent or lhe Bell Systcnl's llampshire \\'ould be even oi)('ralors are used lo hand le 1nore expensive an the \'Olume of di r cc tor y esthnated $600 million for a as~istance calls. 400,000 barrel-per-day co111plcx It ·.• r..,.,11cs ts Io r Consfruct1·on is under wa y -but with it Onassis would c s:uu ~'1 info1,nt1 1ion are increasing at on e >: pans ion and \'URK Consolidated Edison Co. of r\c1~· York, onr ol' I h <' co1u11ry's biggest e I cc Ir i c utlli!i(•s has suspcnd~d its d i \' i ti (' n d to COITIJllfl11 stockholders, ei!ing l.!ncrgy and bill-eolleetion problen1s. Tht~ step appeared to be a clear in<lic.ilion fha1 tht· con1pany faet:.-d ti nan c i a 1 "crisis circumstances." in the word~ of one '\'all Strel'I nnalysl . CON El)'S STOC.'I\ pl•Jl'~('f! 511 po in ls Tuesday. closing at 121 1. The com pany. \\'hich scr\'es !\c11• York Ci\\' and a suburban arca in 1lc is h boring \\'eslrhester County, ~~id l'ut'sdny lht! action broke a chain of 3-43 pay outs tu stockholder!! since 1885. Con l=:d aL•o rcpor!ed sharp!~· lo1~·cr earnings af1rr taxes for the first quarter llf 19i4 . C0\1PA/'li'Y S POK ES~l t-:'1 .~aid !he dividend suspension 11as ll('L'<.lccl ro protect lhc r·o1npiiny's cash resourc('s ··11 hiL·h h<1ve been adrersely nffcctrd b\' thi.: \\'idenini.! i1npact of Shnrpl\· i110:.-rc:i~c1I fuel cost s. inc"" .i ~" 0; i·1 ac('(luu ts rcc·eil·able fro 111 euston1ers and reductions in rc1·cnucs as a consequence of enl'rgy consen·ation .'' In thC' fi\'C' months endNI /\larch 31. !hi' CQ111pany said fuel rosls had risl'.'n by morC' than $150 n1illion :ind acrount s r('Cr irablc by S7.i8 million . Tht.' tli\'1dl'11d at·lion eau~ed a substantial stir in 1hc financiill oornrnuni!y. One \Vall Street analyst called it "a real shocker." i ub1a1111.U !ro1n I u r l' If:: 11 roun!rll'' 1nl \u1h11.c Arabic t·11ut11 r 1t'!I. \\hu·h ha l l' 1ncrt'llSl'd IJl'U.'.l'~ tlr;1~1LC'lllty 111 rt•et•lll 111vnlh~ ' (0,'\; El> LISTJ-;11 l!l'S!· qu;1 rtt·r c.1rnu1K' or $'29.55 n1llhon. ur 48 cruts a shnrc. :<1ft1·r ~omf' ;1ccoun111~·: t"h;Hl,l!t'S, l'Ornp;1rNI II 1th 144.21 n1 i\lion. or 80 rents ii share. rC'S\ilh'tJ 111 I C'fll'l't fl('l'OUlltin~ thang:l•:-. 1n !he like l)('rtod last 1ear ' Thf' cou1p;iny had bec-n pa~ 111µ: quJr1c·rl.\' dil r<ll·nds of 4~ l'l•n1~ a •h:1re 011 ii ~ ronu11on stoi..'k 111 recent ~ears Co111 putt•r Co111 JJllHY I I"·~ Sur ge (':1l1Forni ;1 Cornpu 1l" l'rodur1". Inc of ·\n·1hrin1 ha..; rrpor1t•r! "I/ti.' !<t r~est <1u11rtf'r ;ind ni1ic rnon1lH 111 1·n1;1r•·n1 histor~"· for the period ended ~!;1rrli ~[_ Pre-t:i-: l'arn1ngs for !ht· 0111(' n1nnrhs 11crl' S7 441.000 c·ofTlpar('d 1111h a loc::.; of ~l'.lB.UOO in thr prrur 11>;1 r. ~f'! incon1e. l''\Cl11d1ng tax lo.~<: ('i1rr1for11anl. 11a<: ~J.6.\6 001 t·or11p;lred 1t1 lh" loss of ~03.00U in fi"t•:i] Hli'.; On a ~h:irr h;1"1!'. net 111run1<" f1Jr !h(' fi~1·;d 11111(' n111n!hs 11•,1, i-1 zn p•·r ~h;1 n· B1 ·l'n1111•·" f11r lhl· n i n C' 11•0:1'~1~ \\[•ff' S!"P i~i.000. Iii) 67 ut·1Tt'•11 0 1 ~·r f:.i1 :n 1.IJOO in fisl'al lfli:J A1h·isor v lJ nit )Zel a deepwatcr port on the 1he rate of 18 percent a ~car. modern i z a Ii on of the t.:Tll.ITY STOCKS ;irl' in Atlantic capable of servicing hut that in Cincinn<11i, \rhere ~pringdalc-Edin~cr flunk of rn<1nvcases bouc.htn1;1inh·k1r S.\l'lll\11-:\"TO 1,\1'1 the high l y efficient custorncrs arc being charged /\n1crica in Huntinc.ton Bl•:ich their: d11iden1t \il·ld. :inci rv~ c;l)I 1:•111:i!d l:c:ig:in has supertankers. .i for d1re<:lory assistance c:i lls. The S'.!55.()()11 vToject 11·ill that reason ''it's just unhe:inl P:llllL•1\ l.1.rt·1L1 C:. Crasar of Thett! has been ta I k · reuesls f()r informa!ion ha1·e enlargl' the office nearly 40 of" f11r s1a·h a con111an.v not r11 \' 11 I I l' 1 u 10 th•· Ch1I.! so1nclimcs e.ncour:I J!cd and been cut 6(l percent. percent 10 9,8S1 squn re fCl'I. pa,r a di\·1dcnd for a quarter. 11r 1 1• I t1111111· n 1 l'rogran1 sonietimes denied by Olympic. "Proplc h:ive been using ii Contractor for the 1)roject. The co11111any announcen1e11! Adi 1:-ur ~Jard :'llrs. Cea~ar .. that Onassis is \l'illing to or.f.•r for credit checks and using it scheduled for con1p!ct ion in s;ud. "bcc:1u~c of lhl' \·cry ln\1· '1i1" 'rill rcprl'Sl'll l the ~t<t!t• Saudi Arabia or sotnc other for ~citing addresses clear Scpti:=1nber. is ~I & ~I sol fur content of the ful'I i\d1·i>;1w'· 1 lc:ilth Council 011 oil-producing nation a across th e country." he .~aid . C'•ntraeting Cotnpany of Los 11hit•h 11 j.; required It) bun1 the ('o·i1n11ttee. replaces Dr subslanlial interest in the "Sonic p..."Ofile just .<:in1ph' i\ngcles. unclcr ft'dcral. slate und r11 ~: F. l!?rold .lohn~on o ( refinl'r1· in f•xchan,;!:e for ;1 don't 11·;1nt "o hot her to look The of£ii'" 11·as built and la1r1i. th e bttlk 11f 1h1· l:'l<..1·11Jll'. 11hn 1~ 111) longer guararltced supply of crude. lhc nuinbf'r up lhemsch·es." oprned in 1!162. t·1•1npan~··:-: 1•11 nu1st h 1• 1-li.,ilill· to ~(·r1 1• Tl111rsrla11: Ouassis a11d .,;;;;;.;;;;,;;;;;,;,.;;:;,;,;;;.;;mm;;;, __ ;;:;;,;;;,;;.;;;.;;;;;-. _______ ,;;,;;;o;;;,;;;._.;;..;.;., _______________ ., his lloldilJU. R. J. DALBEY & ASSOC . Financial Consultants PH"IOft.U1t4 ht••• ...... Complete Mid-day American Stock List "' .... . ,, I,! (lq ",I . '" .. ' • ! •I"'' ,.A '• 17 ......... ,,, ' ,.,,,. . ., '., ' f,o ~ ']"1 ' •t to ... , .... I'! lilt; lo~ ! !VM! 1-1<1 1 'V•MI "'' ' •..• "' '1.>1 ~· 1 1~0 !r<l~ I h.>•· )· ~ ' '"'"~. '" I ·•••" ·'"" • ' '' I• , ' ' ' , ' ., " • I ">"·"" ''' ~ I',~,,,,_,.,,, I I' ... '"' -• '""flN /,I 0 '' -r.,.n, 1 l".. 1 .... ' ( "' 1 •r•"-Of·.) \. """ t • J I .~ (on-l) "r ... /d '-•• "" ...,,,,, "' t-" 11 •• , " {," P . '"" " ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ' , ' . "" 1 ••r Ar• • n '"'jl•, I ·1 • "' ... J,' ''" r• H• T•' ~""'"I I 'U""•' I '· " LA fl ", '" 1 l,o• , ~ .~ , l •• ,,,,\~ I •n~n,. ! l " "'I . •1 l ''""'' ;..• If~ <., 1 '(-' .. "' j {.' ' , .. '·'"'l' l• '•' ' •· ... , I '"I I ·' • ,1 '•''•I ' I· " " A ... I " !~ "' I •· • "" • 1 l '"'"',,.. • ' ' ,. ! •h '"" ,, ' ' • I IV t11 "" U l • MM 'A " ·~1; I« . l I'•" l"y 1 iO f~ '' "I MI T'" M•I /,\,o.n1,,.ll. )I' ,....."~"~ ' IA" '' ' I• ... , .. ., , .... , ..... "''· < i ' i'•··· •' ". ' , .... " I•·'· .. '·• ''H·. ~" "' .. "'' ' I I-• J I.·:::,'·;,,' ''"ii • I "!'I 't "'"'' ,., ~·~ ... " ' ' "! '," ,. I '' ~' .,, ' ... " '' .~ •• 1 ' ! ~"' ' " " " ....... ''' R~"-,.' •~· '1'"·•1<'J'-"' ... '"• 'l•. .,,.,r.. •' .,,i_. 1 ',,, ••H" 't •.·I '"'"' ' I "1 .. "· . .... 11· " ' • " I , r .. t.• •I 1 ""' ........ "' ·' .. ' ""' '"'' ~··,.,,,•I ~, .. 1r .. . ' ... "( '·' ,.,-·I·• T <• • I " I .,~" I ' .. I.;: .. ·:. . ' " . ' • • lu " I• '-I 1' ,,., ,,,., .... ' . ! ... 1 •• " I \~ . "' I "'' '' ,, ' '• . ~ ' t ll " " ,. " ' ' " ., ,,_ •' . , . .. I " I;.-:.i: "'' . . ' '' ""'' 1 1 • r•• , >I ·,,' . " ' .. 1, .. • ' .. ·' '. ;, " 1111 .1dll••rt1-.'n"'"'' ,., n,-.1thror !l'' oHPr to f.t>ll nor sollc1ta11on OI oilers to buy aoy Ol lhcse sh,irl·_, Tn•' nlt•••ollrl,, n1.1•Jt..' onl y Oy tl1fl 0U1-•r1 ng cir cular •.. ' " ' ...... ,.,,, ,, ~·· ! ' ., ""' '} <A l""~u• ]'' IA• °''"n «J /,/.' ,.,. l"'' ,... 0\ ~ i ... 1~ It. ~ ·" .. I.~'"" ,, ' '-•I'<' " · 1 ~: ·:i·:·~ ~ ~ • '"I \"<1 '" ' "'to'·•! I·• ''' ~·.'I "1 " • 1 " '" ,. ' 1 ' ....... ! • '" " ,. . ' ,, NEWPORT SA VJNCS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION r/1'1/ ()µ0,·l Nll·AT/(JN> fflr:;u111.11/1111111( IJ/jt1 •) COMMON STOCK THE l>SU ANC L OF tSSULll UY THLSC SECURIT lll'.5 HAS BEE N AUT HORIZE D BY A PERM IT lltL CO MMISS IONER OF SAV INGS AND LOAN , STATE OF t t Its 1•uv.nr IS PERM ISS IVE ON LY AN O DOE S NOT CONSTITUT E A C/\LtfORN t,\ • Kt C0 ,1\IL NllA l tON Ot< ENDORSEMENT OF THE SECU RITI ES PERMITTED TO BE OITLRLIJ. I 01.11 :>ub~cript ion Pric e 1 l .50 'l,000,000.00 Undl'rwriting Con1111i!i!iion!i None None Proceeds to Assoct.irion I 12.50 12,000,000.00 Apph cc.d1on~ ~·1111 b" received until 12 00 1974 lh1• c:.011Jl1t1n ddlC of lh1S o ffe ring · g clock noon. on Apnl 30, I I ,_ • .... . .. ' . •) ~ . ' . ' '~ ' " " ' ' . ' ' " ' ' \) "' .... J• " .. " ' ... • .. ' " ' . ,. ' 1 ···· ,, ' . . ~1 ·,, 1,1, 0 1' 1 • f,\ •)"• t'1 .. '.I"~'' ! •r.o ............ " M·I! ~' 1"<1 ,_..,,.~.' , .. 1 M•I• ~I I "l• "'•!• 'I' •• ....... 1. l" ... /.'?<,q·n 1 '' ., '. '· ' ' " • ,. 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Tuesday's Closing Prices ' Utt "'" I" I CIWUI Nltfl \..., CIOM CPIO.. Netv Yori.: Ups and Downs ,\e1r York Sale• \'olume •~••r~fl!t111I 'l'Mr i"1fOO I' I'' u n.o '"" "° 0 10 f"" ltll ID !Nit ,,~t 1'0tlt}) 10 dfM !.f:lt...ollf1' to INM Apr!! OA!l V PILOT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Year '~ Hi~h-Low ~ Appear E\t•ry Saturda y ~~I hf1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P' E 11111>1 ttl ""'LO# CIOM C: ,. Marker Trend • ' • ' " " , ' 'l " ' " • ' • " ,. ll"- ,.~ "~ • '}. ' . ' -... " ... " . ". " ~-" n -.~ " ' ' .. II -t ' " Acl~tN•\ CJ4;(1 n1• .in<l'I• IOttl 1Qltl AM&X MIUilKlT TtlNO T!HMlf) M-fV A.clVf rl(f\ Otc Into Untll•"ll~d Tutt '" .. •• "' Prtllm n~ y <Oii"'• -'-----'--- "~•ot • ~ f)g~ 1 ' i;wn '' ' .,. "'"" I L"tC.~> I loll 1.4"" ~n I .. ~<\el • 11 LI IQ ~ L• ""!it }' ... ~ \ .. Q :1 ... ~ )~t, :IO Ji 21 l•~ ... ) IJ h I •I ll•o . . ' -Ll.- 0 " I .. t . ' ' u ' > ' ' " u • ~ " I.I' • ~ I l.l~Q>I. < \(j I ' ' ' . " ~~>{.ol'J ~ .. .., pc ~ ' , \.1 I L••u•.. 'lOl.1 ~ . ~ . '-"' In ~j 11 . ' L • I"' /\• ,. . 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'Ill• •• " •ll••t t>• ,. a'"" .. ..i ~ l'lq "-i,,, ) ·-~•on «1.,..••tt••••to• ,..... . , ... !'l•l•1!'-~J . ... .. ,.-J> ... , •• ... ··~ ' "-llO"'~ lUI' !(id~ lil~e f ( I I ' • Durante Chee1·ed ~'E\V ''ORI\ i Vf>l 1 -Tiie Schnozwlo 1\on three standing C\'alions frotn on(' of 1hc 1oughest aut.licnces In \01,1'n. Jimmy l)ur;1nte. 61 and p.'lrtly pafal\•z.ed as !ht• result of a stroke in late 19Tl. n1adl' a dramatic and nos\;tlJ,\in ·fillt•d appt·arance 1'u1•sd;1y ol !h(' :19th annual luncht'On •lf tltL' lianshct.s, IH·l<j cnch .l't•ar in t'OlljtUl<'llOfl 11 Hh tilt• 1\1111·ric11u i'\c\l·sp11p1·r I' oh l i:.. h c r " Associatioii con\Tntion. \\'ITJI 1\101\E TllA~ I.~ perscins sittin1: hush{'d in th1· ~rand ballroon1 of !he \\'<tl!l<•rf Astoria Hotel. Durantt', his \'Oiee barely abO\'L' a 1\lusper at times. s11n~ 111·0 .o;on~s while seated in his wheel chair on lhC floor of the ballroon1. ----- II{' 11orr his f;1111 i liar rr~ht'il f1·h hat ~·u1.:~1·d In u11<· !'ildl'. and !11t~r1• \\{'ll' 11101~1 e1cs -<lnd 111an} t1·:irs -;ill nround !hl' roorn <is hi' slu\ll} s;u1i; ··1nk:t·IJu1ka-1Joo" ;ind .. Young at Ilea rt " Th«r1• \\'a~ t h u n cl t· r , 11 -. 11µpl;iu~t· fron1 rhe l)l ;u1d1n~ ;nu!11·111·1· 11ftcr •·.1ch ju~t .1~ 1l11·rf' h:1d l:it'l·n \\h"n \~'1 1'1·,·11 l!1v1clo!ph l ll'nr~t Jr·. pn·~t.·1 11t:d r1u1·f11i11 • 1·.1111 th<' B;1n~li11·~· "Si111•r l.:1d1 " ;PA'(H'd ;i s 1111 nut~l <1rrd.i1ri.: p1~rf11rn11·r. '1'111· llearst l 'orpor;itnJn !:>µQn •jil ' 1111· lln1tl11·1·n "Tll A~I\ Yl>r, 1-'lJLK:-." Dur<Hltl , hlS IOi('(' Qllll'l'l'lll ~ ,,,ud ;1fler cacti 11f 1 ht.: pcglt111~td rounds of aµµl :nh1' "\011 \OU1..nO\I' the llll':tJl111g " nf Ill!' v.or11 11t;11 · 1•1.il111•1r11 ' kl-1:1 ( Jrt'lltht1t'. \ht· 1na<;t1•r (•' Ll l'1'H,11nu·~ tuld i/11• ;1ud1~ HLt· of •·drl Jr' 11111.i puhlhh··1 L.lfqt I hJ1111111,.:. !lit' !lruatl11,n 111ngt·r :ind ;u·rrt·~s. prt•,1•nt1·d one o' lu·r glith~1 ill!( f:1k•· 1l1a1111111tl rini.::-. 1u lJl1r;iu\l' :.t 1!11· p11i<:l11:;11111 of h1·r ~r111·~ ··11H1111und~ Ar(' ,1 r;1rl \ t ;+ ~1 I '1 Jt•Od "<•I II .Jl.\f\IY IS , h ,. l11'i~ltl1 ~t d1:111ru111I (If llil'J!l ;ill.'' •hl· >,;;ud lu ;u1n1lu•1 roJ1111I of :1pp!.1u . ..:1· ror lh11a11lt·. v.J1n :..;ii :o>IJ il•P~ lli' t~Jll-.eit to do ,l1·ns <11 lhl' t·d11"r, .uul puhf1,.l11.·rs 11 ho 1·;11110• f()r11ard l;~t1•r !Ju1 .. 1nt"' 11·!1 ;1nu :ind 1·!11 lo ·i.: 11f:rl' p;i1 1h p:1ral)1•·rt f111luw111 rho ~!r11~1· J n \1 ,1 1•n1h1•r l'lf:! 5.25% • EYES MOIST Jimmy Dura ntn ' 5.39% THE ONE ACCOUNT YOU SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS EARNS F ROM OAY.1N TO DAY-OUT Great Western offers you everything from 5.25% to 7.50%. And something more. Our people care about more than just opening accounts. They ca re about you. And we want you to know all there is to know about the high-rate, long-term Certificates of Deposit W e want you to kn ow about the Federal requirement for a severe forfeiture of interest on early •.vithdrawals-from all certificates at all banks and savings associations. Because we don't want you to pay any penalty. We want you to earn the most. By choosing -~ ·~ 90 DAYS 1 YEAR 21/z YEARS 4 YEARS ............ ,..,.. ............. ...._ ... "·'""""'. '""° ~. • ......... l .. ~ 5.75?6 5.92% 6.50% 6.72?~ 6o'tf5% 6.93% '2.5@% 4.49% Boys' Dea th Case To Begin Jzil y -1 S\\' A~TON IO Tt"< 1.\P l -!::liner \\'j111c Henley. 17. 11 111 '' J 011 lrii1I herr .July I in 1h1• dt•1tths of six of \ht• 27 111•n·<i~ed 11rtin1s of the Texas 11111!-.s n1urdl'r c;1S('. lli.;trJl'I Court ,Judgt• Preston !)1al ordl't'C'd 1iroscl.'Ution and dL·Ct·use .al!orn1·vs 10 be rc:.idy tu start 'jury Sf.'lc.c lion un J uly I il!'cl to fk•gl n the prl'Sl'lltalion uf ll'St1n1 ony on July ~ in the e.1st· Tiit: TEEN-i\GEltS ·,\t'lt" J.tllcd 1n \l'h;1\ thC' i.talC' th·,1·r1l.cs as ,1 lL01nosC>;ual torture ring. 111 ;1 20-1n1nun· ~t·:.s1on /)1al .11~0 d1:..1>0scd nf nu1c dt·fL·nse 1notions. lie granted only one lie refused to mo\'e the trial out of San Anlonio bc<·iiuse of l publieity here -thl' 5.'lmc rellS6n Henley's trial "·as transferred fro1n Houston. In stead. he s.1id he \1ould l•'Y to pick a jury and grant thl' ('hangc of venu:! only if hr 1 "'ere unable to fi nd 12 unprejudiced persons to SCr\'e on it. llF: Al..St> HEFUSED to dl'lay the trial bccau,c· of publicity. Dfofcnsc la1•iyer \\1111 (;ra,l·'s/ rnotion to QU('St!on ind1 vidua llyl all potential jurorii "'ho had h£>ard or rea<l about the case 11as granted. a term you're positive you will fulfill . Or by distributing your savings over severa l accounts with several terms. So you can protect your freedom to withdraw, al con- venient intervals, without penalty. Right now if s so important for you to look for strength and service and people who care . You 'll find it all at Great W estern. And you 'II get the feeling that comes from knowing you've put your savings in exactly the right place. That's the Great Western feeling. .. I • TODAY 'S T'' HI GHLIGHTS ('BS O 8:00-t1ower a nd the Prcs1de1u·~. C:eo!'ge ('. Scolt narrates thi s lustorital spe{'1JI co' l'r1ng s1."' of the nation's early presidents and hO\\' they C•lab- lished the foundatious of power on '\l.')11rh ~ut·ceed· ing presidencies have been IJascd ABC O 9:00 -.\RC 'I'heater. 1'he dra1na "\\'cd· dtng Band" focuses on a :.inall Southern \O\'+'ll in J91U and the relat1on~hq1 -not flnl y d1ff1l·ult ~ul illegal -bet\\·een a bl:H k ~e11t11strcs ... and a \\'httC ba ker. Htiby !Jee . .J U. ('a r1non. Et!ct·n lll'rkart. TV DAJLY LOG Wednesday Evening 8:00 S Eaton Corporation * presents "Power & The Presidency" THE 2ND AMERICAN PARADE show 1){~{_1.,1 8_.[S'IC1•~I Amui can P.111dt "Po.,.,r & !ht Pr•\• dcncy · An hoslOf•~al )pec.11, nJ1 •1led by Geor;:e C ScNt, ccrvt ••ni S•l of 11111 n11oon's tilrly Prt~•Otnll and how 1hty tilCh 1nd1v1dually •r.d dr1m.1hull1 tst1bh}htd the tound1 l!Oft\ ot p(J'<ltr on wh1th sun:etoing Pres•d,11Cit1 hive been blMid D .2l Ti 1.!! ED Ch11e "SJ~ w,11 fly You 10 lht Moon" (II) Pursu I or 1 hth<:opter coul•tr dt!11·rrmf htio•n le1ds tht Chase unit to 1 hu•e n1rcor1cs opt1~Joon 0 Moyie: (t) (2111) "A rint Mid· ntu" (com) '66 -.k11nnt WOCd •lrd, Se1~ Connel)". 0 tl71 (l J CD b cqut1 Cowsltilu Special "Tragedy ot Jhf Red Salm on" (II) f~e Ioli~ ol !ht tr.Js!olyini 111urn of lhous1nds Gt ulmon to !~e will!rt o1 lhtu b•rth and lht penlous m•ar1toon ol thc red salmon lo spa•n in tht remote frastr La~~ in Al1sk1. m De1lt1't Cll(lict S1!1rl to Adventure Medc1n film Ftsliv1I D6 Movie: {t) (1ht) "S1r1n11e l1G1 In To•t1" idra) ':.J-Grtet Gl!so n D1n1 Mdrtws Thu rs day DAYTIME l.,.,OVIES !·OO 0 (C) "QutMc" (Id•) ')I -lo~n Bi t!JtnOlt Jr .. Corrine Ca\\tl !:JD 0 "Rtllll'• Scltool '•ti" (dfl) '57 -GIOf11 Clthllo, lad By1nr\, li:Oll 0 '1ht Ii& Sh11i(' ("t'J '31 - C.ne AullJ. ",\ IJu in the D11k" (ro"'J ·•'J -J1nt Wyman, D1vid lfrtrn, B1odr11ck Cta•IOld. 12:oo m ·111e 1i1 w11ttr (di•J ·49 - Mot~IJ R001t1J. lhom11 M1\ChtlL J:00 @'1.lfh!nin1 Slrile1 Twil:t"·(dr1) 'S) -Ruth Roman, Rkhiid Todd Z:OO 0 '1/tr IOllfbo~ (com) '&O G!tnn fOfd, Orbbie Rt~nolds. 11 .30 () ( 1'1 r, .) re-CBS l ite Movir: (Cl "M1d ron" ( .. ti) '7G-R1ch.rd 8'"'"' t esh• Cu~n Q 1J ~6J Ht m )Ohnny t'IMln J<·I)" l'"1s ·~ llJtl! h~st lh1u hod~y "'~ht 0 Movit: '1ropit1I f~fl" {adv) 'Gt -JJcll 11 l!Jt, w111•ct lord r 6 r ... h~h\ 1onr 0 17 3 CD W1dr Wo1ld Spec11I "l~t S!l•th for !nt S•nto"g Caw ho) ' II r~•r lor11. sr.uch for 1 "'" s+ngm~ ctowbO'f ~lao cnntl~dts .. 11 h r•• a"r'''ons o! tht t·~h\ f•nlf•s:~ .,. d I• r <1·c•1nt•'m•·1 cl !ht "'n nr1 J ! n Cl~ •. ~:. o ho1is f!l o., 11 ff•tht 12:0D f6 Dnr Strp Btyono <D Mo'(lf: "fhr BuTKlll" (dr~) '57 -!Mn 0Jiyr1, Ja1nr Manslotl d W Bill Co1tiy l;OO J 0 ll "13 6 News 0 J_O €D lomonow I :•S 0 Movie: '1~r Glo!J 8rigtdc" {d11) '53-Vie!or M1lur• 2:00 ID Al!·Nicht Show: '1ht J1c~pot," "A t enrr to Thtte W1vr1" l:IO EJ Movir: "A~11rl fact'' (dr1) '!,J -Robrrl W11chJm, Jr1n S1mmont ID "l•enty t r1vt Men" (dr1) "60 -C1iy Wtiy, Annie R~a1 3:00 (1" (t) "lht M1!han1oren" (com) '61 -Soph 1 l11rtn Pt!t1 St':e" (lo (t) "Where lo•e H11 IOonr" (d11) '6' -S~s1n Hlf"ird, Bt!tt OllilS. M·~t Corll'IOTS J;)O 0 (t ) "Bro•rn AuG•" f.,,r~l '!iO- h!M' s1-,.11t. l•!t r.1..~a.r1 [l 1"Esther & thr K1n1" \•d~) '60 -!Gin Collons, R•th11d ft:in 0 (ti '1111 "tllWlr o! H11 COJ!l· pin(' Con<I, ltoin) '61 -frtd ~t111e, Liii P1lme1 Oebboe Rry noldl, (!_1' l3) "Bl1cl limtlifhl" !m11l 'J9 -R!)'mond M1i<ey Join M111on !» L6 (CJ ''Cooe1n'1 Blij!I" ldrd '&3-Clonl l11rwwd Lee J Cobb 4:30 f'l'I' l! J '1ht f GU! Po1\t1" Par'I I ({om) ·sz -Rei J11rri1on. L•llo P11mer KOCE TELEVISION LOG I.II l!OUC•TIONAL SCHOOL o~. 1:11 RIPPLES !Ct ' .. o,.. Oo Yo1, lfnow1" 4 "t~S"' "''"CHI •tltlt l lhl" lovf'I '"" !'1-M• (I! fllll'•~n 'O ,.,, t~ln>•"ll 1>•oc:e·•tl !Cl '' P ,,,., • rt• Ot.''• .n~ ~· '01 .I~ P,1n1, t ... •• i Jt EtECTRIC C0o,\" .. N" IC! l.00 S!'StME SfPEEf tCl GREAT WESTERN S AVINGS ASSETS OVER $41-2 BILLION • COMPLETE SAFETY SINCE 1887 ~• "'''"'"""•! •e"• •'' l1U INllD· OUT (CJ o ..... ~a" •1,10. •"''"''" 11noe•1ta'ld r.o~ tt..Ol"f ... n • ·~·~.:>~ "~•tf,e• · 11 l~fl m~~f) tnpm !ffl tt•ll,•t~• """' ~11 .... , l •olll All AIOIJT YOU !Cl ·No) ~·· ..... ~ 0.. l ,., 'It ~. <h•l<tf•~ u•dt•••~l'G ·~ l•"O(lr1•n<t c• ,..,, I\ l• i I~•\ .... ,,( "CICI '"• '•• .,.._. '~'""' ~"4 m••• lnOvt•..-n!t <!''' ft •.DG FtMILY l>!S'( M .. N'llot.,.,t.N• ICJ l 't •~ '"~"'t ''''' P<I•, '·•··~•au, l""'~P •)II "U t~SIO"'S "" C\JL TUllES O\.J jld'"~ ..... , ~Ol~· lt•r.r" 11 • OI ' of "00lJ'TIO"t f O l'HYSll•L CiCOGRAPriY CCI L•'t"I lll('•at o• ·• h· t L• •• NEWPOlllTI Ft1l'tkHI CtnlH llO F••hlo" ltl•nd • !1!>1·$000 OI>.., l •I'""'"'' HI HI 4 'M ·auENA PAllll' 8101 S11,,1on rit~I LI P1!m1 • 551·6000 I "LAOUNA HILLS /lt1111rl!! World I 24100 Et To•o Ro•d • 5SS-t000 'SANTA ANA 1419 Na•th M11n I! 15111 • S5t ·t000 'SEAL BEA CM I le It Utt World n99 W111hT1ln11e1 "'"'" • (Z'IJI 63 .. 0910 •11;·1 1111 lllPf1 D,1 1r !!•,t•+1.~·, l•,•!.1, 11. t>,1r~or1.: FREE WITH ACCOUNTS Of $1000 OR MORE.. Sa!e Otl>OIOI 6oJt1 o•• •N•• ~,.,.~ Trav1l•1• Criec-• Money Orde•• No1•tV S~•~•Ct. T1,,.1t Ottdl No1t Collttt•on "It<! Frtt Cll~•·A•Month P11n .. Ml MBf R rEOERAL 5AV1Nt.~ .. No LOAN ll'o<;,URAl«~l C.O~PORll JIO N. 1 lt;.El~f.L HUML Lv1·.i>l UM.\'" • f... ~ll'v!',u J' .,.1)1,.;I;\ t IUN l.J~ UllU11 \\'(STC R'I FINAlllC!AL ..;ORl'OR~TJON ------------- I • • • I I __ I I JU t CAN ttEAO !Cl fnp H•unlN Ho.o••" -(h,tOrto '"~ •·-..i ,_ 'm"9•t1e •'>Cl m••t T~e ~'"'" o• JWl'O l""Y "'•fl~l '~·· 't ll\f'> t ~­l<>e T'l•GVOjn If• ~~unit~ h'JllW I II [0\11!11 f O CO\/£" •~1 ~ .. ;t Ho.. M•auel i. """'~ .. 11 .. •~ <~'hlr• • \ ·•• ' " ''It CLEr T"IC COMP' .. l"Y !fJ ~1• lNTttOOUCTION fO P"TSIC .. l OEll011APl1T tCJ 'l•'""' E1>t1Q• ot ,., "'""'n~~"" l•"V'" ~. l lW l'ttEl"ANO Sl':E fC'41110 ICI '[1>m11 .. ,11"" !<1e l•\.••'>' If •1M CONN!l'S CLOTH ING COll:NElt ';JI Fl.MIL Y 111$1( '-11.NAl.l;;Mt:!I I Cl l ·~ '" "~"~• .... ~' P.I~• ~l>-~1Q I II.,~ -lfl•"" 11 I lK IA ·•TEllP1£C.E THk"l llE (C i UC>I'"'· Oo"'n"• •1' lo~ \QO r,.. • ,-, F "">PP1;0 ~ CPI.I"'• •"<OU"' • ,. !~ "'"" .... "" '' ( ''"!lo·••· ·-•!111 h~· b•" ·~ ••t "t·w•~ 'et "BltE t " ro~-jC/ ..... Un ·•lh ,r {• .·~·•, D•nt.i '' t t !. d "" ··1• ·~ ~~~ Jt "~'"" I. •II•~ n.,, n 1 > """ ...,. nl"'! '' ,, •• '""" 1,.. <~·'J't" ~I "''D'~~! ""·'""I •11<: 1 <lfn!al h~Glu>f ~ t .)O OIMEJ\ISIONS !N CU LTUltl't !t) ~+<1y1 •'Id RCl!t -Lt ~ !I , mlr.J ' s a q a What About Add -itives? Stories by CAROL i\IOORE ~u., 1>1i.. ,_ .,.,., Food addi11vt>S arc beautiful, contendt-d Dr. Tht'Odore Labuw, food science professor from the Uni\'C'rs1ty of !'o1innesota, even if they do involve risks. "They have to he l~re and shouldn't create such a dichotomy be11.1·een good nnd bad, beJween coosu1ncr advocates vs. company spokesn1en," he said. ··Price. \•olumc and weight remain the shopper's chief con1..<tn1s." how many people enjoy those." "Addili\·es are there for a purpose, in con1pliance "'ith strict marketing l:a\\!i. to insure safe and sui1able consun1ptio11 or processed focxl.s ... To show tbat so-ca!led natural food! aren't any safer. Labuz.a quotOO the proverb. "There are old mushroom pickers and bold mushroom pickers; but no old. bold mushroom pickers." People \\OUld appreciate additi \·cs more. he figured . if food tcctuio\o~i.st.:i had more control over "'ha t is said in advertisements ra1her than reacting after the fact to half truths. ··changing labels from blllboard, to bulletin boards "on't llt'l p no11 I! ''ill 1<1~e about JO }t'llrs for the puhlic f•• bl."l'Onle educatt .. '<i about such dl·ta1l\.'d information. "SinCt' 1he ehange is 1nnnd<itory . ronsu1ncrs assume lhe food induslry 111!1 absorb 1he cost , but this isn't true either "And it "'ill further concentrat<' th1· food 1ndwlry bceaul't sinal!er CQn11><1111c.:1 \\'On't be able to afford ne11· J:-il:)('Js. \\'c'll ll'ind up with l:.ir~er cornpanles that ha\'\.' !he te('hnlques 1'1'<'11 mor1• dO\\ll lo· ,1 scil'nCt', 111·trich Is one 1h1ng the publi~· dislikes.'' "\Y~ htnc 10 n1akc nutn1111n 1.>d11l'at1 ·•n n1ul11d1$f1pln1ary. s c q u 1· n 1 1 a I ;,uuJ . r1·l•·\11nl. .. \\hi not ml'n!lon 1h1· ll11•[;1r} 1'nlut (ll 1)')t<llO('S "hLlc s!ud\'1111! lil<;h history? Ot· rt'latc scurv)' to thl' 1.u·k uf V1tu111111 ( "hilc dcs1'r1bini: Captain Conk' s 1!1 .. 1·n\1·ry of 1h1· /la11al1a11 l•l:tnd:;'!" ··Th,11 1\;1y tht· input 1~ rt1nlorct'tl orcr !ht' \1·nrs :inll hnus.:•1111·l·s 11011 '1 !;ill for !>u1·!i t't1ergy-sa1·1ng lips lililt•d l n r11:1i.;:v1n.·s :15 'IA•! tood cool ron11)lt'!rly b1·forr r~frifl'.eralion' or 'Th:~11· fru1.1.·n [uod'( !M.·forc t·uokini.: ' • Thcv 1\il\ k11011· lh.'.l l the liri:.t e BEA ANDERSO N, Editol" .. ~~· ll Out of context , food add I t l v e mforma1ion causes lots of scare 1.1•ith no means of rebuttal. Labuza L'Ornmcnled, in describing The Consumer Lost in the 1\larkel Place. "People hear about a fluke affecting maybe two pe rsons m the country and ac.-cusc !he industry of using the public as quality control guinea pigs. "But sn1oking. alcohol and barbecuing arc more dangerous to hcallh and look In 1his regard. Labuz.a noted ne .... · TV regulations for children's commercials 1.1·hich ban the promotion of snacks or the suggestion of indiscriminate use of a product and require at least one frame ubout health value . lie 111·asn"t as optimistic ab o u I nutritional labeling as an answer to the public's dis1rust of manufacturt'<i foods. Another reason people d i s t r u s t additives . Labuza said . is because ti~ Basic Four is a basic failure "That approach 1s good for n1ak1ni:: people a\1are o( \1hat they need (or gro1.1'th. ··But adults ha\'C to kno1\' hov: thr nutrients intt>rplay and 11hat t1.'lp1>c11~ "hen th:fic1t'nl'JCS or surpluses Ol'CUr l'U$U!r-;i1on allow.; h:11:h·r1a to grow w1d 1h1.• :.C't.'Ond r1-su!1it u1 lo~t 111.lr11·nts." To fur!h(ir C'QUnt<•ru{'! !ik<'pt1cis111. L.1hu1;1 ur~l'd I hl' food :lnd Drug 1\d1n1111~1ra11on 10 dt•\'l'lnp rapid h:sts f11r carc1n0j!1·ns rnutal(<'11$ .u1d lll\lr1ty 1ha1 ll rl' ;1ppl1c;1h\I' 10 h11111;1ns "fl thP pub!11· \\011'1 ht' .d.tt11ll·d unduh l1v dJ t.:l fru1n :11 11111,11 dU}l"' 'Ther e ore old mushroom pickers and bol d mus hroom pickers but no old, bo ld mushroom pickers.' Shifts • Crop Make One World 1'cul;1\ .~ :t!"1 1•·I('.~ 1'1'1·;1p nn(' ;<('S<:ICHl tJf th(' \\'estcrn 1 Fi1od. J11d11 ... 1r.v l 'onh·1 1·1n·c ~11 the L1ni\·er1ty of ('al1- fn r11 1a. IJa,·11,;, ~pl'a~cr ... l'\plainrd hn'v the nu1r:i! r1•:-pfl11Si b1li1y pf lnnd ll•\·hno!ngist:-. \Vurld \v\tle d1str11Jut1nn :ind 1!1(· i·1111:-11111('r·s eonfu.~in n 1u !he ~11pt·1'111a rkct \\'di .ittt·ll 1uturc 1narkct ing tech- n1•11 u·:- "No longer can .,...e realisticall y c:ill L·.s. crops our .o\\'n. Econon11cs or other nations bear ing direclly on our food supply make us, in truth, one "·orld." di1> into thcn1 \\·ith i n c r e a s in g irequl'n cy products J)('r capit:1 is 1·l'r~· n1i n11n:d ' Supply deficits nnly add to lhe 1·qu:1\h critical den1and considcralinus suth :is packaging, prict·s. lti~ist1rs. :;;ill'~ !•1 chains and retail ing. cr1ntr1b11te<I tn ra1l1l·r 1hiill i·h1•1·~ .. d th" ~r1r:.1 : .!.lie 11<td1·d l'<ii ng ~rain as <in example. ~1s. 1\~ for th (' 111~1~111·.:: 111 rno\ int.: /"1,d fri•111 f11·ld lo rn:inul:it·nu·1·r I 1f :-uf}i·1·n1:irk1·1. ~Is. ,J;u::ksQn lan1£•11t~·d tl1:1t d1•·....,·I 1r:11ns. 11h1rh ha1·r-;i ! t11 I :1dl'llO!;J j.!(' 111 fU1•I tf•O!'IJlllJ 111•11 111• T" 11111 ~" ;ind plant''· can 't ht· 1~ :·· r 111 11· l/t•d. Continuing he r topic of ~tarketing of Food Pnxluct s in the FuturC'. Jean J:ickson. director of 1narketing research for Del i\tonte Corp .. anal~-zed ho1Y 1he emphasis has rn•itched from demand to supply faclors. Jack son said no U.S. land "'ould be idle under go\·enncnt policy in 1974 but there may be shortages of grain elevators and hopper c<irs. Packaging is expected tu bcrnn1f• rnort• t•xpensi\'e sincC' plas\ll' rl':-.111:.. 1111, pap1 r and soda ash fglass1 !\l"oUrt·.·s jH"t• ~h11r1 .. ,~·e \\'ill llt'C.'<l lwo ~·"a rs of v!'ry nearly perfel't ~cars of 11cathcr and handling to offsel the 1mb<.1lancc of location. '·Conswncrs conccrn£·d 11·1th tit h'r \\;int more disposable pack:11.:cs." .\I~ .htr·~son said. "\\'e 1\•ill see 1nore st:indard1z1•1I. reusable shapes and the adflpl1on nl 1lh· mclric system \\ill be c<1:-tly 111 th1>: respi:.'CL ·· '"Sch\..:luln1t; lhe <1\':11l.1hl1· < .1r-. 1·;1n i \..el"p u11 11u h the in1 enror.1 <ind 111111111: n1·ces:-:irv !nr s:1l1·s."" sh•· !'aid ll1 ·n• 11 .., nnt a ;iuc~t1011 or :-.hrirtagl' hut 111 plnnntn~" "Considering ,,·here the food is available and \\'hi;re it's needed lhC' n1ost. lhere are very fe\\' signs by \\'hic h ,,·e can point to the future \\'ilh confidcnre. "Plantings are good but yield is unpredictable al the moment. not lo n1ention the price of fertilizer." In dl•;ohnc "rlh 1·h:1in \l•1r•" th1· u1;1rkel1n~ ;1uth11r1!1 s:ud th;1t n·1.1 ·1,r f1o1,d ("U!TljhJnll'S :1rl' in 011· ltll'l'-\Lil 1~1"1 1 1!•11 .. t 111 11 s1·ll1ni::. h11l ;illoe.11111:.;.· -'' 111 • pro<lucts. "This crisis. like others. has co1ne into focus In the past six months. but not as publicly dramatic as the declining balance In our gas tanks. And even ff L:.S. production rcn1a1ns hi gh. ou r stockpiles are lo.,..·. i\ls. J<n:kson r('llltndl'<l. She C'Xpl;iincd that txport dPn1;1nd 11t1s responsible for 12 percent of lc1st ve:.ir"s food prk·e hik l· and 1fi p1·rc1'nl i~ consider<'<.! to IX! this yl';Jr ~ ligun· "As world consumption expands, so should working rl•scrves but , instead. 11·c '"L ike it or nol. v;e're the chief supplier to countries ''here popul<ition gains 111·ipe out crop gains or the value of ffiOd ··Governrnent;il con I rols h:11 t· tl"t·n highly disrupt ive Tht•y 11nd11uht~·1!1;. !-.ht• did nol flJl'•'"'f' d rrltln1 I" 'lid ~;,Jl<·:.11lilll "hip" ~I t lht• r•\:td i••\!•l lo•'l '/IH~I" Put Priorities Over Profits 'Food Industry, Beware' Leo ~lusso has considerable respect for the 80 million \\'Omen over 18 \\ho dC'IC'rmine the An1crican lifeline by choosing packages in supernuirkets. As prrsident of Quality Food s. Inc. (QFI Stores). he, loo. 1\·ishes the food industry \1outd concentrate more on priorities than profit. "\\Ir can send men lo !h:.-moon . !he Presidrnt to China and KissiJ1ger to the Arabs but 1.1·hy can't Lhe bollle t:ap t'.l·ist. the milk carton nol !ct:k. the chl>cSe bl- rc-v.·rappC'd air·tight or plastic cartons protect 1he eggs? ''\\'e don't necct anyth.ing 'new' for ·1on1orrow. \\'e just have to get the things invrntcd 1n the ·50s and ·50s to \\'Ork in the '70s. "And \el"s remember lhc fun and na,·or of food. Don't gl't boggt'<I do\\·n by 3d\'ocates' chums. Peopll' still e;1 t because they hke it." \\1hil e rel ailers arc "Phased ou1•· ('COno1n1callv, and rnu st conlt·nd \1il h labor contro.1s and striking farm \\Orkcrs, i\lusso reminded his colle:igues 1hal profit is good only if the process sa usht·11. the ('()nsumcr : other\11::.c 1r's scll- destn1ctive. lie 11·ondered if supe>nnarkcts arc becoming too irnpersonal -'0chro1ne distribution points on a national conveyor belt . ., Part. or that problcnl should he all ributed lo ,he la1sscz·la1re attitude about shoplifters th<1t necessitates super security, ~tusso explained. "The rost of shoplift ing accounts for 1 ! 10 i , of 1 percent of a product's price and !hat's 80 percent ol n1y prohl margin." 11e urgrd n1anu l:itturl'rs. espe<"ia lly of cosn\Ctics. to print 11Jrn1ngs on theu labels that shopl ifting 1s a crime. 11 And let's remember the fun and flavor of food . Don't get bogged down by advo- cates' claims . People still eat because they like it.11 "We don 't need anything new for tomor- row . We just hove to get the things invented in the '50s and '60s to work in the '70s . Re1un1ing to his "Rt'tailers. \\'nke Up. Jn1prove Thy Store" 1hcor~·. )lusso mt'ntioned that "the lady of the house falls in love 1.1·ith tht icem:in, not her refrigerator . "\Ve need lo offer morr. help. TMn.' M>r\"ices such as nutr111onists on dul y during peak hours lo an!i\\{'f' d:i~-to-day questions about food directly. Shoppers lru<il will improve when their needs <1re n1et for a fair price." It Is his policy to ans"·cr cus1omcrs' co1npla1nts· on the phone "They come on rightfully hosiilC'. feeling stymied until they iind out I'm the prcsidenl. lmmedintel~· th1·~ turn :ipo\ogetic. thankful tha t tl1c ri~ht pilr1) finally has ans1\crcd tht' phone. ··They are. u~ lo other comp<1nics I\ he.re unionization proh'<'t~ production and the customer u:-uu ll)' runs out of patlcnl'l' bcfort' rc..-d tape.'' ~lusso also called on a "gutlrlis Congress" 10 brc;ik the lood 1nflat1on hy remO\'ing contro ls. cncour:iging far1ncrs ;ind da1ry1ncn lo grow and el1m1n<1!illg ~hort-l crm paruy and subsidies A11d he 1,1onderC'd if all !ht' nc'.I' produl'ts 11crr reall y 11·orthwhile, ~;ight y percent of them don't make the first ~1x monlhs or introduction and only 10 percent survive the hr~1 } l'ar. T~· eost or thl'ir dc\·elopment. consumer ll'!it1ng and promotion an.: often o\·erlooked \\hen pt'{)p\e talk 'about r1s1ng food prices. ~lusso s;Hd "That's a real "'a~te 1r the product r:in't paS3 the custonier'i; r-va!u<1 t1on Sh<'~ n1ore th11n capab!t of 1udr.:u1g the \ allU' of a !kJCkflRl'd mat«tron1 dinner '"" the lS'llllt' produt'ts !ni1n "lr<ltth "Consun\cr~ tnakl' up rh1·1r 01\TI 1n1nd~ If !hey likC' buucry nch t·n1lc1•('1Jkt·~ 1h1·~· 1\11\ buy them no mntrrr 11hill.11.H 111111:!'1 thry hcnr about rhutr~1 ,rol ;uld hcc1rt atturks." \ • 1ti1·~·· t11JJ!1·1~ ;1rr-1'\IM'• '111::: ;111 1·\•c r l:ut•«l·lll: 1o1 ••i"•l"ti1.-1 ,,. l ··l~•I 11\·~!loff' l1t·l p, I'" ,1! SI"! ~Ill'! t!• •"ISh•llS ,1nd 1 •!llljlllh'rl/•·d i ho·1·ko111 S'. 1,\'lwll holli !l1t • 1·11nsu1111·r ;uut prt~IUf'l'r f•TI ~1~ lllil"d the> !flt''-':1i,:1· rh<il J)11t-. \'Oii 111 1111· fr,11 •1•' of 1111111! \q hu\ h1•con1e~ , ·'· t•n 111 "r" ( ru1 ·1:1! r·r· 1!11" •'\• <'IJ!:nn is 11111 n1·r1·.,s:irily ).!!~~1 .1q •.' 11 1-.1111.: ~;1h" llh r" i~ IL·~s !fl g1o ar1•11nt1 . .!.h'1Jlp"r' ;1 n· IJ1·r 11n1111c ~1n;1rJ1 •r .. h11ut 11h;1t '"' ~p1·n1 l•1r ,. h;il ;1n1l :1d1 1·r11~1·rs· c·l .111 n"' h;11•· t11 h•· n1'lr1· r1·s1}1)ns1hle. \f1l1 1•·11 ! 1·u,,,t111111·rs. 11h1l1· 1ir11 turt11ni: , 1111 ,,1 .11 10·;1<,l 11ant 1!1 :-•p11·1·11· the 111.,,t 11\o! ,,f 1h••lr rr 1.1trnal :.:•~·d" ~\ h.d ., 11• 1·11 r·:1H1 d .1 rl'tll!'!l I" h:1siro; ,. ·" 11i;ilh :• d .. 111:1nt! 11.r :.trt•11J.!!h•·th'rl ,.i11 ,101•l1••11 in 1·1!!1•r pru~· nr 11npn111·d I•'! 1 .. 1 !ildlll'' HI. I' !ll•' pri·\ IH\IS !lh1dcl." Faulty packagin g, goods damaged by careless cus tomers and th e cos t of shop lif ted items add to increased fcod bill. • ,, • J • .. ... • ,I. DAIL V PILOT Guide Dogs, Owners Work as a By ALWON OEERR Of W. o.AJy Plitt SI_., Edw a rd ~1eier and Francesca are a team. Ed ls blind. "Francie" is his German Shepherd guide dog. President of Guide Dog Boosters ·of America Inc,, the Los Alamito.s resident Is an articulate spokesman for the goals and rewards of \he group. "\Ve offer a continuous postgraduate program f o r people who have graduated from guide dog schools. "There was a distinct need and desire for an organization to motivate people to work with thei r dogs effecti\'ely and ofll'n. to presen t to the comn1unity a rl'alistic picture of our life in the community and interest the comn1unlty in our "'ork." ' In October, the boosters plan a Guide Dog Boo!ters Day in Orange County. "\Ve hope to attract people with gukte dogs from all over the country," Meier said. "There ·will be workshops, seminars, conli!st.5, an awards banquet, soclal activities and most of all a gra nd opportunity to meet each other." li1eler. a resideqt of Orange County for I<t years, has a background in advertising and publishing and operation of his own public relations agency. He has performe d professionally a1 a pianist. Through his music. several years ag o he organized the Slarlight Revue, "' h i ch provided entertainment for · hospltal pntients. Robel1 Crelner, and Bruce Olsen, I.cs Angeles. Gulde dogs. "fe ie r explalned. are raised i n "foster homes" usually as f..lt projects until they are a year okt and given .some baslc obedience training. Next, they are tralned from three to six months at one of three large guide dog schools in Callfomla-Guide Dogs for the BUnd, San Mateo; Gulde Dogs ol the Desert, Palm Springs: or lnternatlonal See.Ing Eye, North Hollywood. PAW MAICllED school tries lo match the dog to his maner's lifestyle." The month-long t r a I n I n g COW'le is strenuous, ltfeier said, requirtnc •to miles of walking per day. "\Vhen we come to the school, \l.'e know nothing and tile dop know everything. But. soon, we're working as a team." When you graduate rrOm the . school , he said, "you are out there In the world alone. You need to · be fnotivated and encouraged to work with the dog every day." Fr~a. a four.year-old , ••\Yben we arrive at the tw been with ltfeier for t~ Kt.>oi, the dog is highly and-one-half years. The pair trained. Dogs and mailers are walk several miles a day. matcbtd by per80nallty. Tbere "A beautiful relationship are different JMµ"SOQalilies in develops. The guide dog is the dogs. trained to do her work when "Some work quickly , others you n1eet her. But another at a slower pace. Some are rela!lonship is awake~ as lively, oth~rs very docile. ~ you learn to work together. Team one or love and loyalty, lldeU~ that's dif(Jcult to f i 11 d anywhere." Each la conf'Mient. he said, that each will take care ol the other. "The guide dog gives you mobility and the reeling of capability and independenl't' that mobility brings." 1 11fembers or Gulde Dog Boosters of Ameri~a Inc . range in age from ta to 73, almost equally d i v I d e d bet"'ttn men and women. ''There is almost a family feeling amOng the members." Meier said. He hopes .to carry the greop nationwide. f<"urther infonnatlon about the group is available from Guide Dog Boosters 9' America , Inc., 2932 Sil\'erwood Ori\·e. Los Alamitos, CA .. 90720 or from 1tfeier (213 ) 431- 7783 . Programs at Guide Dog Boosters meetings 'offer talks by veterinarians, guide dog school personnel ond panet discussions on topics of interest to me111bcrs. A recent topic was The Guide Dog on a Ulind Uate. Since early this year, he haa -------------------------------- performed with Garden Grove Ed Meier, president of Guide Dog Boosters.. teams with Louise Grady (far left) in musical program. His dog France sca waits patiently. ~Icier. \\'ho speaks regularly to civ ic and service grour>.s. said thiit ''community response has been excellent." ritE!\18ERSHJP GROWING The charter group, based in Los Alamikls, has grown from nine members to 54 in ICSll than a year. An Orange Olunty C.1iaplcr will be organized soon. "The first organizational meeting of Orange County f;uidc Dog Boosters will be Friday, Alay 3, at 8 p.1n. in I.be conference rooin of t b e Oran1e County A n i m. a I Shelter, 581 City Drive South . Oran go. "The meeun, is open to guide doe ownera, t b e i r families · and friend• and others intere1ted ln learning more about Guide Do a Booetera, 11 be •Id. resident Loolse Grady at , convalescent hospitals: rest hornes. mobile home parks and ot private parties. PRCKIRA l\1S GIVEN Ed plays piano and sings. Louise ha s played I cad \'OCBlist in musical comedies and can add accents with the Lalin rhyt.bm instrwnents. Prog r ams include everything from opera and show tunes to standards and liitbt rock. Audienct:s are encouraged to sing along. As volunteers for Guide Dog Boosters, the pair conlribute any proceeds from their perfonnances to the group. "We are available afternoons and e v e n i n g s during weekends and after 6:30 p.m. weeknights,'' ~Icier said. Serving on the boosters board with Meier are Edward L. Roberts, a veterinarian \\'Ith a practice in Fountain \'alley who lives in Costa ?l.Jesa : Santa li1onica attorney Horoscope: Sagittarius, Defer Needs THURSDA Y APRIL 25 8)' SYDNEY 0~1ARR ARIES (ri.tarch 21 -,.\.pril 191: l'lfcssages could be garhlt'tL Check reservations. dircclions. lfold off on decisions !n\•olving travel. Consult fa nt i I y n:icm.lx>r. Revic1v itinerary. TAUllUS \April 20-May 20): distarK'C messa ge provid£'S boost for 1nornle. Find hct ter n1eans of allvert is in g, disoibution. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 !: Friends tend to disagree over n1i11or matters. A\·oid being middle person. It e m a i n independent. creative. Don't be innuenced by those V>'ho argue for sake of nothing else to do. 1hat others can perceive and visualize as yo u do. Share. Be "ill ing to rc111odel, revise and to n1ake room for thole who have something to contribute. Persmal intelJ"ily ii tested. Stick to facts. Reward will be forthooming. Property value, home af!airs, are involved. Older lndl-al i.s going lo back you -in surprl.c;Ing manner. IF TODAY IS YOllll BIRTHDAY you nre introspective. stubbo r n, talented and an individual all the way. You refine and define ; You strive for perfection. You are a natural performer, an interpreter of moods, a lawyer who sways and appeals, a physician who actually "'ants to heal. lttany changes fea tured this year - if single, you could marry. December will be your 1nost significant month. Go slov•. Protect assets. Don't give up something for not.hinit. Look behind the set..'fles. Delve deep for valid answer s. f' r i end tnay be seeking cxj><lnsion and is impatien t. \'JRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22 l: One close 10 home expreSS('S doubts. confides prob I em . J)on't cast fi rst stone. Impart kno"A·ledge. experience 1 n diplon1atic \\'ay. Your intuition is on 111rge1. SAGJTIAHJUS (:\ov. Z2· Dee. 21 ): Be n1orc a"·are of others. what !hey think and reel about your actions. Applies especially to business or marriage partner . Exchange views. r-.1 a k e concessions. Defer to needs. desires of ooe close to you. ----------------------1 CAPRICORN !Dee. 22-Jan. ,,..._,...._ .......... -----------..., 19 ': Low-key approach serves bc~l purpose. Find out \\"hat you can do lo ~ of greater service. Adjustment in \\·ork hours Olay become necessary. ~rarmooize relal ionships. GEl'ttINI t!\lay 21-Junl' 201: Examine legal documen ts. In sist on fair deal. StetT clear of high-powered salesmen. Rely oo c.'<perience and intcgri!y. Old er individual is your all)'. Emphasis is on personal contact. CAl'\CER 1Junc 21..Jul;i '.!21: ''ou are able to co111plctc assignment and 10 rea?ive recogni tion for efforts. Long- LIBRA /Sept. 23-0cl. '.!2l. You mll~' ha\·e to lalk your \\·a.v 0111 of a scrape \\'ilh the lal'i'. Means be versatile, sn1ile. reach back for experience and anecdotes. Be 'ery social! SCORPIO !Oct. 23-Xov. 211: Sec-the la rger picture. Exlend beliefs. t'n1ol ions out in sense AQUARIUS !Jan . 20-Feb. 181: RclaUve \vho does a lot of l<1lking may no11· be asking qucslions. DJ>n 't ran pre~· to rumors, flnll cry. Sec in light of rcalily. Prolect ~longings -a\·oid cxtra,·ag<int'f.'. PISCES (Feb. 19-~i;irch 20): Meet Allison Deerr One of the Daily Pilot's Ro le People ll1•r !1•.11ur•· '1•'11•'' 1111 m1•rl1l'l fl l' :ind sru•nrf' h:t\{' "on au.•ards, in addition to lx'lnJ! JU~\ 11IJ1n 1nt•·r•'"l 11 1~: lul' ri•J.:ul.11· ri':td1'r"' of Prnµle. but 1\lhson, hkr-all People staffe rs. h:1ntlk' .di ~1n1!~ nT ;1~.s11tn1n1·nt~ 111 a t~\llt·;1I 'A'l'ek. ,\ graduate uf C111iforn111 Sta te l l 111\'l'r~111 U! ~·u11rr1nn and F'ull1·r1011 C'olll'jlt'. shl' 11.·orked for the Fullerton Dail:¥ ~ewii 1'nh11n•• h1•fur1• tur111nc h1•r r1•por1 .. n.1I ~1.i;hl.~ on the Oi'ani:e Coasl and joi ning the Daily l'1lot ,1,tff 111 l'til. All 1,on ha~ "nn r.cr!'rin:tl honor~ 1n JU~I the past )'t'llr from Orange C11un11' 1\r1111o:n1I l\1•tno:\' ~·11un•l.111"n Epil<'~Y Scx.·icty. Children's Home Society :ind .\,~i...:1ut1on fur Hrt,irdf'd C1ll11·11-You 11 find her hyhn<' :1 lmo~t e~cry day in Pro11l1· Ho ~ .I is the Daily Pilot's Award-winning section for wom en (and other people, too) ' r ( ' . . . Mollie's STOCK REDUCTION SA WIGS If you own one -or 100. don't miss these fabulous values at Mallie 's. 100% HUMAN HAIR WIGS ~'~'~}~~oeR~!~!, .......... .. $2250 Handtied Edge Wigs Sem1·Handticd. Reg. $69.95 Classic Wigs Fine hair. sem1·hal1dt1ed. Reg. S89 95 .. ~~.~.~~R~~!~.~~nd~i~~ .. s27so ,European Handmade Special lo!. Values ro S200.00 .. HAIR PIECES -100% HUMAN HAIR ALL HUMAN HAIR Wiglets Values 10 S1 1.95 .•••..••••. All HUMAN HAIR Cascades vatues to s 17 95 $ 500 . s1 ooo EXPERTS STYLISTS to SERVE YOU WIG AND BEAUTY SALON 250D Enll7lttStr..t 54 .. l44' I ,, . ,, Hllgno '-<•Cosio M"• • j • . . .... . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . ... SWIMSUIT bf = = .. '· '• • • • . ' tdntwj.i_r_. _A_ptil_2,_1'C/~4--------l)All Y PILOf ;j.j ' Seminars Attract Interest Abortion The AbOrllon l.ssu~ 11 Ill be the topic of a p;1ncl discus:.ion. open to the public, 111 7 p 111 Sunday, April 28, in Oln~t (11urch by the Sen. r.;,•11 port R1~Ul'h. Panelists 1vi\l be Dr. 1'0111 1-lamlhon, director or OrangC' Count\' Public H e n I t h ScrviCcs: the Rev. Bob Purr\'. chaplain al llo:i~ ~lc1nor1nl Hospital. Prt'sbyteri:1n : :0.1s. Jenny Denn. nwn1ber of Plilnned Pnrcnthood. 0100 Bob and se1·erly S i l nic k ie. rcprcsentin~ Crtt3.-:i.te 101 Life and the Right lo Life organizations. Symposium ~\y Innings \\'ith Cance r. a -.. talk ~ sportscaster Bill flrund ige. v.il\ kcynotr the An1cric:in C.incer Society's sixth . annual Nu r sing , ~ •Symposium.· • 5 Th(' Tue~day. April 30. • '"::: prowa1n \\.'it\ begin :i.t 8:30 : .~ a.m. in the Orange County ~ ~l edical Associ;ition building, 300 S. Flo11·c·r St reet. Ora nf.:C. Brundige. v.·ho h;is just SPORTSCASTER Bill Brundige philanthropy is Seri tee 10 the Ulipd . · AAUW Ol;1nc Rrc1·cs. a n1('111bcr of Orange Cou•ity \\' o n1 c n .\r,aiust llapc. 11il! speak at the \\'ec\11csday, .\!:i~· I, meeting of the lluutington eC'ach Uri.Inch . ,\ n1 (' r I ca n - AS!llX.'lilllon ol U n 1 v e r_s i I y \\01nen . Tht' group 11111 111C't·t at 8 p n1. in the llunt11tgt on Uc.il·h l,.'11·1c Center. Pen Women l.:1:;una Beach Br an c: h, ;\1ulonal League of A1nt•r1c:1n l'l"n \\'o rlll'll, 11111 C':\tiibit !heir "'ork thrnu~h ~1a~· 111 !ht• Laguna ~-todl!r;il Suvinss and Wan. L:iguna lk>ach. A rN·eption is 1·tru1nt'd fur l~iday, ~toy 3, fro111 2 10 1 p.rn. GOP Women ln \'1':-tnu•nt b.-inkcr Andrc11 \\'rbf!r 11 111 di~euss t h c ln1e n1ati11nal 711o11 .-. 1,1r1: S1tua!1nn a~ it ll('lates 1.1 (;ut\I at the 'rhursdav, illa1· 2. n1el•ling of the llr~ngc l'1)unt,\· Fedf'r:dton of ltl•p1.1b1i1 •:1n \\"ornen. 1'hc grouP 11 ill n1ect at 10 a.111.· in 1'0¥.11 llall, Knott's R('rr.v Parm. Buena Park. t\ fa1nily nighl at Anahcitn ~!ild1urn i.~ S(.'/lt'<luk·d lu \l vlld.i~, :O.l:iy 6 ' Panh ell enic \ <ti·s.scrt brl<lg(' b('nertt t· aid the An1rr1cun F i cl• S1·r1 ice pro~!ra111 i!i schi'<iule for \Vednf1;1:Jav, ~lar I. h.v th La~unil Bt•;l\:h 1'11nh1·lle111 Ass.ltiat1on. Br1dl!c llatJ., '\1·i){hl}l'l1 ht>< r on i: r f I! a tK•n;il l'hurt:! l.;4).!Uflil 1:1 ;1\.!1. h tlir ~1•tr i•1 fl•r 1ht• I p 111 c1en! Al· ~tt1<l1·nl!'o 11ltl :n11·nd. 'I lit· ('I enr 11111 honor the !:11· ~tr -!). ~I . l111111111i'I. 1\'h 1nit1il tl'd !hi· group 's 1ntert·~ Iii .\F:) J BSP (;1hf.inu;i :-.1;11.-. fon1f'nti'l1 of Bria S1c1110 Phi elklpll'r~ 1 -.1;'1('d fvr Fr11ta· -Sund;t~ \l.1 :l :i 1n ~:1n \)11•J:o. lJr:ut~l' (c.;1~ 1·hanh'r~ "ill he :unon g tho~l jl• I Tl I{' I p,1 \ lll;.! ~I r,; 1'0111 Jh·r~,·l1l1i.·r·~ \"ii prt'~Clll a ch1•ek for 5:!.700 I• !lie :;t:itc ·eh1p1er for 1t phila11 1hropy, C~'Stic f'ibros1~ p;:isscO the thre('·}'ea r n1nrk in ----------~--~­------- , Baiting an Art Show I-looked on t heir annual art show are n1 en1bcrs of Newport Beach's Thur!'clay 1alorning ('lub whn have selected Fishing \lilJa ge as the then1e for th e Friday, Apri l 26, event in the Balboa !Javili on .. i\ngling for a fe stive afternoo n are deft to ri!.!htl the !\lines. \\rilliam F. Blocher. Peter J. Kell y and Del Co,·hran. Proceeds will be gi ven to local cha rities. his recov~ry from lung cancer, is on leave from radio station KEZ)'. He hns annoonccO proressional and co 11 e i.: c athletics over a long car{'{'r :u,d currently is the station's spo rts director. The day-Jong conference 11·il1 cover the physical a n d ps~·ehologieal aspects of lung cancer. I Univers itv ~1r. and !\trs. Frederick T. ~tason v.·ill open !heir Fuller- too hom €' Sunday, April 28, for a garden pa.rty s ponsored by the Friends of California State L:nil'('rsi lv. Fullerton. 'Ilic Cal State S t r in g Qu arh·I. .under the Oi rection of t\('nncth \1. Go 1 d s rn i·t1i , associ;1re professor of music. \1·ill perfon11. ,\ win(' and cheese tasting will be offerL'd. Freedoms Recognized Unil'ersi!y president L . Do n a 1 d Shiclr!s and ~ lrs. Shields y,·11\ be an1ong guests <it the el'cnt. UCI Salutes Women NCL Palt('rns for Tornorro.,..-11 111 j thl'rtlt' the th r (' (' - d ;1 .1· conl'ention of ~ational Ch:irir ~- 1.ea::!ur. April 29 to \i·iy I iu the Nt•wporler Inn. \ron1en: Free to Be. is th~ theme of \Vomcn's l\lonlh at UC L Films. lectures. discussions and demonstrations a r e scheduled through the middl e of ~l ay d11rin~ this celebrat ion which is open to t h c community. A panel disc ussion o n \\'omen in Politics \1 tll be fealured lltonday. April 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gatc11·ay Co mmons, lhird floor lounge. Alicita Lewis, Stanton City Coun cil member: C a r o I y n Ewing. Yorba Linda Ci t y Council member: Gaby Pryor, Irvine n1ayor. and 1\1arcia Bcn1s. candidate ror the Orange County Board of Su pervisors. \l'ili discuss lheir polilical roles. A y,·orkshop on the lega l righls. of won1cn is scheduled for Thursday. :O.lay 2. frorn 4 lo 7 p.m. in social science tov.·cr 220. Dr. Estelle R a rn e y. professor of physiolog,v at Gcorgetoy,·n U n i v e r s i t y ~-ledica l School, 1vil1 speak on S ('X fl orn1ones and Achiel'ement )1on0ay. '111v 6, at 1:30 p.m. in the gate11·ay third floor lounge. Presented in conjunction y,·ith the con1n1ittee on lectures. Dr. Ramey is one of the feu· 1vomen 1vho hal"C ron.,idcrcd one or the wc11ncn of the yea r by l...Lid1cs llomc Jou111uL [\'crylhing You \\'an!cd to l\no1v About Lesbianism Bul \\'ere 1\fraid lo Ask 1vill be 11ns¥.er1•d Tuesda\', .\lav 7, at I p.m. in humanities hiill 232. A carl'f'r fili r will be featurl·d \\'cdnesday, !\lay 8, fro•n 3 to 7 p.tn. On lhc same d:iy, ~1ylh 1\n1crica -J-101v far Ha\'e Ynu He:i !l~· Come'.' vdll be present~'<! in the fine arts villa:::c tllealcr 11t 8 p.m. The sho"A' delineates the his!orical conditioning of 11·onK•n and n1cn to sexism and its perpetuation. \fo1nC'n and Aging will be discussed \\'cdncsday, 1\la.v 15, :it 7:30 p.n1. oo the third floor of the Ga1ey,·ay Commons. lnforn1.'.ltion <'bout the 1·ar1ous olhcr activities may he ohtaint.>d hi' calling the Student Information Center. rol11ntl'('r 1~1n. the llousC'hold F:xecotive in the Ene rgy Crisis. Time Erfectivcncss nnd P~r:t ms nnd Leadcl'!'hip for Ticktocker groups ar(' among Tues4lay topics. Stanley E. ri.1 c Ca ff r e ." . president of the Universi ty of the Pacific, y,•ill k('}'JlO!c the con1·e11tion \'I e d n e s d ay afternoon. :0.lrs. Lee P. Jordnn J r.. Corona del ).tar. is convention chairn1an. Delta Gamma A Dav in the iife of a D-G 11·ill ihcme the f a sh i o n luncheon planned for Tuesday. April 30. by the Delta Gamma ~lothers' Club, Un il·ersity of Southern California. The fund-raiser. to lake pl<1ce at I I: 15 a.m. in the chapter house. \\·ill be nefit [)(>lta Gamma s e r vi c ~ proj~s. The group's nation:il attained th e rank of professor II ·-----..iiiii...,OiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOii-OiiOiiOii;;;Oiii __ .,I in a n1edical school and!I HOLLY HOSKINS Betrothal Announced Ron ~1yers of Jlu111ington Beach will claim II o 11 ' lfoskins as his bride during rites plannl'd fr Ju:i._. Z2 r.11 the lawn of the Los Altos Union Presbyterian Church. The future bridegroom is the son or !\lr. and l\·1rs.Ra ymond D. Myers of Hu nt in g t on Beach. He is a grad u:i1c of Fountain Valley High School and earned a BA in phyi;ica! education and his second.'l ty teaching credential al \\lhitt1e1 C-0\lege. Hospital Costs Up \VASH!NGTO'.'J I UPT I - The cost or hoc;pi!al care has increased an al'erap:?e rate o! 8.5 percent per yt>ar during ~he past 20 years, !he i\'ational Cons umer Finance 1\ssociation r('Ccn tly repiOrtt'd. 1 The aSsoe ialion said the aver:ige daily hospital cosl per ' patient ~-as SJ6.n in 1950 and, b~· 1970 had J!l'01\·n to $8 1.01. The increase in cost is primarily the result of the grow ing number of full-time hospita l personnel and the introduclion or c o m p I e x • expensive n1 e d i ca l and surgical equipn1ent. th c association said. His fiance. dau~hlt!r nf ii•·· Good Deed Pe and l\lrs. Rol>e rt II. Hoskins of make the scene EXTEND YOUR LIFE EXTEND YOUR ARM BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK FREE! in HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORROW, APRIL 25 Huntington Center ·Beach & Edinger 12 noon -5 pm, 7pm -9 pm Edison High School 21400 Magnolia, 7 pm· 9 pm Huntington Beach High School -1905 Main St .. 7:30 pm · 9:30 pm Arevelos School -19692 Lexi ngton Ln., 7 pm · 9 pm .A. Public Service fron1 ~ , Jlunt ington Dcach Rota ry Club • ;'( -'< and -.~.. , '": Orange Count.v 1-h~arl Assoc '6i'1 \\'ith 1·ha11ks to: • Los Altos. "'i ll gradua1e in !\1ay Crom Whittier. 11 lso earn-Sundays SMITH'S MORTUARY ing a BA in plly•ical c'<iucation and her elementary leaching, ~==="'==the=~·~•l·J!'Jfll•ll CT<dential. _ Huntin9ton Beach -~·_I~--~~~~ 103 FM STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR I ' ' ' ' I I ~~::- ~!~,1 ~, ~, G row some1hing lovely in a bolt le. H's easy with a little help lrom Lee Ward s. Come visit our all new Terrarium department and plant your own miniature garden in a bottle. 9" x i5 ~2" bottle on wooden hol der. New at Leewards, only: TERRARIUM ACCESSORIES. T o malt;c tcrrar•um g1owin') easy and fun . LC('\Vards ha5 a com- ple!e !inc o! acccssor"l5. 1nclud - 1ng'. moss, iccks. charcoal. soil m1 1, books, !1gu11nes and tools. /( 11;; 42c To s319 \ (Plants f!OI included) ' ,,. ,< ·~~'>./ ,;: ; ,.~;:/ ,-,/'-'~ . ._ ' ~ ' / -:9 GIVE A .._j~_:,-~:~~ARIUMS PLANT A . AND PLANTERS! HOME! " l eewards has a verita ble jungle of live plants read)' to mo~e inlo the lerrar!um of you r choice. Come select your lavor1tes now. ------ 2'1"'44¢ Size CERAMIC MINIATURES 15°/o OFF Tuck a tiny animal in your lcr- tariu m ... 91,re him a castle ol his own. Do 1t now during leeVlards sale on ceramic m1n1aturcs! Originally 30C to 80~. now. TO THE FlltST '000 CUSTOMEltSt A book to tell you exactly how lo plant and care for you r terrarium. Slop in and pic k up a copy ol Vie/come 10 the Wonderlul World ol Terrariums/ II'•• St• va)uel " ~··· .. All nc.-w at Lccl//a•di ' T ,,riar.um ~11~ and hanging planters. Kits 1nclurJo: oak c/'larcoal. la11a rock .ind nutr1!10U'. • <lil 1o n.,k,. a11y plan! ,.,,.1 r1~1ht a· ~.,me. Plantf'•S "''u 11 n,1"'"'" ar• a!I gla<,s 11 r· :_., ·t·~r to walch you1 plant~+ CORNHUSK FOR DOLLS AND DECOR! (Sot:e'ICf 5 1!0111-10 boo~ av~11~blc, 100') "I ' ft J A~ . ' -· ~· •. ,l -_, ~-',~ (_ ·-=-.... -.~~ -~.:t "'··~·~ ~'/!"".~ · .. --:. ... -·~ TERRARIUM GLAiSWARE! LecV/a1ds has a:-.scmb!ed a -.e!ccrion ot glass~ waro to please tne mrJst 01sr.nm•nat1ng pla nt! Select Trom 1ose boNIS 10 apolhecary iars, branay sn.ttcrs. JUQS and more. 49c To s239s SPECIAL GUEST DEMONSTRATORS ' Saturday, April 27 I I A.M. to 4 P.M. Join Us and See Special Presentations on: 1. Dough Art 2 Decoupage 3. B1sa ue Pa1nt1ng 4 . C r ea t ive S tit chery 5. Needlepoint 6. Craft Clay 7. Oned Flowe r Arranging 8. Ecolog y Ideas. Ol LeeWards -· ST ~f:.HuUR:::i Mol'IOay !hru Frida)' 1000-900 Saf11r!Jay 10 · 6 PM Sunday I 2 ~5 00 IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY! ' • We're two yeon oSd this month! So1 from April 22 to May 4th. wt'~ celebrating with fashion shows, ,.,.t shows, croft dttnoftsm.ticNtt ond other SUf1>rists. Come join us for fun Cll'MI ftstivitles! Fnt rtfnoshm<nb April 26"' & 27"'1 I • jj6 DAILY PI LOT I Early l By Atl l ~N OEEHR 01 n. Otl!J ,1191 Sl•ll ' 1 Early Childhood: 1' he Reality and the Prornise is the 1home for an ambitiou s ~ummer program dealing with earl y childhood education. Dr. Shirley Hill. Cal Stnte FliJlerton department o f !education . said the S<"ries is geared to n1ctt the nrcds or parent s, teacher s. administrators. educators and policy makers. l i • I l • I l • . "It seemed 10 n1nny of us 1n education, 1ha.t there was a j Triple I IT reat I' Three si1nultaneous cos- n1etlc de1nonstrations are planned by the \Vo- n1en's Div ision, United i Jewish \Velfarc Fund or : Orange County. On ~ 'l'uesday, April 30. at : 9:30 a.rn. make-up : techniques will be ; shown in Robinson's, ; Anaheim ; May Co., : South Coast Plaza. and ; at a series of coffees in ; Laguna 1-lills Leisure • \Vorld. Trying their ov,rn ex periments are ~lrs. Robert Aaron (left) and ~lrs. 1-Iarold Solc>- znon. I Wtdnesda)', April 24, 1q74 Childhood: p11rt1(·ul<1r lz11c1·es t in early childhood cdu~:ation. hasctl un \Vll son Riles' i11troduc1ion t•f ECE pro granis to Callforni~1 public sthouls in the l;.111 of 1973, "\I/Ith the OOY.' thrust. lht-rc was a need (or information. And. \\·e felt there wots a need for involved groups to "·ork together." Cirsponsorcd by Cal St:itc F'u!lerton, Californ i:i Child ren's Lobbv, Ca.tiforni .• State Depar'tn1ent of I::ducation. t he Californ 1<i A~sociation for the Education of Young Chlldrcn. tind county si·hools ofCices in Orange. Hiver5ide. San Ben1ardino and Los Angeles CQUntie\, the of!crings are C.Xtcnslvc and varied. There <'Ire four kinds of prog r .a n1 s sch ed ulcd. \Vorkshops . seminars, conferences and a leeture Sl·des \\'ill run from June 18 through Aug. 7. FIRST CONF'ERENCJo; Or. \!.'ii.son Rite.s, California Superintendent of P u b I i c ' . . ' Reality, Promise Studied Instruction, will keynote The Heality and The PronH~ in 197•1. 1'hur$Cla)'·5aturdav. J1n1-: 20-22. in lhe lioyal 1!101, Anahcitn. Along with other notctl spt.•ukcl's. Dr. Hill said. there wJIJ be more th.1n SO section meetings dealing •Nith topi cs ranging from effects of media on children to legislation ;.1ntl the young child. "Teachers. currently work ing in the cla~sroorn \l'ill report on the n1ethods they :ire using which have lx·t•n :iuccessfu l," she c.xplulned. "\\'c will :.ilr rllms. exhibit pu blishe rs' 1nah.'rla~:1 ;ind o!T1•r JOb·11like s e s s i o n is ror participants." Part i c i pa n ts should preregister by fo.1ay IS for ti 1~ June 2()..22 1..'0nlerence to guarantee enrollment . A second conference v.·ill 1\•rap up the sun1m er s.r rnposia , she said. Four nntionally knoY.'ll speakers \\·ill discuss evaluation of F.CE progra1ns. Hobert Soar. 11n1versily of Coa st Cerem onies Vows STRAUSS.GIDCUMB° \l:1rriotl in l!edl:111d~ 1\·f're Susun Gidcun1b .:ind Bieli;ird \1 Strauss. son ot i\lrs. H.ichard Strauss or llunt1n~ton Be.i ch and tht: la1e \Ir. Strauss. 'fhc ncv.·lyll'ct!s, who 11·\H re side in Los Angeles, are graduates of CaliJornia Stull' University, San Diego. Th e bride's paren!s a.re the O;!llas Gidcu1nbs of Redlands. 1\!lcndants were Mr. :ind ~lrs. Dennis Gidcumb ;111tl l':d\1·ard i\.t Strauss. CLIFFORD.EARLEY Our Lady Queen or Ang1•I!! Catholic Church. Ne\\" po rt Bench \Vas the sett ing for the n1arriage of .Janice Eileen 1-:arley and Tho1nas Gregory Clifford. Their paren1 s ;ire illr :ind T\·l rs. \Vnvnc Earlev nnd !\J!·. and ~irs. · Richnrd i~. Clifford. all of l\'e1vport Beac h. Al!!'ndnnts 11·cr<' i.lr~. f ,;1 r·· \\I, Fisher. .\!rs. Richard ·ro1111rrlin. 1\lary Lee Cliffofd. S:ibrina Rossi. R i c h a r d Clifford. Jay Johnston. .Ja~· Recited MRS. CLIFFORO Sanders. Dave U1:-:on and SIC\"C Zukchcr. The bride anended schools in Purdy, \\'ash. and Golden \\lest College. Her husb;ind 1~ a gre1duate of Newport Harbor High School nud attended California State Uni1·ersil y. Long 8C'a th. l hcy pl nn 10 reside in Costa .~1esa Florida. is d0u1g reseorch on "tht> i;O('ia l and emotional development we all care nhout in people. ··Do they frc.I good about them~elvcs? Do they want to leorn ? Arc lt)('y 11clf-d.lrected·! "1id the inrellecrual 8SJ)&'t- are they leamlng to read. write and speak '''ell?" PllOGRAAfS EVALUATED Soar has evaluated these factors based on progran1s throughout lhe country. fferbert Zimlies. head of lhe osychologv department or a NeY.· York City rolle~e. \Viii discuss the testing situation and \\'hether too much is exnected of it. Jane Stallin~s. S l <i n ford Hesearcb lnsirltute. ~fcnlo Park. will reoort on lhi> kind('rJ!arten throu~!r sixth J!radc follo\v throuv.:h orolt>Cl!i \.,to evaluate 22 !lead S!art 'model pror;:ram.s. "It \viii be an inh>hsive and' f'xtensi\'C evaluation of ~·hat one or us tw,r a diffetrot teaching style fd a different leanling style ' Dr. Hi 11 explalncd. "Tenchers nrust rC'COgnize this nnd do the Job the Y.·a~· thl'V fet'I best." She hopes that bringine; together professionals from all facets of l'ducation. includin_i: l)llrents, Y.'ill do a great denl lo\\·ard "translatinj( theory into practice" and "dispersing "'~it we already knQW lo the cf.'lssroom." Three speci al lecture.~ arc scheduled as well. Dr. Li lian Kati. director' of lhc ERIC fEducallon Re!rie1·al and Tnronnntion Centerl Univer· sitv of Ill inois, will spe::ik \Vednesdl'lv. ,lune 26. in the CSUF Little 'J'h>'nter, Dr. Burian 'Vhlte, director 'or ilie Presrhoo! Project. Dr. James Hymes, nott!d author and lecturer on ~arly childhood education, w It I speak \\'ednesday. J uly 24. al Tro}' High School. on Living . \\lilh Children Today. "His theme is children. now. The quality of his (the chUd's )' experiences tiving in the present is lhe best preparation Jor the future." she said. Reservation for the Augus t conference should be made h>' Jul y 19. · . Space is limited l·n 11'orkshops and s e m i n a r s , offered for one or two units college credit. r u rt her information is available by contacting: Dr. \Villiam ~1 u r is on . CalifornJa State Uni\·ersity, Fl.1\lerton. Fullerton, C A . 92634.· 1714 1 870-261\ H:irv a.rd . w l ll s peaJ.;.1 __ _ -------\VN.lnesdav. J uh· 10 :it 8 IJ m in the sanie location. WE 'VE MOVED! 1ve fell 11·as g011d in fh"I-----,.-----== KNIT 'N STITCH programs-from the directed pro.!:!rams to the r>nrirhmcri! nroe-rams th;it tonk an their leads rro1n rhc children."' Dr. Hill !>aid . Robert H,.,~s. a profrssor at Stanford Universlt\'. w i 11 rep o rt on cross-cultural t•xnerie nces y.·i th ca r l ,. childhood ed uc at ion, dea li ng 1rith 1011• inC-Omc b 1 a ck s . middle clnss \.\'hitec:. and a rfl(l prr<1!ivr proi~·rt 11i 'h !hi J;H)Jf'('S(• S:ind11·Jchcd in bct11·r .. n llro confPrcn~es . will b C'( !'(om r 1 h i n I'.:! -f or·r1·er.l'onr l \l'flrkc:.hDo~ anrl .~r111in:1r~. Listed are CutTt'lll 1~~11e.c:. in f'llilc!hoo'! F:dura!ion, R•'ha 1·i<'lr Ft'on1 lnfanr1· ro F: a r I 1· f~l!ildhood. \lo1hrrs a~ \\101n1•n. Pron1otin~ Cr cal ivi!y. Jn<ii·. 1c!· 1•alized Instruction Diffnrr·1· tinted Stnffing : lilili1;itio:1 or •:u1nnn R('~OtlfC('S :n ti•e c1·1~.<;· rr,0111_ Sl 'RJE'CTS LISTED Other s are Pnrr n i P :1 r 1 i <' i p a t ; o ·1 in P.C'E 1 Pl a n n inf! ~I~ :rn i n-:,:ful Experiences for Ch i I r! re n , Anp!ication of P i a g e I · ~ Theories to ~lath lor Youn~ f~1iljl'('fl : [>];'!~·. 1!1·· \·:t!lrf\1 \\';11· 10 I.earn ;in·J Chi!ti"t'n \Vho Tlc:id Bcforr 1hc Firs1 • USDA CHOICE SIDE 95tb .. ... GROUl'ID ,EEF 3 Lbs . s29s ~ --· The ' MOWAT: 1810 Morvovia Av e. t 0 • AIT "'tlDLIPOIMT FIMtS..tlMG~ PILLOWS • ETC. WE DO IT llGHT Hill! Clos••• ift Potchwork. Mttdft.polnf·WM"'lf'lll. lorgtlo C ALL FOR FREE IROCHUR.E CHOICE SPRING LAMB -SADDLE Chopping s 13 .. 3 Bloc k USDA CHOICE BONRESS BOTTOM or RUMP ROAST OPEN s 1 s9 SUH . 9·6 u.. The Chopping Block Special! I \Patient's Fears Called 'Groundless' "So'l'~ flf II.,, 111 "d'le:l!!t'!ll for a !':In~ tinll' .. 1rc c0nr~rnrd th;:! not eno111h or !h" i11forrnntinn 11·t• already know i ~ ticing used. All U.S.0.A. Choice Cuts. Avg. Weight I 0 I.JI . TOP SIRLOIN I 0 LI. GR. ROUND I 0 LI. CUT CHICK EH 6 LB. ROUND STEAK 6 LB. 7 BONE RST. DEAR ANN LANDERS' Okay. So I le~ a doctor talk 1ne into having a mastectomy (a breast reirnved 1 and no\\' I need a head·shrinker because. or that damned operation . l l"·itl never forgil'e myself for alloY.ing such a brutal thing to bC' done to n1C. I can't bring 1nyscl! to I accrpt a tlatc fo r fear it might dc\'clop into an emQtional I in\'O\l"cment. !£01\' unfair for a v:oinan to !cl a nmn fall in i lore 11'ith 11rr 1vhen she cnn I gil'c him only a mu1ilated lbOdy. !l's too cruel 10 ercn th ink about. the other guys 1n 1n.v cro11·d. I wear my hair long, but this is not considered girlish becnusc it's the style. l wear jeans and shirr s, and I can't•hcl p it if n lot of girls \Year thc111 . too. ThC'y are copying US. As soon as I c~n gr01·; :1 n1oustache, I 11·ill. but it doesn't look like th.il 11·i ll hnppcn for quite ;1 11·hilc yet. \\"h11t cnn I do !\Q\V? -1\ I lt~1 DEAit fll.\l : The ri rst thing you t an do is cut off some of that curly br1\\1·n hail'. If :i-·ou're "'earing heads •l'lli sandals, knock those otf. too. F'relly soo n yo••· voit•e "ill change and lhlll "·ill hrlp. '''hen someone s;:i ~·s . "Th•1n:. you, !\11ss," you ca n rt'pl y in a bass voice, "Call me !\lister." DEAR ANN LANDERS : ls il against the law for :1 teacher :o teach a class ll'hil(1 he is intoxic::itcd') Our son tells us a rer1n1n prQfl'ssor is bon1bed out or his niintl at le.1.s t three t1ftr1·noons a l\'Cek :ind has a terrible 1c1n1>Cr 1rhc11 llc is loaded. lie! has alrc:idy .suspended !lro st111fent.~. The college is srnal! and it \\'omen 11·ho have had this +operation arc l.\'ing "'hen they I say it didn't change their ~1'XI ----i1i1·cs. llo\I· could it mi ss? Sign ... ••••••••••••••••••• me -TOO LATE 1\i\'O ll"'LEI\'TY SORRY Of.AR. FRIEND: Vo:1 J)fl need a bPad·sbrlnktr. nnrl J hope you find ont ~nnn. Y11n s:iv \'OU "let a doctor h1lk r~u in in· a n1as1ec101n~·. ·• lJn ir~s the hiopsy s h o I\' e 1t ;i 1nalignancy. no doctor ~·ould remO \'e a breast. &-1h1111kful lh e cancerous breast 11as l'mO\'f'd bt'('ause ot hen1·ist lh e disease "·ould hare ki lled ~·011. Thousands or m a r r I e rt "·on1cn ba,·e had brrast~ .remo\·ed and a,.e enjoyint? ~Lx ;-.1s the~' did before. Grantrd. ,"°111e husbancls :trf'n't able to ~l'Ct'pt the change. but thry ;:ir,· lmmalure, l~nor:1111 fools. ~\oy "·on1an "·ho loses a husb3nd beca11se of th is ha~n·1 o~t much. Obviously )'OU are singlt, ~ml l can &liSure you 1na:iy "''t affairs and marrlage.s n\'C tnken place ufter breasl em<>vals. I hope \\'omen "'h11 11\.'t experienced this 1,·111 1'Tite to me. t "'ill print :heir ellrr~ and prfl\'e lhat your fears are grtundles~. ' l DEAR Ai.'lN .LANDERS: I m 13 years old and ha\'c heen ran o( yours for a long tln1e . t I sure Y.'ish you would rint more letters r r o n1 eenageni. We have trouble~. oo, find the.re aren 'l ninny ~s for us to go for he.Ip. 0r years, people hn vt taken me for a girl. l a1n a y. In stores they sa~" Thank you. inss." nnd even the bus I've been rid ing for agt's. the driver stlll says, "lll. hooey,., and stulf likt 1ha1. I'm sort of short nnd skinny with brown curly hair, Like all ) Shocked by rising prices? Perma·Stor low moisture foods require no refrigeration and will keep for years. 'High nutrition and del icious flavor in convenient, lig htweight packages. Perfect for storage, camping, boat ing and every· day use. Be prepared for any emergency .. 2 Lb. Fleischma nn 's YEAST ...... Speci•I $1 .95 1 Lb. 1 Oz. Freere Dried Creamed COTTAGE CHEESE $4.95 Specials good through 511174 • • Ste our complete line ot campfoods. Perma-Stbr Foods 2960 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 (71 4) 566·7290 UM vour B1nkAmflit1rd 01 M1111tC1'11rr . ~l't'Jll S SO lllCOllt' 111 ad1n1111sLration should h.'.1\'C ~hould be Inform ed al oner . The next, lin1e the prof sho"·s up ph1stercd -if !11is 'is re::i lly \\·hat's happening -the dean sha uld he summoned to obser,·c th e sc ene. ··often. the or:le1ili<'lnrr i~ lorking for a ~irnplC' solutin11 to 1ncet the need.:; of r1·er.1· child I But thl' ans"·('r.~ arr nnl sin1plc. I h c y' r c cxtrern"I~· con1plr-;.·· 3 LB. HOME MADE SAUG. CUT & WU.I" TO OaOEI MARANATHA MEAT CO . 1500 Adam s Ave ,, Costa Mesa (,f>t "••IX>< -H••l lo''"""'• lh1•lre! noric<'d !his. \\'hat do ~ tiu advise'! -C 0 NC E R N I:: 1) ['_\H E.Vf DEAR PAf!E:\'T : The dl·;::n E::irh leachnr and cnrh chil1l is different. she said. "E\"cry • 5 46 ·81 9 6 Open Seven Days -9 a.m. to 6 p.m. r Pti<t• Gooo w~""''"•'·"''" w1a~1 •<1•,) --------· . ' • ' • • You 're adventurous. Now discover the other meat - fresh r I New er.periences give zesl to Ille. So spring• new kind of meat on your husband. Now there's a challenge lor you! Start With delectable fresh American lamb loin chops, so tender and juicy lhey'll ha ve him ~----~ eating out ol vour hand. Broil lamb as you do any meal Or try today-s quick and easy recipe that gets• gourmet lamb dinner on the table in 20 minutes llal! For more discovenes 1n IAn10 culs ;,nd rnc1pes, write: american lrunb council ---- Broiled Lamb Loin Chops cup melted butler ·~ teaspoon nutmeg l~ reaSDOOn g111g r 1makes 2 to 4 sen11ngs1 2 tablesooons grated orange ri nd 4 lamb loin chaos. abOut an inch thick Combine bul tcr. nu1meg. ginger and orange nnd. mix \'1611. Brush lamb ch0ps w1tl'I bu1ter mixture. Broil 3 to 4 inc hes from the sou rce of heal brusl11ng now and then wilh the m1>:ture. 5 to 7 m1nu1es to a side or ~1nt1/ lamb is as done as you like 1t -iiiil . I I I 01•p1 L 1473. 200 C1av1on St~ De11ve1, Colo. 80206 Serve w11h herb·scasoned nee. green oeas. a11d a carrot and Oll<!r flOOdOnlyrn us A. cabbage salad ........................... .& .. --·--..J ' • .. STOR E HOURS MON -FRI : 9:30-9:30 SAT : 9:30-8:00 SUN : 10:00-7:00 . . \ ' -· .. ' ' Dou ble Discounts mean extra savings. Temporary purch ase allowances f rom the manufacturers, in add ition to our regular low discount prices . Look for the hundreds of shelf tags throughout the store, Double Discount 30-Ct. Box STAYFREE MINl·PADS Revlon • 13-0z Spray Bottle 149 FLEX HAIR NET m· . ' rollD"E°Ni 'r'AB'L['fs" '. .88 30-~~. •Chewable lable\s ' 37 ALM-2 11NTACID I 70-CI. Pkg. • '""" ~ BAND-AID . 69 BRANO STRIPS _ . 1 22-Count Bo• • Towele!les WASH N' ORI 14-0unce Aerosol • 4 Types ARRID ANTl-PERSPIRANT 100·Ct. Boule• Mul•ple ONE-A-DAY VITAMINS , ' ooo[ REFILL' cTIPs/'/J : Schick • Ad1ustat11e · 1 INJECTOR RAZOR _ ·' 6 Cup Pot • Cone• 10 Fillers MELITTA COFFEE SYSTEM 20-Counl Pkg. • Collee Fillers .S4 40·Counl Pkg • Cotfee !1lters .95 lOO·SQ. Fl. Ron HANOIWRAP i oo-Sq. Ft. Roll SARAN WRAP MRYDAY DISCOUNT PRICfS .56 129 2•9 .49 I 59 299 .31 . 57 15-Ct.•Super St;unless•Oouble Edge J 53 ~~L~~"~ ~~~:s ~· ; . . SCHICK --" ,,. 97 INJECTOR BLADES ~ . I , 5-0""" •• ,,,. G..... I" VITALIS ...,. SC·C•"" Bolllo [tt,cmlrt~J ' 90 EXCEDRIN I WHAT'S IN STORE ••• OFF WITH CONTROLS! ,.,,lost arc a"•are thar federal controls on food prices were ended on 1April 15. There is some concern thal this will mean an immediate in- crease in !he weekly grocery bill. \vhich is 1lready straining the budgets of many home- makers. \Ve '''nnt In as11ure Alpha Beta customers that although these con- lrol1 have been lifted, OLlt stores will continue the po!Jcy of alway• offi!ring the fine11 quality products al the lowest po1slble prices. For some time Alpha Beta has felt that the (orcu of 1upply and demand ind the competi- , live "give ind t1ke" o( 1¥ marketplace are more effecti ve in bringing the best food buys to !he contumer than 1ny type•or arlllicially imposed control1. -----11'1· 11par1gu1 season, lime to take advantage of 1he aood prices on lhl1 succulent spring veg· etable. You might like to try a favorite Oriental dJ1h. ASPARAGUS BEEF 1 lb. lop round 1teak 'Ii tsp. salt 1/:1 tsp. girlie nit s1\1d oil l tip. com 111rch 3 tb1p. golden soy aauce mu1hroom soup 2 lbt. fresh a1par1gut fundllutcdl 2 medium onions 1/J tsp. sugar Prepare ell lngredlent1 ahead of lime. Cook• ing lt don-. at l11t minute. Cut steak into Ve" strips (1Y,• Jong). Put Into bowl with garlic 11h. corn1lar~ oind 2 tsp. soy sauce. W11h ind trim 11p1ragut, -..'ien cut on the sharp d l1gonal Into 1trip1 \l~ x 2". Cut onlon1 inlo '/•" 1llcc1. Cookl:,g; Heil frying pen or wok to hi9he1t he1t. Add V• cup 11l1d oil. Sear meat quk:kly. then remr····· meal ind 1u1ce1 from 1kille1 10 bowl, Add 3 tbtp. t1l1d oil 10 sktllet. Add onion• and cook untll ju•t clear. Add 1oup. 11par1gu1, t tb1p. 1oy 1auce. 1111 ind sugar. Cover. Stir oc- ca1\on11ly. cook until 11p1r1gu1 Is tender. Add meat 1t l1tl ll\lnute and he1! lhrough. Servo with rice. Serve• e. ~ .. <L-. .. _ .. .> Olrtctor of Con1umer Affatra 777 So. H1rbor Blvd. La H1br11, CA 00831' 18.S·Oz. Box • All Varieties BETTY CROCKER 49 CAKE MIX • 1 Lb Cal'I •Reg • Or1p • Electr.c -Per~ I 02 fS3 HILLS BROS. la f PfFc[a~ Reg • C1ecrric-Peri. 2.13 8-0z Ja• • Freeze Dried Oecatr.enate<i BRIM COFFEE 8-01 Jar • freeze Dried MAXIM INSTANT COFFEE 2C·Oz Can • CoTlce Rings MAX PAX 8-0unce Jar SANKA INSTANT COFFEE 8·0unce Jar YUBAN IN STANT COFFEE J·Ounce Jar LIPTON INSTANT TEA 12-0z. Bii •Pancake Syrup GOLDEN GRIDDLE 24:Qunce Bottle "' IS-Ounce Can • With Beans HORMEL CHILI 18-0z Jar • Crunchy • Smoo1n JIF PEANUT BUTTER 5·Pound Bag GOLD MEDAL FLOUR IO·Pound B;ig 1.11 25·Pound Bag 4.6S 16 6-0z • Chel-Boy-Ai·Oee PEPPERONI PIZZA MIX 12-0unce Can • cnoppel'.1 DUBUQUE HAM 18·0z B1eaktas1 011nk GRAPE TANG 30·0unce Can • Jumbo GEBHARDTS TAMALES 14 S·Oz. Gan • Cl'lunk Beel ALPO DOG FOOD 6.5-0z Can •A Flavors 'MIGHTY DOG' DOG FOOD 15·0l Can • F1sh-L1ver FRISKIES CAT FOOD 2:?-0z. Boll • Tuna • Liver PURI NA CAT CHOW MllYOAY DISCOUNT PRICES 220 224 222 199 I 52 I 09 .39 .48 .39 .78 I 01 .87 .79 .89 .67 .33 .19 .18 .44 16-0unce Can ALPHA BETA PEAR HALVES .33 Reg ular • ! Flavors KOOL-AID P1es~1e1 • 5 Ft'f's 5-Pound Bag COLLIER'S BRIQUETS 10.Pound Bao A-Oz. C1n • Ground Blac~ SCHILLING'S PEPPER WE WEltOME fOOD STA .. SHOPPERS IN ANY LOS ANOfLtS RIVERSIOE. OR1'NGE KERN , OR SANTA BAA &A.RA COUNTY AL'"A IETA MAR IC ET .07 _,, .59 Al .57 ~@ffi lJ@@(f\ @ IID@mThJil@ IIDfi~@@DDffi~~ 10-0z Box • Shoepeg • l tm8s • Peas • Caultltower • .S roccoh GREEN GIANT 43 VEGETABLES • 16·01 C;in • Aoole TR EE TOP CIDE R EVERY0,1,Y OISCOUlll PRICES .31 .57 IID@ilfi©ro~®~~®m IID@DDThJil@ IIDfi~©®®ffi~~ 16-0unce Tub GOLD N' SOFT MARGARINE . 49 9·0l Pkg • Lil~·· To Li!~e LONGHORN CHE ES E 8·01 Pl<.q • Phila!lf'IO~ ~ KRAFT CREAM CHEESE B·01 • l<1i11! • p,,,i.-:1 JALAPENO DIP 16-01 Plan KRAFT CHEEZ WH IZ 1:;>.Q1 Pkg OSGI• t.~Jyer VARIETY PAK 8·0r Oscar May"' MAGHIAEH SALAMI 8·01 • "-1ea1 • BeP1 ·Oscar i..1.i,(:r BOLOGNA 1-Lo PkQ ·Oscar Ma yer MEAT WIENERS 9·0r Smokey King SC HIRM ER'S BEEF £\lf.RYOAY DISCOUllT PR(! 8·0z. • Country Styli!' • Butterm 1• PILLSBURY BISCUITS 11 -01 Pkg • SunSl"l\ne PEANUT BUTTER WAFERS fi ·Ounce Can ALMO ND ROCA MRYD~Y OtSCOOIH PRICES 114-01 Loat • 1~ • Whole '1Hica1 ALPHA BETA BREAD 13·0z Pkq Alphl Beta HAMBURGER BUNS 1 <'·01 Uruced • Alpha Bl!' ta ANGEL CAKE .83 .42 .55 I 09 12• .81 .67 .94 125 .15 .58 109 .39 .39 .59 Wt,....,.,. IM hf"l I•"'"'"' ... ltti 10 tOfl'll!Wfti.t Ottlt•I, St.lit t•• contc1eo o" '" 1•••1119 ''''"' SatlllKll\tn 11v•rffll ... ., J6Vf _., "''v~. @f'Ol'Y'ilM tl 1l Al/llll 8111 ~!If. AH ng/!IJ ,.,,~ ____ DAILY PILD~ • rices on. 1 Pont • Knud~t>n .59 .57 8-0unc:e Cuo • Asso rled Flavors conAGE CHEESE KNUDSEN 27 YOGURT • ~1 Pont "' SUNl<1ST VALENCIA ORANGES ".~~·. . . 6 1:,: 100 STRAWBERRIES All GREEN ASPARAGUS LARGE SIZE 49c LB. GARDEN FRESH SQUASH • ITA LIAN SUMIA[R •YELLOW '""""" 29< V~i lt•/ ll. FREE llltlll'I llllE RECIPE: KERIEO BEEF ROlST ALPHA BETA SUT CHEl\'S Pl\!DE MEATS VINE RIPE.' CANTALOUPE VIN[ RlP[ HONEY DEW MELONS FRESH FROZEN • USDA GRADE A • 22· TYSON'S ~g~~ISH GAME HENS ARMOUR'S VERIBEST BONELESS PORK LEG ROAST SUT CHEl\'S Pl\!DE Arry size pkg BUDGET Bllf PATTI! MIX A BLEND OF GROUND BEEF BURGER e~~l~~~I~RID PROTllN. 29~ 19 ~ ' ancu1r1 raiH snF FRESH fR OZE N • SIL VER BRITE c EA. LB. c Sl VlN BON[ CUT BONELESS BEEF CHUCK ROAST 128 HALF OR WHOLE 138 LB. SALMON LB. BEEf BLADECUT sac IOWA MAID 79c CHUCK STEAKS LB . BACON ~-~~. BEEF LOIN 1 sa T -BONE STEAK "· BEEF LOIN BONELESS 2 f ARMER JOHN • 8·01. PKG. SKINLESS 43c LINK SAUSAGE ZIPPtl • JllSH 'IOZfN 10\\ OVNCI P•CUC.l CORN DOGS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ~89 BEEF 149 12.0Z. PIG.• 'llSH JIOZIN 1 ~ BONELESS RIB STEAK "· L.'l_L_L _vE_A~_· s_TE_A_Ks ___ -~ PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BET A MARKETS • . . . . • " .coQA t1fh!'tllli ............. CORA •s.A-l41L17fll St U.CMINA HtLL~Jl41 c.• • .. lat_.. HUH'TIMGTOM llACH-904~ A'-' HIMTIHGTOH ll.ACH-11611 M. ...... ~TOM I U.C.......Zl 4JI. It .. '°""'.'" YAWY-a190 'It... ' ••116-11041 C••· \Mt•tnltr ,.. SOilf'H U.fiUMA-l01l2: i . C...t ...... .., ' I . ·- ' ·- 38 OAILV PILOI Famous Treat 1\n Amcric~n homemaker of the 1no·s spent hours over a hot stove· boiling and thicken- ing filli ng for a cheesecake. In fact. she might have even fn.:ide her O\\TI c h e e s e . A1clhod~ of preparation and ~\·ailabifily 0 r ingredients have changC'd, but I he c~~ec.akc has had continued 1St>pUlar1ty. , Now there ls a new way or making thil tradition a I dtssert. The surprise in- 1:rcdient is conden sed cheddar thcese soup. , Tt's combined with cream l·heese nnd eggs to give Regal Cheesecake Pie Its velvety kn1ooth texture. Le!Mn rind ii nd extracts of vanilla and hlmond enhance the unique Oavor. Baked for 50 minutes in either a vanilla \\'Bf Pr or grahan1 cracker crumb crust, the v.•arm pie i!< spread with a sour crcan1 topping and baked S minutes more. After the pie has chilled, it can be garnished v.•ith a 11umber ol fruit toppings. Especially attractive is Cherry-Orange Supreme, a mixture o( canned cherry pie filling and c o n c e n t r a I e d orange juice or o r a n g e · flavored liqueur. For an easy , yet delicious kipping. simply garnish with sliced peaches. During the ,.:u1nn1er. !el !he hit of your pa!io party he Re,g a l C'hecscrake Pir \1·ith Brandied 1 ra\\'bl'rr~· Gl;1.i r. nEGAL CHEESECAKE PIE . Crumb Crust: 2 cups fill(' vanilla \vafer or graha1n cracker crumbs fi tablespoons butter or margarine, rneltcd 1'1 cup sugar FilllnJ:: 12 ounces cream cheese. sof!cned ~~ cup sugar 3 eggs I ean (\I ounccsl conde~ cheddar ch~"Sl' soup 2 t.:1blespoons lemon juitt J teaspoon gratl'd lemon rind 1 IC'as pnnn van1JJ3 r'tracr 1 ' 11'.'aqpoon alnlOOd extr:lcl Toppin,g': I CUI) sour Cft':Unl '1 cup su.itar I traspoon gnu~ Jemc:in rind 1 teaspoon \'nnilla rxtr:ict '1 teasooon almond extrnct ComblM crumb!!, hutter. :ind sugar. J1ress rirrnly inlo 10-inch pie plat e. Chill for I hour. rn mixing bowl, blend Ct'(':im cheese untll smooth. With medium speed or ele<"tric mix- er-blend sugar :ind eies oUemately Into cream chetse. Blend in 1 cup soup. Stir in lemon Julee. rind . :nxl llavorinQ:s. Pour into l'hJllrd pie cru1t. Bake 11t 3SO degrees F'. for 50 minutes .• MeanwhU , for loppinr.. blend sour crP.am, rrn1alnln'? ) f soup. suga r. lc1non rind. an.J vAnilla. Spread on pie, Bake 5 minutes more. Cool ; chill. Garnish with one of the following fruit toppings. Sliced Peaches Cherry or Blueberry Pie Filling Cht-rry-Orange Suprrme: OJmbine I can !about 21 ounccsl cherry pie fillin g with 2 tablespoons frozen con- centrated orange juice or orange-flavored liqueur. Spoon on cheesecake pie: chi ll. Brandied Slr11"'·berry Gla1.t : Arran~e 2 cups r re sh strawberries. cut in half. cul- side down on cheesecake pie. rn saucepan , combine 1.3. cu p currant jelly and 1 tablespoon brand y. Cook over low heat. stirring until jelly is melted. C?OI. ~poon on chr-l'~rak<' pie; chill. Pineapple-Almond Topping: In saucepan , cornbine I can (.:!bout 13 ounces I crushed pineapple in heavy syrup un- drained. 2 tensJ)Ollns rorn- starch, and I tablespoon honey. Cook l'lVCr lo\v heat. stirring until thickened. Cool. Spoon on cheesecake pie: garnish with ''• rup toasted . sliced almonds. Chill. Orange Dellghl : Arrange 2 cups frei;h orange sections on cheesecake pie. In s<iuC("pan. combine "I cup orange juic('. 2 tablespoons suiaar. I t:ibtc- spoon cornslar<'h. :inrl I tca- spooo lemon juicr-. Cook ovf'r lo\V hrat. stirring un1il thickened. Cool. Spoon 011 chC'esccake pie: chill. Golden Peach SurpriJote: Drain 1 can (about 16 ounces l sliced cling peaches. reservin g 2 rablespoons syrup. ArraJllic pi:>aches on che<>sccakc pie. In saucepan. c omb ine rC'servcd syrup, 2 teaspoons cornslarch. •; cup peach preserves· and 111 !caspoon al- n1011d t>:(lract. Cook O\'C't lo\\· hral. stirring until thirkt>11ed. Cool. Spoon on chcese>cak<': chill. Tips Off Steak Both beef and fr cs h af'para gi.L" are plcnliful -and onr of the season 's best co1n- binations. Cook asparagus S]l('ars until crisp lender. Then arrange on a precty platter with pan broil- {'(! minute steaks or th inlv slict'd' top round stenk. A fr<'"h mushroo1n sauce "·oold tK' delicious topping for both . Homebaked l)('pcodable and quick. bak· lni;:-mlx drop t:lscults Utk c on 11 p..:rsonnl touch when 1.4 cup each of C.'lllfornla w11lnuts und 11:ra1ed sharp, blue o r l'arm~n chct'st are mixed Into lhe suft dough Dake as p:i cka11:e tflrect s and ~rve plpillg not with bul!f'r. . , Cheese and Rice Balls and Ham-Rico PlnwhL-'t'l!I nre al)' pelizcrs wtlh Intriguing ap- pearance and a wealth of woo- dtrful navor. IUC<! provides th{t unusual body and texture. 1111~1 A(l'.:_' .:_"......:':..".:_' ___ .;.N;_ __ ,_IL_O_T ADV.ERTISER D chem I> cup finely crushed dry rice cereal I cvp cool<t<I rice 6 tablespoons One!)' chopped green olives s tablespOOnJ grated onion 1'41 tablespoon hot9eradL<1h I tHblespoon pickle relish Appetizer Costs Sliced With Rice Plus it adds to the economy of the foods by provid lnll more servings from the more tX· pensive uigretlienllJ CHEESE AND IUCE BALLS 4 cups hot cooked rice 2 eggs, sllgblly beaten 2 tablespoorui horseradish I teaspoon salt t'-001 rice to lukewarm, lcombine eggs, horseradish, salt, mustard, Worcestershire sauce tnd pepper In .11 mlxlnR bowl. Add cooled rice and cheese and mix thoroughly. Chill. Roll rnlxture into amall ba.llll aix>ul ~·lnc:tl in diameter. Roll in crushed rice cereal. Fry in deep hot fat f375 degrees) Wl· 1JI golden brown. about 3 minutes. Drain on absorbent paper. t tea.spoon Worcestershire aauce S.8 thin slices bakl'<I or bol:h.'d ham Beat cheese unlil nutry. Add rice, olives, onion. llOrSe- rndlsh, pickle relish ond Worcesteri:ihirc sauce. Blend well. Spread meat slices with rice mixture and roll up tightly. Skewer with toothpicks. Cover and chill several hours. ----------- Big family discounts for the greatest show on sea .,..,, ~ ~ ~-~·rf~~~;~~:~ ii , .... ~··-' ••• -.. -.......... 1100 ___.'1a<J11 I teaspoon dry mustard Serve piping hol on t1Ucks. Makes about 6 doten. I teaspoon Worcestershire:! sauce • ., teaspoon pepper I ~ cups grared Cheddar IJAA1-l\ICE PINWUEEL.S 2 packages (3 ounces each) cream diee!c, softeDed At ser"'inS: lime, cut into I· ioch 1llccs. Makes about 3 c1Q.wn. ·------- The more you feed the more you · need oilr [lrJ produee ~sale! • 11:. Carrots · •'"'~1:. II: .. Cabbage s:~:~: -11: . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : FRESH CUT RED LEAF LETIUCE ..•••• NEAO //j : 1 U.S. No. 1 BROWN ONIONS . . • . . • . • • • LB. Jr : ! JUICY TANGY FANCY LEMONS • . . . • . . . EA. ! • ',: LARGE BUNCHES RED RADISHES • . • • • • • EA. : '! FRESH CUT BUNCllES GREEN ONIOlll .••• EA. ! • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• """-' PINEAP .. ...,K Q DEE s -1-11.011'0llH '=' PLEJUICE ..•••••• ::o;; 3i11 0 CHIPS AHOY COOKIES ..... :·. ~-B5' D GIANT BOLO DETERGENT ....•.. 99' D P DI H PIES .• '«~~.:.~·:·.:;••<-19'u. @!IV HAMBURGER BUNS ."'.~~":~'.'.'. 35' D SAFEGUARD DEODORANT SOAP :;;\ 2B' D PUDDINGS •..• ~· .. ~·::~~· "" 391.. 0 COB CORN •..•..•• ,,.,:::,-.::~~ .... 57' 0 ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX •:':'~'!'.".'! 79' D GIANT DASH DETERGENT .....•• 93' D CARNATION COFFEE MATE •.. :'.". 79' D COF~EE CAKE .•• , •• ;~:::~~;,. 91' • ( Sl.39 ) VALUE ! • Delly Treats • Fine Quality Eastern Pork Sale Spirits • Beer Gillette DRY LOOK HAIR SPRAY • llEGUlAll • fXrAA HOlO I 1.oz. CAN {Sl.98 't'ALU!I) •Flower Shoppe Specials• • 270 I Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • 1308 W. Edinger, Santa Ana • 5858 Wamer, Hunti119ton Beach • 23811 El Toro, El Toro • 13922 Brookhurst, Gorden Grove ' I ~, ' I. . . .. . ' • 0 # . . -. . , \ . ., DAILY PILOT .~f! ,BIG GRAND OPENING· SANTA ANA! 386-1 Bristol Street -Join The Thousands Of Happy Shoppers At Our Bi9 Grand Opening. FREE 200BAGSOF GROCERIES:::; FREE BALLOONSAND LOLL YPOPS I'.:.., To .. Diven Aw1r At Our NIW Store On Tuesdlr. Wedne1d1r. Thurad1r & Frldlr. Regular U.S. Gov"t Inspected (Any Site Package) lb. . LEG OF PORK Full Shank Half Fcirmer John Fresh lb.89( ROUND STEAK USDA Choice Beef ( Bone·ln) lb . s 129 -BEL-AIR VEGETABLES •Golden Co,n 10.01. • Chopped or Leaf Sp1noth 17-01 . USDA Grode ,;A" Under 3-lbs. Whole Body DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER For Softer Clothes ,. - Farmer John Pork or McCoy's Beef 8-01. Pkg. EDWARDS COFFEE Rich In Columbian Coffee PRICE CONTROLS END -SAFEWAY VALUES CONTINUE!. Although the objectives were worthy, everyone 11.ow knows that price control1 simply did not work exactly as hoped. Instead, they interfered seriously with food production and marketing. Many shortages developed and prices increased. Now, wilh con· trols off, and the food business again operating in its normal,. freely competitive manner, supply and demand should start to come into balance. Because some foods take longer lo produce than others, not everything will be plentiful al the same time. Meanwhile, we will continue to do everything within our power lo give you ·the kind of values you expect to find al Safeway.· We pledge that in our store near your home, you will continue lo find quality foods , p"riced to save you money. We look forward lo more abundant supplies of foods and the opportunity to give our customers even better values. SLICED BACON ~~!.~!.~~.~.~~,!1!~!., ..... ,.88 ( Fryer Wings °'~:~~.. ,. 59' H S11f•wDy &on.1 .... 1..,11,c •• 1.d s111 am iOr W1l1on ) 1 A J.lb s.,. lb. Sil d B Mer.,..! l .1b 99< ce aeon ""' "''' ,., Fl h I• k (ap'"'" • (hooct-k•o• I l·••·59 c s s IC s s .... f111 0 o.i. ....... f rtol Pkg Sh • l•ophy Cooktd •·111 s11' r1mp Tt ndtr cu•d Moo!r 'kt.· Skinless Sole Flllets'".::.;~:;--,.11'1 SALAD OIL Nu·Made Poly-Unaalurated c Manor Hause 18·0•. N•• w •. 99( USDA Grade"A" Eoch HEN TURKEY·S Lancaater Farms 59< frozen-USDA Grade "A" 8-12-lbs . lb. COLBY LONGHORN STYLE CHEESE In Random Half Gallon 29 · ... • :,,;' '~I'- I-lb. Can 24-or. ~ Bii • We ;ghh $ 29 SPAGHETTI SAUCE • So A;.~~iou• 8 8 ( Quart Jo• '----------...J · SAFEWAY WINE BUYS! Pr1ce1 Effective In Ucen1ed Safeway• TABLE WINE ~~11':.~!~. $199 Por t) Gallen · Boll le Gallo Spanada .::~'.~. ~~·S J 99 Chateau La Salle c•:.:::" ..... s2 10 CAKE MIXES G Bllly c,.,,., 4 9 layer ~ • Cakes 18-ot. ._. Pkg . Prices Eff•ctivt In Lic•nted Safeways A VODKA ,_,. or Gin-$3 69 . Winners Cup SO.Proof Quart ~Senorita Tequila .:. .... s3 99 ~Old Calhoun Bourbon.~! ..... s3 99 Sparkling Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! LUSCIOUS RED RIPE BEAUTIES Serve 'Em Stow· berry Short Cake . • 12-01. Bskt. ORANGES ., I Valencia Sweet & Juicy FRESH CUT "FLOWERS • Po m Pom• 89"' • Daisies ~ • Carnations Bunch CANADIAN PEAT -lb. Bag c Apples Rod Delidou• 3 $ 1 Extra Fon<y lbs. large Head Lettuce 5''.'.,h 25 1 Carrots ti"~.1·1 Orange Juice o~ri~. 89 1 Sofewoy (2·,..nH., 11 .71) ENGLISH MUFFINS ~ Mn. ... Wri9h11 3,.,,_S 1 of 6 ·1 ~ 111 ~!~.9.~~~E 1 0 ~::;$1 ~,~.~!.~~.~,OB~~-..~ 49c !!!!.!Jf!~. 4~:::$1 GREEN PEAS Birds Eye-Fresh Froren 4 lO·o•.$1 P~g . 0 Mixed Vegetables ~~::~ 2 .:~ sge . Macaroni & Cheese '"a:;;,;; ::; 26 ' Stew Vegetables •;:;: .. ~.:;~' ':.:· 59c ~Deluxe Apple Pie •• , ... ·::· 99e Bel -air Pizza Snacks ~::~: ::; 89' Bel -air French Frie s ".:~:~ 2 ~:. 631 !~~'!,!~dr•o~o~!~ ~~~1 sc @ ~~!.sp~~o~o~!!.5..';k;'.3 8 ( !~,P,o~o~~!!.t !~~;;· 6 9< ?..~o~~;~.°..~~-t~;I.9 9< 'AA' EGGS Cream O' 5 2 # !he Coop 1 ·doi. '> Large Site Corton :---_.;;;;...=";....J' ~ SHORTENING ~~,~~:.o.. 3 -lb. ·9 8 ( Cooking U1~. Can IN OUR DAIRY CASE. .. COTT AGE CHEESE ,.-~ · · Lucerne· -~ ,/ Gold_ Medal 5 9 ; ~~.__:.~J Winner "9i ~ Pin i Carlon IN-STORE BAKE SHOP llAYER CAKE , ..... ~ ... d$) 89 ~each • COLLECT A SET ••. STAINLESS FLATWARE Ameritan Te mpo Two 8eov1tf1,1( Pa!tetn' THIS WEEK'S OFFER! Soup Spoon · 49c , __ _, .. ,_ "'., .... _,....,,, 'tOO. I-'"' ....... No Soles To Oeol1r1 or for Re1ole lb. Want to Know the Honest Truth About Ground Beel? 11 S !HIS Nobody con g vo,on'f• •h ••o<! lo• <OM•nt. '"'" • b•tn 1011 ol •ollt lo••lr oboul !ho lot loo" •oho '" g•ovMI b••' \o why not lobrl r o<h po<l.051• C•nto•"• )"•0 of lot? L•! .,, !o ll r•v "'"• W•'v• boon ,.,,.,1.,.,9 9<ovnd b•tf 1wl! ohovl o• lon9 o• ""'""" ond wr I.no.,. •h.,~ • .,. wa, 10 ..,al • •we ba•t h•• •ha• a•• ••a111, 11h•o f,..o •<>"'PIO• •ol•" lie"' !ht'"'"' bal<h lo••••" •ho oom• poc 0119t > '"" d1lf0< "' •<>h<t ol IG! lo loo" f •o" Wlll'> ....... .,JeuO fOtt '" Hlo1t,n9 "'9''"'""" !h••• "" '""""•"• '" lot loa" •o••o f,,,. ... ,,h 0ov• "'•••' ... .,d.,., l'"'cl '"I '"'" "''""<! •<!V•P "''"' f,,., w•th •H o! !ho boil Yu wo O.,ow • ..,, <v•'•'"'" '"'""t ""cl ••pttr .,, •• 11••••do tho"' .,..,,ha <ht,.• of g•t u"cl b•ol J".cluth lo "'o•1 tho" YO!l•"'I p<0fr,.,.c•1. IOUo• "ncl b ... d9ot1 Al••• 1•"9 and <atol..,I IO"t•dt •a•••" ,,.o ho•• '""' clud•d !hat -•"'" b•" "''''t ut •u•1•"'''' "••d ••• '"''"'t by oll •""'I f"'' ''"'• ,, • .,,.,; h oof p•odu•IO lfGUl.lt a.,d ,ttMtUM Wo "'~lo b••h O,,.,j, f.t"' l•••h thv"~' ti loo•! Wo p•opa•o b•th ''""' w"h '<I"•' <••o •• "'"'"'"'" •h• •op ou•h•r ,,.h.,h ho• holpod ""'" ••• 1,.,, "'•o! """'"'••n Q.,, •tGUL AI " mad• tho """' ""' bol"•• ,...,, lom•!•o• p,.fo, tho" 9'"""" boo! It <•n•o•fl• ,., • .,9h lot lo """'' lull !"'''"'" '" 1ho cot>•d ,.,.0, It "'"""' ,.,., ... 1 • .,, ho..,bu•9•" "'"O' loa•U motl boll• •po9ho1t• '"""· Sol.,hu•y •'••• o.,d .,htr Q.,, 'l(MIUM ''mod• 10 ploou 1.,.,,1,., •llo! wo"t a loo"" 91•""" boo l h 'h""~' I•» '" 1ool,.n9 """ "'""'"' ... ondodu! g•ow"d b•ol d>0h•• o! oil ~•...!•-pl"'" and lo"••· Why ""'''' bo•h '·"d' o"d •oo -h11h" P"hu •d hJ th• foll., at you•~ • .,,,> 1You m•gh• •••" "'""' 10 .,,.,1~ a'"" ,,.,,h '""''of •o<h Tho lomou1 \of~*OJ "'Onov·bo<O guo•onioo appho• of , ........ to ""' 9•0.,n<f botf 01 " t>ll of ou• otho• P•od.,<1t CORN TORTILLAS lucerne·"Fres~" p~ 21 ( ~ode For Ta cos of f 2 Prlen lfftctt¥t A,,. 2J.27 t. LM A .... M, o,.,.,. ' Venh1rt Cttint111 (l1ct,1 (at.Sina) '-----------J • • 14 MoNrelt loy P'taio, S°"'"' L~ • Sota Ano "°""ey crt La Pot, Mls1io1t Viejo • 2401 Morqi»rft1 Dr. P1Mlwoy ol Trobiteo l , • '" r • ' • • ' • • • + .., •' ' I ' ' ' • . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . .. . • • ' . c • ' I . I ·• i . / I \ . •• • ' .... • • • • l : ! • . • • • ' . . • I • • I : I . • I J I f0 DAILY PILOT WtdnndaJ, Aptlt 24, 1q74 ·WtdMsda~, April 24, 1974 s PILOT ·ADVERTISER 9 STATlllBROI. MONIY BACK GUARANTH ON QUALITY MIATS fVll't' 'IKf Of MfAT IS UNCOHOrTIONAU 't' GUA.I ANTllO tO l't.IA,1 't'OU .•. ot YOUI MONET WIU I I CHfllFUll V llFUNOlO TAllE ll~ND 79• SLICED BACON . ....... ····· II 1 llOS 4•1 COOttlD • 69. $ SLICED HAM........ ... .. . •·OL GROUND BEEF FUSN DlLICIOUS ANY SIZE PACUGE 79!. ...... CINOUCUI $1 69 SLICED HAM SLICES ............................. LI. BOLOGNA CQOl;S lllADIO 9 8 c VEAL PAn1Es ................... LI. FRA. 0N• KS fllSMllOllN 89 4 TURBOT FILLET ..................... . "''"''°"" . 4 9c MORRELLS YORKSHIRE WHITING FISH .................... . WI.SOHi Cll1WIKI 5 9 4 BEEF FR,ANKS ................. 12-01. fAIMll J0t.i 1..U. lllGULAI • 1-ll. TMICI( 8 9 4 St:.ICED BACON ............... LI • RICES QUALITY SERVICE BLUE CHIP STAMPS U.S.D.A. 'A' GRADE WHOLE BODY LB. CUT-UP FRYERS ....................... , •. 43' 6-TH ' RIB & 7-TH i'ouiii'ioNE ROAST ..... 894 CMUClf CUI lltf •GUA;UHTUO 99 4 7·BONE ROAST ........... _ .... IOMl.ISS_,SHOUl.Dll:.GUAUN1'flO $139 ROLLED ROAST ....................... . SIAlllltOl.CUllfllDIW •GUAIAN1'110 $139 BEEF RIB STEAK ................. , •. .. cur •TIHDll $ 1 59 BEEF CLUB STEAK .... -... -... Sit.Ill ltOl CUllFIK> llff e GUAIAl'<llllO • $ 1· 27 .ROUND STEAK •ONl·IN .... u. SIAfll UOI. CljlTlfllO .... •GUAAANtffO , $ 1 37 ROUND STEAK •ONIUIS .LI. StAtfl 110,. ClltlflfO INf1 •IONl-11'1 .' $ I 27 BEEF RUMP ROAST ...... ••· . si'RtoiriiiP';~AK Oil llOAITL•. $ 1 69 llAN • 1lNOlt • Wfll 11lMMl0 $1 89 BEEF CUBE STEAK ............... . llAN • IOHUISS $1 39 STEWING MEAT ...... LI. CHUCK ROAST ROAST PORK SLAB LINKS BACON STATER BROS . CERTl~IED BEEF e BlADE CUT STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF e GUARANUEO WILO'lilCE MIX :;:,'!":.7r '°' 67' MJB INSTANT RICE .. ,, 58' MJB RICE MIXES ~~-4 ::.'t $1 "Jieafft & °8eatdtf J4iM.$~L BAND·AID AQUA NET , ' GOlDEN GRIDDLE ·.PANCAKE SYRUP ....... ~tJlfi MJB TEA BAGS . .. .. _ .. '""' .94' · MJB INSTANT COFFEE ·-·'"°' '1.44 TASTERS CHOICE ~'"""""· ... , 12.39 ALL DETERGENT GIANT SIZE YALU! 77c PACI Of-70 , .... 56c ' SPRAY 13.()UNC( • ASSORTED COLORS c DIAL SOAP _______ ........ .'ti~~-26 'SARAN WRAP ...... f~~ STATEllROS. BUNS HAMBURGER PKG. OR HOT DOG-----ofl 59c 37c f AIRIC SOnENER • $ NU· SOFT .... _ ......... --------~li 1 1 5 ciiiiATO JUICE ..... __ 43 c •sRILLOO AP 46c PADS .............. _ ... _:f~fi Lo.w. ..to,,, ~ 7-t 'P~ lllM-lflWIJM•~ 3ac FRENCH BEANS --............. oz. MAGIC SIZING DILMONR 53c SNACK CUPS . A5U •• , .. 1( SOY AHOY SOY NUTS ~.,, OOL 64' PILLSBURY BISCUITS.,., •• , 15' SUNSET CHIVO DRESSING ..... , 46' AVOCADO DIPS :~.!l!.::o' ....... OOL 52' LASCCO SHRIMP COCKTAIL .-0, 45' LOMA LINDA DINNER CUTS .... -0, 91' :::.~~~~ -----· .... 5 9 c LOMA LINDA NUTEEHA ... ..., 90' 7-UP REG. & DIET :g;:.;, . 6 ... , 81 ' KINGSFORD BRIQUETS --'°'"' 11.75 SHELF PAPER ~~'-··--.. __ ,,.~ 30' SHELF PAPER ~.":':'' ""' 63' CLOROX II BLEACH ... , 94' PIE FILLING ~::':~ "OL 49' PEACHEs l t\lll l llONlftlUOW 31' ((INGSllCID&l<.llYU • llll GRAPEFRUIT JUICE::\:.'~" .t 63' HARVARD BEETS'",_""' ..... , 38' SLICED BEETS ;:<~: •......... ,.., 31' DEL MONTE ZUCCHINI. ........... ~• 33' DEL MONn .... , 3 l c CUCUMllR ~~:t! -~--····· NIDGfOlOttAD,.TO-IACI 35c 3 ' DEMl·LOAF BREAD ........... ~:~ 9 C HOT DOG SAUCE "~""' .. _ ••• , 25' DENTAL ALKA VIBRANCY CREAM SELTZEll <OIO~TI 66' ••<••GI 54' YITlMIN·C . 1·0Uwtl Of·U DENTUllE VOTIVE CLEANER CAN DUS c BSKT. APPLES SMALL FANCY RED DELICIOUS $ LBS. ......... .,.""""'"oc' · 3 a c 13-0UllCE KOSHER TINY DILLS ~.\..., ... ,,., 54' VEGETABLES M1x1D ................. o.. SWEET PICKLES ............... -........ ,49' LLA•GEE 'nANcY cR'"' HEADs iiiO&oiiS'iii'.iRs "" 42' iu'li'Dju1cE •• , 31' TILE SALAD CRISPINS' .,,;,. .. ~-:--, ;., 44' UCE I ·~· 97• -" •·• 25' CLEANER CHUNK TUNA ~:!.~"~ ......... '""" 71' ......... PIZZA SNACK TRAY .. o.. GRAPE JUICE .oOL VIENNA SAUSAGE 36' LAllGE FANCY RIPE ......................... EACH ~!:~~~~SLICES "" 63' r'A'N'c"iRINE JUICE ..... ,. 629c' 1&-oUNCE_ ...... 6GOL 9 c LAWllYS 4-0Z. •-n---3 ... 9>0• c Av ocl°ios 3 $ I CRUMB CAKE . GAllLIC SPREAD ........... . .. -··..... . .......................... , .. 0.. 1 ac STRAWBERRY FsRKE1PNl'~~-~~EGM1cuRMAc·M·~E .... Rs •• ·.,·°'., 2261: .~~G~ .. u~· .. ~;.~·""="='u:n:C .. ::UAz8:::-50~7~7='~~ .. o·~·~~ .. ~~ .. ;~:;:":T1:"""2'0tt ' WAFFLES ~~~·: .............................. oz. :J. c.n ... • N 29 ....... 59c PRESERVES PIZZA Mix ~..-.:&:."~' ... 0 , 87' .............. 'Ott APPLE CIDER ................................. oz. <•• CHUNK TUNA """' 69' · · · '~' ' "~ JOHNSONS FUTURE $ 119 _ iCiirtK aARs .~43· !0ci.AIR1ARs .... _ ....... ~&9• ~ 99c GRATEDTUNA ::.:.;~· _ .... 39' FLOOR WAX 21-tZ .• 73' iiiios.'iHRiCE __ ,., 38' ROYAL GELATIN """""'·-····-···-·-""-19' --SIZE : GREASE LIQUID RELIEF TREND llXIZl CSAM • 12.0UNCE 7 9 C 32.oullC( 44 C r , CLOROX 11 BLEACH 2•~0UNCI I HEINZ DILLS GINUINl 4MZ.93c - PRICES EFFEC. 7-FULL DAYS• APR. 25·MAY 1 . 14600 So. '!"°°"hw-st A•t., WestMiMtff 1100 Q,1 CoMMs A•t., O!'Oft91 1175 lak~ st., Costa M.H 707 W11t ~-teeMh St., Co1ta MeN 1512 Wtt.lfh!Mtft' ll•d., W11hNMltrl I IO Mew:rort lh•d., Cosio MHe Wll'Rld"l!m ,162 l!dl_,.,-.t.v1., Hwtt"'gtoR Inch 3430 West U..C•An .. AnaMIM 14171 Rt HilA•t .. T11tt'9 Food .~1.tm1.u2,0J Weit H•f'llf....+h St., SClflto AMI 1'30 ldlfHJef' A••·· SMte AMI 14212 MIJtei A•• WMttJer ~t.All 1111 Ch.,_ A•e., G«den Gro•t 1230 McFoddtft Av•., Scmt• AM 3462 letelo A•t: Los AkMN101 St0tt1 2360 Horth T1t1Un Ave., Sont111 .Ait0 2564 Wt1l lroodwoy, A"*hl'I 11011 Me9ftolio A.•t .. Fowit• V411ty , I .... • • • . ... .. . . 'You Can't Get Soup out of Chicken' • So Comic c ·ooks Lobster By JOHNA BUNN 6 frozen lobS•er 1al11 18 torrnto paste and next 7 Jn-Ill tender. Drain In rola11d1·~ IJbsttr 1ne1H ls fork -tt>nder l. NEW YORK -••J'm wor-ounces each), slightly eredienls: heat to bolling. keep "''arm. To serve ; pl:tC'i' lin_i.;uine u1 6 r1ed about my garden beca'J3e tha wed Reduce hea t to low and slm-Cut each lobster in hiltf lnd1vJdual soup bov•ts tor l water a lot. I'm a crazy lady ""cup dry red wine mer. uncovered , for 3 5 lengthwik .... ·Ith a sharp kn1f{·. ranw-ktns 1: ketp ll':irrn r.ook because I'm a waterer. but It Freshly grated Parmesan minutes: stir occasionally. Add lobster and v.ine lo s.1ure. stirring frl'(Jul•ntly. S h3sn't prov:en m~ W!'Ong 30 (or Romano) cheese. optional , ~leanwhile. gradually add torn:Ho mixture. mor<' n11nute!I 10r until sh~htly far !" Saute onion and garlic in hot linguine and salt to rapidly Cover, ron1inue cookinJ:. thickened• Ll.1•llt· s.'.1U('t' 01·t>r Comed. oil in 4-luart Dutch oven lor boU ing 'A1lter !iO that water spooning sauce ()ver lobster tinguint' and lobster Spcin'"" teMe Nancy WaJker 1 ft.J .. spoke in a very serious tooe. arge saucepan ) until tender. oonllnues to boil. Cook uncov· occasionally, 1!~15 minutes tor with gratt'd Parmc~a n cht-ese Stir in undrained tomatoes. erl-d, sl1rring occasionally, un· until shells turn pink and as desired . It's easy to understand why ----------------"'-----------------------------ahe's always been dubbed "the funniest woman in t h e theater." especially when sht makes gardening and cooking mund like a happy hoot '. Nancy lives 1vith her hus· band, David Craig , in a prett\' house in Studio City wherf "Everything grows like crazy on our mountain top ! It grov.·s in such profuSion I can't keep track of it all! "I used to have a 1·egetable garden bur I'd go out to the garden and see a bush qf chives, and after ,all, how many chives can you eat a day'? •• • . .. Nancy Walke r had the most b eautiful ' tomato plants once and 'was that a disaster!' ''You see. when I plant anything and the package in- structions say. 'plant one seed.' I think v.·cll. you don't know .,..·hat y ou ·r e ta lk- ing about so I plant five~ , •• c11 ••• O•M:OUllTIO ••c••T 011 ,., •. t •&OI D &llOOOYllNMI NT CO•ltlO<.~IO ltlMI ' (the difference is in the amount of money you save) "Then I've done it again, and I've got complete forest s of chives, lavender. thyme and mint!" Na ncy's wild mint is the in- spiration for the follov.·ing recipe for lobster and linguine, "I made it up during one of my crazy nights, but ifs ilYifUlly good." Nancy is an experimental cook~ often changing the pro- portion of ingredien ts onee she has tried a recipe. "For instance. n1ake rhicken in the pot, nnd son1e- one once told m~ lo put a clove in it. It's just wonderful. All you add Is one teeny, tiny little clove in the whole big pot! "But. you know. you can't get soup out of chicken! I mean l don 't know how they do it. l c'.ln never make chicken soup from a chicken. I use the chlcken baSe \canoed I. "What can you ~xpect fr om a poor chicken? It's ridiculous'. J mean the chicken is OOllinc; a'.'·ay and it's trying to give yoo chicken soup but you·ve go t to help it along." Entertaining chez Craig is frequent and informal. "We love ITTl:rir.g brL~hes and "'e really ha ve a lo"ely place to entertain. "\Ve might have th e lobster lhing or Vilello tonnato 1vcal 1vilh tuna fi sh I. a large rriast or chicken and cheese. "I have also learned how to oven-poach a fish <st riped bass, red snapper or sword fish \ in white "·ine, water, butter. salt and pepper. At the last minute, I put sour cream on it. E\·eryone thinks rve been rooking for days." Nancy, v.·ho \Vas here to air pear as one of the presenters at the aMual Tony A"•ard". eazed up at the wall s of her hotel room and said: "Next time I come to stay in New York, I'm going to buy a plant for my room . ·I love growing things. Without them around, e\•erythin g s e e m s sterile! "h-iy biggest problem is that my plants gro\v to astronomical proportions! "I've got a begonia that was so big even before J got it that the nursery man said: '\Viii you please take this off my hands? I don't have room for it anymore.' "Now it's so big you can't put your arms around It. "One morning soon, I'm sure l'm going to wake up being strangled by a begonia." Nancy reminiscc<I about her vegetable garden. "I had the most beautiful tomatoes once and was that a disaster! I "One morning I looked out ,. and there wns not a leaf left on the vlne except for one branch, where I discovered a st r ange-1ooking caterpillar that I could hardly see because It was the same color as the leaf. ''In just one night he had eaten an entire ~ide of a wall of tomato plants! Thal was very inleresting -in fact. fascinating !" NANCY WALKER'S UNGIJJNE wm1 LOBSTER 2 medium-sized o n i o n s , cho~ 2 garlic cloves. pressed 1.~ cup olive (or salad ) oil I can (35 ounces ) plum 1omatoes · l can (9 ounces) tomato paste I(, cup chopped parsley 2 sprigs fresh mint 2 teaspoons salt 1 tsp sugar ~ teaspoon basil 'n teaspoon crushed red pepper \4 ttupoon oregano leaves a ounces linguine I tablespoon salt 3 quarts boiling water • , •• ,., ... , !fll ,,, LUC•Y l t0.11. 1•C., •LL •1•Ntl 1111.VIO At Lucky we offer no "loss leaders''. No· "bait specials''. No gimmicks. Only TRUE DISCOUNT PRICING everyday in every department. You'll like the overall savings at Lucky! . . "lfO II.Lii JO Ol&Llll'" OUI ,.ICI ''011CTIOll '<Kl( I C.Ull _,flll~ l~I W ,11(1\ 10 It I Ill CllW\ llOIO w1o~no11 ,,Ill 11111 llllOUC.N IUllOl l ''"' J.0111. lt1' ., RIB ROAST LARGE END l.l"CON:~,·,:N&ll Y 12 8 I ONOID (™ALL IM~ S 1,4' LI) Lt ~~ .. .:. .... ~, ...... -... '..: > CHUCK ROAST BLADE CUT Y "CON:~Tt1~N4L< r ·7 5 c .O"OlO (7-901\11 t9c LI) La CROSS RIB ROAST "1 '' I O"l llll, 111• CllUCll RIB STEAK .. 149 UNCONOltlOIOAll¥ I ONOID 111• SLICED BACON ,,, .. , 87c l 40' Lii T-BONE ·STEAK .. 11a llll'LOIN DELI ITEMS CANNED FDDDS ROUND STEAK BDNE·IN YOUNG TURKEYS L"'OC&\I~• ~ ...... 1 YIO• Gl&Dl A · llLll 49~ 11 .. co .. ~~.~~~•Ll Y 12 5 I G"Oll> jlON(LIS$ ,1,:11 ll) LI TOP SIRLOIN STEAK 199 .. PORK LOIN RIB CHOPS BONELESS TIP STEAK .. 151 PORK LOIN CHOP S PORTERHOUSE STEAK I ll• LO<" 189 " PORK LO IN CHOPS EX. LEAN GR. BEEF . 12• SAUSAGE & PATTIE S """'l l 01, &VOi 100"" I I t 0·-1 CORN DOGS SLICED BACON ~l"'"''"ll ~-~~ .. ~1.~~~MOLI Dl••G 11' ~'~~IER CUT HAM SLICE S .. 1 •• HOUSEHDLD ITEMS GROUND BEEF ANY Sill PACiAGl If l' ll"to .. o''"'""''' 10 .. 0~0 79~ (IONOIO lllf ILINO •I( LI ) " 12' CUT-UP FRYER S " 133 ROASTING CH ICKEN VIO •Gl•OIA ••Lt 139 .. .. 45' .. 79' •Ol••G 89 ' r.ua<aoreM 10 BE THE FINEST QUALITY AVAILABLE and at l11er vda~ Low Prtces1 BANANAS .. 13c C.OlOl N RIPE > <l•~G 69( POTATOES .. 24c US '<0 I GR A Of PUS Sf !S GRAPEFRUIT "69< 8 lll CELLO BAG CHERRY TOMATOES PILLSBURY BISCUITS ............ 16 ' U IU l!GIOI I Of U.• SUGAR COOKIES ................... 7S' ,rGRAPEFRUIT JUICE . .""':::;;:;; 59' LADY LEE APPLESAUCE ........ '.: 28" FORMULA 409 ..-,u••~:ll.Ohl•~r• 65 ' O'""' . . . . ..... n 01 '11 ..-ovEN CLE ANER "·.~·;,~~ l.19 ... DUPONT SPONGES. "":;:~; 29' STOVE TOP STUFFING. .. . ;,". 47· SUNSWEET PRUNES ...... .,•.,,; l .OB MI N Wf \J.Ql 8ASl<fT ENGLISH CUCUMBERS BU ~Pl!SS EA 33< .. 39< ARMOUR WIENERS ................ 87' Oil "'I>' •o 01 "G BEEF KNACKWURST.. ............ 77' 1(1110.WI \ I 01 .. ~ CALAVO ACOCADO DIP. .......... 54 ' tlGIAM. NCI! Cit •WOO< OIHOO I 01 C\11 SLICED PEPPERON I.. ................ 77 ' llf]n I,• 01 1'1.' GALLO SLICED SALAMI ........... 65' l Ol ,., SALAMI & PROVOLONE.. .......... 91 ' GI.LIO lloctD. ··~ 01 ,., All MEAT WIENERS ................. 61' U41' Ill II 01 ,.~ XLNT POTATO SALAD .............. 7S' II 01 (II! KOSHER PICKLES ..................... 89' CANNED FOODS .--·BUTTER NUT COFFEE...'.~ 99 • """""' 01 HKTt< l'ltC " • 1 BUTTER NUT COFFEE:\::2.91 -· IU(1'1t. l'lK ·1· . YUBAN COFFEE.. .. '.~ 1.15 -Dl'9', Bl(lb ... lo( YU BAN COFFEE ..... :::!3.39 t!WUl~llKTU,..llC MAXWELL HOUSE ...... ~~'.~~~ 1.73 o"" SUCARY L .....•............... 1~;':\~ 79' 11" LIQUID DIET ...........• ~ .. ~~~?;: 23' .,...ORANGE JUICE ........... '.~ SS ' HARVEST DAY PEARS .......... •:: 34' DOLE PINEAPPLE ........... , \;;-;; 29 • ... READS SALAD ........ :~~,'~:39' t/"'READS SAlAD ...... "''"O','.~;J;":_~J9 ' ... MOTT'S JUICE.. .......... ~:;;;~ 45' tJ"'4 MOTT'S JUICE ............ ~~~~,,~ 43' ,rHEINZ PICKLES ......... '.'.';;;,<:: 68 ' ,rHEINZ Dill PICKLES ..... ':;',:: 83 ' ,r MARSHMALLOW ..... '.'.~',~:t 30 ' q'4 COFFEE MATE .....•.... '.~'.1!,~'~!: 89 • tl'4 Dill PICKLES .......... ~~~~i: 49 ' r:f'4 PICK LES ...........• :~"::'o:.~~~7~ 49' ef4 SYRUP .................... ~':4.":o1~~ 71' ef4 ~ORMEL CH Ill ........ ~O:.;';';:tt'.!_: 49' HOUSEHDLD ITEMS ... CLOROX 2 BLEACH ...... ~~~: 63 ' ..-CLOROX BLEACH .......... ~";',' 55 ' 17"" SPRAY STARCH .......... n~f'~ 55 ' OUI STOllS AH •RIGHT, CllAN ANDCHlllY ... LYSOL CLEANER ............. ~.~: 79' if4 MOP & GLQ .......... '.'.~~'~;:\: 1.1 9 PACKAGED GOODS RITZ CRACKER S .............. :·:;o:66' ,r CHEEZ -IT CRACKERS .... ·~:f.~ 69' GRAVY QUICK .......... '.~'..'~~~·:~'o 18' ,r Al PEN CEREAL ............ ~;.~:: 65' ,r NAB ISCO CRACKERS ... ·~;!:'. 71 ' ..-NAB ISCO COOKIES .... :'."'..~: 63 ' SNACK S '""" • · 47 ' ti" .................. , .•.. ~. ... INSTANT SLENDER ...... .':"·.'.: 53 · 0"'4CAKE MIXES....... _,; ~"""':. 47' ~MUFFIN MI X .... :.".":.'~.".~.· ... ~:'. 61 ' ,r BANGO POP CORN ...... ·•: .. '. 37 ' ... DREAM WH IP TOPPING .~'. B3' ... M.J.B. WILD RICE ...... '.' ~·. 63' Q"4CEREAL ... ,.. 1·0:·.~;. :~. 71' KIDDIE CHAIR IY KRANSCO FROZEN FODDS DAIRY PRODUCTS ... SOFT MARGARINE ... , "(,~SS· LADY LEE SHERBET ............... '· 79' Ano SAVE EnERGY ~DOLE JUICE ........ ~ • .,.;:,=: 35' ..-MOTT'S PRUNE JUICE.. ... ~:.: 63' W• keep our 1tore$ bright and cl•on ... the atmospher e fresh one! d'lffrlul our wide aisles free of clvt19r ... ond our she tYet neatly lillitd. llrltre't A -._ y., ••• ht 0rq. c.""' Arte ...... Poddtd ol'td uohot1•e1ed pott•.,1ed wo1i.obl• conon fold1 roo• LOW EVER!Oll PRICES OM HEALTH AID BUUT! AIDS GI ~8.r' DIAL VERY DRY Sc:•nt9d ond Unttt n••d tO>. e,• ... ~Qy1 MENNENS BABY MAGIC LOTION $oothing and 119 pro!«tlv•. 16 01. HIAD & SHOUIDlll SHAMl'OO 70>. Su~r TuM w 11 oz. ...,,._ Lotlon. 1 s~ .. ,,, "· 1A ••w '"""' 111 10. ltlft CIWM ft1t. -· '"' •11 1• r&1.M• •nlM , ........ JI .. U-Mn . ....... " 11111 11o1a• smn 111n UO.JA UIUT •n•TOll NWt tMI lft.Allfl IWllVI 1wtt IMUA Clll<A l~llllf UIG* llllJ •111 CMft I06t II U Ill ~-· u ...,,., .,,., arm ..... .,. ,, Cllli1•411 ..... , Srlll• .... DJt M, •111Cl SMIT ..... um ... ..., a'ftlVI wat111.,.• .... ltlmll!S1ll ·~· 11111 .,. .. &l1 1n11n •rn11 11K1 wrtl II lrllln 319 E·Z ANT TRAP GREEN THUMB GARDENING TOOLS (i.001• lrom tuhryOfQfi i.ol'td 1oke1 lo""n w•ed•r• \pod•ng lorl11 go•d•n 1rowtl1 tron1plon1 .ng trow•l1 cvll•vDIO• hot1 o!\CI w••d1ng hot1 I '9 tA. --1=.J(;,I -ci'/IQ!!l9 -~~ .. ·'I I ..... ·r -~ EVRPURE DRY CHLORINE I~ \tOIO" 1'101 o•r.v•d •o l'IOv• your oool rtOd\f 10 "''' DAIRY PRDDUCTS BEVERAGE • SPIRITS Clfi ,&IU '' 0111 s101n Jl'llN llQ!JOt 01n f •I• t~•I .,, "~""'II •"• ""•'• ........... .,, ......... ~ ........... ' "'''"' !., •I• tu• ,,.,, ""' "' "" '1 •• •' .............. ,., ...... . '" '" •• "II'" ,.. ,,..,., " "'" •l• IQ! "'~' ,. • .,,.,., .,. '"' "~1 't forll ftll•DH 1""*'1' DISCOUllT SUl'llMAllm IN OlAllC'.I COUNT! llA 10 SllYI TOU Gl!orof'l•••d 10 k ol[ both •w••t o"'d g•toi• ""''"'" 01111. Woll d•1••oy on •"''"• 0111 colony Eo1y lo Ull 52< 736 12•1 29· 47 • LIJ. I LIJ. 20 ll,. EVRPURE CHLORINE ~~~,T~lllGE. 6 96 EVRPURE LIQUID GUIM 11 1001HPAS11 Cnl··48.r' 70&. 73c · ' ' JW.Unlllt UI llO, ~ru• """ 11111n•to11 II.AO HKI llOOllMSI m 11 L& Utu 1'I ... llMMI MYt, 1Mta 1u WI ~t• air• tm rt n .. '"' at Ml a.a_ !ht 1•01on ho1ortlved10 b• i •"O•" ,our 9o•d1n 1101•1 ort "' 9-00!:1 1li11po lwc.ky ha1 •~•·• 1•1• o"r. d ., • .,,,on wov w 11I 11•~ " 1 1-'"'"'"' o• ••e•fdol' •ow d•1co~~• P"C•1 ) 247 10 Ltl. ;~~~~INE .... I '' EVRPUR E LIQUID ~~1~.. . ..... I'' EVRPURE DRY POOL ACID 1 SIS LI,. \ • r I .. . . . •, . . Wtdnt\day April 24 1?74 PllOT-.AOVE RTISER ..j <;orned Beef Requires Scheduling Dinner Only 'Boiled' • I S·immers THE FISH MARKET ·\l'l!t. lhtrl' \\a, .1 1111h· Y.ht•n rornf'd bet·f h:i.~h didn't co nlt' 1n cans . In rho!.<· rtay<;. tlu~ tJ1,h 11·a:s ~unply a 11ay 10 u"4.· u11 lht' rcnt:un' ol 111l' 111~·kly ~·ornt'<I bt·cf d1nnrr l'.:1 l't llu,1 l)) , !'1.il l on~·lnr~:ut· ~ I r asta s '.Presto I >: ;;: ~.__'J\ canned l':J~Sl'rolc rnt1k1 ·<; ck side d hh for !ht• rbccue or h(>:u;h !'O()kout. <.. SSAPPY fl lr\4'All()'I -t;• Siil!:: l>ISll ::] c:1n !J4~ i ounees1 elbow f' n1acaron1 & cheese .... , n1ediu1n lornato, cut in · v.·cdges ·~ 1t·as1)(1Qn p rt' p 11 r c d hurscratl1sh 1,1 IL"aspoon \Vor t't•stcrshirc ' In saucepan, con1b1nc all 1n· !gr e dients. Heat: stir :C:iccasiona lly. Mokcs aboul 2 :cups. Serve with hamburgers. : llOT l\1ACARONI SALAD : 2 tablespoons chopped onion : '~ teaspoon caruY:ay seed ' 2 1abll'i;poon.s butter or 1nargarine I can ! 1434 ounces) elbo w macaroni & cheese 1 J cup cooked sliced car rots .ba cup c.'OOkcd cut green : beans In saucepan, cook onion with i!araway in butter until tender Add remaining ingredients. lleal: stir occasionally. i\1ake:::. about 2 cups. fl1ACARONI & ClfEESY BROCCOLI I can ( 14!}.1 ounces) elbow macaroni & ch<'Cse 1 i cup cooked chopped broc· coli / I tablespoon chopped p1· n1ien10 Generous dash garlic salt In s11uccpan. con1b1ne all in· gredients. Heat ; s tir ot·- casionally. ti.Jakes about 2 cups. Is Meal Squared? I Prepared v.·:1fflcs are scr1 cd ~1 J)h 1na111-coursc topping ' C lll C KEN ANO ~1USH1l00!\1S OVER 'VAFFl.ES t 1 cup hUlll•r ·~1 n1argarine '• pound lre~h n1u:.hruo111:-. :-.li1,:rd I 1 1 1,:up flour I 1,1 teil~poon salt and da:::.h of white pl'pper I '.! cups L"h1ekt•n stock :! cups d11·cd cooked ch1l'kt'n I ~1 t"UP d1·v while wine 1 package (9 vunccsJ prt.'-1 baked frozen v.·afnes ln the tup of a chaf111~ dt~h o\cr lo\\' he:it. hrat the butter:! add n1ushroorns and i.:ook I lightly for ahnut 5 n11nutc.~. ::;Jo1vly s11r t•h1t"kcn shK·k in· t(f nuur. s.i!t 1u1d peµpcl", ki..'t!JJ-1 Ifill s 1nu ul h . add to• n1ushroo1ns. Cook and st1r l constantlv until lhirkcned l\dd rtiu:kcn ;ind \\'ine heat lhurou)lhly. hold ov(•r hot 11 :1tt.•r 111 lhll\0111 pan of ehafingl tJ1,h Pr1•pa rc f10/('ll 11afflc-; in ! tu;i~!t·r ur 111t•11 uccurtl1ng to p;1('l..;1!;l' d11 tT110!l-: Pour t.•h1rkt•n·rn u .~ hr o 11 111 .lllt"l' tl\ 1'1" ll:1!Jlt•-: 111 Ii ~IT\" 111.i,:~ ~ii. BEAT TH[ BEACH TllAfflC' \"Ir> will 0(LIVE H Y<'l•n [I • GROCE RY • ME A1 • PRODUCE Of"d•r lo yoo;r l>Ollle Just Call Early COAST SUPER MARKET WE DEllYER EYER'!' MOM., WED . F-AI. 673 -3510 3Jt!l fr '(!/< 'fh;/Y ror.1 .,,\ )l ·.-11~ You ca n Charge DAILY PILOT Clossified Ads 642·5678 \ ,, I, I h'n hOUSl'llo lft''S I•' r I n I 1· r u1:s p1r:i t1on bl·t ;11111• nt or\" p<Jµul.ir th:1n lh1• orig111;d d1"h Anrl n111ny pcoplt• \\ho 101 ,, c·11rnt•d hl't'r h11sh ha1c ll•'\\'r had tlk full dinnt·r. • If sou'rr one of tl1o~c. r1n1\ •" <1 good lime to 21chl'dull' an authentic rorncd b0•f :ind cab- h'1J.:e 1nl'al SC'hl'du11· 1.; tlit· 11~h! \1ord h••1·:1t1S1' 11 tak1 ·~ Jltno~;t ul1 ~I.ii lo "ovk liu1 1t1u don I l'Vl'n h:JI•' lo l1>ok .it II l'Kt"f•lll u• !hi· last h~!f hour t•, ildd 1h1· I l'~l·taJilt·~ lo B1.1:;1U\t' II w:i.~ ~ popul;ir Ill \'t·w l':ni.:le111d• 1)11s 1~ of1i:-n .1 ·"\'t•1v l';n!(lflr'd Boiled D1nn1·r" liut H shu11l1l n1'\l'r !w liuilv(t only s1n11l11•red \"CTI" slowly on lh<-bac-k of \ht> ~tv1 t . Stim1~ JWOplr 1tkt• r1 1nust:1rtl ~;iuc-r f.i:tr the bt•t·I ilfl{I 1111· li1·~t i.t ltn·'C 1i. 11l{1de by 1·on1li1111ng t!r~ 1n11sl;ud 111lh .i ltl!h• h••t•f 10 niukc <t ~rnooth sauce \\'all'h Ott~ fnr th i~ onl.' though. /\ tourh of th b u1us1n rd sauce AOl'S ~ long . tonlo{ 11o·1ty' CLASS IC COllf'EI.> Ut-:l':f DI NNElt 1 comed beef briiskct (aOOut 4 pound:sJ I t 12 ounee) can or hottlc t11·C'r ' I sr11:11! onion I h:1~· lt·;1 f ---- '~ tCllSJXlOll who!!.' c!011!3 4 pt'P\>Crcorns 2 stalks of c<'lCr), 11o·11h lt31'{'8 Ii pou1tors. p<1rctl Ii large l"arrots. p.ired I mt•dl(Jnl head grct'n cah- b<.igc, quartered Place brisket in dc-ep kettle. :1(ld cold v.·ater to just l'Ol"er. ,\dd beer, onion . bay lt·af. clol"cs, peppercorns u 11 d l'1·l<'ry ------ Co1 cr. bring to a boil . rrduce heat and simmer S hours or until arno."11 teoder. l\boul 4S n1 inutc.s before meal is donl'. remo ve nnd discard onion and celery. Skim excess fat fron1 liquid. Add pott.tt-Ots and carrot!, sim.me!r IS minutes; add cab- bage quarters nnd simmer an addllional 30 rninult·~. un lil all vtgetab1l'S arc tender-c risp. Yield : 6 M"r11ni:s ---- o@IT~ooo TIMw•doy tWv WfdM~oy. April 25 10 May I d . C)Ull HSH Alt SO FlESH- THEY STIU. HAYE THE ocu...i MOTIOH! FliSH RED SNAPPER ·--·~··· SWOIOF-ISH 2'' STEAKS •.......... · · · · • .. \QllD •LASk.AM )79 CRAB MEAT ......... ··· "- ,.....,. How.: 0..., Iv. •:JO. Clo ltd SU!l- 1 4 5 E. Broadwa , Co sta Mesa Meat Master Beef,aged for tenderness and Davor at Ralphs lower prices. Compared to January highs. beef is a bargain. Ralphs Meat Master beef is carefully selected, t he n aged in our own meat fa cility to bring it to its peak in fl avor and tenderness. Enjoy beef now while Ralphs is pas~ing on lower prices to you. Meat Master Meats Ralphs Exclusive J•n. High " ~er Bur9er , lb " .69 '-A llLEND OF BEEF AND SO'I' PR01EIN CONCf NTAA TE, Beot Bled• Cut Chuck Jan. High 74 Steaks Beel-Bon•l•••-Shouldet Clod Roast l e1n -Cube1 Stewing Beef Boel loin Braising Strips Boot Chuek Boneless Roast Beel Cube Steaks Fre•h Should1r Plenk:. Pork Roast Fr11h Should1r Pork Steak Port! loln-Cent1r Cul Loin Pork Chops Hot Dog on o Slick Com Dogs Fre•h Ground Ground Beef Pu1e Porlt.-JIMMY DEAN Sausage -12 or. P1t.g. Hickory Smok•d -Whole/End Cut Slab Bacon Youn g-T•nder Turkey Breast 1.09 1.77 1.57 1.59 1.5!1 1.97 " 1.69 1.77 1.29 ••• .98 ... 1.49 :77 lb 1.47 lb. 1.39 lb. 1.39 lb. 1.39 lb. tn lb .• 89 lb, 1.19 lb. 1.49 lb. 1.29 lb .• 79 ... 79 lb .• 69 lb .• 99 U.5.D.A.Gl'lldeA -Whole Jan. High ,. ... Fresh Southern Fryers lb .37 01llelou1-Sweel Mo•t-Al11k•n Crab Claws Fresh-Fillet of Northern Ocean Perch 1,59 Oeean C1ughl -Sll~1t Salmon Steaks 3.Gi Days F1e1he1 -Whol• California Fryers ... C•tilo1nl1 -Orum1tlck 'n Thigh• Fryer Parts lb. 1.29 lb. 1.89 ----lb .. 43 lb .• 89 Super Spirits Lake shire Gin or Sandra Vodka 2.99 Old Glenwood -Ii Veers Old Straig ht Bourbon .:~~ 4.59 Roy111 Reglment-86 Prool Imported Scotch ""h 4.49 l imited Tlme-Save .38 Sunnybrook Whiskey,.~:: 9.99 Splr1U ttmPo••flly 1101 •~•U•bl• "401 N. Lo•r•. An1h1!m '-'JL...JJ""~~~ Super Bakery R1lphs E1elu11ve-Full 1V. l b. Loil Super Bread ""· .35 lo•! R1lph1 -H1mtx.1ger or · Hot Dog Buns R1lph1 -Colfo• C1ke1 Danish Apple Rings R1lph1 -Oolk:lou• Cherry Tea Cakes pkg. 01 a ••eh e•ch .37 .75 .89 Super Deli Full Pound Piek ~!lP_h~ Meat or Beef 87 vve1ners . lb .• Kr1tt -Orlgln1I Spte•d Velveeta Cheese Country Style or Butt1rmllk Pillsbury Biscuits Firmer John- Meat Weiners Blue Bonn•t-4 Stick• Regular Margarine Hungry J•t k or Plll•bury Ei111 Light Buttennilk Biscuits K11tt Original Cheez Whiz Chitton -Solt 2 Tub Unsalted Margarine Knud1en-Sm1ll or l1rg1 Curd Cottage Cheese Ri<:h-R1tro•hlng Ralphs Buttennilk 0 1!MffJffJftrri.S'.:J 2 lb. loL 1 lb. 1 lb. B 01. 1.61 .15 .95 .45 .16 16oL 1,19 'lb .57 plot .59 V.g•llon .49 Super Produce Fre1h, Red Alp• Full Basket Strawberries." .• 25 Wl•lorn le•b•rg Lettuce Eit11 Finey W11hll'lglon Red Delicious Apples .19 .29 ... 15 ... ... Miid, Swe1t Onions Fr•1h-Ctl•p Celery F1e1h, Topi Remov•d Carrots lb. • .... 15 .15 1 lb. cello b•g Super Flowers Fragrant Stock ''"" • 77 ,.,,,, .97 Fre1h Cul Carnations ' , ''"' 1.27 Colortul Gladiolas F1e1 lemon l••I with Pureh••• ol Fre•h Cul Flower• Popul•r Sh1de1-Ono Si ze Ralphs Super Panty Hose ..•• 57 Fro11et1e -Ple1tlc -.79 Val ue Ice Cube Trays Potlu1t Speci•I-S 1.45 VJlu• BicPens St1Lnless Steel -Food Steam Baskets pkg. pkg.ol 5 .49 .89 '"h 1.88 P_r_1c_es_eff_ec_1_1v_e_A~pr_11_2_st_h_ru_M_•~Y-'-----------~~~~~ ~~~-------'----~----------.... All Star Corn 16 0 1. "" .19 Hi C Drinks Health~ Beauty Frozen Food O<>Ybl•·Duty 37 A1lph1-C1!11lng ""g•L Pro Toothbrush ,,,11 • Ice Cream c1r1on CBprl -l 11g1Sl11 3201, 69 Mlnut•MBld -Florldl ShamJX)O or Rinses boill• • -= Orange Juice 1 or. Che,.tbl• Antacid 41 Aunt J1mlm1 -8r.ttt1rmll~ Alka-2Tab~ :~1 . 5cJ rr 1 • Waffles !::: f orSlnr.t1H11d1ch11 21,1 79 >i[fl \, ll1n01K1mp1-8t1fo1Cht•l1 Sine-.Aid Tablets P•11. l: '\ Enchilada Dinners 1!:=: For 011p~· Ch•~u•• , ,00 t1. 1'29 .. V ,;) F1011n Conc1n1r110 12 OL. Wipe N 01pe Wipes P~11. • ... , ""' ""'I Hawaiian Punch e1n Shlrnpoo-lor T11b1or1101 Lotfcn 1 69 "";::... / °'~' C1>11~1orS1u1111• lloL Head & Shoukiers '''" • jfJ \.t.J,.; John's Pizzas pk,. Bestfoods Mayonnaise~·; .85 .79 ~\;.• Pantry Fillers Ouncan Hln11-l•Jtr Cake Mixes 111'1 ot. plt!j . .49 ••. 94 e1n • • 28 l" ~ Q'.;.;.d"O.... 49 'l M1clce r1I & !l•lmon or , _ Sp1rd1~1 & SCathrlmp · ~ ~ unna Dinners 55 "i ' Sun~l1t-L..rg1 Slz1 22 or. pkg. .45 .59 .79 ' r:i, ' Lemon Juice • 39 ())' Ot•tn Sll'•J Ao/ ...., Cranapple Juice .83 ~ t.., ~)) SpKlll .SOOll l'IC~ Tide Delergent 32 ar. .... •• 01. botu• IO• 11:a·~ 2.59 Tide Detergent ·::: • 85 I OI. 48 can 1 .!: 2.75 Ralphs Everyday Low Prices ......... , ... eaby Powder .. _.,_,..,... Meal Pies ~:: .69 .......... , .. _ Onion A!ngt , ......... .... Va1o!int ~= .27 ~:: .37 ..._,,_ S11tlne Cr1ck1r1 ,, __ ..... _ .... C\1m110 Jule• Ho•'""' '"''°' 0. .. • -\rkM t .. f"' vasellrie l iquid ·,;;~ 1.03 8 eef P1ttl•• '';,:: .45 ••-C-o••-Zee Ptper Tow•I• ......... ~..... . ... \ ....... . •• , 06 ....... 99 V1ta l11 liquid -· • Cofhta Cak1s -·-.White S11JC1 ·Asterisked items not available "'ti .... -••11 ......... . a ..... ,. •oir """ ,, •·, l ............ , .. 0\-... . 1 .......... -.. ""'"""'""""' in the following stores: ""'-· · , •. -.-, ... , •. l ......... '"'" ,...., .. ~ ...... _,, __ ·~:, 1 ....... ~ .... 1:1~~ .<1l.1,1,1,1,1,111,11{1l1~,1,1,(•.1.1,1,11,,,:,1lf ~ vas8iii1B 01 Tio Wl!h Couo~ ~ -:;!: ~ ~~:;~:d~~f.~e .59 ~ l On!r One C011po11 •nd 01'11111m I'•• C1nt0ffl•r ::-. COllPGll Good Ap1M 1S '"'"'\'!If 1 ~ j; )1\1'1' l' \i\~'l'l'l'l'~ll'ii'. -i'l'l' l'l'l'l1Prl' )\·~ RALPHS STORES Allf LOCATID AT: Return·a·bag to Ralphs and save up to i< Ril!phs will c rl'd•I you 2C tor each large double !llrength biig (;tnd \f per single s1rcn~!h IJrge ba91 vou return and 1to-use eacn 11me you shop ·~= .53 :!::. .45 .:. .37 ..... .:; .25 ..... .. --c .. ., .. oi. -Kai Kin Oog Food _ .... _,_.,.., Cl••nter 0'!'19 "''-Hl ~ Drlnk1 ....... _., •Fruit Cockt•ll 1 '.:: .30 ",~ .2~ ··.~ •• 14 ".~~ .36 1 .. o,...i.o.•11(15" ,,..,.. .... ••••·-··~'\a ll!" ........... ""'° w ''·•-.. ~~ I•• •"t•IH. )t'fW Th""~'"<" l••l-o.IOI" '" "" .... ..., l .......... ~~ _.. ... ............ ,, ... "''""'" ......... 1j l•" l"• ..... . c ... -....... H1rv1~ 81111 ...-·-·-···-MJB Alte Ml1es -..... ,_, Y1nlll1 Waler• ·---·011v1 011 It• •,...io•.IS'I w >'If!- 10• ........ '"°" .... '' ..• ,,., ... ,.,.,)!I W<••·•~"" Wlo ,,, .. 1l1Q1 ...,,,...,·1~<1. ~,{~1{1{1{.i.(,(,\,(.!,~1\1(1\.(11 1(1(1(,l,!,(rt!f ::§ S1w1 .13 Wll" Coupon 1t. g Wheaties 37 : ~ Cereal '!:: • ~ Onl' One COllpon 1nd One llt"' p.r Cr.t1tcme1 -::i CoupOfl l)OICI April 21lh1111t111r 1 ?- ":: .• 39 :.:: .89 ·~:: ,39 ~ 1.45 o..-··-Bathroom Cleaner 19 ,':; .13 -................ . McDonald• Nut Rolls :,!;: .37 .... ,_"""~ C1! l ltter ":.; ,99 ,.,..e ...... Brownle Mix u",.":: .72 ,_,. ... Oo•o. ll)I -·••,... t. ... too. U~I °"""'"" ..... -r~i.-""~•"'-w ...... 1•.•:'11'"'' ........ . ..... c,.._ .. ,,,_P,--'""'"*'l'1to .... . :71l'n\1)')')1)')')')\li"''''~)IYJ)')lnnJ~ n.. &tt! marbt with ~I/ft! !2P' prices . 9901 A!JAMS Ill.VD .. HUNTINGTON BUOi 24167 PASEO DE VAlfllCIA. LAGUNA HILU 380 !. 17th ST., COSTA MESA . 17261 17th ST .. TUSTIN 401 N. LOARA, ANAHEIM 6942 WARNER, HUtjTINGTON BEACH 15471 S. llROOKIUtST, WfSTMIMSTlll STORE HOUtS: 9·10 Daily, 9.9 Sunday • , ,. j I . -. . . .. . . . . , I I 'Fat' • Fattening Is Diet Danger TH E SL IM GOURMET ' )!',,,,,, 1.l' ,, By BARBARA Gl880NS 2 chocolale ('OOklts. crushed speed until jlclaun ls Combine salt and tg~ "hllt.>s to crumbs (op1ional 1 . dissolv td. and beat stiff . Spray aero.sol thoroughly un11l 11ux1ur" 1~ complete!~· blended but hght alld iluffy. l)Qn't O\crnux t: a rt f u J J ~· ~poon !ht• "hotutott• ftlhng 1ntu !hf' J1Hddlc. Spru1kle the 1up 11.nh chocolate crun1b:;; ltt'fr111\'r:nc all day or O'>'f'n11ght. until ~f't F11r rn·1ri> 1111\-t'ill lhU<'ol.11t· tr1•,p,, ~\'!!Cf •• ~l.HHpt'd. ,,•Ir 11rldr1'!>'•'il t•n\1'lnp1· .uid ~j <'•·t1ts 10 SI 1.\1 l:t)l H\IFT lll·:\"JLISll I 11-:~!"l·:HTS. Lii c'.1r1· of Tht• l>a1h· f'dot. :).i \\ r·~t ~hurr 'l'r.1.t. ~p..ir 1.1 :'\ ,J (liflil Can )'OU namt the world's 10 Combine gelatin ;uld co ld Add chocolate tlr1nk mix whipped cream into a ooc·tup most fattening foods? water in ble1Kler: y,·ait onl' powder. vanllla. and sugar or measurlng cup. Comb l n {' Spill sev<'n lndvfingers and stand d1rn1 inside 11 s1nali k>afpan . l1n1ng the l\li'O loo~ s1dt>s. l'o\·er thr-botton1 1111h N'mainini;: split lad~flTI$?t·r~ 11 )'OO're among the "calorie 1n inule. Add boi ling w11.te.r and sugar subtititu t.e. BI f' n d y,·hippt.-d creiun ru1d t'h1lll'd cognoeoenU'' -one of those Instant cofJee (or I cup very smoolh. Put blender container chocol ate mixturt w11h btlltl'll Slice 11110 elghl servings, 100 l'alor1C'!'i l'llth, ·or R8 e;iloril':s "ith !'iUgar ~ubstitutl' ' II', '·-11.11 weight·wary wooderwomen or irtrong coffee). in refrigt•rator until milture Is egg v.tul~. ~~ with 8 calorie C'o\'tr and blend on hi"h rhlll ed and syrupy. Fold 1n gtntly b u t computer ror a brain -you,-----------'·'------'--"-------mig ht like to test you r "info rmation quot ient " Don't look at the list btlow just yel. Instead . grab a pad and pencil and draw up your own list. Then check It agai!¥t ours. drawn from U.S. Department of Agriculture data. (Here's a hint : put special empha.!iis on lhe y,·ord "fat" in fallen1ng1. Finished? How many of · these did yoor list include : 1. L.ARO -256 <.'nlories an OllllC'e. Lard Is purified pork fat, and just about the m<1s1 concentrated from or fat ai1d calories thert Is. 2. VEGF:I'ABLE FAT (581ad oil and shortenlng) -251 calories an ounce~ or about 125 calories .a tableSJXIOn . There's no s I g n i f i c an I difference among the different fonns of vege table fa t . . olive, oom or saf\ower oil, for example. 3. B U TT E R A ND ~tARGARINE -203 calories an ounce. Contrary to w}lat some dieters thi nk. margarine is not lower in calories than but ter. Except. of course. diet margarine -v:h ich is only half as fattening because il's half water! 4. MAYONNAISE -a\90 2ro calories an ounCt . and just as fatt ening u butter! Think aboul the next time you add globs of n1ayo I'> :< low-calorie tuna salad. \Vould you use that much butter? 5. SHREDDED COCONUT - 188 calories an ounce. Dried. grated cocon ut Is heavily saturated 1vith oil hence the high calorie count! 6. NtrrS -depending on the l\~. about 175 calories an Ounce. Pecans and macadam ia nuts are more than 70 percent fat! 7. COOKED. p R A I NE D BACON -173 c&loric_; :in Olin<>!. \'es. even after ifs drained '. Bacon Is the most fattening meat tht>rc Is. The exceplion is Canadian b.1con, made rrom lean cured pork loin. only 78- calories an ounce . 8. PEA NtrrS AND PEANUT BtrrrER - 166 calorics an OllnCI'. Some c o mm e r c I a 1 peanut spreads are even more fallening. thanks to added fat. i. POTA1'0 CHIPS -161 calories an ounce. The vi llain here, of course. is all the gre ase those crunchy filtle chips soak up! JO. SE ED S (sunno"•cr. pumpkin. sesame. etc.) -159 calories an ounce. Seed y snacks have become popular among ht-al1h food faM, but most "seed nibblers" are unaware of the ir high ca lorie count . Some runners·UP incl ude tarter sauce (ifs n"IOstly mayonna ise) at 150 calories an ounce: chocolate. also 150 calories: chocolate c hi p cookies. 146 calories: most salad dressings. 142 calorics. and canned cbo'A' nt e i n noodles, 138 ca lories. Also. per ounce: pound cake 134 calories: prime ribs, 136 calories: s au sag c . 135 calories : pate de (ois gras. 131 calories and dry salami. 127 calories. Thi' one thing all these foods ha\·e in common is a hiJ:h fa1 rontf!'Tll. Remember. fat is the most fatten ing food the re is . This dessert loo ks and tastes like a fancv torte. the kind ~·ou might find in a fancy bakery or eleJl:ant restaurant. Bu1 the caloric count is 100 or less. i\fOCTIA CRE:"i1 E LADYFINGER CA KE 1 tabll'spoon plain gelatin 2 ta blespoon cold \11ater 1 cup boiling water lleaping teaspoon instant ooffee 3 envelopes diet chocolate drink mix I tablespoon \'anilla 2 ta blespoon sugar lor sugar substitute) Pi nc-h of salt 2 egg "'hites. stiffly beaten 1 cup pressuriud ""-h ipped cream 9 12 ladyfing ers. split Roast Zipped Turn a large chuck roast in· to two dlfferent «hole meal enlrees. For the first, thinty slice half the ~t. then slowl y simmer with a variety o{ fresh vegetabl~ ln a 'fretl seasontd wine. broth. The second niglll make in-. dlvidual beef pies -cube. the rt'malnlng beef. oomblnt. with frozen mixed ''egetable!'I and leftover or cannf'd gravy. and tOp with pasLry. For two meal! serving a family o/ loot. !tllrt with • five pound chuck roast. MINUTE MAID HOLLY SUGAR PUREX BLEACH CHUCK STEAKS GROUND BEEF VONS VALUE GROCERIES I GOLDEN GRAIN.,.,,, 29 RICE-0 .. AONI .~Of~~~ c"'"lSE o~ s•~s~ .. oz •~a I Our Btsl SWMI Pickles .49 Blrnsltln Sll1d Dressing ~~t~·:~;:: .38 Kr1ft ChHz·Whlz tM~~~E1s~:~A0 1.19 N11l11 Iced T11 Mix Salad Crisp Ins /TAL.IAlt. ~~~~':>"sWISs • 39 Molhlrs Dlocolit1 Dllp Cookies ';.~' .59 Ii DEL MONTE 1 0 °!,9tf:_ATO SAUCE8 -...... " .. Bradah1wSpan Honey tt..~~-::1~ .69 C&B Orange M111111lade ··~· .49 Hershey Chocol1le Syrup "~;;<· .33 QUlktr Dils Cereal c;:,c~z.0::i~· .39 VONS VALUE GROCERIES ~ !s:.s9~;.~'.';~_D.::::·~·79 Wyler Onion Soup Mix Tusun Gnpafrull Julca .13 '.r.• .. , D'o~ 49 'i·'Jl C•" • Oel Monie Pair H1lns ·;.'~ .39 Oclln Spray Cn111pple Julca ·;,~'. . 75 Dl1mond A Whole Biiis ,: ;;<[:, .29 Ubbyt Whole Kernel Com "' .27 ~BETTY CROCKER 75 BISQUICK •".-::Jl 10• I Hormel B11I T1m1les Baudsley D1l1d Baer Milk Bona ~g Biscuits 1 : ; ... .39 .65 Mott's Pr1111 Juice .%W, .59 Fleischmanns Egg Beaters ·;:;· .83 lvoNSG RADEAA 77 ~VAN DE KAMPS "'"'"·0·7· 5 BUTTER FILLET OF FISH "'" l·ll .tr,;. I w•o'''':lt~~~lllE •·•:•··.I Ho rm II Chill & 811ns ',\',r ;.o,: Aju Detergent .,,. . WAS" 0•¥ r•~D~ I( •t.OZ. I CO: Ivory Uquld Delerg1nl '>;;':;:1~· Lysol Spray Dlslnl1C11nl ~n Gl1d Tnsh Bigs Pini Sol Cf11nser l"Ol C•" .43 .79 .49 .79 1.49 . i5 Ii CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP 10· •. cz CAN .11 VONS VALUE BAKERY Old F11hloned Donuts UG~n "Cil •llO l ~At~ Cn1my Fudge Brownies Moist Brin Muffins Dinlsh Bur Cf1w ri ,-,.cz '" .49 .13 .59 .75 Aunt Jemlm1 W1fflas ,. Cl .. , .45 Larry's Sandwiches es~el~'o0t~:~· ....... 69 Kwlk·Maka Pancake Batter p,.;~':~·:· .. ~Q.59 Vons Meat Pl1s VONS VALUE PRODUCE ~ FRESH SPRING 33 ~~~~~~~sAGUS ts I Greel1' Fresh Sp inach o~~ri;;:~t'i s • . 15 Red Cherry Tomalo1s. ; ~·· ... 29 Red Delicious Apples "",;;·;.·• .. ".29 Graen Onions and Rad Radishes ., .10 •fl• .... . ~ ... lt. Juicy Anjou P11rs .•. 29 lush Tropical Pl1nls '··~ ~."'." ".47 ~ COACHEl.LA S ,, 59 , GRAPEFRUIT "'' "• .E I 40 pieces worth $n.oo only $19.95 ~ VONS VALUE ' ~DELICATESSEN ' Imo Dressing for food , .... , : ·:. '. .. 45 Pillsbury or Ba llard Biscuits : .:. .. 15 ... , ' '• Vons Processed Cheese •. ";·· .... 69 Farmer John Braunschwelger · /,._45 Mild Cheddar Cheese ' ; '. .. · • 1.49 Philadelphia Cream Cheese , ·: ·: ". .4 3 Ii OL ' VIRGINIA 75 SALAMI CHUBS .. ,., . Osc1r Mayer Smokle links ":· 1.15 Oscar Mayer Wieners ~;::::; .. ; .9B WINES & SPIRITS MILLBROOK VODKA 2.99 ' .. Ten High Straight Bourbon · "~' ". 9. 9B Gallo Spanada Win e ,::.:.. 1.99. Tivo li Beer . ' .. ~ .99 '· • 1.•··:. Gilbey·s Gin , ,. '"'. ." 9.99 Blended Kentucky Whiskey ; · •. "'. . · .. 3. 19 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Kilch en Terry Towels"·:. "'· ·.45 Prill Glue Slick .63 Iro nst one Bowls ., :1 • ' ' .93 ; .~ ~ .... 1 1 1 •HI 111'" COUPONS • ~USDA CHOICE 1 29 ROUND STEAKS " , " I Boneless Round Sinks '. . , 1. 39 USDA Choic e Family Steaks : 1.59 USDA Choice To p Round Steaks " 1.69 Sirloin Tip Steaks ~o .. ,~;'.,l ·1:.0~H:~ 1.89 USDA Choice Portemouse Sleak ., 1.B5 USDA Choice Club Steak s '~. · 1. 75 ~CENTER CUT BEEF ROAST I 4 ' '" • • .• 79 Fresh Cabrla Sea Bass Flllals .. 1. 79 4·Fisherman fish Krls ps Certi-Fresh Fish St icks . .. .. , .. 1.09 .B9 fancy Easlern Sole Allffls ".::/' ,, 1.39 Carnall on Peel1d Shrimp ,.'.' 1.59 ;<1 TEK ADULT TOOTHBRUSH •!' ., a'"~' Lavor ls Mouthwash J&J Band Aid Bran d Bayer Aspirin Tablets ... 19 "" "'"' r 99 . " . .,,,~u • .77 1.28 ~ GLEEM 11 48 TOOT ~,PA.ST,E .. I Jergens Ory Skin l ollon .59 Colgale Sh avin g Cream "'"-, .:: .58 Gerber Baby Oil ";·,";, · ., .17 Wash 'N Comb Shampoo 1.08 Body All Deodorant .99 .. ·-··--· ...... -........ -"-···· ..... _, ....... --·----····-·-:~ :.-:.::: ~. ::"'_ ".: ---· ·-.. ·---. -... --··· :::: .. ·;~:-=:. ::;~ ::: ~USDA CHOICE -1 38 RIB STEAKS r t .. ·nv•.•r1 ~ I USDA Choice Rump Roasls •;.:',, 1.39 Boneless Rump Roasls '".~'.:','" "1.49 Shoulder Clod Rout ·~;'.~:;·'" 1.49 Boneless Chuck Ro1sls ;::.~;, ,. 1.39 Boneless Beel Brisket .... , 1 49 t 1 18 • lean Ground Baal ~RATH •. BACON "· ... 65 farmer John Roll Sausage «.:'.: ·" .89 farmer John link Sausage :· .:-:. ,; .44 f armer John Ham Bull Portio n ,. .89 Table King Sliced Bacon ,.,:r·;;,., ,, .B9 ' -o . Jones Brown & Serve Sausage ,.','1.09 ~FRESH PORK LOIN CHOPS ~ • ,, ·.'.! Sirloin Pork l oin Chops Pork l oin Rib Chop s .89 (' · .. , .. '-' "1.29 Center Cut Pork loin Chops '(.;·,. 1.39 Por k Pic·Nic Shoulder Roasts ". 79 fresh Pork Shoulder Bull Roasts,, 1.09 Pork Shoulder Bull Steaks '""'. " 1.19 ~USDA GRADE A 37 FRESH FRYER .'.~ <D ";'"• • ' .~ '•; ~ • USDA Grade A Cut Up fryers ... ,; .43 ' frashfryer l ags ,:;"._.;: .... 89 Calif. Grown fresh Fryar Th ighs ".89 fres h Fryar Wings .. :~:'.~, ".59 Calif. Grown Whole fryers ,, ;., ".49 I •lll(f l I •rf CflWI '"""' T~•u •10 .,.,L 11 •o .... ~ • WI •t u •vl !~t ••Cl~' ·o •• "·"' l ilt 10( o .... l •CIH 01•.1•1 ... o ..... Ol t I•~ 1 •1 •<l OTl .. I UoO •111tll "01111 '''l(T Ill 1~11 Clll OD tOllll'f C•H Jll.!Otlt '00 •OC &l!Oll Cl• I TO•I "llllllT TOU t •ll CCILll CI 11 TO<l PLAYT' EX VO S 1nstanl M1:11well Houff Coffe~ 10.oz Jo\R 1.73 S,P.N.IOC DOWN Y O\tl• Mayer Bc1cgro1 YE •TOtrl etc, •·OZ ""0 ....... _ •. ti~ TAMPONS 'ubenCOllM )·l.l.C"N S.,! •·L8 C.0 "' 1 1$ SP AN t BI Z Osc11 M1yer \'11 tl) Pit~ 11 oz P~O ..... 1.39 HAIR SPRAY ~••• ,: ,.. eretls 15.oz PllG S$ FABA!C SOfTEN(R PAE ·SOAK OubuQut Harr>~ <fl • 7.39 DEOOO"-\NT 30..CT. 1.48 C.oM :.,... #e1ls12.oz PKG .S2 CLEANER 1 49 82 HCr lTlel Sliced BaCCl'IPll(V U¥0l.l•Ull -· l l .. 99 N0~~~~.~3R,ANT ll·OZ. 1.23 .... 1nt l .......... Olll Plckle1 •M>l. ,116 ~··OZ 1.07 64.eiz ' ~s.oz. Ra!hStiteO BaconPl'>(Vl\jl,I Q\jAJ,lfY. .LI. .ill IO 111· Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach 5922 Edinger Ave ., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 2 1082 Beach Blvd .. Hun_tington Beach 340B I Doheny Park Drive , Copistrano Beach Laguna Hills Plata, El Toro 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley ' ' I .. .. DAILY PILOT ~;~Poultry I'.-.· . ~C lassic • -. • LSimple •• .. CJlicken a L 'Orange a n d nJc\:en Normandy are two .fe.mous dishes that turn every- !day chicken Into gourmet fare. ~·Responsible for their good Davor and easy preparation is the use of convenient, ready· ·•use fruit preserves - 4'ange marmalade and apple p lly. ' ··cmcKEN A L'ORANGE ... J (3-pound) chicken , • quartered , Salt and paprika ~~ cup butter or margarine 1 medium onion, chopped ·:'l clove garlic, chopped ~ -Juice of l lemon • W cup orange marmalade If: cup chicken broth Sprinkle chicken with salt aod paprika. Melt butter in a large sklll et: add chicken and !Srown on all sides. Remove ;chicken. -~Drain off all fat except 2 ·tablespoons. • Add onion and garlic and ~S;aute until tender. Stir ln "lemon Jui~. orange manna- "tacle and chicken broth. Cook, stirring u n t i I, mannalade melts. Retum chicken to skillet . Cook uncovered over low heat for 35 to 40 minutes or until tender. spooning sauce over ch I ck e n occasionally. If desired, garnish wllh orange slices and parsley. f\1akes 4 servings. CHICKEN NORMANDY 1 (3-poond) chicken , quartered Salt 11,i cup butter Gr margarine I medium onion, thinly sliced I stalk celery. thinly sliced 1~ cup apple jelly Juice of I orange J-i cup chicken broth I tablespoon chopped par· sley. ~ teaspoon thyme 2 tablespoons brandy (op- tional) Sprinkle chicken with salt. Melt butter in a large skillet: alld chicken and brown on all sides. Remove chicken. • Drain off ·all fat except 2 ; tablespoons. Add onion and .. celery and saute until tender. : Add apple jelly, orange juice, • chicken broth, parsley, thyme p and brandy. Cook, stirring, until jelly • • melts. Return chicken to • sk.illeL Cook uncovered over low heat for 35 to 40 minutes or until tender, spooning sauce over chicken occasionally dur- ing cooking. ~takes 4 servings. Oven Meo/ One-step Chicken Oven meals are such a prov- en handy routine that \\·e could never get away from • .. . . . . .--. Wednesday, APfll 24, 19/4 f'4-\\..1 BET~Jt yoUtl ••• (o\tfM! LARGE FRESH GRADEAA EGGS 'DOZEN SPRINGFIELD .MAYONNAISE .. QUART JA.R " SPRINGFIELD TOMATO JUICE GINGHAM WHOLE KERNEL CORN BIG 46 OZ. CAN # 303 CAN DASH DETERGENT GIANT SIZE ROMAN MEAL BREAD PUSS H' BOOTS MOIST MEALS CAT FOOD 601.IOlOF 4 FOIL PACIClTS RICE·A·RONI LARGE l'h LB. LOAF REG. 75 ' -' SPECIAL VALUE ~ l ~ •JOO ALL GREEM TALLC•H ASPARAGUS CUTS & TIPS GIANT Sill GAIN DETERGENT 87c RITZ CRACKERS llG I LI. IOl PEPSI HUMTS-R.IU QUAIT 4/$1 ""' DEP. llG 26 OL IOTTLES TOMATO KETCHUP ZACKYFARMS CALIFORNIA GROWN QUALITY POULTRY HO PRESERVATIVES ADDED ZACKY FARMS .... whole bodied ' F~ESHLOCAL • STRAWBERRIES BASKET FRESH LOCAL ITALIAN SQUASH MUSHROOMS FRESH DAILY GRAPE· FRUIT SWEET "N" JUICY NAVEL ' LB .. CELLO BAG ·oRANGES SWEET EXTRA FANCY c c LI. c LB. c c LB. c 49c ULTRA·IAH ANT~ 39 PERSl'IRAHT 5 oL Affllsol C Ca~Spteial Offer ~crd of 79< 53c PEPSOD£NT TOOTHBRUSHES rRf.PRICED AT 6'' UCH GLEEM TOOTHPASTE BOUBELOF VODKA SOI, TUIE 29c 49~ H4lFG4LLOM 5729 them. One-step whole-meal FRYING CH c dishes arc especially useful for . • I KEN busy springtime. ~ MASCARA FINE RED TABLE WINE Chicken Tarragon fits that OUR OWN CURED HORBE~T GRADE "A" FIHE FOR BARB Q Ill! IMPORTfO ftlOM ALGE«IA WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKY "" .. "'"°" s 1 O'' ta:r0;:.~s~~i~~.3so8:1 o~:O BEEF LBS. LB. ·--==-· QUA.RTIOnLE 79c meal may be put together, 9 c refrigerated in the bag unlit LEAH BRISKET LB. FRESH SLICED .... -.... -;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~:::~ LA PAZ MARGARITA MIX ~traight from the refrigerator to the preheated oven. LB. '"°king time. then taken BAR M SMOKED CECNUTTER s 149 BEEF LI VER After the meal. there is no ;PORK CH.OPS cie:'n~p or pots an.d pans. . LB. JIMMY DEAHS Saving energy 1s an added / reason now to plan for oven PROTEI..., BLE...,D meals. A dessert. bread or l"I l"I PORK 01her menu item may go into the same O\·en in another cooking bag. CllfCKEN TARRAGON J cups diced. cooked chicken 3 cups chicken broth :E~~UND 69~ ~~~.~~~E 120Z. PKG. 11~ cups uncooked regular rice ~!t cup chopped ooion I package (lOounces l frozen mixed vege tables 1 teaspoon sa lt 1 teaspoon tarragon Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place ramily size (14''x20") FRESHLEAN s 149 SLICED BACON .BEEF BRISKET LB. FARMER JOHN BACON • oven bag in two-Inch deep USDA CHOICE ' FARMER JOHN WIENERS roasting pan. Place chicken. bro1h. rlct. onkln, vegetables. sall and tarragon Into bag. Close bag with twist li e: mAke i;lx half- : Inch slits tn top. Doke 40 • • minutes. Serves 4 to 6 . . t CHUCK STEAK , 9~ ' BAR M POLISH SAUSAGE BAR M LUNCHEON MEATS -PEPPER ~OAF - OLIVE LOAF -BAR·B·Q LOAF -DUTCH LOAF ' 1 .... . ' Store Hours 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily ln~ludi119 Sunday Pric's Effective: Thunday;.thrv Wf'dne5day April 25 thru May 2 9 C Pricts subtfct to stock on hond. WE GL,ADLY ACCEPT u.s.D. FOOD COUPONS .. EA • .__._. 9~ .89 ~. 99; s I '?. COSTA MESA ~ 1 1 ~ . PLACENTIA • 19th and Placentia 71 o W. Chapman ' -• • . , Coffee Coolers -Perk Menu Plan a coffee cool-of( 10 follow your next heated tennis match. Perk. a "$Uper.fast" pot of jood stron~ coffee ror A choice Of cooling beverages, ooe hot, one cold. If the game has left vou plain hot and tired. r..t0Cha Coffee Sod& was meant for you. It's tall and cool and sweet enough to perk up energies. scr\ c thcSe delighllul Snack Pies with the choice of coffees. The pies, as delicious as they are pretty, can be made ~·ell in advanct:, using your choice of homemade spreads. It's an origlnal set ot food doubles. MOCHA COFFEE SODA Sl/1 cups cold tap water coffeemaker with "''ater to 8 cup mark. ?.1easure cofree inlo basket .lnlcrt basket inlo percolator and cover. ~l ake coffee. Chill It strong c o f r c c · na\•oted sodn is desired. For players not in their usual swing we suggest the . soot hing qualities of Crt"r1n1y Colfee Delight. I cup regular or peroolator grind coffee Ice '~ to I cup chocolate syrup 8 scoops slrawbcrr}r ice ('rcan1 or orange sherbet Fill 8 or 12 cup eleetric FiU a (10 ounce) glasses half full "'ith ice. Pour coffee ove1 ice: stir in J to 2 tables~s chocolate syrup and top \\'Ith ice cream Or sherbet. CREAMY COFFEE OELIGllT 51~ cups cold tap wntcr • To equal the ease. speed <ind flavor appea1 of the bc\'C'ragr, 1 cup ~gula r or pc rC'Olator grind coffee I • . • Salad Bowls 'em Over Thrifty, but Eleg .ant You can be economical y,·ith a Oair, as sho\\·n in Cabbage Rose Salad. And it's as si mple as ar- ranging four or fi \'C of ll 1c outermost leaves of the cab· bage on a platter before fillin g with 1hc salad mixture of rirc. shred<fd cabbage. crushed pineapple and luncheon 1neat strips. The dressing contain s ma)'onnaise. ere.am cheese ancf'' pineapple juice. CABBAGE ROSE SALAD I mediu1n head cahhag1• 6 to 8 radishes, liliced 1i cup chu ppcd green pepper 2 cups cooled cooked rice in cup grated Cheddar cheese I package (6 ounces) ham IWlcheon meat, cul in julienne strips 1 teaspoon celeiy seed 2 teaspoons salt 'i teaspoon pepper I can 1 lfi ounces) crushed pineapple (drain; reserve juicel I package rJ ounccsJ cr\'am cheese ( r o o m tein· perature 1 1 ·1 cup n1ayonnaise Choose a cabbage with full outer lea\'es. \\'ash cabbage. CarefuUy remove 4 or S outer lea\'eS. Refrigerate. Sttred remaining cabb..1gc. Add radishes, grt'Cn pepper, rice. cht.>esc, luncht'Qn rneat. seasonings. and pineapple. Blend cream cheesC'. mayon· naise, and pineapple juice un- til smooth. Pour o \'er vegetables; Loss lightly. Chill. Arrange reserved cabbage leaves on plaiter to form a "bo\\'I." Sroon rice n1ixture in· to cahbage "bowl." l\lake.s 6 generous servings. Meet Carol Moore r One of the Daily Pilot's Ro le People ·· Food and nutnuon are her spc<:1altles. In add1t1on lo handhng general as~ii;nment!I along wnh her ltllow st:ifr.-rs or the Peopl e Se(11on, Carol l!I the Du1ly Pil•ll 's !Oflfl edit.or. She holds a BA 1n joorn<1.lism rro m Cahfornia Stale Un\versit)· fll S:in Jo~e. "A'J ~ a news editor for the Associaled Press in Salt Lake City and a rount) rl'µortcr lllr the Redwood City (Calif. l Tribuf\e and ~ited a national house organ ror Hunt -"''tsson roods, Int., before joining the Daily Pilot. 1tafr where she ttll:s read('rs wh:it s cooking every \\'edne.sday 10 tht> food !itttion plus ronlnbut1ng liC \'e ral time' a <A eek to lhC general contenl or the l'eoplc &:ct ion. [ lf 6ple J is the Daily Pilot's Award-winning section for women (and ·other people, too) 11':1 tablespoons liUK:1r '4 tea s poon ground clnnatnon ,,, cup dark creme de cocoa, sy,·eet clll.'rry. brandy or coffee liqueur 2 cups \\'hipped cream or topping Cinna1non slitks, op11una l Fiii 8 or 12 cup t·lectrfc coff1.-emaker wit h \\'illi'r lo II cu\l 1nnrk. ~!ensure t'dffec 11110 basket. Insert ba~kc: 11\lo percolator :ind CO\ l'f ~l ukl' coffee. ~1ix su~ctr and t1nn .. 11non F'ill each of 8 roll1·•· (lip, with I tablespoon l1qu1•u r :uut +, tellspoon sugar nl1XIUf" F'ill coffl'<' cups ctbol!I ' lu ll 1ulh coffee anr\ lou "1!h het1pin1t tablespoonf11\ 11 1Hfl'l'll crc:irn. rn .. l'rt c·1nna1n1u1 ~I , Str\'e 1n1nn·J1<1tl·!\ S~ACK l'IES 2 Sand\\ u:h Spread~ 11 t1.JJ)l.':- belov.• I C1'can1 t:hl'l'St g ;1 r n 1 , 11 op1 1orw.I !rl'Ci[>I~ ht•lu111 l lu;if 11 pound 1 u11. i1l'1 l! round y,•hJtc·. 11•' .. 1 pun1pern1ekel brt>:ul Vegetable garn isht'' JI.take an.v 2 S<'l nd I\' I l h Spread recipes. ~.:t ~1,Hll' Cut loaf l)f hr1•;1d horizon!all} into ~ ·Ii(·•·' Cover cC'nlc r of <'ach ,1;!1(·1· 11' bread \ldth Ont· nf t h " Sandwich Spreads: ~urr111111.1 "°·it h Cream Cheese G:1r1u~11 •1 desired . Garnish 111th r;uh~h ru-• pickle relish , ~11ifh·d i.:rl·• n P•ICIS IJJlnlYI Wll., A,llL 1:4 Ylll Jiii., A'llL~IO, lt14 TENDER sl1e1:s ~!al.es 4 opcn-fBtt sandwlthcs or 16 v.·edges. llam Spread: l\f1x unlil blended 8 oun t'"' ground olh·~. cherry tornolo slices, onion rini.:s 11r tucumber t'OOked ho rn, 2 tablespoon..-; n111yonnnlS<'. 2 tablespoon" orange rn ;1 r n1 :1 lade, 2 111blespoon11 orangt' or fruit iuit·e 41nd 11 tcn:-:poon prt·purcd rnu:-.-\ard. E.:~ Sprt•ud : r-·11x 6 h~rd ''OOkt'<I 1>ggs. tinely l'hoppcd. :: tablespoons 1nayonnn1se, I 1ab[('spoon t•at ~up. I !!•aspoon prl·parl'll rnustard ;lnd I ll':l"poon dried cht\'C" Tuna Spr1·:11I : rit 1x I c:in Ii ounll'I tuna. 1lr;uned :ind !l;1)..1d. '.! t:tbl es p o un -.., ltl<!}llllll<ll'I'. 2 !:iblcSJlOOllr' :-our lTt·:un, 1.1hli.!~pvon l'.1t sup. 1 t.1blt'spoon p1l·l-ll' r rl'hsh. 1 !t•!•.'i)()(Jll prt'parl'ii lllll'ililrd, 1' 1l'<IS(lol011 OtllOtl ,,alt :u1cl 1 1 l1o;1<;pOOn pepper \ \t·i,:i'lahlr :-Oprt•utl: :O.Jix I '~ !'111'" {"1'•':1 11ltXI CO'lilJ-:1.' ChPt'~l'. :1 t:lhle11 poun" t'H~·h thvppc•I r:1d1sh. 1·ueun1b1·r. ~ re en P<'PIX'r :111d onion, l tahk•spoori t' h o p p 1· d ri11n1cntcrstuffcd gr1·t·n oh1r~. 1 ~ tl'<l Spoon caeh 1lr~ mu~ta rd . s..:il1. C('lt·ry salt ;1111! 11 tl·a~poon pcpyt.•r. l'rc:un Chcl''\t' t-;;1rn isb: :0.1 ix unul hl cn1k-<I l package (8 t••l•lt't''\I crc an1 chee"C' .1lll·11ed. '.!tablespoons n1ilk. I t•',J'llOull insl.unt minced onion . 1 teaspoon celery salt and 1 1 IPa,poon s('aSOnt'd sal!. THOUSANDS OF WILSON 'S COLD CUTS IUAI I• MU l tl;I M.l, •Al A U•llt, IU•l ll o\I, 191/M "ll(•U (l.lP 6·01. PkG . BEST FOODS .,I U \llVI twf t 1;~1 T01l"'lf0U•"' "I I ..0 \I ll \ I(} "-<-011\l •IO\ QO °'' tt•lllTOt \ MARKET BASKET . ' ASPARAGUS ~35~ ' CHOICE SIZE • AU*"" ti" N, i.-. .,.. • ANAMI"'-I H1 I. -i... tlw4. • -IW.. t•J i. h•olW '°· • ANN'llk 'o• "'· &.-. ~ ......_ • .uTlllA, 11100 1, ,.,... ... • MW\OWlt. lt lfl I ..._ ...... • II.In.Vil. tll N, 'llM<y ....... • CNM.tl.LO, no•-" t.r • UoHOOot. '"tt. >0n1 .,.., .,...,., • CAl«IO,I, 'lb. •1JI ........... •u.Ti.t:Olot.l an .• 1001"•~111 •COWT<*.1100" .......... ~ ...... e COl1o\ JlllU.. ttTJ ...,_ ...... . •COVINA, tit f. W li. ""'" • co......... .... w $*> ....-... .... e CUl'ltl cm', 1111 C-C..... J • 3l·OZ. J AR e u \fOUNOO, !ti .,. 0.-a.. , • !OUM .... 'IAilJ.ll ......... --• _, ....... Ull, t llt O ..... , e OMCllN OllO'll, IUOI I-a,. • 0.lJOlft OtiO'lt. ,,.., er...,_ ... • MA(.11-HllG!ff\, 1141 '· --ll•i e M\IWTIOolOtoN l lAC.11, '701 H"'""' • u MtU.O•. , ..... -!lo 0. e u MtUO,\, 1-01• I 'Ioli.,.''-• • ul'OC:..n11, 1•11 f ... I" • lloHC4m•, 1111,.., .... •r e 111'll't0~ !Oltt "-"ti..-11•4 e IONO tl"ICM, JOJO N, U~I-tho! • '°"'° ''"'"' Jt11. --• tOl'40 ll"ICM, IMO ,.,,... ....... U . e IOI AffOf\IS. fflO -~ 0.. ' ' e IOI 4HOllU, 1110 o ... , e IO' .lHOIUI, •1tl W ,,.,.. '° e -lllU, fJ)lt 'etlllo '-' ........ • ,.,..fO'l\4, ,,. ..... _._,... 0. e MOt<UI" ,., .. 11'01 t ••-... 11•4 e NIWl'IOll tlA(.M, J 1)0 .... _ Awo 0 l'ffWllOIT tll!CH. 1100 ...... -• NOn14 MOt1rwooo, IHJI ,,_a...~,, 0 ..,,..lUI, l~t I ,,.,_., 11""" O 0/'01.UIO. ICMO ti _, • .,a .. •'~II ...... •r •ts•., • '"t.M "'""· 1).01 "'"' '11 • ta.u.i '"""°'· 1•11 ,...,_..,..,c.11- • "'l!\Ofl'O,t.. I 1t0 ... i..o "'"" • • l'QlllOH.l. 1'4!.,. "-It ... ... ~ 1110 1~ ... 22* a.oz . CTN . ••tOOt<DO I••'" 'OCI'" ,,..,..,, • trVt•i.IOI ,,,, u ..... ,, • !IOWNO ><t\H I ~' Ill""' '•"' '"'' e ~"llGWI\ 11400fO'·"'•' "' • , ............ Dlt-oO 1.0 ... .,,,, , .... . • S .... CU>'INll ) 1)1 w,. , __ •o • 1Al'f ··~··11 1100 ....... -....... ~ • JN0 J'UllO \01 ~~"' .... ., \• •~•..,.•"o w 11 ... .. • v.Nl.l A.NA. l U I \ I•~•• \• e Uo.ifa " wtlffO\ I ll.0 '°''•'-~ " e JAP(tA MOf<>C..l. ! UM ""'"'" "'' e IH•tMNo O.l>i, !1111 ~'"'•'" llri • W>UTll OA.Tt, 1111 , .. ,,_ ..... e S0\1111 f1"1IOIM tlO '•·· °"" '"' e 11...,,..0M, IOMO ,..,.....t·• , .. t ' ' ··1 ···-·- ASSORTI D Fl.>.YOIS J ~LL ·O GE l A T:..:;I N:.:.....c~::..::....:. ~·:.. •••• 0¢· l·OZ. PKG. I , • .,.o ~•11 l>J I 'I..,,,.,..._.., • tlo~rl lOIO S.. .. •o'-1.1•4 t •, ,, . ., ~IC IJ (-"'•tool • ·"•<• •I~ l--'· ... , 0 ., .. • ,, ' 1•• 1 w~ ...... 11.., o ., •',.,,It 111!111 I .,.,..,. . ., '"'' .... t .. C.10tl.1tt' i. ..... .,,.. W•fOl 'JOM Miil 101 ... ............ ~.~ ... -... ~·-_,,_ .. ._._..,, ....... .. ... , ..... OM•'"'"'"---•• ___ ....... ~ ...... _._ .... .................. , • I _.,. ...... . I . . . . . \ • -16 DAILY PILOT \vtdnt!>d~~ April 24, 1974 Ground Beef •••• s1 n. Extra lean • bulk or patties! Sliced Bacon • • • • 39c, El Rancho's own ranch style! · Beef Rib Bones • • 69c, l'vleaty! To bake or barbecut'! New York Steak ; • s299• U.S.D.A. Choice beef -naturally aged! Prices in effect 1'hurs. April 2.) through Wed. May 1 l'n.it:lish cut beef chuck ! And you know the quality of our U.S.0 .A. choice beef! Roasting ·chicken 59! Large and tender -6 to 6 Jbs. average ••• stuffed with Cubbison's dressing! Compare the va!ue.-quality, tenderness ••• you'll choose El Rancho's U.S.O.A. Sup er Shopp er Specials ! Apple Juice Quart •••••••• 39c Natural goodness, squeezed frorl! <lrchard ripened fruit, Jl Oa\'or peak! Springfield Cake Mix ouNcANHINEs ••••••• 39c Chno!ie your favorite layer cake varieties .at this price -and a spare or two! Coca Cola six PACK ••••••••• 79c 'fhe hii.: 16 ounce bottles -the size that allurds C\'en nion: pleasure! (plus de1)()sit) J U i Ce PINK GRAPEFRUIT • • • • • • • • • • •• 5 9 t ·1 rf'~11cct -cs.rton of 11ix 6 ounce cans. each a jusl.·ri~ht serving for one! Yuban Coffee •••• s1°9 Cloe lh can (.! lb. can . , , 3.15) Hydrox Cookies • • 49e }''avorites lrom Sunshine -15 oz pkg. Soft Margarine • • 69e r·1eischmann'11 ..• one pound,lub Dill Pickles • • . • • 49e IJel :v!onte Reg . halves or kosher 1.2 07.. Globe A· 1 Noodles 49c Choose medium or v.•ide -12 oz pkg Barbecue Saute • • 39e Kraft'1 ~gular or hickory -18 oz . TOOTH PASTE ColgBte Dental Creme -5 oz tube Dog Food 11#. IWI • • • • zgc Burf!'.eTS -beef, cheese, chi.:-ken 14 oz. Electrasol • • . . • • 69e For dishwashers! Big 50 ounce package Saran Wrap • • . . • 59e Save those left-oveni! 100 ft. roll. Sanka rlllll -• • • • • s 129 ~·our ounce jar (S oz .... 2.2.'i) Kotex ••.•••••• 49e Ch~ Reguler or Su1>ers -pkg or 1:! Cookies MUN rUMS ....... 45e Old (ashionPd 11t~·te -all \'Ariet ie~! :; nz . HEAD & 79 SHOULDERS c Shampoo! 2i1 tube. 311 ol. lolion Wtdr1tsdlY, A.Pfil 24, 1974 PILOT ·ADVERTISER f J - Satisfaction! That's the net result you 're looki~g for. It's yours at El Rancho! fresh Salman llASllH NMG ••••••••• 1/.5/l Firm fleeh, with that finer flavor that only tbit quality can afford! Whole or half. (Center Cut Stea.ks ••• 1.89 lb.) , fresh Traff FJJil •••••••••••••••• 51! Rushed..t'o us from icy streams in Idaho •.. really fresh for the flavor you favor! Net wt. 5 oz: each. Fresh R111k Cad -fllETS· ••••••• II! Brush with oil, season, flour lightly, then b.roil both sides 'til done. Serve with lemon tiutter. Halibfi SMJak coom arr ••• 'lll .. Center cul, to offer you the very best part of the fi•h! For a different delight try SMOKED ALBACORE $1.89 lb.). Jq I • ; / \ I 1 1 I _i f '/ .r I Open daily 9 to 9 Sunday IO to 7. 1'1/0 ~·ales to Vealer.'i Fr ozen Foo d! MEAT 69c PIES -100, Stouffer's ... Beef. Chicken, 1'urkey Green Beans . • . • 23c Birdseye -Cut or French style -9 oz. Fish Lunches • . • • 69e \\1eight Watchers, all varieties -9 oz . Orange Juice • . • • 69e Minute Maid -16 oz can Enchilada 4 9c Dinners 12 o• Van de Kamp's -choice or kinds Butterfish Fillets • 39c, Fresh! You'll love the flavor of these! Fresh Clams_, •• 69c. New England! (Little Necluo •••. 99• lb) • • Fresh Oysters IU1lll • s 1°9 Eight ounce jar (Eastern ••• 1.49) Sea Bass fl£SICIU£Ts ...... _s 1 a.9 Cold waters make it firm, tuty! Large Crabs • • • • s 1 ·~ Large size meaty Oun11:eness \•ariety! Fresh Catfish •••• s1 2 ~ Louisiana catfish, skinned and headless'. FRESH PERCH Ocean perch fresh and freshly filleted Turbot Fillets • • • age. From the coasts of Greenland! Mahi Mahi • • • • •• 79t From the waters of HAwaii! • Monterey Squid • • &9c. Columbia River Smelts 69c lb. Rex Sole fl£111 ............ 5169 Skinless! Piinfry in butter! Cooked Shrim_p ~ .. s24? Green Shrimp ... medium size 2.59 lb. King Crab Claws • szs~ So meaty . fi:om Alaskan King rabs • FRESH SOLE Fresh fillets • mild. English Sole! Delicat esse n Beef Franks SPRINGFIELD Quality, with s!lvings! 12 oz. pkg. Ser\'e with Claussens Sauerkraut .•• 32 oz .• , . 69c Beef Bologna aus ..... ggc Royal .. , for snacks or sandwiches! 12 oz . • Sliced Longhorn • • ggc Fisher's, .... ·ith part skim med milk! JO oz . Knudsen Salads • • 45e Shrimp Cocktail . • 39e Potato, Macaroni, Sia.,.,·, Carrot! Pint Lascco, for parlies, lunches, etc. 4 oz. Liquor Dept 's Scotch EL RANCHo·s ••••••••• , Sth s 579 Bottled in SrotlBnd to be authentic! Outstanding quality! (Q UAH1' ... 6.89) G'lb ' G' s999 1 ey s 1n ••••• Vodka _,Tiils .... s7 77 Sn\'e 5& on the half.gallon! Bottltd for El Rancho! Half.gallon Old Grand Dad ••• s739 Mateus Wine •••• s3i9 Straight \\'hiskey reduoed 80c quari! Portuguese import! Rose or \\'bite -5th. Super Fresh Produce! Artichokes LARGE ••••••••• 4 "'11 . . Firm'. Compact! Large~ Add interest and \'ariety to your meal! Valencia Oranges • 1sc. Sweet and juiry! California's own! Fresh Jicamas • : • tsc. Honeydews .L:·.w:··~ :h·~·~u:·? ~ ·.-'i'Cjc lb 'Sv.·('el, ripe melons, with that mello"' Jlavot you ft1,·or! ,......~~~~~~--. CHERRY 2ftt TOMATOES ._,. Ripe, na\'orful 1em1! 12 oz. bakt. GREEN CABBAGE Fresh! Solid heads, crisp leavee! ARCADIA: PASADENA: SOUTH PASADENA : HUNTINGTON BEACH: NEWPORT BEACH: 1727 Newport Blvd an/ Sunset and HunCington Dr. (El Rancho Cenfer; JZO Vlcsl Co lorado Blvd. Fremont and Hunlinr,lon Di Wai net and Algonquin (Boaidwalk Cenl<'I 1111 laslblufl 01. (f dS!blull Village Cenlet) • • \, • OLD MISSION ATMOSPHERE Unbelievable home on comer lot with mani- cured landscaplnc:. Fantastic custom inter- ior. custom brick and stoneware through- ouL llu,ge family room. lmpressi\'e "''et bar. Loa.di of spanish Uh~. ?.lust see. Includes 4 bedrooms and 2 stories. J-Jurry, only $52,500. Cali 842-2535. CLOSE TO PARK AND OCEAN. Great nt'ighborhood. \Valk to park. Cozy home v.·ith massive stone fireplace. Gorg- f'OUs rear patio and fruit trees. Very privatr. BOAT DOOR. Only $44,900. C&ll no"'-'. 842·2535. "BED OF ROSES" S19,900 Viewed from picture window. Have grand- parents nearby In sparkling 1 bedroom adult condo. \Valk to shops, bus stop. Grounds and community pool lmpeecably kept. call 546-2313. Don't miss It! ON THE COUNTRY CLUB SIDE S6B,OOO Ot ?.1esa Verde drive amonv; the custom homes! Channing 1 story, 4 bedroom Mme. You'll be thri lled at the size of the room5. Separated master bcdroo1n. 1'1assivc stone double fireplace. Beautifully landscaped extra driveway and pad for boat storage. Call 546-2313. CRISPY EAST SIDE Completely rcd('C(lratcd. carpets and drapes, 8tcp do\\'n family room with open beams and used brick fireplace. Eastslde R-2 loca- tion. HuITy $33,00J. Call 646-7171. WAKE UP AT WORK and have a nice 3 bedroom home, 2 car detached J('.arage, large fenced yard v.·ith built-in barbeque, just % block from 17th St. Zoned C-2. Only one like it available. $36.500. Call 646-7171 . RANCH HOUSE FROM THE OLD WEST PRIME COMMERCIAL LOT •••Jang your hat, pull up a chair and a.it a spell". Nostalgic older home that may be used for residence or business. Well over 3000 square f£?Ct of five bedrooms plus ~ Dorm area. Could be a great show case !or an antique botique. call 546-2313. ASSUME 7°/o LOAN On1y $193. per month -Cozy 3 bedroom hon1e on valuable R-~ loL Only $32,950. 646-7171. MESA VERDE BIG CUSTOM 3500 Sq. Fl A builder own home. 4 bed- rooms or 5 bedrooms. Huge living room - fa mily room plus rumpus room or billiards roon1, 3 baths. 3 car garage. A Wf)rld of fcatu~s & elegance. $98,000 -646-7171. NEWPORT WEST ASSUME As.~ume lo\\-· interest FHA loan. 2 story trl- \C\·el. Flagstone fireplace. Large separate FA.i,11LY ROOa.·I. New shag carpet. Bright cheery kitchen. Just listed. C&lJ 963-6767. ATRIUM ENTRY Atrium entry. Large kitchen. Beautiful shag carpet 3 bedrooms. EXTRA LARGE flN· ISHED BONUS ROOl\1. Covered pe.Uo. Lots of ~-Quiet neighborhood. 'New listing. Call 963-6767. NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newpa<t ..... 60-7171 MESA VERDE POOL.JACUZZI 3 CAR GARAGE A home designed for a family that f'njoys belni: toi,:ethcr. Heat.ed S\~:imming pool "'Ith slide, div- ing board, and jacUzzi. Open plan kitch<>n - family room with rust\$:' ([replace and WCI bar. Luxurlnus mast"r bedroom suite 1~dth inlimall• fireplaCt', 11arm cathedral bl.·amC'd ct•ilini;:. and hu~t' v•alk-ln 'dressing closel, Prcmiun1 i;i·adl' a1>1>0lntmcnls throughout. S89,900. Call 5'16-2313 tu inspect this mos t desirable pro1X'rty. BALBOA ISLAND WATER VIEW DUPLEX Just 6.'i stl'ps 10 beach -100' to bout moor1ni::! Iiarbor vle1~· rrorli both uniU. Scpara11• .c:ur~t hideaway t.'O(Tlp](>ti'.'ly furnisht.>d. 01vncr 11111 help finance? }lurry! call 546·1313 for details. IT'S NEWPORT HEIGHTS It's 3 bedrooms ll's updated It 's got boat roon1 It's ,e:ot big t r<'<'S I!'s eXJ)nndablc lt's vacant It's $47,500 g;·t details at 646-7171. DON'T LIVE IN A SHOE If you haV<' mall)' chlldrl'n-Try lhis- 5 BH-T.,..·o storif's tall Lush carpet-11·a ll to 11·1111 Gour1net kitchen-:\lon1's dclii;hl r amily room-fun e1·f'ry ni,e:h t tl luch more than 11e can mf'nli!1n Goodie~ galorr--grab )'o1Ur at 11•1111vn Don't delay-Otfl today 546-2313. 1 .... -... ............... :.-........... ...;...-.~--co IRVINE TERRACE CHARMER JUST LISTED This excclil'nt 3 Ndrooni, 2 h.'\th homl' \\'ith all its t•x lras is a GREAT bu). Let us sho,1· you the Pft.lll'iled den. country kitchen, private patio and yard big enoui;:h for a pool. Only $68,000. 673-8550. LOWEST PRICED NEW DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR Brand new duplel!: on one nt tbr best Slf('('l<; in old Coron11 ~I ~!Ar. Spe1•iou~ 3 bc>droom, 2 beth front unit \\i lh firrpifll'•' and dinint: roon1. BriJ('.ht '2 bedroom, 2 bath rt'Ar unit \\'ilh fireplace and a lnr~ sunde<:k. Quality RP[lflint - (l"lentlt lhrouKhout. Cusl\)1'11 car1iets and drapes. Call now -$117,450. 673-8550. ABANDONED Lucinu.~ laod~capint:. llorne uvgraded. f nnnnl dininJ,; room. Yanta.,tic family room \\'Ith \A'l't bar. ltll ~IEDIATE POSSESSI0:--1 can I~ arrani.:C'd. Only S-13.950. Call Ill)\\·~ ~2-Z-a...~. PRESTIGE BY THE SEA F.x1r1'ml'ly d1>:11n•11hll' 2 ~lflry prcslis:<' hom<'. l'1•· g11id1·d in cv•'T'y 11·11y. ~ .. a r b<'arh. Shari.est hon1e un lh1• n1ark1·t t1>day. !Jurry for mOI''-' info. Call 8-12·:l535. 4 + FAMILY ROOM + STUDY GIGANTIC HOME \\'ha.I a l!UGE honir-. 4 bii.: l"•drnoms. Priv:ttf' ~tud.\·, k1ni.: ~JZ(' rnast('r ~ui ll•. Li1\Ply c·111..,·1'<'1 .~ta1rea<;1· 1 .. S•'1.'rond level. f.\'•·n illl "''" enrpelin~! lh1rry! At S l•l,250 ii \\'flO'I last. 8'17-6010. 4 BEDROOMS $24,900 Park Sf'l ti~ of c"ndominiums. CIO§C' i(, shnp- pin(! and t·ornmunlly s11·imrninl! poo l. G·~~! ,.;J.tlC'C f,.r t hut ar11VC fan1 ily 11i !h aet.PS~iblJ1ly '" beach 11nd b1k{' trail. Call 5•1fi-2JJ:s f11r detail~. -- . . $29 ,990 ! ASSUME As.<;u1ne this 10011 111 th ltniall S investn1rn1 ! '.\ : larg,• t.'nl']n'i('<I pa11" roorn. [)(('f'ilrnt nci~hborhood ch.~£> to br111·h. lfu1T)·~ Call nou• -1:1·17-6010. .._ . \ WIFE PRESERVER :\n ~!·I '' in 1111<; .1 h1'Clro<1n1, :! ha!h~. \11'!1-btull hunu', luca1r·d on n ~l'l'!ll f':a~t~idr 1·ul-f1,.·~:ll'. S.t7,450 -11)' lO'f, do11n •1r 1nore. for"'' fu~s. t'all u ... G-IG-7171. EXECUTIVE MANSION! FIVE + POOL Sn rnany •''l'lrll'>! Tn-11•11•[ forn1al dioin~. f an1 lly l'Ulo!H. i!\l::•· 111:1-11·1• .•1!11•• l•llh J•l'il';llf' pat1u : l~Mil ac·c•'""· Tnl'J" ~an1:;'" And n1ort''.! Call H-17-f,()10 n"1o. ~ BIG POOL HOME $39,900 Fix i1 a nd sa1··· .~S~ \\·1,u ld !!• 11 flw niorr in r·r·un1• l'nncli!l1111 .\l11s! 'l'•· thi~ :.:1;i111 •ii" hon1,. •1i1h sparklu1c IMH•I '" llfll'l'l'<"Hll•· 1 .... ,. f1Ji('C IA..;. Call 8·17-t.i0111 1,, •1'1•! ~L E C SWEEPING VIEW r;raclou.~ courtyard en1ran"" tn th\!{ e.'(C'c·r~ li·inal ruston1-hu1lt h .. mr in l1vinf' T1•1T1H'l'. Thn·<' ~1>acinus bl'dro .om~. :1 ha1h~ plus maids' nt0n1 and absululf'ly i:.:rr.at viC'll' of both tht" h~ aod OCf'An. Call fnr dl'tails and appouit.. ment to sh<w." 6i:J-85.'>0. ROSY FUTURE Small sophisticated home on R·2 lot In old Corona del :\lar. Onnr \\·i!h a feel for tomor- ro1,·. i hl-dr4>tlnl areas 11·ith built·in!i fcaturC'd in n1a.."h'r s11 11~·. Jndl)Or-outdoor li1•ing room 11ith a J:l'l'Bl 11,fty fcrline. Call quickly to sl'f' thi;; ra.~<.'.ina11ng 11ro1~rt.1·. Asking not rnueh n1ore than Jot \'81Ul'. 673-8550. HUNTINGTON HEACH · MILLION $ S VIEW On,. nr lhr fl('.'\t l'ii'\\'!I lu ][arbor Vit'W J !il!~. Tiu~ !'11• ly 11 .. 111!• sit~ u11r 01111 1 ~1int ""'~,.J.,.,k. inc 11 ~·1·,., n l•·lt nnd 11·1th a f,1rt'\ll'r l i!!O d"t::l'l'C \II'\\. or ~.ct·an and Caruhna. Vc·ry sharp 4 l:w.'Clr()()m~ • fainily ro<im -:t bath, 3 car garai,:l' -:>pa..rkliog H & r fl'"'] • Fire ring and many rnore f'xtras lo mak•· 111door-nutdoor livlM: at ii" hi•st and you .,v, n the land. Only $120,000. Call ""11 673-8 .• >50. PRICE REDUCED TO $89,500 Just try durlil'atin!; rhl~ 1·u~tr1n1-huilt hom,..·ron torlay'!I n1arkf't I llf'dr0t1111~. study, !lpaciuult farnil)' ronm and 1 i··11 .. r •M·•·un. \Valkin:z db· tancc to rri\;111~ il<'ach, }Oil nwn the land. This one \1un't la:ot Inn~. 673-8J:JO. COSTA MESA 2790 H-lllvd. 546-2313 17931 leach llYd. 142·2535 21030 lroold1unt '63·6767 6014 WGffltr Ave. 847·6010 COHONA DEL ~IAH 332 Martuerit• 673-8550 Oil!l V PILOT • • ' --~-• LOW DOWN - LOW PAYMEl(fS ONLY $23,250 ! F.Z lo bu~· this VACA.l\'T hon11'. f'rf'S h painL lt•lllUS ~ill'd R-2 lo1. C lnstt 111 ~hoppin~. A 1a lu"' rrvn1 Yl'!'.!h!r)'ellr? Call 11011'? 1:1·12-15J5. ASSUME LOW FHA LOAN $220 PER MO. :'\t'\\' carpet. i'~Cl'Sh jiainl in and nut. f ormal dloi n~. fwnily roo1n. Gr1•at J1.cat1au. ?\car bt•arh. Neiir shop111nc. f 111it tti .. '"· Cl(\'>~· lo ~ChOl)I.~. Tota l pdt'i' s,1:1.9:>0. Call! 842-?'.>JS. NEWPORT BEACH, HORSE RANCH ESTATE 3 arr'f's, 2 sto1)' pdvah· c11l1•nial c~tnh', '""'•'Pini.: staircas~·. dl'n \\'Ith 11a ll ot hl'lok- rus--.;, se11aratt> n1ai d &. f'art•lakr>rs qua1·1t•rs, 3 rnr b'tll'B~~· hous•• and 1·io·11· ,,f hay. l la.~ stalJINi A.." many M tiU hvr'1-"S. Stat" a1~ 111'flL~l'CI at $275.000 -Fur an appolntn1c nt 1·aJl f7141 ti<lG-7171. LANDMARK HOME Slfl,990 3 IH'Clrvorns. l.J\11dn1nrk lii•mf'. Close en beach. llus:e family arra~ l'ri vn tr> living rvom. Crackling fireplace. ('all 96.l-6767. GROW YOUR OWN TOMATOES ? y.,q e1u1! < )h. thi.<1 big cornl'1· lot compli.'tll'! 11·1th ruom for boal. Thert."s l'\'l'll a house 1u1 this lot! Lovely Uii.: family hom~ ~:ailing frir YOU. S.11,950 Is all it takes. Call 1':1 17-6010 to St'.'e. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 4 BEDROOM $36,950 l,(lt~ l•f ~hnde tr"Ps-fir•·plat·•-nic!' yard.~. l1n1n(·thate occu11aney. li lt.i-7!71. FAMILY LIVING Club hottSt'. Po11I!: J aCU7ll'. Sauna! Tt1TAL FA:\IILY LIVI:\G. 2 S!or,1 ::rK /I~ s•1. U. hunll'.". 1{11.i.~•<d entry. llui.:1· livuu.: n~un. !:u~t1c fir.•- 1,lar<'. f"om 1al dirung, :::~· f,\:\l lLY H0f)~J . \VET H1\H! Thl·r»·s n1"r•·! To st~ t·all 963-6767. DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS: A11 irnmaculal•· • ha l'lnll•~ h•••ll•' 11 lth a grt·at hi g s1)8rk!111i..: l""'I 111 11 ~ n1an1C'ured ynrd. !\lake y11ur fa1nil) l"l"l-h .. 1111• drt'am cnn1e t111e f()r 11nl) s:i!l.f~,(1: Cull ~17-GOlO fur mo.r·l· inforn1a 1111n. STREAK TO BEACH It's true! Close to bt•a1·h. Total rrice $29,700. Gr1 ·nt 2 s tory homP. J,11rcf' livins: :\r'Cas \\'i1 h 1'1"3l·khnJ..: brick rirl·plRl'f', Bri<.'.k (1Ht10. Com- rnunity l"'°l. Try Sl500 d11v<n . Call 963-6767. DIRTY FACE WITH A HEART OF GOLD IA \'1•ly famil)' size hi.in<' 11i1h 11 :.:1.,•a t l.'.>x.30 p•H1I. P11•tty loc.'l!iun. :'\f'l'CI.'! ju~t a Jillie T.L.C, $38,500. Cill 8·17·6010 to Sl'('. COLONIAL MANSION S teps to ht'il,.h. 2 ~t.,ry furmnl 1<•rrazo t"ntry, ~·nr111al livin~ n .. irn. Firt>11IUt't'. Lnr~e fanilly roon1. Island kilC'hf'll. f'•1rn1al dini n.c: l'Ol1m. :\ baths. \Valk '" Edison lll;::h. $.19,950. Call tn SC'!• -%3-6767. THE BIG WHOPPER Bisz \\'hoppt'r. 5 bf'dnXJms! 3 hl!.lhs. EXTRA LARGE fA.\IILY Al<l';A!? Firl•placc. Lots of upgrading. To sell'! call 963-6767. S1500 TOTAL DOWN B1kt-t(1 lx-ach. :\ hf'dronm 2 bath larizf' l111ni:; rnbm. 001.:Btt: FIREPLACE. Bon l gatt•. Lar~e )"ard. For rll•Jl'l', call 963-6767. ' 11\'VEST~I ENTS 18662 MocArtllur lllYd., Suite 103 lrtl•• 752· 1700 • 47 I I I I . ) UAU.1 PI L.01" ;MIXID SINGLES 00 \blJ "!UIN~ '1\xl'Ll f.'/lft. Y'- SETfL.E OOl<JN. BooMeR 1 , TUMBLEWEEDS r cFl'S S~E'HOW WJ;Y YMRS HAVE 1tlU ~E'EN 60 /NG wrrn ME, Sl.l;AR? r ~~. l • I r • ~ . ' . ,. 1.. MUTT AND JEFF HEY. MUTT! THE CAT KNOCKED OVER YoUR BEST SCOTCH! FIGMENTS NANCY ooF's---Tf-IERE GOES MY REPORT CARD IJj J .. by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson ' . AIA~U w.ietJ !'M overz '° l'll 5TOP l'!.AY ll'IV fµf. l'IELD. ... ANO CONCENmTe Orl Tµf, 51)( 9!.111 F1NALIST9 1 ~ELL'>' ... • Hl~CIE:GAR!1 I HAVf. NE:VE:R GONE: Wint VOU IN MV ~IFE'! by Tom K. Ryan .... by Al Smith by Dale Hale by Er:nie Bushmiller ' LOST--- ONE REPORT CAR.D • ·• ANYONE: RE'TURN!NG IT w'IL..L GET A PUNCH IN THC NOSE ,J~ ...... , ..... ___ ,,. ...... _L',,_., ·-· ....... _ . ....,.. __ - .TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE PEANUTS !,JM..\L ~!\E !£.IE GJN.\11•\ DO, F',,.l.CT1CE OUR L.OSIN.;?! ACRO~S Md S1na1t1 Yesterday's PUllll Solved: 1 FouU 45 Monopoly resin .t6 Two- 8 Cause to !\anded ' fall 49 Sew 10 Giraso1 lightly 14 One· 50 Harangue thousandth: 51 Food Prefi1 seasoning 15 "---·.an· 52 Greek A-Two .. leller JUDGE PARKER 16 Food and 55 Giving . ,,,. back .. 17 .... .and 58 Part ol goes out Asia like -·--.. Mo nor 18 Made 60 Dill herb 8 ·--nickn .. me Intelligible 6 1 ·---1na nutshell 35 Cromwelt's ' 20 Fussy old manger 9 For .,ach nic kname woman: 62 in plain 10 B1ader 37 Talking b•rd: Slang view 11 Arl1SI S Var, .21 Cheese 63 On lhis. rned oum 40 Established .23 Musical oolnt 12 Range rule dir&CllOfl 64 lnlant Cfe Sl 41 Yearner 24 Legal r1ghl 65 Nostrils 13 Induced 10 42 Fortified 26 Encourage tJo wrong . place 28 Yielding OOWN 2 words 43 Wile 30 Carried 19 ····-iland: 45 Where L A. 31 Laboratory 1 E. lndlan P. L tree " chemicals nurse 22 Fit out 46 Former 32 Money 2 5.200 25 Clear Idaho Stano: 2 leet 26 Gives an Senator DOOLEY'S WORLD :· Dr.SMOCK MV MD SU~ W1SJ.IES 1-1• HAD A LAR6ER INCOM ~ O~. SJ~.' Sl~.1 ."i..~ASB COM~ INTO MV ROOM Ai' ONC E! .1 MOON MULLINS ® POfSN'r I-IE KNOW BY NOWnlAf MONrV Do£5N '> 1!1:1Nu ~Al'r!N £"5 ? i ·ve: Goi' A 9i'J!lANG.t! l:ll!!'.P MAr:ll< ON MY H I P! M'SQIS, :t't..t.. ,..AKE! O~F M'r' NtGHi'CSOWN AND SHOW YOU.' ... WfL-L-?° I ' by R09tt Bradfield f"l\,).ltJZC ... 11 'b ,111~1' lllA"f ~r ~t lr"0CNL-Y J..'LALltC.P lHl\T' A LACK OF M ONoY 00.SN'r l)RIN(· rr" r::rlltCl!. 1 ~ l , I ! J • by George Lemont ~MM , t..f;'f'S 566 .... NOW Kltf:P lN M ll'-IP. l 'M 01'-!L-V' "fMt: 1.-INtiN SUPPL-Y' M AN .... ,;.z'f l I I by Gus Arriola by Ferd Johnson 0.1<'., MILLIE .. S 0 1CLOCI<' f BIG DATE IONl<:;HT, EH,JOl<'E? .JUST TH INl<'1 Mu • .ii; .. SOME PS'OPLI' .JUST READ WHILE THEY'RE WA ITING TO GAS up. ., ANIMAL CRACKERS . eHOOT. .. IF 1' TREe FAUS IN I>. FOl<'e6T f.110 T~ERE IS t\O ~TO 11EAR IT ... DOES IT 1111>.KE A SOUND~ by Charles M. Schulz TH.l.1 ...,·.).5 JJ"f-7' ,l. LlT71..E J.; .... s. ~ by Harold Le Doux BUT WITH WAKEMAN I DON'T KNOW ... IN PRISON. HOW CAN ANO l CAN•T THE PAVMENT . 6EL1EV E J EAN eE M A.DE_:.,,. CALVIN WO\JLO eE PART 7 r-OF SUC H A DEAL..' . . by R09er Bollen ! THINK 1\Usr At\SlllER . lllOJLD BE ~ED UPON IN SERIOOS. P\.!IL.060'\llCAL Cli1C~EG. ., THE GIRLS words 3 Dull food edge lo 36 That girl regimen: 27 Work units 37 Folkways 2 words 28 Money 47 Goooessol peace 48 Alrna -··· MISS PEACH by Mell "01 C'OUrsf', the trouble \\•ith a <'ruisC' is all ,.ou do is si t in • dttk t hair and wish you hadn't eaten s"amething.'' 38 Tumt.1 11 4 Slippery 39 Chili and btack 5 Narrow peppers. 2 bands of worda labnc 42 Aclor ••·•• 6 Not Rathbone ap<Hi:en 44 Enter1alners 7 Perl Louise played 3 • , ·~ ' " " 1 " 0 I • ' " I • ,, " " ,., lO " " ,. 1 " .. " 29 Repeal 49 Hanging 30 Uses an loosely awl 51 Arrogtnt -32 Not Berson • gel'letal 53 ut on !tie 33 Nova ~ayrotJ . 54 arm crop Scot11nor 56 Grab: Sling Vermonter· 57 Miss Lupino 34 Glrl'a 59 Eggs •• 9 J~~110 II 12 13 l ':.;!: ". " ., l3 " " ·• l3 " " " " ., - -c lR'A, YOLA 5AY TMAT Wi-46N YOLA lt FA1HE!t 6ers HOME, ME' c',OE~ TO YOU R: tOOM TO ?ETTl.E: YOLA lit P~064..E:Mi, Tl-IEN 10 YOVlt SitOTME:ll'~ R'OOM 10 ~errLt: Ml?, Tl-!EN TO TME K1r c HEN TO O!:AI. 'IVff H VOL.Alt MOTME'.,'7 Pll.Ot\1.E.MSo ? W£1..L.1 I "f1'41NI( fj.jAT'~ \'fltY NICE ! DICK TRACY MAVE5&"1 9'UT HE1~ !J.EG INN lf'JG iO ,ACT 1.E.tJi L.llCE A .'"Ai1-1£IC. AND MOll.f. 1.fl(E A Cl'2',lAl"f COIA~ J t.106£: .... c ' 0 • . , .. " .. " .. . .. . -. " • " 13 ,. • -" " " -•. " ~~ -" "6.J NoAY & ~IOIJS,SO I """"' ........ i. ............ ._ _.: .. •1•. • WELL ... EVErlY ciruo ~ ... "'lr. t 1"1111"'"1_1 l\IUfJ!1• \ ) l ' Oil Town ~p Tight Over Story from '''Ire Services • :O.layor Ulff 01&\'b o f Gillett~. \V)O. says a New York Times !1\ory I ha I described his ooornlng oil and ("Oal con1munlty w;1s a .. \'lclous, outright negatl\'C allack on the 'A'holc to"'"·" "\\'e'\'e got !'Orne proble1ns here and I'll be the first to ndmil it, but I also thlnk "'t're: on top of the dc\clopmenl," Da\ is said. The Times story called the northeast "'yarning t o w n a ' raw jumble of rutted streets and sprav.l ing junkyards. red mud and dust, dirty trucks and crowded bars. faded billboards and sagging u1il ity poles and block aflcr block of house trailers squatting in the dirt like a nest of giant Brads haw-filtd 11 4i\'Orct sull. Early this )'ear she a~ked 1he couru for m&.067 cbm:tg~ from htr husband, 01vtd, 46, for his Bl\~cd mismanage- ment of their partnership. In the latest epioode, ft.Ir~ . Bradshaw asked th~ Cook County Circu it Court to appoint a 1e1nporary re<:rlve r to manage the pann<'rship, \\'hi ch she maintains ha s and :'\ilsson plays Count Do\\O. u humorous takeo U o n Draculu. * Jat·k Benoy, thl! 't40tlri 's Qldcst 39-year-old shoY.•n111n. "·as cl!ught \Vi th his ""c ~ho"·ing durlns a \'isit to hLs horne IO\.\'n of \\'aukeg;cn, Ill. "\\'c li ved In a house at 518 ('h1}ton S1rcet." Benny told a ne\\5 confe rence. But \\'a\Jkegan ~I a yo r ROOen Sabonjl11n ht-Id up four fintt:erli. «1rrecting Benny and suffered "disasU'OuS fi::inrK·inl indicating the address v.·as 418. "I \\'flS he re bcforr ,·ou results'' under her husb..1nd's irrr€'." Benny quipped 10 ·1nc J ( PEOPLE $75,~a-year managemt'nl. 58-yl'ar-0ld ntayor. * 111ousands "·ere expected. * but only about 100 prrsons Phlllp K. \\ rigley. j 9 , gru bs." tumed out at Allan1a·s airport president of a che"·ing gun1 to catc-h a glimpse of former company and 011 ner of the * Beatles drummer Rnlgo Starr. Chicago Cubs baseball team. The daughter or millionaire Starr and rock artist·liln1 \\as rcll•ascd from L.a k~\and Chica;::o insurance executive producer l.latl)' Ntlsson were llO!-ip\tnl in Elkhorn. \\"1s. after \\'. Clement Stone y,·ants lo in Atlanta for an ad\·ance an overnight stay bt!c11 use of ii: d1ssol\'C he r marriage' and her sl10·.ring of their rock horror "di.iv spell." ;o files nonhv.·~t of ChicaJ:o, \1 hen h~ ron1plained of feeling dtt.Z)'. * "'This is better than i,rinning an Oscar," said act ress Ji:ine Rus~ll. acct·ptlng an honorary reso lution from !hr Lo s ,\n~t'lC's City Council for her \\'Ork in finding ho1ncs for orphan1..'<l children. ~li~s Russell. ~2. founded \\'orld Adopt ion lnt(rnntiona\ fund \\'{\IF ~!:.iv II. J9;,.4. ' * ll arry Reasontr of ABC ne1\·s and Earl llammt"r. 11r1tcr<rcator ()f '·T h t' \\nl1ons." v.·crc :i n1 on i: rccip1cnts of !he 2~th a1mu:1l broadcaSI indus1~v con ftrent't' .'.l\\'3rd~. · bro atl.c.'lst con1n1unicat1un~ arts di:p;rtmen1 judgl'<.I lhc a\\·ard t'ntri e$. * Susan Zln1bleman of O:ikland changl?d her 11a.n1e to Su1u1n llmblt "·oman. "I v.·ant a fcu1\nine nu111e v.•ilh my fan1il y root to flt in "·ith m;.r political ide-0log~·, .. S.'l1d 'Is. Zunblcwonui n. a 24· 1·car-()ld U n i v t' r s 11 v of (•a)lforni:1 ~ludl'lll f j. 0 Ill ll1!rri11, Ill. * Sl'n . \\arr~n G. ~h•Cl\usou. 69. 5nys he \1 ill set'k another !>iX·\'ear h·rn1 this fnll. 'la;!nt!~tl j U -\\' a s h . 1 • rorn1nlh announct'tl h is candid:il'\' for rc-i.!lc..:tion to a dinner 'n1erl!lll,l of l'iert·e CoWlty ()t:1nocr<1t~ i.J1 Tarom:i. II tan1c as no surp rise -a campaign commith.'t' 1\.'.lS sci up \:isl ye;ir rind O\'Cr $270.00J ha s IA.--en raised for his r.'.l(.'e. * . Sin~cr \\'llli~ 1".r l .. on ~•l\'S he 1ncuc lhln rour rn.,nths ai,:o bt•1:;1u~\' of lu, · hah1tu:il" traffic offt·n~~, :':t-l:iOO fi li'd :i pt•tit1011 1n Aust'tr1 nskln~ tu h:l\t' hi!> ht1.·n5(' 1't'u~t.Jtc1I hv !he ·it•x:is l.k11art11l<'nt of 'l'uh\h.· &lft't~'. Nt>lson. v.·ho ~aid h\· e<1rn<.1 $100.00011 \'C:1r. s.:11d he \-.1nnot 111.:ikc co '111 in 1 t in c n t :; to pi•rfor111 1f h<' c.1111101 dri\1• hl ~n1c of tlk'tll • A New York prodU{'· lion co1np..'lny ha~ fd\-d :i $".ta n11\hon 1ti•l.una!1o n i.u,• 111 l.os Angeles :i;.::1i11 ... 1 ~iit I.ult h1r1ncr hush:u11\ ur lhc l .. h· JuJy Garland. Barnett Glas~man . pr<'i.1d1·n: of Trl)phy Produrlll•ll ~. tut. said in the !'u1t that \1h\·ll thi.: co1np.1ny llll'lllptt'd 1•> '<'II 1::) tapes of Judy ti;irl,1nc.I tcle\'ision s h o v. ~ , !.uh :tllC'gedl y s:l1d 1ht· r <i p (' s t~longed to hlrn :ir1d !hat (;!~t~man \l':l~ ··a thil·f " (:o 11 illj j11 llobt.•rl n l'l'lllJL" :\tlT\l'E l'IC f l TtOU~ Bll\INf S' N,,_M[ 1T•T fiM ~Nf . " " ... . ". DAILY PILOT .{9 l'l n1.1 r .\\1 rr r .. I 1'11 JICt lt!OUl I Uilll l\i 1UoM£ $T.t.f[Ml:OIT "'••• • ~r•• . .,1,.,-•a. ,.,, l ••t l'.Tlfl' '" I; l,f f""I Ill '' ~ ,.. '·•'·"' l!.t~cn '-• ,,., • ~··' ' . ,,, ·~ 01 ... 'l P.r'-~. • l'UUL1C S01'1C t~ l'ICTlf10U' •Ut ON['' N"M£ 'f,t.Tl"MENT lull w!..., r.,,,.~, •·~ .. ' .. , ' . ( w .. Cl> •e.rtl " " . ' •'f (I·~'-~ ·~·' t :• •"d ,~./ 1 "",.' C" t 0•111 Ptlt'f ' t~. Ill' "" ., business partnership y.•l!.h her fi ln1, "Son of Dra cula." \\'rigley v.·as riding in l his e~tranged husband. Jn the movie. Starr, :14. chauffeur-driven cur to his Last year. Donna Stone porlrays ~1erlin the !\fagician home in Lake Geneva. about The 19;~ PrrCt'ptor A"·ards "·ere given lu significant (•on tr ib u tors to the hro~1dt <1 s t inli: fie ld n~ "~plcndid c:\an1ples of the uplifting. positi\'e \·alues of the profession of broadcasting." • The students and f:iculty of San Francisco St a t c 's c-:tn't n1ll'kl• a 11\'\11~ un!~·S.<; he \·an ~c t b:ick' the Texas dri\·1·rs 11 cl' n s t' su~pendcd AUOf!C\'S for f;l;1~~1n:1n ~:lid I.uft'~ ~1;1arks prevt•n!t'd ~.:-de •1 1•11A•G1J! R 0 u r 1 Q l.J r . : ,, of the tapes . LlfJv1••• ,, •• . 1.•, ,.Q•• R ~ • 1 n ~•I•··"~ t1,•.1 J 11dl••"' "•'·'~' P.!1 91 •.•,1cncll "·• Tv1"~ r .. 1.0 ''"" • •oO l'l'HLIC :\llTIL'E ~~--'---'--~~~-'--'-~-~~-'-~~~~- For the Re~ord UPI Ttl ...... 19 No Place Like Ho111e? Jflarriage Licenses J•N l L \fl' SA..\Rl·WC§T Tn'"'"' '11 " • .., :lJ. 2~8~1 (•"OI•· ',•.,,•.~n V"? o•l L " O• /.',,,•It, '10. ?:& '"""'ti • ~· An•tie1m, ,t.LFONZO·WILLIA'I'. D •"'•I ;01ecn. 79. 1••1 F1~ .... ~~o e. ,,. (<>"• /..~s• •l'<I l •nJ• 0••~ 11. J.;;/ ,cr~1;~,~~l'N"o s~ .. ·~.~~,~-,,.., .•• 1J ;:ao Cnemon d• re<. (~''" /.'••• ••J .J•~" "n"· 31, lli:Q (tierr•" a• Ft·. (n.ia M"I" !l"KElt, Jlt. 1-lA-:Oi:~ -y,d"'''" c, ... ,~. n. 1Gu1 ~·~~'' "·" (·•"''" C.rove ln<l C.~11 L.nn, 1~. 1«!11 110,.•n ~T w....,,,~,n, '"' COO K·f1A.•ill c ..... D~vi~ 1l •'W L~·~•P~t. W••lm,n~'.• ;.,•o J•r·te J~~on. 21. I/Jiii IAo<IOC. A~t ;; ~oynt•<n V•lltv P..O OVE TT E·H,..LVEltSO'I 1~ .. 1, I ~;tna•d JA•'· 11. 1•1'11 ~-1 , 1. "· • 1 Din• P~·M •"<I L•n•• iM "· 1·. lll'1 Mar•nd V•,ld O~na Pooni JOl<N!.Otl-!tTURO!:VA •~T ""'"'~"· t9, J~ ... Ori PrM•a~~•· f>r ' !•, ~In (!~.,.,.,n·e ~ra Ma•.-[lion. 11, lX:• P1~',.,.,,';;e••<7•M•. "o' .. !to~ YllAltRA-OPPEl!U~ ro•~. ~ l7i11 Be~<~ !ll•d, C.1·~·" .::,.,,.. •~a AnQ~lt Fra<><:•n•, ;i, ;u> El 11'1 •a Cotelt. ~()IJnlio" v.•11•1 HURL·Gll E£•l -,,_1~;c1 ,,,,-,,t L •" 'l N'•I l'o•·"e•. l.oci "• r,,0 ,,eo ''' Pom•<• D<'~•Ct. :"), ll/l1 /,loro' r , L6Q1.on' r"a<Jtl H::t~DEll SO'»A"IHTE -l!~~>d L'"" 71, IOU S""'"!'O~. S•r·~ ,.,., 1"a 1.'i'Y ,,..,, .. , 11, J1:1 ~"""ull D•.-e Co"~ '.\t•3 J•l>nr•rv 11 o ·e1t1E'l·KOTHENBfUTCl J ..... ,. "'"'U>l<ne )I, 1<(111 Jr!f•r •ll " .'11110.~1 Citv ana •,'!•~• Lou;·t . ]J. ~l•l l<:•Tlo,r•··· G••d~n C.rt.-t 6Altlt!CK-0LSElf -0'1' OC:e<ol 79 '17 E llt~ SI , ,I.pl :l. CO>Tn f.1~1• ,n1 a~n~<~ lor,alnt. )l, lll E U!n !.•, Apl. D (~!• I.If'\• l<CLLOCG·flANK!t ~ l.\ulon "[", •I. \\ \lKfll·COl(S \\!•I·""' >'CN••d 7>. l:i? IV ~lltl•"~''>. ~ • ., (lt,..1~•• ~nJ (or•I .•.•a• d . l;Jl R1mgn 1<~10. P•I'"' ~ptl""> JU',T Wllll"'.'S It "'"'' JO•H>'I :-1 J•~I V•• Ct•1•.~• ("~ ,, .• , -~.i" V~u:~:us:~ '~;!:: ~":' ;:l 11 " ~· Ml,cil II, ltll .'.',fllM·ll\JUAltAll P•'' I p , '' • -..u·~. YI Jl'I• (.,.• ~·" D•llU. ~•" Ju•~ t •~• •·~~ ri; t ~':;!"s~'J.:..r?'L.J' .~~. '•"• ~ .. ·. PONO·r•(lt(ICMf. ••ocn,•I r;• o·• 1' Y.l VII /~onl•q~. ~~~ ''""""'" •1 S,, ~" Ahn ]•. J• •I (~!~h'•• r '"''"•nc 6e.oc~. JOLLl•V.(,t,Pf(P -Ke"n•t' "ti•"• ll Jll l '<•t<!r•ev. S~n Cl•""'"'• ~~d '•";tt \1't ·~. n> IU Por111. ,t,~t. a ~ ,., , ... ,,..,,. ~•U'KEL!IEl!.~V.(00/o/Cl' -( '''"'" ~·;~~ ij.,81 'Tn1 C~!~i,to1~;f, jf1 1;~i'. cn~.i• s1 .. Apt c. cos1• ,.,., Mcl1E!i11V. j lt .\MITH -RtDf''! 7,, l"l'l [I\! l ,calone•, $dn ri .. .,,."'t .id /.',lflld <t+ Ann, 1?, 110 E••I L '~l<n~ ~•n (IN.,fnle o ·,..t.D1AllA ;iJlitlPCll e•U(' J•,·. ;~ ;J1 !!!" A.11 I, Huo1ll•1l·n B•4C" •"a o ...... ~~ r~.1111"'· 11, ~11 c1a1. '·' 10 '" a~.1t~ Dissol11fio11s of ,,fa1•1•ia!1e •llf<I .t.D'11 1 Ou"<•" 1;1 'h• J•n"I 1"1 1!"'1r'1 0•· a rr •• -.. '-'t"•t' £J·••'d 1•d v .c•·• (·•" P•·n <·.-·~· o··~• ••d c""""' 1.';•. (• •'t' C,.,...,, A AM J•y·~ Ar" r.•n'I""· P.•1· C·~ I .>nd 11., •• , II Tr 1••0" Ar" .t.tv~n ,...., I' f'••I l •""•' l!ncolt 1. Dl•M 0•••' •e~ Pnl1! c r.,,..111• '"""'I ~·~ P•"1•1.o J ... ,., P•"lr•• J"•••"~ dn~ fll'•"·l '"••r!. 1-lebtr J' •rod Ch ~•'1• r Po!!•• \•"<I'• l •" ••d C.1..., LM •• ~,~,,..,.,.~. "'°11' ~·n •r:l !<•-•>' llarvey Smith, a 67-year·old retired baker. will trade this cardboard box he once call ed home for a garage roo m in Tallahassee. t'la ., follo ,...'ing news· paper publicity about his _financial pli ght. S1ni.th .-a.n ali <:--;-rnoved _inl.o his makeshift hon1c beca use his $136.39 monthly social Sccu.r1t y check d1 dn t al· Jo\v hin1 anything else. 1'~0 Vu~ p.,~.,~. AO! I\· L•U'•n• .. l•I• ~nd !1~1ft!, 61 . .)9 C~llt A'l~~n. r.~1 0. L M"n~ tt;+I• S'NA'l(UTT·HOLl.1 $ -~1•1•n P-'Ut. 11, •iJ~ T~!1'~" o ..... t1unTtn<1!Df' a~~d• ''"" Cvnlhll Lvnn. 11, !1111 0&>. v:~t'k~~d~~srg~~El.L -C1'il'+t·· -'·!~•·. 71, II/ Tull<r. CO•!~ llt •a nn<I lt•M« t i ,,_,.,.,.,, 70. llT Tulle> (0"8 I.I.el~ t.£FFLEY·AU STIN -1.•~•t lh<>n•l<I, J~. ICJ' • l'a•lt1a· .. n. Mu~r,noron Ro•<~ '"" JC>lln La11l1e, .l'I, 11)11 Dl•r,.., Gor dt~ G•c~• Au11u.r. ''"""'*' t•,Cl.<"li~• S • .,.. T•···; ~ \hl•t \. 'N•lma S~l•t! ~f'ICI 1-l•.,rv t l'Mt>'1'0r~ A!i<~ A Or,1 J. ~ .. II l'l•,..11. Obcoar11a K~~~ tM lt ft,.••d F"Ntfd ~11111.,., ... Pait!ci~ •"<! r1 .... ,,+~v Yo..nt, Cl•••·~'~ r •r·I llr·.-."' ,,.o,.+oy1. ll••'o •· ·'":! Jo··~~i•• r.,,, •• , C.tt''" I '°<! """" • Dr,och•~. !ltlqil!e "'~·:• 1rd D•v•a !'~>iUL Ell ·BECICETT -C.•••ld G•nr. Jl. !/In l,IA~<rie Lont . l'unl!nol~n 8~A<'1 1nCI l•nn& Jnne. '°· 11111 /,\.,.. "'' L4ne. H~n!lnQIOO Btoc~ STflfF l~·BErTE '.00!1 ~ -A:ud,,Ce>n In-The Service C:a,,,ln, 11. 7300 le,,;1 St , An1n,,,.., •n~ Oell• Juli~. 1", \~.U a ol•• (n~c•. Hunt•...,/On 8!~cn. 11 /,._1'.0 LL-SNO.'O P on~'<I ltav \f, 1110 N. Sllll1M SI . Or•n~o ~M Pio<'• •lo L...,i.~. :JO. 11 111 fl•"'·~nu•1!, ""'· 1!. H~n!(nq!.., Be•th Kf!lLE Y Ll'NDES -lt1tna•1 Vl•vn• 1•. n:.3;1n sr. ~·r ""'' !leacn •'141 A•l"~~ E:·,•. 11. 1110 P1•~ t.r"'DO"· ,._'""'' Be•~". Na\·v r~ireman Rec r u i l Grego~y ll. Busby, son of i\tr. and i\lrs. Ca rol R. Busby of 5522 Tangiers, ~luntington, Beach, graduated from recruit training at 1i1e Naval Training Center, San Diego. l\Tarine P\1. .John P • Ton1e7.a k, son of !\tr s . Charlone H. Tomczak of 2128 Orange Av~.. Costa i\1esa. graduated from basic training at the i\larinc Corps Recruit Depot. San Diego. Ka\'\' Seaman Kalb y I... '\'a rm.ington of 2.J8 Palmer St., Costa '.\lesa. Cali[.. h a s reported to Training Squadron 23 at the Xaval Air Station. '.\li~s Paula K. Roundy, <laughter ol '.\Ir. and l\lrs. i\lcrrill Round y of 2 7 0 8 1 '.\lariscal, fl1ission \I i c j o , recentl y represented N e w !\lc.,.ico State Liversity unit Or rile An gel F1i gh l at the 19th ::innua l conclave of I he n:itiona\ organization held in lfouston. Ainnan O\·elio A. Ruiz, son of l\lr. and i\lrs. Ovelio F. Ru iz of 15363 Go lden West. Hunt· ington Beach . has been as- signed to Sheppard AFB, Tex .. afle r completing Air force basic training. Airman Timothy 8. Sbttls, soo of i\I rs. fltary L. \Yhite of 8272 i\·l unst cr Drive, lluntlngton ·Beach. has been assigned to Lowry AFB , ~o., after completing Air Forre basic training. The airman has b r: en assigned to the Tedlnlcal Tniining Ccn!e r at l..olvr)' ror specialized lraining In the a.rinament syslems. U.S. Air Forte ~tajor Robert L.. Huss. son of retired l 'SA J:" Lieutenant COionei and ~1rs. Elwood 11. Hu sii. JSOSI Sussex Circle. lluntington Beach, has rctei\'ed t h c ~tcrHorious Se:rv1ct ?otedal at Los Angeles 1\ir Force Stollon. ;\!rs. Augus1c ~lclatti. 815'.! Valencia Dri,·e. Huntington Beach, has been pro1noted to sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. Sergeant ~lclat!i is a electrical speci alist at Bolling t\FB, \Vashington. D.C. Coast Guard Se am an Apprentice ~ick R. Lorance, son of 'Ir. and ~!rs. Earl D. Sv.•enson of :?6aa2 Oso Rojo, !ltission Viejo. returned to his homeport here aboard l~ Coast Guard Cutter Inghan1. Airm an Ralf G. 'lltscbrich. son of ~l r. and ~l rs. \\'olfgan g \\-. ~!it.chrich of 3-41 \\.es!brook Pl., Costa ).!csa. has been ass igned to Chanute AFB. 111., alter co1nplet ing Air Force basic training. The airman has b c en assigned to the Technical Training Center al Chanu te for specialized training in aircraft main1enance. Aim1an ).!ilschrich ls a graduate of Costa ~tesa lligh School. Priest Popular Ll~lA , Peru tUPJ ) -A Roman Catholic priest complained on a telev!.sion program that a colleague in the clly cf Arequipa has brought a new surge of popularity to the ritual of confession. Tbe Re\'. Jose li1nria Guerrero S3id in a stminar on the church rituals that he himself sometimes waited hwr~ for someone to confess but that ln Arequipa con· fes.tants lined up for blocks \\'aiting 10 tell all to his priestl y colleagut. "'ho "·as uniden1 ifit'd . The difference. Gu(lr· rero said, ls that his 1."Cll· league ls lkat ~llchael J . ~ftlat11 , m of '------------' r . S. Air i:orce Colonnt \\'illiam E. Da\•ls. brother of ~lrs. Rich::ird L. Turner of 1021 Emerald Bay. LJ gun:t Beach. v.·i11 pa rticipate in the i'."orlh At!<intic T r ea t y Organization <XAT0 1 2 ~th ::inniversary observances this n1onth. Colone! lJavis is chief of the tactical evaluation s ec ! i o n \~'ilh ~Aro·s S u p r cm c ]l('adquart ers AlliL"<I Pov.·crs Euro1>e at Cloos, Bclgiu1n. Airman Jtffrey R. \\'c~t son of illr. and 'lrs. Jaincs H. \\'est Jr .. 83-41 A!larado Dri\·e. Huntington Bcac:h. has been assigned to Sheppard AFH. Tex., after completing Air Force ba~ic training. The airman has b e c n assigned to the Technica l Training Center at Sheppa rd for speciali zed training in 3ircraft n1ai11tcnancc. Armv Pri\'ate Edv.·ard f , ll alsteBd. son of 'Ir. and ~lrs. Lester ~1. Halstead, ~~7 K<:rtl, Hunt ington Beach. recently arrived at Ft. Lev.•is, \\'ash., for duty y,·ith the 9th Infan try Division under the Army's unit of choice enlis\Jncnt 11rogram . \\'est Point Cadt t Stephen E. Lotd . son of 'lr. and ~l rs. Robert B. Lord. 2 I i ~ 2 \\'lndsong Circle, Huntin~ton Beach, has been named to the Dean's Lis t at the U.S. ;\lilila!)' Academy. \\'es t Poin t, N.Y. \\'tst Point Cadet Jeffrey J=;, Tensftldl . son of ).lr. and :\!rs. R3ymond J. Tensleldt , 1~4 Bern Orl\'e, l.l\gWla Beach, has been named to the Dean·s List at the U.S. ~lllltary Acade1ny. \Vest Point , N. Y. Nnvy Fireman Sle,·tn T. Degracia Jr .. son of ~tr. and ~1rs. Steven T. Oegrucia St. of SW E. Di\'lsion St .. National City , graduated from recruit tr;iining at the Naval Training Center, San Diet;o. 8llAD8UltY·O'CO'lllELl q ;,,.l flf 1•1•o-ld. 6'>. 31'J1 Co"' no C•o••"""'' San J11a1 (•ol1!r 1no l rd l.l!l~rrd t<>'llf'"'""· U. ~121 B .>.vrn•d• ~t\IOll•. t .... ~na .. di\ P ~llEl YAG llll/C.TO~I -11oor••o. n. 1·· I~ F ..... e .. ~.~ .. A • ~~a G••I Iii!';••• lo 106<;& L• 11 .... 1 L~., •• I .in1,1 n V••lpy STlt1ElllECK·0£tl'l!:V '.'.••d• I l!A; JI ~n Ec<t re•· I' "'·""''"' Be•r~ •'10 u;c1 .. 1e 1o-~. ll, HUI ~·~·· '·'""''"·· ,,,,,.. .,.,, ... At'A>;~.C.l!Er•. -lt G~··t Jtnr, 1J •II Ali;o ...... t-l!°"'"r<C•I fk••" ••d D'br• t.rn. 10. 1(1'1' P<)mOn•. Cc"• Ne.1 ST. JA"..OUES·ECKE llOO!(LO -All1n WA"''· 16. •o01 Ht>I Avf , Hun!•t'IQ''" B••<fl an'! 'llflCI ~u ,,.,, Jl. lO!ll C.1rrcit-.·ood W1v. ~,,~.,., ",\ALLA(E·G l~TE'I -l""" /.'•'!"'~' l' /ISi OUQVtfn", I'.'~,..,,., •••• •n1 !1-.nd• ~u,, 11, l"I Ov<l~''"'· ,'i•"m'n\I•• \'r"llE·:.TITES -(n1,••1 r · ... ··a Ill, /'l·!I H;;mil!on, (.o•.•; "•'~ ~nd fl••WI•• Ellt~. ~:. hi 0 ~d.,,,l!O"· (O<!O /.'e•• llEl.i0EllS0Pi·l,'lf(MCll -''IC~A •I O:t•'" l'I) lll•1 s~...inu"' J>••c• s~"· " Ar• ;;nd T<rf>I Jin•. XI. U•-'l en.,.•· 1,,,...., CECHtf'i.CE LA 110;.. Ot •n~ ~llen l •. 11017 Sr&r ie, L••• AO! C. Hun!i~a!~ 8ta'" Ana A:c· 1n lo 1101? i•l nlf Y Lant . "~' C. "un I ~otcon !l••cn ROI/ PUR"UltA. -Jcrn Y v+ln :C. ~17!1 Pl'>Cf"'"• A<•. Ao' 0 (r •• uew 1no O•n"t 1.•1•' I! ]I/' <>l•--~·I~ Avt A ~t 0 . (C•·li •~•·• 1.<•'<DE RSON-~1 .. ITH -Gf~Qa•y F'•~I. 11. !1~1 w. ~lf~llf. ,..0, ]11. ~·~·.1 ""a 8nCI J1n•tte Lrr"· ~1. Jl6 lie~ 11 Ha"<I l~.,~ ·("'M l'r'• OLSE'i·GllUNf'NALC ·· !ell Ti'Omf \, 11, ~~Pl. l• St11d4 . Sau·, l 9<H.1n• •"cl /..'•"IV" Ellttn. 11. ll L I ~~""•· ~""'" l•o~r• F11or'114ry IS ST A•IS!VRY·THOff PS0'1 \'.";1:· 1 FdHAra .... ~\M s ~··~~>"•· ~·•'J A"~ •nd •v•li11• J~nt. >?. :1111 C&"''"0 ~a11!a OO'Tlot'IQO, S•n Ju•" c ...... ,.,,,, B'l:U5~·1'101tN -ltle'I<! [u<l•n•, ~ 1.:0•1 Cah•lom~ o .; ... Tuot,11 .. ~ •1arcv f··~. i'O. 1t:l A:ovr• """. '·•·pa•: e·•ch GUCll f l' KU&t<L -Ooe.•!CI A ~d•r•. ''· 19(.l HOllQfV ltw d, li•hDerl B••t n •nd Pjlrit•I J1rt, '6, fOO St t L~nt. C"rcn• '!•I M•' llOWL,1.NO· .. INSY/OltTH-01~~· ft•lcn. )5. 1;9 C. 51,-.1, fhlDN •nc OCW!n• L•. jJ l;>t G St•Hl 8elb0•. AE NAVX·GOll E -fl•11<t Gary 1J. l'JS ti Brhtal, Aal G. S •r•~ .t.n1 ar.d Pt !IY Leu, 19. II~ A1al•• A~t . l'•••mUln V~llt~. G~:~:~,..-;~j;,~~;i.1'ofiv!1rr ~:1~!i~. ~!; ""1 C.ht,VI lrtnt. IS ~·l Oo• Pl•c•. v.e11 ... 1nn•• llU.,.TElt·B•~1CEi1 -C,•ja Sh·••.'·~. \•171 EdW1•01. •o• .u, V.'•l t"'•"ll•' ~II~ (tt,...yt Anl' ~ 6112 H<>'l~t1 0 ""1!· 1-ltl!'>! f'<l!Cn e••(tt UUOE!IWOOO l.OllOEfl -S!tve11 "t", ?t. JC) l.'C"rtt> l•••t Ac!. (, S~n (ltmtnle •od Tr•tt• l.'••11. n . Uft C•llt ot l'• •l•I"<:•. S•" c1t me"" LUC,t.S, Jll .(UllTIS -Edml"d ~Lcono. !1 Hll lll•ter.tl• A it . tl-·I fl••<"> 1"11 Jo.>" E llr•bt'" al). lH l~Orl•·•• ... "'" SI., N......-1 ..... _ ,t,llTHUR·"'l"l1R!N -lt!t!l~td #lie~. n 1i. ''"" s• . ~ •• .,.,., '' l••c" • ..., (Ynll\ll L"""'· '' l~l Pi t. 0,1_... &1~?l~i'ii~JO ... ,so•1 -lleOO"'' flt"•· '°· 1.lfS (l••''"~ l"ll~~· ~flt~ • ..., !11-ti.1•• .<c•· ~. 2')7 N a~., J r61'1, ~ •• .,. ...... ll•·c~ fLOllES·LIJ.?AS G ••••Clo ,t,l~~·t1. ~· \1' '""''' Vt~"••• .t.c• '· SI"> ('f"'"~'t it'll Gu•llt•m!n• Vtllt. ». l(i !.1,.!B l>'1•~•H1 . ..,,ot ?. S•" Cit_,...,., llltlCE·NICOL -~·,.~•tn E••I, ?S ~· 1..-1 s•. •ot !I Ltov~• !le•C/I ••<I tlNI....,. 11:0<1~11. 11. ~ •tnl S!.. ,t.01 I , L.ou'!I !lt•C~ IECK£A·!l~lt1ER -T I m o I It~ CMrtft. 11 tll)I. LI (CIOll>•. F"""'"'" VllltV •'Id K•''" la•Pnt. "· 1-111 '~; .. ta• O•·""'· Hu"·'"~w.~ 11•'1" ,t.i;11£LIU~·00'1 ~ £•!t ~C~I!. '· 31t1 '~"•"'•'Wt•· •ct l \•n•• C•••• •"'1 llM•l~l• 1,.Yll~. II. })(]! VII Ntv101, 1: .,r.,... v.~10 L0fl'Ll!J.Y/Mll£\IC£ WI Y r t -1.11~1•v. :J. ll> •'" sr , "o' l .. ,.,,. ""°'~ lt1(:h 1nd Lint' K.1~ n 1:.) Ht" I , AA! J, M11,.llMIC111 1•M• Y..'000· l YNN r· J1!1r•~ <i 111ll'i1 lJI ,.lfl AbOfllnc" !•' L~~ ... ''I"~' ·.no Collffl'I Atw1. '1. If (rvl+t! (c·•t. l11111ru lltKI\. """'"" """''• Gtecro "''" •r~ 'IJn\ L•e O•••n•v L•l>Ot l.'••Qf'" I'd lt•,t••! W•Y"" '/lf»d, C ~~·vl Arrr """ l l ••• ,,. 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Ga<•I 1,• '""' Jnn~ F ~·~n•.n• (·"' L ~110 L••ll~ l f'"~"'" r,•·t:>O~••t '.' ~-d E •·t•• '' J•'•••v. It '"••d O! •nd lla•l>M• J 1,•,,·~•"· >',IC ••d c;,.....,,. E Vi~•·'"' Ja" •·~I-le'•" Po 0 nnrn•"I, Uor"'~ Join A"" O••·•I l>c~•·! .,.,,, Ca••l ~·n "" (.,.n,~, /' ... , '11'•·1~" "'d J~-"· [ r~n~O l'J•~fl ~ '• --~r•N·•• P vnr e .... , "'" ~·" '!, <!·•'1' P <~a·e .'.r'!• Q '"••O (,.·.•l•.,o•~• Ind c~vl•n• <,, /,'-'l•llv. P••r•<·• J;•••• o•:l (••ll•d 1·~·~ INTEllLOCTOlll' OE(lllE E! l'fl\~. Cl•Of L~• J• ol"~ fT·1t .. • f••''~;n,, (ner,I "'" """: 1 J1.,.•• ,, \~!).n"crlor T~''" • ~--'l:lf'I ••e ,.,.., ..... Jo'\" L1n·r• s••· ~ r ~-~ J"'" f J• tlo 1111111 !jfc is nol 1.00 exciting In the United Nations. as Britaln'g U.N. ambas- ~aclor, Ivor Richard. demonstrates during a lull in Security Coull· ell proceedings, • • ~"'11 ( Bl~• •I•• ;, "' .._ Oi.n1 ,• ~ • (,hll)f•. 9.•' "" IOAll;!IQR l lQUOlt, 1'1'1' ,,_ t'f,•("-" &I.(!.. Co.••/, •• {•l,lo•r•A ~1•.11 Feo-1-· I.' l.'.v•~hY 4rd ""';·~ • /.' /lurQn/, 1116 Dtl•na•t ~!., H11"'·"'1'·" !lr•(n, (ahlorel• il~'9 T~,. l>u"11tn II (Orl<'lu(T•d ~I In 1ndi<•dUl l ~o ,., '·' M~•l'"I fhl1 •'•'t"'•n• w•t Ul"d "·~ '"f rcu· 11 (I"" '' o .. r·;t C~u"""" 1.r•:1 I 11/0 J lllU ' '· Pl'Ul.11 ' \'t)TICt; ~I CTITIOUS I USI Nf.tS N.t."ME Sl,..lFMf.NT •.11 ... 1 n~ l>'''I:~ 1. ~"'1 bw·IM " .,""1 0 .. 1.-.;it c \I 11 1·0G >,••t 1 t O•ol• !17• 1•tn1.1r s1rr1rE fl(T!TIOU\ I U1I Oll!Si J!,l.Mli ,f,..T£M(Nf r u.,,,,.4 Pf"~n\ "'' ""''·, t~I • '" ·• A. TlLfTl11( CYCLE ro: r L[CTl!•C ..... f (0 r LL'"llllC 111-.L •.o. t Lr CT ~I( /l(Jf tJll 1111'{ CO , r Ll 'l=>IO: ,. f'·ll c 1r1 1 tl'I l o..l.tfl<I( li:l .. >;'.".JO O llT CC ll<~{t<,lf lf'l.o(f(.Lr ('J lll.t l lll(. f.All. CO. flf:(Tltl' •11 10 >.(o l'•~ t1""1>'"' 111.J (~ t.•• ~ CAI,,·~·~ ~/•~I <11 111{ '"''/1(.A!h.'I t.0'.'f"~ .. ~ re .111·~'" ( ~··•'""'\. •'I Wt•r ,,,,. •,••• c• ~." 1.. {"'''~' • QJ7 ,J, l•a bu>n~" •I tond~tt..-:1 b f '0'! ' ·•' J'A (1r 1( 11.t.VIGAllO•I (/)"l'•IJY Wo•"n 1 11 rnnl~Ol~ord P r"" l h•I '"'"'~"''' ""I !OM """ f·• ('11~·~ lier• ~I C•·•••llt C.cunly ~n ,t,p.it IS. Ill• P u1i•l,n"<'.I O'•'·" Cc•" 0 1llY r>·•~·. A1"11~. ")l •'''! 1.'~v 1. I. 1'1' \lll·I• !'UHi.iC NOTICf: l'lfll.JC 1'01'1Ct: J IC TITIOU' I VSINEt1 I I Gfl D~LV PILOT UOIN THE 'SELLERS C/flCLE' ! P ... WE'RE I .,. , SAVING f SPACE FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you •ell a •ervice and don't adv e rtise in the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you 're doing business the hard way. The Se rv ice Directory ( clauification• 600-699 in th e cla.,ified ad section daily) gives you an a d vant a ge yo u get through no other adve rti sing me dium. It reaches customers who are ready to b uy. Be there when your prospe cts c o me into the market look ing for the •erv ices you ha ve to sell. II yo ur se rv ice isn 't lis ted , we'll start a category just for you. Pick up the phone right now and reserve your 1pace in the "Sellers Circle" ... Your Direct Line to Directory Results .. 642-5678 CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT DAILY PILOT ·1 ,_ • • 1"1-0•·Au\IERllSER J.J The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It , Find It , Trade It With a Want Ad [642-5678) One Cal I Service Fast Credit Approval 1 Gt ntral R.E. 1002 ! _General rt.E. ERRORS: Advertiser& I·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 1002 General R.E. 1001Genaral R.E. 100'! should check thei r 1ds1• dilly & report orrors WANTED TROPICAL PARADISE • I rn m e d i • t • I y. Tht NE\\' or ('J(pt'rlent't'd 1ne11 or DAILY PILOT assumes v.11111en. \Ve t.lllel' P.l::lt.'l'<)N· 1i1bility fo r the first 1\LIZ.l::O T~\INJNC. A 1'011- i n c or r e c t inser!i::in ~~·nh1I oUll·e h1 the '"-'*'' Curona dl'I ~lar h)t"11l~1n. A IN BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE PARK -Come in and relax in this beoutlrul 3 bedroo m hon1e u ith tropical plants and greenery every· v. here. Co1nple te with sprinklers, BBQ , lovely lanai. Gurage door opener and lots of extras.' Ca ll us lod <iy ut 540-llSI -and see it soon:! ~~o~n~IY~·~~~~~~~I !011 l'Ulllll!IS~\CJll pl;111 1or1U .~u1~·l'i·>r houui< pla11, TJtt·l'C 1 :1n.: 11111111(' 1m rkln1: h.1l·ilidcs I[ tl!I r tor yuut cU~hJ11\C'n' and <.'Oll• BETWEEN BAY & SEA !'1«4tile S#Hitle ~ REALTORs' [ Howes for Sile SL~lent alh'f'l 'tli.lng su11port. I Fu!' )'OLlr 1·onlidcnhal Ill>' ~-mmmm~~~I µ11nt1ntnt. (1111 : LIVE ON BALBOA PENINSULA POINT -\Ve have the ho1ne for her no\\'. l'reslige location on S~\·ille 1\ve. near ocean and bay and tenni& c:l ub. 5 Bedrooms, 3Y..1 bath, farnily roon1, TV roo1n. Billiard roo1n and wel bar. Sll4.500. Call for appointn1ent. 540-1151 . I 1002 John Allard, Manager ! General R.E. 644-7270 DUPLEX • CORONA DEL MAR ' Corona del Mar CUSTOM BUILT 1\\0 tl<•dr11un1 ;uKI dt'!I ltr>t!U". •1.°i' f:.~ fur, J ~ l•l•wk.~ /1'n1 11 O<'l'Ull, 1\l11y l14 1•\p:111d <~l !OJ 1ltq1l1·x 111 full •'<11n11l •a11<·•· 111111 ('111·1•'ur 1 .... 1.·~ 11u111,.,1 adrl11ion .-1111•1 prO\•ltl e Ji'.Ul)Cl'b ()o '(\HI and h;if/•)!' \•le\.\'. $!~),;j(X) 640 -1120 EASTBLUFF POOL (.:)1,~1' !•• 'h'•l•)11UI: ;t 11ti s1·h•l'.•I.~. S11:irkli11:: J':oini 111· s1d1• 1ukl uul. l\luturt lt'•·t:s u111! "hn1h~. •I BPtl1wn1. ~ 1uni1.' Huo >lll, U In in i.: Ht.lfln1 :111\1 Gn•a1 l'ouL Of· f1•1·1~1 fvr Si9./io0. Call 616--0555. ""\'A'i~[~~v.,. RL\IT\ • BfOI(. <"f!llP~o~t AW! lloC• .. SI() • I <C .... N<..! C0t0PAOIT , ........................ ..... I NEWPORT ISLAND Ou11h•:c :: Bdrn1-.., 2 h;:i. eal·h: 011 l•n ('l) Lin'llf'r lut: 111inl rond111on. $1 '.!0.00'J. Call 67:;-:\GG:I 1ii:1-:-.:,::1 Ev1·s. associated : BROKERS-REALTORS 1025 W lolboo 67J·l66J 3 Bedroom Home $28,500 I Anyone 1·1111 :1~~u1 111· !111~ \',\' 7' r lo:u1. $1~1. l\lonth Iota] pr..v111e111 l'1dl fQr il<:t ~Jt~. I CENTURY 21*642·1771 GET A 'CHARGE' out of your DAILY PILOT WANT AD NOW Advert lscr& may place lhelr ads by telephone 8:00 a.n1. to 5:30 p.m. r.Jonday thru Friday B 10 noon Saturday COSTA llTESA OFFICE 330 \V. Bny 64:.!-567~ N8\VPORT BEACII m3 Nev. 1>0rl Blvd. 642-5678 HU ~TINGTON DEACH 17875 BC'ach Blvd. 540-1220 LAGUN.A BEACH 22'..? f ort•st AvC'. 494-9W6 SAN CLE;\lf:NTE 305 N. El Camino Real 492-4·120 NORTll COUNTY dial free 540-1220 CLASS IFIED DEADLINES IX>adline for copy & kills ic: 5:30 p.m. the day be· fure publication. exC'f'pt for Sunday & ~tonday Editions ~·hC'n dl'adlinc is Saturday. t:t noon. CLASSIFIED 'REGULATIONS ERHOHS: Advertisers sh')uld check 1 heir ads duily & 1T110rt errors immc<'liale>ly. THE o.U.LY PILOT assumes liability for the finit in- correct insertion only. CAXCEL.l..ATIONS: \\lh('11 killin,I!' an. ad be surr to make a record of the KILL NUl'>lBER J;i\'cn you by your ad taker as rc-ccipt of your ('ancellation. This kill nun1ber must bl-pre- ~C'nti'd by the ndvl'rtiser in case or a dispute. C1\NCELLATION 0 R COHH ECTION or NE\V i\D BEFORE RUNNING: f.:vf'ry effort is made to kill or cor1·~ct a nl"w ad that has bo'cn ordered, but '\\'(' canno t guaran· tee to do su until the ad has appcnrcd in th c palJl'r. Dli\IE·A-U:-iE ADS: Thl'sc ads are strictly c-a!'h in ad vance by me.ii or at any one of our o!- [icrs. NO Jihone ordl'rs. Dea4Hnr: 3 li.111. Friday, Cos la i\J('sa office 12 '1oon -all branch Clf· fiC(·S. Tll~ DA.IL\' PrLOT re- srr\'t'S lhC' rii::ht to c:Jas· ~ify. edil, CC'n~or or re- f11s~ an~· ad\'('rtis('mC'nt. 11.nd lo 1·ha11~r its rates .t, rc,g11J111inns "·ifhouf prior notic~. CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS r. o. Box 1560. Cost1\ i\I"a 92626 ~HERITAGE REALTORS One of our best incon1t µropcrties. Real rule front house v•ith ,·ard and spacious rear ,apart1nent -t-a ,gties1 apartn1ent. _Returns $780 1no. to O\\·ner. Offered at $91,500. CALL 644-7270 ' i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;002;';; I Genonl R.E. I lnvestors·Builders 100'! BIG CANYON.C . c. -$295,ooci Stunning b1·and NE\V custom home 'r\'/golf co urse vic1r. Lg. courtyd. ent. to superb 5 BI L beaut y. :\;C, l\1arblc, Oak pa neli ng + WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 2111 Siin Joaquin Hills Road GOING WELL But Not All Gone The Villa Granada 'Two adjoin in~ lr\'el R-4 lots "'Ith O\'t'r 30.000 sq. fl. All utllllics are in. Can build 10 un1f5, Lot'a!NI in s:TCat appreciation art'!l. Only I n1lle from oceun ,r,. just blorkl'i Jro1n urw prt>ix>scd n1arina. Under S2 per foot. 4 BR .· TOWNHOMES $49,900 EASTBLUFF i General R.E. Ju.~I a Jew cholc~. golf course view locations 51111 a\'ail· Hble. These spncloul'i condos 1002 ) General R.E. 1002 offer nl'w carpeting. elec. ---------kitchen. auto. gara~e tloor, COMl"Al!IY REALTORS SINCE 19.H 67)..44-00 Be a Professional I GOOD GRIEF! r "·ct bar, 1un1inous l'eil .. Pl'i''· N 1 11 I' dl'1:k~ & con1n1unity pool. I Take Your Pick l'iu· Y :i our i:inu~.~. sold "t:lr«ant llving lo Jll'UC't!l'ally 0\'('l'Jil~hl. So,,, " ·~ ... ~~ ... ~ ........ ! $15.000 • $25,000 WE NEED " "'"""' <'<>mmomHy" MODEL OPEN DAIL y See The Ocean INVEN~ORY S.l.'; Amigos \\'ay lJ amboree Frotn your front step. Walk If ruu Ul'l' the l)'Jic or person. tllnn or \\On1;111. dcs \rini,:. c111T1111;:11 llkr th1" or morr 11r 11111 1~·a1·h, truin ,\ )ir f'll"" ,ou 111 uur r~prri.>e. liruun<l fl<•1r "PJJly. fur 11u::n1!. B~ on rlw ~idc or lhl' 11·ln11rr. .\ 1:. n1 in u 1 e h1h •1·1·i1•y,' l'f•Uld rhlilll.(f' th1• <'OUl'Sl' of your \\ !iule lifl'. LICENSED or UNLICENSED For· J!l'i\'\llt• (' (l 11 r 111 I' 11 t ia l i11t 1·n ·h•11· t·11ll n•111• IX'!\.\'Ct'n 9 11,lll .~ j p,11\ .• 67:"'..-i:tlj '"' "~'"">.'"'' •""'"'IOI <.ll-UI VALLEY IU·.\Lr\ a or•<.. l "ff"""'S! • .,, •n AA\r('{•f «H•l<CC~ClW 'O"• Carefree Living ll you have l'On11dcred selling Rd. to Ea1tbluJ Dr .. to ?tlar one 1hort block and \Vtllch your ~rne or l~i..'Om~ prop-Visla, lo Domingo, to lhe boats return at sunset. eny CALL US. \\e t'an 1\rnlgo~ \\'ay). Tnke an early morning ~ offer . . For lnforn1ation, &H·ll33 on the bf>ach. AH this ('an be </ Personalized l!Oervicf'I .'·our.c; \l'ilh ihL~ spacious f''ou·n.· in1porlt11H lo usl :IBR lanilly roon1 honiP ,1·ith ./ Continuous (/Ufl lity c:oi. hu~e 1nastcr bcdnXlnl and 1iosure \\\'(' try httn:ler• IOI\', \o1v upkeep ./ SflC\:ial ··no obligation" Rent IH(li'i!n1rnt !ask usJ " rN'C ('\'aruution POOL HOME 1 L ,,..,,, '""'"'" ease .•••.• Please l'fJ ll 611.;211 An rnt('1'1ainer's paradise. Buy Lan:;:e eountry l'iylc hon1(' in • • • • • • • prestige area. 3 Uechw1ns. Our vacant hon11" needs ::i 21:: l~1l hr., l11ll 111:1.ssi\·1· I Jan1ll~·. I m n1 l' di,,. t e oc· ~ • , li11'pk1C"Cs. 1.ari.:r f;1n1ily I cu11an<·y Call 61.1-7211 !or ~ 100111 1r/f1repl11l'C. Very tet}llS. -s1)11c10111; p a l !n a.rl'a ~ SIH'l'Ounding h{•Ulf·d pool I TURTLE ROCK "·ith a bitr. Ju.!!t pcrlcc1 ror , , BROAOMOOR entenaining. Call Io r t ' \'ie11·~ .1 Bft, 2' Im., fani. 1111. private sho11 ing 963-1.'>13. i _ -~-· _. ' ,r,, din111g. (h,·rlt'r ll·aving 111·1·11: quil'k JIO~.'~•·ssH:in '-"" ,,, .. ,.,,' ''"'"''"'"' Olrt'i'l'd 111 S~~.!IOO V,,\l,L~:y . 4 BEDROOMS CORONA DEL MAR F~llt~1,\L Dl ~!Nfl 1-1.00~1 I 'l Bit h111111• • i.:ui~.~r huus'" l"l•11r So. Coa~t l'ht~a. E\· ShrH'fl, " ht . .J1· ... 0111 Sp1uu~h ' •Ii'• I 1· . 0 RI·. \Lr\_ . : C 01'ran sirlC' nf lhry. Just I ·1 • 1 11uu1cn1y. r1e y('t1J' s!ylt• Green Valle~· ·nnd<1 1 1 SJ 000 $6,'l ~ 11(•1r. J~"a<l.v for ()f'('UP<HJ('y . \oentcd just rtC['I •<:« HK' !t'f Ul't'r . In , . ------C II A 1· • "'~ ·~""'"'«'>f 0 .. fHI( .... S1QC• ! •~><U<C;( <.' .... Plli s1N'el lron1 ~llLE SQt:,\HE Ontu a ny ime ~11lf t'OU1'!;e & ~·uu n1r~ r·ltil• ~21 Btc; C.\XYON. De :111 e 646-3928 Eves: 646-4543 1'11is se1:ludt.>1:l h.;.111,.. 1~ ~Joclels ror sale . .\!so spec• i hK'f1trd on ;i !a t•Kr gr(•1•11 t11culur L";.olf Cou1·se & Lachenmyer hl·l1. il's 1·lo~l' 1u IYl!•ls and ~ Or1•n11 \'iew hornr\ fn1n1 ··l111Jhousl' a11it rr11rr-.1••11~ ~ 11 Slll.?.00 lu SW0.000. Op1.~n 1h1· 11tn1ost u1 C.\f{J-.:FHEE Corbin-Martin I l>:u!· JO 10 j :JO. j' Realtor 1.1\'IXG. ff')rn1;i! dinin;.!. nc.:. 8 Rue-Grand Va llee .. ~iry fi1·epln,·•·. i:: :• l' rl r n Realtors B1g Cau\oll Ne"porl 8'.'.tch ---"-"-"-""'-"-"-'"'""-"-,...-! k11d1rn, pl'i\·ntl' p.t1i11. 'l (':\I' * 644 .. 7662 * I 71-1. &~-iG Vun't t;il'I' up fhr ship! 1 ('!ll'IO!'''fl µ:ura i::l·. 21~ l)iill\s _ _____ "Li~I" It in clnssifit'<I, Ship1 1 M V d E 1 to Shhrc P.l'~Ults~ &l'..!<iGiS. 1 Hll add up to thl' l"'~' in esa er e xecutive -- li_1·u1g-ro~1fnr!:, A$SU)1E 1 F~ht1lous 2·~1u11· nn a pool·1G (ie~n~er~ail~R~·~E~.iiiiiil~OO'I~· iG~en~e~r~a~l-~R~.~E~.iiii~I0~02 I t HA LOAN. $3li.o00. i;u('d lu\, s u !• i' r h 1,, COATS I lanrbcflf.J('fl. ~·r'l !urrs '4 llflnn~. :1 1..,1hs. 1;1~ floor & I pl11n 11 hh :.!~Mi · 11 Fa1nil\' WALLACE 1·111. !11n i11i:: r.11 •. r1rrC1.I11 ! .. 1r1,:1• rna.-rrr .~u11r with REAL TORS I i..tt•·tiL•n. ~l a~~ivl' hn'plal'e. 962-4454 rh·•"•.'Jing !\•'ill {';lfhC'drat l~·i!1ng-. P111 10. ~hnk,. rtior & Udo l•I• 578 500 I '.l·e111· .. arai.:t•. ~f,;,;,oo. Call • • • ' • c 10 1 ··>n S11p•T ~h;1rp 2hr, 'lh:1._1,11,1•, ! ;i· -1.;.v f1rv p:a"t'. Ir;:-ll \in-..: 1·•11•u1. (,--------,] '""'-.1 .. ,. ,,.,J ... , ... _, 1 ..... ,,,., m~n~LL. H•h•lht 1· hon1" l'··h·ert 10 !'"It fn~t . Call l' It l~i'T I c; E 1!0~1E S IOI' Into. Gl: .. IJQ.lt;, MACNAB IRVINE _______ ... _____ _ JUST LISTED! :f.!;)j llur'lOr lll\'d, $750 -----___ , MOVES YOU IN ! TENNIS Spacious 4 beclrooin. fan1ily roon1 ho1ne on a lovely cul·de·sac. Excellent Ne 'v port Beach location \V 'large yard. $86,500. Cookie Alli son (S4i) J l:l•'<lroon1, 'l. hn1h. ,\1lul! I 60x200 LOT Conclo. ~lli'r pa:-s ;111 ('O~\~. ,, '"" ,,,.,,, n.11 ""' """ WALK TO BEACH CONDOMINIUM WITH SLIP ll'"--------.1 1 oi· >l'.("'~s.I(; ,\!!t•nl. I Htol ld ~·our f•\.\ n lf•nnl'I' rotu•L ~:oxzoo hit vdth privacv. 3 hedroo111. 21h bath home for yo u & your hoa t for $81 .000!1 I~ili:e ne\\'! It won't hap- pen aga in in Ne\vport Beach: Barbara 1\une, 642·8235. (S4 8) HONORING Master Charge and BankAmericanl • DIAL 642 -5678 I lllrG;;•;;n;;or;;';;l;;R;;.;;E;;. ;,;;;;;;;1;;00;;;2;;1;;G;e;n;;e;;r;;a;;I ;;R;;. ;E;;. ;;;;;;;;;;1;0;;02; 1 i( \\ alk 10 bt•ach. 1~u1::e • ~ bt>(ln'J0111 1ton1~. S11pcr Ian:~· li\'in·~ J\l'l'lt~. S •' p 11 1· a t,. NEW EXCLUSIVE ! NEW LISTING BIG CANYON Dran1atic horno \Vilh vaulted open beam ceilings. 4 bedroo1ns, 2'fi baths. Large prj- vate y~d : on cu l-de-sac street. LO\YCSt pri ce on today's 1narket $149.500. . LIDO EARLY AMERICAN Large 5 bedl'oom and den home. r.reat loca· Lion on street t.o st reet lot . $167,500 . CORONA DEL MAR VIEW Two fan las tic R-1 lots with never ending ocean vie'v. One block to beach. 1\sking $121,500. BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT South Uny!ront duplex, excellent condlt lon. Spectacular view of tnain chanuel and ra\'illiou $2 19,000. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT Sntal! commercial building In \Vest NC\\'- port. Excellent parking. Seller pr efers short estrO\V . Priced right at only S72.500. DIAL 644-1766 2161 Son Joaquin Hill' Rd., N.B. A COLDWELL BANKER CO. ' • 11 111111~ rooni. .\D D ED P.\l:TY ROO~I \\'ITH Bl'!LT-IN BAR! \\'.\Lh: TO BJ-:ACH. $6000 IOhtl llo\.\·n. Cu1·kJu s -cnll 96.l-6;67. : (® "" '~ ro a NCf'~ Mesa Verde-North .~ltr. 21~'\. 11tQ11E' fpl. open 1 hl·11n1s, 011\y 2 ~J'fl; n~w. A!l~Ul 11C i", \'A 111;1.11 Ol'tlV I S:1.000. do1,n. O.\\'.C. 2nd TO. no ('losing costs! Total I fllt1'Jy pynH . Inc. lllX('~ $350. \ ~•II PRESTlGt: honw!l for 1 ~1110.~ Jl111r ~111<'lhi11;: you ~nnt to !it'll:' Cl<issU!t>d l\llS do It ~nJJ NO\\' &ti-0678. Trivia? lt1s o reason to read the Dairy 'ilot"s entertainment page every Saturday Collins Island "''pier for 80' vacht. 2-storv French Chateau. 270 degree · view. 5 Beci- roo1ns. Famil y rooin. Bill ia rd roo111 . Ele- vator! 8385,000 fee land. Cathy Sch,veickert 642·8235 \Sll) EXECUTIVE HOME Superb 4 bedroom, 3112 bat h hon1e in choice \Vestclifr loca tion . Owner leaving Newport -price reduced for quick sale. Charles Arnold. 642·8235. \S25l BIG CANYON-POOL & VIEWI l..ove\y 4 bedroo1n ho1ne "'/the privacy ot a 100' entra1.1ce · -large pool -putting green. Overlooks the golf course & Big Ca n • yon Park. $li9.SOO. Tom Queen 644-ll200. (529) HAPP'i' HOME Bluffs 3 bedroo1n charmer \v 'hug.c astro- turfed deck & vie1,1" S65.000. fl elen \Vood 644-6200. \$34) ' ... Irvine 101 Dowr Dtlv• f.42 ·12:15 lf44 M•cArlhut 6'14·1200 ~~~~~·~•w~po~•~I ~··~•ch. C•lllornl• t2flJ ..,. ______ _,, ~ . • , CIA/l Y PILOT ,j I ' • 1 April21-27 c REALTOR 1002 Coron• del Mar 1022 Huntington B••ch 1040 Laguna Beach 1048Liguna Beach 1048 ' BALBOA ISLAND OCEAN VIEW COUNTRY TOP-0-THE HILL Price Reduced $2,400. HOME PLUS INCOME -for under Sl00 .000. Balboa's sharpest 2 bedroom honie + 1 bed+ room apart1nent. Like ne\\' inside and out. Ex tensively re111odeled "'ith quality n1ateriaJ & \\'Ork1nanship last year. Tastefully deccr rated and great location. T\\'O bl ocks to beach anll steps to shoppin g. Just listed, '''on't last. call no"" ~5880. 2 Bdrm. + Pool $22,600 OCEAN SIDE of hi gh\\'il.' . . pr1\'<ltl· bc~~th ... cha 1·1n .•• t\10 bedroon1s .. l/l'll'k floured d en ... 1111n1ed1at e ,Ol'l'Upa1H .. '.\. SHH.000. OUR BUSINESS IS ..•.. HELPING PEOPLE LIVE BETIER FIXER UPPER GRUBB & ELLIS CO. • • • THE WORK IS DONE ... in this lovely "E·plan" condo1ni niu1n. Located in the origi nai Bluffs, '''ilh fl.It. & greenbelt viev.1s. Lge. encl. patio & courtyard entry. 3 Bdrms. & family ro1 ., 21'2 ba ., $74,900. $9500 PRICE REDUCTION ... on this spacious 4 bdrn1. & family rm. home in C1\~lEO SllORES. J-lu ge lot. 80x l45 ... avail. in fee. Lge. filtered pool. Great for entertaining. Price no\\' only $105 ,000. (25~ YEAR OPEN SUN. 1-5 24 HARBOR ISLAND fl.lagnificent tnain channel viev.'. 6 Bdrm ., 5 bath home \Vith formal dining rm . 55 f't. lot. 4 car garage. pier & slip. $575,000 WATERFRONT LOT You can build the house of your drean1s on this 57.5 ft. lot on the mai n channel. $400 .000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Or., Suite t, N.8. 675-6161 Gener•I R.E. f002 , Generil-R-:-E. 1.;:c;;;c.;o;c..;.o'"'sT_A_M_E_S_A_ I PENINSULA j POINT FOUR-PLEX OCEANFROMT Just ,listed, a top n1one~ makrr in Hn cxt·<•!l('nt 11e!"l- side location. All 2 BH unir.~ baC'kirij:t lo ;.i !!OU l'OUri't'. $60a n10nthly illl'OffiC 11JU!d even be more. Only ~1.500. CALL 644-7211 . ' ' LOT IO ~-EET Slfi0,000 1002 mm General R.E. 1002 Cl .• ASf; SEl.1-"i GeO"eral R.E. -f>.12-:-;ii~ 1002 clown A snl311 price to pay to move into a Beach K>wn-,/ hcirie:./ , /!· . I . " J-'", 1;' ''/' f-.' I , . ' ·' I .J I ·-·.( ' '· '.. :.____. -... Make an almost immediate move. Newpor1 Crest is the e-1tciting townhome community that overlooks Newport Harbor and 1he ocean. Big, bold spacious homes. Residents' Swim and Tennis Cenler. E1tlerior maintenance provided. Come - let us show you how you can't afford not to live at Newpor1 Crest. 2·3-4 bedroom residences .>fewom se3,000 •o m,ooo. g From Pac11lc Co•s1 Higl'lwty 1nd Superior Avenue intersection, drive up Superior to Newport Cresl entrance. Sile office: :12 Aobon Court. Open d11ly 10 A..M. to Sunsel. (714) 64W141. TOWNHOMES $27,950 -Paint and cleaning '~ill n1akc a ,..:arid of dif£erence here. Costa l\tcsa's best bu y -3 hedroo1n. I bath . On large lot. pl ent y of storage area Cor boat. trail er. etc. Quiet tree·lined cul-de-sac. Lo\v do\vn payment , terms available. Call Quick -'''on't last ! .144-SU&. • ~HERITAGE REALTORS General R:.E. 546-5880 Open Eves. A U"'l()Uf: 11•;~1: 1002 CALL ME , l'M MARY GOLD -1'1n lovel y. but lonely, Vacant Co rona de l 1\lar 2 bed· room. 2 bath Y.'ith fa mily room on an R·2 Jot . Excellent details. added features. rnl i\Iary Gold on 1\1arigold, but prefer to be Very Sold at $73.500. UNIQUE HOMES Realtors, 67S-6000 2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar -General R.E. 1002Gen8ral R.E. * Balboa Bay Properties * 1002 BAY AVENUE 4 UNITS Al\\'ay s Rented \Viii Trade I NEWPORT HEIGHTS Duplex. Lovely 3 13R O\\'ner 's un it + 3 BR . rental. Best loc:. 0\rner I anxious 889.500. 642-7491 879.500 675-7060 DO ,·ou \\"A:-.'T TO BL"Y A\OT!l~~R JlO,\ll-:. SELL \"O URS A:-;JJ BF. GUARANTEI-:D YOU \\'ON"T O\\'N T\\"O 1101\IES \\llTH T\\'O PA \';\ll::N'[;".''.' \\'I-: \\"ILL Gt;,\H,\NT~:E TlrIS \\"JI.I. :'\OT OCCt;R. FOi! EITllER IT !->F.l.LS (JI{ \\'E Bli'Y THt: HO:'llt:. Call &16-05.\l. ' • f ~·'~I! ISI U• 0" "J> . \'t\LL~~\' HL \LI\ 0 ~·<> f"<!IMO~•';.I ... r~• '"'~Ti.Jo(•,, ~"'"" , '-'""'~· l"itM lo1 ClAY l . POUAN 0 R~ro11ge le111rs er th. four KT0111bled wordJ be- low 10 form four l!mpll word1 H Y N A 0 I I I' I R U F M E I' I I I Ont Th ing about KUpvnc- lvre operation1, they -you unlil yoU P"Y the bill. t·ir ,~ I N t 1 1 E r Io ~~::::I~ .. ~:.. ":t 'f'O\I dev.lcp I~ lfwP No, 3 below. REALTORS 675-7080 .. , ........ ~ ...... '"·· Huntington Be.1th 1040 Irvine 1044 -'-------'--I * OCEANVIEwT University Park .\.\ •. 1 .!.Ii· 11•1J i. l' •l r "" 111 , \'\LIJ·:\· IH·:.\L i \ • Bl~C. !~"HI""" \I •Wl~>< ...... ~f<)("•l•C~•"'·' OtalPU" l-'n1n1 C'\•'1)-rn1. of this li.:t'. ~ BR., 2 h.1 .• !:1111. rn1. honlt'. ll ui.:1· k11 11 /hrkf~!. are.1 : d!,I. rh~·!' »n1r'.\I. l'n\', bt.·11•·h -GEM- lll\,,I.!: ,.i,·11!1<'•' Ji1u11 ... 111,tl• .; l•lrui. ~' l1.1Th h••!111' \.\ 11h J tllllh I Ill, II p!o lln ·•Ill l-.111·1\1•11. l~u·1:1• l'-•llH, 1<•••111 1"1 ~"111· l••al. hl'I. ~;:..:•••I (",,IJ 'l!-1~;:11 (J\\;-.1-.!: <lt·•1~•n1T". :-;p..'Hli'h .: l·t1111i. ~ 1 .. n1 h••111•· 111t11 l•l!~111., lonl"k !1 pl•', f.1111111 ;if1·,1 l'.111" l.111 l J..,. !WI. (.:i,1~~1 1· .. 11 'l! !•'.! 1" '111•1 111t11t.•I h" 111,. , • I~\\\• t"11 \\\V 1.:l''l·n ho•!I ' J,J,·;.J 1~11111· t•w .111 .11·!1\• ····•lt•li t ,,,. 1.11111. ,\~l·:tl>,j;, ~ l,,...,11 3Y2 ACRE "RANCHITO" If I• fllh' 'J l.l\'(tl"'-'111 ht!ll\o' \\t!h fi11•µla1·1· l ~"-;!t"•I Ill 11 • .,111111•J1tl'~ f' II I•: It I ~ Y \·.\LJ.~:Y . (l\\n1•1' ,., 111 fi!l.Ult't' ill ~·, ltll' ~f1U I \\ tw.-~ !11~1 I" :..:••t lh1 • '"1 :, •• ! ~'.;u·lli"' ~.,l'!U,l\(' II !Ill 1)11, ,,ffl<'t' S37,SOO Sun /Eves. 968-4S93 COMPLETELY REDECORATED f;1·1 al ~·uun1:i111 \".1111 \ J,,, a · ll"ll. 'l:11lll'' Ip•""· l>J 1t•k Hit<). 11111 p.11n1. •ll,q11.· ..... rn J t•;11·111•1.,. \':H·a11t :a11<t 1•·:1•h •• ': B"dr•w11111<, ~ 1,., lli ~ . !).'.i.~~"11 -11¥. ·l•,\111 co: Ts · WALLACE REALTORS -.144-4141- (0pen Evening,) 415-41S 'h IRIS OPEN DAILY 1-S l ~'fJ.F Tu·!ln J\vf' .• :'\ H. l{E.\l.Tf1HS Iii:! ki~:: SUPER II! \\,· 1!,u1>. 1111~ 1-. ,.111· or 1111 ll<•:11111ful ,,,, ··ul1\•' h"nl•' 1~·~r 1.,,~,. 1u ;1 1tu ph ·'· ~h.•11• ,.,,.,-i,~·kin:! l11M·1011 ... 1:ro .. n :: t•fn:1 !101111• 111th 1:\ i;:••H "uu .... ,., \\hat " 11r ...,-• l•.•11\ .... !1pl··, 111•1\' :! !'iu1~·1· 1111i.:r1 .. 1~·it ho11 11· 111 t.d1·n1 111111 111tl1 •1··111\1· 1•l1!•· ··111uitu1~1orl S.·1u'l1ff · !o'dtlU• .... IJ11n"l'1< till\11111' II 1 !•Jlloi1l1•J11, lt 'ltd~ 1••1 . Lok,. :1 11'111..' 11u11 k 111·1·up:orw~ .• Ju~1 " MORGAN REAL TY ~h"ll \\alk .uvt ,·.,u'r•· Pn lh•· 67 3-6642 67S-64S9 I~·;" h. Cilll ;., _;..._. 9bJ-4:J I\. Costa Mesa 1024 1 Y+>u !1 •1l ·~·111 ·\\,.~I'll ·1·n1 4°/o L.,, u• '°""'"II ...... .,, "••••ll VALL~:y HE\LI\ o ll~" l~T!~P~•~I • •WI ~oe;._,. \"X• l • ~.,•Cf ( ,,.,~.,.{ (. ,,. --------n1111111 .. )1r.11 · !I \[111'11•1• I WANTED l .1.r1n~ J:.l:u,I.• 1•1lh "1•1 I•~~, '"h·· l•1n1· ;11;111.il•I· f.1111il~ f,,r fun '• '.1111•· tu 1 all 111•· h:1r1.! .. r 1: ..... 1 i-•• 1.,r. u.·1·iu1 1:1. ~·It· tr.ail } 1• •• ,1~ ! '!1:11·i. ~ tJ1u111a1·,1. !:1•:111111 \'.,llo•) f.,,!J ,\ !111111' ,·.,111'1' ~'\t h \"1-.1t• 1.1~-?.~1 1 J:,.,,1111t•il I l11•dn,.•111 , ~1, Hunt. Harbour-1042 ... ~ -BEACH CONDO S24,SOO Full Prici! ;111•1 full~ Ul'llhh<"I I\ 111 ~ ~'! nft du11 n, i1.11uu111~ 111-,o· 1\'!\t. \\t1.' n"· IJI!)" t '.all HUNl'INGTON HARBOUR R£AllY 1::.>1 I f'OA ... T 11\\"Y il l 1'16·138·1 A· 21:: :1!1:.'-:"-I"• \l .\TFt:Ft~()''' 1.1 U\\11• ... ' J:r. I f:;i u11 \IMI' t'>l'llt·r lut 11 llh l~f 11.,!•lo: J'.•·~1 \It'll Ill 111" ll.111.101. Sl:•~"1'1l. 1'.:L,• •-------... --I 1 .. .ih~. 'll"''1la•·l" (·11··1·,., .i ;,:•!-~'+i7 YOUNG , l•·•ll•• l~"at•h 111ini.: (1 1111 1•1 ---- MESA VERDE I 1111hl ~l'IL st-1,:.,;,11 Irvine -1044 ,\11·.1 H1l'h t~·<1 111 (',,th•·dr;•I I' 1· 111111.;. : !•Ir'.:. li;,, 1:111111>! 1 UNIVERSITY PARK n11. '1 • ,,. i.: 11•1:t•'. f11·1•1•l•H'•"I • .... I JEWEL 11n1·1r1• ···1••"•)"Cll ",, ,.2 4471 ( ..... , 54'-1101 ,.. I II I I .. 1·1· ' • ' u ol'O't'll ~ fot",I IH!l •• • •• • 1llage Real £st ate University Park 1 ~·1··l1 1lu····· l··•lf'(lo.1111 ll<Hl•• 1··11: 1·1 .. 111•"11arv 1<.;l~·il •• ~ O!UI• I !'hi oil• ;.,, \~11 ,. tf \lj',.r od··ll U,:,11111·1 ... u11·l11•!1n ,I <ill I"'""[ ilUtl :0-."lo"'I\•' 1Tr'l\1111 :111d u "'n1pl1·h• d.u· "·1111 ln lhl' i.:11 rai,:,.,, l~l·nlt t .. r $'1li4J :1 1111•111h . Walnut Square ·"l'·•rl\l1u.: no,··· 1 ~'ilrno1 1 .. 11111~,u··· \\1111 J,,,, "' 11ro ·1-- I.\ lll•L:l'·"!l'd f1'.1IUr"' .11111 ~ 1111v f•all" f11)1·d 1111i. ... 1,rul111 .. nd pl:u11,, .\ q1Hl'l 1+1:1~ 1· to Ill <'. ,1,,,.,. I" .oil 111;1 J'l l 1"·•·11 .. ~,. • s:;i.:.1.•1 Walnut Square ' ''II• hlol '"" l""ll•••lll uni \ 1\1111 'l'""l••U• f'\•"I''· 1.:••"1'1 1 j.,., t' ;ir,d ·• tltflllll.'. :u'•11l, ~\I•.,. I"' I I•• I• ft' ••111,lll•• Jt t" 111 1111·"· n1·1111.i 1"r s:.no • lll"!l!h. '"" ~· •< o • fl<ll !~"' .. " <~ '"L' VALi,~:\' HL\LI\ .11:1~!t•r h•,.h1Mu11. :-1unkl'nl h11 , ,\· /:1111 1111 111:1\ll h11th 111h By 01111<·r Sl7.J1~1. VACATION 11i•1!r:"l"d 1111c•· l111~·k 11.1l•ra. ,... Ph"r'tt• ;.;,j-lJ:>i. l.••11 11Htlllh·11.111<"•· \;onl :-"• • •---------~! • ru•c.1 .. 11~""'" •VI~..--$10(• f &C!< ... C.f COW""" * CONDOMINiliM * PRICE REDUCED fl\\ ner l)1U~hl 111'10lhcr h'1n1e iuut 11:1n1~ you l!'J SC'(' lhis rlel11xt' S & S Tn11·nhonu• 1h1H Ile n1u.~t S<'ll. It h:i~ SIS!)J). In ur1!!rt1dini.t., h11! Nil'nflt·i11~ !or only $?.~.!'IOO. 531-5800 STYLE LIVING 1111~· You'll t.•1~· 11 r .. ,. Home In The Hills . ~1u·niund:-lh1~ :! ~1c11)' Sl>:.!,900. Sp1t•·1,1u~ Pnlr), 111 111;.: l"••m T"1\11hnUM' \\1lh :! i.:cnPn n1i. f'all li\l)..'ol,";'! 111111 11n•r1l.11·•". 1 .. r111 .1I .•II.I' 1 .. ~ln •1111•. <1u·I,, •t.·h~ht l.1~1111:..: ......... ,.,! •• t d11u11;.:. \\I'! l1.1l'. !01·l'I) h11 cltt·u. f•iru1.1 I 1 huu1~. 1 • .11 1~ ''· •lr:11 ··~ :ind ,1 .1U l•rl\ 11H: !)Ull<l, ~1 J h.1lh~. J 1'<l\ t l'lh\!~. l:1 r):1' I,, n1 I I} 1!.111hl1• :..:;•r. CJu~c 1.-. l~··u ·li. 1•••111, 1-.11,·11,·n, 11•••k and l',l_u,l•h."u~•·. poo l :111<1 !' u11Hty all ~'t11nl111l\' '" rn.ik· 11-.~7\l~ ( OUHTS. J\Ll. 1111... 'Ill•' .. r 1h1• 111 .. t'I \"\-:.\!~ \01\C,\Tlf)~ J.l\'1:-.'G 1l1 ••11'.1lol•• hi>J!I''" Ill 1'Ul'l~' Ff)/t l•~LY !'.:,?:-1~'· C.1 11 1;,,,,~ Jl 1ll·. II ... l>l'LtTd oit Tt-.e Re al Estate Fair S'--,J~-J 1111 I l.u1<t. 536-2S51 o• 839-6133 CALL SS1-7SOO UNIVERSITY PARK ,\t1 r:u·t1\•' 1\rnhrt~I ;: l '.1~. pr,.n1i11r11 i,:r'• • n1.,.11 1,,. ,, 11nn. t "p(;.'T'11d••I ~.:;2.~j,1 1\.1."~ff.'O:.! BY (J11rw1 ·111 111••1"''1:. , lir. f:1n1nn • .!11;0. nl n run, \II'· ~-.:1,!llfl. hl•·ld~ I 11111, J 'I 111• ••nly i<~°'o· _-.1 EC PJR VSE RP PPS EYE AT I EO RR SSOS L AP II S P I I c s PBHSLRBSIOH Y C I Y S~AA D A E c jM I N 0 RjE A C C H G L L R L RULDNHLE PD H1HI V ll UA YI CVES D •VISION• Red Hill Realty 1:1•:1\l.TY Hl.,,\LTOll..'i / l'i111 1'«11\ l('n~f·I'. Jl'\·11ie 11:\'J;-.J.; l'-'l\'EJ:Sl'l'Y J',\1:1-:. l.u_\ur1<•u' ;: t~·d rm 1°<111d••!llllllUl!l 1n jl r I Ill (' 1<.·:1 luu1 ~·nrr11:,1 11in1 ng. I i.: ,, r 11 111 1 I ) r ru , ~1111£•t(lus k1h·ht•11 and h11gt• •11n~h 1· 111.,lnu ~ul!t•. 1'1·11 -ed l•ll' 1r111111•1h,1h• ·'·tit• OI S1i!.'(ofl . h,.,, hun1 · f'a.l l 'h-i. 110.11•1 •. .,r.i! 121, . ..:..u11J('.,, J: .. :.11 .. r~. HY th1.i• r. 1 ~ 1ut 11:1:, 2 '~ Ion .• lr1r111.1 I 11111111\!. J.or11 rn1 . \'.I! fop1·. :: • 11• ·''•I, f1J05i~J ... 11 111-·•1\-ll~f17 Lagu-na-B-e-'<h'---~1~048 Ultimate View ~Ian REAL ESTATE 1 \ ·~1 C ;1~·n111•\ I'!' :-;1, I •\.''1~:; . :d•l--!1'311' * COLONIAL *-[;,, .. I\, l]("V : Ht:. <k-1• to .. 1111• ! ,,., .111 1·1 .. 11. -:oi~· 'l/<'d J.11 1:.·".'ll ····1!. l!l II\ 111~ 1111, \\•••l ... 1· ;1ro•;1, ,\ g11•111 lil•Y tol Sil.:i~ REAL . c · . . 1 • . . ' . . ~I 494-6561 • Q•7 otenne•.rre LOQt.T':l bclocn ·co ' . . EMERALDBAY- Enjoy first USCl'S In., hr•·:1k, 1 3 hdrm. hum<', lt:e. 2 lx!nn. u11lt: .\ car.gartiii<'· E."\;ceptional riuahly University Realty I' YX!l t:. c~1. llwy 6n..£j!O 1llage Real £sta te CDEBRU I AllLA E I L L S V J D C EALAP TIUS SA LLAP VMONTUULASE 0 N I E A R R E R Y 0 R HOMEDALO SC ARH ~. t1~;1l1••n·1I, 1111·1!>' Ml•111lfil · ..... 1. ·lj•. «·111111~' ,\> !'<!fl\' nu 111·1 •, 111rh ;, , l).1rn1 lnc, 'II•! "'"Ill 1~0111111~ lt•11llA,:. l ... ~1 1•11o·k, p!:•tll-. !!!"<. •• lltKh I ~ :1111 !' d " 1~111111•., I ~I , l.111t1!} rn1., Ii.:•·. pnV, te.1._ Ir YOUR ilO;\Jm·riun ' 16139 Brookhur&t, FV CA1'TLE-s£'t.' c.o ~t :s inl):lt Open Eveninns bC'flulllul Du111l'X. llou'~ 111 l '7 St"r:." 3-2. l\/Jncuzzl Tub, ~leu.. Libnu-:·. 3 ~'l'Jill'·~. \\'tt·ht•r. SpanL~h CourtyanJ. t;nits 2·1 \\I Sundeck. 67). ii69 Attention Builders •WIX120' Int. 1>:.'i:1!1tlng 2 Hr. I Ii& l\OU!I{', !->o. of 1111.)', J\p- l!l'l'>\'t'd plani. for 11rl1l\11u11, 1~ built • Plrnly of prori1'. Sit.:.00. 61:'.-lliS.~ 01,'T\f'r ££!!S HOUSE Jo*cll out or ei:cro\,\, C>.1ner n1usl 5<'11. 4BP.. 28A. Caliror.1i;1 Cla!lsk·, Spr1nxdnlf' .1,: \\'nr n tr, Country kitchen. front k rear !iptlnklel"'I &. nwre. ror $.11,500 fS46-3<.lfiO C £1NHR ECT G N LE A A E'I V I A 0 NU E S AS YUBRNHCAERP US J RUC R O H EBELLD I CO J HV CEE I NE IRICERUS Rf SURACSDMR liucructlf.lm: 1'11< 1!.ldJ.11 11~rn¢i l.1\IC<i lxtO\oi 1ppctr fo,...uJ, b .. t ... ud, llp. llnwn, or J1\f:Oft•lly m chc puuk. Find c ... 11. 11.oJJrn nlf/lr ind tao\ ti in 11 1'11~11. l.TllU HEIE JUNO OAVlDA lfYCIEA PALLAS EROS ICARUS r:;:von~ : , 1p·• ~ S:!lll.tll"(J • TURNER ASSOC. llfl• :-. Co11~1 H111 , La1:una 494-1177 .---OFFERED ...• by bu1tdr•r. l.O\'Y'ly 3 1.11·n1., 2 !Mth :<\lnnv 1~~ .. ; 1h.1n11ll~e. f'.'11try in· All·p;u11, 111 t'Y!l • 'II~~·. flpt•k. C'U'l1J'mt 1rr,.n11•· 111• \11>rk. SU.SJO Thf. lll''<t l"I.) 1n ll('="Ut!ful 1 ~11:unu' r .... fur lhcr Cdl'ol Duplex. 2 BH, 1 ba. l RR, 1 bel. By O\\'nt!r, S9'.!.0CKI. 8 Pl!lNi NUMBERED lETTE•S IN ! Tt>rm8 avail. Lo\,.I)' pnllo. THESE SOU.t.•ES So I 11 Pr'· I O\,'NER lf'a.115. 1't1!1gr1lfit't nt Spanish I hdrn1. 3 Mth hon1e \\'llh llR., 1-·.n . frplr, C'lwf'll klh·hen. l~ed Ult> roof.· J>llllo. lhige l!(lt)r plan. brk S63.930:.._Coll. 962·~!...-...- 0 \\.'NE It lt M\'e-5. P~tcard-pl'C'tt}I 3 bdm1 f.UNOMlA llJS VESTA T"Ofl"IOn'O'I'! "rllca.i Sdtta'I l'l[Omlr\OQfl &. a IJ p ~I ' !'ho"' Ill'!' l'llll ! :0:;;:::UN~sc;,~,_,..:;;;;,;,~,;BO;;:v:;f=,;:;11;:;1f;:;IS;:;l:::::j ~j =1;::::;1~1~, 1 61~16 •. "''Y· ule. on y. lO GET ANSwtR !lave .!IOrn<'lh~ns; you Wllill In I --~~~=~=---~~-..._ .... _.__._~ ~II:" C.1n~'11.flM :td!I do It 1 SCRAM·LETS Answers in Cl1ssific1tion 8080 "'~Ii -(•rtll ~0\\1 &I::!~ 1vlth f11.n11ly Mll, frplc. hll·lns. f\'f·ar 9C'hiA1h. b\•nt·h. ll'f'Ull~. brk $3!1.00J. Call 'lf:'l-ol'~ ' \ To onltr any or •ll ·of 1ht t\pandnl ''Sttk & Find" boo«.,, numbtn 2 1ftrough 7. 1tnd 60 centJ for ttch , m1kin.1 chtck• payabk lo ""Sc-ek A f ind:· S11r·Ttlttr1m Syndk11t, Addm' lttlt.,_ in (lift nf th1\ 11t11 ~apC'r. • l!tl-0.'I,(}\ .. .i.outh1."0A.5-I 1•~1·1f1l' CorJi, :\ Bn hilm<' ri1•Jn1r e-"lmlf! \11 llX'a1o0n ''mn·~ '!Jl a w $1!";,~JllO p1int' . .ffi l-~11~ . ~ ' ~":::::::.:.rn.::=::r--.,,. .. r:-,..,::Wtdnt~a~. April 24, 1914 r. Wrdntsd.t1, April 24, 1~/4 Pit.OT -ADVERr!SER I 6 I ::,;;;;;;;;,;;;;;::;;;;;0;;2;;;•v;·";;";';;N;lg;;u;•;l;;;::;;10;;;;J;;•;w;Po;:r:t:B:•;•:;c;h;:::;;';0;';;69 Comm •rcl1I P r p ty 1600 Lots fo r ule 2200 ! Hou1e.1 U nfurnl1hed I House-s Unfu r ni1h Hou .. • nfurnish ed :'::•==-~"::';:";.;'"c::·-...:34.;;ll::.,: • OWNER FINANCED t.OTS \\'ANTED Coron1 de l Mar 32:Z2 Irvine 3244 Newport Be ac h 3269 SlL\RP 2 e:lory Bluffs 11rea r 1 kl Otrough do11.·n payment & ---~-·---CondO, newly di' co ru I e: d EXQUISIT E PORTOFINOI GOLF CLUB CONDOMINIUM PRICE SLASHED FROM Ml,900 t o M5,900 O"·n.er moved and \lery anxious. 3 Big bed· rooms, 2 full baths. 2 shO\\'ers, air condition· ed. Supe.r sharp, va(·ant and read\' fo r occu. pancy. Rig ht on the golf rourse. Upper unit, r lose to clubhouse .and tennis courts, tiny ocean view. Sha~ car1)ets, draµes. elec. hltns .. so ft water. PLEASE -NO RHOKERS AT T H IS PltlCE. OPF.N llOUSf: SAT/SUN. 12·6, 31556 West·9 Agent 63:1·9081 ; 494-9794 ~1111 \'itw ot >'ii...J11011 It.land. Ft" land' t: Iii 11 •·n ~ i \11' 1111poned uh· l/J 1•nrry, k1I, bref.•u> 11.ay &r n·11r )i+nl, J HR, 4 BA. .,. t..-mut1 ronm. And tWl!l)' 1nurr 11.1.\olvln leatun·~ i.JI r11r S.tri.I)(), * op ~111 11 11ub.,n.llnAtlon 10 h u 11 d 4 UR. fri~c. Avail Jun(• lllt, I GAltAGE Apt I Ur. Sl35. rhrvucti 001 4 BR. 212 BA. • ~ Shelltr cuatom homt'a In C0111t art11. yearly. \Y1lkl"1 d~ant'f' -TURTLE ROCK rum I-ufll Pd. 1drwlrt. bttM, ''JHc, 11.ttat'h 2 c1'' ~11r : g!,~1 ~: V\i,•11.•1 pn.":fftm!d, but 11.lll I 9'on.~ ' bf'M'h. fi't>-26r.!. :l RR., 2 bit.. den ..•..•• 133 GREAT! 1 Br. S17J mnthly. 11./ door o..,enrr, bnl{'(ln i'f, • )'lJIJ)' Jeiuied consider eKc lutl\'e :U"l"U uit Co&ta Mesa ll:Z4 l BR .. z ba. . . . • . $«XI bltnl, rtf, n~ i1hai;, big klc . vit•w, llf"rtn1 pool. i;l)nrl drtvr Reiil :inml{'lf, BlcnJ. m-6700 well , m..1;,25 , ., • UNIVERSITY PAR~ SEf; Nm"I 2 Br S250 )'riy; ~~1;:,l;h':i=11:" ~":,~~'. -NEWPORT BEA -Mount'n Dts.ert SINGLES, J~ch S'JO A l Br l BR., 2 tiatn. ........... S32S W11UI: ID OJ:ewi vt Bay. \\"11.lk 111 hiJch Khool &.· CH • R 1• ' 2_._ J $J.2j tum. uul J""ld( J BR •• 2'-, bl!.rh.tt •••••••• ~ Now. ..--.... CaJI S-!i '«'-ll.Z1 l-'rtn1e 61lyfront Sil<' e lOr -.vv I sUIX;ET!·2 BR 4plex SIM. 3 BR., 2~ .. ba .. furn ..... $.'!15 CR.ANO 3 Br 21r Ua \\'-ellff 2 chw ........ -• ~ ('ull 1;:0.Hlitt Li,;ln1+;x Nl·~dt•lf , >~n; 00..t n'pn;lr 4< ~{'~ LAKt: Arro'olhd ~aul rnnunt st:t\I'. N·f.; C&U, k~ds_.ok. WALNUT SQUARE >'P'•. ttll 11ppli's, 2 c"ftr. or e\'ts &II 7, ~ J,11J~rw1dy ltllr. 61:MHGl l'w•1itl'Sllr Not'th Short• vii•11. 11.~ l•a1nt·~ f!lt Sl!l.1 f •. C;\I. ~Bit.:? llA .. 1\r COl~d •. S2G.S ALA Rent•l1 642-8383 Townhouse Unfrn 3525 Condomin iu ms tn:·l'~ 1u•!lr 1 .. kt'. $12.0CJO t 1111'(' )1'l.I, kut~ J: JM·r~ ok, 1;.:11· S A 3 280 fo , s1/e 1700 6.Jt--1444 lM'll('r rHl"IT T""'i'~-:: BR S27:'1 :'.l\l •n t• n• I lfU!':TINU1'0.,' Bl·a1•h,:: BR. \ L.r ba, lt!O, ~'{ 011.ncr, Sludio, i"'urn I !ilk R1nches, Farms, I 111<'fl, kirh & /it'l!I, 1 c:1r. CONDO. 1 Rlt, 2 81\ "'' retrl~, euinni puol, rt"<' fron1 l:wnch. Jacuui pool & Groves 2700 I LOVELY F: c:-.1 J BR. 2 ba 11rlv11tl' ();1tlu. On i,:nwnbelt. I l't'n!er, kl(j'I 01'. sm A.~k t~ut·h club prlv .. ho.11 ill'.M·k S:lr.i. eurn1.:r, 2 f'P'i;, Pill.,, 2 llca\C'd 1J001 &. wi.una & fnr Dnlr 96.\.fJi-tli Lagun1 Be1ch ___ I0481 Lido Isl e 1056 11111~!. Hit-lo, O.\V., ~h'. 20 ACRF: A1<ocado R.fln<·h. \'ru· i 1nu~·h rl\•lrt' Ath.ilt~ only. ~--'· ·----.., l'••lrh.:, '''Il ler vit"w , S21.90() \'C't)' atcrucllvc 1" r n1,., I A LA R enta ls 642-838! lsi \ 'eslern &nk BldK· $..?Ji.) ruo. Call !f79-ll630. l\llSSI0:-.1 V11.1Jro. Ill '" 1 Hr. WOOD FANTAST IC BUY llun!. Harbour 21VA:?-:!IJ7i F II JI I> 1' 0 0 k ll r l' u . 1:AHt: t'ind' :!-l~tt. :! uA UrliVf!niii Park, Irvine :!-l:H~1U"'~J~OUSE, /\.'e.... Cr11ti1, t~rir.1 •• :llr t'<inol, Vk•\\'j GLASS 'Rack •l••U' Ju 1~"10·!1 1rolk b uplexe s/Vnlri ii !..l\l1-3212. T1•rihuu~. $11i0. Kld~ ti pet. Oayi SS ·fOOO rights rnany many x.trss. Lo1·ely $2'l5. &e.,..:w,iV,'-. ---- ANO WATER .11/h•nnt~ r•1ur1 udj , I Bl: , --5 BEDROOM for sale l BOO 5 ACHE llon1c1111I.'. Oitk ~:c(),\o;o.11CAL 2 AR SIS$. ~ -1lc1t>lo11rncnt. A eoiy honlC. Duplexes Furn 3550 D<>lallt-'d 1111 111)(.l(t ,.,i.·r!ur'. in I hHy vu. 1~·11· tu~,·>i ,r,, •'•11:y AND ti·r•'.•. utll. r-.111Jn rood (i11r. yurd, kuJi; okay. l~:.~:.~~~ree ~~~ 3 1C.Ri d1:~~: _sx,o. 507-~. 67J.-0009 - a; 1riki 11 I! {'o\llh'!'1JiQl"llr.\ i=11rdt'n pa11n, N"w. $1/l.r'~.'(l l BATH DUPLEX • l'lantahl(' la :t\IOl.'tido~. Good :nu<. S.nJ. f'(,nrt'J. Garai;:e. i;cnr. fn.oe pool & pvt club. Sa "te Ane H•ights 3282 SU P!:-:lt Shar11: U.\UJ.O.o\ llc!.ii,'fl . Lo<-aU'fl lllC.11 UI', f<'!ill, llun:}! ~p•r1 ~1111._l ... i . •lkJut '1r1f11100! F1r.:'nfiu·t• rel'n1' C11U 114-!l'l'h1212. 1\ppll'11 Kid~ ok. $.150/~\0. !'iil~ aft G. !~land Bayfrt•llt, 3UR. 2B,\, JN 1.i\(.;UNA'S ·r .\.\lEl) ·125 \1111 l~l iiT>-r_ll I. 111 .:11ru1kl1•r:o; fnnu .Ir h1u k ASSUME 70;0 Ho m efln de rs * 547-9641 32.-8 ::Rrt. $250• n)()fllh, 11.'attt pd a\'a1l 0011.• · Jui~· l·l, $j(lJ, n. I V I I:: R ,\ COf\~'TLINt:. Newport Be ach 1069 P.111·k y11rd J,!1-!' 1 rtflui,.·h for I L.OAN Real Estate Wntd. 2900 :-.'t-.AH p ,\RK-:-~r-hooli; :~ffii 1 Laguna Beach Avoil ultcr April ?;th, foc'<'d t·all 6TJ.-.791~ \VITI! A ~E~IC Vil::\\' Qt' \;01:1·y .'.'. I ,\ S"l101n1n;; ! !Yi)~ Ctu!J. a t'l')i uu,v .; Bf{:! 'sri':>--I Bit. lilQ\-r, l"'f'lrl~. ~~ }'1'1, kids & pet11 ok. Duplexe1 U n furn 3600 THt-: OCEAN. GRAND OPENING I ool. Stiti.~~J. ~p1u•1ow. IJ111!<1 ~r1><1ratC'd tiy \\'J\.!\'.T 10 buy :l nnllll nr Ir! B.1 honu• 11.uh 1u·11uh• ~!lfll. y.u\I, C'hilil/JM'l 11.i'k"'t.une .. --.1&--U:H :;..::!:,:.::;.:.:._c-----1 Sini.:I•· lt•1•el rJ1 •• r plan. Newport Bey Towers 2044 Tu1t1n A ve.-N .B. 111.-1r o\\n g111·iliC•'~. \\.'ell f:iK ~~'l:i,'.3~.fs~'.1 ~11.'~r lh1t10, and ~1111.:ll' C' or I =-'r U.·h. Hses Furn/Unfur n 3300 LG . r\e\\' 2,000 IO<i f!. 1 ~t,.ry 2 lealu1-es cen1r:il 1,.'t\ll')' hall & I & 2 B£0ROO~T C·IG·~J02 1\ft1•r G p ;-,1 l.:11Hl"t'i•f1NI. Pri1ar.• Y;1nl•. 17141 ~17_1~. :.:i11.1i,:" i'..'11.'' llrnl eu,1s1dt· $2!5·1\ICf._; 11~ lilt, •lfP" 10 lilk~ fn .. 111 Corona bch. opens 10 Ii\'. rm. t>'ACING C..ONl)(Jr-.llNILl;-.1 llO~ll·:S 11 .. iot.'<' •lurim;-11.k1 l•1u•11 :11~· :! H1•clri1111~. I h1t.'1'.!_1un S.»l/n\I, ,\it · I 0t.'('1tn. Vlt'le>ns liorllt"h. SPYCl..i\S.'\ Jfl LL :111111!:\ or !ln,, family. No TllE SEA. Jla11 rill \\'OOU Buyfrnnt l/nnica: OPEN HOUSE 11nrh. il111wr 11 ill ··~i·h11ni,:1• r.1.i-1'..!ll /$27!i--UTIL I'd. 'l Hit. }an.f, Spi•clat'U!;ir ,·ie11.·~! Gi Pt·15. !'iu111t"1·k, liltui~.:? '• s \Y EOJSH t>'IRErI.t\Ct:, Boal Slivs SAT. & SUN. 1-6 ,';,1r1~~.1",,~17'.1 •. ~;. 2o~~c~~!f,•.l~ j[,r-j l<l:CUl<ATOl<S """"" 2, ~,,w, O'hlld Ok. , •. """· M"" I'' ; l 0 Dr, "'"'' "'· dr p<. ""'""'"· c'Tf11 · dbt glaM doon; npcn. tn Full ~tvrlly flighrisc -----I".~~. Call;.~=~•·.''" Ran~ 1\H. Sµ.1111.,n 1\/ frpl. Juit SJZ,.:; BB. :? BA. h111t·, :? S.it/Sun. 1·5. Rra11d m'11.' S4W. 1"'" :ll'J lri~. 'iJ;\J DECK \\llTIT 0 CE AN Strei & concn.>tP eonstruction Ne.wpor t Heights 1070 "''""" '""'""......, n·111<1til'it•d " I sin~!un~ rlC'<'k..~. )'tirrl, dt I Id I P" t l•xec. ho1ne. 4 BR. + larnlly 6Ti-i!.IG7. VIE\V. ReRr 1'01Tlilar lf'u•h• Prh•u1l' B;rlf"()nl1·s 11111hojo:11ny rqit Ni<'l' >r•l.1 \1t•l1'(}n1e. nn., J baths, 2 frp k·. & SAi':-.JU.;ri(aJ••. HI 1n1n lrou\ 10 2 BDRJ.1$., s~:RVICEU '}. ~HJ'll~C i;pa<'l'S for l)J()l!I LC~: l~-'/ LOT, Y.-..clnt ('l~nn '}. ' I 'lOO 111n. :.'f(t:: .:;;Hlt.'1 ,\na NU-VIEW RENTALS /Hlf_io. -l);11u1 l'flfnt ~l&nrw.. Nf'I\' '/ BY Z. t-"1.JU. HATIIS. ·1 unll .. o;i. I.ii:, l~t· Liv-1,11 11·/h'1ilc. HouM& Furn11he_!I .\v1· (i7:l--07!fi _ 673 ... 11)30 or 49-i .... 1248 Balboa Bay Prop. 6i.'.ri 060 r.n. 2 J-S.\ !run rn1. 2 r;11· t1llncl'led ID King Size ms1r. Roof top sundeck St·p. l>111·n.n. plu~ J'l)tini f•il' , \' 1 1 ~~ .. r 1 -------,i.:,or, p1·r .1 a"'· 1r11ni11, 1rlr wile, Unui;uiil Opportunity 1 0 <I n"'~~· w11ts. 1t .. 111 1•1:t"11, 111· Gener•I 3102 ·'1~-~A ~-: 1 ..... ~ t ~B,\. ~J NGLES! Sec Now! Bach'11 Condos Unfur n. '3425 ~ 1 <> r a. i.;". ·S 2 J:; I ;\l ll. MOdem kilchl'n h~ BLT· Purch&liC! Bayfron! Propcrtv ~7th, :~:n~'1r, .f™'nt·I", S:J9,!/.(). 1'111' ('11'1~· drfts, dbl lrp]r, $.'ii/$12;i. by lhc sen, uliJ 714-tiiJ-613:~ rollt'1.'L JN RANGE & OVEN. In Nt::11.·port Bc;.it•h. • ;i·llt:1h.1!1 fr\.,..,,864 • ~1• I Jl11 1io, Jrg fne•! :-:1nl. pd. NE\\.LY decura!ed l story, ~~~.7'-'-'="---=--~ !SH\ " I Slzj...UTJI .• PV. T)ny Br11 •h. r-.:. >'. .,·'.,".1111'. l.t•ase. 1130/rllO.' \<'IE\\''. I Bdrm $1T.i .-iy :illH, 2 ll.\. <:or.ulo. &rarall• 3 BR , S?"..0. J'H'f mn. B1i; yd, D \/SJ'{ .• Ct: ll. A 1\1 1 C .110 Fernando H.c ., N.B. S\IALT. 2 Ur. hou~l' 1111 !iOx 1'1>.o clu•rniing houses on a Pi•iv. n<>lio. JI ., lilks IX'l"'h, "I "' "' I I I IOB p I< f Tl"'S ":TC ' 67S 8S51 1···1· I 1 •'>I' 700 r· '''" "·"""'· ~l\'/,·of, '''' O'" "''!. til!l •In ng room, f 1 r I' (l J ace, 9' 1Jn\On11, r er. "'!J US'~ • r~ .• ,.., 0/X'l1S 10 • ,,_ ti. N'1. < Jul ll~ Hit i111•r-1;l(J/'.'i sl1H11•r l.ni::;u1111. • ,,. SIOO I r t f~n1lly dinln.i; aret1. Thi~ H ~'UU llkf• 11 i11J01.l11y, r ustu·, ~ :i:~·9'.IOJ 23' ; f\1urgurcl IJr. 111• Ii\'•• 111 on•· find h1.•!p make $1.!'{rUTIL 1~1l. Lri.; Bu1·t1. l\l t;s.\ V1·nt; ·I Bit. 1,'' Bt1. pd. ln1,;.:c 1•riv~;:c pa\110, & 2 car I l' !\I. c e;1nU\;> £'C, no pc s cnarmlnl{ custom homl' ls 11 1,;1 .. ,,, .. 1,,,, .... ,,1 11, ... c ... ,,,.1, Son Clemente l076 pavrni•n\~ 11'i!h th1• othe r. Full kltcli hi" dt•ck Vu•11. $3::.0. lllfJ. \>'orly Jcn:-r. llbl Cfl,\H~IEP.! 2 Br S300 yrty. i;iu·Jo;r. 1 l"\O rrt·. __..:'.._·_· -----~~ "RJ::ALBUY"for only •• ~-~· "•" s;:ii.7~IO. f~<'d Cnrp ••I '., · · frph ·. lil!r1 bbq. l'ets 11·/ul!l pd.rii;:ht Jl('rsun. •·.l·nler 1i rlvllegf!;,. ::O BR,'1Bu,:!~1ory.Honi•·· *A• 500 FULL PRICE \1·ilh 11" r11(lllf•111 11n1('ni1lcs, . . L11~un11. ll''l(~ 111 • ~.;7 91ilf ALA Rentals '42-1313 Convt>nlen! tn e\'erylh1ng. ,;tyle, lge pri\• yil, dbl ll\ll'h .,_, you 11.•lU love this honiC'. 3 B\' 011.•npr l Br l11:ic o('r1111 I II 1• r I' 1111 1' 11 ! lJ11·ision. S21Y.>-1 HH. n\l'('ly furn. lt1il1·. 1 _:_ ~ ' .~ ~. 1 ' Unlurn. \enr lew;c rental gar In ll('ll.' Dupll•x Al,-ent OWNER WJLL J-J J::l.Jl Hr, :! f!a. Lrg Liv, rn1, Vl~'W hon1•." ~.500Jr~arlc, 97~2;;.",ll, gar, y11rd, UtJ,:U!l/I. :: Bit T11.·hh,.{• Ill' S.C. Pl111,;i. riroDERN j 1'0~!11 S3251no. ~..s&-S662 ~~ . . FINANCE hi•nni <'l'l!in~. ri'J)lc, din. prin only 968-7058; ~.lfH~ CUSTO.\I hu ilt d u p I c x $35(~2 llR, 2 BA, frplc•, hug!' I f'hildl't'n '1"l"nmt'. 2 rar w/panoran1lc lM.'enn \'l!•w IR\'INE T 0 ..,,. 11 h 0 u ~ e MISSION REALTY nt'£'1!, k[k·hf'n l ilr·in~. 2 dr Sen Jue n Cpstrn. 1078 a11.·11rr·~ unit 312 Ba . pa1io, channt'!fron1. r-;s, 1:ar $t7:i/niv. 0 11,•n el'· fron1 Pal~ Y<>rrlt•s tn ~n Unive~lty Park, all cpt'd, 2 PH1VACY New w1'1. HR 2 1~ !is S. Coast Hwy., Ln,i.'lula frt't''l,f'I', ri•f. 11,·/it'{' 1n:ikrr . Jucu1:1.1 tub. luxury n1asttr NU-VIEW RENTALS ~•·IG-ll ·Hi. CIC'n1entr S.i1a. 1110. 4~'i9 BR, 2 ba:i. Liv-rm/Dlll-nn, BA. [rpl\C, i(UT, hlflry, yard, Phone {714) 494-0731 N1'1\' d1~hw1d1r, "·aslit"otl'v• BY O....•nr, :1 BOR. l'~ Bi\, Br ~ul1C'. 3 fireplu{.'t"S, r-.lezz. 673-4030 01· .. '19"-l:l;tli ' .\ gB, 2 b;1, F:uu-rrn, Blt•inli, t'\'es/11eekcnd11. SJl • 3.,g 7 frplt', li:tf' kitchen. garagC' -.-Jliflkl. SZT.1. &16-4111 --OCEANFRONT 1.·1'. Ll't{ prhatf• f1:1rin orr 11~'. 1·11tll'/llrp.•, Jp, patto, 2 car LIB!t,\RY. 673.-1769. 1 BH lfoust', $120 util pd, Hit I f'r711~. Dq1~ .. "!~1 y<I, SJ;!O. days. carport. :'l:r. adult pool & Apartme nts Furnished COMMUNITY 1·111. Offi•r,• lndoor/ou1r~"'r i:IU', lndacp bk )'(I._ {.~111111. 1 BR M'll. ~arage unit, s i2:, 11,1" '.)·'.~,,.-~~1 .. 1,, S.12-ritil 2 BR. 2 BA. ~11• tnd. Clu:oc 1o rt'C. facil!i. S350. mo. Lease. h\'101:; c1oi:e HI C\'C~lh111J.: pool, S:.i.00'.J. 49J.-81Ui7 Houses to be util "'" i..,. &h 1 BR hv. ~~. ~ .,79--01 .. 2 lx'Ach, hus & s h 0 JI . i;. j."it.-01''9 Balboa Peninsula 3707 Ptivatt' beou·h & <lobl~o"·", In \\"<! •·0 por• '"I~ I mo•ed 1900 "'"0 /'10 ''"' "079 "'"" , •· ••~·1\' · #-l,.ouu.TQ"INl!~USI:: 2 BR, I B/I, • utll pd, bnind nt'I\, C~!.I :! !lit Crpls. <il'P!I-• ..._.), • .,""""1 l/l,;NTl7\GTON B1•at·h's over 3500 llQ. It. of luxury 111 ~·e. 1·.111 rnr Rpp'I. cptsfitrpl;. ds11?1hr, sell cl. I &ch Un1lJ JI B $15 n10, cr-.11 ;o fl p 11a111·1.• s. Carport Laguna Hills 3250 fin<'~L \'ilia Pacific 3 BR. I $35 WE~K & UP living. 5 Bdrm1., J batM: ~·I or f'OO!te(•I owntr In oven, 2 cor gar, pool, lndry S,l(Ql ur •iffer, 5 J_nt ll()U~ I $9'.l, NB $1zs t\):,'1. r·('(', I Slll'0/:\10 . c:oupl('. c /I Ii 11, Ht\. dh!C' (lllr., hugl' 9 Slel'plng P..ooms hugt> living m1 . ..,,1111 vnullf'd l'11lm Spnn'=s: 1714) :US-:1233 tac. 496-62HI. 'l449 Orftngr, . C.:\1. C1tll 979-84311 '>lil-4Jti2 2 BR & Ol"N CONOO. 2 master BR. Nr 1eru11s C'lli & e Housekeeping .Rooms eel!. & t_rplc. 1''orn111.I dlnini: D y If A F 67!'>-778S. 67J..ll'.i7. ·--Bath. Car""lii. dra""S. OW pool. S3JO nm. l yr ls1• only e Ocean View Apts rm. off \\~di i>iiulpp!'(i o ourse avor I ! Bilbo• Peninsula 3107 II V ll11Js Lu~k Honie, ,~ ,... !J62...4.171 962-2Slt R BALBOA INN kitchen. with C(lnklng !!!Ill.nil And h1~p1'(:f tlti<1 outstarnJ1ni;c [ ~ Income Property 20001 :iOH. 2Bt\, fain mi. lrg ~1u11gl'. Pool. S:r;il. ~l-J629 • • ass. Ft Urkfst. bar. PaeM·ll'd l'.\t'l'llllVl' 4 litlrn1. 2 ha!h .............. I FIP --1101.:St: o~' ];,\\'. 4 BR. :r 1.•lllio ,';: y1il, lai~lscaped, or <2131 3~9803. llun1. Bt!ach .. 3 BR. 21:.r bas.. 105 t.lain Stn.'<!t lamily NII. wfi\'l'I bnr. lx1n1(• w11h n u rn er o us . . TRIPLEX BA, lgr h\ u1~ rnl, hhr3ry. 1'1 1-T.lll Laguna N iguel 3252 hlr-i11~. ....·ashl'r, tl r Y t' r , 675.8740 l )l~lr. suile )ias prit.'. p.IHKt & ('U~loni C.\.[)'aS \\'1th lan11lv 7 ('11 n\ J1 l.1• t I' 1 y I u 111,. '~ 1\1•.:; J:lt 2 '~l\, \I' \\'~·l'J)tS', -rf'frl:.: .. crpl, drps. sm. nio. 2 BH·\'U, l;lk !O Ol~'Hll 111 1Karden bath. A r_rn ~ fin•plat'f'. lllnin;:t mi Mobile Homes NEWPORT l>utsturw:hni;. <lN.'Or !hrunu .. 111·1·~. lnrd ,vd. •·w·, ""!, 2 BR. 2 AA !'()nclo on !he ~Q!f !Jfi,'{-..\jill 01' :;;~11.-1575. 6/71. \\'kly $1 2'1 . or u1p. ' · 1 v c r Y Chef s k 1 1 ch c 11 111111 • Ci IJ ror ippt ~un1n1' r ~ •·~ !le e Jook"ng rl I k 1~ I · I" ··-~~~1 uncuona. "''ell planned 0 ,.1,_,11,,.0 ,,,P>ot >'o, forule 1100 J !JN rt Bil .~ '· ·., pr1~. kicf'I ok S JOO. {'our. 1>vr i 1e11('.:i.ttSSIONVIEJO,nC>1v'lBP.. ~,:i.u111 nc v.n1.1-K.._,, tio spl'lnkl<'r~. Till!C'd \\'inrlo"'S. Guod uccl'S!i lo Ne11.·1xn1 -$l200. rnon!h!r. il·I; li73-72JY _ · Gi;,..2030. 522.l. si:,_J.:gj Corona del Mar 3722 home, with nk-e ~ardcn ,t, ·" • .. u~I o e11.·pQ vi · -$.\500. Monthly. \e,J~ly.I :.!1'~-172-1\j2 S375.'n10. O •tl beforl' :, P~-1. CrJll!i. flrps, air cond, VIC''\' ~~ rJn~re~111· 1~9nc.~"ccptional Exri'!JC'nl for 1.•ntrrtl\inin~. MOBILE HOME Cogln l\lcsa .. San Diei;o or 213: 47Z..75l<9 1 BR. stove, ne11·ty drc. Vrry 32561.;o=:..c.=-c=c...---- c . .,. 11 ,.JW. Cull 644-8750 FOR SALE: F1l'y. Central M1$8 location. · • priv. i'\'nct'<I yrl. No kids. l ido Isle Huntington Bench l BR furn, sh;ig, b<.':1t1i el.i.: '·'. ~ SILVERCREST 01\'llC'ts unit ltn~ 3 ht.'f!rooms, Houses Unfurnished J Uli! pd Sls:ifmo. Sl:i-2573. . 4 13R To11.•nhous1', xlnt C'Otld. $170 LC'asc; ull pd . A\l l\0\1·. ' · .. -. . -~ ""-' ( mRBElL.) ' .. dinlng roo1n -f11111il y 3 BR., f11ni. rm. Near lrn111s $250 Cull 9&1·9765 girls prC'f. no pl't, 1>1-1-43-10 ~-.., . MOBILE HOME rooin _ orchitl roonl .. 2 Generil 3'202 , :: .lilt. l Bil: .1-'t:,9 ytl, i.:ar. c-ouns. $5.lO. Yearly. ' · . . ' 20' x 53', 2 BIJ 2 Bf c11.ri1., fln•t)!;u:cs. Indoor liliQ. 36. I S21 fJ. tno. 21•4! F.!rlen, C.i\l. j Duvidson Rc·Ll ty 6-j;:,_75;3 SZlO 1110, 2 BR Condo. Pool. BACHELOR 11p!. Coron 11 ~ druped. blt·lrul., retrig., f'"''" ,,,. 1_, m· ''''°"""' lro>• LIVE HEREI At-~f. 4. C :J-!1171. 646-~L M V d, 3263 Nr. lluntington Harhour.1 rll'l /'.Iar. S12:l. 1110. Utllltics i4t .. 5671 lfn.2100 LJJ~U~e> washer & elect. dryer, wired :2nt1 ~~U~"'-11hL~ g~;;;eou11 . • ~-1 COLLt.:GE Purr.: :{ BR. 2 B,\ I esa er e Adult s. 8-~. \ fld. Call ~~l. Wld C Ill VI --,,_ N rt C 1 .....:.,,.. for ZlO 'lit {.'Will kilch :I Br Corona 1h•I i\tar ... $31.1 , . R -" 1 e o•t ne ew -~-•-f'l\'(>O en er ..,,,.'!.:. ' · ·• · mon.•! Both other unit;; a.re 3 Br·. Univt't'SHy Pork .. S:INO I ~il)(C «· i:n1. ~;~n.1en cal"t.'. llARBOR ''ic..,,·. Lu.~k. t\vnil. ~ceptionul hcat•h a r e :1 EASTBLUFF ~~~ ::-::;.h~~c<l).~~:j 2 BP. -patios -enclosed J Br. Harbor Virw ...... s.ril $.lr..O. rnon. ;;.t:,..i2:11 for leasc 2 yrs. $595 l\lo .. 1 home dL>t.'Oraled In thl' "0111 • like nu. Localed In new ).:1tra~ci>. All this for only 3 Br. NC'11,'port-View ..... $1j(I ) Fountiin Valley 3234 ~-..fercnces . required. 3 Hit. l \Yorld" motif. t'et1 turcs :t CONDOMINIUM adult pk. a way from noisy ICY~ down -a">king $74,900 2 li'r. Shorecliffs ........ Sffr.> 'l h;i., 1lt.'11lsh Bluffs honic. 1 hdm111. 2 W1h11. Cuslom 28:iO S.1. r1.. G hdr1n., 3 baths St. One·hnlf bl. from clu~ fc",1,111P~." .. '',.100T•.kc udvantage -:; lJr. H;iyfront-S/IJI ..... s~iOO l.IKE NC'\\• i•:-:trn I~ z BP., + _.S.Gl~'~Tlo. on lt'HS('. drap;'.s. llugt' ji1tlll1y iri thl' 011r:; hdm1. & dc111 . Can1· 1,,,... 11 II ~ y · s···· I " r" I klhilt!n. Lath L"OVCl't!!.l patioJ I 11h-'IL•ly refurbished thrwu1. houSt'. Hcduced to $1 2,950. INYE:Sg;~~ll\~I . 3r. arut.•r .11•\1• ...... ~:-~ i111~c rumpus roo1n; <'an he <.;,'li,P,ER"""· .. -,-., ,-~-.,-, -"-,-.~, .. ~ •• ~ ... ~.,,,-. , \\'Ith Spanish tlli •. \Valk-in Cllll EYES. 213-69-1·~690, [; _ ---·-· i .: Br. CAn100 lli'!'hlarKIR · .SJt.1 / Ull1.'d ;1s ln; HH . 2 HA. 2 car ~'"' ,. _ ""' • 1 L"t'da.r ekiM!IS. lfard\i~.. 'iour chok.-e ol new carpet· 697·71J2. ' • • 4 J:\r. flt-Ne\\·· Tennis .. ~·19~, i;11r. f:11·in1 pool. Kids ok. hnme. Al'ail. ~Tuy 4th. SKO. ..,.,., in.II'.. 1te11.• npplianees, 11elf. CAN BE SEEN AT 4 B • t 0 • •·· I 11000 o I s·r9 N F' 1 I ~ o Id , Olaple !ltlllrl\. F. I r \" a 1 c d : r . .,anc y uny U<.'1tc t n Y = IK'r 1uo. o ec 1110. nc. i,'111.,cncr. 111· dcckiug. t>'nL-r:o; ihe <lt-cnn nn "-leaning dbl. ovc:-:, garage CRESTMONT ' ' 4 Br. Lido-furnished ... SloWI A~t . 8"2--11:!1 B<1urke, Hltr. 5-Ki-!r.'fiO 11.•/clec. opcrtt>r. wcl har, end 2 B La v · S'W5 --' 2 full lots. Rl'<l1tcc1I $0000, unit & l'Om. niunity pool. ESTATES \ r .. gun.'\: IC'\V -· Huntinaton Beach 3240 Mission Vie1'o 3267 I Call 494-/J003. 2 Hr. \\al nut SCJu:irc .... $240 .-.., I ~.::;;c::::....:.:.:!::C---.:= Close to nUlt'ket. school, IOC!l Site Dr., liff'n. (Cenlra.I Deluxe 4-Plexes 2 Ur. t.axuna .......... ,.$36,j 1---'-------( ro&L,] shopping, churches & }>'ash· Ave. a~rrn;a trom Jirea Call 6i5-7225 BEAf11 ,\P.~,\-2 BR. Sl70. i\L~IOST new '1 Br, ::! La. ion Jsland. Outstanding Con1n1 . Jlo11p.l Lot •46. $6!-:.00 • 565.500 Uuplc.1. L111'. ~111pli's. !(ids fully crr11rl. AJC, rlcL'OI'. valuc, {.'Ompare! Slll,500. C.all CONT,,CT l!Ai', PK. r-.1cn-. ior;, Uown. ExC't'llenc loc:o· ok. drps, pro[. lnd~µr!, all bl!n,o,. I lion. 3 BR 011.·net"s Uni!. CU "1'011 2 ll $1'" D I •~0-<>"~llOJ !163 •~• G-W-i493 10 to 5. Broker. lot i;hu11.· ni:;. .:.; • r. JJ. up ex. .-.a. n10. """" : .....,.,.,, •iiiiiiii.iiO ... ii.iiiiiiiOO..;;J;;iji:f";:;;;;;;;'-ii»(:,0"7,;;;b;Y.; &iii·~ Offic<' 0!)l'n Daily J 10 NI{.~! a1'\•11. 1''•·1u· u!l! NICE clean IOxacl nmbi!c 5 I'll 0 r '"II "3' ~"' C l BR, 2 BA. rondo, ns1tlo, MONTEGO MODE 1 1 .,;., u. · . ....,1. or \VAL/( 10 bcni:h~ 2 Oil $210. ..-20 S. Coast 1111.y , Ln~una L ho n1c in udu/1 park. Nr 111,111, Cl'pls, drps, pool, encl. gar. :' Beach •I l:letlroon111, 2 Bath sh1>png l'l.'nl<;r. Color c d l~r.I! ynrd. 1\id~ & pt't~ ok. $250. r-.Juy I. 83().(»ilTI . BY oivncr. Oi·t•iut vii•i\·, 4l<' Jor next to gret'nbt'JL fixtu1~:s. Alctn! u w n Ing, Homefinde rs * 547-964) k>vely 3 BR 2 bn colorful HARBOR VIEW 5 lor ugc 8hed, very \\'O'\'!T B11ch $90.\\~lk1.>1·1\.I Newport Beach yard + patio. Nillllmc 7.,:, HOMES rcason3hll· ren!. ·1!!.l-7TaG ~LA RENTALS I ~in~l1·~. rw,1, utll pd. WA Only $53,500 Open daily REAL TY llJ..07IO Acreage for sale 1200 wt vte1•uzE ~ u:rvtC• ON CJllf/ 2 ~r S'llO-,·ic\Y RARE ''BLUFFS" 497-2058 ,,..,.;,.;;..,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.I -~;:'.::;-;::-~:;::;-i.t\'/t'ut, i;ar, kuts •"'-pc>ts. I M B S Id' f 'R Oecon! 3 h» 2 1-. $3.'iJ. LEASE L1gune Ninuel 1052 ust e 0 • fiil HOUSI J fn11l 11/gal':1g:1·-111·ail. I B('OUtlfut 3 Bit & 2 BA • 900 ACRES • I !:.,",·.. I o-.. + SPARLING _ _ ..v ALA Rentals 642-8383 t'On•o. ~p3ra1e d1nu1g r11i --11. /lo1·ch· \•ie11.· of back ho.y W<·lt< 111®Ct i111pa nv < • • •• ' • EAST 9 -WEST 9 EAST 9 • WE~-r 9 All around \.h(' ~If (.'OlJJ'SI". Upper-Jo,.·cr, 2 & J bedroom, fum/unfum Caodo11. Enjoy golf. tennis & bcaeh. Red Carpet, Realtor1 07°1761 INVESTMENT CORP . ~IWf>OIT&IA't';C.M ... 2·1>13 Lftr: tx·lux1· ~ hr, 2 ha ..,,lid lire 11f'('srn·r. !Iu~e PROMONTORY BAY $295,000 \\'c st'l"\li ·e all !he lll'ttih 1luplt•s (01111f'rs ur1111 811111 balcony, .!;l't'lll f'nlrrtalnln.io: Cu~ton1 1valerfront lot in BALBOA UNITS l'lt ic! ,r., lnliuul Orangr Co. I ~h'!~'Q +.. flrt" S.· bur;:!l11r hom('. L'nlun1. )·enr least' plin1e l(K·11 1ian. Appru\'Cll $l 9,000 BUYS'. $ LANDLORDS $ al.arn1. \\a;,h!'r . & dr)·£>r rt'ntn.l. S-125. per n)f}. ()11·nc·r plans a\·nu. for lrn;p. T'lear \"uc11ipa & Olt•r1y . . . -.. . . , IK>ukllp. Bl"o;1 ut pr1v j\rowid.~. is R.E. tl~nS<.'e. 6?>6900 Va/Icy on 1v1dt' puvrd t'Oun-Tn.ic! Vl'I')' ~h;irp triplex. ~EE ~Rl'.:f .. l .ill t,;,. Totlay. (:11ra~. Rrsp rnarricd cpl Cnll EH0-867'2 NEWPORT SHORES ty rond bell,., ·11 Oak c:ien On(· hl01.·k to har .1wa ! .ALA RENTAL.S $ ... I ~111.'l~_:_ 842<lti6. Lis1ings Needed 3 lidrn1s .\:. tlen & 1~"1 11n1on1 . lrs.o; Iii< n 10 hlt>1·1\s t•1 ot·1•nn. OCEA~ & . N II port!.: Ha}. C~I 642-i<~"·l ~ !Wd1w1n hon1t'. ~C'\\. \\',.[kt" niinutcs rrn111 .l'n~·y 10, GO ll:\\' \'!E\\S: G rc111 I ~'llTl1t:fll ·'-drapt.•s. f"rTshlr 5 R 2, 1 I lo !•-,.,,.,, i·-I.·, '"""'" tu 90 111;'1Uhs fr11r1 ulnlfl!-f appn•!'iilllnn 11rea . :i f 11<un!£"tl. ~ext lo school, & B , !r6'\, gr v e1v 1. ,., ,.,., • "' ~ L~ 11 . 0 1 ~· ~:~:~uf~~~~· :;:: CAYwJ:ri~EAL ~ir,:;1;;;, ~;~11~;1 u~1~fxi 1,:;:i; ~·~,~~c1t;~~~·~,~:~:: ~~;~ $~~~· ~~ n1~~~r 97~8¥~m~~· TY viL"\V from e1u;i!y 11t·et•:o;1'ihle giu'U):t'. J\'1•11,· n10f ~rller 11 1\1 S.1.'i-02\l ask for ;il:iB S57.:m., 49J-5219· * 548-1 290 * hi lllops, 3.'i!JO' lo~· rli-v11· finflnc•·. ~l!l.000 dC1,1n. r uJJ ,JN))i,\RDS lo &>a<>h. :moo lido Isle 1056 -Sayf;;,,f luxur-y Hons. \\la1cr, elrt•trlci1v s, 1u·u·~ $13:1.t.00 .. llt':u·t 11r 1hl' ,."I· 11. s BR. :.; l:lA e.'l:ec !~~!~~~~~~! ----------: Llncla Isle, Bt•s! buy. 4000 sq. gn;nt fon-st1y roa1ls '111 ru Pen111~ula. Call tnd11y • 433 w. ttth COSTA MESA hn111c. 14:" lot h:is roon1 f<Jr EXECUTIVES ft. iv/pier.~ ~lip. $2IO.()((). Jll'OJl('rty. Surroundt•d by 7!'1~-Ji(lO. LANDLORDS FREEi hn11r :o;torng('. $Jij, nm. ---------- Lcvely design, sunny a!lnO!i· IJ...'nni,,.,n /\si;1>1.·. Gi.1.7:!1\ N11liona1 F'oreJ,:t. ll<'nr ~01ne lNy:ESTMENI DIVISION ____ .. ·-S'.~~-:?9'2 1 NE\\'POH.T C'Rl-:ST -Phrr~. Atrium·11kr ~nl'dl'n. ()pl'rt Sun. 1.:; nf Calif. rlnci"t 11ppl1• gr!ll'l'!I ~ , , I l\,\LJ;{)f\.\\:11lk i.1 l.lt11l'l1' :l 1 .i'l"\/t Con<lo, crpts, ilnis~ I 2 Grt>tcl Cour! 4 BR., :i Ba., 1lt>n + rurrnnl Rt-:.AOYt:·oRO('CUPANCY ,i;, bt·uu!. 111•w \\l){i Ur11 r .Br, trll! K1rls .(-P","· I l'°"l, i·h.1 hti.)u~i·, palio s1::,o 1 n UGE 3 Bd rn1 plus 3 l1<1th din. rn1. Sl:i!l,;,oct. , Cu n1p, t-~11:1111.~!lc pnll'11ll1tJ , Cdi\l;1r·:'iu111n11•1 run I Bt per 1110, fl.J~l40:!. C-a.11,.~t(•d ,( dra.11((d, /II! btc. A C0HvtNl£NT SH09PINC ANO SEWING GUIDE fOR THE GAL ON THl GO. For •n •d In Call M•ry Beth Crisp Coatdress wo,.,.an'• ~•rid 642·S678, ext. 330 Afc;ihan Treasure SUMMER NEAR ~1l'P,S fron1 the ON;'an. 3 Lr!i= for 1ll'l'eloprn~nl HO\\' or SJS:1. t-ncd. Ourlrx k1tls Ilk -, , I 111s 2 car garag<' VIE\\', 3 111l. -~ sn s. p;;1wlt'<I (f('/1, 2·~ HA ;111ytime. lnvesln1l'nt ):n•UJI I HNTc.; 11.\H.fiOl'H-B:u·h Pod I Bl.,:! B,\, lx·11ut. hu~k yrd, Pool. TC'rlni~ Courts. Ph. ',.run111u~ im. "1 Ir fin"'lnef'. Sn1u.ll 1la11n 1· · 1 I 'I <<nlk to 1-ol< '"' / • Ball \\ill n !I Id c r ,. 1qu1r al nn 11•111 i:: r~· n l HOUSE + TWO $100. S1111lio Yrd, 11 pl, ~ni::!s I : , ,.,i _,J UK>. ::iJ(};.iS.10 or 535--0i28 !Ji' lcase/opl1011. Sl\9,.10(). i\1C'.llAS!f RrnJI)'. G•l2-lJ:t.t l·l BR. 2 B.\ House lu~ \l'C l'. • ~;_ ~ ' ' • .. 11 llARBOR \·u, 4BR, 2BA. on 71 35 ut. t.' '', • paynirnl (JI' ff'lll \\'/ option. tern11> or 11.•lll t'Onsidcr 1r1111e I l 5;;r1,..11 I aft l r:-.1 -• 3 er. ... 11turtio l B11t1111. l'Hl):\J() .... Tf)l{Y h11y I 0 I . RICK ALDERETTE irpl1·11.' ya~h. pt~ u ~:~1\~ y "l!ENTEIL,!!7·---Nu pct~. I child. Coup](' I pro! del'()r &· lnds~·pd, LOVEL y DESIGN or &t!.f>.'i?.'~ C'Ve<:. for inron1e p1~1!)1 v. 'l.;! BR 2 B·\ A if Homef1nders * 547·9641 • Hit l\lnn.1i,:cr Z!ilO flonrla. Park, 1 bJk lo pool, beau! I\) Opt>n .sunny 11tn111sphC'rc. F1111-..~1 hM•. Ho'" .S IO,CKXI 1850 I-;, l71h SL. Sant11 Ano. itarage~·. (i.ffi-..1.fl·I '1 You . l;1•1 1\ll Tht'_ llnu~s only. S\tj mo. .~:~!~ner. soft \\at..·. $$7~. 9322 i ~ Ae.. 'B-.ll. $9.1.500. i•qu!ry. \\'ill •·:<chani::e for !1 17-6169 llll.E i\IONEY : fl\'?lln~!t' f?r !~~11 in C} L I~ Irvin e 3244 ~:_~~ . SIZES MEDITERRANEAN h<1u~e or ~11 1. ,\!Jt bl<tii. f\l r. ACREAGE Pri•l•· or 011.·n,.rship. 2 ~idl· hy ~t.:LLETIN I O,\Tt:;D J LOVEL\ NEIGHBORllOOD IO" 18 1L A lreR:-tn't' on triJ)'I. n! l mmac. :\ All . fn.rn. 11Tl , K<>hl. 12131 2Til-9!11iii. sid•; rourplt•xci:, '.:hstsldc tunt>s week, I 2 lxlnn .• 2 ba ...... $3CO 365 3 13~. !tud~(g11me room, 1:i · 11 \"tl.<'atin11 hou~c. an~11h1•1'f'? 'di~. rm.; :!1 ~ h11. LPa.'lf'ht1l1t I U\\ ,,:1-:1t Tr:111~rrrl. lllUSt Sl'U . Landholdt•rs . U.'l('!'S -C.'.\I $1 30.000. ll.\' 0\1·rk'r. Homeflndert * 547-9641 13 td1111., 11~ b.a ........ $300 IAmlly n~ .. 2 , BJ\. 11.·rt bar. I m . --fl'if • D f' (' 0 r 11 I i \'I'. 11·11rn1, S&a,OOJ "ri.u·. rnin-nn, 4 Bft, 1lt'\'clopt'r.o,. l l.1 net'f"'i. n( 1;rincip.;J~ Only. Cull nft 5 JOO\ \\', 17th St, S11nh1 Ana 3 bdmi., 2 ba , ..... $295 4:15 Har~r \•11'1\\' ~n. <;;omm. "'f M t""" 1114".Ti • l\l)nilC'rful in 11. '-'rs 1 r! d )!nrinf'r~ S.·hl. S ~, 2. {Io o. r 1• t' r .1· 111 1 n 11 a I VC'htC'll'S 1 l\t, ~11.'I. . LANDLORDS' .. hdnn .112 h.:• S-t"iO ( pool.E.~tr"dS . 644-;,922 Croche1 in 3 shall<'!\ of a col· ~a :~~~ ~r~,11~.~.cl~~~~~:~ fh1tuT (1prn lJsuly 1 1,... •1 J10len111I. Ho 111 o l u nd . l-l'lri by huildl'r. live in 1 • j 'j !lflmi:'. 2·J bn :::::::: Sl2.J EXCLUSlVE \\'t"Slrlilf VillR, N 0 • \\1A.IST·SEA .. \! C'Oa1· ur • 1·erti<'nl lib. duubh· Cit'. 1;,1;, 1--..i"'•1ll11 l.nn(. &Wi-tii:i6' Hl'1.lul'l."d 10 $2,lt:JO/ucre. rent :1. t"lOSl' 10 l luntlngton.<; \\'p Spt_'CirtlitP in Xc11.·por: 1 CALL 552.7SOO ~·.:tr suite. w/lrplc, + on lhe hottest days. Notice C'lTl('h<'t bllndll nl1crnn1c 1vl1h I llJ(I .,,1 .-;-...-....-1---,_,,. <'l<I<' ,-,1,.,, ~· .... lk·ach e Caroitu 11t·: :i.rar e lldnn .r. d(•n. 2 bas., nnnl d~AA cool, easy, fret'-lalllng shell ~liteh. Palfl!rn 11:•.:1: , :-;, ' )!"; 4U!I I lo 1hl' SO (\('JU-:~ pi<:111n1'(\ lnr ,. ' r v o • VISION • o~· lift f k and fl J1.111rh. : Bl!, 2 h11,. IK•&lt•·· Hl'<T<htion Vi·!'. pi u·k. NPoi r infom111lion 61Z-O:'i71 & Laguna. Our llerual ·~r-PAik>. sunrlcck., Sjjt), UJ>-. ? }.'O c ap dirt.'Ctlon.s. p vice ls FREE t1,1 YO.)!~ Try 646-12.~I rf('/Btl, .!!h~uig V nC'Ck. st:\"EST\'·t l \T. (•t;S11"1 , r11 "1r"~1!ffi1'•'~=., & JUSI fllll.'l\l.'t'l l.AK t-: l'AllRIS t.iC . ml-Pl.EX S56,9:",0. Nu· Vie"·! I • ' H RBOR vu B '11 Prin1rd I a \IC'rn 93'22: lla!f for each pal1C'L11 -!tdd 2.i i"=='-~"""'=~=-..!..~'~"='~",:'~1~:.Z~· :.,:o·-::;:'~-""'=I f'u. ::.:36. s:.iniO H<'l't'. ·l.'1 Ck'f'an 1'1c11·, 11alk to bench. NU-VIEW RENTALS 1 Red Hill Realty '' . . · '1 H, ·~BA. Si7.c11 101,i, 12~. 14"!, 16h . cent-<1 for l•ach i>.1tte1T. f(lr ,\CR.ES l\:oreno Vnll(•y • 1(1"tO!:l '*'* 493-1285 *'* Rf l T\' flF I TO 2 frplc, 11.ctbar, be>autllul 1~1 •• Silt'.141,~ {bust Ji) takes Air i\1.all and Slt<'<'IHI JJr111• I <-::c--0::::,.--------------=, I Jl o 1 en ' I 11 l . No. ·13-1. 1 d 1 · 1 p 1 2100 673·403ll ur 4!M·3l•l8 ~A ' ' ~ • . RS \'U. Adjacent park, comm. ·1 1· 8 yurd11 SO.inch dling: olhi;>rwl~e 1hll'd·rli.u•s jiWrfS ~ $5."IOO/Hc.rc, ·Ml t\ c n ES n us r 1a rp y. FHEE f'"f'.E Univ. Park C .• ,,,r, lr\"1ne [IOOL SUPER Decor. l\lnture v • 'i STAR G A ZE"»•tt..w. -'' delh•ery 11·ill lllkt' three :r • ~ ·1' (lppt'O\'t'll 1Jfl lt l-IOIM No. 1 e P1'0f<'ss1on,'\I SC'rvll'c • ., • yard . Al'a\l Juflt'. li41--179i:l si::vt:XT\'·ffi'E CENTS WM'ks or niorr. St.•TKI tu -1 •-as 1CLAY It, l\ll.l ~..,, u•u. 4.~1 SI0,6.'10/.rcre. l.i ACRE.'.' OVER "I ACRE *LANDLORDS* 2 B~ Condo, 'V.,C~'!lJ/lnr; :i BR, 2 BA, bllns. D\V. \\'Aler f1>r e11eh pallem ,to add 25 AliCf' Brook~. th(• [JArtr ' "'~~.' M "-o ... i,1 .. ,,,.,, c;,,,J. H :1,,, 11 ~ Po IC' n t la 1 H-:: $370 INDUSTRIAL H fl d * 547 9641 1 Bl Conrio, A . .JO.~·• ,r, $2<1;i I i~•nrl dhll' fp1C' lgc ror Int t•1•11 t,o, l<lr C'f'eh pnnem !nr PlLOT 10!'! N II f1 -~·.v•.u "V" Actonl·"~la •~·Slo ... '-r oci-. .n~'\ s;..i(l()/ncre. om• n •r• • 'JBHC<»1d<>.ACS-"f.S&S27:} $3~·"i\t ,\ii ~I 1~· Airf\lnURtlflSl)('cialHund· De i:ii 1:, 01fo''Ct\\ 11,1a,19. Ta dcvtlop mel.!oOIJ"' tor l h11•·do1.. 31>-31.:19. .... (llht'r :lL:l'('fl)'.:e &uHan.;h~. PROPERTY Colifornia'l'l La1~e~ :: BH Ho1nC'1 •... $2!1~1 & $315 · .()~::1C'~I 0A,~cn~a s.12~~ "· ling: Qthcrv.·lse thlr,'.-<1ns11 1 St:J~11.-1N{'!."· V~i·k. •l'J.~~ •2-46,tl •CGdWOfd~rn1r~pond•"9 lorvTllxn. ».)f.tl·" Jhn J(!'l'!l'~ e Renlal $t>l'\•]L'('!. 3 l:IR llO!Til'~ •. S'.tlS & $.135 -. <l<'lh'l•ry 11·!11 takC> llH1~· 1110ll · -ot yct.Jf Zodooc:ht1th ~·9"· KOl!rlO Tl IE Bl:::RG CO. Jil~THS. Cl<llll" lo 1-lntbOr Bl\'d, Ill J?i'..16 l BR llousc $12<1, JIB . 2 BR, 4 HI? l lonirs . , ... $335 & S·lZ'i l !j \'. IJ:irtnl ilon1cs, -1BR, ~·et'kJI or n'ltire. Send to Zip, i·~~11,?~,/'i~•1::';;,~~:d ~K, ~~= ~~~T ~.;~.;wi oc~.u~ 1ll/6.19-lJOl 21.116~\f•~ \\'1•11unin111cr A\'CnUe l n SI60 HB, 3 UR, NB, $2'l5. 2 4 Ult l-101~e ·•~"'":"S500 .lli\, Spect11cuJ11r \'\l, p:lllo. ~farlan l\TnrUn. the DA ILY l\'t;11.'! l$0 m<l!ll PIJl>lllarde- )l"" l l'."'"" .ill_.. ""°"·"~ S1111111 t\na. 160() 11'1· ft. BWg. BR Horse R~ni:h, Npl Hgl~. RAN~<;Jl RE:i\LT\ lnd~pd. sprlnkli;>ni, S-ITJ, Pll..OT. 442, Pnllcm Dcpl., s.ignsln llur 111~ N~h-cnft ~i .. ""' ~~~'""' . ~~'!i~ $1..S -~, Ocean View Land PLUS 2100 ~q. It . uf ~hf'd. $175. Ag1. F~. 979-S-130 •~1-2001 • 6l4-13ll 232 \V('ll l 18th St., New C-.talnc! All cra!ti<? TllREE t To lt.AA""""' -Ml• &aut\lul pru"Cel~. H'M) • + Nol\' UK'!! •1~ om11.men!lil Bi lbo• lili nd 3206 Nf;\\I Tunh rock ho 111 !', THE Bluffs, 3 BR. condo. \:ork •• N.Y. 100µ'. Print F'rtt dcPI• n~ lMldC' .... 7Sil' .~ ~~~. :;g;:-J flcri·s. No olht•r pmJ:ot>M)' lnin 11.'Qf'k!I. 011.'ll(>r mriy 2HH. 211:1, den, 2 car gar, Nr\\'ly decor. $495 n10/ NA~\U:, A~DD K E:oi ~ ."1~ Ne\\•! ~ + K_nll noo1i; • '""""• :!'MW t 9e-l.•t.A llke lhi~ avnllo.hll' In ~. f('R!W h.'lt'k for fi ycani, • LITTI.E ISLAND * U!C or pool, itold s.hag ll•a.'K'. Z!1 •. ~IZ•~ nnd S T l l.f •. has Biul• T1!.-tuc 1:.11ttf'rn :~~""t ~f:"'..:'.?" ~·~~ Calli. • Grr1tt lerms too. :;;c~·~~n~l'':''.11('~ ~ri\'~ Oiiu1u"1a:. u11fUrn., 2 bdnn. crpl!~!. l"nJp.'l~!"r $385 ph AGE.'NT 6#-7662 ~l~l eF.R. , I ...... Sl .2.i :J!__ ;~~ ... -nn:_~r F""':==-"'l t ,Jim Jotie11. No. :\G:i $6.iOO C 11 G~ ct a horne "'lfrp\c., lt<'Ulli[Ct & ~~ nr t;y:'l-O.t"6 BK.ANO ?-Ot'v. $4~ 3 Br. 2 bA, ON E FREE PA'rl'ERN of r-\N·! s f'o('(n"fltllnt ttooli; Sl.00 tt w."° ••n.i ,...,. ,.f.'.;.. THE UERG ('(). JlLTltS. ' It · Jl31lo. Y@arly. :l Bil, 2 bas, NPar lte\V (rpl, tull mlrrorl>d 11.1\tdrollCll your chQlcc> lo send for. 01\f.' :('II.•! •iv....e,. ('m<'h•'I •~-. .. , 4~ ,..,. 1)~ ii l/liJD-ljQl 2UJG2H-lfii'I \Vm. \Yln1on R.E. 6T.r.1331 ol1egt" rllrk honlll'. Parks. & b:1, pnol·tt'ni;t~ ptlvlR!. fr'te '?811.em Inside N f: \\' Dook ................. .-1.1111 :i~ ~~ ~~~' 1i~UT1ru1. 1, Rt"N.' lol by \VANTEO IK'hh1. !\\'im pools ntarby. ~'12.J. &J6...lj00 ~t 1·'64. SPRING-svr-.tritlit CATA· lalrplrt ('r'Orhl."I Kook •. II.Ill) 111_..... .,,.,, 1tW\'Wl n....·nf'r ••lfl!lt' in $10.000. \\'ill • USED BRIO<S * 1198-1340/Eveft &ll>--1538. !-£ V H0~1£ 3 BR 2 ba. ~-JOO ll)llC5. Ill! si.ttJ. n ... tant Crochtl Root •. J:l.1'11 ~~ 40w""""'';o.. no. 'l!iL~l I 1'0nsidrr C'ash off('r lor ll'!UI. """ ·~i NF.\\' 3 BR llom(', 1n TurtlrJ Fam-rn\, '1un °d .... k", -,Pft,tlem COUpQn. Stnd !'Ir.Ian! • li r.nnit> 1'ook It.to iir..."'1K• ~~· :?~-;::-AQl/Allln I l''I C -•1~ " '"ll""'Jg '"-k IV lk ~,1 · 1·~1 \' 1 , " 1·"' rll)IA. 1r11ta.nl ;\flMY 11.otll.: 11 1111 ' • JMf n P•. "" on•n.a n ur, C d I M 3222 """' . " to ~~:'1 lennlt, .NII n'lfl., r y. us~. ~l~' + KNIT Book "·ith ,,__ ... , , '1,1°""' ~• ''''""I ''""'~ ; v1~111. C11. !)mq3_ 1'1111111• oron• e •r pool. bul'h $42.'j, M1v. "''" JU~ alt 5 • • ~ • ...., .. pletfll u l H Bnok ••• 11.llfl ~t ::-~ r::"'.''°'9 :! ~,,.r "'· " 72-4-titil!! ll'l.'\-27(18 ... ,, bat.le llntlf' llflltlt-m •• SI . "nmplf'1f! Algtnrtn''""· 1 t -.,,.,., 1~vg ''(I'«• H"'-:t 7·lG-11.1 loti for M le 2200 MOVING .. , • ~ ·, l\~ llV 4 l)r "2 fpl, Wf'll'll1r, ln~t•nl 1'••1llM llook., SI 00 2 Ptlie Af~hlln• Na. I! SI.Of• 1'6"""-"1 '!.6'"'"''"'1 ~"'"«',.. ""'..J!I Ce metery Lot1/ ALLOWANCE TURTI..ER :t\ Tl('W 3 & 1-\i{_ \ u. comm pool/tennis. ln<11fant ~inr Book •• $1.00 aok (If It Quilts No. 1 .. ;;or ~;p-~~·~ ~~;.. 1u "K" Crypts 1500 "PHJVATtUEACH .. 60>.'120' 1100 Ott 1.st ~to·1 R<'nt. 2 ,li<I, pc')Ol 1.n l'+'c a r ea . S~'iO. !0YL~. 6 ·1•·1791 1 A""<itvl1theBf:sroAY10 t\l!leuo1Q11lft 8ool No.: "'''"" ~'IAfl .. ()., ; ",...,. I r.. $W 83J-.848!I 833-1972 &U-823S. ''I 10,,_.,. 6011n1 ~--".-~JC~ ol. ..._,·preu Mo~ In San Nl;\\.' l Bil. 21,r BA. frpl. · ' run lll'I ndl Onn'I «clay. , ...... liOt' , AA f ) 'll;'l • 1,.16-21 ~ SITt-:.~. J{Olt!hllt• rit.~J011i<: Clf'rnc•ntf'. O""ner mu~I Rll. itnr. 11uper nt'ighborhood. 111tvf' an ex!rn 11paC'e hflnt!?r 3 RR, 2 BA, dlnlnst ninm. Dally Pilel ClAIS.ified Ads i Qllllt• f(Jj TU.lll,J No. :i Mr ,JC.'>t!tl \CVJu•~rric Nc11 ul •~ll·J'.l!IO llC('t\on, $000 for borh, Prirt" $:"1"'1.000. Tr,r111~. Brok· $400. 8~107'6 11f1 &: ~'Ou no long••r use? Sell II 1-larbor V~w llomc. Cml1· G4~iB. lkNtlr (JI '' l llfy Ru~ •.• t~ 6".t-.~i9 rr. 6Th-122tl. I &T.l-2925. now 1v!lh ;1 oan Piloc 01unity pool. $~. 833-3.'91 LIDO REALTY 11;: \1.11,1.., 'II *673·7300* • ' I, I • c • • • • D I ~ B> bl f • I 2 " ' • l II • "' • I: t b I D s " " H L • • N . -. I 'O"'r-'-",.."-'-·•_o_v.:.'"~'.:.":;':;":..------'::·•::•·=>dA=1· Auinl 2-<l. l!i/4 p1rtm•nt1 Furn l th1d Apa r tment1 unt urn. I A: ·pa-r"'t m-on-t'",-:-U'"n"f u-,-n-.-,-, A:-p-t'",-F"u-r-n"'t"U'°n"'f"u"'rn-,3"900=-=R'"e-n"'t a"'1-,"',-o -s"h_a_r .--:4300=""'"1 n-d:-u-s"'t,"'1-.'"1 "R'°•"n~t •"10-•4s"o"o:--;L-o-,:-, -.&;--;F"o~u"'n"dr-5 JOO Arri ,\ -~l-1 C.!!.pet ~•rvice 60i6Jan itorial C __ .. _t_o_Mo __ ,.:;_ __ _.:;17;,;2:.;4 Co1ta Meu 3124 Huntington !each 3M0 • !\tATt:rtl-~ STRT l~f~ n1111e l'ALl~ ,\.,l\I \L ~ li~ 11!<)1. 1 BR F l~l·:.'761 Fnr lt•.1sr: '..'60.\1 !>Q r1 111•;1 •B.1<1. uf ltu11\olfl(' :.;.~"l('I\' n J,l'\'kx l•IUHI' l nn. Oo:·" \'u IRVINE INDUSTRIAL \h1nll!!<:h•n l~·M\ h ~·hll"r E1 Pnrto Mesa CHILDREN l'Nle '"'· '111-'"' '"" "'" coMPLEx ,.,, •·"'""" ·'-'··'·"' • urn. $1'5 Up 1nd parents love the \\'.\\TED~latu~ Sli°l\lthl till·up ~f:.1.00 i;q. ft -Olh•1' ,\nunal """1 .. 1111111· 1 .. ·.•i.:.111· All Utll. Peid 1•"99· tp1clout •JNrt· rtiall' 10 ,hr 1 Or hi.e & uiil. ;;o.c&r p1rk1ni:: C\o..-•· 1<1 .... 111 ,\1l"J•!l·•t1. "I' .1 ~ , n ·~ ,\ I No Chlldren, No l'C'ti ment1 •t BI n bury BIG! C't ,.1 bo..h, li lt $HU. !)1 .. ·.r.of\l"~Jl('l1t Fr'" ¥ou 1• n1·uh r111.-u1lun11. \",t;.;.r.1~ JI 111;'1. ..; (' '11"'( l l\l•bil'I) l'>n .;llMlllJ••l. 1:-0:n1I 1:1•1,u,lurl!• • ()t•,.'1'1'1!."4•r>. .\ di t"lf)t' Ur1~htrn""' ,\: l•l 11111\'lh' 11h•111 II l•ir 11 !11h 1·al'fl"!~ . ..: 11.· ~•Ur 111 .. n•' h.1 '"\1t1.: l'i" »\lr.1 Ill)•' \\ 111 .-l1·ro11 hvu1.-ri11 • dullr::; r:u , ,\ I.all !Ii ,-\n~ r111 s; ~. ·~·u"h s 111 r11111 $j 1 1 .\I' •\JI tll \\/1,11 <'>Ulll ' l~ll 1 • .11t1<~! I fin \\Ork n1~~t'!f. ~ .... !I' I ;,:,!-()ltl\ l~ & ~aUon Crois. g.,;:.!4iG.ll Short or 1onl! 1 .. nn I···'"'· 1\\IU,.\I' l\\f'tll\IH \1 1959 M•ple Ave, C .M . ~ ~111 •h,·IUr '~''"" K··n1111 1"1·:11 "ht'I' •Ill\, T.1n puv $30 WEEK & ••p-1 • Ol.Ud..,.11 U &· ),,1.1111tt>r \\,\\fElJ nullu"' 1•1111iloy .. ...t t;.i:t-27:ii. 1n::.11 T0·1Tn·1 11u,, 1r ,., \1 ..., 0 Slutt' 11c,..,n.i;f'd [)N! ,.l•h\ I l.t1!)' l•l Mlill"\' lrn.·.-1)' ho111t' lndu.i;1r1:il-<."<11nn11•N·1al t '"·Ii ·• !••• l\?k 111.11!• •Stl.ldio 4i lBRApts. PINECREEIC e 0111 1 ...,,..,,111l'. Aft 411rn, SS'J~t) 01, •• ," :',;1111,1\1..,1, \\hi, ,,,,1, e TV & /.ta.id Servk<e A\'811 -I f n •n!i p ti)' 11reu II B .... ..., e PhoneSer\'lce -Htt1. pool LIVES UP e L.1r"lr::c 2 i: 3 BR apt... t<t 0.:ikv.ood Ca•d~., A~a•1· · 1i..•,.,:li•. 1:1..,111. 1n1•l" e Qilldren It Pel Section TO ITS NAME •~adult ~. l"l'llllth In""!~ I ~!Al.£ STL!lJ~NT B.001nn1nh• I It' &-o,•r. \ 1•u11. J{.\_lJ 23i6 Nev.~rt Bh:d., C~! e l':asy 3l~·oM~ 10 UlOl>l tim· G, ,\ T RCCREAT 10\1 £.V.•l'f'I· \1·1111\t>ll, l'!o::1n1 fc board, $160 1 ! \'1110·~ 1111'\ H1-.1 n rn;1fi• 541H17:» or &~'7 0\'\'r !iOO toll lNt"ti and 10 p 0 loyn1\'11l 1u«ii ~ i<J. r.dun Vi te'll • 1 t! .. \.;. ! • n10 .. l'1t\~_.1&-~.:!__ ~ Jti~&lty Co1n(.lll.I~'., -I '.''11'/b1u1;i" 1111..,, Hlk, 1'1 HOLIDAY PLAZA itttnna \\Ith \.\'llterlalls • !\r, •ht.'~rlll.ll & hv.)'11. t 111.,11df.. t.nn,., ;,ru f, 1,9 I Gar•gti for Rtnt 4350 90l ll01•vr Dr. lil-27'.'11 .sl11·1'.11111. Hlli . 111•!" • • crL•Cl.tt: .1 relax.Ing M'ttln)( for \• Imm $165. · llr·L•,(,IOlld1iv111a r<ln.;c-. p..,·11 r· .. ~1h•. \\ li1r,. 111 ii" DELUXE SP£1cklua 1 UR l yow i>11ac10W1 new I · or 2• r m, \·11· MINI WARE; HOUSES \!.:t~•n, ·r u1fl\lk, l+·r•1 fllm apt. $150. Pool. An1plt! hc.'<lrouin iiiwu'tincnt. l-"i'Om 1 . BANBURY CR<?SS 1 tJN ACTIVlllE:S 1 ..,,•.•i'l1·~ NOW LEASING 'J\•t 1·11 •1 1111'\, PUI'. Ill\\, I". parking. Aliulll, no pels. I SJ7~. ftuTulur,. nvuilablr t:'\eftr lk.1tch Blvd & \\ 1uTli'rl 0 '"l 10 ,, 1100 S1., 1: ~Y 1.,,,nr., \ STORAGE Huntington Beach i~•·,,.:h·. 1 n, 111,1! .. 1965 Pontol\ll Ave., t:!\I 0 11,,., 0~,, 9.00 10 ti·.OO. ~.....: 16761 Vll·:\v f'OIN'r LA~:..: N11 ~l1 1v1'-u1 or ~l<'l\'C-1Jul NEW M-1 l':.•\rr. Tri. rtl"I" ,,~ "'>VII uor. .\\, lr1p:., ~!Jltu ,\• l r11.,11 I I 17 511 81'.:AUT t1.JRN. l BR IOtii ul I f aiJ'\'il•W R<I , Cosltl i\lc~. • 842-6604 • O(,\UTllUl APAn l !.~!;_~.r;,; ~~~~~~· Nill ' IX'f ~II) ·"'-1· f! !.t l'i' .-:1 ,.•1.tr. 11 11'1' 1111'\. !lll' r bl.\-1115, pool , y,·aJk lo til1oi>-PllOIK.>: ~14..;...::;i,oo. I' "I• •. All •·l-·1·"'. Dsh1,7"11r, ll.11111!1..;11 .t N•'" lund . ..:i. t"·rru r 11111 J;f\\ 11111 .. • L 1 b h n ., • ., .... '••"<1h'.1~. 1 b 2 P• '!'(.,m~ ll.1nullvn /, J\ .. y,·h1ud :ii., liUI l;Priu "'h· 1• np\, 1;1\\, \1 ping, nt 1'0,rn c ,. • . bll1L~. :-1~1J.: fT!.t. drpR, pr\\· J1ui /, un!_r11 \'. • ., ., ALLSPACE ·---·960--•1•9•7•0 ____ :=1:,p 1111 ,, l\/.l . h•rn $150/mq. 931 \\. 19\ll Sl.1 1..A RGI'~ 2 Br. 2 & StUftlo ll•"\t1u "'/yurd . Nr j M ~c• r' n ,~, 1t.) 9~1970 l'•·~il•· 11.11, n \\, 111 ,1, ~2 plus patio. I mm c d 1 at e 1 lluntlngton ll:irl'<lur. S~W 1 lo 1 "'""· r"' ,.,, .,, ,,.,,,, '" ''"L's·1·1•.J,\L · I r I N "R'·--' -------·~ :<11;11)1• 1111;>., ' :. I• dl I STORY, i.j)(lciou~ & tlUl~t ut'l'UJ>l\llC)', 'C'll.r ,,..,..._.r & Ach1l1!( only, no pets, ,\\,111 ."i"l l1!: \l;;: Gata1:t' foir 1:, 111 l 'O\l\U·:rtc•t \!. Cul!h• p1111 1111, \\ H. i: '" 1 HI 1\11·: 'l •!tJ.I• l 'lit'flo'l ( lt'HMl'<I \•I ,; 1'1'1~ 'J1 yr !':\JI ~!!.II J.u1ull'd t 1 lll t' , r ,,~l'~.r7t · ,.,~;-y·~t ,, 1·--;. .. 1,.,,n1111r ftll•'~l ~'~llHP l 'itll 11 .. 11 f,,r In'<' 1••l. J>o•nt11•, 1 '~ ! t 1 ! 11 t";:"f·, '"---- Carpet Str\llce 6016 Jl(ll'"t. S~l 9•, !!()J1n SI. .;\!"!JI\ hohl"l' ~"~ !(• 1·1,hul I 1" 111~. i.,"1111r ;;1-;..j!7n ~ement /Concr~t• ('L \lt:\ r \\111:1.; 6019 2 BR, 2 BA, CONDO. Bri!>tol $189. ?\!a na 1: ~ r . llllll. S-\6-1 .. •o•c...____ o-"wood 1·1.i:.• \I 1pl1• ,, •'. \ .. " ,,, ··1c1.· ."",\I''', 1 ,. I I 9~19 I -I C'.L.I\ r ~.-r •'11' !""· I~. 1"''1 i''rplc. Pa1i<J. Pool. Nr. 1 ' 4 • SZ::. Bonu!I ""'Llh Ad Garden ('o,.hi :O.h••>i l1•r h·n~C' 111 t·h11I"'' :-.1 1~~11.1n .\o .. 11."'h· 1• (:1 . • (, B . ~hops &: bus. Adu I ti,;. J SIT.)Up 2 & l l1r, '! Wl kids bffiCe R~nt a l 4400 1 \ 1r .l'I nrt'l• ! ~~wl lr\1) 1111• .. 1. ]11 \•\,,I\~ ~ .. 1.1 ... 11,. I' 11u" • :-0:\,,! , 812--0.".49. I Bl{ & i.Ot"T APTS. Poi'.11. ok I Apartments n•1"1'"" .tt ,\\'<'f\ !'rk11:1v ('< ... h .. 1'. 11 I 1:1\\, .. 1,1.· 1 BP. spac 6 -1 bid~ jocutJI. l'\.'ru ln.,_·lrls aU util, llS\'!1 ~tora ·Kai L.1nt-NEW OFFICES 1: r a Ir u r ~ 1;11r1 111ra•1fln 1110: .1 1:r1in. 111,11. llk~··ne.,.,·. :f:rs.' Slri:;~ Adull:.'. r1·ln}:, c·ncl i:ar. $~&:~~;I E of lkRch e lf (;arh('l1I Ntwporl811cl'I NorUI IN LAGUNAr NIGUEL !"Jlll'll•~I :-.:1 1 lo l l~•\<'1 r'I\ •111.-r, I.I\\ 11:. ~n "Id ,,,,, . ,1 i\•lul•~. no peli;. ::19., ~I ltv1"~a:>d 16tli nu ?Cl& . .1.0.a.J k: en, v-iv-IJI. JlunulltJn, fA&-4411. ____ ....: ---6 :50~~· Only CZc per sq. ft, :\!.\\' 1:1.r)(i \\.J l'J.il ~·1 1· l \r" ufl6p~1. l ~-&~i-BOH':\l:-l~i-BA, (rpi~ .WALK TO BEA~H. _I R~nll !'~ai Sl :S ~J) 11 .'. L'I'. \II uHI uu \ '!~·· -'~~1: r l1u111 11 .. 1 I:~ ·11 •1• BACl!k:LOI~ A11t 11u1tuhlC 1.,r \ll'I b;,r, l'nl·I. ~ar;i.gt.>S. ma 1. '1 & 3 ~I{. Cn1t!1, drp~. i.~1. Htwport Beach Soutll 1·1111,, >11\". 1111·, 11~·Hi.u + ll•1•. l.u·-;,:1• r(·,11· d•••I"' 1;1 "11 1:;k •1nl"'· 1111!. a~ntl~1na.n. SlOO/nlo -+ utU. !;l'. :i:tl·79ill Ullt il 4 pn1: ! b!tns. ~o ~t!l pll'l!~l'. ~\~ !61natl•~1M: :.:7N; { 1n1ino t '11 .~!nl!~! I ,\11nh•ln1 .~ '(•l fl\l!l .• t \\.r\. ! l>l!I ! tl•li.1 l::S Santa ISabt!l, C)t ~-~1145 aft 6 11111. '.Jlh_ St~ ~231.'>I~ .;~ 16Ut f~,8170 \,.,1 111•'1!" ti"'~ 1.. 1' \l l~"' 1;11, >1.1:1:1 ••1' ,.,, ..... \\i• {11111·1:..;, ""''" • .,, .._ •v • 2 BR. 1 ba. l\lcs;1 \'crd('. -----· ---;-·'--en.~ i~m · t - 'J·-~ '\ . . l'l.uot< '~ \ 1t "' l>i ·~I '1, \'L\11 '\I l '.111••. 1h·111 "· \' 1!h• lt••p Ill •, '"' ,\ l••l\,u\1• 1'l" • -1 ,)I·''~•'\ t P:\l'!:t-1 l l'.11 ,,~ 1',111,. (,0\<f• l_JT !hl\ \Ill~ lll<l' l.1<•il•·d .1 l.'·'·I\ Child Care 6020 t BR I,,_ 1-, .... ,,, ~, I .st. .i.16--16.'> or Sl i-.. %7 ' , •1 1160 ,\\c1, !'nrh,111\ ,u111 ull. J l·~li-flt\81 · LOST~ bachelon. Adults. Tcrract'. encl. l:ar. \\':ilk 10 shop. 2 _or 3 ~R. SIT.1 ~1>. ~tn.ldn·11 ____ 8~:1600 __ .Storage 4550 \,!!1:0-:(l~ ;, •!rl11 · !\1111}1 c-.,n SIW. 19'J3 Church. 5-1M-9ti33. Adul~. 110 lll.'tS. Jlb..::r-J~1i \ :>.; l'J('IS ok. 7!11-~e\\n\1111.fiiiiiliiillliiio•iiiiiiiiil NEW OFFICES . Tfl I' . 1• . . 1,.. 1•llnl1f1•·d I•\ 1hP 11'"''-\"l!Jl,.ll ,.,1, 1.,, n~r.I, !un. h. Dana Point 3726 After 6 PM. N1" A, liB. !!\){.Ofi:H . \JfiNJnT i... , '' 1, ·.• t .n1\•g"·~t-..111. 11 1-: l;l!l."tJ\" \\tllilll 111 I" o11•••1n d ... 1,,•.t i1p 1" !"to -L B h 3848 ... · ' . • I ~~11.::Y Trurh h11:l1 $!'01:'>\() In•• l"'I' h1.,,,I 1;, 111·1""11' l{t p , k 11 1, II I\ ,,1 ,.,1 Nl-;:-N'"w 2 BR. Ultn··, t·""I, I a51un1 tic {SI v ':-;,, i.-.1,•· n ·q d. I-1111 ~•'1'\'U'" I ·~ .. ~· ' , ., t'\i ' ' I I I • SPANI S'I \,,.,,, llR • '" ~ .,. ,, ,. II_,_, l l l\I·"' • ·"" \""'' ··"· 1 ..... __ I ,,,,,,,_"'I''·'·'''·-"_ .• ,_.'·' • ' ' I ! I I !'fl~. l',n·t~. 11111~1", ,\/ . 11 ;·,-, •,,._•,·,1. ' ' _ ' '"l•-••"Y>»". I',.; v ''' ,. , 'rps, poo ' n1 c, gar. S t I I " 2-r•• I I ' I II I I ·"" u , 1 115 no_,, ,76 \\' Ba 1 pee acu er ..... ., uti . ~llllo( ,. oof··~ ! 1•.11n 1 -_ ---1»1 rn~ \1 ;1 .. 1 111 !Ji, .. 11•·1. ,1111 l !!II .'' ('.\ll~:. : :-ch••>I w/gar $1;,Q. -19.l~12 1 16-M>-l:!31 ;:,~1". ' ,~ · " · y,, Ocean Vu Townhoust , -. . . ... ~11:11n1r1. 1~ :'>1U. l:E:"llT Rental l Wanted 4600 \\,··I r11l;l1! ''' 1d• 1111!1•·.111.,11 1 , l•1l·~~·n 1111· h"11"· " d 11, Huntington Be•ch 3740 '-. . . ,. 1 \\ alk 10 licoch. 2 UP. + rli•11 '2 Bl:. Tu11 rihvu!'I'. lrpl.-, 1-·1 :E I: 1~ l ~u 1 ~ 1 ; \\ ;11 I.• 1n• 1n1. :t1 • r1 1 " •i< 111 1 ·,,1\•n 1·:111 1 \ ,., 3 ~I<. c1pls, (.\I~·;• blins, frpl,. I + Y,t'I ba r, Ille palld:., •'U~-1 fr•llll S:..':~1 1. e1:, (run1 Sl:(i. P,\l,f.'\,\IJ~:s r>-::o· .. :r1·:l~ I •"llll"~ l•r 1".1-la \1.-•.i '-I!\~~! LOW WEEKLY RATES p~I pa.tlO, v. \d;n c~l~.5 ' 1on1 1•rrL<i, d111s, unuh;ui,·1•:;, l'•••I, lf'nnu:, 1· .. nt11h•nraJ ~~t~'!-" 1-. Bn~1"1 '1•1'-'1•· I'll . .ii-..:.,.1, Cull .~!t 1·1p1 11 l'i\i:l·-111;-1~~;. Ex.ecutlve Suites ~·~-1 1'i.;_1tr. ' L~. • • brarnJ nl.'11. $4]."J per rnn uni b1 •. 1k1.1,,.1, ~1•ut'.ih• f.i.rii1ly \•'11 µi11 Bt>>i('h i; II I'>! ------I! .i '.1. :'\i \\ i1',,n :-;, 1,..i1 727 Yorktown Blvd. ,J.I le11se, 53&~'803. or 8·17·-IK'il. ~t't'll(lll. Clo~ I~ ;;tir,p111n~ (Qunpus-trvule. !) •;-(T. r~nl •h'r\ Hin• I,, I ·,Jt •ii,, !il<l , .... ,, :-.-rl'NNINC 2 BR & panelrd ·'·"ii 2 , .. ,, .. 1.,1,.,·,,. .. , 1,1,,k. & f1nl' bcarh. &il-261 1 '!••11"1"· .•iw ll '"'' 111111" &,uch Blvd. ot Yorkto\\!I I IX'n ,11rt1Pn 11pt. Pool., RL'<'. n "' " " " I 5 "0411 I h ,, I I t•11•11 .. 11•t1•,,1 \'1" 1•l l'11J.. -/ll'('R. $200 110 \\', 18th St, 10,, )f'llC . l'lt"ar y ll('V.,',· ••• :''•1".: -L \ '' "'Cl l1\ AP'I''-1 ~ I 00 ·'"' "~o~ -'91 ~· "'' .J I "••-•I • !h111l!n.;i.,11 ll'.1+'1, II , B STUDIOS & 1 BR's.. C.'.\I. _ ·• '1:7"r'.>.>n.> or" --""' SprtclOUS ,\dull garden apt ~. ' '""' • 1:(•1i.i1·,1 ~-.\-'J~J~ ,J,.,"' ·1,Hili•IU'. 1"111 "" · B'' \UTlt'UL n .. \II C l l\''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ " •11~t ;nld l,h' I~ l ~~C~fi'..' e i''ull k.Jt(:hcn ~PAC \o\\·er, 2 BR in 4-plrx, ·' Vt..'e!lll l'\I · lose lo 1>hopp1n~ & beach. F t 2 B 4 l L11"-r 1 1 .\"l~ ,.1,i I~ :uah• \11 \I .I\(',. hl~--li!C. e J{eatt"dpool 't-:u!IL~irle c.~I. Rers req'd. ron rapt 111 -pr:1.. 1.uxurious5ha~crpl.5,bllins 11 1,11 !"11111", \.•·\'Hit s1 e Laundry la.cililles 1>1~ .... 7·1iG Poul. S275. 6T5-6t-l:1 t'~'t.'~. tnt ludl' d1i;h'A ai;hcl'. 1.i.:. ;8;;u;;';;;n;;o;;';;';;;;Q~p~p;:o;:r;;;;;;;;;:l:00=S '\ i.; \ii uu•i ! .. 1 lllu" \, ,.,1• h \I :l. 1, 1 .. ' 11.\Ll. l·•·u (' .. nir • l<'ree utll\tie!l Ll~f. 2 br. Zba, d in nn, Mtsl Vtrde 3863 JJ<OJI & gas 2 BBQ & 0 ·Rpnv.1lf" I 111o.,J11 1l111n l~i ·iiui~I ,1.. l;• •uh·u.-~·, ·',-'-~11111\<"f• 1"1 e i''ree linens ~·plfdrp, stv/ref, p 0 0 I . 11.1l1os 1, S.: :: ' • $1fJJ.. · 111 q '"'' 1 \. 1\'(i • .•' .•. 1 • • T.V. & n1uid S('I'\'. avail. 1\dll:., no pels.Sl70. 61;>.S9!jj. • 110'.\1E ATi\IOSPHEl\Jo: s:r,o 111.·r 1no. Gas ,\· \I U\~·r I *Deluxe Off'1ces* •• Lc;q dlic son Salt SJOM 1.1 °!~1'' ,\111: •. :. ·, ri1·1··,. 111 Electrical Contractor 6021 6032 l (',1.1: C\1' 10111t; 'i" r 't 1 r ,. 1••n1n•.-1•1.11 ,\ l!•--111••,rl"l t ~::·ii~;::~~~~~(= .... i-~~~ l l\~l!lt° •lUI \\u UI 1 •':I • U I' , '"I' l 11u1.,ru1I 1, 11-.lt •lint 1 l•uo!••'l" '<L\1•• !'.!• J :. 1· tr•... r •L :--.u~i~ \\,.,., 1,Lo-J;";ll 11l,1nll ~"u Paintln9/Papering 6073 * W illard Painting Contractors * Jll:..':lllJI::\ r1 ,\1. ,\ l '{).\l.\IEl<Cl.\L ~ 111t·•t Cr;1f1~1n1.•11 \\,oil r1•,11uu1,; \\Hllp111t•l(U~ \,,, .\•l•U ... 11<".il l<!hn)o:" J'lt·.t"' (".o il tur l-::..Un1a!e *642-5775 640-1136* :\1.111• LK'. Nn .t:s'IO:\.~ l'.\l:'\l"l:\1 ; ,\. HJ !'.\IH, r> ~I~ \\.,Lk!Jlltl\'tl!p I: U it I' L1 itt• •t•h .1nt,1.:• 01! 111)' t''\ll :\11\ ,\ l'l,l!<'<'llll' l••.,IUit,:11>. \\.! h"ll'I' ) . ."~:1 . .' 't"r)/ $Ji5 l. l••ud, 111, :~.t.·•'11.:. 1 •1 :v~ 1\ .. 11.-..,\t'r11 11.. :.1.111· h' ;'l.u .::;~1,1! I. 111:-UI', ii.II Ill"'' l''li.'I". ;1 1 1'12 I .'>Ii. 1 '!:11~ l~•lllll'I, )1\)11('•1 ""rk. ll <I' Jnl/• \( l1i •" ··~'hl111t1' !\•·!~ .>l....,:!7 {I, t.l~.;:n '.. INT/EXT PAINTING ,\I] l)l'l\IL~•· l'o J1111 tJ7:i-:;,.;,'.j * W allpaper Hanger* (' l{1'hk•) ,; lfi.2 1.19 Pla 1oter /Rtpair 6077 l',\11 '11 l'J.,\:o.;1'~.1:1 ~1i .\JI t.11 • '· l'11•c ,.,111 11..llo'S l .ill .• 10-{i,~2.J Plumbing J. I! 1Yl'JS l'l.l.:\1Bl'.\t; 1 :"111•~1• J, S. IU.:paJI~. \\,1111 lwaten•, rlt~l"'"'1b, lurtlll•'•'', 1l•h\\a~111·,,. r.1:!-1>:Ji:1 ~llC ,\:. ];/,\. Cu111plt'!l' l'lu111lih1j; ,.:.,'I"\. IC\'. !Jir ?i'.'1;~\I. Roofing --~82 H~:l',\U:~. all 1>111." Hl'a•. Fn·l' 1·st. l.1l''tl. ,\.,k !or \\ ,,11, ,, 1 1-:~~~.s)J-:JJ~'fl . SewiM'g / Alterati;;;a~ • Har·B--Qut" Dclll>:e 2 &· 3 HB.. Rt"n111I Of(', 1,a1d. an y tore • Phone .,,.rvi<~ LG2 BR, 1 1a ba.~nc l osc d .,,,,...1 i\la"' ,\vt". "·16-\0.1.i ;;g So--QH Plt1L'4' e Gear Mfg 1·1~11.-ll•I, Ul••r•l,.•l 1 ~·1•• 1--. I d S 1 8 • .....,,,. .1 1 \' I' ' , 1-.1.l:CTl\ll'I,\,\ Lu·('ll.<il' • 1 'nil. to -••• pr1va e y , Kllf, a. .c 12 ..... 1. ,., 1, 1 ,, ,. "<I ,.1 •1" .u1"""'r ir· "'"' r ,1 -· -M" ' V' ' 3867 v 'UV ,. I ,AC,j ' •• ~ MJ. r !''ll\lll • Beeuty S Lop 1 \1. .:: . .JHJ.\, Sn1 111 J'>h~. ,\ I. T t.HA'l'JO;>;S-Hc~l)'h11:,: • l.1!1it'll 1-1-cUI', i·.Xpt:rt. IWI . \Jl~h.,{)lr 1 BR. $155.$165 ~~rl"""· ~~"~'~'°~n~"..'.''"~l~O~--~~l •-iiiiiiii~~~-iiiiiii""' hu,incs~ t'! oH1ec..; plus fl'· e E . Ln . .1.;1~1\~'~\ l \1. ! I 1117 I '"·"111 ,\ I'•'!•~" d,-;,~o:t :I lif:., 2 ba, Gar., Crp1),. NE\\' 3 nit'! B1\ To11uh~e LAS BRISAS APTS I ""1•111111 nr<11 t .. ~1·11r•.:c1 Al!· quip. easing NEW Dl::COH.. Prlv garage Drps, Runge. Ideal for r~ ~ 1 . 5515 River Ave., NB Jd!l'n! iv Urun•·c l'uu ni ~ HOLLAND BUSINESS 1·::\IA1t l1, 1.Cr.-l' \'ou1w ,, 111 Furniture 6041 Tile . L-•-y nn. New•r Spanish I II 11-""8 !·'""' Cl'p\),, t rp~. nir l1.nut. :->o I \I • . 11• . ~ . l , ,..,.. " 1101 y. ""· ,,.. • ~LJ. ..,1 •. ..,, ,10 ,31 1,,) 642_2566 , rporl. ,,. ,.l.Jlill~ ~,\ .!-.)'> 1• l.:r ll o! ' •• r 11 ":.: 1 .1 n I· tf.linu•1d -----,6091 Aduh Con1plex. 2 tni. So. or I"-~-,,,...,:, j • "" • • • ' c II ' 1.:PPElt 2BR. c1·pls, 1lrp~. a 546 8801 1:.,11•1'\, ln•ik), 11,,. San Dlri:,'O rn\'y. 17301 nin"c, oven, refrig, 110 prls, Newport Belch 3869 v1~:1r l!r!f 2Br S~~~IS\i ! _ _ ______:_ l!El-:H B.\lt F(J!~ :O:i\\.~; "'l"'l'I" Id !t11·k~· 1.1 1 , Keelson L.n, HB. 842-18-18 S\50, ~mo. 963-1455 ~lllll. J.ac·h ,\pt_. S~l.J. 1(11-'fl(.'L Sl',\Ct-: FI) I{ N1•\0,)JOl'l Hl\tl ]fll".d\011 Id\ 1•~11 d:i~:>f·l~JI ~1,:1 '\•' t BR Redecorated. Pool. 1 * 2 WEEKS FREE * ,\dul t.~·i\o 1 '•·1 ~ 't'l.i• !A':i""'' ltJ..:-IT. co~lit l\1,.:--n. ll11 ri••1 1•a ll .lrihn 1i-1r..-!19:.'" Re finishing Jubilee l:i•r••11 . 1:.·.~1.11 " No": l{f',;1. I d"nll d (' .. n11111·H'IHL \'u1vl, I "''••!. L111.;1' ,~ 1>1111111. 111· t· •!1111~1••. plf'k11p & d~li\'t·r ( 1.1(.\:'lllC TIL!·: i'\I·:\\' & l'>'lllVllf'I. r·rrl' •':i1. .Sn1 ,JUh~ \\' \{'•)llJ{'. :1::1;..z.1~'\J. Top Soil 6092 S160 Up. 2 Br, ~ Br 1 ~; Ba, I block from ocC!an. n:io. pool, play yrd, cpl:<, ctn.>~. Vista del Mesa THI-~ r;xctTING al Ad:.i1ni.. Beuu111111 uu~lt·rn 1 ~1:,\t.,;T~,i1u1:r .. r ~",-,.-.,,! .---C_a;;;Icl _960-c.,.-"°"c·_-.,...,"' :!'.112 Cullci;:t" r\n. 1. 615-ti::i.Sl ADULT GAflDEN 1to:o.11·:S MESA AP S "1r· inu~1"· Janliui·1al, lL·~"I \\' «ri·1-i 1!1\...,. '\r11·1w rt Person.is L a B h 3748 ., 1 PALM T • 1\ \\'allil·r. ,1, lA": ~lldi;. l:ull. i: .. 1,. h. '1;1!_(!'(11· ,· r 4,11~'1'~',; imiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.::iiiiiiiii -·~9:,u_n_-'-e"a_c _____ PRIVAC,. Y.'f 3 llP... 2 BA, IP.VINI-. AVE. AT l\ r;,..;_\ :>.ll:.:UTL.') TO NPT. J;CJI. \••llC' J11JI, .•••·UL.to ••t -- ----·g l[ ~. 4 ] :o·,; ·i~1:K1. !li''~' _,r,._••;__ _ Gardening 6045 * TL:-'S{)!l. It ('Q'.\ll'OST • :\lt;LC-11 • l~l·:ll\\'OOlJ C'a!l !>.'IG-4\!t;'I\ h1JI. i,;tu·ni;r, lndry. y11.rtL \lo\r i,n 1v t!t'l>O~it only., llal·h. 1 .i;. 2 HR. fron1 $1:':17 ··l()·::ibl8. Mort, Trust Dee ds 5035 EFf1CIENCY Apls fron1 $:)7 J><tlio. $:.!!lj, 6-16-4114 t Hit Sl ,IU '1 Hr. S2~J \dulls No Pf'ts --· ------_ 1 Per~onals 5350 Week.Pool,n11lid,ph,lndry. Dily ,t, Night ~·uri!y. Pw l, 'i:.rst'~tesa Dr.· UJ~l,; '1'1•1·111 lc.i"c :i~.i!l.t!ilt'. ~-------------------- Village IM, 49-1-!J.tli. 3 BR, 2 bas. fti>lc, cpt, drps, J1tcuLZi, Jtec. Hldg . ...,,,e:\l:r· 15 blks from Nev.'port Blvd.) :~-J>t-r sq [I , pr1 n.•' LOANS UP TO 90"~ l\t 1:1 .\,.;~: ~"111· 1,u,flu1··. 1 : N.wport B.a(h 3769 carport. G. disp, $210. mo. else rm, billiards, rule r TV . ~"' ooa> Curc·ir, •lei ,\l"r lor, l.OIJl 1 t TD L , 1p '"''' 111 ~ 11k-. rJo• fJ4;,..tj.")1 l'Ye/y,·knds ,,_....,.__,.,, !t 0 II I I S oa ns Ea. Ap!. ha~ !lbh11a~hl'r. Il"\T 11.,.-11 ,,1 lul Sil rn lll"t 1~1\\.1)', , '''r"I "''~. p.tri~ ,,1 $35/\\'K UP. 1 Dr, 2 Br & 2 BR. 2 BA. Sli O/nw. Srnall 1 rcln~. ~ha· l'Jll & ll\I pnuu ..... · ~ •' L .__.... lL\C •11 l Inquire P ti Uox ::!l l6. IJ•n..:1 11111wl;~. ( u~t'lrn [1 !!\•1 · Bai·h. Color 1'\'. nu1icl ~l'rl'., child ok. :->o gar..tgt". Jlio or ill'i:k. ;; pvol~11le '°.tnll·n 1,u11:;e>JO~\, Beach, ~~:I or phu1M! Ju1·k , 2 d TD L pool. TIIE hlLSA, -11.J N. P..'ll!. 557-38.'lL ;,.i:;....is,-.;-, nr ..,.·can, frpll', 111: ji<i.llCJ, lr\1111• :-i,,~21 :1!. n oans Ne11pol1 Bl, CP.1. 6-16-~I 1 R all 'I pd Bl B''S <.:ERVICE TO DOOR ti pool s. sauno. h•nni~. S-IG--* I .\IU. f i•,•·1.· RL.\T * I B , , ull . Ins, '-... O"' \I I " 1' 11•· " \l ----· 11·· "'T. · ' 50 ur._ >_nu __ ~_. '· ,, lc•,w "'I• DI ,, ••II'•"''• ow e ~t r1!dt'!S Or•nqo Co. PAIU-i: NE.WPORT Coenpl. N'frig, patKl, J.;J. No pets. ---" .,, I' 1rur.:. "'ntl•h•ru1 .. 1 1'1lur1" I· furn 2 Bil, 2 BA. Lease for 2013 Charle St. &l&-0112. CHANNELFRONT 2 Br-.!'paciou~. 811 1 1~. ~JI, nr atlJ. A1rpo11cr llnlfl . .J~· S•ttler Mtg. Co. 111• .\· r•·l•·rr:•I A1Mii·t11111, June, July & Aug. $.)00/n\O. D•na Point 3826 2 BK, I tw1. l?.rlQm for bOat. 5hop 1·1r ,{ hu1i. Ail\\.:. 19--1 1 Sq . ft. HJ<·\. afc·, ft11\ 642-2171 5'5-0611 """1•11un & k•···r1n.: 640--l,GS. $375 Uni., )l'!U'ly. l'on1on;.,~l\l. &1:t-:1:iti.__ ~~-vice.s. 2171 DuPonl r n1. ~-St>i'\ir.~ li...rMr •1ro•a :!·I \r> ,\l'l',\l~L fi12-\I -,', \VATERFRONT !BR, pvt L.AJ{GE 2 BR. 2 BA, dsvdtr WALK TO BEACH 1 Hlt-J)\.,"P l.t:X, t·i11 pd, lgc x:t~J!tJ. •'J 111 11"0111· . l'EHS<JXS 1•h11 h·lt 1:,,1 111i·~ pallo, adlts only, )Tly, S'l"r.'l, londsof cupboards, encl<'.>Sed 3 Bdrms., 2 baths, frplc. ~d. no [ll.'IS. Sit». i\ft.fr DE5.K !:ipuce a\·ailal.Jlc s:-.0 111111.• t !Jt~••kh11 r~t /,\d o111~ days &12-96SJ, t'!Vt?S 673-l53l gar w/wsh;-& dryer hook· Ycnrly lt"Rlit'. $325 ~lo. :>11>--93\JO 1110. \\11J provide furnitw·~ I I~ 11 .B . .'\flt •'\" 1-~~t.i'I 1<i!h up.~. No rhlldren or pe ts. Rooms 4000 11t S:i. 1no. ,\ n s w ,, r l 11 ~I Lo5t ~found th« \11'•11: 1-;n~·· 11,, r•l•'.i-•· Apartment• Unfurn. $'!~'(). 111 ..... 496--7269 uftr r ti. st'l'\ll'(' H\'a1lab!l.'. 1 7875 ,._,11 '*•2 .!\:!I B Ibo I I d 3806 1 ,l'-\('IOU, 2-BR 2 11• 10-, 01. !~()():'-1 :-\ S'.:\) 1\k u11. y,i!11 l~1u·h Uhll., !111nl1ngtv11: "l'll'l'l't \I l<l'\l I I' a a s an "' / .., "· 1' k lk11et1. &1~-~.:.:i. Lo•t & d ' ' ' "' '·,' il uplcs 1v/sc1.,·i('1• nn. & l-.•1•·tu·n: :)jJ '1 · 1111 apl. Foun 5300 • 1p"'' !IJ ,\ \l '" 10 f'\1 \I "'' li,1lt, l"K/1>•\HH"' .J.I ,J1l.i•Ul.1, l\.,"2-!li'~. 1•1tt-.1 ;:-;,, .,..r: --------PARADISE GARDENING "i1~·· 1:.ll"• lll·:-tnr.1!!•'t1 " l~111LIM'l1P '. '.\lonl hl~ :.1 11111, n·1111 ,. & ~1.ru1~.h·r Tree Service 6093 ·1'l1n~ Tl'"' ~rr vir 1•'' Tnn1111111~. H•·111ov11l ,\· \';1rd t {'l .. 11n-up. :i.1~'9'19 W indow Cle4'"in~9i r:, p .it ('u\I 6 1'..!~:!:I_ 1-.l !!t •l·r:,\1" t::in1('1l•'r \\.111Ul'l! .. n"r · L.'l111ls1·,1 11111:.: ! ro·<' 1· t" 11, fl\ 1 I . \ ,.11· '''l"'r Ir•" ,.,t1n1a1C" l't',L'••~llhlil.•, 1;.l:l-~,";!J l'\'l'• · , _ \'1:!_:'i~7i.__.!._1..-~I Cal'trr. '',\ltll ('lrn11111·~. 1;,.r11:.:•· School! & Cl• .• 11ui1~ & L111· lh1u\111·.:. ln,tructlon I 700l _lt~• ... Ulll~6-1G-\liif,. ____ j "". , • • ', • ' \f1 i\\'-,\· t-:r1111. in•inihh . I r_r r ll-~ s :-i\\ 1.\1 SCl lOOL 1l\/11nTrna1u·1' ~anl ('h'nnup ~ 1111ulh1i.: t; .. 1110:•· :,1~~;! I:! -YARD-CLE.ANUPS ,\ • r1111 rill'lf' n1;11nl b-l:·i-0:10~1 General Service1 6046 01'1'.NIN(: SOO\' HALl\<J,\ ISLt, ·!(-/ 1'1\Hl\ AVt; il1>!111rt1·~n. :ill ti7:: .. :;1i7 NE\V 2 Bit i;aruge apl. on I patio. No ]JCL'/:1dults only :i\.'\-'fi.··, nr i;rr::'.11.:ii EXl'J:LLJ:.:~T. 11 r" s I 1 i.; t•1 ,\d\ .,., 1111 ull 1ni.11 .. r~ yrly lC'aSC. ti! llli'~ Topaz, S'l()(I lllO, 1%-'.:9:!.1 ittllJ:\\S ru;:-l"l.'111.-fuli~. ID1·u t1on dil\'l'llv l!!ljllt~·nl 1u '!!".! \ ~.I ('+!Pi!!••!{,.;,! I ll t+l 1-213-46:'i-S19'l Open I-louse, PARK NEWPORT !lti!l-fll1J~n1orn~. 1\fl1•r1.J:\. ;,:,o 'tl· lt,1 1 ~ "' 111"11111:.: I • 0 .oil 1•:-:~l:L 4!•".!,!11;1, 17141 . . Hall ~10\'{' D.\V, d1sp. Call Eastbluff 3830 -----$.'<j ,I,: S'j!J, \[1111t1Jt,;1•U\ Bch., II•\\' Lido VlllUgl' l'Vl!lllll'\. ~-,~:t,',:'\JJ , 1,>l,t• k .t lll•ll\I• ~IP ('11•/)\f'll l!', r .. ,. n111d. ~ (mploytnent Sat., April 27th, 10 to ·I. e DELUXE e APARTMENTS lK.."E,\l\FHO\:T Jr,,·,.iy ruorn I ~l~f~~!,:.7J/,11; \'iii Li•l•o, i·:;~1~'.~j11,:.r::i'I)~; r, . .,1,"1'11< -c .~::~, \'.\.-:1.:r~rtJ\l Y -1 · 646·4631 iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;,;o~I VACi\N1'! 2BJ.t. vu 0 f J BR, 2 BA apt for lease. B.nchelor l or 2 liedrooms 1\'/kltchcn prt\', rcruall'. age · · · ' ~ II\\) 1/1!•. :J,.:-1\1.~. l"•l)f1d,.111 1.11 1n r" ,. 111.1 ! •·11 J b Wa ted M I 7025 mounLalns, new shag, .Urps. incld spec. master suite, din and TO\\'llnouse.~ 21 ·30, ~B 6l:i-Ji'lJ6 NEW 1 , -"111o~··l111~ !. 1~·f1•1·1 .1I. "1111~ 11,\:'\l)Y ~li\N (',\i\.1 0 n ' a• pnt. \rg gar, $2'7:i ytly, rn1 l dbl garage. i\uto door Fr. $HH.50 Open 9.0 Daily Plush oflire Bl1!1; .. ~ !u 11' I ''·" r liro1\11 ,\!la~f,.. t i:I"' ft1 I ,\r·1· \RE, iluiu I' ,\ :-:.,11. ..o .. ., ~._ .. ...., .. • i'"""o"k"'k"'• ATTENTION I "'" '307 o-"r ava·11. Pool & Spa Povls TcM 1s Summer Rentals 4200 ri11. !<Ulll'ii. Cullfl'rCn('e 1·111.I r~11rk, ',~·,'. ,'".', .ul ~,.•,11•1\;1~,'. 1"111 1 ·r.,!11 -.'.o:.-n1 ~ • r._,\:l-11 Jl ......,....... I""'" '" I \ ' DENN IS 6T. CL...4.!A J-:1rwru•n1 ···I Cln~ ... I dl'i\'l'f, l~c"--o-,..---.,..--.,.-~3,,8c1.,8 Recreation a rea. Adults on· Across frotn r asl.1ion l~land OCEi\\"SIDE , ..• \T"l'.,\L A''r Xcrt•\ 1"1:Jp!cr, Nl"<1 r ll.I'..: .111'-, , . .' • • MASSAGE & SAUNA C•pistr•no Beach I J l;or san J o l .... _1_~_1·t.~:lr:l640.__ -.I .1.'",\:1111~1.--~'6 .. ---"II! ul \\Ol'k rh1t.· '" •'Qlll[l.1!1) ly, no pt'ts. PH :~ llliills•mRo•d"'. on 1o.quu C:onditionin~ 111 ;1 C\1stoa1 _ _ _ i I• ,,u 1•••111~. 11h'""'nr ,,1 Jl .\\llY\IA'.'> Arlt~. Jlon1•·~ l<•i•lln.t \!,.1111!1.•I' l'l':1111~1 ",, NE\\' Ocean \liC•I' 3 BR, 7 81\, bulcony, L-rpls, drps, bll·ins. $:Ml/nl0. &12-U~­ Corona del Mar 3822 • $307 • I I C I I I *WATERFRONT* tf1l\IJ. \11-. :"l.1r\!,1 ,\11.1 I l'\', I I I · \\ (714) ~l900 )('('l)l•llf1, l)llll••'ll'Y urn-\.\I•'~-\lnnll' \'i•la Tiort\•' no"'J 'HI•', .. •111111!•". l'.l.J'\JJ: . ..;, l•t'\:•' "' "1"11l •~;1 ~1 ,1 111w•111lh •llr 86J Amigos \Va y, NB 1'l11'•laJ11ll<'On11111111111.2lU :, Prhnc l'lo1•>1port 1.A:.i lll I·~· I'll>" 1,1,,_1 II· 1 I 1',ll li<•t111:1 111 ~-,~-l:t1: ~.1,,1,1t"il••·•• 11 1 1 .. 11• 1••11 :111~. If ~<HI "'"" 10 ,1 ·• b BAYWOOD "I\ ' t . 11 l ... .!l~•1 "" 1·"1' "" ..,,:'l.\d11u~,\1 .. ,11 01..: J-:1 h I. 11' I'>I 1 1 \VILLJA~t \VALTERS CO. APARTMENTS 111)1•1, Hn1! lar1o:l' :-h<1pp1n-.: 11cl b:.1r, pr1v. tw1!h. - . -• 1.1ri. ... 1· [)}',,\'fl!: I ••t "1" l'l,l '\11!1'1;, Ll.1:(11{1('.\l., :\l1··1lli! ·•ll~tllnt". : arwgni Y I .: .. ••t'dr '''''"· g?. J-::\c1·ul l\l' nlftc:C' y,f!r11l1·. 1, :-lnHt,tiiu-lli'•·, 1r.11•111d•I, ,. ,. 11·1 . .t1•· 11uu1, ,,.ii 1 ~•11.J at Huntington Beach 3840 to Please Adults ... 1·('11\t•I'. u u-. ~ 1r11111 I ran~· ~11 B;:i)~irtc Ur, ;-.;i; +.;jj....lJ!1il ll t"!JltU ;-.;/('IJl.I l J' I ... 11 t,·,1.1 .. , JI\ .. r .. r •• Hrrn.1!1\0', t .\HI '~\ 11!\" :\o juh 1 ...... \\J:IT~.I~. t ull 111~1l-;s, DUPLE.'\'., :: BR. 2 ba .. 1.rpl, ') Bit 2 B \ d I 1 1iur1i;tiou 11"'•1'. "L><·can;i.". NE\\T OFfic i::--:-Tuo!Wn1,1 \.' •'r1 •'" ! l'll !{• 1 "111· '" 1\Htllfrlr):.,: c:all I.It t. -111.111 t .11 IJ 11,,1111• l!l·p.11r, Ii•' 1·!•'"' 1., :'\l'\\ r..-•11 B"a•·h. pis drps hltins ~., -~ .. •.A ut;.ps.11111\ ,\voul 11..ekl~. 1n'ln!hly <'x·I 1. W id 10 11 \II 11· .1n.:1r .\/ ~rnnu.11•. LI:\L :l ll·:.:,:!.!.'.!l t1r" 1,;!-llii;. \I I 'sR • ,· .d ' . ,· $\j().'~ mi. no. of HB. 2 BR. ;111111 from $'1!Xl. Sale!< Of!11't' c1 .• ·r,t .1u.,ly-Au.i.:t1~1. jlS-~ or I ".J1·111'ucs "',,,,.,, 1'100 . ~,,. 111! :-.:1\-1.)1',.' -----• "h1•111,,1n;;,·. "r '1"11 '" , cp s, rp7s· . ...,,· bl!"" C"''' d,_ pool pi•>· OIJl•n!:lam1o:i:JOp111dall)" I 112 I" " • '' I 1,t· .. .;T \J,\..:,~.\1;1·; l;'I. ~ll :'\l.l·:!J .• 11 1,..,1ra 1:••1111" h•t n11·a, iu11¥1r. t ia rni;:r appliances, $250., tij..l):l<l ,..;, .,., ... ~. • ··h•· -· rnonlh. C~ta ~IP!!a arc.t.'· J .sin _•n11n ~· •1tw1r"'l".\\",:'\ll1l.-l11.11 1n•·'\\11lt•Cl11 .. "f11•rl [uln" yard, carport & lndry f.acil. Ul l·fiW. i...ol•afe.-I :ot BB)· r 111.11 ll"u>l'-.\JJ ucil. ,...I. :>1%-7729 Ol' &12-.\:.li2 I Hlk B1i11\r. 1.ny 111,1 , ,,1 i::ii-.~..:(• CDn\t"l''10r'I' 1' " f lJ 11 !' l t J• l) BEAUT!l'UL lrg oei!all \'ie11 ("I ~ l ml child ok no \\'OOC! !Jr., o[( Sun J o.1quin '" I 1 'l"'n x .\ \l, \h1n. \~•!I, t 11 "!• ,. ,. 1 ;, 1 ! y. ~'n•e I .·I ''· ' '' .t Y 1 '1 • · · 3 BH .. 2 UA, bltni;, whr/dry, P~ts.'&i~ aft 5:30 p~1. lltlls Itri., NB. 1 1 '11t1<l 1 . ",l'" .Jur 1 1l' ~1::111-Co&p!. I iJL!.UXI:: :'ill-i;Q.-11~1;-11, ;y~1 B1.J I '!. 117.-'J..!lfl ,,1 \1111 ..• .-,~-'•.i :'.t. , 1, ;., .i ,.1, ]\. •\ 1."~ofl, (tJ)l•t :'1!,.-..1, C11J1r 2cnr gar.$400/mo.673--072:> ~1 --~• '11"1!11· ·:·) sta C•·1,1nh 1lo ·l :'\!:tr. T ••l• '"' ' • !',\l,\! ,\:-(·._.rd 1: .. i.o1•1 • ~.~ •• ~. or 7?2,..S9j5 collect. Clll~.;.,·,,,oR,\O>la!:'IP'l'e S, lll1,3 1 •N',Yl"Nl •. RLOR'1, .. ·, .. ,1• .\1··~~ s1.__i:·\I ,Jl'l-0.~_11__ l,11.·n1iun .. 1•111·atl' p.1rk_111~_ I i. 1 n·•r 1 1 111" \\'P1111o1r .• 11• r u1 ;,d1r"•lu··1 1,,11 1u~·:1 1 : ... ,. h 1111 .\I. :-l·.l:\'l('!-.S ('" 1" 1 ' ,. · \'111 '\ii 111.H1. ·: 11 ~. p:olnll!l\>I .,,.. " t·l.unli ;: 1·a1'f"'llll'~'. f• ]"'"'' · LO\rEL\' '.! Bit .~· !Jen 1_2 &-:: lilt priv gar .. poril. 2 lil', :.! BA, irc1 h.ar. P·~il, I.II I'll J • .:.LJ. • ~lou•t' C'on111. 0 ~:t•~r~i1·~ikr~ ~1 '.:'1,1~1 ~ .. n;, . "•1<11 , :"-•" q, '.''.'·du .i· 1. 1•1 ,,1,,11 1,,11 :.:!7-·:lfl!i 1 ,. 111 ,, ,. 1, 111 , 11 1•. 11 •• 1 1··11 •" l'. .. erk :.. \\'/gar. $300. n10 .. Cull \\'HShl·I", di;<"'''• Close tu slips. J:i,·.o. lrasc. U\\'ncr, flirn. Y· HI!,.-l~'l. f1;pli·, STO!~E oi!h·e l11r r,.111 1.!<>•t 1 11''11· .\la\ ICl--l·litJJI, i:, J,\l'\;\I·"~· f;CJYS 1 11 ,.l'-"i;-,,11,;1;...(i~177 J~'1111 i11H 111 \"1'· '•i'...,.'.lll~l ii 1~:J37-i10l lx>ach. 536-0llli :i fte~ 6, ~13-2007 ~~~:·j~ o;·\~~::1~unc-Scpt. ~'1'.:-.i it~-~r;il~;~·~~.''\:~;1t.1h~::;11 1 !.:1,.:'.;.1~1!il\l' 1~11~-111.,1 LI\"\. ~~ \\'fl 11 t'.\:\111.Y 11 11\1 ~-l~!·.l '.\JJ:--Job Wanted , _:male 7050 DELUXL-S1>ac 2 Br & Ot"n, 2 DOG RUN ~p.a_n,,1sh ·,·",,It'. 201\<\~·,'~r '1"1~··t~ PAL'.\! SPHINGS fui11 3 lit'. I 11h l'Qllccl -t!JG-8.i:::> l•1u1~l 11 11<1ll·h ,\: rin~ ,,n 11.,. .. 1..._, ::!I * 5450 I t ' •111•'1111 ,\, 'h11nl1u1z .. \~:~.!> h"IJI ;,t Jl!,)1111•? \\o'1• ba,altbltns,lrpl,walkto 2BR.Froin $169--$175.Crpts, ~c1ng, lllN, , 1 uttJ.: I[) .,k ti ---·---(',\I I II II Trav el Ll,.,·1r1•1d 1:1';1,.:,J'.f..llill shol>g & bch. $37j, 6T'~-:.11J18. drps, pool, i:;ilr. Child&. pct Ho"iJi. Avail i\Iav 5. SZT.i mo. P•~"'I. Ay. ~"t1• :, nlOn 1• ~ (1~1''JC!'.:S, p;i.1wlo·d. l1 .. r, •i~ ·• • 1''•1 !11111 •1 .:".'.11'1, !1.11•' kl•lr", 11u1·~"'· h!ikpr.i, =""'--'-. cc"-'=~c.'-,~C ok. 812 °'·''or'·'' ... ~1 ,.,., ,..,.., . :..rl-\11!)'! f•I' 6.:11.-l~s. !<llf'lll l l' t'll r1'H.·ls ltHl'I• "Tll • 1d1·11•f' •'1•11 \!In• .•• ,-.i.111 ... ,, TI fl:-.;\\' I,,,., ,, ,, ! " Ha uling 6051 '"l!ll p:1111on~. Jl1.J11lC1n11.k1·rs NE1\T :: Bit 1nou11t11 1n hon11• __ ~ ......., ~ I ' ·~·1',.., · --.-------• , '. ' , • • -\_ '17-'' at bch. $Jj(}, t>hiti"C. Cull 1 BH. lTlll~, i!rp8• carport, STEPS 1,., lol'.ll h. :!!JI:. frph·, Vacation Rentals 4250 ph<'m: .. ~ys1,~·m ~": $1.:-'· ! ii.I 1 ,Bl.,\f ," &1 · 11h111• p1111 .. I''"~ Tr·•n'f"'r!.t!lon. l)fv1r 1 fl i.:-.r,i~·· ,.11,1111,11"· 1'1'' 1111 · 1 ;r,~\._ ---- &\4-ll7,l. 1 !U' $h0pping /.: frv.y, $1"'1 j 1)(•11Jll i•1•1!11n.:, J.:,ll', ~C!lll'I~.'-• · l ~UP<'~_li,6Jti-f.6:,l __ I :' 1l !·•~ I .\ <l•••r ~rl'\'11 1 , 'fl''t'l'll N'll•• r.'\J\ll. ii J.;i,I.> •'<1l1,1!l•r;1!0• nu r ~r "'I ~ 6 'r"-~" 1'1"-hl'tr• IJ.11>0 1..:,i.1•, 2 Bl!. 2 B,\, ll \f'I.." l!ni i.hOl\Cr /,o·,uhf'l•ll\111 C,dJ ( .. 1~1 .. lf"f'ln· .~·•11~11n·d IH'.?-7:~t ll'll''1' 11"''""• 1"'· l\~. r!'"''~•·li!r1lv l"'~ldrn!r~rr Cost. Me.. 3824 !JCr n10. no '"" ~. ...,..,,"" 1" ....., \ ,,11 1 , "t' · ·1 , 1 ,~ ,_ · · 1• 1 •I 1 11 "11.1 )" , '1 u 1111>' I · I I I .1.0•60 . , ,· . --1-;,\·ail July,\:,;-, og . ..,;.. Cfl · µ·n•U<'fl v.·/!1v21 liO!ll't'" ·'"111••1!1•.•" ,...,.,i:-1 ,o·11,1r• · n1~1t •ir •t.1y :-1111,, ~l'N. ur.~->• \U•\\·llJr'bal.il!n,i.:1 "1 .-9?.--0i2-•1 '"'· ·• ·'·~--,]~ •• ~ ••• ; "i i\E\Y AP'J'S.\\'alk In B<'arh. 1 ytl: t\\1p1 ltiL'I. ,.,;e1v ti';'Ul'. "''~__::_ ·'2..:..___ '· 1·!11 all. 1652 \l!y,'port Bh d,llJl,,T .~;.1:~-~· !·\BB\' l'.\f I ~~ ~t, i 1.,1, 2 BR. Duplt"X. P1·1,._ patk> & & 2 BR from SI~-1 $'"'-$350 997-0715 'l\3-6&1--~969 Apts furn/Unfurn 3900 C.:\I. ' I·. I l L I. I. I•, l. t 1:-1 Semtn .1nd Repair1 1 \I' i'. 1\1 " H.,nli·i..:. J.'q~ r. l ,\gf-. r.,r rl•l•·rly 1\11n111n, yard. l::nt.•I gar, Orp~. shag · ' iJ " • .)J. • '' -• · -1 t't/1'1J'.'>\ IJFI \1 \f' . i(•ll·•1" 1:•··•'1111·•1·1•. ~-1···•· r~.n :-111 .. k('t' ,11. 1lrlHJ..f'r crpt. ,\tJults, no ~t.s. Sl90. EllU'll.!I. ~2579 lRR ·apt, y,•fv\ew of chr1nncl, <J ~·rrcES & ~uitt"s .:•'01 1 ~i:;\v,\1{0, G:~ ... ~i1'1 ' · ' '"1 '.!-i i\l. 1,1i"C·in.1ln\" :>11-1!.·..o. lN " \'li·1oro·11, ,,, II "-·'" ""'<"./\ 1 2 BDR~l. elosed gamgO, l'h1[d slovc ,t· rt•lr1!.!, adlt only, nu :-.oinc harbur ""'""·~. C.ttLLial U •1---1-1--1 -\'' 1.1,,., 1 1 111. __ _ 11•• "~ 6_ 9 , Llrk11o-it·.4:J.'To00.·~:11 J JS.J~r 1 •c,Sr ~·rn;u,1. 8 b · • 00 ·' · ~ '~" in °1 J o bsWa nted,M&F7075 lo ·-or Sm ..... , 0 k 11&5 ""IS, l.,..i. :r1 r 1 " >k . ,. a ys1tt1n9 6 8 , , ., '' •"''"'' ··i l I 10,. ,,.._, "" · · .. -Da1•1rt~n Rt>1:1l1y lii::l-IJ:;rL "r'll. an.. •I ,,, ·:1 J" , -• • .. ~· ., • ... Selling anythuig with a Daily 847·8149 San Clemente 3876 ',,,., ;.:rl~,---1 ,1 1 1 1 s: •I<'" .1.. li1,1n1. llll l: .. \1a1·•/ ''11 1i;!-1t,.:i Pilot Ol!ssi f\ed i\d I" a EXT!{.\ igl' 2 br, 2 b.-'J. delu~c ..,..., ..,.... r . nt . C'rp i.., t rp11, i-. Jr l l"'ll : r 1011 n• ... J " r• 11.11•1" ' 'i' llfJ'\ !-. "l ,\ I:, l1,1l1l•· lntli.t11ti i11r L'\lnd .. j11n1lorit1l & ut11.I : -.-•• -•• •111•1 . \1"11 !J1l•I r1 I:··~. $1 0 & UP ··111'· 'l•k1n;,: :1pt. i.r 1nn(rl simple matter jus1 1 1,..JOl~1dt•11ptnrbcrich.$1(jj, NJ.:\\', hug(', J i•l!!:\t', ~t'fO i11..•r 111,,, '.\ll.:l.1_,\;\W!Sr-lllB l.:i\I lltlCh ,; .... 1 1 .. ,1111 .. 1ni•+~pti•i• \l,\1t1,,_ ll .11 11111.; ;.;1;.1r-..:2 uu1.1·~·n .. 111 1n \1it /'.rh ca11642-56i8? 3724 1 Z'.20 FIMurirla. j,~li-5illt2. 3724 :'lk1rN'liff.; Hl11!1. 1. 1. & ;: l'.f'1dty, ~100 /r\'it1t•, j!O-:l~~JI '"11J\\'r l).iikt·1' ~ ... ~ri1n·11·11 l \1 ('.ill"'' .il 1-1ti•J11 ll.\l'!,!:0-.1: SIH"' u11. :,:.ilhl:• .i n .1 l n111.1"t l!<-...irn !'•. Costa M esa Costa taa BH. 2 &· 3 BA l'n.-lo...i.,,1 c,11-s, :'\E\\'PORTOr~·ic~.-;PA°ci.. ~\~~.'.~lnwn I~ t: \\A 1: l 1 i, \i>Y:-1 1~r1 ;-.1_; 11 ,1 11 • .,1.,.. t·lt>.ui up, ttl"\lrl.:. lti1: Jl;J! ,~·n .. ,\1•1•1 1• I, 1!'111• 1-; Pa~l.!W· 111'.W)I. frpk·s, y,•lk 1o lw..•h. Xcar lia). 1:..0.1100 ~tj. ft. 1 -" ~~~~~--.i .•. ~ "I' 111}.!hl. ~-.,;, ,f 1.inl. i ... ,, 11·11~ 1;12 111 .• 2 '""'' 11 ~· ..unr; .....:h. BRAND NEW \Veekly Rate for Furnished Single. Special Move-In Rate * F1u11h'9H si..w. * ftH UtUhiH * KltcMtl feclllrie .. l hMllS f.Ni.tlH ..-Molli S.f'fk• * ""'" .... , * Al, C•llloMlll * WnMrl & DryM * IMrMtllMI lffflll + ""'''-,.,.~ • Juld'.d .,.,, rHt • M.-tl .. I••- \Valer Falls-Lagoons-fo"'ountains Stay A Day, \\leek. ?\1onth or Whatever DAILY RATES FROM $9.00 1111 HARBOR BlVO COSlA MlSA . CA 92626 645-4840 01'f'lill, 1·11y &. $!Olf COUl''il' 497-12lj r .\11· 1\dnr11hl(' f111J •'IUI~ 1,.,1liu •I·••.1)1..1-"•~·~1 --'!1 • .--\,'l-ilJ!i l'lf'\\!j., Sli.j,. 529;,, .\9(HJ6ll>. ------huu· dr1:.:, Hl;1l'I.:, hl'0\\11, \l\1'll ~ 11 ).!(;JIT lf,\\'J.J\'(; ,\\[) Help Wanted, M&F-7100 ?\E\V GARDt.:.'l AP'T'S. Cl'.\ dt!Sll'l'~ to ~hat'C' Lah'\1011 111111 ... Vu·. Hn.~tol ~r. S. < · .,.,,1111a~1 1< ' :'llU\'I ~: t;l~H~;i',~L./f1!: , Bil 2 .... 111 $lfl" !Jftu·" 11·1rh utht•r ~l"\ll. CilliNI J>Javi <l:ll. •l~llll. l,jl•~">!\ s.-. Jll'r d1~ \l,\ -. o" . ' ~.1. LAKE SIDE person 4S.l-9TI1 -----., ii'>1111-. :.a ...... ,.,J~;-~·--IJJf",\L n1•i111\" ,t,, l;iuli-;--1" 1., Hit 2 H.\Tll. dshwhr, ----· t.o:o.i': l\llrl!Af:I. pll'>••1· Carpenter-6015 ,1w!i•nt l~,,:.:~· 1,,.,.11. I!~''''· lrplt', 1 LIVING 1617 WESTCLIFF, NB l'•'lurn Jnrk,.t' 1_.-ll in i·;u sz:,o. c 1111 1u.1-01.n . ~i-r & u ~1 ;,,o12 1 ----------, n.111'\, ~i·:1-1r;;, ,," ~1:'.'l·'.1 1~~ * ;.>~~_!_I· 1:...___J~ ---· 1'°1'"Y1 ,.11 '•·l~rtin, ,,,, ~ f '2 :! . II \\'I.I\, 1,·-:-,\0-.1111111 .• :,,nd lor NF.\V by hl'h ,:; BR, 2 BA, Business Rental 4450 ·.1.t;_:-'.'l___:_.'?""I'~ _ C .\l,l'L,\'11:'··\l u·t•r " 2 HR , JI~ B,\, rbh11r, prlv l EXCITING 11:1;\\',\Jtn· 51.r~,, fnr (1 .. 11~11\.1111•·111 .. 1,1.,1 .1 l•• 1•11fl ·"' l.IJ.1. C.ul I kl'""-' 4 ·~ .... -'ll ·c• I ' 11 '' 1, > , '''I \1'11·11·.-l'.>ll,'C,• I SUTl(CC. """'"'Uf' "'"" VALUE bl :-.;,. t. ~!l •l'C". ~101>11P J!•'nr1 ulf•)n d1nn1l'l11rl l'>ll:..: "''1' ·•1 1 • •"'"'''' San Juan I f•ir J)lt'~ ofr. or ~ $1::..J. ~1.,l1•n lr11111 1-i'>!una Ho.•,,c!; r1:1-I' I·:~ r 1 \1 \ T ~. S Housecleaning 6054 • (' I \I "" 21~) I !'"' ·•>~" I r; l~~.t-.lll1J lu/ 1•111Hf,.Jlo1 f1 ! C•pistrano ..,, 3878 \ i.,; 11 ('~JI. !,)....,.. i•inv:_:_.7"_ ... ~ n ~ '11111 _ I rim I Adultt•5moll Pets C<Jl~flNA l)f>I '.\l11r, .. rptL~t. L<l~T: n1all' cat. Or1u1..:t>, ---VDOMEST ICS 11 I h I • ' fl ~ l'.\TllJ· Cn1·,,r.. I 1 h $fS.i 2 Bil, (K'ml. adultc, ac e or 1-.''lil~·. !!hllrp O I"", P\I In:.: ht1lr, Hr<iokhut'1"1 .~· '• ' I I f I -1.!:i, p..rking, S\J_·, 6U.304'1:__ B;•nnint:. II B.. H('Y.hf'I'!, Cu~1u111 fi,·,,cfl(,j •'I" 111 ,\\'•' n Ir \/UI icto,e. n.•fr1'!. l'pL-.frlnis, gar . 9ii3-2i-;J i,111;1 ttt· •·hu ,•, ...,DAYCLEANERS I &. IJOOL 493--ii~ One Industrial Rent•I 4500 · ''; filb--i·."1( "'-1•.-'•1·1. ,\1 1111·11111•1\!~ n1· 11,,111, .. Santi An• 3880 I ,,,.. l'l!I:.-"'. l.ilf1~ .... 10111·U1t> !<h•·ll .\IJIJ 1,.n1,1111 I. n·p, r all•·r \111( \ :'llF:i: two *COSTA M E SA* 111 titk 1~d.,. .. \'1c. Cd'.\! l11J1111-!11' A,;1 111·) I• d 'l"ll, J"·tll f"'\I l'. \JI "·•I\, CHILDREN r\XIJ AOl'LTS UlVJ-: PARK PLAZA 11 2 •"-1 BR apla. P!Ry ,\re3 B • Ji11u. 1.\fit). 17 Jl!. z:~(l "'' 11 .c>1ar. • .-.. . 11·1 i7r11 .:1 llnur~ .I\, --. ---~U.Jlfll••••I ~· ~-l'"i\ lf1• .. 111111 unit.II' ~t ~: . rou~o: Pro-~. Glas~ ~· ., F\ll'!l'IYF.r. l\\Y" Fl~: H()fif:lfr NAT'Tl:f;ss rase, ~un .. lfuntlnll:ton St.1tc C•rptt Service 6016 HOUSE-OF-CLEAN Hcul1 '1r·C'.o:iicta l\of(',1•·9'rn·fi.iil Uro,ch Call flti2-::24fi E S C'11 rpi·1•. y,·1™1QW'(, fl,...,r~ NF.\V l\I·: ~¥.X}:;(Q) ~ 1';-t LOST'·c.'AT. n1al<', (Iran~» p~.~~:,~I ~l~n~~ :-.~I• Uj)l~ll SJ?".rlal rnll'~ for 11~ : Hf't1•·r T(·n1p. 1'r.sl1l11n URGENTLY NEEDED ASSEMBLY TRAINEES Interim Personnel s,.rvice 17581 Irvine Blvd. •115 Tustin 838-5460 Pool, ja1.:11r~I. quna Rec. clul.ihowc Llcenied d3y cllfe cent. f'rom 1100.00 175 to 415 Shop,\ Office!. ,\mp! pr kQ: 11,/stub 1al!. Bru<1~ht1r•! & '\iim•· Hi .on•h ,,1 n 1.,,., ,J'1' ~· ''· li42.JX14. 2'13 3 Jlh•~r l'"T-tn111.h ~·r 1-ll!t !tG. .1~~ af1 ' 11 n1 Ptt.tct ,·11·.,\ '1 C!l'an~ d, c-p. ,\C'l1', f'\IJl'I' • .llusl be ab),. 'lilni .~;· nr S,D. Ft-.iy, LO~f EH~lf'•' sun.I:•), lUk FREE ESTIMATES 1\lr11tlttin. dr) \\1th!n :t hr~. ,,, pn:plllf' rn.-'l.ln\(' ·ra.~ ~· _ ml\lf' L11!•r1vlrir pu1111) CALL 64S-4891 •(111111.i~_~. Sn 1 l ~la l' t 1 on krtur11~ l' ,\ Olhct' 111 11 i,. * COSTA MESA * II /1i_•J 1"'11. P..P•\JJl'd 1112-61~ ' lo.'\lill.::._J..)1-{i~-r11~!·11n1c. pcrn1. a.'\6-6600 Al...'10Sf nt'W 1.ci~-T -P~li'.:nr,1~~n J.:l!t~.-.··~ C arpel Clean!ng D,\Y l\IJl'k wanted, 11---;,-z, ~dli-:li!ll 1300 ~ 11, SISJ. mo. Vil' of Bit.I c n 11 Floor Care & W1n~o"'.'s j ~H !'I'· KC'h. It 1.,1\Y)ff _.,11 C'l:ts~!Oi'l'l~\d! r 1111 r,.iz-r£7i\ Gu..-m1 14'-l\il l•uh·I• \f1•11+1 :-•1\ ,., 1 • !!1\1-l;-,.J'l . 213-TlZ-~~ 1 t,11111\• PARK PLAZA II I SOS Wtst Stev•ns I 10 U !-iunflf'Mer~ Sant• Ana 545-1121 I Mtto V.rde Eost at Adomt 540-1800 I • -- WtOntSday, AprU 24, 19/( \Jtdnl'~ •"/, '-Ml 24, 11)74 on •Ip on • F 7100 I Help w :ntod, MloF 7llO Hole Wonted, MloF 7i0. ifelp Wonied, /.UF 7100 Holp \Wh!O<J, /.UI' 7100 Help W.intefl. lltil' 71°00 H•lp Wontid, MA F 710I -ACCOUNTS ASSEMBLERS . BABY ..... my "°'"' ,;;;;-; Delivery-Sunday Only 11oosEK£EPER. U•·o-;n, .... * INSURANCE * I BEN11..EY TRANTF.C \, tor prol"3kinll-I ~ o tn 1,1 n n1an. pn!ler 8<-andlna\'111.n. EXPERIENCED I ' I JPAYABLE nAPJDLY GROWING ' cO. t:a~bluff o t~• llw ·ln or OF DAILY PJLOT TO CARR IER.'i. RE-Non·i.mo«tr. Prac . .tttne COM.Af£RCJAJ.. CASVALITY IN THJo; P.lEDICAL IN-~1. 83~.~ , QUIRES" T E SE OF A ' •RG , ST ,.xper. Ut• hik:n I cook>, i RATER STRV?tfEh'TATION FI F.LO, e,\BYSITTl'.:R·\'t:ry I\ I ht H U un. E A· 1~ ior cou.plt. Re.b l""q 'd. to vtOl.'k In modun O~e I' CLERK JfAS f~l~1EOl,\TE OPf:N. hou:1tkt'e p ln,g ~·n TION\VAGONORVAN.CONTAC'f)JR. Sllar)'_OJ>f'n.~.f'honto otfict ot Chubb/Pacific l!'<GS l"OR ASSE~lSl.Y.RS I 1nmwc;1116t!un, c;.~I . CiJI BEl\t'fON \Vl.l.I..JA?tlS, 330 \VEST BAY 673-471.S. _ fndf:ml'llly 1o: 11 ct!J),.n1 ~ WITH 1'1f: FOU1lWIJ<G 6<:H'1<i. STRE}:J', CO~"TA MESA. TELEPHONE *HOUSEKl!EPER* "'"'"'' A Pn>Ut '"'"'""· Machinists Wanted I PILOT ·ADVERTISER J 8 olp Wi nt -F7ioo· MACHINIST Cener 1'1, 11hor1run production. 0.y &hlfl . Good benefits. 549.3041 !An Equal Opportuni ty t::mplo)'l!r i PERTEC olfmi: ~nna~nt QU,\Ll1''1CATIONS: f\,\C.'K• (JffiC(;");irl, re1ruired M2-4321 FOR API>OlNT~lENT. F/tlme do.)·1 1\1·1'~. ottlet'. a Salal')' open. Conlact Alic~ I .,,1proymcn1, paid WcaUon for vb/1eyn. S..·1i..I re~urne to )TJI, cxper. rf!q'd, Top qi + Bond, 83&-f,fin I .alter 6 lllOllUts, plu• 1 "'tek ASl.t-: TO \\'ORK \"'lTll l'.0. &i.'( ::9'fi U>ng Ucuch, An !qUll Opportunity Employ•r benefit&. 1333 .\ v o cad o, * JANIT~O~R~.-,--- ', , .... id tlln• crf at Chrbitn>a•, VISUAI. AIDS SUOI AS """'"" 7 00 "-hind ~"-~-t ----lmm.di•t• ope:nings StA.10 f()r club ~'Ork, ;>vcnlni,: fot machinists •nd 11b1Jt . o,·rr ?1. 11 cad y 1 t & lnd , e1upioyn1eont, i:ooil Jlll)'. ,5,;nP6Jiy..,PAld llfti, hoffpit.:..1 , STERl:O ;\flCROSCOPES. .£!.:..._~...,~ Help W.tnted, M&F 7100 Kelp W.tntH, M&F 1 '':" '-""'n1a ''""'* te, f/Umt> da)'I. At·F'. olfice, a 1.~rgit•al, medical l'lnd r1en1a/ SKll.J..ED A'f ASSB~lliLY BANK TELLERS · N~-port Center, N.B. yn. ex~r. rtq'd. To S?.00 ,. oper•tor1 on s • Apply ra:i \\'t>at &..y A,.,., shifts. Bu.Jbo8 lr lO!led Mon I.: Tue11 I benefits, e d 1,1ca 1 I 0 n" I Ofo' S.\1ALL Jo' RAC:: 1 Lt: I DRILL PRESS I.: tum'.!t llOUSf:KEEPJ::R, II\'<' \11, benetlt1, 1333 Av Q ca d o. a1&1>ilitiux'le & emplo)'t'<! allM·k P A Tt T S v s I N a C f'rlcitl lathe operators for IUMll Engllih ••king. exp'd. behind (1nema ~tr~. *TUR·RET 1wr;~r..J-:"'$, J•'\\'EL"'<S. Ex-rlenced D tati P.ltg. firm. Pleuant working ref 11 re ~ · d . Good N~·......,rt Ceuter, N.ll. I.A I .purchase pl.an. 1-:.'(i::e.Uitnl "" "' r.... ,,. ocumen on --"\lo • ~ 1-~ud lrl • ~ I THES "·' 1 •~ SCH.l::WO!UV"llS ~c Apply t.vrx" ns 5"""" COffi.PlnY v.• ""' rcn. i s, age~ " J •"ITO" -ARDE"Et< v.·01-..Jrtg COl'(jl"'ni; und -~ • "'" paid ber\etill. Tnp1natJc t. 1. SalliIY open . '"''r •vu · •• I ENGINE I gro"•th polenliul A l:S 11. l 't Y TO. "K41'ib Bank of Nl•wpon Control <:orp., lSSl Keller~. Jrvlne. 71 4--645-2SlO Mesa \erde 9'~.,. 661 Ceuter * · fM?-.fEDIATE '11f'rnuuicnt SOLQ&R TIN\'•WIRES It Ouv('rttl 16th Cl_.. m.6060. --·-St,C~IS.~ LATHES 'cn1ploy1 nent f(Jr «II 111• COl\JPONENT$.. . N1h1pot1 Belld1 er" llOUSEKEEPER. lh11 ill, 10 /,;i;;;;;.;i;;;i;;;i;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ~dl\·~dual v.•llh Ut't'nunt\ng CX· ~~1~1~ ~1~11 JIA H~fAl!J. 111111. age z.j. (lead) f!J:u~r \~~:i~J.y L~~a: ni~l l J C PENNEY CO *TRACER f pf'netx't'. \v111 hi! 1·1-1o:poo.~1--w.,. ·N ADVAN""'·:'f.. I s1t1_11 S'l hr . Desperately . ····"·· N~· ....... Sa,,...... . • . LATHES I 1blt fill' nlatl'hh~ • lnvoicl"!I . 'vvU<J " ',,,.Cb. Call G7:,.-0-!M'li n.tt 6pn1 Pertee offe111 perm an ti f\11 ~v ...... ''"J t1..od n:cel\·1111t rt"p o rt ti, 1::xct.:L1.1-:NT SALAJ{Y &IBt..:Au·rv Shop for 1>1Jlc. ?m t"1n ptoy1nt-111, paid \•acaiion Needed ~n. 5Sl-ti09 1 l4 F.tshlon 111.tnd *PRODUCTION ptt~rmg vouclK!1'll, l"'hCCk·1·.B1'.:NJ<:J•'l'I' PJlO(;J~I L'1-I \I L'o11..-:t lli••Y· N<'llfl'Jl1 11.frrr6rnoo1hs, plia I week HOUSEKEEP:!:lt, 11,·c ·llll j Newport Be.tch 'ang F~DP •~porl1', fHlnG:. and Cl.UOlNG 1 \\"EEK VACA· li•~ach. &i:!--OR4-I o 49-i-9907. puld time off at Chrlstmts. Newport Be-ath. S il I a r Y Jl•s Openlllj: Jo'or / MACHINE 1 11'ftLsc ge11crul aC'f~JunUn:.: TION I::VElt\' 6 ~IONTHS -,----, . _ . Conipany paid lift, hospital. * S et ies open, Cleanln:. l,aundr)•, lite F ff & Part T. Sal .. 1uuclloos. 1-2 )'f'fU'S It( .. I & (.0. PAID LIFF.: & !\1£[). B~UTICl.\N . As~1~11111l 01 llurgical, 111001c&J and dental ecr ar eooklni' for 2 mla)l child~n. u tme es OPERA TORS counts payable ~:\ll4:ri1•nl'i! I IC.U. JNSUR.\NC£. ~iainpoo Girl. i\lal~. '.'r lwoo lits. educ at Ion a I * Typists child ca~. Pbosll' 64"""73&1 I ! n-qulred. 'fyp\11~ llPt>t'll 1~1 • t ••ni~e._!:.k·ctL".t'<l.~l'.J ussi5t11.11..-e, C'mpleiy~ stgck * •--LL Jo;J<c;tllent \\'Orkins l'Ondi *MILLS I 1.wpm and prolicl<'n! 01>1:ra-~l.-')(I. ·r n ,\IN!'.: B POSf· Ut:Al;T\' 01><'nllf/r \\'81\Ct'd purchase plan. E.""<cell,nt DVVIUlffpers INSPECTOR Out11tandin1i: Benetill •HONES . I Oonol 10key. Apply: 1 llO~S AVAILABLE TO I :11 1\llf'i;:rn t"'I l\;lar Ut>a111y ~11rklng conditions .and * A t CJ Clrks i\ I I PERTEC i QUA.l.J.h~JED APPL)(,:,\NTS. S:t!un Ill ('01~)t\/1 \[{'] ~lar. l.,'TOV.1h potential. cc n p1oli\1n.rv~n 1 *GRINDERS . , -. •. I x1n ·1 111i1JU11un11,v. c 1111 . . * Gen'I Of• " 1 o E 1 1'UC91 MAIDS ~l&ture. lull or purl llmt, j See l't.r$r)tl t1t:I ~llloi'lh'fr. I U;1lbol1 Ul•y Club t2"Jt \\'. Coluit 1111')'., NB. ~IAID \\tANTEO Don Qul\Ol!' l\loti'l 2100 Nl'~'JlOrt Bh'(f, Ci\t ('1111 &tl-2G70 i\IALE ur -,;n-,,.~,,-,-...,-11-.,-r 1 help for il-e~·rea.111 & sandv.·ic·h shop. i-·uu tim,, ~ rly ~k. ~lust be sharp. I Loi·a11ooK ;1~ 1':1 Toro & Coti111(j dcl i\:lllr. CoJI be!. 5 pn1, tilon·frl, S33-9::i ll. -MAINTENANCE ENGINEER . t. V 1'.NtNC . T~TERVll-~\\ ~I 67.1-{)'-Jt).ll or 6i3-13ti0. J>rese111 opening in our I .,. fn·procl'SS ins~1ion or' l"...qua ppor. rnp oycr •ID/ OD •I ' 17ll2 Arms1ron1: 1\''l'. I A~All.i~BLt: ,.~·:-'-+-, "t?1l i --8 00KKE-EPE_R__ r{'(.-ords 1n an age men t * File Clrks rleetronlc 119 1 e nib J l fi a, I "1RINDERS • ~ SantaAn11,CaHfornn1 I A.1.!"{JIN.T~IBNI . Ji<HI020,1 tlt'p11.rtmcnt ' for an in-VOLT l ~J>('Ctll machillC'd part~ J C ENNEY CO I .., . lNine lnduslailll Ctlrnpl<'l< EXr. 3.\:t. L BS 1 C I ASSIST. ctl,·lduat 111th docunlent con· 1 t t p 1 rll't:trnnic parts, printed • , P , .-T OOL DOOM , Equal OpJJortunity t..:1nployt'r I BENTL.EY A , N I 111111 _1111nti.1J01'11ni; nnd IJ) l\f'y 11'01 expl'rit>ncc ~ntalling ins •n ersonne rirru11 boan.l' u 1 ; 1 i z Ing . It , Nl'f'd!.'i:l In 1/11.• ;\11:1hehn IU'{'a for ~ork Ill l;irge garden. 1}~~ :Jl)Hrtn11'11t <.,,n1plc'C . Mlilil Qt itgl;ressh-e und ey. • nan1ic-, \\ifh t>ll•c:tri<"al llllck· grou1kl. 4'1lllJ!..'llll)', plu1nblnl! Hild 1necha111eal' \\'Ork. AlAO 1Y'r1uu'f'li •·xpcr)t•nci' 1't'pair· ini.: washt'!'S, (h'1•t•1"S. and i. ·, P.1-F 17511 Arm1trong Ave. l 1•,.11t·rl.:11t·1·: so1n(' ~uli~ll ruh· knov.'\l-'<l ge of enguieerlng Major f<.tedlt'lll Phu\ 11 r l n 1 R , 1 p ecifications, I 14 F•shlon ls lend MACHINISTS I ---IRVINE, CALIF. I rcc1·11tio11l~t.dulies; 1:nu~1 .bc docu 1uentatlon 11.nd Nu>A'Av1:1llablr !!<1.mple~ & proce511es . Newport &.ach •TOOL MAKERS ACCOUNTING I\ ~-u J ll'tU i ll good ln\'Oll'lnl! l)'pi1'1. lrv111C' r11proclu<:llo11 Requlrea 1 'f('mporary Servli-e !ntrq1rct UJueruints &· I 11 t.:\I n u IJ 1 11 ~ • 1 Y Ctln1p!C'J<. Call 1\lu1•it•I, 9-10 ycilrs reL'i!ni experience a.! 3848 Can11.1uo,; Dr .. Suite 106 i;ehcmartc diagron\,'i. Hill' Opening ~·or 1 CLER-:CS _cn2p 0l e_• _____ ! a.111. on ly. :1\tHi170. a Lead pluK 1nlnln1un1 2 Nl"A'IXlrt [~Ul'h :i46-4741 8£AUJY OPERATOR P.a ld medic•I and life insur•nce, paid pen· / slon 'plan. dish1111shc1·s. LxcCill'nl 1181· 11 1)' and ft·lngc bcnefih1. jJ]eas1! \':!II, U.11)' l\lll.SSUllJ..', OAK\\!()()lJ GA R 0 Jo.; N AJ,ARTi\1ENTS. J111n~edlat.~ ti1H•n11 ·s for _111· ASSEMBLERS --BOYS & GIRLS yenrs directly related l'X· 1 Equal Oppor. En1J00y~·r C1Jl fo'or Appoin1u1ent div1d'!"I" w/10 ki'y utkllng , / . , , • , . . pcrlenl't'. Apply: 1 _ _ lndw;triu.1 Rt<llitknu; niachrne & lJoukkceiiillg "·'· I u r E: I e c 1rp.l\tcchanl~lll r\1.v.!1µ1111\!1 CHrrlcnL l\lln. Earn $10-$30 Wk per. l)cvli1.'!i-. F..: .-.: p ('rt(' 11ctti 1 l•i.!l' 10. Coronu rlcl l\lur. PERT[C o;;:~ACK I.la l I e d 1 8 --1'~or j\nnt, Conl ltrl 11n•1c1·r1..'<I. U111 wlll truiu. Cor11n1:I l\lr. llydc nt lht< ~· t '1,.• , ,~ ·a An 1 · Car;'' S STACOSWITCH DAil.'' PILOT or (';ill 1naure, P. rn1c '"~· ppy 644--5l00 !139 Bak(r, .!'II. ------------, . 1-rl . Harbor Bl\'d D1,vt"<l11, 1114) 494-9401 TELONIC INDUSTRIES Ext>e!IC'nt 11·orkl~ ronds Otllstonding Benefits Apply In person IOAt-1 · 4.P~t Equal o·p~. Employer 171 4) 772-4500 I I mlth ... ' ' c I 6·1:t--L1tl & leu~·e l'Pfllli'D!lon . 17112 Annstrong A\'e. I~ person ollt 7vin. f\f<1!1 ~hnl ..• Avro t•lnunclal Servi«• , 54~3().ll . I BOYS & GIRLS Sanra ,\na, ~ltornia 1-l<irbor Blvd at ~lcFadde11 Evening & Sat 1 Interviews 11n equal opporluni!y en1ployl•r n11 f I ' Eqwtl Oppor t:111pto t•r An l::t1uul 0 Jl Port" n It Y Nf'11.,.p.i1re1· C1rriers. ~Jin. ~rvh1c lnrlu11tr1.3I C.Omplex &t111a Ana. r\O PllONr: Legun• Beech J~~""""!"''"'. ,.. ... .;'--t:n1plo)'~r 11i:.1· 10. Ll1to 1 ~11', Ualhon l:tru3l oppcrtu~~ty eniplo)'cr CALLS PLEAS!:. I s A~l-TP~I. ~lond:iy 1hru '.\L\i'1 . E:-.p'd or Trnlnc(', for I Accounting lfts Urence . . . I P1•11i1t:<ula & Ba lboa Point. n ELECTRONIC TEOfNICIAN E_"'_uai Oppo_r. Ein_ok>>_'•_r_ Good \\lorkfrs Nttdtd Friday i\·irl<lo11• tinting instoller. LABORERS }' A:SSl!:!'llBL£R$ Cont11cl 1\lr. U11ck.itron1 111 --- ------,1. ted 1 b I I h d _ _ All times, All area~. 9Al\1-12 noon, Saturday Su1r1 $?.!) hr. Rals.:!s lo w Paid. l\1ui;I have Prc c l5ion clL'l'll'O-ml'C h. u D \l!Y PIWT o· ·t ll CLERK TYPIST an oregta 1 e Paid ~·eekly. TOP US Aru·r noun: 1·r.ll Pla nt Sup!. s1 .. -i0 111thin 1 )1'. Q\·er z. I-lns-ur.mce RCCOUnllng & a!lse1nbly. £-l~..t'l'~I i Jea,·e appll~at~~ Fee paid, Thl!t AAA firn1 l\larin~ Elt"Ctronlcs Olstrll>-Call 5-1&4-1j() al 1ill 1 ;).'6-:5131. I Toll. nc•aL. &1~191 SOIT!~ Bl·tuarial ?<1t'kR!1'und I lll'i1uires; Slrong me ch. -·---· just 11m1etl into their niod· ~tor. Good cattf'r opponun· INSPECTOR NE\'ER A FEE AT Tf:~IPO '"'°"°'"""'== rn hfC' .!· he11l1h f1l'l.1t. .snlury I apulud<'. As~mbly 0 r I rm oJfir.'<' in the lrviM Com· 1~. FCC U cen5e Dre! but 1'.IANAGl:O.!l'::NT &:. SAL.ES 1-IO $1•1:760. l\IS() "': Jo~. t11uchi11e slKlll l' :(Pc r . BREAKFAST plex. \\'ill bi• v.'Orking ·In l\'lll train. t"all Cary Nicely, TE:O.fPO Temporary llelp LEAR . P1>r!l()nll(-'I ror ~ r o \.\'i n r I Cl\11 Sally /!art 54(Hi055 89-J....004.1 Children's & Y11g. Jr's , • · helplul. C.~l. 012-8080. I 11u1't·hasing dept. Start $j00. p DA 1 • LAD\", -•m•"•"f. ,,.,c.-,-., · I .c.. •1 1 -Coastal Personnel ,~ency ----1 . . ELECTRONICS , • • 1~ " " ~-" spt>c1a lly "'"'P· " u.<.1 ie .,, 2700HarborBlvd,Ci\1. '1A!'Sl':1\IUL\' l!:irl wunt1..>d. l'\u COFFEE SHOP All'O fee JC!!-'~· C~U s.:1,ly ,, • .; Cal'(' or • new balJy, t'nthu~iasli<'. prrsonahlr, L --- --i•xpi•r. ncc-cssary. t:u 11 llarl, !>lt).6(l1. Coas111I J Er· I A~F~. IBL1'~1, \\'HI be 1>t!spo11slblc for oil hou1ekt-epinjl, In th11r ordrr. SIEGLER 11·ith a desire lo learn .t: ' ACCTNG CLERK $650 i 979-00!11 !'-Otu1cl Ab-enry, :>J().6(.1.)j, Exp. In min13lun• 1'1{'~·t . r T, qu11li1y l"Onlrol lunc1Jo11>< 11s-0\\·11 roon1, r'l'llo1· T \', iu·hic1·t·. POtiition.~ a1·:ii!ahle I r Fee Pald/.\lso Ftt Jobli ----ft~ LA-I FRY COOK i700 Hnrlxrr Blvd., Dl. Laguna Bear h ai~a. Call ~oi.:\u\etl \\' 1nanur. plant.· :--4!ary. Honliu.,:ton Benl•h. in N '-' w JI or 1 C:Cach, : . l'ayablcs + Jo:OP t>xp.:1·. I• :•.,,-.,.. .,.,,,.,. • "-'r ' CPA Firn1. has career i\lark 49.i-i033 Exper. rl'\fd in lhe uU&lity 89"..-31.171 Huntington Harbour & Santa ' ... WESTCLIFF l ,\.~.!>I J'l'lgrt H.etail $500 1 011enlog, for boQkkeeper. El_.EC'li}ICJAN, s .. 1nf' the ('01111\)/ Jll'Ot'l'du1·e ror ~· LJX0~)·--;~UJ'!i-;-11f'gistry &· TRANSPORT Ana. cnu f\-fr. Reynold,,, al . · Pel'50nnel 1\gency lndu:ir f.lech Engr $1~1.\. I Experienced i\lultipJe I edger ""P oonstnu.1ion l.'>:p. Top Jl:JY t<'lving ln~flf'l:liun, marhi11ed I. I:.: 0 SE \' 111 <'dic 111 I 111.E RED RALl..OON. LTD. • 1 j~lark Ill Ccntcr1 t'ield Cl11u11s Adjuste1• d t' :ii ra U I e 1na ch U1 e + benefHi>, ;,jG.;n:;::. vnrts & finol µro+'Ju1·t uc· ~:.iiplu~·inent At;l'llC,I'. NeC'ds DYNAMICS !l-\ti-0011 16jl E. Edln;;:el', :;.A. . T~ne, ctc:gi~ Iv $i:.t:. 11 ,\/lflly In Person ori<-nted, Sah1.ry t'Omnirn· EXPERlENCl::D 1eJ17""r-.' i-C'1itanc(•. ftN 's, L\TN ',11 & Practicals. lla\'l' son1ethi11g you \\'ant to !>IZ.8836 ~~y./,R .. t:: exper 10 S700 surate 11·Hh exp. fo~or AJipt App.ly ut Security Par~fic ,\:;de & f"nl. For plft duly, 3131 W . Segerstrom s.•ll ? Classified ads do It ~n.:la~111.:s . Ill $700 ~Vi c:all Lois 171,n 833·0651. f\at)(}llnl B11nk. ~'IJnu ll1lls Contael: i:;tarr rcliC'f & olher medical Near Harbor & Warner i1·C'll -call NO\\/ 642-50/S. Accounting Clerical Ios.ur Chu~1s Ass1stnnt -! --------Hranch, Z-l211 P11sro dt Paul fJu~icr Associate~ f1c1tls. ~16, Coi;1a r<.lC'lia . Senta Ana 0 Gener el Offo'ce , f lt'I' & Cn.~u!l!I?" 1-0~!00 1 te Colll'("tions Valencia, LagullR JI ills. 2910 Rii:1c!~,07A,. 1-c .. C.'.\t. _ _ 0.)n't t,-i1'(' up the ship! Sall•s/~lktni:: :secy 1-0 $j00 t M T , t $SSO ,,.,.,. LUBE f\11\N, exper. Brml'n·s Eq .. ,f 00 ....... ,1 .. niti· !'rnplo)'C'I' "List" it In clw;.11ifial, Shi p ::iah~i ltcpl'e5entaU\'e to $700 : N 11 ,._ look ' r --,_ ~ Nt"V.l>Orl Ctr ~hell, 990 E. l\l/F 0 ~IVI'(' esw s. '"-'' ·"-''"· Socr.t.rl.I Po.lt,·001 •. '. . /.~ •nae•r-r "" o ~;quaJ opr10rtw1i1y £n1ploye r " "" " 1 ""-R ..• , , ,,_,..,_.,,..,., _ RUTH RYAN 1\G!::NC.:\' Ht.'(.~"''lti11ist r ·."" ,· • 1 :itlOflll'' e '-"'· ing or E XPER. JE:o.'.CF:D hoi:;pital, Help W1ntecf-, M&F 7100 C st II NB ~~~~~!'!!~~~!:!!_l_t:f!!!l~Y_!'.!_!;'.!!~~~~~F'._~!~~I "" NUii 'iaae1• 11g1,'I'l's5i\·c crcdl1 collection 1 1 -~19"' · · I_ _ \ e P ant• , I: .1793 Ne"'JJOlt, C.l\I. 646-48-H S<'c'ys,Jit~ sh to $~..0 1 fl ii lraint>e. n paocnt 1~~ul'aTil"<! iilllllg . 17931 Beach, H.B. S47·9617 Trainee1 n1ath apt $·100 Call J lllf clerk. 640-89.J:l j ---. -l~L't'pli lnie, t>Serow S ~I 16 faihion Island Ci:l.l·\Ve5tern Ff:1'tALE AITE~D.\.-..;f for I · Admin istr•tive Asst: Gl·noftt loon P~ 111$65(.!I N S. 'h Employment Agency Elderly invalid lady. 5 p.n1. G1~al PR 1pot for person L>rafllin1cn/11·onwn, printt>d ewport ec 1631 No. Bristol St . lo 10 p.m. 5 or 6 0-.tys Pt'' l •, w/goOO typing ,J,:: sh. Rc<tl Circuit l\lech. plq:. to $600 Ekl11,'n !t &·II ani (Jr :i & j 11n1 Uncoln Saiings & Lo.an 11ee-k. Call 6~19 9 1 e 11 tll I e 0 r c i> l' r 0 " CAU. TRI~ll HOPKINS f Equ&J Oppor. ln11Jlo)·cr Bid• ~.ni. I ba~i,~ .. oo I I f I Pl & Jl!lHJU WUITIE~10HE _ ""==~=--..._,.,.. _IC Pu. u;;h I BURGLAR Alann inshtlll'r. Santa Ana S35-3273 FIBERGLASS ! atmosphere. Sala111 lo $900. mNE PERSQ\INEl \ t:xJIC'r. Send J{t'su1ne to -• • . L.Ai\llNATOR • CBll C.OUlal Per !I on" c I CC:D\JtrrC -.Arc:t..V-V l'.O. Box 145.J. Cosra 1\lt"stl. COOK 11a.111ed; flfc:-.:lcan , Learl111g ntfgr or hi g It "1 A!!:t'rtCY, 3-I0-6<l:iJ. 2 790 ~"-LJ...-l"Wi.JU'"t\-l ~~2G'lG · food. ApPly in person. 1ierro1'!Tiance produ c ts • L. Ha1·b:lr Bl\•d, Ci\1 1·~ E 17Lh S C 'I _ ----·..u . t, .... rctiuire1 experlen c ed ALTE-R-ATION--·Sl8t!IEt". 1 2 1 2 1 4 11 SI. l~l li64·vir2><'1>4C7'0' [ CASHIER COOK, ~' rtay v.·eek. 5 hrs Pl' r 1 on 1 11-lth hand It, WOMAN U • -DINNER SHIFT dttI!y, penn. exp pttl $2.JO 1 h11ninaUon llkillll IO v.·ork for I Expcricn<."ed for lliih Fa:.Ji. : = 'IJlr •"' • ,,,.,. 1 Apply in pci1t0n, Alrporr cr ~1·, .!~r C.'hlklcare cen\l'l'. 1 our ski & lamlly bont 1-, Ion Dreu Shop. Apply \n ---lnn Holt-I, lS700 i\tacA.rlhur 64j...G51t) O I> tr fl I IO n I. llfusl be "' perl!Ofl. 25 Fru;hicn ltilar.-J, -~ prepared lo move Io • NP<amru1 Bea.:h. i\SSIST ANT 10 J\IGR .. lllature , Blvd, 1r .... i11e. 1 Acn>fi~ fro111 t't>OK. Pius, O\·er 18. Apply l\ledlord, Oregon. X 1 11 1 I -··.-· 11,oman to as Ii Is t a I 0. C. .\1rpo11J No phone In pct'lio)ll. Slraw 11at Pizla I salary & fully paid beneti1s. -t';JDE needed la help CIU'e for H, ~ n I Ing t o ~ • B c a c~l I calls p)('.'.l.SC. i'l'llal'<', 32095 Ca n1 in o I Call t 714) 983-."137l ~ invalid lady·poS&ibl~ livC! \n, restaurant 01~ne1-mt1na~.e1 . C<111istrana. Sitn Juan Capo. I HOOl'ER INOUSTRJES INC / ~ tlB, !)46..99·11 !Julies u1:.-ludc super.,.bu1g l CASHIER . -1001 \\· 8 k 0 i' 1 1 ;\JR c OridTiTo~-(11' "ell 1ui i>e1·forni!ng nor· Df>l . R 1 1 OC COOK: :'llorlrrn Cunv., • roo !I, ntaro 11' • 111al J"e1i1au1·11:il dutlei; Sc1111e I .uney 9 Ci< nurun' · · )l(l:-1•itnl, full thuc. Call I 1-'LOR..\l DFSIG?\EH re(rigt!ration se1·vJ,•c 1111111, 1 . · · . i\n·f}(Jrl T1•n ul11aL Coffl'f' &12~3 • ~ . ,. Good yt'lu' around \\Ol'ktllg t'\'cn1nh Ju·i;. f'uli 1H11l' I Shop AJiplv in persµn Tcu1po1·a.ry or full tmie. conds. ].'lust haie \ftwlifil•d , posi1il111. \\'rite Clas~ifietl Ad I ik t ;£'t 19 .i;,."11 1 • COOK, Saucirr tit ·i 5:J6-7~il 962-31:80 ';, , cxper. Hef~ n~"u1.,,L The No. 12.1. !Jaily Pilot. P.O.· --"-~ASHI~;· Couuiry Club .\1-TER 3:30 p ,\1 Eal'!'!! l'lun1bil1h, I 11 c. l:lu.~, l:itiO, Costa i\l~i;a, Ca. ~mt, Ask fvr 01t"f_:__ FOllf:l__.\oY-0nly r x P" r . 7i~O. 9.::0:.'ti 1 "t.1IUl't' 1111111:111, ~·1111ahl!' !ir~. COSTA i\ll'sa i\lfg plant 1 need a pp I y. (; o o d ' \U · hl Sh'n f II . I •10 fir 11 k. Kcrm Ru\\1l cffers supp I e 111en1a1 1 opportunity. Call 645-4797. ·ti nig , 1 '. 11 •. ~r.~~1 1 ASST MANAGER TNE llurd11111·r. 2666 llarbor it1l'On1e upply tor setnl·• --FRY COOK _,,_nie,\pnopl ~xlper 1;.,_~1~'-1 •1~~ ·E~ Al!>1 p/lin1e lune-he>!< lla111· _nl\'11, Co!<lu f\lc...a. rrllrf'd n1an in l'Usto1ner E · Cl l N 1 Good ...,, , i• • vunu .,.., . ., ,. .. 1 h'ft , 'd . -spcr ellll ea l7th St C~I ,pin. "1 e s ' J-rlll ll!h'. (.',\SlllEH/C"untcr Girl lor salt'S & service at fa1..1ory. 1 JI N 1 C JJ p1 1 ---'-_._ App/yuiyersun,J:41::ililikt•i· .,1,1, .. 11 . •?·?.O i\l &-IZ-2'.!.iti I rs. o.p ione as _ I'll.!>(', Al!IBJTIOUS n1htw·e 1;; C :\I 1 ;i t.: t 11'1' 1"' ,., ... ' 1 on . Apply 1n pc?'*>n Surf & \.\'ilh both i;ellin~ ina.~ ~': : , . r thru ~·n. t lol !•!,"~~ & i1·knds --COUNTER GIR_L_ , ·sirloin, 5930 \\',Coast lh\'y., ALIJI roH. off. C11.ll lt13-Xl•.ll. ' Nu COl\lilruction.C'Xj). This is A Night Relief Auditor C,\s11i~H-1-c~,)(IC,M.'lldahle 0,',) .... upp,!~, 1,",, ~~n,HTh .·.·-· -------;; lucra1n·e opjA•J'IUnily 11 /!It . I _ · · · ur~er. ,,.., . >.AHO~\ \\) a growing lir1n to fvlto1' 1111 liiunl~. OPl-''.'1'.1~· '1'0llll'n for r-ottly ~nl ~inr .~ !\e\\'fXJf\ lleach ' * GARDENER * adverlis1ni,: teaJs un a full ,\pl ll) In l>tn;on 11k·t"11d.~ appl)' O.C.:. ,\u'fXlrl ----------or part tinie bcilll:i. Call LAGUNA HILLS 1;it1 Shvp *COUNT!']{ Girl. E'xper. /~your o~n b>ss~ Pa11 er t7J4J . S3.'.>-4li:ti •I for 1· HILTON INN C.\SH1T:1t &: Jl l)STF:SS: P,.rrf. 1c"'1 1 1 1 16;m1~· l"lpan l lflitgi~iein~!~~ ~1~~8~[:!i t I ·r:ll)j L: p Rt F . 'd 'lf1l · l\I . · 1me. a ''· .,.. pin, _ ~pon~n . ..1 ·1 at 1 .x11 .. l a!< ' \':;: 1 en n t>~J? N 8 Cu.sto1rn:'n. t;arn No11•, Pa)• AN S \\' r_; HING Scl'vicc Laguna lli\ls, Ca H.t'stauran1. C11ll lf\2-!1764 ---· ··• · • , LatE"r. 11elcpl1Qnl.'1 lull or pt ti1nc. --.A\JOIT CLE-RK--Cl llLD CARE~-S<·hool CX?UNTER Help. full tinle ' 534-7187 or 534-3144 \\UJ train. !'i-llJ-17i7 l\1L1111a11. I \'r t'>.IJ('I'. hrtt\'Y 1,•/fib'lll'\'~. children 111y 110111(', j 1!;1rs ~0-J~;?· let.' l • .'rf'aJn Storr 1 .,...,~ .... ~~'"!~""""-I Ai•Al:r111~:.\·J'-AIANAGJ::lt.'i 1.ile 1y11111~. C 1) n1 r> o ,\ e 11·eek, llB ;lJl'a rul! l.'\'t'~. --' --__ ._] GARDENER t:l'fu11.'d Sl'll11·1'l'l n~xl couµl e l\'tt.~rs Litt• tr I l' JI h 1111_•· S42·1n:t DAV: COOK 1-~uu tinic. 1111111ro. OJl('nini;. fw-IM.'au1111d '1·1•1l kept Phan1• 614-<1360 01 /\µpl y, JOO I CLEANING LADY Good hen<'flls. Apply llf·F·, I Apply In Pe~n adult-nu llCI ~. IJJUJ('l..'I in f\'l'll pol't a .. Dr. SUJ\(' 600. l'\I h k . 2.~. J OLLY RUt;Elt. :z;;oo ' HILTON INN Tu ... 1111. Plc~anl pli1 Cl' \u N.li. G 1 wor • nlfice fiU\lr,., lliu·bor Hh·d .. C.i\I. L GUNA H L S Ji\'I", ;, d;1y 1r1•t•k, upiu·tni(•nt ' NC'""'IXlrl &•nt•h. ·10 hr \\'C<'k. • • 7"""-A I L + u\1H111•s +. i<ood salllry AUTO SALESMEN I nrnefll 1'. /\lu~1 ht' slC'lldY & Df!'.I\ •~R\ l\11111. earl>: A;'.! 2;)21Jj LaPaz !!(I I · h · C fl rell11hle Ph· !>\4-0000 IC ivrry of L,\ Tinie5. Lagw1a Hills, C1l or nb'. 1 lli1t-t 1rs. u N~ for one of Orang(' --_:_ __:___ · (o!.to ~IC"sa & N.B. ar!'a. No ----.~~""~ S.l4·2lll. County's leading Ponriac C">"l'f"ll t'OltC"cliug. 111usf-· h" v e G R ,\ V !'.:\'A H.0-\\'alh·C'I"~. ArARTi\lt:N:r-:\IAi\AGt~H Deah~1~. New or U5ed ca r ... ·" '-' ' dcpt•ndabll" car. 54Hi52 Dinner Shirt. Cash If' r I \\'~NTt:o ,\du\1 units ~<or I i;ale!!.. F:xt.~llent . fringe CUSTOMER DELIVE:-RY \\'ORK. married Hoste~. •\pply in pl'l'l-On, •·· 1 I ~n•"t· E ,_,,,~ or S ,\Jrnnrter Inn llotel, 18700 llnm•' oca1·' 111 .agu1111. , "" ._._. ."· .· -..... '"-c" . ERVICE CLERK "'01nan O\'C'I' l>. Part·tin1e. ',.... ~f&ture <vuph• ," .!"''· not, 1\e \\ti\ lrnln, 1\sk 101 I , . U!ie 0 ·n car. No selling. ;\lacArthur Bh-d. Irvine. CtTTll'l'S. Call J un l.tl·•·ll:l 1\mJy , T\• s 1 m d Cood raniiogs 89.1-ZT:.iO GUARDS e\c & ~l'l'kllld~ onlv. I DAVE ROSS ·pe, 1;:1 t'l!I 0 <'1~ '1 11 1 · J'\t'Cd 10 p/tlme "''II.rd~ for -----·--PONTIAC quo .1 iunl", opera L"l' (• l'-•y APT \llilt \\11111 <'•I· fax. TI\-X and 111110 111111-tilnr. DENTAL ASSISTANT Orange Co. area. Call {7131 0P{XlrlUUll,\I (OI' I' o u IJ I •'. 2-ISO ilarbor Bl\_~;, 0 0l l. !'W..iuu• l!'lephvno..• l..\lll(Brt. (1iai~ide. ~1\ninlun 1 )~ar ~ tot I nt f' r VI l' \II . Husbuwl lur nu1\tlt & l't'ft:lll', Coi.ta ~lesa .,.....,, , . f'.\p. f..'(panded duties. Good L.a11,~l'l('e Security, Inc. 11lun1t11n1: I'll'. i\10·•· ,1J11r~. I .\uin 1 1'.:..l't'llent frlni;:~· Ut'nc ft!s an<I X·ray iechnique & license. Long Beach. ~:~t~:>'i:,·;:;u1, llH. p,.,1. CAR LOT MAN salnry. 1i1~11ch n1't:'a . S47-Zl69. Jll:lP 11,·a.-n-tNl~->1-o_n_&-~- tn clean iu11I de1:11\ 1}(!11• 1•11 1iri, 1 LEAR OJ.:i\'.T,\L ASSlST;\,\I aiternS'. In 1'U1t1~lnj dt'pl. i\PPIJ,\NCt.· 1'1'1)1111' "'l'I''"'" ,.,·,1r•rwn1.,, fn\•fct't'\'>1, s:le;it!y 1 J~1guna lli!l!l, LI Toro ai'ta. (le!ern1 ining I~' po~lllorui r11a11. 1\111>1)-' viii) 11 li.1\" .il•h, (;.llJ!t llvu!'ll, ,\ilJJly in 1 i-;,p, Salary Opl'n. Call !(Jr displny &. l'i8s.,.if\C'd ads. P".''' !u.11s n·f~ I' S1 ,.,1~·1 ·'·' i· p•·1·~1n. S1•" tilr. N'l'ilst1n. I SI EGLER 7 I 4 -8 3 0 -1 l 3 0 , Rtplle.s l'\o c:-.:µer. l~l'. Apply 15U nun. ~fhi• ~t.url Ii l'lu111!il11,; TERRY BU ICK 1~•nfidcntial. :\e,1·1xu1 Bl\~I. C~_l ____ 1 lnc:. 1 '2-{J<J ,~. --·-I ."1th t.: l\nlnul. llunr. !kh. Of.:.~TAL A"SS ISTANT HOTEL A/REC . CLERK ,\t;TO BOIJY-HEPi\l~ TRANSPORT ExJ'ICri('nced, 3 days per NIGHT AUDITOR Sharp Jlt"hO!' 1\/lnl11. :t YT'll ! l·.O ~: .t~ Jmkh1g .lor Kil t',\'r'rl. I DYNAMICS 1~eck. Call, n r >\\'('int r. :-;'('f'C:lcd 81 le11dln~ OOlel. Full '"'IM'•. Olunt·v . 1• I u f1 t uu tn botly rrp:ill" 1ierson & .:n :u \\', ~"K•·r~lront Tuc1t-Thur. 1714 '1 S·li·StiOl chG". 6DA. oxj)('r. 11·/ NCR rPcclv~Ulrll ,\, g"n ! l•··l~•·r ;>:"dnl"r. Cont~ct I h" 1 !Nf'ur llnrboL' 8· \\'l\r111•rl JJENTAL S('('., Rookkt'(per, 4200. ~ Cull~ i\tr. l!Ol\1uld; koo~·l~·d;tt'. ~11111)' "'"'"· .'\t't' \'niiilnil f*'('llOO , 1n4 1 ;.;'.G-S.~11111 1\rtn Re<'t'pt. 20 10 ?,j exprr. or 6-1-1-1 100. &:1u.1J Op po r . i\ii "" l Ktla 11 · .\" • 1 b.'.i:tl Ext :!ii or 'Di. N IP"C'. 516-~AXJrl <:0.1·~·) C:1uploy"r. C n1 'Oii r f.tru:1l 011pn1111nity t•n1plvyrr ., -11 \io.;~~· Bii} c·tuu .\11~· ~ndl'I '10-2i ~--I 11ousF:KEEPtR-111·1.. .. tn vi· 12'1\ \\', CN;i:--l \hi'), i\J~ AVON _ ~ DENTAL Rl'(.'el'llonisr s.: out. Care uf C'ldcrly huJy, --AI R CLERK Says ... CLERK TYPIST Dental J\sslst11nt, E."'p'd .• Ol\'Tl ll;11u;p. nee, llef!l. Cot.ta f.fel\8 ~161T State aal. req. Reply PO • wanted for ll rouniz Or::incr / Pt..:T SO~lt. 1.l~G • Box m1, l...flauna Dental 1\uislant chlar ~ide ·-· Co. nrn1. ~luht tJ/l\'9 al IP:IJit INTO :-il'ltl~C / • e ferTNJ N HOUSL1(£EPER !or m1all ., I yr l'.'(j)l'r • "'/11:,:hl 11ho11"!i. 0.'f'Ora1e )11ur house or llt!l' ;\('('fl mfllll!Y' 11'(1n111n for ~·ch P;7-7'998 • ev.'J)Ol'f exclu&:i\'t mottl In Ll\gunll Xl n't hN<, hltneli1s & oppor. n<'11· rlrilhe11 11 /th•• 111(Jllc"')', lal'1i(t' off11~ In ();)gt_,. ~h·$1, a ' 1 ' Beach, 5 d!ly ltll'etk 1ncl. tor adv11nce1nen1. Oin11:1r1 1 you cam 11c·ll1nJl ,\\-on ;\111~1 h<' oble lo !YPt' Df:fliTAL A SS I !'TANT · v.eekend•. 49-f--852! •1 .. ., Cath), \\oo.l I.i i:: h 1 Inc Prnilu<'I.•. t'h•'\1hle hrs. In ll'k••:lrl.-. U91" 10 .key 11dding 0 r I ho donli!' experient..-e 'f-'iA'lwtt Co .. [~J&.2!Kll ~·hrr (J,, n ™"*J.:hho 11·1'1'.••I. l':ill n1•1•·h1ne. rue, tt n ~ 11 ~ r llr"lplul Agt' 25-30. 5-1$--2291 HOiiSEKEEPEn. f;tllne In I • .1. ..&(}-70-11 11ti..111•:1 ell". Al ~.q bt' Ahl<"'" -DR'S ASSISTANT ronv. hOnlf'. ~ p"lly 4m ,. ASSEMBL y 11111it flt1 o.•1•1u110n!ll doy on , I f"llliiailp Rd .. l'\.1!. 1'.: GROUP LEADER H.\RY~ITTt;H, 3 i;;i·ho-nt fhr"""+'krn<J.i;;xct'l l rnt 't oufll:' ltid! 1 1~.~l l~\.\i>rk 1«5ITSE\f!Vi;·t::~1•an~ N'rll1 l)l!Jl)' l'll'IK'fils h'H·ludln.1 a11 doetl)I"-11~111s111n1 1 rece~ bll 1 1.,-• 10 • 1.-, ••••''• nl _,1 .. _11,. 11011.... f'h1ld1'l'.'n 111) ho1nr. ,j d.1y. , 1r--1,1 In heallh, a N ,.,. pu c n1 a Kin 1 1un·• put. " ......... ~ .~ u••• .-~ I IMl•I '1\t'ilOOt\, ]\!lid mf't.ll('al run • • p . oex,.. $2/hr .. bonus A1es ~~ ' ur fil"Oll11 l,o•udt•r 111 • ~\1~~~·-.!18 arra call rvr~ k 1,'l1l'l'n1r-11t pro11:r11 1n . ~~11 '1 · \\r train )W. 1 83l..S:WO''l\tl'•lon 11.1tstn1bly of t:l1•rtr11 '1• ·I Opportunl !ie• ft1r Apply In prrson aflenJClOn tj ·., ~tcchllnlcnl Cllmpootnts. U ,\ H ,. ~ITT ER n1'('th•1I nd\'nncenJt·nL J>lf'ASC' .,,,.Mt' or ~''t'11. 2930 \\'111. (;1t. JIW)I .. -~~eJt>!:===-==,,,...c;,c I, STACOSWITCH 1111n1,,<l. 5 dy ''l'<'k. PN"fl'r lltl~'<\fii'd :id No. 1:i0. J)aUy Ncv.1>011 BeM1·h. HOUSEWIVES, $40-$60 "'klll Jl39 Haktr 'I Sunfl11\\·cr1t1o"('" St. llrl'a. J'Uot, 1'.0 . u.,, 1560 Co!lla Pul t'"ttr bttdlhtf ........ -p/llff!t. $120 ~._up._tjtJme. 5"j!)-Jo.i1 .i• • :Q7•32'l8 <w fli\Hr)jj, "l1•Jl.l1, C11Jir. ~~. tM tr';c:k ••. $;i1 idie""~e;'~ !\Tr. RJchuds. ~· 1\n Eque..1 0p11 u rt u 11 It y Don'I f.livo up Ill<> ~!up! I ""_,.,~~-~°"~~~ with I\ l-Ol\'-':081 Dally Pilot ITOUSEKEEPER: T'ut'8 .l En11if11)1'r "l.l1;l" Ir 111 rlnl'l.~!f1t'+'I, ~hl1\ "Li,.l" It In 1·las~l fi('(f, .hlfl (1alldfl(od ,\di Call &42.s6'18 rrt.. own tr1t11ap ., lu Sl11if'f' fki;u/li..! &IZ-(iljj!I, ~O !'llOre rtesuh11~ ttl~~~. loday! £.\pcr\t'I\(~. Refs., 6-1 1-31-1..1 ,• I .. . ' i ., • ), ., , If your heart's in San Francisco • ut your iob's 1n Los Angeles ••• M~re. lsl~nd i~ hiring! lrnmecl1ote open1n91 for skrll•cf work•n with progrt11iY•, well- rounftd trod• •xptri•nc• 1ufffci•nt in scope ond content to perfonn at the ;...,,.,e,...on NYel in thest fields: • ELECTRICl~N • ARMATURE WINDER • MACHINIST • MACHINIST !Marine ) • PIPEFITTER • MACHINE TOOL OPERATOR MAlE ISLAND Some posi ti ons permane nt ; some tem porary f not to exceed one year); sa la ries $5.58 per hou r. U.S. Citizen- ship required. Live in the heart of Northern Col i· forn io-Americo 's most famous work a nd ploy land. Ideal, smog.free cli· mote, short drive to the Go lde n Gote. the wi ne country. lots more! W o rk at the West Coast's oldest and best· known naval institution, wit h un- matc hed potenti.ol for professional growth. reword and recognition. Get " immt-dlate (213) 628-5242 MARE ISLAND NAVAL SHIPYARD Vallejo, Califom io An Equal Opportunity Employer • " J9 PI LO f·AOVERTISER \itdnudiJ, April 24 1974 W"ltn~" , tJ .,rt .,, 1'1·~ OAILV PILOT !j:j Help "'"'-· ~&F 7100 1 Help Wonted, M&F 7100 'Help Wntod, M&F 7100H1lp W 1n10CI, M&F 11001_Help Wonted, M&F 7l00Heli_~tod, M&F 7100Heip W1ntl<i, M&F-7100 -H •lp Wont~:.1'.'&_"._ 7100 . Com er•• & Equip. eho, MANAGEMENT O!fk• YOUR FUTURE t 11 '"'"' ,.,.,.;;o. >200 ,,,t, T1lAINEE $).S0/$3.00 /$2.SO ' TRANSMASK L«t'• "olk tiMt '"'" ""~' : ' • ,, "" ""'""' Tempor•ry Potltiont ··l'iri..·,.l .~111<·1·1 11' \'l1li'" &l.!-:i!l"'-1 -~ Newport Boch Aro• TOOL & DIE MAKER ll'h""r '" ,'"""""'tot•· t« Cats I03S GOLDEN \\IJ<:sr ~1081L.E T /SH t'--the 1w11r fu1un ·· 11 )nu atT HO~tJ<:S !lrf'klJ y o u 11g, ype or accoun ••rv 1\111.~·111,'1.I, 1111·0 '"' \\1t11t tu :'IA:'ltt.~J.; k11t1•1 1, Cl~"ll~il,111, ~rculvt lndl\•ldua! lor 100-J. FrM to You I CORPORATION !Jilk lu }\IU \\,•\\!I.Ill 1 .. lillk ~,-.11J. W!1ul"' 1,.11 )!Vin! t ~.JI! m • n • 1 ~men I Ira.I~ C•rol ll:)..9144 h.l rt111 111·r!>l)n "1~, kn•1\1" E'ogl1 ';11~J.>t·•11~·· ___ 1040 1 . po1IUc.111. Will be •tart~ t>n P•rsonn•I Re&c>urces , 11hu1 11::-l'i \\Orth' \1 , •. 111· tht a;rounci floor 1"'"'1 01 11:,1 Oo\'l'. 112. Ni!\1.--rt Come to '-''Ork !or a company with 100 cm· 11 11 •• 1~111111 1;·,.1 t''1111o· hn11 00$lhl&'. 11.1w1 detlgn of 1noblle "" Potter & Brumfield Division 1 ,-1•1i T11,· I hom"•· PleUf' aµply in o f'~· 1 c E g i r 1 1 J t c ployees \\1ith benefits of a con1pany \\'Ith • 11111 1111' • • .\ 1••1· • PUPPY WORLD • --o• ••••<I l""'a~ "I 1,-"k-p<'ttg, o; 'I-ih"' • 6 000 I \V ' J l propl<'. \l l' ;II•' '\]''.Hlol111i.: .,.......~. • ""' "'"'' .,. """ ... ~ ~ •• v n ... , emp O)'CS. e arc a ~rowin g e CC ron• II I I l i uhu:1h1i;1 .. , 'I In) 1'10,.llr•, •••l•'<·•I'•n "". >'•t I>.~ It• 1• •"·". . ed P po 111rn• ~ Jo·1•.1u .... • " 1·•ll I"" &t~l 642.-JM • • ·• • p" · 11•1111' Jviu 11.. I•· ·• ,,,, -"' • ...., • ... ...... 1c con·1pan~ local near .C. Air rt and A M F INC 1 1•11 H11u~. "•'l..111~··~··. 1•1•1111 GOL E =..C=c-"';-, "'e a re loo ing for people \\'ho 11•ant to grow p.u1 ,.1 •l•U" i.:1;11•111..: 11111111> •·r;oru:.n l'V' k,qh•" Ji.1•141"'"~! D N WEST I PARl' Tll\fE.SE.\f( retired \Vlth us to r·11 th r II . 't 'o n ~"r , .• ,, .... n .. 1. <1•llhd1•ntlt1I ~1~•11. l~dh Bull ,1"'"'• I \\. k . c ' I e 0 O\\'tng pos 1 I s. I\ " I I I ' MOBILE HOMES rn<i e or 1.11 :\I orfiN lrrt,r.h•" t·,.H iuwl .• ~i... fui· .1tl·11 c•JI:' • ·""'Pl R 1 doinG tl"i(!phoht' 5un·"y 10 A 1najo r 111anufactu rer of e lectro mechanical com pone nts has o pe ning :i.tn . l\h·Ciuin. ll<•h•l'' 1r \lfXE11 t'L P." 1 INC ' 00~1~11 o~~r$. No aeUim::· RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY for exper ienced journey1nen. t ool & die makers . \Ve offer u ne 1A1 pro-:o;1ud ~~' \ 11'" .\1·~~1 . Jt1 .. 1•tJi.. • no appt11. $3r)tr hr. IS IW l·Ui. gr esiiive bene£1t & pay scale \\'ith a 50 hour '-''ee k . \\'o rk in the a ir ti,... 11 r.\•' :..::i • .1.1;:7 1308 E. \\'nkt'h1tn1 l'hune aftei'flOOtU only. co nditioned atrnos pher e of a growin g organization \\hieh offers the 1111:-1 1 ... th 1· /'u111 11o ~ •• \J\\.'.. Sanla Alm, Calif. mro P/T~Girl An 5 w er This position requires ty ping 60 \\'Pill. fa· sta bility & security of 50 ,Yea rs of C:<Jlerience. Oth e r benefit ~ intlude i 'h111111'1''" i;1<~11.t1n~" >-· 1ihones. mttl pu blle. Apph· nuliar with purchasing & a ccounting pro-1,,..,,,1 l'h.11-, 1 .. 11 11u1\hl~r a.n cqwU. op.po-rtu n lty. in '*"""''"· iS8 Yo'. 19th si. c'edures and sonle exper. in rront office. con1pany paid ins u rance. retir enlent progran1 . paid vacation. C'os t of N,., .. , ,\ r~1. ,h11 ,,1,. .. 1k'n··• empJo)er in/f I COlilll i\lr 5a. \ lil'ing in l·rease . t~1··k.:11.iu~!. ~llut•. SI.• & u1'r MANAGER TRAINEE PAllT ,.,,, ... , ..... S.•, CURK TYPIST '"'"''"1 "'' ""' ---OUtstandlng 0miur. to 5hu1 A 1(11·111 for sluclt>nla gWlr. Call or lpply in person l(,\HE·l-.Xll"l"ll" l ' 11 111 c ~ f e areer I n r f'l a l l hourtv r ·1lr in11idc ...,ork. t._'"'~1•'11 1 .1u.:~. :\I.ill•,, 1n!lnAAcn1<'n1. 111us1 b<' Mh·~ i;:;t;..8995, 'st.i-~ This position requires a res ponsible young j[~J r ,·1111.1 ... ~ hiu .... 1 11111al onentf'd & 1-art't'r 1nltKl('fL \\'Oman \\•ho. is knowledgeable wilh the No. Potter & Brumfield Division, A.M.F. Inc. Merd!•nd~• lliJ"'Ht"ri. ,\'tu! ;o.11t 11 fwr: s1uo! "'"~-•-";</\ ... I · PART 1'in1e Counh•r lll'lp. ~ d ..._...,, <fQJU ronim SSlOll. "" c ar punch & I B~l listings. !\lust have ,,, l p l111·lud,., 11-.•1,.:r>1. Call F.d \l'olf ~ ,\l>ill)• 111 !)('r!iOln, Tr->asury 26181 A 'd A t S J C · t C · · ··lc·arM·r~. ot·ross ll'on1 South good ty pist s kills, fil ing expc r . e ssentia l. v•nt • eropuer o, •n u1n 1p1s rano ;.1:..-JU_,; oostal PersonnC'I ~l'rlt')". f ·1· . h . A . t)F.\ . Ah f' Ul.IJ 1·:~1.a~1 .... 11 2790 llal·OOr Blvd. C~I C'»t~ Pla:ui a1 n1 Jar \I'll various ~hipping procedures Rlch•rd Themm, M•nag er of Industrial Relations nflques SOOS J'.\R1 1'1nK' Dr:-11 Clrrk. Ai>' and mos t importa ntly 111usl be a \Veil or· 1 '111111111. l>H~·u. :-'110'' •1u•1111.v. BRANC'l l. ~I AN AG I:: I!· pl t'n A t~.,,· I d So II ( • :\1111<'.c onl) l! :-Oll h ul.i.1. SEC'TY !of L.A. Trail t1rn1. Y pcn;on, n ..... v 5 gan ze person. 1ne co ege pre e rred. UEt->RE!>SION GLASS 1-..\'.Jt -....ins ' \V70 ~·11n1, ln·lue. 213-'-'·h',."'•"io''io'·io,9 .. .-.... iil7iilhii'iiCio.>iof.""i ( 714) 493-9301 ----1 6'l1..;o'l; ,. ART WORK DEPARTMENT-2nd SHIFT · .. .,.,,,,, .. ·, """'" ''"'"" mis11 s.·t"''"1 ,,. '"'· ,,, ... PAYROLL CLERK • lllll• tol'"ll 1011111·~ I '••'lo ,.,... $:10. (';111 a itl'I' ;l pul, !1.1ANICU RI!-.T, for Ne\\ port .\n l::qu. al Onpo.rtunity t-:n1 p loyer . ~I }o~ ,, 1u1J' l I• ..1111 ,\ Sui.:,1r 1~'"1 ~ltl-i~il..1 J~l"neh 111ens l1t1ir salon. IV h 2 · · k I .r • t i....·ily tv\\l, I ll .,~ 1,., T k r 1 6-16-:?nfi TYJ'inj?·~\\'.p.in.+niath Cave openu1g s 111ourt1rt \VOr cepart-s1'1\i\',\L'ZJ-:Hs :i.11111 .. tul'tl. 8 e 0'.l'r <' icnle '-'l Hpl'ilude. n1ent. Exper des ired in computer scie nc es, 1"1' 1111 nt1h·1~. l 1~ iui.,:nn \lfll•· ,\· f1·11111lr . Af.:C, bwtl l\IEDJCAL fn-1n1 o l ll ce snath, drafting & coin puter S)'Steins. al-'""k1" 1.u ~uhuur .~111·r ·"12_.!.'~I •'\"" ,.., :-:un reccptiontsl for 2 GP'~. AJ>11ly·!f Personnel Jkpt · Help W anted , M&~_7100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ,\U :i; 11w.-.., .. 1n .11r1V.·r ""1"1 --;..1usl j)l' alile to tyJ~. 9,1 •. 1_ IA'.l, ,10,,_,,,1 though will t rain r ight p~rson. S!:crl'tary ~ \\.,,,,,1 1,.,, t,, ,,.,,,1,. 1,,, IH l:O:ll SE'r l'J-.H l'L' 1' S . h d I ' " " " ., ·'\"'"~ -·--·-~ --~ " 111ul1• ,(.: C1•t1l , 1\l\t', $1 Ull h '• c e u i:. ;~po.intment~. PACIFIC MUTUAL Q.C. INSPECTOR-DAY SHIFT TELLE RS pl,1111> 1·1>. 1 1 \\;uh id p.111t·1 n "i. .... 1r1 h 11>-~~·J1 .. r 1;7:~:r1;t: ltOV.' lll'!:t Wliu, e.~!K'I'. ~., N C 0 •' B SR SR. PRESSMAN c· I ,,, I " nl'€'tl only i.l l>ply. Ca ll 1 :l'"''J>Orl cnti>r r ..• ~. · • r.\p"•I , rul ,\· pnrt Tin1t' '' -·"·-TJIOIH•l t;jlHHED l\11:1..•ll '""' '"'!". F:quul Op1l0r. 1-.:1npluyer ,\n ln1n1t•u111tl' (ll1t'n1111.c fur Rn Apply, l i·liof('n ~1 11!r l31111k. 1 1~ ,, c ,....,..~u ,., 1 ~==========:1 •n I• •d I I >JI.Hiit" Ill"· v l•l!CnS, Thl·s pos 1'Uot1 requt'res onl d · It SECRETARY ' 1 11i. "" 1't'll'r<• }r1•r~ F>J110 \\'nn1'"'"· 11 .u. "r , .. ,.,, l\ll::DtC.\IA ~·ront ufl' & y g oo e ye s ig 1 ufbt·t t·\penl"11e1« :'.l:l-.'lil-;:.11~; "' v ANTIQUE li l.r!k<:."J R ' . · i nJ & common sense to train in Q.C. for p r int L' 1 ,. -- --::--t"1 l'<'<'PI Ml>P < o y, ma!u!'t'. p 1 c or , p;1t ..,oni:cct ---S SHOW & SALE ..: I. I·: t; ,\ i\ 'I' .~ Jnrcl 1~··111 Type liO. Use Dil'l.aphonc, eri1onrk" defect ins pec tion. 1Vter training you \\•ill C•rol Smith f TYPI T !llJ t~"lululu i~ :-;1a11<h11il l'l~•tlf' Pup~. ,\1,(· Ill'!'. 9-1.i, ~'on · 1-·rt, 11.B. CLERICAL become In Process In s pector in ou r chron1e \r111 11t·rlun11 clutir'( f·i1· 1h" 644-5800 SpM·d ,\. h1'<',1r.J"Y Ahillrv ro ('hunip «1rc·•I nu .. l't:l·l" ... l\i~I_ ~1~ prm' t area. Pr,.~1d1•n1 of tl1e t'Olllflilll\,' lt•.'11'1\ \''11,t•I)• ol U\!('rf·~·1ilu;: ,\n:1h1 ·1111 l '•lfl\111tJ1or\ C"•'lll!'I ,\1,,1 ~ ...... u·1.11 ~·r\'lt'l' d • ~~) \\ 1\,1t<'ll1< ,\\• l'Ul'l 'I ~::-; '1 11 k old, 1111\•"l "IE"' I bl' h J ,,,,,J c·"·nl rulit'r. fl1ll ll'"' "'11! Utlri<. I 111i•t'r t'{lpu11un~1y. 'f " '' Sl'r\' l'C ~ta IS l'( v l·;•JllUI (llJil'•r t:n1p]!J)l'r (' ll ·r ~··1 .\1u il J'1 .• ~ .. ~;, .'' hl"l't'I( IU i,:(.1(1'1 hUtl!f . "'"t" 1"11 "'P"•·t hmo. C.tll ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSOR-DAY SHIFT """"d•' '"t"'""'" 1'1'""' -' ,,.,,, '11'"'' ''" »•t HU''" 'l1-.i<:,i l\tr. L'-.•\i, s1&::i 155. e:1 ll~ 111\n~. 1yp1n~. l11k1ni.: s.·F.'lt\'IC".· ,, t,·•ti"•• ". lr<m'"· I T1\'PIST !o1r l>rntnl'Of,h.<'•.·.·, Sunll",' 1 ~ ll••Jll rn ti !':\I ' ---11-1------~=~~--I t '· I ' .. ·-J '. I S1\;\1l l Y~.rJ Jlll"~. a ,.1 •. -;-' I l' a 1n 11 11n< l'!"lr· I f U"'l "". n '" 10 1~ :>.>li"l Sekul•'ch Product1'on• ,. l\10TEL i\laidli. \\'Ill ll·am. 0 •·· ul · I' · t ' D d _, 'I I I b :>.1~ r ron· t•rl'\'d, lJa\' & ' . • . ,\k(' ti 1\k!'> old. $100. Apply 111 l)l'rson, Costa l\lesii I Pl'rtl't' ofrL'rs JX'nnanent eui· ur c..ln s 1on r1n 1n g epartmen t nee s a n·i.1~·r•1l'n1·" :;;11'>11.' ,. C\<'~. i·ull .v pdrt iiml'. \••r n1. l.11.•nt.11 ~xp..'nent'f' ·----------S !HJ,jlt,, air ll'~I. I 320• II " Bl Cl! I perso n \\'ho \\I ants to learn how to process ('<IPt1llli-i)I llo~k1n,.: 111 1 ,\f>plv :-:h1•ll !o-1;ir~ n 1-11 ~ -ht'l11lul. A1;C's JIHJ. ;w!--7291 --nn, . ~ " <.1ruur , . p oy1 11cn1. paid \·t1c:1Hon .. r. 1 . 1 & r! .I-n ,1 111 it' i•nvironnient . . ~ · • 1 • I , 2 CH/~,\ 1·ab1n,.t<. h~ll 1ro"" AKC, Silky Terriers ---i\IOTEL l\tAIO-tt>r 6 mont h<;, p!1,1s \ \\'rt>k emu s1on Pates help printer to clea n-up Sh.•uld hint' nii rilniuin :I • il"l 1nc. f\cy,•pi11 8(:aeh.__ * UNIQUE * rna rhlr '"ll 1111.•h s1a11rl. 1111k i\lorning.!'i Only prud timP off 111 Chris1ma~. submas ters . )t'<•rs i>xµrnrnl'l'. Position SEJ{\'ICI-. s111 r~>r1. f'unip 1 rln·~~"l' tJIOOr.111i.;l', C~I __ z llJ(.lr., 67-'i·il-O-I •.-'' Cl·m•••I• 4"" """~ Coinpany fl,!iirl llfl', hospital. I t -·• 1 ~1...i1•I ~altsnn1 11 w/e ~'" I 1,·rIQ V>' \' , I •I .,· Free To You .-,... " ~-""""' y SHIFT t"l'flU!r('S b'Ult Yllllli;t 1111'-' · ..... · · ln1•ll;ln" ynursr!f 1n thl" . . , H' t'O .i .J •. 1 !!Urg1cal, incdil·al and tlcntal EMULSION PRINTER-DA ~li<•r1 hand sk1ll!', plt'asant & n1•111 upfl('11nuwt•, To11 1~•Y t'~l·1t111g ~1iu1, Un u " u ll I r•To1.,·1., 1n\'lud1•l! c: n (•! I04.5 NEEDED IMMEDIATEl Y 125) Unskilled Assemblers & Packagers .VOLT Instant P•rsonnel l\lajor t.fedical Plan i'\111\· ,\vaila.ble Tt•niporary Se1"l·ice 38·18 Can1pu~ Dr., Suhr l<KI Nl'\\•port Bea('h 5 16-471J Equ1tl Opixir. En1ployl'r benefits, 1'<1uc:ation11l assis-phone l~r!iOnahiy. \re arc u I & . .:•: .. t ho1u1-.;. :-;.~1· ~11111. "l'COI '•PJ•Jl' l••r ~ti .. rp J.:11'1 11) , o~oridill•iil 1_; l.'i·(-;, .. ;.i .~A l:>. T l:Wr1111 r<I. Grrn11111 lllf\('C and en1ploy~ Slcx•k !'>l;ihle wl'll estahlishl"tt <.'Onl· _t .. _l "O:'.:':t_!_hi)~ <1\I. . org .. ni;r .r,. 11111,il'rl\{'UI 1 ll,\LL ll'f'•''> ,>,. to l l:ll 1101 Shr\"'1il rn1x. hou . .,..hrnkC'll. iiurrha!ie plan. C~xc~·llrnt This person \\'ill be making contact prints in 1 1 I · o I SEH\'ICF s 11 1 ., k 11 1 ~· 11-hul•. ex.·cl 1111h childrt>ll \\orkln" tonrliiions and prepar1'i:J p rocess c he n11·cals 1'111'ransm a s k 's iiany, <>l'a l'\ n•G·n_i:_, ~ni:;e ' · 13 · '' 11' • "1"11 inar "!ini.: i 1Taf")· 0 r \J 1'1•·hin.a !lttr•'ct, <.:. :-.1. !ltl'' 9· 12 "' County all"P'1rt. \iuu frtnJ;:(' 1 f/l in1C' rni:th1~. E.1.prr. rin\~ ! i.;1'011·1ng lr..,·111 .. f '•J. 6 1:!-!•l,7 -· ."l =·~~-~--~~ bToii·th potential. ne'" em sion area. Ex per. preferred but not h"n1·f1r~. nil'!.' but aeti,·~) Apply l!r>)d'.' Ar,...,, l!\/ t.. RI VI ERA i~Hll.X.a:.:T 1<e :i, nt'('(/~ 'a necessary. \\'Orkini;-ro11cht10n~. Sali!I')' I 17th St., co~lll. ;\lf'~H l.n1 ploy1111>11 t i\g1•11•·y, [Ill'. I 111:--11-;~(. iahlr ..• :. !j1;·~~~. I ll'llll('. Good \l'fl tt•h dof!', \\'1ll be rri;1>0n~iblC' for l'l<'ri · eat suppol'l 11nd employ<.oe and ;111rht·ant interface. Good i,:rowlh oppol"tunny. VACUUM SYSTEM OPERATOR-2nd SHIFT 1"1nn11'nsurah· I'.. l I h l'.1'· ~l·:R\'I C~:Sc;t;;-11-~p ~~•~! Hui.tnl':.S C.:1r n .lt alTll. " nul. ""' · Ith··~ k1di.. It ~O\J c.Ul:', p('nrnce. Apply: I w:11il 1~1. f•.;p., full l lJl\•' A[l-ll"l'Uli' ll.::l-(11!0 J :!C1111:1I s·11 .. lo'. i'B. ti l:!-:;ii9.1 ~,kt-'rll''llJ I If you enjoy 11·orklni:t with people, po."-'iCSS "ood typing !->kill~. ha1·~ a high ~chOOJ Exp erienced is r equired for this pos ition. Salary is open & dependent upon applicable lJac k ground. References & work history mus t indicate dependability. DICEON ply in IA'•~n. :'.«J !~. l i lh .:>t. ;:1si'I C:irn1 nn C:.p1,.1ranu L':-.:IQL'I·; 1.i.rgc ]{ o 11 ·Top ,\f(;!l,\~-,-.--,-1,-,,-.• -1~ 111~~. l'.:U. :'.111 .Ju;in lar1,.tr<1110 1,,.·~k. a t"·1tuiy, -111 ~pa1·at11 ~111 ~111 f iin lusui· iv/kid, ,'\· I SERV ICI·. ,''!a. Alll'ndant, .i~i:µ)JOI dr.iii ii -.; ~!ll-iJj l p1•1s. ll~hrkt'n,_&46-~:bl!...___ full f,, p/llnu•. m E. l,;n;1 ... 1 \\AITl:I:-""· "l"r '.!! lnune<I .Appliances 8010 f f{Ei-:: 111 1n matt r('..,~ a.otl ~· ~·----"l"'n1n.; ~.\ltt'r11·n1·• i 1.,, ~pr1ni.: ... ELECTRONICS, INC. ,. dtplon1a and n1inln1um 1 )''"r rl•hll~d clt'rlt:t1I t'XJK'l'· ieoct', you n1ay be the in- di1irlual 11oe sa.•k. Pl<'ase crdl : T. Knight t illl 5'W.83l(l ELECTIIONIC PROCESSING ASSEMilER- 2nd SHIFT Related experience desired 11n circ u it boa rd c lea ning & assembly. JSj:!'l \'(ln 1-\.innan ln·u,..•, C:alH. -"11,\i\lPOO li!Hl. pn·fo•n't'd. ,\1'1)1)· 111 Jl••n.on. t1{1(;][J,\1 H.~. ~k 11111y ;\\1111, )j~'.!\j~l Jl('('f!l·d Urt:i'rltly. l,IC•'ll~"" ::~~! ~. Br ... 1 .. 1, S.1\ I Rik )!lilt !'1)11d SI ~I 011't'r ~'HE t: !tJ goo<I ll"lnll' feni. !lii;l-:;l'.:,1 ;-, .. rlh ul ..... ·11r~. SO. l'o.1 l:••fni,: SIO 11u1'k~ i,:tl T .. 11·11 r nu' 10 tnot., -StieeT Metfil WOrker;-Jll11La. 1-~~l:i ~l"1)~".li9. :ir. rriu.1! n 11p (1rt u111 I ) ----S , 11 1 t 1· c...,h--~ .. -1 EXI' Prl·~sbn•ke Opt'r;1101·~ WAITRES r~ (J HT,\ BL E 11 ;1 ~ h,. r • n111 , u~ r11 11111 s 4'<'11 (~ii:;. l'lllplr•Y•'r in/f I I l' I 1 I I I I "I ' 1:1 lh•. :\l11lt•. v.'llh ~hol~. :,· ,,,. ( f'r.« . ...,.. pt.},~,.,., Y :-.'o r 11.per IX'l'l'~S. \\"i ll tr:iln \I .<;pinn«r. J.:l!(il r<•fH, ;-11'•1' ' I t f c. f ' ' I ''I h"li $"1 '· <'"''' '·•nr .. \lt. ,·, "11.(l•n7 11 .. rn. ' n r111~t' '"'"'' 1 c. .\i,:t• un•J•~r ::tl. A pill) u ..,.·1 .., 11•\ r 1·an1p<'r s ~· .,. .-.."U '~' ... "" SECRETARY / Bf,h l.1•1wh ("r,i111p:in). !IM Jl"rson, :\1l.<h1"n \'11·~· 11111 e:o('h F1n11 1'-i2-11•11; I :'\El::D A RABBIT llL:Tf'll. ADMIN ASSIST. ,\1·1.1i.t1~·ri...: ;\v•·. lr1·inl' _ :l!iil:I 11...., l'arkwuy. ,\f1,~1'111 I KE:'\:O.fuHi::-t.:as n 11-;:r-s111. \\"111 pa)' reas. pr 1 c t . l'n!!<t:I/, f>t'lf·i\ln fuh·n1. 1.,11't'<'r \'11•yi. Non.:t• c.;,1.<; D11cr ~JO Sfl(.'1'f!1 t>T.l·l'l!.t:_t. ____ ~-- 1·11' A I \ ' p C II 540 6080 · d I I I I t 1 SHIPPING/ -WAITRESS Queen f.'11!(:1 df")cr $35, i:uar L,\llGL Ani:111a l"n>t•i.,r , NEED liV<'·ln p ,~ ... c l j CA I ' • tm s I'll\!{ ' \'C. Apply '" enon or a • nun ec Ull. l\'i< Uil . II I 1 I f.· drl. ~ ... lfi....~72 housekttper for Sat. & S·.in. S<il\t;i 1\na, <.:alif. 11 ltle rani,:<' (rf l1Vlil1\<'~ ,\· _ Exp<>1'. }.l usl Re OY"r Zl . ~ri _ _ _ _ ---nl't"ls t'rf'l"(Jn, n10tor "1)Qd. [ art.I b lat 1952 C.a.mpus ~ Drive, Newport Beach intC'1"l' .. t". 11c-f"<l•'l't !or 11ri\. pl..-.11{'1·alli11Ph•a.-:"' 1\pp!) 1n Rent Wastiers/D ryers l .-ii;u~ll ill~. fl:;o~;;t; or P• Y am u 0 r Y an equal opµo11uni1y n PD". i!ifln 1•111·111, RECEIVING CLERK ' 11t1.·1.· ,., 'I I " elderly lady In mobile cntployei· in/f ~liH.!lll.I 1.. 1 1ot<1...,~1 Surt A· ,.;;u·l•1111, ;li:;I) s:: \\k Full 1n:imt I'· t. ... ,\,\ 111.i" " hon1e Lite ple11s11 111 \\·urk Help Wonted M&F 7100 Help Wanted M&F 7100 ll'l•\~' /.' 1''11" "'inl:iri ,\· '' ''"' II". c: .. ,,~1 11111·._,_".1 :_. __ I " 1;:1!J.lW2 • niih .. "Id, "' IK ;•u1 :.:i'i'('n --.· ·-. ' ' ;1 tll•Jl!1•,n ' In d I• I :1 I I ~ 1' I h · I 6 i ' :n:ii Day or E\'I' I I II \ll'll l'SS 21 --d -•·>. '''-· 0_J:' 11 1. ~~''-·~1"' _ ~· • ·-PJ.U.\IBJ::RS Si.'r\'lt'l' ;\lust l·.nthu,111 ,111 .1: ,l,..,Ji1•;11tnn I•• ' •· • r1i fll'r nr n\'l'r HF.13!.T 11•no;hf'r, r Y t' r ~ , ~· NEW ACCOUNTS ha\t.' l'Xpl'I". ~un UJJIOn, 0111 RN RELIEF SECRET ARIES 11·1~·1l·lhih!!I"~ a Ill u ~ ' p .O.A. Apply in f"'l"••J/1, IJl\'kt'l~•n.s d .. h111~h. s;,o ,\< UtJ '" I )I. T() (;lJ f[(J;\I ~: -;, lllli, niall' CLERK I or slah' OJ\: &s1 11-orking Con\". H~pitrtl 6.12·0~1!1~ E~tahli.•h•~I ,.,1111 pall) ufl,:1, , 11 l~\f~ ~ ~:I C~nuno H••al._:"C :,:.u·. j.11;..;i?l'I •11• .'(;~•G20 ~~~:.~~~l~~i~r~!'.,.~~~;~~~~ llJ;r Prt'sen11y 11." have :in eon<l, llenefl!s. ;>.lusl hal"e SAl.1-~.-.\\'0~IF:~ .;: ... r t-t· 1.1.11 ~,·,,·,,,. ., , .•. !{•••! ,.;iJ;11;., 1 .. ·111·f1·· .\· 1 1'1lri n1 ''•,·pl. ,i.e~po1"1~'11J e f('Jk' I \\'A~·ri::u. l l\uml'n. ·agrs 11 \\.\Slll·:P. ,t-[ll~rF.H fflf·: ... ---_ · t·•I· Top -·"''' •\\'orki1""I O 'Sf'\\'IV""h · 1..,.. '''' ,-,. ~' ~ I · I",,.' .• ". iin~·in,".s·. 1 ii or ·JO, on llt"0 't•·I•'<•. ,,,., '.··,1Ll.'l'"f.·,1r 11 • Furnt'ture 8050 opening for ne11· a1..'L-OUn ts ""s. -~~n • • .., ·I U. ~ "':s f'rc is :in.up-llfl'Sl'llt!y aviulal>le. 0 JK' l"C· l'Xl'lllni:: utUI"•'. "I• ll 1 _ ,. "~ " .~ .,,.1 Cit'rk. Prefer ex""I'. l\lusl fro111 A11?hl•11n ~.e rv.1 11.g portunlly 10 u·ork fl~1blel . •Id ' ·t · h . !'('t;l.Jll\t• .t. ll'ttl'r obJi'Cl1\'('S 11• I) 11 .lOli,. cll'rk. 'groon1ed, ag~'l'C~ive. ~n1• t).ll;-5-11.1'1 .~. urange Coun1 y l ht• t:art i; · · 1 1· · lfl!U'tl 1 c '1 P 0 11 e rx 1 I I •-1-• h 1 1 1 -have good typing skill ~. f . . ~-.1 ~ hou~ par! lli!ll' 111 H< lei; f)C'r ienl't' and !!oo<I t·le1i ciJ o: l'unt11rt · tllU!IJCa "''"'11 t'U"C' e P u1 r P.Et: PICKL:!'. f(.•fni.: k .'.'fl · CRlorll' IC(l!i r(l.Ji~c. M.'.U PLt::ASE CONT.-\CT Pluuib1n~_.!!1c._~r .-O',rrO. sr>el'lahy stori>. ,\1111!y i;kill~. Thf' olln•i's ure <irl· 1'1\l:ht: E. BrtY.\\i 1•,,111 [).i~u·r "''•Ji·hilo·s l•UI • r~Jt rl'(JUlrf'd. Star \ 1 t • JUDY'S I · P,0 \'A:-.' Pl'BLIC,\TIU,:>."S, I ' 1mmt-di;i tel'-'• flexiblr huur~ I ' PP lfHl•'•·~. r~l ~~ ll•J · ~· 1 rl\·lltlltl~ u\·c n. ('nfra·l'l:'<l Gre~ NC'1\•land ·P I. U~ll:JLR: r11.111·r1rn1'C'd, n11 nisl ruu\·•· ;i1lll l'equil~ " ~10 lt:111.Julph A1i'., t .:\L ! J • 1>1_'1«111 nn'lal. 1>1.J-.12.ill I biiillt••' rnaiiy .. xti·as SlbO. Bank of America I ~cJ.'Vi<:e and ren1udt'li.n11. ~·ASlllOX SQUAr:.1':. sho11hund nnrl .'ll r oni.: l~C. ;,.:;;.;o;;; lull or p;irt timr To~l fi!Ui lDi\IRt~-:-1~11i.ho..•r-:(.: .\l:tiit.· liab)hllt' t•nb g. '·"' ,,·,·11......,t., Conl"r i'i"l·\1 ~lti3-tiU_:1::____ l.<i llnbrit ur I ~rcretar1al i1•n·k ltislor.Y. :;..J.'r A \'[,\ l.11)() I riirnH\i:'S y,·ith I of Ora n.: I ,.,. I ., ... ,t. '••t·r ·· v -...wf ~,•t .. ,, """ ,,... ~ Nt:\rPORT Ht:ACll, C.\ Cc•un ty's lurgc-?>1 :'ll 11 st•· 1 1·y,,1· <1··' •'.l•' l ~ -" J ;_1, ~ , .~~ .,,....,. lv" .ioitV. Fa~hivn island I SOtJTl l COA~T Pl.AZ.\. Tht>!le pu!!>1l111ns r!en1and 9:.?Gro SHOE ... al •''· Ch1lr!re11'i.1 1 1'!:11•1,1111,,. l'nil B. 6J6-~l li _,,, ... 1.Jti9 836-JSOS I Pw·t•httsi11g; 1 P~ilionsco~~:i1~1e::• bo1h I~ I ~~~r·~~gtiorw~iin~~:~:rica~~ Secretary I ~~~r). ~1~~·11i:_;~r.&>~~: ~.1~1·;~~on :\lu~ir Con1pany I Bicy°"Cles-8020 ~IOV l:-.'G----r-,-t -,..-, -t ·u·r-.-. E<1ual Oppor en1ploye1". JR BUYER -·~-1~ 1 11 h hi 1 l'!llion~. 5kills. Steno .:\Int opp!). Salary + ,)J_, _ --' A1111 1c1n{'f'~ . any " ' Ne~·spa""r CalTi('l".r 0 --SALES REP___ ,\ppi)' ,., _,,,.,,.,or , .. 11 \\'e prr~('nlly haif' a ""Stll(itl t't'.l1np. l't'rll'flls ,. olhrrs. \\'ANTF.D Br11 ury l')JK'ra1nr l ' l\'F.H"<J~ f{,,l"f JO~p. i1rrns. Patio S.:ih·: ,\pr1l 26 "~ 1~ ,__,., " •·-:\!:11•· •JI' F1•111. Pl"asiin\ nl~o !.".h'.I i;hampoo ~lrl, n<'1'l ~Int !'1/lr! \lrn' ~'(j' nr1i:, & '!i. 2;,1:; lno1nc ,\\'l'. HI BOYS & GIRLS Outics "·HI include purchas(' T ime life Books Doru l/'Vl't't·lt for ~('('rf'Utl)' ~1rt1<•, mu•! "rnn·. ;i,11 :i.t i 11 c r. 1,1 .·(':i r cntranr'<' ct t:.i. 1 ~" 1'1.l ,1sk111~ SJ'."1 1!-lr.-:':732 c.;r1tnada \\ay, c .:i.1. &lhi.9TI 10 yrs & Older v1·der fullu1\11p & ex1K'ditio~. 6 Po~it1011s A\'ailnblc st1u·1 in~ •~141 :.io.JO~I li.•1•' 1;,Qo1Ct 1:1 1111~ & ~Jh 1,·i i-".Ji;1 1,;,,,1, C•·-m· II, 11,,....... 1·1t·.. ---· I. t 1 I "11 •n· " ,,.,r ' --:i.1us·r S.·11 bt •:111t1 h1l chnin·,'I DAILY PILOT ,'(. tWl\ 1na 1un \I nl.WlU · in1n1"tl. Pl'l'nl. Full or ~;,1en.-1on :!j! ~1>i '· ---•r1t~• 11 I UI I ('II s·1·1 11 I I I I I ''I I 11 ... p1. i11 the unll,rh1g or P llinil'. [<1rt1 a~ rllU('h "·'I l'LF.\.'\l: ('(1:'\t .\l"I' ~110 ~ • .'\,.J··~ . ..:.11"~ f'~jtrr -·"-"' i<r "1r \<., ·-·--, ·1.111;,;·s,11 11 "'1 11 J!il' ''11 ~ ... 1 111th chHl~1 hu1t'h. ~'t.llor p!u111 .\: !.'llUlpinettt n:pair .!. \OU 1,·anl. Starl 1,1 a °""'" 1 HYLAND t ;l"t':i: ,\"i_•;•f:u1•I n•·r· \l.d•• "1' Je1n. Liof,,J , \\',\N T E IJ-G aft!<' 11 1' r 1 r ·· ~~-,, I\, lr"n,.1 In~· rf'ln;. I.· Hes Routes Open n1a111tC'~111 1Ki: ll~1ns. The s2.2:; JK'I' hr. Fanta~n.. Bank of America ... .i.11) ~ 1nr·1·ntt\l'S ~ x111 t 1 lh111dy1nan. n1u't t I \',. -~ H.J_:.•·•• __ _ 11 a!'>her . .>~i•;:-.i all 111 exL't'l n>OSl hkcly a11phcanl!!. \I. Ill :itniosphcre lor ~e r 10 11 :<.I LABORATORIES JOll Nt'"'!ll')r\ Cl'n11'r lJr. tx·nrf11 .... l'ull ,\· part rlnic:. · Lli;un:i 111115 a.rra. JK'rlTI f.,r I Building Materials 8025 '"11d Dana Point llll.\C an ,\.\.degree, 2·3 yrs niini.led, IJC):-illve, fun loving ; J-'a!-lunn J,1;11111 \l t:s1•·hl f Shot·~. N · B · rll{hl n1a n, ;14. ll:».::.121 . I I/'<..' BH M•1, .\!EU. DI~ 1hl & or purch;is1n~ exper. · &: Pf'Oplc. L·\ero.ss from o.C. ! :,300 /lylnn•I 1\1·r. 836-lSOS ~.+.i-.'ib.~I . :\Ir. Curf"('n _ \l'ELDEP.S 1 • Surplus Building «l11·i. Cnn11rlf.'n1<1I ~l'rvrr - C · 8 h I c o .n sidct·a b!~ . .rnC!Cllanical Airport) For lllOI'<' inro & ! Cosl:i ;\lc~:i . Calif, H2ti:?r. 1;11ual Oprivr Enl pl•,:•·r_ sfZJPPt:R ~IF.C1 1A:'>IC . .\lu-i [xPfOr. alun11nun1 ,t, nu~ '.11·\TEHL\L · HYlO's ~.I XE\\' l11i11p•, OI'<' 1·hr .. ,\· dt'-('01' la'" h-·' _,.,,.,, ,\n equal 0 PP Or I U 11 11 Y t I "I d r I I f r~ s s • \ \",.-.-xi, <iloun shf'C'hnro, mold· ap1strano eac I CipUtude. Thi5 IS a ne~·ty personul illfl'tvl\>. 833--809$.1 ------!00• fl l•t Clr1~s ;i.1 .... hanir 11 .:-ldcrs. All'Q, alun1 fUfl''r' ITE.\IS' l)otJrs, lum ucr, p:y. t!rrn~ h1 ~\ll1.'i ;,II :,f',\1 es ut1s ...... ,,...~ · SALl-.:S~tA:... E...:""r. f u r E:niplo.vcr !SECRETARY 5800 1 '•1)'1 ' t: 1"' ;_P1iy£.J<IU ... u~an,_::__, " lll:f1l.'t;1rr 11 .. n IJ1n•ttr ,,..., S J C • j I"' 111 .. 1 1lla111.rn. \\ n1c ;:l\'lllt: 1ni:. l'.'.ndn.,·s, Flc. 1 h an Uan apls rano PLUS PRODGCT:-1 :\IAnagen1t'll\ T 1·a in l'". :-;.upt'J"V. hnn p1Ylt""'"', . ,. \\l!O \\'ANTS TU \\'O l:K" BUILDERS SURPLUS ;itl q•. I 1· .. 1r.... "h l t e t.o I (' ~ 1· l'l'f•·rl'nccs, "'lll'nrn<'•' ORIVt: A CAB! 11;,ul.!li. l'.,111 111 r"k $12J. vnt> ur the natlv1~ lr.iding Sal11ry ... nk l<iu111-: SECRETARY .ti t~ Jlt'.' • · '11 tll\11'•'"' ~:ila"'"' C':... 11 ,. ,. 1 (' r1 l'l "'J!kJ ,.. \I s \ I 111anufac111re1-s of rood i;:ootl opportunily. t\J)!JIY 111 833-9770 * 100°/0 FREE . ., C/IO<)sr: your hou1-... 11 .. rJ.. -·' · .ur" · · •P•-1.rt.;.' CALL Mr Lowder . _.. 1 l l'l.c~..ifird .\d ,\n )';, ,. o !or 3 1.rur~lf. '"" ."our ,~.l • ~IQn r in1 .:A lU 3 -, 1,1. 1 -1~ • suppl1.'ll1''1ll~ hils 1usl nlO\'L"ll person un )" no Jl !Oil!' r·u.•h l't•l'!->un11rl ,\.:•·n• r l i.nl~· l'llO!. I' n p.,," 1 . .60, 714; :>Mi·!OlJ :,,11.111 '"t. iw . 492-4420 ! Jnto ;,i llc;iutiful ue1~ plant u11 1·:ills. ::.; .t· A SHOI-:S. J..:3 E. JninlMiate Ofll,!l1iflh for llll l 101~ \\"(·~tr·r!y. XI~. ,\n ~'1'1 l'u,lii :\ll'sa,C;i.l if 926:..'l.i bo5s. f'.len or "onll'll. Cnn ----J:1·d11•••! 1 h• ~t, 11 "c cl~ lr\•u\e, 1,th :;;r, Costa ;\le.;11 j irKlhuJual 1111,J !)'J,>eS QI, ~h l'lt':io.t• C•ill t'or IJ 11.,.1.riflnS bt"> slightly h<111dic11ppcrl STICKY IJIL\\\"ERS rAn t•: 1 .,.11111~1 1,no;, ~~·J. ,\fl 6, I ---STATIO:'\ Gnivl'yaJ'fl nt:an. Nl'al · Clean AJ1f'''"<•r:i11~f' n1adl" f·n~1cr !f1 u1 .. ·n hy lii"r?J il I l'IPai;e n1a1I yuur rc~u111e to :)&le.; I ~· t'n:in~-~ffi .. ~ a1ipea.rnn"" ..; F.("P.ET.\l!-Y, E-.;ct·ull\•~. ~;,.,l)('r prt'f1•1Tf'•I. O;iy ,\, Vli!i .. reliIT'l.I. A~e 2j to ;o 11ppl)u1i: raMlr 1\11" or !Uh'lp --- 1hl' alll'n11un or 1 he · FASHION :S<•l;tl')' $Jo.I. t:•oOll ~horchand .t· 1.1p1ni:. l'\'~, Full ,\: 11;1.1·1 t!m<'. Suppl<'rncnt ,\"our inl·on1e !•11 dra"•·r runnt'l'"· \\"hy llA.\I) \!:id•• Til• Tahir, J '•·r~nllt'I lJ1rei:tor . ul' )OU 1-C Toi p S<ila1)'. i\11111)' Pl'1',>1;11r 1\pply Shell :ili111on, lilh & Dnve a cal1 Ii hrs or n1ort' i ~lfJf<' ~•!l\l.'thin1: \r,u 11nri't 111• •1::nrd• 1:1 ninnd. :i Ill· Ne1riim•(K'r (':uT1cr;;; · DAILY PILOT has Routes Open ,\nd Be l te r S1l01'ts11 r:or. ur ,\pf t nitHu.:t r1f'I D"PI. 11 0.\0. I 1 1 B.1d1 J1••n l"ha1r.-.. SliJ. muyl't lt.,ele,phoo•,~e .. ,''1,'1y ai~ E"P"1·1.·11l'1'ri. S.·r"I ·l't'~u1111· 1 Caro Smitti \I t~~IOHIAL HO:~PIT.\J., ~r\n1("~'111lU'.'I &ao_·h_._ v~ri.,11· ~.~i~)~,, i~ll6 ~1~~ ~~;f1 u~:;;;,, ~'.li:i~~'1f1•1:1 1h,~1 1>1~-,;ti~1,,. b-l . ..-\\171, U.·~~ ,1· (;il"I~ 10 ~ 1-,,; & oldc>r ;i1.111 ca 1t11 " I 'll to Cl:1~1f1t'1l Ad ~o. 66, 64+5800 XciiJ)Qr! Ue!ft·h. ~ll'!1~.\T°'. $208 l1r -., ' '' ' ' . I Pl'•·~n. ntCr\'ieil appll ~·i ()ally Pi101. f'. o. Box 1.JGO, ,\\'CO f'in;.uu.:ial Srrvit'(' -l't.lllll""·.-.. 4.~11111 olally.,. S.11. !L, C<"r-\.i :.Tr!<:i "f'rill .fi.12-:75~.--_ SHHH! FURNITURE ()(' ka11•111Kl'<l in aoout 1 Cos1a l\leAA Cn. !r!li2G. Equu1 Op;>Ur. Eon iih.i)l'r. 1 SECURITY (':1 11 \Ii• Uii"k, Ri&-j...I~. Antiques BOOS Antiques 8005 AT WHOLESALE! San Clemente M r. Roberts 492-4420 I PLUS PRODUCTS s~u~rEiC:~t~~~.s-1 *SECRETARIES "1'10"',"'~~~1,c~~'~""t 11, r.-sw1Tc.H,~~~, O~R1·1 ~ ,1111~.'tfi't(1(1!~"Y1l1!·('Ji.(i[Mtli(Md.i.W!(i\U~ "''" '~~~.:.~:~ .. ~,-;,;:;:;, . l;Sl Kch·in, tr\'lne ,,p~f'I.\' ·ell\~ ~c. !ltuper1 1~1· 1 :.'.I.pt.I' rt"I t. v~' aHll u. a~· ~.· L\1\\ll)_.l Ul..t ... ____ B.1. ll • .I.I ~ RECEPTIONISTS 8 Ibo B Cl b ( ! h t ~~ Pc 110n-el : ~ \\' 'J. n1uh·h1nt! 1·l111 11;o; .t: r n•I NOTE CLERK 1 J usl f\;o. t•f Jan1 11J?rt>e The Tobacconist Inc. l * 1."•I 11. "c •t yll ",8 ~1:,•,t:.,.',r irs. · -r. n i?"> 111hl1·:. SI::'IJ ~·ll·:il\;I'!. Rd. & ~ rvn1t'l Huntington Center, 1-lB I :\f:u1,1-~:1;:;Ja1':i~~11lun1 ~· ·. o<1s \\")',. ~ . "a _;jbc;a Bey Club ~ ANTIQUE AUCTION §=. \\'e prnt:'ntly have a n opening in our Nott Depl .. l\lus1 be good \\·ith figun>s .".: like detail 11ork. P1'ior exper. helpful, but not -----------11 SALES SEC'Y&· Ue11t·h Arcfl t:t Tolt1 :->r. Bu~rl' Ttlf1u~. t•1 Sl4K l:!Jl \\. C('Ja~t ll110.<'1·~'ra.Rt'", ~-""-E~ RECEPTIONIST t NIGUEL Sr. P1vj<·rt ('t11'11H'f'r S\\'ITOIBO~\r.o--.--.,. :' REAL ESTATE 11eed«I at leading hOtel. <;all 1 Personnel Agency l r1olt1~ prO\I. 1lr>1rlnpn1rnt 1·l'~•·!"l·a1io11 l'lrrk, "\' e !! , ... ~ ll{'('l'S~. Pl!'a5<' Cont;1C·t GN>g i\'e11·lund Bank of America ~e11·port Centl'r Offi~ r ... ~hion l11l1uld Call S:~~ I'.,,",~ n oo, 1s' ~!nc,EI Sui~" llhl~nl:?:tvl', .• 1 ~1~~::!~~~~~ ~:; '"113;~;~~~;;1· ~,:,11:;~';;~~'·s~:., ;:;~ it~':,, ::,, ~;~·~.~; rf~;'.1 I ,,, .. , :,:.~. :·.:~!~::. ''" P.M. ~~~ ,. ., ,,~ . ,,.._,.. ____ .,...,..,,1:1\1·rbill'c'h11'11l Or .11~1111111 -r-: S•lurd•y Hltht: Aptll 17 th · 7:00 P.M. ' H<';1l'h ~·0111113111 Vnlley~ mt'n.o; relnll t'iot.hl.ng. full .• _ f" Pl " 1 I OS I ~ I I *SECRETARIES ·'P· ""'"· '"'"'· TEMP I I .. Let 11t1 !rain you. Call Phil pH.rl tine P"~lllons H\"';'1 · 1•lf>t·lro . mN•h11nir11t SOJ)('n I gi:: I :\/t' N'anwc, V J L !~A<:t: Iii Laguna .111115 !'t° Costa I •TYPISTS \l~1n1men. htndSt'll'' ~l:lt.t -1610 NS c 11 , llwd., An•h•lm, C•lif. ~ H.EJ\L EST;\TE. 963-<t:i67. ~lc~a klca!Jon. fo or Info. ·rop 171le of Jll'I)' ~ Sc ti l s·:,n 1 D I A J bl I (J"'' N~rt'h;t~ff ~h!'1t 1w1r1ld• (ti ) FrMW•Yl _ :J.15-61~ or 6-IG-1~2.~ NEV~:R A FEE l~;~':;j Se~~·. ap;,\,;,'~~i> ~;f.J 1 •1a 0 RECEPTIONl!=if ' 1)pisl ·1 SECRETARY Paid Vfleall<Jn!I ,\JP O l'rk, ('l'ln~t•• I•) '1),'~J • • • \\"r ha1f· \1<' 11 i'••t!Hn1~-.1·•n•il 1H lh111fdn1 " 11 1 - NURSERY hl'lper, nullure f~r law offit.'t' 111 l\11·~1 l.ocnl v.rll establi~ht."d finn I *HELPMATES ~«111 BkJq1r /A/P \<l ~,.i!1 1 aq('ll••n 1hr ''"ml'l••t•· ·'''"'k •)f "r.lb 1\111t1111" .... ~ nuile, plAnt in<11ntf'n1 u11'£', i•f'll c h. r ail bet 9 & a. !!t't.'k' !lf'Jf ~lru'lt'I' !}lit' S3.">-Slfi6 lIJOj ~=-lilh S! ~cn•!ary $.jij TE~IPO Ol/t'~ :.i rrul;,• unique ~ ol l l,,nn1·d C"11J1f IJ\\ll"r \, 1p11!fin.: lh•• :inu11111 .:;;..._ AOOll~ <lri\'ing. s2.:i0 Hr $-up. m310;. pt·r~in II /typing " ~h 11kUls . Suhc llj Santa Ana S('{'r1•!<1ry. S .. \. $1i2:i I J: time Sl.l\'lng uppon unlty l . bu~lnn~s .t· l'I• r-1n12: 111~ .. ttJI' in ( 1~11111 d ~.' l'l 11 Laguna llillt; ;\ursery. t.I ·Rt:C/Gen Off for ni('f' to \\l'lt'k roi• the pn.·~ (RI\ 1\tt·trn: !'eetf'tnry $ti5ll for 51dllcd.. . . . I n1to rchandl•" I.• IJl•lnl! 11111\••d 1<1 •1111· no·1\· l•1<'1t. Toro. 83()..5653. i'Otnpan)·, f/T, call 50 Rita John.!oOn, 3 40-6 1'1.)3, SECRETARY Aectn~ Ot~h ier s,·,20 KEYPUNCH 1 tion Ill ,\fltlh••lnl. (l\rr S121),(l('(u(J ln\rn!OI) NURSERY S t1le ~n1a n . Coli f. Opllclll, fol' a ppt , ~005(1\l PC't'l!Onnel i\l;l'llt')'. Lilt> Ml & OC'CUl'atc typln.:Cen'I o re Ti·n" .. S.150 ; SECRETARIES ~~1(1\:;;1,1~~~. ~f.~~'.:~\'.~~:~~ J1nllc1uc, mu~l I.>{· &xper. nettn. $3.j(I hr &. I ;i831>-~· i;io71iii;IX)ii0iiOiiOii0ii0iiOm nlO Ha rbor Blvd, C;\l '>'-ill litnrl ycxi this t :ou;ittnit Ca!.1 SJdo~11m1o1 StSl'O \\'¥ \\'llnl chgnitled & up. Laguna Hiiis NuNCr)\ I' SJ::CRE'TARY . Loo k in a job w/11 t>ll kno,,..•n l'O, Xl11'1 'N E wPoo RTn 1i..unula1iug lon1t ur lhCin A fo nt' Jrlf'rl1"n nr An El Toro. 831)-.16,i.'). REPRO TYPIST ((/(' i.h11rp a 11:i;r e&~ I \ t' Millf)' & g_N-nt bf'rK'fl t&. ttrm au1gnmf!n11 · few I turr 11f all ~ort' plu N l l Rs F.:-L \' N c l In l c JinniNliat~· top fll!i)'ing jObs. !>1..'t"J't'lary for p1.,..side11t of 1 Jason Best Agency Personnel Agency day,, couple ~·ttl.s nr fto~ ov1•r !\.000 11h.1~~v.11 rt' 9~.,i~tanr. Cc~ta ~lt'sa 111,.11, 1 \roric 11 day, 11 ~ e.ok or IOl'll fH!<t g r o ...,. in R niu~ic 17400 Hrookhurst. r . Vh . 833 Dover Or., N. B. I months -you dtcldt"! i\"o"'· an r1't'('llrnt ~··l1•rtior -C 11 ('nil IJ' Todny' COlnpar.y. PI u i h or.in:cs, SlJ!I! 2l3 96.J-b77;1 642-3870 vou n n . . . . ln2 jl'\1'\•lry &: blnnkl' 8·~"1 · ~lun·fri 11. tl•nn. " · 1nust h:1\-e nll bo s 1 cc.. I APPLY BY PHONE .._. !»1·1800. ' 979...«BI I ~ VllWING: All d•y frMl•y. S.tvrday NUR..C\E Aidt>!', flil shlf1,. 1 1( -· *Sec'ys Bookkupers l:n.ll 540-'4"50 & Let U! know I t;,; All put<h•••• mutt H p11lcl fot;, on ul1 nlto l<:xp 1)t'f'fd. Appl)• 466 ·G!-1 p Or SEC11'· PIT. tor l)'Pllli>':, llai-e I~ many 1 ll!<t Sr. Acctng Clk to $650 •·hn.t )'OU!' sk!ll1 are. Nv :: • l:J m t lUDw .. • k s;enera.l Offk'C! \O,'tl r k ' Ul Rtindtr'• A!(ency 1·2 'fni. "'"l'OUlltinJl l':<pf'r. I ne<'d I~ l.'tlme In ~rsonall)': WI.ST COAST AUCTION COMPANY r1~~~~~~:·G 1RLS I rt! ln'M• .. ,... !~;e ~~~,!~lt~o~ti ~Ml Birch St .. Suite 10.1 rt-t Paid '1!'-0 Fee Jobi ~~:1 ~~~the ju~I rithl 1.lt'l•n.C'd & Bond"<t NEEDED I 1·.J\£m. 1! (' \' C' t fl p i n I 0 r u 11 • Nt"WPOf't Beach 833·8190 C•ll Ann NE'IER A f'FF. AT Tr\TPO I Al"lrtlth~rli -Uq1Jld11.loN -Auction('l'Tg Di•I A Job ln.1190 Cal-\l'ettt>i r' • . ., Radio tt:lt>phone di!'lp.itcn \ lime po1l1ion. s.11-162'l. N Ch T y Employmt>nt Ali:l"llC:)' 1 empo Tempor•ry Help (714) 62MS16 + (714 ) "2·11M ~lust tM' :$. ablt' to drlve RETIR£0 tuUot fm' part SECT\'· 1 Girl office. S-150. O •rge O OU 16.11 N Br1slol St . ___, Apph' ln Pt-nt0n 1!n1e "1'rk h~ll't' fl l Kini;~ to sm. No Shlhd, lift' ESl.'lhJllhtd 1965 l.inc."Oln C)a;vlnp & Loen Bldg. I The f1stesl drav.• In ihe \\.'c,t. YELLOW CAB CD. I for Men, ,t;.<1'2 or T>~lnz. Nd >0 l•dy bl•n lS C H•ll1ed Ad! Call 6'2-S618 Sont> AM '"-3113 · • · • O.tly Pilot 0...tfM'<I ~'lJ'JJ\l'J'JIJ'P'.IIDPPPP?. 1~ £. 161 1\, CtMin :-.tai u1&-12 a.. • n yt'll. old. SJ0-'7fi0 1oday1 Ad. c11 11 W 167S. 77Jiftff rrrrrrrrrr rr r r 1 f,qUal Oppor. En1ploy1•r \ I • \1.\.\Tr;11 • cs1-;1i Hr:rc,\s ti ~·I~ l'Jtd t1 IJ)\'E:'~.AT 8· wr:1 rnstom 111;1di' • 11'1")' l.!d qua1, ~ver 11,111, 11~1Jy hin. f.16~-'i910 ;-.~:V t.I~ L'~t.U \1 e I v rt IJ1\1'!!l'1:1! $.J.•J t'h,11r $17.1. fl1 n1·ttt• ""' .S:l ~11. 6i~·~!111'. IJ!:'\ETit: ~· 1•/ti r·lu"'-$.JO., ''IU• h .~· 101 r "('!I I 5-.i'J , II<'" ;;oltl !thi; "''Pt ~Ji;j. S12-i24!l. l\t'.~\\l)l:E 11;1~h•1' ~~0 . \\ •1 k1 r h";1•ll~>.111I k111Jl: ~II.•' ~llJ !~1:i-1 1:.~J J!,\'r l'A.\ hn •. ti-~hd n.1n'lil 11000 1vp 11 JI )'('lk>\\ nitu.i.; .. iu•)l' $1:!;j, ~l6.'i-6.'.~l Fl~. PROV .IJbl 1-;;.1-:-1.1.~ ttJY,:, n111 11. I>l t. l>f>sk. Sl\ Yarn bo'oll, $10, tle. 6-l.)..6Ji g ll'Xti' GOLi) J.f\ag carpet, 2 fll'. Blk Jl<!C'linnal , Green ON'Jl~ rhair. j.19--0012 ~··-::.;p,\r-;1 ~11-s cfFA. Olt Ai."\GI:: A.1"\D GOLD SIJO. I CAI.I. 51~278 ~ DAB-01" l'ET'ROLl::U?.1 SA\'E TIIOSt: APP l.t.:: PE~.:J.tt\GS nnd boll In Al urninun1 pon!I 11nd pot~ Thty ,,.. ill bt1J[h1t n ltM· condition. lla\'f" an)thl'-10 nw.lal 10 a "Uk~new" M':ll· 1J.JIC • Dlllly 'Pl!~ 1i.1•~i"rtt Art Call 6U-56i8., Wtd nttday, April 24, 1q74 PILOT·AOVE RTISER 20 _ OAJL Y lffLOT 1 .tdntsda~, Aprlt 24, 191-, ., p 9040 torcycl•t / I TrUcks "'° ~=,;:,:,.;.:::::. _ _,IO°"'"''F"u::r::nlilt"u-;ro::-:.'-"-:::'-';IOSO Ml1C';11an1ous 8080 I Mlscellaneous 8080 Pi1no1 i Organs I090 Tv • Radlo, Hl'FI St , 80911 Bo.ts, ower Scoot1r1 9150 1~4 CHEV\' •, Ton 6 <'YI All~101Rf~. Spnnl~h 11)'lt'. I\ n. o TH E R · s Sew ln i:: CLOSE OUT SCRAM LETS • PIANOS I z~vir 1;1,.~~-~4!-1~:= 1:ro:';;,u~ct':t ~:1:i ~:'• l ;i ·.oo nttU~IPll DoylOflA. ,.i.lt:k, 6' b:d, "111'°· ti\')'~' dk v.'Wd '"'/cal'Yed fml 1111u:hlne. Doe.1 f'Vl•rythlng, 3 ESTATE SALE • • ORGANS / piiN:'tl to t"lf'ar. All l.lYl1ll. .dln}t.hy 962--1003 ""SO I ~ :." :;;.t~~~1'flf:· ~~~ _;;:~;:.76.good cond. ~· ~.. orpn, n a Id w l n mos old . $100. l\fod. 6' CIOck :l l.oul:" phll l<wtn 1V1.kt·N. :! ANSWERS R I f $5 rt\jJduls in !>lock & on Boats, Rent/Char. "' IJrU!ah tlag paillt job. 'G'I CJlf.\'1. Cuii"}'till. 6 Ph' Orv11&0nlC', '•\'h. \\' I a ti I d ~~h~2~· Conunod• T\';s. bl1tt•k/\\hl1t· ~one l!> enta s r tlispl11y. 3 yr plct~ lube, l I G~ a.fl 6pn1. IM.'~' Ill'(',, 2 ~as 1.1t11ks. fftt• F1tneh lll)'le W .. 4 bkrt11:t rnrt11hlf', one laf¥'l' Co1nW1,,. vr 111,1rts & 1!1'1"Vlc:e. C.sh 90 12' SE\\' CluU.Cr11r1 I DU"'TI iur. ~·ai)" 1111 h11ch, ruu chftlrt, yellow I{'" I h t' r Garage s.1. IOS5 Llc)\1111(' lM·fl, l'()lllpll!tl'. Lie I Cb1n111:r -llundy -fcn1u1 n..,_ NI ht• 'tll 9 (ir ll'rll!'I lo ?.6 11'10. ABC Jo'l)·B1'kll(f' Sµut1 ··l~h!!l'lrlUn. \.JO I er lli'"6321 uwrn w/curvrd bk. S15. ea., .:.;;.;.;:.e;;.;.;;;:.;;;_ __ ...:;;.:;: 1ull l"t.\\.;y 11'.'ll. n1IM' .• u~JK'i. _ Jn \11._,. _ NEEOLE -,,.-n , 9 Col()r 1'V I~ Druokhur~t P\u,.h. fo"ull t'lt'Ct1u1i1·11, f.ul1 z::.o r ar.:Wrv N:rnn1hll'r. 1io1~ ...._ · r · Spanish style 111: hu»gln{C 10 SPEED 1Pliri5' Sport.11 & •~Ook\111r••. r:1 Bn 11~1h\11y, (Jut· th lrii.: al•iul iu•upurw Sit: tll 5:30, Sun. 12.5 ,, .. ~I Alhu1ti. Jhuit'.\r\\(IQn "ftllC')'. sllO\\'l'I'. t'I('. 1'<i1 \Vll h eXtni p;1rl.11. 11•)67 F:I. CA~llNO \.S, 4 apd la1111}o\\ ·~hi Iron W/rcd Hl kCI, ll('\V l;Ond, fk>e:t olft'J' ('<111111 ~li '~ll, 1 hur~/}> n l I IUl 't' fl IJ I' I' al i (I ti ~. lht•.) d l~&t:h. ~3329 tir 90~ (>h;aJ1('f by dny or "('flk ti Is;& ~lS-1 1~1 p/brka. pl~. n/r, IJ\lgl, velvet · a:hRde S25., mud. u\/1:r SUXJ. 10 si:.ee<I c·rn-l'.\l '1il.1. i:i:~:! f'lt.t:n1.f.: )"u unUI ~uu r~•> *Pianos & G r an s* Sitt.:rt\\'000 S-8900 •·?.1 un1p, people nu1x. Fish, cruUiol 110~·fi17~--0:-1f'~~ I xlnl ru~r. good il!ll hanglni: Jcan1p 3 1~ ft tall W . lurlan, new cond. Bc!!t offf'r ----11 ... t.itl . lil1l11\1·ln • Ct•blc · Chicker111i.: 1.10 Jl i\fS wal!J "''/"·ood cab. twkhdl, t'lc. 6-J.).ml d!lys. lh~n um · mill'li, fl!'rff'C:I _mil~ 6 ."':1c<_"~'·--=~I :.u-39U'1 O\~r S90. J loW1k1t tiupcr r!'l I / I BUY!! · Fi'!<!ht•1· · Ka1<1tl • !o:ln ilw:ill SJOO. fju111t boua:ht. musl 962.2301 evenln.1c.11..-.·ee.kt'1wl11. i-orut $t:.O. vr bl<il oUer. Autos Winted 9590 aood ron.I. nl."Yrr rut+d, < BARTLETT . l\111111<:•. 1'!«Mn 8.· 1/11111'111 ·1 llt'll . 61ill under Y.'!U'Tf Boats, Sall 9060 "ll·nl.J -E h• M )~1/ofrt•r. 2 old 011"" OO r· CM, USC\.! l1Jrnl!u1•·1 1 • FLOOR COVERING ~1t1.":ct·1t • ~hmi•r · Sh~ln· Plonee.r PLl20 '1un1t.'\ble, _•_ ~ ni ,. 00 veryt 1n9 ust l't·l~ frnrn Gn:'i,.•(:e $8 & Sia. Ul)1Jll'11l• l':C nr 1dll ~1·! HI' ~·uu I 788 w. 19th St, C.M. 11ny Sl1iry & Clnrk. \\'lnh•r 1· Empil'e cal1rirtjl'~ s I 2 0 . TfL\DITtONAL 14 fl , &·a '1'l Z\OIITO~ Cul\,,··· A: I CADILLACS Go By Patio lltbll' wroughr ll'OJ! MASTERS AUCTION Quiili!y t·Ut:lfilil floor t·oi•f'r •. \\'u~l~!.ll't' · Y11111ah;1 _ _ l.)ulby AN oo soo. N'-'"ltr J\h'I\' Sloop, Cuff rJ&Jit-d. Jntentate 10\I' n1 L"ll, oe"" . Ch I boCIOtl'\ $8. Ladlelf t•lnlhinJ!; 646-8686 or 83)..9625 i.Jh:. Fr.111urul~ i\'11(~'(1 \'ln)I ·'I'll' s11111CIJI fr ........ ~~ UM~. 6&-ZM2. .~trRl111. 5,Tl.7978 until 4 pn1: oondiHon, $1 100 9W-2961i largest s.1,ect1on Friday .. eap. sb.e a.7 new rond. CrnlhL· uft 6 111· f;..::-ifloy, I A: ;\hu~1:h1TC11l ('U l'JJCL Gu.1r. Us.'ll f\'Q1.~1 · ·• · · ·• •· · · · l.1;1 7.E:NJTl£~1 t·;..1S li:;;-'(\ Qr ~174:::. a lt 6 p111. Al\lt:i<. r::.ag1Z-d1r1, 1::.t I In Orange ounty s111df0 <'f)11t·h r'lw11, SIS: 2 1uen tool box S3.50. Se1 <iJ 8:1~097~ · ~1;,.3050 • ~1 1ti;.fi3·1!! ·111.~1:1llnliQn & 1>e1'fflr111l1n1;1"G l'lttYf'1r5 .. ·" · ·" •· • ~I Sy,:li•ni "'ilh et r u c 11 la 1· 33. COA.~Of:S-SlouP." 7.NDAP cna .. new IQfi,:.,!JOt• OJui)\' .[k'\'ille11 • ~1lunci)I'· ,.nd t:i.hlt•!!.. h111t•k .t: "'hill', bar bt>ll1 ,11,i weigh1s SS. Sitt. tr GOLF BAGSIS-;-Clubs j <1v1•r 30 yl'll. t'Jq 1. ranc>< G ... N •. 5...... J ~ilf'iikrrs :t 11pePCI ret'Or!I No. 32 .. 2 M·I• of s;•il!I, soni(• tom, ll'Ulll. $.12.l. titi.-IQQJ \'tlte!< · t:I Uora<lo6 -on- AU in ~nod l'OIW/lli<>n. CaU 11), Onna Polnl, I blk U(l 6eA.ilf'r sw.' i. u d .: 1· r' I Call 6<1(' .. 14·12 H1!ldl\'i.n. c;onn • 1ta111mnnd • ~fanrt. Absolute f'S:CT!il<inl 6ra--092-I &fl :.a & \\kl'Mill. cond, '!Jcry low inlles. Call "t'IN:t Cadllllll' Tredf·lnit. S:!. c11, 1·nhlnt•t. 7' hi1:h, $15: & Sun 8-5. :wll2 El Encan· F.ll'{' /lair Sc.1 'ni·~ th'. FREE ESTIMATES *OR A * ~h1tnscr ~nd port11ble Z••ni1h ··i'uli.lni,: ge:ar. .72 KAWASAKI /Jlkc. Xlnr \ ,1•11ib1M1. Al50 ninny olht"t 67'.l-l:'.&I alt ~pm . l.rom J>CJJ, 493-2570. . ' 1,1 0 I ' -~ --h'.11\\11t • Khnhall • l.J>\\'n:y • ~'Or'ltltlkln sr.). ~-Kl. ~ ~·-,.~··""'°" ~ ~ -l"t'Qj,&:m, u~ts'. Ul·t·~/ ORIENTAL RUGS /{od!,:ct·:c • Thonuu;. ·::1111• 26' South Coo~ K001:k nlJ'JU! ,..,,,....6."'"· ~ ua-~;-~a' TOO ~1UCll STITT·~·-MUST 1\11\JOR ap 11ll.an c e 1, '-~urn. l~·:i; 1 ,s,u.~an1,. ·lhlb s 11111u. ,\fl. •I rim, li73·~..! oha _ \\'utlltzt'r. 19'' Portable TV, Good sailer lot&H' <'<x:kpil ·i;6 1-1QN~S1rul.irht-tlirt I ..cw "" ~EI J.! 1.a,1son ~tf!l, 81 ~· houscwarel!i, br1c-a·brac, ...,_J;.:p1•1J, ~11n ~ s, 11 . --~6,.,,1 0 ,. 11 ~.11 SIOO 111w.ce. ··~-··' L~·ndltwn. s1:;o. C1tl/1 == ...... ..... I~" c11shi.1n. 0;1k r1•n1n<-. ph1111s, dcoornlor ltt·m~. [')qv• nni;" lrvirv" rl'."1:!·19:!7. Misc. Wantttd -I• 1L!1"1 ·:··.,··········· '".:'I 51~ $900 •• &M:>-;ooQ ;: s..\'7-.Jta7. 1 ,..___.,_ ..... , ~., ... --~. s1·H siso ..... ~-81-·~. Thu•~· ~'ri· s1.1r --~---t..•1\1'l'} Splrut ........ $195 , ____ -----_ _ _ v•.. *""" .,,.., ""' l'OOL 1111n111, ~·i11"~ \/<Mh·l \\',\,Nl.EI> 10 ""' ti!der •:uns. \\'ur/!lit•r Si•int•I, nl'11 •. Sl!l'J I 2:1" 1-..>lor T\' Sl15. llOD IE l\j. }ello\\/1\'hit•'. I HO-N00-750-, 71-::;-/xtras 1 llt•rt•ulon L1phll' Oiair. S35. on1" 9-4 I I • ~•29•3 •t•• ,., i II Cl•• - ..:11.'.\"' 1.an1p. ~10. C'u!·glap ~. 1'"277 1' 11 asti•' P 1 11 ,. "· 1~J,•;isc l'l\IJ * WIN FREE * -,.,.r ., r\o ... "'" ~1 IX' btl i;, "· $l l50. 615-2!.197 olt. 6 TOP DOLLAR PAID ., .. SAT & SUN · h1apll' rtrn. \\'p~l i 111 .. ·!~1u<;•' ~· l 1 ·~~~1 r'" 5\ll-9617 ORGAN LESSONS 90lO G-IOpm, 519-l 8·1.c4~. __ _ Th! 1"'11\jl, s:t· •. JH·lu:1: A-O.r· 1\ntlque \\'llltl' ~rotnn, 11\0lor !~ hp 11.i /\C·:>.2, IA. I --. I General 2.l' TRfJ\fRIA.~. Xln t oon<i". Motor Homts, IMMEOIATEL y B·Q, $:ti. Unril.'r11'C11')ll Elflr. lunnica \\•olnu~ !'Off;<-, & •:nd S~ ... ~~··~11~ 1;v11c1v1·11<'r l :•.hl~ Musical In strum t \ 8083 FLILLERTON MUSIC l'.\" BOSTON \\'hnlrr. 40 hlJ ( Come con1pletr \\•/trailer, Sale/ R4nt 9160 l''OR ,\LL f'OREIG~ CARS !~l~"Tlter, $7j i:,i\--IOW. th! .. & l>~~ftT lrtb, ttc. 23.llll ~· 1(1}-frll~ ,,ft 7P:\1 or Sal , F E:-<OER l~l9l l:.ul'llil. Fou11ll'in \'11!/t')' rlre Johnson sg;i0. or besl / !1900. or offer. 6'6-1414 Call or conll' ~n to aee u1. -L>ur}_," 11 ·_'._ ~m _._n. . . / l;,....,\ Jazl Ma i.h•r & C<.L~ 557-4836 Offl'r. ~2'2 d a Y s · \VANTF.D Dinghy, rlhef'i'.1111>!1 191'3 27' \V I N N ~: 13 ,\ G 0 • 6' STF.RF.O. rnrniA I Pnr(' ~l('!Sa Ve rde Nor l h · Jo: o 11 1 e c_:,\nlr-;hTS. f()~ )\\t,•lu•n &-$12,,'i & Ne\\' TELF:CASTEf: !1:! 1'.. lliirhor. ~\llll"rtun f.734i7:\8 eve<;. 6 or 7 fl .. in good c."Ondl!lon niolorhonll', J111s: t'\'l'r;.•lhlni,:. Chin.'.\. $100. Ord Jlhon{', $2:"1. ~·luh!I, h111r U.~·ycr, hi nJ i·~i;,:c, Hall~. LI n r I ·~ I~ h ~ •l nr ' ~200. ,1m:;..J,'1~r1 871-1805 9' G-L-ASP-AR DINGHY & rea.o;onahle. 4934j97j, H.ct1.1. l'u!cs. 9G:l-4Zl87. 2·Bk·C'Mt'~. Sf.().••a, I Pc Ki,: klll'hen e11• l'llS Calif i't. p1'C,f1nl~lli'<l. <.u11i1h•1 1<1p.~ ----- ---·-------~IOTOR 1:onie for rt'nl. ~ I BIR st•!. 1~.'.'L Old !I pc ll~n , ' G·· n SALi: d 1 , HI ,, 0 . 11 .A ll 11 .J<: '.\' f1HG~'\·dt>I ~ k1•)'hrll B<ild111t1 Sewing-Machines 8093 \ S-15. ~7~1028 _ MJ FT. Kelch. 9Y,c Cotnplete, Re\·""n·Tho Roll!I Rn'-""' of Rm Sc>! l: Bufff'I. $~.JO. 100-I ~TIO ~Ii.: JU~. Ill>: ~:~TERl'RJSE'> .. ~l:'i \\, lll'~Ollllllll'. 11h. "'i..-ultl. i -·-;s--9020 Slc2.500 Or bes-t oUer ..... ~ .. - 1 "--. llf'ni.~ . .t: miJor rollf'<'lor Clo~t'l'i, 11lant.•, ~'?'"1 hlk~. 1,,1 St , ·o~ta ~ll',.;1. ti 12.2s.i2 I rrcni·h 1'1\11·. Like r11f11. Ph; CON1>F\\' ~,1 lll'f'•llt· pu.,.~·r . Boats, Ma1nt tr· Fol"' dctal!s call 646-11792 nKitor t,o,111~. 962.-?Jll. ,.,,... 1t1rn t~ 1n1sc . .JJ7-7000 ' '· · '-..:...!. · --,-.,,.,,, ' · ' · . .. I -· -1t••rns. Dt.·,k. S~'O. \Vine·ra('k. '------------;--.t ·">-·""'' -· n1at"hlnc f.· lun, r.tll!lcl :l:lO. · · G LA f.i S BOAT Boats 5,..e(f & Ski 9080 ., $20. Rug,, Lampi<, Pictu res, TEHltlF"I hot11e plant M lt • •,s A L ~: r r. Rs I f\ NI OfC.-Furn. ,-Equip. aOaS s'.!:ll, !ii'.1-;,.•{\S I lo I ~ER . . I r' J[ c;, I i;itc. Jryinfl 5j2-1927 Inside ·& Outside pt11nt.~ ·~ .l{U~S•tr -~.------l~t:.:PAIR, in/out of ~·ater. ELECTRIC POP.TABL F. Alltoi tws.i. -,..Iced 4!J.1-4752 Akha,\'1 Onc111.a! Hul(S EXEC.' ,.,.\'l i·hrs S15/2!i. Dlul Sporting Goods 8094 / fiil-21!J.1 T>• "' •· r ,· 1,, r "n uM:?d. • DF:CORATOR'S Home many SI• N I Cl t Bh·<l ftll."" ' " 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiim ' I.Md 1\-orfrl pLet.'fl'. Oa k H I060 ., · ;.a ~~: I SI J up, Sct·y chr:c Sii 2-1 Boal s, Power --,-.-u1l'rifi1'f.'. SIOO. • 2 I::: • I NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \\'. Q.iastJlwy., N.B. 642-HOS \re pay IOJJ prlt•c in c-iuh for )'uur 1·h•;1n U'll'tl can &: trucks . rvlllop clrsk. French kitchen orses 12l:s'·I 6,,;9-i<ISO P1rl'l"t.' li'i7 \\' 19, c.·~1. Ht..:Gi".1{ • n1"d"I No. 10.,12. 22 596-1993 Auto Ser. & Part1 MOO hutch. lenlhf'r t~hah· ,t, '·~ QUAR. 12 Thorohml. 16 ST'R INt: SPECIAL 1 ~ nrr ti l:!·3 !0l'I. r ;;I. . ..:..-1111·11u to. rif!r. Hfl l;u·y Jt t:lJUC ~:u for imnied imle~ ~J 20, t'OR~l ULJ\ 011 t;;nd-;::;; 1 "'liu·Ar1 hur ancl .Jan1botee ottoman. Ne11· !J' pttlow hu nds. goo-I t'OnlornHl!ion, nor1n11I price on ~1ea1n Pets 8087 r li1'. Con11•<; w/3 elips & :.o 17 . Classic 1101,.,.r ira\lcr. Used on ly 10 hr~. CllLV\"{.0 BRAN O spenkint; i\c11·,~0zach Howard Chevralet ticking couch & . n1ntchlng ~n·cl \\'/flaxen mane &: C'lf'anlng you r ca I' Pe 1 rounds o[ an11110. S 4 0 · Lh•t·:iUoord. Oil'M'I l u c I i\lusl sell. Pri pty. ~lil. lk'11· complete small \'.S -" patt·h"'·ork pillo1\'S, 1able11<. tail. S450. 644--0969. ~16-:..74Zi. *Security Pet Prod* li-l:>-2::1:.!:______ __ uiiilt'•., auto pi lu•. grn. i>tl·. motors. t'ils all Ch<'Vys. \r t: WY cJ-ta:, f!lC., 6Ta--ti666 \vF.!-.'TERN Saddle, Exl'ellent REt". $4~1. f)ryt>r $10. \'\V bus II Hl>t•f .'!2(· lb. Cott . C'h. 2/c lh. i.:o .--...:u;ilOL roki~ • :'l)j (;\!. r.1u1t 1'0nd. s~.ooo. 6.\4-8Z"J7 ~~~i[~livcrt'd hw . 12is1 I.'llPORTLD AUTOS STUDIO couch $20. Large l'Olld!tion. $150. ~('tll S, ft>f't>. V\V v.•hls ~!. Qn. n.11.1 .. .'s s2.:ia. IO/lno1'(• $~. 1uark•'I', !ilrnlini.:s. i.:0 o.d ('\.<.'ii & wkntls,!2131692-1.'lll I ll•l BEST PRICES PAIOI ldiunrr. ,.ornPr n11.1ple table 552..{)800 ~7. bed, !l't"e, 2'28 "A" O~lc J.li-~117 141~ E. Wilshirl· !'A i<harc. ST.. or 0Ue1·. C11ll liill \1kdays I\ tQ -1 I TrantpOrtatl• . Rte Vehicl" 9530 Dean Lewis Imports $43. 6 & II drawer dres~r •I Yr Old. ARAB-APPL Can C;\J 6~ Pian(;$& Organs 8090 ~2621 --CllAHACTi-1{. lioi\1 , :JI' .r an-\\"ILL BUY YOUR R.ECRf'· 11.fiti Hi:.rbor. C . .'11. 646.930:'.! $20. Double maple l'Ol"kCl· bl' seen U.C.J. Sla bles. 9 X 12 Cok'man Tl'nl. STJ. DIVING f'l'ar . mull! i.ell. uul l\lontct't'y \\' ~yl)ndgt.·, 1 C•mpers S•l1/ ATIONAL VE lt lCLt: 1'A1 i1 c,\Sll FOR s,'!5. 3 CRpto.in& chlars iro. 64~ eves s p.m. il"XS t" \Vhlte. p I ea 1 r~<l , .. rLAYF:lt PIA'10S Call 642·2191 / .'lh•n:t'<les .Bf'n~ dt~llel, en· Rent ' 9120 FOB. or. NOT. CALL l:S YOU P. Ci\R .!a.ch. a4!'>-2065 1 Jewelry 8070 i::~ecor drapene11• $ 3..,. Nf.\V & .USED, ROL~5., , -; , r·lus('d r<'.al •deck, S6.500, 111! t'OR BF:S .~ PRJCf:. OPF;N 540- 7070 LUCF. new, trundle bed 8.17-9-112 Dav(' Dup1c..-c. 2!ll0 D G1acr TV, Radio, H1F1 St. 8098 j G prn. 96.:•\5-17. I . I P.O:\D ll UN T 1 NG TON "·/bolste~. Blk me ta I INDIAN jet.l·ell')'. Bought IS ft fiat bottom, 45-1 aievy, Ltu1'-' Cosln l\lcsa ':jG· l)bl Cabin IJ!I l'tuiser. ·7 1 8' .'\LASKA.1.~ ~·1bcrvhw, 5.,:\ci{ wC1 Be h Bl ·d AUTOS IMPORTED brk1st set. s18.1e finish !SOid. traded. Turqouise cab!! TR 2·X Edelbrock, 11.ltl'!I. Pl<IVA1'E PAHT\' \\'Al"l'S LI KE !"t:\V! St.•ur's 11 inch I VllF. Dt', i;oun~{'r" ~w g_.&llO Vol~ Re~grt.~~~~!: R4i:25tH.' uc ' "I General 97 o 1 fonnin top. $75 ea . fo1· t·r11flsn1an. 2172 S.E. Pu11,..<?0n head('rs, S.1c.riflrl'~ TO HUY 1-'IANO Jo-on lt!ack :i.nd "'hilc TV 11:ith hu!d'g tank·head !:.ng ~ JUSI . en ron~ .. · ... 18 · 1 _ . Eptteil!d' w/odomt>lf'r & lll'istol, S.i\. J,h: 919-534 1. c ASn . 5'17·9·145 A~l/t'~I stl'l'N, 111 u 6 i c n·hl1. Ju~t lnuilcLI & pa1n1l'f l. .'..'..'.~at iack. o-t7-29-GAS. TANKS rr11da tll'd .o) 1---------- spee<knncter, $50. 961-2062 Ma,.hiMry 8078 \V 1 C , r l' I' l' r 1; i b 1 <· iia.:r ~TO 8090 alurrn and n1 a t l' h i n i;: S17',!\00 • • ti46-900l 6' CAB-OVER CA~IPl::R t;cl ~~a,1c11;\\'l\y. T11.1clui, ltnpo1 ts. MOVING. s A c RI r I c E .. ienos rgans _ Jl0t111hlf' stnrid S)I(}. 642440 'iJ· Sl!n Craft Sr>rt ~·~iohl'r , cond. Fits any a:m ~ruck, 858 \\ · 18th, C.~1. I FURN ITURE SALE-Marble 2-1" ROTARY Sit on ?.Jo\-\·er, ~'¥lr.~J66 C:1~~s ~·~t~ ~IUN'TZ 4 & S track. Jlon1f', 19i4. 135 HP Evtn.rudf'. Dats~~c~. ~8-~ . Sports, Race, Rodi 9540 oof tbl, lrg & sml deskl & 3 1pd, $200 eve. CONT I N U OU S FREE rape player, ust'cl 1'<'11-'. very Trullrr. E\t.'11' nva1 luble G!I \'\V pop.\op can1pe1', cti!Un , wooden tablca, stereo 642.-1395 afr 5 l!i" COL TV, nioct f'OUt·h. OHGAN CL.\SSE.c; t'OR l11tlc, likt• new, plu!I Z1 ""tra! 6 -MJ.91Dl SISOO. or Best otter ~117-4;,-i:: Formula Vee Ht/Fl, twin bed, hkrfsl 1et, Miicellaneous 80i0 rnn lching chair & drp8. XI. ADUl:I'S. Every Tuesday -~i.. all for $,1((). 962-7689 $6:00 * * Motorcyclei/ ne11dy to ritt-c. patio fum . etc. r~ or 9 7:30p1n .. St~rl any 1\·cck. Al)'.\fl f{,\l. 1~1ror TV, 25" ·69 11' BOSTON \\'haler. ne"'· S t 9150 <;ooc1 ~'01npe1itlv'-' c11r. EU RAUTO EVES 644-8879. I cond. $:Z4.i. 536-(JIJ I Totn D1c1cnch In charge. modl"I ('Ortsol. Nl."W lulx-9 &: Al°Oid HY ~ prirc increa.-w on -~'=00:::~·~"::_ ___ ;,_;_;o.; \\'ith l'Xt ra!t. --. $1350 THE BLU1'TS, M 8 ~ 11 v x PORT~BLE TYPE\VR_ITER. 9x l2 ~n nylon btr.nd 1in::; Co11s1 ~1u!!lc Cosla l\tesa. hi' st'C'tion 111/l yr gu11.1T. the new dclil'l'J)', $200 llODi\KA IOOCC Tr-..ill h!kl'. ~g.1487 sttrro. W<l ca b., Si:>. 11' xlnt hke2L~~~l $4;.i, ~~d·,,~ ~nd. $3:i. Nc"·r)()rl ~~~·!:;101 Jlarbor. ~200. Pll: 5.19-1789 . suvlngs, &1;,..~9 S195. Trucks 9560 i 67 3.4550 EUROPE IN YOUR AUTO New Bechtpreads, lull & kg BUNK Beds $50. 31" bicycle ?.tARCl lANT Culculotor,S.'iO. --·-------& /\'J Vt·nturi spk-rll 1974 Clru!llic, 1l('('ds \.\"Orie, lirst ·r.~ YAJ\.fAllA 350, RD. 6000 '69: t'OHD Aulo. Nfl•i· ulility ... ,,Mft.W .. «y C)u'ved Sofa, $1~. L.ampg & • • R P · KH ~21;o l\C n1''oo<l 1°1'.'CCiv<'r. 32· Roberts No r ~· e g I a n After 5pn1. 968--0479. I sz. &: Palnllng!!i, A·l cond. Sl5. &'OOler S5. l\Jini bil·e Trade/ele('tric IYP""T.lll'r GULBRANSEN Spi~e~ Piaoo, n10olo~. 2 mos <lid .. S:::..O. S2.IXXI or off{'r , 0 \\' n er mi. lmnlllt' cond. ,d. •'ii~ f:t!rv\ce body Pl'rf. concl ••r ~ <• .... ~ -condition $95. 19!J-3969. or mop tools. !>!S-9SJ2. 540-2652 & 64.ro<11074 G46/00!i7. C.f<.1. a1-c11.. 49\.-3223 m•·le•••. ·~. °'1·121•. • • 1 ' -~- <l'IT"I""" _ -....,, o#'J""1 "'.I $2500. 642--05.18 I foc:tory prict • t.ctory wWT8ftty Hind• 9727 'Honda 9n7 Honda 9727 Honda 9n7 COLOR TV. RCA con!lOlc, J ~7 1FANTASY11·. Ol\IC Jl'I, \\°ANTED '74 1-londa Jj(I, :100 1965 (.1-IEV. delivery trk, 6 .... ..._ ........ tti-sy i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~---···· I \Vk. old pict. rutx'. full 1 )T. ~.\:1h11. SIOOO e<1ui1y, TOP. nr -GO. 'f'rndt-fl)r 69 J avelin cyl, stick. New brlts & 1 -... J.:Uflran l~'. $200. E v'-'l 'Iii 9, &12-G062 d<1y11:, 6'12-3324 eYC11 in excl roncl. 64j...44!3 pni t1hockll. S600 or ofr. 6T.r764G c1tync Over 29-M.P·G. JUOGEO HY THE ENVIRONMENTAi PROTECTION AGENCY TEST DRIVE YOURS TODAY WE ARE ORANGE COUNTY HEADQUARTERS FOR HONDA SALES-SERVICE PARTS UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE •HONDA • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540 -9640 • ' J, I ti-16-l!IOJ In ·--" 50 GAL. Alum um gas Ul/l1', '72 SU"£UKI' ra0 c c ' 'i:t CllEV'' LUV BAY UDO BLDG. Ill.CA Color TV. Bl'aut pil·run• /\!<fl<'\\'. $50. Superior st. mac hi n c J\la.:s. Air Condi1innin.'! !.: . 1·nblnct. 13" Console 64!'>-8-195 custon1 cxrr:is, 8:f9-0.14U Xh11 ConJ!tion 49'l-~!l6:i 1700 Hewport Bl .. d itl02 1uo<lc1 SWO, 552-8292 I Autos, N•w 9800 Autos, New 9800 I Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 98001 Autos, New 9800 NEYER A BETTER TIME! There probably will never be a better time to buy a Brand New Car than Now, nor a better place than JOHNSON & SON . We · have over 150 Brand New Lincolns-Mercurys-Capris-Wagons-Cougars to choose from and frankly we don 't want to stock nearly that many, so we 're offering some very substantial discounts on them plus ... OUR NEED FOR TRADE-INS IS THE GREATEST IN OVER 6 MONTHS We couldn 't say that 3 weeks ago but all of a sudden the trade-in values have risen . We 're _sold almost to the back wall s and we 're stretching on almost every car big or small . YOUR TRADE-IN IS WORTH MORE NOW!!! SATURDAY SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS OPfN SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P .M. Mf l<CURY CA Pill 2626 Harbor Blvd. of Cars Costa Mesct 540-5630 ' • 2 f PllO 1 ·AOVEH I IStR \-vtOn<\d<iJ, Apul 24, 197.i '1 1~1 A1. 1 OAIL Y PILOT .';i 9901 GeMra I---,9"7""1 '°F"l1:c.tc---==="-..::;9:;;ns~~T~o:..y::ot.;,1------,-7-65--V-ol-k-sw-ag_e_n ___ 9770 -Cadillac -99T S Chrysler 9925-Ford 9940 Must•ng 9952-Gentr•I Import Specials-LEASE ·07 nuc. ~Int rond, R&H,, '7'.! CAD Sed1u1 0cv111u. ;-OmvSLER \\'aa:on. An I ·,~ fAU.'llN Spruit con\1•11 1 ·b'9 ~1 l '~TA~l; rn~ib.1rk. ftilt ----------• '68 VW BUS CANCELATION, FREE TV blue v.•/black intrrior $975, 13,000 Ml. l~ERF'E:Ct lhe UU"aa. t"\lll pov.·t'r t-()ng. ov.-nrr. J'I~. Hiii. 1io11rr, d!J(' brll.kt'l>, r1/r, lo •74 FIATS n+.5.n-.8199 C.'OND. Air ~. J>O"'f'"' $18 !ln't, a.Jr ahot'k11, l'tc. Jla,·e to· K'<' lo Urh1'''" !hi:' rnLl<'IW'. SI IOO, 61:!-l'.l~i art SPECIALS; 1pc.•t:d tran1mi11.11on, radio ~ t C ~ t I ll~ I --• e-.-~ ""~"· and IH.'ati•r. :ro--\'\\I BUC, ;\,\f/Fri1.1 t'\~•rythUlf:, lt'nlMr, ft. ••~ or 11'11..'e ne\\'. ~ JO~ ronu . ...,1_,,_ u•:>-.,....,,1. ~ SI-'l dn. Ii c d111. "iththt•pun ·Nu:e ,1, ......... 1 .. al'" lll!-'""I 11<""' S!t'N'U & Utpl', \"tnyl 1op-TI.e ~1063.or~I-;-6:1 FORD \\'AC:ON.~ .,,,.-~!"ST.\'.'\'~ :i.• J 1 t OF THE .,.,...,. REAL SAVINGS ot any nt'''" ~i '-v ,,...... "''' \\"rirks' ia:W. GTh-1562. ---------~M:l. body 111 .:OOd 1')11d. ~~t'~"~· 1~k,.'"'1~,:11° "s~·;(i a,~~ •n DODGE COLT 5'\0-4491 TOYOTA V\I' " ---Contlnent•L '930 s1 ~. Pll : S.lS-tail t11.•J>I 011,.r 962_1.;, -tlJoor. L.rsa • than lti,000 fllSk for ConUnol o:i, C'Dmp<'r pop-lop, Ch•vrol•t 992'0 ---rnlie•. Jo' a.ct o r y alr Jn !ilock r'ce roOO, i,:ood rni:ln•'. 1974 LINCOLNS 1970 r.IA \'Jo:ltlCK. auto 1ri1.ns, '6.1 ~1u~111-ni( "'•'<'I 1i111d, S7W ('Cl n dttl0n1ng. aulomall<» J Must bring in fh ll nd ''' body .t. llrtll. $200). 6-IG-:t\'\!I '70 CHEV• NI)"' •llll'rtni: 2 1,,1\ rliil<'3.1Ct' 250rt· 6 eyl l"f\G, ori,g. 0111M'r I r.r Ill-st oltC'r :.._,j-6.),(; 11U1•r 6 r11ttM1, ht>a.tt•r. "lute .... a11,1 __ •_n_H_n ______ 9~7,;,.l2 11uallty. Offer good 4--11-1-1 '70 \l'\V BUG, I spd, ;.,.1n1 O..·ft.ll't' Exl'<'Ul'l\'t' l~tni"'lln!l $1350. 5.'M-?ftOO llh Gpni tin1 . llrt:.., hkt' fl('\\, JE."iSEN thru 4-30-7•1. rorxl. <Ki.Ck)) Ont; 1nl. Pvt. MALIBU Both l"QUiPIJ'('(I l\~llt Ill\"' M 99SO o'""d'---b-'l~--- $2199 INTERCEPTOR. ~URRY p~:--oo:>rl-63 z i!liur hrirdtop. Aul()o hnMit in Juxur). lull po10.i'1 •rcury \ I smo I • 99.S.S '72 MAZDA RX3 Large Sclt'ci.Lou \\'hile I 11electlon is~ l9TI \'\\' ~!Win• Baek. auto. n1at1<'. r"r tory air, pwr. of COW'lt', autv t•'fllll. uh I 1974 MARQUIS t .~IWl. Lt>. s lhan 14,COJ of Colon> AT $181)). l'h 49l-Z3S--I 1'1t"Cf'llll( & br;1kt•s, nt•ar t:ondltioning, A;\! 11-' :\I · Salrs A ~:v1<:4' 1n1lr•s ru<'lll r \' air Jnim~le Delivery ~9l!-ltw7 ur 'k'I•• !Ir.>~ anti f.N'shly l-rtilll! C'Olrtn•I. t1l1 wn.~1. 6 •llJo()I" H1"uictuui1. J,,,..,.., OLDSMOBILE 1'0nd1f1on1~. r111ho .• tM:al"r· Jo'\JLLSER\'JCF. MARQUIS --I runt'd t"lllr;:lrK', i .... ~. 1h1ui """Y ~Ill, S2f()O oll 11'1flC\.-)\\ nHle•s:~ 1' ''" 1 •' 1 GMC TRUCKS I §l>t'rd. r11rhal t1r1·~. su!)t'rl1 DEPARTf\lENT '69 \'\\' S..·mi auloinatlc, 11,0011 u" nt-r n11ll'11. Pu"' 5ll<.'kf't' pn~'t·. ' "< 1 :l .~ 11 :! 1 l) 1' 1110 11 "1 ra 1 0 r i·ai ·' HONDA CARS t_'(Jl\dlllOn. •:.GOC.Bt\ 1 SllXXl, 1'ftll nil li. 180.'!00'.1• JOHNS/),'J & ~);-.I F:.1ul11ped 1• 1th rh1• fu1°•lll 111 1 $2199 TOYOTA &i5-:19:\2 ··!1111·"....-,1 111~d6n4'~i.~1,!X~1111Y Llnluln '.\J<'rt•1uy, 21;1.; tu.. ... 111')' ll'11tu1~'" 111.·ludtnt: UN!VERSITY OLDS on y. '""'· .. ..,.""'· llal"linr Bh·d .. CU!lta ~lf>IUI l1H'l\11') :ur l"'O!l<tlt11>n111i'i 1'11<'1 '73 SAAB SONETT II 19i:l \'\\' Sqbuek Au111 1run.~. I~ CHEVY Bt-I Air Sia· 5-tQ-J6.'>,(). rn06t j)Vl'.<'r 11,,L,l\. Sl50J "l llarbor Uh·d. !'iport l'Otlpl'. 17.(0} mllC',:, 900 i\ir, r.u!IO. Spcx:ia! J)llln! \\";,:11. pwr lll<'f't, 11111' brnk.-.1, "67 COXTlr\'F:-O:TAI C of! 11·i111\.1'1 stk•krr IJl"H"I.'. Costa ~ll'i.& ~10 96tO Com111.•111\11n orflnge, 4 S,CoaJt l lwy. Job. l~l!O. 6i3-.J22'1. uu10, 1111 ~tet.•tlni'i "h!:'1·I. fnc l · · ~· · oni{'rt-, ,,i007(Y.11 .1011X~I:\ & ~1;.; Pinto 99S7 SJJ('f'(t, 1\;\1 /f?-1 rad Io, 3 1 l..agi.ina lkAC:h \'\\' 'bi Bu.g, runs 1.'00d. n-hlt t1lr, nc•11' 1J.rt>11. h1.'11ul 1•11r, Ible, 111P'-' dt>Ck ._ & loo~t·il L\oc.,111 :O.li•rl·ur). 'J Ii 1 f. heulcr, mag \\"hPel.11, nidial IDO \\.~st H.wy., N.O: ~!»-T..ll3 S.llr-3100 '68 eng. (l(>W tltts, P\1 ply, f'X"''!l00nally rlt'11n. u'ku1i.: "' xlra11 S¥.: ll750139 l.oo:I llni!.nr !~!I'd, C··~ta .\h•..a. 1'1:0.:TI) "'i"l . 'lu•I ~.11 , ltJ'\'li, like nr ..... l"80llGB1 .9405 $Ta0, 5JG-8111 $.;7500 ur Hetit of[1•r l S & 9 ain. -~• pni I ;.,.k.>-:~ IJl(l\ln,: tinnu11· ,~,nrl 1.n $4l'9 Mi1uli1 '73 CORONA 'tJ SQUAR£BACK ycllo11·. ~;&-l9'7l -1974-MoNTEGO--nll1•"-. W'i' to• ~~111'1 ~· $\17 .. t738 $ • W 11.u1on1:itic. 28.6 mpg. S2-100 BOAT ;\!Al.NT nd<';.,.;'Rtt'r Corv•tte 9932 MX BROUGHAM i &-ti~'HI\::. _ llBSCADIU.AC _,. 1972 f\1;\ZDA R.X2 ~ tahon agon 5S6-0731 M"r!tJ!Uli: • TilN"hnnlf''.'1 'j '73 Corv•tt• Fi1stback 211oor 11•\\' n1!lt·"~·· l)('itlrr ·~: Hl'~,\J>t1\""T, 'uni'••!,\ 2600 "-11tet.lfv4. A:-01/t';\1 Good rond. S:?:XJO -I fi.pd, ~·ac-toiy Air C'orxl. Sl"T't-:1>-l'ri !i."1 \'\\, 111~1.; ... urorl. :>iulJ.:1~ n11u1. 111ni;:l1·! :o;t1ni.: R1•\ i11th Pan••I, \lt•tn·i~tl't•t"r ,.,,. 11-.,'l<tr'<I H/11. I ,01.~I : ~II "'.'_\ i .~ny l~;,~·~;M~M~O.~t~I~~ or best of.fl:r 581~ B1"1J11 n IOC>Sl3Hc2·u9•9. I rqtl in.;, l'I <". ~~IOJ:-01. ~'.00. 1'1~;TA--'llt0C1\ l>E 'IGNS I Aulo. iran~. piiiiPr 111,.,,1.. 1111h ill·· 1111•• .. 1 111 lu'l(UIJ. ,.,,,a.~ s.1 .• 11 • .• 'll!'l '72 ;\l1t7DA, RX2, •Ir. ,1.,.,.,, :..·17-7K>I :.. -" · 1••11t""r Lr-ikt•s <' 11• l' \ r 1 ,. • <1tu1u11.-r11 1111·ludlru,: f;u·tr.r~ ·:~· l'IXTP,-H\l!lt1l.-1111 -:!.1•'1 '""I • • P;.l n l'k j.l6...j~\9 ' . I ti SllU ' 1972 PANTERA ~1 J.'ord. ~ lt'ather, vinyl roof. elt'c. I \'\\~L.OOKS ,\. llUNS LI\ -----· "'1rK.kJ11,, air 1'1nth1•111111;..: au' "1n' 1 1·•n1n1:. · J ,.,. l·:,,·,-1_ c.-.nd Silt k. ni-11· te ~IO '71} rt.1•\clle :\lnhhu 1 dr. stf'ro.1 n1ult1plf'' ~ '"'" r i 1.·,z.i,·,,1 J •Hlf\:O.C1X & ..;():\ t""'· S'!l'fl. :.u~::1 ~2 I 11ptl. 20 n1~. Greet cnr~ ,41.n nna -I :\E\\". Sli:l,·,'i -·,,··,., P/S-1'/8., Air H:i it.i•i "'hi't'ls, rt1d lal Ion·· \"" J.u11 .. 1ln ,,,.,"t·u.r~· 2f.1 ti • ro·-• ~-- S87!1J. 6'16-7:121. '72 l\1AZDA llX-3 \\"aaon ----· -·----39.f.OJ 1ni. l u1\nt~·. r;, null.'s \"lllil iritt'rll'lr. \"1-r, 1 ll:u·t~1r Hll•!.. L•1,1:i iio!l'S:\ ,:'!'I:\ :'<.iulri· si., \\\~n. ·I 4 s..........-1 & -:-·• .. ,T • -· · · • l'"<"'" ~l"L hU'. ~Int •~>wl. S.!1'.(1 Alfa Romeo '""ii1-21>10u.o, 1 Volvo 9772 "01~Sl"95. ti7:).....3:ltl.'>__ lo .... · 11111~~ '{l!HX\"• ·' '"'"· ·"' -:.1~ !\"-O:; l ----·----97-'0~S I ---==::....---1 c...:_...:_ ____ _.c._ 1~~1 '10:0.."TE C.\ltl.o. ,\II '71 LAND ROVER '74 VOLVO "'-''DI. 111' Ply moulH 9960 u~J~~~ 1'!~~1~~i0~~~,~-1-M_•_,_,_•_d_•_•_B_•_,,. ___ 9~1-'4001 '74 TOYOTA I ~~111~::~· S.'~~· r~:~~· l~~~ • ;.:.";... M I: ~'~~974-MONTed~'"1i•ii. ---------~ 1 , .• + 2SMPG, l1%, ""''"" 35 USED '7:....i·•1. .... -..100 4DOOR MX AT·LAS Audi 9707 B•1t Deal Anywh•r•I Be1t Deal Anywhere I C!IE\'. Jo:JCrunino "i3. V·!I, , 1~--.1\ nllL .. 11.i,:,. 11,.. :i 1 ,. r MERCEDES LEASE OR BUY I LEASE OR BUY : ,\ir. PIS. :rcmnt"!IU ('~\"f'~, \\"ILi. p,,y mr TXILL\H ' llf'rnf>11,11afnf ··-.~1· 1111~ 1111 ·73 AUDI 100 1~11. p;;unn10t , ON DISPLA y All Models ! 12/.00 ~11· Xlnt Conrl $ .1 ~1.1 Jo't1K YOl'ft \'t-.n·r: .J11·, thr fl''r1ul1'•" 111,11•\ t•'"tu1··'~ Aiiil ~·r.1. 6 n1n s111t on All Mod•lsl O\"EHSl-.J\S J)F.Ll\'EH\' J..::_,., ~il'l-OOtl I ~12·'<-'111 u1,.1i1.!111i,: f:u'l••r') "1 r ... ~ .... ""·ec 1199·, 61" 1''" DEAN LEWIS Sl'c'CL\l tc~ .• ., >.l c·,,,,11"' l\l\lA" \\'111 --I l~'"'t111••n1n·· 1n•I 11n\l 1'••! 7 ; ... ·~~ ~OOL.'5.:..· • ..-....._"YI '72 MERCEDES BENZ "' ~ ''''"' n<•t '"It 10 111'1 11n)lH1t~ \l u~I Cou9ar 9933 s.:•.,-, ,·~r·:>·~ .r••i1.-.:~1 ~"\ ,\ · A 111110· tr:ins., LUXURY 4 S SEDAN DEAN LEWIS ,,.,. 1,, .ip11n·t1:i r.-. lii:l.-ii'i~ !'fl'.' l.irH••!n \1,•r.111-:-. ~\,.•; Chrysler/Plymouth l l["'ll [ 1 <11.v .\· S1111 l•I 111 I ·~t .'l:t:.j JI u·l"'I' /~hi!, 546· 1934 sunrool. Ati.T/r:-.1 &: .spl't!d Ir _ . · . Xl..i,"T. Sll-2{WI. Bents the cn sls. mo~ m1IC'S TOYOTA 'ti.J ('!!~:,· 11 :-xovll-:-1111111:ie .. 'ti2 COut;AJt nn~ -i·h·:u1.1 ~l:irl.~_·r Bild · l""'1.1 :'11··'-'· Pontiac -9965 Jll'r ~allon, rl<'s1i;11 « i:n:,:inl.' VOLVO nnt• 1111ni•r, S-l:!i. ,\It J 1z Goool ),:'IL~ null'a~··-,\uh1, I ~;:1,)'), _ _ _ _ Austin·Healey 9709 for long 1\me o...,·ncrship, 1_,1,. c. C'I Gt••.",1 ii knil~ .. &12-6s:.i.J II r:1s. H . .,tl_I. 1:i11,1soll·, n•,\·l·61 :-.n::RCL'J{\' :'olonterr>'i"67 l.t-: :\IA,\.:-;, 1;.,.,_1 1,.111.i. C]llll!'iiC Un,.,, ,,,_,, ... ,.,,·.. ,,.,., .1r.:ur, . " .,.. --l!rt'~ ""lO I \'1 I " 11/ll I I '!"l-1 AUSTI N ll l·:A L F:Y bl! .• ..,.,_ .. '-1!166Jl11rlo'lr,C.:'o! lilfi'l 'ff' ··7 BFl\IPE Si1 l '.pc VII ·: "''•. '• lilr, <:0<• l~'nrihun, 1,111/[~1 rad1•1. a./,· $5."il or Clas.sic, !JS,!IOO "nr.:. nii. _ •siuty an1! "ai<'ty, SS49.'i. Volkl5wag n 9770 1 ·;,uT•i. ~ ~;ll,d • ~n.i:.~ \'Qlltl. "srr,'. 6~~114: 4 11~~.;.s 111'.1. B1-. .. 1 ofh'r Gi'J...--172.-0 eve. _ ·~.,.,, .:·'f•·r. ·'!t1,1 ...... 11 1111111, . ., Con\>crt top & tl}nnl•au, 11·in-Coolct aminge lease lur e AUTO S USED ~:th'\G•o:: or b7:1-·i-113. 1 :O.!L:S I :il-... 1..1.: ·! ( .. u::.u·. 1 1974 COLONY PARK ·"·'·1·"-'IL - 11·h\s, R&H, lrnm<1<'. l'Ond. suitable party t4i'3GBZ L 'li7 \"\\I. Reblt r nt.'inr. :\•·11 -Ch I 9925 I ~~nd):· ll~k , 1'lt1> .. 1 1::1i. StalK•n \\:oi; .. ri. !n11 111lh'::U:•". Vega 9974 1 Best offer .• :;.11-1r.s H --,-1 111~·~. ~ l'OllCIJ11on. l':ilt AMC 9905 1 ry5 er I PS, 11~. '1.1!. ;,2'!f· \..-·1.J7 1 u .. a!rr J"·'n•1n~1ra1nr 1-.11 .. , ... B-~M-w~-----~9~7~12~' ouse 0 mports _?7~)..:!97li. I ·oo CllR'tSLF:R lOO, $6.'iO. _or 11ft b ' t>r,M 11~ Eqll!IJP•"I 111!h th•· fll\•·:.t 19 .• 'f,(.,\ Ila!• h~1• k I I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! >'Xi'l"f'5~2~J.~7;2S~O~CC:;o;o:-l "'il V.\V. Bus. 7 p;,, ... ~. : P.,\;\IBLEI~. 'Ii::. \~Is snmr NC'o,1' l in·~ hr·ikf's. Chrrn I I i'l1u11.J111•·111 l•ll' f :i rn 1 l ~ I :.p.I '111-1 ~·ti SI 1,t> i 'all I I• sunroof. convcn. IJ 1• d . . hoclf 11 .. !'k SJ:io. 6-l~Hi:!'J:: \\ht~. :\1;;1 ~nd. 96()..2168 Ford 994" 1~·n1f(lrt u1<·1iul1ng .f.11'1"1") ~·r ·" I'.•:.... :• '.-,=~~ EXEC. CARS FOR LEASE. $2500. 536-8993 alt.•r ~, 1un. nil ~ Jl.n\ llf'f. ~l::JO p.n\. 1 .. , . . . I air t••ndll~•'llng. $1.(JIJ. off \\'Ill-." BVllJ:0.:1; t:t;GS I.\" ,ttml.OlAlUI IOI Chou~c fron1 I fully c•c1uip-----_ ('():0.:,~.f.f ,11 :0.:1. l-i•1~I. 1\ln1~1 .. 111•krr pr1t·1·I All'\ll~U\\ J'r1T' di L BAVARIAN pe<I 1011· 1nileai.;l' 450 SE '67 VW SqunrPb:u:k Buick 9910 ·i;.;i ('!n{YSl.EP. To1\'n & 111 .. ·•I l a,11. ,,.II 1.i,.-,1 ..... ;,J,.. •50-k'Kl1 JOJINSO:O.: & SO\' 11;1 · ' · Tl :-. H11 ,' " 36 i\Jo lease 1215.78 per mo. $iGO llnn. l'"untrv \1·g-n . l'\l!J !))"'l'r. Fu·.,1 l•H!l(". 1·.dl :~11 ... :,!J.~'' 1 '111,~llll :\lrre~u~· 2 ~ 2 ·,;I 1 "1'"1rn·i:::1 1•r. k 11' "'1 U "11.'llt I a.x 1c .. R · • 'i! Skylark til!ll"t'rt. 1-·uu , 1 :1~~ ir t '~~ .. ; .. ," f"ln• · '(;,>! Ff'IF•l l;:,l;•~H·. 1-·x-:..i.·1,~1. ~lar~">Or 1\rl. (.'..-..;la :-,1,.,1 1 l•u! nn l"nc•·r n••••dNl lll•nr. M & I OEL + T L" Seri! 6-115:."Ji I I a '!'1 I XI! I ·-• -1 . ,,· .• pan mrnc ;u·1·r11n.:. i;.eu OT '' ·, No. 00416. Take your car in St-II 1dlf' ilf'n1s 1\'\lh :1 n·;,11\ 1•11,.·1·. Xlnt I owner . ~2•!JJ. ~-'i~·'-"-'-h• , ... , 0'·' __ _ .ilr rnnd. SU:.O. '.~~J..-ill I ,,ft• r ~ib.10 _ ___ !it'll fa"r ,11ih r. IJnilv Ptlo! trad«. Pilot Ch:1ssHJl'li :1d. ij.l:.l-• ..u7·s -~1··:-1~., 101:,..r•~.~-·---~·1..\s:o; ,''!·.LI~' ... 1i1'.!-:;1;7~ I ~~1. __!]..-\-"~ s1.;~.1 .. ~ .,.11 •. .-.1,~~ 1·1.,,~1 111·•! .\r!. r.1~-:ififi; 8 S Jim Slemons Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9900 Autos, New 9800' Au to5 , New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Imports 1974's :301 Qunil ?olew1~•rl Beach JUST ARRIVED! Jru.9300 ~ts .\· TII's ENTER FRU:\I :O.lacARTlf UR Ba1·11ri,1.; .~· :!.ll S.\·, ;-..1 ~.:RCEDES Bl::..i".'Z ... XL''T ;; 0 CS,\'~ SELECTIONS; W's t!w Ordf'r your ··ar for dcll \'f'ry ::A)()''-lj to choose lrom a t 111 l::Ul\JJ>e i\0\\"! SADDLEB,\CK VALLEY IMPORTS 8ll·21:HO EXCELLENT PRE-OWNEO BMWS e '66 1800 Tl -4 sp<'ed e '69 :!002 -4 l'Opt"t.'rl • '71 2800 CSA· sun roof • '72 :i.o CS,\. lu\1" n11lf'~ e "72 2001 • ·I speed • 'i'1 Ba\":u·ia 4 speed ti.I EH.CEDES""°772, :i~L. Cpc I Roadster. Silver b 1 u r mclalhc. 15.000 mi, lmn1ac.1 $1 0.100. Private Party . VVN -120 ) 49-1-9329. :\'IB "67 2505. Sedan. A1r, & etc. Jin! corld. Owner J\lust sell. 1.16 lndu.sLr1al \\'ay, 673-5620. 5 yr. or 50.000 n11le "M'BITRn1y '73 •150 SL, ctnl"k blue, xlnr uvailablc on all new cond. lo niileage, call 197-1 & '73 8~1\V's. 551-4267 NEED ANEW VACATION WAGON? DAY! 52795 '73 Ch•vrolet r.<•hl•~ '" "'''· '"'"ttr t<W•PCIOOll (IHtJ $2395 '13 Buick C•ntury I •!ro ~·<•. !•)•HU~ l $2595 '71 Ch•vrol•t C•pric• $1789 C•• fl"..:IO<"V wtr- L-.0 jl~lt0)1 S4B23 '73 Bu ick Century 52470 '10 Bu iclc Skyli1rk '0• .j 1 .... ~.1 ti)(>, ·~­•• ll(J"! $1695 2490 Harbor Blvd. -··. COSTA MESA 546·8017 l~,M-=-GB~~~~-,7-~ ~ l\IGB '65, fixer upper. Good ~ rr..:x:.. lllt'Chanical concl. RC'lia ble -~ · l'/lr. Best o[fc1• over S~T.i. ~40'Z r.1a1>:uf'l'iH.' P11rkway ~°'="="~'="'='>-S.ccl="=·---~= :l\lission \'iC'jo Optl 9746 I 8.31·20-10 • 495--4949 ~-------­ USc AVEHY PWY EXIT. •71 OPEL CPE. I Chevelles-¥ egas-Full Size Family Wagons All ARE SERVICED AND READY TO GO NOW! ORANGE COUNTY'S Aulo Trans., Vinyl Top, 90 OLDEST 111'., "'$1799' I & 1974 BMW's BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ;,,,I J:F \( !! l'.J.\'ll. i<lj ~.-• Ji\ ', 1 I'\l,'f11:\ BF.\CI in slock rt·O"ldy for imm ooiate,1P c='="~g~eo-• _____ 9=7.;.;4.11 dellvl'ry. E:..CC'llcn t savings NEW PEUGEOT : on ren1ain!ng 1!173 n1odf'ls. SALES-Sf:lt\'ICE Lf:ASl!'G DEALER OVERSEAS DELIVERY ROY CARVER, Inc. c ... on1p1cte Sa!<'s a~d St~rv•ce. ROL LS HO\'CE Br--1\V 50 con1pacts on flu;play. ,,,, E. 17th St. PACIFIC MOTOR! °"" "'"'' • 546-4#1 IMPORTS '74's Are Here! PEUGEOT/SUBARU Immediate Del ivery! 1557 \\I. l.lllcoln ;\~·<'., , I Save On Remaining '73s Anaheim ·"tl.~2lll l CREVIER BMW Porsche 9750 Salf's • S•'l"l'il"l' • Lt>ni;int: 'j0 · 911 E, ~rt'r"''· X, A. S. 20$ '\'. l.~1. S.A. Sl.>3lil stab. b;1rs. 11111~'· APP, L1W<'•I SundrH '! Grp. orig O\.\fll•r. Best ofrt'r, Datsun tno ='"'':;.sm~"· "=~~=,~--PORSCI·IE '62 l&lOS, nC"w '73 DATSUN PICKUP ,\ulo Tr;in.;. i ,000 niilr~. Un· dcr r·act~\r) \\'a 1· rant y Hi6286\\' I. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ''1h!.\('if. '·I''•'• 1!1 'iTl\.\,T\ ,. 1,f \1 H WI LL BUY YOUR-- DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN ln!('I". tf'bl! t•ni;:-. no 1-u11I, Extras. $2j00. 5.7.6-Zl.~:, 'G7~A~lf"l'I. :, ~pd. Konis & Clllrns. Clean :iuto. Runs pe11el't. ~,.1~·3773. Renault 9755 I '70 RENAULT. Gr l'!I t economy rar l\lu~t sell. Ca.II 551--093.~ or 6-I0-3653. Toyota 9765 LEASE A BB.ANO NE\V '7-t TOYOTA lDJ Corolla Sedan for only 155.2..'l per mo. J6 n1os. open e.nd lease. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '''IF~f\l 1 11\'1 1 ,,-,. II' \rl\" • ·, J.' <ii PAID FOR OR NOT. \\'ILL PA\' TOP OOLL·\R. CALL h:EJl<'T ALLEN. j.l()-O-W2. U-2-:0 Z. ~11\'cr. a 1 r. pnna.sonic stC'N.>fl, r r on t spoUer. mngs. Pt""rf. corKI. Low mi's. 644-0545 1 ~.7~1-T=O~Y~O~T~A~l~600~G~T 'Tl DATSUN, sla. "'agon. F\tcl·inj('cted headen, Konis. i;tlck, 26.000 n1L, sunrf., Nu brks, tires & batt. Jmt G~ v"/B!k vinyl tori. new l)yn(>-tuned. Gd !IIPG. Jo"ast radiaJ~. 6T;>--79-11 or &&:ms 111.ake otter. '71 DATSUN \\11gon . Good e 645--23-12 e Shnpe, gall AA\'Cr. l'rl\', Ply. '73 TOYOTA Sli50. 8..'3--0887 1972 DATSUN 510, ' rlc. • CORONA !prl. 26 Olpj. 11,(XX) mi. 4 Dr Auto Tnua Air c.ond $2,125. ;M-.S.t-16 v1nY1 Top. t21Gi-tSOJ. ' 1'71 DATSUN 1''111. Now $2799 !Ires, xlnt cond. S12S9. ~1b--0401 or 6'i'J...JC62 Flet 9725 •· BILL MAXEY · TOYOTA 6 and 9 PASSENGER MODELS! LEASE A BRAND NEW 197 4 MONTE CARLO LANDAU transmission, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, Air Conditioning, vinyl Landau roof. ( 699) Lease the "CONNEUEASE" Way . LOADED: Automatic Brand New '7 4 NOVA 2 DOOR HARDTOP (1000)(186584) $ I ' { $ 83 PER MONTH 36 Mo . O.E.L-0.A.C. Brand New '7 4 VEGA NOTCH BACK r10J9HJ16654J $ I • ALL '74'1 ON SALE BRAMD MEW 1974 6 CYLIMDER DUSTER LOADED: -4 ·Door Sedon. A.ut omalic transmissio n, air conditioning, power steering, power diioe br9ke~ .. t.inted gloss, 1ocfio, heater, AIR CONDITICX\llNG, Vent windows, vinyl i.eo1 ~ BRAND MEW ·1974 SATELLITE Sel-iol #RL41·G'IA-t)42)7 Setiol #Vl'29.C4G.1~49l BRAMD MEW 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY 11 LOl\OED: 4 do..Y ·fld"ll'I. V.~I buc\e1 ~·\ P""'et /,°"' diw: bolo.,.., <O'J>"•'., 318 VS. 101t<!'d glon. loocwy °" ,,~rOtorOrq. r:n-~·~·"9o redo, heat..,, ,..h,•e ~ wall •~e;, deluoe """'00·"·· BRAMD MEW 1974 • ' CHRYSLER NEWPORT , ..... """"" LOADED: uule>rn::111c_, r:idic, hpoler, powe< ~l<>e<1nq, pow• i d;sc bi-oles. foc1ory air conditioninq, '1lt·le~~!>eup.c ~!eG.,inq wheel, vinyl 10C'f. vtn;I }rdc rnou~dng~. white ~•de wall tires. " . • '~ utstandin9 values on brand new 1974 Chryslers and Plymouths, now ! We 're way over- stocked and must move these automobiles out! Shop Atlas Chrys - ler /Plymouth today and really save! SEE THE ALL NEW 197 4 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER FAMILY WAGON NOW ON DISPLAY! i -----------~ ---· '70 FORD o ,, J.., ,.~ . MA, Y'ElllCk 1..,. I 11>!', J ··-~J "'· .-9?,&.J,0:1 -~ ll;J•.-:--• ' Jr,'~'" • •. • • " I c • • ~ & = .. ·= ! • c Ill 111 :I 0 . r ••••• ,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.!'-,.. * * ·'74 -COLTS * - {6l21-K4S-302145} * 52488 * * * FUU. raJCl + T I L * We're Overloaded * We're DealillCJ * You're The Winne·r *********** • • • NIW 1 74 MINI Motorhomes At Tremendous SAVINGS! leat tho Sprl"I rush Many Models to choose MOI T All TRAD! Ill\ THAl RUN ARE WORTH I 1))(1 AtW UP FULL •799 PRICE * * * '* * * * * * * * * • Onlv 1-]0 n '"" lt""" *''" 11" -n. Fvll ulh prk • YJl,71 Incl. 1e.1. O.'-'fllfd pay.....,! prlot l lll'l6 '1 ... P.llt. ""' '71 MERCURY MONTEGO Power steering, air, r itdlo, .whitewalls, full wheel covers. (J76CTN J FULL •1188' PRICE OR If YOU P~fEI •3612 •.• MO. On!~ SJt I] !or lll """· wlll'l 11" -n. Full CBl'I prlc111'62.21 Incl. tt.I. ~ed payment prk• 119" 12 A P.1!:, "~' D '73 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Se an "9-Automatic. radio,.heater, w.s.w .. much more. (JnHNO I 8 ~~~~E • 1888 OR IF $6430 Pll YOU llREFIR MO. = 0n1, w.<.lO lo< l6 mol. w•lll 11" -n. Full t .ul'lprf«l 200ol.71 lflCI, T&L. Deferred pa,.....nl price IUll .IO. A.P.lt, 21.0J'I<. ' . I ... -...... _ --... ··-,,. -... -.. ,._ ,,. .., ... _... .... . . . ' . tdnf'Sday Air.I z.; l 'l,_4 ______ DAJL, Pl~j !J Brand New Brand New • • • • • '74 ~. . ~~~ND '7 4 DODGE CWL2 1G 4G 102407) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CHARGER FuHy factory Equ ipped FULL PRICE , T&L Brand New • "' • • Ill .. STATION WAGON .. : ~~-~~~;,~~~~')~ SPECIAL -NOT STRIPPED °" 0 0 ~· Color• of your <hoi<e Automatic transm ission, 31 8 en· gine. mucli. m uch more Order yours today FULL PRICE LOADED tin trd I 1 74 DART SPORT Z YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS ..,.,ndlh +eld. chromp r11c1nq mirror\, r llalo, """'"'· much, much mort. lLL79C•B 113198) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $2888 ·~ ~~ND'74 DODGE VAN SPECIAL • NOT STRIPPED 109, automatic, passenger seat, dual brite bumpers , powe r steering, much, much more. CB11AT4X02158Jl $3388 +T&L . _Sii OUI HUGI StLIOION Of CUSTOM VANS Brand/74 New DODGE •. a.;i~ p PICKUP . SPECIAL 0 ·100. Power disc brakes. il ulomatlc, tint. wshld., 60 amp. ill!., 70 amp. ball .• H.0 . suspenl.ion. DOWer s1eer1ng. m uch more. (014AT.i5QJ728Al IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $3188 FULL PRICE · T&L I ·1· .. I ; Former •alerl ~ 1974 SURFER VANS CHOOSE FROM MANY MODELS I OLD FASHIONED NEW ENGLAND SALES & SERVICE 1 70 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR. Air, PoWff ste-ering, radio, vinyl root. whi lewalls & much more. 168.!IAXCJ ORIF $1624 YOU o.... PREF ER ... MO. o..rv 116 '' lor 3' """· .,.,,,. ''" do-oion. Flllf c.,.i. price 1111 a Inc. tt.r. o......,,., P<l•~ vie"' sa1 u..'.APlf "~ 1 70 DODGE CREW-CAB ~~Ton, 1/8, heavy duly wheels & t ires. srep bumpe'r . (118090EI ~~~~E·l 388 OR If •4406 ... YOU MO. PREFER Choose your custom paint & Interior to suit you. l I • HOT SA TIS Fl ED Wmt SERVICE? Try VICTORY '!You're the Winner" SllYICI HOUIS .....,7:l 0•tot:OO,_ T•'-.frL 7:l0 •to S:OO ,_ Wt accept all Warron!y Warl< on All Chrysler Produds · DODGE• CHRYSLER• PlYMOUTll Motor Homo Service Toal RIVERSIDE F ~ ~ SAN DIEGO ~ • I ' ) 80 DAIL V PILOT Toti! CHft prict inel. T' l. $7611 e . Sitt OO<rll W•lh $111.d Pf< mo. ID!' 4 tnO\. Dtit'ffed ptnl. pt.ct, 5.M).6l APR. li.lS ... 1111 1plwOWH C•t<lil IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WrdllfSday, April 24, 1~74 TO 2·D OOR $ •cyl.. •·speed. I disc) brakes: t)eater, ~inyl interior, bucket seat•. deluxe bumper group. l ie. AR•lOX\65330 ' ·. BRAND .. EW ' 1973 LTD WAGON IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SQtllllf, v.1, 1uto. lrtn1., l«fOtV' Jir, DOwt• i!ttrlng, P.-d•l<br•~et. P·ll'•f)<IOw\, AM/FM ill'<tO. llNll!r, " w~•ltw•llh l•ft!t<I ~iU. wfleel ((1¥(!1'!,. Vonyl on1troQr. lJf.s21td' DISCOUNT From suggesf9d factory list ~~0 '74 GALAXIE soo.:A=: ~~ND COURIE R & ·SHELL Loaded incl: V8, auto. trans., factery air, power steering, power~· disc brakes. sreet belled whitewall tires, tinted glass, d lx •. ~ bum per group •. (AJ58Sl 14083) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ •speed trans .• heater, whitewall tires, vinyl interior; tool kit. #SGT ANE52128 IMMEDIATE. DELIVERY BOTH UNITS • IU~DNEW 197 4 MUSTA NG II HARDTOP ·2.J litre, auto. trans., heater, Whitewall tires. tinted glass, power dis brakes. No. -4F0'2•272896 FULL PRICE , IMMEDIATE , DELIVERY ' ~~;0 '74 PINTO WAGON 2JOO cc. A cyl., .C speed, A7Bx1 3 whitewall· tires. tinted ,ia~. melallic .finish. (ARl2416870Al IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SHORT ON D ' 842-6611 CALL ~UR CREDIT COU"fSii.j)R FOR fREE CREDIT CHECK .. JOB? 55~1.07.0 • '70 MAVERICK Stick shift, r•dlo, heater. (025BZD1 · :r.~:.~!~. ~r;J!;~ & orak ... rodw, • $1 whitewalls, vinyl roof. (657-ABXJ 088 2 !c. !,!~!?,.~ .. 0!:1er. •n•oLa . ' $1 3 8 8 '71 CHEV. Malibu V·S, aut~ trans .• factory alr conditioning, P.QWef' steering, radio, hearer. flAJSOJE '71 MAVERICK 6 cvl.. aulo. traiis., lactorv air conditio ning, power ' $1 8 8 8 steer ing. radio, heater, tinlcd glass. License No. 067BUH - · 7 4 FOR D 314 TON & CA MPER FULL· PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THIS PICKUP TRUCK & CAMPER IS READY TO GO 6 cV1 .. slick shift, heater, tinted glass, extra cooling radiator, mirroB~ 800xl6 tires. (F258RU0\8S4) '71 DATSUN · 2 Door ,. speed, radio. Mater. License No. 372CXX • '70 TOYOTA MK 11 Auto. trans .• air conditioning, radio, heater, landau top. (173APHJ -,. '72 DATSUN Pickup A speed, radio, heater. License.No. PL5217S5.41 A '72 COURIER Pickup 4 speed, radio, heater, vinyl interior, Lie. No. 227FOY '73 TD 2 Door Hardtop, v.11 , auto trans .• fa ctory air conditioning~ Power steering, povnr (dlK) brakes, radio. · heater, wh itewall tires, tinted glass. #676GVQ 1288 ~2188 $2188 :?~uto~a~~f!c~~~cOOjitioning, po~r $ 98 $2388 steering. radio, heater, tinted glass. #JFOl Fl JS I BO '73 MAVERICK Air cond itioning, automatic transmission, V·8. power steering. #21SGWV. BRAND NEW 1974 RANCHERO 500 V·8, aulo. trans., power steering. heater, whitewall tires, tinted glass, solid state igni- lion. Ser. No. .iA~7HlS94.!S '61 CHEV. 3,4 Ton P.U. Stick shift, power bucket 1eats, strong & straight, (M22382) '69 f Wagon Country s~an. V·I, auto, trans .• factory air con:iitioning, power steering, ratl io, heater. whitewall tires, tinted glass. 1 678GSV '68 DODGE Van WINDOW VAN. VB, auto. trans., heater. Large family special. License No. 892COT '69 DODGE VAN vs, auto. trans .• dlx. 1u·tone. Lice~ No. "476A2C '70 FORD F250 3,4-T. P ICKUP, V8. auto. trans .• radio, heater. Read'{ tor a camper. License No. 17071G '72 TORINO Wagon Loaded Incl. V-8, auto. trans.. factorv air condilioning, pawer steering, luggage rack. l icen!>e No. A70FWL '72 INTL. Scout Wgn. V8, auto. !rans., " wheel drive. l icense No. .186EFH ~=D '73 BUBBLE TOP CAMHI V-1, a1110. )rartS .. powrr stHring. PQWtr br•kH, he•ter, lintfd glfss, pass. w.1, fully~uiPPfd with sink, ict box. ~aroet. paneling, ttc. EJ4GHR68906 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELJVERY IMMEDIATE $1 8 0 0 8 8 DELIVERY DISCOUNT FROM .SUGGESTED LIST PRICE FORD , , ,, ' ' ' • • ' ' I I San Clemente Capistrano VOL. 67, NO. 114, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES EDIT ION • . '. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 19H Toduv's Finni ~ {!·Y· Stoeks TEN CENTS $250 Million Requested By Nixon to Aid Egypt The Duchess of \Vi ndso r (left) arrives at the l\-fetropolitan Opera in New York with sociaUte lt1rs. Edwin Hilton to attend the National Ballet of Canada pe rfortiiance of "Sleeping Beauty." Cou11ty May Wl1ittle Dow11 Capist1·a110 Du1np Site The controversial Prima Desecha dump site inland of San Juan Capistrano n1ight be much smaller !han originally hoped . Orange County supervisors hinted Tuesday. And even though the prospect might be a boon to San Juan Capistrano. its effect on traffic through the city v.·oufd still be severe. Although no formal action came from supervisors. indications were that options to buy l\\'O added sections of the rugged canyon might not bt picked up by the county. Fifth District Su1>C'rvisor Hon a J d Caspers led the discussion on perhaps leaving the county-ownl'd acreage in the area at the existing 502 acres. The ultimate original plans were to add a secood purchaSe of 356 acres at SI million and another 110 acres for $336,000. Assistant Road Commissioner Murray Storm in a report to the board said that the extra land might not be needed because nevr plans are in the works to buy a new dump site in u~-Santiago foothills inland of El Toro. If that plan works out. the more central location would tnean that Saddleback Valley and eventually lr\'ine dumping could go oo at the Santiago site. instead of San Juan. The county faces a severe shortage of disposa l sites in coming months because the only South County station -San Juan's Forster Canyon -is full to the top and is only good for a few more months. Delays in developing the Desocha property have been brought on by a bitter dispute belv.'C<'n the County Road Department and San Juan officials. who claim that plans to add dump traffic onto Ortega Highway v.·ould add to an already Police Find 21 Aliens in V a1i l1i San Clen1e11te intolerable traffic situal,,ion . The Road Department has ne<1rl~· a dozen separate wcss routes on the books but still f~rs the easiest one along Ortega. The city has resolved to withdraw support or the new dump unless the county can prove no adverse impact on the city. C4BJ>ers bas been a direct party in the negotiations for a solution bet'4·een lhe county department and stea dfast city officials. One of the latest cnmpro1niscs nfft•rcd by the road offi('ials is for 1hl·ir department to perform some intcriin jSee DU~tr, Page 21 Gual'd Kill e(l In Quick-Dra'v Try; Man IJeld A young sccuril y guard from Orange \\·as shot to death Tuesday ln i\nah1·1 m \l'hile allegedly practicing fast-dra1~• techniques with another i;:uard . Police said Jer;>1ne C. \Voodburn. 19. of '.!64 Batavia St .. died al (iood Samaritan Hospital of a single, large caliber bullet V.'Ound in the chest. Charlie J. ~tizer, 22, or 14172 Rox anne Ave., Westminster. is in Orange Co unty Jail today on manslaughter charges stemming from the 6 a.m. incident. A police spokesman said the shooting occurred at Bonafide Seeurity Service in :\naheim . ~lizer told police he 1100 \V r'Odburn v.·ere practicing quick di:~v•s l\'tlh their pistols when the shoot ing took plare. Investigators said i\lizcr·s AS.caliber • revolver had been fired once. \\.oodburr. was rushed to the hospital shortly after the shootin g. but he died on the emergency operating table shortly alter 7 a.m .. police said. No ba il has been set on ~lizc.r as of early today , police added. Lag11tta S11rvey 'G1•01ctla l11d11ci119' Clemente Sewer Proposal Fails Sa n Clemente City Engineer Phil Peter loday shrugged off his defeat at the hands of county supervi sors Tuesday Tliree Killed 111 Border ' G1i11 Battle !\(>G ALES. Ariz. IAP) -Two U.S Customs Ser\'ice patrolmen and a youn~ An1erit'an \\'ere killed during an apparent gun ballle today a few miles north of the ~lexican border. authorities said. Officials said the Customs agents v:ere found beside their vehicle; t~ young Amtrican. with several pounds of' marijuana nearby, was round st."Yeral yards a"'•ay. "The agen!s v;ere found ou tsid.-their car by a young girl who saw them wh ile going to school," Jerome Hollander, Cusloms Sf·r\•ice spokesman in Los: An i::eles. said. Jesse Part1<la o( thC' Cus1<11ns &•rvi <.'" nflit'c here Eaid !he t\\·o mf'n had been 11 orliing toge th er Tuesday night. but that the Custo1ns Service had no indication !hat they "·ere in troub le before today's report by the girl. lie said the agents . one Tl and the other 33, had been assigned in the Nogales area for two or three month!. The bodies were found in the Parker Canyon Lake area, a secluded fishing and camping resort in the southern Arizona mountains just north of the ~lexican border. Partida S."lid the shooting site n1ay ha ve been just inside Cochise Count y. rather than Santa Cruz "''hich includes :\'ogales. Trio Ta11 Till For .'$88 in Loot Tv.·o meri and a v.·oman set up a ruse in a south San Clemente liquor store Tuesday and it worked to the Hme of an $88 till. tap. ' Ted Scott \\'alkC'r. v.·ho v.•as al th{' rountcr or Rod 's t iquor at the time of 1he incident. said the trio came into the business at 905 S. E:I Camino Heal at aboul 3:30 p.m . The woman asked the clerk to show her the beer depar1menl and as \Valkcr did so. the other tv.·o men cleaned out the register. The loss \fas not noticl'd until the three had left the premises. police said. "hen the board assailed city plans to add nhout 2.200 acres ot rolling hills into a city scv.·er district. llesponding to charges by Fifth District Supervisor Bonald Caspers that 1he addition y,'Quld be grov.·th-inducing. Peter today admonished the board to look at ~\1is~ion Vie;o. '"l'tlt!y told me that the v.·ay v.·c're going. San Clemente v.·ould be I/le biggest city on the roast. All they have to do is look at v.·hat they did to l\tission Viejo." ll'lc cnginecr sa id. lie referred to rapid grov.'th. Pclcr failed to '4'1n a single ,·ote of the board in a bid ti) add-the acreage in hills nonhv.·est or Avenida Pit"O. "V.'e don't think it.s much ol an imm<'Cliale loss, except that "e v.·ere planning tor the future \\' h e n development is going to be propos<'d on the acreage. It v.·ill havt to be served," he said. Tht property proposed for the addition amounts to about 500 acres of the Forster Ranch. and tbe rest i8 in seVttal othf·r ownerships which fonn a sinsle C:ra.innge area leading to the c11y sanitn tion plant. "\Ve proposed this to add lo our entire '(\'Sle rn to serve the inland hills. If the bo:1rd clotsn't like this plan. th('n it'll get ;1nothcr one preuy ooon \\'ilh revised lir1un<l:!ries. \\'e'll keep trying until i,1e ilt'I it.'' Peter said. Caspers led lhe attack on the San Clemente proposal Tuesday. "I'm 1.'0nstantly amazed at the building acti\'ity there (in San Clemente ). .. Caspe~ said. lfe ternlt'd the mo,·e as "inducing grov.1h in 1he beautiful inland hills". He asserted that San Clemente v.·as "on its way to beeoming one of tbe big coastal cities.·· "If that 's v.hal they \\·ant to do. tha r s "hy they ha \'e local government. I guess:· he added. P1•1cr sai d 1hat there. are no specific plan.~ for development of the acreage and the first proposal might be as far off as five to seven years. "\\'e just v.·ant to be ready for it if it come s," he sa id . Clen1 c n le Lifeguard Ruruecl hy Gasoline San Clemf'nte hfeguard S t e v e n Diamond suffr·rL'CI minor e}e burns 1'ucsday i,1hcn <1 ~as no1zlc oo a pump at the city yards came out ol the fuel pipe of a city' jt>cp and splashed gasoline into his eyes. The guard. a resident of 518 Lobos '.\farinas, was taken by cily ambulance to San t1emente General Hospital for emergency treatment. Spokesmen for the department said the employe was back on duty today, A large white van cruising San Clemente streets before dawn toda y spurred the interest of a police lieutenant on patrol. who soon found that he had 21 persons to keep under control until help :irrived. Earn $32,639? House 'Out' Police U . Clifford Gates stopp('d the van et 5 a.m. along South El camnio Real after following il for s e v e r a I minutes. Inside. he found a dri\'er hailing from Durango, ~1exlro. 19 mti le pa.s:1Cngers and a lone woman. All "ere illegal ~lien!. pollce said. and ·were turned over lo border patrolmen \Yho arrived shortly 3fler the traUic .stop. ihe aliens were loaded ln another van -a federal model -and proc:~ for deportation. The dri ver. Francisco Gavilan 1.uniga, 20, ~·as booked on charges ot alien smuggling. The ven wa!'I rtgi5tere.d to a Los Angeles man. Cleanup \Vce k lated San Clemente's semJ..nn nual cleanup week offering free pickup oC bulky trtlsh llems will be heki !\1ay 13 through 17, city 0Uici11h1 artnounced t(Jday. .. By Hit.ARV KA YE Of ""' £>,lllr ~Oot Sllft The current average cost of a house 111 Laguna Beach is S88.000. And the ave rage buyer must earn at leas t $32,640 a year. These are the findin gs of Don \\'ard. president o( the Laguna Beach Board of Realtors. who says there Is definitely a sellers' market in tht art colony. Siill. \Vard \lo"arns that while stile"' ha ve been riding 001 a nnanclal bonan za, the market may IOOfl go !he other way. "It seems to go in cycles." Ward said. ''In about three months. we may revert to a buyers' market, since the l~nding rates are sonrjng so hiRh.'1 But ror now. a buyer in Laguna Beach belt er have plenty of ~a!h ln his pock el. the realior suggeste:d. Of the 95 houses currently up for i:.'lle. only t¥i·o l're priced under $."I0,000, Ward s:iid. "The S88.500 figure is realistic. ahhoogh maybe partially inflated since \\c ha,·e se\'eral houses on the market th31 arr! asking between $300.000 and $WO.OOO." \llard said. To CAicuiate his average figures. Ward takes the number of houses currently for sale and divides it into the total amount being asked for them. Right now, the sellers of the 95 houses art asking a total 18.41 0.000. he said. To buy an $88,500 house. the b\1yer "'ould ha ve to probably put down a 20 perrent do\\1l payment. of $18.000. \Vard said. Bctwetn the monthl y mortgage and • tax payments, be would havt to come up wllh $680 each mOnth. "To get a loan , he \\:ould probably have to e;i m $32,640 to qualify,'' maint.lncd Ward . "Lei's face It. We've got_a rlch clien- tcle here In town ... he 3dded. "MO!t people reaUy aren't buying into Laguna Beach. but rather, they're b11ying a~·ay from \.\·here they came ftom ." he !laid. "People are buyi ng away from plact"s like Glendale and Pasadena. "'here the smog and high density js driving them away." Ward sakl that Laguna Beach asking prices are a~IJS.llY firm prices, with little negotiation occurring right now. "A house asking $88,500 may sell for 185.000 -not much of a dlfferenct pertentage·wlse ," he said. "But a $25 ,IXMI asking prict Jn Cle.ndalt, usually will seU for only $20.00." "In tome cities they put ridiculous pr1ce:s on their houses. Wt do too, but we sell them at those prices,1• Ward 11aid. When average prices are compiled from Emerald Bay down to Laguna Niguel, !hey are 110mewhat lower, Ward said. "Laguna Niguel and South Laguna dilute our figures, and bring the: average down to $6UOO," tbt rtaltor added. HELPS FUND RAISER Actor Scott Brady BoY" (:tub Drive .. For Funds _-\idcd By Scott Brady Film aclor Scott Brady "'111 be the gue5t of honor Frid1y at :i special cocktail party for major OOnors or funds dtstined to rescue the South Coa!.t Arl'a Boys Club from its fiscal pllght. The 5 p.n1. event at lhc Fairv.•ay Seri vie"· Condon1 inurn com plt·x 11111 honor incmhers of the ni.'\V Club 100 <i11d ot htr rn ajor contributions 111 u special funU drive launched recentl y to raise about $7.000 in operaUng expenses, The rullds - none or v.·hich are being used to under· write Friday's event -V.'ill assure !hat the club v.·ill remain open for yet an- Ofher year. llfayors Tom O'Kf'<'fe of San Clemente and Roy Byrnes of San Juan Capistrano also will be among the dignitaries attending the party. J(osts [or the e1•ent 1\1\l be the bo;ird of directors of lhc l'lub as v.·ell :is Or;inge 5.:1,·ings and 1..1.lan. Brady, a Jong lime actor. !>prnl his tarlier career h1 \V estcrn an<l adventure fil ms. and more recently is a regular in the television produ ctions. He is a regular performer in the "Poli ce Story .. serie.,. Boys Club Board Chainnan Pete illcKenzie characterized F r id a y ' s gathering as "a lru e celebrat1on .'' Since the fund dr1\'e txo~nn several weeks ago SS.000 in donations havp tx.'l'n reaped and only $2,00l remain to I.Jc raised so that the club cun func11on Y.'t thout financial hardship. "It appears certain that !he club Y.il\ be able to funclion for the res1 of the year,'' he said. Dwindling grants and inmac;cd expenses earlier this yea r th reattned to close the facility on Celle \'allc v.hich serves hundreds of yo ungslers from throughout the South County area. San Juan Takes Steps to Save llistoril' Adobes Positi\'t steps tov.·ard ~1,•ing San .Juan Capistrano ·~ historic adobt•s ha,•e befn taken b)' the City Council ~·hich voted un"animOuSI}' to set up a nev. Jllstotical lle.r1tage Commiss ion. The mo1ion i\lo nday by ~l ayor Roy Byrnes "'aS lo fonn a con1m11tce to pa\·e the way for the appointm ent of a permanent com mission Duties of the committl?<! v.·11\ be to rtsearch hislorical commL,,ions in other cit.ts. re\'1e\\' the fi6.page llav.·orth, l.aff!r and Anderson arCliCOloglcal. hi S1orlcoi l. and palL'Ontolog1c e\Pment to the. gcntral pl!1n . nnd begin prelimina ry cataloguing of !'itcs tMt should be pre~rved. The comm111ee's primary funct ion wlll be lnylng the groundwork for the new commlsskln in ttnns of what ii should do end how It should do Jt . Dr. Bymei arted tbot any citiren Interested ln ~rvlng on the committee contact the: city manager's office Of F 01·eig11 Aicl Pacl\:age \\'i\SHJ~GTO~ 1,\1'1 -Prrs1den1 Nixon todav a ~kcd Congrrss for $5 IR btllinn Ill rOrl·ign ~ud 1nnnf'y. in('hJ(ting $~50 1n1l!lt)n to h1•!p Eg~·pt rlc:ir thi• Suez ('a ~al. rr~air v.ar d;1111:1J:P 111 :idJ!ICt'nl c111cs and rl•stor1• tratle \111 h the• l'.n11t'tl S111t1•s. At the san1e li1111'. :\'1 xnn :iskrd for 3SO n1illion in mihtary su ppor1 lor lsr;u•I :ind S'l07.~ million for .Jordan. lie said the Unitr<l St11lrs "tan :ind should play 11 ('onstrut t1ve role ln Sf'euring ;1 JUSt and durab!C' peace in lhr ~!iddle r::ast by ruc1h1a!inl! rncrrasf'd understanding bi:t1.1'l'\'ll 1h1· Arab nations and Israel , . " The l'rc·s1drn1 :ilso r1 ·11u1•s1ed ~!13!) J\ 1ni1!1fl:ll to ;1ss1~1 South \' 1 e l nit 1n RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA . Analysis, Page 4 C:1rnbod1;i and l.;1115 •·111 tl11·1r l·fforl .\o 111 shift thei r C('Ono1n11•s fr11n1 11,1r tv prnrr and 10 accl•h.'ratc rct'O nst1h1\lon of the ir soc iehcs.'' ihc Indochina f1gur1· did not lncludr .military assistance. which this year i~ running al an annual rate of $1.4 billion. /\fl the ffit'fney, 1nclud1nE: a s1>1.•ci;il ~JOl'l 1n1Jlion ~·l rdc<ist fund fnr j)(.',1c·t·krepin i.: forcC's, refugl't' ;11d and dr\·efopn11·11t projfcts. '4ould be ror the fi ~cal \'t·<ir th;11 begins Julv I · Conc:resS· r1·;pons1' i~ u n cf' r I a t n ;i!lhough one 1111 ·111 1)(.'r of the !'enatc j!S1·e EGYPT, l'age 21 No Clues Fo111ul In Grov e Girl Sex Slayi11 ~ .Anaheim polirr said tod:iy th£•y ha\'r no clues tn th e irlr•nt11y of th1' killer In lh t· hrut:1t 5"X i;!n~ ing T111•"fl.i\' nf a li·}c:ir· rild hotel m::iid fro1 n G:trdcn (;ni\I'. The nude, knirr·sl:1shNt bodv ol Laurit• A. Bertsch. 115.11 r\nrma l,;1nc: v.as found spra'4'led on a bed in a v:ic11nl room flt the Shcrat(ln Inn on U;.1!1 Hl)..1(( nrar Disneyland. A police spoke"rnnn snid in\'C'Stigators still have no leads in lht• sln.vini.; nnd h,1\'C' found no traC"c of 11 11·raplln . Poli<'e V.'OUldn't s:iv 1f the ro(lrn v.·herc thr ~irl's body h11{1 l>e(•n found wn!i ocr.upiMI dur1ni.: th1· night before the 111urd£•r .\l1ss f'.<'rtseh 's bod\ 1\::i" 1h.~CO\'£·red shortly ;Jf\1'r noon h,\ snn)•' of her t'0- 11·orkcrs \\ho told pol11"f' 1hry bccam<' v.·orr1cd 1•hi·n sht· didn't show up fnr her 10 :i.m. coffrc break. 'rllry said th{')' found her cleaning cart in n hall outside th e room "'here !he pretty. brov.·ri·hai red i:irrs body was !See SEX KILLJ.\'G, Pagt 21 Orange Coast Weather Cloudy and cool i" fh1• ou tlook tor Thursda y. \.\'1th C"h11nrt·s of rlnzzlc diminishing :ind tem~ra· lures r<'ma1ning in the lowl'.'r &Os uloni;: the coast. IN"IUE TODA'\' 1\ migront farm 11' or kt! r Wh().~f' llt1Clt11med body stood In till' cornf'r of a ftuu:rol /1ome i" Sou t'1 Carolina for 31~ ytCJr1, :fre.~.~ed lftlrl u·earing n hnf, tcill f111al/y be /a1cl 11> re.fl Set: Paye 3. At Ye•~ Sef'liCt I • .. 11,,. H L M .. .,.. I• C1t1la•llll t c.,.., eer .. r U Cl•ulfietl o ... C-1<.• .. ('9Uwtttl .. 0.1111 Mfllc•I If f lllterl1! ~... .., fllllrtelN!'ltott ,._2t , l ... ft(. 1'-JI ,.... Uo4' ,lrfflt ltt< ... u, .. -. 111 Ille hl"'llct ~ ,. """ Lllllkrt Jt M1IU1eo • Mo .... , f•t• " Mowltt H1J "'111~111 ,lllMh " Nll;.MI l>lt .. I I O•lllN C111111" lt·ll S•lwl1 ~...... n S110rt1 21·U O• lttlncf9il11 • ''°"" 11111.-1 •·n Ttlt,.ll!M t<l•U Tftlli't'I 1 .. H Wtt!lltr • Ntrl<I Ntllol I • f .. . .. SC ·Bud Ab bott Of Comedy Team Dies HOLLY\VOOD (UPJ ! -\\'i l\iam "Bud" Abbott, 75, the skinny straight man to Lou O.Cllo In one of the most famous comedy ikms of the l!HOs, died .iOday al his home ln Woodland Hills. ~ : Death was attributed to ca ncer. a lamlly spokesman Mild. Altiott's widow Betty was with him wbcn be died at 7 .a .rn . .. : • _ Abbott had been in poor he'lllth for .... • )nore than a decade aflcr a ser1es of · ·~rokcs.. .:_ ... He finlshtd his life living on Social "-·~ity after his savincs from the huge -~·:~he bearned as a star were_ stripped --;-.from him by the government 1n a tax :. ... CctJon ln 1959. :: ... ·:-Abbott and Costello spent much of • 'lheir professional lives in obscurity until (( they achieved spectacular fa.me In the JHOs with routines ·which established ..lhem as· the successor& to Laurel and jlardy. · ' • -• COsteJlo died in 1959. • • .; Abbott was 38 by the time he teamed .... Ith Cos tello and in his 403 by the time : ·._..they became a nationwide hit in the :·:World War ll years. -:·lie and Costello made more than 50 • -Zoovies and \\'ere togelher for 21 year.i. -::""Abbott once said he made $400,000 a year :··at the he ight or his career iD the J940s. • • Abbott was bom into show business in :·~tlantic City, N.J., Oct. 2. 1!911. H111 ynother was a circus bareback rider and . ; !l1a father was an advance man for the ·~-ihow. ': At 15 he left home to become a sailor, .;, • shoveling coal on a ship bound for Norway. Hi.'! father got him a job in a box office and that wa11 his career for 13 years, working in assorted burlesque houses. One night "in some town i n Pennsylvania ," as a studio biography said years later, the comic fell ill and Abbott the ticket taker took his place. It was not until years later, ln 1936, that he met Costello, another burlesque house comic and former Hollywood stunt man. Jn the 50s . the team faded and in 1957 broke up. Jn 1959, the Tnlernal Revenue Service audited Abbott 's tax returns for eight years and disallowed $1 million in deductions. lie sold his $25,000 estate and his ranch north of the city and said the government had taken all his l!fCUrities "and put a · 1ien on everything," leaving bl m penniless. He even sold his TV residual rights. He movtd Into a modest house in Encino. At one point . when the publicity about his financi al lroubles drew some donations , he appealed to his fans to send · 50 cents apiece lo help him pay off the thousands he 01'ed the lRS. He received PIO and 11ld 0 lt was damed nlce or I them." · After the team spilt up, Abbott filed suit agalnst Costello for money he 'Claiml'd from their TV series. The suit -Was still in litigation w~en Costello died. Abbott played a somewhat stuffy man who was always correcting t h e . impulsive, fum bling C'.ostello. Early in their career, they appeared on the Kale Smilh radio show and soon \\'ere in "Streets of Paris" on Br03dway. Their first movie was •·One Night in The Tropics.'' Disney Anin1ator Speaks on Coast George A. Rowley, v;:ho served as an animator for Disney Stud ios for 36 years. will be the speaker for Parents Without Partners in th e South Coast area F'riday at 8 p.m. The regular session of the club "·ill be held at Shorecliffs Country Club, San Clemente. Ro\vley, \\•ho has worked on many of the n1ajor Disney cartoon effor ts during hi~ career. won An (r.;car for specia l effects in the thriller movie "Vertigo" He currently serves as a cartoonist for a weekly newspaper in the Laguna Hills area. 01.&.NQ.I COAST sc DAILY PILOT 1 ..... cn...co.•to.tvr.lf• ... ,.~~°"~" ........ !>....., "'• N•'°" ....... lk .. '""~!''"•(.lo • ...,. c.-P\ol>l!V""CI c._.._ •• ,...,.... ••• ---~ ... --Mn•1,_ ""''""h I"""' it. Cd"• ""''" H•-U....,. t""~"'',,. II•<!""'''"" ..... ~ ...... ,.., .... e.o...-,,,.,, ..... ~,,,.boo'~•"" s .. (;..,....ni.,s,.,, ........ C..~··"""'' • "'IQ"' ,_ .. ""'''"'" .. -s.i ................. ,,. do'"' '"" ~""""""" ...-P'oN••OI .»O W•" e1, ~""'' to11• ....... c .. •tom<t ~?h;lt. Pt>~NW,.,.I l"<•~•..,11\olol• ...... ,.ky\ 0 ( "'"Y ~a••.,-·-~~ n ...... .,. . .a. •.'.fl. - M_..,."'l lOI!.,. (foleot-l I O"I ~ lodP ~1 ...... , ... ~ l""°" S• C~t Offlct XlSNNmet('J"W'O:!O.M Ott.OHkt\ c..w.,,. ... l.Yt-.... :1_ _,..... 8~.oi:n .»\Jr-:._, "°""vlflt ~-"''11"" I.loo or" , ,.,., "'"""'..,..,....-ti ~"'""' m'"""''"'...- Tt .......... 17141641·4111 C*.HMd ................. •41·1•71 s.. Cl•••"'• Al oc,.,..11tt: ,.,...4t1·4410 ~ •• , •. °""'"" ~ .._.. ... c:-.. -"'-""'-.......... _..,.. -fll-IMll--M-• '"""""'~--Ol-..iQN- " Stcond cifn .....,..,_. • CloM• ,,....,Oll.b· -&iilllef'IOl-"'twl'lltl' ·~.00.........,,"" ... ~ 1100-111,,_,,,,.,...,_.,oo_..,, '-fi•r'egulars' Relaea1•si1ag 'Better Project•' Prop. 20 Changes , •• M~ny Developers '. By JACKIE HYMAN 01 "'' 0.111 1'1111 fl1H Proposition 20 has changed the attitudes of a number of developers abot.tl the kind of projects they build, Sot.!th Coast ~a~I Commissioner Judy Roaentr told the friends of Newport Bay Tuesday. "I think many of them now realize yoo ca n make almost as much money \lo'llh a good project as with a bad one," ~frs . Rosener, a Newport Beach resident, told the envlronmentallsts. ... "~fany of them are coming in with better projects now because otherwise they inow their permits wUI be den ied," she said. Mrs. Rosener cited the example of a Los Angeles developer who was denied a pennit to build a ·13-story building and came bade with plans for a three-story building, which was approved . "We ha\•e comm1511men who don'l even believe in Proposition 20," 1'tri. Ro6ener tald. "They aay t h c Y ' r e representing the 40 permlt ol the population who voted asaat It. 11 "I btlie:ve when you ~ a law, you \IOl>'I put ll 60' ~" a!» said. "You don't put' its adminitlraUori in the hands of people who don't believe in It." In dlsCUSllng the acb ievementl ot the ..--11100. Mrs. R"""1tr said, "PerhaPI the most important issue ,.·e've ni8ed Is tbat of coastal dependence. Ltt's ooly use the coaaUine where we need coastline." .. Let11 not put a marine where there's gvod. surf or a good belhing beach," she sakt. "~t's use our re!IOUl'eCS wisely." "We've also wrestled with the problem of mvironmental definltions," ~frs. Rosener satd. "How high is too high? How dense is too dense? How polluted is too polluted?'" San Clemente's 1-ligh ~bool's "Bourbon St reel lrreg· ulars" run trough a 'Dixieland number which will be part of program ,May ... 2 Ji nd 4 at San Clemenle Community Clubhouse. Show will feature several local amateur groups banded toget her into organ- izallon named "Entertainment Plus.·· Show on 1.lay 2 will start at 2:30 p.m. and on J\tay 4 at 8 p.m. Goal of groups is bookings f6r ·local service and social club-programs. "He told me he "'as proud of the lhree· story building because It was really attractive and a much better plan," she S&ld. TOO st.ate • coastal comm ission is also supposed to develop a statewide plan to protect the coastline by 1976. Mrs. Rosener said she thinks the way the panel sells that plan lo the state Legislature Is crucial. "I think people are now thinking about the impact of density on beach access, parking and traffic congestion," she said. Proposition 20, passed by a statewide initiative vote in November 1972, created six regional coastal comm,LsslON and one state oommiS!lion to develop an overall plan !or prole<llng the ooastlioo. Capistrano T1·a11sit Group To Face C1·o ss walk Issue A traffic and transportation rommillec S{tiOO\ will open next to the junior high will be formed in San Juan Capistrano in in September. Recom mendati ons from preliminary the next two weeks and its first job will studies include the installation of a be to settle a crosswalk controversy. stoplight at the intersection of Del Officials from Capistrano School on Obispo Road and Camino de! Avion, the Camino Capist rano want !he cily 10 construction of sidewalks where there reinst ate a <TOSSwalk "'hich was once aren ·t any and the installation ol cros&- located in /ront of the school. But walks at other locations. because the walk"·a.v was in the middle The public \\'orks director told the of the block, Public \\'orks Director co uncil that the s t o PI i g h I is \Yilliam /!1urphy has hedged about recommended in his capital putting it back. improvement budget for next year. The Instead of S<'llling the issue. cily need for sidewalks and their cost will be councilmen \•oted unanimously n.1ondny detl'rmined after a comprehensive study. lo set up a lraf(ic committee to look into Traffic studies would also have to be this and olhcr safety problems. The performed before crosswalks can be committee will be composed ol a coon-painted. In his budget, Murphy asks for cllman, public works emplo}'t, Sheriff 's more staff to perform these functions. Office representative and four citizens. A third problem the committee will Its function will be to make recommen· have to tackle Is the elimination of dalions to the council . parking on the west side or Camino The midbloc~ walkway across Camino Capistrano in front Of Pitt's El Bocado. Capistrano was removed when the slrCt't Pifrs. Mildred Pittman has complained was widened to four lanes. Crosswalks that (>llinling the curb red in front of her were painted at the two nearest eatery has resulted in a 50 percent drop intersections, Acjacbema and La Z.an jn in sales. particularly from tourist buses Slreets. But children continue lo cross that once stopped there. She asked that Camino Capistrano in the old location the red curb be removed . and school officials and parent-group The reason for the curb, according to representatives believe the crossing Ptlurphy, is that the four-lane widened should be marked. por1 ion of Camino Capistrano narrows at Another task for the new committee lh at point and southbound traffic either "·ill be to study pedestrian safety in the turns left onto Ortega or continues into a area of J\1an::o Forsler Junior High. The two-lane section. Capistrano Unified Council of Parents, Anyone interestC'd in volunteering !or Teachers and Students hlls asked the city the traffic commitlce may contact the ;:;~:~~:~~:. ~~·+::; 'I'm Goii1g to Be l(i11ing' San Juan Man Handed Sentence On Sex Cl1arges A San Juan capistrano man who admilled sexual misconduct ,_·ith little boys 'A'ho joined him on snake-hunting and frog-hunting expeditions has been sentenced to 120 days in the Costa Mesa City Jail Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae ordered the jail lerm for Rona ld James fo\'an , 24, or 32067 Paseo Caroline. after ruling that Iovan \\'as a 1ncntally disordered sex offender . Judge Lae additionally ruled, bov.1!ver, that Iovan 'A'ou1d not benefit from treatment provided in a state facility. He placed tovan on five years probation, ordered him to undergo psychiatric treaunent and f u rt b e r ordered blm not to as90Ciale v.ith anyone under the age ot 18 unless a respon.s.lb\e adult was present. Sberlfrs officers arrested Iovan last Aug. 7 on charges ot lewd conduct and sex perversion alter receiving complaints from the parent. of three little boys, tv.-o age 5 and the other 4. Little League Opens Saturday The San Clemente Little League·s season OJ>Cns Saturday with a breakfast followed by opening-day ceremonies at Vista Bahia Stadium. A pancake breakfa!t open to all supporter!' of the baseball program ,_.ill be held from 7 to 11 a.m. at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church. Little League players are selli ng tickets in advance of the e''ent. Tickets also will be available RI the door. A dixieland band will entertain during the breakfast and at the openin&-<lay ceremonies which will start at ll:30 a.m. She said the key to that sales pitch will be local government agencies . "That's where the power is." Mrs. Rosener said, urging local citizens to put pressure on local politicians on behalf of the plan. "I think that citizens ought to ft'alize that local politicians are very sensitive to pressure," she said. "But they're onJy sensitive to that pressure whlch trans- lates into votes or money." Mrs. Rosener also criticlled t'he lack of enforcement provisions in Proposition 20. ·'we have over 200 violatioru in this region of Los Angeles and Orange Coun- ties," she said. "If the oommission h;d the right to say. 'Tear ii do,_TI.' \\'e "·ouldn 't have thooe violations." She said that the fines imposed by the courts are rarely high enough to serve as a deterrent. "It's worth $10.000 to violate the pro- position." Airs. Rosener said. She also criticized the fact that there is no criteria which coastal commissio-n- ers must meet and no way of removing them unl eM a member "'ix> i.s a p.1blic o{ficial fails to be re-clecied. W oma11 Motorist From Capo Beacl1 Gets Jail Term A Capistrano Beath woman has been found guilty o{ drunken driving and sentenced to 30 days ln Orange County Jail following the injuring of a cyclist near Doheny State Park. Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lee ordef'ed the jail term and three years probation for Arline McAdow Lehman, 58. of 35165 Beach Rood. Mrs. Lehman "'as arrested last Aug. 29 bv sheriff's officers who said her auto slruck a bicyclist on the shoulder of Pacific Coa~t Highway near Doheny State Park and went on to smll!h into the rear of a car halted at a red traffic light. Arresting officers said tests disclOSfd that ~trs. LehmM was drunk at lhe time of !he infractions. They 58.id the cyclist. Pamela Wynn, 18. of Arcadia, has since reeovered from her injuries. Jt alao gave the commisskm U,.. power to approve or deny pe:nn1ts to build withln 1,000 yards of the ocean.. Each regkloal coastal commission Is composed of sir public official llDd six niembers of the public. The state board consists tX six public member.1 and one qi.ember from each of !be six regional commissions. ~1rs. Rosener said that 96 percent of the pennit applications Slatewide have been approved by the c;nast.aJ coomis- sioos. She attributed lhls high approval ra te to belier planning by developers and lo the fact that many permit.s are for minor alteratiom:. From Pagel EGYPT • • • Foreign Relations Committee, Sen . Frank Church (0.Idaho). has said he is opposed "to reverting again lo that old habit of trying to outbid the Soviet Union in securing Egypt's friendship." Nixon's request for Egypt accelerates the fast-building change in relations between the countries. "The two restored full diplomatic coot.act.I last week after a 6~-Ytat brtak and Secretary or State Henry A. Kissinger 11 concentrating on An1'Rr Sadat of Egypt for Arab support in "'orking out settlements with Israel. FromPqe l DUMP • • • • improvements on some stretches or Ortega, wh ich is a state highway. State officials have said they have no p\Ms to do anything lo the narrow , winding highway until 1976 or later. The next move on added purchases at Prima Desecha will come June 5 when supervisors hold a public hearing oo the proposed purchase of lhe .second acreage. The ullimale plan as promised by the county is to develop the rugged canyoa into a regional park ooce durnplng ends later in this century. SAN JOSE (UPI) -Convict Ruchcl! ~tagee has asked a judge to send him to pr ison fo r life because, "J"m going to start killing." courtroom. l~e came back a fe\\' minutes ' latl'r and told the judge: ' . -IE , In an outbur~I of fn1stration during pretrial hear ings before Superior Judge \\rill iam Ingram. the 34-year-o\d ~fai:;ce asked Tuesday that his plea of innocent be changrcl 10 (::uilty on charges resulling fro1n the bloody August , 1970 shooting al the ?o.tarin County Courthou se in which a jurlgc and three others "·ere killed. 1.iagce's tri al is scheduled lo start 1.lay 23 on kirlnap-exlorlion cha rges in connection with the incidrnt. Judge Ingram refused lo allow the <lefendant to ch11nge his pica. telling him tha t it could not bt• a('CC'pt1.:d bccausl' )lagee hncl not conferred \\'ith his auorney. 1.1agee. who has hel'n involved in frequent courtrllOm outbursts during: lengthy trials, "'as berating his courl- ;ippointed law~rer, public rl e fend e r Sheldon Portma n. and acc<ising th1• judge of being prejudi ced. \rhen Ingram refused In disqu.'.'lllfy hin1sclf fron1 the c<1sc, f.lagcc left the From 1•nge l SEX KILLING. •• found with mulllple stab "·ounds and the lhroat cut. Po\ie were told ?>.1iss Bertsch w3s l:i.st seen alive At About 8:30 a.m .. shortly after she began htr shift 11t the hotel. An autopsy waa due to be ptrformcd today by the coonl> coroner. but police said II appea rs the girl was the victim of a sex slayer. MiSS Be.rtach "'as a J11nuary grnduntc of Garden Grove tligh Schon\ and was working to earn money to pay her way througt1 junior college. where she planned to study police scltnce. her parents told offk:'Crs. •·1 wish to withdraw my not guilty plea :ind enter a guilty plea to get out of this courtroom. I v.·ant yo u to give n1e life. Ulan, I've bei!:n through this for 10 years. I nm lirC'd of this insult ... I want to go back to prison or "'herever it's at because J'tn going to start kill ing whe rever I'm at. l'n1 going to start here ... I'm going lo make you shoot me." The judge recessed court for a half hour and then announced he "·ould dela y further hearing until Thursday lo allow ~lagee to confer with any allomey he \vis hes. Prison I nniate Flees , Leaves Note for Morn St\~ QUENTIN ( AP \-San Quentin Pri:;on officials said an Inma te \\'ho t'SC<IJ)l'd from fa mily visiting quarters early fOOlly left a note "'hlch read: "~'tom 1 love you. I'm just tired of all this lime.·· 1 Information offlcrr Bill Nyberg said officers ~arched the area and found some of inmate George R. Petlit's prison · clothing al a nearby highway. Nyberg theorized that someone picked up the 38- year-o\d convict serving ·a term for robbery. I ltfl said Pettit was on minimu m sccuri1v nnd therefore allowed to spend the night wllh his mother In the visiting facillly. IUs mother woke up at 5 a.m. and reported him missing. She found a scrawled note saying. "Mom, please try to understand, Don't worry . I "'on't get hurt or hurt 'nyone. I lwe you. I'm just Uttd of all this time. J>Jease don't WOM')'. Love yoo, SoMy." """ ' ... .. 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 ,._ __ ...., .... little league Shoes 5.95 All Purpose Shoes 8. 95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes 10 .95 up Tennis Shoes 9. 95 up Football Shoes 17. 95 up Tennis Dresses Teortis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Stringing • Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rackets Squash Rackets Table Tennis Paddles Darts Dart Boards Volleyballs & Nets · Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks Raleigh · Bikes Parts-Tires-Tubes Accessories-Repairing I I . ' Wednesday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Nl!W YO•IC IUPO -~ .... , hln ~I 1'1 0••" tllOflLO,..llt.fl~ :~:.. °" 1111 ,._ Vorl Sloe~ t.U:M19 P.f: C"°°*I Nitti ~ C'-C"P Detc IOflteS Market Tr..,,d s •• , , .. IOOlllt a.~, • '~ :r--. , ... )\.. A~ •• -. e" •,w ", ... Sl"' ~' M .. I IN"' t~O! I ~1! 'n' 11· Stltl Net ·~'"9 ( ilO • 143 1~"' 1•11 U -.. ""~' _,. 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',L2'"!'t "',,,1 ~.·.~ .. •.l! 1 .. '"'IL'"''"'n I. I r.· li t 1-•N4"BIM 1~ I• I hO I, \11 }"9f•I"" ~,.,. U\ I l ) • ti •••l<f c~ 1 l• ,,., 1,.-w .. ~ * u.cJ,,.. ,,,, to llA'-,.. :tv 3 I 1 L-•.., " & ! ' . 11 , , .,, l'I""~ 1n11 '' 1 t ,.,,....~ .11 ,...,p 1 1 n .. •1 °' -• v sL1 1 f' " U-• 'I ' o 1 111,_,., NOl'lth ~ llifl.11011t1' 'O dtlt 1,.tt11"1WI MIC 1• 11 I "t l•lM-"'lil JOii l • 1 o r, .,.I-Nwitll'w:I w1 • II ,, l!o II -i~•MO(.e Ill l 11 1! 11 U~Ll 1¢ 6! I I • IO•o V. .. "' ~'""' .. .,. .,., O • S•Me> UV ~ wl~ " 0 \Q\lflO•t "" Pan.oe 0• Yo ..,d..,..t & l •>tt .... "~Ila• ..,, roo1 rou• A1nert("n11 • • " .. " • n '" ' -· " Ufl 1t• l'rtn l~l•"'•I Oflll ·~' '"' "" "~o ~ ' "' 1 <• !• I t/OV~ 1 ~•~-~~ l\?I '~-fO 1711 ~Al tnnd \ii•\ \ ~)0 { IJ ~~· •• ~g~ , )lf'"'t. ---- "' I Hl\"\CIS< fl i \I 1111 1f1f' (,a~ &: Eltttr1c f 11 f('flOr!Cd !ll(rCnM d flll tr!rrl1 1 1n11ngs 11 its n n u ii 1 h 1ri hold r' 1111 t1nJ.? I 1r~t qu u • r 1 1 r n 1 n g " tn! tlc>d $1i2 O.'"i rnill1 n or !l1 n1o; fY r ( n rulln 'nurc -Ufl frQn1 $;,~ q n1dl1 11 r !12 cC'nl~ 1 ~h 1r1 11 Th• "'m 11nlf' Jao;t \t;;tf <-OnlpJn\ tiff It; I a J ~ rt 1xi11rrl 1~11 ~d 1 .S ymbol< • ' ,_,., f\ t'fll ... _. ... .,,~ .. " ..,.. • ""' "" ..... 1 ...... '"'It • ood """" "-•!•mo.cl llOW .... . ... l\.id~ L_1_k_c_l_o-\ A-k Audy . . 3% DAILY PILOT Dura NEW YORK (UP!) -The Schoouola won tbrff standing ovations from one of the toughest audiences in town. Jimmy Durante, 61 and partly paralyzed es the result of a stroke In late 1m, made a dramatic and nostalgia-fillt>d appearance Tuesday at the 39th annual luncheon o( tlle Banshees, held each year in conjunction with the America n Ne"·spapcr P u b I i s h c Association convention. N 1.000 hed in thr of the Waldorf Astoria Ho . Durante. his voice barely abcn·e a whisper at times. sa ng l~'O songs "'hi/e seated in his wheelchair on the floor of !he ballroom. • te Cheered wore hls famillar c hed felt h.at. cocked 10 one sid , a nd there wcr1• 1r1nis1 ey • -and mnn1 tr;1rs.-11JJ aro d the rooin ;is h1 · s J011J.1 sang "lnka-Oi.nk11 -Doo" .find "Y at l!e:irt ·· The "'as I h u n d t' r 11 us appl · se frorn the slantling aud· nee alter each just us !hr e had been when \\"1l:111n1 ndolph Hea rst Jr. prt·st.>ntcd Durante "'ilh 1hc Banshees' "Silver Lady" award us an. outstand ing pcrforml·r. Thi' Hearst Corporation sponsors the Junc-hcon. "TllM'K YO U, FOLKS," Durantt, hts · voice quivcnni.:. said after each of t h c prolonged rounds of applau~l' "/'\oy,· you kno1\· thc 111(·an1ns t of thr "Ord star." col11r11nJ:i' BoJ r:>ns1d1ne . t hl' 1naster uf ~···r•·11uin1l·~. 10/d the audience of 1·d1turs <illd µublishc~. C.:urul C.: h A n n I n H . lhr Uroad"·;iy singer and :itlrcss, presented one of her glittering fakc dia1nond nn;is ro [>uruntc i.t the conclusio n ol hl'r song '·Diamonds A1·r a C.:!rl's nest Friend." "OUH J l:\t,\IY IS t he lwighll1SI dtumond of lht•m :1tl."' shl• said to another rounn nr ap11h1usc for 11uranlc. \1 ho ~at srriling lie !.'ilkl'd to <Jotcns of the ed11urs <incl publishers "·ho c.::i n1e forward l<!.trr. IJurant(''s Jen arn1 and elf\ lcA wrrc partly puraly7.ed fol!O'.l'ing !he stroke 1 n ~o\'Cn1hcr. 1972 • . ' I \ EYES MOIS T J immy Durante ' \ . ,;; ',, , ' THE Bia NUMBER ONE REGULAR ACCOUNT Great Western offers you every th ing from 5.25% to 7.50%. And something more. Our people care about more than just opening accounts. They care about you. And we wa nt you to know aU there is to know about the high-rate, long-term ·Certifica tes of Deposit. We want you to kn ow about the Federal requirement for a severe forfeiture of interest on early withdrawals-from all ce rti fica tes at al/ banks and savings associa tions. Beca use we don 't want you to pay any penalty. We want you to earn the most. By choosing 5.25% 5.39% ~ ·- 90 DAYS 1 YEAR 2V. THE ONE ACCOUNT YOU SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS EARNS FROM OAY·IN TO DAY-OUT 008 CERilFIC~TES fir !J -~~;,;,· Os:>~~ AHV AMOVNT CF J; ''X'f"I OR i.>:i.<1; G\M"'""1'BO .-.-;.w.. .... Tll ............... fnl;I --· ~V.:LD 5.75 % 5.92 % --6.5@% 6.72% YEARS 6.75 % 6 .98% ' " 4 'Z50% 7.79% YEARS -- Bo ys' Death Case TODAY'S ' To Beg in July I TV IDGHLIGIITS , CBS e 8:00 -Power and the Preaidency. George •• C. Scott narrates this historical ipecial covering six SA\! Al\'T0,~10, Tex. I AP1 -Elmer \\'Ii} ne J~enley, 17, "'Ill f!J on tri;11 here July 1 in the dc111hs or .six or lhe 27 l(.'1..'0-agc•d victims of the Texas mass murder case. District Court Judge Preston Dial ordered proseculion and defense aUorncys lo be ready lo start jury selection on July I ar>d to OC'g1n tht• prcscnt~tion or lcstin1ony on J uly 4 in the ca~ THI;; TEl::.~·AGl'.:RS ·,\'ere J.1)Jcd in whjl the stale dl'Scritl'S as ri hon'IOsc:cual ton ure ring. · In ii 20-rqinulr st'ssion Dial ;dso dis.posed of nine defense " '. molions. lie gr11nled only one. He refused lo IM\'e 1he trial out of San Antonk> because of publicity here -the same reason Henley's trial was • transferred from 1-Iouston. Instead, he said he \l·ould fry to pick a jury and grnnt the change of venue! only Jr he j were unable to find 12 " unprejudiced persons to serve on it. HE ALSO REFUSl:i:O to delay the trial because of! publicity. I Dclense lawye r \\'ill Gray'!! 1nolion 10 question individually all poU!nlial jurors \\'ho had heard er read about the ca se "'as granted.· -- oC the nation's early presidents and how they estab- lished the foundations or power on which succeed· ing presidencies have been based. ABC O 9:00 -ABC Theater. The drama "Wed· ding Band" focuses on a fi mall Southern town in 1918 and the relationship -not only tllfficu lt bul illegal -between a black seamstress and a white baker. Ruby Dee. J. 0. Cannon. Eilee n Heeknrt. TV DA ILY LOG ·W ednesday Evening ·• APRIL 24 1.«1 e o o c;1 mm m "'"' ~f!I)(l;Q3~J(5:t {l.l "f"' Q An1t1 llHblll CoA'I from 4:JGPM. An&els vs. 8•1tlmore 01 to!e1. @ Ho1111'1 Ht1oe1 0 lt¥trlr Hltlbillit1 m MWlon: lmpos1illlc Ill ModSqutl £i) El ''"" C111.ultl @ MO\'it: (C) (Ztlfl "MO!tltrrJ hp" (doc:) "70-J1ni1 .lopl!n. €Ell KM11Podtt ltdp m sPtt11 Rat11 1:00 8 Eaton Corporation * presents "Power & The Presidency" THE 2NO 11:1 5 €I1 Ci11em1 34 AMERICAN PARADE show ll;lO EJ (?9' Ci I (I] CBS Lite Miw1t: IC) MMadfo"" (wts) '70-llithud 1J (Cij CIJJ@ CJ!m!D. A111tri· OOOllt l11ht C11on UR '•ndt '"Ptl•tl & lht P1ts1 a ia '61 JQ.1 m Joh11n1 ClrtaR dtncy .. An hos!oriul sPK11I. n1r Jtrr, Lt'"11 •111unl hMl thtu fnd•1 r•!td by Geor&t C. ScOll, towu•n& r1 hi Sil ol lh11 nor.01,.1 ~ally P1ts1oen1s 0 Movie: ''Tro111ur f u1y" (ldv) and ~ 1hey tl{h 1nd1v11Sually and ·44 _ JKk l• R11t. W11!1'e fofd, d11m11<c:alty 11UbbsMd Ille lound1 (i) Twihlfll Zo111 tOOM ot po11tt1 on whith succeed1na 0 'ff (3 CD Wide Wo11d Sptti1I a term you're positive you wiD fulfin. Or by P•tsoden.c:+es hi'°' bttn b•~d . '"Jiit St1rth ICM the !.•ni•n.11 Cow D QJ (() 121 m ~.•st S3S W•I! boy"" A Jtll Iona Ullth lor I ntw fly. You to !ht Moon (R) l'Orsu11 , r.mrinc cowboy ltlr condudtt wolll ot 1 hthcopltr count1 de!r~enn& the iudrt1ons o! the t111ht tin11ists distributing your savings ove r several accounts with several terms. So you can protect your freedom to withdraw, at co n- venient inteivals, without penalty. Right now it's so important for you to look for strength and service and people who care. You'll find it all at Great Western . And yo u'U get the feeling that comes from knowing you've put yo ur savings in exactly the right place. That's the Great Western feelin g. llt1o•n l11ds I/It Chi!~ unf! to ' tnd tilt 1nnounctmtn! ol lhe won hu.11e n11co1ics 011tr1toon "''· John 01v1dr.on hos11 0 Mo~: (C) (2hr) "" flnt Mlcl· ED D1y 1t Hi1h1 ntn~ Ir.om) '66 -.lolnne Wood- ward, Stan Conner-,. 12:00 (i) One Slrp Br70no 0 tl7) [3)® htqu~s Couttt1u m MOfit: "The Burcl11" ldr1) '57 Spt~I "1r11edy or !~t lled S1lm -01n Our-,ta. J1yne Man~htld at!"' (I!) The !oifl cf the mystilymc m Bill Cosb1 rtlurn of thuuunds of salmon to !ht waler' ot lht,, b1r!h and mr 1:00 f3l 0 Cf'l:ll C61 Ne~u pe11lou1 m11ralion of !ht red salmon 0 1.ig, ED Tomooo\Pf lo sp11P1n '" the 1tmott l!alitr t1~e in Ah~;.1. I Dt1lu'1 Choice S1!1ri to ,.dnntu1t Mnic.~ '11111 F1sliti1l Qt) MMe: (C) (2hr) ·~tr•net l14)' 1:45 fl MoYit: '1ht &IOIJ Bri11d1" {di!) 'Sl-Voctor M.ru1e. 2:00 m Al1·"111M Show: ''Tht ht~pott "A Lttltr 11 Tftr11 Wlwts" I• lf'll'n~ (d11) "51-Gretr G1t10n. 3;10 O Movit; "Anatl F1<t" (d11) '53 D1n1 Artdrtllis. -Robfrt M1tcltum, Jf•n Simmol\.I. Thu rs da y DAYTI ME MOVIES 9:00 0 IC) '~11tllH~ (1dv) ·~1 -Joli~ 8arr,111011 J1 .• Co1rin1 Catttt. 9:3(1 O "lh!w111 Sdtoel l ifr (dn) ·51 ---Glol11 C.ttillo. Cdd Br111eS. ll:OOO "Tht I ii Shtw" (wnl 'lT - Ctnt Au11J. "A Kin I~ 1111 Dai\" (&»ml ''9 -J1n1 W}om1n , Dmd I i.iwn, Broderic' C11wfo1d. U :OO m '1111 111 WMtl" (dr•) ''9 - Mlt•ey Rooney, Tham1s Mittlltll, l:OO @''llrtitnl111 Strim Twiet" (d1tJ '51 -R~lh Rom1n, Rich11d lo4d, 2:00 Ii) '1flf C1nbo" (com) '60 - Gltnn foid , Otbblt Reynolds. I m "1W!11ly Br1w Mtn" (dr1) "60 -Car-, Wer-,. Arin•• l!in1r. 3:00 (I) (t) "fl11 Mitll11111i11u" (com) '61 -Soohit Lortn l'tlri ~'!us. 1'.1.9' (C} "Whtre Lnt His ttM" (dr&I •64 -Su11n H1yw11d. Bttlt D.ll'ls. M•ke Con110f1. !:JO 0 (C) "9r0to Arrow" (•tS) '!IO- JIS>ts Stewart. Jdf Cll1ndlei. {1) "'E.Jlh11 & tilt IUn(' (Id~) '60 -Join Cothns. llictrud (11n 0 (C) "Tiie P1e1111rc ol His Col9· ,.,,,.. Co!H:I. (com) "61 -frtd Miiite, LilH P1lmtr. Oebblt lle,- ll(lfds. (11) rn "!1!1d; lllllfll111rf' (m15) '39 -ll~mond M1uc1 . .loan "111ioto riJ @ (C) ''Coo1111'1 Blwff" fdrtJ "68-Cllnl f.1srwoot1. Lte J. l:obb. 4:30 (9 l]J) ''Thi rour Posttt' P11t t (com) ·~2 -Ru H1r1ison, l1!li P11mer. KOCE TEL EVI SION LOG !C) . Nov. •11e Pt•lr•I Fi!• Deslo,.;"11 S~lrl1 •nd "•1111•· -l<"ll~ 11 • GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS ASSETS OVER $4Y.i BILLION • COMPLETE SA FETY SINCE 1887 l1N IDUCAJIONRL SCltOOl Hr•· 11!1 ltl,.f'Ll.S tCI "'How Do Ye., ICncwJ.. -A "!ASA p.t1·•l<;ill rlll•!ft !ht ,,,.., Rnll lllOugll!s ol tlllklr•" lo tri. 1111..-Jno P'"Ot•lws Of pro!tt1len11 Ki..,llsl' l:U IN$10-OUT ~Cl "OoM.e" -Ht!Pt chlldr1" -.r11-~ l*!Ole lll••n to ..:i:.-col wflllt..., ll 1, ""'' ... ~~., '""" '-el •llflt•f1'1 "°'" Of,. .. . 1:41 •LL AtlOUT VOU /Cl "No ~1rl"9t Oii YO\!" -Ht!,,. thllorttl .. nci.t,lllld Ille l.._r11><:1 of m1ne1n •• O.l!<h w11kR hold "°"' ,,,..,...,°'~ 109er11er •nod ma~• mrr•tllW'tlfl ~~·- 4:)11 ElECTlllC COMPANY !Cl ,,. $!1Al~IE $fRl l:T (C) l!N -'AMILY IUSI< MAN"li°'"'""'' I() "I.it~ lntur1<>et Whi t f'otky SllOlllO I Blf\'"' -ll'HOll 17 t :JD Ol'AENSIONS IN C\ILTUlll:S U.) ''Slft1n 11'd ltlllt'' -Leuon 11 J,N tNTllOOUCTtON TO "NTtll.•l GEOGll"PHY ICI "Lllff'll E"''llY Of l"'9 "'"'°'""9~·· -L~""1 1~ '1• FAMILY lllSIC MANIUil:Mlr.NI ICI ·Lil• l~W11.-c1 WllM fll)h<Y S"oula I lh1y" -lhMlll 17 NfWftOflTl '••l'llo11 C.f'lfft I 'BUENA PAAIC / 'LAGUNA HILLS I Ltl•u,t World I •sANTA ANA '° '••Mo11 l1ltlld. 15'-tooo •101 511111011 "''''Lt"''""'. 551.5000 2•100 El To10 llload. 551·6000 .. 1•1• No"ll U..111 ., 151tl. 551-IOOO °""' ...... ..,.. 1CI 16 ' •••• 'SIEAL IEACfflleltur. World ' 9 AM to 4 30 PM. Ditlly Until 6 PM. Fndays / frl:'t> P.11kui11 '"El WITH ACCOUNTS OF &1000 OR MORE: Stlt Otpotll l o•t t l•I •"'"• ,..,t.~·1. T1tvtlt1t Cl!tclo.t. MontJ 01d111, Nol11w St•wlc:t , tru11 Otod/ No!t Colt1c1io11. At10 Frtt ClltCll· .... Monlll Pltl'IL MEMBER: FEOERAl SAVINGS ANDlOAN INSURANCE CORPO~ATJON, FEDLkAL HOME t.OAN BANK • ASAVtr~::i A::iSOCIATION OF GREA r WLSl[RN FINA.NCIALCORPORATION .......... _ ---- .~ • I I cJJ I CAif llEAO /(') "'Tll9 HIVt!!lll Mo\N.ori" -(lll!d•f'I ••• ··~·~ lfl lmf10!,,. 1n0 m•kt 11\to ~lfWh cl iou111h 1~ev ..,,q~t ""*' 01 •t>er 11.,. lot lllfout" "" hlllrlltd ht)l;tf !116 COVIii JO (OYER !Cl " Ancl Now M l91'1I" -A moot•* _, !n c'Hd,.,,~"J 111"'*'"'' 1·N l.LIC.TIUC COMP•NY !Cl Jtll IHT•ODUCTIOH TO "HYSIC•L OEOOIClil"HY ICI "l•!..,I ElltlflY o1 me A1mo:t~llfr1·• -i..euon 14 J:1' PIEINAND $1¢1iTCttlN0 tCI "f'mtihat11 on $1(t" -Llu.011 11 t :ll CONHll 'S Cl..OTHl'!"O COllNlll t :tll M/\!TIEA,.IF<Ca TH•A••rc fC/ ··u"'111rs, Dll">-ll'l••tr~" -£1••"Clt ,...., " .,a.rt F "'" n.. "1sr " tl!lnc• I01C!Kjnf1r w1111 ~··~n •e-1111•1 In E'lr111t111 f.t-1~ /\Ir b.ilt' lo 1i.e l\f/utl. t1N AB•I LA IOCA IC! fn~ Unl.....-111.,. al C1!11ofnl1·1 0....1-1 M(ll)il• tin•t 1, •~u~wta 111r~uth 1~. $All Ja.<111111 V11J,y GUtln11 ~ W1"IT\lf "'0/t'f"I GI !~1Cll•"lt Th, 'll•larM ol mlg1onl wot-••' 1100111 lhnt11 llYV/-. I:• DIMENllONI JN CU•TUltll IC) .. SlllUI tnd Aolt" -.LltlO!! lf !ll .... 1 .. , ' • I I • Laguna Bea~h TION Toda'''S Final • N. l '. Stol•k s VOL 67, NO. 114, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1974 TEN CENT S Average Laguna Honie Sells at $88~500 By lllLARV KAVE OI llM DlllJr ,lllt It_., The current average cost of a house in Laguna BeaCh is $88,500. And the average buyer must earn at "ast $32,640 a year. , 1ilesc arc the findings o( Don Ward . president of the L.'lguna Beach Board of Real1ors. 1,11ho says there is defini tely a sellers' market in the art colony. Still , Ward warn s that while sellers Three Slain In Border Gun Battle NOGALES. Ariz. CAP ) -Two U.S Oistoms Service patrolmen and an American were killed during an apparent gun battle today a few miles north of the i\fexican border, authorities said. offi· cials suspect the American of being a marijuana smuggler. Officials said the Customs agents were found beside lheir vehlcle, "·hile the American, with several pounds or marijuana nearby, y,·as found several yards away. ''The agents v.·ere found outside their car by a young girl v.•ho saw them while going to school," Jerome Hollander. CU.stoms Service spokesman in Los Angeles, said. Jesse Partida of the CUstoms Service office here said the two men had bun working together Tuesday night, but that lhe Customs Service had no indication that they were in trouble before today's report by the girl. The bodies were found in the Parker Canyon Lake area, a secluded fishing and ·ramping resort In the southern Arizona mountains just north or the ~fexican border. Partida said the shooting sife may ha ve been just inside Cochise County, rather than Santa Cruz which includes Nogales. The two federal agents are identified as Lewis Dixon, 32, and Diaries Bokin· ski , 26. The American ~-as identified only as lt1ichael A. Williams. 43. "Their government vehicle was with !hem," Partida said. ''It 's a mobile unit they use to go all over the border." Jack Smith, acting Customs Sen':ice director here. 'was not immediately available for C(lmment. The Arizona Department of Public Safety said it originally had been asked to send a helicopter to the scene, but the request wa!I v.·ithdrawn a short time later. Custom Service agents and sheriff's deputies were investigating at the scene. Ex-supervisor West Suffers He.art Attack N. E. \Vest, former Orange County supervisor and a longtime Laguna Beach civic leader. is reported in satisfactory C(lndition at South Coast Community lfospital following a heart attack Sunday. West, 85. of 320 ~1yrtle Street, Laguna. is credited "'ilh building the original -boardwalk in Laguna, initiating and financing the city's incorpo ration in tm. promoting cqnstruction of the Coast Highway tJ\rough the !own, a n d developing the city's sanitary system. As county supervisor for eight year,; in the 1930s. West helped set up the county flood control dislrict and negotiate the trade \~:ith the Irvine Company '*-..J.,hc present Orange County Airport. He has lived in Laguna Beach since l'J21. Woman In j11red In Cliff Tumble A Cypress woman fell 80 feel off the lleisler Park bluff in Laguna Beach to the beach below TuMday. suUerlng se\·eral broken bones and a concussion. Police said Rose AM Powers, in her late 405, wa3 sitting on the wall in the llelsler Park gaiebo v.·hcn he.r glaws fell off on the cliff edge. Whm Mle reached to n!lrievf' lhcm, ~Is. Powtrs told police !he fainted and IMt her balance. slipping dov.in the steep bank. Despite her lnjurles, she manr.iged lo walk back up to the blu!hop v.•he:re an ambulance picked her up and look her to South Coast Communit y llospltal. have been riding out .11 financial bonanza, the market may soon go the otht>r "'ay "It seems to go in ryrles," \\'ard said. "In about three months, v.·e .may rc\'f'rt to a buyers' market, sinre iht1 \ending rates are soaring so high." But for now . a buyer in Lagun:l l"k'ach beuer have plenl\• of cash 111 lu:. pockl't, the realtor sugi;e:ll<.'1.1 Of the 95 houses eurrt>n\h· up for s;1l•·. only lv.'O arr priced undCr ~!io .0011 . \\.:i l'd said. ··The $88,500 fi gure l!I reuhs11r . althoui:h mnybe partially innattd si'rK·,· "c ha\·e se\·eral houses on 1he market that 3re asking betv.·lien $300 ,000 :ind S-'00.000," \\'ard said. To t•alculatc his ,1\'f'rage ft~urts. \\':irt4 taki•s the J1urnbf!r of houses cu rrentlv frir :-alf nnd <IJ\'!fll'S 11 into the lo!al aniount bi'Jll R askNI fnr th1·m R1~ht no\\'. the ~f'llc rs of th!• 95 hou~·:i ;•11· :1~k1ng {t tol<tl S8A10.000. hf' ~R11I Ttl huy ,u1 $811 ,5011 hou:!<'. lhl' hu~·t-r \\'oiu ld havt to proiiahly put <lo"'n a 20 prrCi"nt dov.n payinent. of SI S.{)()(l. \\11 nJ s.ud . &l\\'tetl the n1onthly mortga1:e and !ox payml•nts. hl' \l'Ould ha,·c to ('()Ille up with S680 t'3l'h nv1111h "To gel a loan. hr \\Ould prohabl,· h<nl' t11 earn $32 .6~0 to qualify." n1~111ta1n1·d \\"ard "L1·t'~ fac<' 1t \\'c 'vr ~ot .'l r1th 1111·1'- 11·!1· 1i\·r1> in 1111\'tl ."' he arl:h'1l \lq~I 111·uplt· r.·hlly :i r1•11 i hu\ ing 11 110 l..agunn lle:i.<'h, bu l ratht>r, tht'~ ·r" hu\ 1ng a'.l ,1r fron1 v.·hcrc the\' l'Urlll' fn.1111." h1· said: "l'l'Oplc are buying llW:J}' lm111 pl3l'l'S like Clendal t" and P11,ad•'n.1 \\llC'rc fh<· iimo~ and high dl'n!lll~ h dn\'in~ thrn1 a\\a~· ·· \\'ard ~111! Hmt Laguna Br11eh ;1sl.t~~ pr1tl'~ ,1rl' actually firrn pri <'t>q. v.11h lath· ru•J:oC1at1on 0<'1·ur rrn~ right 110\t .. \ 1t'i11.~1· a ~k1n1: $118.500 111.1 1· "II 11 ·1· ~,"1,t\OO nol lllU!'h 101 It t.1111• J 1·111 1 !ll.'rl t'fl!,1C1' 11 l't'.' Ill' ,,1111 "Hut ;r ~~:, 111111 ;1~ku•,: 1·r;1·1• i11 1;lt·11d.1k 11<:.11.111~ "1U :-1·!! J .. r .111!~ ~!111•1 "In :-o inlt' llll<'~ 1 11,-~ put r1d1cUlt111' pr1c,'' 11n 1hr1r tw.u~r' \\1· du 11~1 hur \I" "·ll rh,,n1 :11 th•1"-' pr11.~,· \\:irO ,,11it \1.1·1·n ;..r~·r:1i.;. 1•r11 ,., .1n· r111n rn\1·1! f1•1n1 E111•·1.1l·l Bui d.•1\11 '" 1.:n:un.• \ii.: .\·I 1h•1 ,11·· '!'1!1•·111 11.u \ .. 111 r \\',ud '·'id l .. l~IJl\;I \11.;1h I :11111 Su1lll1 L.IL!Hll,t 1Hl1ll•· H\j! ft~ll!"t •. ~ild !)till".! II· :1111.1i.:1· i1 .. 11n Ii• ~Ii:! m ~1.· \h• I I .I I t! .1<tdv•I $250 Million Requested Nixon to Aid ·Egypt Lfl!J11110 Scfaools '75 Budget Seen illndome Cl1ief The 165 policemen 1n Cl11 ra· go's traffic administration di· vision answer to Chief l\larilyn O'Regan. 53, a 26-year veler· an of the force \vho was ap- pointed to the $27 .000.a·year last week in a shakeup of the Chicago police depa rt n1en1. It 's the highest post ever held by a woman on the l3.750·men1be r force. Pot1el Divided Wguna Beach Lnified School District lrustt'CS learned Tuesday night that the 197-1-7~ school budgcl is shorl Dl least SJ I0.000. Et'{•n if !he .fun(' 4 tax ovrrnd(' Plecllon 1~ .~uccessful and tile distrrt't n.ffl\'l'S $27 1.600 rnore income. cutb11cJ.s will still nt.'<'d to be madl'. act(lrdini; 1 i• Pla1111e1·s Vote to Rel1ea1· Syca1nore Hill~ P1·oject Lagun.1 Beach plannini; romm1•s1onrrs have voted 3-2 lo ('(Insider ri..>z~ning the 522-acre Syean1ore Hills area a s ac:ricultural-recrcal1on:il ( A·R l !;ind. and set public hearings on the rnatter J une 2~ and July 8. C.ommissioners disagrt>C<l ~Ion d a f night on the route to take 1\ ith the undeveloped, controversial land. Sally Bellerue. C. C. Claxton and Roger Lanphear supported the A·R dest~nat ion . \Vbile William Leak and James r..lrDowell cast their votes to establish ·1 specific plan for the area. The specinc plan would hu\'t onl> affected the Sycamore Hills art.'a. \\'bile the A·R ;one is a o ne -ye a r -old designation th at has no t yet been app lit'CI to land in Laguna B<-nch. A·R land is designed to protecl and preser\'e various open space areas, including pa rk lands , scenic rescr\'t's. and fish a~ wildlife preser\'es. Fnrmo: and r:i nrh1 s ill'•' an1ong thl' ust.'s that ma\ be dc,·elopt'd 110 1\ H \J nd . 11·11h bu1ld1n,is ocl'upied b~· the nv.•ner or lr~S<'C. Some of the legal. non-conformin~ ust'~ include golf. riding ;ind !cnni s club!'. The land in Sycamore Hills. between F:I Toro and Laguna Canyon Roads, v.·as original ly zoned residC>ntia l-hillsidl' IR· H 1. ;ind commrrcial·neighborhood 1 C-Xl. A massi \'e dcve!op1ncnt p r r. Jc rt , proposed by Ne1\'})()ft lnvf'Sfmcnts. Y.'J.S turned dov.·n b\' the cit y last Dcl·crnber. The developn1e11t 1\·oulci h:1v(· built 2.0lfi housi ng units on rhi• s;te 01·er thP n('XI 10 years. bring1 n~ in 5,00U more rt'S1<!c·nts, <lnd cosling SM million. The decis ion Mns1dcred a gre:.i t 1·ictory for cn v1ronn1entaiists. "·as based on the councitmrn·s fC<'hngs that traffJ('. flood and sewage disposal problen1s "·ould have resulted Comm unity residents ronceml'd 01·er tf'lc fate of the arra may ;1ga1 n su rface :it the June and July pubhr hra r1 ng~. No Clites Yet in Brutal Slayi11 g of Grove Girl Anaheim police !laid toda )' thl'Y hare no clues ta the identity of the killer in the brutal sex slaying Tuesday or a Ii-yea r· old hotel maid from Ga rden Crov(' Tbe nude, knlfe-slashl'd body of L.Rurir A. Bertsch, 115.11 Norma l..ane. v.·as found sprawled on a bed in a vac;1nl room at ·the Sheratm Inn on Rall Hoatl near Disneyland. A police Sl)t)kesman said invesugator1'! !!till ha:''' no leads in the sla' Ing and h.i vt found no tract or a v.e;:i pon. Police \l'ouldn't sav tr the room v.·hrre the girl 's body h11d betn round "'as occupied during !he night before I he murder. ~liss Bertsch's body "'as dis('()verl.'d shortly after noon by sornc of her co- workers who lold police they became worried when sht didn't show up for h~r 10 a.m. coffee break. They s.1id they found her cleaning c.1r1 in a hall QUI.side the room v.f!cre the pretty, broWn·hnired i;:lrl's bod}' \\tQS ro11nd '''ith multiple stab wounds ond thl' throat cut. Polle '.l·t.'rC told ;\liss Brrt!\Ch "'llS l:ist sc-en ali\'C at abou1 8:30 a.m .. ~hor1J ~· .1:1fter she began her shift at the hotel. · An autopsy was due to bf: performed today by lbe count}-C(lt'onrr. but police sa id it appea rs the girl was the vicrim of a sex slayer. ~liss Ber11>eh was a January graduate of Ga rden Grove lllgh School and wn s .... ·orking to earn mOflty to pay her wRy through junior C<lil ege, "'here she. pla nned to stuJy police science. her parents told officef3. ~Lxon TakeM Crui se \\'ASHl~(~TON 1AP\ President Nixon \\'C:Ot cruising on lho J>oto1nac. River Tuesday c\'ening v.·ith his \Vhlt c llouse ch.let of staff, Alexander At Hnig Jc. Superintendent Don \\'oodington. The budget prrsrntt'CI at the first budget study session. with a projected total inC(lme or S-1 ,512.2~2. is still tentative. ~o decision on ho\\' to bala!l<'c !hi' budget will be made unti l afler the uprnmr ng el{'C!ion. \\'oodlngton .~aid. B11t adrn11ust r;1tors 1-:ave tru 5tees !hC"1r 1n111al i.ug~t·stions on how 10 t:-in1 the ! 111ii;:t'I -n~1rn1ug cu1backs 1n .-;on111 t•ascs. 11nd .'lbolr5hrncnt of st•1·~·r.d c· ... 1;1hl ish11d pro;:r:Hn.~. Busint•.ss :\lanager Cl)dl? l..ovl'lad y ~uggt•sted c u I b <t c ks , in n1an y dcpr1rtmenls. i11 the areas of eo'nfe r(11Cf'S , ronsultant.s. clerks and new t-q u1pmen r. Four cstablishl-d programs v.· er c nant('CI for possible e ! 1 m 1 n :'.l t 1 on , 1ncl ud1ng: -llJl-.:A. a one-ycar..fl!d p ro j c c 1 dr~1 i.:nt.<1I to CJ1coura'1t teachers to ~u~~<''I new 1dc<1s in thl' school~ Fund~ 11err u~t'<l t11 nnplrment the idt'a~ -Con1n111n1tv Resources Pro.:rnm . .1 prnJl'CI 11 htrh 0 ('{)(}rd inatt'<I 1·nlun'"t'r ht•lp in lht· ~thOOl5 b~· l'fJnununi!y meml>r rs -l):i ta l'roc1:ss1nJl. \\h 1th used lH \I ron1pt1 ler~ 10 ~rhedulc cl1s~1.·~ at Thurslon School. fill out report cards. and JlfO\'!de other scr\ 1ces. -Educablr .\lenta1Jy H ct a r d r d progr.:un at the high school. Thi·s r students would b<.· transferr('(f to :i sirnil!ir program at Capistrano School Dislrirt instead. Po~sibli• CLJ!backs might ulso b.." l1i1111ng 1n !ht• d1'>!r1t'!"s music prog ran1 . /Sec Hl;UGET. Page 2 ~ Pla1111er.~ JI oL e To Seek Funds For Sille 1i:alks La11:una Beach planning romm1ssionrrs ha\'l' \'Otcd 3 to 2 to apply for ~il ,00'! in fede ral fund s lo add s;tlev.alks and trrcs along t..:Jgun;i Canyon Hoad 11nd lhl' Coast lli~b11 ay ln doing S(I, tht \' d<"fcatC'(I 11n :ilt£1rnul1\·c suggestion for s~nd1ng lhf' rnont'y. which '.IOUld ha\'e widened port ion s of Lagunri C;iinyon Hn;id Con1rn 1 ~~ionc·rs Sally IWllr rue, CJ' C'laxtun ;111d \\'ll lia1n 1..cak :'l!onday voted in f;i \'Or of th£' sidC'v.·a lks and trl'l.'s. Co mmissioners sa id that v.ir:len ing l .. 'lguna Canyon Road would go against the gc.ner:il plan, since It l\'Otlld attract inrr{':ised traff ic. But Director of Public \llorks Stan ~choll said the sug~estion for v.·1den 1n~ tht road had come from the Cit y Coonc1J H the funds an.o received, trres and sidewal ks v.•111 line the Coast H1f.th111 a)' from IA:gion to Aster streets. accordin g to Scholl. On t.a 11 11n e Ca nyon R oad impro,emcnts would ht. added t'1tht>r ne.ar !he F'rstivnl of the An s or along tile Broadway portion of the rood, fro1n Coast ~lighway to Bc~ch S1rcc1 The Oepartmen1 of Puhlle: \'i'orks \\ill npply for the srant from the ~,tdern l Vrban Aid program by May I VA ryilig amoun ts of money \\'Ill be J!:ranlcd to cities io hnprovc thclr majo r ~treet syioems, ~uld $71,000 was set 4slde for La guna Beach, ScOOll said Isra el, Sy·ria Plllll(!S Bt11,tf 1> Hy Unitf'd Prl'~( lnlcrn:11 ionnl l ~rar h and s~·nan 11arp!;in1'~ bon1l)t •d <•nd -1r<1tl·rl 1•:1<·h 1n h1·T ~ por.1!1ons on 'ih' 1;01.1n llt'll.!hl.:;; tod;i~· ;ind :111 off1l'1a l [1;11nt1"·11' n1•1\'Jla1K•r 11:1rn•d rh.1! 1h1• f1ght1 ni.:. in th1· 44l h 1l:1y ,,f t;1nl. ;ind nr11 ll1•ry duf•)q . l"UUld ('-.r;tl:ole 1111(1 1ht• fi fth ~1 1ddli' E:1~t v.ar 1\ S_\rian 1n1 hlary co1111n1111111LI(· said Srri:i.n ;i1r drfenscs -report{'ll lo include rll'V.' Sov1ct·bu1lt 1nul11ple \1arhc>:id m1 ss1lcs -shot dO\ITI l\\'O Israeli plan(·~ tf)'tng to bomb Syrian pos111nns on f\11 Hennon. A Tf'I A\'iv m1lt1ary ~p o k I' s in a n rt·ported ne"' lsraeh !llr st rik es but 5a11! all p!.1nes n.·rurn{'tl saf1·l~ G11ctrd KiJled In Qui<·k-f)ra'r 1'ry; l\'lau IrcJd • A yount; (ecur1ty J.?UA rd from Oran~c "·as shot !o dea th TU£'~;iy in ,\n;i t'h.11111 1'.hil(' all1'l:-l'Clly practicinJ,? f .i~t-<lr;iw 1echn1qurs \\1t h an01hrr i.:uard l'nl1tt· s:i.1d .leroml' C \\"ood l.J urn. 19 . of '.!Ii~ Bal a\ ta St . died ~II C;OQtJ :').)lllaritan !lusp1t;1I of ;1 s1ng h·. larg1• t«1!1h1·r bulll·t 11ou nd 111 the cht·st Ch;irl1f' J .. \111.l'r. 22. of 14 li2 Roxanne A1e .. \\'cstmtnst .. r, 1~ 111 Or;1n!.(e f'oun\y .1;111 tnda.v oo rnan~laughte r rhargrs strmm1ng fron1 the Ii a nl 1nc1dcnr A po hce spokr·srnn n .-;aid tht· shootinc: ot·c11rr('d at Ilonafide ~<·ur11y Scr\'it'C' in 1\nah«in1 . :'ll lzl·r told polu'1• hr and \\r•odhurn llf'rf' practicing qul<'k rlr;111,~ \\1!h thf'll' fll,\u!~ \l ht·n lh•· ~hoot ing took phll·1• ln\·t'sl1gator~ s:11d .\1 11.f'r ~ .ti·('<1l1 bt>r rl'\Ol\'t>r had he1•n f1rt'r! on(i: \\"oodburr. w;is ru~ht'fl 111 th.• hospi tal .~t1ortly alt1·r·1he ~hoo!in~. liu! h\· d1t1tl on the (•mc rg£'ncy o~r<Hlng tabli· shurt h nrtcr i a.m .. pohci· Si.ltd ~n bail has ~'l'n set on \hYt·r as of t·urly lf)(la~. po l1<·1· add1'<{ 1'hrcc Crc~<'cnl Bav Ar<'a Lot~ G.i ven 1\ pprova I Th1> l.:t gun a fk·arh f' ! a n n i n ~ Co111m1 ~i;1on h:is 11p11m\'Nf pl:1r1n1: thrr(· lot.; rr11 rn ihr r rrscrnt B:i1· Point :irPa in the op<:·n sp;tc<' 1 lrmeni of the c11v Grn{'r:1l Plan Fi nal nppro\';il no\\' rr~ts l\!lh 1hc C1t1· Council , which '.11]1 take ;1el1on l\hl•n. a!'ld if. thl' 1.6 .'tcres 1s purt1ha<><d frorn · property O\\llt·r ~l.1rgart'I · ,\lcKn 1i;:ht Hu.;seJI. Tht· r1ty hi'IP.,'~ to tu rn the lr>!s. 'a!ued iii $Ji0.000 raeh. into a viC\\'prlint pArk O'. f't look1ng lhl' Ol'tilO Prt\'i'l\l~I~' Ci!\' counc11rnen 1nd1cattd lhf•\ "·oulr:I fLn:inrr the lanOse:ap1ni.: ;i nd mainteru1nrr of tht' propo~tod park. but out~idl' run•ls 1\ould ht! net'Clt'd to ~!1rchn<:.f" thf" site The tity 1q hop1ni:: 1t1 sC'CUrt' fund~ fron1 r1thcr lht stale or from county rt'\'Cnu<- ~harini:: fun<!~ Thr prnpnisro park would be r1rong Crr~cent R;i.y Dr1\'e O\'Crl~k1ng &.'al H!')('k * At ~londa) night"<:. publ ic hcarin~. Ccmm15.!i1oner John ~lrDov.·!'.'11 <'.'<preS!iit>d eonecrn. Iha! amcn<lin!l the fit't1cral Plan to nt'ccpl thl• ne"'' lot.~ as open space IStt CRESCf:~1', Pui::t 21 , • Of Fo1·eig11 \\ \~l!l \f;Tf)\ I \I' \1xnn lf'Kl:i \' a ~~NI \ 11ni•r1·'~ 1 .. r ~f IH billion 1n fflfl'IC.11 :1111 !IH•!lf'\ 1111·l urh11~ S2:)1} 1nilhl'ln to lu·lp J·:L"· l'I 1 l4·,u· ttw Sut•1 f '<J nal. rlp<nr 11;.i r d;o rn:•~''' 111 :nl1ri1·•·n1 ('Jttrs and r1·51orc trade 1\1\h lhf' Ln111·d States. Al th(• sru 111• lun•'. ~L\nn ;1~k1·d fo r S:\;\11 n1itl11,n in rullil .. r] support l11r l~r:u•I :1nrl ~;!07:i n1rll 111n tnr ,J1>rrL1n /Ir ,;a1<1 !h•• I 1111 •'(1 ."'.1 !1 ·~ '1·,1r1 ;1n1l ~h11u irl p!;11 :1 ''H!l'lrlH 1111• fl•I•· 111 '•'l'Urlnl,i ;1 )IJ ~\ .utd (!ur.1\il" p«:11·•· 111 11 •· \J1(ld!t· E:i~1 h.1 f.u·1l1L1!1111: uu·r1 .. i..rd 11nclrrstand u1g l11·!1\1·f'll 111 .. Ar:1 h n:i!u111s :i nd lsra~·l . Thr f 'r1'St1l1·n~ al<;<i rt·qu1·:;:t1 >d ~flJ!l 8 rnillinn tu .1 :0.~1st ~out Ii \' 1,.1 n a 111. RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA. Analysis, Page 4 (;1n1bndi:1 and Laris · n1 1h1·1r {'!fort :; 1u shift tht·ir l'fnnom11·s fr11rn \.\:1r t•1 p<':\c'•' :ind to :ir<'elrrnre ff>{"f1nH1•ut1011 11f th,.1r S0(.'11·111·~.·· Thr lndf)('h1na f1curt' 1l1cl n•1t 1nr1ud·· m1IJ1t1r\' :1,~1stant"' 11i111 t1 1111~ '":1 r r~ running :11 11n ann11:1! r;1ft• •11 ~I I h1l hn11 All 1ht· 1nonr~, 1n1·t11d1ng a 'l11 1·1;d $11~1 m1ll1n11 ~11drast fund f1ir p1 :u·1 k1·1·p111g forl'l·~. rl'ILJ!.:<•,.· at!! :ind ti•·\ ••lll[lr!H·n! prOJl'l"!S, \1 ould bt' fnr tht• f1 ""1I ~1·;1 r that ~gins J uli ! Con~rl'Si. r··~pono;,. 1 11 n ,. ,. r I a I 11 although nnc• !lll'lllh1•r •if lh•· S1•na1 1• For('ig n lif•l;1t1on.o; r "on11nit1t ,. St'n Frank C'hun·h 1ri.Jrl:1hn i, ha.~ s;1ut h1' is oppri~<·d "lo t<'\'••r11n l! ;1J,!a 111 111 th!it old h:1t11t •1f lr \1ni: !•• 1JtJl b1d lh•· S•11 1•·l l "n11111 Ul ~·1·rurin g ~;~\ 111 s !r11·ntl sh1p .. \'1\on ·~ r•·11•11•,l tr1r l•:gv pt 11 ct'l·lt•r;1t t•s 1h1• f;1\t·h111ldir1c 1·h;.i11 ~·· 111 r1 ·lat1on -. 111•(\\l'l'll th•· \'OU!l!rh·~ Th•· t 1" r1·~!11n'll full rl 1pl1>n1a1 1c <'1 1nL1<".• l;, t ll•·•·k .iftt r a fj1 ~·\t•'11 break ;1:'.d ~·r·rr•.1r~ of S![llt• H"nf\' \ Ki-. .1/li.!1·r i.; roncf'n1r11 11n~ 011 ;\nw,ir S;1d:11 uf Ei.:ypt fn r Arab supp<Jr t 111 1See EGYl'T, l'agc :!1 Orange ~-Coast L>__,,Q __:=. ~ ---' '-e' \Veal he r r 1ou11-. :ir1tJ 1·•~1 1 1.., 1111' oullook rnr Tl111r•d:1\ \\ 11 h ( h il!lC't'S of j r1111I· d1n11n1,h111~ :1nd 11·m1l('ra· IUl'I ' r(•ma1111n~ u1 11i .. lrJ \\'1•r 60s :1 1011~ !h,. lO;t~I I "'IP.I: 'l'O U.\ \' ,.\ n1,,11t111 r '1 ,,, 11· or k " r ri hr1~·· 111c/1111111 i/ lu11i11 \lno<f it; rlic 1·11,.1•t'r 11/ u J 111d hr.mt: u1 S1,,ll/1 ('11r()/t11<1 f.,r .11•· l/('(11'$ ·lrr -.• r./ rt1UI u·r111 ''I u lini. 11 1/i t11 n//11 br ln111 t" r1>,/ ,\pr /'11!/f' 3, "' 'l'ov• lf-•Y•t• J l tttoM M l M M~f U Cl!oltf"'I I C1rt •< c ... .,., U Cll\IJhM U t41 ''"' t• 4t C•ouwotO 11 0.11~ "'°'"'' ,. ffolonat "•• I 1 £111 .. U fl!ITIMI lloU 11'111111<1 ")I JoOf ,,_., FO• I~ ltte.fll 11 It l<o•tlOlt.,. _,. Id Tiit St"''" •• . I A~ll l lM•ti lt M11llMl0 I "'4ntY Tr" tt ""°"'" 1• a """'"'" l'\lo,tll ,. N1t,t llll NtVtt o 01 •ntf Ct1111•J 11 11 \v•..i. "''''' 1t '"'" 1111 01 iltl!ff....... It itK • l,lilf .. I Jl..Jl f •l•wltltll )1·1J '"f•t••• u-n ,,_.,."''' ~ ........ 1o1 ... 1 • z DAJl't ~ILOI Ltl ·~----- ·:Bud Abbott Of Comedy Team Di es HOLLYWOOD {UPI) -\\' 111 I am ••sud" Abbott, 75, tM s.kinny str<1lght man lo Loo Co!ltello In oot ol lhe n1os1 famous comedy teanu of the 1940s , died .,_Y at his home in Woodland ll tlls . ·~alh ' was attributed to c<inccr. n Uy rpoke.sman 11\d. Abbott's w\dow ~1y ¥.'AS whh him when hi! died at 7 ;cm. Abbott had been in poor heall h for ' than a decade alter a series of kt!. e finished his IUe llvlng oo Social ty after his savings from tbe huge he hearned as a sler were stripped hlm by the govemment in a tax ion tn 1959. bbott and !)>steUo spent mucb or r professional lives In obscurity until y achieved spectacular fame In iM with routines which established m as the successors to Laurel and y. : '"Costello died in 1959. l bbott was 38 by the time he teamed h Costello and in his 40s by the time : y became a nationv.ide hit in the rid War Jl years. : e and Costello made more than 50 ~ies and were together for 21 years. • tt once said he made $400,000 a year the height of his carter In the 1940s. ·~bbott was born Into show business in ~lantic City, N.J., Oct. 2, J898. His her was a cirrus bareback rider and ather was an advance n1an for the . :•At t~ he left home to become a saik>r, S'h>vtling coal on a ship bound for Norway. His falher go! him a job in a box ofrice aod that was his career for 13 yeari;;, \l.·orking in assorted burlesque housrs. One night "in some town in Pennsy lvania," as a studio biogr aphy said years later. the comic fell ill and Abbott the lic ket ta ker took his place. It was not until years later, in 1936. lhat he met C<lstello, anoth er burlesque house CQmic and former Hollywood stu nt man. ln the 50i;;, the !cam faded and in 1957 broke up. In 1959. lhe Interna l "Revenue Service audited Ahbott's tax returns for eight years and disallo~·ed $1 million in deductions. He 90ld his $25,000 estat e and his ranch nor1h or the city and said the government had tak en all his securities "and put a lien on everything,'' leaving hi m penniless. He even sold his TV resid ual rights. He moved into a modest house in Encino. At one point, when the publi city about his flna ndal troubles drew some donatiom, he appealed to his fans to send 50 cents apiece to help him pay off the thousands he owed the IRS. He received f300 and said "il waa darned nice of ·them.'' ' Alter the !tam spUt up, Abbott flied suit aj'alrut C.0,,tello for money he claimed from their TV series. Tbe suit 'was stlD in litigation when Cmtello died. Abbott played a somewhat stuffy man who was always correcting th e impulsive, rum bling Costello. Early in their career. they appeared on the Kate Smith radio show and soon were in ·'Street. of Paris'' on Broadway. Their first movie ~·as "One Night in The Tropics." . 4ctor to Speak On 'Billy Jack' Tom Lauf,llln. creator of the ( 11 m "Billy Jack. ' w·ill speak Thursday at UC Irvine al 7 p.m. in Social Science Lecture Hall. Paul f'riiler. ~·ho conducts the current cinema class the film maker \vi ii address, said Laughlin di rected. wrote. and acted in the film, a bo\'. office sue· cess. He i.~ now working on a sequel, "The Trial of Billy Jac k." , "Billy Jack" \Viii be shov.·n before Laughlin speaks. and the class is open to the public. Ther(! v.·it! be a $5 1dmission Ice for nonenrolled persons. •, • 01.t.MGI: COAST l& DAILY PILOT T••ll•••;•• 1 , , r '•'"•""""'".., I l"·•I••• '"' 'A<JUl"~Cl<a•">" (""'" ""'' ·~ • ""·• •"fW•'• .,,~...., .... (;J' ... ~ V " ••· •I" "ul,. n C...•t •.'•,. 1,1 -f< r [lo •'" .. .,... ...... ,,.. !"'""''"'"'" '''~" •·l\eo •~•·•~••..,•1"1 " ••. , ""'""' •• .,1o, .. (,,l(IO•t••""' • •·"O)• , ...... ,,,..)" .. .,. ... ~.-....... ,,, .... , .... .. ! """""" .. "'~-·"'Ill"•"'' ••1>.1""·' I!.., ..... ' ,.,, "'"'" ~· .... ~ •• 9i'fi."f· ...,.,,. 11 1•1...,,I .... -... ,1.,,,, .•• ,.. l. .... v,~,.,e-•••"'r"'"''"'"'•-~ " . Ih..tri ........... . ....... '!' ~,.,. .... (J.,~H L " ~ • ..,,..,,. N..,! 11 , •ln 'l'•~q-.t ... i:., t....,. .. .uOHi« 2,,~•A·e- /,IQ. o.qAj.111\1 ~0 lil.Me..~26S2 Oftilr OH'oct1 t .... y .... )1o.lov..ilj.o·~·- ., ...... 1 ... ~ ll).I,.._...,...,_,, '<•·''7""""".!' IM!t~"°°"~.,,., .. ,.,~ W~C..•••• .)Q!IW ..... l 1'-llo01 Ttlt,.._ 111416 4Z·4lJI ClntltW•A~ .. 641-1671 UpMlt11t.llAI01,.-t'1MM1.: T ......... 494-9466 Cl»w•Qf'I •ttt 0.9'0' Cbow ............ ec.-.-~.,., ............ '°' .... """''"'°"" -.111,..,, .. "' ., ..... ""' .... ~'\ -~ ....... -' .-1 ""'•llK•tl-""1-olceD¥<>1jN- 1l!o\I ""'\..,.."""'II Ollll""""' Qi.Iii~ .. , ""''*'<ll'"'""'ur"'"' '~°"~ ...... U l)(lfr>OMllN ,.,~, ... _. ... !l)l'lfll )OO_,.,. ' ' ' . UPI Ttl ....... Ducliess Ste 11s Ont 'l'he Duchess of \Vuidsor ile(t ) nrr1\·cs at the l\letropolitan Opera in New \'ork with soc1ali1c ~'frs. Ed¥.•in Ililton to a1tend the N;:i.tiona l Bal!et of C'anada performance or ··sleeping Beauty." Tax Break Given Court Uplto lcl.~ [au; for Wiclo1.vs WASHINGTON IUPIJ -The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on a 6·3 vote today a Florida law giving widows. but not widowers. a $500 tax break on grounds rhal society is ''inhospilable" to working women. Justice \Villiam 0 . 0011_1!/as wrote the n1ajorily decision. citin~ the generally lower econuinic status of women as a proper basis fop •• the J~w . ''There ca n be no dispute that the financiaJ difficulties con· fronl ing the lone woman in Florida or in any other state exceed those facing the man." J)ouglas said. "\Vhether from overt disc rimination or from the socializa tio n process of a male·dominaled cullure. lhe job market is inhospitable to the woman seekjng any but 1he lo west paid jobs." Justices Byron R. \Vhile and \.Villiam J. Brennan Jr. tvrole sep- arate dissents, and J ustice 1'hurgood Marsa!J endorsed Brennan's views. The case was brought by ~lei Kahn. a Florida widower who claimed violation of his constitutional rights to equal protection of the Jaw without regard to sex . Magee Asks f 01· Life Tern1: 'I'm Going to Be l(illing' SAN JOSE IUPI J -Convict Jluthc!I ~lagee has asked a judge to .send ltim lo prison for life because. ''I'm going to start killing." 1n an outburs t or frustralion during pretrial hearings before Superior Judge \Vil!iam Ingram, the 34·}·ear·old ~l.:igl'e asked Tuesday that his plea of innocent be changed to guilty on chargrs rrsul!ing from the bloody August. 1970 shooting at !he J\larin County Courthouse in which a judge and three others v.·erc killed. J\·lagce"s !rial is scheduled to slart J\tay 28 on kidna~ir:tortion cha rges in connection with the incident. Judge Ingram r('fused lo a11ov.· the defendant to change his plea , telling him that it CQUld not be actepted because t\Iagee had not confl'rred \\"ilh his atlomcy. fl'lagee, 11•ho has been in\"Ol\'cd in frequent courtroo1n outbursts during ll'ngthy trials. \\'as Jxorating his court· appointed lawyer. public d e f c n d e r Sheldon Port1nan . <ind accJs111g the Judge of being prejudiced. \\'hen Ingram refused to disqualify hi1nself front the case. ~1agee ll'fl thl' courtroom . He came back a few mlnutl's later and told the judge: "f 11·Jsh lo u·lthdrav• my not guilty plea Priso n ln111ate Fl ees , Lell ves No te for Mo rn SAN QUENTIN 1 r\P l-San Quent in Prison officials s.:iid an inmate \vhn cscaptd from fan1 ily visitini;: qu<irtt·rs cnrly today lefl a note ~·hlrh rend ~ "Mom I love you. I'm just tired of ::ill this time." and cn!er a guilty plea to get oul of this courtroom. I \\'ant you lo give me life. ~tan, I've been through thi~ for 10 yeal"3. I atn tired of this insult ... I want to go back to prison or v.·herever it's at beca use ·l'n1 going to start kill ing \vherever I'm at. I'm going to start here ... r m going to make you shoot me.·· The judge rcce.o;scd court for a hair hour and then announced he \YOUld delay further hc.:iring until Thursday to allow ~1agee lo confer \\'ilh any attorney he \Vis he,. From Page 1 EGYPT • • • v.·orklng out settlements v.•ith Israel. On Sunday he begins his fifth tour of the region since the Arab-Israeli war last October. seeking a disengagement betn'een Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights. '"The hope for a lasting solution to the Arah·lsrae!i disp ute is stronger today 1han at c1ny tin1c in the previous quarter cenw.ry. · · ~i:<on told Congress in proposing the special assistance program for the ~fiddle East . "Anu~rican diplomatic initiatives have hl'lpc'd create lhe ('()nditioms netl'ssary for an end 10 ronniet and violence. \\"hile our drplomalic efforts must and will con11nu<". lhl're is already much that can be done to supplement and CQnso\idate v.·hal has been achieved so far," he said. \\'hile Israel and Jordan v.·ould get mililary aid, Egypt's $2SO million ~·ould be entirely economic. In Indochina. Nixon said, U.S. 11id "ls no less crucial" to achieve a peace that "protects our interests and refleclS our plli;;! Involvement" in !he area . From Page 1 .ll UDGET .... NixoQ Impeachment Charges May _Be Cut \VASll INGTON (UPIJ -Lnwycrs for the Hou9E! Judicia ry Conimftt<.oe are pre1>a red to recommend th:tl about half or 56 potenliDI lmpcachmrnt count~ ogalnst President Nixon be dropped, it v.·as learned today. The recommendation v.·il\ be n1ade 1buraday when the CQmmittee meets In pu blic session to hear a report from the panel's legal slaff on the results of its preliminary in\•cstigallon. The committec•s chief counsel. John f\I. Door, and the counsel for Republican minority memt!§rs, Albert Jenner, v.·ill NEW JOLT SEEN FROM TAPE EXPERT. Slo'"f, Page 4. ---rl'COOlmend the ellminatlon of many of the 56 allegations that have been 1.1nder investigalion since the inquiry got under "'a)' las! winier. The 5& "·ere lis!ed in a 1nemo to the committee. J\.1arch I. i\l Thursday's n1ecting, committee niembers arc t'XflC'Cl('tl -, thou}!h thl'y \\'nn"t like it -to gn along '>'"ilh their chairman and ~i\·e the President fivl' more days lo respond lo a subpoena for 42 \Vatergate tapes. The pu.rpose of the recommendation to drop the cha rges is to narrow the i1Hegations against Nixon v,ohicb might ultirnately be recommended to the House or Hepresentativcs as indh·id ual counl s in an impeachment resolution. LB add l Watergale Scan JV Jenner briefed Republicans on the 38- member CQmmittee today, reading from a draft of his joint recommendations Yo'ith Doar. Among allegations !hey recomml'ndcd dropping : -Those in\'Olving ~ixon's personal financing. including financing of his San Clemente and Key Biscayne homes. but -excl uding allegations ol fraud in the preparallon of his income taxes . -Those conceming Nixon's order comn1itting U.S. forces into con\bat in Cambodia. Allegations of Wh ite H ouse From Page .I CRESCENT • • • might be a hasty :icl. '"There is dangrr of a premature dt.>eisioo." ~fcDowc\I warned. "If we don't get fWlding for the purchase of the lols. the city ~·outd J:iave to pay the com of them. If we approve ii as open space.'' But Commissioner Sally Bel\erue said she felt confident that the City C<luncil "v.·ouldn't do any thing to get-us mistakenly involved ." Thi' Ci ty Counci l can wait until funding comes in before nmending the Genera! Plan, she (.!!plained. PI a n n Ing Co1nmission appro\'al only opens the door for the council to act. Commissioners C.C. Claxton. \Vi!liant LR.ak and Roger Lanphear agreed with i\lrs. Rel!l'rue. and voted to accept t.he Cresctnt Bay Point land as open space. i\lcDowell. however, voted against the molion. Tuua Boal Released SAN DIEGO (AP) -A U.S. tuna Ii.ming boat is free after being held for a day by ~1ex.ican authorities for alleged- ly violatinJ. Mexico's 12-mile off.shore fishing lim1t, the boat's 0¥.ner says. The SM Di ego-based Uber1y Bell \\'as re. leased Tuesday from the port of La Paz, Baja California, said a spokesman for Pan Pacific fisheries. I """ .... involvement in Illegal co m p :l I g n con1rlbutio1l!'! exacled from corporal.ion.<> upder threat or promise of government favors. -Those in\'olv\njl Nixon 's rrfuSB ls to spend appropriated fund!\ I hr o u g h impoundmenta and his attempt to aOOJl.sh the Office of Economic Opportunity In violatioo of .a Coogressional mandate . -A variely of allegations that government agencies v.·ere ordered lo do certain things or refrain from doing other things because of contribu11ons. The ~·hiUling pr~ss would s!llt lea\'e. a large number of charges againsl 1he President -including allegations of obstruction of justii:e in ~is handling. of the Watergate affair. A Republican &OUrce d i s c I o 1 e d , meantime. that a second committee request for potential evidence from the \\rhite llousc included 46.1 hours of taped t'Ollversations. This is. in addition to the mt1terials under subpoena, for which !he President asked the delay in the deadline for responding. X1xon 's request for the delay makes the new date for cotiipliancc next Tuesday. By ~inc.ld~nce that is one year to the dav after aides H.R. Haldeman :ind John ·o. Ehrlichman resigned, John \\'. Dean Jlf ~·as fired and Nixon went on / !ele\•ision to accepc lhe responsibilily. but not the blame, for the Watergate CO\'Cr· up. 'Eller Alley' Urged Will Street Be Named For Laguna's Greeter? Eiler Larsen. the "Laguna Greeter" '~·ho stood on streel comers talking lo visitors for over 30 years. may be hooored. soon with a Slrt'Ct in his name. The Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce has recommended that the boomerang·shaped :i;treet be I "' e en l\f arine Direc tor Post Ma y Fall In La g una Beacl1 The Laguna Beach City Council may consider eliniinaling the post of director of marine environment, v.•hich was \·acated by the resig?Ullion April JO of Skip Conner. J\.layor Roy Holm said today. "\\'e have never diS<.·ussed ~·hat we are going to do but I feel that we should consider f'liminating the post ." But he !faid he. did not ~·ant people to feel that the ne"' chief lifeguan:l would be reporting lo anyone besides the cily manager. Conner, 36, had a $15.600 administrative position inc I u ding responsibilities as chief lifeguard. He has been reassigned as an assistant to City Manager Al Thea! until he leaves June I. Bruce Bilird has be-en selected as acting chief lifeguard for !he in!crim periorl. Holm said the council \\'ould be discussing thei r options regarding the marine environment poi;;! in closed personnel session in ea rly ~fa}'. Olher 1han that. l·!olm said he did not v.·am to say more "while Skip is still on board." Conner sen·cd as a seasona l lireguard for five years and v.·a:i; ~lected as acting chief in July of 1970. Ile became marine en\'ironmenl director in 1971 in a reorganization of !he deparlml'nt. Council mcn1bers are examining \\"ays to pare the budget since they face a proje<:ted $245,000 deficit for the 1974·i5 fiscal year. Othe r possibilities under diSC"Ussion include laying off 13 municipal persoMel over the next lwo months to balance the budget. Pacific Coast Highv.-ay and Laguna A \'enue behind the new library be named ··Eiler Alley." "I like that." said Chamber President· el ct (.'y Nugent. ''It's euphonious." Other Chamber members agreed Tul'sday "Eiler Alley" nol only rolls off the tongue nicely but "brings an interest. a charm·· to the strcel. Chamber of Commerce Exect..1th·e Director Belfy hfyers said evenlually a plaque bearing a pictu re or Laguna., famous greete r could be added. Larsen, v.'ho just celebrated his Mth birthday, has been living in a San Juan Capistrano nursing home sirice an illness se veral years ago. Kno"n fo r his bright red shirt, flowing gray hair and )ong bea rd . Larsen ha., become a symbol of Laguna and several times rccei\'ed national attention for his spontaneous, self • appol ntl'd greeting activities. "He has been a real part of this communi1y for 30 years -he's been a real help." hlrs. h1yers said. The Laguna Beach beautificalim committee had propo15ed the na mm "Park Lane'• and "Library Lane" for the little street. But Oiamber members thought time suggestions were "s little b I ab , '' according to ?\1r!. ~1yers. The street is less than a block from the corner '"here Larsen liked to stand and ~ut "Hellooo" to passersby. Laguna History Movie Scheduled A quaint peek into Laguna Beach's past. in the fonn of an old black·and· \\'hite film. will be shown at 7::Jl p.m. Thursday at the meeting of the Laguna Beach Historical Society at the Congre- gational Oiurch . Program chainnan John McCawley unearthed !he film of Laguna's shores, hills and town, in recent research on the economic growth of Laguna. The fil m was produced by the Aufdenkamps, o~'Jlers of the first movie theater in town. Their production includes early artists such as Wendt, Q.iprien, Alice Hills. -. " IRJ • Little League Shoes 5.95 All Purpose Shoes 8. 95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes 10.95 up Tennis Shoes 9.95 up Football Shoes 17 . 95 up Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rackets Squash Rackets Table Tennis Paddles Darts Dart Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets I ' Inrormation office r Rill N)•brrg i;aid officers sea rched the nrca and found 5..0me of inmate George R.~Pettlt's 11rlson clothing at a nearby high\vay. Nyberg theoriied that someone picked up the 38- )·ear.()ld convict serving a term for robbery. and In field trips for Ml'nt.ally Gifltd j ~linors. Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks ' He said Pettit v.·as on minimum !it'ttlrity and therefore allo\\·cj lo Sptind lhe night with hls mother in the visiting f3cility. l{Js 1nother woke up at S a.m. and reported hin1 n1lsslng. She found "' S<.'fil \"led note saying. ''J\.1om, please lry 10 unJ erstand. Don't worry. 1 \\'on 't Rel hurt or hurt anyone. I love you . t'm just llred of all this time. Please don 't "·orry. t.ov!" you. Sonnv." Nyberg &aid Pettit ,.,,as sent to S.'.ln Quentin In 1971 from 1..o!! Angeles County for first-degree robbery and "hns An extens:ive robbery mord dating b3ck to 19!>8." ' ' • \Voodington stressed that th' s, suggestions a r e o n l y poulbUitles. Tru,,tces will hold several more study Je!lsloos. the next one on May 14. lie add«! lhal a firm dttislon wtn 11 probably be made some time In June. a l lth ~ta kes J untp SAN FRANCISCO (U PI ) -Stnn\ey E. .Jneobsen. 58. a !lre 5alesm"n from ,\fodesto. is the 5llth known suicide from the Gold~n Gate. Ilrldge. 111c Ct lltomla lllghway Patrol said be plunged from the span Tuesday. ' I . - Tennis ·sweaters Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Terinis Racket Stringing • Raleigh Bikes Parts -Ti, ~s-Tubes Accessories -Repairing ·• \ 7 I I \ Saddlebaek To«lnv's Final • EDITION . VOL. 67, NO. 114, 5 SECTIO~S. 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL H. I q14 TE N CENTS Mesa ·Police Will Continue to Patrol Irvine By GEORGE LEID.\L ot 111119 DlftJ' Ptllt Slaff Costa Ji.lesa polict will patrol the city of Irvine another yea r under a $916,62.6 contract ror expanded ser\'ice appro\'ed Tuesday night by Irvine councilmen. Councilmen split. 4 10 I to approvr the pact. It cont inlU's !ht• Costa ~Jesa patrols of lt \•ine vil1;1ges until at least September, 1975. Councilman Arthur Anthony of Turtle Rock voted against the contract Three Die In Customs Gun Battle NOGALES, Ariz. (AP) -Two U.S Qistorrui Service patrolmen and an American were killed during an apparent gun battle today a few miles north or the ).fexican border. authorities said. o(fi. cials suspect the American of being a marijuana smuggler. Officials said the Customs agents were found beside their vehicle, y;hile the American. with several pound! of marijuana nearby, was found several yards ay.·ay. "The agents were round outside their car by a young girl who saw them while going to school." Jerome llollander. Customs Service spokesman in Los Angeles. said. Jesse Partida of the Customs Service office here said the tY.'O men had been working together Tuesday night. but that I.he Customs Service had no indication lhat they were In trouble be.lore today's report by lhe girl. The bodies were found in the Parker Canyon Lake area, a secluded fishing and camping resort in the southern Ariwna mountains just north of the Mexican border. Partida said the shooting site may have been just inside Cochise Collnty. rather than Santa Cruz whlch includes Nogales. The ty.·o federal agents are identified as Lewis Dixon, 32, and Charles Bok.in· ski, 26. The American was identlfied only as fl.1ichael A. Williams. 43. "Their government vehicle was "'ith ~~;~~p~~~~l~~~~r"~:s t!:::r~!!e unit Jack Smith, acting Customs Service di rector here, was not immediately available for comment. Jazz Fest Set At Viejo Sch.ool A jazz concert realuring the Mission Viejo High School jazz ensemble and Le Moyne Taylor. a La Paz Inter.mediate School teacher. is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday In the hig h school gym. Taylor plays the saxophone, clarinet. and nute, and will join the 2S-member ensemble drawn from the regular ~lission Viejo High School concert band, according to band director Terry Newman. The group will play numbers by John Prince, Steve Spicgl, Kim Richmond, Dick Grove. and Don Rader. General admission is $1. Orange Ceut Weather Cloudy and cool is the ouUook ror Thursdav, with chances of drizzle dimliii shing and tempera- tures remaining in the lower 60s along the coast. INSIDE TODAl' A m igrant farm worker , wl1ose llnclaimed body Jtood in tht corner of a funeral home in South Carolina for 3 ~ years, drt•sed and wearing a hat, wiU finally bt laid to rest. Set Page 3. He and Councilman Ro~rT \\'est qu~tioned language 1n the conlract which appears lo give lhe Cosla ~lesa Police Oiief total authority for policing policy. Anlhon y also said he objoos 10 contract tenns y.·hich give thl' Costa ~lesa chief !he power to choo5'! thl' ITl('n ln 'ine v.·<nild "inherit'' v.'hl'(l the C'Qtltrae! runs oVf or hi terminated by t•!lh<•r p:1rty giving 90 days notice. Both \\'est and Anthony st ressed they u,.1 Ttlt•hcu• Jtladame Chief The 165 policemen in Chi ca· go's traffic administration di· vision answer to Chief f\tarilvn O'Regan, 53. a 26-year vc1er. an of the force who was ap· pointed. to the $27.000-a·year last week in a shakeup of the Chi cago police department. It's the highest post ever held by a woman on the 13,750-men1ber force. SLA Gettiit1av " Autos F 01t11i l l 11 SF Gci rage SAN FRANCISCO IAP 1 T\\'O gcta\\·a~· cars used in a Symbionesc Liberation Army bank rob!:>ery ""'ith newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst \rcre found today in a base1ncnt parking gara ge, the FBI said. Charles Bates. FBI agent in charge, said it was not knov.il how long the rented cars had been in the ga rage al lhe Japan Center on Geary Street in the citv's \Veslcrn Addilion dislrict. Police Sil:id the green ~lavcrick and 1973 Ford LTD "'"ere recovered about 8 a.n1 . and taken to the city police ga rage. The FBI did not immediately di sclose how the cars were found . J\Ieanv.·hiie, a newspaper and a television station sakl that lwo y.·omen reportedly acquainted Y.'ith S L A members have been called before a federal grand jury investigaling the Patricia Hearst kidnaping and the bank robbecy. The witnesses were identified as Janet (Set llEARST, Pagr: ~I Guard Kill e<l In Quick-Dra\v Try; Ma11 IIel<l A young security guard from Orange was shot to death 1\Jesday in Anahe im "·hile allegedly practicing fasl-<lraw techniques with another Ji!Uard. Poliet? said Jerome C. Woodburn, 19. of 264 Bata\'i.:l St.. died at Good S.1maritan Hospital of a single, large caliber bullet \\'ound in the chest. Olarlie J. ~1izer, 22, er 14172 Roxanne Ave., \\'estm inster. is Jn Orange County Jail today on manslaughter charges stemming from the 6 a.m. incklenl. A police spokesman said the shooting occurred at Bonafide Security Sel'\·1ct in Anahe.lm. Al Ytllr $tntk 1 J ... fltlf ,. !'!7111~!""" "! ~1i:zer lold police he and \\'Podbum t LM ... 1'111 U C1t1ftn111 I carwr, c.mtr 1 I Cll11HI" t 1-4f c..,,1n • c .... ~ • otfltll ... tku II •llterftl ,.,.. •·1 E•ltrtllllllHlll :H•H '"'-' ..,.,, ,... .... '"',,.. __ ,. ''· ff -~ Ill Ille Mnlct <ft """"' Trw 1f were practicing quick draws v.·1th their :::.,~ ,,,,.., ,..g pistols when thc shooting took place. ::::'c!': 11,,: Investigators said ~1lier's .45-callbcr sr1w11 """"' n revolver had been rired once. ~MllKf'lfl• "·:: \Voodburr. was rushed to the hospital It.di MMlltt JN1 shortl y after the shooting, but ·he died on f~::':' ::,·g the emergen cy operating lable shortly ::::•M...,, : after 7 a.m .. police said. ----l--.,..~~·•r...;b;;<•;;,llrrh;:;M been 11el on ~1iier as ot tar y a , ~M-. - hare no gripes abotlt the kind of police service being provided by Costa ~lesa. However, Anthony said today he feels the contract should spell out precisely !he arrangements betY.'een lhe tvoo cil1es. City Jo.tanager \\!illiam \\'oollell Jr explained Tuesday that ~·h1lc the eQntrad gives co mplete ·authority ' lo Costa .\lesa Police Chief. Hoger :'\tlh. :-.vth in fa<:J reports to \VoolJell just f!s a police chief lr\•1nl' mighl hire .... ·ould be r0sponsible to !he ('ity manager. $250 1'nthony said tOOuy he dOt'sn 't hke 1he contract pro\'ts1on alloY.ing Ir\' 1 n l' councilmen only to ··suggest.. poli ce policies. "\\'hen ~·e are p.1)'1ng nearly $1 milllor1 a year for police pro1~11on ii \\uuld se<'ffi appropriate to be al!OY.'l'<i to do !'Dn1ethini; mpre than suggest ho\\ th:l! niohey IS JJ"pc nl ,"' Anthony sa1l1. Acting Public ~:if1•t\ Ditl'('tor P."lul Brady said Tu rsday iiight he did no! b<-lit've 1l1e contract pro\·1slon.s arc :111y n)()rc "nei:ol1t1h!1•" now than Hwy l\•'T•' \\h('n !hl·y '.ll'rl' hilmrn('red out nc;irl~ IY.O ~·cars :1~0. Orad.v addt.'<l that lht> ru.1· fa ct's " .\1 <1,1' I d!..'adhn(' for approval of tht• t'Onlr3rl On !hat day Costa ~lcsa pol1cr p[:,n 10 add 16 nt'11· off1<'Crs hrini;:inl! 1h1' n1:u1po111·r nf !ht• force a<>s1glll'(I tu lrvHll· 10 a 191<11 of 3!1. Anthon\' snul today ht· r~ fl()! con\ u11'1·d th•· l'Ou11Cd h.1ct lo acl b.\' !\lay I. In 1111tl·~lay tt1e cit y's pu blic ."><1fl11 i·on~u lt ant-. :ir• 111 11\;1\..1• 1 •·t·iunn1('11da11un." on a p1:n1111nt·n1 pol11·t' prO.l!r<1rn . 1\111hony .... 11rl .\nihon~ s.aid h·· f:1\11r.·d cl··l,1y111i.: !11r 1\Jntrat•\ :1ppro1al until 1h;it !'i·tudy L~ <'\J!l\\llt'led "I h.:i1t• i,:r.·:11 f,1 i1h 1h~11 1h1 J;.1J,\' 1n 1h1• p:11r"l j :tr h J.:Ouu: 10 1\1ntu1u1· t! 1ing .1 i,:11< d /<1h /or u 1. ·· \nthoin -..1111 ··nut. J r,,,..i ~"' in1.:I~ rl1.11 1h1· l·1r111·n!'i ,,1 lr\l!lt' ~IK111!1! kn<•'' 1h:111h1•1r11 ty l'VUl1l'll t~~" l'ULICt. l\11:r 2~ Million Requested Nixon to Aid Egypt S1nall Pa1·t Of F 01·eig11 Aicl Pacl{a ge \\"ASHtxr.ro~ IAl'l -Prl'Sidcnt ~ixon loday ask<'CI Con~ress for S.1111 billion in foreign aicl money, inrluding ~250 million to ht>lp F:gypl clea r t~l' Suez Canal. repair war dam3ge in adjacent cities and restore trade with lhe t.:nitl.'d Stat l's. At the san1l' time. Nixon asked for $.1.;0 million in military support for Israel ;.u1d S20i.5 million for Jord an . He said the United StalcsM. •·can and should play a constru c!ive role in securing a just and durable peat(' in thl' a.tidd le East by facilitatin g intrt'ast'd understanding bct"·ccn thl' Arab nn11ons and Israel ... ·· The President also rtqUf'strd S939 8 n1illion to assist South \r i e t n a rn . RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA. Analysis, Page 4 Cambodia and Laos "1n their efforts !n shift their economies from "·ar to peace and to accelerate reconstitution of tht.>i r societies.·· The Indochina figure cl id not 1nclud£' nlilitary assistance. v.·hich this yea r is running at an annual rail' of SJ ~ billion. All the money. including a special SIOO million ~lideast fund for peacekeeping forces. refugee aid and developnH'Fl\ projecls. v.·ould be for the fiscal yen r that bt'gins .July I. Congress' response is u n cf' rt .'.l in . although one mernbcr of the Senate Foreign Relations Com1nittcc. Sen. Frank Church ! )).Idaho). has said he ts opposed "to reverting again lo that old habit of trying to outbid thl' Soviet Cn1on in securing Egypt's friendship ... .Nixon's request for Egypt accell',·atcs the fa st·building change in relations bet\\.·een the countries. The \Y.'O restored fu!\ dinlomatic conlacts last week aftrr a 61::·ye1 r break and Secretary of Stale Henry A. Kissinger is L'Onccntrating on Anwar Sadat of Egypt for Arab suprort in y.·orking out settlements \\'ith lsral'l. On Sunday be begins his fifth tour of the re gion since the Arab-Israel i y.•ar last October. srt!king a disengagement between Israeli and Syrian forc es in the Golan Heights . Israel, Syria Planes Batt1<' By !;nited P1ess lnternaUon11I Israeli and S~Tilln Y.arp\ancs bombed and strafed each other·s positions on the C'.olan Heights 1oday and an official Damascus nc\\'spaper y.·arncd that I h e fighti ng. in the 44th day of tank and artillery duels. could escalate into thf> fifth htiddl e East y.·ar. A Sl'rian mililarv communique said S)Tian air defroses -reported to include new Soviet·ht.ult multiple "'arhead missiles -shot dov.11 t "'"o lsra~li . planes tryi ng to bon1h Syrian positions on ~It. Hermon 1\ Tel Aviv mili1ary s po k r -~ m a n reporled ne\v Israeli f\ir strikes but said all planes returned safely. Y 011ll1 i1t Gover11111ent fr\•1ne·s t·i tv seal is generally inlprcsscd on r ity and Irvi ne Ranch \V aler Dislr1r1 officials. \'outh dntun1ents by the rount~··s younge'lt ci ty clerk . i\lrs. and government \\'eek sponsors. the lr\'inc Kiwanis ('arol F\\·n n. :'ii . a! ri!.:ht. 'I'uescla v. however, Lini· ('lub. todav fc:ted·sturlcnt:-i at lunch in the 1\irportcr versitv ff 1gh Sf hon! :-cn1or Kath,: llarchol did the Inn. Students \'-'lll Join in school board rtel1bcra· honor.s. ~he anti 3R other studCn ts are spending li ons tonight and attend the c·i ty plann1n,t: ton11n15. days this week observing jobs of city, school clistri cl sion 1neeting T hur.~day. ---------------- W oodhrjdge Village Hailed .lpplflt1 .~<· Cr<'els lrvi11<' ,,Co111p<t11)· Pres<'ll.lfltio11 Applau<;t• gref'!rd thr ln·in£' Comp.1rl\ '; pr£'Sf'nt;il1on of its de\'t>lopm(>nt pl"ln~ for th!> \'1ltag!' of \\'oodbridg(' m1(.!\1 ;1\ throuJ:h thC' f1 r..t 1hrPf'·tfnu r c:lv CflUnf'LI hcanng on the J.71~aere zone ch<1ngl' Tut'sdav nii?hl A caParity <."Oun1:il rhamber audi1·nr1· ga\•e !he land developer a r:ire O\alicin. A slick split screen slide sho"· accomp1n1icd No (:!11e:-; l<'ound I n Se ,· Slaving . ... Of Grove (;irl Anahrin1 JK>licr said locl:t~ thry hav(' no clues to the identity of the killer in thl' brutal sc:< slaying Tuesday of 3 17·)·car· old hotel maid from c:ard('n Grove. The nude, knife.slashed body or Laurie A. Bcrlsch. I l~I l'\orma Lane. y.•as found spray.•trd on a be<'! in a vacanl roo1n at the SheralC'ln Inn on &11 Road near Disneylnnd . A police spokesman s.1id Investiga tors sOll have no leads in the slaying and ~i3vc round no trace or a ~·enpon. Poli ce wouldn 'l say if thf' room Y.'hf'rt' 1hr J:irrs body had been found \\as orcuplcd during the night bc•fore thl' murder. ~Uss Bertsch'~ body \~as dls(.~\'cred shortl)• after nnon by some of her co- workers who told PoHce they bcc<ime ~c SEX KllJ..JNQ,_ P~ Z t I hy a monllloguC' r'1 O\'rr th(· Sflunds of chirping birds. laui::h1ni:: th1ldrrn and ntTasion;il lh"ark of il 1t'nnis tlhlf ;qirx.•arl'd to ha\t prr:imptecl th~· rf>ar tion. A team of Ir vine Con1pany planner!; unveiled the images \1hich communicated the '·jf'el'" nf the futurf' Jakc·sidc \'lllagc 1• x pf' c l l' d 10 accnmmodatc 2i 625 people b~ 1982. 1 ·cx1nc1lnlan l{ohcrt \\'L·st admi11 f'(f he !()I) "·;is imprt'sstd b~ the prcS('n!alir1n and asked that thr shdC'S and ~und 1rark he 'iubmillcd as part of !he fonnal hc,1 r· lllJ.! r("('Ord Jr\1nc f'o1npanl' prOJrct d i r ec tor !See \'JLLAGF:, Pa,i:c :?1 Police Forced to [(ill Irvine Deer at Airport A roung mal1• d1i:•r 11·h1rh 11and<>r1'.'(J dov.il· l'.JU\ of thr Ir. inf' hi !l<i for a look ar its rap1d!y encroaching c11·il1zat i.l'.Jn and then panickrd hn:11\~ h11d 10 be k11\t'<I by auJhon tics Tul·sd:1y night The buck, ;iOout 1~0 years old. led pohrf' and an11nal ront rol authorit1~ on :i 2G-nunutc chase 11h1ch bloc:kcd incoming and ou1golnR planr" at Orange County Airport lx'forr it 1\aS final\,\ :shot 10 death I le had l~dpcd on.,. fene<> adjacent l "I th"' ~n l)1ego rrrr1,ar 111 the' north side of thr a1rpor1 ;111d bounded do"n and l1round 1ht· run".l} l'lud1ng cap1urc Th~ curious deer first appeartd in th<' 11r.;:a or Culh\~1r\. on rrv1nc·s Re.,ta urant l{ov.•. 1x•forc authQr1t1es began trying to l'Orral h1nl Jrvlnt> Officer Dol'l-Oit L:l;\h11e:r v.as rt'portedly rt('arlY altacked by the p301<'kccl :1n1ma1. 11·h1t•h ha_<l ~n rlilsh!ng aero"'"" ,lrl't·t~ 111 the drt•.1. nc;irly causing accldt:nts "HC' Y.ould hrl\'t' pr('frrrrd 10 lake him <ill1· .. and, in fa {'t, he ln<.'d to." 1'a1d a poht't' spo k<.'Smiln tod.1y "There "as just no v.·:iy ... " '"They had 10 'dispatch 11,' •. .'' he add<.-tl of the dl'C1~1on lo i;hoot me r<imbuncllou~ younR buck 14hlch by lht'n h:id 1un1p...'d tht a1rp0r1 fence 10 Bristol Si r{'{'!. ln1•emig:itors !laid !hat OC'c.:,1sion:tllY deer from th<> lr1 1nr foo!hllls wander dOV.'Tl 0111 Into c1\'1l1z:ifion ns it cont1nua l1y pui.h<'s toward thetn \\llh housin g tractS and business ('{'flt1•rs "But It Is r1111)(1r rnrr . " .!llll! a ~pokcsman for tht> pcl1ce dcp.'.lrllnent's Animal Control dlVl.!il(l1t • ' • ''.il v ... _, • oll.o • I;) 1~ ~ Average "IJaguna· Home Sells at $88!1500 By 1111.ARY KAYE 0t Ille o.llY 'llof 11111 The currtnt 11verage coot or a house ln Laguna Beach Is 111,500. And tho average buyer must earn at lea.st $32,640 a year. These are the findings of l>on \Vard, president of the Laguna Beach Board of Realtors, who says there is definitely ~ seUers' market in the art colony. Still. \Vard warns that while seller! ~ Bud Abbott ~ f)f Comedy ~ feam Dies· >. . •, ~·.. . :iOLLYWOOD (UPI) -\V i 11 i ant . ' ~" Abbott, 75, the skinny straight Gian IC» Lou Costello in one of the most ~us coml'dy teams of the J9~0s. died ~at his home in Woodland Hills. · ·;:otath was attributed to cancer. a ·~Jy spokesman said. Abbott's widow * wn1 with him when he died at 7 ~ .;iboott had bttn in poor health for ~ than a decade after a se ries of ~ .. ::tJe finished his life living on Social ~ty after his savings from the huge sums he hearned as a star were stripped from him by the government ln a tax action in 1959. Abbott and Costello spent much of their professional li ves in obscurity until they achieved spectacular fame In the 1!KOs with routines which established them as the successo rs to Laurel and Hardy. Costello died In ttsl. Abbott was 38 by the time he teamed with Costello and in his .as by the time they became a nationwide hit in the \Vorld War JI years. He and Costello made more th.an 50 movies and were together ror 21 years. Abbott once said he made $400,000 a year at the height or his career In the 1940s. Abbott was bom into show business in Atlantic City, N.J., Oct. 2, 18911. His mother was a circus bareback rider and his father was an advance man for the Show. ·At 15 .he lert home to become a sailor, shc>velin& coal on a ship bound ror Norway. • His father got him a job in a box office and that was his career for 13 years, "Working in assorted burlesque houses. one night "in some town i n PeMsylvania," as a studio biography said years later, the comic fell Ill an" -Abbott the ticket taker took his place. ~'ift wa1 not until years later, in 1936, thlt he met COstello, a.nolhfr burlesque boOJe comic and former Hollywood stunt man. In the 50s, the team faded and in 1957 bflote up. In 199, the Internal Revenue Service audited Abbott's tax returns for eight years and disallowed $1 million in deductions. He sold hls $250,000 estate and hi s ranch oorth of the city and said the government had taken all his securities "and put a lien on everything," leaving hi m penniless. He even sold his TV residual rights. 11e moved in\Q a moc\est house in Encino. At one point, y,·hen the publicity about his linancla\ troub les dre1v some dona tions. he appealed to his fans to Sfnd 50 cents apiere to help him pay off the thousands he owed the IRS. He received $300 and said "It was damed nice of lhem." After the team split up. Abbott filed suit against Costello for money he claim('(i from their TV series. The suit W83 still in litigation when Costetlo dire!. Abbot t played a son1ewhat !tuffy man \\'ho y,·as al~·ays correcting the 1mpulsi\·e. fumblin g Costl'llo. Early in !heir carerr. they appea:ed on the Kai~ Smith radio show and soon were in "Strt't:'l.s of PRri~" on BroadWJ\V. Their fir'>t n1fl\ic '.\'JH; ··One Night 'i n The Trl)µtcs. ·· OU.MCHCOAST 1s DAILY PILOT ,..,. i'.J.<'~• C.O.u !lo .. A:o '"~" '"""'~ 11 ~ I ,.,,,,.,, .. .,, ...... ,~P""'>N<lll"f'• .. ()tf"l" !,.. ·~ "~· •• 1 v.-,..o, S.O,.,.o1• --.. ~ r • ., ..... , .,. ''"" ..... ,..,. '""'' ~ t.l\f• '"""' ''"'"P'·" "-"'" >1ulll•IVll" 0..oc:NfOIJ"' '<• VTIU••; l •·1 .. ~•l;o<!'.• ,...,_!~-~·"" ·" ' """ ., ...... ~ e."'"'*"" ~ .. t\Qlll '•)' • ...,. ' ''"'""'""" "'-.... .,.,,St.ti>-'" •·•r,,···""r"""""'~1ot•M"a13lO\\'•" b.o,., ... ~, •. 1.1 "" , u~....,..,. 416?6 , , .... r1 w,..,i ',.,..,...11.mPuc>..,,.,., ..u1 ll c.,_, v_ ..... ~....iG-M~-~ !'I:'-", ~ I,•-'! I ~ .... ....,...,c .... ,. t•:rf...~'l Jl ~.-Jf'(4n'! Au..c ... 11'~-.11"QlG•!V> r•,1rr-17141642·4121 Cl11Wfl.d Ad•trllllowj 641·5671 hit CMlllttl+e Al Dtpei t111tt1h: TtftpllooM 4t2-4410 """"')"'· ltll cq..,. ~ ~ c:eo.. _,.. "'° .................. ,.,-~ --... ,. O'--·-... •boo-t!I -... _ ... '*"""""O'lol~-"°"' o...-... ..,., '°". M<t .. w. .... ~ ~!>Oolnol""'~'""'""'l00-1'"'""1 tl OCl_...,.rr:"""""'--.o<>.tl300"'°"'"' have betn ridlne out a financial bonanza, the marktt may 100n 10 lht other way . "It seems: to JO bt cycles," Ward said. ''ln about three months , we-may re vert to a buye r1' martet, 1lnce the lending rates are soaring IO high." But for now, 1 Wier ln La1un1 Beach I.le.Her h1t\'e plenty or cash in his pc)(:kel. the realtor suggested. Of the 95 houses currently up for s:tlf', only l\\'O are priced under $~,000, \Vard said. f'ro1n Page l ''JL LAGE ... Douglas Gfeller agreed to leave copies of the presentation with the city. Soon ofter the 11pplause died doY.11. councilmen began listing th ei r individu al t"Oncems about the deve lopment and requested that ansv;crs to their questions be provided prior to the May 28 me<:tlng y,·hen the village plan hearing continues . Among Concerns listed Tuesdny night are the following: -Transi t planning itnpacts on r.loulton Parkway. Culver !)rive and Jeffrey R<iad. -What will be the precise result of adding Tl .500 people to an area tha t is beginning to be impacted by smog? -What woold the lakes cost the city to maintain if community associations eventl.lalJy decide they don't want to pay for amenities dedicated lo public use'.' -How might increased apartment densities help add moderate cost housing to htc city's range of hou~ing opportu· nities'.' -Who pays for nood c hann el improvements made necessary due to upstream developments or will proposed 200-foot wide grcenbcrt swale b e adequate lo handle inc reased no~·s'.' Irvine Company concerns listed by Gfeller related to recommendations urged by the planning commission when it sent the zoning to tli'c city council for approval. Gfelle r asked council consideration or easing 1otal dwelling anit limits to allow provision ·of the so-called "executive homes" -moderate cost housing units. The company seeks relief tronf othe r conditions dealing with commercial development and IChool phasing. use of reclaimed water ln the village, low density maiimums and determination that the company will necessarily pay for flood control improvements. Actor to Speak On 'Billy Jack ' Tom Lau~lin, creator o[ the f i I m "Billy Jack. ' will speak Thursday at UC Irvine at 7 p.m. in Social Science Lfcture Hau. Paul Frizler, who conducts the current cinema~ class the film maker will addreSll, said Laughlin directed. wrote, and acted in the Dim, a bo'( office sue· cess. He is now working on a sequel. "The Trlal or Billy Jack." "Billy Jack" will be shown before Laughlin speaks, and the class is open to the public. There will be a $5 !ldmission fee for nonenrolled persons. From Page l POLICE ... has no control over the actions of their police department. \~'ith this contract v.·e've given all cont rol to the chief of police of Costa Mesa.'' During discu~ion Tuesdny night. Councilman .John Burton I e r n1 e d Anthony's concerns ··<1uibb!ing over the niceties of a contract .. agreed to v.·hen !he city had on!y one oth<'r alternative - contracting \\'ilh the Orange Cowlty Sheriff's Department. Do you think 01e Sheriff "'Ould lei the Irvine City Council tell his men what to do .!" Burton asked ~layor Gabrielle Pryor said she didn't see any other allcmati\'c since Ney,·µort Beach isn't interc!>lh"<l and "L.1guna Dea ch can't scen1 to keep !Is offiCt'rs." IJEARST • • • Coopfr. also ~knov.·n as Janet Cooper \Veiss. and Cynthia Garvey. hoth of Oakland. bv the San Francisl'o ~xa1n1ncr and public· television st.11ion ~Q~;l), "The $88 .~ figure Is reali stic, although maybe partll\lly inOated aince we have 1ever1l houses on the market that are ukJng bttweeen $300,000 and '400,000," Ward said. To calculate h.ls average figures, Ward takes the number of house1 currently ror sale and divides It in to the total amow1t being askt..-d for then1. Right now. the'~ellers or the 95 houses are asking a total $11,410,000, he said. To buy an $88,500 house, the buyer y,·ould have lo probably put do.,.,'f\ a 20 percent down payment_, or $18.000, \Vanf said . Bet .... ·ttn the monthly morta:1se and tll paymentl, he would have to comt up with M80 each month. "TQ..Ctt a loan, he would probably ha\·e to cam $32,IHO to qualify ," malntainrd \\'ard. "Let's face ii. We've got a rich rlicr1· tele here in town," he added . . ··r.1ost pe-0plc r\!ally aren·t buying into .Laguna Beach, but rath l'r, they're buying a"·ay from whE>re they came from:· he said. •·People art buyina away from plaets !Ike Glendale and Puldena, y,•bere the smog ond high density are drivin g thent nway." \Vord soid that I..taguna Beach nsking pri<'l'!i arf' actuaJJy firm prices. "'Ith little nesotiation occurring righl now. "A house asking $88,500 m•y stll for S3S,OOO -not mu'ch of a dllference percl•ntagc·.,.,·ise," hC .saliJ. "But a $25.000 ·1sking pt1ce ln Glendale, usually will seU for only $20,00." "lo tome cltle• Lhey put rkUculouJ prices on their houael. We do too, but we .sell them at those µricel ," Ward said. When average prices are compiled from Emerald Bay down to Laguna r\1guel, they are sornev.•hat lo'ol'er. \Vard 1ald. "Laguna Niguel and South Laguna dilute ou r figures, and briflg the 8\'erage do"'" to $62,llOO," the realtor-added. 'Growth l11duei119' Clemente Sewer Propos~·l F 1:lils Ul'1 TtlN!lo .. San Clemente Ci ty Engineer Phil Peter today shrugged off his dtfcat at the hands of county supervisors Tuesday "'hen the board assail ed city plans lo add about 2,200 acres of rollihg hills into a t•1 ty sel'l·er district. • Responding to charges by Fifth District Superviso r Ronald Cs.spers that the addition y,·ould be gTO'.\'th-inducing. Pe1er 1oday admonished the board to look al Mission-Viejo . "They told me that the way we 're going, San Clemente would be the blggest city on the coast. All they have to do is look at what they did to Mission Viejo." the engineer said. He referr~ to rapid groY.1h. Peter failed to Y.'in a single \'Ole of the Ooard in a bid 10 add the acreage in hills northwest of Avenida Pico. Daiehess Steps 01ct "\Ve don't think its much of an immediate lOss, except that 'ol'e "'ere planning for the future w h e n de\'eJopmcnt is going lo be proposed on 1'he Duchess of \V indsor lleft) arrives at the Metropolitan Opera in New Yo rk with socialite ~1rs. Edwin J1 ilton to atlend the National Ballet of Canada performance of "Sleeping Beauty.'' Accusecl Killer Of SA Jf'idoiv To Fa ce Trial ------ Nixon Impeach Cl1arge s May Be Red11ced By Half •An .unemployed hospital o r d e r I y accused of the slayi ng of Dr. Louis J. Cella"s mo1her-in-la.,.,· was ordered late 'J'uesdaY to face trial Aug. 12 in Orange WASHINGTON (UPI) -Lawyers for the House Judiciary Commlttet are prepared to recommend tha t about half of 56 potential impeachment counts against President Nixon be dropped , It v.•as leamed today. The recommendation will be made Thursday when the committee meets In publlc session to hear a report from the panel's fcgal staff on the results of its preliminary lrlvestigatlon. The committee's chief counsel, John r.t. Doar, and the counsel for Republican minorit y members. Albert Jenner, win NEW JOLT SEEN FROM TAPE EXPERT. Story, Page 4. -'those involving Nixon's refusals to County Superior Court. spend appropriated funds throug h Judge Jamrs Turner set the trial date impoundment! and his attempt to abolish for Louis Stanley \\.iechechi, 30. and the Office of Economic Opportunity in rC'fused to lol'l·er the $500,000 bail set for violation of a Congressional 1nandalt'. \\licchechi y,·ho is in the county jail. -A variety of allegations that "·iechechi was arrested last March I go\'emmcnt agencies y,·erc ordered 10 do shortly after the body of r.trs. '-iiarion certain things or rerrain from doing Camilla t-.1organ. 79, y,·as found on a other things because of contributions. "'ecd-<0vcred lot at the rear of the Santa Ana apartn1ent building owned by the The y,·hittling process \\'ould stilt ~lission Viejo physician and managl'd for leave a large number of charges against him by i\lrs. !\!organ. the President _ Including allegatioos of It is ::illeged that \Viechechi strangled obstruction of ju!tice in his hundling of r-.trs. :-O·lorgan af1er he quarrtled y,·ith her the Watergate affair. 01bout the janitorial duties he once p:;orformt-d at !he 17th Street building. A Republican sou rce d i s CI o s e d . Police claim he then ca rried the body meantime, that a second committee of the silvcr-hairl'd vddo"' from the recommend the elimlnallon of many of request for JXllential evidence from the dpartment 10 the vacant lot, left a the 56 allegations tlµit have been under \\'hite !louse included 46.1 hours of taped ransom not e near the body and called Investigation since the inquiry got under conversations. This is in addition to lhl' police and FBI agents in a bid to divert the acreage. It will liare to be served," Ile said. The property proposed for the addition amounts to about 500 acres of the Forster R<lnch, and the rest is in several olher ownershi ps "'hich fonn a sin~le drainage area leading to the ci ty sanitation plant. "\Ve proposed this to add to our enlirt system lo serve the inland hills. If the boa rd doesn't like this plan, then it"ll get aoo ther one pretty soon with revised boundaries. \Ve'll keep trying until ¥i'e get it," Peter said. Caspers led the attack on the San Cle n1enle proposal Tuesday. "I'm constantly amazed at the buildi ng activity there (in San Clemenle), '' C:'lspers said. He termed the move as "inducing growth in the beautiful inland hills". Hf ~erted that San Clemente was "on its y,·ay to becoming one or the big coastal cities." "If that's what they want lo do, that's \\'hY they have local government, 1 guess." he added. Peter said that there are no specific plans for development of the acreage and the first proposal might be as far off as five to seven years. "\\'e just want to be ready fo r it if it comes," he said. From Pagel SEX KILLING ... \\'Orried "'hen she didn 't show up for her 10 a.m. coffee break. They said they found her cleaning cart in a ball outside the room y,•here the pretty, brown-haired girl's body was found with multiple stab ~·ounds and the throat cut. Polic "'ere told ~{iss Bertsch was last seen ali\'e at abou t 8:30 a.m., shortly a£ter she began lier shift at the hotel. An autopsy was due to be perfonned today by the county coroner. but police said it appears the girl was the victim of a sex sla yer. ltUss Bertsch ¥i'as a January graduate of Ga rden Grove lligh School and was y,·orking to eam money to pay her way through junior college, y,·here she planned to stuJy police science, her parents told officers. y,·ay last winter. The 56 y,·cre listed in a malerials under subpoena. for y,·hich th<.-suspicion froin himself. memo to the committee March J. President asked the delay in the deadline The arrest of \\.iechechi led Santa Ana T 8 R l l At 1'hursday·s meeting. committee for res ponding. p~!iec to rropen the files on·l\\'O previous lllla 03l C eaSe{ 1ncmbers are expected -though they Nixon's request for the delay makes deaths :JI !he same apartnient building. SAN DIEGO (APl _ A U.S. tuna y,·on't like it -to go along vdth their the new date for compliance next Roth occurred \1'hilc \\'iechechi lived fishing boat iJ free after being held for .,chairman and give the President fh•e Tuesday. By coincidence that is one year thert~. a day by Mexican authorities for alleged- more days to respond to a subpoena for to the day after aides H.R. •1alde1nnn But police no"' appear satisfied that ly violating 1\lexico's 12·mile off.shore 42 Watergate tapes. and John D. Ehrlichman resigned. John the previous verdicts of suiC'ide in both fishing limit. the boat's owner says. The The purpose of the recommendation to \V . Dean III ¥i'as fired and Nixon \\'ent on cri~cs can remain on !he coroner's riles. San Diego-based Liberty Bell v.·as re-. drop the C'harges is to narrow the television to accept the respons.ibili1y , but They stated Tuesday that \\'iochechi is leased Tuesday fro m the port of La n!legations against Nixon Y.'hich might not the blame, for the \\'atergate cover· charged only ~·it h the murder of ~trs . Paz. Baja California. said a spokesman ultimately be recommended to the !louse up. ~!organ. for Pan Pacific fisheries. of Rcprescnlatives as Individual counts ----------------------------------=--=::.: ------ in an impeachn1ent resolutinn. Lil add I \\1a1ergate Scan J\' Jrnnl'r briefed Republicans on tht 38- n1en1ber cu1nmittee today, reading from a draft of his joint recommendations with Doar. Among allegations they rccomn1endcd dropµing: -ThoSf in\'Ol\·in~ t\ixon's personal financing. including financing or his San Clen1cnte and Key Biscayne homes, bot e.'l:cluding atlcgal ions of frau d in the preparation of his income tnxes. -TI1ose concerning Nixon's orrll.'r romnti tlin g U.S. forces into contbat in Cambodia . -Allegations of White H o u s c involve1nent Jn illegal ca nl pa I g n L"on1ributlons exacted from corpo rations under threat or pro1nise ol (;O\·e men! fnvors . '' ~ • °"" ' ,. ' 538 CEMTER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 CLOSIO SU..DAY ......... ·--· Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rackets Squash Rackets I1·vit1e Cot111cil Action Little League Shoes 5. 95 All Purpose Shoes 8. 95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes 10. 95 up Tennis Shoes 9.95 up Football Shoes 17.95 up Table Tennis Paddles Darts Dart Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks Jlcre in capsule lorm ·:ire k<'Y actions lakc n Tuesday night by tht lr\'ine City Council ; POLICE St:RVICE: Voled to extend lo September. 1975 a SI mlllion·a·ycar contract with the city of Costa l\-1csa. WOODBRIDGE VIL~AGE: After three hours of testimony conUnued to ~fay 28 the zoning hearing for a 1,715-acre reslden1lal1:01"11mcrclal village for Z7 ,825 persons. BfKE TRAILS: Scrapped 1111 bids for $30,000 to SSO.OOJ campus Orvie bl· cycle path pending redesign of meandering, off-strt.e.I concrete trail to make ii fit Town Center plans. F)RE"'ORKS: Adopted an urgency ordinAnce allowing salts of flre¥i'Orks In commercial or asrlcu lture zones. AIR POl.L\JTION: Suggested !hilt staff schedule a study &eSl!lon on air quahty lcglslalion and city planning lmpRcts on pollution control. . AIRPORT PLANNING: \roted to nk the appolnlmenl of fonntt city t.-ouncJJma.n £ Ray Quigley Jr. to U~ t.wnt y Airport Land Use Commission. ' Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls T enn'is Racket Stringing \ Raleigh Bikes Parts -Tires -Tubes Accessories -Repairing I • , 6 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE De-annexation Cost Officials or the Saddleback College district have won the first skirmish in thelr struggle with Tustin residents who wont to secede from the Saddteback district. Al the hearing last week, the Orange Co unty Com- mittee on School District Organization recommended against the proposed de-annexation ot Tustin from the t'Ollege district. Financial data revealed that if Tustin leaves, the ta x rate of remaining propert y owners will have to go up 16 to 19 cenui a year just to keep the college solvent. Tustin leaders contend that cost, spread over the entire remaining district, is better than the $1~ a year or more the 500 Tustin students at Saddleback spend on gasoline to ge t there. But laken as a total. the cost of !he de·annexation would be much greater and affect many morC people. If Tustin 1eaves. it certainly wiU save some money for Tustin students -and cause problems for e\•eryone else. The financial problems. the sc hool will have to con· f\(>nt may n1ean a blow to educational quality. That is the greatest cost of all -a cost the district can not af· ford. ' La,¥ ~loves South 'rhe vast, sprawling area of South Orange County soon will have its •O\\'n sheriff 's station. • long overdue. Though many of the t.lcputies who patrol the South County also llve there. they ha\•e to report to Santa 1\na every day before going bt1ck down south to patrol. The resultant \\'3stc of gasoline. man-hours and ve· liicle \\'ear and tear is mooumental. \Vhen the facility is contP,leted to'olo·a rd the end of the su1nn1cr. most deputies \\"ti1 have a relativcl v short ~ drive to the sfation to pic k up their cars and a short drive back to their areas of responsibility. _Since the Sheriff's Department provides the (Inly crin11nal law enforcement in the uninrorpornted tern· to~y. every hqur "'as1ed in com1nu1 ing lo Santa Ana for shift changes or other reporting is another hour of com- munity protection Josi. Getting to Kuo\\. Then1 1\t the rlose of .'\mericah Field Service week on Saturda;:. lr\•ine reside11ts aga,iJ~ '4•ill have an opportunity to show 1n a personal '"av thei r concern for international understanding. • .An ~uction. the main fund-raising effort of the Uni· \"ers 1ty High Sc hool AFS Chapte r. is planned for 6:30 p.n1. Sa turday, at the high school. Proceeds help to pay the transportation expenses 10 bring a foreign student 10 Irvine. · If com~uni!y support rontinues as ii has in lhe past. next year will be the fourth year the new city ha~ been \'isited by a student from another land. , , • ~~llD~&p ID&~ .,,_.,~@:],, ~@jp:GJ~[l~ ;;;:--, The Board of Supervisors bas authorized construe· tion of a temporary substation with 60 deputies working out of it. and manned on a 24·hour basis in a vacant rourtroom at the South County Municipal Court in La· guna Niguel. Considering rapid growth in the area, the move was Special events arranged by the ;\fS and valuable opportunity for Irvine students to get to know soineone fro~ another culture are reasons the program descn·es continued support. 'He/Jo, \l'hite House? I'd like to irll"it e President 1\'ixon ln come nut to nur state nnd campai{!JJ for my opponeJJt. This Crisis Will Be I-lard to Top ( ART HOPPE J fL>deral Crisis Coordinator Upton Oo\ms vigorously denied any res ponsibili· ty in the strange disappearance of The Energy Crisis. "lt is the duty of The U.S. Crisis ~1anufacturing Bureau to initiate crises." Do"·ns told a press conference, "not to terminate I hem." He noted the average life of an American crisis in the past 15 years was 11.2 months. In scope and depth, if not' dur3tion. he said. "The Eoergy Crisis far exceeded our fondest aspirations." \Vhile not as long-lived as The Threat of Nuclear Holocaust in the late 1950s or The Civil Rights Battle! of the early 1960s, he said, The Energy Crisis bad a "much more immediate impact." .. Our studies show it generated more cocktail party conversation than either Poverty. ·,•;hich replaced Civil Right.1 on our calendar. or Student Unres t. which succeeded Poverty,"' he said proudly. ''frankly, v:e consider it one of our very best crises in recent years.'' U~1JKE Busing, which followed Siu· dent Unrest. he said , The Energy Crisis "'brought I.he country together" - particularly in gas lines. In this respect, it was similar to Hi· jackings, which replaced The Population Explosion, which followed Pollution, n•hich supp lanted Student Unrest "'hen interest in that crisis waned, "And it certainly had far wider appeal th:in The J\fonetary Crisis which 11.·e rnanufactured to fill the gap left by Pollution." be said. "The l\fonetary Crisis was one of our few fiascos. ''But "'e've more than made up for that mistake in the past year. \\'e began v.·ith The Wate rgate Crisis and followed tha t up with Inflation. Remember the Dear b\Gloom y Gus King Rtchard il confusing the "in· herent right of lhe Presidency" \vi th the "divine right of kin~s." c.. r.. Gl-y Go• ~~ l ft oW...lltH '' r-f"I IM .. !001 ...Ct Hlfll'I' rt!\KI Tiit Vie~ ... "'' ... -..... • .... 1111 ~ ... , "' -v• lo Gklt"'r GU\, OtllY ,.llol. housewives' Beef Boycoit? That v.-as a good one. Then 'A'e threw in Shortages and now that they're gone. we're drum· ming up interest in The Impeachmen t Crisis. Any questions?" r.'IR. DOWNS ""as immt'dintely asked what happened to the gas lines. He smiled. "One thing .,,,,.e've learned in the Bureau is never to ov eresti mate the at· tention span of the American people,'' he said. "They simply grew bored "'ith gas lines and refused to wait in them any n1ore. After all. a crisis requires the full cooperation of every citizen.'' A young reporter inqulred how the government had managed to solve all the problems r.tr. Downs had cited. !\tr. Downs looked puzzled . "Solve them? But y,·c havC'n't solved any of them. Yi'e stilt ha\·e a ~uclear Threat. Racial In justice, Poverty. Students, Busing, a Population Explosion, Pollution. a ttfonetary Cri~is, \\'atergate, Irutation and Shortages. They m c r e I y ac· cumulate." .. THEN 1\'HY manufllcture crises?" the young report<?r demanded. "\\'hy , to take the people's mind off their problem s, of course." replied ti.fr. Dov.ns, "particularly the previous crisis they just went through." An older re porter asked what crisis y,·e could expect next "We are planning a Depression coupled with lnOalion. "A Depression alone simply \\"Uuldn 't do." SB Police Drift TowHrd 1'lilitnri:-nfio11 Danger of Non-thinking Tradition To the Ed itor: I was delighted that Sgt. Ton.v Vl1!:1 took the troubl<' lo write about my article. '·Amr riran Po Ii cc ~ire Stran°'c~s." /Daily Pilot . April 11119 ). lie <ipproprial cly takes rne tJJ task for hcing ignorant of <lay-ln-d:iy pol ice operalions. especially r~cruilment. and I concede the po in I. 110\\'E\'ER. I "·ish he had addres~ himself to the larger issues 1 attempted to set forth . For example. I ~uggt>stcd that the police are tradition-ridden. lh.1l they do not think through "'hy the~· do \\·hat they do v.·ith our money and our so- ciety. Again. I suggested that this habit Clf acting while non·lhinking produces a drift or direction of rhange tow a rd militarization. to"·ard the attitudes of an anny of occupation. I .suggested thal !he co!lcclive police of this county are in total violation of the Jaw in setting themsel ves above our democratically elecil!d and 1 e g R I Ir responsible represer:tafi\'t'S -exa ct!\· the point that Supcvisor Diedrich has since made in his current conflict \\'ilh 1hc police. l could have gone on, a.~ 1 am su re Sg!. VillR kno"'s. 1 could have sugcest ed ( l\IAILBOX ) l,t>1/t'rs from readers are welco1nc . 1\11r111olly, uritcrs sl1ould co11vey f/1c1r lll('ssage s i11 300 u·ords or less. T11e r1:il1 t to coridt'nse leuers 10 fit space ot el1mi11ote libel i.$ re served. Alt let· 1ers must include signa ture and mail· f11a addres.!I but 11ar11e.! 1na11 be 1citJ1. hrld on request if sufficient re nso11 i~ apparent. Poe!r!J tei/L not be pull· fished. that these local but steady shift.s in emphasis are tbe nl'<!essary, but not · sufficient. preconditions for a police state. All unconscious. however. All iust drift, .,.,.ithout direction. BUT Sgt. Villa should not feel too bad about all this. Other human institutions proceed equally blindly, equally on n10- mentwn rrom the past ~pcired O\'er hy rntionalizations in the pre!K'nt P\'Cr roore absurd. The shooting \\'ar in Vietnam \\1th ii~ ~hoo!1 ni: 11ftrr111 11th -\',•' 11011 hire Vi<'tna111cse to ldll \'ietn<tmt'sf' -1s the u~tl 1n.:itc :11'.ful 1•t i1m pit' -l>,\V!O ;\ 1\ll":'\Hfl """''"' """ Tq the f.<l11or: This 1s 1n}' fi rst ll•lh•r to un Pd1!1•r. I h.'ll\' nt'Vl'r \'OLCed <l pub1!t• 1ipin1t•n tn nnyon"' beeauS<· I llt'\er f1·lt n1cnl<1l!y adequate. ~nl', hOl'.f•ver . I rl'ah.t1· that l'nl iust as "comr11 0n St•ll'\t·· 11Hl'lh1!,•11t as an\' of uur ll'ad1·r~ Add11Jc11111ll v I 1110 ha Vt' a tr)'sta[ ba ll. It '5 JU:O:t hkf' ihl' 011•• the press and doorusday pol1t1c1ans U!*'. IF President Nixon is impi.·.1th('<I. he "r!J be Jud ged f.!UJlt~ und this 1s "'h.1! \I 11! h<i ppcn 11 ithln (Inf' ye:1r. L li.S. dollar "'ill hi • df\nht('d nt Jc;1st 2(1 pi·rr1 ·nl ;cs the \\"Orld anti1·ipalcs a f:i.r reuching dcprL'filiJ \lll. '.?. Stock markf'l 1rill i;:rr1du:dtv drif1 do11·n lo 'i:iD 11nd onl·t.: IA•low i5'l, 11 lll l'rash to 400 \c\·el. :t Inflation "'ill hil 30 1)!"rr·l'11! r<J!t· 4 r\111 ional strik1•s will crrr1 thl• eountrv 1n a desperate attempt !(J ~<itch 110<1r111g pr!C('S. 5. :\1arginaf companies 11111 go wider 111 mass. 6. L'ncmplo~·n1"nt 11 ill tut in J){'rl'('n\ lf'\el within first 1f'l;1r ;1nd cnnt1nue unt l! 1t rc:arh cs 25 J>('rccnt i. T.1xes wiJ! .~Jar 1n ;in 1'/f11rl In l 'Ut h infla1 lr1n 10 pa y fflr 111as~111• SOl'ial pro· ~r:1n1 q hut 11 11 111 bt.• 100 l•1t1·. R. Sh1ef' !hi' couolr\' \\!!I hi' run hv lh•' S•·nntL· !ht' i':Xt'<·ut1\·~ Hraol'h of {;fJi.·l':-n· rnent. 1\ ii! l)l' nbout ;is 11 ~1·ful and ef- f<'1·tivr !ls t()n si!s. 9 Since lht'rl' ("an I~· 110 \\or!d \\':ir Ill lo pull u:-. nut this t1n1P. nll c::ip1tah~t ('oun1riPs \\'ill go do11-n th~:1'ther to subsc· (1ucntl} ri:.•• :1g;1111 as soC'1;il1sl l'n untries. flran l.'.;\' t 11111111 ·\irport ,,:,~for thr s.1rt'tv oJ th1 · pl.111•·" ;1!rt.":1J; usu1~ 11. !hat th•~re \\'Olllll ht' nD J••ls ;1t 1h(' :iirport. •• \I,\· 'l<ll\'C I~ bcht'\t'<l lh1·tn .\011 lho• l'.NJl\t·rs !h:ll bt• ar1' lt>l!ini: IL'\ 1hal :irii1thl'r 1·'<:pHn.~1on vf thr h·ngl h ot 1)11• run11,1~ 11111 bt· uni~ fllr 11u1('!rr lakt·- r,ff:s of !he pl:tt1t'S 0\'1·r ,\;e11i·pnr1 Ht1r, and nor for hiµ[l••r )•·! .. /1;1 ll,1•llrt ' C>nt• foot in Iii·· door aJ .... ay" ll'<.id.!i to :•notht•r'' \111. ;in1l ~1 1\S LAI . \I. f•t:LlEJl 1·t ·1 flff<'ri11'1·' To th.· l·:d11or J11d11h Olson's h•llf'r In thl' 1'fli!or of th" Pilot 1;\pr1I 10• \\':1 ~ bolh tiea rl\Yarming ;ind a bit di ... rrv1) 1oi:. Jt 11 .1~ h1•<Jr!1r:irrnrn!! lh:ll Slit> nnd h('r hush:1nd /oun1l 1he1r :lllt·ndaucC' :it rhr i·c lr\i1u· opt·n hou~ · 1111 t•11ricldn 1-: cx- iwrienr\·" \\'1• hope :ill 0( the SC\'Cral ltlf1u s:1nds 1~l1n tMk th•· "PPt•rlunity lo b1·f•f11n" h1·1t1•r a<:qu<1(n11'tl \\l(h lh\• l'ilm· pu~ \l('t'•· :1s plf'ased S'fl'U i':~IS. f.11·ullv :111rl ~1.1ff "ho u1·nl 111 lh<· <·ffort In f'\hihit. l1'f·1t1rc ;ind 1'rll•·rt;1u1 \<1·r1• t•111·ouraJ.lM hy !he turnout ;ind tlrt' ••\•1dt·nt intrrt•st in lhf c;:1mpus by n1,,n1bt,rs of lllf' cornmuru ty Open l~ouse ~I l!Cf proh~bly u•11! bL-cnmc a tradi· l1fln.'1I annu11J 1•\o1•11t. I 10111 v.·11h ~!rs. 01.!l()n in hf'r bellrf l h~t Uh' t'l'lmn1unil~· <'an henf'(1t rf·~ul:irly fron1 :11!rnd;1nt1• and particip.111011 In ":unpus f·vent~ lhroughout the year, not iust :it Opt_·n llouSt-. :\1y ~liRhl dism:1y at ~fr,.. Olson'-: nice l<•lh'r is thnl sh" 1•\ idcntly i<; 11n:iw11rf' of th1· man~· IN'tU fl'"· •· x hi b ~.t 5 , pt·rforn1nn('(•S and ~n1in:1r3 v.hfch are regular!>• of)l'n I!) puhlir attr>nda nre and p:1rticipal1l)n , ~!<in) arl' fret', 3!1 she sui.:· i;f'Sls, <tnd olher!; ;in• subj<'Cl to an :id· mission th<irf(t: 111 tovcr tosts. Chaos • Ill the Vet Administration \\llA T st,irtt'd out :i l!tll" 'f\1•r :1 vc;ir ;11-(0 fl.<; :io :l!ten1 pt to minin1!1.1· :'\iXon's landslide 11clnr1'. hil" sofl"·hafl<'<l into :l \{•/low jour11a11.~in <1n<l f>0li1ic;il hatr ran1· pa1~n to ·get th<· c·r•IOk out ·• '.\"o flt1'! kno11i :o1 hO\\' !O SIQfl II :11l(j ii \'On 't "" ~top~d until ht''s out of offir-e P.ut the liberal press. lh t' r)('n1ricrats, and for pol111cal sccurit\· rl':1sons. in fl st Rrpubhcnns. arr j,01 aware of the prfrt> they and \\C ftht·1r f(lllfl11· i\rncr iC';"1ns 1 ar<' &oing tn pa~ (o r thi~ · mlspl11r.ro JUStice .. 0,\"I.'; l.EC.:TlltE s1·r1('s v.h1f'h m:1v be i·f par!1<:ul t1r 111tcirest lt1 .\1r.s. Olsnn i .~od h9pcfulh· !" rna11v olhersr "·ill b<: spons<1r~·d IJ\ rh" friends of liCL fur four Thursd111 1•1 •·n1nus. sl:i rl ing ~l.1v 7. l:n11tk·d 'Pt'rsp<·rli\'{'S nf Our SociCt~•." th(' Sf'rlt'S \\'Ill f~'3(Ur(' nl{'ml>f'rs of !he S•x 1al SriL"n<'l'~ fH('ully :in<l \\'ill ex:anline tn"' 1mp.1ct of th<' :;oc-iat S<·1enci:s 011 c.:ur· r1:<nl .~ot'ial prohtrms This week Do~ald E. J oliruo1t an· 111>u11t:ed his plans to resign as head . of the Veterans Administration. Edi tor. \VASlUNGTON-Tbe horrors now af· flicting the nation's veterans programs can be tractd to the radical plan of the old llaldeman·Ehrlichman \Vhite House. officially repudialed but s u r v J vi n g nevertheless, to Cfntralize all power in the Oval Office dur· lng President flj'ix· on 's secontf 1crn1. Allhou gh II. R. lfaldem:in and John D. Ehrllchmnn are long gone. l he: Ir grand design t n- dures -11dministcr· cd by spiritual heiri and JCencrRlly lgnor· ed by Watergate-preoccupied Washing· ton, The disruptive results are no"' i;ur· facing In one ageocy after nnottler. ln the Veterans Administration IVA ), the political explosion has ju.sl begun. A central fcalure of !he JltJJdeman· FAJrlichmnn plttn was to plact trusted Nixon aides, rrom the \\'Jtile Jlousc and the w'idcly defamed Comntillet for the llcelcclion of !he J>resident (CREEP/. In kt:y po.oril ions of exm.itivc dep;Jrtme11ts. Running the government 1hen "'ould be lfaldeman and his SI.Jiff. backed by the ( EVANS·NOVAK ) ty. Fred ~falek, "ho had been second-in· command at CR£EP\ -·- NA~IED BV f.1alek 10 be \l+.hile llou:;c agent k>r VA's multi-billion-dollar opera· lions was Frank Naylor, fresh fro1n a stint at CREEP rounding up \'eterans organi1.alions' support ror lhe Nixon· Agnew ticket. Naylor moved in 10 VA 's plush 10th floor executive offices as a supergrade 18 paying $43.926. Other CREEP alumni from the ~lalek stable mO\"ed lo lesse r VA jobs. Among the many : ~fichael Bropson, a CREEP field representative as assisiant acl· n1inistrator ror planning and evaluation; Andrew Adams, a Kansas coordinator for CREEP as deputy director in VA'S OOW· embattled educalion division, \\'hat wa:ri happenlng at the \"A reflected a radical effort to gi\e the White House totaJ CQntro[ of all major bureaus and depArtmenL~. No"·· IS months later , the outcome et the VA 11 cle:ar : utte.r di53ster. in the Department of llealth. Education ;'Ind \\'elfare \but po.,.,·erful Congressmen may block that appointment ). Th L!i accelerating collapse of the Haldeman -F.hrlichm.in rentralizarion of po"er barely begins the story of the VA 's crisis. THE A:\1ERICA.... LEG ION cheered .,.;·hen then Republican Sen. Jack ~llller of lo'A·a 1 defeated for reelection in 1972) persuaded J\lr. Nixon in 1969 to name Don Johnson. a fringe Iowa Republican politician and former national t=on1- mander of the Legion, lo head the VA . Today. howe\·er. even lhe Legion has soured on Johnson's perfonnance run· ning the \"1\'s 171 hospital s. 59 regional offices 11nd tens of thousands of cmployes. ''Don,·· said one ~ongressional critic. "ls a politicoil primitive who plays everything by the ~fl\lek ruleboOk. '• t.falek 's first rule is sa\'ing moner. Thi.I, Johnson's critics romp I a 1 n he auto1natically O\'errides his O"'ll experts, plus the organized \"etcran~· lobbie!l, to accept O~IB 's budjet proposals even at the expen.~ of essential v le.rans' r.f!r.·ices . • subcommit!ee on \'eterans health and hospitals. ~lusser said !hat "an <.tfl· tagonislic and uncooperati ve ad· mini.'itrat or (Johnson )'' made his job int· possible and tbat "the infiltration of the department by personnel selected (tnd appointed by . , . the administrator h:t"I ''irtually cl1minatcd any possibility of functional integrity" in the medical branch. \\'hen Pitusscr came under aU.ack by Johnson 's office last year, then prcsiden· tial counselor 1\lelvin Laird interceded. Lai rd "'rung from Johnson a firm agree-- n1ent to slop interfering with ~fusser's operation . :\IORt; SIGSIFICAJ\'T, ~lr. l\;ixon hin1 !;elf !itronqly indicated to Teague la~t ~ctmbt'r thnt ~ltl"lser \\'Ould stay. r-.;o.,.,·. with the President prl'OCtllpled .,.,·ith fighting impeachment nnd with t.a1rd gone, ~lusser has been hounded out of of· ficc . >.lusseti; !Op deputy. Or. Bl'fljamin F. \\"ell.!1. v.·as also forctd out. \Velis told u~ Johnson "jult could oot stund '' \\1ell~\ t'OMcclions with powerful congressional Democrats. As somPQnc said 21)(1 \'l'<irs agl). "\\'r the propl<·" 11r1· u!limn11·Jy rc~pnn~lblc for our 011·n dn"nfall \\'1' the J'l"Oplr·. allowed our:>ehf's to h .. <luoncd 1n!o believing that "c can't Ill :1"\I' nnyl>odv ' or can't ht·lit•vc tn :inv thin g \','(•the p•-o. pie. ar<' Ille onPs "ho 'nc1rr a~k•'d ho" v.r· could consldl'r 1n1perit·hl11g :1 Prrsldl'nt 1~·lth no proof of 11 roni.: doing. and 1)11·n have the au1tac1 I» to :i"k 10 re\')C·I\' hi" f1l~tt 111)('s to <:.ror ir r11r·~· 1-outd fil1~ somPthin~ th:it 11n11lcl ht' an im~aC"habll' offense. Yes , ;1p tht· 1x~irle. arc allo"u'~ th i' to happrn <tnd \1{' <1rf' JtOinlt to p;u· the price, ~l\ onl v 1-..·r~<ina1 r"1tr1•\ is thril 1'11 be onl' of tht' ·y,c"s" "·ho v.111 h:11,. tu pa). \\,\LT Ul.:\~KE~Sll!r 1-·-~ot ;,, 1l1t• ''''''r To th·· Ed1t•1r A~;i1n h1s1or} rl'f>e·:u... 1t.~1 If ;n lhl" Or::ini.:f' Count\ .\1rpnrt In 1~1.1 11p \' ·r,. rnld h} lhf' Oran~•' Count\ ~UJY n '-"'•r'i that lhc C:\pan!i1t1n -01 tilt · run\1-:J} :.l Quote · rnfonn:H1nn rin this :;t•rivs and n11 the mun'' ot her pub•1c l'\t:nt t; oo c:nnpus mdy ht> obtnlned by :i regu!nr rea'dini:: of the l'olumn~ of the lluilv Pi lot or by (nil· in~ !hr l'C I l'ubllc ln(nr1lla11on Offle~· \\",\Y0E A. ('l..1\llK Publ1r lnforr11a t1on O/f1ccr L'n11ers1!y of Oilifornin, Jr \111e DAILY PILOT R·~brrt ,\', \t'Pt'd, Publi.lhe r ·r11111111r~ J;rei·il. t:ditor llurbortt l\re1birh .E:dtlorwL Pape Editor Thr c:fr!<'lrll'll ~tr-of thr D"ily 1'1i'lt lV'('kS f•I inform al}(! rtlm11lRI(' l""lll!rrs: rr prrsenlln£ on tills ~' 1!11""11"" romml'nTAI)' on 10pJe1 or in. "'"' u by 5)·71'f11ra1nl rNumnhrts end • n.riv :in \f<c, h)· r•t JVu1Jng ll lon1m fl}J' rr-~drr, \1..,.,s and by JITT''llt'flllnJ:: lhl'll r.t\\ fl.l;'.ll."!' 'I <1Jl1nlon!t i\l>d idf>R!f tm cumn1 loplrt. Thr 1"1111111 •l\l oplnll>n:'f '•! rtir ll1tl1 ) l"'llnl illfrfll'•r only In !h(l wtuur1.11l M•l11m n 111 1tw-1op ~f the !iklo:r f)ll•nt•):\11 l'\Ptf',•l'\i hy th,. rof. 11mn1sl.ll 1111'1 , .:H1()f)l\1!1a •'Id lctlf!" v.r1trn. art tl\4.•11 004·n &1'111 M rn.i<-ine- mtnt ol tttt ir \ irv.t !°')' lhc D;UJ,y !1lnl Mould t~ Inf~. --r-·!----,Oft\ce of l\la~gement and Budget OMBJ !Zm«! ~y-lleylll11-•nd hird<pu• NAYLOR. "'ho came 10 VA "'ithoul e~· ptritntt in lht agency's highly speciDlil· cd work. has OO\\· bttn qulelly shunted lo !he Fanners Home Adnt lnistral.lon. Bronson i.$ on his way out. Adami. a polio vh:tim confined IO a wheelch:ilr, Is l&tod-IO rnn--1he--ne~ rehabWtatlon offi~ TllE ~fOST dramat:c <·ase: \l•a~ !he Johnson~onlrivcd OUS!t"r of Dr. :'l lJre J, Pi·lusscr. VA's highly r egarded chief medical director. 1n 11 private ll?:Uer April 3 to Rep. Olin Teague. chalnnan of the. Howe Veteraru CommiUee, and St:n . Alan Cranston. chainnan o! the Senate By throwing II~ full v.·eight behind Joh!'\..~n. O~fB retains draconian control o\·cr VA's budget. The ro.~t i,~ high · 101'~ of $upport fro1n the po"·erful ''el,..rans' lobhy. from !cm of thousand~ of Vif'll!.'l1n vrterans. 11nd ndmini!trative chaos in th(' \'A. Such Is one bitter sfter•ta.~te of the lloldcman·Ehrllchmnn blueprlnr r or power. lllrhard f:l~u~. \\00(!.sJd(' clCt'trrinic~ f1rn1 ch;unn:i11 -··A11\'0nt• t·tin rnak1· a fl'll buck:-I iH l"d r:itllfr IX' rf'1n1•mbt•r11rl a~ l'l l(U} 1~ho m1tdc lift• \1'0rth11t'hilc ror sorneooe ti~:· 1\"edncsd.:t). 1\pril 24, 1974 1 ; .. I I . Stop:a11d-Searela Court to Decide On Zeb1·a Policv · SAN .~RANCISCO lAP 1 -A federal court today tacklus lhl' issue or the. city police department's stop-and-search policy in the hunt for ooe or more black killers lx!licved lo have randomly .slain 12 "·bites. 1'wo lawsuits have been filed to halt Operation Zebra, the code name of the case derived from the "Z" radio channel used by police. The ftrst, filed by the National Association for the Advancement or co Io red People, asks . U.S. Distritt Judge Alfonso .Zirpoli to. Issue an injuncli9n halting thr "searches. The second. filed by the American Civil L i b e r t i 'c s Union, asks the court to rule the stop-and-search t a ct i c unconstitutional. The city has been ordered tu show cause why ii shouldn't be prohibited from conducting the searches and was expected to defend its policy in court today. ., to contact oth~r\\•ise." said LI. \\'illiam O'Connor. The ~ra killings began last November and have resulted Jn 12 deaths and six persons \1'0Und1."tl. The virtims y,•ere gWJned do"'tl y,•Jthout apparent nwtiV\'. police $ay. io.laylir Joseph Al ioto insisted Gia:es Blrll1 Tuesday the .strCi!t searches ' arc co'nstitulionat :ind have Singer Carole King been used as a ·'regular police gave birth Tuesday to practice" 1n other hunts for an 8-pound. 4-ounce 1.h1ngerous crimina ls. son by nalural child- The n1ayur , \\'ho said he birth in her Laurel \\'Ould abide by a fc<leral court Canyon home with the ruling, told a ne\YS conference help or her husband. the searches "'ill continue as bass player Charles lung as ,\)llfec Chief Donold Larkey. bliss King has Scott believes thc v have value. three daughters. ages By ·rucsday ~ight some 500 2. 10 and 12. black n1en had been stopped, ---------- qui•stioncd up to several hours and then released. In !heir search. police are using ;1 composite drawing of :1 mustachioed black 1nan, about 6-feet tall and 30 years old. The dra\\•ing \lt'&S made frorn the descript ions given by 1~·0 Zebra victims. Earni11gs Sltunp Told By Utility \\otdnt~1. Aµnl 24 1'1/4 OA.ll 'f PILOT 5 Liquor Bill Killed Snow Hits Bay Area Mountai11s SACRA~1.ENT0 I AP ) -A ti~in with Garibaldi on supp\) 1ng "oinen. llt called : legislative subcommittee has 'A'omen, but that Ga ribald i's ~·ort o liar and threatened 10 '. killed n liquor refonn bill moootary cootnbutions are a sue. Fo• c •• ,,. , druP and~. ;ifter one of the b i I l ' s matter of record. , , 1K. ... ui !l' sunn1•rters crcatl'd a furor by Garibaldi , wh<k;c cl i en t s alcobolisn1 treatrnl.'nt l'tntcr In; SAN FRANCISCO IAP' -l'I"" JI · d declaring liquor lobbyists include the Wine and Spirits San Franc1se<>. t s a 1 : Unseasonably cold wrather to Pro .. 1·de tnw1nakers w I th \Vholesalers of California . prostilutl'S some11n1es come • struck Northern California • •· pr-titutcs. 11~d:en::led;;;;;;;;;;'~";;Y ;;;;~c:ba;;r;g;;e ;;;;;;•:f ;;;;';;he;;;;<~;;n;;te;;r~f;;o~r =h~el=p;;. ;;;;_;;, this morning , capping ,,.,.n v.. Francisco area 1nountains CALIFORNIA The 5--0 vote Tuesday junked with snow while heavier a mcasurebystatcScn. Arlen EXTEND YOUR LIFE amounts fell in Sierra Nevada. '----------" Gregorio (l>-San ti.1ateo \. The NO'ada. , bill would have doubled state EmND YOUR ARM A travelers ad,lsory warned S'lO MilliOll Lixes on liquor. ended "fair BLOOD PRESSURE CH'ECK motorists of hazardoWJ road trade'' pricing. and poured conditions today in the Sierra more money in to the fight Ncvada where Strong. gusty Sui' t Faces against alcoholism. FREE.• v.'inds mixed with snow and The measure iA'as strongly rain. Norden , near Donner opposed ·by a batlcry of liquor R dd F lobbyists during a four·hour 1 sunimit. reported is inches oI e O~'X h e a r i n g bet ore th e new snow fell overnight. Subcommittee on AJcoholJc The National We at her LOS ANGELES fU PI ) -Beverages of lhe Senate Sen•ice said more than three-Redd Foxx and Demond Committee on Governmental quarters of an inch of rain \Vl\son, stars of the television Organization. dren~·' tower m 0 u n ta i 0 So ,, Alcohol researcher and drui;: uieu series "Sanford and n. expert Joel Fort of Sa n areas Tuesday . ~1ore shoy,·crs \\'ere sued $10 1nillion each Francisco said at both a news or thunderShowers, and snow Tuesd•y because they railed to r d th h · above the 3.500-foot elevation, " con creoce an e caring were expected today. sho w up for rehearsal. that liquor lobbyis!s p l y Tandem Productions, Ind.. legislators \\'ith "food. booze in HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORROW, APRIL 25 Huntington Center . Beach & Edinger · 12 noon · 5 pm, 7 pm -9 pm Edl10 n High School 21400 Magnolia, 7 pm·· 9 pm Huntington Beach High School · 1905 Main St., 7:30 pm · 9:30 pm Arevelos School · 19692 Lexi ngton Ln ., 7 pm · 9 pm JN TllE San Francisco Bay \\'hich produces the popular and \lt'Omen." J{c cited lobby· area, six inches of snow fell show. filed separate suits ist James Garibaldi as giv· (J}'· • overnight at Lick Observatory against the two. charging they ing money to members or ,~ _ on ~!t. Hamilton In Santa did not appear at NBC's the committee and other ! ~ ~1"': Clara County. Snow also was studios in Burbank ~{onday for !egislators in ord er to l:ill bills1 "~ ,., A Public Service fro1n 1-tuntington Beach Rotary Club and Orange County 11eart Assoc. With Thanks to : •11 T ] · t the scheduled slart of on alcohol reform . ftlEANWHILE, a special detachment of 30 plainclothed bl&ck officers was sent into the streets to ferret ou t clue s in the Zebra case. * -{:.;: ·!;; Cri111 e Rate reported on 1• . ama pa1s n ... ~k·' bi• a rcport•r, "Arel '1 • Coo t '1\ o· bl ' fehcarsaJ fOr the Upcoming I"' L"U • p SAN DIEGO (AP) -San 1' arin ° y, •• -ia 0 1" you sugges1 1··g th't Gar1·b·ld1· • f • . Contra Costa County and 1974-75 season. .. C1 I ac1 IC Diego Gas & Electric Co. along Skyline Boulevard south Superior Court Jud ge provides women ~.. f' or t reports a slump in eamings oI San Francisco. Campbell Lucas issued a ansv•ered, ··ves. I am ." Rut "This is a 5pecia l . predominantly black u n i t assigned "·ith p a r t i c u I a r emphasis on getting intelligence from· inforn1ation sources we_ might not be able Droppin g for 1973 and the first quarter The Caliromia valley city of temporary restraining order Fort later said that in the Ci' ty Bank or 1974 , blaming higher fuel Stockton. which usually has prohibiting Foxx and \Vilson confusion of rnany people c.-osts and loy,·cr e n er & Y high temperatures in the 80s from engaging in public talking at on~e. he thought hc1 Ju Bny Area t"Onsumption. in mid-April al.so had snow for performances. A hearing y,·as "'as ans\\'er1n~ a prl'VIOUSI Goldenwest & Ed inger, Huntington Beach Shareholders were told al ,_iabo~u~t ~15~rru~·n~u~te~s~Tu~e~sd~a~y:... __ :isc~h'.':cd~u~led~f~o~r ~~~la~y~6~. ___ _'.ql\Jull>es~t~io~•:..· ~ll~e~sa~id~hll>e_h~a~s~no~.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,..~~.,...,...,..""".,...,...,...,...,.."'!' Tuesday's annual meeting that the utility's earnings last year SAN FRANCISCO <AP ) -y,·ere $1.78 a share. a drop of Police report a dramatic drop six percent from 1972, despite Burto11 in major crimes here since gains of 16 percent i n stepping up street patrols In a operating revenues and 13.5 percent in net incon1e. search for gunmen responsible RespolldS for a series or random For the first quarter of the shootings. year. earnings were 63 cents a The patrols were Increased 5tlare,,c."Omparcd with 70 cenls SANTA l\10NlCA (AP) in lalc January afler five in the first qunrter of 1973, Actor Rlchard Burton !s persons were gunned down on although QPfrating revenues responding well to l.rl'alment bo and net income bolh increased city streets over a two-ur for inOuenza l bronchitis and period . 11 percent. the company said. \vlll be released rrom St. In areas 'Ylitere the shoot· Company president \Valier John's Hospital within the next ings lrdve occurred. police Zillau said this ye a r 's two days , a spokesman for revealed Tuesday that major construc1ion budget has been him says. crime dropped 30.7 percent in cut from $172.7 million to The Brttish actor wa s february. co1npared with the $149.8 n1i1lion. He said other hospitalized after completing same period in 1973. Citywide. economics include elimination filming or "The Klansman" in major crime was down 21.3 of a pamphlet enclosed in Northern California . pert-ent. utility bills. The spokes m an said Figures for ~1arch y,·ere less Zitlau said the utility has Burton's actress· w i f e , dramatic, but were still won approval for $75 million in Elizabeth Taylor. has been considered "significant'' by rate increases in the past year vacationing in Hawaii with her police. Major crime was down and is pressing for tnore. In family and plans to return to 6.5 per~nt in Zebra areas last the long run. he said. the the mainland for a reunion month ci:imparcd with ~larch. utility pins its hopes on "the with her husband early next 1973. Cily\\•ide. the crin1e rate development and expansion of week. declined 2.5 percent. Greater San Diego." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ NOW! FOR A NEW LOW $2,500 DEPOSIT YOU ENJOY ALL THE LATEST a;:;;=~ BENEFITS OF THE f&?f14ta .cfi;.td SAVERS CLUB Besides lowering ehgibllity re- quirements, now the Savers Club oHers you new opportu- nities to save on automobiles. tires. furniture. television sets, home appliances. carpeting and drapes. And you can stretch your budge! with money-saving discounts on enter1ainment at· tractions, travel tours, restau- ran t dining and purchases of a wide variety ot quality mer- chandise. 0 ANO IN ADDITION YOU EARN 0 •ll///l/JlJI. MAXIMUM INTEREST ,-tf AT OUR BIG NEW RAT ES ,~ ON YOUR SAVINGS ~ Term certltlcates are·issued In minimum amounls of $1 ,000- passbook accounts in any amount So long as your sav· ings total $2,500 In one or more ... LFS savings accounls, you are ~ eligible tor a Savers Club '"" membership. HOM! OF,IC!: 2SO deean Avenue. Laguna Beach, Cahlo1nl11 92651. Telephon9· 49'-7541 •LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 Mona1ch Bay Ptoza •SAN CLEMl!NTE: 601 North El C•mlno AeAI • LAGUNA HILLS: 24036 Calle de le Ptara • LAKE ELSINORE • 600 West Graham Avenue .. Sears Where Thrift Is Always In Style Located On The lower level --· Sears a.l\lisses' Fashion~ Nylon Knit Panis 488 l)ouble kn1f '-ftL·ttb 1nlon1 pant,, Fl:i.rt· ll'A s1yhng. l•,1,111.,11 culnrs. i\I i~scs' SLZl'S. Ii .Misses' Tailored Collon Sltirts 388 A blcnJ ol poly1;~tt·r .. 111.!·1\vnl ' r.tyon. Pcrn1.1n1:nt prt·)s. ll.1~\ll · .illy s1rk·,I v.·l1 h Ion~ po 1n1l·d l ul· l.irs. ;..iisscs' s1zl·S. ,., Juniors' Polyester Warp Kn.it Pants 666 \\I 11 h \\'1de \\',11stb.inJs. In .l~'nric:J 't~•lcs and l.Olors. ~lach1nc-\v.1 ,h. Junior ~izes. ,1. Juniors' Ribbed Nylon Kn.it Tops 388 :-.ll·ck stylin.I! v.·erh n11n1 n bs. A•· '4.lrled r.iSfl·I lOl•lt• \\ ,l'h,1bll' In sizes S, 1\I .in.I I.. Paul Liner Girdle 288 I\ ,i:trt'JI slimmi:r to \\'l·.11 under p.uus. !'!1noo1h IH· nn~. Lnn.i.: ll•n.crh ~Ill' Z..I. L Jn t.I XL. \\'hitl· Costa Me sa Bt1 e na Park :1:13:1 llri•tol SJ. l'hon•· .>40-3 :1:l:I _UJ;Jt) l.11 1•:.1111111 '''" l'l,1•11c• 11:.!1~-I 111(1 I • Knee-High Hosiery 1 lnl~ '. • 39.~, --Pcrtc:ct "'1lh p,1nt!I! One silt' lit• .111 !-.tsh1on shaJe, ) .. t<trr llnfl"'I ~I01,.l11• lhru !°'•lnnl111 •11:10 \.\I.'" Y1'.\(l P.~I. "'un1l11~ 12 l\f\on '" ,\ '" ''· • I I I I I • Huntington Bea~h Fountain ·Valle Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67, NO. 114; 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDN ESDAY, APRIL 24, 1974 TEN CENTS .Huntington Canipus· Religion\ Debated The split betv.·een ·the Judeo-O'lristian ethic thal one trustee "prayed v.'OU.ldn 't occur" al the Huntington Beach Union lligh School District ml'('ling Tuesday did ' -at least for ay;·hile. But the hour·long emotional hearing about student religious clubs ~ing on campus ended v.•ilh a Baptist minister and the president or the Jev.ish r~ederation Council of Orange Coon1y vowing to fighf for each other's right to v.·orship. ·f It also .ended' v.·ith trustees forming a committee to study all proposC'd pohc1cs on religious clubs. Board Chairman c:eorge Logan an<l Trustee Dennis· t.1angers are suppo.wd tu report back in tv.·o v.·ceks .,.,1th •• recommendation "I .am sick lo heart that thi s seem:-. 10 have bolled down to Judt'O versu!> Christian," said The Rev. Bob 1...cv.is of the First Baptist Church of \\'estmins1cr ··J bcliet.re I would fight for Israel <ind • ABBOTT ANO COSTELLO IN FAMILIAR POSE FROM 1952 Death Claims Bud Abbott (left), Straight Man of Famous Team Bud Abbott Dies; Tean1ecl Witl1 Comedian Costello HOLLY\VOOD !UPI\ -Willi am "Bud" Abbott. i5. the skinny st raight man to Lou Costello in one of 1he most famous comedy teams of the 1940s. died today at his home in Woodland Hills. Death was attributed to cancer. a family spokesman said. Abbott's V.'ido\Y Betty was with him v.•hen he died at 7 a.m. Abbott had been in poor health for more than a decade after a series of strokes. He finished his life living on Social Security after his savings from the huge sums he hearned as a star y,.·ere stripped from him by the govemment in a tax aclion in 1959. Abbott and Costello spent much of their professional li\'es in obscurity until they achieved spectacular fame in the 19405 with routines which established them as the successors to Laurel and Hardy. Costello died in 1959. Abbott was 38 by the tim e he teamed v.·ith Costello and in his 40s by the time they became a nationwide hit in the \Vorld War II years. He and Costell o made more than 50 movies and were together ror ~1 years. Abbon once said he made $400.000 a year Orange Coast Weather Cloudy and cool is the outlook (or Thursday, wMh chances of dri zzle diminishing and tempera· tutts remaining in the lower 60s along Ure coa!t. INSIDE TODA l ' A migrant farm uro r lee r. whose unclaimed body &lood in lhe corner of a funeral home in Sout.h Caroli11a jot 3'7 years. ctressed and tocarlnu a llat, 1oill finally be laid to rest. See Page 3. •1 "'"'" l-4c• J IHllftl ,. L M ... ,. U C•Hlenll1 S C•rMr C.""r 12 ,~........ ,, ... -~ . (NU""lf'I • Otllll Hell(.. II l:fllorltl ,... .., ... ,.,. .. ._, ,4_,, 1"111111(1 tt-11 .... -l"tr IH It_. It, .. -. 111 1'111 Sen'l<t 4't •~11 Lt!ldtn M Mtltk• 6 ;::i...::, T.._. '14.: M11h1tl l"lllMh 1t MtlltMt NIWI 4 °''-c ..... " 11-11 ,, .... ,, """'" lt S-lt 11-U Cr. lttlllcl'llflll ,. Slodl Mtrtlll .. Jl re11•tll011 '4•H T'Malttt MoH W11thrr t ~ """' . at the height of his career in the 1940s. Abholl was born into shov.• business 111 Atlantic City, K.J., Oct. 2. 1~98. His mother v.·as a circus bareback rider and his father v.'as an advance man for the shO\\'. Al 15 he left home to brcomc a ~a1lrir. shoveling coal on a ship bound !or Norway. His fa ther got him a job in a box office and that was his career for 13 years. \vorking in assorted burlesque houses. One night "in some iov.·n i n Pennsylvania,'' as a studio biography said years later, the comic fell ill and Abbott the ticket taker took his place It "'as not until Years !utcr. in 1936. that he met Costello, another burlesque house romic and former Hollyv.·ood stunt OHltl. In the ;,Qs, the team faded and in 1957 broke up. In 1959, the Intern/ii He\·enue Service Audited Abbott's tax returns for eight years and disallo1\•ed $1 million 1n dedu ctions. He sold his $250,000 estate and his r;inch north of lhe ci ty and said th e government ha'd taken all his securities "and put :.i lien on everything." lca\'ing him penniless .. He even sold his TV rrs1dua! rights. . He moved into a mode<;t hou~c 1n Encino. At one point. v.·hcn the publici1y about his financial troubles drew somr donations. he appealed to his fans to SPnd 50 cents apiece to help him pay off the thousands he owed the IRS. He received $300 and said "it \\'as darned nice of them.'' After the team split up. Abholl filed suit against Costello fnr money tH' claimed from their TV series. The ~uif '''as stin in litigation when C05te\1o died Abbott played a somewhat stuffy man who was always rorrect1ng I he Impulsive. fumbling Costello. Early in their career. they apµ~arcd on the Kate Smith radio show and soon v.·prc in "Street! of Paris"' on Broadway. Their first movie was •·one Night in The Tropies," The tall . thin Abboll and the short. fat Costello were the comedy kings of the 19405 and '50s , maklng dozeru of films. appearing v.•cekly on radio and goinA 11110 television In the late 19005. Their most famous rou1ine v.·as ""·ho 's On rirst,'' Y.'hich !he)' perform('(! five times for the late President F'tanktln I> Roosevelt. In addition to his widow, he l:t survived by a !On, Bud Jr .. a daughter. \'lctorla. and three grandchildren. F u n e r a I arr·1rtgtm-ents were i>endlnx. d i~ for Israel." he declart.'d. Leonard Shane, president of the Jewi sh council. said he had oo .objections lo students mC't'ling on their ov.·n time at school to dist.'USS relig ion. Out Shane, "ho 1~ Trust re Ron Sh('nkn1an's fnlhcr·inla"'· said he v.a~ ronct'med that the bo<ird had gonl• farlh!.'r and h:id actually s..1nCt10ne<I rf'ligious acth•ity' in pubhc schools. 5hcnkman v.·11ntt>d the board's prC\'iou« ,J:;in . 8 action. v.·h1ch allol''S student .. r,;hgious groups to mfft 1.11 school during s(·hool hours. r<'M'indNI. lit· suggcstOO a rK'lr n1otion v.·hic h "ould htnil the groups lo non-school hours and v.ould prohibit sponsorship of the groups by district personnel. He S.'ltd the ~ssue v.as IC'glll -thr Constitutional separation or churtli and stat(' -and not rt>ligious and had pfnyrd that l'"Ould1'1"t be misun~rstood. But many or the 12 SIX!akcrs ob\'10Us!y look it as a religious fight. Th<' Protestant group It'd by Th!-R'v. L<'wis brought an atoomcy arKl a C"Ourt stcnof!:raph€'r. -~!any people in thc 200-meinber audieore shouted "Amens'· and applauded after the Christian SpC'akt•rs Shane and Frank Stem. rha1r1nan of tfK. Orangl' County Bo~1rd of Rabbis. Sflld they 11·crc \\·orrif'd· about p('('r pressltrr, the coercion of sludt·nts into a •·popular" religion . H\J.t Edison lligh student Bob l!ardin rompla1nM th:it football players r;111 bring 111hl1'ltrs 10 St·hoo\ a1'td auto s1udcnts t•an bring nu·l·han1c'S , "For 1111· .!1·.;us Chr1'1 '" a hi~ p..1r1 o! niy hfl' ... hi• !;;ud • ~h\\"can't I brint: him to school v.ith nh"'" Otht'r .;1udt•11ts ,:ud th•·n.· 1'> 1nor1· an!1·rch1-tlOus 1h:in prO-rl·l1g1ous prf's~ur1· 111 st·hool • tlnl.1· fln..: prr::;o11 1dr1111fy1111? h1'rsclf :~s :• Christian. Zi1:i \\'e:-1 . 'POI-it• :"l~llll\.'1 1'~r. lll::LIC:IO.\, 1'11gt· 2) Mangers Drops Lawsuit Cari't Prove Recall Caused Company Daniage l){'nnis l\langcrs hns drop1)(.'() a S.)()().000 <'ivil suit rilt>d against a citizens woup seeking lo rera!l him from thl' llunt1ngton Beach Union lhgh Sthool Distri<:l board. The l:.1\1·sun 11·as originally flled ln Orangl' Count~· Superior Court b1 ~·!angers and his eomp<1ny. An1crican LC'arning Corporation. against t he Citizrns for Parents' Highls co1nm1llt"'f' At that t1mr \langcrs a!legrd that th f' rc<'all proponents 11cre damaging his and Police Book Stude1it, 17~ I r1 R<ipe Ccisp, 1-Junringion Beach police arreslttl a 17· ~ ear-{}ld boy today on suspicion of rape· in connection v.•lth the assault ~londa} of a l6-year-0ld Edison High School coed . fk>tccih·e Sgt. ~lont:t ~lcl\.cnnon said 1h(• lx"iy v.ns picked up early todny at the rnmpus hut 1>0licc are 1101 sure if he is an Edi son '.Student. lhs name v.·as not rclt·ascrl. The rape reportedly happened during the noon Juneh hour on the parking lot of !ht• l.'lllllpllS. Thc i;:1rl told police she had i:nlcrl'd lht• car \\1th a m<1le friend y.·ho supposed\\' knf'V.' the dn"cr. Thev drn\·c lo another part of the carnpus IOr lunt·h. v.·here lhe girl's fri end go1 out of !ht· car. She lold police \\'hln she tried to ~ct oul of 1hc ear 111 fol101v her friend. tht• t!ri1·('r grabbed her :ind sped a"•ay. drivinf!: around the area until most students had gone back to class. He then r1'turncd to the parking lot. she said. where the~· slrugglcd. After a while, she was able to kick him av.·ar and hop out of lhl' t:ar. aCL'l'lrd1ng to the police report ~1!:1\ennon sa id th<' suspected rapist v.·as arrested by Oct . Fred L<iya v.·ithout any trouble and 1\•as helrt for questionin~ at police hl'adquarters J\leKennon <i!so said thr dep;irtmf'nt had rccc1\"ed sr1·eral calls from parents "'orried about the rape rc·port at the campus. He said there hal'c not been an outbreak of attacks there and this appears to be merely onl' isolated case. 1'ca<'her Accepts 862.000 f 0 1' • ll1 ishan<l's Death A Huntington Beach lligh School tcachl'r has accepted a 562.000 set1lcment of !hr $7:,0.000 la.,.,'SU1t she filed against the killer or ht'r husband. Orange County Superior Court Judge l\enncth \\1il\iams appro\'cd 1 he Sl"lllt.'ment in favor ol ;\frs. Kathleen Hed1non. ~3. of 9331 \largo Lane_;, \\'estnlUISICr, nnd her family . The sculement v.·as av.'ardcd agn1nst Victor Hugo llughes, 65. Anaheim. v. ho is s('r\·ing a slate prison... term of one 10 10 years imposed two years ago after he was found guilly of manslaughter in the slaying of real ('State broker Albert Redon. 6t It was successfull> alleged that Hughes became jealous • of \hi' 1 magi n e d relationship between h1~ y;•ife. Katherine, 41. !Ind shot Redtnon v.·hilc the couple. ·real cst;ite bu~iness p.'lrtners. cleaned a home In Ruena Park prior to renting the prtmiscs. Judge \VilHamtt ordered a prison term for HughM after rullng ll'lat he was not insane at the 1ime of tile kllling on Sept. 11, 1171 . his firm's reput<!lions .,.,·1th libelous statements. i\tangers sald Tursday that the suit ,,·as scrapped because he· ran't prQ\'(' that the rC'Call effort has caused hin1 or his c<lmpany .. substantial econon11(' df!ma~e" as rc<1u1rcd under \a.,.,'. The nlou1111ng legal fees also .,.,·ere a fU('IOr. :O.·langers said the case has already cost SJ2.000. most or which has been p<iid for 'LOCAL GOVERNMENT KEY' Coastal Commissioner Rosener Proposition 20 'Changes Outlook Of f )eycfopcrs' I~' .l·\Cl\IE llY\IA.\' 00 1 l~t O•lly ,llol 51111 Propositi on 2n has cha nged 1he :ittitudes of a number of de\'Clll1x·rs about the kind of projC'Cts they bu ild. South Coos\ coastal Commissioner .Judy Rosener told the Friends of Nev.·port Ba~· Tuesday. "I think many of them no.,.,· reali7:f you can make almost as much money .,.,·1th a good prOJCCl as .... ·ith a bad onl'." :O.lrs Rosener. a Ne11:port Beach resident. told the environn1entalists. ":O.lany of them are con1ing in with better projt.'Cts now because othery.·isc thev knov.· their permits y.·111 be denied." • !See PROP. %0. Page tJ by lhe Los Angeles company v.·hcrc h(' handled nlarketing. llis attorneys ha\'e also told hirn , he sa id. that he is subject to more criticism than n1ost cilizrns beca use or his public position . S1uart Knight. an Anaheim attorney rrprcst'nting the ritizens group. said h1· also v.·as '"disappointed" by ~tani;ers· artion. but for a different rl'a son. "The \\'holc suit v.·as a bun('h of HS." said Kn ight. "He v.·as v.·ay out of Hoc " Girl, 17, Slashed Knii;:ht said he "·antrd to take the is.»ue to court. n1e t'itrr.cns rommitter Is tr~·ing to recal l both ~lan ~t·rs nnd Trustt•c Ron Sht'llkn1an for their roles 1n handling thf' sho\\'in~ of the X-r:ih'l'I film "llt'<'Jl Throat." at a d1 stritt conference 111 S1111 !)1eJlo last August. Tht> ~rouµ ehaq::es th(' 1nf'n \\ llh neglcc·t of du!y. fraud ulent use of 1;1:1. rnonC'y, ronn1ct of in1errst and lack (If jSf'e .\I A!'\GERS, l'aJ:e :?f No Clues Found In Sex Slaying Anahein1 poli« said today they have nn clues to the identity of the kille r In the brutal sex slaying Tuesda y of a 17-yea r· old hotel maid from Gardtn Grove. The nude. knife-slashed body of Laurie A. Bertsch. 1 1~1 Norma Lane. v.·as found sprawled on a bed in a vacant roon1 nl lhc She raton Inn on Ball Road ne;ir 11isne y\and. A police spokesman said investigators still have no leads in the slaying and have found no trace of a weapon. Police wouldn"i say if the room v.·here the: girrs body had be£'n found y.·as oecupied during the night before the murder. ~!iss Bertsch's body v.·as discol"ered shortly after noon by some of her co- \1orkers who told police they bcC'ame v.·orrled v.·hen she didn't shO .... · up 1or h···· 10 a.m. coffee break. Thev said thev found her c!C'anini:: c.1rt in a ·hall nutsidr the ronn1 \l'ht•re the pretty. broy.·n-haircd i:irt's hod~· \\'as found with multiple stab v.·ounds and the throat cut. Polic v.·rre told ~liss Bertsch v.·as last sc£'n Jill\'c at ahout 8:30 am .. shortly after she bel!;an ht•r shift al the hQll'I An autopsy v.·as due lo be pcrformtd today by the cnunt~ corone r. but polk:c said it ;ippears the girl 11·as the \'ictim of a S<'X slaver. 'liss BCrtsch v.·as a January grarlur1tt of (:a rden (;rove Hi~h School and v.·<:is Y.Orking to earn money 1o pay her 1,·ay through junior collc~t·. 1\•hcrl' she pli1nncd lo stuJy police science. hl·r parents told officers. Mitchell's Lawyer Says Case 'Not Near Proved ' ;\E\\' YORI\ IUPI) -John i\. ~litchclt's aft-0rney today told a federal rourt jury in his summation that_ they had orie thing to decide · "John ~11tchcll 1s either an attempted fixer and a liar - or he is neither." ""This case is not rven close tn proverl," J\-1itchell's attorney . Peter Fleming .Jr .. said. "The duty of free men is to give freedom unle~ th(y lthe government t prove !heir case •to the point where you can live the rest of your lITr. with iL"' He ended his summation with thOSI' v.·ords. Fleming had told the p.1nel the case against the former attorney general :inJ unr'-!Un•' ('01n111('rte Sl'cretary ~!auric{' !I St:ins Y.'<lS "a prosecutor's \'1~1011. engenderf'd in the heat of a terrible national traurna."' Flrn11ng·s sun1 mation was the secund and last for the defense. Stans' attomer. \Vahf'r .J. Boru1e r. h::imrncrcd away in his sumn1a!1on Tursrlay at a sarcas1ic lhrm1· -··s1-,1ne fix' Somt> rons1l1rary~ ·· -and :-:aid thilt 1he ~ovcrnmcnt delibcralt·ly bu1!t its C'finspirary C<lS(' Flcm1n;: said thut 1he ~ovcmn1l'r:t prosc.-cutor.; had p:.11nlt'1I .\lilt:ht•ll r1~ tht· "SC('Qnd rno.-;t pov.erf11l mnn 1n 1\n1cr1t·11 ' 1n his pr1~t as aunrnl'y ~t'ncral 111 1hc l&e ~lll'CllELL. l'a~r 21 s~hool Pla11 Oppose1I Tired of being neutral about a plan they dislike. Hunltngton Beach Union lfigh School District trusll'eS Tuesday voted 4--0 to "\·1gorously '· oppose fi\'C·"·ay un ifii:ation. And the trustl"Cl' agrN:d to send a letter to the Fountaln Valley School District expressing "disappointmcot·· over its recent 3-2 vole to '·not support"' a high school Lax override. Althoug.fi the language of the letttr was mild. the trUftttS' feelings ~·eren'I. "This Is iocredlble. I deplore It ." Trustee Robert Knox said of the Fountain Valley vote. ··1 am appalled at the parochialism ." Trustee Dennis ~iangers added. fouht11in Valley trustees last Thursday voted 3·2 to rescind their earlier support of the Juoc 4 tax rate Increase election. ~ cwH"rkie, whtch would bootil tM current tax rate or !2.82 per SlOO asses.wd valuation by 17.8-cents, would be u.;;ed to build a high !!Choo! in Huntington Beach. Fountain Vallev Trustee Fred \loss la!t "·eek led the •·nc) support"' vote by saylng that Fountain Valley children wouldn't benefit from the ovcrridt>. vw y,·as joinOO by Trustees Karen Ackley and SheilA :O.leyer.!i Vo1in~ against the mo' c y,·ere RoRer Belg en and \\1i\liam Crane Bclgcn said he preferred to remain neutrAl and reC"Ognlzl'd tM: crowded high school dlstrirt nei'Cls another school. HiRh School trustees y,·ert: in forml'd of the Fountain \'alley acti«I in a lettt:r from A~istant Superintendent Charlei \Voodfln ~1h!ch forwarded a copy of the minutes of lhe meeting. \Voodfin said toddy the district do6n't " --iiiiiiiiilii·li~i _ .. -..... plan to l11!ht the o\·i:rride. but 11 llfln I support it. lie S.'lid pl't'\'iO\l<:i support hinged on the fi\'e-11.•ay 11nlf1c~11on plan also havini:: full b..1ckin~ lrorn all el<'ml'nt<.1r~ <11~r1cts Fount.'l1n Valley. llunt1nf!;t011 Ue.ich and &!al Reach !upport thr plnn to c<irve Ull the hli;th SC"hool d1s1rict into five K·ll d~rict.'I alon'l t"x1st1n~ boundnrl . Ocean \'icw and \\estmlnstcr don't like the plan . • lligh School Tru!tec Ron Shenkman said Tuesdnv it 1s "unfrur" of t'ounu1in Vaney IO tie.the: 11110 iS.'IU('! tt'lgclher. Those v.·ho v.·111 suff r the most, ht said, are the high school students. It was Shenkman ~·ho convutetd his fellow tm.,tees to take a ,;tand against the: unification plan . v.•hich he: terml'd a IS.. SCHOOL, Page 11 H + " Ill l,(J fu • State to ·Tal{e .Over Control of Priv~te .Beach -! ... 1:1~ TERR,~ COVILLE 01 t~• Olllf l'UH Sllll State park auhtoritles expect to take 0\'Cr the operRtlon or 2.5 nules of Prl· \'<lie bt?i1Ch norlh Of lluntington Reach plc r \vl!hin on t• to two 111onths. Vl'rbnl aArcc n11:nt s tuive b c e n t:ompleted fnr the etat'! l)llfCllll!'iC of the beachfront now owned by 1 lunt ingtOn J>acific Corp .. ac('('JN'l l111t to liill IM>stcr. vice prcsilll'nt :ind f('Sldcn1 n1:1 nngcr of the lluntin~loll l~ach Co1np;1ny, part P1·ice H e ari1t11s Ol'l'tler of the beach. Foster said the only hurdles ren1a lnlng to clear are Lhe dropping or tht! clt)"s suit against his company and his firm 's c·ounter-sull against lhe city. "I t'xpect It will nil ht finished by mid· t.lay or early .June." f oster :iald toduy. •fn Jun1• 1970. th~ city filed suit aga inst Hunt ington l'riclfic in an rffort to Insure permanent publ ic at't·u1s t.o the be11ch ;1nd bluff area. 1-lunlington Pac1f1c fil ed u countcr·suit, Cory, Oil Chief Hartley Battle '"'.sACR1\NlENTO ~AP )-Assc1nbly1n:1n Kenneth Cory ~ D·\.ardcn c:rovt! clash<"d re~aledly with Union Oi l Con1pany President Fred HartlC'y here Tut>sda y 111 a hearing on oil pricing invol.,·1ng stale- owncd oilfields. ,fl artley told the Crude Oil Pricing f;ubcommlltee of-.,vhich Cory is chainnan thSt oil company profits "\vtrc chicken r~" on fields Union and four oihcr cornpani es developed for the st<.ih• and city of Long Beach. "1fartley attBcked Controller Hou ston F\oumoy for seeking to rolled. $230 million aMual ly in higher prices for state oil. saying that lhc increase would simply be , passed on to the consumer and beoome a "bidden ~cisc tax." '>'As my son said. il's a ripoff," he told the subcommittee. ''It's unconscionable.'' •.Cory then asked about the morality of oil companies charging higher prices !or its.own new oil versus tne slate seeking hlJihcr prices. . (!I didn't set up the law,'' l·lartley replied. "All we have done is what the other major co1npanics have done." ·.Hartley at one point, howe ver, did From Page 1 SCHOOL. • • "P9litical football." . -lbe Orange County Committee on District Organization recently set necessary'pu&llc'hearlngs on the plan to p It alive. .•'l think it's a horTible plan," Board President George Loga n said Tuesday, :~I'm just amazed that people in other districts would try to impose a plan on oCean View and Westmih9ter to their o6V,ious Cletrlri1ent1" the former Ocean vrew trustee said. 'Logan added, "! was hoping -perhsps Oi{lvely -that the county committee wOuldn't allow it." -Trustee Dennis Mangers agreed. The PlaR vlould cause ••major educational ai$isters" in the two districts and •1cannot be tolerated.'' During previous uni r i cation discussions. the high school district has tried to rema in neutral. Trustets v.·ould s.<iy only that they would support any plan v.·hich had the backing of all fi ve elementary districts. ~pace Still Open F or s ,va p Meet ,there's still room for local residents to sljn, up for spaces in the sv.•ap tneet SatUrd<ty at Fountain Valley High School. About 100 total spaces \\•Ill be set up in ttic school p._1rking lot at 17816 Bushard St_, frorn 8 a.m. to 5 p.111. They arc going for $3 each. ·The meet is being sponsorC'd by U1e high school Band Boostt>rs. a parent s group trying to ra ise n1oncy for new uniforms. .A spot can be reserved by calling ~Ir!. Cbarles \VilUams at 842-29~. • . . • • ' • ' . • ' ' o•Al'IGl:COA.ST ... DAILY PILOT T"" ()'1-~!ol °"'"' P.!QI ,, th ""'"'" '• '°""' f".-1 IN N l'W\ f'o .... , ,, f"•DI·"""' r~ IN 0.0"91' Cont J'~01,1n~; tnr>i»"" "-"" •'• ,..,,._,.. -"""'''""1 "' . .., " !•'"'""" ! ,,.,., ! ~ (.""'" M-N,.,l""'t 0.0-"••"I'"'~ • ~•'" ''111"' '"'~ v.,i..y lsoQu'\O Bo<..:" '" • ..,...,,,.,.,,. .. '"" !!..~ Cl-•••l!;<i• J<.-t.o;~ ''"" "-•·""•·• ·~ ~'""' "IAill' V..-J -,, •••. , ..... , •• ,. ... I"' Th• "''"'•n•I M ''"'"'I, .......... »<l Wn• llo,-J,ltt*I CVllo M.,u C..• ~-~'" ~1A~b r --i .... •1 v..•. 1 J•••"·"''" '""'"''" .• \', •""'"'--1-i...-'"' ·11 ~· r ,,, ' j),,-. ..-, 1 A I.',! I M1r~r,,it1 "" ~./-1 l· " ~ .i.1 •' Nill A..,.,.,1 ...i-·~~l<M<n '""'CD,.,,. w .. .i ~°"""' ''~"' H•fill1JtOll 8-th Offict 1 1Ml°'~~P. .'-"'r-1 ·~ , ..... ~ •. f Jr,,., '·''~ 0,,..,. Offk tt l .... •tt-••1>'1' ........... f.,ol1M,... •Y'W,..•llA•~,.._. N-·f!9~~/! \1\1-...-.tf,. ••,II"! -r--••>+-oi•tt•,-,. ""' Ttlt,tt-17141642°4]21 C&et,Mf!.d Acfottril 642·5671 "' f-~·~0r...,.e......1. .. • 140.1120 ~ ,.,. 0.-O,...i """"'' .... c--Ho-•-~""''"'-."''""''.,.r"' Gt .,,.,,,_,f'l't -"9V "' ,_ ... ~IPl("IOl--flA°"""""'- ~ d •H mtl-,.0~ 11 Oil!• -Cilh""• Ill& SuDW!Dl>M Or '*-t) 00 -fl!~ low ""'~ ••flil-,, ..... 1 dl>ll--•100- indicate th~t big oil ron1pany profils show that l11e price of new dom estic: crude oil should 0c cut. "I think the inccnri\•e is currcntl.v greater than required and that the Gil rompany profits thl\,t arc be ing · aMounced this "'Ct'k -our company . included -verify that," Hartley told tne committee. lie said under t•urren l federal prier regulation~. old domestic oil sell s al about $4.50 a barrel. But new oil produced from new "'ells or increased production from wells already in operation before March, 1972 sells for about $9.50 a ba rrel. Th e differential was designed to gi\'e oil companies an incentive to develop new domestic sources of oil, tlartley said. But he added that since new oil prices have risen SOr far and since the increases are passed along lo the consumers. profits have risen more than · needed ns an incentive for more cxploratipn. Al. lhc san1e time llnr!ley "'as testifying in Sacramento. Te x a c o announced in Nc\11 York that jts first quarter profits v.·ere 123 percent abo\•c the san1e period in 1973. "'hilc Exxon annolUlced a 39 percent jump in• pi;_ofits for the quarter. ·Hartley did not re\•eal Union 's first quarter profit fi gures. Testifying about the Long Bench oil field profits, •lartl cy said that Texaro. Enon (funnerly Humble), Union. P.1ohil and Shell -la beled Tl-IU~1S -developed 80 percent of the Long Beach field at a cost or about $327 million and only made a profit from it of about SIO million over thl." last nine years. "It was just chicken feed." J~artley said . "If all deals \\'e made were like that one, the shareho\der11 of Union Oil would have sold their stock long ago." He said Lo ng Beach has made more than $200 mJIHon from t~.e deal. lie said the city dro11e a tough bargain with the companies. a bargain he compared to reet'Jlt deals with Middle East oil p_roducers. From Page 1 MITCHELi, ... Nixon administration. "We go home and joke v.·it h him at night about what a lousy fixer ne is," Fleming said . Mitchell. 60, and Stans, 56, are charged "'ith trying to impede a federal investigation of financier Robert L. Vesco in return for his secret $200.000 cash contribution to the 1972 Nixon ca1npaign . Vesco was indicted as a co-derendant but rJed the country. "This must be !he only fix case in 111odC'Tn tln1cs. or ancient tin1os. or Biblical lin1 es. or prf'hisloric liml'S \\•here a payoff is made in April ( 1972 ) and t'Vl'r)•thing gets \vorse," Flcn1ing sa 1d. "The do n:ition \\':1!'1 promi~cd on April 6 rind ri rlivcrcd on April 10 and ever aft er C\•erything gets v.·orse. But It took us - and I say this sadl y -it look us to bring 1hnt out. "This is not a case about any corrupt effort to obstruct justice. This case Is a \•ision. a drean1 -someone's vision about what n111st have hnppened. snmeone·s tunnel \'i!!lion about "'hal must have happened. "It 's a prosecutorial \'is1on - a proscculor's vision lh:it yuu may fi nd "'3! Cflgendered in the heat of a terrible nalionfll traurna. "Two Cabinet officers -l'rn a L)cn1ocrat; l don'l care aboul pohtics. but I care about jus11ce. "A \·isio11 -nnd any fart !hdl did not r11 That vision was l'ilh~r changcn ur nol brought to your aucntion unless "'e were able to." Fl eming said thal he, too. had a vi!ion. It was 1ha1 all the telephone bills - detailing raUs made in the alleged C()ll!piracy -that were Introduced by the govemment had been placed on a \Vlndow sill and the window opened and they "·ere scattered "all over Ne:w York <lnd they became the trash. the litter, that is this case." Fleming said the defcndanU were charged with "a conspiracy to fix a case for a man !hey couldn't ca re les.'5 about, l" 197'l. for $200,000 out o! S60 mll!Jon." Thr SliO million Is v.•hnt Stans tes tified was the tota l he raised in 1972 for the caippaign as chairman of the Nixon fln~nce committee. "If rou can 11\•e with your verd ict the rest ot you r life, then vle'll be satisfied with that verdict," F1emlng said. "We ask you to do your best because God knows I don't know what e.lsr people can do. I slnnd on that.'' St.'<.'k.lng up to StOO million .... damages for alleged inverse condemnation ol lts properl)'. Both sulta were put in abeyance when Uie state stepped in and agreed to purchase the strand for nearly $8.1 rnlllion. The purchase does not include tbe ituntington Pacllic Apartment1 localed on the beach, just north of the city pier. ~ The rcdcral i,:o,·ern1nent has granted the state $&'9,900 rron1 tbe Department f'rom Pagel PROP. 20 • • • she said. ?<.1r1. Rosener cited the example of a t.os Angeles developer v.·ho v.·as denied a permit to build a 13-story buUdlng and came back with plans for a three-story building. which was approved . "lfe told me he was proud of the three-- story buiiding because it was really attructive and a much belier plan," she s;.id. ' Tire state -coastal commission is also suppo.o;cd to de11elop a statewide plan to 1>rotcct the coastline by 1976. ~trs. Rosener said she thinks lhe way the panel sells that plan to the state Legislature is crucial. She said the key to that sales pitch will be local govemnlcnl agencies. "Thal's v.·here the pov.·er is.'' ~trs. lloscner said. urging local citizens to put pressure on local potilician!I on behalf of the plan . "I think that citizen.1 ooght to realize !hat local politicians are very sensiti\'e lo pressure," she said. ··eut they're only sensitive to that pressure v.·hich trans- lates into votes or money." t.lrs. Rosener also criticized the lack of enforcement provisions in Proposilion 20. "We have over 200 violations in this region or Los Angeles and Orange Cot)n- lies," she said. •·rr the commission had the rlgtrt to say, 'Tear It down,' we 1\'0uld11 't have those violations." She sa id that the fines imposed by the courts are rarely high enough to ser..-e us a deterrent. "It's "·orftl $10.000 to violate the pro- position." Jl.trs. Rosener said. She also criticized the fact that there is no criteria v.'trich coastal commission- ers must meet and no way of removing them unless a member who fl a public olficial falls to be re-elected. "\\'e have commissioners who don't even believe in Proposition 20," ~1rs. Rosener said. "1bey aay t h e y ' re represenilng the 40 percent of the population who v«ed agaimt it." "I believe when you pus a law, you don't pass it 60 percent," she said. "You don 't put ils admini.!tration lh the hands of people wbo don 't believe in it." Jn discussing the achieve~ of the proposi tion. Mrs. Rosener said, "Perhap& the most Important is.sue we've raised Is that of coastal dependence. Let's ooly use the coastline \\'here we need coastline." "Let's not put a marina where there's good surf or a good bathing beach," she said. "Let's use our resources wlsely." "We've also wrestled with the prGblem or environmental definitiooa," ~frs. Rosener said. "How high Is too high? How derue is too dense? How polluted is too polluted?" ''I think people are oow thinking about Lhe impact of density on beach access, parkin g and traffic congestion," she .said. Prop<15ition 20, passed by a state~'icle initiative vote in November 1972, created six regional coastal commissions and one s~tc commission to develop an oYera ll plan for protecting the roastline. IL al so gave the commissions the power lo approve or deny permits to bulld v.•ithln 1.000 yards of the ocean. Each regional coastal commission is composed of six public official and six n1t'mbcrs of the public. The state board ronsisls of six public members and one rnC'.mber from each of the six regional con1missions. Planning Meet Slated Tonight l\ftmbers of the Huntington Bead'! Planning Department wiU report on city planning Policies to the HOME Council at 8 o'clock tonight in room 3078 of the new city hall. All members of the public are invited to meetings of the H0l\1E Council, a ro..1lition of homeowner as.soclations throughout the city, In addition to the review of city planning po licies, several H0~1E Council commi tlers v.·111 report on the 111atus of ) :1ueh issues as n high rise nrdinancc, the or Interior to hel p with the .$8.1 million price tag for the 80 llCtes o1 Jand. Allan Hibsch, area manager tor the state belches in Jiuntlngtoo ~ach. said when the state take• ove r it will put 1n lifeguard to"'·ers , chcmlcnl toilets. trash barrels, and provide both li feguard and ranger patrols and regular beach cleanup . 'I1le city-· lifeguar-d d.t p A r Im en t currently handles all of the patrollinl( of the prh•ate beach from the city pier, 1Hadn111e Chief The 165 policemen in Chica· go's traffic administration di· vision answer to Chief Pt1arilyn O'Regan. 53, a 26-year veter- an of the force who was ap- l>ointed to the $27 .000-a-yea r ast week in a shakeup of the Chicago police department It's the highest post _ever held by a woman on the 13.750-n1en1bcr force. Frotta l'nge 1 RELIGIO N ... religious activity in the schools . If religious meetings are allow·ed on ca mpus , she said, "why arc churches paying so many taxes ~" Logan suggested the committee of two, \\'hich Y.i\I produCt"! interim guidelines until further expected counsel is received from the State Attorney Genera11s office. Until lhat time. religious clubs can contin ue lo met>t on campus during school hours. with district coaches and teachers invol ved. Glider Victim Still Critical along the bluffs to Boll& Chica State operation. The 1ta(e will bow to one ell, Beach. rtqUest -no alcohol on thf' beadl. The chanieover from city operation to Drinking is pmnllled at Jiunttngtorl State Beach and Bolsa Chica. but state operation wi ll save the city about because the new M.'C'Uon Is next to the $50,000 to S60.fl00. according to City city beach and pier operation. Jl ib.sch ,\dmlnist rntor Dave R1>wlands. said the state ~'ould continue the cit y's Out city officia ls had wanted to handle alcohol ban th ere. 1he rhore themseh·es • .ll(ith r ( • \V hen the bcaC'h chnngoovcr is in1hurscmcn1 from thti at11te purk!I ('01l1Plcte<I . 1here··will be nine miles ol department . ..-public.beach in e1tht'r state or citY.. hands. llibs<·h said \he ruhtic wiU not notice and there will be no more~ Private bench any s1gruficant ch<ingc in lhc beach in liuntlngton Bca1,.il. Cot1rt R11ling Popeil Lawyers Launch New .Bid One n1ore mo\·e in an cffor t to pre\'ent r\cwport Beach resident Eloise Popeil fron1 facing trial for ul\c~cdly plotting the murd er of her mililonaire husband 2,000 1nHes 1lW1:1y has been taken by her defense atlorneys. A motion requesting lhe California Supreme Court to role on whether or not .1 true conspiracy can be presumed to hilve existed-at such a distance-will soon be heard. Santa Ana a1tomey Phil Petty said Tuesda y that he cxpecls a quick decision on the mot ion filed with the state's highest court in San Francisco. fie maintains that no conspiracy could have seriously existed, despite what any defendan1 s may have mentioned in terms of casual ronvcrsation . _ Petty was denied a hearing by an appeals court in l4s Angeles, on grounds the appeal should follow tt'le tria1 .. He has been refused motions on those reasons at 1nunicipal and superior cowl trials. too . "They're generally pretty swift ," Petty o.;alrl of the length of lime it might take for the state Supreme Court to decide on his 1notion. perhaps as little, he predicted, as tw o "·eeks. I-le has been representing ~frs. Popeil, 48. of 519 •!arbor Island Drive, since her arrest in January along with Daniel Ayers, 37, of Santa Ana , by Long Beach police. Both have pleaded innocent to alleged ly plotting the murder of Samuel Popeil Jr., 63. a Chicago kilchcn gadget tycoon . Pclly has also won a continuation of the trial until June 17, because his partner. Newport Beach lawyer Robert c;recn. ha s a CQnflict ing murder trial in progress. / Ayers and t.1rs. PoflCil both remain Fr11m P ... e l ~f ,\NGJ<:R S ... frel' on bail. A motion for a change of ve nue to a different area in the event Mrs. Pop,. and Ayers cannot a\'oid trial is also due for a hearing May 10 in Long Beach Superior Court. Their defense attomey:i maintain that even if both mus! be tried on the existing charges of conspiracy to commit murder and solicila tion to commit murder that lhey could not receive a fair trial locally. A pair <1r men who once worked "'i th Ayers at Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach went to authorities after allegedly being solicited to kill Popeil. He has been estranged from his blonde wife and living in a Chicago apartment while a\\'aiting ftnal dissolution of their marriage. Accused Killer Of SA lf'idoiv To Fa ce Trial An unemployed hospital order I y accused of the slaying of Dr. Louis J. Celia's mother-in-law was ordered late Tuesday to face tria1 Aug. 12 in Orange County Superior Court. Judge James Turner set the trial date for Louis Stanley Yliechcchi. 30, and refused to lo"·er the $500,000 bail set for Wiechechi who is in the county jail. Wiecbechi was arrested last March t shortly after the body of l\Irs. i!\tarion Camilla P.torgan , 79. v.·as found on a w~-covercd lot at lbe rear of the Santa Ana ·apartmen t building owned by the ~lission Viejo physician and managed for him by !\!rs. ~torgan. It is alleged that \lliechechi strangled l\1rs. 1\1.organ after he quarreled with her about the janitorial duties he once fiscal responsibility, performed at the 17th Street building. Doth trust<'cs "·ere al the conrcrcnce Police claim he then carried the body \\'hl'rc the film "·as shown on di strict of the silvC'r-ha ircd \Yidow from the Pquipment. but both say they left for ap.1rtment to the vacant lot . left a home before the screening took place. ransom note near the bodv and called The recall effort is aCtunlly focused on police and FBI agents in a ·bid to divert Lyle FaM. the off-duty fireman from t-.langers. \\'ho is a candidate for the suspicion from himself. Huntington Beach who \\'as in jured Democratic nominat ion in the 73rd The arrest of Wiechechi Jed Santa Ana Sunday ln a hang glider accident, was As.se mbly district now represented by pol ice to reopen the files on tv.·o previous "slighlly improved" but still in critical Robert H. Burke (R-Huntington Beach I. deaths at the same apartment building . condition today al Holy Cross Hospital in ~!angers has accused the recall Both occurred "'hile Wiechechi lived P.lission Hills. proponents of being only politically there. Fann, 22. of 4111 Branford St .. suffered motivated . They havr dcaied this. But police no"' appear salisned that a fractured back, pelvis and ankle when . r.1 angcrs said another factor the pre\'ious verdicts of suicide in both aCC()rding \o Los Angeles police. his innuencing his decisi on to drop the suit cases can remain on 1he coroner's files . glider apparently partially collapsed \1•as the news that lhe trial probably They stated Tuesda y that Wiechechi is sending him spiraling to the ground in a couldn 't be scheduled until February charged only "'ilh the murder oC f\.!rs. mountainous area near Sylmar. 1975. !\!organ. ~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~--'-~~~~ • """ ' lo . • -538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 -- Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rackets Squash Rackets Table Tennis Paddles Darts city purch;ise of ~·leadowlark Golf ,, Course, the upcoming 4th of July parade ~ittle League Shoes 5.95 All Purpose Shoes 8.95 up Soccer Shoes 11 . 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes 10. 95 up Tennis Shoes 9.95 up Football Shoes 17. 95 up Dart Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks and the Atay community festival. Tnlking Poocli Cance l.s Speech Pal. the "talking dog" from Costa :\lcsa , Ms canctl~ his appearance Saturday :i t the Fountain Valley Ubrary. Llbra111 officials said Pal will be speak· ing cl!!ie\\tl(!rc that day. Jn his place, they have scheduled a puppet show produced by local puppeteer .Julie Soren.10n. ti will begln at 11 a.m. at the library at 10200 Slater Ave . A previously scheduled book .sale sponsored by thr Fritnds ol the Library in the parking lot wlll go on during the day, which marks Nallonal Cbildttns Library Week. Tenn is Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Stringing Rale igh Bikes Parts-Tires -Tubes Accessories -Repai ring I I J I I I I H 0/111 V "'I' OT :J At Your Service TWo SLA Getaway Cars Found A Sunday, Wrd111~~d11y ud Friday ' Ft11tu.rt Of the Delly r t101 Gol a problem' 'flte'/1 Pal 010111. Pot G11n Batt le Yo 11r Serv1c" Two Agents, One Smuggler Dead So r h1I 1\'11111 b ers f11d eed DEAR P 1\ T 1 t seems that \!.'t' Ariierica11.s ,;re brC'Qmtng identified more and morl' b,\' -0ur Social Security numbers. l'\'e hc:.ird ttu1t years ago a lot of people 1\ere assigned the same numbers. If this is true. "'·hat's the story behind this error and how do all of these people manage to file tax returns y,·ith- out having me government get them rnix<'d up v.·1t h one anothe r. not to mcn- lion the problem v.·hcn it comes time to collect benefit s~ P. K., San Juan Ca pistrano It 's lrur. but the governm ent's not to blame. In 19~8. thrt'i' ~·ears after SOeial Securit y had been instituted, a manufae lurer sold a lar~e number or \\·allels ,_·ith a sample Social Sttu~\ty Ca rd hearinit th e number 07"5-11%&. J\laoy \l'allet buyers assumed the number \\'SS lbeirs an d the Social Seeu.rlt y Ad- ministration ended up with 6,tlOO persons claiming the same number. By 1961, \\hen ta~payers first had to insert their SS numbers. only 39 \\'ere listing 078-ClS- l liO. Now ifs do\\·n to Ill and the gov- ernment is managing to cope v.·ith these individuals, seeing that eacb pays his own taxes and collects benefits due. ""'Pol"" Wn11 DEAR PAT: L.1st Octoix'r I ordered a ''hot pot"' from Cup-a-Souµ. Eng\e\\'ood Cliffs, N. J . Jn Novrmhcr. I received a card sayin~ tht-y \\'Cre temporarily out of s1ock and that I should recci\'e my order \l'ithin four to six \\'('{'ks. I'm still \~·ailing :ind I'd like my $3 back . 8 . Q .• Costa l\lesa ~larie l\lrDerrnoU , Lipton's customer ser\'ice departmen t manager, says she Is sendin g a llol Pot to you along •·itb some compliment ary coupon 11 to be redeemed at your supermarket for Cup-a-Soup. She apologized for the inronvenitnce aod explained that the C1>mpan}' was deluged -wUh order5. depleting the supply. All orders now bn\·e bten filled. C11rre 11 t Co111111e t1de d DEAR PAT : l'tn \1Titing in answer to a reader's recent inquiry about the business reputation of Cu rrent, Inc. in Colorado Springs. Colo. During a year and a half as assistant manager and 1rcasurer of a large hospi tal gift shop in \1irginia. I had great success and satisfaction in selling Currcnt's produ('ts. This company is mainly a suppli~r of fund rajsing merchandi~ r~r-r har1table organizations. though 1nd1\·1duals are y,·elcome to buy for resale. The above n1entioned shop has gross sales of more than $100.000 annually. so I think you \\OUld agree it choos<>s only reliable suppliers. C. F., Laguna Niguel Vour11 y,•as one of man y letters received from At Your Sen·ice readers praising this nrm's merchandise and bu slnes!I prac!IC'Cs. Th ese lcuers "·ill be for\\'arded to Z. J\1.. Costa J\Jesa. l\'ew Address !\OGALES. Ariz. tAPl -Two US OJstoms ScrYice patrolmen and an American v.·ere killed during an apparent gun battle today a few 1niles norlh of th\· ~ltxican border, atuthor1tle'> said. Off1· cial9 suspect the American of bcir.g :i marijuana smuggler . Officials said the Customs agents 1vc·ri' found beside tilcir \'Chicle. \1•hilc the ~ American, v.·ith several pounds ·of marijuana nearby, "'as round seve ral yards a1vay. "The agents 11·cre found outside tht>ir ea r by a young girl vt'i'KI s.1w them while going to school," Jerome llollander. Customs Ser.,.icc spokesman in Los Angeles. said . Jesse Partida of the Customs Service officc here said the l\\'O mrn had been Y,'Qrking together Tuesday night. but 1ha1 the customs Service had no indication that they were in trouble before today's report by the girl. The bodies ll-'ere found in the Parker Canyon Lake area, a secluded fishing and camping resort in the southern Ari:ronll mountains just north of the ~lexican lx.trder. Partida said the shooling site ma ~r Guard Kill e<l 111 Quick-Draw Try; Ma11 IJel<l A young secur ity guard from Orange \\'as shot to death Tuesd ay in Anaheim v.·hile allegedly practicing last-draw techniqurs v.·ith another i.;uard. · Police said Jerome C. \Voodburn. 19. of 26-1 Batavia St., died at Good Samaritan Hospital of a single. large caliber bullet v;ound in the chest. Charlie J. J\·tizer. 22. of 14172 Roxanne Ave., Westminster. is in Orange Counly J ail today on manslaughter charges stemming from the 6 a.m. incident. A police spokesman said the shooting occurred at Bonaflde Security Service in Anaheim. f\1izer !old police he and \V1iodbum y,·ere practicing quick draws v.'1!h tht'ir pislols ~·hen the shooting took place. Investigators said l\1izcr's .4a.calibcr re volver had been fired once. Woodburr. was rushed to the hospit:.il shortly after the shooting. but he died on the emergency operating: table shortly after 7 a.m .. police said. No bail has been set on ~lizcr ~1s or early today, police added. Isra el, Syria Planes Battl<' By United Press lnternaHonal Israeli and Syrian v.'arplancs bombed and strafed each other's positio~ on the Golan Heights today and an official Damascus newspaper y,·arned that t h c fighting. in the 4~th day of tank and artillery duels, could escalate into the fifth J\·liddle East \\'ar. A Syrian mil itary co1nn1unique said Syrian air defenses -reported to include ne\v Soviet-built multiple \\arhead missiles -shot d0\\11 1v.o Israeli planes trying to bon1b Syrian positions on ~It. l~crmon. /\ Tel A\'iY military spokesman reported nev.• Israeli air strikes but said all planes returned safely hti\'C been just inside Cochise Count~·. rather than Santa Cruz y,•hlch Includes ~ogalcs The 1v.·o federal <lil<'nts are idenlifif-d as Lcv.·is Dixon. 32. and Charlrs Bok1n- sk1 , 26. The American was Jdi'.!nt1fied only as ~11chacl A. \\'illiams. 43. ''Their government \'rh.ic\e w:i!I v.•ith them." Partid a said. "It's a mobile unit llli'y use to RO all over the border." Jack Smith, acling Customs Servil'C director here. v.·as not immediately available for comment. The Arizona l::>epartn1ent of Public Safety said it originally had been asked lo send a helicopter to lhe scene, but !he request \vas wilhdra"TI a short limf' later. Custom Ser\ ice a~ents and sheriffs deputies \\'ere investigating at the scene Nam<'s or tire three \ictims y,•ere not re lea~ R e7Jort Sa)'S Co u11t y Boys Died of .S hock A pair of Orange County youths \1 ho died after jumping one by onr into thf' Colorado Ri ver near Parker. Ariz. drov.Tied after suffering electrical shock. authorities confi~mcd today. ln\·estigators say n faulty ground '"1rr installed in a boot dock relea~f·d sufficient current into the ri\'er to shin the victilns unconscious as they hit the 11ater_ Karl Siegel. 16. of 12881 Bubhlinl! \\'ell Hoad . Santa Ana. and !\lark S11;f'cney. 17. of 12n1 S.E. \\1a\nut Ave . Tu~ILn, 11'f'ri.! killed April 9 during an c:as1er \'ara ti()n. The Siegel boy Wl'IS dead on arrl\•nl at Parker Community Hospital and his friend succumbed shortly after arril'al at the emergency room. ''uma Counly Sheriffs Lt. Jack llooker said the coroner's autopi;y report indicated the victi1ns drov.-ned after suffe ring the initinl e!l'ctrica t shock undrr water. A 75-volt v.•ire to a pump \\':IS releasing electrical current into the \l'a ter v.•hen the boys pulled a boat up to the dock and one of them jurnped into the 11·ater to secu re the boat. lie did not surface. sn his com~nion jumped in to try to resrue him. but also f;.uled to surf arc. in\'esli~ators said. A third youth. \l'Orried ahout the ceason 1rhy. tested the v.·atcr v:ith his toe. ft·lt lhe shock and cried out for son1eonc to turn off the current. l\1an Convicted In Stran a lina 0 0 SAN DIEGO t A Pf -Leland L. Andrews. 2t h<is been eonvicted of first- degrce murder 1n the death of a man y,·ho t1·as strangted in downtot1'n Balboa Park. A Superior Court jury also eonvirted Andrews of robhery and theft char~ec; Tuesdav in connection t1•ith I h c ,\'ovembcr ~lJying of l)a\'id S. S~>ectcr. 3i. of El Cajon. Another San l>a:-gc man. Rirkey L. 'Thatcher 19. earlier \1ac; convicted of f1rst-dt'.'grl-c murder in the case. and James r . Cooper. 20. of San Diego, pleaded guilty to sccood-degrce murder. DEAR PAT: Could ~'OU help me find out the current husine<i~ address or Evch·n \Vood Reading Dynamics~ II \\'as fornlcrly loca led in San Diego and then in 'Thousand Oaks. I \\'as lO start the class last sumll'l<'r and paid my fee by check. Due to circumstances beyond my control al v.·ork. I couldn't altend classes UK'n and never v.·as able to speak v.·ith anyone in authority abou l the refund ~f my fee. J \1·as told I rould start classes 1n r-;ovember. but that too \1as impossible. No\V I can"! evl'rl find out whe re this businMS is located. 'T. H., Costa 'l\1esa Patient Corpse Waits E\•elyn \\'ood Reading Dynamlo is \oealed at 4421 Riverside Drive, Burbank lphone: 213-843-SJZ'ZI, I( you can't arrange to allend classeii now and nin into a snag gettinit ~·our rerund, let me kno\\'. Tree• in Tro11l1le DEAR PAf: illy young syc~.more trees nre in big trouble. 'The neY: leaves nppear to be dying and sonic of lhe established leaves have large. irregular bro,\1\ blolrtles on them and others are fallin~. l'\'C fertilized the lrees. but that doe!n t seem to do any good . \\'hat should I Ir)' N. C .. San Clemente Ask you r nur seryman lo rKftmmrnd a co pper fun gicide. The Uni,·trslty of CalUornia A,1tricu1tural Ertenslon Strvlce says ll sounds llke your Ire-es art Infected by a fun gal disease, common during our y, et springs. Prune out bllghled twl1tt nnd hianchu lo rrduce sources of Infection for next yr:tr and spray with lilt fungicide lhorou,1thly, co,·erlng l\\'lgs and bolh 1lde1 of exposed lra,·es. At the '"eather becomes drier. lnfeellon of ntw leave!! 1top!I and your Mees y,·111 produce nev.'i bca lthy lea\·es. Lelt r appllcntlqn of nitrogen ftrtlllter v.lll 1tlmulal e ''lgorous gro,.·tb during the rest of tbe year. • 3 ~ Y ears to B e Buried SPARTANBURG. S.C. ! L: PI ) -A n)ig rant fann \•:orker. whose unc!a1n1cd bodv stood in a corner of a funeral hon1c for · 3'l yea rs. must \\'Bil a few more months for burial. The body of James Evans. v.·hich \1as embalmed in 1970 and shoy,·s no siJi!nS of deterioration. has been in !he \VQOdward Funeral Home since Sept. 22. 1970. lt \\'BS unclaimed until a few \\'eek~ ago "·hen Evans' slster-in-la'ol.'. ~1 a rt ha Evans, a beautician "'ho was at the funeral home fixing hair of a deceased person, discovered by accident \\ho Evans \\'IS. Earl Al(':xandcr, manager of the funeral hon1e. s.1ld Tul.'!iday that E\·ans was a migrant farm worker Ylho y,'as 80 vears old when he died. Alexander said ihe body was brought to the funeral home \vt>en no one claimed It at the hospl!al. •le embalmed it , and prrpared it·for burial. "For the al5t 311 yr.it r!I, It has been upstairs. standing In a oomer dtcssed, wilh a hat on." Ale~andrr AAld . tie said the funeral noine placed the body ln 1hc corner to gel it out ot the Wil\' ,;It 1\·as convenient for us, you kno\v,"' ht said. "It \1'3!i out or tlw. y,·ay. and nnbodv '"'as stumbling O\"l."r it." The · body was apparently not claimed becau.se the death not.ice published in the nC\\'sp.1pers had be(;n under lhe name of •·v.·1\liam Brvant." Alexander said that Evans had Spparently been u~ing that name for some time without the knov.·ledgt of his survivors Alexande r said the bodv "·as so pcrfec1ly presen·ed tMt · "\\·c ju5l decided to kttp it." Ale:ii:andcr said the slster·in·1at1· heard :ibnut the: body and asked him if she could take a look At It. •·\Vt' took her up there and dl!iCO\"l'ttd it <Aas her brother-in-la""" Alexander said. He said the burial seT'\'ices have been delayed until July 27 to allow lamlly members in Texa s. Kew Jersey and California to attend. lie AAid the body hfl~ been placed in a m11kc!ihift coffin in the funeral home's storage room pending bun al. ·- • . ' ':i;!u.r • f '~l'i "S.C: Autos Usecl l11 -Rohb e1!y \~ .... _ ----.... ---·--..... -... ·-··-·- :' Witl1 Patty SA~ FHANCISC'O 1 \1'1 i;:C'1:1 w:i y ·t"J~ 1K£'d r 1n .-1 Symbionc~,. !.1ht'r!lt1rin Am1y l>.1J1k robbery \\'it h 11('11·~paf)('r hei rrss Pntneia lll•arst wr rr found tod.1y 1n a b..1srrnl·nt 1)ark1n;i g.:irai::1•, thi" FBI s.<11d. l'h:1rlr,; !l.J\t'S. Fill :i~rnl in t'h;\r~r "It'll 11 w.:is nn! knot1n hoy,· long !hi' n•nt1'<i ears had brrn 111 the ~a rogc al 1h•' .l.1p~n C<'ntr r on c;earr Street in 111" e!l.\'0S \\ l'S\('rn A1ltht1on d 1.~lritt. l'oliee said the ~r~'n ~1:l\'i'r1ck And J9i3 Ford 1,TIJ 1\'l'fi.' rccoverc<I about 8 :i rn. and taken !u lhf! ei ty police ~aragt'. Th{' Fii! <hcl not im1ncd1a1ely d i~close hO\.\' the rar1i 11•t•rc found. ,\lt•.1n11h1lt·. a nc1\'SJ)<1fl(·r ;1nd .~ tC"le\·isioo ,c;tation ~1id that ty,·o 111·onlcn rt·1>0rtcdly ncquau\t('() v.·ith S L A O)t>mlx-rs h:i\·e btC"n c.11lt'd before ,1 ft'dl.'ral !!rand iur~ in\'CSti.~nti n~ 1 hi~ P:1!neia llearst kKlnap111g and :he hank rol>b<·rv. The Witnc~scs v.·rrl' identified il5 .Jantt f'()()p<'r. al.;i;o kno>111 ;1c; Janet Cooper \\'1'1!'s. Jnd Cyn1h1a Cla rvt'y. both of Oakland. by the S.1n Fran<'tsro f:'(an1in rr :ind public television .station KQE:D. Polit-c sa id id<'ntification beaMni:: i\l is." EXPE RT CLAIMS PATRICIA UNWILL ING GUN MOLL w~s She Forced to Partici pate in Bank Robbery? Cooper's name 11·as used by a v.ornan 11 ho renl«i the ~ela"·ay rars tLo;cd in thr Slfl.690 rohbt'r;· of .1 llibcmia Bank hcrf' ,,pril 15. '.\tl~ Cooper said her idcn1ift· <-'<•lion 1\-:lS stoh.'n a yea r ago. ----- S mall Cons11111 e r s Baker's B id for Lower The terroru.t SL/\. 11·hich said )1 k1dnapcd '.\liss Jli.•arsl Feb. 4. invaded the hank \\'ith thr Jl-ycar~ld ncwspapt>r h"ires.'\i. esrapt.orl v.·1th $JO.fi92 ;ind shot and '"-ounded 111·0 p11sscrshy. R:ink robbi.·rv 11·:irrants arc oul for rour <'111,.gr<I Sl.1\ 0n1en1lx·rs -thrt•e 11·hill• 11·ornrn :ind a blatk nian. ~!i<oc; llcarst. \I ho carril'(I a ~un in tht:' holdup, i<> !-OUl;hL as a rn:l\C'rin l v.·itncss. Elec tri c Ra tes B ac k ed Thl' Examiner . e<h!ed by ~ti.ss llea!'lil°l! f:i tht'.'r. s.'lid both 11·omen hJve betn in hidin~ !lin<'c thr lil•arst kidna1linfl.. Authorit ies say both hr1\'f' known pt'rson~ "ho \at{'r 101ncrl the SI~·\, the newspaper :'>;Ill!. By \\.ILLIA'I SCll RE ll\ER Of lft* Dlltv "Uot Sl~!I For the second time 1n ;:i, 11c"I: Or,1n1H' County Suµer\'1!.0rs refu~ 11 to f1i" ;1 forn1-lll protest 11·ith the stnlr Puhhc \.:111 1tif's Commi ssion 01 t:r n pt'1t"dirlt: ( 1''1: 1nil!lon electric co1np<1ny r;itt· hike rl'quest. Hut !hey did endor.~,.. a lettrr 11 ril!('n by Super,·isor David llak l'r '1Sk1ni:: that the PUC considt•r establishing a S f>t~r 1:i ! 101v rate for \'Cry snuill f)fJ\1·rr eonsun1t:rs -such as those nn ftXt'd or 1011· incnn1e~ Raker n1adc his request for a bo;1rrl protest of Ilk· inc·r<·aS<'s aft t·r '' presentation by U1un1 y 1\dm1p 1;,tr;1111 t' OffiCl'T Rohcrt Thnn1a s. 11ht'l \1a s n~~l'(t \ri_st \\·eek to study th1· SouthC'rn Lahfornia F..dtson ('r)n1p:11n r('(Jul'i:.1 \\"hrn super\ isors authnr1o>tl Thnn1n~ to study the 1ncr<':i ~ reo.u1·~t. thry a!'n rejected Baker's first effort 111 pr11t1·"t the mov~. In his r('porl to the boorrl. Thomas s:111I it appcnrs likely the SfF. requesl 1s ;1 reasonable one desii;:nl'tl tn nffsrot increased costs of fut'l 011 for lhl' generating plant~. l1.1ker's chief complaint about 1hr increase st1•n1mcd from an S (' E <1uarterly f15t:al report cl.11n11ng .'l n"t profit of !ill ptrcent -:ibout .~~P. n1ilhri·1 -o\'Cr the first three rnonths of lhr~ 1·cnr. · Accord1n~ to Thorn~1s. thr· pr<1f11 llil''1rtl :i r~turn 10 SCE stnt'khuldcr s nf ~J i•,.111~ per share con1pnrcd to a return of nnl\ f GEM TALK J TODA Y by J. C. HUMPHRIES ..... THE GEM OF MAY Einerald. the stouc for ;1:i y. t:- dedicatcd to \lenu ~. goddesF; of lvvf>. To sonic anrients il n1c;_1n1 eternal youth and failhfulncss 0f lovers. ,\n old rhvn1c !!tntcs: "It is a ge1n th3t halh the poy,·er to shO\\' if pli ghted lovers keep thei r troth <lr no; 1f fa ithful, i! i~ like the lea,·cs of spring. if f;iithlcss !Jkc tho~c Jc;ive~ "'itherlng." Clco11atra had an aln1ost 1nex· haustable i;;upply of C'mcralds fron1 her n1ines in Egypt. Nero's polished c1nerald shielded a \1·eak eve "hilc \\'atching gladiatOr!i, ancl · J{on1an 'vomen ,,·ore the emeralrl to 1ni;;urc constancy against the pain of child· birth. ~los1 genuine emeralds c-0111;11n tiny inclu!:1ons \\'h1c-h the Frf'nch ter1n "en j11rdi n" -the garden of the e1ncral<I . Their ),!rcate!it beauty Ile!! In the color, \\'hil'h should he a rich srecn \\'ilh blue overtones They are understandably valued as one o( our four most popular prec-1· 011~ gem~. ' ~'l 1·1·111~ pt•r sh;1rl' tlurin~ the san1c lll'Tlflfl l.1~l .\1·;1r. SC E s111~1·~n1:i n Handal! Smith told su fM'rv1sors thr l:itest request for a $128 1n1ll1on inrrcasc 111!1 co\·cr unant ici pated tn.'!IS or futl o\·er the com1ni:: y('ar. Thon1as said his study of U1e situation revealed no attempt by SCE to make 11nrc.1son;1 ble profits at the expense or !hr publil'. Iii· said !ht~ ron1 pnnv is entitled bv la"' In 1nakt• :tn annual r~IC of return Or 8.2 p1.•r{'cnt nnd · despite a tavorable first c1unrlt·r SC'E \\'on't re:1liZl' its authorizer! rntc of r(•turn projl'Cll'd over the l'•'n1:1111rlrr or !hr .1·ear ... \\ tul<' 1hr honrd \'Otrd nQ! lo protest !Ill' rati• h1kf'. lhr y did tend th1·ir .,..·eight tn ar~u m('nls h\· H;1krr th:it somr 1·onsid1·r.1rio11 hr given lo the poor v.·hn 1·:1nnn t b{'ar th•' hurrlen of more utili1y lllCrf':lSPS, In h1<> le11f'r to Pt:C Chairman Vrmon I. S1ure-eon. R;ikrr SUj!g!'sted crralion nf .1 \pt"'Cial rnte structure that 1.rould give ::i hr('ak to prnple v.h() \'llfunt.1rily decide to 11~· n min1m<il am ount of po11·cr each 111nn!h. Tht' l'Onccpt 1s ~imilar lo one no1\' used b\· 1rl,..phone cnrnp.-1nics. S('f:'s ~1n1th said SU('h :i ronsidcr<1t1on 11nuld pr<1h11hly 1n1•an a complete r•'~1ructur1ng of F;ctison·-. ra!t' systl'nl. Tha t poss1b11it.v \1as intuna ll'd in Thonias· r1·1111rt. \1·hich ~.'lid rnuch of !he !1pp<1s11ion to C"ontinu;ll pov.er rate hik es h :1lm£·d at lonR·st:1nd1ni:: ra!P stru rtures 11 l11c·h ~I\(' the b11u:est hrl'aks to lht' h1i::~1·.~t U'f'f.S ).leanume . a photo anal>'St sJid pictures of ~llss llcarst taken by bani. camer;:is during the robbery indicate shl· 11·as an un" illtng participant. Peter Da\'ies of New York City said in a letter to the Hearst family that one picture indicates t.hc glft :O.li!i.! Hearst held 1\':lS slrnppcd under her coal to hrr ri~ht hand . 'The lcl\er v.·as released Tuesday. 011\·1<'s saicl ~11ss Hearst appears to have been "\'ery n1uch an unwillin g pnrlicipan(' and may have b c en strn pprd to !he gun to prevent her from discardini,: lt "In a surrender qr die situation." A.cto r Lo S peak 011 'Bill y Ja ck' Tom 1 ... 1u~hlin. rrea1or of the r i Im "Billy Jack ." "A"ill speak Thursday at UC Irvine at i p.m. in Social Scicncc Lecture ll:ill. l'aul F'ri1.1f'r, v.•ho conducL<> the currcnl; cinema clas.s lhl' film maker will address. said Lau;::hlin dircctl'd. \vrotc . and acted in the fllrn, a bo"< ofli ce sue· CC'~~-flc 1~ now y,·orking on :i ~cqucl. "The Trial of Billy Jack." "ll1llv .Jaek '' v.·1ll he !lhown be[Or{· Laughlin spr;.i ks. and the class i~ 01x:o to !hi.' publi''· Ther e t1•11l be a $j 1dn,issi0ll fc·r for nQn·cnrol led p("t"SOll~. ----------"'"''""~ '"I"- Uppor/.1111il.v or 11 Life1i111 e 5.78 CARAT DIAMOND FINE WHITE COLOR PLATINUM MOUNTI NG WITH TAPERED BAGUETTES A TRUE BARGAIN AT $28,000 J. L .JJ11niphrieJ JewelrJ llJl NIW,ORT l lVO., COSTA MtSA CC M•IMIOH ilt Ml JI l'fA~' j'I floll 'AU( lOC•TIO .. ------------ 1 •• 1 ....... ,,,.., _ .. u••· c~ .... •HOfrjl l~f·l•ll ) • -I DAIL V PILOT \JtdrtC~.iy, Apt1! 24, 1974 Just • Police Seize 2 Air Force Men , · ~with-·--..... In Tom urphine A~id--to:rture of Hostages , ~-: ... , Of Preside11t s ,\11d Precede11ts Off' AND RUNNING -Bo~·. has lhf' good congressman fro1n our coastal rction, Rep, Andrew J. •linshaw, really opened a c:in or financial worms back lhere in \Va shington. He j1L'll mhy ha ve .brq ught government .iccounting to a screechin~ halt. iilinshaw , you sec. is a member ()f a t'Oigressional outfit known as the c.cWemment Operations Committef'. Among other things. this group is charged with reviewing all the mooe y spent on President Nixon for security purposes. ~urity outlays for Mr . Nixon have come under considerable scrutiny. Such lhings as the wind screens put up around !ht swimming pool at his San Oemente estate. Also. the air conditioning wtits at the San Clemente pad. ' ' rr WAS REPORT ED that the Secret Service got the arm put on it for the air co9ditioning because the c h i m n e y srmked inside the place. thus is \\'llS suggested that the air cooditioning to sweep away all the chimney smoke would be a security m4asure to keep from asphyxiating "You KrioYi Who. . . " Anyway. Hinshaw an d his congressional commlttee now have the Lask or reviewing all the security money spent on President Nixon . a n d de1e rmining ir all this \\'as really justified. That's when Hinshaw dropped his little bomb. llINSHA\\' SAID IF they're really going to be fair. they need to put the money spent on President Nixon in rontext with the security cash outflow for all reccnl presidents. So our congressn1an simply asked the General Accounting Office lo provide lists on all the security lllQneys spent on presidents back to and including Franklin D. Roosevelt. You just have to believe 1-Iinshaw was smiling to himself when he suggested the GAO people dig back into the files a bit. All it means is that the general <•ccounting folks would have to come up with the security expense sheets for Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S Truman and the aforemenlioned FDR. YOU FU RTHER HAVE to suspect that this little record search may just tafe a day or two. Our Congressman J1inshaw probably has some notion about the time angle on !his since he is fairly well acquainted 'rith accotmting procedures as the former Orange County assessor. Regardless. the GAO people should just be relieved that 11inshaw didn't ask them to trace e.xpcnses back to the Warren G. Harding Ad1ninistralion. where they n1ight have come up with some r('all y :nicky figures. So after the General Accounting Office digs out all these records on the past fi\·e presidents, you can already figure \\·hat C'.ongressman Hinshaw's next request 1nay be. LET·s SAY IT is discovered that for security purposes. President Tn1man got a $4,000 air conditioner installed. But Nixon's air conditioner for anti-smoke choking in San Clemente costs $15,000. Now Hinsha\v can simply ask if the ftgures are actually comparable, \\'hat with the sagging \'alue of a dollar over =111 these years. \\'hy, it actually may work out that ·rruman·s air condition('r \\'OS more expensive than Nixon's-after Hinshay,• J:ets the accountanls to \York out dollar de valuation, cost-of-Ji\·ing increases. price indexes and increases in sales tux and the like. Clearly. !his may be a congressional probe that never ends. .. --...-· ········~-···------ ------ I AFTERMATH -Two U.S. helicopters, one carry- ing towline to minesweeper, go into action along Suez Canal in search of mines on waterway. The Ul't T ......... carrier Jwo J ima docked off Port Said Tuesday, the first American warship to enter Egyptian v"aters in 16 years. Russia Bolsters Syria \VASHINGTON (AP) -The Russians have sent Syria more l\tfG jet fighters to bol ster its Air Force in the growing ai r war along the Golan Heighl.S, U.S. inte lligence sources say. other military supplies sin~ last ~ovembcr. This came on top of an estimated 60,000 tons dehvcred during and shortly arter the 19-day "'ar. 1 They said Soviet merchant ships unloaded 12 cratl'd ltfIG21s recently at the port or Latakia. along "1th olher military equipment. These were reported to have been the first Russian fighters delivered to Syria in nearly t1~·0 months. Among Soviet weapons to appear in Syria this monlh were additional long-range l80mm guns. U.S. sources said. The \'essels bearing the ~1!Gs arrived before Syrian and Soviet leaders announced last v.·eek that Russia v.·ill increase military aid lo lhe Damascus government . Although Russia supplies most of Syria's arms sup- port. East European Communist countries also extend aid. Next month, according to U.S. intelligence. Syrian soldiers will go to Prague, Czectloslovakia, to train in mainte- nance or Soviet-made T55 tanks. Tank m:.iintenance \1·a sa major problem for the Syrian Army during the \1•ar last fall. Pentagon officials discount Beirut reports that Russia has promised to send Syria the MIG25. one of the most ad· vanced Soviet war planes. Syria lost 185 planes in the brief war \\ilh Israel liist October and Russia has replaced most of them. Air losses in the new fig hling have been relative ly light, but could become significant if the batlles escalate. A 3,500-man ~1oroccan infantry briga de is expected to move home from Egypt by air and St'a before the end of April. The brigade "'ith 30 1anks and artillery arrived in Egypt during the Ocotbcr war. Another 2.000 l\1oroccan soldiers srill are in Syria. U.S. military experts calculate the Russians have sent Syria at least 20.000 tons of weapons, ammunition and Two fast missile-armed lraeti boats have been sent on a long voyage aroW1d Africa to the Rt'd Sea, reportedly to pre\'ent any reinstatement of an Egyptian na val block· :1de there . • • • ·- Record Oil P1·ofits Evol\:e ·Heated 'I Told You So' From Wire Service~ Critics who cha rged that the energy crisis was a maneuver by oil companies to increase prices ha\'e additional fuel for their arguments in light of reports of increased profits. . Exxon. world leader in the oil industry. estimated net income for the first three months up nearly 39 percent, y,·hile Texaco, third la rgest in the nation, reported an increase of 123 percent. Earlier this \Yeck. Gulf Oil reported a i6 pereenl increase in profits : Amoco 81 percent and Ashland Oil 40.5 percent. OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP., the 11th largest, reported first-quarter Eight Kissers Go 100 Hours FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. !UPIJ - The kiss-a-thon y,•hich is attempting to set a new \\'orld's kissing record neared 11'1e 100-hoor mark today "ith rour couples still going strong. As most or the 42 original couples dropped out. the four remaining kis~ers showed ingenuity in kissi ni; style. diet. and conservaHoo of energy to keep their lips touching for !he requirt"<i 5f1 1ninutcs of each hour. profits or $67.7 million. up 7!8 perccnt over profits or SS.28 million during the first quarter of last year. Oceidental said gross revenues for the period jumped from $681.4 million in 1973 lo more than $1.3 billion this year. Earnings per common share increased from six cents to $1.14. The company said the big jump should not be considered indicative or the rest of the year. The 1973 first-quarter earnings v.·ere restated to reclassify extraordinary items as ordinary earnings and to provide for deferred Canadian laxes on operations there. CRITICS WERE quick to say "I told you so:' Sen. Jloy,·ard D. ~letzcnbaum (0.0hio) based much or his campaign for the Democratic nomination to the Senate on big oil company price gouging during the energy shortage. A spokesman for Metzenbaum said loda": "The huge profits announced by the oil companies con!inns all that Sen. ~lctzenbaum has been saying about the oil companies ballooning the energy shortage into a crisis in order to inflate their profits. It also confi rms the need for a µrice rollback which the senator \'Oled fol' and 1~·as vetoed by President Nixon ." .4ssociate Says 'l(i£l11<111 Victirn ' 1/ad Hea vy Loss From \\'ire Ser\'lces ~llA~1t, Fla. -A former business associate or Albert L. Dantzler. a bank official \\•ho says he y,•as kidnaped for S60.000 ransom. says Oanlzler suffe red :.i heavy financial setback last yea r. A police source said Dantzler is being investigated ror extortion . Larry L. Van Dusscldorp said Tuesday that he and Dantzler ··both took a ( IN SHORT ... ) substantial loss" \\'hen A prh·ate mail delivery firm they invested in \\'ent out of business. Van Dusseldorp's slAtement came after it y,•as learned that Dantzler "·as being investigated in connection y,·ith a possible extortion hoax in the case. e Air l'iclims Rel11r11ed DENPASAR. Bali-Indonesian jungle lroops today began the grim task of taking the bOOies of 107 Pan American Air\vays crash victims do\vn a steep. 4,000-foot moW11ain on the resort Island of Bali. Twenty-eight Anlericans "'ere among the dead. Rainstorms Hit 2 Coasts Commandos and paratroopers, hacking at the dense undergro"•th \\•ith machetes. began gathering the remains in the jungle on \·otcanic P.fahese mountain for the rough trip doy,n the &lopes. e C/1lshoh11 Clcnred Skies Clear, Weather Colcl in Jlf idsection Coastal Weat11er Clo!w.odT wttft chtnA of "-" ..,_ Illy, l lth' v1r!1Dlt wtl'ICll llltfll .... lftOl'fll"t '*1rl NCOl"ll"t _,,.wort! lo "" lD 1(1 11 kl\Olt ~ _,, lo "Ol'I"-'' 1) IO 2$ 0.1\0" rl'l11tM1•y. MIDl'I lotltY •l C0.11•1 l"T•rM••!IKtl ,_"Vt ftflf" U 10 Y. lnl•"ll ,.,..,rM,ll~ftl rt"91' t~ SI 10 ti Wt1t• ll""l'lt'•r11tt it .fi1rr1. ~ln1•n. Tidl"IC Wl!ONllOAY k<Olld hlof't 11 ODD"'· SI .S.COll<I 10'!00 4 fO p ,.,,, 1 • T"Ull:SOAY ,.,.., 1111~ 11.i1 '·""'· a.• "'"' l" •:10 '·""' O.t Sl'CON:I hlOfl 11 •4f p,m. J' '9c....i •-•· .1~u p.m, 2. 1 '"" tltfl ,1 , •·""· Str' 7,JI pm MOOll rl'" 11il0 •.m.. Stlt I01J) p,ni, \VAS HI NGTON-The JustiC!e lX'partment says it has substantlall;.r closed its investigation into the handling of Rep. Shirley Chisholm's presidential campaign funds "'ithout uncovering \'iolations or law. ··The case is su b!lantially closrd. "''ilh a couple of minor matters still pending." department spokesman Robert Stevenson said Tuesday night. He declined to elaborate. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE ~ "t"V r) ti.. ~ly Pilot ' ol.htll"'l.'Gd __.,.,_ !l __ t>Ol ___ ey6'30 D .., fMI 1"4 """' OOll'f Ill ~ IO -Cir'! .,.1 .. 911 ..... ~fOOP "' $11,,uy or!ll S...01y II -00""" ,_ .. !l'Nf O«l'f f>'lf l 1" s..i ..... , ........ s.i-. wl••"""__, ,..i o-0<~1!1-C.llt-1t••"w"'• •O.t"' TW~"'H ~ °'""'"'°"""' ,,,.'> 6'1J Qlt . - One ,Suspect Had Reco1·d Of Dr11gs OGDEN. Utah (UPI) -Tu'O airmen "·ere held today on suspicion of torturing five hostage!! "'ith acid and shooting each or them in the head during a robbery. Three of the victims \\'ere killed. A third airman "·as questioned but -A·as released. An 18-year-old girl v.·as raped before she "'as killed in Mooday 's robbery at a slereo shop. Police sa id the robbers jammed a pen into the ea r of one victim and kicked it. The man survived the attack and \\·as found \\'alking around the shop ~1th the pen sticking out of his ear. TIIE T\,·o !\JEN ·surrendered \\'ithout resistance at their barracks at nearby Ifill Air force Base Tuesday night. They \1·ere identified as Dale S. Pierre, 21 , of Trinidad. \Vest Indies. and William A. Andre\\·s. 2Q. or Jonesboro. La. Ogden police said the third suspect was questioned at the air base and voluntarily y,•ent to police headquarters "'here he \'.'as inlerrogated further. The man was released. Police officials said he was "invol\•cd" but declined Additional comment until consulting y,·ith Uw county attorney. Police Chief Le Roy Jacobsen said Pierre had been a sus pect in an Ogden murder last year but v.·as not arrested because of insufficient evidence. Jacobsen called him a ''vicious character" \Vilh a record of drug use. The killers broke inlo the Hifi Shop ~londay night , loaded several thousand dollars v.·orth of stereo equipment into a \·an and then began the methodical lorlure of four employes and one cmploye's rather -who v.·ent to the store to see why his son had not come home on lime. TllE \'ICTJ~ts \''ERE herded into the basement. forced to drink acid and then shot in 1he head one at a time. "It "'as one or the most ghastly, grisly things l'\'e ever seen.'' said a nurse at a local hospital where some of the victims l\l're taken. ..They made the people s1,·allow acid and then poured it on their bodies:' The acid apparently came from a basement repair shop. \\'here it \\'as used to make printed circuit boards for stereo l'quipment. Fo1111d Dead The body of 4-year-old Brenda Probasco has been found in creek under railroad overpass in \Voodstown. N.J.. after search of 12 days. An autopsy has been odered to determine if child was murdered. Pair l\:{eekly Give Up in Brutal Death GASTO~. N.C. (UPI) -Two men have been arrested in the torture slaying of a 16-year-old Atlanta girl who was stabbed repeatedly, tied to a pine tree and left to dle. The suspects. \Vallace Charles Lanford, 21. and Pinkney TOOmas l\fitchell. 25, surrendered meekly to police after officers chased down their car. The men. both or Bessemer City, N.C .. \\·ere charged \\'ith the murder of Kathleen Ruth Smiley, 16, of Atlanta, v.·hose body was discovered Sunday. The girl had been stabbed at least seven times and struck on the head. possibly \\'ith a brick. Her hands were !xiund with twine behind the tree and part of a man's knit undershirt \\'as stu(fed in her mouth. She y,·as boWld with a lamp cord that held her head against the tree. and the gag in place. "It definite ly y,·as a torture murder," said Polict! Capt. A.B. Homes1ey, "one of the v.·orst I've ever seen. J don't think she had been dead very long when we found her. I think she died a slow death.'' Authorities speculated that she ran out or gas and fell into the hands of her slayers, v.·ho first helped her obtain gas, and then took over bet ..c~r. -· .. ' Nixo11 Expert Reportedly Will Agree Tape Edited F\E\\' YORK (APl -f\"BC News say11 an expert hired by the White Hou.se will agree \.\'ith a court-appointed team of e!ectroi1ics specialisls "'hich concluded thal a \Vatergate tape with an 1s1l· 1n1nute gap was edited and re-recorded. !\'BC newsman Carl Stern said Tuesday tha! the \Vhite House expert, Dr. Michael Ht't·ker of the Stanford Research Institute. may not agree "'ith procedures used by the other experts. Ho\1·e\·rr. said Stem. Hecker will not dispute the conclusion or the six tape i'!Uthoritics. \'.'ho said the tape unde~·ent ''the process of editing and re-recording at least fi\'e and perhaps as many as nine separate and contiguous segments ... The panel . chosen mutually by the \\lhite Ilouse and the special Watergate prosecutor, did not say if the erasure was accidental or deliberate. But the group lold U.S. District Court Judge John J . Slrica that "The recording controls must have been operated by hand in the making of e•ch segment.'' Sirica also heard testimony from President Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary 'Voods. that she may have accidentally erased some of the tape while answering a telephone, Stem said Hecker "expects to tMtify y,·hether 1t helps or hurts the President, and now it looks as though it \\'ill hurt." According lo NBC, a \Vhite !louse spokesman said late Tuesday that nothing in Stem's story came from White House sources. There \\'OU\d be no further comment. the spokesman told the net\\·ork. The controversial tape is a recording ot a June 20, 1972, conversation between President Nixon and his fonner top aide, ~I. R. HaJdeman. thal took place three days after the burglary of t h e Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex. Ted Kennedy Dra,vs Cro,vds LENINGRAD. USSR (UPI) -U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy today mixed tooling with campaign-like appearances in this former Czarist C!apital. He drew large crowds at t~ Hermitage l\lu!eUm. a turbine factory and whenever he stepped out of his limousine. "This is just like Fitchburg C~tass.) the last week of the tsenatoriaJ ) campaign," Joan Kennedy said as her husband phmged into a crowd outside ll soovtnir store, grabbing hands clutching at him. •within Rights' Students Sliotvn Se:\: Acts i11 Fil1n NEW YORK (UPI\ -A federal Judge has refused to reinstate a hig:ll school biology teacher .,.,,ho showed his class a sex rduration movie ln "''hich a couple en i:11ged in sexuiil lnlerwurse and oral sf'x acts. The board of education is inYesligaling the lntldent. The lcachrr. Identified only as ;, John Doe ," flied a la\.\'!IUil after he \\·as lrnn~ferred to a rM>nteaching )ob at the board or education paying ~ same sa lary . fie said his UM! of the moYie wa~ "an approprla1e exercise of hia rtght to academic frer.dom. •· lie said his due proce" rights wt1re violated by the lrnn!(er and that forbidding the use of the film \\'Is against free speech guarantetd by the f'1rst Amendment But U.S. Dblrict Court Judge Harold R. 1)11er said 1\ie!day ht: could not ordtr the rtlnstatement • ' b e f o re the invesllgatlon Is complete aod a cleciSion ls mnde whether or not to file charges." Tyler 11ald t>tfore the teacher showed the film In the tlauroom durina the nm "·eek in ~larch, he asked hi1 students, all aged IS 10 18, v.·helher any o( I.hem wanted to leaYe. All remained. Later, the teacher's suit 111legfd that a parent complained to the s c h o o I -principal, an investigation \\'IS begun 1ocl the leocher wa1 transferl"ed. I I I '.1 I I I DARY PO..OT EDITORIAL PAGE Neighbor Problems Is class snobbery rearing Its head in l-luntlngton Beach? It's not clear how many people actually are In- volved, but there appears to be a sizeable 'J)rotest mount- ing ln the a10uent Jluntington liarbour community. The protest is focused against a· 66-unit apartment complex given approval for construction on Algonquin Avenue, across the street from the cbaonel·laced Harbour neigh· borhood. \Vhy? Can it be because the project has received financial backing from the federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department? The apartmenLCi will become the homes or mlddle-and·lower-incon1e people. Spokesmen tor the Harbour protesters say that isn't the issue. They list a tack of public transportation, an earthquake fault, and insufficient public notice as the reasons for their displeasure. But consider th.is: -On transportation: the Orange Cou nty Transit District will start two major bus routes Atay 13, each running wi~hin 200 feet of the proposed apartments. -Earthquakes: The South Coast Re gionii Zone ConservatiorvCommission, which approved this project. has approved 37 residential proj~ts 1.n a four-block area. There have been no protests against the others. And the develope.r. Harry Scholer, did have a complete seismic ~study made for HUD. -Public notice: all legal and standard procedures of notice were followed both by the city and the coastal commi~ion. \Vhat the upset residents apparentlv did la ck was notice that the future tenants would be loW-and 1niddlc·income people. apartn1ents when the builrlrr could pu t up 79. Jt has 65 percent open space , n1ore than necessary. !!arbour area residents have filed some 2-l lndi· ~·idual appeals tu the state coa'itul rommisllion, seeking to block this projett wh ich already has the approval of the regional coastal commission. On the basis or the 1nfor1nation available now. the state commission should !ind little substance in the pro- tests. A '\Vo rkiu !!' Libra ry ~ . For those who IO\'li fi gures. consi der these: th~ Fountain V'all<'Y l.ibrar~· doubled 1n size fro1n 5.000 square feet to 10.000 1n 1\.)69 because of the demand. lt has 18 einployes and 46.780 books. about 32,61 or which were checked in and out in one n1on th re1-tnl!v. making it one of the busiest of the branches in the county library systen1 . But the spirit or the con1munity lihr:i.ry is more in1· portant than ii.'\ nun1bers, and here the accent is on "rom mu9~ty.'' The library. like most. is d1 \ided half and haJr into adult and children sections. The balanre is achieved. _ Library officials offer regular ''story-hours" for the children and thro'v open their doo rs and meeting rooms to res idents of all ages. . - City planners sar the project meets or exceeds all standards for the zoning and the neighborhood. It has 66 , 1'l~er~. are no '·quiet" signs, no severe librarians ·shushing everyoiie be!ween the boo k stac·ks. Instead J_i brarian Ron Hice speaks excite<lly or tJ1e "nice noise.': ~.he s~unds of peop.le _using the llbrnry. of people explor- 1~g w.1th books. l'h1s 1s a \Ve\comc philosophv, one whieh g1\'es reason for !he fine stat1sl1cs. - 'Hello. \Vh ire House? f'd like to inl'ite President Nixrm to come ou t to our state and campaii;n fur my opponent.' This Crisis Will Be flard to Top (..__AR_T_H_O_P_P_E___.J Federal Crisis Coordinator Uptnn Do\\llS vigo rously denied any responsibill· ty in lhe strange disappearance or The Energy Crisis. "It is the duty of The U.S. Crisis !\lanufacturing Bureau to initiate crises," Downs tnld a press conference. "not to terminate them." Jle noted the average life of an American crisis in the past 15 years was 8.2 months. ln SCOl>f! and depth, if not duration, he said, "The Energy Crisis far exceeded our fondest aspirations." While not as long-lived as The Threat of Nuclear Ho locaust in the late 1950s or The Civil Rights Battle!! of the early J9fi0s , he said, The Energy Crisis had a "much more immediate impact.·· ·•our studies show It generated more cocktail party conversation than either' Poverty. which replar.ed Ci\'il Rights on our calendar, or Student Unrest, which succeed'ed Poverty." he said proudly. ··Frankly. v.·e coo.sider it one of our very best crises in recent years.'' UNLIKE Busing. which followed Stu- dent Unrest. he said, The Energy Crisis .. brought the country together,. - particularly in gas lines. In this respect, it was similar lo Hi- jackings, which replaced The Population t:xplosion, which followed Pollul ion. v.:hich supplanted Student Unrest when interest in that crisis waned. ''And it certainly had far wider appeal tha n The twlonetary Crisis which ~·e manufactured to fill the gap left by Pollution," he said. "The !\tonetary Crisis was one of our few fiascos. ·•eut we've more than made up for that mistake in the pas~ year. We began \\'ith The Watergate Crisis and follo~·cd that up with Inflation. Remember the Dear Gloomy Gus NO\I' that they've proven how easy it "'as to remove lhe city's ne~·ly crov.·ned beauty queen from her throne, is there any reason v.·e can't do the same v.·ith some Oiambcr of C.01n111e.rcc officials~ ~I. !'l. C. ' Gloomy Gus CO!llbi111t' ,,.. wbmll'l..i llY rNdtrJ •NI cM llOf ~fily ... llKt "'' ~ .. -.. t'I IM Mww•1... S-....t ,..,, IHI _.., 11 GS-¥ G••· Cl.lilW P'lllt. housewives' ~f Bovcotl'.' That v.•as a good one. Then ll'e ihrew in Shortages and now that they're gone, we're drum· ming up interest in The Impeachment Crisis. Any questions?" ~fR. DOWNS was immediately asked Y.'hat happened to the gas lines. lie smiled. "One thing v.·e've learned in the Bureau is never 10 O\'erestimale the :it- tention span of the American people," he said. '0They simply grew bored with gas lines and refused to "'alt in them any more. Afte r all. a crisis requires the fu!I cooperation of every citizen." A young reporter inquired how the government had managed lo solve all the problems ?<.fr. Downs had cited . !\Ir. Downs looked puzzled. "Solve them? But we ha1·en't solved any of them. \\'e stilt hnve a Nuclear Threa t. Racial Injustice, Poverty. Sludents, Busing, a Population Explosion. Polluti()n. a J\iooetary Crisis. \\'atergate, Inflation and Shortages. They m e r e l y :it· cumulate." "TIIEN \\'HY manufa<.'ture crises?·· the young reporter demanded . "\Vhy. to take the people's mind oH their problems. of rourse." replied ~Ir. Do'ofTIS, "particula rly the pre\·ious crisis they jusl went through." An older reporter asked v.·hat crisis \\'e could expect next. "Y.'e are plann ing a Depression roupled v.·i th Inflation. "A Depression alone simply \\'OUldn't do." H Police Drift T01vard 1'filitari:-ation Danger of Non-thinking Tradition To the Editor: I "'as delighted lh<1l Sgt. Tonv \'11ta took the trouble to write about mv article. "Amt•rlean J•ollce arc Strangers." (Daily Pilot. April 11 19 1. He appropriately t.1kes inc to t:1sk for b<'ini.: ignorant of day·to.<lay polit'•' 01x·ra11ons. f'sprcially rccruilment. and I concl·dc the point. llO"'EVER. I ~·i~h he had addrcs<:.ed himself lo the larger i<>s ucs J attempted to set for1h. f or e'(ample. 1 SUAJ::CSted that the poliCt' are 1rad1tion-nddPn. that they do no! think through v.·hy they do \1·hat they do v.·ith our monry 3nd our so- ciety. Again. I sugge sted that this habit iJf acting v.·hile non·th1nking produces a drift or dir('dion or rh:inge Io 1~· a r d militarization, !ov.ard the attitudes of an army of ocC'uj>ation. I suggrslcd tha! th r MllN.'f l\'C po!lc(' or this county are in tolal v~olation of the la~· in selling themselves above our dcniocralically clcctrd and I e ~a 11 y responsible repN'scr.tati\'es -cxac1l v !he point lhat Supc\'i~r Diedrich ha.! sin(·e made in his cur rent conflict v.·Hh the. p<lht'!'. I could ha\'e gott(' on. ac; I am sµre Sgt. Villa knows. I rould ha\'e sui:g~tcd [..__l\_IA_IL_B_o_x_~) l.etters fr om readers arc toe/come. J\'ormal/y, writers sho11lli t'01tt1cy tli~rr ines,age! in 300 trord~ or le!s. The r•ul1t to co ndense letter! to fit .'ipace or eliminate libel is reser1;ed. All /rt· l('rs must include siunature and ma il- ing add.rtss but names may be U"lfh· lteld on request if sufficient rea.Jon i$ apparellt. Poetry u•ill rrot be pub- lished. that these local but steadv shifts in crnphasi~ are the necessary, bul not sufficient . preconditions for a poliee !>late . All unconscious. howl'\'Cr. All JUSI drift. ~·iUlOut direction. BUT Sgt. Villa should not fc-el too bad about all this. Other human institutions proceed equally blindly, equally on rno- mentum from the past papered over hy rationalizations in the pre54'n1 e\'er r:iore absurd. The shootlllg ~·ar in Vie1rrin1 111\h its shoolinit ~1h1·rn1:11h -\\" 1\1)". lllr{' \'ietnamtse lo kill \'irtnarne~l' -1~ lh<' ult1n1a1e a~fut l'X:J!npl<' ll1\\lll) A !\ll'\llf) t 'rf1Slflf Ila/I To the F.dilor Thu is 1ny first letter to an ('<!itor. I ha ve nc,·er voiced a public opinion lo anyone be<:ause I never fell mentaHv :1dequ atc. N°OY.'. hov.·evc.-r. I realize th<.11 I'm just as "comrnon ~n'it" inte!ligt·nt as any or our leaders. Addihona ll\'. I t•oo have a cryst.'tl ball. !l's JUSI likr ihe one the press and doo msday politicians use. IF President Ni'{on is impeached. h~ \\·ill Ix> ;udged Au11ty and this is ""hat "ill happen ~·ithin onr \'Car. I. li.S. dollar y,·111 IX' dr\'alul'CI at le:it-t 20 pt'rccnt as the ~or!d <1nt11.:1pates Ci far reaching depression. 2. SlflCk n1arkt·t \\'ill J:rildually drift do" n tu i50 :ind once IX'.lO\\' i;,ll. \1'i l1 crash to 400 lrvel. :l. Inflation will hit 30 1)flrrL•nt r :1\1· 4. J';atiooal strikes v.'ill gr1r1 th•· country in a desper1:1te atkmpt to <·atch waring priers. ~. ~1arginal companies will go under in mass 6. L'nl•mptoyn1f'nt \\111 hit 10 prrcrnt lc\'el "·ithin first ~car :ind continu.! unt!I 1t reaches 2a percent . 7 Tax••s 11ill so.1r tn :111 t·flnrt lo rurh infln!ion to pay frir ma ssh " M>Ct<i! pro· gr:11ns. hut It 11·ill hr too late R Sin<'t· !ht rountr.· v.·ilt be run hv the St•11:i1t·. the ~::o.•cu111e Br:inth Qf Govcm· mt nt. "Ill be about ns 11!>1•lul and ef· fPrtivP as tonsils. 9 Sint.'C thCtl· l':ln hi' nri \\'<irld '\1ar Ill to pull u:. out this time. all capitalist L"OOntries "ill go down together to subsc· 4uently rist again as socialist countries . Or:inJ:c lnun1 ~ Airporl "·ac; f<ir 1hr i:,'1fety 11f 1ht· 1>la n1·s :.lr1·ady usini: 11 · rh.'11 1hf'r1· \1ould l>t· no Jt•ts ut !he a1rprirt .. \\'c •1a1v('I) hrl11•\'lil th1·111 '\n \1' lhe ))(')Wl·rs th<it IJf' arc tellinl:: u." 1h:H another •'>.:pans111n of thr lcn,C!th or !hf' run1o1ay "ill Ix' only for qu1l'tCr take · <lffs of 1hr· pl.1tl\.~ over Nt'"'JXlrt !Jay. and not for 1111:i:r•r Jt·t~. lla·lla-ll;i ' Onf' foot in the door al"ays leads to another·'. 111lt and !\IRS. CAI~ 1'.l. F'l,."LLER IJCI flrfl!ring• To thr f.d1 lor .Judith Olson's lelter to 1hr> editor of ttl<' Pilot 11\pril 10 1 11as both hcart"arming and :i hit disrnay1ni: II "as hrar1,~·an111ng that she and her husband found thl·1r <1Ucnd;inc11 Rt the t.:C Irvine open houi.c "an enriching ex· rrril'ncr." Y.'e hoJ'(! :ill of the several thousands v>110 look thr op\)f)rtunity to ht'conH' bt•Ht'r :icquainted "1th the cam- pus \1·erc as pleased. STliOENTS. faculty and !<laff ~·ho ""'Cnt 10 !ht' effort to exhibit, l<'<'tU rC' and f•ntf'rtain ~·ere enCQUraged by lht• turnout :1od the evident interest in the ct1n1pus by members of the community. Open House al L'CT prohablv .,'111 bel'rlme a tr:idi· llonal annual C'vE.>nt. I join "•Ith ~1rs. Olson in h('r belief t!int th•· commur111y c;1n bt•ncfil rC')'.(Ul:trlv lrtim anendance and p.:irticipnt inn ifi r:1n1pus l'venl~ throughout the year. not Just nt OPf!n House. f<.1y ~lt~ht dismay at ~!rs. Olron's n1re leller is lh3t shC> evidcnrlv 1'> una .. arc of the many lectures. · "x h i h i t !I , pcrformancrs and seminars "·hich arf' regularly npen to public attendance and parttclpallun. !\!an y are frl'e. as she sug. R sis, and others arf' RUbJect to an ad- mission cl1t1 rge to cover cosLs.. Chaos • Ill the Vet Administration \\'HAT !rtarted out a l1ttlr ri1t•r a ve:i r :igl'I as an :ittempt to mlnin1i1.e :-.lix"on 's land~lidf' victory. h;111, .,nov.•hnlled lnto n ~·rl1011· 1ournal1sm an<t political hil1f'I can1- pa1gn 111 "g("t th<' rr{"lk out" :\o nn,. kn'l11111 hO\I ti') ~lop it rind it \' on 't b·· !>leppt·d un11I he's out of office. Rut the liberal prrss. th<' Utmocrats. and for pol111cal security rt·:i'ifms. mos I Rf'publ 1~1ns, are not n"·nre of the prtt(' they and "e (th<'ir fcll<lw 1\mcrlcansl are going to pay for this "misplaced JUSl\f'e ·· OSF. t.t:LTL'RE series ~h il'h m:i.y b@ or p:irt!cutar 1nterf'st lo ~lrs. 0\S<ln rand hopefully 10 m:iny others! will be sponsorc-d by the-FriendJ of L:CJ , for fou r ThurSday e\'1·n1nAs. s1arl1ni; t<.la y 7. Ent1tl1'<l "Persj>f'Ct11rs of (hlr Society." th•· ::•'rJe:; \.l'ill fc<iture mcml:>fr:i. of the Social Scie nces faculty :ind v.·ill exan1in~ the unpact of the snc1al sc 1enc"t.·s on tur· rcnl socia l problems 'fhis week Donald E. Johnson a11· 11ounced his plan.s to resign as head of the Veterans Admini.•tration. f:ditor. WASHINGTON-™ horrors now a!· rHcting the nation's veterans programs can be traced to the radical plan of the old Haldeman-Ehrlichman \Vhite House. or£icially repudiated but s u r v i v i n g nevertheless, to centrali1.e all power in the Oval Office dur- .... ing Presi dent Nix· oo 's secoM tcrni. Allhough II . R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlkhman are long gone, their grand design < n- dures -administer· ed by spiritual heirs and geoerally ignor· ed by Wntergat~pied Walhing· Ion. 1be disruptive resull'i are now sur- facing in one agmcy after anothe r. In the Veterans Admin istration IVA), the political explosion hns just begun. A ttntral fca1urc of the llaldeman· r·:hrhchman plan wa s to pla ce trusted Nixo n aides, from the \Vhlle llouse and the ~·1.dely de.famed Comrn.lttet for the ltetltctlon of the JTesid~nt 1CREt:P). in key p:11ltions of executive departmenu. Humlng the govemmenl then would be Hald•INll and his stall. backed by lbo Offl~ or ltfanagemcnt .Ind Budgel rOMBI h<aded by Roy Ash and his depu· ( EVANS -NOVAK ) ty, Fred !\talek. ~ho had been second-In- command at CREEP. NA~1ED BY f.tB lek to be 1A'hil.e House agent for VA 's multi-billion-Oo\lar opera- tions ~·as Frank Naylor. fresh from a stint at CREEP rounding uµ veternns Qrgan1iatlons' support for the Nixon· Agnew ticket. Naylor moved 1n to \'A0s plush !Olh floor executive offices as a supe:rgrade 18 paying $43 .926. Other CREEP alumni from the ~1alek st1'b\e moved to lesser VA jobs. Among the many: ~Uchael Bronson. a CREEP field rt presentative as assistant ad· ministrator for pranning and evaluation : Andrtw Adams, a Kansas coordinator for CREEP as deputy director ln VA 's TIOV." embattled education division. > \V'hat WU· happening at the VA reflected a radical effort to gi\'e !ht \\'hil.e llouse total CQntrol of 1111 major bureaus 11nd depa rtmcn11 . Now. IS months laler. tht ou1comc at !he VA is ~Jear : utter d!Ysler. NAYLOR. "'ho came to VA ~·lthout CX· ptrltnce In lhe agency's highly spccleliz· td work . has now becn quietly shun ted to the F11rmer1 Home Admlnl!lration. Bron!On Is on his v.•ay out. Adamt. a polio victim oonllned to a wheelchair. is sla.ted to run lhe new reb.abilitaUon office in lhe Departn1ent of lleallh, &lucation and "'elfare /but pov.rrful Corigressmen may block that appc1nt1nen1 ). Th is aettlerating collapse of the Haldeman·Ehrlichman centralization of pov.·er barel)· ~gins the story of lht VA 's crisi~. THE A~1F.ll!CA'.'J LEGIO.\/ chrf'red l\'hcn then l{epuhhcan Sen Jack ~filler of Jo"·a fdef('ated for reclcctlon in 19721 persuaded 1\lr. N1xnn 1n l~i!l to nnn1c- Don Johnson. :i fringe lov.a HC'pubhcan politiciM and former national ~c·r:1· 1nander or the Legion, to hetid the \'1\ Tod;iy, howe\'er. ev<:n the U glon has sourt'd on Johnson's performance run- nmg the V,\'g l?I hospital!!. :i9 r.egional offices ai:1d tens Qf thousands of employes. '·Don." said one congressional critic, "is a polillcal primltive who plays everything br the ~111lek rulebook." !\1alek's first rule is saving mooer. Thi.I. Johnson's critics e om p I a 1 n he aolomallcally O\'errides his own experts. plus the organb:ed veti."rans' lobhies , to Accept O!'.IB's hndget propo!iials c .. ·en al the expen5e of csscnllaJ \etcrans' scr1 IO?s. TllF. (\1QST dramnuc c.aM! \\'8S lhe Johnson-contrl\•ed ouster or Dr. i\t 1r~ J . ~lusser . VA 's highly rtgardcd chief medic Al director. In a priv11te letter Aprll 3 lo llep. Olin Teague , cl'lainnM of lhe House Vete-aiu Committee. and Stn. Alan Ctanston, chainn.Bn o! the Stnale sllbcomn111tee on veterans heallh and hospitals. Musser said that ";in an· tagoo istic and u n cooper a t i \' e ad· ministrator I Johnson)'' made his Joh Ull· possible and that .. the infiltrnlion of the department by per.;onocl S<'lectcd and appointed by ... the administrator ha3 \'1rtt1ally eliminated any possibility of functional integrity" in the medical branch. \\'h<!n ~lu~ser came: under attack h\· Johnson·~ nffi('e la.~t yea r. then prcs1dc-~· 11al toun1clor ~lt•lv1n LairO interceded l.:urd 11 rung froni Johnwn a fl rm agre<'· n1ent tn slop intcrfering v.·11h ~1 usser·.o; operation. .\JORE SIGNIFICAl\'T. \1 r. ~ixon h1n1se!f strongly .. mcfi(:atcd to Te:aguc l1tst Dcet'mbcr that Musse r ~·ould stav. Now. with ti~ President preoccupied ~·11h rlghtini;: impeachment and '"ith Laird gone , ~tus.ser ha.s been hounded oul of of· rice. ~fusser's top deputy. Dr . Benjamin f . \\'ells, ~·as also forced out . \\'ells told us Johnson "just could not sl11nd" \\'ells 's COMCCtions with powerful CQn1ress\onnt Dernocrats. By throwing its fuU ~·eight be hlTKI .lbhnson. O~IB retains dr1tconian control o\'cr V1\'1 budRet. The C05t I~ hi.l(h . 10~111 of ~upport from the powerful veterans' lobh)'. from ten.'I of lhousands of Vietn;un \'eterans. ,.nc1 11dminis1rative chaot in the VA. Such ls one biller alter·tit.s:le of the Haldeman·Ehrllchman blut'print for pc1~·er • • As son1cooe s;tid 200 ~<'ars ago ... \\' the fX"<lple" tire ulUn1<1t{'ly rcspon-;iblc for our o~·n do"·nfall. \\'e the people . allO\\'Cd oursclvts tfl tx> dunned Into belie\'1ng that ~·r cruft bf'hl'\I' anybody or c:1n't bel1e1·e in an)· th1n11 \\'e the µ.'0- plr. are the ones v.ho nr1rr <1sked hov.· "'r rould (·onsider in1peach1n11 a Prr~ldf'nt v.·ith no proof of .,,,.ting r!oing. and then ha1c thf' audacitv If• ;i~k ti) rcv!c11.· htc; ft!"'l t:q'll'~ ro .~"" if th{'y ~uld f111d St>mcth1ni.:: that "011lrl be an im~;ich3hlf' bfft>n~r Ve~. "e th!' peoplt. arc allov.·in~ thi.~ t1J happen nnO 111' arr> goin~ !1J p;iv the price ~l y only 1)('r<:00al rci;:r"I 1~ thnt I'll Ix' one of the "wc's" ~·ho >1 11! h:i1c to ·• P"1 \\'ALT llLA~KEN'Slf!f' Fool h1 t/1 e lloor To th" 1-:d11.:ir. Again histor) r<JX'.1tc; 11•cH ::if !fi,. OrJini:e Coun11· A1rpr1rt In !'• ~ ,, ,.~, tnld hv the Oran~·· foun!\ :-.1111••1•1~rin1 th;it the exp.ans1<in of 1hC n1n"·11y <it Quotes Richard J.:lllus. \\'ood~idc, clec1ron1rs firm ' chai rman -"Anyon(' can makf: ::t re"' huckll ~ bl.If I'd rather bi: r(•mcmbercd :u a ~uy ~ho made l.L/r 'A'Ol'thvohtlt for somcont ~se." Information on lh1s srrie!I l!/\11 on the many other public e\·ents on catnpus m;l)' be obtained by a regular rcadini: of th1· columns of the D::uly l'llot or hy call· rnt: U1i: \Tt:I Public Information Office. \\'A y·~E A. CLARK f>uhlic lnfonnatlon Officer l·n1vc rsily of California. Irvin~ OI AN~I COAIT DAILY PILOT Ro':>trt N. \Vrtd. P'u.bLuhtr ThomllJ Kret•il. Editor H11Yba.tn K f'tibich f.'tlt1orial Pa(Je Editor Tr"' • t11or111.I r11~f' vi th<-D11 ily P1.t>• "'•it' 1·• 1nfuntl and stlmula.te N';i(l• r... h) prtu-nu nc on tl ua ~"' d \Pre, rr.mm.,nt11rr f.>rl IO'plf'll: "'r in.. "''1•''' 1.~ ~·no11!"1111•1t t'Olumnl•!• 11nd • \r1~1".~t• hi r1-i\'td1!'lt' a ron1m r. r f' .J .. r~ 1 '""'' «ntl by pt1!1!<'nlln1; tn 1~ n1 "'•PlllK'f • 1Jplnion.• 11ni1 111 .. 11~ on C'\J!Tf'nt IO!)IC'll. Thf. ffl•!MW op1n11.nc l\I th" J).ily P1ln1 llPf""llT nnly in l 1i- rdll0'!'1Al cn!umn 1111 the top flf •hr ?118"· Op1ruo:"1• t\Pn''lfil"d ti} th .. ,..,J. umn11tJ' •nd tAnoonlsts 11nd lc!Hl"r '4Tll""' ar.-\hc!U' own and no~"" mrnt OI fh<olr vl4Nt by !he 041.il,v Pilot 1h:luld be 11\fttftd... ll'cdn•sday, April 24, 1974 ' . . . I DAILY PI LOT 5 ~ Sto,,..,.nd-Searcla ! Sno\v Hits Bay Ar~ Mountain s Liquor Bill ~lied Court to ,Dec i{le SACRA~1ENTO (A.Pl -A lie-in with Garibald i on \egi!\atlve subcommittee has ¥.'Omen, but that Gariba ldi's • .. supplying ¥."omen . lie called ~ F·ort a liar and threatened to :· On Zebra Policv killed a liquor reform blU monetary contributions are a sue. : ufter one of the bi 11 • s matter ot record. Fort hl.."'Ods a drug a~ SAN r,HANCISCO {AP > _ suflporters created a turor by Garibaldi, "'hose i: I i en ts alcoholisn1 treatment cent(':r I~ SAN FRANCISCO I AP J -·~· federal court today tackies !he issue of the city police department's stop-and·search policy in the hunt for one ar more black killers believed to have randomly slain 12 whJtes.. Two lawsuits have been filed to halt Operation Zebra. the code name of the case derived from the "Z'' radio 'channel u...t by poliot. The fitst, filed by the National Assoc.ia.tlon for the Advancement of Co I o r c d People, asks U.S. Districl Judge Alfon91> Zirpoli to issue an injunction halting tht• searches. The second, filed by the American Civil L i b e r t i e s Unlon, asks the court to rule the stop.and.-search t a c t i c unconstitutional. The city bas been ordered to show cause why it shouldn't be prohibited from conducting the starches and was expcctrd to defend its policy in court today. ~IEANWUILE. a special detachment of 30 plainclothl'd bl&ck offi cers was sent into the streets to fe rret out clues in the Zebra case. "This is a sp e cial . predominantly black u n i t assl~ed with pa r t i cu I a r e mphas.is on getting intelligence from intonnation sources we might not be able Burton Responds SANTA MONICA IAP I Actor Richard Burton is responding well lo trl'atment for influenza! bronchitis and will be released from St. John's Hospital within the next two days, a spokesman ror him says. 1be British actor w a s hospitalized after completing f"tlmlng of "The Klansman" in Northern California. The spokesman said Burton's actres s-wif e. Elizabeth Taylor. has been vacationing in Hawaii with her family and plans to, return to the malnland for a reunion with her husband early next week. ., lo contact otherwise," s<i id Lt. \Vllliam O'Connor. , The Zebra killings began last November and have resulted in 12 denths and six persons ¥o'Ounded. The victims were gunncd do\\.'ll without apparent motive, police say. ti;!ayor Joseph Alioto insisted Tuesday the st reet searches are constitutiorial and ha ve been used as a "regula r police practict>'' in other hunts for dangerous criminals. Tht' n1avor ,. who said hf' v.•ould abld·~ by a federal rourt ruling . told a news conference the sea rches v.•ill continue a long as Police ctiicf Scott believes they have v Jue. By Tuesday night som 500 Give• Birth Singer Carole King gave birth Tuesday to an 8-po und, 4-0unce son by natural child· birth in her Laurel Ca nyo n home with the J Ip of her husband, ass play~r Charles Larkey. i1 iss King has three daughters. ages ·2, 10 and 12. black men had been st ped, ---------- questioned up to ~ver hours and then r leased. In lheir . poli ce are using a composite drawing of a mustachioed black man. about 6·feet tall and 30 years old. The drawing was. made fron1 the descriptions given by tv.·o Zebra vic ti1ns. . ' ,, Earnings Sl1m1p Told By Utility h declaring liquor Io b b y Is ts incl ude the Wine and Spirits San Francisco. lie s al 4! Unseason3hly cold weat er C I ( I Pro .. 1'de lawmakers w : t h \\lholesalers of California, prostitutes sometimes cbme ~ struck Northe rn a i om a • · o. prostitutes. denied any charge of the center for help. this rooming, ca pping ;xin :;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:;:;;;;:;:;:, Francisco area mountains CALIFORNIA The 5-0 vote Tuesday junked II with snow whlfe hea v ier ' ameasurebysta!eScn.Arlen EXTEND YOUR LIFE '~ amounts fell in Sierra Nevada. "--------""' Gregorio (0-San l\lateo l. The I Nevada. bill would have doubled state EXTtND YOUR ARM A travelers advisory warned "'lO Mil}i'Qll taxes on liquor . ended "fair BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK motorists of hazardous road ~ trade" pricing , and poured conditions today in .the Sierra more money into the fight FREE! r..'evada where strong. gu!ty Stu't Faces against alcoholism . Y:inds mixed with snow and The measure was strongly rain . Norden, near Donner ,, opposed by a battery of liq uor R dd F lobbyists during a four·hourl swnmil.reported IS inches of e OX.X hear i ng befor e the new snow fell overnight. Subcommittee on Alcotiolic ·Tue National \V e at her LOS ANGELES \UPl l -Beverage.'! of the Sen11te l Service said more than thr~ Redd Fo1tx and Demond Committee on Governmental quarters of an inch of rain Wilson, stars of the te\evisien Organization. drenched l01ver mo u n l ai n se.ries "Sanford 3nd Son," Alcohol reS('a~her a~ d~g areas Tuesday. J\1ore showers expert Joel ort o • n or thundershowers, and snow were sued $10 million each Francisco said at both a nev"s above the 3.500-foot elevation, Tuesday because tbey failed to conference and the hearing show up for rehearsal. that liquor lobbyists p I y were expected today. Tandem Productions, lnd ., legislators "'ith "food. booze JN THE San Francisco Bay \\-"hich produces the popular and women." lie cited lobby. area , si:r inches of snow fell show, riled separate suits ist Jaml'S Garibaldi as giv· overnight al Lick Observatory against the hvo. charging they ing money to members of on Mt. Hamilton in Santa did not appear at NBC's the committee and other Clara County. snow also was studios in Burbank ~londay for legislators in order to ld\1 hill s reported on l\1t . Tamalpais in the scheduled start of on alcohol reform. in HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORROW, APRIL 25 Huntington Center ~ Beach & Ed inge,.. 12 noon. S pm, 7pm-9 pm Ed ison High School 21400 Magnolia, 7 pm · 9 pm Huntington Beach High School · 1905 ~In St., 7:30 pm . 9:30 pm Arevelos School • 19692 Lexington Ln., 7 pm · 9 pm A Public Service from · • Huntington Beach Rotary Club and Orange County lleart As soc \V ith Thanks to: ~ Crin1 c Rate Dropping :O.·lari n Count y, A1t. Diablo in rehearsal for the upcoming Asked by a r£'µo rtcr. ··Are p • f • SAN DIEGO (AP \ -San Contra Costa Count y 1:1nd 1974·7S season. you sugges1ing Iha! Garibaldi l ' ac1 IC Diego Gas & Electric Co. along Skyline Boulevard south Superior Court . Jud ge provides \~1omen?" For I reports a slu mp in earnings of San Francisco. Campbell Lucas issued a ans\\·ered. •·ves. I an1."' But for 1973 and the first quart er The Califcknia valley city of temporary rest ra ining order Port later said that in !he' c • t a k of 1974, bl aming higher fut'! Stockton. which usually has prohibiting Poxx and \Vilson confusion or 1nany people I y an costs and lower c n c r g Y high temperatures in the 80s from engaging in public talking at once. he thought he consumption . in mid·April also had snow for performances. A hearing ¥.'as \\'as answering a previous Goldenwest & Edinger, Huntington Be•ch In Bny Area Shareholders were told al -~•bo~u~t~l5~m~in~o~te:s~Tu~e~sd~a~y:.. -~se~h."'ed~u~led:"._lf~o'..r :M~a~y~6:.. ___ _'.!q~ues~ti~on":._H~e..'sa~id~he:_!h~as~no~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday's annual meeting that SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Police report a dramatic drop in major crimes here since stepping up street patrols In a search fo r gunmen responsible for a se ries of random shootings. The patrols were increased in late January after five persons \\'ere gunned down on citv streets ovt'r a two-hour pe;.iod. In areas where the , shoot· ings have occurred, police revealed Tuesday that major crime dropped 30.7 percent in February. compa red with the same period in 1973. Citywldr. major crime was down 21.3 perl'ent. Figures for ~!3rch were Jess dramatic. hut were still considered "significant" by po\Jce. ti;1ajor crime was down 6.S percent in Zebra areas lasl month CQmpared with March. 1973. City1\·ide. the crime rate declined 2.5 percent. the utilit y's earnings last year were $1. 78 a share. a drop of six percent from 1972, despite gains of 16 pe rcent i n opera ting revenues and 13.5 pe rcent in net income. for the fir st qua rler of the year, ea rn ings were 63 cents a mu.re, compared with 70 cents in the first quarter of 1973. although operating revenue~ and net income both increased 11 pe rcent. the company said. Con1pany president \Valier Zitlau said this ye a r ' s CQnstruction budget has been Nt fro1n $172.7 million to $149.8 mill ion. lie said other economies include elimination of a pamphlet enclosed in util ity bills. Zitlau said the utility has won approval for $7S million in rate increases in the past year and is pressi ng for 1norc. In the long n111, he said, the utility pins its hopes on "the development and expansion of (:rl'atcr San 11icgo." NOW! FOR A NEW LOW $2,500 DEPOSIT YOU ENJOY ALL THE LATEST S:;;=~BENEFITS OF THE q;;?fMt·a !J/h~d SAVERS CLUB Besi des lowering ehgib1htv re· quire ments. now lhe Savers Club oilers you new opporlu · nilies to save on automobi les. tires. furniture. television sets. home a ppliances. carpeling and drapes. And you can stretch your budget wilh money-saving discounfs on entertainment at· 1rac1ions. travel tours, restau· rant dini ng and purchases of a wide variety of quaHty mer· chandise. minimum amounts of $1 ,000- ~ . passbook accounts in any amoun t. So tong as your sav- ings total s2:soo in one or more .. LFS sa\l ings accounts, you are ~ eligible for a Savers Club '"' membership. Sears Where Thrift Is Always In Style Located On The Lower Level a.Misses' Fash.ion Nylon Kn.it Pants 48s [)oublc knic !>rn:11 h nylon pJnt,. l·l.1rt" leg styli ng. J·J!>h1<1n ... oJ,,r,. .\li:ist·!>· siZ.l'S. h. Misses' Tailored Cotton Shirts 388 1\ hk-nJ tll polyt·~tt·r-.1nJ -Av rd "' 1.1yon. Perm.1nenr rrt ·\S. (J .IS\I<. .11lr ~1rl1:J ,,·irh lon.i.: r nin(l·d till· IJr). ~f iSSt'!>. ~11.t·:i. "·Juniors' Polyestl'r Wa~p Kn.it Pants 666 \\" 11h \\•1de \\'di~tbands. In ,1,,1 1r1.._-,j 'iylcs anJ ... olors. i\l.tCh1 nt'·\\·,1,h. Junior size!>. ,f. Juniors' Ribbe d Ny lon Knit Tops 388 :o.lt.•t·I.. ~trhn,c .,, 1!11 n11n 1 ribs ,\,. 'ortt'd p.tstt'I ·~olor~ \\·,1~h,1 hll In s1z.t:S S, ~I anJ L. Paul Liner Gircl l" 288 ,-\ .~rt'.11 slimmt~r to "''l'.tr unJer f'.1nts . Sn1ooth 111- 11nsz. Loni-: lcn,1.:1h. Srzc, ~I. L JnJ XL \'\'hut· \ I l . I I Knee-High Hosie ry ~I \)nl)'. 3-9-C J>a;r ---· Perfect "'ilh p.tntS! Oor .!iiz(' tirs "11. Fa.!ih1on sh.tdes. HOMI! OFFICE; 260 Oeean Avenue, Laguna Beach,,Ctlilornla 9265t , Telephone : Bt1ena Park • ~l(ll'f' ll<1ur"'1 ~len•I•' 1hru 1'<1111rrd•T llr-'40 s\. \I. itt 9 :1fi0 P.M. ...u11l11r 12 "'"'• A!J4~7~4 1 . LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 MOl"llHCh Bay P111za . SAN CLEMENTE: 60 1 North El Camino Rea! • LAGUNA HILLS1 24038 Calle de la Plata • LAKE ELSINOA! • 600 Woi11 Gr11ht1m Avonue • .. • Sears Costa Mesa :i :J:l:f BrJ,101 St .. l'horu• .'i40..3:!3:1 Hl .';"C) 1.:i l1alr11a \, • ., l'l1"n~ 11211· I 11111 to ;j l'.i\1. \ a l t t Cl Ii st f I B a a t t 1 t H " t A a A \ Today's Finni. VOL. 67, NO. 114, 7 SECTIONS, 96 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1974 N TEN CENTS City Loosens IJp on Liquor~ But •••• By I.. PETER KRIEG I>! .. o.ltr ,llet SI.,,. Newport Beach groups Y.'ho Y.'3..Dl to serve liquor in ct>rtain public places apparently "'ill be able to do so -but they belt(lr have a good reason. Ci ty councilmen t\lay 13 are expected lo adopt a formal policy tha1 "·Ot.Od allow the use of alooholic be\'tragcs in:and on city-owned facililles -parks and. libraries excluded -but they've lied one ' string very tightly around the provision. Perm.its to Strve liqoor v.'\11 have to be approved. by City Afanagcr Robert L. Wynn, a Alonnon, 'A'ho says he can hardly thin): of any good reason 10 approve such a permit. Wynn says he doesn't think !he fact • he's a teetotaler "'ill cloud h I s judgment. hoy.·ever •• ' ''I go tO oocktail parties all the .time and don't drink," \Vynn said. "To be perfectly honest, I might not be the best one to pass judgment, but I ABBOTT ANO COSTELLO IN FAMILIAR POSE FROM 1952 Death Cliimt Bud Abbott (left), Straight Man of F1mou1 Tum Bud Abbott Dies; Teained With Comedian Costello HOLLY\\1000 IUPI) -W i 11 i am "Bud" Abbolt, 75. the skinny straight man to Lou Costello in one of the most famous comedy teams of the 1940s, died today at his home in Woodland IUlls. Death was attributed to cancer, a family spokesman said. Abbott's widow Betty was wilh him when he died at 7 a.m. Abbott had been in poor health for more than a decade after a series of strokes. He finished his life living on Social Security after his savings from the huge sums he hearned as a star were stripped from him by the government in a tar action in 1959. Abbott and Costello spent much of their professional li\'CS in obscurity until they achieved spectacular fame in the 194-0s v.•ith routines which established them as the successors to Laurel and Hardy. Costello died in 1959. Abbott was 38 by the time he teamed \\'ith Costello and in his 40s by the time they became a nationwide hit in the \\'orld War II years. He and Costello made more than 50 movies and were together for 21 years. Abbott once said he made $400,000 a year at the height of his career in the 19405. Abbott was born into show business in Allantic City, N.J., Oct. 2, 1898. His Orange «Aast Weather Cloudy and cool ls the outlook for Thursday, with chances of drizzle diminishin g and tempera· lures remaining in the lower 60s along the coast. ' INSIDE TODA.\' A migranc farm work tr, whose uncWimect .bodJJ stood ht the corne r of a funeral home in Sou!ll Carolina for 3ii year!, :tressed mtd Wearing a hot, will fiool/y be laid to re11t. See Page 3. IU Y•llf' ...... let I ..... "' ,. I.. M ... \"II U CtllfotrN1 I ,.,_~ 11 c11 .. 111.. 4,,.. c-ic• • ,,......... . Dul!! ... ,left 11 C.iteriN I'•• ._, l:1tle1"1tlMllllll *JI l'!Nflf• tf.11 .... ..... ,..,. , ... lt-.11 lt, .. -. hi tltt kf'tlct .. - ..... L.•llffrt • Miii .. • • Mt!!" T,... tt --• u-ts M11h1 .. ,.,,,... Jt "•'ltolfl """ t Otl!IM Ctt111ty 11·11 ,,,.,. ... .,.,ff " ~ fl·tl cw. , ... IM.lwllll 11 Sloct M1"-t »JI 1'tk\'I-*' )1-lJ Tit .. !-1 ... ll w .. 111tr ' WffN Htwt 4 mother was a ci rcus bareback rider and his father was an advance man fo r the show. At 15 he left home to become a sailor, shoveling coal on a ship bound for Norv.·ay. His father got him a job in a boit office and that was his career for 13 years, working in assorted burlesque houses. One night "in some town I n Pennsylvania,'' as a studio biography said years later, the comic fell ill and Abbott the ticket taker took his place. It was not until years later. in 1936, that he met Costello, another burlesque house comic and former Hollywood stunt man. In the 50s, the team faded and in 1957 (See-ABBOTT, Page ZI No Clues Fo11n<l /11, Grove Girl Sex Slaying Anaheim police said today they have 'no clues to the identity of the killer in the brutal ser slaying Tuesday of a 17-yea r- old hotel maid from Garden Grove. The nude, knife-slashed body of Laurie A. Bertsch. 11S3l Norma Lane . "·as found sprawled on a bed in a vacant room at the Sheraton Inn on Ball Road near Disneyland. · A police spokesman said investigators still have no leads in the slaying and ha ve found no trace of a weapon. Police wouldn't say U the roon1 v.·here the girl's body had ~n (ow1d y.-as occupied during the night before the murder. Miss Bertsch's body 'A'as discovered shortly after nooo by some of her co- workers whQ_ told police they became woMied when she didn't show up -for her 10 a.m. ~fee break. They said the)' found her cleaning cart in a hall outside the room where the preuy, bro'Wl)>haired girl's body was found with multiple stab wounds and 1hc throat cut. • Police ~·ere told ~iiss Bert.sch was last seen alive at about 8:30 a.m., shortly after she began her shUt at the hotel. An autopsy was due lo be performed today by I.ht. count} coroner. but police &aid It appears the girt was !he ''lctim of a sex slayer. Miss Bertsch was a January graduate of Carden Grove lligh School and •'a! 'A'orklng to earn money to pay her 'A'3Y through junlor college, where she planned to stuJy poUce science, h r parents told officers. don 't think it v.·ould a[ftet my decision." Wynn said he cerl<:\iflly won · t discrim inate -he can·t think ol any permits he'd approve. "Oh. if the la\.111 bcn~·ll'rs \.\Jnttd to ha\·e a party at their clubho\JS('. lhat n1ighl be all right" he said, not ing 1ha1 group bui lt-the clubhouse on city property and tumed the building O\'er 10 the city. ..There m<'.ly be some other exceptions, but I can't think or any right nov."" he !iiaid. "~tort" people \.\'Ould be better olr .ir 11K>y stopped drin king, anyY.'<l}'." \\'}11n offer<.'d . The 1ssu« of liquor in public plact's nrose last month \.\hi.on 1.nne v.·as sen'L-d at .i candidat<'S foru m in the \\'est 1'\ev.1>0n public library. Li brary boord members ra iSC'd a stink aboul 1t v.·i1h the rouncil1 \.\·h1ch then ordcrL'CI the policy prep.:tn:.'<I. The citv's Parks. Beaches a n d Rrereat1on-Commission has :i toni.:- standing policy proh1b1l ing aleohol 111 p:irks :lnd it \\Ill conlinuc The library board's pol il'' app.1r1·111!y \las ne\·cr ror1nahzcd, ho\\t'\Cr. but 11 \rill be shortly. Ik---sid~ lhl' liquor ronirol. there arc :1 nunibcr ·or other restrict ion~ Iha! \\'~1ln v•ants v.Titten 1nlo the pol ley 'rhe list of prohibited uses 1nt·ludt·~ iStt LIQUOR, l'aj?e 21 Egypt Aid . Sought Nixon W arits to Give $250 Millio1i \\'ASHINGTON <AP I Presid('nt Nill:On today asked Congress fnr $.5.18 billion in for<'ign aid money. including $250 million to help Egypt clear the Suez Canal, repair v.·ar damage in ad jacent cities and restore trade \\'ilh the linit1'CI States. Al the samc time. Nixon asked for $350 million in ntilitary support for Israel and La·wyer S<t)"S Mitchell Ccise lVot Prove,J NE\V YORK tUPi l -John N. ~titchell's attorney today told a federal court jurYTJlllISsummafion that they had one thing to decide: ··John ~litchell is eithe r an attempted fixer and a liar - or he is neither." "This case Is not even close tn proved," Mitc hell'.'> attorney, Peter f.leming Jr., said ... The duty or free men is to give freedom unless they (the government ') pro\•e their case to lht> point where you can live the rest of your life v.•ith it." lie ended hi s summation Y.'ith those v.·ords. Fleming had told the panel the case against !he former attorney general and one-ti.me Commerce Secretary l\faurice H. Stans was .. a prosecutor's vi sion. engendered in the heat of a terrible national trauma." Fleming's summation y.·as the sec<>nd and last for the defense. Stans' attorne)'. \Yalter J. Bonner. hammered away in his sum mation Tuesday at a sarcastic theme -"Some fix ! Some conspiracy'." -and said that the government deliberately built its conspiracy case. Fl eming said that the governmrnt prosecutors had painted ,_litchell as the "second most powerful man in America·· in his post as attorney grneral in lj1e Nixon administration. "We go home and joke with him :it night about ""'hat a lousy fixer he is," Fleming said . ~fitchell . 60. and Stans. 56. are charged with trying lo impede a fed rral investigalion of financier Robe rt I.. Vesco in return for tiis secrrt $200,000 cash contribution io the 1972 Nixon campaign. Vesco was indicted as a co-defendant but Oed the country. .. This must be the only fix case in modern times. or ancient times, or Biblical times. or prehistoric times where a payoff is made in April 119721 and everything gets v.·orse." Fleming said .. The donation v.·as promised on April 6 and delivered on April 10 and ever after e\·erything gets worse. But it took us - and I say this sadly -it took us to bring that out. ~ "This is not a case about any corrupt effort to obstruct justice. This case is a vision , a dream -someone 's vision about what must have happened. someone's tunnel vision about v.•hat must have happened. "It's a prosecutorial vision -n prosecutor's vision that you may find \.\'a~ engindered in the ~t of a terriblC national trauma. Song Festiva l Slated For Ha1·bor Sc hool A high 1ehool Song Festival, including all four ?\ewport Beach and Costa ~1esa high school choirs. will be held at Newport ltarbor High School Friday al 7:30 p.m. Each choir 'A'l ll perform sepa rately and In a combined choir of more than 200 voices conducted by Dr. David Thor!l'n, Director of Choral ~1usic at Cal State Fullerton. Tht conrcrt is open to me public· free of char gt'. • •. $207.5 million for Jordan. lie sa id the United States •·can :'lnd should play a construct i\•e role 111 sl'<'uring a JUSt and durabl~ace in the f\l iddle Ea st by facilitaUrig 1ncreas1."d understanding bct"'t't'n tht! Arab nations and Israel . .. The Pres ident also requested S939.8 million 10 assist South Vie t n a 111 , 'LOCAL GOVERNMENT KEY' Coastal Commissioner Ro!.tner Proposition 20 'C hanges Outlook Of Developers' R\ .IACK IE llY~tA.\1 00 1 ll!t O•lll' l"llOI l l•ff Proposition 2A has ch angt'd lhe attitudes of a number, of developers about the kin d or projects th ey build. South Coast Coastal Comniissioner Judy Rosener told the Friends of Ney.·port Bay Tuesda y. ··1 think many of them no"' realize you can make almost as much money with a good prOJC'Ct as "'ith a bad one," ~lrs. Rosener, a Nev.'POrt Beach resident . told the environmentalists. ··:'l.fany of thcm are coming in v.•ith helter projccls nov.· because othel"A'iS<' they knov.· thei r permits "'ill be denied.·· she said. !\lrs. Rosener cited the example of a Los An geles developer \\'ho was denied a permit !o build a 13-story building and came back 'A'i th plans fo r a three-story buildin~. \\'hich was approved . ''lfe told me he v.•as proud of the threc- story buiiding because it was really attractive and a much better plan:· she Shid. The state -coastal commission is also supposed lo develop a sta!ev;ide plan t9 protl'Ct the coostli ne by 1976. f\lrs. Rosener said she thinks the \Vay the panel sells that plan to the state Legislature is crucial. . She said the key to that sales pitch will be loca l government agencies. "That's where the poWi!r is,·• ~trs. Rosener said, urging local citizens ro put pressurt on local politicians Oil behalf or the plan. .. , think that citizens ought to reallz.e that local polltlcla& art: very sen$itive to pressure," she said. "But thcy'rt only sensitive to that pressure which 1raru- latrs Into votes or monty." Arni. Ro!ener nl~ crlliclzcd the lack of enfol"C't'ment provl!lom In Proposition 20. "We have over 200 violations in . this region of Los Angel~ and Ornnge Coun- (St• PROP. tO. Page lJ Cambodia and Laos .. 1n lhcir efforts to sh ift their ecooomics from 11o·ar lo pe:ire and to acreleratC' reconslilution of th•·ir societies " Thr lndochin:'l fi~ure did not includ<' n1ilita ry as.'iistancc. v.hich th is yra r is runninl? at an annual rale of Sl.4 bilhnn All the mooey. includin~ a special $100 1nillion J\lidcast fund for pearckecp1nJ.! forces. rcfugt'c aid and dC'vrlop1nf'nt projeL·ts. \\'Ould be for the fisca l year tha1 be gins July I. Congress ' rt'spnnSt' is u n c l' r ta 1 n . althoug h one member of the Scnall' Foreign llelations Committ ee. Sen. RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA. An1lysis, Page 4 Frank Church fD-Jdaho l. haii said he is opposed "to re\•erting again to thal old habit of trying to outbid the Soviet Union in securing Egypt's friendship." Nixon's' request for l:gypl ae<:elerates the fast-build ing change in relations lx't.,.,een the countries. The l'A'O restored full diplomatic contacl'i last v.•cek arter a 61z·yc.q r brruk and &!cretary of St:'lte Henry A. Kissingrr is coneen!rating on An'A':Jr Sada! of Egypt for Arab suprwir1 in v.·orkinR out St~ttl<'menls wilh Israel. On Sunday he begins his fifth tour of the region since the Arab-Israeli 11o•a r lAst October. SCi'kinJ.: a disengagement between Israeli and Syri<in forces in th e Golan J·lcight.~. .. The hope for a lasting solutiOfl to the Arab-!sracl1 dispute is stronger today than at any time in the prC'\'ious quarter century.'' r\ixon told Congress in proposing !he special assistance program for the :\lidd le East. ··American diplomatic 1n111ative~ ha\ e helped create the cond111oms :'leces<;ary for an end to conflict and violence. \\'hile ou r diplomatic efforts must and \\JI! continue, lherc is al ready much that c,1n be dooe to suppleml'nt and con.<;ol1da1e y,.·hat has bci!n achievc-d so far." hf' said. \Vh1le Israel ::ind Jordan 11,ould get military aid. Egypfs $250 million 11,·ou!d be enl1rely economic. In Indochina, Nixon said, L".S .. 11<1 "1s no lr~s crucial" to achieve a f}(';ICI' th;H "protects our lnlcrcsts and reflects our pas! ln\·olve1ncnt" in !he <lrt'a. 7\txon said he was seeking ] boost in economic aid for Indochina from the $45Q million appropriated by Congress for th l,:;; yea r to '·pem11 l the developinent of \'iable .. ~elf-supporting c«inom1es" that v.·ill need reduced 1,;.S. aid a fey.• years from nov.·. TO RULE ON BOOZE Teetotaler Wynn 11 111 >eac l1111 t•n t AJle ~ati o 11 :; c J\Iav Be Pared • \\"ASllJ~r;To:"\ rrl'1 1 -1..:111\'ers ror !he llou5'c Judic1,1r\' Comn111tce arr prcparf'd In rrcon11n1:00 that abou l hall or 56 polcnlial 1m1X'achml'OI COUlllS against f'rc-s1<tC"nl ~·1xon be dropp<'d. 11 \\'as lcamt'd loda1·. The n -commeiiantion \'.'Ill bc m.idr Thursdn\• \\'hen th!! co1nmittcc meets ui public SC.ssion 10 hear a rtJ)()rl fro1n thl' panel's !!'gal staff on IN! results or lt11 pr~·lim1nnr~· in\·estig:1ti1in Thi· eonuni ll C!e's rh11·r coun~rl. .Jnhn ,\I l)uar. :ind tht• rnun~t·l for HC'puhhC':H1 1ninor1t~' n1cnllx·rs. Albt·rl J1·nnt·r. 11 Ill NEW JOLT SEEN FROM TAPE EXPERT. Story, Page 4. ---r•·l·on1mrnd rhc 1•!1n11nnl 11•11 nf 111any of the 511 allcgat1ons that h:i\'c l>o~•·n under in\'l'S11i.:a1ion since lh(• inquiry go1 unri cr ..,.,:iv la.st \\Jnl1·r. Thr· 5f. \\'l'rt• l1 ~lt'<I in ii na:mo 10 the committe<> :\larch l At 1·hursday·s mct'l1ni.:. co1nmittce n11'mhf>rs are rxp<'tltd -lhouith th•·y \\On 't like it -to go alonR v.ith lhl·ir chairman and give the Presidl·nt fi x•· more days to respond to a subpoena for ~2 \\'atcr~atc L1pcs. The purpose of the rcco1nmC"ndation lo drop the charges is lo narrow lhc allegations again~1 ~1xon "·hich might ullunatcly be rP<:ommt·nd1'<1 \11 lhl' l!OuSf• .of l{eprcsenlat ives ;is 1nd1\·idual count~ in an 1mpcachml'nt rt.'!¥llulinu. LB add I Watl'.'rg::ite Sc;1n .JV ,Jenn!'r br1l'fed Hc1>ubt1cans 011 !he 38- mcmbcr comm1ttf"e today. rt·ad1ng rrnn1 ;1 draft of hts Joint rcc1Hn1ncndat1ons "·11h l.>oa r. Among a!lcg..:1 t1ons !hey Tl'C'Jn1n1e11dctl dropping : -Those 1nvnh1n~ I\1xon\ personal flnancin~. 1nclud1ng hnlln('l!l~ or his San Clemente :.ind Ke~· Bi scayne homes. but excluding allci::ations of frtiud in lhc !Ste l.\ll'E,\CJL l'nJ::e 21 The Male Ego Six Bo 'vs /;,'nter Beauty Co ntest 0\• JACKI E: llY:\IA~ '01 "'" O.ilY 'Utt t111t There I'> a record number of f'ntrles 1n the :\tiss :\'ewport HeRch contest thi ~ year. but six of the 27 applil•nn~ .1r(' boys. Xe\\'por t Harbor Jaycees admitted today. . "\\'e discovered that some boys had altered their names on tht' application. §.'!ch as from George lo c:rorgl na. when v.·e \\'ent to the high schools 10 eh('ck up 011 th ei r academic ret:ord s;" ~id contest chairman !:>cnn1s Landesman. "I guess they thought 1t "A·as funny.'' he said. ''I'd be upset. but I know I 14 0uld have done the same thing myseU when I v.'a! in high school." Ten semi-finali.sts--all girlS-'A'i\I h(> selected tonight, Landcsman ~aid. Th e girls v.·i11 be 1nforn1ed of the decision privately . • Five finahsLS "'Ill be chosen April 30. The winner v.·ill be crowned by Debbie Hodgins, the present ~fl~ Ne\\·port Beach. on June 21 at the Commodore's B<lll at the Balboa Bay Club. The winner 'll'i ll repre!e.nt the city of Newport Beach during the. noxl year at a \tltrlety of functlOl'l!. Contestants, who mwt be between the ages of 1~ nnd 17, 3rc judged on talent prr"O~I t n re r v 1 e \\' s. scholas11r ;1ch1(·rrmrnt. l'°L'•' 11nd arpc·aranC1'.', and yo11th fltnrss and ntt1tucle. Landesman !!:ltd. Tht•rc \1•111 Ix• 1111 ~\\·11n 'i1ut compctlton anr! no page;1nt 111 the .'\r1\•port 8(!ach conl• st. .. \\'~'re lookin~ for a t~'p1cal high ~ ~chi)OI girl. not ~ beauty queen type," L.flndr1:n1an said Thl' puhlic c;in niecl the f1nalisti1 Jun~ 14 at 1·30 am at lhf' <A>m n1odore's hre.1kfn~t :'lt the Rn!hori Ray C.1ub, when the talent compelition will be held. Al!IO <>pen to the pubhc Is a fashion sho'A·-lunch~on Junf' 15 DI 12:30 p.m. at the 7'e"·porter Inn in .\'t'wport Beach. The five fino.hsts and 17 models will show the latest fashions. The ne"· ~tiss ~ewf!Ort Beach will comJ>('le in the Californ ia Junior ~tlss PIRC"anl in January 1975, If she wins, she v.ould go on lO the national pageant Jn ~lay The fcmalt applicants from Newport liarbor ~Iill'.h School are LlndB Jean ~laugerL Ursula Robinson , ~tellnda moot. Joyce .\lcVay .ind Susan Odell . Al.~ from ~e'A'port Harbor lllgh School are Timi ~ll:"ehan, r-.1arla Robln!Wn, OaU (Set F.NTRANTli, Poat II • I • •' . ,. 1.1 , 1 ~ourt R 11lit1g ~Popeil Lawyers ' Launch New Bid One more move In an cHor : to prevenl Newport Beach rtsldcnt Eloise Popeil from facinc trial for allci:cdly ploning the mu rder of her mililona ire husband 2,000 miles avoay has been taken by her defense attorneys. A molion requesling the California Supreme Court to rule on whether or not a true conspiracy. can be presumed 10 have existed-at such a distanCC-"'-'ill soon be heard. Santa Ana attorney Phil Petty said Tuesday that he expects a quick decision F ron• Pqe J PROP. 20 ... ties," she sa id. "If the commission had ·the right to say, 'Tear it dO\\'ll,' we Y.'Oiildn't have tho6e violallont." She said that the !ines imposed by the courts are rarely high enough to serve as a deterrent. ~·1rs worftl $10,000 to violate the pro- po1ition.'' Mrs. Rosener said. , ·She also criticized the fact that there 1s llO criteria wtrich coastal commlssioo- ef1 must meet and no way of removing tbem unleM a member who is a public -oll.icial fails to be re-elected. "'We have commissioners who don 'l even believe in Proposition 'ZO," ~1rs. ltosener said. ''They say they · r c iipresent.ing lhe 40 perccot of the · pO.putation who voted against it." · •~1 believe when you pass a lav1, you $ian't pass lt 60 percent." she said. ';You .dQn't put its ad1ninistration in !he hands p[ people who don't believe in it." . :.tn discussing !he achievements of the proposil ion. ~1rs. Rosener said, "Perha ps the most important issue we've raised is that of coastal dependence. tet's only use th€! coaslline where we need coastline." "Let's not put a marina where there's good surf or a good bathing beach," she said. "Let's use our resources wisely.•· .!'We've also wresUed with the problem ·or environmental derinitioru," ~lrs. Rosener sakl. "How high is f.oo high? How dense ts too dense? How polluted is 1oo polluted!" =•·1 think ~e are now thinking about tlte impact of density on beach access, parking and traffic congestion," she said. · ·Proposition 20, passed by a statewide ,initiative vote In November 1972, created ;q: regional coastal ~mmissi9f1s and ooe slate eonunls.1ion to develop an overall plan for prof«ting tbe COMUlne. . ' It also gave the commluions the power ,ji> . approve ot deny penillts to buUd :W\thin 11000 yards of the ocean. ~ch regional coastal commission is coinposed of six public official and six l'uember3 of the public. Tbe state board consists of six public members and one member from each of ltle six regional commissions. Frona Pqe 1 LIQllOR ... -Meetings for personal gai n or commercial enterprise not related to civic purposes. :..... Groups or indivi duals reprCS('!nting a single political party. -Groups or individuals conducting rotmal religious a n d ecclesiastical rqeetings, gatherings or classes. · -Meetin gs or activiti<'s held for or related to purposes of advancing an~· doctrine, theory or :iclion sub\'crsive to federal. state or local Jao,\'s. Any group using any city facility will be required to pay cleanup costs. on !ht! n1otion filed with the state's highcsl court in San Francisco. lie mnintains tha t no conspiracy could have seriously existed, despite what ony dcfclldants may huve mentioned in terms of casual conversation. Petty was denied a hearing by an appeals court in Los Angeles, on .crounds the appeal should follow ftle trial. He has bl-en refu!lcd motions on those reasons al municipal and supertor court trials, too. "They're generally pretty swift ," Petty saicl of the length of time it might take for the state Supreme Court to decide on his moUon, perhaps as little, he predicted. as two Wl?Cks. lie has been representing fl1rs. Popcil. ~8, of 519 HiK'bor Island Drive. since h r arrest in Januarr along "''Ith I)aniel Ayers, 37, of Santa Ana, by Long Be11ch police. Both have pleaded inn ocent to allegedl y plotting the murder of San1ucl Popei\ Jr .. 63. a Chicago ki1chen gadget tycoon. Petty has also ~'on a continuation of the tria l until June 17, l>ecause his partner, Newport Beach lawyer Robert Green, has a e-0nflicting murder trial in progress. Ayers anct"'Mrs. Popeil both remain free on bail. A motion for a chnnge of venue to a different area In the event Atr s. Pop and Aye rs cannot avoid trial is also due for a hearing l\1ay 10 in Loog Beach Superior Court. Their defense attomcyJ maint:iin that f'ven if both must be 1ried on the existing cha rges of conspiracy to commit murder and solicitation to commit murdt!r that they could not receive a fair tria l locally. A pair of men 'A'ho once worked 'A'ith Ayers at Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach went to authoritie~ after allegedly being so licited to kill Popeil. He has been est ranged from his blonde wife and Jiving in a Chicago apartment "'hile ~waiting final dissolution of their marriage. Accused Killer Of SA Wido1 v To Face Trial An unemployed hospital o rd er I y aC'CUsed of the slaying of Or. Uluis . J. Celia's mother-in-law was order«! late Tuesday to face trial Aug. 12 in Orange County Superior Court. , Judge James Turner set the trial date for Louis Stanley Wlecheehl. 30, and refused to lower the $500,000 ball set for \Vlcchechi who is in the county jail. Wiechcclii was arrested Inst March I shortly af1er the body of ~1rs. Marion camilla Morgan. 79. was round on a \veed-covered lot at the rear or the Sa nta Ana apartmen t building otAn«I by the t\1ission Viejo physician and managed for him by Mrs. fi.1organ. It is alleged that Wicchechi strangled t\frs. Morgan after he quarreled with her about the janitorial duties he once performed at the 17th Street building. Police claim he then carried the body of the silver-haired widow from lhe apartment to the vacant lot, left a ransom note near the body and called police and FBI agents in a bid to diver t suspicion from himself. The arrest of \Viechcchi led Santa Ana police to reopen the files on t 'A'O previous deaths at the sa me apartment building. Both occurred \\•hi!c \\liechechi lived there. But police nO\\' appea r sali sricd that the previous verdicts of suicide in both ('ascs can remain on the coroner's files. They st aled Tuesday that \Vicchcch i is charged only tA·ith the mu rder of t\lrs. ~1orga11. 1Uaifame Chief The 165 policemen in Chica .. go's traffic ad ministration di~­ vision answer to ~hief Marilyn O'Regan, 53, a 26-year veter- an or the force who was ap- pointed to the $27,000..a·year last week in a shakeup of the Chicago police department. It's the hi ghest post ever held by a woman on the 13,750-member force. Delay I-lits Hoag Tower Co111pletio11 Eleclrlcal problems at Hoag Memoria l lfospital In Ne\\'J)Ort Beach have delayed the opening of the new I !·story patient· care to,ver until approximately ~1ay 1, a hospital official said Tuesday. The lo11'cr "'as formally dedicated Sunday but lessened electrical J>O"-'Cr rC'SUlting f~om t~·o electrical fire!i during the previous two weeks prevented the building from being occupied. A needed replacement part for the power duct was expected to arrive Tuesday, the spokesman said, and about a week will be required for installation and testing of the system. Trouble began April 5 with an II a.m. fire that destroyed a piece of duct which transfers power from the Edison Company's external IOUJ'Ce Into the hospital's power plant. _ The hospital immediately switched to its o.wn generator system, w h I c h ac tivates within seconds after a power failure. The duct was replaced that day with a spare part. When Edison Company power was resumed at 2:30 a.m. April 6, hotA·ever. a second fire blew out the new duct system and t'A'O Edison Company transformers. the spokesman said. 'J'he hospital ran on generator po!A·c r until April 12, tA·hen new Jines from the Edison Company were hooked up. providing about 60 percent of the hospital's normal power. The spokesman said the current potA·er is sufficient for usual hospital activities but 'A'ould be strained by the addition <lf the new tower's air-conditioning system. ''This has been a day·to-day process of "'aiting to find out "'hen the replacement part "·ill arrive." the spokesman said. "The problem is that It's manufactured out-of.state." "Yesterday "'e thought the part \\·ouldn't arrive until April 29 and "'e projected moving patients in between f\Iay 8 and 15." she said. "This m<lrning \Ve "-'ere told the part has already been shipped and s_hould arrive th Is Don Nixon 's Tax Returns MayBeEyecl NE W YORK fAP)-The Int e rn a I Revenue Service has agreed to let the Senale Watergate commiUee staff see tax returns and other data from the personal file! of I''. Donald Nixon <lf Newport Beach and Charles G. Reboz.o, lhe New York Thnee said tciday ln a story qUoting 'A'elJ.placed IOUT('e&. Th e file lnf<lrmatlon was sought by the committee in connection with its invesllgallon of a $100.000 campaign contribution given IO Reboz.o in 1969 and 1970 by Howard Hughes. The i1me9 quoted well placed sources as saying the agrttment lo provide the committee with the politically .sensitive taz • returns a.nd <llhcr . materials was worked 001 Monday. ~ A source told 1hc Asscociated Press Tuesday night that the \Vatergate commlUee's chief counsel. samuel Dash. had a meeting t.1onday with Burke W. Wiltsey, an IRS offi cial. But committee sources conta•:ted Tuesday night declined to confirm the Times' account. The Times said tha t under the agreement, the IRS Information would not be gjven IO the commiltee but to one Democratic and one Republican staff member. The newspaper named the committee representatives as Carmine S. Bellino, ch ief investigator for the full conunittee . and Richa rd Schultz, an assistant minority counsel. Reh:lzo, President Nixon's close friend, has said lhe $100,000 Hughes COlltribution \\'BS left WJtouched in a safe-deposit box until It was returned to the Hughes interests last June 27. Herbert W. Kalmbach of Newport Beach. Nixon's former personal atlOrney, reportedly lold the committee last month !hat Rebow toid him he (Rebom) had given the money to the President's two brothers, F. Donald Nixon and Edward C. Nixon, and to Rose Mary \Voods, Nixon's personal secretary. The t'A'O Nixon brothers and ~1 iss Woods have denied they received any money from Reboro . From Pllfle J IMPEACH ... preparation of his income taxes. -Those concerning Nixon's ord~r commitUna: U.S. forces into combat in Cambodia. -A11egations of White ff o u s e involvement in illegal c a m p a i g n contributions exacted from corporations under threat or promise of government favor!. -Those lnvnlving Nixon 's refusals to spend appropriated funds t h r o u g h impoundments and his attempt to abolish the Office ()f Economic Opportunity in \'iolation of a Congressional mandate. -A variety of allegations that government agencies were ordered to do certain things or refrain from doing <llher things because of contributions. The \Yhittling process would still leave a large number of charges against the President -including allegations of obstruction of justice ln his handling of the Watergate affair. A Republican source d i s c l o s e d , meantime, lhat a second committee reques t for potential evidence from the White House included 46. 1 hours of taped convenations. This ls in addition to the materials under subpoena. for which the President asked the delay in the deadline for responding. 11fternoon ." "" The tower includes 244 single-bed fi roo1ns. a new emergency room. and ; la boratory, radiology and surgery facilities. Duchess Steps 011t The Duc hess of \Vi nd so r <left) arrives al the ~Iel ropolitan Opera in NeW 1·<lrk with socialite l\1rs. Edwin l-Jilton to at tend the National Ballet of Canada performance of "Sleeping Beauty." Magee Asks for Life Te1·m: 'I'm Going to Be l(illing' SAN JOSE (UPI) -Convict Ruchell l\lagee has asked a judge to send him to prison for life because, "I'm going to start killing." Jn an <lUlburst of fru stration during pretrial hearings before Superior Jud ge \\'il\iam Ingram , the 34-year-old Magee asked Tuesday that his pica of innotent he changed to guil_ty on charges resulting from the bloody August. 1970 shooting at the Marin County Courthouse in which a judge and three others were killed , l\tagee's trial is scheduled to start ~1ay 28 on kidnap.extortion charges in connection with the incident. Judge In gram refused to allO"-' the defendant to change his plea. fellin g him that It could not be accepted because tilagee had not confer red with his attorn ey. f\Iagee, \\'ho has b<'('n in\'ol\'ed in frequen t courtroom outbursts during lengthy trials. ~·as berating his court· appointed lawyer, public d,e f e nd e r Sheldon Portman. and accJsing the judge or being prejudiced. When Ingram refused to disqualify himself from the case, Magee left the courtroom. He cnme back a few minutes tater and told Ille judge: ·•1 "-'ish to withd raw my not guilty plea and enter a guilty plea to get oUt of this courtroom . I \\'ant you to give me life. f\tan. J'vc been 1hrough th is for JO years. From Page 1 ENTRANTS. • • \\'ayne and Ellyn Beamish. Other Newport. Harbor applicants are Sandra Eaton. Kinlberly P e a cock , Suzanne Aubert. Leslee P f i s c h n e r , Debbie La'A'ilz and Andrea Herman. Corona de! ).tar High School applicants are Jeannie Rush. Cheryl Karpels. Cynth ia Erger, fllartha Romero , Kimberly Oden and Jleathcr ~tcKenzie. -• I am tired of this insult ... 1 "'anl to go back to prison or wherever it 's at because I'm going to start killing wherever I'm at. I'm going to start here ... I'm going to make you shoot me." The judge recessed court fo r a half hour and then announced he "'ould delay further hearin g until Thursday to allo\Y Magee to confer with any attorney he wishes . Fro111 Page 1 ABBOTT ... broke up. Jn 1959. the Internal Revenue Service audited Ab bott's tax returns for eig ht years and disallowed $1 million in deduc tions. He sold his $250.000 estate and his ranch north of lhc city and said lhe government had taken all his securities "and pul a lien <ln everything," lea\'i ng h im penniless. Re even sold his T\' residual rights. He moved into a modest house in Encino. At oae point. When the publicity about hls financial troubles drew !Orne donations, he appealed to his fans lo send 50 cents apiece to help him pay off the thousands he otA·ed the IRS. He received $300 and said "it was darned nice of them ." Aft er the team split up. Ab bott filed suit . against Costello fo r money he claimed from their TV series. The 'suit \\'as stil1 in litigation 'A'hen Costello died. Abbott played a somewhat stuffy n1an \\'ho was ah\·ays correcting the impulsive, fumbling Costello. Early in their career. they appeared on the Kate Smith radio show and soon were in "Streets <lf Paris" on Broadway. Thei r first movie was ··one Night in The Tropics." The tall, thin Abbott i!nd the short, fat Costello 'A'ere the comedy kings of the 1940s and '50s, making dozens of films, appearing .,.,·eekly on radio and goi ng into television in the late 1950s. "And if they charge a fee for the meeting or activity. they may be required to submit a financial report following the event. Police Forced to Kill •• • .. • • • DAILY PILOT 1-.0o.~goo C....••o. ... r . ., ........ ,.,.,...... t""" ... "''"" ....... " .. -···~ lh , ... °"-r,.,,,u r ............ c -,..,· !•·o•w•·,_,.. •. ...,, "" , , ., .. ' ' ~""' "'""' '"'"• "~·" r-.. '"' ... "' ~· l••VI "' l•l•ll''I'"'"'" ····"' ·•"""' • ••l ~ .. tJ•"'I•'"" ~ .... JI.• 1,.1, ,.... ,.. "'G'• •llQ~., .,,,,.:in" ,...,t···"• I ~'' ,.,,,., 0~1 '\.>• ""'"' ,,,..,,.,"'~"""''·•"·'>t••·••• •' •••w•" e.,s1•""1 c~'" ~· ... r~ ,.,,.,, '"' ''· ~.t .. .,.r.J w .... ! '""'""" .,.,1 ~~n ,., I~·\ ~· ~, • • / \I·~· p,,.,,,...,. f"lll'l<",...ol MJ"'V" ~H t ' R,•!,,;rdP Mal "'""'""'"'-"')llM,. ! ""·-~ • ..., H1•1""'4 .. eci. Offit1 • 11 \..""""'' ~ I '•' 1 lo ~ • ... ' '~I -o' Otltlr Offi~ti (M• I ~·•to lYI ....... ,fl"~ ... ~ l._,,. ""'·~ ,.,, ~-~ ,.. .... _. ,,..,,.~'lle~I••• lll"5"••11! ,. 1 a.~o-.... ;11)1-· •t..:-....... ~ ,,,, °'"'" Olofll Pl""'"""" ~ """,.,,-~---... "" Ot -·i:.-.......... , ""' -""'-o'.·~ ..i!ll(NIN«IAl....,..-al t-"O~- s--d .;,., "°''• 19'11 .. Oarll• ~ r .. ,,.,, ... $i1*:11'111;otl !W(:#-,, 00-ll!i'f ey ,,. • ... oo..-...~ .... -•l.(111 ~ l rvine Deer at Airport A young mnle dctir "-'h1ch wandered <IO"-'n out or the Irvine hills for a look at ils rapidly encroaching cil·ihzalion and thcll panicked finally had to be killed by authorities Tuesday night. The buck. about two years old, led police and aninu1\ control autho rities on a 2(}.minule chase "'hich blocked incoming and outgoing plnnes at Orange County Glider Victim Still Critical t yle Fann . the off-duty Fireman from Jlunlin~lon Be:ich who was Injured Sundav 1n a hang glider accident, 'A'AS "SliJ?htly improved" but still In critical rnndition today at Jloly Cross flospital In !\fiS!ion llills. Fann, 12. or 4111 Branford SL. suffered a fr.flctured b.1ck. pelvis and llnkle when. according to Los Angl'les police, hi~ gllder appa rently partially collapstd Sc.'nding him spiraling to the ground ln a nlountainous area near Sylmnr . A.bout 00 st.'Cmlds Inter, police sald a 17· year-old Thousand Oaks youth was killed in 11 similar accident In the same area . • • Airport before il was finally shot to death . , lh• had leaped one fence adjacent to the San Diego Free\\'<IY at the north side of the airporl and bounded down and around the runway. eluding ca pture. 'J'he curious deer first appeared in the area of Gulliver's, on Irvine's Restaurant R<lw, before authorities began trying to corral him. Irvine Officer Don De La!\.1ater was reportedly nearly attacked by the panicked animal, which had been dashing acfoSs stfeets in the area, nearly tausing accidcn!J . ''fie tA'OUJd hnve preferred to take him alive and. in fa ct, he tried to," said a pol ice spokesman today. "l'here tA·as just no way ••• " "Thoy had to 'dispatch it,' ... " he added or the deelsicn to shoot ltle l rambunctious young buck which by then hnd jumped the airport fence to Bril\01 Street. Jn\·estlgt\tors said that oetaslonally dttr from the lrvlne foothills wander down out lnlo civilization as It continually pu~hts tov.·ard them lfllh housing ttlctl and business centers. "But it Is rather rare ••• " Aid a spokesman ror the poUCi) department'• Animal Control div1!\on.. """ .... 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA-646-1919 :'~~!~ ' _ _,>r.iii ..... I'.-!! Little League Shoes 5. 95 All Purpose Shoes 8.95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes I 0. 95 up Tennis Shoes 9. 95 up Football Shoes 17. 95 up Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Rockets Tennis Balls Tennis Rocket Stringing Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rockets · Squash Rockets Tobie Tennis Paddles Darts Dort Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks -Raleigh Bikes Parts-Tires -Tubes Accessories-Repairing ' t • d • 0 s d j l • DAO..'t' PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE More Than Amids t the politicki ng over who'll get to be mayor or Newport Beach !or the next two yea.rs has arisen a proposal lhat the councilmen should take one-year tu rns sitting on the mayor's throne. The proposal ha's yet to be !onnally voicod by any member of th e council, and so Car ha.s declared support !rom onl y co uncilman, Paul Rycko!I. Mayor Donald 0. Mcinnis, wh o happens to be a candldat.e fo r re-election, is one of two councilmen who've adamanUy opposed the idea. The others want to study it. · The politics notwithstanding, we have to agree with Mcinnis_' point that a mayo r's e(fectiveness likely would be considerably reduced by the shorter tenn in office. Because of the growth of the city and the increas· ing demand on the mayor to represent the city in deal· 1ngs wilh many other governmental agenices. the job of mayor of Newport Beach is less and less the largely honorary post it once was. Funher, lack of Continuity inevitably would require delegating more responsibility and autborJty to a city manager. . -• A mayor should be chosen to provide the best lead· enhip, not just to be "honored" for a year. School Policy Needed \Vhen about 1,300 students at Lincol n ~fiddle School in Corona del Mar were sent home last week due to a power fai lu re. some of them failed to return directly home and were seen hitchhiking and hanging around the beach area. an 'Honor' parents by telephone in such a situation. It does appear that some procedures need to be established in advance bl the school admini.straHon to deal with the dispersal o students in ail cn1crgency. At the \.'err least, provisions should be made for or· ganlzed acUvitleJi and supervised \::tiscussion sessions on playgrounds. It might also be beneficial to ask parents to parti<:I· pate in the planning for the handling of their children 1n the event of need for ma ss dismissal of school during class hours. • Iloag J\{ovcs Ahead \Vhen lloag i\temor1al llospital. Presbyterian. dcdi· catcd its new 1 l ·s~ory patient care tower last v.·eekend, it was a milestone for the 1-larbor Arca comn1 un1ty as v.·ell as for the institution. Since its opening almost 22 years ago as a 75-bed ho?ipital. and the first one on the Orange Coast, the hos· pital has been a tribute to .excellence 1n community involvement as well as to excellence in providing health care. And perhaps the secret or the hospital's success is that even as it has grov.•n, through some al least five n1ajor additions to its facili ties and innumerable arquisi· lions of specialized equipment. to its now 472 beets and the most modern equip1ncnt and support facil ili<'s. it al - "'ars has reached out to the com1nunity. Not just for obviously needed financial !'Upport. but to seek con1mu- ni1y participation and to offer additional community scrv· ices and specialized rare. • ,. I • • .. / ',,< '/ • , . "'t~ll:jt(1y A parent protest to the Newport·?ifesa Board of Edu- cation complained about inadequate superv ision of re· leased st.udents and noted that many children who re· tu rned home were unable to get iri because no one was there. There is more to come at l-loag. But 1 loag ri.temorial ltospital. Presbyterian. de~erves a big rouod of applause and ~ppreciation from the community as it enters its new era of greater services -and the best wishes of all for continued success. 'Hello, H'hite House? I'd like to invite President i\"ixon to come out to our state and campaign for my opponent.' Although It would be Impossible to notify 1.300 This Crisis Jr1ill Be llard to Top ( ART HOPPE ) Federal Crisis Coordinator Upton Dov.'T!s vigorously denied any responsiblli· ty in the strange disappearance or The Ene.rgy Crisis. Dear Gloo,ruy Gus King Richard Is confusing the "in· herent right of the Presiden cy" urith the "divine right of kings." c n. Gl'-Y Gllll -ti we Mtlntlt!MI H ,......,.. ION .. NI ..CHUrlly '"""'' IM ......... ll'le ---, .... , ....... -· 1-GllMmr G111, lally ,.1111. ~ "It is the duty of 1'te U.S. Crisis housewives' Beef Boycott? That was a !o.lanufacturing Bureau to initiate crtJes;>"-goOd orie"": Then we threw In Shortages Do'\\'lls told a press conference, "not to and now that they're gone, we 're drum· terminate them." ming up interest in The Impeachment He noted the average life of an Crisis. Any questions ?" American crisis in the past 15 yean was 8.2 months. In scope and depth, if not duration, he said. ''The Energy Crisis far exceeded our fondest as pirations." While not as long·lived as The Threat of Nuclea r Holocaust in the late 19505 or The Civil Right. Battles of the early 1960s, he said, The Energy Crisis had a "much more immediate imPJ!cl." "Our st udies show it generated more cocktail party conversation than either Poverty, which .replaced CiYil Rights on our calendar, or Student Urtrest, which succeeded Poverty," he said proudly. "Frankly, we consider it one or our very best crises in recent years." UNLIKE Busing, v;hich followed Stu- dent Unrest. he said, The Energy Crisis '·brought the country together" - particularly in gas lines. In thi.s respect, it was similar to Hi· jackings. which replaced The Population Explosion. which followed Pollution, v•bich supplanted Student Unrest when interest in that crisis waned. "And it certainly had far wider appeal than The fl.tonetary Cri!is which we manufactured to fill the gap left by Pollution." he said. "The Monetary Crisis v.•as one of our few fiascos. "But we've more than made up for iliat mistake in the pasl year. We began '~·ith The Watergate Crisis and followed thnt up with Inflation. Remembe r the l\fR. OOWNS wa s immediately asked what happened to the gas lines. lie smiled. "One thing we've learned in the. Bureau is never to overestimate the at· tentioo span or the American people," he said. ''They simply grew bored with gas lines and refused to wait in them any more. After all. a cri!is requires the full cooperation of every citizen." A young reporter inq uired how the government had managed to solve all the problems A-1r. Downs had cited. f\.1r. Downs looked puzzled.. "Solve th em? But we haven't solved any or them. We stin have a Nuclear Threat, Racial Injust.ict, Poverty, Students. Busing, a Population Explosion, Pollution . a !\1ooetary Crisis. Watergate. Inflat ion and Shortages. They m e r e I y aC<- cumulate." 0 THEN WHY manul~ture crises?" the young reporter demanded. "Why, to lake the people's mind off their problems. of course." replied r.1r. Downs, '1particularl y the previous crisis they ju!t went through ." An older reporter asked v.'hat crisis we could e1pect next. "We are planning a Depression coupled with Inflation. "A Depression alone simply 11.'ouldn't do." N Police Drift Toward Militari:atio11 Danger of Non-thinking Tradition To the Editor: I ~·as delighted that Sgt. Tony \'1l1;1 took ihe lrouble to \\'rite :ibout m\' article. "American Po 1 ire ar-l' Strangers." (Daily Pilot. Ap ril 14 l!l '. ll r appropriately takes me to task ror bring ignor:int of day-to-day police oprrat1ons. especially recruitment. and I concede the point. llOWEVER, 1 \\'ish he had addresSt'tl himself lo the larger issues I attcmptl'd to set forth. For e"ample. I suggl•"SIC'd thal the police are trad ition·ridden. th:it they do not think throu gh "·hy they do what they do ~ith our money and our ~· ciety. Aga in. I suggested that this habit or :icting while non·lhinking prcxluces a drift or direction ot change t o "'' a rd militarization. to~·ard the attitudes ot an army of occupation. I suggested that the collcctivr police of this cowity are in total violation of the lav,. in setting lhcmsclves aOO\'f our democraticall y elected and I e g a 11 y responsible reprcSC'nlativC'~ -exncl)v the point that Supc\"isor Diedrich has sin<'e 1nade in his current conntct "'ith the police. I oou/d ha ve gone on. as I am sure Sgt. Villa kno.,,,·s. 1 l'tluld have suggestrd "It savs here it's ( ..... _1\_IA_IL_n_o_x _ __.J I.rlter.i f ran1 rtaders are 1velcome. f\'orrna/ly, writf'rs shon/d convey thei r lnl''tSOges in JOO u.·ords or less. Tlie righ t tn condl'nse letters to /ii .irpoce or elimiuate libtl is reserved. All let· 1ers 1nust i11cl11de signature and mnil· in!7 nrldress but llame" may be tcith· held on rtq11e-'t if sufficient reaso n i~ apoarent. Poetry trill not be-put>- l 1she-rl.. that these local but ste31d~: shifts In einphasls are the necessary. but not sufficient. preconditions for a 1l0licc st:ile. All unconscious. hO\\'e\·cr. All JU!il drift, ~·lthoul direction. BUT Sgt Villa should not f('(!I too had about all thLc;. Other human institutions proceed equally blindly, equally on in o- mentum from the past papered over by rationaliialions in the present C\'Cr r.lorr absurd. The shooting "'ar in \1ietnam \11th its shootin~ af!c·rm:1th -\IC no11· hire Vit•tnarnese to kill \'i,...tnarnt·s.: -1s th(' 11!tirn11te n11·ful l'X:1n1plc. l)AVID A 'lli:'\HO .'>peed Limit To the Editor: Your editorial of April 15 implies th.1 t Assemblyma n Rol>ert Ba d ha n1 ' s proposed bill to pt'rinanl"ntly Si"l frrc"'·ay speeds :it 55 mph .,,,111 ('fl11tr1buh· Slgnif1CantJy IO\\'ard IOWl'i°ing th t! hi.Rh"·ay auto fatnlity rat t' but 1gnort'S (',ali fomia lfighwa~ Patrol authorities "'ho stat<' th:11 "less traffic" i~ the reason for r('Cent lo"·er fii talitics \\•hich OC't'ur on rity c;lrects as "'el l as tile freeway . Rut nn ri!y s!rC'f'!s those spet.'dS \\·e re al\\·ays unr!cr 5~ 1nph. Sil whtorc r!ocs that lt·ave the D:ilh· l'ilot l'ditorial rationale lh;it "SpcC'd Kiils?" BRL'CF. 1101-'P f\"f; CllP Febrr1nr11 figu rr~ .~l•rJ11•f'r/ P•· j11r11 ncci<feu/g rfr111n1 •l·I /)l•rrt•tl/, n/I OC('1rle11r.~ (/r1tDll 32 p1'f l'('tl! 01'/'f(J// 1rnjf1c vo /11nte r!ou1u 4 lr1 5 pl·rcc111 . £d1tnr. lt11'11ff to Tet1f'l1er11 To the Editor · \'our ' G~neroUS Offrr" editorial of April 12 '~as :in insult to lhc tl'nchcrs r1f the 1\c~·ror1-.\lcsa l 1n1fird sch o o I ll1slr1ct. ;1 slur (In lh t>ir integrity ;1~ professional IX'Opl t• find a case of un1nfom1cd and m1slcad1ng rditoria!1z1ng. To urge tcnchers to · take " 9 pcrCl'nt r:ii~e and run" in1plir!I st'\·cr;il negative things. Fi rst. it implies that n 9 percent salarv increase is mnr1• 1han thf'V deserve. One \li'Ollders wh.V the same t'CIJlor1alist failed In point out th;it i;ince 1969 te:ichers in this district ha\·c absorhf"<.l 11 10 1')('rrent decrt•asc in sala ry "'hC'n thPir ··r:1iscs" are com pared to the Rurrau nf L;ibor Stat1 ... !lcs cost of living 111.:urc~ (lt'l'I n1111r/1rr sl1~1/1t un1u. f11 rrrrnrn t.~ (///' /l•ucl1 r r~ 1101 11t Ilic lnJ' Of tlit ~r11ll' li•ll'l' n1•1n1111ti'r/ to 20 i:ic rrrnt ".!r1•r //it' fnu r·!IPfJr pPriod. Arrorrling In lltr tl1str1c1. 110 t1·nrher l1a.!l los t. r•Hllfk.1reil ll'Hll rl1e rusi of litii 11g, and lilusl" nor nt n1ar1mum scale havt 901 ncd .. fd1ror, Dis<nlisried Pare nt To the Editor : About the rC'<'ent article ln your paper :ibout the teachers getting a 9 pereent incrf'ase,, in their pay and tM pos._,iblllty {lf our kids getting put into larger claue., :ind ha\'ing to cul back on other things .•. J)Qt:S:'\'T 1h<' \°('\.rport-~t<'sn School District think our kids hal'C done ~·ithout nO\\'".' \\'hy \\.'Ould they v:anl to 1nakc them do \\'ilhout more".' Our duughter ~raduated t11.·o ycnrs ago. She ll'tnt to her t'tlunselor about ~oing lo coll ege•. She was told there 11.·ould be no point in her going to C'Ollegc bec11usc she couldn't read past a seventh grade book. i\N01'11ER child ~·e pulled out of grade school because he was supposed to be handicapped. They "·anted to pu t him in a school for retarded children. ite is now 1n a Christian school and doing fine. This 1~ "'h.at "'·e·re 1ioing to pay the teachers a h1Wicr salary for. If they ,~·ould pull out the student h·at.'hers .,..,.·ho teach the classes and put. !he teachrrs back tc. teach -and this ls \\'hat they're gelling paid for -maybe the people ~'hose taxes go up would agree there is some sense in a higher ~·age. Right now I don 't see where they're worth more and higher pay. NA!l-1E WtTHllELD Fool i11 the Door To the Editor : Chaos • Ill the Vet Administration Second. 1t 1nd11.:,1tt"tl that the teachf'r 's requests ! ti·achcrs ha\ c no po\\'er other than to reciucst 1 ~·ould scare other · g"'·emrnent officials" into ordering smaller tin cups-. .\tay I ask \\'h1ch govemmenL officials your v.·ritcr is referring to. Surely ii coi nnot be to Congre!'smcn or i\!1.SCmblymf'n or County officials. Agam history rcpe:i l! Itself at the Orange County Airport . In 1963 we were told by the Orange County Supervisors th;it the erpans-ion of the run~·ay at Orange County Airport \\'as for the safety of the planes already using It, that there "'OUld be no jets at the airport. , . \Ile naively believed the m. This week Donald E. John&an trl'I· nounced his plans to 'P'erign a.s Mad of the Ve,era ns Administration. 1-:ditor. \VASHrNGTON-The horrors nov.' af· rlicting the nation's veterans programs can be traced to the radical plan o( the old Haldeman·Ehrlichman White House, officia lly repudiated bul s u r v i v I n g nevertheless. 10 centralir.e all pov.•er In the Oval Office dur· Ing Presidenl f'olix· on's seconi1 tcrn1. Although H. R. ,Hntdeman and J~ D. Ehrllchman are: long gone . t heir grand design e n- dures -:tdmini!lter· cd by spirttual heirs and generally lgnor· ed by Watergate-preoccupltd Washing· Ion. The disruptive result.5 are now 51.ir· faci ng in one agency after 3nother. Jn the Veterans Administralion (VA ~. the political explosion has Just begun. A central feature of the Haldeman· Ehrllcbman plan was 10 place trusted Nixon aides, from tht Wllll4! House and the widtly defam~ Committee ror the RttlteUon of the Presldcnl (CREEP I. In key positions ot e1ecutive deportmenl.1. RuMlng the government thtn would be Haldlm;m and his staff. backed by the Of/ice of P.ft1N1g~er11 and BudJet tOMBI headl.'d by Roy AJh and IJIJ clepu- ( EVANS-NOVAK J ty, Fred l\.1alek. who had been second-in· command at CREEP. NA~tED BY t.falek lo be \\'hite !louse agent for VA's multi-billion-dollar opera· lions was Frank Nay lor. fresh from a stint at CREEP rounding up Vl'terans organizations' SUWCJrl for the Nixon· Agnew ticket. Naylor moved In to VA 's plush 10th floor executive officts as a supergrade 18 paying $43.926. Other CREEP alumni from the t.talek stable moved to lesser VA jobs. Among the mruiy : Michael Bronson. a CREEP field rcpre1entative as assistant ad· mln1strator for plaMing and ev1luatlon : Andrew Adams, a Kansas coordlna1or for CREEP as deputy dire-ctor In VA'• now· embattled education divlsk>n. What was happening at the VA reflected a radical effort to give !hi! \\'hi!e House total control of all major bureaus and departments. ~ow. 1$ months later, the outcome at the VA Is clear: utter di~ster. NAYLOR, who came lo VA without ex· perie!)CC In the agency'1 blghly 1pecl11\12· ed work. has now been qu>etly shunled to lhe f'armers lfomt: Admlnlstrallon. Bron!On Is on hill way out. Adami, a polio victim confined to a wheelchair, Is Ila.led to nm the new rthlbtutaUon office in the Depart ment of !leallh, F.ducation 3nd \\'elfarc tbut po~·erful Congressmen may block that appc11n!lncnl 1. This accelerating coltarse of the J~aldeman-F.hrl1rh1n:in cen1ral1zation of po"''er barely begins the slor~ of the \"A 's rnsis. THE A)1ER ICA,'1 LEG IO~ cheered when then Republican Sen. J11ck !\.filler of loll'a (defeated for reelr!Ct1on 1n 1972 ~ pcr~uaded f\tr . Nixon in 1969 10 namP Don Jo'1nson. a fringe Iowa Republican politician and former naliona\ cr:m- mander af the Legion, to head the VA. ·rooay, however. even the ~gion has .soured on Johnson's perfonnance run· ning the. vA·s 111 hospitals. ~ regionar offices :ind tens of thousands of cmployes. "Don," sa id one congressional critic, "~ a political prlmilive who plays everything by the ~1alek rulebook ." ~lalek's C1rst rule 11 saving money, ThlA. Johnson's-crl1 lcs c om p I a In he automaticoll)' O\'t'.rrides his 011.'n experts. plu~ 1hc organlted \leterans' IObblts. to accept 01.:tB's budget proposals evtn at lhe t'Xpenst' of essential \'Clcrnns' sen•io:s. TJIE fl.IOST dramatic case "·a:. tM John90'1-contrtved ouster of Or. ~tJrc J. Musser, VA's highly regarded t'hief medical director. In a private letler April 3 to Rep. Olin Teague, chainnan of the lfouse V!.ttrans Committee, and Sen. Alan Cranston .. chJ.irman o( the Senate subcommittee on veterans health and hospita'3, ,\lusser said tht1t "an an· tagonlstic and uncooperative ad· ministrator 1Johnsoni'' made his job 1n1· possible and Iha.I "the infillr:ition of the ck-partmen t by personnel selected and appointed by ... the administrator has \'lrtunlly c!1minotcd any possibility of functional integrity" in the medica l branch. \\'ht'n 'lus!>Cr came under attack bv Johnson's off it'C la st ye<l r. then pre~idcri· ll<ll rnun~etor ~lel\'ill U!lrd Interceded L<iird "'rung from Johnson a flrm agree- ment to stop Interfering with f\.fusser's ctpcra iion. ~!ORE SIGNIFICANT. ~ir. Nixon himself stron~ly indlcat.cd to Teague h1~1 December th:tt t.tuMer would stay. Now . ~·ith the: Prtsident prooccupicd "'1th fighting Impeachment and with Laird gone, J\tusser has bttn hound<'d out of of· flee. 1'f035er'1 top deputy, Dr. Btnj&mln F Well~. wa!l also forctd out . \\'ells told u'I' John90r!. "jtlst could not stand " Wells·$ coMeC\ion! with powerful congressional Democrals. By thro.,,,•ing Its full v.·eight behind Johnson. O~IB retains draconian contra! O\er \'A's budget The cost 1!1 high: loss or supJX)rt from the powerful veterans' lob~y, from lens of lhousand8 of Vietnam \'eterara. And administrativ' chaos In th~ VA. Such IJ one biller 1fte.r~1asle o( !he l(nlt'.k!man·Ebrtlcbrnan blueprint ro r po~·er., Third. ii di rectly impli••s !hilt lf'arhers are Mmcho"· attempting In "hilk" the taxpayer before he ran rral1ze 11hnt i.'l happenin g Aside from th1· fRCt that teachers are also tnxpayf'rot that they contr ibu te to a 1;omn1un111 1nonclarily and in n1yri:id o1 her fashion.'!. yoar editorialist failed 10 defl1 further v.•ilh his implirot1ons r('gn rding lhe job that teachers do. If. in the fl;ii 1y Pilot's estima tion that job is Sil unneccss.1ry . so d<'vold of rcsJl(ln~ibihty, so poorly donr , or s.ei O\'trp.'.lidJ thrn JOU. as gen('r;i\ors of public npin1nn are rrmiss in )our rftmmun ilv respcrnsib1l1ty in c v c n :ld\'OC<llln,Lt a 9 p('T('f•lll inC'Tt''1~" \\'h\' fl!H stir publte op1n1on In the I rue dirrcl•M 1.f 1·nu r ('<.hlnrial' Yd1v rli'lt ;id~·ocatf" arr11ot"' ihe board pa~ cut• ft)r lf'arhero;~ ,\fl all . Y.h:l l mc;in 1rg dot'o; "J'Jf' t1·.n t t•ilt 1 ha1·e 10 :i mnlmun1t1 . ll1\:\!EL f <I ht;JL~ Tltt lCliool d11 /rrr1 1 rl.•rf'C!or of f i.s· rnl pla1n1r119 ,,!fl!t'J !/1(1! fr,r ll1t /O!Jr· ~t>trt r 1·r1,,rJ /n'Q1'Hli'1!1 Ill 1969, COSt of /1t:1 1'g /1r11rl"S !l1nu1 a23.13 111crtC11P . 1iihrle c111t111/at 1rr sntarlt! for all lef'1Cl1tr~ 01creo,ed 19 58 µtrcenr. ltl· ctlcaung a m1n11J of 3.55 Pf''C't'll t. llow- rwcr. thl' rli.t!nct pirktd up oil major 1•1Pdi.cal CtJ~ls 111 J9i0. 0T"ot111!1 rip 10 a 4 percc11 t gr1fn f<J r fhl! tt>atlltrs o~ut rtrlrtmrnr brnt/1& hu:reo.st1 will re· :\"ow the pov.·e rs thal be are lcllin~ us that another expansion of the length or the runway \\'ill be only for quieter take· oUs of the planes over :'·•e\\-port Bay, and not for bigger ;ets. Ha-lta-Ha~ One foot in the doo r ah,·ay5 leads-to another:' MR. and MRS. CAL ~I. f\;LLER O•AHCJI COAST DAILY PILOT Robtrl N. \Vl"rd, Publilhtr Xhoma.t Keevil, Editor Bnl"bt!ra Krri!:tic/i. F·!•1<.nat Paar f:d1tor T.,,. I 1111>1"1111 Jlll~f" or 1ht' Daily f', · -~1 ~~ 10 inform and stlmulal~ ~·11<:r;' h\ pr~en110i on this ~c 11 \C'rY ,., :r.mrntuy r.n loplNl of in ,,.r. u Ii-. ~;.tv1u•11lf•'I rolumnistl •rwf '~J p.•h ~ 11 .1V1rttnir: • fon1m fQr T'i'•d,.n. ' 1-~' •rwl h)' prnf'n11nl{ 1h1s J\f'W."li\A?M' I ClP'ftlOn!I a.nd i6f'a' Q(l ('UlTf'nt tOf'\o:-s Thi-Htltor11l opinic:>iis ot 1hr l>o\1ly p,;o1 a11f'('&r onl)' in thr ('duor1al roh1mn at 1'1e top 01 thr paie, Op1n1001 CXPl'f!IM'd hy thfo eoi. ummlf• Md canormtsta •nd le11~ WTrtf'T'l •rt liw'ir own and no~~ mmt of 1t1,1r \1e"A'9 by lhc Dl.ll)I Pilot ;would be inf«"l'ftd. We<tnesday. A1>nl 24, 1974 ( • \ I WtdntSd1y, Aprll 24, 1CJ74 DAILY PllOT 5 . Stop-and-Search. Snow Hits Bay Area Mountai11s Liquor Bill· Killed I .Com·t to Decide , ~ • SACRAlltENTO (AP) -A lle-ln with Garibaldi on supplying v.·omen. lie oollod .. ~-t tb t G 'b Id" Fort a l•'ar and threatened to ~ On Zebra Policy legislative subcommittee ha1 women, """ a an a Ls J killed a liquor reform bill monetary contributions are rt sue . ~ alter one of the b i I I ' s matter of record. Fort heads a drug aoclj supporters created a furor by Garibaldi, whose cl ie nt 1 alcoholism treatment center llti SAN FRANCISCO IAP I -II 1•• declaring liquor Io b by Is t !I include the Wine and Spirits San Francisco. e s a •: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A federal c1'W1 today tac.k.les the issue or the cily police department's stoj:H;nd-search policy in the hunt for one or more black killers believed to have randomly slain 12 whites. Two lawsuits have been filed to halt Operation Zebra , the code name of the case derived from the ''Z'' radio channel U9ed by police . The first, filed by the Natk>nal AncK.ialion for the Advancement of C o I o r e d People, asks U.S. District Judge Alforuio Zirpol\ lo issue an injunction halting the .. ar<l>e~ The .. cooc1. filed by the American Civil LI be rt t e s Union, asks the court lo rule the stop.and-search t a c t i c unconstitutional. The city has been ardered to .show cause why it shouldn't be prohibited from oonductins the searches and was expected to defend its policy in ('OUr1 today. MEANWHILE. a special detachment of 30 plainclolhed black officers was sent into the streets to ferret out clues in the Zebra case. ''This is a special . predominantly black u n I t assigned with pa rt i cu I a r emphasis on getting intelligence from in!onnation soarces we m.Jgbt not be able Burton Responds SANTA MONICA (AP ) Actor Richard Burton is responding well to lr<.'atmenl for mnuenzal bronchitis and will be released from St. John's Hospital within the next two days, a spokesman for bim says. 1be British actor w a s hospitalli:ed alter completing filming of "'nle Klansman" in Northern California. '!be spo kesman said Burton's ac t ress·wlfe. Elizabeth Taylor, has been vacaUooing in Hawaii with her family and plans to return to the mainland for a reunion with her husband early nexl week. to contact otherwise," said Lt. \Villlam O'Connor. The Zebra killings began last November and have resulted in 12 deaths and six persons \\'00.nded. The victims · ~·ere gunned do\\'Tl wUhout apparent j' J mollvc. police say. ~layor Joseph Alioto insisted Gi ves Birih Tuesday the street sear..ches K. are constitutional and have Singer Carole 1ng been use<! as a "regular police gave birth Tuesday to practice" in other hunt s for an S.pound. 4-ounce dangerous Criminals. soii by natural child- The mayor. ,.,ho said hl' birth in her Laurel would abid i? by a fedC'ral court Canyon home with the ruling, told a ne\lo'S conference help of her husband. the searches wi ll continue as bass player Charles long as Pot ice Chief Donald Larkey. Miss King has Scott believes they have val ue. three daughters, ages By Tuesday night some :;()Q 2, 10 and 12 . black men had been stopped, ---------- questioned up to several hours and then release<!. In their search, police are using a composite draw ing of a mustachioed black ma n, about 6-fcet tan and 30 years old. The drawini:: "M'as made fron1 the desc riptions given by t\\·o 7.<:bra victin1s. Earnings Sltunp Told By Utility Unseasonably cold weather .... P-vide lawmakers w It h \Vho:;lers of California. prostitutes aomethnes come .., .. struck Northerri Ca lifornia •v P..,..,titutes. 1~~d~en;;i:;;;;;;;;~an;y;;;;;;;c;;har;;;;g~e;;;;;;;•;;;;;f ;;;;th;;e;;ren;;;te;;r~r;;or;:he~l~p.;;;;;;;;;;;;, this ~ming, capping San •"" Francisco area mountains CALIFORNIA The S-0 vote Tuesday junked with snow while h eavier. a measure by stale Sen. Arlen . EX JENO YOUR LIFE J alllOijllts fell in Sierra Nevada. '-----------' Gregorio (0-San llfatoo). The Nevada. bHI would have doubled state EXTEND YOUR ARM A travelers advisory warned s.·10 M1.ll1'011 taxes on liquor, ended "fa ir BLOOD PR~SSURE CHECK motorists of hazardous road trade" pricing. and poured conditions today in the Sierra more money irit.o the fight Nevada where strong, gusty St11' l Faces agai nst alcoholism. FREE.I ;l'inds mixed with snow and The measure was s1 rongly rain. Norden, near Donner opposed Qy a ballery of liquor R d d F lobbyists during a four-hour summit.reported IS inches or . C · OXX hear ipg befor e th@ new snow fell overnight. Sul:icommittee on AlcoJ:x>!ic The National \Ve at her LOS ANGELES. (U~I I -Be'verages of the Senate Service said more than thref-Redd Foxx and Demond Committee oo Governmental q.uarters of an inch of rtin · Wilson, stars of ·tbe television Organization. • Alcohol researcher and drug dreDched lower mount at n series "Sanford and Son,'' expert Joel Fort of San areas Tuesday. More showen: were sued $10 million each Francisco said at both a nev.'s or thunderShOwers. and snow Tuesday because they failed to conference and the hearing above the 3,SOl}foot elevation, show up for rehearsal. that liquor lobbyists p I Y were expected tod~y. Tandem Productions. Ind.. legislators with "food . booze in HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORltOW, APRIL 25 Hunti119ton Center · a.ach & Edinger • 12noon ·Spm,7pm -9pm .' Edison High School 21400 Magnolia, 7 pm :~ pm Huntington BNch High School · 1905 Mlin St., 7:30 pm. 9:30 pm Arevelo1 School -19692 Lexington ln., 7 pm · 9 pm IN THE San Francisco Bay \l:hich produces the popular and women." lie cited lobby· area, six inches ot~snow fell show, filed separate suits ist James Garibaldi as giv· • · h L' k Ob 1 ngainst the tv.·o. charging they lng money to mC'mbers of IJl!· .". J';._ overn1g t at 1c serva ory NBC" the comm•'ttee and other I · 'o on Mt. Hamilton in Santa did · not appear at s 3i' Clara County. Snow al so v.•as studios in Burbank f.1onday for IC'gislators in on:lcr to ~:ill bills "~1 ~ reported on ~·11. Tamulpais in !he scheduled start of on alcohol reform. A Public Service from ~luntington Beach Rotary Club and Orange County l~eart Assoc. \Vith Thanks to: -!'· * ·::r l 'ri111e Rate r..turin Counlv, ~il. Diablo in rehearsa l for the upromint! Asked by a reporter . "Are p • f • SAN DJEGO <AP l -San Cont ra Cosia Count y and l!Y/4-75 season. you suggesting<that Gariba ldi ac1 IC Diego Gas & Electric Co. along Skyline Boulevard south Superior Court J u d g e provides women'!"' Fort report s a slump in earnings of San Francisco. Cainpbell Lucas issued a ans\lo·ered. "Yes. I an1." But Dropping , In Bay Area SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Police report a dramatic drop in major crimes here since stepping up street patrols in a search for gunmen responsible for a series of randon1 shootings. The patrols were increased in late January ·after five persons were gunned do"''l'l on city strC'elS over a t\\.·o-hour period. In areas where the shoot· ings have occurred. police revealed Tuesday that major crime dropped 30.7 percent in February. compared with the same period in 1973. Citywide, major crime was down 21.3 percent. Figures for Pttarch were less dramatic. bot were still considered "significant" by police. '-1ajor crhne was down 6.5 percent in Zebra areas lasl month compared with P..iarch, 1973. Ci ty\\'ide. the crime rate declined 2.5 percent. for 1973 and the first quarter The California valley city of tempora ry restraining on:ler Fort later said lhal in the Ci" ty 8 k of 1974. blaming higher fuel Stockton , which usually hus prohibiting Foxx and \Vilson confusion of many people an costs and lower en erg Y h.igh ~temperatures in the 80s from engaging in public talking at once. he thought he consumpt ion. in mid-April also had snow for performances. A hearing "'as was answering a previous Goldenwest & Edinger, Huntington Beach Shareholders were told al -•~bo~ul~IS~m~in~u~te~s~Tu~esd~a~y.:_:_:_~rl~ed~u~led~f~or'.!'.M~a!_y~6:_. _:~ _ __<l®Jl:es~tion~.~H.".'_'"~idl_!'he~ha.s~_:no~~~~~~~~~~~~.,,;,,.~~~~~~~~~ Tue9day'1 armual meeting that 1• the utility 's earnings last year "'·ere $1.78 a share. a drop of six percent from 1972, despite gains or 16 percent i n operating revenues and 13.5 percent in net income. For the rirst quarter of the year, earnings were 63 cent s :i ~tlare. compared \lo~th 70 cent s in the first quarter of 1973. although operating revenues and net income both increased 11 percent, the c:ompany said. Company presiden t Walter Zitlau said this ye a r ' s construction budget has been cul from $172.7 million to $149.8 million. J~e said other economies include elimination of a pamphlet enclo!l('d in utility bills. Zitlau aaid the utility has won approval foi:_S75 million jn rate increascS: in the past year and is pressing for morC'. In the long run. he said. the utility pins its hopes on •·the development and expansion of Greater San Diego." Sears Where Thrift Is Always In Style • a. l\1i sses' Fashion Ny lon Knit Pants 4ss J)nub!c kniC Slr~t~h nrlnn p.1111 <>. Flart leg styling. rJshion colors. .\lis~t·s· sizes. Located On The Lower Level NOW! h. Misse s' Tailored Collon Shirts 3ss FOR A NEW LOW $2,500 .. DEPOSIT YOU ENJOY ALL THE LATEST s$~BENEFITS OF THE A blcnJ 11! polrcs1cr·JnJ-Avri1" r.1)0ll. Pl·rm.incn1 prt:~s. (.l.1.-.~11 - .1lly s1~·leJ v.•ith Ion~ pu1n1l·,! col ],1 r~. ~lisst·~· ~1.il'S. . ' ~ff/lta !!/f!~d SAVERS CLUB HOM! OFFICE: 260 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beach. C..1llou·111 92651, Tefephone: •94·75-41 •LACUNA NIGUEL: 3 Mon•tCh Bay Plaza • SAN CLEMENTE: 60t North El Camino Roal • LAGUNA HILL.$: 2.t038 Calle de la Pl11lo • LAICE EL.SI NOAE • 600 Wes1 Granam Avon1.1t I Sears ·" - , .. Juniors' Polyeste r ' Warp Knit Pants 666 \\' 1d1 v.•1Je v.·a1s1bands. In ,1,~urtl·J 'f~:les and colors. i\L1chinc-'\',t'h · Junior size~. ,1. Ju]tiors' Ribbed Nylon Kit.it Tops 3ss '.'-ll't·k ~t\'hni;: \\uh n111u r1 b5. 1\\- \or1cd Pasr~·l lolors. \\ .tsh.1hlt· In SIZC'~ :'. j\1 .u1d L. Pant Line r Girdle 2ss A llt(".lt s11mml"t tu \\'c,1r unJl'r pants. Sn1noth fir . un~. Lonll ll·tl,.i.th. !:111 .... , ~I. I~ and XL \\'hue Co sta Mesa Bt1 e na Park a:1a:1 ll ri•lol 1'1. l'lwnr :;.).t}.;1:13:1 HJ.';t ) l.tt l'ul11ta ~\,t :. l 'ht111e~ M:!Jt-111111 I ,. Knee· High Hosie ry l tnl): 39.~ ---· _ l\>rfc:c t ,.,,·ith p.i.nn ! One ~i t(" fits .111 1::ish1on sh.ides. !'itofl' llounr Mond•1 1hr11 S11h1rrl1r @1'.IO ,\.~I. In 9 1:.0 r.M~ -.11nd11y 12 "on• '" li '"\I. ; . ' 7 Todn)''s Final N.l'. Stocks VOL. 67. NO. 114, 8 SECTIONS, 100 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WED_NESDA Y, APRIL 24, 19H c TEN CENTS Mesa Police-Will Continue to Patrol Irvine Ry GEORGE lEIDAL. Of tlM OetlY "Utt 111" ' Costa !\1esa police will patrol' the city of Irvine anolhcr )'ear under a $916.620 rontract fOr expanded service approved Tuesday night by fntine councilmen. Councilmen split 4 to "J to approve 1he pact. II continues the Co'ita l\'!esa patrol s of fr\•1ne villages until al lci:tst Septcinber. 197fi.' Councilman Arthur Anthony of Turtle Rock \'Oled against the contract i He and Councilman Robert West questioned language in the contract which appean to give the Co.sta l\1esa Police Chief total authorUy for paliclng Policy. Anlhony also said he objects to contract terms which give the Costa !\lesa chief 1ht pov.·er to choose the men Irvine v.·ould "inherit': v.'hen the contract nms out or is terminated by either party giving 90 days nolice. Both \\'est and Anthony stressed the~· • ' ABBOTT AND COSTELLO IN FAMILIAR POSE FROM 1952 Death Cl1im1 Bud Abbott (left), Str1itht Min-of Nmous Tum Bud Abbott Dies; Tea1ned With Comedian Costello HOLLYWOOD (U PI) William "Bud" Abboll , 75. th~ skinny straight man to Lou Costello in one of the most famous comedy teams or the 1940s, died today at his home in Woodland Hills. Death was attributed to cancer. a family spokesman said. Abbott's widow Betty was with him \\'hen he died at 7 a.m. Ablxltl had been in poor health for more than a decade after a series cf strokes. Jfe finished his life living on Social Security after his savings from the huge sums he hea.rned as a star were stripped from him by ij:ie government in a tax action in 1959. Abbott and Costello spent much of their professional lives in obscurity until they achieved spectacular fame in the 194-0s with routines v.•hich established lhem as the successors to Laurel and Hardy. Costella died in 1959. Abbott was 38 bv the time he teamed v.·ith Costello and ln his 40s by the lime 1hey became a nation"'ide hit in the \Vorld \\'ar II years. He and Co!tello made more than 50 movies and were together for 21 years. Abbott once said he made $400,000 a year at the heigh t of his career in the 194"0s. Abbott was born into &how business in Orange Coast Weather Cloudy aod cool is the cutlook for Thursday, with chances of drizzle diminishing and tempera- tures remaining in the lo"·'r 60s ak>ng the coast JNSIUE T OOA V A migrant farm ID o r k e r, whose unclaimed body stood h1 1he conurr of a fu11eral home in South Carolin(I for 31: years. dressed mid weorit1g a hat, will finally bt laid to re.rt. See .Page 3. Al Y-$WYfCI S .... ""' ,. I.""· .. ~ 16 C.hiotrllll t C•1"f' C.tMr U ti.u11111111 41.., C11111cl .. CrM1"""11 • ON!fl Netkft U 11:1""'"11 ,.. .., (llllfl•i-tfll ,..,., Pl!IMltl l'NI "" ..... Ptr 1119 lltcenl I~, 4t ... ,...(9,. )I tfl ..... hr'ttff .., Altll I.I....,. » Maltlll• t MllllT T.,.. 2' ""~'" u.n "'"'ltM 111,11111. ,, ft1111NI N.wt 4 o • .-c..,11l'Y t1.11 S¥fN hrttof 2' s..rt'I tl-tJ ~. lti'lllCf'lllll • Si.ct -n.t .. ,, Ttk..+Mlll '4<U JllHI-14•1' Wt1lfltor 4 w111• Newt • ' - At lantic City, N.J .• Oct. 2. 1898. His mother was a circus bareback rider and his father was an advance man for the show. At 15 he left home lo become a sailor. shoveling coal on a ship bound for Norway. His father got bim a. job In a box office and that \\'as his career fer 13 years, ""·orking in asserted burlesque bouses. One night "in some town in Pennsylvania," as a studic biography said years later, the comic fell ill and Abbott the ticket taker took his place. It was not until years later, in 1936, that he met Costello, another burlesque (See ABBO'IT, Page ZJ No Clues Found In Gro ve Girl Sex Slaying . An aheim police said toda y Ibey have no clues to the identity cf the killer In the brutal sex slaying Tuesday cf a J1-year- cld hotel makl from Garden Grove. The nude, knife-slashed body of Laurie A. Bert.sch. 11531 Norma Lane. was found sprawled on a bed in a vacant room at the Sheraton IM oo Ball Road near Disneyland. A police spokesman said investigators still have no ~ds in the slaying and have round 00 trace of a v.·eapon. Police wooldn't say if the room \\'here the girl's body had been found \\'as occupied during the night before the murder. r.liss Bert.sch's body was disco\'ered shortly after noon by some of her ro- wcrkers who told police they became y;orrled when sbe dkin't show up for her to a.m. coffee break. They aald they found her cleaning cart in a ball outside the room where the pretty, brown-haired girl's body "·as found with multiple st.ab woonds and 1he lhroat cul. Police v.·ere told Miu Bertsch was la!lt seen alive at abOut 1:30 a.m .. shortly after she began her shirt at the botel. An autopsy v.•iis due to be perfcrmed today by the county coroner. but police said it appears the girl was the victim oG a sex slayer. Miss Bertse:h was a January graduate of Garden Grove Jligh School and v.·as \liOrking to earn money to pay her way -t11rough junior college, where she planned to atuJy _police· xience, h r parents tcld offictts. hav' no gripes about the kind cf police ser.ice being provided by Coma l\Jesa. ,llowever, Anthony said today he feels the contract shOuld spe ll out precisely the arrangements helween the ty,·o citie's. City l\1anage.r \Yilliam Woollelt J r e·xplained Tuesday tMt wtii\e Jhe contract givf's co mplete authclrity to Costa :\·lesa Police Chief Roger ~etii. Xeth in fact report s to \\'oollett just a.~ a police chief Irvine might hire 1\•ould be responsible tu the {'1ty manage r. Anthony said today he dcesn't like the rontract provision alloy,•\ng Ir vin e councilmen onJy to ''suggest'' police policies. . 1 "\Vhen "·e &re paymg netirly $1 million a year for pohcc protection it "'Ou!d s1~m ,appropriate to be allo"·ed 10 do S-Ome1h1ng more than syggest hov.• that n1oney is spent," An1hoiiY said. Acting Publi c Safely D1rrctor Paul Brady s:rid Tuesday night he did not brhc\·e the contract provisions art• any • more ··negotiable" noy,· 1han they \\ere \\'hen they \\·ttre hamn1t!rro out nearly I wo years ugo. Brad y added 1hat the city fntl':i a ~\11y I deadline for approv:il of the rontract. On that d.1y Costa ~les.1 1>0hcc plan to ndd !6 nC\\' ufflCt'rS br1n~1n~ th..• manpo\\'t'r of the forcr :iss1~11Ld to \r\ Ult' to a total or 39. Anthon~· said ti.Ida~· he 1s not c•on\ int'l'<I the cou11c1! h<."ld lo act by ~1a~· I In m1d·:\l.1~ th<' c1!v "s p11hhe ..,;11l'1\ ronsultJn l ~ arc· r o nial-.•• rl'{'on1n1l·nda11on .. on :i p1'rn1.1nrn1 pobc<· program, ,\n11iony s;ud Anlhony ~;ud h\· favor.-•<i d1,lay1ng tht..· l'ontr:H'I ;1pprO \a! 111111! th:i t study I" lurnpli'h'<I ··1 h.11 1• /rial fJ ilh th.11 !hf' ~uy 111 th•· p;Urfll ('Ur I'" ~Olllj,; HI l'lllllll Hll' doing 1i .:ood Jnh fr1r u~. · ·\nth11ny S:Hcl ··Mu1 I fl•l'I ~lrong l~ tha1 tilt• l'1\\ZC'ns n( Ir'\ 1n1' ~hnuld kno11 1h:i1 thC'1r city l'OU!lc tl tSl't' J•Ot,ICt:. l'agt' 2J Nixon Asks Egypt Aid .$250 ll-lillion Urg·ed to Help Clea1· Siiez C<i1ial \\'ASHINGTO~ iAPI Pres1d('nt t\ixon today asked Coogress for 55.18 billion in foreign aid monc~·. includinl! $250 million to help· Egypt clear the Suez Canal, repair \\'ar damage in adjaccn! cities and restore trade with the United States. At the same time, Nixon asked for S350 million in military support for Israel and 5207.S million for Jordan. He said the United States "can :incl should play a constructive role in La·wye,. .S<t)·s Mitchell Cltse Not Provetl NEW YORK {UPI) .John N. !\1itchell's attomey today !old a federal court jury in his sumn1ation that they had one thing to decide : "Jobn ~titchcll 1s rithe r an attempted fixer and a liar - or he is neither.·· "This case is not (•1·cn close to pro\'ed," !\1itchell's attorney. Peter Fleming Jr., said. '·The duty of free men is to give freedom unless they (the government) prove their case to the point where you can live the rest or your life 'A1ith it.'' Ile ended his summaticn v.·ith those words. Fleming had told ~. panel the case against the former atrfl'fltltey general ;ind one-time Commerce Secretary \laurict H. Stans· was ":i prosefutors •·ision , engendered in the heal of fl terrible national trauma." Fl eming's summation was the sec<>nd and last for the defense. Stans' attorney. Walter J. Bonne r, hammered away in his summaticn Tuesday at a sa rcastic theme -"Some fix ! Some conspiracy~" -.and said that the go\'emment deliberately built its conspiracy case. Fleming said that the government proseeutors had painted Mitchell as the "second most powerful man in America'' in his posl as attorney general in the Nixon administration. "\Ve go home and joke y,•ith him at night about v.·hat a lousy fixer be is,"' Fleming snid . l\titchell 60, and Stans. 56. are chnrged \\'ith trying to impede a federal investigation of financier Robert L . Vesco in returu for his secret $200.000 cash contribution to 1he 1972 Nixon campaign. Vesro ""as indicted as a co-defendant but fled the country . • "This must be the only fix case 1n modern times, or ancient times. or Biblica l limes, or prehistoric times where a payoff is n1ade in April (1972 ) and everything gets worS(>," Fleming said. "The donation "'as prom ised on April 6 and delivered on April 10 and ever after everything gets y,·orse. But it took us - and I say this sadly -it took us to bring that out . "This is not 11 case about any rorrupl effort to obstruct justice. This case is a vision, a dream -someone's vision about what must have happened, someone·, lunnel vision about "'hat must have happened." Song FcstiYa l Slated For llarhor School A high school Song Festival , including all four Newport Beach and Costa l\tesa high school choirs, \\'ill be held at Newport Harbor lligh School Friday at 7:36 p.m. Each choir will perform separately and in a comblnC!d choir of more than 200 voices con<lucled by Dr. Oavkt Thorsen, Director of Choral Music et Oil State Fullerton. The concert is open 10 me piJbllc free of charge. securing a JOSI and durable prarc 1n the :\1iddle East by facilitating increased unders landing belwct'n the Arab nations RUSSIA SHIPS MIGS TO SYRIA. Analy,i1, Page 4 aod Israel ... " The President a!so rNJurstl'.'d. 5939.8 million to ass~st South V 1 ct n a m . Canibodia and Laos "in thrir efforts to shift their economies from \"'0r to pca Cl' :ind 10 accl'lt·ratc reconslltu11on or 1h~·1r .soc1e\Ll'S." The lndoc·hina fij'.iure cl id not include militarv as~1stt1nrl', "'hich this vear i!l n111ning at an annual rate of $1.4 billion. All the money. includini:: a specia l $100 million ~!ldea st fund for pcacek{'t'ping forces, refugee aid and de\·elopment projects. \1·ould bc for the fiscal yea r that bt•µ.ins July L ' ("ongress' rcs1>0nsi• is u n t• <'rt a i n , ' ;ilthougb one n1r1nb1:r of the Scnatr Boy, 15, Detnine•l Remai11s of $3,000 Fisl1 Found on Mesa Can11lus The rcn1:iin! of a Jn1>ane~ kni fish. abducted F.asler Sunct.1y nnd l'alued ;it s.'1.000 by its 011'ner bcfore its untimely dernise. were rerovt'red from a ~h:11!01\· gravl' today near a duck pond on the ~ta ~lesa ll ip:h School campus fann. A 15-ycar-0ld student ""s l:lkrn in!o custody en suspicion of grand th£.· ft. folklv.ing ;:in anonymous lip lo J>Oliee. He '\\'as arr~ted by Dctecti\·e Ron \'each. "'·ho brought the formerl}' valuable member of the carp sp('c ies to headquarters ;:is e\·idcnce . Tl1e koi. one of hundrl'd s bred an d sold .11 1ht> Takala Xursery. 780 \V. Haker St.. l ·o~ta ~l{'fia . \ <.inishcd t rorn its pollll Jo:..1ster Sunday . Ov.ncr Tom Taka la told police 11hen he d1Sl:ovcrcd the ahduction the following d;J\' th;1t his ko1 ra rp. pnicd by fish failCiers v.as the n10St \"aluuble one he h:..tl . "I rcceil'ed infonnaticn that a JU\·en1le had taken the hsh,'' said Dt.'trct11'e \'each. \1ho asserted that the ycuthful !See KOi. Pa ge 2l Police Forced to l(ill Irvine Deer at A irzJort A young male deer \\'hich 1\·and<'rC'd r!OY.11 out of 1hc lr\'inc hills for a look at ils rapidly encroaching civil ization and then panicked finally had lo be k1lll'd by authoritirs Tuesday night. The buck. nbout tv.·o vears old , lt·cl police and animal ronlrol ~uthorities on :i 24 minutc chase \\hi('h blocked inroming <•nd outgoing planes at Orangt• County AirlJOrt ~fore 11 v.·as finally shot to death. lie had ll'lll}('<I one fence ad JaCTnl t'I The San D1ci;o Frecwa~· il l 1he n<>rth ~1d1' of the ritrport and hounded down rind around the runy,:iy, eluding t:r1pture . The curiou~ deC'r first appeared in tht• an·a of (;ullivtr's. on lrv1n•·'s Hes!aurnnt HO\\', bcforc ;iu1twritir ~ bf'gan tr~!llJ.( 11.1 corral h1n1 lr•1ne Orf1ctr DQn De La:\la1er l\i~\ r(•i)()rtedl.\· n('ar ly atlackr•rl L} 1h1· IS<>e Ut:ER.. Pa~t 21 1:orf·1~n llt·l :i1 1nns l'o1n1n11t 1·e. St·n. Frank Church 1 l).lrl;1ho1. ha s said hr 1s oppoSt'd ··1n re\'crting ai:ain to that old habit or trv1ni:: to outbid 1h1' So\'ll.'l l:ninn in Sf'CUrini! Egypt "s frirncl~hip" i\ixon 's request for Eg~·pt 3l'Celera tc:'!. !he fa st-bu ilding ehan~e in relat ions bc!Yieen th e rounlnr•s Thl· \\\o rc·:.-to n,J full i!101ornati<· contacts la~t \\\•Ck aft1·r a fi'~·}e1r brrak and Sc·cr1·tary of S1a!t' ll+·nry 1\ iStr 1-:1;rl'T. l'a ~e 21 I n11•earh111 e11 l AJlegatio11 s i\la y Be Pared 'rASJllXCTO~ fl 'Pl' -lA,\\'Ytf"S for the lloUS<' Judic1arv Comn1ittrr arr prrpa red to rrrornrnt:nd that about half ur 56 potcntittl impcaehint·nt counts ngainst l'rt~irll'nt 1\ixon bc 1!roppcd. it 1\·as leamed today. The rf'{'f)ffiJnenoar1n11 \\'ill llf' madt• Thurs<l11 y "h"n th!' corn1nittl'<' mrets in puhlic Si'SSifJn tn hl·<ir :i t1'1x,rr from lhe panel "s lef.!al sraff on the results of it ~ preli1ninary inVl'Stigalion. Thr rommitlee·s ch1l'f rnunsel, .John \1 Do.1r. ;ind the c.'Oun~el for Rrpubl ican 1ninonty 1nen1bcrs. Albcrt .lf'nnl'r. 11 ill NE W JOLT SEEN FROM TAPE EXPERT. Story, Page 4. --- fl'l"O!Timrnd th{' eli1nin<1!1or1 of tnan~ of 1hc ,'Jfi alh·r:nt1ons that ha\'r l>C'en under 1t1\·esT1r:<1tio11 since thl• inquiry J.(nt under 11;1\' l:ist \l.lnll'r. The 56 "'ere listl'd in a nit."mn to th1·-committee ).!;1rch I. Al Thursda\ ·s meeting. co1nn1ittee 1n{·n1ht·rs :ire "expected -though the~ \1un ·1 likr 1t -to go along v.·ith thrir 1:hnirman and i:ive the /'rc&itlcnl fh·c n1 ore d<t}S to respond to<! subpoena for 4'.! \\'atl'rga!c tapes. The purpose of the rl'<'nmmendation lo drop rhc eht1rges is lo narrO\\" the :il!t•gatinns :1g;11nst X1xon v.hich might ull1n1<i!t:!y hl• recomnu;ndt·d u1 the llnus1· r,f Ht:pr1•sc nlat1\'1•s as 1nd1\'1dual counts 111 dn unpc:tehmrnt rusolut11in. l.ll 11dd I \\'a tcrgate Sca n JV Jc·nn..,r bnf'f('d Jlepubl1ca11i;; on The 33- 1 Sf'r l;\ll'EAt:ll. l'al!r 21 ------------------------- Mesa del ltlar Sprt1ee11p Steve Davis nertJ and Tom Scarr trowel fresh cement on Costa ~tesa's Corona A\'enue. one of many ~1esa del Mar streets being overhauled by city crews. Roads are belng given a fresh coRt or black top and !ldewalks .and gutte rs damaged by tree roots replaced. Property owners who "'ant to keep their p'rkway trees have been given the option or having them replanted in their front ya rds at no charge, I I • I . • . • •. ' ;t LJ,.11..Y PILOI •• ' f;ouri. R11li11g t~:Popeil Lawyers Don Nixon 's Price 11e ari1ags Tax Returns Cory, Oil Chief. Launch New Bid MayBeE yed Hartley Battle One more n1ove In nn eH01 . to f)revent N~·rt Beach resident Eloise Popeil from fa cing trial ror alle~cdly plottu11!( the murder of her mililonaire husband 2,000 miles away has betn taken by her defense attorney~. A motion requesting lhe Caliror111a Supreme' COu p 10 rule on \\'hcther or nut a true conspiracy <:an be presumed 10 })ave exi3ted-at such 11 distance-v•ill soon be heard. Santa Ana attorney Ph il Petty said Tuesday that he e"Xpects a quick decisioo orl the motion filed \•:ith th.e state's • hl~st court in San Francisco. . lie maintairis that no conspiracy could bi\re seriously existed, despite v.·hat any defendan ts may have mentioned in terms of casual conversation. _ ~etty y,·as denied a hearing by nn aA>eals court in Los Angeles. Ol'I groun<ls the appeal should rollo'v tTie trial. He has been rctused motions on those TUsons al municipal and superior court · trials, too. • l'They're generally pretty swift." Petty • 11Aid of the length of time it might take • fM' the state Supreme Court to decide on ·his , motion. perhaps as little, he • 'f>redictcd, as two weeks. He has been representing ritrs. PopCil , 48\.of 519 Harbor Island Drive. si nce her :i'M'est in January along with Daniel ·Arers, 37, or Santa Ana. by Long Beach polict. Both have pleaded innocent to allrgcdly ¢otting the murder or Samuel Pope.It Jr., > ' I. ;.San J nan Man ' Handed Sentence .. · '011 Sex Cl1arges ' . A San Juan Capistrano man \vho admitted sexual misconduct with little boys 'A"bo joined him on snake-hunting a.nd frog.hunting expeditions has l>een sentenced to 120 days in the Costa J\1csa City Jail. ' 'Orange County Superior Court Judge "Kenneth E. Lac ordered the jail term for . Ronald James Iovan1 2•. of 32067 Paseo cp1tne, after ruling that Jovan was a .. mentally_di.D'dered £e:X oUender. Judge Lae additionally ruled, however, · that Tovan 'A'ould not benefit fro m treatment provided in a state facility. , He placed Jovan on Uve years piobetion. ordered him to undergo psychiatric treatment and r u rt he r ordered him not lo as.!IOclate wilh anyone ltlH!er lhe age of 18 un1ess a responsible adult was present. Sherifrs o!flcers arrested Jovan last Xug. 7 on charges of lewd conduct and sex perversion after receiving complaints from the parents of three little boys, two age 5 and the other 4. ~1arket H eld l)p Without We«11on ln Costa ,,1e.~a A band.it robbed a Costa ~lesa markc>t of S50 Tuesd1J,y night. Nancy S. Kuta. 27. clerk at the Stop ·~ Go A-larket at 1855 i\lonrovia A\·e., said tfte robber, who neve r showed a gun. did make very forceful threats. ·She told Officer John \\'llite the man warned her she would be harn1ed if shr even ca lled the police. lhen vanished outside tne store near the corn<'r of 19th Street and l\fonrovia Avenue. She added that the assailant into who~ lert hand she placed the bills y,•as about 30 to 32 years old and \\'Ore dark clothes. plus dark. horn-rimmed glasses. OIA1'teil COAST t \I DAILY PILOT f"-Or~ Cont o..~ p,~ "''~*""~•I....,. "-' tn« Newo·l't•• i. f'\IOI"""" b'I' •-°'1"'1'! ea.. Pua!· ....... a;..-... s. ........ , .... ,..,..,.. .,. OU!lti-Mon<M~ !"'~" ~"°"' "'° CM11 ~t.tw . ..,,.~ 8eKl' ........ "11 ... a-..... lo..• t...i v111o., ~-.,..,. ,..,, .. .,5_. "'' 5o<' ~"'!II.er< ...._ (•f>''"""" A '~"' ~ Mi-" o.JOI:-!-•Pl;....., •"'1 o;,,, O.OV. T ... l>"nt•rwl-"'""lr"'""'"''·"'°I*>••! 11.oy 51•"""-Co111 l.Oeo,o °'"""~ .. D~;>& Roh-<'N ..,.,,.~1 ,...,'°""'.""l'W'•- hi ~ (.r •1 v~• """"-""'*""..,. I~·~~ M•~f.- Ool1111 H ltw:rl R.e~\J P f-b'I ........ t""Mol"e<l•"O l O•IOOO CMteMtMOffkt tll'l "'*''h. .re..· MciiiwJ 6dat'\1 ~:: g..,, t.-.1 'i-l~i~ """' °""'' .,.~, ...... ml~l'rllll~·· 1 • -~• O"-"t!" "' r ,,.ni '" • .. ""''""I>" ..... ~ •fll•~.:t.IQ'e.-... :1 $ ... ~..,,,.JO~,.,,.,..~. : .... ...,., .. .... ,,,,,ii-111 •1 ••l·•Jll ct.11lfl.cf Acf~trtiMtMJ •42·S• 11 ~ !Oft &.,..,. Q-..'le1 ...... ·~ .., """'"'°"'°'"'-"'"'""'-H•r·1-··"' "_ .................... t"'_.........., _.,.. ------"'_,.,"""_ .......,<-~··-111c-o.i·-0•"'•· ,,.. $oobtttlDl'0'1t..-llOO-•r .._...,~ lt8'_........,.,..,.._.__ »"f-, \ 63, a Chicn~o kitchen gadget tycoon. Pelly l\as also won a continu11ti on ur 1\lt> trfal 11ntil June 17. because his 11artner. Newport Beach l<t'A')'Cr Robert Gre<'n , has a et>nflic11ng 1n11rdl·r trial in 1>rogress. Ayers and ~trs. Popeil bolh rern a111 free on bn il. A n1otion for 11 ch:inl':C of \1,nuc to a d1ffc 1'<'nt area In the event r.1rs. Por :ind Ay1~rs cannot avoid ln;,11 is i'tlso due for a hearing t\tay 10 in Long Beach Su!X'rior Court. Their defense attorney .. maintain that C\'en if both musl be tried on the t'xisting cha rges or conspiracy to comm.it murder and solicitnlion to commlt murder that they l'OU!d not receive a fai r tria l locally. A pair of men 'A'ho onrc 'A'orked with Ayers ;it Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach 'A'cnt to aulhorili es after allegedly bei ng solicited to kill Popeil. He has be<'n estranged from his blonde \\'ifc a11d living in a Chica~o 11 partn1ent v.·hile awaili ng final diss(llution of their in:irriage. ir Popcll dil>d before ii became final . she and the couple's daughters would inherit a large share of his estate. estimated at $200 million. Accu.~ed Killer Of SA Widoiv To f ,flce 1'rial An w1employed hospit al or de r I y accused or the slaying or Dr. Louis J. Ct'lla's molher-in·law was ordered late Tuesday to face trial Aug. 12 In Orange County Superior Court. Judge James Turner set th e lrial date for Loui s Stanley \\'iechcchi. 30, and refused to lov."Cr the $500,000 bail set for \\liechechi y,·ho is in the county jail. \Vicchcchi v.·as arrcslC'd. last hlarch · J s~rtly 11fter the body of h1rs. ~larion Camilla r.1organ. 7!1, was found on a weed-covered lot at the rear of thl' Snn1<1 Ann apartment huilding Ol''llcd by lhc hlission Vlcjo physician and manag ed for him by Mrs. Morgan. It is alleged that Wiechechi strangled ~lrs. hJorgan after he quarreled with her about the janitorial duties he on ce performed at the 17th Street building. .f_gUce. C]Jlim h.t then carried th~ boQy or the silver-haired WidO\V from the ap:irtment to the vacant lot. left 11 ransom note near the body and called police and FBI agents in a bid to dh·ert suspicion from himself. The arrest of Y.1ieehechi led Santa Ana police to rropcn the riles on two previous deaths at the same apartment building. Both occurred while Wiechechi lived there. But police now appear s11tisfied that the previous verdicts of suicide in both cases can remain on the corone r's fi les. They stated Tuesday that \\'iechechi is charged only v.ith the murder of hlrs. r.lorgan. 1·rom Pnge 1 EGYPT • • • Kissinger is concentratinJ: on Anwar S.1dat or Egypt for Arab support in working out seltlemenls y,•ith Israel. On Sunday he begins his filth tour of the region since !he Arab-Israeli 11 ar last October. seeking a disengagement between lsra<'li and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights. "The hope for a la.s!ing solution to the Arab-I sraeli dispute is stronger today than at any time in the previous quarter een!.ury." Ni xon \(lid Congress in proi>0sing the special assistance progra1n for the ~liddlc East. UPI T1,..,_1t 1'1ndn1ne Chief 'fh e 165 pollcemcn in Chica- go's traffic od1ninistration di· vision ans wer to Chief Marilyn O'Regan. 53. a 26-year veter- an of the force wh o was ap- poinled to the $27.000-a·year l<i st \\'eek in a shakeup of the Chicago police department. It's the highest post ever held by a wo1nan on Ute 13,750-ntcmbcr force. \ From Pnge l AB B01'T ... house comic and former Holl}"A'ood stunt 1nnn . In the 50s. the team radcd and in 1957 broke up. In 1959, lhc Int ernal R<'''enue Service audited Abbott 's lax returns for eight ye<t rs and dlsallo'A'Cd $1 million in drduclions. lfe sold his $250.000 ~state and his ranch north of the c11y and said the go\·emment had taken all his securities "and put a lien on everything ," leaving him penniless. He even sold his TV residulll rights. He moved into a n1odest house in Encino. At one point, when the publicity about his financia l troubles drew so1ne donotion.~. he appealed to his fans to send 50 cents apiece to help him pay off the 1housands he owed the IRS. He recei\·ed 11300 and said "it was damed nice of lhcrn." After the team split up. Abbott filed suit against Costello for money he <'!aimed from their TV series. The suit y,·ns still in litigation when Costello died. Abbott played a somewhat stuffy man 'A'ho wu always correcting th e impulsive, fumbling Costello. Early in their career. they appeared on the Kate Smith radio show and soon were in "Streets of Paris" on Broadway. Their first movie 'A'Ell "One Night in The Tropics." The tall, thin Abbott and the short, fat Costello were the comedy king.s of the 19~0s and '50s, mak ing dozens or films, appearing weekly on radio and going inlo tele vision in the late 1950s. From Page 1 POLICE ... has no control over the actions of their police department. With this contract v."C"\·e given all control to lhe chler of police of Costa r.1esa ." During discussion Tuesday night. Councilman John Burton te r me d An thony 's concerns "quibbling over lhe niceties of 11 contract .. agreed to .,.,·hen the city had only one other alternati\·e - con tracting y,·ith the Orange County Shcrirf's Department. Do you think the Sheriff v.·ould let the Irvine City Council tell his men 1A·hat to do~·· Burton asked . hlayor Gabrielle Pryor said she didn't see any other alternative since Ne!A·port Beach lsn"l interested and "Laguna Beach can't sectn to keep its officers." Truckers Walk Out NE W YORK (A?)-The In le r n n l R.cvenue service hns agreed to let the ~nate Watergate commlllce staff see tnx returns and other dat a rron1 the J)('rsonal hies of F. Donald Nlxon or Newport Beach and Q)arle~ G. ltcboro, the New York Times said today in fl story quoling "·ell-placed sources. The file informa tion v:as sought by lhe t'Omn1iltce in connection v.dth its Investigation of a $100,000 campaign cont ribution given to JU:bo1,o in 1969 and 1970 by ltoward Hughes. The Times quoted well placed sources as saying the agreement to provide the c~mmittee 'A'ith the politically sensitive, tax returns and other materials was 'A"Orked out r.tonday. A source of the Associated l'ress Tuesday night that the \Vatergate co1nn1lttee·s chief t'OUnsel. Samuel Dash. had a mcetink.,-~IOnday wit h Burke Vi'. \\"illsey . an l~~ official. But rommittcc sources conta•:tcd Tuesday night decHnt.od to confirm the Times' account. The Times said that under the agreement. the IRS infonnation would not be given to the committee but to one Democratic and one Republican staff membe r. The newspaper named !he commiltcc represt:ntatives as Car1nine S. Bellino, chief investigator ror U1e full commiuee, and Richard Schultz, an assistant minority counsel. Hebozo. President ~ixon's close friend. }1as s;Ud the $100.000 J~ughes contribution \vas left untouched in a safe-deposit box until it was returned to the ·Hughes interests last June 27. From Page 1 ' IMPEACH ... member committee toda y, ~ading from a draft of his joint recommendations ~·ith Ooar. Among allegations lhcy recom111cnded dropping: -Those , involvi ng Nixon's persona l fina ncing, including financing or his San Clemente and Key Biscayne homes. but rxcluding allegations of fraud in the preparation of his income taxes. -Those concerning Nixon·s order committing U.S. forces into combat in Cambod ia. -Allegations of White Ho use involvement in illegal ca m pa i g n con1ributions exacted from corporations under threat or pronlisc or government ravors. -1bose ln\'oh'ing Nixon·s refusals to spend appropriated funds th r o 11 g h impoundme nt s and his attempt lo abolish lhe OfU ce of Economic Opportunity In ''kllation of a Congress ional mandate. -A variety of allegations that go,·crnment agencies were ordered to do certa in things or refrain from doing other things because of contributions. The \\•hittling process 'A'ould still leave a large number of charges against the President -including allegations of obstruction of justice in his handling of lhc \Vatergate affair. A Republican source d i s c I o s e d , meantime, that a seC(lnd committee request for potential evidence from the White House included 46.1 hours of taped conversations. Thls Is in addition to the materials under subpoena , for v.·hich the President asked the delay in the deadline I for responding . ...... ' SACRAt\·l Ei~T<J ~AP )-Asse mblyman Kenneth Cory 1 D·Gard('n Grove) clallhCd repeatedly "'il h L1n1on Oil <.:01npany Prcsidcot Frtd Uarlter here Tuesday in a hearing on oil pricing 111\'olving lllate- owned oilficlm. Hartley told ihe Crude Oi i Pricing Subcommittee o[ which Cory b chairman lhAt oil company profits ""·ere chicken fct'CI" on fie lds t:nion nnd rour othf'r com panies developctl fo r the st.ntc and city of Long Beach. Hartley attacked Control!t'r Houston Floutnoy for seeking lo collect S230 million annuall y in higher price.s for state oil, saying lhat the increase wou ld simply be passed on to the con.sumer and become a "hidden excisi:; tSx." "As my son said, it's a ripoff," he told !he subcommittee. "It's unconscionable." Gory tl}en asked about the morality of oil companies charging higher prices for its ov.'T\ new oil rcrsus the state seeking higher prices. ""I didn't S<'l up the lay,·:· llart!ey r<'p!icd . "All v.·e have done is 'A'hlll U1c other major companies have done ." Hartley al one point, however, did indicate that big oil company profits show that the price of new domestic crude oil should be cut. .. I think the incentive is currently greater than required and that the oil company profits that are be i n g announced this v.·eek -our company included -verify that.·· Hartley told tne co1nmittee. He said under current federal price regulations . old domestic oil sells at about $4.50 ;1 barrel. But new oil produced from new wells or increased production from "'ells already in opero lk>n before ~1arch, 1972 sells for about $9.50 a barrel. The rurr .... renti31 Y.';l!l desi'ned to give oil companies an incentive to develop new d0mcstic sources of oil, Hartley said. Bui he added that since new oil prices ha,·e risen so far and since the inc.rcases arc passed along to the 1-onsun1crs , profits have risen 1norc than ~edc<l as an incentive for 1nore cxplor<i llon. Al the same time llartley was testifying in Sacramento, T e 1 a c o announced in Ne~· York that Its first quarter profits were 123 percent above the same period in 1973, while Exxon · announced a 39 pef'cent jump in profits for the quarter. Hartlev did not rev<'al t:nion·s first quarter ·profit figures . Tes tifying about the Long Beach oil fi eld prOfits. !Iartley said that Texaco, Exxon (formerly llumblc /. Union, ~·!obi! nnd Shell -labeled TH.OMS -dc\'eloped 80 percent or the Long Beach field at a cost of about $3'l1 million and only made a profit from it of about •to million 0\1er rhe last nine years. "It was Just chicken feed." Hartle,1 said. "If all deals we made were li ke 1~ one, the shareholders of Union Oil v.·ould have sold their stock long ago." He said Long Beach has made more than $200 million from tt e deal. He said the city drove a tough bargain with the companies. a bargain he compared 10 re cent deals 'A'ith r-.1iddle East oil producers. Magee Asks f Qr Life Term: 'I'm Going to Be Killing' SAN JOSE (UPI) -Convict Ruchell t\lagee has askt.od a judge to send him to prison for life because, "I'm going to start killing.·· In an outburst of frustration during pretrial hearings before Superior Judge \Villiam Ingram. the 34-year-old Magee asked Tuesday that his plea of innocent be changed to guilty on charges resulting from the bloody August, 1970 shooling at the J\1arin County Courthouse In which a judge and three others \\"Crc killed. ~la gee's trial is scheduled to start ritay 28 on kidnap-extorlion charges in connection with the inciden t. Judge Ingrain refused to allow the defendant to change his pica. tell ing hin1 that it could not be accepted because 1'.tagce had not conrerred v.·ith his attorney. Magee. \1 ho has been involved in frequent courtroom outbursts during lengthy trials, v.·as berating his court- appointed lay,·yer. public. de fe n de r She ldon Port1nan, and accJsing the judge of being prejudiced. \\1hen Ingram refused to disqualify himself from the case. ~tagee left the courtroom. He came back a fe\'i' minutes later and told lhe judge: "'I wish to withdraw my not guilt}' plea and enter a guilty pica to gel out of this courtroo1n . I \\'ant you to give me life. ~Ian. I've been through this for 10 years. I am tired of this insult ... I 'vant to go back to prison or v.·hertver It's at because I'm going to start killing v.·herever I'm at. I'm going to start here ... I'm going to mak e you shoot me," The judge recessed court for a halt hour and then announced he would delay further hearing until Thursday to allow J\taget to confer with any attorney he wishes. From Pagel KOi ... suspect oonf essed in horror alter learning of the magnitude of the offense. "He almost died v.•hen f tol.d him its value," the investigator said . ln\•estigator Veach said the boy claimed that based on ad\'ertisements by the Takata Nursery that he thought the koi he borroy,·ed 'A'as ~·orth only $.1, not $3.000. as daimed. 1'hc youth v.·ho allegedly stole it th01Jght it 'A'as just a big goldfish, according lo Questioning by detectives today. A note or bizarre irony v.·as in}ected into the fat.i i incident io,·olving what was alleged to be the most valuable of the ~ hundreds of koi kept at Takala's nursery and fishery . .. The kid said the only reason he took that one \ras because it jumped right into his net," Detective Veach said. Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart E ' 41&¥ SPORTING GOODS f'ro111 Pofle l DEER ... panicked animal \rhich haC be<!n dashing across streets in the area. nearly causing accidents. .. He Would have preferred to take him n\ive and, in fact. he tri ed to." said a police spokesman 1oday. "There was just no v.·ay ... " PHARR . Tex. ~AP ) -Several hundred nr.gr~· truckers stalked out of a meetin g Tuesday night after a r ed er a I government official told them, "The price or fuel is not going to be rolled back no matter whal" t\lillard. Holden president of lhe Independent Produce !Iaul<'rs Association, sakl after tne I mecling he hopes the truckers will not st age a planned nationwide shutdov.·n 1 ~lay 13. but a trucker from the Midwesl I 1 said the shutdown will take place. • °"" ' ... BICYCLES-PARTS-TIRES-ACCESSORIES • 538 CE_NTER STREET~OST A MESA--646-191.9 Little League Shoes 5.95 All Purpose Shoes 8. 95 up Soccer Shoes 11. 95 up Baseball Shoes 10. 95 up Basketball Shoes' 10.95 up Tennis Shoes 9. 95 up Football Shoes 17. 95 up Racquetball Racquets Badminton Rackets Squash Rackets Table Tennis Paddles Darts CLOSIO SLIHDAY ""----~. I Tax Break Give~ i Cou rt Upholds La1v for Wido1vs 1 • !-·. WASHINGTON (UPI! -The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on a 6·3 vote today a Florida law giving widows, but not widowers, a ssoo tax break on grounds that society is "inhospitable" to working 1,vo1nen. Justice William O. Douglas wrote the majority decision, citing the generally lower economic status of women as a proper basis for lh r! f;iw . ''There can be no dispute that the financial difriculUes con- fronti ng the lone woman In Florida or in any other state exceed those facing the man," Douglas said . "\Vhetlter rrom overt di scrimination or from the socialization prOC'ess of a male-dominated rul1ure. the job market Is inhospitable to the 1,voman seeking any but the lowest paid jobs.'! .Justices Byron R. \\Thite and \Villiam J . Brennan Jr. "'rote seJ?: artile cli~scnts, and Justiee Thurgood ~farsall endorsed Brennan s VICW". The case was brought b¥ Mel Kahn, a f1orlda wido wer who Cla imed vlolation of his conslltutlonal rights to equal protection or th e IMW without regard Lo sex. 11, Tennis Dresses Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sweaters Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Racket Stringing ·---- Dart Boards Volleyballs & Nets Shuffleboard Sets Croquet Sets Speedo Swimsuits & Trunks Laguna Swim Trunks Raleigh Bikes Parts -Tires-Tubes Accessories-Repairing • • . ~ I' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE Civic Harmony Jolted Because Costa Mesa municipal politics usually are played low·ker and behind the scenes, the public rarely witnesses a dlSplay of political gamesmanship. A rather jarring exception occurred last week when Planning Commissioner Edward A-1cFarland was suddenly fired from the commission by the city council. Although he had given every indication or fu!Cill· tng hls duties -and to the apparent satisfactJon or the public JC not always to the &afislacUon of some fellow commlssioner.i -)1cFarland was removed from the commission without warning after only 18 months' sen .. ice. His seal ~·as given to Mrs. Arlene Schafer. Now, ~tn:. Schafer has shown herself to be a hard· working civic-minded citizen , and should make an ex- ceUent addition to the commission as its first woman member. Her .credentials are solid. and she had in the past expressed Interest in serving on the Planning Com· mission. Among Afrs. Schafer's most recent civic activities are the successful campaigns she organized in two elec· tioru: the open space bond issue election and the re· election campaign of Vice-~tayor Jack Hammett. Under the circumstances, however, her relationship to 1-lammett's campaign has· brought an unfortunate cloud over ftlrs. Schafer's appointment to the Planning Commission. Although it has been denied, there is an implication of J?Olitical reward . Hammett insists he never promised ~trs. Schafer a seat on the commission in exchange for her canlpaign work, but that he did agree to "support her candidacy" when an opening occurred. There has been ao public justification for 1ileFar- lan1r s di.!n1iss.al. The seatin g or l\frs. Schafer has been descnbed as an efCort to get a woman and a 1>er~on with some different Points or view on the Planning Commi.s· sion. That in itself seenlS a rease>nable objective. !\lcFarland got a bad deu l. but ccrtaililr there is no claim that the effectiveness of the comn1 iss 1on itself has been damaged by the appolntml'nt of !\lrs. Schafer. \Vhat apparently has been damai;:ed -and possibly seriously and ror son1 e Lime to co n1e -is the atmosphere of harmony and unanimity and sweetness and light that Uie Cos ta l\tciia rouncil has through the years so dili· gen tly tried to maintain. Hoaa l\1o"cs Ahead I:"" \\'hen J-l oag hlemolial }-fospital. Pres byterian. dedi· rated its new 1 l ·story pa..t1ent ca re tower last weekend. it was a nlilestone for the llarbor 1\rca conlmun ily as well as for the institullon. Since its op'.ening almost 22 years ago as a 75·bed h6spital. and the firs t one on the Orange Coast, !he hos· pilal has been a lnbute to excellence 1n com munity involvement as "'ell as to excellence in providi ng health care. :\nd perhaps the secret of !he hospital's success is th<1t even a~ it has groy,•n, th rough son1e Jl least five n1ajor additions to its facilities and innumerable acquisi· lions of specialized equipment, to its now 472 beds and the most modern equipment and suppo11 fa cilities. it al· ways has reached out to the community. r\ot just for obviously needed financial support, but to seek commu- nity participation and to offer additional com1nunity ser\'· ices and specialized care. , ............. ~---- , . ..! Insiders declare that the plan envisioned by some members of the council called for AlcFarland to remain on the commission and for Mrs. Schafer to be added to the commission. with one of the long-tenured commis· sioners bidding hls adieu. But the three votes needed for·this smooth infusion or new J>Jood on the commission simply could not be drawn together. As a result, Hammett wound up being hung out to dry in a plain old political power play. There is more to come at 11oag. But 11oag 1'.1emorial Hospital, Jlresbyterian . deserves a big round of applause and appreciation from the community as it enters it s new era of greater services -and the best wishes of all for continued success. 'Hello, lt'hite House? I'd like to invite President Nixon to come out to our stare and campaign for my opponen t .. ' Th, is Crisis Jf1 ill Be flard to Top ( ART HOPPE ) Federal Cr isis Coord inator Upton Do\1TIS vigorously denied any responsibili- ty in the st range disappearance of The Energy Crisis. Dear Gloomy Gus Pl anning Ccmmissioner Ed P..1cF:lr· land called a spade a spad~ and dug his oY•TI grave! \\'ho say1 there is room for honesty? Too bad! BC. GIOOl'fl1 Glti <omfl'lefth i re IUbmlllt(I b1 'Nft" 11'11 .. lloOI -t1UfH1 r~IKI "" 1;.W'I Ot "" "'W'IO-. ,..., 'tit' "' ,_. •• I• GI°'"'' G~i. 01111 l"ilol. "It is the duly of The ti.S. Crisis housewives· Beef Bo\•cott? Thal v;as a l\tanufacturing Bureau to initiate crises." good one. Then "'e ihrew ln Shortage°' Do\vns told a press conference, "not to and now that they·re gooe. we 're drum- t('rminate them." --mifig tip Interest In The Impeachment He noted the a\·erage life of an Crisis. Any queslicns? .. Am erican crisis in the past 15 years was . . 8.2 months. tn scope and depth. if not MR. DOWNS wa$ 1mmcd1ate.ly asked duration. he said, "The Energy Crisls far ~t happened to the gas lines. He _....1....1 f d · r ·· snuled exc~~ our on est .aspira ions. "One. thing \ve·ve learned in the While not a.s Jong·hved as The Threat . f N I H I t · the I 1 19~ or Bureau Is never to O\'erestimate the at· o ucear oocaus 111 ae ....,., t · f h A · l "'h Th c·\1·1 RI ht.s Battl s f the early ~t1on span o. t e mer1ran pt.."'Op.e. e e 1 1 . g e 0 . • said . "They simply grev,' bored with gas 1960s. he said~ The ~ner? Cr1s1,~ had a line,, and refused to 1!.'ait in them any .. much mor~ 1mmed Jate impact. mor:e . After all a crisis requires the full "Our studies show It gene rated more . · . . ,, cocktail party conversation than either cooperation of every ~1hz~n. Poverty, "'hich replaced Civil Righls on A young reporter inquired ho.,,,· the our calendar or Student Unrest whicb government had managed to solve all the s~eded ~verty," he said proudly. problems !\tr. Do"·ns had cited. "frankly. v:e consider it one of our very ri.tr. Downs looked puzzled. "Solve best crises in recent years." them? But we haven 't solved any of UfliUKE Busing. which followed Stu· dent Unrest. he said, The Energy Crisis "brought the country together" - part.icu1arly in ga.. lines. ln this re!pect, it wa.. similar ~ Hi- jackings, ¥i'hich replaei!d The Population Explosion. which followed Pollution. v.·hich supplanted Student Unrest when interest in that crisis waned. "And il certainly had far wider appeal than The Monetary Crisis which v.·e manufaclured to fill lhe gap left by Pollution." he said. "The Monetary Crisis was one of our few fiascos. ·•But we've more than made up for that mistake in the past year. We began v.'ith The Watergate Crisis arxi followed that up 9t'ilh Innation. Remember the them. We still have a Nuclear Threat, Racial Injustice, Poverty . Students, Busing, a Population Explosion. Pollu!ion. a l\1onetary Crisis . \\i'atergate. Inflation and Shorta ges. They mer r I y ac- cumulate." "nlEN WHY manufactu re crises?"' the young reporter demanded. "\\'hy. lo take the people's mind oH their problems. of course." replied ~I r. Do"m, "particularly the pre\lious crisis they just went through.·· An older reporter asked v.·hat crisis \\'C could expect next. "We are planning a Depression couplC'd v.·ith Inflation. "A Depression alone sin1pl:-r "1>uldn·t do." c Police Drift To1vard /ffifitn1•izntio11 ' Danger of Non-thinking Tradition To the Edit9r: I was delighted that Sgt. Tony Villa took the trouble lo write aboul mv nrticle. "America n P o! ice ar(. St rangers." !Daily Pilot. April 111191. He ~1ppropttately takes n1e to task for hcin,q ignorant of d<'ly·tfHlay po lice operations. r~pccially recruitment. and I rllnC't-d1~ thr point. 110".EVER. I wish he had addrrSSC'd himself to the larger issues I at1ernplc:d lo sel forth . For examp le. I ~ui;i;1·s1Nf that the police are lradilion·nddrn. that they do not think through \~1hy lhcy do \l:hat they do "'1th our money and oor » c1ety. A~ain. I sui;:gestcd that this habit of acting "'hile non ·thinking produces a drift or direction of change I o w a r d militarization. to.,rard the attitudes of an army of occupation. I suggested that the collective Police of this countv are in total \'iohi!1on of the law in sC tting , themselves aOO\·c our democratically elected and I e ~a 11 y responsible representat ives -exact!\' the point that Supcvisor Diedrich has since n1ade in his current eonnict Y:ith lh r p:iliec. I could have gone on. as I am sure Sgt. \1illa knov.·s. I could have suggest NJ lh at these !oc:.il but 'Steady shifts in ( l\IAILBOX J l,e11ers fro111 readers ore tcelcome. ,\"nrnially, it•riter:s slrou/d c-n11vey their ~nPssage.~ in 300 u;ords or li'.~s. The rl{/IH ro co11dense letters tn fit spaCe · nr e/in1 i110Ce libel is rrst rt:rd. All /rf.. lers must i11cludt si911acure and mail· i11r1 address but 11ames may b~ u-irh· l1eld on request if sufficienl reason is apparC7lL Poetry ttill not be pub- lished. empha!is are the nOC"essary, but not sufncient, preconditions for a police ~tale. All unconscious. ho"·c1·cr. All just drift. without di rection. RUT Sgt. Villa should not fl'('! 100 bad about all this. Other human institutions proceed equalJy blindly, equa lly on mo- mentunl from the past papered over by r3tionalizations in the present ever more absurd. The shootin g v,·ar in \'ie1n:irn 11·ith its shooting aftermath -\1't llO\\' hire Vietnamese to kill Vietnamese -1s the u!lunale av.fut examp1" D1\ \'llJ A. :'-1L'~RO .llPSR (in:ef tf• Tn The E:tlitor: \\'e "'ish to ('Xprt'SS our :ippr4 ·<·1:it1"!\ for your t'ditnn:il <1f Frida~'. 1\pr1I 12 :ibout thr Bicrn1r·nn1al C.:11.ctt<'. th;· pub\lcnlion by the O>sl.11 t'.t rs a Hicen lenniat Comrn1 1l('(?. There arr l\\'O points, further, th;ll bo!h ~·ou and !hr public may ht! 1nlcrt·stt'tl in. FIRST, the Bict:'nlrnni:il Oimrniur.-' and its programs arc supported and finanrL'<i by the Costa l\lcsa City Cooncil. Others, too. helped in 1n.1 kinJ?: this publication possible. nr. llobert ~!()('ire. l'res1dcnl of Orange Coust Cl"lllcge, tiln· <'ei\led the idea or i~111a!lv "''hilt: Don Bull. f..lr. <•nd ~1rs, Holx·rt °F1sher. Dnroth \I Enes and ll ilda .\lcCartney as.s islL'Ci 1;1 cr.vs!:illizini; \\'ha t the r;azettc should look !ik('. Secondly. If there :i re urg:ini7.1'd ~roups v.·ha would like to obt;iin rop1<'s of !hr> Gazette in the future. pll':1Sf' i·on1:ic1 thr Ric-entrnnial Committre. I' 0 lk1x l66t C-Osta \les.1 , Califomia ~262t. Thank you again for ~our kind \\'Ords. f:J) f\ll LLF.H llA~K PANIA~ Ct>ed11ors. ll ire:n!ennial Gazette ltt•••I• to Ten(•/1t•r!f To the Editor: Your .. r.cnerou~ Offer" ed1tor111I t•f April 12 11as nn insult In the lt':ichers of !ht• ;'\t:'"'por!·:\lc~a l"n1f11'd Schon I fJi:;rrir!, :1 slu r •Hl 1ht1r 1nt1•,gr11v :;,<; prnff'Ssion.11 pcoplP :1n1t :1 l'il sf. of 1.1n1nform£1d :ind m 1.<;lcad1n~ l'd1tnri11lizing 111t>ditol costs 111 1070. n111ou111111a too ol µerceui ur1111 j1}r !he rcoc!icrs a11d rf'l!l'Pnu·ut be11l'f1t iurreasl',t uii/l Tl'· fl •'CI OH•ilhrr shy/rt uaiu. Jncrt·nient s fur ll'arlit•r$ nl)! ut rlie lnp 11/ 1l1e ~1·(1/f' lru re ru11111111 1t•d !11 2() pcrrP11t orrr 1111• (1111r·yrnr pt:r11xl. 1\c£·c1r<ln1p 111 f/1e 1/1.~lnct. n11 rcoc-lier lia.( lnsl. 1·o m1)(1rf'd 1ritl1 1/11· rn.~t of Ji1·inu. and rl111sr 11111 ul 111ar111111111 scalr liai;t: !JOIUf'<I. f:ditor. Diu a1idled'i!nr.,.,1t To the Editor: 1\boul the rrcent arllclc in rour paper :ibout the teachers getting a 9 percent lncre~se in their pa y and the possibil ity uf our kids gell ing put into lnrgrr ch1sse~ :ind ha ving to cut back on other things ... l)OES~I the i\t•11·pnrt·:\IP~i1 School Oistrict think our kids have done v.·ithoul now ·1 \\'hy \\'ould 1hc·y \\";111! to make tht·n1 do 11·i thout 1nort"' ()ur d11ughtrr gradu11trd t"·o )'l'ars Jgo. Sh<· 11·rn1 to her counselor abou1 i:!Olng to collci:;L·. She v.·as told there 1111u!d be no point 1n her going lo coilci:ic bt•('11usr> she <"Ollldn 't read past a SC\lenlh grade book. ANOTHER child v.·e pulled nut of grade school because he v.·as suppoS(!d to be handicapped. They v.·antcd to put him in a school for rel.arded children. He is nnw in a Christian school and doing finr. This i!i what v.·e:·re going lo p<iy the teachers a higher salary frir. If tht>y would puU out the student tea<'ht>rs v.·ho teach the classes and put lhe teachers back to teach -and this Is v.·hat they're ~cit ing paid fnr -ma ybe the people 11·hose taxes i;\O up v.•ou\d iu~ree thert• is SQrne Sl'nse in a hi,1thcr \\;1ge. Hi~ht nov.· I rton·1 sr-e "'here they're \.\Or th n1orc and highrr 1xir. :\':\:\IE \\'ITl!Hf':LO F1111t i11 tl1e l>t•11r To the Editor : Chaos • Ill the Vet Administration To urge tt•:J('t1crs lo ·1;1kr a 9 percent r:iisr nnd run" irTI Jllirs ~l'\('ral negative things. F1rs1. 1r 1u1plit.~ 1h.1t ~1 !! j)f'rr1·nt salary increase I~ mort lhan 1hry dcscr1·r. One 1\'nndcrs 11 h~· 1he: samr cditoriallsl fail1.:tl to 1}<Jint out th<1t slnre 1969 teachers in 1h1" r!ist rict hal'C :ibsorbed a 10 pt•rrent rtf'c-r~ase in salary \\hen th<'ir •·r;:ilse:;i" :ir t i·ompared tn the Bu rc:iu of J.1bor S!~tistics t'ost of lil'lng I 1i;:ure:oi Second. it ind1ca1t-d lhiJt the t«achrr's rrquests 1lcaehers h:!\l' no po"'er olher than to rcqul•SIJ \1'0t1l tl sc;1re olhcr "gol'ernmrnt off1l'1<1I~" into r,rderini: smaller 11n cups :\la)' I a~k v.h1rh go\'ernmrnt off1< lals )<•Ur "'rLl<'r is refrrring IQ Su~ly 1t r;1nnot Ix-to Congre~mcn or AsYn1b1ym('n or County officials. Again history repeats Itself at !he Orange Oiunty Airport. In 1963 Y:e wr re told hy the Orani::e County SuJ>f'rvisors thn t lhe expansion of thf• n1nv.J~ al Or;ingr C'ounty A1r1Klrl ··••as for the safety of thr plaft('S al ready usi ng H. that th1·re \\'OUlrl Ix• no jets at the airport \\'e nai\'t'ly believed them. This week Donald E. John.son an· 11ou11ced his plaris to resign as liead of the Vete rans Administration. f:ditor. VlASmNGTON-The horrors now af· flicting the nation's veterans programs can be traced to the radical plan of !he old Haldeman·Ehrlichman White itouse . officially repudiated but s u r v l v I n g nevertheless. to centralize all power In the Oval Office dur- ing President Nix· en's secon<I tcm1. Although H. R. lfaldem3n pnd John 0 . Etirlichman are long gone. their grand dt9ign e n- dures -itdmlnlsler· cd by spiritual heirs and gentrally lgnor· ed by Watergate-preoccupied Washing· Ion. The dJsrupUve: results arc now sur· f11cing In one agency afk>r o.notlw!r. ln tht Vtterans Admlni!tration (VA). the political explosion hall just begun . A central feaiurc of the Haldemlln· Ehrllchman plan "'a.s 1q· place trusted Nixon 11iides. from !he \Vhite House and the widely defamed Committee for the Reelection of lhe Pre!:ident <CltEEPl. In key posUk>n.s of ex~tlve dcpartmenl..s. Running the government then would be He.ldeman and his ttaff. backt'd by tht Ofnce of ~1anagcmcnt and Budget IO~IB) b<adoo by Roy A.!h and hi.I d•pu· • ( EVANS·NOVAK J ty. Fred l\laJrk , "'ho had betn second·in- c.-ommand al CREEP. r\Al\fED BY Malek to be \\"hite !louse agent for VA ·s ·mulli-billion·dollar opera· lions was Frank Naylor. fresh frorn a stint at CREEP rounding up veterans organizations' support for the Nixon- Agnew .,tickel. Naylor moved in to VA'~ plush IOth floor executive oUiccs as a supergrade 18 paying $43.926. Other · CREEP alumni from the t\latek su1ble mo\'ed 10 lesser VA jobs. Amoni; the n1any : P.1ichael Bronson, a CRF.l-:P fleld representative as assistant ad· ministrator for planning and evaluat ion: Andrtw Adam.s, a Kansas coordlnator for CREEP as deputy dll'fCtor ln VA"s no~·· 1:1mbattled education dl,.L,lon. \~"hat wall happen ing al the VA reflected a radkal effort to ~i,·e tht> White HOUH total control of all majOr bureaus and department.s. r\ov.., IS months later, the outcome at the VA Is clear: utter disaster. NAYLOR, who came lo VA without ex- perience in IM age:ncy's highly speci11liz· C!d work. bas now betn quietly shu nted to the Fanners Home Administration. nronson is oo his way 001. Adams. 1 polio victim confined to a wheelchair, Is slated ~ run the ntW rehabilitation office I ' 1n th~ Dcpar!n1cnt of Health, Education 3nd \\'f!Jfi'.lrc I but puv.·c rful Congressmen may block !hat appo1ntn1l·nt; This accelcraung colla rse of ttte Haldeman·Ehrlichmun <·cntraliz1H ian of r10v.·~r barely begins the slury of the VA\ crisis. TllE A:\1ERICAN J.EC.10'.'i cheered y.·hen then Repub\lca.n Sen. Jack ?-.tiller of . 1ov.·a ide(eatcd for rttlection in 1972) persuaded ~Ir. Nixon in 1969 to name Don Johnson, 11 fringe lo"'a Republican polltici11n and fom1 er na tinnal com· 1nander of the Legion. lo head the VA . Today. hov.·pvcr. even the Legion has soured on Johnson·s performance run· ning tht' \·A·s 171 llospitals. 59 region<1l offices ;,ind tens of lhou s.1nds of cmployes. "Don," sa id ooe rongrcsslonal critic. "is a politlcal primitive who plays c\•erythlng by the l\111lek rulebook." P.ialck'1 first rule is $living money. ThiJ, JohMOn's critics co m p I a l n he automr11ically O\'errides his own ei1:perts. plus the organizt'd veterans' lobbi s, lo acetpt O~tB "s budget proposals even at the expense of wentlal ,·eterans· services. THE !\!OST dramr1tlc case 1,1·as thf> Johnson-con1rh·ed ouster of Dr Atari.: J. ,_1 11.!lscr. 'Ii A's highly r cg 11 rd e d chlcl medical director. In a prh•Ate ltller Aprll 3 to Rep. Olin Teairue. chalnnan of the House V~tcrans Commilt~. and Sen. Alan Cranston. chairman-of ·lht Senate subcommittee on veteran~ healt h and hospitals. L\lusser said that, "an an· tagonistic and uncooperative ad· m1nis1rator 1.Johnson)'' madl' lus wt> 1n1· po5sible and !hat "the inflltratif.1n ()f the d1~parl{nent by pe rsonnel selected :ind appointed by •.. lhc admmistrator has \·lrtually ehmin.ited any possibility of functional integrity" in the ml'<lica l branch. \\"ht'll l\lusser came under alt.ark bv .J()h11so1'1's office last yea r, then prcsidc n. 1ial counselor ~lelvin La ird inte rcc<lrd. Ln!rd 1\'rung fron1 Johnson ti firm agree· nit'nl !o stop interfering with L\1 uss.er's operation. · ~IOJtE SIGSTFICAl\'T, ~tr Ni.'<on h1n1sclf .stron11:ly indicaled to Teague last ni'<..'1'mber that r..tussc r "·ould slay. No1\, with the Prl'Sidcnt preoccupied wnh fightinR impeachment and y,·Hh l . .a1rtl gone. l\l us.s<!t h.as been hounded out of vf· fie~. !\fusser's lop deputy, Or. Benjamin f ";ells. was also for<'ttl 001. \\'ells told U( Johnson '"just could not st:ul'l'' \\'ells·~ CCMtctlons wi th powerful congrc111sionnl Dt1nocrats. By lhrowing it! full weight behind Johnson. O~I R relains drl'loonian control ovl'r VA 's budget . The corit is high· lo-ris Clf suppor t from the powerful veterans' lcbt;y, from lenii of thousands 'If Victnarn \·eteran.,, ~nd :1dmlnis1ra1h•e chaos In th(· VA. Such Is one bitter after·toste of the llold man·EhrU~timan blueprint for JlOWCr. Third. it directly impl1t·s 1h:1l teachPrs '11rt? somchn1v <1\lcmptin~ to "bi lk'' thr taxpayrr before hf' <"an r, .. i1 111· \\'h:it l~ happening. Asidr fron1 lhr> f::ict that teachers are nlso t:iiq1:i~·prs. lhnt they rontribute lo, :. cnmmunily mnnel:trily and in myriarl nthtv fa shion~. your cditori~list failC'd 111 dri.I furthC'r v.lth his implications rr~ardinR lh(' job th;1l le;1chc r111 do ~- If. in the f)a1I\· Pilot"s r!.11m1111on th at ;ob is !WI unn1>ct·"-~1r\'. so de\·01d nf rr~ponsibi li!y. so poorlv donr>, or :-:n nl'err;.1id. lh••·n \()II. •~~ ,l!rnr·ralQr( nf public opln1Qn :1n· rPmLs~ 1n ~nur rnmmunlly rf'<iJ)l'ln~1biHt_\ tn ,. \' P n :id,·oca tinR a 9 IK"rtl'lll 1nr reasr. \Vhy nnt Sltr pub!Jc op1n1nn in lh« lrllt t11rf'C!il'ln nf your tdltortal' \\'h\ not :1d\'1JC<1I<' across the board pay <"UIS fur t1·ach"r~" 1\fll•r ah. v.hat meaning dlk'S t.'li uclll1•111 rL<1ll)' ha\'' to a com1nun1t~ !)A:-;rt:L r o·f\HIE\; Ti1p .~rhr.ol d1~tr1t(~ 1!1rrrtnr of ft~· col 71/a11nn1(1 sr11+t~ ll1n1 tor tht jo'lr· IJflU.r prriod bf'~1un1111ri lfl 1969. ct1$t of /1i;111g f1y11rrs .~h11a· o 2.1.13 1urreO!I', 1rh1lt rum11ln1 1rc ~olurll't ]fir 1111 ffaCllPr,t 111rrf'11~r1/ 19 511 perc-r11t. in- dtcattng a tru111u of 3.55 µrrt't-"'111. 11()11'- l?L'l?r, lite d1srr1c t picked up all rnajur ' Now the IJO"('rs that hi' :i re !l·Hu1:: us 1h:n anolhC'r C'xpnns1on of lh(' lC'ni;:th or !ht' runwfly v.•111 be only fnr f!Uirtcr t.1k('-- off~ of the planes over :\e"f)Ort BJ}'. :i nd not for ll!~grr J<•l!l lfa·lla·lla: <me foo! in thl.' door ah\ays lead.~ to anllth~·r ·' \lH :ind ~tRS. CAL!\:. f'Ul.LER DAILY PILOT Rnbcrt ,\' \V1•erl. rz,bLi.l:ht'r ThfJmns l<ce,,1/, Edilor llnrb<Jra Kreib1ch Edtforial Paye Editor Thr t'!frlor\al TWl£f' of 1he: U;u1y PliOl &erks 10 1nlorm and 1tJmul11itt' relKl,.ni hy Prt'leT!Uni;t an tin• PIJ:'f' • cl1\'tl'Jlll' rommt'ntary on topll:'ll ol 1n ,,.,...M ~ #)'nct\C'aff'd rolumn1rt1 1u1d t'olrtQo1t11~t-1. hy pr ..... M'11ne: • lonim f'lr rr-11df'r~· , .• ,..., •• 1tncl hy pttl!W'fltl"R' tnll nr.,...·sp1t~r 11 op1nk.Vul Md !Ma.' en C\lrN"nt fopi~. Thr t'd1lonlll opinion.: ol 1.h<' l>i1.1:y r-tk11 1ror..-11r only In the M1tor11\J ml11mn 1t 1h., top of the pagr. Op1n11m.11 "~Jlrt'M"d by lh• ~­ umn!st., and c1r1oonhlll and 1~1"' "'Tilm AN-lhelr own a.nit m ~~ mr-nt o! 1Mlt viN"S by 1he DaU, Pilot tihM!ld hi: lntft'rtd. Wednesday, Ap ril 24, 1974 .. ' I Stop-and-Sea1·cla . Cou1·t to Decide 011 Zebra Policy SAN FRANC ISCO (AP 1 -A to contact otbeni.·ise." said Lt . federal court today tackles the \Villiam O'Connor. The Zebra ldllings began last issue af the city pO!ice November and ha ve resulted department's stop-and-search in 12 deaths and six persons policy in the hunt for one.'or v.·oundcd . The victims were rnore black killers believed to gunned down ~·ithout apparent /I ha\·e randomly slain 12 "'hites. motive. police say. tv.'O lawsuits have been filed :\layur Joseph Al ioto insisted• Git•(l's Birth Tuesday the stree t searches to halt OperaUon Zebra. the are constitutional and have Singer Carole King code name oi the case derive<! been used as a "regular police gave birth Tuesday to from the "Zl' raillo channel pl'atticc'' in other hunts for an 8-pound, 4-ounce used by Police, dan gerous criminals. son by natural child- The first, filed by the The niayO r, who said he birth in her Laurel Na\ional A$sotlatlon for the "'ou ld abid~ by a fed eral court Canyon home with the Advancement of Co Io r e d ruling. told a news conference help of her husband, People, asks U.S. District the searches v.•ill Ct'.lntinuc as bass player Charles Judge Alfonso Zirpoli to issue ' long as Police Chief Donald Larkey. l\liss King has , an injunction halting the Scot L believes lhcy Mve value. three daughters, age.s searches. By Tuesd:iy night some 500 2. 10 and 12. The second. filed by the black 1n1.•n had been stopped . --'---------- Atnerican Civil LI be rt i e s que stioned up ru several hours Union. askt the court to rule and then released: . the stop-and-search ta c 1 t c In their sl.'arch. police arl' unoonstltutlonal. using a composite drawing of The city has been ordered 10 ;i 1\lUstachioed black man. show cause why it shouldn't be nhoul &-feel lal.1 and 30 years prohitMted from conducting the old. The dra\\'1ng was made searches and was expected to from the descriptions given by defend its policy in court two Zebra victims. today. Earnings Slump Told By Utility Wtdl'ltsda)', A~I 24, 19/4 I DAIL Y PILOT 5 , . . : • Snow Hits Bay Area Mountains • SACRAMENTO fAP l -A tie-in with Gartbald; .. on supplying vtomen. lie callt} ! 1eg}.Jative subcommittee has women, but t.Ml Garibaldi's Fort a liar and threatened 'to; killed a liquor reform bW monetary (.'Qntrlbutions arc a sue. -I afkr one of the b 111 · s matter ol record. Fort heads a dnlg ~ .upporte-created a furor by Gmbaldl. wnose c Ii en t 1 alcobolism lreatment cCnter,,;~~ Liquor Bill_ KiJled SAN FHANCISCO (AP ) -'" t declaring Uquor J o b b y I s t a include the Wlne and Splrits San Francisco. He s a 6 Unseasonably cold weather .~ Provl.de lawmakers w I th \Yholesalers of California, prostitutes !IOmeUmcs come ,.,, stn.1ck Northern California · Sa ~osti'tutes. ,;;d;;eru;;·ec1;;;;an;;y;;;;;'ha;;rg~e;;;;o;;f ;;th;;e;;cen;;;;te;;r;;f;;or;;;;he;;l;;p.;;;;;;;.. this morning, cappll'Ji, n r· Francisco area mount iiins CALIFORNIA The 5--0 vote Tuesday junked with snow white he av t er a measure by state Sen. Ari!"' EXTEND YOUR LIFE amounts fell in Sien'a Nevada. '----------' Gregorio (D-San Mateo). The Nevada. mll would ·have doubled state EXTEND YOUR ARM A tra,.ters advisory warned s·10 Milli' on tales on liquor, ended "fair BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK motorists of hazardous road trade'' pricing, and poured conditions today ln the Sierra more money into the fight FREE! Ne vada where siroog. gust y St11't Faces against alcohollsm . winds mixed with snow and The measure was strongly rain. Norden, near Donner opposed by a battery of liquor R dd F lobbyists during a lour-hour summit.reportedl5incbcsof e oxx hearing before the new snow fell overnight. Subcommittee on Alcoholic The National 'Ve a I her LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Beverages o{ the Senate Service said more than tbr~ Redd Foxx and Demood Commlttee on Governmental quarters of an incb of rain Wilson, stars of tM_television Organizatioo . ' ~ dren~-• •-··er m 0 u n t a 1· n d ~-_ .. Alcohol ttSearcher-and drug u"'"' ...,.. series "Sanford an ;,on, expert Joel Fort of San areas Tuesday. More showers were sued $10 million each Francisco said at both a news or thundel'!h<>wers, and_ snow Tuesday because they failed to f ··• th h · above the 3.suo.root elevation. con erence i:uru e earing show up for rehearsal. that liquor lobbyists p I y were expected today. Tandem Productions, Ind.. legislators with "food. booze TN TllE San f'rancisco Bay which produces the popular and ·women." lte cited lobby- area, sil inches of snow fell show. filed separate suits ist James Garibaldi as giv- . h L" k Obsc t against the two. charging they ing money to members oI ovem1g tat ic rva ory t NBC' the -m,·ttee and other on Mt. Hamilton in Santa did not appear a s """" Cla ra County. Snow also was studios In Burbank h1onday for legislators in order to kil1 bills reported on '-fl . Tamalpais in the scheduled start of on alcohol reform. in HUNTINGTON BEACH TOMORROW, APRIL 25 . Huntington Center · 8e1ch & Edinger -12.-,,oon • 5-pm, 7 pm • 9 pm Edl10n High School 21400 Mognollo, 7 pm · 9 pm Huntington Beach High School · 1905 Main St., . 7:30 pm · 9:30 pm Arevelos School -19692 Lexington Ln., 7 pm· 9 pm A Public Service Crom .. Huntington Beach Rotary Club ~ and < Orange County Heart Assoc. Vlith Thanks to: '"' •• ME~ILE. a special detachment of 30 plaiocloth<'d black officers was sent in to the streets to ferret out clues in the Zebra case. ti: ti: ti: Cri111e Rate ,_1arin County, '-lt. Diablo in rehearsal for the upcoming Asked by a reporter. "Are p • f • SAN DIEGO (AP ) -San Conlra C-Osta County and 1974·75 season. you suggesting that Garibaldi ac1 IC Diego Gas & Electric Co. along Skyline Boulevard south Superior Court Judg e provides women?" ~or ti reports a slump in earnings oI San Francisco. Campbell LI.leas issued a answered. "Yes, I am." But DroJJping for 1973 and the first quarter The California valley city of temporary restraining order Fort later said that in the Cit·y.· Bank of 1974. blaming higher fuel Stockton. which usually has prohibiting Foxx and \Vilson confusion of many people costs and lower e n erg Y high temperatures in the 80s from engaging in public talking at once. he thought he " "This is a s pc ci:•I . predominantly black u n i t assigned with part i c u I a r emphasi s on getting intelligence from informat ion sources we might not be able In Bay Area consumption. in mid-April also had snow for perform ances. A hearing was was · answering a previous Goldenwest & Edinger, Huntington Beach Shareholders ~·ere told at _i•~bo~u~t~t~5~m~in~u~le~s~Tu~e~sd~a~y:_. --~sc~h":ed~u~led~(~o:_r ~M~a~y~6'... ---~q"'.ues~rion~.~H~e_:sa~idt_libo'.'_lhas~_'"°~!o"'!~~~~~~~~~,;.,.~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday's annual meeting that the utility's earnings last year SAN FltANC!SCO (AP) -were $1.78 a share. a drop of Police report a dramatic drop six percent from 1972, despite BUI'tOll Jn major crimes here since gains of 16 percent i n stepping up street patrols in a operating revenues and 13.5 percent in net income. R d search fo r gunmen responsible For the first quarter of the espon s for a series of random shootings. yea r, earnings were 63 cents a The patrols were increased ftre. compared \\ith 70 cents SANTA MONICA (APl in late January after five in the fir st quarter of 1973. Actor Richard Burton is persons v.·ere gunned down on although operating re\•enucs responding well to trC'atment ci ty strecL-; over a two-hour and net income both increased for innuenza l bronch itis and period: II percent, the rompany said. wiTI be released from SL 111 areas ·where the shoot· c:ompany president Walt.er John's Hospital within the next ings have occurred. police Zitlau said this y e a r ' s i.wo days, a spokesman for revealed Tuesday that maj« construction budget has been him says. crime dropped 30.7 percent in cul from $172.7 million to The British actor 111• as Februa ry. compared with the $149.8 million. lie said other hospitalized after completing same period in 1973. Citywide, economies include elimination fllmi.ng of '"nle Ktansman" in major crime was down 21.3 of a pamphlet en closed in Northern r.a.Jjfornia . percent utility bills. Ibe spokes ma n said _ftgwes for March v.·ere lc~s Zitlau said the utility has Burton's a et res s · w If e . dramatic. but were still "M>n approYal for $75 fffilliolfin Elizabeth Tayk>l'. has been considered "significant'' by rate increases in the paJt year vacationing in Hawaii with her police. ~1.a}or crime was down and is pressing for more. In ramtly and plans to return to 6.5 percent in Zebra areas last the long run , he said, the the mainland for s reunion month compared with ~1arch. utility pins its hopes on "the with her husband early next 1973. Citywide, the crime rate development and expansion or Sears • Where Thrift Is Always In Style Located On The Lower Level •. Misses' Fashion Nylon Knit Pants 4ss l)ouble krut srrerlh oylon pan1s. !!la.re leg s;yling. J'ash1vn ..culor!i. i\l ~ses' sitts. • .. . ' , . • week. dec)ined 2.5 percent. Greater San Diego.·· -----------=:::c_ ___ _ I ., • NOW! 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