HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-28 - Orange Coast Pilot7 '
Irvine: Polic·eman's Lot
Of Ille Olt!r .. ~ u.tt
A deer wandered down out of the
rolling green !oothllls that v.'ef'e once the
v.1ld domain of Scottish lmmlgrant
James Irvine, lnto
the glitter ind glare
ol a 20th Century
city that sprouted
o,•ernlght w h e r e
graln and oranges
once grew.
His enrounter with
eiviliiation k i 11 e d
He had to be shot v1trsEL
tO death tiy One M tliet4 pon~ officers
cumndy wigned on varying shlfu: 10
attend to the neecb or Ar--·ca 's most
ambitious, totally-planned community.
The Cit,y of ln·ine -onttime rolllni
graulands on a vast Spanish land grant
-II doomed to get busier.
The bu.sy-iitss Involving all the vices
and cri.Jea that human beings arc prone
to suffer is already involving a rapidly·
increasing traffic in pollcework. ,
Reporttn covering the Irvine PPl1ct
Department news beat used to yawn
their way through reading a log of 00.
hum lncidentJ rarely spiced y,·ith any sort
of excitement.
Sl':\'lt.\ \' Sl't:t ·l .\I,
The situation is changing and Irvine's
Police Depertmti'tt comprised of 16
contracted Coat.a t.1e&D. policemen v.·hlch
\ol.'lll jump to 39 In all next month must
rhllnge with il
The blue log sheet Y:hich distinguishes
Irvine poUce cases from Co!ta ~fesa
cases at !he little pressroom counter in
the headquat;ters station at 99·1-·air Drive
provides an example.
The log sh{'(lt provides 33 slots for
Dispatch Report serial nwnbers and
sometimes the same old top sheet woold
hang on the spindle for a v•t'Ck at a tinl<'.
By I p.m. Wdnesday. 113 da~'S into
1974, lhe fledgling Cily of Irvine had
racked up DR Number 1·252.1, indicating
2.525 lncidentll since January.
The peculiar nature of America's
larst>st toially-planned conununity, its
a Busy One
ba sic lack of th mgs for·ttre )'OW\g to do
and its huge cn1>.'\l'lly for gro.._·th int"r<';.se
pro\'ide :1n intrrl'sting picture uf tll1'
future uhc;id Jn the eye!I of the pollC'l'tn;u1
11nd !hf' polirr reporter .,_,ho rt•ads hi!
d&.ily log.
Police Lt. Charles Bou.a. I~ ('osta
~lesa officer respoosible for t hr
architect ure and rnginrerin~ of !hl'
lr\•ine force, JS finding It :i e:halll·n~e and
perhaps ~\'t-n more than thnt.
"It is :ictunlly frightening," s;iys !ht•
man eSSt>nlially in romm:ind of a lore(• of
16 men tha1 will double again in so1ne :il.l
Thr t'onlract f(•rcc fur 11 h1ch thr
flt"df,:llnj.\ I'll~ t'"<l>t'ndS llt'Xrl~ SI nul11CM1
JX'r ~i·nr .._,1ll ~o frorn J.J 1);"1trohnt·n. t1111•
t!-t.•rge;1nt o'.lnd one IH'Uh·n11nt 10 24 p.11rol·
tnrn. thrtt S<'rgt'o'.lnts and Ollf' J1eu!C11ant.
Thr forc1· or 39 in all r!'prt'sf'nts :16
h;1dge-<"11rryin~ officC'rs and thrrt non·
.s"nrn personnel. surh as rcrorrls clerks
lr\·1nf''s poli!'i' 1nnnpo11·rr nl'f'<ls can be
1'Xpl'<'1<'(\ to cc~n111n1t to i::ro11· ns lh<' t'i\1
),!rOl\111 <lnd C'Spt'Clf11ly Jll lht• \'1r11•po1nt ,;1
111<.iny obstr\·rrs :1s Ion~ as th<'rt• 1s a lack
or r1·al rl'Cre11t1011<1I f11t·1h1tr~ or 11n11·11!1cll
p!acrs of.l'Ol'll::l'l'~tHion for youn g people.
l~t> t POLICISG. Paitt A4 I
'JaJI to Chief' ·
Spirited Crowd Stages
Impeachment March_
From '''Ire Services
WASHINGTON Thousands of
persons, accompanied by rock music,
-s1reattrs-1ttfd the-rr.rgrancC-0"1
marijuana. marched on the Capitol
Saturday seeking speedy remo\·al of
Richard Nixon as President.
The mood of the cro"'d. estimated at
8.000 to 10.000 persons by pol ice. 11·as
spirited but good natured. For many,
politics took a back seat to enjoying a
pleasant outing on a "'arm spring day.
Nixon Weighs
Options, Ma y
Speak on TV
The impeachment march ~·as the first
major protest in Washington since
Nixon's second inauguration in January
Oiants of "throw the bum out" and
'·No more years" bounced against tnc
11·alls of 1he capitol. Signs read "Pick out
your drapes, Mrs. Ford" "Jail to the
A Yippie contingent started its march
near the \\fhlte House and v.•as nearly
outnumbered by tourists. But i I s
numbers swelled when it joined the
Nationa l Campaign to Impeach Nixon on
Pennsylvania Avenue for the march to
the Capitol.
The train or people v.·as led by an
Edsel automobile. a· Ford 1ilotor Co.
product, with a vice presidential seal on
its side and drawing a cage v.•ith a figure
representing Nixon behind the bars.
Nine pewons Jttt:aked throug he
crov.1d v.·earing nothing but Nixon masks.
Police said they were unaware or the •
CAMP DAVID. l\1d. rUPll -President Metropolitan police said two
Nixon secluded himself Saturday to demonstrators were charged w i th
decide ,1.hat materials Ile \\•ill surrender disorderly conduct after an incident nea r
to the House impeachement inquiry and the Justice Department in which a few
\Veigh the possibility of . g~ing on windows were broken. Officers said on e 'B11tch' Gets Bru.sh
nation,vide television to explain his case. of those arrested was treat~ for a head
Presidential aides said an appea rance cut suffered iD a scuffle with a
on tele\'ision J\1onday night was one of policeman.
the "options" in a new public relations J\lepnwhile. in Chicago, ;;o to 75 persons
blitz designed to clear Ni""on of all demonstrated peacefully in front of the
allegations or \l.'l'Ong-doings in the Chicago Civie Center.
J\laria St. A1nand of Orange ,gets her piglet "Butch" ready for the
j ud ge$ at Orange County 4-H Youth Fair on the Orange County
1:airgrounds, Costa J\'iesa. Saturday. l:ly the middle of July, "Hutch"
v.1ill 'veigh niore tha n 200 pounds and be ready for U1e fa ir auction .
J\lore photoS of the fai r. v.'hich continues today. a re on page 1\~. -----------Wat.ergate scandal. Many of the mal't'h sponsors hailed
The President must respond by 10 a.m. from the antiwar protest days or the
Tuesday to 3 subpoena from the House 1960s. They included pacifist David
Judiciary Committee for tapes and Dellinger, Dr. Benjamin Spock and for·
documents relating to 42 presidential mer New York Congresssm::in Allard
conversations. Aides said he had not yet Lowenstein.
made a "hard" decision on how much of The rally got under "'ay "'hen a rock
the subpoeaned material be would group performed. The crowd basked in
surrel)der. the sun and many smoked marijuana Nixon . \\'ho came to this mountaintop openly.
retreat Fr idav. ~'as said to be reviewing Delores Huerta. vice president of the
Newport W 01na11 Fights
f o Retah1 Joll at Colle ge
the massive· edited transcripts of the United Farm 'Yorkers, led off the
subpoenaed tapes. His aides have speeches by e1horting .the cro.._·d to By, JACKIE 11'\':\IAS
Of !Ille DIUJ Pllol Sl1ll indicated he intends to ~e the boycott "Tricky Dick."
t.ranscript s to lhc committee. but n-0ne of Pe:Jce acti,ist Dellinger said. "Richard \\'hen &in1a Ana U:illf'gc f 1 r c d
the tapes. Nixon's tie-in .._;th the corporate state is instructor Lue AJ!red . the :\'c11. ~ort Beach The President also signed a bill on ·why he should be impeached." Friday night -before the midnight resident decided to fi~ht. ''In his O\Vn way. with the help of John deadline -to improve retirement Administra tors charc:1'<1 1hut ~1 rs.
benefits for Ci\'il Service employes. fSee RALlY, Page AZ) .<\llred's cour.;e "·ork 1s "too !ouch." !hat ~~~~~--~~~~~~-~~~~-
A Pape r Hanger's Drea11a
• Bicvclists hod to slop and gawk Saturday at what
mi ght be the peak of the ancient art of "toilet
papering," at least in recent time s. It must have
taken dozens of rolls to drape three sycamore.
tree5, the lawn. maJlbox and fire hydrant in front
of Mr and ~lrs. Eber Jaques' home at 1008 \\'est-
cliff Drive. Newport Beach. The unknoY.'TI gremlins
apparently got a1Vay. Haven 't lhey heard of the
paper shortage?
she is late fQr c1a "-SCS and tha! she is an
1neffecth e ll'aChPr.
So after !\\I} \"C':Jr<; on !he cn ll .-.gc !<.f;1fL
.\Ir;;. Allrrd 1\·a~ tohl by 1hC' dic:trir! that
th1•y 11·oold not r('n,•1\' hrr rontract.
She responded 1rith chari.;rs 0f her 011·n.
The Sl'\\'port rt<\1dcnt claim" ~he has
~n the v1c11m oi n persl'lnnt \·endctla by
her di\'Js1on dean , B1charcl Brunell,
She set out to pro\·e it. She forced rhc
junior rollrge di~l rict to hold lhc first
hearin,g on non-renc11·a l or a teacher
contract in its 58-~cJr history.
During he three and one·half da~·
hearing . .._.hich concluded this 11.·eek -at
an approximate CMt to laxpaycrs of
S7.000 -boU1 administrators and ~lrs
A:Tfre<l-spent ~ on the v.·itneSs stand
leveling charges and counter-cha r~es.
The outcome is still up in !he air. The
hearing o(ficer . John \VillJ . i'S scheduled
to report his de<>ision by ~fay 7 to
1ru.111.tees of the Hancho Santial!o iSanlJ
An a 1 Comm unil~ College Districl.
"Yet e1·en If the hearing of£1cer decides
in my behalf . the re·s no qu<i ran!t'I.' !hat
I'll be rehired for next year," ~!rs. All·
red said.
"It's up to the trustees whether or not
thev chan~e thei r docision. '' sh<' said. ~irs. Allred. \l.'ho tcacht>s account ing
!See TEACllER, Page A21
smtMERmfE-\\'ith the Dog oars
not far in !he .future, Staff Wrll cr John
VaJterza takes e ,look at summer camp
And summer school oNcrings and. in a
related YOU Section story, Starr \Vriler
llllary Kaye surveys summer job
opportunities. Pa~ Bl.
ALA KAN 01.1..--.Berorc lhc first drop
of new oil from Alaska can flo"' in the
Continental United States. 789 mil(':'! or
1our·foot pipe mu~t be makcd Acros.1
i;ome of the most !orblddln~ territory in
the ~wld. An As50Claled Pre~ feature
d1sa1.1~ plans nnd fear 11\at go "'itb
the project. Page c.8
Four Men Hold
Beach Official
At Knife Point
Uy C,\.r..;U,\CE Pl::1\RSQ:\
OI 1!11 D1llY Piiot lt11t
Huntington B<'arh C'ounr1h11an flnnald
Shipler \\'<ls h<'ld up at knif P pouH ;Jt hi :.
horn(' t'arly S;1turd:1y hy four yuung 1n~·n
l'hO tiNI him 1111 11ith a tf'lephonc t'Ord
and stoli• his car. police rCJXlrtc-d .
Shipley, 1•:ho II\'('<; at 1129 .\tain SI . \1 3S
returning horn(' from :< sho.._. · shorrl.\'
after midnight 11•hen he .._·as acrosled nt
his garage by the four m••n, df:'SC'Tibt'<I as
18 to 21 yea rs old. LL Don J(11 ki ns ~1 id.
They held a kn ife to Shipll'y's thro..1t
:ind look hini inside the house . .._hcrl'
lhcy rippNI out the lC']ephonr cord to U"l'
as binchng. Thf'y also blindfolded him . Lt
Jenkins said .
The suspects then se arched the house
and took SiOO .,_·orth of pmperty.
includ ~ ca meras. \l.'atches, je11o·t•lry and
$22 in cash, Jenkins added.
They drove a"·ay in Shiplcy's Plymoulh
station ~·agon.
Shipley, v:ho is a h1ology proh.'liSOr at
Ca! Slate l.ong Beac h. 11·as1l't injured in
the incident .
But he remained tied UJI for about
\V arn1c r Da ys
Due for Coast
Orang<' Coasl hearhgoer<: and sailors
\1"111 nnd today·.~ expec!ed 70-degree
trmperatures lo their liking.
:\'atiooal \\'eat her Ser,·ice for('('asters
arc prcdictin~ a 11·arrning lrrnd along the
"""~· tarlinE! !ndny. By mid·.._·~ !em raturt's m;1r rC'ach (j de~ret's 1n
some arCl:ls. they said.
Life~uards alon~ !he roast reprirt('d
Saturd:<y's rrri"ds as a\'C'r:ige or li~ht.
One reason cHNI 1\·as the ··poor" surfin~
in some srots \\'aves reached thei r peak
at !11.'() !fl three rct•l.
About 27 .OOIJ "f>t'()ple sunned a I
Jlunun,gton RParh Cil\· hcaehcs. \1"hilc
ahou1 2.QIYI more rel~xcd on adJaC't"nt
sta!P hr:ir hes
Snn Cl"ment e !if('gunrrls reported a
small crn11·d. At nearby San Onofr{' Stalt·
R~·ach. th(' 0\'£1rnigh1 camp~round .,_,ilh
3i5 spaces \vas full by Sntu rdav nif:lhl.
Orang,. County Harbor Pal rol officers
at both i\'c111>0rt Reath and Dana Poinl
reJXlrted large numbers of Saturday
"'The v:ind 11·a:s j ust right... ont.•
patrolman -said. "There u-1·re n o
proble1ns. Just a lot of activity."
.'1 rs. Agnew Trcalctl
TO\\'SON . ~let. -.\lr s. Spiro T Agnev.•
remained hosp1t ali1.c.'<1 Saturda}' for
rouline tests.
The uife Qf the fnrmcr \"iN.' president
11·as admitted to St. Joseph's llosp1tal
here Friday for 11·hat a spokesnlan
described as routine lesis and treatment.
She \\as accompanied to the hospital hy
her husband.
llORSE COUSTRl' - R i d 1 n g the
Orange Coast '·range ," Staff \Vriter Totn
;\JcCaftn finds a surprising number ol
l'IOrSe's and hor.w: people ooexistlng qllile
happily "·ith 1he urban ~rawl. The fea·
turc Includes fi gures on ho\\' rr1uch it
mi¢i1 cost to get In on it all by buying
and keeping a horse. Pa~e Bl.
HERE ANO N .. O.W.-Thc strt.:;z~le ls
far from over for 11"0mcn seeking equal-
ity. bul the mo\•emcnt h.'\s a strong uni!
In the Orange Co1mly chapl.er of the Nat·
lonal Organizallon of Womt'T <N0,\'1.
Prr!iiidenl Ed'll·ina \\'alsh e:cplains 11."'0\\ .. s
goal and rolC'11 in an Edl1orlal Page artic--
lc on roge A7.
SC\"Cll hours b1:fore he 1 rettt himself and
11alked to a neighbo r's house, where
he callccl 11he pohee. Jcnkms said.
,Jrnkins S<ucl Sh1pll'y 11·as able 10
pro\·1de only a !>kl'l chy descri ption of his
aso;nilanrs bcocausc 11 1vas dark in the
Shlplt·y. 60. lJvcs alone. lie w<•s elected
fur his third straight term on the
Huntington council in 1972. First t'le<.ied
1n 1964, he has sen ·cd as th<> city's mayor
t 11"iC~'.
66 · f 'e tuses
Fo1i11d ; Police
0 pe1t Probe
ARl'ESIA tUPI) -Some 66 hun1:i11
fetuses ha,·e lx·en found in or ne:ir thr
incincra ror at Pioneer II o s pi la I .
apparently brou ght there from another
location in ho1~ tile hospital u·ould dis-
pose of them . Los 1\ngcles County sher·
iffs drptn ies s.11d S;iturd:iy.
Sheri ffs hom icide investigators 11'crc
looking into the discoveries. saying an
illegal abor1ion ring may be altempting
to dispose of fetuses by mixing them wit h
!he hospita l"s ref use for burning,
A .SJX!kcsman for the hospital said
some ahor!ions are performed there. bot
"11•c dnn't ha\'c :in abort ion mill going''
to account for sul'h a quantity.
Investigators said thar \1·hile crema tion
is che normal ml·lhod lr"'ally of disJXlsing
nf felllSf'S. l'ion<'{'r Hospital does not
burn fetuses Jn its mcinerator.
Thirl\'·lhrrt• 11r·rf' found las! \\eek, inV('St1~:itnrs s;111!. ;uid ;ino1h£'r J:I
Thu r!;(fa1 in hoth instances by a hospital
cmplr1} t'.
Charters ~o u g ht
Fur Oil Industry
DETROIT 1A P 1 -l S. Sen. Henri
.lack:.cin ~•ud SJturdav he 11• o u Id
lntrnduc c le~1).!:111on rl'qiu ring the major
Am'"ru."';lrl Ciil cnmp:in1ec; to be ch<1rtered
b) the fl'dPral go\1·rnmcnt
'"\'l·X t \\l'l'k. r \1·111 int roduce srrong
ll'g1 sh111,,n Ill m•initor and rc i;:ula1e the
maJOr 01 1 {'t11np;cn1c<>, · 1111' \\ ash1ng1on
l'lenlr.c-ra ! saaJ Ile· cla1mrd t ha t
ad1111n is1ra!ion (•nerJ:r policies "h.'.1\'C
dn1·<'n 1rork111i;: mrn int•l t he
unen1pl'•.1mrnt lines ;ind S!'nt the ,,11
con1pan1C'S to thf' bt1nk u·11h bloated
pr11fi1 ~ ..
.J:ir ks11n 11 h11 1:; chairman ot the Senate
lntC'rior C'(>mmi!1C'l' .. !l:ud !h:it, undrr the
lrl-!1~Ja11on ht' 1111cnd~ ro 1ntrodt1ct'. the
("(lmp:in1f'~ 11 111 oot b(' alloll.·cd IQ
nego11nte ">1.'1\h foreign gQ\·ernments.
It Your StfWI(• ., ""'-.,
1""1 ..... ...U ., AMI l ..... t\ 91
(lilUll!.. Dl·Ola Or•at1 C.-tt 41
C11!lo"'l1 Al Mll!WJ .. ,
0..111 Ntllcet
fG!'P•!ll Pt 1•1
o.H~"""l' l1r,., 0.1tlw1!,,..
41 ~l'lfA M~kt 4J
a1 ~"", ••· .,
Al P-lt •4
... "' 11:••! 1.,i111 Ct. CJ ••. , 1t,. "'.. .. ,, il'trt• (1.(4
•1 Tli1'i!tt\ •1-1
.11 ,, ... ,1 •s
At W ... lf'lllr At W~llt W1'9t Cl
D.ll!,,T PILOT Sll:CT!Olli1
j\. 2 DAIL 1 PILOT
Coast Roundup ltcaltors. A delinite se:lltr's market
has dc,•eloped, with only two homes
currently up for sate at prices less
than $50,000. Don Ward, president of
1he Board. says that smog and density
brand-new $12.000 luxury car mlsslng. of all'ohollc beveraaelt in and on city· Personnel Director frank Jvtns said
He got It back Friday momin1 when owned facllltl~. Perm its, ho"'e\'CT, the employe elect.Ion will take place
another revele.r reallud "'hat ht Md wtll have to , be approved by City JJOmtdme tn M•.~ (
done. He got tired of waiting 11t tht Manager Robert L. Wynn, a Mormon ~
OWNJ:;RS UPSET -!\lore lhan tUO
property O\\'Jlers in Laguna Bt•ach
bitterly tomplained to P I u n n i n g
Co1nmlssioot>rs aboul the city's pla n to
rezone: residential and I I g h 1
commercial areas. The do'o'-11zoni11i:
\\'OUid reduce the density by 50 ~rrent
in some areas. The pro1>crly O\\'ncrs,
v.'ho spoke at hast v:eck's firsl public
hearing, criticized both the plun and
the commissioners. l>estruction or th•·
city's tax base. ao<l the fact lhn t 1f
they Md W rebui ld on 1he1r rczont'tl
property they would be allov.·t'<i fcv.i·r
units lh1:1n before v.•crc tht•i r kev
concerns. The second public hcurin):
\\'ill be r-.1ay 13.
!ll'CeSsHrtly opposilloil. fOt•=,~~.x~-~ra....drl\'ing pa·ople &."'a)". fmm Inland
O\'t•rridc ,1,hi<'h fv.'Ould builrl a campu.'1. Q:,itics anti Into Laiuna Beach. causing
club for a cab. so he "borrov.·ed" the and a ttttotaler who says he can 'lt'OOOS A~'D 'l''AT£R _ A $12
112,001 bfa111y ln "'bicb k n MrdJ Lhink of~ .&ood reason to---fmlJ.ll~!i!!':ool'IUJ~ury~o!!oan~!,!men~t~de~v~tlopmen~;:';:;:t __ 11 __ left and \\·eaved home to Corooa del approve suchT permir WUClll by Eag1e Ot''!'lopmrni companywoo
Then. h i g h Ii c h o o I t r u 11 tee s prices to lkyroci:et He estimates a
decided to drop lheir neu tral stance in person "'OU.Id have to earn 132,MO •
favor or uctlve oppo!lllon to 11 year to qualify for a loen to purchase
proposal for the creation or five the average Laguna Beach house.
unified school systtms out of high v'
school boundories. The flve-v.•ay plan SAN ONOFRfo; -Tht nuclear
is .supported by Fountai n Valley and generating statlon south of thf!
two other elen1entary dist ricts v.·hile Western While House began a one-.
two remaining elementary systems. week scheduled 1huldown Saturday ao
and """' the high school district. that crew! can repair twb separate oppose It. leaks ln the non-nuclear side of the
,,.., rt'actor complex. Steam has . been
STATI-: DEACll _ Th~ Califom ia leaking at a reportedly mlnor rate
Parks l>epa rtn1ent announced last .since soon after the plant &tarted up
v.•eek it is nearl y ready to 1uke 0 \·er for its latest run, last Jan. 23. Besides
the 2.5 1ni!ts of private beach north of th e stean1 lea k. hydrogeri has been ..
Mar, where he perked it near hla liquor In city facililics aro&e last unanimous approval by Cott.I ~teA
house. All ntgo(lattons foi ill rttum month when wl.ne wa.s servtd It a Pia.Ming CommJ•lonert last week.
v.·ere handled throu,h the ember-candldllflll forum In the \llest Newport whose it<lommendatlon mw goe1 to
rawd gentle1Nn'1 atlomey. public library arid lltra.ry board the dty ooundl. The 4gg.unJt project, ~ members complained. t"Ompl.ete wl.tb a 110,000 IQU.lre foot
POVERTI' PARKS -An advisory J,tl# lake. v.'OU.ld be bu1Jt on m acres ol
committee that deal1 with "people GETnNG BIGG£R -Trustees ol. Segerstrom land at the 90Utheut
services" wamed lluntlngton Beach lhe Coast Comniunlty College Dlstrict comer ol Meta Verde Drive East and
last week the city could face youth have given their approval to a plan GoU COw'le Drive. Costa Mesa dty
violence this summer If It doesn't caJllng for the annexation of lhe plaMen had objected to the p!an'1
provide more parks and leisure Garden Grove Unified School District. large pe~ parking k>tl and the
1ctlvlt!e8 in acme or lha poor If approved by Garden Grove vo1ers in "hard look" ot the alley-like interior
nelgbbortloods. The v o I u n teer an election tent.ati\'ely ~hcduled for streets, but lt went throu&h anyway.
Community Services Council accused Nov. 5, the merger v.·ou!d make the ,,-
the city parks department and the college district one of llK' largest in RARE OVAnos _ A slick spllt
adminiitration of "dragging \ta heela" the state. To help v.·lth the additional screen slide sho~· of the Irvine
SCHOOL S<lL:ABIU.t~ -T110 wtsl !he lluntington B<•ach pier. The final seeping fron1 the systen1 in minor
deal should be closed within ooc to tv.•o amoUnts for several y,·ecks. The gas is
oo park projects for "hard.core student load. a s<1lelli1e c:unpus Is to C'.o~· ny's proposed v·111age 0 (
poverty neighborhoods," and Qf only be built in the Garden GNJ\'C area. Orange County school dl.str1cts tangled rnonths for the $8.1 mill ion purchase of used to cool the electric generator. \\' ridge in Irvinc-a>111plele "ith building parU where the people' with .,,, sounds of d'lirping birds, laughinl ·~ last week 111 a flurry nf political stands
involving unHic:.ition and t h c
construction of a new high St:hool
t:ampus. First, lhc Fount1un Valley
School District unnounccd it would not
l'Upport a JW'le tax ovtrride for the
HW'llington Beach Unton High School
IJistrict. Fountain V11Huy Tr~ees
split J..2 on the deCision. saying !hey
\\'OU]d take a ncutr:il stand, not
it. according to state officials. State f,,111
pa rk ra ngers \\'ill run the beach which FOLLOW THAT CAil! A hot time
t•xtends north from the city pier, along was had by all at California Reglon1l
the' Aor sa Bluffs to Bolsa Chica State Chili CookOff at Newport Beach's Bal-
Be<1c h. boa Bay Cub Thursday. One lady
. J.t" guest went to the hospital 3fter being
$88,SOO AVErtAGE-The average ~ stunned by a water balloon thllt hit
cost of a house in Laguna Beach toda y her in the chest. A Beverly Hills man,
is !88.500. according to the Board of mean~iUle, came out lo fuid his
money live. City officials replied that E:\IPW\'E ELECTIO~ _ A group children and bouncing tennis balls -
there are plans on the drawing ~rds.--'\ of Nev.•port Beach city en1p!oyes las t "·on apptau.se from the audience at the
but they may be two lo three ~ears \"''~accumulated enough signittures Irvine City Council last v.·eek. After
away. to force an elect ion by the city's the accolades died dov.11. the coo.ncil
., employees to determine who .v.·ill started asking about the erfects of the
ALCOHOL POLICY -Ne.,,,-port represent them in pay talks. The future 1,715-acre lakeside village
Beach dty councilmen ha~ indicated group, an AFl.rCIO affiliate.. is seeking which cOu.ld house 27.fi25 poop!e by
that at Ulelr ~tay 13 meeting they may to represent all city employes who do 1962. Tbe bearing v.•a.s c.ontinued to
adopt a formal policy allowing the use not belong to any other assoclaUon. ~tay 28.
From Pagel
l 'EACHER. • • ...
and business management. told the
hearing that BumeU imjllllly attUS<d her
on May 2. 1973, of a number of outaide
activites which he said m I g h t be
interferJ.ni with tbe quality of her
Mlll. Allttd alleged that B r u n e 11
accused her " taklnc two night <Otlt'5eS,
teadling an mra nliibt .,....,. II Santa
~ College, ,partJdpellnl! tn a special
c:oUege career COl'dOl'lium and planning
to lead! a high school law class in
addlti<:rt to her other duties.
"My mooth dropped open," Mni. Allred
She satd stie v.'as taking only ooe night
class. that slie had no plans to ~ch higll
school m:I that Brunell himself had
asked htr to partjcipate · in the
"He told me ~fay 2 lhat he v.11s placing
me on Plan B. which means there is
'some concern' as to one's teaching
abilities," r.1rs. Allred said in an
ln1 tructor Lue Allred
From P ag e J
l1itense Wa.r
W ill Gree t
By United Pras lntematfonat
Jn the bloodiest fighting since the
October !\fiddle East v.·ar. Syrian gunner!
Saturday poured artillery shells onto a
group of Israeli soldien in the Golan
Heights and an Israeli helicopter crashed
v.·hi!e trying to rescue them.
Artillery and tank clashes erupted
along lhe entire length of the volatile
Golan Heights cease-fire lines on the eve
of Secretary of Stale Henry A.
Kissinger's sixth diplomatic "shuttle'' to
rhe t.liddle East.
The Israeli military command said 14
soldiers "'ere killed In all. eight In the
shelling and six in the helicopt'r crash.
Another seven were Vt'ounded in the
shelling attack. it said.
The crash. the second in eight days,
killed the crev.man and a med ical team.
The command said the crash was
Ul'I Telt""'-
"In addition to being subjected to
increased evaluatiOM, being on P1an B
meant that I v.·as left oil committees, left
out d. plann1ng sessklm, and treated as
something of an outcast," she said.
Airs. Allred said her lawyer at the RALL Y ...
Israeli tele\·ision said the soldiers
killed in the shelling wer~ in annorcd
personnel carriers.
It Started When Detective5 Moved Into Crowd of 22,000 1t Richmond, V1 . hearing, Daniel Ho1den, raised some r.1itchell and some of the people still in
Sovie t Airli11er
Do ,~·n; Mo1·e Tl1.a n
100 Feared Dead
~10SCOW fUP I) An Aerofiot
Ilyushin-18 airliner crashed in names
shortly after takeoff from Leningrad
Airport Saturday and more than 100
persons were feared dead, Western
travelers said .
An airport spokesman, reached by
telephone from l\-1oscow . confirmed that the four-engine turboprop had crashed
but refused to give any details.
Tra\·elers arriving in !\1ose<1~· from
Leningrad quoted an airport hostess as
saying more than 100 persons \Vere
feared de3d in the mishap. the f'ishtt>
li.1!0~11 crash ol a Soviet airline r in the
past 18 months.
Reflecring on the prcdom1n:incc of
the old-guard pohtic1ans in th e capital
ofter the a<;sa~sination of PrC'sldrnt
Ken nedy in 196.1. Columnist Oa\·ld
Brodtr la st \Veck !old A UC Irvine :iu-
dicn cc: .. ,t St:'Cms likr as long as I've
been in Washington I've bren rovf'rin~
llubert llumphrcy vs . H1chard ,Nixon ··
" Tl's only purl' SJX'C'Ulation 1\hat \'ice
President Gerald Fnrd \rould\·e done
about \\'aterga te if he hAd been
President. f ord comntented last. \\'Cl'k
about Hictrard Nixon's handl ing of !hf'
scandal: "1'.'0\\' "hether thrre should
have been a more v i g o r o 11 s
prosecution of all lhl' dt!ta ils." he said.
"lhat's a mill!c r of 1udgmcnt. And in
my case. I think l v.·ould have tried to
nud ge some of r'ny employes about as
hard as I possibly could."
" Trustees at Saddleback College arc
debating whether lo · relax t h t
epeakers' pollcy on campus . .SO far. a
strict ruling lr<l"> kept controversial
spcHkl:'rs from appearing "'ithout
soo1conc also speaking from the
opposinft si de. The result ? N fJ
coolro\'ersial speaker~. T r u s l e f'
Patrick Backus has changed his mind
on !he n;linl(. and said this week. "I.
no longer believe v.·e hti\'(' to have f>lr
Clean come in and clt'a n :11 .. ay '\11al
~ ~\lr. Dirty just did ...
" ''\\'ithoul refcrenC't lo the 'Qlryat
Shmonah massacre . ~ ~lut1on
and its adoption are n singularly gro~!-1
miscarriage of jui;tlce:," said lsrneli
Ambassador Yosef Tekoab, on the
quest1on about the discriminatory nature gove rnment. he introduced a form of
of Plan B. modified fascism in th is countrv."
"I decided to go ahead with the hearing Parren ~titchell. a blac k ·Democrat
even though lt ha.s disrupted my whole from ~faryland . echoed Dellinger's
Ufe.'' Mn. Allred sakl. concern \\'ilh fascis rn . :\litchell was the Jµt;lge Halts ,Rockiest Rcir1ecke Trial
Delav Gra11ted
~Its. Allred1 an attractive 38-year-old only congressman to address the rally. •
divorcee. supports her mother an en 18-Al!hough many of the protesters \\iASHINGTON (AP) -ca.Jifornia Lt.
year-old son ~·hilc pa)ing tuition at Cal appeared little different from the antiwar GO\'. Ed Reinecke bas gained 8 delay in
State I.oog Beach, where she is working marchers, planner Kevin Connors said, his perjury trial that "could ve"' well" on her ~fBA. "people v.'ho are here are those who ., That Turned lnw Riot
RICll~10ND. \'a. {AP l -A circuit
court judge ordered a halt early today to
a rock music fC"SlivaJ that had seen dub-
"'ielding policemen battling rioting rock
inusie fans.
Circui t Court Judge .I. Randolph
Tu rkcr ordered the cancelation of the
srcond day of the Cherry Outdoor !\fusie
feslival in an injunction issued about 1
a.m. today.
The distu rhance brgan Saturday af!cr
police began making drug arrests during
!he frstival.
Tucker said, "\Vc 're not dealing in
\\•hose fault it was. But evidence has
Unllf'd Nations Security Co u n c i 1
adoption of a resolution condemning
Israrl for raiding six Lebanese
\'illagrs. It failed to mention the raids
\1·erc in retaliation for the massacre of
18 t·i\'i lians hy Palestinian guerrillas
nt Qirya t Shn10nah. ,....
1 lnnored at a Chamber of Comn1erce
lunrhL'Clll as Cost a l\1esa's ~·Ian of the
Yrar. auto dealer Theodore Robins
:->r., 61. snid II<' was pleased to accept
th e honor but that he didn't know how
lll!ln~ years of co1nmunlly ser\'ice IK!
had lrft In him. He v.·:is escorted from
the spcakrr's roslntm by Chamber
President Eugene Bergeron. :i funeral
l'l('fv1cc director. "You nolict'." he
quipped to the audience. "my under-
taker ls helping me."
" "II SCffllS to ha\·r died an 'au
nalw·cl' death. It became popularized
and campy and I hat was it.., That's
!he conclusioo ol Di.,1d John5ton
direct.or of public safety ot th~
Uni \'crsity of ti.tassachusells. on the
sudden upsurge and the end of
strt<1klng. ,....
Von "'•rd. president of lhe Board of
Realtors in Laguna Beach. had just
f1n1shcd Urlllng Chamber of Commerce
1nen\bers lhRI current prit'.:efl of
l.;:igunB tleach home8 are i;ky higti.
\Vhcn a.sked 11 lhcre is much or a dlllcrencc be1wecn askinli{ and scHing
priCt"s. \\'ard replied, "In some cilies
they put ridltitlous prices on their
homes. \\1c do too , but \\'C sel l them at
!hose prtcos."
"I couldn't possibly have atrorded a would never have gone to antiwar carry it pa.st the June 4 state primary
been presented of the possibility of laywer lot the hearing If my students demonst rations." Connors said Nixon election, says a federal judge.
furlher danger and this court is not hadn't of!er«l to help me," she said. "has affected their pocketbooks and their Reinecke sought the delay only aner
willing to take the risk ." lives." his la\\')'ers said they would quit the Her stucrents have raised about MOO so Con h d t k I b f h Sa1urday's perfonnance attracted an far ol. the approximately Sl.4-00 needed to gress a a en e a orate case i e didn 't, said F. JO!eph Dooo-
eslimated 22.000 young people, many of pay lav.·yer's fees. precautions to a\'crt any !rouble, and the bue. Relnecke's Washington Attorney.
Whom Slaycd 'hrough the P-"le-· unto'! • 1 ddi . Capitol v.·as ringed ~·ith Police . At the The move v.•as seen 88 the probable •vv .. .., n a !ton. several of ~1rs. Allrcd's II 't ·t U N I I p k J the concert ended at 7 p.m. t·~·-ha r ra Y si e 1 se · ' at ona ar po ice end of Relnecke's ho...,.. of becoming s uu·cuy ve testi ied in her behalf. were /rss evidrnt. Calli ~-'I •· 100 lo I But ••'-••b M.-· ornla's nert governor. Political ob-i• ore tucin r t-equ pped policemen .... """IS 1o11rc CXl6t ol the bearing is Police did not interfere ,\ .... en the kl the R
d tnlo '" t di bo 1m~M t •-'f Allred 11 servers sa epubllean gubernator-move Lue s a um a ut 5 p.m. --. .. o •11;:r. 1• rs. said she is streakers appeared. shouting, "!l;o more I I · I
alt · k r 1 ed 1· inJ ed ...... elf a nommat on will now almost certainly er rampaging roe ans pet po ice ma Y cmcem \\'lu1 Lui: ect of the cover-up." Some of them carried nags 1 R in k • .th bottl nd d t n '· . h h k-go o e ec es opponent in the pnm' • Wl es a cans an se re w e1g t
_c_a_rg_es_on_•= __ ca_r_ee_r_. _______ ::':.."::b::la::"':::'::ed.=-v.·ith a marijua na leaf. ta ,..,__ u
police cars. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~,;,~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~a~ry~, s ·-te .':":"_11ro __ er_H_ouston I. Flournoy. Officers with helmets, nightsticks, dogs .1
and tear gas moved into Ute st3dium and
the pa rking lot, clashing witb bands ol
Po lice said approximate.ly 140 persons
"'ere arrested on charges ranging from
drug law violations to inciting to riot. By
111ldnight about half had been released on
bond. officers said .
l\o serious injuries \\·ere reported.
although witnesses said both pollcemen
and you\hs ""'ere seen with bruises and
bloody cuts.
One policeman emerged w1th a
bandaged hand . He said that ln the melee
his dog bit him.
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ViLLaoe iS ... eeae
·unique shopping end d1n1ng
DAILY, 10 TO 9, SATUROA Y 10 TO 6, UNDAY 12 TO o
·' •
··: .. ·
B el
a r
Ne pra
i r i
of pl
""'" De
a.n1 .
• J
Qua.rter Plan Graded
un 1n,gton Surve-y~li. n
' .
"'""\)' ''"'i\\t •
Belated 21•t Birthday
'.Jack A'Uison, vice chairman of
Occidental Life Insurance and·
a resident of Big Canyon in
Newport Beach, .never cele-
prated turning 21 because it
'''as 1935, the year of bread
lines and soup kitchens. So his
'vife. l\1arj, and his friends de-
cided to do it for him-39 years
later-Saturday ni~ht. So \Vhat
if it "'as really his 60th? To
turn back the clock. they hired
a helicopter to fly over the
house with a big birthday
greeting (above). Allison (far
right) watched ha ppily from
belo"' \Yith his tv;in brother,
Joe. It was his birthday, too.
Walla ce Claim s
Assa ila.nt Had
Financi.al Aid
NEW YORK (UPI) -Alabama Gov.
George C. Wallace thinks bis
assassination attempt was a coospiracy
and his would-be assassin, Arthur
Bremer, was given fmanc:ia1 help,
Parode Magazine reported Saturday.
"How can one fellow who hardly made
$40 a week in his life buy two gum, an
automobile, stay at the Waldorf, rent
limousines, travel to. Canada and
MichJgan. follow ine 'all around the
COllltry?" Wallace told the magazine.)
" ... r have quest;ooa in my mild al>oul
t»w he got hls money."
Bremer was ronvicted of shooting
Wallace during a 1972 presidential
campaign raJly in a Maryland shopping
center. His published diaries show he
followed Wallace fer some time before
fmally shootin;! him.
"I'm not accusing any particular group
of plotting my assassination, but in my
own mind I am not oonvinced that
Bremer was a loner," Wallace said. "I
have great respect for the FBI, but in
this case there are still too many
unans"·ered questions."
2 Jiang Glider
Pilots Injured
One motorcycle and t"'O hang glider
accidents at Escape Coon.try in Trabuco
Canyon Saturday kept medical units
from the Orange County F i r c
Department busy.
The firemen first responded at 11 :48
a.m. to help Len Dahluik, 32. of Covina,
""ho had suffered a bad fall from a hang
Th€y returned less than thri:>e hours
later to the same hilly recreation park
when George Petcher. 29, of Newport
Bead\, had had difficulty landing his
glider. Both men had only minor injuries.
Cl1emical Fog in 01icago
.Ousts 14,000, h1 jures 50
CHICAGO (AP) -Emergency crews
began pumping out a leaky chemical
storage tank Saturday night in efforts to
halt spread or potentially lethal ~.
The chemical fog sent more than 50
persons 10 hospitals for treatment and
farted the temporary evacuation of
14,!XlO from their Soeth Side home!.
raul Harrison of the c h i c • g 0
Deportment of Enviromlental Control
said Saturday night that th e situation
ll(>~ared under control.
After several unsucces.sful attempts to
seal the leak, v.-orkers began pumpi~
the chemical, silicon tetrachloride, into
tv.-o other storage containers at the Bulk
Terminals Company near C a I u m e t
"We're very prayerful. But \\'e st.ill
have a wa y to go," said Richard
Brh:eland, director of the Illinois
Environmental Protection Ageocy. "It's
one of the worst we\•e bad to deal with.''
The pumping operation 5houkl be
completed by ?o.londay, he said.. Aboot
12,000 gallons an hour will be wroped
from the container, v.tlich held about
00>.000 galloos before the tank ruptured
at 12:30 p.m. Friday.
The city l-'rid ay ~ded t h e
oompany 's operating license and issued
an air 1JOl1uUOO ""tltation against the firm
and ils presidenL
A spokesman for State Atty. Bernard
Carey said an investigation would begin
v.ithin the next few days to determine
whethef civil or criminal charges would
be filed against the company.
Alx>ut 600 Illinois Nalional Guardsmen
wtio had been on alert in the event more
evacuations were necessary v.· e r e
orderOO off their standby b a s i ! .
Favorable weather conditions eased the
immediate danger.
The release of the Na tional Guard
came after workers succeeded in pouring
a layer of thick fuel oiJ that they hoped
would stop the fonnaOon of hydrochloric
acid until they could repair a leak 1n a
chemka.I storage tank or transfer its
oontenta: to another tank.
A pipe a t the bottom of the tank
ruptu~ Friday and released a liquid
flow oC silicon t.etradlloride. v1hich
converts to potentially I e t h a J
hydrochloric acid on oootact ~ith water.
The mixture of the chemical wiftl the
air formed a cloud fl\'e miles long and a
half mile "ide on the far South Side and
forced the evaruatioos Fridiy night. It
wasn't until shifting ~·irids carried Uie
vapor over a large indust.r:iaJ she t.hat the
evacuees bgan returning to their homes.·
Thirt y persms •·ere taken to hospitals
for treatment and five were adm itted.
They ~·ere in fair cxn::llUoo.
By Saturday rooming envirmmental
officials said the potentially deadly cloud
had shrmk t.o a plume about three miles
long and nearly a mile "'idc "·hich
flllci.uated from the surface to several
himdred feet in the area..
Churcl1 01arges
Oil 'Partnership'
\\' ASJUNGTON ( UPT ) -Sen. Frank
Church ([).Idaho) Saturday accused oil
companies and oil-producing nations they
deal \\ilh of fanning a partnership lO
reap excess profll.8.
Church said 11 look at the · increase in
oil company profits dur ing the first
quarter of lin4 is proof tha t thei r
interests "are runn ing parallel with those
of the cartel of oil producing countries.''
Church noted in a prepared statement
that since 1971 intemational o i I
companies have been negotiating with
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
n.. big ..o: c-.ole wi~ o
sir-it pioroo '-· w-
of .5 World oword1 for
·Morwelo111 lo•u• 011d
KNABE in mink -1nu1 ............... $2495
CHICKERING, med. fini>h • .. ......... $Z295
KWE 1'8" -..... . .. ......... $289& 1M!*iof uoft_..i.;p. KIMBALL ..iott ~ ................ $1195
Of "" PtllY l'llft Sl•tf
The pressure on atudent'I to get gr.ides
-what one mo\ie called the "paper
chase" -may be bed enopgh "'hen the
grades are givm only twice a year.
Uocler the new quarter srstem at
Htllllng1oo Bead! Union fUgh School
District campuses, hov.·ever. the news is
final four times a )'tar, every nine weeks.
~tany studcnt.1 reel that's too often.
"There·s no time to catch up . Now )'6U
don't know \1-'tltn yoo'rc failing," one
student complained.
Othcn don"t mind it llJld say their
grade are better than eo.•er.
But the majority ol ttme sun·eyed
recently by student representatlv~ to
the school board support the quarterly
report cards -"'ith some revisions.
The survey was one ol the first lime1
the dWict asked students how they feel
about being graded.
200 I~earecl . Dead
1\.f lcr Landslide,
Flo<)(I i11 P e ru
1.l~IA. Prru (l"Prl -.\lorr thnn 200
persons \\-'ere missing and feared dead
Sat urday in a massive lanct~lide that
dammed a powerful ri ver in the central
Andes into a 10-mile--loog artificial lak(·.
police said.
Civil defense officials said th e
~tauyucmarco mowitain c o I I a p s e d
Friday, serxling tor\.'! of earth Into the
~lantaro river at a point 125 miles east of
Lima. The blocked rive r formed 01t
artificial lake and rose rapid ly.
Police satd they feared 200 persoos in
nearby villages drowned Jn the risin~
v.·aters. Another 21 persons in a higtiv.·ay
v.-ork crew apparently were buried in ihl·
One official said the government might
use air force dlve bombers to blow up the
According to aer1al observations hy
civil defense and air force pilots. the
dam stretched 2'h miles across a !teep
canyon in lhe Andes .
The n>.:Sults \'arll'd frorn SC'hool lO
school. Al '
-EdlsOin lll&h &boo!, 72 percent of th('
lituder&s surveyed are ln favor of
cootinWng the quarter plan. v.·tule n
perceil 'lrollld be il the problems arc
-Fountain \'aUey HJgti, 75 percent said
the quarter system ~·a.s okay and 84
percent v.·ould appro"e if ifs changed .a
-Jluntlngta n Beach IU gb, the brc:ik·
do~n "'as about 50-50 for the plan !f It 1s
-~lartna High, M pcr1.."'eflt voted for
continuing it: 71 percent said yes with
conditions .
-Wtttmloster, no exact percent.age
\I-Os reponed but student repn"Sefltath'c
Kim Johns saJd the studenl3 ~·ere
Sllpp'.)nJve ol the. system. 'About 65
percent thoueht they "·ere doing better
becau.se·of it.
A number of students , howe\'er. said
th!'v had to cut out olher ~1 activitJts
111 till' t').tra rush 10 i;ct h11¥1t.·r sr:irll·~
!.·!is.~ Johns 1:1nd other stu den t
rcprl'Seflt.allves '5Ugg~ that first and
!hi.rd quartE'r g~ become "proere~
r("J)Orts" and not final ma rks.
The systL'1n bc-gan last tall.
An f1\'e stu d en 1 repre9er1.tad\·t~
co1nplaulCd to t~tees that not mough
rlasses are designed for the nlne-weck
~· ita!d sorne teachers st.Ill operatP
oo thr scn1est<'r idea . v.tlile others lrC'<ll
grades lnronsistent!y.
Some tcaclwn; ch."lfl6C ~ first quart<•r
~rade dep('Oding on ~ quartt'r
Jir~rt·~ -but not for e\-eryonc. Olhcr.s
don"! for anyone.
··u·s c:onfusmg lo some-students,'' Te111
Trapani from Ed.ism High said.
f'or that reason, many atudenLc;
r!'qlJ('Sted that all so-callt"d ''permanoot •
1,rradcs really be pennanenL ~
Diltrict administrator John Hunt t,, In
charge of smoothmg out the quarter pf.in
Trustees asked him to ~back w11 h
f'Oli:.(1b!1~ ~tu1100!':. aft('r hearing frorn
:-itlJd(·fLL'i :uKI te.icht·rs
Man Held for Ex tortion I
' For Pl1on y Patty Claim
LOS ANGELES IAP I -A 4~-~·r;ir-0ld
man was arrested e.irly Saturday afl C'r
ht! attempt~ to extort $100.000 for phony
plans to free kldnaped newspaper heiress
Patricia Hearst, the FBI said.
TilC n1an, Ralph Lee Jones of suburban
\'an Nuys, had no cOMection >,1.•fth the
kidnciping, although he clai med to be
affilia ted v.ith lhe Symbione.se Uberat1011
Anny, the FBI said. Af,!ents said Jones
claimed he knew whl'rc t.-liss llearst was
ht-ins hc·ld and could provide a plan for
her relcosc.
The FRI said Jones had sent three
letters demanding mniiey to the ct>ed 's
father, Randolph A. llearst, in the San
Franciscn suburb of Hillsborough.
.. ln adqition. letters Indicated the lives
A Real St1•aiglat Shoote1~ ·
Pam Harding came all the wa y frorn \Ves t lfoJly.
wood Saturday to Join hundreds of other dart
lhrowers in the Laguna Beach Jaycees f'ar \Vest
!:ihootout tournament. Y.'hich continue s through to-
day at the Laguna Boys Club. 1085 I..agu na 1,an-
yon ltoad. She won her firi;l g1:1me. CJthers al lhc
competition conee ntratcd on less ~pony pursuit.'i.
drinking beer and listening lo a J.{u1tari~t. i\lore
than $3.500 in p11ze 1noney will be awarded to the
top 16 winners I Jon rs open at 11 a 1n.
USED OPTIGANS (6} •••••••••. •99 ••.
fAMOUS NAME .$295 BALDWIN $1595 SPINETS ,,,. T1'1eol•c 1ty!e
HAMMONO .$695 HAMMOND $1895 t0g ((lftW))c •.
THOMAS PRO MODEL SAVE $200 .$895 $1895 (AREA CODE 714) •/04/lo. tho<d & •hr ~,.,.t., 8 .... 1,. $895 LOWREY $895
KIMBALL boby in J>Kan ·/ · ........... $2595
STEINWAY 7' do<o.af°' ............. $6495 $995
OTIIER IRANDS r.om ............... $895
CieN.· 1971 fl'IOd.I • , 0,,J,,,, ,M••10·"ff
~~~., •.. s1095 HAMMOND
.s2295 ....... _ ................... ._., ....... _ ....... ~ -.......... ... ~ ....................... ·-..... i.ou '"'',, .....
18349 EUCLID ST .
II ,,
~ ,,
" p
Mitcl1ell • • Dasia't Heard/Tapes
I ~u-rv-'Si:;;i.,.1..Q;m..____.}io~d:ft i 'Nixon._
Dlilf 1"11ol l"llOIH by P"rl<ll O'l){l<OnOll
Bea11ty a11d Beast
The beast in this case, however, is a prize one-a
Jl ererord heffer called "Jennie" that won a first-
place ribbon for her owner, Robin Sahdals. 18. ~f
hlission Viejo. in the Orange County 4-H Youth Fair
at Orange Cou nty Fairgrounds, Costa ~lcsa , Satur-
day. Below . a goal seems quite o bl ivious to the park·
ing restrictions on the county fa irgrounds.
From Page J
Greenbelt ar£'a!I behind son1e Irvine
developments and the parking lot of
University lligh School are favored spots
for whatever activ ity Idle youths may
have in mind.
One recent day. police even raided a
subterranean fort built some1A•hat like an
old sodhouse on the prairie, where three
boys in their very early teens were
deta ined for juvenile court custody.
They ~ere growing a small marijuana
plantation and at the time ~f arres~, ~<ere drinking ~·inc and had lflVen their
dog a saucerful too.
Irvine is still a unique city.
"I don't think their kids are any worse
than anyone else's." says U . Bon.a .
"They just doo 't have anything to
do ... "
"Whal ~·e ought to do." he quipped. "is
open a Bask.in-Robbins' ice cream
What the youngsters of Irvine do. in
their spare time is becoming an
Increasing headache lo police. who know
many of the affluent young1ters on. a
first-name basis from unhappy prior
Crime 1n Irvine Is there and it is
becoming more sophisticated.
"The crime of status there is
residential burglary," notes Lt. Bozza,
pointing out lt is mostly committed by
Irvine young people aged 14 to 19 and for
an odd reason.
'"l'hcy 're not even doing it to suppory
drug habits -just for the peer group
The activity even varies by individual
village tracts. which are named in fond
memory of a different time. when Irvine
v.•as just a huge ranch: Turtle Rock, The
Ranch , Green Tree Homes. Tbe Willows,
The Ranch and The Meadov.-s . . .
Turtle Rock. the most affluent sector
of $150.000 houses. accounts for the
highest number of called-for services,
,..,ith 3t48 percent of all those recorded in
the city.
Called-for services mea n such matters
as investigating theft s and burglaries or
settling family fight s. as compared lo
other police missions such as responding
to traffi c accident calls.
The area around Orange Cow1ty
Ai rport accounts for most of those by
fa r. \\'ith 47.5 percent of. the Irvine
Commercial burglary is the big thing
in the bustl ing Irvine Industrial Complex
area. ~·hilc white collar crime such as
fraud and bogus stocks is rumored to be
infiltrating the busy business district.
Armed robbery ts virtually absent,
because there is virtually nothing to rob
along the lines of all-night markets and
one-man service stations beside freeways
providing an easy escape route.
"The majority of your police a~tivity
drops off at 9 p.m .. " says Lt. Bozza , a
former Newport Beach officer who is
puzzled by another phenomenon in lhc
drinking and dining co1nplcxes along
MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree
"E..,cn on the weekends, there aren't
many problems around Rest.aurant
Ro\\'," says the lawman who recalls a
plethora of pro~lems around some of
Newport Beach's night spots.
The profile of police "-·ork may change
as the city changes and its people are
certain to demand that their needs be
"The people in Irvine are \'cry
concerned about the people in Irvine:· he
notes. pointing ,to the high incidence of
police calls in Turtle Rock and other
geographi cal spots.
''In this calendar year the population
-26.800 -wil l increase by more th an
10,000, '' adds Lt. Bozza.
"What's going to have to be done is to
develop a set of Jaw enforcement
programs unlike anything that's ever •
been done. We're working a Special 5 Bu r o-Jary Jling
Enfo rcement Team (SET) concept." Lt. ._. " •
Bozza adds.
''They work on just specific crimes."
He compares the way most lr\'ine
people regard wnat has come lo be
identified as Their Police Force v•ith the
old cops who walked a beat at the tum of
the century and kn ew most people in
their patrol area, Sometimes for 20 years
until they turned in their badges and
"They like to identify \\'ith Their Police
Force," says Lt. Bou.a.
Despite the tum-of-the-century image,
the Irvine Police Department will rely on
211 the new tools of the law enforcement
trade, such as Eagle I, the Costa hlesa
police helicopter.
"But v.·e are sending all brand -new
men out there," LI. Bozza says of
recruitment and assigning procedures
with creation of a full-fledged
department by the city In the future.
• "\\1e are not taking ctperlenced men
av.'ay from Costa Mesa." he says, adding
that new men assigned to Irvine "'ork
alongside the veterans out there,
absorbing more savvy.
"\\'hen the City of Irvine forms its 0~11
Police Department. all rank attained out
there \\'ill stay out there."
Suspects Held
In (:01u1tv JaiJ ,,
five young suspects in a 1najor
burglary and arn1cd robbcorv rini;i:
arrested Friday night by Garden Gro"e
police are bein g held in Orange County
Police claim the five are re sponslble
for stealing $i0.000 in hOOschold property
and cash in a nwnber or robberies dating
back several months.
Arreiited on charges of burglary,
armed robbery, possession of stolen
property and possession of lllegal
\\'Capons are:
Charles T. Cross, 19, and Churlcs J.
Cross. 23. of \Vestminsier: April Lynn
\V ilson. 19. of \\1estn1instcr; Y\'onnc Ides,
19, of \Vestminster, and Bobby G. Blair,
18, of Garden Grove.
Garden Grove police sa1d Sat.urday
no more arrests are anticipated, al·
though more charges may be filed.
Clear Skies Across U.S.
Warui Weather Front Gulf to Great Lakes Regio n
V.S. S11mmar11
llll t l" and •OOW 111'19d !MO T'W
M rttlwnl••" pl4Jns Stlur<11v wM\f
1...,per1!urH •~"lli!'d l"te> II•• '°' •• warm t lr eir!tmlftl 1'11"' '"'-wttl1r"
Gun Co.11 !O Ille Grt•I LAktl •tt•
A w1n11r s!orm w1m!no w•1 001!9d
!or ,,_,It ol MOf>l1n• -• r.tln Ind
mtllll'IO "'°"" co~e•t<I K1ll1Qwll. TemP1r1tur1s climbed lo •1 11 It'
flOl"ll'I IS L-Rot~. Wis .•• ..., 5.tglntw.
Sltles -• mosllv clear t•om 11'11 Allll,.llc C09st .-c=rots ,,.,. .t.pfltlacl\ltns
•I'd lrom c.-111orn1.1 to the ct11tr.tl 1...S
.outM<" lltotkln. A'""-,...,_.. r.trioed fr.., M .ti
Kall!Q941 10 tO .. LqllDOck t ncl Mlcll.tnd,
S. C•llforala
S()UTHElllH CALIFOlll:N!A -Ftlr
tfW"OUOh M...Oty tr>d Wt'W'IV d•Yt.
~I"'"' ,,,,.._, $.1.tMty. Lotti 111111'
w1Nh l'lllll!llal" t•t•S.
MOUNTAIN Allt(A$ -l'"tl• M-n
w/111 llHlm' dtYt.. LO<" ousty ""11111.
SllQh!ly "'''""'' 'll"d•v CNtl-1119"11 IOWI )$ IO ..cl H1911• Woldt' Ind
M-tY ~ I/Id IO'M 60t.
!NTElltlOllt AND DESElltT lltf;GIO'"S
-!"1lr 111rOUQ11 MooldtY wtlll '""""'
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1111.e•h •rid to't lo"'"'9( cr-11. iANTA IAllt~llA AND VENfUllA
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Sf!fftlt• "'arll'ltl" S1111<1.ty, °""lllOf'I!
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NE\V YORK (AP 1 -A federal court
jury C'Ut short dellbereUou-S.turday
night in the criminal consp"9cy trial of
onelin1c AUy. Gen John N, Mitchell and
former Cotnmerce Secretary 1'1aurlce H.
Stans. after v.'eighing lh'e credibiltt.y of
kty i;o\·ernmt'flt vdlnesses.
At the panel'!l request. U.S. District
Court Judge Lee P. Gagliardi earl ier In
the day had rereild portions of his charge
on the believabilit y of witnesses. One ·tir
1hose specificall~ mentioned \\·as ousted
\\'hite House coun"Scl John \Y. Dean llL
1'1e nine men and three \\·omen
jurors went back to their hotel for the
nii:ht at 7: I~ p.n1 .• the ea rliest by some
three hours that they ha\'e called ii qults,
They will resume deliberation s at 10 a.m.
The case \\'ent lo the ju;y at 4:55 p.m.
Thursday, follO\\'ing a 10.-\\·eek tr ial.
The· jury continued to review perjury
charges against ?i.1itcheJ\, pnce the law-
and-order bastion of President Nixon's
Jlo"'ever. th e reque~l for rereading or
portions of the j\Jdge's ch a r g c
encompassed ~·itnesses against Stans as
\1·rll as ~t itchell. It thus could constitute
an enlargement of the scope of the jury's
dchbcrations. llltherlo, during the first
23 hours or deliberations, attention had
appeared to be confined mainly to the
prosecution 's case against ~titchell.
l\'lansficld Urges
Excn1ption Hike
Will Be Cleared'
TULSA, Okla . (AP I -Y,lcc Presirlent
Gerald ll. f"ord accused Democrats of
exploiting \Va1e1-gate and resta ted his
belief in President Nixon ·g in!loCeoce on
a whirlwind tour of OklaMma and Texas
'"I have no doubt that the President is
innocent and he will be t'Ompletely
exonerated," Ford said al a ne~·s
conference after arri\'iflf: in Tulsa for a
RepubliC.'.ln fund-ra ising dinner.
Ford said he is con'1nced evidence held
bv the \Vhlte ltousc "'ill exonerate the
President, but he admi'tted he had nOt
SN'1l such evidence or heard presidential
tapes sought by the -House Judiciary
Con1mittce. ·
Ford flew here from \\'ichita Falls,
Tex .. where he told a GOP fund-raising
luncheon he doesn 't believe there is
enough evidence to impeach Nixon and
"I happen to think he is innocent "
Al a ncv.'5 confeTence in \Vichita Falls,
Ford said the Whlte ltouse should turn
over all relevant I.apes to the Judiciary
Asked if he "'Ould scrve on .1 panl'I to
judge the rel evance of the tape,, Ford
said: "I don't think as a possible
beneficiary in the evt>nt thkigs go badJy.
that I should jUdge the J'eilevancy of tht.'
In Tulsa. ford was asked if sununaries
of the tapes promised by the White
House v.·ould be accurate. ··11 is almost
unbelievable 10 me that the \Vhite House
v.·ould not make available the accuratt'
v.•ords," he replied .·
He said Americans \\'Ot1ld have to
assume the summaries were corrcd.
Ford's schedule here included a
reception as well as the dinner and news
cooferenct. Jn Wichita Falls. he also took
part in a motorcade into town from
Sheppard Air Force Base.
In remarks prepared for the dinzicr
here . Ford called on Republicans to keep
the Dcn1ocrat.s from turning th c
Novf'mber elections into a referendum on
the \\'a!crgatc scandal.
''l..et us return to the ABCs of politics
;ind reject the endless exploitallon of the
CClntroversy that has bet.'n generated
about our President," Ford said.
Virgi-Ba~k Ho111e
Lenke1nia Boy Given ,7Ve·1v Drug
STERLING. Colo (UPI ) -Virgil
Taladay, 11. came home r r om
Disneyland. Sea"·orld and the San Diego
Zoo v.·ith memories of Mickey Mouse .
But '"'O Sterling men. Tom Ballard and
Broadcaster i\larvin George Rivenburg.
~·hose \\·ife is a cancer ''icti m, added
something to the gift .
\VASJll :\GTO~ (AP ) -Se n ate bears and a friendly porpoise.
l\lajority Leader fl1 ike l\fansfield said He also came home \\'ith the first thin
They secured for Virgil an examination
by San Diego cancer rpecialist Dr.
Virginia Livingston. one of four
specialists in Ille United S la t es
experimenting \\'ilh a IXJl£"nt new drug
they hope \\"ill prove a \\·eapon against
leukemia .
Saturday he favors increasing the federal
tax t"'XCDlption by $100 to help low inco nie ray of hope he "has had in his battle "'ith
pt.>oplc. terminal leukemia.
He sriid hC' disagreC's 11•i1h arguments Virgil, one of nine children in the poor
thu l 1his •rould feed innation. family of rendering plant truck driver
Dr. Livingston agrN.'d to lake on
Virgil's case, previously pronounced
hopeless. and the little boy came home
1\·ith a supply of the drug.
"Increasing the t':<en1pt ion to a figure Frank Ta laday. returned Friday night
of S850, anyway, would help people in low from the trip to 1he \Vest Coast gi,·en
income brackets the most:' said him h~· fril'nds and neighbors after they
----l\lansfield in ar\ intcrv1c11· in his office. learned he 11•as dying. ·---------'---'----
1.1.~' (111~\llOMvl(OllOI II ~·1
PORTABLE B & W Diagonal
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100% Solid-State
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Instant Picture -Instant Sound, Brilliant Chroma·
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19046 BROOKHURSTST. •No flnonce Chorges if poid in 90 days~ Low '°21 AT\AHTAST.
HUNTINGTON llAOt Down ond 36 Months to poy (o.o.c,) • 1 Y.ar frff MUMTINCTON HACH p~T Pwts• l YfHJl'frttSft>•ic• • l Y•wPlctur.TIM MON~51o.7 s,\Ol°l SAT\JAO,\V 1().$.30 Wonol: 1• "" O.llvety ond S.t Up • S,.,IUtOAY 10..) lO ~t.\..f.'IJ\ 962!1~_3, ..
Ion~ riClllfd/Malter Chqrg>e •We Setvim what ClOSfD SVNOAV • , _
• --l•Wtk-oud•1 ... udlnsidt andOuto 962-5559 ~~~~ .... ......;.~~~~
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.I -
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Blacks Abandoning· Aliot;o
SA.~ rRA.'ICISCO (AP I -Angeles b I a ck comn1unit y exclusn•ely for }Otmg blacks
SuriGJy APf'll 28 1()74 DAIL V PILOT ,4 5
P lane Losl
In Sie rras
--5ema.L.pomunent b I a c l leader William c. Washington. v.·hosc descriptions fit a Jl">
annoonced their •ithdra14·al in liet--prepamj profile of the
stattmenls Friday . Zebra slayM"S, \.\as deel:irl'<I
Kl::R~\'ILLI:: 1 lPI I
Ground cre"Slind-aircra rt
v1orkt>d tt~ir \.\'fl~' n o r t h
throu~h the ruggtd soulhl'l'fl
Sit>rras Saturda~ 111 a
111cthodlc St-arch thu t f;oJed lo
find n 1nis.~1n~ µrl\·111t• pl~nc.
leaden, IN! by San FranciJCO
Coun1 y Supervisor Te r r y
Francois, h a v e \\'ilhdrawn
from ~tayor Joseph L. Alk>to's
gubernatorial ca mp a I g n ,
bitterly condemning Alioto for
the Stop-and-search manhunt
for the ~lled Zebra killers.
"l think the mayor Injected un('()f1.stltu tional by a fl'<l c·r.11
himself in this oo a continuing Judge 1'hursday.
basis lO appeal to moderate lo Police Chief Donald Se<1tt
conser\'alive De mo c rat i c voters. p 8 rt I c u I 8 r I y in testified 81 thl" hearing th:1t ht•
r~ran('()i s, 52, joined by
·" fello\.\· San Franciscans ldarte
Westbrook and the Rev .
llamilton Bosv.·ell and Los
Southern CalUornia in plnces did not conft>r \1 ith Ahuto
such as Orange County," before lnstlgaling lhc sea rl·h
Francois said. 1;:ictic in "'htch more th<1n 600
T II E ST 0 1' -and·sea rch YOUJ}g blacks \\crl' lilO[)Jk'd
policy adopted by po 11 r e and ~earchcd 1n 1ht' strt'J..'1
Thi.• ch·1I :"llr p111rol ,;<1id
!'01ne 25 pla111·s fle11· 111 ~h1rt,.;
along the Crssna l.')11 \ thi;:ht
plan roulf•. ()n thL· gr11 11nd,
!'Ollle 7~ to 110 1:it•rsnn.s con1ht:d
th<' ndgr lint'~ :u1ri 1·;1lll'\" ul
the 11mlx'r l'OUntr~
' .. • . -•
J1ist Like lflo111a
Like mother, like daughter. Little Pegasus. a four.year-<>ld hippopotamus. tod-
dles after her mother. massive 3 ~2 ton Cuddles. Pegasus u·eighed in at between
50-60 pounds, al Lhe ·San Francisco Zoo . •
Explo sio11
By St1icide?
man trying to klll himself may
have caused a $100.t:m blast
and fire that razed a t\\·o-story
apa rtment building, killing one
man and Injuring 10 <>!her
persons. police said Saturda y.
Lt. Rodney Sverko said the
coroner is performing an
autopsy on l\1ark Saxton. 32. to
see if he died of bums or from
gas inha lation . Sverko said
witnesses told police Saxton
pffviOusly had threatened to
kill himself.
"It's a possibility o·r
suicide," Sverko said.
The other persons injured,
including l\\'O small babies.
slLSlalned minor cuts and
Sverko said the Friday blast
"completely blew the roof off"
and leveled a thr ee-u n i I
apartmefll co mplex a n·d
damaged nearby building!:.
Fire <>fficers estimated. the
damage at Sl00,000.
Fi re investigators said the
natural gas explosk>n may
have been set of( when Saxton
ix.it out a pUot light in the
stove and turned on the g~ in
his ex·wile's apartment.
Sl1oots Youth
In Incident
Strike Bf1llots· Out
To LA Cou11 ty U 1iio1i
Union officials said they
l'Xpe<:t n1embers lO ratify
tentati\'e contract agreements
\\·ith Los i\ngeles County, thus
<&\'erting a massive strike
orginally sc heduled for
Ballots \\'ere IT'ailed to 4.000
\\·orkers Saturday for a vote
on v.·hat one official called
··ttM:? best aj:trecment \\·e have
ever reached."
1'he pacts provide for pay
'(aises averaging 7.5 percent
and fringe benefit increases ol
about .4 percent. Un ion
attorncv Leo Geffnc.r said a .
fl at $50--a.month increase for
6.000 of the countv's lo"•est
paid ,~·orkers was· a maj~r
Gordon !\'es\·ig. count y
perS<lnnel director , said the
ne\\' pact "·ill raise labor costs
by about $60 million annually.
L100r learicrs say t he
coun1 y can abso rb the added
cost without a !ax increase but
llahn disa greed. •·The re is no
doubt there is going to be a I
lax increase \.\ith l h cs e
demands.°' he said. I
t:nion leaders said the nev• I
contract includes a full y·paid
rienta\ plan slar1 ing in II
months and rai ses the amount
the county pays in monthly
health tnsuranre premiums
from S26 to $JI for each
employt. Improvements in
sick and ber<'avement leave
and severance pay were also
agreed on. union officials said.
Tilc county has also agrf't:d
to reduce the case load for
cmployrs in the Departnwnt
of Public Social Scr\1ee,;.
union officials said
Coast Guard Airlift s
Sick Sailor to Diee:o
SA'.'i DrEGO f AP)-A sick Coas t Guard cutter
sailor was airlifted Saturday Venturous, vmich had been in
onto a helicopter at se11 some San Qiego on a trainmg
250 n1ilcs southwest ti{ 5an mission from its homeport of
Diego and nown lo a hospita l, Los Angeles. A corpsman
the Coast Guard said . aboard the 1.'U\ler. upon
nie seaman. Robert ex:tmining Campos. called for
Campos. 28. Los Angeles, was a' Coast Guard helicopter to
one of four aboard the 40-foot n1tlke evacuation because of
sailboat Altair, en route to San possible seriousness.
Diego after a trip through the Jn a ship· lo-shore
Canal Zone and some 200 com1nunication earlier in the
miles off the Baja Californ ia \l'eek a doctor said . the
coast, officials said. symptoms sounded 1 i k e
Ile was taken to University asth1na. Skipper U a r o Id
OAKLAND (AP I _ The Hospital in San Diego v;here Cald"•ell r:idioed the docror
1\lameda County Dis 1 r i ct· his condition "'asn't Friday that Campos seemed
Attorney's 0 f fj c e said immediately known . "·orse and "'hen the doctor
Saturday it will investigate the At first Saturday t he said it might be pntmnonia
fatal shooting <>fa teenage boyl p;siiaiiiliiboaiiiitii•ii•iiasiiiireiiaiichediiiiiiiibiiyiitii,.,iiiiiiliihiieiiCoiiiiastiiiiGiiuiiaiirdiiiiseiitiioiiuiit.iiiiiii
by a policeman. Th e11
policeman was dra~ed 400
feet during the youths escape
Karl ThompS<>n. a 16-year·
old high schoool student, y,•as
shot in the chest in the
incident and died at San
Leandro ~1emorial hospital. 1
Police Lt. \\lilliam Clark
said 'l'hompS<ln was stopped
for defective brake lights and I
<>fficers discovered the car
was stolen.
Zebra Hunt
Stepped Up
Sharply restriL1ed in its Zebra
manhunt by a C"OOrt order, San
Francisco Police Saturday
deployed hundreds of officers 1
on the streets in hope <>f
scaring off the killer or kil!ers l
blamed for 18 r a n d o n1
shootngs, .
The Zebra cases, 12 of them
fatal , ha,•e generally occurred
bet"•een sunset and 10 p.m. In
each instance. a white ~rson
"'as shot on the sl reets by a 1
black. I
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No Place for Politics -----1·
The Veterans Admlnlstration, with 188,000 en1·
ployes and a budget of $13.6 billion. is second only to
t.be Defense Department In size. It affects the lives and
welfare of 97 million American veterans tuld members
of thelr families .
Jn the put rive yean, incompetence, mismanage-
ment and politics hnve reduced the ~ 1\ to a conditIOn
described by some observers as "chaos."
This is no news to the \Vest Coast, where VA hos·
pit.al conditions have sparked angry ~otests. and fou l·
UP6 in delivering education benefit c cks have forced
veteran students to the brink or rioan 1al catastrophe.
The needs of returning veterans arc well-established
-education , jobs. housing and health care. These bene-
fits are promLo,;ed to the1n. The principal element of
change is keeping pace with Inflation In meeting the
The chaos has been lhe result of turning the VA
into a political playground ,through appointment of in·
competents to key posts.
Now U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston (0-Calif.) wants Con·
gress to appoint an independent. bipartisan commission
to watch the VA . Such a commission might be useful on
a temporary basis. to pinpoint immediate problems, but
in the long run -.it probably would create oilly further
delays. Congress has the power to investigate and re<:tify
the VA 1ness. It should be done without delay.
Ma tters o f the Public
1'csting the water of public opinion with a cautious
toe. the California Public Utilities Commission last week
opened a decision conference LO the public for the first
time in 60 years.
sions behind closed doors, following pubUc hearings on
proposed changes.
Last week.a San Francisco newspaper reporter made
himseU a test case by refusing to leave the hearing room
when the commission began a decision conference.
lie was arrested. ,
'!'he case of the stubborn reporter has yet to be
\ resolved, but the commissioners a few days later decided
• to try an open meeting. Nothing very dramatic happened
3nd PUC officials have not revealed their feelings about
makin g open meetings a regular pnctice.
Since the decisions of the comlnission bear directly
on the pocketbooks of every uWity user in California, it
would not seem unreasonable to ask that the decisions
be made in public, along with the discussion leading
up to theu1.
1'wo ~r om en to Be Missed
Two women who played im.portant and yet vastly
divergent Toles in the early development years of Orange
County died this past week .
They were Victoria Carson· Cotton, pioneer of tbe
early days in San Clemente and Cordelia Hornaday
, Knott, who along with her husband, Walter,. developed
the famed Knott's Berry Farm of Buena Park.
Afrs. Cotton, a direct descendant of Don Juan .00.
niinguez, whose sprawling ranch empire is today's south·
west Los Angeles. was an elegant leading lady in the
pioneering effort of the 1920s to develop the city ot
San Clemente.
There was no indication that it would become a
The powerful PUC, wh.ich sets ra.t.es an.ct re~ulation.s
for utilities in the state, has always made its final de c1·
About the same time, Mrs. Knott, wife of a former
sharecropper and farmer, was making fruit pies, pre-
serves and cooki ng chicken that propelled the modest
Knott's Berry Farm into one of the finest tourist at·
tractions in all of Amelica.
Mrs. Knott died at age 84. Mrs. Colton was 95. 'I understand be was very big back in Mechanicsburg, Ohio.'
Both left positive lasting imprints on Orange County life.
Com1nendation on Co veruge
Dt:ought's Effect Transcends Afri~a
To the Editor:
As stated In the April 8 edition of Time
fl.Iagazine. the biggest v."i>rld disaster of
our times is facing us today and no one is
talking about il or publicizing il t1lf:
\Vest African drought did not happen
overnight, but has been g e t t in g
progressively "'Orse !or six )'e&tl. Yet,
there has been little or no publicity oo
the problem oor the efforts ol countless
governmental a n d non-governmental
agencies of the \\'Orld to help the six or
seven African nations hardest hlt by the
Y.'Orld's Y.'Orst drought
' ' TitE DAILY PILOT 1s to be congratU·
lated for the full page and rather inten·
sive coverage of the West African drought
and the future of our v.'Orld in terms of
spreading drought and famine. 1 hope
that these articles make the point for all
readers that the problems or drought,
famine and de\'astation are not just
localized, but global problem'!. To
survive all nations and people mmt work
together through global interdependence
and cooperation to cambat such world
catastrophes present and future.......,
In your articles. there is a special list
of agencies people may contad if they
...,;sh lo help ; hov.·ever. one very
important agency u".is omitted -an
oversight I am sure. r v.·ould like to draw
attention to this international agency -
L'""1 "-nMerl IN ..__ NooMU1'
wrtMrl ...w _.., ..... --... ,.. WWlll ., -.... n. """ " ~ ltlt9B " Ill .... w .tlml111te nNI I• ,_....., Alt ""9n nwst Ill-e.... """'1WI ... '"'•1111 .,...,....., "" "'"'" ..... ., llt Wllfllltl4 .. ,_., ff Mlfkletlt rHIOn II
ffHf'911f. PMfn' Witt Mt .. l'Alltt!tf.
UNICEF. 'l'hn>ugh the combined efforts
of the U.S. Committee for_ UNICEF
(Pacific Regional Office In Pasadena),
the United Nations Association. Coastline
Chapter and the Model United Nations of
U.C. Irvine, local activities designed to
raise funds and inlonn the public have
alr<Ody been lnltiated.
Repre•enlatllle Facts
To the Editor :
Re: Sieroty Hits Secrecy in Drilling
A&!embtyman Alan Sieroty (Democrat
from Beverly Hills) said at a hearing in
Santa Mooica "the public interest isn 't
being protected" relative to opening up
7.7 mlllion offshore acres for oil drilling.
He further stated "current leases of
drUling rights by the state and federal
government bring' too much profit to
private oil companie.a and too litUe to the
APPAREm'LY he is too busy on hi1
witch hunt to investigate the facts. The
Llls Angeles Time1 on March 28, 1974,
reported lhat "William A. Vogeley,
acOng deputy amt.ant 8C'Cretary of
interior for energy and mineral!, said
that lease sales since 1954 had brought
the government more than 'll billion in
bonuses and royalties whiJe o i I
companies had gros9ed only about .$8.4
It sure would be nice if there was some
way to hold elected representatives
accountable for misrepresentation.
•Who Needs lt."!'
To the Editor:
me. Their set of values is not my set Df
What a bleak future a child wruld have
with only school to look forward to from
. age 5 to 18. StiOilla: and degrading.
WHAT ABOUT 9U?mlers with the
family, at the lake, in summer camps,
Y.ith Mrses, on tuna boats where boys
and girls really lt'arn about life and earn
their ways tntp·college?
Somebody in Sacramento or
Washington doesn 't like us .
And doesn't like our children.
And . whoever he is, he can get his
clammy bands off mine right now.
'Tltanks for the Year'
To the Editor:
I v.·ould highly appreciate it if you
would publish my letter because this is
the only \ray I am able to tbank all the
people for "~iving me my year."
1 am an American Field Service
exchaage student from Finland. I am
spending my year in Fountain Valley
attending Fountain Vall ey High School .
lily host family is P.lr. and f\lrs. Strother
and their three daughters.
Alter spending eight months in U.S.
and baving only two months to go, I
realize what a wonderful year fuH of
exP{?rlences I have had.
Nixon Wanted Agnew Out
Last April 6, students from U.C. Irvine
and University High School rode in to 25
miles for a combined total of $1 ,500 for
the UNICEF West African Drought
Eme'l!ency Relief Program. Other fund.
raising projects for Orange Coonty are in
the ptaMlng now. San Diego and 1"s
Angeles Cow:tty UNA's and UNICEF
\'Olunteers are beginning to move into
action. Procoo:l.s wUJ go to UNICEF
progranu for feeding the hungry,
digging ..,., .. ter \\"ells and w a t e r
purilicalioos, etc. The amount ralsed in
!his first event, the Bike-A-Thon In
ln•inc, may be small In oomparlson to
the milliOM of doUan tb.lt must bo
raised ; but it Is a start.
OS THE LOCAL level, anyone "'ho
wishes to vohmteer time, may t:ontact
the UNA·USA Coasttirie Chapter by
writing 898 South Coast Highway, Laguna
Beach 92661. Or send a cheek to the U.S.
Committee tor UNICEF. Weot Mrlcan
Drought Emergency Relief Program, 331
East 38 st., New York. N.Y. 10016.
Re: Year 'round schools!
Who 'Vo'al'lt:3 it?
Not the kids? Not the parents? Not the
teachers? Then "'ho?
E1·ideritly eUber the state or federal
IN THIS point I would like to thank all
the commun ity laxpayeni for provkling
my schooling for the year. Only few
people are aware that to get an AFS-
student the chapter has to collect $850. In
lhls letter I want to thank also all those:
people who have given donation! or in
any other 'Vo'ay helped to bring me here.
Ullltell ,.rn1 lftl9f'Uli0nal
\~'ASHINGTON -Almost as !100D as he
)earned of the serious c r i m i n a I
investigation of his vice president.
President Nixon concluded Spiro T.
Agnew should vac:ate his o r f i c e
according to a new book.
WriUen by tY.'O \Vashington Post
, r~. the book pieces together the
events last year that led up to the
dramatic resignation by Agneu'. "'ho
pleaded oo contest to a charge of income
tu evasion and received a sentence of
three years' unsupervised probation and
a SI0.000 fine.
Jn ·"A Heartbeat Awa y" (Viking, $10).
authors Jul es Witcover and Richard ~1.
Cohen 'VoTite that Justice IJ\'Partment
pro81!Clltors \\-ete initially reluctant to
sh.are the information they were
receiving about Agnew·s involvement in
1 kkkback scheme involving htaryland
1tato officials.
And although Nixon wanted Agnew out.
Robert N. \Vt1ed, Publishtf"
Tho'"°'1 Kttvil, Editor
Barbara Krtibich
Editorial Pa!}t Editor
The clitori~I ·P.'i"' or 1ht' Daily
Pi:'IOt ~ks to infnnn •nd i;timula.le
l"Hdl"T"!l by p~nlinJl on fhi1 pq:e
d\vtr)e eommrntlUY on topic. of tn.
~M by ~no1ic11t"'ll rolumni111 and
car1oonlm . by providinic a forum for
tta.dtr.1' v!l'Yo's and hy Pf"8'1'll inrr 1h1•
~·spaP'1'·~ Of)lnlOf\ll: and iOt>u on
~nt topics. Tht edJtlX'ial op1nJor.
ot the Daily J>ilot &PJ>eAr only in lho
editorW column at tJw tnp of tht
pq:t. Opinione ex~sM'd by the-ce>I·
wnntltl and canoonl:tt." and Jette-r
Wrlttn att \Mir own aJMt no~
~t of 1htir m-.. ... by \be Oa.11)'
Piiot 1italld be ~
Sunday, April28. 1974
the authors "'TOte, it was not until Agnew
made a "fatal decision'' to rounterat lack
11gainst the Justlee Department that the
\\'hite House began to press Jor his
THE Vt'ORO TO Agnev.• from Nixon
\\'tis ;'layoff, or else," Witcovcr and
Cohen report.
But the vice president's response Y.'aS
to at tack Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry E.
Petersen. head of the J u s t I c e
Department's aimlna1 divislon , for what
Agnew called a deliberate attempt to
smear him and run him out of office.
According to Witoover and Cohen, the
attat'k forced Nixon's hand. He had to
either defend his chief investigator In lhe
t'ase or appear to be a "marsbmallOw."
Nixon did p.ibllcty defend Petersen but,
v.·hUe still defending Agnew's right to
make up his o..,.,,, mind about resignation.
ror the first time told the nation thal Lhe
11ctivities under investigation we r c
\\'ithin a maucr of days Agn('\V
\~'ITCOVER llnd Cohen are high In
pr11ise of U.S. Atty. George Beall and hi s
as.,.istants. Barnet D. Skolnik, Russell T.
Baker Jr. and Ronald S. Liebman, ell of
them in their 20$ and 3trl.
The Baltimore prosecutors u"l!nted a
trial and jall sentence for Agnew and
u·ere at first ~iclous of Atty. Gen.
Elllot I.. Richardson. Pctcrs.:.1' and
Richardson aide! ..,.,,ho "-ere willing to
barRaln to get Agnew out of the line of
the presidency as quickly as possible.
Later tl!ey developed mutual respect.,and
Richardson briefed Nixon on Aug. 6,
only houri before the \\'ashington Post
and the \Vall Str~t Journal report('(! th:it
Agnew wa9 undtr crlmiMI Investigation
for posaible bri bery nnd tax vlo\alloos.
"Although ll \\'as clear to Richardson
almost tram the !!tart that the President
\\tlnl.ed Agnew out." the book said
''there was always tho matter of t.bc
Agnew <OOSUtuency to be -rtd.
Agnew's removal. in the White House
view, had to be accornp,llsbtd ln a W1f
that v.'OUld not undul y a 11 e n 1 t e
conservative voters and conservative
Republican leaders, who.se support Nixon
in his own travail now needed desper·
In subsequent conferences. the book
said, "The quest.ion arose -How much
more should the President be told?
"f\'IXON J\.UGIIT v.'ant a full memo on
the prosecution of the case, and the
group at Justice felt be was enUUed to it
if he v.-ere to exercise his rtSpCl[ISibility
oo the disposition of the matter.
But the Baltimoreans. still operating
on the premlse that AgneW wouJd come
to trial and still suspicious that
information golng to tile President might
be leaked to agnew, "finnly opposed
giving Nixon a full report ."
Debate on this point continued for
weeks. the hook said. Eventually a
L'On1promise ,1·as reached : Nixon would
gct an advance copy of Agne\\"s
i11dict1nen\.. On Sept. 25 Richardson
infonned the President .lhe prosecutors
had all the e\idence they needed to indict
On Sept.. 29, aflC:r an overnight stay at
singer ·f"rank Sinatra's home, Agne\.\',
Sinatra and three or four insiders
decided that he should "fight back."
The next day, Sept. 29, Agnew told a
Republican Women's gathering in Los
Angeles that Peeersen's cooduct had been
"unprofessional and malidOU9 and
" .•• RE~tAINING SILENT ln the race
of Agnew·! public slap at his Justlce
Departinent and at hl1 favorite.
Pelenoo, Nixon looked like a
rnarshm:lllow. and he k:ne,.,, It. Going
.1fter Petersen as Agne'v dld v.·as
A!{llew's fawl mistake:· lhe book says.
''But Agnev.• v.·ould not do anylhing he
thought would anger the President or hi s
men," the aulhor5 wrote. ·• 'It bothered
him.' an aSMClate said. 'bl!l he was not
as reckleM as he appe11rC(I . It may have
been nn authority complex . or maybe it
\\'SS something else, bot h1a priorillcs "~ such that he stood in awe ... of the
\Vhite HCXISft.' " A fortnlll>t alltt the Lo9 Angel<s
speech. Agnew was out or office~
UNA·USA Coastline Chapter
\VH\' DO they 'Vo1lnt our children for
the fu11 year when they mishandle
them foe the nine months they already
have them? .
I ' m ~ctow: o f go\'ernment.
Especially lately.
I don't want I.hem raising my kids for
P.1y wish Is that in the future more
people "i:iu1d realize \\that it means to a
foreign student to spend a year here.
\Yith my sincere appreclaUon.
Laissez-£ aire on Vitamins
One of the most arrogant and absurd
exan1p](>!I of bureaucratic authority is the
recent action of the U.S. Food and On1g
Administration in limiting lhe freedom of
the American people to buy vit.am1ns.
New regulations of the agency require
doctors' prescriptions for high-potency
\'ilamins. Such vitan1ins account for
1nost of the vitamin
j11rs TIO\V available
on the 311eh-es or
pharmacies or·
health food stores.
In general, the
governmen t is bits·
ing its regulations
on wh:it are ruppo s·
ed to be Recommen·
d e d Daily Alloy,·.
aoces. Vitamins higher than lhe RDA
can no longer be sold over the counter.
On JUI face, tbe new FDA regulations
!'it"Cm to mAke good sense. People who
\.\'M\ t.o £ortlty themtlelvcs ~th hla:~
potency vitamim must be pr0ft:1Sionally
di:i~~.., haVing a disease that calls
for \.\'hat Is officially tcnned "dietary
lN THE WORDS of FDA, "Lay persoos
art! tncapable of determinin&. by
themSelyes. ..,.,'hether they have or are
likely to develop vitamin or mineral
Tho trooble •i th this Atarement is that
it suggests lha FDA is working from a
admtmc t.ise ol knOwledp. Tiiis Is not
true. People •ary In !heir Du!ritlooal
requirements. 1bc notlon of
Recommended Daily AllO\.\'&neeS is
highly approximate. People 'Vo100 live or
v.·ork alongside heavily t r a f r i c k e d
highu•ays, or \.\·ho .live year airports, or
\\·ho are heavy smokerS may not have
\\'hllt I.he FDA would describe as a
Yet their lungs carry a heavy burden
from lhe pollution ; many of them nre
prone to respiratory ailments or to
inflamniatory conditioos caused by
prolonged toxicity. Vitamin C ts believed
by !Orne medical re9CM'Chen and a large
number ol nutritionist.I to play a useful
role in combating such ailments by
helping to ozygenate the blood and io
fight tnnammaUOn or tnlection.
It i1 common sense. thCrelore. that
people ..... -oo are expo&ed to inttnaive air.
pollution should be permltted to take
more th.lln the 90 milligrams of vitamin C
!Mt <"an be obtained without a
The notion that a pemn should be
forted 1<> pay a pby>ldan a r .. In onlcr
to be: able to buy vtta.mfn C tablets
containing more than ·90 milligrams Is
a' arbitrary A.'1 it b nonsensical .
What makes the FDA ,...W.tlon
•blunt ts that -wbo belle ...... needs a lllbotantlAI dole of vtlamb> C can
obtain five or 10 ti.mel 1.s many vitam1n ,
tablets as be needs in order to obtain his
Cutt dooe.
If may be asked. therefore, why there
nood be any fuss or protest.s lf the
regulations are loose and inconsistent to
the point or being unY.'Orkable. The
aM'Vo·er is that bad lav."S should be
resisted at every tum. Laws that
unnecessarily constrict the freedom of
individual action or <'hoice are dangerous
laws : lhey are too easily enlarged.
Nothing says more about th e
misconceivt'!d and preposterous nature of
the FDA regulations than the fact that
alcohol is available in u n I i m It e d
quantities while vitamins are restricted.
Alcohol.ism is ooe of the three ~ four
most serious diseases lo a f f I i c t
Americans. ~t the govemmoot ~
apperenUy more "'O!Tl.ed about people
taking vitamlM.
SIMILARLY, YOU may oot be able to
obtain vita.mini without a prescription
but you can go up to a drug COWlter and
buy as ,much aspirin as you ""ish. Aspirin
can be harmful to the ~igesti\'e procci;.s.
to the hearing. to the heart and to lhc
rcproducU\'e ability ot blood celb.. The
FDA says nothing about the fact that
asplrtn CJ.fl produce se rious vilamln C
dcOciency in people. with rheumatoid
anhritis. The concern of the FDA should oot be
conflncd to the need t() regulate health
food stores. A far more serious probJcm
thal sboWd coocern the FDA Is the .. ...,t to whicb Americans are being MA1:nourilbed in what are dcscribf!d as
"approvtd" or "1vcrage" d i et s .
e1 IID\\'1."IA wwm
About 50 newcomers gathered at the Aprll
nwtlng of the Oraoge County Chapt<r of the
Natk>nal OrganlzaUon for Women. ?itany came
with Uw:lr children. Oue husband came with hls ------------------w11e:-one-came •itbout hb w~. Somtumr
,.. U all the wild thlngt they'd heard about
"v.'Otnen's Ub" were true. otben came to vent the
anger and frustraUon tbey had sufftrcd because of
dist:rlminatory tttatment.
slate's right to lmpcse legislation oo abortion . Il l!
did not ment ion v.·oman's right.! In ttte matter -
ht>r rlgbt to llfe without forc'td pregnancy. He did
not f'\'tn auempt 10 explain th3t a v.·oman. Wider
the lav.· he cilts, may be tril'd for murder should
!JKo not be able to de1non:ttt:ite cause of
macarr ge.
S11nd1y Apr!! 28 1C>74 D>ll Y PILOT ,\ 7 -..
h I~ our belief thnt little girl s arc not born
""ith thl'se attitudeit. Tht•y are 1nst lilC'd b\' :iex1st
prof'tll'{'li. Orange Cow'lty N 0 .\\'. sport50rS a ilidl'
i-ho"' on ~xisrn in t'ducatlon to sho"' to stltdt.'flts, fAL TA X A t educators and partnts.
Bt><-uust" all radio and lt>le,,v~m~•onse,~bt"~"'id~r~n~st~in~~j---;,i-':t-ca•.--.----------'----istattoos aru rene"'Ulg Ir Jt('('llSt'S Ul an
One ~·oman who bad recenUy had an abortim
came with her t-month-old baby. Some poopl~
came to ask WormaUoo on feminist doctors, day
care centers, and woman'• legal r\ghll. Eve.ry·
body came because or h!s or her interest in au
women's risht.s.
They came to tbe rtaht place. N.O.\V., rounded
in 1966. wu the first Md ls stll1 ~ largeat.. most
influential Cl\'U rigbta organlui.Uoo dcdlca1td to
achieving equality for v.·omen.
Tu·erity~ight -..·omen formed the organizat ion.
By 1971, menlt>trsblp -..·ns 15,000.
Oespite N.O.W.'i growth and its s~ in
e(fecting leg1$lation assuring \\'omen's right.! (such
as the right to credit withou t a man 's name {Ind
the right to attend all public institutions of higher
education) there ii still a great deal to be
Cflfls.ider\ng, rertnin forrn11 or contracept.iv~ v.·ould
be illetj:Al, thus makinic v•o1ncn t \'en more
dependent on ti!\> pill. v.·hich has sonle knov.11
dangers to heiltb and perhaps many unknov.·n.
This cooscquence Tunney did not ttunk important
enough to n1entlon.
TuMey also ralled to meo1lon the fact that anti·
abortion la v.·s would not stop abortions lwonu .. 'fl
have been tmving abortion.!i sim•c his tory ~ii:an ~.
but v.·ould merely prevent s.1re. ~nilary ubortioni;.
Furthermore, Tunnes ncgle(ted to note that in
spite of any \eg1$1atioo· wealth)' v.omen \1·011ld
sttll be able to "buy" st'Cret abortions: only !hi'
poor Y.'Om1•n \\Ot.lld be loret.-d lo race a bulch,·r
111 a hack nllC'y.
AlthQui,:h Til\f• IX or lhl' f'l'<lrral EducllltOn ()'>dl'
dr<•l;ires that ony ulstltution which flC'CCpts f1'<1rrnl
fwlds shall not d iscrimin.:lle by sex. J;irls in
Orange County schools are barrl'd from industrial
classt>s and full particip:itkw1 ln sports. A
kindergarten program in Orange sep:i ratrs boys
from th e girls.
lhcrefore are 5eeking input fron1 con1 mwilty
~roup'\ and leaders. me1nbers of Orange tow1ty
N.O.\V. are protesting the nu'<i111's shallo"'
ponrayal or "·omen . \l,'hcn v.·omcn's \'Olcts arc
htard on the air -which is seldom -It Is usua lly
lrl subordinate mies. E\'e.n In tht borne. "'h1ch is
1rnd11ionally the ..-.·oman's domain . ...,·omen
r •10st.antly n111ke foolish mistakes. using the \ITOfll.!
cictergcnl3 nrKI SO for!h . ~ten i;rnerall y llp!X'ar
"ith the right produel or Sll!Utton. T:tk('n
i·1d1viduall~· these e.xanipl<'S S<'l'ITI 1ni11hn111. hut
O• l'rflll the rneS."-'lG(' TO wom•'ll and _i.:1rl!I , tlS \l't'll
as ml'fl and boys. is thal "·omt·n arc 1n<1rt·
l;::norant and less cupablc than 1nt·11
ABOV.1-; AU... i\11':.\IUF:JtS or :'\.O \\ rl'St"nt tht•
nn'<ila 's inslstenc-t> that \\'Oman's phl1'e is in thfo
l•ome. \\'e dn not bl.•lil'\'C' that •.ro,n<tn 's plnc" i::: in
the;> home or out of the homl'. Liberated l'M.'(lpll· do
not have a plnC'l'. For too long society has sµav.'Tled
sick and sickl'nin~ custon1s to kl'l'p pt.'(lple in lhl'Jr
pl~Ct': The Blacks had thc1rs. the Indians thf'1rs .
QRANGE C::Ol.fflr.'TY, for example, ha!! recri\·cd.
$6 milJJoo in federal hmds to ease unemployment
Although on a national level about 32 million
~ ...,·omen are in the labor force. constituting 38
percent of all workers, not a single woma n•tias
been appo inted to the planning commiss.ion for
those fwxis. Evm I he n3me of the comn1ission
e;o-cludes women: "~lanpov.·er Funds Spend1ni;
Plan." •
!light now the U.S. Senate Is ronsiderin{!" artion
on a Supreme Court decision on aborllon a.
\\·oma n·s issue conccrnin_i.: v.·on1an 's body. Not one
\\'Oman v.·ill be able 10 vote on that iSStJe.
Sen. John V. Tunney "·rote a letter declaring thl'
Thr ~hool rrcentl\' releast>d a fea ture storv nnd
l•1ur photos. all of ti1e boys' class, publicilirig thr
rrogram. ";\o po.,~,.dcr puff st:indards arl'
practiced OCrr," says the boys' tencher. "It's
k1te-1naking. t.O)'·butlding. hamn1ering, sav.·ing and
drn"'ing "
\\lh~t of thi.' little g1tl \\'ith an imagin::ilivc miflld
;•nd an active bodv ? She is 111 the olhcr class
··counting by tens Up to a hundred by shak in~ an
insta nt pudding rnix, This is a girl·att itud<'
appro:irh to mnth!'1na tics," s;1~s lhc tcachC'r of
111" girls.
:'\ O.\\':s efforts on beh:tlf Of won1~·n·s -and
cnnst>quently men 's -liberation ar1• financC"CI
ahnost solely by it!! members. Not..-.·JthstandinJ.!.
ttK> popular m)1h thlll v.·orn('n cont rol lhe money
or ttus nation. N.O.\~'. is nol 11 r1cfi or~:uuz;i t1on.
Local chapten: srldon1 h<l\t' a location of their
o"n in which to m('Ct . The Orangl' Count y rh:i ptf'r
i~ no e~ception . but meet Y.'<' do. for llK'~' art' ltk•
times that try v•omcn's souls and 1"101-1 1s th<> tun.:
to act.
Edwina \Vals/1 lit)e-s in Placr.ntifl n11d 1~
pti.'sirlrut nf r/JC Ortnl!JC (.'(1111Hy Ch1!/if1·r u(
Future No Longer Excites the Old Optimists
The \\·or\d , the somber futurologist
warned, might end in a second era or
barbarism. He saw scattered bands 0£
lean, half-d ressed Ii.mermen washing
thei r nets on the rolled docks of empty
harbors. At nightfall the ragged
survivors v.•otJld creep through city
streets they shared Y>'ilh owls and foxe!I
to their huts, fashioned from the ruins of
\\'ho was thi~ doonlsayer? George
Orwell, doing finger-exercises f o r
"1934"? T.S. Eliot, elaborating on his
famously bleak vision -caravans of
abandoned trailers and a thousand lost
gol f balls? Oswald Spengler, detailing his
favorite scenario: the dt!<:line and fall of
the West?
Not at all. The man·with.the-nightmare
y,·as the Victorian Thomas Babington
l\tacaulay. whose normal posture tov.·ard
history v.·as: "The great progress goes
Which onl y prove9 that even optimists
have their down roo1nents -and more
and more rei;ularly these da ys.
THE ECONO~UST Robert llcilbroner
is the latest case in point. In fa ct. he
seems lo speak for a generation or
intellectuals who, like good American
pragmatists. tx-gan by believing they had
nearly a!l thl' solutions an d have come to
fear they have none.
In "An Inquiry Into the Hurna11
Prospect'' (No r1on. $5.95 1, Dr. Heilbront'r
suggests, indirectly. that during the past
30 or 40 yc.1rs a slov.· journey to...,·ard
disillusionment h.:1s been travell'<i. It
might be <'r1Klf'ly chart~ like this:
First stage : ideology . The dream nf
this period -the 1930s. !!Wis -\\'llS r.h.'1t
a system (.'OOld be found so pcrfCC't lhat
t:obody V.'OUld have to be good. SJ\\'alion
was expected in political terms. often
according to the gospel of 1.tarx.
Second stage: technocracy. The mood
of the 1950s n)O\'t'tl fron1 one pole of
A1nerican philosoph y 10 the other -1h:n
is, from idealisn1 to kn O\\' ·ho\\'.
"Experts," "problem·soh·e.rs" ..... o u 1 d
take care of the v.·or\d 's difficulties.
~othing appeared irnPQssible to lh\'
cadre of "managers" and "specialists··
applying the very latest in techniques.
&tv.·ecn lhem, it v.·as assumed. the.
ph~·sical and the socia l sciences had the
TlllllD S TAC E : sp read In~
disenchantment -...,·1th politics. v.·ith
lr<'hnology, "'ith the v.·hole notion of
advanCt'd ci\·ilization. This profound
reaction a)?ainst ''lhc gr1•at progress."
first articulatl-d bv the counterculture or
1he 196&.I . now is ·being given academic
statement by men like Dr. llcilbroner.
t\o longe r a minority disaffection . this
skepticism O\'Cr the ea r\y-20th-cl'ntury
ma instream now seems lo be \\'here the
mainstream Is at.
In hi s essay Dr. Heilbroncr. a scholar
ol earnest goodwill and practical
intelligence. pa infully backs himself into
posit ions that once "'ould have been
judged cynical. He assuml's that "·hat
1'1acaulay. in his hopeful momen1s.
d{'{'med ci\'ilization's flnal "refinement "
has brought the hun1an race to the edge
of self-destruction .
\\'estern 1nan. he says, h.1S modeled
himself after Promet heus. Cha racterized
by "driving energy" and "nervous ...,·ill,''
the modern Promethean has developed
into a conqueror of nature. to say nothing
or his fellow man.
LOOKl~r. A8Clt.:T ;it lhl'SC fierce
com peti tors and thri r pli1~·i,:round -a
universe thrcatenl'd by thcrrnal fX.1\luti on
las 11·e\I as almost e\•ery other kind ) -
llr. lleilbroner v.·orrirs that Promethrus'
~1ft of firr may liter::ill)' burn up the
v.·orld .
\\'h:1l lo do:' Jlere is .... here the ex·
optimists crack. There is talk of scaling
do1-1T1 life to the size of the earth's
resources; converting the v.·ork ethic to
the service ethic; substituting in\\'ard
exploration for ootwRrd domination. and
so on. But as the lmperntlvl's beco1111•
more urgent, the ex-optimists become
·more pessimistic.
Arc people C'apable or self-<l<'llial, they
bluntly ask. for the sake of othe r hunlall
beings they ordinarily reganl. a s
"foreigners." or l'\"Cn human beings not
yet born -those most forciJ.(n 11f
foreiJ;::ners. thl' generation-after-next '.'
Despairing of that degree or mora l
discipl ine y.:>t abhor ring the Brave·r\('1-1·.
\\'o r:ld altemati\'e of beha\•ioral dru gs.
!)r. lleil broner, \\'ith ~l'nuine distress.
opls for "fa r 1norc COC'rcive cxcrcist> of
n;1tionnl power" c 1.c.. mod i f i c d
authoritariani.<;T11) as the lea5t nf th1•
evil.~. This. as he SCl'S ii. is the tr-rrihl~'
pru:e or mere surviv;1I -and there is 110
guarantee of that.
TllE EX·0P'TI)11STS can appear even
sadder than the Apocalypses they point
to -as compulsi\'e as y,iJen they once
pointed to thei r Promised Land s. It is a
Jl!tll' Cf'lrnfort to rcn1embcr they v,.rre
\\ ron~ before and ma y "'ell be \\'rong
:l~lli!1 .
Hut prrh11ps the fllO."\ henrtcnln~
asix·•·t of their dismay is that they -aod
:11! of us -have been foreed to reduce
till' v.·orld 's problen1s lo the denon1inator
of hurnan nature, of the indi\ idual.
\\'(' ha\"l' 11rri\'ed. apparently, at that
point pn-<11ctc·d by the r. e r 111 a 11
philQsopher Karl JaspPrs v.·hcn all
rcforn1s are set'n to 1nean nothing unless
!hey bi.·_i.:in 1n !he uidividual :is metanoia
-chan~e of heart. :"\o infallible systems.
no miracul ous techniques -just life as
l!ut. :1s JaspC"rs ;1q;ues. \.\"ho kno"'S
\\'hat tffrct a slo11ly grov.·ing number of
~ood indl\'idual~ 'night have on history?
It is the one nlt·thod that ha s never really
bcl'll tried .
1'ft•/r11l /llad<locl.:s ' c:o/um1~ appears
/1111·('1·1:1!1 111 U1 e Cl1ris11an Scie11cc
'.~lr. ,4-pZus, .~leel. illr. B-1Jl11s'
Communication Is the Key ~~
\\'hencver we sec a s1tualion \hat's
p.~ychologiC<J lly threatening. ,,.C lend t-0
bcrome rigid in our attitude.
:\Ir. A. the manager. says lo ~fr . B. lhc
a~~istant manager. "rd like you to do
XYZ." ~Ir. B, finding the sugges!IC'ln
lhrcatening for \\'hatcver rC'ason. instc;1d
of saying. "Yes, :.1r ..
or "\\'hat exact!y do
vou have in mind ')"
Says, "Oh, yeah? ..
I.ct us suppose
that \fr. ,\ find s th:t t
•·Oh, yc11h?" threa t·
cning "D'll.>sn't he
r~i 1e n1y autho-
rity?" he thinks lo
himself. ·c1n·t he at
least be civil:'''
l\.fr. A, if he is like many of ui; faci ng a
proh!(·m of com mun iea tlon . ni,iy dt>Cid~
to say the same thing O\'Cr again. onl y
louder. Th is may he ca 11 •' d
communic.1\i on by decibels.
or course ~Ir. B doesn 't hke bcin~
shouted nt. So his resistance lncN'a.ses.
v.tiich Gf course l\.lr. A finds 'ldditional ly
threatening, so that he too bc\'omes even
rnore rigid.
\\.HAT !\"EXT? Another sol ution that
OCCtJrs to l\.lr. A is "lo say it in ~·ords of
one syllable'' so that ~Ir . n cannot ran to
ullder st:uvl . ~Ir. H, \\"ho has only fin1~hrd
hlqh S('h()QI. v.tiile !\tr. A has bei>n to
colle.1:r. no"' feels that hi' is beini; talked
do"l'> tu -and becon1es angry.
Before you kno\1' it. you ha l"<: a
situation in v.'hich two individuals are
bolh highly lhre:llc!l<'d by the othrr ~o
that there is complete communi cathc
Communicat1 \·e deadlock is disastrous,
but in a "·ay fascinating. St>mctlmes ii is
a noisy situa!ion. "'ith both men Y<'llinf.l
at each other. Sometimes it is \'C'ry quil't
because the t"·o have sto pped speaking to
each other.
Either v.·ay, v.hal c h a r a c l e r I 1 es
con1mwiicativr deadlock is that . \\'hi!c
rnessages may be being senl. none care
being received.
The reader "·il I recall the almO!:t
intenninab\e lruee negotiation at
Panmunjom at the close of the Korc<Jn
War. ft v.'3s a classic f'xample of
communicati\'e deadlock . The t;ni!cd
r\ations negotial.or and North Kor('a v.·ere
rqually threatened by f•ach other, M) th.1t
each side \\<lS rigidly lOCktd ins1dr its
ov.11 defen."K'S.
If ).lr A is patient enough. ~Ir. B \1 11t:::
.i:;radu3Jlv find his defenses relaxing.~
I Icing in'vited lo talk, he \\'ill begtn lo ask.-:
(!UC>slfons. lnste:id of e v a I u a t I\' e
t1xprl'sS1ons lik'· ''idiotic plan ," he ma y
~y sornl'!h1ng \1kl', ··1 ~n·1 !hat the same
plan "(' trif'<l in Kansas City that proved
such a flop in 1967?" This is a request for.;
infr)rmation , not simply an e\·aJuatlon. •
f"rnm he.re on ~Ir. A can say, "Oh,
thats 1\hy you object to the plan. You
SC'f' this as si mila r to v.·hat u·e tried In
l\;1n ~:1s City." t-.lr. B says, "\Vcll , J$Ji•t
J t'' ..
At this pn1nL ).Ir. A may be tempted to
argur . hut hr n1us1 hold himself in chrck
:inrl continue tn in1 itc the no"\\' of ~fr. R'.s
uk·•1S "\\'har <'ise do you sec "''rong 'A'ith
th" plan?"
B<'C<•U~t· ~I r, R's :::tatements are·
h<'con11ng 1nnrr far.:tual than eval uative.
.\Ir. A's drf<'nses also re:.l~x. And ~Ir. B.
ha\'ing-bi·<'n generously listened to, may
(·\'entu:illy s.1y, "\\'hat exactly did yf)u
h:iv(' 1n 1ninrl ~uggesting XVZ?" So nov.·
:O.lr A ha5 a chancP to explain.
TI1c (.'f!nl11lUO•<·ation bc>t1-1·een the l.11·0
h11c; bf'en n'ally i>Ut:Ct:s.'\rul: changes take
placC' in both i\lr. A and 1.tr. R. Each ha~
learned somethin_g from the other.
\\'E ).11GHT des1gna t<' the ch:"inge by
calling thf'r:i no longer A nnrl n, but ~1r.
A·~lus and \Ir. B-pl us. 1 \\.hl'll 1\ and 6 are not 'in
Arthur 'Krock: Force for Freedom
lfnw can ('Ommun icalive dead lock be
resolvf'd:' ll cerlainl v i~ n11t ~a~y
either fn intemation3.1 relations or in
person·t~person encounters.
C'(lmm11n1cn1 1on ...,·ith each other, !hey
ort!'n fiorl :J prl)bl •·rn insolubl<>. nut the)'
c:i n soil" 1\ lf, through mutua l
cornniun1cat1on, they 1'ccomc A·plus :tnd
fl plus.
\Vhen Arthur Krock of the New York
Ti~ died recently at the age of 87. the
United States lost one of Hs most
consistent voices of r e a s o n a n d
intelligence in governml't'lt affairs.
~tr. Krock. as he was known to almost
everyooe in Wash·
ington had servf?d
for more th.an 60
years as reporter,
, editor and colum,
nist. He had \\'alch·
ed a n d interpreted
events in this coun·
try for so long lhat
in his later years he
<.'Ollld actually bring
a blstorical pe.r5pectlvl! to his observn·
During his six decades of edllorlal
work he v.·atched the United states
chanfe from a 5imple socl~y with rronucn still uncxplolled into a complex
industrlll giant acknov.•ledgtd m the
greatest JlO"'ef in the world.
Through all or his service as reporter,
recorder and obs<>r.'er Arthur Krock
never lost his belier in the value of the
llE DEPl..OREO-and in my O)'linion.
correctly so-any public policits th.1 t
ser\'ed to . undermine i n d i v i d u a 1
resourcefulnes..o; and I n d I \' I d u a I
~ibill ty or unnecess:lrily controlled
the machlncry ol the free l'.!ntcrprtse
While he fe.U s~pathctlc to\\'ard the
extreme meam-es employed by Franll:lln
Delano Roosevett tn his attempt to lift
the counlry out or the depreosioo ol the
19308, at lhe same time he deplored the
estemion ol tbooo pollcl.. beyond the
time when they " .. ere needed on an
eml'rgency basis.
A recipient of f'A1> Pulitzer priZcs
during his qirecr, ~Ir. Krock critici1.cd
bitterly \Vhat he. lcrmrd to be "neo.
Socialist v.·rJfare st.ate." He regarded the
mo\'(•1nen1 in the direction of government
s uPflc:>l1 foi' more and more of man ·s
needs as a subversion of the democraUc
lie h!amcd the Supreme Court tor
much of lhc imb.1!ance in government
nf fairs. He accused tho high court of
usurping 1he teglslative function or
Congress. At !he same time. he charged
tha! Prl•S1den1s had arroga1cd lo
thrmseh'('S too much of lhe nation's
\\'armnklng JXl"rrs.
And .~Ir. Krock did not permit
!hw'ess to go unsc:llhi.'d. He accused Cons-res.~ of n<'glccting to guard its
authori 1:-· on a long hst of publlc affair1.
permitting regulatory agencies re> lmpote
criM)ling controls on tbe free entt.rprise
!i)'.!itcm and allowinit labor wUons to
becOme a vasi blaekmalllng eonspirA(:)'.
Arthur Krock expoundtd all of his
\•ie\\·!I v.ith extreme courage an cl
con \'ict.ion . His broad kno1~tedge of public
affa l:-s and his long experience in
rovcririg \Yashington made him a
difficult adversary for mod c r n • da y
liberal! who believe the \l'Clfare state Js
the: ansv.·er to e\'Crything.
ARTTIVR KROCK was born and rearW
in Glasgow, Ky., a small market to~11. ln
1886. The frocdom and enterprise of b.ls
Cerm.t1!Newish fam ily and Its neighbors
g.:1ve significance lo his concept of the
American ideal.
II "'as my distinct honor and pri\'ill'ge
to km\\· Arthur Krock very v.·elJ durinl(
the later years o( his hrc. and r believe
that hi!! regard for th<! fret.d-Om of
lndlvldual lnltlal1\·c \\'3! Just AS strong at
th!!' thne of his pas.'iing ns it had bl't>n
...,·hen he fir$l came 10 ~\'ashlngton 1nany
years ago.
He v.1.11 be !lOfely missed by nil
Amtticans who \'alue freedom of s])e('Ch
and belteve in the attributes of sound
constllutional gOVtmment.
\\.llAT \'OU CAS do. tr you arr ~I r. A
and find th.1t you cannot ui:t ~·our
message across, is actively 10 !nvi~c
messages from ~lr. A. Th is ii; obviously
going to be hard to do . bccnusc you are
already threatened by him -but U you
:irr dl'termined lo r l' l's ta b 1 i sh
l'Ommunlcation, you hav<' to tAkc ~our
courage In your hand and do It : "Y.',.11.
1.tr. B, I take It tha t )'OU don't think
much of my suggestion. I \\'l!h ynu v.•ould
tell me your nbj('ctlons."
»fr. 8 , still anh'TY and dl'.fcnsh·e. 1~!H
probably re$pond by s.1ying. "Of c11ur~ f
obj ect to it. It ls 11 silly, hnpracttc:1I
;\IQSt of us . ..-.hen \le are angr) or
urse.t, are prone lo u~ the C\'alu:ilht.:
\1-ords like "s I 11 y," •·non.'K'n!t•~<il."
"idiotic" and the like.. If ~1r. A rtacl.!i lo
these •'Ords with anger, the deadlock Is
on again,
But let's assume i\lr. A has some 111"1'·
discipline and is dctl!:nnlncd to brrak
through. He. may 13)'. "\'es, I knoy,· )'OU
think It's a foolish Idea . But 1 "·ish you'd
e.1pl1Jo your ob)fct.1001 to it."
1'hry \\I ll not soh·e. it bv compromist.
hut hy an'1\11l~ at a hig~r lt\•cl or
information ;.iboul the problem. after
v.·hlch the solu!1on becomes clear lo both .
Thl' ne" :iolution'ts neither A's nor B's.
It is thf' prfll:!Uct of the Interaction
bt'lti.{'f'JI A·plu~ and fl.plus, Th 11t Is what
cnn1mun 1c;.n1on is for.
l'.1 v .. ,, 1
Jail Ter111
Fatal Crd sh
SANTA ANA -A young
dr iver boo ke d on
man!la ughter charges after a
collision tn Huntington
tMt claimed the liv~
wo persons has been
sente,nccd to 30 days in Orange
County Jail.
Sunday, April 28, 1CJ741
County, Cities Get
New Federal Fu11ds
4 1/2c -
t rt•IUt ......... c.11 M9I
Superior Court Judge James
Turner ordered the J•iil tc:·n1
and three years prob<ition for
Steven Russell Rov.·c. 18. of
Long Beach. lie dismissed
additional charges of drunken
Rowe was arrested last June
6 when his car veered orr
Pacific Coast 11ighv.•ay and
s.mashf(i into a van occupied
by Debbie Ziokowsk.i 18, and
her: hu sband. She died in the
ensuing fire and her husband
suffe red second-degree burns.
? Both vehicles r3mmed into a
nearby station wagon wht!re
fisherman Byron Tt.ornton . 76.
of Huntington Beach. \\'lls
unloading gear fro m his trunk.
lie "'as crushed to death
bet"·cen the Zioko"'ski van
and his ca r.
Capo Deale!'
Faces Theft
Chara es " SAf\'TA ANA -Real estate
dealer Patrick Rayburn of
Capistrano Beach has been
ordeced to race trial J une 25 in
Orange County Superior Court
on grand theft c har ge s
contained in a Grand Jury
Judge James Tun1er sel the
trial date for Rayburn, 60, Y.'ho
is a partner in Laguna Riviera
and Laguna Properties, 23605
Vi a California. Capi strano
Beach. He is free on $5.IXMl
Rayburn was indicted on I l
courts or grand theft and two
rounts or selling securities
without a license after he
allegedly deliberately allowed
victims to lose by foreclosure
land in which they had bought
partnership interests.
It was testified before the
Grand Jury that at least one
limited partner faced a loss of
$10.000 because of action taken
by Rayburn.
••••••••••••••• ~ l , I
Siil IUIN CAPISIUllG : CONGRESSIONAL : • • Soulh Laguna C'P•SIUllt .. K. {
,J : DISTRICTS : ••••••••••••••• Dana I'll in ~t~0 r·-r
• I 1 I ~ Pa c ifi c Oc ea n
8 Contest 40th Seat
-1. Rcpubliraus , 3 Derno~~, l AIP Me rnber Seek Seat
oi tti. D•H1 'ilel 5l1tt
Three Democrats. f o u r
Re publicans and nn American
lndependl'nl Party member
have pl.'.lced their names in the
newly blocked 40\h ('ongrl's·
sional District hoit for the
June '1 pri1nary b<tlloting.
Th e di s tri c t , now
represented in Congress by
Andrew Hinsha ~· t R·Newport
Be-3chl covers lhe southern
half or Qfange C 0 u n I y .
VOTERS l\IAV \.\''A'JT Tll
follo"'ing: the coast fro1n
Huntington Beach south Into
San Diego County.
small a portion ol Anala.1·n.
Irvine. El Toro. ~l ission Viejo
and San Juan Capistrano.
The district has 252.310
registered voters. Republicans
make up the bulk of the voters
with 143.525 rcgistercd."Thcrc
are 88,892 l)cn1ocrats and the
ba lance are affiliated with
other parties or are not
registered "'ith any party.
ll inshaw. ronnerly Orange
Count y tax assessor, 11.·as
elec1ed in 1972 in "'hat. until
last year's reshuffling of
tlistrict lines. "'as the 39Lh
di!!t rict.
Three other Republicans
have filed in the prlmary.
They are Earl IL "Dave"
Carraway. David C. Gubler
and Roger G. La nphear.
buiiincss and accountin~ front
USC and attended USC law
school for 11' .. o years.
Gubler. 32. of 26892 Quevado
Lane. ~fission Viejo. i s
prcsidenl of Corporate Search
International in N c w port
Beach. nn executi ve search
and management consult ing
firm. ~larried . v.•ith lhree
child ren. he has attended
Brigham Young University
and the Unive rsity of Freiburg
in Germany.
Lanphear. 37. of 1375 La
~lirad:i St .. Laguna Beach. is
an allomey with his own
practice in La guna Beach.
Unmarrie1t. he holds a jurist
doctor degree from U C
Bcr~cley's Boal! Hall.
The Democratic contenders:
Grutl. 30. of 3225 lo"·a St..
• Coastal cities i n c I ud in g
The Democratic l i n e · u p
includes John F. G r a e f .
Casper P. "Cass'' Hare and
Roderick J. ''Rod" \Vi\son.
1.:::arr11way, 43. of 2~i31
Eldamar A\•e .. El Toro. is a
mortage blinker fo r Sunkist
Development Company of Los
Angeles. ?i-1arried. with 1"·0
child ren. he has a 1naster's
d t'g rt'e 1n school
adntinislration an d finance
fro 1n Cal State Long Beach
and has done graduate work <it
Chap1non College. USC and
the Unh·c rsily of ~tadrid in
Cos1a ~·lesa. is a consu1ner
counselor for Allen T e 1
Products. Inc. of Santa Ana, a
specialty telephone equipment
manufacturer. 1-farrled, with
two children. he has an
associate degree in electronics
drafling from Pierce College. Jotu·nalists
}lick Chief I'
SANTA ANA -New officers
1vere elected at a recent meet~
ing of the Ort1n~e County
chapter of the Society of Pro-
fessional Journalists. ::iigina
Delta Chi.
Gary Granville. 0 r a n g c
County News Se r vice
man;iger. v.'as e 1 cc t e d
president for the cOming year:
Stan Ofletic. San t a 1\ n a
Register. vice president; and
Lewis Barrett. F u 11 er to n
C-Ollege. for a second term as
New directors arc Ed
Portman. Irvine Company:
Robert \\'eed. Daily Pilot
publisher: and John Dowden.
Cerritos College.
427 E. 17~ &t .• Co~o Meso
6.lo6-4888 -·-IALTZ·URGHON
Co1ono del Mor
Cosro Me~o -·-llLL llOADWAY
I 10 8roodwgy, C0tro Meso
548-3.433 -·-
1195 loguno Canyon Rd.
494-9• 15 -·-McCOIMICK
28832 Cnm•'10 (oposl•O"(I
Son Juo11 Coo-11t01>0
4Q .1776 -·-PACIFIC VllW
·' ~ C1>opel
J5o0 Poc_1+ic: View OriYe
Nll'Y'l)OI! Beach. Col•lornlo
644.2700 -·-PHK FAMILY
7801 80110 Ave , We1•m·"1!l'ir
$93.Jl2S -·-SMITHS' MOllTV.UY
6'27 Mo-rt St
Huntin;to~ Beoth
Oceanside, San Clemente.
Dana Point, Laguna Beach
and part or Newport Beach.
fonnerly were In the 42ncl
dist rict. represented by Cliiir
Burgener (R-Rancho Santa
Now, they arc in the nC\\"
401 h district. along "'it h
~uthcasl Huntington Beach,
Fountain Valley. Costa i\!l'~a.
Tuslin. p:1rt of S:int:l ,\nn.
Grayson L. Watkins has
aSllllred himself of t h e
American Independent Party
ballot spot by being the
party's only p r im ar y
ca nd idate.
Incumbent Hinshaw. HI
lil'es at 3030 Park N°L'llj.'ilrt.
Nc"•port Beach. !\larr\ed.
"·ith one son. hi! holds a BA i:1
For The Record
Tlmnru~ Hun•u>Qron
The 5 DAY PLAN 1s a very successful
program to break the tobacco hab1 1.
Oflered as a public service. w ith only a
S5.00 cost for malerials given.
S4B·l8 I 7 °' S48·6S96
271 Avocado St., Costa Mesa
Hare. 52. of 13422 Diamond
J{ead Drive. Tustin, is an
insu raru::e agent with his own
agency, Cass lfare Insurance,
in Tustin. Married , with four
children. he holds a law
degree from La S a 11 e
Exlension Un iv ers i t y ot
Chicago and a Caif o rn l a
teaching credential in busi-
ness and insurance.
\\'Uson, 62, of 1019 S. Nevada
St. Oc e a ns ide , Is a
go"c mment and management
consultant with his own flrm .
Roderick J. Wilson and
Associa tes. in Oceanside.
l\farried. with three dtildren.
he has pol itical science and
law degrees from USC.
u·a1kins, 48, the on t y
American Independent Party
candid ate. lives at 1505 W.
Orange'A'OOd Ave.. Anaheim.
!\tarried , with six children. he
is owner and operator of
Grayson's Rug Cleaners and
Grayson's Pool Service in
Anaheim. He has a vocational
degree from American Barber
College .
LEATHER W.Vt .... ~l~c Mapa
"FE cs M•h .. _.....,_eiilUIJI lt'"IHJ
South Coast ?tua
. Not long ago we introduced late-hours banking at
many of our drive-up fac ilities. Now we're bringi ng those
late hours inside to the lobbies of the 15 Orange County
offices listed below. They° re open till 7:30 each Monday
and Friday evening. So if yo u've been want ing better times
for bankin g, you know where to come. We'll be waiting.
.. 01ms ... ., .. ~
!!i9 ~•"'I ,._..~ue
11unhnO!Oft Bt1<.1> .. ,_
10'>0 a.,_ o ....
Nt~ PQf'I k l(;h
230£~'1 11!1\ S•rell
•1~ 8'1•1 RQ;o~
•iar!!Qr V'I ''" l!!Sli Mat l •tnur 8i.4.
IJ300N•,.DOI! .... .....,.
1001 Souln fl C•"'""° ll•al .... -~
31ttl C•-C&Difl•-s ... .rv.n~1no
w.11 .......
till r ll•6Go t'"'" -~*
Mona..ir & 1,..,..,
10 "1.' •o730P._.
1..ndly ~;Cl; f~u11(1i1 -10 A M 1o~P M
Mo<wlu & ••""v
!OA 'A 10 I '1(1<1 "'
'"°"""Y -90dli lhu'Ml~y 10 11,1 to5P"'
l.IO"<lfV . frwl•• 10 "~ t<>l)OP ...
TutoSO•y \~"''°"V· '""'-1 in"'"' 105 ~ r.1.
.,.......,.,, Ftodov
10 .0. ... 10130PM
J.,.IO:!l r W«l"'ldlY lh11rsd•Y
l(l ... MIO ~P ....
MOl'lday I.-...,_,
lOA ... IO /JO PM
Tut5CllV l'-"90CllY T~"'Sllty lOA.~ !O 5 l".M.
Mo<•ooo I Frl0"1
10.0..M to 1.101""' lunoey V.~y. 1'1\1/IGO, 10 AM,IDtl"lol
""'"°"y&ft-'0""' IO''°'""' ,,,_,..,., .......,"''0.f, Th~'~"
!OAM IO> P'-'
,_..,.,...,I i"•..:!•f
10 11,j l')i'JQP ....
1.-d•Y Vte<!......,..,, T11<t~Y 10 Alol,!05PM.
"'"n""Y I FN(l.ly '0"M IO~:JOPM l""d•v \\•a..-.aay. l!'U'""'' lO AM =~sP u
._.,I St-0.J
10 ... Ml<>/'JOP\I
1uescM~ W.On"'1l'!. lhu•S<l•y IOAM IQ~PM
'-'o,_ya rr...,
•QA lol IO 1 Jl)I' M. Tu.NI,.. .......,,,._,, 1~
10 ... M.IG,,.M,
l.IP)ncl.oy • '-r tOA.M 10JJOP\I ,.....,...,, ~•v. ,.,.....,,.,
10 •.M 111 51'.M.
..._..,. '•14.111
10 ""' !~T:IOl"M 1"'""""' ~a.., ,....,.,., 10""' la.~ ...
llO"O•Y I i"•ilk't 10.l..,tg/~P IJ r-1. ~oe•r T~.it1<1,.,. !04lol loll' u.
Wl<'Oday & i"r.O.y
B:KIAM to1.3Dl'M.
T\OH!I" -...m1. nu_,.,
130A.lol l0~1'.M.
\l:l'MUy l Fiia1y
! JO ""'· 10 7:30 P,M, T~1v, w..,_.,., lh.......,
830A.M IG~PM.
MoMar a F"o•r
I JO Alil tol)OP "'
1.....001. Weone1<M1 11\u<i.!1"1 I JO .... t,1.10S'"'
"'ondlT I f•.O.r I JOA. ... t<1730P lo!
r....,~ay -•v. Tnutldly ti 30AM,to~'"'·
•)o'ldav i F"oa·, 830A ... to1JOP \I. Tunaar 1ve~. Tlturld•y 8 30 A.M.to~P.M.
l.IOnoltt • '•!Oay 8 30 "o.t ro1.30P M. r-•v _ .. ,,.,.'~"'••Ur &·:)C!A t..4.IO~P M.
1AGna•1 • rr1c1sv l :\OA.W !07'301",M.
T~Ay, W.Onft(f•y, Thu•lldat 1301''-' !GS P.M,
Uo"llly lhlOUO'l f <Ol!•Y I JO AM,lo10 ... M,
\lon<l•t Irr •Y
8 30 "-"' IOTlOP ....
lutMl•y Wrd-ay, Th1,11ldly e'3a A "'-111 s P,M.
MOl'dly I f•ld•Y
l )O A...V..to 7JOP.M.
T-.iy.~oa..,.~ 1301'M.rol,..lol. """"'" . ,,,.,
l ''t!)Pl_M 1'17:JOP.M. ~ ----·'"""'""" l:)Q ... lollO•l"M,
~·'"""' !'J01'lol io7)(1 1"M. ,_ .......,...,d,,, ,...,,...,
1.JO llol IOS ,..lol.
... ~'ii.M,
~·-"*' I le '"' 10/)(1,.M.
•....ct1 W$d.,.'°'1 Tlluiwo.t
•JO•l,I to•'·"'-
t ...
~.1 '. • • Dictio11ar,·
" Bus System Needs A Name
No Lo11ger
-Hot lte111
The pfl lC h~t has groY.n,
nnd r\cwr1ort Bc:tt'h ()ffieia!s
arc.. ex~ a. Ooo.d Qf_
cntnes for their "Name tht
Dus" contest.
u11111er, bul in additio n, !he
\\'inner v.111 nl&o rr-celve A $25
gift ce rl lflcote 'ood ~t nny
-rnshion Island store, LWV
officials said.
n1u~t l>e llnl.lted to •
n1.1x1n1un1 of f1\·e word~.
~hou!d lK• l':<'nl to ;\ev.•Mrt
.... cl! '",...i;.."..aaoo-Newpo>l't----
Bl\d , N1•wJX>r\ lll'aeh.
Recrution Suf)9rvl10r Bill Vince
Pu thing Plan In Huntington 6e1ch
Pit May Be Adventureland
ll1111ti 11 a;t.on to Let Kids
L Tr_v Creal.ire Play~ro1111d
"'hara In a name apparently
dtpenda on \\'bat ye.1r It ls.
Or so It \\'OU!d seem in :i
rontro,·ersy over v.·ords -.-·hlch
erupted in Newpo.rt Beach 11
) rars ago.
In 1%.1. "The Dictionary of
An1Nican ~1ang" ""'as ordered
rl"lllO\·rd from 1ht Ncv.'JX>rt
Bl'ach public library b~· tht!
r.ii y m3nager bec:iusc about
200 of the 22.000 ll>'ords 11
drfln«I \l'Prt> c !• n s 1 de r 1' cl
rlty councilmen. \\ho had
bat·ked the order. la ter
r·hnnged their policy \\'hen
r h1•y !e:amed that the book \.\'rul
ktpt in a restricted rcf{'r<'flCe
sectlctn and \\'BS not u1 a1lab!e
to chlldrcn.
The dictionary "·.::is returned
to the sht\\'es,
The runn11r-u p will recch·e a
510 gift <'t'rtlfit'ate. The tl11 rr!
place 111n11er wtll rC(eive a $S
i.i1ft crrtlfk·:He
The dl'adhnc is \la)' 9 nit city is looking for a
n11mt for !11{' f':(perirne111nl
cit)' bt.:s systent tbal will bu
gh·en this summer. Any ml·mbrr of the
f!lJl\' t'nlet \'an1e~.
The en1rirs v.·\I) be 11eretntd
b\ :1 t't111Hntlll.'l' and 1ht-
1·1111nr1l \\'i!l be given lhrce
1 llo11·l'~ oit their .\la~ 13 ~IU1l~
St'SSJO!l. Four bu~t!ii \\'ill \\'Ind thclr
_ _ _
\\·ay nrou nd four difftrcnt ---------------------,
routl'S throughout the city
bt!'tl'ren .Jun!' 17 and Srpl 7
They'll be yl•lto11• buse! ren1r-d 1
fr\ln l t h c )it'\\'J)Ort·\lcs.'.1
l'11 iril.'<i School nistrict. I
The conte~r I' co-~pon~nrrd l
h~· thi:-Oran!?C' ro:1~t 1.r.1~t1c of
\\'on1en \'fltrrs. 11·hieh 1~
tircula tlng ronles t e n tr yl
blanks throughout the school
sys1em. I
Ccuocllmen had authorized
a free pas! as the pn~e lo lhe
l.'i0.000 Drivers
Put Off Hoad
What CAN You Get
for only a dime r '
these .da ys? I
Today. \r11 p.1M B1':11·h S \f H,\\lE\T1 I t.!\P1 All the local news
Li brarian 1Joro1hl·.1 Sl1r1~!y \r.1rl\' 1:.1) no11 prohh•m dri\'1•r,
rt•p<1r11; !hilt i11:1n.\' of !11{' 111 r~· ·p tll vff tht' r.1:1d \n tht•
01 1111 Diiiy Piiot Sti ll
environment lo build their O\\'O
clubhouse shack, their ov.11.
tree house, or hillside c:ives.
northern Calilorrua. is the fir~t
to ha\'e one in th i!: stat1·.
building its playground on fl<it
acreage surrounded by a hiith
fence . Some parents may be
horrified by the thought of
hammen, sawa. rakes, hoes,
picks and shovels left In e:isy
grasp of their oasprlng.
nflt'nding slang 11orrt .; <ll'l' la't \'r>,tr !1y l:1 t1forn i~·s
t•\1'!1 contained in lhc• )a 1 .. ~1 1l r11· ... r.1n1pri•\•·1Jlt'll t ;111:-11~~1'
l'nllt'!!l:.t tc 0 1C'!iona r1. 11 iurh ~.1~ ~ Hnlit·rl C'+J/t :\~. d1rti:tor
she herself rurt'h,,,t·•t for of th•· 11 .. p .111111\•!1! nl \ln111r
hr'l! ha\'C to build 11. There .:h'~"~o~"~"~h:•:":"'.....-----~l~\·:":"':I":'·~------~====================~ 1rould h.• <lrt" and crafts1-
tn1agine a city playground
that looks like an abandonrd
construction site .._ littcrt'd
v:ilh pieces or discarded
lumber, strands of rope. old
tires, and with saws, han1mcrs
and nail s scaUered about
It's a childhood dream. The
most popular playground in
lOWTI. \
Part of it could resemble an
old vacant lot, like the one
nexl door 11i·here. you dug army
trenches. mired mud pies and
scratched out a homemade
fort .
Can you irolliine a clty like
Jl unting1oo Beach deliberately
sctUng out to build a vacant
lot? Or recreate a dumpyard
as a park~
Bill Vance can.
Vance b a 3 4 • y f! a r -o Id
recreation soper\'isor f o r
Huntington Beach \\-ho has
hatched a· scheme to tum an
empty gravel pit into a child 's
pa radise -a weed-choakcd
field and mod ified junkyard
"·here the kids are turned
loose to do almost anyUting
they v.·ant.
'llE' \\'ANTS c h ildren
grO\\·ing up in today·s aspha lt
He believes smudged faces.
tear-stained cheeks and ripped
pants are all a part of gro\\'ing
up that is being rubbed out by
the ''safe and sane'' urban
'"There are prob.ably a lot of
parents arcuxt who would like
to let thei r kids dig a bole or
build a shack in the backyard,
but for oh,ious reasons they
don 't." says Vance. "Our
backyards have b e co n1 e
showplaces instead of play
He v.·ants to take about
three acr~ of the old Bruce
Brothers gravel pit. at
Gothard Street and Talbert
A \'COUC. and build w h a t
recreation authorities c;i l! an
''adventure playground ."
It's not a new concept.
except to Southern California.
Adventure playgrounds y:ere
first pioneered nearly 40 years
ago in Denmark by lhe
architect C. Th. Sorenson.
They have been popular for
years in Switzerland and
Germany and in the past five
years have begun to !pfOOl ln
The town of M11pit81, in
Btrr VANCE says ~la!ist ics
kept on the est a b lish e d
adventure playgrounds i n
Europe show them to be safC'r.
and lt:l5s accident-prone, than
the ordinary, umupervist>d
ne~hborhood parks \\ith th~ir
chain swings. steel slidl"S and
flat merry·gcrrounds.
Playground leader.; :irr kept
on the site for superri£ion. and
to give any help requested. but
they are not there to form :J lizc
or structure the play or lhe
"The slides and the S\1·in~s
have th eir place." reflcCts
Vance. "But there comcs a
lime v.'hen we have lo provide
a more excit\Jij!: al!Tl(lsphl'rl'. a
place to cn.'atc.
''Inside it v.·c 11·ould turn 'l•ln
loose \\'Ith rope , old tires.
chunk! ol furniture. maybe an
old piano. No fonn al programs
are planned . \\'e11 just prO\'tde
the ma terial for them .
''ff a kid \\'ants a c!ubho11!c:
n1::ih·ri:1J... b:ill!. n10111)pol:.
games end other tors. I
"\\'e'd ha\·e lirnitf'd fire
Jreas for outdoor cooking \\'t•
\1·outd allow them to dii;. I
think somet in1es a kid gets ;.i:-i
urge to just dlg a ho!e. but has
no1rhere to do It.
"KIDS \\lLL Crt"ale their
0\111 playground. There '-''ill h<'
nothing superficial ft xrept a
trailer for the recr{'atioc 1
]£'3.der and store e:c () r
~upplies l. all natur:.11. \o
~tides or ~wing~. t·xrcnt \\hat
is b111lt by the childr c•n " !
One appea ling a.sprct of lht•
park will lX' its IO\I' l'O~t. \lo"t
of th<' ma1erials are supp<>S<'d
to be donated. There will be no 1
devclopincnt, exc{'pt to bu!ld a
fence around fl and nol
111ainlenanre because the kids
v:il\ build it up . tt>ar it do11,11I
:ind build ll up again. And the
depth of th e pit kl"cps it :.tll I
hidden fron1 public ~ icv.·
~t~~e h!~pr~;1 ~~~ i· ~h~;
parks commission to tr~ 11 as
an ex ptriment in June. Juli·
and August. ' I -----
• Up1r1dt )'0111 Ptnlal s1s.t11111 lasl
• COll'lputtr collolltd t ltctronlc shu11tf
• lnllnltt va1labl1 shut111 sp11ds
bt!wun I and l/1000 stconcl
14 mount
All Ptnta• acctssori's and Takull'~r
L1nsts w1ll l1l lht E~ Bod)'
• f p and X ll11h S)'llCI
259.50 135mm F2.8
TELEPHOTO Our Reg. 314,95
with F 1.8 Lens and Case
• ful11ulo1N1!1on l'LUS spot arid 1v111c1 111tlt rln1
• lnl11clui11111blt pe11Uprls111
• Hot sllot lor ll11h
• Clolt-iiPJ down io 7 lncllls
Our Reg. 259 .95 2 2 9 • 9 5
came ras e cete ra
20 exp ,w dh 20 color pr ;nh
0"' •• ,. '·" 3 48 JITH COUPON .,.... 1
Elr1cli'' 1lvu 5/J 74
Kodachrome KA464
Super 8 ~vJ:.!!!'!1 .. 2, 09
Reg. 2 69 LIMIT 3
Ettechve lhtu 5/1/7'i
.... ~,~1/,}C
cameras t cste1a
Agfachrome CT18 135
20 exp.
process ing include d 1 99
WITH COUl"ON • • • • • a
Our •••• 3.10
Kodak TX 135
36 exp. FILM
Our Jtt1. 1.45
Llmlt 4
Ellt cthrt tlMu 511/74
crmeras e cetera
• full)' automatic
• C1ls11 lacus!nc and high ie so1ul1on
• An11t of '11" 11
• 4tlt 1!11!nl
OurReg .59 50 I 69 .7 5 •
mo unl not inc ludtd
1tmeras et ct1tera
C110 or C135
20 exp.
"ITH COUPON ••••••
36 exp. FILM
Ow "''· 1.45 8 9 WITH COUl'Ollil •• , , , , , •
Llm11 4
£1ft ctl'• tlv11 5/1 '74 •
c.1~11 "' ., ,, t
119 2 FOR700
10 A.M. -6 P.M.
10 A.M. -5 P.M. 2 FOR
llwn &rwtn
V"namin B· 1
Plant Starter 3-10-3
llwll SprlJll'
I& &lllons
3.98 J.98
' ...
A J 0 DAILY PILOT Sunday, April 28, lcr74
State Tide
Beacon Bay
• .
. Of "" 0.1 ... l"OM 11111
A state map of Newport
Beach tidelands shows that
Beacon Bay is all v.·ct. and
resldcflts are trying to do
&0mething about it.
~ .
Flood Insurance Offered ' '
Founlain Vall y residents ---,,ca"n~now gtl re d ' r a 11 y 1=:~·•~r~s~1o~E~D~•~1v~1;;::::::=====------------, sub.Stzed f Io o d ln!!uran<.-c :r tlirou~h any licensed l~u r·
, --
ance agent.
The federally back .,. d
insuranct ls supposed to be up
• to 90 percent cheaper Umn
regular rates. act.'Ordlng to
city officials .
city Is now listed !Ji a "special City of:fici•ls said t h e
nooanazardard area''-l)y ~contents of 1 home cm alto be
P e d e r a I I n s u r 11 n c e buurtd1100
35 cen!' per $lOO
d ·11 r~-up to •' A m 1 n I r a 11 on o tu~; Commercial ratH are 40
Department or !lousing and cents per s100 of insurance uiv
Urban Development \HlJO l. to $100,000 and 75 cents per1 ltomes In that area ran $100 up to $100,000 f o r
qualify ror the special rate11: contents .
Pr1aps outlining the flood The city received the rate
l\atard zone can be v\ewed in figuret from FlremW Fund
the office ol. Wayne Osl»mc. lnsw-ance Company.
ci1y public '!"Orks director, at Flood tnsurance for any
10'200 Slater Ave.. constructioo ln ,a hazard area
City ?\.fanager Robert L . __________ S_w_ap Arranged Giving c:!_ty Lots, State All of Bayside Marina
Fountain Valley lies in the
nood plain of the Santa Ana
River and could be subjecled
to a JOO-year flood , said to be
the biggest overflowing u(
v.a1er possible.
More than two-thirds of 1he
R es identi.al single-family is required by the Federal
home rates under the plan are Flood Disaster Prolection Act
2S cents per $100 of iruourance ol 1973 to tteelve federal
up to a maximum of ~.000. loans. ·
\Vynn, the problem arose
because of the official high
line. eilabli.'lhed by coun
decision in 1928. culS right
through some Btacon Bay
homes about 20 lots are
All tidelands belong lo lhe
state, .}Yynn said.
lfe· said that although the
state-owned portion or Beacon
Bay is held in trust by
Newport Beach,~ a housing
development is considered a
questionable use of tidelands
and might become an issue
when the homeowners' land
lease v.'ith the city expires in
IN FACT, the Beacon Bay
area in question is not touched
by high tides. \Vynn said.
Fortunately fo r Beach Bay
residents, the slate's 1idelands
map includes only about half
of the neighboring city-o'ft'l\ed
Bayside r.tarina.
As a result, Wynn said.
residents have proposed that
the city and state exchange
JX'(>perties of equal size.
The city ,..,111 get the part of
Beacon Bay prese ntl y
considered tidelands and the
state will get part of the
marina. including botfl a solid
land and an under.,.,•atcr
portion, Wynn said.
\Vynn presented a report on
lhe proposed swap to the
Newport Beach City Council
last ~·eek.
"AN APPRAISER has been
contacted , ' ' \Vynn told
councilmen. He explained that
the lands must be aopraised
because the st.ale is only
aJloy,·ed to trade slate-owned
property for property or equal
The coSr or the appraisal.
estimated at between $4 .000
and $6,000. \\'ill be !l>lit bv the
Beacon Bay residents and the
Also in the pro.c:ress report.
Wynn !old 'couneilmf!n lhal a
bill has been drafted at the
stale level to approve the
"If It passes. the ci ty and
the State Lands Co1runiltef:
\\'ill exchange deed s. subject
to exispng easements and
leases," Wynn said.
Sign La·rv
Changes Run
Into Trouble
Newport Beach may have a
hcek of a time "'hittling its
si~dov.11 to size .
The city is trying to de \'elop
a new ordinance governing
size and lo cation of
commercial signs. but it's
finding that it's got plenty of
\1'ork to do. For instance. city
pl:inncrs compared eight signs
in ~larincr's ?\.1ile against the
size limits permitted in the
city's proposed new sign
ordinance and all eight turned
out to be too big. Community
Development Director Richard
llogan told a meeting Qf-the
sign committee that his staff
had measured signs inchxting
those of the Rus1y Pelican. thf'
Ancient ~tarlner and lhe
Balboa ~tarina . "\\'e chose
these signs purposely because
\.\'e consider them to be in
!?OO<I 111.~le." Hogan told the
group nf reprC'SCntati.,.es of
e n\·1ron1nent1Jl fi!roupi>.
Realtors and the Ne\\·port
Harbor Cha mb er of
"The quc~lion Is. nrc '.l'e
going to sti rk to the Sl}squnre·
root limit we've proUOS{'d or
are 1,1·e ~oing to e(l!tablish so1ne
kind of design review , or
"'ha!?" llognn asked.
Committee membcrS rcnlicd
!hat a 50-square--foot total is
too sm;1ll and that other
faetors. such n.~ di$l.8nce of
signs from the Street and
aesthetic factor1. influence
¥.iltther or not 3 sign Is an
The commiltet' also uri;zed
that onlv one side of a doohle-
faced frtMtandln'! siqn hr
muntcd tn tht total root
since only one side is \'l!li blc a
a Ume.
Hogan said rtwt hill staff will
water down the propos<'rl
ordinnncc In nccordnnct with
the comnlittec's suggestions
bt(ore the commlllee meels
Rgnln nen \Vednesday.
MaKe a dash for our big dress savings. One week only.
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Casual styles. dressy slyles, today's
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Misses: women's and juniors· sizes.
Pick yourself a pretty one and charge it
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Sate prices eff ective thru May 4
Use Your JCPenney Char<Je Card
BUENA PARK Beach at Or.11ngethorpe
Open CMll y 9:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday 10 to 7
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Open 10·9 p.m.-Dally Sunday 10 to • ...
•• . -. . . &.;' --. '~~
Kids Going to . Summer S~hool
Or Camp? Time· to Mal{e Plans
Of ll'lf 01IJ'll l>Utt '"ft
The jubOation amon1: children on th l·
last d,ay or school and a iew 1nOre da):;
thereafter is knoY.n to all parents.
And so is the despair once the
fascination of no schOo\ "·ears off a{l<l lhc
kids n10f>e arolilld the· house in tht:
n1oming and complain: "l Cion·t hu\·e
anything to do ...
The panicked p.-ircnt ~gins. to
shop around in a usually \·ain attc1npl lo
ercun !he child into a recreation
program. summer school or surnn1er
can1p lhrit was already booked solid
\\'L'fks before.
\\'hat follows is another surnn1er of
frus tration in man~· households.
~lay. accord ing tn che<"ks wilh summer
school and can1p rrprescntatives, is tl1t·
1in1e to begin shopping for a contingency
plan to aid the harried parent.
The options appea r abundant.
SCHOOi~ DISTRICTS -unified .high
school and elementary-arc gearing up
for what officials believe to lx! a booming
summer·sc:hool sea!J)fl.
And the ll'aders of Southern
California's only centralized, nonprofit
c:amp-rl'ferral service said rect'flt!y that
phone and mail in11uJries are pkking up
Parents have begun shopping around
for bookings into more than 100 privatl'
day camps or resident boarding ca mps in
the more picturl'sque parts of the
for the lhrifty parrnt, summer school
is by rar !ht> best b<1r~;iin -if the k.kts
11 ill buy the Idea .
The adv<1ntagcs for the ~oungst {'r are
tout ... -d highly by ad1ninls1rarors like !hr
1\"e11port·~leM Vnified School District's
Richard \\'nit!. '>lho coordinates tht
annual project.
That entity's busy pro~ra1n 1~ill enro!I
an estinwted 9.000 youngiilcts -Ollt'·
third of the total number or childr('n v. ho
:1\lt'nd l'lasses !he rest of the }'f.':Jr.
Tll E OLD !'\OTI O~ about sum1111:r
school being a n1cans of p~1tc-hini: up tht·
disasters of lhc regular yc;lr havr
\anished. say spokcsn1rn n\nni; the coast.
Instead , sun1mrr school h;1s b1.."'C'o111c
1hc pince v.·here high school :;;tudcnts ean
gam('r enough erMiL<; -if iht'Y \\'al\! -
to gra1lualt' a year c<irlit·r than tht'ir
clas.vnatl'S. i\lost who :irl' dihgent about
it take the pro~ram at a slo11·t1r pacc and
can i::_ruduatc at the mid point of the ir
SC'nior year.
In the intl'rmed1at e and elcmrntary
prog rams, youngstl'rs \l"ill find it a bit
different from the regular S<'hool year .
"The goal of \'irtually C\"cry program
I'm fan1iliar with is to m:ike learning
run. especially durin~ the summ1·r. lt"s
the time that teachers can expand. fry
some experimental m('thods. nc1\· cla:;s
ofrerhJgs and dcv~lop pilot proj('cts lhnt
can lead to a fu ll progratn the follov. ing
school year,"' \\'atts said.
•·Unfortun11tely. for some parents it's
still the place to dump the kids and keep
!hen1 out or 1nom's hair, ;ind children
like that arl' easy to spot, becdusc you
1·;in ltll they'd riuhrr be son1r\1 h••r1'
\\hat cl~c 1~ th1·r1'~
FOR PAll t-:\IS "hn sun ply..._1,nd
tioncstly "·.1nl a brief rc<;pitc -sa~· a
"'f'ek or tv.·o -!he tradst101\<lt s11rln11~·r
ca1np cou ld be tht• 1·ehlclc. 1f cxt ru co~!
1s something the r:unily is \\'illing: 10
The yellO\\' !'-1grs con1:1i11 fll'l'l (•l'llu11111 s
uf sutnrncr <.'tunp lblingi. \\Ith hu:t111t·s~t·s
far from lhc Orange Coast h1<.:ludl-d.
A n1orc satlsfnt.:lory lll('lhod of si11ng
up the c:un1l n1.1rk1•t, hOWl'\"L'r. is 1hrnuAh
;in agency afri\i;11 cd \111h lhc L'rutcrl \\'.-~·
111 Los Angeles.
The As.soc:i;lli11n of \\' e:) 1 1· r r1
lndl'pt>ndl'nl c.-.mps ;ll 6!1 'i. \"1r .. 1I
,\\"c., Los Ang•·lcs. !il'r\ !'" a" ra1tforn1<1 ·:-1
arm of the Ameriran Ca mp i n J:
Essentially, the agency is a referral
.1gf'ncy and clt'a rini,: houSt· for can1ps :ind
tht'ir cus1on1ers.
A nonprofit ~ :l1!1•nc~·. 1t \rill b1·
publishing its annu:il roster llf Stiuthf'r!I
la1ifom1a c:in1ps Y.ith1n 11 ft·11• 11a~~ :ind
th<.' book is frri.'.
In it 11ill be about 11ti listings of e;unp"
offering the gan1ut or N:r1 it.:cs Jud
TIIE A\'ERAli[ day's st;iy Ill ti d;1y
t'an1p or boating can1p 11 ill run pa rent s
Sll or rnorr, but sonic n1orc sophisticatt:d
i Jilli" In lh1• n111r1• ~11•1111· p:1rt.~ ut lllf'
'••I•· c.ill ch;1rt-:l' .1s 1n1u·h :i ~ $600 for l\\O
11 t'<"~1'
Tiu· ltlf•~I puput.1r 11111'" !i•"f'lll lo1 ht· Liie
1 111.U1·ralcl~ ·Jlrll"etl t•;.i1 11ps !hat l'h.1r~1· ll1c
;111·r.1i.:r .'JJd l~Sll'tl<' 1\bl:k.'<' 11( !ht
:·).,•"fl• .1
"l'l1l' ,Jl:L'llC~ h.1..: II'.:; lll'll l ("rl•\\ of l'\l)\•f!.\
\1 ho 1 i:.it 1•.1t·h pf Ult' l1~!\'ll 1•:1111ps ont·o· H
:· t•,1r lo ll~i.urt• lh;1t sta11d:1nl\ nr<' uph1•\d
Th•· i.latt· IJ...·p<1rt1111·n1 ut ]l('alth ,ind
:-0;1h•1y d"1.'s lhl· sanlP.
t"ri111pl;11111'. !'aid :'llrs AhlK'r. :ir1' to·1v
lrl11n p;irt·nts "ho Sl'lld 1hc1r ~id s tu
"\\\· h,1 \e ;1 rul,,: l1(•r1· ho111•1·(•r . th.it
1'al!s t•ir ,1 r1·11t'il t 11s11 fro111 1111:
1 "rnn11tt1·t• an~ 1111lt' !ht'rl··~ ;i l"Ol1lJll ,11111 .''
:.h1• _,;)){!
( oni·trsations \1 ith C'<1nsu1n1.•r.afL11rs
1111 l's!igators 111 IJran~c L'or111!y hall!
sh,.11n that sununer ran111~ appi1rl'l1rl\'
~·nJOY a goOd repulat1on .i n1 u n ~
THE OH.\Sl;E County l"onsun1cr
i\fra1rs Offrl"l' has not Vt't had on(' bt'ef
lro111 par('ll!S \lhO ii1ay ha1c h!1d
pr11hl1•n1s aft[·r sending a roun~s11·r 10
l'h,.,n•· 1nqu1n1·s fron1 pan·nts shoµp1 11i:
h•r :t :.ui1ttb!r c;.irnp ;1lrt·al.l ~· h:u·e bt.·i;w1
!O !'j\l iU!l )I ,\trs. Abbe(''S olfil"l'.
'"\l"l··ll do as n1urh as 11c ran b~ phonr ,
but 111.· rP.1ll~ prefer sending !he guide tu
p:1r;·n1:; so they can <.'hoosc a IL!!lr·
easier: ~ud !he <.11dl' 11hu t·an be
tl'achcd ;1t 1213 1 380-1450
Tf 'itli Ec1si11g of (;!i,:; Crises , Cou11Ly Ce"rtcr
E~tJJects Biisi11 es ~2s to Hir e 11,000 St1 tlU':1Ls
Of tti. D1I~ l"llcl! Steff
Neighborhood Youth Corps, and the
Youth Employment Service.
summer jobs. particularly students 18
years old and under.
Hunt1n g!on l.ieal·h. for exampll\ arc
already lining up fo r summer jobs, ac·
cording lo Lela llnrtley . placement assis·
!ant. t;p until recently, it looked like kids in
Orange Cmurty wert!'"gotna: to spend thei r
summer loafing on the beach . going to
summer school. or just plain fooUng
But the usual numbe r or summ er jobs
ror youths appears to be back on the
n1arkel, now that· the gasoline shortage
has eased.
"The gas shortage forced many
employers to cut back, and say they
couldn't afford to hire students this..'Sunr
mer.'' explained John Kew, youth "dirC'C·
tor for the Nation a I Alliance of
Businessmen. and coordin ator of th e
Youth Job Center.
Kew eiplained that hy c a I I i n J:
5SM401. a student may find out "·hich
of the center"s IO offices is cluSC'Sl. A tri p
to one of the offict's invol ves fillinj.l Ol1t ;1
job w:intcd card. These cards along \\'ith
cards by employers will be fed into lh1·
center's computer. A d:i1ly printout rrorn
the computer "·ill be sent to each centt·r.
Kew s:iid.
RECltE.\TIO ,'\ nnd physical edlLC.'t!'ion
rn;ijors ha11· the hi~gcst opportunities
lhis sumn1cr. ~ht· l'Xpl:iined, 11·ith offers
eun1ing fr01n rccrcat10n and parks
1!1·pann1cnts fron1 SC\'cr:1I surroundini;:
1·itie!I, fron1 Yl'llow~tont Na1ion<il Park in
\\·yorn1ng and rron1 npnrtmcnt tornplcxes
needing sll'imn11ng instr\Jl'tor s. If the Orange Cow1ty "(outh Job Center
reaches its goal. 11 ,000 young Orange
Countlans will have sumn1er jobs. This
represents jobs drumn1ed up by the Na·
tional Alliance of Businessmen, the
"!\OW THAT the crisis has eased up,
big businessmen in particular have
agreed to hire kids," he added.
The Youth Job Cenler -a coalition of
community employment agencies -is
the agency lo approach for those seeking
According: to college counsl'lors, collrgr
s!udenls seeking summer ·work may br
bc!ltt off looking to their indi\·idual col·
lege en1ploymen1 sen·i('('.
Thl·rc 11rc :ibo job, ;nailahlc for
clerical v.ork. sale~ and ff)(){I scrl"iCl'. But
~!rs. lln rlle) 11·:1111" 1ha1 studen~ had Students at Golden \\'est Collt'gC in
Herds of Horse Lovers
Ride Orange Coast Range
By TO~I i\leCAl\'N
01 ltle 01llr l>l!ot SI.ff
llorsi ng around y.·ith real equ'ines is
something they do over in Riverside C-Ounty
or some\vherc around the P o m on a
fai rgrounds. There's not n1uch of that in
Orange County. Yep?
. Nope.
A survey shows it"s safe to say that there
are almost as many horses of all kinds as
there are boats of all kinds in lhe Orange
Coast area.
Though lhe trails and back country
available to riders in r.lission Viejo, Lake
Forest and the new Starr Viejo RegiMal
Park' may be every bit aS Western as
i\tarlboro Country, tha t is only one aspect or
the opportunities lO riders and mounts aloog
the Orange"Coast.
from the Shetland ponies and other
backyard "pets'' j many or them show
horses) to the fla shy competitors of the
Orange Coast's tv.·o thoroughbred racehorse
ranches, this area can count horse tails in
the thousands.
A glance at the phone book reveals there
nre 15 boarding stables in the Orange Coast
area-nearly all full-plus others in
adjoining territories or Orange, San Diego.
ltlversidc and Los Angeles countiCJ.
TllEV ARE pastured on meadows
tiemmed in by industry and free"·ays in
Costa Alesa; they occupy a coastal pan-
orama at the Irvine Equeslrian Center in
Corona del Mar : they whip by you in
freeway traffic riding in the comfort of· their
modem , cushloned-Ooor traildl; they pea
lhn>Ugh the backyard t!hrubbery °'"""' ol the area's most beautiful estates; and they
munch their hay from homemade mangers
In Jeon-to sb(!ds built by bou>lng0Jract
lfow many? Or. WWlam R Q\eterich.
director or -veterinary public health for
Ora.nse County, says:
"The horse population In Orange County
now exceeds anything we've ever had before
(and that includes y.·hcn ,the horse Y.a s tx-ast
or burden) a_nd it's still grov1ing rapidly."
Another government sou rce. Or. ll~man
Parrell, whose office Is in Los An geles, may
have the best figures.
As veterinarian in cha rge or the district
offi ce of the state Bureau of 1\nimal Heatlh.
he presided last year over one of the biggest
horse parades ever-the trail to the
inoculation tables to get shots against
Venezuelan equine encephalitis.
The disease. potentially fatal to horses,
"'as lhreatening to break out tn lhe sta te
and all animals were to be inocu lated
against it. Jo Orange County, 11 ,352 equines
"'ere presentr.d Ior Inject ions during the
month of July.
llOW ~IANY from the Or<1nge C.Oast area~
\Vho knows?
Official figures in the city of llunt i.ngton
Beach pince the city's horse population at
700 to 1,000.
11lere are more 1han 300 horses at the
sprawllog Irvine Equestrian Center, 140 at
the new Mission Viejo Stabl~s.
Lake Forest's stables. the Orange County
Fairgrounds and other boarding facilities
around the area each have 100 or more
horses as ''pennanent" residents . Leisure
\\rorld's English-style layout stables 3.1
prl\·ately owned and rental horses.
An estimated hor~ population of 4.000 to
5.000 for the Orange Coast "·ouJd be
\Vitb the advent of the West.em look in
both men's and women's casual clothes and
with the currC!lll v.'lve of nostalgia carry~&:
everyooe back to "simpler" limeJ. Dobbin
seems to be finding hlnuelf more in the
cenltt of lhings than he has been since his
days between tbc. traces of the (reiu:ht
v.·agOrtJ, Ice ca.rts and stree.ttars.
But he's a '°1 more expensive these dA}'S.
Tbe !Int cost -perhaps the smalldl
cost of all in the k>ng run -Is the price
)<>II Pl)' lo buy the beoll
"'1R JUST an average ''backyard horse,"
}'ou've got to figure $.100 at today 's prk-es. A
registered c1uarter horse. 11• e 11 -h-r u k r n
thoroughbred nr shoy.·.1r<1incd appaloosa
n1ight go SI.000 to S1.50fl.
\Ves Kirkpatrick. rnanager of the lr1"1nc
cen ter and a loni:umc llorscn1r1n . 11 rink!··~
his nose \\"ith distaste 1\·hcn he c.~plains,
'"Shucks. the.r ·rl' ~l'lling '.!1/ c-ents a pound ror
just abou t an.\· kind of horse these days, on
lhe hoof. for human ronsumption . ··
That makes a lJ)OO·Jl(IUnd animal (about
a1·c ragc \1'cight for a t~·pical '"pe1 ·· 1 worth
$200 10 the butchers.
If \·ou're in an area \1 ht•rf' \"Ou"re \uckv
enough 10 be able to keep the horse at h1Jmc.
\OU r other costs v.·ill include fl·ed , farrier
Service I shoeing and hoof trirnming l. ta ck.
grooming equip1nent. veterinarian and ;1
multitude of optionals dc1cr1nincd b~· )OU1
USl'S {)f thl' an imal.
Fl·t..-d costs, V.'hich ha\t· heen rising like a
rockl't during the past year see1n 10 have
stabilized . at least temporarily. according to
lY.'O Orange Coast area dt'<llt'rs.
Bill Po"·e r runs thl' Feed B .. 1rn , hehinU
Hamsay Drugs on Newport Boulevard in
Costa t-.fcsa. \\'here old·timers ...... .i ,I J
remember Claire r\elson s feed store out
behind Nelson's IJrugs .. John R. \VAller is
one of the operators of Fair Feeds &r 1'al'k at
the Orange County Fairgrounds.
SO~IE TYPTCAL p?\ccs on which these
me n agree t given in round numbersl;
1 Alfalfa hay t the basic diet for horses). S7
a bale: rolled oats, $8 per 75-pound bag;
"l\l'eel. feed " (usually a milture of four
JJ:ilm and molasses). $9 to $10 per
bUndredweight. Figure a minimum ol l7
worth of hay and a C'OUple of bucks' worth of
grain per wttk for a horse that lJ belng
ridden regularly or ·worked lo shov.'S or on
the 11111.
A barCbaclt pad, $9; nylon Miler. f1: lead
line for halter, $4; bridle lhcad stall, one bit
and reins), $10; and groomtni kit ft"''O
bnl!lles. hoot pick. currY Q)ffib. etc.), 110.
Figutt Ila !or the ft111re "begln,,.r's IOI"
and IKkl SIOO or more (or a u!ed addl~ ($200
and up for a mcdlum·prlced new 11addle).
(Ste COAST RANGE, Page 82t •
beucr go to th<> campus placemrnt
l'tnter nov.·, and look into I h e
Long hair \\OO'I be as much of ll prob-
lem as in p11st years. ~lrs. llai'tlev
predicted. ~lany stude nts are v.·illing 10
cul e.'<!rrn1e!y long ha ir. and sonic
cmployl.'rs are "'11ling to hire 11hag~'·
h~i rcd youth.'\ if they arc ne<it and
persona bit·.
1\ceording lo Key.·, a large nu1nh<'r of
jobs \\"ill come fron1 Orang<' County·s
va.o:t recrC'a1lona l field -although
employment v.·or kers v.·crt' nriginally
afraid !hat the gas sho rtage would put
theM> jobs in jeopardy.
··oisnl'~·lancl 11.sclf hires 800 students in
the sumn1er, and Knoll's Berry Farm
hire" 400:· said Kew, ll'ho is a
JJ1s111:\ l:1nd t>xecu\\ve on loan to 1hc
)'outl; .lob ('cn!rr.
Pf'rson~ u1tr·1cstcd c11n either i;:u
d1rt•ttlv tu the rccreation:il ;ind t-11·
lro r1 :1u1ine111 facilit ies. or apply throu gh
1h•' Youth .Joh Ctnlcr. Key.· said.
Y<•Ungs ters looking for these one·l11llc·
1i11 I\ JOIJs rn1ght :is 11·cJI v.'ail until school
I" out. l\l·11 ~ug~rstcd. Al thnt time. thl'\"
(':111 1·nn1a1 I the Youth Job Ccnlcr, or 1.(0
111111 1hc1r loc:i\ ''ES oHiet'. s111ce ho1h
~roup!i art' 11:urking togetht'r
1'\rc JUUS, Pagt> 821
8 2 t».ILY PILOT
Good Deed
· ..
O>rcna. del ~lar Is n o
newcomer to voluate er
She has been working !or
FISH. the emergency care
organizalion of the Newport
Harbor Council of Churches,
since It began ln 1968, but
before that she se rved as a
voluntc-er In other areal!.
As l\1rs. Carolvn Milliken. profe~slona l corisultant to
FISH, puts ll," She's just one
of those people who devote
their time lo their fanllly and
the community. She has not
been votuntet"rin.': for two
years, but for 25 years."
l'\lrs. Hardacre v.·orks as a
driver for FISH. on call for 12
hours one day a month. This
111\'olvcs laking prople who are
without transportation to the
doctor's office or on other
emergency errands. Defore
that she worked as a
dispatcher. handl ing the calls
that oome Into FISH, deciding
whet~r a volunteer should be
sent to a home or v.ilethe r the
caller needs the assistance of
another agency.
l\frs. Hardacre was n board
member of the Ne wport
llarbor United Crusade In the
1950s and also used to help run
the coffee garden of the
Junior League of Newport
J[;i rhor.
Sun<1a1. April 28, 191 4
Vo11 Cat1 De lp
-Yall~ Hospibtl __
Has l\1any Openings
t:ornmun ity Hospital has numerous volunteer
opening!. Workm are needed In admitt ing, at the
inform ation desk, to accompany patients to the lab,
deliver mai~ take baby photos, and to \\'Otk in the
gift and flo"•er shop.
The minimum age is 21, and there are se\·eral
shifts available. Call the \Vest Orange County Volun·
teer Bureau at $30-2370 for more information.
In the HLmt i11gton Be.1ch area . a si1-year-old boy
"'ho receh·ed injuries to his brain in an automobile
actident needs pa tt erning in his home. Help Is needed
t\\'ice daily from 10 to 12 in the rooming, and 2 to 4
in lhe aftemoon . Severa l \'Oluntee rs can be used.
People "'ho can he lp are asked to call the Lynn Cen-
ter at 636--061-1.
A friendly rece ptionist is needed '!t the probation
department in Huntington Beach. Duties incl\J(le a~
s"·ertng 1he phone and greeting people coming to
the center. Open ings arc in lhe afternoon. and \'OI·
un teers may \\'Ork any or all days, ~londay through
f rid:1y. ·
The Orange County ~fedical Center offers a
n1 yriad of services to oounty resi dent.! but it can
be effecl ire only if it Is able to convey informallon
to its patierits. ThC're is an urgent need for a Spa n·
is h·spcaking person LO assist in the Family Planning
Center. The opening is one night a !J'eek, Wednesda y,
from 5:30 lo 9:30.
"Extend Your Arm -E1tend Your Life" is
the free blood pressure screening program being
held in lfunt ington Beach through f.fay 15. Volunteers
are needed to help register people at ''arious loca·
hons. 4
Call 530-2370 for more Information on these vol·
~1uch of her service has
been carri ed out through St. ~fark Presbyterian dlurch.
Mrs. Hardacre helped operate
a respite center al the
church for mothers Ylho had :i
retarded child ; the child could
be left and cared for at the
center for one day each week. MRS. JANE HARDACRE -A VOLUNTEER. untcer opportunities.
People Share the World of Horses
H.:>rPS Easy to Find When You Know Where to Look
NumbC'rS alone don't tell the story of
hors~'S 111 1he Ora nge Coast a rea .
For :ill the 1housand s of horses in the
hx:;1l area . lht'rc are many more prople
involved in the industry or have vested
in terest s in other parts of the equ ine
Thf' i::u.v in the big hat next lo you in
lht• bank line -the one' ,,·ho drircs a
c·;unJ)('r "'ilh ;i ·'smokestack .. stickin;:
nut thl' top -is a farrier \\'ho mak('S his
h,·ing tra\•cling around the area shoei n.11:
TIH• "oriel of horses that c~xisls in
Snuth1•rn r n\ifornia "·ith the urban
spr<i\\ 1 rnn~· hC' hard to sec -unless
~ou·r(' consciously look ing for if.
TllE'i \'OU'LL sec lhe traine rs.
hilndlt'rs. show judges and oy,·ncrs a1nong
vou r dadv conta cts. They don't al l \rear
iooled tCath.;r belts and high-hetll'd
They ineludl• such "narnc" horse
n\\'ncr~ ;1 s Budd v Ebsen . the TV star:
Bill Skiles of thC shO\\' business Skiles
and llendt.:rSon duo: State SC'n. Dennis
('arpt•ntrr: nuto dc11lcr J)ick Johnson tof
.John.~on and ~n in Costa ~tesa ) and
doz<'ns more in}·olved in all kinds of
horse rac ing.
The latt er not onl y includes the big·
u1on(·V S\11dicates but also embraces ~uch "·onC-man·s fa mily" stables as Ron
l\a ut·r's of Huntington Beach.
Hauer. once a mo\'t"r and shaker in
Lirt lo• Lca!:(UC in his cit~·. is just as
l'vnngelistic about the horse peoples'
need s.
lie comm utt's 60 miles jus t to squPe~r
111 an afternoon ride on pleasure horses
he keeps in ~tontebcl lo. But his big
interest right now is bringing along a 3-
yt'ar-old thoroughbred g c Id i n ~ .
Bonhomn1c Boy. in lin1e to n1ake tl1 is
scnson 's track debut next Saturday :it
SEVERA L l\IE:\IBERS of the famed
Los Caballeros club \\'hich annually fl oats ----
a bargcload of horses over to Ca talina
Island fo r a three-day ride are Orang('
Coast rc!ldcnts.
They're part of this area's "invisible"
hQrse v.·orld. Jack Ley,•is. forme r Orange
County newspaperman. is another local
resident who operates in that other
lie is publisher of Horse and
llorsl'n1an. on e of the ne\\·cst and fastest
groy,•ing nat ional magazines covering
equine activities.
From his headquarters !11 Capistrano
Reach. Le'~:ls keeps his big blul'·jeaned
and booted frame right in the 1niddle of a
scene \\'hich could have been lifted out of
Oklahoma or Texas.
lie freely subscribes to the \'ie"' of
Dale llobc!rlson y,·ho. in a recent quote
justi fying the popularity of hi s netv.·ork
tel evision shoy,· on horses and horsemen.
s;iid. ''The re are two kinds of people
interested in horses -those \\'ho own
'en1 and those \\"ho y,·ant to."
Af\.1D nlAT includes R lo1 or people if
the em"·ds at the horse sho1\·s. in the
\\'estern shops and at Orange Coast
stables are any indication.
The horses-for-hire operations in the
area get lit erally thousands of customers
c\·cry "'eek -ranging from horsemen
y,·ho arc> lemporarily "'ithout ITIOL\fllS to
those who arc ju:.t lea rn ing.
And the malt shop of the '40s lives
again In the snack shops. tack stores and
sta ble offices or the Orange Coast. E\·ery
11 ftemoon . right after s ch o o 1. these
places all echo to the rxcited t\vltter of
tecnaged voices as the horse 0Y.11ers and
,,·ould·be horse 0\11\ers ialmost all girls1
conv erge on the spols "'here thei r
"invisible" world bc!comes most visible.
The Orani.?e Coast's horse y,·orld n1ay
be invisible to the untrained eye but it Is
far from depopulated.
C<) .. \ST R.i\NGE ... unusually beautiful clothes
!From Page RI I
l/oNi:shoelng in the Orange
Coast :1rca cost SIB per horse
1111rudv• ~hoes 1 and n111st be
do1u· •·1cr~-eigh t to 10 1•·ceks
at lt·ast Tri mming of hoo\·cs.
if ~·l'l t'!('t:t to let th,. horse i;?fl
barefootC'd for a \\'hilc. costs
$6 pt•r hor~I'
Add n1un1hly cha rgrs ror
llor~s not kl' pt at home: S30
for hontc~ •ln a maintennnce--
on\y diel up lG more than $tiO
fGr 1ho.i;;C' kcpl in a box stall on
a • 11·ork ing" dlet. Figures i\S
much as $!'! per dny for the
tro'l 1ncr~ rre if your horse is
!:"In~ to school and figu re sl:v·
eral dollars for medlclnes an1
thr \'etrriMrian's bltls.
\nlEN '\'OU add up the fig·
urt"' you begin to re111Z(.just
Y.tlll t an economic ctUll)•st
eAch one of those live hobby
hOr!;eS i!.
A~ one plt!asure horse 0\1 ncr
ll.'l id rttmtly:
•·1 can rtde eitht:r tlf the
tv.i> horse! \\1! kee p In oor own
backyard anytime I "·a•1t -
and if t base the eJpen. .. es on
the amount of time I 11n1 oble
to spend rid.Ina. it probRhly
doesn 't cost me morf! thrtn S50
or SffO an hour."
Sul he obviou!ly r<'Cls that
It b worth tl So do thous:1nds
of ot~ along the Ornn1tc
Co:tst not tu mcnl ion 1 he
pro~ y,·ho run The sh1h1rs. 1h·~1 rid~ acadl'mit•s. th(' 1r:1111 1nr
fa rn1s and lhc livestock 1r:-1n.i;;-
port ouHits I
JOB S • • •
!From P11ec 1111 I
Besides job s 111 pr:1 :1h'
industry. Ke\\. µoinltd to 1111111
he calls the "Rcnt·ll·l\1rl" iobs.
These are for )'oun~>.t.•rs 11:-·
ua\ly be!"'t>cn the a ~t's ?f nine
and 16 and arc on'!·tnlll' int..,
The youngstem often f111d the
work-such as mo\\·1ng; !n11 n~,
babysitting. helping at p.1rrit·$
-through the Youth En1plor·
ment Service.
Tom RogC'rt:. utio dir<" 1' thr
new YES in Fountain \';dlt>1·'
i;.ays he has already ~t'nl ~1 1 1
letteri to mel"{''°lanls askn111
1 for Jobs for you ths. And :1 •
plans to ito door ta dllllr to rirC:
more \\1.lltng f'mploytr!i .
"t think \\-e 'l\ do oknv fnr kid~ this ~ummer," KeW pre·
djcted. '4since we're st3.M ifll!
early, tlUr romputer is n hif!
help. and lt'it l'l COlmty-11 iJr
coordinated t ffort. .
"Stlll . It ",,,,.t "·ork unle~s
lhe kidi begin mnklng plans
nO\\'. 11nd get In tooch \\1th us."
he added.
for the tee nage. girl .•.
' ·Lido Village
3 41 6 Via Oporto
(714) 675-0321
,\fonday lhru Salurda~
Tt11 uni ii Siz tl'cb:Jc
tod1 y's look at
the garden
dress pictured circa early J 900'~
Sounds o f Hustle, Bustle
Ring Out-in--'Fhis-L-ilJrar y--
Of ,,. 01llt "1"-1 li.tt
1\ steady mu rinuring fills
the roo1n .
"~101nn1y, I "·m11 to check
out two nlore.'· a young girl
says as she Joolu: up frorn thl'
"Did you see this one''" a
boy demands excitedly
"Where do I get infurn1auon
on .. .''the man asks a wo1nu n
at the desk.
TllE SfJL':\'DS • ot I h c
Fountain Valley Library.
There are no "QUJel" signs.
This is by informa l decree of
Libraria n Ron Rice. who
bel ieves a community library
-should live up to its name.
"A cpnununity library is oot
a study hall and it's no! a
unive rsi1y hea vy kind of
thlng.'' he 'says.
··f-l ear this nice noi~e ... he
adds as he y,•alks around 1hc
libra ry. "Th is is \\'hat \\'C
11·ant. !1011· could I tell them lo
be quiet. If I did that, they'd
never to1nc bac k.
Stali sties seem to sho1\' thal
they arc con1ing back !o the
library al li565 Los Alarnos
II cont;dns 46.780 books.
L ">t' ~1 -..;. ";' J.· 'Ir )J'i>('t,t•"
\ 1· )•'""Z ·' j .r.:i\.->·c-.. .. r . ·-~~ , ·v IP.,\ ,,
t ' • J ..._, \.~~ ~
Reg. 94.95
Opal clus ter ring
Reg. 44.95
Pearl and
Diamond ring
·'~\\'\ ( :l» ;
51 .96
Reg. 64.9S
Men's catseye ring
-.. o , .... .. 0,..., ...... ,. ....................... ,
huodrl?ds of b:iek lssues of Rooni." t:omplete w i t h inauazinl·~ and 1ic"·spapers pro1eelor and a screen which " oonverts to n blackboard. and stacks of rL't'Ords. SIOrl' hours for three to five
In Ftbruar)'. 32.~61 of lh~r. \l'll r Olds take place at 10 a.m.
books were checked out by Ond 11 a.m. Wednesdays and
li brary vi~ilors. 1'h11l 1nil<l" Thursdays.
Foun1.11n Valley lJlle of th1.' The room is aOO available
hl1.~1r~t branche6 ir1 the county for n1eetings of any 1ocal
sys1c111. groups.
ll1et• rh ink s a part of ttic Childrens librarian i9 Lynne.
rl«l~un is the library hours. lt Pendleton . Marie Thompl(Jll is
is open fron1 10 a ni. to 9 P 1n. 1hc reference librarian.
fflonday through Thursd11y. 10 Th<'rc are 15 ()(her people on
a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday aod the staff, ei iher full or part·
Saturday and is c Io s e d liin e. (n 1969. the then-five
Sunday. ,·ca r old library doubled in
He tries to gea r his book Size from 5.000 square feet to
selecuon to !he corpmuni ty. 10.000 square feet.
which he calls "pretty y,·ell \\'he n Rice came in 1966, ~
educated. UsuaUy the hu sband citv had 18.000 residents. Now
and y,•ife both have some · Iha 50 ()()() it boasts more n , .•
college." "I've been in other libraries
Best-sellers.' of course, are "'here they say thty're busy,"
popular'. And he can ne\·er get says Rice. He stands up. lboks
enough f i c t i o n . mysterie~ Olit of his windo11o'ed office and
gothic. science fiction or · gen· counts 60 people. "They don't
cology books for the lib'rary's kno"' ~'hat busy means."
readers. -~==~~=~~~§:;j A huge rircus cutout "'ilh
lhc 11·ords. "Clo"·ning Around
v.1th Books" on one wall
idl'nlifics the s e p a r a te
children's scl·tion.
One "·oll folds bac:k to in the reveal the "Story Hou r ':'..'._~=-=
rf~-.!t~' ,.-, ....... ,
?._., •. ~ .... _,
~ lh.,'I""" , ~ . '~· r.17: "'· ~ ~ 1 (~·., ... , ... )l
... •' ~· ·,, •... ·-
Reg. 69.95
Garnet clusler ring
d iJ rl-. }}-2.i:
I --··'Tff/ ~ ---~ -
Reg . 32.50
Pearl and synlhetic
stone ring
63 .96
Reg. 79.95
Men's black slar
sapphire ring
ORANGE C....•··---~····· .......... ...-.. ......
Reg. 72.50
Opal bulterfly ring
Reg. 54.95
Smoky topaz
quar1z ring
1'8 ,ij) '.I
I~ ~l \~
Reg. 77.95
Men's synthetic
s tar sapphire
and d iamond ring
_ .. a.....i ....... c.-.. ... ..
-······ ...,._,!, .. .
" a
' I
0All Y Pl lO T I! :J
IO-year Guarantee Propo_§_~d for New Homes
B,· p\,1F.I .. \ 11 ·\l l \.\
~ ortne cr.11y ,Tiet 51111
The t10citen1ent or nlO\ 111:t 1n1 0 a n1•11
house son1et1mcs tum~ .. ,.1:1 11 h.:·n lhl'
b1'l'lrooorn light switrh ... r · .·1 ··•1,'<I t11 th~
i.::1rh.1~c dt!posal and lht' b:i'~lt•N•Ol dn•lr:?i
d6n'l qu1li' <:IOSC'.
BlJ! the situnt1on ciln b.,• "l.1:... · ir 111 1110
~1·ars the foundation cr11cks or the
c\t•va1i"d living roorn h1.•~ins to s1 nli
·n1'.•se problerns nr1' not unl'On11no:1 111
~:in Juan Cap1s1rano, bu \ 1r l '1,uu1·1!111.•n
.luhn S"l'tllC\' hns h1.. 11.11 !1\1
hon1co11f'l('r n111r Soon h;11•' 1n•11 !11.1 •
!ii\\'t:ENl::Y has proOf'>~•·(I th 11 ,., t•;•
11._.1, l\onlt• in S.111 .111:111 • ;1111,Jr'.1nu tw
guan1n1t'<'d rnr It'll ~r:lr'-\.1 ~,. ,1 ,;,r ,,r
ilppl1 :tnet.·. 1hl' !!ll:lran" ,. ,,, old \'1\~·r
m;1jor !ttructural drfl"'t't and 1l lhr '1n1"
tune-slar1<.J;u·1h~•· rroc«durr~ I 1 fl'llU1"'
ll·s...cr. supcrl1c1 ;1! d(•ft'l'I!> hkl' popping
11:111<; ur IOOS..' floor riles.
llis fl·llo\1 L'QWll'1hncn lilied thl' 1llv.1
and .irpro\'rd thl' 1on 11:1t1011 ul :•
ron1mit1("(• 10 :!olud\' Tht· pr<1prn;1irTI'iC
<·1tv staff \.\111 ront:1ct l.'!111·~ 11 t":rt> thl'
' ~u3ra11!('C prograrn 1s 1n u~. '-'"d the
c·ouncil 1o.·ill t(lrmul111e a policy that could
be t~ Uas1g of J nl'I\ l'JI)' ordin..irK'C
";o.;ot onl~ ">Oultl thl'> upgradt' Quall!) Of
1hl• prod11c.1 11 \\Ou!tl :ilso I~· a
rn1"('hnn1!'rn fnr h;_1 ndl1n~ L'Ot11pl;1111ts,"
:suid S'.l'L'ttlt'I
'r11t· 1(11>,1 ori~1n:ill'<I 111\h thl:' :'\al11111al
\:-..•U('liilH111 0 1 Hon11.· Builtk·r~. Thi•
1>rOi;r11n1 rs 1i..i11 111 l'lfl·Ct 1n 2~ ~t:lt•~s . t;u1
n t l.1l1!on11.1
·1 01·nl!~ 1\n, p1o·;l'.1111 ('(ll!ld ('l\n1111.1h·
•hod£h b111lif1·1 .. 1 ~· <Hl•1' onl \' liuthh:r..:
1d1·~ 1·1111! I 1p1;1J1l1 '•J h1· I ?'t'!l!Sl\'ri•d
hu1lcl1·r· t'fHl.!d 111ir1' 111 1h1 .. 1111r~1·1 an:.1."
... ud ~\1 .. 1.1·1
I\ \\ 11 1'11'1-:' 111.1lt'rlo1l 1t 1,lr1bUtt'd to
tht· ll>Ull! 11 :-0111•1••l•·\ 111\h'(/ lhhl U1 !ht•
II' 1 It ;11 lh · Jh'I\ h1 I•"· \\,l~ O<"CUpicd
dt ,1·t !:-l!Ut !I• hl\ll:1 llbf~llliHl:-h1 p ;_11tt!
d1·f('l't11(' 11\;.tt••r1.i!~ 3nd coro.tn1rt1on
11"""'1\llTct ~ M\'('rfld In thi:' M'COOd ~"t':'JT
<lf'ff'l'I!' 111 plun1h1ng. 1•l('(·t nr."1. ht•a1u1g
;11w.J l'OO!J111>( :"~!'ll•tn;, "r1uld IM! i1ddcd.
Th• ",1rran1 ~ 1tk"l1rant•' ~1.1111
"·ould ul......i i'(l\'1•r any p.'.l~1nf'n\ of
arbit• at ion a .... -.uus not OOnorl'<I h\' Till'
buitdt'r <hu·111~ tht· first t"·o ~·1•.in; 111 lh•·
llurd throui:h 10th ~t' .. trs •)Ill~ 1n.JJr1r
1.-•ortS!t\ltUOfl dc(eC't..s 11,ould he l1J\l't"L
hut lh•• ":1rr:uity \l'tiuld b(' ~tllll.I 1•1 ,•u if
Otlllt'r~/\1 p of the• hoU/>I" cti:1n).:l'~
t11•n1s not <'0\'l'rt',t "Olt!d 1'\1'\t1dt•
Ullrl'f)Or!l'll d:11t1<1it:t'. dcr£'CI$ !!l rn:1!o'!t:1I.<
.).Oppht'(! hv lhl' hoHl(• hlf}'l'r. di·l•'l.1!'>
rr~ul!1ng l1'<11n 11npn1P•.>r 1n1111111•n.1nl'l'
1..ind~-;1p1nl!,. lll:il'<'l rl:1111:.i;t'. ;1111t thU!f\,il
1re;ir and ti"ar
\\'hat \I Lll 1!11· j,;Uilf;l!ll•·e l' 0 ~ 1 .
Al·<:Vrdin!! lo !he 1\~.'o0\·1a11on o I
llon1rb111lcll'rs. lh1.· l'O!>I h> " l.J11 \l'r vt .1
"ld.Ollt hou~t.· 11oul'I Ix· ~00 14hh'h \lf•Ul•I
h1..• p.1id 11 11 .. 11 !ht• t·~c·rn1• t·lil.. .. ,·J Thi'
;1nuu1111s hJ 111o·ll·n1h-. ol l'»\1· Jit'rt Tnl ut
th·· 1ut.1 I 1'e>."1 o! !ht· hvu:...
t 'nmpf:1m~ woutt+ bo· -.ub1fttl!ttl 1n
11r111ni.: l1J !h1• huild,·r If nut '>l'ltltd 1n
111 1• ~l:1y\, :1 t1•·u1r,1I p1,•r'l.>11 1111uld !:it"
h1uui.:ht u1 and 1f no; "l'ltkd 111 13 d.1\if.
th" rn.:Hh'r l\'.lHld bl' pia!t·S~KJCKL\1 )'
If a hu1 l•r·h111 l~1·r di~pull' an""l. ;i.1 !ht>
ind 01 1h!'t'•' II ar;; :1 IH!llj'l.11111 ('llll:d t'lf'
fd,·d 11 ith ti~· n:1[1<1n.d hnn11• hu1hh. r,.;'
!>l'~;l!IJt;1t 11•~\
.\ l\·\H.Tll II '\ \"I' 111 !IH' pro;.:r.11•1 1, thr
,\11u 1·1,.:111 B.i11~1·r .. Jn•t11.111c1• ( (1111p;111)
I•! 1-'f11rid.1 "1'h1' •h·•llld h"lfl tv (j,.\,.IHP
lu~h··t· .ipplll\ \·d p1·up1·rl\ ,.1, •11d:1rd.., 11 1\h
rlh hudJ111.;. 1nd11,1r1 · ;,1d .... 111 •·11··1
·r 111· 111·" 1· .. iu11 ilni.111 11 ho r
111rro1.h1( l!••!l t.11 1h,. i.:u.u ,11111 t' pro,.:1 ;1111
!1;!f)1! .. J l''lillp,ui•u prut1\i."4' •,11r1 lhf'
pr1 1cr;11 n h.1 .. t"•t·n 11r:11,l1I h1 \'1 r~1 11 1•
h.l\.HH'L'. 'P•.,-1;!1 ,,.,.1 .. 1.1111 h• l 'fl'"ldl'tU
\1,1111 •111 1-.1n .. 11n1,·r ,1t1.11r~
[~·:· .. !··!Lt• iu·1 l'l'I I~\ j .1hft•n UJ 1('1
.1d1.pr 111, .. p"o~r.1111. :-.•id ~ .. ,,,·rK·.1
Acpuncture Makes Gain in County Arthitetts
Fo r Stliool
0 ' rr YOU LOV[
and C RE'w'EL
. you'RE
i:ly DOUG LA S FH IT7.CllE
ot "'" Ol!IJ ~•IOI Sllfl
Interested 111 S\\·app1ng :1
needle for a ncL·dlt•. a h:1hh fur
a pin. ak·oh(\h~rn for :1
stainless s1ct·l barb pl11nt~d
in1pcr ccptibly h• hind an car·1
The habit and addiction
problcn1s of sn1ok1ni::. drinking
and drugs can bl' 1rcated on
the acupunc111n!>t's co u c h
along .,~:ith oth('r nial.'.ldics like
migraine, tennis c 1 b o "' .
hearing loss and lo"··back
pain, according 10 an advt:r
cate or ftle 5,000.yrar-old
orintal medica l. tech nique
Joh n Hays, an administrator
for the \\'est Coa~t 1.lcd1l·a l
Group ·which ha s 01X'ru•tl a
~I ring of 3l'Upunctu re cl1n1cs
throughout California, an d
llarold Goodman. di rector of
the group's reccnlly ope nl.'d
Santa Ana cl1n1c. l'M'intcd 011t
the uses cf lhe technique to
members or the Cos1:1 1'1esa·
Would You Like
To Use More
Of Your Mind?
·~··"· ·~-• Co•l'•Ollflll FSP •V••"'Y • l'>oduth\IOI~
• Prollle,,...l'li•'~~
·Hit"~ '""'""' • 5,,..,..nq '
-~~ ··~ • l'illlftlCl\""1
~l'\\ 1>0rt H ~rbor Lions Club
la~I lll'C'~.
Thl' 11;1~
I In~" ":ud, to tll ~1 kt'
aCUl)Ulll l llt'C a1:1il:1blc !O Lhl'
~l'll•·ral puJ,lic. Ile el111n1t.'d
th<it 1n the ~ ,~:1r a11il a half the
g-roup h:t'i bc1·n 1n operation llli
fl('rl't•111 uf !hr patirnls \1·ho
h;1vc gon{' ro the clinics h:nc
fouud rt•ltcf fron1 1 h c 1 r
.\ SECO~O purpo~c rif !lit
Jiroup. he said, "is l't.lllt'\'lu1~
data about acupuncture !h:it
v•ould be acceptable 10 th1·
\l'C!>lern n1e<lira\ conunun11y ·
In a c up u n C' l u r c . thin
st:unlt•ss slecl needles ;1rc
pu ... hed :1 fraction of ;111 inch
int n the skin at specific pni11ts.
wl11eb lie a!ung acu1>UJ1eturl'
The :incient Chi11C'se held
1h;1I Chi. the energy or life.
flo\\·cd along the meridians
and. the insertion of !he
need les "ould re I i e ~· e
blockages lu the no .... ·. \lays
Occidental doctors. on 1hc
other hand. find that the
rneridians correspond 10 nerve
p:tlh'>'·ays and the needles may
stimulate the bodv·s scll-
healing process. H;iyS said .
"That's really 114'0 ways of
expressing the same lhing."
A mo .,·ie en titled
"Acupuncture: ~1 y I h or
t'.liracle" detailed the clinics·
practices. sho'>'·ing a doctor
examining: and taking a
1nedical history lronl 11
patient . A Kore an
"acupuncture mastrr" then
Whe11 Yo• W1111t
T~e Int
1'122 HarbM llvd.
Cost• Mesa -541·025'1
• o.omond and ''oroe ... tl .. !Q
• f~per! walch repc><r
• EngrOY1n9
j1wels by joseph
con strY1{e oil your
l'welry need~. from
creot1n9 on Ol'•g•ool
and t xcil ing ring
ta opproi~•ng o
valued heirloom
Prolession~ ~Yict
by trained prolessionals
jewels bY, joseph
• Jewelry des1gn•ng
• Gemological D<omood
and 1ewelry oppro1>ol\
• f rrle' 1ew1"lry repair
AU our 'killed croft,men wMk in the 'tore
Your preuou' iewelry never leovel u1.
llla11,. C\u_. • ,,. .. ;u" '''"" ··~·,..,,.;,.,,. '"""''"t4 '""''
'"""'"' 1 •• 0 .. ,. '···-· COSTA MESA
HOUll :
•"''' 10.•,oo )••· •o·•· ti••""''-·
ltl('i)\('d 1h(' Hl'UpUllt'IUf(' points
clliJ 11\1'
1lu1·1nr in.'>l'Ttl'd !he
!.'\ C \LIFOlt'\I,\, the la1v
requires 1ht1t onl y hcensPd
rnc•<.hl'al doctor~ adn1u1i~tcr
The f1J111 1ncludrd
trs1;111Mials frotn a harncl'J>
ract•r, a constn1c:tion "·orker.
a rt>al f'State broker and l\
s,1te~man \\'ho said lhey had
bt·cn dis:1bled by pai n and that
!hl' :1cupuncturc treatments
[!t!rtt111tt·d thc1n 10 resun1e a
11()rn1al lifc.
.\Hhnugh :ieupuncturc 1 s
i.:011ninK 1n rcputdlion. l lnys
t·:-1utioncd that "it is :-IOI a
panru·c:i. Jt i~ nut ~ C'Ufl'·all.
But it 1.~ n valu<il::e ad junct !fl
\\e~h'l'll rn<'dici fle .''
l\'o one really k.Jl(lv.•s h•)I\
:ll'lLplllll'IUrl' v.·ork'i, !l;iy~ S'll<l
but throries range from one
that holds that the nccdlt·s
indu('C hypn~is 10 one th:11
the n~dlo•s stimulate ner\'C'S
and si~n::il the brain tbat the
body n('('ds r('p._'lir.
Tilt• ;11nou11t uf pllin cau~cd
by the trc:1tm('nt5 dcp1:nd"'
on thl' patient. f1 :1vs :-a id
\\'lule a 1roma11 in 1 h ,.
mo1·1e ~id lhe n l' l' d I •' <:
caused no pain al all 111· .,.,:i1d,
"her threshold or pain must be
\l'T)' hi/;(h."
~ ,:__::i~~~1 to OU~
The n('~·c~t l'~l1nru~ in th£'
l!unt ing1on B1·al'h t'n11•11 111;.:hj
~1·111\0l D1.~1r1rt 11 I 11 ~' •"!
dl·~1gned hy ;1rrh1h•c1s Unlph
.\!l\'!l .1nd TJa11• \lilll'r -1f th1•
.huh· 4 rax (·!l'<'11•1n Slll'<'c<'d~
11 ~B·l·R1j~ DAY
~ SA.llE 1Ji .. 1n {'1 111.isrt'i·~ 1:1 "1 11e{'~i
\oh•d :J-1 lo hirf' ·lht• f1rtn .
14hLl'h :\1.,,, prf'p:lr<'d thr• PR' "!b MAY .U:!h n·,.K;Jo>lmg pl""' r,,,. the \ A I [ 3 0 --I
I funr1n~hirl B 1' a r h and
\\·,.,11ni11!'trr l11ch School~ j ~ ±
Tnii.:tt•r 1!1lht•r1 l\nnx ca ~\! RJ
!ht• "OIC' '"' 1u11• 111• \\;1n1r<I 10
l11re th.-Cur<1n:i <!t'I \l,1r f1rrn I
,,f \\11l1 ;11n Hh1r(l(·k :111 <I
l':1rtnt<r" Ne\.ln r>+ AR:+ c nte.r Tl><~h .. 1 "111 .. ,,,"10"'1". nr0r<..r .t e .
,,.1n1t'r,nur'! ~1,·· :n <~•1!d1·11 (across f ro#\ StuP't Sh1tt)
~::::: .. ,,. '"'" """ "·"'"'! :;._'loo "B" \;I. COASr HW'Y. N. B.
Tilt• Li\ i•l 1·1·11d1· 11 "t1ld 648-~866 hrol'l\I \:1Xi'" lit I~ 'I 1·1•111 , 1"
r:u-1· . th" ~l :, 111 1 11 lo n
11 1'l't'~~ar\ for 111t' ~c h1~Jl Tru~tf.f•s :.auJ 1h"v 1~·ant th{' ---
~111111 i\na firm tO ~tarl thi•
pr£·l1m111;1rv dc<ii.tn ,,.,·ork 11
l'Ol"l' !ht' ()11·!'1 ldl' I' 1 l.t'.~
l~i 11d er11arl cn !:"
Signu p ~ Due
Kin1trr[!;1rl•·n rt·~1 .1r:1 11011
JC Penney·
fine jewelry Hays desc ribt'<i treatnu·nts {
he ha s rca>ivrd as ··:1 ht!k· "'
p:1inful sotnrlime:-"hc.·n tht·y
John Hays at Lions Club Meeting
fvr rhc 1 97~·75 ~chool·~·e;ir "•ill
br· \luy II and !l at al! O<.~an
\'1 t•w :-l'l}OOI~
l•:ntL·ring kuvh·t'!FI rTt•f'1·r: I Give mom a
family ring.
(:'\' ,\1)1)(110~ 10 ll1l'<11Clll
probll·ms. he s:iid oeu·
pw1cture is useful ro rid thl'
1>atiC'nl of smokin~. drinkin~
or narcotic habit :::.
In this treatment. he ~aid.
net'dlcs about one qu;1rtr>r
of an inch lon p: ar1· !r.o;f'rtr:J
into the skin behind the •·:ir
and left in place . The pa11e111
then periodically n1r.inipul <1rv ..
!he necdlt·s. :ind 1111., 111 so111e
\\'HY rt'CIUCl'S tht• nei;-d to full~
1111 a habit
Treatmpnts ;1t !he l·hnics. hi·
~l11<I. ro~t ~:)() for an in11ial
1 isi! \l'hieh 1ni:ludes a phys1t.1l
('1t:an11n:i!ion. t<illin_g flf the
pa11cn!'~ n1ctlie;1I hi~1nry arid
the t1r::-1 rr e a1 n11·n t
~la1t)' Do11at e ~lo11 e)··
Root for Bcate11 BoY
()\Kl~·\\!) ( L'Pl l -Con\'IC I
\l;1n11l"I Yri gucz 11rote tlu~
l"Hcr: ... .1t'~ hard. !'\1·n f"r
\h hl'fl'. 10 11nrlrr<:.ta11d :.111
1n11(W<:n1 rhild \\'t• pr.1y fnr
T li 1~ i~ ont• ot !hi· l h•J11s:-111i!<:
1•f l~·llt'I" II ri!1 1•11 to tht·
p:i r1·nts (I f Ho~·rt ll<1 n<;1111 . 10.
11hfl•4' :.kul! \v:ts crushrd b1 ;111
;i tr:1clif•r :1<: )1(' deliv;·rrd
nt•\1spapC'rs \larch 3.
[)oc:tors at the Childr1·n s
llO"\pit.11 \l('dic;il Ct'nler har!
little hope Rolx-rt w o u 1 d
~ur,·i\·(' the as~aul!. Bu t
suJ'\·1 \'l' he did and today he is
ho1nt'. lie "·cars a ht•lmct to
protect bis head . hr still docs
not t<llk but he re~ponds to
certain stimuli.
r:rt-11e1\ carets and lelll'rs
h:ive poured into llobt'.'rt ·s
home .\1an1' 1'(')n!:i1n n1onr,·
co111r11>1111onS to help dclra~
!ht• rn:in1moth rnt'll lc;ol ro~1s
of !he ooy·s hosp1tahzat1on.
To dale the farnily h;i~
fl'Cl'IV('(! 587.935.
StlldC'n ts fmm ;1 Stln ,\lnt{'O
h1t:h school h111·c dnn ;11t-d
' ~1.f.00 rat,t'<l 1t1 :1 p1:n: pi>n~[
l't:111•r' fur :~1· (\1 1i~.1n1J \'.-.
!J.i kland R;li<l "r·., (inld"ll :'i1,1•1·
l'.,"'tf'l'iorc ."'tnd !h€· l':di fon11;1
\,q\d1·n s ... i1~ 11;11· .. , 111 ":1 1
\;·a"t s1 .1J()(J plu" 11111 n.111 1 ... ,~:-I
full of rnnnc\' ...
\ ll'tlt•r ifr.illl ,1 n;in\'i!lt•
re~1d•·n! cOJl!;JJn•·d ~:,fl and 1
~.11d · "I ~O<: n nl'11 ,;i;1~·r b·-1:1
rn~st•lf oncf', Bnh<·rt . /'nll
really rooting for \'OU ..
\1nf'tv Cal ifornia hi;:h"<i'
pa1 rolmf'n S<-nt ~Ill ;1 11h 1h1s 1 llOte: "\\'c'rc pulling for you.
1 Hol>C'r\ ··
.\lr". ll:in<;Ofl ~1id her ~n 1•
s!e!1d1l y in1pro' 111.:l ;uKl ~h"
ft·C"ts he 11111 f't·nt 11nl.1
rl'('()\'t'r ful l.\
Pohcf' ~aid th('v 11.1\ ,, n 1
{'IU~·'i 1n tht·1r <1t1 r tnp'!) ro
c:1ptu rr the <1ss;iil:!nl
The ll.1nson lun1ih 1:01 ;1
11~~cholou1 ral hw,r 1,,,1 11 1'•'k
11 h•·'l Bvli.:rt ,;i.,1 h 1 •
cb.1:..~ni<1l!'S at C \ e ' f' 1 :l n d
S{'llool. \!rs. !l:.in~'ln tonk h.,1·
Mn fi::r a shorl \1.'.ll\.: .111ri
f!obei t brgan pullu11! ht r
lfl\\'<Lrd !ht' srhool. !
' I
S a.M£lJ ., . +,o m Ari;ent•n•
c..;imel leather cr1\S·Cros.,,s1t.Jp\
;i top .i ~and suede wedge
g go
1nuq h;11 e bc·en horn r•n o.
bcf,Jrt Di:•c . 2. 1969. n1aking
1h::-n1 at lt•;1:;1 four )l"<1rs. nine
rnr.iriths by Sep!. t.
Tl1r nur'll>t'r i.1 lt{';ll11li·!lt.~
\'ara·~. li<iy~ :-;11d. Uc111.·11di11~
1111 thr 1nd1111!111d :111<1 tl1t·
nalurc of !he d1.-.l.';;.'>l', :inti n1.1y
r;u1gt· up to lon.1
,\1 !)S! of the C'IJIH('~· p.1!11•111.~
arc rt•f•'rft·il h\ ut h1•J' dot \Qf~.
11,J\ ~ l'll!l{l'TUJt•d
P:ircnts should bring a hirrh
rertil1cate and ht·alth reeordsd··1
inelud1ng proof thnt the thi!
hJ<: lx·cn irnmun11t-d :1gni11~\)
rnrr.islcs. p.11io and OP'T "'1tlun 1
the l;ist thrl'c yt>,1 rs.
0h<l11r~ ;11 !l !11
noon :ind I tv :1 huth d;n ~
Curl or
color special.
The way you get
your head
is your choice
at 14.88
Two grea! ways lo chanrie yol1r
:,tyl~ for The to tally toye!h('r
1ook H<;<lenP. Curl is 'U ni Perm "
r..1 irls gently tor a sott nahira!
style Price includes sh.:impoo.
cut and style set.
Our fros11ng or hair pa1nt1f\g
adds some great r11ghhghls.
Sh;impoo and sty!~ scr
1ncl ucl ed
JC Penney l lJ-A
!t aut)' Salon
No appointment n1ce111ry. Chargt u.
Sotry, bt•utv solOns or1 c.loMd Sums.y
Shop Sundoy Noon to S p.m. ot the following \tore\:
f <1.'_.HtON ISi A '~;J N• .... p.-_,, A.--,,..n Ii' J .11 644 23 1 l
HUNTINGTON CCNT f.R Ho1"""f11n" a...,~i. f/141"Q?1711
For sentimental
Four storte ta rnoty
ring set 1n lllK ']Jl•J
Av;11lablr> Y111+i ' • , '•
•Tones ·
~;Ii;_,, l';i-I p '
Family 11ng 1n l{JK
golCI W•lh thr{'~ !>1ones
Av111lab1e w1tt1 1 t'J 7
S!Onl'S .
f;imdy ror 'J 1n I ()~
QO!i:1 W•!h thrr•r' ~l()•ll'~
I• ~llil:tble w1111 2 !o ;
Four s1 one cocll·
fail 11n q s"' 1n 14K
t'\l'J!d .Av,1+l11ble wrlh
:-> 10 11 ~t0nes:
63 .00
t.r "'l""CI iOK
<; "'1 L1nl·'y r nq w \~
, ·-,.,, Avad;tbl,.
\'> ''1 1 . '510""~.
S • sione d ouble·
r>)w !;111111.y 11ng .!tel
.n.1.a< 901d Ava 1labfe
with 5 to 12 stone~.•
Shop Sundoy Noof'I to S p.m. 01 1ho lollowing •IOtOl.
f ,\ HIQN !\\/•ND N"""C'"''' fl.<., -~ "': 'I
•iu·H N,..Jf,JN CE Nlfll H n~. 1' , ~. , : ~. l'I
Ji: •
Wo ---•
Of .. O.ltr ,llM 11'"
Ifs a simple qutstlon with a not-~
simple ansv;tr .
Should the League of \\'omen Voters
break its tradition and allow men full
f.1embers along the Orange Coa~l are
split on the issue. Some are very
definitely opposed to the idea ; otherii: are ·
just as de(inirely in favor of It. Still
01hers are caught in the middle.
After considering both sides of the
question. Judith Swayne. president of the
Orange Coast Jeawue , has decided it is
"really a dilemma."
"!l's not an easy question to answer."
agreed Ruth Finley, Huntington Beach
league president.
Although much of the league's recent
action has been focuscO on gelling
signatures on a can1paign finance
pelilion and some members ( a s
individuals since~ lhc organtz.aHon is a
nonpartisan, issue-oriented Me 1 have
been invo/\'ed in local campaigns, 1he
question iS slill considered a fu'l,
fascinating one to discuss.
It is. said one member. "purely an
intellectual ex:ercise" '.''hfch has resulted
in a '·good humored divislOn of opinion ."
The question revolves aro1.i.nd the fact
that men now arc allowed to join only ns
associate members.
They pay thcir dues and participate in
the unit discussion meetings but are not
allowed to vote . League positions on city.
COWlty. state and national levels arc
decided by consensus o( these un it
National by-laws for the organization,
begun by suffragettes with the intent of
assisting women in their new dealings in
the male world of polltlcll a n d
government sOoo alter they won the rii:ht
fo vote, limit voting membership to
"women citliens" over the age Of 18.
P~s lo extend the vote to mtn ' have repeatedly popped up the last few
yea rs. So far, the idea has bten rejected.
II will come up again, however, when
league representatives meet in a naUonal
convention in San Francisco next month.
A recommended amendment to the
cont."titutior) states that .. voting members
sha ll be citizens at least 18 years of age
or older.··
The .lluntington Beach league is one of
32 in the-country \lo'hich has requested the
amendment. Their request was decided
by a "close vote," according to the
A straw vote indicated members of the
Orange Coast League are split down !he
middle. The question was also raised at a
county coovention but consideration of It
was voled down.
Although opinion is divided among
league members. Pols. Swayne said she
"''outdn't be surprised if the amendmenl
passes at the convention.
She wonders if the league, which has
developed "Political clout" as a women's
organiz.alion, will change If men become
members: But with so many "''omen
going back to . school and work. she
added. "the league may have to change
And, as long·time backers of the equal
rights amendment, she thinks the league
~·ill accept men in the long run "becaUlle
it's something we have not been able to
But, considering lhe arguments which
have persisted against equal rights. she
also questions if women are ready to
hJve men as members.
What Voice Do en •
Have • Ill
Commenting that she could •·just bear
the squelch" ol league members reacting
to her statements. ?.ls. Finley said, ··1
don't know if we're ready yet ... I'm
not S1Jre if JA'C would be the same
organization if JA'e had men.
"It might change our tt\rust and
The league. she believes has become
much more effective ... "much wiser,
1nuch braver, much more re·ady to stand
up and take actioo" ... in the last 10
But women have a tendency to listen
and follow men "and I don't knO\¥ that
v.·e tw.ve outgrown thia tendency," she
Connie Johnson . ...,,ho voiced the
recommendation for c h a n g e to the
Huntington Beach league, be I i eves
member• could ·handle this situation.
Although she rerognlzcs the need for
an all·'.''Omen'1 group which e1istcd \lo'hcn
the league was established, me feels
this iJ no Jonger needed.
"League w<1men must put up or shut
up," she said. "Either '.''e're teaming to
participate in the palitlcal process or
we're not."
Explaining that she o p p o s e s
segregatloo .. in any way. shape and
form," she believes the current rule is
"drawing a llne which has no logical
And with the league's position on equal
rights, she believes accepting men's dues
and l'lot aUowln( them to vote Is
"hypocritical '' and "not terribly logical."
•·f don't see the study of wovernment
as a niutttr 10 be defin<.'CI by sex," she
said .
Although the)' take a stnnd oo various
Issues for the commwi lty. ahe said, "We
should speak up to the fact JA'e are only
speaking for haU the community.·•
A change in the by-laws ~·ould 00 n
"psychological defeat'" for Jeanette
Turk, president of the Orange County
League of Women Voters .
not by sex bul by lheir capab\lltlH and
\\'hen that happens. she said she would
bt "very. \'ery glad·· to ha\'e men as
voting members. Until !hen. she said
men should pro\'e their interest by
baking cookies. stuffing envelopes and
doing all the olher things "'·omen have
)ccn doing for men's organizations.
• i\1AN·s VIEW
The question seems to concern the one
male member in the league less than the
Probably the mOGt vocal county Norin · \\'hippie ' said he joioed the
member oppos{'(f to giving men !he vole Huntington Beach league, to which trill
in the league. she admits thllt men Y.ife also belongs , because '·they're
probably wouldn't join anyway becau11e really performing a service for me and
1he way to involvement in politics has so I'll support them.
al...,·ays bt.-cn open to th em. "f realize it's the League of Women
i.~len arc not Jacking In opportunities Voters but they offer bipartlssn, bisexual
and they are not discriminated against,·· solutions to problems and maybe, lnstead
she said. of being the Leab'UC of Women Voters.
"\\'on1en need the opportWlity of they should be a Leai;ue of Voters.
having a place where they can see ''However, I don't really feel men
the~selves in a leadership role." voters are that dedicated or as dedi~ted
as women voters," he said. One of the most important functions of the league, she believes. js showing ... Although anyone JA'ho j~ins probably
women "that they 're capable of far n1ore , should be a~le to, he said he doesn't have the de:ure to vote. lhan they realize."
.. , hope very much we come to a time
in our society, and I hope it is in my
llfetlrne, "''hen people's goals are judged
He simply believes, ''if you believe 1n
ll<lmething, you should 511pport il"
The league, be saui, is "great."
Transplant Flourishes • Ill Laguna
Story and Photos by JO OLSON
01 "'' ~11, rutt 111tt
Southern Californians tend to take their
gardens for granted. \\1ith lhe warm
climate and Jack of snow. they arc
beautiful and productive ycar·round.
But to a transplanted St. Louis resident
like llortense Miller, a sunny garden is a
dream come true. When she moved to
Laguna Beach nearly 20 years ago. her
interest in medleval history and art
'.''antd in favor of ber garden. "''hich
grew 1nore and more lmpartant until it
bloomL'<I in full flower on a 2\: acre
hillside sile overlooking the coast.
She now has one of the most
outslanding private gardens Jn Sou!hem
C~lifomia and an extensive collection of
plants nati\'l' to this state.
Her garden has grown .so large. in facl.
that she has to hin: a gardener l'.''O
days a y,·eek lo help "''ith ils mainte-
P.frs. ~tiller has planted more I han 600
plants in her path-lined sanctuary and
she knows the name of each one and
where it came front. Sorne have been
gro...,·n from seeds and some have been
gifts from friends.
She obtains specimens fron1 nurseries
and seed companies all over the United
States and Crequents Southern Cali(onlia
nurseries looking for new plants.
"Trying to raise native plants is very
difficult,., llfrs. P.1111er said during a
leisurely JA'a\k along the JA'inding paths of
the garden: "from a thousand seeds you
get one plant. But that's naiure's 11.·ay ...
To protect yoWlg plants she n1akl'S
<:ages of chicken wire "'hieh are nailed 10
the ground \\'ilh bent coot hangers.
/\lrs. Miller's property backs up 10 land
of Irvine Co. which shelters deer. rac-
coons and other animals. During the
l'arly evening hours the more bra\'e
of these animals come to the garden
to cat.
To leam about the plants she cares for
-~nd to discover new ones to add. ~!rs.
Tl-1i11er does a great deal of reading. The
plant names tuntble off her lips like
poetry -lupine, shooting star. top of !he
"·or!d, sca rlet bugler. seaside da isy,
gooseberry, cushion bush and puya.
Some of 1he plants are very unusual.
such as the ~texican tree daisy "'hich
blooms at Thanksgiving and has flo\\'ers
that smell like cookies. and the puya
from Chile "'hich Is producing its green
flowers for the first time in 12 yea r.!I.
Some of the day lilies Jl.Irs. /\liller has
had since she was 15.
Though she has a gardener for 16 hours
a "'~k. there is slill plenty of '.''Ork for
'.\lrll. 1\Uller to do. though she is not
enslaved to her plants. She also spends
n1any happy hours "'a\king the paths and
silting on the lucked·a"'ay benches just
enjoying nature's finery .
And she still finds ti1ne for arl
projects, with which she adorns her open,
contemporary home.
hfrll. h-llller. a youthful "'idow "''ho says
she is a "rabid feminist." plans to give
her gardens to the public some day.
though she has not dcckled quite how as
From her kindergnrten fascination
...,·i th dandelion.!, she has come a long
"'ay to a breath-taking garden that was
ne\·er planned to be as big as it is.
But her work has not been in vain. for
it vdll be a source of pleasure to other
gardeners for many years to come. And.
it may e\'en inspire a few city folk to
plnnt a seed.
Currying Child's Favor Not to Mother's Taste
DEA.Ji ANN LANDl.1\S: ity husband''
unmarried aunt \isit.s a\ least t'.''O
afternoons a "'!tk. She is extn?mcly fond
of our flvt-year..old son .
Her falher left her a sizeable inheri·
tance and she 'has said several times (In
tht boy's Presence} lhat she is going to
leave everything to hlm. 1 don't like this
tort ol talk and I wish she'd stop It.
Recently Aunt Nellie has been maklng
trou ble for me when I tr;· to distlplint
the boy. She wys. "lsn'1 P.fommy an old
meanie to make you do this or that ... "
Yesterday "·hen he intentlonally 5plllcd
1 glass of milk on the noor !O he
wouldn 't lm\'C to drink It. I made him
clean It up. A11nt Nellie sttid, "\Ve'll get
even wllh mean i\fornma for that."
1 :tm not mean, but I do believe In
discipline. "'hen 1 mtntloned uua to my
husband. he said I '.''BS exaggeratJng. 01
course. he's ool present when she does
her dirty v.·ork so ht? hRs no way of
knou•lng what goes on. Please. teH 1ne
"·hat to do. -01smF.SSEO IS OA\'EN·
DEAR D.: Tell Aunt Nellie that tf she
~·ants 10 visit In your bomt, sbe rn~l
remain siltnt "'·hen you discipline )'our
be~'. Lei her kno"· )'OU ftel \hAt htr
remarks •rt undermining you. The
•'Omaa ls 11t.tmpt111i to c111Ty 1be cblld '1
fa\'Or at )OUr txpen5e and you shouldn 't
tl!OW' ft.
DEAit ANN l.ANDERS: Our moth~r
'.''BS operated on for kidney stones. The
surgeon did a l~1sy job and mother
de\'tloJX.'(I an lnf~ioo. Ten da)<& later
she h.id lo be operated on B?ln. Afttr
tht second operation she 1.ra' in a oorna
for Lhree days. Yle ahn~t Jost litr.
~ly brochtrs \\'8.nl to roe lhe surgeon .
llow do v.•e &O about it? -"IAD JN
DEAR HART: Your assumpUon !hill
lhe second operaUon was due to .,, ... ,, )'OU
call 1 "lousy" job may not be corre<-1. If
yon "·nnl 10 1111e the surgeon. ho'fit\'tr.
ronUrd your CGunty ~1edlc:tl Society.
ThtN orca.nlt111ons bl\·r top.notch
physlcl•• trrho str,·e 11 an lnvesllgative
jury. 11 one of their collcap:ucs i!I a:ullty
of negligence or malpraclicf', tbt)' blo"'
the v.'hlslle on II.Im. Jneompelcnt pb)'!!I•
clan' reOett poorty on the entlrt pro-
fe•slon and tbe 1ood doctors ~'M\ \o get
rkl of them.
DEAR ANN !.ANDERS : Roe<ntly I
had occasion 10 so Into my husband 's
y,·allct to gel money for lllC' paper boy.
I le 1\'as asleep on the couch at lhe Ume.
and I "asn't Intending to snoop or do any
in\'esfi£aling whate\·er.
A piece of paper fcll out with tbe dollar
bills and I cooldn't hc(p but notice a
girl's nan1e and telephone namber.
~et'Cilt?~!i ln ~v I am very upset.
\\'(' arr.n 'I teenagers,' Ano-we are
mlddle-agL'CI. people. Our Ht>; llfe Is fairly
good: in fact, 1 don't see c'O'W be could
po1.1lbly handle any more.
I am at a loss 11 to how to deal with
ft\Y rcctnl discovery. He Is very hot·
tempert'd al'ld I don'l "·Ant· to bring up
lhe subject ~use I know he \vlll blo1A1
his stack.
Sholl l call lhc girl on the phone,
identify myself and ask her v.·hat is going
on? Sometimes these young girls doni
know tht man hall a wife, and such a call
could bo vel'}' useful. I '.'·ill do as }'OU
l>EAR WIFE: TbJ~ may """ be a corupletel)' Jnnoctnt sltuat!On and' uadl
you have evidence to the contrary. don'1
make any phone calls. ll'1 al"'l)'s "'1st to
assume the. besl inttead ol the "·ont.
11 alL'OboUstn ruining your life? 'Know
the danger s:ignala and "'hat 10 do. Rtad
the booltlet. "Alcohollsnl-llopc and
Help," by Ann Landerl. £nclose 35 cents
in coin wl1h your request and A long, I
s1a1nped . selt·addressed envelope to Ann 1 LAnder1. P. 0 . Box 3346, 222 W. Bank
Dr., Chicago. lll. 606M.
lo ..
d •• ••
or sh
At Your
Cot a problem' Thtn write Pat Dunft. Pat win cut rrd
tape, Ott the anJiffrs and tieUon "°" riced to 1olve inequitir1 -n got11rnment alld bUrines1. Alail waur
qucstiont to Pat Dunn/At Yovr Servfct, Orange Coast
Dailu Pilot, P.O. Boz J560, Co.1ta 1itt1a, Ca. 97626. ln-
dMde your tcleplto~e number. The colum" appearJ O't<
Sunda~•. \.Vednesdfi11s aud Fridaut.
You'll Get a Kef1md
DEAR PAT: About a year ago I ordered a fishing rod from f'innysportl!I
in Toledo, Ohio. ~·o moolb8 later I got "·ord that the rod, a Sou.th Bend H.a1n-
bow Steelhead Tamer, ~·as not in stock. I uked for a full refund of $15.49 If
the rod was not avallable, btit all I got after asking again for a rerund ~·as a
S2.18 credit slip. I have \ITitten since, but oothlng has been done.
\\-'.P., \\'n:tmlnstt.r
Flnnysporta Ii sending your rthutd. A company representaUve says It no
longer carries South llend rod1 , and that the del1y la answertu1 your letters
re11ulted from poor .handllnc of customer oompLalnts, which 11 now be.lag
Hone11 a Vlllla11, Too
DEAR PAT: ~1y inquiry is not coocemed with a businHI or government
matler. but I've wondered. about it for a long time. ls honey c:onsJdertd the
villa1n in tooth decay that refined white sugar is?
.. D'.T., Costa P.fe5a
"Absolaltly yes," according to Dr. Hal Slavttn, professor of blocbemlstry
at the University of Southern Callfoml11 '1 School of Dentistry. "Botb CID be-
come food for bacteria. causing demlne1'1.lliation of the t.eetlll and eventual
decay." Dr. Sl1vkln says, adding that teeth don 't know Ute difference be™·een
sugar iind honey and mcUeulous oral hygiene Is ne«1sary wben either k
Da11gero11s Lamp•
DEAR PAT: I heard that some of the rainbow lamps on sale from mail-
order firms have been declared. dangerous due to the possibility of elcel rical
shock. \Vho sells these lamps and are they available at any retail outlets?
G.8., Irvine
The Consumer Product Safety C:ommisslon israed warnings Marth 1 about
"!\tiny Shadowy Stand" or "Rainbow" lampa sokl by Grttnland Studtos and
Spencer Gifts. New warnings Include sale or these lamps by stores and .mail
orders from Nancy Sales Co., Charleston, f\fass. All of lbtse lamps, sold for
1boat $%, contain defects that could realt in fatal electflC shock. Connmers
are advised lo use extreme care tn dllCflnnecting the lamp plac from electrical
ouOets, avoiding contact "ith any metal object. For a full refund, including
postage, return lamps to Nancy Sales Co., %'7 ~ledlont St., Cbarle1toa, !\fa1s.
1!1!9 •• ~or 1Jtform1tioa 1bout 1tote1 that have sold the l1mf11, t:•U CPSc: lrtc
of cbar1e: ~!SK.
Sorr11, /llo11e11 Lo11
DEAR PAT: \\'hlle Uvtng in Chice.go la1t ye1.r, I pald a ~ re1\11ration
fee to Amtrlcan ReDtils af~ prolnlsed tlley could find ln< housing
"'llhin 114'0 WMkl lJl the Sl2:0 to $150 1 month range 1n the Skokie area. 1 kept
caUins and received rtferh'll ln I.be ~ to $300 ranee. even tb>ugh their
nevi'spaptt advut1.Jcm.ents listed apartmenls In the SlSS range ln that area. I
never could locate the addrw of this apartment finders service, and l 'd llkt
IO know if thert'S any WI)' of &ettin&: my moot)' back.
D.L., Coa:t1~teu
Americla Relllls •ppart•tly aevtr 1ave Its addrtu to ID)'Ont, 1ccordlns
to an t.ffldll of the Ftderil Trtde Commklloo. The ftrm 11 no loaaer optrlt~
Ing. ud Iii Pflaclp1I officers c1n'I be locatld. The Better Bu1lle11 BurNu
reports &bat letltrl to American RentalJ rt.main unanswered and are retumtd
"'Ith no forwardill3 address. n"C and BBB apokesmtn 11y tbla 5s an old
S<'beme Chat lllo•'• up especlall)' -..·btn rental 1pace becomes 1carrt In 1 metro-
politan area. la many ca.sn:. referral1 fOme oot from current but from old
ne~'lpaptr ads. Tbey say there 11 no •'•Y to get money back for yo u 11nd
othC'.rs. No action "·as taken by feder•I, !!i~te or C'Ounty prosecutort "'hllr tbr
firm "·as operating:.
J'ood a11d the"""'
Df:All PAT: I "·ould like to know v.·hat the la·w 1s concerning the handhng
o[ food and money by !he sami person. J have turned ay,·ay in revulsion and
left \vithout buying anything on tv.·o occasions at a restaurant in Costa r.tesa ,
~1rter "''atching the clerks accept money, make change, and then dip their
hands into cheese and lettuce to £ix dishes. I'd a\90 like to know what the
requirements are regarding hair nets for penons handling and serving food.
I am su re there are Ja14·5 concerning these things, but "'·hy aren't they en·
forced~ ~
J. V., Ol&ta ~1t1a
Handling money and then preparin& food 'lrlthout wasblag tbe bands Is
agalnst the la"" according to tbe Orange County lleallh Department. Hair
must be confined at all times. altbeuj:lb net~ are no longer required. Bolb
men and •·omen ll'llh »ong hair are allowed to pull the balr back and seeure
it. Telephone 77g..sss1, or "Tile to the county health department's Envlninmenlal
flealth Dtvlslo n, 1011 S. Ea1t St.. Anaheim, to reqatst an lnve1tigatlon uf the
rMtauranl "'btre you ha,1c obser,·ed unsanitary practices.
S1arch1g a Pre·•rliool
Dl::AR PAT: :\ly father and I arc considering the possibility of ::.tarung
a prc·school in Orange or Los Angeles County. \\'here could 1\·e '.''rite !or ln·
forma lion concerning 1rhat the l;i"' requires?
L.11., llunllni:ton Beach
A slate liccn~e is required for group bab}'Sillers. or <£ny person carini:;
for unttlatcd children in hom es. especlaUy for substantial periods or timr.
acconllng to tbe Oran.-e County Welfare Department. Since your plan5 111-
''0l\'e a ptto-5chool, or group teaching of a number of unttlaled children. this
proj1;:ct would fall under the jurisdltck!n or the Cnllfomla Welfare ond Institu-
tion 'Code. Your proposed !lchool and its subject matter could bt: f'\'oluuted
most effectively by specialiied Instructor s at the California Social \\'elfnre
Department's bl-monlbly orientation meetings. Telephone Da\id felnbf'r~.
lleenslni representati\'f', at 547·St91 to discu» your plans and arran ge for
Carpet Co111pl11l1111
DEAi~ PAT I rt"1n1•mber that you '\'e publi shed 1nformat1on 1n )O ur l'OI·
umn about organl}:<jt1ons In the moving, furnuure and applinnc:c lnduitr1e.s
11·ht'rc one c:in write for help m rl•11chln~solutlons to problen\s \\'1th particular
firnls or ntonufncturl'rs in U~sc busu1c$Ses. ls tlw re any sueh "lk!lp source''
tor persons having trouble with carpeting-?
W.D .. Daaa P&h1t
Yu. It's the Carpe.t and Rua lndustry Consumer Action P~arl, P .O. llo1:
15'1, Dalton, c •. lO'itO. Contact CRICAP If IM M.11ltr and manufacturer ~on'(
cooptrate ln tohinc your problem. ah·ln1 full details 11nd your phone nun1ber.
The panel "UI rtt0mmend appropriate action io the company in1•olvfd. II
clahzu 1ood rtsults.
Tired of Tn·ee:1•r•
DEAR PAT: I ov.·11 a l\liH Dun1ont color lt>lev1s1011 lit!, ond 11he11 I n101rtl ,
the nW\'ers »ost thl> turn-on knob. S1nc1~ Du1l'lont's 1nunufru:1ur(•r. Emerson ,
1s out of business, I l':111't find any dc;al{'r 11·hQ st'll~ Ouinont 1;1;irt ~. 1'1e btt'TI
using tY•eezcrs to turn on lhl' St.'l fur 111on!h~ ,u1d 1'l',1!ly \\Ou!d :ipprt'CJate
help loc<1t1ng <inolhcr knob, ·
K.C .. r-;t'\\pQrl lkurh
C-Ontact Affili11ttd T\' Ser~·il'f', !~O: t .. Sluu~on, l'ico lti\'t'rll. l'.a. 90660.
illcludlna: ~·our sel's n1odel numlltr. II ll l;nuh is not in ~tocJ., one Yi ill bt
ordered for you, v.·llh 1hc llelher~· lwini: h:indl1·d by mail.
tt"rlle 10 A<'li1>11
DEAR PAT: :itv hu sband und I ;ire ret1rl'<l .ind Jind ourscl\'CS 11·1 th a
lo! of time lo spare: Sool(' 1in1e ago 11·e heard about the f'ostcr l~randparents
organization and v.·r 'd both hkr to hnd ou! 11•hrrc 11 C:J n be cont.acted . l'\'f'
look.eel in the phone book , but there 's no such listing.
''.R., Fountain Vallt'y
Last year Congre~ pa5Sf'd a hill form ally <'on1o<1liduting lhe federal govern·
menl '& n1ajor \'oluntttr ser\'ltt program!l under tbt-Action 1g~ncy. rosier
G'raodpa"°nts Is one 1>f l~se progriun5. Olber.J administered by Artlon In·
chide ·Vista, the Pc1tcc Corps 1tnd I.be Str,lce C'.orps of Rtlired Exttull\·t-s.
\\'rite to Atllon. 133J \\'est\\ood 81\·d., Los An grles, lor lnformatlon about
Foiitt'r Grundparcn1s.
(,'u111 e 1·0 ,,art~ "'1111ted
Dl·:AH t>1\T: I hr11·c just inherited a 35 n1n1 hJ lf-fnuni! ca111cr<1 lhat was
rnade by t:ni\'ersal Caml'ra Corµ. of t\1•\1' York. t\., .. It 1s called t:nh't>x
~!rrcur1·. I undrrst;ind this lirin 1s no loni,:cr 111 business nnd rd like to kn-01\'
1f there 1s an cx1st1ng: l'Omp<ir1y fronl 11 htl'h I 1·a11 b11y parts and accessories
for this camera
J .. \ .. Hun tington tkat·h
Cnil·ersal Camera Cor poralion i,itnl out of busint'ss during 'l\'orld "'ar 11.
:ind Che only knov.n firm still offering r1•pairs :ind parls is lnlernallon;,I
C;in1er:i Corporation. S5! \\'. Adan11 SL, f'h\1·11go, 111 . 60601.
tt11ilr. for 1111'11111•
DEAR PAT: I do a lot of se111ng and ha\'e man~· good-sized remn:ints of
fabrics suitable for rnaking doll clot hes, quilts, etc. Can you tell me if there
1s any organization or person in this :ircil who \l'OU!d hkc to have these fabrics?
O.T .. lr,·ine
The \'oluntary Action (('ntt-r In Costa ~tMa Is making the-contact for
you and you "111 be be:iring from a group of v.·on1Pn ~ho can put this mnterl:il
to good use by 111aking Infant clothing and qullts to donate to nttdy ramUles.
Gib1·alta1· Likes Fire y·ears ,-ifLer .S11ain
Isolated It , the 'Rock'
ls11 'L R eady t.o Give In
t:-· --
Being B1·itisl1
c;IRRALTA.Jl i A I'~ Spanish chief of st.itr. al!rt::"~
Arme<l with binoculars and that a series of ,·i-0lat1ons of
~01nctimes wa!kle talk ies . a thC' treaty by tlrita 1n o\'er the
tine of Gibraltarians ~athcrs ,·cars in\' al 1 d :it c lhc
at the rusty green gale to :11:?recn1tnt. Tht> Fr :i n c n
Sp:un on Sunday aftcmoon. gov c r n me n l ..;a ys that
Tht>v "·a,·e to relati\·cs i::rographicall.1·. politically and
s1an1ling brhlnd a Spanish legally Gibraltar belong~ to
barricade erectOO JOO yards Srmin.
from the border at La Linea. Britain says it will nr\'rr
"Listen. mothe~:· shours a ~urreoder the colony ng;i1nst
"·oman in Spanish. ··~Tite me the "·ishes or Gibralt.1rians. ln
and J'\1 see you here next a 1967 referendum. 1 4
"·eek ." <:ibraltarians voted yes for
A young, must ached Sp.1nish sovereignty ~, hi t"
Gibraltarian holds up the 12. l3ll said no . PoHlictan.~ say
ne.,.,·est born. ' ' fl ere' s the results would be the s..1n1e
l\.L1nolo." he ~·ells, straining to if anothe r election "·ere held
!war an ans v:er. today.
\'earlv ft\·e year'.'! aft('r the
the Hock 111:it'~ ...,h,.,n Sp:11n
began m:ikln.c: it diffif'ul1 fnr
Spanish 11·orkrr5 h n 1 d 1 n ~
1laytimt• job<> in f;i br:1 !1 ,1r lo
}.:t'1 !O v.ork
Fro1n that tune. thr Sp:in1~h
\ror\.. f•Jrce decreased un!il. 1n
1969 S['lain withdre\I' the \\Tirk
f)ern1its of 4.700 Spaniard<;. isg;s;s~ii,;'1., \fost v.·orked as don1esti<')o or I'
;il the British mi I i t a r y
installalif'Jn. Gibraltar'5 big
Spain closed the I an d
fton!ier at La Lineil to all
\'fhiclc traffic in 1966. ll
restricted civil air traffic in
1967. cloS('d fiibra11;1r to
!our i;;ts roming from Spain in
1968 and stopped fe!T.I' service
fronl Alecir:is. 111·0 1niles
Sp<inish. govl'rnmf'nt closed 1he ~PATS BEGAS p 1 a cing
border het\.\·een Spain and 1he restrictions on 1he ~ninsula
r.ibraJ!ar peninsula by lockinR brfnre the referendum. Some
the green gatt. "The Rl)C'k" (~ i bra I I ar ia n ~ dale the
seem.~ n1<lrC Bri!is h than the ··('ampaign'' from 1951. the
tlouse of Commons. \Car Queen F:liza bf'th 11 ;ind
:icro;;s !he bay. in the s.::i mc
i.('H":'ll ll"2end !'3\"3 C~ilir;,h:-r
~·1!1 r•·1n:i1n British a'.'> long ;1~
!ht• 1•0\ony's fnmous B;lrb<iry
apes arr around.
The apes no"'' numbtr
nea rly 50 :'Ind live about lv.o-
thirds of fhc v•:\v up !he Rock
They Sl't>m llkel.\· to be around
for quite some time. The Pedaling ls Good in .Europe
TOURS, France -Our Bik~ ?\Ian reports from
France: ''Pedaling in the flatlands is no problem,
even il you are no longer young and smoke ciga·
rettes. If you're going into high country. get the bike
geared low. That means 50 teeth on the la.rge chain
wheel (where the pedals are). The sm all chain wheel
should have 36 teeth.
"This is called an Alpine gear. An y good bike
shop can do it for yo u.
"The advantage of the bike: Scenery changes
quickly. History is scattered along your route and
you have time to see it. Plenty of good and inex·
pensive country inns and hotels. No gas to buy.
"For this kind ol life you have to be a bicycle
nut who likes to get where he's going under his own
steam . Being rich or poor has litUe to do with it.
It's a way of Hfe. If you like it , the best.
"You don't bike all over Europe. Boats and
trains' are set up to take you and your bike over the
long hauls. Then you bike tour onto your chosen
route -great scenic rides. \1 ou 'll see more cows
than cars. .
"Get the Carte Michelin maps -an absolute
must. They show grades and elevations. It's good to
kn ow when you start out in the morning how much
you ha,·e to pump. Th at you are going up 4,000 feet
in altitude in the next 12 miles.''
• • •
''We 1r1 thinking of touring France, st1ying
1w1y from big citi•s ind using countrj ~otels _ •• "
There's a splendid organization of country ho·
tels -I've stayed in se veral of them -called Relais
'de Campagne. You get their listings with pictures
from the French Govern1nent Tourist Office. 610
Fifth Av~., New York, N.Y. (!\take it attention
George }fern -I had problems with previous let·
The rules for a hotel to get into this group: It
has to be a country hotel. Quiet. Away lro1n towns.
Very high standards on rooms and food. They reaJly
are fine places -most or the1n are 20 rooms or
less. Catch 22? They are not bargain priced. They're
expensive. About the same as firsl-cla.ss ,1\rnerican
resort hotels. But get the book and see for you rself.
It's !ree.
Relais de Campage will advance book you into
the next place. An advantage -you can't just
wander a.round France in July and August and take
chances on the next hotel.
lhc Duke of Edinburgh visited ITS 19 ,!IO? pt>rm a n e nt, ______ _
rt'sidents -descendants of I
Italians as ...,·ell as British and 1
Spaniards -sound more !
dctcm1ined than r1·cr to stay
beneath the Briti sh unlbrella
rather than accept Spanish
•'\re can ho 1 d out
indefinite!\'." saYs Sir Joshua
lfassan . lhe chief ntinister
cleekd to run Gibraharian
affairs in the British crO\\'n
"'.\0body in Gibraltar 1rust3
the Spanish." says opposltlon
leader ?<.forris Xiberras. "As
long as Spain insists on
so,·ereignty, "'e can't e,·en
start talking."
The last attempt by 1he \\11'0
count ries to negotiate ended
unsuccessfully more than a
year ago.
Gibral!ar. captured h 1·
British and D.1tch forces in
17().1 during the \\'ar or !he
Spanish Suceession. was ceded
10 Britain_ by Spain in tht>
Treaiv of Utrecht In 1713. Gerl. francisco r r a n c o
Mesa Verde
Travel & Tour•
TRANSFERS . LONDON M•M V.,. C ....... • 270 I 5. Harbor l l•d .. s.tte F-S
SIGHTSEEING C.,..,. of ......... & Adorns. Cotti ~
FRoM Fash ion
1 B 6 DAILY PILOT Sunday Aprll 28, 1()74
Melina: 'I Do Love Americans'
~ll'IU\a ~teret'luri was 1n the had bt.'tn reduct'd to fne
----Jl<WS ~10.JasLweek, anriJ.be__ p&ll'aj.[41)1'5 oI w1r.ationaljsm
news \.l'U bad.
In the middl r bu AS !lit-: STORY b l' g fl n . e 0 3 sy t1ppe11nng1nne"'·spapl'r!t ~hoo_llng ~edule for 1 ~10 throughout the country, undt•~
n10vt('s being ma.de I n hcad1·-s 1·k • ... I 1· 11·1 Amcricu _ lhc big-bud •t 1,,._ 1 e "e 1na 1 s
film Parrunounl is rn:1klng G~t Out At U.~."' .~ "~ll•li1111
.Jacqueline Susrtnn's best-seller ~fates A1ner1ca .. her phones
"Once ls Nol Enough'' and a hc~an to ring .
lo\l•·budgct 1>0litical filnl her 1'irnc and :r\cwsweek \.\'Cr<'
husband Juli's Da~~in 1 s c11/Jing for QUOl e~.
11\Clking about the bloody P:lrttmount CXl'('Uti\I'~ \\L'l'l'
In the raw
Rex Reed
Sludcnt urrris1ng Ill Attwns
last Ko\'c1nber called "Tht>
Rchear:;:nl.. -i\lchna took
lune oul to l'ptuk lo a r1·porll'r
from !he A."50Ciatcd l'rt·.~s ••
She said a lot of f'1110tional
things durinA 1he 1nlcr\•icw
!>('cause cv•·l"}'lhing .\lclina
fi1crcouri docs is c1not1onal.
1!cmandinr, cxpl;:ina11on~ 1ro111
llolt_rwood. Tht•ft' 1v e-rt'
rt1n1ors that. sh1• m1gh1 h.·
fi red from "Or11·r I ~ X'ol
Enough.'' Then. 0 01• \.ly orH·.
~h4in;i's friend:; ~"ho :in·
lc')!ionJ b<>gan to t-ornt· 10 ht·r
Greek Activist Has
G•tliered T•lented Friend• to Tell Story of Suppre1sion
SllE TAl.l\~:ll <t ho 11 1 h••1·
career. hl'r n1arria;:r. uncl ho"'
it feels to hC' a homl'lrs" •''l:il1·
after seven r ca rs of
campaigning n_i::1in,;t 111 e
F'ascisi dit1ntorship that has
ovrrtaken her homeland in the
lorn1 of a military junta.
Thl'n all hell broke loose.
1'he article appea red 1,1·ith
f'\·crythini: she said edited out
l'-.:ecpt the \\'orri s "I h:i le
Americans. I hate An1cric:1.
:ind l'\'e become tot;illy anti·
American.'' One hour of
c.ircfu\Jy qualifiC'd discussion
.laC"QuCline Su~rinn :-.a11! '"\\"!;
didn'I hire ht'r fol' hl'r poh11cs.
\If' hire<i her b<'l·:u•~l' :-.he':-1
Ollt' of the grr:1trst ar trciises
1n \he world. She hales th~·
An1t·rlran rorci'.!n policy that
supporls the Cr"('\{ colonel«
and she hates the ,,n1cric11n
gO\'ernn1cnt offic1;i:s \1ho
turn their b.1cks on I h •'
11trocities hl"ing-rommittc<I in
(ir~r-c, :.ind she's absolutely
t ight.
''Hut she drit.·sn't h :i I c
A n1 er j ca n s. She hat('s
Amer ican stupidity. !\Io s I
Americans don '! even knov,•
An1·11u1t !\Ill.LEH s :J id
"Half the world is <Hl\1 ·
t\merican already, \\' h <1 I
diffrrence doe~; it n1nk(''.'"
i\lexis Sn11th. one of hl·r r<l·
s1 ars in "Once Is Not
Enough." s.:1 id "\\'c lol"e
~trlina and 1\·e're w11h hi-·r all
lht' "ay. \\'r\'(• all bcl'n
nlisquored hcfor·e an<! \\'e
un1lerstand "
David J<.1nsscn suggested ltw
\\'hole thin~ could be cle<lr('d
up if ~·lelina "'ould jus!
ACRO SS 69 Facl ion 150 Asiatic 38 Aer ilorm 107 Desire
71 Train gazelle matter Slrongly
1 Monopolize segmen! 151 Senori1y 41 Current 108 Scottish
7 Hubbub 72 Hya111e 152 Decimal 43 Packed In "eyes"
10 Health 76 Ag itation base oil 112 Require
re so rl 78 Verb Form 153 Redact 44 Looking 115 Slorehouse
13 Removes 79 Eternity 155 Slyly gt ass I 17 Minute
whiskers 81 Patio 158 Scottish 46 Lubricate particte
19 Satisfy 83 Animal alder 48 German 118 Bailing
20 Dichonary track 159 Symbol for pronoun 121 Plural
22 Police 84 Exlend lellurium 49 Trifle ending
24 Conjunc-86 Alaska 1€0 Corrode 5 1 Vichy 122 Knights
tion glacier 161 Broadway summer title
25 Moslem 88 Snama sn·s part 52 Dead heat 124 Seed
commander wife 162 In charge 54 Witnessed vessel
26 Hindu 89 Arliliclal abbr. 57 Juniperlike 125 Noan s
mantra la~uage 163 Distra1nt: shrub son
27 Misplaced 90 Likely English law 58 Filamenl 126 Young
28 Dueling 91 Beyond 165 Cyprinoid 60 Four: comb p1gs
sword 92 Remunerated fish form 127 Touching
29 Frencn 94 Spanish 166 Nose: slang 61 Verve line
article river 168 Scandinavian 63 Make lace 128 Helm
30 Japanese 96 Out ol bed language 64 Newt position
"'"b 97 Conlinenl· 170 White 65 Mexican 130 Disappoint
32 Victory abbr. weasets snawls 13 1 Succinct
exclamat!on 98 Highlander 172 <;ompacr 66 Snare 133 Fabulous
3<1 Ancienl 10 1 Malure 173 Conclude 67 Send forth bird
instrumeql 103 Okra soup 174 Prolessiona! 69 Moccasin 134 Celebes
35 Allow 105 Door charge 70 Pronoun cat lie
36 Appendage aperture 175 Merchant 73 New 135 Show
37 Circle 109 Owned Zealand lort dog
39 English 110 Some DOWN 74 Gymnast 136 Afncan
letter 111 Signaler 75 Zodiac sign antelopes
<10 Rough 113 Jacob's I 01 the heart 77 Overhead 138 Larder
lava brother 2 Ear: tomb train 140 N1ck;el
42 You: 114 Conducted form 78 Timepiece symbol
Italian 116 Frolic 3 Small inlet 80 Biting 141 CrcaJed
43 Venerable 118 Grassland 4 Hungarian 82 Japanese a
44 Change. 119 Locality hero mile phrase
music 120 Uproars 5 Moral duty 85 NOU!'I suff1J 144 Assail
45 Tropical 123 Soak 6 Harvested 87 Sco111sh 146 Su:lered
tree t24 Ory 7 Biller herb explorer 149 Strident
47 Couse 126 Arranged 8 Abases 91 Wan norse
50 Depend 129 Helmsman 9 Draft animal 93 Imply 152 Mexican
52 Bhutan's 13 1 Food lish 10 Reconnoiter 94 Carpets goPher
neighbor 132 Type o! 11 Carriage 95 Swiss 153 Gaelic
53 EsrabhSh-defense 12 Poker stake measu re 154 Spread
ments 137 Hauls 13 Odorous 96 Hawauari hay
55 Family 138 Tiny 14 Anliclpated inst rumen! 156 Bodil y
member opening 15 Egyptian 97 Thus symptom
56 Rugged 139 Giving of! herb 99 Dolt 157 Hindu
cresl ions 16 Compete 100 Trunk; mortal
58 Harangue 142 Nickel alloy 17 And : Latin 101 Gra11ng 160 Female
59 Pretend 143 Extraordinary 18 Changed vo ice '"' 61 Stamping person 19 Origin 102 Pr1nt1ng 164 Wire
form 144 Cudgel 21 Adversity fluid measure
62 Else 145 Chinese 23 Discoun1 103 Gallium 167 Oral
64 Italian pagoda 31 Formerty symbol pause
family 147 At home 33 Individual 104 Dollar btll 169 Provided
66 Poetic 148 Cribbage 36 Wind 106 Contemp! 11 1 Compass
adverb term instrument express1on point
tr I
I J • l ' ' ' ' " " II II " ll " " " h~%1 , ~
" " II 11 "
" " • 1'0 " • " " ' JJ ··' • JJ II
" • • " " .-~· •l " . ., II " • " '" i 11·
, -" " • fF1 • " ,,
•• " • " Q ll
' ;-· ·-"-. .. , , " • " " " •: " " /I
" ' " t. n ~ . ' " _q;-
. ·-~ " ~ " lllW • ,, •
" ·" " , .. • " " " "Jf!'. i "I . • " • 100 '" IW '" ·~ • .. ,. .. "' ·~ ,. ,. '" "'
'" '" 11";-llli "' Ill "' ·' '·· '" '" >n . 1:. !U .. 1:1 .. Iii '" 1j'1-'" m-· ilr
"' ,. '" •• '" '"
'" • '" '" '" ,. "' '"
"' .. .JJ :~ '" ,. '" ,.
,. IW " '" '" ,. Ill ,. '" '" "' .. "'
'" "' '"
SUIJ !'.l tllUlc IJ)(> \\'Ord
"llcpublicans" fnr the word
"An1ericans," then • • 8 5
percent Qf 1bc American
popult1tion l\'OUld stand up and
C'h«'<'r. ··
~lcnn1l'hi!r. the obj('('t of the
hullab..1100 11·as ln,.onsolable
\rith gri1·L It "'as raining blue
spw age outside. but in the
C'l 1nl't::rtcd \\'arehousc v.·hcre
!>he "'as rHming ' 'The
Hr hcarsal" on \Vest 19th SI.
near the lfudson River docks,
it \\'as raining in J\Iclina
.\lercouri's heart.
Tllj E1''TTIASCE lo !he
sound stage \1·hrre she sat
1rcepini::-11·.:is ,nrardf'd by an
rnorinous sign in English and
C:rt-ek: '"Quirt Plea se-If \\'c
\\'ant Thr Jun1.1 To F'all. 'Ve
Tilu . ..-f All \\'ork T11i;cthrr'."
.\!ikis TI1eodoraki.~. the (irerk
rompo~rr 1\·ho spent 1·cars
bcin~ tortured in a Grcrk
priscn for his Ocmncralic
a\tn{·ks on the junta nnd
o!n1ost died of tuflf'rculosis
there. v1:1s eonduC'ting a choir
in a son« of frccdo1n l\'hile
Lillian •rellm.1n rf'ad a letter
on camera 1\·riltC'n h\' a Greek
student The le:tcr "'' a s
l\'t itten durin g last
!\'01'embc-r's massacre i n
Athens. It 1\·as full of Mpc. but
it v.·as never rinishC'd and
nc\·er mailed. and its author
has never been heard fro111 or
seen since.
~1clina rrt)(ionl'd for n1e lo
be-quiet · as Lillian llethnan
read, her \'Oicr full o r
intr lligf'ncc n1,1d slr{'ngth: "I
nm 1\'ritin.I! from the onh· frrc
trrrilory in (;reece ... I hRYc
n<·1·rr !)f"c11 so h..1pp~' 1n 111v life
I ran hear you say 'Oh
those r.reck • e:-.:ai:~rr111ions'
but ~·rsterdj\Y the pcooplc kt•pt
r-oming, .'Ill !hrough !he night.
until dn1111 to thr <iChool . a
big delegation or ronstruc!lon
"'orkl'rs has just entt•red the
~hoo!. They're shouting 'Th<'
l)Cllfll(' arc united. Fascism
11·11! fall" . . rhcr<''s so n1ucl1
r1no1ion . so n1uch happiness.
soine ·of the kids are CIJ;ng
. poli1icians. p a i n t e r s .
11 riters and actors a re
carrying banner~ and singini:
nobody is afraid
a111·n101'{' "
~lelina said, "StudC'nt!il.
Y.'Orkcrs and 12 -~·ear · o Id
chi!drC'fl 1,1·erc mas:sacrt'd 1ha1
night b)' An1erican tanks. All
of lhe Grc~.-k so~di('rs 11ho
marched on the people "'Crl'
trained by Arncrican.'i. ThC'n•
arc American l\'arships in thr
port of Athens :ind An1eric,1 n
sailors in the streets "'ho
i;uppOrt !he dictalotship, anrJ
it has caused lln a n t 1 -
AmCl"ica nism in G rec c ,.
because they 11·ill nol go a\1·a~.
"So I have ~n forced ro
become anti·Amcrican. too.
but only in the Sl'nsc 1har I a1n
against the hypocrisy or th r
An1erican govcrnrrn•nl : not
the Amrrican pcop!t., The
proplC' and thrir pol'ern111C'nt
are ll\'O diffrr1·nt lhint:s :i nd
it's i111porlant to f.l islinguish
\.lc111't•cn the 1\l"(l,
"AFTEH Tiit·: 111?.~Hl''fl'
a11d blO<Y!~hed of ! h c
t\O\:Cmbcr 1!17.1 nu1rde1"~. it
n·ns rcvt'aled th;il e'l:o!csi··r
bullets were fired inio the
arms a11d IC'gs of inllOCf'nt
children . blowing their lin1bs
a"~Y· 'J'hooc were Ameritan
"AM yet !hi> PPntagon s11ys
nothing. Things were gcttin~
hetter Ulli'r PaJXldopoulos. l ie
promised free elcl'lions anrl
dissen1crs were allowed ro
speak out in the press \1<tho11t
fC'ar of imprisonn1en1 or
censorship. 1"~11 the ne\I
dictatorship Look Ol'cr.
"And yet lhc AmC'rican
people do not kno1'1 this. Jn
C'l'crything l say and do, 1 am
!ryin,:t to \l"akc up l h C'
Americans I love because mv
J1cart is breaking. ·
If "The Rehears.al" achieves
its desired cffeci, J\fclina
hopes the U.S. Govcmmcn!
,,·ill be forced hy an ani,!ry
outcry from An1erican cil.i·
zens to \\ithdra1\' mi!itarv ~UP·
port from the current dit'la·
"~fy greatest s.vmpath~, is
for the An1erican people
because thev are lhe most
brain·\\·ashC'd·. lhe nwst gui1t-
ridden pt'Oplr in the l'."OrlrL But
1hey arc also the best and
fairest Y.'hcn they knoy.• the
lruth. And that is why I would
ne\·er do anythin~ to hurt
thc1n . I could TIC\'f'r hall' the
people who have gil'en me so
much help and so much love ...
ll:otl•rt lledford -Mia Farrow
''THE STING .. lrGI ...
"l"ArlLLON " 1rGJ ••• "FIST FULL OF DTHAM"E" ll"GI
"SLEEP'Ell" (l"GJ
Plu)' $upporllft9 Ad
FRI .. MAY 17
I 1:30
/ickets: SS.SO. 7 .SO. 6.SO • .S.SO ~~ CQNVENTOQN 1"CENTER
NO ••"••"'"''''",~ ... ,'"• Co«•-••
Tickets on sate at: An1he1rft Conv. Cenler Box Otlioe
AU Tickel•on. Mutual, L1berty·W1tH1chs AQenciet.
Atso fl! U C B Orange Coonty
~".Id Mail Order1 to Convention Cenlet Box Office
800 W, Kaiona _. An1l'le1m. Cahl 92802
Pfease endo&e atamped, &elf-addressed Envelope
Modern Dancers
In CSF Concert
Six 1nodem dance ~·on.s.
including one by the chair of
tht danc~ fitculty. will be
pre$(.'flted In the spring dance
ooncert at Cal State F'ullcr1on
i-~riday and Saturday.
l''l\'t: of the y,•orks. l\.\'O by
Shirley Ririe. one by !'\ornUln
\\'slkcr. one by Lest& 11orton
::illd another by llnnya lfobn .
huvc been rl'ronstructcd for
the university production by
K. Wrlght OunkJey, dance
noUl\or and asJioC1atr
professor <>f dance at Cat
St11te. The: sixth ls a new OOt!
choreograiJicd by Dr. Frank
!latch, dance faculty chair .
L'nn·ers1t} of t:tah. has 11·on
n:ulonal and 1oc11 I fame as a
d:inttr. chorc0graphf.r ar)(l
1rachtr' Sho:o hns been ~·orking
wit h the 1X'rformcrs at Cat
Sr:11c during the ir current
\\' :.i I k e r , \\'hO bl'gan
chort'<ljJtaphing whlle in lht
Ar11i,v. toduy choreographs for
his o" n e<impan1· and for the
Jocff.-cv l)11nce Con1pany.
T ic kt·ts ror !ht
p...rform<Jn~s. which begin at
8 p,m. in the Little Theater .
11rr· now a\'nil:1hle at !he
ut111·crs111 box office. 1\.'h1ch is
Oj)('11 frf'in 11 ii rt: 10 4 p.nl
111·1·kd:11 s ;ind 1' ·hours before
In Lag11na THE TWO RJRI E works art' t•ach p..·rfor1Ji<1nrt·.
"Lochinvar'' and "Prisms ."
the httter one of 'vhich is the (JCC Oanccrs
OHt·r Concert
"Spring Thing." Lyric Opeh. Utah choreographer'~ bi'"l
of Orange County's ouldoor"-known •;i;~ks. The other LS 111
festival of barg11in<i ivill t.<tke the slaps~tek con;t•dy 5IYie ~!
place at the Festival of Arts the Charlie Chaphn era and 1s
grounds i n Laguna Beach 011 ~~graphed lo the poc1n by A spring !'.ltudent d;\nce
!he we<>kends or r-.tay 4.5• 11 _ Sir Walt<'r Scott. t'onc~r! 111Jf ta~e p I a cc
12. \Va I k Cr 's 1'1 or k i s Frid<.1y rin<I S11turd,1r :lt ,.:lO
~h ·11 ''Variations from Da)' lo n.111. 111 tb•· Or:1ngc Coast 1 ere ~·1 be an1iqu<'S. arts. •· crafis. f'Oll(oeliblcs, original Day," fealurin;; a \'!'lriaticn Collcgl' ,\uch1or in1n
fashions and 5 e I e ct i.,. c represenling l.'ach day of tht ·r he o t (' s 1 u cl c n 1
"ju!lq11·•· :11 ihc semiannual Y.'el'k. t'l1oreo_!lr;1pht·~s 11 ill bt \\'endy
511.,111 ,\1•'Pt and Fll'll Market. Horton 's \\'Ork. ··Th l' t:laul>er. Jl'nnn1nc ~litchC'll.
Boo!hs :Jrc sr!ll .1\'ailable on Beloved." "'ill t:e perronned l\ath,\' F('rrr1·. Cnthy Goochcy.
iii\· t"rr<rl'e ;11 ~~ rcr day and by Dunkley and Judy Gtti1.o. Shl'l!i ~tcAt·1 no!d". \-' ,l n
on thl' ..::r·aun<l~ ;if $7.50 per \1•hilc di.nee n1aj(ir Janel GardnL·r. .~riel llollv. Carol
tl;J\ ~lcCoy y,•ill perform :i.ts. \'ice ;ind Su;.an Tho1npson.
Srl!c•rs 11111~' r"~cr1·1: booths
f1w 0111· or all four djys on
S<.1ttu·d111" and Sundal's, ~1av
4. 5. 11 .'and 12 for thC spring
II o 1 m 's ·'F igure 0 f Tickri~. a1·.:r di1blc ,1t !he door,
Predestination," y,·hich Y.:ts at·t· S!.jll originally choreographC'd for, ___________ _
Dunkley. I t is a dramatit'
rC'rsons 1ntC'r {'S tCd in
rPScrving spLICC' for I h e
•·Spring Thing" 1nay send a
<'heck pa~·able to the Lyric
Opera of Orange Coun1y. P.O.
Box 514, Laguna Beach, 92652.
pieC< deaHng wilh lhc forces *********** that surround man.
1\dditional information may
~ obtained by c;1llin~ !he
OJ)(·ra office at 711·49~-0709.
~-Is. Ririe. v.·ho is co-director
of the Rir ie • \\'oodburv
Con1pany and iln JSSociatC
profcs~or of dune..' at !!11'
Faire al Ilarl1or II!~l1
A Renai ssance F.1irc \\'i!I
take place at Nc"ix>rt ll;:irbor
Hi gh School Saturd;1y.
The faire will hal'c displ:iys
<1f crafts. a.rts and handh~ork
and dran1a. ch a 1n b c· r
n1usicians and food booths.
'T'hc t'\'ent is designed lo
include the commun ity and
those i nterest e d in
par11cipating in the da~·-Jong
c\'Cnl should contact .J ud\·
Sn1ith at ~3-1121 or 67'.:-j..Jel
Heg i!:t ration is rl'Qu ired .
The f'\'Clll is spon~ored by
the senior class and "'ill takl'
place fro1n !I :i.rn. to 5 p.m. on
campus. The school is \ocal l'd
at 600 ll'v inc AI C', /\l·"·por!
iu;·u, ,_. v..,,bbw\;ft '"" 0b 'ti""~ . .
·t· ~-:·•,.
BL:TRiCE ARllllm
Bii1 !i 'S: l.JAVl:>ON
A girt with a grea11o11oWWi9.
fNery cop in the
state was alter her.
was bebind her.
I lJllJ /.,.,.
GlliLIM . me,.,,,.,., •u• cmecH
111111110/fl/Ufffll LAT•CH
Doily 7.1 0:10. Ht.·S1111, 1:15, 7, IO:JO
"" Glenda}ackson ACTWESS
ATuuch Of Clas~
Daily: 1:45: Sot.·S-. 1:10, S. 1:4\
H.,,.., CMI wlll 9" •t"'"•
to '"' • pr; .... t••"'"'*'
C.aneHackmon .
"lhe CotwelsaOOn,,
llt)t'f ,\C "TllE.~
Jackson ffl
Of Class
Mil 1•00t<S'
___ ..
WHlll DOES IT HUn 1111 _,,,"°'"••I"·-!JM)
s-p ~t & Avfo Swatt s.1.a s ...... 11 .... 10 •0"'
ORANGE Dtlve·ln 1 & 2
~''-Stl.I Su" • la"' to '~ '"'~ llf~S....#•u 11 "''"'',. $lMltHll F•milr Fun!
Proflt1! ••r••h'll G•lore!
l•~col<> ,..,.,
.... 1 ...
II non
121 ·4010
S•" C>l<•O r ..... ~, '' ....... "~"'is...)
, ...... ~ .... .
... 1 .. 11 ... n
S.RIO M l ,,_""·"" 511!• (0Me9'1
hftD.•••'•1 c ....... ... °'' ..... . 4•J·4S4$
"l'WO Wll. I DllofJf llf!M
l'lUI a ftOlt" I IAOIM,f,Jf
(HAllllY & THI AHGll i.1
of I
Go ld
Slta·iv W orh
01i Stage
Posing for a family por-
trait are cast members
of the Corona del tilar
ll.igh School production
of Georg e Bernard
Shaw's "1.tajor Bar·
hara." Students are,
lefl to right, Darren
Bordier, ~fargaret l~um·
pbreys, Brian F'i.elds.
Lisa Halpern, George
Quick, Greg Pa rki nson
and Sandy DiPaolo.
The play, directed by
student Joe ·Amster.
will be presented at
7:30 p.n1. Thursday .
Friday and Satu rday in
the D r a 111 a \Vork
S h opp e in the 300
Build jng on ca1npus.
Admissio n. Sl.50.
SunfJ11y Ap,•I 28 )1)74 DAIL'( PILOl 8 i -------
•J\lothiiag f.o Do'
It's Ti1ne to Pi cl{le a l(i<l
By Elt.\I A Ut t,lllt:f l\
11 v.:.,s rn1t o( 11io" 1!.11,
\\hl'll ~->ur youngl·~t 1.1!1'
around the hot1"~ .11wl ::..•~
"There's oothmg tn do "
And "'hilt• )OLi'rt· ~(;lfll!
through the ~C\\'tng 11\al'hHh·
dn:i"·cr lookini;: for a mi•fll
thcrmontetcr ) ou bought Lhn:.'t'
yeJU'I ag-0, a package of
cueumber !l<'ftiS fnll s out . And
you say v.·hal any 1llotht'r v.·ho
has "·atrht'CI 12 vcars of
Ca.plain Kangaroo v.:ould snv .
"\Yhy don't you J:O out :uid
plant rµcul)1bt-r S<'Cds?"
It hapJ>('ncd to 1ne la!it
sprmg and J offer it up to
01her unslablr mother'> \\hO
1night be tcmpll--d lo bt>lie\'l'
that a kid dig~1ng in The d1rt 1 ...
y,·orth 11,·o hnngini,: around
your ank le.
'The "go ch('{'k you r
C'UCUmbers·• trick kl'pl the
l'hild busy for the beltf>r pnrt
of t"o mo nths. For r1cry
"Tilt'rl''S nothing to 00," l•h:id
an iln'""'l'r : .. r.o ";a\('r )Our
cucumbers. C".o look for "·orms
on 1our cut·u1nhers· Go dig
aroUn<I your cu1."Un11x'rs. or go
tnea-;ure vour C'l1r11n1b<'r~."
Tl1en One t!av hr said.
"Tlll'rt··s nothing "to do ." and I
said. "\\'hv don'1 \'O IL !!O pirk ~<'Ur n1Cumbt'rs.;.. i\l1nJJI• •
!.1h•r. 111\11· LH!h1•r Rur~>anl.
1!r .• ~,i;:l'll inro th" k1 !<"hl'n :1
h11:!t' \1' ~' st ,. h :1 s k I' t ot
WL'l"I.' rc:1dy to sit do11·n. \\ hl'H
l 11·as cx1x·c·11ni.: .i bJ ll~ I ,p,c'fl
\.1.1 eat 1hc1n 1111111 n11 t1Tlh
pUt'ki•r('d. Hut .ill . t h ;1 l
th.1ngt"d. I ;1 ;"111-<L 111.·t·h·d
:o:hl'ed. d1t•1<l. 0011 •. ,~ -r1r1t·d
-:1uf(t'd and '{ .1i1h,1 thv.~"
l11U,\' l'Ul'Un1k·1 ~ until
lhOUiihl !'ti fainl
F111<1\ly. tht'y V.\'fC f1n1~he<
\\{' h.1d ~ 11,ldt•d 12 qu11r ts 1
ol d·fa-:hion"d brrad and buth
plt'~ll"' I .,:"1 H(I! ;1 M'J':tk
p:'lll .111rl b1:g;1n tu 11~Uf'I' t111
.t!\d fll<l!•'T !JIS iltld I tJ C
,11t·r.11.:•'<i 1~u1 ,11 "~ :i~ ;i 11u<it
< \nt C'(\llUtlnjl !111• 1\'1 ~ l>o
11hL·!1 1he t[!)~ :•h· Jllc rind
and \ht· r11i;;hl v.t• ;l!e Olli v.·h\
Ill\ !Ju,IJ.1nd 11 :i:-0\1•r doscd t
\ 11h•.;;1r
\, 11v 'ur1\·11·d 11u r effon
1•·1 \uun;~i.'·"' · s;111I, "lbe~
11u1n1n;..: t11 do no11
I 1u1111·d lo h!rn. "<:OOCI. ~1
,1 .. n t ~1>ll 11·h1nf' :ind fij
.1ruu111I the hou~ t1h.1· Olho
A1111•hitheal er Plans
S11111111er of Co11t·ert s
Thl' l"llll l!f!.:tl
1\n1 1>111lh1•alft' 1r1ll
~I u d l CJ
!'iu111n1L'r season o! ('tJn<i·t!'
'fh(' hncup ol star:; 111~·lud1 ·\
11:1v1d H .. 11n·. r,111 JJ1nh·11·.i .. ·~.
Al (;rt'\'11 (...O~liHl~ :111d \!i•,.
'111.1 .Joni .\l1lt'ht'lt .Jilli ,\I
I ,r•·"ll
l II\' Upl.'llll'illJ:: ~'.tl'Otl ll\,1J"I.,
lh1• · \illflhJlht•'oT•'I"·, l h I I'd
-111111111·1' ,,f 0111,1,,1,.1 l"l •·!I!'
~Ian\· of thr a r1 ists wi
.1pr11';.tr for :i full v.·N!k. bl ..
:v)ll\I" of th.:-uppearJnc<'S ar
~l'l to be fln;1li/o'd.
Sagittarius: You're on Brinl.:.of New Begi11ning· 1·111 urnbl•rs And anotbrr. Anf!
<inOlht·r. And anulhcr.
Fnr tht• nt•:<t v.·rf'k and a halt
I ~il\t' up :1 SLJC'\:l'!>~ful cam•r
.lo ~1i-Cltn-i Su1". -•:11 · 11.1~
pr. ~·nh·d 1111· l!l'~t ~··a"~n.
fu!lo11r-d 11) 111 .. t ~-l' a r · ~
;1s a v. r1tt'r to b,..r .. 111•~ :i pi rkle s u 111 rn ,. r of C'•)nccr t
A1nc.ng 1h11:-• :1ppo•:1rini; ar
1·11,• 1'l'lllptat1un~ .. July 25·11'
Jt,.l\·n Htddl". Jul\· 29-Aui;:/ l.oi,:~ins •u1d' \h·s.'1.n:i. Aui;.~
; Joni \lircln·l! Aug.12·1!
1'h~· 5tfi IJ1m.·nJ>1on . Aug. 2
~~ 1);11 i(I lkl1\ 11·. S.·pt 2-8. :in
.\I ft rc·1·1i. d.1te" to b
l'r•·t .. rr1'll St':il11''! loca11or
11 111 i).• E;J\o'I\ !O :ll.h';lllCC' :;(".
~1n l1('kl'l buyrrs of St'1·en r
rnor1~ roncrrls.
ARlES (~larch 21-April 19):
Ideas strike chord of response.
Original th i n k i n g pays
dividends. Visits. s hort
journeys and rclatil'CS figure
in im portant v.·ays . PreS<'nt
yourself - and prod uct -in
positive . confident manner.
; TAURUS I April 2().r.lay :!OJ:
).toney. colleclii>ns. what you
possess and ~ic values are
emphasized. You arc dra1vn in
two directions and one could
iovolve land inVestment.
GEl\!Th.'1 (~lay 21-June 20 1:
Lunar cycle is high : trust
judgment. intuition. Spotlight
personattty. appearance. C.o
places -see and be seen.
·Popularily qootient increases.
CA."'l'CER CJune 2l..Jul y 22J:
LEO (July 2.'l-Aug. 22 1:
Accent is on friends. hopes,
gains through professional •or
business endeavors. You de al
v.·11h opposite sex. You make
sii!:nificant changes. )' o u r
ob1l 1ty to analyze and dra'>''
ac('Urate de d uc I i on s is
YlllGO (Aus. 23-Sept . 22 1:
Diplomatic report \\'ith one in
a11!horitv is es se nt i a 1.
1\dvanc1;mcnt is nu1de -but
you ha\·c to cooper:itc .
i ncludin ~ acceptance of
01·crtime assignn1en1 .
LIB RA (Sept. 23-0ct . 221: -
You are able to examine
motivrs. to confront yourself.
in telligently. w1lhoul r~1ncvr bt' rcl'Cl\etl u1 t.·nthus1<c,!1c Hut ~utl a!:-o u1ct•t pl'oplt• 1\~) e.1nnt·r v.·h!J v.as hu,ier thr1n a :i1tr;ictions.
rn;1nncr. c.in aid u1 c\p;1ndu1g hrinl'"'' 1no~u110 .11 a st rrakt>r 's -;::::::~-;..::-:~....:=:...-..:==::;
S:\GITIARlt:S 1 Soi· 22· fcst1\·al. I bought glass jars ~· ~ Dec 21 ~: Slo1r pa C•'. B·· ;_i AQt:AH IL:S 1J;1n. 21}.fpb IF TOIJA\' IS l 0 l H v.·ith the right lids but the 671·6l60
keen obser1·cr. Spoth~ht is on 161 (;ood lunar 3 ~pr' t IUlrrHUAY \UU .111· a 11;.1t11ral 11rung rubber.;. Back to thr ~ .....
pul>lic rl•lations. partnership. ro~n<'ido"'i no11· 111th rom;iJK•' H·;ic/lt"'r. tntZu1111' "ilhng lu ~1ore for tht' r1i::h1 ruhbcrs, but ••
CQ-Qperati\'C cffo1t and cr,•:it 11111. ch:ingc Childr1·:1. l'.\<in~llll' unoithc1<!11\: thl·orw Ill(' v.Tong ~:11t Bn<"k for the 1t01 '''' ce .. 1 Hw,, I
marriage. Rclalionshlp i <\ ml·rnb<:: ~ of opposite S('X art' n1,.thod~ Augu~t "hould ht.· Otk· right salt :ind tJ1,: "TOng ~· co•o,.~ OIL MAii .
tl'Sted. Phaseofac.11v;1} ends in p1c"t1rc. Dra.mat1lt" hthefs of }OtLr 1n,\q 1n1p ort•1nt \1nc11:11r. B:.:ith. for 'liP right
)"ou arc on brink of nl''.1 -iJ:u~tr:1tc point of v1c;1· 111.in1h" 1~1 l'.Ji1 .\qu.1r1u~ ;1:11! 11ne~~r and the 11rung s1z1·
beginning. l.C'o per"')"" .tre dr:n111 TC'l1", pot
·l'ISCES •F• b 1 9.-~l<irl·h 201: You :lf\' !"C1m pli·t1nl! .J 111.111~ \\"11hin a da v or :-11 1 had 11 CAPH ICOR .~ rDec. 22-Jan. Al·c~'n l 1 ~ ~1:1 ho11X'. ioJ~h.: c1 elc Ii rn:i rru:'<L ""'1 1··.1· h <ill tog<'!h{'r a;1d \\t' Sl'l aboul
19 1: \'ita!irv n1;1kt'!' "'1nit·11h;1t 1 ... ~ur-... propt·r1\' 1 al u ,, ~ 11111 unr1••1,,r;1 nd11 1:.! • f 11111'" ··unn1n;: 1•1t•k lo ·'\
of a comcbnck. l'u1 ::.uc frt·~h Ex;u11111{' ranous po~-..11>il111t•>: 111~t" I' :-1ni.:le. :· .u 11l.1\ 11·1d l uso•fl !l) likt' 1)1(·~!!'" .-1 ~ ;i
\'1cwpo1nl. l<t•fuSl' to be lJt•d \'ou f('('] r('stl~s. n'Stric:H.'d 1h.1t n1;irr1<1 ge is 1111 ll<lrrton I.id my 1notl1t·r llidn't d;1rc :-l't'
do\\. n 1 n aura v f,-------------,------------------'------~-,!
discourag"t•111ent . I ni p r o \ t·
n>l:itions \\ i1h associates. l'O-! r.,.----~----... ". ·--\\·otk{'fS. lnno1'ations nov.· 11·1!1 1 -v ... , .. ··~----fllll f,ll~~·A:j Jlf.)fPKBl)lOf,NA
to see in light of reality. There l!IW'!l!!l'l!lll
is elen1cnt ol mystery -but
-·-~-·--··-----··-n .£;l):PE1
!\ t'f r; vou can use it to ad1·antage. Oon·t re\•ea l all. Keep One ad mission entilles you up lo 6 hours skaling fun.
something in resen-e. ASK ABOUT SPECIA L GROUP RATE
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 211:
.,.,.,. -o ...... '"-'"'' -.o... -....... ..
COO\ -..... .,,,I .,_,_,_, .. ,,,,,.
P1111ty of kw P--"i"'il
Horltt of Tlwoh'r
CO~l.l M£S.t.-HES.t. l Ml .t.T•I£
flU I S41·1U1 M_,..,, 11¥t •I
HftbOt l lY<1.-C•1!1 Mn.
~E.t.l 1£.t.(H-R:•u-T~Nf ..
UUl St6·1 .. I 11\JI S•1I INcll 11••.
M•lt \ 0 , ,,...,.
~~o"' l i.,.., 1-l·ll p.m. Ad"'. 11.M
Don'! M"' T~''' li,..ltHI ~ ... I
Restrictions are C\'idcnt. IX'al
with them in calm. mature
manner. Keep promise to one
who is confined fo home or
hospital. Follow concepts of
Golden Ruic.
Prrssurc is applied. Some
arowid you "smell" m<incy.
Study Llbra nle.Ssage. f\eep
con f i d e nc es . Gain full
understanding or p a rt n c r .
11t<Hc. Budget can be discussed
Bo,vers l\lu seu111 Opc~1s
Oriental _Art Exhibit
LAND" ...... . ..... -Ill Iii-
oo ., ., •• " " [DAILY -PILOT J--..
l olh ii• Color lPGI
·-. -... -= "
1:1 .. ,, vr f1Dl sHr >-'Pl '.'", CE!liE!-c
HAlllOll Bl ¥0 AT A DAM ~
Ti:I 979·8880
H.OM EM AKERS -,, .....
Art of t~ Orient, an exhibit exca\·ations al A n · l ' n n g\~~::::::::::::::::::~:'._~====~~~====~:__ __ _;;:.=:::__;_ __ -================~
of works from China. Japan c0nfirmed the existence of the
and Southeast Asia, opens Shang Civilization. w h i ch
Wednesdav at the Bo"·rrs produC'E'd some of the most
1'1useum, ·2002 N. l\fain St., beautiful of Chinese v;orks of
Santa Ana. art."
TI\e work s are from the loth Co.inmenting on the Ethnic
through the. 19th centuries and Ari s Gallery , Reilly P
wlll be on exhibit th rough July Hhod(.'<'. 1nuseum dirc1 \'lr
21. said ... the developntent flf ex·
Tu·o newly designed E!hnic hibits in the Ethnic .\rts Gal·
and Primiti1'e galleries and lerirs v.·ill begin \\·ith si!r"ll'll"
ne"' mu seun1 shop will also installations in order to con·
debut. ccntr;ite on the interprr1a1ioo
• • A n ex i 1 in g a n d and the apprecia tion of early
extraordinary chap1cr in the Chincsl'. Soulht•a<>! .\si<i'l. pr,,.
h. to of act consi·sts of 1l1c Columbian. African and otlwr ts ry discovery of early Chinese civil!1..ations "·ith the intent to
art" said Lam B run s , !)('~in to understand the unique cu~tor of art al the Bowers and diverse contrlbu!ion~ of
1'tuseum. these peoples and ciriliza·
lions." "\Ve arc so act usto1ned to\------------1
seeing superalatil'e cx.amples
of the art of lhe Shang. Chou.
Han \\1ei Dynasties ln Western
museum s. especially those in
the United States, that it
comes as something of a -.:ur·
prise to realize that the ma·
jority have emerged since the
Bruns also poinlcd out that
"it v.•as only in 192.ll that !he
• Surfing Spring Festival •
plus "FRENO! KICX"
7:10 & t:JO E:.cllt .....
11 l'•I TMllU ,.Ufi, 'TIL 1:)1 J-w .....
"Mc Q"
At l'Hl~I
•H D ~ ..
AU'ltrllY A••"' Wl•r • 11"1 .. ..._11 ...... "THl WAY WI Wlltl." AIM "IUMM l l; WIS Hli,
WI NTllt CJlllAMS"
Jo, GfOOGE !Q' ..... l •·.·~
e Pl•FOIM.l.HCI SCMIDULI • _, ___ ·l olf·f<Ml<'l·•" ... -11<11
..... -·l-loll ... -·--11!11
--~ , __ ,
•• , ..... :I
·Pl•Fo..MANCI S.CHfOUll·
-·-· W-4 """'· · 1-..0,1 .. 1 -•M '" . ,_..,,,..,1 ... >0-1 l JO .., . ,,,., ..,..,,.., -...,70-4.to-t 10.1•ctl -. , , ........ ,,.. _.. .......... ,.
;'''••• •Dwa•O• •••'"'!
' ' ' : ?~.····· ...... ,. ···· .. ::
"'°"· 1 ...... W...il. 1'11"''· loi. · 7!IS·l tfS
149 . .w.. .. 1:00-l:M--7:15-t:•S
c;ot.U -••at ...... ,,_ •lY'O.
'"'""'"''' l lJICH
6 4 4 -0 7 60
."l.oki~l fo1 l•ut~'''· DOll't Miu ii'' --·
. t ...... w .. ........,°"..,., ..,_,_
~w.-. ...... It """"' ..... St.ni ... , ..... k Jlt" ... , .......... .
•T"•'IOf °" ..... , tlMIOI ,,. ... "
Wl\~\fll' f --""" WIST_,, ..
'" ... ti .... , .. .
°"a. .. , .. _, .. . _ ........ .
-. U lfff n.1.11 I _, -u•
·-· '"" .,...,._ • '°'' °"'''
•1 HAl lOI
' ····" '"·•••1 U t AtU
Wll!Ml .. tfto I VI.
o I I t00o. ""' II ., ..... , ,, ..... .
.. ;~ulM..ner Produen.-.......
where the lilies bloom --... ,. .. !;<>"· •• ~ ••• 0o ... ,,_ ...
.. II rs l .. !Cl 1.1.ntllN(I lO ""'' TOUt 1"'11lUG0•KI I U,ICTIO AMO II
IN1111AtNl0 .t.S Wilt" --· -,_.
' -·
•• M•ltOt °" •Ohf\ C0,11 MIU.
979-4 I•1
979 .. &S6
I.I M•lfOe °"' ....... , ..... ," ,, .......
, ........... ...,,_,
#Jiii ...._ ..
AJM'1otlo<ltlF ..,..._.
... ,,h, .. ,,. ••
•Olll ... W't\I
wts1-'fll 1u .u u
lt~l lt l
p_~L_V_P_IL_OT~~~~S"_"d_a_Y._4_P'_ll _28_._lq_7_4 ~~-
Huntington Beach
Delicious, Chewy ·
2BAGS1 00
I 'I• lb. 809
• Kids love them
• Buy now. save
Maalox ® • ~ Suspension
Ma@19)( ~ 84~01. .,
.:.~··"· '
\ ~~;:~~ t ........ _ ,, -;; • Helps relieve acid ~ ...
-.::::·~ / indigestion. fast
WW.Qlll liUttl.ett
· • • siJi(. . .toH. oil•~:•••· ''"'": .' • ·
APRIL 28-29
:I i ,I
~• .... 'J
Grants Vinyl
Shield Paneling
Qua lify v iny l shiet d
paneling handsome l1n1sh
rake s onl y minute s to
Wt.le Q :litM• Lett
126 -12 Film
Intensive Care
WIDTH DRAPERZES l~ s~~~ss ",/~ 1488
USE OUR HOME DECORATING SERVICE j ~ ~~~~~~e~ea~a;~;ob~~k 1 ~;ma~s;;!~ _
~ ..: colors. wwie Qu '01ie1tm1 •
• Non-greasy
• So ft ens skin
I 00 count 9 inch
Paper Plates sac t
• Fluted edges : !
• White co lor -i
• Economical for · !
\: WWAt9' nu.,L.ft• everyday use -
: . -........ -. ,_ sOH:-MOH: ot.u:'f APR:-21.~29 ,.,.~ .. ,. I • ' : .
' =-~'!Mi
24", 30", 36" Lonqths
On White
No Iron
Easy-care. machine wa sh and dry
p o lyes t er/rayon . Multi·co lor
e mbroidery and pastel bord er,
·c 1ndy' -60" overall width per pair.
wash aRtl tlry la a wiRk
Swa9 valance .............. 2. 97 ••.
'Gem'-rayon/polyes ter
knit in 2-tone colors or
white on V<'hite. Give you r 1
windows a new look at our
low sale pri ces. 197
•. ': ~ Ruffled valance . . . • • . . . • . . . 1.87 n . 63 .. , 72::, ''" '•rttth•
v-----..1 Grants Inside ~. -----------+----"""-----------
.Frosted Bulbs ·. ,;,\;;1'.,i\'-2i',(r:· :'~/.0 ::.'. ,\."-'./~,1~ '
lie 1 , , I
60/75 /100 Watts Ea. -"';...:.I L.r ·-;-.~ 1
.· I I I ' Eye-ease lighting Sold in l'kg. of. I !
wtiiaoQ ..........
With I 011 Fry Pan
Ttfloti LiNnq 133
• Wit h Bakelite handle
. --
!. I
.. 1-....
' ' •••
:'"" . --· \
' " l .·I .---1-''.._i
3~~:.'.~ ,;,,.
Valance ..... Sale, 1.97 EA.
Dnp dry polyeste'r cotton slays cnsp and
fresh without 1ron1ng. Bait fnnged surrey in
high fashion colors.
Drapery, Slipcover
Upholstery _
. Fabrics
the more for your money's worth
·~ _ ~ · · · , · · ' • s11;c.,,;c;N.-otJ•t":<l'1: li:n ,.. , ' • • '~
Bedding Plants,
·1: ·-. ':Vegetables40~
' All Purpose Steel :
Storage Shed ,
13800 ~
1, 5411
Slurciv while wrought iron
frame with loam-lilied cush•on
cove1eo on v1n\'I Matching
canooy with co!lon fririge
Sold unassembled
-t. ..-; 1 une-up Special
20~~ .
8 cyt., lS.81
MOH. • FRI. I 0.9
SundJV Aprd ?.8:_:_1•::7_:4 _____ _ DAILY PILOT C l
Philosophic Allin Loses Lead to
With Thor1Je
F:rl itor·s f\1ore: T!1P t11odt"r11 ''rr1
~ports vista i.~ 1lr11L·1U111u 1·11ft·r·
roi11111c111. q11a/1111 !111<1 (l('t'u.~1r111·
ally co11r1)i·f'rSy n11 ti scu/e 1rf't;rr
before atta111crl hi the 11;or/~l uf
athletics. )'et sport<1 "f claus
gone by also l1arl yrcat ninn1P11t.~
and srur perforniers. To<l11y 011r
look at these day focuses 011
Laguua I-Ii/l's Edu·arrl. Lindberg.
\\'hen h{' graduatro rrom high
school in 1905. he turned dov:n a
chanCX' to bccon1e a profe.)sional
baseball player.
H{' missed a chance lo tryou1 for
the U.S. 0\}mpic team in 1008
because the lini\'crsitv of Illinois
\\'OUldn't pn.v his cxPrnscs fron1
Oiampaign-Urbana to Chicago for
the Games tryouts.
He "'as a teammate of A\·rrv
Brundage. !he patria rch ex·.
president of !he lntC'mational
Olympic Commitl~l'. "'·hill' hoth
\lo'ere underg:-aduatcs at lll1nois .
In 1912. \lo'hen he did get a chanet'
to try out for the Olympic ll'am. hi.:
Going Back
madC' it as a quartrrn1i!C'r ;:ind \1·on
a gold medal on !he 1.600-m{'\er
relay team and fini sht'<I th ird in the
open 400 1nC'tcrs.
I-le "~.is a 1e;11nn1atc of the
lcgendnry J i1n Thorpe on that 1911
team bu! unlike lhe famed Carlisle
Indian. he retained his Olympi('
gold and bronze medals lftltil he
ga''e them a\\·ay ~cars later.
The life story of E d w a r d
Lindberg of Lagu na Hills reads like
a pege out or history. The spry.
mentally alert cx·athl l'te J born in
1886 1 fooks forward t•ach da y 10 ;_1
mile u·alk \\'ilh his wife of :.-1 years.
E\·eh'TI. as his chief for1n of
·'l''ranklY. I "·as a n1u ch better
baseball p'laycr than a track man.··
Lindberg says v. ith n ch uckle.
"I 1vas a c<ilchf'r in high school
and when I 11:radua1£d. they had a
fe tlo°"' in Beloit. \\'is. nobody could
catch. In fact. they offcrt>d n1e a
(See E1-0lymplan, Page Ct)
mrslrA1T1AP1=8Uddy Allin, wtio
refused lO get excited \lo'hen he was
leading, \lo'as just as unemotional about
blowing a big ad,·.antage In the third
round of the $200,000 Tournamen t of
"\l,'ell, rm not Vl'ry lhr1JIC'd about
shooting a 75. Nobody is." All In said
Saturday after he had surrenderl'CI. th1~
lead to OO·rushing Uob Charles of New
.. But." All in said -·ith a shy little
snille. "I didn't tiurt anybody out there
and I'm l!till ariVe so I ~uess I can't
cun1plain too much.
\"I'll just go out and try to play .:is good
as I can. That's all I can do. \\'hu,tt!ver
happms-wtll happen. Tbnt't-a\I thcrt-1:"1
LO It."
Charles. a rail-thin left·hander, c1u11e
from seven strokes off 1he pace with a
bllstC'rlng 67, S\lo'ept past the fal!Pring
011 TV Tuda11
Chaomel 7 al I ::JQ
Allin and took the lend \\hen Buddy
bogcyt>d three <.'Onsecut lve holes l:lli.: in
the roWld.
Charles. a dark, dour mnn "ho l)\."'C'nn1i>
cllgibte for this elite event v.1th his
r{'ctnt victory in the Gret>nsboro Opt'n.
pol together a s+hole tolal of 209, seven
Poirer, Pitching •
LA's 1-2 Punch
• Ruins Expos, 5-2
LOS Ai'iGE L~S IAP) -Hon Cey and
Dill Russell slugged hon1e rWls and Al
Do\\Tling and ~like ~farshall eombinrd on
a fou r-hittC'r. lt'ading the Los Angeles
Dodge rs to a 5-2 \'iCto ry over the
~tontrea\ Expos Saturday.
DQ\loTling. 1·2. "·ho hurled the first
SC\'en innings, nearly failed to survive
the rirst when the Expos loaded the bases
\1'1th none out. lie got out of ii by striking
out Hal Breeden ;ind gt>t1ing Ken
Dodger• Slale
AM G•,,... .., KAIC 11q1
Aor. 1t Mt>nt•~•I •I L~ AnQri'"' .A~r 10 Ne.• v.,..~ •' L)'I A11Q~ltt .An• :JO ,.,.,.. Yor~ •1 L~• A<IQe~ -
I 10 D "1.
• l> D"'
I 11 ~'"
SinglC'IOn to ground into a double play.
Los An!:cles "·as held scoreless on t"·o
hits by Steve Rogers until the rifth "'hf'n
[I single by \~'illic Cra"·ford. double b.r
Steve Ga rvC'y ;ind \ra\k to Joe FC'rguson
loaded the bases "'l!h no onr out.
Crilwford scort>d the Dod g('rs' first run
"hen third basC'man Hon llunt boot ed
ltus.scll's bouncer and Do 11· n i n g '.s
sacrifice fly r;-,adc it 2-0.
Cey slugged a t"o-run honu'!r. his first
UCI Halts Foe
011 No-hitter,
2 7 -rtu1 Barrage
Tad Davi.; !>pun a no-hi!lrr Sttturday to
top off an imposing doubh•hearlcr rout as
CC Irvine's Ant{'aters continue to bury
thC' opposition.
This t1n1e it 1\'as SouthC'rn L:!ah
;:ihsorbing 9-1 and 18-0 shellings a.~
co:1rh C.arv Adn1n.~· AntC'aters rolled to
their lith. and 18th str<iu~h! baseh1.1H
\ic1ories in a 33·7 sea,,on .
Da\'iS. 11 sophomore riµhrh;indc'r lrorn
Loara High School. struck oul S1'\Ctl and
\1·a!ked ooh· l\\'O in thC' se\·cn inning stint ,
It v.as oniv th,• second no-h1t1e r ('\'t'r
pllched by :1tl ,-\nll•aters p1tl'her and the
first since 1!Ki9.
Southern Utah \1as no n1;1tch for !hf'
,\n!eaters as the \\"inner:> pi1ncht'd out
3~ hits in the t1\-o games. so;irked by the
three-run homer Qf Kt'ilh BndACS in lhC'
th ird inning of the second gamt'.
In all there v:erc 10 extra base hits by
1he hosts and Craig Anderson and Jeff
:O.talinolf led lhe onsl;iught.
Anderson \j,as six-for-eil!,hl \1 ith three
rbi 1\·hile i\:lalinofr srnackcd tivt·
hits in nine trips, had four rb1 \\'ith a
double and a triple and upped hi s
personal batting st reak to 2:: stra ight
:-itcvc \Vhitehcad had three hits in !ivt•
trips in the first ga1nc.
Jerrv :'\laras picker! up the 11in 1n the
first garne 11•it h a six·hiuer and upped his
record to 4--0. He struck out tv.·o.
In the S<.:.>('(lnd game the Antc11!crs
score':l in every inning and the \'is11ors
\1ere rurther frustrated \\llh i.ix errors.
UC Jr.ine's last defeat "as O\'er a
n1onth ago.
UC l,..,111effl ...
g .. ~~·-· " ' ,
Btt1'co. " • ' ~l .. p). f ' ' /.'•l·•-0"· " ' ' S~c" " ' ' ~\l>l!-0, " ' ,
~-0••1on. " ' ' .,.,,,eeiox~. o~ ' ' LV<lf'•· " ' • .. ,., .. ~,. ' ' ' P•I"'"'• rl • •
~ '"I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' • I ' • • ' ' ,, . " •
uc tmM n u
.11 ,~ttl
8""'Jeo!, " ' I , • Bl't•1<o;. " ' , • • Slut>-,, < ' ' , ' Mo!<n~tr " ' , ' ' So-•• " ' , ' ,
.,.,,,.,.i~c~. " ' ' ' • """a••OQ<>, •• ' ' ,
"'"J"'" •• I , ,
Lvoe• . " ' ' ' ' ' .. ' • ' • • P~I"'"'• ,, ' • ' • /:.·(• .. ~n. "' ' ' ' ' To,.!1 Jj 11 16 ,. To1~11 fllt5f (;AME
' • •
" U1et. .. 100 ..,_., • ' UC l•v111t lll XO 10•-~ II ' ~ECO,. .. AME
' • •
"' Ut~~ .. .. ·-. • • "' Ir••~ »• ~· •-II l& •
of lhc baseb:dl season. in the si xth \\'Hh
Bill Buckner aboord.
Russell hit his ~·ith the bases enl\lty in
the S<'\'ent h. his second of the season.
The E:xpos scored t"·ire in the Sf'Venlh
on ;_i walk to Singleton. infif'Jd sin.t(lt•s bv
Jim l'ox and Tin1 Foli ;ind a s.acrif1ce n;.
b~ B.1rry Foott•.
Pi1ct11ng the SC'rirs finale todav 1\'111 bt·
Doug Rau. 1-0. for Los Ange les .ind :O.like
Tor rez. 3-0.
~londay nrght the Dodgers begin a
1hn.'e·gan1e series "'it h thC' N{'\\' York
.\leis "·hile the Expos arc idle. Th{'y opt'n
<I t1\o-gan1c scril'S in San lJ1cgf) Tuc.<;<ia\' 11~~-.
001\·nini::: rl'tlr('d the Expos in ordf'r 111
1hc SC(;ond. lhird and fourth innings. but
io lhl' fifth a onc-oul double by Foote anrl
an error l>y shortstop Rus~ll put runners
at firsl !Ind thi rd. But again Do"'Tling got
out of it as Hogers grounded into a
Los Angeles threa t!'ned c::irl\' 11·hf'n
!)ave Lopes ]('cl orr the first v.·ith ·a sinill('
and 1hen stoic SC<'ond. his I Ith steal of
the year. But Hogers picked Lopes off of
In the fourth inning Bucknf'r beat out r1
bunt do"·n the third base line. J in1 \\\Tin
then forced Bucknt!r but "·hen Sf'<:·onlf
lraSl'n1;u1 Cox threv.· "'ild to first · 1n an
alti.'n1pt at a doubleplay. \\'ynn v.1•11! ,,,
~·cond. ilC' took third "'hen Cry grnundrd
out but 11·as out at the plate 11hl'll he
tr11-d to steal hun1c. ·
Thi' 1·ictor\· "·as the fifth in a ro11· and
1;;1h out of 2o starts. the bcsl month-•Jt
April for the Dodgers since they mO\'('d
to Los An geles.
\\"ilh the "'in. the Dodjlcrs ma1n~ain1·cl
I heir 31? ga n1e bul ge over Sl'cond pla<·,·
Houston "'hich has playtod one n1or1·
The Dodgers h3\'C by f<.1r the bi.'Sl
record in the nlilJO r leaJJUt'S <it 1l11s
Hu~!, kl w~~·~. r!
O••l•V· I!
~•n'll~·:w-, rt
M8rlfd•n, lD
JC~• 1'o
~""'·· t ~""· ~"'av~ ... D
\'•""" • D'l C1•1lG•· P
. , ,. . , '·
LOS AHGf:~[\
•D •~rl>i ibr~tD<
lOOOLo"'2n JOlO •O !On,,·n••!f 1,D
Joaov.;n~.(• ooo
1ooc~1.l(l 111
0001•.c ... ·~·• 110
11o c.or~~ ... 10 110
0 1 I F•,ou•""· t 0 I ~
0 I 1 Qy,•fll lo • ! I 1
OOODoN~lnao 1001
OOOMCM .. ll•n,r ... 100 0 o o o 1 ...... M<h, '" n o a o
M~t<~•t\. p 0 ~ D 0
1~"1 1& 1 • 1 ro•~h ;1 s • s "'-"'''e~I Ol"I OZI 1<»-1
L•., ""'·''" c.oo en 10•-S E J Cc•, "~'tn, .. !If' .. Foli. OP-Mon,,t!I T.
l"" """fl'I J, LOft-/,.oo!re.ol •. LO• An<;•'f' •
28 Foo••, G••v'v Hlt-<:er fl), 1>uu~•• 0 1 ~r.
LoP1'1. l!uc•ne•. A"~~c~. SF-O<i....,,1n~. FQOI•
A09••• 11,..J-ll
C T ~Vl<I"
[low~•nQ (W.1·2)
11.~r "•II WP-Dcwn!~; T-2.<I.
I~ M It e• I I io
6 6 • • ' ' 7 J t I ! I
7 •?1 lS 200,11
All-stars Do,rn
L,\ Strings, 3:~-32
\\'orld Tean1 Tennis made its df'but
S.1rurdav before 2.186 sun·soaked fan~ nt
Ke"·pori Beach Tennis Club as lhe' \\'TI'
All·Sla rs edged the Los Angeles Siring~.
33-32 in a sudden death exhibition match.
The St rings' mixed doubles team of
Kathy !tarter and Jon Douglas had a
chance to \\in it in the sudden death but
fell to Dick Bohmsledt and Cathie
1\odrrson in the playoff. after 11·inn1ng
Ill<' ~l. i·:i. to tie the match at 32 point~.
The \'OCal g;:ithering S8\\' LA's ~larita
Red ondo put on an impressive sho"··
"'inning S-.1 from Pam Austin and fi..~
fro1n KnrC'n Sussman. Bohrn st e d I
dcrC'alt~d Roy Barth of the Strings. 7·5.
and Barth later fell to ~tike ~fachclll',
6-3 .
And, Sussm<in tea med "'ilh Jeff Austin
to do11'n Harter and Douglas. 7·5, in the
other mixed doubles set.
undtt pttr-; on ttJe. wann aftd.--.funny-bft----b<K'k-,-~hUe-r-~-'1,...Gr'"° ,.. ~""'~"---.hW>W>--'<i"LJ1Wlli:l&-'!S..1at.'-'l.UW. ___ _
Costa Countrv Club course. par 66. and ~lahaffey 71. \\ l'<inesd;1~ thllt h<' d \lo Ln b,· ?>IX shots,
Alltn. the ~1nny. littl~ rl-dht'ad v.·ho ()('fending eha1np lon Jack !\'ickluuJ ~01 h:id a 15 and "·ns last -b' ?>ix ,)lots -
nlo II' ""tOAlbJC u•llh 6" · nd 3 21" Ln th\' f1t•ld Of:?$ plO.\t.'r' V. 1th a 2'.'8 total. had ltfl 1hc r1rst l\\O rowtds. b\C\\' a four· 1 e .... ' " a " a • total. onl~· 1hrcr strokf's baek. stroke adl'ant11i;c und drifted b.1Ck to
~-lie bogcy<'<I three holes In a rov•
bt>girunnt:( on th~ 15th and took a
dis;1ppolntln~ 75,
lie "'ns onf' !)(>hind nt 210 s::olni: Into th!'
last round of this tournament tlutl hrinl!l'
tOgl'lhl·r only the" llllh~r!> of pro golf tour
t•venls fo r the last 12.omonlhs.
Johnny J\.l llll·r. lhl' U.S, Opc~n t'h:unpi1111
and "''inner of fot1r titles already this
l'eason, v.·Ds tied "ith llubt•rt C.rcl'n <1nd
John ~lahaffcy at !?ti. just two shots
" ..... "-, ...... ._
··A couple of strokes brttcr today ."
~it·klaus 111used ":-io"·· maybe a coup!<.'
or thrt'f' strokrs bt•th•r tornorrow ;ind
n1nybf> "·e ean 1nak<' It a hllll'
in ll·rcstini::."
lie v.·as tied "ilh H1\h ('a~pt'r :ind
Austr:ilian Bruce Cra1np1on (',1srcr h:1d
a r.a und <'ri'\n1p1on :i 6~1
lR Trl'\'lno. who h11s h:ltl lh!'t'c f-1.>t:Olld·
pl:lf'I' ftnish<'S in 1h1s tourn:unl'lll that hl·
runks anlflflt: the \\Orld'~ HlOSt 1111po11a111,
fell s!Lll funhrr bal·k
•• ' •
!\lore 01•1•ortunit,\·
Te1tnis fo1· tlie Livi1ig·:
New Concept by. WTT
\\'orld Tl•a1n Tt•nn 1s hfls. rf·,urrc<'\(·tl
!hP dl'<1d Or at !<·ast it is tr1 in;:: 1n dn s11
\•.tth 1he n('v.· co11C'<'pt 1t is tr.\ing to ll).1kc
l'l'I "rth 1!1l' plil~l·rs and J.!l'll('r;il puhli1 ·
Tennis. :is tht• 11nrld ha!\ kno"n it 111
nn"·· h.1• 1·r•n1nHHlllt'<t t·('r!a1n rult•s o!
1·tiqu1:t1t· fnr its fol!o\\(•rs t1> obe~ To hl'
1hl· pc rfl'll f,_111. ;ii! ;.ou !i.11.J To do 11,1.~
i;top 1111ng
In othrr 11nrd• nn r nu I! h i 11 g ,
sera lehnig. crossin.c. and uncrossing ll·I!~.
fllu1g firH~ernails r.r sn1 r-r.1n;! 11:1'
pt·rm1llt-d u1 lhc st;uuJ~ "h1lc pl<i~ 11;1s 111
pro.c.rcss nn the tour\~.
One of the great :1troc1111·s one roulrl bt•
t .. und guiltv of 11Js tr.11nc tn ;irisc lr11rn
his S!.:al, return to lus S1:,1t or othcr"1~c
•ll!WN W"ITI.
\\"11 ITE
\Y A..; II
be 1no\'ing about. f\Oi"<' and nlO\ rment
"('re supposed ro do the SJn'l\! ruing to
players thal salt does tn snnils.
For years pcQplc carefully calculated
rC'frcshment needs and ba!hroom rails ~o
they v.·ould come prCTl~ly at. the
n1nment play on the court had subsided.
\\'li does not v.•:int tha1 to happen . H
11·a nts h\'e. relhng, mo1·1ng fans. And
1h111's v.hat ii got Saturda.y aflemoon at
!\'ev.·port Be:ach Tcnn i~ Club :is thf! Los
1\ngeles Strings losl to the \\·-ri: A11·stars.
33·32 in a sudden death C'xh1b1t1on match.
Penplc talkL>d. n10\·cd and ~·clled
11 henC\'{'r tll\!v so dcs1~. And "-hi1e
Sllffic playC'rs · 5'tid aflcrv.ard tha.I !his
stran~c ne"' cn1ironrnent v.as at first
bnthersome. they said the~ C'\'entuaJJy
got used 10 it.
There "·as one thing particular!~· "·ronf,!
"'i!h Saturday's sho"·· hO\\'ever. It lilstcd
:'!hours and '.?ft no1nutcs, 11hK·h is ;Jbout 60
n1inutl·S loo long.
Some, of the !argc ltirnou! 12.1861
filt .. rt·d out at h:11fr1n1e Bu! n1nst st:iyetl
ron until pl:1~· h:1d C'ndurl·tl l"o hou rs.
Th•·n 1t \\·;1s an C\odu.<.. rn masst• "ith
0111.v :i ff".\ hundn·d 11t 1hc :.<i.·nc '.I hen 1t
1·,,1s ftn:dly 01er
* * * 11 S<:e1ns hk<' a good idPa 1h;11 pt.·np!e
i'l rC' heint: alln11ed tn sM11· th1·1· ar<' a!t1c
al m;1rehf's anti 1t ~Of·' In 'sh<•I\' !h<1t
pJ;i\l'rS t·:in :-ind v.ill :-1cl.1us1 111 the nrw
rode of conduct.
Hut it seen1s likr "" ;1n· s1ill a lone:
11.'.l\ from sc,.ing rooting SC't·11ons and 1ell
IC'ar!('rs at lf'nn1s 111;1trh··~ ·
K:iih~· 11.:ir!l·r of S<"ftl /Warh ~aid !ht•
1rlling anrt {'ro11d rrsrrin ~f' rxhnrt<'d h1·r
In rlo bett er. Hoy B:ir lh of S:111 Diei::o .~;1id
It<' was ini!i:illv fl istr:irtc>d hy !ht· noi~"
llut !hilt he seH!t-ct dn\1·11 ;111d g•1l ust•d to ,,
.\ specU1tor. ~lr'i Hnv l~mers(Jn. s;111!
sh•• didn'l feel \'Cllmg \~;1.~ nr·t:t·sr-n r1· -
!hat 1l!n1nsphC'r·,~ :11 t"nnis n1:1tt"ht:~ 1s
l'ft<llf.'d bv !lie fllllf•l and l«nsir111 of 11h:1t
1~ 1ranspirin,g 1u1 thr e<iurl
ThC' \\'TT frinnat has c·hangt·d st_•oring
so four poin!s 11 ins a garnc -there is no
ad and no deuc<'. TI1C're 1s one \lo'OTilt•ns
s1ngl£'s set, <1 ser of ni£'n~ SJnt:lcs and a
mixed doubles ~l 1n ":1ch h:i!f :ind the
total nun1b<'r of ~an1Ps "on by each
pla~ C'r prrl\ 1d('S rhc fin:il tean1 sror,·.
Ba1th !-a~~ It''-tllURh lo gf'l used 10
lh:it s.1·strn1 · -tht•rc 1s. n1nrr pressurr
\1hen a game 1·;1n ht· \100 b\ a single
ptlHll ins1ead of th<' cu.sto:11;1r\0 1n1nunun1 ~t"o. ·
Althnu~h \\"TT is n.~1nJ.! htllt"<I a~ team
tennis. it i~ still \'<'f\' much individual vs
h_idividual. As B.1r1h !':11~. ;1 pln~rr \\Ill
Si ii h'l·l \"f'rl' badll If hl· !Q"·s his seJ,
C\'('n though his l<·.1n1 1s :ible to win.
The tcan1 v1ctor.1· r,111 h<' :i redcn1plion
of sorts. hut to lrut• rornfM-·lilnrs. thrre is
little to <.'OtnJit:n.!.ah· fQr a personal
* * *
!•,,.~ r«.rh~ I~·~,.,
I •'~•"'t•I '" .. ~ • .,,~ "
8 '° {~·"•\ II d AU.n
J 'n '·'•"~"•• "'' r><•rt lo•••n J ..... , • ., ...
b •~.r l•~<n~I~.,
!~•N "•"' I HI• (A,H~
""•llf• ft••r•r ;.-... ~ ~"'>'t' ' ~"<, "•M·J
G•"t' L ·"I~' *"• • 1 ..... ~
l ·~-. •\•1• ~, C'• ~ ,,
L><"• , '"'"'"~" I'• ! '"' ......
ti r>ri~ '·· " •
• •• • -'f ._. •• , o 1a • H .. I
/J •: .. 111 °' oJ • I ;~ ~·-) .' 1, ' •• I' I H~•"" 11, <• •c I+ JI;
d " I• /lo
' 'I ' o' ~' JI I
II I '" ' . .
A11gcls Fall
Pe1·1·y, 6-() ,.
( I.I·.\ J·.l..\ '\rl 1.·\I' 1 t !1drl1·· Sp1~ ...
h1111n~ ,,111·h 111 hi' 1ii1h l'IJ11·•·1•1l 1I •'
g<111H·. dnubl;·rl :uul hri1n•·n·d. i11·11111:: 1n
11\\1 run' 111 ,upport ,,f .J11n l'1•rr):. f1111r
h11 p111·h1ni: :i, 1h1.• «J.-1. l.1111! ln1!1.111' 1 ..... 1l
th1· f,1!1forn1i. An ,:1'1• fl.Jl ~;1turd.1 •
l),(·,1r !;;1n1hk· 1·1 .. ~·'II .1 t".\•1-r.111
hninr-r ;1• th1· Jnch:in" 11r;q1\>t'd 1! u11 \\llll
fr1ur run~ 1n tht· t•11.:h1h
Sp1~1-s clubbt'<l his fourth hnrn"r of !he
h:ii;1•b:1ll M'.1SOn. J "-Oln 'no! 1n tho•
!>1·\1•n1 h innin1.: off Jo..,1'!' Rill S!ont•inan ,
fur Ck•\'l·l<ill(fs s.·rond run ll 1s do uhl1·
l•1llo"1ng <;arnblc's s1n:,:lc g:1\C Ille
lnd1.111~ ,l !.JI 11',ld Ill !hr,, ('Hild
Thi· liKhan' p1ekl'd ur th11'!' 01h1·r nrn ...
Ou T\. 'fodt1fl
('lt••1111t•I :; ••t lfl:ll.>
off Sk ip LJg_·\...1111;:HI 111 lhl' .. ighth .
l-lun11n1-.rton Be:lt.:h\ Jat:k Brohan11•r
~111~led with !110 out. pineh nino"r Ang•·1
llrrn1osQ stole .!.t:eond and Buddy Uri\
.Jon Ellis singl1'CI for onr r11n and
.11U1ther s.·or1·d on lt·fl fit lth·r .loo
!..ihoud·~ thro1\·in~ <·rror b1:fnr•· Ga1nhle
~x:k1•d t1i~ Sl'Cond ho1nc run of 1hc y1·ar
1\•rr.\ didn't a1IO°"' .1 hit un1il Boh
iJll\"r si11glf'd 11·ith t\1n .iut in \hr· fourth
1h1· 1·rh'r:ln ri~ht·hande1 rc'i11 ·d th<' 1.1~1
i·, .\n~··ls 111 on1f'r.
:-.t 111• 10:111 \\'l)rk<"<I !hr r11·~f ~Vf'll
11111111·:, J.!11111'.! 11;1 f1\1· hit,. 11•.o 1un.'
11.11~ 11.: •·11• u. I -1 ~·~ 11" 1~11 rh11 · .i• ho
l\,1• iHlllll•J \\ lll l hi' f11 "! d f• ,1( <li,;.llLh!
1111 I H I h o "
l..:1h•1twl. \ll\..1• l-.p,lt·111 r111J E:!,.
ltorln<1ut•l h.1d !hi· utlu·r Alll:t J ll u,, .111
~ JJl ..,lt·~.
'! h•· c!t"f c~t v. .is the !vw th in ,1 ru .1 r r
CAlll'OltN!A CLEVELAND ... II <Oi •O ' ~ <D•
I> ' •••• " • ' • lCWfn\11', " ' • ' • ODo,O•, ]a • • • fl,.,,_,.,,.,. '" ' " ' " L•nooo. " • • ' • .... ,"'(I..,, " • ' • " ~ l>eD\ll. Oh ' • • • B~•I!, • I ' • lo;>•~·~· Ill " • flh>. " ' ' ' POI<~••· )a ' 0 • G~mnl•, '" ' ' ' S>~nl)fm, r! ' ' • s~ .• , " ' ' ' ' l1J~a•<1n. ' ' ' • ~ To1H·•, " • • " ' (~.1~. " , • • • Ctt. " ' • • • ~'°""""'"· " • • ' " t)V<I< A"· ' ' • ' • Loc;~,.G«I. ' • • • ' [1.,•1 •• " ' • ' • '"'"1 • • • • " to•~•• ll G • Q 1 .... 1, ~ • ' ' C6hf'J'~ • ft)) O'» 000 G
(l••(l••Q D'(t 0\-0 '" &
l C•>.• t 1t••;'I l·P C•< ,,,, • 1 LOii r.1
••,.•·• • (l•~•'••J ·'' •,~, ... n.1"' t<l! >r.•• !•. c;,,..~,~ ,7 ,11 £Ulo•u•1 ,,.,.....,.., ~~llt<•
, ..... -.-.~ l ~ 11
J P(.,1 !111 1
l<l_IP llt J P1";
T I SI A-l)_;ltl
11> M I> I'• 1 1 iO
I 7 I I
I • I 1 ~ • (t () 0 '
,[ll>()'Q<I < \01P-\•0<1•<'ll
Bt1tk.s, (:eltics
01)e11 PJay()f[s
J•or ~BA Title
;\ll J.i\'Al.l\EE 1,\1'1 -TI1P .~hootout
. IX'o..:in:. toda~, <irKI .1 rl,1~-if' m:1tchup of
contra~11ng sty!'"' :i pprar~ in ~tore.
Tht> run and gun Bo~!<in C"1tlcs and thr
n11~tho<l1cal \l!l"·;1uk•··· Blll'k". who
pat1cr11i~: •t·t·k th<· O?"n ~h0t or f('{'(i 7·
f00l·2 K;ir .. •·n1 \bduJ.,Jabli;ir. rollide al
11 :30 a n1 1n ~amr r111e of !ht• ~at1on.1 !
Basketh..111 A.!...~oc1a11on tl11.1mp1on'lh1p
pl:iyoff.:; .\ I .1p;tl'llY f'rO\\IJ of ln.!}.li! ,1!
1hc :O.l 1lwuuk•·" Arf'na Jnd .1 national
h:!ll'.'\·i:.irin :i ud1l"nc•· 1111J "ntt·i1.
"Onr \r;1111 1~ cn1n~ to \\in thi~. :111d I
11 ant it to be ll~ '' Rt1ck'' (."()lch l • .1r0
011 T\. 'f"od1111
c·/11111111•/ :t 11t 11 ::111
COS1ello s;i1d. ·Bui v.c·\l' ~vl to he alrrt,
no rt'laxing ;i 1ninu1r or 1he-.;<' j!U)'~ j lht'
Celtics 1 (',1n run ri:;hl hi' \O'l \\e c;1n"t
let them r11 n wild "
Top Celebrities at UC Irvine Today \\'IT off('rs n lrincer. brighter and
perhapi. a nlore rC'"ardlng future to
many ta!cn!N'.I players. \\·ho find a ne"'
\\'llY to success.
The R\u'~'· ~""·~111..! l1J 1c<'JPturr th~
~BA 1itk• thrv \\'On 1n Jl'l71. ;x>s1f'd the
lx•st regu!.1r ~f'Al'<>n rl'<'Ord Jn !he league
at 59·23 to Ao<itlln·.~ 56·~
' Jf the celebrity list holds up and the
non-athletes in the lineup arc able to
make It to the J'lnle or on the rield, the
third annunl UCt-eelebrity baseball
cla~ic w\11 be. of fi\'e innings duration
this afternoon on the UCI fie.Id staning at
A \l'ealth or talent. most or it as o
performing but non·athletlc. nature. \\'ill
be on hand for the event that has drll\lo'll
crowds In ex:ceu of 4,000 1n ILs first two
The latest names from lloll)"""ood to be
added to the celebrity rosier Include Jock
Nicholson "'ho \lo'3S an Academy Awards
nominee for his rol(' in The Last l:>etiill.
and Peter i\ta.rshall of the TV show.
llolly°"ood Squares.
Beautli-' and the beast "ill also be
present.' Ing rbo rg Sorensoo, a flnolist In
the l\tiss World beauty pagt'ant. as i\tisor.
Norway and six Miss Afr Callfomln
beauties add a !ouch of feminine cham1
10 the proceedings.
Gandalf. a four·month>{}ld n1a\e lion
fro1n Lion Country Safari, \j,il\ play the
role of the beast .
The increasing list or relebrllies
includes James C'i.ian. Jim Brown. Elliott
Gould. Greg ~torris. Bohb)I H<'ttrtcld .
Paul Picerni. John Larch. Telly Saval:ls.
Skiles and llenderson t!nd JOf'y Bishop.
Sports stars toclude Jack Youngblood.
Da\'e Elmendorf. Lance Rentzcl. ~larlin
~lcKC(!\>tr, Tom f ears. tillke Ballou,
Andy Carey. Bobby Knoop. Oiris Krug
nnd Bill Toomcy.
Emmett Ashlord, the flni t black
un1pire in the major le.'lgu c,,. will be on
hand to call them as he Stt~ them along
with former Pacific Coast League
umpire Gil Straiton.
Facing !he lsrge r<illf'Clion of stars
from stage. acrcen and Lhe sports \\'Orld
v.·ill be the nation's ~o 1 college di vision
baseball team frotn UC lr\·ine.
Conch Gary Adams' nine -·nt be
b:ttting from lhe opposite: side of !he
plate from their nor!T\111 litance and n\any
will be playtng unfamiliar ~itioni; In
the Deld to help spice up lhc proceedings.
Tickets at $2 each will bt? available at·
the game.
Tou rnament play is granrl -for the
handful of superstars \\ho dominate. The
La1·ers. Ne11.combs. Sm11hs. Rose"·all!I,
Ashes and a fl·w otht'r \'irtuosos are
usually found pla\ inj:l for the 1·a nous
titles and rich purse!.
~fean"h1le .. i;e\'eral dolen 01he.r kctnly
talented p«iple fall out In the early
rounds and arc. tonst'q\!ently 11111e heard
of. Kov.· the~· ha"e a ncv.· hope: Y.'1i.
And u•e "ho have Hl times slopped
brcathlng to kttp from snee1.ing or held nooctro kklne)s In check to remain
~ated while pla y continued, are in a tiew
ball game : lcnnis. ror the living.
11ic arh.11'M~'<I to tht pl,1yoH f1nHls by
cllmlna11ng th(' L11s ,\n11l·l1"., IA1l-.r1' rour
\'ictori~ to one ;ind <'rtl,hin;::: rh1· Chicago
Boll~ 111 four coo,CTutivc i:;Jmes . Tht
Ccltic.'1' had <I !urpn5in~Jy louj.\h tune
v.·l1h the ~ouniz Buffalo Rra\PS 1n thclr
first round l>ut rf'~;11n1'CI I!<',;.; form by
11.·hlppirni: 1973 :\HA r~mpion ~ew 'i'or..k
In fh·e ~a1n£'<> in thl' M.'l'()nd ro11n<l
Boston and '.\11\11.·aukt1' iipht four
regular seAi;on ~nn1e( \\Ith the Hur~
outs«>nnJl 1 he Ct-lt1c~ 101 5 to !n 3 ·points
per mC'ttlllJt. In t\lo·o j.\arnts ijl IJK' At<'na.
l\lilv.·aukee "'on lt7-!13 Nov. 30 and Bostoo
pre,·aJ1ed IGa-104 Ftb. 6.
c 0.llLY PILOT
3:52.2 Mile
Kodes Falls
PJIILADELPJilA -Tony Waldrop. of
the Unive rsity of North Carolina. ran the
fastect mile fl\'er in the eastern sect.Ion or
the United St.it<>$ Saturday at tbe 80lh
annual Penn Relays in 3:Sf2.
The 21.year-old Y.'al drop finished 20
yards ahead of Penn's Denis Fikes who
finished in 3:55.0.
The J)l'e\'iOU! rastest 1n ile in the J-::ast
"'·as by Villano\'a's ~!arty Liquori and
v;orkl mile record holder Jim Ryuo.
whf':f!. earn ran a 3'.54.6 at ~ 11i.'.lrtin
LtltheT' King games at Franklin Field in
e A•he Gain•
DENVER -Top-seeded Arthur Ashe
eliminated England's Mark Cox 7..S, 6-4
Saturday in the opening semlftnal match
or the $50.000 World Championship of
Tennis Denver meet.
Ashe wil1 meet Roscoe Tanner, v.•ho
downed Jan Kodcs, H , 6-4.
e Star• Ad1Ja11C!e
Stars, with James Jones scoring 21 points
in a near-nawless first half, raced away
to a big early lead and buried the
de!endtng champion lodiana Pacers 1()9.
87 in the aeventh game of their American
Basketball Association Western Division
playoff aeries.
e Pre Sl:i:de•
EUGENE -Steve pre ro11 t Ii n e .
running for the Oregon Track Club,
shattered two American distance records
SalU.rday night In the University of
Oregon's Twlllgbt track and field meet.
Prefontaine ecllpsed his own record in
I '
SunOat, April 28, }q7,
MSAC Relays
Deel{ er. Clocks 2:05.6
As Women Steal Sl1ow
the six mile with a clocking of 26:51.8. WALNUT -Francie Larrieu and l\lary final event. the mile relay in Y.'hich the
His old mark. set ln Bakersfield, last Decker falled in attempts to break world D.C. Striders turned beck favored UCLA
year, was 27:09.~. marks Saturday but still stole the as both tea ms recorded tim~s of 3:09.7.
• Miiier Leads thunder from the men at the 16th l\1t. 100 -1. au ... 1,, is1rlde•1), t.3. 1. 11,_-", (Arlillll•l San Antonio Rela ys. t .1. J. Jt<kD·i. cs1rk:lrr1), , .... no 111111 h<irOln -l . 11:1c11, {Ctl 1"!} 13.•w. 2. w11111, TALLAHASEE -A11en Miller birdied Miss Larrieu easily captured the m ile, csir oers) U.6. J. w111an. 1srr1c1e-1J. 111. "'"A,. __ , ............ hol-Sat·~-, for a fiv-• th I h If f th . 2 "° -I. D)'CI, CFIOrld• TC\, 1;.ct.I. 2. Lu1ln1. UK UUC11 -~ ..... iaUll .. -nmrung e ast a o e race 1n :11.1, jF1arlo1 TC!. l:loO.S. J. MufllfM, cTn •1·EI P1t01. wider-par 87 to retain a two-stroke lead and tbe J5-yeor-0ld ~1iss Decker won the 3~11er "-'K11•1• _ 1. &r'ClllM. 11-. ... 1.
after three J'OUDds of the $90,()00 OMyard "-'" 2•()5 6 J :)t.I. 1. ""-'• {Nev~·ll-), t:Ol.O. l. LUCl l., OOU-•-• 41• • • • CWMI V~tln' TC). I IM.2. Ta1laha.1ee Opeo Gd( Tournament. Miss ~·ker, who •·as h•r lon<1·1s takc11 ...c> -1· 51"'1'",..,· sec, _.. .... z. L•WI""-tanr1111ti, uu.; lk '-' U.6. ), Mo1.1-1, t t •I Stile Ltn<I lo-<.llJ, 17A Ve.teran. Dan Sikes matched Miller's out ~-i· ran away r-m ,,·val Rob1"n H•m"'..--1 Firmer, !Tt••~·EI Pt.OJ 2»1. z. WU<I ' ... Gi oe CNYAC). 111 ... J. ~reti. t~•".C:lleOl. 711 s round to take sole possession of aecood Cam.J....11 but felt short of the \.l'Orld J•~tn~ -1 LY~ cc1ut1 Hort11 ..... 111 2S1.o 2 U ~· taJ of l03 ti! }IV<' Schm101. IPC , 'SI I l W•ll.,. (.lrmyf, 2d·t place with a iil'PDlle to on e mark of 2:02.0. Trople Jump 1 1111, 1~1r1.uraJ s~r~. 2. G•lm11. 72, 7 124-ard Kill Goll and '""'''•C l. '3-t~>-J. Flog11..i. (Nt vtd1"4t eno l, ~ ....... Club' !,..,_... earn Doug Rro'A'fl of l he t.;ni\'r r!'iily of ~~11:_ . suroey, IE"lll•lldl, lt=!'0.6. '· ,,,,....", ............ ., ....,_..., Tennessee ran a fast 8:39.8 ln !he 3.0QO. 1s1r1c1"'"11. u:JO.z. J. H•l"D. 1~•kol, .. : •. 2.
t I I-~· . nd J• , · od t 0"11--fllfTll> -1. ero-. (UJ1a11K11t01. 1.0. t. tit • "'-noJl•d-Dot me er s eep t:l.Tidse a ama1ca. pr uc 11e1we"" Jooroll. IA.ti•""~>. Iii. •M Fl.icrier. " ~ 0oo Q . cl" ~ ff 9 3 t' . th lSld4f"l. 1.0. uame lp.,,.,... 0 a · 11ne In e ln!l!<'"'l!<l•ITe llurdle• -l Wi1li1m•, (St " DltOO l Cl. LOUISVTILE _ J .?.t OUn's cannonade 100.)•ard dash. 50 t 2. P1oon, !Nor t11r10g1 S11i.1, ~1.0. l. Gr•-· l5.an Dl"90 S!~lt). 51.9
moved quickly ln the &t.retdl Saturday Orange Coast area aUtletes f.i red well . v.a ....... ·1 uo..-1. Dk*er. ·1a1w AnD•h 'lCl. 2:05 '· '· <>-In S C•mpttel!, 15PCl'fll l"Terna!IONI). 2:0l.O. 3. W111on, f« an easy victory In lhe ~ g tone Ex·Ne1A'J)Ort Harbor High star Terry 1w111·1 sp1~e11e\), 2.os.3.
ol ~ •·-jor fo Alb "fl d · "" _i_ t:t!. 0 Di•tYl -1. Po..wn. PCC. ~01·1. 2. Drtscl!rr, 10 .c. Purse, <ne wrc WEtt ma preps r n on \.\'as scron 1n u1C :31 11.11 at ....,.1 ~., s1r10t•11. '''·I. l. vo11mer, tun1tt1K111<1l, i~w.
the K~·-ky """'"', .. ~··-hill ~·-· .. •,·1. Sta~·, Matt Ho=lt another LOl'll ill'TIP -1. Pf'OC:IO•. (Stride.,), 2t-I\~. 2. ~e. Cll\U\; ....,,.VJ' \,oUl..Ul,; IJVWlD .. 11 UIVlU .,....._ • ' !C~! lnlt<Ml..,,...,11 , JS.II'·· J. u "i.,, fArmvJ. n.
opened Sab.u'day. ex-Tars ace. was part of the winning 10·~.
mil la t Miit rtl•Y -1. D.C, STridt'1, 3:0f.1. 2. UCl.A, 3:ot.1. open e re y eam. i. a r1tan1, 3:11.t. • PMkta• Seorea th Cal 'f ' I . f 01)e<l Mlle -I. WllOd••O. (Cll Stale F"utlor!011l Sou ern J ornta Co l<'g<' a~nin Bred 4.h .7. 2. zu"IO•· 1re.~1·EI Pt!IO I, ':u.1. 1 .
II rt d · t' 1. ~ "d '"I'"°"' sec •·1s 1 KARACHI, Pattstan -Mimoawar we a er omina ing :ic ion 1• r1 ay w11m "'' ~ _ L .;.,.,;.,Qn, <wrn·, sp1w11i111. "'°·1. 1.
Iqbal -~ s.-~ M·•-of Pau~--nw.t Mike Singletary won the 440 Jn Campbell !Si>0r11 '"'~rnat1Ct11U. s.t.s. 3. s,on, ~ tlQI wu· &mwiu '6" • (vna111chNJ SS.•
de! .. ·~ Edd'-~-~ J"81 F~ 46.4, G1enn Rouse captured the open 880 Sfto1 Py• •• 1. F""'""'cft, 1Ptc111c ca-.11 c11.ci1 • .,.. ~ 11;1....-·l.IOI; lllJll • 52 7 Ed BouJd" h"rd I I 111... 1. AlbrlltOl'I, Cun1111cnMJ, U ·H,,.. J. Stlln'«k. of 1be Pbfllppioel &.3 M M 11\ 1: . , lO was 1 1 n I le (un1 11acft..OJ. •>0·~. '· H11c1111rt, uct.a., 1>-J.
Saturday In a·dc:d>led ~'at t.8bore S.000-meter walk and second in the 10 4'1M~·,~:,1.;81,1.41~;'.1atr1 .co.1. 1. cat, »•. i . C•t
to ~Ve Pa"'"'-a •t J••• Jo~-·· thl-1 ki'--eter "'3lk and Lou ?atferSOO W8S WOMM'1 milt -I. lttrl~, (P•clllc C.~11 1 Ctub !. &" JU.'HCI V '1,--.& Utca.r J.l.U !VIII • ll)f. J. Wrl1111!, (!mtHt<lleO). (!SQ.l. 3. nM 0, {LI -··• Ila · r. .... -...: third In the mile. Mlrlld~ M1!ean) 4:12.1. •vuuu vis ......., lltCI 1es. • N :.u. th r 0_ Mii• •l'l•Y _ , s1."11rc1 t1:r,11tt, ..... ,..,. The final two singles matcfles will be Jim e1uuart, e ormcr Ne'1'port 1~s1<o•w. wl,,.o 3,1.:&. 2. c11 s11 t Norlllli!IQI
Played today. Harbor shot putter. ca1ne within three 1o:'~11Q!,,., .,.11~ _ 1. ArMlle. (Mtxkcl • .,,~,. 1. Inches of his best in finl.sh in" fourth al 80<.1ldh1. <s""""""' c11 cor1tt11. 4'1M.c. J. sw111. t> IBtv,rly Hllh Slr!Oer1•, '1.Sl.O • Vsc S 11.1-fi,3.3 WO<f\f'n'1 lt,,.Un -I, SclllT'ktl, (LO'l! .tnotll' TCJ. P .,. · 111·'· 1. Calvert. CLake ~ood l"'''""IO'lt rJ. 111.). l . The least applauded performance came Smltn. •South ca-.~1 'lCI. 1u.11. · tJi ed Wom>'n'1 M11ll lutnP -1. Gi•ber1. IL• Jttllt TC\"· BERKELEY -Creightoo Teblin m. Uie hammer row, contest on a 10. z. wlhon. !LA r c1. s.l. '· l l/Od, cl CTF.t>. s.
batted in h\'o runs oo three blta Satlrday field a\.l·ay from the main spectators. 0~" uo _ 1• •-•· 1scc11:n .r. 2. H1n1~. 1we"
•• 0-··•em Califom1·a and Califonu·a Pol Farmer of T as-El I'll ~· ed v .. uev re), 1:SJ 1 1. Rul1, (HY IM•. 1.5-1.1 _, >XN1.11 e ex SO Au1ICV Polf ,.dull _ 1. cirttr. ff t••• Strlde•1l. 1r.,.. t. lie split a Pacific 8 baseball doubleheader a lifetime best of 231).I to come within 12 011,, cetve•iv Hll11 sir1M.,,> •!'Ml H1 .... r. cc11
"·ith California winning the first game 4-2 inches of the NCAA record. ..&::::.~~~1• .. ~1~· - 1. "'°'~· 11.1,_.\ta1, 21:S7.1. 1
aOO the Trojans the second. 8-3. One major upset carne in the meet 's ~ovu!~1·~:·11:0~:;-;·~e1~!~. \~,1~r.~1 21:0J7 1· ...,11111•
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~ ~~~~~1
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Automatic, a ir cond .. 8
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For only
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Baseball Standi11gs
Easl Oi\ision
w L
111il'A•aukee 9 6
Baltimore lO 7
New York ti 9
Boston 9 10
Detroit 7 10
Cle\'eland 7 II
\\'est Oh·lsion
Texas II
Oakland 111
Angels 9
Kan!'<ls Ci1y R
~finnesota R
Chicago 7
C1rtl11'1C1 6 All•e11 C
lr~•i 6, N•• Yor~ 1
MllwfUk~ 9, Ml"MIO!t 0
ti:l"'$11 City VI· llo.!"e1'1 J
Oa-t~nd 11. Bt!l•'"O•I l
Dl1rolt 1. Cl'lk •llO l
R rn ,,
' 10
'lrilY't Gl"'n
. li4
. .ii i
2 a
East Division
ritontreal 9 5
SI. Louis II 9
Philad<'lphla 9 IO
Chicago 6 9
Ne v.· York 5 12
Pittsburgh 5 12
West Oflision
Dodge.rs 15 5
~low:lon ll 9
Cincinnali 10 8
San Frllnclsco II 9
Atlanta II 10
San Diego 8 14
$1!urGIY'I "'"'"1
Jl.ll~MI 5, Cft)C-2
M0ti1!on It. Pl!11bvrgll 7
S~n Fr8MCISCO 1\, New YI•-1 Olet•" l . MOl!lrlll 1
51, Loul1 '· Clncl"Nl! J, 10 1nntP191 Stn Oleeo s. Plll1tOtlPll!t ~
1'1tl\!Sf0f! O"Hll l·I ti Pll"llll.lr'I lre11 lo1 , Cnl(.t<IO Ft-'!llllf i-1 •f Atlt~l• Nlf-ro ).,, ~l"<l"""tl Klfby 1•2 •f St, Lo\111Glhofl01,
'"' 31f;i
s ~~
311, • • 4 1~
Nrw YDr1!; M.t".cll l·l ...0 S'°"' 0.1 ti ""' F•tnc!~ 8•~1' 2·t arlO WllllllT'I 0-0. PnlltdtlPfll• LOl'IOO<'O J.7 '' $111 Olflo A•ll11 l•l. MontrH l Tor•., i.c ., LOt .... I~ liltu 1.cl.
Did Pros Over-react
With Radical Changes?
N~'W YORK (AP) -For )'WI ann·
chair oMerve:n have argued that the
col~t'B play a more e1tclt1ng brand oI
football thnn the pros.
The sounds finally have penetrated the
crusty racade of the pro architecU, wbo
have reactivated lt)tlt bearing aids. The
National Football League baa imposed
sweeping changes for 1974.
The most important of these changes is
aimed at blunting the cutting edges of
the kicking game. The goal posts are
being moved back 10 yards and the
penalty has been broadened for a place-
kick attempt tlµlt misses the mark.
Failure oo loog kicks returns the ball
to the line of scrimmage. gjvlng coaches
second lhoughta about going for lhrti!
potnt:s from midfield.
The colleges have been playing \\·ith
the goal posts 10 yards t@.ck of the goal
line for years. They kept telling the prm
that ts the best y,·ay to play. The pros
were hard to con\i nce -but convinced
they were.
If the pros were smart, they also would
adopt the college plan of an optional twcr
point cooversion after the touchdown .
One point for a place-kick conversion,
two for a pnss or a run .
Jn close games. this gamble can
present one of the most dramatic
moments in football .
A team has just scored a touchdown to
move within a point of tying the game.
Time Is nmning out. Should the coach
play for a tie with a kick or go for broke
with a pus-or-nm play!
The situation brings fans· to their ftet
in wild e1tcitement. Second-guessing
erupts amoog parlor quarterbacks. The
outcome hinges on this slngle maneuver.
In addition to being highly exciting. the
optional two-paint conversion cuts do"n
on the number of lie games.
The blggest complaint against the pros
has been that they play a patented.
stylized game. built largely on the old
theory that you must be careful n()( to
lose the game before you try to win it.
Pro coaches are inclined to play the
percentage. They stress ball control
whereas college coaches appear to
concentrate on field position. 'The
colleges lake more chances on third and
fourth downs. College teams are less
SAS DIEGO -r.oaeh Harland Svare
of the San Diego Oi.argers takes the
blame for \•i<>lalions ol the Natiooal
Foo<ball League's drug policy whlch
resulted in $401000 in fines for apparent
marijuana use.
"I 'A'as responsible for everything that
"·cnt on with the San Dieg() Oiarger
football team," said Svare, cont9Cted in
"Everybody knows y,•e're talking about
n1arijuana," S\·are s a i d . NFL
funm1S5ioner Pete Roz.elle, who
aMOUnccd the fines Friday. declined to
state v;!iat kind of drugs were invol\'ed.
predictable and, as a result, genaaUy
more Interesting.
The pros In! bigger, faster, smarter-
every man supposedly a master at his
position. The pro game'• fan appeal is
built on the general excellen~ of Its
talent. The job 1i, to turn this talent into a
saleable commodity.
The pros havc;i't had a game In }'tars
to match the Notre Dame-Alabama
thriller In the Sligar Bov.·I last Jan. 1,
woo by the Irlsh, 14-23, after gambnng
tut Jl3lll decisions by both coach Bear
Bryant of Alabamll and Ara Paroegbtan
of Notre Dame.
In ln9tltutina: those sweepU. changes
this v.-eek. yOY have to give tht Pf06 a
blue medallion for trying, allhoo{lh they
seemed to ha\-e O\'et·readed.
Pete Rozelle is one of sharpest, mCllt
public relations.minded uecutlves in
sports. Although the changes v.-ere made
by a special NFL committee you can bet
that the commissioner stoked the fire.
Rozelle reali1.cs that pro football. to
maintain its television appeal in prime
time and keep alive those mulll·rrtilllon-
doltar contracts, mum. not let JU product
lose out lo •·1 Love Lucy" and "Tarzan of
the Apes."
Besides. there is pressure from the
new \\·ond Football League, which hns
leaped onto the sports stage with flstluJls
of greenbacks and a \O t of revotualonary
The NFL needed to take quiclc: actioo to
COUllWoct the ln<r<Ming dulln<SJ of lhe
pro game. b<oJlllbt about by mor<
90phlsticated 1.10nt defense!. caution of
the roaches and an emph;i.'fis on the
place kidt instead of the touchdcl!Ml aa
the main striking v.'Upon.
The c:ballges sl!oold roct"y """" ol
this, but they apparently are not the
panacea. 1n a changing game, ~he
panorea will always be an eh.151\'t!
Tbe added protection gi,·en the wide
receiver. reduci~ the kind of hit& he
must take, *>uld make for an enlivened
air game. The paJS, e.pectally the
'·bomb." is me ol football's major nerve-...-.,,
The number ol field goals -more than
800 attem~ more than 500 made in
11173 -is bound to be reduced. But in
I.heir steed, u Garo Yepremian and Jan
Stenerud in!1st. there will be more punts.
If a field goal Is dull, the punt is a
The IS-rillnute sudden death period for
tie pmes 'Nill be \1l!:lcomed. M Bear
Bryant, WUllam Shakespeare or Adam
once said, "A tie Is like kissing your
sister." But the-re aren't that many tie
games, and if t"·o team."I can play .an
hour with no decision, they might as well
play an hour and IS minutes to no avail.
The best antidote for the tie probably
is the two-plint conversion, or, as coach
Goorge Allen of. the Wash Ing t on
Redskins, Ja<Xllli<:ally puts U, the Flying
ICoalloffd From P11e Cl)
contract \.\'hen I was a senior 1n high
school if I would go and catch th1s fellow.
"I didn't have too mueh good ad,·ice
and I turned them dov.11 in favo r or g~
ing to college."
Another thing he did in high schOOI
\vas play footba.11 .
"I \.l'llS in the backfield end I did the
kicking. The ball was a blunt one at that
t.ime and v.-e did a lot of drop kickin&."
\Vhen he went to nHnois, however, he
gave up baseball and football .
"I didn't have the time for all or
them,·' he says.
\\'hat made him a 40 man?
"I started as a middle distance runner
in high sdlool. then when I put on y,•eight.
I got faster and switched to the 440.
·•1 v.·cighed 135 \.lilcn I entered
Illinois." he recalls. "I put on :W pourxls
in three or four months and never lost it
'1.1hen he \\'as in his prime running the
440. he weighed in at 165. TOOay he
\.l·eighs 16.1.
As a high school miler, he woo his first
race in 4: 46.0 and his best effort in the
prep 81(1 was 2:02.0.
Nothing earth-shaking by present day
marks but better than average standards
for his day and age.
As a runner, he won t\~10 national
championships in the 440, the finilt in
Seattle in 1909 and the second in 1911 in
He remembers that 1911 race a.s
Uioogh it happened yestmlay.
"\\' e ran oo a dirt track around a
basebo1l fi<ld In Pittsbur1!11." he says.
·'One of my cwooents was a fellow
named V.'yman and another was Bailey
Gish. T had beatt"ll V.'yman in the 1909
race but Gish always lhought he could
beat me.
"J came on the outside around fhe fi nal
tum into the sttttch and they wtire both
in front of me. They were watching each
other, and didn't know I bad come up on
the O!ltside.
"After the race. Gish asked me how rd
rome out and v.ilen I told him I thought I
had wm, be was very surprised."
~ records !bat Lindberg uoo the
race and was the only ooe of the throe to
make the U.S. otympic team in 1912.
How about the 1908 team: Could he
have made it!
"I v.-anted to go but the University
v.'OUldn't pay my way to Oticago for the
trials. 1·m sure I oould have made the
team" he says.
"I never forgave them f« IJ}al Money
wasn't that easy to get in tho5e days and
J didn't want to spend my own money ...
His feelings for tile unlvenity hal'c
simmered and almost faded away as far
as bitterness is o:ttcemed and he was
pree;ented with a wall plaque in 1968 that
"l'm<nted to Edward Lindbe'!l,
University of Illioois Letterman, For
11leritorious Representation of His N3tion
and University in the Olympic Games."
In Harness With Times:
(Next week: Undberg rell\•es moments
In his life "ilea be was competfn' wtth
Jim Thorpe, Avery Bnmda1e and Knute
Racing Fire .Wagons Bo ys' Oub Hosts
Top Sports Cclebs
At !ho tum of the century. the
horseless carriage u·as a novelty and
ooly a few had seen it in operation.
The jet age ' \\'as an unheard -Of
happen ing and a trip to the n1oon 'A'as
lhought of in terms of the surface being
n1ade up of green cheese.
Bustles were in vogue in u·omen's
fa shioos and to show an ankle was a slap
at society.
\\·omen 's liberation was only a figment
of aomeooe 's tmaginaUon and any talk
along auch lines v.·as strictly on a hush·
hush basis.
Yes:, things were a bit different in the
days v.'hen Edward Lindberg was
gro"'ing up to later become an Olympic
Gs mes gold medal winner in 1912.
But runnlog Yt1lS a "·ay of life then. as
now, for Lindberg. Only the recorded
limes have changed-for the better.
The Laguna Hills rrsident ran for the
University or Ulinols and after
graduation £or a Chicago club team until
As anchor n1an on the winning l.600-
n1eter relay team in the 191 2 Ol~'lltpics.
he had to be among the best in the world
at that time for the one-lap distance.
Another routine of the early days was
the borseetrawn rire¥lagoo, be it hook-
and-lndder or hose wagon.
With no television set.s, recrtatko of a
dlltermt verslOl'l was aougbt and
Ltndberg was an act.Ive participant.
Each Sunday aftemoon, the fire
departments of t<iwns in the mldy,·est
would stage races '1'1th n e a r b y
But ln.!ttad of tl!e hor,.. pulling the
v~hlcle:s, ~ twn or eight runners v.·ou\d
ht hi.messed up to race down the city
"\\1e used to eet together and pull the!
hook and ladder fire v.·ngons and ha'·e
r1cc1 \\1th other tov.111. ·• Lindberg says.
"SOmetlme« ~ \\'OOld pull 1 hose cart
Rnd other times It would be the hook and
ladder apparatu s,
"t na always one of .the lend runners
and y,·t "'-ould be in ~mplcte harness.
' ' .
There Y.'tte eight of us in the harness ~t
the tv.'O in front couldn't get out of it once:
"-"C Y.-ere strapped in.
"The others in back could just slip out
If they h:lppened to fall but we v.•oold be
dragged along until the rig was slopped .
''\\1hen we pulled the hook and ladder.
to complete the race the ladder had to be
raised and usually the smallest man on
the team V.'Ould ha\'e to climb to the top
and touch it before a winner was
Such sporting event& drew good crov.°ds
and there \Vas wagering on the outcome.
The athletes \.l'eren't involved and
Lindberg declines to state If there were
any benefit.s other than the pleasure of
victory for the participants.
"It y,•as a fun thing and something that
v.·as done for recreation on Sunday."
This, perhaps, "'·as the start of the
horseless carriage. Instead of horses. the
\'Chicles \Vere drawn by manpower.
Celebrities from the sports world \.1111
be arnoni the honored guests at the
fourth annual Gentleman's Dinner,
presented by the Boys' Club of the
Harbor area. Pi.fay 9 at Bahia Corinthian
Yacht Club In N~,,ort Beach.
Among those attending will be Gary
David.son, founder of the nl"w \Vor!d
Football League; fo~r 0 I y mp i c
decathlon champion Bill Toomey, now
the coach at UC Irvine : ex-Orange Coast
and UCLA basketball star John Vallely,
and former USC and Rams standout
P.farl in McKeever.
~laster ol ceremonies Y.1ll be Paul
Tbe Geritlenwn's Dinner is a fund -
ralsing project to help support the Boys'
Club oi the Harbor Area. The Bo)•s' Club
serves 3.000 harbor area boys. A third
brandl \.1111 open 900!1 to senre an
additionaJ 1.cm boys .
lnlormalion on the \r('ntlemen 's Dinner
can be obtained by caJling the Boys' Club
office, 642-m2.
Today 's Sports on TeJe,risio11
t0:05 a.m. f~l -ANGEi.'>
BASEBALL -The Ca.llfomia
Angels meet the Indians tn
ti a.m. (4! -STANLEY CUP
PLAYO.'F -A s.mlllnal game Is
tt::Jtl 1.m. fll NBA
PLAYOFFS -First game of tl!e
championship tertes between the
MUw1ukee Bu<ks and the no.ton
12:30 p.m. m -AMERICAN
SPORTS:\1.\N -t>Jck hunting near
Othello, Wash. and bau fishing In
Florida 'a Lake KJssimmee . Al1t1, a
featurt on thC bears of North
!::JO p.m. (4) -WORLD
WCT Grten Group competrs in th<!
$50.000 UnJted Bank C 1 o. s s I c .
Leiding mooey wiMcrs tncluda
Corona del Mar'• Rod Lav.er,
Arthur Ashe. Bjorn Bor& and Jan
CHAMPION'S -Final round of the
22nd Tournament or Champion.,,
2 p.m. (ll -CBS SPORTS
NaUonal lndoor S w I m m I n g
champk>nshlps. AllO. htghlight.s of
the England-Wales mAtch In the
Union Ru.ibY chamP'onships.
3:30 p.m. (7! wonLn
-11Ulcd doubles action ftaturlnc
Rod Laver and Evonne Gool1gong
against John Newcombe a n d
Margaret Court.
, '
• S1111day Apr!I 28 l ?74
Rustlers Staggered by LACC
Go lde1i West Falls _Q1Lc h-<1me_ ()ff Pac.e, 5-2
,.. ~· .. c. .... ~-; ~--.... .... --...... ~.·
0111r l'li.t 51111 ,..,.._
.Golden West College's
Rustlers were st.aggNed :n
their attempt to stay a1op the
Southern California CotlegP.
baseball standings Saturday as
\'isitinb Los Anglel es CC came
up with the key hits and dealt
the hosts a 5-2 setback.
The loss dro'5 Golden V.'est
,... one game off the p.1CC \\ith
l~'O games lcft-1\K'sday at
Cyprtss and Thursday against
Rio Hondo.
C'.olden West had its chances
but the Rus1Jers left 11
baserunners stranded.
~teanwhile L . .\CC v.•as busv
pulting three markers on lh~
B11cs HaJt
Nin e, 2-0
Orang!' Coast College's P.1111
Possemato spun a fivc,,hit
shutout Saturdav aftl'rnoon as
he and his tl-ammat c s
triumphed. 2-0. at Fullerton
The '>'inning Pira!l'S S<'Ored
f\.\·ice in !he opening fra1nc
and f'os!>i'mato ntnde it s1and
up. for Qr;'ln jtl' Coast's third
'>''in in South Coas1 Coiiference
S.1ddlt>back. rll('an'\'hilr. losl
a 4-3 d('('i!>ion at CJ!ru<: Ctlllege
in f.Ussion Conference play.
Orani::e Coa..~ 's first inning
fire\\'orks "'·"re triggered by
'>''alks to Jeff Grant and Dale
Kuhl's.ka .
steal and Ron S'\'anson got the
first run across ·with a
sacrifice ny to center. Co11 si st~11t Play of Dela11y
Boo st s Mesa l11to Co11te11tio11
Of ..,. 01nr P'llot 11111
has been superb acrord1ng 10
~lesa coach Jim llagey.
to build the re."l or lhe tean1
"Corona del ,\l<1r is the ool v
tean1 to lcg1ti1na 1cly steal on
us thi,; yc:ir." says Hagey.
"and Dl'nnis i~ <i f in e
Kubeska made ii to thin1 on
an error and ~orcd on Mark
Schruµp 's single.
Possemato. n s•iulhp.iv.·.
struck out seven and \1'alkl'd
only t'>''O. Ful\£'rton thrl'nlrnrd
in the nm!h inning hut
PoSS(..'mato .... 11iff1·rl th1· f:n.1!
batter \\'ith !he sarks loaded
S<iddleb.1ck's los~ c:nine ill
the 10th inn ing ''hi·n :J ('1ln1"
player doubled. :ld\ anccd to
1hird nn a fielde(s choice and
scored th<' winninR run on a
'>''iid µitch .
boards in 1M third Inning and
addlng a pair In the eighth
frame lo seal the issue.
hiu ing streal.. • Sl3ttd 10 p11th I OI' Golden
\\'esl L" Ed Oro11-o, !orincr!y
of S.int!ago lhi::h
Colden \\'est scored first tn
the second !Ming v.hen Rand y
P.11111 doubled and SC"Ored on a
single by ft1ike Kiefer.
. Bill \\'h itc\ey had three
singl1•s in f1\·e 11p!).«.1ra11ci·s al
the plate, C~-prti;.<1 !'lllllOO :i ~anie m
front of G\\·c v.'llh a .;.2 1\111
01·,·r ltio Jloodo S.11urda v~
r;oldl'n \\'1•i.1's final opt)IH1~·n1
Pilcher Put Es p I no i a
1>itched 6-1 3 irm1nJ.:" or rcl1<.f
ball and st ruck out 10.
Golden West added a second
!ally In the ninth inning v.·hen
Craig Kenned y got n sun -
double and eventuall y scorl'd
on a . similar hit by ~1ikc
It's 00'>'' or Jle\'t'f fQr < f-Oldcn
\\'e"t Coll<'gc 's shol :1l th..i
So uthern Cnlifor111n
Conferl'nl't' b.1st'hitll ti11l' th is
,\·l•ar as the Rustlers in \·ade
Cypn~<:s TlM'sda~· in~ 2·3£1 \lit.
GIH<'" Wt" 1 ll
"""'•NJ ,, ~r~·.~ ... >.~ ~·~ '"I l~ .... ,, ..
PPT~••'1". O·~
"'o· t' '' • ~· ...
•• '
. ' • ' Sllnchez had " pa ir of
9inglrs In extrnding his hlttlng
stft'ak to 10 ganH•s and i\llll s
st roked l\.\'O sini;:les and a
double to l-qunl lhl' 10-ganl<'
Colden \\'1·:-t trail" ('\pre~
and J,o-: A111.:1']t>." Cit~ t'ollc;::c
h" a ful11:.an1e with l1<tO i:;a111l'S
rt·1n;1 u11ng u1 regu l.:ir SCJ~< n
~ .... ,
( ""/ ,. "''"l'Of 11" 1·•. .t• : 1j
$c.,, •1 !""'""'
~· -..· ~--,,' 1 ti,• I ·1 • · 1
Fullerton Plans Sc1bb ci ti cl1l ;
Rustlers Get Giant Liner1 ia n
Cheeking llw scene :
Orang" Co.1~! College \\'a!l'r IJQ!O crmrh .l11<'k
Fullerton '\\ill be in f.uropc Oil n sabbatical
next scrnestcr.
He's exp1..--ctcd to visit \\\·~t r;r rn1<i ny.
Holland. lla ly . \'ugosla\ia. llu11g;1rv ;u1d
~!{~ibl.v Hornania -studyui~ 1111· 1•a.'·
l::11ro1M·ans coach 11nd play poln
I-loll \\'1lson. Vullcrton ·s :1ssist.1n1 11111
handle the polo team. Fullcnon ...,·ill rt·lurn fo r
the ·75 S'>''im season.
fo{llrlrn \\'t st. t:rpc<'led to ha,·c uni" •If it .;
better football teams in '7 1, .ttot :1 biJ:: boost
rl"ce ntly "'hrn a 6-6, 23S-pound dt•fenshe
lin,man t nrnllt'd.
llr.':1 !\lark 1>11\'IS . 8 21-\'t':J r old l'X·lklrSI'\' lll~h slur ~ho l.O"'C eoac'h H:iy Shatl.lt'ford
says hasn't ph1yed in a t·ou ple of years.
"lfe's lhe Sll'CNlg~t !:UY "'l"\'f e\'er h~rl anl1
he's big and hist," says Shark lrfnrd. "You
nt\'l"r know hnw .ttood a pla~·rr is unlil bl' put.;
lhr suit on, hul I '>''ould AUl'$S ();n Is is prt'll ~
l);n r l.1n1rbr(l(lk, a fornl\'r l1 nr ~!:ir \11th
San (Jrnu•n•r \11r h S;11!dlt·ha!'k r oll1•g1• und
l:1trr S;;n 1l1rRO St.it". i~ l'\~l\'{'t••d 10 ~1c:n ;i
pro ron1ra{'t :-0011 \\llh !ht· ll1•tro11 \\.h\·1·1 of
lhc n1·1v \\orl£1 Fflo11h.11I l,1·;1'!111·
Tony Ar1·11rnan1t11, ;i tnp ru1111 i11:.: ha•·L. f1•r
\l't·~tn1i11 ~trr llii:h l;1~t ~"""1111, \\ill ;11111arr ntl\' pla~· foolh:1ll nr\l ~<'ason at 11ranef' Cua~t _:__
11 hir h i~ kinrl of an r1 l'hru\\ ralsrr ~in1·1· hi~
hrn\ht•t llnn b tht· .-iartinl!; quarh·rh:1rl. tor
1;olden \\'rst.
Hick fl1e1· !ht· Souiht•m f ;1 Ii t 11 r n l .1
l'o11fl'rf'n1·1• pl;1yl'r c•f th(' rea r t110 SC'11so•n~
;11.:11 at f.nldt'n \\'1·~1. 11111 pla\' fl"IOtball for
\\'rs1 Te'l:n~ Stall' 1n '74. R1cr rransfrrrrd tu
\\·,1shini;:ton Stalt' J.1st vcar. bu! £hdn't hf..c 1!
and spent !ht• last scrnt•ster at G\\'C .
Vnrn1rr l/untln gwn Hrarh lli l!h fnothall and
lraek st.nnrlout f:ar lh 't\'be is An <i s~istanl
lrnrk roa£·h 111 ll B this -spring undrr Or11nge
f.;oast'5 l\ork rxprrirnt't" progr<1m .
"'ise·s cnrrrr "us rut short thrrt• ~l'l'.lrs ago
11hL'n ht· injured a kn1•r In o st·rin1111a-'e prior
to lhr stnrt of the footba ll St'lt"lln Hl OC'C. 11<'
"a~ 111 C'olorado last yrar, hut rrturn rrl to
Oran gr C.1ast. \\'lse plans to rontl nur his
i•tluea1i1111 at Cu l Suite 1 L~.1ni:: 81·111·h1.
Snccrr 11 ill l>t.'f'flrn~ ;1 pnrt of Th£' Southern
l ';1htorn1a Confen'nt(' progra111 next year 1r11h
Coldrn \\\•SI <'Ornpc11nR 1111h LA ll:irh<ir.
LAl'f. East LA. S:int;i ~!on it'<I ;ind Bio
f lflfldO
(;nldt·n \\'1•s! ha:-ht:•t•n pl;1y1n~ ~·t•cr 011 ;1
f tt'i' l:1n1·1· h11~1s for St'\1•n j.f'ilr s
Prep, JC
Ba seba ll
Sta11<li 11::?;S ··
~ ..... P,.1 ~ ... ,,
p '""•' ""'•' ,. ~· . ~· P •u' ~· " .......
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MO.,~I llf (1) L111• /,'•• ~. Vrn1u•• " • r 1 (.. ~.,.,,,A
'I ' 0 0 I, I"' ,., "' I <· ~ '''' ,._' o! 1 01 ~. f f<!,'l· r l JOT 0 G•J!•~. 1"
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I 0 ~~"""'"'"" ti~(;"· T •A 'I ! " .. -, " >~ rr
' . ' ' ' ' Costa f\lesa lligh's 1'1ustangs
are back in contention for a
CIF -1 ·A baseball playoff berth
after a disastrous Irvine
League start and much of tilt.·
current success of I h l'
ti.tustangs is credited to the
1ough , consistent 1>lay of
senior catcher Dennis Oelan~·
··t don't le<'I there is an
Pqu<il 10 Dennis in Orangt"
Counly ." says llagey. "The
only ealchcr l'\'f' seen that 1s
contparable is Foothill's Joe
l)uce~ ...
L>elany is a vers.1tile athleh·
As n football player he was a
fullba{'k-lincbatker as a junior
:ind sµ(.'nt considcrabl<' 1i1ne 1n
lh~' SC<"lnd:lry as a senior.
"He's very quick and 1s
lc;1 min g 10 become mort
patient al the pl att'."
l,)cl:iny led the team v.·ith
fi\'c hon1e runs last as a
Junior. but ha<: collected only
Saddleback had scorl'd !'>'ice
Lil the (ourt h lhanks to llrian
Hester's t\.\·n-run 1r1plt•
~h:ster had the other rbi ...,·ith
a sacrifice Oy in the -second
LA :·\zlecs,
Univcrsidad 1 First time ever!
~lany has banged the h:i ll
at a .417 clip through Friday's
triumph againsl £cliso11 and
his fi elding and overall play
11~ \\'as originally r:ibbNI. for
fir!>t base and the outfield bul
J1:1gey put hi1n al the backstop
UCI Doubles Tea11i
Battles fo,. Net Title
OJAI -UC Irvine's &Qtt
Carnahan and ~tike Fishback
play for the college di\ision
doubles championship today at
2 here at the 75th annual Ojai
JnvitatiortJI tennis lourney.
The Anteaters patr meet
Andrev• Rae and Russell
\Yatts of the Un iversity of San
Diego follo.,.,·ing their 7-6. 7-5
semifinals victory Saturday.
And Carnahan goes for I~
singles title :it 11 a.n1 .
against Cal Poly San Lul'i
Obispo's Dan Lambert. v.tio
Area Sa ilors
Grab Lea(ls
John Ross-Duggan . 18.
Nev.·port Beach. the defending
champion. stood a g o o d
chance to repeat in the London
Bridge Regatta as he v.·on the
first race Saturday in Ille
largest sailing series in the
United States.
eliminated• Fishback in
In prep action Saturday
Sl'wpor1 Harbor High's t'>''I)
doubles teams both made it to
the finals before be i n g
Steve ~farosi and Rick
\\'hit\\·er finished second in the
16-and-under and the 13-and·
under runnentp duo v.•as Peter
Perkins and Cody Small.
Ski Club
unce this ve<1r due to an or1noR co .. nt coi1~0 11: ,. ""
11bundancl' Or breaking stuff ~~~~·¥~.~ c ~ : 6 g
lhrov.·11 at hirn. ~~~',~sg;;.'(;,o ; g l ~ LOS A~(;[Lf·:~ -The 1--os ··nen ni~ has been prin1arily 1-1c,.ow, 10 { ~ g ~ 1 h · a fast ball hitter but he 's ~i~~. ,, , 0 0 0 ,\ng~ rs Aztecs c 1r,~·r out r e1r
.1.1te,., lb 1 D 0 0 intc·rn:11ionol sc:1son at 3_ bccornin n more naticnt now 1<co1i1e•. 11 ~ ,'• '• '• _ ., ,... Poi·e"'''O· D " . I k t I t ,. t and is art exccllertl '>'Tist To"'' . 11 • ? o c oe · ()( ay ;1 Last 1•Si
hitter. Jfe \\'as tn•ing to pull sc•ra i.w
1""'""' • ~ • 1\ngrlcs Collene S I ad i 11 1111 'J 0-•"9• (Di~! 70CI QOO 0»-2 • 0 '-' l'Verything early, but 1l0\\' he's f~11~rron tlXI ooo l'l«l---4 > a~ainst Unive rsidad of :i1('x1co l
getting his share of doubles s..w•eo••k ui C!ty.
and tri ples." •• ' "~ ~:z:.:..1~. 11 s g ~ g Los Angeles has cCimpiled a In :iddit ion to his hitting and s.1,.;..,.,, • .,, ., o o c 2-1 record againsl f 1 r s t
defensive ability De I an Y ~f'(f.;,~ 1 ~ ~ g di'v1·51·0n ~lexi·can t"'ms 1h;s
rounds out his \'lllue v.·ith ri~~;~•7'0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ season. beating ~lo:ierrcy. 2-
huslle, intelligence and game ~~~~i 10·o:i ! g ~ g I. and Atlante, 1-0. (1ub
sa,>;.'. ~~.'ri~:lb "~ ? g g g America ha.ndC'<i the Aztecs
"His hustle ~'ears off on V:/;:!i.~. c g g g ~ their fi rst loss last ...,·eek, 2-1 ,
e\'erybody and he's made Tot•1• sc-11'1 ,Mi,,.. J~ 1 ' 1 before more th.in I l.000 fans
some or the rinest plays at / ~ • catcher as I've seen."' sa~·s S.•cdleD~'k g,;g r& ~-~ 1: l Los"" Angeles opens r\ort h
J ,,.,..,~ Anierican Soccer l.l':lgue play
Hagey. •·A backup play at first baS<' ~lay S against Seattle at F.tist
;none game and a play near 1\Je l TOll.I'Uey LA. the first ba<:e dugout against 1 ~ ~ Un i ,, c r s i cl ad rin1.:;hcd
Corona dcl ~far are l\\'O that ~1exican professional socr<:'r
con1e 10 mind . ·o JI• S l league play last Sunday.
"lle's a thinkf'r behind •hi' ea IU(~ c compiling an O\'erall 12-!l-13
I I · .. A n!eord fur fourth pl;1y in !hi' p nte. lie ca is all the p1tcnt.·s Althou gh the competition i~ standin!(s.
and is f:ir and away !he best still a month nwa•·, the en!~"
t h ' had •· J '} Un1·"ersid.-'·s rn1<lfit"ld is Ct'L c er we ve ever · deadline for the 13th charity •"-'
JI. th "" · t strl'ngthened b)' Ant onio .IS «'C-MJn 11vmer aga1ns tenni s tournament srvv1cnred
L A I · t i~·~ Dc l...aTorre. Al 23 .rears of o s a m 1 o s wa s by the Adoption Guild al · st t I · "' · d a"e. DeLaTorre is one of the tn rumen a 1n a .,... '>''In an Southern Orange coun1y 1s b
h I d ti t · lk 1·oungest members of !he e ea s ie earn m '>''a ·s. Friday. '
Tl I be ftlcxiean national t.eam . le ut ure appears to Tourney dates are ~1ay 25-27 either 1,;C Irvine or Arizona and June 1_2 for t he Universidad met C 1 u b
State. c 0 mp et i 1 i 0 n whi c h America '"'·ire this season.
\\'ith a 3.3 grade point encompasses five di\.islons for recording a \'ictory and a tie.
a\'er11ge and interest i n both men and v.·omen. against the team ,,. h i c h
criminology and p h y' i c a I Plav will be held at the handed Los Angeles ils first
education Delany figures to Newp0rt Beach Tennis Cluh, setback e,·cr.
see collegiate action before Park Ne\\'poli. the Palisades 'Tony Doug!ns has emerged
accepting any po I en ti a I TCllnis Club. Balboa Bar Clull as one of lhe mo::t pot~nt
professional offers. Racquet Club, ~1esa \'errle Aztec scorers after ncttin)! :i
Ross-Duggan scored three
firsts a year ago and started
on Lake lfavasu v.·ith another
\'ictory in the Hobie Cat 14 A
neet. Ten fleets sailed ...,·Hh a·,
tota l of 32.~ yacht s.
But right no'>'' the main Tenn is Club. Emerald Bn\'. goal and hitting and the go:i!'
Orange County's ski club objective is the err 4-A Peninsula Poi nt Tennis Club. post against /1mcrica la:-.r I
'>''ill be hosting \·olleyball play playoffs a goal thnt and Oakv•ood TcMis Club \\·l'ck.
each Tuesday starting at & ap~arcd out or the question Entries may be submitted at 1"00ay·s 12:30 prcllm1nnryl
p.nt. at Corona de! ftfar beach. after lhe first four gaml'S or . any of the aforementioned gan1e features Ca l Stat£'
The ski club plans several league play that saw Costa clubs. Draws "'ill he posted 11 ns An1teles l and S.'lnta ~Jr,i:i·
Saturday's winners "''ere:
Pacific Ca tam.1ran. ~t i kc
Satterlee. La ~lesa: Hobie Cat
16. Bob Beauchamp. Nev•port
Beach; Prindle 16, Geoff
Prindle, Dana Point; Hobie
Cat 14 , John Ross-Duggan,
f\ewport Beach; Hobie cat 12,
Steve Haleh. San Bernardino.
~Iesa \\'i thout a win. !\<Tay 21. c:i City O>llegc .
activilies this sumn1e:r _____________ -·---------__ -·-·----
including camping trip s ,I ""="'""'""""'""'""''""'""'""'""""'""'""""'""= harbor cruises, dances andl
baech parties.
There is no membership
requirement to 11Uend but
individuals must be at least 21
years old.
The Harbor Area'1 Newe$f
Factory Authoriz9d Salts & Serv ice
Specializing in All
European Car Rt palrs
Harbor View Subaru
2100 H•rbor Blvd., C.M.
1171 1 IUCH ILVD.
I ~
Hidden Meadows hil~
something big 1n s101e
fat you.
',•• I'»' .,,
'· ·,!. " I , ,,
' ' ., 11'• I' , .. ; ,, '
,, ,,,
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' I t•1
Cal ifornia Yesterday
California Today!
I •"'1 1' '
ll1J I " r'l::l\"1 ' "(
It u . t [ I• , y
•11 L .•' ,,_ . ,.
Escape From the City
,, "'•
; ltP"l!
' 1~1 t» ..
I '
••• .,, ""• t •••
(Jrh•~ "" ·~
II •• 1•1 ' ''"'"
••" I ' ·~•· \ ..
! '"'"on• W ••••••n "'••d"• ~'
'" U ''" '4 •o•n••
" "
" -' ..
, ... u .. ,
'" ') ....
•••• ,-1 .. --Burry ·~o Bidden Meadows!
' S miles north of E1condido on 395.
CALL COLI.ICY (71•) 7•5-2373
•nr "'"•~ 1nfurmt11on wnt• ll1tltl•,. \It.Mio•· .. P.O.,,,, 7·11'i, t~nd1th>,CA fl'.lO'l'
• ( lt-1 un I 'I in r>"'I" , ''I f•·1 ' I Ir. I" f1•f'Alt• 1pcr ,111(1 "'.Ad It l"'' '"" I ' I t\JO r>r o!,l'lt:lt ••l'I-" .i1tt. the 111t 111~ ol 11'4'1 oUrnno nl'lf ttvl-~ 11•1", 1t ,,o'I. ···~" '· '"
• •
' . C -DAil Y PILOT 1974
. 1be newest member ()f lhc auto racing fratemlty to move
Ullo the Orange Coast area is Ornham McRae.
McRDe and Norris tcammut c Sam Posey of San Juan Cap.
lstrano wtvcilcd their powcrfu.I ~·ormula S.000 race can thi$
week and both are enthualastic about the sea50n ahead.
Mcftae. born In Wellington. New Zealand, has moved 10
Dana Point but says ~e will be living in Nev.'J)Ort Beach after
the Indian apolis 500.
"John ~tahler got me a place in lhe same apartment com·
plt1 where he \h·es,'' l>fcRae aa y11.
, ~cRae. u!llikc Posey, is seekini a ride at lndy this year.
I think it would be a shame not to go back alter being
named rookie of the year in 1973," he says. "But rlghl now I
don 't hive a ride. ·
"l don't like oval racing that v.·ell but I did enjoy Indian· ...,i>:::,~
a polis last year." • . '
llfcRae E ye• F orn11da One R acing
Melt are bis future plans other than the Formula 5,000
strlet? H ''I 'fOUld like to try for the "'orld championship by driving
In the Formula 011e race1 around Ole "·orld,'' he &ays.
nJs means s"ilchlng from a nve-Utre l!lf.otll: block CbC'vy
engln" In ld1 prettnt car to a three-Utre engine.
Petey and car owner Jack J\fcCormack "'hose sbop!I are In ~~s':
San Jue Capistrano, agree. t"
"lfe ba\·e bten tesJl ng these <'ars at Rlve~lde and will be
out there again tbl1 week,'' J\tcC.Ormack 1ay1.
"We've te1ted the cars rive times and tbty are golnt well."
Gurneff 011111 Olher Builder
O•ltY Pllef '"''" •1 Jtlc.fl1r• KHllltr
'fo sec
Hlt¥-Tbere are days when
ottliap. It would have beer'I '
better to stay home and
p<actlce. -
At lea1t that'• how It
appears for Southern
California Colleft'I VanprdJ
lollowln( twin cleleata al the
hand• o t Cal St1te
IDoml°""' Hiiia. •tld>
_..i up an NAIA buebati
playoff berth flllb 11~ and ~l
triumpha Salurday on tho
"1Mef1 Dell!.
'Ille holh ripped l h •
Van111ardJ In tbo lint llmt
-they -11 tlmU In tho nat 1nn1n1 wtth 11n
alell<s~ aeveo Southml O!IUomlt-~llJ" mlacuea .
lt wu ltl runa left
OVER BALL /\'."'~
At one tlme or ·another t¥ery N,· ~ / ' ' 1olf• findt that his puttin1 hu :
.Upped a bit. The hole seem• to 1l i.,.;
hayt; 1otten smaller, ind those · " ~
modlum·l•!llth and ahort putts \ , \ •
1ren1t aoina in as often as they ' 1
should. ' ' ' •
·What should you do? Well. \ ". ~
you col.lid chanae your stroke, ~ / 1
or alt a lower s;·p on the club, ~ .' J
or fYt n buy a w putter. But ~·
belot• you do a thins buty, 1
1dviae you to check one &imple
but lm p0rt1nt factor: are your
eyea onr the hall? '-'~'.)
When you line up for a pult, your eyes should be
directly over the ball, and a line acrou your eyes
should be parallel to the tarpt line. If your eyes are
i ntlde or outside of the taraet line, your hand• and
arms will react automatically, and the ball wW end up
to the lift or rltht of the cup. ,, o ''" ttAt'L _ ..... _
And the~ f&me WU alto'.'frustra -but thtl Ume
stranded on , ha,. pathl
!hat killed Ille Yan111atd1. ~;;;;:;;;:::;;o:::;:;:;:::::::::=:::=.::::::;::;;:;::::;:::::;;::;:::;=.:::~ ·Seven runners were 'r ou you t to 1mpron yout 1•ine. You e1n find adl'k:e
stranded In the flrll three fot M'trY JOlf problem In Amie's new book, "495 Golf
iMin&:I as Steve Rachunok LntOM l y Arnoid h lmer." TD aet your copy, send your
auffered his ftnt 1ttblck u a namt.addreat and S4.9S to Arnold Palmerc/o this newspaper.
VanprdJ pitcher tbl.s year
aft.tr seven wtrw .
. Docs he reels the cars are competlth·e and will they bold
'Ille Van111atdl' only acora
ctme In the seoond 1Mln1
when G,... Elmadan doubled
and ICOfed on Jim Ml111p's
Swimming, Diving
"other than Dan Gurney, we are the only ones bullding this
type of race car in the United States."
"J'm sure they will be very competitive in the series and we s
have to feel they will bold their own in the competition," J\lc, •
eonn•ck add•. palll \Yho ~II be the biggest threat in the 5.000 !erits?
. ~ J\lano Andretli in a whee lbarrow would be tough. He's
dr1wn1 for Pamelll Jones and that'• a good Cllmblnatiolt
!'But Graham and Sam are mighty good drivers. too ."
Whal are lhcy looklna fOr at Riverside when testing the
a Bu~y Athlete Flrlt game scorlni wa11
accounted for on rbl 1ln,:le1 by
Bob Johnson and R o a e r
Leweln In addition to Kip
lleonon'• fteldet'a dlol<t.
•:we get them up to speed to test the wings, scoops. sus-
pens10!' and other little details that are important for success
1n Nc1ng.
"1'te car and drvcr become a dyno and they can go al"'O\lnd
the track within ~sandth or a second of the time on \he
lap before once they get to this point.
''We ctn Increase the horsepo"-er to get more · speed."
( At the pr~nt time. the cars are powered by a 302 Chev·
rolet engihe. aiid; are getllna: 550 bol'90powcr. Is this competitive
with Gumey 'a cars? · ·
"We think we will have more horsepov.·er tha~ his cars
when we get to J\olid-Ohio for the first race in the series June 2 "
t\.IcCormack says. '
Po•ey t.i Conapete 'at Llmerocik
Posey, mea n"·hUe, will compete in 1 sports car race In the
Trans-Am series nest Sunday 1t Llmeroct.
· Wiii be 10 to Indlanaptlls'? ~ "No, t don't plan to r• there eYtn to watcb tbe race tllls
yW." 1'e says wttb emptiasls.
' What ruture plan1 does the San Juan Capistrano 'firm lla,·e
ror marketlnc the cars'! -, "If they turn ~t M ii this year, we'll probably 1en them
at-'·the end of tbe 1ea1t• and build new ene1," Posey says.
, i'1cCornan"k B111ldh1g Tl1ird Car
"Right now we're building a third car for a young dri\'er.
Jon Woodner o~ San Francisco," Posey says. 11le ca.i:.~ W)ll be ready for the Mid-Ohio race in Lexington
giYlng the Norris Talon MR--t team three chances at vlctorv.
J And it. all began at McC.onnach Racing Enterprises in S8n
"'"', ~ano._.._ ..... -....... _.,._....,.,. . _, .. ~ .. , . '
.. ~or Lo~J;.(4 : 1.~ :1 'i
l i Haffless Results t • .,_ .
: c.J.~TTri-.°'t;• ~ ... ~ ~lllST JtA('•. -· ~It. ~··
"· "11""1. 111 llH!S. IMJ•H Q100 u< •ar Chuc:k.. Todd II 6-'D 4.GD i.20 as e~t1! .... Plek .... 11bln • S.» .4.00
I 11 Hali, l lK'klfl•ft I . f . 'JIG sp I ,Tl•AE-1.116. . "itt ~ALSO ll:ACEC -JOOI TP1!1lle, SldM1 n. G••P'I Thnt, Mvrn1 LOO.II,
l L."'* l•ck. 1Cll/\TCHl!:C-Sl1ver M•IOO'.
• EX/\CTA l·P<>11!1r Cll\IC.k £. 1· *""" Pldl:. P'lld IJS.ot>
COND ll:ACI, Gn9 milt . P.1«· ~. 1>11 6991. !'llf'\I l 'll)C Gr1t11n, Tl1Mor 4.10 J.00 2.tO
lllKlt, P1tttrton s.'6 J,.O
HO, O.aomtr f.H
\ TIME-2.04 1/J. ~l.LSO ltACED -In Error, Grind
l•oa-s. L.0!111 T11,, P1trlcl1 p,, JudV
o!lney, • SCJIATCHfD -Armbra Gue1!,
~ferson, Tiger. 4'MlllD. ll;fCI!.,' ont , rnlll. • p1e1.
l::•i..111'14• 111 19t1, '"' ... C!CIO •
lnl Cl•lr Chl•I. L.ontlO '·'° 3~ 2.IO • c oucr.n. Cr•l11 '·'° 3.20 f:>••~ Ollltt. G•-'f '·'° i TtM-f-2.t'l .US. \ A.L.SO Jt/\CED -&•rmlr'I' Ol'OOPV1
t l\Ol'pes \lk!Of"l'. Horne Flr1t, s11r
f~· \ Ill~ scr•lc~.
•. FOUllTH Jt•CI . on• mill. Pl(f.
J-Ol'dlllontd. CNW·J). S yHr o~ a.
'\.oiM• • pur..e lJ700
l unny ,.lm•l'l~rst, 't11v1.... $.20 J.60 J.IO
aeav Sl••no1r. C•lnt! 4.60 1.60 ~Jli•1!11 M lOll. Davl!ll<I 2.to
TIAAE-2 ~ 2·J.
•LSO 11:,1,CE.O -Jc/In E1rl M ..
.Sea ~n gs
~Gain Third
MD Se nior Stars in Ba sel>all, Track
llCll CtlltM Iii
i?.iif: i .. ,;'1 '1• "'11
In lt1aler Dci lligh's fil st
league track and field ntect,
Dan Spain \\'On 'the long jun1p
1orcaring a baseball \lfliform.
\Vhen the t\lonarchs ht:!d
their \1•eekly Snturday has£'··
ball practice rcrrnt!y Spnin
11•ort his track unif1>rm under
his pin stripes.
Spain. tho Orange Coast
1 area's leeding long jumper
in track. at 23-9~ also h:irpens
lo be the 1'.1onarchs' ,tarting
second baseman on the base-
ball team. hitting al a .306
clip in league µlay .
"The re arc a fe\1' problcn1'i."
adn1i1s the S.foot and 150-
pound senior. "The day of the
Beqch Cities meet was a good
For I":! hours ir1 the 1norn·
ing. Sp<•in pract1cl'd 11·ith tl~c
baseball team . lie quickly got
a ride to NC'v.·p;>rl llarbor 1-l.igh
and long jumped .
"I didn't think it 11·ould
affect 1ne hut 1ny legs were
killing n1e," says Spain. "In
order to really jump well, I
have 10 have some rest." l·lc
\\'<IS fifth at 20-5.
His best ju1np came in a
meet where he wasn 't
supposed lo con11)('tc.
"At Southern Counties I
\rent to v.•atch Chris ~fnrtin
jump." sa~·s Spain. ''Chris
.. rnsn't frcling \\'ell so coach
asked 1ne if I "'anted to take
hii; place
··1 rC'ally didn·1 hnve time to
think about it. which probably
helped me . I \\'3S loose. I "'n~
getting out there real good and
led after the trials al· 22·9;4. I
... l••'f to t•k'. c... of w .. t. "'W .. "91rcwtt,_
-the! foll'" ,i_, netvni(ly. 2052 ... _ l lwl. c--_,,
~.,·~·"" :il:T~.~"11 11 (\~':If:. 1
1 ! ' i 'Ev1n1, p O O
Oooum1n. o o O f o T011l1 1t l 1 •<-~,, 111111-~ ... C•t Ctl!/41!' 001 OIXI !-~ ' t t •I ~lllt Dam Hltl1l
(lllOll .. 11-11 ' 1
DOH YOUI CAii. IDU ·-WE SfAllf-.
, .. t"""'°"llYO~toltAlittlA '4i-1116 ....-........................ .....
Yarwood Rallies;
Bucs Nab Sixth
Coast College's ~1ike
Yarwood. who qualified with
the fourth fastest time. came
back 10 \Vin the 200-yard
breaststroke saturday at the
Southern California swin11ning
and diving championJh ips at
South14•estern College.
Yarv.·ood, who Frid a y
captured the too -y ard
breaststroke. added the 200
Sllturday in 2: 18.6. better than
a second ahead of tbe second
place finslher .
Among Yarwood 's Yictims
"·ere Saddleback College's
Scott Campbell who was fifth
in 2:22.0 and Yarv;ood's
tea mmate. uran Marksbury.
"'ho finished seve nth in 2:24.1.
Pasadena, \\'h'.ich brought a
commanding lead into the
final day, v.·alked off with the
tea.Jn title, outscoring second
place Cypress 312-237. OCC
was si.ith \vith 111 \\'hi\c
Sadd1eback was 15th 1,1:ith 34.
Colden West didn't score.
Saddleback got a big boost
\l'hen freestylcr Laura Hove
fin ished second in the I.650
event in 17 :36 .0.
Still, most of the noise from
the Orange Coast area came.
as ex.peeled, fro1n OCC which
98W all but one or its
swimmers nnd divers tno\•e up
on the final day.
Larry Blaltennan, "'ho was
the 12th qualifier in the 200-
yard backstroke. moved up to
ninth with a 2: 11.S clocking.
The Pirates .also saW the
400,.yard rela y team finish
seventh with a time which
would have captured fifth
place had OCC been ij1 the
championship race.
The Bucs recorded a 3:24.3.
ra r better than the time which
qualified tne team 10th.
se;r111en1 c 1111or1111 c111111pio"'"'''
Al SM1!...,s!1,..,, C<ill•'lt
1.IS4 Fr-I. H••vey (Fu!ler!l!<'l1
1•:1'.0. 2. NIVI Ul •dltb.I<.-) 11:36.0,
J, Koenig (PIJadtri.I) 11;45.1, 4. Udell
(PlllditMl 11 :41.t, 5. McNu!ly (El
(ln't!no] 11:4t.~. I. Frlcly tH1r00t)
11:02.S. • 100 Fr._1, Oeluado (P11111en•) U ,4,
'· Slrlcktt (S1nl1 l•rt..r1) s.oo. 3. Pel..-..,. lGrosJJftanll 4f.9, 4. Me1e'
(C1pre"l 50.0, S, Oan1von (Piflrct l
50.J, 6.. Murph1 IH1•borl 50.4.
200 l.cl<-1. Sllllff• !'1..-c:t1 ,:01.1 ?.
St1le1 CE•1l l•) t:0..2, 3.
ll.l"ldtr1t>l!J9h, IFll'lltrlonl 2:07,0. '·
'•cl'lt.I' IP•fftt l 2:0l.I, S. Oot1
tlll!ltur•l 1:1D.I, '· *915 (Cypr1·ul
2:10.t. Oll\tt1: t. a11t11n1111 (DCCI
1i11.I. no 8•••1-1. Y•rwwf !OCCI 1:1t.6. 2.
l rlotH !Cyprea1l 2:11.1, ). Giid-ii
ICltnnl 2:20.J, .L Hlnu !C'IPf"l'$l
1:70... s. (l l!'lpffll 111 ... leMc:ll)
21H ,f. f. li:O<ktnblcfl CP1..ien1I
1:n .D. Ol!Wr1: 7. M•rtfl.IMlfy IOCC)
'ZOO Fly-I, HNINr IP1we11111l 1102.1,
2. '"",.., ca 111et1t111111 2:~1. ,_
MCC11ntacll fkillt,,_111!"'1\l 1:0S.4, '·
THE VIKING ,,.,...Oll'T ..... IWCH1
"'"' '"°'"!If> """' "'""" V.... ~tit trN11ft!MltA. .... C'llldl,....,.., lpitlllltt -.
W/.iltll ffrtttW, (1NC,l,ll
(l•rk1on IP•1ed1111 ] 2.05.J, J,
•IK•lly /(Yi)f"Hl l J:(lt.,, I. 110<klf
tSan11 ltrW•ll 2:07,,, · 1...,..!e• dlvl"!l-1. Ntl$Cft !SIMI ,1,nt l
2. 51"'°" <Sin '''"''"'l/\Ctl J. 01~1, !Ea1t L.A) 6, JI01~W1!11 !LO!'ll l
e1 .. cn\ 5. 5he•m•n 111:10 Honool i. O"n"''" (Pl..-ct! Olheti: 11 5. ltlllln
IOCC I. .OO·v•rO !r~ tela1-l P111111n• J:ll.•.
7. Gon..._1 l :Xl.O. 3. C~prt1l
3:10.1, 4. Pit t<• l :'l'J.t , J, FYllHIOI\
J:1~.!. •· !l1k1r1n1111 l:J.S.~. Othtf1:
1. occ J:l •.l.
Te""' 5cortnQ-Pasldena 312, Cyp•en
737, Ple•ce 2'1, Full•rton 111. Gr~'mon1 161'>. OCC 111,
$0utt>-l!ern 95. B&l<t•stleld 9', LA
l-11rt>ct• "~· S•nll llarW•• nv,,
P1lom•t 41, E111 LA )9, 51~11 r.na
37, CMl'9V 36, S11Nlt••cll M, S•n•~
Ml!<'l!t• JI, Cllnn 19. L,1, ll•HtV la.
S•n aen.f!no \l•ll•1 26. Ventu•• U.
11.10 i'lonoct n. Lane llMth 11 ,
(trrllol 1, Mt, SA(, GllHR Wul
1"11 LA(C 0
Mater Dei -. Ho sts Golf
The ~later Dei lligh School
roorth annual golf toumament
v.'ili be staged at Irvine Coast
Country Club Monday with a
shotgun start gettin g the event
under way at 12:30.
Proceeds from the event will
!>C used to purchase new game
Jerseys for football, maintain
the present golf program ,
purchase new high jump and
pole vault equipment and for
other athletic equipment at
hlater Dei.
H. G. ''Dad'' Miller. a 96·
year-old gol£ enthusiast from
Anaheim. has been named
honorary chairman for the
Orange County men's golf
championship o v ' r the
~temorial Day weekend .
Cosio M esa
Gordon Voss is th c
president's cup champioo ;it
Costa ri1esn fr0lf and Countrv
Club. .
Voss d e feated John
Chapman on the 18th hole to
gain the title.
Next big event on the Cost<t
hlesa t'll lcnd ar is ;i men1h<'r-
guest tournament on ~lay 4·5.
!he Week's Market Highlights VOLUME, HEAVY TRADERS
NASD Quotations on Mutua s ~r:!t!~!!._, " .
r. .....
""' 2'. 1•1• lilt ..... .. ,.,.,. O• J,lt •.10
AOft'I uw S.J• 1.$) AO'" 1,,, 1.lf 111 ......... . .. •,• MINI 'O t ,ID 1,t) Atln. 1 .. IJ,tJ IJ M
Ahlllolt I It I H
ACi [ l't tll •IO AU.iti. t..-1 IO.ll Ai.llf l'CI 10.01 11 01
Al'll(t 0 ' 1.IM t d
""' t1n11 •.n 10 11 Al'JI O~•t I l l l~ •• 'l'' • 11 .rti AM I ~IUE'' "UNDI: fi.'ti~ I :i : !3
... "''"' 10.1 , ..
*<.I t J1 '" Sl~I t .:tt • ..
"'" Gr111 t 0 , ...
""' 1111•11 • °' .... AM 111•\I 444 ••4 Am Mui l .•1 I )I
AmP<l Gt 2 6'1 ,11 AHCMOll 011ou.-1 ~~~
lltwrv l':.''r .... Wt Ht ll
A llft" "'"Cit• " ...
I :NI ...
• $1 ' 1' 10.11 11.11 J.&l • 10
1 1'1 ··" 10 H 11 JJ
' " 1.ot ...
HOUGHTOlol ; '""Cl ... •10 .,, ,_ • ,,, lot
SIOCI J •I '" ""' Stl J.71 4,(1) I LC Gtll t.Jt 10.JI lllb\Ol'I ........
fttYtO( ) )\ l Ml
llt>•t Q• t .M J 01 Re"'" HI I ti 1 ti 8etU>n I 11 I IJ 114o,...... J 16 l •1
6on<"l' • 01 ••I 6oi! ~!WI 11• t U Btown 111 l fl
llfnl.rn t.\1 t I\
C.1.1.'tlfrt flUNOS:
!lull ~" 11.01 I!°' COii Fd 10 1' 11.11 Ooy Snr Jn! lJO
Nlhflo'G I 16 •Ml
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'" " . ... ... ...
" ' " . "' 000 '" .. .. .. ..
" " " " ..
" • '. ..
" ' " . " ' '" ...
"' " " " " " .. ..
" " " " " " '. ..
JAN.· MAR . 1974 FROM1973
Special Funds Shave Oil Profits
EXXON $ 705, 000,000 + 39"4 ' ..
I ' '
TEXACO $5 89, 000, 000 +1 23"4
OCCIDENTAL $67,800,000 + 748"'
,\"E\\' \'ORK 11\Pl -The
e-0untrics· five largest 01\
(·01npanics trin1med millions
of doll~rs from their firsl-
qua rtcr prof it fii:u r<'s by
)<Citing up contingency funds
fllr possible rctroartivr rrllrll·
oil prices or lt1'\ in,.rc:t 5"~
The con1panies -Ex'\on.
increa;:;es 1n costs of crude 011
ob tained from ~hddle East
producing nations 'A'ilhin the
pa st ye::ar. Thou~h the oil has
been produced and sold. for
the most part. nei ther the
rv1np.1n1cs nor the coun tries
ha\'£' .\'et :1&rced on the [K"iccs.
In ;iddition. two cinn panies.
our ex pected costs·· 11 .. hen J.I\. Jan1ieson . £ x x o n
agreemenl 11.·as reached on cha irman. sa id there 'A'aS no
how much the firm O'A'ed for misstatemenl in hls firm ·s
the Arab oil it has received rt'port.
1hus far this ~·car. Among srcur1t1ts ::an;11},1s
A spokesman for Y..lobil Oil d c I £' r m 1 n at 1 'In of lh"
said that the cun1pany "did companies· r41sc r\·e, is lari.:cly
not speci fy its r c s e r 1• e s a question of ,c:-ucss1,·ork b;1~('d
because much of the crud" on production da !a and
11·hic h 1•:e might O\\'£' pi11·r.1 ent current oil cos1s 1n thi' ~l 1dtll<·
on has alread1· be£'n sold . E.1st.
"ll cou ld he improper l'J Rnscd on their· t•;1 lrul:it1ons.
repon profit on sales "·hich 111·0 \~'all Strt'<'I od an;1h ~r<;.
did no1 comprehend this Kebert Albr'eth! 11f Hl',' tl •Jld s
Securities, Inc . and RobeM
Hinckley of \\'.E. Htillon &:
Co .. said Ex xon's reserved
fund s might run as h1~h i\S
$.WO 111 1lhon.
,JO(' Clark, an analyst v.'1th
\\'crtlK'un & Co .. thinks the
~1U0 1111rli<>n figure for !::X\lt!l
1~ "'Jn lh1• b<1llpark:·
"SinC'i· Trx<lt ll dl·cl:i red Sl IJ
nullion. ;incl [xxon 1~ nearly
1l1rec 11n11·s la rger t han
Trxac'O. 1! 11ouldn '1 .~u rprist
1nr. he said PETROLEUM
Texaco. ).fobil. Culf t1 n ii
St<tndard of Californ ia -say
!he nioney is placed in rho•
C"1nlini;:C'ncy funds 10 cover
potent ial ret roacti\'C increases
in cosls for the quartr r. \r11h
excrplion of Tr'\nco. 1•.l1 u·h
said it \.ras chtirging ea mings
bv $1~3 million fo r th('i;c cost s.
1tie cornpanics refuse to detail
the an1ounts of the i r
con tin gency funds.
Ex ."=on t1nd Socal. say they are
se tting aside rnoney in the
fir~! quar!er !hat they feel
may be ncrot'.'d to pay any
1 :1~cs !ha t 1vould result if the
L' S. Congress passed a blll
eliminating th£' foreign tax
credit .
:idditional payment." the[ •--------------------spokf'sman said.
Monroe said Exxon dec>ded Order Yours NOW .•• GULF $290,000,000
$ 219,000,000 STANDARD
+ 76"4
+ 81"4
Some securities analysts
f'ri da v said r:xxon·s rese rve
for the qua rte r could run as
high as S.WO million. \\hirh
\\·culd increase !he comoan~ .. ~
profit 10 O\"e r a billion for the
Co111111ission Reaffir111s County A S l\ E D A R 0 t; T lhc
estima te. Exxon comp troller.
A.L. i\lon roe. sai d: "I won 't
comment on that figure.
"hcthe r it's right or wrong.
because the number you·re
1rying to get at doesn't mean
an~1hing in n1y opinion.··
Overti111e at 50 Ho11r s AirJJOrL
Traffic .V11 SAX FBA~CISCO (t.:P!i -
The California Indu s tr i a I
\Ve lra re Com mis sion
reaffirmed its re v i s e d
regulations "'hich include men
workers and for the first time
permit a !~hour day withou t
overtime pay last week.
At a noisv meeting attt!nd~d
by about ioo protes~~· \\•ho
picketed the state building and
marched into the meeting
room, the commission .dP..nled
28 pelitions for rehearing on
its 1-iarch 14 reRul11fions :ind
set June I as the date the ne"·
rules become effective.
Most controvenial ol the
ne"· rules is one allowing a
workda y of 10 hours before
o,·ertime is paid . In such
cascs overtime mus t be paid
afte r 50 hours per w1.1ek.
. .\partme11ts
Sentinar Set
Apartments In a depressed
economy 1A1Ul be the focus of a
morning management se.mlnar
!or in vestors. owners and
maNljerS ~lay 4 at Golden
Wes t Colltge.
Sponsored by the evening
college and A p arl m e nl
>.ssociatlon of Orange C0tmty
the seminar will Include top:N or concern to those lntert otlrd
In protl!~llng 1tlelr investment
In opart.mHtlt end the securJ11
ol their estll tcs.
Rcg1slralion is SS 111nd ma y
be paid al the door
Pre \ 11iusly, 1rhcn the l\\lt:
rult'.'s applied only to won1en
and minors. O\'Crtime pay was
required after eight hours
>A' Ork in a single day.
The protestors forced the
commission out of the hearing
room for a short period and
too k over the podium . Later
the commissioner!! relun1ed
and issued their rehearing
denia l, which in fl ff e c t
finalized the ~larch order!.
The protestors carried such
signs as "women n e c d
prote ctive rights and so do
men." They chanted slogans.
such as "IWC. Ifs not for you
and me ."
The ne\I' orcltrs keep the
eight-hour dey In the canning.
free zing and pres e rvl,ng
industry and In the motion
picture industry except under
emergencies ond other special
About five million Californ ia
workers are affected by. the
Th'c nu1nbcr or C'OOlmercial
;111· passengers using Orange
County Airport durin~ M<'lrch
v.·as Up 2i percent from the
figure for ~larch 197.J and If.
percent O\'er February. but
the to1al traffic al the air}xlrt
decreased. ·
Total tow er operations,
including pri\•ate plane!!. 'A'tre
45,274, down from 47,157 1n
Februa ry and frorn $5.~·ll in
~l nrch 1973.
Deputy Dir ector of Aviation
Ron Olandler attributed the
decline in private plane traffic
IQ a combination of the fut·l
sllort<ige and the weafher.
Commercial ai r passengers
using lhc airport in ~larch
totalled 136.009. corrparrd ro
101.Ht? in i\farch 1973
Dividend Due
The rtvJ1ed orde r f o r Directors of S m 1 1 h
agricullurot occupations and a International Inc. of ..NewpOrt
new one for household "'·orkers Beach have declared lhe
do not provkte any llmitation1 rigular qunrterly dividend of on houni or for overtlmt . six ce.nts per share on the
~linors are limited under the common l tock. payable M:iy -
The contingency procedure
is legal under Securities and
Exc hange Co m m is s ion
regulations. but acc1iunrants
expr£'ssed di\'crse opini ons on
"·helher a company slloulc!
disclose or sub1ract cootingenl
Jiabilil ies from ea mings in its
quarterly fin:incial report.
The oil companies say they
first began to set aside thest
resrrves at varying times
during the past 12 rnonth~.
dependin~ upon v.tic n lh t'
foreign producing n a t i on s
stepped up their drn1ands for
grea ter participation. Gulf
hegan in the first pa rt of 1973.
:\lobil mentiont'd the reser\•e.~
ln the 1973 annual report but
tlid not specify the amoun l.
Soc~! and Exxon ::;aid the
reser\'cs \\,·ere 100 insignificant
to detail fo r 1973,
Regarding l::x'l(on. th e
\\'Orld's largest oil company.
l!a>A•kins sa id : "The: concept is
reasonable. but one ought to
know the arnounts in\·olvecl
and the assumptions behind
putting the money aside.··
new ordtn to eight hour days 27 IO holde rs o( record May 13. Kid Lik t
and cannot be requlrtd to Smith lnte.rnaHonal devtlops, S e 0
"·ork bt!ore 5 a.m. or after 10 m11nufactures and markets A k A d
p.m. except on n I g h l s drilling and other earth-c11t· S 11 '·
prec<ding a -hool da)I, ling equlpmen~ "
Tbe im legislaturt ~ -;:_-======::=::;::::=:::::.:.:=======::; ~·.~~1 ~:-,~=1~ OVER 100% IN 10 WEEKS! minimum "wtge1. o,•enlme
and workfng condil'°'11 to all
adults and minor&· a!tet the
old rules were cltallenpd in
lhc oour11 on gn>unds ol
prefer ntial treatmeni
~lonroe sa id ~:xxon had
deducted $37 n1iltion for tax
pa ymen1s for the quarter
because "it's pretty obvious to
us that Congress is going to
pass the tax bill." Soca\ did
not say how mu ch it had set
aside fo r laxes.
10 deduct the unHl:ated amount
because .. lo not recognize the
cost resulting from a change . (~ ?:\.-:....
in !he participation levels j would grossl y overstate our
earnings and v.•ould b e A ')'
of finan<c for Ciulf Oil. said he ' ,, 1 ,) \
Analysts. g o \' e r n me n l
offiria\s and some oil men say
a principal reason t he
compan ies ma\" be holding
hack from disclosing their
cootigency reser\'cs. or adding
the m to gross profits, is rear
of public rea ction.
rnisleading W the p..ib\ic. •· ~"'" ...
Fred Deering. 'ice prc,id cnl {ce -~ Beaut•1f ul
did nol consider the estimate ,<~
in in •• •••d panicipatlon ~ -=~-·-,,,_...: Sti·ck-on Labels costs a eontigeney reserre. -
·"It's more just an estim ate as TT'" -
to "Aila! thi true cos t of !he
material i,, .. he said. • PERSONALIZED
'·The Arabs lo.now 'A'ha t our
es timated prices are ." said a
~1iddle East specialist for Philco-Ford
~~~~~·:o asked to remain \"\' itlS Job
Howe\"er. a spokesm~~
• Exxon. Ar~ La mb .. said the An eiperimental an uaircraf\I
company dld not disclose the .systl'm designed ro be carried
special charge ''bcc~use \l,·e and used by fool <>0l<l1er.~ ~·1!1 di~n·t .... ·an_t lo ,g1\'e the be built by Ph ilci>F(Jl'"d 's
~hdeast nahons an _ 1dc~ as to Aeronu1ronic Oi vi11ion i n ~;ha t ~·e v:ere estimating as '.'\!?\\-port Beach.
Firm.s Get,
Con.tracts ·
Two Orange Coi.mty fi rms
ha\'e befn awarded federal
contracts totaling ~.722.7611.
Zcrl'Q Indust ries i n(', of
l'\f'A"J>Orl Beach has recei,·ed a
!:1 .722.i~O contract froin the
Air Forre for ~·ork to be done
in 11s Gn rdcn Grove plant.
according to Rep. Andr('w
lfinsha~· (R·l\'e>Al>OM Beach\
lnlerstate Electro nics of
Anaheim has betn a"A·arded a
5.1 million contract to build
data recording equipmen1 for
the Trident J nUs.slle program
by the N'avy Strategic Sy~lems
OffiCf. H!nsha\I' said.
il ' •• , '-ct.,., .... .m.4 ci..w .... ~11111 o..i.t • Hew '74 , ... H9Mllli..clll
..... , •• MONTH
Plllt 11'11 a lit. 00'\ A,...,-. (•M ii
1' Mo. 0.LL.
COHNllL CHl'flOl"
C.OITA MUA !4 ... 1111
The mis~iles 1.~nl l b cj
conStructed under a S5 million
contract from the U.S. Armyl
:'llissilc Command . Redstone j
Arsenal. Al<i tam;i,
The syi.tr1n v.·ill use a !a ~er
ht-am guidance system to help
track I~ .target. j
Acronu1ronic ...,.111 build 11
total of IU n1issile!'. rhe lt rsl to
be dcl i\'ercd ro the Arm\' 1n
Jul\· 19i5 for tc:-,1in~ 1
SllYtt ""' lilt-0Ytf' 1W'/o 1t1 Vttvt DIH11tt T~I ... ,,
6 M.,.lh•• c.,..141.,,11.i c.,,.,.,. ~,,., ...
Ot '"'"""'i•lt ... 1.,,,
l"ITllt(Ol'ITl .. lNT•l
IHVISTMINT COMP•NY ...... ..., ,...,., °""' .... "' 1 ... 'lfllMloll , ... , ..
Nt•flort 1•¥'-(1.
SH A"f .. N D SIZ£ 0' LAlfl
M11 John Doo
113 M11n St••tt
Anrto"'"· A nr1 t tl~ 1 2 1 •~
L1111•• Oo Mot 111., • """ltd l o«le•
Fill in t tli• co1.1pon, clip .,.d :n•1I with S 1 15 lo:
Pilol Print•l'l9 L.•l>t l O tY •
Post Of fie• Bo• I S60
Coat• Mes•. C•lifor"i• 9"2626
• .
Flag · ,
The ne"'CSI n1cmber of the au to racing fratern ity to ffiO\'C
inlo the Oi-angc Coast area is Crnham McRae.
ti;fcRae and Norris tcamn1a1c Sam Po!G,l_ of San Juan Cap.
Citrano tmvcilcd their poWcrful Pormuta 5.«IO race cars this
week aod bo th are enthusl&stic abo ut the season ahead.
l'\fcRa e, born in Wellington , New Zealand, has movl!d to
Dana Point bot says he will be living in Ne\\i:iort Beu.ch after
the fndlannpolis 500.
"John l'\fahler gol me a plaee in the same apartment com-
ple1 where he I Ires,'' l'\fcRae says.
l'\fcRac. un li ke Posey, is seeklng a ride at Ind y this ytar.
"I think it "'Ould be a shame not to go back after being
named rook ie of the year in 1973," he says. "But right now I
don 't have a ride.
"I don't like oval facing that v.•ell but I did enjoy Jndlan· apolis last year." _.,._;_;:
iUeHae Eyes Fornnll• 0Ke Hacl119
Wltat are his future plans olhtr than the Formula 5,000
"I 1f0Uld like 10 try for the ll'Otld cllamplonsblp by drlvUlg
in the Formula One ra<'tll around the ,.·orld," he says.
Tbls m<'i1D5 s\li lchlng from a flvr:-Utre 8toc'k block Chevy
engine In his present <'n r io a thrtt-lllre r:nglnr:.
Posey .and <'Ur o"mr Jack l'\fcCormack "'host 11hops are In
San Juan Caplstrnno. agree.
"Wt ba\'e been testing these <'ars at Rlvenlde and wtll be ~~?~~'.;~~\l .. iJll!llml out there again this week." ~fcCormack says. ti
''We'vr: te11cd the earl five times and they art going well."
G11r11e11 011111 Olher Builder
Does he feels the cars arc competiti~ and will they hold
lhc ir own in the 5.000 series? "Other than Dnn Gurney. \1:e are the only ones bui lding this
type or race car in the United States."
"I'm sure they will be very competitive in the series and we
ha\'e to feel they wi ll hold their own in the competition ," l'\Ic·
Cormack adds.
\Vho will be the biggest threat in the S.000 series ?
"lt1ario Andretti in a ''"heelbarrow ,.'Ould be tough. He's
d.rivin1 for Pamelli Jones and that's a good mmbination.
."But Graham and Sam arc mighty good drivers, too."
)\1lat arc they lookin11 for at Riverside when testing the
cars? ·
"We get them up to speed lo test the wings, scoo ps, sus·
pensio!1 and other little details that are important for success
1n racing.
'"l11c car and drvcr become a dyno and lhey can go around
the track wi1hin one-thousandth of a second ol the time on the
lap berore once they get to this point.
"\Ve can increase the horsepov.·er to get more speed.''
At th e pre6J'.!nt time, the c.ars are powered by a 302 Chev·
rolct engine and1 are getting 550 horsepower. Is thls competitive
v.•ith Gume~,o's cars?
"We think \Ve ~ill have more horsepower than his cars
v.•hen v.•e get to Mid-Ohio for the first race ln the series June 2."
l\lcConnack says.
Po•e11 t• Con1pf!te 'ut LhKero.!k
Posey, mean•·bilt, will compete in a iports car race In the
Trans-Am ierles nest Sunday at Llme~lc.
• WUJ be go to lndianapetls?
. "No. r don't plan to go tbtrt e,•en to watch tbe race Olis
yru." lie says "'Ith emphasis.
\\'bat future plnn s does the San Juan Capistrano 'firm ha\'e
for marketing the cars'! ' "If they turn Ollt ~'tlJ tbls ye.or, Wt'll -probably 1el1 them
at the ud of the season and build new ones," Po1ey sayt<,
~lcCorma<'k B1dldh111 Tl1lrd Car
'·Right now we're building a third car for a young driver.
Jon Woodner of San Francisco." Posey says,
The car "ill be ready for the ?-.lid-Ohio race in I..e xinglon
giving the Norris Talon MR-I team three chances at victory.
And it aU began at l'\tcConnach Racing Enterprises tn San
Juan Ct\PiSlrano. -...... --...... ........,_,,_. ..,.._ .. • •
~or LosA4 • 1 • ) , ••
Harliess Results
Sea ~ngs
: Gain Third
D1flr Plltl '''"" tr lltk1r~ .. ..,.,.,.
Spain a Busy Athlete
MD Senior Stars in BaselJall, Track ,
Of ltlt D1llY P1191 $1111
In ft1aler De i ll igh 's fi1 ~t
league track and field nu.•tt,
Dan Spain \\'On ·111e Ions jw11p
v.·eari ng a baseball unifonn.
\Vhen the ~louarchs !it!d
their 11·eek ly Saturday h!isC'-
ball practice rcr.cotly Spain
11·ore his !rack unifurm unde r
his pi n slriprs.
Spain. the Orange Coos!
1 area's leading lOl'li jumper
in track, at 22-9:U also h:irpen;;
to be the ~1onarch::1' 51Jrting
second baS<'man on the basr·
ball tea1n. hitting at a .306
clip in league µluy .
"There are a fe\r problrn1-s."
adniit s the 6-foot and lfi()-
pound se nio r. "The day of the
Beach Cities meet was ;1 good
For-117 hours 111 the 1norn·
. , '
WAGON $99.19 mo.
• Tu!ll,.,.OC.L
Jl4$ liARIOltLYO. C.M.
' "
ing. Sp;1in practiced \I Ith the
basC'b<1ll 1ean1. li e quickly qot
a ride to Nr11·1)()rl llnrbor Hig h
and Jong jumped.
··1 didn't lhink it \\'OUld
affctt tnC' but n1y legs \\-'ere
killing rne." says Spain. "In
order to rrnlly jllnt p \VCll, I
h:i\'c 10 hnve some rest ." 11c
\\'ilS fifth al 20-5.
His best jun1p came in a
meet \1·hcre he w a s n · t
supposed to con1pctc.
"At Southe rn Counties
\vent to \1·ntch Otrls ~1ar1 in
jun1p,'' says Spain. "Chris
y,·asn·1 ft~ling ll'ell so coach
a.~kc<l rn e 1f I v .. anted to take
his place
"1 really didn't have lime 10
ttunk about it. v:hich probably
ht•lpt_-d mt. 1 \\'as loose I v .. n~
getting out t hen.~ renl good and
led after the trials at 22·9~4 . I
~SIR WALTERS fti. le1y I• l•k• <•,. •'
Werth rt'Wt«Holtt.n'-
'Mft thet fe ll 11'1 p1_, ,...wNllr.
2052 Ne ...... 11..t. ' ,_.... , .... {'
To sec
DOMING U EZ ~Thert •re day1 when
oerhape It would have bl!en ·
better to stay home and
At least tbat'• how It
appears for Southern
c.1uorn1a COll•ft'• vancuards
lollo•lnl lwln cleCeala al lbe
hand1 of C•l Stale
JDomlOflltZ Hlllt . •tl<h
-up In NA!A butball
playoff berth "11h 11'1 Md ~I
triumpllo Saturday on tbt
wlnlle~• Oeld.
'l1>e hotU ripped I b e
vanauardl tn lhe ftnl 1am•
wtlen Ibey IOOred II ttlllft In
lhe nat lnnlnl wllh nw
llfelies and 1even Southern
C.lllom!a Collet< mltCUet.
A.nd· the second game waa
alto frustratln,-but th!• time
it .,.... potential runs left
stranded on lht base patha
that killed the Vanauards.
Seven runn e rs wert.
1tranded in the flrlt thm
iMlna:s as SUive Rachunok
suffered his lint setblck u a
Vancuards pitcher this ye11
alter seven 'tfinl.
The Vanauardl' only score
came In the second · Inning
wbtn Gt'61 Elmaalan doubled
and ""'td on Jim Mllaap's
First game scorlni was
accounted for on rbl 1lna:le1 by
Bob Johnson and Ro i e r
Lewetn In addltlOll to Kip
Jlee1T'01'11I fttJder 'I cholct.
• • I i;~ c•1 c~n-., 001 OCll) ?--l 1
C.11 S!1t1 {OclM Hltl1l
11 1)00 • •-11 ' 1
At one time. or another every / r~;' ':
aoller find• that his puttina hu ~ '
.Upped a bit. Thi hole seems to ' t.i ;
have aotten 1maUer, and those ~ '-. ...h
medium·lensth and short putts \ " \ :
•ren•t 1oin1 in as often as they , \ 1
1hould. \ ,
Whit should ·you do? Well, 11 "\ q-
you could chanae y,our stroke, f /, '
or a•t a lower pip on the club, ·
or nen buy a new putter-. But
before you do any.thins bl.sty, I
1dviM you to check one simple
but important factor: are your •-.;><;;.>'". eyes over the ball? • ·
When you line up for a putt, your eyes should be
directly over the ball1 and a line acrou your eyes
1hould be p1ralle1 to the taraet line. If your eyes are
inside or outtide of the taraet line, your hinds and
aims will react automatically, and the ball wW end up
to the left or riaht of the cup. '" ~ '"' ~~.,.l. -· "'"' -
ou you e to mprove your same? You 1.'ln find advk:e
for every aolf problem in Arnie's new book , "495 Golf
Lntont By Arnold Palmer." To get your copy, send your
rwn'tddreta and S4.9S to Arnold Palmer c/o thil new1r1per.
Swimming, Diving
Yarwood Rallies;
Bucs Nab Sixth
C H U L A VISTA-Orange
Caast Co l lege's ~like
Yarwood, who quali fied with
lhe fourth fastest time. came
back 10 \\'in the 200-yard
breaststroke Saturday at the
Southern Cali fornia swln11ning
and dl \'ing champion.ships at
Southy,·estern College.
Yar:"A·ood, \\'ho F rid a y
captured the JOO -y ar d
breaststroke. .11dded the 200
Saturday In 2: 18.6. better than
a second ahead of the second
place flnsiher.
Among Yarwood 's vic tims
"'ere Saddleback College 's
Scott Campbell who v.•as fifth
in 2:22.0 and YaN·ood's
teammate. Oran 1'-1arksbury.
\\'ho finished seve nth in 2:24.1.
Pasadena. \Vhich brought a
comn1anding lead into the
final day, v.·alked orr with the
tea1n title, outscoring second
place Cypress 312·237. OCC
was sixth \Vith 111 v..•hilc
Saddleback was 15th \Vith 3'1.
Golden \\'es t didn't score .
Saddleback got a big boost
\\-•hen freestyler La ura Hove
finished seeond in the 1.650
event in 17:36.0.
Still, most of the noise fr om
the Orange Coast area came .
as ex pected . fror?J OCC.: v.'hich
saw all but one of its
!lwi.mmers and divers mo,·e up
on the fina l day.
Larry Blattennan. \\'ho was
the 12th qualifier in the 200-
yard backstroke. moved up to
ninth with a 2: 11.5 clocking.
The Pirates also 53\\' the
400..yard relay team finish
seventh with a time which
"''ould have captured fift h
place had OCC been in the
championship race.
The Boes recorded a 3:24.3.
far better than the time "''hich
qualified the team 10th.
Swttl~nl C1llfor11h CllilmPi•n•hiPI
Al S"""~wn!1rn Colli'•
!.'5(1 Fref--1, H••~t~ (Fvller!anl
l•:U.O, 1, HtYt U1~dltbl(k1 11:3'.0.
J, Koenig (P111dt ...il 11:•S.1, 4. Udell
CPtJ .. IMil ll;d .t, S. Mc N~lly !El
C1mll'IO} 11:•9.0. 6. Fti<IY (H11oor)
11:07.S. '
100 Frtt-1. Ot!11.0o (P1•1den1 f •& •.
7. Sltld<l1 IS1n!1 ll1rt>ar1l SOC. 3.
Ptll'llO!I (Goos1mOl'I! ''·'· '· Mt Yt l (Cypr1ul 50.0. S. Oontvon !Pierce!
50.,, 6. M111p11y !H1rt1or! se.•.
200 l edt-1. SllYl'll !Pll'ICI) 1:01.1 1.
Sttley fl<•1I LA) 2:0..1, :; ,
llll!<d-IU!lll IFllll1rton1 2.01.0. 4. 1"1chtl'I l''lerc1) 2:0l.I, s. Doti
CV.,,l11r1 ) 2:10.,, 4. l ou (CYP<flll
2:10.1. Olt11r1: '· l!llltf'TfttR IOCCJ
t :11.t. no 81111-1. Vt rweM tOCC) 1:11.L ?.
ll rloOft ICvpreu l J:1t.1, 1 G1..iwe1t
!Cit~) 1:Xl.S. I. HIM$ IC~rtnl
J:10.I, S. ClmPMll (St<Mlitffck)
J:JJ.1, 1. JIQ(kt nt1.1cl'o (Pn-KeNI
2:2l.O. OIMrl: 1. Martr1bwy COCCl
200 Fly-I. Httlhlr (Pt lieltN011 :02.l.
2. r..,,,., 111titr1tltldl 2:o.1.1. 3.
McC!lntoct (Soul"-•ll!'l'nl 1:01.•, t .
'71 FORD MACH I ,....,.. ,,_;,... "'"' .... "'
V4, W-l!t "'"'!Ntlltl'I. M' cMOIMMll\t, SHllitll -W/lllKll lfllllriff. O'MCAIJ.
I GUS11tt~ON
I lNCOI ~ \11 l-lf 11W ~
]1,'.1111 f',I ~l ti HI• D
H i.\!l \110~ Hll\tfl
'-, \ ' ,',,\ l 1
C!1•t 10<> CP1i1d1n1I 1:0J.J, S.
l ..Cklty 1Cvpr1u l !:06.1, I. Hock•r
(~•nli 8••bifl) 2.07 .•.
l ·me••• dlYlnQ-1. "hl1o11n !S•nll An1)
J. Simon ($&n S1rn1n:ilfl0) J. 0 1vh
tE111 LA! 4, l atnwtll fl.ongl
6e•cn1 S. Stiermiln U:Ua Hof'Mlol 6. 01!0~1cn IPilfCt ) 011~•1 : 11 s. Zfl~lll
!OCC !. "11n·vl r<I Ir~ reltY -1 Pt11ot n• J:\7.4,
7. Goumon! l :10.0. J. cv11r11~
l :J0,1, 4. Pltrct l :JJ.I, 5. Fulll •lon
J;J4,S, 6. 8tk1r1ll1ld l :lS.3. OtMrs:
1. occ l :Jt.J, T~am ScoritlQ-Pasadena 312. Cyp•tl~
?J7, Plt •ce in. Fulltr1on ,l1,
Gros1monl 1"8'), OCC tll.
Sot,ttnw111ern 9S, 8•~t11tle!d I S. LA
H1rt>or ~\Ii, S1n11 81•~•1 47' '·
Pl l<tml l tl, f 1tl LA 3', S..1111 J,nd
11. Cllltfey 36. S1lkll1t1ck :M, S1n•.i
Mon!c1 )1. Ci t•u1 '9. LA Vl lll'I 7~,
Sin Sen1dlno V•ll~~ ?•, Venturi u.
11110 11ond0 n. Ll>l'lt &Mell 11.
Ct•r1f'os 1. Ml. SAC. 0-t!Hft \11111
and V.CC 0
Mater Dei
Hosts Golf
The .\later Dei High School
fourth annual golf tournament
"'ill be staged at Irvine Coast
Country Club Monday with a
shotgun sta rt gettin g the event
under way al 12:30.
Proceed s from the eveot will
be used to purchase new game
jC"rseys for football , mainta in
the present golf program .
purchase new high jump and
pole vault equipment and for
other athletic equipment at
~later Del.
H. G. "Dad'' ~tiller. a 96-
ycar-old golf enthusiast from
Anaheim. has been named
hooorary chainnan for the
Orange County men 's golf
championship o v e r the
~tcmorial Day weekend.
Cosla Mesa
Gordon Voss 1s I h r
president's CUfl champion ,1L
Co.st.a ~lesa Ciolf and Countrv
Clu b. .
Voss d e fe a tc .:I John
Chap1nan on the 16th hole to
gain the title.
Nexl big event on the Cos!H
1'1csa calend ar ii; :i m en1b<or ·
guest lournan1cn t on ~'lay 4-5.
TM lcl!o....i .. Pt•IOfl It dOlfO~ 1M.11l~, .. ...
e 1RC.O 1NDU5f"1!s. ~.o s ew I"'· CCtll Mew Ct lllor"lt '261'. _., •n· GO!pl! A.,..., Co111 M1w , C•lllornl1 f11)• lltn L. lllrc11, Jl1J Nt Y.telt A-~
COiii M"I · C1llfotll!1 '1121 T,,11 1>111!11111 II C~ltd ti• lft In·
tllvldv•I. e ... L. 91,ch
f hil llflt"'*"I Wll ll!fd With "" COU"•
ty Ctttli " O••not (to\lfllY ... Awll n . 1t7A ....
P11Pli1'-d O•t• Coe1l Otll• l"llot,
April 1,. II. 71 . .ncs ""V !, 1•1• U1t·14 ----PU BLIC i\'OTICE --· ,l(T!T!OUS I USHt lSI NAM( STAT(M(NT
TN lollO'W•"4 Pf'-lt dol"Q D111>nt1.t
"' CONTtJofE N"I AL DATA !"tOUSTl lES. Jllltt ,, tm £111 (H 1I H/9hWl y,
(Of'Ol'rl Oii M4• C1llfo•""1 111U t'°" I!. Sfl11", 7Dt l"11rt Lerwlrt fi'IK I , "11.,,_1 ~II<,, CtlH9ln1• t?MO
f lll1 llu'l"'I' I\ ((lf'lllY(ltlll bY t ft t""
LloVd I '"'"' Thia 111 .. "ltnl w11 flit~ ..,,~ lttt C.OUflo
IV (Mil °' °''""' c-·· .., Ao•h '· lfJ4 il'·Up) Jluolltl* Ot't"Ot C.1.i 0.11~ l"llof
Aorll ), U, J1 't· 111• 1210·7'
The Week's Market Highlights
~,~~~M~~~!~~~~.~.~ ?..~ Mu~~a~ ~~~ou~s ~~::T~~~~.~~~~;r. ...
l••lnt I' • 11•1 01 tol..ONIAL ' S~•I 1.ti t 11 SA't'Lll;-l"'Ol!I 111 I tJ "'"''" i U 1,•1 OLO 11111 l \ltO P•IO ,UlllOI~ f~ • ,,0 J O C..p 0.. IO J6 IG • '"""\! I O I la '"~""' I 11 I ...
(t \ 911 M,.wt111 I (Oii& ~· ., .. •.. 11111.t.NMLIN M"li't l 11 ll li IS V•\lo f ,'·!! 1.1J !"""'' I _. I.I• "11"'. 1t Cl\IOI .y , .. .,¥ .... , e GllOU,; LOlllO ..... 1 .... ~·· TT • ,. ><M l I IO .....
'"" Jllo\ Otll( F .. 1111 •..i1~ OfllT( 1 ~1 ''° All011 1 11 Iii 111, .. ,~' lllO 'ff ....,,.., F 12' t U
Gt•lll I H I GWl'I \• t IJ 1 11 411'1 .... 1 It 1 M "'"'' , 1 t / • Tt""'I 0 I 11 t.M ,,. .. , l"'f.om 1 ... t ll ''"'""' 1,n i M a.w•o t 111ao1 ._1KI' 101 1 '"""(/P 'l•lh•
•11•h t.. n 11 "''""" , .. ) •• \JI GY I '1• 10 I) L1111Wr11 'JO •••• $.+Mt G I .. '·" ,..... q , ., • " ... ••• Col .... G 10 )I 10 II Utllltl• J,/, • ,0 LwtM HI • h t ,u S.gUI•• 1.11 l,fl T..Oo• ti • 00 t ,fO .l-Ci• l -1• • 10 COMMOtOll'l.TH Itel C.o t Of • ._ MAii CO· t CUOOllt ,DI, 20!" (G I U l ~
"4'11 Ill( J.24 IJJ TIUIT• lh l'l'!Y J~ J ll ,, .. ,.. •" 1:1' IJ1!• ll\• tJ.CIJ C 20lfl (I l at )·~
WM 1111 , II ) II " ' • " I o~ "" 1.•1 0 • 0 10 " , ,,.., , • J1 119 I:'"' u.n IJ,11 ""'''... ' l1 I t AOv11.tr •Oil ,_.. C I Jtl I 00 JO Ml lip 1.10 t.JI-.M.t•~ F t '1 If.. _, I ... I'' \.lfoolW"lf t 11 :I
Allllt•o •. IQ l.•l co ... o~ Ill t l l 'UliOliNC" M .... , .. c1.: UI t?\fl,. UlolONlli ltVIC. A.fl,.. ll\ 11.•lttlol C.O...p o ·~ l •I OltOl.I"• MIT t!IO IO IJ !obll I.A'• 4 11 •lJ Clt0U' Allllw•• I C,., (!IMO ,,, • c ....... I d iu MIO 10011t,u ll(l,lltttt'lll"OI! I.to~ .. 11l!l•l" AGf foll ••1 •.SO CO"'•'o 1 10 ,,, l"llNt VJ~ MI O 11.ltlJ.tJ IE1wt1y J.Ul •l ... ,., .. ~ •ll ~ll
Alllltlt I •I 10 11 COttt;rO 1.V I ti lnOwl rt <.oO 1 ff Mf 0 0 .. 11 It M ... t\ S.lt t • VII (IOI I ti' IM
AlP"t I'll 10011101 CM•'"" I.II t l>' •11eo1 ttl At MCO 11.01)_0f Ultlt 11 ;.ti tU Wh1J\I! 1~0 1101
"'-•P' I Oo •'1 CM.l"t• •If Ill Wtt•1 Jn Jli ~lt•I• I Si l M llLICT•O•M. U1t1Tt O JUJIO\
-Blf111 t Pl I~ 11 ~I '" •.ti ••I GI. I• ' )F JI Mat!lt• I U I '1 ""' 1of>r 1 U I 1J •"<<-'1' • ll
..... Ovr, r11 ·~ '°"'''} c 10.1111 •1 r.. .. "'< tOol IOol M(O ""' ''° '" °" ,. '" 111 «1110 Fii I U r11 ""'ill.tr •\I •SI C•nOlll 11• ttl "'"''"" ••1 •)11 ""°"''o 111 •JCI \O!St>•' 11.111111 t.,,.,q .. ~o •n AM l.1•11111 c-D<w •ti I )I) 0.Tfl 11\t 11,. 11 '' MSA Jfl U l l IJ jl !.entl"'I I 1' IM C<>"! 11•> I JI t "
•UNOli 0.Ht , I.ft Ck.I,_ 11 .tl 11 tt Mii lnG-I 11 t !I S-lllfJ f 11 )I 1J II 1"1<"'" 10 II 1' ll C.11'1•1 l t J •<J 0..wlff t.n 111 HAMILTOlll 0111• MI J fa l1t '" ........... o 0111• \.-..... I V •II
lfltO"' 1•1 t.t.O OIUW.&fll fwl\d JM J tt M\' Gro )MI" C:tfflll JfO l.rt """'~ 1 11 lll '""""' I 0.J I I.I 01110Uli; Gt •t" J .0 J llO M..om 91 JM •.JI f fll•or 1,I J J )t U\AA (t I Ol I 0.J
Dow Jones Stocks ·-HI T• .. I
II Ul!I• ,, '"'''
Ml .. Lt• Otw i" I l:M,}J .N Gl ... -t .n
I 11),U ffl:11 1r1·11-11 .. 1 U.M ti" rt.II 1 , -1.H H I n HI 1oJ JM,ll IJll1-U II
Dow Jones Bonds °""" Ml9'1 L•• ,.... '""' •• ••• ,. ... , ..... ,,,. ''·"-1,11 hi ltlllo 11 .. M.tl .. lt IO.JI-I II !M~lill t i tf ll.lf tot.SJ ... ti-I~ UU I '" U .ft M.tl ... JI-l ,M ·~ 11.n 11 ... II.It rt.ti-.. IM I• • •t at,tt .-.M ... u tt 11-I M t t -l't , .. ,. ~-f tt,ltl.IU
\'ti--·-'"° tl,111,718
Dail y Vo lumes
NfW 'l'Q ltl( IUP Ol••Tht lt'I mt•I t tl<,.. tll!C••
l<.ctt8 ti\ I,., ""''"( ... >IK• l •C ... "" I" '""' •ti•
• .....,.. "'"' h 1'1•
1'/t '"' "'1.. ~~7 L-••¥ 11•1"
1•. 1 WI( "'" U 11 .. iynl•• Cl
''• • ..... .. 110· .. 1 • IO•· ll\t ~""'.,, 0.1 ' • J'' CJ\•,,. t<~., .. 11•. ,..,..,1,1 o.i ,, .• 11 e1.,,, v.110 ..
II'• \ Alt\ t<1h ""1' I • I o "'-'(~II 0 •1
i•i•I H•t" L•• C!t .. Uf fOO S'o 1• • l't llO t.!111 i·o l'• 1 ..
111.$ It 1 IJ • •I 1 IJ.l,7 )• I , O,
1o), •l'o l • ''
!)f ~ •'• • • ... 110 YIO .,., JI • 1· • !IJ.000 11 .. II • ,,. •
101,.00 I 101 IO(I 'I • ' '
l :
'. .,
l.l•t IOltll LI• (111• ,,., 1 l•) OGG ,,~, ll 1;-• ) •
Ill J.00 0 ', I)" '' o • U!IOO l• it , :/ l 1
\It \~ ot h •I , I ! ... ~ ••• , .. •l • •••
•It 100 ll • 11•, J" • •)1 ~ ll )I ll , I o •10 »3 u , .....
•tl OOO 1110 I•, 1•'• •~1 ,>00 !JI, •I . " ,
''"''" Y~to ''I>~••. Cotll•-G'
U ' Ith l •ottt '"• I .. 0..00 If • I /I •
!} • II o *t~ (> tt. 1'4 •1 • H • '1
!O'o t!, W •t O• ;lo •A • • • • I • 1 •
lJ'o '' J.h f og• )1\1 '00 II " !\ • /'
II ) 1\ .. (it11 """'' lw IJO •••• "'• ti ,-)I It' 111:(.A C1•1> J" '"' 1"1 It • O'o -l'I , Jt1, 1111 1&1 )"000 II• )I, l l'o-• • :•o ""'TA T •I \"tro l • f o l ;\, 11 .,~,. o.o . ).,ojOGo.} n 11 1, u ..
i· ',10 . ........ .. lll '-"" l•. l~. 11·, ''
Nf I> ~O lo, IU l>I Tn • It ...,.,,
•(I"' •IO''' !••O-d en 1~~ OTC "'"''' ~ ......... ~ .. ··~ ~ ..... )t;
·~1••·!·" (p .... , .p
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''~ •1 1l •
' ' ' .. . '· "' .
'<•\f• ~O'~"" f~'J•• • U)IY'(I •a••"·•' '" 0•(• ... • ..
V~th•".,..., •1·~ .»ft• Ill •ti 0.tttr I If t 10 1fl(tft'I J .. t )1 M..0... ~ I 01 I If 1-1'1 'Cl I 1' 1.Qe !J\ G•IS I lt I )0
s1oc• ,,. ... Doll-.. , IM I J) Httl GI" '" '"' Mwl ""' hMltM ....... ,,, Ill U'Lll'f: JU1i01•
"'"' (.1111 I ll ! .. 0.tlt T ltt •11 Hiii l• 111 IH MwH T•t 11' I" 1.t ... ! l SIJ ... """' f •Ill 101 ...... , L.---~--------~-~----~------------------~---~ IO!,o , 'I I
"'"' ln11n • OI • 4 MV•Ofl U oo n '° HtflOI J,,. NI ! lllOw I u I n '•c• ,~ '·" 1.., I••' '""' 1 o\ 1 11 ..... "~\1 •••••• 0.tcl(JI lM •OI Htt llQilo 1.ll 111 N T11c•P»: IMIAlt~liJOI• ,~ ... ~o lOU\!O~
""" """' I tl I lO OoooCo u .... ll &ol MO••U u ,, "OJ a.1-l n 1,6• Atl>'C II °" 11 l l VAL\j( LIN( fOI ,.,,, .. !Gr JCMJU D<•1t1 ( 1.11116 lmP<I C.0 I/II.ti aGllOI< , .... , •llCl>"I 11 1111 0 V••l~ llt Jti
AHCNOlt o••v•u• 011' 1 ... , Gt I.OS ... 0 1...... J ho 1 M t"vt\I '" 1 11 ,,., l"I( }11 • ll OllOUI', O•yt F<1 tol10.ll In( ,.,.. 11.!•IJ TI Prtl 10 1t• t.•• !.II Ootn 1o lollfll 1 •~ C.1t1 ~to Grwl~ • ll • .. f:Q1p FO J.•1 l.. Ill( "''' JAG ~ . ., l"'o"' • •1 • n \ks. ,. • fJ ',, V•I ~D< 1" 'Ot IPl(Olt\ • II ),It O•yl L• n II n It llld '""' 2 u 1" \Hott \r • ,, ... l !OMA l'UNOI V•H([
lttwrw 10 Jt.11 ll lo lll(m I .. l,)t lt1\"'°" I .. I 11 C...•111 I " I 00 Cto \l'lf I ti I 10 'ANO•Jll: \~ti,·.. l.t) • XI l•O ""' 'n 10,01 IU I" ... '' 10.s• n )lo HlW lltO ... ,, ltl• I ... l1 '"•••1 • oe • \' f'11<, tH t" E&li,Mll 1 11 J I ! lt1Y9•nG I H Ill t!qllll, !OSI !! ... Tro t!IO I~• V\,:O<n t .Jl I~
W• N•U 10 ll " n E.tG!• Gr • ti l.H Ill• c.o A II.Ml n II Gr•trl I u 'n V•Mw• • 12' I 0 \<><ti • IJ • 10 A.ll<Otl lll f:ATON & l11w C...,tl tll I ll 111<•1'1 Tl'Dll ll \'l'IU" I l •t lot Vl\Or~I l J.I J.tJ
AwOll F I O't I.. MOWAltO: 111., ll!dl( 1 11 \,Of ll •I I• .. !>9 1•G>< t .0 t 00' V•t1~•ll 1 \~ 1 H All 8tlnFll 11•1.01 111.,lo\ t/1 10 .. lllf:AMI IM l lJSo (iel\f'IO••IO ll Vt~!lll'IO 1 6' MOUONTON: (,•th F I ti 10,11 IN\tllT ""W (tnl t 10 •.10 \..,.I !nw t •J t 11 V•"td 1 l h ).ti
ful\d A t JO 6..V lnUM 1.11 t 01 ClOUNllL Mif..,...1h I.II 1,HI !>• 111• G I It I 11 ..,, .. ,,, c.r •" '" ,.,,.. e 1.11 'Of '.>OK I! f: •. 11 •. ,, ~p-I 11 1 M ,....,... II lt ,,,.., lo•• *" '" 10 .... w1•111 .,. I u • " \IOC ~ l •I '" Mc• FO •MIO.II P•I I~ 1t1 t.11 h,. ~·~ u.11 1~." \fle<lt• l .60 l tl ...... " M .. Ait \cl l 11 •.Ol IEOll! !op 1•.J.11•.~ 1011 Sii l,IJ I.II NI• Wiii 10 1111.~ 5&P 1 .. 0 J,11 J 11 ,10 1111 ~
8 LC (;Ill • lt 10.16 ,Eo_:!_' ,"',, 10.JI 11.11 '""Ill OIOUI'! Nlthltl 111111 I\ ,, .. ,. &NO o••: W1•nt •q Ill 111
AtD\Ofl "'I.I •.I.I fl..,, lJ... 10\ Giii J.OS Hell hlr I• ;.I II Ct (11'1 ~· I 01 t-41 Wl!L INOTO*
8•1•oc I l l J llO [1'\ffO 1 u l OI •OS NO • I! i tO Omfo •• , .. , ·~ • tJ • •I D·~i·• • •l • .. CiJIOUI' 01,•~<1• •.11101 tnlf'l1 •~•1106l •OSPr 1.111 • .. 11 ,,,10 .. 10 ..e P•oq" •ll •ll (•II'"' 1'ct ?O lt fl<o~cn HI l•I 1 11 r•l<llO l ot /11 Mw1w•• llt , .. Ont W\I! 1Jltlllt ~1 Fr G• •11 •I• ITt\I '" ,,,
&•<On '1J t 11 Fm 811f' I •I I'' !o!ot• O••INMM JO• ~' J.• !n( • Oo i,;.. MOfOll • 11 TO It Be••"'' JI~ J •! fed lllh t•J •'11111(11 Op ol•m 1 1>9 too ~1•1~ ~' 11 11)1!) 1'"'1 ·~10 )6 6onO•I• •DI •• , FIOlLITY 5'1"' ~·7 •II OP ~...., \ .. e s1 StlAO-N ,!>S wthlY 10 1111.c 6otl J.dfl I 11 •II GllOU•: V~• P•1 e It I )I Oo 1...,. I eJ •II ~rn tr.o:I l •• 1 o W~H!n t 10 10 11 ll•O•"I 111 191 &noo.D ~" f!O !~•lie\' •JI •11 01( .,.< •11 1~S• 1 <,ooJ.a 10} lit'> W\!mn tu 10 ll
fltnh.., t .11 1 11 C.tp111 t l'tl01\ ISi; P•r•mt 0 111 11 lnv~\1 t!l lt) 1•••nOv tlt ld
C4L\tlN l'UNO\; Conht I tt • Gr•ln •" 1 11 Pt.,! R~w I II o O'I Oco~" I 01 o OJ ..... ll lfl<ll 1 '8 ) /1
l\111IF<1 11011t!lllo C•S!.e( •.11 ln(om •12 •j(I PQ••wt J l U •l't STl1Nlt04!!,0\ W•llllGr t lo 7JI
C<ln FO 1e i.11 11 °""' •01 Tt>t UI •OI """"Ml , ..... Bt!tnt lt•IO t1 .,...,,<,,.,, ... t )I
OovShr JOI J)O £> .... • 70~ r.,1 Sii U 'l'<Hll ~""\(I t lt 6 11 C•P•ll 11)1 1 n1 z ,~ql!• I;.! tM Nii.a I ll'"° E•tr-.1 1010 111• l\!,I FM 1•01t oJ ....... Fo I)• I I~ S1oc• 11 •111\1 •••O"-·
U,01,M• lt,l>t,UI t!,IU ,IM
Wee kl y Sales
l'ltl .,,,,,. ,., ,.,1
••.t•l,tlt • 11,>M,)ll 111,UI,• IM.IU,IOO •,l !~.NO 11,l lt,IOI •,Ml... t ,IU,NO
Yearly Comparison .,,,,_ ,_
...... 1 u , 1111
,,, .. 1 "· ,."
...... +I "· 1111
...... 11, ""
M•"' Lt • Al• 0.t k ... , 111 h i t
11 lll Hj Ill
H UI 111 1111
II )(I IO'I 1111
u .. ,~
"' ...
'" '"
Standard and Poor
Ill .... ~\It"'' 1' ltlll"INI!
\.f Ulohl1t1
IOll llft-1 .. .,, ... , .. •.to10JI Fun(! ll10 "1l ,'•r ~~. I Jl t JJ Ph<ltl•• c /j\ 1"1 '""'~"llb!I
cc. f llr>O e . .o '°' Pu .. 1"1 811 1 )41 P..,_, I ll IOI PILGJllMCi• -----------------------------,~· Trin 911 t11 !.tit"' f J .. Jll J1n1>\ FO U!ololl .. Pol F•m 11 It
"··-~.. CltM ,~, '°' }1 ltO.M 111.0J-I lo+ •O ti Ul.O U.tl-1 IJ u 11 "Of t i fl-JI'
•l JI '1 11 tt11-111
c0·~1s.r., 101011 6• '''"' tt)t1•11 JH•"!'" 1111" C.•P1" 1 '} 111 \\,·hat's:....·ew 1·n stocks ("~I Inv I t) ltl l'INANCIAl JHt" ,, 11)1 l t l l"C01'1 I ll 100
CHANN ING ,llOCiltAMI: JOflM!n 11 1111 0 J>•lfll '' t II I •t
•UNOI: F•n O~n J st l It Kl'Y!of01jf: P•~ \! I It • \1
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Special Funds Shave Oil Profits
JAN.·MAR .1974 ....
EXXON $ 705, 000,000 + 39% . '
\E\\' ''OH\\ tt\P 1 -The
countr1rs' fJ\'e largest 011
to1np<inics 1rin1med millions or doll;ors from their fir !'!·
quarter prof it fii::ures by
:-;cuing up contingency funds
trir possible rc1roacti\'e (·ru•il
011 prices or tax in"rl'a~•·"
1ncrea...<'s in costs of crude oi l
obtalll('d frorn ,\liddle E:ast
producing nat ions \\'ilhin the
pa st }C3r. Though the oil has
been produced and sol1I. for
tht' n1os1 part, neither the
('Otnp.11111."s nor tht• countries
h;1\t' 1<'1 ag rrcU on !he price.~.
our expected costs 11o·hen
a"reement 11o·as reached on
hov.· much tht firm o"·ed for
the Arab oil ii has rccei\'ed
thus far this yea r.
J .K. Jan11eson. !'.: x :t on
chairman, said there was no
misstatement In his firm 's
An1ong s:ec·unt1•·~ an:"ll~-.1s.
d c I r r m 1 n a I l 1 11 of lh"
cri1npan1cs· r(':>('r\"('., 1s lar~1,ly
;i (IU<'Sl 1on of ~ue5~11ork l:i;t\\·rl
tin J)roduc11on dat;1 and
t"urrcnt oil costs 111 !ht ~l 1ddlt·
Secur ities. Inc , and Rolx·n
Hinckley or \\1 E H11tton &
Co.. said Exxun·s reserved
funds might run "' h1~h a~
~·UM) nlllltCJO.
TEXACO $589, 000,000
OCCIDENTAL $67, 800,000
GULF $290,000,000
INDIANA $ 219,000,000 STANDARD
I '
+ 7481'
+ 76"
+ 811'
" Ntw1 CRt tl
The con1panies -Ex~on.
Texaco. ~fohil. r:u1r a n ll
St andard of l".'."llifornia -~:1 ~
the rnoney is pl aced in thl'
et1ntinjl'.t'ncy funds 10 t'O\'cr
pOIC'ntial rctroact1rc incren scs
in co.;!.< for the quar trr. \\'ith
excE"pllon of Tt"o;cico. 1·. l11r:h
said it v;as chnrging eamings
b\" Sl.\l million for these costs.
the cornpanil'S refu se to detail
the amounts of 1 h c i r
contingency funds.
Some securities analysts
frida 'I said Exxon's restr1·r
for the q11ar1cr could run as
high as StOO millio n. 11l11<'h
1rcu!d incrrase the comnany'5
profit lo 01·cr a billion for !he
quarte r.
Co111111 iss ion Reaf fir1n s A S I\ E 0 A Po 0 t; T lhc
estimate. Exxon comptrollcr,
A.L. :\l on r()('. said : "I won't
comment on that figu re ,
u ht"ther it's right or wrong.
hecausc the number you're
tr\-ing to get :it doesn't mean
;uiything in my opinion."
()ve r ti111e al 50 Hour~ Airp ort
Tra ff ic VJ> SA\' FH:\:\C\SCO !L'PI I -
The Galifomia t n dust r i a I
\Ve lf arc Co mmis s ion
reaffirmed its re v i s e d
regulations \\'hich include nlen
workers and for !he first time
permit a JO-hour day wilhout
overtime pay last week.
At a noisy meeting attcnd"d
by-about 200 protesto~s. 11·ho
picketed the state building ~d
marched into the meeting
room, the commission dP.nled
28 petitions for rehearing on
its f\1arch 14 reguh1!ions :ind
set June I as the date the ne11·
rules become errectlve.
Most controvel"!ial of the
nc"· rules is one allowing a
workday of 10 hours before
o\'ertime is paid. 1n su~h
cases overtime must be paid
after SO hours per ll'erk
Se11unar Set
Apartments in a depressed
economy "'ill be 1be focus of a
morning management seminar
for investors, o"'l1en and
manager!i ~lay 4 at Golden
Y.'est College.
Sponsored by the e,·ening
college and Apart m ent
Association of Oran~ Countr
the stminar "·Ill include 1op:~
of concern to those lnterecte:1
in pro1ceting their ln\'estm<'n l
In apartments and the securit::
of their est11tcs.
Registration Is SS and may
be p.ild :it the door
Pre\ 1<1us!y 1·. hen the 1\VC
rult'S 11pp\lcd only lo won1cn
and minors. overtime pay was
required afier eight hours
"'·ork in a single day .
The protestor!I forced t~
commission out of the hearing
room for a short period and
took over the pt)diurn, Later
the commissioners rclumed
and issued their rehearing
denial. which in e ffe ct
finalized the ~larch orders.
The proteslors carried such
signs as ''women need
protective rights and so do
m('fl ... They chanted slogans.
such as "TWC. It's not for you
and me."
The ne\I· orders kN!p the
eight·hour day in the caMlng.
freezin g and pr es er v In g
industrv and In the motion
picture. industry except und er
l'mergencies and other .spctlal
About fi\'e million Californ ia
"'·orkers are affe<!ted by. the
The number of t'ommercia \
;11r passengers using Orange
Cnuntr Airport durin~ ~iar('h
\\"as up 2i pcr('('nt from the
ll gure for ~Larch 19i.l and JG
percent ovrr February. but
the total traffic at the airport
Total tower operations.
including private planes. v•ere
45,274. dO'A-Tl from 47,157 in
Febru<.1ry and fro n1 55.211 in
l\l:irch 1973.
Deputy Director of Aviation
Ron Chandler aUributed the
decline in private plane traffi c
to a combination of the ful·l
short:ige and the weather.
Commercial air passengers
using the 11irport in l\-farch
totalled 136.059. CCl!l'parr<I 10
107.Hl2 111 ~lflrC'h 197l .
Dividend Due
The reviaed order f o r Directors of S m i t h
agricultural o«Upatlons Md a International Inc. of Nev.'J)Ort
ntw one for household worker! Beach ha,·e decl&re<l the
do not providt' An)' limitations regular quarterly dlvidend of
on hour~•or tor cvcrtlme. si x cent& per share on the
~1ioor1 are limited under the common stock. payable May ·
The contingency procr.durf'
is legal under Securities and
Exehange Co m m i s s i on
regul:it1ons. but acer»unt:1 n1 s
f•xprci;sed di1·1·rsc opini0ns on
11·hether a eompany should.
disclose or subt ract contingent
liabilities from ea mings in its
quarterly fin:incial report.
The oil compan ies say the y
first began to set aside these
rescrYe.s ar varying time s
during the p:ist 12 months.
dcpcnrlin~ upon \\ticn. the
foreign producing n a t 1 n n s
stepped up lhf'ir den1ands for
greater part icip:it ion. Gulf
hcgnn in the first p.irt of 19i 3.
:\lobil n1entioned the reser1·e~
in the 1973 annual t cport but
did not srcc:i fy the aitlount.
Soc-al and ~::xxon sai<I th e
reserve~ wcrr too insignifi(ant
10 detuil for 1~1:1.
Rc!!arding t::x xon . t h c
1\"0rld's largest oil company.
P.a"•kins said : "The concept ii;
reasonable. hut one ought to
know the an10unts inl'O!l'ed
and th"e assumpt ions behind
putting the money aside ..
THE CO~IPA1'1.ES altributc
lhe reserves to po s sible
new orders io eiafit hour days 27 to holderjj of record ~lay 13. Kid Lik tO
and canno1 be required to Smith lntematlonal develo ps. S . C
"'ork ~fore 5 a.m. or alter 10 manufactures and n1arkels A k A d
p.m. except on nil h t s drill mg and other earth-cut· S ll \ ·
preceding a non-1ehool d11t . 11ng equipment. .J
The tm legislature pa4Sl'd ·..--=---======::::=::::::.::::::::::::=::::=:::..: ~·.~· r~J~'"!~~,,~~ ~~·~ OVER 100% IN 10 WEEKS!
minimum wa,i~. overtime Ac'"°"""' ....... ....., ., dfiltk ..... wpm-.,. Mfttr.
and "·orklng condillons to all c .. t. dftcom"' _. efflt.•...,. •Mitilllot ... ..,._. ........ Mel
adults and mln()(I art er the -., ""-•· _...._ t+c.. •• ..,... 12,100-..
old rules were ch•llenpd ln c.a Mr. Grtt•
the rourts on i:round• of s•0.2Jll 'AM to MMll prefer ntial 1reatment
!n ;1ddit1un, 1110 L'On1 panies.
Exxon and Sora l. s.1y lhl'y are
st'lt 1ng aside monry in lhc
(1rs! quarter th:-i! they fl'cl
rnay be ncedrd 10 pay nny
t:1,\:C'S that \\·ou!d rrsull if the
L. S. f'nngress passed a bill
el1m1nat1ng thr foreign tax
.\lonroc ~aid Exxon had
deducted $37 n1ilhon fo r tax
pay1ne11ts for the quarter
tii:cause "it's pretty Ob\·ious to
us that Congress is going to
pass the tax bill." Socal did
not say how much it had set
aside for taxes.
Analysts. go ,. t r n ml' n t
officials and some oil men say
a princi pal reason th e
rompan1es mav be holding
back fron1 disclosing their
coougcncy rcscr\'es, or adding
them to gross profits, is fear or public reaction.
··n ie Aral:ts know v.·hat our
estimated prices are," said a
~fiddle East Spe<'ialist for
Texacxi, v.·ho asked to remain
However. a spokesman tor
Exxon. Art Lan1b . s aid 1he
company did not disclose the
specia l charge ''lx.'t.1use v.·e
didn't "'ant to give the
r.tideast nations an idea as 10
\\·hat "''' v.·erc estimating as
Firnis Get
Co ntra cts
Two Orange County fi rms
hal"e been av.·ardtd federal
rontrilC'IS tfl!aline: ~.i22 i6J.
7A'.'rt·o Indust ries Inc_ of
~e\4-port Bcal'h has recei,·cd a
~3.i22 j60 contraci from the
Air Foret' f{;r v.·ork to be done
1n 1!s Garden Grove plan t.
according to Rep. Andr!'W
lfinshn "' (R·'.\ev."port Beach 1
lnl!'rstate ElectroniC! of
Ana heim has been av.·arde<I :i
S-1 million contract to build
dara recording equipment for
1hc Trident I ntiS$tle program
by tllf' r\tl\')' SfralCRIC Sr~lcms
Office. Hinshn1~· said.
l:l [i]
Te•' ,_,.,., A•ttitlri ....
c~ •• ,., .. Le-sl111 DMlet • New 11~ w ... H.t&lllMctt
18840 ,Ill MONT"
,.1..,. lt• lo l lr. 0.. APt' c.-tdlf 2f~,...,_ 0.1 .....
211.I HAllOl ILYD.
COSfA MllA 14 ... I :ttl
A ~l)l)kesn1an lor r-.toh1 I Oil
said that the con1pany "<lid
not specify its r <' s <' r 1· cs
because much uf thr crud"
11·hiC'h ·we mi ght 011·e pa\'r.1cnt
on has alrrad1· Norn sold
''It cou ld be in1propcr !••
repon profit on sales \l'h1ch
clid not comprehend this
lla~<·tl on tht·1r 1·•1h·11lat1011 ~.
11\0 \\'all Strl'r! nil :in:ill-.r<;,
H.obtrl Al!)re,·h1 ul If~·~ 11•1lds
.Joe t:l:irk , an an11l\sl "·nh
\\'crthciu1 & Co .. thinks the
t 11io 1111llion fig"ure for ~:'>.:\l•ll
rs "111 IJIL' hallp:irk ...
"Sin<•t• Trx<1en dl·rl.'.l red $11:1
u11l11on. an d f:.'(XOn 1s neerl~
tllrcr 111111·<: larger r h 11 n
T<'x:tco. 11 111)U[dn·1 ~ur1>r!sr
Ill(' ht• ~.lld
additional pa jment,"' I h el-•----------------------. spokesman said.
~lonroe said Exxon decided o d y NOW
IO deductlhc onstated '"'°""'• r er ours o o o because "to not re cognize the!
cost resulting from a change
in the participation le1·e\s1 \l,'OOld grossly overstate ourl
earnings ~and "·ould b c
misleading to lh <' public.·· I.
'""d °""in~. ,;er rrcsidcn• ~rf ~ Beauf'iful of fina nce '°' c.,1r OH. said he '.~ \ \ • did nol coosider the e~timate ~~
in i nc• ••ed part icipation .AE/ir_. •. -==· -Ii-Stick-on Labels costs a oontigenC)' reserye . --
"It's more just an estimate as
to \\"hat the true cost of the
material is:· he said. • PERSONALIZED
P hilco-Ford •STYLISH
\\'in:S J ob •EASY TO USE
An experimental an1ia1rcraft 1
l!1·sttm des igntd to be carried
a·nd used by foor soldiers \.\ill
be built by Phil<»Fc1rd's
Aeronutron ic Division 1 n
\'e\\'j'.IOM Beach.
The missiles will be[
constructed under a $S milli on
oontra:ct from the U.S. Army :
\lissilt Command Redsl-Onc f
Arsenal. Alatnm1.
Th<' S\'Stc,n v.·itl u!e a !ai;ror
bt><im ~idane<! s~stem !Q help
trat·k the ,targel. l
Aeronutronic "''111 build a
iota[ of JO n1issil~. the ftrst fl)
he delivcrl'<l 10 the Arm~· 1n
.J ulv J97j for 11:_~;1\11~
lll'ftt Nit llht<! O~t< IC ...
I• \tllwt Oll•lllt Tiit •••I . ,,., ...... ..
c ... , ...... li•t ,.,,.,,,, ,,.,, ..
Of l"11nM11!t ~l•t•Y
INTflt(O,.,,.tMlH II\.
tM """"" CllflfW Or•l'I ... "' fn• ''11-iel Clflft< ljfwl'O'f l•Kll. (1,
644-94 10
M •• Jot111 Oot
12) Mtln $1tee1
Al'l~IO•tl , A l'IJt!t l ~ 12J A ~
Fitl rn lhil CO\lpOn, cl ip 11nd :T111I wrlk SI 2S to:
Pilot Prlnltng l•bel Div ,
Polt Of fie• Sox 1560
Cost• M•••. C•liforni.11 9l626
_Housing on the Brink
Will U psiirge i11 Start.s Boost Eco1io1riy?
Hy JOllN CUNNlr~·
7 NE\\' YOHK IAP l -~tnny eeonomist~
are hoping for an lncrc.'.'lse in housing
a1.1.ivity to help boost thfi t't·nnon1 y ou t of
Ule hole into \vhich lt tripped during the
past ye"r.
Unprt>dictable at tht· 111 n 111 l! n I .
hoy,·evcr. is \\'hclh\lr hOU!illl R will bt able
to provide 1hat push. 1'hc ur11·C'rlriin!Y of
It <11! hus nu\n,v a n cronn1ni.qt In a
quandary. l-lou~i11g . u srcrns. ha~n 't
rnade up its mind.
Arter plunging fr<1111 an annu.11 ri1Lc ur
nearly 2.5 n1illion housing stnrl.!> earl~ 111
l973 lo rey,·er tlwn I.~ uull1u11 tlu:.
January. activity rcsuinetl 111 Frbruury
IJl !Mt mooth the i.1art rnlt· rost· to 1.8
milllon units.
flest Bets Listed
CA~tE 1'1ARCll, however. and acllvily
dropped again to the January level. That
"'as bad new s. I lowevcr. housing
permits. an indicator of future hCtivity,
ro!W, and that '<''US good new s.
1'o lht' rl'scuc of fo recasters "'ho find
th~ erratic <ictivity too ntuch to toll'rule
conies Suul Klan1nn. housing aulhorll y
and vice prt>sident and chief e<:onomhH or
the National Association of Mutual
Sa \'ini;:s Ha nks. Said he:
"~·ly hunch is that the coming housing
upturn y,·iJ I proceed at a relatively slow
pnce. ~ly fc·ur is that even a sluggish
rCCO\'Cry niay be prcma turt'l y abon.1..'<l ."
The long-ll"'<iilcd housing upturn. he S.'iid.
"1nay prove d1s;i ppoinling."
Apa~tme1it Popularity
IN AN ADDRt;SS here. Kinman cited
soo1c or the mo.st compelling factors
underlying his relaUvely bearish view:
I. The large backlog or unsold new
units. Buyer •resistance in private
housing markets wa11 mounting last year,
he said, al the very time many nl!w
homes were coming on tht niarket.
"As a resul t. unsold inventory mounted
and by early 1974 was equal to one years
s.iilcs. subslantlally vbove a year
2. J\1ount ing land costs and housing
prices. Some potential buyers, he said.
may ha ve been discouraged by the rapid
arceleration in costs. "They have secood
thoughl!i "'hen they ~ their favorite
$30.000 house sparling a new $50,000 price
lug "
:J. Naggml! ene r gy unccrt11inli1>s
''Uncertainties aboul where and \\'llether
lo build or buy h:=ive not disappcart'd ,"
said Klaman. N~ithcr buyers nor builders
have forgotten lilt 1rau1na of the energy
. Buyers
COVINA fAP) -Con artists
\.\'ho rent houses they don't
own are bilking Califomia
families out of millioos of
dollars a year, says a \\'est
Covina mortgage attorney. .
"It 's a n1ultimillio n dollar
Rising Across N atiOJ!
.i. General consumer mataisc. Caution.
concern . confusion and conjtraint tend to
damper prospective housing buoyafl('}'.
he said. "A four Cs trarne of n1ind is not
cooducjvc to long-tern1 h o u s i n g
co1nnlit111ents. ··
ripoff that saps innocent but EVERYTHING'S SPACIOUS BUT CLOSE AT HANO
ignorant persons \.\'ho can Hom• "' Amf•c C•nyon S•nds Vill•5, P•lm Sprin91
offe r u horizont al floor plan. your own
patio . or balcony. and landscapin~
ma inlained by the managcn1cnt. On !hi!
debil sid<': you cun expect less p1·ivacy
and a longer 001nmutc.
usually least affo .. d ii ," s:i.id _______ _
H\ lli\\'10 JORDA'I
Wr!!!e11 l•r •1~oc••ltC1 1>r1u
On <'t: 1t SP('n1cd inconC't·l\::t ble that
:rnyonc \\'Ould v0Junt<1r ily sell a lll<.i'
house and 1novc to an apartn1c·n1, Nnw it
/YJppcn s every clay.
: Some apar1tnent-come-latel1cs :ir~
di vorced or v.·idov.·cd. Others have raised
f8milies and no longer need se ven roon1s
aiid a haU acre of lawn. ~1any have been
thlnsferred, or are red up with the long
cnmmu te.
If you're about to make the jun1p, your
first conce rn \\'ill be choosing the kind of
place which y,·iJl best suit your nc<.'ds. If
you most value privacy. efficiency and
t'OllVenience. seek a city spot close lo
work and the urban action . For a little
more breathing space. safely and
freed(>m from congestion. choose a
suburban situation.
HERE ARE TIIE major styles of
~ildings and what you can expect in
each. With two floors or more. a private
entrance. and a patch of ya rd front and
rear. town houses are idea l for coupl es
ftrs1 leaving a single-fa mily home.
they're also one of the 1nost expensive
Ways to go and . a vertica l floor plan
means lots of stairs to climb.
:p arden apartments rent· for less ~r:d
Older. clev11tor huildings can l>c got•d
b;irgains in near·to-do~'tltovm lucat ior~.
and often ha\!c l:irge \\indo"'·s. thick
"'alls. and hardwood floors. Flats offer
charms of an even earl ier era : high
ceilings. fi replaces. and larger rooms.
Both types often have drawbacks: balky
plumbing, antique kitchens. cran1pcd
cloSt'ts and oddball floor plans.
lfIGll RISES spell high sta tus. high
rent urban living. Compact floor plans.
proximity to res ta urant s and
entertainment. plus lobbies and doormt>n
make them id<'al for singles and couple~
v.·ho want an abrupt change from for1ner
y,•ays of life, Security is better. too.
Whal about apartment cornmW'lilit!s?
At many new complexes. the lists of
amenities and socinl goings-011 read like
the agenda for an extended cruise -and
the apartments themselvc:> seem almo!.1
incidental. Jf you're recently divorced or
widowed or new in town. they'e a great
way to make new friendships in a hurry.
To choose the right commu nity. scout
complexes for rent. location. space. etc.,
narro\\'ing your choices to three or lour.
HE ADDEO. hO\VCVer lh<il "A reduced
willingness to purchase will be offset in
parl by an increased \.\'illingncss to
purchase "'ill be offset in part by an
increased \.\-'illingncs.o; to rent. In the
t•limate postulalt-'d here , buildln,i: for
rental markets is likely to be stirnillated
more than for sales markets.
Until rt-cent weeks the brightening
aspect of lhe housing market seemed to
be the renewed availability of mortgaf,!e
credit. probabl y at declining rates. "This
hope is now being shattered." he said.
C.:onfronting the industry. he suggested.
y,·as thl' distinct possib ility of an outnow
of money from thrift institutions, such as
savings banks and savings and Joan
associations, in search of higher yields
,;THIS SUD DEN and unexpected
development puts a new somber look at
mortgage markets and clearly reduces
the willingness and ability of thrift
institu tions to n1ake mo r t gag c
commitn1ents. ··
Klaman knows of v.•hat he speaks. The
primary lending activity of the -mutual
savings banks and savings a nd loan
associations. \.\'hich largely make up !he
lhrifl industry, is in the home mortgage'
::ttomcy Robert \\'elss.
The schcrnc is cal led rent·
skimming. The coo n1an poses
as the oy,•ner or a house that is
advertised at a low price.
TROUBLE ts. it's usually a
vacant or foreclosed house
that the con arlist spotted.
,.13de ready for occupancy by
turning on utilities and
r<'moving posted notices of
foreclosure. the house looks to
the unsophislicated renter like
a great bargain.
The con man usually takes
first and last montM rent plus
a security deposit a n d
disappears .
Weiss told the San Gabriel
Valley Tribune that victims of
skimrning are often minor ity
group nicmbcrs and oth<'rs
\\'ho :ire un educated in real
estate transactions.
llE ESmtA TES that
hundreds of thousands of
houses are used as bait each
year by con artists in
These may be the last new homes under
$100,000 you'll ever find in the exclusive Back
Bay area of Newport.
A limited edition of only 12 custom
two-story homes.
[] M"' Nol o Eue1 &.I•
.1 15 ~ WlltDWAllD LANE'
! •• i ! ~ WINDWA"D ~
11TH IT.
. ... ,
NEWl'OllT ... ,
~ (
Ulindmard Lane Ho•es
Newport Beach Homes ol E199•nc• And E•cel6ence by lrown Oev1lop1M11I Corp. ~
Piion• IM2•2118 or 993-6161 "IOUAL HOUllHO Of'PQlmJNIT1U"lEI
' .
Parkwood Offers
Honiely Welcome
Flowering plan1s and the
aroma of a pie baking in their
oven ~·ill greet residents upon
move-in lo lh<'ir n ew
Park\.\·ood Apartments. the
Irvine.,. Company's $4.2 mi llion
296-unit development in the
Village of UniYersi1y Park,
1'h.is imagina ti\'e "'elcome is
but one of n1any ways in
"·hich resident manaizcr Jody
,_icCreary is working lo create
a y,·ann home like atnl06phere
at the 17-acre family and aduh
community which opens this
~·cekend. with ooe to thn..-e-
bedroom apartmenLS rcoting
from $1~ to $2.85.
Jody 's h 0 s pi I a I i I y '.It
Parkv.·ood begins even before
mo\'e-in \\'hen individuals sign·
ing leases are inv ited to a get·
acquainted potluck Sunday
dinner prior to first move-ins
next "'eek . ''\\'e ...,.ill supply
the beverage. they'll bring
their favorite recipes and -
before you know ii
neighbors will be discussing
decorating plans \.\'i!h each
other," she predicted.
EVEN THOSE v.•ho miss !he
pre-mo\'e-in parly need not be
faced V.'ith the anonymous
reeling of living in a place for
months \.\'hithout e\·er knowing
"'ho Jives next door. Jody
plans to have chili suppers in
the community's sp a ci ou s
clubbou.se and says she u·ill
make special efforts to invi1e
couples who have recent ly
moved in and their immediate
neighbors so they may get ac -
qua inted.
"AJ though Park"'ood ~·ill of-
fer organized activities such
as bridge, hand crafts and
barbecues. there "'ill also be
ample <'mphasis on pri vaey:·
Jodv remarked. Units feature
spaCious private patiffs or ter-
races and all of t he
apartments have serene
vie.,,.·s of the extensi\'e gre<'Tl
landscaping or the nearbr hills
and mountains, she noted.
In keeping with t h c
established r esidenti al
characl<'r o f neighboring
Universi ty Park homes .
Parkwood has been designed
in a contemporary California
style "'·hich the Irvine Com-~ny's mulli-family division
,·ice president \\'illiam R.
\Vatt calls "rustic and in-
form al." Emphasis is on
natural y,•ood siding and tri m.
with carth-1one<I 1 ex t u red
sttJCCO finishes .
ON.S ITE re e r e at ion
facililics in<'lude s c pa r a I e
pools for adults and families
·\\'ith children. a barbecue
area . recreation building \\;th
party room . and children 's
play ar<'as.
Park"•ood Apartments ;i re
located minutes from the
University of Ca Ii f o rn i a .
Ir vi ne campus and the 18-hole
Rancho Sail Joaquin Golf
Course. An elementary school
and a local park site are
across the street, and a junior
high S('hool is tV.'O blocks
A · neighborhood shopping
center serves v i I l a g e
residents, 1:1nd the prestigious
shops of Fashion Island and
key employment areas of the
Irvine Industrial Complex and
Ne\.\·port Center are a short
dri\'e a"•ay.
The rental orfice at 17560
Jordan A venue is \l'l'St of the
Sao Diego Free\l·ay bel\.\'ttn
~lichelson A v e n u e and
University Drive and is open
daily from 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m.
l\1an y \' ie'v
Sands V iJla s
Mini Hon1es
PAL~f SPRINGS -A late-
season surge of tourists Is
resulting in a surge of visitors
at the unique "mini home
show" of Amrac Ca nyon Sand!
Villas. 4300 E. Palm Canyon
Drive, on highway 111 next to
Gene Autry Hotel. Palm
Springs. acco rding to \\'illian1
E. Linthicun1 . the developer'!
nuirketing director.
The "min i hon1e show.''
consis1s of lhrec completely
landscaped, fully furilished
models. built in a group for
easy inspection. \V. & .J.
Sloane is r<'Sponsi b!e for
intrrior decor. The sparkling
hon1 e,.; arc on \'iC" dail y. ~n
chl<i in[l' Surn!ays.
Jnd i v i clu a l p r i vacy
previuusly kno'vn only in
.~in~le-family h o me s on
separate lots is now a\'ailablc
in g-r011red . l;indscap('d onc-
~tory villas al Canyon Sands.
Six tennis courts. putting
grC<'n , s\.\•in1ming and therapy
pools, saunas. aud cab.'.'lna are
right on the grou nd s .
~1embers pay no initiation fee
or dues.
Buvers ha\·e a choice of
\'illaS y,·ith two bedrooms and
two baths. or thr<'c bedrooms
\\'ith 21•J baths. plus one or two
patios. Three floor plans plus
oplions offe r variety and
individuality. Amfac Canyon
Sands Villas arc priced from
$39.500 up.
\\rood-burning fireplaces.
open beam ceilings 11 feet
high. attached l\\"O car covered
garages y,·ith automatic door
openers. and use of genuine
ceramic tile in entryways are
among the features in Amlac
C.1nyon Sands Villas.
May Be T111·11ed h1to Far1ns
<AP) North Carotina 's
swampy roast.al lo'A•lands -
wet . overgrov.11 acres long
shW'lned by all but mosquitoes
are attracting foreign
investors. Thcv hope to tum
the dank. tangled marshes and
limberland into h i g h I y
productive farm acreage .
Japanese and Italian fi rms
have purchased large tracts
and Ix-gun developn1ent in t\\"O
easte r n c ounti es . A
\\'ashington. N.C .. really firn1 .
the Rich Co.. said a n
Australian nnn is considering
buying a tract in Hertford
Cowlty near the Virginia
The land must be attacked
by mnn and machine. timber
cleared and drainage systems
dug, befor~ it will be usable
for farming or paqture. It i!I
an expensive proceu, wtich
toukf lake several ytars lo
complete. But t n v e 1 tors
believe the black. organict1:lly
rich soil is \\'orth the prk"t. In
some cases. food grov.11 In the
land WO<l\d be shJPl>Cd IO the~
O'll'U countriea.
AN ITAW~N concern
bought 4$.000 acres near
AlortheOO Ci ty in January and
Incorporated the operation as
Open GNIOndS P'arm. Inc.
Real est.ate companies rd"-"<I
to name the Italian parent
P e t er C r end i. ;i
representative of the ·Italian
organization. said plan.5 call
for raising beef ca t 1 I e ,
soybeans and com. Farm
orficials said 320 acres y,·ere.
being planted this month in a
CO\'er crop and that 36 head of
cattle had been purchased.
About 1.200 acres of the land
had been farmed previously:
!he remainder is 1narshland .
Realtor Bob Rich estimated
the cost of preparinl{ the
lo"·Jand for cultivation at $300
an acr<'. The foreign investors.
he said . got the unimproved
land af "rock bottom" pritts.
Rich sa id the lowland has
highl y organic blaek soil and
adding proper chemicals will
make it prime farm land.
1,1·orth $600-$700 an acre.
Brow11 Co. Begins
Custo1·1't Home Sales
Preview sales have begun at
a Un1ited edition of 12 custom
homes by Bro\\·n Developmtnt
Corp. in the back bay area of
Newport Beach. according to
Richard T. Brov.11. prtsident
of the building firm.
Located on Windward Lane.
just oft lrvlnc Boulevard. the
t\\'Mtory model$ are' priced
from 181.900 IO 192.900. Each
home feature! a pool-sized lot.
three car garage: andt one-of·
a·klnd exterior elevation of
brick. rooghsawn wood and
The homes are scheduled for
completion in fl.lay.
F\oor plans available vaJ11
rrom three bedroom plus den
to four bedroom. with all
homes offering t'A·o nreplaCC!,
formal entry and dining room
and up to four batM. Larae
QOOk area In counlry•iztd
kitchens and '"'&lk·in clOM!t
and private dressing area arc
also standflrd features.
Addillooal custom ilmenitlti
include se\\'\ng tlaundry arM!t
In an plans. sun ken tub area in
master bath Rnd pnss-thni bar
from kilehen le:> palio area.
Accord ing lo Brown. the
homes mnv be viewed on
weekends fi-om 10 a.m, until
dusk during the preview 1
0 c
a r
Lake Forest Tract --~
Rancho Viejo Opens The Dally Piiot
Destru~tive 1 Lady
Girl, 21, Demolislies Bitildiligs
• DENVER (APl -Babs Luedke is a
ome wrecker and a golddigger. and
she's even stooped to picking up coins
off barroom floors.
from the mansion now grace the Lued·
kes' Denver home. ~
All that is not as bad as it sounds
because f\.1i ss Luedke. a petite 21-year-
old former architectural e n ~ineering
student. earns her livin~ teanng down
old buildings for their salvageable
n1etals and antique treasures.
~f iss Luedke is in the salva.ge bus-
iness with her father. Lucky Luedke.
a retired Air Force man . She says she
likes the work but isn't 100 pleased
wi th the money.
"I work all the time at this and I
don't make anyt hing -enough to
put gas in the car and go drinking
with the boys," she says. She adds,
though, there is one reward. f\1iss Luedke wields a sledge ham·
mer to break loose salvageable cast
iron or brass pipes and drives a bull-
dozer to push down old buildings,
"I'm getting pretty strong. I can
work like a man," she says.
But she also has rescued stained-
glass windows from stately mansions
and removed gold coins Crom the
floors of old saloons.
lt1iss Luedke is worried about what
she's going to do next si nce urban re-
newal has left Denver with "not much
to tear down ."
Her favorite v.·recking job was the
Bel ll1ar Estate. an old n1ansion here.
It took all summer to salvage the
wood . Statues. roof timber and even
stones were saved. Gold silk curtains
"I can see me tell ing some employ-
ment lady, '\Vcll I can te:ir dov.'T\ a
building'" she said. "J.laybe I'll be a
policen1an or sell Cats lbulldozersl. I
co uldn't sit in an office after what
I've done ."
Preview Ope11ing Set
At Seaview Townhomes
A previ!'w opening today of
Seaview Townhomes. a $5
million 92-unit ocean viev.'-
oriented community in San
Clemente, tras been aMounced
by Merrill Butler . J r . ,
president o f Irvine-based
Butler Housing Corp.
"The San Clemente area is a
fa\'orit.e vacation and tourist
spot and a great place to
Jive," Butler said. "Y.'ith all
the advantages of living in the
area, Seaview also has a
superla ti ve view site, plus
good basic designs a n d
exciting floor plans.
"Seaview also h3s a very
convenient location." Butler
added. "One~uarter m i I e
from the development is
shopping and vdthin a short
drive are golf courses.
beaches, Doheny State Park.
and Dana Point !~arbor."
fiereplac es in the n1aster
bedroom .
Split-level plans are: offered
for three of the models. with
the larg~t a tri-level. Fully
landscap ed, includ ing
sprinklers, each home also has
a patio or deck and an
attached tw1Kar ga rage with
automatic door opener.
A large swimming pool .
jacuzzi. a tennis court. and a
recreation bu i Id i n R are
included in Sea.view's sc!f-
contained r«realioo center.
THE 110~1 .ES. v.'hich have
up to 1.907 sq. ft., are priced
from $5.5.9:KJ lo $62,950.
Seavlew Townhome! is a
joint-venture of B u l I e r
I-lousin g Corp. and Pacific
Lighting Properties, Inc .. ar
subsidiary of Pacific Lighting
Corp., Los Angeles.
Seaview models are at 104
Calle Patricia in San
Clemente. They may b c
Sund<1y is
=-··~·:~. : : . ··" . . ... . . . ·.•: ....
Offering a compltt> pockagc
of featurtt and revised floor
plans. the oeoood pb.ul! of
Rancho Vlejo near La.kc
Foresa ls having Its gr&nd CJ!ltllina today.
The lli-townhomt projtcl Is
a developmtnt of Los Aogeie ..
based Levltt·W~t. Inc.
A MAJOR floor p I a n
modification...,.., the
con\'tlrslon of one I w o •
bedroom ~el Into a lhrtt-
bedroom plan. A private,
\\'ailed sun dct'k was also
added lo IN single·IC\'tl
upstairs model in the four-plcx
arrangement. The d i n 1 n g
areas of l¥to plans 'll'ere also
enlarged. and breakfast bars
\\'ere added.
Rancho Viejo homes include
such items normally folUld as
options a.o; cehtral a if
rondltioning. custom draperies
J except in kitchens a n d
baths), arid dJ!hll·ashtrs.
The two and three-bedroom
homes also have forced-air
heating, gas rans:es '4ith
contlDuous-eleanlng · o. v en s ,
shag carpeting In livlng areas.
enclo!K'd one-car g a rage .
stained ...,.ood ash cabinets,
interior washer and dryer
space, and enclosed pr ivate
patios or sun decks.
AS PART OF t.evitt·West's
participation in the Coorem
Program. all C(.11\ings and
~·alls are fully insulated 10
oonsen-e entYgy. Double \1•all
construction also Insu res full
privacy and buyers have no
one Jiving above or below
Rancho Viejo homt's are
available in a three-lx't'.lroom.
l\.\'frbalh. single-level plan: n
pair of two-story models, Uolh
~·ith one-and-one-hal f baths.
!h:it ha\·c either t~·o or three
bcdroon1s: and an'<" upstairs
t\1·1>-bcdroom. one-bath model.
Thrtt of the plans ha1·e
garden view dining areas.
Hon1es at Rancho Viejo are
priced from $26,490.
IN KEEPING with Lake
t'orest's country environment
and Sp:1nish heritage. Rancho
Viejo homC>s ha1•e heavily
textured st ucco exteriors. red
mansard tile roofs. and dark·
stained window trim.
Recreat ion facilities, "A'lth1n
the de,·elopincnt include a
bath house and cabana. a
largt' hented pool. a ch1ldrc1i"s
w::ading pool and play area.
and fin all-purpose
rccreRtiooal court. In which
\'Olleybhll badminton . and
basketOOll can bt en,oyt<l,
The corrununlty y,•111 also
have an extensive grl'enbl·ll
system. YI' I l h n1eanderlng
wal kways lending from the
homes to the rec reation
facilltifs. All exterio r mj\ln·
tenanct ot OOmes and cotn·
mon areas is pro,'idrd
through n1Qnthl y dues paid to
the commun ity 's homl'O\\'ncrs
community's self~l'Olltained
re<.:n!atlon amenities. Lake
r orcst's ""OUdt'd ruJ1ni:t 1u1d
hiking trails nre less 1han a
mile 3'1111}'. And sucll 1na10r
employment c <' n t t' r s 35
Ne:~<p0rt Center and !he Irvine
lndustrloJ Complex fHt \\ Hhu1
a·.short dri\'e .
f'lrl'I ll"IO\t .. !ns in lointho
Viejo's SCC'Ond phase arc
l'X))\'Cl~d hi latt:' Spl'Ul~
At 22818 !i.hilaga Way in t:I
Toro. llan<.'ho \'ie}O mil\' IK·
reath('(l from Orange and Lo!!
An~!':les ('Qu ntil'S h~ taklni! tht·
S.'tllla Ana or St1n Diego
Fret'\l.:I\ SOtHh 10 thfo El Toro
!load l''tl! J'n)('{'(.'d t\\o 1111lL'S
''l!'it on ~:i Toro Rond to the':
development. ror further ln-
forn1a11on. phone ~IJOO. •
Castlehill Project
Opens Secoiid U11it
·The second unit of 4-0 b:>uses
in Pacesette r Homt>s' new
Cast lehlll communi ty 1 n
Laguna ~lills opens this wcck.
coinciding closely .,..'ith Easter
V.'l'Ck opt.1ung of thf' :idjaef'nl
Wes1em-themed La r a 1.
Shopping Center.
Tilere are <'igh! C"IOS('-()11\
specials lhrt>e and r o u r .
bedroo1n house-s rem u1n1g u~
bedroon1 houses rt·m;:i1run1? in
$1200. he s :1 i d . The
~fission \'1•jo C'.olf Course ,;;l
f\earb~· and the beal'hes arc'
unl\' 15 n11nutt•s av.ar.
1ion1t' nlOd(•!~ rruige from
I 225 t11 l.8~2 SQ . ft. and :1re l
priced from S.16.730 to $45.930
1\ll offi.:r 11pe n-h<' 11 m €' d
t".'lthedr:il or ~lopt·d rr1lini:s 1n 1
both ont· ;11111 I .,... o -s I o r \'
<·onfi1:,'Ur;n111ns Four bedroom
tlltlfiels ,.fft·r fnnnal dining
n)(tms and ~\){!L·111us mas1l'r
de\'elopfl)(>rtl v.ill e\'l'ntunlly CUSTO:it CABJ1"l-:TS and
efl('(lmpass 173 homrs. A fe~· l'Om pletely built-in kitchens.
lots v.·ith \'iews of !he \'3\lev including a con Ii n u o u l'i •
and mountains are st ii'! rleaning oven. are ft•aturcs of
available. in the terraced hnmes u1 lhc project development. according to -;;;;...;;;.. ______ _,
Exie\'. 1
\\'iihin v.·atking d1s1ancc is ·~
the new se\'en·aerc shopp1n;.:
center \\Ith two r1·~ta ura11t ~.
an an gallery ;tnd professioo:i!
offices, .all 1\·i1h f 3 <'a cl t' s
carrying nut lh<.' fronlicr-lonk l~:?li'fl "~'ild y,·rst" theme. ! u;
TllE RESID E ~TIA I . r x o-..•
community also ''i~l bo:15t its·
own weenbelt park. to be
dC\'elopt'd by the rounty. \\'l1 h
playground and !) i t' ll I<:
Schools nre v.·ithin :i mile
from Ca st I {'hi 11 . and
SaddlCb;tC'k COii•'(!(' I~ \1•.()• mi!e.~ av.·a~· In addi!iQn.I
A \\'IDE \'ARIETY of
luxury features a:-e offered in
two and three-bedroom homes.
Quarry tile entries. vaulted
beam ceilings. m a s s i v e
fireplaces . mirrored v.·ardrobe
doors, ceramic tile kitchen
counters. Roman tubs \\'ilh
shower, and trash compactors
are included in each model.
Th ree plans also have second
reached from the southbound
San Diego Freeway by taking
the Palizada turnoff and
turning right. Proceed one
block lo A vend ia de la 1
Estrella. turn left and proceed !
to Avcndida Presidio. Turn ,
le.rt aod proceed to I a
Esperanza and tum right to
the models.
Pnt lt all together!
Lctrid fir11i Agrees
To Disclose Projects
1'wo days after agreeing to
stop using deceptive land
selling practices, the GAC
corporation made a .deal with
HUD to offer comp l ete
fmancial disclosures a n d
development plans to its
A spokesman for t h c
Housing a nd Urba n
Development depa rtment said
GAC had agreed to make
available to all its land o~Tiers
the company's financial report
and property report explaining
what it intends to do in the
way or de\'c}(lpme:nts and
Im provements.
HUD's office of interstate
land sal es rtgistraUon called
it "a landmark Agreement
~·ttb 'One of the natioo's largesl
laod development companies."
Two days ago. the Federal
Trade Commission
condlUonaUy accepted.a
consent order prohibiting GAC
from practicing deception in
COMC<:tion with land sales In
Florida and Ariiona. and
ordered the company repay
more than $17 millk>n to
several thousand eu5tomcrs.
J. 'tbome.s Rosch. direelor
or the F"fC'a Bureau ol
Consumer Protection. said
much of the land GAC had
sold allegedly waa under
In its announcement HUD
said anyone v:ho purchases
GAC property prior to
receiving 1he a m e n d e d
property report s
"automatically ~·ill have Lhe
option to void his sale" and
receive l'Omplete rrfunds.
In December. the land sales
registration office filed B
notice of proceedings again.st!
GAC. alleging failure to
disclose adequately adverse
financial inlorm atioo.
Lake Forest
Tract Sold
Butler Housing Corp.'s La.kc
Forest Townhouses ln El Toro
has been sold out, Mm'i.11 But-
ler. president of the Trvint·
bMed devtloprneot firm, re-
por1ed this v.·eek.
The 17·unlt projtcl, w!tlcb
opened one year ago, offered
·on& and two-story plans with
rustic ettt.rtors. The homes
have two and three bedn::ioma
and up to too and 1 hall
NOw..~ Pay All CJoslng Ulsts (Approximate v..Iue ssoo!> •
Here's your opportunity to live
in exclusive Tustin and take
a<lvantall'! of today's best new
home values ••• affordable Laurel-
wood Townhomes I Choose f.rom
l and 2 •tory pl&ll! designed fo r
l!J)eCial privacy ••• with 2 and 3
bedrooms, builMn G.E. appli-
ances, lavish baths, fenced patios
and many of the best features cf
traditional homes! Enjoy acres of
beautiful park and fabulou•
private recreation facillties ! You
can put it all toll'!ther now •.. with
exterior maintenance included ..•
for payments as reMOnable M
rent! Vl•lt Laurelwood today!
.-----......... ~ ---
-.-, . • I
• Tennis Courts
• Swtmmlng Pool
•Children's '\'\1ading Pool ~~~~;:;:..~~=:::~J and Play Areas
From $26,250
Pl•ft A ~,.,.mi ,.,.,'V w 1111'7 It
L1111'!!twooodl Two Mllr:btf11I bod"'°"" jg..., boot ito
oWD pri¥aW tietlol ad two ti.ti..,. tonu.I ntfl' • • , ....... llTiq ,_ ..,..,., to -m pe.tlo •••
41al11Su. ••• ~ .. ~ ... ~·--'
4~ ~"EQUAL HOIJSJHQ !.-:=·-==~="' ~ OPPORTONJT!ES''
"8NM J'rirw'< t~.~50. DoW1I Pa,.._11h 11,150.
.Apprnhu.le Cloosil\JI' Cnlu• No""-PriKIOO.I aM. JnL('•CSl fl11tludloe J'MI): D'll.00/-
T•x..,, 1$~.00/tao. lnfllr•n•": $&.!IOI-. U11"''"'""n~r~· A.-iati;\n A••-tm.
$21,()0/.,,o. lnt"•""l ~at .. : l'!ll ~
I plu• ~; •,,. J>MJ 1 •
Annual Peruntage Rate: !I~
Puts Your World
Together •..
Every Day
'"; ~ -~.;.~
' ...
All the
letters and
want ads
our famous
Ads that
help you
find what
you want in
local stores
Get With The One
That Puts It Together
Phone Today
(or the Dally Pilot
olfice nearest you)
. • .
• • • • • • . • :: :· . .. :· . .
C 8 DAIL V PILOI S1111dar. April (8, 1974
Alaskan Task: a Pipeline
Fro ze 1i Winters cutd Su 1n1ner Str<unps .4.lOng tlie Li1ie
-The trouble with summer
Up here b that It melts the
And the bridge.
But U aliO brings some 20
hours of daylight P.fen can
work n double shift and shed
their parkas and thermal
t underwear. ·
Allen \\'hite."
BP is hiring some fem:ile
clerks. but at ARCO the rule
is -as it is for the pipeline
camps down the trail -no
women, booze or guns.
1'he some 6S wells already
drilled are capped.
or the first chores wes to
replace all Lhe tires on lhe
thousands o! vcblclea Waiting
uloog the trail.
The frustration of the last
31,~ years is evident even in
Uie field camps. At the
Dietrich Camp, south of
conllnentAI divide, supervisor
Ttrrs HEART of the oil Bob Swarthout says, ·i I never
bonanzifi some 1.300 miles did think they wouldn't build
from the North Pole is also it. f;veryone wno ha! been
the heart or the frustration around the oil ~ame kne\v
and the problems that have there was a shOrtage."
Pi,,-1 encrustM with
snow at Prudhow B1y
await UM In the 789·
mile Alalkan pir.llne.
In 19n, they wil carry
two million b1rrel1 •
. ' -.,_ Daylight and oold. The !haw
and the delicate tundra. Those
are crucial elements to the
Jong-delayed Alaskan pipeline
a 789-mHe plumber's delight,
oilman's f rust ration ,
.ecologist's despair that will
\find through landscape as
desolate and spcclncular as
the moon and almost as re-
beset the Alaskan oil find from _ · the be~inning. Buildings are ~------------------------------------------·----~------------
erected on pilings or gravel
beds to protect the tundra .
In ~·inter the tundr1:1 is
essentially a lroien s"•amp.
Beautifuf.J in a sense, says
oilman Therrell. "'1ith the
mote. shapes and the forms and the
Completed. it will unleash · shadows" in the drep and
the black p;old or the frozerl drifting snow. -
north lo oil-hu~gry A_merica . But after the ice and snow
And e~en now, JUSl a hne on a have gone, it looks from th"
ffilJl. 11 prom ises bonania for air like a green and nowered
:r.15.000 nearly forgo l t e 11 plain. "But you gel down on it
Alaskans "'hose plainlive slat e and you get your feet wet. It'~
flower is the forget-me-not. a swamp really, and It's better
Pipeline men tigure it a about the first of Septem~r
nominally difricult task -but '>''hen it's getting cool and thP
to the layman's eye it seems mosquitoes are gone." ---. --= -_· = _---=--= -~.. -.;:::;-;. . . ·-to ri val the pyramids and Even the caribou, the 400.000
dwarf !he Aswan dam. The that migrate to the No rlh
pipe is four feet in diameter Slope each year to calve press
a_nd will reach from the oU to the ocean's edge to ~scap-. ~I
field:" of Prod.hoe Bay on the the biting insects. OUR STORES ARE LOADED WITH
Arctic Ocean to Va I d.e z Below the winter snow are . t
(pronounced Val~s), 3:n .1ce-caribou moss and reindeer
free harbor on PrnlCe Wilham lichen, and lhe mishmash of
Sound, a .ga~way to w~~t plan!s tha! make up the
coast ports m the lower 48. tundra . "H's that very thick,
plush vegetatil'e mat that
helps act as an insulator,"
explains Therrell.
i '
JN BETWEEN the route
spans the bitter ice-bound
plains from Prudhoe
southward, climbing throu gh
the craggy 8.00G-!oot ramparts
of the Brooks Ran ge, snaking
through a 4,800-foot pass over
the Q>lltinental divide, south
still across the Arctic Circle,
over moose tracks and caribou
trails between mount ains
l a dl e d with mel ting
marshmallow snow.
''And that's why t he
permafrost there is very close
to the mirface -only 18
inches to a foot down in the
The tundra protect s the
permafrost. and the
pannafrost has been the focus
of the oil pipeline problem. It
is that always-frozen ground
below the arctic surface.
Sometimes gravel, 90metimes
silt, sometimes rock. The rock
offers no probl em. But the
gravel and silt, bound together
by ice. are a problem when
\\'hen tne pipe opens in 1977,
it will take It million barrels
of oil to fill it before one drop
comes out the southern end.
At peak. it will deliver two
million barrels of crude a day,
enough to fill a daily neet of
60.000 tanker trucks. or a train
more than 11,400 tank cars
\Vinter, and even early spring.
lhe eye is devastated by the
endless, snow plain. The
airplane radio blurts out the
weaUler r e port; cleDr,
temperature 32 degrees below,
combining with a 14·knot
breeze to yield a wind-chill
factor of 64 degrees below
zero, a mild day for Prudhoe
Prudhoe covers a relatively
small area, barely 200 square
miles. BeloW are 10 billion
'barrels or oil and · 28 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas.
There is the promise ol even
Even in April. the wind biles
hard and few men work
outside. The oil field is divi ded
between t ~· o competitive
operating companies British
Petroleum anri A t l a n t i c
Richfield, each with its own
buildings. its own security.
they thaw.
TI1e ground becom e s
difficult lo control. It ~inks ,
slides. no,rs in ob<-dience to
The oil gushing out at
Prudhoc \\'ill be 170 degrees
hot. In the pipeline it will
average about 140 degrees.
Originally the plan ~'as to bury
90 percent or the pipeline in a
trenclt along th e trail. That
was in many areas a threat to
the permafrost. lt v.-ould likely
have been a thrrat to th~
pipeline, too.
'MIAT KIND of defiance of
nature could ruin the land.
The modified plan n o w
provides that hair of the line
will be elevated -on pipe-like
stilts -to proteet the
permafrost. Buried sections
will be la id only "·hen soil
conditions can stand the thaw.
It raises the cost of the line.
There will be no pipe laid until
1975. First the A I y e s k a
Pipeline Service Company,
O"'fled by seven oil firms.
must build a year-round road.
That begins this summer.
:rj 7 ·' 'I .... 1 ~ . " \ .. I .... .,,
1:.. , \ '
•, 1·· . ,1, .... i 1" . :,-(:
J I ,'
'" " '
~· l
·' *
·-·<') I .\ v · .... I ~
*''~ t New Spring Ideas
From ...
Ladies Department t
for her
Come~ 1n Cool 5pfong & Summer Color ~
While, Sun\h1ne Yellow, Siry Blue. & Green
S1ze~J ro 13
Always Right For Spring ...
$599 1
Sandals by Sunshine Co .
Rope Soled Sandals .. $15.95 & $21.95 •
Wooden Soled Skinny Strap Sandal$15.95 .~ f '"1c co mpanies pay high
wages and treat their men
\\'ell lo make life bearable in
t)ljs l,,o;Qlated wo rld. ~1eals are
lal'iSh. Two snack b a r s
operate constantly In the
ARCO building where lounges
are furnished in heavy black
eas:v chairs and so r as .
Bedrooms are cozy a n d
Controversy and c o u r t
battles over permaf r o s t
damage from buried pipe and
possible interference ~· i t h
caribou and wildlife migration
from elevated pipe have
delayed the line for 3 1 ~ years.
More than $300 million \vorth
of camps and equipment have
lai n idle along the rout e. Some
ssss to s12ss
G-·-· .·
There ts a di spensary, a
ntovie theater, a table tennis
room. a pool room, a library
Ydlh such varied fare as the
Oil an<i Gas Jou rnal and "The
Autobiography of W i 111 am
$100 million "'orth of pipe has
weathered and rusted.
When the project was
aulhori?ed by Conirress last : 'i'
Novembe r. the pipe l ine
company mobilized again. One
What CAN You Get
for only a dime r---
these days?
Today's final stocks
s5ss to s999·
'WL&dl£ jM?f~~"'"W~·,_,_ v.if"
""". ~~<:'~:..·:..li<l4 -
The Grant Boys Have Added A
New Department To All
Three Stores ...
Horseback Riding Equipment!!
,2 Everything But The Horse!
Huge New Selection
Of Shirts In Our ...
Sizes S,M.l & Xl $988
DesigM Al ive
Men'~ & Boy~· Sizt'~
N!i!w Lightweight Western Shirts For Men!
cHAMau, Long Sleeve
g~~~~~~~'.SHl~1$899 ~~~;'.·~~~YJ~:~~~RTS$1999
Come\ with Peorl Sriop\. Sizt'\ S,M,l ,Xl
'tENNIS SWEATER TENNIS SHORTS .s1400 0...: ..... 1 P~pi•~r;c.,11.,.,
' ' i •
5•H•• 37.47 m No>')' & Who•( • , 5•1P>::, M l '(l '" W/,,1 .. .,..,11, s 1900
R~. Wh.1r & &11.1e '"" . . . • "'" .. .,..,--d
-~ ~,_i
Levi's n for Guys SUEDED SATEEN
!><•'-" 28 10 31> '" A~~ed5pr"10CG1oo,
Levi's 11 for Guyi
5.t11• 18 1<1 36 "' Toe-o,..d p.,.,..i.., a1.,..
Levi's ~ forGuyt
Sita 29 to l8 in A~!OrfH Colo<, •••
Levi'•~ for Gu rs ,
tDRDUROY BEllS $1 Q12· !.<t~ 28 IO 31 "' A-"!d Color\ ....••. , , , , • , • , •••• , . ,
11 ,[
\1 \.
---. .
. •
• • r
. • t
f • ; .
• t
• •
\/·I , au!o !rans .. powf'r Sfffrlng ,
pew er br~es. M.Jter, finleoo glass.
pass. u1l. l11Uy ~uiPOt'(fwitnsil'lk,
!Cf bo•. caroet. polneling, e1c.
'69 FORD Cntry. Sq. Wgn.
\l·I, auto. r•an,,, IKtorv 1lr condlllonll'IQ. pO\frl'et 1lfff'lng, l'.JOWff br1ke1. r.cllo, helter, roof
r«.~. "6l'OEMZ .
'71 PIN TO 2 oor ·
~cc auto. trans .. fac>o Mater, "1160LQ.
1 11 · DA TSU 2 Door
'70 TOYOT A Mark II
4 ~~d. radio. P>tater , 1Jncxx
'69 DOD GE Van
'69 Po ntiac Wg .
'PASSENGER EXEC. II-I, auto. trans .• fKtory 1ir cond1t1cning, POwtr 1!~rlng, oower btllkM,
PQWPr windows, r1dio, l'le1ter. IYXVSN.
2300 CC, .. cyl., .. speed, '7 0 Slick shift, ridlo, Miler. (0258ZOl ' 9 a 8
A78xl3 whitewall fires, -------=..,,..,=--=-,-=-~-,-------------.. tinted glass, metallic FORD CtrV Sed Wgn
finish. (4Rl'l4168704) '69 VI. i ulo. lr•ns., factory 1Ji/condlt1oni~. power slttrinq. 1 Q 8 8
'"d•o. ~a•tr, whil-•lt !ires. tinted gl•ss. Lict n-s• No.
'2 .3 litre, auto. trans .•
r-.clio, heater, whitewall
t ires, t inted glass.
License No.
4F02Y268716. •
,72 FORD Ctrv. Sed. Waa.
10 PASSE NGER: ~-I, iVIO. lrins-/lac:t~ 1lr condlllonir\Q,
power steotrin.g, po-r br•kt1,. n1d lo, htalel", tinted gl•ss, 88
'72 rt'!~~~~8!.~Y.u10. trans .• factory eir $1 9 Q 8 coridit~lrq, ~· Slttrlrig, powtr (disc) br1li;es, rMl io. U
Radio, Mil el', •WX P.OJ
Sunday, Apnt 28, 1CJ74 DAllV PH.:OT D I
'74 FO RD 3/4 TO N
...... _ -=-;:_ 6 cyl., ~lick shill, hea1er, 1in1ed
.. -..: grass. exlra cooling radiator,
mirrors. 800xl6 tires.
_ (F'l58RU01854) IMM~ -E ,.-~$378 8
~~ND 1974 PINTO 2-DO OR
.: c yl , .:.speed. ( a1~c) br al!:es,
heater. vinyl 1nlenor, bucker
~ca !~. deluxe bumprr group.
L ., JR 10.X 16~JJO
~':e,ND '7 4 LTD 2 DOOR
,68 BRONCO 4 Whl. Drive
----------------1BRAND17 4 '70 !v~.~~s.~r~~~he!~~AMH1l!IO 2 1 8 NEW soo:.~: GALAX IE
YB. auto .• trans., factory air. power
steering, power disc brakes. heater,
radial whitewalls, tinted glass.
• speed trans.. heater,
whitewall t ires. vin11I in·
ter lor; tool kit.
SG TANE51128
'7 2 ~~~~~ ~~r!f ~c~~ No. PL511 1SS41•
COURIER PICKUP '72 •~.rad io, ~ater, vln11l Interior. Lic. No. 221FOV
'7 3 ~.~~f ;r1~~~,~~ ,.;, condit lonll'lg, power steerlr-g,
radio, Mater, vlnvl roof, lo miles •~JJ ,73 LTD 2 Dr. H.T. ,
vi, •vto. 1r1n-s., factory •ir condftoninq, power SIHrl"!J
power l discl tirakn. redio, tw11er, whif*w•ll llres, linlt'd
t1s1, License No. •76GU
'73 ~.~~o~~~-~ac!ory 1ir condlllonlng, ~r steotring,,.. 9 8 8 ••dio, he•ter, tlntl'd gl•1s. s.er. No. JFOlFllSllO
..--INTL. SCOUT WGN. 17 2 \II, auto. tr1n1 .• • whffl drl":. Llcrnw No. 19'EFM
loaded incl: VB, auto. Iran~ .• t;,ctory air, power steering, power
di!>c brakes, steel belled whitewall tires. linted glass, di•.
bumper group. (l J58Sll.W8J)
MOTICI TO c •1 o mi.1 • tu ..
111,lllOC COUU Of' fHI M"TIC• TO "ll•"Otll
IT.t.TI 011 (AlltJQl.HIA l'Otl \Ul'llt!Olt C'OUa'f Of' TMI • 1141 COUNTY 0, OlAM•I IT.t.TI ff CAlll'o.IMll, ~
#t. A·rt:l:lt THf COCIWT"V ~ 0141f01 • lilt'-Of ~TH.A I, llMMILL, tU ..... &-1Mtt
lrMltTHA IOlLIA LINNll!l..l. ~t1Md. l•!1(f' et lt0811tT H. K HOlfl .. llEL O
• HOTl(I'. IS HllltEIV OlVfN to 1111 o-~,.·•"'(I
, ~110f1 9f 11'11 1~ ,,_ --"' NOTICit:'. !$ Hl•taV ONIN to ,...
I._.! 111 per_, 1\11'111§ tlth"'• tt1INI 11'1<1 ~·edlto<-i ol t11e ·-"'"'" ._, I """" *C:'°'"I ,,. -"Id 10 1111 ,,....., llMI ell ,...._, "-111"' t l,hnt ffliflt.I ,.,.
Wlftil Ille --ry -.ctw••· 1 .. 1,,. 1tlic• • ,,1., l'«-n1 ,.., t'l<Wl•M tt !ti• -"'·
tll ll•t ci...\ o;it '"' 1oovt ..,1111..i coo.irt, Pl' l .,.r•11 fM ,....,.,.,.,. vwci.e" "' JM O!llC• to ~ ,,,..,., ""'"' ,.,. l>ft .. N,.,. !<• ,,.. el••~ c• ,... ''°,... ..,1111H c"'"· oo ~t. ,.. t11t 1,1-1'or>M t i "" tffl<t lo ll'111M !Nm. Whll ll>t l>«K\I..., t'I tilt t 11 0 r "' t Y l 1 MKDONA.lO, _,...,., .. ~ 1i. _ .. lo"*CI t i , ... o'llct
HALITIO 11'111 LAY&OVJlN£. Alfol"M1'1 Of ,,., 1!tor,.v1, IJltllll'LO. Ut~,lfLD &
t i L1w, 8'1'! T'*"ll (11tllt6. Jr,, 120!) YO\INOl'll,. 1'114-w.1 .......... l""'t.v1'9,
WU1hl,.. llYd , LO. A"Of!H, C1tltor"'i. Ho!lvwood, C1lltor1ilt taOM. wtlk ll 11 1t>t
ll0011, wfll<ll f• '"" pie« ti b\ltl"'H of pt.er Df 111111,,.u of "" _,.1_ '" t U
IN llndl•i19"" I" ,n .,..11.,"1 M rlllft!"t """''' ,..11lftl .. 11 "" t 1h!1 ol lthl
M ""' .. ,,._, of Mid lllitC""""' wltrilft -"''°""'' '"""'!" ._ ,....,""-1tttr llW _,,.. 1tler IM flrJI P11llllt1!!1111 of ll'llt t!tll PWl!tt!'ltll Of 11111 .iotlt1, ~·· Otltd 011911 APl'll 1,, lfU. 1-.1tlAJlA J, (;04.,LIElt.
lt081!JlT w. MKMA1'40H l!iect.i!•I• ol I"• Will ol l•t<:~lor ol , ... WU! ti lt>t l l!Ovl "IMtd 4-(td..,!
• lf!t' ·-M""" 111ec•nl ll Slll l l D. lltSllllLO a YOUHOl lt ' Ma<OOHAlO, HAL.tTl'O AHi> J1i6t Hiii.,.... 11 ....
U.Yl«/ltNI Hlllrw-1, C1llf . ...,,
AftWMY• 11 l•w Tel: 1111) ~1'1
''' Tt>IMlt cun11., Jr. "'"-'" ._ l'•Mvtrl• I• WllMIN 11"11. l'Ubll1...0 Oi'lftlll Cotti o.llY l'llll!,
l .......... "' C11llorml1 tOllJ AprU •• trill Ml~ S. \1, It, 1'7• l"f·7•
T•h UIU q 1.1to0 ----------~ "'"'""" '°'" •1~1111• PUBLIC NOTICE • "vbll1htcl 0tt"'9 (Ntl 011iy PilOI,
', Apt'!~,., 11111 M.lv S, 12, i_t, 10 ,_1171.J' ---SUPlltlOI COU•T Oii TMI! ITATI 0 111 U l ll'OltMlll l'Olt PUBLIC NOTICE
STATE 0' CA LlFDltNl.t. FOlt
Ht. A·n.t2t
Eit111 o1 FLOYD W. PL 0 Jl II ,
' NOTICE tS H£flEllV C.IV£N to Jl"t
t"""'llO'I ol >Ille 11111...e n1..-d•c-nl
tNt 111 l!l'"tom h.tv!no c111m1 •o•ln11 llW u•d (IKldlnl ••• flQU1 ...... IO Iii• 1111 .....
wlltl I ... nt<tlNl'Y VOUC:lll'5, I" tt-.1 olllc• ()I,,,.,,.,_ 111 "" t tl01't tr1!1!11d eourl. Pf'
1o ~nt flltr'I. wltll Ille nec1,.1ry
-.,,;111<1, ~ '"-...,,O.n.IOftMI 11 llW elllce
o1 l'lll '''°"""' JAMES ENStGlol. .t.ltomly 1t Llw, 3'3 ~II Mtln S!r~,
SI.lilt 111, 0<1noe. c1111.,.n11 t?61!&. wl'l!c11
11 tllf pl•ct ol 111,11ln..s1 ol IM lll'llle"lontG In 111 m11ttn pe<l1lni119 ID l!M 1111!1 ot
.. IC! d~l'dtnl. wi!lll" t<Nr ,,_1111 11!1•
• 1111 11.-s1 p~l)llc~t!on 01 11111 1>0lkt.
01!9CI Aptll 11, 1974.
E•-.;utor ol tllt Wiii of
!!It •l)G~ n1meo (1Kldtn1
IQ $.UOI friltllll l!Tffl
$11111 211 Or•"9•· c 1ui.rn11 nut
I Tlf1 17141 "'·1111
I ""._., 11111' l!IK.lltor l>ublltl'ld 0!"11191 COit! D1tl1 l>llOl,
W!I zt. end MIV $, 11, It, lf7l 14lt·11
~ l"ufllltlllel Orl"9f Coe1! 01llY Piiot
April 111, t lld MIY 6, l), :Kl, 1914 1411·14
Mo • .t..Jt10
HOTlCI! 0 1' HIAl lMO 0111 l"IT1TIOtf
'01t 1'11084TI! OF Will AHO Jltl\IOl(I
PlllOll OI OIR ll OM O WAl\ll!Ol &11t11 ti SPERO C. MA.SON, 1k1
SPEltO MAS.ON. 1k1 ~PERO CtlJllSTll! MASON, l)t(.111otO,
NOTICE IS .. Ell:E8Y Gl\1£N tNil
SHlllLEiYANNE HORINE "91 tUl'd l>t<tl'I
~ .,.1111 .... '°" P•00t•• O'I wm 1...:1 •"""• Prior O<Clt• (DONf .,.,1....:1 1 ,...._, ~
wt>lcll 11 "'°"'' '"' fvrll>tr 111rtlc~11r1, 11'111 ll'lll ll'll time 1...t 11lac1 ol l'lltrll'O 1111
""'' l'l•I bt!!n Ml IOf Mt'I' 14, 1'74, 11 t •'.JO • .., , I" ti. ellt.il1roorn cl ~tt~I No. J t'I uld eowf, 11 ~
Clvl< Ctnllf' C>rlw W.11. '" IM Clfy ol
$1nl1 AM. C1lllwnllt.
Ot!tG AP"ll lS. lf14.
c111n1y c1.,,~
Al'ttnlll'I •t UW 21n D•P•l Dr., Slll19 17
"'"'"" ltotdl, C•lllon1h n"4 Ttl: OU)~ A.,_.,. ,., P .. I,~
l'11bil11'1d Or1no1 c1111 0tll1 "HO!.
April n , l'f, I nd Mey s. 1t1' 1l7e.7•
-="'"-"'~"'. ----IUl'lllOtl COU•T 0 , TH•
Me. A·"14t MOTICI 011 HIA•IMO 01' .. ITITION
l'Olt PltOUTI 01' WILL 4 MO "01t
LITTllll TISTAMllfTAI Y (I0 .. 0
Eilllt ol 'TH!:LMA LOflltAINI!" KING,
for..-1"1' k-11 THELMA L.OltRAINE
TA.TIUKO SHINHO M l tllld ~ .. 1 (11'11110!I fllr Pt'OlttM of Will alld for
1.-11C1 of Liftin T .. t-'9ry " tM 1>1tlllolltf' (bllnd w1l-I ....,._, lo
wllkll It 11111<11 tot .....,_ si-'1lwt1r1, _.,.,
""' ti. 111111 oN:t pl1ct of J\e1rlno 1111
....... NII blln Ml IOI' Mty 14, 191•, I t
t:JCI 1.m.. In t!\t cour"oom of OtPtl'n-t No. l et 11'1d coun, 1t 700
Clvl, Ctftllr Orlyt Weit. I" Ille Clrt ol
111111 AM, C..llfonlfr.
0.11111 Aprll U 1'1•
COl.ll'lty Cl1'1r.
l'D'#.t.ltO H. STOHi
A"-'I' II Ltw
•It Ht,,,,., (lfl.... Dl1¥t
;....,...., 11K11, C1lllllnlllo "'61
Tlf: 11141 ....... A"'""" fer: P111n-,...,t.tl111td OraflOI COii! 0 111"1' Pllof,
April •• tt, 111111 MIY f, lt71 lll'J.11
a t2Ut
JUPlltlOll: COUJlT O• THI'
TNIE COUNTY 0 1' OltANGE .... •·1'716
NOTICI' 0 1' HE.t.lttNO 01' Pl!TITION
l'Olt ... a.ATE 011' W!Lt. ANO •o•
E1l1l1 of FJlEOEJllCI( HOWAll:O
PA\/Ni, Oect llld. NOTICE tS !-il!:11:£8V Gt\IEN ttwol
1 N1rlan.tl 8111kint .t.nod1H111, fll J filed
111<1ln 1 pttltl"" tor P•Molll ol wm t nd
IOI' ltWIMI ol ll'lll rl T••l•-'•'Y to
!M 1111111-• '''"'•"'' lo ...nl<n 11 ml<H
lo< fVflMf" p1,,lcu11rs, Ind ""' ll'>t II""
1nd ~l•c• ol l'>t••l'lg '"'-u"" 1'111 ble"
Id IDI' M~y 11, 191•. If f ;JC) t .m., Jn lht
c011rlroom ol O.i>t•l"""'I No. l Gt 11ld
tour!. 11 100 Civic Ctn!.,-Ori .... Wttl, In
'"~ Ci!~ O'I ~,,.,. ... na. C1Hlorni1.
OA!t<I Allt'il 11, 1'1,,
C:0<.1111~ Clf'rt
111 011"1'1 Aw ., P.O. I •• 1''
Hunl!ltfl"' 81•<11. Celll. n .. 1
Tth 01') "'4t3t w »Wll't
AllOfM'' IOr Ptllll-Put>ll'fltd Dr•"ll~ Co.11 Dilly Plt(lt, 4prll 1', 7'. Ind ,..,.y 6, 19/' l•10·1f
l'IC"TITIOUi I UllHlll
N.t.MI ITATl llll •T
'Tile ltO(Nll"' !*'ton-I I N dolM
Wtl-1 11: .. ACl~IC VINTUllES. 11P Ovf'tlll
Orlvt, $11119 JOI, NIJ#l!Olt &etc.II.
c1111., .. 1, n"4
!NC., I CllllOl'l"I CO'l'Qftl!Otl, 110
S-11 Fl_,... S""'' LO\ Af'Olltl,
C1!iff'"'!1 90011 J AMES II KNAl>fl COlit"ORAllON.
A C1lll0t'"'if COFIPOflll .... )111 0.,,Ponl
o .. v.. '"''' *· .... _,, lltl(fl, Ctio1.,..n1~ Vl~
f1>11 Ml~tl II ~'tO DW I (Of P91•• .. ~
PUBLIC NOTIC~ ------• nn• MO"MC.I TO ClllDITOltS su,.•••o• COl.l•T ,,_ TNI ,, • ., °' CAl.l,Oll"flA l'OI TM COUNT¥ 0' OUIMI • Mo. A·l'ltM
811111 of f LIZAlli TH .t . COULlON,
.... 11. .. ...,n It ElllAl l T" liDGINOlDN
COVUON. Dlu•*· NOTICE IS HE•e•v 01\'fN "' "'-
crMllon ol' '"" •-IW!l'lloM ti<-"' 11111 .it WWfl• IWYiltQ clolm• ..,.11111 ,,,.
l•ld cttud4olll 1r1 r9Qlllr .. ,. lllt "'em,
with .,.,. "9c;llWrv ~oo.oci..rt. 111 tM otllct
Of TN ti ... of ""' ·-1Mlfl9d ""'''· °' to _..,,, ,,,.m, wllll "'-111oc: .. 11rv "'°""''*'· ,. ,,,. ""*'•••'* ,, ''"' ottf.i:• o1 1111 1not!Wf'I, l"LUNKITT I
PLUNKETT, 41t Oii..,. A-. ,.,0 . •o~
Mt. HV"lliftlltoll t1Kll. C11'fltf'ft/1 "'41.
-'di 11 "'9 a!Kt tlf ~1 ... 1 ol' "-""'°WlltriH lft t ll Mllttfft pert.,mlflO It
tN "'''' flt ..W ~. wltM1t. lf\lr 1nen1~ '""' tM ""' ,...1;o11c.i•i:M1 of 11111 llQllC.,
Otltd .fill'!! .. 1'14,
Ll!ROV A. OllASflt,
••Klitw of rM Wiii • O'I tl'lt ,.,..... ,..IMO f«fdenl
1"1.UNKITT & il'lUIOl.I TT
tll Oii.,. ........ P.O. I ll' lff
N""llilltM IWcll. (I , ~
Ttl: (1141 UWPt. »Mt71
Att-yt tet IMC\llW
l'ubl!ll!M °"~ coett 011ty ,.11ot A,prll I, U, l\, 7', 191' 1221·1'
T,,. tot111wjno 111•iot1 !1 dlll1'f MJ,..u
11; SOUTH co ... sr M081LI! HOME
••01te1ts. ;uoo 1 ........ SI., Ntwpotl
lltch. Clllf.
JOlll'! Jt rnH Wllllr.ger, ?Wl? M11!tll l'l<h
I MJN No. )6, El lon:o, Ctlll.
• Thh lol.lilltltH II C-llC'lld by 11>
Johll J. Wltllftl'f
Tlll1 ,,_,_, w11 tlltd wltll tt11
c-tv c1.,.. ~ °'"19'1 coun11 on AIN'll "· ,,,.,
1 N tollowln~ (llf'ICllll •rt OQI~
bl;llMtl t i:
FOUNTAlloil \IALLEV PLAU., 1111'0
8•00l<Plll•ll. F°""llln \/tile-,. C•hl
1rw111 8oc<ot :ioNJ v .... •~•• aou1 .. "l'trCI, Woodlt;;c{ Hiii._ Ctll!Ol'fll& 1'1111 Wtllbl'9, 10t6I VMlll•~• floul .. v1rd, Woodltl'ld Hlll1, C1lllornl1 Tlllt IM.JtlM H 11 (Oll(IUC!ed ~~ A
Llml!ld P1rlnerttllp
lrwln 8otall Tn11 1llftnl..,, w11 11!"1 w1tn r~,
County Cle•t ol O!'I• C.ounl"t on AP•ll
II, lt1(. ••>« JlClllEIT l lJlNITl lM
I .. C.-..tvrY P1rll 1'111, l ltlle IOt
Lit Altltlt t. C•Httnll• ,...,
T•I.: W.uM ,_,,,,.
,.11bll111td o..,..e c .. si 01nv PhOl,
Aprll l l, lf, 11'111 M.ly I. U. lfU 13'2·1' -----
,... lol-1"11 per..,,.,_ art CIOlng
llu•lt'llll ••: 811C:EL>-N0, IUI WtJI LJ,.ltl",
An1i,.1 .... c1111 .. ~1, I. EMn (. Borg, U:!O PITk Nt,..l>O'I
A••· 31,, NrW1'0"1 8•1cn. C.ll1o<nl1
l. Vofll F. Ol1on, Jll OnY•, ~1n11
Ant . C1!!•e>rnl1
Tiii• bu1l,..ll It coneluc:ted trv I <0<·
PDfllttfl ·-c.,.port11 "'"" 11 ••t1nc11 !d'1 Bike S/loo!'
Edwin C. Bero. l>rKldtftl
Tfll1 11•11"""1 Wtl !UM wl!ll ,,_. (Ollf'lo
1y Clwt. of Or•~ CollnlY' on .t.orn ,,
"'' '"' oc Cl'CIL O. TOl'~l'll
ISi• VII T•[Ol'I
P11t1 \/""*' t:1t1ltt, C1t1ttn>t1
Plltllflo/IW Ort"llf C1111f 01/ly l'llot
A.prll 1, 14. '1, 21. 1'14 1174·14
PUbll)llld Orlrlp1 COIJI Oa\ly Pllo•.
"'"ll 1t. 29, •IWI M1y J, 11, 1t11 ll41·14
--~=,~---~•ttTIT'IOUI I UllNISS
TM lo!towlng "''"" 11 ..,int tw1fn111
11: TllEOS & THllEAOI, 710 E. 11111
$/r"I, Cmlt Mnt '2•11
M. S. Jlllt rd Jr, llDT Hf91tttrod Dr.,
N1WJl(lrl &.acfl, CA. tlMG
Tllll b\11.lllfft II CIMIH:lld by I A !Jto
dl\'lou1I. M. 5. 8 1l!1td Jr. Tfl lt t!a!t .... tlll Wll llleCI wltl'I Ille (OU"· tv Clt •k of Or1niat Ccivn•y on April 11,
lt1' ......
P11bll1Md Otlf'IOI Cotll Diiiy 1'1101.
Apr!I 14. !1 , 21, 11'111 Mt"!' J. ltl4 lJal.74
Tl'll lollowinq J>e'SOl'I Is do!""' IM.Jll"ln
MElll:MAID WATER aeos. 1'611
811cl'I 81vo.. Hvnllnglon 811c~. CA
t l''' Donllcl N Ztn•. 711 Mldrid, Sln!I
An1. C1ll..,.n!• t:lll)3
1n11 bullf'1'111 11 CO<'ldu,114 bv '" lft· olvhklt l. ~Id N. Ztn~
Tiii• ,1~1e,...."1 .... , II!..:! wl!l'I tt>t Cou"·
tv Clt•k of 0..&119' Coo.mty on April 11, ,.,,,
l':satn Puejt111ed 0ft"91 COii! 01l(y Piiot.
Aorfl 14, 11. 21, Ind M1~ ), 111' 11\l-14
1.---------------., I Tho """' Marl<ltplac1 on the Oraiwt eo..t
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ERRORS: AdvertlMr• 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;-;;;;.1
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dilly & report errors
Imm 1 d h to I y. The
DAILY PILOT .... ,.,.,
ll•blllty fer the fin!
In co r rt ct lnMrtlon
Postage Stamp? .. .a_.
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a 11 about your
neighbors and other
people you know
I I[_ ..... I~
Large cua:tom home on 2 sep.
Jots that can be divided.
Jlas prl\'ate pier thl:t can be
a ahattd p.ler In cue of Joi
split. 9C6 No. Ba.yfront,
Balboa Island.
Vacant lat -$58.500
I REDUCED $30,0001
/ ~IarvelouJ, large fa m 11 y
1 hOme: Quality H &: F, exlra
Jge. pool. O"'Mr movng • I submit all offtl'B. ?.fuJtiple
I IJ.sling 5()33.
35 ?i.fARlNE AVE.
I. 5 Bedtoom, magnificent
I \iew, 3200 sq. It. of quality .
plt'nse call for an appt.
I e 3 BR. 3 baU. • ...,......,.und
patio. \'acanl-c>Y.'ner
:.;nxlous. \\"ill sell or lease.
1733 \.\'c!ltcllft Dr.
~l'~'JXlrt Beach 645-72"21
Clear Day Speci1I
A Forever View
:: BR. Q\'c1·i;i.;tr Jnt
SI::!:::: :11()..l Ocean Blvd.
Coron11 d('J l\lar
CURT DOSH, Realtor
From your very oY:n lovely pool. Dry orr in
your exquisite mst.r. suite, enjoy something t
cool & look at the ocean . Call !or details, to-
day. $150.000
Sleep like a baby & awake In this oceanfront
4 bdrm. home. Hest buy in Can1eo Shores.
The praises of tbis exquisite home, v.'ith 5
Jge. bd.rtns., 5 baths & the whole Pacilic
Ocean in your back yard. Call to-see. $385,000
\Ve have an xlnt buy for an investor; 2 rentals + small house on R-2, "'·ith a. bay view.
$110,000. Call !or details.
Ocean view office space in Newport Center.
~1ost elegant building in the area. 75c A
square foot gross. Call for app't. to see.
Hug Homes needs 2 more qualified u lespeopl•
C1ll M1rl• Bush for lnt1rvlew 1pp't.
Specializing In Homes of Ol1tlnctiort
567 San Nicolas Drive, Suite 102
Newport Center
1002Genera l R.E.
Estate Privacy
Pier & slip; 4 lge. bdnns .. 4 baths + 2 pow·
der rms. Exquisite foyer with graceful wi nd·
ing stair,ray. Paneled li brary & den. Words
are futile to describe the ric h atmosphere of
this select bayfront residence. $490,000
On Coast Iiwy.: 30 unit!:. Fine family man·
agement inn. J.""'ee land, 90x210 -full price
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You can build lhe house of your dreams on
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341 Bayside Dr., Sui te 1, N.B. 675-6161
1002 i General R.E. ==== General R.E. 1002
WANTED $4050 Down-
Better Hurry
See The Ocean NC\\' ur cxpenrn<'f'1\ 111'"'11 o;
11 11n1c1:. \\'l" r '.,,., P .... l~SUN
ALrZED TH.AINl:\G. A l'llll·
gcnutl ofl iC't' In !he hest
Corona de! 1'111.r locatlon. A I
top co1n111isslon plan anrl
~uperlor bonu!I plan. Thf'!'f' !
1 1\1'(' nn1ple p;l'iting laciliues
1 fnr yoi.:.r l'US\01nen; and o.:on·
iii;..1 .. •nt advert-"in~ support. I
For )tlur confirfcntinl ap-I
1)()fntml'nl. Call:
f"ron1 ~uur front step. \lla.lk
onr sho1·1 hk11.•k and 1\·atch
the boats rf'tum at sunset.
Take an early morning jog
on Che beach. AH lhis can be
yours \l.ilh 1h1~ spacious
:IBP. ranul} 1wn1 home "·ith
hu~e 111:.st('T het.lroom and
IO\\', lo\\. UJJk('('p
John Allard, Manager
• Lea se •.••••
Buy • • • • • • •
1 Our \·aeant home needs 1
I Jan1ily. I mn1edl a.le oc-
CUPllIK'Y CAii 1»4-72U for 1ern1s. _
Ramblin9 Ranch I ~
Master Charge
lla\·e somelhln&" )'Ol.I qnt to
lf'llf Cl&aifled Mt do ll
.... 11 • call NOW l(Mr1&.
Soll Idle Html With a Da.tly
PUot Cl1.11IUEd ad. &12·6618
Built around bcautilu.I gamen I ~
and patio. DUPLEX. 1'11·0 charmlnc
• Hea1")' !Sl111.kr roof 1 unils as an i n v e !I 1 o r • 11
• 4 Bedrooms,. 2'1 bA ' }jlfu1er t'lr th·e In one and
1 • ~orn1tt.I du11ng room help make picymcnls ,.,;th
• ~ iimlly roon1 '''/~·ct bar '™' f'l!h('r. S3S.i:;rJ. Red
• -' Car Garage C><I'f".'t Investment Division, Con1pare th!s one l\S In 'Ji'J-?:J.'i()
quality nml exttllencv of · · ~ ·
plan before )'OU buy. ::;iJ(l11·11
by appt.
1/4 ACRE
2 Bt'droon' Mme on 58x22S ft
lot zon«f R-A horse corftlt,
grow )'our gnrden or n~
huUd tt11 to 11 unltl. Maey
•PArtmcnls Jn a.re1. for
SJG.900. llurry ('811 Red
C.rper, l\.ttllror ~.
An 1mttt1ainer'1 pandlc;e.
Large C<x:intl')' s()'le home In
prc!IUge ll.1'('3. l bedroom~.
2\.i bith8, t\\1> mll.Ql\.'C fircplact~. Larct family
room v.·/fi~pl•ce. Very
1pack>u11 p 11 11 o 8.l'f'fli surrounrling hHtn! pool
v.1lh II bftr. Ju.gt perfect fot
enlf'Mllinlng. Call Io r
prlv•tci alm.•lnr 063-Gtl.
' ' M •• '
l{l \1 1\ .. ... .. . ' ' " ~
Costa Mesa
Thii btcnJ11ful ltv11'8 t>ori111 mu\! be
-11 IO bo Ol')j)'llCIOle<f (l){pl!!i &
dro~t tht\IOVI 8eCM11ilul pOl•o ond
gordf.:~ C'lfll•OI "" cofldM•OflU•g.
a•e 1u'>I o 1-ol the leoh11e1 ot-
lered by 1h11 fonot "°""' All of 1h11
plin POYmellll ol S2A2/r-o. 11 YU!.I
tol ~ over 1t>e GI IQ(ln.
ff9199 ~S-9491
And $37 .500 ,, tlwo lull prov• wo•h
llQ tlo·"'n '" v .. h1 J~,, o lt'W' of '""'-
IO•<'l'i l'"c1U""• 1n<lvti,. )llQL., 1001,
,~,,1,,1>'" cJon,no room. W!r-•"'·
llaq\lr,n .. h•t!Olott!. (O•po<I~ ollli Oro~\ tn•...01.1. iovei~ poi;O.
~ !Jon.-.. ard much m.c.h
rnore1 Co~ now~
i<.'1';'13 (71 4 545 9491
The lf0111letred o~ mW ..ell
'"'" beout1l..,I New!)or1 Beoth "° ....
ohtt ·~•1'19 lour yeoi, at low.
cci,.. ol'CI rnc>MY fll1t ho... 11'1\l\I
be ioeen lo realy be oppeclOled.
bq,,,~1e lon:hcapnq. Ude roof,
beo.-111.,1 co1pe1trl(). RO"'oil
UoOe, ond ~ rru:h 'l'N)r8,
Now offofed"Ot Sbe.~
,,9198 54l-9•9'
4 1POC•OV!. tw-d•oom\ '1 ivll bor+i
llome Ho.lQ!I lomol.,. f<YJ"' +CV",f'f
~·le ~,.,~ .. 4 V"U•\ n .. .,, 51eo. IO
l <\u ••" ~~ .. n~...... 1 l le""'
S4 7.600
!11 4)91'18·3371
1/1 4) !J46 l /!J4
on Tho\ 3 bedobo,.. ko'"'! o n o r "'
de·sot h,,,d •".I ri .. 111 .,.01 ,ie o•
$30,000 Don I m1)\ !~•\ Ion,. llW
s .. a v•1!vllv lo" j ,100 .. d "n I
1ru1el.,.!lv d-<:oro!o!!tl ] " ·~ Jo. n•·
In H •n••nCllO" S-'>r~' '"""' ~-· ih
bo1hood p,,,~d 1-. ·~• 01
$51 ,SOO
··)1lo-<'f,,......, .. I 1 n.;11<>\ ~ "~ ?<I
;>on•hn·1 I ' ~ n,.,. '""'"'! <I
l>-.>n 1 t..-., , .. no :.~ O~Y, '"I'"'
o4o /.I I I
n· n r tJ ~ " S••1• •n n"-i
·~ ... , ,~,, t-.... ,, r,..,. 17:'40
1 '•~ .,. r;, ... , " ,, .. , , r .. ,,.~
8 !'.l 6BM
Sull(!JJ A11r•t /h l l 1 ,
Qftly Sl.'.950 b.o"f\ th,, tlOH'(
eldo-r hl """ •~ lon•t')1"t ,... gh
100•i.ood t~) J.o ... •l ll)CX.IOUli. Wl'I''" nnd Lood-.j ,.,,,11 <hOI"" u~
yovr V~ Jone,. '''"h "° do otn
J'?V ..... nl
f':>?2 I
l'lt 1~., ~.,... :' \1:>< f h-. ..... of'd l~e
t'·Nft'!' "''II l'l<TY ~"'" t <:'I\ nq CO'll
All n,..., r'l•l'W'•I ,\ !•f'tr.ly I' 1.~1,.J
,.,,.,,..,,,, C·~u ,.,,,. .. , ~ ....... t.
'"''d'f Ill .,...."C •II f,·•ol I'll•-"'
Of'll"'' ~IQ" \"ol•t !·1'f '""!
,,.,,,.,1111S:1 Y>.>
\ur•• '··1'f'I J !..'!•·" "' ...
I n·~ ...... «J!r"·'·~·I ""' O· ,,....
t "~'.. • (!'""'"· ... 1 .... ' "'
A. ~-r:>"'l p, .. , ·" ~:O~{Xo.)
( 111 ! · • ti ·-. .,,.,...,.,
ira:4a i·1 4J1"·~ 11~::.
_. l\o'lt .n lomtly •oom, '.) (O'
gorog.c. 'halo.." •ool, lor'"ll d•n'"9
IOOl'P'I. S11t1n\.I""-· bg IOI Slark
"'1111 J,.11C<flfJ, bwovroful lond-
"-OP•~ l1u•I 1111 .. s, •m"'OCvlot• •fl·
''"''"' '"" olorm )Y~'<""' 1"9 mo11
bo-G~• lvl 511ori0td ho'"' you ho..,
N""' <t1n(t''" 0''""""''· ~.n·~·""
""'n'~ "'A n ' N.-,.. 1,,I •0'·
1°""1' "''".,,. f'~ I .0'1, S:'1~'"'"'
""Tf S ~.&!r I"'" ,..,.,.,.-, I .1
S I 950 <ind u ... nr• "" I c "1" o
._,JI . nri 1<, .1 ll"" I \• "" .1,, t
,..1 1'1(!· c.1>•1 l "·""""" ! ' ' "I'
r·n11 o•d 1 ..... ,. ,,.
1 BlO(]( TO PARK
FOUNTAINVAUEY 3 BEDROOM -FIREPLACE 1 ~·\ heo'111t.,.1 kw• bo-d•oom home
., onlv I v-Q• old 1 ~e 1ron1!erred
OWt>e< hn\ hod ii !U~I IOllCJ Cl'IOvgh
•o upQ•od~ 1! b .. outdully.
fw-ry•tung fr om lhe heovy ,ho'..e
root 10 1r .. lu1u1toui; )h:>'J car·
pet•ng ond O•• c ond1t10"'"9 meon1
g•OC•O•'I lom•ly l<vonq OI u P"ce
t~,, 1fl0n 1he lomr-o•oble ,.,.w
v, ... ., 1owe,,n9 Cvr.1r,.1\ & lloll•"9
Holl\ l1om th,,. \~·dJOOd c11~•om
3000 1q h hon.,,. Ofl 1.13 ot•e
t•eed lol 3 bedrooms for'}" 1,.,.,,..,
ond d on"'q room1. ponell'9 lam•l'll
room 2 CO' 'JCl•a9"
Selfe!' "°' l(lenl $\1' 1ho.r.,an(h
$$$on tx>')I. lo,.~M:(ID•l'q on<! 1<1-
lerio1 upq•ode, In,, f,9,.... "
labulou\ '""•I '".'rl-iy Q , .. , ~000
lQ IT on co•n•" 1,' 4 mo'"""
bedrocrn,, • eoo•o·e !<'.l•n .. f r '°"'
Wl'lh +,,eolo-.e A t.n .. t , 01
B'•l OJ21
';'l .. •IS. 1•·• ).,.,.. -,,..Ji,.,·rr ..
le•.,,. ... , ~'-· ~ ... , ·-, ..,n
m... .... , \'.;. 111•.ll
'• l-<.t··"!\',....,·-1.(,.,,!'~,...,Je...d
''I 1-.l" ', j,. Y' '.~ '<(;'n j('I
l' JI, 111 •·1 ,,. l~·"~"I 2/db
llfT'l"',.,-, ... +-·f.1·"' ,-1.·,,J cnJ
""'111•1.f, r•i<,.YA.!:...•'
It v· t ,...,-j <l"'''" ,. ') """' o
"-~.,... '" ,.,. ,,.,•'!"'-'~' I ... ., ,, ... ,,
w•~r1•·· ''''""•o•l·~,~b1,
~"'" ,• "' f1 'y I '"I :J ~ "1•"'
""lnL h"""" A ~• ,. 0""0 • "'' -·\
"''h ""'"~·"'l d•'I,.. '"''" ... 'I '·
• ··~ -~ I ' ! , .... o<>dpu ,.d
r· ••· .,. \dd ~Cl-,
I. "" •' "V 1"''1 'I I t.< ·~·\'l 1''"
r l" ; , di~ 1:1"'1 ,,_ • '• 1. ·1~-
""" • · ... ,, O~·I I l' '" ,.,, . .,,
1',..i,!lr·'"> '"" t A•1•,,.... / •"'•
\:,I "' J\t ~ 4/ I"-' "'On'".,,
'I"' "'""" I·..," ~)• .,., .,,,\ r I"'
(/141 Q6S-3J71
(/1 4)546.1154·
WALK TO BEACH! /'16Jj ~4j.94Q t ·---------------1 0..n•'f' ho~ f)Uftffi\"'(i Or>OI;,._.,. ond
frlJ\! y-!I ] ,,,.Of n"W ho,...., J
4 ~d•oom 'l Bor"'. ~39950 f,,u
Ptoce fh,, be-a0,11lul ho ..-e " o
c~ful blend ol <olon•ol g•OCt!
-ond Cot.tor"'" ~u n 1 h 1 ne.
f:ve1ylh1n9 l•om !he " h1.1ge
bedroom\, arid lom1ly 1oom lo rile
large lot means comlorti:ible
lo..,•'v i..,~g.
N8395 545-9491
rrvul"• ,,, .. ..j bdrm~ la •n"(ll d•n•ng
'"om, ""d ·•"fl ''lv1 n1 ~•lthen
fo.,,oly IO<'ln• lood,.,j "'"" """Oi..
W <th f"OIY "/ ~~·o '"'"'\ IQ $274
l'>!Ol poym·n! Mo~ .. nlf.,,1
;;i814 !i (71 4)968·337 1
lco:<>e opt•on or woll ,;ell Juflior
e1e<u!1ve·~ 2 ~'Ol'f .,.,,h 4 iof':l'..:
Super ho""' 1n Or>e ol Hu..,•fl'l'~n
~oc;h"i; lor.e\l ne.ghbor~•. t:;,..•1
i,chool d •i;•t1C11i. ofld n"a• 'n'!W
r e910 11ol ~hop pt nq c,.nr,.r.
Mon.cured a•ound1 Oul\1de & !-,p
unq•odei; '"''i:k
;187"!'1 897 0'.!2 1
Ab~l,,t.,lv t-,n10'"' .' \!·~'V 4
bo-drorn"I ~o.,.... w .~, 1 • ir 9n1 1 I"
Ov•·tl ~n• • /,' ,. ':i"T,n•~ p,.,, ..
Mo"V f'VlMy ~"t·ll ! .., ;.r'J)
Mission Viejo-
El Toro-
4 BR-POOi.
M~71 !t
!··"-"'~ 1 •• j,,.j, "'r'l•l 1f.,,,.
j-.,,111 I-• ~·· '< •11 -~ I I 1, I• ,.~..j
••J'""'"" F" .. ) ' 'l J • • ..., ...... ,
,,~('le"•''"•!"'! '''" . .,,,., ,..,n Jor..., 11 ,, , "·, •(111"'·~'""'"
.. :i) il'l•ld
('ul!i /II I
YE S! ONl Y $25.000 r.,. ,h •hi·p ;··, .. ,,,.y ·.• 1,.,,1,
O<>d d •vt->n •1'1HJ1'" ~ i~ I ..-or .. j
+~ ,.. • ""1 .,, •• , r • Pruo ! ,.
"~"~ • fl• ,...,.,h· ... I • ., 1 ,~.
o~dpr, .. J! r(', I. ll t.:'>h·••
"·' .. -------------! hlms., 3 "lu l bo·h~. huqe lom,•v
room, lounol d•t1•nq room. l o•i; ol t---------------1 COLLEGE PARK
fl 101 0\ n.-11 ... loqJna 51,.,,1 •
Srcv1ou' bdrm-, ,,,d,.rl1nq .,.1~111
fTIDlter '" •e '.' • ho1h), I •mril
dontn'l •m. '""l" V'f'"•-1''" lomrlt
•oc"' 011d b<.,;I t.1••pl,, ... ;•lu,
·por1•.,1 :ic.·, 1 bo-1• 111~
., •. h Ct 1'"'"'•' Auul'l'ICJble fHA l oon ~parole
Rvmou\ l!oom Ju11 ITTl!nT•'l'l 1f>e
no'"'! Colleg~ Pork o'ld wuich rile
·"°l...e <On>C•Ou\ buyer ru1h 10 s~
•1. Thii ho~ hoi; 11 oil. Huge !o•.
~o'11•j u) p00I. lu•U"Ou' rumpus
room Ofld beol!I 1111 ne•qhborhood.
. , Alt ol tllis plu\ O'l O\Su'l'Qbi"' fHA
6.14% loon ""'Ii poyrroe"I~ a l 1.,.,r
$'151 per rronth.
#8645 54_..9491
"Bl!S -2 8ATHS $33000 fUll
PRICE Tho\ hom.-m"'1 be ~Q 10
be belo~ N'"w poonr. new ,hog.
huC)e 14 .16 lofll1ly roofll, walled
Iron! polio lor utmo~ P""°cy ond
much. muc:h more All of r~., plw;
"°down ,,..,m~ ro vei,,
>%280 545 9491
''°'age Por' an~ low:lt poho lor
rl!'C•eoloon [01y le•ms
5 ~oar•Ou\ barm~, 7') bnth,,
Lo ,..lv, 4 borlroo"' mod ... t ,., t~ ,.,_
I ngton Beoc~·\ 1,,.,. ri•eo o,o.lobl·-
n~"· [ocell,.n! lo.,"'Y hl'J~ w.r~
b.-<I ~thooh ond ·lioi-.o•n'l r>ea•b'f
;:.7657 89/.0321
.~8f~7 'l lf l.Jt,,110 COSTA MESA TRIPLEX
H'\<-!til·"'Ju·· .,, ... ,'1, '" !-------------~ ,,.,.,, 11~·1• '''''''" r ,.,, '.,,..,,.
SUPERB VIEW f 'i"J•":j ! '>' , ... ,, 1 ··1 ' "
Allbl·""fO~Jrr l'l" .. ,f • 1•r"' r, I! , " • n•·,~ • •
:'"!00 ~q h ho<dwood tlOOI'~. mo\-t----------'=----~ I\ 'f'I'' f.,.,.,,., \~HI• ,"1 t•.,. It,·" I
'"°"' c t •r ~ 1 [,.j,,. , ' t.c:I'"
Jo,,,,_.,, o,..., ~, l 1 "''"""'I l ''
c·' ,,..flMr··• 0"1 c '""I ,r, . .,,
H, . .,I' <'1 I" ~"" V~'. n n"'(! ~
"~ ··'
\t,t f·r~ploce. h•,q"' :c1 /~;. o~
~u"'Clble locn 01 S?88 lolol mon-
1My pm! f 'J\Y coi;k down 01
SJ69()(l L•l e n"w t!>ruout• 0wn"'1
m.:>vonq ""'"'JV\
(71 4) 968·3371
Ho~ bou1~1 ooo·~er onrf m•·•I ... u.
4 ~fl'OC•Ou~ b'1f'tl\ 7 hi::,111~ Cor-
n"• 101 w ·~ t t rJ<nri"r '11'"· Al-
3 BEDROOMS • $31.900
S.Jper ~horo ho~ wo!h n•C"' ~,,..,
do!!n ond oil rke e•tras you e•P>'CI
on o j,,.... r.,\nl,. A gr.-oT place 10
ro••e yo\Jf !om•l1
Fa1J6 a11 03:-1
fl,>,1 ,.,.,..~~,.,.,. w.•k b<•o•~,I ,I "n
c•o~d po• 'I nnd b<>\J ""'''"'J''' n
loc1lot•e1 Av,1•l1Jbl~ VI\ fH'\ ,,,
m•n"'1Ut"l d·~"'n (..,~ ... 1'1•0"0!
Rll83 8'<1 01:"!
d " ... ~ !YI ... ., •. ~,$
f '•d 1 ~11,<;<J•'Q
N" d-.. , p11'"''"" I') "'I·" ·~·r,
1~., b<?u '" I J t•. ~ Vi•h •· < •• I!
1 n'>w•n··11"'""''"'>l,I .,,, .... H 1., .... 1, ) ! "', ,. ' ,., .... !nl ! .... ,,1
r,.. ~:·•, V"J
'.",') ?'1'Y)
9-'> 4(1"1)
. :· '' I
1...,•J ';t , ~,, I• ". n
/'• ,. • ' • ., ~. '1" • "
., I o f' I•
~ <t)il ~ ,.l, ( J H (,/.•
;.), ..... ',, ....... .
n,,,. ••. 7 .n "'
ho.+ ... ' .. , .. _ t ' ' ! " '
~ ·~'i 8·i·b800
-" .~ 1 .... , ••• ' ... d-·~ J" ~-f,,,
'r>f• ~'·I~ .., .. ~,~ 0"'1 ~ I""""
' • j [ :OP'J\t.,!'1tr>'J n• ""h ~·Ir ) '
!"''"' ~JJ 'IOO C.;."I nQ"'
"'}l/l 8""6800
! 1 t , ' '""'"., ,.,...,,., n1u·r lv,"'1 "''-
"• l ,.,. '"" I'•<" net ll f'l'7W'J.
l ··•• I I •.,~· J• 1,..w.-..,, HJrry
t: ii l9 83:' 61!00
H • t• I"' ·' • ' "'l 1 •V•t.-..j
I' f\LQ 4ij !• • 1'""l l, ,.,.,
'1"11"·.< •! '.ll ~,\ "'"Hlr,
•''1" 11• I
•,..,,I <1" ·n " ',., .. ·' ·1 ' .;•1m,
r ...... •• n • "' r ', '" '·1•1"'··\ }I.
(•,, .. , '··" "•1'" .... ,..,11 (Y·
;... ....... ., ' ···~ .... '' ·-'. ...
1 .... , ' !.
t 1rrn; ,.. . ., 1,,,
• V, /,·II ,~· {)•
p.3;• 6:1.00
$23,950 3 BR CUTIE
<;~orn t~·--1.n .. d <!•""" :.r ""t'I ·~
·,,. I~,. 0" onj / .. ,,.,,., O •'t
,., .. ,~..,.,,,.,, ~"'I '1..0•"' ff-,hly
p<'l•~•ed A ,,.1(,., ''IV\ ,..rt wo•h olL
'"'r<i~ or \uti...•t ~) 500 down onrf •o•., o-.e• VA I 'In w•'" rovrr>en!~ o' $ t )'] 00. W., Ii • ...,.,, 11 IO yo11
tU\J •all
pl JI 3 838-6256
' NO COST TO YOU 3"'1!'1 hdnn\, 2 t l bo·~•. t' .,,,..,.
\•l • "·''C~_,n h·,'1• !.;I ,..,,>, boo<.
C!'l'"'ll"' 'l!'l'.. N'""' '"1<j'.)<''l "'"j
1,,.. ~1, pct.n1o;d S) I 5-00 0" ,
.., ' '"'"' .,,.1
~ r .... ~·..,
N,.or A h<-l•i."m' ,.1 • Q-·•• ,, ·~ '.'
buit·\ \'lfl•t •"co (>nrf i. '""
t o ... .., ... d J)lll•O Al! (II h!.>· ... lo•,..,.,
<"O"Y lflPI '""PS A•\•J""" I/A 1,,,.,
PoY""'"'' """ / ~:oo o ,....,,,11\.
!'.'9 995
.=asJ.,. a98 t J~
'.ii.,,•o f>'!'OI hi:i ....... J bed•oo..,~. 1
b'.!i"o1 .... 1'i t .. n ' •.,t fo.., ·1 rcn m
..... ,!) ..... , bcr o.,rj t '"r'l1''" p..,.1~1
lo;• "''"•'o·~ "'1 V'rO'!' l:,il.I 01 O"ly
"'"'"" ?'%0.q 898.1 J.'i6
4 BEDROOM. 2 BATH :i ta:~ F'd l';:'Y. ~ I""• •:i,.. / ~-mn ""'""' 1~ (0'1
d,1>-:n. l1J!Jl1 o h 01 I,.,, \l">O•• t---------------i . .\ o• f'1,., '"'"' On•1 ~1 1oc.o
•~· on!'l•r"l'l•On ~,111 fl J"N
2''' BATHS $36,950
r.~··i-·· '\ 10 ... n~·u .. n .. ,,r
, ....... ,,.,.;· ~ly . s,..,~·· ,,.
'400 'l !1 ,,J !u''''""' ! .. on't • ·•
·---------------1 ·~-7'10 loo~ 01 S16'J ,,.,,1 rn'.l'I· 04611:
ih'~ J<11! 3 V'"0'1 H"'N on'.I l?·1ded 1---:-:::::::::::--1----:-::-:--:::::::-;~---i-------------~ ,BEITER THAN NEW
LESS THAN NEW ....... ~ ..... 0. 546.000 ~t6oo 111.i ''os J371 LANDMARK HOME LAKE FOREST
1 /2 ACRE
r .. · .,.1 t ... :-·'l'~ -· ... r:.•·" ·· "':}•·•" ,., ... ,r .... 1 ... .,'1 .... 1 .. 1
,, e .I '1" «'l' 1-1
!. "'"'Q~OOf;,.:iod
F"..02 r
c.,,11 'o• cko.i1
898· 13;6
y,.o• Od $34 990 f ull p,,,,. fh~
lron,lerred own.,, ho, l"ed "'
th•~ ho..,... ju11 Jo nci "nough 10
upgrode '' ~o boMflt" rhan n~ co n-
do•oon. ~·vthong lro<n rh., ~l,ole
root IO 1~ Co1li,.drol ,,.,1,n'l ,,,..111
g•ot•Ou\ ""'"9 crt ew-rya ne1 pn{e.
Coll now
#8961 545.9491
18·38 f>OOI p lu\ ) 'f"0' n"H 1
\TCYV flc"1e .,.,•h 2 t.o,. ~ bd.
$34,900 5 BEDROOMS
Ca!ht"d•o• ceolonq~ oCld o tovh OI
doll to 1h·\ 1 yeor new •e-1oOle
home $~ o! !Od"T ....
F896l 89/.0J'l
(n ~ ~'Jlv•~ H '.;1"' ~ •' Cl" .r "'!')
"~e~ ye·, ..,,.. ,,. ·~t,, 1• l ,..: , ';i
rfT''.. ) cor Q'.7~ I .,.,,.. I J"' . .,. t--------------1
"n , 3 lxi·n ~ ..._. "·o o T~ ..
"•"O, f• f C·r lo;nd • '• t .~····
ro"' -bt:i• ll"d .,.~.,,,. "; • ·~·
'~''""'tor ' \o!o W room. ond rl'Ol\•Ye l"o!!lllo<e
Owner !'on1le,.ed, mu\! ~el• All
f()( $4 7,900
NEED SPACE? ff7C 78 1 1 1 41'~11 '1(•00
S~~r \ho•o J bd<m C M c~oe!. t---------------i
/· ",, . ' , ..
., '
'" -.... I ' .-;,., ' <::•
y '. '.,1, "6.l~'/J
, • .,"<'l 'I
b-"•'n'l ot \ t.-'l T/ VO''l .. I <•'l1/
,., ....-·" 1n (111 , un,. f'"Or ".i '.I
;;11•10 8~8 1151';
N~..., 1-e "' ""N .~OfJ CO'P"' '11.,J.
! ... d '" Ire ~· r.o••O fO<' ""16•fllu"I
'"''l.rocv 5,.,·,., ,...,,.,, '"'' no #
Go•'}""·' ~, ...... '" bo-o.1•iyl o•eo,
b.-IJ ' f .I d"n ·----------1 "'831 ?
Jh,. p•,(ll. !~ r o<;~I 01 ~J66QO It IS
o,.jy one yer:ir old W•!li 1600 •q
f! so ~"'') ond coil, th•s cne
COUNTRY LIVING (us!"" C"1•'1'"'' tl"l'.,'1 il'!Ylfl'I
' ';r ..... ,1 0"l ,.,,,, ...
"'"I .. '"·' Qu•1tonrf,nri fl''"" ol
'"'""'"'(' ""'Ofn "''" V'!W of
C1•'l n1 ( • "' '"'"'Y'f''!IJ, '.! (llf
•J"l"".10" lo I ,.,.,,,. •"".1'1 ... ,b1 .. •II·
< 1-. J j '"r'IY,.\ !-:>'" ,., tt"OI''"'
. "'~ c .. o'f)i (l,/ ("'Cl'l' I nPd
<•· • .,, " . ..,.., • •" 1 )~'"" (Qll for
ut1 '1•"! ;I n "'
R1? 6300
~ .. ,Iv ·~Ofl"I Jo.a,.... n'"N w/w (Or·
,-...•1. O•'t' d•OP"\, C'l<,.•ed p<J'•O,
oo .f ""''l~b.,rhn.-rf ""mendous
b .v r -,11 ' ,, o ... •n·
~280 89!1-1356
, ......... , ll•·':I• "····· •t p .J:':I ]
won 1 •o<r! c~"'"''"'1 3 b<J,.., ~ t 1•n .. ~,.
.,..,,., o•,"'o'>d . .,·1 ~ .... r.J,..,,
re"•f'Ot•1~ c~"''"' o"'1 .. ·!.-•""''
O'"" M )," •., /./ 1•. ·• v... on.!
...,,.,.,. r':J ·"''" i. .. ~'1 n• ·'Ir-•''
~ .. ,,, " " ' .,. < I !------------~ ::.<j<;.1''
Huntington Beach
If you·, .. 1 .. .,d of 1ool •t19 01 11 on
hon,.,.\. l~n you ~hould re-all,, to~~
o loo'.. al th•\ bo-!lut1ful ho..-.:
&e1Jut1l,;I !r~·\hodo.d lo! Modern
-~ '!C~n comp1'!!1e w"ii M>r•o-wo""
OV"n. lro•h comnoom a~d m\.Ch,
"'1r.h rrore.
S43 000 wo n h c l 3 bdrm
beooJ' l~P N•·od~ '000 ~'l h onr1
Q<1\y !<>" Y"0 '1 {!lYn91 5{) tnOOf
"'"01 V'l•J mu\t '"""' '" """ 11)1
(I .,, '"'"'1 1 b-ir ·•• "'' J •,. I ·1·
ff883J 54~ 9~91
'2 400 ~o I• of I n f'J• ti... e"'""
lom•ly Qi.I~ d ';"O'I old ond tutly
•lflQ•od""'.J br.•o u1ol J'l 1 !ondY:oO"d
P'X/I s· '" y(ltd P"r"'rf O' only 1------------4
SS l.51)'.}
~'1 1 1'.97-032 1
4 bed•oom on-1 1.600 1q Ir l •c ....
!"n' lorol•on n"'"" 011 sclmoh .
slioi>o•<>g. Lo'' ot pr.de ol owrier-
ih•p ~~ Coll rodoy
Newport Beach-
Irvine Area
Ve!Pf0'" "'" r-,n p ") ·' ,_, •J fl~H
f>'l,_ ...,1n n') rj),..,n <}O') Q<•O' 01')
P•K•ll'tvn L'l,
... ,,., 1 ' •
~ • 1 ···t ' ' ..
..... • l ' ..
1~'"" l • Jr""' ~H""''"'"'
1 ! • ·~' ....
. ,.
'· '.
, .. f · ·• ~'""'!"ta•• ...
'S29 995 f ULl Pl!!CE He•,.~ o
.,glue tkol \ really Fil«" on 1odoys
l'"(lrk,..t f OVf bedroo ....... 2 both),
fomoly room, lo•qe wo•k ~hop on
tt..e garage arid mvch, "'uch more.
AU of 1h,s plv~ 011 0 11umoble VA
locn Be"er hurry and Colt.
a.-0'111fvl 4 br ho---r:I'> <ul d---1oc
2 bloc ~s trom el"""'"'O'Y )C.liool.
Neorly 2000 1q tr of eleqon<:e. t--------------1 f ·lf• ' 1
lo•9" !o"'•lv 1oom w11h l"eploce, REDUCED HUNTINGTON HARBOUR
4 PLEX "8839 °5d,S.949 I Ano1her li1eplixe on ~uqe moirer Thii S&\ hDrne ho\ on on~•D..r..
bedroom. Olle..-ed a• $49 000 owner tie h11~ r.,dllC'!d th., P"'e Tustin
lf8548 897·0321 10 $5 1.500 tor 1~., Goldo!n l/Je\r .-.11 ,,..w 1.,~ .. ly .,,.,., ........ , • ,...,. "'"'
1 l1t,oplOC'"> "'·I ,, ,~ I "l'Q 11111•
""0""" h r11 r ,..., .. , d'"l~""Oh')n CALIFORNIA RANOIER
,_ ____________ _,·Pork. 3 ~diocm boo<lly. E••rn1
$38,000 FULL PRICE $213/MONTH
You !us\V ~hopP"•I hod bene• ro~e
o loo~ o• iii,\ e>~•• f.,.er,,1h1n1 !ram
1he ""I! ~flod..d 101 10 t~ to•pt"!ed
hardwood l!oor1 """O"< co.,,l0<-
l1Jbls tamoly l1~1no A•I ot 1h1i plus
on ouum:rble fHA ~J...0:, loon
w<rh payment~ ol $162/mol
Poy\ all on ·~ \ SOOC•OL>I 3
bedtoom h.,<T>-"" t'J•n•r lo! "'"I,
b oor QCI ''" on-1 r onc r'"I<!
boo•llrool•• OO<i B•o fld n-'"•
CO'" e <1'"''0'" f nrl.,s•j M'•O ond
many 01~e· e •••os f ull price
$31 .900
.t;896 I 5<1,S.'J/491 8~/.037 1
71' ~1-~!)(.I -1 11>M~f!Cllo.I A.ve ......
TU :.11S13fl
114 ''6-0~ ..... ~. J2'9~ SIJ11'CCflet)901"'1 'IU •ll1·1?81
11•1rr2-~1~ -f!l.1.4 l ~,, no ....
~lJ 91!>-9~.-.. 1•• ~2l-3 1f.1 .._.,.,
•••• J 14 "'""i ·~··· .. }l.'l&t'O-~"'
/11 ~11:1~
C..~• 111J0lfll ~"5'
?IJ ''' $5M ' ,. tt).062 l ·-••=IWftl f!l'I St•.,i flt T)!.()~I~
111 ~'"°"' ._.,u
:rtOHatbl'lf lllllO 111·~~·1 714164)446•
C191H t•l 0'0 .1.1,..., ..... J~l "6'"·1• li.1Al.l"''°Cl :•J •»f~ 11• ~:t-~21)
roirt.> .. v~ I /}lJ 6fOGOn.,..st ,,. ~tr.-11~·
f1( 96fl.3Jll
·-~ •new 0-•l'IOf'!llOtpe ll,..
:11 lf l-ls-1~
11 'IOI S..0 ~"' 8100•"••"' f U ~ 1/'!.J. ;11 S)\l"9\ll ..._"°" •• .., .. t•'".' l ""'!)!,•' A _....nv,. ;••l!•.•••s~ ;"11 ~·o ~·•o
6().1} 60o'4 ,0."'-,,. lil.()Jll l•t1••·•··· ~JI ... H.,t>eo l1H.ob<4
11) 6~ Jiii
71• f71-1lf1
11) ,,,.j41!1
~·-... , ... ,.otm~ ,,l 118(!.J~
,,. 111·1110
l -lleK .. •11,..Dy 1(••01!1 .,.,, ~e"'x"B+.,,
?•l •:li-41:'1
;•) 4;'9-•'J]I
l-h•"·l.,.Artos . ,.,, e,. , ~ .... ,
, IJ ~9e •lgl
.1J ~\lb:'l~I
,,,.,,,_ v .. '°"'' T•o .l&6!£1l .... 0J11 ,,,,~ •:«:!
-···"·"•"'• • ,.o'.lw.-.!<MIO• .. c :11 •.v f'J<ll ,., f!Alo--1111 ..... ,,. , .. ,.... ... , .. , ...
/!( ,, ... , .. J)
11• !>4ol~Mll
lfvw"" l•"""""' l • .• , .... ~ •. ·~· )ll ll'itl·C.~1 1 111 $<3Ji&ll
°'~ ....... ,.,,
-~~ ... r. .......... Cl-1•'M
11• '314110
~·,O"'I M-•ll ..... ~ ~ .... ,,.,.110 r.,, ......... ~
'4&/~l•I _.._.
:J111 ,..1o~ ........ ,, 11•.l4fiJ.i1~1
too llUITIP:'•oo' lo h\t here. Co:I
p87?? 841 44 55
your <Iv). ,. r,f < 1 "·
/\<!"> //1 1
$223 MO
4 BR + 2 BATH
!.70 000 , ~ •t I '"" '"'' 0""
10"6-d·,...n ~ ' ho~d" O"'tf !.,..
~fO>I " ~r.~0 .., mo,.•h Qt.· f J
yeo<"~ old eo.i ,.-:> ...
w"' • 8f .. 3~ '"'' • ·~ \ fl"n
l".1•9"' rYI' ~ ]SQQ 1 1 .... 1
P"<"!A•9 J•J\ I • nq Qn t d'l
., r.r • .,..
I , • 1 I ''l ,,.,
( • ~ H
,, .... ' ·~ l
'~"-' ,,....1 ~ ", ... '>c< .. ~ 1:1•·1
}>J·:.11 i'JI• ,, __ y..,ll•LW.<11
,QI[ TG<t>•l ond•8 , I
Pll<P"•I ;11,~~··~tl'O
111 ... ..-.off.f,.i.• •••
'"'' "'""'·n"'' ~ 1'14 ~1 11)".)
1U 113~1.\1'0
111 ..... -.v .... ,.,,",
13t U"•~"''""'·~ 1•• M<l ~:XI
. \\ .. ,.,.,1. ""' II:'~' 11' ~•toOC.1 ,,_
''··~r1•1· ... ,,. ........... r .. .
;••!.l:'b'> ,,. .. ,..
•I \I 11"1" ! ~ .~·
'I IW~ "·' '> ...... -...... •'ll'l••~·····•E' 1 ., ~,, -.,,
'#!wll l>IM-."dl l'r .. h" ,. •: '"" "~'"" .. , .•J 'W)'1,I
'!I f/l.'111
-·'-'P<Y·•-141 /S M_l><!,tie•A ...
'tl•YI 'JI&? 111 !>J:Ho41C)O
84'2.4455 t,.16 ll\ 1 ;:i;911 ~
Charity and golf will highlight Walker &
Lee 's community relations activities in the
month ol May (Nationa l Mental Health Month) when the
Wal ker & Lee Foundation will spcnsor two major
amateur golf tournaments for the benefit of the Orange
County Mental Health Association .
May ll-14
M•ss1on V1e10 GC
Green River GC
Moy 25, 26 I. 27
Anaheim Hitt$ GC
Hun11ng1on Seachlt GC
San Clemenle GC
Greer. R1119r GC
Entry fee includes. green lees: l1rst round golf cart ,
victory party. and trophies and awa rds.
SJl ,250
f • ,. • • '' ~ C..• "' Y""'' """""'
/ ,.., ••. : 11"'4\,..1 •J' '" 30 I h d•~n
'(, ,,, "'''' ......... ~j ly ...
r.r_., '-'.·1 • ' "-'""'·• ..... , ,., ..
4 BR + 3BA TH
~· . " '·'·'1'•
n'I ,,,..,..-, : '> fr')~ y l~'J"'. '"l'I
<I""· p'11 Qf•,." t "n"'ll o • !o•'l"
Ci:>S 1,, 1.1 -,· ,~ .. '""l'll'lr"
G'1•"J"'O"\ ....,,. .. , ''"'" N,.., pr '"'
_,,n, 1<:1'"~" ,,, y '"
JU ST $1500 DOWN
A "' :· t~lr.., I ·\ fJ,.n • ,.
, ••• ,.,j •• l··J ~ 1·~· " .,.,.,,
,.._ . " . ' , .
t ... ~ • '
t '"
I.I · 1·•11 •',I d'l1I ~-~ '" '":!<"
I. ,.,.,.. y '"~""'l" ...-; I", 'nb•n1 t\
r,.., rn .. M" ••Dl I !')'J•n,..,,\
~, . ., 1.,.,. ' I" r I
::;i~i:i,, ~?Sl3~~
B 'l •<>?,.,~h::..•" s., ... n,-J ..i • .,,,.
I\ bt"-oul>i 11y rj~ 'Jf11•·'l. ryl'01" •\
po11,..l--d onrl u1,, ti-,, ... ..j o. 11
fo..,.rv rc:!Yll. '•"1 "' h'l 1 OO·IQ~' n.,H
h:i...,. (1'11 ,., <'I"•~,' .. ( ;i I 11'.Jr
" '
•• ,,... •·· ~ "'l
~· l'I'"' ,. • 1' •b "''1'1"'·
l:'X)14 89.!(Jllll·
\~,,.r i..,,r> ~,,,..,. n11 B''l '"'"'""
k,o f1e,•.'\"I '"' !nr:il 'l• l•O•l"I f H.l\
'""" r'lfl 1., O\ um•d v+•h
po·;-" ' ~ 4!r B.-'l·JfofJI h•....,
1" "• ., -~· ,, .. , Cn ti:>' r1 ... ,,
8?4 ~J t
Th" 1·••·?<l'l"f delo11"' o "'0~1;..,,..
o~ ., \,., ... ., ~'.I~"" J~.1 b 11.
~ ... , "l b-Jj• • '"""'··~·~ '' .,11 of
I~,,, ll"i() 11 1' 'Jo•,I"' l)edroo'"
"'·i o i:n'-~"Y .1 b!i1h;, 0'>1!: Q
r()m'l ~ r ~ri '.l ca r qo1oge.
''"'If.)'" •r>•inll,.•\. lom.ly room
ply, O"~ 4 1,..droorri1, bog lot,
,,.,.,,., .~.01 .. r':>n~. ployfooulo9 for
,. 1 .. ,~ 1~, I,,~., •S nn "•e<u••"I!
•.•1~1 • C'l;i 1:..• •J"'o••1
PLUS DEN -S29,995
.,. . ')~ ,, ' ' ,.
>i <'" ,,,.,,.j r., •. , w .: ••r ·~
ll"'~., .. c.,·1 .• ,,.. . .,.
~------------------------~ I 197 4 Orange County Amateur Golf Championships I I lor lhe benelit of the Orange County Mental Healt h Associatoon I
ID Women 's Championship D Men's Championship I
I $37.50 $50 I
I , I I Name l't>one I Address ___________ ~-------------1 Slreet City S1a1e __ Z10 I I Hand,cap Club Aff1liahon I
•• To: Oron9• County Golf C-Htt ReurYe Carl May 14 •,. Walktr&LH,I~. R c~M 26 I 1477S.MondMslttA•t. ••er•e un ay ---I
I Anohtln\ CA 92801 ...... -· do<n ..,-"' May 27 __ _ ............ 4._....... •.
I •· .. --.. -...... --, .... -.-,. • , .. ,u. .. -.• ~--.. •1-• -------------------------~
_,,.. ... ~ From-The-··,.en-of-WllHloqi:~: ·-f~'33
"The Dcnlocrats arc ha vi ng a lot of Ttrn ex-
posing the Re1>Ublican ca1npdign corruption~.
but they "'ould have a Jot more fun 1f they
kne'v where they could lay their hands un •·
-son\e·-ofit-them-s~k· t*t;-'for"TTC~t.,..NQ.¥.em be r. ' ·
J.>o!itics have n't <:han i;!C'd \'Cry 1nuc . "'.
neither has "Real Esl 1J\c'', 'J'hc ri gurcs hH\'l:
changed, but relati vely ~peaking. our vailh'S
arc as good no"' as in 193:J ... hcrl.' are a fl'\\
exampk!s of good \'alucs today ...
llARBOR VIE\V Ii.ILLS ; con1fort>lblc fa111ily
ho1ne -4 bdrn1s. -lgc. panclt!d fun1ily
r1n . Upgraded condition thruout. Lgc. lot
.. F'ec. not leasehold . $102.500
ll!GHLY t;PGRADElJ --Till:: llLt;FPS
· "'-ThC' carpets· \Vallpapers & dra 1>01;~~ ha\ c
been selected by profC'ss. ~ Bdrn1s . & clmtnfii(.
rn1 . .,. eating area 111 kitchen. 2 1 ~ hath~
\Vrought iron cncL pa!1os \vilh terrazzo tJIC
firs. $69,500
A SUPER CL:STO~'I I 101\1~;;:-prof~s Ut'tvr ,
n1odcrn Spanish; fantastic v1t.•\v of ocea n ~iv.
bay fron1 all living areas. Ueautiful instr.
bdrm. suite r-2 lgc. bdrn1s. & fan1ily r1n .
P riced bclo\v market. l'l..:asc c~ll us for
app 't.
JUS1' LIS1'1~D . Lido Isle hoine ou 4U rt. lot
-2 patios. Comp. remodeled in 'i3. 2 Bdrn1s.
& de!!. 2 &lhs. Heru11ed ceilings. S89.500.
General R.E. I OO'l j
E..:t1~>n1cl1· 1h·~r!'l•flhlt> 2 srn11 3 Bedroom Home Jlff'~i1i.::" ·11•Jnw . L'pi.:radt·d 1i1
f'l'<'l"Y 11 Hy. N1•11r Lx•i1t'h.
:-'lu11·1K·~1 1'10:111· nn !h,..
niHrk"t I01"h1.' !111rr,1• fu1 ,\n.">n(' c::in 11~sunie this \I,\ I
1' 1oan .• S1!1 1. ~lonlh 101al 111011• 1nrn. C;1JI 1'4!-2.J:'.3.
pr.~·n1cn1. Cuti lor rll!lail~. OPfN r1L ~. 11::; fUll ro ill. N.'C~'
CENTURY 21.642-1771 [ ~
I.>o,,., g;;: .. -.,,,-,,, .. -;J;;,;1 ·®
''Lt:--! .. ii 111 1·l11~'1f1••1I, Ship
lo ~horc ltt•sul1 s'. tM2-jl}78. I ~-~~~---,,=
General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002
5 bedroo1ns. 3 baths -2-slory, beamed
ceilings. 2 fireplaces, custom wall cove r-
ings & drapes. Couutry atn1osphere. Extra
large Jot. $120.000 Fee. Lois Ega n 644-6200.
Sparkling pool , cascading u1aterfalL beau-
tiful pool house \V /sauna, massage rou1n &
lotu s jacuzzi. An immaculate 5 bedroon1
residence w1pier & fl oat being offer ed v.•/
furnishings. 1'~ee land. An1y Gaston <H2-
8235. I T31 l
2 bedroon1. den ho1ne ,,·;sparkling parquet
floors & large greenhouse. 1 ~ block to pool
& park. SG5.900. Ton1 Queen 644-6:.!00. j 'r 3:ll
Ne\v I-story condo1nin iun1 \\'tvie\\·. Elegant
decor-3 bedroon1s. 3 baths. central air &
'"et bar. $121.500. Dick llnlder1nan 644-6200.
Custom home + S5000 1yr. income 13BR/
2 bath). Ocean vie,rs-beautifu! pool. Of-
fered at $169.500. llarriet l)erry CH2·8235.
Dra1nalically customized "Early Bluffs"
home. Panoramic Up per l>ay Vi e'"· 2 bed-
roon1s, den, 3 baths. Jack Custer 642-8235.
Custo1T1 Baycrest hon1e-large lot-extra
nmenities. Nea r schools & ~hopp ing .
$108 .700. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P .~I. 1309 ~1 1\
RI NEHS. (T36)
5 Uedroon1s-large rccrent1011 rooin-194'
011 rair\vay. Torn Queen li44-li200. (T3i)
ustr)1'1 a bedroo111 Bluffs. Lar~(' dc1·k.
prin1e \oca1ion . S65,000. OPF.N SUN . 1-i
I'"· 66:1 VISTA BON ITo\. (T3S I
2·~lory . 4 bedroom hon1e \v/elega11t patio &
\\·ood dec·k1ng. J·-::unily roorn \~ forn1al din-
ing ..!-large kitchen \V /fami ly si7.ed eating
area. Close to park & pool. $78,950. Jeanne
Newman 64z.82.15. IT39 )
CAMEO HIGHLANDS OPEN HOUSES * S79.900-:J HR. vie\\'-Open reeling-re-
1nodel ed kitchen * 889.900-4 or 5 bedroon1. vic,\·-i1nn1cdi-
ate occupancy.
See both SUN 1·5 P.~! '" 4601 DOH-
CllESTER. 1Tl-O l
Irvine Mttn•b·lrvln• R••"Y °'"'P'"Y
IOI Dov•' Dfl .. l-'2-12lS
It« MecAruwr 144· 1200
Newport h1c.h,C1lllornla t 2Sf.J
1002 Gener1I R.E. 1002 Genor•l R.E. 1002 Gent r•I R.E. 1002 General R.E. 100'2Gener•I R.E. tbof'
SEE ME -l'M "HIDDEN"-Hidden 2 story,
4 bedr1ns. 3 baths, entrance to ~lubhou se,
~lesa Ve rde Country Club. Nc'v !'sting. I'm
:1t 1919 Kauai. Nancy Simmons "·il l be there.
SEE ME -AND BACK BAY. I ha ve 3 bed-
rn1s & a brl!a thtaking vic \v .. of N'e y,·port Upper
l~ay. \Vind protcctl'd patio. See me at 340
Ott'rO. see nle off Ornada. I'1n $87,500.
J\l<1r1lyn Sh uff \\'ill be there. . .
SEE ME , l'M ONLY $38,500-Cule 4 btdrm
111 a pprecia ting lluntington Beach. See me
at 91!11 J\ladelinc Lane, Ernie Knodel is with
SEE ME , l'M IN LAGUNA -Si lting pretty,
true vie v.', ;j bd rms. 2 baths \\'ith beams,
bricks and IJcau tifu !. IJeautiiul charm. See
1ne at 2828 ·rcrry Road . Laguna Beach at
S69.500. I.in da Ulue will be there.
5 bclrn1s in one , 4 in other, near new condi~
tion, price reduced $6,000 to $129,000, now
vacant at 618 Acacia . See me. l\1aril yn .
Jl odgcs \\"i!/ be the re . • SEE ME, ON SANTIAG0-1'111 nc\v , vacant
and very ~pacious. 4 bdr1n s. 2900 sq. ft.,
corner Jot nnd room for your irnagination.
l 'm at ~131 Santiago for only S87.500. Janet
l....elunan \\'ill be th ere .
SEE ME, l'M CARMEL -and cute~ :J
iledrn1s. big fain rn1 , bigger patio. arts &
craft sy improvcn1cnts, really 11 icc at $75.950.
Sec inc at 1818 l'ort \Vheelcr. l\1arge Ell-
mure will be there.
nc\I'. exciting designs, skyli ght s. courtyards.
10.llOO sq. ft. Joto;;. 3 and 4 bdrm nlodCls fron1
S82.000. See n1e on Irvine Illvd .. corner of
\\lindn·ard . Nc \\'port Beach. Gil Ide \Vill be
there. j
SEE ME , l'M MARY GOLD at i09 (Jarigold
,\venue. Corona dcl 11ar. I have 2 bdrms. 2
baths. fan1. rn1 . and I'n1 vacant. Jim Val-
entine \Vil! be !here too~ $73,500.
listing: and rare! 5 bdrn1 single slor)' in Har-
bor \'iC\\. !fills. Canyon l"ie\\·. Sec inc at 1034
Sandcastle bring 899 .500 and give it lo Lylcen
l~\1·\ng . 1'111 yours!
SEE ME , l 'M HOT -and have hard\\·ood
floors. copper p!urnbi ng, 4 bdrrns. big kitchen
and <l 40 ' pool. l'1n at 1520 Dorothy Lane.
llarbor I-l ig hland s for S79,950. Nadine Croul
\l'ill he there.
happy! Private estate, cou rtya rd ga rden, 3
bedrms. din ing rm. casual yet elegant. I'm
O\\ ned by !\Ir. & 1\-lrs. Richarct }looke r. See
tne at 3036 C'ountry Club. Ne\v at $88,500
\1 il h Ogden Sogn.
SEE ME, l'M A CONDO -Ne\\' on the
111arket. specLacular ocean and bav vie\\'S.
:1 bedl'ms in the Bluffs. I'1n at 1969 Vista
('audal for $79.500. Dorothy Johnson \\•fl! be there.
IJ ~IVU~ fi()M~§
CORONA DEL MAR. 675 6000
o\1ESA VEROE, 546 5990 • CALL US
Gene,..al-R~ E-. --1001 Gener if R.E. --1002
C.F. Colesworthy & Co.-Realtors
Desirable G·P lan 'villl 3 bdrms. + convert.
den or 4th bdr1n . Bright end unit where pri-
vacy preyails. Lge. living rn1. with open
hecun ccil., frplc. & fonnal dining area.
General R.E. 1002 General R.E. ______ ....;,;_::
:? nn and d~tl horn!". irrrnt
f1 n11ly kitC'hen wtth r:-1•
\K'nt1\r \\ood 11 n n l' Ii n g.
brau!Uul carpets, cu.stotn
drapes, eas)"-<:Ort' landS('ll.p-
1111o1. ne::ir pool 11 n d
~JU.LIO~' $ school. 01\'llCr
1u1,1ou~ iHtd 111ny C'arT)' 2nd
T.D. Prit'<' rerluccd to
$1i:1:ffl. C:ill hnmcal:itc!y. bi::.s;,;;o.
Move·ln Condition
3 Bcdrt.-'llllS, 2 be.thi, IRrgc
t11111ily + den. B I I n s ,
fireplace. hnrdl'>'OOd firs .•
bcautilut bock )'&rd \\'/In.Iii
"""'· 646.3928 Eves: S4S.Sll7
Realtor '
Brand NEW 1 story 3 BR 2 ba th beautiful
"Linda"· model. Cathedral ceilings, lovely
greenbelt view from choice corner location .
2101 VISTA UMBROSA Sal/Sun 1·5 :30
BIG CANYON C. C. -$159,500
Lovely view from this 6 month ne'v 4 BR
home. VanLuit papers, cust. draperies &
cptng. O'\'ner moving to Palm Springs.
35 BURNING TR EI:: RD. Sal/Sun 1-5:30
BIG CANYON C. C. -5295,000
Just completed! Beautiful 1'\E\V custon1.
hon1e 'v/great go1£ course view. Enclosed
lgecourtyd entry. 5 BR, FR. Tge DR, 5 baths.
l\larble, oak paneling, air /cond + more.
49 ROYAL 51 . GEOl!GE RD. Sal/Sun 1-5:30
Gorgeou s 3 llft Bordeaux model \\'ith pl'i-
vacy. Prof. decorated thruout & prof. ld scp.
Cov. patios, A IC & air-purifi er. $13'2,500.
6 RUE CllAMON lX Open Sal /Su n 1-5 :30
Lovely 3 Bdrm \vatcrfront ho111e wit h I
bd r1n guest apart1ncnt. Pri\·Jtc pier & float.
Nev.· carpeting. Just full of Charin! ~65 .000
321 E.~ST BAYFRO!\T Sal/Sun 1-5: 30
Gracious stone-trim 2-story ho1ne. Perfect
for a gro\ving family. 4 Bdrms. fam rm,
formal DR & huge rec. rm. Full y ld scp.
7 TWIN LAK ES ClR C Sal/ Sun 1-5 :3-0
1'1Al'.JY customi:tcd features 1nake th is 4 BR
& fa in rm home a real delight. Even high
quality Karastan cptng & choice ldsc p.
1742 PORT MANLE!GH Sat/Sun 1-5 :30
2111 San Joaquin Hill s Rd.
At $49,900
(3 R.emainin"g)
Tiii-: \.ll.l..A l,;ll 1\."iADA
i.pi.c10us ~BR •. 211 bo .. 1R50
liCI. fl , lO'>''OhonH·~ 1Ji•h1\+'
ru-!'!nm fr11tun-,;; s,:<ll t 1-uu~
vlev..,,, t-<>n1munhy JXJOI •
NlnVC'rl(C'tll 10 °' ~· h 0 U J Ii ,
<·hurcllf's. Slit'll'lftlnt:'. & n•cr'f'ut~ln. Lot·ritcd in the
"rr1endly" I" 1ne planned
MOOE'l1l~~J~N~'~ti·L v
83.'°1 Amlp:os \\'ay IJ.111111-.;)r»l' I
Ttd. It) En~lbluf Dr' It) :"11111
VU.Ul. tl'J Don1ln~I), '''
Anui;::os \\.,<iy 1. For h1for1nauon, 6 M·ll33
3 Bdrm.s., tam rm., din r1n. & vlev.·. $58,900
Cd?tf -Ocean sid~ h"')' .. drea m house plus
gues t house. Reduced $3.000, now $69,900.
Outstandi ng Palern10 · J\·ey,• li sting . , $871500
Carmel i\1odel-A real buy . S6i ,900
l 'rina rncxlel, lease or lease,. option
Francesca. Ne\\'ly painted thruout : NC\\'
listing . . . . . . . . . !59.000
I.~. lot Lake Arrowhe..1d . trade $14.000
T\rO 3-Acre par~cls, de,•eloped in Rancho
Culifornia SlD,500 each
In Costa l\'Iesa. Co rona de\ l\tar
and Nc\\·port Beach
Newport Heights· Ontu~ CORBIN·MARTIN, ll'IC.
Open Home --=--rr2J REAL TORS 644-7662
Saturday and j ~ I I
I Sunday 1 • 5 -""""""""""""""""""""""""...;,""",,_ I Tlus ho1111c ha.s l ·year General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002
•l"tHTanr~".IOf' hu.1'\'r. One or
the larµ: ... st 101" 111 this nrea. HEIGHTS HONEY 1---------1 )./ri1n.~ has ti.•rn rom11!Ctl'l.v C 1 , . h E ! 'd C ! M I I d. • ozy "" '"""" ··'"'· ' '· as SI e OS a esa 1•••Jl1CK rlr.'Cl inc u tng NE\V Largt> ll\'illg roon1 y,·1th hii;h
;:as i-.lo1·r, 11·.;\~f'I' anrl hc11n1s. f1ri•11IA1·r 1:1 n d I
d1·yrr, forced a ir lit'al and Fn>nch c!MNI Opc'ning on10 a ;i lil'<lrlX11ns, -I baths, :;ioo Sq. l'1•r>1~r JI! u 111 b 1 n i; · 2 I flm1'C'I' t'Ol"Crcd µ 11 1 1 n. FL. hu,:t• :; c11r i:ar<1i;c. hl•dr<JJnl~. 2 full . b.:11h~. S-17,500. Call PRJ::STIGE $6!1,:fll. 1n11~!rr b<'droom is air HO"llES 6~16 I
,. -0 11 <1 J tin n c rt Privatr 1 • ' Roy Mc Cardle Re•ltor
, 111('r1ninn1(•nt arCa urounrl s:z:i.900! J~si N"<hi t'«l. Sl(lf(l! 3 1810 Newport Blvd., CM
11 1· r 1~t i ra 11 v clrsi~nNl .,. fanuly roorn . Lcl1 r!y ~" unniini; pool. ·$62.500 Cati <'lm.c-!o-bcoach 1u·ca. Hul'ry 548·7719 Gl&-O:>~ij, -847-HilO. /4.,'l. .,.,._.._..._.,._ .. _...,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I
'"''"~"'"''"''Ill"' .. " <JO'" u! \',\1.1.E\'
JU :.\LI'
... rqoc .... S!fX• f" .. ~~(".( cCIWP•N•
General R.E. 1002.' Gene,..al R.E. 1002
Genual R.E. 1002~1 General R~E-. 1002 I SPANISH STYLE
Cluh hou~f'. Pool~: .7ar•u77i ' /COMPETITION THEN $51,900 ~.1u!1i1,' TOTAL _ t•Ai\111.V (on1c :-•"(" 611 C<1rna1ion, I 3 bMroon1 l:in.:f' ron111lry
LI\ ll"G. 2. story .moo !\11. ft. Ccl:'\t Uupll'\ ll/ I Br, den f l!Hc:h<'n 11"1nl(' 1111 11111! ol
hor.11c. Rat."rd entry. lhli'l' \l'/\\·rl b:1r. .t· :: Bu. Jurr:c:~t lo1s in aJ"elt \lilh 6
llVJng ~m. R ~i 511 ,~ I rlo\\11s111ir~. J)f>n, l~1ck Br. & fruil Ire'{·~. rooin for pool. f~l'f'placl'. f orn1:1l 1l1n1n~. z;; ba. can he uM?d by your ~:irdrn, C'IC. Gl'l'a! !0r
tA1'-l1ILY ~00:'\I, ,\\ET 111othPr·in-la11· .c:, she'll hnvf' ,l;Jl'IV.in~ f:11111lv. l!11rrv call
BAR. Theres niorr. fo SC'I! hC'r 011•n ~rp;1ra1c C'nt. Over R<'d Carpc>t. · R c Ii J ·,o rs
call 963-6767. the 2 car c11rpo11 •11·/\orkr>d ~,IG-F.&IO.
storage• is 11 ~paclous 1 Br.,
apr. La.urKlry in car-port ,r,,
OPF.'.\" Tl\IS \\·r.r:r:.
Pr1rC' · $!19/.00
Brokl'r 6T>-56~1
General R.E. 1001 Gene,..al R.E. 1002
Open Sunday 1-S -608 Via Lido No rd
Charming sumn1er hon1e on 50 ft. lot \\'ith
pler ru1d slip.
Open Sunday 2·6 -3608 Marcus
J3est buy on Canal. Sparkling 2 bedroon1
hon1e in perfect condition. Sunny patio.
Zoned R-2. $92,500.
Open Sat. & Sun. 2·6-1645 Baysi'de Or .
Pier and sli p for large boats plu s side ties.
Exciting tri·leve l living wi th 3 bedrooms,
51/2 baths, b.:ilJroom size n1mpus roon1 \\'it h
bath and large family room \\'ilh fireplace.
$325.000. r-ee land
OCEAN VIEW -541,000
,\ltrncti\'e small npartn1ent-like unit in La-
guna Beach. \Valking distance to ocean and
shops. \Vonderful for \\'Cekend or cou ple.
One bedroo1n plus den.
Open Sat. & Sun. 1·6 28 Linda Isle
O\\'ner n1ust liq uidate in1n1ediately! \Virle
open \'ie\v of harbor basin fro1n this spncious
bayfront ho1ne. 4 Bedrooms ·+-convertible
pl ayroo111. bath, up. Large dining room,
fan1il y roo111 lvith fireplace & maid's quarl·
ers. Pier & sli p for large boat. 3 ~lonths
summer rental available at $8,500. Offering
price $275.000.
thi s 4 bedroom, 31fi bath fan1ilv ll o1ne in
Baycrest. Large pool. Formal dilling room,
fa mily room. 2.fireplaces, separate SC\1•ing
room off kit chen. Tree lined street. Offered
at $97,500.
P opular. spacious Lusk Tiburon \\·ith vie\v ,
on pool sized Jot. 1-:xceptional condition; on
qu iet streel: con1ple lc "-'ith all ~onvcnie nces.
r~our bedroon1. 4 bath. bayfront \\ ith pier
and slip privileges. 40 foot lot. 5295.000.
Exc\usi"e Linda Isle location. Single story
three bedroom. three bath beauty. Easy
car~ home 'vith pier and slip. Lo\~·est price
at $175,000.
Exciting 2 story chalet 1ype condo. Short
walk to Corona del l\1ar beach. 2 bedroom,
2 bath1 fireplace, upgraded.
Cut your costs in half. Prlme sandy beach
location . Custom built for O\\'ner. Dock for
two large boets. 6 bedrooms plus guest.
7112 °/o LOAN
~J):1.1·1ous t 'nll.~ ~er11rnlf'fl ti,v
lh<'r1• •111·n ~~1ragc~. \\'rll
l;u1d~t'"P<'d . Privntc Yards.
1"110·1\ Ht1' 2 &dron111s. l
R111h. 0\1·nl'r 11·ill cxcliflnge
for:: Bt-dronnt, 2 Bath home
in Co~ta :'\IC'sa. Olll'rt'd for
SJ.l,;iOQ. C<ill &16--0.W.
l,O« ·"''• ~fllS1"""''""'
o bt~C. U<ll•~~•S• ... ,~.,·~~,, ,,,,,. .. ,,.,, , ....
60x200 LOT
!~111/d your own !<'nni~ t':Ourr.
1 1:n~!Jll lol _ 11·i1h pril'rirs.
\I :ilk lo hr11d1. L:u·;::r 4
1-...·ilnJnt11 h•lll!C'. S11p<>r liu~e I
h\111i.: .lrt':i:-. Sl'paratc
d1n111i.: rou111. ,\ 0 DI!: D
P.\l~'I'\" l:C)():'\1 \\'ITH
' I
H!'ILT-1:\ 13A r:~ \\",\LK TO I
1'1<1\Lll. $6000 101itl rlOl'·n.
Cill"l<HJ.~ -l.'H!J oo:Hi7tii.
oPEr111L ~. 11 s '<Jl'I root. 111C.r1
\·<'r;• ~h11rp .\ hcdronn1. 2
h.ith hon1r. H;is \"al\C'~··s
1•'(o·h1:u1(' On(' )<'a\' ~··1 1111:
\\':tITRnly. Carpet~. drupes,
i.:11.~ hlt-1n~ 11 /dlsh'>''ashcr,
air oond., 1'.A l1enfing,
l11"1!placi', dining r o o n1.
lrnc('(I ynrd 11·/putio nnd 3
c·11r gar. :'\lusl see. Call TlOI\' for an appt. 963-15-13.
''' ,.., . ..,,'"""''""'••••v• \',.\Ll.F\'
RL\L I \
• mor, l~H"~~•
..... ,. •N ~"">I OCM ..... <. 1'1 ~·
;; l~1ri,:c ~ b('d1'00n1 anrl on~
l11rr11she1l b.ichC'lor. IJ\'c 111
""c n·nt the olh<>N close lo
lhr l~t'HCh Just on<' yt'nr olrl. For 189,00) call Red
Cnrpct Rcr1l10111 5-lf>-8610.
I IJ)1.,•ly Bi1yrn"S1 hnn11• 111
ll(T[('t•f rond1t1on1 J Bdrm.,,
,\· ~rni!y ron111. n1an} HILL TOP DREAM HOME , I <1"11•r!W f('ntut't:.. &;-f111r1111•
\Vinner of several a\l'ards in 1974 Scolt was
top listings taken and top dollar production
'''inner in !\·larch. Scott \11as the top money
earner in U1e entire Orange Coltllty District.
An outstanding young man. Scott's persona!
service combined \\•ith the dynamics or the
r·orest E. Olson Co1npany 0 n1a ke a truly
,,·inning combination.
G L<\.NT 2 story Victorian Manor on corner
grounds, Authentic Gay oo·s decor a11d arch-
itecture. 5 bedroon1s including elegant mas-
ter suite \\·i!h 4lh bath. library & 1nusic
chambers \vith circular ba y 'rindow. Base-
ment gan1e roon1. Guest apart1nent \\'il h
kitchen. Banquet fo rmal din ing room.
Leaded and stained glass \\·indo\vs. BET-
TER MUHRY ! Call 645-0303.
•;~lilliona ire's Ro,v" in pri.tne Baycrest.
Private courtyard entrance to elegant and
spacious entertainers paradise. 20' hide-a-
v.•ay master suite with Roman tile bath. 2
bedroom children's area with 3rd bath.
Huge sunken living room . 18' gourmet kit·
chen. Banquet for_ina\ din ing. Cozy fa1nil y
den and 22' family roo1n . Low sacrilice
price. Call 1>15-0303.
PRJ\t1\CY Sli PRE:\lE in exclusive Park
Lido. \\'i\LK TO OCEA~. Private coU-rtyard
entry to 2 story luxury tO\\•nhouse. 2 bed·
room s. 2 baths, gou rmet kitchen \\·ith built-
in s. Living room \Vilh crackllng fireplace.
Picturesque park-like grounds and POOL.
Call 645-0303.
Secluded courtyard entry to rambling ranch
style ho1ne. 4 bedrooms including hide-a-way
master suite with private ga rden patio.
Jluge livin~ room with cathedral beams.
Formal dining room . Gour1n et kitchen and
22' fan1ily room overlooking entertainers
patio and quiet rear ground s. Lo\vest price
fee land in llarbor \·iel\'. BETTER l!URRY!
Call 1>15-0303.
F d · I d ' I I ~ro.11'(' for hoot or lri-iiltr. Mes i Verde North orever ocea n on 1s an v1e \\'S, argc cu s-6 .,,.~ lni"~t fl"'unillhlc tom lWO seneratJon floor plan. 4 bcdroon1 t !"6 l'OO FOREST E. OLSON
HK. 2 UA Adult
Co11don1inlum. JU HuJe ft!!
Si.'iO. ni,,,,,, C•ll 00\\'.
~rofi ur R.~~ Hi Agent.
~~-~-,~ .. t-.eiu ns, nnl~ :? }'N "f"'" + den an huge family room. Better hurry. ART SHAPIRO co.
,\i_"1iml' 1•, \',\ ln,11n. only $139,85() -Fee. · 1>1?> \\'cstrhlf Drl\"t'
$J,00l. ckr.ln. O.\V.C. 2nd i\'1'1\Porl l:k'l\<'h h-1~3120
TO. nn C'IOSini:: CO!illi! TotAI DIAL 644-1766 I Ouutnor ,;por1~ lost I• :ri '2299 HARBOR BLVD., 645-0303
mo'ly l)}t1tL 1nr. 111s('s $350. 1161 San Joaquin Hills Rd., N.B. Rf'f".'iil? &II )'Ollr cqulpm1•111 A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY
<'all PRr;.'ITTCE honX"s for A COLDWELL BANKER CO. I \1lth ti low~5t l'J~ny J:>ilot II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nil•) ~ .. _________________ _, C1;1<<1l\ed Ad! fi42.:s61$. ...,
' I \1
" ..
' l.
. "
' " ' II
I '1
" .. ,. ...
i. -1
' I
* *3608 l\larcus, :'\ewport Beach
&H-L766 $92.500 (Sun Hl')
4591 Greentree. Irvine
675-7225 S.JB.500 !Sun 1·5)
322 Ogle Street. Costa l\tcsu
518-3209 $40.000 (Sat & Sun l-5)
l.W71 Countr)' \\'ood. lr\'i ne
51f>-0.165 83-1.450 !Sal & Sun 1·5)
• 1710 Kings I{d. \liffhavcn. NB
64:!-5200 ~ (Sun 1·5)
•437 Sca,\·ard Rel . Corona de! l\lar
64-1-7211 S69.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5 1
123 \'ia Zurich. Lido Isle _
645-6646 S78.500 ISal & Sun 1·51
709 1\larigold. Corona del 1ilar
675-6000 $73.500 (Sal .~ Sun 1·51
1812 Pt. Carlow 11-IV J-lomesl NB
644·6200 $69.600 1sun 1·5i
414 Vista Grande tThc Bluffs) NB
642-8235 $8D.500 1Sun 1-5\
217 On•ieto <Lido lslel i\'B
548-0140 $79,500 (Sun 1·4)
• 66 Bal boa Coves
842-1418 (Sun 2·5)
1136 Somerset Ln .. l'\e\\'port Beach
642·9949 $98.500 !Su n 2-4 )
~7 :\liso Ave (Npt Heights) NB
518-4394 $47,500 (Sat& Sun 1-5)
2701 Vista Umbrosa (The Bluffs) NB
644-4910 $78,500 (Sal & Sun 1-5:30)
6 Rue Chamonix I Big CanyonJ !\1B
644-4910 5132.500 1Sat & Sun 1-5:30)
32975 Avendia de! Jlosal, San Juan Capo
496-2492 S39.000 !Sat & Sun) * 1848 Com1noclore, Baycrest. l\'B
646·3255 $95.000 !Sun 1-51
223 E. 19th St.. Costa ~·Icsa
645-8400 548-3533 (Sat & Sun 1-41
327 Vista Suerte, Bluffs. l"B
645-722 1 $72,000 (S un 1-/l
2316 Cliff Drive. Nev,rport Beach
645-7221 $87,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2718 Shell (China Cove) CdM
673-2222 1Sat & Sun 1·5)
493 Tia Juana, Laguna Beach
494-9704 $55,000 1Sat & Sun 12-4 1
237 La Jolla, Ne"•port l leights, N13
642-5200 (Sun 1-51
19162 Sierra f\laria (TurtlerockJ Irvine
552-7500 $59,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
124 E. Ave. Trieste, San Clemente
492-2100 $54,500 1Sat & Su n 1-51
3101 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del J\lar
642-0472 :s159.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5 J
3155 1 J.:ast Nine Drive. Laguna r\iguel
493-5768 S46.000 <Sat & Sun 11-6)
1800 Port Stirling (l-IVu l-lomes) NJJ
644-8750 $63.900 (Sat & Sun 1-51
3004 Cresta \Vay. Laguna Beach
646-7171 S69,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
2828 Terry Road, Laguna Beach
67S-<;000 $69.500 (Sun 1·5)
1969 Vista Caudal, Bluffs, NB
67S-<;000 S79,500 (Sun 1-5)
340 Otero, Bluffs. NB
67S-<;OOO $87.500 !Sun I.S I * • 10 Tribute Court (Ne\\'JJ9rl Crest} NB
675-7225 584,500 !Sat & Sun 1·5)
••416 DeSola 1'err. (l·li ghland s) Cdl\.1
673-8550 589.500 (Sun 1·51
8476 El Arroyo. Huntington Beach
847-6011 S28.950 <Sun 1-51
2024 S. Capella Court. C'osta ~lcsa
540·!l321 S48.500 (Sun l·6l
16622 Busby l,ane. ~luntington Beach
842-2535 $44.900 1Sun 1·5)
•-•5 N. La Senda Dr. 3 Arch Bay. So. Lag.
642-2992 $159,000 (Sat & Sun)
228 Knox Street, Costa l\·tesa
548-3209 $42.000 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
1130 Somerset Ln . (\\'estcliff) NH
644-1766 $134,500 1Sun 1-3)
3308 Ocean Blvd .. Corona de! i\lar
673-2222 $174,500 (Sun 1-5)
• • 1645 Bayside Dr., Ne\\rport Beach
644-1766 s.125,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6)
540 Via Lido Saud I Lido Isle) NB
675-012.1 $95.500 (Sun 1-5)
5427 'fremont Ln (Cameo Shores) Cd~1
675-0202 Sl38.000 !Sat & Sun 1-51
2150 Fordhan1 Dr .. College Park. C!I I
646-3928 s.19.500 1Sat & Sun 1·5)
•4191 Sandburg \\'ay, Uni v. Pk., Irvine
515-8424 $62.950 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
29591 Anna !\Ilaria. Laguna Niguel
494 -9704 $63.500 (Sat & Sun 12-4)
• 1-1812 Rattan St .. Irvine
551-4836 $49.900 (Sat & Sun 12-5)
3621 Baylor, Irvine 1
552-8463 $43,500 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
3375 Larkspur, Costa l\lcsa
213-866-7055 $50.950 (Sat & Sun)
2036 C-Ommodore (Baycrest I NB
&l0-1120 868.000 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
17G81 Laurel Tree (Univ. Park) Irvine
552-8696 $59.500 (Sat & Sun 10-5)
1725 Skylark (Baycresl) NB
&l5-3i20 $76.000 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
1305 Skyline Dri ve. Laguna Beach
494-1001 $154.500 (Su n 1-5)
30941 Callo San Feipe, San Juan Capo
492-2100 $38.500 fSal & Sun 1-5)
• • 301 Orchid, Corona dcl l\Iar
644-7211 $96.500 ISat & Sun 1·51
1337 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terrace) NB
673-8.150 !Ga.000 !Sat & Sun 1·51
2501 Ocean Blvd .• Corona de! ~tar
673-8.150 $296.500 (Sun 1·5)
••19 Balboa Coves (Balboa Coves) NB
675-7060 (Sat & Sun 1-5\
1727 Pt . Stirling ff!V Home<\ NB
644·6200 (Sun
4601 Dorchester (Cameo Hlds) CdM
642-8235 $79,900 (Sun 1-51
2200 \\1ind\\'8rd Lane, Back Bay, NB
642-8841 182.000 !Sat & Sun 1-5)
1818 Po1t \Vhcc\cr, JI\' l·lonws. J\'Il
675-6000 $74 ,950 ~Sun 1-5)
1003 Bonnie Doone (Irv. Terr.) ("d~I
675-3000 .ISun 1·51
767 Olympic. Costa .l\Icsa
545-3497 (Sat & Sun 10·5 I
•639 Can1co llighlands Dr .. Cd~I
644-7270 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
• 1100 Sandpiper (H \' llills) Cd'.\I
644-1766 $81Ui00 (Sat & Sun 1-6)
185-t Pt. ficnv¥ick (1-fV I-Jomes) NB
644-1761i $71.000 (S un 1-51
3036 Country ('lub, !ltesa \:crde. ('f\I
546-5990 Ssa.500 1Sun 1-5)
3005 Cleveland. C'osta l\lcsa
557-3S5(1 S36,000
f Sun 2-51
3085 l\lountain \'ie1v Dr .. La gu na Beach
491-8558 868.500 I ~at & Sun 11 -41
• 16751 1i faric Lane, 11unt 111i.;ton Beach
847-8191 $36.500 1Sat & Sun 12-tii
2048 Goldeneye (l\1esa \'crdel ('osta 1ilesn
675--46.10 (Sat & Sun 1-5 )
••415 Bayside Dr .. l\c'4'port Beach
675-3331 $198.000 (Sun 1·5)
2008 Ocean Blvd .. Corona dcl !\far
644-1766 $225,000 (Sa t & Sun 1-5 1
1821 Tahuna Terrace (Irvine Terr.! :\B
673-8550 $133.500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 1
1919 Kauai, Costa l\Icsa
546-5990 (S at & Sun 1·51
•4518 Roxbury (Ca111co Shores) Cd.\I
675-3000 ' ISun 1-5)
••608 \'ia Lido r\orcl. !\·c\1po r1 Beac·h
1544-9060 !Su n 2-j1
2192 1 Seaside. lluntington llcach
893-1351 $59.9;)() tSun l·til
•1512Dolphin1'err (Irvine Terr' \'B
&tl-0200 S98,500 fee ! Sun I ·5 t
11 Carmel Bay Dr .. Spyglass !Jill, Cdf\l
213-430-7571 213-596-1671 !Sat & Sun 12-51
1896 Rhodes Dr .. l\.lesa Verde. C!lt
646-3255 $77,500 !Sat & Sun 1-5)
1221 Pembroke La., \\iestcliff. NB
646-3255 S62,500 !Sat & Sun 1-5 )
507 Playa. i'\ie\\'porl Beach
833-9Q84 $87.500 1Sat & Sun 1.SJ
2005 Bayshore Dr . fBays hore) NB
518-1290 $120.000 (Sun 1-51
*'420 Ki:ngs lld .. ('liffha\·en. :\13
612-5200 $12J.OOO !Sat ~I\: Sun 1·51
128 \'ia Ithaca I Lido I sle) \'8
042-1188 $109.900 •~al & Sun 1-51
14961 Du sk. Irvine
515-0465 $45.950 tS<it & Sun 1-51
969 Dahlia, off Sunflo\l.:er, ~. on f"uchs1n
646-3928 853,500 (Sat & ~un 1-5)
••28Linda Isle (Linda Isle > :\B
644-1766 $275.000 1Sa t & Sun 2·6J
2501 Port \Vhi tby Place, NB
644-9425 !Sat & Sun 10-4 )
1824 Port ~lanleigh Pi., llV Hoines, NB
644-5398 $78,900 !Sat & Sun 1·51
1133 El Camino, l\lesa de! ~Jar, Cl\1
546-4141 $44.900 (Sun 1-5\
2818 Loreto 1 f\lcsa del l\lar) C.\I
-515-0938 S42.500 !Sat & Sun 1·5)
3401 Quiet Co\"e 1 HV llills i ;-..; I~
673-8700 Sl l0.000 !Sun 1-3 1
17-'2 Port f\lanlc1gh lllVu Jlon1esl NH
64+4910 ~70.900 !Sun 1-5 :301
35 Burning 'l'ree J{d fBig Cyn ('.C .) \'B
644-4910 Sl59.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5,:toJ
7 Tn·in Lakes Circ. (Spy~lass ~fill ) Cdf\1
644-4910 $125.000 !Sat & Sun 1-5:301
• •321 East llayfront (Balboa Island ) i\B
644·4910 S265.000 (Sat & Sun 1·5:301
16631 Ross l...anc, Huntington Beach
847-6010 $44 ,250 1Sat & Sun 1-51
512 OeAnza (Corona Highlands) Cd~!
673-8550 $89.500 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
• 1023 Dolphin Terrace. Irvine
673-8550 ISat & Sun 1·5)
2131 Santiago. Baycrest, NB
67S-<;OOO 587.500 1Sal & Sun 1·5)
91911\ladeline, J-luntington Beach
SlG-5990 s.18.500 !Sun 1-51
• 1520 Dorothv Ln (~!arbor lllncls) NB
675-6000 ~79 .950 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
17602 \\'cbster. lr\"inc
646-7;11 1. at & Sun 1-5)
3002 Dorn Ct .. Luguna
646-9711 <Sat & Sun 1-51
2207 \Vincl\vard Lane. Back Bay, NB
642-8841 886.500 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
1528 Kee\ (HV Hills) CdM
675-3000 I Sat & Sun 1-5)
500 I Street (Bal Pcnin) NB
673·7420 $149,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
3901 Park Green (HY Hill s) Cd~!
644-1766 $119,500 (Sa t & Sun 2-6)
3001 Java. Cos ta 1\Jesa
546-2313 868.000 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
12.52 Somerset Ln (\\'estcliff) J\11l
642-8235 !Sun 1·5)
1856 Braemar \\'ay. Ne\\')Jort Beach
642-8235 fSun 1·5)
2057 Comn1odore (Baycrest) i\TB
644-6200 · <Sun 1·5)
3 1'orrey Pines fBig Canyon) ?\TS
644-6200 5155.000 !Sun 1·5)
1430 Galaxy Dr. !Dover Shores) NB
642-8235 ISnn 1·5\
1812 Pt. \Vheeler (11V llon1es) NB
6-12-8235 $78.950 <Sun 1·5)
4276 Sandburg \\'ay (Uni\'. I,ark) Irv
552·7000 !Sun 2·51
1978 Pl. Alban s 1HV Homes) NB
642·8235 $77,900 !Sun 1·5)
2442 Windward Ln. (o!f Tustin) NB
646-3255 (Sun 1-51
•2854 Carlob i!:a>t Bluff\ NB
675-7225 $79,BO<i 1$un 1-51
2352 Rutgers Dr .. Costa 1'1esu
545-1868 $39.900 1Sun t2·G1
3600 Catamaran !11\Tu llill:i1 cdril
675-7225 $81.500 ($Ull 1·51
11574 Quartz. t'ounta1n \1allcy
842-2535 $56,900 1Su11 1-51
1919 Kauai 1?.'lesa Verde ~ ('~I
546-5990 1Sun l·j i
• •90J N. Bayfront IBalbon l sland 1 :'\ll
673-6900 1Sut & Sun 12-51
2006 f't. Provence ~ 1-1\1 llon1es l :'\B
675-3000 <Sat & Sun 1-51
:!O&I Tu stin, r\c'4·port Beach
"46-5602 $66.500 1 Sal & Sun 1
• • 523 \'ia Lido SOud. Xe'' port 13cach
673-6189 (Sun 12-Zi l
8 Oak1nont Lane {Uig ('anron i \I~
614 ·6200 1 Oatly 1·51
26 llern1itagel Lane (Ilig C'anyont \l:J
614-8603 S159 .000 ISa t ~t.:. Sun 1-51
• *2-' llarbor Island f l~arbor l ~I. t :\R
675-6f61 !Sun J-5 1
• 508 Evenjng Star i Oo\·er Shor(::.! :-\0
61-'·1766 S.!85.000 (S un 2·li I
>19 !loyal St. George ltd . 1 llig C:anyon 1 :XI~
6+·1·4910 S295,000 1Sa1 ~t: Sun I-5 ·JO~
1337 t;alaxy Dr .. Do\'er Shore?'. :X l5
t>-15-7221 $2-'9.000 (Sal & Sun 1-.)l
• • l l Linda Isle. Linda lsll'. \'IJ
G45-7221 8219.000 !S;1t ,\ Suri J.j 1
2i80 Reclning Cir f;\f('sa \'errh.•1 ('~I
tH6--7lil I Sat & ~lltl 1.:l 1
IU:l-t Sanclcastll'. ll\'u ~!ill s. ('d.\t
675-lltli.JO $99.500 I Sat ,V...· Su11 1·5f
li'OO llighland . ~t1\\·port Beac h
t.HH-7711 (Sat,'.: Sun 1·5•
• 1724 Port ~lanleigh Cir ... ~e\1·porl Bch .
673·8500 589.500 1Su n 1·61
* •4 1.-inda Isle (Linda J::;le) l\B
642·8235 isun :.!-j1
2084 Tu stin 1\ re .. !\c\1•port Beat'h
6-16·5602 S66.50U I Sun 2·5·30 1
:!8 Hoyal ~I. (jeorge !P.1g f':111yonf '.\""B
6i5·6fJOO 1Sun l·.·1 1
3840 lJcc:in P.1r1·h dl\·u 11 1!1,1 ('d.\I ,,_. -.,.,. u ( ._,., __ .)
1 2~1 \\l'.~t \\':il11ut. <Jrang\·
515-0-165 S14 .500
1Su 11 J.:,
1 Sul \.~ 1
3 BR
2637 \'ista Ornada (Bluff~l i\JJ
675--3535 t Sun .t. .\Ion l·:i l
453 llolero. :\'e ... :port !~eac h
6"6-7ill AS~t ,t.;_ Sun 1-5 /
31-'23 So. r>acific lst. 1-f\•,y =-79. Laguna
642-1188 $89.950 !Sat & Sun 1-51
1741 ·rustin t\\·e . S.D, Costa ~lcsa
6·12-5200 S:~8.500 !Sat&· Sun t-~11
23-'15 El Reposa l:\cv.· \\'orld / I..ag . !!ills
586-2577 s:i0.000 (f)un 1-51
•7 f{uc ~farsei llcs ll~ig C~nyont \·1;
G.i-t-1 J:>:J Sl118.50U 1 Sun l·."1 1
3W Otero t "J'hc IJluffs 1 '\'11
6i~·3000 ~Sat & ~Ull l ·.'"i l
•641 \'ista Bontt.<1 . Uluffs. r\l::
644-7270 867 .iiS !Sill lt: Sun 1·5J
663 \·ista Bonita t'fhe Bluffs) t\B
614-6200 <Sun J .;,!
• •711 Lido Park Or. l.\pl. DI ~·B
64-'·1766 iSun :l·jt
•135 Bolero \Vay (JJark Lido) !\H
675--0123 549,500 1Su rl 1·5 t
835 i\.n1igos \\'ay (J::as tbluff ·rcrr.) \·L~
644·7493 S-19.900 !Sal & Sun lU·:i J
362 \'ista :\ladcra (!'he Cluffsl .\I{
M0-0020 ISnt & Sun 1-j i
402 \·i~ta Ron1a , :\'e\\ port Beach
646·77 11 1Sun l·:i l
83.5 .\n11gos \\'ay f l::astbluff 1·crr 1 :\I:
644-7-'93 S66.500 1Sa1 & Sun 1 0-~1
3 BR + 2 BR + I BR
Cor. \\'arner & Sims (Hunt. 1-larbourl
1213 ) 376-3484 (Sat & Sun 10-5 1
2 BR & t BR
600 Acacia, Corona de! l\lar
300 .Jas1nine, <:orona del :\lar
rsUn l·:i/
6i5-3000 ISun 1·31
505 Acacia, Corona dcl ~far
673-8550 $129.000
3 BR & 2 BR
71 5 Poppy, Corona del J\Jar
1Sun l ·~I
673-8550 (Sal & Sun 1 .. ;1
3 BR& 1 BR
52 1 Iris. Corona del 1\lar .
675-5726 <Sun 1.5,
5 BR & FAM RM + 4 BR
618 Acacia, Corona <lei Alar
67S-<;000 $129.000 !Sat & Sun J.51
3BR&2 -2 BR
353 \Vooclland , off Tustin, Costa l\.Tcsa
646-3255 !Sun !·SJ
3 BR
669 Vista Bonita (Bluffs) NB
&l0-8672 $425 mo. (Sat & Sun 1-5J
• ••
,,,1,111r 1:.-..hnn1n 11 ,, ' , "
,111.1 ,li!l•I•, J.. 1'.11111111 '>
I.II• !l• II /.uu;h I •-' q,
OA!l V PltOT
1002Gener1I R.E . 1002 I
fLl"\•pl.1• • d1n1ni.; 1 •' •1 .•I "-., •
ll\UlO.: 1'•'1\l \\JI)\ fir• pJ .. ,,
'1'1h·d 1•n\1..,, Thi'"• ,
""""" """"'"' "" ""'"'LIVE LIKE ROYALTY
l "1U li lti..(}'lti ON KI NGS ROAD -:i ln1 1:lv ~;1rdl'n p(1ol
'---'"'"'''"'"''.'' .......... "" .. '"' \11\LLI~\'
Rl .. \1.1\
• D<llCI !JO•lnvrnsl
'"'UllC."" ''OC~<<tHO,,<.l <;.;>•11•1.HY
\\lh .M·par..-lt• lit't'' .. tll ~ 11111111' ;ind \1Jlli, 2
lw;•1\r11n111' a nd ,p.1L1ou, 1:u11tl' ru-0 111 .\ \Ct\'
hl•J lll!fUl fll l'Jll I IL'\\ ·:-<Cl' II. . •
171 0 King$ Rd , Cliffh11ven, N.8. Open Sun l·S
1 See The Ocean ! OCE AN & BAY VIEW -:~.1 or .'i l{('t\rci<1rno;
,.~,.,,111 \• 111· '"'"'' ,1, r \I ob. pl11' fJ nHl,1 rnnn1 l'tt1111:-<•d p:.11 10 and h('al('d
111i. "l·•ut bJ.,,~:;11•1 I• •· pun ] llt-.HilllHll y t .ll'J 1C.•ted . dr:ipl'cl <t!UI \1a ll·
th•' 1.o.i1 .. 1.•111111 11 ,1111"' I I I ) f ' p;1pPrC'< .• 01t· ~ HH ll<.' ur rnk1rt:11n11\g St'e 1,,1,, .• .i. '.1fl.1 11 .. •+ 111 11; ••
••rJ 111• t .. ., h \II q\i-, •II 1. lhl ~ 4•1\\' l!JO
, "" 1,.111 11.i~ •p11 11~ 420 King$ Road, N.B. Open Sat/Sun l ·S:
.l:t: I "I';, i'""I! h"li' "•I
1""' ,.,, • '"'"""" ,,,,1 PARKLIKE SURROUNDINGS 1"" l·i-1 1·111·" l' J BEDROOM· CONDOMI NIUM 111 \ll 1·11n1 L: .. ::: ;.;,ll .. n .. : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : in1111111· pnnl ;nHI r·e1·rC':tt 1<1n t l'llll'r . ·rill, li:i ..
1'1110!1,o• ................... JllL"l' pr1\~H 1• p:i!l<i :11ul J'f':.ll IJl't'pl.h.'l'. llC·:idy
'I • JI 1<1 lllot·c l'l:!hl 111. $:tH 50(}
•1 t•l:t"ltll• 1741 Tust in Ave .. t 80, C.M. Sat / Sun l ·S I ' I!• •I .,I
='" ' ~.,,, ... !o ! I ~.'!I
M.111\ '5C * BAYSHORES *
:,•\ I '' I •' .' '
1,,11 t Iii , J..11< 1,. !'
I ' ' I I •I ' 1•i1 ' 1;..
~l"L"! ' 'I' 1 I >!\• "I I Ii•
!·,I'.:• T l.o•d I< I, 1\ II>'
':_ !'1·1\. '•!l·I> I• 1•l • •i
NEWPOR T HEIGHTS -· l~rrinrl tlt\\·, .'I hrd-
ro<11 11 . :.! hath 1:u11 1lv kitvl11111 , !0\1' nl.11tlten·
,1111·1· \.1rd . l11·11 t· i,, .ind '1'1" ."\t'Jr !'l!ff
I Jt .11 ,. ,11 :!"fj I .1 .!oll:t S/1i l.IUO
2J7 La Jolla , N.B. Open Sun 1.S
IMPOS ING CAPE COD lnr t llC' 1.11111 1\' th:1I
ii1·111;11 1d ~ ~1•011 ·1· ,.1 11t ~:I ll 'Pl'l':!tl n u! Ill 1111· Ii
l11·ilru••fl\, 111• \I'll Ill 1hC' l;1nnlv rn11111 ur t'.11
111 !!11 · fnru,:11 d 1111n· .. 11111111 ' f)ff('r1•d .II
:-:1:i:1.1 "111. l1r111• Iii· lti '~'t' 1111r 1H~t11l' ~1!
1520 High lilnd, Newport Set11ch Open Sun J.S
""'' 1·" ,.,,,, 1 ...... , "UNBELIEVABLE "'"' '" ~ .. ,. ,, 12S FEET OF WATER FRONT -4 Rcdroom.:;,
C THOMAS I 111 pr11;ite cnnununity . 1101 h':l !-ot"!hold. Only REALTOR ::1\:).).00() · J[](111 !-fnr ynur n\\·n d('t'Orating .
~~·1 11 1 11., "~ .:'7 \\ aJr., uf t:la :...; 0111•11 lo grl'al pallo f11r vour
;-. •. ,,1 •••' 1:. ,,,, 1 ,, ..• 1 ••. 1. l'l1ll'rl:tin1n,C! plc:i :-urc p1('r ::ind ~l1 1i lnr
.1·1111 r ll'1:11.
Open House '
. 1 NE W LISTING 1 11.,,1· 11• ... 1inr' .111 rl 1n f"'\('f'I · I • • ·' Ii' ~ ,, , 11 l1·n1 "vhu11I d 1•!r i. I ;~ 1:r.lr!u1111 .. ::ind f<1nlJ\\'
1 .. ,, 1, 111n1n I .01 j•I\ • .11 1a·t1ni.: ,111~1 1t r;1 p1'' (':.ill I<•
d· .1 ' ' 'l'l' " ' I "
l1r• l'
' ' "
" ,, Office Open Saturdays & Sundays.
A PETE160~~~.~~JTD r ~~~L TY
~.. 642-5200 [ ~~ lmj ~1',•n,.r .. allllR ... Elilr.--lllil•I0 .. 0211!G .. elllne.rlllaldR•.lllE•. ll!lllJWll002.., 1
EASTBLUFF POOL _ *_ Bolboo Bay Properties *
1·11,_ •. 1, ,1"'1'I''' .• 11d OPEN SAT /SUN 1-5 NEWPORT HEIGHTS
"t~··I' ·1••1.,111. 1•,.111 110 19 Ba lboa Coves. I I I I · l'I'
I I 'I i11 11 ex . ,O\"C y ,l > \ ,111 •• 1 ""i 11 111• '"'' \\'atcrlront \\ ... 11p. :1 ,!;,;.
, .. ,.1 1.111. l 1 .. ·11• "· l)l·n .J)1111ctOllt:rfcct1nn' O\\llcr ·~ u111t ;~ llR: ~ .• in.I. t.••••11 l•11111T r<•nla!. l\l·~1 loc. o,,·ner 1:••1111 .ir•I 1(1• 1 I'· Ill .\lay trade f1 )1' lllCIHlH.'.
!tl!•d l•I \"""+··· ( ,U:->\llJ .:)oO.li75·i0fiO . ;:·1 \iou .-,!'iR!l .~>00 \H:!-i-191
:1 J:ll :!l: IJ<H fl,
\, .. lJ l)1;.1l1ll· 111,1 11
I 111\ l' Ii~ 1111~ nt:a l dt1·
p!1,:\ :~11 :~-Ith ~l.. ;..: 1; t
~ldke ofler_ ~l ay trade.
.\:-kill~ S7~.:i00 . lli:i-7420.1
'11 "1' 11' 1 1111•. 1 Genera l R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 I ~ •fr• • "", 'I 1J\ 111:: "' 11 Io \1111" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~ 111! !i"l! lfl o'l\I .. t
I'"''" r ~ 11 1· ,111 ,,,.,.1,1",
1 ~· 1•1 r... I I •f•P r I '
f !\\t,.·1' ! t~ l•"I ·t•I I
Sea wa rd
Bachelo r Pa d
Open House
I . " . 'I 'I
'/· '' !• I
h<> "I 'I •
,.. •\' I .J
,, ' 'I I! .• I I
;11-. • ·' !• 1 , • Pl • " 11
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I J1 : ~1
f I/~ 11 .... d, ,...,,
J ' IM.111\ I ' , v:c
I ,;_!I i t -I ! ;, • 11 ••
;ind ,1 .! l !i dn ..
1 ~·.<I'' ,,:.j l1•r 1lt •I •Ii ,1
:11·· .o .! I " ' ,,.,. 1·~111 , I
,1 .. 111 11 ol •ll.;I ... ll < •• l'l II"
I 1lu·· I ' ,,... ' 111 r:. •I
I (';1q,r•I, I:• ,oll••r .. •ft .. 'ol',.lO.
(' ~,,.., "li: :"':
l11•rlri.r :n IP-nn•' 1\ 1!!1 'II"" r ! ],it"\!•' :0:1r.J '°""ly fl•l•U h·rl
1nhr"or f'.,uti!r..,-11\tn•· 11!
I It' h•'' .. 111 I;\ l'w .111. )(
f u n1 F ull Qi:nrk ~.u (.'l
• 2211 Newport Bl. , Co~to MC\.tl
F.D 1 646-8811
Rlflbl.f. Sun/Eves.
61S·IOl 8
~1111\h (I! 1!1(• l1 \\ \ .. fJll 1111'(•]\ JlC'"<Hlia
F1111(" pr1,·:iir pai111'-. :\lriv<'-i111 ·11~d1!1011
,..;7~ :iOll -!'\LL '/jl ~LI·;
~ Orange Coast Q: I
2600 [.Coa st Hwy .. Co rona del Mar
REAL ESTATE 64 4·4848
~ -
\11 uut :-.l<iruling \\ ute1 fr r111t propl'r\)'.
1;cdroon1 hon1c 011 l'Xlr<• l<1rge lot 111th
<lppro.x 100' '>11 I he 11 ntcl' I nl·ludc.;; 1;,.i4
IJo<.tl d1K·k '' 11!1 rnorn In i111 ·1·ca ~c length
1n 40'~100 ' \l hflr la gc arcrt 1:caut1ful poti[
111th large deck. full y g la~s enclosed on
\\Il ler ,,J<le. S11·cep1ng oce;'ln 1·1c\Y fron1
mas1cr bedrm tnid hHl<·nny. Supe rb corn-
er location. 1\11 opport11r111v to l'l\\'n a horne
lhrlt c<in11nt he duplicn tcd. $175.QOO.
I.ends Charin 10 th is custn111 1ratcrtront
ho1ne 11·ith ninny c1elu xc features. fnclude s
a private 40 ' hoat dork and pool \vilh full
equ1pn1ent. 1 Jledroom~. 4 br11hs. Sl69.000.
Offer unique advantage:;; to th is 4 hed-
roo1n \raterfronl hornc. !~land location
on a <1uif.'t cul·dc-~ac street. Large pri\·atc
patio. 1\·1de ,·1e\1· bal1;t1n1t.!1't .. <\n · cxcep-
tinna\ \'aluc at S l ~.i,900.
Huntington Harbour Realty
4241 Wo!!rner Ave., H.B. 846-0641
-• -
GWr1I R.E.
• ** ** ** Heritage Collection
AREA -5 Bedrootn, huge family roon1 ¥.'ith REALTOR fireplace and terraizo floors. Formal dining
rootn, sunken living room, heated S\Vimmlng
pool , separate 3rd car garage or shop in
CAMEO HI GHLANDS -see I his corner loca-
tion, 3 bedroom, fo1nily room home. lllghly
upgraded. enjoy my placid pool or use a ·
private beach. Be first to see this fine home.
639 Cameo Highl1nd• Dr. Open Sat/Sun.
I'm new on the market. J'm large & luxurious
AUNA. See 111y ne\\' ca r1>et.s and drapes and
the fresh green astro turf on 1ny patio $6'7,775
641 Vista Bonita . . . ... Open Sat/Sun 1.s
I'm a new listing and won 't Jast! I'm beauti·
fully upgraded and in move·in condition. See
my 4 large bedrooms, dining room and fam·
iJy room. Enjoy n1y 2 patios. Hurry, I'm an·
xious. Buy mc-$52.900.
CALL 644· 7270
' 2828 E. Co11t Highway, Corona del Mar
rear yard, ldeaJ for the executive family that
\Vants something extra or needs entertain-
ment space. Cal f 540-1151
HOME PLUS INCOME -for under $100,000.
Balboa's sharpest 2 bedroo1 n ho1ne + 1 bed·
room npartment. Like nC\\' in side and out.
Extensively remodeled with quality material
& workmanship last year. Tastcfu.IJy deco--
rated and great location. T\\'o blocks to beach
and steps to shopping. Just li iited, \Von't last,
call now, 546-5880.
-\Ve have the ho1ne for her no,v. Prestige
location on Seville Ave. neor ocean and bay
and tennis club. 5 l~ed roo1ns, 3'h bath, family
roo1n. TV room, Hilliard room and wet bar.
$114,~. Call for appoinlmcnl . 540-1151 .
IN TOWN LIVING \1•ith real country atmos-
phere. Good 3 bedroom hon1e on large 135'
deep lot. Close to Ne\vport l~ack Bay. Hard·
,~·ood floors . Double garage and screened
patio. Priced on ly $32.500 \Vith assumable
6o/.l % loan, payable $185 per n10. including
everything. Call for complete details 546-SOO
1002 'General R.E.
in and relax in U1is beautiful 3 bedroom home
with tropical plants and greenery cvery-
1002 where. Complete \Yith sprinklers, BBQ , lovely
FAMILY HOME I lanai. Garage door opener and rots of extras.
COUNTRY CLUB can us today at 540-1151 -and see it soon'!
~ Sq. r·1. on large \01.
Room for honl!l--lral!er. Thi~
high quallry 4 bf:droo111
l'ofedallion home has. 111! the
pluses to make family living
at its greate11t. !Acnled on
cuJ~e-sac only S 4 8, 5 O O.
Hurry call Red CllTPfl
Realtors S.16-86Kl.
Th~·~~!~~'"~!'!,~'~'""' I N~:J~R ~t?x~~~S M~ ~ quality built \\.'llllln golfing range of · · ' d ood l\le!la Venle country Club. family home \\'Ith shake roof. har \I!
\V1· oUc.r, lor )'our floors and plaster \Valls. Huge added 12'x24'
inspeclion, 2300 ~11Rrc ff'f't bonus room complete wil h large stone fi re·
o.r d~HgJ11ful . s111gl~ le"~:! place, paneling and real bea1n ceilings. Beau·
hvtr;g placed in a. proud I tifuJ !ront kitchen with ne\v double oven. 5 ne1ghborhood . By .
appoinlinent can 5--16-2313. burner range and dishwasher. Great Costa
h'lesa location-\Valk to everything'.! CALL
546-5880, ' , "' v '' I
l{I \I.I\ . ' '.
~ ... . ' ' '" ' .. .
Lido ltl• -.. $78,500. $34,950 I
Super sharp 2br. 2ba, bllns. AnyonP can ns1rume this VA
lireplace, Jrg living roon1., 6~ loan. i190.04 Tola.I
prof. dee. Seller has bought rnonlhly payn1ent. Cnll Rny
tinother home. Ptice<'I to !!I'll Gault, 56-3497.
tut. Call PREST I G E 4 BR. + ~para le room +
HOJ\.!ES for Info. 645-6646. formal dlni~ + comer lot,
QUIET -away from the 1nad rush · and only
minutes from the financial center in Santa
Ana, the shops, stores, free\vays and markets
Just the 2 of you v.•ith a breathtaking view of
the city. Elevator service. subterranean gar·
age, air conditioning, dream kitchen, 2 car·
peled balcony/palios. Priced at only $77,500.
CALL 540-1151 for appointment to see!
COltfMERCIA L bldg. :?COO' + ~t g~le. 2 ~tory. Al $44,:.fiO Ir------------------..,
2 BR. 11.pt. unlt. Ideal for '' v.·on I last. Ca.II S.17-«110. I
your blL"inrss. Tola\ pri<'.I! -"""'=· ~-~~~==
$5.1,00J. Call now . 817....QJlO. i Cb1uified Ad? CR\I 642-5678 l
A<!-I ='""="""''-7~~--~= General R.E. 1002 Gener~I R.E. 1002
A small price
1D move into a
(General R.E. 1002 General R.E.
For Purchase or Lease
Information Ca ll
MARGARET CONNERS 714-673-SHO I 2525 Ocean B~vd., Corona del Mar
$2995 Down-Move In
Delightful contemporary 3 bdrm., 2 bath
townhouse "'ith central air.conditioning. Cus·
tom drapes thruout. Plush carpeting. Bu.Ht·
ins, diSh\vasher. Patio. Near the pool. 2--years
old . Coll 541H120.
Harbor View 4 Bedroom
~'ee land. Ideal home for entertaining. Llrge
floor plan \\rith 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Family
room & fireplace. Dining room, dream kit·
rhcn. Covered palio. Oodles of lush greenery.
$75.900. Oall 644-8750.
Mesa Verde Executive
1-'abulous 2·slory on a pool-sized lot. Features
4 bedrooms, 3 baths. 2500 sq. ft. Family
room, dining rm ., chef's kitchen. f.1assive fire-
place. Big ma ster suite "'ith dressing room.
f'athedral ceiling. 3-car garage. $67 ,500. Call
Utmost in Luxury
Sensational executive 4 bedroom 2 bath
home wilh extensive use of view wlndo\VS &
rich wood accents. Cathedral ceiling. Forma l
dining room. Family room . fireplace. Gour·
met kitchen. Sectioned off for a pool. 1 year
old. $53,500. Call 540· 1720.
All The Room You'll Need
Is in this big 5 bedroom home with den &
family room! I-las :J baths. Fireplace. Com·
pletely modern kitchen. Intercom system.
l-fuge pool with heater & lots of cleckjng. Out-
side lighling. Boal gale. $63,000. Call
Care-free Extras-$3130 Down
Very attractive 2 bedroom, 2 bath to\vn-
house v.•ith carpels & drapes. Built·ins, dish·
\Vasher. r~A heat. Patio. pool & rec area.
Grass yarcl . 1 lh yrs. old. r~ull price, $31.300.
In \Valnut Sc1uare. Call 644·8750.
End Will, 3 bdnn. & Cam. nn., for. dlo., z~
ba. Completely custom decoraUtd. FobulOUJ
wrap-around patio. Nothing to compare with
this beauty!
(Vitt• del Oro to Vl1t11 Umbrou)
A spect. vu . of bay & ml. Nearly new 3 BR.,
21;" ba. Owner trans.
426 VISTA PARADA (off Vl1t1 cltl Oro l
_G_•_no_r1_1_R_._E_. ___ 1_002_ j Gener.ii R-:E.
Will Exchange : COSTA MESA
I -T Just listed, a top n\Oney rv1ne errac• n1ak( r In an ('X(.'(!llffnt Y,'('!11·
Do )'OU ha\•(' romrntrci:l!. iilde lnc1Hlon. AU :1 BR un.Jts
!ndwiuial. or reA1dt'nt u1l Mcking to " i.,'till 1.."0W"11e.
income propeny? 0v.1l<'r $005 monthly incomo could
111~ to txchange lor an e\'t'n be more. Only $61.~iOO.
cl<"i:ant 4 hOOroom hnnu• CALL 644 7211 with lahWoo.• hru"bo' u~I ·· •
OC<'an viev.•. i1ti1 home 11·\ll
satisfy the mol'l
d I 11 c rm In at l n g buyer.
l)ramatic i;;unken I iv i n $:
room. highligh1ed w i 1 h ~NIGEL
el~t 11,1'1i!e terr 11 :t z o, B.ilbo. Coves Sf>cluded pool in a ~n 1005
lncloor-ootdoor entertain!ni;::. . T . almospbere. Pl"'fft'Cl! for I WA ER FRONT
Bca.ut., spaclou.t Oce-an Bl'Vd.
borne with tp61'kllng ,1e:w of
.i.u1 A ocean! 3 &lmia..
dtn, formal d!n. rm .•
I ••11uoom, 2 """· PUIS
A guest boulO )'OU v.-on't
J Mlle\'e! Ont! yr. new,
11\'/f'ull bath .It R.ornnn h1b. A
mUJt itee!I
\\'ith a dramntlc 180 dez.
plull ocean vie\\'. a
beftutifully decon.ted J BR
& Den or 4 BR custom bull!
home "ith huge game room,
format dini:ig, and luxurioua
master sultf". Out11lde is t!X·
1enslve .. aUo deck 111 , bl&
IJ'ees and a Koi pond. All al
the end of a qui e t
A top value 11.t
Call 6#7'1ll
,\n exqui.4'iste custom honir f'._;i\'<tlc beach, bout i;hp.
and you 0\\1\ lhc land. Call ~BR, 2BA. ~o. ~ Balboa
now for a pri\'n\e s00\\1ng. I Coves. OP.EN SUN. 2-5 prn.
o.3-85JO I 842-J4J8 ~ ~i' "' '""'°."' ""'''~: c~~:~ ;.~~rR R~;:;2 ~
• . TAhvoc,. a~osht on ~as~i~? j OPEN ~UN. 1-~
_ 11 s n~ .. l p1uuur1ng 521 IRIS
trees \l'ith 2 income units .
Carefree Living
\.hrov.'TI in on the deal. South Sharp corner uni!, \\1lh 3
sicJe of 1-twy, Attractive l:l lxlrms., 2 ba. front plus n.Jee
yr. old duple:< 11·!1h double 1-bdnn. garage apt. Prioed
carport. \Yalking di<;lance of to sell at ~.500.
Shafl>, 4 bedroom Spanish 13ig Corona. Only ~,CXXI. DUPLEX ~1Yll! Green Va.llry Condo Qntu !·&Inn. each unil ; good loc.,
located just across 1hl' goorl s1nrtcr lor $62,500.
slrl'cl from l\tlLF.: SQUAH.E 111 I Both rented. ~Jf course •"'-ooun1ry clull. 'Tl21 Scenic Properties
This secluded bome is I ~ * 67S-5726 *
locatNI on a lal'g1! green · ~ I I '---'0...----""---
bclt, 1\'i; close lO pools and I Cd:\! Duplex. 2 BR. l ha, 1
cl uhhoulll' and repf'l"sents 1 BURR \\/HITE R~LTOR BR. l ba. By owner, S92,000.
ttu• utnto:.1. in CAREFREE 12001 NE\YPORT, N PT BCH Terms flVail. UJ\•ely patk>.
LIV ING. Formal dining, 1 * 6T:>-46.'rl * So. ()f Hv.-y, Prine. only.
<"Oty fin-place, garden 1 6Ta-3616. lr------------------.1 k11chrn. priv11tc pallo, 2 rar See It! • Buy It! ~2:.,Bo:R;;c.::.t_ba-.-.-,,~R-.2~10-1.-I Costa Mesa Newport Beach enclosed gara$:e, 21 ~ ~!IL~ 514 Dahlia Ave. O\\·ner n1ay carry.
-ss Harbo' Blvd. 600 N I Ct D All 11.rld up to !he best in N•··· n .. plcx Bkr, 675--0062 1.7 P • r . r. Jh·ing con1tort. ASSUl\fE .. '-"' j 540-1720 . 644-8750 '11A UlAN. $36,500. 0 'BR, 2 BA Ut. Unit. Coot• Me.. 1024
General R. E. 1002 Gener1I R.E. 1002
Beautiful 3 bedroom, family room hon1e,
se\ving room, 2 1,~ baths. Neat trellised patio.
Lots of trees provide a secluded country at·
mospbere. Prestige location. Freshly painted
and new carpets. Move-in condition. Super
value price. $68,000.
pen Sat & Sun 1-5:30
$1 23,00)
\\'e think this i11 one of the
best buys Jn H duplex: sharp
1 bdrn1. honie v.·ith l~ HARBOR VIEW baths. frpl c., + nevo· 2
Spnck>us 5 lxlrm. upi;traded bdrm. unit \\1th deluxe
home. in ininf rondi!ion! Icatul'f's. Ch1:ner's an.'flous
Ext111s too nun1erou\I 10 •.. take A look~
1ncn1ion -come i;cr? $95,500 I MORGAN REAL TY
-Jric tuding !he lan<l. 67~2 675-6459
Call : 6i3-:lfi6:1 ~715 / IRIS Waterfront Duplex 415-415V1 ~ Bdrms. each: pier & float. 1 OPEN DAILY 1-4
On coMK'r lot; g 0 od Enjoy first users lAX break.
OPF.N for ins~ctlon Sat &
Sun 1·5, Lovely flllllily tvlme at 228 Knox St. or
call 548-3209 anytim<'.
c;re<·nbrook tract, 4
bedrooms, 2 bath, F'R, DR.
17:dl Rl"C ITTL. 1VC, gllJ'
door opener. Aa8umable
loan. O\\'C 2nd.
RR Carpet, R•altors
833-3380 location. $149,000. 3 bdrm. homt', lgc. 2 bdrm.
Ca.JI 61l-366.1 9-rn-4190 uni!; 4 car garage. I •"'"""'"""'""'""'""'""'"""I Exceptional 11uality
lOl~ W 8olb<'o 671 llot.J
University Re•lty
3001 E. Cst. Jtwy 673-9.110
Garden settJng aUITOunds
l\IINJ FARr-1 11·lth 2BR
honic. Lot 50'x290'. 322 Ogle
St. Open &It /Sun l.S.
$.W,00). Ca.II 5:18-3209
A rare gem for the area. A LEGAL triplex,
\veil located on T\VO R·2 lots near shopping
and the beach. Xlnt. potential for expansion
or a good investment as currently situated.
$99,500. i"'"'"'!!'!!!~!"'~~"!""'"" I thls attr. decor. 3 bdrm.,
STREAK To fam. rm., 2 bath hom•. >ti*~ CORONA DEL MAR
Custon1 built l\\'O bedroom and den home. 45'
R-2 lot, 11'2 blocks fro111 ocean. May be ex·
panded to duplex in full compliance with
current codes. Duplex addition could pro.
vi dc superb ocean and harbor view. $99.500.
Private beaches. $86,500
J · true' Clo t bea h 3333 E. C.oasl Hwy., Cd~l lam·nn, bit-ins, fed yd, fruit ~~ta! price 129"',100~ Crea~ 2 REAL TOR 67.S..2373 1 tree!!, nr Schls & Shoppin&. I On CUI de sac. nr Fairview story home. Large living ~
arellS v.·ith crackling brick CHAR.~tlNG 2 BR & Den ~rn:8!~~il. t3:;~· H~; fireplace. Brick pa Ii o . 1 plus $.."25/mo inc. on spe. 2 C . I -· s•= I L. 11 · 1 ·-So I p.m.·5 p.m. Sunday. 30Cfi 640 1120 ommunity poo · ••.r ..;....u , .. ,iise on .,_ 0~ · ° Cle\-°cland, 5a7·3850 Stev.·art
-=:r1tC:."1r~~· 8E NICE' I ~.1~?.· REALTY fi#.8616 Principals only.
1303 AVOCADO DR., NEWPORT CENTER ~~· ,·· [I -----* C2~~DOM21Nb1UM * l"'l~""'~~""'""'~~~...,~~~...,...,~~I CAMEO SHORES • uunns., nths General R.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 'I :1BDR.\1, den. J C"ar gar. Si~gle·Story 1------·---'--'--C-...:C-'--'--'----pool, spec!. OC"Can ,'le\l.·. Choice IOC'l!.llon
I SI"?R 000 67;,...mQ2 $37,500 * LUXURY WATERFRONT CONDO'S *
I I-lave 2 of the l\1o!'t Beautiful \Vaterl'ront
l'ondominiun1s in Ne,\•port.
-Loca ted in Corona del Mar-
Custom 11,·aterfront !(J( In
11rime location. App\'O\•ed
ph1ns avail. for ins p .
1 • Att~ntion Builders . RIVIERA REALTY
'"1'1X120' lot. F:x1sUrt:' 2 Br. ! -* 642·7007 *
Bn house-, So. of itv.·y. Ap;, * MESA WOOD *
provt•d plans for addition, ; , For salC! by O\\'l\('r, 8mo old
huilt · Pl<"nty of profit: 1lC\\' home, I..' om p J ct e J y
Si·1.300. 673-J65R 0\\'flrr la11d.~1.:apcd & rcnc:c1l. Owner
DUPLE.'\. Olanning 2 BR & trans!('rred, 4BR, 3BA. fam
I BR, Jge. unit available. rm v.•/v.·et bar. big yard.
f I I h ·nt Comr to see to appreciate 3 + fRmily room + pool. rp c, res pru , corner ~~,. .v.n, 1•. 1 !oc. 600 Acacia. Open Sun I it. 3278 Turlock Dr, S.W.9789.
.. ""·"·""· Int" commun ly B MESA DEL MAR f11cllit!e!I. \Valk 10 ,gull to 5. Y OV.'nl.'r 'General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002
I :;;_;;;;_;;;;_,_;;;_;::_;;; __ ;:;;_;;;;_;;;-._.;;-;;:; __ ;;;_:;:_;;:;_;:;;_:;:_;;;_;;;1
Italian 1narble entry. \'an Luit wallpapers.
Kitchen has everything. including electronic
range. Bathrooms con1pletely remodeled
\Vitit Italian marble mirrors & crystal light
fixtures. Dining rocun has mirrors & Strass
crystal chandaliers. Beautiful beam ceilings
couNe. Call 847-«110 to see. 1 Oas.~ified Ad! Call 00-5678 By Ov.·ncr, lovely 4 BR. 2 ha
Agt. today! + fK'p. fam rm & dinfna
rm, patio, nice yd. Only S-12.500. 5-15-0038.
Make an almost immedia la move. Newport Crest
is the excilin g townhome community that
overlooks Newport Harbor and the ocean. Bi~.
bold spacious homes. Residents' Swim and Tennis
Center. Exterior maintenance provided. Come-
Jel us show you how you can't a llord not to /Ive a l
Newport C rest, 2-3-4 bedroom residences Xew:m $83,000•• $93,000.
From P•eiflc Cout Highway
•rid Superior Av•nu•
lntersection, drlv• up
Superior to N1.Np0r1 Cte•I
entr•l'lt'e. Sile offlc.: .itt2 Aobon Court. Open
daUy IOA.M. lo Sunset
{71•1 M5-&1•1.
•11.;511io CO!Mlnfion•l l•n111t•ll9 ol 30 yell• 1o1n C.111 poc• of
Pl•" 1, $63.000: IOllt aown P~I ot S31~00; 3eO motltllt,' ~yt1'18111t ol Mt5 81 iPllflC•NI 1111d tntf'l'•lll: 18ll!I Incl H10-
' tl1Uon .... lcldmon111. i ~5'1fi ANNUAL , ... CI JfTAOI MTI.
N,.,,.., c ... t +• • ''°IK' ol "''I"' ,. c ' life Q-~ It. G•IWlt Co<llO'•ll"'-G-•t Coool•alOt. • . ---. -
"''" llllllied "' """ tl'ld ...... t'°" ,, ·~· 1-.tt: ~~·-P!'•t• of f!'H! PIQll'ot to W!licll ... 11 bll Wotd •"T •M•tM>fltl cll•fll•J to1 !GI in• ,,,.1.,.._1 o-o,i~ l!f"'I 11 Otdf!90 Ill' lwy., f'W ll•!t.•, P ... 1fle H 0,
Inc. '"..,,.. !NI 119111 10 *""""' ptiqt. ~f\11\f"'t trod blllkll"O Dl ... 1
Md tOIK#<Cfll*" lf'llllOIM llCllOI, ·--~~
Former Model Home-Split Level
2 BR., 2 baths,-$46,500!!
:2414 Vista del Oro
I &st
Newport Beach
64 .. 1133 An ytime
in living roon1. Large balcony. .
Pool . Jacuzzi, l\farina, Security Guard.
$130,000 and $140,000
Buy From Owner/ Agent, 67S-3535
G.,,.ral R.E.
AN z.t· Hid
in COi()
homo o blhS ,,.
hd,..'rl n
Jlv rm
kit eh
lg/brkl r· 10 w
for onl
3300 Sq.
~ tinnily
rootn o
batM, •
OP<J< "'
""' roo in this 4
room I
Frplc. A
1614 00
beau I
2932 R
BA. !pl
Sine• 1
Aftc.r 6
:1·1 BR
lot. x
S~lld~y. Al>f'il 26, lq74 OlillY PILOT 0 '7
~·:;•;;;;;;;;o;;;n;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;O;l:::6;;;;;D:••;•;;;;•;l:n:t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;0;16;/::H~u:!:n:'.:ti~n!gt:o~n:B:"~'~l!.!040~ I Irvine 1044 1 L•guni Beach 10..8 \ :L;•;9;";"';;;;N;lg;:u;•:I ;;;:;;;10:5;2;L;•;g;un:•;;;;N:lg;u;•:I ;;;;;;;;10;S;l;-
:N;;•;;w:;po;;;'';-B;;•;:•;;<;;h:;;;;;10;6;:9;N;;•:w;po;;r;t ~B~••~c:h;;;:;;1~09;6~-1 3 BR's RENT ME ! I THE BIG G UYS I" ------------
Seldom found oceanfront 3 BR. FANTASTIC
OCEAN VIEW! Huge flreplace, beamed ceJI.
mgs , large lot plus secluded guest cottage.
A rare opportuni ly al $169,500 .. , Owner will
finance at extrc1nely attractive terms.
REALTORS 615·1080
$36,000 Bou. or "',,. ,.,.11.i>1e .,. A R E AT GOLF CLUB CONDOMINIUM BEST BUY PORTOFINO
Lo\Tly 3 bedroom, 1-. bntht lmrnedia.tl' OC(_'\Jpancy, A MISSION REAL TY * * IN HARBOR VIEW * * plus family roc;1m . ~Ina l bedroom hon~ 1-UGli UP ANI> LO\\' PRICE SLASHED FROM $48,900 t o $4S,900
Fittplare, dtnlni ro1.11n, in Un!vC'f';lty Paric "'i1h 00\\'N: lllgi!. up on rM I Qy.rner moved and \'erv anxious. 3 Big bed· bit-ins. f'A h " at 1 n R, ~-.J in atriuin. douhl.-Ri~ with • vtE\I.' Ot" roon1s. 2 full baths. 2 sho1t1i·ers. air condition· i·pt~/drp8. Larve ~nclOM'd linla In ktt~n and 00~. ·nlE OCEAN ti.-low. CM·rwr I r~ilio ('lln bf'~ L!I "pmt' ttnt£od winduoY.11. Lfl•=' nf "ill take a LOWER os. ed. Super sharp, vacant and read y for occu· roo111 • Net1r lil.:hoolJi: And i;1n~ nrvl" durk nJOm µi PYt.rr~ on thill 2 BDR.\!.. 2 pancy. Right on the golf course. upper unit, ~tv:ipping. JU!I 1 m.l\I' f\"on1 the 1~. 8tll'\ mJrron'CI liATI-i HO~IE. uv rm. Ms C'lo~e to clubhouse and tennis cou rt!. tiny
Ill<' brncti. A58umnhlf' 7,.; r•u. lor '-'-'«> 1\.~t} 11 beamed ecUln2':i k S\l·t"Cl1sh ocean vie\.\'. Shag carpets, drapt"S, elec. hltn~ .. UI l•'.1.Ul, 11&11 Vrtlley·• <'O'Y 2 IJo1.-drwrn modt.~I \n fiN·plaf'f'. Built-In klt~·ht.•n. i;.oft \\•ater. PLEASE -!'-:0 BROKERS AT
t•,clus1\le <>Tlf' Y"~r ~l'Vll~ PoPUlar W•lnU1 S.:1tu1.n' with PRJCU> nt S.ll.500. "'u't'.t/\t)I. Call no11,· tu K'C. :t. ll~ neoil' t.-ondluon. lua of TlllS PRICF.. OPEN 1-IOUSE SAT1 SlTN. 12·6 .
!ltn-lS-ll •·lol!c-14 and re C" r f'll.11 ofi BIG TillNC: 11.r.! a u1c; 31558 \\1cst·9 .\gent 833-9081; 494·0794
ONLY $84,500. F••. For M•gn lficent Home
1-'ormaJ living roo1n, (or1nal dining room,
large kitchen \v /breakfa~t roorn , large lam·
Uy room, 311",, Baths. Lafge master plus 3
Bedroo1i1s. I Bit is ~eparate gues t house
across pnvate courtynrd. All drapes, carpet,
landscape and sprink lers,
<'ALL FOR APi'OiNT~IENT 640-8408
OPEN SUN 1·5 PM. 1857 Por t Renwick, NB
ntarby. Only fJ..M}. QIJI VlF:\\' l)F Tiit.: VILJ..AGE:
6Tri2'li. ~.11 ~.~ ~E11~,~ ~~ """"""""""""""""""""~~~1~~~~~~~-1~~~:::~·~·~11;~:N:o;;;~;;;:~~':-:;;';:-;;,-:h:_:_;~;-~06:-;;-;N;:-;;"":po:-;-;~,~;.:-;';;;;h-::-:-:;;1;;;9~-1 lbls •prnwlin}:'., multl·l"'-'f!I. L1gun1 Beach 1048 : Laguna N19u•I 1052
. ~ . "" ...... ' .... '
I{ I \ I I \
. . . ' .. ' .. -
\'\IJ ,E\. 4 BDR.\t. H0~1E. RIG WV. ---1
0.1. u... 02 H t' I B h 1040 Built In kttchen. Wf\\' Scn!13tional. lance i'Ql<mtnl: I ''•ST•.-:,,.,"'.. ....... '.' /1011 ..J4·011je .J1i 11. -1 4 1 un 1ng on 11c carpetl & drnpn 11\.n.1-out. ront~nirJOr:u"Y lcatures & ,.__,, _,, 1----------RUST 1 C RA ]'.t n L. E It , r.tany t"lltl'R.>1 lncL piny coovmh·t"'*" w 1 ui a Al~ arvonct Uir 1:1Jlf t'IJ\lnw' .
SWIM POOL Price Reduced 1
0?, r~~oA 7P"R00FF..".\~t1'0~. '.'1.!1~ hl'ltl~. It's all )'Oltrs for i"h.11rm1rijt, olct worltl ('t)Untrv J ~111~"'10,"· .. r. c2 k ~A~d.~:!1• 41 5 BAYSIDE DRIVE
•UI• I~'"'._ ... ,u ... ,,J'••• ·~ ... ~· RI . \LI'
'"' I'• L' ' ..... ~··· .. ,, ···~ .. ~·~·
AND PRIVACY $ r~ " • s.l9.!LO. ll-eilng. UM'd brick, phuik .urn 1111111:11 0 114".. .n,,...y 2,400. ,\'IliLl'..IE. On I y lmt" Lovely Grffnbelt nni., high bt>s1.1)i eel!'"· J i.:oH, 1crin11t & hc·n ch . . Htd POOL. pll.lf ('xlra ?!' 2 Bd p I or lcht>or nnd !nail~ u/ \ L t i Tiit--: RIC o:--1':: !';pl\t'toJU.'C Hdmu1' ·I h.alh.'(, fan11ly Red Car.,.t, Reahors Exqui.~itc ba~ rrtnlt h11n)t'. ri":itur1ng 4 bdrtn~ .•
GUEST HSE/REX:' R.\f M'I rm. + 00 p1·1~l1C)! 0\0\'r p;IU'(I n1rs.. ' oc• )on rustir !<.lyll'rl hrirnfi. C"Xlf'ri(lf' ''"·· , .... ""''·. ,, .... fl,.!.'~. 497-1761 -1 1 ~ b:ilh,,, 1Jc:iut1l u! e:ardcn (•/\tl'y. :..auna,
in colorful w ll 11 c d -t n $22 600 i• \'rtn1ty b.'tths, ;\l1\;\l;\IOTll in 1,;n\WNi11Y I k1'k Rrt.·:i. 3 of .,.,'OCKI plnnk, ut>M l>rirk I.: ... ~ '~ • " ' d I' · · I · I d privacy. With M 0 D F: I. I f',\R~t STYLE KITC"ll .. :~ I l!R. :! llA tiomt> ,(, Ian\ nn. v.~I !thakt"'. ~\\Vl.r:-a; $.!lCto.""P EN SUN 1 • -----('07.y en. rl\'31<' p1rr I \al \\"II :tCCO!TIO ate
home of 3 bdnns .. 2 nllil'blt> Yr1111·an riay t'.!(~l(J rnoN> 1hal'I \\'fnl 1~u~1PU~ AH!-:.\ lhllhly u11~·Tacit'd. II u ~e 3 HOR~!. + Dt::'ll _.. 1''A,\t. . ... • 2!1.°i!ll Arum :\111.rl&. 3DR I.I 50 ft. boat. Offered at Sl98.000.
bths ""'sUenl·flU~h tollf'I.~. lhL'; fCJr II nt'\li' unil or )"ClU Has cvtry IAll'st hxlure lll· b r I (' k p A I !\)' I ov.· P .. \f .. &f't'\ic-r.1 I~ 2'2 h.11!1.>1. I 32621 ADRIAT IC flpo•n h•J\IM' Ni! Sun 12·-l P\I w ·11·
Expens/shag CJJUI on· finr' "an huy my upv.ntricrt unit cldc (_"('run1ic tile roontm.1 1nalntl'nllJk_-e yMI. ~ lhlj: U>t;11M 00 ll.'t'. 1o1 .,.,.11h on l.aKUno N1i:iu·I. 1 Bdtrn1 . 3 51\.'.s:,:"'1. •'c11,· eu1t1n. hint'. I tam Winton Real Estate
hd-..i:I nor11. Be3cut. 21" ~~r for S2.0IX> brio....· reptnccn1en1 apd br1·11kf.ast bar. l..if\!t' u .. I )'l'>O"ll huy it for 362.!lOO. Oln'STA.llJT'llNC; o CE AN ' l.i;111i~: 1,1rn1:1l rlinui.: rm., ""11111 '1"""·· Xlnt lot·. 229 MA RINE, B LBOA ISLAND .675-3331
liv rm w/fr,itc. :\10drnl co.st r»or I" 11 n dry, ..:rackhn.: °'!I ~;'.! VTE\V. 31 F\. Uv. rm .• "1th ! 1 la•~11· ~~inti·1111){Jtaf1 ,:tyl1•. LE,\.'5}';/0P'l'IO~ UK. r.--------.l,.-------""!!""!!..,,...•I
kitch "'ilh island110Vt' and 2 1-Wl~I ro~,:;, doo.I ·,_bile bri~ f1 rt'pl!.1~. Ill id:,!_ l'~I l.t~llt\lo'.S Nt•t'Ch'CI open bcnm ce i I in g 5, ! J.,rl\1•ly l.'Touni:I.•, prol1·i-.,. l'l./\Ct: l',1-:.\LT'' ~9-l:'97fU Newport Beach i069 1 Newport Beach--106 9
Jgfbrk[st/har. \\.'atcr Jtn. >;mu ..... e\ltl ""''r pan, L:i !IOIH!T'C'.llM.' "'1' 1 n ... ,x~. t fittplru:e & "1-t bftr, A liu~h• .. ·aJ'l('<I 1 .... r 11r1 \':t r )'r · Lido Is le 10 56 1 -----
FI 0 we r s .. lmmacull\IC! yeaN nl'llo', f'rtshly Pajnted llrt~,"f :s .. n•tre .. 1t r.r i:amr BARGArN It! $.'{1,500. ! "! .111 \'lt'I\ $107.~)U a· c I
Nothirc like it ANY\\'l-IERE: 'A'lth IL'rtt'ful!J,· 1ianeled !\1111 rnnn1. 3 Thlt•k e II r r l'' . OP E N SUN. 1-5 I WATERFRONT 1g an yon B<lyere st Beauty
(OT' only S-t7.9.XI. 0.,.,-ner: m1rmrt'l'l !1~ ronm, plush 1nruou1.. O~l.Y $42.9511 full 2 BOR~t. OYO Al"f': H11:-24235 LAS NARANJAS ·iiu~ ('Omfon:iblr tnnl(')o. "'il l ~ V..'\Upap('rrd dirung area, pru."'-'· \ nn n11me !he h'm\.~' ~Cl'llrnt t>t<t•an vu & locntcd ,. ;; t 1"'1!'11 \lo1\h ron11Kl dtninti: sha~ carpets & cu5tom Bh:R 932---5.ill. 113 bl.ks lron1 \\'ood.~ CO\'l' l.:i1.,'Ur\/l Nii:ucl. TI\Cte .1r\• '"~1 )"'11 \t•ry tillh• • )'O\ir OPEN HOUSE r-..,111. B·· 1ulll11I t"<1tlwtlral MESA VERDE . drapes, OVl't'Slied µ.'Ultry ---bt.':ti.11. UuUt·nl k1tchl'n inti. rnllt'" ''' ur111h~tn1c!t'11 v1,..11.; h'n11111~ \\Ill PRY the bulk of SUNDAY 1-6 «l'lhn~ l 1 vi n:..: mon1
nf't!a, cui-11Jn1 11Jc t'UOnlt>r Oki F a ,hioned Charm n:frig /\ rc:\l l1uy at S:IT.~.QI. l l"lll 1hls -I hdnn. 11 .. 1111• HI lh•· hills. 011,·111on :\PL plu~ "''·rl•••k1n..: '1001 ~11rrn11111!M BJG CUSTOM 1011' sl11,kr ... 1nl ,,.,' d V 1 M ISSION R EA LTY Hilt' ol L;:1guna =--11-:uel'l!I 1110s\ I slu1.h1l opt, :: BihillS • ? h.1. 24 P INEHURST LANE h1. '''1/IH,111" nlnnt1n". ~llOIO.'n
'llX) Sq, Ft. A huilrirr-0\\n 1;1·h~I~. l\<Jlk ini: tlli.lfln1~ to in thi"' 4 )~'fhmin hoin•·. !11.~• :0:.:1. Coo!<I Jlwy. 1.aii1ul.'l. . LOVELY NEW HOME I( t I II t I I I·~· 1•111ov111t1ncnt. · · " · ~ a n a ue ~ t:1b1 e n(' ls: h tJOrhnods. t'A•·h. l,1·n1>1·hold Sl!:ll.hlll 11l1.~ \! ,\ f: N I ~· 1 r E :".T I ,. •
home. 4 bedroom!' Qr 5 J-l~nl1n'-!'"n Ccnrrr, ~ .. v1n-1• G•.••·i•"'' hv1n'· n .. 111 ¥.•ll h ' R . G I Phone 1714) 494-0731 l\('nutilully lnnil1'c.'lfX'fl .~· 11', i1v,• I •,•nir ('n •;1 <'1 I}/
I ''''
., 1~·1 ••"ti 0 •• ,,., 1,,,•-.... "' . "! " ecreat1on a ore l\Ullnl111111•d .~ '•'rf•11lly 3 IV!nns . f111n. riu .. dui. h';ir.·11r.•o(ll,t,·n,.rii-•·rw o "' · 1VOt...,-iu 11µ; ~ P a•· c I ! l ht< If upgriuJr"I $:'19.j()() n11.. 2' i t\;i (t\\·nrr 11'!ln t<11 1'\I" \,·,iu ~·. _ ·1111 \Til 1" bedroon1s. hl"'P i\'in~ room .... ,..,..., ..._., " • .,, " I I '"' f 1 , " I I I I I 11 I 11 I
-family room plus rumpu" 1'rf'U!i. Nuw !:~ ho•lrr\\' •u&! gent' rolls b N.I r on ins '. •11r I itni r1111t ••n . t ~ HOUSES HOUSES E MERA LD BAY off~·r. lA'!lsrhnld. ~v:i.001 f1111,h rt11~111i:lv~1t ,t· o•111~·h 1l mom or hllllArd!i! room, 3 11('\\'. <P rin1·ip 11ls univ 1 11 JI ~ k . Kr•'ll1, ''1tn1 Ul lhe or I t t r , I bath.~. 3 t'llr garai::e. A plc;iJ;f'I . C'nlt tr.rlay • ~ 11·~r. u "; ~11J ~1"~ n'; I ~ ,,,mnHUlll) IJt tfll, I) la y l.Ji~U1Ul 0.'t'IOl1\'ir11· Hnnu•)i At lhc \'i'r)' 1011 11! 1':11\l'l't\hl • . ~" (;•· ~1;" n111;•
111 111f11 .~!.~
world of fr:itu"'11 k 847.3095 LOi!< • ~Nn. ,.._:, ~. · ,'.,, ;"·r. i.;:uno·s 111 thr lnrgc i.inu:<
Cl1oni;('. fl'\l111 :1 111 r i.: r l:.'l)' wi!h th<' hri;l vii·v.·~ Lu1o l!i!lnnit honll'l', v.·ulkln!! inio rn.i s UM'C '1'11 l 1 "' "" . vuvu ..,..y fl ~. '"· rtMIJll or 111~1 •'rl••y t1o•n.,111hll sc!ccuon. pr i• -~ca s on l.u,!l1n:1 h.:L'I to "ffcr, i~ lh!!> ih:o;tancc of :<hn11~. i·hurcht"~. ._'J~•.1t.•'t n111•n1 i<lh !•I t'\'t•ry
elegance. ~.000 -646-7171. Call •-3 I ·'rn<., ,.,,.,,, '. ," .••.. 11, 1.,,,,. "'· drta1!, i.;:1\·1~ 1)111• !hi• hr\· CffHTJLri . IT'S F~ n BE N.'Cfl 3 BR's ' l1<1!Lu, 1h1• J:n't'nh1:H lt1(\1Ufln lnvrn1ory. Prices $59,500 up. Ill ,, _ .,.. ,.., ~ uMnui; 1i ... ·lui;.: ur ~uperh OCEAN VIEW
The R~al E state Fair 111111 llR' ,.1, • .., ... 3 bdrm11., 21: <'•i.1xtlir~. "hilt• IO.l\ 1r1· 11·i1h blll\:\rJ rm. v.ith \\'<'I quillity. Th~ .i Ht"lh.,.,111
nd room ror extnl Jcid.11, 100,
in this 4 bdrm. l\1t'AA Vcnle
home. Large yard "'ilh
room for pool. Dltht'dral
beamed ceil. in livln:; rm .
Frplc. Mstr. suite hai; C>.1ra
sitting roon1. Co r n e i·
loC11t1on. Only $67,j()(J.
2001 Newport. N'PT BCH * 6T:>4630 *
\lac.11.nt 3 BR, 2 BA. lplc.
be aut pool . con1p l
refurbishl'd, $44.990.
Stunning interior, -I BR, '2
BA. lplc. Ianni. huge <.'Ov
patio, dble BBQ, quick
occupy. $-14,!rJO.
Costa M esa R ealty ·
Since 1958 * S48·n11
Alter 6 P~f. Call 5.i7·•16l'i
2-Z BR hses on lg. F.astsidl'
lot. Xlnl in\'t'Stmrnt or
comfortable home iv/in-
come. $43,000. $6,000 d11,·n.
•111ill sell on con!l'n.cl. 64:..+tfi.~
OPEN HOUSE 2·5 pm. 38!1
!>Ura Lon1a Pl. 3 BR, POOL
on cul.<fe·SAc, S 4 8 , 5 0 0
646-09.)2 494-1260
SllARP 4BR, Jam mi, 1 ~
ba, trp!c, Ne\\'er \\'/\I•,
drapes, H~Y! STOLP
REAL TY, f>.t).18611
Dan• Point 1026
BY OwllE'r 2 BR. ocean \'I('\\',
3ioo2 Copper La ntern,
S34,500. Will trade fur
Mereedts, Porsche. motor
home or Snn Qcn1ente
unhs. f714) 737-2f.61.
15 NE\\' DUPLEX.ES &
4-PLEXES, ocean \'il!\\'!I,
$68,950-$95,950 .Ii'll61
Close To Beach 839-61 33 or 536-2551 h:-irh~ ar,.1 ;1 J'-'(lll<.~ pr1ccuf \1\1'\Jo"'. f<'W or C11n ~ uJ e bar. Hetoen1ly ron1p1ctcly l~·nir, on 11 p;•rl.::. rro•ah•, It' DUPLEXES
Lovt!y } bedrooin ho1nl' in $0-1.!llrO. 8.\'lll l.1blf' l ·,.nvrnrional .lil)'ii; rt-mofl,.lcd & redecorated nv.•n rural otn10sph<'1't' ln the !~ l\edrnon1, 2 &th UriJM'r
quiet rl'sirlcn!ial CALL 552-7500 andlf>AS<'op•l(lna\':tllahle. S189,;,oJ. OPEN SAT/SUN 1 S hcRI1 nf Nf'11·1"'n tteAch in l unit . 2 l:k'droom. 2 bftlh l'+"i~hhorhoo:I. O:mvcnlenU) NEED ROOM? • VISION • LOTS OF LOTS • • U1i.: CUJl)'\111. ~lorle~tJ)' pl'll'· 10111\•r. Sundcek1, front &·
IOl'.a tt>tl nc.'U' b c R ch c li, Look at thi!I b~ 4 bMroom. Buv('rs iuvl hu1lfirf"'I' r111I n~ 128 VIA IT HACA (.'(\ RI Sn".{O}, 0Pl'n !lot™" j •'t'ar. 11~ years old. 4 r;ir
schools, 1>arks, & shopptnjt. ]Li halh.<:.. hu~ CO\lcn"ff fQ'r a vanrly of bullriahlc fjl; I I«!modl'lt'd K· l{co{\1'.'t'Ornlt'll 1~·111 be l1"l1l lro.n l.fi l'\l. 1~1rklni.:. $110.oro f'l!.Ch. IO"t S.16.~; ,\~<:,IJ .. lh!~ horn<' has patio, profrssionally hu1\t Red Hill Realty liitJ;.. (k'f'ansifi•'. R -'l. I.an:e 4 hdnu. ~;· drn. '\ :-un, Apnl 28, nlr1•C· d ...... -11 ,\• O"Tlt'r \1111 cart)'
Vall.r) s 1x.tlus11r.on<> yt"11r BBQ, cxceUml loc:itkm. l\("li'a!;l' site-s Av11llahlt'. ·--h111h~: 4:i II . lr,r. Prit"('tl tur hQrL~. l";: Canyti11 P.o;ul I•• i. ~'iltl 111 7'~ intrrest only. M'r.i~ "itrranl~ Ca 11 CIOSt-· 10 frct.>v.n)"I'. shr>pping. RE.\LTY llEALTOltS n -i.,_ in1n1ed. l'alt'. Slfl'l.<o'.l Hr't f(n)·.11 :-;r. G•'Ol)!I", rnrn 1\E\\"l"<lRT l'l~:Jt Jl~:AJ.TI' ~1-1':H3. $.r.?.51'.1.1. Ch••ner an..xlous. \ 'n[\I, Pork C~ntt•r, lndnc 1105 N.CoasT ttwy.,Loguna I IJ\Qo', lnn;:e hornt• -l\led11£r· 1011·,1r;!'I thr ON'IHI ', h!<1t0 k I 7! 1--i>IJ..~'(l.l.li l'\'rs 6T.>-5.1!ri 494-1177 rancan Sl~lf'. ro l'1n1•hut""t I r.rK' &. lr ft '"I --------
I W I U N-IV-E-RSITY-P-ARK--I &12-1188 ·'"· :?·I. ~ 5br.Jba & F a m ily Room c ... , u' •00< • ••11 '" """ • • " "' l OPE:-. Sl'NTl.\-Y 1 1 2r.11 DONALD M. l.;,r..;•· 1.11. r'Of•tn for ,,_,u!, 1ucfe \',\ l,L~~\'
H E.\LI'
4 IH "~I"'' A"" \I ,,..{lhc,,,,. .,,oc~ fl~•utoG1 '""r'"'
I Ch~1n•·t'llnr llon1e 111 •':rtt't'I. [ ill l • I ~ ,62 ••7J ( -·) 54'8 10! ,\,,~ ~ I.A:".~. flff ,\It;• I.•· I B" d d1 l\i' 11) ha1·kyflr•1 nr ,.,;11, ·-,,,L ..-,..,)r111u1on .. 1 l:llt 1nr 3 ... ' I ~ Ir C' 1 1 1 , 1
1,;1111.1 •up T."111!JI•• tlllh•. in·. 0;11npt·r .11storn )n l""'onr
11-...... ----~----I :J '~ htt.'1:· I((' ht.•;tm1•d 4't'1i1r1~ It 1'!•<,ll/!~ . r 111'hl11 11 .. .:;in ~I -,....._ ,,. !.; fll'('plaf'f', Sprinkll'r.,
0-N-t'.-R/.()(". lU BE,\(ll. !..le ~orn1nl DI 11 • l' rn. ., 1 1 I 1 I ""~,,...,~,\Tl.,. I,. LTO! S I '' / < '·· k ,~.. ·-' nnf -· n f I 1 b r~·I -lll<'t' ~ m i<. .. '.! -><11 1,, • 111 /\,.._,,.._ 1 ..... l .,\ t. l •11 ,. u<tC ..... vvcri~• , .... in
CH,\R'lfN(', 1 "EDl'OO'I '1111·rui '1 ,\·,.., ar. '"' I I 832 "00 'I I ,. I •• ,... •" 1 1 1 l Blk I) r'll•. rpc.t•1.·i•:1nf..-1·11n~·1n 1 • .,,... .111g 1·arpc. "11·c y
PRICE REDUCED l/O~IE. Cory J1vln~ rn1 {llll,'1('1!,Jll'I .• ~ v'11 '.,.,·, 802 So c ,t. Highwa y 11•\\'I -old \\OO'J~y H!'!'ll ,, )Nl2 Jn 'lfll.' Bh·d. Tu-~tin j •fr'<"lfllte<I. H.i rhnr lltgh,
I kl. I 1· I f'0'1 S, t'Onllli •\'. O I'\ 1•1 GREAT LIDO BUY! L" •-""ood l ·• "·hi \;,' ITfl(.'. 1ng ~ onr \l"t'['l OCf' CT'llli. s ~ 9. n ll 0 . o'PEN La guna Beach lull nr1\{'r hornt'. S-18,7jll. I . ' -r./llS('r "' " llrn 1 .,,... ll~rl srp.1.ra1l' den. Count!)' HOUSE. s.~t. sun I fl') ri l'~I. 497·1761 f-.xlra sharp 4U!., den, dln. Newport Beach Di;..!. I blk. 10 Boy'!' Qub. Owner hought nnolher home
nnd wants you to sce !his
deluxe S & S Townhomc
Iha! he 111ust sell. ll has
sscro. in upgmdlng but
sacriflclni;: for only $38,900.
kitchen ha~. all bltn.." 111111 l)l()J2 .-;nlm;in, PM.lll'i!J(lls ~l,\GN !~"ICF:i'\T \\'000 & ' :.-!1'!1BA fAm1ly home. Tori H R h SGG.500. 0\\'ller wi ll take
w:ilnut cabinets. 2 Varuty nn!y. ~i.j2-~J ,\ft Ii & Gl.AS.'i lshlnglf'~), Sf'cludcd, quality thruout and prict'rl Orse anc Znd. ~I Tu~Un. S16-{i61)2
baths.Outdoor santli::hO\l>'cr, \\lknrl'I. OCEANFRONT on'r1ookini.: \Voods Cove .. 4 right •........... $109,500: Estate aft. 6 "'f!ekdays, anytime paw. rear yard, boat O.Y .O. 79 lagun• Royale hdrms., 3 h;:i., "')()(I burning 11·r,..krnds.
j.!<irn!:'.c door. Bkr 96i..5511. POOL/ AIR OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-5 frplC'. Spiral s ta I r en .~ e . 't!n•tt'lll!l'-·m n-•'ty 3 ar N"!I, 2 ~tory pri,·a1" ....:_;;:,O::,L:::D:o..,F~AS~H=I O~N~-1
EASY CARE l~·aut. ON'an view. Priv. P IU J\.t.4l rolrnual f'Sfate, SWttpinl{
OPEN HOUSE ... 1 . 3 BP. 31421 So. Pacific Cn1ts1 ""''Y· ....,1111• Truly one of a kioil. FEA1.J"ORS sta1r1·;1M'. drn v.·ith ""'111.1 or COLONIAL BY OWNE R ""al' new, ow m.ainl, .. Srrt'l't Je,"CI, South , ntl: 0~ llmk d & c I I' :! Ba. A inust th ~ today. walk in. Si'C !t !oday! You "·11! \l·ant l'l3G \·i·l Lido GT.,-0!2:\ rnM'!!, .'ll'P,1tnlt' ma1 · t u<:tom 3 BR. PaMI~
l ~ RR, 2 R.\, formal dining l'rofl'S!i. 1.An<lf.l"npin~ & Lux 3 B!~ .. :? ba. Priv. tcr· tn Jtl'tY for a hfctiine! ! ' caretakeni 11U1U1crs, .3 c11r Fam-rm, Pl"$: F.· D:lk floor.
-o A"•-· •t •f·~;,, HB Jrn,_'.., '°poo"'1", '",-,'?:1""1h'ruv~~,·.I Deco•.·, Bonu.~ r cat u r • s r:irf', tparious !ii u n rte ck . S\19.:•Jl I -FA NTASTICBUY-garagt> house an<ll v1l'W ol 2 F'rpll'li. 81_..okra~ w11ll.
OOJJ " ..... ., ~· ..... ~ "'''' •r"' ""' 1 ti.;:1y. !las stable< ru; many T'ill'fl l'n\ry, Lj;t> lovely 0 Evenings 11-alktof!.llgehool~.pnrk& ):01o1t•.S-l9.!«1. ,\vail. now.. Li'a<:or or OPF::-J SATtm.D.\Yl-1:'."JY.15•&cl.: 1l1o0r 111 hear·h v.·alk u~ ,;{) hors1"S. srttrr yard, plus Play Yd . plus pen marl;M SYi.500. Sho">\"lng 12-6 O PEN HOUSE 12-5 lca.c;e lopli'111 ;.t $b65 a l\lountaln Vir11o·. 11.:p Temple ' IO.'/lcnnis court adj. <I Rlt ; ;1ppr.ti<11e<I at S27J,t'.X1l -t-.Jr i;1rte-yd for l\frrhm ori_boat .
pm Sflt & Sun. Hil51 ~laric l Cill for •l lf'l'Ctions. :..:il~ monlh. H.f'rlu<."f'<I to $11~.!f..iO. llil1sl. 1''A-o.S1ory 3 bdrm., ti:.y \'\I. L11•v t11:•'ll & mzy 11n appoln1rncnt <:All tTI.\l l'ottinK Shi'<!. Lgf' OR.i'as:c 2 BR Lall<', /I.E. ~7..S.l!fl 0 1\1lt'r/Al.,"f. &12-llS.'i 21, ba., lam. rm./1\"et bar. i::a.rdcn patio i'\ow S\0,(01 &W'rTI71. \\"/V.'Orkshop S1 3~ SOO
-SE A CLIFF --Stnnr lrplc. Shn}:r roof. ll"IS. Hurry! 0Jl('n Sun. I·'•. ·IT'S fl:MCC• l•PF:N llOL:SE suN. 1-3: TOWNHOUSE GOLF COURSE HOME I LIVE AT TIIE n.A~O I TN I l Pastoral \'1e .... 'J". $61.~. \:?'• V1a l.1ri•1 Soni. 6T..-i411 m,nr1t1 FUHTO 1 11:•.o ~>n1cr.,P! I~". SR
$189 PER MO. :i BK. 3 RA. LllJ1:e family nn IP.V!Nt; • i>lk1('ious 2 stnry ...........,.._ · ~9-1-7.i."11 Q-IAP~\11!\'G, 5 1111 I I ei1 i1 I~) ' -
. I ~• ..__ lh I I , ' llJOO N C fl 1 ~-· 2RR/2RA, rien, Pl\ I 1 o , 8' Tl11)1 1111rncti\'P hro tx'flroorn \\ 1!h f1rep n<'f'. ,.,sn n1mpu!I •~·nl•~ 11 1 T'\t~ ir ex erlO · · owt wy .• .......,,un.n Si'• 500 OPF:N SUND/\ Y 1-f. I
lny,•nl\l'luse csn h1.• piireh:i~c•I rm. ~-1111y rnd & rirapcd I b.•1lr•ion1. funnal dln1n.~ m1, ,1!'~t. 217 'hn•Je!o. HLT!l. ~~·=:::=::=::;'""'.='='
for only S2,200 rln.,.,·n v.•ilh IJo1.•auufully landSCAP<'f:!, l1y fa nuly i·n~ \\'./f~plc: " rar -BIG CANYON
ESTATERS Weltone&Con 1pany .. ' . . ' ~
bu\ll'r ussunll.ll~ low inll'l'1'1!t oy,·ner. $98,IX)(). ( 11 ·I ! ~.ir .. sh,ii:: 4 pts, sundt'f'k. NEW CUST OM ~l~l40 Big Canyon Specia_I_
t'.fl.A. loan. Also includes :l'.lti-01.19 ~1·11,r pnrl\~ i:nd ~~·'hools. OCEAN VIEW LIDO BAY FRONT V11hulous B••JEnlmoore ,1 Elt>gant 5 All. 4 B,\, cu~oot
wAsher. dryer, litnd refrig. Huntington Townhouse $.>l .. :rOO. Urokrr ~I l..ru'gc 3 bdrm.. 21~ b.l. Open House, Sun. 12-5 bdm1, ~' buth honie .,.,;,h ~11C on falrv•ay. 28 Jtoyal
Cl\11 963-1543. (1lslom home; almost rendy THE RARE ONE 523 Via L ido Soud, N.B. fiouble-door entry which' · rorgc. 2 BR, l'~ BA. $19,900 for occupancy. llai; Jgc. I --•I . I I Open Sunrtay t-J °'' .,,,,, ..... 11. ~··•''""" \',\(JJ·:\·
$905. dwri. $216. 1no. pays nll ll"t\'l:\E UNrvERSITY living & family rm. with A .. , . 1 11 Agent, 67l-6489 ripens lo a o., ... u OyC'r "'111 67.Hi!lOO
9872 Continental Dr. Pool p,,HK. J.u'(urious 3 bedrn1 n l'XqUJS1 r. mix 0 cu UN'. 111a.'i..~lve background o I --'7;==~ SU Condonunium in p 1' i 111 e 1->f'rtm cril & 1111\c. ~e. h<'AUty & l11ncl.~'llpin11:. 2 CUTl': Lido Isle :.'RH, 100, hc1:1rth brick & 5 l 0 n e . NEWPORT SHORES 4 BR, :! BA. ·990 lv..ation. Fo;Tr1al d!nlni;:, ya.rd, roon1 for pool. l.111turt' Lar.:-e hdrnrs. in this Mmf'. house, for Mle or rent by t:~ cathedral heam~ :: Bdm1s & den
S1450. d\\'TI, $257. mo. pa•·5 all 1 g e t am "l' r 111 , nali\'C trees. A short walk to stralC"z\cnlly locatc'CI on tlw OIO.'ner, call n1 o r n in g 5, lhnlOUt. fl.1aslt'r IJUite .,.,1th \\'alk lo
19850 Can1br1U,ii;e !..ii. Pool he I I k 11 · ~~ .. , BKR-518 TIU: eve. :x;1.,1611 spacious ktl..:hcn and ~u.e:c 1
1 1
b"i(!a,r 1
1 1n~,a ,~1 \IS an lr1t. lo allow maximum .,,.,........., bath, 1!res.~1n>: room & door.i Bea1·1, 1not!\ & !ennls -:::::::::::::::::::1==-"ifvii'ifiNij '-""' rnru.1<'r tie<!rn1 suite. Priced x n U) a i . · •~ · utlH:uition ol vieWB of the M·~;,-,-;0-0-V_i_e-jo---1-06~7 lo ~fll'den pe.lio. Custom $46,500
ri BY OWNER I fflr ln1n1edutl~· sale at Im·'· --.A-....-.. ...... ~an & nora nall\lt' 10 the fireplaces. \\'et 00.ni. Open· CAYWOOD REAL TY
A ssu me 7°/0 VA I S62.!f...U . best hurry! Call ,~Q: 11'\7 ~. n•'1~hhorhood. The hvlf1: s:arrll'n k l 1 c h en with • * 548-1 290 *
• ~, ....... ~.··(<~[
""''""~"~'"'"'' ............. ~.
J BP.. 3 BA, h~e fan1 nll, ~lrs. Hal"l.1., 5;~121. ""6-~ Ort'& has expan~h·e bey ' Charm with a View ~\.·', '?-,'-~.n:.:. f or !cru.e! C11ll ;I' t'OR S.\Lt: BY OWNER
forml din, 3.000 ft<! fl , 3 yrs I SouthCo, Realto~. . I "ln•lo\\.!i, hartlwuod nrs .. & 1 II' -O•.J'•
\\'f' ha\'C muny buyeN and 1f old. Open Sat &: Sun 12-:>. Laguna Beach 1048 1 .,, ,,71 "''-1100 ,·~~11',""1,1", ~', . ..'!~,·~., ix't-~1 1.1 n-•-. '! h~il> ."'' , __ ,,. [ ,,',',',.•"01 '1~-:1,·y ~·{•U a1't' planning l'l Sf'U 17342 Drey, H.B., 847-:llHti ., -'""•· " ""'''*'-" ""' '-"'"'" · ""' ...... TARB ELL.] · · 'o r.·
)'Otll' hoflY' and 11·ant fas1 $62,500 OCEANF RONT NE\\' DP.Al\lATIC VIE\\' I rrp;11nlcfi . $96,=.aJ. I landscaped lol. L:!'Nl hriek .'\r1'' !'~1nJ!<.h Jil~le, Ju'l;ury
I k · patio. r-.luch, much more'. horn.-. 1n the hills atmc
11<·11on. or heu\len sf1 e :;i1·c i-tousE t'ell out of e!'.Cl'O\\', COMMUNITY ,\JI rv<l11 d ext, ~pect \'u ~tt. ~'O l-'l'n, ~ =--('11110rt. 4 BR, 2 ha .•
us a call!: 0\111et' must ~ll. 4BP.. 2BA, Prh~h· hrach F.· t'lubMu~r: Balrly IQ ocean. Sririill .,,,,/TOr,~. ~{~ 2ll~hs~1on Country ~~ Ht-1n.t1ful1Y 1:n1dSl'ClpCd, car-531·5800 C:al if o r .1ia CJ . .sslt'. 01't'r '.'11"1 ~q. fr. (If luxury . lt\1lnvoay, J:las~. bcAnlS &I 495-4121or493-0290 600 Newport Center Dnv@ fl"l"'d & drnpc<'I. Pri\ll\I+'
."pringdale & \V11r n I'!'. Hv1rn::. :1 l3dm1s .. '; haths: deck· 3 BR /3BA/Jfpl, REAL ESTATE J UST IMAGINE! rroot !.: lennis clu b. Eves.
Country . kitchen, frnnt & hu""c h\ ing rn1. 11,i\h vaultc'CI gourmet kit, hu2: ~amem1: llOO GleMl'yre St. --------&-11-.;&;6 rear spnnklers & fTlQre. fur i.'eil. & frplc. Forni;il dudnii: I ~t111s i;:alore. $1.>l.500. J3lo 49-1~7l 549-mlG New port Beach 1069 Only 6 door.i to the sand! /\ -· --'=~=~==~
We Are Desperate
16139 Brookhur,t, FV $41.!'iOO 1146-:t960 im. n!I \V\•ll ('(JUip!X'(l I Skyl1n.-. Dr. • nice 2 BR. OOme plus A 1 CH,\R~t1t-:r. THADITIONAJ.
()\\'NER m\-s. Bike lo thr kttchen. 11·ith {'IVlking islOln<I A 1\1 f. ll IC AN 11 01\1 L -~----EXPENSIVE hnchelor unit. All Jor only I 2 HH. '.! h.;1, lam nn/trpk'.
•I BR, tri·le\·rl, l~f' yd, ,1r". Open Evenings ticaeh~ 4 brtrms .. 2 h11. Den ·'-hrkf~i h:ir. Pallf'lrol -REALTOR, UNIQUE-UNIQUE IMPORTED T ILE $j7.[flt. A 1'('111,·alur~ I l,ir1n:.1 don rn1, lovely yd. ~~ ~~~ill.S.$14 8~: j ~11J1: I __ _ & rnmily ITl'lm. D1nin:.!' rm. f:im1lv rn1. w/11·c1 Mr. 49-1-i:ill 4g.1-1001 Pricer! bl:>low replaef?m.ent HARD TO FIND $~.SM. CN.·ni·r fi42-9'Jl9.
, •J7G. GOLFER'S hlt-ins. Cathcdrnl ci•\l!n!.(. r.1~1r: !'U11f• J1.1s priv. 1n1t1n .~. 0-PEN SAT/S UN cost~. l.ta;:::niflCt'nt red11·ood /11 entry, brl"f'71' v.11y, kllch"n [ir:H·h itupl•·x in 111.-Tnp '•Hi.1. I!;'/: ~n1~·rsr•t L.n.
Copper Lantern 4!16-3431
,,.. ,\• :.:!11s-. 11<'11nf'. l'aoornmic ,\• ,, .• r ~11rd or lh1 s 0 . ' "' , n[ll•n !'on 2--1 S-1150 d0\\11. Rrk CI\ 1 ! ;.:r1rd•·n h;llh. A \'c r y 3 ,\!'CH 9 ,\\'. gole ·.rua-' nt . p f' 11,11,.r )\ urur h:os :l 1., • --
E 'bluff 1030 I PARADISE 1 ~-' ' '" 1""'11n ,\!.("II) v1""""'· Lt1\:at•·1j 1•xr1H1~itc ori" 11~1 l\0111" 1 1, 1 1 ' lift 1 ·~-~~ as li l2-:!i61. l1uw1Lu11.1. \\'i'll phum.,, (""•I fl l"h"'·f'y . -s• 10 •• • 1 ,.... 1ri . .enia u111l ias · . ----------------1 ;::;:;.::;.;;._; ____ ...:..c;.,; 1 ..... ... " 1~ · nn pri\'1dt• .. ~111 ,. v .. 11er 1\)\ 1(•1v ot fa~hior1 l~hu11I. 1 JI V II \lrinl .. R)· ,. ,. 1· I I . I H I H bo 1042 lll'•mr, i111h 111re ~W'd··n & L;chcr !lon1r, ~o. f1 North ,,,11 1'''·'"''' 1 11·,11~ 11· I I 3 BR I fl }/\,.,. r1 !WAr11le b'llC'!il nn.t ... , ('•"'· '™'"·
POOL HOME I ,('n11r1 u l'xrcu11v(• 1omc u n. ar ur 11 1 , c .. 1 . ••• ,.,. nnr' ·. ,\ 1 \i/t1<1, s:f,/f.lJ. 1'1~·! d<'-..11(1\r'fl lnnd~ra rfln.:,
• ti\'1•1·loll)k1n\'.; htsl'i11us i.:rt.•<"n , p11 '1. llf('U~ , n_.xc Jn11u1a La Scnda [1r. I s ro1;.·. 2()oll IMMED POS.SE SS hn roo /\.i'lD tanv TI>e only home wilh a ponl 1-:olf <'()ur~<'. \\'hat n l'i\'W! ofti·nn~ ur Sl·l~.j(I(), MJ. ft. i\lon1r1't'y -:~ hclrmi; N • • '-· -h ri1:~~~ t·u~1~1~111 f1•;1(u1-e~. . John Klose Realtor I /l.i intr'r~.ri;. ,\\int colll1111<m ,
Jor sale bl lovely Ea.'ltblulr Su[l('r 1111'.:!nlrlf'd hn:i1e in t!l·n. 3 bath~. 2 F.P. Sri~ Blilnrl nrw ht:i~iie. nl',,r .,.·;ir fl ll IJ "\i-:l·JJ s,\Ll·:.•;\lf::X' 1 ~"C 2::1rl_:.!.I~~.:__ _
toda y. A "great famLly home 1•h11· "!Juntu11;:1on ~11cllff." ,... I ~ .~~:'1 ""'"' Z !oil "' ""';'"· & D'"" ""'""· l~>h ':""· '"' S%~j "10-867Z G7,..,_"6 <;t>OOl ~--v.ith four bedrooms, a Ian;« A·l condition. rt>ady fur ... HH.,. -.....-P.eilul'ed to $159,500. A & dr;ipt•s. i'\o yard niaint; Listings Needt"d -E XC LUSIVE r.Y rJ\VNER Ba Y sh o r~~
fonnal dlnirni: room and all quirk occupancy. Just a .:::=:: haopy sunshine a r l Is I lrptc .. ~. r~r gara~. All for I . · · · · I deroralo~ :lBlt w/~htim:
just Ttpainted inside and short .,.,.alk and you'rt• nn the di-light. lmmcd. po!W"'illOll. only 1:'6,:.00: oWTlf'r wlll · ·, · hi.It pnced tt?hl! One 01 rm. 'l Ni, <:hi1rm1ng, 1~3 blkf;
out Great O\\'nt'rs .... ro brach. Call to sec 96345-13. BE ACH CONDO "'4-5•7• "'9.1100 Quints rd, Realtor &42-2991 ton'>ivd''1'c ''s~T"u'•ApRnoTn. Ne"·pon Beach~ f Ines, • frnm beach. Open hou:'I('
might l'\'('n include their $24 500 F ull P r ice w·d c I' y· IU't'as .. where you own !he 2-1i, S.11 & Sun, :l>Jl • _ 1 • oast 1ne 1ew OPE:-: ilOUSE Real Estate 1:im Xln! ('f)nd. Corner l?l. ~view. 61:N4.11. two cal.Ii for JUSI I.he right Md fully .urrushed. 0 n I Y, Exceplionlll ~at'h arc a Sat Sun ll am to 4 pm :m'i Forma.l dining & f I t•"us•Olt••A••l \""l'• ·~""'
deal! Askin&' $79,SOO Md $25ll1 dov.·n. 11o11yments llkt! I hnme <!('{'Ornlf'fl tn the "olr1 Al~naln Vlew Dr. Spacious 494-7531 s.l&-7674 nn Scclwied N'r:·y~~th HARBOR VIEW H ILLS
willing to l"Arry a J11rgc 2nd. rent. \\lhy nn'. buy? Call \\o!'ld" niotif. reaturP~ 2 4 BR. 21,, ba home on p::iol· Best Buy' in Laguna pool. Sho .... ·n hy app't. OPEN SUN ?A01 Qu)et °"""
T.D. Call 6~77.!5. HUNTINGTON HAR.BOUR. b1hTll'. :: 1~11hs. Custom s.ized IOJL Brick fllilc in cozy L.\HG~: SP.'\.o"IS!f, VIE\\' Offered at st.54.500. l BR. 21 ~ BA. Vio::'w. Pool.
Dt .aiTV •h'af)I.·~. lluic1• 1~1ntry U1 !he )1\1. rm, 'l\·et hat, large brick 110.\1~: :I trrlr~. 1 35 ~ VIC STUART Balbo.i l'land Rult y
\'.i\ IJ,E\. ·
l~l\LI"' .. . ~· .... ",, ,,,. .... ,. ........
\'.\ l ,l ,E\'
• '" t~rlA•~ ~l ,., °'' '' ,. • l l(OU' ' GU; ~
' . ................. ..._
~ L ktlcht'IL L!lth ••1\Crt'd patio pal.lo. Big 2 C'1r garage. '.\fnmingslde Dr. J us t R e•I E st•t• 673-R700
CASH 24 HOURS 11214 COA!'T 11\VY 11lth Spttn1-Ji till'. \\'alk·in lmn1aruh11e conl\1tton. color SIOCi.!XXI BEACH DUP L EX "" ~ 1·1•rl;1r ,·J1>scls. Jlard1\(){)(I ............. ,·nnled 1•-· .. -··1. A . • 1!11-i.\"ll »l-767-1 t.XCLl,'S!VF: Big Can3'1'ln :1 11<1: s.&ns1 & 21J~ 591·~~·' ........... • .. .,...,....... • • · 0 -1 • , , • , ~ --I "" For Your Ho m e 1.;,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.-n1.1pl·· rr.~1l'· F. I c vat c 'I I nice fanuly hon1e. ExctUent PLL"S\i \~'ESTY.R~ \'If.\\' J °: nn; . -";'m1 .... ,.1 BEA CH HOME--t rm ~~"ur :IC'f"OJ'. I.·. ldtrcp -
1044 1
11o•rkt .. !!.fAr••rh••ru·t>:oin•111 l'nliitat SGll:ilO I llO~tF 2 BH IOl(I O ~t ea,h.frpl1s.8'11urJ1ulunlr. PLUS INCOME ''! \H .t bi.:: Jot v;f\11'\1.'
.... ""~•('>..· , ... ~,,,,,... .• ~.
N"n hld<len rosL<:.. ficla..vs. Irvine -,: fllll 101, Rrolut...-•d S<i.900 J \l,\l'.ID'. ,·11, ~F: fl 1 · :'> • M L • only l year old. Finr buy a t I S159.f.l.il. lmmNl. o cc Nu cil!llt;auons, 1:"1 vr.i l!.'(p. -·· ·----• '-• "11 Juiit s.>.,IQJ S!l:-i,00'.l 2-Sty. )1111n(' on f'),ll'l\ l;;:c. ll'lt, 'Yl4-.861}'.I or ~.1f~. ·
NEW 3 BR. 2 ha, O\\'Nt1t B RASH E A R R E AL TY E.XCITINC. f\f'\\' mn. :Ill.A . l,.'..'\ll 494··.XOO:\ I E~ll!.Te 1~1!h 1~11 ~~n ·' I I DUP LEX -BEST BUY !Jnly 80 fl. lo tx•arh, Gn.•nl --,7,--;---~--1
$50,000. Asu1nme 7~~~ir loon. 842-7411 Eves 968-1171 To11·nhnm(', l' n I,. I' r !t 11 y [ mRDElL.J 61S s. ~~t Ill\/). I ( .111 ( il 11 .• !i-fi'XJ 'I & '). \\'r I Nev.· ......... Viii ~.M 11(1'ftll \'It'\\' 3 J·:ilnns .. 2 1 111.~~ .... I ~n~lo ,, . u"•m, pl
..• ·~. --·· "11-"I~ Pa•k s .. N ., ,,,-'"'''""'''' I I L.1Jtunn llf','\['h •1!11-8.·~~ --Ll\GOO co -,--. " ' ,.,. .. . "'" I ,, . , ,., k I ) • u!' ;1(' ,., " nr, 2 ... i;I• ...., .... ..,~~-"" 6 '"' • .. ,... • ',. • BLt;t: ~ :-. )(J, 1n.Hl-<Y " ll1THRY:' ttt. i~.. ' t'. .I'" K >r pt1(I'\ nr ~hor•Pin~. fi<'hls.
Fount•in V•ltey 1034 O\VNF:R TRANS. Bli: 3 ~it:id u~~~t~1~~e~~)~1 ~:~ ~ OFFERED •••• Ot.·"an ;\ctr, rr1v. l)<-h. \ ll~~111:Jhrr~~'i0 I m~~li-s a park. e1e. I~~ r lop I inn .
bclrnl. w1J:i.11;e .fani rm, l-·l•d•s 1.,,1 ,.,0~~"> ' ~U~ .• by h11ilder. Lnw1y '.1 Tf'nn!i1, POOLS, S('('urity, ~ES 1
1·Y " sep. $75 fJ'lll or $."l2*1 mo &-14-~ EL~ANT LA LINDA I I II I I h I '"" ' ""~ .,..,..,,,.J<, I 'lc•n .. Z •-•• '"""Y , ..... ,,,., '·BR 2 11'.I IW'I. /,....1 Ov.·nl 11111.JP' for n:nlal \nrumc. ,\ti ' · ._ ' .,.v 1111 e. 111 l· ""· ( '" \\'3!! 1er. ----'" '""u' .. ""'"' · ,, I PRO o TOI y h~ 1 1% AMumable lonn, beaut Beoutiful pool with Jnc:uzzi. BY e>.vnrr Uni\/. Pk. honie :i 1!120 S. Co11..~t 111,1, !Agun.a tlritmatic entry 10 1tf'p-up l1111n. !G!J,!'ffl O\IT1cr 1!19-1101 R LTYJNC. Uu~ !or only $135,0CO. ~I :.; t ,,.,y n t
1 4BR. 28A, cuJ-d(!o-gllc: hOml', Sl1~ dn! Brk CAJJ 9C·5566 RR ., 2 BA. RITium. 1n11lnt Beach hv. 1m., ~piec. r!C'Ck, cu~tom L H'll 1050 m~ N E WPORT B E ACH t"inei;t lflr' llin..-· $411,rrwl WI,_~, dinin1. fan1 nn & I yd 1 , •• , I·-CEDAR & GLAS_S_ ,.1·r11m i1 11!1· v.ork. "·1,,500. aguna 1 s REALTY 67°1,.2 ~uiiy. \\'ill "xchange for ,......... -3 Bit & ram II)' Rm or 5 BR. f\'(' • l'l"efi, q "; "'. T~ ~ b I be~ .,,., I (71') 673·6210 I ~ 1111"1 ll"1ll'<t' 1•r Sm. ,\pl bldg. ?.1r.
unique kitchen. Up,Uaded 2000 I fl I..ow-1 Nt>arponl. tennis,timn.old. Arthl!PCl'SO\\'n3bdrm..2ba. ,.._-.,,st II)' n AUU Assumable r;. VA I BY OWNE R Krohl, 12131 778-9966.
thruout, lncludln:; pat Io •·-'·.!'~us._ !.!:. .. ,.,.,: "· Sh•·~ l\lust :sell $59,500. 552-86~. , i;tudit> honwi \i•ith bclln1.'i, J..Aotuna: For I u r I h c r ,..~ 3 flR 2ou1 w.lotibM....,, ---·~~---~-·I \V'9·nnl Red ;ood cover & iu.,,,.., (If Luoou ., inforniation &. ap11't, vc•ntCOtt!I romPr. · Nt'fl'JIO!l BMeh•CGPmi&tJHO Popular l\1nMC"1, 2 Bit -' IBLUFfS Condo, 4BR . •t_--:C "" Mi earpet 1hru..at1L $46.500. BY O\l'tleT Turtlcroek, 3 BR, ~llii;hts, ~1eXl!'.lltl I 11 e • sm"·in~. C'8!1 IArntly kil('hen com bo ./ bentrt. pa" 1• I c d rif'n! nubide E Plan, highly
prof lndscplne, nr 1 It Q\\'TICr. ~. fAn1 rm. 2 b.1. l\lrlum., \'\ev., 1111\nf"t glMS wir>riOY.'lt. ,\ * 49+0301 * plush rp1 s, drp11 t1nd ctntrnl O PEN SUN. 1-5 .,.,., ~nlsh "'G'Jll tohf>l"r~ upgntdt<I {)rlttn ho u 11 ~ = J~i.J~ ,O\\D;c; O"'NER 1 3 bdlTl'lS 2 ba $59,900. lnclds land. ~n dt'll~I lo 11htlW 11 S69 "«I Sr!u!hrnnsr Parifif' Cof'T'. a1r. Prof. h11Kht..'llped with 1806 PT. R ENWICK Uf)-Sl'Nl.d~ ea.rpet & eu._(!on) I Se•J3iin 'J-;., ;,1)7 Playa, g;j i sun 1U Ju~t $3.~ .down iin~tns: H~ Sat/Sun ... 11~. !!ml BUIL DING SITE * * * ~tlo. All t.h1s only $3-1,500. 1or1 N'pt llLll.s Dr. \\'eit)· th'1111<'<11 thru nut. Pmr 8Jl..-0.'194,
. dl.<1h11o<"B~r. ratTilly rm. S1t>tTa 01ula. ~I_. __ GenUc glope kit m fine art.'\, OCU\," ~'RO~T larw1n re•lty l:J!!aut. Prir1uflnn model, 4 l"nriM·11 rilf'lg w/i:a.~ BBQ.1 ,.L~!K~,~.~-"-..-3~8~n-1,-,,-.-~-,,.-. •,I
..... T"JBYRON CONDO :-:hni; ca~ts. p3Uo. lll1t U NIV ERSITY PARK li:t'. enouih ff>r poot An :dnt 2 BR O'Ait your O\li'n opt. 117·5100 Bolrm.1: .... 21, bllth!i, family l.<M nl nti:u. :..Chtw'll rtnwn pnv: bollt i;!Jp. Ire. t~nd. 3~ 2Jec~" ~-r:;~::.._~~ I C.all 3~&--0001. AllraCU\'C 1\n1~l'!t 3 BR. I• prit'<' i\l Sl9.000t f'anor":"imie \'Jcv.·. G<1od r;qunl hou!lng oppor1unity rn1 .. d'ntni rm., honus rm . lhr l!llr"M:I & n<>;1r poo.I. Call hlk to bch JW.tel'5>dft mr.'Tltt
up.sraded extta.s. S.'t9.500 : 1'' R i\NC'ISCA:-.' foon111 lns, prr:nu u:m gn'{'tl,,.._.,1 lo<'.tll011. .Secunt.v. POOi,... l\1ust a;ee L1gun• Niguel 1052 1 ~[.l~~~· orl~~~11!"~tc \'1~'.: f*"' 'oc'"'E· 6A'4'®JN VIEW * I ""-~U!I, 'w.500. r 71 I l
Mumc 7ff,. loon. O\\'n<.'r, l\lnnt;orey tnndt>I. I BR, OJ)('ll ~-8i'Sll~'CY.!. · this goq.:eous ,\pt F\lm. at ... ~ . l fi.112 j424.
963-9621 ~.i.i • .!'undoy. 2'1911 su!ltde BY Owner, bt'Aut. IBR. 2 li fn.5'Xl .1 BR. :11~Bi\, l.i;ie \it'w lot. ;:nl')"'~t1~ ~~·. $37,.jOO &. r~m 2'~"Y r;n· of th11 ~ 1 , ~r.'n-·-ro~n-r-o-r="-·o--1
Huntington Be•ch 1040 Ln_:_1lk_r 893-l~l. bi!.., fDrmal din.Ing. IA"! rm , s .... ·tutz n ... Jly rt'I;. 1t1'tlt.·shuftlf'board, poi!· G IB WALK, ER •·· -· am. nTt. c. f'anta~llc \'ic"''· i\11 up
'' ba' 3 ·•• ,,,, .. oc!.\ 500 <7141 ol!rl-JO().} die !ennit, mJn to heh. llui;:r klt. ....·/hrkf~~. !lt'l":ll; "-·• t 1 d , ~ I 1 {''l''l\'F.lt tran..11. s:r.oo c~TI. 3 w • '" ,. ... • .,..,.., ·~i ·~ •""' .';."' 1 RE A L TY 67S-S200 dbl. Oonr t'n!ry. Pti\'. beach j?'J"l'lr"""~ «'v. nn 11
8 "~·· 0
REPOSSESSION S """"', 2 ballu. FA he.,. <~II n....:;1"'5ll7 . • • 911 TIA '""""· 3RR Or«• ~ ·-""·· '"·' · · GEM m h~w' ~w. y .......,.. }~ I f tl nd I II Kll t'ill'll built-Ins. Patio. FOR ~~le bv O\\Tler' tn Irvilll'.', 494 0561 llOl.l!le Sltt/S\U'I I 2 • 4 pm , S,\(TtlFJCE n11,11r t1op11.n1n;;. ~l,\JUNER:{ Dnvf' 4 Rr, 2 -()pen hous4' S.1t & SUn ~.;,, or n orma on a 0<:11 on Ark CAii 002-t.rn l BR. exfra lg. fam rm., 1 · w Q(en~• $SJ,OOO. Nen'cr two &IOT')'. 3 Hit ,.,u l'OUI'!@ ronr~. RA. n; fllltk k !'C'hool 120-f' Turtil. Aw., · B. All() hy 11p1Y1lntnil'nt 25()1 ~~:::: _F~IA le V,\ hom~.1 O\VNF.R An~. Prl'stlite Dean S43:xxt. S..';2-tW63. IDCl'A"IO beOCh·c: Pl.ACE REAi.TY .r.i.~G-1 ~.OOJ. hkr/ownr 493-67...,. f>M('('I'! ril(ht et S..i.'l.~. n•:Al.TORS 64l-162:\ Pnrt \\'hi1tiy Pl , 61 1·9-12'3.
KASABIAN (i3rdcn 11-.irnl. famUy nn, TURTLEROCK, 4 BR. 215 BR HO~IE. Den, 3 bf', 3 BR home pT'lmP. clol!e In Bizy n new 14? Your oldtt Ownt>r. After 6. 646-Gllj , Put )'Ol.lt mitflt('I bflck on OLulfled acts 11tU bl~ Items,
f'rp\c, blt--inL Pat Io, bas •• tiled atrium & pn.tir>. PalkJ, Fruit Tftl!!I. S69,500. location w/THE v I e w mod11l cfllr ~!l ln big demand I ~ll idlr llPJM \\11h ll Dally the IT'll:ck . Sell \rtl" ltrmf' t1m1lll 'ltrms nr ltl1)' l!em.
RHI E tt•te 962-6644 I •p.rtnkll!r~. Jitk Cllll 8ol2-Qi!ll Decorated. S63,500, 333-1600 I L.AGUNJ\ Rt;ALTV 49'.-0077 $67,500 prtnc . .f.tt-7(1! • . • 51:11 It liu:t with a P11o• Cl11!1.~lOed at.I. 64Hl67S .... 1111 #I l~t DaUy Pl.lot .Just call &.ll-56i8!
..... -.
s11nd•1. Aprn 2e. 1'f74 --.,-.,-----..;..--..,..~-,,....-.=,,..,,...:TI,...,=~O':t'""-;;:""'7-u,~:=To=i:::::;:i:::ir-Llc::::-:::o;i::T::-;::w;:::;-r-;:;c::::::::-;w;:;.:r:ii::::r:--..-:;;;;;;--u;;;;:;;;;w;:;;;-. n::;:;;:::;"':--:::i:-->.;r.rrr:t:-:w:::'.port lie•c 1069 lie Hom•t Income Property 260() Reil Est•t• lxchft 2i06 Houte1 UHS Un urnlthed HouMt Unfurn 1 HouMt Unfurnished
Distinctive family hotne with all t.be che,...
ished con1!orts a.nd privacy desires of the
discriminating family. There are ~BR/3BA,
lrg famrm, ultra kitch . livrm w/an aristo.
Cratic firepl. Unrivaled schools. Lot has am~
pie room fo r pool, volleyball, boat-trailer.
J>ri<.-e $66.500. •
for HI• 110011---------~ 3 ~-I
.....:.:;....;=----'=! TRIPLEX TRY ME! !l~Ge--ne-·-·1-iiijjiiiij-=,_~_.n_•r·•--ii;jji-320-2 1 L111un.t s..ch MOBILE HOME 3248 S.n Cltmtnlt 3276
FOR SALE : NEWPORT B•a"1fh lly l ocate d lm-<:ilARMlNG I an ?o.tammoth condo completely b ,_ So
SILVERCREST '"" oll Nowporl m,~. fuml"••d with •now mobile. * HOMEFINDERS * """"'· 11~•. ,.,.,, ~''· • MOBILE HOME Good &CC<!a. to Newport -coJor TV, dl3i'8, llnen and l.agu1t.1.
>l' ' ~-. % ULJ 2 ll) <'IU'll·· '~-~nlnl M,_ J.,..tlon. Milo, t~Ud ok, No. End.
L.UXURJOUS 11ew 2 br
condo. all xtru for cattl.rec
11\·tna •winunina pool., 2011
roww nearby, car<fenui;,: Co«ta Mm -Sftn oqo lilll~att. Sboold rent lor ~GRAND OPENING * Jm-lmL PO. 2 Bit, yard,
draped hl1 inii ttft1.£ r .. ~ .,.... a.bout 165.00 •day v.•lnter or M SA 1-C b 111 A '"' • · ' •" .. ....:: Ownel't'unlt hu 3 bedrooms .,,, ... mf'r. ,.._ it.II '-"·t"athtt in C A E -"' I r o v•. $Sl>3 BR. 2 BA, trplc. "' l\'!Uher & rlt.-<:I. l)'tt, v........ di t • roo lamlly ~.. v• Cill "l-~ ,1-•-_van!, ch 11dIp"
S•n Juan lo' "" '''' ·---•., kltch. -n n,. m -.-..rt -•< •-·•• "•h1"" __ _. ri ~ .. --.... ~ -.vuu roon1 -Orchid room • ~ ' '"" ..,. " .. ,. •1.nu Y.'«'iCOD\4?, ( .• pJ.1trano clock, 1Wrajjc shed, Jlllld-flreplacta·hldoor BBQ -3G' J\lulr Trail. Wlll lrade ror CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 1 NU.VIEW RENTALS
Jlf'O\'\ded. $-1913.
11e11pcd patio. Ttiree yrs. old potk> ctrcied 1.n W'l'OUght tron .""', ,"°',,,"',,,,ca !~~:re· ~1p1: RENT AL SERVICE ! 67:HQ:X) or 4*™8 NE\\' dupl~ 2 BR. l BA • like nu. Loc11.ted hi new • 2htt palio _ p.lm goratouJ .. .., RENTERS-Gel all the houses available for 1drDI( pool &:
--•• . ...
•du.It pk, 11.waf trom noby more! Boch other unlta an: Industrial. $49.95<1. Ca ll rent in our BULLETIN, Updated 3 times a 1 •RENTERS• C'Pll'll"fak· Siif'b'.hM18 · St One-haU b . fl'Om elul> 2 BR • patlol • encioMd 675--122$. \\'t' se:rvll'fl all the bf-ach ' f15hl f'. ~ -
hOOM!. P~uctd IO SU,950. gaJ·ages. All tbla tor only week. c lliel & Jnland OranJ[I!' Co. Santi Ana 3280 '''
Call EVF;s. 2Jl.S!M.4690, 111;\ rtown -aaldng fi•.900 LANl>LORD~FREE R ental Servic e \\IE HAV£ IT OR f'IND IT!
Newport 8•1ch f 1069 1 Newport Height• 1070
697·715.2. Juli iirt~. Take advantnge. e L.\NDLORDSI e CONDO. 3 BR. 2 BA \1•/
CAN BE SEEN AT· Call i52 tni 1'.!'€ f"REE Call u Tod;t 1 pr1va1r J>IJIJo. On rreenbtJ1.
CRESTMONT • 111· --!~I 3224 t $ALA RENTALS $y. ::,~~~t'CI~ ~dul~unaonl:
Tit!'.: ni~t:rt·s PIM\N 1-:. 2100 ,
Sq. re.. J hdrm. + fatntly,
Jn ~v"·port. 0 111r111inR 3
bdr11~ .• Z Oath, ln111lly rrn.,
J1h·ln k!fr•ti .; 2 lr!llc5.,
k111•ly pulio $.< 3 i.;ll ruRe" on
111!f')', \\ ith l'\ll'u p;_1rking.
EST.ATES i• tj 1 ~~~~~~~~:~1---~~;:;,e;:~-'-l ~;;;;;u,;--:;Br;:-,u-; I ~"port~-~~~ t!,1~:~ 1"..'G:i nio. Call 979--86.10. llXil Site Or. Brea. (Ctntral • · ' I· "R.ENTERS~: ·• Ut\IQUE·2 'BR, • 2 HA OCf.:ANFRONT Lu XU it ). South Laguna 3286
Ave. a.'--rou lrom Bre:1 t ' , . • :R;•:•;l;;E;st;;1~ .. ;;;W~n;t~d~.;;;;2900;;;;JYou Gt!t All T~ Jlou5t>s Tca~.;;c, $180. l\.ids & p..·t tirand ~· pcnthou8t, m (.;;.;..;._;__,._..:. ____ ._;;I
COnun. HQ6:p.I Lot •46. ~~~::»~~~!~~~ • 11.1·11Hohle fol' rent ln OUR ok. "'I· ft. frp/c, dcckll. Cliff Dr. SO. L.ACLINA WR, IB\
(.'QN'l'AC'f ll;\Y, PK. J\1GH ., _: WANT TO BUY HUL.U.l'IN "PD1\TEO J Jtt-:AL. SllARP! 2 BR, $200. $00:.) f'llO. Yrly. 4~,;:. 11·/i·~"" ()xJplt' on!), nu 1~"r ~10w~;g. F'U:£T\VOOD. Delu~e 4~~1exes 4 units or Triple:<. Sl00,000. Hin;;:..~·~k. * 547 9641 J;~,~~ed·,~~' ~ pe~R. sin. UN ivERsm ·-Park . N~ ·-"pc-"-"'-'--~=~•-'_<_90-_'2_38= loc.I•~ '' ''""''"gto" S6l·:AXl ·S65.500 Cash lo lhe loan. Newpon 100°1 ... ' 7
1h's' .,. __ -Gar;,,,·r .t'encedforkldll, I Bk. 2 llA ,~~~·nhou!lt' -011 Condos Furn 3400 SPANISH
rlhl. P11tl1•. \'i('W dC'c-k. EiC(•, 1 Sp1111i~h sl~!I', n'd tilr-roof,
k\lch. Cui;L 1)1l rror 11, 11ri1n1.(: pa!nis; 3 BR. &
shuttl.'n;, Y.'l'lllpa)'ICr. d('(l p I 11unroon1: frple.. 111od~1i1
pile ~·lll'f)('ls & a Lr · blt·ln kllehf'll. $49,500.
condllionlni:. l\'l 11 !.'I Ill II nl CALL I!\. ''•·i•••
•''""'" 193.000-'11.:,'
BLUFFS }'LA,"\' rt Ur.J.(K/ ! ·~
new & t•xciUni;: ~I y l 1• , :;:AL TY
Riganflf'" n111tr. ~ull c, l.'ll\'SI Nt•r Ntttport P•tt Offlt:e
bdrm .. & bath + C11r11i!y r111 . PRICE REDUCED
Near new & gJcrunin;! to $42,000 oo lhls 2B R, t %
$87.500. Im hOnLl'· 2 flrrplnces, hU&C
l11.t11 rm "''/bltin BBQ, ~k
pn1Jo. covered pianting area
• 1\IJ)OltlnlJ shed. Bob 11 t,.fit Jll\IT1SOn, a.gt, ;,.t.\-J949
.()!.!!JJ San Clemente 1076
rea lty / or":"' 11ous~ 1.a P~t.
12-1 E. J\V('. Trieste
2414. Vista del Oro L.ndif"5 ettOOSC your l'Olors.
Newport Bee.ch Nell' 3 BR, i'a BA, 180
644 1133 ANYTIME dcg1·<1e OC.'<'an vlt'w, $.>!,JOO. • ' AA REAL TORS
Newport Bay Towe rs
1 & 2 BEDR00:0.1 tONDO/l.llNIU~I llOi\f~.S
Bayrront Jlon1cii
Boat Slips
F'uU Security Highri...e
Steel At concnte ronstrocUon
Private Ba.J~ni('s
San Juan Cpstrn. 1078
A private lllke too? 2 BMrm
+. den. 11~ bathll, $32.500.
Cenlury 21/l\lii>sion Country
495-4121 or 493-0290
"" " " 101· •---~ L ' II •--lk'ncb area. t-.tu.st carry "· 1 l I, ,,,..,,1a Ana !Te<'nl II ;;.,., l e Il l' ~!~~~5El;IUlcll. 11· B. $3800. 11:.i. 3 ' ... 6n .. c;<:.ne~~I ~·1~: i1.5eU, I BR House $120, 118. 2 BR. Hom•finder& * 642-9900 l ~I~. . u • HUr..,.lN(iTON IL\RBOliR ,
· S:ilt·~ Qftic~OJ)('n Oa.11y l to Call 61()..8672 $160 HB. 3 BR. NB. $225. 2 ~lf:sA Vtrde 4 HR. 11,~ 8$. 2 BR, 2 B,\ !\'oi'lJi End. Cloi:e 1., _l'IJ 01:k to IJea~h. Jetcuui.
Atre•g• for ••le 1200 !'> p,\J vr cull ~!1661 /Qt Llstlfli• Nttdo!d JJR Horse Ranch, Npt Jigts, $3;i0. mo. Year1t lease. Dbl 10 beach, bus & shopi)iflg. I SI~. mon.12131 ;m...2977
<">fil S1U. A.rt. Fee. 9Th-8430 trpli-. blln bbq. Pe I If Call <"' -,-C do Un"·m •••• Must Be Sold! .. · v.·elcome. 551-9616 ,..,... IJ'" on s '" • ... £.0!
' 900 + ACRES BalbN l1l1nd 3206 Dani Point 3226 L1gun1 Hillt 3250 EXCLU~IVE \\"estelltt Villa
• 1 • NB. :O.lsfr ~uite .,..., h'pl • * Ll'M'LE ISi.AND * 4 Bit 2 BA, N S . h • NE\V 2 Br & den, i_ 00. Bdnn & tk'n. l ba. pool, O\an:nip:r, unf'Urn,, 2 bdrm. · cw parus elee kitchen, air cond. 2 <'8.r lo 1~~-s~'l>IO $295,000 honie "''/f ..... lc., ~-•• & \1·/fan111sllc view $350 mo. .ar. lltrl pool. Adults. 00 pst . Kun<""'"· ~ • .,. •--DP 4~7386 EXCLUSIVE \\'estclif/ a.rer1. patio. Yearly. ' · pets. $26:>. 83G-2Zl.O aft S. NB. 2 To\\"TihOuses. 2 BR
NeM' Yuca.1p11. It OwtTY ~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;i"--'m_.~\\:'l:ot~oo~R~.E~.~=67-'->-333~~1 $275. NE\V 3 BR/l~ii 8..\ 12 BR &: Oen Condo. 2 &th. i 11 BA. Irpl, 1·\ubhouM.-.
V JI 'ide ed WANTED Quality extras. ~I Carµe1s. draptS,.dbJ garage. pool. S;'9J & $32J. Pli
4 C:d00~1 ... ~~~ak ~~~ SPARLING ORP ~ELD 3 BR house, approx • USED BRICKS • 494--0iJl Pool. $2-KI. ~or !21:1) 6-16-1.231.
&1 bcdUmQnl. le'\& tllf ll 10 INVESTMENT c . s.ao.ooo. Tu::in ,\rt-n, for 870-4$1 El Toro 3232 3m-980S. -'-',-'--E"-"11"·L~,-~d,.,,-~-.-~""1«1-,----1
1ninutes from 1''t1vy 10, 60 OUTSTANDING "!'i.:1neer at ln ·ine lndu~1ri11i BEltUTIFUL Bill Isl 2 BR 3 BR " ,_ ~am·-Llguna Niguel 3252 story, 3BR, ZBA. con d 0 10 00 n11'1uf'-" fJ'tlr• aJ111oli! Co1nplex.CalJBob llamson, l11;e, frp.I, 2 pa~. l'>hns, • " ....... ~ ''''• . Separatt' dinuig i·oon,,
llil)'\\"here in So. C11U f. Hills I-'ir~I .1i111(• off~rt.>d! Sln1ply agt, !'>-'4--l!tl9 gar. $375 Yrly. 673-3296. ~ipr.;rad!d ttpls, d~. bit-; SPECrACULAR ocean v1e11.',
firep.la(.'(', 111.lhe pr 1 \'al •·
& valleys, dra.mallf' 100 1nlh.• hl
1'Ul1ful 21 un1t1 In Lag~u Big Cinyon 3116 ,'",! 1~!"ldplc,te ... ,"""m m"l'!"'g i l BR, 2ba, den. frim /k1l, µntio, 2 car gaini;•'. All 1•"1' \·iew from euilu DL't:es&lblr near Boat Canyon !iropptr\11: I~ ~ .... " " I I '' <I~ 0 ·h & I . , I II ,,,. ~--Un I ' "'7-'"'"' rp t:, crp .. , .. ,,""' t.· l't"<'. ('\._'fltCr PM\'I p., hiJlrops, J.X>O' to 5000· eleva. errt1. I' r 11 ('' ca Y no ..,.. UVil g, enn1s. "" .,...., I l'l'C f e'l \'rs J.sc $6.1> . hi
tions. \\'aler, clectricilv & VAr101(·y anrl In pe11(.'('t l i~iii!iiii BIG CANYON , 3 . · _a 1 · • · Con\'en1en~ to E'\'Cryt ng.
-1· · \ kl ••~ 000 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::.iiii POOL/ J'CUZZI. 4 ",R_ 3 Founta in V111ey 234 :$--0352. ) Un, !_urn. \ f!_ar leMe rcn1.JJ. i:l'Cat fore~try roads thru L'fl1" 1f10n,_ ' s ng -...... '' "' I $3 58&-8662 C r-.t
property. SurroundOO by 1tnd Po11i>1blc lrade up !Ol' b!li; 2 frpiL-s 3 car gi1r I I IKE N 1 2 BR .i.-$110mo-3BRl2BA .. 1111. \U . · i.J 1110. · ·' ·
Natiollal Fott81, near some eon1n1f•rcia.I. t.~1ll liF.J-T225. HouHs Furnished ru1i). fenced. $1150. unruni'. ~h ev.· extra f'J:. ·be $-KK!mo-Nu csrm bit hn1e. I LAG. NIGUEL-Coast &
of CaUf. finetrt apple groves $1400. Fum. &14-4566 :: ru';'pu~~mi;i;,ca2n PLACE RE .. \LTY 494-97&1 l ocean v\c\\', new singlt'
&. beaut. new Yogt &ar G•ner•I ll02 ~ar ~s"i~ ~ Kids ~r l 3 BR rondo Niguel Goif l story 1600 ~ft, 2BR/2B.\
C1unp. Fa.JJtastic potential Sl2r>--UTIL PO SniaJI but Coron• ffl Mar 3222 Ont). S269 per ~. No ··~. course, 2 C1t.r gar. $JT.>hno. co~I~: 1\dult comm., roe.
for development now or · Ba h · uo· 1.' b"-Agt 8·12-4421 Ck r/O'A'lll' 493-j768 • fac1h11es. J\tany . s Pc c . niCf! c • pa • 'a 11\ SPYGI..ASS HJUJ -· · l !ea1urcs. fpl , m.1crowa\-e '11q~d1'!1~0· ... I"VC:111~ntgf'e ~~ beach. Lagu na. Speetaeular v I e w s' 67 Huntington Beach 3240 Meu Verde 3263 ! v\·en g"Jr door opener. s:m.
" " Sl~UTJL PD. l BR, frple, '' ... · ,.,_ . Sa I ' 67"" ,.',....,;; 0 lernis or 1vil/ coni;kfer trade _d(!(.il., \•icw, Laguna. 0•n«llO v• .. ope~ t \VALK TO BEAClf! HARROR View, Ltlsk. A\'all. ......,~~. wnr.
for lnoome propt v. $28G-2 Bil 2 IL\, trplc home, SUll. l·S. Brand rH.'.~ exec. S210. Kid.~ & pets ok. 2 Br, for lt·a.~ 'l \J'S, $j9~1 ~lo .. IH.\'JNE. To"' 11 ho u !I e . RICK ALDERETTE DANA POINT t • blk ' N wport home. 4 BR. + !anHly rm., o 'T LAST 2 8 $l$ relerenct's ~uired. 3 BR, Unl\·e~ity Park. all ryf.'d, 2
DUPLEXES s:ih.-aL~8:i· &e Prh·~cy! 2 3 :)flths, 2 frplcs. &: patio. \~'u~oni Duple!~. Nc11 ~'all. · 2 ba., ne11·ish Bluffs home. BR. 2 btis,. Li\.·-rm/01n-rm. l&iO E. l71h St .. Santa Ana 2 gurage llP<!t."l!S for mo111
Roof top sundeek
Unusual Opportunity to
Purchase Bayfront Property
In Newport Bf'ach.
BR 2 Ba frplc \'I~· honie Ba !Joa Bay Prop. sr::.--7000 CUSTOJ\I 2 BR $l70 Du J $-195 f\lo. on lcai;e. frpll'. l~e kitehen. garage +
LHiiuna ' ' ' REOECORAfEO, nc11• driis, Carag~ kids Ok · p e~. AGEf\'T 644-'ifi62 carpot'l .. Nr. adult pool &
NU-View RENTALS ~riit & . Jl.il,1.111 ill ,t. oo t. Homefinders * 642-9900 SUPER &harp 3 Br decorator I ~ils. $350. mo. Lease.
~T-6469 F'ribulous Ck"e1u1 Vle"·s ..,.,...,. .... _"""'""'""'"-! ---::-"::.:;;=:'----I !I New Bcauliful Duplexes
OPEN 11ousE Sat & sun 1-5 Developers, S68.9:ti 10 $73,950
310 Fernando Rd., N.B.
7fJ~~~~e 3 Sa~R "·,:
1 ~~n~ 694. Acres 14.mP ~E~e~\\'l\
t;:,nlt.•n hon1e, 11~ yn old.
heflul ('O\'f'red palio \\'/hlll
\'IC\\'. S:!S.:iOO.
\\'!thin the rhy llml1s of Sttn S75,9j() to S95.950
67J.-40l0 or ·19.\-32-18 Shorecliff" 3 .. '+BR, 3 ~· ., . , . home. Avail. lolay 4U1. s.IOO. . ~ , ~==cc-=_,:c.;c::;----;--Yl'ly lease ..• IS J\lonung ,, RH . :l ba . Inl·d )d, bll·lns, mo Jncl n:lent'.'r David ~E\\POR.T BEACH Nl'W 2
I BR House. Sl:.>0 utll pd, ilB:I Cat1)011 Rd., Citll for aptlt., 1'111 . d1·p~. D.\\I .. Z C'llr gar., Bol.rke Ri~ :i4&-!J9:x>
story. 3 BR. 2 11 ~ BA. f'rplcj
I' you like a \\OOdi:y, nss~ic,
private house al the beaeh
with all modt>t'll an1t>n1Ue!I",
you will love this home. 3
Br. 2 Ba. Lrg Liv. rtn,
Ix-Rm ceilinK, rrplc, din.
ftrea, ki tchen bit-Ins, 2 tlr
fr!X'zer. rer. 11.'/ice mak('r.
Ne\v dishwshr, "'ashr dry-
er. Lrg private pa/jo off liv.
rni. Offer.~ Indoor/outdoor
living. Close w cverythin,::
in \fest Ne .... ·port. $51,500.
To !!CC, coll for app't;
&l!Hl&l4 01• conlael owner in
Palm Springs; 17141 328-3233
·192-2100 -==-PRIDE OF O\\'NERSlllP
Upgr-.ided 3 Bl?. J 1: BA,
indfil.'pd comer lot. $39,000.
Owner. lla:rbor La. n e
llon1r-s, 496-2492.
Spygl1ss Hill 1088
OfMn 1 t C1rmel 81y Dr
B•lbo<11 Bey
LU XU l.UOUS 4 BR ..
Sat & Sun 1.5 MADALYNE Uf<SANO
547 Aliso Ave. 213-00-7571 or
3 BR. 1 BA. NE\YLY RB· 213-596-1671
FURBISHED. Stop. din rnt. DAYS or NIGHTS
•·rpl<'. Large corner lot .,...; ~U-n~i-.-,.-,-ity-p~,-r-k-~109=4
rrees. $47,500. By Owner.
Call 548-4394
2230 H•.tther Ln.
Cross Street, l n.·111~·.
3 BR Pool -011 nC'r
11·11nts out. $7•1,00),
OPEN SUN. 2-5 P.M.
640-82."'i) SJJ · lfi 14
UnmiKtakenly Ivar. \\'('lls
Bu ill. Pool. 5 lkdroorns. 3 &: •1 Bathx. Dining ltoo m.
Family Roorn. The pi.'rfl"CI
hoine on the 1>e11et'l strrc1.
Phone 548-414·1 or ~750.
No Agt>n!s Please.
Attention Couples!
This e.'freplionally anractive
f()t'mer model home Is THE
110:\IB for an active couple
1\·ho wants the bc!t place to
llvr in all or Orange County.
lkoutifully located near
r;r'ft'nbelts, pools, tennls
rourts, and c.'lubhou~. See
lhis S.,'l'f'll1 l'-"'Q bedroom
hon1e today 1-5 p.n1. 4~1
Grrcntree lane $-18,500 -
Iceland. Call 61~1225.
• u• ' '" . .. , _.,,., ... " ., ...
I ~R 1>ep. garage un it, S\2,1 :ll J-4:i2~7. \\':llk 10 BcaC"h. s;:~. mo. 1st • 1. • • ', · Jrg f1111 io, d~h11'Shr garage J, ui~I pc.I, L<tg. Bch. 1HI ~11~·. (.'l!AH:O.I L'\G2 -Bl~l-bii". .~· l~1sc; . S\00. rlean-up M1ss1on V1e10 3267 c<1rpor1. near ~ ta r g r
Ufll pd, hr:.nd 11c11·, C:'lf. H l -d"po~H. ~l ~I J111pala Lane 1 pl'ivale park SJ50. n~n
B11ch Units. HB S.15 nm. C~I nco~~p· 15
11'PpaC;11t VN~· ~ 11.R. ~-372M '· AL.\!OST neii· I Hr. !! B:l, ~1-57i0 ('Xt i-19 or 673-0iti6.j
91iM:Jo $29.1. l.e<iSC' .. 600 Aeae1.a. 400 \ i\H?S lo Beach. 300) drps, prof. lnds11d. all bltns. I Nl\\'PORT m::ACH
J()6(', 10 n11lcs II) do'A'!1\()ll.•n. Ofliee Open Dally 1-5
llAS 5 l:Wroom hol'TM!, SllX'k \\'cekend~ I~ RI
drims. May c x ch an g e . 331!61 Copper Lantern
$2.lll2.000. Call 6<J6.--0555, '196-3431 &.12-1905
Oll.na llarbor lrK'Ome Homes . ~ ' '
I< I \I I \
S90 NB $1.2a ~\i;1. Fee. . · '. · ac · --. 1 fully crptd. .\/C, rieror. ---_
1 Opcn.&lnlto a sq. fl. a BR. 3 BA e.'fC'C $350 mo. 83.J.IJO \: !lGJ .. lOS8.1Luxury Condo, Newpo r t HUNT. J1AflBOR +PLEX'S Corona del Mir 3122 Mo • All ho1n('. LI: Joi ha~ room for -. / Crest. Vi~-. 2 BR, den, 21~
J b!k lrom Bos.rd11·alk ving owance boo.I storage. $5i:i. mo. 3 BR, 2 BA. t'Orw:lo, patio, Ba frple extras Tennis
depreciation. A1n1. tax Completely furn. inc 1 d NE:W 3 Br .. 2 ~ BA. frpl, ga.r. 3 Br. 2 ba house ne:<t to $250. l\1a_y 1. 830-0871. &1~i£ ' ' ¥ • • •• ' •• ,,
Shopping Cntr. l st owner 2 BR. Gar, Jo~rpl c . , ~100 Off }fl /\Io's Rcn1 838-29'.:'1 crpts, drps, pool, encl. gar.I $3?~/mo •558 _6·130 0;
sheller & appreciation. 1213) I.Joens, ~\rlillhc~ Dryer, ~rir6 ~ti~. $.m. "hoppi.ng, drapes, csu·pets, Newport Beach 3269 1 LJ-.:,\S!'.: $:.ISO. Pacilie Island
BEAUTIFUL ~i acre lot by 376-JoJ.84 Open com. ~lany xt s. 675 w~r. ktds pets ok 8-12-1936 or I -
Village Condo. 38R/2BA.
owntt close in $10,000. \Vil\ \\'arncr/Sims. Costa Mesa 3124 'k~ ~:~ ~sk ~~~ St.!-3637. WILD LIFE re.lrlg, Y.'Shr, dryr. Fabulous
consider cash offer for less. DOLPHIN REALTY Atlrll.c. front 2 BR. Jge sunny patio & yrd, landscaped, 4 BR Condo, crpts, drps, PRESERVE I \'.1 C' ..,,. . Adu Its on I y
Les, 1051 Corvalln Dr. LOTS \\'ANTED Jialio. gar. ~Jatun: adult. no _641-73ll pool, clubhouse, patio. $250 & ha k be . Be ·r 1 3 831-Z'.!12/499-2"~
VislR, Ca. 920&3. Phone through down payment & per mo. 5'1~1 105. .BR'• 2 BYA~~8'1",-11,.~uc.~o~•~. I Condo 3 BR. 2 R1\, in Sant11 724-6619 sub.,;rdlnation 10 bu i I d pets. S190. 2234 A Rutgers Single hosse, 2 BH. + ·" .....,
7"x2"x2" 1700. NO Escrow custom homes In coast area. '''" 1-213--454-5104 n.unpu.s rm. Rootn for 2 ~R. l\lkNli:;er 2610 Florida. Separiue dining m1, hu~e AM, heated .pool , Muna, on
NW rt •--ch 3169 \"l'110"table garden, $3 :10 . r>o pets. 1 child. Couple bolcony, grecH entertaining gl'e'f'nbel\, No children Cash Only. Laguna Beach. Vl('\\•s prefe.t'l"ed. but 11.·i!l • po -fili-im only. $175 mo. home. Unfum. yellr least' under 16. $160. nio. Call
Ca11 4M-8984. consider exclusive areu as NEWPORT BEACH 3 ~-m back uni' ~th 2 Bit. &1.oVe. & retrig, nf'v.1y I nm1_111. s.l.25. n10. o.,,,·ncr is 979-.%.10 Apt •• for Sii. 1300 '\\'ell. 979-1525 ~"" ., .... 1.. 11 Do RE u N" <"•s-nJLU>'f" c • ot hlgh'wa,y $275 ~:» ,,...,,\('( n & out. wntov.11 . . censee. • .. ·i:.r• o 11 "o . HOUSE + TWO Brau!. Llnda Isle &: Udo Isle 4Z.I Dnhlia '001 · JI B. S2:30/l\.f0. 536-9547. Call 64()..8672 Pool. 3 BR. 21, BA. lantil)' ENGLAND! t-3-R, 2 B ' !lo"--pl"' \1·aterlront hornet; annual ' NI~ JBR I ........... ....... Llsllng5 Nt.'ed@d r111, forma l ii I n i II g. ·n " = lscs. 4 BR. frplc. Avnil Junf' 1st, .. ~. . • c .... L-u )•u, • \fO B o Tllf' O"'ner or lhls R-2 sltr 2-2 BR, 2 8A Apt&. PaUos, Bill Grundy fUtr. 675-6161 yearly. \\'alking distance range; Bi~ garnge no dogs $-15(1/. · Y w n er·
'>1'(11 subordinate Md Y.'tlit frp\Cll, yards, I au n dry. ll!E CHANNEL REEF stores & hfoach, 675-2672. ' S2TJ. :i36-I756 c832-'=--'-'8liS7.c-,---,,.--c.,--7."-,-I
for most Of hl!ll Engliflh gar~. 6f6.4414. I • 11.B. VU/a Par-Hie Ne1\·ly
pounds after. eight units 1''0R SALE JjY Q\~'NETl 2 Br 2 Ba Y.'aterfront Condo • RENTERS • rvin• decorated 2 BR .i:.. Den. 3
ar(' built o~ this \\'ell loca~OO 2 Ocenn View Dupll"xes. 5300 P 0 0 I -jacuul·31."CU.rityms.r-\V~ 1
11er1_~ ~10 the ~ch Baths. rrplc. Dbl garage
Palm Spnngs sue. Asking & ""t 8c"•ho-~ w-• Ina It boot, SUmmer: Sl600/ cit es · 0 an rani:;e · TURTLE ROCK Pool. Tennifl. Le as e ·~ u s c .,,,, " •" v • ~"' nW>. W i n t e r: $1(.Q)/mo. WE 1-lA VE IT OR •'IND IT! only ,,...,,,000 . . al.I for Ne"'POrt Beach. C1t1i f415\ 61~3.l35. • LANDLORDS! • 2 BR .. z ba., den ........ $325 S290/mo. ~.
detalli and Io ca 11 o n· 937-6176 eves & "·knds or Unfurnished FE:E FREE. Call U11 Today 3 BR .. 2 ba. • • · .. •• ·• .. · S-lOO IRVINE; Cule. 2 BR Condo.
GTh-7225. 1415) 937-886-111.·kdays. Houses SALA RENTALS S UNIVERSITY PARK \\'alnut Square. $214, n10, No -..
IH \I.I\
' '
4-Plex by bu\1der. live ln 1 Gen•ral 3202 Nev.'POf'l & 8<Q.' CM &12-m'J 2 BR .. 2 hllthii •··•· .••••• $.'l!5 SEE Now 1 hr $l7'J yrly i::111all children. ,.,,_,~
rent 3, close to Hunl\ngrons ?>fr:SA Verde, 3 BR, 2 BA. 3
3 a9RR., 2
2? "'00aths1 ·;,:""'·~1 nu shag, bltns & refrig. 8*2SIG uuv
new cl\'ic C<'nler. For I $325. mo. lease. Re I s ., ~ " u, "• .. ' ..... JI UNBELIEvAULE! 2 br 2 b6 B"L'"'U">"'T"'s".,=••--*"a"R"."2"•71"s"-'' lnfonnation &12--0:i7-I LIVE . HERE! required. Families only. WALNUT _SQUARE $200. tpl. V.'&D, patio, yar. L'ondomlniun1 i r. Ill Sehl &
Industrial Prpty. 2100 2 br. \\'alnut Square _ $2.11. AVBil >22-74 Ask f or 3 BR .. 2 ba., 11..1r cond .•. $265 POClL! 3 Br 2 Ba s.l.25. Catholic church. $-175/mo.
'1------'--'-'-----I l br. CD~f _ partial tum. o I\' n er I age n ! Chuck trpl, Df\V, lncd, 2 car. year!)' lease. ~12. Over 1;2 Acre $250. E\'erett. 546--1141 or niter SEE US FOR i\10RE~! l --lluntingtonBeach
,... ... . . ., ,. '•.
DANA Point
. p LEX 3 br. C0~1 -brand ne\\•-$375. 7 pm 642--5985 $ALA Jti.J'l'TALS S I -I BH Townhouse, xlnt cond. .'Jo 000 0 ~f hr. UnivtTSity Park • $.18). NEAR PARK, •·hool• •"d C"lXl """'1•'-" · G-)0,} $250. Call 96&-976.'> \'l<'W, • , \\'ne r , Blvd. Has 2-b u lldings "'" ., d~llLw, ocean & harbor \\'<.'~tn1inster, close to Garho' N rt & o ... ~1 &1>-00••1
714-842'-3892 Appro:<. 1600 sq. feet nn<l :l br. J·Jnrbor View -$-150. Boys Cub, a roomy 3 BR 2 HARBOR VU Townhouse Unfrn 3S2S
C L I 2.JCIO 1 ~"" Cal 2 br. Shorecliffs $-150. Ba home v.·itb private yard, 1 3 BR. or 2 + Den ---------
emetery ots MQ. t. .,,.,..,,!lXI • 1 3 br. Baytront · Slip -S500. patio, and single car lit \\'~~em Bank Bl~g. I Great \'ie11o•, Nev.'. Tennis SP.\CIOL'S 2 Srnry 2 hr, 11
0 Crypk 1500 ~ .i br. llarbor \'lew $525. garage. E:<ccUent etU.-tside University Park, l!Vll'IC Coinniunily Pool. $57j, 100. ! H.i, air cond, pool .+
2 br. 01llnncl Reef · $700 localion $300/rro Agt. Days S52w7000 Nifhts t AVAIL NO\V I 1 ::.til-2319or830--83Th 2 SITES, Rtls<ohills J\flUllJnlc ~lion, $UOO for both.
• -• t ' .. ' ' "'
Rl\l _I,
4 br. Sandy bay bcach-SUn:I. 644-7211 640-8250 831-151-l ! Duplexas Furn 35SO
4 br. Lido Bayfront • $1400. 3 lxlnn, I ba, carpeu, cli'll~s. 2 bdrm., 2 b'.I •••.•• $300/365 a..E:AN, CIC'an~ ll a r b 0 r --------1
BEACH HOUSE 1 LESS THAN J~l;~h~!iJg~ J~~~~/lg. I [ .... "°""' JI• •I 7 TIMES
Commerci1I Prpty 1600 -"' ' •, ' . " " ~ .... "~' ........ ,, "''·~·
Mobile Home/
Trlr. Prks.
Call 6T::i--72Z larti:c enclosed Ya r d · 3 · drm., l\~ b:i. ••• , ••.• S300 Hi~h.lands J BR. 2 BA. n~1· BEAT TIIE CRO\\'D
Convenient \\'estskle 3 bdrm., 2 ba •••••• $295/435 paint & c.rpts. Frplc. Qu11·1 .Ir llJGH PRICES?
. . ". ''. .. ' .... \'.\IJ,E,.
l<I \I.I\
loca.1ion ll('Ar schoolll &: 3 bdrm., 2111 ba ........ $4.iCt a:e.!I · Private. foccl yanl.
OCEA:o;rRONT Delu."e turn
shopping. S2T5 mo. &15-mo 4 bdrm., :r, ba ........ $425 1 SJ7a/J\f0. \\ ate r pd. Jo11 er. By lhl' \\'eek or
days & ST::.--3-132 evenings. CALL 5S2-7SOO . 646-9564. i\lonth for ~fay/June. 4601
DECORATOR'S Dt-Hght 2 VISION ••• SPAOOUS ;t en 1 :-'ea&hor e Dr. NB. BR. Sp;inish w/ frpl. Just • • Fludy, lamily nn, 21 : BA., 'il4-673-S49!1 or ~2516.
rrn1oric\f'd \\' I sn1ashim; I \\'e1. bar. 2 trplc's. Pnol Duplexes Unfurn 3600 "LA 'DrNTALS lnl'hogany crpt NiM? yrd. • I II ~ VI -"" ~ S300 n10. :.wz Santa Ana Red Hill Realty ~~'gs. ~~1~t ('"$ 55"oll: -~---------1
\ 6-, -1 LG. Ne"· 2.(.Q) sq fl, 2 story 2 '\'e. ,., ...... ," · REALTY REALTORS S.l-hi9'22. blks froin Corona bC'h,
2 l3cd1non1. Ne"·ly lisled.t.: 'jiij~ijijiiiiiiiii~iii;i I GROSS
$47 ,500 ' ci1 H FOR SALE FOX REAL TY 01;1t • om•s 20 Commercial units In Costa 24x&I tlbl 11ide nW>bl1 home.
.. ~ . -1 ... , " for sa le 1100 ~lesa l f3 Ae viE'\\' lol 11r Colorado 6.w3333. Eve~. IJ .. -.11., $175 000
HA\'F~ '69 24'x 4.1' ?o.1obile , Hh·t>r. Ai\ni~. 4 ton
llon11• 2 BR, 2 hH, in cool J't'frig. S23.500. C. Rogers,
rlt>Rr high desrn. ~'8.lking l'.O. box 1:1. Topock, Ariz.
' h• "' F ~ •" " .... ' ·~" . . . ·~ ' .. '~·
WI Sl't<:IAlll.l ll'ol Mt\/ICI MONTEGO MODEL
4 Bedroo1ns, 2 Ba 1 h
Lge lot nexl to gl"Ct'nbelt.
REAL TY 13~730
f: CUTE & Cozy·3 BR, $200 Univ. Park C ler , hvlne HARBOR Vu, 4BR, ZHA. on adults or sn1. family. Ntl __ fijl HOUSlS flri\'ale kids ok Park, 1 blk to pool. beaut pe1s. Sundeck, bltins, l 1i
Mount'n, De .. rt, • J !."!!,-, RAH.[ 'rind! 2' BR, $185. 2 BR Condo, AIC: .• $2'25/mo prof decor & I~. ba, drps, chocolate. crpt, ----r · fenced for klds. 2 BR CondO, A IC $22.J & $245 14'" I . ....,. ,__,_ Cd'I
dis1an('(' lo null'ket? $10,0CJO. Hi02l 163-2612
R 2,.""' "' gnrdene, 110it \\•at.:. $575, 1 1J. ~. ;JO"' .,,,,,, 1 . esort -.vv .-Wf"OIT&U.Y,C.M .... t•UU. EA.:!il'SlDE' 3 BR, $290. "'BR Condo. A/C S2&'i & S275 548-7464 6T.!-T967.
3337 Ne....-. Blvd NB --'-'-=-------"-= \\'c --_,_ all th• ~a·-h fenced kit kids & ""I!. 3 BR Homes ..... $295 A: $315 c11-o8'""'1cc--,,,,-.,-~1 --,3,--,-b--,,..,-
-~t""' ., • • R U N N I N G S P R I N G S cili<"I ..... & • j;land Orftng'; ,..'"A. Hom.finffrs * 642.9900 3 BR Homes •• $3%1 & $335 HARBOR VU, 4 BR. 21, BA. · . .rg v.: lt\e r, 2 ba * BAYSHORES * 4 Bit. + family rm.: incl.
Jee. m!l1T. sul!e. !luge patio.
Slepit tn heach. 1''an111s!it•
Bay~hore Or. IOI'. $120.00'.J.
11l111plere "'I awn in gs,
skirting, & cooler. cte. \Viii
tmde for dbl·<,1,ide mobile
hon1e ol equal value in
Fountain VaJ1ey area. Dir.
(7141 365-2714. 7425 Church
~r. Yucca Valley, Ca. 92'l84
C•l Lot $17 500 ·-•u<1·" home O" oc-~ 4 BR H $335 & ~-=-2 '-1,. wetbar, beautiful duple:< (o'>l·ner's Wlill Bltjn
' ~ l~ · " '"· $ LANDLORDS $ E..XECUTIVE •d-"t tow.,_ 4 BR 1.~mf!B .•••• ......!000 '"'-""':;:,_"' -"k, -mm. st<'reo + fl-& 1..,_,., 511·,1411· Nea< 19th & P"mo"o fantnstic v1e"" 3 BR, den, 2 "' -.ume • • .. ••-v ""'" ...., ...., .... .,..,5 u " 1''EE •'REE. Call Us TodA)'! house 2 BR. 2 BA frun . " ..... " pool. SUPER Deoor. i\fature alar111. \Vasher & dryer :2~~· ~J\~. 1;!'/ced low at ~73~ frplcs $
4 3
9 9 5
· $ ALA RENTALS $ rm "-ponl Immoculate. RA:~~A1;1'Y yard. Avail J une. 64•J.-.1799 hookt:lp. Beaut priv grounds. GREENLEAF
6·12-603.1 5411-1100
W I N T I C , .vE •--h" ~ I I Newport & Bay. 0 1 6-12-8383 N":<t to Mesa Verde Country EX~USIVE ... 1 l"tf Vill Garage. Resp married cpl es •Y • 1y or o • ...,U\,. , .... ,v .. · " ""au moun Club. Obi garage S.'t"iO. mo, t\E\V 2 Sr. 2 Ba. University .'-'" . "·es c i a, S2i5. No pets. 842-3276. /I prh·atc 5 ,.tllr arlult ron1· R.EALTORS homt'slte N011h Sbore vitw 1 8 k u.2211 Park ................... $365. 7"..:lt suite \\'/frplc, + 1 "'-""'-'--c--""~=---'-o==,--. . 1·~ \l'h'tl-' t I k n 2 000 co5e, ro er. •NO" • n..1,._ & "-"-2 b••., pool N~v. HARBOR VIEW, 3 rnunl!y. •·"' 1 1er ,,ve., 21 11 Snn Joaqui11 11111!1 Rl'f. ~Ii. near a e. ~·, NF;W 3 Br, 2 Ba. University Pl""' ""'" ...., ~·
C .. \l. has avallnble a 2-tx60 Ne"·Port Center ll·W-4910 terms 64~·14·11593-3242 KIDS OK Pnrk ................... ~. patio, s u nd cc k ,, $.j5(), BJt, 2 Jf:· sund~lu,Si tncd
Bare·ingion. Upgraded in OWNER FINANCED A bcnutful ii e"· lot In ldyJl. 3 Br, 2 Ba lreshly pa inted. :: Br, 3 Ba. + bonus tin. 2 ~1231 Y . "o 33811 p 1n""'
t'\'l'f')' \\'11y. i\lust be seen to 11•11d + lot in ArkMsn:i. Nf"w crpts & drps. Nr liChls. J;.IQry, 2'200 ~ fl, Urilve~iry BEAUT $i0 (0) Condo ~BR Lfln•M'n, ana o l . \Bl · m "-IV\ hf• tt ppret:iall'd. $ 2 0. 0 0 0 * Top Lot11.llon \\'ib1on & Placcnti11, fenred p k 14~ •--3ba '1' I ' 1" ' 21:hl37--0145. t, :\BA w/v1ew. ,.....,.,. IG-'7i65 9 6 '* Tax Shtlh.'r Terms. "Rrd. $275. 557--3850 fi r ..•....•.....••.... · ,..,. ~·. , or ease or eaSE' ='=~"='"=''--~~-,---~1 Ol\·llf'r /Ai:<'nl nn x Io u s. ti · ani to pm. • f>IJ.-4,ll~ ,, Ov.•n<"r 6""'8813, option, ocell.n \'U, tennis DELlTh.'E Dana Point duplex
i\!Akr. Qf{cr. ~ I• ... ..,"'!! ............ _ .. *Capital gainll USW.111hCOSTAMl!9A EASTSIOE. 2 BR. 1 1 ~ ll:l, !'OR '"a••--New 2 BR + courts. swim pool. $475 mo, 2 Bfl, 2 BA, shag cptg, I :~~:"":~~~i"' ...... I 2BR, 2B1\, dbl wide, l Ownt'I' • $20,000 Dol\'O Bl:Atrr lg \-U lor, Jt,(!V."f!r&/ ,..._ r.... SI R I . ~ ~ • " 64" =· I I d hr I .• • l'-11 1 ... i.... · · N ·• LANDLORDS FREE I ':'·pis. ... • .,s, cr:e-<' n. 8'· r...n Home ,.... Turtl-k.· t,.-:im or -.MU rp c. SW! • en e o • e u N''V • BR ... I -r -··•om only, '"""ptlonal cone!, n.11 ·u .Y Cas<.'u pavuqj; i;ntng Ill, cv....,a 1-~ yd •·o~~ Sled \\ h ~ " "-gc •~
'" ' l'iJ\. ........ I! I I s•-675 6700 ld s 1.k T .___ 116 000 (,'u • .,. ·-~ • I . i; r Ulln ran"e W/ dbl O\'en, N""'\' JSR "'''it>"" 14:.0., ' J;Ul"A . -. . per n)O. bu\lt, tdeal for retlrt><I rieluse x t r n 11, beaut co ' iw:ini c:s. '""· a-11
0 " 6·7, ;141a'""'· · · BALBOA·B11rgninl 3 Br, 2 connt'Ctions. ChUd U.I\. No d•h"•hr. -.~ •-·h -,,,.,1.,, 10°"."" & -"t ~._ 11,~, I Chlldre.n OK. 213-z.'3-8S71. -··1•1" o-N'•••·~-Bay. l1111d-0 o"i""'& lnlerior, BAYFRONT SIT-E "'"r. ,,_.. Ba-~ K'd &-1-• ~ s-"·"'"""" "'" u..,. "" ........ """'"'' ,.,..
""" ,. " ·-··' "" I'..... ' .-... 1 !I .... Ul\o ""4"· w.,}. lllO ..... .:..,,..);J, C1ll day& ~lT.7 or Vi~· Homes. Capri Realty, z sn. 2 Ba. 2 Slory, Home .\tlul1 J>W'k. SI 8. 5 u O. cemt'nt polio &. carport, ~\'Ir boot repa_tr &. sales Ranch1s, Firms, 1''.V. f>90L. 3 Bit, 2 BA. • 3 BR. s 2 2 5 1110 e\'C'S ?l4-QZ-U66. G4.l--i.i:l5 !il)'le, 1~ priv yd , d attch 67:>-072.l chol~ pn\•ate secure 5 Siar Prinie Ne11.....,rt Bench IOl.·. Groves 2700 $22.'.i Singles & pell nk. CV 1 1 G' 1 1
1 s 1'K'fltion, ltuntiniton Beach, Bill Gnmdv i11r. 67;,.6161 NB ·Rael Singles SI 4 5 11.cant-Jl\O\~ n · ar. ge NE\V Turtle Rock home, 3 BR, 2 BA. bltns, O\V, .,,81er gar. n new u up ex l.
· PYGl . .,\S~ llfL~ ~17-1367 Sl2.500 C d :'. 20 ACRE A\'OCado Ranch. AJ>Pu·s. tiu1 pd. Rec lac. • ~~·:'j~~~~s. plan 3. Lease now, buy oond., dble fplc, Jge cor lot. ~96.1-;;"==m=-~--,,._""'° 236.U~'~~~~~~l~:y NrCI-: clcun IOXj() "l()blle on ominiums Vf)ry attrn,cllve 1erm1 . Homeflnd•r•*642·9900 3 BR, 2 BA. N-· ll••bor "ri'rc.r~AA1_1211171Uncnities. $-125. $375 lolo. Avail 1\.1~ 15. 1BR.·11pt J\largucrile
hOnltr In adull park. Nr , for11le 1700 F•llbrook •r ea . uu ... -CM~r/ Agent &t2--0a96 $2%>.LargeStudio$1i5.uUI
EAF-i'Rt.Urt· Lu.~k £.Plan. 5 h C 1 d 714--833-3212. LANDLORDS! Shopping. Adults only. No lfNTVER.SITY Parle. 2 BR. 2 H.V. llomea, 3 BR. flm-rrn,' lnch~cd, Place Real l Y, BR/:IRA, 2600 t;q ft. By s ppng center.
0 0
r e "Thf> OrleaN'" P'..ittt flidt' \\'e g-..1.11.e ln N~ pe11, SZQ. W11.ter pa 1 d . ha. TINln'-•-, xlnt Joe, nr 2 oo .. deck, Pool, scttl <'b:c. ~1 or-4~To.I 0\111\r , iirin'i onl>·· G44-ll02: tbc1urcs. ~letal awn Ing, Cost1i lot e 5 • ovtrlookJ"" S AOlE Home.lte. Oak .,............... ... .• ,....,. 645-031& ·.-·~~
-, s Io r a ge Shed, Ver)' f'ON!()nbclt. 1 slory, no ltc.'P~ IM"t's, utll. ~lain road. Beach • Corona del ~la.r • · j11cuzzl. pool. tenni... $300 $500/ mo, Yrly, t. 1 e . C.l'il. PRIVACY New w/2 BR
I\\ 'Y IT YU\J l.L LIKI:: IT 3 t'el\!Ollnable l'l'nt. 4 i.rr;i6 ff'TlCCl'I patio. 2 Bit & 2 b,I\, Plantable to avocadofl. GOO!I • l.nguna. Our Rental Str-'t M:. s BR, 2 9 A, Y,'/"'Cl'J>I~. /TM, Call ~Sl)UI all 2 pm ~4-8568 Aft s or y.•k.ndJI. 21, 81\, frplc, gar, lnd1y.
I ·It : l~. fl1m rn1, Mt hse 1 tf'-~ CaU 714 11~ .. :tn2 vice It }"REE to You! """'· drp9, tn<:d yd. rar. po.t, or \l'kenft!I 11~~1~ ,\ • ... , ... JSR. )'ard, Mt.io. $275. s.J6..1.U4. 1 •. .,,1. ''"''"'-s,,-'h, •1_.,.44" S:\11\.LLER mohlle horn,(', frp)e, $37,5(11'1. ''""' ~ • "' ··~ kid _, I 30 0 &"''....., r r .....,. 1J
• , _ ... ,. v-" " ro1n1,1. rum . LocnlM Udo l..(l!I Padres Rci:tlty 3 ACRE No. SAn 01('.'jtO ~UVi'kw RENTALS ~~7l-•uJ "" • 3 BR. 2 bas, Nr-ar new m., crpted. drp6. bll\ns. AJHirtments Furnished l .Ll ~1' ... 11J,t 11Cn~111,1·11,11·. \lllla1te 'l'Mlilcr Park, No. R11S.CM&tllwy. CoutUy. 2BR hOmc, "'/Oak -ColJege Park home. Parks, dtw, trplc, fncd )'M. $3$,
' I •1
• • ';~ 5, i.IXXJ. B:i1 'J I TOO l.ido !"ark Or. $4495. LAguM Btach '9-l-0791 lreMI & crttk, RI tr , 613--4030 or "91-3248 l BR. 2 BA. dbl frp\c, rec 8Ch~. svdm poolll nearby. lnd prdenrr, 6il--H26 8albo1 P.nlnsul1 3707
· 111 r. Gl$-.l!A17 I IJl!C'l"I 0011 be>ln11: 1akcn lor Oupl•xes/Units 83J.1JSS, $-till rREE FREE rm, c;riis.. !1l'P". fncd 'Td, 8!18wl.'HOIE~ S.W--15.lS. 11.V. !Bren) llomts. .JHR, I
NQv1pcrt lsla"d 101 1 ~11u1\l~1. s111r. s i&-6900. for .,1• 1800 R••I Estatt Exchg• 2aoo •*rtzNi'fo~f*• if:·=~~:!: a.uaehro ~~k.3\~n~k ~:"S:;;,1~n-,~~~-.,.· f!~~riec. ~.CJ~k~~1•• •14·1•~.· i • -~.i,5 •• ~~~-" UP -;:-T-1 t \ • Tn., IL\.JIL\i\J,\, 25X 16, .xlnt Chi .. ... ""'"' .,. .... TWUlu•
Ci ". Ii' 1 1
!. .1~·1 lnimnf'U· 1'(11itl.. "'11.'I, pat io, cuslom CUSTOl\t ·bull! du p I ex LARGE R-3 Hom.finders* S47·96Cl 181'111lC. ldren OK, no pool, bt1.1. $423. f.,ri1•. ,Ply. &W--?311 e 110\IM:kecplna Room.a 1111' · I BR , :l M. ll ppros 1 1lr11s k c·pl. I L'r. r;(';:ir o"·ner 'll 11n1l 3/2 Ba . P1lm Sprlngt Clllifornla's ~t oets. $.JS.1969. fl33...21'08 iiIB'"Olurt11, 3 BR-condo. 1 e ~3n View Apts ~l )'T'!I. Patio.
" 011• ne r • l'll'11i l'I. X R 'i:ltXl ()Jll•n lri J11cun1 IU IJ. luxury ma111tt Ii.It on Stln1'18'. t&kel ~ •Renll\I Servi«?• Si\L\U.. 1 BR.. utlllcy p11ld. TVRTLEROO: ~ 3 4t f',Jlt. Newly df!colo. un mo/ I BALBOA INN
• _ or!t•r tHG-\2lCI R1· Arltr, 3 flt'l!pl11~1, ~fen. UnilJ1. Fully Improved . Buy • new '141 Your older )'L'llrl)'. 1 adu.lt, .no "'eta. 2 Ba.. pool \n ~ a re a •
1 leue. . lOS biotaln Slrfft
Sl\l>\Lf., 2 Dr. hc111i;e on tiOx $1,:(I,,-iD:..:t 7 \·i,tk';n,, ;,, t.IBR,\RV. 613-Ti69. r.::qulty $20.000. Exchange niodel cu ls in ble demand $130. &t2-Ul60 U25.. 833-MS8: 83J..1972 AGENT 611-1662 C'l'M140
132' lot. ~.100. r~·1un 1'111, hU. 1(1 f'ICl')ll1i11u, I c·Ono~A DEL i\IAR s;ood for Bfach Proper1y. (213) . -. Sell It fast •·1th • l BR. dc."n or 4 Br. 2 Ila , C&r TVRTLE R«k, 2 httint. ~/''ARBOR Viev.'. Monaco. 2 an.vu. Slit to Offiln.tll
53&9.10l2?f • Mall;lll'('I Dr. I .\:.!hot :Ill or olr!f"r, m 1>1:1... u1•"0ml!. 2 BR I.om , «n:<klUJ ZSS..5'241 or tm'-0$16. Or. Dlily Pilot Cltatned Adi Nf'W, trr. Blt·b'll. $l'it). 3 ftl\, 2 ba. P1an-'l & 3. S-KIO. A\•&11 July 1. U;-ue <1r li/71. \Vkty $125 . or MO.
CLASS SEU..c; -M2-!16i1 1t111-·,,~<1 11r ~m-~u I 111 ll4.'11 1nak4! ofltr. 611-1101 111l11d &.12-.."i678. 675.ll:IO $"25 l\to. Bkr. IH+-4910. Leatt/OpUon. Bk:r. ~ $21!1.. Ulll lnr.ld. 6r~.
( l
' '
~-:o;::::;:::::=::-iio;r:'.'.:.,---..,;--:-:-:---.--,,.-.---~----~~--------~~----~~-~~-~~~-~-~---Sunday A~H ~ 1q74 Apartnwnt1 F1Hnllheid Ap1rtmentt Unfurn. \ ASMttmtntt Onfurn. Ap1rtment1 Unfurn. I Apartmentt Onfurn. I Apt1 Furn/Unfurn 3900 Rent•i1 lo shire 4300 lndustri•I R.ental-4500
DAil y PU.OT D 8
Lott i "FOOnd -~S~JOll,;.:
B•lbo. PMtlnt ul• '707 C1p ittr1no Be11ch 3111 Co1t1 MeH 3114 1 Huntington Buch 3840.N.wport Buch 3869 \\,\:\TKO !'Qph. ,. n1 111 . HUNTINGTON BEACH
JJiR, $1.ti 1no ln1:lur1I•• u1·o1 NE\V Octan ""'""' 3 BR, 2 ..:..:;:;;;..:.;.:;;:;:.. ___ ;::;:;: I -lt>nu1.k" w i.l11tr('
1 ~1~
(',\I.Ir Ai\ l\IAL CONTROL
1lun1ui,g1 u11 ~ll('h Sht'lter
f.:•:!'I t;ih~n SI !i::ltt-25U
1 Hal'k vi llun11:1nr SOc~l)'l
,\nunnl As. .. 1~!1UH t' Lf'.1Ji:UC
(111 & Do.11: ht-ton~1· l'l\'all 10
·~ s1 bat PARK NEWPORT ~ ·~ r "' •" •" '" ""'"" unLll· June l~h &T.>5."11 or ''.' cony, crpts, drps.; UNDER NEW n, / \l /~tr.h.::hl ,.,". 11111 1 r
m-2133 w ...... ""''"'°· ..,,_11,,, APARTMENTS t<:r <_s__ "''""
Coton• dol Mor 3722 \ Cocon• del Mor 3822 NEW MGMT. ;._ __ SPACIOUS APTS. Oft the bay 2 Ult. Tov.nhol™', lr\Jit', Ger•9•1 for Rent 4350
CHARMING 4 rm + full bll., OM S t.uxury ap.ar1111tnt U\'lfll h "0111 S2:i0. 1 UH. from Sl!t:>. MINI WAREHOUSES patlo. quiet area. Adulti, l BR, z•~ bas., ldt-e.I for , ~A FR b 120 o..·rrlool.:11'1:: thf' 1111trr. En· lli11JI, tf'1u1I,, 1'on11n1•nt.1I STOR•GE
conltOlled pet Rt."l'el>t&ble. lan1ily. Soi.l1h ot H.1.1:.t'iwoy. f • 1 • 1 BR, 1 ath lO)I SiY>,OCO heAllh ~p11. 1 brr;.kfa~t. S4"!l}M'J.I(' f.anilly . "" $250. !Aut./ 1350 mo lO tril. nw. \'('arly 1~11~. I • 2 BR, 2 bith 1wimml11~ pool•, 7 l!ihtrd ..ection. CIGM.-to Miuppi~ ~o ~IO\c·~ or ~lo\'e·out
mo. 67l-9123 D'. J. FEENSTRA ( P INECREEK e 2 BR, 1 bt th tennill tourtr. plut mlll"I of &: fine bC'ach. &W-2611 111:\~"'· t 1'0411 ST.$() f'('r
• ~ t d p I bity<'I~ tr11l11, pulling, 1huf· mon!h.
LRG &chelor Rpt "''/pvt ba &t?··\513 In~-orp.' ' 5·19-3162 ! LIVES UP r .ta t oo llt-llOIU'd croqurt. J unlor 1'1 LA f\tAN'CJI,\ ,\PTS llllJllllton &· '.",•u.·1 r)(I ~1.. HU
le ent. 1123 mo, lJi:t & last YN G c.ouP1e want apl In TO ITS NAME I Adj&l"C~l 10 !Jtt'Rt' -!i)\"CI)' f"ln'I Sl~.!fl l\\Ollthly; 61l!l> I Spacious Adult ~arckn apl.s. ALL SPACE
nw + S50 clean & dan1~'t', L>~1 2Bll. unfum, up to 1 park. i blkll to S.O. t '""1' k t.Dd l>btdmorn pla111 ._nd Clo~ to Uioppiii;: ,t, l)r.1t•h 960-1970 673-~4. •""" mo. ···/utU ~1. ··•l •=1 Q,t-r u.n t•ll , ..... ~ "nd 10 I ncv.· !S'j ~t,1n· \\l('i;1 n111t~tt>'' I ·•o-"·•·• "•••·• E"-I L •··· "--· ~ .. ... .... -...... ol'JV ·''"""~ .. . 11 .,.. •1 .., •• ·-· ••··-.· uxur ...... s Ii_•-:: crpts, bl1u1s •'1,·,, ,<[,"Gt.•.·. ,-•·••. ·.•.·1·, II~ >"URN _ .. -....., i.li'Cllm• \\'llh ...,.,,,.~,11, m• _shoppu1i; rt'nll"r. 1 Blk , ... _kit·" pri 1 .. __ ;µ ,, .~ JC "'" ,, "'1 spac Bach, above ..,, "'V'" •• 1 ("'I I ... 1 "·II 1 '"' w •t'nll,. v• e (MllJ<Jll 1nl'IUfh• d111h1<.•11.i.h.:>r . i.. ,1,,, .• ,,.,.,, •1.,,. ll, c,1, ,, .. • c1-curc: u -·I••••••'"'''"''"' " .,.ieii .. c.-s ....., l'O:''·' o• "·loo•I<•• .,_,,.,,<I•'• 1 BBQ " '' " · average·&ee to app r ec, B~AVTlio.1.JL lrg OL'ta n view ,--··,_,;'to .. ; ,_:;1_·';" .. 2• mile• 111 1~ tieaeh. ''"" "'"b't ' ·•·• · ,· poo & i::a..'!1 & J)n \'a,!l' tht·n r»ll 6-l:l-:.Oll. ·lfl l-lili.1 Nontimokcr I bus lnt.>s&n1an. 3 BR )-BA t)ll h Id v... ,....... ... ..... "' ocr1a .,,.... tlTlrK.'an pitr put\OJ. I. 2 &-3 Hit S\!\O •. -, _-.---675-4859. " , ' • ns, ...,. r ry, l>f'd roou1 apartn1!'uL l"M111 \\'1': \\ t:LCO~lE OllLl>HEN \n1 with tJe,·1tlfM*· Optional I S:!;)() 1)(-.r nw. Gas .1: 1111tcr 5'l'J, Sl:'\CLI-~ G11r.1c,• lnr
" (!r ~11~·. $.vxll nlO. 673-07'>..l 1 s1;:,. run111u1'l:.' 111·11~IKhJt". maid serv\C<t, .rust ~rth of ii.lid. ~tora~·. Oii l\lt><'r! Pin<"<',
Cost• Mts• 3724 i or ,n:.sg;);l rolltt1. Ofl1t'e open 9:00 to 6·00. 23ru HERMOSA VISTA f'"·~"'"'" 1i1an1! i.t Jrunbrlrtt· 778 S<.-ott Ph1i.:,• l'.u>U. l.ll·i.11. 8.'11·2li0 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LO\'EL'' 2 BR S: L>e11 t·ll.U'\'i<'1\' Hd, Cw.ta i\lc.-11'! APTS. anrl SQ11.lo•quln 11111!1 ttoad. &12-~7. OfffC.Rental-~00
11/(;:8..'. $300. n1v. Call 1-"'hone: ;i.t.~Z::OO. I Heutal Oil, !Go.\ T"l('pi""tw 171.ll 6~1·191"-0 LIVE LIKE A KING ill-53i-17QI -OPE:'< JlouS(7's,,1 .\· Sun. 2 • 1~.i-r1 Wld<>n \\'t'1'1. JI ll. t"r 1¥t1t:1I inforn1•tlon Family Fun Aptt. NEW OFFICES
12 BP. Sturtio. dbl ... ar. rK'"''IY I BR. tu1rt1"'oc1CI lloC1r~.1. 192-5217 --,-W-EEKS FREE* ''1111rt.1 "'Ul11111• I.~. ,1,. ~ lor At Bud9.t Pr.,ce•I I • * "'''' •ll•m••>· ,,,,, ,,, IN LAGUNA NIGU EL • Jl"<.'Orated BIU1i. Pool. ;..r. ~ardncr. gur, QUl<'I. n11ddle FURSISHE11 bcat·h S:!W. 5r.,..1\28. tu;:«!. ~2 ui-ou<1 11 i.y, $l l.i. Vista del Mesa lt'as.~. Sorry. nn ~ 1,;. Fii1111 Only 42c per tq. ft.
L:l\1-'URNISlll::L> t',\:'\TASfTC 3 BP.,, 2 1 .. ,,, ~lu , $149 $1b9 28R ,\llt;l,T GAHDI:::'\' llO\I::;:; J1t.1•I 01 Sl i1a .• ~ 011'.~ T1,11\\'~ WX1 IL ,t,, t i' All 1.J!!I u1o -I " II \'I~• \'F 11::"' ani )' 'p ...... .,.,,., 'rnm~ t'lllt"C, ih ;t,1, 111r. 1"•1l.1r * POOLS ~·'.~~.' P1~;1e0~!.' ,,5;',~?J,._llv.·) · j Dana Point 3126 S::~ $].;;· ,..:~~-k hf11!k J~11 \~ol';' ti~ 1~1 d~;:..11:.. 0;1~: ,\1·1" 1,\dan1s al t'aHT1r111 . :?1~2 Ca1r100 l ·:11 1,1r1Ul•)
,,.. '-"' u-t ~ I ,~ C061 i\lesa. l'hon.:> :iii-\i.,j, :-\Rn lJa'll'!'I l'i>\)' 10 'z BR • . t\<.'f'i.wn Sr Uc:ich £: ~latrr I HP •. S\90 2 Br. SZ::V ---GARAGES . , 1 ha, cpt/flrp, blrns, For Rent By ()\rncl'·N<'"'' :z lnl<I • s,;o dep. ~lo\·t· 111 Day & l':i5tht S•>t·urh)·. l'ool. TllE EXCITT~G A\try 1~u r~11 .. y .um ult
J Po"I, ':"'alk lo be~ $210. r ~R !'P'· 2 BA. Nl°'ar O('t'!lfl I S.12-t'iOI or 8 12~ Jal'\J7.2I, HN:. Uldg. u,· f'ser-PALM MESA APTS. 131-1600 * CONVENIENT 1 .>~9-2?88 days, eves .1.17-8968. 1n D"na Point. Co11\·,·n1l'nt 2----r"en $lT:i Cl Id c1~ rin. bUllal'IJs , color T\'. ~ll !l:UTES TO Nl"r BC.II.
TO ALL BEACHES BHAND n('\I,' South of ll\\'Y 2 !~!:'Ills for long ter111 le;1si." &or "°ls ~k. ~;2P·l"e~~m':i:1 Ea ,\pt. tuur tlh.,h...,a5h1•r. lia..:h. I .1t :Z BR. fl,>111 $.i:Oi'
' BR ' B \ •-t oo :>.ii-5228 "". • I . M I & '' It N P
FRO" $I .&i:: ~~"'NTH . · ~ '· ... l' l', SU eck.
__ · . 1 ~o. A. 118. 84S-06Jl. rt' r1~. Ii g r p · pl't patio , 1 . u 5. o rts. M ,_. MU $1:-.,0. 6~27·1 HILLTOP-pn-s;pa1 3 or 2 hr or rk"'•:k. U61 l\fesa Or.
ADULTS PLEASE I :! Hit. I Hath . t;ppcr Apt"'. , !pl, _gar; 4pls. lt n~t;·n1ni L19un1 B11ch 3848 ~~l.i-\8.."ij I t:> blks trum Neu.·port Bh·d.l
VILLA POMONA I ~unileck & garag~. ~·. I ~ 111 1 e s .o_p I L .... e y li UPl~t.:R Dt:PL1':X. 2 Lg BR, BUf' SER\'IO : TO ooon. ~~MOO S-'001~10. 61.>-:ir.$ _193-6970, 5:>7 7':!16. I \'ery lrg Ii\' rm, klt, slo\'e, llill'T. BEACH Dt luxe adult
Phont 642-2015 I 'DUPLE.'\, 3 Bl<. 2 BA, !rplc, st;rEJ{ 2 DR Apts. t.;t'l•at : rcfrig, oo. lr~ sunil\'<'k. " CHAN~ELFRONT µools1dt gurden bun~nlo\\',
{ 1760 Pomona Ave, CM) <'rpts &idrp~. bll-ins, $35CI. I ,. ~ "."·, Th 0 111 p s v n 1 w/w ~Is, . drp~. lrpll',, ~ !3~!. ! ha. 1~.':'n1 for 1Jr1;1I. 111· cx.'t"an, lri;lr. 111'. pul\1),I~~~~
67:.-6389. I ~lanagcn1e~1 Corp. I nlf"llllla1n \'!f'I'.', 11·alk s:.7.1 l11I., ~1.11 1~. ti J,)olOL~. s11un~. tcnnli:. ~II). *Deluxe Off1'ces*
$30 WEEK &-UP--49,H}l ll ' lli'l)()IJ!~. shors. 11). hlk l WALK TO BEACH 02:>:.t. Also I Br. f1,1n1 $1'.l.i.
e Studio S: \ Ult Ap11>. Costa Mesi 3824 , East bluff 3830 l11•01·h. :'>latur~· l'pl. relinbln, :; Bdrt.1s .. 2 buth~. frpll·. f UR DUPI.EX, t;•ll pd, lt,;1•
e 1V & :'\luld servu·c A\'oul. TH · NT J..'f'l'KI rf'f, childri•n n\'('f lli Y••.urly 11·~~('. S.12j '.\lu. Y•I. ''" lll'L~. $1!\~1• Aft.ti· Fvr Lrn~.~. ::,.1 "'l ~·1 1111111ri
• Pl s . I I E HU ENDS... • DELUXE • I 11l'1.'('p1etl,. :'\fl Pl'1~ SZT:>/1110 l :1.\li-9:;~ hu•u1··~ .. I~ "lll•'f'• r•IU~ I'•'· lOlll' l'l"\"lCC -I tr .JlOOI y -·' , •••• 21 ~·1•1,1iou :in'.1 ,\ .. !vr;•i.:•" .\d
e Children & P('I Section . No n1on• ar111·c. l'lll huntu1~ :: Bit, 2 BA npt lvr lc:1s('. rar rouiou '"""' Rooms ·~
.,. N' t Bl t ,.,I I · · Id ~ Jil<'t'nl I•• l)1· .. n1:r l'111111t.» 1 c11·por \"I., .... w 1cn lOU H'.'<' our gTilCIOUS, Ill{' spnc. nHtSlcr suilt', 1tln ,\h?>I'!
518-91:>.) or 61;'r-~'J67 I l!;f\a<"klus lay-OU!. Garden nn & dbl g;u·a.gc. ,\uto door SOUTH LAGUNA L.\Ct.::\.\ :'\11:ucl ~I as t 1• 1· C II 546 8801
s1 ol•\h) .t \ ,. II n. l"l'i.1rt1·nt~ lhn.i April
\lt1 n.1 \lrl ''" ::l"h \111hour llt'll.-1!1~. ~t1·t-nfl(t.·n ,1 1 •1•,..lu1 .. r or A;\ I~! \ 1-' J \ll'(JC:'\ nEU
tiu!h1t11.I .I. \I, 11 (;rf' .. t l>lllll'. Hlk, 111ale
l'l•"t'" , _,JI l liu. I. ,..;, hri•1l,i•r 1\li,:h:1n, Hlr>11<l1'. 111;111•
Ashw lll·Burke & Co. l..:111 1111\, UI\\. 11111<'
ii I 'l'J~·:?li •I G, rln ~1.·p nu,, 1ru•.r, ~·. 1'111111<•r 11ull. 11/\\. 111.tJc
:-. ~'\\ -:'-! : ;·\(~! ~ffil :'o.1F1 llorll:!·llf .Sht')I nHll. l;ll., f .
~h•Jll ,\. t)lf!\1'• 1\111pl 11rki;: 1 {)ti\!{'. n1L1t, R ik, 1 .. 111 ~N ~ flhaSf' P"r-1rn .. h i-t>r 1 Chih1111hu.1, lilk, f, 011
'iln! 1,,,_., 1u· :.; 0 f l'\\)'. I :.;p"'n/ rrn· n11,, BIB, 1nalC'
i>lt)..1 2.'•2 :'In..: :O:p,11111•!, Ulk, 1 .. 111
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\11_, I•! I'..• 11. 1 u .'fhh Sl. &
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El Puerto Mesa ;11~·111n1enrs "ilh (._i)Jllt":O· opener 111·ail. Pool & L I u1 I l11.•lnion1 ... Ullt' In ,,~\Ill•~ a -
b R 11'l' n an rra ,1~hkinabl\" 2 ' ,,·r1'1 ". Tl• o\ I ' I 1rnce, ut qu1e1. l'~alkln an-a. Adullir; on-2 hur.1c, pnl' ('n1ri.nce .IL !i;11h -Key Offo·co loca ti·on-11 ·11
· ''
1' t~.
lBR Fu•n $16SUp l •'llo·or2•T''"-l)•oo·~t Pl! "t!1Znf:>' Bit,' BAAplo\l'rlookln~' inl••1 1•w '"'"''1io•1 .... h ;11 1 • • . . •u.o..om ' ,,... s. ; " -~ l~{" p .. ,,,I". So ··l•S'" 10 th•• 5100/11111. -l:J~i'/'3 ~
L\l'l{l• .. \,,J•. )"ur ln1•illrll!, J.:;
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,\ I ~ u h.1l1o·r·l:.>11111..,.,i>u r
J11.11n1ri. i-..::-1:.r.1
All Ut'I p Kl * 2 Full Baths e $307 e '" ... .. . -----1tp1•1Y1...: \,:;;.:. !'ill ft 1t1.-I ~1~1 1~1,, '1•· 1'rt·~u 11:r
N Child 1 • Na Pt-I * Jn & Out l:'.ntertainili~; SW Amigos \\'a)', NB "'ti ter, you can Olp a pel1hl(' LAS BRISAS APTS ltOO~IS $3'.l u.·k up, \\1\h o·onf1·rrnt~'-n11, l'•'ITl111•1u luo ·r.tlun. ~1 ,r 111,.,...,u1t.,; ,.,111 o ren. O s iu·e·
inlO it fron1 the tl'ITllti.'. SSlS RIVER AVE., NB I kltrh~n: S::O \1k up apt nr,..,., ti offw•'!i. ~''"'l,-rn1. r.1n..i:1~11 fr,.111 Ju.:, ~un1la\:t
Pool &: n.ec~atlon a · l\lana~ed by ~lalure eflults. no Pl''-"· 642-1566 ~!.,..9';:);) 01· 1H:,..:19fi7. ~1!1111 l'ntr 1<lt•nt1fl! l11l•in j I 1·oll i;1o;..:ie.i::. ·
1959 ~aple Ave, C.M. I ~u~S~":.n~Ll~~~y 10 mo\'' \\'lLI.IA.i\1 \VALTERS 00. I :nr.» Pac1.he Cs\ lf11y \'IE'\'~ l.iR llnf s~I /\t:AR-llarbor Bl\'d. l'.oo~fll s. d ._v JHl1ll(lr1.1I, 111 II .. 1 !' '' • • ·---.-----·• Fount• n Vall 3834 ' 4-2135 t:.111111u" 11r. t) c ,\0•1~r1. t.Ol~f"i Janll<tri:ol .-.upply HOLID~Y PLAZA into! 1 ey ~r ll llR Un i A\'I 5/j S203 klleht'n pri\'1. ~''" -SOO. ',.. I H 'I ti t l'.1ri11c. t1infuh•1111..1l 1"011nl0t'I· ______ .;:.,_...;:_:.:c
..,.,, OlTUf'KllC'V June i,1 u~1ness, . ui.1 ~(· 1 lll' lu
DELUXE Spa('ioU5 l BR THE VENOOME !TfBURON TOl\'nho 8C 3BR 1------------,\dults-:'\o l't'l5 \'rl)' Ll'a.se _b .. ~l;l'S S30. a is.:>9.',1 ·!l~llliO I dlnr!<. ..... u 11111u11 1~·s v,f!!o• ltl\! N p·!l·ITill ,\llQl"llull ,
furn .apt. $150. Pool. Ample
A h . CM 21~ ha. ·fam rm, 2 ~r gur: OCEANFRONT ___ _ _ ____ ROO:O.I \l/N'lrig, p r 1 v . Of't.ILI' -. . J11n11orial Supply p OB"\'. ;:1dopllon ,1< ko.:<'J)Lni.:
parking. Adult&, no pets. na eim, · · I bltins incld N'frig a/c JlO':'I on pl'il'. beal'h. 2 br 2 ba. H1\'i'!:"KUX~ . ' t'n1ran<'t' .~ ti.a.t.h. $100 1110 .. • :-.i•iiL'f. ~ 0 f{ 1:1.-'9, Cm.la \lesa,C,tlil !l:?fi:?fi ,\/'{',\it~: t.l;.!.-4~::.6 ~~loo:;::-:-cl'<>'-"mo.".".M:::.c'c'o·•"-C"-"'1'-SPACIOUS & clubhous<.' fe<>s' incluck'ti I f'"o 1·h1ldren or IX'•~. S..tiO. CllA'.l>~EL RF.F.:~ 1 :-.; H. J.U}-llbl " lt~.Nl Co1111 ~lf'llll, ll:arhur
;;1-, •. T,~".-,--1-.,"' !'!'IHIT-c-,1-1-.-1li::-\tit:1t ~ " ' · I " ' ~.9.-24..'>ti ·• B 2 Ua ~ I ---__ at ,\rlHlll' U.•;111l1ful nl0tlf'l11 n "u l'uvf' "r l'>I '' • "' BEA_lIT FURN. 1 BR lots of ? .1:\l~!ACU.Li\TE . ' 963·2Y.i8. Sl2-4474·1. I -. • •. • . r, ... \\:1.' ar. pvo. Guest Home 4150 u1r. 111\l~B. J11n11vz111l, r1 .• ~~ \' Coast llwy, i\'.r1\1~·1 t U11t·n lU i\)I ht IU l';\I b~t·lns, pcl'.°'I, y,·alk to shop·
~BR, 2 l;!A Studio. In ~uiet ~· Huntington Beach 3840 B~.AL.llFUL Q{'c~n \ 1e11-. ~!lp!>. 6 $.>.:ll .• 1·.u~c. O"'ner. .\ \\'Hlk~·r ,,. 1,...--H!ili;. (.ill, l\.€'al'h f>.12~11 vr 194-9'.I07. /vhtr" .-,11 11!1 n1.01 1o·r~
p111g, nu. Iron1 bc h . pll'x. Nr. h'\\")'S. \\alk to -·I tront :Z Br :ip1 in 4-plex. <11ler ,673-~7 I LR(; J>ri\'. Jtcw•nl. 1/.1\•·!~ ,;,.11t' lllll .N7·0l:l6 "r J i llF\JT!lt'fJOD~'-. :ol..'.' t.lCa
S15u·nlo, 9'.:l \\I. Hl1h SLI ~hopi; & schli;. [~i,,pon. CHILDREN Pool. S27~1. 673--61 1 ~ eve~. Sl'.:ACLlf~' l\IA~Olt ,\IYfS t i-··', ~rt-1, 1,, .• ,,.1,h· ·,1,;-,s:"I ' 11 "1·1 0 1 · • ~:111 l'lP111,.111•'. tur nppt, j j I ·h.ld t !\ ' . ""u "' ,,.. .. ' ' ' · • · •·IHI I U 1·vun ry ~t"l'o' C !I l'l'' 9U.'I \tr• 9\'lG 548--049'l l!(U ts. I I o~"~ 0 pets. I I Lido Isle 3856 HH .. I': Bl\ ~!ur!l•f, 1·.~:il. 612-\l'"."7>1.. c .. ~ta :'>lrsa -[·'X!·Cl"Tl\"F s•·1·11 --('d:\I s;~ 'l~l -'-' _._~-, .. -~-.• --
3 r. !OC 1 5100 o -''' 1 Jlf.lV.'. lnq: ~ LaSalle, and 1Mrtnts love the ,\~k uhou1 our d1~•'()U!I! 111;,11 --· ------.. · · · " · · ,,..,,. · \'A,<;E(lt J:\lY
40"°°111Nu J •. p " r slllu. ~~~ J 1\p1. ]. $.19-3.)2.J. l1rge, spacious apart· * * ij,\YfRONT·lrg J~2,) Pllll't'rlli:1 '1\\t'., :'\ B: l Summer Rentals 4200 (h•·1;1~•)'\1:1.: ~.B. ll~L ~~ ..... J.~~ lnve~t Opport'y sots (f111 [1rh •n11ul Ill t fo I' ll\il t I 011
\\'. ·t \ · '1 · 2<0' 2 BEDROOM I BATH B b Ra · · be· ·J .. 2u.~r, 2 :lll)..2(i~Z . ·"I 1· :i "'lt "
1" :..,,, \'{)ll1J..i•l111g & r1·!1•rral ,_.e~n11nster,\e. ll(J.. . ... ' .: mentsat an ury .p11\etc <1c 1;,~'n10. .: . t 1~rn. 11..,Ul'l', i\ll 11,11J..pd. ·"lf1.Ci•1111111'l1tB11nkHldi.: t"J '.'\,\:\Cli\l. c o ;-;:>;t;LTl:\'!i ,\J'('1\JU·:. ln(•ori•. ,, ~Ofi· ~1e1 ks St,C~t. , IN QUli::'. ~Li n.it CO.MPLEX. I Cross. lsc; furn opt'L 67/, .. 811.9,6. LI OO I SI.~· Dr 11 n1 a t 1 e I tlllO. 11 .. 11. June ltilh·.-...·p1 "" L'i.,,.1 ~t 1111)' & i\cw11Vrt ( File\! ha~ Llirn1,: I\ 1111 _!'rn~i~1:rnr.':.,: l!_l~,::I I~
JIUGE 1. 11R .. erpt~: '.!rps. ,\LLdulEX1HAs .t:. G11rage. . , Meta Verde 3863 CVh~~·-· \\nl<'J.~~nt 1 . Hl1t l~•; .. s;~ 1.110~1~. "~-15 Cosla Biid. r\•'(•lh·n1 Rrn! ~:~1a1t 1111rt MASSAGE & SAUNA f~esh p;unl, kilch built 111 +I ,\ ·J l.s: llO ~t.s .• Sl90. • l111ld•·en 6 & )'OWl~('r I . ~!luu. Apt. .-•.>f_nlO_ HIC · 1 rilt:sa :St. (_)I :H.,...,5()() . t;\2-l!i ll I \•'I\ l'l\'.IJl'('I" lur 1nrl1l'ldual ;
dish...,·a.shcr Adults no pets. I ,:~2?_1,'hwl~ -~~-0 Stale lic'n.~1'<1 prf' !«·hi • JIQ)lt: AT:'.IOSl'HERt: uni. lly Ou.TL<.'r. 61j...-0,)3 1. r LllX'J !:'.LI-~ . Jlo1L«e Conip. * 1 ~lU. t"Hi::t: R~.:NT ,. ur insl1!ullf1n:1I Hl\'C~tO•'li fl'n ('h•1111 ,,011n ... ph·a~nnt at·
6,12-10.t-I ti•.>--'>.112, 6 1-·i)5(1 e Ouldren.<1 pll1y 111·c11 I De_ lto_x,, 2 & 3 Blt._Re_ntal Ofc, Sp:u.t_i~h JBR. Zn,_\, bcan1('rl furn. _:.! liR .. 2 bn, F1
-plc. ;-;,·0 lea"'' 1~"'· Oh:. ollo'''· i 1•.'<'. Cr.11, r.. tr. B111<:<' !7\11 n
v:;plit'l't', TV ,t,, lnuni.:f'. e l.llr"f' 2 & 3 Blt kP" I I "'"' " · • Call J>.-.nnfl 11t ~J-12~7
BR, •-c·'°"'· 6 u•;I bid"•· HOi\IELIKE. 2BR, . b ea n1 e _. ., ' . · ,W'J:1 l\lill'I.' A1·e. :>16-103-1 ceihni,:, bl !_n~. 0\\,, ".' _lla,1:;: e_ec·~lt. ''"~ll. June·St'pL ko1)'. Al":10.1rt1•r llo!t•l. ;u-li.:0..-11 ~1() l'nrll'!P.il" "nly. ., I II h -" I d I 2 nclultf('{'lente~ II 1 l \l ,., 9-•-i·~ 6-'"'"'' '' ..SJ91\•.1rn'''''.'.'..:......!11~_.li•·.
like new. Gar. SJSO. 1\dults, · C"!1 ing. tnette, [irep a.·~. e £.::is, . · · . Newport Beach 3869 °"P:' i·iu · H)' .>. ••.> in•i. 1 ',,.,.-.JVV or ,.,....,..,,.,. S.1. ft. ul<"I. K/l', full I M t T t D d SOJS 21 Hit ,\ :'\ ~ \\' t: R 1 ~-c;
no pets. 2220 Elden, &16-~12 d1.shy,·ashcr dOl garage, t-;o lo ~111;~~c~~ rno:.t eni f>.l:Z-0:1.'!6 !',\1.-.\I SPRll'fiS !urn :1 llr, i--f\"l('f'S. 2172 DuPont nn. S. or • rus ee s SEH\'ICE. l'f-.H. ~f (I.
afl Gpm. c1~1ldren_or Pf'ls: ~I~ SN'! I • ~r)•"-pp·,., &·· 1.... .. VIE\~' 4 br. 2 b<t. blu1~. li:1 pool. J)ay ..... wk, 1110nlh. '~'l.·.:!t'!. 1'.J Ill nuoru . I -LOANS UP ll"•i•l'l·\lL "''I'.\'. 1 , Nu-e quiet st fl'r tair Dr · · .nu " ... )s. ·d ' ·I 11 1 '...; l ~~A "''"' 6'"1-• ------TO 90•;,. "' '"'"' -2 BR, bltns, garagl', ma!ure $230 mo -~ ' • froni SI G:). ) ~: ' "I~ -~ s;,:, t'\\' 1 ~'for .. _,_,.,....""" or . ...-""" llt.:~h: ~/Ill.rt" 11v11flahlr s.-.o l.\3l:l.fi32J.
adults. no c.:h ildl'('n/pt>IS. '. I I IAYWOOD s.:.:io. 9!1,.0 •• J , .J. •. 6f,.J..~,9 r.AY1''1~0'."T l.U\UI)' 1\dult lllV \\"111 Jll'U\'!de h1rn11w·r 1st TD Loans
l"r.shop'g.ZMORutgersDr , l _BR ~ LOF"J'. ,~PTS. ~1.1 _BANBURY CROSS Ill IEWPORT• •,HI-:. unlun1 1 t•lk fro111 ContJol_~n f't>n1~ .. ula; _1 lir.? at 5~, inn .. \ns"·1·~11~~ Ll t"E vr l>f.ATll: l,t•t "ur S-i2-003,;. J3<'1l;lll, rent 1ni.:lds all ~Ill. lr\l'tlr Beach Bh·d & \\'amer)
O<'•'••n. su.im pnol. 1.:ar. 5l!IO. n,1. s1,,, "'k. 6-1.~20.:t.J.48.'.)t,';J,) ~rf\'et'\' ;nai!able. I , ~, .. 2 d t .. 1b1r!li h\'I'. Fllr alt••rMt1\r!li
rc1c1g, encl gar. $190 & S~t2'1. I lti761 VIE\\' PO l!\T L,\;:t, BEACH. 210 c,.,.J;1r. ;l\'(..tl!lo v r R I -I -4250 lk•t1."h Bh d ' llununi,.rton I n TD loans '1 I•) ,\UOllTIOS r;ill ut-r: l BR furn, lrg, ideal for Arlu lls, 110 ~ pt>ts. ,) 93 • 8~2-4604 e 3876
1 1ca ion en • S tt.-uo·h. hi! l.t!l l.l~E ;.11-:~•:!2. 21 hrs. bachelors. Adults. Terrat'e. llanulton. 645-1411. Sin Clemente 81.L,.,.0 ,.R,. 1 .1. 1 0 ,.,.1,.1.--.1 ·ci· t' 0 11 l 0 C ,,-, .-,,-,,-,-.s-,,-.,'--,","-•• -N-s·' SIN. 1993 Church. 5-18-9633. . '. --· L • .L :-.. I a~ ~ .. ·: :-;; '.\ • oweit rate5 range o. ·.. '....: · ' · .~ '
Pn\'acy -2 Story, 3 BR, 1~.. ON BEACH I
ood Apar1 h 0 I A f 1\ui:. furn ttnlal, I( Hn1 1.1-•. \St. Cvrona 1trl \I.or I Satt ler Mtg Co 1 ::11>0 lf\1n" 1\\1'., S111h' 10·:1{
Huntington Qeach 3740 ~'l, t'rJ?fc, Dn. area. BJr. • a ~autiful l~<>eto~; as ft Y eW l111n1t1<' t:xe<·. Hurne. ;: hlk~ ~r .... 1n. J:k· i.q. IL 11:\\ 1:\ .'\ 64l·2171 'S4S.°06ll
Jl"n 11 A.\1. \lun. \\i•tl, t 1·1..
'I 111~. Patio, Sun Deck. & IJbl. I ...... ,... 2 Bit. 2 BA & 3 BR. 2B.\, ~·acht club & ferry. t..-11.:wn Ill\\ J;-; HI:. A 1.1 OJ( s . 1\nn. ;.-,i-Hi'~'-----
LOW WE~KL Y ~ATES Gill'. S2JO~n~. Aval\ J/l. 2 Bl{ Unfu~. 1-'r. $269. =!~~'fu~~i!~ ,:1_J111~. Qu lr1, ~11h ,s.
·;-:1 ',~,1·. ~o pelS or clulrlrcn. ti~l-till l &:rvir•o:: 11·"·1~.!!:,?_.?4.l_·~. ,.--l-.-\J.\l-:;,:-(',1J'•f f{ca1!1·r *
Executive Suites No Pl'ts. ,,,.r<IVl.J Coverf'<I Pnrkin~. Lar ge pools.Sunnypatiosand 1•111f'ntr a.1·('11. t 1':'11 IJ, ~~~~·:J..-1169. *WATERFRONT* ;\,J/n•1 luo·t1'•n 11is.:1 llrai.:f1
727 Yorktown Blvd. :? BR, bltns. crpl.'i, drps. Kr.\ 1Rll'all'll,.PooR1. !)f!Unas and oo•--s.•~~-.. Thorn p s(ln i\lan.1g<'lll('!l l l.llJO ISL!'.: '1. RH. 2 B\ l'rin1r i'\••11 1~11 ! J'.c;1•·h I•" I[ ][SJ Bl\rJ,_!'ilt1nl•·n~,1;.:;~-. l'C'l'f'a ion oom "-"''"' "'~"d C·wp. l!l~ll -1 1. ·1 J C '· -~ Beach Blvd. al Yo rktown \\I. 19\h St. S hop p 1ng 1 H NTINGTON walk lo.Beaches.bayard ,.,._,,._ t1\'111 ul~· t: Aug. &!I col· ~;,,.,·u!ll" olf 11·•'-~ 11 rq.l!., l.Mt#ldf........ :..r:~:I> '" t.olk '" ~ .. 1n1'<ln<'.,
536-0411 ('Cnlel"ll. 1974 \Va\lace.,. c~1.1 u freeway near~ From . . h11.:r. d (' 1 u )( c .: h•('I _213-Til.1--0427. \\1'1 lllH', IU'I \'. l~1th . tull 1111.:111 nr '111} r.1~ ... !22'.?
STUDIOS & I BR's S16i/mo. Eddy, 642-8181 PACIFIC $290. Two bedroom. Shon.'t'hff~ llluff. I. 2 & ·• ~IOB!Lt.: llO~fE \'af'r.11ori :;11 1luyi;1rll.· I Jr , ;i.;n !ii,1·!il1n
1 ,\/~' ll t.Ll'l.l:\I: • doys &W-JL9 eves • .,, i..~•h· Bit 2 & 3 BA er1cloM>d gur~. I I! I o.1 o: n~ 1 ----· --• F'ull kilt'hen ' • ' ' I •WO ucwwoom pool. trplcs, \\lk to bch ('ula ...... t &.-.,.·a, :-l'Jll\ lHY NE\V UFFICJ·; . 7'1'0 1'00111~ Lott & found 5300 Travel 5450 e He111c l pool 2 ~ 3 BDRi\1. 1a""' BA. ~Ir, 711 OCEAN Ave .. H.B. 01lall, city & ~olf couri<e Hriv·h Callf, S.\.3.-16~2 \j >: i;, and 10 s 12 i\ll e Lfaundry racilitics I l'.et bal', e1x:l, gar~ges. S<!i5 1714l 536-1487 Baywocxl Drive off San vif'i\s. Sli5 .. 5295, ·19&-0616.1 Al Oi.:ran, sips .~. fan111tr~, utll1t1es. paitl. SIOO 1..c1' t LOST Blnck R r 1NI u 1n !~~;S p();-.; s 1111.E 11tlul\1i e Free uUlities I !JP.1~~-~786 until 4 pn1; ~r[i;[1~1 1~\~1~~D~ =~s:~~~~g KF\V Gt\RDE'.11 APTS ST.i \1eckly, ~la)', J uf)(',I month C&..ta t\\el;ll a1.,.'<.1 :'lit•fX'rd, 4 months ul. Ln~1 i\illini.: 10 drii·r your e free linens ,i.J8. 1-15 at pin. ..,,....... r 2 -BR, 2 BAril, SJ9j.· d('('k&g;u"llen, 61.7-0922 54~7i?.l_or6424312 ____ \'1;· ~~c...,•ptlrt llci;::tilt\ c.n a111on~1hllt' 1r1 f\111...,aukC'f'·
• T.V. &: niaid sen;. Bl'ail. SPACIOUS 2 BR. 1 1 ~ BA. Clll::Z ORO APTS. Phone644·SSSS. 3 UH. 2 BATH, d!hl\'hr, I Rentals to share 4300 1\E\\' or~·ia_: . .., 1 !{.,Iii+. ~rrls .. s,ho! 11
l'!1u·11;.:I) un•n, ~l'l'llllrl w«>k
• Bar-B-Que I To1~·n house apt, Prl\'. pet10. 823-1 AtlllJllll lrptc lzOO Quail ~t. f\c11·1,. .. r1 Rcarh ':'.'11~:~ ii 1 d..i 1 ,1J7.:lllU ur 111 .lilly. 1•cr,.11n~•I r('ft'rf'n1:c'
: iho~e ser1 iC<' Pool. $17J. !\o p e Is. J.2 & 3 BR. priv gar .. pool. Owned and managed by "f,?"J(). Call 493--01 .JI . 'YOU'.l>G i;oph. lml. de!iiil'l'~ OJ)J)Jt.:RCIAL HHOh:.1-;f~.~ -'-'1c~_,_··-"-~=~----1·'1f'h11ni.:t:tl. !fi9-iji"U.
m1 e 10 ocean ti'16-14j(). "'·asher, dryer, Close 10 The Jrvine Compan)t San Juan SUC.'CESSFUI> t 1 r a\' e I ~t9:! LOST \\,\ST~:l.1-. -,,,-.,-=,-,--,,,
1 BR. $15S.-$16S SHiO Up. 2 Br. 3 Br 1~1 Ba, beach. 53&--0.336 3878 <'Xt'<'·lyJI(' 1nal~• t0 ~h1<rf' 2 OFTJC[:oi, p 1nell'd. h;ir. I GlllSO;\" :, slr1nc H.1 njo C1111 1r11n~po11 lt'h11·I•• '" lh1• i-:1, .. 11
NEW DECOR. Pliv garage pool, play yrd, cpts, dfl>S , WALK TO BEACH Cipist r ino exp. f0r <'h1c Par I Y ~hn11er. ra111Ct~. 1n1C't1"1rn hi' 1•11'11111!<'<! 1,y 1hr 11 .. rd~ (' .. a~1. f11ll 1111 11 pm. 5;;;."t;.26 1
Lndry rm. Ne\Oo'f!r Spanish Z212Collt>gcNo.1.645-65.iJ.
RC d , di pf'nt_house llrtml·<hatrly. l•ll"ln•·~y~trniin,S!l"i 1~)19 1 · llt.<:ll\:'():>;'11n11Pn1n -1 -.1 ---I 1. B . rp1s, fl!S. gar.1 ~ Sis:> • BR. perm. a u is, 6-lO..lS:li ~ I 1 1 t f ' I Adull Complex. 2 1nl. So. of PRIVAC\' "''' 3 BR. 2 BA, bltns. No pet~ pleas,, 319 r'ial i;tO\'e, rrfri;;:, rptsldrps. gar . . . _::;~prrior, ;.on, filr. I 11.l' l(.'~·1i;111 7 _,en('ruu~ (••-
San Diego ~'!"\\)'. 17301 frpl, garagr. lndry, yard, 15th St. 960-23&1: 308 16th \ :;;: & pool. 49:,..77:;;o •1ATl.in1'. STR I l"r?le~i; ma~C' UAP.h: Hin ~how ;• r , 1 -~'r1.:....'~491i~·--~~-
Keelson Ln, HB. 842-18~8 palJO, $2%. &1&-4-114 St. :i36-:t1N or 8~7-39j7 S 3890 !W(·k.~ i;;1n1r'),. Bl .. Ck·n \u pant•llf'll. v.·f\lx.2'1 stJJra~1: LO,.,-,· P.;rakt>rl · ~hut·inl! BA~ apt. 1..arge. Very nl<.'1.'. 3 BR, 2 ba .. All new dl'COr. BONUS. SX> Bonus l\'ith ,\d. ~ ~~..J a nti Ana I 111. 5 1-0-·1121 x374, Re s. rn1 1:111. 16:>2 ~ewport Bh·tl, l'On1 pa_n100, 4: ~'l'een rnn.l<',
Residential tract. So. ol l frplt'., patio, dble gar. $JTJup2.':.:3br2b.i.kidsok. ~ J.....A..'Y\o\.JU\J CHILDREN 1·19-l·T.'61. C~l l\lngs unellppl"'I. An.& 1•1
Hamilton .near E:dlso~ lltgh. \\'eslcllff. Adults .. 6-12-lli'l I 188Sl ~lora Kai Lanr ~ AND ,\DUl.TS LOVt; fR\ .. INf~·Reliablt', fcmalr to 600 M. t"1 . infl c'.Pt~. drp~. T.V. ~Yil·l~\ty t'f'dl.-0 C ,\I
Under pl'I~ at SIIiO n10.
LR(; 2 br, 2ba, din ml. E. of Beach off Garfield ~ PARK PLAZA II I ~h.1rt" ~ nf ne" 2 Br. 2 ha 1ur i'Ond. Jani1onal I.· utll llZ.lli ,. 3.~ p.ni. Ph"
Incl until 968-6925. ept/drp, !l\'/re~f, ~oo l_. !m-8994 I ~~~ 2 & 3 BR apa. Tn11·n~.use. Call eves . s::.o pt'r nio. ~llll.Li\N I c..all 96:1-1121.
L19una Beach 3748 1 Adlls, no pets.SI;O. 6-1:>-S!l&J. BACll. apr. p.1rtly rum. Piny Area I _il~·IOit> or 552-!!G06 f{•'.1lty. ::.wi lrvinf', ~rl0-2'¥11 • t-Ot:."'it1: !\EE ;.; II O t: ;-.; O
.... , LG. 2 BR ~t11dio, gar, 11r.I 5100/lll(J, \\'tr & ~as pd.1 l'ool. Ja{'IJU.l, ~UUll ;r~:.\IALE ~hilt~ ri lu~h l'ol:t):'\A <1r1\1~;:rtt•d ,I dllJ.""·" TYP~'.f ~· .. ni:i.lr, ~ OCl~A."i fRO;.;'r .'ihop'g. Adul ts, no child. Close to OPach. 919-1:>!0, PACfCCOASTHWY. Rec. clubhou.~e , ~ ... ~thluff C.Undo. pool l11k•· llf'(I!', ~hurp 'l!ft•'f'. pt·t ' u1u~1!hl'>. ~I 1 . ..-llhro':'· Jun~".1
2BR2 hfl.lca!l(',ref.1"f'f\, ?/11 t"nrdhamDr.646-3.JS.l. 5.'-.D--07&lei·cs. Lil'ensed day co re cent. I 'T':11 ~.-~en111s, $1 30 /ni o rm., p.orkint. 5~:;. 67:i..:rH~ High, S.1111.1 ,\11;1, 4/Z ..
NICHOLS TtEAL t;ST,.\TE .:. __ -. , 'al 1 From $190.00 l>l·r-1-li.,, ------lli: ... 2·.:::: --~-~-202:5 South C'last !li\y '1 HH. 'l B,\. pnol. chrhr:. ut1l NE\V APTS-\\ k h•. &>1!:1,·~ _ 1 G:J' PARK PLAZA I I Cl'A dr~Jr('.~ '" ~h.11'(' L1u,'11t1.i \i,,7\1-1 -~:--T ! , 1 1 1 .,.
Laguna Ecai.:h ·191-72'20 , \lll. AdulL~. fl'o pets. $19J up. I &: 2 BR,_ fi:un.1 S17J 111 .~.J. ~;9. )!Tl/. E .. ~t Cost.1 :\lr~n. Olflf•r 11·i1h other prof.
• '. • '.1nr '-' • .
. 'C'' •
•·.-~2.J E. 21'.l!h St. 6-l:H761. Extras .. 136-2.>19 805 West Stevens I La.~y ut·t·r~~. Dh! Gl'lr11Kl'. per!-On •1!)~97JI \\•nn,111 ~ hl.1ck. ·''a I• r ~
Er 1' ClbN .. pts ron1 ~· -. I BOii •I 1 • . . v 11. __ L. tOfl Sunfto,1·erl S!r>r;i:.;r onlv. 64:?·~ -'--Bi•" ,\l;i1•1<rt ,\; 1~111 "1 ,
\\'eek.Pool.1n1id,ph,lndry.IUPPI'.:H 2BR, Ci:PIS. tlrps,:2 i\l,l Cl"oe<garage,chlld r···~gy s A . 54'1121 -.-... . . . 1617WESTCLIFF-NB I C\I 1,;·~!110 r•\!, 2111 "r Villa"<
.,,, rnngc. O\'en, rerr1g, nil P<'lS,, or Snt pet o.k $165. ! HR""'Ea:MWfl' f anta n a ~ I 'Ol;>;f, ('f)Uplc n~cls l't's· ·r 11 ~\'I' J.oll ·.o~·i 61'.J(-•X 1..:c::c•.-:__'.'.:"C"C' ..:::c.::c~o_· --1~00 f>.IS.77'...0, ~J:'>ll. s 11.,;i119 I -pons•hlt' ~ll'I tn ~hr hou~(' ,l ~ <;q '. ., ::.::-_:........'._2· ·~=~-----~ f'UR~ISlfED snJDIO ' Aptt Furn/ Unfurn 3900 .~. f''ll"'n~f's , C:O.I. f>.12·5.11 ~ Business Renta l 4450 I.Ci~· 1 '~ YH ""l 11.: 1u:•I•·
Ulils paid. Garage. 3BR, Zha. t'rp_ti;, drps_. adlls! * $150 * 1-. -;--. I• 1 .. h S<•tt• r, 1, •. l!nh .-:1 4Si-l :Z:~ aft.
llO pels, Quiet a\·all. $235 2 Br., 2 Ba. 1812 Mttndrell rhe fastest draw 1n the \\'est 2 Br·~p11cious. Bltn~. pool. nr • \\A:'\T t.D. "''.r1rk1ni; \Oo'Omiin l'Qlt 1 \l Cl 1 j ... i'.B '.\uni•·d "CJlli,.··. ~1 ,,1, ""'-16'9 bu m 646-1939 (213) 431 48'."'!9 Dail p ·1 ct 1· -,hQp ctr & bus ,\dlls 19-11 shr 11p! T'ri1·u1e bedroom JC .I'll~". · rn<; n• 1 n,.,
N I B h 3769
'"" s, . · . • .. a I' 1 ol ?.sl5\ iea-, 1 C'I ·6·.1 ... .,~ .. ,..; ;._ k ,·.1 . . ·I 6,0 ~7; ~hr,p. Cninv!<'te v.·ith ru~toru 0 1110•111• .1•1•1n J{r 11ard, 1~·
ewpor eic C "-3824 Cosio "-sa 3824 C M 382 ornona. · · ..,.."""'· un., 1 1 1i;n on\ ' ...,..," ~ 11"1'~toi n~ r .•r •19· --osta rT>"SH rnw osta es1 4 • des1~ f1,111re~. l1'.'<1dy l•)r _ " '"· ll"f<)..., a.
eLAPARISIENNEe Apts Furn/Unfurn 3900 ApttFurn/Unfurn3900 iminf'fl occuponf.'y In i:t·:JL\lA:'\ S llt:Ptl t:H.ll
1 UR. •·urn $210. f'St'IU Sl\"f' aN'!I o/ t:a ~lblult apprr·~ If) da,y!li a~·· .11
Lrg \\<ilk in ('IOSl"IS. r ... ntf•r, :'\('U."JlOrl Beach. !"tall llarl.()r Bh•tl. & \'1cto1'la :-1
All ele<'tric. ru·c pla1•c. ~ 2t:ht';l~l2 l'.~I. ~ 1r1Qs. 111 1 yr old 1n~le
lleatcd Pool. Adults. • ' SUMM 1\\.,\IL. 2 !'tores. Inquire 111 11 rhokcr rh1uo j~7..(;JZ'i 979-12fi8 ' ER Allry \\'l'~I. ,\<;k for l\lr.
WST bnr.rn ,\fl11rhc <'a'-<' ft\
Ac ross from 1;olf course. ---=----' ' -. ·y-· _ I Tully, -~00 \\'. OcennlronL ~rkul~ , ~t o! Safeway .. 11 2().132 Santa Ana A\'r. ~ , N.U. 61.r"l714. ~a 1 r v 1 e ...,. Rd., C.~I
SJ,j/WK UI>. 1 Br, 2 Br &. I Industrial Rental 4SOO ~11'rird. 6~!2-,:;"'6.;;:::::.·.,,..,=~
Bach. CC1lor T\r, maid l1erv ..
~ I..0:-i'; BLt.:I·: 0 1-: ~ ! \I ~~po~~1 ~'.~5~;;_;:;, N. ~~~~~Ii'~ EXCITING NEW CONCEPT! ..__ --, NOW LEASING ~~1-:.'1~~;~"~~~--°1\c\'~;:;-
PARK NE\\1POltT Cotnpl. It r ~ Huntington Beach Pr.E,\S~; Rf'~TL'R~. '.>111·1!1 1~
rurn 2 BR. 2 B,\ 1.e .... loc ~i'I ADULT LAKESIDE LIVING / ./n' .. .,...., '"""·· ·. NEW M-1 I l'hL'I! c;;,-r, Cl"' "'""· June. J uly & ,\ug. $j()[l/n10. It !14() ~l 1''1. & Lt> I 11<' 1.n~ l<ios St., San ,Juan
&t0-1459. sur JOAY, fl?';i 23. !"'1·1 starts early at Oakwood.I lla1111lton .to Sr1t1ln11d St. I C'11 r1~tri1llf), Call & tdf'nl1f,\
8,\YFRONT Beacon Buy, From 11 f-lio ·co 4 Pl/, 960-1970 •l.lfi-'c·':t:c3"c· ______ _
lrg 1 BR. priv lll.:h, tt'nnls w~w ~•p!ore 011, 11,,,\'1·1/. oor.-" , ... J Summer means ln1y alternoons <irounct the pool and 1 J.CIST Eflstetr ~unday, Rik dock. SJi:i. mon, utll Incl. .I , c:iic:iting games or tennis or vol!P.ybaH That's summer INDUSTif lAJ, 111;oh· Lehrador puppy
'J5..69!1.) S 750,000 c. .. brio;; .e, ·"" :lT u• • n::i fun. al Oakwood. Tnere's also health clubs, saunas, co~1S1ERCIAL "/({'Ii• rol. Ht•1\·arrl ;{ll.J;l:M
BR. hardball ord o -If dri"·ll'J r~M,._ b1!hards, gall dr1vinQ range, shuffleboard, color l'I OFFICE SPACE LJ'JST 1,N!S.:rlJllion o:lA~~·~
pets, kid5 ok. ~lay 1;,.July 5ee our beaur1f.il model o ;rt~··~. !heal re, ping pong, eic. lor lrase tn cholc-e ~l ik~1on ,.,,. of Balboa Ca 11
I''· $11!>. 6-l.&1071 I G.ided IOU"> aound wr \l:.ot''..r 1 Plus a resident tennis pro. pro !hop & free lesf:.ons ~~ ::~"A\1~~;;: c:'c1.,_0--,-"c'~•'c·~-~~-~-
S.n Clemente l776 j iOO 2'11 a c re lo· e. Siioll o e".l.Qr" and an act1v1ly '11rec1or, part•es, BBC's, sports tourna· ll ca J 1 o r ~ p.1.MldpFttion ~SD: Leather 1'f')' Cha1n
wol~woy ,~,eugh "'a..i .re c.CJ" ments. dinners and comphmenlary Sunday brunch. M".tllcllcd, 831-l·JOO v.•110 Ke)s. \'i('_ Or11n;e by
NlO:: t BR. Sl50. \\1lk to yord1 and o"'e' foot l:.••d ~\, :'\E\\l'ORT Beach office ,i,, &y St. Q.l. 6-lt;-:tt'..S
Bch. No Oilld~n. No p€'lJ. •·0yrn · " cool Nol .to menl•On beautiful single5, 1 t. 2 bodrOO'TIS. J ll"archou~. approx !'OJ sq fl. LOST, \\'hllc, lem, Samn)''l'.I.
2Jl-l30-5fi'l. pie ~·:"" ~ ... ~ •c .. ~:·. lurn1shod t. unfurnislled Ask about our "NO RENT 11~ 1-r •10 .• >11·•' A'..; I \'le. ~'.Nia di•I ~l;ir 11rea
A .. •rtmenti UnJ1.1rn. l .. j11,q,1ed tenf•i C'$' vc:~~fCO-"" ,. " ............. ~ A •·uly LJl'llQllO 11..,,,.., ~·"-~':'. RAISE GUARANTEE ., Sorry, no one under 21 and no I R<'11lt), 3¥.fJ Jr. ulf', :...B. 1 ..!_t~·arrl . 5-lti-AAr9
--.i ..,..--pet1 MOde1sopenda•ly l010 7 ~Aovein1h1S \'l"rt~en<:1 I :>I0-2900 ILOST: Fl'm:il(' Cat, Ion::
Balboa ltland 3806 , MESA VERDE EAST AT ADAMS and 5pond yoursummerut0akwo0d-atlyear·roundt /xi-:\\' BI.DG ~I-I 12fXl Ml· 11 1 1.?f"l'}' hair. \'ft~ _l'u:·lfil .i..
LOVELY 2 bdrm .. 2 btllhs: ' 1 Sli6. :!20-3 . frrint O 'l•"f', u il~n. C:'>l ~,,..)21!
on "'lll<'r.. \Oo'llh pal.io. $3,jQ 5 40 -18 0 0 Oakwood Garden Apartments I fJ11f~. l;1r,,:f' rf'llr tkv:ll'l'i L0Sf'"B1ack L ahr 8 d l'J r \'r\y. ,\n11hrl-(., Tf'rmin<'I \\"11y, puppy, \'1c.. Corona 1\rl
'\Im. \\.'Inion R.E. ~3331 C.\I t>.1ys 6M).~ or C\0t'!i :'>IAr. ('all rir-.n, 67~1~
07 Nowport 811th NotU! Ntwporl Btat" So"'" 6111 "·•t -----Balboa Penlntula " U\ ·"'"' • FOUi'\U Sli111&:) r.1~·y .. ~\~'hi
;;.:.c;.;..:;..._:.._="--'---lrv6":~0:~ri1~ 1£i~2~~:r;Qn' T cOSTA ~ESA * Orit;t. •·1·mfll<' c :i.1 kl.1-2191 O~'E duple.-: 3 br, ~. Rents lrom Sl45 Rents hom $160 :1uo • 1300 · 17"'t · 'l'.t)) 11q rt "'~'c<~"~·~9~129:::._· ------
bltns, f'rpl,, ~r. Let1>se only, i I ln ~1rl~l 1•1111~. ~t:f.; .
rot'l"·n Blaf'k rcn1~le eotk·
No pell. $350. 838-19-19. l -::==============::::=::::'.~ HOBt:RT NArn tJ.:."'-"i apw puppy. QASi; SELLS -612-567!1 -------------------------------'-Ri'ollor·~tt\ t\lt>~·!1i!l·f.'ill • !).",6.iW{ r
,\!(!\' :\l.i· •n Ply Nt""I~ C<•r • lra11t•r dr11't'n to !'ir'alll~ s.r .. 1010. Sult<' :'\n 21 .l -
I ,..._ .... .-)~
Appliance Repair 6004
A PP I. f 1\ :'\ C ~. j{l'flllll',
f•·h·11.:~. Ir• 1•11•r-. "·''l11•r.'.
1lr1 •·1•,, •l1~h"·•~lu·r~. nv .. n~.
j),\\ r.11,.,, l:IUll' , COA.'l"r
Lt' • ·:r11 i. "!\\ I ITI!"
Babytitting 600I
I \l1Jrn '.!yrs \I~ l1<11nr. full
11111• , r!.1)·'· 1, ,, •· l111!i1e'
.\d.illl' S, Bro" k h u r:. I . •1, ~ ·::r;,
1 .. \B\'~llll~G Ill) ht1mr,
r!;iy •1r r\1~h1 . f-"rn.-rd l'"trtl,
h•-,1 lun,.11 .. ~ &11--J .... ./.• -----~'.\I' ;\]•Hn \\ r1 .. r~. I")'·
f••rlf.'1'•1 ~·arrl, 1 ~·1., & p I), &
l'l\1', r.11;..1,.,.~ -r.randn1<1!l1<··r \\ i-1\1"<. ..
)~111~'11 P\'"'11111~• 1 II• r , I '\I
,(. lll'•'k<'llll' IA>• ~·:MJ -----
Carpenter ~IS
c 1\ I'. I' J-:1' TT' .. \ \I .1i.tr1
f'r.1ftir.n1:•n n rn\"'h hni.: ,.
f1n1'h 1\ ,. r k t.!11dfi10l"9'1
t l'.t·•: t: . ..;T i ,, ,, r ~:s
19'1-:;l(Jj h• f 1r~1n1l~•ftcr " 1•n l --PATIO· { '1J \ , ... , ·' IP h•
1·u,1rn11 ,1 .. ~1~11···1 P\P ~11\
hu1;1. f-"rrc ., .. 11111:1tr'
l'r!h-i.Vl~ 11 1\~l
GE:"ERAI.. C \l!PJ;:~'TRY
<·t:~~I Fl11.!Sll \\'Oltl\
Srflitll ~ll)~ ••k. \\11-1.S -~ ----1\111 '· rt'mr~!.•I, n-ra1r, :.1!1 1.
' 1111tlo C'fl\rf"i ,\II \1'0t'k
' ~111rnlrt'll !.;z..1~1
Carpet Service ~16
JOll:'\'S (' 'i"'I l 11"1\l(lt)
On ~nmpt•), f So 11
nr1;1rd11n1~1. f lrl{rf' a "" ro: • all rolnr hnc;htl'IM!ML ,, 10
1n1t1Ulf' hlr,11•h f•)r "'h1111'
rarp<·!~. ~-1\f' )OUr ,,.,,,.., ,, ,O.ll\'ltl!l m• (•'O;U'I\ 1r~p ..
\\ 111 1·lt-11.n Uvlnx rm .. Otnin1<:
Ill\. ,\· hnlJ (Jj Any rm.
$7 ·"· ('nl1ch sin Ch11\r s;J. t i
~rs (•\"p In \>'h1&I ('ounts nnt
1nf•!hr"l I "" \l't'1rk n\YJ('ll .
i;.wJll n.'I. l.1l..IJ111\ -Carpet Cltanlng
Floor Cart & W lndow.s
Ouh•t'I ~111.1nt, S...1v. ~17-L!IO.~
. ,
., i) OAH. 'f l'ILOl Sulldl'lf Aprll 28, 11)74 -,---,.-:".::c:-::'."'.':-:-:7".c-'.'o."'--:-"""":-::==c-:.,..,,,..,,,.,.""TTr.-.-....-::-rr-r'."m"."".7'.:":;""nT;;:";1r;::.,..,,,,.,-r;:,,.,,'.:':'.':r.i 'F'ffi::Tl::r.:~W'.::::::::ruri'i'7iM".Mi:l I c.,pot SOrVlr:c•::----,..,•u11=P"•"';n"tT:fn"'v"IP""•po rln9-6073jH.1p Wanted, M&F 1100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 1100 Hefp W•nted, MlF 1100 Help Wanteo,Mi'F 7100 H•lp Wanttc1, M&F 7100 Help Wanteo, M&F 11w
CARPET HOU SE I ••••nr>tEl<T MANAGER Delivery-, Sunday Only EMPlOYED IUT GENERAL CLERK INSURANCI! Pft.Gnnd ()penl~ Scdt. * Wiiiard P•lnting WAN·ri::o Adult unlt.t nt·•r AYON R.apldly ~ phanna· Agricullun.l Trade Aaoc. ~UM B~ •t OtlW.'OUnt Contractor• * pnn1r be:ich In l..aJcul\I , S , I OF DAILY PILOT TO CARJUERS. RE-WANT TO (.-e.Jlh:.al ina.nufactw"T:r 1n has Med for Sharp Cal in Prbs. HESIULNTL\L t.taturr 1ouplt-wirer.I >tJ1 1Y'·•· QUIRES 'fll~ USE OF A LARGE STA· CHANGE JOBS? 1 Irvlnehu.t11-for a Il'lltiurance Dept. Duties
FftEE ESTIMATES & <.'0&1A1£RCIAL i:t'f.'n1~. Otll Jim <84-1413 1 SOME ZING TlON WAGON OR \'AN. CONTACT MR. Conflchntl•I 1'19ftlng I c~ to Ptrlorm ,..mw ln\'Oh,. too rd l n at In 1
CALL '4S-4lt2 f'hw-~• Cr:ili.t.1nen r\e .i;. \\~kl'nds <'n1y, INTO SPRING I EST BAY Interviews Avall•ble J ·-··<'"" ........ _ ..... : ......... bl'netit• In 11.t.'Cldent ind ,\utl Trxtun~ Oe«nk )'OUr noose or buy BENTON WILLIA•ts. SSO W """ .......... ,. .......... _ 1 1..a .....-h At 1 be
HOUSE m.~. Room JI. \\lillp:iprrm" A0PT _ ~111GR1or \~~pt~· 1it!"' l'iolht:s l\'/lhll money ~'TREF.T, COSTA MF .. 5A. TELE.PHONE Peraonnel •nourc•• 1Jtion afkn excellent v1ork· heb~tt 10 ~i~ IN~ ~etm hou5e $39.9'5. UpOOI. Ki·"' l\("()uJ!t\c..-al Cf'lllu,s ppo. •Wl 't l' · )'OU ~arn se!lln&: A\'Ofl 64• 'SZI FOR Al'POINT'IENT. C1rol W•lk.,., 133.9145 1t11 conditions in our new '-. Hwiband for m1unt &: n!palr, Pmdocta. f1t!X lllle ht!. 1n -· ,.. r:u .. i!Jlu, -WA"' plUll Undtrv.·rltel"li CWm Df1>1., lk. w. ruar. ~170. Ph·t1$1' Call )''or E•Urn.uh: phtm hl n• .... Nict! •11.IAt'V. I ~· --1~~· Call lJ.51. Dow ~rttt I •1 Brok W'id \dmlnl1tntor *'42..Sns 640-11~ blk ,,. -··. 1111. -,. '·-!. , ...... ne •'"'"' '"""'· An •qual o ... ,portun lty Emplo-SUltr w. Ne"'P"lrt romplcl(' C.'OmPilny beneflb . tr I •t . Cement/CtlnCrete 6019 -JI{ ........... "" 71).11 '" ... 1 1 -· II )'OU are lnt<'rttcled In 1t lle&\'Y phone l IYPln&· 1111
Staie l..ic. No. 2810lll 113.-433-~1~4 or 9f.O.Zl08. ' ! Help W•nt9d, M&F 71001 rH~e~lp~W~•::n::t,::ed=:•c:-::::•&::;F_7:_1:,:00::l''lAg<~rtl)',.;,'!A!'~•'•mO::pora:""'"ry"'!'S."""'". IM'lillion .,.11th futlltt oppor~ ~detail orirnlf!d and haw CE~ENT: PaUo, drl\·es. 35 ArT l\li:-r. Cpl tl u. llB. BABYSITTlNG It 1 l t I' -Ex t' Seer ta turdty ror IU'Ollflh can complt'te kJM)Vi'\edae 0 I "'<ilkl·Repalrs, uw l PAINTlNC k RY.PAfR, Pa1111, "lc·1111, u1.unt cxpr • b OWlf:k<!f!ping Suniset/HB DENTAL Milt, min 5 )'!"I eCU rve 8 IJ AN.ABOLIC INC Ht;aJU1 Tn.,w·ance. XI n t
rt'rt'IOW. f"rtt est.~. )'l't> \\'orkm11nsh!p l:URr IWt<r :io. Sal "' upt, IMlnus. attlll 1 child '•ton-f>'ri 2.:;u CASHIER , chAlz'$1de dental f!X'JIC'lr. X· 1_ Gil'-A tr1nge bfo11ef1tli I 'MXidfC
CO• N~~E ~·~. ~:r. T1tkt' 1tdv1t11t.a~t> or my exp ,,..., ~........ 111• 1 • "-'it · ?if.alure tAioman. variable hn;, ray cel"llflcate. lofust be ,_,. .. tte ve. conditi o n,.. Sa 1 • r Y
... n.L, ..-.......... .--., 536-7~ ~ • un .ea.ry C'WI • .::r .. t :l.Ylf, 40 hr wk. Kenn Rlm11 neat, L>ffiC'lent, qukk &: Ii~ to lht" Pn>J.ldt>nl of lhlit Irvine S46-l90l co1nn1en11uralc with
Covent. Quality v.ork. Rell . PROF. wallcmuing. &l1.1fl• i\1EOICAL f111nt oh: & S50 wk, 592-1430 & !m-1510 Hal't"IWlln: 2664:1 )!arbor people. Gent.rill denlstey In dynamic firm. Atu1t ~ GRILL.MAN ••)(pertentt'. C1tll. F..:. P.
l.li-'l!n&ed. 6'12--6514. J lie. No. 179514. 11111ur, all n>l't"PI. cxp'd only, ""101re. BABYSITTER W i\ NT ED. Bl\ld eotiil'l M'81l N n f>r'ogrt1iilvo modern all the refJned 11kllls. In-Ptinlt')' for appointment.
Child Care 6070 ty()('s r"fJ<'r, 1111.'1-r.t-4386. Type fit). IJ11e Dle u1phnnl', 7;JG.4 :30, varit'd dnys a . ' ' oic. C1111 513.9470__ cludlnK broad admlnlltnl\ve \\'ESTERN CHO\VERS Jin. 9·6. Mon-Fri ... 11.U.
~·l.>ck. My honie. 516-07a3.
CASHIER/O>wllCl' Cir! tor h11.rkgrotll'\d. Salary open, AS.C.OC:
\\11 ,. ('ate OOr ..... , .. children., PROF. palntf'r, hol'lffl work, 847-8585 . . cafeteria. Hr1 7·3:30, II.ton D~NTAL Sec .. Bookkeeper. s iat1 immedlall'ly, T'bone 0 _, 11 ,1 ,. I·' "k ·~•·roRT 0~·\Cll CA
,1.;-... hOnie (ln Pc'"n-:-\VeaJUi 01 rea11. lnt/l'itl, fne e!!thnah:. ' Bt-;AU1'Y opcmtor-Shampoo lhni. f"ri Jlolkl!'-}'• l wknds Jtl'cf'pt. 20 to 35 f!Xpt'f. or 1'.larlc Ann !laze for i'P· Ry ... i 1• "Ori"' r ua)'. """ N... r., · • '""·per. &.T.L.C. Childrt!n of RetA. Mfl..Zi:'il, &i:i.39tl. Al.scmbleri girl & l assistant for bu&)' orf. C111l .S.tl-86!ll. <."Ollege. 546-3000 (f\l•FI po!ntmE>nt '152.!700. for ~tr, Vi'al.5h. 8334314
11·orkin);: mothers •nost Pl11ter/Re ...... ir 6077 Sl"llon. lGIO W. Coast Hwy, CASJ-flf:R & HO STES S: u·kmrhi llG-2) 536-8965 • DEL TACO
11l•lconlC. r-.!rs. Dou i.: l 11. ~ ,.-PRODUCTION N.B. &tZ-3970. J<~p'd. 1'Utla'1 l.f ex i can OR'S ASSISTANT EX. SEC',Y $750 ,INSURANCE
l'\TCll P' ·~1"G It-t Call &12 ~•1 y I Jy 11• -1 .... Con !I lrudlOn b.arkgrowvt . • , A i-.. tstabll.chcd as.ttneY ii ti7:Hi9'J6. 1 ~·.:.•~ ''' BANKING =•nuran' · -,,,.,. ouni;:: ar . o-"' to wo,,. w/1klll 111 riet•ll. J.nUI ot 21U Brulol St., '.'\t•"pon ~n'tng n ffl.'llo' offlCe tn
Con tractor 6011 All ty'C;J1 !>~I.males ASS~BLERS I FAST GROWING CLAIMS EXAMINER ltll doctor 11 U&illMtlrec:"p-PR. Split FH'. 0.11 Conlrol liea.('h, !m--4030. Onuill<l County nt'"ar the
CUSTOM BUILDER Plumbing 181 I: 2nd ~!ft. At Jea~t 1 INDEPENDENT BANK Fl-e P11}(1 .r-.tu!lt hll.Vl' I }T tkmistlnhenlths~Nocxp. Carerr Emplovn1rnt GROOMER DOGS Alrport.,t'e<l'!ttdAgal,'ilh 6078 txpt'r. in 11.UIO l'l1t.ln111, ~· \Ve train }'OU. A.2f'ncy. 556-8505.-3 4 0 0 Ptn.on11J Linet> e-xpMience.
,.....,, PC~~.'","""1 ..... h ~! fll~ ~=!J'<t AAIVflltf' & 11ubrogat'°'1. Apply 111....,~1., ~fteHrnoon ln·1~ Bl , N.B. 1 ALL BREEDS Ou!SIRnding opportunity. We H..·rl')Oll-Acld • \\'ork GU11111t1ld t..R. OTlS PW&tBL~G
Yitnll'S Coral. No. 279870 ru-in(ldels ,t, l!.epain. Water uuouua ""' Beaulltul modern ofc & ll rl'VK. ~~ Yllt ...... t. wy., I EXP ONLY h1mili&r wilh parts 1111~. ""'PBX pt1t benellts. Salary lo NL>\\'port ~ch. f; XPERIENCED hospital. \1·111 al!IO CQll!lider A person ~'tl yra rx{l('f 49!M.t.n !lt'alers. disposals, fu'rnattl'I,
Jnck. T11ulwlti, p 1,1. I Io 1 , <l"lhwashr.1. 642'-6263 1'1JC !:
r\•1nod. add. Li(:. B-1 ~ BIA. Complete Plumbing
blueprints. oolor code u11d ""'Pl•tform Secretary $600. Ab".o F'£'f' Jot»!. Call 001.l£SI'lC. ex~r. in li!tn'I ~Je::u~~ ~·ranee billing &42-5522 \1;it~11 11pcc:lflc lJUlutanee
l!O!dt.•ring techni~!I. ""Pool S.Cret1ry Sally ll&fl. ~. Coutal housecleaning .i laundry. ...,.._,~ GUARDS ::m::.i(:n':04fi~h ~ ~~
\ly Wa y Co. &12-41<n. &rvire. l..k. 2T.l'l91. Salary oommcllli\lrate with ""'Stenogr•phe r Perr.onnel Agency, 2 7 9 O J{efs refd. Uw-ln, 5~ day FLORAL DE$1GNER Need 10 p/tlm~ guard~ for quk·kly & mn de a I
experienc-e. Good trlnge ..,,.,11.r Harbor Blvd, C~i. "''k. Pvt quartera. be., color Temporary or full tlnie. Oran.gt Co. area. Call f21Jl eUectively ~ilh the pUblb
benefita and w 0 r k 1 n i.c I ""'Opor•tions Officer 1v. Sal11ry $300 mo. After 60 55&-1871 96Z--3280 435-8959 for inter v I e "'. Ol.ll Collect 213-673-3880 rditlonL Send Clt'rical d11ys $350. Afttt 1 YI', paid Af"TER 3:30 PM l..a\\Tence Security, lr'k:. 1..,, 00 l'C!fiUIDC or I J>rogreui\'e Millry prograni, URGENTLY trip 10 Hawaii !or 2. FORELADY~l\I( exp e r . Long B4!ach. 1-"M~r~. ~Z~ll~~~·"~·===.-.,--
K}JtL KENDALL Gen Conlr. Roofing 60l2
Residence .I: Comn1erc1al I ;.;c::.::;.c.;.<..------* ~~1537 • REPAIRS. all lypes. Reas.
Electrical 6032 Free-r111. T.lc'd. Ask for
\VAlt . !>41-3388, llJG..WJO.
S.wlng/Alteration1 60M
apply to: xl n't benefits, good wortdng ,.. ··~ , G d * INSURANCE * V'f'rJUU. n ee .. a pp y, 00 llAIRSTYLlSTS Standard ~:ct . Personnel Dept. DRJU. PRESS & tmTet OpportWllty. Call 6~1. f'l'eded !or bu5y p Ark EXPERIENCED
£1.J>..~RJClAN • License
No. 233108. Small job!!,
rnaj nt & repuins. ;,.1s--ms.
M.morl-, In~. WESTLANOS BANK NEmED lathe opera.ton for small GAL FRIDAY NC!W'pOl"l &!au1y salon. COMMERCIAL CASUALITY •• ""' Jl;!(g. flrm, Ple4l5&1lt "'Orklng Aftn!s.~ve Costa Jl;t es a 64'"6750 • 644-8'T62 RATER
SanlA Ana: Calif. conditions & good company fabric d\Mbution center • y · h · to "'Ork in modem Or:ange '
Furniture 6041
Ladit-1! -.vear, E.wert. Ref.
A Suhfildiary uf
(714) 835-2511 ! • • p11-id benefl!s. Tapmallc i>el!ks sharp 1tlrl to handle HAND 11.fAN for Llg ling oUice of 01ubb/Pacific
Equal Oppor. I::mployer I "'Girl Friday Corp .. l!l:il Kettering, Irvine. general oftl<'e v.'Ork. ~l uYl Fl~ture Co. Sonic electrical Il'lr"!en1n!ty E it c e 11 en t
R•finishlng Jublln
llepair -Re11tore Now! H<'sl·
dcntlnl/Com1nercial. Vinyl,
1YOOd, laq;e &: limail. Wt!
1'::stim111c: pickup & dc11Vt!I'.
Tile 6091 22'21 f\. Anne ~I rr'l'l
&int~ Ana., C111ll. 9Zffi.I
J -· ---i . ...,,Clerk Typists . 979-6080. ~organized ,\ accurate. ~=~leC!~~tlc~~~ l>l'ncflts & profit sharing:.
I ~Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;f Receptionist. lito typing, \\'ood Ughting: t'b.:ture Co. Salary open. Contact Allet'
rerooclcl. Free ei>I. Sm jobs
v.·1·lconl£'. 536-2426.
An equal opponunity
t•m11loyer BANK
Int.rim D t I pcrsoru~ reporli ng & 2001 South Ea11t II.lain St, Bond. 83&fi671 espera e y ~;jec..!.~~k·~~a~tO~ frvinebcl"'l!en8:j0&5pm,P •-Ai ocP'AF .....
Personnel Service Needed ••'*g;;.,"". c.11 ,..:.;., Monday 1hru ,,, ..... ,. 557.S9!ll. 9l1HD! Top Soll Cost• Me1a 11.ssembk!rs 17511 Irvine Blvd. 1-fon. lhni Fri. 8-5, Sal 8-12. •115 Tust;n GIRL FRIDAY HELP WANTED Gardening
* TC :'SOIL * COMPOS'J' • * ~fULOf * RED\VOOD Call 586-6930
NCR t"Xper. preferred. 138-5460 * Secretaries s Salesmen 1: busy RE offl<'C Lorge Comp'1ny
Expanding TELLER Equal Oppor. Employer * Typl needs well organiU'cl indiv. sts to keep the office running ·-
Spttiallze Restonilion T rM Service 6093 TRAINEES Experience pre I erred.
& Land5c:u~. Monthly APPLY Ckrlcal Temparvy
i\talntenance A: Sprinkler REASONABLE l84S Ne~rt Bl\'d * S.Cretari11
Repair. Call ~ & competent tree trlmmbtl Elcdrf.mic as..<>cmbly or I CROCKER BANK * Typist&
EUROPEAN GA rrl en e r . and removat CRD for fre• P"PPings e:. Peri t n t' r I .... "al Oppo,. Em·~·•r I * Gen.r•I Clerks r-.laintenaore • Landscaplng. nt. 58&-S7SI or 548-6421 ....., tHV.:r I Trte rem 0 va 1. Very "Oiris' Tr«' Se r,., 1 e e , , prelt-TTl"d, but not nbsolutely * Accounting Clerks
asonabl &12--5329 Ya.rd necessary. IBA ltTt:NDER. p/lime days Top Paying J'** r·or Top n! e. eves. Trimming, Removal & Please apply : .t: nights 10 work in family Skills. \Vork A Day, A 'Veek
YARD Cleanups, Gar.tJ.;I! Clean-up .. 548--7939 r e s taura nt . Mu.st be Or Long Trm1. Call Us
Cleanups & Ute liauhng. I ~ Standary dc~ndable &. able to work Today!
H.euonable. 646-4616. I II I I) I M ' I ~·/public. Exper, n 0 t r-:':-------... MOW le Edge mon1hly r.,...,,._. f emortH, nC. nece!l.'I. p izza burg er, r-f-'..f:.:J
nia.lnlenance yard cl(!flllup . . A subsidiary ot 963-4509. I J·(,µu 1111.,_. Dr.
& bAuling. George 54tkl142 APPL!ED i\1 AGNE T JC S B E A U T J C I AN wanted I n
FINE EOC:E Job Wanted, Mill• 7025 CORP. ln1mediotely or sooner. I or 1 .Jr_· .
Yant Mnintena.nce Service mt S. Anne Slreet 2 Halrdresscn, with or lDQll
Cleanups/Hauling, 548-862:i ATTENTION I Santa Ana, Calif. 927M without followin&. Apply in ~~~~=====~
.......... ,,.
E'Xpcrll!'nced Cla."1l 1 driver, p YARD CLEANUPS out of work doe to company I An rqual o pp or tu n I t y person, enna.1reu Beauty -
lz. complete melnt. 645-0309 folding. Member Teamst<' s employer Salon, 2300 Harbor Bl:vd.,
GMer•I Services '°46 Local R52. WUJ ro with op-11!1!!!!!!!!!!!-:=::==:==;:-:==:i::-I C.M. S49-0757. port· :tJtv If you want a ~ BEAUTICIA.1'11 Assi.tant or re11ab1~.:r~. call Rob at Assemblers ShAmpoo Girl. M.ale or ,...16TI an;·tlmo. ASSEMBLY >'•malo. U"""""· 963-3433 •
YOUNG man. 3 yn. painting BEAlFTY Shop for sale. 300 ;!~~:: iob.e ~e k •; JRAJNE£S :;ac~7~r =~
Job Wanted, Fm•I• 70_50 j BEAUTY Operator wanted at Allegro Del MAt' Beauty
NEED help at home! We Electronic oss.embly 0 r Sa.Ion in Corona del ~1ar.
Ute oHice exper. wt n quo.Uy
you for this la r I:'. e
eleetronlC5 co. G o o d
stal'1.infl: 111-lary & benefit&.
J•son Best Agency
17400 Brookhurst, fV
Sulte 213 !Jti3..6Tra
nave Ill es, n "''', , prrpp1ng ex p er i ence •-·d "-' = . 1 • Xln't <ipportWlily. Ca I I
t'!Ompenions. Homem ers prefen'Cd, but not Absol:utely 1 _673-0968_•-~~·-'~673--1500-~-=·---l\eed mature "'oman lor HANDYMAN : Apt1, Homes. Upjohn 547-6681. necessary. P\easc&pply: BOAT M~'G large office in Cot.ta r.rl!sa . (U']>AIRS. large or 1mall n........M>rf ,_.._, Jor -il ~,, i\!usl be able li> type Help W•nted, M&F 7100 1 ,."'.,._... '>&""'.. _, """ I I tri 10 k ddi job'-by c o n a c I e n t i o u 1 Standary Alig. Must be capable c ~ c 1, US!' ey 11. ng
craftsman. Gt6-lt61. I drafb;man, w/fibergla,;s machine. !ilc. an 5 w e r
PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL. ACXX>UNTING Memories, Inc. production kno~1ledge. Must phonek 11 etc. M~ be1 •1hle to
CARPENTRY. No job too '
-R SPECIAL I •-·11· -re•-••. v.'Or an occaoonc 'ay <in
·-.. I. F • 0 Hom• Rcpal,, TREATMENT \YORK A Subllidi&ry of ~ll;--= W~t ~l;ed.G;~ the v.•eekt'nd. Ex c e 11 e n I ~.. • ECIAUST APPLlED J\;1 A G N ET l CS comp.1ny lwneflts including 642:-140.1. 1'~1t A SP CORP. Door opply w/major Mfg. paid vAcntlon, paid medical
NEED an Extra Room? -2221 S. Anne Sired Cull nn,ytlme for appt. & rellN'ment prog ram , G~ Convenions a Santa Ana, Call!. 97101 83.S-6-126. Op p or tun it I c 5 lo r
spec i a It y. Free Est. An Boat Assemblers ad\111.neefTl('nf. Pll!'a1e \Vrlte equal oppor t unity a u-·· .~ ~·1 !>'8-i63i eve~ I employe_r Exper. on1y. Must be highly ass li;:u ad No. ~-... • ..,.... Y
Tal'l.L SERVICES Co-Elec., awas ::::::=:==::::z::::z::=: I qualified for fast growing P ilot, P.O. Bclx 1560 Co5t& pl.umb'g. carpentry, repaln Teimporary boat 1nanuf. Top salary for MeM, Calif. ~.
& re p I ace me 11 t s. As'-nment1 Assembler right people ~·ho ~ clll'ttr 1 CLERK/TYPIST ~l&a6--09T1 Avirlable For minded &. looking f 0 r Busy-loco.I dnirtinl( supply HO~tE REPAIR t;xperienef'd Pl'rsonncl CAN YOU WORK ! advaIK.."E'~~940 W. l?th ~t;iUcr n('('d.~ Cal ~'ridny to
Carpentry, ?lurnbtng *BOOKKEEPERS ON WEEKENDS S\, C.1-f. · hand.le g('fl('r&I office duties
EitctricAI. Reas. 5&1004 *ACCOUNTING CLKS BOAT painter needs helper BOOKKEEPING.Must 1ype W/91Xlle exper. Salary open. & knt11\' J().key add by toot:h
Ha•ling 6051 roR l-'URTHER INFO AT NIGHT Call 642..J.m. Sh not req'd. Call 1-lr.
YARD, garage
renXwe t rees,
dr1ve way!I.
din. Ivy,
s tu mps.
CAIL J{O\\'l'lt<I. 979-89:>4.
A'j'j4/s35'.4i0J" Just Anytime A~B~KKEEP~~!
!.>'1)1DENT ~211.
An equal oppor. emplo)w
"':ccOUNTING !
WE WILL FIT YOUR con~tr. btiekground ~n.
42G2 Campus Dr., B-4, N.B.
~IOVING, Hauling. F.xper. c;._,n·1 1\CL'Ountant tQ $12K I
Rcliabll'. !Wnsonablc. Free 2 Yn;. ""-'I'· + <legree. Some BOOKKEEPER Full ~.
est. &'128T"Jlll. koow'I cost ni"tlng cssen. I 838-5460 for rt"Cn?ntion club.1 FUii l!f;LEN SC11AFf'ER lin1l', good opportun ty & MOVING ? 1.oCAI tum. or I 1.oc led · Ne port
J;t!n. hauling. :?l Ft. lurn. ,i:'.,E!~SON'\.l:'.:L .AGF.NCY Assembly Trainee ~=~~: cnlla71~HGOO
\'an .. 612--0.')3.j. ,\..lfi_ ta niru~ n i., 84• N.B. i x1 · · 1 h I hi ~----~·"'.'1n1 • nt opponun11y or r g BOOKh:EEPER
CPA Finn. ha.s career
openini::. for bookkttper.
J\;lultiple 1 edger exp
desirabl e' machine
or:entt'd, Sn.lnry rommen.
surate wllh exp. For Appl
call Lois (n4l 8.13-00:1.
F.ldi:rly Alel"I ninn, nct'dt'd
fQr d11y shift. ~-47.'2 nit.
4 p.m.
Nl!fil men. Call l\1onrlll)'
only: 6i5-5.~ .. 11,1u-UNG s10 & up. g»•ge 1 ,..,~~~"'l·•~·~-~~'!"l~"'I lndh·. who ('njoys "urkinJO: r . di 1 Full Cl1nrge, {I days, Jtvinc> COO i\ • R.t'licl for prh·;ue l•l1·~n 1111. inovlng, big fin! A/RECEIVABLE 11·/;>o rli'n Y group o •-•· ~·-1 .. rv ..... mm•o•·-1• -pie No f'XP nee Creal •• ..,... -~ ... v """ 1•luh in Laguna Nigu£>1 ar1·a. ll('d, reas. f><l2-40:12. • ,,....,.. • • • • W1C'Xp. 919-81S.31SO. · I • '-lust have snn1e accounting s lnrtlni.: AAliiry & c 0 • Hours \'Tiry, days, n1g 11s «
lJl('..AL movi111: & Muling by back~round \\/ good bcnl'lits. BfiliPR, Full charge w/ wknds. CoU11try club exp.
"''udcnl. L<i-rir. truck. ReR~. nccura1c t~·pinl!. Grcn1 ro-B.\V. Professional heavy nc.<1t estate pref'd. Contnct Oler. Tues-
H;1ny, ~1-1235 or 539-9-138 workP~~-0 111 H1111 Johnson. Agt>ncy background. Send reswne 10 1 Sat 9 am-4 Pl\!. 496-5767,
1:11;i1r-HAULING AN 0 ?>4{)4)055, <'0!1sl1•l l"rsonlK'I 10568 '-Iagnol.ia, Stllnton P.O. Box 2480, Newport COOK. Pizza, cn.1?r JS. Apply
J\:OVI NG . LOCAL/OR. • • Ai;ency, Z'i90 llurbor 81~-rl. Suite 109 m-0214 Bench, 92663. in penon. Straw llit.t Pizza
e f>lj.-84!\'> e C~I ! Call ~fonday For Appt. BOYS & GIRLS Palace, 320':6 Ca. m In o
,; \itr\GE &: )ard cleanup. . Cl . I ASSEl\otBLERS Ne111-spaper carriers. r.1in . Capistrano, San Juan Ca.po.
l.t.;ht h11nl1ng & I rec Accounting erica Preci s ion electro-r:nech. ng~ 10. Lldo Isle. Balboa DAY COOK
1r1romin;:. fr~ est. 539-4136. General Off ice asse.mbly.
Peninsula &: BaUm. Poinl. Good bl'nents. ,\pply "l·F,
$1 0 & UP S.Cret•rial Positions Requ1n>s : Strong m cc h . Contat.1 :\tr. Ba.l'kstrom ~t 2·-J JOLLY ROCLR 2300 ~l•)\'ing JlauMng. 963-&iSZ RUTH RYAN 1\GENCY 1tptitu?e. Asaemhly or I.he DAILY PILOT ?r ~al1 1 uarl,or Blvd., C.1-t. ' ]'1'9J Nl'\11)0rt. c.r-.t. ~ n1ach111e shop exp ( r . 642-4321 ,(: !caw application.
Hou1ecl1anin9 60~ 17931 &at·h. !LB. ~17·9611 ht>lpful. C.Pi1. 642-8080. BRANCH t-.I AN AGER . * ~icy &c,c~~ *
.,..DOMESTICS I A!'.ST r-.tancge.r fo r fa.nilly SECIY fur L.A. Trial ;.'lrm, 4~2771• Ask for Chl'f.
!.hr In Or Out ACCTS /PAY CLERK rest11uront. Looking for 70 1\·pni. lrvinl'. 213-627·50'15. _ .-.-____ _.
..,..OAYCLEANERS In-int' N>i1t mfJi. dl'i;irell indi\' ~·ho wnnts to ll'nm IJR.EAKFAST COOK e.'<per. I D-EC-ORA-TO-R S-ALES krmvlrdgable AfP Clerk. f(ll)fl bus. Expcr. not neee11~. not nl'ccss. l\ilu!':t b c ..
Ap1H'1mrnli; Or ll01nes ~)..28.'10 l\1ust be 21 or over. ritust dependable & ~·illing 10 · f 11rn!tu_1'<' & custon1 dr:1~ry. ~tlR·A·Slll~lt ADMIN. ASSISTANT like working "'/(lf'Ople, be 14••• •• ~. take 0 " I t_;xpcrn·nri'•I only. ,, 1lny [Jon1es! IC' ~Cnl'Y I I •1 & 1111 I ' ·~n• k ~---d S & :\I"" •1, ... r;1)t) :.?~ Hou111 ltap!dly i;:ro11in~ ctyn.ii.n1ic r rprllfa.,o "' ng 0 l't.'Aponslbility & be ahlt' 10 11·ec · '"""""" .un. · '""'''
C)lPLOYF.R PAYS t'EE nrn1 nrerls cfficit>nt 1•xi'<'.1 :l('(."-f'pt re~n~ihlllty. C:".IOCI "'Ol'k 11·/riuhlic. Good <'nll tor nii~t., Sanla Ana
ll''I U :;ECL EA NING& RF. ~--• topo• •h•'lll y .
* ·--LLeepe-smoochly. Typin&'. &: :UJ. CnU .......... •• .... Johnotn. 540-60'5 . * Acctn9 Clrks CoutAI Ptnonnol Agency. * Gtn'I 0 .. -2790 Harbor Bl\·d, CM Permanent ~'Ork In manu-~ GIRL FRIDAY fac1uring. distributing & in· * fife Cities Pa.rt time, E.xp'd in recepl.,. , stll.llatioo. dNo experie11""
VOLT sectttalial, bkkpg. f 0 r neceuary ue to exee enl
I · I I H trai ning program for n1l'n &
''nslant P•r·--1 8mal architectura o c. rs. _,,_ I 35 1._. 11·on1en l& &: over. J\.tajor Mt'dical P.on 9 to 2. Age 25 to pre '"· Asst Jl;fgr/RetalJ
al I Gared N. Smith, AlA .. Inc. TOP WAGES lndll5/~lech Engr !'ow Av lab(' "'owport "·-»t, ""TI~ t" id Cl · Ad ' I
TPmponuy Service '' ....,.....,., ~ oN J(' aims JUS er
GARDENER For ~1ore lnfonnAtion Call Trne, degree IO $725 3848 Campus Dr .. Suite 106 536-2591 Se<--retarics to $100 Newport Beach 546-4741 f'ull time. Immed. Opening. Insur Oalmi AS5istant
Equnl Oppor. Employt-r Apply Jn Peraon C•ll Mon & Tue'& Only Fire & casualty 10 $700
1''/tlme. 6:30am·3pm: ~1u~ 25205 La.Paz M J..unch It Dinner Shifts. Recept /typist S500
be respor11ible. X I n' I L..aguna Hills, Ca BLUE DOLPHIN Enginet>rl11g Secy to $825
employee benefl~. 'Applyj>iiiiiiiiiii;iii.ioii;iiiii""i;;;iii 3355 Vla Lido, N.B. Sec'ys/li1e 11h to S600
Oxta 11.fesa M e mo r i 1t I GENERAL HOSTESS Ii: Cashier, full Tnilntt/math apt S«JO
Hospital, 301 Victoria, C.1'1. CAREER time. Apply in Peraon. Recept/t1-ne, escrow $«lO ~~p~o~~r.O P po r t unity OPPORTUNITIES Osco'1 Rest, South Coast Gen otl/loan pros toW-0
Co's Pay All FHs Village. ~fts":len/'1.'0men, printed DISHWASHER Circuit Mech. pkJ". to $690
Apply in pet'50n. SECRETARY $850 NIGHT AUDITOR & JERRI WHITTE~10RE Dick Churchu R•st. Ncedt'd at leading hotel. Full 488 .E. 11th St. {at lrvtnel CM ~ Newport Blvd .• C.?of. II.~ ~n~~~ :: chg, 6DA. exper. v.'/ NCR Suite 124 642·1470
To r;u,_..,,;.,,.. 2 loan pn> 4200. Qlll ?.fr. Holland,,. 11111 •~ .-i•· ..e• .. ,,.,... ·-6-14-1700. Equal 0 pp or , ..,,,,. "" ""
Do \' H ~ISClrs & mana.ge nu o!c. E 1 ou 3-\'f! By DC airport. future! ' :mp oyer. . . * JANITOR *
SECRETARIAL SEC'Y LEGAL $550 HOUSECL~NIJ'\C. '-1 on. f/time days. 11.t-f'. onice, 5
SKILLS? 84!aut!ful ofc &: nice , \Ved & Fri, 8am·Upm <4 yrs exper. noq'd. To SSOO + ln~'.'}~Jllls wlsh1 &C 111:tping stalf. Type 65, sh 80 ~)0,.JJ hr. Ov.·n transp. bcnt>!its. 13.'\.1 Av 0 ea d 0 .
11 .. ~ ...... conslant y. a in & Stt'norette only 2 yrs .,,_"""· behind Cinema 1beatre.
uk u.~ about our lop poying exp. req. All ben raises! HOUSEh.'EEPER lor small Newpon Ct'nter, N.B.
& varicrl pc:,,;itiom. e-•ro c1 · · La Call 540-4450 SEC'Y LEGAL ~ t'.'X USl\'C n'ICl!el in l?IM JANITOR cle11.n building al
Nl.'VER A FEE AT TE!l.fPO Heavy litlgntion exp for Beach, 5 day • "'ttk 11\cl.. Night After 5pm. Call Tom
TEMPO Temporary Help prefltige firm: Santa Ano. ~·eekend&. 494-8521 \Velch 8-17-2655 beh11een 9 &
""'!!"'!""'~~!'!l"~~!'J'!~I Very pleManl man lo "'Ork 1 HOUSEKEEPPER P/time 3 ~·eek dayi;. DRAPERIES-WOMAN~ \\-\thin a congenial ore I o11er 40 ito.y 1 + v.-eek per LABORATORY. Med Tech.
DRAPERY \\'ORK RM Needs MTST OPR $750 ~o. No experle~ nee, for ne"' lab. F'/time daya.
help. 646-1162, &16-l93l. Lo\•l'ly legal Ofc by O.C. light lnvaJld CAtt. 67~7313. Prrsonnel Dept, Hoa a
DRIVERS w/dependable c11.r AirpoM .. Legal exp _not HOUSEWIVES, $40-$60 wk!y1 -iiH~os;p~it~a~l ~N~.B~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;J ~tlary + commil.'lion. Ph. Nf'<'. Ra~id act:ur typ•n&: & p/tin1c:. $L20 & up f/Ume.1• &I>'"' lI 4 MTST oxp a mu.I. Gd hen. Mr. fudwds, 846-5455. LABORERS
•. :i.: a · SECRETARY $750 HOUSEKEEPER to cook & •
Earn $10.$30 Wk To v.P . faJl!lul co 01Rm1 ' keep hsl? tor-semi Gnod .\\orken Needed
SNACK bar at t e n da n t s , Tact type 10 It sh New ! handicapped ""Onlan i n Al.I llmes. All aneu.
1nature, p/tlmc eves. Appl)' position due to expansion I Ne~'J)Ort Beach. H r 5 . Paid ··ttkly. "rt?P SU
in p(!N;On aft 7pm. Mon thru Top ™"nefits Carttr job 10·~ 7·'~ Ph ~1 12 Call ,.,....,., · ....... m-. · .,.,.,m, · "" · NEVER A FEE AT Tr'!PO f'ri. Harlxlr Bh·d Drive-In. RECEPTIONIST $600 noon, ~!QI · 'l'r-.n:>n ,,.._ H~:,
Harbor Blvd at McFadden New ~le by O .. C. Airport HOUSEKEEPER. live in, 'c."u-v i.:mpot"Uy e.ip
Snnta Ana. NO PHONE ~blic rel personality Engliah speaking, exp'd,I LEGAL Sl!C'Y
C\U.SPLEASE. \\ork forV.P.m~etl.111 r efs req'lf .. Good • .
Front degk type 55 w.p.m. ; "·/children. 2 girls, ages 4 Employer . Pa.Id . f ee. Tius
PBX OPER $650+ & 7. Salary 0 pe n . Atl?ml'Y 1s seeking ~ brl&ht ELECTRONICS
E:-.:per. for 2 position busy 714-645-2810 lndl\·. v.·/~ .skills &
in gorgeous new bldg in •HOUSEKEEPER* t>x~r ... to bl' his ngtit hl.nd. Irvine All l::lencllts . If )OU re looking for a itl'C&t CAS RATER $600+ F/lime days r-.!·f, olf1ce, 5 starting salary, a plush ote
yrs. t''<J>U. J"t'Q d. Top sol + & a rr1endly ntmospherl' • All (.'('I benellls lrg co benefits. 1333 Avocado, this posi!ion i1 for you.
3·a )Tli l'ltP ns comm<!rclal bC'hind Cinema Thealrf', B. \V. Pmf!'ssional
CnsuRlty rntcr Tfl\lo't'.'r In Ne~·port Center. N.B. Agency
Sa,nta Ana All co. ben l iOUSEKEEPER·NUl"SC for 10568 t-.lagnolia, Stanton
GEN L OFC . ~15 elrlerly 11·oman 4 or 5 days a Shitr 109 995--0214
\'nrian Data i\l nc-h1nes flas So n1uch variety you ti \Vk, $11 Jl('r day. Lii't'·ln. C'.all ?olonday For AppL
severol op c n in i; s Jor Y.'Ol'ldl'r w+ieri: !he riay 14·ent! Reis l'l'<]'d. Transp. necess. LINDSEY Nurse Re&;istry & As..~n1hlc>r Train c> es in· 1:hones typing elc. Plush Ph: 4!H·-149J. LI ND SE y ?.1 e d I c A I
terested in .. becoming a p._:n f n~us na~e co nce<l1/\ I Employml'nl Agency. Needs
of the exciting computer 111-11·1lhng assatant. Call. rlN's, LVN's & Practlca.ls.
rlu11ry. You mu~ be in good 1 INSPECTOR J\tl\.le & feni. For pvt du ty, health and h.-~ good NO CHARGE TO YOU '''" reli<I & olhct m"'Ica! =~~l~~~~stl= 133"-9770 * 100-1. FREE !i('lds. 646-4816. Colt.a Atesa.
manuaJ dexterity. The abili· Cash Penonnel Agency P.O.A.. LOAN PROCESSOR
ty to read and write legibl)' 4019 \\'t'lterly, N.B, No. rot \\"ill be lbl 1 all Ftt paid. Beautiful plush
and knowledge or slmple Plt11se ·Call For DlrecOons uaJ' f'NPOtrol"'I e . or otllce In Ne~'J)Ort Beach.
arlttunedc probll!'ms such as q lty con unctions 81i· Co. prefl'NI bank exper ., but
declma.l.t And t r a (' t Ions -aod.aled '!ID;l&nul. plant. other loaning lmtitutes
fK'CeSSal')'. 11 you. nlee!t GENERAL OFFICE Exper. rcq d in the C1Jall1y suiteble. Jl;iust have typing
these qu.'l.ltllcation.q and are Keep busy w/Jots of public conl;rol . ~ for re-& sh. Salary to S7SO. Also
lookini; lor 11 position ~ilh rontar1 . Ute 1ypin1, celV1f1i ~on. machlned Ff't' Johs. Call Gloria Cray.
an Orll.nif! O:lunty company 11-ptll\11\c for f~. Good p&J1.!I &: LllMU product ac· 540-$'.W Chest.al Pei'tfOnnel
th&t o!lers: co. bcneUts. t't'.'J>IMro. AJ;:ency, 2i90 Hertx>r Blvd., * Competitive Pay * Excell1nt benefits' * Modern f1cllities
Rtply In penPOn or contact:
B. Kl'a!ka
(il I) 833--2AOO, Ext. ~
J1son Best Agtincy Contact: Cl\t.
17400 Brookhurst, F. Vb·. f'11ul Dosier Associates i;L~U°"B~E"°M~AN;-;;-. ~~,~..,.=-.~Brown=---,.,,
Suite 213 963--671j 2'.)..IO !ta 1dcilph A1·c .. C.~f. t-;ewport Ctr Shell, 990 E.
55fr107J Coast Hwy, N.B.
TEi\IPORARY Sell klle items \Vilh R Daily
Qi.II S?h"\-91·15 I Piiot O alSified nd. 642-S61S
Help Wanted, M&F 1100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100
OPERATORS ---Sl'f!l't!lllr)' tor their blll!YI -~•ru'ling wages \\'/rnis<'" s lartinw: wages ~·/ ~ ... 3i14
r ~'row rx""r .,.,........ " " 11rnniollon accordin" t o ~ n.1byio:l Ullllot lrvlnr area, Pl'f'A, · ~· '' '· 1 ,~ ' J>1r.uiburger: 9fi;.'3.<1:n.i. "' •v·'J ,,,.,,, T>o"<, \V-·'. •-i. 1 helpful. C•1ll Co 1111 ta' I ahility. Pl z z ab urger, DELIVERY 1n11n for e,11.r\)' YOM •
" <U c• ~ '-" ""' I' 1 \ "" ·--ASST MGR TRNE ""J...4~"". Tim-hom• '"11·-,1y -"''· 11rn a student living w/s ('~llt' ' ~t'ncy. ~ ...., '11.r.1 "'" • .._ •v
fainlly In "The ru.nch" 2790 Harhnr Bl1·rl, (~. . Al~ 11/t\me lunche• J 111111. liURGl..AR Alarm installer. Adults only. 2 % hn d1tlly,
.C dny v.1ork ~-eek, 10 houn
pf'r day. 6 0:.m . to 4!30 p.m.
Slitter macl\c>ne. WW train
011 our 1nachl1w, bu t
mechanical •pl!tude
M'Cem:aJ)'. Paid ln5unnce.
excellent ~ta.
.i.i.'-00i1 AL TE RATION 211111. Nltt! shift rt-mldn!ll'. E:xpt'r. Sc!nd Resume to economlr.al car required. No VarlClft Data
-HOUSE OF CLEAN WOMAN ,\pply In ptrson, 1705 Bakt•r P.O. Ba." 145.\ Costn MPS&. i;ol\('\!lng, no coUectlng. ·Machines St, C. J\f. ~ Westmht111ltt. Hntg B c h
C.1r1)."'L' 1~\ndotAs. floor8, Esfl('rlcnr.rd lor lligh Fe.sh· ASSIST\NT •1 , ~.1 . J.-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iOiiiiiiiii• nrea. &J&..29U. 7122 f\lk:hl'.ll!Oll Drive I I «-J I I I ••• """' Shop. Apply In , . " Rnl\i,:t>r ' .... n. \l\J"' · . ...,...-.· 11 ra c!I or reg. ""' tt lor Pln11 dellw"" sen. CASHIER DEUVERY Man. ea ..... AM lrvil\t, CAllf. 9'a-' .SCrY, 642~1114. pcr':llQn. 2"1 F11shlc-i ls.land. • ; "I • •'.}" NetA'l)Ort Bearh. 1 let'. IH:Z.945.2 an I DINNER SHIFT ck'liwry ol LA Tln1n, Equal Oppor, Employer m/f STf.J\~I Cleaning. d eep O S S Apply In ~n. Airpot1cr CO!Lla. ?olt'.'S3 & N.B. IU''l'll. No
t"J<tr11<"110n, dr)' 1ntbln 3 hrs, A I R Con d I I 1 on in Ji:· AUT ALE MEN Inn llOICI, lSiOO ~tacArthur rolleclif1i, niui-t h 11. v e
Ntnltb:f'S, SA t I 1 fac t Ion notnsreratlon llt'rvice man. Nt!C!'dtd for Dnl' of OM\nce Btvd, Irvine!. (Acrog ftom deptndablc c<1 .. l48--li52 ELECTRONIC TEOfl\(1,...AN
a..ruar.5.l7-ai't2 Good )'"31' 11-ro1md "'orkina County'e leadlna Pontiac O. C. AirpoMI No phoM UDJIAL ~l!ITANT, ot"lll \\'anted for c11tabll.shed
J. ano'torial 6063 1.'0nd1. • :0.lm:I hStYI'.' qu:\Llf)ed Dt>alus. New or Ustld car call pl • X 11 1 ?-larine EltttronlCfl Olstrlb-
R I -··-"'"-' ..,.._ I E ii I I a ease. ~urgny .. ·rA.)' e. a n1us . u1or. GO('(( rArrcr OPI ..... rxpPr. 1• s ""''"-1•· '"" 1111 es. ~ce ent r n p: e lnlnled. openl""· "' ,..., .. 1':Url's Plumt>1ng, 1 n c. bt"nelltJ. }'.!xpl!':r\enced or "" .... hy. t'CC Li<."t'RM! orel but C&R Clellnlnq Se r v I<' e iil--0910. nor, v.-e will !rain. Ask for SA \'Y. SPACE \V 11 E N ti-14-6161 "'ill h'aJn. cafl Cary NIC\"ly,
Q,mmercial l Resklrn!lnl. N And)' r-.tOVING by 11' rt\ p PI n a 0Br\T1\l. Rect:pt ioni11r &: 89"-0>M Hl'l'iJ<-On&blc ftate~ &'11-2330 · ,\LTF.rtATTON "'Oi'tlAl DAVE ROSS dishes and Olhr.r ffarcilf Dt-nlol A.._it!S1ant. ~•p'd . , 1---,,====,.---I 11ndf'r 40 ~ .. $2.50 hr 1 1 h 1 1 ELECTnoNICS Paint ing/Papering 6073 lo iturt. l\f11~ be fast. PONTIAC 1em11 n WIUI e otN, tov.•e 51 Costa J\lr1111. 5-t!J-.i611 ASSEMBLER. find 01her linens. You get CAii &t&-9'248 z.1KI H~~~Yd. mo•-, .. -In the g•~~ I Ocnt"I A1st11111nt eholn1lde E.-c:p. in miniature elect. Ptr IN T/EXT PAINTING ' '" ·~-1~ N "-" • ·-··· •-·h are r-11 Apt l\lan11go1', prefer n1111.t1n °"'tn Meu M&--8011. nnd closets by M":lllna: idle exp. pre 0 •~-.... e .. a-. .......--°"'"" a, -. hll Om""e Co. Jim 6il-3.i09 n·och .,.~-Mark 494-J036 .,.. c.'()l.1plc, 17 unlt.s, choiC() The fa1tf!>I dr&w In th•• \Vt"Jl. tlenui wlth a Delly Pilot Q\;" • "" :"!"' · * Wt llpaper Ha"ler * llunllngton Beach Joc1il,ion, ..• a Dl\ily PUot Cwlfltd Clas11lrlcd Ad. Call 642.-M18 St•ll idle ltt"ma "''Ith a DnllY "U.t" It In CllllWed, Sbip
('_ ICl'blro 646-2449 R.tG-O'fS2 Ad. Call ~. now! Pilot CIA,slr!l'd od. 64l-&i'T8 to Shore Relultsl ~
a;3) S. &isan
Santa Ana, Ca.lit. 92704
An equ.t.J opport un ity employer m/f
Drill Pf'f'~l. Lethe.., ' MU!mg ~lachiDCll. Day a
on!y. bJO.DYNAlJJCS me,
11542 Annttrorw A v 1 , ln1ne, Ca.
~11ndQ, April 28, 1q74 DA.ILt PILOT D f.J .,.
Holp Wanlod, Ml.F 7100 Halp Wontod, M&F 1100 Help Wentod, M&F 7100 Help Wenhd, M&F 7100 I Holp Wonhd, M&F 7100 Help Wontod, M&F 7100 Hole Wontod, M&F 7100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 I Holp Wonted, M&F 7100
---------, -. ..:...-------1 T)'JM!SC'ltrr TB~l compoflfT' ltlALF. OR >~ALE N£EOU::CRl\FT shop 1.i In F\1ll or pltlme delivery he:lp ~ of exp nia1ure lJJl,.1 for ChJ.mbtt of Commtttt help, '4'illln.g Ill "' u r k
A d v., r 1\&lng promotion. v.•ktoods. b:1ck a.:f'OUIKI in
C'.ood ~lf!dgc of IU'ea IK't'dle point ~nlW. Call
helpf\11. \our OOA'l"l transp, 4~ bl't 10-6 tor appoint.
above nva tllMl\n'tJ. Paid --
PART TIME-SOU rcUrtd PRESS;\IAN-Chlrf 17. Strip, RECEPTIONIST S.'111'1 INo l'Xf!"ri••ni'f' nk 1 SKIPPER MF.CtJANIC, ~lu~~ I i•),pet v.•:th .. l'Of)y fl!'-tonn.
•nale: \\'ork In 01 offtce )."f'tl\'1"81 fihop dutil'fl, :\1n'r 1 Renu111ul OO'tlo' oft . Sk't"l.) ENGELHARD SIL VER Secret a r1"es bt' a 1JI C1nta ~lf!(hank fuU or purt t.lJN, ~fc'l'iche
doin11: '"~ run<e1 to opPQr, co. be n e f t t 5 ·1 ~l'tll'.med, pola.cd, 11ll'111io11u $600. Wk Commission ,. a p 11. ~It of d I e.•" I Typt~N!ltina Jrvint. m-~
bu.!lneu OV.TICrJ, No scUi~· ~"lGnriphb: Prtosl, s.i;;..Jnl. P<'f'*)nalf\y ""'111.bllit)' 111 LIY.:F: }'\Ll.ISG lmmtodlete ope.,.. ln11t11U11.1ion. \\'rhe 1:1vinJ: .oiiiiiiiiiiiii~' ... oiiiiiiiOiiiiil
OI) •PPllJ. $3per hr. &U-31"6., .. ;;......................... ck-al 'A'('I\ 'A·/pubUc. If )'00 OL'T 01• lii':ll I I fo lclll l'\'fl'rtlnt't'I, f:Xpfritl'IN' & TrPl~I Phur~ 11ft1•tn(IOl\f only. l,..u!ling tui.ve hMd PBX t''1Ji.'r. lhf')' IJ.' YO'' s.:u~ ng1 ex •• r. . Jo:AIAI')' l'XPt Ctl'r1 lo
dally. Pick )'OUl' °"'" htll.
9flm.8pm. Apply 315 X ltd
St: Suite E. H.B. NEVER A FEE!
PA RT Tl ~1 E c I~ r k , \\ lll trftln on tbclr n\'\o\ • " , ., ed 1ecretarie1 In C'IA.11dtl~ Ad ~o. 3', I:' o
•--"·'·' I '•--· PRESS l itton -110ll' ... "II S."\llv .-oH ·111•_. TOP f'Cll\IP1\~\ onnlnetrl~ ,_~rt-D..i.ll>' PUot. p 0 Box l1l&l, ...... .......,.e. uf' LoRj...... tore. . .. ..,.. . . .. . . I THt' TOP uxrr-.. . ... --
C":'>I. Srnrl ~.iurnt-in c-111~· ll11r1, ~. Coo a;.'a 1 i \\'lTll TOP 11\'T~GRITY' ment. Ablllty to C'b1"1 ~ff'sa.C&.llf !r.l63fi !ti--' ad No t>l .,. "-!Iv OPERATOR Prrsonnt'I Ag..•nc'.), 2 • 90 . ' ' MALE or fenutlt! tountCr Mlp for l~re11.m & -S.cret.ary
"" · ' " ._..., "' lln.roor Bl DI F. N CLEHAHI> t1.1Um11rk~. type technical m•
Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CO&ta • · 11trill.ll«c, "'rli;hl!oo, . 9 9 !J teriils • mutt.
111v'ldwlch &hop. J<'ull ttmt>. 5 -Leg1I Secret1ry
dy wk, l\lust be sharp. -Gen.ral Office
l\le"'"· Cit. 9"lti26. Dav1~n 700 P. f\11.nimuin ~1 . , 'I"~ ~1 ~
<»le -ar n-k-net'. t.tll'« RE PRO TYPIST " ~ a · .r ...... ~.P"'\N" '"' Shorth1nd requlr-P/Tl~fE Girl. An II v.· Cl r 3~ ,.,.. <u:. bar Rnd 1lunr.u111•1·s
phonet, mtet public. Apply bf> steady Md n'llAhk'. Top 1 ln\mf'Ctl.IUe lop paylm: ;1t~. 11 \J \' • 1l i\ (' K ! ! f ti II ii ed, 80 W.p.m.
In Pl'l"'!IOn, 7SS \V. 19th St. pay and Lrif'4:1' hc'nt'Clta. [ \\'ork 11o dA)'. a "'e.k or Ion~ ENGLEHARO t:r. AIJ • .,., A
1 1
Co.;ta Ml'N. BINDERWORKERS lmn, rnn UJ Today! ... 11: ~ l If you !Irr hhndnbl·· pp y n erton
Loct.r\olll are El Tom &
Corona df':l Mar. Dill lx'I. Dartnell Personnel
5 pm. !olon-F'rl, Rll-!nll. Service Agency
MAN. Exp'd or Trau>ee. far Newport Beach 640-&470
window tinting i~slaller. Ota-.• $47 .. 1694
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I And nK":u1 bUSUX'C!>, pll'n~,. 3333 H bo Bl d E.'<ptrie~ Pf't'fem"'d l'all ~2131 <ir :~i·~~; •r r Y • PERSONNEL ,\NYTl:-01£~ TNllnl" un<t Co1ta Me11, Celif. ' fyirl MARTEC ns~istancl''.' Cr rt I\ In 1 y ' Start $2.2'i hr. Rat.11es 10 1,...,·,..··.,.. ___ .,. __
~ai~ ::~.1"~~ 0vl'J" ri. --.awAccOONTS-
11DhP..t Dr.
1Mm ASSIST ANT REPRODUCTIONS :::::"'"''"' • ""ii" b I• INC 11:i.1F:n1t~ CLERK
lrriM • W.11'1
• IU·:RITAGt: Sll.\'ER MANAGEMENT TRNE Presently wc havc an C~·I~ pubJlc co. net'dl! C>pening for rMI\\ i.t·ti1un1~ Sl1()11\d hf1\'e ll'OQd typln~ 1~,77 Pl&'l"ntht AYt'.
brig h 1. ,. n (' r ~ct Ir, tl·~rk. f>rercr. ""'P<'.f· ~lu!>l ~kill~ llntl u 1T1111lnn1n1 or -:"cw11ort Beth·h, Calif.
self·stal1t•r fQr lociil Orttni,:l' hnvc R{)(\('f ry111111; .~kills. r1•ar.t •· x p,. r i r n c (' 111 f7141 &t:;..1141
Co rt'I Ril outll·t Pl;~:Ast; CONT,\CT Pl•rsctnn"t \\'lU l)'P'" 1111 J ,\llt'()UltlOl>DOrlun1ty
OpPor111n.lllf:1i t n l' I u d t· Cra: i-:t>wlllnd. ('l\an~ llf tll!UU!I input lo en1ployt'r
Jcarnioa: ull phit~".i !'If Bank of America Jl(l~·roll, 1nRlnta1n pt'nlOflncl 1,..-... .,...,~;....,,,..~
rPlll ili ni;: ,tc lut11l'I ;i00 N1•\1µ<lrt Center f1lt"<, h11ndh• ln<1.u r !'ln('t' f'RO OUCTION\vfJY!
advt1nce1Tl(•nt. L 1 b 1' r a 1 fai;hlon Island c l 11 i m ii 11 n II "1• r l' i' n I \V 0 r k e r , ...ontc. ...,,)Orf
b<'nerib>. &•nd res u n1 t' 836..3505 11 11pl11·1\n1 ~ lnr h nu r I )' insi•huw P"<p.. ™' C' d (' d .
\\'/salary h is 1 o r y tu LJ:iual ()lll)llr employer. IN~H11;1ns . Pt•rforrn clrrical 1 :..iA~116 g,1111•
Cla:o.si!it'rl ad No. 118. co NE\l'POR·r 8 h 1 1 · funrtlOn for P('r!lonnel '---.,-.-$l"SK Daily Pilot, P. (). Bo.\ 1500, 1 • •• .eru.· . ~1r l\l 11n."\~rr Co0d fr l n i::,. I Purchas. Agt
O>sta Atesa Calif. 9'lti2ii. of!tcc post 11 on, s1T1l bf" n c 1 1 r ~. ~ 11 I 11 r y rurn & u11pl1.·u\C{'s
' manufadunni:' company <'?llln1rnsur;ite "ith rx[><'rl· t't'C J>ltld/,\l.;o r .... Jobll
--bookkl"('p1ng, r r c r P l ion . 1•1u·t· St-11<1 1·esun1e or l\p!)l)· W ESTC LIFF
ft\ANAGER TRNE iiurrha!!ing, .,~,,,. I•.•· 1 1 "., 1:11 ~ •• l'llOl\11(1 ,\i;t('C'y Fantastic up1X>l't~1ni!Y for intrr.1P\\', 8·5, 64~. 4:\larit Ill C.-nt\!rl
sharp, clelllll·ut 1nd1v. \lhn ('\'CS s.17-768.-, DICEON ' . ___ ,,., JG:11. E. J·:dtn~cr, : .• \. 1s MXl\.Lng a career uppor. N ,.. _ __, ~IZ~ Xln't oppor. lo start ln n ' l'"""'paper """'',err;·
grornx1 ""°' ""';'"'" & •.• ,.. DAILY PILOT your way to !he top "'"'tn't hru;
training p~'f'ani & a i;ri:::il Routes Open
starting sal11.ry. lio\'' & Girls
B. \\I. Profession:1I tu y111 & old('!'
You !i:ne your o..-.•n pri\'Uli•
! di.'5k N phorK'. setnu~ \Ol'\I
Hnn IS }Tl'. l"t•\\. (If l'xp'd
A•-cncy San Clemente 1Cfi68 ~tai:,'llnl111, Sla111on 1 ~5~"1 \'on l\.Armfln
Suiie 108 99:,...()21~ M R bert 492-4420
1-l•al !'SllllC' l'lllt'S Pt'\Jlllt•
.,.,<'!mn1f'! C:ill I o r u1·
Call Monday For Appt. r . 0 s \ ln·1n\•, CahJ. !~~IG&I \\', E. L.urhcnmyi'r
1 --====~-'-''--'="-NE\\'SPAPF:R cl" I 1 v er v . 1ii60 :\e...,·pnr1 81\'d., C.~l . t.tANAGER-Lady to n1anage 1 · 11 H N 11 ti • l An 1'AJt1ul Opp o r t u n 1 1 y 646-m8 or Eve. 673-4577
a Cosmctlc & Bou1iqU(' store rou ('. ~ 0 ro cc ng, I l'n1plnvo.•r 111/t I $275. 10 l.12.l mo. J\lu st 11<1\t> • ~
located in \\'estminster. dependable cnr. 0\'t'r 1~ p Cl T
Responsible for gent>l"dUru: yrs. old. Call brforc 10 Al.I. ersnl k rne $500 REAL ESTATE
Mies, supervising and 3-17.r.,oo
Mag Card Opr to $600 SALESMAN
trnlning 58.lt'S employlfl. Cost Clerk lo $700 ho Xlnt Co. btllC'nts. Reply 10 \\'hy n<1t "·ork rn Ult' lie~!
clas!\iried ad No. 67, Dally NOTE CLERK In Irvine Cnn1pli'x art• 11, JI u n t In::! n n l··rpc ,Jnh~. ,\lw F\•p J1.hs B1•arh , F•1UJlllltn Vall('y"
Pilot, P.0 : Box 1560, Cos11.1 \\'C' presently ha\'e an ,\iu.:u~ t;on:lon Ll! us tr.1iri ~011. C.111 Phil
P.1esa, .Cahf. 9262G. opening in our Nole Dcpt.. Pi·r'Snnn1'I Ai,:t'nr)· \le ~an)f"t', \'ILL Ar. E
MANAGER ~lust bP gtl(l(I "'Ith fi~re~ J: :t;:: ~;. Jith St, l'n11 Ci !(£,\L !'.:STATE, 96.1-l'ol."i.
FOR fast food restaurant in Hkc detatl work Prinr C""!a ,\lr'<u &12..r,j~lfl
Laguna Bearh attH. 1'.llL<il cx1K"r. helplul, but not Persnl Clrk to $500
be aggrcssh<l'. l'l'SpClrtsihlf' ne('ess. RECEIVING
CLERK ha.\'e good re r e r <' n c c . P!eAS<' Cont11r1
STJ0.-$950. mo + bontLo;. Gn-i,: :'\r.,.,·!fln1I
Xlnt be1K"lit.s. Contaf'T, :\Ir. Bank of America
Rubano\\'it2. (714\ 551-s:!OO \e\vpnM (t'ntt'r Off1t"C
~Ion. -Tues. only. Fai;h1on lshultl
Call s::&.:rir, !\TANAGER dress shop . Laguna Hills ~tall. (ioofl Equal Or1por. b1,1pl1>_1('r
oppor. for expcr. \\'Oman ~ .
O\'l'r 35. 831)-483(), NU1:lSEs A1f'I(', 1nu~1 ht•
rehable. 20 llr~ V.'k apprt.•\
MANUFACT, URING Comp. to 1'011\•a1e~1n~ lad~
LI hskpng. &l2~730.
Nc eheadl 1 ~~;~~0n;; ~ ~ ~~ ~X~; d;~~~ ~o; r~~h,~·;:·~~
individual to handle a 1)(-pt, Hoai.: I losp. i'\ .R_. -
\'ariety of production t\N"ds 2 OFFICE GIRLS
tor a growing Electronlc1! NEEDED
Radio telephone dispatch
?-lust IX' 2:i. ahlc to drive
,\prily 111 Person
lSG !::. lfi!h. Costa .\IC'S:1
r·, .... P,1101. \\011< 11·/~r··;11
1!1~1lifJ 111 lr11t)r. An.,w•·r
!•h' Th '"-~l ,1! I) Jll!l~. :-W1n1t•
111:1...onn•-I <"'l"'r rt'(fd. ,\Iv•
r·,,.. l'u~il1iln"'-f ,,11 Cnn1rr,1
('.11•·-i·r I·' 111 p Io> 111 rn r
1\1t1•111·~. ;.·~;..l'[;'i0;,, :1,\ 0 I)
J1-..•111r Bl, .-.1 .R.
:, d.1_1 ""l'k lll'C'k. S huur' 1• 1·
da~. i a.111 1 .. :::30 p,111
l\J1111n1un1 o! :? ) I:' Ii r ..
•·:>.pt•ru•ra;•• 111 Ii rt'1:('1vin,:
,1 11 ol / O r .~ h 1 p Ji l n i.:
tlcporl111l'tlt. Fork 1i11
l'\l)l'r1el'I('(' llt'{'('SSW'y, hl'lll'Y
lifliJllt. C".ood bc~li~ Apply
2!;20 S. Su~n
Sl7j \\'F:~:i.; Si\L,\R\' I
(·f1~1.\1JSSIOK J.:,\R:-.:l~C.;
~?.r .. s.-:oo p~;n \\'EEK. Th·· S;,11!J An11.. Calif !l'.'i{)I
11;it1ori's ll•iuhni.: & fa~!<•sr An f.'!JUal op po r 1 unit~
s.,:r<111 111~ df·partn1P11t sture C'nlJi\oy,·r rn/I r1h•~o~r-:1phy (-innpany rit•,·d~ :::::::::::::::
Firm. Dulles to include
l\!echanical A!\ s em h J y,
Parts Expediting, a n d
Shipping function. !Yl u s I
have 0\.\'11 transportation.
Apply in pcnilOn.
3001 Red Hill Ave., Bldg. 1
1<h:1rp rlP<lu,:at<'fl jl{'(iplc 11ho
l1k1• hnrrl \\'<ll'k & pruf1 ls.
J·.\l)l'l'IPl'lN' 001 !'lf'('t'SS<H)',
SUPER TYPIST OFF~ICE i;:irl 1111' \\'E \\'IU. TRAIN bcJ?kk('e~ing. '.).j i\lon lhn1
Pos.ition~ 11n• f}f')'\\' open 1n tll(' . . -,
Suite 107, Costa J\teu.
·I dny v.'Ork "'eek. 10 hours
per day, 6 1:1..m. to 4:::.0 p.m.
~tusl have fork I i t I
experiell<'e. Heavy IL11111g.
Excellent benefits.
f'n $2.50 hr 10 s1nr1. l_ros An;.-rlP~ Hr<"a. . ."\ ~ r.r.1f.,o l' OR
642-5221 6tl-3ii-.'!) \\'Jli\T AAOUT ,. 0 L' r.. ( R~.CF:PTIO~IST PO~ITJO~
ORDER DESK FUTUHE:" ( Great Adva~cement
Ahili!y v.·/pcople .,.111 liind \\'E PRO:\IOTF. F fl O 1\1 1 Potential
this job! G;1rdrn Cro•\•' fl nu \\'!Tiii:'\ S~.;:ll TO !-"T .\RT
!l('('ldni;: ~harp 111 di 1,. Bt·11"!1ts i111·hJ(tr t-i1n1pan) 1 RIVIERA
·/ I t , d i:: pl "tsant 10:1 11'1 hrr. hralth ina}Or [ Emplo)mrn1 Agrncy, !n •. •. \\ !?OOf 11 n • l , · , 111<'rll('ai ,!',, prof11 ~haring. o phone . \'Oice. A?\':tnc<'i_nt n! 1 P l/Of\E fOf'. ~2 Busin<'ss Ctr. r. 1JOlf'~l1a! unl1n1J!cd. Gn·11I .\l'PO!:'\T:\!ENT TODA y lr~·1n:. !l"'.,3-9.110
!ilurt1n1? i:nlary ,t ('" PHOTO .n~11i Cnn1u10 Cnplstrano
bt<IX'hl!>. S..n Jo,1n Cap1straro
B. \\'. Proft>s.;1011ilt CORPORATION ·l<l3-£l01
St .000 per month, ave· [
raged comm. earnings
upon a!'signment to an
established route. 1\
challenging outdoor job 1 that entails selling &
dellvery to the public.
Xlnt company benefit~.
1£ you are a l least 5'8'',
1 5.~ lbs. & have good
driving record,
Monday, April 29
9 am·l pm
1Sll No. Newhope St.
Santa Ana
r 111111• ';'' ~ hr 4!.,~·· Lil" r,d
l>IK•p1oln.: •ll.'l•'flUJll~. :1:ln \
fnn.:•· f1t•11t•l11.~
Appl) 111 I'< 1'"'111
=3 Fashion Island
l::qual 011por. F:1nplo~"r
"111C'li manac~~zy !--SECRETARY/
I n1ui:1 Ix> <·n11y. r\'c SP"nt ADMIN ASSIST.
1.fl(J(J's of ,J,.!lat"l nf C<'I. nion· t PolM'd. Sl'!f·mnf1dt•n1, r a1'f'r r
f·\' lnoiou.i: fnr a "u1111111 \\h<1 rnindt'd indl\'klunt. \\'I I h
$820 & UP
Call 776-855 I
To !\take Appolnlmt'llt
\\'1th Pef'!IOnJl('I Oll'l"C!Or
\'anon Oi1!a l\lRChl1wa hn.11
1111 ln1medlar'" npMtlf'4::'. In lr.s
ln·hnnM• 11ubll re !lnn~
tl••p 11rr n1t'n l f/\f' llil
t''fl"rlt'nt'<'<i lliO \\ p Ill I
t~pu.i 'rh .. 1n1l lv1•lual
1wl1•1•1t-il "'Ill llP tTlllncd to •:
np<'l'.'11'' a l>lll)('r I It fl r•
111.1,·tuor :\11.1>1 b1• ~bl.e tu do
U\\tl p1Yo11fr..•1tfllnf;: l'I nd
pru~lini.: o f •14hm Pn.•.,.ioo11
f'f'lilh"I l'\!"'rif'f'IN' helpful
lllll Ml llHllll'llllO~ Thl1' ill
.on f>IJf"'!'\u1111y lo lrnm tht'
1· .. 111pll'U" Of)t•roll<>n~ nr a
1•ri11t ~hup \'oo 11n1<.I h11v\" a
"lU<'t-L•' d1·.~11"i' 10 ]i'/lf"11 .
Varian Data
/nt••l'l'1t·w for 1'f'~pons1blr ,.,....
~l!lon !n1Tif'\.'ing sl\1p re<".
I mana~t'rial -duties. Xln r
llll)', l'XJl('r lll"l'·
C;ilt :,.w...J !:.()
NJ.;\'F.R ,\YE~ ,\T TE;\IPQ
T~::o.1ro Tempnnu-y llel11
Ai,:l'ncy OF AMERICA PRIMARK 10~ i\1:1gnoha, S1an1on WESTCOAST
" :in r.'iper. p.l.11)' plan 1!1·
rc-1•1 ~1tN1 m;inai.:"r ln!i'I'·
t•,11·1! In makini,: 1nnn••y ..
1o1 ide> Tatu;'!' nf IV>hhie~ .r.:
1n1 .... res1~. 11e('(Je1! for n(•\\,
n1a1a1zin1•, 1'11~11 11111 f'tllftll'i
hP:!\·y pho1Jf• eonlnct & i·lo"'•
CH.II lOam.fipm \\ltlDERS
1 .............. ~~~~~!/Expt•r. alun1lnu111 & m1i;
TRUCK DRIVER &: i'AR!? "rllt•"Mi. AlllO, alum cutteh.
1'.IAN: Bide; Materials, Zl-3!1 ! /\pply 2:)1)) ~. So1111.n, S.A.
yrs. Applications accepted -
PRODUCTS Co Suite 109 9'J.-HJ:.!l I (ll4) 83J..8752 RECEPTIONIST P.D.A.
• Call r-.1ontl11.y f1or ,\ppt. ! I n·la.x('ll 11 r n1osph1' r •·
'.li20 S. Susan PAINTE-R . !'1)"1111no:: 1:11od.~ nu1nuf 1·01 Santa Ana, Calif. 9'270-1 . . I Phr"o~1-.1phC'r: ~L nitt-s, ,\n~w<'r phone!' & I 1 r ,.
A 1 p 0 r 1 u 11 I t \' Bu1ld1ng n1 a 1 n.1 e na n t' I": f!l'U ll i<'>fl cw11lt''· .,. ~IJ train I\ pinJ:?:. lionll pmnll'llion
If yn11 ;u-.. i-\l'nuld 11k<' '"
Jolri a s,1rt1i~h Jn!'I C11s1nt'!·
11 • fum + 1frh« 11 ln1""il..'n I
,·,)r, rt<•1•1\·r xlnr 1111,•n\t•,
i.:•·n1·1~•u~ '"'~1Tldes + l.nnus
,\,; "!Of"k npl!11n plan. 0·11JI
rasr !)(•fort' Ill")' c:11·t nv' ofl
in 1h" f11nnv fann. 1)(1:1~
\\oM, ;-.1,1iOnnl D1n:-t 1<.1r.1 ~.r~11mi or !)lj'.).11;21
n.Hl"ntio11 tn <If' l l\ i l tl . l \lfln dei•L fu!~ponidhl!'.' f0r
tnThusir1.!'m & d1-il1t·i11111n ,'°1 i•ll }oh luni·rlons. \\'ill "-ark
rrp:1nr;1h11ll ll's 11 mu S · t•locrlv iv .-.:itx·k clerk. 5-7 p.m. 4/29 & 4/30 onl)'. \\"II() \\'ANTS TO \l.'ORK7
T.iJ2 \\'a.rner, H. B. DRIVE A CAfi! n equa o P f • Pcnnancnl. S.1 J & r \ .~ ,(. t'<J!Hll .. \ui,'1n1·n1 1nc'Omt'; I -.I 8 f A nc
employer m/ !1Pn('fJ1~. ~e1vpor1 .B<>~i·h., dt•\', ~kill~. \\nrk1ng prof ,.ason es . 9! ,Y,
F:s!:ihh~hMI l'•'Jmpan~_offt'r<LI •
t:O'.-t Yilan. bcnrf1L~ f.· ('11nt.111 · S.:-11 idl!'.' ltl'm1 v.1th e D11.tly '"'""""~""""""""""""'! \\'rite Cln.ss1f1•"CI ,\d \•1. 12'1, pl10rn;;:~ nrit sou;::-ht. Send I ~·11Kl ~mokhurs!, t · \I~~ •. ~1 ED I C AL In s u ran Ct' Dally Pilo1, J'.0. Box l.'i60, I loner n~~1un.~· to : ,Or~Site I ~ut!t' 2\J 963-6.,,i
1·'(ritint: lu!urr . Sc n ti l'i'ul !Jo)~ll:'r A..:Sfl(:iale!i Pilot Classified nd. 642-!'fii~ l'•·~11n"· ,1; 1 .... nrr •1! ~~no Jt;.1ndolph ,\\'l'., C.:'>I. BUJ.paylng time? &>II "Don't
.secretary Y•anted for busy Cos!H :\1£'~'1. Ca. 9'21>26. Phnro, Sox 1., I!\. Cl\T 92626
Costa 1'.lesa Chiropractors ! -------------otc. Exper. necess. Salary PLASTICS
open . .....,,,"· TRAINEES
1\L OFYICL. \'i1ricd dotlf'~.
J.1e:hr ,\/H. ,, I'. 1)1X' r. •1
\\'P.\L 11<1 ~II : 10 kC'y rnl. lo)'
loueh. JlhOOC'S. l'.l'fJlllrf'S ll r·
'.! vN l'Xf). ("()mp;~ny
-------..... LES:0.11".:'\ -Pros onl\',
ol1Jt.,·1h \·~ l<i. :•i6-707~i I n1~!J:" fast and e~~y w1th
P,\f\KE t:. r.P.\',\:'\ "· D:iily Piiot Cla.wf1('ff Ar!~
1:r:YA:-> l'L'RLrCATIO:"S'. Hel p Want&d~M&F7t0o H•lp Wanted, M&F 7100 I:>;('
!\!EN sf' r v I c c estahli.~hNI
route full or p11rl liine. Cn!I
l\lr. Levi, 1146-;,.15;'1.
To v."'Ork for \1u-gc e!ectr!cnl
ooncern in Orange County
Pantry/('Of'lk. ~1011. tl1ru Fri
Vull r1n1r. rwJ t'X1)f·rirm·1•
lll'('Ps~rtrr :\\f'nl~,
\011cal1or1s. 11111 ro rm s ,
J11surant't', oth• I' t~'lll'f1ts
Ex t {•)lrnt 1\0 rkin i.
1'0nd1lt<Jn!'-. l\1Jrk \\1th yuuni::
people in FL'N 11tmO!'phcn-. I
,\pph· in Pt•r)i()n 2:~1·(1(1
pm ~Ion ,!',, Tues Apr. :r.l &
!Ct CI\tAM r11.nt.OUR
Exper. Not Necessary
Due To 16301 &a.ch Blvd.
• • llunlin1tron Beach Xlnt Tr11n1ng Equal Oppor1uni1v Employ<'r
Sl 50 WEE KLY H•lp lhe '"'''"~' problem?
As per \\'Ork agreemf'nl
}~or more infonnatlon
Sell idle Jtt'ms with "' Dally
P1lol Classified ,\d. Call
P«m1.11l('nt r:ipcning1< I 1'11'
11nn1en rin 2nd &. 3rd i;ihtfT•.
\rill rra 1n ,\nu on ~io;h1!ts ut bt•n;·fi!s. 1~1.1;una B rn , .. h ~<HU' 1·1iu11~ f1 XI' C' r lll'\.'a . Call Yl<'rlllC' .;lll-Jt);'I) •lflt"ra!l)rSI :\('('Cpted :i!.;n 1---
Cl,·ari plant & "·orktno;: Rl'.:CEl'TIO:-IJS'I . Ty111."t -
1iJnrl 1ti•1n,o. Op['Wlr1Un!ly for f<'I' J.11v ufflo't' 111, '\\\f!'
1od\'11ncrm<'lll \\·ht.IC' ]<'nrn1nj! l,;1• ·1 t• h, C'Hll IM.'t .! ,\ .1.
on !hf' jrih Paid llH'dtt'<!l iu~ .. :noT. ~t'OllP in~u;'llll<'C-& gnot! 1 !c<=E~C=E=PT"'ID~,~.,~Sf=L~,-,.-.~0~11~.c-·e,
\BC'/111011 pl1u1. Pn1d lunch Nrii·por1 Center, N t' n 1 h~ak.;; 1n1 S hour shifts api1t•ilrant'f', l)lJin;::, t'all
Hell'f('llC'f'!I \'l'n!11'fi. &l\}-1)~
::IP:'>l !o l 1 P:\T .c.c....""=====--l lP.\I to 7Al\I ll.ECEPTIONl:'T
California Injection Call director phone, 1yp1nl!. !'i I
Molding Company days, fr.oine art'a. 91!}-.111((). !
. ·,·. \ \'J,\ l.lr)(J
:->L\rt·<>l!T Bt:At 11. rA \
Jl."\\'l' t'Slahl1.~h<'d OlfK'f' Ill I
Or 1ni;e County. D 1 r (' 1· 1
s.1\r.-:. DuPnnr · · :\I y I •t r · '
i·r llco·1 i1r i:;J11co; t'Vritint;1',
11~1.,.l 1nhuil<llru::". off1ct'.~.
hnrn r ... <'11' !11:::h
1•11n1n11,.,s1un . Plra~l' i•all
lrl'r;ilrl :O.Til)l'r J i I I ' ,\i.;r11·11l 1u r,,1 'f1.,,I•· ,\~..o.· I
~X:..l1i;:•1. 1\1" 111111nri1;1i.• "IM.'11111~ f•1r l
-------~·11 :, 1'' 111 ,'i Ul':tno I'
SALE.S·Xlnt 011portun11y. Lg. ,\l;on:i>:' r. lli"k (., ll•»11lh
1·,,rpor1111on h11s out.;111nrhni: rn~ur;ir11·1• ,, , p" 1 1 .~ n r· rj
salul"\l'd sall'!i np1•111ni.: f•1r n1"<"r~~-.i;. ll1·n 1~· J!hf')r11·~.'
snl"s tralrk'<'. :\lu"t 11" loo: al f) pin~ ,1, ,. h 10 r1 I 11 111!'
rt•s1den1 \\' mana"rri;il 1ll1ll· k1l'l.,.lr-<li.:•• 1•" .. 1• 11 t 1 a I I
6~322i. 9am·noon, :-Otoflf1ny I Cnll ~. !' J'.,r~lry fur ~ liri~5, Co!¢a ~tesa
lrvme Industrial Complex
l1y, 11mbl!l'ln & M'lf rli"·1· Eto.L~·ll••n1 fnni,:!' ho,.•nrC11~ NI
plin<'. Business 'lr s n IP" \\Ol'k1ni;: ('flrtrli11n11'i. Salary
hn<·k:;,'f"r)un!J hrlpful. {.:;1tJ ron1m1·11~1u•ntf' v.ith fll11li1y.
OJL DRIPPINGS r P.0 :0.1' f'lr ronfidl"ntial in!Pl'l'i""'' 11f>fl'11nl m"n1 I
YOUR AlJTO cnn he S1lli:.'>:\lA~ . F:"ipo.·1'.-f•;r WE STERN
remO\'t'<I fron1 concret~ hy :\TPna.c;:cnll'nt Tr a 1n1• t'. I
A DAB OF PETROLEmt 11pplylng n corn111~,n Salary +. Long hour~· GROWERS ASSOC.
JELLY RpnliM 10 lht' household de--grea.o;;er. U. c I i'.00'1 nppor1iuiuv Aprlv 1111 Newport Beach Ca.
threads of fini::crnail pol is h s1r;dght from thr bo1tl1• p._,NIOn uni\'· · ~ J'lhnnr 833-ala.4 ' ,
1HKi glue bot1les will kl.'t'i' and lt•t sta.flll ... thPn ht!Sl' i·.ilL«. s ,r,. r\ • S'llOE.'. :.:1:: r~. I
the lirls rrrim sticking. Try awny residue. End )'O\Jf 1 ~,h S'r CMlii ~h"':i -----
a L>aily Pilot ClassifJr•l Ail n11111Py ~hor1ai;:e by shopping ' · --Secretary
lo bu~·· ~II or rent rlic D:iily Pilot Cl11.s!i1fi("I SALESCLERKS Steno
-"-'1"!1~~1_ng. , _A•I~. &12-56~ I Full,~ l';ir1:r1n11• 11. 1 1 _ (' J!l't'Sl'rJI \' lft\I• JI f">l-!flOn
i\PPl.\' I for !iCtr .. 1;'1ry "'''110, 1nust1 -~~.--'-~~ S The Tobacco,,iit Inc. ha\i• i:,..-.,~1 1 ~.111 11~ .~· !i/h
o /K-nrh Bll1l & f\I) F'l'll')' ,..i,olli;.
* 54:1-9226 *
!\tOTEL l\la.lds. v.<\ll trnin.
Apply in person, Costa l\leso
Inn, 3205 Harbor 81. Ci\1
& Packagers
ln1·tao,,t Personnel
1\lajo. Medl('ftl Plan
~ t\Y5ilablf'
T.-n1p(lrl1ry $(-r.1«'
:'.SiK Campus Dr .. Sullc 106
Ne\\-port Bt.11rh 5'*6-<1711
F.qual Oppor. Emplayt"t
E E N 0
/'\ llunrln11;1on Crnrer. HI\. l'LE:,\ . ..;~; ('<I:-. T,\CT
Wallieht Mu1ic City
3-.Vlfl flrio;tnl. c.~1.
Gr<'11; :"(•"-!and
Bank of America
jl() NC\\'fl")M ('rn1er Dr.
Yashion !.~land
510-2''10 a!lk tor i\1r~. Ruvolo I t;qual Oppor l·:mploycr
SALES SEC'Y & 1 St-<:rt>tory
RECEPTIONIST SUPER-SECRETARY I needed at lending holcl. Call \\'Ith !np ~k1l!!I needed. If
I Vall'nr, &i~liOO, m 537. qualified c11!1 !\ow.
Equal Oppor. Employl'r. 1 RIVIERA
SALES perr.onncl "·anted for I nit'ns rc1all clothing. full & Empll)ynum! A51;~ncy, Inc.
part ll'l'lf' poslrlon.'> D\•nil , 20S2 Bu . ..,1ne. Ctr Dr.
a r Laguna Hiila or C1111la , lr~lrtt' . :\13..g.l \O 1\.leo~ location. For Jnfo. .,l'ffi! Camino Ca pistrano :~t:>-6152 nr 6-l6-IU2. &1n Jo;~i~~l"-lr'ftn(,
SALE.~t..argf'~ re!all pi('!urc: ____ _,_.,,._~_!!!!J'~_.-•1
rrame co, l'ICC!dll txp cashl"r SECRl.IARY fnr Inlcrior1 ;i.i llll.IMmf'n. Ar1 haC'k21'0Und Of-sign 1trn1 l)plng & S/H.
prefd. Jil I ~rv•por1 Ulvcl., ('.tJorl " tli;ure~ ~,Jar)'/
C:-01. fi.4.)..6880 ("Omnw'Muratc \\ith lklll!.
S,\LES Clerk, r x pr r . &:lj..Si~
rlU'l111~ : )ttrn. \lust be SECTY /RECPT
San Juan Capistrano
On i\lurch 11th , 1974 our n year old mediu m
sized electronics co1npany mov ed into our
brund new facility in San Juan Capis trano.
\Vhile 1nany of our e1nployees fro1n oor
JJasatlena facility 1noved with us, \\'C do
have the follo\l•ing openings :
* Draftsmen
* Electronic Technicians
* Transducer Assemblers
* Calibrators '
* Inspectors
* Electronic Assemblers
* Test Technicians
* Applications Engineer
* Welded Module Assemblers
\\'e offer excellent ,.,·orking conditions &
benefits, including profit shnrlng.
Interested applicants 'are urged to call our
J:Jersonnel Department for interview ap.
(714) 493-8181 "
Ext. 221
0100Sf': yoor hour!i, \\'Ork
fur yourself, IX! your O\\TI
0058 . Jl.lcn or "'Otnen. Cfln
he slig.h!ly handirapj>(.'(l.
Neat . Cl1'a.n ApJlf'arnl\l'e.
Vis .. retirer1. Ai:tt" z-, to 70
Supplement )"flur inrome
Dr11·e a c11.h 6 hr; or n1or<' ll
dny. Apply in tiel'5lrn.
Y1•ltr11\' (':1h Cn., 186 J·:. Hi\11
~I . <'nsta ~IN11 .
1 Lcr~ lalk at)"lul yo11r 11,..,..t
1ntw;.I t~llH•'nt' \'(1t,:•••
\\'lk•rc rYi )"11 .,.:tn! r .. hr 111
lhr near lll•tn·o•' IC )!Ill al"'
rnnc1•m1•rl, !J,.•n 11r \1·nnt In
talk to you. \\'•• ";,11t !•1 Hilk
111 T h~· IX'N'<l!ll II M k~·-
\\h 1t h.• 1~ \lnrth' \\'e ar"
;1 r1111~1nnl rr• ol ••.:!air firm
th.it has )',:\:l'ATH'I' frrr
llMPll', \\'r nrt' P,'Cpafl'hni,:
r;1p1tl1y tx>tu.u"•' nl our pM-
plr • come juu1 us -be a
l:0.'111 nl our i,:111 ... •lni,: f:imi!)"
r or prr:<IJnll l, f'flrthr1rno11I
ln1cn if'V.' <"all and ask for
\Ir<. :O.lc:CAnn.
'""~'u"•'"'o ,.,,.,,.,,, .. ""
\'.\ Llj l·:,·
10\l.I\ . "'" '~ ..... " . ........ , . ., ....... ,_, ,, .. , .....
90 f.:l.h1h110~
I Annhr1n1 ('nn,..,n1ion Ccnlt•r
I ,llU\ \\', K.1!f'llR ,\V(',
,\pn1 :!>, 21>. '!i, 2$1
Th11N t'rl. ~L l ·IO pm
Sunday J:.! rl00l1 tn 6 P:-01
Sekulich Productions
,\:\'TIQVE &\LE
Oak l•1rnltuni, c ry s I• I ,
rollrcublea;. nt lilf flaJI TrN
in r~nrll'ry \"lll!lge. &121 ~
2:1!h St, :.;_c· ~"=-~~--
J f'l"P.~~phonc. hutth, h.'lnd
f»~•ntf'd l11m, bra.o;!'! hoed, elt'.
I C.:ull Sun/~fon 1()..4 pm.
~m. ---''-------1 UN lQUJ.: large Roll ·Top
Put )"OUT budgt"t b.iictc on
I.he track ..• sell idle l!"ma
with A lnw-<OSt Dall,y Pilot
Cla•lfied Adi cau 6"2-66i'S
18. 40 Hr "k day~. APOly I mitr. Gilbert'11 5 &: ll), 257"£.
171.h St, CM .
~f' BookkC'f'pint-~pr, ~. IO:li~t
An Equal Opportunity Employer I Dt:Jk. 11 ht'a.uty, 40 Mparale
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!I dra v.·~ 49.S-il 1~
ti 1..( 1..~w1..1 "•"-""' S1.m11iy, April 28. l'f/i.,
Antlquea IOOS Bicycfe1 8020-0091 '°4o fu,.niture 1050 Mlscell•MOUt IOIO I Mlscell•neou• MIO I Pi•not I Ofi•n• i6i 8Nt1, Power toiO Mo=~•/ 9150
);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. fREl'\CH 10 "~'Ii , brand e PUPPY WORL.D • ~~ I IUYI! I* • • * • •1cO NTfN U OUS FREE l8~~0~nin~i•hufr~ DUNSTALL.NORTON DEPRESSION GLASS 1 11('V.', $135. ~rust "''II $Th., Cl•lhu•h•m•, Tt•y ,,....... BAR * • • * • • ORGA."'1 Cl.ASSES FOR mak ~" Polri~--13 "----pl 1 -193-.114~ A~I " 11.Jll• Good. u"' ... turnllul\" I:. OSE OUT 1 Nct'dl \i:orlc, e mt an DUNS?AJ..L.NORi"'~ "' ..... ,, UQu1n-8 c.-ll, · ' · r11 ..... ,,, t'"klng.,., .... ,. """ CL ADULTS £\•...... .... ...... A... u ff •·• ••fJ ~ All 71"-~ I'"' --;;c1 -M · o w -11: .---.... aooliinrt'l'!Dr\\illM!ll for''tXI · ~·.1 ·~ o t'r,11..nyo er. ~ 3,200 n1l, Jrnmac . ..,.,,. .... wio..:n«>n Pa N'~nl. 'FOR ~' e! ans & "I01uuns c>raniuo, c ..... •ka•")()m;J•p:-JJC&c f' If 1 o .... 1 •· 1, EST,. TE 5_..LE 7·30pm Start any ""ttk.. I •-Bil I an 5 cup11, Cream & Sogar bcMI I ~~'d b1k<'o;, l:t"-'at shape> • . ....... ,,. r 11 . "'nul u ·--vfu• h ... v \\' I MASTERS AUCTION "" "" ' · 1l' 0"1'fll.S C'n.l1Mr S2SIX), Dunalal opt...,.ll, •
1 ~-· _, 4 8 1 00 1714 ...,, .,...,,.... Sp1u1., Lil .. • <"lgj. ,1;to0Uc, 1.il"tk di 1> tr<' 1 "NI i 646 1616 or 13•96,.,, 2 l.Jiflle pt11rto1m rockt>rt. 2 Tom Dieterich In cl\atKt. "'-kc flnt l_,;tlnlAlt! oflf'r. t.'ll&IWI factory. $1400. tTI.(J .,...,I • oz. ll~ ! . 1"11r I 4:ir-.....,... \\'11ll·h (k.\,'i -r.. Shrph &-'ol'ood 1111.j !!hk-ld In front -------, ~ T\"c, !)lack/Y:bitc (Ont! Is Coast P.f\dlc CMla tileu. l.k\o Anc~ ftw r 338-W L ~u~n~ei:;, • ...:.,°':~~ I Building M•terials 802.S l'>obiee. IC i\f!X t:O PUPS. I w/,.\\·Crd1. Ughtll on OOth I _!'fl 6 ~r !." ld.3).
ro11Mble, ooo lal'lf' Co1nbo•. N~-port ~,-d._ 111 llnrbor. Slip 122 &n.'2098. np ··t..~68"'-;:KA;;;;W~A~SA'""KI;;--.1_,;-,.1,.;;;, \ -"~ "' I Slud ~rv\1...., ftt011t Breed~. (·rwl~ A f1\1'0rd!i on bottom. 83:).()ll · • S.->3C60 • 5-1&.fil.lfl IJOOble bed, t.'Omple1e. I.Ge S.~~I · _ • ' bul 'ltftel
All 37 pk!cff In laniber color. e Surplus Bulldlnt Open E\'1' ... S.1t-50'2'T. \\'ould be beautiful I n 11 cou· BAG $1'1: Club5 1•0U •""Y bed, miM:. dlshei 11' BOST'CN \\'haler. ~" ~.1~0~ Only 6 000 plaw°"',,,d,.~"'. ,•, ·"'••drl""d :.,.~r',r, :0.fAT.ER,lAL • 100o's Of Ne;\\' frtl~t'r Pu1n1ln, 1\KC. SIJ11.n1~h Mtyle hon){", Cl't!llles I BARTL,ETT ' & l'OOk\l.'itf'l', 134 Bruttdlli'll,)', I ADD GENUTNE PIPES Avmd 10""0 prt•"11 lncrea.c ..= ml looks I. rul'll MarP I • " ~ 1r··•1s Ooo I •-· "loodll Oh1~phere for pony "'/aU FLOOR COVERING Co11t11 i'ofet;a. Silt Sunn.ton lo your electronK: OJ"E1Ul t~ MW c \'ery, .-· ""·II" ~ """ ,....., c.. , n. umucr, ply· Chlunpk>n a flt', x -11,.... t SI' Id r broch N "°" I 64>n"!I ~ 1aYt .....-..,.,., o;r..,..,. · wooxl, u.lu1n abcetln1, 111old· r1tycd cleaf', top 11uAli1y. lightx out e.'(CC~ bar '1>"15 711 W 1~ St C M l-•I. 6"~<15:!2. ·0 ' or 4 6 ""p:..!w lo a11.v ng&. &W-8311 . '"'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!".'~!!!!""~ In ,_ I .1 > I 1 .. _ _.. & l'lllldlt>8. Pukl $<IOO. SvU • 7m ., • • • • • • • * l"iflns, , 8 ,....,uct n DISTREs.'> SALE • '73" ,,;;:;;::~=,,,--;::=:--;= 'Sou ....... k B ff 11 f.:, w:nc..,"'5• e c. :-; '°"'' • 1'''1· :it n °"'-''11'""t: for $200. Can ~ Sai or Sun Pe r !10nal1zcd lrllltl\llntk>n. • • • * * * Pla.c.·r, Newport Be a ch. RAV'''' f ·o I"' l>p. "'eft'1i973 lNDJ,\N Junior Crotl• D V« u ct "''1 BUILDERS SURPLUS h.'1c·k~1'0Und,~tw,ir,1;,$7:l&u11. C lf 9"""" L "" " ..-t lit bcvt:lod mirror S\00. !!6:.'-31~1 011Jy at 4410 '''· Sun11..-·~pt. 1 Nwne Br11nd CA r P " I · SCRAM-LETS a 1 · · """"'· equip. J.!d ctiod. 6'f3.8 l82 Like new, 2 c~ 4 • ...,. e 6Tf>-381S :!'>(XI SO. i'olau\, S.A. S<1nta Ana. <Go up llA rbor Guar1t.nlt'l'd, 0\ICr :lO )'I'S STEIN,\'AY Pl&no. pay cull "'leght, hi pttfonnance Jor ~lou 1rui.1 Sa1 10-5 YoR&ih1;~ To i;:ood ho1Tie!I Blvd to \Vt'11tn1ini<lrr Blvd, e.-:p. or other good _piano. Gl\'c Bo.ts, Rent/Ch•r. fOSO boy movlna up trom ml&ll
Appll•nc•s 1010 t 714~ ~-~E_l~-vnl.v AK(' !Ti; t"n11n Chinese n1akt• Jf'M. go down to FREE ESTIMATES ANSWERS fletail!1. 'Vrite Cl111111fled Ad , ~""'"' ""rl .c; biko, $2-ll ur belt ofr,
1---------Ca meras & Equip. 8030 T'ui; Pu11ples, ., O iv ks, Ne\\•lnpe. n1nlro nrw11.her lei! ('all 6.W.-1«2 No. 1.at , Dn\ly Pilot, P.O. ·12 1..,L ... ...,, 11 rtift 64t~
SAVE TIME ----------1 ~1$-6810 & Sun!!\\'Cpl Is Is l SI. Turn \\'ON 0 11 T.\' .. \\'e~Oui;:huu~e Rox 1.560. Costa ~l~aa. CA ~i)'·Brlda<' S1ion F'ls~rmon. H~O~N~D~A~S,.-;!~'1,--,7;;3-.4-,=.,7'1-,;73
MONEY & ENERGY! ,.,,,·o." .. ,, ... ~. ~. ·~ .,, ICllOCOl..ATE:: Lab. N 0 left again. ,3rd hrnL'IC fl'Onl bl.'l'll JO" L•lrr. l'Unu~. 2 Cuu1111r -Kin1ono-Nodulr ~26 r11,~, h. }'u,u elt'<'trMJelJ. !~1 SL ~so 7'l ,·,rna>u\' ~ • ·~ r -"' ""-'"'""" .. ' <:Ol'lli't on r itht Mi1!1'. I "" J{"l l•y g, ~-er etc r or -'J • "' ShOp o u N l. A r · s for 2 r ri ... L'" & ull ur..-ce!>S. ~Ju,;( Jll)pel'!I. II i y1~. 1x>11ut.· o v e n fl , 1· o 1 I ~ ~ <' r i I! , -?,orlhH' -R11dlrll> -c:o..;.kJc , .P~..A YER PIANOS civir1f'j. by day' or "~k. 6 ~;nd~ro. Mufl aell lnuned.
r ~ condlli<>ncd u11pliu ne1•!i, M'll, \>lZ-:).'\!ll nloi·n ,\. e\'C. I ~·,·~~~·~.tl!.'lpoi;itlon 5 ~' 0. ~ self-cll'u.ninl{ .• 11~111111 $7j(I., -SICK CUCKOO N F~\\ /.· USED. ROLJS . pf'llt'llC tna.x. F'isfl, crul"lt' lea\1ng COWltr)'! Desperatc.-, frelgbt "anu1gl'd & nl'w ~ ~--".......,,,..,., LAllGi:: S200 uiiholst<'l'r.d will ~CJ·iliC'f' for s:J)(). J•ropte ha\'tt the 11tr;ini;:c111 Onve 011prec, 29IO D Cl'ftce c.-oc:kl~ll. cte. 645-2200 dll)'I. lo tnlleage. near pM'f cood-
noor en1plt•!I. l.~;ll',\ i\l:i. i'olli\"r CONO. GFH.~ · 1 I' 1 l"'hair. hki· neW 545. oth1•r lfor\'est C.i>ld. A LS 0 joh-i 1 h1'~ tlays. I krlv\\• a Lane Cl:*ta l\1esa 962-2301 t>\'e-ningal"-erk'!nds. 5.~126
DUNLAP APPLIANCE rv1, ~\ •. cr:.~[ss. :Ui-7!121. 11~k for I 7 \, k!'. ~1~C. +1~~· J..'1.~;:'\;;;;;~ upholstered chai1·i1 Sii to $25, SpRnlsh dtt>:o;.:><>r. m1n'OI' &: 11.c.'U)' 11 ho',; 11 p11ychln 11i111 In ii --m PH 0 UIS Newport Blvd .. C~l _ _ _ or Jl('I~. Sh(il~ RlliMrd. Singer Se"·lng f.lachinc 503 nilc> 11r11nd. Llk<' tl<'"' 51:1:.. 11•att'h l'<'palr i;;hop. llt· p•)" Sporting Good& 8094 Boeta, S•il 9060 ·71 ~ lU~I 8,,Y1ona.
• !>18-7i80 * Speed Graphic Came ra I 96'.l·fiS!IO !t.'1':i-1Ctl1 Sla11tom11.1tc Spccmt $75, 2 642-32'13 nft 6. <'htw1n11l)"1.f'!I. SICK CUCKOO • --Ila .. ~ In 15torage. Only
2 DR. Adn1lrnJ relrii.: tttt1er Sim it:~!"JO'.(, '-"fl'·'·'·'Cll drawer writLn" do;k·c.!lu1ir l vsi::orff:S.i~ ,,_.1oc-k:11. RIJCF:lt-nlOdcl ~n. 16-22. 22 '.!'j' 01~ Soop \\'/m:•n\ ~. nu. 1.."tHitom .
<'OOI r r Britany Sp:1n1rl '~" U • I Oil 1111 T -c11;l. Srn1l·:1ulo. nflr , Jtoltiry exlr"•. tunni"'" ligh". 11,:. Bn ttsh flag pa.int jO'). rombo .. 14.2 ('U. 11. IU,::hl C t 903• 1,.,,,,.,1"<, 7 llN'k!I u 1 LI .....,, nnCni.'OOC JIJ(l Carnf'ras ... D11rkroo111 1.:t1tll11. BAR L1; 1 T I I "-fl Ii & 50 "" '"" ... -6<1l,,..,,,., all 6 h1tnd door. llan't'~I C'.nld. -;;";;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...~ till-~'9:ri t·alcula ror S·\O. l \\'&)'lamp, Cabfne!~ .....•..... \\'lnd1J"ll <'l P . ...vmCa; w t' Pfl line~ 6 JIP 1k'\I.' Johnson ...,....,.."" pm $125. 551-2-128. • S-t, .arn~c Sntr, i\l a.ny other J,ou\·c1'l'fl \\'lndo1111 FllLOOW Rl9tChOVSERI NG ~~., of 11n1nl0. S 4 O, uF·11' only JO n10. old, sliP '-:Tl K,\'\'ASKI 350 t.nduro. 50
llOTPOINT Hl'friJC. uni!t"r * FREE • 1:Rt:1\'r Dani• Pupp1e~. AKC. 1tr n1s. l:il T~llp Lane Cor. llidC'nhM ........ t"umlllll'(' 1 . t., C.M. -· spl\t.'e a\'ail Ba l boa nu on ttblt eng, Custon1
f 12 f l 'f('it•· ,11 1 f J)11n1 J SH"<'. Champ line. J-:ldl'ri .~ Tul_•,P Lane. COflt.1 T•·n.-Cl-·k .... Oui"-cS1nn Qu!allt y t'ustom r10<1 r 1store Rest Bar 8095 .i9-l-i002. r,;;nt. much n10re. $WO. RCIOI')' 'ol'Stranty cu. t, • "" " II (' rill, ii h•l"I''(. li-12-Sll~ ' ~ ..... 'Jll'J ~ ~· t . .... r • ., ,,..,.. 7'°' Scott Cl"Otl-'I 101, flwwr Slf;5 Hi.:•·r s1rl1)('>, lu\I"~ kuls --i'olt'.'18 6-12-4 J~ '\'aler Heater .... ·s:; Ch•·1~ i•ni·f'rln~. ca unnjt ,.11. t'O, 17' \\'l:-.IOJ.-\i\l)IER. f\t'<'ds nn. ,,,,,-..,.,,, ·
!163-GaJI 111u..:;t 11ell. 1n10\'Jni: 11, Tc;.,;11,. & i·an'I BJ•:AGLI•: puppies. 6 \vl<S old. TOO l\1 UCll srUFf"· l\llJS'T 7J:il lfl'il A\'c, lit Beach '!1'rlistron~. & Cnng?ICum Douhle Deck Brick bed pizza nice hon1e. All F'ibcfl;:lttss, '70 TI!.IU~JPH BonnevUte,
Rent Washers/Dryer•
$2. '\'k. J.~ull mnlnl.
• 639-1202 *
IBkC' hui11 to bl1'.)f! h•un<.'I i\lrah'. ,\KC rci;isl. $.-J(). SELL! La\\llOll ~fa, 31 ;· 842--1212 Gu~t{Utt('(>(I 11,_taltnllQn . kl O\'rn, Good cood. :\lake Ex('('J. rond. Co mplf't f' stock, bored. X cond $1 195.
1,111y. /Hi-1:169 art ·lp1n . I~<' cu.~hion, onk frnnlt'. POOL punip, ~a r"s t'\Iodcl ~t:~llUlllf.'(l, O er 30 ~r!l.1 llffC'r Dick ·Ch u r c'tl tl 1 w/lrlr, accessories, L\. 6 Consider tnde on dirt blkt .
;,113.1-118 Free To '(;u 8045 Orig. $SOI), sell $250. lGTm "''/plastir 11 \pl':<. · FREE ESTIMATES Rf'~t;;uranr, ~)6!'111 Nl'1\JIOM 11.P. m~r .. $125<1. Firm. eau1_,..._....~""====~---I
llPrculoo Uphl11 Chair, $3.l. \\'i.'stlngtionsc <' 1 f!" tr i c t'all &l&-l4'-12 I Bl\·d. C:'l'f. 644-5606 DUCATI
SIA:'llI::Si!: Lila•· Poiru. ,\Jnlr, I B F: A l1 r . ~or"'" i::' n n s 11·ag Lan111, !10. Cut-gla5$ n101or. ~' hf". 115 AC-5.2 IA 1,., CU-,,. lro•ll>-l!l'i. ,0 TV, Ritdio, Hi Fi St. I098 CORONADO 25 2:io Factory Scrambler.
.-i n1"~· !<livts & puJ.l('I'~. Cull F.lkl11.1u11rl 11•'1:1!:< Ii o_ 1n c· Thi l..A~1p, Sl~i. Oclux ~r-S20. f.fctal 'Y/IC"'THcr tohl£: ,,_ Cl !ln r· t Loaded \Vlth. extra pa.Mi.
;.:;i;...7!Jti2. 11 )'l''t. ninlr. 11·1·11 1r111ncd,
B·Q, 5~1. Und<'i:"~-Elec. S:i S!~:H lli() I\ t 7Pill or Sat 1'l•fris;::, lcl'1nake"r capabilil)-',' ZENJTll HC \ & s .1, 1 ~-:u ~;sf~ll cruis~ $595 a.1~1481
•1U11. Hi::-;:i.·,91 a fl 7[llll T)'f.14'1\'l'ltf"'r, $1.:i. JJi-10 \0 Sun. $],".i() Piru• llutt-h , Good, $j(J, 1 . : ' ) \fll~ 11
GAS STOVF:. gd l'Ond. (;,\!'-Dogs --\It -I ~•fl ~lu lri str\p.-•d y J 0 11 T\ & stereo~. 197·1 n\odcls sei,9:,0. '73 NORTON COJ\.Th1ANOO
FER & SATTLER Sl'"i. ·--------fl~lli NEJ-:ll,.;-[1(),\IE. Lr1h ...! ··' ·I Bar i;Cuol.~. IU!.:\ill, \1n.v! 1
-.;. g · SlO {1
0 .1 ? prlet'fl IO c.:lc!ir. All nvoll. til4·:i684 eve & wkenrls. ln!crslate low mHes, 00\\'
G·l:l-2777 I THOROUGHBR.E(> C111.:k1·r I 111;:., 1111111•, 1~ 111<J. Cull !"17~ Garage Sale 8055 i bat·ki; & sr.1 1~ •. :IO" t'\', ('"n•l. I 11~~./~·:•(:;1 n~·lo:i hi-lo ru; s:i~ '. n~(Xlel~ ~in s.tock ·'-' . on R,\:\GE:R 33. <'ruise or race. C'Ondil ion. $1100. 919-2900
REBLT \Yhiripool \\'asht>t' s,
Gas Dryer. 140, Guai· ,t,,
df'livert>d, 5'16-l!ti72
1-~,=~~1~,~,,~D~A~IC:R~>.~---,..,~f~l'i-... -Sµ:.i n111l Pups. Ii \\'t..'<'ks. I O'.?'.!:i du)~. I'll"' & wke111 ls ~12.f>O r11ch. B!k & 11·h1h• I _, 1 ff'>" II 1 • . du;pla\. "}T picture tube, 1 .. -ll ·.......i ••111 lO b ,72 •-'A\\'ASA'"I ..,.,..__ XI 1 ·n.u ., 6r>--OS29 ti l2-0110 I Zr1t1!h T\I l'o 11 s11ll' l~i .:.i. ~n ~UI Jissucs. ''r J1:ii·1s &st>1'\•lci>.Cnsh 90 .u y cqu1.P''""1 _ ags ""· ""·~~. 11
$25. · -· ' _ Cll A I S~: _Joun~1· 11· dnwn \'Ush_-ik-autiful ~In >le l'!ihin<'!: h(•sl nfr, i\USt: kHchcn ll'lll'C, Or ie_i•nis 10 3G nio. ABC No1~h 11a1ls. RDF . VJ-IF. rond. Very low mtles. Call
Cf111 645--09.l?. PUPPIES 7 11·k old, n11xed I DOG nds .,:(I hOlllC'. l_..uh rul.' lon & p11lo11•. hl uc .~ 11hl $27.1 I s,·Ji -11~ .,. .. , 1-i-1:...-:iG.10 Color TV l9l}l6 Brookhurst Yar1ents. EXL'i'I. ?'nd., Very 548-2389. breed to good hon1c.1 n111lr l:l 1no. {'1111 97:1-0?:!,"1 :"1pc BR si't. d:.irk 1\-ood & W•H'ks i:•YA • ·' -.>1,.,._ R<'asonable SH-5662 ·-"'°"'=~~=~'""',,---,I
47 3.'(' I <!Hys,' l'\'t'S & \l'kends rllll hlilKI rarv1•d, $ 1 , 0 0 0, e C1\BINJ-:TS for Kir~·hcn .~· 1 Misc. Wanted 8081 I Ill' 9021 Atlnnl a llunllnglon · llONDA 175 Dirt & St~! !:...::.....:_ lil2·:>1 IO n r 11 r "'. o o d ti tty h e d Bath. u n f In I" h e d or Beach. 968-:n29 or 962-5559 16' 11 N~\\'POltT 1 C~~ i;'.~e Good ' condition. $ 4 7 5 ·
SAJ\IOYED pups, ll lt fem --I"~. 4 i!l'f'!>.~ ha.--.k rhrs t t.<-fU'l'linishL'li. Counter IOllll \VAi\'TEO -Canned soda SHER\\'000 S.8900 F~f atnp, ;:,! 11,. ,,~t1'1o'•·/'BI•"" ;i.,, ...... ,.,r; -5.l&-~'c;:121l"-Ol=~=~~~~I AKC. 1; 11•ks oh!. $100 IJ,\RLli\G kll!ens, G 11·ks .,Jrl "111 ~ +N "'R" ~ h '"'"' ~ u.. "" " -~ A D ~I I RA L RefrigetBtor &H--O.ll£ all •IP~t. 1•1l, C11ble Nelson Player al so . II A R f) E N \'t'nding niarhillt'. If price i!I 1:111 1•IS ""lltl!I \\'/l\vuu ca · n · A liteal RI $8'7ii Trlr '12 YA~1AHA, 360 ~rx. Cood
excel cond, apt slZt', Ct055 ~~-~--'.C----! J.:r<'Y. hlk & \\hi lollt! h1iir. Pinn(>, l\llrit cowl, $1900, f:f"TERPHISES. 111~> \\', 1il;hl call 5.:J6....$1i60 or S300. tjust bought, must sa·a~i 54~21Xll ;,. · condition, low rll i I e s.
AVOCADO Norge JR lb.
'\'asher $65, Cuaramcecl &
deliv~ 546-8672
top freezer $50. 968-4097. AKC Genn Shephem fe1n, 12 To ~d hon1N1. 61--l·OGAA Antique \\!a ll clock l\1isc. !Slh sc. Costa l\lrsa. 612-2$.12 :.5-l--OS61 !it'll, slill under "'a.rt'' ai · $7511/Bs! offer. 9j9.3J74.
l\tAY"t'AG elee. n....·er. Llkc.-11·ks. i:;d bloodline. i;l10ts. 1
TIGER nu1lc 11 ltt'red----ci\t. :n1 i\loming Canyon Rd, 'T 11 1 ,. -\l'A''T"D u·--• M Pioneer PL\2D turntable. * 40' CRUISIKG Kelch .• .,.. '"'A'IAHA ~ RD ,_
"''3 $'i5.499-3472 aft 5pn1 1igcr i>tnpeK.lnveschild1'f'n. PLAN S. oc g as~, riulll.J:I "':· . ,.._..,, aytai:: Empire canrldJ(l' $120 . >A"ood hull, Immaculate, ,:s 1
" ...,.,, 'W<N 962~,:,,,,Pril ·vale party, S9'J,50 1..'.:::.C.::;:.:;c;c=:.:,::.::::___ l\fovi"'-•. 546--'478 CDi\! · boots, lu~gage, \\alcrfon'I,, malt'hn~, >A ashcr & elec Dolby AN 60 $60. Never Extras. A rcal beauty. n~. Immac eond. gd gas
.,,..._ AKC, Silky Terriers .... bar 1Jtools, cl1Cst!ii, s plact· tlrycr Pr'('fC'r Gold. 6-12-3293 used. 66-n.12. $45.cm. 71-1-846-:-ilS7. mileage. $695. 551·1218.
Refrigerator, $60. Washer &
Elec. Dryer, $25. A I I
ll'Orldng. 963-6056.
GAFFERS & Sauler bit-In
cit!'<'. range iv/oven. Like
new $'r.i. 54-1-2757
O'h."EEFE & l\tERR11T gas
range. Good cood. $60.
FRIGIDAIRE n:•lrigcrntor,
11; yr old, RnP"r stove, In
f:O(XI l'Ond. 556-2897
For an Id In
C1ll Mary -Beth
SIZES 8-20
2 mos, 673-780·1 Small Auslrall nn 11heep dog. * G~~~E S~~~E * I ~~1i1na.,...::~·-itc;;ioo S~~ \\'ANTED lo buy older guns.'. ZENml Al\f/F:'l:I Stereo TRADmONAL 14 ft . Sea \\'AN.'.f'ED '74 Honda 350. ~ A~IERlCAN Eskimo, Spitl. 4 1; lbs. i\lalc. 11·ith ~lvlts. P~<'~se96cl7an ' ~)'!item \\"ilh el,. u c u Ia r ~lew Sloop. Gaff rig......i. ?r 450.1 Trandde,,~~ ~6!:_Javelin
WeC'ks old $100. 968--71 6:"~ Needs ho1ne. Aft. 5, 5-tR-0'2'97 C<111ch, t'hair, lamps, pirtu~s. ~ln.rilyn, S. Laguna ~ spcakt>rs, 3 spe<'d tt:Cllrd 1'1>glll. 532-7978 until 4 ~;;;'; m exe ro . ~·:>pm
AKC GER~lAN Shorthair 1 llA!\fSTERS . FREF;, 4 "'ks old lrunk, '\'"\\'2 unifol'rn, Tiit: BLU1'-r S. l\I a g 111· x \\'AXTEO: Pinball ~lachine ch"nco<'r and ""'11.ablt' Zenith or 5.JS..-1745 aft 6 pm. '12 SUZIDi.1, TJO CC.
11 II h d Pr P n1ttny misc. items. lr...,uire SI 11·ood C b s-12· Id \ d 'I -~ •-P1Jintl'r 3 nw., shots. $3.j. I o c. on1c rt' . iv. 1y. .., l'l'OO, 11 ·· •J. or o ; 1-ca e gan1t'. " us! st~ .. ,\IJS?._tute t')(t:ell<'nt 33· COAST RHODES Sloop. Superior st. ma c h l n I.'.
a.>7-3592 61&-:rio1 ii hout Dcpre!!Sion Glass. Cu1'l•t'd Sofa , SlZ>. L:tn1~ & be rea~ .. 631-6385 ronchtion S1..>. 642--6.S IO. !'\,'o. 3:? .• 2 sets o( sails. sonie custom extras, 839--0HO
I I li611 Lenore Ave., Garden Nc1v Bedspttads, full ,Ii,. k~ SClfNAUZERS. ~fin. i\KC. :'llA1'U HI·: fP111 :-ih<'pl1••1i .t· c;1-ove. (Sou1h11·cst of Knott p 1 ~ 1 Musical lnstrum'ts 8083 LIKE NE\\'~ Seor'!i 11 inch l'n1lsing gear. HONDO 750 71 w /xtres
111'ks. Ch11n1p sire. 2 n1nle l!'nl s:\\'f"/l.ah pll)"!l)_I', 10 ;\\'P, & Ltuiir s1:7n1. :t.~~intings. A-t..ulll' · ----------hlack ond 11·hite TV 11 i_th _673--0924 aft 5 & \\'knds. $1.1 50. 645-is!'l7 aft . 6
'l fc1n., ~o--6891 • 1 i:;ood h1ill1t>. •196-J;;64. 'IOl'lN G c.. U . I all FENDER Ai\1/Fi\I sH'.!t'<'IJ, n1 u ;~ i c HIGH SPEED 18' Racing f'OR Saf . nd '7l
1• ' • .,.,nic 11ng ol' · DOUBLE dresser, ""ir \l'hite Useol Jazz ?>laster & Case al1um nnrl 111 ·1 ! r h 1 n" e Bra ne11• ttflNI Dachshunds. 2 fl'lll, 1 FLUFFY . ALJ , '\'HIT!~ 1·001, for l"arp"nt i'r s, ,..... ; ., ., Cntan\aran. i\lust see to -" ·50· -S600
KITIEN.c; '" nill' stnnds. 1\1•in l:>e<I. $1 2:1 & Nr11' TELECASTER portah!r stand $.Sil. 6~M-68~0 bclie\·e. Great for fanlily. Honua, ' · 2000 niile£. · ~:~~-\\'ks old·~hols. Cid j M-17_1 ~ 1ud nt~rs. lllun1l*r~. all kinrl;; Uphots. 1.."hnln, cla~~iral $200. 89J.-l:i9:J 'T.l Al\l/F"i\I stereo. Ga n·ard 675-6866 & Payments. 848---0629.
Havi· some1hh1g you 11•11nt
sell? Clus11ifictl ads do
11·en -<'all NO\\' 642-5678.
Vtoman•• world
642-5678, ext. 330
Party Fashion!
' I
l)iva11, \VllSh/dryr. l\luch 1llhuru~. n1111c. :.lnt e11•1•I. R I 1972 SUZUKI T?of --100 :\1 I In VF.l{Y s11·f'c l tC'n l'llP poodll'. inlsc.:. flllO $:1.11 Bernnrdi110 Bi:At.:TJFLlL a iy Grand turn table, 5p<!akcN, t.:iric 17' \7ENTURE snil boot . 1 yr :_ -.• n
1 f<'niu lC', nt•l'ds j.."O{)(I honic l'\J{ 642-2S23. f'ri/SartSun. :~iT-7lfli. _ Piano. Etxu1y satin. Pri\'all' plnyer, head phones, S\10. old ir/lrallt>r \\"ith 0 8 cond. $Xll. or offer. Call
!"14(}.-2195 3:S ll Alflbnnia Cirel<'. C:'l l, \\'HEEi~ chair, $..\i, ::! \;:. Porty. 213-39;,...2K>,.1 orbest of~er. (2131 :f.l2-JG:i6. s2JOO. ·,\'ithoul OB snoo:1"'96~2-~5~98~l ~~---~~I
9 0 9599 ·i -"" 1, • sll\•er serving 1rays, S75. ru, T\\'O nt•1v Rui1ar si1Cakcrs , 25" ZENITJ{ COLOH n· finn. R'.S-z::.67. 1969 160 Honda. street or din G \\'I\ ulrl fluffy gt~JY & ;.,... ' Apn :.>.--~ :..._i, ANTIQUE ornnd1nnthcr N• P•."I I ~ -or ,lnl $150 \1·hile klllC'll. Fairly long S;\IN!mcns sample hand· "' $Jf,(l t'ttch.•·'"" -, · ,.\\' '".1,i_rc u_ ........ , "'1 · l:i' SNIPE. l'Olnpletcly re-"-A:;._.,,,;,,.
hnir. Cn!I :122--115.19. i hu~s. l>A'n bt'ds, cusr slif"· ~=1~·~~-469 AbDic ,\'u)', """'""'"° l'OOd. $_50. 548-1395 atl . 3 fui-bii:hcd. Fiberglass 1\·ood.1--=~-~~~~=~----1
r;\1L 1 yr olll PootflC'. "'ht. r1·rs. rno!1'~ • * S ALE p ER S I AN Ofc. Furn. & Equip. 8085 p.ni. ~lrihO>".;. det·k. nt'\\' ri~ing. VESTA "''Ith side car,
1 1'o gocid hon11•. Ut11."'<.I 10 I Ai'!TIQ l'lock $100, tx:<I dh·:1n RUGS•* RCA, 2.i" Color. E)<Cf'l\t'nt $~95. 640-8426/6'5-1321. 180cc. xlnt concl, $650
l'hildr<'n. 61(J...O!l46. $.ii. l)('\I' 10 spd lnke $j(), Akh••·I o n·o·1af "''"'·' O~l bds. ":'Ork, Ibis. poi:ting picture \\'/Stereo. $ 3 1 j . WANTED &15-1878 l i.;· J c $.10 t I the " .. troys, Sl\'I\"{' arn1 l'hrs. Finn S.12-4383 650 BSA Thunderbolt $700 Gl::R~IAN Shc1ill<'rd1SI. Bt'r-ir iy \"ti · ' urn. c 0 , s 81·1 N. Ln Cienc.-ga Bl\'d typing Ibis, tot!" trnys, · Clean Lido 14'.
Mrd mix puppiet>, 6 \\'kS t'IC . .,~I Ta.ylor , Html. ~.h. (213-) 6594·1SO Pi<'rl'l' 867 \V 19th C:\I 19" Color Portable 1V, 2-lllll 11eriMl. 613-2431 Pool Ta~ Brad
old 96"!-7'!J6. S4i-.l •. t 20 GAL HOT \\1 n Irr 612-3408 1 r.•~l~<V\ '2' CATALINA 19TI gla~s ---""'-='-=='---TllR~E l-'an1ily Gar ag e .tt.~ · ' Motor Hom.s * CALl~n~kITJ::NS * Sale. Lois of hOusehold ;~;I~~· l~n~~~~t.\1 ~~~t~ EXEC. DESK/CHAIR ] 25'' Color RCA Consol• !iloop. Johnson -~ outbrrl. S I /R t , 9160
Call s r,...\tW il!'n1s, misc. car pru'IS, rurn, Sl:l-5076 '\'a.II. finish, IK'~' rond. Al.so Sl75. 54S-£1:\.ql 5~.6.10. P.H: 6'13-9:i10 l--·-·--·-·------I
rte. 3001 Coolidge, Fri-Sal. _ n!1sc olc ~u1p & fu1 n. 11 8Af\OIEE. l'lln1plele. 19~ '7' \VIN NEB AGO
DECORATOR'S Home n1any G • •·i 2 G PORT. EiC<.'. ·rypc11Tih•r. \\ kdays, 833-2·102. P l\1 ' s SZlO. :i39 Tustin Ave, ·~ • ...__ h -"h'
'Id Ori'' P'·,....,ns 0 " k GARA E -e, 3, 11 ~· n .• 'I-I"•-II•>"•• ,._1,.,l!'r, 01 , 0 1~ I I~ N "· h muoo1-nume, as f'Ve,3 , uig. ! ' "' '""~.. ' Pon1ona-Sat-Sun. 50 llondu 'l'IJ'' "'~" ~ ·~ ~'":°_..,. _ Boltsll'd .JI/ ,·e11·ro11 oo::ai· · Rens. rates. 96z..4387. l roll tor desk, French kltlilcn $6.i. ~lahoi;. t!'a 1·nrt S.'l.l. c I I S M1rJne Equipmeftt tC. hu!ch. lt'alhcr chair & S:JO. as is. 21" L'lllor $150. ;t\'l-ll17 EXl:: s .'\ <' 1rs 15 ~'5. Dks llOBIE I I 11•1 11·1t·. l\IOTOR t:on\e for rent. 26.
. I pc11ec1. ?.Jany 111i!t'. $Ji u11. Sr(·y ChN ~ 2~. I'=== S85(). • , n1ton1an. Ni.'W . ' p1I 011• !))" SOFA. S!"JO: lo\'l' Sl':i L P lt'r,•r .~7 \V l!I, C.\1, 1 -67~.-IO!G, 67~SOI~ Re1ron-The Rolls Ro~ce of tlckin~ C()uch & n1alching P R I VA T E PL ,\ N ·r S.'.0, ·r.· t'OllSOlt', S'TJ; din 1'1l1 !H'J.3~08 General 9010 111otor honll'S. 962-2011.
11,111.h\i·ork pillow~. tnb\t>s. C'OLLECTION. l.iquid11 tf' liCI, Sl50: 12. hoat 11111111, &· _ • ·
2r. fl. SL.OOP. Col!arsiblc T ·1 T I 9170
ches1s,ctc.,67l)..6666 this 1rl'f'k end. 129 Agate ii·l r, 52 5 0 . i\l l~C Pets 8087 Dl::L ~!,\I: Dinghy, G'S" n1ast.111\11·ood.nL·e<ls\\'ork. raieri, reve
OF'fCE fu1i1 .. (OI' 1)('111, I ~:c, Hal. Isl(', l'!·lo:1ri1•r. s:·-.. 61fi-;l.139. Pt•1i cc.:1. s1:, . 1 1 ~ !I P :Sl!XI. 6 \~j::\J6. TE~T t1·aile1· l\'8!1led, r.111st
Lgl'. 'Vnlnul grnin, formica (fAR,\GE SAi~~~ 1-'nnr nstic E"LE-CTI IC p 0 1 T 11-1 1 *Security Pet Prod* i-.;,•in111dt• _OB, like nc11" i\l.·\LJBU Out1·iggi'r, needs tie clean & in g 0 od ' I I • 'f27 •• ,,, ,_,,. -· ~ l { I 3 ' ·: 0~f 32c lb Coll 1·h 21c lb 1100 , .. ""'' 1IC'sk \\'/fill', conl"HtLOn pr cC's .. •X " " .,r ~· '-"'"-"" · · · · · ........ .....,. •·uiinl . n1osl. S200. condition. 497-"'Al " h. ·~3 T~·p l'1''1'i l1~r· unu~rd. ['il L ' !250 101 S2 ,. ~ 1oblc.-fil e +-L'Omn1odc. Selling cveryl ing. JS'"' "fl · · s · · niore · Boat•, Molnt/Ser. -20 114-5~S-liJi9 T . FV Sll"l'I cc. SJOO. I 2 I:.: I ;,.17-39711418 E. \\'llshlre SA -::::::,.:::.:::::c::::.'..:.._~::::::1 """""""°""""=""::::~ l:J' trn.iler. Naugahyde S\1'h'C'I ehair, 2 ainal'inc, · j!Xt-J!JY:: -• • 16' HOBIE CAT. n1any .-:tr<1 s. Asking SJj(I
arm "hnlrs. Like ll('W. C;AJ{AGF. SALE, l..'11\'ll 111011·. TA PF: l'c>t'Ot'der . A:'ll/1'"~! j Pianos & Organs 8090 FIBER G L 1\ SS BOAT D::iys, &l4-:i771 , E\'cs &: 54S-7601
ll'\•in<', 552-!MJ.WJ C'r. 1'C'looding l'qulp., ~11-~ I REPAIR, lnfout or 11•a ler. 11·k.,nds 675-536•1 1--~,.,~=~~==--
se1. l'h". 9 Ml Jlal'l'OUrt Cir-rt1k~e1 h•, 2 Bf\\' TV. ,\!Sil • PIANOS 6~3-2i(}I • " FT PROWLER P A IR : L ll \' c .!l l'!I I s • C'lretronic pis. 673-719$ nit 71 '· • . SAIL nu HobiC' 12'. Cal Gas stove &: relrlg.
B 1 u <'I G r e <' n io; t l'iJl<'. l'IC', !J.B. 9&2-2'Qh,. p.ni. ur11·e. • ORGANS Boats, Marin• Eq. 9030 orange. sail yel & \\'ht. Fast $700. S'>.6-7078
n1atching -rhow tahlf'io; & PATIO "· G,\R SALE d,,.,,. f $.,. •-0•~
cot'Tlcr t11b1r. All \Vnlnut Oolbt>S~ planls. ro~ bfk·s: WANTED I EVIN RU DE Elttl T.)Jfp Wl J.:;,. ""~ ·73 22' SELF cont. trailer.
11·/larnp. 2 p1c1urt>S & ~11·11g furn, 10018, misc. Zi57-7000 c 1 .. ~ 11 Rentals fr $5 Ou;boa.rd motor. C 0 111 p j :5" Sloop. \\~ hull, inb. sips 8, xlnt cond. Hitch&. all
larnr All t'lllor r 0 -) •
.Rnll('f ,,.,.,11 \' l' n r n J.: ll'/l'ontJ-ol, also 16' boat & r ng . 4 dac sails. Xlnt cond. access. Sac. 831-M16. nn'lln~lrd Set-make orrt'r TF:H_RIFIC hon~e plant sale n1:1ehi111'. II prlN' is ri,::ht, Open Nights 'til 9 erlrr, 675-5.300 days :,JO.!S2!19 ~32!X'i-~·;'~7!>~72!11:;:~·,....~~--l;~~~~~~!!~~~I
'l·I 00..,. · · · 1 1ri:-1d· & Outs,•dl' plants •, call 5.'itH17till or l'>l--08iil. Sat·. 'ti'l S·.30, Sun. 12•• ' • c T 2 I: ,. ""·>' .... "" 17_ ) ~ <'vf's NU 18 A , mo. Trap. + I 1§1 --· -Jlrll'1.'u .. ~ ....... J-srnt•·c· ·<l'ECI 11 ' fl r::. S,\T & i\10N O:\L'I' . . 1'' • '· ~ 11 *Pianos & Grands* ATTENTION YACHTS:'llEN x~.Bst olr ortradelorl4· AutufwSM ...
• l).·sk • dr1;sst'r s~t. $32j. \\:\?O~ 11·~1:rls, n101orc~·c\c I 110r111;~I pril'(' on :'trn111 &ld\\·in . Cable. Chickering USED i'o'lerine Equipment _l~_monohull. 6/;,--1725 __ ====iiiiiiiiil)
~la -bed, $19!1. Org11.11 1 nt ks._~1;~t.~Ll~~j1rs & ~<'11.'!1n:: youl' 1' 11 1' I' e 1 • Fi!ichf>r . Ka11.11i . Kiniball SalC' boats-hard"·are--ctc. Sat Lehman 12 w /trailer --~i!l:1, 1-i:tng Sprd $60, purio Jtl1SC". • -· • J~6-Ji J.-,, -l\nabc -1-ln="on & l!am'i., -& Sun, lOa.n1, 1801 Bayside \"CT"\' clt'an 6T:i-TJ59 afl 6 Auto S.r. & Parts MOO
111111 s:;o, BBQ $?.i. eh $9:"1 C,\rt,\GL SALE -SUN 9 X 12 Col1'n1nn Tent. ST.1. i\lu!<.'<f'll • Sohn1er . Stein-DR. C'Di\f . .
l\11i1 ·-knru•s. ~::t .(l!flli I A11plianCT's & i\liSt•. 17821 Lu. I 71":XS4" \\'hit r p I c n Ir d \\·;1y -S111ry ,..., ('!;irk. \\'inl<'l' TRLR for 18. inboard. !i.i or Boets, Sl,.,s/Docks 9070 F'IBERGLASS. Spoilers. 60" .. :
---. -----I{"'·' 1'' V . 002-09~17 I <I>-'' ,,, . .,., .. ,,... S" -11· 1·1 1· 1 '----------·I I h ~!UST ~f'll .1 J)l'. 1\alnur hdr1n _ _:_ · · ·• ~~ a,.~ "'· J J • • ur 1 zer • 11111!1 UI be!<:! (lffcr niust also taker r~s I an 01,g-. store pn('('.
st'! Llke llCI\'. f.: 1ng 19' SOFA, xlnt conrl1t1011, I 8:"<1·!1112 Nt>w Spinets fr ........ S:.!ki bi>.-1t. 6-12-3::41 \\'Al\"TED: ~lip or side lie for t'lr~ 1nosL sn1Rll foreign
1i·/headl10<ud, 2 nu:hl tlbs. 2 1 Bl:1ek & \\hllc 1lif'l'kl.'d. \\'HITE Oll';uu!rr tr('('~ in l u~1·rl lr<1n1 ............ 5% , . . . 22· powC'r h11:1t .i 11" SJIVl'\S c:1 rs .. 2-tOZ, P-0rschc, I~ flt''~!'C'l'S & 1n1rro1". SMO $2:/,"1 Gl2S·l-l6. lilllf b.-11·rcls. 10 fl. h1•11l1hv Players " '""""' $.'\0Ct 150<.;,\! •. Al~uluni i;:.ts •hnl •. sailboat. li75-2~48, 675--3:J!l l ctr. For info. &IG-007:>.
111· h('s-1 (Jffer. Cnll 5~1~;13;; l/Ot.:~l!:llOLD SALE. E\"ery-SW ruf'h, 01· 2 ror $30. ~rands ,. . .......... $395 1 As OC'\\'. ~iO~ • .. Boats Speed & Ski 9080 Let"·cen 5 & 6pnt.
ll<'f. 9:30u n1 or h111-. .1:30 & 1hing goes. 480-1 Rh·tr ,\\"e., 5:>~20;~ *ORGANS* 6&-8.i9•1. ' CHEVY-60 BRAND spanklnf!'
7pn1. Ne11•po11 13'..'ach. 61i'i--1291. Cl:'.i\ll::NT nilxf'r $80. BSA Hl1\d11·in · C-0nn · Hun1n1ond .
. CAL :lO sails 18 rt flRt bottom 43~ ChP1.-'\• ne11· coinplete s1noll VS
l/IGll Qu11l!ly, <'ll~to111 01·11! 'VASHER. dryer, twin Deds. dirl blkc li5CC 5100. U.1111 Klll\'Hi • l\iniball • l.01,:1;y · Ul.lni.i.ui ,~fRln &.;, J l b TR 2-X Edelh~k. H.R.~t: n1o!ors. _Fits all Chevys.
Din. table & 1 chairs. \\'rouJ:ht iron tree bcm:h. 1ools. l.gi> i;eet. 9xl 0 vinyl RodgC'rs, -!~1nina$ --1111 -\l/\\indo.,.,, Cnll S~i-S840. Paragon headers. Sacr ifice! S-~~-Deh\'ered Cree. {213)
Antifl1H! oak round 44" 213 395-2%.1. 549-ffi.l'.i. uh~ · '\urhtzt'r. . Boats, Power 9040 Ph: 979-584.1. -""""--"~'·-------!
table. 11•/lt>1n·ts. Ancq \\'hite s·.i" 4-" Sl'dl Cl d Opr ignn ................. Sl:IO I Dalsw1 & Toyota engines & roniniO<I<'. 213 .. m.5971. "'ASHER $25., Dl')'tr $20 .. 2 s_~, .. J.,,, .. 1Gfng ass 1oo6r: Lo1\T'<'Y Spmet ........ 5195 16' 7" BOSTON \\llALER. [i] tran1> $99 to $360. i\losi all
Sch11·inn bicycle. xi. rond ., :'<~n ass pane s, \\'urlil7.er Spinet, neo,1•,. S499 100 hp John~. Xlnt rood, I l c,\!!~~u1 .':.,~!n~~i,llcl,t~ .. ~,'h': $75, \\'atC'rhed SlO. 6-12-1)992 t~20 \7ibrator c h a Ir, * WIN FREE * trailer. loadl.'d. S 3, :.I 00 . T'INPOrtlt• Cother parts~~el"'/· 67~·178'4
" H ORGAN LESSONS ,.._7337 . •mpers, -• t S300. T\1·0 \\llite dProrator orses 8060 NE\\' gold shRg cnrpeting: Rec Vehlcl" t.530
I l"han-s, SIO. t'a. Charhl'Oll Sl'i.>. FULLERTON MUSIC 30' GLi\s.5P,\R Slllfr. TS C1 P9 s Sale/
Lnzht as Air . nn<I so prclly f'I{'(". BBQ. $;)). 19::1-251.~ REG. Q11r. l10l~ s1allion. 10 •I' _210 :'l!IO's loaded. Xlnt oond. m r ' '72 SAFARI
O,_, d"•·on• ••• 1 I 1· )I'll., 11l•l1 t r aine d & ··• · 11':191 bu<'lld, f ountain \lalJ('y Sll.950 or olfcr . 673-8'lil . Rent 9120
I .... " . , ,...,., e s Lps. G_IRLS con1plclr. l)t!'(Jn11 s t•I 1•1,,, .... llo< ~-n ,,,-• ,•. t OU 57 •33 ===========: Th I no ,. ..._ . "" "'-' "'-''' ~· ii.: I SE 11lan1.... Indoor ,t.; 5 ... 6 ,., CAMPER is ary, a 1ng •ut:!'!I LS 111 ~Int conrl. tnc· dhl llol._,-1 _.,,, .. ,, s~. 11.,".l"rn ,........ 13' BOSTON \,·HALER. 40
n httll' ¢rr.q pi1r1y rlrv11n1 plus asvi'tNI :uil r11rn 1 ' l .. dl -""',.,~;,,,·"-'<fl ~"'-"t ~,",'""',-',· ~l u:-.t .s:icrllit't'. 1n N. Hnrllor. F'ullcrton hsp o/b. Xlnl cone!. $1495. SAGECOAO I C'an1per, for li'k• _,, -ooo 1 " ,,-1'(1rl1C' 1rue. C1'0t·het (lf :l·1•l1·1 . · .. • • . AA• c&tnc·.~.:l'fU""JIJ ~ -i .i' 871 -1805 i:,-,,.3-,.1 '71 or '72 El Can1i~ .. •lo! '"'" ,'->, m .i~o ... J fH4~1!1l a{l('t .1 I :'II. -------'"' '·" "' HARBOUR YW Slip 111111 our rll' we 11 l lin.l!t'rin~ yarn In 1'1 11'1~·-to-CH INA C;ib .. i.:ht~i< l'nlfo•c• '~ QtT,\R t~ Tl11n'Ohl't'{I .. 10 P.\l:\'TF:RS l:\l~DEl?S PRl\",\TI': PART\' '\"AXTS lS' Bi>at \\'/moorim.;. (>"l~~''"'C· a ll nfter 5 p.m.
SEA:'llED-TQ.SLl.\I :-r\·lr--i l 1'f'rl1('111111•r l>fl tl!'n1 !1l1lil'h ti I I .1 I I ,1 ., ·I h.•111°!!'. l.!""11'1 1•111fo1mafKln. Odds & ~ ... nd.~. TO BUY P IANO rOP. SZ'lllO. OI' Offi'r. ..,.......,., has the effttt or a ll ~k nf 1 P:1l l~·rn 'i:XIS: Sl1.L'~ :!, 1, G I, llf •'·R·l('I, .• '1111 '~· :'ol!Tl'I 11·/fl;1..;;r n 111;1111• &1 ;i:.2-0l:l"J , I d fl ,.1 ,., ·I h;1 r ~1,,t•! .t ehn11,., __ 1•••1!:1r , "'''· SIC", "I'~. ·,q. • :_:_:;:_ ____ I CAS H. 5-17-9-~l 968·9610 SOITTHLAN D 1·a111pe r lop for 18711 Bl'ach Bl\·d., Sti-11":.
. a a 11 on your i:.;111''· 11\1!'.!r ~ · . ,.1,, .. , .•·· ,,,,,,.h ,,,, •'· ·•I·'· '"I "' ':'...____ ~" 1in.1NO ,,.,, <.1~,,1 ,.,,,,,, I'"" -1 I' I Uk HUNTINGTON BE •cH · I Id 't'\'t'ST\' t-1\·•· 1·t·s ·1· I ' ·• -"' " 10'!1 \\'UR l~ITZER • Uf>rii:ht ':t/' CllRIS CR.\t,., T S io;l ps "!'~1 .... aocieri), c lit.'\\' ""' spray 1<11 un tQ 1•n1hro er, "" · ·· · • .. ·" -SHH -1 FUR-NITUR_E_ 1 FO_H. SAL~; 12 }r old ,\.ppy, ht'$! off~r. :'n1. 11 hl!e apt SI iO c 11 alt•r ~ =~==-~·-Printed l'f1lter ~I I IJ ~ : r"r 1•:11•h pal!t•1·n -IJ<ld 2;'> H , gilding 1-,~n!ly htit h\"\!"y shl\'l"', 5-lfl..-00.ll. Player P iano. needs \\1lrk. 6. i\r11· Sll'rn n n & d1ni:-hy • n t J fllll \\11 J, BU\" \'OUn REOtt~-~li11ses' Sl 1.<'!<: ii, JO, 12. JI, 11;, 1·1·11!~ f•or 1':tl'h panen· for AT WHOLESALE I i\lth all lal'k including lk'st Offer. ffil-101:i. I Bl'st oflr r. 6+~~-96Z-&'JW. ATIOXAL VF:HICLE PA.ID
l't 20. Si1.t' 12 !hust 3-ll 1nkcs All' ~I.Ill :uid Spt•1·!11I 111111-1 894-2020 stiddlc. $200. ;,:;&...3Zl 2 CARPETING u1111mx S!};q BAl?GAJN· ·73 Toyo!.t 111· FOR OR. NOT. CALL US ~ yds. 60-lnch. Tr;insf('r. 1llin~: otht•1'\\•!s1• 1hll'd·1·l1uis yrds $.1 yrd, Orij::. $14.Rl lu.x, Camper Top 11· hoot, FUH BES ·· PRICE. OPE:-.!
ok•livcrv 11·111 toke thl''C' i\IU~T ~t·ll. cui;t. niudc, drk ·I Yr Old. AR..\B-APPL Can yrd . 6 100 old, KB. 64&-7471 r:::,-,·:~. , STAR G A"'E~":" "'~ Al.r rond. Shag crpl, S291XJ. ROAD, 1: u N T r NG 7 o N !ilE\·E~T\'.mT. ("t:ST~ ll rf'kS. or •110?'('. Senrl lo l\'OIMl kini-: \\'tll<'r 1x•d. h1lh1'fl he S('('ll U.C.J. Stables. SANYO J.'rull jUlN!r, Llkr ),.~''Slf A\ ":=! IJ .I'-""'•' 592-1915 BEAOI, 18SC1 BenC'h Ol \'d ..
for each pauern & ttdd 25 Alic" Bl'ook., th~ D1\ILY & h1·r111·1· -+ 1b1C's & 111111 612--0256 <'l'rs ii p.ni. nM\•, rost $95. Used once l'i .._.,0 111· 1...I ,\)' N '''LI 1~ Li••• 8 t"OO'f over cah caoi(>('r 842-~-t ren1~ for l"toCh pnltf'1i1 ~or PllAOT, 105, Needlecrart 111u1. 1112·rli:H RLG. T.B. 7 y1·s. 16.2 hnnd~. S:iO. 6-t.i-1573 T.l 11•• ir M r.,.., Oc·'• .... r ... ., r:;;..J.. J.'!,. H" 11 .-·,-. front dlnetie ne.11· ~ ... ,,, & ~R:cc~V~~h~' ~l---~9~5=30 Air :\loll 11 nd Spc<:lnl llnnrl· [>l'p!., Br>x H;3, Old O>Clst•u llANT!•.tJ Prh·att' part~.· ,",~·•" V ... .,.,J,~, •o '"" $•0•1. v 0,, ,,_1,_ I s·•u-' .._~" 11 9C e IC es lin•: otherwise thir '-•·11•-i" s1'"''''· ,,-.. ", \'ork. N.Y • 19" COLOR TV, cl1·nf)('s. Ex-~ , .. T 1 M curta ns ......,, or .,.-st o <'r 0 ' .·I • , ·.~F.ll "l'IC<'S * Call ~)1-1-IOil. II ")16-lt.)6., o d~.-r f'I' 1Yll'~H:1i• ' • onJay is.21.)ll.'8 .,. !!AA illi3 " delivery 11111 tnkt' lhl't't' 10011. Print NAnlt" ,\11dre""' "' l'li(l.~ .• ~I 0 l1' <'nt L'(lnd. ~'!>O__b.114 _ 1Nld.,.·•.th•cr1r•PC"d•nq tc•u">bt•• ftj_1~ .,, _, Sl ,"95 IDEAL "'/f'flb .. inll &
"'t!ek.!1 l)r ITll)tt, Send to Zip. l'llllf'rn Snn1bf'r, t"LASHY OiESTNUT. Re~. 5.16-0019 ( T•v•u~ r! H'"' ' (j.0< l!-•I'"''<" Koi,io '68 DELlJXE "" Ton 01E\TY po t lo rrn. Blk lo l•Vc.:r~•l hilt.:.
Marinn i\ln.1'1ln. the.' O,\Jl ,Y '-'""'! 150 most -11uhLr dl'· •l.OVESEAT ,,. !IOln cu~tom Qtr. Gelding. S Yr. Gd. • ,,,_. h I I"' f.,, A""• ... ~ .~ 1 "·.-.&"'"' ~~· ~ -•' e<:' n · Truck & Olm""1" PIS. P/R, Adlts llJ:f' 18 or l)!tll·r, 110 ,.... Sbo Pro t H '"--1·~a 't "'·"·Ill/Ill I\'~~. 't '.,,._; .~' '"' '•' •' ' ~~ ,.... 64&-P JLOT, 4(2, Pll.llt'm Di·11t., 11lgn11 In our 111"1·1 Nf'tdli'Cnilt mori<' e \'fry _i:tl qul\J, never w spec · .• ..,.... "IO Datsun 2401. "'' te 1 •• c.. '" ~o• 1• "''\. ~ T \'-8. Fully !'f!if-<'Ont. pctli. 2684/:llR-9065
232 \\'rst 18th RI., N1-v.· ('81&1'tK:Atlt•l'l1.fl.,!Tl lRF:E US('(l,u~u.1llv hn1,9f~-i910 Jewelry 8070 8~2-091 1 :·I ~1•1 •;'.')o',• i r-..... '1' ltllll •I " l:An1pcr.$~i'I0.5-t8-t>Jl GAS TAN K" insliill rd by
\'t1rk. N.Y. 10011. Prinl l-'1-.:t 1\NI· n!l ln!ii<k' .... 7Sc" f\F.\fER t:St:D\· C°J\·ei GRAXDFATl lER Cl.OCK. ~ »-~1 71-~~-·;· ;f,.. ..., ~ 46flQ.8'.'-' 8t.,' i\IERCED. R ~f rig ;\1ltjtln\-ny. Truclai, ln1port1.
SA,\tf:. ,\ DO f( t: ~ f>! illth N<'I' ! '"°'"' + Knit Kook f 1.111 C'IU>lll $3((1 l"'hnir Sl7:i, OIArii OND 2 61 Cl~. Sh11ped f(lt Mil', i\IOON DIAL.. ~ll W!"c.;M~~: n ~ ::·.. ~ ; :; : , • !~17, .. ·~~ Jacks, Stove , ()\·en $600'. 8:.8 \\ · lltth, C.lt. ~~1nt~~: and ~ T \·I. I': lul' U3si ' TiMue Ptt~f2-l ! dh!l'llC !W.'I $ll'. 613-9118. Pti1 L rt111:. l"t'.~rly flli\\ll'l':8. Robert Coopt'r. 6-19-3)20 " ·,.1v"t 1~ ,~:"°-.'':'::-~~~· ';"" ,. ' 01~ 1, 7..&, _ ~153 af_!_ S_ P~ sp0r~R...-c;:-R~otf~o~9540=
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yOUr C'holcero Jitndft>r one ft'w! t1°"· .. ~ ('rochf'I pc:. Blk !CeCU011.111. Gn'tn Ri,ng. r1r>1al .,,~.~Cl~.,\'holc-('(Jnrl $39. Scl"l't'n 36" DI~ ~, .. !.~-~ :~i-~ -" :·e.-''~J.2 16 ~ lrtt n.1111em lrr.1idl' NF.:\\! occa" chllir -1g..oo12 11ne P 1'1" v<1-1o~ll. Door 110 -219' J•' .uw ,., c .. t11co1,. ~IORI LE llome ~""'CC. Cotlui. rollbar. Slmpaon l111n11:u sPn1N'C.-sUi\l~lf:R CATA· ~;1 .. · r~~h;j ·~ ·:. ::::: T\VJN 'ol';O, ~AK BU1'~t'ET Df;.t;;Pt.;RATt :. l..adt~ ril\Jl, KIN G. 0 . ;::,, . m 0 "'' (' r ~ ~ :; .. ~! :; :~~:; !: ~;:: ' -~~ ~: .. -r. ~ltN, 'ol'lllk ~,.,.,shopping, iellt bcll!i. "'lthout eng. front
LOG. 100 ~ylea. all alzee. n .. lanl C'r'Or~c "'-k .• ,1_,, ~lake ollt>r. $.'lpphi!'f'.i;, Oi1111mnris & II l nd\llo 1 6 ~ '"1-"r 11 wi-' ~,....__. l> ~b.xlmum Ne 8 X 42. ft'nrit'Ol &: mt-t'. Bnl crfff'r
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Dally Pilot Clauifled Adi I Q11tll• fnr Todt.y Nt1. 3 Mk' DECORATOR dt'1il(tl living 24" ROTi\R\' Sit on l\lll\\'t!r, Don't drop thl!: b.!t11 •• , Gt't r uff. II -il(-;:,. ~r 1'.J' ~ ~. ~ • ,_.i.., u"9 ov1 t<r11 D\2J.11,,~1 i'"~J{""''' '""' \j•·t-· • ')~.l~I 'I) 11 11rt. '72 ,., 175 !\Utuki llt'hlJI for ~•o. look t1f 16 .Jiffy nup , •• 6'lc rrn 1111\le, Wt\il(I velvet, ' Sin" '""' t1 ,lob \\-1th a low-<:0st Dally .-:;;,.\-' ll '' • ...,._~ \t:Y '1; 11~t" \A, db1. s:rm. or 00111 offer. Pl1: '71 LAND ROVER
tuned. & 1nl.t1C. 673-!J2m, 8.12-l::oci Ji.ft;;. Pilot Ch'l115iflf'd Ad i IH2--93'78 613-3J83 l1zsoo. .i.t\...:li i
'63 • "' v
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c v
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Tr~r;;ua;;cr;,;:-----,9iislioii:iBii:MU.w;-----~,,..---------.. ~-~----=---------=----------------~a_,_. _AP~ ~8. 1_•_1• ___ --~-DAILY PILOl D J3 1---------·--------97~1;:.2 1 Mercechs Beru 9740 Po,.1ch• 97SO l Volkaw19tn 9770 _G_•_•_•_,._1 _____ 990_1
_c_•_d_ll_l•_• _____ ,,_1_s ,,_c_•_d_1_11•_• _____ ,,_1s Cadillac -,,-
·n.1r £t.'"'~' .. ".:'o·.·,~1· '!.. .. ,. ORANGE COUNTY'S '71 ""'RCEDES ·10. su "· ""'"" x • .. s 32 BUGS COUPE DE YILLES ·10 CADILLAC ..... ....c: .... U:~<r si400: OLDEST "'~ ><••· """-"""" SPECIALS CONVERTI BLE
In extra. $3.«xl. 499·2't96 & Ap~al'flflt'P. Crp. 0 r Ii.,; Le11 Thon 35,000 Milot --. 280 SE COUPE ""~"· a. .. """· ~ '65 to '74 Ch .... · I OF THE 11 to oote u.·,1u11ful su~r Slue with
'&9 CH.EVY' Canyill. 6 ply 19i0 PORSCllE 911-T, rom OAYI 1961's thru 1973s ni.itctung: blue )i•llther .
new urea, 2 cu tanks, h11" Come In iold !!et lhi~ A~t/f"~I. n1o11..:lli, j s1id ,j $895 • 1973 Coupe De Ville J-',,,1 .. ry air i;.uld. Full
ab', tu)' lift hitch, lull hf'itutlfUl cir a.nd )~Un ~~. £"G~ nli / SPRING SAVING f!en.1\'""-"'k.-e-i: n I rl I b [,, (' k I'·)" 1,. Ttll l' Tf'leSOOll'9c
SJO'l''tt, 53&-m!. nlOrn, dri\'l' It a""'a)' .. 1 •Pff'd. HARBOUR YW '74 Ponti•c -SALE I , ln>'I !up f;.,>ld 1,,~stn-"'I Sto't'ru\(, Sl1·rt0. door locicL
'31 O fEVY S'pttlal .a dr. 1974 BMW's •Ulfft\I radio, air Renoult t7SS Ventura J.•;11h&•r 111r.~r10r. lull P'1""1., ~.-,. \"\, .. '\\' tltt1 Just
Sc!d&n. Ex. m«h. c-ond. c o n d I t 1 o n l n a , p ov.·l'r I 1>1711 &-11cti Blvd , R.ll-1 C)S • lliMf. °"'h ,, ... ""I•~ 1.11·'"'"' air. Ill! "h•·t'I {_~ 11').:l'OllS & ln ti.m~ for !he
needl l'*int. A1>kirc iL200. 1~~~~·~c!7fc~f~~li~: 111«-ri"', ntdial litti, SU:'\ ·ro Rt:~1\ULT. Crl'at HUNTINGTON BEACH .s3,,.63,,,3 e I \\II~"\! r;uJk'I . fil'l11"r •"-...... ,. ".11-:11"·enther<IT6 \'QCJ
n~ Htmet on rtmalnl~ 1913 models. ROOF. ~=.\' c·a~~u. C11.ll 2 LEFT --72 COUPE OE VILLE lock~ Ln" n1llr~ t4ll~~cx1 i
'69 FORD. Auto. N~w utility SALES.SER lCE LEASING SAL£ PRICED or J ·~•rl••d. /,11 111r, ,\: lo null·~! $5799
aervtee body. Perl. cond. OVERSEAS DELIVERY Seab 9760 ,73 Plymouth '~v. :.!NI• 1972 Coupe De VIi ie
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$2500. •IZ-0;33. ROY CARVER, Inc:. SQUAREBACKS $4995 I'"'"'' "" '"""· '" 11 1965~Cl!EVu~· ·N~llVtt>'bJ!k· 8 ROLLS ROYCE B?.f\V ~Wl l··..:· '73 SAAS 32Sonl'E't. tportscar 1969 •1161 $1 795 ,. ,.~!~~N..... • -111•1\IT, \'ui:,I !()p, 1111 lf't1thl'I" 1 '-'"'· ew ,,.., &_ ...,. F. !""SI UMMI 61'Angr. MP!{, AMITTf nMt m11t• o.uu1 71 COUPE OE VILLE 1n11•n,,r Tilt ,.., 1'l·k·~''"P"'
s .. $600 or otr. 67>.7646 Costa~~~· e'u' .. ~ .... •~•• ~l rt<> Mil-mild., on\y l,000 1970 •214 $1 895 S29.88 Ln1.1rir·', Int'. "Ir. l· lu rn!lt•i. ~h'<'l'h"'· ~t('I"~" door loc-ki=: ~ VOLVO n11. r..fu11 rec to 11pprecLt1<>. HARBOUR YW v " •
'7! ('p<> th·lr. \
I l'nlt11•r ~pill !>t"l\\ll, n@'W +
1111·1o Sr .,ho1,:k"-I~ n\11<"~.
Ju~1 1-1ui;:ht 111·v. on1:. Jk1.t "13 CHEVY LUV 1972 Bf..:f\V 3'.0 CS. nlaroon 496-0785. t~(! '.:!81 .\II th•• :-.n·ao; ,\' ticar llr;1nr!
Mais. Air Omdltlonlni; 11iulo, Jeathf'r, 11teroo. • rnl. 1966 $3995 nc11· ~2'iiJ-:0\~I
Xlnt Olodltlon 492-l!W» IJT-3713, 753-0063 ('\'I', Harbor, c.~1. 6-'6-9:.tl Subaru 9762 lSilt Bent·h Rlvit., ~·12-U:(o '72 Pontiac • $4599
'63 Ol~:VY " 10,, v .. cC-a-pr"-1=-===:.:......9 _ 35 USED HUNTINGTON BEACH W•gon 74 COUPE OE VILLE 1970 Coupe De VIiie
1•ff• r 01·c·r lv11· b o Q k .
itandard um. $750. t!M-0018 _ _,__ ______ .:::,7:.,:1S MERCEDES The Herbor Ar n 's '71 VW Bug Fw11/ lolideo, '"1 ""'" 11' ull J'l(l\l!•r, fu i' ;i1r: 4 000 F11"till') air l~nd1t1oni11i;: full Camaro after 5:00 pm. 11 C11pr1 28 mP&:. silv~r·black !lri ~I . u11l('J, Aln~I ni•w lr-.in Z.!31 ' )•)l\1'r \'1111! top ~ ull ----------
V•nl 9570 decor packagr, 2000 'cc ON DISPLAY newest Nic'I' 1-.1r' t26.'>Dl.F J S2588 SA.VE lr11th1•r iot1•r Tilt .t-I'.\ \fAHn 'IJ'i Hali)' SpQM.
3 spttd lrnnsmis.skln. radio,
heater, V8 engine. (i:il01J ~
~w.le.wiA W TOYOTA
1!166 Harbor, C.!\t
'67 FOR D EconoHne Van, hii:;
240, 6 cyl, paneled, l't'pt'd,
Am-r~m radio, lrg chrom('
"·heels on rear, $990 or bcs1
offer. 64.'i-1426 aft 5.
7J Dodge 1elect Van. custon1
interior, cuslom paint. lPss
than 10,000 miles. S~5('(). or
best oiler. 548-0552
·n FORD \\'lndow \'an·
Chateau. NC, PIS. P/B,
loaded,31,000 mi, i 3 4 O O.
'62 FORD, Ile\\' p.1in1, id
tires. RUM~. $600 or bst
ofr. 581~.
Autos w~nted 9590
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In Orange County
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Villes · El Dorados . Cor.·
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FOR A.LI.. FOREIGN CARS cau or come in to see us.
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\Ve pay lop pr'1:e in c11sh for
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General 9701
Impart Specials
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Only fiO made, Mint cond ..
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auto. 40,000 nil. X I
cond. $3300. Must .s e 11 ,
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owner. 673-4446
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Oa.uic, 98,000 orig. rnl,
Convert _t_wi Ii: tonneau, •ire · •1Us. RJill, lmm11c. oond.
Ont oUer .• 551-1278
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I • ~ SUBARU $1895 " I \11111, :ur I' ;-:, l'tlllOl'll "'hl1 t>ng Ill", 5f"=U, am. heBlt<r, Ir ""'hPl<' ~li'•'l'U\L: ·'Ii'!'• ...
11.sk1ngil.9';il.'586-a686 '72 MERCEDES BENZ , 69 COUPE OE VILLE n1ulr1pi.-,. ~-'""1!1·111 s~·~l Pn piy &i4-l'IAA!t
CAPJU 'Tl. arc, V-6. decor. LUXURY 4.S SEDAN HAR~ORr VIEW HARBOR VIEW 171 VEGA ruu flO"rr. utr & I<'"' oHI;;-• ~~ndlt111n l1t.,hlt· & uu! Chty;olet 991i
tdlver, l!:nt)', 4 srxt, 15~1 Beats the 1:ns1.1, more mileio SUBARU Wegon '~"'· :r.::oi i(A•BQIJ• milt'~. S3295, 613-6921 . II w 1 & · SUBARU ,.,,.. ...... tic •••"'"""i9"" $2695 $2899 l!li3 :'-IO:'li'TE C.\l~l.0. All per 1i:a 1111• 1 sgri enirine :!lOO HarbotBhd a,,1 _,,..,,, n 11&i)l e , 1 ('\'Ira~. Lili•· nl'1\' ~
Colt 9717
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On!)' 9.:i50 milt'Ji, automatic:-
t1"8nsmission, & ''<tra cl<'Bn!
r.iust at'<'. (171HOA 1
fnr lnrn.: tune ownel'Wllp, fncto"" 11.IJllJorized r :'o! 61H••" S1088 1968 Cou ..... 0 v II $3~ I' clasi.1..: hnc~. ari1I01.·ra1lr ·~ c.:c"~·=----,-o ~ 74 COUPE OE VILLE .... 9 1 • j n.!'.1"~· ~ 1·' fl\ l"<lrt)'.
beitlll)' and Mll!I)', SM$. s~i.lilli:ing in all I '71 Wesphalia ~ 1111 IJO"•'r. file Jo.Ir. l1•<1lhl'r,1 ~ -~··101')' ftlr . {"\•fld11l(!nLne: s,;;...i~ -----
Coulrl arrani::e lea~ for Euro~an O\r R.f'pa.ll"S i.\Wlll'I n11lf' ... •~o.'2ib1 ~ull V0 "''r. \Ln~! •1"11· i;ll C11E\'. F.ICu1un" ::;, \'-8,
1uit.1llll· .11.111)' (473GBZL ,,__ 211Xl Hnrbor Bh·d. Camper '73 Buick SAVE .1~'"1brr intl'rk,r. r,ii .~· ,\1r. P/S, T0111111·riu CQ\l'r • .__111 ?>fesa &l'Hli60 l1'lr~~'OPi" stl'f'1·111.: !Jt'low l"i:.ooo nit. Xln! Cnnd 53\!!j. ~o. 166 C1ntury • O 11--k~ .~· ,11·.1 rl•·•ut ,{ i.harr 1. ,~ •lljl;--4\''"'' House of lmports 1 S2895 11 ·w• 11••11""' ,.,,,,. O"I 71 ELOORAO •\\\·,~,1 1 ·1• • · ···-~~--.~7 Toyota 9765 ·~·• 00•111• !101~11 ~-tit! 1_,11 , .. ! ,1 ,.11 1,.1,h, 1 $l S99 ·~H l'l'"'"ll1• \t11ll1u fl rlr.
523-7250 i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij, HARBOUR YW $3488 ,1 1 f\'O (~Ill' IO\I 111111•,. I .'lov.\ 1'1 :'·I 'Ill .\!r !t :I ti in. '73 MERCEDES 220 I ::~111 :1r1,(1(1 1n1 1 lJ'<nl'r. t'<.
Only S219S
2100 llarlxir Blvd.
'"'"""" Datsun 9720
AutQn1a\11'. air L'Ondillon1nj!;,
1·:1d10, ht•11ler, tikr n (' w .
r.111~1 ~>e. S S.\ \·1:: S
f·l89J·lGB' Only
FREE ·yv 1~111 ~·111·h n1vrL, ~t"Z-1r·:, '74 Grand Prix $~95 HAlfHCAotllA( f'_on11 ~1,·1, i•1~~-1i'2T.1 1
HUNTINGTON BEACH F ~t•~ •o•dttl 'E •Kwh•• 73 COUPE OE VILLE I MOO,....., lt•d· ''" f111:\ .\IH ·'::~,':;,Jc l:~~~k. \\'ith~pur1'IHtSf' '6" \'\\' (" V IQ'">) c•r, pOUffl c .... -140-f1 H\\1Hl', lllllY " · ' illllpt"r-ll/l, •"' 4897 rulJ Jl"\•("r, f;i, dll, )1'.dhL'I', $~)1 '1711-1>,l!I. "' any nt"'>I 1111, ,\:'ol -r:'ol,rl4'1v 1 i r •·,. , s 1~:?11~·1\ 1 ------TOY OT A snio:;: d•'\ tl'r, Exrel C'lmrl $6095 .11 CAD Sc>d1<n O.,\'i!lt'.1 S'.r.IJ f•l' I)<.·'.' olf(·r. 'til Cnrv11:lr
'73 DATSUN · $6977 JnlltO<:k S2.00I. 5'li---;.·;:'~'7'---! O l~.OOO ~I I. PERrl-:(;T ~111t1<>n \\a;,'On;.} !!pd ~11ck ~tu&t bring in th1i1 ad to Volvo 9772
'68 Pont iac 68 COUPE DE VILLE CO~n. Air ront!, flO\l'(l" ..'.:!'11'· :.10:'-IPC, a~l·t
quaUJy. O,fler good 4-2'2-T.i Catalina Fiill 1•1..,,1 r 1.u· ,1,1 nnly l'\'tT}1hin:;:. lt'lllhf'I'. F~t 1!166 CllE\'Y CAPRICE, 4
lhru ·l·:fil.-H,~U-RRY , '68 VOLVO • o~· "'1rd•o11. ONLY<•. -.:0.1,\1 1n1I·.. ~rrro & lnJlt", \'lnrl •~p-Tht' dr, 11/c, R & H. pou·c:-r
Auto Tran.~. 7 .000 miles, Un-
rl •r Fnctory \\'arrant)'
ie62.86\Y). ,
6f'!':;1LE:; M1111 •H. 52895 \\urk"' S'l".00 fii:;...CJ62 lhl'UIJU1, $650. &:!3-Jli!\::!
. ' ) ,I '' ' ' • •
\ '-l , ·. ' . ' . ! l ,1 , I
'71 Datsun 510
C.i\I. Gl'>--0660
2100 Harbor Blvd.
KE!\:1 ALLEN". 540-M·l1. * OA'fSUN * 2-WZ '73 Black, a i r .
A:\l-F:'-1. n1ags. Ra l I y
min-ors, rron1 & back ~J1l'ak1·rs. Orig 01vncr. 7<m t
n1iles. E.'\. (_'('lndilion. S5,900
call !H8-198i after 6 P:\I.
'7:{ DATSUN, 610 \\'agon. '68 T.-ilSE SPdan. Tob.1ct-o
Silver Gl'ay, 4 spd. air, Brm\·n p S, p H, A/T. Besl I
radials. S3650. 552-7946 oUer. 673-0613.
. Bill' MAXEY
TOYOTA . ~ ' ' , I 1 I
Best Deal Anywhertl
All Modtltl
Seit Deal Anyw ere!
All Mod1l1!
OVl::H:-:~:A'i J1ELl\'El'Y
1 1~ llar!..-ir. {'\I lil•1"'fl'
'ti9 \'nl\" J 11, .1urn i11r, r.ui1n,
I rJ<J)r, Sl :'.1.MJ. ~~j'l..f!iS I 1•\P~
• "-" -'' c>t ~~·n 1.~c-__
1%6 llRrbor, C :\I. 6-t6-s: .. :-; ----------
~LE--A=sc-,-, =BRA~,D~NE=-w-;1 WAGONS
TOYOTA l~?~orolla Srd:!1'.I
for only ~ .• ::. per mu. ~ ,73 B , k E W mos. open enrl lease. 1 u1c state agon
l·,,I !;f:\\H !'.I \'!l "!7~·n·
1.l ~[J\.t,'[(1, b~.\l1-i
9 P,\S."'~:;o,;(;EH-., s~:.\T
Factory-air r"Ond1onn1n~. 1u!I
l>O"'"C'r. lugc,n:c r.i c· k .
"'1>0rl~ra1n s1d1n1:. ~t•·1•"•
Lq73 z.ioz. ale. xlnt rond, 1970 ~lercedcs Benz 2j() C. I stereo Clls!tette, $ 5 2 0 0 . f>'ully E"qulpped. Call aftf.'r
536-6216 or ~1549 aft 5pm 5:30• s.ia-t9:i.i -~=~=~==~"'
.,, ...,, SL. d"k bl•>e. '73 TOYOTA
\lilh tape dC"1·k. 1ilt 1\!l~'"I.
door lorks, CTu lsr control ,
sport \I ht't-'I~. ~Joi;-1 e1"f'n.
dlx. exu·a & le~s 1han J~1.(0J
n1il,.~ 1St:r. 1~31
' I I Ir, i\1110 T1'an.~. Air Cond,
'71 ·510 DATSUN \\'AGON'. 4 Excellent ronditlon. Low
!lpd. R/11. Good condition n1ileage. Call 551-4267. CORONA $l7!Xt or best offer. 83J..0887 ~~=~~~----
'7{) Dal~un jlO, 4 DR 8 track ;M;.;c:G _______ 9_7_4_2
111ags S800. 25 mpg.
• 5..12-8374 • ·r, :'l\G ('nnl'f'l't. lov.· ml, X-1
n1pg, l'ri('('d S2'990. Call
\"1n~l Top. 1:'J61!SOJ .
S1088 •
@ Allen
2480 Harbor Blvd,\
-----1969 CA DI LLACS
111 Cp •. IJ1• \'illt•s.
•2• !'.t•rl. D•• \'lilt''
,\JI \\ !lh !:1Ptt1t·y ' " • ••!''!lll(1!111:::, 111\1 l~''-'"1', ,\.,,,..,. "' \ 111,1 I 1r•p. full ,, 1lh1·r 1111• J '/'111 • tt•lo•!.f'i)f!ll' ,.l .. •'1101t. ~t<'l'ctl.
d•>tll" ln<'k.~, •·~r. ••!,., ,\I\ lr1I•
111111·11 ~:~· 1z\·r1-.111 \'nur
2600 Hari>eo' ""4·
Costo M-.a 540..9100
San D11·~" r·1'\\\ .. 1 .\11 !)
Pk\..-~-. !~1.;1,. ., \ . ._ i•·I
495-0800 831-0800 ----• ELDORADO'S
P.arl11d !1J"l'S & ln1n1a<·ul,1t•
t~[R JUO Q.~1
F.11'l•iry ;ur 0·11n•l\!f<>n1ni.: Full
f'()W( r All 1 ... 11hr1• 1111 .. n11r
V1n)I t1'f1. 1'111 & frlrM'O Pll'
~'""rinr. ~lr!'f'fl r[(• ('!•·.
lJ'>\1' n11lr11i.:r ,(· Sh:trJl. 'lflO
2600 Hart>or llvd.
Co1taMe•o 540-9100
.'I "Pf.I: ca: 1. \ r \11'd Hluf'
200l's, 2002's (Automatic•)
• 5 year or 50,000 mile
New BMWs • Xlnt pre-owned BMW's:
• 66 1800 Tl-4 speed, restored to
1 perfection I• 69 2002-4 speed, sunroof, AM/FM
le 72 BAYARIA-4 speed, air, AM /FM
: • 73 3.00SA-Executive car, can lease
• '68 lJATSC~. 200l Clean &
sharp! Ne\\' I rans. & brakes.
$1300. S37-7i8
Fiat ms
. Bill MAXEY -
, ~,.at. f>"actory .11r
mn1h!l1Jnlng, .<tu Io mat 1,.
1ir"1 rr 1it1 •rr in:;:-. po 11 1• 1
lu·akrs, l"".!d10,' hl•atrr. roof
rack, v.hi!<' tilde v.aJI 11r»~.
po11rr Cail i;:ate "1n&1\•'
l..tl\l l!'l<JU~ l:rouii:ham . '70 un1trr '.U.1),-") 1111. Sl('l'('ll. Lc.;s lh<o.n 2i.OOO rn1le~ '1:J03-I '70 Opel t :\.\1 L\'Jlll 11 l\ u 1\r I.lark TH>a1l1 tr,r '" :-.11<>. fi.161211
''-tlt1 r.l;1rk \ l!I\ ! '"P· l'lu~h\At -U d---9900 -< ' ' ' '' '• • I ) \ ' ' ' '': ,·
I•' i,',. •· '' '!/!
Xlnt pr .. owned Mercedes
2 clr :. & 4 drs.
(ask for Contino \
Jaguar 9730 I
t.lkL' new v.·ith only 17,0'.Xl
11c1tml mil~. Th is e11r is
loodNI with I u x u r y
equipm('nl inc luding
automatic trans., f11ctory
11ir conditioning, p o" er
~ttring, f!O\\'<!r b r ft k e !I ,
power 1~.'indOW!:. Al\-1-FM
radio, hcatE'r f251Gl01. M~t
see 11nd drive this fine car
to 11ppreciatf'. Johnson &
Son Llnet'lln f..lf!rcury, 2626
H11rbor Blvd .. Costa ~1esa,
'Tt JAGUAR XJ-6 <Lie ~l TAZ~ full po"·ar. 28.00CJ
actual mill"S. ssm:i. N~·pv1't
Bearh Dir. 714/8.13-9300.
'ii JAGU,\R convrrt. 6 cyl.
stf'1-ro, arr. chrome "'ire
"''his, tonneau, xtnt t"Ond.
Mazda 9738
'11 J\1AZDA RX2 Coupe.
21,0'.Xl ml. Air, 4 spd , R & R,
$Sj(). below blue book at
$1995. i AUi 236) ~.
'7t R..X 2 RolarY, Air, :..rags,
Factory rebll eng, Low
book. $2065. Hl·book $261<1.
Sell at $1975. 642-5133 da)'I
49J..~ eves.
·n MAZDA Stationwagl:)n
4 cyl I: cleM~ (582 G!Pl
!Dir.) SAVE 645-0700
Mercedes Benz 9740
Stationwagon 'i 'i() COP.O~A ~lark ti "nl\' NABEIS ~IUAC 1:• ";: 111!1 lf'alh' r int,.r11)r =.u::::•~·~· ::.:.•~•.:_ __ _:.;_::
au1nn1.1ttc tr11nsin11s1on, t11r -21V\1'1 1 \ . U-r p•!••ry " /<,fir! F11\ll ~'Ond1!10111ng & \'lean' !(1$3-::i ·"'"' n11 ('S ' u 1 n n1 flt l c 2600 nat"beir ........ !• ,.,, i ,1, I"''· d•••l' Jr .. ·:•s.
BHK l trans. rud10 Good l-ond1l~11. 1 CostoMeto 540.9100 tilt ,, I• Ii·" •1111• ''""dn!! $ 1695 I ~~~r1!1ce for only $J3j(), , I t.u.1· 111;1<~ A tu I :1 1 J )'
HARBOR VIEW I . • 1971 TOYOTA '"'° • \AMC 99os · ,',.•'-"'-'''-"-' '-"-"-r-"-"-' --.,
SUBARU ;\r\1' brakes. llres, ban. Kon1 P.A:'l!BLr.rt 'ti"•. ,\mh'"~11d•1r, N.llERS CADIL\A(
I sh~ks. Dynn--tunr-d. l..O\V full p\\r, 111r-cflnd, :.'O :\IPC. 2600 Horbor llYd.
2\1.JO Jhlrbor Bl\'d. n11lea:;:(•. Oni;:. 01\·n1·r. G<iQrJ <'011ri .. $97.1 nr 1,.·.~t 6'5--0660 ~lake ollrr 6-l~1-2'.H2 n!fc·r. j.)lj..fQ.!I oil 6 ,\ Costa Mesa 540-9100: =,.:,7~1~0~P~E~L-C~P-=E=. r or Sale 197J Toyota \\'knds. , --
Au!o Trans., Vinyl Top,
if.P., (Slk 250251.91 .
Land~ruiser t:.xcel f..'l'"ltit!, lo 1 :S-1 RA:'-IBLER. \\'a.o:r.>n. :ur.1 72 ~EO~N .,r:'E VIL~E
90 lo nuleaRe. ~lust ~ell. Call , ptiiver !ilf'<'ring. 11111r, tran-.. l.i ~s th.in. ··'-000 mi!f'-.
Kin at &tl-~107 alter 5. I rii<ho. radi11.I t 1 r€' .._ 11'>0.
BPauttlul ( h•·.~1nut Brov.·n
$1799 ,_ -. · '111h 111'1-;::r \ln yl lop, i1addle
,Q 1:0YO'TA Corolla. Tnp ! ~9X~ rul! Jr11ther .. 111rrvir Fartfln.·
rond111on. l'vl pl)I. SIH,(J ''6'1 P.A:\IBLEP.. I ov.ncr, I•! ;,1r 1-nn•f, rull rower Tilt &
PH: :.3&0:1Zi. 1ni ... rick, 6 1')'1. ~'fl :\11'<:. r,.i.•si'f'lp w ·'"1·• nng Srrn'O,
Triumph 9767 Gd f'llnt:I. ~J. 6;&.5195 d••ir lnt·k~ T1:uir ~~room
..;.;.c;....<._. ____ ...;..:,: j '62 R..\.\ffiLER, i:: re 3 t fn·i1h '460 l:.K!J' I
' , • •!' \"[> ,;·,,;,:
', -,. , I• , I \(''I '6!l TRIUi\TPll TR.-6. xl11t I tra11J,p .. motor r\rfll., ne1\· 1 I cri!'l!. r<.h:it !<ell. Sll!OO. I lll'Y'<, RMI. $2771. 8':.~t~19. I NABERS CAOll.l.AC
'13 OPJ>:I. Rt\LLYE !!_;)--;)128/&l~T799 The fastest drnw in lh,. \\'!'~! 2600 Harbor Bl•d:.
Volkswagen 9770 ... a Daily Pilot Classiflt'd CottoM.sa 540 .. tlOC I 4 :i;pC'{"d lt":'ln:'in1ission. rndio,
heah'r, bul·ket s r 11 t s,
consolr, f'Xt'f')llion11ll)' clenn '12 :-:Ql '!\REBACK y('llo\\·,
No. 61i2~l TI1l!!. cor shov.~ au1on1:itir·. 286 n1pg. $2100
the best ol cal'f'. Check thi& 1 jS(i..(17:.:J
sh111·p gas saver todfl)'. su"·~p=i:=o.~U7p-,s:;=-~17.•17.r-. -,-"-"'-'s,
$2175. John50!1 Ir Son crptini.::. e1c. 1170C(l:\L S!lOO.
Lincoln !\1crcury. 2626 ;i.",T-TSJI I
fla1•!10~· Bh·fl .. C~ll\ ~IC'sn. 'Tl V.\\'. Ru s. 7 pal'S., 54!hif>~. sunro)f. ronvert. h e d . , I
'6!=1 OPEL Krtdette. Auto, SMJ. '.1~'.i
clean. $7lt:'i. Private Party, . 7 0 v \\' Bus. A. \ ,
846-1440. amlim stereo, i20Cl0/offer.
Peugeot '9748 Dick. 6-\:;..j()1:;
Complete Saif'.!I and Service.
50 con1pacts on display.
t!'IOi ,\1• J.1nc"OJn ,\\'C,,
Anaheim 5J3..8220
i\E\\', S69.i.
V\\' ro. camper pop-lop,
e11:rel. ('find, good ('rtg1ne,
l·ody & tires. $2000. &16-3839
·74 V.Y.'. Super ~atle, A?l-t· .-~1 s1ef.eo. $200. It talal
O\'('r pymts. 8J9-gT36
191:\ \'\\' pop-top. tent $1200.
l&U Cu1le <m·e, Cdl'ol. &l0-1112
,\d. c .. u &12-Jtii~
Fiat 9725 Fiat 9725 !
0f the Week
'67 rLYMOUTH CPI. v.s_ ~1. p_:. ~' il.0'428)
V -~. Ay•o. fran1 ..
~t-.ng. j'\'t!GO'i'))
'6 ' CHEVY
v e. Ay•o ··'l~•.
S1""""'l ~'n''.?1
Po .. e•
'61 CHlvY
V-8. /ly·~ tra~\,
'64 PO~Tl.4.C en.
v a, ~ ~-IOf'Glll),
' -!~"'II ;11r. ;\;\I 1-':'ol S t l1't"H, lo, ],_, lll!li'
• 52 3008
• 52 300S
1• 58 300D
,• 58 220S
-COUPE. M iio!,, 1 0, 14 M.t.01
• 58 300SL
• 59 190SL
• 60 190SL
• 63 22DSE
• 66 250SE
•70 250
• 71 250
R D~fll. SO~T lOP, MIMl COND,
-110.t.OSTfll WIT M H .. 110 TOI'
-ll ESTOJllED 11.0.t.Dllt:Jll.
• 73 280SE 4.5 ~'" "'"· "'"•
• 71 280SI 3,5 -c•"" .... • See Our Excellent
Selection Of Trade-Ins
• 72 AUDI 1 DOLS-'"··· '"" .. '· ""
· • 69 ALFA ROMEO BERLINA _, ... ..
~2 MAZDA RX-3 WAGOfl ....... o ... .
• 13 TOYOTA CELICA ST _, •••••
$1lle111 &:-vi~ e U-iu.;ln(
3)1 W. . S.A. 8$-3111
~l .B. '65, 2'lO $, Sl500 Brown
A \\ilile inlf"rltlr! &1163
POriChe 9750 '61 Bt.iC. xlnt cond. R.(-H,
'70 !l!lT. Xlnl fflnll, App arp, .hlU:. w/bll\ck lnttnor S975,
alloy 1l·hl11, :; sp11. many l!ll· J 'cl~"~·"~"~.,!199~,-----
tnis $13,'mll. 'l'l~-613-7838, \!l7; V\V S.,hllck. Auto 1rans,
2l3"332·Z1Al Air. rad)(. SJl("Cla! prun1
~ Pol'fi4'fle "0", rebuilt \ jnh. $2550. 6"f3.4222. .
t"n", gt'.KXI l)iilnt, Ai\1·M1· V\V '61 B~. runt good, rthlt
S\\', s2.m. 0-111 E\'t' •94-~ I .&ii ff!~. new tirt•. P"'t pl)'.
Coll Ken
17141 540-4491 USED BMWs
./ '7'0 2002 ('70:100'l
( '69 2500
I ·n Bavarlu
BMW, "13 3.0C'S Cpe. Sunrf,
1500 .mt, AM·FM ctWll!tlC.
556-12"° or' &l9-ff.119
'63, 220 S. ~1-B ssoo.
61 OlrUna 53,000 n1i, 30
mp~. 111pf!iicck. m11ics1 xlnt
L'Olld, Sll50. 3-12-9800 •
Ct.ASS SELLS -6'H618
B. J. Sport Cars
2833 Harbor l l•d .. Costa Mes.o
Ottt """ aoitttl of the 5• OltlJD free••r
Ct.ASS SELLS· Gll-l61i 1r..o, ~17 !.!:==============~
131 -2040 • 495-4949
Sunday, Aptll 28, l Q74 """
C i= ...., fib Pinto >t ,a.. ___ ._••_lot ______ m_o Ch•vrol•t 9920 I c_._m_•• _____ m_1 CCN\fln1nta l 9930 Continental 9930 f Corvette "32 1 :::.:.orv;.;..:;•;;tle.:_ ___ ...;."..:;:'"'1:uoa:'::':·::::::-:::-::=-:::-:::.t---------1 .. 14 DAILY PILOT
• . . . ''''1L1 PAY TOP oo·, •n '"D ooooE Chatgu s E. '72 ,.,_... '70 Nova .'70 IMPALA I ·73 OOhlE'T' 2 OR. '73 CONrlN~.NTALS '73 Corvette Fastback .. ~ t hot rod n•v VIHardtopCpe Company ow11 ed and 1974 LINCOLNS ExceUcnt 1('ll'Ction of lilw Stire ru..y with Panel1 '~!k-a!OUR VETTE dlr., ~~~Bt.iui)l)prn. . RUNABOUT
Economklil 6 Cyl. ltJI than l4,000 mllei nialnutln~ l~e ~· In our Nov.1 offcrina 2 low mllca;e I n ~ ...,. · I'' w m 11 C<o ~ t· l Auto. trtuw., powtt lllK'r., "68 CllARGER &harp fully tpeed il A)l/f'M (l9lGBKl
•tandard tr&.-. (U31o-,.C ) Vinyl top .• vinyt ln!rrlor scn·lce drJK. EqW.p~-d wl!h Oealt'r F..xttufi\.'C LlnoolNJ. (.'ontlnenlal rourv and 4 Jl()V.'f'r' braktt, electric Cougar '"3 f'qUip()N auk> eesl after $1995
$1695 t~~C'ln..., ftlr t'Ord, P. Sll't'r e.utomot1r 1r1u1sm1u.10tt, atr ~h equ!ppt•rl y.•lfh the rioo1"1!1, cnmplf'tt Y luxury Y.1ndows. alr oondlUonlne. tiHT32 • ·
'· 8,:~k•·ll Auto trun~. !ti! I cond .. Po"'t-r 11 te er 1 n II:, llnc:td In Jwcury rull pow~r ! C'flUJppcd thrulliChOut. All tht• "lcrro mulllplex, i;: po r 1 MOM'S p G I HARBOR VIEW HARBOR "'EW " d I 0 I ,01 1 r etc ()( ~n;t'. auto: lf'mp. air lln.£':1-1 fcaturK. Sec ;uvt v.·tic-elt , radial 1il'P1, \>inyl . ' ', •12 '69 DODGE Coronel. 318 V
YI New \~\V Hr'\'S. Ahs.olutrly ru ' 1 ~ t! ' • l'Ondilionin" A 1-.t / lt~ At ttn\'i' to<t11y. John"IOn .l Son, lnttirlor. Very low mllc1. fl'~ blpXR'1' v'i"·1 _, auto, alr. radials, p/1. Gold SUBARU
SUBARU •poUt'ss lhniout (!)OjACF! Coniftlrtnbl,. i;;1f<' ii n d -•· , ' '"""' II I Blvd . C t ,_I""' """'6ar ny """' I --$1999 ('('(1!'1on1h·t1 I. ( 4 7 8 D II E) ' "rnise ct'u1trol, tilt whef'I, 6 """"° ;u· :o1:. " Olia '"'"' ,,_. J Tll wh1 • pjs J>/B aJr' vtny lflp wr.101n11 2100 llarbor BJvd.
2100 Harbor Blvd. I S2975, .!ohn!IOn f.: Son ~lyk 5Cat. .S20001(li\ 3~ir2i' ~-!«11, ,,.f(}-56:!0. $6199 l!~ tai>e NC:.... \V/\V ~ '66 DODGE 2 dr. ITT, V .r.J. 66-0060
C.M. 66-0060 I. 1 n r o In f\h·n·ury. 2626 Iii " er 1iriN>. Corvette 9932 oval• u uOO ml Xlnt oond. eulo, a/I:. lo n1n~. * * .71 PINTO. DX> cc
1S65 CHEVY Bel Air Sta· MU11$CADIUl( llarhor, CIJ5t& l\l e1a , ~! J~{~~~ &2 ~~ t)M)..1793.' ' 1hape. $175. 837~. automatic, radc. n.dlals,
Wp. pwr .tffr, P"T brakes, MOl1 ....... 11¥1(. ! 54t)...5630. llarbor Blvd.. Costa ldeta '72 CORV~~rTE STINGRAY '68 COUGAR XR7, all extn.s. '73 DODGE Dw1. Auto,. PIS. cusm.n lnt/nt., $159;).
auto, tut •tffrina wheel, lac .... MO-ti I '71 C..'Ot.tE'T 541).{i63(1, CPE stereo tape deck, xl nt cond 6 cyl, Whlte walls, f'ri. Pl)'. 6'K-m2
air, new tlru. beaut car. This bt•autilull)' maintained 'Yitb 'tfJlj/ tJttnelJ. Uke nt"W orig owner, 642--5424 $ll9S. 5.36-llm. ,,..... RUNABOUT 4 Spd. f!'Xce-~oneJl u clean. askln" o·.ir has !>lick shift. r.icUo. '66 Cont., It tlr, i;ood fire. & 11 000 JI J J J J DC C QR ONE T ~,, ~ ~ • 9925 · . rn e1, < c•a Y I ,.,,......__ ..-.. 'BS DO E ract air, radial tire.. $575.00 or Best offer Chrysler I ho•nt('f 4 n"w whitewall good mcch. l'Otw:l.. f\Jll P1''r ('({Uippcd vd1h outon1aUc \.\11F.:N YOU PAPER OR ........,... YY~ Good mechanical condltJon. J..ua. rack. Like new. $2395.
968-497 1 ---------luvi;, 'l::o5CQ~1. Exct>llf'nl & CV('rything \l'orks. llall ll'llll:S., power ~t('('rirtg, PAINT A ROOM, writl" I.ht' I "70 0 \RT Cu t 4d /a New tlres, $350, 642-7800 962=-~
1968 QIEVY Impala gooc1 '68 CllRYSLEll Wagon. All 1 JM•riorrTUHlN! nud ct..'(lllClfl'IY· 1 motorcycl". darnai::c Ii() will J>O"i•r brakf'll. 1, o we r omount of paper or punt T Ii om r P • =:-;=:;";;;;C~~~'"""'°~"'"",,-;=-;I
cond. X1ro~ set uf tirt!! ih" l''l;tras. full poy..er .. $!~7J .Juhn!iOn & So n 8"11 for $600. or bst. offer. viintlo"'li· Al\l&t":O.I .~lf'n'<'I H look behind 8 plchu't'. 11u!o~ al~. xlraa, xlnt oond, 'Si DART station "'il'· SlM '72 PINTO Squire st&. Wirt. 4
w/magg, $100. or bt>st ofltr J S/H IU'c>S, ~ir shock,,:, r~r.. 1.1 rl col n ·1'.lf·rcury, ~~ fHZ-8015 radk>. t9-t9GNJ 1 JOOni;on & Then next ume you order s1;m. 5,;7-8171. Prtvate Prttty. IHSX9l3J. •i>d. alr, xlnt cond. $2595.
Call after 4, ·~708$.
C:i 1l"C'I for since new. $1000. llarbvr Bl\·d., Cus1a J\lesa, Dorf! ~\le up the &hip~ Son Lint.'llln-Mercury, 2626 you'll know exaclly ~ lfllve something )'OU W8nl to Call ~7899 5.S-21£.
Classified Adi Ca.11 642-5678 ~ID-106l or &16-9797.
~it>-!'630. "Li~t" il in cla""i.f1ed, Ship lh1rbor Bl\·d., Cosla J\lf'S8., much ma1f'rial )'OU'll nrm. llf-11? ClaMll\ed adi do it Ford fNO Pl'NTO Squft 'Vaaon. "73.
today! I CLASS !'l::U..S _ 642--5618 CLASS SE:Lt.." 042·5678 to Shore Resulls! 642-5678. 5-to..56.10. \\'ant a low~pri~ car! y.·ell ·call NO}V 642--587&. . 0\11'. auto, kt milcqt, $2850.
Aulot, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Autas, New 9800 I Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9!100 Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 ·m. 1
'1 FALCON 2 dr. i0.;;-1,,m-c::._3:;:1::."'==~~---o---,-f nu, o"1:'. ~·ncr, V~. a uto, m PINTO Runabout. 4 spd.
pi s, good tires. $995. flm1 . S.0<'ri11ce &!io1 0 ff er.
96S-a&. 49.r-0185 aller 1 & .... ·knd!I.
L\BtAC. '72 LTD Brougham
"'/all optional equip. $2350. Plymouth
Cali "'kdays; Dick Kaye,l--'--------
876-4911. '12 PL \')IOUTH DUSTER
TORINO Brou ha ,70 / Unusually 1'."l(>lln, only L'l,OOJ
f.: m • · P 5• mi!PS, pov.·er brakes, radio,
p/b, air. Good cond. S,12'75. h~alcr, \18, air cond. Po11o't'r Ony (TI4l ~.Eves/ ~t ee r. Jandnu top,
v.•knds ITI4) 493-7660. C956EXXl. Ex c e 11 en t
'68 F'CN'd GaJ&xie, Fl'it·Stcreo, economy and pertormanC<'.
air cond, $650. 963-7ll4 alter $2475. See aM drive today.
6 pm. Johnaon & Son. Unooln
'66 FAIRLANE Xl.500. V-8. 2 ~k>reury, 2626 1-la r b o r,
d r , B I u e , g 0 o d Costa ~tea. 540-5630.
lransportat\on $395. ~
CHEVY WAGONS Lincoln 9945
'69 LINCOL.'11 Coupe w/vinyl
top, fac llt'n!O tape, full
pwr, ne.ds some v.'Ork. :\1nt
running cond. lk-st oHer.
5'&8-2861 aft 5pm.
Chrysler I Plymouth
Open Daily & Sun. 'tU 10 P'.\1
2929 Harbor Bl\'d.,
Co!fla Mesa
. ALL SERVl~ED 546-1934
9947 '68 Ply. FIJI 4 dr. P/S. ---------1 P/B. Vin. top. 11.D. shocks.
'70 MAVERICK ~\~1j8'1. 06g. Chm $193
LOS '67. F---85. Runs good.
$35(1. A u t o ma t I c transmission,
r adio. heater, p ow e
stttring. A real clean car. ,673-4861
(63A VW) Only Pontiac 9965 $1477 , ____ _
1966 1-la.rbor. c.~r. &.i&-9393
Mercury 99SO
4Door BroUgham. Lo "' mileage Dea l e r
·Df'n1onslrat.or car.
Equipped v.ith the finest in
luxury features including
factory air oooditioning and
most poY.'f'r assists, Sl:iclO
off "'i ndow sticker pri{'{'.
(500705) J OHNSON & SON
Lincoln J\lercury, 2 6 2 6
Harbor Blvd., Costa ?.1e~.
These Cars Are
All Fully Luxury
Clean as a pin. Econon1ical
safe Rnd stylish. Equipped
y.•ith Automatic trans., air
cond., JlOY.'t'r stf'er i n g ,
poy.·f.'r brakes, radio, hf'nter.
4 ne"' ,\·hitt'Y.'all fil'('s,
landRU top 163EAF $1975.
John son & Son,
radio, heater,
power steering, power brakes, Air Conditioning,
vinyl Landau roof. ( 699) Lease the "CONNELLEASE"
LOADED: Automatic transmission, $ 83
36 Mo. O.E.l-0.A.C.
Lin c o I n-1\Tercury, 26ai
llarbor Blvd .. Costa ?>lcsa
2Door. Lo\v mileage Df'aler
Demonstrator car. Loaded
v.itb the finest in luxury
equipment including factory
air rondtlioning. S 4 105
(52~} JOl-INSON & SON
Lincoln t.lercury, 2 6 2 6
Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa.
lot Is full of them. Shop where ·the
nice cars ...,. and be treated like a
4,561 miles, 4 speed, AM/FM radio. '74 tabs. Save
money tie re. (268KEKJ . ·
14.941 miles. Factory fresh earw1th air. vinyl roof.
P.S .• P.B .. auto., till wheel, radio. (256VDKl
19,243 miles. Vinyi roof. air, P.S., P.B .. auto., va
&howroom frosh. ( 766KHZJ
VS. automatic. vinyl root, new rubber, air oond.,
super nice. (121GIU)
Vinyl rool. VS reg. gas. aulo. P.S., P.B •• air cond.,
super.1or car. 32,000 mdes. (565FFBJ
6 and 9 Passenger
Air conditioning. VB, automatic. 37.000
miles. power steering & br akes. luggage
rack . l657EMFI
Air conditioning, VS. automatic. power
steering, power brakes. roof rack.
'72 IMPALA 4 Dr. Hardtop
low miles. vinyl root. aircond., P.S., P.8., reg. gas
VS, nice car. (5S2ESAI
Automatic, P.S., P.B., radio, heater, low rnites.
19671 7N) -r
$4599 1974 MONTEGO
'74 Gr•ndvill•
Station Wagon
Full)' Loaded (016218)
!---------------+---------------.. L-0,\. mileage De a If' r
'74 Gr•ndvlllo
4 Door Hardtop
Fully Loaded
{101903) '71 CAMARO COUPE '70 EL CAMINO :?!"~~r:;·rux<,:;;; .~:.:i~
VS. avtoma!1c, PS . P.B., air cond., nice car. Low, VB, radio, automahc, air rood., power steering, includin,1:: factory n i r $4786 low price. ( 73 1 CJUJ nice. (21550GJ ronrlltioning and \oinyl roof.
V1nv1 root . .iuto, VS, P.S, P.6 . air corn:!. Nice car.
H.D. eauip., oower steering. automatic. VB, like
$3995 (509367~ J OfINSON I.:
SON U ncoln ~1ercury, 2626
lfarbor Blvd., Costa J\lesa,
'iO \\'AGOf\I::l::R. Xlnt roncl.
2 M!t~ tire!!. air, pri\·ate
prty, 67J...i.17i5.
2480 Harbor Blvd.
FROi\f F'ORD i\IOTOR CO. $3199 $3099 E>eolleot &l'<t;ooor
'73 l\1T\RQUTS BROUGHAl\I !---------------+---------------.. All havf' low mill's and art'
'72 FORD LTD BROUGHAM '71 FORD % TON PICKUP ::::...~i:;r. F~,".~11:~ '67 Pontiac:
4 Dr. HT. Low miles. e1ec. wu'ldows. P.S., ~.B., 36.000 miles. Air, va. P.S .. automatic. AM/FM 111k291'5."',wNo .. Pri5138·""1,, ',','i"m~ VENTURA auto .. vs. a•r cond., vinyl roof. Low, k>w pnce. rad. I (59936U) -·· (7\0FFXJ IO, n ce. & Son. Lincoln-Mercury. Au Io ma t I c tran!!mlsslon.
'72 MUSTANG Sport-Roof
Cpe. 23.000 miles.. Vinyl roof, air, P S .. auto .. VS.
gorgeous car. New rubber. { 100FF'rl
'72 DATSUN 240 Z
Coupe, 1 1.000 miles. 4 speed lransmiss.an, radio,
oower steering, nu:c.
$279 9 262'> llarbor Blvd., Costa poy.·f'r steering, p owe r
1'tesa, SID-5630. hrflkrs, & In exceptional
1974 COLONY PARK condition !UEY!i75)
,72 CH' EVY Jl/. TON PICKUP Station Wagon. Low mileage. $695
r 4 "'"'" o.mom1ra10' ""'· HARBOR VIEW Equ;pp..t •ith the fi"'~ VB, air. radio, automahc. P.S.. P.B .. IOw, k>w pric;;e.. · 1 I 11 SUBARU ( 10960L} equipment or am y comfort including factory .,
Real sharp. 9.000 miles. A1rcol'ld., P.S., autoinatic. va, radio. (07006RJ
air conditioning. $1500. 0 .100 1-larbor BJ .. 'd. _
v.•inrlo1v sticker p r I c C~ &\.5--0660
f~i04083\ JOHNSON &: SON 1969 POt-.'Tl.t\C Le Man it.
Lincoln ~lt>rcury, 2 6 2 Orio;:. O\,'TM!l', Radio. NC.
Harbor Blvd., Cosla 1'l'esa Au10. Gd. lire!!. S 7 5 6 .
S4G-563(l. 644-2160.
'60 l\lt!f'ClltY l\fonterl'y, runs 70 1~ t"1rebird, p/b. p/:s, ~. fl(>W brakes. $150 or auto. tape de<>k. ~ide tires.
offer. 299-1 Babb, Of. xtr:t clean a.&-%:.91
5&7--0797 • M "n Thunderbird u1tang
.. ---------------------------------------------·--------------.. '70 T·BIRD, all r 'T'. xtras, •I '69 ?.IUSTANG Fastback, ful1 dr. top oond .. S12m. Day
pcw.1"r, dL!c brakes. a/c, 541-52Zl. night 552--T;iSS
~le~. $1400, 64~1395 att Vega 9974
OkJ1mol:tlle '955 7'2 1-latchback. auto, radio.
Sale• a.~ tape deck. 21.<m mi. Near
OLDSMOBILE ~~7_Jk8S5./beol 0 ""·
GMC TRUCKS VEG A llatchboclt. <
HONDA CARS opt1. Must .. 11. SITIS. Call UNIVERSITY OLD .. .,. s. 493-1385.
2850 Harbor Bhd. ·74 01EVY Vega H&Lchback
Coiita MN& 540-1tandU'd. fle\"tt been drtven
'70 OLDS. 2 dr, '88', Xlnt J2500.-~•!>1-S31 __ &_~--I
mecb. oond., 1 Ov.-ner, 'i2 Cou{M!, 3U~o. be It e r
below Blue Book. 67l-8S58 condiUon than any other
PJnto "5 wtll accept 1mdl!. St+645T. -
"12 VEGA StalionWl\gon
'72 ?INTO Runabout. clffn GT optlon, 4 speEd I-·.ah'
aood tit"tS. ~ mlle.. (T76FWN) Stldc. 4»-4168 (Dlrl SAVE &-J3..5700 2
·n PINTO Soultt StatiOn '13 'VEGA \\'ON. 4 tpd,
WaROn, rack. alr, 4 1pd. xlnt t.o.milea. X1nt l'Cmd.
"""' !2300 . 114&-21"1 581·1368
' I
' '
' '
'72 CHEV
~utomatic trans., Power steering, air conditioning,
vinyl top & many other dlx. extras. (264DUZJ
Fully factory equipped including automatic
transmission, deluxe interior, etc. (387BYXJ
1969 DODGE DART Automatic trans., power
steering, air conditioning,
dlx, interior, many
other extras. (230DOLJ
Radio, heater, 4 speed trans. (752FXW)
$1 824.28 '5 Ille total cash pnce incl ud ing lax & license. Deferred payment prioa is $2183
including car~1ng charges lor 36 monlhs on approved credit. APR 12 16°k.
-----------------... _,
S11ndU. Aptll 28. 1474 M ll't' PILOT
'72 FORD
Automattc transmission, power steering. vinyl top. air
conditioning, many other extras. (550EIW}
'71 COLT
s1 -088
Economy wonder with 4 speed transmission & many
other factory extras. (858CVY)
Automatic trans., pcwer
steering, air conditioning,
vinyl top. many other
extras, (YNM161)
D J.i_
4 spd, trans .. deluxe
interior & exterior.
Racing stripe, many
ather extras. (465CPRJ
1970. DODGE Monaco Wgn.
}'I--• ,. luggase rack, many . :.~~~~t.r~i~:~d~f~. s 98 8
(LOW ON CASH.OK . . other 4!xtras (178FVM)
-1911117-1 -FO_R_D_M_A-VE_R_IC_K ____ ... f $50 DOWN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1"!1"'!"!97~0"'!F~Ol!!"!!!!D~G!'l'!A~LAl!"!X~IE~5~0'!-0 ------
&~:r~~~~~~~;;;;;~YI s 1088 . ILITILE OR NO t~E'orr ••. NEW ON ~~~~~~~:~r~~~: s 1088 , JOB ~ · • extras. (967CYE) \. • . , f ,,
--------....------. '_.;Phc)lle '_Now for mEE; C.REDl_r .. _CHEac ..-----~-----1972 FORD 4 DOOR s · . ·~ 1 1972 CHEV IMPALA s
Automatic _trans., pcwer , 5 8 8 , ', ' . ; t ' 4 dr. hardtop. V-8. ' 7 8 8
steering, air cond.. 51. •. ..tlo .• , •. · • automatic trans.. air vinyl top, many other cond .. power steering,
extras. (017EEMJ many extras. (354EOE)
1972 CHEV 4 DOOR s I S88. V-8 en gine. automatic
t~ansmi ssio~. owr. str .•
air cond .. v1nyl top.
many extras. (344EQNJ
"' z
" ~
UJ UJ >-> > " " " !: 0 z w z I-w ·
" "' "' "' :J ....
l) I-I-"' 0
ST. .. !: w z
D J8 OAICY PILOT Sund.11, Aprll 28, l974
COMPACT ,& ECONOMY CAR SUPERMARKET! • . , Orange County's lurgest Seledlon of Import & Economy Cars To Choose From!
--'71 VEGA ~ ".' j,,.,, h. 't~•
(t,~/Let j
s100 $,J.88 $_37
•&l& '' f >)tal c•i.r-~,...., '""' '·" g ,, • o~,.,,.., PolY""'"' ""''• 1""'6 '"'' t•• ' l<c ur, •'' r ~·r;•"'l c"•rqll • v ~· "'"""" 0 .A C ,l~' '11 .:,1",, '" ... ,.. t>;!IOrf! t ,1 ~t>'...,."I.
'69 v.w .
~"" I 1. I'·'
I~ 11 f~!;tl C.>~ pneo""' '-' I lo( Oo>~ .... ~d ll'IY""'"' P"CM l ! Ille on<I '"' .O I "'\iJ •'' GMfY"'O C....Vl!f; b '' """''"" • o 14 c. Ar>< 11 ei, .. A~<:!-!)ollO<o 1 .. N'""' ,.,
'68 MG GT
$100 .
Crlur~ A~1,.,....,,;,,
1vJo, l"'J'"' !~":.l~l
,1'\i6_:>8 Te>11I e»r> ..... ""'· 1,i. t. v 0.019<fld !>&\"'!'I'll -I 1'64 ""°' la• I I -~ '") ""1""'{11'< ,., :Mi lllO'll ....
o.• c.""' 1~.e:. ~ ·~ -1;1110rt t ~ """'""'·
'72 RENAULT "~omcr:•, m-,.
R-12 1..-ii.-f:><',400)
s100 '' $51
' . .
SPECIALS! 1--"-~--'-'".;.;;="--'..-..;...__ __________ l
* 48 Month Financing Available
On UsHI I 973's Any Malle of Moct.I on Approved Cndit
For Your Convenience-Lowest Payment& o• Hear
Mew Automobiles!
* Free S·Minute Credit Check
* Excellent Trade Allowances
OorrtHtic-Compact~llJl'-"Paid For or Not.
* Mo Minimum of Maximum Down Payments
Expert Credit Counfflors to Help You Fit n..
Car of Yow Choic• Into Your ludfJet.
* Gold Seal Guarantee
To Take The Risk Out 'of BaiyirNJ a u,ed Car.
4 speed transmission. AM/FM radio. (807JFA J
197 t ,~d~,2,;~-~~~~.~~!~.~agon
Luggage rack. {469KBJJ
1971 V.W. BUG
Air cond1t1oning, mag wl'leels. (33 1CPGJ
Automatic transmi ssion. (9958XBJ
' I
\ ..:, : l 1"?".iillll!r ~-
s100 •
' .. • \ Ui-cro Coo.Le. A i'omoiC. •
•'.l'iio, t>~ort-•. "' curd. •
J(l.H ~8 lo1'1 a·~ l>1C'I""' "' .. lie. Oeler ..... tlll'f!llenl lltOC4 111111 """·I~ I lit. -.. ~ ~"",.. ll'IO"ll'&
o ... c.. Afw. 1163"4 •~ """" oe1or11 1o1 wvmet11.
-~ -·
2 0-. cpe. 6 ~vL p .... •oclo.
... '-tlcClt:•. l4060il)
· s52 ·
•rJU :ti i n1..i c;:a., ""''·' .... 1u ' 1>c. l:..'9119'1 ~.-116&1 i!ld.'._ • iic. lfldtill~c~·· k>-l'i<w.1'11,,.,
014 C.14f'f , .. ri ..... l"'"'" llill)9~.
------!9!390 TO!!~~~;~N $ 8 5 OO Per Month
$2871.40 total cash ~rice inc_ludin~ tax~ license.
Deferred payment ·prK:e $3343.40 1nclud1ng tax &
license and all tarrying charges for 36 months ·
O.A.C. APR . 11.22 45 aa s '6efore 1st a ment •
... •i..o-
= Friendly AM(/JPep
-1969 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa
645 7770
Word S LPP, Inc
I 234 S Mc1111 SI Sonrci An(l
5'1 7 5826
.::: Roy Carver Jnr
-234 E l 7rh St Cosrn MPc;o
546 4444
Crev1Pr Motors
208 W lsr Sr
835-31 7 l
Sonra Ano
>-:=_ Saddlebock Vcilley Imports
--28402 Marguerite Parkway
Mission V1P10 495-4949
-=-Nabers Codilla.:
2600 Harbor Blvd C O!'.la Mesa
540 9100
Connell Chevrolet
2828 Harbor Blvd Cosro Mnc,o
546 1200
. Dor Datsun
18835 Beach Brve1
Huntington Beach 842 7781
-Dunton Ford
2240 So Mo1n ·5, SJnlo An i
546 7070
fhP odorP Robins Ford
2060 Horhor Bl•.cl Co-,ro M"~<i
642-00 I 0
University OldsmobdP
2850 Harbor Blvd Cosro Mf>so
540 9640
Gusrolson L 1nroln MPrcvry
16800 Beach Blvd
Hunr1nglon Beoc h
Santo Ano Lrncoln M""rcury
130 I N o T ust111 Scinto Ano
547 051 I
Connell Ch"11r JIPI
2828 Horhr.)f Bl11d Cosio Meso
546 1200
Un1vPrsity Oldsmohrle
2850 Harbor Blvd C osto MP50
DovP Ross Pont1oc
2480 Harbor Blvd Costn Meso
546 8017
Ch1d l.i>rson Por-;chP Audi
445 E Coast Hwy
Ni>wporr BPacf' 673-0900
Roy Car .. Pr Inc
234 E I 7th St
(05to MPso 546 4444
Deon Lew1 5 Imports
1966 Harbor BlvJ Cosio MPsa
Cl I(• lv~r5Qn VOi ">""09Pfl
445 E C~osr H ...... ,
Ne"' pcrr BPoc h
Dr>on L-=\I\ ,., Import<;
l 966 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa
\ ,,
8:30 tJ Marshall £Iron's Sunday School
O GO! 0 Campus Profile
8 let There Be light O Meeting Tlme at Calvary
0 Herald of Truth
10 Day of Discovery
26 Christopher Close-Up
( .l9 -8 ) Clncer Sunday
Continuous to 7 30PM ED Esta Es la Vida
THl 11/\IL\' Pll<.11 TV •'.£1 • 1\1'1!11 'I". t'•'.t
FOR GOVERNOR•**• p p,1d Pol1tiul Announcement
6 ~The R1lleman
Q,) ll 6_ K1thryn Kuhlman
1.I ~ It Is Written
10:30 § Face the Nation
· ~ Meet the Press
17 3 • Cl) The Osmonds
0 17 _3 rn American s p 0 rt S·
man Bass f1sh1ng tn Florida w1tti
Grtts Gresham and Lamar Under
.. cicd and duc.k hunting in Wash
ington wtlh Tony Kubek and Jerry
Koosman plus a V111nctte on bears
ffi News
6:15 ID Christophers/Bible Answers
6:45 .._8 Christopher Close-Up
7:00 iJ Bailey's Comets 0 The Christophers
~8 Rex Humbard
9:00 tJ Camera Three D Serendipity f.) D1y of Discovery
r 6 Rul Estate Open House 0 Project Asia
8 TV 8 Looks at lurn1ng
Q This Is Your Bible
10 Greatest Sports l egends
~ Tony & Su$an Alamo
23 6-... Insight
'26 Mideast Analym €IJ Pantalla Dom1n1cal
€t) Public Service
I ·OO O Church With A VlSion
6 Celebrity Bowling Q Parent/Youth forum
10 America & Americans IP Unit Two
0 8 .ll '6"' Or1I Roberts
10 It Is Written
lE) Day of Miracles 11:00 0 Newsmaker s D Movie: (C) ''The little Shepherd
of Kingdom Come" (<ltal '6l-J1m
m1e RodRPr\. Ch II Wills :l3 6 This Is the Life
j6 Warren Roberts
7:15 j7 ~ Sacred Heart
7:30 §Amazing Chan · This Is the Life
Chaplain of Bourbon Street
_6. Movie: "A1gel on the Amazon"!
(dra) '48-Vera Ralston I 0 Billy I. Hargis
10 Vision On GI Elementary News
17 3 Revival fires
26 Pattern for Liv ing
( 29 8 } Day of Discovery
9:30 O Today's Religion
3 I Accion de la Comunidad
O Cha llenge My Sermon 0 Oral Roberts O Domingo
8 Your Doctor Answers
O Amazing Prophecies
10 Meet the Press
0 23 6 10 rn NHL H o ck e 1
Stanley Cup Play Offs
6 Movie: "That Way With Women"
(dr.i) 47 -Dane Clark Mutha
Vickers 0 17 3 Cl) H.R Pufnstul
8 This Week 1n the NBA 0 faith for Today ID Movie: "It's A Big Country"
(dra) 'i2 -G3ry Cooper lanet
LP1F,h Van Jnhnsr.n Gen" Ke11v ffi Church in the Home
ID Dakta ri ® Here Come the Brides
26 Revival fires
( 29 8 ) Cancer Sunday Telethon
1:15 0 17 3 (£)Howard Cose l I's
Sports Magazine
1:30 0 23 ..-6 10 En Wo r1 d Cham·
p1onsh1p Tennis Live coverage of
lt\e matches from <:;1 Louis or Oen
·12 (3. Inspirational Hour
23 '61 Rex Humbard
ffi 17 3 Old Tlme Gospel Hour
23 6 First Baptist Church
26 first Baptist Church I ( 29 8 ) Cancer Sunday Telethon 6 Roller Games 0 17 '3 ffi T o u r n a m e nt of
Champions Coif l 1ve coverage of
the final round of play from the La
Costa C-Ounlry Club
( 29 8 ) Town Hall Meeting
8:00 tJ Dusty's Tr eehouse 0 The Jetsons
26 Governor & the Students
( l9 8 ) Amazing Chan 1
11:30 tJ 8 NBA Basketball 0 r1 1l Cl) Make A Wish
8 Rex Humbard
It Is Written
• 8 lamp Unto My fed
(J Davey & Goliath
ED Musica y Palabras
10:00 e Sunflower Celebration I O American Cancer Society Film
"He Wanted to Live"
O Movie: ''The Luther Saint"
(dra) '56-John Derek
~6 Billy J. Hargis
2:00 f) CBS Sports Spectatular The Pan
American Boxing Championshi ps.
and Champions on Ice
10 26 Old Time Gospel Hour ID Wonderama ffi Revival Files
( 29 8-) Gospel Singing Jubilee
O Angel Warm·Up/Baseball Angels
vs Cleveland Indians
6-Home Buyers' Gulde 0 ~3 Kid Power
8 face the Nation
lZ:OO 0 17' 3 ffi Directions m Yo'ur Government Today
'26 Sunday Celebration
O Movie: (C) "A Fine Madness"
(com) '6&-~ean Connery
8 Air Power
f Conl1nued)
.. j
COVIii ~l1®0~ 0 ODCP
The lon~-awaited rnnvie uf 'QB VII ," tl lll ng nn unprt:u:der11 cd
si:x houro; ;ind fifteen 111in11tes sprc;id over ''~o n1ghl\, come\ tu the
'>crccn after almo!>t two \cur5 production work on A BC, \1onday.
19·00-1 2 .00P~l l .rnd l 11c,,IU\ tX:J().J J • ..J~PM ) Ba,cd on the he<,t·
'cllin!! 111'\d h\ I con L'rt,, :.QB VII" ,q , lllrnt:d 1n four countnc'
.md 11:.durc~ ;1n intcrn.1111rnal c,,,, nl 't.1r' 1nd11d1nl! lk n <~.111ara.
Anthony Hop\..1m. I c'llc C:tron. I cc Rl·m1cl... Juitct \1ill,, Dan
O 'Hcrl1hy. Rohl·n CO!t1:phcm. Anthon~ ()11ayk, \11k\ ()'<)hca. ~ir Jo hn
(i1l'l!.!lld. D<1n1~· f di1h F\•:tn,. anJ J.1ck H a\\ kin'
Juel~ Carne. Kr" r .1h(lri, )O\t:ph \\, l'Cm..in. 1\nthnm Andrc-W\.
"i11.111c H ;"w, \am J;1ftc ;ind ·\Ian '..ir1cr a1c '"'" foat11rcd gut:\l
'1.1r' 111 lhc 'pr.1'>\ ling t.1lt: 11f a gnmh 1c1 nf\ in~ cr.i 1n "''rid hl'IPr\
I mmv·\\Jnncr I Pin (trtC' d1rc<.:1cd rht: dr.1111.1 of l\\11 rncn fn•ni
d11f,-r.·111 \' 11rld-. dr .1 '"' n inc,\.'.J p.1hh ir1t<' .1 l.1l.C ll' !Jee .,,our t room
d.l'h to dig l'lil 1lit: ht1111 .1 n-01 inhurn.111 11 111h' ot !'\.i11 pn,on
,,1111p' during \\\1rlJ \\ .1r II
[hl• <.tor). 111 '-Hllpk,1 1L·rm-.. l'lln,·cnl\ :111 •\111cr1l..in \\fil\'T I \h.,,
(,1dv. plaH•tl h) Ucn (i,111.1r.1l "hn't: ro'l ""r nn'cl .1hnut the rri;i-.
'au,· 111 the le"' n.1mc' 111 1\d.1111 "cl1w f 1\111lw11\ H11pk1n'1 ·" .1
1\ .tr <..rrnim.d guilt\ 111 groll''4lll' t:\p(·nmcnt.. (ln h1' kll•''' pn,on~r \
m .1\.\,1rt1n11.:1.:n1Kl'rtlr".1t1on c.1mp. Dr h:.dno ''H'' lor l1ticl tn .t ca'c
,,.n ,11111l.1r to .rn ,1, 111.d \),u1rrl·m,· 111 "' \ 1.:lt't l 'r i..· lik .drcr the
p11hl1.-.11111n 111 ·I X1nl1i' .inti 1h, t11,• nl•'ll llln.'t ,If lo1'I 111 ,1 l.<'Llrl
r, ... m l.t1,,.t,d ()11u11' l-l.11 .. h \II rlwn 11i, :111l 1 111 J .111th111 nnJ\
n1w o1 l 1lit: l\\\• .... 111Ii:1\1 the l.t11111 ,111h l1111111r rnt.1.t
·1 hi' '°<>' l'I "(.)H \II"\\ .1, puhl1,lwd 111 1 •>1 1•1 ,d l\'r ,,.,er.ti 't:.lr' <•t
,11111.,·111r,i1cd \\(1r \.. .ind rl''c;1rd1 h1 l r1' f11C1d 11,cr D11upla' \
\1.111H'r <..'amt: tnl11 thl· pictmc "hl•n ht• a,\..cd !ti hl· pu t in d1:1rct: 11f
1lw pr111ct:t1:d S-il·c·n Cic111' 111111 \\1th t fir,t 1.11,· r1•t:nrd IN l1•lc
11,1,in \111.«.:c' hl·h111J h1 111 \r.1111cr "1 1:1\•"ll th1: ,1,"gnnwnt .1nJ
hrn11!.!hr in l\\ll t1m1..· .ll.i.kn" ·'"·''d \1 11111l·r I d.,..:11il 1\nh .tlt tn
..i,l.1p1 the hulk ' rwH·I 111111 ;1 nH" 11.. I h1· h11!lt,.,, h11d).!1•1 in il'IC' ''""'
hiqon ,, n:rorkd "~ 111u1.0011 l11th1\\l·d \\ht:n ,i\BC rn.1J<..· a l'om
m1t111cnt t u S1..·re1..·n l 1c111' '" dC\lll•' ,1 x h•'t11 ... 11f teh·\ 1,11'11 llllll' 10 1h,·
film h•·lx'. and ( 1.1111l'I hrouti ht 111 I 1nm1-\\111ni.:1 l tHll Ci11e' 111
d1rl'CI .ind :t lllll"llP ,,f 'tar' for 1..·1,·n 111k
t ir\t 1ir111mJt. the \lar'" lkn < 1a11.1r.1, rhc intl·n,1..• •\111i.:rll.tl1 ,1d11r
11 h11 pl;!\' th1: "rrta "ho 1111.!, h1' prl'\l'IH h\ 1.·x.1min1m: hr' pa'l .111d
p11tt ing .ill thl' p:11nlltl I.id' ('fl p.1pi.:r C,,111.1r.1 ""' \\Ith till' rn<Wll'
from th1..· hci:1nn11H!. fllmu1 c 1hc "11::r·, l.11\ 1111..• 111 !loll\ 1\ood .ind
hi' J 110rl c l
0rnm hi\ 1\lf(.· 1 Julti.:t \t ill, 1 11t1• "'" w thc c.:rn1ccntr.1 twn
c.1111p' ( rcnc:.11(.•d in lklc111m .i111·r th.· 1'011,h go1l·rnmcnt n.:fu~cd
pl·rm1"10n IP film 1n th.ti C<•untn I < .1111 \ 11u1h · fl' l'racl I<' 11111,h
hi\ hnni.. 111 a k1hh11t1 1w.1r k111\.1km .111d thl' d1m.1dic ~011fro11
t.11 ion 111 r h,· I 11ntlt 1n l ( •1irt1 n0m
.\nthon~ llopkln .... ·'' the d·'1..l111 1\ho .ttll'll1Ph 111 <..lc.1mc h"
tn1uhlcd con,c1cncc h' dl'\11t1ni.: hi\ ltt,· tn \\(lr\..111~ \\lfh lkd11111n
r riht:'1mcn I filmed Ill 1h1: J11dc,tf1 n l'Wrl I I\ ht:\( ~111''-' 11 in th"
l11un tn a' K athar111<' ll1..ph11rn\ nldc''-1 '(\fl IH1c.:h.1rd) 111 ... , hl' I 11111
in \\inter" .ind thl• k.1d1nv wk (II 1'1r11c 111 the llll( ' \V.1r .ind
Pl'.il'l' ·· \\\•l,h h"rn. Hop~lf1' \\," 1111'1\• 'L' 111 I 11rd I .t111cr11.·c 0 11\ 11:1
.1nd ,i~tr't:d t11r 'cH·r.il 1.:.1r-111111 rh, 'Id\ 1, in I ondt•11 l hi<. ''hi-.
fir't l\rncr1'".1 n fllm
I \'C R <'111ick. the \mcnc,111 ,t,1r 11tt11 11\ 111).'. n I 11nd<111 ''1th ha
h111ih.1nd .. 1"uu,11,· d111.'l.f11r h:.1p ( 11 •1\ .111\, pl.I\' I ,uh ~l:ir !.!.Ht.'I . th('
1,.f\lllp.i"IO!l.lh! r nl.!11\h ,,,1111.111 '' h11 11nd,•r,1;1mJ, lhl p.1in 1n the
\\ rit.:r\ "l''" I .... ,111: ( .11011 '' \ 1w1.·la K drhl, lhc do, 1nr\ ton!!
"ilkrinc ,,,fc "hP q,ir11" \111h h11111\h1"1111n 11rw ,.1,,· wi ll
.lack fl :i,,kjn,, 111 hi\'·"' role hl'111rc h1' dl.',1111 . pl.1\\ the 111dgc \\h('
illtl" dL0\,.1d1..· \\ h,•1hc:1 or 1l11t ( ,111\ l11·d In hi' ,t\'' 11\:tllOO\ .• ind
\nthnn\ ()11.1\ Iv .ind Hnht:n \1 1·ph.-1h 11.: lht· 11 .. r fl\kr\ fi chlm!; the
1.1111111"11111 h.1tlk l11r ( 1d .1rnl K\'11"
\111,t of tlw l'U1>t. J.l..1 I ,·,111· < ,. '1 I ~11,h1 11 111 111111.'t \fill'
I h 1cl1,hl 11,l.'d 1hroui,:h 1l1t: , ,1pt: 111 h• 111, 111 th 11 lir1111cht 1lw t\\11
111l'n l•'l.!l'lh1:1 hut thl. .11,.111.il hnrn •r' id th.11 \\.It ,Ill n11t ••n lilrn 1n
{)H \II .. I he: hnrrnr' 11\c nn in tlh· tl'i.n11,trnltt•d 1.···11~l'ntr:t11tm
1.. • .1111r .ind Y.1d \',1,hl·rn 1hr n11·1111•11 .tl 1. 1" · 1, 111rr11111t1 .I· 1d th.it
\hl' ( .111\ 11'1" 111 ll'111•.1.1.·n1. ..ind 1 lbt , .1n11 1111. 1,,,1 11.' .it tin:
,t,lor' \nd hn pd11lll 111iht'111111g ,on·. ~n .... ·
Page 3
'AUCTION '7 4'
'1't T...., 11 llcl" ... i. 11 ICET'I .-II .......
ill Aldlll, Mlrt ..... • Qlrle Clll(llll 11111 I
11111 ti ,_. uh•lllel • ...._ 91fdndln, , ................................... ....
_.... 1ir1 hi, ....... •IM'et'\ "9nn'11 FrWIJ
......... ~(-11) ......... ......, ....................................... ......... ...... ........ ... ... ... • a..r
11 •cur •••·" ..; Clrll u.....'1 ttlf ,.._ ...
..., I ... tf ....... ,,.. " ......... ., fer Ma. I Eld!,..,. ............... ,.Mc ......... IC£T
.. ,., ............ Cl& ................ ,.,...
.-... _. a-.1 21 ... clll (2ll) IUWl ..
~ ........ ...., ...
Frtldl .-aer c•••mr.adlr CMrtes Alw ... sit11tr·lt·
tr.. Lia lliulli MIM tMir tllllts flf a .. •r •Mii l{lltdll,
"LM F,_ A tt Z." 11 lllC, T ..... y 1t lOPll. 'Olis will be
Aanew's Int st1rrill1 .,.cill for ._rical TY. Azal'"1' and
Mtsl ..... II will ... , I c.ctf't tf ,.,.i.r ........ cet1,.ecl
~ ............ Allerical .......... tltt ... fth11td
It l.IMll'I ..... T11atrt. Tiit IMP ilcWe Annow'I "Yts-
t1..U,, Wiiia I .. Y1111." 1114 the lldllrd ~111 Hart
fMrflt, .. ., r.., VallltiH." ADnllr latrtMl4 Illa lli•lli
tt Ean,I• """1t11 wllta • w11 11. Ht ii 1 ,niHfk co.,...r
wltt UI wtitttl •P ftr 1111J of &rope's 1114ia& perfonMrs,
itlcWll& tM lltt EM Pilf Hd ll11rice Cltenlltr. Illa lll111tHi
... tM lest Aetna AcMt91J •rd for Mr ,.nrapl of Salty
...... la tM _. ..,._ of "Clbartt." urty II lttr e1reer
sltt rlCtM4 .......,., f llJ Award ftr Mr pefftn111ttt II "Fttra,
tilt .... lltuce."
SUNDAY (Continued) m Outer U1111ts ~Movie: ''The fllllllotls Wor1d ti
Ju.•• V1me" (Jei·fl) '6J -lou Tock.
@ FaJUI lor TodlJ (9 CIJ) CaMer SUaday Taldloll
son, Jim Roaers. the film shows
Wiii Roaers and other f1mous folk
from the past pl1ylng polo, and fea·
tured are hi1hllahts of 1 retenllJ·
pla1ed polo match held at the Will
Roaers Parlt
THf OAll.Y Pit.OT, rv WEEK. APRIL 28. 19111
mance of Haydn's seldom·hurd MIMt: (2.llr) .,...,,.u Abftt"
"Opus 20" by the str1na qu•rttt. (tOm) '63-Ptter Sellers
First in a series of s11 concerts. El) W1ndtrln& Slmural (tit ) Ca11ctr 5'1nday Telethon 11\• OM Way Lut half·hour ti411terplea Thtltn
Tutre del o .. 1lftao 111ttm1tioMI V•rittJ Z:)O (j) Movil: HUUS. CMur" (dr1) '31
-Edwerd G. Robin.son.
(j) Aditn Thutrl
Oj fir•• of EY111pll•
~e,::o ... ~ (]) Mowil: "CfJ .. llUS."
(dra) '63-Van Heflin.
I Emlar 74 Nodlt dt Sll1
Arthur of UM lrltot11 9:30 IJ (Cij ) larnaby • • 11 • •
7:30 "Catc:ll Me If You Can" (R) A killtr
1J "APPLE'S WAY " sends dues to his identity to Bar·
3:00 O Movil: (C) "fu1111 fKt" (rom)
'57-Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire m Movll: "Tupoat A.llnll" (com)
'33-Muie Dressler. Wallace Beery.
AIMrkMI West
Hour of DttMrlnet
: Wall Strfft Wttk
( > Ca11etr S!Nld•r Ttle1hon
Roller S1mtt
Pent.eostal Temp .. I A.i.rt.l/S~np fro• Stf9111J
JilHIJ S.aeprt SJlotf
la..Unnlal Lldvre Seriu "Rt
liaion in 1 Revolutionary Society" 5:30 YtstlrdlJ It Taha All Kinch
3:30 I CIS E,. on Sports · WMt It Is "Black Scientific
Achievements" Part II Brock Peters
nanates the work of Georae Wash·
lngton Carver, with dramatizations
~Jeff Burton. U @ (]) a> Worlcl lnvtution1I
Tennis The mixed doubles semi·
finals with Rod Laver and Yvonne
Goola aona vs John Newcombe and
Margaret Court.
TIM Ylrrinlan
Cl) film f11turt
Relifious TOWl'I Hill
( ) Cancer Sund•J Telethon
. 1n1ia1lt
• Christop!Mr Close·Up
4:00 Mldlx "This Is an Emer1ency"
(R) O lnsipt "Bourbon in Suburbia"
Anne Francis stars as a Sllburban
housewife who comes face to face
with her alcoholism and its effec1 on
the lives or her husband and chll·
dren. 9 Movie: "Ellchantmenr (dra) '49
-David Niven. Teresa Wrlahl
Cl) Movie; "ladmt11 of Mluourt"
(wes) '41-0ennis Mor1an.
Korun Var1tty ttour
(6) forum
: Consultation
· Toros
• This 11 the Lile
• • Panorama utlno
Ca111pu1 Prolllt
4:30 DEIUT ust ef the Moh lcans
· 5'1ndaJ
A recreation of James Fenimore
Coope($ 1826 CIUStC about Amiri·
can rrontier life durinl the French &
Indian Wa r In upstate New York
mm m luu.s ' Al\Ntfl
Star Trek
Movie: (C) "Susan ' Cod"
(com) '40-Joan Crawford, frednc
Marth, Ruth Hussey, Rita Hayworth.
(]) The Glory Rold
@ Mfft tti. ,.ms
lob Wells Se111lr11t
: Blad Ex~r1tflce
• 5'1nday Matlntt
Coron1 Now
5:00 Wor1d of Survival "Citizens of
the Coral" John Forsythe narrates
this underwater fil m of the sea Ille
1n and around a ship scuttled on a
coral reef.
Ci) Ullf In die Schoel
News 511Kl1I "Kemp Converte('
6 The Avenaen
@)Movie: (C) "Trial Run" (dra) '68
-Leslie Nielsen. James Fr1nclscus. 9 Movit: (21u) "Battle of tti.
Worlds" (sc•·fi) '6l~laude Rains. P> Drama ell Cl) Gamer Ted Armstrona
I Ri(ht On
Wuhinaton Wttk In Rme•
lnsipt eE Roller G111•es
5:59 ED Supermartlet Top Ten
6:00 I (j) Sixty Mlnu1as The Virplan
m Reaaontr Report
· MO¥ie: (C) (90) '"Soa of Sod·
zilla" (hor) '69-Tadao T1kashinia.
Niatit Sillery
Children's Cartoons
Cl) Dialoaue
Casey Santos Show
: Storefroot
( (())Cancer 54.lndaJ Ttltthon
· • Cine dtl Oo11iftp
6:30 · Anim1I Wortd "Tropieal Flsh"
Bill Burrud hosts a look at one of
the most popular pets In the Amerl·
can home.
I World of Survival
fD @ NtWI Movie: (C) (2hr) "NorUI Coun·
try" (adv) '52 -Stewart Granaer,
i Charisse. Wendell Corey.
Su11 .. t
1 IEICtlL I HouM of Love Dant·
er-ch0<eographer Arthur Hall teaches
underprivileged black YoU nptera In
their own community-oot only how
to dance, but bow to disc.oYer them·
selves their heritaae. new fre.dom
of expression, personal responsibl1i·
I nd brotherly love.
fanl1ni1 falcon
A Betttr Wor1d
To le Announced
stars Marlin Perkins 0 Wiid llnpom "Call ol the Prib·
llofs" Marlin Perkins examines the
miaratlOn of the fur seal. 00 Movie: (2hr) "Tht Cr11t Sin·
ner" (dra) '4~eaory Peck,
At Issue
• NEW HIT n1by Jones, then leaves a trail of * SEASON S victims while the prtvllt dttectivt FROM THE PRODUCERS attempts to unravel the ,ryptic mes·
I) <S ) CJ) Applt't WIJ "The 0 Gamer Ted Atm.ttlf!'J
Pen P1I" When P1tnc11's pen pal, G 'THE KING IS COMING'
Elena, a lhear·old a1rt who h~u * "GOD'S MATCHLESS
in Gree<:e, writes th•t she 1s cr1p· OCEANS "
pied, Geotie Apple se~ out to ar· OR. HOWARD C. ESTEP ranae couect1ve sur1ery lor her Tracey Tannen, Jacques Aubuchon 0 Tht Kina Is Co11ln1
and Karl Swensen auest. m Ttll It to the luclg1 On Taraet
0 @ l1j m World ol Dis· reporters Barbar1 Simpson and L-ar
neJ ''Run, Appaloosa, Run" (R) A ry Attebery look 1n10 the naMs of
contemporary western adventure the average citizen under the law
about the proud herltaae of an ~· The Bia Question
paloosa horse and an Indian who 10!00 The I.sue Is
finds accept1nce 1n her community DaJ of Dls.coverr
when she trains It Adele Pal&cios Dr. Norman YincHt Ptalt
stars. San Dil&o P1r1or11t11
0 @ m (!D Tht Fil ''Surv1v~I" Ei) News
Aaent Chns Daniels is settously in· (I) E1119lbertHum~tdlnckShow
jured when he ind lnspec1~r Er· 700 Club
skine capture an esuped p11soner ; flrifl£ UM
1n remole Arizon1 mounlaiin coun· · To le Allnouoctd
lry, and Erslune faces the tut of • • Praise the lord Club
aett•na Ch ris to a doctor on loot Lou '°'d°" Show
while keep1na the convict under 10:15 Pro Wo111en Golfers
auard 10:30 Tht Prottcton O Million $ Movie: (C) {2hr) "Tiie Reuontr Report
Mountlln" (dra) '56 -Spenc er • The Tim• 81111
Tracy. Robert W11ner The Kina Is Comlna
I ThrH ,.,uports to Adventure Tht Evil Toudl (R)
Luale Potic• Suraeon
Loa An111ts CoUKtlw G unday Night Showcase
lnt.matlorl•I Vart.tJ Hour * "Wonderful Country••
1:00 O Amtrlcan Horw l Hone11an D Movie: (C) (2hr) "Wol!Mrful
0) Ellubtttl R "The Marriage COunt.ry" (Wes) '59-Robert Mitch·
Game" The newly·crowned Elizabeth um, Julie London
is ur1ed by her coun,n to marry. IMiu lon: lmpoulble
but the suitor she prefers ls already Ntwt
married (I) T.H.E. Cat
I Nippon No UU ( , (!)) Cancer S11nd1J Wrep·UP/
lttl Humbard News
hrfor1111net: Ian "She1l1h • • Deaf World
Ross" Nutivlllt Music
@E Cllesplrlto 10:45 Thia II Ja_l'n
tiI:) Anntnl1n TV Hour 11:00 Ci) 0 U @)Newt
1:30 I) <a ) Cil Mannix (R) Victor P1cesetten
Buono auests as 1 blind criminal • Seylftour Presents
•ho raeu Mannix to find a cache Kathryn Kuhlma11
of stolen diamonds (]) A Oiscuulofl WIUI ••.
0 @ oo l10l m "ac Su n d a , < , Cl)> .....,
MysttfJ-MCMlllan l Wife "The • • fait!I for Tod1y
Devil You Say" (R) Sally's life is G) It Is Wrltttr1
threatened while Mic investlaates 11:15 (Qf ) So1nilh Movie
lhe murder of a man who warned 11:30 I N1nM of Ult ~m•
her of dan1er before his death • @) Sund11 ToalzM Show 0 @ Cl) (!D AIC SundaJ Movie: Movie: (C) "OUf Ma• ht Ja11tai.
(C) (2Ju) "Murpll;'s War" (dra) '71 ca'' (adv) '65-lany Pennell. Brad
Peter O'Toole, Sian Phillips, Philli pe Hams
Noirtt Horst J1nson, John Hallam (i) Telepulse
The l~ne surtlvor of a German sub· m Movie: (C) "That forqtM Wo•·
mattne 1ttack aoes on a one·man an" (dra) '49-Greer Garson, Etrol
war a1a1nst a German U·boat. fl1nn. Robert Youna. Welter Pid· qJ I Jtcil\ i lnttm1tional Cham· geon •
p1ons on let Dick Button is hosl of C!) Movlt: "Tht Man Who uuafta"
this hour special celebratina the (adv) '66-Jean SOrel, Edmund Pur·
tOOth anniversary of ict skiting, dom.
from the new Sports Hall In Zaareb, Ciii) Trinity Bible School
Yu1oslavia Champion skaters from 12:00 9 Rl1ht On
t 7 different European cou11tries Will 12:30 ~New Directions
perform 1:00 D Spl1kln1 frfftr
Eli) Devout Youna C!) Movie: "Ja1u1r'' (adv) '55 -m Movie: "Go Into Your D1nct,. B11rton Maclanc. H
(mus) '35--AI Jolson. Ruby Keeler. 1:10 IJ Movtt: (C) "Return to '•r-41•
fJ Great Adveft'ture "Japan's Inland
Sea" Ten youna men travel by k.ay·
aks up the l,lOO·mlle coast of Ja·
pan searching out the coastline
villages and act ing as goodwill am· basS1do~ lrom their'own coontrias 0 I IPICI!\ I Pvlo at Wlll Rottn
''"' Nanated by Wlll Roaers' &r1nd-
Passport to TrMI
@ Golden Vo1a11
l_!p1nete ComtcfJ •
CIJ m wi1c1 KJ•ldO"'
Voice of V'ictory ED O£BUT l tno• Quartlt A perfor· 9:00 8 Oral Roberts (adv) '53 -Gary Cooper.
Pace 5
Filter. Out
Bat•kground ound '.
Sca r s 1n1rocfur<'1, lh1·
TRt '·EAH lfrann~ AHi
d<'S t~n<'d 10 l nruc; ori
des1rr d ro n\'1'r~;11111n"
and soften unwan tC'd
no tSf' If vou h<.iv(' t.t
prohlrm h~aring c-nme
in for a d1•mons1ratron
of I htt Sp,ir.., <i 1 rt·ct wn;1 I
inst rumrnt
Hearin ~ Aid'
Bar k ed s, a
('ompan\ ''ou
Can Oeprnd on
·\sk Ahoul ~Par~
Credit Pl<in'
fh..Hlftl( \Id" Mt \\ , .. li.tl•lt
otl th1 f 11f1'l\illintt '°"• U• "'lu,f
ttu1 "·' l'.it.
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Page 6
I un~ ti••.•• h
'HI fh,ttfVt
ft4, .. ,,,.;, ..
t'ttf't fl U1t"'\UI
'll"I .. (fl""' t1I H 1
'''"'"'' r , ..... ,
m Dtnnls the Menace I
~ Popeye Cartoons fJ ri (3 J t!) General Hospltll
8 10 Movie: See Daytime Movie~ m Mothers-in-uw 11:00 0 (29 8 ) 8 Young & Restless
,:00 I "--' Sunrise Semester o .23 6 1!> m J•c•pot
· l(nowledie "CQllectors" 0 Movies: See Daytime Movies '3 6' Get Smart
'26 Addams Family University of the Air (6 The Furitive
6:30 I Odyuey 0 l7 C3 tiD love American Style
1 · Not for Women Only m ;ews Pyl
6 Daybru• I m ome! e
Physical Geogr1phy Mon . Wed • ID Electrtc Company
Frt .. F1mily Ris• M1n11ement Tues. 11 ·JO f) ( 29 8 ) f' Se arch for To·
I Oay at Night
Cinema 36
3:30 f) Movie: See Day11me Movies
(3 Topic Mon , Wed .. Movie: See
Oayllme Movies Tues. Thurs f11 0 Mike Dougln Show Ri~hc1rd Thurs. . morrow __ 1 ID Educ1t1onal Features 0 2l r6 10 m Celebrity sweep. 0 College Credit Coum Except Fn stakes
tlo G1mer Ted Armstrong 1 17 3 CL) Girl in My life dJ Bullwinkle let's Rip
7:00 I {~ (8') ~4 ra I News Petticoat Junction
( CY\ World Business News ~ gfrtc!ns O ~Today Show EI=) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
I Michael Jlckson Show
Garner Ted Armstrong
New Zoo Revue
stock uch1nge 12:00 £J Noontime
Sesame Street l p 2$ (i', m Three on A M1teh 1301-Lt · 6 Super Bingo : ssie 0 17 (3 1 n':'\ Pusword Relph S1ory's AM I.Lt • Devey & Goliath 8 10 ID News
Bu13 & His Buddies 0 Futures Skip & Woofer W Movie: See Dayt1mt Movies
World Business News '26 Tennessee Tuxedo ED Features 1:00 0 (j9 i') Captain K1nproo (~ 8 ) Ann Gutcher Sflow
'6) Dennis the Menace I i Sunup Mel Knoepp 12:30 0 ( 29 8 ) "i' As the W or I d O Romper Room
Turns Q.l The Flintstones 0 23 '6 10 ED Days of Our ~6 Bozo's Big Top l1vu ID Hodgepodie l odee \61 Truth or Consequences
8:30 er College Credit Course I '17 CV rn 5911t Second i6l Oaie & Harriet futures O Juk Lt Lune Dialing for Doll11s
QI Yori & friends 26 Bullwin•le
,17, [3' Bullwinkle 1:00 0 ('9 8 ) 8 The Curding Light;
::if; Minna M1guine Thurs f1rs1 of a series of
EI1) Yoga for Health specials or interesl to women. with
9:00 = (t;W 1i ) a The Johr's Wiid Charles Kuralt and Sylvia Chase as 3J ID Senme Street hosts "Unnecessary Surgery" is lhe
. ~ (6) 'fQ, m Oin1h's Plue SUbJect ot lhe first program 0 The Gallery 0 ~ 6) IJ01 m The Doctors
6 Ben Ca~J ( 6] Anythinr You Can Do
I Movie: See Daytime Movtes. 0 1l7 (3 Cl) All MJ Children
Features 0 Mike Room for Dlddy
I love Lucy '26 Movie : See Daytime Movies
Gumby; Gentle Ben Fri ID Educational Programs
(I' New Zoo Revue 1:30 f) ('9 '8-) 8 Edge of Night ex ~futures cept lhurs
9:l0 IJ (~ _&')CJ' Gambit 0 .13 "ii" 10 m Another World 0 ~ "()' lO m leop1rdy CIOlh Anniversary Show on Friday is
I Movie: See Daytime Movies one hour)
News 6 Mike Douglu Show
Haul 0 17 (3' Cf) let's Make A Oul
City Kids 0 Candid Camm CJ' Public Afrairs Ii) Galloping Gourmet
10:00 ~ <:29 ll,) a Now You See It 2:00 fl ( 29 8 ) 8 New Price Is Rightl
31 Futures 0 2l 6 10' ED How to Survive
· @ (i) 1()1 ED Wizard of Odds A Marriage Except Frr
[6"" Run for Your Lile 0 Sea Hunt j
I The Morning Show 0 17' 3 CL) Newlywed Game
My favorite Martian 0 ID Movie: See Daytime Movies.
Features ED Features
lT (31 The AM Affair 2:20 ID Ben Hunter Interviews
£il Stock Exch1nge 2:30 0 (:;29 8 ) 8 Match Game '7' 26 700 Club 8 "" .., ID Educational Prog11ms ~:w~6 lO m Somerset
Cf) News/Panorama del Valle 0
10:20 l7 '3' Joe Baratta Health Show I m ~:.t~~e/ill One life to live
10:30 e (:29 8") (if' love Of life ID Yogi for Health
0 ~ (1110' m H o 11 J w oo d 3:00 f) ( 29 8 ) Tattletales
Squirts 0 Truth or Consequences fJ 17 CL) Brady Bunch 9 Highway Patrol
Thomas co hosts 0 Ouie & Harriet 161 Supermarr • 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies
Vision On Wed.
~ ;'26 Green Acres
Nanny & the Professor
17' m Movie: See Daytime Movies
Bullwin•le Wed "3' i &, Movie: See Daytime Movies ID Features
('29 8 ) Cartoons ffi Wild Wild West ucept Wed.
4:00 '3 Movie: See Daytime Movies
Mon ABC Afterschool Sj>Kial Wed 0 The Rifleman
6 leave II to Beaver 0 1.1 (3' CL) ABC Afterschoot
Speci1I Wed "My Dad Liv~ 1n A
Downtown Hot el'' (R) A look at d1
vorce through the eyes of a 10-year
old boy Joey Grant Beau Bridges
Margarel Blye and Ike f1senmann
srar 0 Flipper m The Flying Nun
(B Gilligan's lsl1rrd EE N1t1eh1
~6 Beverly Hillbillies m Sesame Street m Sube Pelayo ffi Felix the Cat
4:30 O Father Known Best
~ Gilllgan's Island 0 f Troop ID Bugs & His Buddies
(B I Dream of lunnie
:26 I love Lucy <:i9 1l ) Movie: Se e D a y 11 me
t!) Desert Theatre Except Wed. ffi Underdog
S:OO ~ News Mon
3 School Profile Wed · fJ 10 News
~ The Big ValleJ
6 I love Lucy
8 I Drurn of Junnle 0 leave It to Beaver m The Flintstones
@ High Chaparral
rt J Green Acres
Ei) Simplemente Maria
'26 Star Trek
ID Mister Rogers' Neighborhood rn Drama m The Pioneers
CI!) Huggie Boy Entertainment
ffi Wild Wild West Wed ffi Kimba
S:JO f) ,8 17 3 l;J '6] News Cl' Travel Films
16 Courtship of Eddie's Father 0 The Lucy Show m Bewitched
EI1) Electric Company En Don Wilson's Town Tllk EE Three Stooges
~:"'~arlow, Southern I ~ ~~ (1
California's to p-rated news· '"', ~ .·;
caster, anchors a whole hour of · -.
news, views and special
features weeknights on
the KNBC 5 O'clock ·-:-~ ....... '~·-
Bob Abernethy always has v-
someone interesting to .---1
interview on his [_.,.
corner of the news. , ·
1~'"' ~~,~~
1 . ,.,......
"fr ;...,.,
Bryant Gumbel is our man on top
of the scores. teams, events, meets,
races and
: ~
Human Interest
If it's unusual. entertaining or both.
you can be sure
Ray Duncan will
bring you the
full story.
Action 4
. .,
David Horowitz provides good
advice and
assistance to
• with his
special report
most week·
The 5 dclock Whds Who
of Whats What.
Page 7
Whe 11 Y 0 11 BUY \rvtw11 Y 1111 l l /\SE
Down P.yment 10%
1 to NO DOWN PAYMENT Required 30%
2 S•lesTax 8% NO SALES TAX
Financing 18% • NO FINANCING 3 (Unpaid Chwgn Belencel CHARGES
Service $60 NO CHARGES FOR 4 to Contnct $96/yr. SERVICE
5 Pwt11nd List NO CHARGE FOR
labor Price PARTS OR LABOR
ff leneth of 36 1 YEAR LEASE ONLY Contnct Month• ..
A~ •• $30 12" Port. S.t-$12.46/mo.
7 Monthly 19'' Port. S.t-$19.96/mo.
(for 19" Std (Om.r Models Aveil..,._ to Peyment 2!5'' Cont0le)
Stuck with Set for Brand New Model Every
8 Ye• or Rtduced Pey· 36 Mondt• ments On Old One
TELEVtS.OH (714) 991·1550
For morning and afternoon tlstinp,
Below. for your convenience. are
h day's movies.
9:00 O .. Sln1 & SWln(' (mus) '64-
0avid Hemmings, Veronica Hur$l
9:30 e .. , Sbot Jess. James'' (wes) '49
-John Ireland
11:00 0 "01rll Uctrt'' (adv) '51-flaul
Demel. ''Sleepers West" (mys) '41
-Uoyd Nolan, Lynn Ban.
12:00 m "ltlr. St.IN'' (wes) ''1-Gene
Tierney, Dana Andrews. Randolph
1:00 9 (C) "lruklnc Polflr' (dra) '50
-John Garfield. Patricia Neal.
2:00 Q ''Co'" Flit tllt Cup" (C:ra) '51
-James Ca1ney, Gig Young. CD .. Spy Hunf' (dra) '50-Howard
Duff, Marta Toren.
J:OO (() (C) "Th• 801 Yflttl ''"" Hair" (dra) ''8-0ean Stockwell, Robert
@) (C) ~11lit Bubbles" (dra) '68
-Albert Finney, Uta Minnelll.
l :lO f) (C)" The Nutty Profeuor" (com)
'63 -Jerry Lewis, Stella S1evens.
Howard Morris Q "The Mbfits" Part I (dr1) '61
-Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe,
Mon~mery Clift.
@ lV "frttclom of tht s .. , ..
~ml_ '34~1iHOfd Molllnson.
@ Cil (C) "Operation A•ltenSam"
(dra) '60-Peter Flnch, Eva Bartok.
4:00 (]) "Coa$t of Slelttons" (adv) '6S
-Richard Todd, Dale Robertson.
C:JG (elf ())) ''Walk A Crooked Milt"
(mys) '48-Louis Hayward.
6:00 H. ~(I)~~?iJ~.,
Ho11n's Heroes
I hver1J Hlllbllllts
Mluiofl: lmpouiblt
Mod Squad
EJ Pobre 6ionzalez
MO'fie: (2hr) "The Last Sflot You
Htar" (susp) '69-Hu2h Marlowe,
Zena Walker.
EID Hodcepodae Lod1e m Spetd RKtr
6:30 Dealtr'a Qolce
• Dick Vlft DyM
Merv 6irlffln Show
(]) Hotan's Her"' : loom!
• living Euy
• • Marc•rlta O'F1nlll Sllow
Little R1auls
1:00 ! rn o om a:> m ,..., lowilnc for Dollars
Mn: (2hr) "Morcan" (com)
'66 -Vanessa Redgrave, David
I Wiid Wor1d of Anlm1ls
Wtaat's My Line?
I low Lucy
It Tam A Thief
(I) I OrHm of Jeannie
WuM1cto11 Stnlpt Talk
Cl)) Bobby Goldsboro Show
Dram• m Three stoo1es
7:30 = lon1tll111 Winters Show Ho11n's Heroes
• Polite Sureton "Deadly [Jc
ch1n1e" (R)
I Help Thy Nelpbor
New leat tfle Clock
New Treuure Hunt
Million $ MO'llt: (2hr) "The
DirtJ Game" (dra) '65-Henry Fon
da, Robert Ryan
Wild Kingdom
CI) To Tell the Truth
Ci) New Price Is Right
: Eye to Eye "Power Plays"
( ({)) Nashville Musk
• Jimmy Dean Show
• • Escen1rio Thertre
· Police Su..,.on
The 6ihoul G1n1
1:00 f) (~ ) Cl) Cunsmolle "The
Widow Make(' (R) Steve Forrest
guests as a 2unli2hter whose speed
is leeendary but who now is lry1n11
to live a Quiet non·violent life
0 @ @ ~ m The M11ki1n
"Illusion in Terror" (RJ When Tony's
love interest is reportedly killed al·
ter being struck by a car, he sets
out to prove the report lalse. 0 Movie: (2hr) "An Eye for an
Eye" (dra) '66 -Robert Lansine.
Patrick Wayne. 0 @ CI) a) The Rookies "Jus·
tice for Jill Danko" (Rl Mike Danko
1nvestigales an apparently crazed
gunman who shot his wile, Jill, in
a restaurant. causing her to lose
their expected baby.
I Dealer's Choice
Sltari to Adventure
Mex~n Film Festival
Movie: (2hr) "Ten North Fred·
eridl" (dra) '58-Gary Cooper, 01·
ane Varsi. EID I sJl(JaL I The Enero Crisis:
End of the Beglnnlnr? NPACT as·
sessment of how the fuel short,ge
is affecting America's lifestyle al Nosotros los Pobres m Movie; "lndl1n1polis ScMedw1y"
(adv) '39-Pat O'Brien, Ann Sheri·
1:30 m Merv Griffin Show
G) Movie: (C) (90) "Destin1tlon
Moon" (scl.fi) ·so -John Archer.
Warner Anderson. a1> P1norama Novtlt
9:00 fJ (fij ([)) 00 He~·a Lucy (R)
Guest Chuck Conno1s, playlng him·
self, learns the pitfalls of tryinll to
make a motion picture In Lucy's
house when the C.rter home be·
c1Jmes the scene of his new film.
0 @ (i) m NBC Monday Mov·
ie: (C) (2hr) "Limbo" (dra) '72-
Kathleen Nolan, Kale Jackson. Kath·
e11ne Justice. The desperate lives led
by lhree women without husbands
mirror the tragedy of thou&ands ol
American wives of prisoners of war
or missing·in·actlon servicemen.
(1) The Bold Ones O @ CV a> ,~,r:~:Tf(r.,~.l~l QB v II
Part I (3hr) Conclusion airs Tues-
day at S·JOPM. The story of two
men. one, a noted American wrile1,
and the other, a European doctor
whose careers culminate in a dra ·
1at1c and suspenseful confronta
lion at London'J Royal Couns ol
Justice 1n Queen's Bench Courtroom
No. VII Ben Gaurra, Ant hony Hop·
kins. Leslie Caron, Lee Remick,
Jack Hawkins and Juliet Mills star
0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Chubasco" APRIL 30
(dra) 'SS-Christopher Jones, Susan Strasberg For morning and afternoon listings,
Ei) Roller Games please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS., ED I s~16AL I The Nation's Econo· Below, for your convenience, are
my Out of Control "University ol the day's movies.
Ch1caao Round Table" A round table discuss~on of wage and price c~n · DAYTIME MOVIES
trols. infla11on, the energy crisis
and the larm policy 9:00 O (C) "Sword of Sherwood f or· ~ Entre Amigos est" (adv) '6 1 -Richard Greerie, CB Variety Show Pet~r Cushing, Sarah Branch
9:30 B (~ 'J'1) (]) Dick Vin Dyke 9:l0 O "C,,ptain's Paradise" (com) ·53
Show (R) A c.olumnist reports that -Alec Guinness. Yvonne DeCarlo
Dick said his glamorous leading
lady ''kisses like a dead mackerel" 11:00 0 "Pier 23" (mys) '51 -Hugh f) News Beaumont "Fr;antic" (dra) '61 -
6I) La Hlen1 Jeanne Moreau. Mau11ce Ronet
10:00 B ((l9 fl)) ~ Medical c' n t er 12:00 m "L•dY Without A Pusport" (dra)
"Deadly Game" (R) Kay Medford '50 -Hedy lamA11 John Hod1ak,
guests as a critically-ill derelict James Craig
named Meg who dre ads her forth· coming reunion with her estranged 1:00 l6 (C) "The Blue Angel" (Ora) '59
daughter. Tyne Daly also guests May 81111. Curt Jurgens
OWIE ~News 00 Perry MHon
(J Government Scene Mayor Tom
Bradley guests
I Los Angeles Collective
Praise the l ord Club
10:30 f) Journey to Adventure
t!) Get Smart
Eil) Theatre in America "A Touch of
the Poet" ( R)
6I) TV Musical
11:00 I 0 mm News Best of Groucho
6 Night G1llery
8 [O} ti) ~ (6) News
f) Movie: "Whistle Down the
Wind" (dra) '62 -Hayley Mills.
Alan Bates.
2:00 (J (C) "The Mountain" (dra) '56
-Spencer Tracy, Robert Wagner.
ID (C) "Drums in the Deep South"
(adv) '51-James Craig. Guy Madi·
3:00 (8 (C) "!he Gieat Race" Part I
(com) '65 -Tony Curlis. Natalie
Wood, Jack Lemmon
1o (C) "Dud Run" (dra) '69 -
Peter Lawtord. Ira Von Furstenberg
3:30 B (C) "Secret of the lnm" (adv)
·54 -Charlton Heston, Robert i
Young. Nicole Maury
Cf (C) ''The Big Show'' (draJ '61
-Esther Williams, Chfl Robertson
0 "The Misfits" Concl (drcl) '61
-Clark Gable. Marilyn Monroe,
Montgomery Chit
'i7 '3J "Last Cllance" (mys) '37-
Frank Le1ghlon ~l -6 (C) "The Adding M•chlne"
(com) '69 -Phyllis Diller, Milo
IHE DAILY f.'ILOr IV W(fll. Al'~ll 18 1'11.t
6 Mo11ie; (C) (2hr) "Return of the
Seven" (ad~> 66 -Yul Brynner
Robert Fuller
f) Whit's My l ine?
W I Lo11e Lucy
Q) II hkes A Thief
'7 3 I 01um of Junnte
Q) Eimeralda
23 r(;, Dragnet
€t) Book Beat 'Walrr ih1U 011 wfl
by Richard Ad ams
a!) Usted y la Polic1a EE Three Stoogu
7:30 3 Hogan's Htroes 0 10 HollJWnod Squ~ru 0 Help Thy Neighbor 0 Secrets of the Deep "Under
the Med1le1ranean · Capri f>on1a.
S110.nboli Vulcano. l 1pa11 and 0 a
n.1rea share a tasl1nat1ng s'enery
volan1c act1v1ty and great relics
marking the presence of the Phve
nec1dns Greeks Rornans and MotJrs
(J Million $ Movie; (2hr) ''Twelve
Angry Men" (c!ra) 5 7 Henry Fon
da. lee J Cobb f G Marshall m Bewitched
17 3 To Tell the Truth
2~ 6 Let's Make A Deal
~ Citywatchers
Stand Up & Cheer
Bobby Goldsboro Show ffi The Ghoul Gang
EE Gomon
ID Bl.ck Journal ED Nochu Tap1ti.ts
CB Tu tlo del M1rtu
9:30 0 I -w 8 ) 8 Maude <R) Aller
l!O<nR ,,wHV !or hl'I uwn t~ce lift.
MAude rl'l1Jrns to her vfl ry c:u11ous
family and Ir ends Conclu\1on of d
twv p.irt ep1v111r
fJ NeW' ED la Hiena
10:00 i) To Be Announced 0 '23 6 10 m '"( ""'SP""1..-C1..,..A'""l l l Ovt
From A to Z france's top co mposer
pPrlormer. r.hatlrs l\znavour, teams "'
w1lh llmr110' l11.i M1nnell1 for this
mu,,r .11 <;pi>c1~1 t1tmed before a
cel,brilv .1Ud1enc11 .1t a special con
rPrt '" I nnl1on's lilmed Rb1nbow ThPatr~ Perfnrm1nsi ~olo and ir1 du
i>I thP two slM' ofter rend1t1ons of
4tmosl t111en1y great song\
Om ID 16News
6 Perry Mason
8 The Serendtpity Singen in San
Fr•nc1sco ID The Old Maid & the Thief A
bill" blooded sp1n\ter 1s duped by
h'r pri-1ty hn11s .. ma1d 1ntn ta~mg a
handsoml' ynun1t h1pp1e into her
hnmP Chc1tlotte 01aon '!iuznnnl'
llrrick and R1r.t11rd f stes stat
('29 B ) Hee Haw
g) Drama CB Praise the l ord Club 8:00 0 J.J 6 10 '1) Adam·l2 "West
V;llev 01v1s1on (RI A police hell
copter aids the olt1cers when motor 10:30 A lournty to Adven ture
cytllsts cause trouble m Gel Smart 0 Mo11ie: (2hr) "An Ere for an ffi Spanish Comedy
Eye" Cdra> 66 -Robert I ansing, ED Mu11cal Especbcular
Patrick Wayne 0 17 r3 CE) Happy Days · Knock 11 :00 0 0 m rn News
Around the Block · A "rumble" 1s in 1 0 Bu t of Groucho
prospect aller tough gang members · 6 P~ry Mas~n _
cross town to than~ R1th1e tor a " 10 ~ '23 6 News filvor , rhen depart-with Potsie's fl Movie: "The L~dy Killer\" rcom) new bicycle '!>6 Alec Guinness. Peter '5elle1s
Oeiler's Choice m Mission: tmpOHible
Safatl lo Adventure ID The Untoueh1blu
Mexican Film Ftsllval 26 The Saint
I Bill Moyers' Journal ffJ D!J al Nigh_t Quien? { 19 8 ) The Pioneers
Come~y .. ,.1 l l ·30 O ( ~ 8 ) a CBS Late Movie: m Mission: Impossible
t!) The Untouchables 56 The Saint
(tj9 (!'\) The Pioneers
O'Shea. ffi "1ov1e. Go Into Your Dance "The Lady Vanishes" !susp) '38-
4:30 (~ (8') "Joe Macbeth" (mys) '56 (mus) '35-AI Jolson Ruby Keeler I M~rRaret lnckwood Michael Red·
Paul Douglas. Ruth Romari 8:30 B (29 8 ) a Haw a Ii f ive-0 iv ave. Paul 1 ukas D~me May Whit·
11:30 11 (~ (j)) (j) CBS Late Movie:
"The 39 Steps" (susp) 'JS-Robert
Donat. Madeleine Carroll. CJ n 00 @) m Johnny Carson
Jim Nabors is guest host Marilyn
Horn guests. O Movie: "Heat Wave " (mys) ·54
-Alex Nicol. Hillary Brooke
~ Twilight Zone
12:00 (I; One Step Beyond fJ ~ (a News m Movie: "Inside Detroit" (dra)
56-Dennts O'Keefe, Pat O'Brien
t!) Bill Cosby '1Z ~ Secret file
12:30 O Suspense l huter "Their Own
Executioners'' (R)
1:00 0 tfO; m Tomorrow Cil 9 Ci) News
Eil) Day at Nitht
1:45 B Movie: "The Secret Door" (dra)
'64-Robert Hutton. Sandra Dorn.
6:00 6 0 0 (]I g) m CE News C3QO)(!l~tn0C c ;i9 '11) News 0 Bon1nza
~ Hogan's Heroes
I Beverly Hiiibiiiies
Mission: Impossible
Mod Squad
El Pobre Gonzalez ~Greatest Sports Legend• ED Hodgepodge Lodge EE Speed Racer
6:30 i) (~ (} ) 8 j t> NBA Buket·
ball Play·Olfs j) Dealer's Choice
~ Dick Van Dyke
10; Merv Criffln Show
Irr (J) Hogan's Heroes
Li11ing Easy
News ffi l ittle Rasc~ls
3:10 B Movie: "Double Dyn1mit.e"
(com) '51 -Jane Russell, Frank 7:00 ! 3 , 0 0 6Ii' m News
Sinatra. 0 Bowling for Dollus
"The finishing Touch" (R) McGar-ly rett 1nvest1gate s a destructive rin g• 0 '23 6 10 ffi Johnny Carson
of forgeries of government smm ful'll Gmbon~ Euests ties 0 Mo111e: "Highway 13" (mys) '48
0 )3 6 -10 ffi NBC Tuesday -Robert I nwery, P<mela Blake
Mystery-Tenafly "The Cash g, Car I 6 Twllight Zone
ry Caper" (RI Tenafly is ass11rned to 11:45 0 3 CE News
a burglary 11dden store when a la l7' 3 , Secret file
mous diamond collection is brOUKhl
there to be displayed 12·00 6 One Step Beyond 0 17 J CE I SPlCIA~ I QB v 11 m Movte· (C) "Lut of the Co-
Concl The dramatic. trial 1~ Queen's man,ht.s" (wesl 53-lloyd Bridges
81'nch :: VII of a Polish dotMr whn Arndenck Cri1v.lord Barbara Hale
IS acc;used by an American writer of m Biii Cosby
1tar crimes 1n a Na11 concentrlltton ,;imp Ben Gazzara Anthony Hop 12.lS 0 Suspense Theatre fhe Wine
kins. l eslte Caron lee Rem tek and D.1rL Sta (Ri
Julret Mill\ star m Merv Griffin Show 1:00 Q 10 ffi Tomorrow
ID Movie: (C) (90) "Red Sundown" 8 '23 6 News
(weS) 56-Rory Calhoun. Martha
26 Movie: CC) (2hr) ''Ocean's 11 ''
(coml '69-Frank Sinatra ED Should the Lady hke A Ch1nce?
I (R)
a!) Panorama Novel1
J 9:00 16' The Bold Ones
l ·45 B Movie: (C) "Meet Me ~"" the
Show" Imus> :i1 -Belly Grable.
[dd1e Albert Macdonald Carey
2:00 OJ All·Night Show: "Elght Iron
Men," "Hum1n Dnire," "Be Big"
3:10 0 Mo11te : "Ritt.Rat!" Cdn.1) '47-
f>Jt 0 811~n Anne Jeffreys
For morning and afternoon listings,
Below, for your convenience, a ~e
the day's movies.
9:00 O (C) "Ali1S Smith & Jones" I
(com) "70-Pete Duel Ben Murphy
Susan l\a1nt lames
9:30 O "Up the River" <com) 38 -
Preston I osier, Tony Marrin
11 :00 O "Red Desert" l • e~) SO Jae~
Holt "Sah111 on Fire" (dra) '63-
Ch11st1an Marquand
12:00 m "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (com) ·41
-Carole l ombard. Gene Rilymond
Hober1 Montgomery
1:00 Gl6 "fbwhide" (wes) ·51 -Tyrone
Power Susan Hayward
2:00 O CC) ''Ten Thouund Bedrooms"
(co:nl '57 -Dean Marlin, [va
@ "One W1y Street" (dral 50 -
James Mason Marta Toren l
3:00 a (C) ''The Great Race'' Concl
(com) 65 -Jack Lemmon. Tony
Cunis Natalte Wood
lO (C) "Cockeyed Cowboys ol Call·
co County" (com) '69 -Dan Block
er. Mackey Rooney. Milton Berle
Nane"e rabray.
3:30 O (C) "Arabesque" (dra) 66 -
Gregory Peck Sophia Loren K1e1on
Moore -~
23 '6-. "The Visit'' (dra) '64 In·
grid Bergman Anthony Quann
4:30 ( 29 8 ) "Fast & Se1y" (com> 60-
Gina Lollobng1d~. V1tto110 DeS1ca
6:00 000 a alm~ News
,3 1_g_}£ 3 13(i)(Q9 8-..) News J:) Bonanza
6~ Hogan's Heroes 0 !leverty H1llbilliu m Mission: Impossible W Mod Squad fl) El Pobre Gonzalez
'26 Movie: (C) (Zhr) "Brohn
lance" (wes) '62 -Spencer lracy
Richard Widmark
ffi Hodgepodge lodge
El) Speed Racer
6:30 ( 61 Dealer's Choice 0 Dick Van Dyke
'lO~ Merv Griffin ITT 1 J Hogan's Heroes ffi Zoom! m living usy
(Ii) News
El) l ittle Rascal s
7:00 6 JI 0 0 m Ci) News 0 Bowfing for Dollars
(j, Movie: (C) "Trapeze" (dra) '56
-Burt Lancaster, Gina Lotlobril?•da.
Tony Curtis
8 Journey 0 What's M, line? m I Love Lucy @ It Takes A Thiel
17 3) I Dream of Jeannie
EL) Esmeralda
23 '6' Dragnet
Powers Girls Have
The Look
& The Style~
Beginning & Ad vanced Courses
• Make Up & H a ir Styltng • Personality Development
• Figure Control
•Wardrobe & Fa shion
• Walking & Posture
• Voice & 0 1ct ron
• Prof ess1onal Model mg.
Call or come in today
fo r a free persona l analysi s.
ffi The frenth Chef
(r.29 8 ) World ol Survival Ell Drama
(Ii) Aaron Berger Show W Tllm S1ooges
survivor asking Cannon to solve thr
mystery Geoffrey Deuel guests 0 ~3 (6) I 0 m NBC Wednh
day Movie: (C) (2hr) "Rex Harrison
Presents Short Stories ol love" ,,
tno of short stones -each Intro 7;30 O New Dating Game duced by Hamson -starring H1
J >Hogan's Heroes B•xby & Jutte Somma rs as computr• 0 Wart Till Your rather Gets Home programmers l eonard N1moy ~"" "C~r 54" ( R) I Juliet Mills 1n a circa 1946 lond11r O Help Thy Neighbor mystery. and Lorne Greene antl U let's Mah A Deal Agnes Moorehead as Pa11s1an art
8 Bobby Goldsboro Show dealers threatened with the pos~1b1 O M1f11on $ Movie: (2hr) "The 1ty ol a poor son 1n law
Wrong Min" (dra) ·57 -Henry ~The Bold Ones
fonda Vera Mites Papa Coruon
10 New Price Is Right Carrusel del Mundo m Bewitched O
17. 3 1 To Tell the Truth 9:JO · News
.ll ,.6 Hollywood Squues (!) Gomer Pyle ffi Storefront Jau trumpeter Donald aJ u Hiena
Byrd performs "Flight Time .. 'Taney 10:00 0 (!;19 8 ) Ct Koiak (RJ ·Cop rn
free." "Do It r1u1d.'' and Black A Cage" Even after receiving numer
b11d " ous thinly veiled threa ts against
('29 8 ) Police Surgeon his hie and those of his rela1tves m Other People, Other Places Ko1ak discovers he IS powerless It;
Cl) Celebrity Bowling stop the harassment from an ei ffi The Ghoul Ging cqnvsct whom he helped send to
~ h pnson. 8;00 IJ (~9 8 ) 8 Sonny & C er z ID @ ;16 News
Comedy Hour CR> Joe Namath 6 Perry Mason ~ests .. J7 3 J CD Doc Elliot "The
U 23 6 \10 m Chtse John Doe, Pharmacist" An zg1ng pharmacist !>
Bucks · CR) The accidental death ol haodlrng of prescription med1crne
a man carrying $200 OOD in ca~ borders on malpractice and Ben El
points the Chase unit to a 11ng 1101 moves to have his hcense re
deahng 1n stolen stocks voked Paul r1x Mitch Vogtl and O Movie: (2hr) "An Eye for iln Jordan Rhodes guesl
£ye" (dra) 66 -Rober1 Lansing el) El Tomillo Pat11c~ Wayne a> Dram1
O 17 J 1 Ci) The Cowboys "The Cii) Praise the lord Club Indian Givers' The young cowboys
l1nd themselves wallung !he rangej1D:30 0 Journey to Adventure
atter thetr horses are cl everly (!)Get Smart
\tolen by a group ol young Co @!)Devout Young (R)
manche Indians al Detective de Hotel
I Dealer's Choice 11 :00 1J 0 0 al~ ffi News
Sala_ri to ~dventur~ 3 ) al :JQJ EL) r23 C6J News
Mexican Film Fest1v1I O Best of Groucho 12~. Movie: .<Zhr) "Ten North Freder-Ci) Night Gallery
lck (dra) 58-Gary Cooper. Diane O Movie: "The Long Arm" (mys)
Vars1 . ·55 -Jack Hawkins. ' I Washington .Connettl~n ID Mission: Impossible
Championship Wrestling m The Untouchables
Japanese Language Program ~ 3) Secret File
8:30 0 (i7 3~1 Ci) ABC Wed n es d a y1 26 The Sain!
Movie: (C) (90) "Death Race" (R) €m_ D,.ay •t Nigh.I
(dra) ·73 -Doug McClure. Roy! Cl9 8 ) The Pioneers
Th1nnes Dennis Rucker Brendan ll:lS al Cinema 34
Boone, Dennis Dugan. Ch11s Carey, 11 .30 ~ ( ~),.
lwir Barry Two American p1lols 1n I . 'ltJJ .?9 8 8 cs.~ late ,Movie.
a damaged plane that cannot fly (C) The Horsem~n (dra) 71 -
bw can tau along the ground, are Om~r Sha11r Leigh Taylor Younii
Pumied by a German Ian)( and tis Jae Palance
crew across the desert of North 0 23 . 6 10 .m Johnny Carson
. Alnca 0 Movret: "Dick Barton at Bay" ID Merv Griffin Show (mys) 45 -Don Stannard George
(!)Movie: (C) (90) "Cattle Drive"1 F'6o~dT ·r· ht z 'LJ c WI II! one (wes) ,, -Joel Mc rea DPan O 17 .>:3 t:T!"I Wd W Id S
1 <;1r.ckwe lt .. 1 w 1 e or pec11 ID Theatre in Amerrr;a 1 orraine G!.raldo Rivera Goodn1ghl Amer
Hansberry To Be Young. Gilled & •ca
Black" (R) (?hr) I\ b1o(!raph1cal play 12:00 61 One Step Beyond
about lhe youngest American and m Movie: "The Actre u" (dra) '53
lust black 10 win the New Yor~I -Jean Simmons Spencer Tracy,
D1t1ma C11l1C's C11cle Award adapted Teres~ Wrighl
lrom her Wiiiings b) her husband, m 8111 Cosby
Robert Nemirolf Ruby Dee ~lars 1:00 J O 8 1)3 · 6 News John Robert Powers a!) Panorama Novela I 0 10 et) Tomorrow
9:00 O (..29 a ) a Cannon "Hounds I l:45 ~ Movie: "The l one Tuan" (wes)
of HPll" c R) The aftermath of 31 59 -Willard Parker
Notions O ldest & Lorge st School For Finishing & Modeling
ORANGE -3 Town & Country -547-8228
V1elnam "fragg1ng" 1oc1dent. rn 2:00 m All-Night Show (C) "rire Over
which Lt Davrd Harrison became a Africa," "Cover Gltl"
paral~t11: ltnds two survivors ol his 3:10 O Movie: "An ldul Husband"
company becoming v1ct1ms ol ratal (com) '48 -Paulerle Goddard rnac~s by killer dogs •nd another Michael W1ldrng
For morning and afternoon hsttngs.
Below, for your convenience, are
the day's movies
9:00 0 (C) "The Gins Sph1n1" (dra)
6 7 Rohen Taylor
9:30 0 "Man Bait" Cdra 1 ~l -Diana
11 :00 O "Black Widow" (my~ l 51 -
Christine Norden "Bullet 1n the 1
Gun" (wes) '6fi-RnP.~I Han1n
12:00 m (C) "Flre Down Belollt'' (dral
·57 -Jack Lemmon Robert M11ch
1:00 'l6 (C) "Boy on A Dolphin" (drJ1 1 '57-Alan Ladd
2:00 O (C) "East of Eden" (d1a1 5S-
James OeJn
(E} "Reunion rn Reno" (com I 51
Mark Stevens. Peggy Onw
3 :00 ) "Fate Is the Hunter'' (dr a I 64
-{;lenn f ord Nancy Kwa n
10 (C) ''Tobruk" (dra) 61 Rock
3:30 O (C) "Fluffy" I com) '65-Tony
3_ "Holiday for lovers" <coml 59
Clifton Webb. Jane Wyman 0 (C) "Do Not Disturb" (coml 65
Doris Day, Rod Taylor
l1 3 "ltttle Big Shot" ( dr a> 52
0Nek f arr
'23 6 (C) "Battle of the VIiia fio·
rtll" (dra) '65 -Rossano Braw.
Maureen ff Har J
4:30 ( '29 8 ) "~turda(s Hero" Pari I
(dral 51 -lohn Dere~
S:OO 0 0 10 News
0 The 81g Valley
6 I love Lucy
8 I Orum of Junnie 0 luve It to Beaver ID The Fhntstones
(E) High Chapuul
17 3 i Green Acres EE Simplemenle Mula
26 Star Trek ID Mister Rogm' Neighborhood
@I) Orama m The Pioneers CID Hugg1e Boy Entertainment ffi Kimba
5:30 0 8 17 3 23 ,...6 News
3 Travel Films
6 Courtsh p of £dd1e's father
0 The Lucy Show
m Bewitched
Electric Company
Don Wilson's Town Talk
ffi Three Stooges
6:00 0 ( '29 8 ) 8 '26 NBA Buket·
3 0 0 etl m CD News 0 Bonanza
6 Hogan's Heron O Beverly H1llb1lhes
10 17 3 23 6 News
m Mission: Impossible
Mod Squid
[I Pobre Gonralei ID Hodgepodge Lodge ffi Speed Racer
6:30 6 Dealer's Chotte 0 Dick Van Dyke
10 Merv Griffin
17 3 •Hogan's Heroes ED Zoom'. m living Easy
(!:) Viajando
ffi Lrttle Rascals
7:00 3 • 0 0 m CD News 0 Bowling for Dollars
6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "For Those
Who Think Young" lroml &4 -
lames Darren Pa-ne a T•lhn 0 What's My Ltne? ID I Love Lucy
(E) It Takes A Thiel
17 3 I Dream of lunn1e EE [smeralda
'23 6 Dragnet ID Psychology Today
etl Orama CID Tele-RtVista Music.al
Ef) Three Stooges
7:30 3 Hogan's Heroes O New Pnce Is Right 0 Help Thy Neighbor
8 Ouie's Girls <RJ
Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "lhe
Tin Star" (MSI 57-Henry fonda
10 let's Make A Dul ID Bewitched
17 3 To Tell the Truth
23 6 Wild World of Animals
ffi Accion Chicano m Jonathan Winters Show CD The Protectors
IHI IJ.<\llYPILU1 1<\'111 1'. il,ll1tl "1•'1
EE The Ghoul Canit
8:00 0 The Waltons (R1 A Wl'd thy for
mer suitor of 011~1.i'\ romes ''
v1\1I the Wdll• n hnoseM'd Jnd tr·e'
to ott'-r l1nanc1al as\1stan( ~ 0 '23 6 10 m Ir 0 n s Ide IR i
C2hrl Chief lronsidr !urns 1n • ''
badge and po-;es a~ a sk•dro"" w "U
In catch a kil er K•m Da1by ~nd
OaYid Wayn~ 11utst
ldn1111y WynettP M.,c ().i1" .1no ~·de w. ••m,n 0 ID@ 26 New~
6 Ptrf'/ Mason 0 17 3 CD Stre~ts of ~n F,.n
cisco " A ,., '"It '"'' 1, , v•n t
t , i<ot.1 Ho d •r h~ p
"• " ti ~ f1n4'l 1 p.1,•l·f I h1\
er IIµ '"" ~ •, 'ii• hi rrttn~· rpn
,1•••1 P\ J •II'~ lrQ'1' Ill \ ''~
' •, ,_, ,. t :i ! u .• homb\ •ft
>11 • i~ll JI 111 (l•ll•" r 1 •
I rdol' i v\ 1n l 111 ll II< [)~,'I
~ .~\!
etl D!ima CID Prme the Lord Club
0 Movie : (2hr) "An Eye for an
[ye" (dra) 66-Rob,.,, l an~1ng
0 17 3 Cl) Chopper I (Rl The
Chopper One cret-1\ called upon 'n
help protect a former underworld
figure \l+l hn is about to 1e~l•f1 a1.a1n\'
the er.me boss he wor~ed tor lO·JO 0 Or\on Welle~ Grt•I MJ'lerio
8 Jerry Cron Sports Special m Dealer's Choice ffi Bo11ng f rom the Olympic
£i) Mu1c1n Film Fut1val
I Journey to Adve nturr
Get Smari
Tutro con Oswaldo Calvo ID The Advoutn
E!) Los Om Felices 26 Movir: (2hr) "Fltrt·Up" ldi.,
'70 Raquel WPICh ID Nova A look at numan e•P"''
('l9 a ) Jimmy Oun Show CB Ca11v1na Musical
11 :00 0 0 0 ED m ~ New~
3 I 8 10 ra 23 6 New~ 0 But of Groucho
a) Movie: "Boy Meets G11I" lr.•im
JS-Jame~ Cagney
6 N111ht Giller'/ 0 Movir· (C) "Klnll & Country"
(dfJI 6'· r II~ Br ,,,,,1~ m M1SS1on: lmposi1ble
@ The Untouchablu
17 J Secret Fite
'26 The Saini
( 19 8 ) The P1oneeu
8:30 0 17 3 Cl) firehouse IRl I ne
l11emen rescue a wum.~n trapped by
h1Rh tension ,.,,res and t ght a lire
ri an old mansion wner,. rh1> ''derl~
owner is trapped OJ Merv Gr11f1n Show 11: 15 ED Cinema 34
(29 8 ) The Waltons CID News/Sports 11 :30 0 ( l9 8 ) 8 CBS late Mov1t
(C) "The law & lake Wade" "" ~' 1
9·00 0 Movie: (C) (90) "Ma11nificent ~') Rot,Prl T Jylnr R h~•d l\11'1
Mat1dor'' Cdra) '55-~nlhon, Qu1M ~ 1••
Maureen 0 Hara 0 23 6 10 ffi Johnny Carson
6 The Bold Ones O Movie "Fact •I the Window" 0 17 3 Cl) Kuni Fu fR1 Caine 'lly\l 'il Toad li.J(hl•r
witnesses a young arm1 ott1cer's 6 hnh11h1 Zone
cowardice and as a rPSJ I berorne\ 0 17 3 rn Dick Cavtt1
a hunt Pd man kn Mathesr n ED Maiterpiece Theatre Upst J r
P.uests Qov;nsta1r\ CR1
a Movie : (C) (2hr) "Invitation to A Gunfighter" (wrs) '64-Yul Bryn 12:00 6 Dr Irene Ku sorla
ner ID Movie. "Hell'i Outpost" I ~d . \
I Corrion 54-Rod Campion
War & Puce CR> <90) Part 111 @ 8111 Coshy
Aecompaname Japanese TV Hour 12:30 ED Dry at Nrght
9:30 0 News
(.29 8 ) Movie: (C) "The Naked
Maia" (dral 59-Avl GardnPr
g) La Hiena
10:00 0 23 6 10 m Music Country
USA Charlie Rich s hos• and 11uests
inc ude fd ~utibard Han~ W •an \
Jr Oionne Want11CkP Dorin a r ar.
• * * Geoffrey Deuel, as the brother
of a former Army man who was
crippled 1n a "fraggtng" 1nc1·
dent. is questioned by private
investigator Frank Cannon (se·
nes star William Conrad) In the
"Hounds of Hell" episode of
Cannon, Wednesday at 9PM on
CBS. • • * Estelle Parsons, an Academy
Award·winner, stars as the
mother of an estranged family
that finds unity when threat·
ened by a group of young
thugs, tn "Terror on the
Beath," repeating on The CBS
Friday Night Movie at 9PM.
1 :00 0 10 m Tomorrow
l :45 O Movie "Stella" I , ,,. 1 '.t)
Ann !IP• d•
2·00 ID All Night Show "Born Yesttr
day," (C) "Paratrooper"
3:10 O Movtt "San Antont'' Intl! '>?
P• d Cam''
TltlO O'
(l ll Ot \If
1.1 Of.>(,t 1n1 Nr
[)UN f i:,t(;',11 'f
l240 S Mo•n St Santo A"O
Page 11
For morning •nd afternoon listings,
Below, for your convenience, are
the day's moi ies.
9:00 O "But the Devil" (dra) ·54
Huinphrey Bourt
9:30 O "811,•out" (mys) '50 -Maiwell
11:00 O "Outlaw Gan(' (wes) ·49 -
Robert Lowery "Moontlde" (dra)
'42-lda Lupino.
12:00 m "Battle Circus" (dra) '53 -
Humphrey Bogart.
1:00126' (C) "Desire In the Oust" (dra)
'60-Joan Benn!ll. Raymond Burr.
2:00 0 (C) "Rtluttant Otbutante" (com)
'58-Sandra Dee. Rex Harnson
@ (C) "Smuuler's lal1nd" (adv)
'51-Jett Chandler
3:00 (.I.) (C) "That Touch or Mink" (com)
'62-0oris Day, Cary Grant '121 (C) "Journey to the far Side of
the Sun" (sci f1) '69-Roy Th1nnes
3:30 0 (C) "Tuun & the Grut River"
tadv) '6S-M1ke Henry
3 J "Beloved Infidel" (dra) '59 -
Gregory Petk
0 (C) "The Roman SJ>rine or Mrs.
Stone" (dra) '6l-V1v1en Leigh ~ "for Those In Peril" (dra)
'44-0avid f arrar
ti) 00 (C) "Merrill's Mamders"
(dra) '62-Jetf Chandler
4:30 <r& (j)) "Saturday's Hero'' Coner
(dra) '51-John Derek
5:00 O [g) News
The 811 Velley
I love LutJ
@ rn@ Ci) News
3 Travel films
6 Courtship of Eddie's father
I The Lucy Show
Eledr1' Company
Don Wil&0n's Town Talk
'f) Three Stoops
I Dre1m of Junnle
luve It to Buwer
The Flintstones
~h Chaparr1I
(1) lireen Acres
6:oouoorn mmrn N•wa
(} @(fJQ}@CQ?'liJ ) News
Simplemtnt. M11f1
I ~~.~re:orers' N1iahbot11ood
The Pioneers
Huule BoJ Enlertalnmtnt m Klmb1
Pagf' 12
Hoaan's Heroes
Beverly Hlllbllllts
Mission: Impossible
Mod $4utd
El Pobre Gonulez
Movie: (C) (Zhr) "011ce A Thiel"
(dra)-Alain Delon. ED KCET Audion '74 The sixth an
nu al fund-raising e~enl seeks viewer
THE OAllY PILOT, Tl/ WEEK, APRIL 211. 1974
bids on a wide array of merchandise of hoodlums. A pilot projett, "Mr. l
& mv1ces Mrs. Cop," follows the movie at
'f) Spttd Racer 10 30PM Anthony Costello and M1t
6:30 Ci) Dt1ler'a Choice 1anne McAndrew star u 1 Youna O Didi Yan Dyh married couple, bolh~hce officers
10) Merv Cnlfin • 0 ID@ ®l m ~ Qlr1 w It" (i7? r3 J Ameriun lffesty~ Somethine Ertr• (RJ Eve Arden I Uvin1 E11y guests as Sa)ly's aunt who turni
New$ a simple v1s1t into bedlam
Little R1iu11 ~ The Bold Ones
7:00 B 0 0 m CD NeW$ El PIC!re de Ml Barrie
Q Bowlln1 lor oonen EID CTION NITE-CAll US
00 Movie: (C) "Wondtrful Country'' * Bid on Stars' Treasures
(dra) '59-Robert Mitchum. I KCET Auction 74
\8 l Animal World ll Crllde Bien Cried• I What's My line! El Alman1que
I Love Lucy 9:30 0 ~ (j) ~ @ m Brian ICeitll
It likes A Thief Show (R) Or. Sean's plans for a day
(31 This la Wand1 laclison of fish1n~re stymied at every turn. tl,) Esmer1ld1 0 @ W aJ Tiit Odd Couplt (R) a~ Ci) Drarnet In a flashback account. the Ungers
fl1) ANNUAL KCET AUCTION and the Madisons share a vacation * TONIGHT THRU MAY 11 and Wind up with their m1rnages BID HIGH & WIN! on the rocks m l<CET Auction '7' I News (Q9 (8~) American Horseman Fishln' Hole
i Dt11n1 la Hlen1 E~ntos utinos 10:00 ~ @) m Dean MI rtln
Three stoores Show Senator Barry Goldwater is the
"roastee.'' 7:30 e Bobby. Goldsboro Show I m m Qi News CV Hogan s Heroes 6 Perry Mason
0 QJ@ O Hollywood Squ1res @(I) aJ Toma (R) Toma en· I H~lp Thy Ntl1hbor fists scme help to stop mob take W1~ R1fu1e over of proslltution and lo avert a Thnllst~lera potential race riot
Miiiion $ Movie: (C) (Zhr) ''Wei· 1· KCET Auction ;7' "fine Win111" come to Hard Times" (wes) '67 -. Dr1ma
Henry f~nda . • Pralst Ult Lord Club m BeWttthed 10:30 • Joumey to Adwtnture i (3) To Tell tht Tnitll I!) Get Sm11t
UnlH\td World fB La Revista dt M11ront
lnter:nat1onat Variety m YOUR AUCTION BAG-~:::v:~1 Ciani * BID HIGH TONIGHT!
8:00 (Q? ) Dirty Sally (R) After ID KC£T Auction Dial (213) 663·
her mule is stolen, Sally befriends. 8421.·
the cutprits-f1•1e abandoned chit· I Loco V1ldu
dren Rescheduled. 11:00 0 Q g) m aJ NIWI 0 @ @) m Sanford l Son 3 (j)@)@ @ News
(R) fred donates a rare Jau album But of Gn>ucflo
collection to a mus.le library, then 6 Ni&flt Gallery
learns lhe dim, were more valuable • Movie: (C) "Cauldron of Blood"
than his tax wrile·off (dra) '70-Tony Franciosa. 1J Movie: (2hr) ''An Eye for an I Mission: Impossible
Eye" (dra) '66-Robert Lansing. The Tr01 Cory Evenln(; ~ 0 @ al Brady Bunch (R) 1 @ Stcret File
When Bobby saves Peter from being Roell Concert
hit by a falling ladder, Peter pledges Et) KCET Auction '7' "fine Wines.
slavery tor life. General"
I At laaue r: ) The ftionttrs
Duler's Choice 11:15 • Cintm1 3'
Saltri to Adventuf1 11:30 (~ ) C8S late Movie: (C)
Mexican Film festival "The House That Dripped Blood"
2i9 The Champions (hor) '71-Peter Cushing. I KCET Auction '74 R fi) @ ~ m Johnny Clrson
Et Show de Rosita Peru Movie: "A R11e to Live" (dra) fa •nest uneu11e Progr1m '65-Suzanne Pleshette.
8:30 ) 00 Good Times 00 Twili~t Zone
@ 112) m Lotsa Luck (R) 0 @CD aJ Widt World Mptery
Stan 1s upset when he learns that ''Someone al the Top ol lhe Stairs"
the cause of his insomnia-brother· I star Trek
1n law Arthur-is also the cure. The Untoucfl1bln 0 (3) al Sb Miiiion $ Mu 12:00 6 Roct Concert
(R) Steve Austin invutigateg the Movie: (C) "Neptune's O.ueh·
annihilation ol a small town where ter" (rom) '49-£sther Williams.
ltfe just stopped suddenly. 12:30 (j) Shoe• Thutre I Merv Critlin Show ~ The Prisoner
Peny MHon 1 :00 8 @) m Midni1ht Special The P1nor1m1 Novel1 Spinners host
9:00 (Qii ) 00 CBS Friday Movie: O Nul'lville Music
( ) "Terror on the Beeeh" (R) 1:'5 8 Movie: (C) '1ieer by the Tiii"
(susp) '73-0ennis Weaver, Estelle (dra) '6~hristopher George.
Parsons. Susan Dey, Scott Hylands. 2:00 m All·Nifht Show: "Knock Oft Any
A campina trip at the beach turns Door." "My Si5ttr Ellttn"
into e n1ahlmare when a family is 3:10 8 Movie: "Mleflty Jot Youn('
harassed and threatened by a gang (dra) '49--Robert Armstrone
11 :
l :
) •
, """''.'lh -.
,~ II .• ·• .-s !PORT! NltJN//(J/ITI
L ~
An&el Baseball Angels vs. Cleveland Indians.
CI)@) NFL Hockey Stanley Cup Play·Offs.
NBA Basketball
American Sportsman
Howard Cosell's Sports Magazine
119) World Championship Tennis
Toumament of Champions Golf
2:00 BS Sports Spectacular
3:30 CBS Eye on Sports @CD Wortd lnvltatlonal Tennis Mixed doubles semi finals
with Rod Laver and Yvonne Goolagong vs John Newcombe and
Margaret Court.
8:30 m lntematlonal Champions on Ice
6:30PM ti ((i! ) (j} @ NBA Basketball
6:00PM ti (9 (()) @ NBA Basketball
8:00 Cl) Jerry Gross Sports Special m Boxln& From the Olympic
1 l :OOAM O QJ Cil Q:2l Major League Baseball Chicago vs
OR San Diego vs. New York.
11:30 NBA Basketball
12:30 @Cl) Byron Nelson Golf Classic
2:00 (Qj ID> (j) The Kentucky Derby
i n_L Sports UCLA vs. USC Track & Field Meet.
4:00 ( Ct)) CBS Golf Championship
Sln&les Tennis Billie Jean King vs Chris Evert.
5:00 Cl) ABC's Wide World of Sports
7:30 Boxln1 From the Olympic 9 ABA Basketball 01111s1onal Play·Offs .
842-7781 540-0442
Serving _A.ff /Jecu·/, Lilicj
THC DAILY PILO T fl/ W((I(, APRIL :?8 l 974
lie discrete
If Y"" •" lOH» J Ir IT" J~ r-rr it l l ir•
.,,, ')nt le I rio IN •'\11:'1 (I~ ,..., •t ....
',,.,,.. 1)1• J JV( CD 4 , ., ...
"'' • r> ~V< i• I vou I
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'• ) 1 , If oi ~ .fti_, Jh )I t
•" l'l 1 /', N l'• ! ii l''•" ·• ·~ Jr 1 I 0., N'"" ir.-J 'o'T:b" l')I 41)
ia ( " r ' " N" CD 4 l''• I i•· J• j
I ;.,. : f ' A t J( ,..) , ., ,,4
AA&D Electronics
US E 17th5TRfET
Professional Ser..,1ce
for all your home electronics
TV · Radio· Stereo · Phono ·Tape
Page 13
9:00 § Cg9 (J ') Scooby Doo
· ~3 r {) TO' m Sigmund
Movie: "Paid to Kill" (mys) '54
-Dane Clark Cecile Cherreau. 0 (V, @ Lusie's Rescue Ran11ers
(!_, Elephant Boy EID Mister Roeers' Nei&hborhood
9:30 0 ~ @ 10 m Pink Panther
Ci) Movie: "The Junele" (adv) '52
-Rod Cameron, Marie Windsor
6:00 · Sunrise Semester O :ff Ghost Ch1Sers
6:30 8 TV 8 Clnsroom CI' Dusty's Trail
let's Rap m Movie: "Miss Grant Takes Rich·
7:00 · tll J°Q) m lldtvllle mond" (com) '49 -Lucille Ball
6 TennesSH Tuxedo I Sesame Street 1J' (31 Bues Bunny 10:00 (g; CJ') Favorite Martians
Brother Buu JJ l'i). 0.1 a;, Star Trek
7:30 Sunrise Semester (ft ~ 1 Br1dy Kids ~) (6 "101 m Add1ms family • 8 I Speed Buggy
Mormon T1bernacle Choir O Movie: (C) "Foxfire" (dra) '55-
Ultra Min Jane Russell, Jeff Chandler
7, ~3 1 Yo&i's Gang m Country Music
All Fired-Up 1;26 Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Elementary News I Roller Games
8:00 i~ (})). 8) Hair Bur Bunch 10:30 @ (i)) Jeannie
a1 (6J 0 6n Emer11ency + 4 · "' Ci) · o a;, Butch Cassidy D Movie: "The Singine Cowboy'' O Movie: "P~lice Doa" (mys) '5S
(wes) '36-Gene Autry -Tim Turner
(6 Movie: "Sins Of Jezebel" (dra) 0 !ff (3'1 (E} Mission: M111ic
'S4-Paulette Goddard. '8 Josie-, the Pussycats 0 17 3) Super Friends 26 Theatre 26 0 Movie: (C) "Battle ol the Com· ED Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
m1ndos''. (dra) '69-Jack Palance 11:00 8 ((29 (8 ) Speed Bugp W Movie: (C) "Lut ol the Buccan· 0 2"j (j) fo m M1 jor Lea eue
eers" (adv) ·so -Paul Henrt1d Baseball Chicago vs Milwaukee OR m Sa~red Hurt/Christophers San Diego VS New York.
a 6 Voice ol Tokyo 16 ~1n1; Window to the South
tt) Sm~ St:eet . f) JJ 00 ffi S11perstar Movie
S:JO 0 (~ 8 ) 8 Sabnna a Pebbles & Bamm 8amm 0 (23 16" 10' m Inch H1eh. Pri· I News
111te (ye_ ; Seume Street m Movie:. (C) "Jack & the Witch" 11 :30 (j9 (i ) Josie & the Pussycats
(1uvenile) 69 (6 Movie: ''The Lonesome Trail"
A rattlesnake prepares to strike
at paramedic Johnny Gage
(Randolph Mantooth) in
"Snakebite.'' on NBC's Emer·
gency!, Saturday (May 4) at 8
(wesJ ·55 -Wayne Moms
I 8 NBA Basketball
0 Movie: (C) "Cal1mi1y J1ne &
Sam Bus" (wes) ·49 -Yvonne
DeCarlo. Howard Duft m Ad lib "Women 1n Government'' m Movie: "Ma & P1 Kettle on Va·
c1tlon" (com) '53-Marjorie Main. a> Championship Wrestling
Page 14
12:00 8 (e2j ::[')Pebbles & 81mm
Ba mm
[3J Voice ol Agriculture 0 Movie: "Men With Wings" (dra)
'38-Ray Milland. Fred MacMurray O family Clusiu Cinderella"' An
absent minded fairy godmother a
bumbling knight and strange sisters
are dehghtlul comedy additions to
this animated retelling of lhe classic
(I) Lancer
17 3) Univerul M1gic
I Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
12:30 ('29 (i') Fat Albert
~17 r3) (l} Byron Nelson Goll
Classic from Dallas Texas.
26 Greatest Spo~ legends
§ Sesame Street
Kipi Cons
l :00 ((l9 \8) Children's film Festi·
val "Gosha. the Circus Bear" (R)
r 6 Movie: (C) ''Across the Wide
Missouri" (adv) '5 1--i:lark Gable O Movie: (C) "81cklash" (wes) '56
-Richard Widmark, Donna Reed. m Combat
@ land of the Giants
261 Roller Games PI> Futbol-Soccer
1 :JO EID Carflscolendas
2:00 e (1'9 '8)) 'al I S,i(IAL I Ken·
tucky Derby The IOOlh running of
the Kentucky Derby from Churchill
Downs 1n Louisville Ky.
O The Brainworlls Discussions on
impeachment and the decline m stu
dent activism 0 Sprin& Sports UCLA vs USC
Track & Fteld Meet 0 11 3 I rn AmeriCln Bandstand O Movie: (C) "Return of the Gun·
l1ahtet" (wes) '67-RobM Taylor
10 San Diego H1ppening
d) Movie: (C) "The Violent Men"
(wes) '55 -Glenn Ford. Barbara
Stanv.yck, Edward G Robinson m Movie Clas.slcs: Same as 11 30
AM listing n 6 , Movie: (C) "Battle of the
Villa Fiorill" (dra) '65 -Rossano
Braw, Mauretn O'Hara
§ College Ctedit Course
U.S. N1vy
2:30 Expression: East /West
'6 Movie: "The Yellow C1b Min"
(com) 'SO-Red Skelton
10 Insight
i Roller Gemes
Agriculture USA
3:00 Bienvenidos
3 1 Youth and the law
B Ag11culture USA "The F-armers"
Head On
8 Jimmy Dtan Show
fo Science fiction Theatre
17 3 Roller Games
26 Wrestlin&
( 29 8 ) CJl11fen111ng Su
I ~~:~:~~Y Movie
. Wild Wild Wut
3:30 Just Natural
3 University Oi11ogue O Focus "I A City School Volun
leer Proiiram" O Greatest Sports Legends
18 1 UFO
.'10\ Hi(h Speed Living
Q) Tiie Vlrgini1n
(~ 8)) Safari to Adventure
4:00 8 C 9 (T 1) CBS Golf Cham·
pionship from Firestone Country
Club, Akron, Ohio '3' C.Jmpus Profile
0 lmp1cto A d1scuss1on of ··Pro1ec1
Maeslro.. a special program de·
signed to tram Chicanos to become
teachers 1n b1l1ngual/ bicultural edu
callon 0 Movie: (C) "War ol the Gargan·
tuas" (sci f1) 66-Russ hmblyn
f'6' Outer Limits 0 Celebrity Tennis
Q) Soul Train
17 J •Singles Tennis -Bllhe Jean
K1nfl vs Chris Evert
€!) Cine Como en Cine
2l i' Concern
26 Wilburn Brothers
I Mr. Wizard
P1nor1ma Latino
To Be Announced ffi Voice of Agriculture
4:30 r3 Sketchbook 0 Whi t's Going On O Celebrity Bowlinfl
8 Star Trek
0 DEBUT /A PLACE IN * THE COUNTRY O A Place in the Country A visit to
Waddesdon. built 1n 1880 by Baron
Ferdinand de Rothschtld
10' II Pays to Be Ignorant
21 '6' Voice ol Agriculturt
'26 Biii Anderson Show ED Psycholoo Today
m R0<:k·On Show rn Car & lrack W Coron• Now
5:00' Dusty's Trtlt · lnquiry/Tr1nspo1Ution
6 Seymour Presents 0 1t '31 CE .\BC'a Wide World of
~rts 0 (~ ._t ) This Week In the NBA
'fo News m Movie: (2hr) "I'll Cry Tomorrow··
(dra) 'SS-Susan Hayward m The Persuaders
;f;f Ci) Other People, Other Places
26 N1Shville Music EE Interface En Roller Games
a!) Rick Ward's RO(k & Roll EE IUmba
5:30 O Johnny Mann's Stand Up &
0 '23 'Ji' News
'8 Dirty Sally
0 Untamed Wotld lo1 Movie: (C) (2hr) "P.J." (dra )
'68 -George Peppard. Raymond
Burr. Gayle Hunnicutt
":26 Porter W1goner Show EE Action Chicano
(.29 18') Unt1med Wor1d
El) Three Stooges
6:00 0 0 T EE m News 0 26 Hee Haw 0 The Real Don Steele Show m Night G1llery ffi Cine Como en Cine
23 7>' N1tlon11 Geog11phlc EID KCET Auction '74 Buys from a
wide variety of p,oods and services ""'P e'pand KCE Ts program sched
ule and finance operating costs
V1rwers bid for bargains auctioned
off by celebrilles and public sp"'ted
vofiinleers by dialing (213) 663
8421 (collect from 714 or 80S area
(29 a"') Celebrity Bowline EE Speed Racer
6:30 8 0 1'8' News
r 3) Sports With Bertka 0 KNBC News Conference
(61 Twilight Zone
17 JI Reasoner Report
( 29 'a·) Grutu1 Sports Legends
P.I) Bo1 de Mexico rn lassie CE Movie
El) Little Rascals
7:00 f) Other People. Other Places
3 Wild Kingdom 0 Truth or Consequences 0 Bowling for Ooll1rs
6 Other Peop'e, 01her Placu 0 Relfeccionu
8 World at War 0 Victory at Su m (29 i°8 ) m l 1wrence Welk W It Takes A Thief
17 l 1 lohn W1yne Theatre
23 6 , Dragnet
26 Jimmy Dean Show
Cii) Meucan Movie ell Japanese languaee Prognms
7:30 0 Wild World of Anim1ls "flephanl
JI Let's Make A Dtal 0 23 6' Thrillseekers 0 Pinbusters
Ci) Boxlnc from the Olympic 0 Concentration
0 ABA BASKETBALL * Championship Playoffs fJ @ ABA Basketball 01vmonal
Ozzie's Clrb
8:00 1J (Qt ) All in the family
(R) Archie ls held up by an unusual
1unman while driving Munson's
cab. 0 9@@HI) Emereency
"Snakebite" (R) Paramedic Johnny
Gage rs bitten by a raltlesnalt.e
durl~ a mountain rescue
CI:> Cahforni1 Gospel
W Film "Gods ol fodos S1ntos"
10:00 O (~ ,.~fl) • Clrol B u rn ett
Show <RI Gui!sts Tim Conway and
Bernadette Peters 101n Carol for a
salute to the movies of the JO's and
the movie music ol Harry Wu ren. 0 Movie: "Bust With A Million
Cyu" (sc..tl) 'SS-Paul Birch 0 Jt 'I) ffi Owen M tr s h 1 I I
"Poor Children of [ve ' (R) Mar
shall's defense of a clergyman. held
1n the death of his former woman
friend 1s complicated by testimony
that he was seen leaving the scene
.at the appro~1mate time of death
Chit Potts and Pat Harrington guest 0 1]; rn al The P1rtrld1e Fam·
ily "The Diplomat" ( R) Shirley Par1
ridge, after a date with Ambassador m Community Feedb1ck
at large Howard Lipton who spends News . most of the evening on the phone lntroducine Japanese Culture
to Washington. turns down his re· l~ 700 Club • , .. ~est for a second date ED KCET Auction 74 I 1ne Wines
W Movie: (2hr) "I'll Cry Tomorrow" • Q:l Melodyland
(dra) ·55 -Susan Hayward Richard 10.30 6 To Be Announced
Conte, f dd1e Albert Jo Van Fleet @ Ei) News m Championship Wresllin1 EE) Conduct Sta nford Band
fl) Spanish Movie *HI BIO WINS ON KCET
EE) KCET Auction '74 "Art & An al) KCET Auction '74 Dial (2 13)
tiques" Dial (2 13) 663 8421 663 8421.
I Super Show 11:00 i) 3 1 0 0 'i 10 New'
Sochan ~ Bill Anderson Show
8:30 (~ (i') T M •A• S • H (Rl (:J Faith for Today
Hawkeye Is so weary from long m Mission : Impassible
hours that he literally becomes a @ Tony & Suun Alamo
sleepwalker causing the ml of the 17 3 1 Rock Concert
unit lo think he's finally lost sight ffi Samurai Story
or reality ED KCET Auction '74 "fine Wines & O Jimmy Dun Show General Items · Dial (2 lJ) 663 8421
(6) Combat (t;l9 8~) Movie : "Saturday's Hero" 0 1 J ffi ABC Suspense Mov· (dra) 'SI-John Derek. Donna Reed
ie "The Cit Creature" (R) when a ~Cinema 34
thief steals a gold amulet lrom the · • Faith for Today
mummy of an ancient Egyptian It Is Wrrtten
pnestess. he unknowingly sets into 11 :15 13) MoY1e: "A Touch ol Evil" (dra)
motion a sertes or bizarre murders. 'SS-Charl ton Heston. Janet Leigh
Meredith Baiter. Stuart Whitman. 11:30 0 MovTe: (C) '1 h1t funny Feeling"
David Hed1son. Gale Sondergaard. (com) '65 -Sandr3 Dee Bobby
John Carradine. Renne Jarrett and Ozrin. Donald O'Connor
Kent Smith star O Nancy Wilson Show
9:00 IJ (~ fl\) (j' Mary Tyler Moore O Movie: (C) "Kone•" (sci Ii) '61
Show (R) Mary 1s nominated tor an -Michael Gough. Margo Johns
award for a program she produced (i; Movie: "Brother Orchid'' (dra)
and then becomes the victim of an - Humphrey Bogart.
incredible si ring ol accidents and O Movie: ''The Hustler" (dra) '61
m1sunderstand1ngs -Paul Newman Jackie Gleason 0 ~ (6) O g'J NBC Saturday I Star Trek .
Movie:. (C) (2hr) "You'll Like My 0 ALLMAN BROS. Band on
Mother' (R) (susp) '72-Patty Duke * Kirshner Rock Concert Rosemary Murphy A pregnant worn . an is held prisoner in an eerie fl Don Krrshner's Rock Concert
house by her mother·ln·law. 10 M~vie: (C) "The U2ty American" O One step Beyond (dra) 6.J-Marton Brando
EE) TENNIS BUFFS 810 HI ID Movie: "When Tomorrow Comes" • (dra l 39 -Charles Boyer * Play wi th Chas. Heston 23 6 Movie: (Cl "Robin & the
EE) KCET Auction '74 "General Seven Hoods" (com) 64 -rrank
Items'' Dial (213) 663 8421 (col Sinatra. Dean Martin Samrny Davi\
feet from 714 or 805 area code~> Jr . Peter Falk m Premier Film CD Rock Concert
ai) Happiness ls 12:00 m Movie: "Cre1ture From the
~ Biocuphy: Portrait ol A Mis· Haunted Su" Cm hi 'GI-Anthony
sioner & A Mission A too k at one Carbone Betsy Jones Moreland.
of Amenca·s best known missioners 12:30 8 Movie: (C) "The Conqueror!
Bishop James E: Walsh who was Worm" (horl GS-Vincenl Price
the subject or naltonal news cover j 1 :00 O Speakeasy A new rock talk show
age upon his reledse in 1970 from h<>sl ed by Chip Monck with co host
almost 20 years of confinement 1n Cherry Vanilla Tonight's puests are
the People's Rebubhc or China I [merson. Lake & Palmer
9:30 0 (~ (.i ) 00 Bob Newhart Show m Movie: "Satan's SJtetlltes"I
(R) Jerry's brother ~hows up in (sci hi 58 Judd Holdr!n
Chicago after f1n1sh1ng dental school 1:15 O Movie: (C) "Beachhead" (dra)
and takes over Jerry's Ille. his '54-Tony Curtis. Frank LOV!tOY
apartment and h15 dental practice 1:30 m All-Night Show: "Jennifer," (C)
2 Alfred Hitchcock Presents "Three for the Show,'' (C) "L1wl'1s
Clndid C1111ert Street"
Minority Community 2·40 O Movie: ''Unkn own Island'' (sr1 '6 Bobby Goldsboro Show t1l 1P R1 h.1 '11 r no n1•
Hi£ l>AllY l'llfll ly :.l[K APRIL ,14 l •/l
J:OO t lmtnslons In Culturu (C)
3:30 Dlmtns1ons In Cultures (C)
4:00 Connie's Clothin1 Corner (Cl
4:3D Conni•'• Clotllln4 Comer (C)
5·00 Freehand Sbtth1n1 (C) (KOCE1
5:30 freehand Sbtchin1 (C) (KOC( t
6:00 Zoom! (C) (PBS)
6:30 Frtncll Chef (C) <PBS>
7:00 Oranee County Review (C)
7:30 Wulling1on Str111ht h lk (C)
11:00 W1r and Puce (Premiere (C)
3:00 Introduction to Phys1c1t Geo&·
Uplly (C)
3:30 Introduction to P~ys1cat Geo1t·
raphy (C)
4·00 fnlroductlon to Phys1e1t Geog·
raphy (C)
4:30 Flower Arr1 n11n1 (C)
5:00 F1mity Risk M•n1gement (C)
5:30 Family Risk M1n1gement (C)
6:00 Omnibus 50 (C) CKOCE>
6:30 The Devout Youne (C) (PBS)
7:00 Theater 1n Ame11ca (C) (PB'))
8:30 Pumf : KOCf· TV Special (C)
9:30 Focus Or1nge County (C) <KOCt l
12:00 Sname Street (C) <CTW I
1:00 E:ducahonal School tnform1tion
1:10 Inside Out (C) (NIT !
1:25 I Can Aud (C) (RnllC)
1:40 Cover to Cover (C) !Nill
2:00 Ripples (C) CNITl
2:15 All Abou1 You (C) (NI I I
2:30 E:tedric Company (C) CC TW\
3:00 Introduction lo Phy"ul Ceo1·
raphy (C)
3:30 Freehand Sketching (C) (KOCI
4:00 Connie's Clothing Corner (C)
4:30 Etectrtc Company (C) (CTW)
5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTWJ
6:00 Focus Oranae County (Cl (KOC£1
6:30 Dimensions in Cultures (C)
7:00 Introduction to Physical Ceo1t•
raphy (Cl
7:30 Omnibus 54 (Cl (KOCf l
8:00 Nova (C) CPl!Sl
9·00 The Devout V'oung (C) (PBS>
9:30 Oimens1ons in Cultures (C)
12:00 Seume Street (C) (CTWl
1 :00 Educaltonal S<hool lnformallOn
I : 10 All About You (C)
1!25 Ripples (C) (NII 1
1:40 Inside Out (C) CNITI
1.55 Cover to Covet (C) I NIT
2:15 I Can Aud (C) tR£TAC1
2:30 Carrascoltndu (C) IPBS \
3·00 Connie's Clothing Corner (C)
3·30 Oimens1ons in Cultures (C)
4:00 Freehand Sketchin1t (C) <K()('( 1
4:30 Electric Company (C) ICTW 1
5:00 Sesame Stre et (C) ICTW
6:00 Oraniie County Review (C)
6:30 Freehand ~etching 1r IKOCfl
7·00 Flower Arr1n11ing (C)
7.30 Connit's Cloth1n11 Corner (C)
8·00 Owen W1n2rave (C) CPBS 1
1?:00 St~me Street (C) ICTW1
I :00 Educational School Information
I : 10 Rippin (NIT\
1.2S Inside Out I NITJ
1:40 All About You (Nil>
l'SS I c.tn Reid I RETACJ
2.10 Cover to Co-er (NIT)
2:30 The [lectrlc Comp1ny ICT (¥1
3·00 Introduction to Ph~ul Ceo1-
11phy (C)
3:30 Fteehand Sketching (C) (KOC[)
4:00 Connie's Cloth1na Corner (C)
4:30 Clectr1c Comp1ny (C) tC TW\
5.00 Stume Strut (C) ICTW\
6:00 hm11r R1s._ Man11ement (C)
6:30 D1mrns1ons 1n Culturu (Cl
7.00 '"lroducllon to Phys1ul Geoa
raphy (C)
7 30 F.tm1tr A1s• Man1g,men1 (C)
8.00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) tPf!S\
9·00 Sk1lab 4· Tht f 1n1t M1nned
Mtu1on (C) ! KOC£>
9 30 Oimens1on1 in Culturt\ (C)
12·00 St11me Strut (C) (f'TW1
1 00 £duc111onal School lnlorm.tt1on
(C) !KOC[)
1:10 I Can Aud (C) (R(TM'.1
1'25 Cover to C-Ovtr 1Nt11
1.45 Ripples I NIT I
2·00 All About You (C) (NIP
2.15 Inside Out (Niil
2.3-0 Carmcolendu (C) CPBS1
3:00 Connie's Clothing Corner (C)
3.30 Dimensions In Cultures (C)
4.00 f rteh1nd Shtch1na (C) 1 KOC£
4·JO [leclrlC Company (C) 1CIW1
5:00 Stume Street (C) ICTWl
6·00 Omnibus 50 (C) !KOC:l 1
6.30 Freehand Skttch1n11 (C) P<OCr I
7:00 Orange County Review (C)
(KOCf l
7 :30 Connie'' Clothing Cornl'f (C)
8:00 Focus Orange County (C) t KOC£ 1
830 Woman (C) IPB'\
9:00 n11ng line (C) I PB,'
12 00 Seume Strttl (C) 1CTW 1
J ·OO Educat1on1t School Information
(C) (KOCF ,
J·lOCover to Covtr (C) INtl1
1:30 I C1n Rud (C) cAnAf1
l 45 All About You (C) 1Ntf1
2·00 Inside Out (C) <NI I 1
2 15 Ripples (C) !Nill
7·30 The Ctectr1c Comp1ny (C) IUWl
J·OO Introduction to Phys1e1I Geo2·
raphy (C)
3:30 rtower Arr1n11in2 (C)
4 ·oo Book But (C) f'Bc; 1
4:30 EIW r1c Comp any (C) t( f /./
S:OO Sesame Street <Cl 1rr N
6 00 f am1l1 Rl\k Manaiiement IC)
6:30 Wu h1nK1011 Connrct111n (C)
1 00 Introduction to Phvs1tat Ceo11·
raphy (C)
7 30 f amily Rl\k Manl Rl'ment (C)
8 00 Behind thl' line~ (Cl tl'B' 1
9·00 Masterpiece l heitit <Cl 1PB5l
1·00 Oimens1on\ 1n Cull11rr\ (C)
3 .:30 Dtmtnstnn 1n Cu!lu1ts (Cl
4·00 Connie'\ Cfolh1nl? Corner (C)
4 30 Conn r ' Ctoth1"g Corner (C)
"i 01 f rPl'11and Sktlchmii (C) l'Qr£1
5 30 r rMhalld Sketch1n11 (C) (mer)
6 00 I1wn1 (Cl Ir
6 30 r r,nch Che t (C) f •
7 00 Or~n,:e Count' Al!Vlrw (C)
'~ 1r ~.
7 30 W"h1nKtun Stra1ahl f1lk (C)
8:00 W•r dnd Pu ce (C) I P85)
1MO Brin~ Btit PB'
P.11 • • ~
eo wv
~' . . 1111 ~~ rrrr -~ ... ••
SON V c;r ~55 AM'FM ..,, .. ,..o r,. .... , s..1-i ••• ,v 10 dB 'i N 6&JB 101
FISHER M)()I FM <;, .. ,. .. ) C. , .. d S1n1 ..
11..,. .. , ... ,., l?U VJ 111 llHf •I•
SONY H\I J IQi' AM FM c,,..,"'O
c OS\P•t• R"' ,,. • ..,,,., N.-N'
PIONHR SA Q 100 c;,,.,,. """'''''"''
H ~I lob r .. vl"d IS Wnrt• 11'-AS I"'' chonn .. 1 101
PION HR TX QI OU "'"'"'' f ,..,,., Aud n Vly>
10 cont l v tw-11 .. r ""'j hll' p.orl • "'<l"< • !DI
<;l)NY <;r ~130 AM1fM c;, .. , .. o
f.,,, .. , 11 .. 1<; N •toe Sue'"'"' n 01
s190 s125
S460 s149
Sl<IO s 149
s.cso s399
$3SO s299
s310 s275
DUAL I} I 8 A •o •11rn1ab~,. Wu nu•
bo~,. •D
GAl!llARO 30 (nmn1 .. , .. ,.,,.,Bo< ..
(O\ol'< Com•dqr 1(>
DUAi 1214 Au• • I ,, ~•·'lhl" lfvoln •
Bo~ DI
Pf 301? Au•o !urn•ob•" f'rr •I "' t D oil
W.'.Jlf'v' Bo .. ()1
GARRARD 82 Au•o 1 rn• •h'•• B!1• ... <,1,.,,,.
M9Jf fD1
s29 I
I s99 I
ss5 I
s110 I
4~ Al ",,\ l Q.~ .. 1' ~ ,,...,.., Q_.ri.
Bu•f• 1 ,,,..,,,,1nr SDPO•"' rJ I
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Hf A I H 10 1 AO I 10 (O\\f'll~ °"' i.
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J, .. bf,. I ''"' H""Cldpliot1 .. 1C>d I I 1
TEA\ ?'}) A"'6<) ( e1w•1t~ ~l
"'"" Do•h,, & • D
'>ONY TC 258 2 4 < .,.,~""'
8 r ..... ,,.,vbo-• 0.-. DI
Pt(.)Nffll 111 IO?Ol 10 1 11-to fl,.,.. ? 4 (1,,,.,,, .. Pl 1vbrJ• •O•
PIUNHI! (I ) ) I Cmv-11 .. ()..( ~
Pn ,..,. ( "" nt t\ • '' r N .. ,,
f'IONHI! p,,,,"'(1 I 00 2 WOy
10 <;~'""'\ 11,.movobtl' C. 11 .. IN .. w l
SONY '\OP 400 Compt~,,. 4 c"'lnn'"'
AM IM Chonq--r 4 'f''"O er~ 10
<;AN<\UI '\P '><l 7 ·~J, 8 '\fl"'oll'•
~,~t-fTi F,,_..,,,., ,~ .:tqllp Tr\
<;UPEI!'\ lPf <, 8 II WO'll,., ""'' '""'.,', ,., ". ',,.;Ji>p.,,., f)t
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t 1 I"'"' \Cil*l"J~Ar ()
SONY SS ~10 ?""'~ 8 \,\'•""
,...,,., 1 '-"',., D
Cfl!lfvlN V[<",A :'6 I'.' <,"""'""
$300 s125
$260 s139
$120 s59
$140 s49
$339 s199
$120 s99
$650 s495
$200 s125
5 159
DU""L 1220 11, .. 10 1 ,, .1 it.1.. " ,1 .. '
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atlantic music stereo
Beauty Special:
A Summer Guide
To Skin Care
The Freeload Frolics:
Conning Tickets To
The Kentucky Derby
F111111y Ways Music
Can Affect You -
Our People-Quiz
.. sk Them Yourself
Want to ult • lamou1 pen.on 1 quHllon? Send th• Queallon °" • poetc.ard, to "As•." Family Woollly, 641
l •11lnglon Ave . New York. N Y 10022. We'll pey '5 lor published quHllon1 Sorry. we can'I answer 01her1
l read in FAMLLY Wu.xLr that yot1 know e1 lot about
~uns. I/ave you eoer had occasion lo use one in
everyday /if c?-M. Peters, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
• I onl·e l·aught a f dlow 'tealing .1 tl·lcvision set from a
FOR MASON REESE, t'/11/rl trl<•i;iAl1m actor
For a child of your age, what is the hardest thing in mak-
ing a commercial?-K. D., Brndenton, Fla.
• rm lucky because r c·an mcmorill' a script easily. but J
think that woulcl lk 01w of the l1ard1>st things for most kids
my age to <lo. Also. knowing that so many people will Le
wntc-l1ing when tlw conunercial is ft111shl'J makes men littlr
nervous, but I'm 11nt rn·n-ous <luring the filming.
FOR BEATRICE ARTllUlt, star of ·'Maude"
What do you think about Women's Liberation?-Jill Gentes,
Sibley, Ill.
• I clon·t really undcrstnpd :ill of it. But maybe I've been
lucky. I never lost a job to a man, nnd I've always felt liber-
You always seem to be such a happy man. What do you
think is the "secret of happiness"?-Lee S. Wurd, Bradley
Beach, N.J.
• Don't forget the past. but don't liv~ in it. Always have
something to look forward to-a project. au e' l'nl. u plan to
help someone, a hobby. But kel'P ti!) movin~. De temperate
in your habits-don't overeat or overdrink...:and get some
brisk exercise every clay. (I take a wnlk every night before
I go to bro.) But most of all, d on't dwell on negative things;
such thoughts just drag vou down.
FOR VA LE RIE If ARP ER of the "ManJ Tyler Moore Show"
I've hcnrd thnt you're going to have your own TV show. Is
this trueP-Jnne Scorchilli, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
• lf everything ~ocs as planned. I'll have my own series
ready for this year's fall season. It will be filmed by Mary
Tyler Moore's production company.
As the British royal fomily-espccially Princess Margaret-
are so show-business t.'Qnscious. how d o they treat their
show-biz fricnds?-Amy L)11ne, Stockton, Calif.
• Accorrur.l:( to a British actor now uppe::iring on Broad-
way {who insists on r<'maining nameless), the fi rst time he
and a gro up of other stars wen· invited to Kensington Palace
hy Princess Margaret am! Lorcl Snowdon he was rath er
startled because he expected to he "·atlt'<l on-or at least to
be offered drinks or refrcshmc;nts. After 30 minutes of "wait-
ing," the nctor took mnttl·rs into his own hand!>, got up, went
to tbc har and asked: "Who wants a drink?" In his ncw role
of bartender, he serve<l cvcryo11c-111du<ling thC' Princess
llnd her husb:ind.
Cover Photo by John Hamlllon/Globl Pholos
llt'ighbor's h0tist·. I put my sh11tgun up against his head and
told him tu come wi th rne. Th{·11 I put the gun down and
dared him to t.ike it-which lw did11't. I lrad a long talk with
him and found out he was a <lcntul ~tudent who. with his
acx.'<>mplic'E'S. ~tuft-lhingi. to furnish I.is apartment. I mad1·
him cit-an up my driveway before I sent him back with a
warning that r d be less lenient the next time.
ls Tisha Sterling your daughter?-F. Mnrriweathcr, Cleve-
land, Ohio
e Ye~. slie b .• md I :itn Y(·J y prou<l of herl She's always
wn11tt•d tu make it u11 hl'I own, and I think she has At 6~t
shl' "·" inlerl•sted in Jll111g only for the money, but now
slu•'s really into rt. anti dt:dicall'tl. She grew up hearing
people say to 1111.:, "My, you haven beautiful daughter." She
was not a p<'r"m in hN 0\\'11 right. Now she is.
football coach, University of Alabama
or all the football players you have coached, who do you
feel is your best all-around ath letc?-Nancy Bowen, San
Rafoe~ Calif.
• I've been fortunate t11 have had a number of grt!!lt
athletes, but Joe Namath may he the finest all-arou nd ath-
lete we ever had the pleasure of coaching. Joe could have
been a great star in virtually any sport.
FOR SEN. lllRAM FONC (R -Hawail)
I'm over 65 and fm paying more taxes than the President.
Wby?-Lester Crost, Louisville, Ky.
• Our Special Committee on Aging hns found that as many
ns half of the over-65 taxpaycr:s are overpaying their federal
income taxes. lf you're lil<e others. you may be leaning over
backward to be sure you meet your tax obligations. Obvious-
ly we should do more to inform older Americans regarding
tax-relief provisions available to them under the law.
FOR SUSAN D EY, l.A11ric on "The Partridge Family··
Whal was the hardest p art of switching from being a top
New York fashion model to being an actress?-S. Porter,
Webster Groves, Mo.
• Learning to ignore the cameral It was always there, star-
ing nt me. It was hard to keep my eyes from tuming to look
at it. But then n strn ngc thing happened. Without being
<.'Onsdous of it. I forgot about the camera. I can't remember
when it happened, but one day I was into a scene, listening,
being really intcrestcd-:111d there was no longer any camera!
Aprll 28. 1974 /Qml(y ~ The Newspaper Magazine
MORTON FRANK. President end Pubtlah•r
Sid Leyeflky, Mart<eling Dir.: Gereld S. Wroe,
Eastern Mgr.; Robert D. Glick, Associale
Eastern Mgr.; Joe Fruer, Jr., Chicago Mgr .
Rlchwd T. Flynn, Detroit Mgr.
and LEE ELLIS, VP s and Co-Direclors.
Rot>.rt H. Merriott, Mgr.; Robert J. Chrl1tl1n
Promotion: C1ryl Eller, Merchandising. Louis
Llf1le, Distribution
Headquarters 641 Lexington Ave .NY . N.Y. 10022
MORT PERSKY, V.P.-Edilor-1n-Chief
Reynoldt Dodton, Managing Editor
Rlcherd V11d1U, Art Direclor
Routyn Alweuy1, Women's Editor
Merilyn H1n .. n, Food Editor
Joen HenrlckMn, Pamela Howard
and Hit Lendon, Associate Editors,
Ettetle Walpln, Art Asst; Gtort1 Brier. Pictures
Contributing Editors: Pfff J. Oppenheimer.
Hollywood; L1rry Bortlteln, Sports.
PRODUCTION. Melb<Klme ZIPJHICh, Director,
Richard Wendt. Mgr.; Roberta Collins. Mal<eup
197.t FAMILY WEEKLY, INC. All rights reserved
A publlc•llon Of Oowne Co''""""lntlont , Inc.
Edw•rd R. DOWN, Jr .. Clllel EXttCUIN• Olflctr Roland I . T,.ft\1111, PrHldent
Has Determined Su rgeon General y Health. Warning : The Is Dangerous to ou r That Cigarette Smoking
Meet the Greatest Tieket
Mooehers on Earth!
(Our Mooeliers, Says the Kentucky Derby)
By Raymond .Johnson
Kentucky Derby Press Chief
''I:t's go 10 the Kcn1ucky IJtrby! Wh<> ·
!>ays you can't get 1ickcts? J h:i.vc
a friend who sees that J get press
lickcls anyltme I want to go. Since
this is 1hc lOOth Derby coming up the
first Saturdny in May, 1 plan 10 go.''
Many of m y troubles start with tl
dcclara11on th:it goes something like
rhat-countlcss people who don't quaf.
iry for pre~'I tickets try 10 put one o ver
o n me and my C hurchill Downs press
staff every yea r.
Some of the rc4uesls are so ridic u·
lous they're downright funny. Even
"One-Eyed" Connolly. the greatest
gate-crasher or all time. never tho ught
or some of the modem-day ploys.
For example, 1hcre was the AriLona
mun who wrote us last March, using
lntanatiunal News Service stationery.
requesting credentials for n reporter
und a photographer. He also requested
rooms for each during Derby week.
As an old newspaperman, I knew very
well that the ln1cm ational News Ser-
vice had gone out of businc s in 1958.
But, just to see what this man really did
ll)r a living, I dialed the phone number
on his stationery. A secretary answered.
"Ooe5. Mr. work there?" I asked. "I
should say so!" she replied. ''He's our
company's most prominent utlorney!''
The lisr of phonic!>. mooch~rs nnd
would-be con men is endless: the Euro-
pcnn rcporh:N who want 11> sec the
Derhy as "ohsc rvcrs'' -and never so
much :is lell rheir papers that a Derby
was run; the ''television executives"
Don w.1 ... publlc relations director of
the Nallonal Football League:
"Three years In a row we had a guy
getting on the field tor the Super Bowl
game wearing a Santa Claus uniform.
The guards all thought he was part of
the half-time or pregame entertainment.
Which Is exactly what 'Santa' wanted
them to think!"
t • FAMILY WEEKLY, April 211. 19H
This year, the world's
fastest horses will be at the gate
for our 100th Kentucky Derby.
And 10 will the world's nerviest con men!
a<1king uo; 10 leave crcdenrinls at the
gale to be picked up b)' various anony-
mous people; requests for passes fnim
obscure and nonexistent periodicals.
including one that called ilself "Indi-
a na's Most Original Magazine.'' (II
turned out to be so original that even
the local post office didn't know where
it wns!) I sec rhem all-and they remind
me of whal Sen. Howard Baker said
about the Watergate wilnesscs. They
reprco;ent, he said. a !llrnngc "submer-
gence of conscience."
And the gall of some of these people!
In 1971. a phorographcr wrote that he
and his family had heen designated (he
didn'I say by whom) to shoot movies of
the nation's top spons events tha t year.
The Kentucky Derby was one of them
He requested full credentials for him-
!>Clf, his wife. his 12-year-old daughter.
his ten-year-old son and his seven-year-
old daughter. He claimed that all of
rhem -including the seven-year-old -
were manning cameras. On top of that,
he wanted to know if he could park his
The Experts Recalf: "My Most Memorable Gate-Crasher''
Bob Catey, publlc relations director of
the National Hockey League:
"My favorite story concems the guy
who turned up at our hospllallty lounge
during the Stanley Cup finals In Boston
four years ago. We always maintain a
room where members of the press can
have meals and a few drinks. Thia par-
ticular guy sat quietly by himself all day
In the hospllallty room. I had no Idea
who he was. but It struck me funny that
the guy would show up for the buffet
lunch each day, disappear tor a few
hours In the afternoon, then return for
dinner and drinks at night. I also thought
it was odd that he never spoke to anyone.
Finally, on the fourth day, I asked him
who he was and who he was represent-
ing. 'Oh. I'm not with any paper.' he said.
'I'm Just a guest al this hotel. You guys
seemed to be having the best party In the
place, so I decided to Join youl' ..
trailer on Churchill Downs parking lot
for Derby Weck. II would be so much
more convenient than staying in a hotel!
Since the track receives several hun-
dred TV and radio requests annually,
we nm a check on most o f them. In
1972 we asked radio stations to send
us rapes of Derby reports they carried.
About 50 percent replied. The others
were crossed off our freebie list. But
not all the tapes were legitimate, either.
The most a musing tape came from
a Michigan man who claimed he had
been '" radio for 25 years and said his
star ion wns a member of a national net-
~orlc Since he was nearing retirement
age. he and his wife were extremely
anxious lo sec the Kentucky Derby be-
fore calling it quits, he said. He was
given press-box credentials and his wife
got a seat in the stands with the other
writers' wives.
Churchill Downs officials were aghast
as they listened to his recording of the
Derby. He said it was being run at
Lexioston, Ky. (which did not make
the folks in Louisville very happy), and
he talked about his wife gelling suo-
bumed watching the Derby from her
seat. For the sun to hit those shaded
stands, it would have had to shine up
from the ground!
But we get so many requests that
Churchill Downs has been forced to
set a cutoff dote. Also, we furnish
credentials only when the request is
on official sta tionery. Then these are
checked out thoroughly. This year, no
credentials will be mailed 10 applicants.
They m ust follow up their requests in
person, bringing along their Churchill
Downs letter of approval. This is a sys·
tern used hy the U.S. Olympic Commit·
Ice to weed out as many unworthy ap-
plicants as possible.
Shortly afte r the 1973 Derby, we re-
ceived a request from a Florida woman
who wanted crede ntials for her bus·
band in 1974. Was he a member of the
pre~? Well, no, she said, she just
wanted lo give them as a Father's Day
present. We complimented her on her
thoughtfulncM-and told her where she
could call to get legitimate Derby tick-
ets. Alas. we J on't furnish
Father's Day gifls. either.
Nick CunM, publlc relations director.
National Basketball Association:
"The most unusual press request I've
seen came before the final round of the
1970 play-offs between the New York
Knlcks a nd Los Angeles Lakera. 'Prav·
da,' the Russian newspaper, had Its New
York correspondent apply for press cr&-
denlials. The paper wanted to cover the
games because the New York coach was
a 'Reef-Red Holzman.'.'
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G-139R Co09nahl t 1974 StuCrnt Produc1l of Callforni1, Inc No pol1ion un be rtl>fodue-s w1th0<1t our WYitttn ptrM1u1on
By Peer .J. Oppenheimer
Bobby Sherma11:
i\J1 Ex-Tee11 Idol Tells Why He's <•l1td tl1e
Sere11ming's Ov~r
I h<1dn't ~ccn him \inc..: hc"d faded
from the teenyboppers' '>Creaming
lbt. goll~·n m.1rricJ, become a
I ,11 her :ind 'tarred in a dropout tele-
vi~ion :.how. Now, wilh eight gold
'ingles and lour gold alhums under his
lwll. Bobby Shcrm:m i' a happy million-
.11rc, acting when he want' and turning
out record' in hi'> homemade '11idio
when hc feds lil..c it. We tJlkcd ii'\ he
c\corlcd me Jround hi'i fnl>ctnJting vne-
,1ory California home.
FAMILY WEEKLY: How Jill you find
'uch a charming h0t1\c?
BOBBY: It w.1~ the first place I looked
at when I decided I w;\ntc<l my own.
There's :in acre of ground with it. But
r vc m !H.h.: a lot of changes. Want IO \CC
my t-'un Room"
FW: Fun Room'!
BOBBY: It\ where I ,how movies. I
ca n o;how any kind. Lt\l ni ght we hJ<l
f'inemaf\copc. I covered the walls with
ovcrsi1ed movie-star ro~ters. That's a
French antique aJmil>sion booth in the
corner. Jnd over there is an old penny
nip-card machine I repaired. I also
made the candy counter.
FW: You 11111.;1 he pretty handy.
BOBBY: I've re.illy enjoyed fixing up
the plJCC. When the baby was horn I
took ofl ahout l'1ght months to help
Pully, and while the two Cl( them
nappcll e\cry day, I worl.cd :iro11n,l thc
FW: Whac·, your home 'tmlio?
BOBBY: 011the1Hhcr 'ide ,lf the 'ol.1r-
ium. bc)ond the ,,rnn.1 room Don't trip
on my tool'i.
FW (I nside lhc ~tudio. eyeing a l.1hy-
rinth of wirc'i, machine'!, lights :.ind but-
tons I: It louk<; like a recording studio
at NB ! Did yuu do all this yoursdf?
BOBBY: It wa\ ca~y. I took. a couple of
electronic cour.;e:. and worked in c,>m-
putcr r:1dar while I was in college. I
haw Io-track recording equipment
here. I did the majority of last year's
Wl\rl. lll•t of here. I l'"t finished a lape
th:it had 18 pieces on it A lot of peo-
ple don't 11ndc~t.1nd thJt I pl:1y e\ery
single in"trumenl on 11
FW: How m.iny instrument<; do you ac-
tually pl.1y?
BOBBY: Ell!ven. Drum-;, trumpet, gui-
tar. ha,~. French horn. trombone, bari-
tone sax, piano, organ, sitar and har-
monica. When I gel an idea for a song
I come in here, play it on the guitar nnd
beef it up with other instruments by
Ping-Ponging them hack and forth. un-
I • FAMILY WEEKLY, Aprll 28, 1974
or<ls. They came to scream and jump
and finJ release in mass hysteria.
FW: There was a long time during
which you kept your marriage to Pntty
a secret. How do you feel about that
BOBBY: It w.isn't a question of keep-
ing it a secret: it was a matter of tim-
ing. Some nrngazioes had been ver)
good to me and I didn"t want anyone
"scooped,'' so I wanted a press confer-
ence to ;mnounce it to everyone at lhe
same time. But J was working every day
and there wasn·t time. Then, shortly
a(ter we were married. Patty got preg-
nant; and then she bad a nuscarriage .
That was the wrong Lime for a press
conference. Then she got pregnant
again and the doctor said he wasn"t sure
S how it would go. Patty spent almost ~ eight months on her back. When the
! bnby was born and we knew he was all a right, we held the press conference and ... g could only hope everyone would accept
e the reason for the delay. I thiok they x did. Besides, 1 never kept it hush-hush.
.... ~-..-i• ~ ~ If anyone asked me, I always told them.
' i1:·~, t ~ FW: You were married in a Catholic ct':t •• ,.,· ' ..,
• • ' ·~. 1 .... l; service. Are you both Catholic? ., \~ ... , ... • · · · · j ~ BOBBY: Patty's Catholic. I'm Protes---~. "'• ·~-~·-·_,,.... ~-..... ---"-"l!!!!lr"'~ &. tant. But we·re both ve ry liberal. We
Bobby Sherman and hit wlle P•lty. Sherm•n N Y• of hi• son: wJnt our son to grow up with a belief
"I'm •lrH dy giving him some freedom-but he c•n't borrow lhe cul" in God, but we want him 10 feel his way
"They'd sit in the front row and turn into
uninhibited screamers! Sometimes I even felt like screaming!
I was tone deaf for a long time afterward."
ti l I get the sounds I want. Th;1t's why
I built the studio.
FW: Do you write you r own !longs'>
BOBBY: Sometimes. but not that often.
Oddly ~nough I'm more creative when
the material i'I from someone else.
When I write a song I prefer lo have
War<l produce it. [Word Sylvc"tcr. hi~
manager and partner.I
FW: J sec an editing machine. hn'r th;11
for film ?
BOBBY: Yes. I'm gctring into that. too.
I huilt rhc cinemohile parl..ed outside.
It's a miniature movie o;tudio on wheels.
I even have a crane on top for <1pcci.1I
camera work. I do my own editing. but
not the optics. So for it's mninly for
FW: Do you think people would take
you more seriously if you called your-
self Bob instead of Bobby?
BOBBY: I cc no reason to change my
name. Bobby Darin didn't. That
<lcesn't mean rm still Bobby Bubble-
gum. rm lhe same person-bu t different.
FW: Somehow you managed to survive
the tide of screaming fans. Would you
like to go back to th~1t time?
BOBBY: I don't think so. My fans have
grown up an<l I've tried to grow with
FW: How do you account for those
teenagers' hysterics?
BOBBY: It was a phenomenon. Ten
contest winner~ would come backstage
and be '>O shy and nenou' they couldn't
open their mouth" Then they'd c;it in
rhe front row and tum into uninhibited
scream<:rs! Sometimes I e\Cn felt like
screaming! I was tone dcnf for a long
time afterward. The strange thing was.
the mob couldn't even lrc!ar me! If
they'd wanted to hear me. they would
have stayed home and played my rec-
a.nJ m;ike bis own decisions. I'm al-
re:idy giving him some freedom-but he
can't borrow the car! Speaking of cars,
I have a golf cart that I use to drive
around the yard. Do you want !O see
the place'! I call it my "E" ticket ride,
a la Disneyland. Every corner is differ-
ent and l've got over a hundred li ghts
to dramatize it at night. The squirrels
m<1de a nest in the seat of the surrey.
I've got a rain forest, complete with
sounds of thunder and birds. The
sounds are activated when you pass an
electronic eye. l just finished building
the little "dwarfs house" by the water-
wheel. Got the idea after going to
Disneyland. All our friends' kids love to
come over and take a tour around the
yard. I don't know. maybe I'm just us-
ing the kids as an excuse to have fuo .
Come over here-I want to show you
how the fish come to me. I worked a
month and a half to get them to do that
so I could hand-feed them.
FW: Maybe time bas passed for Bobby
Sherm an, but, like Peter Pan. there's
still a lot of the boy left in
him. Somehow, I'm glad.
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3 " I 1 € f•d $ 4 99
Olll. y '"" It
Cultore Simulated Pea rl
on a delicate Gold-Filled
161/2" chain. Comes gift·
StJte 810
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ONlT ~
An artist 's personal
interpretation of the
very source of l ife
and vitality. Golden
branche s are
crowned with spa r·
kling 1ewels of dif·
ferent hues. Intricate
double chain 1s 24"
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No matter how
tight the situation,
Salem's taste
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Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined
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C t '14 II, l. lllYllOlOI TOeACCO CO. 19 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.
Beauty Diseovery Pr0Aran1:
How Well Do You
&aHy Know Your Skin•!
Do you know your skin type?
How do you handle "combina-
tion" skin? Are you really
what you eat? Can the art of
makeup diminish an aging
look? Learn the up-to-the-
minute answers starting on
this page.
By Rosaly n Abrevaya
Won1e n 's Feature Edit or
B ccau~ spring i~ a season of hope
and expectancy. of programs
and promisc11 for self-improve-
ment. it also seems to be the time when
a great many women .ire di~atisfied
with their !.kin. Perhaps it is more out
in the open in the !.pring. more subject
to clo..c scrutiny. But doing something
positi.,,c about your complexion can
lead to a sense of accomplishment. to
feeling good about yourc;clf. Here's a
guide through the mJzc of today"s skin-
care focts aimed at renewing, refresh-
ing and reviving your skin.
Before you can do .my heau1ifyiog,
you should know your skin type. Not
every woman does. Herc arc some
quick dcscrip1ions to help you analyze
and define your skin\ .. pcr,onality":
Do you have normal skin? You do
if, basic;ally. you don·t have much
trouble with ii -becauc;c normal skin
has an idcJI balance of oils and mois-
ture. It can c;ome1imcs become slightly
oily around your nose and chin in the
summertime or show some signs of
dryness in rhc winter. But extreme<; arc
rare in either direction. Watch out,
however. for incrcasinc: dry11ess. As
nom1al skin grows older, its inner bal-
ance begins to change. Natural oil pro-
duction slows down. Overheated rooms.
exposure lo wind and sun and cold. im-
C 011111111t·tl An attractive complexion gets th•t w•y with a little help from heredity and a thoughtful 1kln·c8fe regimen. One way
to help kHp skin lively-looking Is with a good facial masque (see Inset). For how to apply, turn to next page.
FAMILY WEEKLY. Aprll 28. 1974 • I
~ .. c ..
"O c .. ~ ~ ... D • J:; 0. ~ 8' 0 f
c 0 > .. a:
Cl u • a:
c ..
Vi ... D
0. ::> Cl .. • :::!
Apply masque to cheek •eH first, upWard end outward (but not
under eyff), then lo foreh .. d and chin. The eOQ formula-a n .. ural
10urce of protein-refines and tightens pores, re-texturH the
•kin'• surtKe. Shown here: "Moon Drops" egg masque bf Revfon.
~uty &Jbi Learn Your Skin's Personality!
proper cleansing step up the drain of
Do you have oily akin? A little
shine at the center of your forehead or
around your nose doesn't automatically
put you in the oily-skin category. What
does is an e:ccess of oil over most of
your face most of the time, together
with an uneven :.kin texture and n tend-
ency toward clogged or enlarged pores.
If you're young, you're likely to out-
grow rhi'i problem, because the s~n·s
natural oil production begins to slow
down in one's early twenties. Count
yourself lucky if you're this skin type.
becau se skin that starts out oily is apt
to stay young looking longer!
Do you have dry skin? Age has
nothing to do with it. Even your color-
ing isn't necessarily a factor. You may
think fair hair goes with dry skin, but
many brunettes have thin, fine com-
plexions, prone to an early loss of mois-
ture. If your skin feels taut; if it over-
reacts. reddens or becomes irritated by
heat, cold, sun . wind; i( it flakes; if
you're conscious of tiny lines-you have
dry skin.
Do you have combination skin?
It's not at all uncommon. It can be
diagnosed by oiliness around the '1'-
zone"-forehead, nose. chin-with dry-
ness in your check area, tautness, flaki-
ness. and the beginnings of fine lines
Whatever your skin type, this chart should tell you at a
glance what you need to correct and care for your complexion :
Normal Skin Ory Skin Oily Skin
around the eyes and mouth, despite ex-
cess oiliness in the middle of your fore-
head or around your nose. For com-
bination skin. use the prepar:itions for
oily and dry on the appropriate areas
of your face.
What you eat plays a big role in your
beauty scheme, 100.
According 10 dermatologist Dr.
Irwin I. Lubowc, even when you're
watching your weight you should pam-
per your skin aod eat a selective amount
of protein: lean meat, milk, poultry,
fish (shellfish, such as lobster, shrimp
and clams, not more than once every
two weeks because of the high iodine
and cholesterol content). non-spicy
"The Tissue Test":
cheese such as cottage, cream, pot.
American and Gruyere.
Fats are important for supple skin,
too, particularly the unsaturated kind
contained in corn oil, peanut oil, sesame
oil and olive oil. Your diet should also
include helpings of fruit, yellow and
green vcgetabks. and salads.
Experts agree that the same foods
that keep you trim can keep your com-
plexion clear. Remember. too, that the
original "low calorie" beverage, water,
ca n do wonderful things for you. Eight
to ten glasses a day are still recom-
mended (as an aid to digestion and
elimination). to put a glow in your
Face-Care Tips For
People Over 30
1. A cream or lotion cleans-
er to lift off day's deposits
of grime. makeup, pollution.
2. A freshener to remove
residue of makeup that the
eye can't see.
1. A gentle cream cleanser.
2. A light freshener, without
much alcohol.
1. Non-greasy cleanser to
deep-clean without adding
How to Gauge Your
Skin Type
1. Wash face tho roughly.
Wait a half hour.
The American zeal for bath-
ing in too hot. too soapy water,
and for soaking for too long,
may speed up the skin's drying
process. When a woman is in
her thirties, her body produces
less sebu m (the skin's• natural
oil), so her skin needs special
hand ling. Pulling, pressing and
stretching facial skin is out.
And from Pond's Beauty Insti-
tute comes the advice that only
gentle upward and outwa rd mo-
tions should be used. The only
exception to this rule is in the
under-eye area, where oil
should be gently dotted on
3. Daytime moi sturizer,
cream or lotion type, for un-
der makeup.
4. A masque, perhaps once
a week, to stimulate facial
ci rculation.
10 • FAMILY WEEKLY, April 28, 1974
3 . A moi sturizer under
makeup by day, to serve as
a protective shield.
4. A rich night cream to help
your skin retain moisture
while you sleep.
5. A masque, once every two
weeks. ·
6. Eye cream for delicate
area under the eyes. (Ac-
tually, all types need it since
there are no oil glands In
this area.)
2. An astringent or fresh-
ener formulated specifically
for oily skin.
3. A masque, two or three
times a week, to shed dead
4. Cleansing grain•, whose
mild abrasive action clears
pores, removes surface skin
2. Mark three pieces of tis-
sue paper A, B, C.
3. Wipe A over forehead; B
over nose and chin; C over
each cheek.
4. If tissue is unstained. skin
is dry in that area; some
dampness means skin has
normal moisture; traces of
oil mean those glands are
(every night} in the directi on
of your nose.
Mature. drying 'ikin cJn alw
benefit from some makeup
tricks. Uneven. hlotchy color
can be counteracted with 5
sheer foundation base that is
close to your slcin tone. to even
out the h:xture of the face. To
help highlight a dull complex-
ion. shy away from powder
blushers; choose a cream-type
rouge instead, and ask for a
fine. translucent face powder
rather than one that results in
a heavy, masklike covering. As
yo ur skin matures, typical non-
transl uccn t powder makeups
sink into lines. so avoid them
and fend off that aged look.
If your skin '>cems "puffy" at
times. master the art of con-
touring (remember, dark sub-
dues; light brings forward).
and use a darker foundation
to minimize the problem, par-
ti cularly along the jaw or under
the chi n, blending it well at the
edges. Highlight cheekbones
with a lightly pearllzed glos-
ser. Switch to a creamier II~
stick,. and use a lip pencil or
brush if small lines begin to ap-
pear around· your mouth. If
you've never tried One before,
buy a lip gloH. It'll help shine
up your smile!
How to Look Five
Pounds Thinner-Fast
• Keep skirt lengths to the knee,
not higher. One of the easiest
ways to detect a .. chubby" un -
derstructure i'i to loo~ at a per-
son's leg just above the kn~.
• Forget about midriff-hugging
tops. Looser. hlousy styles are
more hccoming.
• Wear "leaner look i ng"
clothe-.. For example, a two-
piece dresc; in contrasting pat-
The 30-plus akin needs to guard
against natural moisture loH.
One Perfect Exercise
Since many of us admit to be-
ing l.1zy, '"h1k ulher'i refme to
Jo .my C'l"rcl\c routtnl" fl1r long
hu1 s/io11/cl-wc turned lor help
to gr.ind c\crcic;l" mJslcr Nicho-
1;i., KounO\ \ky. The requc~1 · j
J.11ly excrc1~c. plc:bant lo du.
Ari anti-stain.
prch:r.1hl~ 11nco111pli1...11cJ, l•nc
lh.1! \\UlilJ llllll: lip Jllllll'll l'\Cr)
mu,ch: in thl" hoJr. Nich11la"
recommcndcJ the follll\\ mg•.
1. RJ1w )<1ur :trm\ \IUl"\\a}c; un-
til 1hcv rncct .10t•\c )our hc.1J.
lnhJlc lhn•u~h yo ur nl•\C J\ y·ou
<,luwl ) r1-.c on llX'\. c;t fl'h.'h1ng
high. to 1hc count ol s1"<.
--~ Some anti-perspirants promise to help keep you
dry. Some tell you they feel nice when.they go on.
Others say they are anti .. stain.
Now Dial Very Dry does it all.
An anti-stain, anti-wetness,
anti --sticky, anti-perspirant.
New Dial Very Dry.
terns or colors will nc..,cr he ac;
thinning as a one-color shirt-
dress. Anything that divides you
in two will make you look
heavier because it cote; )Our
• Opl for higher heels an ex tra
inch or two will :lllow you to
"cur)·· C'<lrJ weight.
• Work hard to imprO\C )011r
posture. An unlikely. but mar-
\elous, aiJ to remind you to
stJ nJ up '>lraight: control-top
pant yho<;e. Mo Jd Maude
Adams (.1hove ) ic; wearing a
rnmming I }era-fiber c;lylc.
• Cho°'c .1 ~ofr . '>hort. llutT )
ha1 rslvlc 1ha1 m1n1m111:-; rh e
wid1h o f your f:i1..c. A\01d pull-
h.1ck 'ii ) le\ that ma ke .1 douhle
chin \l;.10J 0111 all rhc 111orc.
• A void -;hoc' w11h an} kind 111
'ilrap.1 hey make )our feet look
-;quat A neurral -colorcd pump
2. Slowly J rup yo ur arm\ down
'idcwar. hcnding )Our lo.nee'>
.111J bJd. Exh.1lc through your
no)c ac; you go dllwn lo the
ltlllnt of six.
3. C 'ml yo ur h<Hly int o a crouch.
huggi ng knee' and contracting
.ill mmde ... including ahdomi·
11 .11. Repeal thl" entire '>equcnce
lr t>lll l WO IP \iX 1in1e\
l"rom the honlo.. "I he Joy nf
h :cltn!! F11:· hy N11.hola1., Knu-
noHI·-> ~
'u'-h J\ t.111pc. "h1ch hk nd, in
wit h leg tone'> .l!l'l"' .1 more
<,lender look
• St1c~ In J Jark-t.1n c,hadc of
hme fl•r spring ~1cd1um-10-
dark 'hadc-; I but not extreme
"hl,1ck'") lend lo
-;Jim )011r kg-;.
F~MILY WEEl<L Y, ~pill 28, 1974 • '1
> (That's how great our new "Easy SprayefI~ is!)
The new Fantastik Easy Sprayer
ends awkward, tiresome pumping.
Adjusts from pinpoint to wide
spray for total convenience. And
no other spray cleaner has
anything like it. It makes Fantastik
the easiest, quickest way to spray
things clean. It makes Fantastik
the only way to spray. Put it to
the test against any spray cleaner.
We guarantee you'll agree.
Adjust a wide-angle spray for large areas.
Here's 10 ¢ to try it. If you don't
say Fantastik is the only way
to spray, soak off the "Easy Sprayer"
label plus the label and price of the
spray cleaner you say is better, and
mail with your name and address to
Texize, Box J 035, Clinton, Iowa
52732. We'll refund the price of the
spray cleaner you say is better.
(Limit one per family. Offer expires
August 31 , 1974.)
Off I
DEALER: To redeem this coupon, mail to I
p O. Box 1035. Clinton. Iowa 52732. You I
will be paid f•ce velue of this coupon plus 3e far handlinc. TERMS: Redemp-
tion by euthorized aaents only. Non-I assl1nable. Consumer must pay any sales
tex. Any use other than specified ebove
oonstitutes fraud. Any failure to enforce I
tnese terms shell not be dHmed e we Iver
of eny of the conditions. Cash value I /20
of l e.Offer upires Mey 31. 1975. OS..(112 • --------
(·Medicine Chest:
( ~111111,..;i11~ \Vorld of iledi<~ttl S<•i ... 11(•(• •••
EARS. l>o you h.avc a certa in
diagonal c rease or fold in your
earlobe'! 11 :.o, you may be a
candidate for hcan titlJck. This
astute o l>M!rvation w.1:-. made by
cardiologist p r. Edgar Lich-
stein and his a<>sociatc' at Mt.
Sinai School of Medicine in
New York C ity. Observing 53 1
hcart-allack. patients in a coro-
nary-care unit. he found diag·
onal creases on the earlobes
of 47 percent of them. Jn a
group of patients with no his·
tory of heart d1\easc. only 30
percent had !he !.amc -.1gn. It
i\ nl)I known if thc<;c patients
had the cJr crc.1\c at hinh (i.e .•
i'I ir a gem:tic trait .inJ i'> heart
allad. genetically delcrminetJ?).
Bui since !he e:i r crca'e i' as·
!,OC1.1teJ with p.1lients w it h
coronary <Ji,cao;c, il 1s a n extra
help in identifying tho~c with a
greater ri:.k of heart disease.
D octors have three times as
high a suicide rate a' !he pulilic
al large and psychiatri'\t'I com-
mit 'luicide most often of all.
Why? Many rc.1~onc;. One: Doc·
lorx hesitJtc to seek help. prob-
ahly hceauo;c they feel it will
lower the pedestal on which the
public puts them. Two. The
grueli ng oh<;t.1clc cour!lc of
medical c;chool, whac u ti:illy
only the moc;t compulsive <;uc-
<:l'l!d. Thi'i type of pcr-.on mJy
n: I ~ the one hc'il ahle to cope
with cmorion.11 strec.scs. Three:
l>ClClor'I, in deA ling with drug-;
.ind needles, have ca'y acce"s
10 relatively painlcsc; death. It is
also found that doctors may
not make the best husbands
or fathers. T he family situation
in a physician's hou'\chold nfrcn
deteriorates hccau~e the wile
receives minimnl allcntion from
her hu,b.iml. whl> i' married 10
hi-: medic.ii career
nf rhc dire accompaniment\ t_\f
.1gc is depression. Oepreo;:.1t'n
is more than sadne\\ ll at...t'
makcc; itc;clf felt as sleeplc'l<:ne'"
;1nd variou" other diseomforls,
and it t•1kes the joy out of life.
The wnrkl-fomous D r. Ann
H • F'AMIL V WEE KL V. Apr II 28. 1914
t\,l.11n. directo1 llf the Bticha·
re't Jnc;1i1111e of ( 1e1ia1ric,, de.
'eloped Gerovital H3, a <;pecial
cnmhination of procaine .ind
other ingredicnlc;. It i'l t1sed
throughout the world for reju-
venation, ht•t hac; hecn h:inncd
in the U.S. Y ct people ha\ c
By Erwin Di Cyan, Ph.D.
Ondcd to furope for the treat-
ment and rclUrned with glowing
reports of ii~ effeetivcncc,s And
you can S<.'e the difference-the
c;uhjects do look (;ind apparent-
! y foe() indefinably younger.
Dr. Nathan Kline. world·re-
nnwnctl p<tychiatrist and re·
search dircct0r of RocklJnd
State Ho'lpital, 5t:irled to use
the Aslam formula in tJcpre<i-
~ion cases. with e ncouraging re-
sults. More recently. two Cali-
fornia doctors found Gcrovital
IL' ctTcctivc in fighting de.
pression, Increasing people's
general .. sense of well·being,
and in easing the discomforts
of the degenerative diseases
that accompany aging. W hat
does it all mean? It means that
fina lly, aficr blind rejection.
Gerovita l H3 is being iricd in
the U.S.-with po<iitive results.
Dr. S idney S. Gellis of Tufh
University wa rns women that
phenobarbital, a com mon sed-
ative or sleep inducer, has been
found 10 disrupt ovulation
time. When you delay ovulation
in animals. there is a ~trik ing
increase in genetic abnormali·
ties in the Jirters. Dr. Gellis
warns pregnant woman, or
those in the reproductive years.
against the use of m any drug.'
that can possibly affect off.
spring. P henobarb. he says, i~
a t the top o f the list.
Why can't any1hing be d one to
control births on the male level'?
It can. Vasectomy (lying off
d ucts t hat transport sperm) docs
it. But the big drawback is that
vasectomy is hard to undo if a
couple change their minds and
decide to have children. How
about a valve to shut off the
sperm duc t and reopen it if
the couple change their minds?
It's on the way. Successful in
animal experi ments, Dr. Joseph
F.. Davis. professor of uro logy
at New York M edical College,
is now doing research o n the
valve in human volunteerc;. It
looks encouraging. but the real
test, say-. Dr. Davis, will be if
pregnancy occurs when the
valve is reversed to le t the sperm
come through the d uct. That's
what we're wniting to sec.
TOTALER? Even Shakespeare
knew that sexual performance
is difficult for a man wh~
Jrunk. Now. Dr. fack Mendel·
son of Harvard Medical School.
.1 pc,ychiatrist who is doing rc-
c;cJrch in alcoholism. find~ that
the level of testosterone, the
111alc sex hormone. falls consid-
crahly during the intake of al·
cohol. Though not absolutely
• times ·
Nobody these days is telling you not to give up smoking.
But if you've given it up more times than you'd like to remernbcr, tl1c
chances are you enjoy it too much to want to give it up at all.
If you're like a lot of smokers these days , it probably isn't smc)ki11g that
you want to give up. It's some of that 4tar ' and nicotine you've been heari11g
about. -
So you tried cigarettes whicl1 were low in 'tar' and you found yourself
checking every once in a while to see if they were still lit. Which drove y()U
right back to your regular brand.
Now, there is Vantage .
Vantage cigarettes, either filter or menthol, deliver cc)nsiderably les s 'tar1
and less nicotine than most cigarettes.
But what really makes Vantage special is our pccial
filter which allows the tobacco flavor to come through. ,.
Vantage isnt the lowest'tar' and nicotine cigarette, but
it sure is the lowest one you'll ~njoy smoking.
And that's what makes all the difference.
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
I I ..... ~ •• C••--··· •••
l\A 1 llrit t HOI
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Fabulous New LAZY way
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Tll1t's the· 11uut1 or It ... •l••ys
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anco. If ,.., do net IOI mta1&1ntbi. roautta In •II
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Here's the "smart Ht" way, the easy, experience '.with just a IO· m inute
lazy way to a new, flattering silhouette cycling period a day. Tummy muscln
that's used by famous per$0nalities, will firm up. hips and thiahs slim down,
buslnessmen and women throughout waistline shrink . . . and soon that
the country. All you do is rest on the paunchy, bulgy feelinR disappears!
cloth·backed vinyl mat and start ped· leg muscles get stronRer. digestion
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vigorating resurgence of energy you'll strengthened, too.
THE SUNSHINE I H1nowr B1c11 •• H1nover, P9nn1.1733l
Yes, I went to lot• pounds and •nchtt the lAlY way Kondty I rush TCH MINUTE BODY CYClC lor th• special 1n1toductory This easy·carry, lightweight cycle can
be used anywhere . . . on f loor 1n
bedroom. any room indoors ... or.
tan up in the sun outdoors wh tle you
pedal on ltwn or patio. Enjoy yourself
... read a book, watch TV, listen to
stereo while your leg m uscles do all
the work ... without strain or fatigue.
YP .. 191UU IMY CYCll (ZM7MlC), SAU tl ."
Hanover Bldg.
Hanover, Penna. 17331
I pric;e ol 1ust $7 99 each, plus $2 00 to help cove• huvy
•••aht sh1pp1nc •ncl hendhnti cotlt I unclo~t•ncl that 11
I .,.., uslna lor two _ ..... I •m "OI tot••r dch1htod Wtth
\ the r.suns. I will ••turn lo• • lull refund o 1>1•rch••e P"'" I no Qunt1on1. •• .. ed TU• wo•vrt .OO• c•cu 4LMJJ1Ut tAll ""
C•UCl IT: 0 Oo11tr• Clutl I IJ AiMrtCMI C.puu 1 Multr c~···· I J t1nU1Mroo rd ,,.,,,_,,.~ 11 ___ _ I Acc't II 0111 (1p110 _____ _
I Enclosed Is •--------------Penna. & Md rn•d•"h •dd ,.,., t•• I NAM..._ _______________ _
I ADDACSS---------------
1 CITY I ---------------------------~ I STAT[ IP _____ _
O Check htto 10< FREE cataloc ol lone"'"' tU~9lllll _J L----------------...a.-----_.., "· ........ ~ .. ~-. ,.,._ ----
l.Mediei11e Chest
proved. rhis might be relaled 10
Lhe poor sexual performance of
mnks while lhey are drunk.
ROUGHING IT. Bran has ~en a
favorite remedy of food 'Zealoi"
for decades. Now it seems rhcy
may have been right -hut for
lhe wrong reasons. Doclors
have found that a high realdue
dlet-i.c., one in which bulk or
roughage ts high -is scrongly
desirable for the prevention of
divertlculosls of the colon.'
Divcrriculosis is a conJi1ion in
which hernia-;. or lilllc sacks,
form in the rntc'itine. Accord-
ing to Dr. Srl.'vcn Ocrnsccin of
Fr. Myers, Fla., bran. and other
roughage-producing foods, has-
tens cvacuarion of stool. This
le-;sens rhe chances of prc~surc
building up in rhe inresrine or
colon, which is one reason for
lhc formation of divcrticula.
Many a m;.in has haJ him:.elf
1a11ooeJ wilh a girl'~ name -
only lo regrer ir when he mat·
ricd somebody cl~e! How to re-
move a lalloo? Until now, the
process has hccn hard, painful
and scar-produ<:ing. Now, salt
may be coming to the rescue!
Dr. Gary H. Manchester, a
plasric surgeon from San Diego,
Cnli f.. recen!Jy reported sue·
cessful removal of 200 tattoos
wiLhin rhe last two years. He
rubs the tattood skin with salt
on an electrically driven, felt·
padded disk. Effecrjve? Yes -
ar least in most cases.
long ngo the expression Iran·
acendental meditation (TM)
was associated with a man in a
turban who told your fortune.
We have come a long way since.
Respectable researc hers -
among them Dr. Neal Miller of
Rockefeller University and Dr.
Herbert Benson of Harvard
Medical School -report that it
can be effective. TM is mental
concentration that is directed
tow;.rrd producing physical and
ment:il changes. Physiological
changes can be willed to hap-
pen according to tertain rituals
prescribed by TM. Through
TM. for exnmpfc. blood pres-
sure can be reduced, ml·
gralne and other pains stop-
ped, breathing slowed down,
sleep Induced. TM, say the
Jocrors, deals not only with
how it feels 10 be healthy (as
wit h a reduction of blood pres-
!.U re) bur can also result in
well-being-can :ictually r1'll
reduce blood pressure. lillll
<tf1)1n1IJ~1 "'·ekly
Food shelf
FAMILY WCEKLY's Foodshell pre-
sents dishes you ¢an make
qulcroy, with a minimum ot
fuss, using common Ingredients
found in most kitchen cup-
In 2-qt. 'iauccp.tn snutc ;." cup sliced onion in 2
rablespoons melted butter or marg.1 rine for 5 minutes.
Sttr in 2 cans ( 151 .i -oz. size) beef s tew, 2 tablespoons
brown sugar, I tablespoon cider vinegar and 'h
teaspoon ground c loves or allspice. Heat to boiling.
Reduce heat: cover, and simmer 5 minutes. Serve with
c;our cream and pickles. Whole wheat or pumpernickel
bread make good go-a longs. Makes 4 ser,·ings
II • f AMll Y WEEKLY, Aprll 28. 1974
a dvertleement ·
Watch me lose us pounds
H E'r<' I am nl my to p
wf'ight. And it tM>ga n
y<'ars ago with Mom
saying : "If you'r<' a
good girl, you'll iwt a n
C'Xtra cookie'." I was so
good, my thighs wound
up a s b ig AR most
girls' waists.
Note: Photos
arr from I he personal
a/hum of Belly O'Neal.
Chicago. ll/1no1s. The
picture al right 11•ns for
laughs: Reily in a dress
shr ll'Orc he{ orr• losing
I 2.5 lh.>i. on the Ayds
plan. Incidentally, A y ds
contain L'tfomins and
minerals. no druRS.
and are ava!labl<' al
drug counters.
-a picture at a time. ·
By Betty O'Neal-as told to Ruth L. McCarthy
No quC'stion thf'
Ayds plan was
really working for
me now. Why, wh<'n
I saw thos<' scall's
down 55 pounds, I
kn<'w nothing rould
stop m<' until I got
to my goal -hi-low
150. AnothN thing.
I found I could
Evl'n though l'rl lost 15 pounds hPr<'.
I st i II pn•fnrc'<i sofa:-; to chairs.
You :-ON', I (.lnC't' s:1l in an a rm chair
and wh1•n (stood up, it wouldn't
!Pt go But what rr•ally 1;ot m<'
losing was th<>M' ads aooul 8
rrouc ing plan cn ndy that h<·lps
curb your appetite'.
pass up pies, donuts
and ca k<'s mor<'
easil v !)('ca u!'<'
thos<-Ayds a lso
satisfi <'d mv SW<'<'t
195 ~unds A big turning point!
. I'd hrokC'n th£' 200-pound barriC'r! To
tooth. · rr'ward myself I rl<'cidC'd to have• a huge•
mra I nnd ~oo<•y dc>~SNl on Cf' J w£·<'k
And it workc•d I ~till lost.
Heigh t
W e ig ht
Bust .
Re fore After
!}'6" !)'6"
270 lbs.. . .14 5 lhs.
.. 51" . . . . . .38 'h"
46" . . . .. . . 28"
55" . . . . . . .36"
. 26 1h ..... -... 12
Z3Z pounds nown :JR
, pounds~ Quilt• a r<•cnrrl for ~1111r•onc· who
lovNi ln l'al. But J"cl Ol'V<-r h:1w· don1· it on
willpowc·r alcin1· I nc-.•dc·d lwl p a11cl
thos.• Aycls · candiC'S ~ave· it to nw I'd
tak<' n coupl<' with a hot drink lwforo •
a meal and l'd actually eat IPss.
145 pounds StH·n·ss' I was down
to my goa l. And just look :it thnl lx·:wtiful waist' I
don't know whn is mc1rP pro ud my hush;1nd or I.
Hut wc•'r<' hoth w ry hnppy. thnnl.s to thf' Ayds pl:m .
You're Never
Too Old
To Hear Better
Chkago, 111.-A (ref' off er of spe-
cial interest to those who hear but
do not understand words bu been
announced by Beltone. A non·
operating model or the smallest
Beltone aid ever made wilJ be
given absolutely free to anyone
requesting it.
Send for this non·operatlng
model now. Wear it in the princy
of your own home to see how tiny
bearing help can be. It's yours to
keep, free. The actual aid weighs
less tftan a third of an ounce, and
it's all at ear level, in one unit. No
"ires lead fron1 bod}' to bead.
These models are free, so we
suggest you write for yours now.
Again, we repeat, there is no cost,
and certainly no obligation. Thou-
sands bl\'e already been mailed,
so write today to Dept. 4370,
Beltone Electronics, 4201 W. Vic·
toria S treet, Chicago, Ill. 60646.
•t-'f'O'°'~ • S1mpM to 1ntt•H
• Ho,, C('"ud'f'V
• Hon tfHf..,lnQ
• l.4~ bHl Ql1Af,,\IH $1 .98
I EMClOS£0 iC•h Cnec' Monory Order I
I to• Gas 11._~ (ii> JI 911 •• 12 10< J 691 I
1 oiu~ 2Sc .. pot1 I
I GAS KEEPER I l' ~ !9: ~'...°=~~~:c:-::~~
-r __ ,.
NOW! ~-~
COINS-Only11, >
YOU C£T 2 PRC·l 938 BUf ~ fAlO NICl<CLS AND A PRC·
<One set to 1 customer ) These surce coins offered to 111 )'Our n1m1 101 our
m1ll1ng list. 't'ou wlll 1tso receive 1 copy ot the most wonderful c1t1lo1 ot coin ollers In Amenca Stnd $1, n1me. 1ddten,
zip to: l1tlleton Coln Co • Dept. SX-4 lfttleton, New Hampshue 0~61. '
WITH DENTURES f,.r., ~~ •.. --.,~ ....
Do your loose denture!> slip or
cause sore gum s·~ BRI MM'S
PLASTJ·LI NE R relines dc:>nlures
snugly without Powder. pust~· o r
pads. Gives tight. comfortohle ht
for m onths . YOU CAN !iAT
ANYTHING. Simply lay soft
strip of PLASTl·LI NER on
denture. Bit.e a nd it molds per·
fectly. Easy to use. h11rmless tu
den tures and gums. Money-bock
guarantee Cro m mfg. At a ll
druft coun ters
People Quiz
By J'obn E. G1ti'son
The Fu11ny Ways
We ltespo11d 'I•, ~lusi<·
True or False: If you r child plays in the ~chool band,
the odds are that he has an optimistic outlook on life.
(See number4)
1. Music can changt: )Our mood
in seconds, causing your emo·
lions to run the gamut from
boredom to excitement tn al-
most nothing Oa1.
2. When it come<> to gell ing a
message across to a woman.
music is far more effective than
3. The reason rock-and-roll mu-
sic is so popular with young
people is because th e "ubtlc psy-
chology embodied in the lyrics
is calculated to "hit them where
they li ve."
4. If your child plays in the
school band, the o<lds arc that
he has an optimistic ou tlook on
5. Folk music is fine entertain-
ment -but aside from that it
serves little purpose.
1. True. Psychologisto; have
found that music doe-; things to
you-whether you like ii or not.
In one study of its mood-alter-
ing power. subjects were ex-
posed to "a series of brief clas·
sical-music excerpts that cover-
ed specific mood dimensions:
depressed-to-happy. agitated-to-
serene. bored-to-active. and ac-
tive-to-majestic.'' In every ca ·e.
the emotions of the subjects par,
alleled the mood of the music.
2. True. While i;tudics show thal
music has a definite effect on
1hc emotions of all listeners,
rc<;carch at Texas Tech Uni-~
vcri;ity, which compJred the re-
sponse-; of men and women,
<lcmonstr:itcd th:u women react
more positively to mu:iic than
men do. Apparently the swains
of yesteryear knew wh:ll they
20 • FAMILY WEEl<lY, Aprol 28, 1!174
were doing when they courted a
lady with the music-under-her-
balcony-winJow rou.tine.
3. Faise-accunrmg 10 the find-
ings of a team of University of
M ichig:in re~earchers. which
showed that the young people
studied were "much more inter-
ested in sound than in me:ining.
Most of the teenagers either did
not understand the lyrics or
werl.! iodifTerent ."
4. Tme -according to a psy-
chological study tha1 compared
boys who played ins1rnments in
rhc school band with olhcr boys
the ~ame age. Those who played
in the band scored significantly
higher on the intelligence. ideal-
i!lm and optim ism scales of
~tandan.l personality tests. They
were, however, mo re subject to
quick mood changes and emo-
tional ups and downs. ft was
aho found that "boys playing
hra<1~ and percussion instn1-
men~ were significantly lower
in assertiveness and significantly
higher in control (self-disci-
pline) than boys who played
woodwind instruments.''
5. False-according to a study
of the psychological aspects of
folk music which found that:
"The current in1cresl in folk
music has not been just histori-
cal curiosity or plain entert ain-
ment. but has reflected the con-
tinued struggle of man to find
himself. to )>enetrate and tran-
scend the realily of the world."
Folk music. 11 1s poinled out, re-
flects the emotions and native
wisdom of a people and their
quest for v:i lucs. and it can ex-
tend our comprehension of man
and enlarge our
knowlc<lge of lifo.
In the time tt takes tq read
thls,ora·JSI can start reltewlng a toothache.
F•st. easy to u1e.
Works every time, QUIK·flX.,,,>
or your money back. l>Mblr••-..hlllt
At all drug counters.
Honest answers about that itch
you never dared to ask about.
Even your best friend Follow directions and
doesn't know. Va~inal and you'll feel how BiCOZENE
rectal itching make you feel helps promote healing,
so helpless. So alone. soothes aw ay irritation. and
Let BiCOZENE• help. helps stop that itch in
(Say it "By-Co-Zeen.") This minutes Rat. Really!
may be the m ost e ffective For sample, send 25( to
treatment for p ersonal "HELP," Dept.N-FN. 423
1tchin~you can buy w ithout Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn.
prescription. NewYork 11217.
. ' .. ~ . ., .. •
COST $25 TO $50
Cultivate. shape & design
your own o'iental bonsai from
3 exotic species specially se·
lected for this ancient a rt:
windswept Juniper, "umbrel·
la" Cedar, regal Black Pine.
Just follow our step-by-step
d irections -it's so easy!
Healthy, vigorous pre·potted
training tree full instructions.
I PALM co., Dept. N71. I
I 4500 N.W. ll!Sth St., Miami, na. 33059 RuUI followlna pre.potted bonul tralnln1 I
I tne(s) @ only $3.69 each + 7SC posu11 & I h1ndlln1: I §, Nl4185 Juniper O Nl4113 Pine I Nl4184 Cedar I closed dleck or 111.0. for I I N1m1 I I Addrus I City State Zip___ I O Uvt St.SOI order any 2 for only $7.38 I I 1nd we Pl'Y 111 post11e. I
L ~ Y~& ~l~r: ~_:':_~a~=-'~':·--'
lACC -LAC[ -u cc .. 50 rar•• •I Lin en delo~hlful patterns Cdton~s.
b111os. 1nser11o"s, etc All beautiful colors lull widths P1ecu al teul 10 ya1ds ,.;
leneth M.uvelou~ lor d1uses. pillow
cues. ttc Temf1c .n hem l1c1na on
new double •nit labrlca. Only Mc plus 37c
psi,.t double Ofdtr $1.H plus 59c psi,. RU with lice 100 I UTTONS!
100 Hew, H•cn Ouahty Bullons All colors, s•tts. and sh•prs M•nr comptue sets rret with ucll lace Order Otder Now!
IOI W1llll11st111 St. lMls, Me. UI01
For Instant relief
until you can see your
dentist get DeWitt'•
Please allow up to four weeks
for delivery on items ordered
from companies that advertise
in Family Weekly. Sometimes
unintentional delays occur. If
they do. just write: Lynn
Headley, Family Weekly, 641
Lexington Ave., New York, NY
a dvertl•ement
How YOU Can Collect
320 U.S. Government Benefits Right Now!
Dear Taxpayer:
What do you get ?
The "poor" get federal housing,
food stamps, and other welfare bene-
fits. The rich get oil depletion
allowances, lower interest rate
loans, and expense accounts.
What do you get ?
The answer to that one 1s easy.
that nice? It is a bit depressi ng, isn't
it ? To work so hard for your
money and then each year give
Uncle Sam a bigger and bigger share
of it.
What can you do about it?
Wel l, you could always cheat. Or
move to another country.
But seriously, if you are already
claiming all of the legit imate deduc-
t ions you are entitled to, there is
still som ething you sho uld do. And -
that is ... MAKE SURE THAT YOU
Millions o f Americans just like
you are al ready collecting on them.
For example, RIGHT NOW, you
and your family may well qualify
for one, several o r all of these
government benefits.
• $5,000 in govcrnmont lodns al be-
low market interest rates if you !--now
how to apply for the loans! e Protection for your children-a
check list of over 200 toys banned as
being unsafe for children Check this list
before you buy any1hing!
e Low cosl insurance. You can save
hundreds of dollars with special govern·
ment policies! e A S·acre vacation hideaway for you
3nd your family. Prices begin as low JS
$25 an acre! e Social Securi ty benefits before you
reach your si xties. One and a half million
children receive social secu rity chect...s
each month! e Free employment assistance 1f you
are having trouble finding a 1ob because
you're not a youngster anymore' e Free help from the U.S . Secret
Service to protect you against counterfeit
They're You r s FREE for The Asking.
by (;;u y Hallwrt
monl'y dnd forged chcd..'>!
• F-rec plan) and .uch1Lcctur<1I dt1'>ign'>
for 12 dirtercnt rnucturl'' from J 3·hed
room house to J bott t l,rnd1n1t!
e A ~25,000 ~IMt ·your·own businc"
loan, wilh 15 years lo PilY 11 bJd..'
• rrcc aptitude tC\h (thJt would (l)}t
you up to $25) l<l find the 1ob you ttrc
beH suited for'
e 25% to 75% ot your rent R·"d by
Uncle Sdm if you qu.ilif y dnd t...now how
to apply!
•Free gove1 nml.'nr land to '>tJl-..c your
claim when pro)pecting for gold, -,!Iver
or other v;iluable miner.1b! e Free government service to help you
locate lo~L marr iage or divorce record~!
•Free proLection for your children
Jg..iinst huardous toys provided by the
government Office of Comumcr Aff3ir\1
e The right lo enter d fabul ous govern·
men t swcepstJk.c~ a public drawing to
clJim oil and gas rights lO public 1.rnch.
Profi t po1ent1al ranges all the way up to
i 75,000!
You !..now, a person could fill an
entire report ju t listing lit tie-known
government benefits that arc av.ii i-
able to every U.S. citi1en. I know,
because with Lhe help of d f rie nd, I
did. I t 's t itled "HOW TO GET
OWES YOU". It ha~ 320 govern-
ment benefits that most pe o ple hJvc
never heard o f. But it doe~n'I just
list them, mind y0u, It tells y ou ho w
to get them! I t tel Is you ho w to
qualify, who to contact (int luding
Jll necessa ry addrcssc') and what
to say.
I am thinking about publishing the
report in a hard cover edition selling
for around $6.95. Perhaps I wi ll Bui
right now I'd 1·1ke the sa tisfa ction of
immediately getting the valuable 1n-
forma11on rnlo the hands of as many
short-changed taxpayers as possible.
So I've had a local pnnter reproduce
the manuscript in report form and
bind it with a soft cover-without any
fuss or frills. And I am offering it,
personally, direct, by mail, for only
If you are interested, please let
me know right dw,1 y d~ I ha ve only
ordered ,1 <.mcill pr1.·'>~ run.
P.S. If you don't t.\l...C .1dv.1n1 ,1~i..· ill
thc'>e hencl1 t..,, you .Ill' onl'r
LhCd ting your .. clf. Al tl·r .di,
you've aln:<id y p.11ll lor them
Su, ordrr todJy .ind 'L't feir
youri;,clf th<.· hundred-. of r RI I
,rnd incxpensl\C thin~' thl'
government has for YOU .ind
your fdmlly!
P P.5. The government comes out
with new benefits nearly every
day. To keep you up to date, I
will send you informatio n on
them every o ther month for the
next 12 months. This informa-
tion comes in a small special
publication called Th e Coad
News Hot Line. There 1s no extra
charge for this.
lit.RE'S JUST A GLI MPS[ OF fltl
GE1 ! 3q GRl:.AT Cll/\PlCRC:.1
t. F RH •OR Al IE.NS ANU RI H J(,l l '>
1 FREE r o R AN I IQUf Ci\R BUI r...
5. FRll FOR BUSINE.S'iM[N & I/I.VI '1101<'
b. f RH CARH R ANO JOH I kAl'l,IM,
7 FRC E CONSUMER PROl LC 11() '>I l<VH l 'i
9. f RH F 0 R I I\ RM I:. RI, & L1\ R ll l N l K 'I
10.FREE FILMS, Fii M'>I KIP') & 'II IDf\
11. FRE.E I INANUAL 1\'iSIS I AN( l & I t>AN'>
12.FRE EfR<JM ltll'>IAIL l>Ll'Al<IMINI
t l. FREE Sl:.RVIC. (S & BE.Nlrl I'> I R<JM Al I
HEAL TH . (()ULA rlON & WI I I ARl
1·1 I RH HEI PI OR YCJU f ROM llN( IC 'i.V.I
1\11 i\ROllN() YOUI< ltO II llR
APi\I< I 'II N I
I ' I KI l I 0 YO IJ I ROM IN 1 I RN I\ I
RI Vl Nlll
11. l o w l 0'> I u ' '.ov1 RNMI NI I i\NI>
\l.'\l<C, \IN'!.. PRCH1RA\.1 \
l 7 I RI l I KOM 1111 I 1111<1\RY IJI 1 IJNC,KI ''
& 1111 N1\ 11 0'1·\I Al<I 111\'I ">
11-I IHI M1\I'">
1'1 •1<1 1 MAl<Kll\C,I !. lllVOR< I RI< 01<1>'-
I()( I\ 110 '-f !<Vil I '>~ UIRI l IOIW '
!II I Rl l AUOl l I 'PM I A I Ill \100N
)I •RI l I ROM I Ill If DI Ri\I RI \I RVI
'>Y'> II M
!J 11<1 I PROl I l I ION 1 1<0'1 Ni\ l lll<A I
Ol'>i\\ I IR'>
!I IKll l<>l<N\l llKI ICJVIR'iANI>
'>POR l \\11 N
~I fRll IROM IHI llNll l l>'l •\11 '>
2\ I RI I Oil , C.i\\ & Mllli l l<i\I I I i\'if
J h l Rll f()Rl'.l\K!Nf\
ll f RLI PO'> I Al RH,111 1\1 l<>N'> f.
I llll<ARY
l X I IHI l'O'i 11 l<'i
2'1 I 10 I I CJR f'RO')P f < I bR\
10 I RLI ')A f l l Y '>f RVlt I '> & Ill NI 11 I\
\I rRrr '><II Ml 'I KVI( r .... '(. Ill NI 11 1'1
11 llH I I 01< '>f NI OR l 111/l II.\
n I Rll 'ill "-Nl ..... & m 1\1 111111"" 111'>
I,. I Kll I IHRARY (JI \(K 11\I ')f (URI I Y
Ill NI I ll t,
I\ I RI f I OR'> I UDI NI' & 11 M Ill K'i
11> I KLI l.OVI k.NMI N I '>llKPI U'>
17 110 I I OR I RAVll l R'> c\ Vi\1 I\ ilUN
l I{\
3lS I Rl l I OR VI 11 I< I\ '>
1'1 I kl I f lJI< \\O'<tl"~
PL U'-1 2 L X I RI\ Kl POK I \ r Rl f
rrec Report Nu. 1: "~ luw l o Cum
pl,un I 11 The U .~. (,ovrrnml'nt "
rrcc R1.·ptH l N1J. 2· "Dircl !CHY nf
Rcg1on.1 I Jnd LCJc&I /\ddrc<...,l''> of
U.S. G<Jvtrnmcnt /\gcnue~··
~----------------------------------------------------------· IJS4 Mail ched. or money rJ rder 1n:
Good News Puhl1sh1ng (.,>
7576 Freedom Avenue, North C..Jn111n, Ohio M720
Dear Gary · Enclo~d find 0 .00 Pled\e \end me my copy ot "HOW 10 GET
WHAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT OWES YOU '" My 2 Extra Free Reports
plus my copies of the GOOD NEWS HOTLINE FR£E1 I understand that 1f I am
nol sa1isr1ed I may return the bool.. for .i full refund of my S 3.00.
Prtnl N•mt -------------------------
Addrc~S --------------------------
l.1ly ---------------------------
Sule 71p --------------------
0 Herc i~ an ex I rd S 3.00. ~c11d me clflo1hcr w py ol the hon~ (.1nJ th e lrt·c
report~) to )ttVl' J \ .i glf t 1
~tin the World!
If you heerd th1t
thia wH Steve Mc·
Peek of Las Vegas,
Nev ,, ri d in g th e
world's tallest unicy-
cle, you'd probably
believe it. But it's not.
It's Steve McPeak rid-
. ing the world's second
tallest unicycle. This
unicycle is a mere 20
f ect high. If he falls
from it, it probably
won't even be fatal.
Tilc world's very tall-
est unicycle is 30 feet
high -and McPeak's
ridden that one, too.
McPeak riding the 30-
foot unicycle looks
very m4ch like Mc-
Penk riding lhe 20-
foot unicycle -only
he's ten feet higher
and not juggling.
QUOTE: Hall Bartlett, d irector of
"Jonathan Livingston Scag\Jll,'' talks
about Bob Hope. "The thjng that
nmazes me :ibout Bob Hope is not his
comic ahility but his busi n~ ability.
He loves each day to be a myriad of
By Richard Armour
•• l know n womRn, know her well
(She is my wife, if I must tell ),
Who is a 6end for bridge. She'll play,
Or so it seems, both night and day.
She has "Her Club .. that meets each
And ill of it I dare not speak,
Besidea, the call for help is heeded
Each time a substitute is netded.
Because of bridge, my wife. my dear,
rm seeing less and less, it's clear.
22 8 FAMILY WEEKLY. Apr II 28, 1974
business prnblems. Hope had rune
writers that he had to p ut on salary for
'A Ciubal Affair.' Every morning he
had cal·h of those njne writers call him
up and provide him with jokes. He
shif tcd their salaries to whatever p roj-
t'l'l he was wo~king on. About $150,-
000 of the budget for 'A Global Aff rur'
. went to those.' nine guys. And Hope
h:mdle<l it all." UNQUOTE.
The f1c1 tha t glrl1 play• with doll1
and boys play with trucks-is that, as
some feminists would have it, merely
"male-chauvinist brainwashing"? May-
be not. Dr. Willard J fart up, director of
the University of Minnesota's Institute
of Child Development, conducted a
"dual study of thiec-year-olds to find
out which toys child ren pref e"cd and
which they avoided. Feminine toys
were largely avoided by the boys, even
when very clull neutral toys were the
only alternative offered. Girls picked
up feminine toys, dolls, mirrors. jewel-
ry. Dr. Hartup ... adJ s that nursery
schools, where there is no pressure to
prevent girls from playing with con-
struction toys or boys from playing
with dolls, stilJ notice that girls play
mostly with 'girls'' toys and boys with
'boys'' toys." From "Crowing Up With
Toys," by Irene Clepper, Augsburg
Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn.
Another Gool•gong •••
Who u ld the Everts were the only
tennla-pfaylng alatera? Now we dis-
cover that Evonne Goolagong's eldest
sister is almost as
competent on the
courts as Evonne.
The difference is
that Barbara gave
up the game six
years ago, married
and became a nurse
in Austra}ja. In re-
cent years, how-
ever. she has renewed her game and
several weeks ago she captured the
hearts of Coolagong fans when she
competed in the Country Week Tea~.,·
championship at White City in Sydney.
Her looks and tennis style closely re-
sem ble those of her famous sister. Who
Quips & Quotes
Someday I'll SPot her at a party
Where everyone is bright and hearty
And nodding toward her, as I chat,
Inquire of sor\1eone, "Who is that?"
Cmnpin~ Sl'oso11 : Wlieri a tllird o/
thr nntion hecnmcs ill-fed, ill-housed
arid ill-clothed. -1.uclllt' }. Goodyear
Evolution of the Gap
Generation or crcdibility-
Cap~ ure not to scoff at.
Hcmt•mhcr wht•11 the gup wus where
Th ey always hcadro 'cm off at?
-Barbara Kelly
Banks ort• ~11aro11t<'t'i"i-? 7!i percent
interest until 1977. Un/ortunntelv. no-
body's guaranteeing a 1977.
-Robert Orben
Taking Their Tum
Stmi<'~ or the spinning whcd
Are still around to pla~ue us:
Onr grandmothers usccl tlw1 rs at homl',
Our dnu~htt·rs. in La~ Vc.·gas.
-John Lovrland
Kids see hie differently. Send original
contributions to "Child," Family
Weekly, ~1 Le11lnoton Ave .. N.Y .. N.Y.
10022. $10 ii used-none returned.
One Sunday af temoon my
dad was going golflng and asked
m y mom and 6vc-yeor-old sister
if they would like to go along.
They both said yes immediately.
As they approached the ninth tee
my little sister remarked, "This
is the worst thing 1 ever sai<l yes
to." -Lee Ann Jeffers
New Albany, Ind.
My first-grade son had been
absent from school for a week be-
cause of illness. When I told him
I would write an "excuse" for
bim to give his teacher, he looked
at me and said , "Why? Just tell
the tn1th .'' -Mrs. Carry Kneedler
East W enatchee, Wash.
knows? Maybe we can look forward to
a team of Coolagong sisters at Wimble-
don this vear.
OATES: The baske tball championships
start Sunday. Wednesday is Law
Day. Saturday is the Kentucky Derby
and Expo '74 opens in Spokane, Wash.
ANNIVERSARIES: George Washing·
ton was inaugurated ns the first Presi·
dent of U.S. 185 years ago Tuesday.
BIRTHDAYS (all Taurus) : Sunday-
Ann-Mnr~ret 32 .. Monday -Celeste
Holm 5.5; Duke Ellington 75; Hod Mc.
Kuen 41; Emperor Hirohito 73. Tue•
day-Eve Arden 62. Wednesday-Jack
Paar 56; Kate Smith 65; Judy Collins
35; Glenn Ford 58; Scott Carpenter 49.
Thursday-Bing Crosby 70; Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock 7 1. Frldey-Colda Meir
76; Pete Seeger 54. Saturday-Audrey
Ann-Margret & Or. Benjamin Spock
By Frank Baginski
"Mom bought you • ufarl outfit In ene
you ever get the n.rve to go outside
and mow the gr ... r'
I Has Determined Surgeon Genera Your Health. Warning: The k'ng Is Dangerous to That Cigarett e Smo I
& WllllAMS() Cl l lOWH
.. .. 1 0 mg n1co11ne. av. 14 mg. tar. . by FTC method per c1gare11e.
Model 120
1,4 Inch bM1ck nlnut
74" x 16%" Jl JO"
factory ,price
All piecea pre-uncled wl pre-cut, indudin& t.llOI• wl mortises. Brealdront
swan neck and flnllll, ..W and dial cloon, dial fnme and sculptlnd a..tront
pn-auembled. Complete ........ and assembly Instructions furnllMd. Each piece
may be ,......_. ..........,. No woodwortdn& experience nec:esury.
Black Walnut Is the hardwood used by generations of
craftsmen for the rich beauty of its grain and hue.
So the clock you assemble will become an heirloom.
Yet the price of the kit is below the cost of buying the
lumber yourself and starting from scratch.
If lor any reason you are not c.ompletely sat1sf1ed, re·
turn 1n original sh1pp1nr, carton w1th1n 30 days for a
prompt refund no questions. no excuses.
Empenw's Eilht Dey 100-M Grandfether Clock Mowment
is Pf'Oduced In W.t Germe"' by proud docklnNths who,
fot CN9i' • century h8" beeo f'l)anutecturif'I the world's ' flM9t rnowmem.. .
Ehtboaed owertays surround JM IOlid tnss dial. The face
hes a hllfr...,,,..nent poNlll Md aerpentlne hands. You can
Mlect tram two dial wn6ons. One has the words "Tempus f\Ctt" (T1me Fliea) lntcribed in bleck enamel on • shaped
Buy a Do·lt·Yourself Kit and movement from Emperor.
Your cost $189.00. Then compare your finished clock
with other clocks retailing up to $700.
• Four full turned hood columns • e .... kfront swan neck and f ini.at "Cteslsn
• Full lencth waist door • Curved arch dial fKe door
• Decorator sculptuAld hue • l='loor levelers
aluminum wortd In tht arch above the dial fece. The other
hn the deak Movf"I Moon Dial with• lunar calendar.
TM corn~ wellht driven movement strikes the famous,
melodious Westminster chimes on four musically tuned rods.
Mowment Includes w.ightll, solid brass wei&ht shells, bran
bob, pendutum and chimes. All ptates arw solid Ina, and
ptnioM herdened st ....
Order Now! Factory direct with this form! Offer good through June 30, 1974
Please Check Orders shipped 2 to 3 weeks, shipping charges collect
EMPEROR CLOCK COMPANY, Dept. 28-A New Customer 0
Em1>4tror Industrial Park, Falrtlo1>4t, Ala. 36532 Previous Cu_stomer O
Model 120-K Do·lt·Yourself
Case Kit w/o Movement 33 $129.50 $ 99.50
Model l:ilU·A finished Clock, Tempus Fugit
Dial, Westminster Chimes 95 $369.50
Model l<lU·A Finished Clock, Moving Moon
Dial. Westminster Chimes 95 $384.50
Model lOO·M Movement. Tempus Fugit
Dial, Westminster Chimes for 120-K 32 $ 89.50
Model lOO·M Movement, Moving Moon Dial,
Westminster Chimes for 120-K 32 $ 99.50
We accept personal checks. TOTAL .,$ ____ _
ENCLOSED: ( ) CHECK ( ) MONEY ORDER ._$ ___ _ Alabama residents only,
CHARGE TO MY ( ) MASTER CHARGE ( ) BANKAMERICARD add 4% sales tax _$ ____ _
GRAND TOTAL_$ ____ _
Card Number Exoirat ion Date
•1~1 Send t.ee color
I catalog on complete
Emperor line O
NAM --~------~~-~--~~---
~ow oo
4'0U llKE IT 'S
50 FA~1 GODO, I
-J.,.\) I .. 't i )• •• 'J"1' ,.,.,V .. r1
~ " • \ •• ,., .... ,, •• , .... 11 •'• "'"
'ff AN CY
( (
SUN DA 1', APRIL 28, 19> •
' \
0'4EWSf'~PEC ..
OFTEN? ( l
By Ernie Bushmilf er
,........ ~ ~ .... _ .... ...._.~'4··-·
·~A~ I --_aoflH : [BOILER
THI S 1$
I .
I .
Hal Kaufman~
.2. • .l ,,
11 •
.•2 I) • I • • lb
PITY the unfnrlunalr h;ihv·
,111a l·;illrcf l o l;ikr r;irr ol
the l.tri.!<' family ahovr. I o
find out why, add 1111,,lll)!
e Wfo:LL STATED? I. Which ltat.e hu the hl&het
male Yolce? 2. Which state contalna a ltwdy tne?
3. Which at.tes IUllflt l()ft drink1?
·•~&.au111w 'npu.rin:-> •c •119onq111·11-o ·r. ··-''"'"'J. ·1
•Challtnc•: Shnd with your lt(t foot a~d shouldf'r 0
1g1lnst a wall. fry lo niillf your ri1ht foot without
• Let 'a uy SA is a short form or th• word esay.
What wards then do theM letten l'UJI•: J. NMF..
2. XLNC. 3. FMNAC?
• A~krrl In wnh• thr r hemical formula for watftr,
Dora Dimwit wrotf': HIJKLMNO. Why wu that?
·10 <>l H) otH .10 1 poo1• '' 1111"010 ·~s
--HAL 1l PIALB-----------------.J · APRIL SHOW·ER! Add t hew colon neatly for a 1urpr* plctur,.
CAN YOU TltUST VOUll EYES! There are at leut ab 4Jller·
eaeee In d.rawlrtl dttaJla between top and bottom panda. ffow
1tulck11 un yna find them! C."eck aft.lwers with thollf. below.
1u•mw "'"'U(f I" 1.uqs '!I pau.,•111n!l•J a .<.ouw111:i ·.; 'u iJn11•'" tJTllS ·~ 'lU•
·lilll!I' •• l•tUM., r. ........ Ill" un11ttn1>;;i '7. 'JiltllUI• ft "'°" 'I ~•a11•UIJI()
Chruttft li ..... m. t
Eu1~nf , On.
you'VE (/OT TO
1'He:M, MOON--
Now, THOSE 1 LIKE:--
' • •
Norll'la TuJftolo, a
M.._ha.-cu.lS ~dato Ott)', Teua abo¥e: I-Red. l -Li1ht blue. 3-YeDow. 4-Lifht brown. 5-
Fiesh. 6-Dark peen. 7-0ark blue. 8-Lirbt IJ'ffft. 9-Dark brown • .
SP.RLBIN DER! -. .. -
8COU 10 point.a for Ulinf all the ___ ·.....,-----lettera ln the word below to form ____ .. ,._ __ _
two complete wordl:
,_.. -• 'w::: -.
Warrell Dnw11111. IO
Dul• Olty, ""•.
. -. . . ...
TllZN tc0re 2 points each for all -----+-~~-
wonh of four lett.n or more -------~--found •mona the letttra. · .,,.
ONE ·· A
""" ............. st .... ta._, ______ _
r .. M11tlf ...... ,.,. 5011_1. '"'"·
By Hank Ketcham
ANY Pl er:; OR
... ,ANt:>
Fl<iURE .
LOOKS LIKeE.!91--t
A S~IER ~-~
t:>URI N 7 TH'
' • G f(IMMIS! F'tt0715 _..., 1,1VE.. f Al(eN AEJOL-IT
"THE.. M ~ .· ooN OLAG H Ffl:OM Al?E Pl"IN CIPA I.. WHY HIM ! FlEGA R:O&..£?~ ..
IN ME .•.. 0 ! ~E J..'M GOING TO Pl!>NCIAil L. .. AFR'AI D FlEA!/ HIM OFF! iH~ll:E: ?/1
.&~IMM I S , I
F'INA~L.'( c;or UP
'T'Hf 'CLH2A6f.
, 1"0 Tf.i.:1.. YOU.
-oF '(OlA ....
l Pl'INCI P41.. l
-J..Ef ME TE I.I.. YC L! r:
PAR ENT ....
• ._ _________________________________________ __,
oHL Kl ::, I>.
-~~'CAt:YrN-," SAM
TO THE 1-\0TEL ,
-,_.OPERATOR! ,. _· ~-_-. · 4~F~ft:~ r
f F 4 -28 -·---=-=--' ..
WHERE ?. ... AT TEN!
' ~ •
·.=o· ,
' . . : . I ~
-----' I
THAT 'S R IGHT .... \,
),";'~ .. GJ
I ,
'71.A?PE'.N D HIM Ff<OM
NOW1 W~AT ! i /..IK~
YOIA 'l<E'.'
9ox H l-5
EA R? !!
/\U \ l~R .l ISL}.IE.:-<1·
The new Peter Pan Fiyer looks just
like a Pet er Pan Peanut Butter lid . Anci
you ca n sail ii. Soar it . Curve it. Dip ii.
Float it . And fli p it. It's laugh plastic.
7(., inches w ide.
r -----------------1 '"'''"I ·,nr ril•' 'I •r 1.1h"'I t•r,..., '"''I ·,,l~ 1-"' ·I ·:i.:.•< p,,. Po,.," •
I n ,,.,..., ' ;I , I ""' ~ ,.., ~ • ~. p"r" l r,,·' (.' , ... ' I
fl1r• •·I•,,. r '"'"'I~ L1~I ,,L. "' • •, '. ,.,., l • I
I "'""I" I N/\~A[
I /\DDRESS To get yours, just ma il in the order
form along with 50¢ and one label from
any Peter Pan Peanut B utter jar or a
facsimile. Clip the coupon and save 10¢
on your next j;ir of Peter Pan .
I Ma ll to: F\'>!P1 Pan Fl I' • I f'O Bo.11 ?180 I Rr:.1rj<;viltf! Nnr•h r;i,nhn.1 ?11'1
•·~'' ..,,.,,,..,...,,.,..,, '1~ •"'• • ,, • .,.,, •·'•I ., •'1
Now you can flip your lid, too. L "'""'"' .. <1-·""""'' •' .. , .J -----------------
{ ~ , I
I If ...
---· ... -· ---__ .. -----------
, . .., !!•r I°''•",:,,,.<' ' "'•~•IP t~' ,,, l"l 11 r
r.1.t1rf "'' 11n1P ·r<1 ..,.,.,.,,~""''' ,,, · '" '"''"I'"" r .~ "' r' ., :.: n"''"''"tl • 1,,11''°1'"''"" ,n·1rv>'' ''"' .,,,.,., ,,.,1,.,. .. ,,.-1
,., a~r!'•r1a"•,. "'''' ,..,,,.,, """ •' M"·''"' " r ,.,,, '"l""'•n•~"< .. 1• ''"· (".,.,,,.....,,, '~''"'fr"'r '"'" rn n,,, 1rnn c1+nt"'1 tnwA .,;>,1,t
,.,,,,.,,,.,., n"'""'ll nn·~nA•O\ 1'11 '"""·"'"' Ii'""" I"'"""' l ""Dnn• JVll"'oilP<t ln•
tf!<l•,,••rlor>n '"'"'' ,.,,, '"°"" "PO<' "'<Ill"'' ""1:1 '~'''''"1n rv> \n """, Al our QOhor• vn"1 •" '"''"""' '''"''"'l'I<! lri• •IH1 .. mnh0!• •n• "''"c;n rn l'"""r ,.r o""'"c' n"'""~'" ,, ~"'"""' Cn. •pn<"> 8"'11U fl" a<".c.,o• ""1 ,.,,1,. '""',., t .... , ........ ""fl•••ttl f'!l!ot• P!ln r. ...... , a ... n ...
y.,.,., 111• n()l T'l D• "a"~'"'~b!I!' fru• '''"
~,,,,,,., "'•o\11'\:0~ ""v '"'"'I~· '"'""'""1 "' rnc """'•rt ""' r ~·"' ·alo• t ;>ii ol 1( r .....
... !fr• '"'1 """"'"'''""'•.I(!<!.,~.,.,,"'"''' t>·t-•,..I 1 ""r>'>" """' r•n• 1;> J I 1'>
. ,.
... -·· ... ) ;-"' '-· .,, .
(I •<><>LE~''5'
rrtL Rl:LlfVf YOUR
1 t.NSIONS Ton .... vou'Rc
-IH El.MA'S 6£:1..N ON
11-lAT PHON£ Al I
IT 'S ...
11 ·s
G£1 IMlf@~~M
. .
IT I •
. ' i::xcu::,£ Mt, AIA AM .. ..
NOW-WH!:ORE W/,S l 7 .. .
..; '
• ' ' ' ' .
.• $!
' I -I !
bf~~ .. ~
• • -1'D SUGGE'ST 6klNG" ~ . ' . M O!<£ AG GRiOSSIVE<-LET'
• •
WHAT'S .,.
GOING oi.f'! ... :-: . ..... .,·-:::
' 1,. •
SH£ CAUS 1-r
• ---.r.,
• '
.... ----
Dt•bCut o
A ... -r-e•j-.,A
f 'l5PFN0 f 0
•'I Sll . .O. ,....
All\T11·r r.:ni; ·• r
• T\8f ~(.IC
A.NIMAL ORtGIN. 1,..,. I
• • ,. ..
. . • . ... . ..
Uncle Walt did YOU· Not I
r!Ver find out who f, yet.
broke into your Skeez1x.
.. -:' \ cabin 1 -1r--,. --1
It wasrit really a And
break-in, vou know. noth ing
We just found a m1ss1nq ~
· door open. ;<.-.. -\ 'i· . . ~ -v-i;;; . -. \[ ... '
£heriff~ a qood man and
he has lots ·of curios ity '
. , .
pe"SON oF-s-r"eNG,..H ' Ol't A Fox Po~ A MAN
wHa IS CUNNING.' 1--~-1
The sheriff thinks he
didnt in tend to. He was
there for another
HOW.MUCH Ai:i!lf-
/7oc-ro~. :i::'v e
pe;:-r FO~ YOU !
1-r ISN '-r o t-'
17~. SMOCK.'
Riqht. Everythinq
was just as Id -~-----.
I quess when the sheriff
found no window broken or
door jimmied . he lost Oh
interest. Mr. Chubb. no:
le~ it last fal l.
Give him a li ttle more
time to .check. Walt, and
hell have the answer.
Walt .
In the meantime. (Jet the
locks chanqed, and stop _
leavinq a key under
\'(XJr doormat.
By George Lemont
'I •I'
A 1706 IS W~ONG
SHO()L-17 ~ES'Ft..ec-r -rHe
CHA ~Ac-re~ OF 1-rs
By Gus Arriola
---~--~ ................
• • ..