HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-26 - Orange Coast Pilot' • ' " • I • I ' ' ' ' .. , !. " ~ ' School Rivalry: ~ad Seed Takes Root By JOl!lj VALTERZA Of ... o.lff l'lltf '"" When Dana Hills Hlsh School opened "1 a hilltop overloollln'-the ooeao more than a year ago, 1t was apotleu strlktnily designod ' and the pride of the •lfll and students alike. But a seed sprout- ed OD opening day. aDd the ·Organism bu grown by the month. It waa healthy at first -• budding VALT81&4 . ' rtvalllY with the loog-establlshed San Clemente High School that lent a 1partc to athletic c:ompetltloo and a few verbal jo bl when the chaoce arooe. But the orgaol.sin now bas 1rnwn to a poblt where school ofUclals are viewing It as a serious, e•penaive and frustrating dilemma. . • And. they q~letly admit that they hope that three rnontba ol swruner might cool Lbf: zeal for pranks that experienced adlninistratora aee u the harbinger ot more serious confl'ontaUons. Students at Dana Hills and their principal Insist that their campus lllOll often is the victim. S.IJNDAY . -- '':\It.\\' '1"1:4 '1.\I . In the past several mootbl these incidents have reinforced the premise : -One Monday morning s t u d e n t s arrived to find a dead dolpblD, salvaged from a nearby beach, dangting from the flagpole with "S.C." painted on its sides. The 9Chool maacol Is a dolphin, and at Dana Hills, preservation of marlne mammals bu been a pwlon of science classes. Students took the lncident far more seriously thao d>o pranksters thoogllt they would. Several were so upset that they were sent hon1e. -The school flag was removed recently, taken to San Clemente, defiled and returned to the standard at Dana Hilli. -Someone ~pt onto the campus one recent night aild flooded the huge pit dug for \he school's new swlmmlog pool. That costly prank set the project back several months and cost taxpayers hundreds of dollars. Along with those more seMous stunts, lhe district custodial staff has spent days working to remove gralfitl Crom walls. Earlier this week a man worked a full day with raga and lacquer thinner to clean the flagpole or black and rl.'d paint -the· colors or the San Clemente Triton& Across town. the apparent retaliation has been noted as weJI. Someone -the San Clemente contlnll'fll blames Dami Hills -,.....tly carved out a long section or an expensive net tunnel used for baseball practice, 'Ille loss IDCceeded more than $3,000. Tennis nels have been damaged and the concrete school initial; on a lWiaide have been defiled. "Who started It Is anyone's guess." explained San Clemente S l ti d e n t Activities Director Dale Drager. "\Ve\·e spent COWltle~ hours trying to convin<:i! the students that the pranks long ago exceeded the bounds of good taste and common sense. Some listen and !See SCHOOL RIVALS, Page A3) VOL. 67, NO. 146, 7 SECTIONS, 90 PAGES .()RANGE .COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUNOA Y, MAY 26, 1973 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS New Voices UrgeSLA To Regroup BERKELEY. <AP\ -The tape- rerorded voices or a man~-~ wo.mon _ \\fio-Claimed to be afOlirted wUh the · Symbioncsc Liberation Arn1y said Saturday that Patricia Hearst and two fugilivc companions should regroup. 111c IJpe \\'as broadcast by rJdio statio n KPFA, which received and broJdc;.ist se \·eral tapes from the SL.A shortly after it claimed responsibility for l.:idnaping :\1iss Hearst Feb. 4. Bil\ Northwood, ne1vs director of t b e Berkeley statioo, said it had been advised by its altomey not to disclose hov1 the latest tape came into its haMs. The woman idcntltied herself as "General Field :\larshal Cabrel!a of the federated forces of the Symbionese Liberation Arn1 y" and a member of the 1rar council of \\·hat she called ttie newly IGrmed Unlted Peoples l..lberation Army of America. , ·_.l ' J , a.!lr Pll« "Mt• Q Jllcl1anl klldlltr She told • ~1iss Hearst and fugitives \\'illiam and Emily Harris: "If you have not received our n1<'ssage through proper channels. l say to you, 'Regroup. do noth ing in haste -we will unite in time." »FOOT CRUISER WAS DESTROYED AhiR RAMMING NEWPORT BIACH GROIN SATURDAY The COi.st GU1rd and Be•ch i••" at 32hd St .... t Look on as Boat Sinks The voice said a wtited front or urban guerrilla organizations "was forged out of an emergency meeting after the events in Los Angeles last week." The reference was to si.J: SLA members who IS.. SLA, Page AO Newport Home Fills Up With Oil--Once Again Early Delivery By CANDACE PEARSON Of JM O.Ur l'li.t ll1H The ~temorial Dav edition of !he Or· ange Coast Daily Pi.lot v.·ill be delivered In these days of energy shortages - to subscribers' homes earl v l\-1onday, in· striking oil would be a happy event - 5lead of the usual afternoon delivery. ··-1 The singl~ition holiday paper \I.ill run wue~ It 's inside yoor house. on about the same schedule as the Sat-Barrels and barrels of black gold urday edition of the Daily Pilot gushed through the home owned by Capt ~-'--~~~~--''--~~~~ Roy Neel at 213 42nd St. ID Newport Beach Saturday -the ~econd time in less than eight mont.M . The oil -which by late Saturday was one to two feet deep in the unoccupied bottom floor -comes from an old well discovered beneath the house last October. At that lime, Neel's daughter and aon- in-law, Judie and John Cooper, were driven out of the house by an eartbquake- like jolt when gas in the leaking well erupted and oil ooied from a crack in the kitchen floor. Since then, Neel, who lives aCT06s the street, has become almost philosophical aboot It. "'Ibis time, it came up pretty good," Neel said. Saturday. Dohn Trempala, who occupies the upstairs, smelled a foul odor like rotten eggs about 9 a.m. Saturday. Then the building started shaklog. Trempala ·looked in the kitchen below and saw the oil coming out of the floor, quickly filling up the house. The oil filled up a large sump hole dug last October by city crews in the yard next door on another Neel-owned Jot, so Saturday they dug another hole to catch the liquid goo before it could hit the street. Neel called in a company with a 'vacuum pumper. It pumped out about 15 barrels of on from the 9Ul!lp hole, Neel pld. and will try to remove another '50 to 75 bamls today. After last October's incident, Neel found out lhe 19.11 well bad not been cajipetl by ils origloal owner, South Basin Oil Company. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Troop Pu11hack Draws Closer In Middle East JERUSALEM (API -Secretary of Slate Henry A. Kissinger appeared to be closer than ever to a final Syrian-Israeli disengagement agreement following five hours of talks Saturday with Syrian President Hafez Assad in Damascus. Kissinger flew back to Israel !ale Saturday night and said be woold relum to Damasals on SlDlay. He left two aides there working on what Syrian sources said they believe is the text of a final pad separaUng the opposing annies in the Golan Heights. The SetteWy had planned o n cooferriog with the Israeli negotiating team Saturday night, but the meeting was called off at tbe last minute because most of ttie negotiators were attending a Labor party gathering at which Premier- designate Yitzha k Rabin was trying to hammer out his new slate of cabinet ministers. A ~or American official said Kissinger had moved Israel and Syria "quite close" to an agreement limiting military forces in the border area but ll'as unable to dose the gap between the two sides completely. Officials bad predicted b e f o r e Saturday's J.lth session with Assad th at the secretary ·'Would make another visit to the Syrian capital during his curt('Jlt peace mis.sion only if a settlement was reached. Earlier, a senior American official said Kissinger would return home by Monday night wbetber or not he acbelved a troop separation in the Golden Heights. By then he will have been away from his desk 30 days trylDg to end the fighting and separate the Syrian and Israeli armles. New Boat Rams Newport Groin, Breaks in Two BY ALMON LOCKABEY 01 Ille Dilly Pllot Sl1ll A 50-foot po\\-er cruiser rammed into the groin and sank at the end of 3'.?nd Street Saturday "'hen a dense fog close d in shortly after 9 a .nl . · None of the four persons aboard was injured, but the ov.11er·skipper was taken t.o Hoag Hospital a few hours later for a check-up. The boat, !\1iss Pam, \1;as a Santa Barbara·50 twin SCre\v diesel, \\'Orth approximately $100,000. It sank stern first on the rocks of the groin a few minutes after a huge sea slammed into the stern as the skipper was a.1tempting to make a hard right turn to avoid the rocks. Irving Phillips. 58, of 10501 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, told lifeguard resoueni that he and his passengtn · were en route from Marina det Rey to San Diego. The boot, berthed at Marina de! Rey. was on its fiM extended crulse. others on board were the owner's wife Pauline, and two friends. Bill and Gwen Burroughs of Pacific Palisades. All four scrambled to safety on the groin as th e boat sett.Jed oo the rocks . Lifeguards, Harbor Department patrol boats and the Coast Guard cutter Point Divide responded after Phillips got off a "mayday" call saylog his boat had "bit the jetty" and was sinking. Lifeguards and Harlxlr patrolmen first went to the entrance jetty. asswning Ulat the boat had crashed into the jetty rocks. ll was several minutes before a fisherm en notified the lifeguards that a boat had slammed into the 32nd Street groin. The Coast Guard "'as unable to haul the boat off the rocks as it v.·oold have sunk immediately after being towed to deep water. Much 0£ the boat's electronics and other valuable gear was salvaged by lifl"guards v:ho !ossed it into the s.kiff the 1.argcr boat was towing. Anchor \1arine Salvage Co. \\'as called to try to lift the ho.at out of the ~wi v.·i th <1 large crane but the boat broke apart \Vlih the strain. A J-Iarbor Department fire boat tov.·cd (See CRUISER, Page AZI President ~fay Resist < High Court KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) - President Nixon will probably refuse to yleld the evidence demanded b y \Valergate prosecut«s, judges .and the impeachment panel in spite al pressures that may cause a Supreme Court challenge, his diief spokesman said Saturday. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon believes he is defending the presideocy against "highly excessive encroachment." Ziegler said Nixon feels Vice President r.erald R. Ford is entitled to his contrary view that more tapes and docmnents should be surrendered. He said both Nixon and Ford believe the President will not be impeached, even though Ford bas publicly stated it was: possible. Re/erring to court rulinp this week that supported subpoems by Watergate prosecutors and defendants, and to Special Prosecutor Leon Jal\·orski's direct appeat to the Supreme CoW't, (See ZIEGLER, Page AZI Lawyers Hint Committee To Get Nixon Tax Reco1·ds \VASHINGTON (UPI ) -Based on an A short time later in Key Biscayne, opinion by Attorney General William B. Fla .. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler Saxbc. the \Vhite House indicated issued the statement saying: Saturday its attorneys would work out an a!Tangement to give President Nixon's "Despite exhaustive reviews previously federal tax records to the House made of the President's taxes and the J udicia,Y Committee "under appropriate finding of no fraudulent conduct by the safeguards." President, the President -in an effort to Saxbe, in . a Jetter t~ Treasury expedite the inquiry of the House Secretary W11llam E. Simon, said . , Saturday that the judiciary committee's ' -d~dlaa'! ~tlee -will n~vertheies.s impeachment investigators could legally direct his ~unsel to consult with CX>Umel obtain the records by getting a special to the House Judiciary C.Ommlttee In an resolution from either the House, the effort to assist in maldng available to the Ways and Means CommJttee or the Joint committee under appropriate saf'eguanil Committee on Internal R e v e o u e the information which the committee TuaUon. ~lievea it needs." When he booght the property from the city ID 1940, he lbnugbl \he well bad been lW1y lhandott..a. O~ '1'111·: l~Slllt: . OIL ~ AIANDONID wtLL UNDl!ll HOUSI 'L~S INTO YARD lllwpM Olfkltifl TocloM 'Ill We"'l"l.flti"' 11 213 4W St. S.tllrdoy • ' . -+. Geolllfllsts, said the corrosive hydrogen aillkle. pa.In tbe well probably -· lhroucli ·lhe pipes, causlog the October b<ealMlll'QUih. Neel aid oil baa been dribbling IDto the sump llole wbiJe city ·omcia11 diJCllSS -t to ilo wllh the well. . --.... ... . -,. "GOLD!" -Spring is in full swing, the streams are Jlowing u travel writers give ID to tile call of .the hllls. An old Yukon rai!N'ttd·Is DOW' C.irymg as many tourists aa It tlid prospectors ID '98. Page 84. ' Another ~ with the city council will take plooe 'llleoday to decide -to cap)t. Neel &aid. Bui tf Ii la ~. the oil Diil' ,..P NUTS, CULTS, ISMS -Sout!itrn tllrouch al IDillllof locatioo In Ille city, California 11 ~...,,.cl the "treml!tjs, ·= eis ..-!or 'Jlelfpoct ~. be .JlbelHer,poUu.il,.a>clal orJ~si. ID.\he '!J!r • "Wodoo,_..Wto•wtlli'tt.•be cl lotikL Soj!kllopt Harold Cbarnolsky said, oc1t11nc tie o11 m11 be ubl•. , !>Iota ..,,. c1 the Ullnp t111a .,.. ha4 Re •Ito inl11 I 1111 dlJ'1 _.Uon been lllllD!ll -and.Infamous-lor 11Dce ~ ql!lct.~ GI' ... "'°· It was .title\!. P•ge A7. ' - • ' JOB AWARENESS - A new thrust ID Inside Sunday edncatloo which focuses, qp. the world of "' Ywr hMc9 11 ~,111..,1 worlt:.doeS•·~ ~.allthllclren •--., .. ,.,... .r wilt..ge to 1m1Jege. /l ~e,pea,...llD'e ·., ~ :: :-..,.. ~ by Staff Writer Laurie~ lells How ' -"-.. ., °'-""" the Fountain Valley SChool Di.strict c,..,..,.,... M Mewf9I promotes job ewa,...,.., al the prlmory °"~ -" ,_ gradea. l:.,e'= .._ r, :: ......... ,. TRANSIT ClOST -n. quarter fare -"" poy HClfuc -Orance· O>wlty • TranAlt District t.iaca dotsn't pay a third of the operatlog <.'Oill-.'Slaff Writer William Stbreiber ttlll wlwn the ltt!I of the mt11ey...,,.. on Pllae Bt. • .............. .. 'nM•• I...._....... A7 Trt• f"'-'9 Ct v.. ~ C al• --M • ...., ............. •1 ~·- .. .. " •• ... " .. """ Cl.0 .. .. ., .. a . l I .. A z DAILY PILDT Sundl!1. M11 2b, 1'174 Coast Roundup SMUT ARREST -Lagun• lleach PoUce thls week arrested a 26-year-old Rhodesian Immigrant on an obsctnity warn.nt going back to December, when police cracked doy,n on pornography by arrtsting ttlree book dealers for selling "Zap" comic books. Ralph Raymond Pill, the latest to be arrested. wa3 the clerk 'W'ho sold police the allegedly obs c enc lIDdergrowu1 comics last Oet.'Wlber. While Pitt is in custody on the obscenity charge Laguna B e a c h Detectives and tM U.S. Immigration authorities are investigating him on other counts. In the week demanding the ouster or a pll!Vlinf commlasloner who allegedly demeaned d)t character ot the Del Mer commercial area during a heated session earlier this month. Comments by •rchltect Mel Moraan that the downtown · section was "lousy" and needed improvement sparked the ire of the merchants. City councl!man took the <imter demand "under adv!Jement. '' .... IDRED BACK-Fired Oranp Coast College teacher Theodore Balldaruk of Newport Beach was o r d e r e d reinslai.d lo Ills Job and will r<1urn 1o his marine biology po1t after a one semester suspension. The popular teacher .... dlaml-by the board of t~teea ln April. He is one or 57 OC:C teachers in contention for the Salgo Noren Foundation'• Ou ts tan d Ing Teacher Award. .... R 0 L L J N G AGAIN -California Highway Commluiooers shelled out a total of $19 million for complete fWKling of the Corona del Mar Freeway from tbe San Diego Free'WO.Y to Red !Iii! Avenue. 'Jll<' jllocation will allow almost Immediate coostructioo of the freeway which \.\ill connect South Coast Plaza y,1\h UC Irvine's .... Irvine city councilmen made It clear last week that they are Interested in planning a city which cambats smog. They became the first city in the state to ask the state Air Resources Board to locate a sn1og study station tn their entrance. .... OUSTER SOUGIIT -Do1vnto"n businessmen signed petitions early lee Cream Man Held For Selling Heroin CHICAGO (AP) -Police have arrested a man they said l.l!ed an lee cream truck to distribute heroin on the North Side. Authorities said drug dealers and ,users would use a code that contained the names of various types of ice creams v.hen arranging sales from the lee cream vendor, Jose G. Aviles, 34. AVIies was charged with .possession of - a controled substance after federal drug agents and police ralded'his apartment 1'"'riday night and seized .,.,,hat they Seve11 Childl'en · In Two Families Die in Fires (AP) -Seven children , all under 11 , died Saturday in fires that swept through their homes, authorites reported. Four youngsters died in Billerica. ?.-1ass., in a fire that began in an en<:losed front porch on a residential duplex building. The father of three or the children. Willlam Willis, 40, was in seriou:oi condition at University Hospital in Boston, suffering second-and third - degree bums. His wife, Ilene. 33, who suffered smoke inhalation, was in poor conditlon at St. Johns Hospital in Billerica. The dead youngsters included three Willis children -\\'llliam Jr., 3, Doreen, 2, and Shawn. 1 -and a nephew, Allan Simmon, 3, ¥.'ho had been living with them. Jn Houston, Tex., three children died in a fire tbat authorities said ~·as started by a lighted cigarette that fell from an ashttay. The victims were identified as Dierda D. Nelson, JO, her sister, Dariell E. Nelson, 9, and a brother, Brian C. Nelson, 4. Authorities said the youngster's father. Willie Lee Nelson, had gone out to buy .~arettes and thei r mother, Patricia, was at work at Te:ii:as Children 's Hospital, when the blaze began. Cardinal in States CLEVELAND IUPll -Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, for many years t.he symbol of stubborn H u n g a r I a n resistance, arri\'cd here Saturday in his tv.•o-mon~. ~ur of H u n g a r i a n rommunilJt.'S in the United States. People Ralph Nader. testifying before a House-senate Joint Economic subcommittee, summed up energy prospects this way: "The fuel lndustry wants to sell oil, gas, coal and uranium. Yel v .. ith reaso n able research and development programs, this country could develop far more abundant, cleaner and safer energy sources." .... "f feel like I've been there and I've come back," said Victor Solow, v.·ho was medically dead for 23 minutes after suffering a heart attack. ... F'onner U.S. attorney etcn Poole "'as cr1tical of what he lermed a Oood of "prejudicial'' charges against ~flss Hearst: "She was a young glrl who was kldnaped. Something happened to her and now they are calling Mr a fugitive o othe run." ... .... UC Irvine students didn 't waste muih lime det.nnln~ !hat the Irvine Company's pretty plans for Town Center wai 't Include boualng they can al/onl 111lt11 city ollklala •pptOVe rt<lOClllOeOdod blp dellstll.., Aware described as about four pounds of heroin smuggled from Mexico. Police Sgt. Richard McKelvey said Aviles distributed about $10,000 of heroin a week during his regular rounds. Ice cream flavors were used to signify the amounts of heroin a dealer wanted to purchase, ~1cKelvey said. Fro1n Page 1 ZIEGLER ... newsmen asked Ziegler 'Nhcther these actions "will alter the presi~ent's view?" "I don't forsec that," Ziegler said. "The President has ·turned over materials in Ule past. 'Mlere should now be a concentrntion on substance." Ziegler said he had dis~ the matter with Nixoo since the President arrived here for an extended weekend holiday, and he outlfned the President's views at some length. "He feels that he has to make very difficult decisions based on ''tiat he considers is his unique responsibility to the presidency and the Constitution," Ziegler said. "As President, he is tlle one to make these decisions. The President cliscusses these matters with ~I. He weighs all these factors, including the factor of compromise and providing further materials and in the past months he bas been forthroming. But the President's choice canrot always be the one with the most popular appeal. "The President feels he has a personal responsibility to act on lasting principles and to act even in a highly pressurized period to do what is right. "He knows he fa,. defending his office against highly excessive encroachment.'' On tTiday. Jav;orskl decided to skip appellate court battle with Ni:ii:on over his subpoena for 64 taped presidential conversations and asked the Supreme Court to rule directly on Nixon 's claim he is above such subpoena. Ziegler decllned to say ~·hether Nixon would abide by a Supreme Court decision. Crafts Exhibition Fore.tj Avenue in Laguna Beach will be closed t.cxlay for an arts and crafts !ale and exhibit, sponsored by the Laguna Craft Guild. The event is the second of three annual exhibition days and will take place from 10 a.m. to dusk. Exhibits will include jewelry-making, po1tery, rn a cram c, candles, leatherv•ork, decoupage tcrrariwns, stained glass and sculpture~ Quotes high-densit.y development has met citizen opposition, one disgruntled commuter from Newport Be a ch forecast a dim future for the close to campus wning. Another argued from a different point or view. ''People in north Irvine won't want the blacks moving in next to them so they'll be glad to see Town Center built." .... Jeb Stuart ~t1gruder, the No. 2 man in President Nl1on's re -e I e c t Ion campaign, "'as not a b I y and refreshingly remorse as he was sentenced to a minimum of 10 months in prisoo for hclping to plan the Watergate break-In, bugging and coverup. "Somewhere between my ambition and my ideals t lost my compass," he aaid. .... There was et lea1t one mtmber of the House Judiciary Commlllee who saw sl:mllarlties In the tapes that Pr•ldeol NU.on bu rtleaoed and the edli.d transcripts. Said Rep. Cbrl11 W. Sa-(fl.N.J.), "I woold aay tbe tranacrlpla and iapo1 are almoot ldenti<al. The transcripts are ll(llY· and eo are the tapea." • ' city. '!be $14,000 ,.,u -1d btlp dty planners meuure cumN a I r pollution. Then aa ..., devtlopmenll are proposed and added aact data on the lmJ>ICIS of dcvt!opmeot oa air quality can be known. A stale alr quallly official warned I u t u r • developments may not be appnivod ll cities don't have accurate lnfonnaUon with whid! lo judge lmpaCU. .... f'l.A TFOO'l'S Plfl' DOWN -The idee of putting poliee on foot for a I.rial program patrolling Balboa lslmi doesn't sit too well with Newport Beach Police 01W B. James Glavas. IIe issued a report saying the proposal by Balboa !•land r.sidents would be bolh loo costly and almost totally ineffective. He said 13 more police woold be needed and the year's trial would cost more than $250,000. He said most al the aimes on the island are res:idc:>cmal burglaries and cops OD the beat cooldn't do much to stop them. ' .... Laguna Bead! City Cooncil toolc a loolc at the proposed 1!174-75 budge~ which would hold the line in spending, but would slash the city's manpower and services. Councilmen \\'ere told by Finance Director Tom 1tfeade that if the city continues to spend the same amount as this year. by 197~77 its spending would exceed its income by CRUISER DESTROYED Skipper Irving Phillip' From P119e I CRUISER ... '\ r r neo~y '200,000. A good portion of the cutbackl Pf°"*'1 would com. from the II salaried posltloos &1111•sted for elimlnatlon. Of partk:ular coocern to the Laguna Beach Flro Deparlmenl Is a propogal to Mlm the Top<if-th&-Wor1d fin! .. uon Iolo a volunteer .. tlon, and lay orr lour --.... WOMAN POWER -Orange County Supervisors last week faced angry diarges from a coallUon of women·s rights gtOOJ>I that the county's new n1anpower commission is a "sexis t" organization. The commission - comprised only of white males -will handle $7 million ln fed eral revenue sharing money designed to train and provide jobs. After hearing the accusations, the supervisors defended themselves and then agreed to study a list of qualified women candidates the coalition promised to submit within a ~·eek. .... LAWSUIT REJECI'ED - A 30-unit subdlvislon aloog Park Avenue in Laguna Beach cleared a legaJ hurdle last week placed before it by the neighboring Temple Bills Community Association. An Orange C o u n t y Superior Court Judge ruled against the association's contention that the city council erred in approving the project's preliminary plans. But ~IcLaughlirt Questioning His Summons anothet hordle must be cleared -. tbe projed'1 troct map """'" before the clly councll June ~ The Temple HUis aux:latlon has not glven up, and ha1 eent the council a letter urgin& denial of the tract map. .... BUDGET BOOll?ERS -Ne•l>O'I Ileactl City Manager llOOtrt L. Wynn came up with an Idea tor a t..unm more money for his budget. Ir city council- men go elMg. W)'M says ho .. n get an additional 11.8 mllllM for city cof- fers by impoBing a utility ta1, a tip. plen lox and by I""""'lllng 1.., re- lated to pier pennlts, new OOOS'ltUC-- -uon and pofk:o lnWIOliptJons all by 10 pe-rcent. 1be tlwlen tu, • flve per- cent tax on a11° llctuor served in bars and ....,.unmts, would rabe !750.000 but it hlngea on enabling legislation still W1der consideration in Sacra- mento . .... IN THE RED - A laU million budj!et proposed fo; Hunlington Bead! in 1974-7~ will spend about $2.5 million more than the city can raise in expected revenues. One cure offered for the city's ftnandal Ills involves the creation of a real estate transfer tax - a one percent charge each lime land, or property, i.s sold. Finance Director Ben Arguello believes such a tax might raise &! much as $3.5 million in one year. Ofher tax -.... ai.. been o1r-• .m U a rdMltbly trash collectloo fee, I higher oil tu. addlllonll uWIJy tu ... and othero. The 131.4 million budget la considered I "bart bones" proposal lo malnlain currenl services, with little room ror tr!mmlog. .... CITY RAISE -Newport Beach city employea woo an acroas·thH>olrd six perceat raise beglnnlng July 1 and at Jwl another three percent hlk.e Jan. I. City Maoager Robert L. Wynn said the raises will cost taxpayers about $300,000. Ntgollallont aro sUll und« way wtlh the pollco and Dr< department employe auoclaUons, which w,,.e not arlec:ted by Ille raises granted other employes because they tmgain aeparateJy. .... TEACHER TROUBLES -Teacbtrs in the Ocean View district of HlDltington Beach have VDled lo E" on strike alter Tuesday's cla!Seo ll they can't reach a settlement of their cootract dispute. ~1eanwhile, trustees of the neigbboring Fountain Valley District took emttgency measures last \\'eek to head olf any similar strike or "sick leave" threat from their o.,.,TI staff members. The school board passed rules requiring teachers to lcrmally request personal leave in advance, and provide proof for any sick leave used. Gunmen Shoot Victims fu Bed; 3 Die, 4 Wounded CHARLESl'ON HEIGIM'S, S.C. IAPI KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI -Two moo IITT!l1!d wilh .Ji.caliber Reliable sources close to the Rev. John pistols opened fire oo eight persops as either on their beds <r on the floor be.side !heir beds wtien polioe amV<d. they lay in their beds early Saturday, J. l\fcLaughlin are questioning the killing three and seriously injuring four legality of the Jesuit priest's sununons to others, police said. A 10-year-old boy Boston for a "pwlitive retreat" fol!OY.'ing escaped injury. his strong defense of President Nixon. With.in minutes of the 2:30 a.m. l\1cLaugh1in said in a telephone shooting, Charleston CoW1ty po 11 c e interview that the summons from his arrested two men about three milt! from Officers found Miss Smalls running doYm the street less than a block from the house. She gave a descriptioo of the car and the men. Frazier said two pistols were found near the scene and arc believed to be thc.i6e used in the shooting. ' • . :-·-Je5Uit-suPerrar,-the ·~Rev-:-~iChard-T:·-t.h~usede, "'.'"h thr -,...;of .. ~ ----·----Cl f ·.I · • lo Bost f _... .. arg WJl ee counts mwuer . eary, or tum ;o go on or .an and four counts of assault and battery eight-<lay retreat 1n prayer and reflection \vith intent f() kill were David 1'llddleton, "requir('S !JO immediate answer.'' 27. and his brother Frank, 40, both "I'm looking forward to a detente in Charleston. residents. the spirit of paternal charity, mutual Killed were Clarence Watson . 45, Nix~11 Reb_uked Il y II e11ry Ford respect and reciprocal accommodation." Herman Simmons, 56, and Robert said the priest, who is a deputy assistant r.tuinford, 45. DETROIT {UPll -President Nixon t lb P 'd t d · · ed •• Wh 't can prove his innocence only by handing o e rest en an }Otn u1e I e Ini·ured were c+,,..i.,anie Simmons, 15. H t d h Ir """""'' ove r everything requested by the House ouse \\'O an one-a years ago as a Susie Smalls, 20, Arthur Watson, 50, and ......,..writ 'th .~ · Li. f Judiciary c.ommittee, Ford ~totor Co. ».,..~-..... er WI Bui.irunza on rom Helen Sinunons. 50. Herbert Simmon.'\. •• rd chairman Henry Ford II said Saturdal" 1us o er. JO, escaped injury. But a source close to McLaughlin who A $50,000 contributor to Nixon's 1972 re-- has reviewed !he case claim there are no Police Detective Eugene Frazier said election campaign. Ford said he feels religious or moral grouM.s for Cleary 's the wife of David )i,liddleton is a daughter .. let down" by the President's actions . He action. of Herman and Helen Simmoos. said the judiciary committee studying "1"1cLaughlin's choice is whether to All of those in the OOme at the time impeachment must be given everytlli.nlf accept punitive retreat where there is no "''ere related e:rcept ri,1umford, wt.> wu a it asks for. cause and also question whether the long-time family friend, Frazier said. "I don't think there ls any other basis summons to Boston for such correcti\'e Authorities said they believe the killers on which to clear him.self if he I! action is licit {legal)," he said. had a specific victim in mind when they innocent, and I think they should have The source said there remains "the broke through the back door of the large everything," said Ule aut.o executive in overpowt'ring questioo of why all this fran1c home and opened fre, aiming at his first public criticism of the eresiderit. commotion was engineered if indeed beds and anyone \.\'ho moved in the Ford's comments were contained In an the boat's stem section and flying bri<lgc McLaughlin is living and acting v.•ith full darkness. inter.iew taped for · broadcast today on to the Harbor Department about 3 p.m. ,_a_ulh_oc_iza_ti_on_.•_· ---------.F __ ca_z_ir_r_,_ni_d_'""'_'_t _o_r _01_e_,_·ic_u_·m_s_•_·c_,.. __ K_ai_se._c_b_rn_a_dc_a_st_in_g_·,_1.ou __ G_o_ru_o_n_S_ho_w_. aft er it had been towed to the jetty cn1rance by the Point Divide. 'The engine and tanks were ripped out of the boat in salvage attempts, causing di esel fuel to spread over a vlide section of the area. The Department of ~tarinc Safety declared the area a hazard to navigation until complete salvage and a cleanup o! debris cooJd be accomplished. The bow of the boat was still on the beacil late Satw'Clay. College Speaker --Comedian Hope Bob Hope v.·111 deliver t h e conunencement address at Chapman College graduation ceremonies today at I p.m. in front of l\1emorial Hall Audituiwn. Hope's son, Kelly, a 27-year-0ld anthropology major, will be among the 379 students who will receive bachelor's degrees. Master's degrees Will be conferred upon 2$4 candidates. The elder Hope will be prMented the college's first special presidential award at the ceremony. DAILY PILOT l1'0! 0.t"Ot CoA1 01o1v Piki! '"""""""',. - bo""ll l"e N-1~ •I 1>11bh""" Dy !NI ~r119 C:O,,.~ "'t>l1Sh•t1Q Co<••PIH"I' S.1161'111 ""~"'"" l•e PllCl'•ihHI. "40"'11>1 '"'~n FnO••. lot Coo.ta ~•••· N~wllOP'I B111tl\ Hun•"'OIOl'I S..Kftl~O.."·· '''"~lilt~ l6Qutll Se~ ll\nlle'Sll!<l•er.oo~ 1"11 Son C .. ""11'!t1Stn J\l<I~ Ca°'*1•1HIO A 1'"$11 r1go>n1t """'°" "pU011>l>t(I S>tul'Ofr> '"" g,,.,,. p<l,lr> 1'-lll'"'"Pll (!Ubl"~'f>V I'll""'"'! l:la W111 Bly su .... eo.111.1 .... Cahb-. 1128:11. R~te-t N. Weed "'""*"' -Pl,llll-Jod R. C"""t Vltlt Pre--c.......i 1.1...-oer T~KeeY!l '""""' . """"'" "'llW'll'"llEO<ior - Oofe~ H. l~ R;,ht7cj ?. No~ A-·tl"ll~Ed!l(n ,Ai-:.n J. [).I.,, ......,,_ Offim ~ ........ .130-... ~ Nt-181"'°' Wl'""-~ l°'°""11M1<1' 1111...,.,,,,, .. ,,... f~"''"'VOI' 8•.c~ rn1 :~ &e~t~ ec... ..-•• 1 &1~(1-· :JO(l-[JCl!'><fl<l ll•ol Tti. ..... t7141642·4J2 I Cl•t•Ul.d A"M!-. 642·5671 f!l/'fl C::GOlll A•M• ~ oll1911"1 fk..:~ 492·4420 f~Nf:wlll0.1"91CWo'PIY~ ... S4G-1220 .. = ... :;) 0 Cl) -~ a. a. 0 z: .., .., ~ ... ... m Hiland'.s Tobacco locket"' pipes 0: Tue Gold Piece .., I- .... 0 I-.,, -A: ID oll ~ .., -> A: -creative ~ wall ha11_gin9s ~ .., i-----~~ Ciscos ... .., ID 11111: .., ~· z . ::::. .,.., ' . l .'i ~ ll ~mex~i~cl[!:&h~-f.~oo~dP1e ' 10AM TO 9PM· SATURDAY lOAM TO 6PM UDAY 12AM TO SPM-a -~ ' ' . ' • , ) . T I l I ~ Cr·owd·s Hit Beaches· As Sun Burns-Off Fog Thousands of vacationers made the traditional trek to Orange Coast beaches Saturday for the first day of the l\temorial Day weekend. The S1ll broke throo gh rog anq douds by the afternoon. drawing evm more crowd& to the sand, but poli ce reported no major traffic problems. Newport Bead> Jileguanls estlmated altendance at about 60,000 and called that· a .. pretty good" crowd for the opening day of a thret><lay bo!iday. Hunting1m Bead> City lir""""'1S repor1ed • count cl 55,000 people, while about a,ooo more sm """'bippen ftlled Huntingtoo Bead> State Bead> dw1ng the day. San Clemente City lireguanls -who patrol from the Westeni White Hoose to Aliso Beach in Sout h Laguna -reported crov•ds of 16.500 on city strands and 22,000 on county land 'The high in San Clemente \\'as 80 degrees. Hrcguards said, Y•hile ~·atcr temperature \l'as about 61 degrees. Large crowds \\'ere also reported at San Clemente and San Onofre slate beaches. The overnight campground at San Ono[re fil led up by late 1'~riday, rangers there said, and campers ~·ere being turned away for the rest of the weekend. • Lagu1ia Car C1·11she«l TI1is Laguna Beach accident Saturday niay be a lesson in where not to park your car. '!'he owner of Lh is new station wagon returned to fi nd a parking ticket on the window -and the side s1nashed in. Police said Alice 1\1. Compton. 22, of San Diego, was southbound on North Coast l·llghway \Vhe n she look· ed away from the road anrl S\vcrved into the parked Su"day, May 26, 1974 'ii ·---"'o"'o1'"""'''°u•""'• ... "'to' bt J1dr Cll1ilPflt rar. /I. 1notor hon1c behind her, driven by Roge r Paul \\lard. 70. of r\c\vport Bearh. coll ided with the rear end of her car. \\'hich was extensively dam· aged. polic·e said . The 11 a.m. accident in t·he 200 block of the high,r ay snarled heavy beach traffic for about a half hour. Abrut 000 people packed onto the surfing and day-use beaches at San Onofre, rangers said. Poll Says 38 Percent Tigl1t Money, No 1 Tax Cut Nixon Harbor Patrolmen at both Newport and Dana Point bartlon reported heavy bout traffic. At Dana Point, all availabJe OOat slips were rented. All lifeguards along the coa st said they c11:pect larger turnouts today, when the Want Nixon in Office l11flation Cure temperature by the beach is predicted NE\V YORK (APi -Time m<igazinc 1o reach 70 degrees. rcportt-d Saturday that a "hard-core'' of l1atchy clouds will dot the sky during 38 percent of Americans want Pr('sidcnt early morning and late nlght bours. Nixon t.o stay in office. p<.'rcent of the anti-Nixonites relt he has; KEY BJSCA,'NE, Fla . (UPI) nearly l\~·o-thirds of 1he Nixon loyalists President Nixon. Yo1cing hope "the worsl thought t.he news media have vi~imized is behind us" In the battle against --a~roing to -N<KWnal-WeatRer--Seni1cc -.!fhe-magazine.-sa.id iQ.J.ts-!ssue..tha~-.l.L forecastl:!rs, but today and f'.londay \VJll appear next v.·eek that I.his con1parC'd the Pres1d£1llt .: more than tv.·o-th1rds frlt innation. said Saturday he saw no choice r~._reh1t1ons v.·ould su ffer 1f the . but to slick to his basic economic pol icie!'· Presidi>nfTrTrMfrc~. --··-of budgmty-ttStritint-; tight mooey-ai:id· WARM AFTERNOON SUN DRAWS THOUSANDS TO COUNTY BEACHES Coron• del Mar St1te BMch Crowds Were 1 Typie1I S1turd1y Scene Truck Tire Shot; Man • Hel,d in Freeway Chase A 21-yeer-old Torrance man i.s being held in Orange Coonty Jail on charges slemming from a 25-mile chase on the San Diego Frecv.·ay wh.ich ended in OJQ:a r.resa Jo'rlday. Officers from four la w enforcement Freeway Skid Ends in Death Of Driver, 26 < A 28-yeaNl!d man died Saturday alter his car skidded across a median on the RJvenide Freeway and !mashed into another vehicle, Califomla Highway Patrol offken said. The name of the dead man was \\'ithheld pending notification of next of kin. The accident on &Route 91 near Weir Canyon Road in Anaheim was the first traffic lalallty of the Memorial Day weekend in Or~e County, CHP officers nld. CHP officers reported the man was driving wembotmd and 1 w e r v l n g erratically when bi.t bral:es apparently locUd. 'Ille driver of tbe otbe< car, B!Jrt strai~ 18, a camp P<ndleton Marine, was taken to Canyon Geo<ral Hospital in Anaheim with major injuries. Strait's passenger, David Burgess, 7£1, also of Camp Pendleton., suffered minor injuries. Both men were reported to be 1n fa ir coocl.ition. agmcie1 were involved in U1e pursuit ~toch ended \\ilh the arrest of \Villiam E. Turner on the freeu·ay near BristCll Str~t. An Orange COunty sheriff's deputy shot out a tire of Turner's ca mper truck to end the chase, which started Jn San Juan Capistrano Bod involved unit.. from Westmtn.ster, Costa Mesa and the Calilornl.a Higllway Patrol. CHP officers said they tried to stop Tumer from l!peeding when be allegedly increased bis speed and began "'-eaving in and out ol northbound freeway traffic. 'nlmer i.! alleged to have struck an unmarked Westminster police car near the Canada Road offramp in El Toro and sideswiped aoother car north of CUlver Drive. The truck spun off the freeway near Fairview Road after being hit by bu llets, CHP officers said. Turner is charged v.·ith suspicion or hit· and-run, resisting arrest, speedif18. reckless driving and assault \\'ith a deadly weapon (his truck) agains t a police office<. Now Women Can Join KEY BISCAYNE, F1a. (UPI) - rr..id<ot Nlion Saturday 1 l g n e d Jeglslatioo giving "°""" tile right to enfut In the armed forces at the age or 17 -the same es men. UOOer existing Jaw, males were accepted for enlistment in the military services at the age of 17 and females at the age ol 18. Fro1n Page 1 SCHOOL RIVALS • • • understand, but most of the kids don't "Every chance we get, we try to seem to be that convinced. emphasize tbe fact that a heahhy rivalry "In all candor, I have to aay that It bas ts fine, but that ft hu Ifs limits. We're gooe well past,the point cl control and It hitting the athletic teams especially bard is potentially serlOU> U It keeps up," he to .,. U they can Iterp WJ keep !be lid oo added. I~" be lldded. Al the principal'• level, the rivalry Al tbe school district revel, Alslstant d.., not exist. Supt Sam Chlcu di.bunes the cash and San Clemente's Darrel Taylor and files the Insurance claims for vandalism, Dana'• Walter Spence each recognize the and much cl It has been laid to the potential ol the rivalry. rivalry. H['ve talked myself blue to my Cblca1 Aid the real problems exist studentl trying to keep them from when oomeooe ttot even afllllated ,with retalia ting. I simply beg them to show a •ltber campus vandallzes d I s tr I c t little cla'8 and oot get Into the gutter and property and lmmedtstely the students retaliate," ,.Id Spencer. blame !be ....,_town rival& "l really feel that our campus has "In my earlier days/' said Chicas, "I taken the largest share or the damage. was principal at high acltools In oome So do the studentl. They're angry and mett.>polltan areas where rivalries got to fntJtrated. We IU<COOCied in instilling the point that nlghl-ga-..were banned Instant pride In this ocllOOI and when they and umec! gua nl1 bad to be at every c0me to j,bool and find new grall!U In eveot. It wu really tteiious , . . ldds fd4llab ldters, It rmllT cllturbo diem." were beaten. We're lucty down here that Tlylor ts just u coocentOd. nothing like that bas ewr happened." Wllhfn houl'I alter tha lnddoot with tbe But Ile ml other otlldals 'lllMdtina the dol"""', TaJlor bad found tha ,....p1m \ local problem ._ on one tllstail>lng ...... le. . polnl 'T:w.,. that llloJ """ • larmal Uni. tllt -pnDb .. ,_, lite apoloa to the flc!lma ol the M L lltuallcta will obvloitlly 11'>W woree. . ' I be mOS1ly sunny. \\'1th 60 percent last August. Surf "ill be about tv.u to three fe<!t. The sizeable minority who \Vant him to Only 35 . percent of 1ho~e \\'ho want oo 1ax cut. Golf er Killed Wlien, Youths Atte 1npt Robbery LOS ANGELES I AP) - A 61-year~!d n1an playing golf with hi s son -a deputy state attorney general -was shot and killed by a would-be robber Saturday, .sheriff's deputies said. Gilbert J~alm of Los Angeles \l'as pronounced dead at the \\'estern Avenue Golf Course. officiaJs stated. lloY•ard HaJm, state deputy attorney general, told U:is Angeles County Sheriff 's deputies that two youths approached him and his father on the eigh th green. The youths demanded money, Halm said. \Vhen the goUers said they had none and started to walk away, one of the ;issallants pu lled a gun and fired at least two shots, llalm said, hitting his father once above the left eye. The younger Halm was oot injw-ed. Deputies said the youths eseaped over a nearby fence. The homicide division was investigatin g. There were no inunediate arrests. .5,000 Protest African Wars In Portugal LrSBON, l'lnugal (API -Militant young Jefdsts shooting "DOt one more soldier to the ooknies" demonstrated. against Portugal'! African war s Salu'day 88 the gove.rnmoot opened cease-fire talks in London w I t h Portuguese Guinea rebels. The demoostration was peaceful end no incidents were reported. An a5timated 5.000 marchers from the country's extreme left moved through downtown Lisbon for more than an hour ch anting anti-war slogans 9Tld the names of the liberation movements in Angola, :\tozambique and Portuguese Guinea. Soldiers and sailors locked anns lo lead some o( the marchers, and hundreds of blacks raised fists to s h o u t "1ndt1)Cndence for the colonies now." Earlier, in a move t:o check inflation and a rash ol strike9, the new center-left government a..r:moooced it was setting up the oourb'y's fnt mirimum wage, freezing some sa1ar1 .. and eslltbllshing price controls. Viejo Cyclist Badly Injured A IS.year-old MISl!loo Viejo boy .u1rered oompoum rraotures in both legs Saturday when his motorcycle struck the side or • pick-up trock, Cal~ornla Highway Patrol ollk:en aald. '!be boy, who wasn't ldmtlfled because cl his 111e, .,.. taktll fl> M1"1on Community llolpllal In aerlous <'l>!ldltton. CHP offlcerl l8fd be was riding his molorcycle=· llibta at l :IO p.m. -oa PamrQ """" hO oolllded -lnld: tumlnC lelt onto tha rood hn i. Siem-'Ille driver ol lite lnld: WU G1"' D, Bamt:I:, 43, cl J\llallon VleJo, . ' -----'- I stay. Time said. "is solidifying into a loyalist bastion that is supporting him with growing dcterminatiOO." ''Americans are becoming increasingly polarized/' the ma gazine woot on, "\vith 53 percent wanting Nixon out of ofiicc and 38 percent wanting him to stay." Time said the poll, cooducted in earl y ~lay ~ 771 people by Daniel Yan kelovich, Inc., showed that ''Nixon loyalists today arc more likely to be ovrr 50 years of age, not to have gone tu college. to be blue collar v.•orkus and lo live in tile South. "The t-.'ixonites of !asl August. "''ho have since dcsertt'd the President. arP almost entirely under 35, have attended cotlege and hold \\oilite-collar jobs." Time said that. among pr~~ixonitcs. only 14 percent felt he has acted ;is though he \\'ere abo\·e the law while 78 I I '.\'.1xon to go fell foreign policy ~·ould Nixon. in a nationwide radio address suffer and only 14 percent of them broadcast from his Florida bayside villa , 1hought the media ha\'c victimized the acknov.·lcdged that his presc ription "may Presidenl sound like harsh medicine" an d added "I Time said the Nixoo loyalists base wish I could tell you that there is a way their defense of the President on three out of the present inflation witho ut such points: a feeling that not the President measures, but there is nol" but his as.sociates are to blame for The President disclosed that he would Nixon's trou bles; a view that politics is a send a special report on the eeonomy dirty game; a cooviction that the next Tuesday to the Congress, where President has the right to bend the law some Democratic leaders have called for -and even break it -if he acts in the a tax cut and increased federa l spending best interests o! the country. to case the strain of the worst inflation in Tw o Ships Collide PANAMA CITY (UPI) -Two ships collided in the Panama Canal Saturday and one of them w~ taking on v.·ater lhrough a hole in its OOw and was expected to be beacht'd. OPfN MfMOR IAl DAY NO UN TU 6 PM more than 20 years. He said federal spending would be aimed at spurrin~ production, now declining for the first time in more than a decade. Nixon al.so announced the appointment of Deputy Secretary of. State Kenneth Rush, 64, to be the new chief White House economic policy coordinator, with the title of Counselor to the Presiden t. ORGAN BUY.Oun SAVE 5200 USED SPINETS UHD CONSOLES ORGAN SPKIALS DEMONSTRATORS LA TE MODEL TRADES With one finger, play all your favorite rhythms, like: Bos!..ii Nova Rock, Waltz, etc., with Ule new exclusi'le Magic·chord. UMmD '""'' PltlCfD FROM PRICED FROM FULL CONSOLE SAVE s200 Tht big 40" console with a grdnd pi.tno Tooe. Winner of 1 !i world aw&rds for marvelous tone end SU9tf'iot craftStl'hJnship. ---· ... ---!OTHER BRANDS FROM $8951. USED SPINETS (15) i-:-:::.: .. :::::.:·· -=.·:::"'"""':.!":.:-::...._--1.......Li·~~:::::=:::::::::;;=-~-· FAMOUS FROM PENNY..OWSUY ORANGE COUtiJY WAREHOUSE NAMES $395 EUCLID at SAN DIEGO FWY. • PHQNE 54Mt15 • - t I I ' ' 1 ' • i\ -1 DAILY PILOT Nei9hbo1•s and SLA Party Was Over On 54th Street ' LOS AXGELES I AP l -Neighbors knev; lhe party 14·as over when six members of the S)mbionese Llberalion armv shuffltd 1hrm 001 of the shabby. v~lci ..... bugal ow on 541h Street. Their exu ~·as follov.·OO b\' 1he bark of gwifire in .... 1ucti the six ~-ere killed and the house v.-as destroyed by fire. The neighbors SAy the SLA members joked and panied "''ith them until a ~hon lime before their dea1hs a "''eek ago last Friday. !\one remembers the terrorists shov.·1ng any apprehension aboo1 police S\\arm.ing O\'er the area Wltil momen1s before the shootout. they party in that place e\·ery day - folks going in and out all day ,'' recalll'd neighbor Florence Llshe)'. Shirley Davi!, 27. and ~tephanie Reed , 18. V."ho y,•ere at the pany that Friday remembered that the four 111iite v.·omen. dressed in commando-stvle clothin g. casually loaded v.·eaponS, p 1 a c e d ammunition in s m a 11 milllary·lype backpacks and v.•hispered they planned lo leave that nigh:. ' • l ' Mes.a B1-ush FireBmns 25 Acres Area residents were credited Saturday with helping Costa l!i.1esa firemen battle a blaii "9.'hlch burned 25 acres of an open field near the Santa Ana Rh-er. Three Cos1a 1tfesa fire units and ~·o orange County engines spent about f!ve hours extinguishing the brush fire which sent billows of smoke over much of the city all afternoon. The names started smoldering at about 3 p.m. east or the Santa Ana River channel about a half mile north ar Victoria Street. ,.. Brenda Daniels, 17. said SLA leader They said that \.\ hile the terrorists bought the beer, they didn't appear to be drinking it. "\\'e've got to be alen -got to be on guard." a tall while \.\'Oman lold the visitors. The \'isitors dranlc and had a good time. They left the party "'hen it beeame obvious that police action \.las to be direc!ed at that house. Because the fire was in a large, undeveloped area. it was difficult to ~'l close to and lo control, Battalion Chief Gary Gol~n said late Saturday . . ' I DooakJ. "Cinque" DeFreeze asked her and other neighbors about increasing police activity in the area. The neighbors said tha t it v.•as not unusual -probably a narcotics raid or a 1een·age gang problem. From l't1ge l SMOKE FROM lS-ACRE BRUSH FIRE BIPLLOWS OVER COSTA MESA SATURDAY Local Re sidents Helped Firemen Fight Blaze That Raged for 3 Hours "The local yauths and people '4"00 a"sisted us should be commended. A lot or people tried to help," Golson sa!d . }fe said the area re~idents pulled the fire hoses nearer and threw dirt on the sparks. .\Uss Daniels said in an interview that DeFreeze ga\'e her !20 about 8 a.m .. to buy beer and snacks. to.tore beer "'as bought about noon. "They were partying all day O\"cr there, but that "·asn·t unusual 'cau!>C SLA • • • died in a gun bii tt le and fire in Los Angeles \la~· Ii. E~lington's Last Audien~e The added effort was an advantage. C'r0lson said, because. "\\le couldn't man ttie entire perimeter (o ( the flre). It was gelling too large ." Patty, SLA Menibers Still 111 State--FBI Because of that incident. the tape said. the group had added a ne1Y mandate to its rules of combat. ,;No more than three individuals will occupy a safe house," the Thousand of Mourners Visit Be1ned<1led Duke 1bere v1ere no homes near the eoene. although the heat and flame! endangered some overhead power lines for a while. No damage was reported. voice said. "Six soldiers are too many t-.TEW YORK (AP ) _ Thousands of comrades to lose in one auack." friends. admirers and fel\01v musicians The man on the tape identified himself lined up Saturday to view the body of as Thunga Abdul Assad. minister of jazz great Duke Ellington. lying in stale cultural affairs, Black Liberation Army. \.\'earing the nation 's Medal of Freedom. A spokesman for i\tiss Hearst"s father . Ell ington. \\·ho succumbed to cancer Randolph A. Hearst. described Hearst's and pneumonia at the age of 75, lay in an reaction to the recordin g as '"ho-hum .'' open coHin surrounded by dozens .of The spokesman , John Lester. said llcarsi floral displuys as n1ourners filed by al u LOS A:\'GELES IL'Pl ) _ An FBI li stened to about two in 1nu1cs of the 15· rate of l.OOO an hour. spokesman said Saturday that agents n1inute tape and then walked out of the At one point. an ambulance pulled to v.·ere 110\4' operaling on the premise th:.it room. . the door of the \Valier B. Cooke funeral Patricia Hea rst nnd Sy m bi on cs t· In the recording,· Cabrclla S<lld ~liss Home. giving speculation that one of th'c l.Jbcratiofrl.·rn1y mci'l'l"!it?rs'"irl111mn amt~tte-arst-ha~-"been -marlM>d by ·!~-Sha&--nlOUrntrSti;td--CTStr<r~C'd . -Bllt ··; tre Emily lfarris are still in Southern Lin Drag?n." . . . arnbulance drivers st.id they too had California and h;nc again n1anaged The voice s:i 1~ _\l1 ss .Hearst re~ei v ed come to pay their respects to the fan 1cd lemporarily to sink out of sight. the symbol for displayi~g tile loi e ~nd band leader and composer. "It looks like ,.,.e're \vhere we ll"ere in strength and r1,;genl'ra!tcr; by freC'in~ Ellington recei1·ed the r.1edal of San Francisco,'' said agent J oh n your t'l\·a. ~on1rades in Los Ang~les. '' Freedom, the nation's highest civilian f\.1orrison "Apparently they tthe SLA 1 Authorities ha\·e accu sed flliss Hearst award, in 1970 by Presidenl Nixon, \1·ho y,·ere abie to operate there for some of spraying the front of a. sporling-~~s in another tribute F'riday called the length of time.'' store with machine gun fire, pcrm1tt1ng Eight days after "General field the ~a~ises to escape after an alleged "Duke" the nation's foremost composer. Among the mourners Saturday v.•ere 1'4"0 members of Ellington's first band in 1923 -singer r.taria Lucas. 67, and Frisco Bov.man. 71 . a New Orle ans-born drummer and gu itar player \\"ho called Ell ington '·in the first class of jazz niusic.ians." Red Callender, a more recent member or !he Duke's ensen1b!e, said he first met Elli ngton as a boy. at the Cotton Club in Jlc1rlern. "Jazz musicians like to argue, bul very The cause of !he fire wasn't fe'4' ever argue that the two pillars of the Jmmediately determined. jazz world were Louis Armstrong and Golsoo said some people reported Duke Ellington ," he said. se€ing a Volkswagen being driven across Thousands of other mourners \.\·ere the grassy area. A backfire may have fans of Ellington, and they came dressed ign ited the brush, he indicated. in ever~1hing fron1 dark mourning The firemen faced other difficulties clo!hes to blue jeans to \vait their turn to "·ith the blaze because there v.·ere no pay their respects. hydrants nearby. \\'hen they ran out of EHing!on is survived by his \.\"idow. v.·ater. the firemen had to go for more, , Bea : a sister. Ruth : his son fron1 a "Then it ,\.Ol.tld get away from us,'' fom1cr nia rriagc. J\lcrcC'r, 11·ho is ~ lied I . h Ell . b ..1 . Golson reca . ··He"s the cause 01"1 \1·hatever I an1 trun1pet payer 1n t e 1ngton anu;, . . . -ro~.' .... tard emte11dar. a~bnss nnd lub;:r--and three gffindehi.Jdren.....Elli11g"9n's t11·0 " , ,\ Ne\lllOrt Beach fire t~u~k fu~ by~; µlayl'r. ··1·1n not really sad. I'm just C'arlicr me1rriagC's ended in di\"?rcc. 4 a .~osta r.t~sa fflre 1 stat~o . ~ t h::ppy tha t he can1e this \\"ay.·· The funeral for Ellington \\·11! be held C\~nt, to CO\ er or t le missing uni .5. The Rev. John G. Gensel. minister to at l p.ni. at the Cathedral of St. John the the jazz community \\'ho \vii! deliver the I>ivine here. a church "'here his second rneditation at Ellington's fun e r a I ··sacred concert"' v.·as perforn1ed in 1969. i\londay. paid tribute to his friend "s !·le \\.'ill be buried a t \\'oodla\1n n1usicianship. Cernetery in the Bronx . /lfarshal" IX>nald Dcf'recze and five shophfling attempt. other SLA members died in a south Los "Remember that no rnore than l~ An geles home in a fiery shootout "'ith creatures have been marked by il!i hundreds of police, federal authori.He.s honor." the tape said. Lost Moto1·cycle Race1· Yule Card Ti11 Duke Lo Die Campaign Funds Probe Biggest Ja,vorski Task are getting fe\ver calls from citizens "·ho The n1ark of the _ Shao Lin Dragon al~o sa id they have seen fo.1iss Hearst or the \.\'as given to the six SLA f!lemb~rs sl<11n l!arrises, the FBI said. in Los Angeles "for d1splay1ng thC' "Every legitimate lead called into us is highest form of comradeship and lo1·e checked out." fo.lorrison said. forged in battle," Cabrella said. • • • I • \ ANGELA ATWOOD 'S FAMILY LEAVES CHURCH AFTER MASS Lawrence DeAngelis Jr .. Brother, her Father, Mrs. Elena Rutland, Sister Angela Atwood Lauded As Martyr by Priest PROSPECT PARK, 1' J IAPl - Angela Atv.·ood. one o( six Symbioncse Liberation Army members killed in a shootout vdth Police, was eulogized by a priest on Saturday as a "dear, honest, .sincere girl.'' who. like Christ , diC'd for what she believed in. More than 200 persons .attended the funeral services In St. Paul's Roman catholic church IOI' Mrs. Atwood, 25, the former Angela O.AngeUs, who died a -ago lasl Friday. Among lho5c prnent were the a:lrl'a father_ Lawrtnec OOAll(ollr, and her •U!'l, Ann a.Franeo. 'Ibo Rm. Franl< Citro, wbo met Mrs. Atwood lhroqb die dturdl'I' Calhollc Y Olllll OrpnlzalJan wberl lbe lived In .... Woi'flr !Wedoo, told tl1e """"""" al Ibo chun:h ~ Ibo no..Naden, 1 r • e n , 1Uver-trimmed casket rested !hat the "'Oman's death \vas an act of martyrdom. lie said Ch rist .... ·as admjred by everyone until He began to talk about "clothing the naked and feeding the hungry." Then people began to criticize Christ for what He said . "He died for what fie believed in. So did Angela ," Father Citro sald. At the burlal site In Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in nearby Totowa, Father Cltro described Mni. Atwood as 0 a dear, honest, sincere girl.'' He said, "You have to enable people to make tile changes that must be made. No ooe lmow1 her motlvea; we wtttn't !hero. But I am sure she wa1 !ollowln1 1 Olrlst.lan vocation." Mrs. Atwood was burled n<n lo her mother, Ullian t.Prolta DeAngollr, who died IJ yurs ago. \\'ASIDt-;GT0:--4 IL Pl l In an Outwallis Baja Resci1e1·s STATELT:'\7.. Nev. 1AP1 Singer Billy Ecksline knew his longlin1e friend Duke Ellington \rasn"t just joking "·hen he S(·nt Ecks!ine a Ch ristmas card last 11eck. anniversary report. special Watergate proseclltor Leon Ja'4·orski said Saturday the largest number of c rim i n a I investigations still pending is in the area of Nixon campaign contributions. SAX DIJ::f;O 1,\!'1 On !he 1nhospitalilc Ba.1a Ca lil orn1a pcninsuJ;1, just keeping ahead of \\Ould be rescue.rs. 46-year-<Jld Fred ntundy \Yas stubborn ly stumbling his \\ay 101\·ard civilization Saturday, officials said . After apparently taking a \\Tong turn in a molorcyclc race a week ago, the druggist from Riverside. has been afoot in the wild northwestern ,~Iexican terrain. "\Ve kno\v v.·e'rc follo\ving him. but it goes on and on," said a search coordinator in San Diego, aboot 100 miles north. The searchers Y.'ere using a U.S. Navy helicopter for aerial spotting and si:pply support for more than 40 trackers on foot. including volunteers from both sides of the border and some friends of the missing man. "He's strong, a good hiker rind an outdoorsman;' said Dr. Irving Om phroy, a Riverside physician , explaining how fl.1undy could be able lo stay ahead of his pursuers. Apparently, searchers say, ~lundy is lrying to reach the paved high.,.,•ay near the Gulf of California. a large body of \\•ater between Baja California and the fo.Iexican mainland. But searchers say he may be 30 to 40 miles a""·ay in a mountain range, \Yith peaks nea ring 10,000 feet. in the pine-dolled center of the peninsula. His motorcycle, \l"ith an SOS '4Tiltcn in the sand. was found in an area about mid\\·ay between the gulf and the Pacific Ocean. There was no explanation why he v.·ould head east rather than v.·cst. Temperatures are ranging over JOO degrees, even at high altitudes, officials 50,000 Celebrate BELGRADE. Yugosla via ( AP J Presiden t Josi p Broz Tito observed his 82nd birthday Saturday at a huge "Youth Day" celebration in the army stadium. ~lore 1han 50,000 persons attended. Tito \vas accompanied by his Y.'ifc, Jovanka Broz, and Yugoslavia 'i top Political and military leaders. The "Youth Day" program of gymnastics and folklore is held each year to coincide v.•ith the president's birthday. DAILY l'ILOT DELIVERY SERVICE ~r,V"e'V of~ Cb1y f);1o• I\ qinanil!!.'d MOfldl,,_.,,r~y I! JOll *'""' ~ \'l)lt i-1* by 5 30 P"' QI! Q 'IW'~""" M ~ 10 )Oii C:.111 .. ~.,...~ 1-00011\. ~ .rd ~ 11 "1\111 00 !91 'N!'tt '°"'" oooy by t •-~ S.l!fOI,, °' • '·"'" S...l!Orl. c.H 1ni:11 ooor wlll till IWO.IQ!ll IO ,OU. Clillll ... llloffl ..... ~ 10 '·"'· Tel~ MOtl OrtrlO' Covn!v Al9M .. , ........ , .... Ml.Q21 ---#ICll/Hlilh1•-,,.,,.,,,,. ............. t«l-IUO ' . s~ud. and there is J1tt!e 11ater a1·<.11la b!e <i t thi s tiin e of year. Frida~·. searchers found a b<irrel cactus had been broken open. apparently for its \1·atcr, on the man·s trail. r.·lundy "s footprints have been seen in the sand. Searche rs said tifundy had gone "maybe 60 miles." but not in a straight line. si nce he left his cycle. The Baja sands are popular for ofi·road ra cers. Aane'v Leases ~ Office Suite CROFTON. f\.1d. <AP) -Spiro T. Agn ew has signed a three-year lease for a suite of offices at a professional center here. according to a spokesman for tbe center. Charles D'Arco of the Village Green Limited Partnership said Saturday tha t the suite inc;ludes more than 1.000 square feet of floor space in a reception area, executive office and another smaller office. Agnew is to pay more than $6,500 a year for the facilities. The offices are still under construction, but are expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by July I, the effective date of the lease. Crofton is a few miles outside of Baltimore and about 15 miles from the former vice president's new home al Indian Hill. Eckstine. said he kne\1' it 1\·as the end for Ellington . the .... ·orld renowned Jazz composer a n d performer v.'ho died in Ne1v York Friday at the age of 75. During an appearance at a Lake Tahoe resort, Eckstine said Friday that when he rtteived the Christmas card only a couple of days before Ellington's death . "I had to read between the lines. Otherwise I"d have said, '\\.hat a. nut'.'' He added. "The card meant that he knew he 11•asn't going to be here for Christmas. \vhich is a beautiful thought." Wall~n<la ''' alks KINGS ~11LLS. Ohio IAP) -Carl \Vallenda, of the Great Wallendas. claimed a "·orld 's sky walk record by ,\·alking 1,700 feet on a tight rope Saturday. \\'a llenda performt'd the feat on a y,·ire suspended bet"·een two cranes at the Kings Island Amusement Park. He took 1.149 sleps in 29 mlnutes over an estimated crowd of 16.000. Wallenda said the previous record was 1,100 feet. Ja11·orski said the investigation Into so- called "dirty tricks'' is "completed :" !he \\"atcrgatc break-in and cover-0p "nearly con1pleted :'" and th e International Telephone & Telegraph's (ITI'J case "!'till under way." The special prosecutor'.5 office v.·ai; e'itablished one year .ago by then Attorney General Elliot L. Richard.SOil after the Senate got. his promise to do so during his confinnatim h e a r i n g s . President Nixon fired the firs t prosecutor, Archlbald Cox. Jaworski, past "PfE.'Sident of the American Bar Association and American C.Ollege or Trial Lawyers, took office I as t l\"ovembcr. Jaworski said 36 persons and 13 corporations have been charged, and or these, 21 persons and 11 corporations either pleaded or \\'ere fotmd guilty. Of tllose, 11 v.·erc former White House aides and 5 others worked in Nixon's re· election campaign. ''A major part of our work this year is ool reflected at all in the numbers above," a spokesman for Jaworski said. "This has included some historic legal arguments over the issues of executive privilege and the court's quest for evidence. as well as the unprecedented instance of the grand jury report that, V.'ith judicial approval, was forwarded to the House Judiciary Committee and is no\Y being used by that committee in Its impeachment proceedings," they said. Showers Hit Midsection Tliunderstorrus Stretcli Front Texas to Dakotas V.S. Stnnmarv HA110MAI WI .. llil I $1 IVl{I 1011 (A~I •• 1 r111 I $1 • 4• ~ 1't 30 0 30.00 Showers 1nd lh11lllk!r1torm1 wtrt sc•lltt"ld up thl n•llon'• mldNCtlOl'I from T•~1• to the D1kot11 s1111n:11v with ' ,_ torn.ctots touchl"O down In th• P1tlr". Most r1l11 •ctrvlty w11 ctftfered In O•l•l'I0!!'!1, Ar~•11ws, MISIO\lrl, K•nW1 ind Sovlft 01•at•. •rtd t severe """nder1tarm w•tcll Wll ll1ued tor p•r•1 ol O.l1hom1 ind T••••· tor~s ._., sighted •I GUI, Colo.. &....Ole•, Nell., •nd I" llO\lt~ern Oklt~. No lnh1ritt w..-1 rtpOrltd. R1h1 1nd drlute .,:kltd tN 1"1elllc Northw"I •rtd l'IOrll'lln'I Rock ftl. Low dcrruds, r1111 •nd '°""' fat (OWrlll thl wtst1r11 Cult cot1I 1t11n, •nd 41 ftw ll'ow«I d•rnpMll(I aoo.ill'llrr' ·~~~~~~ Flortdl, EIMWh1ff, 1k.lt1 -• 0tntr1ll'I' clt•r 10 w!lll thl ltmP9r•l11r" In tllt '°'1fhwnt Offtl'I Ill lltt Uf)ptf fOI Ind "Ill flle .OS tlld low ~ In !I'll norlhll"ll tnd 11110 Ml1tlMl,..,i Vtlle'I' 11111 tllt NorfhHI!, tamper1tu,... l>lfott 111Mt't rflnoed .. frMI G •I l.orlfltl Air '°'c:t lfM, Mtlfll, tt lOl ~f ~Ill, Ar,li. to to Vl"I WIA.11tl lfOIOCA.$t. • t Temperatures ' .. , .. ""' .... 1 " .. ... " .. " . .... " " A JI llrown1vlll• Bull•lo Ch1rlesl()tl C~1•IOll• CMClgO Clnclnn1tt ClllYel•nd ""-o.trolt Oututll For• wor111 "'"no ""-HonofUl\I H°"1ton lnclll~poll• K..,1.11 Cll'I' Lil V9911 Little •O<k L.011hvUt1 M1mpflll Ml•ml Mllw111kel Mlllftfl llOlll·SI. l't\11 N1w Otlttlit ~Yori! Okl•IMlln• City """"' "'""" l' .. m Jpl"111Qt Jl'lllU1dtlplH1 ....... l'lttt0W9ft l'Ol'lt11'1111, °"' l'ortltfld, ,..,., lt~d City-... "· ftl(~ ·'' tt. l.ovl• '""""''" .1a hit L1k.f Cit'/ $111 l'rlfW.lte.o IHtttt ,_ ~ ,._. • \1 Wtt1'11""91 .. " " .. .. " .. " .. .. " .. .. " .. " ,., .. " " .. .. .. M " .. ,., " • ... " " .. .. • " " .. " .. 11 ,. .. • "' .. " .. n " " " " .. .. " n .. .. " n .. .. " .. " .. n " .. " • .. .. ,. .. " 2 " " " • .. .. .. " • • " " • ' , ., .. •• " .I " ' ' ' " . , •• Suridar. May 26, 1974 uAILV PILOT A 5 Demos Rap Flournoy ~~2·;;·" A;;-1111u_a_l _So:t;;-htnr-Ca-li/o-rnia-~ INSIDE, GOVERNOR REAGAN IS TOUR GUIDE FOR SEVEN RUSSIANS Flonkod by Doleg1tos Zoy1 .Pu)chova (Loll), Boris Ponomarov The 1 ea d in g Dernocra1lc contenders for governor seem so certain that Ho u s ton Flournoy will be t h c i r opponent they ha ve already be1tttn to attack him. Secretary of State Edn1und G. Brown Jr., the front runner in the polls for the Drn1ocratic nomination said he expects 1.0 fac-e Flonrr10y in Nov!'n1ber but said Flournov is "a "'eak man" Y.•ho has sOtd out 10 the Nixon·R€agan '''ing of the Republ ican party." • • CALIFORNIA "MR. FLOURNOY SHED his moderate clothing and embraced the right wing of the party in order to g a 1 n campaign money," Brown said Saturday in his first attack on a GOP cand idate. "He has been la c kluster and unimaginative but. u n t i I recently, has grnerally taken reasonably moderate positions on the issues." contest ... said Jo'lournoy had ~n .picked lo run after agreeing to continue Reagan's policies. San Francisco ~la.vor Joseph Alioto. running third in the latest polls on the Den1ocru1ic Floumoy is "a candidate \\•ho Y.'aS C'lected al a meeting Jan. 5 by the I ea din g corporate executives of this state," Alioto said, referring to a Flow·noy tneeting v.•ith • UPI TtltPhDIOS OUTSIDE , STATE POLICEMAN DEAL WITH LONE SIT-DOWN PROTESTER Soviet Officials Used Another Exit, Mis.ed Seeing This Scene Demo1Jstrato1·s Si11g, Da11ce As Reaga11 Hosts Soviets · SACHA1'.1E7\TO I AP! l~ov. Ronald Reagan hosted sevt:>n Soviet officials in the State Capi tol S;1turday as about 75 demonstrators sang and danced under t h o building's dome protesting Russian treatment or Jcv.·s. The delegation from the Supreme Soviet dro\·e up to tbc capitol from s an Franrisco in hla rk limous ines as the dC'monstrators yclll'd and held up signs saying "Let ~fy People Go" and other slogans. • and n1oved i·nsu.!c \1 hen tlic del<'gation left their cars. 111e pro t es tors , v;ho included Assemblyman llenry \\'axman (0.l.os Ang~lc :;1 chanted and sang undrr 1hc Capilol dome, but \I' c r r blocked from enteri ng the new 1ving of the building -11·hf're RC'agan"s offices arc !oca1ed -by gu.'.lrds . :\il<:r th..: n1cc11ng in the C;ipitol. J{eagan hosted a 1 pri vate rc c:ep1 ion for the dt:!cgation at !he governor's home. The delegation. led by D. N. Oonamarev, chairman of the Supreme Soviet forei gn affairs comrniuee. return<"d to San Fr11nc1srn af!cr lhc re('('ption. Fire Troubleshooter I Re agan ni<'! ll"ith 1 he delegation fron1 the U.S.S.R. ll'gi!lalive body in the cabinet room as about 30 Ca liforn ia Sla!C' Police. Ca Ii for n i a Highv.·ay Patrolmen a n d Russian 5e('Urity personnel closed the new v.ing of the Capitol to the public and the press. l{ee11s Cre'v Drilling 1 fl;in11'S, 11·h1ch broke out fro111 I unkrlO\\.'n caUSl'S. n1ay be • The security guards refused to expla in the closing of the Capitol and efforts to reach Reagan sp:ikesmen w e r e unsuccessful. The demonstration. organized by the Sacramento So,·iet J e \Y r y Comn1it1ee. started on the Capitol steps STOCKT0'.'1 (AP l -Drilling rre1\S dug deeper Saturday in lhC'lr efforts to plunge a mile· deep pipe casing into lhc con.~uming as much as 50 ground v.·here a natural gas million cubic feet of gas per fire has blazed for eight days. day. About 9.500 gallons of About 150 men are working 1vater per rnlnu!c are being under ace fire troubleshooter sprayed on e q u i p men t ~ed Ad_air to ext inguish the surrounding the f 1 a m in g fire. wh_t~h erupted fl.fay_ 17 at rigging to keep it cool. the Pacific Gas ' Electric Co. ___ ------ fa cility on McDonald Island in lhe San Joaquin River Delta near here. PG&E officials esttmate the Tax Refor11t Needed signature:. of very iamou:. per s onalitic~ e•ch mounled and framed under glass Authentic :.1gnatLHP'-oi '-Uth famou s peo- pl<• J ~ 1\brahJm Lint oln, lohanne:. Brahm', l ou1" P ,1,ll1ur , ()11\l'r WrndPll Holm<'' ~r . .1ncl "'.inv <11hpr .... ~()in tr>- tal. f.1c h p1Pr1 · 1 ... l11•,11J11 1ul l, m1Jun!Prl .inc l 1r.1n1l•d unrl<'r t..:1.1...... . . 1•.i< h .i tol- 1< .. rto,· ... 1\Prn . ( on11· '<'P rh1-. unique col- ll'< t1on in thf' 1urn1turf' g.1l le1v of our South Co.1,I Pl.11 .1 'I°'" $200 to$ t ,UOO IV1AV CC> .3333 Bn stol. Costa Mesa -546-9321 'Now,' Cransto11 Says ~fERCED (APl -Sen . Alan Crans1on said increases in M1:11I dynomoc ,....,.. cornbinoi'°" fOf ~..cce-·~ ord hopp~s< G,t>\ yN ihe-pr-we< 10 •nc•eo1e--.e•f conf;dence EARN 1\1 ,-.,;;or MrlNfY lme<<.'v" •n"c"""n"""· ()ev,.l"p vp"' [~P '~••<'CJ• , ,, ,.,,, ... 1¥ ~,..,NT,..,1'11! 1'All:S M( •l1•'"110N I'""''' l'-' l" ~ou• ,~,.Jr'-"' to w::ce>. Cranston called on Congress oil company profits are the Saturday to "relieve inflation-equivalent to a 15 percent clobbered consumers" b y surtax on personal income acting on tax reform taxes. measures immediately . "In other words. l h e Cranston (D-Calif.) said in increase in gasoline and rue! remarks prepared for delivery oil prices this year will be just to a Merced Democratic Club like getting socked with a 15 luncheon that the fight for a percent increase in your federal tncome tax." $5.9 billion lax cut measure.------------'--- .,·ill begin on the Senate noor next \Yeck. He called for th e tax cut to be offset with other legislation to close loopholes in the oll industry and "to mAke sure 'the very, very weallhy arc paying a fair share of income taxes." "Consumers arc being ripped off by inflation now. The recession is happening now," said Cranston, who is seeking re-election. "Now is the time to act on redressing the economic balance.,. IEITER CONTROL OVER HAllTS Speed Re-odhwfProcho1ti11ati°""Weiqht·Worry0 Smokinq-Drvgs-Memory0 Sleep CREATIVE LIVIMG WORKSHOP' AM EVENT THAT MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Cnl• MeM -'Tllun.. May lOtti-HOU DA 'f' IHH )Ill l riilol 1405 Frttwoy of lrislol l1ifl 7:ll p.111. Wtorpl A~"'-Wl'd..Mcry2flh-ROTALIHN 1155 S. Hetrbor II blk. si:i. of Koftllol 7:ll thOf? Tlliffoft:SZ.OD lftC.Ndtl H111!dowt Mottri11b Oftd Gool Sritl!WJ Gllidt1. • n1ajor Rt>agan su1)porters. "Ile 1\·as sum1noned to take th<11 loyali~· \·011'." Ahoto added . Alioto also bJasted Brown and Assen1bly Speaker Bob l\1oret1 1, nO\I' number t\1'0 in the polio;. for squabhlini;i: that \\'ill gi1·e lhc GOP anununition fur the ~C'neral ele<:tion. Bro11·n and l\1oretli enga~c<l in a fierce free. v.·heclini debarc 'l'hursdav in Sacramrnto that attrffcted wide-publicity. mobile NOW thru may27 ioq;;~-.=;.--,·= "The Wesl'.s only show excluslvely designed lot m11nul11clured housing." Doo•• <·'r" I~ noo~ '"l!l:I~··• ~ "'~""·''·" tl •• •·•.• .. rt•"•" Adrn.SS•<>" ll~I) .lUUll! ,, O'l rO~"~''"'' 10 'J \~ ~!.m------~-- "Schlitz'' beer watch ''Coors" beer watch • ~ "Budweiser" beer watch "Boones Farm" watch SANTA AHA ... ~o1c1o-..-.,. °'"' '""' t:lf .. t-Jf .... '-'"" 11 .. 1 lt>tO!oeo.~ .. t..C-.._ 0,.• l,_t ,_.,. hltop '--f lfoo l CIPJO..ol~ ..... ... 0,...1 ... ,. .. ..,,.,,., .... . . . • ' . ..,_ FASHION ISLAND OPEN TODAY 12-5 · • r. •• 4 Dep~rtment Stores Plus Many Other Merehants Open for Your Shopping Convenience -' ~~ ~·::a:z~~:c3~~_.;:_~~;~ti • • -I • r I •• • A6 (DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAG E ] Re-elect L>e~p1te ~01nc arm flinging and verbal barrages fron1 one of his opponents. Orange County l)istri<:t r\t· 1orney leC'1I IJ1 r.:ks ~lands clearly v.•C1nhy of re.cletlivn 111 !he June 4 prunar_y. Jl1 cks 1s no nev.•comer tv !av.• and order. lie ~er.,·~d c·1~ht years as <YI active and n1uch ·praised as~1stant di~· tnct attorne\' bcfor-0 becoming head of the office ei ght years ago This h~ given hrm a v.·ide rapge of practicin~ and aclmin1slrat1ve experience and he has performed \\'ell. ,·\s ll1~1r1lt attorne_\'. lfitks has kept a 11ght rein 1Jn organ11e1! c-r1me .\s a result. Orange County -ur· hanized a<. 11 1s wJth a population of more than 1.6 mil· lion -has a "''ell·knov•n reputation of being a tough plate for o cnm1naJ tO'"be caught and prosecuted. Hicks has been able to keep up a burReoning ca ~e­ load figure 1n a period of tremendous population growth and has run the DA.'s office efficiently. hone<.tly and openly. !\'either fJf hrs two opponents. \\'1J11am liul"Y of li.lission \'u:J() and ~lax Sturges of :\ev.:port Rea(·h. is close lo lflck<; in maturity. ex-perience and dependability The Dail v Pilot endorses ('eci\ llitks for a thirrl tcrn1 as d1 ~1 ri(·t <1t1orney of Oran6C Count: ) 1 e~ on Proposition -,) Califurnia":-i superh h1ghy;ay and frecv.•ay sy . .,1en1 tlll· douhtcdly ov.·es n1uch of its existence to the far·s1ghted -and jealour.; -manner in whith highway funds have been guarded. Cecil Hicks Some alternative tr3RSJ><>rtation system lo the per· sonal automobile must be developed ln urbanized areas of CaliffJrnia very soon, anU it cannot be done without funds . Proposition 5 would permit a county to use up to 25 percent of its ga'>oline tax fund for' development of publit tr.ins11 -IF the \Inters of that county approve the proje<'t. 'l'he funds could be used for research. plan· ning and cons1ruction of rna.ss transi t systems but not for equipment or operation of such systems. It is estimated that in Orange CountY passage of J'roposition 5 could generate at least S33 n1illion for tran..,Jl develop1nenl in the next six years: This would qu<l!ify u~ for up to S132 m1Jlion in federal matching funds. The hard fa.ct is that in the face of the urgent need for transit. the motorist is faced "'ith the choice of a ~10 .. 1.'down in road building or increased taxes. Proposi· tion 5's offer of progress in transit without additional taxes in the i1nmediate future seems the least painful c:hoice for Orange County and the rest or California. I.a\\ '.\I cc ts Youtl1 Half,fa v Thou:-ands of jU \'enile traffic offenders 1n Or;in~e 1·uunty s!11! ha\·e offenses on their dri\·in;;:-records be- tau~e the litket fines \Vere ci1her fori;ot ten or ignored. Starling June I. Oran;!C Countians \vho recei,·cd traft'i~ t1tkets as Jtl\·eniles. but failed to pay for tlleni. v.·llJ be able to do so without threat of penally as:;eS!'>· rncnt ... 1'he !'>pecial amnesty period \Viii run for 60 da.v~ and 'rill be in effect at the main Juvenile Court in Orange. the !!arbor rourt in Irvine and the Sou1h c·ounty ('ourt in Laguna ~i~uel. • I ' \. -- ----· The philosophy has been that all funds rece1,·cc1 from gas taxe~. diesel taxes, \"chirle reg1.<.t ratio11 and weight fees he used only for build111 ~ and maintaining roads. Raids on the highway fund -1·1Jn1mon in other ~tales -never succeeded in f'aliforn1:.L Now the time has come to n1odJfy that philo!-ioph _v and pennit flexibility in our approac:h to transportation problems. Organizers of the amnesty period say it could clear CJff a.c; n1any as 10.000 backlogged traffic cases fro111 1u.,·enile records. The only other v.·ay to clear the record 1" to sv.·ear out arrest warrants -a long and costly proces~. 0(.';.1 11 / J1t)IJJ ir ii.lit, ir;1J1(lt'r.-.: 111/· t•' 11rt 1.'· (l/I i1111111·1111t 1\·111111)11~111rl1·/1i/1lr11 11·.'' Listeners Hear Two Sides to the Nixon Tapes Ca11do1· Is I nconclusi1 ie (;ruups ot JleOl)le 11i1h <·orn1no11 intcrl'sts oftt'fl talk 111 ;1 cun11non vocabulury or spt•fi:.tliz.NI slang. 11ilh tl·nns t fl a t rcinforte I h (' i r .11tilude IO\\'ard the 1\•orld, lerrns that rcaf(ir111 their solidarity :1s a ~roup. Suth in-group di:tl<'("IS an· found :11110111.; dealers in commixli1y futures. a•nong ballplayers or among politit inns. \\'hen people recoi..rnizc <t f;uniliar in- group dialect. the y !'!o.v. "You knov.•, I like that guy. lie talks mv hinguage."' l.anguage. then. is :'! badge of social identificatirin. \Vl' 1udgt 1J!l11·rs ;1\ lea st as 1nuch by their m;inrlfr of spt•t•<'h a.1; by /he sub.~lance of "'h:it they s:.iy. The l't'ader will recall 1hc pnuHs rnadc. by Bl·rnard Shriw in "l'ygrrH1l111n" llt1ll•r S. J. lJAYAKA.WA rl!l\Titt tn as ··~ty Fair l.dd ;.•""1 that \.\ht'n . vou ('lim1nate the cli:ilcct dirfercncl'S bct\\·ern a duchess an1I :i 1·1K:knl'y rlov.·tr girl there :ire few d1ffert•n1.:cs 11·11. !'resident Lyndon B Johnsrin. belie\'(', "·as cruelly 111atll' the v1e\11n nt his n1\n Tl'X<•S spceth and 1nannt•rs. lie lulfrllccl !he dre:irns nf Ii b c r ;1 1 1n!cllcctuals in c.'Ountless "'iys: He pa s~cd effccl11·c r1\"il r 1 1-.( ht s la11s. hi.! \\'as strong for 1·onst·rvt1\1on. !h<· 11ar u11 poverty. the Job Corpii ;ind the llead Stan program ; he revised and liberalized immigration lav.·s: he took ti bold approach tn prohlcn1s o t urbanization ;ind protcc1inn of 1h1• consumer. EXCE PT FOR his V1ctn:1n1 p!Jl!cy. President Johnson v.·as the Hberdl 1ntellcc1ual's knight in shining <1r1nor. Nevertheless. !hey almost unanimously held hin1 in contl'mpt and n1ost of thcn1 1·rfused to give him credit i.:vt•n for those ;irhil!Vf'n1cnls which they tipprovcd To lilKrt •·Xtt:llt \11·f1' thl•ir n •;11 tlons b;istd 1Jn rL'jecti1Jn nf John!>rin·s pl·r.~on::it st.1 It·" A~ an im:igin:it11·t· l'X<·r<·is1-. let"!> suppose that l'r1·s11!i·nt .Johnsnn had doni.: ex;H·tlv 11/1:11 ht• did . bu! that he had •·xpl:1iiu·d 1l ;ill 111 Adlai Stl·\'t•n~1Hfs :J1·t1·nt and 111lh his urh:1n "·it antl lltl'r:iry gr<icl" \\'ould the t1bi·r;1I in1<:Jlt·t·1u:1ls h:11"C loved him for hi~ lib•·r;1I 1J<1l1c1cs. 1\h1lc apolo.(!111ng f11r lus JJ<1!1cu·s 111 \'1rtnarn '' Or \\uuld 1ht·~' h:1\1' gnni · 1·1·11n fa r11 ur :infl :1pprfJ\!'{j Iii hi~ ;u·\101]>; II\ \'u•[!ltllll0 ' Tll•'>l' arl·. 1,f 1•1111rs1· 1dlP sp•·cu1;1\1nns. hut thP.v nct ur to n11· lu•c;1u~c I 11;1s tnnstflntly impresst'd at the lirnc h,v th e t·,~tvnt 11, whieh criticism lff Jnhnson hv n1y libl·ral arts friends v.•as heavy ..,.·ith cu ltur;d condescension : "I/ow c:in )OU sl:ind that corny Texas folksiness'.'" IN ALL TllE intcrprelations and com1nentark•s being made by journalists. con1mcn tators ,1nd as~rir!rd pundits on lhL' transtrip!1on of Pn•sidl'nl l\ixon·s Jlfll'illc convf'rsat ions v.·1th his assoc1atrs, one 11npor1ant fac·t is l>eini; nvcrlooked. Tiu.= t;.1pc rl·crirdt•r has hcen v.·ilh us •inll' for ;1 gl"ni·r;111on t.lany uses have hf'f•n found for it sn11"l' those days : ns an .11<l 111 reporlt·rs. lrir record keeping. for -'>'K:l<ll .'>eicntl" and psycho I o g i ca I n·.~l·areh. ;1s 11~·!1 as fnr 1•;1\"l'sdropping ;uuJ 1·spion;1g1· !111\\'ever. !hr la11• l\;1:-; rull"d th;1t 1nff!nna11on t:ikl'n frnn1sr;cr·etlv11hta1ncd tapings 1s nol adrn1ssahle as cV1dcnce 111 court. The l'res1 dent"s t;1pt·s of his private conversations wtrc apparently intended as nids to his O"'ll n1ernory. It is doubtful th;1t :ill .,,·ho took part in the conversations "'ere aware that they \\'Crc being recorded. People talk for the record before an ;1udience. in a courlroorn. in a press 1nlcrview. The v.·hote po1n! of confiden- rial. privalc <.'onversn!ions is that parti- t"1pants do 1101 ialk for 1he n:.'COrd. Tln.'y 1n<1y somcti1ncs ..,ay "hat !hey 1nea n and .. , I 'Expletive deleted' n1ean \1hat they s;1;. But more often !han nrit. tht'V ha\"c bruins1orming sessions durin~ \\"hi~h thry put forth ideas ten!alively. saying th ings the;.· onl.v partly mean or do not ml·an at all. for the sake of g-clnng the reactions of othl1rs and exploring the n1a11y dun<:ns1ons of a problem . IT IS EXTRE~IELY rare. lhert'forc. f1Jr su(·h confidential tapes to bl· lranscribt:d. Hence. reading s u c h transcriptions is a novel experience for aln1osl all of us . And because we have no previous experience \\'ith such material. none of us is re11\l y qualified lo interpret 1t 1-1•ith certainty as to its significance. Bcv.·arc, then. of the expert 1\·ho purpor!s to tell you ''cx-actly" \vhat the transcripts signify. Be1\·are of those \vho tell you that lhc absence of lofty mor;il judgments arc an.indi("ation of !he moral bankruptcy of the adn1inistration. (One makes statements of lofty moral principle in public situations, not in private strategy sessions.) There are those v.·ho read the lranscripls merely to confinn !heir prejudices. But the open-minded reader 11 ill find them inconclusive. as should you or I. I'Ve1r Cliief May Enhance Credibility President Fails to Set a1i Exa11iple By GODFRf'~'I' SPERLl~G \\',\Slll~f.TO:\ -In cl•fensc of the President and the tont' of the transcnpts h1.) aide. Dean Burch. 1s sa~·in.;::. in cffct.·t. ··1'1JI. tuL t•\·er,·hod\' talk-; that \'.a\ " Bui 1f he 1s 1a1i.:ing cl.bout the profan1l1l'S :ind obscenities and particula rly about 1!1c sca1ological imagerv. he is wrong. \\'e all kno11• that a lot of pcopll', \"ery important pc.'Op!e. don't t..1lk this u·ay. \lark Hatfield and CharlL's Percy don "t u.~e this kind of language. just to name 1110 sen::itors that ('f)tnc quickly to n1ind. And neither d11 Reuhin A!'kc1~· or \\'i\1ia111 \lllliken or Uanicl E\"ans. just to na111L' 1hr~c governors ll'ho ar"c kno11n for esche\\'ing such \-Ul,e:ari sms . :\"011· Sen narrv Gol<hl"ater d111·~ indulge 111 a vcr~-. LOlorful. fron\i(·I' Janguagl' of 11hich he says hirnself. ··1 11'sh I didn"t.'' lie sa~'S his \\lfc gives hin1 1i tongue-lashing \\·hcnever o"lc of hi s ind1~creti<.;ns is 1!1cludcd in a pubhsheO interview. And he says he al.so gct..s a J.ll'l'a\ many letters from suppo rters 11/10 take issue \\'ilh hi1n on his use of pro- f;111i\\". Bui the great irony today is that both Buren and 01her \\'hitc House aides arc tl1arging the critics of \1r. ~ixon and hi~ language .,.,·ith "hypocrisy." \\"ho is the hrpocrite~ one might ask. J.'1 THE •llSTORIC Nixon·Kennedy deba te of Oct. 13. 1960. ~Ir. Nixon expressed strong feeling against Harry Truman's cursing. f{e said. "One thing I have noted as I have traveled around the co1rntry is the tremendous number ;,of children who come out to see inc presidential candidates. I sec mothers holding up their babies sn they can sec a n1an \\"ho might be president of the United States. I kno\v Senator Kennedy 3ees them. too. "It makes you realize that \l'hoevcr is president is going to be a man that all children of Ame rica look up to or look down on, and I can only say I am \'ery proud lhat J>r~sident Eisenhoi,1·er restored dignity and decency and, frankly, good tangugr to the tonduct of the presidency of the L"n1ted St;t1es. ··,\nd I on!~ hope ~houtd I \11n 1h1s 1·1t·ct1on th:i! I could ;1ppr••:u·h Prl·s1dent F:isrnho"·er in 1naint:tining the dit:nitr of !he officr. and Sl'<' tn ii 1h:i1 11·h1.:ne,·rr an\ mother or f:llhl·r talk <: to hi s thild. he . can look :it 1h1· n1an 1n the \\"hitc 11ouse, and "·hatc,·er he may think of his policies. he \.\ill say, '\Veil. !here ts a man 1rho maintains Lhe kind of standards p('rsonally that I 11·nuld .. ..-ant rny child to fol!o1r ' .. Th<tt"s \\'hat \lr. Nixon satd. Oh. the ironi('s' Hern('ntber hO\\" 11 \\JS (;1·0rJ?e ;\lc{;fl\'ern \\"hose ir;1age ·.1:i~ tarnished by :in expletivc hc ultcrcd dullill g the l:11tor d.1ys of the 1972 eamp:iign. As a result. nnt of the leis!· minutr is.~uf's. at lea~t in the Bihlc Belt. 11·as "\lcC.overn the clirly t:ilker" (lgainst ··~ixon the ;\lr. Clran ." "\'ET Tiit-.: TRUTll of the matter is 1h;1t tho::e 11ho ha\"e bet•n acquainlt!d 11·ith ;\JcGovcrn over the years know that he nonnall\" docs not curs:!. In fart. !his man \\"ho oiice .,,·as st udving to beco1ne a minister iih•:a}'s looks Uncomfonable If others use such language \\hen in his company. But under the pressures of :i disastrous campaign. ~lcGovcrn did blurt out something that he 11·ns det.ipl y ashamed of right after he said it. And the next day he apologized for his 11·ords 11·hen add ressing a group of ministe rs. fn a conversation \\'ilh Henry Petcr~n, Assistant Atty. Gen .. on April 17. 1973. the transcripl sho\\·s this comment by the President on the language he and others v.·ere using: After exploding \vith an expletive which \\'as deleted. t he President laughed and added. "\\1hich n1akes it more credible when you use all salty words ." Credible? But it seems incredible to ntany that a President -particularly one who ha~ given the imptession to the public that his language is clean - 5houlcl talk !his y,·a~·. But 110\\' back to Burth who is offl'r1n~ \\"hite HouSl' rebuttal to the Chica~o Tribunr's editorial \\•hich s<iid this of the 1'\ixon il finds on the transcript : ·· ... he 1~ dev ious. Ile i.~ .,·acillating . lie is profane. lie is \1iltlng 10 be led Jl 1s loyally is minimal.·· IN OEFESDING U1e President. and his conduct as re\·ealed on the transcript, Burch asserts that. in effect. "Cverybody IS do111g it." "ft ls life in f.!O\"ernment and politics." ""YS Burch. "life in industry and business ... !ife in the editorial office of rrcry nc1.,·spapcr. . . ll is ho1v thin~s at'lually are. 111arts and all." Thus docs Burch respond lo those "ho are upset over v.·hat came through on the tapes -not just the rough language but also the political C}llicism and the appearance of conniving. But 11·hen Burch s,.1ys in effect that '·I.his is the "·ay things arr 1n this country,"' he is terribly wrong. Certainly, 11"e all kno1\' !here is loo much of ~·hat he rharges that docs go on all around us. But ..,,.e also kno\.\' people in all walks or life •,rho arc conducling their lives and their businesses in an above-board, high- principled \\'a~· -and where the language of high-level, decision-making discussions is not the verbia&e of the gutter. However. thC' important point is this: The President of the United Slates should be setting an example. no matter ho\v. much there is that is chea p and tawdry in the actions or many Americans. He should be lifting us up. sho11i'ing us how to conduct ourselves. and leading us to a higher moral ground in our dealings with one another. In failing to do this the Prcsidenl clearly has let us do"·n. Military Should End Duplication The recent reorg:in11.at1on of lh1 • Pcnl ti~on ·s high co1111n;11uL 111111 i\11· Force C.cn. f.cor,i::c· S. Bro1.,·n b1'l'un1111g the next ch:lirm:1n nf !he Join! Ch11'fs nf Staff, may provide the An11 ·rir;1n milit;iry cstablishn1l'n! 11·1lli the kind ol practical approach th:1t it so sor1·i .1• needs. It misht cvtn tii·l p lhe l)C'frn.'l' J.>cparlment obtain lho'r objcctives il l>Clieves are 1mpcra111·11 lo t h l' rnaintenance of an :ulec1u:11e ntllitary OIANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robtt•t N. \Vf'f1I, J'ubl1Jller Thomas Keet;tl, E<111or Barbara Krtibfc!1 Editorial Pa9e Edftor Su nday, May 26 , 1974 s.\Sh·n1 in a highl .v uncrrlain \1·or!d . \\'Hh lien . liro1vn a.<:. the first Air Force ufl1l'er to hold the na!ion's hir,he~l r:1nking 1nilitary job sinet• c:rn. Nathan F. T1vlning stepped down in 1960, it is 1n:v hope Ou: American 111xpaycr can he i::ivc.n n101·c rlefcnsC' f'nr the dollars he 1·unlributcs. 1\nd \l"ith the addition ot another Air ForcC' o(ficC'r, Gen. David C . .Jones, who 11·111 rcplal'e Gen. Bro1\"ll :i~ Air Foree thief o( shift. th e chanCC'S ;ire .,;ven Th1• , dHor1 ar p;1gc or 1hc-1Ja1ly 1'11•.1 ~•'••Kit lo inform and s1imula1r r• .01krs by prl.'~rntlni: 1)n !his paJtc 111\ •'l""r' ("lJ~uncn!ary on topirl'I of in h·n·.~t by 1ynd1l'8ll'lf ('Olun1n11ta e.nd <'1tr1oon1J11b,by provkllnc a forum for rci«h•ri;' vil'Wll And by pr£!1l'ntlng this 11ti\\sf)llper'it oplnnma a.nd idc11s on curren1 toplc11. ThC' tdUorl-.1 opinion:« uf lht Du.Hy Pilot appear only In lhl' '""t•ditor111 1 t.'Olurnn 111 chu Top of lht- pQ't'. Opinions f'.xpr~~d by lhr col- umntsta. and cartooni11ta and Jetlc:r \\Titers are thrir own and no endorv· men t of O~ir views by I.he Dt11y Pilot thould be 111lcn-M. I BARRY GOLDWATER grrater thal we may finall,v sr·e some. 1m1)()rtant moves aimed ~t rrducing \1'astc. and inefficiency in the n1ilitary. WHAT Tll E Pentagon re~Jlr needs on Capitol Jlill is more credibility in its elaims thal the. military services arc interested in saving as much money ns pos.sible. The.re are many ways lhat this might be done, but none better thnn the adoption of a tough Pentacon policy Ai1n1.'(f at ending duplication Q( 1nilitary effort and the installation of a better weapons procurement system. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. I believe an l!l1porl11:t1t step In thi$ direction would be an efforl by lhe Pentagon to consolidate mlllt.ary air services. I have long t~l there is absolutely no point I n maintaining four se:paratc air arm11 in lhc tjefense wabllshment Nol ooly I! it clunlsy and inefficien t but it I! allO incredibly costly to maintain a U.S. Air Force, a Marine Air Fo rce. an Anny Helicopter Force and a Navy Air Service. I Rm not suggesting that we do away l'.'it h the ai r activities conducted by the Navy from its aircraft carriers. Butt am suggesting that a way could be found to combine the Army Helicopter Force and !he ~1arine Air Service under the U.S. Air Force. IF' ANYONE could get the job done it should be officers like Gens. Brown and Jones, who know the problem!! or close ai r support for ground trooPs Crom begiMing to end. This wi ll not be easy because the Army is extremely proud of Its heli~pter force and the Marines are justifiably proud of their avt.atlon unit. What's more. it is onl y natural that lhe Anuy wou!J prefer to have pilots and ship:t under It• direct control provk!lng !or the needs of Its infantry while in combat. The same thing applies to the Marines. Lt:athcmeck assault units, q u i t e naturally. Uke to thi nk that Jhe air support be ing provided tor 1 'b e I r operations 11 owned by the Marine Corps. Thcae are valid at well as se:nUmeotal oonslderatlon.s. But I beUeve it is tlme to J•Ul'°" them In the lnteretl or ecooomy and •fOclency. [ , 0 dev ,. urg· cqu Jlll!l 'I I 'l"l' pro! lhC no I 1he terr T dan l'CSi l"h:l :-llOI 1111\l ~·on T ll a Hep .111c! (iue I hat :illr L nf \\ Hl·I add pol1 poi !'>('\" the ff 1ne UH !111 " '°' bt• c Con l're lhl" \\ tra "" "' ("Oil y1·a J 111 ' lra1 or oi :tll) Bu """ to \\'a to Li l,i the str Pr ed hr d'd "" bee \\'a Jo l\la the I , Politics in ln1peacl1ment Worse Than S,candal Itself One of the interesting i r o n i e s developing out of Water~ate is the extent 10 which prominent Republicans are 11rg1ng · the Pr~ident to resign while l'QUally pr(')minent Democrats a re unptoring him to stay at hi!i post. The Republicttns rontend that the r 'rt>s1dent hns bCt'n hobbled by the µtotracted Watergate revelations and by 1 tie controversy. over the tapes, that he no longer can govern effectively and !hat !lie impeachment process would be a terrible ordeal for the n11tlon, The Democrats contend it would be a dangerous precedent for a Pr~ident to resign out or pressure. and that any [ ..... _~-~-~_SI_N_S __ ) thangc 111 the offi<'r bcl\1<•cn terms :-.hould coin<' tihout only ;1s thr rC'sult of 1tll\>t'<u:hn1r111 hy th1• I IOllSl' a n d l·o111·1(·t100 by the Senate. Ttus then is a lasc1natini.: pa rad ox -llepublicans u r g i n g a licpull!ican President to IC<-lve voluntarily ;iud IJcrnotrals t:Ollll);('linµ r•:!ilrainl and d11c proct'SS. JIO\'I to explain ii., IT \\'OULI) Bt: comforlin~ to bcl1t·\·r that a\l this advicc is being offt'red out vf ;il truism and -philosophical principle. Lnfortunatcly. such may not be the case. \\1hat is happening is that leading ltl·J>Ublicans and D cm o c r a I s are addressing thc1nsclves to the same political rcnlities. Frorn !he Republican point of view, impt'ac•hmcnt v.•ould be a . -.tvl•re political liability and ruuld tear the party apart. If some 1\·a.v could br found to spare its r11embers the nerd to vote on 11npeachn1cnt, !he Rrpublican Party n1ighl con1e 0111 of \\later~ate v.•ifll a 11 hole skin. ,\rid the only 11·ay to make a 1·ote on in1penrh1nent vnnecl'ssary may hl· for the Prt'SJdrnt 10 re~i1en voluntaril~ C<lnverscly. inany Dcn1ocrats in Congrt'S!l \\Ould r:ither nut let !he Pn'.-.idt•nt rind Hcpuhlicans olf the hool.. Thi· Ot.·1nol"1;1tt> 11uuld Jikr 10 h<11·c :111 individual showing of hands I n Congress-especially Jn the Senate-oo the possible connection between the President and Ult Watergate crimts. In a larger sense, Democratic Party leaders know that the surest '"ay !or them to return to J>01ver in 1976 would be If Richard ~1. Ni11:on has to serve out his tcnn. He t'OUld not be a candidate for re· election. but his presence in the White Hoose could provide the Demoo-ats with a villain on location against whom the electorate can react. What the Democrats fear is that i£ Richard Nixon is forced out of office now-whether through resignation or in1peachment-his successor would have (\VO years to get the minds of the American people off \Vatergate. Gerald F'ord could establish h.is ov.•n identity in that lime. What appears to bf happening. therefore, is that the politics of 1976 are becoming a signilieant feature Qf !he 1974 \Vatcrgate scene and the debate on \1·hat ought to be done'about impc<1chmcnt . It is understandable th<ll people in politics should be a\\•arc of large advantages and disadvanlagcs in a11y particular course of action,. v.·hethcr v.•ith respect to \Yatcrgate or <iuything else. But nothing rould be more damaging to the American people and t he i r institutions than to allow an election l\10 years away to become a basic fac.,1or in deciding \vhat ought to be done about the President at this time . • \\'E SUCCEED only in compounding the horrors of \\'atergate if we make questions of legality and respoosibility secondary to pJJitical opportunities and liabilities. The original break-in at Watergate, reprehensible as it is, is not nearly as shoc king as the attempt in some quarters lo fit Watergate into the requirements of the 1976 presidential election. The test to the American political s~·stem is not just its ability l<l detern1ine 11 tK>thcr ttlc President has a<! t e d constituti<lrially but also \I hcthcr the men 11 h<l are going to make t h a t dC'tcrminalion tLl!l rise ;1hO\'C p3rtis<.1n advantage. N ixori Tried to Loosen Conspirator's Tongue \r,\SlllXGTO~ -The \\"hitc House !ranscripls. othen1ise so damaging tu President i\'.ixon. ha,·e confirmed !hat he :it lt>ast attrrnp!ed to brPak \\'atcrgate tOll~pirator (I. {;ordon Liddy's silence a . \·1·ar ago-thcreb~· suggesting one shaky Ju1c of defense against 1mpeachn1l'nt. ,\Ir. ;.;i:ton is not reveLlled by the transcripts as ha\"ing exerted any excess of energy to crack lhe \\'atcrgatc scandal h.v forcin g Liddy ur <111ybody rise IQ talk. But he did accede, <:0n1c11·hat hesilantly. to the rc41 11csl h,v the \ratcrgatc rrosl'<'U- lors to help \\ith Liddy. But the Pres1<lcnl's Liddy ploy ma~· 111 the ne\"' lt'galislic );frategy of !he \\'bite llousr. E\·cn if the President's moral value~ emerge ~hred· Pd by the transcrip1s. it might be argued hr '~'<IS not in total control and th3t he tlid finally cooperate v.•ith Justice De- 1);1rtrncnt efforts to break lhc scandal by breaking Liddy . ( EVANS-NOVAK J Nixon insis\1._'(j · "\'ou might do 1t to111~ht. . .I don't V.'llnl lo ~tall around." \\'hat happened during those se\'en minutes to so transform the President's Cllfitude1 Rcgrcltabl.v. there arc no tapes for most Nixon office con\'ersations of April 15. Unknov.TI to Petersen, Nixon confidants fl. R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman ,,·ere seated "'ilh him during both those telephone conversations. They v.·ere taking no great risks. E\'cn 1f Liddy should talk. he had no connection \\'1th Haldeman. Ehrlichman or the President. He could incriminate only lo.1itthelt. and lranscripts of April 14 sho\\Cd this 1vould fit the Nixon strategy. TllE SIGNAL \\.AS fruitlcs<i. TI1c pr<lSccutors concluded Liddy l'o'ou)d take orders only from l\1itche11, and l\litchell 11·as not cooperating. This question remains : \\'hy did 1'.lr. Nixon never signal John Mitchell. his lonner intimate'! Nevertheless the Liddy ploy gives his hard-pressed lawyers one slender recd to lean on. • Sunday, May 26, 11J74 DAILY PILOT A 1, • I California: Nuts, Cults, Isms By HAL CHARNOFSKY Nikita Khrushchev \~·anted to visit Disneyland v.•hen he came 10 Sou1hern California. Frank Lloyd Wright once proclaimed that Los Angeles architecture v.•as the worst mishmash he had ever seen. and he 1vas convinced that if the United States were turned on its end and given a sturdy shake. everything that was loose would end up in Southern Cali!omia. For a myriad of reasons, many of which arc not entirety clear, California. and especially Soulhern California. has acquired a reputation as a sort of rt•ceptacle for the eccentrics. extremists and plastic people of this planet. C<lnsider brieny the hist<lry (lf this area. Because the climate was helpful for asthmatics, arthritics, rheumatoids, a n d consu1nptives. the influx of large numbers of elderly and health-seeking people in the 1920s and '30s also al\racted some of the most notorious quackery our nation has knov.·n. Speculators flocked here lo get rich quiek on the land boom. Th<'y opened resorts and advertised health-giving baths and vitalizing in ineral v.·aters. Despite the fa ct that many of these v.·aters subsequently proved ntore harmful than helpful. the investors n1ade their kill. ALONG WITll THE speculalors ca1nc opportunistic politician:;;. faith-healers (the evangelist Aimie i\tcPher.son and h c r phen<lmenal rise to fan1e is one prime exam- ple) and the movie industry. ~lollyv.·ood. "The Dream Factory," as llortensc Pov.·dermaker called it. perhaps more than any other factor, has contributed to the image of Southern California as a cenl.er for -idiosyncratic life styles. And yet films and in the past two decades the television industry have exercised incalculable i n f I u en c e politically, socially and educationally on !he nation and the world. It seems to be true that Southern California has indeed led the. way in innovative living ... and dying, For example, group sex. or "swinging,'' for married couples seems to have begun in Southern California in the mid-'60s. The Hippie scene had its zenith here and in San Francisco. And as though living flamboyantly v.•ere not enough. we boast that gigantic phantasmagoria of sentimentality, memorialized in Evelyn \l/augh's "The Loved One.'' Forest La1~TI. 1rhere dying is as full of dra111a, tinsel and the flavor <lf Christmas as the highly publicized parties on Sunset Boulevard were in the Roaring '20s. Other examples of the bizarre, the unusual, the quaint, the nutty or the extreme can be easily observed. \\'e've had the Townsend Pl<1n vtith . it$ 0.A.R.P .. Ltd. (Old Age Revo\1•ing Pension); the EPIC ntovement launched bv Upt<ln Sinclair to End Povertv in California·· Technocracy. Inc .. \rhirh rose-and fell in 111~ '30s as a reaction to the great dl'l)ression : a strong Klu Klux Klan. \\·hich cxperirnc:~d a revival in the '30s and ·~os: the Antcrican :\la1.1 Party. \1•ith its national headquarters in El i\'tontc; ACDC, or the American Civilian Defense Committee, which fe<1rcd a subvcrsh·c takeover. and of course the Minulemcn. 1vho in !963 warned of 200.000 Chinese "Reds" massing over the fl1exican border to invade the USA. SOUTllERN CALIFORNIA is also the home of Synanon. originally sfarte<l as a drug rehabilitalion center but no1v <.'Onsidered a 11·holc life st\!t,• bv its members: black <1nd brov.11 militallts haVe centralized efforts in this area. '"·ith organiz.alions such as the BroY.11 Berets. the Black Panthers. and even the Symbionese Liberation Army functioning here, though their headquarters might be elsewhere . Communes are another California innovation 111 recent yea rs. pr<lbably beginning among 1ncmbcrs of rock groups to facilitate rehearsal tin1e: and rock music has its mecca here in Los An geles as part of the entertainment media. Part of our history. v.•hich oftentimes has been glorious and exciting. includes the sad story of Oriental Exclusion Laws and the persecution and eventual evacuation of Japanese-American~ during World \Var IT. As recently as the 1950s it was illegal in California for Chinese to hold jobs in state or local government. or to v.·ork in any recognized industry, thus confining them to menial tasks and individually owned small businesses. Divorce and suicide in Southern California either lead the nation or come close. Religious cults thrive here. infamous murders and their ballyhooed trials occur with a I a rm in g regularity 1 the Manson Cult is only one exa1nple L all kinds Qf therapies either get their start or build their follo\1•ing here (sensilivily groups, 1narathons, nude therapv . prin1al lhcreapy. reality therapy, and so on iid 1nfinitun' l and <lUr frcfy,•ays are n<ltoriously frightening (and n1ay account for the plethora of psychological counseling strategics). Even v.:eather, according to Kenneth La1nolt in his book "Anli·Califomia", affects behavior in bizarre and disastrous v.·ays. Santa Ana \1 inds. for example, arc closely linked 'vith violent behavior. he c\ain1s: the l<lnger the 11 inds blo''" the more the ''iolencc seems to inc·reasc. It's linked to the eleclricil~' in the air. Polities in Southern Ci.llifornia has a history or cx!rl'lllisn1. F"ronl the infamous DleS Lommittee's investigation of the n101·ic industry and before. Southern California, and especially Los Angeles. according to Carr~' i\lc\\lilli11ms in his book "Southern California Country," has been ;,the paradise of the professional patriot and the red-baiter." Orange C<lunty itsel! is credited \rith pushing <'<lnservative Ronald Reagan orer the top in his races for governor. offsetting the more liberal political colorations of Northern California . R.v contrast the n1ost vigorous left-v.·ing tradition in the United Sl<:t!es is active in Southern Calif<lmia, along v.·ith a history of protest that has been violent (for example the union battles that led to the bonibing of the Los Angeles Ti1ncs in 1910) and radical. AIR POLLUTION llERE is critical. Unre- strained gro1\·th has led to consummate ugli- ness in the form of neon. plastic and a ('{ln· ccntration or used car lots. Californians h:lvc n passion for replicas. such as the movieland wax museums. fake fireplace logs. and artificial nov.·ers. The Queen !\'lary lops off our eccentricity. It 's surprising we let Arizona get a\vay \Vith the London Bridge. No matter v.·hat becomes of America. or ho1v soon -v.·hether changes \l'ill lead us to Orv.·ellian or Skinnerian robotry or utopian beauty and abundance or more of the imperfect human v.·orld v.•e now see marching hopefully to1r11rd progress -rest assured that Southern Californians will be setting the pace for others to follow. Vr. Fial Cltar11ofsky is professor of suc1ulogy at Ca/ifo11lia State College at /Ju111ing11ez Hills. and rece11rly conducted u se1n11u1r on this subject at UC frvi11e. • THE PRESIDE~T'S di s cur s 1 \' e \\'alergate discussions with his counsel. John \V. Dean Ill. during February and l\1arch 1973. sho\\' no interest in opening the sealed lips or Liddy or any other conspirator. On l\1arch 13, \\•hen Dean reported that \\'hitc House aide Gordon Strachan was "stonewa\lin~" the FBI, !\Ir. Nixon replied: "\ gut>SS he should. shouldn't he'!" Battle of the Bus Didn't Improve Schools Moments later f\·lr. Nixon expressed ::idmiration for !he iron-disciplined Liddy. th~ refusing to give federal authorities !he time <lf day . "~low the hell docs Liddy stand up so well?" he askOO Dean . Dean's reply that Liddy's "l<lya!ty is ... just beyond the pale" brought more Nixon admiration: "He h<1tes the other si de too. doesn't he?" Nor did the \\'atcrga1c prosecutors in the U.S. attorney's office here look to Liddy until the final stag~ of breaking the case in mid-April. F'earfut of an impasse in their negotiations v.·ilh Dean over immunity, they desperately sought an alternative witness. The (an11tical Liddy would have seemed unlikely had not the prosecutors obtained infonnation !hat LiCldy had told Jolm 1'1itctiell he would do whatever his superiors ordered -talk or not talk. l\1itchell was his obvious "superior," but \\·ould not the· President also qualify? TJIUS, ON SUNDAY evening, April 15. . with the scandal cracking open, a uest from the prosecutors was yed by telephone to ~1r. Nixon by Assistant Atty, Gen. Henry Petersen. ",\ signal from you might bring the truth from tJddy/' Petersen said. 1be transcript indicated diset'>mlort by the President. Aller Mr. Nixon protest«! that 0 1 never met the man. l don't Imo""· whnt 1 can do with him," Petersen responded that be would relay the p....,idenU•l signal to Uddy. Mr. Nixon changed the subject: "I gel It. Uh bub. OK. N°" you will be through with ~ things you think by 12:30. Right?'' Perersen dropped thO subjoct. Just seven minutes later, Mr. Nixon m back on lbe telephone to Petmen's borne Wilh a 18'.Hltg~ dlange In atUtude: "You •~ to i.u him (Udd1) 1111 P"'9ldenl wants ...rybody Involved In lhJJ to tell evtr)'tlllng they lmow." When Peiemn .. id be would COl!llid Udd)l'I' lawyl!t in the lnOmlng, Mt. I WASHINGTON -The 20th anniversary of the court decision ending segregated education passed with its memoriallsls a I m o st schizophrenic. Brown v. Board <lf Education was the great piece of liberal jurisprudence, but a generation later, when so many people feel they were bilked into buying without being told the true interest and carrying charges. the decision seems to have fallen far short of what lhey remember being promised by those damn liberals. Liberals are enthusiasts who do promise m<lre th.an they can deliver, just as conservatives are sourpusses who promise you nothing and give you less. So. if it wasn't overtly stated, it v.•as implied that by the time we got to 197~ our sch o o Is, alt Jong since nitcly integrated, would have made us equal. A preposterous proposition: but ever since the American public school was begun as Protestant parochial education by the Wasp ruling class ·to d is c i p I i n e Immigrant kids, the schools have been expected to compensate for everybody's Idea of society's deficiencies. TllE 1951 DECISION open«! the way for great changes. all right, but not to better schooling for millions of black ktds. Whether tn tntegrated sdlools on the !ringe or In all-black systems run by blocks like Washington, D.C.'s, the re11ult5, as they can be judged by achievement test scores, have been disappointing. The re.aeons advanced for the poor showing have ranged across the whole of the ancient nature versus nurture controversy. with the blame falling ou everything and everybody from the kids' genes to their family structure. There betng nolblng you can do about such lhi1i'8, those who PIJrYey them as erplanaUons are actually klsoilljl off the IDWC!'Cln11 black lt<hoolchlld. But, then, ... c1en1o succeas for thete child"" would lrtm;aJe aimpetJtlon for the beltel' jobs and put even grc11ter strain on our tormented class structure. The white parents checked out. buL the irmer city school systems they left frequently have had a higher per pupil cxpeu<i1ture than those in the suburban ring. Much of the good money \\"RS ag:iinst demoralir.ed violence and pcdrigogical eccmtricity. Yet educators <lf bolh races weot along v.·ith the frauds pulled on their blaek students. OPEN elassroo1ns. bl::ick sludics. community dcvel<lpn1enl. seH·rcalizalion. the jargon but not the substance or l)e\vey -the kid s got every i::in1n1ick. ( VON HOFFMAN ) pilot pro1cct, experlmenral breakthrough and bit of trashy. innovative outreach that the con men of. social work. public 1._'Cfucation and specious social change i.:ould jive with. The result: Amos 'n' Andy in Afro and dashiki. The lin go is a litlle different, Soul Brothers and Sisters, but it's still those lovably ignorant. functionally illiterate earieatures the white folks have been la_yghing at since -they invented the minstrel sho1I'. \Vhere but in the modem ghetto school do "'e f~d parents asking teachers to flunk their children and not pass them along unready to the next grade? There is where you have the teachers who indulge their students by teaching them nothing. and the principals who tolerate it, and the social workers who rationalize it , and the silly-headed cultural national-' ists who celebrate it and unite v.1th one another to denounce complaints as elitism. The children in the Black Musliln schools do learn to read, but not those in lhe public ones who must suffer being neglected and fought over by the experimentalists. the community con· lrolists and the American Federation of Teachers. Jn the meantime. some few still have the heart lo fight the Battle of Little Yellow Bus. even as black leaders say this chasing after whites alld their children is demeaning. The Ne\\' Segregation is so easy on eardrum and sl<lmach that we may forget that Brov.·n v. Board made it possible to give all our children the schooling they need to avoid being ticketed either as tokens or welfart• drones. After 20 years of backfires and false starts. we nov.• should know enough to get on wi1h the job. Race Bedevils _20th Century .Man I l is by now a cliche that sex and talking about it was the great taboo or the Victorian period. It is now almost a cHcbe that the great taboo or our days is death and the talking about it. The taboo against death. if tt ever e1lsted, is rapldly going do""11 the tube. This Is not some- thing which happens to a proper tabon, a word derived fron1 the Polynesians which means son1E>- lhlng thought to be unholy. The true taboo of our Umc. ln my view, . Is the taboo of race. 'this aeemt to be the most explosive 1'lue ol our day. Social wis- dom dictates, mi)lakenly ID· my Yl•w. that the best way to baodle the matter of ra~ di!!"""'""'' II lo not !Ilk about them, to preleod they do not exlJl tit to (cHARLES McCABE) fudge them. lt is a courageous fellow indeed who makes a serious public declaration that there are qulte evil Poles. or Jews or blacks. You arc not even supposed to Identify the race of people In newspaper stories, except when the Identification is absolutely neooisary to the meaning. Most editors lnierprtl that absolutely necessary in a costive fashion indeed. RACIAL DIFFERENCES do exist. The abori'lne bas a head that weighs as much as ours but the bratn Is smaller because the skull is thicker and harder. 'lbe blacl< woman consistently ocores higher In lnleUll"IC• i.sts than lho black man. The sexual OfP"' ol the bushman •• and the hottentots differ in fonn from al\ other races, a fact long-known and hidden. Blacks, Irish and Je..-.·s arrived en masse in New York at about the same time, In the 1ale J9th and early 20th centuries. AU three racial groups came for the same reaaona, to escape poveny, pers«Utlon a~ prejudlct. Vet what astoundingly differing contributions were made by the three groups to the culture or New York and ollhe ll.S. In generat! These racial dlfferences, Slfl the disttngulsbed Oxlonl blologla C . D . Darlington, "lit at the root of civillutlon. You can't talk lhem away. You can't teach or preach them away. You can't even vote lhem away." ntere bas been a ttcent disturbing surge ol what 11 etlled "the new anti· Semitism." 'Ibis posits that people who don't think much ol tho politics of the Slale ol Israel are ID!llehow anU.SCmltk:. Among those cited by Bnai Brilh for "hostility and insensitivity" to the Jewish y,•ere the American Friends Service Committee and the Olristian Science 1'1onltor. Both these outfits have been notable for their compass.ion. liberality, and dedication to peace: but they have critlclzed Israeli war acts. A worried layman recently put it this way. in a Jetter to the New York Times: "Jewish defin"ion o! this 'new anti· Semitism· poses an ertreine dilemma ror Christians. who must either cease all criticism ol the Slate of bracl or be charged with anti.stmitism. "These equally unacceptable extremes reflect not so much a new and more subtle form of hoaWlty lo Jews •• aidl, as tacit admission by Boal Brilb that Israel's conduct ralaes 10 m 1 Dy necessary and legitimate queolbll that it& eritlcll must be either silenced or , i.9olated." I ,. A 8 DAILY PllOl .. ~ . ' . ... ' HOLIDAY SPECIALS ~ Trell'.londous .. Sawings In Ewery Dept. • SHOP SUNDAY & MONDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. . MEMS CASUAL SLACKS . 5.99 • Ma"Y styles to choose from • Solid or fancy patterns • 1200 pair MEMS . CASUAL SLACKS 7.99 • No•elty fabrics • Solid or fancy patte-rns • Cwffed styles WOMENS SHOES 3.88 • Cosu~I styles for Summer • Mostly white • Si1es 6-9 MEMS DRESS SHIRT RIOT 5 for I 0.00 • Solid color, lon9 slee•es • 65°/o Polyester/35°/o Colton MEMS SPORT SHIRTS 2.88. 4.88 • Knits and wovens • Lonq and short ~eeve-s • Asst. Fashion Stylrs BOY SPORT SHIRTS sac. 1.88 • Larqe selection • Knits & woveons • Stock up now! WOMENS BETTER PANT SUITS 22.88 • DOf.lbleknit polyesftr • 2 & l pc. Weekenders • Outsfondinq value -MENS WALLETS HALF PRICE • ManufoctYrers cloieout • Famous molcer • GenuiM ltcrt~ MEMS' MESH KNIT ' TENNIS SHIRTS 3.88 . . ' .. BIKE SALE Rog. How 99.99 Mens or Womens 27 11 I 0 Speed •• 85.88 Disc Brake Bike 79.98 Mens 26" I 0 Speed •...•......• 65:88 84.98 Mens 27" I 0 Speed Racer ..•..• 74.88 77.99 Mens or Womens 26 11 5 Speed .. 65.88 64.99 Mens or Womens 26 11 3 Speed .. 56.88 77.99 Boys 24 11 I 0 Speed ............ 69.88 TRUCKLOAD PLANT SALE • Flowering Shrubs • Tropicals ' • Ever9reens • Accent ; Plants in Bloom •·Vines • I OO's To Choose From 1-Ga1. Size Re 9. 1.89 Now 1. 19 5-Gal. Size Re9. 6.99 Now 2/9 .00 THROUGH MONDAY OML Y • POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS 1.44 • Solids and fancy { • Width 60" • 150 yds. only SUPER ,. SEWING BASKETS ' 2.88 Smoll 6.88 • Two handy sites • Fashion pastels • Gnat 9ift idta Lorg• THE ELECTRIC SCISSORS 2.62 • 3 settinqs • UL approved • 20 only HURRICANE LAMPS 8.88 • 22" high •Wood base • Gold shade- - TENNIS WRIST BANDS POL VESTER SLEEPING BAG • Collon poplin sh<ll I 2 8 8 • Colton kosho lining 2/J LB. • Asst. colors • • S..por obsorbont 3 I o o • OM 1i1• fits all • Extra fflick Pks. • , • I ' JC Penney 24 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONL.Y· ---~ . FRANCISCAN DINNERWARE 3.88 • 3 pc. place settinq • Dish. cup, saucer • Asst. patterns AM PORT ABLE RADIO 5.88 • Solid state • 9 volt battery & earphont • OranC¥, si1¥er, blue 19" PORT. . COLOR TV 288.00 • VHF.UHF • Cro·ma·Loc • 12 only DIRECTORS CHAIRS 17.89 . • All wood fromt • Canvas covers • Asst. colors CHAISE LOUNGE 15.98 • Multi position • Aluminum fromt • Multi-color CHAISE or CHAIR PAD • Asst. colors •Terrific buy • 48 only 5.99 BEACH UMBRELLAS . 5.88 • Aluminum sand pole • Yellow & white • Blue & qrttn WILSON TENNIS BALLS 2.09 ' • Optic yellow or white • Pressu,.. packed • Nylon docron wool cover GIRLS SWINGER BIKE 37.88 ' • 20" &ltt . °"" opttd .11 ..... , ' I ·r ale 12so ' R111. Sii. 2·pltce tul!. Pull on boy.leg style pants end halter style top. Bright geometric prints for misses sizes. ... .. ··1 • ' Aeg. 3.11. loyt'. cotton poplln pttnt 1wlmtulL Athletic sport model In lolS of summery prin !S. S,M,L)CL. ' , I Aeg: •. 3.41. Boyt' cotton poplln 1 .Wlm1ulL Boxer styling with white trim. Bright fashion solids. S.M.L.XL. • ale 1su lltg. 2.4t. Boyt' nylon knll ntmlultl. Snug fitting solids end prlnte. Loads of ureat colors. 6,M,L./(L. Pre-school slzot, S.M,L. Reg. 1.89. 81111.41 Solo ptlcn tfftctlvo ltll'I MOIMlay • .. FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (714) 644-2313.. • • ... ' ,, ., : : ~'\'i. f; ~~-: • -')' t •rv.·.,,·· .... iJ:. • .• Reg. $19. 1-plec:e 1ull. Pull-on tun ic-style top with skirt boUom. attached panty. 100"!& nylon, fashior'I colors with while trim t..~isses sizes . • Reg. $16. 2·plece swimdress. Empire waist lop with back zipper clos1ng. Brief style pant:; Floral printed nylon 1r1co1. R~. S1S. 3·pfec:e att. T-shirt and matching bikini in polyester/ cotton. Haller bra and pants lined in nylon tricot Junior sizes. -----. ..;~···· ...• - Alf girls~ swi. S ~ve 20°/o! · v1ear, ~ .. ,le 5 20 Reg. I .SO Glrl11 polyesler/nylon denim-look bikini. Blue denim-look pants with red trim, contrasting with anchor applique. Sizes 7 to 14. Sale s4 Reg. SS. Glrl1' 111 cotton 1wlmdret1. F.ully lined, elaslic;. back closure. lace trim, bikini pants. Lots or floral and monotone prints. 4 to 6X. • Print cotton swim dress, bikini bottom. 7 to 14. Reg. $6 Stll 4.IO Sale440 fleg. I.IQ. QIFl1' Antron"" 11J10n ptlnl bikini. Haller styling, bright prints. Sizes 110 14. Antron• nyton glrls' bikini, 1lzes 4 to, BX. Reg. 4.50 81to3.IO Sal e 320 Reg. $4. Llttfe glrlt' acryllc blklnf. Lots of bright, beachy prin ts and zingy solids, too! Haller top styling. Sizes 4 to 6X. Girls' acrylic bikini, sizes 7 to 14. Reg. $5. Sale .S,4;,;.. ,: • ..-..... Shop at your local JCPenney store. . • Shop Sunday noon-to 5 .f1.m. at the followlnCJ stores: HUNTINGTON CENTER;' Huntirigton Beach (714) 892-ml .- l ' .. DAILY PILOT A I --- .. . ... . , ... . .. Sale prices effective thru Monday • Sale 359 Reg. 4.49. Athletic slyle trunks. Polyester/cotton V.'ilh v1h1te tr im. Drawstring elas1ic \V.'.lrst. bu tton flap si~ pocket. Solid colors. S-M-L-XL. Sale 558 Reg. 6.98. Trim leg trunks. Polyester/cotton body, contrasting st ripe on leg, laced V, velco fly front. S-M-L-XL. .., . Reg. 516. Acrylic tr icot bikini. ·' Sl1c1 1ng cup bra string ties J ,'.\I...._-... at neck and back. Pretty colors and patterns. Junio r sizes. ' 1 j i .,,, l ·~ Sale 478 Reg. 5.98. Popl in boxer trunks. Dacron·· polyester/cotton, contrast piping on wa istband and leg. Super solid colors. S·M-L·Xl. Sale 558 Reg. 6.98. Zip front boxer. Texturized polyester, quick drying. resists wrinkling. Solids and pallerns. S-M-L-XL. i ; l l 4 i ( I HARBOR CENTER. Cos to Meso (714) 646-50~ 1. ... ~--------1 1 .. ' A .10 DAILY PILOT • UC },.vine Graduate Gets Aid Daniel T. ?lforeno of Santa Ana bu been awarded a Ford Foundation fellowship to continue his doctoral studies in compar<i!ive culture at UC Irv ine. lf(' planf to \>:rite hl ~ d.isscrt<1lion on the economic and polilica/ impact 0 r f\tcx itcin 1mn1igra1ion and se1tlen1ent \\•ith a parlk:tLlar on Orange County. i\ GRADUATE of UCl, he has be1·n S("rving as a resP.arch assis1~1nt and t e a c h i n g associare in the UC! Program in Con1parative O.dture since ht.ginning graduate y:ork in 1972. He has taught classes in the political history of the South\\1Cst and Chicano culture and politics. lie was co-founder ancl director of the Chicano Pride Institute. a tutorial program established in Santa Anu barrios in conjunction wi1h the Santa Ana Unified School District during the suinmc r of 1972 and participated in a seminar on bilingualism conducted in l\1exiL'O by UC Santa Barbara last .summer_ Earlier he served as a coo rd i na tor for tl1e NeighOOrhood Youth Corps. HE EARNED an associate of arts degree ,.,,jth a major in journalism from El Camino College before transferring to Irvine in 1970 to complete hi5 undergraduate work. 1''~'0 1 UCI Prof cssors , Wi11 Cra11t 'fhC" National Institute of General Medical Sciences has a\\·arded two UC I r vi n c professors a two-yea r grant of ~65 .060 to develop technology using computers to h e I p radiologists analyze X ~ r a y pictures. Dr. Jack Sklansky of the school of engineering and Dr. lkn1ard J. O'Loughlln of the L"Ollegc of medicine received the grant lo de v e Io p technology capable of storing, :1nalyl ing and re tr i c vi n g radiographic pictures i n greJtt::r 1H1n1bers, \vith greater arctiracy and at io\1'tr cn~t s. L1111" J)iscasc '"' Cluh lo 1'leel SAt\11\ ANA -The Orange County Lung Association's Emphysema Club will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Santa Ana Community Hospital auditorium, 600 E. \Vashington Ave. The meet.ings are open to :sufferers of the lung disease, their families and friends. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Lung 1\ssociation a< 835-3itJ7. ARBUCKLE & SON WISTCLJff MORTUARY 4';7 E. l 7!h St., Cosro Meso 646-"888 -·-BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corono del Mor Cosio Meso -·- 673-9-450 646-2424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUAAY 110 Broodwoy. Cosro Me1a .5 48 JdJJ -·- McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17'>1':, ( 1 J JnO Can'fLI\ lld. <19<1 -941~ -·-McCORMICK MISSION MORTUARY 28SJ:i c~m nr, Cop,~•ron::. Sl.l•I j _,·1~ ('J,.1 \tf0'1'1 .:9~ 177,, -·-PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Mortu'lry Chapel 3.500 Pot•l•c Vi-0rl'le Ne .... pert Beoch, Colifornio 644-2700 -·-PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 180 ! 8~ ho Aw!. Wes1m,1n1er 893.J.525 -·-SMITHS' MORTUAAY 627 Motn SL H~nt•ngtcn a-o,h 536-6539 THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY C~1I• f.r.IMllM krvkft Miii fll 1mh1afltft 9f tU Tiit Olfllllltct Sll'llfllt Al~llW Tl Tiit Cfttly llM,._. ""'1ltart' ,wt.,., Ctmt11ry trst.M 14 Ho11r s.nfco 1'14""46-74Jt Sunday, M11y 2&, 1974 \ O · 0 a ters, s orts -an tan I Sale -2ao Reg. 3.50. Misses' polyester knit top. Sleeveless and crew-neck styling, Lots of s tr ipes and colors. M-L-XL Sale $4 Reg, $5, Misses' polyester knit Jamaica·length 1hort1, Pull-on styling with elasticized waist~ Misses' sizes in bright colors. Sale $4 Reg, $5. 100% cation tie back halter with embrol .. dered front. Assorted solid colors. Bask in great fashion at grea~ savings. Sale 360 Reg. 4.10 Juniors• 100% cot1on dtnim, western jean cut- off shorts. Fly front, bell loops. • I \ I , • Reg. $4. H1her lop1 in cotton/polyester with ti• neck and back. Assorted prints and solid colors. Sale 320 lt1g. '4. .._, POIYeator knit ahort-Pulf-ori comfort wilh elasllclzed w1!1t, soft summer colors. Mi1se1' lilts. Sele pricet effective thtu Monday, Un JOut JCPenney charge card. 20°/o off all women's ' . ·. fashion sandals. Sale 719 Rog, 8,99, Women's woven wh ite urethane clog, 1 7/8" cork wedge heel, cushion crepe outsole, White, navy, camel, red. Sale 959 Reg. 11.99. Cut out clog, in white or tan, with cork wedge, leather lined, Women'ssizes. ~~~!~m~ring7gg sandal. 1 718" wedge heel. Crepe outsole for comfort. White urelhane upper. Shop S~y noon to, 5 p.m. at the following stpres: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beoch (714) 644-2313. . , HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hu~tington Beach (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Costa Mesa (714) ~2'1. ' -· ·-···-··-···~~-·4-· .. -. .. . ' • I • • ·, • ' • J ' Sut1d1y, Mlf 26, 1974 DAILY Pll.DT A Jl QUIET CANDIDATE Johnny Johnson Countian Up posing Cranston LOS ANGELES r AP) - Joh11ny Johnson . a conservative black fr 0 m Orange County. hns beco1ne an invisible candidate in this year's U.S. Senate race, and he thinks he knows why. "~Jy opponents are knocking each other," he tells: a friend. "Someone asks me if I'm going to knock them. I say, 'No, that's not my style. I'm going to discuss issues.' " Later, ·at a staff meeting, he discussed his Jack of media coverage. "If I ~'ere foul-n1outhed. or a marcher or broke windows. I would get press. But I'm not ~oing to do that. There hes to be a V.'ay that a quiet Ameri- can can gc>t press. I can't· be- lic\·e it has tQ be tho:? other . "Tl's a sul>Consclous thing. You pro \'c people arc \\'rong if you're not like thev think vou are, so they neglect you." · John son 's noncombative st.vie \\'as exemplified \\.'hen he arrived to speak at the United Republicans of Caliromia convention a -few miTiutes afl€r UROC had endorsed one of his chief rivals , state Sen 11.L. Richardson. <IYOU 1'1ADE a choice in Bill Richardsoo," Johnson told the UROC delegates. "He .is a fine man and a friend of mine for eight years. Too bad we're in the same rd ce." Still the former under- secretary of the 1\'avy says he thinks he can win the June 4 Republican primary. His chief opponents are Richardson or Arcadia and Dr. Earl Drlan. former state secretary of health and ll-elfart. A poll taken r('('elltly shows him ahead of Brian and only one paint behind Richardson among Republican voters. Bu1 Richardson is stationary at 19 percent v.·hcreas Johnson is climbing at 18. He says he thinks he can beat Democrat Alan Cranston in the November election. He thinks he ''~11 get a large majority of the black vote. which helped Cranston's narrow victory over COflliervative M.ax Rafferty six years ago. Johnson, 48, says Cranston is vulnerable for his votes on veteran's affairs. He says Cranston. es a member of the Senate Veteran's A ff a ifs Committee. has kept bottled up in committee a $95 million bill for veterans benefits. He is stressing veterans rights. inflation and "the moral fibre of this country" in campaign appearanres. HE TOLD A Hollyv.·ood Republican women's c I u b recently !hat '•VI et n am veterans are entitled to the same benefits as veterans of otber wars" and that "Elderly persons should be entitled to social security p a y m en t s "'·hether they decide to work or retire." Both remarks drew sharp applause. Sale! 20% off · girls' tops, Shorts and little ones' sunwear. I Reg. $5. Infant girls' 'Patty-cake' sunsuits. Sugar 'n spice styles, pretty colors, easy care fabrics. Sizes 1;i to 2. ! I ' \ ·t • I ~''·~· ;' <' :;r , .;,,. ~~/ .,,.,, Sa1es4 Reg. $5. Toddler girls' 'Fling' 1unsuits in several pretty styles and easy-care fabrics. Sizes 2T to4T. Sale 3 20 Reg. $4. lnfanl boys' shortalls, cutel\I embroidered wilh spiffy matching hals. Pick a style! Sizes Y2 to 2. ,. (~-'-. --c l .. , "'' , ' ; Sale 240 Sale 160 Reg. $2. Girls' reversible halter lop. 3 styles that reverse to print or solid. Polyester/ cotton blend. Tie back and neck. Sizes S·M-L to Iii 4 lo 14. Sale 320 Reg. $4. Girls' polyester/ cotton cl;llno·shorts. Pa stel solid cnJors. Sizes 7 to 14 • Reg. $3. Girls' polyestert cotton tank tops_ Solid or patterned kn its in bright colors. Sizes to fit 7to14, S·M-l Reg. 3.59 Girls p,,nt lhort1. A11 cotton, brighU~ printed, 2 styles -1 patch poc"'e1 or 2 quarte1 1op pockets. Sizes 7 to 14. Sale 240 Rag. $3. Olrl1' llllrred wal1t haller. Polyester1 cotton blend in lots al solids and prints, bordered by a white lacy trim. Sizes 4 lo 6X. ' Born in nllnois. Johnson ......... ~ ,..t~ed in 11165 !rom the M.arine Corps as a ~lef Warrant O!!icer. In JWI Gov. Ronald Roapn appolnttd h1ll1 director of the caJllomla Department ol V e t e t ll n 1 Af!airs, and In 196t Pr.Sldenl NJJ:on named him v I c e chairmrm of the U.S. Civil Service Commission. He was assistant secretary of the Navy for manpcwcr fri>m 1971- 1973. ....__ Ak>ng the way he earned a BS In business adminlst.ratlon nt, George Washington University. Sale1 51 Rea. 1.et. TOcl41ers' 2·plece 1hort 111 of easy-care 100o/o nylon. Cute styles for sizes 2T lo 4T. Sale 263 Reg. 3.29. Toddlers• short Mta: Short-sleeved polos and malchlng shorts In doubfe knit. Sizes 2T to 4T. Sile prlc11 effective through Monday. Sale280 Reg. 3.IO, Ttddlers' 111ntullL Appllqued daslgri. lots of perky style~. colort and fabrics. Sizes 2T to 4T. Sale 2 40 Reg. $3. Glrls' collon 1hort1. Patch pocketed prints. Bend front and ~rastic·back waist. •to 6X. Sale1 75 Reg. 2.19. llttle girls' applique knit top. Rayon I cotton sleeveless crew· neck top has contrast ribbed arm, neck, and waist opening1. Cropped to meal pant top. Cute appfique. Bright colors. 4 to ex. Shop your local '1CPenney store. · Shop_ Sunday noon to · 5 p.m: ot the following stores: c :J Sale 320 Reg. $4. Girls' camisole top. Polyester/ cotton easy-care blend. Shirred waist, rick rack or button trim. Lots of solids and prints. Sizes 7 to 14. • Sale 2s1 Reg. 3.59. Girt•' basic polyester/cotton denim shorts. Western front pockets, 2 back pockets. jean-stitched, brass button, fly front. Reg_ and slim sizes. 7 to 14. Sfzes 4 to 6X, Reg. $3. Sale 2.40. Sale 280 Reg. 3.50. Little girts' •hortalL Polyester/cotton easy-care blend with 2 !ront poclmls, bib front styling. Elastic back. Sizes 2 to 6X. FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach (714) 644.2313 . ' • HARBOR CENTER, Costa Meso (714) 646-5021. ' . HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (714) 892-7771. ... .. .. . ..... ' .. . . ' .. . ... \ I 1 ' ' • ' -· l JI, ,1% OAllY PILOT' I ·-Widower ;1 Wln~in :• !i Vein Case " ' ' ~1 SAN FRANCISCO (AP I - A , . • 1 Supe1ior CA>urt jury h a s 3\rarded n1ore than $630.000 to : , a n1an Vlhose wife died durin g I'_! a varicvse vein operation . three yea rs ago. 1 1 : Arter a l~ay trial the jury of nine "-'omen and three men ~ ! found that anesthesiologist Df.. ·' Robert Terry was negligent in :: keeping "vigil" on a heart ! monitoring machine attached ' ' '· to Elizabeth Machado. During the operation at St. Luke's Hospital, Mrs. 1.tachado, 30,. suffered a cardiac arrest. Although a surgeon restarted the woman's heart within 90 seconds after Terry noticed the emergency, Mrs. Machado, mother of five. never regained consciousness and died five days later. The a'!' .. ard \Vas made to j Daniel l\·lachado, a n1arket produce clerk. who had sought , $2 n1illion in damages. I Ca11ipai g 1t I Broclture Ba1i1ied TORRANCE (AP) - A Superior Court judge has banned from voter distribution during the June 4 primary election campaign a four·page newsletter promoting a slate of Democratic candidates headed by Edmund G. Brovm Jr. for governor. Judge Austen Jo~. Bush issued I t he temporary restraining order and SC'heuled a June 6 hearing for Brov.11 and other defendants to shO\\' cause \\'h~' they should not be pem1anently restrained from n1ailing copies of the "53rd Democratic Journal" to voters in the 53rd Assembly District. Dick F 1 o yd, Democratic candidate in the 5 3 r d Assembly District, is the plaintiff in the suit that said the defendants violated the Election Code by "assuming. pretending or implying in any n1anner that they are endorsed by any g r o u p affillat.ed with the Democratic party ... " Bill l11k cd ()11 Notary SACRAMENTO ( UP!l - A bill designed to p r e v en t Spanish·speaking persons from being fooled into believing they are oonsuJting and paying for a lawyer when they visit a notary public has been signed by G<iv. Ronald Reagan. The problem involves the Spanish language translation of notary public, not.aria publico, \rhich in Mexico rneans ;i n attorney of high st.anding. The m':!asure I AB286l by Assen1blrman Alex P. Garcia (D·Los Angeles\. requires that a notary public v; h e n advertising as • '"1 o t a r i o publico" poot a specified notice In English and Spanish relating to the legal advice and fees he may charge. SF Rapist Sente11ccd SAN BERNARDINO f AP l -John Phillip Bunyard has been convicted of six felony charges in connection \\'i!h a series of San Francisco assaults last year that earned hi1rr the nickname "Nob Hill rapist." .. San Berna rdino Superior Court Judge Beach Vevesay sentenced Bunyard to a prison tenn of from lS years to lire. 'f11e jury returned its verdict after a two·wcek trial. Frog Hunter Drowns in Lake LEMORE f AP I A Do"·ney man drowned in the Kings River near here v.·hiJe catching frogs with three companions, Kings County Coroner Carl Hargis said today. Robert Lunsford, 34. was lossed into the water when his ' lx>at capsized. Hargis said. His three friends manager! to swim to shore. OVll W"'I! , Ol.OOUH8 , MAtltilNGc&. .Cou.ECTORS SHOP .·~ ' ' Sunday, May 26, 1974 Sale 638 Reg. 7.98. Men's heavyweight denim Jeans. Flare-leg styling w1!h wide bell loops, yoke back. 4 pockets. 13'• oz. co!ton denim 1n navy or v1h1te. Men·s si zes ' • ., Boys' tank t~p and je~n . sa1 ·e·1 Save · 20°10 ! Sale 190 Sale 3 5~ Reg. 2.49. Boys' t•nk top •s1ortment. Cotton or polyester/cotton 1n slrlpes. solids and pa11erns Hemmed bottoms. S M.l .XL Pre-school sizes 213. 415. 617 . Reg. 1.98 Sale 1.50 Reg .. 4.49. Boy•' Dacron' poly· ••l•rlcotton denim Je1n. Penn- Pres1 · lo eliminate ironing. Round leg western styling. flared boltom. be!\ loops. (Re1nlorced knee 1n sizes 8 to 12) Sizes 8 to 16 ava1!able. Navy . tash1on colors. and white. Slim sizes 8 to 16. Reg . 4_49 Sile 3.59 Husky sizes 8 to 16. Reg . 4.98 Sile 3.98 Pre-school size Dacron· polyes1er/cotton jeans, regular and slims. Reg. 3.79 Sele3.03 Sale 230 Reg. 2.98. Boy1· polye11er/ cotton lank top1. Tuck-bar sli!ching or solid colors. ~ S.M.l XL Sale 439 Reg. 5.49. Boy•' Penn·Pre1t· D1cron · polyester/cotton l•an1. Creased leg slyllng. weslern look, wide legs wilh cuffed boltoms. Wide bett loops. Navy and fashion colors . Regular sizes 8 to 18, slim sizes 8 lo 16. Husky sizes 8 10 16. Reg . 5.98 Sale 4.78 Pre-schoc..I sizes 3 to 7, regular and slims. Reg. 4.29 Sele 3.43 Reg. 3 for S5 . Boy1• blazer 1lrlpe lank top1. Polyester/co11on comfort. b1 :ght horizontal stripes. Sizes S.M.L,Xl. Pre-school sizes, Reg. 2 !or $3. Sile 2 foi 2.40 20°10 off! Men's casual pants and tank top·s. Sale 558 Sale 599 Sale 718 Reg. 8.98. Men'• mlifwale corduroy leans. Western-slyle !!ares. 100°10 collon. Fashion colors. Men's sizes. Reg:-7.49. Mt n't 1w1bby Jean. 1 oo•/o indigo dyed blue couon denim. Bu11on fly, bell bottom styling. Men's s1ze!t. R99:-t.Sll. Men'1-teirtur· lied polye1ter knll 1l1cks. Flare leg styling. Penn· Prest' for easy care. Men's . sizes. Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at the following' stores: FASHION ISLAND. Newporl Beach (714) 644-2313 Sale · 318 · Sale 235 Rtg. 3.91. HJgh ta1hlon tank top1. 1mportan1 new patterns in 100•1, cotlon, handsome colors. Sizes S·M·L·XL. Reg. 2.Sll. Men'• 111 conon 11rik tops. S!rlpes. solids. wheel patterns. Great summer wearing. Sizes S·M·L·XL. Seit pricta eHtCtivt through Mondty. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hunli ng1on Beach (714) 892-77 71 ' • HARBOR CENTER. Costa Mesa (7 14) 646-5Q2 l • ( t I \ 1 DAILY PILOT SEctlON B • .-...,., M"1 26, 1W4 Take a Bu·s, and Leave The Co·st to the County -~ 500 8 - "' ::; 100 ., z w "' "' : ... "' a. • • ~ w ?:; z ::> :i: ::> ~ ~ ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT AP.IL 1973 • APllL '97• • ,,,,,,,,~ • • NUMlll Of l'ASSINGHS ---RlVINUI MILlS .... ... ... ~ v Z;!: "' x "' a. v w w u ::> w 0 c •e> ~ "' " "' z ~-• a :i: ... f • Uluitr••;on b'f 01itr l'liol Artist H1111 Crw111 ' GRAPH SHOWS NUMBER OF PASSENGER ANO REVENUE MILES CLOCKEO BY TRANSIT OISTRICT District Goal is to Widen Gap Between the Two ltnes • By WILLIAM SCllREIBEH Of ttl• D1 l1r Piiot Sl11f The quarter you drop in the farebox of that shiny Orange C.0Wlty Transit District bus doesn't pay for a third of its openting costs. to an operating cost of about $51 ,000 per year per bus. "The operating cosjs i n c I u de everything,'' said Miss Coss. •·1 t covers driver salaries, administration salaries, maintenance, unifonns, insurance and rental vehicles." money to make up the operating losses.'' said Miss Coss. "Both of them are pald by the taxpayers, which is something to keep in mind." spend operations money v.'isely." Schwein1 said the mandatory split makes it necessary for the district to ~ cautious in its capital expenses, 'vhich consist primarily of new buses and transit vehicles. • The propcny lax sh a r f' is proportionately small. On a $20.000 piece of propcrl~·. !he O\Vner \\'OUld only be taxed $5 per y<'ar for transit. ··\\'l' :ire rounUng on 1t staying near fl."1 t'<'tlls unless some drastic fue1 problem .irises." she said. Ttwlugh it appears on the surface you are getting a good deal, you also ~ay be paying indirectly for the operating expenses not covered by the farebox: returns. Most of the operating deficit is made up with money collected from a special one-fourth of one percent of the sales tax relums 4iven to Orange County each year. "Jf we overextend our capita 1 expenses, we 1night not have enough to operate," he said. "Even if you ride the bus every da\· and pay a full share of the ta1cs, it is :1 lot cheaper than owning and operating a car,'' said A1iss Coss. OCTD's bigg<'st concern is the possible unionization of the drivers -a move that l'Ould lead to demands for wage parity \\ ith drivers in Los Angeles. ,. , Even if you never ride the bus in Orange County, you are probably paying the fare for others. In return, the district collects only $15,CMX> per bus per year in farebox revenue. ft.USs COSS said the district Is now earning ~t 21 cents per passenger mile in fares. The figure is slightly above the flat 25-cent fare because the buses carry an average of 1.64 passengers per mile traveled. This year OC'TD expects to get about $7 .6 million from the sales tax ~eturm. Under tenllS of the bill that created the sales tax funding, OCTD is able to use as much of that money as it _wants on operatioos because it is a "new district." The district gets the remainder of its subsidy money from property taxes levied on land and buildings in Orange County. Four and one-half cents on every $100 of assessed valuation go tov;•ard transit 1undcr terms of the"'la'v that crellted the ocro. OCTD's chief aim is to carry as many passengers as possible with as little bus mileage as possible. PLOITED ON A graph, th at relationship shov.·s that as more people ride a· fi~ number of buses, the district's deficit decre ases. . TIIE SOtmlERN California Rapid Transit District in Los Ang~es has a current operating cost of more than $1.29 -a flgure that couJd be reached in Orange County as time progresses and if unioniz11tion occurs. "Actually if you ride the bus it is still a good deal when you consider how much it costs to drive your car," said Robert A. "Al" SChweim, OCTD's transpo·.~:::tion planner. "If we were carrying exactly one pas.5enger per mile ; the retum on fares would actually be less than a quarter because some people ride free or on low· cost, contract. basis,'' she 'said. Schweim said that special status is gOod for r;ve f'!Brs after. :i. new •axing district is created. In the case of the tr3"sit district, it will expire in August 1977. Tue distrkt l:::s the capability to tax u~ to five cents per $100 but has not yet chosen lo go that high. Schweim said. But every time·new service is added - such as lhc 6J buses added earlier this n1onl h -If.he two lines on the graph move closer together until people start learning about the ne\" routes. i\liss Coss said the operating costs have st.:iycd nearly the same as last year. \rhen the monthly variation ran from 72 cents lo a high of' 88 'Cents per mile last t\ugu..c;t. Schv.·eim and operations analyst Nancy Coss explained that the district's gr05S cost of keeping the buses on the road is about 8.l cents per mile traveled. Each of the district's 108 buses goes an average or 60,00l miles per year. 1r the district is lert wit h a a $36.000 per bus deficit each year after fares are deducted where does the balance co1nc He said that even though lax money is funding the deficit, riding the bus is ~till a cheap way to go. But duril1g the same period, the fare revrnue has continued to increase steadily as more and more people ride the bus. Roughly speaking, that y,'(}rks out from? "Basically we have t\\'O sources of "OLDER DISTRICTS are al]O\\'t'd to use only 25 percent of the mooey for operations and 75 percent for capital costs," Schweim said. ··1 guess there is some fear that the agencies l\1ill not TI£E SALES TAX revenu es arc spread out among everyone who buys something in the county. Even.tourists are 1axed. J\1iss Coss said the districts' C'OSI of 85 cents per mlle should remain fairly stable despite the recent expansion. though the deficit may increase until people learn to ride the ne\I•' buses . Both distr ict officials admit the system \viii not break even unless fares are increased -a tnove that is vehemently oppose<! by transit directors committed ro the ··11,"0--bit busline" concej)I. Wanted: Camp For Deaf Kids At Your Service By JACKIE HYMA N 01 ttt. 01il't' PH"' sr111 Some teenagers don't listen to rock ..:n roll. Some four·year-olds don·t chatter :.i mile a minute. Some children aren't bothered by noisl· pollution. "I estimate there are ahout 650 de1f or severely hearing·handicapped children in Orange ())unt.y, '' saXI Dennis Landes· man. one of the county's six practicing audiologists. Landesman, who received his ]\ofA in ;iudiology at Northwestern University in llhnois, consults for t he Nenrport-~lesa School District, the Oceanview School District. and Taft School for !he Aur· ally Handicapµe-1 in Santa Ana. as "·ell as maintainlng three private practices. !~is concern for LANDIESMAN deaf children and their lack of recrea· tional facilities led Landesman last year to organize the Oiildren·s Hear-i\tore Institute, headquartered in Nen·port Beach. "We want to establish a summer camp in Orange County where deaf children can take part in activities l i k e S\Vimming, fishing and other traditional camping events, free of charge," Landesman said. "WE'LL BE running an experiment.al month·long camp this summer in ~lalibu," he said. The institute will use Camp Bloomfield; operated by the Foundation for the Junior Blind. He said he hopes to see a camp in Orange Colmty next summer. lle said the experimental camp session will help determine future needs and appropriate age levels. Landesman said a two week sessJon will accommodate 30 deaf children and another two-week session will be held for multiple- handicapped children. "We want to see if n'e can handle children who are deaf·blind. deaf and have cerebral palsy, or have other multiple handicaps," Landesman said. He said there's a reason why the deaf camp is needed more now than in the past and why sign language is showing up on television for the first time. ''It's the aftennath of the 1964 rubella epidemic," Landesman said. "About 80,000 children nationwide were affected. and about 80 percent of them are hearing handica pped." He said other major causes of deafness in children are birth defects resulting from lack of prenatal care, infection. shock. RH incompatibility, mumps or high fever in the mother. A deaf child's most serious problem , accoaling to Landesman, is lack of comrnunicalion . "A deaf child can't say 'I love you, mother','' Landesman said. "IT ISN'T JUST a question of learning words," he pointed out. "He must learn to put them together to make-J.anguage, and then he must learn to use 'biiguage to communicate." "There's another problem, too, ' ' Landesman said. "Many people think dear children are mentally retarded because they respond and speak slo\v\y. "People also tend to have less sympathy because a deaf c h i l d · s handicap doesn't show,'' he said. Another problem is delayed diagnoses. "When children have a partial hearing loss, such as in U1e high and lo\v frequencies, a doctor may just tell the parent they're no' paying attention ,·· Landesman said. "Ir the problem Isn't diagnosed belore the child is five years old. he's Jost the most important years for language development," he said. Landesman said also that parents of deaf children tend to be overly protective. As a result, the child may lack self·~fficiency and the parents never get a chance to take a vacation alone. "\Ve 'd like our camp to give these children a chance to do ~ilat other children do -play games. study nature and learn language spontaneously, as they play," Landesman said. HIS DREM-1 of a camp for deaf children began eight years ago \vhen he taught emotionally disturbed bl i o d children at Camp Bloomfield. "The blind children there p I a y baseball, go swimming and engage in other camp activities," Landesman said. "I wanted the same for the deaf." As president of the Newport Harbor Jaycees in 1973, Landesman began to \York on the project in earn est. The cooperative Jaycees helped raise support and recently donated $7 ,000 to pay the cost of 1his summer's experimental ca1np. "Although we began just ll year ago, \\'e grew so fast \Ve now have a 25oman board of directors separate from the Jaycees," Landesman said. The non·profit Children's Hear·Morc Institute, or whim Landesmao is president, is currently negotiating with several companies for land tn Orange County. The time of the camp's opening will depend on these negotiations. L.andesman said, adding that he'd rather not give more details of the locations until plans are worked out. '10UR GOAL is never to charge a child,'' he said. "We will be supported solely by grants and private donations. \Ve don "t want to tum anyone away because he can't afford at. "Of course we'd be happy to receive donations from parents who have the funds." he said. "But it's the poor children we want to reach. Otherwise ·they sit home and vegetate." He said the camp will be able lo accommodate a . total of about 500 childreo a summer in two-week sessions, at an estimated cost to the institute of $100 per week per child. Landesman said ,the camp will be open to chl!Clren from anywhere in the country, although Orange Co unt y residenf.s will probably have priority. "There are only six ca mps of this type in the U.S., and none of them is free." L.andcsman said. "We \vant this camp to be for all of us.'' 'l:ork, N.Y. 100%2. Ai Your Service took care of your problem, however, and your hook is in tbe mail. Information published in Ule Feb. 3 At Your Serviet cohunn advised readen Ulat tblt book, 11How to CoUeci Social Security al Any Age," consists of lnfermalion taken from mo~e than 30 free booklets prluted liy the Social Stturity Administration and available at any Social proached fellow county employes of my firm about arranging a car pool. \Ve think we can work this out, but all of us have questions before getting involved in such an arrangement. Without getting into a major1 project, how can ~·e contact others in our various cities who may be interested in a car pool £or our company and how would such a plan affect our individual car insurance costs? Secw'iiy office. • Go to S1nall Clahn• CoHrt H.C., Huntington Beach Got a prtbltm1 Then tDTite Pat Dunn. Pat wiU cut red tape, get thd answer• and. actton you need to solve inequities tn gooernmef\t mtd business. Mail 11our question.'! to Pat Dunn/At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Boz 1560 , Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. I1r elude 11our Ulephone number. Thi column appean OJI Sunda111, W tdnes00.11s and Frida111. DEAR PAT: Four months ago we purchased a '71 Datsun for our son from a priv,ate party and toot out a loan from a ~k. The bank requires a smog certificate from the Dep&rtment of Motor Vehicles before tbe car can be transferred to us. We were unable to get this because the smog device had been removed. I called the OMV and was told that the person who sold us the car is responsible and that lt is unlawful for him to remove the smog device . We called the original owner about Utis m11ttet and he said it was our responsibility and he wouldn't do anything about it. What ohalt we do no\v? We are making payments to the bank and the car is still in the other person's name. Check with your employer first io see lf there ts a program already In operation. U nol, write to the Federal Highway Administration, Department of TransporiaUon, Washington, D.C. ios91, and reques& &be guide 0 C8rpoel and Buspool Matching Gulde." Note. &hit yours is a small group employed by a large firm. Tbe lntormaUoa you receive wUI include a grid map and u informaUon card matching techniques outllaed for large oorpontion1, wblch are based on a oompal.e.r matching pregram for an edensive car peollag program. Geiterally, a car pool pusenger ls ~ same as any otber pessen1er in your car and be or 11he will be covered by your Insurance. Eacb person should cbect bis oompany for details. !Yo «;0tttrad Release ' . DEAR PAT: 1 am sure that I'm in the same situation as many other "-'Omen. 1 Joined the Holiday lJealth Spa and, of course, I signed a contract. Now I would like to be released from this contract. Could you please tell me if lhere ls any way to do thi.s? J.l\f., Newport Beach No way, unless you are pb,yllcally dlsabltd, according to lbe Spa'• mem· bt:r relaUoa1 board. Al for tranifenio1 membership, ttds too Is oat, unless lb• eichaqe It betwttn husband and wile. Problem Corrected DEAR PAT: Weeks "110 I oent away for a boot adverWed In Fam ily WeeklY. It wu offered by llJe Good News Publl•hlng Company, ancl con- cerned Social Security beneflta. My f,l check !or this book wu cashod March 28 an41 llill haven't .-Jvtd 1he boot I paid for. J,T., Uimtlnpl ~ "Perbl .. )'GO bave not ntlleed, bat Fanill1 WMJito ,..,hl!ee -tlool eaclo -olferlog to aubt ,..... "'° do "°' -www<tndlle ,,_ eompnlel lllo\,-II Ille palilblloa. 1'ae -delf""1 pnflitD ... be dlrectllll .. ..,.. _,! hmfl1 w...,, Ill Lalqtoa , ..... New , M.E.G., lrvtne File a SmaJl,.QaiJ:n• Court nit •• IOOa, ., you CID. Tlte DMV CID acctpi and investlga1e complaints of dllt type tram penioas •ho pDrCbase a car from a licensed dealer, .bl' oot U tbe purchase was made tro.m 1a ladlvidoal. Tbe D'l\fV verUled.. that removing a 1mo1 device ls a vlolatioa ot Sectiou !400'l_ of Ille Motor Veblcte Code, w~lc~ requlrel a car to be pn1puly equipped at the time of Wt. Sonae Tall Orders DEAR PA'I': Several lriends have told me Ibey'•• heard .tbere is a mail· order catalogue available which leature• clothing and sboea for tall women only, but no ono tnows lbe name and addrea o( the firm offering this caiatogue, U you can flnd out, I'll be very ;ralelul. LB., Ntwporl Bt1cb Lane Bryant pobU.Mel 1n If.page catalogue for 1''0meo S feet '11nd over, plus 1botl, sit .. t-11, AAAA•E wtdi111, Rtquest lrom "Tiii Glr1'," lndla· upotts, Ind. flllll. l'or1nlMg •Car Pool DEAa PAT: I llff In Or1nge County ind wort< In Loo Anpld. !'Ve op- • No /!lore Reclpes DEAR PAT: I am so led up with Betty Crocker's Golden Press rec ipes. They began sendillg recipes singly at 11.25 ' month. suddenly lhett w~ three in a pack for SUS. I sent in llJe last payment a bit late because I wu very ill. A few days later I 1ot a blU for-$4.SO even though I had paid !or each pack lallhl\JUy. I wrote and asked the reason for the $1.2$ utro, but got no a ... wer. I tnow people who quit the plan when llJey started lo pt the three-a·montb pact. Can you straighten this oot? I don'& want to bear rrom them again. 8.N.,O..llMeA Your case wm be lnv11tlpted and correcdve acd .. tUoa, ..,. 1llarle Oak, of Golden l'rllo, wlllcl Is part ol Weslerll Publlslolq, OU. ..,. ,... molloul m1ter1al0 1lwo11 state Ulpmenll wm lncttut II llnl 1 ._. ofter llo !Int --lbl, lbe re1101beloga11vlllp II .. ..., ... ._ d1lll cllll'po ,_ IM ... tomcr. Siie -ledaed, bowever, llilll .... ;:p llol •1 I PftnlO<llt .,_,. ...... u, ..... !Aid 1111..,... typo ... -ti d-'be Ile lftll'lm llDd ltlevlaloa comme.clal1 Wac dia1 ... ti .... .. --· • I • • DAILY PILOT Sunday, May 26, 1974 . . ' ' . I HARRY SIEBERLING Good Deed Driver for Disabled Harry Seiberling is disabled by a bark problem and no longer is able to teach. But that does nol stop him from helping others. Seiberling, wbo Jives in Hwitington Beach, driVC\'I two women v.·ho are confined to wheelchairs for regular treatment at Huntington Intcrrommunity Hospila\ and at a dlnic. "One lady has lost ~ leg and · has diabetes and another is crippled with arthritis," he said. "Really, I take them wherever they need to go." Seiberling noted that a better bus service won't necessarily help Illich disabled persons. "They couldn't even get to the bus stop witOOut help.'' Seiberling, who wed to teach special education in East Lo8 Angeles scOOols, also suffers from high blood pressure in addition to the back aliment. The high blood pressure prevents him having correct ive surgery m his back. Delp for l' 011 Tips for Vacatio11 The state Department of COnsunlcr Affairs has just released a set of guidelines for vacation planning. -Beware of free vacation gimmicks -investigate t.o find out just y,•hat you are getting. Be sure of the location of the vacation spot, the quality of the hotel advertised, what is included and what you pay for food and transportation. -Allow plenty of time to rest along the way. The department al!o gave some :specific ideas for the protection of your home wbile you are gone. -Don't invite the burglars into your home. Leave a few lights on, or buy a timer to tum them on and off. -Stop mail, newspaper and other deliveries, or ar· range for a neighbor to pick them up for you. -Notify neighbors or apartment manager that you'll be gone. Tell them how Jmg you'U be ay,-ay and what lights will be left on. -Trim your lawn just before you leave. or arrange to have it done while you are away. -Have your phone disconnected. Burglars some- times phone to see if anyone is home. The recorded message, "this phone has been temporarily discon· nected," prevents then1 from kno'i'-ing posltirely that the house is unoccupied. Hot l,ine Needs Help Th& Center, 132 E. 18th SL, Costa Mesa, which nms a 24-hour hot line, needs more volunteers to answer calls. Hot line vohmteers usually work one 12-bour shift a month. The Center also offers individual and group coun-. seling and operates a VD clinic. The rap groups meet every night Monday through Thursday, beginning at 7 p.m. For further information call 642~. SPECIAL LECTURE OM MIND CONTROL® AND ESP.I ..--,=,~uM""••=s~n=,.~,=,-.., •tnt <ONttot. OVll • Nlll"IW • IA.-n ._, • .,ic;.f . ~,....-. -(""' •!Ull • M vc.t OVER 300,000 GRADUATES YKE SCIHK( or fOHnOW-TOllT 'fOUIUDl.Oll"llf .. : ... ~ • ....., •ury ..... ,OI:.,_ • llU91lll•• ••llAOUll• • ~t•JWU( • lDtAllGIU:INI• • "'~ •..O•n • ll•ftO-•LOllO'ftl • •••l'OCf'llllft>Sf ..... ·~=·:.• _____ _, :~=::~ .. ::~:-~::.-' ATTEND FtEE SltVA MIND CONllOl lECTURE l••ll>OOl.:C TQRf lltTURE.S TU(SOAY .... ., 1ll I JO r'"' flll ION ll•N . ruu.EATON 1~ '>o. ~f_. A"""'°''""' I WEONlSOA'f, ""''a. 3-1..30 P<'> PQYAI,. INN ot &\J<IT" ""'" 1600 L 1• St tt -w 01 Sari• A,.. f""' T>t.JASDA'/, Msy 3Q, 110 oi...: HILTQt.l IN .. -l•GU .. A t-llLI S '~xit. u. Pu 114. lM SM 0.00:. f"'l I fl'a!)A'I', Mty 31, 730 iw'\ C0:,.1 l "'llo" IN .. CALL 494-2757 :im ~ e1-<1 1.i s.... a.to,.., I HhTd lrittoa, 121 P9ric Aff!Wf L.,... lt>ech, c.-. tZ,51 Nearly Everyone List,em w Landers -, ' • I I • ' , .. '; ..... l ' ' ' f~··I ,I ...... ~~-•' i'. ,, ! . 'C:' ~':~~-,:.-:.. \, " . ! ;!J ' ~.>' ..,._ ~...-:-~ . ... 1.l ... _ ..... -l· ... " .. . ··i · • Jil', r ..., ' ...., ('I .~l ' "t.._ ·.n ... -..., ~.:"'...:..~ ~ i... Ofi!IJ ,lltt Sl•H '""- EXUBERANT THOROUGHBREO 'RACES' ACROSS PASTURE IBACKGROUNO) Training Track in Foreground is Farm's Newest Tr1ining Tool O'NEl Ll RANCH'S DESEOSO WITH FUTURE CHAMP? The Filly is One of First Crop From Elmore Stables' Solar Salute Hor·ses One e Scared Rancher By TO'I 'lcCANN ot t~1 0.11, Pl!o• s111t Jack Barnes is one horse rancher who d~s things by the book. open ~·eekends. by the \.1-'ay.1 Looking like a cress bet1~·een a bit of tranplantcd Kl'ntucky thoroughbred farm and a set for Hlgh Ol:apparal, the Rancho Mission Viejo Thoroughbred Fann's headquarters area is cool, He says he has to because prior to 1966 v.1len he started hitting the books and learning all he could about the critters, "I didn't hardly know one end ,----------, from the cXher and I was Horsln' a!Mtid of horses." Today, that same Jack Around Barnes is in charge of the \.. _____ ..... _ ... .i thoroughbred horse f a r m Y.'hich is part of the Orange Coast's nl3SSive Ra n eh o ~fission Viejo operation. Almost as surprising as Bam€S' persona! story, is tire farm he runs. Visitors v.tio notice the place 7 to 8 mUes east of 'San Juan Capistrano on Ortega Highway are just not prepared for what lies at the end of the pine-lined driveway. (The gate is never st"rene and efficient looking. A ~tAGNIFICE~I 400-year- old U\·e oak tree fomis a massive canopy over a circular dri'ieway that offers access to the back door of the Barnes home, to the breezeway of an immaculate, concret.e-floorOO. barn am. to a feed bin ,for dispensing grain. The hexagonal bull pen in v:hich young colts are first nladc to feel the tug of the loog lines also stands nearby. An elevated water tank gurgles coolly in the warm Ortega valley sun a n d My~me ol it grown on the fann's 6lkxkl. atteS-bakes in an open-air storage d>ed tmder the high roof that is typical o! that kind o! structure. Through the heat shimmers rising off a nearby me.adow. you can discern the ootlines of a racing o\·al -the fences enclosing a half.mile dirt track t~at is the farm's ne·.rest too\ for n'laking race horses. In the barn. the corrals surrow1dil)g it and t h e meAfiow are nearly 50 horses, counting th~ year's young foals and last year's yearlings: Ten more O'Neill· horses are stabled now at Sama Anita from where they are vamed . across IO\\·n to f'un a t Ho\l~·ood Park; an o l her three .are al San Francisco trying to get into I.he mooey at Golden Gate Park . BARNES IS the first to admit that, so far, the Rancho f\.1is:sion Viejo b a n g I a i I s haven't burned up any race tracks, OOt he's coofident their time is coming. The ranch has been active in the racing business only for the past foor or five years. That isn't long in an industry whose leaders count their apprenticeship in decades, not years.· J . J. Elmore, for exa1nple. whose Rancho San Clcmealc perches on the · palisades just upooast from the We5tem Whlte House, has hatl a lifelong interest in horses. He is more Ulan 80 years old and has been racing his horses . ~ 4-1" I ' .• ,,~ for 30 years. ~~ (l~'I ' V ,·1< '. 'f',J Eln1ore has been ont of · • t~'"'""··..i;·•-,,' ~ , Barnes' ment-Ors since the 31-! t(,f/f.,ff~1 ~,~ ycar'°ld former Mariije CorpJ ~ lfp; .. 1 • i lf . member shucked his ntilitary .-, • career and turned to horses. ~ There is an obvious affinity ; between the two men and the two fann.s--the 0 range ., Coast's on l y professional i. thoroughbred r a cc horse " " faciHtie!. "f!t'<.. One of Elmore's top studs is --~ ,, Solar Salute, a 5-\·ear-otd ~ staJUon v.1tich \lt'On six I-aces in ' • a roy,·, Including the $100.000 ~_. Santa Anita Derby in 1972 and ,.: y,·as considered Califomia's '' great hope for that year·s Kentucky Derb)'. A 1'UNOR injury and a fourth place -finish in the California Derbv, hov.·ever. put Salute into the stud barn at San Clemente instt>ad of the WORKS 'BY BOOK' IS.. HORSIN', Page 861 Firm Manager Jack Barne1 Young Police Chief No Revolutionary By JOA~'NE REYNOLDS Of lh• OtU~ Pl .. ! Sttll According to the sign on the highly polished desk, Ed Cibbarelli is the chief of police. But at the age or 30, he doe5n't look old enough to be occupying the spacious office in Seal Beach city hall where he now sit!, feet on the desk, discussing his attitudes about police work. C1bbarel1i i.s one of the y0tD1gest police chiefs in the state. It's a job that is usually held by veteram of at least 20 years of police ~wk from large metropolitan depart· menL<;. But the Seal Beach ch.ief has been 1n law enforcement only seven years--all with the Ne'l'-'JX>rt Beach police depart ment. And he is faced with the unusual task of maintaining law and order in a city where more than J0,000 of I.he 28,fKXl residents are over the age of 65, but where the beaches attract large groups of teen- agers In the su mmer. . Ask CibbareJli about his age and he readily acknowleges that his lack or years can be both an asset and a liability in his job. "f'!\f NOT SO involved in the system that l'n1 com· p!etely set in n1y \\·ays. The idea that we've been doing something one way for the past 20 years means that 'l'-'e always do it that way SEAL BEACH CHIEF Ed Cibbarelli yowigest police chier i n Orange County doesn't mean that he plans to adopt a casual or revolutionary a t ti tu d e toward \a\\' enforcement. He is a cop and he ieamed his trade under James G!a\"as, Newport Beach's chief ...,.ho bas a reputatlon f o r meticuloUs enforcement of the law. And many or the things that Cibbarelli talks about reflect a similar disposition. "We want people to know that we don't think there's anything \\'l'on~ v.ith their coming he~ to enj•)Y them- selves. as ~ong :-.s they do so In a Jav"fuJ manner. There's nothing v.•rong 'Aith having a good time . "BUT \\'E ALSO \rant to pass the y,·ord that behav1or that is illegal-that i s do~sci't impress me. infringing on the rights of others-'A'ill not be tolerated," "Some people say you can't he said. fwiction in a job like this His philosophy was put to Y.ithout 20 years' experience. the test not long after he But you know, some men may asmnned his post in February. have that 20 years, bllt it's For the past few years Sea1 just one year relived 20 times. Beach has been the location of Some men don't have as. much what is now known as "The chrooological experience, but Annual St. Patrick's Day they have more fnC'ilcal Riot" and this year was no · exception. ·~think that's what r When the dlllt had >eUled, ha\'e. I'm not saying it's good 44 people were in jail and or bad. It's just that the older officers from three other men in law enforeement and 1 departments had to be called ha¥e the same end to reach. in to disperse the cro\\·d of but I may use different means 1.500 that converged on the than an older man." dov.1ntown area. The fact that he Is the He says there was not much 1--- he as police chief could do about this year's riot exCt>pt react. but next year, he hopes. 1,1i!J be different. ''The attitude I want to take for the future is onP c.r prevention. I intend to use all of the legal means al my disposal to see to it that it doesn't happen again, but I know that it's going to take a while. "'Ibis thing has been going on for many years: and you can't realistically expect to shut it off overnight. It's going to take communHy support," be explained. Tf his appointment lo th<' $'21,000-a-year job v.·as a source of cootroversey inside, lhe department or city hall, the discontent never surfac·cd. He says his reception by Iii.• police force. the cit:; as J wbole and the other 1:hif'ts or police in surroundin~ con;mu· nities has been surpris1n r,1'' warm. and a rouple of ball games. It \1 as mui::~ easier being a hcutcn..1nt instead of a chief. .. The job can g('t a l11tle lonely. as he e~pl~ins. b<'r<\11sl' the chief is responsible for the functk1ning of the dcpa11J11ffit 1,1·hethcr he's there or not. That means the-re's a lot less alter-work socializing. He says he aJro finds hims.ell in the curious position of sudden1y being the social and professional equal of the men who were his superiors for the last seven years. ''For the last seven years these guys have been the biggies. the men I 00.ve looked up to because they v.·ere all police chiefs and there ·s a certain mystique involved with 01al. · To go from callin~ the1n ·sir' to a first nanit• ba~is O\'ernight is a \~' c i rd experience. They ·\'e all been very cordial, but it \\-ill take some time to get used to." he WHAT'S fr LIKE being !he sald. youngest police chief in the ft"s a contrast to have a city neighborhood? like Seal Beach with a large Very bmy am a little lonely, JXlll)Ulation of senior citizens he says. pnJtected by a police force led Cibbarelli wocks up to a 12-by 8 man who i.<I p!Ehing the hour day, five days a 'A'ee k Mpe old age of 31. and makes a couple of trips BUT CITY ~tanager Dennis Courtemarctie, who selected into the station during the Cibbarelli from 12.i other weekends. As a graduate :s t u d e n t i n p u b I i c appl.ic.ants for the job says the administration at USC and an_ choice "A'as not all lhal unusual. ··\\'hen I ~tortcd :scn:cninr: applications. I "'as n ' l part icular ly looking for a ynunger or older rnan.'' the adm1n1slrator says. · · Ag c nr\"er entered my mind ." Courtemarchc himself is a1so 30. making him one o{ the youngest city administrators in the state. ''1.cl me put it thls wav,'' he adds, "J didn 't start oui to hire so1neone who is 30." He acknowledged that he gave Cibbarelli's appointment a litUc more thought than usual, but also noted that "this y,·as an opportunity to gtt soineooc v.·ho hadn't just retired fron1 a larger agency. I thought it \\'OUid be nice to ha\"e sonieone in the job v:h n \IHS 0'1 his l•:ay up in hi s career ... The l"it~· nianager admits hr got a fev.· hard questions from city residents aOO politicians about his appointee's age on lhe order of "l1ow can a man be so smart al 30?" but he says he thinks the new chief is proving himsclf capable of handUng the job . Cibbarelli, too. has faced the questions-s p o k en and unspok~bout his ability to handle the job. lie says his arrival 'l'-'35 greeted with "some b o n e s t skepticism" about having a 30-year~ld man run the 5f>.1ncmber forct'. avid baseball player. he notf's .---------------------., that his love of 1,1·ork n1eans that he misses "a few classes JCPenney -SERVICE-Now-an organic hair remover I To Start Your Week On A Happy Note, Here's Something Special For Monday and Tuesday .,._ Soup • Sunomono Salad • Lobster Yamato • Shrimp Tempura MO> Chicken Teriyaki "*' Beef Teriyaki . "*' Vegetable • Rice • Tea $695 Served ror prattlet of 2 or more Closed Memorial Day, ~ay, May 27 RESERVATIONS PHONE (7141 644·4811 11nn1at11 •60 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT CENTER - • o;......od and-""""' • E"f*" watch repair • EngroYirtg J1w1f1 by jouph con servic• all yow j.wttry nffda. from UllCll/ng an orig!"°' and ••citing ri"I to approi1tng a volt.ltd htlrlOOfl'I, Profmianal SlrYice by trlitltl prtflun jewels by joseph • iewtfry de1i9ning • Gemological Olomond ond jewelry opproltOl1 • fiM jewelry repair AU WOii< DONE IN THE STORE All evrtklll-.lcrafttmtft'#Ml inthe ,,.,., 'fevrp~ l....try NYW l"vet ut. Mttt.t ,...,,. • ,..,.,,... ·-.. , ........... ..,.. ...... ,.,. SOUTH COAST l'IAZA ftw.l.tS... .... ,__, COSTAMISA ....... .., ................ 0.... ... ... .- • I • Hair's off in minutes, stays off ,for weeks. Leaves skin beautifully smooth. free from hair ..• without shaving . waxing. using smelly creams or foams or resortingJo electrolysis. There ls now a way lo rem.V. unwanled hair lrom · face, 1rm1, thighs and legs, and keep It otf longer. You u1e a gen11e, odorless, organic compound, c:alled Delila, and the results are tlmply grea~ Oellla aclually lifts out the whole hair from the follicle •• , leaves your skin beautifully smooth and free from hair for weeks. 'Tiie little llXlll time Delila may lake 11 firat won'I matter once you find you can really forge! about halrremoval ... yn, for weeka. • There are no blunt endo. No pt1okly 1tubbl1, tto nicks or cuts, And lharo'a no quick grow baok .. there le using ruore or creamy or loamy d1pllelorle1. When hair eventually comtt ln, kSHma aparear and babytoft. Delila™ Nature! Organic Hair Remover. ldHI for te1nagt11, too. $5.95 at our co1111etlc countar. NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-Zl13 • , I f Mar1·iage Stands Best 01i Ceremony DEAR Al\'N LAi\DERS: ~ly parent.~ and I have carried on a running argument for three months. \\'ill yo u please try to S<.'C all sidf"s of this question and ans"·er it honestly·~ My boyfriend and I have been going t.oget.her for over a year. \\'c plan to gl'l married when he finds a job he ren\ly likes. I am "'·ork ing but I live at ho1ne and have to pay room nnd board . I v.·ant 10 move out of my parents' house and live \vith 1nv fiant'e. '\'c could make it financially, wiih my check added to his. My folks arc again!'! iL They say it is immoral. \Ve say it"s sensible. We just might find out after 1Yc live together awhile thal we don'l like eac h other well enough to spend the rest of our lives together. Jsn't it better lo shack up for a lime than to get married. find out you've made a mistake and then get a divorce? Ho\v else can two--people really learn ALL about one another1s little quirks? What do yoo say?-M. AND B. DEAR M. AND B.: Serry, hilt shacking up bn't tff Mme as be.Jng married. Moreover, the evidence ls 01 Ute oilier side. A recent survey showed that couples 11o'ho Uvtd together belor~ marriage bad a '1&fter dl .. m role Olan lbose wht dldll1 pt1y htllM before the ceremony. And wbat'1 more, tbe dlvort'!es tended to be llltd wllhl• lb< llnl two ye1n ol those marrlagea. TbMe are the facu, ma'am. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Please be I.he referee. Freddy's parents have been divorced for ttlree years. We plan to marry this summer. I think Freddy's dad should be invited to the wedding. He '"YI it would make bis 10Uncer brothers and slalers very uncomlortablc. • l They have not S{'en !heir dad in a !ong while and n1y fiancc thinks it might be a traumatic experience for them if he shO\\'ed up nl lhe \vedding. The kids range fron1 JO to 15 years of age. l think it's time they accepted the realities of life. 11icir dad lives in this tov.11 and they c;:in't duck him forever. \\'hat do you say?-DANBURY. CONN. DEAR DAN: Never mind about mt. \\'hat does Freddy's mother say? Is there a new \\ife? Would sbe be welcome? Was it a scandalous divorce or an amiable ont ? Before I could give an intelligent ans\\'t r I'd have to koow a lot more Lbao you·\·e told me. I suggest the clergyman "ho is to perform the ceremony be the "referee," not Ann Landers. DEAR AN N LANDERS : For 15 years I have been married to a very decent guy. He has' enough good qualities to fill this entire page. The problem (I am almost ashamed to tell you) is that his eyes nearly bug out of his head whenever an attractive woman walks by. She doesn't have to be beautiful, so long as she has a big fronl porch and is broad across the beam. That's enough for him. , If he was starved for sex at home, that would be anotber story. Bui he's mt. It's elevator operators, waitresses, sales clerks, anything femaJe. Even teenagers. I've mentioned to him bow it embdtraEeS me when he gawks and Jeen; but he keeps on c:ranlng hll neck and I c:fle inside. What's the answer! -EMBARRASSED WIFE DEAll WIFE: Ignore 11. Wiien be llo(JI looking at them, be'll also atop lookln1 at you. A no-nonsense approach to how to.deal with 1Ue'1 most dllllcutt and moll re- warding arrangement. Ann Landers• booklet, "Man1age-What to Expect," will prcpart you !or beller or for won<, Send your requeat lo Ann Lander>, P. O. Box :im. m IV. Bank Dr., Chicago, UI. 60654. enclosing 5G cents In coin and a long, stamped, acll·addrtot<d ... elope. • • • , .. • • • .. Job Awareness Primary Goal By I.AURI E KASPER 01 lri. OtllV l"llOf S11U \\'ork . 110 one really t:an es<.·<11>(' fron1 ii. Even the kindergartner, "'hen hl' or she begins learning the alphabet. is beginning to prepare for it. Vet Lit fl.1eyers, curriculun1 spcciulist for the Fountain Valley School Di strict. aC:n1its. ·'Jn the past. 11c t111vcn ·1 prcpart>d our youngsters too "'rll for th r 11ortd of ,1·ork ... · !n n1Any cast's. kids don't rt'alizt· th<i t sonic d;1.1• they·r1' going to hilVt' to J.(O ou! 11 nd 11•ork eight heurs a day nnd niakl' a l1vi 11J.,t." a:;:rl'rS Bud Nl•ff, l: h i t' f <1drnin1 stra1or or caret-r and voca 1h111ul C'<h.1ca1ion for the eoun ty Ot'partn1l'lll of Educat ion. As a result. ··.'\\ow \\'h<ll ;1111 ! gou1g 111 ·~ "' ~ ~ .. ' • ~r ... • "' $;.o Students at Gisler School play career game. Clockwise from . left are Cindy Clark, Cami Cameron , Jay Goldammer, Kim Randol, Lark White, Henry De Cambra and C'2illin Yamauchi . do"'" is often a ~-ruc1a l quc•stion for lh(• high sc hool s•·n1or It ts (lfObHbl.v lllO~( tl1flit:ull If the student took a ('Olll·g1· preparatory courst :in1! !hen dcc:ldcd nn1 tu i.:o !o c:ollt•gc For these .\ou ng adults ... go to 11·ork "" 1s ruu r~·allv such ;111 C'as1. obviou:; ;.ins11·l'r sin(·t• it's t111 1t:kly follo~1·rd b.I" 1h1· l'lUCStions of tluu1~ 11 ha1 ., 11 h1·rl'" and II /J~ •> i\la11.1· of !ht• s111dt•n f., 11ho ,t:o on to to!l egt• also 11 i!I a~k thl"111sl.'h-cs th<'"<" uucslion s sooner than thf"~· :.u11lr1p;1t1· s1nt'c many \\'ill quit befor(' !h('~ t'l'l'r J.!l•l the degree. A study a ff"11· ~i'ars B~o re.,.eall!d 1hat only 14. pe rcent of the freshmen enttorin~ a junior col!eg-e gr:idualt'd in 1110 ye.1rs Anoihcr 14 pt."rCf'll1 111'l'l' ~till 1n !'chovl ''and the rt:sl had gone b.\" lht• \\;1 ~ .· \ell sa id. COLLEG ~; Df-:l;f!~E Eighl of 10 .1 oul!1s 11 ill rl!'I t·r l!f't :i coll ege degrer . lli' t•-..plu111t·<l. 'l·r·J ao percent of the studl'nts <tn· pre paring for c:ollrge iri lhc1ir high S\"lv.ic1 I eour;l"s even lho11~h le!i~ 1h:1n ~11 !'1•r11·11t of 111·· jobs in thc cnu 111r.1 r1·qu1t'l' ;1 cnlh·t.;c di'grcc. Re<.':1Jling !h<ll hl' t1ad p11id •t11 l"lectr ician. 11ho 11ork rd 01('rl11n('. s10 :111 hour. t\eff said , .. Colll·~c educntion 1sn t the only \l·ay to i.:o- "Kids arc heµ_111ni11g ro rl•al1tl' nu~. P<Jre nt s arl' bl'ginnini.:: to rl'<llizt• 1h1~. Educators ;ire bt'ginn111~ tn realize this ·· Although 11 us!'rl lo be !hat VO<'a11onal training u as considered .. good tor anybody·s kid but your 0"11. ·· he bclie1·cs this thought is beginning to change. rn past years. vocational courses ha\"e expanded beyond th e shop. hon1c ccono1nics and bus.iness classes. Coursl'' <1°nd \\"Ork experience in thl' heal th fil'lds <ind ser1·ice oc tup:Jt ions hove ;11tainl'd student intcrl•:;t. But count\". sta!t: ;ind n at i o 11 a I educ<11ors api><•rcnt!y think this 1sh ·1 soo11 enough. A ne1v thrust. fo cusing on 1!1f· \rork \·orld . 1s no1v ain1ed to\rard thl' pritnary gr11des. '"They \\";Jill kids to be bcltl•r prepared for the v.·orld . ., t<.·Ir s. ~!eyers exp lained. \\-'hen she firsl ht'a rd 01 the llt'1r cn1phasis .. \lrs ~lcytrs thoug h!. ··\\'ell. 1r"s about tin1c. ·· l'ltOGRA~\I i\.£EDEI> As a form er elcmcn ta r~ school reacher <1nd n1other or a recent college graduate \1·ho is \\ell edut'ated but la('king a ski ll. she explained ... l'\'e seen the span . I really think \\·e need to ~et them a\\"t1rr of ,.,.11at the 11·orld is like." She. as \\·en as others from her district and other districts. ha\'C been attending a v.ork shop sponsored by the county 1n preparation for " career educntion program. The Fountain Valley team is currently developing a guide. including goals and objectives for kindergarten through e1~h!h grudc. \1h u·h \\'ill be used in the fa ll Tht• pro~r•11n 1n nrr dis!rtcl 1YiH not dupl icat1• the cl frir\s ot high schools and 1unlor t'Ol legl'S. ~lr:;. ~l<'yers said . .. It i.:oi.·<: beyond \'uca1ional education." she t'>..pl r1i11e<l. ··11 ·s n1ure focu!ing on l1 frsryle~ 11\ nuir" {.:t·tl!ng lo the human ;ln~lt· ""\\"hu1 \I C fl' lr\lll!.! 111 do n1J\l is build a\11 tt1des 101rurd \l ork ·· t\l'lf l'Xpl;uncd 1l1al the program begun; in thl' pr1111:i ry i:rades \\"ith lhf' · aw<trcrh.'Ss !>l<lgt' . helpin g thcin lx>e•ll1lt' a11arc of the \'arious jobs ,i1;Hl;1blt·, !hf" necessity or pr£'parat ion ;11ul the s1n1plc fa('! that they \1 111 !>Otllt'd;1~ ha\'l' to \lOrk. ··Thl' d 1gn 11 ~; of 11orking 1n all k1 11ds ot f1t•Jds h:is no! bt:en stressed.·· ,\!rs. .\1 1'\"t•rs t.:on1p!ai nt•d But thrOU!lh thr ne1v proi.:1 ;uns. she behc1'es sludenls 11-'ill sec llo1t· rn;1n~· d1 fft·rcol Jobs pla y <Ill 11nrort:int roll' 111 different businesses. .. Ther1's l'\t"!l d iSh\1a shC'r jobs nt the 110.~11i1:d 11 L' d1 i11 ·1 1h1nk aboui.·• she P\11/ililltd l\J·: . ..,l'ECT AIJIJl':ll Su ;1 p:1rt of the pro{:r<illl. 3/1c bC'Jit'1·cs. 111\I h 111' :.()llll' l'llll)ha~IS l)I J '"gcttirlg :1lon~ 1· 11h pcriplt• . rl'S1>etl 1ng \\hat lt1t•.1 rlri 11011 th1·1 need .1ou and hu1Y .lllU llL"t·d !hL'lll .. l~u.111.1 lhl'-l' things art'n·t co1·1:rcd u111i\ ;1 sludl·lll J.!t'IS 11110 a high school :;ocr;1I 11roh!t'n1~ l·lass and by then. she said ... i!'s 1fl0 latl' ·· B~ lh1• l'ighth grade. she cxpl::iined. S!Udl'n(,; should ha\"C .. internalized lhcii' 01t n 11·ork va lul' systen1 rather thaD sonll'(lne else's.·· '.\cff explained that grades 7, B and ' 1rill ··idea!ly " provide cxp!orarion into thr 1·arious field s. Sonic schools have nlrea dy started !his. C.\llEEH 1;,\\IE Cii;ler S<'hool students play il c11recr J,:;1111 e 11 hieh causes thc1n to follo1v the tr;ii l or the hi gh school. junior college and l"ril!l'~l' gradu;Jtc and n1ake decisions aOOut rarct:rs. ""It kind of opens up so1nc potent iri l.'' expla ined Rob1•rt Vandrrpool. h:•arning coordinator for _grades ti to 8. BC'rausc of the garnt', one girl is bc•ginn ing to think of heco1n1n g a n1orlician. Schools also put on 11 ('~rt'<'r da~' for lhl'ir studf"n1s but this has usually been a one-shot th ing. In th e !;isl years of high school, !'ludents 11'ill .. zero in on it" and begin preparing for !heir chosen ('areers . Even students \1'ho arc college bound \1·il\ benefit from the program, Neff said, since inost do \\'Ork \vhCn "·hi!c they are 111 college . ,\nd the cdu ('citors think it 1vill help the potential .. drop out" as \\'Cl\ by providing then1 with '"realistic !}rcp:ir::ition" to go to 11·ork and the k:nowlc.dgc that education is sorncthing that continues even after lht'y are 1~·orking. Art Can Be Expensive Hedge Joek end <tonnie Gleh check recent ouction prices. Art is on expensive investment, they conclude . • By JO OLSON 01 lllf D1ily l"llot ~!<011 The top1(' assigned to Jack and Connie Glenn. arl dealers. was .. The pros and cons of art as an investment.·· .. \ don't believe in it." Glenn told the l\'C'1\·µort·1\lesa Branch of the Amcricun Associaton of University Women. This 11•as a surprising thing for a nian 10 sa y \\•ho has par!a~·cd a hobby of co!!ectini::-paintings lnto a successful business. ffe said he has never spoken on art as an investment before. but within just the past few days decided it 11·ould be a good topit'. "Things ha\"e changed. but maybe not the \\·ay you think they have," he explained. This change is t he development of an international art market spurred by weakened currency, inflation and new strength of artists. People of many countries now do not u·ant lo have cash on hand and prefer to have tangible assets such as diamonds and paintings, (ilcnn said. NO CLICllES Before sho1\·ing slides o( American abstract in1pressionists, u·hich Glenn said arc the most valuable a s invcstn1cnts, he asked the audicnt'c 10 blank out such cl iches as "Any four-year· old could have done 1ha~" ,and "I don"l see anything in that." ''If you say you don 't Ii kc con tempo rary 11rt you don't kno1v \\'hat you're talking about," he sa id. Glenn then emphasized that Orange County is not as backward and conservative as it is reputed to be. fic believes, in fact. that Orange County is far ahead of Los Angeles in sculpture and that •·.,..·e h a v e a Renaissance going on in art. We have a vitality and cohesive aspect here \\"hicb is producing a Renaissance.'• His tllird point, before moving into a dollars and cents talk about art, was that he "doesn 't understand people who don 't collect at all .'' Glenn bclie\•es there are n o undiscovered artlsts in America. FAMOUS NAMES He and his wife started coll ecting in the late sos and early 60s and happened to select names which ha ve since become valuable and famous. "When we started collecting there wo:o; never a thought lh•t we could sell any or these. let alone for a profit." GleM said. Glenn said that a person Setting out to collect either has lo know what he·s buying or have a trusted. educated advisor. They should expect a 20-IO percent commission to be tacked onto thk painting price. so the price has lo il1- t'reasc at least bv the commission f<lf the investor to brCak even . But even if an investor buys a major painter fro111 the 1948-1971 era and pays too much , he \\'ill mui..c 1noncy. Glenn believes. ~O LIMITS Connie Glenn said she has ('hanged her idea that "there is a limit to "hat a pa inting \rill bring." Paintings which sold for \\'hat she thought u•ere astronomica l prices several years ago are selling for even higher prices now. she said. "Investment in art has had cycles." she added. "But taste cycles cannGt be predicted anymore." Glenn said, "1£ you buy for investn1enl you should sell \vhen it's tlmc lo turR O\"Cr vour investment.·• The. Glenns, who direct or o.,.,•n -si~ galleries bet"·een them. shov.:ed slidc8 from an auction six months ago an d quoled the sale prices. For such painters and scu lptors as dt; f\ooning. Warhol and Johns. the auctio11 prices ranged from <1round $10,000 Ii !240.000. ) \\'HO'S RlGllT'! The Glenns v.·ere questioned about the quality of the paintings and asked how aA authority decides a particular abstract if good . • "Educated people have said these art good," Glenn said. He emphasized lh.'.d the gestures of the artist and t~ textures he selects are very important if1 the abstract impressionists. He suggested that looking at a lot OJ paintings is the only \Vay to becomi discrin1inating about them. • Connie Glenn said the value or thesf artists rests in the law of supply nDil demand. Most are not alive anymore a~ therefore their "·orks are in limlte« quantity. · . Glenn said that ne\v art \Ytlich is exel~ ing as an investment is conlro\'ersini and that the investor must be \\'llling to Lake a chance on this controversial \York, As an alternative for spending a lot or money, he suggested buying &ket~ from this ptrlod or pllotoarnt>hy by penJllt who worked during lhis 1141974 era. .. That's the only sure lhing I tnowt he said. \ 8 4 OAJLY PILOT Sunday, May 26, 1~74 Festival Scl&eduled M.ore than 400 entertainers are scheduled to perform In the 10th annual International Fiesta at Avalon, catalina Island, May 31 and June 1-i. ''SiS!!;;!E~ Scheduled on a beach·front 1· stage is daily free entertain· ment Ballroom fe stivities be· gin at 7:30 p.m., and there is a donation fee of $3. n es ervation infonnation may be obtained by calling (213) 547-5030, or by ~iling the Avalon.Catalina Chamber of C.Ommerce, Avalon , Calif. 90704. TRAVEL Spectacular New Cruise DISCOVER mE SEA OF CORTEZ OnOct. 12 the elegant Island Prince.swill cruise to the Seo of Cortez between Baio and theMexicon Mainlond. This Inland sea is rimmed by vest stretches. of ictyllic, l,ltl$p0iled beoches, primi!ive wilderness oncl rem:Jle, picturesque villages. The sea itsell teems 'Mlh on omozing vor1elyof game fish lrof l1nd haven in the Yiel1ered, oolmer waters. You'll visir tv.o new ~rls-0!<011: G~ and Sohio de Son Carlos on the IT'(Jinlond. During thl' IS day Seo of Cott el Discovery Cruise, you'll olsovisit Lo Po: and (oOO Son Lucas, and cruise the Mexican R1v1ero vi!.iling fOUJ fun ~r.o1s-Mo1uon1llo, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta ond Mototlon. Coll now !or o brochure or r~rvohon. llorweg1on 1egi~1ry. Tourists Pour Gold Back Into Yuko1i WHITE llORSE, Y u k on Territory (UPI ) -Th e millions in gold gouged out or the frozen Yukon in the 1890s is pouring back as tourist dollars, most of it hauled over the unique and historic \\'hite Pass & Yukon Railway. Short, only 110.7 miles: narrow, three foot gauge: and profitable. North America's only unsubsidized r a i Ir o ad links th e deep-water Alaskan Jl')tt of Skagway with this capital of Canada's Yukon territory. riiruch of the \VP&Y's profit comes from its passengers, a commodity other railroads avoid -and treat -like rattlesnakes. An international road. it employs both 1\merican and Canadian train crews. ALTHOUGH Skag,vay has a population of only 758 and \\'hite l1orse 12.000. the WP&Y carried a record 5 2 , 7 1 5 passengers la st year and expects to do even better this year. • TRANSGLOBETRAVEL BUREAU 1880 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 17141 646-5006 17141 545-0421 Il's po'<l'ered by modem diesels, but the coaches are the most obsolete still in use by any railroad. ~!eat in the varnished passenger cars is still supplied by wood stoves. now modernized as o i 1 burners, eliminating: the big arguments over \vho would TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Flowering shrub 6 Monk's hoods 11 Geometric figure 16 Postal seal 21 Profit 22 Attend 23 Carotid 24 Mail 25 Left· hand page 26 Bill of tare 28 Puzzle enlry 30 Nickel symbol 31 As far as 32 Work unit 34 Confront 36 Seth's son 37 Knots 39 Girl's name 40 Cotoring agents 42 Insensible 44 Short jacket 46 Fencing dummy 47 Length measure 48 Confer 51 An imal lat 53 Bumpkins 55 Not a soul 58 Den 60 Russian despot 62 River mouths 65 Egg · shaped 66 Impede 68 lnsignifi· cant 70 Nero's "eleven" 71 Tincture 72 Estimate 73 Swiss river 75 Enamel 76 Qualified 77 Terminate 78 Annoyance 79 Acknowledge 81 Appendage 82 Arctic drill 83 Perennial herb 85 Curved molding 86 Patch up 88 Sews together 89 Saroyan character 90 Prevaricator 91 Serpent ~ound 92 Stronghold 93 Stormed 95 Ale constituent 96 Prohibits 97 Depend: 2 wds. 100 Enough: poetic 101 Eccentric wheel 102 Make joyous 104 Pass (o'o'erl 105 Equal : comb. fo rm 106 Street roisterer 107 Funny stories 109 Galley sweep 110 Mast 111 Colorless . 112 Square measure 113 Progenitors 115 Pertaining to lasting period 117 Beset 118 Wan 120 Lotty 122 Dickens' girl 123 Crumb 124 Michigan cily 126 Objecli'o'e 128 Remove 130 Actuality 132 Twitch 134 Radiate 136 Favorites 137 Salecracker: slang 141 Irritate 142 Greek slave 144 Reveal secrets 146 Man's nick nam e 148 Ventilate 149 Chinese mile 150 Gold 151 Artific ia l dupl ication 154 Power unit 156 It proceeds: music 157 Chinese dynasties 159 Beverage 160 Lariat loop 162 Ancient 164 Moor grass 165 Immense, 166 Salvers 167 Flaxen- haired oov:N 1 Washed 2 Dentine 3 Spanish artic le 4 Ambition 5 Mus1cal symbol 6 Leg1slal 1ve meet ing 7 Exclamation 8 Lady soldier 9 Ital ia n coins 10 Quarry produ ct 11 Distribute: 2 wds . 12 Clamor 13 Golf club 14 Razor hone 15 Angrier 16 Witho ut: French 17 Three : comb. form 18 Verb form 19 Engine 20 Arrogant 27 British nurse 29 Drunkards j3 Earth goddess 35 Try to equal 38 Dodging 39 Endure 41 Sir Walter 43 Reproach 45 Aene 47 Shout 49 Lyne poem 50 Gra\uity 52 Waterproof canvas 54 Thrash 55 Renowned 56 Sheeplike 57 Circus vehicle 59 Library patron 61 Lariats 63 Tru ism 64 Locations 66 Mus ic al instrument 67 Branch 69 Glass bottle 72 Hotel unit 74 Japanese mile 76 Auto mishaps: 2 wds. 78 Small nail 79 Chalcedony 80 Biblical pronoun 82 Flowerless plant 84 Sketched 85 Lubricate 87 Feminine suffix 88 Tart 90 Wail 91 Abhorrence 92 Bridge group 93 Chart O'o'er 94 The salientia 95 Fabricate 96 Semitic god 97 Cl ique 98 Western Ind ian 99 Dynamite inventor 101 Smokeless powder 103 Behold! 104 Orator 107 Hindu adilerent 108 Male party 110 Constrict 111 Grimy 113 Scheme 114 Wild ·plum 116 Neg ative word 117 French coin 119 Defeat: slang 12 1 Tear into 123 Downy 125 Feeling s ickly 127 Gay song 129 Practice pieces 130 Dirt 131 Get up 133 Newly arrived 135 Contamin ate 138 Babylonian god 139 Donate d 140 August 142 Quiet! 143 F1nng pm 145 Yokel 14 7 Uppity one 150 Picnic pest 152 Philippine tree 153 Common: Hawaiian 155 Building annex 158 Diphthong 16 1 Scythe 163 Suffice a ~ 10 II 12 ll 14 .lSllll ' ,,, SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANS,WERS . . .. UPI TtlePh~ll WP&Y RAILROAD NOW CATERS TO TOURISTS, NOT PROSPECTORS stoke the stove during ihe winter ' runs when t h e temperature settles in around 30 and 40 below zero. Although it has never owned a dining car, the White Pass is probably the best feeder in America. All the trains st.op at the division JX!int of Bennett. headwaters of the Yukon River and named for the famed American e d i t o r • James Gordon ijennett. attractions. It climbs nearly who ran out of money long 3,000 feet in 17 miles after before they hi t the gold field s. leaving coastal Skagway. 1\venty-seven months later offering some of the most the road was completed to spectacular views of Alaska as Caribou Crossing oo t h e it crawls through the St. Elias Yukon, where sternwheelers Mountains . hauled the gold stampeders The route follows one of the downstream to Dawson - two passes through' which the where they found the best thousands of gold setkers claims already staked and poured into the Yukon in the most of the gold gone. Gold Rush of '98. Th ere were But hauling hwnans is still only two sensible routes·10 the an important source of WP&Y gold fields near Da~·son City, revenue, particularly the one· 400 miles down the Yukon . day excursions from Skag\\'ilY to Bennett. All through the :Jtdo ~IOt.T AND u.tme>OT'" Ill "THI GllAT GATSIY" lrGI ''THf STIMCi" crc;I .. "CHARLIE VAllllCK" IPGI "DllTY MARY, Cl.ill' Ulll'" INI • ""TUCHU" Ill "THREE MIJSMETEEIS" -· "IZ CHAIRS" Evenin91 From Continuoul 5uMloy 7:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. .............. -.~ .... • ,., .... •-•• o• ',.,. Escape Is Everything! Here Mrs. J'.1ary Siggers presides over the biggest stove in the Yukon. a 12·foot monster that turned out 855 meals on Aug. 12 of last year, the biggest single day in the WPlrY's history. BRITISll money and a surruner the tou rists v.'ill pour Canadian Irishman named off the cruise ships at Michael J . Heney built wha t Skagway, and board the big· historians now agreed was the windowed coaches for the toughest railway construction day's outing at the old ghost 111esc111s job ever attempted. Work town of Bennett. topped by STEVE DUSTID THE FAMED "sourdough" nieals, which substitute Vancouver . B.C., bakery rolls for sourdough bread. are included in the $25 ticket and always include homemade pie, breakfast, lunch or dinner. started in May of 1898, using one of Mary Sigger's meals. black powder, sledges, pick s The WP&Y fills them full of me I DEED H I FFIRllll and shovels wielded by some scenery and food: the tourists of the most brilliant minds fill the WP&Y 's cash , ever to Jay track . registers. a rare phenomenoh PAPILLDD The labor force \Vas made in love-freight·bul·hate-peoplr fiff;1 up mostly of doctors, lawyers, era of modem railroading. ~.!!!! engineers and even preachersi-;:::;;:;;::::;;:::::;::;:;:::;;:::::::::::::~l a..,;,"'-"•'•""-"•'•.--.. ~--"•Soo•"'•••"•""-'•A•G""...t,_.;Hotl.-;;,oo;;;,"-• Scenery and history are the \Vhite Pass's biggest ... .,,1 . A .; . .,.,,, w 1-1 Spri1ig Arrives In Mother Lode By STAN DELAPLANE "Four of us went up on Dry Creek, two miles below Fidd!etown, staked our claims and built a cabin. Some miners on the creek were taking out $20 to the pan. But gold is where you find it.·• J\fy great grandfather noted that in his diary in 1850. And when spring comes to the foothills in the Mother Lode, and the creeks fill with water. l drive up. The golden Janel is not changed n1uch from the way he saw it. • Green now on the hills -they'll turn stra\v· gold in summer. Patches of blue lupine reflect the sky. The days are warm. The nights are cool. The air is new.minted flowing down from the high Sierra. The r oaring camps of those days lie under green pastures: Drytown-once I 0,000 whites, 2.000 Chinese and 26 saloons -is past before you know you are in the town. THE HILLS ARE FULL of tailings shoveled up at \Vhiskey Slide and Six·Bit Gulch. At Yankee Jim's and Red Dog and You Bet. Gone today are Squabbletown and Second Gar- rote, Roaring Camp and Murderer's Gulch. Occasionally you cross a creek and under a stand of live oak trees, there's the brick foundations of a forgotten store. In the parlor of a wh.ite farm hou se in dO\Vn· state Illinois, my great grandfather kept a rosewood- and·glass cabinet. A whatnot they called it. It displayed flint arrowheads plowed up among the corn rows. Gold-framed daguerreotypes. There was a conch shell -sometimes we were allowed to hold it to our ears and hear the sea roaring. There was a lump of waterworn gold. "\Vorth mighty close to $20," he said. He dug it up on French Flat in 1850. Kept it because it was the pret- t iest piece of gold he'd ever seen. "THERE WERE HUNDREDS of miners on French Flat at that time. A claim was 15 feet square and we worked side by side." Jn later years great grandfather said there was probably more gold to be mined from a miner's pockets than from the good earth. "In 1851 we saw three miners tunneling a half mile' north of Jackson. They panned out as we were coming back to camp but never would let us see bow much Ibey had in the pan. We began to think the tunnel was very rich." He said the three sent a freighter over to Sac- ramento for a tent boarding house, tin cups and plates. "They bought 10 fat cows and hired three cooks. Theo they let us see their pans. It was the richest strike we'd·ever seen. "News traveled fast in the hills," he sa.id, "and in a few days 2,000 miners had staked off claims and were going to it hot an1! heavy." Great grand· father staked a claim himself. He said: "By that time the three miners had set up their saloon and boarding house. Meals were a dollar in advance. Four dollars a. day for board and lodging, Brandy was two bits a drink. EVERYBODY SANK SHAFTS. Nobody found gold. "The three miners had salted their pans," he said. "Jn four days the camp was deserted. Another thing he held against the three miners: He said they made the heaviest:.blscuits he'd ever tasted. Roi and Ruth ~ annouru the operilng of ·~ BROOKHURSTTRAVEL-~· ~Ticketing & Reservations~ No Service Chc!rge ~- AIR • CRUISE • 11All • LAND ~ 1 TOURS • GROUPS • l Bnlokhurst-Adams c:enter 10036 Adami Ave. Huntington Beach ' I ' .. I 968-3366 962~ Sptc.ial 111otintt Wed. only $1, I pA C0ttlin. Sot & 5-Yn. 2 p.111. I it Ru11 OrcnJt Cowrtty Burt Lancosltt The mosr fasc inating murder mystery in years.. ---"""'°"Y QuiM 'ih~ Don Is Dtod" family Twin Cinema 17161 BllOOKt-iURSTST fo....ta1n Vall~y ...'.'962· 12411. CINEMA I . HELD OHR! 7th WEet< IEST ACTRESS GLENDA. JACKSON "A TOUCH OF CU.SS" W'-r lest SupportiftcJ Acfrns Tollfll0'tW4 '"PAPER MOOM''· .. 1,.1 CINEMA 11 ALL WALT IHSMIY "ALICE IN · WONDERLAND" & "CHARUEAHD THE AHGB." IPGI HOW! EXCLUSIVE AREA EHGA.GEMEHT A VERV FUNN': MOVIE! "ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST" LA. TIMES "THE TALL BLOND ·MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE" Hiiarious ~Feature YVES MOKTAHD ROMY SCHHElDER "CESAR AND ROSALIE" . Program Riled (R) .. I ••t don't know when I last wa5 rKluCed to helpless l1ugtltef", Lucy nas returne4 trlumpt11nlly to tllt scent ot Mr 111rller haunts In 11\e be~t role ol her carttr." Ann TerrU!, Santa Ana R:!g!sTer "A once-in·a·liletirne mo~ie ttial rndkts yov ltavt' ttie Thta!re wotlk1ng on air. 11 you onl y s.ee one movie ll'!isyear, make ii 'Mame' " ·Norma Mclain, Atter Dark Mo19aririe t)wc1UE BALL O:'MAME" : .... v ;:01,. .. >.c &ATRICl ARTHUR· BRUCf DAVISOli · XIYCl VAN P!TTIN ""'"""" RO&RT PRESTON as Bea.regorJ . A girt with a gral 1o11ow1ng, Ewry cop in the stale was al1er her. Ewrybody else was behind her. IXCLUSM OWIOI COUNTY INGAIHMINT I /Am/11111111!• GOLDIE HAWN; mr t111111a1111n crnact1t1 1ni 11ualfll1.1111u urni1111 DMT1 1 a 1-MT..euNt lilJ, ..... ~;..1 • 1'W • rPG TATUM &'MEAL HST sunottTIM~ A.CTUSS "PAPER MOON" i ( ENTERTAINMENT Ensemble Perfor1ns Tonight The Cal Ari• Faculty Chamber Ensemble, five noted musicians from the California Institute of the Arts, will present a program f o r woodwinds and piano a t Golden West College at 8 o'clock tonight. The concert is the last in a spring series which has featured such artists as Douglas Lawrence, baritone ; Beveridge Webster, pianist; and Marvellee C a r i a g a , mezzo-soprano. It will be held in the community theater. The public is invited. Program highlights include Poul~'s "Trio for Piaoo, Oboe and Bassoon;" selections • •. • Sunday, May 26, l'r/4 DAILY PILOT 8 5 '"!· OCC's 'A Doll's House' an Enjoyable Evening By JACKIE HYMAN Of IM et.Ml' l"llff I Ifft 'lllere's a moment In Ibsen's .. A Doll's House" that made Goorge Bernard Shaw decide w become a pla)'Wrigllt. That momenl is In the las\ act when, after an evening of husband-wUe game playing In the grand old French rarce tradition, Nora turnl to her husband and says, "Sft down. We have a lot to talk about." What follows is perhaps the first time in theater history that an onstage wife sits down and calmly, articulately levels with her husband. 111.E MOMENT electrified audiences at the turo ol the century and retains much of its power today. Happily, the pivotal role of Nora in the recent Orange Coast College production of "A Doi.l's House" is skillfully handled by hfonica A n n hwnanlty, and Is thoroughly bellevable throoghoot. Four small roles were also performed almost Oawlessly: the lhn!e children, played by Jeremy and Michael Forstadt and Dena McDonough, and the nurse, Anna-Marie, played by lngabrltt Burstrom. _ Rtrru QVJCK plays the role of KrisUne Llnde with much older, stronger and n'IOments: both are simply too off the play entertainingly and Stanley Tudor, are a J so believable alncerity but Is more old-·Norldl~1 characters. young for the parts. without awkwardness. excellent. perhaps too young to project McDonough's oest scene is Set des i g n er Todd The theatre department at the mixed b i 1 t e r n e 5 5 , at the beginni.fw of the last 'O I R E C T O R Rebecca Chappelow, who is also the Orange Coast College has resignation and tenderness the act , when he provides a Forstadt deserves credit for technical dir e ctor , has presented an enjoyable calls ~ genuinely furuiy portrayal of her e"cellent \\'oric with young, designed an appropriate, production or ''A Do 11' s part or. the slightly -11psy banker. amateur actors who, despite attractive and func tional sel. }loose." one of the richest and Les Afc.Donough as Torvald Rearick also has fine their lack of experience, carry The costl1mes. designed by greatest plays ever written. Helmer and Alan Rearick as,-----------------------------'------'----'---------Doctor Rank both struggle man!ully with roles calling ror , Orchestra in. Two Concerts NOW OPEN · ... THE NEW NEWPORT CINEMA#2 · A (:OMPLETE NEW THEATRE IUILDIHG ADJACENT TO 'OUR EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA, CREATING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL A.HD EXCITING TWIH 'THEATRE COMPLEX IN THE EHTUIE WORLD . The University Orchesrta at UC Irvlne will present a concert. in the Fine Arts Village Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1. ConductOr will be Dr. Peter S. Odegard, professor of music. The program will feature Brahms' "Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor" and Beethoven's "Egmont Overture." Admission to the co ncert is $1. For ticket information call the Fine Arts Village Box Office (714-333-6617) between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays. The University Orchestra will repeat excerpts from the program in the Village Theatre Saturday, June l, at 10:30 a.m. !or Mini Concerts for Youth, sponsored by Learning Unlimited. Tickets are $1. TWELVE HUHDRED A.HD FIFTY BIG A.HD ROOMY DELUXE MOHAIR CHAIRS IH THEATRE ONE A.HD FIVE HUNDRED IN OUR BRAND NEW AND INTIMATE THEATRE TWO. WE CAN ACCOMODATE 1750 PEOPLE AT ANY ONE PERFORMANCE AND OFFER YOU YOUR CHOICE OF TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FIRST-RUN FEATURE FILMS. HOW YOU CAH SEE ROBERT REDFORD AHD MIA ~ARROW IN "THE GREAT GATSBY" IH OUR MAGHIFICEKT HEWPORT CINEMA I OR YOU CAM SEE THE SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY EXCLUSIVE SHOWING OF CLINT EASTWOOD IN HIS HEWEST AND MOST THRILLING MOVIE .. THUNDERIOLT AHD LIGHTFOOT' IH OUR HEW THU.TEil #2. Mac Lean. ,---------------------! C&lftl EAnWOOD "THUftD.RBO&T AftD &IGillfOOT " MS. ~1,cLEA!'\'S weakest moments are at the beginning or ·the play, when her giddlness seems a bit strained. but she deserves high praise for her overall performance. Jt becomes steadily belier and is exceptional in the last half of the play. Another fine performance is that of Jack McCullock as the villain, Nils Krogstad . He demonstrates the r i g ht amount oC strength a n d bitteme!S mingled w i t h NOW! •• ATTHEATRES & ORIYE·INS THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THERE'S NOTHIN' THEY WON'T TRY PETER FONDA dr1v1n· nardl ROBERT REDFORD"""mlA FARROW .. ' by Debussy and Willlam•----------SUSAN OEDROE THE GREAT GAT/BY Douglas; and . ~1 oz a rt' s "Quintet for Piano and \Vinds." , I 25 ~I . Sutt. MM. '111 !.lO st.. •• Mcqr... o., ... ~ .,,,_. Alto IPGI .,... Gtfsw.y• f rcm W1...,.r Broi A Y*rnSCcllll'll.mic 11·oni Corlpan~ ---·oaiiy .or T l 10!15 S.011<1-V II 9 10 ~nlo!.11· D.l•IV .or 9 10 8uncst1 ;i1 4.10· 8,0!> I· ' r1a1n·easyl lllliY tVIJl IV l:llJl~Y -1.JlllllY CO ~TAl"fll'G ADAM ROARKE and VIC MQRROW as FAANKLIN ProdJced by NORMAN T HERMAN Assooale Produce!' MICKEY ZlDE Otrected by ..IOH\I t-0.X:>H Screenplay by LEIGH CHAPfvlAN - and ANTONIO SANTEAN Based on lhe nl),oe/ "The Chase· by RICHARD LNEKtS ~ Music by JIMMIE HASKELL COL0A BY OE t UXE . ,. •. ~-'.'.· ORANG~COUNTY COSTA MESA UA So. /?' U•UNA Nigue l I J4.4Sl}.2327 COllsl P!1z1714·541).0594 ORAlfli( FOUNTAIN VAllEY Or1nge MaU Cinema 714.637·0340 founllin V1Uey Cinema 714-839.J m OllANCC FOUNTAIN VAllEY Sta~111m 0.-1~t-ln .::J 71 4·639-78!i0 fountain Valley Drive.In 714·962·2481 STANTON Slinloll C111ema 714-894-141 3 • . I .. - 2nd Feature Liv Ullmann Edward Albert .4@ -Carats-, Gene Kelly Binnie Barnes -lfON"D GlR'"[ ,, .. JN Alllll .. ,. '"~l[l lillf"' -··~·· '""" .. AA '111 ·,·'"~I ·~ •• r,l:N'JllL lot u 1· O~VIDfl('lli•LP\ MCt!t'llt~ Rt.·,f' .•. ·~:: M J fRA~JNOl·-i;: 11rrn KAJ"&US' r,..IIUIRAJtllffS ----~ THE -·-~ ....... ,... ·-----TH~E--,..,..._ ,.,,,., .... :MUSK EERS • • • ' l "''""'9 Jiff BRIDGE/ ... GEORGE KEftftEDV ...... .- R~.:o,....,.., .. ,r.'f,frlt;L•1 y ;, _..~.-.,,, • .,.,vi,,.rJ; ·~J'N WJIJ l\',C".,()",..",,';\'>0.,"YF\M·ir\,~., ·.• ~ ....... '°"::B.-1 JASlllOll ISlANO • N[WPORT C!ll l!N . . . ... . .............. . . · .. • . 40CAU.TS7:00& 11~0 . Hl.ATGATSIYl:l5 .. Nl ... ,_..,.,doll"'->""'9 .... ,r:/"'9~ , .. -------~. -. -=-1111121• U 6 DAILV PILOT HORSIN' ••• (From P191 82) starting gate at Churchill Downs. But now one of Solar Salute's first crop of babies is at the O'Neil! ranch And Barnes is ~·atchin!! 1ha1 lone.· legged filly out or a rn:irc ~all· ed Dt>seoso 1fron1 thC' Dc!cnn· ine blood 1i11C'1 \1i1~1 !he h;11;,.· C:\!'X'Clation thal F:ln1or" 1t"I for the Solar Salutl' baby's father Another conncc1ion hc!1\'Ccn Elinore and his pro1<'ge. a strong indication or r h P j affection the cider hor,1·m:in I has for his 1mita1or. is rhl' s1allio11 Elmore ga\'C Barnes ;1s a surprise hirthday gift. \'amed Friar's l'oint. thC' ,,Jud is the 8-year-old son of Indian Hcn1p out of an Elmore dam called Fr:1gr.1ncc. The Fragrance m a re produced a stakrs horse namM Century 11·hirh got Century's En\'oy out of En\'oy. one of Califomia·s leading stakes horses of reC'enl lin1es. The big chC'sl!~J!.c·olorcd hor::.c fronl the Elin~ ranch j Friar's Poi111 f is so grntlc he is <i!lo"·ed to n1n ":i1 1ibcr1:v" :1rou11d !he sm;11l arena track alongside thr BarnL''i house . .. l'\'t-: Ll':AH\'ED ;1 lot from h1n1." Barnes t':lnrl1dlv adn1i ls. llr·s just as l"andid about !he r.:ict th.:it he ha~ ])('i'll .~!udyin,!! books and collcgr C'1u rses as last as he can !ind 1imr for thc1n to ''kl'Cll ahr.:id nf the ranc:h" that hc·s d(•vrloping . Barnes came out of 1he :\1arine Corps in the early 1960s. met and married his \l.ife, the forn1er Connie Johns \l.'ho then lived in I h e Capistrano area. and got his AA degree in agricu\1ure froin .. Orange Coast College. . .\II or !his occurred prior to his first joh v:i!h the o·:-.it'ill ranch. as a farm hand and. !;i\cr. m:iintcnancf' n11.1n 1 ··aft- f',. I nearlv 11rrck•··l a lrti~·t· ,..,., .. B<lrt'CS f'hll•'\.:ii'" lie took the job of hor"C'• fnrm mtlnager back in l!lll!i ' ,1·hcn 1he plan at a·~eill I he3dquarters was 10 rai.,c <1nd 1 sell thoroughbred bnbiC'". I -Hising costs and difficult\' \l."ith finding good 1 r<1int•rs slnce has modified the plan and today the farm is moving as rapidly as possible to"·ard a fulure raC'ing and training operation. If thcre·s any dnubt 1ha! it\ !he one place 1n !he 11·orlrf Jack Ba rnC's "·anrs ro he .• 1JI \'Ou ha\'e to do is \1·atch his iace ,~·hilC" he !L'11s abou1 ht·lping dclivrr th" first foal C"\ er put on the ground ill the o ·l"\eill farm. It ll'as a coll cn!lcd \'al'uu1n . . "-nd it could have been in great trouble H Harnes h:1d11't filled hin1self with "book learning·• in preparation for the big event. THE COLT started to arri1·e head firsi-'·.in1 I knc1·; fron1 t11c books.'' Barnes recalls. "that he "·as supposed to come out like a diver with his fort'legs stre•<l:ed out in front. 1 knC'V.' something l•:as \\TO!lg.·• A call to Dr. Bart Baker or S.111ta Ana, another mentor "ilo had encouraged the no1'ice horse r a n c h e r . produced both encouragement and the advice thal he had better gel 1n\'olved . :ind ta~t. "1 scn1hbcd my hands and .irn1s. likr suri;eons do." Barnes says. blushing as he realizes rhat hi:·s about to clai1n a lot of cred it for the s<ifc deli\'ery of a valuable colt. By the t1n1e he lin1shes detailing ho1\' he got hold of the coifs legs and helped the ~oungs1er find bis \l.·ay into tbc "·orld. ho\l.e,·rr. Bames' blush has beea replaced by a \l.'ide grin. •·tt w:is li~e. ~rell. like cr{'a1ing life." be bcarns. ''like actually pulling a l1v1ng thing on the eanh ... It 11;.is not the lc;i~t or 1he surpri~:ng thing~ !h:it h~nr ron1c :<hou1 :it !hf' O'\'.t'ill lnr111 brc;111-.c Qf J;i('~ Bnrne~' ;:ind hi" hf·r-.i: r:u\\ h111~: "b.1· 1 th•' book . -· . Would You Like To Use More Of Your Mind? =@··· .. . ' . ' "· .... -~ Wctw.1-.dCDWWs fOf' '•".,. c.tro1 o"" • Sunday May 26, 1q74 Tl\'·o Mt>11 .!\reused Of Cattlt> R11stling JIOPEFVLS (JN l\OCE SAN RAFAEL 1;\1'1 -i\ pair of l\larin Co11n11· rnen . tr<}ckcd do1111 throu~h a license nun1bcr and <irrl'~ll'd bv sheriff'! di:1)uli1'S. h111·•• b~rn charged 1111 h l";1n 1 •. rUst!inc. Dt•put1es <illt>J.:L'd 1ha1 lhl' in~·n s !<iugnlt'red ;111d hutehcrtd an I 8 -111 IJ ll ! h Holstein he1frr 1n ;:i norlh 5.44 Reg. 7.49 Cast iron double hibachi with two 4·posilion '\n• ato 1msture 1"~1 \''"""'. taking only a front quarter and l\\'O hindquarters. Howard Dunlap. 2~. San Hnfael. and Ancel :\loonry. 20. .~ovatn. 11·erc re\ra~cd on )iJO.fl()fl bail e<1ch in 1he ~larin C(lunt.v :\hu1icipal C~~~:. Dcpulics ~aid the anirnal helonged to a f> l' I a I u nl a nini::her. ~ All 45 t<11l<lida1cs for 1he four Oranee Co u n t y congressional cl i s l r i c t seats \\'ill be intervieYl'ed bv nc1\'s men and rl:prtjj•ntativcs of I h c !.eagui: of \\'omen \1otrr<; un 8 p.111: broadcasts on t.:lf'"1~1cn channel 50 this \\~Ck. 13.88 Reg. 18.48 Director's chair. Sturdy wood frame in natural or black. Covert included. removeable grids. 10 x 17 · size. BUENA PARK ..... .,°'_ ........ 0,...0e!IJ l ,101-110, .. ~ ,, .. , - C1t1tr ................ .. O,.• ••• ,. • ...., ........ ti .. ' - CHARGE IT with your JCPcnney Charge Card. 11 you don t h~ve a charge. 1ust see how last wc can oPen up yQUr new account • 2.99 Reg. 3.99 Folding aluminum chair. Features Ila! aluminum arms, sturdy 5 x 3 1t 3 webblrig pattern. I, 13.88 Reg. 19.99 24 .. hooded grill features motor and spit. 2-pronged lines, 3 spit positions. With warming oven. Eleclrlc fire starter. Reg. 3.29 2.44 {not shown) I • ~./~&po 20 lbs. Charcoal. Brings !hat out· door flavor to your cooking . 66¢ Reg. 77t Kool·Kups 4. pack. lnsulaled lo keep beverages hol or cold. • r • Sund1y, May 26, 1974 Dial (800) 852-7550 to ~eport an Oil Spill SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A 24: hou r ·a ·day 1 to1l-free telephone system has been put into operhtion to alert state agenci6a for action in the ....,t of oil Spill! In C.llfoi'nla, Gov. Ronald Reagan reports. Ru.gan said anyone -rvtng an oil splU can "'" the toll-free oumber -(800) 851-7550 -to notify the · state ot!lcer of emergency servicea in Sacramento. auvtces, after recetvina notice of a sp!U, will notify Jbe state llep4rtmeot of Fish 8 D d Game, whfclf haa the maJn respordlblllty. for i n l t i al response and evaluation. Young Turn to Old Drug --Alcohol • The ofrlce or emergency OUl SUND4 Y HOURI TWELVE TO FIVE 5outh Coast ?tua 1.99 · Special buy Men's coll on knit shirts. Solids, 1tripe·lrims. • '" 2/ $3 Reg. 1.99 F1brlc shoH for women and girt.. Pltln lo• oxforda. Cotton duck uppers. Mlues' 5to10. Glr1'1, •~ la 3. Chlld'• 5 to 10. • • ... .. ., .... BUENA PARK ... · ... : · .. · .._ .. a •• ,,..,,. 0,.. wty t:lO t. t :ll ,.,... Sndt1 I 0 te 7 ' • " . . • Aaocilted Prt11 the Alcoholics Aronymoos 'Ille Natimal Clearinghouse, Mia, a pntty, red.oa!red p<Ogram. Al<loholics Anonymous and teen-ager with e n or m o u s lier case Ls not an isolated other organizations dealing emerald-colored e)'es, recalls one . A spokesman for the with alcoholism agree that lhe days when she put liquor National Cleartnghome for about 95 million Americans In a baby battle 80 that she Alcohol Informa1ion. a federal over the age of 15 drink v.•ith could sip it during achoo]. agency, estimates that U0,000 so1ne regularity. Of these , an "r tooii: it to school wt th n1e people under 20 years d age estimated nine millloo are in the morning. And I drank are alcoho1lc.s or problem alcoholics or problem drinkers on the way to school and kept drinkers. Ttle most ~ent -compared with five million it In a babf botUe 90 I could govemment statistics on JO years ago. sip it all day long," Mia drinking were gathered in Use of alcohol is apparently ~alls. 1971, but they did not break surpaMing the use ~ other No\V a 1 9 • y e a r • o l d down drinking habits by age drugs among the nation 'a "recovered" alcoholic, !\fia groups. Another Fed er a I leenagers. started drinJdng when she was natlmwide sucvey is to be What's it like for a 11 years old. She ls involved In made tltla summer. youngster to have a drinking 20o/oOFF 2.40Reg.$3 Women's shorts. Machine wash polyester .ind nyfon. Assorted 1olld1. Sizes 10 to 18. ' I I ~~~~~~~~~- 20°/o OFF 70ero3.2Q CLOSEOUT 2/$5 Men's walk shorts EafYc•rt polyester blends, solids and fancies. 34 to 42. Reg.88~ 10$4 fA Boys' and girls' shorts ~- easycar• walk short a, camp shorts, jean shorts and more. Polyesters, nylons and blends. Big 'n little boy, girl 1nd toddler 1izes, loo. r ,,, ;I "===-' 20°/o OFF problem? Alia explained • "f got In with a crowd that was SJnokini Pot and 'lash. And taking pills \'ery heavlly , In my 12th grade year I quit school. I couldn 't cope any more. I couldn't "''alk into the classrOO'ln any more. "Sonic days I did manage to gel in . Classes were 80 minutes and \Vithin 20 minutes I would be pa.5Sed. out on the floor. And no one ever said anything to me. The teacher never said anything, you know. They didn't bother me." 2.15ro 2.87 Reg. 2.69 to 3.59 3.88 Boys' pr•·1chool 1hort · Mii. Knit cotton combos. Slzu 3 to 7 In assorted 80llds. ORANGE Cit, Dr, ...... .,_.,. lt.4. 0,.. I D-t ""': o.Ry S.tt4e1 I 0 te 6 . . . ' • I. ' ' ' ' • SAHTA AMA ltOO S.. lrithl • ..._ .t S.. CMtif ,.__. -10.t,, .. ..., _II to' '' ' ' .. ' . • . ' Mis'"' poly.11er alack. E111care, tlffllc w1llt. · Solldt, llz•• 1 O to 11. t ••• • . . ' DAILY PILOT B T Baby Book: Last Bahv • Um·ecorded By ERMA BO~IBIX:K The ''blb)•" or the family should never be allowed to see his "Baby Book" until he is mature enough to handle it. The other evening in a search to find out when he had measles our youngest was rummaging through t h e bookcase when he came upen the bo by hooks of the older children. "Hey. these are neat," he said. ''Js this a picture of me without clothes on?" "No." I said. ''Actually I don't think we have any of you in the buff. There wamrt time." lie "'<IS quiet for a moment and then :iske<.I. "How soon did I go into suits'?" "I 111~AN v.iiat v.·ith bnng- ing you hon1e and getting you Sl'ttlcd." .... ··oh. llr \'. here's a footprint and a handprint. l1ave t got one of those'?'' "lf you v.·ant one it's yours. They all look nlike." ''\.\'hf"rc's my baby bracelet v1ith my name on it?'' "I put you In pre-soak one day and it got lost." "Here's a health record ... " "You're on your sister's shelf. \Vhat volume did yoo get that out of? ·Little Sister \Vaves Bye.Bye?' or 'TI1e First Ice Cream Cone?'" "Vol. JI, 'Baby Sptll! Up.' What's this?" he asked . Misting a bookend. "It's a bronzed pancake that your brother made at camp and brought home. I keep that with his rode collection, his slides, and his movies ." "IT'S WEIRD," he said. "My older brother is pictured wearing my clothes • n d playing with all my toys. Is this my shelf?" JIE TOOK a sinf::le ~tr -off tbe shell and opened it. A melted cake candle, an order blank fcrr a third grade group picture and a newspaper clipping of a recipe for cabbage rolls fell out. Jfe nipped through the l;!ank pages and fuially looked up. despair written all over his face. "Didn't I ever crawl? Have a birthday? Dre!>.! up for lfallo"·een? Go to school':' Wave bye-bye? Play in the snow? I-lave a report card? Make anything out of a lace doily?" "You did indeed," I said. "And as soon as Daddy takes one more pictur! 00 that ron . we're going to see you do all of those things .•• Just !hen I remembel'OO \l.ilen he had measles. It was Christmas, 1962, and we took a picture of hbn so sick he couldn't get his head off the pillow and the picture, tr memory served me. v1as in the sewing bosket. But I couldn't tell him. T figured he bad all he could handle for one day. CLASSES STARTING NOW ICE SKATING LESSONS • • Enhance your chlld's P,fse and posture. A pl1nned program of lessons with the exclusive Ice C1pades' easy learning method g ivet you or your child healthy exercise I n pleaaant aUpervl aed 1urroundlnge. REGISTER NOW ICE .r ..... ,., -=: -;,-11:. \~ /. ~ /;II ."'" MIS4- $HO,,_Qllla -·--· Tol.17141~11t • , 8 '8 DAil Y PILOT Pisces: Review · Facts MONDAY By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-Apri! 19): Creative efforts a~e (a r reaching and bring added recognition. Don't feel limited. Strike chord of universal appeal. Broaden concepts - and horizons. TAURUS (April 26-May 201 : Accent is on where and ho\•: you live -and the beginnings or a new rhythm or style. Loo, Aquarius persons figure in key wa ys. GE~11Jl\J (~fay 21-Junf' 21'1\· RC'lati\·es >A'ho had been absenl could call. send message or invitalion. Short trip may bi:· on agenda. Aquarian may p!<1y significant role . CANCER (June 21-.fuly 2~1 : :'lfoney and how it gels that \rav -that is \\•hat mav be or co~cern. Solution's arc :'lvallable as alternatives come to forefront. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Act Ot\ beliefs. '\'our position is strong. Cycle is such that you attract admirers. Judgment. intuition are apt to be on target. Push ahead with ne\v projects. VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Keep ace in hole. Don't di\'lllgt all you know. Play behind-scenes role. Cycle is high but some around you are envious. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0<1. 22l: Ar-cent is on pleasure, fulfillmen t of wishes and gain based on talent. crratil·p endeavors.Personal n1agnetism s oar s . You reconcile v.•ith one who mean~ inuch to you . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 1: Study \1lrRo message for ,·a lid hint. Avoid tendency to sec people only as you wish the~· inight be. Di srr>rn o:uhtlr nuances. Read bct11·ecn the lines. SAGITIARIUS !~ov. 22· Dec. 21): What you planned co1nes to fruition. You are ;ible to cap past efforts with ~uccess. No bed of roses. but there are concrete results. CAPRICORN !Dec. 2!-Jan. 191 : l)(>a\ is closed which brings in additional financial resources. Kno'~' · it and be ready to ex-plain fonnat. projections and ultimate goal;;. ' AQUARIUS (J an . 20-Feb. 181: Emphasis on agreement, partnership and marriage. You di scover love and. if rnarried. rediscover n1ate. lf single, romantic in!erests may be leading to marriage. PISCES (Feb. 19·;\I.:irch 20 1: Pace slov•s. Get second v.'inrl. Review facts. figures. One \l'ho cares for you ~:'!:prc~ses concern over security. l l.1ve hun1or but don't lightly dismiss v.·arnings. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you arc flexible. versatile. attracli\'e a nd concerned \\·ith iustice. Th is should be one of your moot important years -and Sepetmber a n1o~t significant month. Cold Cure Available Iii 1979? LA .JOLLA 1,\l,1 Interferon ma\' be <11·ail :1hll' in s.vnthetic forn.1 to use again ~t !he common cold and o1h('r hu1nan viruses b.\' 1979 or soon after. a Nobel Prize chen1ist S<Jys. "Interferon n1akf's <1 cell r-csislant to the ,·irus." sairl Dr. Christian B. Anfinscn 111 an interviev.'. "\Ye should know within four or five years v.•hether this molecule is effective i n synthetic form, and does or does not have a useful function ... it might not cure cancer, but it might cure colds." 111e molecule voas discovered by L o n d o n scientists in 1957 and is the subject of researrh in severa l nations but clinical Lri~ls would bC required after s~111 hesis is achieved. Anfinsen is chief of the chemical biology laboratory Rl 1he National lnslitute of Arthritis. Metabolic ~and Digestive Diseases at Beth· esda, Md. -euFFELL'S .UPHOLSTERY Wlltll YM W-.t ... _ nu-llYA. C:.... 111 .. -141.fZl t • • • Sunday, "''1 26, 1974 . , "/ SAVE VJ, KN IT COORDINATE S 12.99 \ 19.99 Reg. $18 io 528. Blue or b!ue/3and plaid put-togethers tram o great maker. Only one o u1i11 sketched. Misses sizes. Misses'. Sportswear, 89 REG. $8-$12 INDEX-IT S 5.99 To organize credit cords. (O•ns and currency, photos, licen se~. f avorite name brands, ma ny 0•1~­ of-a.kind. l eather Goods, 86 / '.!0..9.95 VA LUE OUR OWN CtNT!JRA'Bl HI-RISER 169.00 Oil-;! ~tcnh.:ro ll l1r111 mattress s1ores ander onci1ne r. rolls out, pops up lo height of too one. Use toge1her or l"pora1el'1. T•N1n '11l"'. ~l eer.i Shop, 69 all stores "''c~ot W·l ~hirP ANAHtlM 444 N. EWd {71 ~) Sls.8121 pre-memorial day './ I I . ' BIG VALUE PANTSUITS ' ' ·~··.:., \. . ' ) •• 19.99 Ju st one sketched from o sole group. Assorted styles. Not every one in every color or fabric. Mi sses' sizes. Career Dresses, 27 I I ORIG $6 SHORTSET S \ 4.49 Litt l~ g ids' eosy-wear-ond·cor'! ~ho rtsets. Halre r.topped or midriff-topped. Sizes 4.6X. l ittle Girls' Sportswear, 83 ) PLUMP "DEBUT " PILLOWS OURS EX CL US IVEL Y 5.99 Plump, resilient, a nd fr esh. They stay that way too! Because they're completely moch1 n~ oshoble. And dryoble! Permanent press cover of polyesler/colfon is filled with Ouponl and: Dacron po1yesier Fiberfill. Queen 7.99,, liog 9 .99. f Pillows, ·ss 1 , 9.99 Ho!ter the sun in one of our · bQre·bock. Hawaiian prints. Many bright colors, l OOo/o cotton, 5.13_ Junio r Spor!sweor, 97 OUR REG . $18 SANDA L 14.99 Bel-Air ringed p101form sandal. Camel or while \eot h~r. 7-10- Norrow, 5-10 Mediun1 Misses' Moderate Shoe~,. 3 ZENITH 19 ". COLOR PORT ABLE 428.88 . 100~~ solid slate Titan chassis. 19 '' \ diog. n1eas. (hromocolor picture tube .. Chromatic one-button tuning, Power Serllry. system. AFT. Television s 72 -cfie=I ~ROADWAY ' >l"'°"' 47 Fo1'on llland !714) ~·12t2 tt)NTINGTON 800! 1111 ~ AYflftla (714) "2·3331 • • • 1 • • • -\~ > ") y ~~" ( " ( " > 'W' ') .......... ) " ( A (;_,"4 v ,-> ~ ~ (t A I ( ,.. REG. l .29 -$2/YD . SUMMER MUSLIN S 99 ~ YD. Natural and pastel ground prints in 100°/o Cotton muslin. 45" wide. Reg. 7.95 3-oz. stainless steel scissor, 4 .99. Fabrics, 1 l.25-$2 VAL UE MEN'S SOCKS BY OLEG CASS IN! 89 < Dress and cosuo! ~tyles in fashion colors. One si z~ stretch fits l 0 to 13. Washable Orlon acrylic or Stretch nylon. Men's Underwe ar, 9 ! ., .. ... REG. 3.00 MIRROR TOP LIPSTICK CADDY 1.99 So pretty on her dressing tbble. Round case on pedestal base open·. to reveal mirror in lop, spoce for lipsticks and hairpins. Choose fron1 3 colors. · ·Notions. 4 0 -- • " I S"'1d•y, May 26, 1974 • • OAJLV PILOT C 1;.i Foyt the Man to Beat • Ill Today's Indy 500 • • INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The lodianapolls SOQ..mlle auto race, often lragic, always spec:laaJlar, OWis its 196tll runnJnc today arld lhe man In lhe saddle Is Anlbony Jooeph Foyt Jr. going to be easy," uld 196t clwnpioo Mario Andrettl. IWIU1ilog up Ille opinion or most drtven. "He 11 smart, a tough, eOOt mechanic who let his car run over an avmge speed 182.787 miles per hour. bltn -worth a btoif:en leg. utaking it the third quickest ever 1be tn06t ei:citement. other than assembled. The II mllllon dasslc, returning alter a y..,. in which It tried to live down a blood balll Illa\ '""' Ille 1973 fiasco, fires olf at 9 a.m .. PIYr. Foyt, admlitedly nearing Ille twilight of a brilliant oareer, goes off from the front row pole position in a hand-made car that <00s1steotly was Ille faslest of the 33 starters in many deys · of qualify~ and warmups. "He i3 the man to beat, and it isn't Ota '.l'V Tonight , Cllonnel 7 ot 8:30 hardened competitor, and he doesn't gl•e up." It took Ille be«<r part of a monlll to put Ille show together, but it was a aale month. There were several minor crashes but not a .single driver was hurt. Tbe only· Pre-race casualties involved a speedway olfldal who fell and broke his hip Ille day the track opened for practice, practice and speed trial!, was created by The startm loclode two veterans a law suit several car owners brought already pa.st their '6th blrthday, four aga.wt the management in a dispute otbera who are mote than 40, ind seven ovor qualifying procedur... who are making tl>eit' lint •tart at "'°l>- The speedway won that round, and wom IDdianapolls Motor Speedway. went on with its plans for the usua' For juR OV« three hours of blinding pagentry that included a gala parade speed and heertAhrobbing action they downtown Saturday and a two-hour will divide a jackpot t:..at for the last warmup featuring dO'lenS oC bands and four years has totaled more than $1 celebrities. million. 1be 33 participants in this most The field includes not onJy three-time dangerous, richest ond most prestigious motoring event in the world,qualified at (Set frll'DV, Page ct) Anteaters Sweep Pan· 111 Playoffs Special to the Dally Pilot TACOr-.1A-Gary Wheelock's three-run home run brought UC l~ine back from a 4--0 deficit to topple Pu t Sound 12"5 in the second game of a doubleheader Saturday and move J e Anteaters into today's NCAA Colleke Division West Coast championship baseball game. Earlier in the day, Wheelock pitched UCI to a narrow 4-2 win over Cal State (Fullerton) in the rain-delayed tourney. \\'heelock's big bat was joined in the lengthy nightcap by playoff veterans Rod Spence and Terry Stupy. Spence· drove in three runs with l¥.'O doubles and a triple and Stupy collecled four rbi with t\VO doubles as the Anleaters unloaded the heavy artillery. Ray Humphries won his llllth game of the season against l\.\'O losses in the nightcap despite allowing 15 .singles. A. J . FOYT Will BE ON THE POLE POSITION FOR TODAY'S INDY SOO. Jt looked like a replay early in the ganie SHturday ~.s P~et SOund raced out to a 4-0 lead after tl'-'0 innings. Bui \\1hcelock's .smash. a 400..!ooter v,:hich cleared a 20-foot high wall in left field, turned the game, which didn't finish until early this morning, around for UCL "We got conditioned to the pressure of the playoff last year." explained coach Gary Adams of !he Anteaters' ability to battle back in Loth games Saturday. ~ -- LA Kayos Giants Early .Six-run First Ends Dodgers Mi1ii-skid, 9-5 SAN FRANCISCO (APl Bill - Russell's three-run homer capped a Sit·~ run first inning and the 1..-0s Angeles Dodgers ended a brief two--game slwnp by routing the San Francisco Giants 9-5 Saturday. Rick Auerbach and Steve Garvey also homered for the Dodgers \vhile Tommy John. 7-1. hurled a seven-hitter. ' Auerbach , leading off the first inning loser Ron Bryant, 1-4. y,•as safe on a throwing error by third baseman Steve Ontoveros. Tom Paciorek and Jimmy On TV Todn11 Channel 11 at l Wynn followed \Vith singles, b u t Auerbach was cut down at the plate on a throw from left fielder Gary Jl.1attheY.'S. But Garvey. 1,1,•ho hit his llth homer of Australian Import Mouthful of Name Also ls Versatile Young Ma1i \\"eekend SPorls harvest: ln1agine the fun headliners don 't have \vhen LSU's basketball impGrt from Auslralia dtX!s something to merit nlention. His full monickcr is F.dward Sebastian Palubinskas. He was on Australia's 1972 Olympic team and plays guard. During his junior college career 11t Ricks in Rexburg, Idaho, he tallied 44 points in one outing. As a prep in Canberra, he once canned 59 in one game. He has also carved a chess set, \\'OVen rugs and plays the ~uitar. llis single game scoril}g high at LSU \\'as 32 against h1emphis State. Additionally, he !peaks four languages. •L••N WHIT• WHITE WASH And his art talent is strong enough that he did the sketching for himself and teammates for use in LSU game programs. . Amerhfan Games a year from this month. Cblle actually Jost Its host role befoni the overthrow of M a r x I s t president Salvador Allende. UCLA is honking its: upcoming home football season as one of the Bruins' m05t altract.ive of recent years. True story, especially in view of the lack- luster slate UCLA has drea1ned up since the days when it played such big guns [at that time) as Maryland, Big Ten and Southwest Conference schools. This year the Bniios will host Tennessee, Michigan State, Sll!nford, Washington state, Oreaon and use. And as one might expect, the tab for tickets bas gone uuuuup. Like $7 per nose for all games except USC, i,vhich is SB. Brutal. ... Speaking of money, the atate fish and game department llas gone to a ·cash only policy for purcbasen of hunllug and Oshing llce1u11e1. People applying for licenses, ttlmps or 1peclal perftllb by m1U are advised te .._ eertlfled clsecks, money orden or c111hler'1 cbeck.1. Ptnonal cit• are ayet. the season In the seventh inning. knocked in the first··"nm with a double, Joe Ferguson walked to load the bases and Ron C.ey's ground-rule double made it 3-0. Ferguson was nailed at the plate on \Viltic Crawford's grounder to first baseman Dave Kingman , but Russell hil Bryant's next pitch over the left field fence for his fourth homer of the season. John retired 12 of the first 13 Giant batters before singles by Matthews and Kingman and Chris Spe.ier's two-run double ruined his shutout bid in the fifth. By winning the first ty,•o games of the four-game series, the Giants had climbed to within seven games of the front- runnin& Dodgers. Saturday's I o s s dropped them eight games back. Garvey's t'i\-'O runs batted in gave him JO in the last four games and 42 for the season. one ahead of Wynn for !he National League lead. The Dodgers built their lead to 8-0 in the second when Auerbach led off with his first National League homer off reliever Jim Willoughby and Wynn, Garvey and Ferguson singled i n succession. 'The Giants added a run in the sixth on Kingman's forceout with the bases loaded and got two more in the ninth on Ki:ngman's single, a triple by Speier and an infield out. Lts Allfflt1 {tl Siii flrMKIKt (SJ 111r11 rt11 A1.1e11Mdl, 2ll Paciorek., II Wl'M,Cf G•rvey, lb Fet911$0f!, c cri. 3b WCrwfr<I, rf llu1i.e11, u John, II tll r II rtll S 1 1 I Bonds. rl .i 1 1 0 Pl\1111111, 111 ' 2 J 0 MtddoJI.. cl s 1 • 2 Ont!Yff'OI. lb 4 0 I 1 Mt11thtw1, It .i I I 2 Klnvm111, lb • 1 1 o SH!tr.u • 1 1 l Dvlltde<, c • 0 0 0 i:uentn, 11h eoccat.111,c Brv•nt.11 Wlllvfttw, P DA11ul1!0. 11 Arnold, 111'1 ..... , Tflam11n, 111'1 McM•hon, II GoOd-..... J9 t ll t TDtels Seo,. by 1111111191 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • 1 1 0 l 0 l 0 l 1 l 0 • 2 7 1 • I 2 J 1 0 0 0 1 0 II 0 7 O 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D II 0 I D 0 0 0 0 II 0 l 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 1 O D 0 "' s , s LC1$ Antrtfes •20 000 100 -t • san Francisco 000 021 OG2 -S .. e-onu ..... os. LOB-LOI A119ele1 .. Stn A'lln· clM;O .i. 28-Garvey, C•Y· Spt1ltr. 38-SPe-ler. HR- Ruuell •· Auerbotcll I, G&rv1y n. Jonn W,1-1 8ry8fll Ll·A WllloW~ DA.cquf110 .... ""''""' T-2:1t. A-16,J9t. ·~ " • t:• •• so ' 1 5 s l J ·~s•tlO ,,,.2200 ,µ~10001 1111 20 230001 UCI sends Jerry ~taras to tbe mtund in the championship game. The Anteaters got off to a fast start in the opener ~ Cal State (Fullerton J by scoring I119S in each of the first two irmings. Spence's sacrifice Oy out ta deep center scored Keith Bridges in the first inning and Craig Anderson romped borne behind Alan Belasco's double in the second. But Fullerton fought back by scoring once in the fifth off Wheelock and then tied the count ln the sixth. \\rith the score deadlocked and a runner at third in the sixth, Fullerton tried to score on a squeeze. The play backfired as the bunt was popped up the third base line. Wheelock grabbed the ball and the runner trying to !CQrc barrelled into him, drawing an out for interference. Jn the bottom of the seventh, UCI regained the lead y,·hen Bridges doubled and scored on Stupy's single. An insurance run y,•as added in the eighth on Anderson's single and a double by \Vheelock . UCI (0 (UCI (111 Brld11rs. ti Be!•sco. rf SIU~Y, C Mtllf'(lff, lb Sl>encr, 11 Whll11>tld, 11 Ar>(lersori, hi w~etkx:k, p LYQ01, lb To11li Fulle-non UC lrYlne PVQtl Sound UC trvl~c .. 11 r II rbJ 3110Brid~.cr 2 o 1 1 s.i.S(o, rf • 0 1 1 StvD'f, t 2 0 0 0 Millif'(lff, lb J 0 0 1 Spror!ce, 11 • 0 l 0 Whltehffd, If l 7 1 0 Al>d..wn, l'tl 4 0 2 l Wl'leelotk. dh • 0 0 0 Lyons. 3b HumJ)hrlts. p JOl'lMOfl, p 2, • I , Tot1ls Sc0rt llr lnni11n 1b r II rlll ' 1 l 1 J 2 1 0 j l 2 ' 3 1 1 1 S I 3 3 2 D Cl 0 3 2 1 0 l l 1 ·3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30121112 . ' . 000 011 000-l 7 l 110 000 llx-~ I 2 Score It)' 111111"9• ' ' . 310 010 000-5 ,, ' OJ:] 303 lOlt-11 11 2 Hot Brol1amer Collects 3 Hits DETROIT-Huntington Beach's Jack Brohamer added a lew more points to his batting average Saturday and the way he's hitting, that means a big day. Batting .350 going into S.tunlays gan1e against Detroit, the Cleveland Indians second baseman collected three hits in five trips to the plate arxl scored once in a ft-4 lose. Brohamer, wM is batting second in the Indians lineup because ol tds mt bat, is the American League's No. 6 hitter based on 75 or more at bats so far this season. In B> trips 19 Ille plate, Brobamer has 31 hits. SHERYL SAVAG1' AND DAUGHTER ANGELA. • Looks to F11t111•e Sl1e1~yl ~avage Adjusts To Life Witl1out Swede . By ll0\\1ARD L. HANDY l\fetnorial Day will hold .special significance for Sheryl and Shelly Savage this year. It isn't ihat it is the first anniversary of Sy,·ede's fiery and subsequently fatal crash during the Indianapolis 500 . It's simply . a case of both young ladies adjusting to a ~·ay of life without their man being there to comfort them or for them to cheer on lo victory in this rear's race. Father to Shelly and husband to Sheryl, Swede Savage will alv.•ays be a fond memory to both and each is now \Villing to talk proudly of the man they loved above all olhers in this world. For young ARgela. seven months old, it will be a different kind of future. She never knew her Cather. Angela was born after his death last July in an Indianapolis hospital. Whal has helped St):ryl adjust to the loss of her husband? ··s\vede helped me the m-0st," Sheryl says with a smile of fond recollection on her face. "When Art Pollard was killed in a practice run last year, Swede and t had a long talk that night. "I asked him how the drivers could get back in their cars and go on when something like that happened to one of their close friends. . "He told me then that if it ever happened to him, he would want us all to go on just like y,·e had been doing before." Swede survived the crash for a month after the Indy race and again it was his reassurance that helped Sheryl from his hospital bed. "We'd go in to cheer him up and he'd cheer us up instead. He "'as always smiling in the hospital and even though he couldn't talk, I'd read his lips and know what he wanted to say." Sheryl, a very pretty young housewife y,·ho could hold her own in any beauty pageant, isn't rushing the future. · She still lives with the memories of Swede and !he ly,•o daughters they brought inlo the world together have been a great comfort to her during the past year. "I also have so many friends and they are always there y,•hcn I need them." she says. "l still get fan mail, too. One letter from a little boy in Virginia was simply addressed to Mrs. Swede Savage, Address Unknown. He didn't evrn kno\v the name of the town or the state to send it to. "I got the letter and it makes me proud to know that people still remen1ber Swede." Hov.• is Shelly adjusting? "She sits dovm and talks about !,-irede a Jot these days. She's adjusting very 1vell and she's so mpch like him in so many ways. It's just the thing that he would do, I'm sure." \Viii she watch this year's Indy 500 on television or spend some lime listening to it on the radio? "I'm sure I'll be watching it on TV," she says. "But it will be really hard to see a race and not have Swede in It It doesn't seem right not to have him there . "But l'il have a lot of other friends in the race.'' One man in particular, will be Costa Mesa ·s Jim Wright, crew chief for Rick ?i<tuther of Laguna Beach and Lee Brayton. Wright was Swede's chief and one of his closest companions for many years. Wright 1,1,·as ready to get out of racing when Swede passed ay,•ay but Sheryl y,·ouldn't think of it. He credits the courage and thinking of Sheryl for his staying with {he sport. "Sy,•ede had a lot of respect for Jim's ability and I'm sure Jirn had the same feeling for Swede," Sheryl says. "I will go back to the races sometime,'' she says. ''But I'm not ready yet. "It's been so niuch a part of my life. h-ty first date with Swede was at Ascot Park in Gardena when we were in high school and he "'as racing motorcycles. "So you can see - I knew \\·hat I was getting into when I married him." Pretty Sheryl Savage puts up a bold, brave front these days and it is extremely beromiog to her youthful and exuberant lifestyle. "These are things about racing that you never get used to. T h e heartbreaks and accidents that mar the sporl. I guess thal's why, when yoo Y.'in, it's such a good feeling." Despite the loss or her husband, sbe is the one who vibrates confidence and lo\'e of life to thbse about her. "ft seems to hurt a little more llOW than it did earlier bul 1 hoPe I have adjusted to it enough to hold the good memories above the unpleasant ones/' Sheryl adds. She is proud of her past -and that of her late husband -and ls living in the future. She has adjusted extremely. well. His father was an AuSraUan naticmal gymnastics champlon. Vince Klees, former Estaacla Wgb 1thJete, II Usted 11 tbe . Ualvenky of Notre Dome'• No. I cutu for l!l'lnl pncUce. Tbe M, llf.poand 10pllo- d0t•'& flpre to move •laud of sealor ~rt llt'ea11<1111n, who bid I'll ml11te1 Of plt,,,.I lime to im. Klees played IO mlnu&a lite tealOD. The RamB are making available a 1973 higl!Ughts lllm, free of Charge to service groups , churches and other organl1.ail00& lnflll'matlon on tlte »minute color productloo con be attained by calling (213) 217-4700. Angels Win Fourth Straight" ·3.2 Folks who have gathered epllntera slttin& , on the ben<b oeats at th• Coll...,.. can look forward lo tbeater- type ... 11 to pen:b on from now oo. The remaining 1!,000 bench "'-"Is ere being replaced, at a COit of ~.000. &ID PHIO, Brtlll .... ' .. ,,...ed St•U.,O, Cldle 11 bott di, tor Ille Pan • News oo (be esp!Glta ol hnl fonner area tWelet: Brlu Slotle (BB Hlllil rt<ffUJ -Mt U ba!Un ud twirled • s..!U.,. 1plaot DallVUle, DI. white pffebbl( for Wttetloo of 1Jte.,. Cl111 A Mldweo& Letpe. Estancia Hla1:t grad Daw JobMon ran leadofl for tl>e Cal Pol)' (San Lull Obispo) mile relay i..m ~<h recen\ly woo Its conference &<>I~ medal. He w!U join the Muslanp founome for lite NCAA Cllllese division dlan1>1onahlps next mooth. Johnson ii • -· Bob Oliver drove in three nms and Frank ~na scattered nine hits Saturday nigh~ pitching Ille California Angela to an S.2 victory over the Oakland A'~ Tanana, 4-f, snapped a personal four- game loalng streak as the Anaela won tllolr foorth straight game and defeated Ken Hollzman, 4-f, for the flret time ever. Holt%man had held • ~ lifetime reoord over Calilomla belwe &lturday night. lloltiman left dwin& a four-run Ca!Uomle rally In the fourth binln1. two of Ille runs acorlng on a •lnatelby Oliver -··----- which boosted the Angel lead to 7-0. Joe Lahoud hit his fourth homer of the aeason In Calll0r11ia's 8lxth. Oakland manager Alvin Dort played Atlfleb Si.re Ml ....... M KMPC O'ltJ = n ~=: ~~. ~;H :::::: ~'I 2' MllWll\IR .. .i c:litom11 1:55 p.m. tile game Ulldet protelt be<auoe four banks of ooU!cld Ugllts w""' twtied on while the A's were al bal In Ute finl lmlng. The Anl•ls took t l.f lead in tlte finl lmlDg. Mlekey Riven fol l letdoft ...it and O..W,. Doyle wu credilod with an • rbi double to le!t when Joe Rudi misjudged his Une drive and the ball carried o•er his bead and rolled lo the wall. An ..,.., by aeoond baseman Ted Kubiak helped California score twice In the tllrd f0< a 3-0 advantage. 1 .. 11a1aa1so Ht»li-L,.U J 6 •• 'l J Odom 'r':lllllO Lind~ 1't4110! l(nowln 110000 FllMHl't I 1 t. 0 I t h~w .... ••101s He~ -b~ Knowltt Cllttk. l-t:». A-17,7'1. 1-«llblfk. Tttlklt Dill~. M -O.~'-"CI 1, LOI -o.11.111111 I. C.11-nll 111. 29 -0, Oo~~. 3f -Ct,,,..,_lt.. Hit -1.Mto\ld '-SI -Cl~ "'II""' Norllt., W•llllt!Otoi.. • --~,... ,, -V1fitl'llhw, Mr.t11w. 0.ld•MI Norftl., d C•""""11. '' ,_ .. G•n11r, ltl Jl:Jtd11011, r' W•al\l'lllJ'I, pt JAtou, l'f ltudl, II M"'IWI, dll DtJOhN11, lb Ttnk•, c M.,,.,., c Pith, ph kllllllk, tb Holhm•n, I' _.., Urldll.a, •• KllDW!tl, 11 fllneen, 11 , .. OH.lend. C..ll•l'll• ... '"Ill 5 I 1 0 J • , 0 .( D D 0 0 • 0 0 3 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I J D 1 2 .( 0 I D ' 0 I 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 • , 0 1 0 3 • 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 2' ' ' r • -' .. ,, .. 11:1 ....... d' DOo'(le, 2b v-.,.11M, It Mi'Mtth, It ,, • ..,.,,cit ROii....,., )Ii ~.rf ~,,.,. 111 1EIROr911, c Cl'lltl(, .. A1-r, M , ...... , Tol•I ... "' I I l t • ' • l J I 1 1 • 1 • J I I t J t I J 1 .111 ~ ' . ' , •••• l I J t ••• t ' ' • • I I I I (; J DAILY PILOT Italian Net Edict Unf ai1· ·-Co1mors ROf\.1E -Jimmy Connorl of the United States lolt hi! rlnal bid to play in the $114.000 Rome Temis Open when the Italian Federation reaffirmed ·11a: ban Saturday on all players who have competed In the World Team Tenni.6 wrr1~ .. COOnon was the fint victim ol the oontroveny piWrlfJ the WTT against ,.veral European federal>n. The ~. led by Italy, France, West Genntlly and Sweden, are try~ to talk the Inte.maUonal Lawn Te n n I s F>deraUon (ILTF) In!<> a worldwide ban oo the WTT on grou"1s It violate> tile ILTF rules and features basic changes in the whole game. Connors said he had not expected the Italians t.q turn do~n h~ entry <:ippllcatloo. "It is a shan1c aod I don 't think it is really falr at all," he said. "I had oome to Rome lo play tennis. This is an open tournament, and I felt every tennis player could qua\l!y to play in Rome." e Smedes Clln<!h BAASTAD, Sweden -Sweden clinched ils Davis Cup teoois elimination match ogaillot The Nelhei-lando Saturday when Bjorn Borg and Ove Benptoo beat Rolf 'l11llng and Fred Henunes 6-2, 7-9, 6-1, 6-1 , In doobles. The victory gave Sweden a :J...<l lead ln the best-Of-rive compction, with two llingles remaining. e Dll>I>• flpset HA~1BURG, Germany -American, F.ddie Dibbs used devastating backhand shots to upset Jaitnc F'illol of Chile 7-6, 7- 5, 2-6, 6-J Saturday in a men's singlrs gemifinal at the Gennan lntematio{lal TMOis Tournament. Later In the day, unseeded Hans- -jbaCl'lim r1"()f:zor west -Germ~ny earned the right to play Dibb.! for the men's title by U'p8ettlng eighth-seeded GuiUenno Villas ol Argentina 6-3, 4-<l, 4-<l, 7.0, 6-0. e Wade Top• BOURNEMOUTII -Virginia Wade. Britain's top woman temis player, beat old rival Julie Heldman S.l, ~. 6-1 Saturday for a record-equalling foorth ·single.s title at tile British Hard-courts Tennis Ouunpionships. Paulo Bertolucci of Italy failed to win mat.ch point 10 times in the second set but defeated Austrian 1eft-bander Hane; Kary M, 6-8, 6-4 to advance to todav's men's 1Singles final against favored nie Nastase of Romania. e String• Zh1g LOS ANGELES -Jom Alexander and Marita Redondo posted ~ victories for Loo Angeles and the Strings beat the Denver Racquets 27-18 Saturday night for their ihlnl straight World Team Tenrus triumph. PHILADELPHIA -Billie Jean King and Fred Slolle won tllelr singles matches Sablrday nig!X, leading the unbeaten Plliladelphia Freedom! to a 3(). 16 victory over the New York Sets in World Team Te1U1is. BOSTON -The Boston l..ob9ters. receiving strong singles performances from Kerry ~1elville and Rax Reid , defeated the O!icago Aces 25-16 Saturday night in World Team Tennis. BALTIMORE -The Ba 1 ti rn or c Bamers, trailing by three points at the end of the men's doubles event, won mixed doubles 6-2 to edge the Minnesota Buckskins ~19 in a World Team Tenn is match Saturday night. TIN; TOYOTA· OWNERS Month of May Special S7.~~.r o• T'MMflt--- 6,000 aad I :Z,000 Mile S.,.lcu WrTH THIS AD • NOW YOU CAN LEASE '74 VOLVO 164 4 DR. Automatic. air cond .. 6 cylinder. genuine leather lnlerlor. steel radial tires. Safery-Economy-Luxury. For.only s139so .. -••O.U.OAC • WE HAVE ONLY * 15 * 74 TOYOTAS WT AT THE ciD PRICES! C-11-00llSAVI • , .... • ' • ,. • - . . BOB WYNN CELEBRATES A BIRDIE AND HIS SECOND PLACE SPOT. -------~-.. -... INDY 500 . • • (C.OOtlnued from Page Cl) champion Foyt but former winner~ Andretti, the Uraer brothers . Bobby and Al, and Gor<lon Johncock . Some. like the battle-scarred Lloyd Ruby, 46, have been trying to ~·lll it for at least 14 ye~ and in some cases 1! has been touch-and.go. with \'ictory in sti::ht Ruby says he'll quit wh('n he Hnatly l<t11d~ in Victory Lane, and may not quit until he does. Johncock, a stocky hllle blood, ""a5 111 front last year when rain finally called a halt to a tragic race. Y.'ei!k that saw one start aborted by a horrilyin " fire bomb crash thatcritiC3lly injured David ''Salt"' Walther and doused many spcctat.ors with flaming fuel . Walther, 26 back for another try alwr two months in hoepit.als and the loss or most of the fingers on his left hand, 6tarllt a respectable 14th. "I thank God that he gave me. another "!'P"rlunity," Walther said. Johncock made ooly 332.5 miles last year. haYing .already lost an old teammate, Art Pollard, in a practice crash and one of his crewmen in a pit road accident on the day !he race 1\a:- finally run. lie collected $ but wasn ·t satisfied. Htre Is ll•t 1t1fljn9 •·~evD for •~· r~Cl••naP<JI ·· SOl'.lmlle rict. Flrtl ltow A. J. Foyt, Hovs•on, Jllo. u . Fov1-C:cr;ote. 1~1 OD m.1>.h. Willy Dtlltn~ch. East Brun$W1tk. N J . No •G. Eaol•Ollenhauwr. U9.6Al. fo\l ke HIH, Tu~!ln, Jll). 611, /..ltL~ren·O!ten~au"" 111.•90. sec..,d Row Gordon Johncoc~. Pr.o.nl•, No. ?(), [aQle· O'!Pnh1111l!r. 116.n1 ------. . ""1rlo Al\dretli, N1:1relh, P1 .• No. ~. E1<JI•· Ofltnh111Hr, IM.027. Mike Mosl•v. Cle•ernot1!, lno , Na t!, E1gle 011..,1111u,e•, 11s.no. Tlllnl ·-9nl>nV VnW<, AlbUQ11'<0v•, Ila ... E•9le Qltenh•11~•. II) 176. Toni ~~·•· 5ara;ut , Yl11h., ,.,o. )•, ICl<>Qlo·n au.~111111•er. 10i.U7. Oa·1;<1 ><abb•. VP!tt• Bco:ia•ngton. Erol1na. t10 1. l."cL1ren-Olll!'nhluHr, 18-1 !ll. Fovn!I low 0"~ Simon. Sall La~' (!IY. tlo. 4•. Fa~r E1g!•. I!• W. • r.1• f B•!•po~~u••n. //t-•o.,Ja, In<!. No ~ f.',L il"Ph·Oll~r111u1er. l!A.4'7 J,,,,..,,, Ce•~lr!""· An~ncl..,. l;J 11, (&Qlt Ollennaui.er, ll.l.ll-19. F ill!! lllW G!'<:>''JI! :.r.lt!Of. Ba~er1l\tlv. ''~-I~ Fa (l·(C•Ole. l!l 'X3 ~111 Y/•llhtr. Oa'(lon, Onlo. rll. 11. //,,L1•e•· O'fen1<11uwr. \el.m. Sltve ICrhllol!, P"r1l;11:1eny, N.J. Na. liO. E•gl~· Cf!entu1u1er, 1!2.Slt. Sbtll llow 8 111 Vu~ovicll, Fll:t-1ono, No, ~. E.Jgle-Of!tnh1uur, 1~2 :m. Jerry Gr.inl, lf'lill4, Ho. JJ, E69tt..Ollffll1uttr, 111.111. Lloyd ll ut>v. Wl<M1.J F1t1~. Ttx., No. f, Eegl9. Ofltnhlu$t"r, 111 .6'9. Stv9nlh ROW Jtrry Kerl. Manchet!e<", Pl., N,. •2, E;to;ilt· O•f~h•u-, 111.'12. Bill Slmowin. Httmoit Buel'>, No. 1!. Eaglt· Oflnh1uur. 181 .0<ll. Ov1<11 c1111r, Jr .• Him"rttlOR •Mell, Ho. 11, E"ll·Olftftll1Utl!1", UOJ.CIJ. Eltlltll R-John Martin, Long 8t1d1, No. n . Mel••..,· Qlf!'nhlll1t•. ll'O.,~~-lom !l igtlo-o, Wl'>llewtltr. Vilt .• 1'10. 71, VollSNd· O!ftnhau1tr. llMl H• Rick MU!lltr, Lt9un1 It.cl!, Jojo. 61, Coyolt·,OJI, 17'."1. !'llntfl •-Jonnnv l!urhtr/::>rd. Forl ~Vo••h, No. 1. /.,'CLJrtn· 011.,.,h•uttr, UO 414. fil Un~r. AIDVO\le•<iut. Ne. 15. C::1glt-O!ltnn1uv•. ), l f!? II.Of'~' /.".•':.lu'l~v. Tu:·w, II~ I. 1!1le, O••tnn~UtP•. a1a.(X!>. Ttnlh llow J.,n Hurtu~;~c. ln:11dndp~li1. No. !.S. l.'~La•e~· Olf~nn.iu•tr, l!O 1!8. Jormnv Par!on!. lnC1•ana1><1!I<, •1: 9•. Flnltv· Qfl<·nhau•e•. ISO 2'>1. J>m l/cElre.1'h, ArUfl<>IGn, Tt;, I<' •6. Et(llC· Offcnhau,e•, 111.219. l!levrn!h Row 800 l-1ark~v. lrdlanap<lllo. N•· 19, Ea9lt O•t~nhau••r. 116.6'1. Jim Ooe>erm1n. Beav~-C•o1~jn;s, Nee. No. SI, Pa,,.,111.ott~n~auser, 116.1t6. Larry C:annor>, Oanvllie, Ill, NO. }t, C1~le· O!ltnnau,e•, ltl.963. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division w L Pel Milwaukee 2l 18 .538 Baltimore 2l 19 .525 Bosl<>n 22 20 .524 Cleveland 21 21 .500 Detroit 20 21 .488 New York 20 25 .444 West Dl\lision Oakland 23 20 .s.1;, Chicago 20 19 .513 Ao gels 22 22 .500 Kansas City 2( 21 •• 500 Texas 21 22 Minne&:>ta 17 21 SATURDAY'S sco••S 81Ulmort s. Hnt York l Mftwluk .. t, Boltofl 2' Ttx" •• MIMl'50!1 l o.t>"tlll S, ClrnlMlll • K ... u. City •• CNCMe .. 1• lnnliws AllSflt I, o.kl.tfld ) , .~ TODAY'S O.IM•S .488 .447 GB 1:, •, 1 ! : 2 4 ! 1. 11 :.' 2 JI:.- Olkl1Pld fH.lmllton .Ml) 11 AllHlt fSlllW •31. C:hl(aoe> (K1tj ..... ) &I Kl!'llll City (Fllrmorrlt 2·'1, Te~AI !Blbotrt' .W) at Mlnll4'IOl1 (btck.,-•·0 . Cl-'•"'1 (Kn,,. )..t) II D!lrGlt (Lollch •·SL B~ltlmor11 IGdm•leY S.• '1t!I AltXI,..,... l·ll 11 New YOrk CTldr-M eN WOOd50n 1-3). M1t"tlOl'Ulr; .. (Spr'91H Ml a t BMIOl"I (L ... .s-4 1. MOMOA'l''S OAMll Cllluoto tt ,.._ Yort. MinN,,,,. ., llol'°" Btltlmort tf Kfi\U' Clh 0.troll 11 o.tltl'lll CltYt41i!d ti Tu1s MHwM .. 1fAllflll ' , NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division w L Philadelphia 25 18 ~lontreal " 17 St. Louis 21 20 i\e\v York 19 2• Chicago IG 22 Pittsburgh II 25 \\'es t Dt,•ision Dodgers 32 13 Cinc.:innuli 22 19 Sao F'rancisc.:o 25 22 Atlanta l1 22 llouston l1 24 San Diego 18 31 SATUllOAY'S SCORES ClliCtOO 5, SI, Louil ( OOdttt• •• S.tn Fr1nc:IKO 5 PllUadtlPl'l!I ...,c, M«llre~• l·2 Htw YOfll; •· Pllftti.Jfllh l Hou111>n S, At11111a \ , Clnc:l,,,..11 12, S.n OIHO 4 TOOAY"S •AMIS Pel GB .581 .528 2'. '· .512 3 .442 6 .421 61 ., .359 9 .7! 1 .537 8 .532 8 .511 9 .489 10 .367 16 Montrul !81a!r 0-01 al "llll•dtlplll1 (Firmer 1-0 or Sthveler 3·3). NIW YOfll; (S!Olle 24 Of SWtnll l·l) It Plt!~rDh {llooktr '.Jl. SI. LOUii IMc.Glo!/ltn '·1) at Chlt.&90 !Hooten 1.JJ. i"IOUS!On (C)rltfln 6'1) II Al11nl• (H1n"lt0n :M). ClndnMll (H11tOn )·3) B! ~n Oleoo (Solll~ 1·11. Dtdttn {lll&U >1 )II San FflftCIKO (81tr 1.f). MO"'OAY'S OAMES '"' S.n 01'90 ti Pl!hburDl'I, J o.dle<'t ti ~I. l o1111< Stn Frll'ICIKO M Clhcato PllllldilPht1 ti AUant• Ntw Yort: It Clncl~ll HO!ntOl'I ,, Monll"ltt Green Promises Not to Ease . Up .. MEMPHIS I API -Hubert Green ~·on't be playing It close to the vest in today's final round or the $175,000 Memphis Golf Cla'81c. "Three strokes ·isn't enough," the young-ma.n said alter establishing that much leading margin With a tw1>-under- par 70 in Saturday's thinj l'Olllld, "I wailt to bust oot ear'y tomorr'O\Y, maybe get a whole lot In front. I'm not saying I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna try. '"lbree strokes is ooe better than I was starting the round. But it isn't much. If l make bogey and somebody else makes birdie, then all of a sudden il's pretty tight. "I'm gonna try to gamble a little bit from time to time, try to get a lot in front. Foreign Stars Too Rugged For Vanguards ARKADELPHIA. (AP) -Eastern New 1-lexico Coach Bill Silverberg was grim after his runners finished first and fourth in the 3,000.meter steeplechase . Twenty minutes later, he was all smile>-his Mike Boit and Jim A\endich finished first and third in the mile and the Greyhounds ~ on their way to their first NAIA ... track and field championship here Saturday night. Phillip Ndoo clinched the championship for Eastern New Mexico Y.ilen he ~·on the six -mile run. Ndoo, \lo'ho finished secood in the three-mile run Friday, battled Peter Fredericksson of U.s·. International University, for more than 23 laps. Ndoo pulled away in the last 300 yeards in a dMViifg rain to V.in. by so ~'m.ls:---- Easter ~ew ri.tiexiro finished .. •:ith a total ol 67 points to Southern California College's 58 . Southern California Co!Jege, first day ll·ader, had taken a 58-5a lead when Jack Causey \oli"on th,e high jump at &.9. SCC's Mlke Singletary \lo·on the 440 \11th a 46.2 in a driving rain. Joshua Owusu of Angelo State, Tex ., "ho set a record in the long jump and cap!ured the triple jump, ~·as selected the outstanding performer in the meet Shl}rtly after the mile run . ;1 1hundE-rslonn packing high "·1nds tut .\rkadelphia. knock ing out electrical po1\·cr and delaying !he meet 95 n1inu1c~. "I'm gonna play my btst If it's good enough, I'll win. If it's not good enough. someone elst will ~·in." Green, already the winner of some $103,000 this season. put 1ogether a 54-- hole total ol 202, 14 Wider par oo tile 7,193-yard Colonial CoWllry Club C.W.. and within ooe stroke of the best thr ... round totab of the year on the pro tour. Lou Graham and Bob Wynn came on to tie for second at 205. Graham, a native Tennesseean and a great favorite with the huge gallery, fashioned a five-under- par 67, whJlt: the longshot Wynn -a nonwinner in rive years on the tour - had 8 69. r.tasters champion Gary Player shot himself back Into competition with a 69 and a 206 total. just four strokes behind going into the last round of the chase for a $.15,000 first prb.e. He y,·as lied wilh tour regular Don Bies, "\\'ho had the day 's best round, a 66. Rod Curl, the little Wintu Indian who scored a su rprise triumph last week in Fort \llorth, Tex.. and Tom Watson drifted back. They were tied for second, t~·o shots back or Green , when play started in mild, cloudy weather, but WalSon went to a 74·208 and Curl a 75 for 209. Dave Hill, the defending champion and a four·time winner or this tournament, made one move at the leaders, going four strokes under par after six holes. But he couldn't keep it going and finiSted with a 70-210. Lee TreVJ.no had a 6~213 aDd. is 11 shots back. Their absenct!. however, seemed to \rork no Ill effects on the size ~f the gallery. The cro"·d ~·as announced at 36,000, one of the largest of the year. Pirates' Ciarelli Seco11d Witl1 221-8 Javelin Toss BAKE RS FI ELD-Orange Coast College's Tony Ciarelli tossed the javelin 221-3 to capture serond place in the Stare Junior College track and field championships Saturday night a t Bakersfield College. Ciarelli, who had a lifetime best of 225· 9 in the preli1ns. couldn·1 match that niark although he did have t\~'O tosses out pasl 220-feeL ~It. SAC's Da\'e Krough captured the cvl•nt I\ ith a 22-1·4 as the. Southern California Conference swept the first four places. "I'm a little disappointed ." said Ciarelli. "l thought it would take at least 230 to win it and I thought r could throw that far. "There was a -&light aiding wind in the prelims but Saturday there was no v.·ind at all. It helps to have a slight breeze. The 19-year..old sophomore says he'll continue to toss the spear this summer at AAU and a\\<0mers meets. "~fy goal at the start of the year was 240 feet.'' said Ciarelli. "I don't thi.,k that's unrealistic." Ciarelli had a toss in the 228-foot range. in warmups but his series in actual com petition was 214, 211. foul, 221·8, 215 and 221-4. Else~·here, Laney College's James Robinson broke his O\\'n national record Saturday night in the 88fl, leading six re cord performances . Robinson set a time of I :48.0, nipping four.tenths of a second off }'js old national junior college record set last year. Kari Farmer of record-setting Los Angeles southwest set a new state meet record ci. 46.3 in tbe 440, beating the old mark by on~te!lt.h of a second, 11ith 31, 1..cng Beach at 29, aod Fresno ~·Ith 26. Waldrop Sl1ocked; USC Rolls 1.10DESTO -Paul cummlngs or Brigham Young University up 1 et unbeaten Tony Waldrop or North Carolina in the featured mile and Ivory Crockett suctess!Ully defended his title aa world's fastewt human Saturday night in tile 33rd Callfomta Relays, nmninl 1.2. CUmmlngs took the lead from pace- setter Len Hlltoo, the AAU mUe champion, and raced home with a 3:57.7 clocking as Oregon State's Hallu Ebba made a late challenge that failed. Waldrop had run nine consecutive miles under four mimrtes, but wu fourth most of the way. He fmlshed fourth in 4:05.0 Other top marks Included a 27-214 loog jump by Arnie Robln!Oll and a 2:09.2 830 by 1-fary Decker of the Huntington Beach-based Blue Angels Track Club. e Do1'1s Hon1er1 LOS ANGELES -Defending NCAA champion So\tlhem Callfomla, helped by Anthony Davis' three-run h om e r . whipped Cal State !Los Angeleal S.2 Saturday in the opening game o( the Dist. 8 pla)'llfs. The Pacific-8 champion T r o j a n s . seeking their fdth straight NCAA title , tied the game in the fourth inning with a pair of runs, added two more in the fifth and then broke it open with a five--nm seventh inning boosted by Davis' homer. The teams meet again today with a doubleheader if needed to decide the series. The "'·inneJY'plays West Coast Athletic Cont€ re n c e champion Pepperdine next week. e 49er Cleared LONG BEACH -Cal State (Long Beach's) Glenn McDonald, who played the last half or the 1973-74 basketball season under court order, was cleared -Saturda.y oL. £twallni Pn .an.. Mtrance_ examination at the unlverstty. e !'\'o Artion ANAHEihl -California An g e I s manager Bobby Vi'inkles says he plans no disci plinary action against two of his players who "'ere involved ln a bri ef skirmish aboard a chartered jct at Los Angeles International Airport early Friday morning. e Pele 0111 S,\O PAt:LO -The Brat1l11tn go\'ernment has conrtrmed that soccer superstar Pele v.·il\ not be allowed to gl\'C television intervieW'!I and commentaries during World Cup matches, a leading local newspaper reported Saturday. e Valdes Wini MONTE CARLO -Rodrigo Valdes or Colombia knocked Benny Briscoe down v.•ith a short right hand to the moi.ttb and a left hook and stopped the American in the seventh round to win the World Boxing Cot.mcll's mid di ewe i g ht championship Saturday night. e Lo Verne Whu LEWISTON, Idaho -The LaVeme. College J.copanis "vu !he area I National 1\ssocialion of Intercollegiate Athlelits baseball championship Saturday by defealing Linfield College 1·1. Linfield had rorced tbc tournament in!o an ex1ra g;in1e earlier in the day v.·i~l S-2 vistory. LaVeme qualified for the 1' championship tournament open i n Friday in St. Joseph, hfo. TI1e Leopa \\"iii meet Point Park, Pa., in their first game. e Azte<!s Streak ST. LOUIS -UoaSBimed goals in the final minutes by Doug MacMillan and Ra)'lllond Maroldo belped the Los Angel.. Aztecs romp to their fourth straight North American Soccer League victory 8aturday night -a 4-2 decision over the St. Louis Stars. The Aztecs return lo East Los Angeles 1-fonday for a 3 p.m. game against the Vancouver Whitecaps. e Y 01111g Leads PI.YMOUTH. 1nd. -Donna Caponi Young. the first·round leader in !he: $35.000 Ladies Professional Go I f Association tournament, turned In an erratic perfonnance with five birdies and four bogeys Saturday but managed to stay one stroke ahead going into today's finals. Fullertoo, with a win ii> the high jump as its ooly event victory, took team honors with 4~ points, followed by Loo Angeles SOuthwest with 32, El camino Today's Sports on TV Mesa Verde's Collins Leads M... Verde Country Club's Larry Collin• raced lo a foor stroke le•d in the Orange County men's amate\lr golf champlon..hips Saturday In play at AMholm Hills Country Club. Collin• fired a 67 on the par 72, 6,liSS- yard cour>e to grab the foUT •hot advanlmlge ove< Mission Viejo Counlcy Club's lleve Williams. Action moves to Seacl!U Country Club for the 80 goUers most ol whom bad their proble1111 wlili the Anaheim courae ori the hol and '""'"" opening day. BehJncl Wllllamo Is a peck ci tliree iOlfen who fired 781, II-strokes oil the pace. • 11:30 a.m. (21 -CBS TENNIS CLASSIC -ArthUT Ashe and CUU Drysdale meet in an opening round match, taped in Au9.ln, Texas. 12 nooo (0 -FAMILY CIRCLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT -Cbr~ Evert and Kerry Melville vie for a $30,000 first prize In the singles final. Al"' hlghll~t• of the doublu final. plttlnll Rolle Casals and Olga Morozova against Karen Krantzcke and Helen Gourlay. 12:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SPECr!CULAR -Th• f If th lntematlonal Hall ol Fame diving meet. A!Mo, the Grand Prix of Romo .......... Ian abow. 12:116 p.m. (11) -DODGERS BA!lDAU. -Tile Dodgtn meet the &Ill Fnnclloo Giants at Clndle- stlcl< Par!<. • I p.m. !9l -DANNY THOMAS MEMPHIS CLASSIC -Final round play in the Memphis Classic golf tournament. 2 p.m. (4) -PREP SPORTS WORLD -Hlghilghta of a CIF lnvttatlonat track meet taped April ' 20 In Arcadia. 3:30 p.m. (71 -WORLD llMTA'l10NAL TENNIS CLASslC -Rod Laver of Col'ona de! Mar and John Newcombe meet Stan Smith and Arthur Alhe in the men's doubles final. 8:30 p.m. (7) -INDIANAPOIJS 14111 -Tho Sith Indy !00, taped earlier In the day •t I h o Indianapolis Motor Sp o o d w a y, Included In the lltld oro Oran(e Coast area driven Jerry Grant. Rlclt Muther and J)uane Carts, Jr. ' • J • • Checkered Flag WITH HOWARD l . HANDY The Indianapolis 500 has long bt.>en known as the Super Bo1vl or World Series <lf aulo111obile racing. ll is the one big event on the c<ilcndar that has \\'llhstood lhe sands of tin1e and despite th(' shroud of controversy that has engulfed the ('\'t'nt this season. this is the day the big rven1 is scheduled to o<.·cur. 011Jy one thing can dc!t.'r the r<l{'l' -the elements. ll<iin df."!_:1) L'<l the race for two duys a year ago and shortened it to JUSt over 300 011\es. /o'or the 33 cars, dn\'ers and o~·•ners 1\'ho gained a spat 111 the starling field, cvC>rythtng has co1ne up roses. But ~or UlOse who failed ro n1akc ii. controversy and a court suit to delay the race have marred pre-race activities. ~bb~ Uns~r even got into lhe act before lhe first day of qualillc<itions with another controversv. Drivers and mechanics sought tO find a way to beat the rule that restricts turbocharger boost before qualifying be- gan, "I think they have ruined th<! enthusiasm for quallfying " Unser s.:ild before the trials. ' "It has forced you lo legally or i!lcgnlly cheat. So far this sc<1son. we have seen a tre1nendous amount of chcaling. "The answer is to get more blov.·tr pressure. We ket>p finding 11ew v.•ays. Uut they have made the rules and v•e have 10 learn to live by Lhcn1." o .. ,. .... ,., ""''''" 11s ,1c ""'"s l'ctcr lJc Puolo, "'iu11 er of the Indy .)00 in 1925 and fhl' flr.,t n1an to averuge better lhun 1110 n1 ilcs per hour in \\inning. 11i~agrccs \\Ith Unser. ··in 111y 01}i 11 to n, lhl· hll'I rl·strietiuni. plai:t all contesh.Lnl~ un a n1ore equa l b:1sis lo "'ill rutes, \\'It h 1lu1ncrous pit stops and conf usions lhl'rein rtnrin~ lhe race. "This hHlkf's ii possi ble tor any Toni. l>itk or Harry 10 he in conten tion as the \\inne r -over lhe selrctive big narnt lavoriltl'I. It 's greul for tht n.1r(' fans." Peter. ser\ing as official 111astmaslt·r for this )c<i r's ract, h<i!i bceri busier than a one-armed paper hanger n1aking lalk.s all 01·er lhe n1td \.\'t'St. flt' adds: "They ldri,•trs and 01~ners1 s hoold rta/ize USAC rules reprrsent the "Hi\Jle" of auto racing and they should re.spel·t lhen1 as such. "They gain nothing by making derogatory rrmarks." 1\.e1l'porl'• Jtlal1ler Sideli11ed 1'hc o!hrr half of the conlrovers}' \\·ii! be in for scruliny for futur~ ral'es after the SI million dollar lawsuit threatened lo postpone the race. Alantitos Racing Results ll!v"111y, M•Y lJ, lf74 Cl11r, Tri<"-1"•11 l'lltlT !ti.CE. )<(] ~~r(;ll. 1 Ytlt OIOt. lllOWillCI. !111'11 $1oOI) SunSl!ln1 H flow1r\. Wa!ker S.olG l ~O '~ •-10 rn IUl!o Oeci., l(n,nM VlclOO"y Ch&nt, Wdl•On TIME-11 Cj '"' AlSO RAN -Win "' Coo•. Kenie .. Doc Ill•. So E••.-. Sn• A P•ol/Cr. fllal'lt Or11ni, ShelklH 8•• Co ti EKAClA l·Slll>.IMM ... Flow•" & l·Jt•110 Dec~. O•lO ~~111(1 SICONO RI.CE. JSC ya"u-J v~~• Dias. ctalnil~g cur.1e t:IOO(I c~.c~ Bull•" ~nlgM & 1JO Nol IO Sh•~t<V, A(l•I• Fir>1 Bo. W1t.1on TIME-1~ 09 l.&0 ~ !O ~ lO J .a([ '" ALSO RA~ -l>11lt Tony Co, Mo•Sl'lt 1. Un Ind Only No KrllCl'llS TMIR O •A.CE. JSO varo~. 1 v~a· 0105 tlolimlng, Pll'.I' lXIOO D1I Rt• COfT!el, 81nkt J.21'.1 W1f'da Wiich, Llpl'llM P1•r Tr, Mvrrs TIME-11.ll 3 ~ ~!O '00 J_IJO .. ., l"OUltTM RACE. 3'50 ·~·o~. l Vea• ol(lf. cl•im•llO. wruo i:iooo ~ Dee Ann, C.1rdo11 \910 610 • 40 P~ut11•. W1t(I '00 3 ?~ We~tern Olr.e, H<llloe• • '10 T!ME:-18 J9. 9llFTH R.\CE. 400 y1rch. l Ytdf 01<11. ~l!n."•n~e. PU'~'" \1200 V~lry l'fr tr 8t•u , L:or.,.,,, J 6\1 ) •0 ?.•~ SilAn<1~n. CMUOl•• J 20 ?.le (npl~rn ("'"'I"• H•rl TIME-10 46 "' Sf.ICTH RACE. 350 V~r<H J vr.1' r,lrf'. &. Ur>. Cl8•mln9. Ju•-. \1~00 lnP Tr,m io;ell• AP•<l'>t Pn;•um. l(n,Qn! ll 80 I 00 St~ H,1rlto Rot~el. B•n<1 l60 l.00 r .1.,, Polnl '""'!l • llil TIME-If ?0 \) EXACT A J AQdO'rr P,,,1um & IO e .• t1co Roc•e•. r>~"' \l•a SEVEHTH IACE. 810 YM!ll l y~,,, ol(I\ t. uo ,1110 .. ~nct pu•5• '6t.00 Jn,. w~• C.n•c Lln<IA llvc~~•n" A!!~" 6 10 J 80 Tilt /,\Ol)!'l\no~r, e~""' • w GAVt lman, T•to''"' TIME-•S 13 '"' ' .. "' IEIGHTii RACE. '.lSO ·11rtt~ 3 Vt •• clJc. cl11m•"ll """"' t l'f)OO OlO•t'l Cem, C•taQt• 6 OC1 3 00 1 •~ Ml•s 0Hrr.1nas. L•Pl'l~m 1 60 1 'Q &eu.,.,uy. !>mllti 2.,0 TIME-18 O•. U EXACTA l.(llO•t '• Gem I. 4-Mi1; Oetrl•r<ll. p•i<I t.JS 00 NINTH R.\CE. 4()0 •••d\. l Y••r otds I. up. d1lmin9. ou•s.e UaY.1 8U•!ltQO, R!cMrdl 9.20 6.00 .1.80 Re<ldv WiM, l!plllm /.40 560 Moon Feu. C.•t•~• 10-60 Tt1>IE-?O !,. At Bolsn Grande Christian St,ars 1'he Orange County chapter of th\! Velto111.shi1> or Chris11an Al/t!et ·~s "'111 hold un OJX•n picnic ill Hol.~a Grande ll ig h School Sunday, June 2 . beg1n111ng <it 1 :30 \\·ith 111!.!h school students 111)(! 1~·1r fa1nill->s in\ ilcd to particip<1tc. Atnong l h c profcss1on;11' athletes cxpc('l ed for the <'vent arc Rod Sherrnan. Ho O Scribn..'r aud Phil Olsen along 111th other professional and college sta rs "·ho .1 re men1bcrs of the FCA. I "In the past \1·e ha\·e s1..1ged a banquet to introduce high sc hool boys to the FCA," Shern1an of Irvine says. "\Ve v.·anl to get in\'o\ve<l ,rifh the kids and a banquet is gelling lo be> too cxprnsi\«· so ire <1rr ha\ing a picnic· \l'ilh n bar:Ji.'(]Uc \l'ith a nlinittlure doi;~a!t'h Olyn1pit:s.°' The rntirt• fan1ilv is 111\ 1\cd to atl~'11d the progf;u1) v.·i!h " ~I dun:itiQn for adults und ~o ('Cnt.s f·Jr children under 12 for !lit• harl,equc Proceeds 11·iil h<" usct.l to St•nd d es e r 1· i 11 g athlf'tes t;i an FCA c:unp this SUllll'lCr, "~!any high sehoul <1\h!t·ll·S don ·1 kno11· 11 c C\ 1·11 h11· c""i chapter nclt\'t' Jll Orange Coun1y. \\'c 11·ant to e:..poi.£' thC'nl to our program and explain \\1ha1 the Fello"·ship of Christian Alhletes is a ) 1 about." 5.1erman adds. "\\'e feel that our prograrn of fer s· in1pro1·ement in spiritual gro'41h and brings That "as the one in \\hich several cars didn't even have :in opportunity to run Jll qualifying trials because of rain on both Saturday dates. Nell'porl B<:·:.1ch's John fllahl<'r "·as in\'olved in this one ·:111d"Jbhtf !fas a \'aild 1k:lu11. "\\'t' ,·,C'rt' all in :1 sratc Cif ('omp}('te disbt'lief "'·hen lll<'Y 11ould11"l {'Xlend 1hl' !Jill(' <tftt•r the rains," John says. ··1 had ii ehanec to try for a spot in one of the l\1·0 rars ;1:).-.igncd to nu~ but S:in"n~· Sessions and l\1c1 Kenyon didn 't 1•1l·n gee on !he traek.'" lS EXA(TA !·8u•Ol90 a. 9·RK!dy Wl1t, p~IO $15:1.00 Orc1nge Coast, GWC Halc-4 -ltits --Pl~'Y s~,,~,,iPr B<tll F oothiJJ; Sumn1t'r :ollegiatt' baschall Thrs eoold proit• <111 l'Xflt.'Hsi1c proposition for the drivers and l'iJr O\\'nt'rS not :illo\\t'd to qu;:11ify. !\fuch of the year is ... pi·nt 111 pri·par1n~ for lhl' lnd1:inapohs race ;ind ronsidt•rable -11rn.., of HlOILl'Y an• pourt•d 11110 lht·s~· ea r!> 1n the race fur !;Hilt• and forlUH<' !lut 111!h :ill thi· 1·0111rov1·r~~ app:.tr••nt in JlrC·-rnt't' d:11 '. 11 111!1 bi· ~lnt·llv bus1111·~s tor Jt·rry c;rant of lr\'tnc. H1e~ ,\lut/Jcr of J.;1~un;r Ht'iH'h , l)u;int• C;irter. Jr of llunt1ngto11 Bcarh and tht• o!h1·r 30 dr1v1·rs 1vhPn lh1·v i;:1·I lh1• l'.1tl lo slart 1hc1 r engints 1oda.1 1''1111 'l'nbbt'd l'or \·i1•1or11 If A. J. f.~oyt has foond the secret of keeping his car in one piece for the t'nlire aoo miles, it is douhlful if any other 1tri1·er "'ill t·atcb him -from start to finish. Our tla rk horse candidate for a spot in the "'inner's cir· elc has to be c:r:int. lie is s ittin~ in the middle of the si,\:lh ru\\· but ~ho,1ed that he ha s a contending car at the recent On tario 500 \\h('n he finished third. Another dri\·er \\ilh a good ~hol al lhc li t!~ fs ~li ke lfess of Tu~lln .. \like \\'US running belter than any other rar on the 1r:.1t•k al OnLarlo, mo\lng from the last to six th place com· parali\'ely early In the race "hen he hit a piece of debris and v.as ~idelined. .Ual1lt'r'.• f '11111rt' C!o11df'd ;\fahlrr coold ha\·c lx-£'n an10ng th£' ra,·orites if he had n1ath.: the starling grid but now hts future for this year is 5U1n£'\Oohal clouded. "l'n1 ('at1ng r<'gularly h£'re in Indianapolis but I expect tu il<' l~1t:k Jn :\<'v.·port 1n1me<lialrly after the race. ··rrn hoping to get a rtde at Pocono and I'll probably be drr,·1ng some!hrng rhrrc bu! r1gh1 no1\' l'tn not certain. There's onr. car I can lnn·c for i;urc bul l 11·ill 1rail and see 1f any- Ihm~ rl~ is <1vn1lablc. ·· The Pocono race 1:-June ;\(I Ediso11 , flB Girls Ho11orP<l ul Bu11q1iets Lee L1ndscv \l.'as the winner of the top av.·i-trd at the Edison High Sc!lOOI girls sports a\\·ards program at the school Thursday night. t.1iss Lindsey captured the highest point a\\•ard . emble11u11ic of being the oulslanding girl :Jlhlete in the school. for her participation in soflhall. field hoc kc y . baske!hall and badminton. She ;ilso i:f'r\·cd as prf'sidcnt or the GAA dtiring lhc past school year. l!a\1 Of f.1111C :11var<]S \Vere 1nadc to ou1S!Jnding seniors in righ! si"l()rts nnd in dance at the GAA ('\'Cllt. In addition. a s100 scholt1rship "·as presented !a Lisa t.1cQuecn . The award wiMers included l\1ary Gustafoon in volleyball and g y m 11 as t I cs : Nora i\ticMelis. tennis: Jo an i\futhels, field hockey; Denise Takushi, basketball ; Miss Lindsey, softball, VI vi an Oldmen. badminton: Karen Ca.ndelaria, swimming; and Debbie Jollie. dantX!. New ofhcers for the next school year for the GAA include: Gail \Veath e rby president: Karen Brown, vice president: Kathy Davi d , secret a r y : and l\;lalia hfcndcnhall, treasurer. U1111ti119lou Debbie Garcia v.·as named the outsta1lding girl athlete at lluntington Beach High for the past year and as a re$ult recrivcd the high point and the ser\ ice <IW:Jrd at the annual awards banquet recently. llall of fame honors "·crc presented in nine sporls in addition to n1ode rn dancing. \Vinners incl uded: Shirlev Shouse. badminton; Jo-Lynn Worthy , basketball : E I I en J\·loffett, gymnastics: Beck;.r Garza and Kevin Moore. field hockey, Sylvia Fong, modern dance. Audrey Andrade. softball: Stacey Fresonke. swimming: Sheree Hauth, tennis; Stacy Mayer. track: and Mardell ~1akrdichian. volleyball A GAA scholarship was al!O presented to Shirley Shouse. MAY SALE! We need yoor Trade! Premium prices peio. EXCEUENT SElECTION Immediate Delivery NABERS ~ ON»f 'D'll'S P111M Call So40-9100 2600 H&rbaf Costa M ... ' ttction begin<; for Golden \\'est Fv I ·O"C~ and Ornnge Co:isl colle1?eS in ... C' ~ l\\'O ~·eeks 11·i!h both arc:i .l('s Bob 11:1 le aJlo\\·cd jus! onf' rurml·r as lnr as third base Saturday as his four-hitter hc!f>{'d \\' e ~ I rn r n s I c r · s 1\mcric:in U.·gJon b a s e b a l I t1'am stop Foothill 2-0 in 1hc Sl':lson opener at \\'cstminslrr ll1~h. \\iestmin~tcr scored Ollf' run in the first 11 hen Tony Accon1ando singled, st o I e second <ind .scored on Tim Jtichards' single. In the third, 1\rt True reached buse 11·hen the Foothill catcher dropped :J third strike and 11·as laic tlH'O\l.'ing to first. Richards singled True to second and 11·hen !llark Whitaker hit \lthat appeared to be a double play ball to short. Richards took out the second baseman \\ith a rough slide, al1011·ing True to score. In another contest Saturdav. Loar.1 unleashed a 13-hi! attack lo blilz J~ountain 'Valley IJ-1 in a gan1e ;11 Foun•:iin \'alley lli;,h. Da\'C Bi rnrk s co r c d Fountain Valtcy·s only run in !he sixth on a hit b~· o~'an Fox . Wt\tmin•ltr 111 " Accomanoo. ct 1 "'~· ti lftCIMfd\. '~ Wh1ta~rr. It> fi&le. o 1 .... ,~. '" wa1.n. c Ro~ne,, 11 Vooer, u loome•. Jo To1a1s • g : g ' " ' 0 , ' • 0 JJ } Score by lnn•ngs . " 010 11• 111-lJ 1l 000 00 I 000--1 l JC Ba~chall Stall Cn1maion11!io1 Cerdlos 1, San Ole-go CC 0 THE VIKING itllM,. Ol,IT *M 'l!CU1 Minor Tun. 50% Off .......................... "'°"""•w.w-... PMn, •. , ••••,,,,, ..... , ., , NLH .-...................... mn '9TAL.,.,.,, .. , .,..,,,, •• .,ll(ff" U.'fl , • ., ...... , • .,, • .,,,,, U.lAt • cumpt·ling in lhl' ~1etropllhtan L1·:igue ~1.vron /'111cs .ind J) on ~J1111sell \~di L'Q;:JCh I h 4' ~uminer (;olt!t·n \\"est ll«ltll. \\'hich launC'hl.'s i!s 2l-~:1n1e :>chrdu!{' \\ll'dnrsd<1~· n1gh1 .JunC' 5 a.1:u11nst ihe hosr f:J Toro \!annes \!;1rt\' Qu isrnbcrr\' and .\lark Carlson 11·ill coach OCC this sumn1cr_ Th(' Pirates begin play Friday. Jtinc 7 against Cl1ap1nan at La Pahna Park . Gold•n We•t su .. e.lul• Vl't<:I ., Jvne ~~r El Toro lil~•lne~. ' Sun .. June f-Orancie Coai• ltiomel 1 Tuts-• June 11--(.ha?••Hn • ! Memnrial. 7,15 Sun., JuM l'-t.1 l'Or>d• !"<!"1<!) 1. WK!. Junr 19-ar El Toro M.orine~. 7 Sun .• Junt ?l-Fulltt!on (llomtl 1. Sun. June 30-<v~rt•s !homt l l ThU•S.. July '-El Toro 1Aarine• (llom1). I Su,. .• Julv 7-0••"Qt Coa11 (nomel I Tue•. Julv 9-Cnacman 11t A•emorl~L. OF ORANGE COUNTY CA U FORN1A ·s LARGEST LA W SC HO OL OFFERS A CHOICE OF FOUR PROGRAMS OF LAW STUDY, e IN lllHll: 21/1 •• l YfAtS ol fUll-11Ml l~w ns.16 d111room h<>vo pt• weell, or • • IN l llHl l l 'h •r 4 Yll.lS of 'AIT.tl"'l d1~. evrn1ng, 01 Wttkfnd l1w 11vdy IJ d•Ul'I ptr ..,,el. J., liou•1 per cl111i, e Yo" '"' tlfll yOu• JUl lS OOQOI IJ p ! .,,_ ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THE CALIFORNIA BAR EXAMINATION Wtlll 01: rHONl JOI (AIALOOUI 800 Soulh Brookhurst • An•heim 92804 (7141 635-3453 APPLY NOW FOR THE FALL SEMESTER, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 ALL FOUR LAW STUDY PROGRAMS AVAILABLE IN FALL 1974 t!UOIMll IUOll\t •Ott rtllU.U.'t lftMJO tTl.IOOd lOMll APftO\'ID rOI VltllA- • Sunday, May 2&, 1974 PUBLIC NOTICE PVBWC NOTJC~ • OAIL V PILOT C S 1 ------PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUI I USI NISI Nol.Ml SfATllrlllNT loliowl"ll P9•Ufl It dOlrlf ll!.IS)MU ·-.. .. -.... ,. ' • J • • C -1 DAIL V PILOT Sunday, M11 26, 1974 Meet Watchdog of Waterfront Neivport's Blacki~ Bri11gs Down Sc1cred Cows A CONVENIENT SHOPPIN(l ANO SlWING GUIOE FOR TH( CAL ON lH[ CO, I " ; ... ,,.. .. ' ,,, 0Jol, Pila! Stiff P~OTO BOATYARD WIT 'Blac kie' Gardarian By JAC~I ~ HY~IAN 0t , ... O•llr ,.Ht! '"" f\t'\\ port Bl' a Ch ·s irl'l.'\'Crt·111 \\LI dot•sn'I bclil'\'e in saert•d (QI\~. :\rst•nr "HlaC'kie" Gntk1ri:i11. <H111cr of Blackie's Boat Y:1rd. l;-i rnpooos t'\'l'l')'One fr11n1 1hr t'hiC"f esecuth·e 1 "\\'hrn you go <·rnty fro1n driving 55 n11\rs an twur. thev c:irrv \ciu :1"·;11· nnlttl'ring' nice ·1hiiigs abotit Prt•~1dent :\ixon"l to 11·hat he tC'rms the ''li mousine liberals." Fro1n his 10.yenr-old rC'pair y:trd bet~·een the R h i n e Channt'.'I and ;.; e \\' p o r t Boule1·ard . tht' st>lf·proclaimed "1ra1chdog on 1he Rhine" di~f'\'!lSt'~ :l ~!Tt'<tlll Of hl1n1oro11s rnmnH.•n1ary on e1 t•ryrhing !hat a ff L' L' ! s I MUTUAL FUNDS· ·,.) Out Co trat11mlssloa dlfflcuJtles from New York, the complete summariet of the •telE.11 market traosacdon1 were not received tbfs week, and only tbe llsdngs abo\•t can be published. L.A. CALLS 41/2c -• f'rly ... U..t -....,., 5"-t'lct °""--c .................. ...eNy r.t. -J. fronc fKO ............... _ The Ttlephone.Compony Of Colifomia 3001-C.M. 17141 t7t-IU4 LOCAL SWISS VAULTS PRIVATE STORAGE t-<11..., .1:..i.1 . c .. i..,. ·Viii.inf,.. (71A),835·7U1 SAF(T\' ,-ND PllVACV IN THE SWISS TIADlllON FULLY INSURED 1 .. M ""'"h(h!Mldln...,.., .,,....,.AM,('A!ri1111 :\'l'11'port Beach, the state and 1he country. Oilt' Qf the sacred C0\1;s he llchghts in lampooning is rl'r\ l'lll nntionalis1n. "It's :ill an accident Htl,\\\'iiy:· said Gadarian. \rho c1111ilalized on his Armenian ht>l'ltagc to \\'rite a statement p.1 rodying everyone from ChristiaQS and Scotsmen to Zionists and Afro.Americans. The st.atf1nent claims that Gndarian is president of T. F. 0. A. C. D. T. P. T. I. 0. A. I. H. 0. T. \\'., also kn11·on as The Friends CJf Armeni:i. Commillee Dedicated to Publicizing the Jmportance of Arme'llians in the History of the \\'orld. Among the n1ythi c al historic~11 st:itl'ments listed is the claiin 1hat Shish-Ka-Bob \\"JS in\·cnted br Am1enia11s to dispose of lhe 0rcn1ains of the C'hris!i:ins after 1hc lions got lhrol1gh \\'i!h thein . TllE ST.ATE.\I E'\T a 1 so claims thal Scotch \\·hiskev i~ realty ju~t spoiled Arn1eilian \rine and that it 1ras an Armenian v.·ho lit the fire under Joan of Arc. Ano1hcr of G ad aria n 's barbed attacks u·as launched recently \\'ilh a contest he calls "Explain·A·Tape." He lists the rules this way. •·)'ou buy a contest book consisting of President Nixon's tape transcript. The game is to fill in all of the blanks 11·here the transcript says 'inaudible .' 'exp!eUvc dele ted· etc. ··\'ou \rill be marked on neatness. legality, punctuation and i1nagination. Everything IYIUSI be filled in. Pcn11v Pi11ch ol Mav Be11efit ol Bay Cit y SAN FRANCISCO (API - This city s;tands to make a buck off the penny crisis if officials accept an offer from local coin dealers . Some dealers. v.•ho are selling pennies like mad to copper hoardCrs, are willing to pay up to $57 for $50 worth of the hard-sought coin. The cHy collects more than 30 mil!ion pennie;; a year - some $300,000 v.·orth-from parking meters. so the dealers' offer could enhance city coffers by $ 4 2 , 0 O 0 annually. "\\'e're seriously considering the templing offer.'' said Thomas J. f\.iellon. the city's chief administrative officer. "It depends, in part. on ,\·he thcr the premium v.·ill hold up oYer the coming years." On the other side of the coin. ~lellon admiued the city \vould bl' contributing to the current hoarding trend . U.S. ~-tin t officials have urged .. public-spirited citizens" to re urn t he i r stashed·!l\\·ay coins to circulation. For the past 27 years. the city ha.~ been redeeming its pC"nnies for face value at the Bank of America, v;hich even pays for Brinks transportation cost.°'. One de.!ller, David Laufer. says he'll provide free transportation. too. "It's no problem at all," he said. "We're eager to sign a contract v.•ith the city for all i1s pennies. '·J could handle them "·i1hout any trouble," Laufer added. "\\'hy, I have a :::tanding order from just one custon1er for a half million pennies .. , Encr.,.v (ri~i s e . Parley Opens SPOKANE, Wash. IAPl Experts fro m i n d u st r y, government, universities and private research groups will look £or causes behind the energy cris>is and £or possible solutions to the p r ob 1 e m during a four-day symposhtm on energy beginning today. The meeting, the flnt in a series of six topical symposia spot:ViOfed by Expo 74 world's fair, is free to the-public. It will be held at Gonzaga University's Russell Theater. ''THE STORY line must have con t i nu i t y and plausibility.·· Gadarian adds on I he unofficial li st of rules, "The prize is 1rorth it. You wil l ha\'e an all·expense paid trip to Washington. D.C. for .the impeachment hearings. "Your O\V1l transcript will be used in the impeachment hearings. Your transcript will go into the archives for histo ry to see. ..Yon will see the President of the United States impeached because of a contest on your imagination. That's the American way. .. Have hope. you runners up COlltestants. Your transcripts \l'i!\ be used in the futu re to impeach the De1nocrats when they get in." "It's not really a contest." Gadarian ad1nil!cd . "It's just something I niadc up.,. llE QUICKL V added that he's neither a left nor a right· 1\·ingcr. "I vaclllate." he said. Gadarian applies his \\•it against hitnself ns 11·cl\ as others. He recently advertised for a' boat repairman. add in g . "\\'ark for the J\1eanest man in to1vn." Ask~ if anyone rcs(Xlnded. Gadarlan said, "No, but people come in and say they want to see who the meanest man in town is." He also claimed that his boat yard has a "yard psychiatrist" 1vhom he calls ''1\'hene1·er 1\·e have problen1s 11·ith customers. "\\'hen \\·e ha1·e a really bad problen1. 11·e ca!l in n1y n1other," he added. FINANCE Gadarlan also applies his \\'it directly to f o o 1 is h customers. When a young mail 1valked in and asked advice about a particular boat he \\'as thinking of buying, he got an unexpected earful. "\VHY DON'T you just le;1rn so1ne funny stories and be a gu('st on someone e I s e ' s boat?" Gadarian said. "Why don't you buy a bicycle instead?" l-Je later explained he has seen too many young people with onJy a little money sink it all into a boat badly in need of repairs. "It's like getting a mistress and fi nding out she needs her teet h fixed and a hysterectomy," Gadarian said. Ga darian's individualisin perhaps peaked in 1971 when he successfully fought a $16 fine ilnposed on his boat yard by the U.S. Departn1cnt of Labor's Occupational Safety a1;d ~lealth Administration . . . An inspector first charged th.at Blackie had no ladder from his doclt to the water for safety, in case a worker fell '"· WllEN IT turned out that the law required only that there be a ladder in the vicinity of 1he dock. GadaMan took his stand, protesting that he-had ladders throughout the boat yard. Ttte result was a four and a half hour formal hearing held at the Newporter IM, during which Gadarian acted as his own attorney. "I was a lawyer for four and a half hours, and I '"e never even been to co!lege,'' he said proudly. The trial over the $16 fine cost t~e government a n undetermined amount o f money in salaries <md ended in victory for the 11•atcr \\·:11rhdog. I The turnin g point may ft:.ive been v.·hen he responded to charges that the nearest ladder to his dock was 400 feel av.•ay by pointing out that his boat yard is only 132 feet long: E\'en the animal kingdon1 isn't safe fron1 Gadarian's wit . His v.'ife Sara. who1n he calls "the Julie Andrev.·s of n1y life," recently gave him a rat trap which he claims ''kills rats genetically." It's a kind of n1aic '\'hich. he points out. only smart rats will be able to penetra!e. ··only the stupid ones v.·i\1 be left and they \•;on 't know hO\I' to survive or reproduce or an)thing." Gadarian said. And 1\·ith that he turned I back to the business of fix ing boats. ---, .. -··--.. --· -----·-·--·-~·- 8V2 Percent Rates Luring Buyers to U.S. Securities NE\V YORK -The prospect of earning better than 81 ~ percent on government securities is cl r a w in g thousands of .small investors in the money market, many of them for the first lime. "'ith interest rates soaring and inflation shrinking the purchasing pov.·er of the dollar, investors recently have shifted million.-; of dollars from their savings deposits into high-yielding Treasury bills and notes. Treasury·bill rate percent 9 5ourc•: U.S. D1p1rtm1nl ol Comm1rc1 not surprising. ccn.~idcring thc l Nine for Now! . .r ·.(. Woman·• norld \ ~42·St78, ext. 330 For All Sizes! !.oolr fur\\:inl 1o •'•>Ol \lay!> "11h till ~ ,man 1<.1i•l"'r! Ir h,,, ''''''flliin.::: --wld,.. , "'•'r.<. porl..o·l~. ~ll"li llf'! f'ro· ,·1:-;1; l'(ll: '\Ill\' 1l1h , 1 ... 1 or 1,,,,,1 • .i in """f ~111·!1 <J1•·:1rn·conn .. rr11•• t111nJ1Hb•· 111 ~1 111'!1, 1';~110·1·11 ~p1:1 ; ~!i""'"' ··l .,ol·-~ 1t11n,-.-.,, ,i,, ·'. '"·" .~11 .. ~ 1"~'1 11,.l! ~ii.r?> Ill' oad(o<I , bnl•·1·"· 1un1', 11.1nl • :'"'• h wlu•lrd. ·h•Jl'lo, rnp"fd. rnil=<•l'IH· ,\II 7!JC~;r.;TS for('11rh J>.'.lltern. •·«·) ·'' ,, 11> 1t.rl11) lolo·11d ,\rill 25 t•f'nts for l'iH~h piltltru 1'1 •nl··•I 1'"' 1, r11 .,,., 1 forf1n,\·Clil~~n1n1landspecial i'lo ;lt.!1t·11•:-'I ~··~~. 1.;' :<11• handl111i:: 0Lht•rw1:.•· 1• .!1··~·' J)~ ~artJ,~·11 .. r. 1h1rdclass dl'li\'l'ry ""1ll tllkl" S.•rul SJ.Oii lur ... 1<'!1 p:.11,·rn lhrL'i' weeks or rnorl'. St-nd to A1ld 25 t cut~ for i'.«'h j)J\h rn /\lice Urnok~. JOJ. the Ua1Jy -JQr_Ur.5.Lcla."'1>ltliJl).;uHJ ~l"''l,1!.. . J..!ll.ot, -~~tl!ccr.;.V'L.DcµL. It.1.\ ._.h.J..I\dJ I l1 j\., .ul.b...:.J:. I' I...~.,,..,_ • o-li>.l; (}W !.:t:l'J.rw.JA-~l(ll'l,.t'I\'<. .. lh1rtJ·1·la~!-. d,•111,•r\' will t:1k" York. ~.Y.10011 . i'nntNtm1·. ttir..,,.,.,.,.,.k~nr 111.,;..., St.•nrl lu /\ddr i•!-..~, Zip. /'atlcrr1 \l:irian ,\larl1n .i12, th .. !1.111' r\omlll:r. 1'1lu1 -New! 150 mo.~t popoll'lr <I" l'•!!•·r n l•··pl ::.1~ \\,•.r l'tb. ~ii;111t in(lur 1974 Needteer.ifl ~1. '°'"" \nrk, ••:. y 1"n11. ('at.:ilog! All rraft!! THREE l'ri nl NAME. AOORESS. ZIP. .Fr<'O 1h1~h:T1J1 ln~!<le ....... -.75f SIZE cul'l STYLt NUMBER. Ne,.·! Sew + Knit 8ook-- o ...; ~; F J: 1·:1: l'.\TTEt::O.: .. t ) .. ur hat Biu;lc TiSBll~ l'illt••rn $1.2!1 • """ .. t" ~"u•l fur. "'"' 1,. ,, S ew'. Needlepoint Book $1.00 J·'·''· 111 ln-••I .. :-.;~;w ~1·1:1\1!. ~cw! FlowerCrochetBk$1.00 ~1 11111 1: 1·1'1'TI 1:\· 1·11 \· HairplnCroche!Book_ .... $1.00 I.< ". J.... " i· ii I ,, <,. ,. h11t.:inl C rochet Book ...... $ 1.00 l··•lr• 111, . .,,, ... u .~. 11.1. 11,,11 • l ntl.:int Macram' Book-.. $-1 .00 SEW KNIT J:,.,.,, "'''' j,, :.. lnnant Mo'leY Book ........ $1.00 ; ,,,, " Complete Gift BoJk ....... :>.S1.00 l"st~•H F.nh -on 1: .. ,, 'I fin Com11lete Afgh;111• :14 .... $1.00 l"s!~nt Sev. "g 1· ,~ ., 11•) 1:!.Prf2e Afghin1::12 ........ 50t Book of 11S Qi.ill11 :1 ... ., .. ~ SOt Tht• (:1.:1,•,l dr:11v in th<' \\"·~t. _ i\ I l;iily Pdl'.ll flusi:i[u·d Ad. C.ill l·i.\'.!-'.",!i~!<. For Mi.i•ti.im Quilt Book #2-~ 50t 15 QoUt. for Tod1y #'S .. ~ S0t Book of 16 Jiffy Rug•, . ~f Weekender Advertising ___ , ___ <l. To accommodate long lines of individua l investo rs J:ieeking to participate in a $3.75 billion U.S. Treasury fi nancing package, New York Federal Resen'e Bank officials had to press thei r 14th f I o or gymnasiun1 into emergency service last '"·eek. Other Federal ll es er ve Bank.<> in Chicago, Cleveland and Atlanta also reported high in1·estor interest in the latest Treasury auction. u·ho bought several of the notes maturing in July, 19i6. said .. the yield is better than \\·hat banks pay. Besides. the funds aren't tied up for as long· a period as with a saving.~ certificate and there's no problen1· aOOut get l i n g repaid .. , well·public;zed m<ercst·raic Phone 642-4321 s p i r a J and the poor performance of the stuckl '-----------------------~ n1arkct in recent month!'. The big attractions \Vere tv.·o issue» of Treasury notes carrying 11n 834 per c en t coupon -the highest interest rate for such government obligat ions since the Civil \\'ar. DESP ITE the nev.•\y set $ l 0, 0 0 0 minimunl·purchase requirement, individuals, smaller bank.<; and pension funds snapped up more than one-third of the two--and four· year note offerings. The remainder \\'ere taken up by larger instl tu tioos. w h i ch typically submit competititivc tenders (offers to purchase J that detennine the exact interest yield that ismaller investors receive. "The 83 .i percent coupon really caught my eye," said a young businesswo1nan as she waited to hand in her $10,000 certified check and completed tender form at the New York bank's gym . "I had to take a long lunch hour to come down to Wall Street, but it's v.·orth the extra effort." A o11emiretired businessman SILVER BARS .I!! + PURE PUTTM OOLD COINS e SIUU C41l llG C1>11fl<J.ntl•t COl'PClf•I• 5t0f'•~ or 1"""'"1.8,. IHll\'f'f'Y INTERC0NTINf:NTAL INV!STMf!NT COMPANY JOO ~ c.ntw °''"' ll'll Fl~f'IClllf Centt'I" tuwpott a..cP!. e1111. 64+9410 ., Other note buve rs said th('v preferred to · buy t h ·e government IOU's directly fr om the Federal Rese rve Bank, the U.S. Treasury's fiscal agent, rather than going through a local bank or brokerage firm. "You save a $20 fee by doing it yourJ>elf - and it's not that hard." comnterited a lady who said she was trying to boost her retirement income. SEV ER AL investors complained that the Treasury acted in "discriminatory fashion" in suddenly raLo:;ing the minimum order on notes fron1 $1.000 to $10.000. t.:nofficia!ly . Treasury official~ ackno1~·1edge I he move \\.'<ts m:.ide largely to reduce the 1nour~ting outfloYi of funds frn:n t hr i ft instituti on.°'. A "econ d a r y reason is; the hii;h processing cost of handling a large volume of small orders. The surging public demand for Treasury bills and notes Is PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCE RN ••• Ti. SLUE WHITE IN DUSTRIES, 1'931 Ct1e1lrwt, Wtstmh1ttt r, Ctllloml1, t.t• l llUmed 111 lfMll •ftd 11.0ll!tftt 11\d wlll OPtrllt PtUllCl~ll• CO.. 14'11 Clle•tr1111, Wt •tmltl.iet, C.llfor11l t, •• 1 dlvl!llOl'1 ol 9LUI!. WHITE IHDUSTRIES. 91.UI!. WHITE INOUSTA1E& 0, M. ICIN() '"illOENT PUb!lthed Ori"" CO&SI 0111~ Piiot, May,,,"' u, u. 21, ,., ft, lt14 1171·7• PUBLIC NOTICE· ... , Take Issue With Your Assessor. J·ac , P. Vallerga lssueOneiQuall~IUOllS. Over 22 veors of e11~rlfnce, lnclUdlng s veo1s with !he State 8oarq of Eauolfz01!on ·a• aen lo'r apprai&er. e ytera t1 Chief Appraiser for Alameda CoUntv. 8 yeari .as A&1111an1 A.1se1sor 01 01aricie Cotinfy Ol'ld 1·112 veors as Asseasor of Orange Counrv. Addil/onollv. Jock Vallero~ ho$ been op painted to the U.S. Comme1ee Oepl. Census Ad\l/IOfV Commllt••· Issue Two: Progf.uns and PolldU. (QuMoble odmlnlstrotfon or os1es1menf lows. Ytortv reYotuotlon 01 all prope1!1e1 to arrive al market voltJe, continued dtvelopmenl cf computerized oppfo!&ol ona1ys1s 1ystem. Assessment Of oH PfoPertv ot 261ti of market votue. lmportfol treotmenl or 01 1011payer1. lsSueTlll'ees ~ The 1ntegrlt~ 01 m. AtMSIOf' is the loundollon ol the entire county flsc~r p1001om. Jock Vo"ergo't total dedk:otton to !he ottlce ol Assessor and st1iel adherence to1he IO'w ensures 1hOf ~ AsseSIOt'• otrice 11 not used to lnlluence DlonninO or development, nor f& ft influenced by '"'clof inle1esta. Jack vo11e1oo·s prfma cone9fn Is lhOt each lndlvlduol IS oa.sesaecf hla folr OOd PfO fl9no1e 1hare ol.IM 1011 burden. . --• • ' Sunday, May 26. iq74 DAIL V PllOf C If V~ejo Home -Resales Averaging 50% Above 3 Years Ago 'nle dramatic increuse tn lhl? value m resldentlal pro?"rl.\' In at Joa.st some portions or orange County over the past few yean is clearly spelled out In a recenUy com1>leted study of i68 rtsales at Mission Viejo, situated in the southern por1!<11 of the county . 1be study show's t h e average horrie In !he sun'ey appreciated almost 50 percent between the lin1e it v.·a£ sold by The Mission Viejo Cont· pany to its origlnal 'll\'JlC'r, and the Ume of Ute latest reS.J.ie, 39.3 month! later. The .266 resales occurred during the U.roonU! period from March. 1973, through FellnJary, 1974, with the exce~ of the moo~_JI June and July, 1m. Original sales ngures for these t\.\'O nlonths were not j!!adily available . COMPLETION OF the study shov.·ed that the typical home v.·ooJd have 'Id originally for .$31.210. 3.27 years prior to its lnt.,st resale. It's important to nole the fact that a number o r i 1n provements, presumably made by !he original owner, have to be allowed !or. Such ite~ as draperies. painting, landscaping and p e r h a ~i panelling all serve to Increase the value of a borne. It is only natural, therefore, to attribute a share of the pace of appreci<ition of any new home to such Improvements. However, over !hat 3.27-year period from original sale to latest sale (thef'e may have been lnt«lm ,...1.,, but U.,,. have not been included In the survey), the typical MJulon Viejo home would have appreciated 45. 78 perctnt, or at an average annual rate of 13.97 pereent. TYPICAL RES,\LE price was $45,499, for an average price differentiation betwetn the "new" s.t_e ptice and the latest ,....le 11'$14.289. Figures ror the original sale price, the r<Sale price and the duration from origin.ii sale 10 resale were researched and supplied by the Santa Ana o{fK:e or Title Insurance and Trust Coolpany. For 111 of the ten months surveyed, the style of home v.'a.s spelled out in t h e statistical breakdown. This allowed appreciation figures to be developed on e a c h residential concept at Mission Viejo in 151ofthe266 resales. OF THE SEVEN "sidential styles surveyed at the popular resldent1al/recreatlonat pion· ned community the relatively new Aliso Villas condominiums are currently showing the highest rale ol appreciation . Although ooly nine resales were logged during the six months, these indicated a 33.75 percent annual rate of appreciation, "·Ith an appre<:iaUon of 13.12 percent. totally planned community Is 0 rig Jn a I sales pr Ice Sil:th oC !he residential the SevlUe line. 'fen avallable styles incorporated in the examples of this slyle sho1\' ;in avero(ing out lo $20,l6G, survey at the 11 ,000-acre average annual value locreasc compared ~ an averageJ·;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;~========:=:::::~::;::=:;:::~1 resale price of $15,%72 after! I nine months average duraUon between original sale and lateet resale. Next in line is the f\.tadrld Hooies series. Here a n average aMual app-eciatioo of 21.43 percent (based oo 14 sales during the period was recorded. The average original sale in the Afadrld style was $41 ,464, with a typical resale 20.4 months later for $56.543. !Jnlroducing ANOTHER PROJECT IY CHARU5 T. SMITH&. ASSOCIATIS WE INVITE YOU TO PD-VIEW QUI NEWEST TOWN-HOME nOJECT IH CAPISTllAllO IEACH TOWN-HOMES FROM $69,000 to $110,000 San Juan Offers •variety" Eldorado Homes, one of the ntost popular housing styles to be found at h.fiS!!lion Viejo, averaged 13.61 pereent. with 52 examples. Average original sale price for an Eldorado home was $26,067. The latest resale took place 3.25 ~:ears later for $37' m. • ' ' " o ....... -~ U.S. DEVELOPMENT'S SAN JUAN PROJECT Three 1nd a Half Acres of Fishing. Bolting Con1fort in Huntington Calif or1iia Classics Highlight Plan1ii.ng "Several vi.sitors h a v e reerred to it as one of the moo comfortable floor plan~ they've seen in the Southern California residential market," said John Galvin, president of Kendall Development O:mpany referring to the Ne w Ca.llfomi.a Classics by the Sea residential p r o j e c t in Huntington Beach. He ~1as speaking of the four bedroom, two bath Plan 200. one of four noorplaM offered at the popular project, localed on the south skle of Slater just west of Springdale. "The Jiving and fan1i!y rooms are adjacent to each other, with the kitchen right next to the family room." Galvin continued. "A fu\1- height masonry fireplace in the living room greets the View of each persoo. entering the home through the front door, and a pass-through counter links the kitchen tu ., the patio v.ith the ease to be expected ol a quality California borne." The current base price of the Plan 200 i5 $H,990. The master bedroom in the 200 plan is isolated, and offers a wall full of closet space, and a complete1y private bath. nvo other bedrooms have generous closet space and the fourth bedroom, which is directly adjacent to the entry hlll!, can easily be con~·erted u110 a den if dffi.ired. The second bath is e B s i I y accessible from any of the bedrooms or rrom the living areas. The Plan 200 is available in any one of three exterior elevations, as are each of the other three floorplans, which range in size from the 1,306 square foot Plan 100 to the spacious and elegant Plan 400, with l.819 square feet in its t\lo'o stories . . •. Active Lifestyle Stre.~sed The factor of low either on£' n~ l \\IO·st ory maintenance and ll re-suiting models. ~· freedom ror homeowners is a top reason for the impressive popularity of Village San Juan, the San Juan Capistrano Townhome and Court home project by U.S. Development Corporation. According to Joan Watm11n, director of sales at the development, buyers make up a wide range of age and family type, yet have one thing in common -a very active lifestyle. --C0~1'C1Pli1TV recreation:il features include private pool areas, numerous c om m o n parks and r ive.minu te proximity to Dana Point to.farina and several beach areas. Cent11rY 21 • AddingCdM To It's List "We hll.ve everything from single buyers to couples and even large families moving into our Country Court Homes ll.Dd Townhomes. All of them have recognized the economic Corona del f\.far has been benelits of owning yet desired added to the Ii~. of Ora~ge an escape from a great de:al of County c:ommun1u.es offering exterior maintenance," stated the services of independent ·'ti'iss Watmar.. .. . -Realklrs M»>Ortcd by Cent~ i • 21-Real. Eitate Corporation FOR A SMALL monthly fee residents receive membership in the Village San Ju8n Home owner's Association. v.•hich takes care of ~II common greenbelt a r e a s • recreational areas and home e:1teriors, as well as the :i-1 ~ acre fishing and boating lake. Homes avaihlble at Village San Juan include six Country Court models, priced from $27 ,990 an dfeaturing up to four bedrooms and two baths in both one and two.story floor plaits. A design plus ol the homes is an enclosed court. suitable !or use as anything from a normal patio:garden area to private jacuzzi center. Four townhome pl a n s , priced from $26,500, a r e available with up to three bedrooms aOO two baths in Retired Oil Man Lives 011 Island programs. Earle R. "Bud" Corbin and Paul J\fartin have included their firm at 31126 F.. Const High\ray in the nat:on•.\•ide network of more than 550 Cen- tury 21 offices. Corbin and f\fartin both have served Newport Beach area real estate needs for 15 years. They v•ent into bu s iness together l 1 years ago and hat•e been at their present location since 1967. A member of the Graduate Realtors lnstitule. Corbi n serves on the Orange Coast College real ~state advisory board and teaches two real estate subjects at Golden West College. He has served the Ne'NJX)rt Harbor Costa Mesa Board d Realtors as an of- ficer and director, has achiev- ed membersliip in the board's Million Dollar Club and he has been a caiifomia Real Estate Association director. 11.fartin managed a real estate office in the harbor ana before joining Corbin in busines!I. His previoos ex- perience was in sales manage- ment for Paddock Pool Co., in industrial sales for Aluminum C-Omp.any of America and in NAPLES, Fla. (AP) -Most the air transport field. A men only dream of deserted native of Uindon, he altended islands, but Lester Norris New York University and has owns ooe and he says It Isn't worked with the Newport easy taking care of a para· Beach Exchange Club youth d. talent program. He also is a 1'e. ber ol he N ,, mem t ewport l wanted a place that was Harbor Costa Mesa Board of PHONE 493.5554 ........ • : ;\.--"''<"''~=· -.. i • '-----''' ''"'"'""'O"''"~":'"O:'O:'"'-- ~~~c.-~~., ••C• .. t OCI..,. Li\ PAZ, another ~tiss ion Viejo home style v.·ith a well- cstablished reputation r o r success, averages in at an annual appreciation pace of 15.JS percent, based on 32 resales. The average original sa1e prke for La Paz homes in the survey \\•as $30,465. The average latest resale took place after 4.15 years for $49.644. CAMINO CAPISTRANO AND VIA VERDI, CAPISTRANO BEACH --You can atlll- affora tcreome home to the beach ••• at Beachwalk Beautiful B~chwalk j..: TIOW (~rand Opening Phase Six , 46 luxury rownhomes by the bcach.or- Beachwalk is a Mas1er- Planned community in exclu- sive Huntington Seacliff. Phase Sil"is designed for you, with 2, 3, 4 b:: 5 Bedroom. townhomes each with 2-car garage, ~try atrium, full.: fenced P¥i°'• lu sh landtc~ ing, 11114.all of the luxurious . .appoiJitments yon: would expect in more expcnsLvc C"ommuniries. There arc rriva1e swimming pool~, rolling g·reen open ~pace, Tiight-lighted winding paths, rccrealion centers, and a lifestyle you've waited lnr too long. And, you'U enjoy single-family privacy, fabulous floor plans, and no·mainltt'1nnrr ..• e4r! Discover this incomparable environmmt at a prire you aus afford. Come to Beachwallc.'s Grand Opening, Plwe Six, today! 2-5 Bedrom Lmury Townhomes, by the sea, from $43,950 ' from Los Angfttt and Otvip Counties, take Goldm West exit olf 5.in Diego fwy . Ptoceed tocub s mi.la to BcKhnlk. Hlllltingtoa Bcacb. _r.umished.models-<>pen.d ·_ 1 o a.m. Excellent Jin.a.ncing... available. (714) 536-6557 Conveniently adja.cent to golf courses, ni ght-lighted 'tennis <'OUrt5, Elementary, Jr. High anci l·ligh School.::. You can w.1lk to bcacFil's, ihl' new civic center, parks, ,ind ma jor 5hopping pl:i1.a~. And, you're minutl'S fron1 <alleges and universities. hospitals, airports, fre<'1v.11·<, Ncwport"Bt'ach and Los An8eles. El'joy exclu siv e u~c 1Jl Beachwalk's winding path~. private StTeets. 7 swimming pools, 2 clubhouses, completely landscaped park areas and recrcarional facilities. dmlop"g @) A.); Hall award.winning A H . . rommunlt1e~ j C~rporation c1... to nature, but nothing Realtors fancy," says multimilliooalre -.;~.~;;·===;..;;;-;;-;o-~..-;!;:=====================================~ Norri!, 71, wbo OWll5 Key Wand, a barren but beautUul stretch of beach in the Gulf a lew miles ..,th ol Naples. Norris said it's difficult to maintain his haven. "You're at the mercy of nature." he saJd, adding he has to fight hurricanes, fire, drought, and beach erosion. HE SAID HE bought his first island 30 years ago on A lake in Minnesota . but his v1 ife r(OI poison ivy on her lirst ~lay so he ga\'e it <nray t:> the noy Scouts. His search for another spot brought him to Key Island, home to a boys' school. R frw scattered v.'OCl<irrame houses, mangroves, Australian pines and birds. Norris, of St. Charles, Ill., says he bought 26 acres and then slowly accumulated the rest, tumlng the b 0 y s' dormitories Into cabins he sometimes loan• to h I s Waterfront Living you can afford Priced from$63.5()() Excellent Conventional Financing Sales Agency, Wm. McCabe Inc. " ' ' ' I • .. l i .. friends. L0 '1eForen ' ONI OF fOUll. MOOILS AT KENDALL DIVILOPMENT C•lllornla Cl•sslca by tho S.. ln Huntln9lon •1 LIKE TO write and do my pl8IU)ln11 here," he said. "We 10 liave to be alone on<e tn •while.·• Norrll, largest sho"holder and retired director of Texaco, Inc., said he lists h I I ocoupatlon '"' Teuco prolies .,...,.....auonlst. •lWben I came down here, I wun~ goma to pt Involved. I ju1t wanted t o be l!Ddbltll'bod," Norrla 1 a I d . '18ut lf a man can't drive to the grocery lf«I because thm'• no 1190llne, he Isn't gvh1& to give a domn about maftll"\'• a-. l llll a practical con1erv1tlonl!I. "You know, no man Ls an island, e\reo If be owns one." • 24S03 Jeronllllo Ll1,. El Toro, Ca. (714) 83().7090 L11ar.ut . • • ' ' (: f DAILY PILOT Sunday, J>'IY 2~. \q74 --·- , • J Real ·Estate .. , :)' Questions,LComment ~ By ~ealtor Randall McCardle ' ' I under1tend condominiums have betn Mlling very well . Why are pHPI• investing In tfM11? Wh at are th• edvantag11? How do ~'condos'' dlfftr f.rom ''co-opa''? • Wt h1.,. llY*d in a partments and .we have had our own hom11 several t im11. Now that our children a rt older, wt art considering a condo- minium. • E.K., Costa Mes.a I recently visited a friend of mine who lives in a condominiu1n. l"B sked him how he likes it. lie said, "I love it. I have always owned typical homes before . It was a backbreaking, frustrating job to keep the grounds looking presentable. A good por- tion of n1y \Veeks was 'spent sweating over the crabgrass, the lawn m O\\'er or the edger." Nu\v, he said, ''I still own my own home but \\·ithout any maintenance problems. All of these units are \\/ell kept and maintained by ski lled pro- fessionals. AJJ I have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy it." That, in a nut shell , is \\'hy condon1iniums ore popular. They are maintenance free. So1ne aspects of the condominium are: - 1. In a condominium, the occupant actually o\vns his O\\'n apartn1ent, but not the rest of the building. 2. !·le probably pays his O\Vn taxes and h·as hi s O\Vn separate trust deed. Therefore, he can de- duct hi s tax payments and 1nortgage payn1ents from hi s income tax. :l. f-le probably has the use of a putting green, a shuffle board court., a swi1nming pool and per- haps even a tennis court which someone else main- tains. l~e pays only a small portion of the upkeep. \Vhen you buy a condominium, you buy air space. You may own your own store t hough not the rest of the building, and thereby avoid rents going up as fast as his business improves. "Co-ops" O\vnership means buying stock in a corporation \rhich OY"ns and manages the multi- unit structure. The purchase of this stock entitles the purchase r to lease an apart1nent in the build- ing. In a real sense. i t is not O\Ynership at all. for i~ is the corporation that truly O\vns the corpora- tion . The purchaser is $ligated to comply \vith the decision s handed by the board of directors or the corporat ion. In "co-op'' o\vnership. you cannot sell your lease to a \villing buyer \V ithout the ap- . proval ·of·the..-bbard of_directors. ---·- Rauclall R. f.TcCardle is an lnvesrn1eut Anu/yst. u l'ollege Lecturer. <n1d 1\utl1or of '·Real Estate in l'uli- tornia." Sencl !Jflllr connne11ts a11d queslio11s to R. R . .\lcCardlc, clo !lie Duily Pilot. Post Office Box 1560, Costa J\/t'SO, California 92626. ' $750,000 P1·091·a111 Viejo Co11ntry Clull~s · Re11ovatio11 Set i11 J1111e Ground is expected to be program has been completed broken in early June for a in about six months. close to $750.000 e x p a n s i o n and 7 .000 square feet of Ooorspace renova tion program at the '"'ill have been added tn the fl.Ussion Viejo Country Iub. existing club house, located · Roger Clark, vice esident , just ff Oso Parkway. bui lders services di ision ~me.---~ the T>.tission Viejo announced plans r, Ne-iv CR struclion. J N CL U D ED JN the expansion progra111 \\'ill be a banquet roon1 capable of acrommodating some 450 people: a private dining roo1n and lounge for club members: expansion or the existing lounge and kilchen facilities. along with the expansion or the men's locker fa cilities and const ruction of a women's locker room . The existing pro shop \Vill be enlarged also. Clark noted. Exterior features to be installed during the major construction program include tennis courts and a swin1ming pool, aside from extensive relandscaping or the club house grounds. •·u pon completion of (he improvements," Clark said, "~l ission Viejo Country Club ,,·ill rank as one of the finest to be found an}"'•here in the state.·· He added t ha t renderings are currently 011 display in the clubhouse giving an idea how the complex '''ill look on completion . TH E C JI A r.t PJONSlllP euursc and club faciti!ics fir st opened to the public in April. 1967. In October of 19il. the eourse was converted tu a private membership club. The restaurant and loun ge rcn1:iln open to the public. At 1he pre sent time, some 300 go lfers from throughout the "1ission Viejo area belong, Clark said. \\1hen the e x p an s ion Ilillsid e Tract ' - • Director Appointecl R.on'lld L. Kelley has joined the California Real Estate Association as the organization's administration director. Announcement was made today by Zan L. Beckstead. executive vice president and state secreta ry of the 75,()()(}. membe r organization. Beckstead said Kelley 's new duties include coordination of convention and director's meetings, s upervisor or building maintenance and production supervisor. Firm Moves To Capo The Endevco division of Becton. Di ckinso n and Company has moved into its new home in San Juan Capistrano. The firm formerly occupied facili ties in Pasadena adjacent to those of the Digitran Company, also a part of Becton-Dickinson. which will no\Y take over the space ror its own needs. Endevco's new and larger facility is a 75.@ square-foot structure adjacenl to the San Diego Freeway having a view ext.ending to Capistrano Beach and tbe ocean. Trivia? It's a reason to read the Dally Piiot's entertoinment pogo every Saturday • Ca~ta del Sol: Easy Retirement . Privacy, security and along \~itb crart and card "OUR Al\tl!:NITIES ate in1· porlant to potenti al homebuyers at casta del Sol.,, ~leek noted. "but it is the choice of 12 floor-plans and 36 exterior elevations t b a t receive a majority of the at- tention of visitors, naturally enough." Prices start at $30,995, with co nv e1nt io nal flnanclng available. aulation. and carpeting in liv- ing room , hall, m a s t e r bedroom and adjoining dresS· Jng areas and closets. rQOminc$s are proving to be three of the major attraclions al Casta del Sol in ~tission Viejo, according to Bob f\1 eck. sales manager for the active retirement community. NQl far behind is th e recenlly completed $500,000 Casta recreation center. \Vhich features a large heated pool, phy siCal fitness rooms for men and women . a therapeutic pool. bitllard tables. boccie ho"•ling a n d shuffleboard , roon1s. "Visitors a re impressed \\'ith the amount of privacy allott.ed to each home," l\1eck c;aid. "~fany comment oo the f<ict tha t such privacy is not ns easy to find in several similar oommunitics they've visited." Casta de! SOi's around-the- clock security system Is im- mediately apparent to visitors to the model area, which lies just outside a constantly-man· ned gated entrance. Models at Casta del Sol range in size from two bedroom, two bath to three bedrooms and two baths. Oversized one and two car garages are also featured . Four of lhe lZ noor plans are single family homes, the others being available as duplex , triplex or fourplex units. All home purcbaoes at Casta del Sol include ownership of the land. THE INTERIOR or each Casta del Sol home i s highlighted by an all .. lectric kitchen, fireplace, automatic g.11:rage door opener, full in· rice1D Meek noted another neighborhood feature t h a t many ca!t4 del Sol visilors - and residents -are com- menUng on: the nearly-com · plet<d public executive golf course, located just-to the west of the c ommun i t y . "We're expecting to have it ready !or play ·during the sum· mer Dl!OD'tbs," the s a I e s manager said. REAL ESTATE I ama nt . ' / , ' ' / // rt ome. . Make an almost immediate move. Newport Crest is the exciting town home communi ty that overlooks Newport Harbor and the ocean. Big. bold spacious homes. Residents'Swim and Tennis Center . Exterior maintenance provid ed. Come -let us show you how you can't afford not lo live at Newport Crest. 2-3-4 bedroom residences from $63,000 Townffomes From Pacific Coast Highway ,and Superior Avenue inter- section, drive up Superior to Newport Crest entrance. Sales office; # 12 Robon Court. Open dally 10 A.M. to Sunset. (714) 645·6141. •9.25% c.onventionel f in1nc in9 of 30 y11r loan. C1sh price of plan I, $63,000: lot1I doW!I p1yment of $3150.00, 360 monthly p•y· M•nts of $518.10' I p~inc1p1I end interest l, t1xt s ind e11oci1tion lus 1ddiHon1I. 9.75 % iNNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE ' I ~ ' ' \ I """ ' • - • l I I I I J ' • • • S .... y, M11 26, 1974 DAILY PILOT D J YOU'R.CHOIC£ Df THf,MOSl POPUlAR -.. . . TOTAL DOWN ·sMALL CARS FROM WILSON FORD MONTH IOVER 250 SMALL FORDS IN OUR INVENTORY e • • Co1h pric1 ilKl. hi• & lic•rue S30ll. 'oym1nh ol S69.94 for 41 mon1h1, d1f1rr1d pMt, p•ic1 ind. a ll fi11011c1 chor911 $36S6.l l . Annu11I perc111ta,e rol1 10.97.,_ on opprowed cr1dit, ' ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRAND NEW PINTO WAGON 2300 cc, 4 cyl., 4 speed. A78xl3 whitewall tires. tinted glass. metallic finish . (4Rl2X16610ll IMMEDIATE DELIVER.Y ~~D 1974 PINTO 2-DOOR ·FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE · DELIVE.R)' . $ •cyl., •·speed. !disc) brakes, healer, vinyl interior, bucket seats. clelu11 e bumper group. 4R l OX 1770SI :~~o.~~!~n'..~~.~r .;!1!.n,a;on;ng. $12 power steerin!'.J, radio, heater. COA•KA XJ '71 CHEVY VEGA 4 speed, radio, heater, vinyl roof. (S87DBW> '72 PINTO 2 Dr. .4 spff-d, AM/FM radio, healer. C777ESEl '69 FORD VAN Auto. trans. Real workhorse. (F7•J27l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' ' 8 F1SBRUd251 READY FOR WORK OR PLAY • " ' BRAND NEW 1974 MAVERICK 250 6 cyl., solid state ignition. (4K91Ll99857) 2 Door IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW 1974 LTD 4 Dr. H.T. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ '70 FORD F250 3/4-T, PICKUP. ve. au10.1rans .• rad io, heater. Ready for a camper. (17100G) MERC. Monterey 10 Passenger wagon. V-8, auto. trans., factory air conditioning, power steering, pawer Cdisc) brakes, radio• heater, tinted glass. f9SJDTTl '71 BUICK Centurion V·B, auto. trans., factory air condilloni~. power stecrinq, power brakes, power windows. power e.1t<;. AM /FM radiO. healer. tilt wheel. "9•JE.Xl '72 CO!JRIER Pickup .4 speed '70 FORD E300 Van Auto. trans., radio, heater. (...tlAHH71110) '73 MAVERICK · · Air conditioning, automatic transmission, V-8, power steering. (215GWV) '72 DATSUN Pickup .4 speed, radio, heater. (IPL5217SSl1•1 -· ' . $2188 BRAND NEW '74 FORD VAN v .fl, auto trans., adj. pass. ~~~:COURIE R & SHELL J speed t rans .• heater, \vh1tewalt tires. vinyl interior. tool k it. ISGTAL100779l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~~!!'D ' 1974 MUSTANG . II HARDTOP 2.3 L itre 4 cy1., power steering, (disc ) brakes. heater. whitewall tires. Bucket seat s, carpet ing, front & rear bumper guards. (4R0241903_3 1MMEDIATE DELIVERY . . ' • '68 FORD Gal. 500 · V-8, auto. trans .• factory air conditioning, power S!eering, power brakes, radio. heater, tinted glass. ,fWFA814) :~ ~ut~ ~~~;w~~,!~.~ po~:~:,.,$ radio, ~eater, H.D. Camper equip~. CG91878) '69 DATSUN Pickup Perfect little economy pickup. (112025 ) :~~ut~~P.•fac~r~~ir ~~i li~i~!.1~wer $ steering, power brakes, power windows, power seats. radio, heater, whitewa1r tires, tinted glass. :?.d~d, !?.~.1 ~.?.',~~.~0?,~;, <Ond;$ tioning, power steering. luggage rack. (420FWL) :!.~v t<?n~P..,~~».~~.,v ,;,,pow"$ 2 a· 8 8 steeTlng, radio, heater, whitewalls, tinted glass . LUQgage rack. (159GVQJ :?.~utMi~,~!~~~ <0nd;Hoo;ng, pow.,$ 2 9 8 8 steering, r adio, heater, t inted glass. Ser. #JFOl F13S180 . BRAND NEW ••• •174 FORD P.U. & CAMPER seat, gauges. solid state t~;;:::::e;:~ ignition, sliding cargo door, eio:tra cooli ng radiator, low mount swi ng lock m irror. E1AGHT89SIJ9 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' ·• • Custom Styleside. 360 VB, ga'*', solid state ignition, cruise+mallc trans., optional ratio rear a11le, power$ steering, radio, tinted glass, vlny seal. IFLOYUT7D0171 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I ' , • • • \ • ' D DAILV PILOT Sund.>y, May 26, 1974 10020.ntrol R.E. .... i ..... ' ...... '1000.2'9'/ The Bluest Marketplace on the Ol'llll' COlst .................. ~ h•N11, lnve11ment & floon<)ol ••••..••.. S000.5049 Annol.tnc•"*"·· '••tnalt, Lest & found ..•... S050-M99 DAILY PllOI CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, ( ] One Call Service Trade It With a Want Ad 642 •5678 Fast Credit Approvql .......,_. Aul .. __ •• "" ••• _ .... 7000.71" •• . MotthoMI ........ IOOO-I099 loots & Morine lquipmont ........ 9000-9099 Tron__..' .... 9100.I099 : .1"1"4U# S"""-~~~ Semtts & Rf9Clln 6000-'°99 c;....., 1 R. E. 1002Gonorol R.E . 1002 G1norol R.E. 1002 Gonorol R.E. 1002Gtne rol R.E. 1002 Gtnorol R.E. 1002Gonorol R.E. 1002 I REALTOR EXCLUSIVE LINDA ISLE-$250,000 Bayfront luxury! Beautiful 5 bdrm home specially designed for 55 ' Jot on water. Fam rm. formal dining rm, 4 baths & glamorous P"'d rm . Fantastic master suite. Pier/slip. I Lll'\DA ISLE DR. Sat/Sun 1-5:30 NEW LU XUR IOUS CORNER CONDO Just like a model~ Pror. deco rated thruout jn rich \\'allpapers. custom drapes, etc. Air- cond. air purifier. Ueaut Jdscp yd & cov. pati os. 3 Bfl "Bordeaux··. 11ig ('yn. $132 .500 . 6 RUI:: CHA~IOXIX Open Sat/Sun 1·5 :30 BIG DADDY College F'ark has lots to offer & lhla Mme 11 the ~atesl -4 big Br's, 3 great baths & a spech1I guest apt v.·ith its ov.TI (rplc. BrlUKI ne¥i' listing. OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-5 2Ba VILLANOVA, C.M. $52,500 Sun /Eves. 646-585S DOVER SHORE S WATERFRONT ~~~~=~= Traditional warmth & beauty: tnvitmg brick COSTA MESA courtyard entry w/colorful flowers & trees. FOUR-PLEX 6 bedrms & den , Ne\v country charm kitch· call u~ ubout th 1 s en. Elegant living & dining rn1s overlook harrl-to-lind i n v t> .-. t n1 ent the bay. Dock for lge boat. $235.000. oppoi1uni1y in a bclli:'r 504 EV"ENll\(i !:11'..-\Il Li\. Sat ~un ; ~lon l-5 :J \\e~t~idc loca\Lon barking 10 11 ~olf rourse. $610/nio BIG CANYON C.C.-$295,000 irHo0rn r-routd be n1ore Just completed! Gorgeous NE\V Custom lr,·.1-low \'al'.anry on 1 Y :sc;,:w home w/beaut. goll course view. Enclosed Call fi.1.1-.?Zlt lge courtyd entry. 5 BR, FR, lge DR, 5 baths, Marble, oak paneling, air/cond. + 19 ROYAL ST. GEORGE RD. Sat/Sun 1·5:30 BIG CANYON C.C.-$159,500 Great view o( Newport Center from this near· new 4 BR home. FR, formal DR, 3 baths. Expensive u'allpapers, cust. drapes. Lgc lot. 35 IJURNll\G TREE RD. Sat/Sun 1-5 :30 THE "BLUFFS"-$78,SOO Brand New l·slory 3 BR 2 bath beautiful "Linda" model. Cathedral ceilings, lovely greenbelt vie\v from choice corner location. 2701 VISTA UMBROSA Sat/Sun 1-5 :30 WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 2111 San Joaquin Hills Rd. NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 for Action ... Call 642-5678 ~NIGEL GAILEY & ASSOCIATES IF I COULD WOULD YOU ? II I could shov.• you a lot of house !or !he 111 o 11 e y \\'OL'LD YOt; l>f' \\Illini;: to 1nake son1e lla11rly n1an tout·hcs to nl;;kc th1~ into a t·ery nk·c fanuly hon1c !or your fumily? •I bcdroon1s 2 balhs, l;i rgc fireplace and l ncatt•rl Ill J{OOd r1l•i~hhorho1.1d . 0 11\y S33.900. C;ill RC'd Carpet. Rl!altor:;; 5-IB-SG-10 $1500 DOWN $29,950 Sl.500 do11.n, hnrd 10 find at $29,950. 4 huge bedrooms. 2 hAths, l~e kitchen. New General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 paint. Cornf'r lot, FORt::.'iT l-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;_1 OF Tltl::ES. Boat i::a1e. II Patio. l)1n'I \\'a1! 9h3-6i6i. LIDO'S EAST END Open Sat. & Su n-2-6: 844 Via Lido Nord 4 ~drooms, 4 bath. bayfront with pier and slip privileges. 40 fl. lot. $295,000. IDEAL OCEAN VIEW HOME Open Sun. 1-S : 1301 KHI Popular spacious Lusk Tiburon with view, on pool sized lot. Exceptional condition; on quiet street; complete \\'ith all conveni- ences. $97 ,500. NEW SO' ON THE BAYFRONT Open Sat. & Sun. 2-6 -1645 Bay5 ide Dr. Pier and slip for large boat s plus side ties. Exciting tri-level Ji\1ing \\'ith 3 bedroo1ns. S\'2 baths, ballroom siie rumpus room with bath and large family room with fireplace. $325,000. Fee land. Open Sat. & Sun. 2-6 : 4633 Camden Or. The ultimate in luxury and privacy in Ca- meo Shores. 4 Bedrooms. 4 baths \l.1ith com· plete entertainment center. Every room has a view of either ocean, pool or lush planting. 8249,000. OPE.N Tll 9 • IT'S FUN tO BE NICE/ re THE REAL ESTATE RS OCEANFRONT DUPLEX ' I I ~ Paint & f\1AKE THOUSANDS. Tv•o 3 Hedroom Units. New listing. BEIIBR HURRY! Call &l:>-0303. l'ORISI L 01\iO~ '" NlAtlOA'.) A COLD\\IELL BANKER COMPANY 2299 Harbor 645-0303 $26.900~ Lo1v cash to assume $188 lot nl 11ayn1en1. 7~, f'J fA Sharp '.! bedroont o n 01·e11'ized lot. Ii u r r y ~ S.li-@10. 1\gt, TIME FOR QUICK CASH LAGUNA-NEW WORLD Excellent value in 3 bdrm., 2 ba. condo. with all the amenities upgraded, Assume existing 7 '· loan. for only $150 a monlh, le incl. PIT!. Offered at 132,500 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Custom decorated, 4 bdrms .. 3 ba., dining rm. & family r111. Best area, you own the land, offered at $87,500 BROADMOOR TURTLE ROCK Oulstanding famil~ home on quiet cul de sac; 3 lge. bdrms., dining rm. & view! Ready to go al $58,900. Incl. land. CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN SIDE OF HIGHWAY Cu te 2 bdrm. + guest rn1 ., on R·2 lot. Ideal to live in or for investn1ent. Offered at $69.950 BLUFFS-ON BUDGET i\'e\\'IY decorated Trina•mode l; 3 bdrn1s., 21.? bath s, lge . patio. Close to Corona de! f\1ar High School. Offered at S61 ,900. '1'-J. '"' CORB IN-MARTIN, INC. VI uu.,,21 REALToRs 644-1662 1 ~ Corona del Mar J General R.E. 1002 JEFF BRIERY, REAL TOR i I am proud to present a very fine residential 1 hon1e. located in Corona del l\Iar, in the exclusive Cameo Highlands section. TURTLE ROCK BEAUTY MUST SELL THIS WEEKENOl I OPEN SAT/SUN/MON . 1.5 5342 BLINN, IRVINE : 3 Bdrms., 2 baths; high ceilings; attr. decor. · DelighUul, l'rivate covered patio. We can move you right Into this one for $61,500 - incl. land! BEST INVESTMENT IN TOWN Cute 2 bdrm., l '4 baths; good condition. Comes equipped with tenants on 2 year lease. call today on this one. Only $24,900. V. A. ASSUMPTION Enjoy the custom features of the interior & the low maintenance of the profess. land- scping, \l.'ith auto. sprinklers & covered pa· tio. This 4 bdrm., 2'h balh. family rm. borne has a great location, near school & pool. It's one yr. old & priced at only S55.000. BIG CANYON BEAUTY 1~njo~·/ the fabulou s vie\\', lhe conversation pit. the \l.·armth of the fa1nily rn1. \\'ith brick \vall frplc ., the lge. 3 baths, the spacious 4 bdrms .. the conve1iient kitchen & the for1na l dining rm . It's carpeted & waiting for a~ personal touch. Lovely home on large lot in prestigious area. SlS0,000. JOIN THE TERRACE SET Central entry takes you i.nto both the for1nal & informal areas as well as the instr. suit e, y,•ith dbl. \l.'Srdrobe & t,\·in basin bath: 4 Bclnns., 2 baths, nook & family rm. Lovely gardens & covered patio. $85 ,500. VISleN red hill realty 1 18124 Culver Drive i Un iversity Pa rk Shopping C1nt1r I Irv ine 552-7500 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 4615 WAYNE RO. This 3 bdrn1., l bath. plus family roo111. is built around a very lovely garden patio \l.'ith flo\vers galore. The kitchen is very large. \vith all the goodies. plus a separate la undry rm. 'fhe large mslr. bdr111 .. \l.'ith 14 fl. of \\'ardrobes for Mom1na & Poppa, OYCrlooks the garden. This ho1ne has access to private beaches. The lea sehold is Jess than St.;;. of the price of the land. "'hich one may pur- chase if they \\'ish. Q,\·ner moving North. asking 886.500. This horne is located North General R.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 I ;;;;:;~:;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; of Pacific Coast H \\')'.: turn at Cameo lfl gh- lands. go 2 block s to \\'a)11e Road & \ratch for open house sign. : ~ THE HARDER WE WORK I THE LUCKIER i I INC. WE GET I I !\larie & Pat take pride \. I in sho\ving off ou r staff. BUI Haas Sandy Hopkins l\tary vonGeldern !Jelen Coffey Glad Keer llen ry Ullman Glenna Bissonnette JEFF BRIERY, REALTOR 675-133! I Call any of U1ese experts for personal service to list & sell yo ur home! OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 1-5 General R.E. 1~ Genoral R.E. 1002 I 4541 Brighton Rd.-Oceanlront $279.500 57 Linda lsle-Bayfront-~265,000 FOREVER VIEW For the buyer ,~·ho \vill appreciate the quiet, aesthetic value of a rusti c 2 bdrm. hon1e, overlooking the \\.·bite Y.•ater surf & a semi· private beach. A place to con te1nplate, think, & create. $84,950. FRESHEST IN TOWN Irvine Terrace beauty, is fresh inside & out. First time offered. Not even the owner knO\\'S it's on the market. 3Bdrms ., 2 baths & formal dining rm . Pool sized yard. Realistic price, 586.000, includes the ve ry valuable land. DUR 26™ YEAR BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 2407 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Fabulous oceanfront-5 BR.-$385,000 I Shoreclills-charm-view-fee-$550.000 , Coastline & ocean view-5 BR. & pool 8145.500 3 BR. Condominium. Reduced-Now $69,500 If Wt don't havo It-we'll find 11 11 Specializing in Homes of Distinction HUG HOMES, REALTORS 567 San Nicolas Drive, Suite 102 Newport Center 640-4050 Gener11I R.E. 1002Gonoral R.E. A HOME FOR ALL REASONS F INANCIAL SECURITY HAPPINESS, COMFORT, PRIVACY 3 BR, 3 BATH 3 CAR GARAGE FAMILY ROOM loOl CHARM GALORE IN IRVINE Open Sat. & Sun. l·S: 14931 Doheny Circle 4 bedrooms, big family room, shag carpets, built-ins, brick fireplace, custom draperies & air conditioning. Ass ume 7% existing loan. Only $39,950. THROUGH A ll;G;•;n;•;r•;l;R;·:E·;;;;:;;;:;;;;;100;;;;2;G;•;";•r;•;l;R;.E;;;. ;;;;;;';002;;1 SPARKLING POOL 2306 HEATHER LANE OPEN SUNDAY 1 ·5 $94,750 EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME Open Sat. & Sun. 1-6 -2645 Bamboo Beautiful two story 5 bedroom. 3 bath home in Eastblull. Night and day view with pool size yard. An exceptional value. $87,500. DON 'T GASP IT'S TRUE Open Sa t:, Sun & Mon l-~•22 Hermitage Big Canyon \\·ith VIE\V. A.lnenities galore! Drarnatic use of l\lexican ti le on Jiving room . dinin g room. entr)' and po"'·der roon1 floo rs of th i~ spacious 4 bedroom home. Specta cula r cntr.v courtyard with extensive u~c of lile decking and lath arbors. ~159,500. PAR K, POOL & CLUBHOUSE Open Sat. 1-5: 1854 Port Renwick Are just steps a\\'ay from this 3 bedroom, 2 bat h home. Large fa1niJy room and for· mal dining area. Unv maintenance )•ard. Land included. $71 1000. SPYGLASS HILL Lusk buill 4 bedroom home on fabulous corner lol Paneled bonus room. Complete- ly landscaped. Ocean view. $159,500. SPYGLASS RIDGE Lusk buill "Sandpiper" home. 4 bedrooms, fanuly room with wet bar. vaulted ceilings, landscaped. Lovely~ $119,000 . 7000 SQUARE FEET OF GRANDEUR On lhe waterfront. Pier and slip fo r large yacht. 6 bedrooms. 5'h baths, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, family room with wet and soda bar. gameroom with wet bar. sauna, jacuzzi, 4 security systems. Old world craftsmanship in marble and · wood work. Elegant and completely furnished al $650,000. DIAL 644-1766 2161 Son Jooquln Hlll1 Rd., N.B. A COLDWELL BANKER CO. I DAILY PILOT WANT AD WE HONOR Master Charge and BankAmericard • , THE DIRECT LINE 642-5678 * Balboa Bay Properties * BALBOA COVES 1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Like new! Pier privil. / Duplex . Lovely 3 BR Trade for units owner's unit + 3 BR, [ $129,900. Call 675-7060 rental. Best loc. Owner anxious $89,500. 642-7491 1 IV A TERFRONT. 2 + CHARLOTTE LONG PLEASE CALL 644-1150 BALBOA MODEL i Den , pier & slip. Corner ; l~t. O~:ner most an· General R.E. 1002 1 General R.E. . 1002 XlOUS. $107.000 . I features giant !iize bonu11 1 p E r..; IN 5 U LA PT l'OOnl, IO\'ely private pnlio, VA NO DOWN 3 BR .. 2 ~2 balhs Tiburon :\ssumable loan 1 · spa ci ous gara .c;e, PALM SPRINGS , Brand new. 4 BR , 3 ~a. trentendous co nl n1 u n i l y I Appraised $35.000. 3 master Jlest >{()cation . Asking facillt~cs. ,\J! for :S30.00J~ hftlroont sulles each v.1th 1 S37.5on 556·6800 $149,000. 673-7420. 847-6010 Agt. sC'p:1rate bath and J)rivale rn Super size 2400' tv.·o story. entrance. Lovely pa I i o. rn REALTORS Nice and clean. PlayT001n is ltoont for pool, can1per, 650 square feet huge, boat. Red C~r.~et 5 Local Office5 To Serve You Excellent location. $47.950! In v" s t rn c n t D1v1SJon. II'!!'~"""!!!!!!~~"""~"""!!!!!!"""~~~""""""= ' 817..atO Agt. ~9:::7\l-c.:2'50=-·=-~~--~ II ;G;e;n;e;ra;;l;;R;;.;;E;;. :;;;:;;;;;1;;00;2;;G;e;;n•;;r;;•;;I ;R;.E;;. :;;;;;;;;1;00;;;2 I General R. E. 1002 , PERFECT CONDITION Careful buyers will appreciate this lovely Baycrest 3 Bdrm. & large family rm. home. Lola of extra features plus a beautiful land· scaped yard with covered patio. A pleasure lo show anytime. f/6,000. ART SHAPIRO CO., REALTORS 1125 Wootcllff Orlvo Nowporl Be•ch 645-3120 **VIEW** Unlimited & Forever 3 BEDROOMS. EXTRA PARKING 3104 OCIAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR CURT DASH, REALTOR 2400 W. Cooal Hwy., Newport "-•ch 642-6472 6n.J461 lv11 . . ' • • ' OCEANFRONT, DUPLEX Paint & MAKE THOUSANDS. Two 3 Bedroom Units. New R"" Ing. BETTER HURRY! C a 11 645..0303. FORE ST E OLSO~J ., A COLDWILL IANKEll COMPANY ' 22ff HARIOlt ILVD., 64MIOI ' ,· .. I I VISIT THESE You Are Welcome YIEWI VIEW! VIEW! SPECTACULAR SPYGLASS HILL. I'm a lovely 4 bedroom l\1editerranean hom#e. See my breathtaking view from the mountains to the sea. The choice is yours, lease me or buy me. 6' Monttcito Or. Vis it me Sat & Mon U HOUSE HIGH ON A HILL SPYGLASS HILL WITH A FOREVER VIEW and all it s prestige. I'm a BRAND NEW li sting. See how spacious I am . I have rooms for everyone , including a huge mast- er suite. I'm just 1naking 111y Open House Debut. 4 Point Loma Or . Viiit me Monday 2-6 PRIVATE. BEACH-OCEAN VIEW l'M A REALLY SHARP 3 BEDROOM, fam- ily room home on a large, large lot. See my secluded yard and huge pool. \Va lk to my private beach. I'm a real family home. 639 Cameo Highl ands Or. Vis it me Sat/Sun 2...S CALL 644·7270 2828 $. Co.5t Highway, Corona del Mar Gonorol R.I'. 1002 Gtnorol R.E. MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES BIG CANYON - RULON HODGES BUILT 1002 Expert craftsmanship -handsome panel- ed family room w/exposed beam ceiling - luxurious 1na ster suite -4 generous. siie bedrooms -tasteful decorating. Excellent \'JE\V of 6th & 7th fair\l.·ays. S'l75,000. Maxine Wi!Liams 642·8235. (X33 i WHAT A BUY I Delightful 4 bedroom, 31> bath home on street of fine Westcliff homes. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY & MONDAY 1-5 P.M. 1252 SOillERSET LN. (X34) LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT. FABULOUS! 5 bedroo1ns, family room, dining room, pier & slip. Fast possession ..• owner transferred~ $235,000. R. Halderman 64+ 620!J or C. Schweickert 642-8235. (X35) )BAYCREST -h t OFFERING! B,utibling brook shaded by mt. pines back· drop & beautilul lg. pool. Cuswm 3 bed· room. 2~2 bath home wt1g. family room, formal dining room . $129,500. Jack Custer 642-8235. (X36) IRVINE TERRACE-BEAUTIFUL VIEW 4 bedroom. pool home . Unobstructed vie w of Bay & Ocean. Offered at $189,500 incl. land. Tom Queen 644-6200. (X37) INVEST NOWI Prime location in CdM - 2 custom homes on lg. corner Jot -both have Ocean View. Live in one -rent olher! Beautifully land- scaped, heated & filtered pool. ~car gar- age. Will consider trade. $169,500. Harriet Perry 642-8235. (X38) BIG CANYON DRAMATIC CONDOMINIUM Lg. 4 bedroom "Deauvllle" w/impressive 2-story entry. Upgraded carpeting. 3-car garage. $134,900. Tom Queen ~00. (X39) BLUE IS BEAUTIFUL! !Jlsh green landscaping sets off beautilul cool blue interior. Newly painted 4 bed· room home on lg. comer lot. Access to private beaches. CAMEO HIGHLANDS. Asking $94,500. (X40) BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BUY! On two lots -gorgeous 4 bedroom home -al l for only $159,500! Adjacent third lot available. Barbara Golhard 642-8235. (X41) CONDOMINIUM LIVING - BIG CANYON Lovely new home w/air conditioning . 3 bedrooms, 3 bath - wet bar -space for pool. $121,500. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. •12 RUE CllATEAU ROYAL. (X42) EXCITING BUILDING SITE Choice Big Canyon cuslom homesite w/195' of fairway frontage. 270 degree unobstruct· able view. $65,000. Jack Custer 642-ll235. ,-.(~l), "'° MOVE IN TOMORROW! Gorgeous 3 bdrm., 3 bath home; sparkling fresh ! '146,000. OPEN SUN. & MON. 1-5. IU7 GALAXY DR., DOVER SHORES . , (XIOO) [IMRI I -•b·1mno~•tr-P1ny r ' ID! .,._Dfl .. 141•11H I_.. M1cAtl!Nr _..•1200 Dally Piiot Clm1lftetl . IAUIMAN •• • ' . ( , (; u•.t;i Mt•s.1 Area FOUR"BEDROOMs CUSTOM POOL-$36,000 It l)l8 full P11oe! This lovely s· year old pool hople' must be· aeen 1o be IPPt'eciated. Four bedrooms, Custom 16x32'PQOI, carpets and drapes lhruoul.' New. . no-wax flooring in kitchen. dark. room, and much more. Beller hurry and ca ll! 89263 (7 14) 545-9491 , Fou1\t.11n VallP~· Area VILLA MONTEREY .t huge bdrms. 2 baths. 2000 SQ. tt. Spacious 11v1ng room/djnfng area. Pool s1zecf lot 135.500. VA loan wllh fZ. terms. Just 3 vears neW! (71 4)!>4&1754. GOLF ANYONE? ·TRANSFER FORCES SALE l--~----------4 4 spacious bedrooms 2 full bath FU SSY BUYERS . ONLY. PLEASE We dorl"I "have enough -space here to tell you about this, beaufilul 5 bdrm. 2 bath home Loads ol e.111ras. rmmacura te cond1tion. au this ollered at S38.'o00 w1lh an assumable ~%FHAroan. #896! ' {714) 545-9491 ' homo. Huge family .room. lamily s12e kitchen 4 years new. Steps to course. 5°k. down EZ termsS47.600. 171 4)968·3371 (714 )54&-1754 S20.500 2 Story •-~----------4 Acres o f green. 2 bdrms. 2 COSTA MESA SHOVoJPLACE1 baths.' lam1ly sized k1tcnen Spacious home and rust S650" down lo EZ terms Call now1 (714)546-1754 LANDMARK HOME 534.900 Cathedral ceilings add a touch ol ctass to this 1 year new resale home. See it today. 118961 897-0321. LAKE FOREST RANCH •. Th~s home criers so many extras, we cannot list them all tiere; 4 bdrms. 2 balhs. family room, format dining room, all on one . level. Fully air 'HUNTINGTON HARBOUR All new new lovely· units. ·Owners unlf features 2 fireplaces. Exclusive livu"lg plus, PUT ON YOUR OVERALtS .... to clean up three bearoom, beauty and vou will have a beautiful home lor . only S24,500. Hurry and call us tor dela11s. · Sund1y, MllY 26. 1~74 • CENTRALAIRCONOITION CUSTOM HOME 4 huge bedrooms 2 lull blth1. super deluxe appe1, ll'\lltble entry. an11aue mirrored walls Dlus many fT'IQf'e extras. Priced 11 $47,000. Call USOOW. .18370 646-0022 . FREE BURGLAR' ALARM wllh this super sharp home located in the heart of Orange County, Pt1ced 10 sell lor only $-47.500. Hurry and call now, 118934 546-0022 Tustin Area ol.1L Y PILOT p :J $24.500 38R 28A. All poll1hed & ahlned little doil house. Fantastic used bf'icl< !1reolace. PHtn1y of land here to grow your own \ftl'08ll1btes and fru11 . Pay just 119f per mo on 1hiJ VA. resile'"., -8J6.&2S6 $23.900 2 BA 1 BA. Mama's oet-e·way Sunshine clean & ready for occupancy, Just nghl for vou renters lo gel slarted. Carpets &. drapes thruout. Huge kitchen w11h gas range. Countiyatmosohere 18472 838·6256 CLEAN AlR SMELLS FUNNY Bui I01S ol 11 SUHOunas lhtS gorgeous 4 bdrl'TI heme with lots ol e~!ra room 2 sn1n1ng baths are nicluded, also nice carpets tl o with matching 5%00WN drapes Great us~d Orick 2STORY 51 7.900 '1replace. 5% down on a Out ol !own ovmer must tiave 529.600 sales pnce will handle 1mmed1ate sate. This is not a 11 •9075 , . • , • 838·6256 dawg. l ovely bu1tl·1ns, 1--;;.;;.'---'---'----__,I dish.washer. Hurry 832·6600 SECLUDED Weslminster Area S HARP" BDRM This beaut1lul home oltcrs 2000 SQ II . of luxury! Four huge bdrms. 3 balhs. shake rool, : carpels and d1aoes lhru out, are 1usl a tew ot the learurcs ol !his tine home Just 2': years Young ano now ollered .il only 539.950 · income. First · owner depreciation. Your choice ol colors. 1-------------11------------1 · cond1lroned with hum1d ir1er, G·L-EN M.AR RESALE extra large yard and located on 646-77l3 546-0022- . PRIVATE ESTATE Horses. pool. sauna, covered pal10. BBQ, 48 fruit lrees & room lor tennis court Spacious view to ocean. gr,1c1ous J1v1n9 includes lorm;:il C11n1n9, fJmily Two story home on 60~120 lot 3 baths. 1am11y room with wet bar 2280 so It. Shake roof and super sha rp1 S55 000 ~8439 (/14)545·9<191 ABANDONED f'OOLESTATE Secluded 4 oarm. 2 o;irt1 home on'• acre lot Soat:1ous bd1m<>. and living aroas Loads. ot f'1<.tras' EZ assumt10le loan. cul de sac. We SQueezed 11 all !------------~------------~ (714 1894-061 t 4 BEDAOORMOOSMI-FAMILY 1ntoal1nypr1ceof551 .500! PANORAMicV1EWS 586-9000 COMPAAISbN !SOUR room. recreat10n room p1u::.h 1-------------• PLUS POOL 586-4000 New home under construcl1on BEST SALESMAN carpers 8. 0filP£'-; Owner let! ~t.11c & w111 acceor r(•asonablc Beauri tully landscaped and ·otters 4 bdrms. 21/i balhs. Plus In !he past three months we tas!elully decora!ea 2 story •--------------< lormal d1n1ng room. All wood have sold several in !I.is much 832_6800 home 1n Hun11ngton Bea~h's T " aeck1ng. This 1s class. localea ""es>red Soulh Santa Ana areiJ,. '-------------! o11c.r !+ne<;t ne1qhborhood Priced co AT ENT ION vETERANS1 1n Laguna Beach. Woula you '' r If h 't be bl f for much more than we a1e sell at S51 .500 you aven en a e o believe 2400 sq rt (71 4 )~46·175<1 897-0321 stretch your.budget to buy a 646-7713 asking for this gorgeous 3 OWNER TRANSFERRED (7 14)968·3371 l -------------I home. you must see this •-------------• bdrm. family room home. Only REDUCED $29.600. AIR CONDITIONED !RVINE COLLEGE PARK 2STORY Super !>haro 6 years ol J tv.;r bdrm. 2 bath Form<1! O•l'•ng room new gotd shag c,11pet1ng lhruou1 Heavv shak·J roo! a steal at S4 7 9501 {714 )894-0611 ASSUME 7% LOAN Everylh1ng .in !his beaut1ru1 Irvine home means gracious family living! Cen1ral air. lull length oat10. Palos Veraes slone l1replace and dutch ·clean. All ot this plus an assumable 7% VA loan with payments of only S242 per monlh! WALK TO BEACH 2 STORYCHARMEH 4 huge bdrms, 2 baths. large panelled family ro o m Step saving kitchen. custom decor lhruout. Owner tias another. Priced at S38.900 .• · charming 2 bdrm hide-away 1n 539,900 full price Call us na.w1 4 BR ~ 3 BATH I S J C S3',995CASH J8557 546-0022 En1oy1hcbes11ocat1on Wulkto PARKSIDE ESTATES s eepy an uan ap1strano. TO VA LOAN , f N d V d I !! schools 26 am1ly room, l o t RESALE o own to ets, an tota Th t · R' hf' T k VA 1------------I f Aosolut~ly t•••last•c 2 slo-4 payment ol just • S230 per a •s 1g · a e over separate ·den. pvt of ice. ,. .. ., ·1oan with short escrow. 3 cen1ra1 air Large CDS 101. b<-d1oom homo with 3 car month! bdrms .• 2 baths, and only 2 WHY MEN STAY HOME.·· Massive hrcolace. gorgeous garage. Overlooks Mile Square 586•9000 years otd. 'The buy ol yaur life. It 's· 50 comfortable he wOiil master suite New price means Park. Many, many extras 586-4000. Call us now! want lo leave it. No yard 'NOrk • savings 1oyou. · 900 1------------I .,.7713 or maintenance lo do In these S55, · .... ..,... lovely townhomes priced from 832·6800 NEED 4 BDRMS? Here·:. an 1850 so u home with 4 bdrm<;, 2 ba1hs. la19e 21 x23 family room w1tt1 stone hrcplacc Iha! covers one entire wall' Bufl!-in dishwasher illlf'V ·entrance 10 2 car garage {714)894·06\ \ . •9196 (714) 545-949 1_ rr8068 89~-0321' 1------------1 $20,000, Two and thre• 3 BOA MS & FAMILY RM. This · spacious heme In LEASE OPTION .bdrrns. so hurry & call now • (714)546-17541-----'------i (71 4)978·3371 IN LAGUNA '.. 546-0022 ··3BR+3BATH exclusive Mission Viejo AV.AILABLE NOW! 521.995 LARGE CORNER LOT FOU R BEDROOM IRVINE 535.900 FULL PRICE• Wow• You bargain hunlers :shOuld really take a look al lh1s Onil ! 4 bdrms. shag carpets, 15x25' l1l!ered Ooughboy pool included. and much much ri'\ore A ll o! tti1 s plus an assumablf' VA l0<in ,89tl5 (7 14) 545-9491 COS TA MESA . POOL HOME Huntington Beach Area DON T STRE:.AK BUT RUN ro this 536.000 101a1 price home in Hunl1nglon Bcach1 This is a rare 1\em 3 bdrm beauty onfy 5 years old. Good POOi sized 101 loo. Cau last. 11 Mission Viejo· El Toro - Area BLAUTIFUL LAKE FOREST l r•o:. hC>!11C )1a~ a Stioerb view of !he lakP .v1tt1 4 large borms. tormal d1n1ng room and large tam1ly r Ot)m. Upgraded throughoul with lovely Spanish tile en1rv. all set on .1 qu1e1 cul oe sac :.trcer Cati now 586-9000 .neighborhood oilers 2 baths A comlclrtabte way to bLJY 8 >-------------< . . 2 _STORY . and separate family room. No beau riful view ho me in Vacant • Completely downtoVelsorrowdownterms KEEP SL1M&TRIM ... SWIM I b' h d u~• b f Laguna. Owner will lease Pretty 3 ,Ldrm home W>th re ur 1s e . ••<VUern u1 !-1n. .ioa\I Only 536900 · op!ion at 5395 per month, 1st 1J 51200 total down Galt now 586-9000 heated an~ t1nrred. 36' 0001. 832 6800 and spacious 4 bdrm. 2 ba!h home 1n good area New paint 1ns1dc dnrl ou t Refrigerator included 1n •,.1le nnce. bet1er hurry' S31 950 '714) 894·0£ 11 586_4000 and last 0011on money and covered patio and many more • - give you a year to exercise extra fealures for only s32.500. 1-------------11-------------1 purchase nght al $69.950. Hurry ana call.fordela1ts OCEAN VtEW·4·PLEX ·Best buy 1n un11swe have seen New bu1ld1n9 oilers l1rs1 owner tax advan1age. Superb view.,. !rom au units. Fully carpeted. draped and landscaped. Shows good return al a low price of S99.000 6"46-7713 !19247 546-0022 HARBOR VIEW HILLS lmmnculette 2 bedroom 2 balh J1(eplacn ·Z!. patio. Many other extras make this an ou1s!and1ng value lor land. 646-771 1 586-9000 , __________ _, 4BR 1 4BATH VIEW 564,500 F0URPLEX·S60 000 Eac11 unit ol!ers two bedro0ms. 2 ba1h:; EKcenen! 111ve:;trn('n1 1ncornr> to paymenl 1<1l"J 10 years old excellent rono1t1on (7141894-0b \1 Ideal !or m;:11d s apar!ment or in-laws d necessary Formal dining Breathtaking view. 2 huge l1replaces Vacant & •-------------• owner anxious CUSTOM HOME·S36 500 832-6800 This new listing sure won'! las! long al S42,500! Shake roof, carpets and drapes lhruout, buill-1ns. Custom p0ot and much more1 All in all. this adds up lo 2000 SQ. ft. of luKury 1n a· pnme Cos!a Mesa area. 586-4000 cant las11 (714) 842·4455 1---".'"'~-----:--i----'----5-8_""'_00Q~ 1------------1 VA.SPECIAL HER MOTHER.WAS WRONG She said you woutd never be able lo aHord the kind ol heme her daughter des1red .. l'.lut come look at !hrs 3 bdrm 2 bath beauty priced at just S29,900. Hurry and can. v.(ln't last! EASTSIOE COTTAGE 119292 546-0022 3 BA. + BUil T·INS Pool home plus lamily room. 3 3 000 bedrooms, 2 balhs. Fenced i-------..,-----t Establi sti'e~ 08rea: Walk to 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. SP! on huge lot. Lath & plasrer cons!ruc11on. hard'M'.>Od tloo1s. and many fruit trees. garden and lovely landscaping. Be1!er ·~9241 (7 14) 545-9491 FABULOUS IRVlNE AIR CONDITIONED 534.450 FULL PRI CE Th is beau1 1ful 211 year old home spark1f>s 1.~ .. e new New shag carpets ltirough-ou! Central ai r cond111on1ng. and a greal FHA 7' <"le loan wilh paym~nls of S220/month 1ust wa1\1ng lo be assumea Belter tiurrv .1nd call 545-9491 SWING A MOP SAVE A LOT FIVE BEDROOMS ALL TERMS You bargain l'lunlers had better gel out your mops, brooms. and buckets and call us on this one. Do a l1tUe clean up and yau'U have a home that yau'll be proud of. Call now and 11sk. about hstina. J9401/545-9491 FIVE BEDROOM CAL1FORN1ARANCHER 537.500 FULL PRICE FOUR BDRM SHOWCASE Large bonus room 100• ti's on a cul de sac w1lh super sharp landscaping. S52.500 is R-l-G-H-T for this 2400 square loot beauty! (7 14)842-4455 VA SPECIAL This one •S really re.1ClY for you' 3 bdrm home. and flO\~ I'> 1hc time 10 buy Use your VA on th1 S !'.)OOCI buy .'.11 S2!:1 500 Beller be Quick or you will be tool.ire• . .. . LAKE SIDE LIVING 539.000 gels a 2~': year old 3 br Cal classic. Walking distance to lake Hunt1ngtoo. Fishing and sailing. Better hurry on this gne.Call 842-4455 1.600 SQUARE FEET OF HAPPINESS Tt1is beautilul 4 br Sol Vista is only $40.000. an excellent buy 1n !oday·s market. Watk to Hun11no!on Cf'n(er Shops. 11s ready lo bf' your home Cal! 842-44 55 This home 1s Oeauhlul Just a few o l tt11 s lovely homes features are: shake roof. sep. d1n1ng room. bu1ll·1n range & oven, flag stone hrep1ace carpet s & drapes. !hruour. covered pa1 10. dishwasher tiardwood floors and much, much more. Call 545-9 491 , 4 PLEX INVESTMENT S70.000 total once 101 lone tax .. -------------! shelter wclh 5660 gross renL Excellent property. Only 3 years old . Call OLD ENGLISH CHARM 6 MONTHS YOUNG TRANSFERRED OWNER MUST SELL The owner has been in !his beauhlul new home 1ust long enough lo upgrade 11 beauUlut1y. Everything lrom the Cape Cod exlerior to the spacious inlerior spells charm. 540-51 40 GLEN MAR GrPn ! tiome lor !he Vet. with no down paympn!. 3 barms. 2 baths Hnd large lam1ly room. Spacious master bdrm. su11e. New carpeting and drapes throughout. Total price .S.36 950 and Just wailing lor THE-VJEW. pool yard, new carpets. Won"t NEEDTOSELLYOUR schools . Sprinkters etc. 1714}8g4-06 11 • .from beaul!fur adult tastat S37;500. can now. . HO,ME,.IN A HURRY? vacant. Must be sold. 1------------1 hurry• ynu• 586-9000 586-4000 RANCH .WITH ROOM TO SPREAD T 111 , l<1rge rnnc11 ::.t~ le home has /\1:,t Of'Pn 1o::.1cd ;:ind ;,eller says he 1::. mov1ng1 Large yard tor v11111 Children w11n COly lam11y iuorn f1rvpl.::1cc anrl e11en a \I/et bJfl commun11y Costa Del Sol 3 646-77' 1 Even 11 you're behind in your 832-6800 bdrm 2 bath home is elegant. !------------__, payrnenls, give us a call lor a Close to recreation center and last cash-out evaluation. · 1--------------1 hobby center. Leisure Irving at PANORAMIC 546-0022 its bes! Hurry on this one! OCEAN VIEW 586-9000 New home under conslruclion. i--------------1 5'' VA LOAN S209 MO. 586-4000 2400 sQ. It. 4 bedroom, 2111 DOUBLE FIREPLACE LIVING ROOM & FAMILY ROOM Popular Ultra·rrodern Eichler. Spacious with court·yard entry · way, 4 br. t sep. lam. room. Anxious owner SPACE Is !he key word 1n 1h1s 2300 SQ ti 4 bdrm Aegean H1ffs beauty with tamily room. formal d1n1ng room, large master bdrm. and covc1ed pat io. To see is lo buy' 586-9000 586-4000 bath. All wood & class. Corner lot 25 ft. Bndgeentryaecks. 646·7711 This tiome·boasls 3 Queen si ze bedrooms 2 baths p1us many. 832·6800 many ex tras. All terms 1--------------1 EMERALOBAY available Also low interest EKc!us1ve private t>E!ach. tennis FHA loan m.ay be assumed, 6 BR ~ 3 BATH courls and pools Huge master asking 535.000 544.500 suite. ocean view Bes1 buy in #7951 564-0022. Better than new al 9 years old. this area. Appl only Call loday. Formal dining, ultra modern 646-7711 1--------------1 kitchen wrth bu1H-ins and ;~~~ggg 1-----------'-l-----------; . NOTHINGSCHEAP dishwasher. Upgraded shag TEMPLE HILLS On todays market. but talk is carpets .• walk to all schools. OCEAN VI EW .' High on a hill overlooking !he blue Pac1/1c Ocean. This home is 1n excellent oond1t1on, with gourmet kilchen, family room and big pan1ry. Deep shag car pe!1ng rhoughouL Sale price 567.500. 586-9000 586-4000 Newport Beach- Irvine Area SPACIOUS 5 BDRMS' Great fixer upper in super area. Tremendous possibihties, own er is ready to deal. Call us lo show, onced al 1us! 536.995! 646-7713 BEAUTY fREE. Lets get logether and Need Fast Sale. 832-6800 Four oedroorns, 2'h balhs on a talk about Iha beautiful cul·d e·sa c. Super clean townhouse buys we have lrom assumaole VA loan 814%. 520,000 up. Ocean views Laguna Beach. 5.t6-0022 5 22.~ i 646-7711,__________ 2BEOROO~H HlJGE FAMILY ROOM ALLeY ENTRANCE IN BACK ON THE WATER Located near major shopDing LIDO center, freeways, schools and Real clean Calll. Rancho. Lots of trees & garden space ... new carpets & drapes. VA no down pymt & FHA Vet just $750. W'hy rent? Call. #7510 838-6258. THREE BEDR00f..1S 2'ttBATHS 536,950 Gorgeous lownhOu se near freewa y 2'11 blocks. Beaul1lul carpel!ng. fireplace. service perch. 2 stones. care free living salter translerred and anxious seeing is bel1ev1ng this beau!y vacant ready to move 1n Only one year old =7790 898·1J56 SWIMMING POOL "4BEDA00MS2BATHS 533.500 Really sharp ti ome new w/w carpels. new drapes, covered paho. good neighborhood tremendous buy. Call for details. #89J9 898·1356 NEW ROOF, NEW KITCHEN NEW BATHS. NEW CARPETS .S27.500 Ocean front home on the sand. ctiurches. This 3 bedroom 2 3 bedrooms plus separate unit bath super sharp home can be over garage w+th view. Gall us bought for only $35.000. Hurry 1------------t lor aoot &call Most beautilul doll Mouse 1n ·1ract. All newly remodeled' Plumbing is new. new baths. really gorgeous tiouse. See 1t 1------------1 you 'llbuy11. M!SSJON VIEJO 646-7711 546-0022 524.900 POOL HOME LIDO ISLANO 3 BR·2 BA Ju:J l1~ted. sharp pool home. Five bedroom home. beautiful l-------------1-------------1 Sparklin g clean in /out. !,1tt.nQ h1qh on a h1H 1n lo11e!y 1n and o'Ut! Breakfast room, wet SUPER DELUXE Starters delight with carpels Mission V1e10. Seller anx1ou5 bar and many exlras too TWO STORY b e"e-whe•e. Huge ooarooms. EXECUTIV-4 edroom home located 1n an ~ '1 lor quick salr Tl"l1s home w11 h numerous to mention• Located 1: 1 . count"' slyle kitchen wllh lots Sup.' Spac'o S 5 be" ooms n exclusive am11y ne>ghborhood ·, d<:!eo oile CJroct1no is a 1nexclus1vearf>a u vr 1 of eating s pace . Great B t th f t d g near parK. 1reeways, schools & ~ccor,itor !> drPam unrt rnus1 be 646-7713 aycres w1 orma 1n1n backyard. bl. '!:;rage. This is Pf f f I shopping. Call now to see. 1 :.ul1n 10 b~ ."lpprcc1Jt('d1 room. us arge am1 Y room itt Submit $1, 1 tota down, 586-9000 1-------------1 and wet bar . ..\ beaulV. Ca!I now 546-0022 payments approximately 5154 586-4000 NEWPORT SHORES CUTlE to see a beauty 1-------------1 per mo. See this one. .· Upgraded 1n every way. 2 '54&7711 YESTERDAY"$ PRICE". . ·i 7aa7 8J8-6256 .bdrms. 2 baths. 1111 story 1----------...,--1 TODAY-$24.900 ;19089 898·1356 BIG FARM KITCHEN THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH $30.900 Big roomy house. Big yJrd . Home is beaul1fully decorated. garage 1s panelled and can be used as a family room. Seller has bought new home and is anxious. Call !Of'de!a1I<> 118155 898-1356 ASSUME VA LOAN S246 TOTAL PER MONTH dCCQralors beauty. TO SEE IS . CONDO ANYONE For !his lovely 3 bedroom 11h TO BUY1! Hurry! Located in Laguna Hills 3 Bed, bath home with assumable VA 6.4S.7713 2 Baths, assumable FHA 7% 7YI% loan. Hurry and can. $25.500 FOUR BEDROOM Ttirs charmrng 3 l?Cfrm, 2 bath home in Laguna Hills is 1n ready, move-in concht1onr Cati last on !his beauty! I! can·11as1 al p11ce and terms! 586-9000 586-4000 TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Watch those rent receipts - 3 bdrms. 1'h baths. nice paneling in living room. Bea;.rtdul loan only $27,500. 64&7711 546-0022 ACROSS FROM PARK 4BA-2BA. . CONDOMINIUM Huge Cahf. adobe with modem 524.500 uPdale in everyway. Move in Real sharp townhOuse with condition. Lots of room inside & fireplace, two baths. wall to wall out. Lush garoens w/towering carpets lhroughoul. Bu1lt-1n trees. Convenient kitchen for range & oven. Dishwasher .. mom & lots of bdrms. tor the Excellent area. kid$. Seller will oay your #9074 894-061 l 3 BEDROOMS· 531 .900 Super sharp home w1!h nice size den and arr the extras you expect 1n a line resale. A great place to raise your lamily . 1'8736 897:0321 1--------------1 cabinets 1n kitchen. Assume FHA loan. Santa Ana Area 3 bedrooms. family room, hardwood . floors. lireplace. buill·ins and located . in a cul-d&-sac across rrom oaht. Only 525.500. All terms closing costs on FHA or VA. 1-------------..JI Call 838·6256. EASTERN COLONIAL CALIF SUNSHINE 48R -28ATH YOUNG EXECUTIVES... 646-7713 1------------1 'will love this lovely 3 bedroom, KIDS GONE???. 2 balh home 1n bes! Mission 1-------------1 Then this 2 bdrm home 1s iust CE NTER HALL PLAN ~nJoy back easl two slory charm w1lh Cahf sunshine. The lour huge bedrooms plus lamily room makes this home great for lamlly living. Otrered at just 539.950 with 10% dn lerms available. Can 545-9491 TIBURON RES ALE ' .,_,., j 1132 S Hatllor 61•0. .r ,,,)J, .)9(l I -'j lli M;ino~1 Ave-I 1115-2 ·!:.138 711111M-O~ ·-t :'tlN 5Ht0.:C(lll~fl61vd I 1•1112°7:1'!11 141112·!11:.0 1944 [~!'lo- : ~Jlt2~·~'' ' 14/SJ).Jltl _ ... I "tll1P1l"'•"'venu~ t:::111 . l·1•~ \ ot 11)(1 linl Soutll i:.•,._ I ,,,., •. ~)Jt 1"'"!1-0f22 • \ S34,900 Best townhome w11 h beau11!ul enclosed patio and best recreation lac1ht1cs. Available VA • FHA or minimum down Conventional. t 7783 897-0321 YOUR NEAREST WALKER&. LEE OFFICE IS C""ttl·lO<l Alt"'<IOf l011Q9oKll•l loby Knoll• ;\IOI K1tell8 l(I~ A!&"'•!O\ 111 I l onj a•.en E11wo ~1l 1JO-r!o6• ·;>1J'l 'S. 121 1111)21·2213 213'•29·~921 l~llt.cto·lotAllOt · foum.1n\l .. lt J ;> 6('1illower 1 1 ~ t J eroo• 11u,,I ;>1J1~96 ••11l 1111~16 11~4 ,'1.W)llfi·21)1 ,'jl !lbllJ311 Mtltlon Vlejo·EI Tiito Fvl!..,on :l!Mitl'.11()1(1~<1 l/l&W Q<1n1olllOICrf,I,...,_ 11••!>&6·•000 11 4117 1·1~ C~O<OVt ~·tl(fo·~ ..... t l~t ~Olllll 8•0Cl~~u,..t ,'(14 r\tCMIO""" 11• ~J91l!•l 111 )•(\ 81141 1 1 4•~•·11991 11• 6111·1(1' Norco ,..,,,,.1,,.1onl1«ll ?()~fHa"'""'"°'°" 16!"lo•n11•• "''""'r 11 •·rJ•. •~w 11• I•?·•·~~ ,, •• l>4 I .ot:09 114,::,.&IJo)llO ,.... .. ·l•lllt~"· HuftllllOIOf'I 8eKto I •'!C'i :\U<•I~ Poen~N ~J Bl>!••"'"'~"" .'!3 ~08 1/ 11• 1191 (,Jii 11 4 )/J·llNI ltH ......... 0r.,...vw1e,.,• J31 N 11111)(11.l1t1Jb•~ :>111) N 1 11~1111 "'·~ .o ... ~"° ,,:J/,114·3141 f!4/t3f•lt/O 1111••• '''2 0-.-'0tt~ -"31 NO•t11V•1'111111~t1 •100a.llfloWM ~Hu~llf"'• 213/4ll.f411 ec»11tr•e:M1 .. -':!'::-. •Mr~ ... -. ,.r.1,,.., 111 ,.,,.,...,,, 11'1341 161 14o'Nl•t,IO • V1e10 . Cus1om 1nler1 o r the right s1ze--not too much to accorating. close to schools. COSTA MESA TRIPLEX cake c8re of but big enough tor park and recrea11on cenlf'r Hard lo find units in very granocnuoren wnen they visit. Owner wilt consider VA desirable area near shopping. Also has easy care kitchen for l1nanc1ng How can you beat Enclosed oat10. newly Mom and nice covered this for 541 ,500? upgraded carpets. can for patio tor re laxn'\g, Asking l>.io' Vr<tin )tlro.' :. .... ...i110,,lf 81"11 71J1)11•2!>8!il Pl-tol •YOI l.lttdt CM l Y >l<Ol londt Blvd ,,J('~ .. ,.~ 11 41)]1·8820 111'-'.ci.·T"Pt< 111111 IJl~~M.1<1..,l•t ;11 t>~/.JIJU /U •~J~•IJ~J R•-lodt·Unl•••••IY !.16Clu""v"•" .. ,,...., ' .. f>llJ.)03u • Sot>t• '"' ·:1• ~'"' e .. ·u 1:,• .11 ''6C'O~.· '~""' ! I. 40f.,1 If"' ~•N""'~"'"t 71• •J~ b9Cli 1 ... 1 ... 111~1 Rlhl"•' ,.., .•. ,,. i\4 ~~1~fo ..... -. .., 8001 Wott!l'l•Fl\lt• UlvO 111 811•4'• I 586-9000 appe1nlmenl today! .~32.5001 586-4000 64&7713 THINKING.ABOUT A REAL ESTATE tliii~EHi Step up to Walker & Lee! You can move up to a career in this dynamic industry where achievement and earning. prospects are among the highesl. Walker & Lee wilt assist you in providing a training program which will give you the technical competence necessary for a successful sates career. Special program for unlicensed applicants~ WNl!ler.ffttlflldl 1::'"'' 161'l3ltlh~QwtM d. Call us Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00 (714) n&-9350 (Orange County) (213) 589-7362 (Los Angeles)° (213) 596-2791 (Long Beach) 2 1l114l•11~4 111/lrt-2111 to1••11f11tolll~ 1477 S Mttlellftll'I' Ava, 21:t/!ilft.f)l2 ,,~~ • • • • ' ' available call now. 1------------1 fl ?996 546-0022 SPLASH. SPLASH. SPLASH Would you belteve a 3 bedroom 2 bath home plus family room wilh buill·in POOi !or only 527.500? You can ofter lhe terms, so hurry and call. ..f8117 546-0022 528,500 2BR.18A Doll house located 1n great section ol town. Sharp & clean. nice neighborhood. Will go VA or FHA, says lhe seller or submit !he new 5% down program. Are you Qua11t1ed? Cal l. 17996 . 838-6256 BIG TWO STORY FOUR BEDROOMS THREE FAMILY ROOM wet bAr 1n lam11y roo m. 3 car garage. shake roo1. formal dining room. Sprinklers. b1g lol Block wall fencing beautiful landscaping. lru11 trees Immaculate interior Fire alarm system. The most be11ut1 ful Stratlord home you have ever seen.. 898-1356 ARKE I EVALUATI t'<~ Ji~" In h .. .,, '"Uf AO~l1 ""I "h~I Ill\" \.•It"" '"'"111•1 l<ro•i: '"l !'"lo\~ 111~••• I u•'•I "I <I 1 I i" 1, ''" rt 1 .. ·•fl•·r•ll•"'"'l""r ... 1,. ,,, .. ..,.Mnl•rt m-r•r,,. ~n••!nl·•· 1 1,,;.1.1 •••l•~·T· ,., , •. ,, 1 • ·1 I ••II I•• Yftllt'I' II<• .~~•i:•l~•n \!1 l'f"I' <+• ·~ ~111" 1~·.,.·~11\ 1 ...... 1 "'' h •··~~··I I••.,' ·--~.----------------j'f>, ... _____ _ .,.. .... ia ................................................ --.i .... 1 ....... t1.-•- . \ ' I ft .. OAILI PILOT al R •• • Pele Barrell Reaft'J preJenb FRESH NEW LISTING ABSOLUTELY THE NICEST-r.,,ently re· decorated and oversized 2400 sq. ft 4 bed- roo1n . fa1nily room , 3 bath home in West· clilf. 578,500. PERFECT OPPORTUNITY OWNER WILL FINANCE. Newport Heights. !\e"·Jy listed 4 bedroom, family room and dining roo1n home. Large yard-alley access and roon1 for recreational \'ehiclcs. \Viii I FLO HIGHTOWER I COLONIAL REAL ESTATE I proudly 11nnounCt's 1helr t ne'A est associate, Florence 1 tFlo' J-li1'htov.er. A i\lem· carry fir11t trust deed at 8112 r.c. 409 Catalina, N.8. I Sun 1-5 ber of lhe Coveted i\lilllon Dollar Club in 1973, fto is Hlready ncnrinic the i\fill1on Dollar mark for 197-1 . An SCRUMPTIOUS SURFSIDE SETTING EXCELLENTLY DESIGNED SIDE-BY· SIDE-2 Story Ne\\'port Beach duplex with magnificent vie\v and location. A total of 7 bedrooms and 5 baths v.iith underground parking. Price recently reduced! O\vner will carry large 2nd-flexible financing . OrHnge County resident for . ovrr 20 yea rs, Flo has a I ""f'll lth of l0t.:f1l Real t:stnle knowledge. Net.'(! a top flight prof~ional to s<•n e your Real J::slale nt'('dS? Call Flo Rt 898·:l636 COLOr\l,\L RI::AL f.:STATE J:>&"l l Golrlen11('s t St., I! B. NEW LISTING EASTBLUFF OWNER MOVING-MUST SELL BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOME-family room, and large Jiving roo1n , plus den or study. Newly decorated in rich tones, heat-I ed pool and enclosed patio. $64 000 420 Kings Rd. Cliff Haven, N.B. Open Sat/Sun l·S: OPEN SAT/SUN. l-5 NEWPORT BEACH $50,950 I 915 CHESTNUT PL I A NEAT FAMILY HOME! 3 Bedrooms. 21 ~ ( Dt:·light ful ra n(·h style hon~c baths, plus great family room with firep lace. - 3 bdnns., f;imily kitchen . Come see! On qu1t·t cul de sac. 2111 Dover Or., Harbor Highlands, NB I ~-~::u~ors~c~i::::s ;0~ Open Sun l-S I l'.ith mature landscaping. 1 Note: lO\v leasehold & ] taxc~'! Offered thru-t Office Open Saturdays & Sunday' PETE BARRETT REALTY I 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B~. 642-5200 ~~' 1002 en-a rai R.E. 1002 ; 2414 Vista del Oro Newport Beach A44-ll33 ANYTIME General R.E. ' EASTS I DE LOOK NO FURTHER Beautifully decorated 4 bdrm., 2 bath home . With dining room , built-ins, dishwasher. Family room & fireplace. Carpets, drapes. Asking, $47,500. Call 541).! 720. EASTRIDGE 2-STORY Sensational home! With 2300 sq. ft. ~~eatures 4 bdrms., 3 baths. Formal dining room. Fam- ily room & se\ring room. Fireplace. Com- pletely redecorated & shows like a dream! $57,500. Call 540-1720. POOL FOR SUMMER Remarkable home! Perfect for lhe large family. Has 5 bdr111s .. 3 bath s. Family room, den. fireplace. On a corner lot \\'ilh boat gate. Outside li ghting, n1ass ive S\\'i1n pool. S63 .000. Call 540· l 720. EXECUTIVE 'S DELIGHT Beautifully appointe<l 4 bdrm .. 3 bath home ,,·ith family rm. & fireplace. All modern kit· c:ben. Tinted \vindO\\·s, \\'et bar. Extensive decking. School & pool nearby. $78 ,500. Call 644·8750. WATERFRONT PROPERTY Sensational home! .l\uthentic Georgian Colo- nial 4 bdrm. \\'ith 4 baths, formal dining room. Den, 2 fireplaces. \'our ov.•n private beach , large boat dock. Fantastic bay vie,v! Coin· pletel y !urnished . $1500 month. Call 644·8750 STEPS TO THE BEACH \.'er.v spacious 4 bedroo1n ho1ne is just steps fro n1 your private beach & m3rina. Jn Ne\\'· port Harbor. ;\tany custom extras thruout. Need s a lit tle tender loving care . Askin g. 869.950. Call 644·8750. Costa Mesa 2955 Harbor Blvd. 540-1720 Newport Beach 600 Npt. Ctr. Dr. 644-8750 TRADE -oldE'r 2 bdrm., 1 1 General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 A REAL RARE OPPORTUNITY for boat lovers wanting a luxury home , v:ith pier and slip at the \vater front . Main house; 3BR., 2BA., plus Gst. qtrs. with bath. 2 patios and much more. $129.500. FEE! Don't Jose this one by hesitatin g ! Ov.·ner v.·iIJ trade for Duplex or Triplex. $96,00~FEE With a view of Fashion Island. Expensive ilnported tile in entry, breeze v.·ay. kitchen & rear yard of thi s exquisite Portofino home. Fee land! 3 BR. 4 BA + bonus roon1 AND n1any more custon1 features, all for $96,000. $62,900 IN UNIVERSITY PARK? /\ real greenbelt je\vel! 3 BR . 2 BA hon1e & fam rm. Highiy upgraded. !luge brick pa- tio, low tnaintenance yard. See this! You'll buy it for $62,900. NEW RED CARPET, REAL TORS "FASHION ISLAND" 567 San Nicholas Or., Suite 103 CALL 641).8672 LISTINGS NEEDED C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 ISLAND BEAUTY JOO' WATERFRONTAGE. Room for a 90' boat dock. Pa tio. Y.1ith poOJ and slide, is glass screened on entire waterfront side, providing 1nag ni f1cent channel views. Master bedroom, bath and balcony wilh sweeping ocean vic\v . Separate children's wing with 1112 baths opens to generous balcony area. $1i5,000. WI LMA FITTS Huntington Harbour Realty 4141 War-Avt., H.B. ~l ba. home on l'Xtra large lot, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 75xl80; dbl. garage: roon1 Jar garden & etc. -S29.500 *VACANT LANO* I 10 ACRES : 1\7\DERSON, CALIF. Kr. 'I i :'lit. Shasta n>rrealional rca. \\'ater & et«:. a v a i I . J>RJCED AT ONLY SIJ,00), I *VACANT LOT* j NEAR YOSEMITE -1 ~ acre :il pine 1\11. lak e, 1 l'luhhousc. lake & tcrutis 1 I Ct~. -ONLY S1j{)O l I "C" THOMAS 1 REALTOR ' I Z'2·1 \V. Cst Hv,T, 5 18-~1~1:!1 I Nc1vport Bt>ach Evc.;).-1;>-5&1:: I : I .EASTSIDE 4 BDR-FAM. R. HARBOR VIEW HOMES TOP THREE 3 Bedroom and den -4 Bedroo1n one story and 4 bedroo1n t\\"O story. ALL in mint con- dition -Better than ne\V. Each profession- ally decorated and landscaped. ALL on fee land. Priced from ~71.950 to $84,950. OLD CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Ideal for builders -TRIPLEX on t\\'O lots. can be expanded to four units. Super deluxe SINGLE F'Al\11LY on 112 Jots, can be ex- panded to Harbor Vie\v Dupl ex. $99.500 each 1303 AVOCADO DR., NEWPORT CE NTER 640-1120 . . r ** ** ** Heritage Collection THE WINDMILL HOUSE FAMOUS LANDMARK ON BALBOA PE· NINSULA POINT. 5 Bedroom family home, with 3 story windmill tower that will de- light your youngsters. "Dutch" shingled ei· terlor. Surround~d by large shade trees. Interior is designers dream.~Remodeled last year by architect/owner. Features large llv·· mg and dining room both with llreplaces. New kitchen with everything including self cleaning micro wave oven. Jacuzzi tub in master bath. Pebble concrete patio \vith tree shaded red\vood benches. Separate boat storage yard. PLUS-PLUS-PLUS 2 Bedroom guest cottage presently brings in over $4000 yearly income. First time offer- ed, home and guest house, $2 10,000. Call for appointment 540-1151 EASY LIVING $28,500-Throw a\vay the lav.1n mou·er and enjoy living in this 3 bedroom. 2 bath Costa l\Iesa Townhouse. Deluxe features includ- ing all bltns. screened in patio and double garage. Surrounded by many beautiful trees, green belts an d pool. Just .listed, \\'on't last '. Call for complete details S46-5880 ON THE WATER NEWPORT BEACH-SB0.951)-Dock & slip. 2 BR, 21/2 ha, dining. quiet location. Just listed, Hurry CALL 541).llSI. MESA VERDE'S BEST JUST LISTED-Executive 2 story. 4 BR. 3 ba home. Luxuriously appointed y.•ith expen- sive plush crpts, b'eaut. drps. wall paper, n1irrored \Valls & rustic used brick patio. Lg pool size yard \Vith many trees. Best lo- cation-on quiet street. Offered at $67 .950. liurry, \Von't last at this price. CALL 54~5880 CORONA DEL MAR HOME WITH INCOME-Cozy 3 BR . 2 ba, \\'ith fireplace ~· ne\\' :! BR rental over ga- rage. r-o r additional infor1nation CALL S41).11Sl. COLLEGE PARK-POOL HOME POOL SEASON JUST AROUND THE COR· . NER! Beautiful 3 bedroon1 , 2 bath featuring an outstanding Palo v·erde stone fireplace, remodeled kitc~en with ne\v flooring and tile counter tops. Home Centers around very pri- vate pool area with many fruit trees, block wall, and covered patio. \Valk to all schools and shopping. CALL S46-S880. EASTSIDE INCOME PRDPERTY-6 shake roof beauties --8 garages, everything in e:-.:cellent condi- tion. Big Jot. close . to everything. Call for more infor111ation . 540-1151. General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 EASTSIOE BEAUTY The ideal family home on huge lot on cul- de-sac. Features 4 bedroom, 18x22 rumpus room. 2 Fireplaces. Fruit trees. Storage shed. Fish pond and MORE ! Call for ap- pointment to see ... only $48,950. Open House Sat/Sun 1-5 2086 Marion Way, Costa Mesa MESA VERDE SPECIAL Come see this large, immaculate 3 bedroom & family roo1n home in a choice neighbor- hood. l\.1any custom features including front fen~ed patio, small guest house and hydrO:. .. pon1c greenhouse. Priced right at $4 1,500. ~21 1797 ORANGE, COSTA MESA 642-1771 General R.E. 1002 General R.E. OPEN SUN. l·S 24 HARBOR ISLAND l\.1agnificent main channel view. 6 Bdrm .. 5 bath home with formal dining rm. 55 Ft. lot, 4 car garage, pier & slip. $575,000 WATERFRONT LOT You can build the house of your dreams on this 57.5 ft. Jot on the main channel. $400,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Dr .. Sult• 1, N.B. 675-4161 - ner1 R.E. 1002 HOMES OPEN l·S THIS AFTERNOON S" These UNIQUE Features: Conversation corral, bedroom bridge, skylight and mod· ern kitchen in this 4.bdrtn two story. Brand new at only $86,500. See Jim Valentine at 221!7 Windward Lane, Newport Beach. See These UNIQUE Features: Contempor- ary, roomy 3 bdrm intriguing floor plan with skylights and courtyards, light and airy. Only $82.000. See Jim Valentine at 2200 Wind· \Vard Lane. Ne\vport Beach. See These UNIQUE Features: A spectacu- lar Back Bay vie'v. \~·ind "Protected patio and 3 bdrms ,~·ith exciting decor. Bluffs condo- 1ninium at $87,500. See Rlta Boland at 340 Otero, Newport Beach. See These UNIQUE Features: Fantastic vie,v. charming 3 bdrm, 2 bath. bricks and decks. Lot adj. avail. 1-lome offered at 867,500. See Jean \Vright at 2828 Terry Road, Laguna Beach. See These UNIQUE Features: Clever and colorful decor! Fantastic patio and plant· ing s. 3 bdnns. big family room in Harbor Vie\v Homes. Listed at $72,500 . See Vergi· Jene liull at 1818 Port \\'heeler, Nev.·port Beach. See These UNIQUE Features: 4 bdrn1s, ocean \'ie,v s and ke ys to a private beach, plus stain glass. imported tiles. dark panel- ing, rich green plantings and sunny patios. Unique at $149.500. See Dorothy John ~on at 512 Sea\\'ard, Corona del l\.lar. See These UNIQUE Features: On the golf course in l\lesa \1crdc. fi bedr1n s .. 70xl00 lot . t"lean in side and out. NC\\' Ji stin ~ a1HI onl,v S68.500. See Gudrun Coadv al 200.J Kornal Costa l\lesa. · ' See These UNIQUE Features: 4 bdrm, pool home \\'ith hardwood. floors. spacious and sunny kitchen. massive double fireplace -and a 40' pool. For $79.950 in Harbor High· lands. See Nadine Croul at 1520 Dorothy Lane, Nev.·port Beach. See 1:hese UNl~UE Features: Back yard beautiful ~ :\nd big: 4 bdr1n in neat nei ghbor- hood. formal dining, spotless at S5i,900 . See Jackie 1-Iandleman at 1959 Pelican, l\fesa Verde. See These UNIQUE Features : 5 bdnn single story in Jlarbor View Hills , really rare. Canyon vien1s, interesting and clean at S99,500. See Lyleen E\ving at 1034 Sand- castle, Corona de! rv1ar. ON TOP OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH THE NICES\_PEOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR. 675·6000 MESA VERDE, 546 5990 • CALL US General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 OPEN SUNDAY 1 ·5 106 VIA LORCA, LIDO ISLE Charming 2 Bit, den, 50 ft. Jot-Sl2l,500 LIDO SANDS 3 BR., steps to the beach-$49,900 5 + GUEST $35,000 WALK TO BEACH. Giant Victorian man· or. 5 bedrooms including master suite with 4th bath. Library and music chaml>- er's with corner bay window. GUEST apartment with kitchen. Game room. Banquet dining room with fireplace. Leaded, stained glass windows. BETTER HURRY ! Ca~ 645..()303. WATERFRONT WONDERLAND Spacious 2 story on the shores or your own private lake. Boating and fishing galore Formal entry, Elegant living room. Sunken conversation pit with brick fireplace. View formal dining. Counlry kitchen and large family room. Separate childrens wing. Huge master suite wlth full deck overlooklrig __ entertalners paUo and five water falls , ~,900. Call 645-030$. . . -. -. FOREST E ClLSON ' •. .. • • -• ' Sufld•I. May 26, 1974 DAllY PILOT. ?Jo i7 I Ji " E 1002 Goaoral Iii!. I 4-noral R.E. 1002 CONDOMINIUMS Gonorol R.I. IDOZ O-ral 11.1. 1DOZ j .:G"""::::'~•~I ~·~~~· :;:-.....:.'00:.:2:j;G~•ne;;;r•~I ;;R·;;'~· ;;;;;;IDOZ:;;jliiG~•~'l"~'~•l~R~·~·iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I OPEN FRI-SAT-SUN EASTllLUPF · BARGAIN 3 BEOllOOMS-3 BATIIS 2 ' 3 Bedroom. -to Eastslde Costa Mesa y.., Own Tho Land 4 llED. 2 BATH Elegant 2 Story Oc<lll Vl<wa -1610 ' 9U WestcJJtt. For 1 ..... ,.,., or Rtdllcod t.. $71,500 FIX IT "'SAVE this big )>eaucy with 4 * SALISBURY EXCLUSIVES * Klrlp Rd., N.B. A 2110 lea 1 e o pt Jon . For C t--n.. lw>m LUak This one ~ ~ l:lh le "'Orie bedroonu:, lonnal d1n1.na Jl'rancb; Ln .. C.M. Mesa. del appointment to ate, call 5 Bedrooms. 4 bath .. 3400 Sq, ~t 3 bd.....,. 2 .,:,:h.. 1 but lt ha• everything you 1 ro1¥t). PLUS l{UQE GAME BUY OF THE YEARll Mu. n.. h\llt 3 car aanae, 1• rm.1., ..... P. needt 4 bedrooms. 2 balhl ROOM. '41ll pleaae A c. Qulnt•..i, R .. 11., r:_u •. FDIJM 189.!00. • -'lo R 1•mll1cLA'"'RK. SOMERS built 111 ldt<hen. di!! .. r.sae dell&l>t ..-..~. the moat l!M Ft. on private Coilins lsl"1!.d1 fee land; Incl. shake roof borne. with 2 oorms., den, hobby rm., pier, slip & all bayfront beauti· ful grounds. $215,000. 33S6 Via Udo, N.B. _ _ Roy Mc:Can;11 Mltor nice ~enU&I ..,... It'• • diJcrimtnallna family. Its l8IJ. -Blvd., c.M. ...._ . 1110 Newport Blvd., CM REAL TOii MS-4000 men b\lt tt wUI loll quick. beon fantutlcAlly u..,-aded -I A ...... I 541-7m 308 Mulno, Balboo 1tlond HURRY CALL-~ Olrp<I, In •""'¥ wa,, truly the Cl.A$ SELLS ... 64Mi671 Pilot C1alllifkd •ad. 64).MS Retlton 5t6 -~ ~~~ .!e! ~~~~ 2021 BAYSIDE DRIVE Cuslom home + large ~uest rm .. 3 car ga· rage + lge. guest parking. rox168 On bay. Pier & float. $265.000. DIRECTORY HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM * 26509 Call e Lorenco, San Juen Ca pis. 493·3034 $35,000 (Sun all day) 2 BR & FAMILY RM or DEN 1116 Via Lorca (Lido Isle) NB 673·9060 (Sun 1·5 1 **5103 Seashore Dr., Newport Beach 645·8400 ~95,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 27 Rue Grand Ducal, Big Canyon. N.B. 644-8543, 546-4934, (5un 1·5) 217 Via Orvieto (Lido Isle) N.B. 548--0140 $79,900 (Sun & Mon 1-5) 1990 Port Seaboarne Wy, Newport ·Beach 616-7711 (Sun 1·5) 3 BEDROOM 18782 Via Palatino (Turtlerock) Irvine 552·7500 $85,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) 2994 Babb Street. Cos la Mesa 545-4289 $32,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 21 11 Pon1ona Ave .. Costa f..lesa 5411.J57l $33.500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) :!iOl Vi sta Cmbrosa <The Bluffs) J\"B 614-4910 $78.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5 :30) ti nue Cha111011ix fBig Canyon) NB. &14·4910 8132.500 (Sal & Sun 1-5:30) 2718 Shell (China Cove) CdM 673·= (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) •2273 Columbia, College Pa.rk. CM 546-5880 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 340 Otereo, Bluffs, Newport Beach 675-6000 $87,500 . (Sun 1·5) 2828 Terry, Arch Bch, Laguna Beach 675-6000 S67,500 (Sun 1·5) .110.i Ocean Blvd .. Corona del ?'\Tar 642-6172 $159,500 (Sat, Sun & Mon l·51 J31B Santanella (Irv. Terr.) CdM 675·3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1536 Serenade Terrace, l\1ewport Beach 546-2313 $83.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 16622 Busby Lane, Huntington Beach S4S.25.15 $44,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5 / * 1958 Fullerton Ave. (Eastside} Cf.1 645-66l6 $.16,900 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1-5' 1447 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) NB 642·82:l.I 8145.000 (Sun & Mon 1·51 12 Rue Chaleau Royal (Big Canyon) NU 644-6200 8121,500 (Sun 1·5} 8467 Lei Arroyo. Huntington S.ach 8-17-6010 $28.4.IO (Sun 1·5) 19392 Sierra Calmo (Turtlerock) Irvine 55Z.7000 $59.900 (Sun 1·5) 21722 Breton, Huntington S.ach 963-6767 (Sun 1·5 ) 1610 Kings Rd. Newport Beach 642-2991 Sll5,000 (Open til sold) 416 DeSola Terrace, Corona de! Mar 673-8550 $89.500 (Sun 1-5) 2716 Shell (China Cove) CdM 642·6Z3.5 $1:13.000 (Sun 1-5) 3 BR & FAMILY RM or DEN 310 Monte Vista (Off Irvine) NB 645·1564 S47,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 18172 Mayapple Way, Irvine 552'11236 $59,000 (Sat & Mon 1().3) 365 !\·Jonte Vista, Costa Mesa 545-8424 $36,500 (Sun 1·5 ) 4491 Sandburg Way, Irvine 545-8424 $6'l,900 (Sat & Sun J.j! 2ll2 Dover Dr., Harbor Highlands, NB 642-5200 $50.950 (Sun l-5i 420 Lenwood, Newport Heights. NB 642·5200 {Sat & Sun 1·5) 1700 Dover Dr., Westcliff, NB 642·5200 (Sun 1·5) ll30 Somerset Ln . (Wesldi!f) NB 644-1766 $124.500 (Sat & Sun 1-1) 1301 Keel (HV Hills) CdM 644-1766 $97.500 2321 Arbutus (Eastbluff) NB (Sun 1-5) 644-1766 $82.000 (Sat & Sun 1-5\ 901 Chestnut Pl. (Eastbluff) NB 642'11235 $60,950 (Sun & Mon 1-5) 2713 Gannet. Mesa Verde, CM 546-4900 (Sat & Sun 9.5 l •2821 Pebble (HV Hills) CdM 642-8235 $!l0,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 19381 Sierra Chula (Turtlerock) Irvine 552-7000 $58,900 (Sat & Mon 1·5) 1818 Port Wheeler (HV Homes) NB 675-6000 fTl.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 17681 Laurel Tree Ln (Univ. Pk.) Irvine 552·8696 $59,500 (Sat & Sun 1().5) 1000 While Salis (HV Hills) CdM 675-3000 (Sun 1·5) 2240 Pt. Durness (HV Hills) CdM 675-3000 ( Sat, Sun & Mon 1·5) 1003 Bonnie Doone (Irv. Terr.) CdM 675-3000 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1-5} 2200 Windward Ln, Back Bay, NB 675-6000 $82.000 (Sat & Sun 1.0) •639 Cameo Highlands Dr., CdM 644-7270 !Sat & Sun 2-Sl 4815 Wayne Rd. (Car(leo Hl~hlands) CdM 675-1337 $86.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 915 Ch .. tnut Pl. IEastblulfl NB 644-1133 $64 ,000 (Sat & Sun l.S) 282 Villa Nova, (College Park) CM 646-7171 (Sat U , Sun 1-5) 1337 Bontile Doone, Corona del Mar 873-85!!0' $67,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1668 New )lampshlre, Mesa Venle N, CM 64M846. $42',900 (lll\t, SUn & Mon 1·5) 240 'Wake Forest. College Park, CM Mff64f '42,000 (Sun & Mon 1-6) I 17895 Cedar Tree Ln (Univ. Pk.) Irivne 64W200 (Sun 1·5) 19321 Ely (Turtlerock) Irvine 644-6200 $63,000 (Sun 1-5) •1821 Toyon Ln . (Baycrest) NB 61U235 $129,500 (Sun 1·5) 1725 Skylark (Baycrest) NB 645-3120 $76,000 {Sun 1-1) 11358 Primrose, Fountain Valley 8-17-6010 $47,950 (Sun 1·5) 425 Bay. oil Tustin, Costa Mesa 640-3255 $49,500 (Sun 1·5) *265 Rose Lane, Costa Mesa 646-7711 (Sun 1·5) 362 Vista Madera (The Bluffs) NB 61().0020 (Sun 1-5) 4 BEDROOM 3085 Mountain View Dr., Laguna Beach 494-8558 $68,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) •2021 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 673-6900 {Sat & Sun 12·5) • •844 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 644-1766 $295,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6) •1023 Dolphin Terr (Irv. Terr.) CdM 61~200 $189,500 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1-5) 425 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach 675-7414 (Sun 1·5) •3448 Santa Clara, Mesa Woods. CM 546-4141 $65.000 (Sun 1-5) 25101 Champlain, Laguna Hills 494-9704 $45,500 (Sat & Sun 12-4) 512 Seward, Corona Highlands, CdM 675-6000 $149,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1821 Tehuna Terrace, Corona del Mar 673-8550 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 232 Monte Vista, Eastside, CM 645-6646 $48,900 (Sal, Sun & Mon 1-5) 186 Shorecliffs Rd (Shorecliffs) CdM 642-8235 $225,000 (Sun 1-5) 3076 Molokai, Costa ~lesa 546-2313 $44,950 (Sun 1·5) 4 BR & FAM RM OR DEN 1657 Utah Circle, Mesa Verde, C.M. 546-9238 (Sat, SUD 1l to 6) 20401 Ravenwood Lane, Huntington Beach 963-6029 $63,500 (Open Daily) 401 W. Sierra (Sand Pointe) SA 97~759 (Sat, Sun & Mon) 2442 Windward, off Tustin, NB 646-3255 (Sun & Mon 1·5) 1896 Rhodes, cor Mesa Verde West 646-3255 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1·5) 2025 Calvert Ave (Mesa Verde) CM 557-2765 $53,950 (Sat & Mon ll-6) •966 Sandcastle (HV Hills) CdM 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) •420 Kings Rd. Cliff Haven, NB 64Z.5200 (Sat & Sun l ·5) **319 Morning Star Ln. (Dover Shores) 642-8235 $275,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 35 Burning Tree Rd (Big Canyon) NB 614-1910 $159,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5: 30) 1856 Braemar, Newport Beach 642'11235 {Sat & Sun 1·5) 1824 Port Manleigh Pl (HV Homes) NB 64().!l20 $61,500 (Sun & Mon 1·5) 2026 Lemnos (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sat, Sun & Mon 12·5) 128 Via Ithaca (Lido Isle) NB 642-ll68 $109.900 (Sat, Sun & Mon 2-5) • 1520 Dorothy LI), Harbor Highlands NB 675-6000 $79,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2207 Windward Ln, Back Bay NB 675-6000 $86,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1959 Pelican PL. Mesa Venle, CM 546-5990 $57,900 {Sat & Sun 1·5) 4 Point Loma Dr., Spyglass Hill, CdM 644-7270 · (Mon 2-6) 69 Montecito Dr., Spyglass Hill, CdM 644-7270 (Sat & Mon 2-6) 2744 Gannett. (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa 675.JOOO $57,500 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1·5) 1528 Keel (HV Hills) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) •6 Winged Foot Ln (Big Canyon) NB 675-3000 (Sat, Sun & Mon 1·5) •2837 Club House Rd, Costa Mesa 540-2313 $63.950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2345 Fordham (College Park) CM 675-1642 $45,950 (Sun 1-5) 17632 Laurel Tree (Univ. Pk.) Irvine SSZ.7500 $67.900 (Sun 1·5) 512 DeAnza Drive, Corona de! Mar 67:Hl850 $89,500 (Sun & Mon 1·5) ••28 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) NB 644-1766 $275,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6) 22 Hermitage Ln. (Big Canyon) NB 644-1766 $159,500 (Sat, SUD & Mon 1-5) 6202 Sierra Siena, (Turtlerock) Irvine 833-9208 $69.500 (Sun All Day) 18872 Saginaw Dr. (Turtlerock) Irvine SSZ.7500 $75,000 (Sunday 1-1:30) •2 Rue Chamonlx, Newport Beach 64M960 $159,500 (Sun & Mon 1-6) 1252 Somerset Ln. (Westcli!f) NB 64U2SS (Sun & Mon 1.S) •1500 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 64W2M $235,000 (Sun l.S) 4276 Sandburg, (Univ. Park) Irvine 552-7000 $5•,900 (Mon 2-5) 18721 Deodar, Fountain Valley 847-«110 '51,500 (Sun 1-5) 9302 Nantucket, Huntington Beach 557-7000 '39.soo· (SUn l.S) •28M Carob (Ea!\bhlff) NB 615-722$ fl9,000 . . . ' . . •llMl Rocky MoUDtaln, Hunting!Qn Jleach flM.e'l67 $68,900 (Sat 1-6, ~ J.2..6) 186 Shored!U Rd, Corona de! Mlir 641r8235 $225,000 !Sun & Mon 1-5} Bernard CL & Zell. N.B. (new constnic.) IJ46.77ll (Sun 1-5) .4 llR & GUEST 288 Villanova. College Park CM 640-88ll $52,506 (Sun 1-5) 5 BEDROOM 2004 Kornat, Mesa Verde, CM 540-5990 $68,500 (Sat & sun 1-5) 627 Nyes Pl., Laguna Beach IJ46.77ll (Sun 1-5) 5 BR & FAM RM OR DEN ••903 N. Bayfront (Bal Island) NB 61~ (Sal & Sun lZ.5) 2645 Bamboo (Eastbluff} NB 644-1766 $87,500 (Sat & Sun 1·6) 2 Cherry Hills Ln (Big Canyon) NB 612-8235 $275.000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) • • l Linda isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 $250,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5 :301 49 Royal St. George Rd (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 $295,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) 8 Oakmont Ln. (Big Canyon) NB 614-6200 $325,000 (Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5) • • 1645 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 644-1766 $325,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6) 1034 Sandcastle Dr. HVH, CdM 675-6000 $99,500 (Sun 1-5) 4627 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3000 {Sat & Sun 1·5) 2084 Tustin Ave .. Newport Beach 642-3862 $65,500 (Sat & SUD & Mon) 1842 Port Sheffield Pl (HVH) NB 83.l-0780 $111,995 (Sat & Sun 1().5) • 1524 Sandcastle (Harbor View) CdM 675-7225 $126,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2700 Redwing Circle (Mesa Verde) CM 646-7171 (Sun l·51 •28 Royal St. George (Big Cany~n) NB 675-6900 (Sun 1-5) 6 BEDROOM ••24 Harbor Island (Harbor Isl) NB 675-6161 (Sun 1-5) ••434 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 642-8235 $235,000 (Sun 1·5) 401 62nd Street, Newport Sbores, NB 548-22ll $69,500 (Sun & Mon 1-6) 6 BR & FAM RM OR DEN • •504 Evening Star Ln (Dover Shrs) NB 044-4910 $235,000 Sat/5un/Mon 1·5:30) HOME & INCOME 3 BR & I BR 619 IV. Bay Ave. (Balboa Pen.) NB 644-1766 $95,000 {Sat & Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 3 BR 9564 Bickley (York/Villa) H.13. 968-2474 $28,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 23471 Via Jacinto, Laguna Hills 644-7862 $32,500 (Sun 1·5) 7 Rue Marseilles (Big Canyon) NB 644-1133 .$108,500 (Sun 1-5) 3 BR & FAM RM 10266 Indian River (Tiburon) Fnt. Valley 556-a800 $37,500 (Sat & ,sun 1·5) 305 Vista Trucha (The Bluffs) NB 64().0020 (Sun 1·5) 21342 Sand Dollar Ln. (Seabury) HB (Open Sun, Mon anytime) 4 BR 354 Vista Madera (North Bluffs) NB 644-1133 $69,500 (Sun 1·5) 2400 Nobleza (North Bluffs) NB 644-ll33 $87,500 (Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 429 Iris, Corona de! Mar 675-7414 $1)3,500 2 BR EACH (Sun 1-5) ••Ill·lll\.> Bayside Pl., Corona del Mar 673-6900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 300 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 675-3000 (5at/Sun/Mon . 1-5) 3 BR & 1 BR 521 Iris, Corona del Mar tl7S.5726 (Sun 1·5) 3 BR & FAM + 3 BR 317 Jasmine, Corona de! Mar 673-8550 (Sun 1·5) 505 Acacia, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $129,000 (Sun 1-5) (Open sun 1-5) 514 Dahlia, C.D.M. 675-55ll $123,000 4 BR & FAM RM + I BR 611 Carnation Ave., Corona de! Mar 6"/H631 (Fri., Sat., Sun.1·5) HOUSES FOR RENT 3 BR 3018 Ceylon Rd (Mesa Verde) CM 545--0228 $425/rno -(Sat & Sun UM) APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 BR 11&~ Topaz, ila!boa Island (213) 46H492 (Sun 12:30-6 Mon 10.5) • ' I ' • ' ' • • ' . . ' I o ' ' manle\&red v.·llh s u p e r b landscaping I.. sprinklt'r§ Larie spacious roon1s, 2,700 sq ft & IOMds ol closets & 11torage areas. Priced ul ~ill.000. Corona Highland& HOMES. YOU OVt'N YOUR O\VN PRIVATE BEACH ... OURAVAILABLE I NVEN TOR Y I S SUBSfANTIAL. 2, 3, 4 &. 5 BDRM., SOJ\fE WIT Ii OCE.Ai~ VlE\VS, POOLS, DENS, }'ORJ\lAL DINING & F,\~llLY ROOJ\tS . PRICED FHO~I $69. :l 00 \YITll POOL. CALL fOR 1\ PERSONAL REVIE\\'. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 12·5 903 NO. BAYFRONT Large 5 bdrm. home on two fully divided lots, with priv. pier, contiguous to both lots. $275,000. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. IZ.5 lll-111112 BAYSIDE PLACE The ultimate in privacy, on private road & entry. Spectacular bayfront y.•ith pier. T\\'O units, or could be one large unit. $350,000. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1·5 LARGE COMMERCIAL CORNER Brick, fully leased, with 5 tenants, on t\VO full lots, on l\larine Ave., Balboa Island. RIVER DRIVE, NEWPORT 4 Bdr1ns. up, 3 do\vn ; 3 months old Fully rented. $137,500 BALBOA ISLAND VACANT LOT .·\sking $58.500 \\ ilh good tern1s. SALISBURY REALTY 315 MARINE AYE., BALBOA ISLAND 673-6900 REALTORS SINCE 19-1.\ 673-4400 SPANISH- BEACH POOL Spanish ranch! Close to beach. NE\V C UST 0 r.I POOL?! Raised entry. Large forma1 living roon1. Spearate family room . l-lo111c makers k I t c h en . 1-lented custom pool \\·ith S\'."('eP! Secluded 1nash•r suite. r·an1ily s i ze II bedroon1s. \'ER\" CLOsr: General R.E. 1002Generol R.E . 1002 THE BEST IN BLUFFS FABULOUS BAYFRONT-SACRIFICE, $72.500 Spectacular vie\\r of bay & Mt.s. Nearly new, 3 bdrms., 21/J ba. Ueaut. carp., drapes, 'va)\. pa,,.r. OPEN SUN. J.s 426 VISTA PARADA LOVELY 4 BR ., 3 BATH-VIEW-$73,SOO Nearly ne\V, spacious 2100 sq. ft., very up- graded. Pool view from back, Mt. view from front. \Vill lease $(iOO a nlo. OPEN SUN. J.s 425 VISTA PARADA HELEN B. DOWD TO BEACll. Taki? ad\'antage c<1ll 9&1-6767 . OP(N f/L ~. H s FVN TO DE NICE• REAL TOR 644-0134 ~J•G~e~n~.~,.~l~R~.E~.""""""~1~001"''"-~~~ .. """,~,.~l~R~.~E~.""""""1~ooz...,J * * TRIPLEX * * Choice Corona del Mar-$9!i,500 Newport Heights NEW LISTING!! Nesr Harbor Hi. Assumable VA loan. Immaculate J lx.>dnn. 2 ba. B I tn s , fireplace, new cpt, drps. Obie gar. Lge yard. 646-3928 or Eve. 541-2426 Call us for information on homes & income property in the area. Orange Coast 2600 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar REAL ESTATE 644·4848 VALLEY Center. Calif. l.6 General R.E-:-1002 General R.E. 1002 AC. Parklike setting, many I :;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I huge oaks, live stream, I• privacy, garden soil, family lruit, grapes. beITlcs, with a beauUlul unique 24 x 60 Viking r..tH. 2BR, F.R. 2 BA. 4-Ton air, Franklin fireplace v.rilh Ariz. Flagstone hearth & 1~·all plus many extras. Lo1v ta.xes. An Ideal Retirement Home 714-74S-0360. or come to 29160 Mactan Rd.·300 ft. North of Fruitvale Rel. Owner-Broker MINI RANCH EASTSIDE 12 Fruit ln!cs, walled yan:I, 3 bedrooms, fan1ily, 2 ba1hs, rovered patio. Shag carpets thruout. \Voodland & Hartxir Schools. Call now to see th.is weU located property -just listed! $49,500. EASTSIDE MANSION 2800 sqtt 2 SWl."Y 5 bdrm, 3 ba, formal rllntng, laundry ·room. % Acre lot on cul-de· sac w/20'x45" H/F pool, playhouse and many. many extras! Prici!d to sell fast- Only $59,900 .• 2()% dOl\'n. CALL 645--6646 /(" f R€1TIG€ HOMES 300 N. NC"'-1Xlf1 B!., N.B. WHY PAY RENT Enjoy care free li\.ing • no paint · no yards. But own llild pay yoursett. You \villi have a pool and large clubhouse for pl\rtles · 4 bcdroon1s one a nursery or hobby room, 2 baths, den 9.'ll" wet bar and family room. First time advertised at $32,$0. 646-71TI. IS YOUR CHARISMA altpping! Maybe ~ need a new ato m o1phere · tomething exciting · aomethillg ditferent? Then thl• beautiful t°""'ho\lle. l& 1or you, TY..-o extra 18.l'lf bedroonts, mM$lve brick fireplace, \\-et bar, enclosed llll'&i'· Don't delay Call Ind"' Red ea.,>et. R<al~ 5*-8640 \'oo'll be glad )'OU did. F\x and IA.YI!! J-J U a: e executive bome. Glottt .,.i. dHac lot. 4 + family + dowd A small price 1o=intoa ~iificent Make an almost Immediate move.~Newport Cleat ia the exciting townhome community that overlooks Newport Harbor and the ocean. Big, bold spacious homes. Res~ent.1' Swim and Tennis Center. Exterior maintenance provided, Come- lel us show you how you can't afford not to llve at Newport Crest. 2-3-4 bedroom residences XeWomM311tt,oooff g From Pacific Coast Highway and Superior A""1u• lnltraecllon, drive up Superior to Newport Cre1t tMranct. s11e omce: .. ,2 Rotton Co!Jtt, Open dally 10 A.M. to Sunset. (714) 145-4141. • •• Call 142-5171 -dttlor. e1ooe .. f A 1. :_di. $49,9tl0, Call 311.-or c 1 L-...:.---~~T--. . . . . ' . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . • • ' 3-rel R .E . 1002 1 B1lb01 l•land 1006Belboa-'"11l'"e-nd..,--...,l"'D06.,.,.."'Co-ron-e-d""o""l""Ml~r-~l.,.if22-c-....,.--i1-.1~Ml-r--i-o:-22-1~0-..,. Point IO'l6 I Hunil,,.ton a..cll 1040 j H --"-"'-· _H_1r_liO_ur __ 1_li4_2_ 1 _Leg..;·:..u_n•_•_ .. _•"...,..--'-041-I UICE RENT i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1,;;;;;;;*;;;;;;;;PR;;;O;;U;;D;;L;;Y;W;;E;;;;O;;FFE;;;;R;;;;;;. •;;·;;*;;;;;;;1 ;0;-;A:;;NA;-;;HA~R;,B;;O;;;R~V;;;IE~W , Price Reduced s..1u: OR LEASE.• BR. 3 THREE ARCH IAY \\'h.lte .. ·ater a Catalina. 2400 • t'llr pr, ''' ba, Nt-.·J.y dee. One ot IM South coast's most ONLY LESS 4 New lislings--Qualil¥ DupleJes-Qualily rl!Dlers ... n. • BR. 3 BA . ..,,,., I $2,400. ctoo< 10 "'"'"· m.s1S9. ~1111nt11ve propenlea: th< Don't pay for sonlt'!Onl' , drps, pado, 15 x ~ frnl'\'d, Z Bel + Pool 1 -A.a.1 ocetutfront a;lte or \\'1!11 over th'I'··· prol)('r1y. for 22.s.215\'J MAROUIRITE~isoo I tlUIO sprklr, at1r. 33921 C•lle rm. lrvln• '"'" an A(:f'e, includtl your OV.'n npµro:drnttff'!)· S:lOO pi•i· 42M2'~ ACACIA--$11,950 De Bonanza. S.J.C. $82.500 $22 600 Isl and & o\lt'tlooks l\\'0 mon!lt enjoy )oor O\in· f"'L"'L a?c:;u •-,soo or l~se W. $495. 8kt, '011•n, • \\'hite \\'tiler C')\'"li; th"' -n " .,.._.," 675--7414 or 498·1440. \"ou CM P8>' ~ n101" thlln hou•• •-, 3 bdn•1,,, den. 1p:irkllng clt'<LA. hi•.ih!y 711-711'•· O CHI"' na1CM ,.,,_ 1 I -·~ pau11ed, 2·SIOI') hon,". n _..., ,,_ 8 NEW DUPLE.XES u•ui or " IJe\\' WI 1 oa: )'OU format din. rm., family rm., !.lov~ ~·our txwt or (•an1po·r For app 't to see, pJease call : ocean vl~'f.. $61,951).$73,950 :'$2~~1o u~~~:'~: protected brick patio . r1Kht on to thi• loL Thi' 33861 Copper Lantern I COit ' w TURTLEROCK $125,00> Iov•ly 4 BR home"'"""" RACHELLE ROBERS, REA.LTOR Agt, 496-$l:Jt 2 Bdrm conclt( d.,.irablo r &MERALD BAY • ronvt'n1rncc-lo i:hoppinu. F Ou R -p LEX , De1ux~. grouod ltvt'l floor plan. l~ ~~u~ ho~~l00f1,. 1.,!°':)1 At lht very top of Eo1c-nld "ch no I !I . (! h u re he 11 • 3333 E. COAST HIGHWAY Jtarbor vit'\\., Sl~.000. Plin. years ne"'" Freshly Palnled ....,.,..;-.n1. ""' 111 u• · Bl\)', with the best viewi; Con1niwUty pool and l)ltrk CORONA DEL MAR 67rz373 only. 2-l451 Alta Vl"ta. with tasteful{)' pe.neleo and a:las.-.. "'allp14~r. upgraded Ltteuna h11s to offer, la this to bo.'l(i!! All far $39,000. -==--==-::~~ ;;i-mirrored livina room, plush CeatUr&S and " ni~ fanllly 3 bdrn den 3~ bll.lh hon1c Ca!! 546-2313. -Eastbluff 1030 all ·--o \vho has ou(31.'0wn their . 1·•. • , oPfHNl•. /T'SPIM1PBE. NaJ ----------,I w papered dinlnc;: arc/\, honie. A chance to buy~\\' \\'Ith bllhard rn1. with \\el Elegant Ne\V Single Family Residence NO\ll Coron• del Mir 10221 Ccst1 Mesi 1024 sbas:; carpets & custom anrl hn\"e a kwl,., escrow. bar. Rect>nlly, co111pl('tely ----------I drapes, ove.."'Si™ pantry it<!O 500 ... n•nlOdcll'<i & redecorated. Under Construction. 4BR , 3BA, 2 Sun Decks. ' COUNTRY CLUB atta, custo1n tile counter .,..,.,, $176,500. Finest Appoiotmeots Throughout Including '°""· ihake roof, n e n r RENTALS Extensive Tile, Natural Wood Cabinets. GOLF COURSE ' scMoi•, •·nlklng •~••nc. <n LAGUNA VIEW Xtra Storage Space, etc. Buy now & Select • j SPLASH' Hunting~n Centl'r, s,,·i.Jn· A t'l\Oh't' 3 bC'droon1 llnnovtl' The1-e aie mil~s of ~an & COMMUNITY . • n1ing pool and n1any pnrk n1od('\ "'ilh c-atiX"ling 11n<t nit. .views . lron1 I h I 11 Carefl'ee Living Appliance. Tile, Color & Rugs to your In-CAMEO Thu; summer 1tay 1:1.t hon1e I areas. NO\v $2(nl below eo..;t !'lei'ffi1t.'<1 In a 1r Iu111. l~sample of fuw, conten1p. dividuaJ Taste. For Sale By Owner, $159,500. This large home has priva<..-y and splash and s\\im in the ne1\·. (P rinc ip a l s only caltwdrnl ceilings, bl'autilul archlt('cture. 3 Bdrn1s .. d('n, Sharp, .1 bedrooni Spani~h I Open for Inspection (714) 889·0474 or 242-3067 tjlGHLANDS from the time you enter the s~kH~ pool that cotnes 1 pll"asel. Ol!l todn:-o <'Onditlon, bright cohH'S. lgt>., <'Ofjlpletely sel'luded st~ le GN>en Valley Condo I 209 Pearl, Balboa Island Beautiful view home, like, enclosed court yard until \.\'llh this great .East bluff 1 847-3095 $380. OR a cozy 2 bt'd1wm pool area \\'ilh j11cuzzl & located just acl'Olls the new condition, ocean vie\.\' · you leave it. 3 years new. 4 home. Super fanuly hon1e n)()(lel in at1rRCli\'e \Valnut view gazebo. $175,000 streC't front ~t!LE SQUARE ' ---- -------private beaches current1Y [ bedrooms. Separate dining. OR gl"eat for perhaps only OPEN HOUSE I ~uaN'.'. Cl.OS(' to ('verything. LAGUNA NIGUEL golf course & country cluh. · Balboa Island 1006 Balboa Island 1006 leased for $575 n~o. SS0.500 I large family room. All this l\\'O to four ~pie. OlOIC'e ol I n1r rondit1oned. S2·1-0. AND TI1is SC"Cludl'd hon1e is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; and very low ~·a rd a form.al dulJni;:. roorn or Sat., Sun. & Mon. 12-6 .,.,(" hflvf' !of!; of befl.ch Cedar decks .overlook the located on a lar<•1_· "it•t•h SPYGLASS No 1 maintf"tUUlec at $ 61' 4 5 0. niakc it n fan11ly roon1. 22092 S 1' 'd L H 8 ' i'('ntali; too? ocean fron1 th~s 3 bdrtn., 21,~ ., ~ • &16-7171. Choice o! four b•."'<lroonis or : ur ri ~r .n. ·. · hath hont<' 111 Laguna lx'lt, it's close to pool~ and The best honil' in c.D.r..-t. niakc it thl't'(' and a den. All Pcate & Pli\ ~e~ bt>h1nrt Olli 61..-7225 Niguel's Sl'a T e rr ace. clubhouS(' liti<l f'f'J1l't'.'s!'n1.~, Like new ('Ondilion. Lusk 0-PfN_TI~.· rr'S FIMJ 10 BE NICE.I r('painted inside and ou!. laN,::e ,"·ailed PA.110 ,i:::ui:len. 4 ! lnclu<lcd is 111t•111lX'n-hip in !hf' utn1ost in C1\l',F:FllEE · fi,·t> ))('clrootn t\rO story "·ith j . Redured to so9.000 ,, 1111 · Bl',. 1·'. b.:i. pr1\'1U1' i11aslt'r con1n1unity r <' t' 1· eat Ion LIVING . Formal d1n111i:. I d · 1 f ' C I I . I I & t ' r<'inl'n ous poten11a or s (' c 0 11 cl a r ,\' r i nuneui·.· s u i It' . o 111 p 1• t <' y , <."f'11l1•r, 11'll 1 flOO ~nn1s t'f''Y fircplaCl'. i.: a r <I 1• 11 •• 1 d f ' _,., ~,., 1 SG'I "~ k. you, o o your O\\'ll 1 I' 1 o.vflilabll'. 1.-..1('l'flr<1h-u I l r u · o u I: I cou1·1s. . ,oJAJV, 11 .. g. ...,. "'-'"-'· ,,1V11 .:_!V frt'~h y pa1111ec, 11.~1\' i:o ·1tt•hen, private P"liu, 11·,'ol' u ·,. "F-, ... , !107 o:rvi "" ·j I · I Id I rnclos•'<! ~a1·a:.;t'. 'l1 ~ halh~ HARBOR VIEW Call 675-72'.!5 plush carpeting, lll'll' t·u~10111 a!\ add up lu lhc lx• ... i In' SHARP SEA SHANTY Loaded With Extras I dru)X'r.v .'{· 1\·allpapt'r. lhi·;P ' ~'.~·:ngLOtoNifo~t.!l ASSL'~!I·; 0\V.\'ER r·1~.\N('\!\G! Delightful Balboa c:ot· The n1os1 spectacular lot and Be;1ullfully dcl'oratt·d 4 lx>autiful bal'ky11r<l \1·i1l1 :i~~~ii;;iii&i&;ii;ii~' J\ A · S.:.J, ~ii. tage. Steps to the bay-Ideal sunlrner re-).,'l ':H·iously decorated fi,·c , lxlrn1, 2 bath 'hon1e \\'ilh S('JlCr:He side ya1\I. Ou!y :: COATS ., tx-<-h·CfOm Lusk hon1c , L'ieh, decorative interior. hlk s fro1n bettch' A"s11111<• J Rd -• $3000 treat. r~a~.v UO\\'!l \1 ith low interest, absentee ~ · . · . ust e ucn;i & k a\·ailahlc today. Beauliful I Family r111, frplt'. Full J1i'• loan or llf'I\' fu1:incn1:::. ~ i\I ·r 1 1 hd z1 lJ WALLACE O\\'ller as ·ing S61,500. Buy flO\V . , . build plc111ts find f1011·ers, fruit , dining roo111. l\itt'hcn has I Onlv S-19 900. f\1u~t ~i'r Jo ' ngni icen ·. rrn., ~ a. RE later! trl'e-;. Vl')!ctablc g<iax!cn <itld ! c\'Cl')'thini.:. Quall1.v carpets I app;·('ciar~~ Ollnt>r/Ai.:t•n! to11nhous1'.s1tuated on ('Xlra AL TORS r v (' r g l' c e 11 s AND ,, 1' & dn1pes. Patio. S·li.500. Fountao·n Valley I 034 \ 962-2:15.!. lge .. 101. Liv. l'lll., du1 .. rni., -7f7{,7\N7'C=f~l=o-=c,=1=c=u=N='A-- 962-44S4 GRUBB & SPJ\Rh'.l.IN(; POOL. 2::;i Ctill 540-1720 -.,..,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,...,.._ f:1n11lv r n1. Bcuuuful!v ~ . ELLIS CO. i111d '.!10 foot side yards'. I I'!!! i dl't..'Orftted \\ith upgradNI s.parkhng .ne1v t•u:.toni l10n1C' S12ti,9;;,{), TARBElLo *Leisure Weekends B VA ,\&-;S·u,,'oool:\BL,,": .. , t i earp., drapes & \l'allpapcrs. u1, p•·hest1i,;c t area. Stuopeo· ' \' ov1nl'r: . , 1.11, u 1 SSS 900 A best b , p u s c p s , cu~ n1 67S-.708G Call 67a.722j Can Be Yours! ,;>:~un1e i'; \',\ lnnn of · · uy. \\•allpapers. 3 BR 21 ~ be., BUY A WARRANTY HOME I REALTORS General R.E. 1002 General R.E. ~ Jusl live in a To11·nhousc tlk1.I \ s.1·1.000. FP $56.j()(). :\\~· j den, lorinnl din. r1n. + lM~U~IV reflects a leisure life style. i tt'1111111s arl' n101·u1(:i June' l n1any extras. 2 lni.l1•on1es to 3 Spacious bed r o o ins , I l;)th. I httd planned in lrat>e enjoy lhe \'i~·1v. J\ll\s.~ive PANORAMIC 1------ CANYON VIEW i \\'ilh unQbStl'UCl•'<l hr<•n!hlakinl.( \'it'I\' of th1· Corona drl i\Icir Jf'tly, hay 11nd oce1111 fl'f>lll th1• richly p:111t'lt>d li\·11 1~ r o O Ill , Remeber Grandpa? Build Now!! I lie h<1u$!:ht \1·ay hack \1·hr n. E\•t·i· since pric·t·s h:1ve OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S 2718 SHELL 1 2955 Harbor Blvd., c.:\'I. 'lnl'luding large 111asterl :ignin. but v.·i!l srll n1y brick .~ \.\1'0ught iron Eastside Special-i suite, formal dining \1·ith bt>autiful exec ho111t' lhis plan\f'J'S. $8\1,:J:J(I. Call for O"·ner needs i n1 n1 ed ia t c : 1\·et bar, fan1ily 100111 adj. 10 1\·eek only. I n1l!e front Delails action on this beautliu\ . 1 "Ourinct food cent l' I'. I IX'ach. a!riun1, for n1 a I * * * * "' if · ·n p 1 I 1st Western Bank Bldg. ~ -. luflc honic with 2300 sq. ft. Custon1 designed CO\'Crcd ining room \\·i 1 :irqut' Unive~ily Pru·k, ll'V•n" ARCH BE.AC!! llE.IU.HT.S JJl'fs ·I bdr1ns. 3 baths. .-...ti·o. !41,~. Call J floor, Ro1nan sunken lltb. 3 , • c-~i 1 h I ~· ~ 1 Days 552-7000 No'ghts ""-' cet '·our 01111. 1n1s 1n•· Forn111l dinino-0 roo1n, dre<1n1 The Real Estate Fao'r , e;1r g;1rag1'. 11'il\t•1· so lllf'l', " "' :===~~~=~~::::I touches on 1 his nearly kitchen. F'an1it.1· rnl ,i;. in1n1af'tJl111t• ground~. ::;-:is 536-2551 or 83' 6133 I •·d 1 1 1 · -~ ------eoinplett'd '2 Bit rha n1er. Largl' TC'TTa~.O T j I e d • I Bea1nl:'d, t'oyo:r. 1'as!ell1llv d('corated for th~, I dis<:rin1inating buyer i 11 I lo,,cly neutral J()riC's. .-, 1 Brdroon1~. :: B:ith~. :.! . Fireplacl:'~. Lar::;e F;i1nily : Hooni. All th1.~ PLUS a , llu~(' p 1·0 fe ~sir< ua J l v l l;i110l~ra1)('d lf1t, lo\·rly ln·P~. I g;1r<lrn i.r£>a and an tlPo:-:t11t POOL \\'1lh a Jt(•d11·ood lJt'r·k aJongsidC'. COi\IE SEE:~ , Call~. I I itl{'l't'il'<f'd nnrl 11·1 1! c'Onl11n1f' China CO\'(', Co n1 pl et C' l y ' 10 in f{C'al E~t.-i!c. \re ho,·e rf'furbished 3 bdrn1 .. 2 ll<:i. H-1 .u1r! R·Z !ot s. :'\B and ]l()t11('; fl!\\' steps to private · C~1. Build ~·our 011·n <lrciin1 beach. Askini:: Sl09,j()(). 1 forni<1! din in~ r no 01 . 1 S('ll'ing roon1. Frplc. s;:.1,500, • dX[, :; ,,._. l'001l1S . \11\ \S C· Jl • H)...J~»Q d<nrn p\u<> hUl!l' ~111 hi•dro.lln , Ten·a Colla file in entry ,, ;)> ·-EXEC. DR.EAM or lan1ily 1'0011\ 1, hall\ up t The Granada Plan h;dhs & ki!chrn. Carden I l)!•;i111iful ;:: .. rdt·11 k1t('hf'1 \, 1111t! spal'ious sun (i('(.'k, ,\ fan1ilv roon1 1r1th \u't liar nnLI ,\·i r11· l'vll;_1r fit tor !he 1-:into; :•il(\ Que(•I\ of ·!he 1·:1srlrt. <}0;;1!ily t<•!l~U·uc111111 lhl">Ut:il'llil Ill!' I Uri i II:! coppr1· 11lu111 0ing ;ind SpilC'IOUSl!l'S' ~OU \\'fH!lrln't beJiCV('. J~iCPd :1 ! $'.~lli,5(10. For an ;.ppoin1n1('1H I•) insµ<·~·!. pleasP 1· all 6T.:-8.-1:JU. house and ne the lir:-t to OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-5 !'njf,y it or huild 2 or inot'(' 966 SANDCASTLE f(lr inron1l'. J.Jarbor \'i('11· Hi lls. l..o\·el." I ' bdrn1 .. 21 ~ ha .. -'-~1rcaker·s pool & \·iew. $110.0flO NOT OPEN [ J · I I & I " \'if'1\' bath \l'/1·al~e<l Roman mRBElL i\lagniflcent c.ourtyarrl 1.111h 11111 11'1'! 1;1r · l a1.; rnon1 I ' (. 11 f I , I 111h Bw·ni~hrd brass • 1 ge authentic Sp a n 1 s h 1' 1·. a or ' r :i 1 s. th "'~o fountain. n1any citrus U'C'SS, l'rinf'1j1lc,;; only. S41-:!b-"i. at e Ranch hntwrr. [11111.'d i: lass Wt.51..U.:iU~~ ·1 Br. 3 Ba, lam rni, fon1ial 5 BR TWO STORY 11in1lo11~ ,(;_ n1url1. inuch · · 2 1nt•1·t·. S.J:..ono. d11ung: r1n, frples. 01'1.'r Ln1·P!v h1111H· i11 11uir1 * Clean and sharp S 2'J:.5 Harbor Bh·rl, C.ill. 20C>O·sq. ft. $71,000, 9631i La nvii.:;li .... )!'ii<V.J<l 1 i•:• tu i· ui:.: * Sparkling Pool PRE TIGE MESA VERDE NORTH i\Jora Circle. 968-l~f!6. hth1d fll'~. ('Us1n111 d1·p~ PROPERTIES Ou~~tanding ~.C'a.n. vicw :sharp little ho111('. 21~ yC>ars 70;: ASSUMABLE-I thn)1H::h out. s<'p. guC'.~t 1·111. 1si1-do1\·n1. !::ipacious & n · 3 Bd :z IJ< f· , 0 / b fl 1 I Open House Sat/Sun 15181 Lille Circle ·l~l-JS.'ili I " '·I d e\\, nn, I, a1n 1111:, Tib11n1n condo, 3 Br. '/. P.a. i~· pn\'. a .. our o {1"'11n;.: I grai.:i.ous " _'"rm., ('ll, \\'/stone lrplc. Assu111c 7',. , H ini('S Unliniit,d 963-fi'"'l:-i f1f't•plat·e. all c•ll'i.:. l1lt111•. unbelieva ble. i,;ues! house. doirn oirnPr \viii cany Huntington Beach 1040 I Situ11t1·rl 011 un uv1·1·s1zed 101 -----SPECTACULAR ll $67,900 --J()0/0 DOWN lo r ni a I chn. nn. + FA loan. $260 a n1onth. Lo1v 1· 1 • '-' .... • ' ~ fornud dining" r o 11111. OPENT!l9 ·1T'SFUNTDBENICE1 ' 31;2 0;0 INTEREST Call fQr appt. second. Call ~ &l:J....66.-IB 1 s.·12,500. AYRES REAL TY 71~: 49J.S02S \\',•!fl ,t ,::lass hon1e, only 8 1110s. olrL &·aut. cedar !'i>llS1tlll'!IOn ill'l'l:nlt'(J 11-ith Sli!l!!t~I g-1:1~~. :.kyliITTJts. 11·~~1 firs .. ,\;. ~lf'.\1e·;u1 tile.:; T l 'TE)iE BPLAURFf:LS l'·'E l ~'w· o ! C.D.M. ~' I VA OFFERING 'Call!lt;:l-1:.J:! ~ n n ~ \h p , ~ P"€\TIG€ !.'.!·4 lll.'(lroo111 lmn1es ~or sale. AT~TOSP~J.::R~: \\' J I. L , , ·, I Look at those ternis~ ! They f I 1 I It r Anynne can qualify for ENCI-IAN1 ',OU. o u r.1 ni;(;v b<' hi~iory soon 00 don't -• • I HQM€S 1 th'-',. e l' om pl et el y l>tlrn1~ .. 2 ha ., sludio & AVAILABLE JNVE.l\'TURY hesitate. If vou 11.ant an 'f)O/t y, J"RJl.H~ll}( i rl'[w·bished !1on1es 11•i1h as l·11·1·l.1· 1M,'l':u1 \'it•11 Only JS SUBSTANTIAL. 2. 3. 4 .~ ,...,..,..,..,..,..,. ...... ..., cx!r:1 shrtrp ·2 BR 2 BA ' ll"''TOR ' :;oo N. Nl'1vport Bl. N.B. lirll~ as S750 .. doi\n. Lo"· I S c I Sti!l.:~ . • 1 Rl'.;DJtOO:'l·IS. SO?IJI-: I l'OOL home in CORON,\ ..,...,"' -----J elusing eos,s. ;JO to ehoos1• u~mer . om. orts ' NEW LISTING \\llTl.J 81\ \' \'I F: ~· S. I EXECUTIVE'S DREAM I DEL i\IAR on a big 60x100 :::-:-::,ic'.!~= 5% % LOAN c!:O,'."BCooktnet VA ;1ppro\'ed 'Over·s!zl'll _ p:~Uo 11·1111 del'k"YOtL inu~t ;.r·1~ lu hc•l11•1·1· lkis POOLS, DENS, ror::'llAL lot 11·i1h p!'ivatc con1munity ,.,,_,1i ·tiit , u.ilS ro er. i----=======' air <-'OndtlH>nui._~. l•illH1111r1it.r l l1J1~·lv :i 1~1rn1 .. '.!ha. hon1f' DTNJNG & I' A i\1 1 LY bcal'h acc'C'sS. Call 963-'1543. ----------park nnd pool. ,\ ltJ! of <11111. 11111!!' 11:il•·r \·ir\1 nOOil!S. 1~111cr:o FH0:.1 IT HAS IT ALL!! Only $69,:,00 TOP 0 THE ,\nybody~can take Ovt'r this 1 ENTERTAINERS pl1·<1su1,'s 10 be h:HI fro1n 1 1 .. ,~·e1 fluor pl1111, ni!1' S\Zt'd S·16.0CX!. CALL FOR A , Call 644-7211 • • !,(•aBn. $!2~·8P<'I" lCno.,pa~sl all.: this ",Z hdrn1., varc·lr<'C ],,1 ; frplv., bl1111s. ,\ N'al!y PER$0NAL RE."VJ·:I\\', • S1ory h"llll'. ('~\;.1!e Of i<oocl HILL ~ r· ~· 3s a 1' cs~i I DELIGHT lill1dO for !h{' 1(')11'. 1011 llli\'t~ grC<•! huy a! SG2.j()(), I l:•sli• ;•nrl l1v1•uh11i1y . S1:11'! ,.. ' cci s 2 ",·or·. \Iller 11·1l I ul S::'.0,j()f). Jill' day in l'hN'ry Brc;;ikf;ist 1 With a dramatic 180 deg. carry nc · Private niast<-'r suite, h11:.:r CALL 552·7500 H\Joni uff pf/ici<:nl :ind , I i • , plus oceai1 view, a ::fgJ bonus roo1n. ea~ 1 I I' I VISI I rr1o•111y ki!rhl'n. o 1 n C' • , beautifully decorated 3 B_R converted to ~' Ut.~li-110111~. • ON • fnr:11all), rrl;1 x in 111~1cful & Den ~r 4 BR custom built • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiii , J>"onnril dinini; r o u 111 , , 1 livin;.: rfJOnl. \Vork or n•;ut II ~ he>nte Y,'l~h.huge game fO?m.: 01.AMTZ AU.LTT IUVICI MOM & DAD SUITE I fireplace. Gas BBQ. };11n1ly ; R d H"ll R I ".1 .~tudy he. f()t'C a. 2nd NEWPORT formal d1n1:ig, and JuxurlOUS ' 54~9 ' ,. . . roo1n. Close lo pool park I e I ea ty !1r~·p i\C'l'. Sleep rn ·1 ''"'.'-' :. ':"' u I e is 00~· *COLLEGE PARK* . th' bl. , and playground. Pl'csJ\_ge I F_,\LT' RE,\LTOllS •·-"1'00 " h th HEIGHTS t"n~1v" "Olio u"ck• b•" ' in is ram ing ranch s1~le . hbo hood 100 U . p k C I . I m••t•• ,,,.," o ts'd · • I I \\11th its O\\rn kitchen & bath I ' R . ._.....,, ni~. use ··~ ;, ~ "' " " d ... · .. "' "' OPEN SUN 1 S 1 hon1e 3 full baths & Jots of neig r · $4 • · niv. ar enter, r\'ln(' · Q1> Qtennel,l\'e \\'prkl•nd l\'i th ho h h 1 <' s trees an a nOl pond All al • • j · · ...... -.... -.-.,...;.,--• · ------.--f 11•:-;tra large hobby roo1n1. AREA ~~~~~c ol a quiet 4 Bd2345 f~RDH5A~ 1 fi'h~~1;'°;;: f~~~~~~b~~nii~;'~ ill ) SroadMoor-TUrtle-Rock LOQlno b9oCh"c Secluded Privacy I Als.0 r~nl for bo;1t or I i{('('C'ntlv r('decor;;it~t. Q\\·ner A toP value a t 21 .. nnbas .. · b~ckor f r 71,~~" i~terest r ate loan, so hurry. , ,62_.,71 ( ••• 1546•8101 I Brand nu 2 . br + rlen in l , Bit ~f Spain I • T 1c7:~i~rr 11·11'.1 g-a te cn1t·111:e<'. 111111·in~ ou! nf area. ;:: ~59 "rvi -d, . 1 Ph ,· S.19,900. 1 TT "''· lovely prc>.11~e al-ca . Nt'\\'11)11 1 ;uTl'. :•-I Bdnns .. 2 ha . rv1ne errace ' s 1,500. tor 1nfor1n1J!1un. Ro••i"OO••··· .. ,,,, ,.,,,·,1y """'" ... ~ I sereene patio; i.:c. flt' I ' . k • ' I . . I ., REALTORS SINCE 19--14 673-4400 !1 • • " .--. • Call 644-7211 d I · kl ~be' .. "I I I 01\ner n1ay m:i ·e own -[111< 1·1. 11\1~-. 111111 y !11 lh<' huh of Hll that g1v1•s I ea plus .~celtJtlf'rl private rn1tio. • Y~~ \I' spnn ers' . dtln.,. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR * A TOUCH * I s el e c Ii on C'flll>l'f ,\, rn1./\\'1•l bar. :1 Frpll's. !'lp!'l'i:ll Ill(' ll Jl in g !O 400E.17" \\'Hiking dist:ince to all em' ~U~lbllrees. Nes\r5~ln S\O\l' REALTY . I * OF CLASS * landseape. Ct1:'al lnca!ion, S11't't'p1ng (l<••'illl \ l t' \\'. "Nc11'p(lr!". Near br:1eh I CM schools S 1 • • oven. · · · 1 -• 11r park. pool. s{'hl. Bl' OPJ:;N St.;;>;. 1-3. l:t:}I r1•s taur;u11. f'a,;hion l~l:1nd ) • • PETE BARRETT .~ NEWPORT BEACH 1 •BE,\UT. honit·, 4 Blt. 2 h~i .' 01rner. s.~3.22;12 nf1cr 6. ,\]rH'IHl\g~uh' l•r. Sll';',1))0 -Golf course! Sparkling ~ REAL TY 67S.1642 , _ 1721 4 COAST H\\:l·. _I eonip. rrdel', nt•ll' rTpl,' Prinl'. Only. View Beach Cottage f)IJ!)L .~ lari.:e hcdroo111s. -REALTOR-OPEN SUN. l·S E 'd $]6 SOO-j i14: 84&-1384 & 213: ;J!]2-2i!4:i , clrps. wnll paper. Jndscping, ! LOWER INTEREST ·~ Blk. lo Cr··~,_;1•111 H<iy; 2 S~:l,!",00 t•al! i>l{i-2313 _ 642 5200 i QStsl e 1 • , I $14,000 for sale by 011nrr. hdrn1~. do'n, frplr», hl'll'k<'d OPEN riL 9 • rr s FUN TO BE NICE1 ____ _:__ _ _ 521 IRIS cstrenicly shRrp 3 BR, 21; ! Pool + Patio = Party , S-l:!-Ki60. R~ TE . patio. fPni'l'd yd. :11J:.. \:ill. -.-I ~~ Shttrp corner w11t, \1•1th 3, Ba in prin1e Ne \V port I Just in tin1e for sun1111cr fu u! 1· By 0;1·nr1· Un1_v. Pk._ 110111<' •• ;, U11ly $Gi.~1!~l J NEWPORT SHORES bdnns .. 2 ba. fronl plus niL'C' I Riviera Condo's. Lar ge 3 BR, 2 ba. sunken livin~ I PA y CASH Bi', 7 Ea, atr111111 . Nt•:ir f'O'll.1 C· 1 Zone 1 :1 J.;>1'"" 2_~1 ,._ 4 hrlrrii.. ·: hn I bd1111. gara.gc apt· Priced I la111ily room, all built.ins, rni, lge lan1ily r111 .. H & FI :~~nis. :\htinl. :rCP yd, 'l'.l~vr ·!'pani~li hor,l!>, xlnl cornt'r lol --'--'-_, 4-PLEX + f;iro•:lv '"'· Fi•n\, .. ,, r•tir to i>l'!l al S86.500. · plush carpeting & corner pool. Covered paho and 1 FOR YOUR HOME $~9·~ 1~1~2-~1, !. <'ilusl ~IL 111 lighl sigHnl. 7.) FL Hwy. ----DUPLEX location, ,·ust lislcd -best garag_e door o.pener, a.II I.or No hl.dde.n <.1'.)l)ts_. delays. J" · :>J .¥. --fronla"r. Good parking. I Close ro Tn.lbe11 & Nf'11l:1nd . «:n·;1"1': :ill <'Jr,·. '·;1"11 ri.,~.., · s 39'" Do RACQUET CLUB ' 1,, !""·ll"''l nfV'l t· !r•ini <: l·Bcln11. erch unit. good loe, hurry . call J•15-8424 ·I ... N. nt cry 1I Its No ohl1gat1ons, l;i yrs. exn. 0\\11£'l' financini;:. $125.000 COLE OF NEWPORT, Eaeh Unit is 2 Bl'drovnis 1 g(l(l<I starter for $62.,j()(). ~.-;uihCo, Re;iltors. gone~ Call today. ·, BRASHEAR REAL TY JEWEL 494-7551 I flalh 11ith Pario a·r; ti 1 1~ ft;Q ri·,n · "'11d · "-1 d R d C t R It REAL TORS C1-1rporrs. O\vnt-r 111 n :v ,.0,, n11"'" 'T'"r. , ~ vri out 1 rente · i\-1ESA \"F:RDE . by Ol\'Tler. e arpe • ea ors 1 842-7411 Eves, 968-4377 ; Popular l Br, 2 !xi, all ('lf'C'. 1000 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna PRESENTS Duplex \\'ith charrn, ll1'a111 1' celling, used brick. South of JJ"·y: 3 Br, e:ich unit. A hon1c 1\·iih incon1c. Asking lil:.!3.{XXt. 51,1 Dahliti, C.D.J\l. OJX>n St1n. 1·5. BUSJNNESS OPPORTUNJTY I Rustic Restaurant. c:-;c1tini::. f t•harn1 ing, profitable. Beer-1 \rine lie. Prime Nl'"'port I Bch. area. $55,000. 1 67S.S511 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME THE BLUFFS · Spacious and Lii::ht ·c· Plan. I Top J\olove--in CQnrlition. 4 Bedrooms or 3 :uld Dc>n. 3 Baths. Offered for $78,900. Call 646-0555. C'"change for J;irg('r unit~. r.JI· fij~-ir.rn f.'"-""li r.,,.. Scenic Properties '26j{) sq. tt. of luxury. 5 Br.f 893--1351 1 a1r cond. Urnut. lanrls1·np1.'ri. OfferC'rl for ~9.000. Call .., 1, '1 1-· ,-·-· -· inn6 --* 675-5726 *--•1' rnaster ~·/frplc, 3 lull I REPOSSESSIONS.' ~orrh. Iivine By O"nei-. 64&-0~ijj. "':. .,n,. ",;in.--. , baths, fam nn \\'/fl1Jlc, HUGE 2 STORY . I 544-27;,7 I ~ · ntriun1. Ne1v decol', crpt, 1 1 For lnformati~n and loc·3tion 'uC,:.N~l~V~E=R~S~l~T~Y~P=A~R-K WIVES & HU~BANDS UNUSUAL DUPLEX I clrps. 3 car garage. Priced S6500 To!al Cas.h .. Take over of these FI-IA & VA hoines. 1 , , . . . 1--.--.--..,-,-.-.-....--.-- 1 t'"r ,.n,,r """01 .. ,1111" 1'"""1" 3 BH 2 BA front honie \.\'Ith right! 2053 F1amin"o Dr loan, no quahlymg. Large contact . Nr\\ 2 BR Townhouse, ~ HA . * PEG ALLEN * , , "' • .1 O"•n l·111d Pnv11.1e prl!io DELIGl'TFUL N th d r .•. ,.. ... i ·i~•" ,.,,, ''·'~ ,.,,.,.,,. BR & BA for your nio!hCl'· i f°J-15-2967. fam1 y room opens onto j KASABIAN , . : . ·: , .' · . . -,_ or en . I """-""~~ ""· ft 0-.~1 .... "· in·la\v between honie & BLUE RIBBON sundcck. Country kitchen. . Ni. r('c. !;lCll. ,BY 0 \\NER. hig v1~1v; 3 BR. +. ~unl..Tm., 1 ,.,, .... •11 "~'"' ., .,.,,..,~, A f'" cai·pot'I. Large 1 BR ape. separate laundry, oversizect 1 Real Estate 962-6644 ! $42.000 .• ia2·87 .. 7. lrg. hv.~ frpl .. dining 1:n .. I ., q_ •• •i, 111,,.,,, •. ,, <;_:.,,,,,,. ,, O\·C'r carport Brings I Sha.rp&a00 ci1ean1 b4ltl;\R/k2Bl Ah, lot, need quick s11!e. Under I *VACANT 1 TURTLEROCK, 4 BR, 2'l elrc. lift. cir-ck, patios, . 'spic spaneec '" i c. !44 000 Bkr 84"7411· c c· , i.A lge fo mr d' gardens $125000 SWEEPING VIEW I r>r " ,.., 1 . ..,., . .,1 '" i .... 1,, ...... S2'l5/n10. Open house this I Prime location nr. So Coast , . r ' v s. i\'fust sell! 4 Bedroom, 2 1 uu, . . m, sep tn·rm' . , n·"· ,.,., .. r ,.,,.,,., .... ~.~.-. T··=-1\·knd. S99,j{)(} · Brok(·r · 611 i Plaza. $42,900. · 9G8-43TI bath. Brand new carpets & j ',!fnia~ne~ar. 1 doo(· ::ir EJ\1F.RALD BAY. X ! 11 r Gracious e our 1 \'a rd ""~ ....... ., ,.,..,,, ..... ,.,.,. 1,,.. Carnation .Ave. CALL 968-4441 DOLL HOUS Uxtw'es. Cozy brick 9 5oo ~9 rans ('rr · family. t~omc; 4 l3H .. ::. ~a., j'lltrancc rn 1h1s 1·xl'<'Piion:il " .. .,\• ""'"1 ... .,i~,, * Crest Realty , E . fireplace. Big garage and • $6 • . · 208 + niaid s rn1., den, rl1n111J! cu~toni-huill honl!• 1n """i•1·· ~-, .. ,,,.,A ---. -____ f·Cutc ~nd .cozy \\11lh yard. \\'ith loiv interest I UNIVERSITY PARK, Town· rm .. playrni.:.lrg, lr\'('l lot. lt'\·inr Terrai·" Th r (' ,. ,1: •• ,. • ., _ .. , .. -... .. ... Bachelor's Haven-BY OWNER ca ndle.light dine, m.amn1oth ! FHA-VA terms, 0 11 1 Y house. 3 Br, 21 ~ bn, ,\/C, on se<'h!dcd pa110. O 1v ~er s1H11·1ous hf'rlt1:1q111s, :; h:ilh~ 1'~ r.. Fl l lr"ITT SPECTACLiLi\H \"1!;1: i\lesa Verde ~1odel. lmniac.. rrackhng. stone l1repl~ct'. 1 $27,500, cnll anvtini<'. I gre('n belt. S.19.000. ILel'LSe· moving. Sl:r.1.00J -Submit. plus n1aid~· l'O<Jlll nnd p .. ,1 E-t•fo 673_64,4 CClMPLETE PRJ \'.\CY 4 BR 3 B f 2 l(')asty warn1 carpet , JUSt 1· SCOTT RE. ALTY hold) By C11Tier 5.'l2-~23G E'!f'R LO B • . · 11hSQlu1rly ~f'~l 1·it'\\' or ~ • ... " 2811 Ocean Lane ' ~ .. + am-:rm,, like nc11· !" Copper kettle · I · . · · · '~ ' .. ·'. A'.· i.anlastu: bn!h lhl:' Jiriy nnrl o1'!".r1. ,.,~A-" .J,.l •4 ,.~ 1".,., ~ Bcdroo111-:gc backl)a~"t:ls, Quiet l j c;ourn1ct kitchen with gas I 536-7533 j .~!li~EROfKBRTE~~~CE v1c11, iu~lom '; B:t lhu~e Cnll rot' dC't11ils H11d " ~ ; ..ous~ cu c sac. super I bllns and indoor laundry. 3 p k H • , an . . J( cvel ni~tr. suit<''· .a.. co.zy L DUPLEX .L. ~ll:! . .illV local1on 546-9238 Bi<> BR's and 2 BA's. si·ick ar unt1ngton view. $120,000. 833-8119 drn, \\'el bur:. un1qu1~ ti[(' appointnicnt to shoii• oirner ..,..-.,.. Open Sat/Sun. 1-5 •'·!ES\ VE RDE 3 BR 2 ba ' BB•Q a nd ,,.·,11 f o c 3000 Sq ft of beautiful horn" 1 YR NEW 3 BR ·• ba C'o·pt ent~·y w/founti.un, 2 £rplc., 2 \1·itl finance. 673--Sj.10. I p,.~! h .... ;.1 I"""''. "'1 of U · •t R I " " ' · · · · · · ... • ' "' ' pal1os Owner car· I t'g(' OPf.N rit 9 • IT'S FUN ro BC NICf' , J!wv.. 2 BR. cacli ·;;-1..,1"~.. n1vers1 Y ea ty air, new l'Pl thru out, lined cookouts? Dble garage for , Tri· level with 4 bedrooms, upgrade, Central ni r, Eves 1 SlR~ 000 1 Y 8 , l'f"('C'nt!v rede<'or. r,.,1..,,.,. 1,,1 ....:!...___* 673-6510 * * drps . lhru out. Every~hing Dad. Assume 5 ~'."/c VA : family room and huge bonus I 551-5445 , days SJ!).3610 R1;'~'i..ToR' 494-7578 . ' , , . fnr nrh .. ,r\'. r.l"fl"r! fin;:inf'inz. 8 NE\V DUPLEXES custom. J\1i.:st sec to bcheve. Joa~ , only S.143. per n1e., or· room.. Lots of wallpnpf!r, LagUna Beach 1048 1095 N. Coast. Laguna c~11 ""11. 1,.. ~ti('' Dana Point By O\\·ner, 2713 Gannet Or, refinance. Bkr 962-5511, I pi!.nehng & mirrors! 3 Car ! .:0.:-"''--''-""-,;.;.c--..:..:.,;; liiiiiii;iii ... iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiii .. I l \J MOR: GAN REAL TY $61,95().$73,950, ocean vic"''S ' S.16-4900 WALK TO BEACH garage. $69,000. OCEAN VIE \V home A STEAL I ... : 673-6642 675-6459 Save S30.000 to S:J0,000 over I LARGE 4 BR. Fam-rm. 2 I NEW 3BR/2BA, shag crpt, Century 2t Sparow w/POOL Exclusive area. 3 . • :"h'.i;:'i'·c~.,ac) . .. ea1-.f'or Huntington Harbour __ ~ --Corona del f\far prices. ha , huge beaut landscaped I bltins, firepl., an deluxe 842-4474 ~R 2 bR, dln. rm, lam. nn. A price reduction has made Studio condo, only 1% blks, l OPEN HOUSE F::...-;ter Appreciation bkyard. Pool & fruit ~.I features. S,18,950. BY OWNER-3BR. t:).6 BA hke new Many extras. this the best buy In the , from beach, This C07.i/ i Sunday 12-4 Ag!, 33861 Copper Lantern $46,950. 546-2932 Principals Gerald S. Thomas Realty Condo Heated Pooi free $ 8 9, 5 00 4 9 7 .. 2 3 4 7 ~una .Areh a. 2 Bdrms. & a hidea\\-'ay has full bit-ins '. 619 Poppy CdM 496-3431 Dana Point only. 536-8821 j 1 ..•• ' Pvt ' t · Owner/agent • °"''11 , an ocean view 1 '• • ' EVES· 53&-3-I09 8.wJUry, · pa Jo, that doesn I stop. Gardens carp'. & drapes, red1"..ood 2 Hou:es on R-2 ~I. '.\ hr, 2 FINE DUPLEX OWNER; Mesa Verde 4 B~, · I upgrades. $28,900. frIA. DELIGHTFUL Small 2 Br, abound on this huge lot. 1 LOW DOWN I paneling & fll)lc. $5400 ba. din rm, I~ OfltiO. 1Br,1 Rustic beauty w/stone frplc Den, 2 ,~ ba, redec, $53950. \VALK TO BEAOI, Corner 968-2"74 Hou!le. Very cl~ to Beach Now priced 81 $1(1()00) W Y Do1\fn & take over loan at ha. oatio. Both w/frolc~. glass ,.,,alls lush patio + ~ Ir not sold by 6/1/74 will lot, 4 BR. 1700 sq. ft., 1~ Hunt.· Harbour 1 •• 2 &: Shops, lge llv·rm., trench ' LO PA MENTS ! 812"<. interest. with low ~72.5(10. ()11'Tl<'r will can-y tree top aPt 10 boot•' Only ' list at $57000. 557-276a ha, Formal Din-mi, Frplc, ~ doors, charming bricked ~O 1 __ EZ to bay thils: VAC,\NT ! n1o~thly paymts. Cllll for 2nd. 6'i3-:ih60. $93,500. Bkr: Open s Un. l ·S,!MESA VERDE. Immaculate A~um, Liv-rm w/beam garden, $56,500. Owner . y'TQ~-IC' home • ..,...,, "'Int. 13-0n"' •PP I. I<>"'· . 171.500 42!1 Iris Ave. s1;.1u~ or 3 BR. Fam. 2 BA, w/room celling " panellni 132,900. 491-ltllll REAL ESTA':J'E siwd M lot. Close fl) I D~VID D. CARLSON I Nf'n,r ocean . neat !'()me on 498-1440. for boat, Prime cul de aac. By Owner. 960-1016 ~ • OCEAN V r E W home '"' Wiopprne. A l'alue from REALTOR 833-9293 • 40' R-2 lot Orien Sat, Sun BEST BUY!! $42,900. Agt. 642-8550. OWNER deaperate. Asswne1-. ~ w/POOl. Exclusi\le area. 3 1100 Glenneyrc St. ~...._eryear. Call no \V ! S QUEAKY CLEAN l ·!i. 311 Jasn1ine. Agent. 2 BR, Frplc, corner lot, CREENBROOK 3 BR + 1'"R 7% !oan· 3 Bdrm, 2 Baths. 1 -....... BR 2 ba, d.ln. rm, tam. m1. 494-9473 MS--0.1• J.t2---2Sl:I OPEN SUN 13 67.1·6621. $64,500. Broker. ~ j cpt. DR, Lscp. blk wall. Bullllns dishwasher. Shag OC A IEW •I like nt\v Many f'Xtr1u1 . -___ _ ()llOIT11.f•fT'SNl701E!JICE' 93-02 Nantu.cket H~RBOR Vie1v l-lills, Orcan Costa Mesa 1024 j$47,495. ~3/546-4934 ='fg.$37,950. Bkr. Call Wa~ \\'~ch~ V from your i!!~r~2:nt 497-2347 H~~~TTY cfFA~~Lo [~ll~l '!i'EI ln-1maculatc 4 BR. Sgl Lcv<'I VtP.iv tiome. 3 Br, dt?n, fAm. 1 01n1 Point 1026 . 4dtnlng room.'1:.irl ~'Rtcblng J 1 Ir c_;tenmnr °"'/ne"'' c r pt s rn1. pool. By o "'' n c r . FOR SALE by ~r. 3 Br, I OWNER AnX1ous. $ 3 7 0 0. troni your deck Magical BY O\VNER: 3 BR 2 ba, fan1 Deserted llaclenrlR In ! !I j vinyl&: dr~pcrlc11 Ull'U-ouL 8.12-703'1 or640-8819. Seabury, 1750 sq; ft. 7" ONCE IN ~~~·hoSpan1:11?_1~mb,' k2 n1omen1B materiaizie before rm. SUPER OCEAN VIEW, Laguna BeAch, a top ll hill, --! -~~ Only "",500. • OfAR~fING Dtoplex. So. V~ loan. Fam. rm. 3 qtr. A LIFETIME! 11.,,::•1,_me9 •. "mu-,~-su"1::,. the firCI in your martlnl pit huge bckyrd. $56.90t <.'()(\st wide white water ~ m1 to bch o.-H e s '"p ""' ig ... ~ ... I 494-9528. view. 2 Story, Iota of We, 4 ..., " ~ ·wa:dbomc ANNE KEENAN I of h"''Y on 1~~ R·2 lotg, By & l\j 2il42t'~ 50oUun Nev~r to be duplicated, $37,000. Bkr. c~n 962--5566 • <conveors&tion att8) All this br, 3 ba. Brina: brush and •-·"'··--..... -i..:.... ..___ REAL TOR 557.7000 o1i'll1>r. $93,0CXl. fi73.:.4169. !ID on. ar forever 1>4nOmrnlc vl.t'lw of BY OWINER. , B 3 be 1 tor $26,500. with paymcntl WHEN BOILING J.;GCs JN paint. -·-·~ -_. ...... ,... mii<W"Ft;;;-;;;;;;;;;;:--;;;;i~~·'=~=~~~~ oceo.n ,...and the ncwe"t ~ r, • like rent. Better Hurry. ALUMINUM POIS add a Rod C R ~ l1111 1 pivat# pe.uo, S2!J,j()(l! Supt?r Huntington FOR SALE bv owner, on AS.5IDwfE ?% FHA LOAN boallng capltqJ, Dan& Point DIR. F:IR, attic. Xtra lgc • LhtJt t/lnepr, Thll wUI ~p IPJ;Mit, e1ltor1 nJOI--""' ~e.m m 1f •• • 1 &ach honu? ls ~hurpcr than Canyon. $75.n. New l)tllnt 3 BR. 2 bas OOU House, cpu1, I Harbor. Soolllft ts belkrving lot. Ptot lndscpd, dc!c, ~ HARBClJR. J)4n .from darkanlna. Uaelul 4'1·1761 •JI a r '"If' IP,._, f-• a tnorlel! 3 bcdl'OOll)I, 2 & C'T'Pl.OJ. 673-9403 or STr'lUS cu.!tom drpe,, huge brick r lhls 2 bedroom, 2 bath super >Chi. $61,0CO. 846-a l;fA1lY but nO longer nel'ded t~ms FOR SALE by owner 3 BR 2 \1 .. 11 tltiYr ('ow Pl v a it' I hat tis, eloik 10 oCean. DOU. l-JOUSE. R--2. 1 Br, l trplc, patio. walk t o luxury QOndominlum. By MERED rm Gardena <4 Br, 17214 tbASr ttWY aelt 1Ut with • D&lty Pilot ha, ocon view, usumablt' 1,,•'IIllM All JOA' S30,GIO! W<l,'T LAST: Call agt. 1 ' Bo. fen""d yd, !rple, dbl tcllQols, $33,000. appolntmenl U 6 • 2 7 2 7 21i Bl, dell. Near be .. b. By 714' 84-l381 l m· .jjj§ Cluallted Ad. 60.aTll. 7"' VA loan. $6 5 , O O O. t ~.otlOJI 1.tiJJJ1D gara'!I?, $61.~. ~ By ~ll('r, 54$...1Sn f(.ea]tor, owner. ~-9113-«1211 .-CLASS SELLS-10«'i1 lfT&..16.'I Gr let •L ' I • • • • , l1L:iag~una;;;'lliff(St;;(r;r;--TowCiQ;;n:;a;;;;i;--,.;rr-;;i;!::=::;;;:::r--r..r •• r.:::'.~::;;=~--;;;:,.,..,..,..,,.,"""="""--.=,..,==~==----=:-o:-'.70=~=~Su0<!1Y, May 26, 1974 DAILY '!LOT D 7 1;;;;;::;;::=;;:;;;'~0.C;•;:L;;•;g;u;;n.a.:;;a~cfl;;:;;:l:04;;a1:!:N~--~P'?;'~'~e;~aa;~~· ~f~06~9=N~•;w~po;rt~S..~c~h=;d'~069~/ Son cltmtnte t076 1 6uplue1/Un1t1 : Out ol Stat• p,pty. 2 Hou111 Un urn 1 • I Houset nfurn shod r • NOT MANY LEFT for .. to UOO • 22 ACR>:S No. IV ea I Genoral 3202 Huntington BHch 3241) OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SAT., SUN., MON, I !Bit IBA. $35,000. Ne•d• a 4 I.ARCE UNl1'S, Soulh of "'""""'· plU1 tlllahle, """1--------:---.-----2084 TUSTIN AVE. Huie TLC. llittu'k ,11. Dunn, lt'A.y, 1-21 3 BR's, 111 2 BH.. lnkt, 1-trcams &, rlvt'r. IJome, not just :i house, 5 BR/3 B.'\., lar ge 1:-.1n1 .. 1314 N. 1::1 Ca11llno 111 l BR. °"'ocr. 833--~. S2·1.500. j.l;)....3&17. LEASE WITH 30l5 MOUNTAIN VIEW OR. SAT. & SUN, 1·5 P.M, (am. rm . w1sliding glass doors out to a 1nag. llcul . .San CIL'nicntc. ol!rl-Income Properly 2000 Ranches f•rm1 OPTION TO BUY nificent entertaining area. See this Jovely ~ or 492 -71t.tl l O UNITS I Groye~ ' 2700 l eon. + den al)fl llvlng Spacious four bwroom, 21', bath home, cozy family home, designed ror indoor-outdoor S•n J uon Cpst rn. 1078 LIVE HERE! , I room home '" '"""cal·"'· llvmg room with red brick firepl ace, sJt. Jivlng. Best in cons truction, sehool di strict , \ $145 000 ·lO ,\(.'RES llf'\\' uv0t·ado 2 br.-like ne~· $240 ' s11r lot. 2 i·ur 1111. J.:ll" 1''••ur d own wet _ha;, large rear patio, 2-car ga. • floor plan. Excellent financing avail. Lot BUYERS OE LIGHT ' ' "'""" Top '""'"~'" View 2 br.-CdM-eolc !:""1 i '"1''"" ll.S. ,.,,,. "' 1 rrn!i>d r age, 8 SplC n span property St $68,50(), 70' 70, p . I Clt•iui 11~ ~prlrl•'. 2 Brdroonl Gt.'Ull:eQUS g.~rdcn Sl'lt/11.(: I Oldi,; !<oilt't>, Oiied rottds. Ta)( 3 Br.·Un!v, Pal'i< $.1~, for $28."1. p('r nlo. tll{'. 11•rater xl r1ce$65,500. J 11. 1 th~ "Villi,u:•" C ,·i f :ind JO 11ha1·p uni!:-;,& ... ! aflvu11l1tKP. pre·p1dd 3 br .. Cdl\1-tw.\\' $400 1 01· ltused w/opt. lo buy. Marjon Milne Real Estate ' .~ ><i : .. 1 r. · nr . 1 looking pli1cl;' 011 1hr hlock. in1r1·t>~1. $8000. fX'r a1·1-e :1 br.-Harbor v1e,, S4SO Cull 963-4543. ~ 642-3862 :1 ~~;'.~i00.lhC pri~e ,\l JU.~! 'f\1'0 fJ\'r llnft buildir1i::s. Paul ~lou\ S: AsSOl', 171·11 'J hr.-Short't•lirt:. $-150 611 S, Coast Hwy ~ t/C.,,d --Jnron1{' $1443 per n1on1h. 717·:-J~·.o. 3 br.-&y-s/ip $195 l19un1 Beech 494-SSSI -~~~~~~~~~~-::_~~'.__-~--~548-:5620 Cl'ntt1ry 211t.11ssin11 C"<i11n11')' Ga1·t1~{'s. 01,·nl'l' is a11xiou.~. R IE E h 28"'" .J br.-Ray~J.,1<"k $.l.00 l'[':g~::'ir.:k!:--'i'i!:il!":''::::::"::::"l~::!:""-""l':!l::OJ ~ ·••·••• ~ 495..4121 or 493-0290 JJrini•' loc;it!ou. Call 1101~, ! ea state xc ge \Al 4 br.-Li(krBay Sl"l)(l ~ l';;;l;;ag~u;;n;;•;:;:S;;e;;•c;;h;:;:;:;:;;;;'0;4;:8;L;•;g;u~n;•:B;;•;•;c:h;:;:::::;;;l~;~;I Newport Be-ach 1069 11 Newport Beach 1069 I 7.i2-1700. i Nf-~\\'PQHT /l1·at'h t'{)ndo or Call 6i:>-72'll 1 * NEW LISTING * Two separate h ouses, North end, R-2. Walk ~o beach & town . Needs minimum refurbish-ing. Good income. ,68,500. SHIELDS REAL ESTATE 318 THALIA LAGUNA BEACH B UY A WA RRANTY HOME l'Nl()l1E C.\SIT \ fvr l'll!\' ' .<:iu;::J(• l'l.'s!dc1u't" \.\'ll nle'<l, I g an Yon Sc-1111p1·1v !)OIJ!, lq1k', l~e 1 .-;-;=-;;=:---:.-;;;;--;,;:;;-I I Bi c s.1~i.f!W. " B;t 2 B;i. M II ii! f'Xi'h!ln<1' $18,!XXJ solid 11"1!0, al'IU~~ ft'Ull1 )lark. 1 2nd T.D :ts d'11vn paynu!nt. OPEN HOUSE !!H-30.11 ~ ~!:.~. 61ti-7:i33 l\lon·Tues- OPEN To Ay Santa Ana 1080 ---------. . \1a1·nnt h:1r1, "k !•~1· D I SUNDAY 1·6 ) A PAIR OF FOURS 1\10 l'oridos 111 Custa l\lt>sa, 14 RR, 2 Hi\, (:r;'.'i, !. ,·;u» Su1>eor fanlily honie four 24 PINEHURST LANE Sand Po11111· by O\.\'lll' •I b1". :: \\'on't Jo n1u rh 111 a pokt't' 1 f~i· tlupl;j'· ~1;1 ~1.c·~r •l·plex. 1 gar. Boat J:'lllC. Knl~ flt'! ok I lll."11'00111:1 for111 •U , rlln!n" This l\1 AC N I }'IC F' NT ha D/I'., pulrt }'/ft. i\~!<o111· 1 1:"atlll' hut !his P.'llt Of FOUK : s"ccunal·I '1e ~ ' .1n,. Homefinders * 642~9900 ' • " ' 7' I · 401 \\' s·.-. · .. , L .. S d I f . · a or n1f'J't> 111 o. \"c s-.-,,,.,, · N• . • roon1 choiCf' lot close to R('(l\.\'ood Honie t·roal{'d hy • o,u1. · i .. 11. · P f'..XE can o a ot 01 D "rl (' . 1 HI li'.'.tl 9293 · •-..:" e m i ""npor, --l !IChools, park aud libi·iuJ'. thl' architect-01l'ncr 1s orn• <•f I 97~759. your .rlans for a S{'Clll't"' I tt\ 1 111 ~n lr. · · ·•• Beat'h • Coron;a (lf•J ~la~• 1 MINI RANCH HOUSE I Priced to :it'll at $57,500. tru.e lx-aoty. Jla11d·r1·afl<'rl I fu1nnc1al future. P('rf('('t!y Real Estate Wntd. 2900 & La~.un~. l}~r ){e'.11.'l:J ~r-. BH 1 , . H \ , ,, , I 1500 r.1arin rs [)rivt> 1-a f1n1sh Huuughou! & ('<11't'ful 1 I~ su1l('d for Ol\lll'r O<'cupancy I VIC{' is :r RJ._F, 10 \ou' 1 ry .I , · - ' · ni 11 P· 1 11 111 p.n1• ' ' (' Sl'l{'etion of appoin!m<>nts & ; Mobft•Homet lilli' or in\·e.~tn1erat. S7J.j()() c;u•h. Nf~\\'POHT B<'at'h Nndo or N"u-V1e1v~ .\.our. 11•'11' e~il~. rlt/'.'· r·1,11·~I'. 1n11tcr1als u.-.M 11•ith fhc . . low ineon1l'S Iha! can easllv s111;::lc r<'sidcn1't"' \\,\Jl1N:l, NU~VIEW RENTALS p.1110 11 fl.1i.: .. tnn, l.BCJ BA YFRONT .£:/'C'alt'st attention ro every I be r11 ised to ~730/ino.' 9', , 11111 •·\rh.111~1· 't.18.000 .... ilid s;:;.4£1::u or 191.J'.!.J'j 111,••· tt •' 1 i:: h h 11 I' h n '\ (~ 494..8093 1il'l<1il. gh·e~ one r 11 ,, I , • ii&>;, loan possible or ?? Sold ! 2nd T.D ;i .. dO\\!l pa) 1nen1. --,, --.-. . . .. , ., l111111t"d1.1f!' o'-:cup,111r~ S. '.1 , Rl•nt for only $495. or Uuy for Ju:\urious feelln•· of surwrh I Mobile Homes !'together or separatl'ly. ('al! 6H>-7:;.:::1 J\l•)n-Tue!<o· , ~ HJ:::\1 t::~s. 11u11ql1 ,\~k f1,1· (I :1 t 1 11C:::::;::::i;;::~:--~~~l"'~~~~~~,--,!11P~I Qnly $79,000 -;1 like 111'\\' r1u11/11y. This 1 Brd1'1J0111 for sale 1100 C'lll 64.J..72Il 1 \'i f·d. \ ou, 1 '•," 1 ' 1 •'11 11 ""/i 'i"',•:·,·~ !~i:i-tii :(i agun1 B•ach 1048 1 Laguna Niguel IOS2 Ou\'l' bedi"'"·in '""'nh"""' k · -• I a\· 11 :1 1 e "" n•1Jt J i , ·----------J:~;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; vv ., I ho1nc, on<~ p;1r . t'l'Cflff's It ~ ' .. Hl·:.SPONSllJLi·. Jlill'!Y 11:1 11!>; J:)LL "'!"\ l'I 'I I I . l\'ith ii lar«{' ill'iv<1h' ~h11 '''"''11·1tJ ·t1"1o•i>l1•1"111 111· /JL:Nll(l.'f;TONll<'hAdu!!-Prl · 1•1·" J •. J "~ t:fl, '.!BA, ~.11 1HI) nn 1 . ., 1 ' ' " · ' " ' I ro 1\111· lv·111l' f,1r h"v 1lr11n 1 I VICTORIA BEACH I EXCLUSIVE . \Yt1lk tu 1K'ut'h . Ne"t !u a l h<'al1 uf Nt'l\'j•Ol'I H('~!l'h in l';~1~k $."~!(). '1 Hr, l'f x \j(!· s ' . pr1vn1~·r1t .... (i1:~-ilii~I ' Hlnu·~ ;·:•'d'' 642 9900 [)Llll!l~ 1'111, rrrl1 Ill l.rl: OPENSunltoti SEA TERRACE park.Call6T:r7225 , B1J.: Canyon. :O.l<1•lt•!.;1/y 1:1.,.1/J ll ut·d S1. :-i1i. lh.· I •--·----ome1n ers * • 1:.1~ 1:.ii"B·Q, 01 1 " 1 11 ,1 ... 172 & 1i;2 Sun~l't 'l'•'l'r I B1'a11tiful ~·hitr l\'<ifer 0Ct'."1tn 1 f'l'l!'l'cl '.rt tt:~=1.(JIKJ. Op<'~ !~,:;.:;sil. ' ' ( ' __ l:i.! <'.,/11 ilh1, l. \I 1,11 111~. l 'lu . .,1' to B1•,1•·ii. 1:11,,. (l l DUPLEX, Sharp SilJ,fN)(} \'iP11• runong rollini; hills 111· H•iusc 11!11 fl(• h<'lrl fron,1 !·'~ :llOB!LJ ; llu1111•. 11;,IJ,,1111 & [ ]( &j \·.\C,\~T ) HI: 11.,. l.B 11.111 . .,,.h1Jol-: ,1 r•·11nl• 4 2\4l31l,G<l.Trnt~S.~7.:Jl)fJ ' 1i.{'a1·h.Chol!'COf:1.01·4 ·BR. Pi\'f. Sun, .i\li~ _!()th ., )•1111•1. Ba,\' \'I!'\\'. i\d111t~. I 48 UNITS . Rtntal• . ,,-l<.:1:::1 ('\I. \:1, 11111 pd, (;1· ... 11 r,1111il,I' Jl•'l:.ihl .irll••"l Bcaeb ~idc, Xlnl 0<'ct1n ,!{• L:M•ofpool, !t'."n1us{'Our1s. l)irt't·ll0n~. J.{i}.:.C :'.n Y"11 ' ::;n1 lp1·1.Sf!,ifl0.1Ji~>-i:n."1 ASSUME 51; 0 1 1 -1111') 11 !Ll.\I. ,,,,,,11 111 \1.111. ti/1:.1. 1:1·1 11·•1 Co11~11ine Vif'll'. II c 11 1, 1 S~l.500. 01rner. Cnn1plell•ly Ro:1d to Royal St. (;00rgt'. ---------liOO 1 10 S'.!:::>. 11 I, : 1 ~I: ~. .l:l1AI 1 111 i1t•1 , !1(<2<AA~! 1 1'''' 1 Bl k 11 La iui·n lu11·;11•ds lhc 04·ca11 11 Acreageforsale 1'1(111':1.<J','.\T,'I•.•. ·:,,,.,{', Houses Furnished (';\l '.! 1~1·,·. ,1,,11 '.' 111 .· ,.,, crasJ1ing su1•f. \\'a!k 10 ! .~"'.· · • I)(' 11:a ~· 1 11s. r_ ,,.\t:l.t·. Studl'lll•' ~ Ui, 'I 1.1 St'(Ur1!ygale 49"5•"'9 hlill'k !n Pinehurst Lani• & I' 1,',11·1/,•n 111.1:,. ,i •• 11 ,1,. ~--11-11"1. ,\ B ~i,,, ,\l.-,1 :O:.i1t· s:1ndy t."01'{'. Gi·cu/ fur 1 ' ' · ..... v;. I ' 2 G I 31021 h.1.i .. ,l IJ\'1 uk. Be le 1 tu Nn. 1. I _.,,_ .. •, ,.,.,,,., 1,, .. ,, '-"'' e ner a 1,1,.11,•.1 : 11·1: ,,, .. 1. 1 11 , 1 •. , " ach Propll'." I Lake Forest 1054 • DONALD M r.. · • " \l .\l.h ·re) H~·h ' : 1:1:. v·~1 OC ".AN f'"ON'f, 1•, .,,,,, ,·, • f'l'llh"I \II '! h· 'r•1 'l:!.1 lll•inthh \1111 1~J .\~!. I I , l I I I c. " ' B 0 Bi'rd , s1i:1L'r1 1 1k1,1111··· t) ... 11. 11•·11 1.,.,. '·"•'·"''"' 1111 11. :-;ni.:.• .• u,,, 1 ... 1 .. , · 1 c ,. y wnr h;11h~.:1h1H,~111'0,.1.~11111· " 11 ,,,., ... ,,, 1 ., 1 1111 uni s.. rcat l.."Oa5\ !Ill' \'u, I 7'1o Assumable Loan e t rp!/dr11 ... p.!11•1 [.n;on:. -.~ ..• !:I • '•I t ' """'d d ,_ h T d llt1il. !~a··n~ ~•.::;:'''I' •l\•J'lli1. II I' ' ! I '' I!' IOI 1, .. 1, . . sau Y _, .... ;1c . ra c J hr, '1 ba, alr11ost ne11' l10n1~ HIDDEN JEWEL Almaden Valley I Sl\1·, L'11I pd, 1 lu frpl\'. . -:-oiu· t'11, "r :•11·... .r tor 1 '. 1 1..'0nie, $3.j(/.OOQ. I lot"11led in beautiful Lake . . ,\SSUCl.\TF.S P.J..,\LTUl:S • ,\,,kin;.: on1·1 ~.J--.,t~J·: · r 'I 111·,·k. 111. ~iir. L.1~1na. ".11 ~1 \,,,,1111. 1;, .• d.1 i.~t,.)' Homefinders * 642-9900 RDO;:LEDGE LOTS· B ut 01 ·f!nct ·c "u 10 1 832 8800 , Ranch or Develop '!l'oi.:~. <'n111·1.•lt "' "·"''. (;h' 1 \l' r h ,; . . 11 1 11 -· ca · f'orcst $10800casildo\.\11 to s I\ ~ s 111 lunii· 111 ~ JI ,\lso S11111H\<'1' n.:11!.ds •' .'· •l "'' h' ' ,\J.,\\ :: Kit 2 H,\. '.! .. 1 .. 1~ \ 1 u \\'a\k lo heach tlJ .. 7,,,,·" VA, 1 p · \\'estNe11·por1.::J(KJ,q rt 11l""''I . "I I T 1 Tak" :•d1.1111,1,.;l', 1' ,, .... ,,,,.11101111,, 1 ,.,,,,,,.,.,, l 1,1 ,.,.l\;1lk10 1 h,.h•.,1.:I""" l l ll ,,,·900 l2 12, 900 oan. nee f I· I 2 Blk f· 0· .', . •v .. !'\Ill{',., I'(· Us Ill 694 Atl't'<:, \l1lh111 1hf' C'i!~ i°')'l.1i:'O •• v • ( \I , I I \.!t' l't•a r )(. "111 c •t +on. ' 1 • · illt'iudc """'°I thruout ('(' cHIC' IOtll lt'an. I I ( S J Cl I ~ ' Cd;\f. .t i\t•11·1"1rl 1 ·, ::-iUl~ \'" fll' "111' !'HI.~ ) l'11l111111ccl !l(l:"l-67'..IS ' UPPER VICTORIA · 4 De s ..:.~.... ' 4 L«rg{' Bdrn1!S. 2'· Baths SPANISH ,IJlll!s 0 .ui "lot'. OS1' f) 1NVESIM£NJ' QMSION I NU.VIEW RENTALS ~r~lli•: l'nf'd fur !-.1<1, t•J1>. ( u 0 s. .,.,.i; · \\a 10 i"'·"sc p·· '1th · " kJ · ' ' ,. 1 ~ t lll 'pa"•~h ·11·11· JJ ·l · · IOI ,. , f •11 -· 67" •o·.·0 .. ,. 191-,'<1·1"• ome in ers • \ ' I l o ... d . lk . drapes, d1 sh\.\' ash c r, 1·ustnn1 rle1.'01'a!M J~11x 1'1{'ri Golf Cc>ui·sc, llt'sc1;·01rs n111t [ ~ H I d * 642 9900 Hunt, Harbour 3242 bearh.Gdlernis.S24,900ea. o..uu .a i .. gw spiui ers: t!lefloor.inJ..:itt·h{'n,t,,:-.1~11· 1 l'•,~n ~ ... " "· 1g111.1\ :•rrin~-' ( . ,,...., .., " ,, ;;;;;;;;:;:;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4971171 L B h Beau11ful .IO<'atlon across Bruh. !luge !\laster Sui\(' Cha1 111111g3 8R .. rhn1ngr111 S1ock f)a111~ .. 111! \lonl• on • BACl!~~l/ll'.·unil~ SllJ.i\'J:::.•FHl.:t: t::J.E • aguna eac J from ded1c.ated par.k. 11.111.111k-in eloset. J.;in;t• .~ sun1111, frplc., 111orlt'rn th1· P1~~·1·1,1 : 1~~11r·1·~ n~11v 1 . · , ll•t' JIB SllO Jl'\f' C:'.l./ e 111u1,,!<o~1u11;tl S•·r11,;1• • t.LEl;.\;.;T .'!Hf..!. Jiln1 nn. romparco. this oulstanchng CJ<or k, king s1 pool n 1<1111 till-in ktf('hcn Sl7,000 r~1 h.1111.!t. S2.os.,ooo Call .,,; ~ _ \'iH·.int, u!il pd s1.1:i. 11~1, *LANDLORDS* torrnul d1n111.(!' roon1 hon1l'. value 11•11h todays n1arket. 11·/11·f'l ·baL'. r:u11 . r 111, KING SIZE 611.i-{t;ijj. ! !{ "r;:-i, 1ai·;un 2 HR.I Homefinders * 642-9900 Nr11· t'llJI~ .. \In! Jr111d.~<'.apiug. Pr1n. & inter. paynlt'nls or fornutJ 0 In I 11:,: nn .. Li•!'!!(' t'US!r•nl hH. hflllJC.-; 12 ' DANA POINT \110. lll<!hllP, c.:-.1. ,\g1. }\·{'./ Cal1fu1·111a's l.;1r"e•t \'i1t'[lll! $}:.!j, lllO. Yrs. /:,c , o"IY !llil. pee mo. u,,. •~m"'""'" Ten111s Cuw·1 ·' '~"""I hd'""· "'""I'""' DUPLEXES """ml. I 8 i:cn1.11 ~,,,,,c. HUNTl!'K;TONHARBOIJR rour cash to an advanlagl'. ~wun. Pool. ONLY S~7 .. '"100 1~.,·. rooni: 2 !oaths: util. & 0•1boa Island 3106 ~----' -- JO day l'SC l'OIV or sooner. 61::i-020::. f.;hulons Oc\';111 \'a·11 ~ .. ~ J:)fl \ll)L'~r:. l'ld,,11,1• i .. :1111 RIAL1Y ,. h d "-1 kirl·h. 11·~all bJt .ins. J\l<Jny l S .\'rw H(•au11r11I !J11)11t.\\s 1•1111. ):.110. ino ' :S,l!ld t'i\'.111 Tremendous Custom ,~u fl "'",.rter can, •st71~01 ~ •'JI.-l'\ll':,s. ~11.000. , .~Ul,!J;,Q tr> Si:;,!i."iO <JI \li.\!L\'(; 11111l t'1' r1•111 ;it. 11 di;iK/~ii . :J;;j.JIG~ 1;~1 ·1 COA.'iT !11\'Y 0 , rus one. or appn · 11 .. --TRADEWINDS 1:1:. :1 '-·ti;\, :.JI up11l1;uh'•'· --.. --·,11 s,·11c 1.,·s4 ,•. 71°,,: ~.,•.1·_>,._1 . .,.1:, n 1 ~ ll('rf'! l.:1ndsea[l('d frw SUPER "E" f11J111 s.>:.:;oo 1::><111 11 v , ·" ,",.'iJ--0:.!IO, Cu1T'Jl1d Rea\1~ Sll!ll. l>t•r 1111•. Av;1il Srp1 1n'Corona del Mar 3222 1hc u1111ns1 u1 1>ril·1u-',1'. C O T I · I I "• 1·1 I Olr1Cf' 0P\'ll J):iih,• l·."> o. N FEE n11 r11·1n1 s ,r1n<'. ~au I u \l'1·1·\·,·11 ,,_. 1u.1·, ·,,, .h11w. ,\1:1\ hr· ~l'l'll :-:.it &1 . Irvine 3244 f-"f'ah1n's 3 bdrn1,c;, :! hnlhs. Hro\, l'l't'S!: 111·<'.,li '..'c /1on1•'. :J u., . 1 .c 1 . On B I ll I I. L1'do Isle 1056'11 ,.,,, 11·11·" -It· 11· f 1· ,,,,. " .... , ... , c· ~ttn. L'J l'ul u1~ i\1". * e loc•· * , Ill{)( crn app1ann>.~. ·" · '" d ~· /idnn<; .• f;cnii!y rni., rl1n ""'" t'flll<'l' L.1111•·1 11 Fu-cplucr. Hl'l'rr11li· paiured rlra111:it11· 1·1111 U~ altlllll !!1is 1.111 , '· li.·•lll' .. , ,.,,,.11.111111,_, 111 s:;,'1,7,111 'l Ill· I ha, \ lir 1 lia !;1<;.,;1:H, J\"1. l\C!·l\ifl:, fi7.", .. 1i:J'I. ,\,, "C 11d1 111 ~ Tv l;t',u·h. }·urn. or ( 1 , 1 L;:t· W I t 0 I I I ' ' ' I l:radfol'd Plar··· · San/a i\11,1 & rnr·•"'lt•d. 1!:11; 2 p:1r!,\' ater ron up ex st·11sa1io11a JH'uJ)t"r1y I~ ,.,.,.,.,, ,,,., .... •·-·n '"'' ,, •• ,,,,, 5·10.~iJ(l 2 hr· r h;i, J !11·, 1 h;1 I • .. na Hnrt.lflr lnm. n1{' 11 .,tin·s fl 1"'''" l·BI:. l .\(!ult s __ ·.1. ,-.. J ht ft I HI { ~ '"'' ' ''' ------:: l11lnn.•. 2 l.i.:t ..... , .. S:.!7."1 p;i1in.•. hr1111lif11I 1111 i I c Your h•nfuHs 1\l!I PH." !hi' 1 ,. 11 · .1solRI~ a ",~:. 1',1 ,1<•U iiuy~ .~79,j()(l. ~!U,.i{XJ ~ht• 1 ha, 2 lw I tia .. A\ .. \JL .lu111· 1.">111. :! 1;1:. l • • IJ/i. "'• l'.ihforruu llunu·s lri·1tif' """"r l'ir11 ! Bt 1 ;1t'h & •h•ir~ I hull; .. r lhl' bills. Chl'tlCl"N ams' 1·' ,,"°,'" 11. -"1111 "1' c ., L G> ••• '"' ':it::,'i(Yl 'l br :.! h ... I hr 1 11.1 TRIPLEX h11 f\ll'll ll•)tbl'. Yrl1 II Ill.I/ \'1•11 :: Bl\., .~ h:, hPILh' 11 •• ~ 111'."arby. '"",00<1. c~ Ir apl '2 studio apls .. 3 hl-lrrns. lh{' u ,.; ll~ l y upi.:r.ii t'I " ·~--' I '.2!1J. "l.>-.1~111 ,.,.,.~ . l'l!'f' th111••: ,\\lUI. Jun~' !~(. :: bdnns. '! hii . F.1>. .. '. ~J'11J ~ n "11h C{{l'{'llV(' ll"t' "f S.J~.noo' l;i-.! »•. 2 hr 2 t..i " .. ·rhc \\'d1<111~. 11'\lllC 49-1-SOilJ 1 1•;1. IA·ast·hold Slli0,000 Lund 4 5 & 6 UNITS NEWPORT ,---M-- 3 2 ~riu · 1 I h I 11111wrs. shull l'r". lop griidt• ' osta esa 1 4 L . [' II r· -I() :, /J<l1u1s. '1 h<o .•...•. ~ S~.J [mRBElL.J I rs;~r~ ~~~~~r· Right l';l t'l'ICI 1111£1 11a11 {'f)\'('1'111:.:-:. REALTY !'10.~,()(J tu 11 ht', I 11;1 Ju:-:t off Ne \.\·porl Bl\d .. E SIDE 2 BR FURN I J!lll'l'Sll)' .cay ,, II.) l;l'\.'•'1111'('(' llllJll('S. ll'\',nf' I If ~(ll! C'nll'rta1n this lS }•IUI Nt•r StlO'pOrl PoJI orrlct S16,.)()(l I~ .-~1 lw, I ha Cf<lfl il{'l't'SS to Nc11port -I • • .\Al'\'11.,J.) I 2 Otfn11s. I b<1. t'.J{, ... ' 'i::2:1 Tn1ih·\. Thr{',, ~-hdi.n. -'P 1 "· h1J111c:: GRAND OPENING Sl!!,'.00 C.\1 Ii·! Iii" Ilia \osta ~[!'sa -San Dici;:u Water & gardener paid. • t;Sr:D BHICh'..'i • \·111;,;!c I l'1111" J'n1·k. Jr1 . , ~ . 1 ;,-:,:~;,),'hooch .t 1<n11is Cl. 0111,. S'7.C"11 Fe< N t B T 28 UNITS Costa Mesa "''" Ce111rn1 Me~a lo'"""" $295/mo 545-0228 ' •7~1"'1 :i "'""" :r 11 .......... !.\7.'1 '--'-~ Balboa fi.l+.-i:lll ewpor ay owers r·:\1·hat1l,;\' fur n1f~ or lurt'I 011·n~1;: unit has.; bt.>d1»c11.11~ . :;-·---iCJ l.\l!:0.11 .\L; S.•a('h ('011;~!!"· ~ h<irn1s l h.L ........ s:.:!~J 1921) s. Corisl llwy., L.H. ~ 1 & 2 BEDROOl\I int·nnH' f'IPJ[l<'l'!~ ~ d1n1ng ~rn -fanul~ lB~. l\lllhilc !11111ie 1·1 .. nt. ,':dlt1 :: BP.. '2 Bn .. Yi·ly I~"· Jul> \'ill .... JI Uut\. Paik . Ir\. BEACH-H·O-USE ;>..'""" adJa\'t'nt du 11 I<>-.;,,". LOXDU:O.\l.\Jl 11 !i{l.1IES OFFICE BLOG. 1oon1 -01C'h1d ronn1 -2 pk. <>nl,1, no 1J1·1.~. (alt, 1 -s;·-- 6 -.. !?')"' fi" -t;-g :: lk!rnl!<o. '.! h:i .... SIOO Sl 2 j \\ 3!1·1· nricnlt-<l. ~110.000 s , • 6..1) front Hon1cs '1 1·cplac1'" · in1toor Hl:Q · :;•;-Ii l!i-1::2;: .J, ' •l.J. '·•---' ' .,..., .J \'ill;,~c JI l t.: 1111 ., Park . It·i'. ,. '' 2 1 " I I •·,.,,.1,_ f , "'"l Slips l'al111 ~/!l'lrl,.:' S.:.!l.~~NJ 11 ill 11;i(io "irrle1J ,·n 11 rOu:.'ht 11·•n1 3146 1 Costa Mesa 3224 •• ('; }Jl/ll'lllU: ·S \'." "l'lll., c. uu.. ' -, I ' T .. hd1'11l 2' b11 $.jjf) """"·"· ll'pl<" .< "'"" '""'" • • : Fllll '""""Y ll•gh""'" '"''; '""" """"' ;11111 ""'"' _2nd polio _ pl<IS ""'~'~'" cv1ne errace , :; "'Inn: 2 f,,, :.:::::::: !:r;J s::~.4:;o -READY fo SELL Slcl'I & l'Ollrrrtc C1JllSfl'UClicm •1~ I {ll\11 11101-c! Both other 1m11;: ar·.~ HUHlfY'. :.! BH, 2 BA $100. I G.inl{'Jl llon1cs -lr1·inl' 10 ACRES+ Pn\·a1c Balc-.>n1es LAND 2 Br, -[lHtiu.~ .. ('!](•lo;:{'d SUMMER RENTAL I Yai·d [('need for kidi.. :: 0..11111. :.! Oa ..••. s:JJ.i ,$375 Or t·hn11·•' 111.,.,,. !•l"•l!1<'fl .1. 111 Fur !'A!.l: Hy 01•nt•r :! g.1r<1gc SV<JCC.• lot inusl ' :1 .1'1 aer1·~. t:: ... 1·rinrholn i_:a1·a_)!{'S. Al! !his 101· i)n\.v Orie r1f l'111·011., ilc•I ,,,,.,,.-,_. si::r; THI~: 2 BR. $1'.'IJ. Yard Tht> Ti;r1'<1t't'. Irvine •iiii":-iiiiiiii~-~--,...-... 1~, Fn"! 11:11t•rr1~in1 l.1\'!),\ llni t...;. \I 1·1 I 1 ·I I 10•, U011n Jt1 .. 1 redll(i'<f. " .~ bc~1 San J1•:111 l'iiPl•11·a110 1 art;(' 1 e Q 111U 1111 <' :111< flnl'!-tl \'I E\\' 111·•111crl1l'.' I 11K·d f1.1r kid:-.,~. J'l'I. ~Hr. 2 b:1. llf'11',-furn. , . $.'.GO Ll'do's Best Buy ISLE hon1<'. :-i hedr•)Olll' P ~ )'1'"1! 1011 ~Lnd"<'~· II I k I 1 1 ;>..011 unlv Sil '~ C ·1 11 > R;u11·ho 1f•,tr!c•r111al :in•:t h:tlhl'O\lllis. 1'1,1,1.,,1111 (111 '" '"· "11'1' 11 n·i·1·., l!<oUl:,:~ uo.' · "· ' Loc11lc1t 011 lh{' h1'..;h h1li \\.O:\'T 1.,,..,1: ~Bl:. Slt>.». :.i;r.:!h;c nc11· .. Sl i-01$<100 . . LJi1i~1on n1:.iy i 111 t• !' ,. "t Open/Sat/Sun/Man 2-5 r()()ni, rl,•ii. ni.iul, 1,,.,.11. L1~111s1\<t1 ~117rtun:~·\' t1o 1.1·1 LI~ 1.-..,); rn1· .1•111 nr li.~t 7:i2-\IOO. VIS I id)l}\'l! Ra!hoa lsl."lnd _ vi<'ii·I Gal', y;11•d lttcll, kid'/!H'I. Tw·t/<' ROl'k . /!'\'inc 1 ~1\'l'i:t?I'~. Xlnt i l r x 1 h 11 ' 128 Via Ithaca unur111,,t k•t1•hi·n. J.11111h u~· ia'e 1 :u· ro; 11 l'OJ>er Y' 1"1 ·11i11. lll·d Cnrprl lnit•sr.INYESTMENI DllON~ l rir entire Buy! ·I HI{',, l<il'!~·· Homefinders * 642-9900 :: brlru1 2 ba. f'.R. $4251$450 h1111ne1ni; IH' 111 (Jrf,•1·1·1) '11 ,. . Ill o' l'll_llf>!' ('I:!.('}: ' 11a'nl 01\ 1~11111. !li'\l-:!j;~). [ e· ·. II """'·· c 0 r.1 p E.·· L ·.r 1~_. L YI-.-:----~:-·,-:... .., '.. CALL 552-7500 WOOO ' · ' 2·Slory horne. Large lol. \I l'Olo111. i1n1w•<.,~111• !<ofJ:L<·J1•11.... ..JO ~~·1·n:u1drr f.u., ~.B . .. -------_ fnrnis h<•rl. A\·;lll. ti/li. 9 /:L NE;\\PO.HT !,11ll1.1. C.1ll~ SJ DESERT HOME I HR & den: South 1111110. a[~f) r111r,1. :.:rn('t'l 11l 11 1n11 i n i.: ·---6_~5-8551 :!·1 PJ:!~IC: J(l(\':,N,\JOOJJ:'.~I..:,\ Toni QuL'cn tJ.i,\-fi::!OO. iX:\ 2 t ( free !1\·J11).; l•i11 nhou:o;l'. ,, • VISION • lge. suncleck. Rcduet•d In s1a1 1·f':•~··. 11.i11,,s i1 111! WESTCLIFF (l, (' 111 n" d A·I, ,,.,.,,."" I Br, 21 ~Ha, ]iune[(•tl d~·I\, f!JJI, Plus 6 R!'l't·s, 2'!J Palin~. S109,900. \'at'ilnl. 1n1n1l'll. htd1'()11u·~ h.1r1• 11:11!·1· 111•11~. , '-' '-" 1 1 1 !1ns, 11 ushcr & dryer. l\c"' /'erf1•1·r fnr l'1'l11'<'111r111 "I' Poss{'~s. .'oiu· v11u 110;11 ;11 )'1111' 111111 l'.!Ul ,(· 1:.1()7 l!1i;/1!11nd UH (JI\ ut1I. S4iOOO. ar I I 1 ~ d p 1 Cl bl '"<t('lol !J(Jfl rt•! 1·.·:d , ~311,:,()J 642·1 l~ 6ij.."":!l l]q,·';, 1<11 ,I "II I' 11 '. ' ..... , ' .', ]> r (' s c 11 I I y II n d ~ L' It j, ,")/i\-ll2i0 12 OELL.'XI:: l!NIT~ II I :: Br l:t'jl s ·~-· rp~. IJO . 'l~o)!·~1'. VIC STUART "" ...,11i."f1tt'l!•!ll ~ I !t 11. [I (Io. lun~11·11t·r 1n11 pL'csl11,!1' l·:.\lt' ('l'l~H.\.\'fl !-tE.\LTY ('tl 2'~ Bi. 0111u•r's 1111il, 11 2 1 H"Hlty Con1panv Cle. S::j(), 6.\J-0'202, 6\G-:;3;)ti. Red Hill Realty Real Estate f 9iJ L'!'"IQtJ: 111 rin1•1· and •'u~i .. 111 hon1'"~ 111 11•·11 -BUIL DERS!--Bft's. ht'autif11\1y 1642-B23S 644-6200 :; BR, 2 Ba, DUI gar, n<'ri1 • I ('\II .. ,-.. ,--l'St:,1111,lie•l 111•1<>hU.11'h<wMI l;.ndst•;1pcd JK•1l 1\1(•;1. 19th ,I;, Plac<'nt1a. L~c rl·d 49.J..i~~l j..lfi..iGi4 11 c.1~111·,._ , • • " ,..,, Li or .., Pn11n'. !<o('t'ltidcd. 2'. a•T<'~ I ,. bo • ·I" 'II"-f,'iu·h 1101111• 1 ~:P,, ,; 11111 l.nc<1LNI on fJIHt'I !<oll1·1•1. Li'do Isle 31 S 6 t'Urner Ot. O ..... for .it nr 2 Ufl Condo .... i2ti/1110 L~e 1~95 GlrnnP.\rt'. J.a,i.:una,, ,-~---"-'"1_;_•P_l~)~fnll'!l1_ tr>1' .'•lUI' rll'f':t111 l'"J•'1·L n I · I I ;~ 1-- --h;ith~. r .. rn1,il 1h1n11g, I({ ~111,· s('\l nn ""nt111et. '···· t orct'c Air, F1·p1" 2RRCondos ..... SZ65.'lS27J OVEHLOOhl'.\'(; f:111ctOJl11 1 Are You Fussy? f.inl i·uis. 11 ,,1 lJ.u', ;.unkl'll S?.-~l.000. ,\1'.!:Cllt .)l'l-679i Sliil.aoJ. 1 Lii~ 111. 1 ,,. 2 I I' 2 " 1 crpt .... d1·r1~ .. \tn1 l'lean. S:.;~l. ~ BTl Condos ..... $26.) & SZi':i B[Jy COi'('. lll1ill' \lflll'r \'It'll" .......-'Tht•n t)l• "llt'C ,,, 111~111·.·t th1.. c" n \ {' \' .. ;1 I l U II Jl It' I'• Bl::,\L'T\\'00r.lf'da;.~S,Q;; ~I·: \l;F:J{~!<,\l.TY_.-1.'{>-(j~l ,\\~] Sun1:n,'.;., :;..o~ ]~~., .... ,.,, . tnu + :.-L'C. dep. Rcrs i'l'<I· :i BR Ho1n1cs. s::oo. s:::!j, SJ:'.51 Rl::J\LTY REAi.TORS Univ. Park Ccnt.:r, h;rinc fron1 This hrand n1'\\' li-0111<' llt'iou11full) rl<'1'!Jr,!11,:d I + 111:1ny f.dnil.iu~ fi·a1u•e~ 1.,.,un1y road 1\ Ir i \'er *8~~ Owner Finance* C,ill i:!t::i 'i!1:~:!7 s:;S-.~11:: . li l:r-tils.J '.": BR llon1t'."s . $360.S.':75, s::!lJ 111 lhf' /\'orth ~:111l 11f l.:1gu11;\ ---BAY-VIEW--11(\nn, ·: 1,;uh h1111u• 11 Ith 1'l'lt>. t;l:J.'.!'.!,":.'i lur appnc frt•nl.i!!1'. S!j(} per ;1('. 'JI \RP J BR $2'L · J J liH Hon1cs ~T"1 S39.i S<1· 1 j He11ch. &:heliul1'Cl f" r TOWNHOUSE f11mil.1 1'>11111 ,r,, f1t'f'f1l•t1·" All n11111'1" tit·....scii'iO S~I ALL DO\r:-1. La L: u n.i : NewpO;:f Bea(h--3169 :; ' ! ' · liur. rg: /l,\NCJI. "iii:.::\1~-fy' ~ I ·1 lorl 1 1 NEWPORT CREST ---- -13'earh. ~lodt·r11 ., 111 re 1 r~1:u for k1~s & ~t. . * ~ .... 1 _ 2000 * t'Qlll jl t'lion in Ju11t•. Sul ! 309 V1'a L1'do Nord n rrn ,.1tcl1t•11. Tu1c11 ,\/>l'HO."'; l"'.'lllt1[1!' 1·111• ' I bid ·1-·"''" D~:;JRABLE 2 BH 2 81\ .,., 1ln1c 10 ehoo.;f' vour u11n 11 in<! n 11 !<o, 11.·rt har CONDO '' " "' il[l;u· nlen i: ~ '·1·"'"'· ~ ' ' rtANCH HEAL TY cat'JM'hnt: & lig ht fi,turi·!<o. :; A n1a t,"Tiilic:ent cus!on1 bu ill 3 El<lC'n<t\'(' dl·Ckin~. St·hun1 ,\· ln Iv !he hrsl 1111 lhr "l'n'~ e>f( 0r1''1!a, lh1 .'. ~ 111 i\E\\'ELL 1: [. 4!\1-li.'>91 * BAYSHORES * $1:'(3. l~eahouse. G~r. Pet uk. * 5.i6·6800 * h "droo111 1-, tl1• I h 1-II . .l1•a11Cap1str.11~1. 7._11111·ct r_.\. --IV_E_S R SUMMER RENTALS llL:llR\! 2 BH. $19.J._Gar, ·ruSTJN R"',\LT\' l3 1l. Fa 111~n11. J)1n-rn1, 'I ' " " l)Or1 l1t',1r ) . ,,,,;J(lO, C.1 111.irk1•1 S1•('1n·~ 1s b1•lif'1 in~. F TA "" b.1:. .. :; l'.11' i::1ra~r. Sli\\000. d Is c: 1· 1111 inathn:: hu~·cr. 6·1.J..~7.'IJ. ! Hr/01·11 onl,1-S7:i.OC!O. Op<•ti f)1:il [{{'nltr. 493-11._•l_. ---2'. l & I lxlrn1s., furn., !1un1 Lrg yai:d. fenced for kids. * bJ2.:)tll * DO!\f\,\ ~1n;o.;nor.:. ;:r:1 1111r~ Fornier hon1c of f~111ous Commercial Prpty 1600 ~0~1.LE HOME P~RK SISO :-1 rnonth. Homef1nders * 642-9900 ==·':c"'~;";:i;o-.:-::-::::- f I rt [ J Sl."l.\J r.--.1 p.in. 21 \\ild ____ JJ nun~ 1,;, :!lr·A J.;1~ \<'•!:1-: ,.. • • .. * •/ -BRAND n{'~.4 BR, fam rn1. 20~ ·"· Coa!<ol ll\.\',\. 1!4-10.~1 I Ill /X'rsona I ~" mRBEll l;Ol!'I' Cl•liJ'I, :\.B. J;r:1Ul\, i', ,\ ~ ~ u Ill .i I) I~· OCEA E MESA VERDE I lonnal d111111g nn, pool ---. Ple:1sc call 01\'rlerl.i.i::c>n! I fo:J) 'HOf ,.,, ' c I L t $17 ~oo ' N VI w b b ECONOMY . • • . • Fur· HP(.()Jn!nicnt 67:!-iOil • L:.\JT ' h ..: ·. ·.".I • 0 ,~ f111;inc:n;.::. T1'\' .~ 1; 7 , no I!. ., 1~ 1 . 1 1 3 r, 2 a, tap location privgs. NC'ar 8 ch o o I s . . . . scturi!y ."!.: b {'au 1 \' ! ~ JOl~;\1::-C:,~il;~y ."I[)' ' 110· i\:1·:1r l!1H1 ,!;; cl•i111 1. Bu.1· lh;s 1111111t·l' ···:•nl~·;c·i· un IJ~~~,· Jnt' uc l's, Water & Gardener Paid ~~11n~r<f. °';'CUJ>]" Lse $39j, Lel:l?>f'/op11nn . Bc11u1ih1l 0 '! -FAN-tAST-IC VIEW v v_ --~-Pn111011;1 ,.\\('., (':I!. Pnccd \\:d!,1· ;\[(• C(o.1, f{,·,illoll', ' " ', .. ·. 'A\s, :;o· ,J,uly l .. , $425 Lease 545-0228 I i'i:!2-&108: 5.>l-.u7.1 b<lrin. 01111 you1· 01vn ap1.IB;1rk rl1')()1· 10 bea('h ·11<1lk u-· 01·0 ·1 1 l!H'->Lu.~ i .1 .. ~ -.. 1 o. · -,~~~=~-c-- ftOO N1•1tpnrt (•rntrr 111·1\·t• RS T DE ln11· Ill .~2.:-io /X't' Sq, Fl. 1.i-' _,-__ ~ ''C" THOMAS F/!:itUf::.;o,;p ~Bil 1 , . TllltTLEROCK, 3 llR. 2 ha, nr. hrElchci; & s.llll]Jplng. $4.'tij 11'/ICJlllis t'flUrl arlj. 4 BR + ---SOME E MO L Wesley N. Taylor Co. .\ t\l'T Units 011 i'.•,til:() ~q f! ' ·, ~ I\\ "i1;o, l~I'. 111.; !t'<i!>(', s:::i:1. niu. 1':; l·li!J.12.J r.tonth. hay \'u. Lo\\· ''''''s & l'Ozy * OCEAN VIEW * ; j [X'{ll'OOin, :.; bath, lai:ge lo! rt~~i\LTtH:t.; 1 T z l C 2 L\ t REALTOR 1•r 11 · · · lll\l. -8"3 19:!-I d t •"~"----g11 rdcn p:1!iu. f\'(111• Sl0,000_ Yron1 C\'Cl'Y rni. of this lgc. :l S; 1)()()1 Sill C)!)j 1", ,· c'~111ecs· io. 1 eiiJXJr chlld1·l'n, nu Pt'I~. L'<iil ,\L ~~:·1· p 1 or 5 r lllJl i·;ir a .. ~._..... I I 0 S B 2 I ,. · "·· ~Il l S.111 JOHl"[Uln lhll -: Rel. 31r. ". J' 111n 111e11111l' 12 ,1 \\' ('• I' , ~ .... 17 '-i·IG-/ill oJV o~co C~'in_1_1;~1.~~-_I ~-TI· , ess. l urry! pen un. l·:J. H.. ha., fun1. 1111. lOIHt'. ..,~~ •, J.\:Tl;;ltF.."T i\ C OJ 1 l"lO l';oud foz· r 0 ni Ill l' 1. c i.i I .. ~1. ~II). ,1 h-n.). _ -----,-. 1 '-'L·~, l 'Rf'"I' 1 1 , \ .,. , ~'1'z7 42,j Via Lirlo Nord. 675-i·H~. 1.fuge kit. \\•/brkf.sL ar{'a: I HARBOR VIEW ~i·I <'nlC'r -~ dcvclopnlt'nt. S 6 .).000. :\cwpurl Beach E\'e.jJj..&&13. EASTSIOE 'tr.c..~ , ' ~~."" ·: ~ ST!tEE1' TO STREET dbl. door entry. JJrtv. bca{'h 11n YOL' ~'l:'.C:D :'110.\:r·:Y~ B I Dr, F'rplc, Uc,1n1.~. hl!·n1s . "''·2 l00 : Spotll'ss 2 Br. 2 BA, den GEM-HOMES !!11v1• ~'ill,001 C,\S!I rnr dri11n Oi\ner-Brokc~lt--0.i90. Lino. lniogc conifurta lil<', ::; 2 r, water & gardener 1 Hi~~Jy .. ~P~1.";'l~IL'd, nr pool & •-'-"-·~"~'~'===----g·g !JOO 1,. o · 1 Zll 1 REAL TY 833-0780 pa~ nK'IH f111 r11111int'rl'i:d HOUSE PLUS T\\'O BB. su11n1, pulio. Nc::ir 1 _pd, __ ~270 lse. 545-0228._ 1 patk. ,s: • ., .. :;~ 1· 1 ' ·· . ia rv1e 0 , · 120-t, Tustin Ave .. N.H. · 3 B B -- OFFERED • • • • 11 OPEN_ Sunl~lon J • :>. REALTOllS 6,2__.62,", 11 I~ P t' n d a b I 1' · Brokl't' L11·e 111 nc1v R, 2 A lic;1t.:hcs. A\'1t1J for su1nn1C'1· LOVELY l BR 2 ba fan 1 rn 1 , TIJJtTLEROC'I'. 1111<1 I Plan , .. oy builder. Lo\"Cly 3 1 Brkr. 548-0140 --E·X-CLUSIVE_• __ OPt:J\ HOL;SE SUN & :0.10;>.. ,lq.1-i:?Gll I house and rent Tl\O 2 SR , 2 OI' S.J30 y<'at·!y. Barn'tt ne\\' Cfllt drp & pa.inl CJ(). a 1 ·11i1 18711 i'a't'OConez. for bdrm., 2 b.'lth sunny home; M" · v· · 1067 J.r.. \\';ilk lo IM.'ach. inini;icu· CO.\ST /hi 1· f i· 11 11 1 a !! <'. BA, apts. frple,, p,1t1os, Realt.v &12-.i200 mo 772-9il)i or ~6200 ! appt 6·1~· 1683, i72·401'J, dran1nlic entry to step-up rss1on ie1a 4 Bflnu:-: .. 3'~ hi• .. fnrni!.\· /;1!c .i Br. off1{·c & fani. 1'111 SM.000 Tr;1dl' & fu11111C'l.'. J;fl\'111!'.Cs. lnunrlr\' S«!6 !iOO NEWPORTe EACH-* ~IES,\ VERDE lBff.2B,\. i 213-61i4-219j liv. rn1 ... sp_ llt', dc<ck, cust_on1 I B\' Ol\'.N ER. Coii<lo. 2 8 rn1., forn1;i! tli111nb l'lll., 'l 01111er l'l'ady !n n101·c in1n r;1an1z 1:1 ,,11 1. s 1. r ,. 1 1. c ar S··,·,. Builrk·r f, !'1-; ii!. N'••• 1 ,. d·c~i·,·it'". 1 ,. 0 11 . "T~U~R~T~L~E~R~OC""l~<.-o4-R;;;;lt-. ~,,=,,=,-.! k $ " '~ I " I I I' ·" 11 I 1" !6" = IOI 6"1111 · "'"''"· l.111•!,1 1, .. , .. ,, !.•<lo l'I" ,_ "' " ""' " cera.ni1c tile \.I OI'· ...... ~. 1:i b·i SZ7:i00 A"sun1c l'JlCS. 1·11'•11t' r1.•ar y:uu. ric '!11 ·'•· :i.JUU. ~ :>i:;-l:l'\!'I Industrial Prpty. 2100 .._, " .. n1-al l. :H0--1327 J\GT. i·ni. Arr1urn. an· t'Ond., lgc The best buy in heautilul l Fl.{\ ~;, i' · """ n•<'7 l\'ilh s11Arklin..,. pool. $1;).1,500 St. r\r,1·fllll'I Sh01·t·~. NH -CO \S~ 11 1 1 1 ," 1 ",'','!fn>r1 1 t hot 1 °cs; k•as<'s. _ )d. Sli5. 1110 . l!.13-1 71·1. Laguna! For furl he r ' 0 1 ·iA"'' 1 oan. """""""..., VIC STUART j GLF:NDANflEJ\LTY;1~"'·:?2 11 '·'• 11 ~ 1·1111 :1}.:c.1 .1 ,run<y Rtr 67.J.61612 HR. 1 ba. sn 1 . \lH'd .t i11 fonnatio11 k app't.1 11111'1 gen , Real Estate BY 0\YNEH· J.Ju~t s.1c1-:;f;(. S:'0.000. Trade S· f111a11cr 31 ,000 SQ. FT. (j,\"bay, 101~sc : ::Br.21~1 ~111·a;;c. Couples o1;Jy, ptt .. TllE Tl'n·:11·c .. ~ardlff !iho1ving, l':ll.' 301 • 'Newport Beien 1069 194--i:J.11 546-767·1 I Ill~' ]O\'f'ly •'OllrlO Hl Bluff<: 011 Cla11•1. H(•a lty .s (' r \ l t {' Fl BERGLASS BLDG. ii:1, 2 1·;11· ~01', boal ~lip. Yr. ok. Sl7.i. lllO . ."J4!).ij()6, ' J\lotlel;.2 (B~. 2 Ba. sm mo. * 494 O .1. 14Sj f.lt'llllC'v rr La .. 10111 qo1C'k sale basis. 3-BH, din. :i1."r-l2S9 ls1>. Avail 7 I. S600. til6-2700.[:? BR:. 1'.']1·C Ckarlc. $110 Call 5jj-,l!l.)O_~~--,- Soothcoasl Pat·1 1c Corp. · . .. roonJ. t·u.~tnnl ~iirk & Condomin iums ~·on S;\LE OR LSE TE!~;>.1S Houses Uilt~ed ~10". l'\o sngl". no dogs, 11 LAi:tGE 2 Br. 2 Ba t"Ondo. L•gun1 Hills IOfO OPEN HOUSE Vrin-Luit papt·rs. hui.:e dt•1·k for sale 1700 ---I ('tulrl uk. 6~2.:rz:i:i. n-10. i Oli. :,r1n1<' 1 '',M" .. ,'':',','",-. 11L~a~;· 2 S SUNDAY o\·rrlookin~ ,·;un.·on ,~ ha_,. E·Z 11ccf'ss c1-,1·11t•r lol'Alio11. Gene•al 32 , 2 --n.f't'. lh 'I .. ~1..., a ~:,.., • BIG CANYON • ·· ~ ,.. 1 ~ r 1•• • .., Dana Point 3 2_2_6. -• I 011nf'r/Ag1·nt, 6!1-r.~u~. l.f .. \SI : (II{ Bl!\' P11 hrl'lnd 1 r '"11g o '1'1 ,\· <ii·, ~1·11'.I · --~ ,, bH,\ND n1•11· Tunic Rock Open Sat/Sun 12 -4 ' 5 BR, 5 BA. c'Slm 1 "'"" "19 Balboa Cove HARBOR-VIEW~ ""' 2 '"" ""'"°'""''"I '""' '"""""" \';ml. "'' ALA RENTALS " "' B >"I '°""'""""" :: ·' ';'"'""'em, 2 25101 Champlein $45,500 r Ot\ fal~·11·11y. OPEN ~UN l·S 3 b<·"roo-1 2 ""''' + ,.,, •• , I Lrg. fct• lot lll'l'OS~ r \' () n1 I lll!N~lllOOI' 0Lebu1 (' \,', ... ,111 I Ofe. la•1~r\;.). -C;l'illl. A .Sp;1c:~1~: ' baths. $ "·"· !11'1 s.;::..s.is~. La""'c 1 bcfh'OOnl. 2 balh,',, No.28Ro~·n1 St.Licorge -u ... ., ,.-,, 1 I/• •l•ll 1 81112,,1 Lag-un:i. \ltlt·r ! .1 . Wl\'ftt•lllf1N 11tv1C1 ,,, B 3248 ·" 6T::rli900 J lo11sc, \V 11 t (' 1· f r 0 n t & JIOO g:rt't.'11 )t _. 0 1 • I 8 .. G-6000 F 1 110 . P 0 li Bill Bu1·kr or Gcr1e A~h1\·111 ti·ni--la:J:: f"'llcct be fr 10 Ai\!. • Laguna each Ecoxmlr~em•lylopl.rlvat'.'. i\c cs·.~:' LOW MAINTENANCE-boatsl1p, 512:>,000 Nc\1·po11 fan1. rn1. SS2.500. By i111ncr. I ::1i121. L'.A.,xOOo:~ o1 .. )( ASHWILL-BURKE f flit lt0us1s El Toro 3232 d -'k ~· '-" Pla{'e Rt•ally 675-.1600 I 6'10-8140 ,... . 997 2100 $150. nit~ 1 hr. no. en \.\'w • :tivy·La Pnz exit, west of 2 BR ~ den, new elen1e11t HARBOR VU-GEM-lilHE: you a naturt' lover·: 10PE.:N J-IOUSE SntlSun. t)y L I 1 - 2200 IL ~~~~'· Adulls .3 BR, 2 BA., Ti~l'lhse, lo bc.h.& lo"'"· Hilton Hotel). sch! JUSt steps away . Then }'QU'll like this llartior 011·ru" 0 t't'8n vie\.\· JBR/'.!1 ~ ofs or Sa e - - -$1%. AfC, spectac. vu 2 car $21() Uhl pd, I br. bltns frplc, Place Really 494-9704 Conv. to pool ~ park. No BC!\{'r than n<'"'· PortofhMl, Vieii· Portofino. 3 Br .. 31 i H,\. l'r[lls, drps, pool 11riv. COUNTY OF ORANGE NIW'°IT .1 IAV, c.M. •~2·1JIJ gar. 53'2~4. 544-3666 eves. deck. sn1 pt'l ok. Great recreatMln . area. n1any cus.t xtras, l-1 BR. 3'~ Ba .. fin . ganicrooni 1,. \ieii• 'l!l'l-ilti9: al 302 ,\ve. 1\dol>C, AVAILABLE . $2'1a. 2 br 2 ba apt, lrg d~k. LEISURE WORlD CO-OP. I Conv. to J>O?' & i>atk. No ba. spacious fnm·1·n1, lt'C of Natur~· Pat•k s, ~·nshion San Clcn1cnte. j AUCTION June 3rd, lffi·1. e RUDGF.T B<ll'hs 575·$!3,'.i. Huntington Beach 3240 I bellut \·u, nr bch. Unustmlly . cared foe •nd I agnts. By o•nce, 6l4-5569. 8•mc '"" 2S x 30 pa<~. lull lsl»ld. Ownec, 6-14-4!JG:; ASSUME 5'>'.> Fii,\. "°"blc 1~.019 "I· 11. C·l PD lo!. e COZ\' I BR ""I I'd Sl-J-0. 3 BR 1'1 ba bll-in. "'l'lS I 1,,; & !JOO. 2 hi', lrpk & ""3 unit. 1 •lory 2 BR 1\1 bl\, NEW PORTOFlNO home In lndscpd, lee ~ancl, nr .. Schls. LEASE OPTION gRrage, 2 bdrni, 3 bath. Xlnt Springdale SI., So. of G.G. • BUS line 1 hr $160, pQO\, drps' fence' r ~e'en 11 y I br: Laguna Canyon. a~. cond. $28,500 loci. Harbo>' v;ew. Fan ta' l I c & Shops SM-0786 oe 91!>--ll9l . . locoli°" $2&,loo. >1"'1857 '""~· \\''' l m i n' l e' · • VIEW I br Lag1mo $19'. pa i ~ 1 c d . ' !JOO. mo. Im 3 b1'. w "'" le~lc, dbl charming custom furniture .• view to ~an. 3 or 4 .Br, lY.l OCEAN VIEWS j NEW OCEAN~ RONT ASSU~I E 5~1¥. FHA DooUI l>Unlnlum bid $19,T.JO. Call RARE INDEED! I 2 l 3 I 8 g 6 _ O 9 O 8 0 r gar. lncd yd, ~tls..'1. \. Inimed. posr;ession. $195.83 Ba, tamdy rm, din rm, 9U J{lJ R d DUPLEX 2 ° ' , e 834-2550 e GROOV Y nt Bch 2 BR 1213 l34:t--IJ7 4 $.iOO. 3 br, f11>lc, pool, n'IO. Prin. Onl,y. ()o,vner, For bonm nn Landscaped & 1610 li.S oa llUJ.":t' all 11·oOO & &lass. I gar~e. bdrm, 3 bath: Xlnt B ~1 SliJ. n1agni1!C('nl \1ill wn.trr vu? annt Call 837-1~1 or lawn J._ iee 10( By o er Fee land vacant $11.!J,OOO t'n· S\M,000. 49-1.0015 Agt. locahon $26,500. 5t~7 C-4 1-{UNTINGTO:~ J.:,\._r '• UTll. Pd 2 BR llo""" l lo'-NICE 3 BR, 2 Im .. i.:J'J)ts, NU-VIEW RENTALS ,.,. ' • 6~ • ~'ll ? Slory on Bluir fix-upper . 60,000 sq. fl. lot. Sprmgda]{' f "" °" d 2 bl STh-7115 , &U-9425 &, 1 Story on ofh(!r side of St. Bl~ CAN'l'<?N C.C .• Dco1iu-Duplexe1/Un1t1 & v.·anlt'r F"olly impnJvNI, • PATIO 2 Hr Kids/pc>f f195 rps, car gar, Un range 673-4030 • or 4!»-3248 LElSURE WORLD CO-OP. I BEA.CH Dplx/01,mr, vacant, Nt'l\' l'81'JJCfS, drapes & puinl J ville l\-ld/ . .lirOO. Sq. fL .~ ~R. for sale 1800 1 hot area, re{ldy to go. Sl • B~CHCOi\IBER 2 br .t, o\'en. $260. 1110· Ask for * 5325 MONTH * Un.dually =ed lor end '""'· \i blk bch. Fee Ind., Opco wllil '°'" . oftoc 01' • 'P''"''"'"" "''c· 11"'1.300 pPe IJIJ. 11 . Ownee S.16-JO:l'l or 1210. Dole, 96.1-614&. I ... 2 unit. 1 story 2 BR. l~i bA.,f fi9.900. Drive by 122 J9lh, Quln!a.rd RC?nlly . 642-l9!H 644·8122 or 642·•19.iO. 8 1 ~•,; INTERESf RATE!? 12131592-228.J, BEST tN AREA 6 BR, 3 BA, liv & f{lin 11ns, Custflm uuU! bdnn. home. . nd S28 500 . I B • 2963 p I ;, tf .. -BLU FTS nd ~en 1 ~· All nc"· -1 story privacy • e SINGLES ok 3 Br S'M:;, all crpt'd. $J9j/~IO. Isl. \V/\V ear()(ltl, fil"{'plact, ""'· 00 • • '"' • N. · 64~ 'n. o er. NEWPORT SHORES co o. ', · • + end dbl ,,,e & ''"""' y•. Mount'n , Oeser1, e Al.L F""""" RI! S290. 1,,, + 1200, 2f>t'1 Moonei~sl 1 ... deck with ocean view. 2 charming cuSlom lol'lll°!"" CHOICE Boyfnmt fO\'olkm, J B<lrm' & den '• bo. End. ""'1' ho;'"1, eoch •Id" · "'""''"P'' RHort 2400 e BOIT °'"e < BR-13!0 Ch'. 714-l874"6. Cac gnrng•. A"I Cond. Jmmed. possession. Sl 9 "· 83 single v;idc n1oblle hon1c. Walk lo ~l"('i>nhrlt. Xlnr ('Oii(!,' lndscptl. Park & l'\'e farll. -I 3 ' th.ruout mo. Prln. Only. Owner. For I Two bedroom, patio In Bem:h, pooh1 & lt'nnls G4G-l775 I Nr. Dnna Point htu'bor. NICE 2 BR llOu~c In Yu cC'a i • FRPL ln· F'R·DR S36CI. NE\V 3 BR, 2 ba, fa1n-r1n . ?\-IIS.~ION REALTY 49t.-0731 appl. Call 837·108l 0 r I luxury pat~ $J7,500. 64f..602J $-16.000 O.fOCl E Bi1)'f1'Qnt locnllo11. Lu:-.ui·io11~. Sc.qt de ti I fin Vallry, Cc1'11mle lilt' sink, Too '-fan.\• 10 Llsl·C,IJ Us dbl cut gar• $350. 1110. 1717 11 N• I 3 -iS2 675-nts , 1lEACH HOUSE $51 500 CAYWOOD REAL TY 1 t 'nc-le v;•idc 111obill' hon1c. l'OaSl prop. Sllirt $S7,9jQ. cvap. cooler. \1•11lk to ,,.torc1. ! \\ic ~c1-vlt~ RJI !he bell.ch Florida, Beach & Adunu;, \.19una rgue l•gun1 Nlgu41 1052 Pl1.VJI(.')', Character. CALL * Mi-1290 * ' Two lx.'droon1,r. patio in Del OblS"po & Calle Aspcro, 'I 7. 5 0 0 . r 0 r in ( 0. I $l'llici.,~~~Ldo0RD'Si Co.$ s.17·44.12 • . ! 3 8R 2 ha \11£\V, liv. ~. ownl'r Info It. appt 6-U-8914 l~ury PA.rk SJ7,.i(X). 644-0023 SJ Cnpo. 496-836:J. i1l4J333--0821 1 Jj'EE FR.E"E CaU Us Todav ~1UGE 3 BR. fpl c. co~ Plll_!O. din. area. f'n>lc, blt1111, POOL Home, 1 4 B~At+ Elli':; S.~0014 or 1714) l'ii.323.1. , 81~~r ~y~~·c!~/O+p~~· Oc11n1ide 1074 1 NBW BJ::AOt 4·PLEXES Out of Sttte Prpty. 2600 ' \\'lllk to school Ir pruk. S.130. cp1sldrps 1 oar p T ·Qrtr am,_ v ew ~. " 12 bl" from """"••ton ALA Rtnlal1 642-8:183 Ask loc Xeilb s" id er. s10,..., .; •• tn.iler 6 i..o; rltalnt. 149,900., 495-57.:I SELL oe leare: 3 Br,. 2 bft., -or ~934 Beach CONJ»~: N'w 2RR, Hnrbour & Yocht Basin. :n ACRES No. W.,, •RENT Tiii Youn. LDw 96Wl7J min. )Td. n\Alnt, lmn.ocu- lliye IOmtthtna you want to tam •• r;7";,,,R-!~"'~-b~pr. HV MONACO, by owne, 3 lBA, corpct, d cape•, N.W. coe. W•rner A Simms. Arka"sa" pru-J tlllablc. m•nr I -·· 3 Be, 2 ba. s. E. 3 DORM. 2 BA, ncnr b<ach, Ille ~o i.t, lut " MOT Ou•U~id tdl· do It •pt. '" ,._ "6' ~ SR.. 2 bn, k>f• ot Upgradl/1R. bulllin . F"tvm S !t t , 5 0 0 . Ol>fn Sun le Mon 11).5 pm. \11)tr, 5lrtams & rivrr 1 Oni.n~. $33,!MX), for a(lpl. lg~ ya_rd, like n~w. S300. dtpOlllt. A\'IU J11nt t. Wlll ·calJ NOW~ CLA.'8 SEILS -~ 16l.'ll0. --Ml•rt n .. 1.,.. ncrm-oo Dolphin Reel<Y Jll131316-318< su.soo. ~7. ·I 5<1-'69.i ~-"'49!1-" . ...:ISISI="------' I I l \ I • I l i .~ .......... , t'll..1.11 $Undf)', May 26, 1Q74 -Houlft Unfurn sh Condos U"furn. 3425 t Ap1rtment1 Aptrtmenta Costa Meta 3824 rtmtnt1 Un urn. Apl;rtmentt Untum. Aplrtnwnt1 partmenh nfurn. ., 1_L_eg_u_n_•_N_ig_•_•_I _32s2 BALBOA !_c-.. ~~t1~M~·~·-·=-=-=--::.-;=i-12;;•+1 _c-•=·-•'""·=-==-----_-_-_-_-3=1_7_4_,Dff The Beaten PaUt Coit• Ma11 3124 1 D1n1 Point 3126 Huntington Booth 3840 HU11tlngton -h 3~ ... SEA TERRACE • BNul. Garden Apt.. ·. , . V;e w & Boot Slip• ' $l ,S/MO. \\ml S.C. Plaza 2 BR, 2 bo, SpAClo<Js Adu!! Garden Apts. OF.LUXE 2 Bit. 2 BA •P'-PTl,•te ptUIOo. 6 oool•. \\ hne v.•ater cw:ea11 v1t>"' 1 ~f\\' 2 bMroom condomlnium ptlv, 11ar. crplJ, dJi>I, • Luxurious 1h11:g carpet1 NEW I "''/w <'ll>t ttll room'. UNDER NEW as.unu. )lc.-uz:zl, tenn1s, 2 llil\Ofli rol.lit'g hl\11. EYC'l')•1 "'/Bay & Ocean VIE\\'. GIGANTIC I BR. hl!Jlll, $185. No Sm. ehlidrtn * Blt·lna Incl Ollhwas~ . tleckl1111. panoran1lt' \Ile\\' or rar prk'a. Bike to beach. lhlng n fan1 il) could OOl:in.>, Boat "Ups for up to 40' boat. New &h11.g crpt. CJe1Ul. l.ofs plea~. Phl>ne 979--4637 or * J..tg Pool le Cas BBQ'• I beblftch &: coti&ll\ne. Dllh"'hr. NEW MGMT. From $133. 8-!6--02)9. a'Ull~~ tn1ry 11:ah·. btat•h Tom Qut'.en 64~~. (X44) of green hl"'"· CO\•ered 556-3127. * Private Pallol J 2 & 3 BEDROOM ti OVl'rl, auto. (l:&.ragc ~ Ch"d • t pa.rkin~. Re1 ·re:\llun i·lub y,,/ , Opt'~. Adults only, no peli. I SPAC10US APTS. 3 BR. Suu. u ren "" pt' 5 pool. tennis. /\e\\' ft llract\vl"-~urages . Adu lt:J, no pets. l BR. carpor1, pvt polio. 1 & 2 DR'a, S11G-Sl95 $325/per mo. on lease. ADULT LIVING OK. 16902 L)onn St. Call ly dE-t.'Or. 3 Bit fHnl rni, ~20 F'ullerton Ave. 11 blk Ne~· crpts, drps. All elf'('. Caa It Walt!'r Pd· Split Level Apts Unf. 496-:,597. From :l20 &: UP. ,s,,'8--(i63e._::::.:;L __ :----::-:-:: •·aJJ-• yd , .. i;,_· ,,,,,,,.,, ~., .. :_ R•"'ty Co'ffi""·ny 1':. ol Nc1\-port Blvd . .to t hlk Rt-spon. adu\ls only. No Encl. Cange. e 1 BR 1 b th -h 31•1 '='' .. ..,;N ... ~... .,.,,,,.._ So 1 Ba c !'-.f hlldr-/ 1 11 t t. r LA MANCHA APTS LARGE l>elu.'e 2 BR, range, , • Leguna Beac .. Lease. l!l::-576ll. 642..S23S 644-4200 6.ci~. }'1. osla · esa. ~s.n>;~~s10.0k~;322, · 718 Scott Plaee, c.~I . · OCCUPANCY JUN[ J & O\'C'n, d11pl. tlishwt1sl'lt'1', e 2 8R, 2 b1th -: -. CHAIC\U'.\G :iOR. $-KC. n~ 642-2007 I luund1 y , 111'!\' ~!11'. Nl'ar e 2 BR, 1 beth J Hu &> t Adil \\'EST '''\\'PORT R>' Cl! SP,\CIOUS. Oean J BR. '1 ouu·ina & be11r h. Adull s • Hoot·' Pool une '\l P · 8• , , '~"' , , ".A Huntington 8each 3740 F.lec. bltns, v•/w crrit11, UNUSUAL 1 FE1\TURING: wo NE\l.'ELL R.E. ·I~ ;o.;e"· 'l Sty. 3 BR, 2 ~ B,\, drapes. Nr. fN·ys & shops. only. No pels. $210. 33912 AdjcH.-cnt to h1rge lo,·ely Lido ltle 3256 ~~rps :1c~_ 11',"1'. .priv~)~~tio. 1c,."~::; LOW WEE_KL YR_ ATES ~11~ul1 cpl pref., no pets. 1 OPPORTUNITY Loft Betlroon\:r; • Frph""~• 1 !\talai;::n Di-. ~tgr. Apt C. 1i;1rk. 2 b\ks S.D. Fr,1·y. & > E S 1 189J Ccran1ic tile-kitchen.1 0 Ex· 1 DELUXI:: new studio 2 br, ,new HIS iotore \~'eslniinstcr LOVELY 4 br, J ba., nr. club s1·1·rnlx-IL $350/~IO. xecutive UI es .>,,.... · : Seer this 1 BR, 1 Ba ixiscd Be11n1 CC'llings e En· 11,, ba . OCC'an vlc"'• pl'l. inall i;hopping t't!nLet·. t Blk & tennis crt .. I~ courtyd. 557-5770. ext 2-19 days 727 Yorktown Blvd. I BDR!\1, redeoorated, So. I apa11n\ent, overlooking t>OOl closed Patios e f'ool & f>IHios, bltni; lnt·I v.'shr & 10 G<Jlden \\'("St Collci;:e. ,1 Spectacular, New Oceen Vu Townhouses •• \\'alk to bcHch, 2 BR + den ~ + \\"Cl bur, tile patios, frplc, • custo1n crpts, d rp s, -·· appliances. $·130 per 1110. ; $6j(j 1110 yrly. 675--77'".i). or 67J-0766 eves/~•k:nds Bi'1n·h Bh·d. rot YQi·kto11 n Cs1 Plal.'! area. Ad~lts, no I & larg17 trec-s. Ideal location . niany other Convcnlen<-'C':s. I dryer, cpt/Jrp~. From $250 nllles 10 the beach. ONLY :? N t B h 3269 PARK lJOO, N.B. 3 BR, 21. 536-0411 p<'ts. _ $l50. mo, 642--046! ror acti\'e person. Adults only. I up. 2\Rl2 l.aPaz. 493-1040. vnrancies lefl in fatnily ewpor eac ba, $32'5. n\o lease. Days~ STUDIOS & 1 BR's. :oftC"r" & v•knd THE VENDOME NF.\\", i;upcr dlx, extra I~. 2 ~·t·lion. UVE HERE 6-MHH.36, eves. 640-8806 • ~'ull k1t1·11e11 LHG 2 BR, 2 Ba, din nn, 1845 AnaJie\n\, c.~1. HAY LOFT APTS. BR. drn, 211 ba., sltdo\\'n HERMOSA VISTA 837-4811 * OCEAN \'IE\\.'-2 BR * * No pets. LRG POOL. * $260 lse. U75--0145 eves. 673-1411. • IJ('otcd pool c·pt/tll'p, stv/ref, Po o I · EWPO I 11 t•t bar ...,./ice n1akcr: AND LOVE IT! FOR Lease, Deluxe, oountry I • Utund1)'_ ~<~•-d tl 1c,, Aq1t.~ .• no pets. $1 70 . A;'ARTMERJTS 283 AVOCADO I !rplc., Jnund11·-Lots of I APTS. BAY VIE\V nr.pvt beach. THE BLUFFS club villa, ~1e-sa Verde :! I • ~rc-e utihttc!'> ~6-l:c;..s96o=,.,',.,·-,-=,.-,,-,--c= COSTA MESA l'loscts? Agt. 675-5726 I Rental ofc., 16-A 3 br, 2 ba. LG Iv rm w/ trpl. BR, 2YJ bas., pool & jacutzi. I e free linens LOVELY 3 BR. 2 ba, $21tl. l Bl1 w/Fl'p\c. Sl50. .t.1rOl4J PZAZZ! ~ Inunaculate 2 BR, I l:H2'5 Go 8 1 92'"'."s 2 w 17 est, H.B. $Jtj Lsc. Adults. 6T;r3022 Lido Isle 3856 TOWNHOMES 546-8248 I • T.V. & 1n_1d ~cl'\. avntl. Din. nn, Pool, AIC, Clu~ UTILITIES PAID _.,... 1 2 bns., be1tn1 eclling, dble l !!!!!!!!~!!!! ........ '!"!~!!!!!!!! ~BR., l'i bf\. Sharp $385 \rlLLA PACIFIC 'l Bit 71 1 • Uar·B-Que h:-c, adlts O\lr 16. Sec. Sys. _ Adults, No Pe1 s l\lon-Thurs 5:30-1:30 p111 C'lec gar. share v.•asher, Mes• Verde 3863 •BR., 2 ~. l -sty • · ~ • Phone ~Cr\i,·r 67:-r7SJ'l 2450 Newport Blvd., C~I Sal-Sun J(}.-1 pn1 CHILDREN "' ""' $3$ ba, cprts:, drps, stO\"l'. e I nulc ro O('C1111 •. Call 642-1618 dr~t"r, cpls, drps, Adults, no e ~IO~tE ATMOSPHERE 4 BR., 21~ ha, farn $430 retrig. $32.l. mo. 968~126 1------'* LL~1 GARDENS APTS. . . fh'I!<. S230. n10. 6·15-3363 d ntt love the Deluxe 2 & 3 BR. Rental Ofc 3 BR, split le..•, ''U $4:.l Beaut. Garde n Apts. !Jnlurn 1 BR. Sl55 Up. I 1-'0R maxunum privacy see * NEW * o i'lt ._ an p1re """' 'lace A<·e. ""t~• Townhouse Unfrn 3525 Bache! & Lolt t -_, • '""1''1""· oprn 1"'~1111· larne, 1p1cktu1. ap1rt-"""' " ~ ....... 4 BR, lgc. rm:r;., nc:~' S.llJ 1 PT1\•atr patio~. 6 Pool~. m Adul! ~ttlion. our or · . ap 5· I lnil~ ·. dsh11 shr. 3.\001 1\n1bc-r j • ~BR .. X modf'l $::00 BRAr\D l'\E\\' 11 1 B .1 ' saun11!'>, Ji11·u11t, trnn1.~. 2 \77 i::. ?lnd St. 642-36-15. ( FJ:om $1~ to $230 tncldg I I Lanh·ru. -1~723.1 ment1 If BI n bury Newport Beach 3869 :; BR, lan1. rleluxc S.-130 2BR 11 B~A • $2~~n/. t 1-i i·rn· prk'.i:. Bike If) bench. • TROPICAL PCX>L I ulll , rcfng, encl gar, VILLA NINOS <Uf'Elt ""'ll. •\PT-". ,! Cros_ s. PARK NEWPORT 1 BR, poolside $5~ · ~ · J 1110 "'" 1 F srr KW.o·r 9 . 1 storAge. Adults, no pets. No ... ~ u ·' 3BR. 11,.JlA _S260/n10. Bnth nllll ··'· •·1 2 BR, 11i bas .•. spiral v.·aterbe;:ls. 3'J3 Hnrnllton, Grc;1t \'tC'I\" 'fhonipson • Ol1Jd~en 6 & younllcr \\'/Rt!. gar. 5..i1·l.'l.5l. Laguna Beach 3748 s!airrase, frplc, patio, yard, c~r. 645-441\. '1 2 BR, 2 BA APTS ,~lilllilli:.l'lll{'lll Corp .. ·193--0141. .a SC!t~tlodtllc~n~·ml pr(' s1·ht APARTMENTS TlllLllo" .. 1 "·•·. '·' h', 1,,,,,. I \\'ater & Gas pd, 5-18-1168 11 "Cns pay area .• ,, " CHILDREN \\'ELCO~!E Super-Cornlor1ab!c-Q1uc1 : Huntington Beach 3840 e Large 2 & J BR apts. O the bay r.'.n: ni1· M.~c~. c-rp1 s._.:11·1·s: OCEANFRONT EAST~IDE LGE 2 BR. 3 Br. 2 Ba condo. Nl'Y.'IX'rt l::nc-lostxl lia1·agC'~. • 2 adult r\'t'. (;('l\!l•rs n • _t:,11 . 1~:10\. s,:,2.1 . n10. 96.,...Hh.. , . . , . . 'l . 01·erlook1ng pool. Drps, "·1w H.i\•lcri1. Pool, lounge & Gas & \Vater Pn1d. i\hl, to e Easy acccsi-; 10 niost enl-Luxury apartlnen! living Duplexes Unfurn 3600 bt.Al 11~1 L ~lilt, 2 BA. hlt11~. $110. Adults, no pets.1 pavilion. I.ike rountry rlub l\lo. rentals S190 1n $'.?l)J. ON BEACHJ, ployntent iueas overlooklrig I.he ~·ale-r. En· -: -~--------. ~ Ul'n. ,\pt. :-.1attH'-' adulls, &-12-9.'.i20. 1 li\'ing~ $325. on .I yr lse. Children Welcome : e Nr. shopping & fril"y:r;. ioy $750,000 hcaltll spa, 1 • ' "!'\\" I I ' " Bl' 1' I I /~l fJCI~. 1 )'I'll !" lt•ttS('. . II' T '!"II 6'° '811 23"' Eld • "I°' . '"'in1ml n• pools 1 ligble<i {ust~~ J3!f really • :· f up e:., ~ " ~ \, ·, 3l7S5 5 C H 2nFt. 2BA, ocean vie"'· 111· 001 "1 er, -.v-o • Vt en Ave SJ:.:-. "'1 :.! Bil Unfurn. Fr. $269. : • fru1u $1 6J. • • C_rpts/drps/':'""1 ~;1.1~/ •ll'n , oast wy, D:-tnl'shr. re[rig-, c r Pt s, The fastest draw tn the \\'est. ..,...,..,..,..,..,,.,.~...,~ d p k" L tennis court.!, plus mUes of 2414.Vlstad(llOro VH'\1·/hlt -ins. $ai.1. DP LAGUNA LIDO APTS. diiis. S235 IBR/lBA, nll ... a IJally Pilot Oassified C1asslfil'.'d ,\d! Call 6-12-5678 Cl~~~:\·~d p~·! 111[;unn~ra~i~ BANBURY CROSS j birycle trails, punlni!', shut- 6 Nowpo33 ANYTrt Bea.ch ~9H-?:l21,. • , . I _ appl"s. $180. 979-5099. Ad. Call 642-5678. I loclay! , l l~·i·rt\1tiou 1iOoni (1\l'ar Bench Blvd & \Varner) I f!l'board, croquet. Junior l 's A 4.4 ·11 IME cr1:-.r. Lge front .... u1. ·"-3 1 Newport Beach 3769 2 J~R. rt:!Sidenrial style, Cost• Mesa 3824 1 ~C~o-.t~.-M~.-.. ---~J~8~24" I HUNTINGTON 1676.1 VIE:a''4'.2:06601N1' L.\MJ:: ~~~1\ ~~~~~nt;:::i. al:~ ~ ''CARMEL'' bas., con1_p!ete b!t-1ns. S-100. 13-\\"K Ul' I B. 2 ll !· sto\·e/refl'ig, ad!ts, no pets. .. 2-stO"" tO'>l.'n houses. Eh•c-., . lllO &-H-6.JlO .. ) . 1' II ' SISO 0 s d 1 -1~1 PACIFIC 0 BE H ., , Harbor V1r" Jlon1<-' . ·. · 1 1~1ch. Color TV, nia iil scrv, . · pen un ::iy ·~·." , WALK T AC t;ic kitchens, private patioe A c:ha.rn1.r1: iri nc1v section on :"liF:\\ 2 & 3 ~rn1. :.! 1:1. dhl JJOOI. TI-11:-: fl!ESA, .1Jj N. \\. lSth St., C.~1. 6T:>--8:J95. NEW! 7ll OCEAN A\'e., lf.B. Brand new f!eluxe 1, 2, 3 Br or balron!cs, cupetlng, dn.· • PClrt \\h1thy, :\ Bdnn~. 2 s:arngr. Euclid.~ r-.l <"t.~rldcn ! N<'\\'p<lrt Bl, NB. &16-!l6St $190-2 Br. 1~~ Ba Studio. {11.J) 5:)6.-1-187 I Crp1s, btt-1ns, frplc, gar. 311 perles. SUbtr1Tanean park· baths. la1nily rrn., frplc. nrea. Santa Ana. fi.1.lt-.'.'\.16. 1 • •. 01115, crpts, patio. 285 Ogle. o r,•. open 10 a1n-'pn\ Daily • 2'?n St, lfC. 8-11-J951 or in: with elevaton. Optional r~~1s & dr111•-. hll·UlS. . l BU: bch 2 Br rurn. Kids & . . . \\'ILi I,,, \\'ALTERS co I J I ~1 th 1 Apartments furnished prls ok NO\ll 10 Julv lst /\dJ. s110p g. 5 4 8 -814 1 , SPACIOUS• · , . · · 536·4S97. n1aid service. ust :iorth o &t4-~~fi.1~1TY.ias~r appt. B Ibo I I d 3706 S200 n~. Ull1 pd, &16-4tm .. 213-3.92-5221. II • , -NE\\"-2 BLKS TO BEAOf 1''ash~nn ls.land. al ~ambor~ NEW !!ARBOR VU a a san San Clemente Jn6 S210.2BR,2BA.QUJET. UNDER NEW 11, 2 & 3 Br. Open for 1 andSanJoaq1n"'",1~!~sl9llllRoad._~ ~,, d~ bltns J-·-' '"'"'"'''"n S"'' & '•Ion. N. j Telephone 1 """-J\.10NACO, 2 BR, 2 Ba. +LITTLE l!'LA;.ID. 2 Br. 2 ----------1'-'I' • . · . .-~ · t" , • ct"""' EXCITING• MANAGEMENT ~" -al I I ti gar Pri\ pa 10 ?\o pc s . \\". corner \\'an1er !.· Sims. ~rent n onna on C'OIJW;rt den. Tennis & Pool Ba, Sunderk, Gar age· 12 BR. _den, also 2 BR, both ?l2G .Th : . 675 5112 i e 2 Bit Blt·l~1-.. N l' 1\' l;. 1 Dolphin Realty t 213 J376-3-l~-I RICHARDS LIOO ARF.A prlvlgs. S450. mo. 960-1692 Fur n. or Unhirn. yrly. S,:175. · W/\\'h1tc ~·ater \' i e w . • unn a-l clrL'()l"it!rd. J::ncl gal'11g1•s. . , . Xtra nice 3 Br 2 ba F/P or 644-"1C)96 evt"S. 673-8761 Summer· S7:icl. n10. 'l16 i 11e,1tcd pool, c arp o rt , FOUR SEASON'S APTS. , See these UJtbelievably elegant, nev; and UC'antilul J,intbe:iping. 1.i:g Ufl1\~D New 2 BH. apts. · 21 d Fl ·A .1 • . davi::. Ct").'>!ill. 6 7 :::-717 8 , 1-, lndry/BBQ areas, close 10 '.? B_R,1·~ Bt\ To'>l.-nhouse ap_t .' pl·i\' ·irra--1 c·lnld ~ drf'ani' Ent:I garagcs. Re\' r:.n1. DI\\.', gar., 1 r ., ~1 ~' • ,.. h I ·~ oo ~ t -• •1= ' spact"ous 1 2 & 3 Bedroom apts i'ust one '· ' ' ' · ·· 1 ... ,,-• ·-•1· ,. 1• · 6/24 Rei;pon adults '350 3 BR 2 BA I d 1:zs-27.;9 "1 ,\:, p1r·r. 1!.i.:-17 1-.-1v. pa 10~ }-""'": -: .... ::o , , , ('In~· 10 ?>hoppl!lb & si·hls., ~-.1 ~· Lp. -. 1 or,;to11n, · · : · · blt.,n's rl •1,,'9 $Y55'01• ATTltACrJ\'E: 'l nf~ u1,11,.r. rr.nL1 ~1 1l ..... ·c;u1 L it i~·: t'lU!>l' iwts. &-IG-l-1:-,0. 13J Jonnn 5!: 1nile from the ocean. Enjoy luxurious built· Chilrl n·n 11 l'lt-01n1" p 1i : Ju~1 oH Beach Bh·d. On\"~·: mo. ht<"ld . uul. 613-0S4-I. • Y Y • • Frpk-. 1<:111·;1g1·. t 111 1x1. \•) ,., lx·<11·h. Ht'<1ll'1i pool. Yrl) 2 BR, J l/1 BAS. COUP-ins and the most exciting recreation facili· :i:Ai-11 ."~l; 11 no 1111-.. Sl7-73:":1. By OPEN ALL \\'EEh"f,'.'>D. 1 :: HR. :1 B,\. cpl , rlrp.q, DI\\'. mo. 1524 Anita Lane. ix•1-.. t hlk 10 ht•;1rh .. \\·:111 .1.o !>t1111111rr 1c111:ils. 2 Br"~. LES ONLY. $175. 610 ties around! Heated p ool. saunas. billiard O!F.Z OHO ,\P l:;;-hJ!ns. P•11il)-.. S275; 2 BR. 2 For appt, call 642~1121 11,r v.int1T rl·n1al s.·111. 1:,ti1 11 1 S;1111 ;1 [l;1 d ia ra ·l~i:,i.71_,,., JOANN A"PTC.54"9573 h bb I & !' 13 BRANO NEW :;;·1:1-t A1h1n1a BA. S'.:.'1'0. ,\dull ~. 1¥1 pct ~. -'W o-r oom, o y room, gyn1, ounge )ar-• \" 1 p 11 t or eve1 67.S..3404. ~.:~:i. 11.ll. li7:H-:.i'l!1 11knd~ -A U I -=-~·=~'°'"'..,--DUPLEXES l.~ ,i-.: :: BR . Pr1\" ;:;ir .. pool. • .: nll'll'l'. nr ri1t>: l(i:..p. . . , . :-1:::i:;12ui-::162 v.ku .. ,s. partments n urn. Sl:J..). - 2 BR, Infants to 1 yr Ques. . .. 11 -1~11 .. 1• dr\rr. ci"~·· 1,. Opt'n ~,,·r ,\ SL':-\ 2-:i P .. \l. * BH.Ar>;D NI:.\~ TO\\)';.-':-, • . old, 2077 \Vallace, C.~I. l1 1n1111n.:r1'n B•'a(·ti .! ,\ .. . '-.• ,·, . ----• HOUSE. 3 BR. 21~ txi, vie11 .. ~IC~~L'l furn baeh;lor .~r j Balboa Island 3806 &i6-S'.?'2J 1 Co1ne today to New Port Villa \vhere shop· 1 <'d t'(J(1111~. S~IJ -SJ.!~·-I 1~'<tl"h'.....'..-,.~~-~31__2_ ____ i'\<·11·port CM'!-.!· 0 L'Cfln Vic"·· End wiit 011 l:ia.: grel•nbe!t. round. I adlt, O\·cr 28. !\on . . ----=~~-~~~-ping. en1ployment and everything you need F 1 r 4' p ! ;i c", d1~hv.ashc r.' $149 2BR CPTS j l\C'>I.'. Pool. trnnis, :l BR/~ Encl patio, Cillis, drps. ~tnok(·r, no s!uJcnt, SllO. :-\J::\V 2 HR, gar~gc apt on • DELL-XE 3 Br, 2 Ba, all for the ''GOOD LIFE" is nearby. Choose .~101 1•, rlr•tP•'S, cho11·e of 1 drapes, gnr, pool. Spal'ious 3 BA. S3~l. 6-12-3-1\!0. bltin.s !l'plc $360 6-1-l-l 4so ,,10 Af")lena. B.f. ~r!y JPa.-.('. 116'~ Topaz. bltns, frplc, gar, pool. your new apt today \Vhi!e a full selection earp .. t1nt;. ·1hlol·ks 10 tx'ach.; BP. $199. 8-12--0::89 or !* SHAllP 2 nR, 1 BA, ooo ' · · B Ibo p · I 3707 1 12!3146~192. Open housr Adulls. $J15. 642-llJ:i. C;1!11 71 1 i 8::::-.11,~ bef\1·rrn 8 1 S-12-15().1 level. F:11slblufr. l'oo\. $295 3 BR. 2 _BA, rrpl, pnv. fncrl a a eninsu a , Su n. ,\lay aJ 12:30 til 6, l\1on l\F\\" ? BR t 1 I is available! ·"-'"_&;; p111. as k for Sandy. '·' 'EIV AP'fS . \l"ALK TO ~10. &13-1633: .~~3-8974. yd QuiC't ~a Rene .... e.l · l\I 2-Hl" 1 • .. ' ma ure roup c. FROM $200. to $375. ·' ho~sc : 11""" ri;int. crpts, 2 BP.. '"rly, S:!-0·, Inr!ds ut11.' ay 1 -:i.. 110. c!!ild or pets, avail l<.t. 1 MO. FREE RENTI 1 REACH. I & 2 BR's trom 2BR. nr. \\'r:..tcliff. Pvt. plumbing, fixtures .~-T"fll'.lf. 0\"Cl' 40. 673.-6.-.;.(iQ, 501 E. 1 Balboa Peninsula 3807 6.\.J-8120 after 4 pm. NEWPORT VILLA :-.:e11•, dt"lu-.;e 2 BR, he11eh ! S17J tv $23.i. £:\IRAS. p:t!io, enc. g.1r. $215. 1800 Clean. S375. Ov.11er 646--9:>64. Balboa Bl\·rl, Bal. I _ • 3 BR, pa!io. Children 11k ;o11»1. ·117 Yorklo1111. II B. ~136-2.l79. Cl:i~·. Appl only 613-.lT.ll Sup~ < s 2 , b 1 Corona del Mar 3722 UACllt LOH. SI G:i. 1 ~1 & last. Sl!f.I. mo -+-depm;it. Nr. bus 1549 PLACENTIA AVE AT 15th St CM . i:.•~ r .~ a, ;i_n1, 30~ E. B;iv, No. :\. Cill & OCC 4_ I . 540--085? ! , • . • !-.~TH.\ Lri: 1 hr '.! ha dlx !\'.E\\" '.!BR 1\P'T, "·alk tn DELlf.'\E IK'\I.' I.cg. 2 BR. '! d1n nn, club w/pont. S:i60 .. . 21'!-fill"" l t!lti · pex. Call(714)642·2357orcallcollect(213)882·8449 J)IJol~irlf' ;1p! nr ll(';irh Sl65. l~il.rh:~ \Y~hr/Di;.T. $225. 1 ha. bll i~s:. g~rage, S'.!50. l\"•1 tncld gnrdenC'T. 64·1--11~. TF.fi P.JF'IC \it>i\ O\C"rl0tJkin~ . i-' ' CLASS SELLS -642-5618 !~!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"."' :t::~ Flnr1cla St. :1:-)j...:i.'\8:.!. I H. JY,-2.HO. pC'1~. filr 7'16_. ~, . harb11r & O<'l'il ll. I Br 11/ Capistrano Be ach 3818 :: 1 EASTBLUF F , 3 BR, erpt:.., Balronl". Enrl 1-:rir. S2-15 ut il ! General 3802 General 3802General 3802 General 3802 General 3802 ! General 3802 drps, bit-ins, pool. Tenn1.., pd. 2.1'i0 &-a\"1{'11·.Cd~I. 1 (JCE.\.'lt VIE\\I 3 BR, 2 BA near-by. J'\o pet:;. $:::73. 1110. C t M 3724 l.ialrun)' e<pl s tlrns b!tns' "'"771 ,-· "'~"' os a esa 1 ' • , .,. • • ......-:> 1 or 1;J-.,,,,.,., \\"a.~l1er/dr.·cr. &12-Jl JJ. iNlf-Ne1\· 3 Br, 2 ~ fnnl Unbelievably Beautiful I Corona d~I Mar 3822 dn, fm nn, fpl, cpts, drps, \'AL D'ISEP.E Cal'den .\pis. pool &: te-n pryls. !-ndscprl Adults-no pt"L~. F 1 0 IV c r s I VIE\\/ $430. 644·~3.1. 64-1-17J9. c\·cr;.~·here. Strcrun & Ch<1 rn11n~ 1 br, h11le, ~lo1 c, SP.AC 4 BR, 2 1.~ BA Conrlo \1-atC'rrnll . 4j ' pool. Rrl'. 1 p;1t10 t1rc<1. a11lt s, $JOO. "·/ tJi>I, pool pr.·lgs. Kr. l1n1. Sauna. Sngl, l-2 Bdrni. &16-4j:n or l,)7:'>-7567. Catholic church & hi. s1·h. ~·11rn-Unfun1. Fron1 Sl.J:!.: DELUXE 3 BR, 21~ ba, 5-165/mo. Yrly l&e. 6·14-50-1~ ·"'(' ii al XIOO Parl>Onl'. · Fr1•l l·, :.! lillis to bcal·h. SOMERSET 5 BR, 3 b;1, fil:?-81:ii0. LriL'>t•-110 1x·t~. $Jj(I. n1u, comn1. pool, tennis c11 ~. $30 WEEK & UP I fij::-7127 $390. nto. 6-IO-..Jll-I or e Studio & l BR 1\pts. 13RA!\D Ne111. So of H~')·. 2 :DZ-7800. e T\' & i11aid Scr\it.:e A\·11il. BP., 2 BA . F'rplc. Sundl"'Ck. NE\V 5 BR, 3 ba home • Phone Service -Hid. pool I SJ.ii. 613-1171 or 6-14-627-1 . View, comn1. pool & tennis e 23C1nldi;en & Pel Section II NF.AR NE\\' 2 BR crts. &14-1481. 76 l\c"~rt Bl_v~ .. or Blrn K1lr hen. ,Ti~1 & . . 548-97:".,.-, or ~r:f.167 I All)' Ph 6-1-1 TI-IE BLUFFS, Tennis Villa, l BR ~l b"I H N · · 3 ~R. 21; bas .. Fain-rm, !ihopping.o sl~o. 11~~.P-Aclu~r Costa Mesa 3824 S46.>. mo. Lease 640-1711. Lad . C 1 ~•t ,.,, It -1 ~ or Pe., ..., -..J a J ., RR Ch ild ok no pers , S•n Clemente 3276 & \\'knds "$1TJ . .' 7:13 Shalim;,., SHORECLIFFS _ ocean golf l !-t'TOR'.' y;ith palio, 1 hrlrn1 I &l:r-076.) . .. BR 2 B\ furn. Enclosed g ar a~('. LR. 1 BR Uri Pd Bl course \'ltw, ... , 1 , \rl H<i 0 1 . $l60 546-99$0 I Li . 1 . tn,;, bcachclub prtv. $32,'). ~r 5-i· -2~7-1 · · · rC'rng, $1JIJ. Adlls, 110 pct~. 4~9.)13 r J · :..>n1:; Oiarle &1&-0ll2. C0'.1.!PLETELY Furn 1 ER NEW 2 BR CONDO apt. Adul1s, 110 fX'I~. 13! I LARGE 2 BR._ I ba, (·111~-~. Lovcly living. Pool, nr. golf Flo\\·rr. 6-16-7SS3. dr-p~_gar., $1 9J. 1no. 518-J300 course, 492·191 3. · cir 6Lr l.'{.19. I=-'"""'-'--''-----~LRG Bachelor, liv rn1 .. ~C'p.1 , ,,_.1 UXE 1 BR U , Sen Juan kitchen, bath. \~'tr pd. Poo l. · ur:-• • . · . ppcr · P~- C1pistrano 3278 /\dull, no pct. SI-IO. 6-1~&'%5. I t.:Jous -tl·rra:e. i'\C'11· c~q>eL $150. Call &I.> 1266 n~a1n. . . Turn your gou clubs into . =~.~~=~~~~-~ Ll'.:ASE Village San Jua~. a s!erro. &II thein ii·Jth , HLJ, TO OCEAN Jn1111ar. 2 nc~·. _3 un . 2 ba, n1r and use the money for a , Br. Beams, frpl. shg._ n1a- ronrh11onrd, d1_sh v.·n sh t" r, stC'reo! Ca!! 6-12-5618 Today. 1 ttl!"C' adlts. S2-I;,. 612-3:11.1. st" I f • c J ean in i OVC'll, a Daily Pilot Clas.~ifie<I A I I ('I ASS ~·1 LS -"J'l-"-''~8 drps/cpts, elect. gar. door 2 · ' j -· · · .~,.. • · ,,. -""' L·a.r gar. Fenc<'d y rd . Costa Mesa 3724 Costa Mesa 3724 Community lake & POOL, incl. gardnr. $295. 830-5146 .---------------------. BRA.i~D new home, lush cpts1drps. unfum. $300/mo. Wh I th k•d POOL privileges. Near San OS e new I Diogo >"•wy in Sen J"'" ~99-::736 11fl •'r ti pn1. NE\V :\BR/l1.B1\, crpts, th bl k? d,.,s, pool pm·. I ,1'. Imm on n 0" e marina. Har bor Lane. C ~ Cl'ntury 21. ,1f'!:;.1116 1--~~~~~~~~~~~-1 ~Ell" I UH .. "''"·'"'"··,..... AM B ASSA 0 0 R INN 111-:iJll'"· I ~4 ha. Lake &I poul . ~n prts. ~JO. 6-12-79&i S1nta Ana 3280 1 BRAND NEW · Lar~c. IO\C'ly:: hcd rr11, 2 h.1. "•Cl•••'•• s34.so &.:..U-:P-=.. adult oondo1n1 nitu~1·~ !-5111:11 11 ~."'" l- pets v.·c lro1nc. $22.i. 11\f}. ''""""'· w ... "' M-'4 lot•lco, U 836-t?O!i or 83.>-38-16. 1 -·- South Laguna 3286 OCEA.~ \IJE\\' :: BP. home j)l'IV. •'Qlllm. P.cc. Ccn1pr POOL, Tl-..~~IS, JACliZZI \\"alk bcnC'h. linmed PQ~S­ O....·ner S-1:i01m(} 493-5227 ' Hies Furn/Unfurn 3300 I ~PT BCll 5 BP., :t 1: h.LI fam1!y/d1nln::::. l<i\'Cl) deror.1 ln1mac. ,\\·ail 6/~ 1 ... T l..e Gardener , 11::;1. ~2-J~. SU'.\t~lER. yrl~. 11ntr. I BH, 2~11 Bn , 30· p;1llf.I hl4-4SOCi, !)e.9470 Comlos Furn BRANO l"'ew C u s I o 1n decorotcd, C'O:'\IPLETELY furnished 2BR. 2BA condo tn Ocean South. Pool. c l ubhouse, adull community. Nr AAopplng center, bus. tnltn. 30 mln. 1.0 San Di~, 'Rent by tho week or-month ~ctpl July & A°""lll. &48-3036 The: rutnt dtt.w tn lhe \\"tst. \ .• a Dt.UY Piiot Oua!Ued Ad. Cit! M}..5611. I liM'llt hinMIMd Mite.ti"' f•cilittn .. 91. lr•di1·iditot t...,. comrol Wttber Tf'k .. i.to.. a•ailele Dfflt diet ptlOflH a•llil. Joctml GesllQ'S .Rt<ttertioti IOOM WnlMr & Otytt ••oil WA TfRFAU-STIU.MS -UGOOHS 2277 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 645-4840 BIKERS. IRVINE Village of Universily Park. Informal apartment living for adul!s and families. Casual living flavored with wood and rlverstone and bordered by two large pa1ks. Pockel pa1ks, b1kepalhs. pools. and a lireside lounge. Deluxe shag ca1peling, lull-lenglh drapes and deluxe appliances. Ask about our pet seclions. 17560 Jordan Avenue, Irvine. Leasing office hours: 9:00 a.m.·6:00 p.m. daily Telephone : (714) 55 2·0900 Now available: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom from $185. oPARKUJ@@O OWNED ANO MA>(AGEil BY THE IAVtNE COMPANY . . . .... I WANTED: HIKERS. NEWPORT BEACH Village of Harbor Vi ew. Apar1rnents and townhouses for adults and 1am11te s. Two-story groupings in rustic wood nestled al random among the trees. Nature park lor a neighbor. A recreation cente r with lounges and game room s. Two swimming pools. Prtvate balcony or patio. deep-shag carpeting, deluxe appliances. Baywood D1ive off San Joaquin Hills Road. Leasing office hours: 9:00 am. lo 6:00 p.m. da ily Telephone: (7141 644·5 555 Now available: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom from $350. JI ' f ' • 3 c I /, { ' !,AN JQf,QUI N f11LL~ 110. . .. I SPIKE RS. 0 ' IRVINE Village al Universily Paik. A special apartment life for action-oriented families. Some sections for adults only, too. The taste of Califomia in slucco and mellowed wood. Five swimming pools, courls for lennts, baskelball, volleyball and handball. A heallh spa and a lull recreational staff. Central courtyards with private patios or balconies. Oeep- shag carpeling. lull-lenglh diapes, at< conditioning, deluxe appliances. 3883 Parkv1ew Lane, Irvine. Leasing office hours: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. daily Telephone: (714) 552·9200 Now available: 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom from $235. ePARKWEST ·' , .. .. . ; . ' . • , • . ~·, ( . • '• ' . r , I '. .. 3. .: " ' . " " ' . l : '. j : I • • i , ; • l I I I , ' ' •' ' ' • ' r Newport llffch I a.,.,.. r nt lndullr •I Rental 4500 Monty ound 7 I Help Want.d, M&P: 7100 l=C;;;;H;;A;;;N;;;;N;;;;E;;;;L;;;,.;;;;R;;;ON;;;;;T;;;;1--:B:RAN==o-:N::EW=-MINI WARl!HOUSES HUNTINGTON BEACH NEED ns.ooo 2nd TD REWARD J~-'?;,';',';\d~~.· All Shifts Open 2 BR .. l ba. -. for"°''· No )fo~e"!.G~..;...... SMALL SHOPS -=ho:':.~;,,,.~~: 'fu~ ~,Sez 1:: ~ patio&. ~1125. VACATION $$ UAJL V f'ILOf 0 1J 'W~ltc ~o'~EACH VERSAILLES .,.;.,...,,. From 17.!0 per ALL SIZES !'tine. only. 642-5583. i tauoo on riiht book "''""· a;MENT • Block Work. Pool Servi.. --'°"' WPAERETK-TE:!"DES month. M rt T t DMd 5035 , Vic. C.?i.t. Call 645-8103 ot .'I' alls. patka, llde1,1,·alks, 3 Bc:h•mt, .z baths llan1llt~ A N~wlamt St., IJB SlSO/MO. It \JP o ' rus I ~ 5S2-T9S.t l f't1,.·. By hr. or job. &16-6915. QUALITY pool M'f'\'ict free I lt1ul'!edi1.te ()ptntnaa f or Yearly Jeau. $32) ?Ito. ON THE LAICE ALLSPACE PitO. TO lttO -OK S UP TO -.1 f'N~ CEl\fEl\'T: Patio, drives, rsL cleaning only rellable 1 ~C'Urhy Guardl ln O.C. HOUSE 3 BR, 2 ba, frpl. 2 Car nr. F'urn. $400 titonth, Yearly associated BROKE.A!>-RE Al TORS 101§ W loJboa 61l·l66J At Scuth Coe11t Plaza. f~l'70 1'1cl'"'adden & ProdUttr or LOAN TV'l• rman She Ph t: rd . \\'alk»-Rl'pairs, saw Ir v.·orkma.nship Nefions Pool art>.i . 10-40 ffn:/v.'k. $2.Zl Pool • Acapulco Aqua Bar Gothard & Itel! 1 f TD l &pprox. 1 yr, ml\le, t~n remove. t"rff: e11t. ~ Se Ul-1661 hr. No P-tr>f'r, n~M. Call+ & Jac:ua:i. Spectacqlar 8 $25 SECURE 1lngle. No. l, Plea11e call Oiuck Schrelbcr s oans v./blk vest & bridle, VIC • rY. 6 pm, M6-9j71. ~Ct'C . Lake, w!To .. •:erlng 2t77r. t.Uner St, C.OSta Mesa. Aihwlll-Burke & Co. Nc.,..-port S~rea. t.' a 11 1 Contr•ctor 6021 f Roofing 6012 SJo;CURITY SERVICES CO. Fountiuns-~ 1'.lJUlon Dollar 642-50JJ, 49+-i7&3. 114:991-2100 2nd TD Loans 642-ssoo. 673-9-589. 'Design -r<enioue1 -1\ddl· I 1\PARTl\lENT r1'han11.gcr11. 98 ~ub:~· Cynt, SAuuu, 10X22' GARAGE. $27, n10. INDUSTRIAL LOST: Fem. lrlsh &>tt"r, s: lions -Palrit. ''Building RF.PAJRS. All. !YJ>C!l, Hr11... Unils. Gart/('11 Grove, expd tu Se<.:urlly. J 2176 Plactintia Ave C M cor-.t?ifERCJAL L t t 0 C rno~.. Vie. Bernard & I a.-. if il \\'ere ours.. l\l1tnor 1 Ft~e est. Lied. Allk fur ,·ouplC' 7 1 1-~ 4 6 _ 3 7 2 7 ln1tnedlatc Occupalll.·y I l'f!li.rl. 636-4120 bet~'TI 1:5 . OFFICE sPACI•' owts r,• •S reng• o. 1-farbor., C.1'.f. Reward• Con11tn1ctlon Lie ;.2'"J(J733. I \\'ult. 541-33!!8, ~i010. s::2-9t:i6 ' ADULTS . . · Salt er Mtg. Co. 833-6668 dny11, or 64Z-9729 s.w.7~ -- Sot'ry No Pets I Garag ...... Eastslde1 CM for If'~~ in cholL'i' 642-2171 S45..Q611 aft S pn1 · Sandbl•sting 6083 APPEAR IN FILMS ,'l'!!!!!""!!!!"""""""'""""""'": e,chelor I·,, 2 & 3 Br's. $~ 1no. 642-" ;.;7 ti1lsslou Vie_JO areu. c~ Servlr.g llu.rbor area 24 yrs. GER\\'ICK & Son Bldg 1-:11'11•at1011&\ n1edll\ n('t·d11 Saft Clemente 3876 I I $175 I Sl'OJt•GE G r . n .. I frwy ll.l~liS at Av (l l } Contr, Add, re1nod. S!. lie 11·000 1' Bid .. _ 111(.'rl & \\'Ollll"n ll•'l' 3j t 1------'---r om per mo. " oarage OJ •>.en 11 r k "·ay R c11 ! Io rs $3..i 000 Jst TD on rornnu'r [ )[j) B t 11 4 3 2 l 6 7 3-6041 £-.1\t., gs, uvuses, , ., • --Santa Ana : l959 litaple Ave., No. j paniclpaU~n so 11 c l t e d, s1ie do11Titown San Jua1; l'trton•lt .. I 549-2110. · ' boats, pallOs, s11,i1n .pools.! '.'~!W'Clt1lly ll\l!U,. '° -60 ·, ~o NE\V, extra 111.rgc '/. BR, i ! Costa Mesa · 400 . • .. Shop for sniaHer 1tcn1s .i tHn~. n1od<'hng f' -~JI · ocean view. $240. 4!)6....0016. 11,..55.._ A.t66 Office Rental 4400 NOW LEASING t~clud. 91t1 due 2 yrs. 10 ,., rernod, add. Uc. B-1 269072 \\' llUh St C ~l\'sa fl.\'fllla\Jle days, $3. hr., 1 ht' BA pool. Excitlng city & 3700 Plaza Dr. I . l!Jl~l · ~u~istr;.u~. $3.)(). P<'r 11~~· 1 I JACK Tau!ane, patio Ii, Quiek S.ind Co. trl&-4296. s.10 , Ht't'('ssa11 Tc 111 po rll r y ., DELUXE 2 BR, l* BA, ~ j d15couot Cn4) SJJ-l2l0. Personals 5350 ~ly \Vay Co. MZ-4703. · ' · rntn. Apply \rl.'<f.. tiluy 29. 2 \\'nlk to town/beach. Ocean I Huntington Stach Announcem•nt1 5100 Rooni Add!Hons, Alterations. TeleYi1ion Repair 6090 I -3 P~I. Co~cC"pt :'\ledla, lj()() v\c\',•. Adults, 49&--05:\G. NEW M-1 INCREASE your bustllne 1·3 u~ Reliable Free Est Jay , I Adnni,, tNr. Harbor1 3rd Sin Juan ~ '"~ !t40 Sq. :rt. & UP cup sizes in 2 ""'ks,' no Joh~iston 642~1403 · 'T \'. Seri.·1cing, since 1~7 1 t"lr Co~ta fll€'sa . '[) b llarnUton &: Newland ::;1. ~lE:\lBEiRSlllP, 1 1 m 1 t e d • exercises, pads or gin1mlckl , / Sl2.9.j + parts total. t Unless C1pistrano 3878 " t:trts ff0..J9 70 $1500. 74 Turbo Cc_ntunan ALSO Custom fit 1 in g ·I Electrical 6032 shop \\'Ol'k TIC"eded1 Ree<>nd. ll, rost S70M. Full lfR. S.25. halters/s\.\'lmweai· Juanita ----T v:s guarant('l'd LEASE/option lo buy. '~ 2 BR. Townhouse, frplc, J>('r hr New 28. n1o!orhome, &12--4272. · ''ELECTRICIAN Li~nse FRANK SC'HROTll T \I. I ASSEMBLERS rent appl~s to 1iurch. price. froni $250. 1 BR, lrom $l95. NEW BLDG 1 !'lf-1. 1200 sq It SIO. per day. 40 yacht, 1 SPIRITUAL READER No. 233108 .. Small ~ JOhS, 83~ \V. 19th, c '\f J.tS-33S6 New 2 BR I u \Y 11 h s c. Pool, tcruiis, continental $176. 2400 sq. fl. $355. 220-3 La Paz & Tahoe condos, n1a1nt & r€'p11.1r.i 54&-~203. D r P s I dlihwshr/rng/pool-brcaJ.:rast. Serui~te family 1501 Westcliff Dr. ph. !root office, crpts, lrg much more. 556-7658 or Ope_n 10 Alf to 10 P~I Gardenina 6045 Tile 6091 I /Indy fn cU. Beftt area -nrl 1 C .. -y NEWPORT FINANClAL rear, doors. Anaheim & 8J2...4442. Advice on all matters. --~·--'''------/---------- 1.X1na Marina. S205. sec _ion. lose 10 shopping CENTER Terminal \\'ay, C.ri1. Days 312 N. E1 Camino Real >lOIV & EDGE ex""rt + NE\V & I Four day ,.,·ork 11,'N!k. 10 1!16-_JI""' • '19?.-20111 & f111e beach. &U-2611 • 646-5033 or eves "A"""<>! San Clemente. For app!. .. ~ CERMTJC TILJ:: 1 d 6\t-.1 1 ""' leas1nn office space <H<MIO!I • 1 Call,~~,, 49" "136 de•"'ndablc. Cnll for pron1111 rPmoricl. 1-~r<'" 1•<;;!in1 ·11r~ IOIJi's fll'r ay, ' 0 .,d!l.>., I• ""· ...,.,_,,,. {'pf,! NE:\V, large 1 BR, Ulils. CALI., ON-SITE MANAGER 0200Fi;: +d •1·odrk,1ho1p + 0083'x Loil and f01nS V,\SECTOr.1y free eil. John 546-3+16 S;11 jobs, 11·1'h·o1n~· .·1:\11-tL' i hut 1101 nccesiial')'. S 2 .00 per •1 2 BR 1 "· • !CE ![gj """"""" ,,...., .. ~ -· 1.30P'.\I. Espericnce helpful, rps, 1:icw 1 • I'll/\"(•, ,. ovi•t!. I incl., pool. \Valk lo beach. \714)642-JUI Ext. 2•16 yar · ea or at Co·f•'do•t•'al ,·. f 0 ,. ''''' 1 ,· 0,, 1 EXPERIENCED .Jop,1nesf' I Top Sor"! 6092 I Good 1\•frii,:, 'J, t"ar gar. x121 1 San Ck•tJl(.'ntt' Sl8j, 496..(1616 building, brickyard, lrucx . " ..... " I __ ,, 1our. . c 0 11\ pan y .. 1st mo FREE $37" ('U!ln!<Pling & rvft'ITHI. t:ardenl'I' y;.i.-u, n1a1nlenancc h1•nrli1s. Palrl hi?lll!h, Ille rl\SOO Cal"n\CI (It' pl~H1C i\lt·. R-• Sloragi.'. ('(C. J j){.'r ITIO. d I '3 10·~ .,., p 'OIL r· \II'() -1· OOm 40DD · 11 'd •· 1 • L t & F d 5300 APCARl::. Jucorp. A Non-• a!l c can up !.lb -.<u * l .'i * t 1 :-.. 1nsui .. u1Cl' \•aca1ions & sick Rodman. 2134i1'1-1!i~1~ s n.,1 .. ~.,. ~ 1_01 ofllc". ""•·-·J, ut1J s ... '_.fs1. e ...:.~. ..1-1 os oun \IUJ ~1 1 '·'U\I'( ll · ' · l-"C """ -''"' ... '"".,... "1'' ~"oz Pt'OTil AgPncy., ti~2-4.136. , :\TOW &· f;OGE l'X''"'l1 ... * • ·.'"r .• •. ~:.· JI; !0 •;11i· S t A 3880 . 1 dn1pes, air condi11oned, in zonL·. u ,,..,100 I -.,. c 11 151 i ·d(I an a na SLt::F.:Pl:--IG Hoom_, rrft·1i;, j Nr11·1l()rt Bee.Ch near Lido NE\V M·l 1400-50CIQ sq It shop CALlf' ANIMAL CONTROL MASSAGE & SAUNA-drp(·n.f~;.rhl1" Ca!1 f1~r v_ronipt :i -::. 1-J., BEAUTIFUL I 1~'l'l's, l'ozy, Pl'LV. (.'!lli'. • Shori~. 520 .!iq. fr. S2·10 & orfic'!s. An1pl prkg. 208 3 llunii;igoton Beach Shelter Ck•an 1'00n1s, p I ca s ant frf'C' 1 sL .John .l-16-:1 4·\6. 1 Tree Service 6093 I l.t'nT!i•in;in.. lll·l's._., ~.No: nionlh. Call N1•wpo1·1 Place phase pwr·!rash scr., ~Int 8.j21 Edison St. 536-2.lll ari~osphel'e, TV & loungc. FINE EDGE sui·roundings !.· rhc1~1·h11 ., .:"1110kJt1g. $120/mo. 61 ... -.1.tll. I /l~alty 67j...;l60Q Joe, nr. S.D. f.rwy. S.16-l2J2. I Back or Hum11.ne Society, ) . Call Donna at 963-1247 Y·.rd i\l:1i11tcnano.:e Scrvirc , TREF. SERVICE, rrin1111111g. ,\pply ln Pf'rson spa('1ous :ipr.~. I !{00i\I ~·o~ l\f,\N, $70.' *WATERFRONT* $123 UP, Stores. Or!ices, i\Nil\lAL ASSIST. LEAGUE /8839 Adams Ave>, Hntg. Bch. Clca11ups/Hauling. 5-18-8625 1 ~fi~el;~~·R~~~~o~·~i~'.'l91\'}' & : :~~~~si~:~~ S. C Plai,·i 1•11 r.l1Jy~~7J I-lower St. C. ti!. I Prinic NewPQrt Beach loc. Individual air L'Ond & bath, AdopH011, spttying & HOUSE SITTERS GARDEN Service clean up!!, TOPSOIL CO'.\TPOIT : :~c i~~-~~~~l~u~ts 'il.;"\GL~. roon1s. ror rent. \\'el bar, private bath i\f-1 SPACE COSTA MESA AN11'>1ALS IMPOUNDED nvall. full lime, fr n 111 free C:'.I. Expo·r. 9fi3.-1072 * J\IU~c;1 ~ ':t~\\ OOD . ti·l:r9J .. _li I f~xecu1iv.:o uffit'CS ,,·tfi•ptc .. !7301 Beac.-h, HB, 8,12-283-i I\'cutf'ring inforn1. 53&-~13 Poti~n1an & \\'ife, niid lO's, planting, lon~ rf'novaUon. I * · * . · . ~ PR I MARK PRODUCTS CO • e FR0~1 Slooihlo. '"" ~ho11,'•'rs, fw1ushed. C<,tll [Bill G111n<ly Rl1r. ti7.">-til!il 1200 sq. fl. WGAN ST Irish Seiter, Red, fen1. 619174 to 8/18/?.J. Refi'r. EXP~RT LA\\.N CARE a ti. PARK PLAZA II ... ll~l I NEW 011·11cr 64&-1252 64.J....2228 Gt•nn. Shep., Tri, fem . l!M:l5J 76:>-2M4. RELIAB.LE ·. R,EASONA. BLEI Schools & . 2620 s. su~a/I &1111a Ana, Cuhf. •BC'h1·c-en Harbor & Falrvlf'\\, Soulh o( \Van1C>rl . 1-'LJHN 1uo1n \\/ pnv ba & . ,1 --Collie, mix, tri, nialc PREGNANT? JOJIN 556-:841 8 i 70 80~f \V. Ste\•ens \Jall'Ony. s2a \\'k, & up. Plu_sh 0H1c~ Bl~!K .. -lo 6 1!1u ~Oc PE~~~: ~T NB 1'C'rrier mix, Lt. Bm, r . Caring, . c 0 n fide n l i a 1 1 N s IDE-Out 'J\rain1~nru1ce I lnstruct1~~-~s ( 0 Sunflo.,..•cr l Z-J()() &1n·ie""" Cdl\l. s~l\es. on erl"!nt'C n_n. sq. fl. ire ' Shep mix, tri, n1a.Jc I couns~hng & re f ~ 1· r a l . Conip. Janitorial-gardening I INfo'A.~T S\\'11\l lnslrurtnr. ·11nta Ana 5-1;')....!..!_21 FOil rent furn rm. in Co~ta ~~'Oxm~;:~ Near 0 .C. air-liaun1gartlner. 541-5032 Terr!cr mix. Blonde, r·. Abo1·_11on, adopt' on & . cleanup service. Beautify Private lessons. c,-.11. \\'S I. Sunset Be1ch 3890 ~lcsa nice quiet home for . · · . ALMOST NEW C.M. Ten·1poo, .Black, fem. J kl.'t'p1ng: your home also \.\ith our Day or eve 97~j,j2j I 1,,0,.1,:·~ rnan. 642-4794. 01' FICE SPACE ~ 0 R 1:;oo Sq ft, $185. per nio. Poodle n1L'C, Black. n1a\e APCARB &.l2-1436 instant sod iaii·n service. ORG,\N LESSONS 1-· OR ,\u •'{jt1HI opportunity Ernploycr m/f 2 BR Apt , l~f'.:<>Unr~N'k, 1 Rik HoOM f 1 cd J· J RENT. Costa J\1e!IJ:t. 1.larbor 6-1-1-2361 or 646-9168. Doberman, Blk/Brn. fen1 . \VJTNES..'i lo or observers or Reas. Sandy \\'ood. Free J Seo-inners. at my honie j:==== tn ocean. $2:i0. \ rty. 12\31 , 1 or enip oy a Y at ,\dams. Be au t 1 f u J. Terrier niix Blk feu1 . i\lotorc,·cie accident :.1ay u 1 "'" ·770 .-iD2-107S 1 1.'111Y· ~sta J\lesa~ 1''r. bus & I n1odcrn. Air, n1 us i c.' Storage 4550 J\1ix S!iag,1,');, Ch~'Oal, r . es ma es u-t..-J 642-2936 Kim Clark. Apt. Furn/Unfurn 3ftAl'I ~hoppJn~. 548-4485 ' janlfonnl, Class A. \\'alkf'r . . Geiilt Shep, tri, fem. 20-9:30. pm Pacific Coast COLLEGE trained gai,dener l ASSEMBLER '~I R & B d 4DSO I & Id C I '· JJ * * STOR \Gr pace l-f11,;:, 62nd Newport. Shores. 11 ho is proud of his quality I [Ill , oom oar , · Li.'l' B g. al Vcne 1!1 . . .. ., '. ,1 ' • s •Cerni. S/1-1 Pointer, male · PLi'~ASE call 642-7a7!! I ,, 0 ,., •. Cornpi"(c ,,,,,.,,,, or I I j live BIG! 111 Oal<.wood Qaro,·n A;'\•rl C.f1E:AT RECR[.\71C~. ,.,, .. rr.nq, saun 1·., r.1·d ·, t .. ~ , t•lhards, !c r,r· ... 1 '.J & f "i Rnop , goll dfl~·"i 1.1r:c;(•, r·•" I 1-.cm. etc I 'I ACT!VITI! ' .. " .. .-~o• If,.,, t .. 1. ,, : • E:.>~J~.t11P~.1a1~,l~··R.lr ·· BEAUT If UL APAnTt. ·~ ', T5 " nqlf'r., I z. :' r ,.err )r I·•"'. ,<; u··f· ·1 :, "1 , • '.l /110df'I:, (.' 'l rl o, 1, 7 Sorry,"" r."'1, or ch •ui. '\ Oakwood Garden Apartments Hrwport Beach North l11·1ne and 161h 5.15 O'iSO ~cnts lrom $1.tS Newport Beach Soulh !6!h al Irvine 642·8170 Rtnts trom SI60 CALESPANA NEW APARTMENTS I ;}j7--0136 or 6-12--0200. Li x .. o · ~17 . ·~votado St .. Poodle n1Lx off \\1ht n1ale " ... tmploymenl I Ll.JJERLY Partially blind ....,..-•·JO. >"REE RE'NT * Costa fl1csa, &4.>-5714. Doxie/Terrier, 'fan.' Illa.le * PALtit & CARD READI:;R ! n10,,... & edge· cll'anups · ivy 4 day work week 10 11 1 n \\anrs C'ld Jy o " R I W d 4600 AD/REDUCTJON. t r110111n•Y. l , 'p '.'u 'r . · -o , er0 ~t\~· -:--io lease 1~q. DI.~. o[{u·rs, enta s ante Co\!1l' mix, Blk/Brn, n1alc 10831 BEACH BLVD. ' GEORGE ::..19_201 :; 1 _ , hours per day, 4:30 M 1 :i.1u & ',"11 l. mpRanL _n.Nll~l~ adj. ,\11·porter llotel. :l:ic St1. 8 ·n Cd'! .d d . 1 BuH/terrier pup, Jeni. STANTON 527-34!Xi I I Job Wanted, Male 1025 1 to 3 AM, (2nd shift) on 11~·111 . pl 1v. eas. I( 1 ,. 1 A/C f 11 . . \ . " ns1 ent es1rcs Shell•'e/P00<llc p"pp;c, b I F · 1 HJ{ · t C \f 646-3.J~ ! r r. inc· · u scrvitPs. d fl u LlFE 01• DEATH: Let our MOW & EDGE temporary ass. ac-;lr :i~.;d ·~r· 5-1~-00;u' i <!172 DuPont rn1. II Bil groun . oor ~PI \VJH Te1Ticr, Trl, fe111. 1, .. b,·c· ,,.,,,, For alterna10·, ..... 1 Ul\1·es1 Prices l\IOTEL :i\1ANAGER . "·ould tory e·-rr'ence helpful, • ~:. J ' ' • Rr~3223 (:J Iii rnlll 1 \1'/gar .. Cd~J. Reasonable. Lall nii.':: Brn/Tan fcin " ,, ~·· like lo n1<1nagc n1otel, kl'l'ps .. ,._ .l;"·kic · · 11 !'.: v es 6 7 3 -O 7 3 4 or ' ' · to ABORTION cHll L!Jo'E Best &-rvicc business up. lf:i\"c ref's. but not nece11ary. $2.00 DJ-.:SK space available $30 2 J :~ -6 7 1 -3 3 l 2 : tl<r)'S La, b, Blu~k, female L!N~ 5-ll 5522 24 h s Grorgi' j.1~201.·1. 9 " .,,,.' I h'f dlf Summer Ren1als 4200 nio. \\'Ill provide furniture :n:l·ti?i!-<i2.J2 illr. Biu·kus. J omeran1~~· Red, fen1 . . 1 . -• r · Call S.J:>-17 1 or 6.J,.......,.:·. per hour, pus s 1 t -, I at $5. nw. A nswcring HC"aglc 1n1x, 8/\V, n1alc BEST ?i·fASSAGE IN N.R. ** P,\\\':-.r Y_OUR LA\\"N !)!::CK HAND job \1ant!'~!. ferenrlal. Appty in per-f:\C!.\C; OCE~N, N.B.. st•ivice 11vailable. 1787 5 Cd;\t., 2·3R house I o r J'OIJdlc, Black, f£>1na!e 3•100 Irvine A1·c., Sui!e 1038. ON US * * , Yueht n1aintcnance exper. 1 son. ·"_P<.1<'. ~ u. 2 f11'.111ly, dblc apt. BC'uch Blvd., Huntington fan1ily. Aug. 3 thru ~u~. 17. CATS Opt'.'n 8 Ai\1, ~1011, \Ved, Fri., Reasonable, rrrc csl1n11t.tC's. I Cnll 675-5742. l-..1. ~lf-1'f'Jnl a1n~. Summer u .... 1 •. 12.4,21 So. of J·l11,y_ 714-985-;i660 Siamese s. Pt male Ann. 557-o539. 645--0.::.03 or &i:>-2101 * -=~· "-"===~'----s·;!lj, \.\kly. Also avail Sc-pt. u-:•tc 1· "' " · , · ' · , · b W d M&F 7075 1 ,,11 11,•iJ1tl'r lease. 4 9 I 6 INTERIOR DESIGNI:;R 10 2 BR., 1~2 ba.; unfurn., B!k, Wht, Gray, f.1 & Jo . NEED to talk to someone? SP RI N K LE R Repair. Jo S ante , l Senshore 6.}6-8032. . Sutrlel office space. z.·rom Ye~ r I Y. Balboa/NCl\•port Grey Tabby, .male Call night or day 64~2<!22 ~~a;,1;~g && ~!:s~ n ( ~ j j RETIRED Brirish l< I d ., ,, I S75 to $300 share rccep!ion Pcnin. 673-£39-1 Aft. S Ptil SEVERAL kittens. assorted ABC HELPLINE I "'" ,908 ""plain & \\'ile have r";~e~~ J;,\J.I h\ Is un :. or, · ·• . colors. For adoption. 0 S R ,,..,...... · ~" I i-;ar<tb:I'. sll'l'P~ ti. July $175. ~a. ~711 \Vcs1 chff Dr. AND OTIIERS, 5:1&-2513 T M l'M 0 RY ~Pcco~fcc.~,~;0c0-al7""--,J-a-p-a-n-e:-c-s e lv arnved U.S.A. are n\·;ul. po.•r •,\'k. Aui:; & Sept $200.1 N.B. 64:>-7800 ( 11 • J . try again. 502 GIT Ballxia Gardener. George lbushi. f;w suitable cn1ploy111c11t. tii:1--W29 l\"knds (213J24& .. 3162 UFZ."ICE/Df:SK SP,\CI::, 0. t°1nmcial LOST: } cm. Do berm .an Beauly. 2777 Bluebird Cu·. C~I. Tf'le. j.18-0136. 11kda)S. Cly Airport/Irvine aN'a. · Pinscher. rccenl!y spa)ed, J 545-7072 STt.:u"J70:N~'T""',..=,ckcin_g_p7/t~j~ob, --I A .1 .· J 1 ,~~ Blk/Tan, Hunt. Bch. area. NEED to talk to son1eone? 1 . ~. p 'l BH, ftplr. 2 B,\. 1''r. iml'k, va1. puor. une . . ,,,,, Bu1ines1 0 r 5005 536-2511 anytime rlay or Call night or day 64;>-2222 EUH.OPEAN Garden t' r . flt u1 sun1n1er. v.u1a o111t 1 hl·ach .i;, bay. s:n:i \\·k. JWCi I ~n1r scrvic<'s 1 n c lei. ppo night. ABC HELPLINE Maintenance_ Landscaping. area. After 6 call 496-4256. _!';,rk Ln. 673-0-173. HJl--02-13 Affiliate LOST: titale Seal 1~oint Tree rrmov .. al. Very i HelpWanted M&F7100 PRIMARK PRODUCTS co. 2620 S. Susan Santa An•, Calif. ( BetwHn H•rbor & Fairview, south of ltE:\T our home In Kona by \ •\l~PORT _area,_ 1200 sq ft, A CANDY H 1ma 1 a Yan Needs I ~ reasonable. 6-12-J329 eves. ' \\•'ck ur n1onth. Phone i \l'J~h 6 offices. $a-IO. nlo ilicl SUPPLY ROUTE medication. Vic. l2nd St,' I . · ] Lawncare by ''2 G1ls11 I 6T>-4#1 · UuJ,&ianllon•I. "lcatu•···,,g.. NB ,._..,...._. I •kl /I 642"~1 1 *ACCOUNTANT .~,,.--,-~.,-,-,=-o"' I ~IULLAN llealty i . . I i1 Y serv c nups .,,,,., l'L.\'. l'o1nt. Beaut. 2 Rr. B!k , ')KxJ 1 . 540-2961.l THE NATION'S TOP 673-716-1 963--70'28 I Con.sir., Cost, Degree. ,\n 8quaJ 0 p port uni I y 111 Bay/B<"h/Park. $180. per 1 ' l'\'lnc, CHOCOLATES . U . 1 & fenialc Gener al StrYlces 6046 3 \'ears exp. Sl4.!XJO Employer M/F 1 11_,••·k tlT.l-9l69 or 67:~119'1. F:\NTAS'I_'JC :-'ie\\' ~f \Joy .on Se1:·ice 1.1nd n_1ain1ajn y~ur ~d~g~~biac~l~~th lite beige Accounting 6001 Liz R_elnrlr 2 ··s A~l"!lll'Y I_ I HE:\T ow· home in Kona by 11.alcr. 11.ighrisc pnv. o~ffice o~~n rout~. Tius ~ppo~_utiLty n1ttrklngs. Vicinity \Vilson & BOOKKEEPING, Ta."<e:oi ror B ,& W_ MAfNTENANC~ : 40'10 Birch !:it .. Suite lo.I I ' 11cc•k or month. Phone \\I rec( pl, from S225 10 \ias dc>si~e? ~peciflcnlly Fordham Rd, Costa Mesa. individuals or companies .. Gen l n~a1~1I., elcc-, P!un1b1ng 1 Ne_wPQrt Beach 833-8190 I ASSEMBLER Werner) S7S--+H.J S;l,75. ~r n10. 5.56-7858 or 831 tor. lh.e d1s1r1but1on of t_hc 1>42-7216 Call &15-0683 I & painting. No JOb too Dial A Job SJJ..0855 , I lGl-4442. nations top assorted mm· , • small. Low rates. 900-22·11 No Charge To You , Vacation Rentals 425013 SUITE Office for W:A!:i'l:::, iature chocolates. Locations FOUND. _Black Lab, 3--6 Babys1tt1ng 6008 ; H.B. 645-Zlfl C.l\f. E bl'shed l9ti. TRAINEE over 500 ft Const Hi\'Y to be established by our nionths, lJlh & Santa Ana --sta i J UfU\ND New cu 11 tom frontage',~ s·. Coast fiwy, l'Ompany. You may kccpl 1~ve., Ne11,·po_rt Heights. \VIU.. sit infant or older at HOME NEEDS \\'ORK? decurated, C'Oti1PLL'TELY I l...."1$;' B ·h 494-1915 your present position bu! C.J\I. P.O. 11,·111 keep 2 rlays. my h 0 m ('. References, s~aii 1f:ssouofr Res!!~,, ACCTG CLERK furnished 2BR, 2DA, conrlo · 1 ' nlust have 2_8 hou~ ""I' Please call Police Dept. r.11ssion Viejo area. Cail .... ~ ui Ol'eana South. Pool, I NE\V 01-"FJCES . k . ".' .. .. . 5,Sl-2288 Coast Home Repair 645-8197 r.lin 1 yr gen acctg. Payahlt>. clubhouse adu l l 120C Quail St. Ne\\'pol1 Beach \ll'C' spare ~i~e and <!uahfy LOST gold snake nng Haulr'nn 6051 i' Rec e i vablc expcriencl'. 1 · ' . , Co . 8 foi-the minimum 1nve11t· w /ruby eyes, Jost on beach· Babysitting evenings n1 y • con11nun1ty. ~r shoep1ni::, mn1 I rokers 833-&.193 n ent Ca be \\Urked da)'' 11 l 1 , _ RE-honie in Costa 1'.lesa, aJter \\'rile 10 ~!rs. Co111f'lr1. cc111cr bus tr.un 30 nun rn • . . 1 · n . near o e a..nguna. · 17621 Von Karn1an \1·e S ·0 · 11·. kJ · COAST H\\'Y., loc. All util. or eves parl or full tlllle \I/ARD Dave (213) 98&0279 3:30 pm. 2l!l! Sterlmg. CM. YA R 0 ' ·• an 1ego. cc :.iy or ' incl except phone $85 tilo al "f al bar' · 1 B . S , 1.AAA , garage cleanups, Irvine, Calif. 927ffi. n1onthly except July & 1 C ·foomas Rltr · S48-5527 11 . 1 .e oEr e~! e, age_ no. -LOST· \VHITE CAT, altered us1nes1 erv1ce1 INV:r I remove trees. dirt. ivy, I •"'"~"""'""'l'"'"~""~"" August. 5-iS-3036 1 · ' · nei . xce ent tax 1"nte mall'. Vic. Harbor &I ~ driveways, .lit Umps. A 1· Cl k 1 Central location 10 S.D. & . . . DELU:\."E, Paneled, i;ho"·cr', of!. d N ed d .1 rifrMEO, P~ROONAL BUS- 847 _ 2666 ccoun ing er ) G.G. fn,·ys. \\'alk to shnrt-!i~HOJo. C,\BIN f~r Rl'n~. b:Y ( Air rond \Vilh 1a x 24 sior· ~lin1mum investment : i\ 81:'1~·. ..e. 5 ai Y INESS LE'JTERS, Stat, ·., National sailboat mfgr needs , rlin,I!. Lo1ely grt'l'll belt d;iy or. i1cf'k. No1 1h Sh~1e age attached. C.t-.1. 5-lR-9700] $2,200.00 n1ed1cat1on. ;,1:>-4248 J\1nscpt typing, LAGUNA (\10VING .. l..oca! fwn. or payroll 'Acc:lng Clerk. Exp. 1Hnd~eap1ni;::. 2 pools. ja.1 L;1_kc:' ra~.74~omplelcly 16UWESTCLIFF-NB I ln\'e:.!n1e11t secured. interest LOST srnall v.·hite long h~ir BUSINESS SERVICE 490 S. gen. h=, 32 ft. furn. pref'd. Cati 556-3720 for info. Immediate 1st shift re- quirement for small parts mechanical as- sembly. Desire a high school grad w /local work history. Compa- ny paid medical & life insurance, modern a / cond facility & ample parking. l:11zz1. l·lulJhousl', voll(.'ybnll. lui iushl>d 96 -I . -. .. fi-ee finanl'ing available for fen1ale cat 5/17. Vic. Coast Hwy 494-taJl van. 64 · E.O.E. I 1 & 2 Bit's. f"urn . ,t.; Unr.1 CORONA de! Mar July,' 5-IJ,1200,2300 s/f f>ll-5032 C'\pausion. \\'arner & Graha1n, H.B. BOOKPG ty . J. I . I HAULING & l\.lOVING, fas! ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Adulls. L'i:!OO ~lagnolia SL · Aug., &·pt. Z Br, l Ba fully 1 Business Rental 4450[Fu1· inu1'l' inronnrtion \\·t·itc: 846-1316 I N ed hei , t::Jf• Ro' in g. ·: lo\1' cost S(.'rvJce. Bxt 617. I Exper. prcf'd. Z."/tinie. Fountain \lalll'y 893-0:>!~ ~~~·n.; s;;oo. inu. Adu!lx only. 1 Distributor Division FOUND: Black puppy with B~s Se;:,;. Reas x~~=s~ I 49-1-1!)03, 54:-M).187. I Con1·. fJ::ispita! 642-lfi98 Family Fun Apts. Cd~t.July, Aug & Sept. 2 Br. VIE\\'. Del Obispo Road, P.O, Box 5512, feet. J\1esa \Voods area, Tree & shrub trim or Exper. pt·l•f'd. }"'/rinll.'. --. ----~ II tii.>-.. 48:t NOW LEASING Department: Choco!ate·C30 \\'hlte on chest and 2 front Zia1-2827 eves. Ce.... llauling-l\1oving·Trash I ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR A\\·ard \.\'innin~ \, 2 & 3 ':r ' J Ba. fully ~wn. saoo n10. I D~na Point. 2 story, off ices, . San _tila\L'O, Ca. 9-1402 C.fl.I. 557-'il56 Carpenter 6015 rcn1ovaJ. Est. 542-94:>3 Conv. Hospital 642--0;)98 DUNCAN Electronics, Inc. 2865 Fairview Rd. a pis \\'/fun11ly rn1s. l\o I Adults only. 61~3482 suitable for doctors, Please include phone nu111b£>r FND· G nna sh c herd PATIO... Co & D k LOCAL n1oving & hauling by ;earc. ~~I)'. :;o ~l'IS.1'6ro,~ Rentals to share 4300 ! dentists, architects, etc., FARGO Sable r~m. V~ry geritJe dog. CU.stom de~f~ed exr!~~ student. Large truck. R~as. j ADMINISTRATIVE }~1!11 . SJ .1. U \\ j : stores, boutiques .. Exclusive SANDWICH SHOP Vic. West Costa Mesa. 1 built. Free estimates Barry, 5:31-1235 or 539-9438. J Costa Mesa I 1 Corner •·air ... ic11· & Ad1-11ns 1 l::::qual. Oppo1-. Employer un111.v Ap!s., 1~. Ai_truns EXl'::C. SECTY, \\·ants lo noncom pet ltive area. Near 0. C. Ail"fVIM 642-mI 646-7598 8-16-949:5 M • nd Ha II A,ve. IArlfln1s 111 f111rv1ewl, share lge 2 br. 2 ba apt. in Occupancy end of 197'1. ··-ov1ng a u "9_., CO!'ita J\Jer.a, Plwne 557-4785. l...ui:,'Wla Niguel wt suitable 0 w n er/Broker, {7141 , 9reo,"y911'eeo k3 FOUND: 2 small dogs C AR p ENT Ry. M>stcr SlO &· up. * 963-bl.l. \\'e have lrainei' positions SECRETARY SR. ASSEMBLERS NEW "'" -oo .. TcITier/Pood.lc, blk &: whl. Craftsm•"-remodelutg' & MOVJ"G H 1· E ll'n1 roomrnafe, 557-nso or ""~ · Stead}'_ business, tenns. Vicinity H.B. High School, -· -,~ , au 1ng. xpcr. available. l.rvin•~ are a. MESA GARDENS 586-3600. Ask for Barbara B. 00\VNTO\VN Laguna Beach RIVIERA REAL TY Call 842--&178. finish w 0 r k guaranteed. Rrliable. ReaiiQnable. Free !rnincdiale opl'ning f o. r 'i Come in or rail us today! tJtil pd. Air cond. Spacious 2-11\IATIJRE prof. straight store, 1650 sq. tt. Parking * 642·7007 * BLACK Poodle "Poochie" Fn>e Estimates. 4~3100 es!. 832-758'-. e:\pcr. sf' c re 1 a r y Jn ,,...,..-------.... I 3 BR ""' r;:ar. Immed. ; male sc(.'ks sanie. Ocean vu, NEWPORT & 17th St., Costa Lost since Mother's 0a,y in EXPERT CARPENTRY I Housecleaning 6054 1 program/engineering dept. I c-f-' occupancy. Gyn1, rec nns. 1 Lag. Bch. 494-2761 0 r !\:eta; 1100 sq. tt store, C.M. park vie. 573 Plumer Cabmets -General !l('p1~ , _ , , HrQuirC's typing 50-60 \.\-·.p.h. 1 j·f.i:tJ. aauna, pool. 2881 Bris!nl. 4!J.l-&l2S I parking. e COCKTAILS & St. CJ\-I 1 RC'asonablc rates. 64.>-l9'J:l H ~ 0 U_ SEC LE AN I N G , Sh so "·.p.in. Front ofc 1 ';I 1':r. S.C. Plaza. Adults, no ON Bal Pen i,, blck to beach CORONA Del Mar del1Lxe DINNERHOUSE wSr S·amese CAT Small i CUST'0~1 \\'ood11·ork, ttniod.. Expenc?~· Re;2·1;,nce 1 s .& nppearance pre,. i 0 us rf! ]>els. Call 546-3717 '. . suite 325sq ft Se 190 $.l'JOOO clow 1 . · I panl'ling & repair Vin.._-e O\\ll t1ansp. • """ 1 1 . expl'rien~ in enginN'ring l JMm. TIIE EXCITING person. Call afternoons • · ""' HOLLAND BUSI 1 color. Has slnusltus . · _..:.· . • & bay. Single ""'Orkmg Realo~mlcs . Bkrs 61~00 ats . ' NESSn male Bluepoint. Ute tan·all Lenhott J.3&8-171 -fl.l.i-278 1 hel11ful . Xln't C'Q. paid ~~~;~~;~;;;; PALM MESA APTS. 6Th-5918. NOW LEASING 675-4170 SJ\.LES ~().0608 •1!5-49!». f~I-:NCES-GATES-STF:!'.'i Dedicated Cleaning benefifS". 1 • i\SSEi\fBLY TRAlNEES )flNUTES TO NPT. BCll. I PROFESS. \.\uman \\'ishes to Mesa Verde Dr. Pla1a LOST· LILAC Pr Sli\i\IESZ..: R.;\ILINGS-OECK~E1·c. I * hr; DC? EVERYTHINIJ * Apply in Person , :\0 EXPERIENCE NEC. $2. Bach 1 & 2 BR frotn $157 , rJ•""' Jo1·ely 4BR "·me 15"" M-· V..,, ....., L'R t Whl I . , 548-7637 eves. Hcfs. l-1-ee est. 646--2839 I Tues-Fri 8an1-4:30 pm • · " ... ,..., w ...... e,..,e ...,,, L<\S ·BE UTY Sal u inale t le 11· grey prs1 I hr. Day & Night Shift. l::i61 r.Jesa Dr. nr ucl'an. PH: 968-4914 Drug Slorc Service Shops area. S Sta .. 9 Oper. r & f1n1 sh slores, offices, I exp e.r1enced. Reference. 1 --====-:--:-,,-=-:-Arlults, No J)el.~. \\'/sa111e, in S.E. Hunt. Bch. Jrlenl for Rc1>taurant, Lia uor, A on, pres le Subslantial re\\·ard. 830-3-lj,J 1\00 .. ~n1odc1. al!er, rr.a.1ne I H 0 US.EC LE AN 1 NG -BERT EA '' . !AC LEODS Sll-1932 (5 ltlks fro111 Ne1vpol't Blvd.) -& Deluxe ciffice Spare. ' $7M+, shopping ctr. ;enns FO~ND: Cnl, fcn1atc: t~n?' hon1cs. 962-1961. , $3.50 an hour. N.li. area. A&5E:'>IBLERS for Camper !">4&-9860 YNC. \.\"orking girl \van Is Call 54fHlZI $10M handles. 61:Hl822/ hair ~lk & \1·ht7. 11.B. f l~rul.i 1 GENERAL CAflPENTJlY 6.l}-£29J. 1'' R cf or y. 1\LSO SEAl\t- to share 'l BR !'lp1 w/nutle 642·3623. _ & 01\Cn._. 96(}..113 !lft. a. CUSTOl\I FL'llSH' \VORK STHES...5J::S. Apply, Major· ~,!~t;1g av~ei.: uo~ ~~~ 01 ' fein. $00. !">48- 321 1. 600 SQ, FT. C.M. $155 HEALTll FOODS Jo~OUND fc111ale Slan1cse cat. Small jobs ok. 894-18.>8 Landscapfng 6066 11 CORPORATION i\·;iy, S.->8 \\". l8th., C.~1. IJld bay. $300. Ill\\'IN & \\'ANTJ<:[)..WORK'C V.'On1an \\'/2 prl. rms. 646-2130 BEAUTIFUL C 0 UN TRY Vic. \Vl\lnut sq. Ca 11 C S • 6016 LANDSCAPE. sod, soil concl. --ASSISTANT ~\VIN Renllors &W-6111 . .shr apt, CM. Pn. BR. BA, STORE nr. N'pt. P011l oruce STORE. 5.11-5-149. arpet ervice Cleanup, sprinlder repair. 18001 Von Karman MANAGER LOW ~ntnl. Npt. Bch. ! kif. PMVI. sso. &1S-0974. I & Greyhound depot. 587 Sq. •ST.h1409 * . FND: OrAnge tabby, Male. ·JOI-IN'S Carpet & Upholstery Exper. 646-4908. Irvine, Calif. l '\rby's rtoasl Beef. ?.lust be summer, \Vintcr. yr I y. IRVINE • New 2 BR, 2 Ba ff. $160 Mo. Agt. 64&--2414 PRESSURE wash eqwpn1cn1 Young cat. Vic: Highland i Dri Sh am po o (Soil Paintlng/P•perfng 6073 83l-1424, ext 294 malhen1atlclly Inclined. iell/2BA !~ blk to heh. Townhouse. Sll0/1'.10. Fe· Oasslflcd Ad! Call 642-5678 &: accounts. Moving, Very Dr. & Irvine NB. 548-7427 l Retardants). Degre~sers & or 83J..1425 resp. nvall nltc11 & days. 21.l-545-86.'il eve . male only. 832-3079, 552·9606 today! tta80nable. 545-2967. FOUND: Gennan Shorthair a!~ color brighteners & _10 PAINTER, 55 yrs exp. Ca.II Bob 8.\7-9~. A"'" Furn/Unfurn 3900 Apts Furn/Unfurn 3900 Apts Furn/Unfur"n 3900 Invest Opport'y 5015 dog. 5/19. Vic. Lake Forest I minute bSaleach for y,.·hrte Scn1iretired, need small Equal Oppor. Employer n1tf ASSIST MANAGER ., r;.•• area. Call 830--0892. carpetS". ve your money j o b s p a I n t i n g & I ' , GENERAL Mgr competent ....i-by saving me extra trips. paperhanging call Fred I Needed for Jr. ~portsv.·ear • In selling c ~ n g u nl er FOUND: Puppy,v· Tri~ Will clean living nn .. dinmg 642-9235. Admlnlatrttive Boutique, 221 i\luine, Balboa. , product• .....ied ., partner mttle, 3 mos. "· • .,... rm., & hall 115. Any nn. EmRIOR ONLY IF YOU ARE <•l•nd. Applyo lf>.O daHy. • . with two i n v e n t I v e Hospihll 60-0288, 6fi..T786 $7 .50, couch $10. Chair $5. 15 EXCITING NEW CONCEPT! ADULT LAKESIDE LIVING Sm.II ht• Ac.teptH •lighted Tennis Courts· Tenni1 Pro •3 Swimming Pools •Jacu11I !Swirl lath •Volleyboll •Handball •Gym •Sauna• •Indoor Golf Driving Range •Poof Tabl.. •Card ftoom •Color TV lat~., IJR, 21R, 21R&Don 1115 to 1485 Mesa v~rde Eost & Adams 540· 1800 ~~~IP.! I enatneers who have superior FOUND: Male puppy, appx. yrs. exp. ls what counts not l uc·d., tn11ured, Jo"ree Est. * PEOPLE AT EASE productl. Share & invest 3 mo old. Vic dwntwn SJC. n1ethod. I do work myself. I Richard 97S-3335 Of N B ch equally up to $5,IXX>. Reply Hu choke collar. 831-17&4. Good ref. 531-0101. PAINTING &. Repair, 35 yn ORIENTED ewport ea Box 87, Dally PUOt. P. o. LOSr: Orange, male Tabby, L&R Crpt Clnl'5. Hse $24.95. ""'Orkm.anshlp guar, T&Js.c * AN ACHIEVER Is very lntcrestf!d In hlrina • Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca. one eye, "~", Vic. Rm $4. Stm hse S39.!J5. Sola advantage of my exp * ACCOUNTING ninle (Ir feniate stcuri~ 92626 11.e. 545-9311/968-6540. $14.ss. Guar. ns.si70 ~7056 BACKGR6uND ! officer 10 nu 25-30 p/time ATrENTION • plant lovers, LOST: \Vhlte 11Mggy female Cellln91 6018 FIRST CLASS EXT./lNT. * SALES ORIENTED houts ptr "'ttk. You may lnltrior dealgnm, ha Ir puppy; vie. Capo. Villas. 1 PAINTING, PAPERHANG· A Nf\v divisl()l'l (If our 25 1 be ma,Joring in I aw •tYllttt, etc. . . PrtsUge Reward. 4.iU-6457 aft. 7 t * WJUARD PAINfi!'~ * ' ING, Free Estimates year old floa.ncial iln<I D.P. enf(lt'Ctment or perhaps be location. For more info, q.1.1 · New Ao6'ustlet1 Ce ..... '60 + I 979-5294 p I ace tu c 11 t agency . relif'td \ o 0 k 1 n 1 for 640-13?0 from 10 10 5 FOUND: Puppy, Tri~lor repairs. Drywall & wall PROF pall t bone t work ACCOUNTEMPS, has hn- 1 aupplementaJ Income. U tbii SUnd'ayt call 6f&.0063:. =peitall ~ V~#:g ~!:, .. ~t;,11 rT75plutering. No. , reas, 'int/ .. ~~· tree t!ttmate'. medlale need rQr n, pl&<:f'· pot.Jtlon ts made tor you. Mon ~ L SO'•• · ' -.w.». U'M'""i1 • Refs S48-'1'7m ~13 m&nt 1ul1tanh Salllry $8<IOO. II please contact our JeCWi"*' •Y '"' o•n · ~ LOsr Reward tor return of Cement/Concrete 6019 • ... -. • per ye.,r up. mll"IQIU at v sleeping bag.. Loet on PROF. wltll~, state PINUJe Call For Aonl. ..t .... ""76 931% w ... -· I I Uc. No. 279514. Insur, all F _, k ...,... 74 an.er . ..,.,,..,,,n, ,CEME~'T Worl< o a I l;)'ptt .e&Pft'· 1J4ll42-4386. Altta r.uerfc Equal Oppor. Em,plct)ttt LOST FemAle A"""" ffound t klnd1, Reuonable, ""' E•t INT/EXT PAINTING (714) US-4103 MONEY AVAILABLE 2\1 yrs "1e. s. Lq. ll<1md 838-3325 AfJl'OMO'l'IVE For 2nd T.D.'• on Single llEARTBROKEN. ~ CONCRETE Patio&. Pallo AllOranpOo. Jlm61l1-311!9 ANSWERING SEl\VlCE D.11!.V. conmocl &lrl. lamlly, ll®i._, wifla up Cl&lllllld Ids ..U iq ttema, °"'""-Quallb --R<ta. FREE &ST. PROF. T"4p!Jone, J\111 or P·Ume I E x per h n ce d 1 bl rt tO If. 71~1900. JTmAll flame oi:, aey lt.m. Llctneod. 60-6Slt PAINTING. INT. • EXT. Will tnln. 540.1171 lnun«llaltlY,.,Jh w po rt CASS SEu.S. KH61I ,.. no ...,... .,., Sell ff CLASS SEW>. MWm * lfll-crT• * KAllMAN , "DaUwt==· .::1133-:::...:"""=---r • J • ,, I• I• ' I Ii JO DAILY PILO I Sond'1, M17 26, 1974 1,! rntlp n•nled, M&F 71001 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 I Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help Want~, M&F 7100 Htlp Wor.led, M&F 7100 I ~rp Wontoa, M&F 1iii "•Ip"'"'"'· -·F 7100 1 Holp Wantod, M&F 7100 1 li;;;e;;;lp;;;W;•;n;lo;d;,;;; ftUl;F;' 7;l;OO;I AUTO LOT MAN BOYS & GIRLS · 1 D I' S d 0 I ---I ,.·- '1 Experience prc(e11'9d . (_lnc !\01.'\\SJll!llt'r Oirril'nl, !t1in.j C.'L.f.\RICAL e tvery-un ay n y GROOl\lER": t'Xper,. oa 11 INSPECTOR I LEGAL SECRETARY ! MACHINISTS "' of OtanPC Cou.111~"11 lt·odlnr• ng1• IQ. Lido llll(.>, Salbru1 PAYROLL . brtoe({S or dogs. F'ull umc. ~ RCS""lSi''ll' nn.11J1lon \\'It h ,,. II 0 I . 1-~ol"l't oea1er~hlp.~. s, .• ~ t.>o~ Pf'nlnsula .~ Balboii. Poin1. . OF O~~~ y PlLOT. tO CARRCERS. JIB. ~ii.y \vk. Costa ~t c 11 fl· ~;t; "'.'\na ... La..,. 1-~itm. I n~t1nu~.v~).(a11rrn 11~n~ ~ CJ:e\•ler. ,. l'ontul't ,\Jr. Bi:u ~<i>U'Otn at QUJ!tli,S fHE USE OF A LARGE STA· "'l/1-2$.lf.J. DETAIL J:Jrit:t11trlly brul k r up t c Y 1 \l'hC'rt' \\'t nutke f1tste11c1'S THEODORE lht' DAILY PILOT or call . CLERK 'l'ION \\'.'\GON OR VAN. CONTACT ri.1R. GUARDS 11d 111In Is t 1"1 I l n11, Sl'nd fvl' tht:' uh•1,,•1•ait & ae1'0 ROBINS FORD ti42-43:!1 .l1:__!_c~appll1·arin11.; BENTON \VlLl.-IAMS, 330 \VEST BAY lnunt'd. t•n1ployn1cnt, full MACHINE 1 ri'!'iUlllt' to Cln~>1lfitd Ad 2, i;pace lntlU!ltl)', Opening& ro1· :lOOO H:arbor Ul1d B i:ake & ~'J'lttE'J', COS'l'A MESA. TELEflHQNE llnic. part time. In.side I Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560. t>xpericnctc.I. Al • ,1 z Q \\'OJ'k, \\'Oi'k a11y shift. Co t M a C•lil ~~ I co~Ta :'<1('i;:i lil:!·OIJIO 1gnment Service ln1n1cdllHt' "f'H'Jllll" Ill 1)4 ·4321 F R APl'OlN'f"!ENT. I s ll t'S ' . ;:r.....u;i • Carbide Dt l\11lker .. i.• UnHonns r u 1·n i sh ed . I AUTO SALES !'111111',\' -+ 1'11u11u Cna~I Al1lo 11t't"ou111i11;: rlt•pt. !<J1' 11 Nl ii·port Bench. Costa Meiia PARTS LEGAL SEC'Y $700 • R&D Prototype l\1H.ch Si·i·ilvt'. IHl·l'IU.'2 p(•n<on \lith 1"q)('ri(·n1 ·1• 1n An Equal Opportunity Employer , nrt·i1. Unl\'c!'sal, l226 \\I. 5Ui 1''P't' Paid. Assist attorney & •Tool & Die l\111k1•1'll S1•1l l'\('\1' B:'ll\\ .. s .".: U~•·iJ 1·ari:. li1'l' l\lfu•ty Hvs('n Jtl BUSBOY-~ :dl f;i1·e1...-of 11:1yrull i11. Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ) Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ! s·., &lnla Ana. n1Magc office. Gl'eaf spot to \\le olh•i: L'On11>e!llive ""'"™ Tu \\flf\.. d1J,1 s ;\o l'\fK'I'. i•ll1di11h d111ty ti1nf' i·11~·ds, I i Hf'.:Al.TH Spn is hirini:: youni; lst Shirt 7·:\!:iO f!l't.111'. Also ree Pol>Hions. &S·l ·~ng11cflpa"ldi11cllOudJe'm'"plopyrueeli,I CREVIER BMW ~ \\'c11t \i.1 ~l1r•t·t Snnta .\11:1 Ill',.,-.,,.,, Only rnlhu.,1a~111 S: rr•ll '"' rrtu1·ni;, ih1 ilv DELIVERY ,.. -. 1)f.'Oplt'.ih1:1t irant to learn & tu, hi I 1·7 In cash <1uartl•rly. Stock ~·hrl·k p1'C'p111·111ion, 1i.1,)· I 1 3 _, s ·r 1 Call· Control Career uu·i 11 1,illlnt.:1H''~lo \1nrl.. ''''"·" I I · . 11 (,JNEER 111·1• ll'lllitt~ to \l'Ol'I<. 1Tl4l (30c$JiiftPren1lu1111 l-~rnp l oyinent Agell<'y, • ;,~ 1 1-011 rru, 11111'l'spo11-:\l :•I•· ur fp111. t· ull 01: 11/t1111i• 1 MANUFACTURING 1 x7:.-2096 \\'kdys 9.5. ~. l.JOO I r v i n e pur<'hasc plan & pa Id 835-3171 i 11 !1 c· 1· ~ 11 u. r n n 1 I•·" 11rnv•·, filing, a~s1s1 111 d··!11·1·ry h1·Jp Jul' l lia1111Jtl I ' Jnspect ~1anifolds, Pis1ons, Bh·d NB 1nedlclli plan. f{(•S!:111r11ut, :'Ill \1·111~1r1 J>1'ep;11H l!<.111 uf 111u111ILI» ut Co1111Hrr1·~· ,\d1T rl1~i11~ Sleeves, Cl'unks ~ J\fr1t•hine l ' .. , . t i APPLY C_2.i. \H lil 1-:.wt }'1urn•1l 1•1111·1._.., 1111d p1<1 1) 11ru1111111ou. (;,~,d l\11011lt'd.1;1• ENGINEER ll._.lp \\'anted Fcniale PaNl! To Blueprlnt. &-FinAI I LEGAL Seel), Ne 11 Po r TOWNSEND CO. AVON Car9taker-Couple •:0.-11 l1u1d \\1• t1•qui1··· 'of a1·,.,, 11 .. 1pru1 '°"\tt' o"u ',RECEIVABLE lnspel·lionfleports:~usesAlt ~~nter, Eicp'd pc,rsonal Cherry Rivet Division ,\ 1: .,1,;, ,\pl !!I'll + ~· >•·.01· .. l'\J.11-'l'lt'rH1', 1~11 I tl'IH\')1, .\!Jui••· .iii;: l'HL'!H11:.:' Inspec1io11 Hand Tools. Sur-lllJUrl~s: &10-SOJl I J'!.l-1 E. \Yarner, S.A. Asks . ,111,.1._1 111;.: ;111d 10·1>.<".\ 1 l';thl d:l\h . p,,.i.; 1r,11r u'1'11 raeePlate.SineBa1·S:~luke J.!C'E\"•J:o baby si 11rr Ecioal Oppor. t:n1ployer PRICE~ ARE (;OJ'.\(i l'P. M t L 'k P I !.w' .. 10•1.1;1 .-.:p11_1. .\nply .::1:.i ll!·;11·y t•\itt'I'. it1 . plH11111ng or l A·CCO u N TS Own Set·Ups To Che l' k ncNlt:<l to i\'atch '.l i;irl~. ~ll o u L D ~ · T yci:·n us 1 • eop e LEAR .rd s1 .. ~u11l• I· llun1. lj1•11. I lnt1·u·arr n1al·h111ed p;111s, p 0 1 . 1 2 & 7 bf' 7 30 & · -r·A.\JILY !NCO~!!.' \'11u 1:1'l«l'1•ru·1•,. :,1x...[li'::t \Ir ... \\tu·d. l>t'f'pttre as,en1bl1 arts. \\'II nspccttonToos uges . 111•11 :. IHll 'I . MAIO WANTED I .. 11,1-:-.,-.1-1•1 .. _1;-,.-.-~,,-,,... \I.·,,,, 1, 1 .• ,, ,, , ,,. ,. '· . 11_ ~ , ... ,. 11 ~ CLERK ftt'C[uired. (Rate range S-1.tJ. 6:.'ID pin. 5 days a \\'k. CaJl I Do" Qoi'\oti' l\foicl nioncy as an ,\\'0:0.: RS )'/1!111<' 1•1'l''· \Ju,l 1.._. 1.~ 01· kno11k•dgc r•f c.-..:o t i1.: I 2100 N('\\'J)Ol'I Blvd, C.J\I can hep uy eart11n.: l'\11'11 CARPENTE SIEGLER , , " ;, .. " " ,.., $5.2iH. 8-J, :"l56·1550, aft 6, &:ll·O~i08. R i: p RE s ENT .\ T!\'!,:. l\<'cd ('Xpcr. ('arpenter~ flll' .. 1·•'r 111•111 ;1p11.•:11·;on«i·. ~··1· 111a1eri11l :.u~·h u.; st~'llite, • Good Co. Benefits I.TC.HT rl<'tec1i\'e ,i·ork. Pin·i t~l2-21i70 Flt:'xible hours. r·1 t":,111 f1 un111.v '"illll1nt n1a11ur 1 TRANSPORT 11 1ux1lrl. l!.f1 ~:. 17111 ~t. l'o!>.111 1nl'011cl ,>;, 1 i la 11iun1 .1 Immediate opening for Xln't Working Conds ~~~~~ifi:C\· Afr~o. h!~. ~~·,~:~ 1 , r.t~JDS-Full & piu·1.1in1e~ you. Inlcrrstt•d~ (:.II IJ;iy 11k, Xlnt l)('1hl ll• 'I·~~ F111nil1ar 11/p1'0l·1•ssing uf l an individual w ith 3 p ·i PO Bo 1~"" C 1. \\lll train. Apply 10 an1 ... :>ID-70-11. 1 lJl\!fl !1~ for a11 intC'1·1·ir1\ DYNAMICS JJ ENT Ar. As.• 1 s tri 11 t, 111a,l1'1·1:ils. ff'1•ds S: spt.·eds. year' experience in Ac· Apply In Person t 0 . 1' .: · ./' "'"· Gs a ' pin, Bl'.:N BnO\\'NS, 31100 .\I nn th111 '!'h11r~. 9 a 111.:1 rHn .. ::1.:1 \\", S1'J.:l'1-..110111 (1111111-d•Jnti(· oh' .. \\'ill 1r;iin 1\l~ tlcgT1-e di·Su't'CL 1 co nts R e' able• ac Tut-s. thru Fri., 8--4:30 I ~lesl;t, C,1. 9'l6.G. 1 .~ciioaiiii"iii"io"o"ii"iiSoiii.iil.aOii"ii"ii"ii'iii• B 'B' "lTTc'R f We•tSat'I Cor poratr'on 1 I :-..i•:or I l:i!'!~ir ,\· \\ ;u'nl'l'I I 1 I 1 I , IJ ec IV , • LV,. p/li•>>", PM ,r. nigh1s. ' ::; .,_ or ,o;u111111er. ~ in111, ~ t' 'l"!l il r\f' .. I R I I A L d' I 1· • '-·" lugh school g-u'l. l'<'li;ihl(', 1~ Plllcenlia, C.~I. 1 ;-:;i 111a ,\na N·iul 1•1.~11111r tu .'It's. ~'('rt"I~. oya s ea 1n9 count reconci 1at1on; BERT EA Sinai! nursing hon1f', Beh i r.Jon lhru _ri·i. .1 _11· olfl hu.'" :::Zi:::::i:::::i:::::~ ,. 1 17'.:ij Hr1.w11\h111·~1. Nu. 71, Producer Of heavy credit and collec• area. Call 1it'11 4~l-8075 for . £.qu:1 up1~1i·1u11ily 1•111µi •J.l('I' 011TI trnns. 5.'il-J:jG.'\ a!t :.:::o \IF I ~"u11t:11~·;t1lro~. t':1. !l:l7U1' Nuclear Components tion. Operate l~key by a.~pcpocl,"c'm=•c"c"-~~~~~ MANAGER Ir\'in<' area. CASHIERS PJ·;:-..Ttll. a~~1:-.r;uH Lni.:111111. i touch and light typing. CORPORATION 1 L\'N 7<1. \\'uni Clerk ~j. BABYSITTER 111y l\qnic. " L'J.~:l:J\ 1~pi,1 low 1·:-.pa11d111..:1' f_lil!~ ·El T"r" 1"·";1 J·~'l "'r ROYAL Excellent benefit' and \ll·~a Vcrdr Cou1-. 1111-"P· tilil i Jay...-11·k. Cu~la \h·,;1 •1 ,·.,111p:1n\, Full 11 111 , .. :-o;:il.11·-1· "lll'n I: 1' P 11 (' s working conditions. 1 I Cl'l\tl'I'. ('.!\!. S.JR-~3. F II & / ' Boy-" ti .~· .~ .. \fl !l ;'.;IJ, po~1111,11.· ~~1 1 .. pn1. 1,p11J.1 ··011fidt·1~11. :-.::0-11:;0. _ INDUSTRIES 18001 Von Karman 11 u . P t•m.• TRAINEES •,,.,., 11 '' 11''1'd ·,,,,, . ., .. ,,,,. ,'· '' ,. I · I I e PAID LIFE I · C l'f L di VI I nl<-rvii•ii·ini; l\Pii· ror .. _-( .. J~. ....~ ·" . 1111 ..... 11 .,1 ~w 111~ l.•~•( .... 11i1· .. \'T.\ •. \SST Ch:111·.,1d1• 1 rv1ne, a 1 . ea ng ave --1~·r.•.onahl1• 11utH<·n 1•• ... ~,,.,. I I I 1 f d J!fl~iliPn~ i11 Orung<"' Cn. B '°\''ITTI'" 1,,,., .. 1,, .. , n 111(' n, u-1 ('" 111 JI c' ·. 1i,.11d1·d dl•111 1~11 ·1. i; i. .. t1 INSURANCE 833-1424, e•t 294 I Manu acturer Nee ' "-0 ~ ._,-, ;1s .• 1·.ti•in :ii 1l'11d.1 n ! ., ·~11 · " !\l11~f ht! •ll'f'r :!1, h11nrlable & 1·hildrc•n, 11.U 111·1·;1 . 1'11. "J!rt·nu11i,: :1 ,-..;J:\\' i'•Hl<'t'PI 111 :i.. io ~--1 ,,·;iys. ;\Jin l ~r '''P l..'~ :tV lll I~. IJ~··1· l;<>:id e PAID MEDICAL or 833-1425 DRAFTSMAN 111 i,:ood physir1•l l'\_il\d. H:i1·e rocnn + sal;ory ,'(l:!·:!:·i:;:, .., 1, 1 f -sI'r 1 , ,. ,. gn ... oJllH' Ctl;\ll',\:'\f(};\ 11t·,·d··d ;, d:1,1~ * Hl.'1-!:!l.J "' S1111 t:1 .\11:1 :1 10--:;:J \/l INSURANCE (':ti' ,(· i,.IC'l)hHllr. (";,1 lo Ti.-· BABYSITTErt fnr ~1~·GW..: -~l:tt\<)11~. \\'11! i1on·t; i10.;1d•· iii, 'I ;1, 111r 1no111 Jn·:-..·1 ,\1 :-:\..,,.;T-J>~1lt~r Equal Opur. ~111plo,1,•r 111/I : e VACATION Equal Opp. Employe r Tro1· i\liirkr1 n.•:irt'sl \'OU"' n10\h('1' 7 :1111 1n -6:::1! pnl. up<•1·a1111i..: a •·1·111v1t· ,1,!t'•n l""'UP<'t.'<1111;.: fr,.111 htHl.t·n, ,11.t111'>1do•. ,\!111 I 11· C'\1)<·1'. e SICK LEAVE !·>·:irr i•1 i·;ih<' d£•io.1~il. ll•h•phw11t•1111rpff1cl'.~.· 111111·'1 l'"nt1•1I~ 011r. ll•'I\ )1,1.!:· '\\;di.-' I\ 111 ;i I!.(' I S!aJ'\ lllllll!'<llHlt'I~. S:ilnry I P1''1hi\'llP!\ tou!in:.;, IH!('I'. (7\11 s:;:;...1.117 t:.11::• 111 -l~tO.! :d!l'r ~1p1n )!:0\1il111t• p11 111 1•s. \\'od;111i.: -~'j;''·'h\ 11.L if 110 ;Hh\l<'l',j op1·n. '.\!.!l. ;11'<•:t_ lil~Hi1i::1. ~::O.:C:!NEE!t/NG • HOLIDAYS I INSPECTOR /llh't'' ,\: 11ts. ; [ako:-dPT :•il ~\1r lnfnl'lnnlin11 -BACK-ALLEY PIZZA :1rr:1 i• ··!1·:111. ~" i1·•· m·,·d :. "' ;1:.:;1111 I .---::---1--:: ... -~ ----*Project Engineers* dr;111111;.:s di •(·rl.1· 1ron1 i,,.. TIC TOC SYSTEMS Jr'·"'' ;,r,. 01 ,.1. '.'I. ,.,,.,, ,,,11 ~h,·oi·r1 ~.1 1 '" ,,.1,,., .. ,.,,, ,,,,,. ('l)\l!'.''.\111:\ 111 , , 1l>l-.'."r., · ,\:-o;s l F.xp nr fl .. \, .\lt·,·h'I l·:11~n1" d•"2. rvn'd, (':d l fo1· appou11n1l'rH 17\11 "111.~. :\111'1 l~·urfit~. I .q•r.I 11111>\!1·_ E111plo,\·1·1· 1 _ .-, • 1 n,I :-;,·hi :~11;.:',UOO \\'1\1111.~ .. " -., u1 1•a1l-!1111<· 1•11111l•1.1 11h·111. l'fl11lp:•l1) o111•! 11'-n1·11 <1knd 1·,•l1•'t 1<•rrl•f••1·I~ l:ul,1 I ~,::r;~.l!i.) !U·l'.! Ki-Jn 11/<'\1' 111 111dl p1·n,hw1 .-dii-11120 1st Shift ;1rr 111•111 ,\. ,·l,·:•11 l1k•' (!r:ir1<::•' l'.1·;io'l1 ,11,.. ti' j>lll_•_'._'_•'' ;.i~;~jl __ I ;·M 11;, -"l1'.'1·1:1 j 1E:u·h11H'!'.1 . PRIMARK / .\il'l'I , 111,;grt·'~ll!' IJl'l'"OI\ j~1'.'!l~~1·11,\'.:1~ 1~;'.,1.' l~il~··;;,\1 ~;; Ap.f~wi~ rir;,;~on ~ ;'.:1~~1J1;;~~'1\( 1 ~; •• ::~~;·1in. <1.'~·~',r,'L 1 DESIGN E ff .Ir i.~~·l .a~:.~<~ ~t.~·~r~1~ , \i·11h ,. ' P 1· r 1 c11 1·••• 111 II • <I. \ 1· t t I • I " 1 1·hcl'kin".' 111a1rrwl 1 u ' ii..;!IJ !il 'I•'. 'OJllJI :<II Oil COMPANY dnr. fl<> \"lilt_:, lndl') s::7-!:l:!i·l I II ~<•Ill<' 111•1'1\ o;!Cl\~l"Ollll! PRODUCTS ' \';d!r~'. l'.l:t)-I L:ikrland Hd CO'.\(;f·~'.\!,\L 1,ldl'rh.• l.ei~ur", , :O::in1., i\11" Con1ui·i. ulf\'. ~tanll:irrts 111 111 fll'ik '('S~. BA/\'K CREDIT CHECKER ·• ' p C BOARD LAYOUT d11·n ,,1 111ajur N\'SF: corp_ (2• pal'k:tt;r goods. 1:;1 S;1rHn ~·r SprinQ" 11 111'1<1 .:.:e111lrni:<n 111111 i•~d • • , ll · l'US!on10:-r ~h ip in ('Jl ts. 1-:quol UpJYirlu111ty E111ployrr ... 1·11~1· uf IH111i..11· 11•'<'d" 111r-' 1 ii.· t\l <':>.p:ui~irui! h:1.~ co 10.ange County) l'•'(!llil'l'111c111 ror dl'f,:rc•·1! Exc."C'Jlrnt benefits. P11id Ill 1·,.1 11p:111ifJll \lh(l 11111 • h ] ] !"f ' ('\'l!ll'lt l"t' ,1,.11.l'·lhl'<t 1 1 P!lJ.!l!H'•'I' . .;. ,,.;11bn11! 1·r~u1111 • eHll, Lt' 111surnner, · · ~ ., p1···p .. 1·,. :-1np ,, (' 1· ,. 11 1 n !! 11· 1 1 · I 1 1 I I 2620 S vacations ,I;;: sick leave. rhotu !<h1•p. l!u111. l31·h. f'l't:f. llH'.ol , Pri\.ol•· i·n1 .1; l•111li C' tll'l.'t :111 ••\Jl•·1'11'tl•l'•. t''P· i1 :-:. ;11'.\' i1~1ury •· _,:1 a1)', S. usan l1Hlv "'"t'r 1:1. tJ11r\ tra11~p. pill!» sn1all :-;1L1 r1 . (';ill n.,h·l1 ll•·,1~11<•1· ir1 l11~h l'L·q1~11·('111,.111. . , Santa Ana Calif 92704 ,\pply In PcrMn '.~i2:..r:.i:; .!1'<1J1ll•' \\(·i'i il :._.:;;~~l 9 .. ,11 d··1i.:1.v llll .. nd . J 1~1·1\'('I ~l'<'•'/,\bo ~.·i· .lnl1•. IB 'H be, & · ,, 1 1· , 11 '''""~ ,.,,,.,,"'' etween ar r C HIEF ACCNT·--S16K ti· 1 1'"--'lii-u e1··-("111 ' 1 .1.1"u ·'· " ;,1·" :i • ~"· " v .Sllfl('I'\' l:.' dq.; ,; > \':-f'\I•· I-'.\<'•··~ :Jll r:1rl\' ::\!'~ 833-9770 * 1oo•i. FREE l ':, .. h !'1•1·-··1111••1 ,\;,;1•11t·~ 1 '*<~· ·" ·' 1 · d.1n;,1n11·, ~ro111i1~, f'.·r~1 .1111rl 1\t;l'1lt·1 Fairview , So. of --.-COOKS-.---.. n.-.·r:-:-l ul <'(11 11p:111.1 ,11111 :1 :;:::: 1-:. IO!h si., L.:1111. 1;, Warner) ,\· D!SJ!\\'1\.~l lLJ{..,; 10 11(ork ~1u:oll, ~t:il1ii' ~h·.;1;.:n >0T!llll1, t'n.,!a ,\1,·~;1 li l.!-tiO~il H1 J:1~1 fnort l'l'S!11ur:111t OP•'ll· S:il;n·1 L'"11111t•'11~ur;1lo' 1• llll .-\11 !': q 11a l OpPortunily 111t.: suon i11 .\'(·11porl 13('fll·h ""P('1:irn,·•< ··~····ll•·nl 1ri11:.:P EX. SEC'Y to $850 "::::::::'°:":":l:o':':':'===•·JI Cnl l 0:•:!·02·10or0:!11 or:1ppl;i. l1'.'!h'fil~. ,-:,·11d l'o>,t1111°· l•i: F•'\' J',1i.i, :->up1•1' d1(•;.in ... ir•t: , - PRIMARK PRODUCTS :?620 S_ SUSi\11 .-:.ant{! Ana. Calif l·lurbo1· & \f;.rner We have on open· ing in our New~ port Center B ranch for individual with accurate ty ping skills and some ex- perience conduct· ing credit checks. 101:i \l·t~l··rl\,:.; 1-;. '.\n. :.'111 I 'I,· ·~··· f ,•!I . ~··•I' I >11·0 Tl t' ,11~ • ll,/·,\\1\1: L.\U\ • 111 111·1·, .. n \\,.1·!; f111· pr1•s. !1a11dlr \'J 1"!Ul'.I.\ ,-:1'.\TJ11\ ('l"·•.ill<'•I \.I"" l:•-' 111·1,<11111l'I. \':1nu11~ l'\f'l'. 1:1 :~1.\L .:.\,\I l /H lJ;ql\ !'ilHI dtllh'S, .\I.,,, r·l'l' Pu.~illU!l". HELP WANTED Immediate open- ings for machinists and operators on iill• .J.IO-IH!tl 1 1st & 2nd shifts. [qua! Oppor. En1p!oyrr We offer fine start- ing salaries, excel- lent benefit plan, pleasant working environment and plenty of opportun· ity for advance- ment Please call for appointment Barbara Cammarano 1714) 644-0113 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK t::quaJ Opportw11ty En1ployer J\!, F' Bank !l'.~I l ><•1 P .<.;1 . :"'" p11r'I I I'.( l. l :,,', l~~iu l';1~I l ·.,n rrul (_'a I' 1' 1· 1· C~ ·-· -·--1·, •. ,1 .. :1-1··~;,. (';1 !'l'..'ll~h 'UOh:."1, n1rii. 11r 1u)11a'11, l•1pl Li plo.' ill•'lll .\ t.: t' n 1· ~ . l';dl large Company Erpanding j::::::=::-:::==:::::-:-I e TOOL MAKE RS 'e TOOL ROOM Become o part of the exciting computer industry! Varian Data Machines ha' immediate openings for the following : * Data Control Clerk r:_,.~P0!1-"lhilit1ci; 11·ill 111v!1a!r light !)·ping, filiug and daliJ l'On1rol. lndiv1duaJ .<;Ciecred n1us1 enjoy 1\'<•rking 11-11h figures and bi:> a high st•hool graduatf', .\ n1ir1i111wi1 of 1 ,1ear previous experit'lll'e preferred. * Accounting Clerk .\11 l::qu:d Op;• .. rlu111t~ 11';1:.:t''· pt'<'lt'l' son11· hkt~I _-,.-ll;i-.~-l,1-,, ::11.1n J1·11n1• Bl1d I 1·.111r1l••.1 1·r 1•\p, th1> 111• <'<(11 lr.1111. ,\p11l~ __________ _ 111 jl-!'l'~•otl l ' .<I' I' o) 11 '~i , h s , t:•·~l•1ur;1n1. f'1t·u 111 ru-o!f: 1 D1ctap ec y $650 :-::111 ('IPllll'llll' I , .. , ... 1':111!/.\I"' "'''' .1 •• 1o~ • COOK 1; •• '1(1 l,IJIHH.:. :.!l'f11•11l:.: , ... e WAITRESS WESTCLIFF l '1·r~"no•·I . \1.:• ·11,·1 '\l:o1k II! f••111 .. r• 111.'il I·:. l-'.d1nt:•'I', ~.I ("utr o•·~·· ('t1ltl't' :~;:! II . 1'.J11L. (' ;\l -"h"P ti lli·:1::11 1 COUl..: l'<'llPf' c1·1•11in"• St,.11· !~c!llt•, .. \d;1111.;,_, ;II ll:1rlx•r 111· Thr1fti111r11·1. C.'I 97:>-1.~()\. :, t!-.~~:;i; DINING ROOM CAPTAIN EXECUTIVE S ECREARY I 1 ~ 11;1 Ill I (' , 111 0 l I I <I I l'ol 1111 1•111:.!t'lll po·!'~illl ll 'illlll'd I•• ll!Hrl,T.;o' fa~t t_: I'•>\\' I 11 '.:: fll'1t!t·~~l"'l:1! l> ll S Ill\'~' ,.;,,1:11',I' Hfl<'ll. J:.i1:-J:!::1 J ,'."\) '! './: ! J ::'\f'f•: lJ J:11 f.1 II ill < i•1 11"\l~('<'k;ullll'.'. lj•·h·1·rn• ,., l';o~) :-11:;.111 1.: FACTORY HEL P -,. --------.. --:ti !):11"-"Plll .;11111 \111-1 h:111• (_QOh. ('OJl\'. hO!lll', ~ll 111li'.; lht•/';,u~h l\n•iillo·ill.:•' ,, f 1•1t11l" l:uh ••11'1' '.!1 ,\I'S, \\11! Pt'.'rin . pos1111111. \1111 ~,.,,,., I "• ,-1'• I ,., .. 1.0 , •11 · .1 I \ljf l 'lc. '11111•~ .'>' t_:•l••il 1,11111· '''!'\tr• ,-;in, 1''" • cl• l~- ;·:·1111:0:, ~·'Pl.'Y ~i ·' ,{ 1j:::sh1p ,\hi\n~ 1., ,._1,11. 111,ina·r ,1; . .i.·rnllll,C'.\l ,('' '· ...,,,.' 1· · 1 l'I' ,;upt'l'\I"'' '1:.11 und•T t!oo• FASHIONS-BEELINE l'Ul)I\, l'•·ln•t, L'.•,111111') Cluli. (/11'e1·11 .. 11 ul 111.1111·1· d c;, • .,1 L,,11 ,,1. .. l'•ll'l·llllll' j~l:-11 1••!1 INSURANCE SALES NOW HIRING ·"" t'\P II•'•'. !'1\111 ll'hll•· \'HU l'•·111)d Jl•'11T ""l'k U\l l<'ilt'/1, p:u·t t1111••. 0•1·,.,~· & u1:1 1111f;,1•1111 'llH!, 1!1<1nhu1ini,: 11·kn<J,, full 1111u• 111. n qu:di· .1 1n' !:t I l;1 t Inn , Kn f1l'd. 1·,p1·1·u•110 ·1• n1•1'l'~~11ry du•· 10 l':1rn1f'r.<; lrts!Jt'.1n1'i' t:rou1• •'\('"llo•rit !1'/11111nr: pro.1i.:r:u11 r:u Liuu * !">llJ-Jl'o:o-i lol' 111••11 .~· •1••11u·n lt' &/----... --....... --'>1 •'I TOP WAGES V•" ,\(.,n· l111111·011al1•111 C:dl. 536-2591 Call Mon & Tue' Only HELP WANTED r'ull & P/11111(' METRO CAR WASH JN\'0/CE Clc•rk, nialurf' .\/ft krHJ\1"01 of l1kkpng, A-"I.: ~r !llaJ)'. 642-:l'.!.'ti ['~_II 199-~:lil ,\,k Lui' ll1l' 11·/pUl•l10· "'• • l'('l'•\Jllll•'l i-1'"'' \\':11·,jrq)w '\11 t'\fX'l' SEE OUR MONDAY LISTING ·18~ E. 17rh St. lat Jl'l·u1e1 C.'I Suite 224 642-1470 l 'hC'f \I ~~C1U H:1r bor B!\'d · . ;u\!-l)!l'I' 11<'' ~;\<'iil:l~ Ul!l)Jl'IUlli\\, B lb B Cl b · Cu~ta ''~h~-,~-;''----~:,~io~·.,'j~l~9~11 •:::':"""."'.':":'::::'.".""---COULD you u:.e c.\lr<i s:;:;.~:i0 a oa ay u ( .. 11 :>1~-~11::~• 11k'.' pl ('\'l'S & :-;.,1. ... Prl·f.I 1:!11 \\_ (°l);l~I !·1'1·~. '.\!-'.. F /C BOOK KEE.PER-HOO!\,\ rJi1·1'1'S 11·/011·n genr IT'S ,\\l,\ZJ:\G ... c111pl'd, 1\lr. LP\'i :-.,.!G-31.i:i. 1--DR'S--ASSIST-ANT-& trnni<p. 8oat i. air furn. Hui~·. of_ten ~·our nuturfll 11\':\A:\l!C O.C'. fin11 nrL"d~ :1 L;d l):iy poss. 832-5fi3R. ab1hty 111 cai1ni:; for people .,_.iiiiiiiiiiii""iiio.--o.iiijYnuni; J~1dy,1J.~.1~'-i.1 11•ll'k h~;kpr 11·/full rh<ll'C't' n1f.: has been O\'erlooked. COUNSELOR I ;is drwlor :-. "'~lslnnl 1"'· ~'\IX'l'. lh1·u s t;1 I l' fll l' n Is !!OSPITAL DON'T OVERLOOK liS'.: !nJTncd. opi:11ing in uur ""P11un1s1 111 1 "al1li spa ;..·,1 11/11:. i\'CP. 111:1rh1H;:-<'\per. Hou5ekeeping Supv. \\'E NELD YOU:! b(•;ou1 1rul ole fllr 11 sales C\11. 11t'l·•·~ ... :1 1·~. \\(• 1n11n Pl"11"C rall :\J1·s. 1!11n<.:oH1. a1 f'/Lin1c S1\ing. Pf'l'SOl'lllC'l ./Practical Nur1es 11111Hil'd. self 111 n ti I'll 1 r d1 ~n11 . 1\p1.J.1 u1 person ;1fl1•1'· 1 711 1 i'>::~-.ll~il nr si•nd Dept. lloug I-los11. N.B. ./Nurse Aides I . I I s I l l'P~IH11<' nf ,.,,,, r Jq P.n B ... , '·----;..------: i. ,·,1ni111 + bonu~. E>.:J"!t.'r. H11 ~ , \('l\J)t)l'I 8o·avh. :!Oi. :;;tanlnn. L'a. '.t<'fi.~ll ,\n 111l 11·1r u:1 .. a ;u·y guar;;n!«el 11<1<;11 01· "' t•s. ~:i:;o II .~1. l'st. ./Convales. Aides· pn'('d. G01•d i<h'id1un & [(I(' ----1-'.qu:d Opply E111pln,rrr. uouSECLEANING IVi,iting Housemothers I ll'ilffll'. I I • r.l'<10!11l'I'. r \ p (' !', r:J 1 f Pre1·1ous accou11ung/t:)J ll 1n~ J B t A c .ir ... .tl's \';ilao·•· f;i·0!inlillii. F /C BKKPR to $900 •New In ant Care "XPl'I'1f'n1·f' desirf'd 1 _asor1 es g~n~y Lagun;, :\it_:iu•I Ca 11 ~(·•· r':11d . \\nil. 1<11" 11n~ r :j~I J oin rt1C' nallo)n" lar).!est pro--\\'t' of/Pr )OU an opportunuy MACHINISTS e ID-OD GRINDERS e TURRET LATHES e .TRACER LATHES e HONES Paid m•dical and life in5urance, paid pension plan. EVENING INTERVIEWS :".\.\\-Ii P'.\!. ~lont!:1y th1·u t'nday. Alter hour~ C'i11l ~·J..112' .. Supl. ;11 1il~1 .J\h . ., \., 1 LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS Jill W . Segerstrom l Netr Harbor & Warner) Experienced Proof Operator UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 222 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beach 1714) 494-6546 Rl'spon..~1b1!it1e~ 111!1 1nl'lude l i·IOO Brookht1r~I. ~-\I) .1•1:,..;;100 nl' ~Gl-OIMI r .. r ..:1··111111.: l'.1 llpp<I!'. 1" 1Hh•r of hvusecleaaing ser. ro do so111eth1ngo special 1n !~·ping 1uvoicr 111 as t c r s. S111!c 11.1 9ti:'.-ti;7;; i111<•ri·ic11 :1111 :ul!'<' 111 111annt_:l'lll<'!ll . 11('1'~ fnr private hon1t•s . rhe horne health eare fil•lrl.: ~:tiua l 0 PP or t 11 n 1 1 .1 orwraling rlitto rnat·hin<' ;1nrl I --------.\lsn ~·,.,, Posi1inn~-Call ('rrate yr:>ur 011·n 11·ork ll't·ek. 0i1·e us an opr.ortunity tn I <'mployer J\1/F !O·kry adrlf'r. lfJUU . SlTTEn. :;::-,. niu., 1" Cnn11·nl ('.11''"'" En1111<11. 111(•n1 \I ••r·k thr da}s .t, hours of (li~C'U-"-~ our pmgr. am \\'1th I ::::::::::::::::l:i:::::::Z::::::: Cred "it & I !:111111_1 11·1111 ,1 .trd tur 111~ . !I d S t dog 1 1 l'<.<l'f' f.,r 11 1 lhini. .\~··11··~. :1:i1; ... ~r>!l:i . :: 111 I) .v11111· 1·hu11·1'. I yuu. ,\ 11·ages pa1 \1·r;ckly. - * ecre ary I I I . li'\ 1111· Bh·d. i\J-\. ,\pply ;>.Ton. thru f"n. :'.IACJIINISfS ,\11 Equal Oppvrt111111.... :r 1 ;ol't''l· .• ::i:..~:!!~l ~tl.~Hll. .\111•1,v :\lPn, 1hrl1 Fn !'1·12 & 2·~ ' . IO)"I' c llect' -DRAFTSMAN -SR FOOD & BEVERAGE 'l ,JJll·12 ll"Oll .~· :.!·11111• HOMEMAKERS ~r P '"" Typ1n~ oo 11r111. shorthand 81l 0 Ions 11111 nl'rL ,,1)<•rnnt.: 1'11.' ;, ,..;,.;11.,r CONTROLLER ' 1•8• .. •,•,k•·'"''"'""'"'"' 11 P111 · ,\lust e11JOY ;, IJ ft 11 1111 Ora1n.:i' Co. rinl1 rl('~1rcs HOMEMAKERS UPJOHN a ·1ng r-hallcnir 11nd a varif'1y nf Clerk r:i ~111 :1 n 11 1 1 1''Jff'!'l•·n···· . .r• . 1 ,. 1 UPJOHN :;;;o \\'. PlaC'C'ntia *TELLER* f!'S""ll~ibilili"'· l••d''''d .. ,•I 111 To "il 1)0 ·s1gn ;1 nd t·:>.Pt'!'( onr ,\· ~ H b 6''--;·,~1 ...., ~ '"" b H·1··r .. • ('fntrfll! •r / ····r \\" fl · ('\l'f)firt ('ac ~.T'~~ PARTTJ;\IE srlct·te1I rnust hav<' ;; ,fH l'l(';dl•d '"111pni1('nt '''"\..'' ' \" 11 ., .. / · 'a<·cnlt:t 1En1rPl·1rentia&F'l•1g<:hip1 I d . · · r., di·:i11in-.:. L1 n!1· l111t('I ur restaurant 1\l•1rpo1·1 H•'fl<"h ti-1.·i.:i.J}Ji ' ' · mme late opening in Co>iffl I n11n1m. u111 u ,, yC'a\'.~ !'>'l'l'!ll ' ! · k I So I & I 'I N d If t t ' ' d' MECH ENGINEER 1·11• ·groun( .. · ·nr resurnr · Lntr Placenlia S.· rlbi;.:Ship\ ,, esa Office. S..1Yings and expericrH·r ee 5t s ar 1ng in •-) . . ~al;1r.v 1l(·~1r('d to ("):'l.<;S1 f1cd J Loan or bttnk expc~e~ce lf )'OU niN't vidual with 3 years ex· Ciin·i·nt upenin~ lu_r '' Jr. Ad 110. 1:=i7 f'/o !)adv Pilot. ·----... .---.---1 JANITORIAL/ pref<'rred. i\fus! be l1 1 h •' s e . i C d 't d n1anuf11c1111·111;.: ~.nginerl': p 0 1•. C :\( C · ~ -· 10 ll'Ork S 1 • iri .1ng ! qualificat1on-" :ond ar C' per1en~e n re 1 an 11 llh a rlc~rci• 111 ;\le(·h. 9.;.,?,,· :11.iiJ. ustfl. · e~:,; a l * IIOL1SEl\EEPER. live-in. MAINTENANCE 1 TOOL MAKER '!SD Slll~"l' MATERIAL HANDLER NIGHTS ll:·~· 11·<•rl\ 11r~·k. 10 hour~ Pt'!' d;i~, I ~1)..:~ A '.\I ••n !<'rnporar.1· 1>;1~1'. '.\! u ~ l 11.i\'r fl'l'k 1111 r\prncner. l!r111·y l1fru11.; Jo:xt.,.llr111 !"·1w l1t• PRIMARK PRODUCTS CO, ~\i20 S. Susan .'111ta Ana. C4!1f. 920~ ] ,\n cqu;1l nppo11uru1y 1 ('ni.ployer n1/f ................................. :'-t1·:C11,\..,.1c r rireisn ca.rs. :, 1 1l<1y \1("('k. clean ne\1· ip 111! ~·rin:;e 1,,,n(·f1ts, Gcau111u.1 /\r111•1rt &.1chi ln1·a11un l't1ll S:t!c~ :\l;,nagf'r f o t 1ntC'rYil'11 . I 64:H>101 I MEOIANIC, O;i~~ A. Tune·! up &. carh. 11urk. Full>· <'\po·nrn!'L'il_ ,\pply nr111y·~ AlT••. l'.lth ,\: '.\('\tP•'r1, l'O»tfl. ~h·sa ·---\IELllCAL A,.; 5: ~ T .\I\' T lJ;u·k offi(·(', ;.: •'II f' r;1 i p1·a.c1 i\e. Xd111)' uf.><'.'11. ~J.dl ' 1,ritt<'11 rc·~un1c t•1 1;nx .:i '. !i~lh•J,1 !~!and. (',d, '.l~'fotJ~ -MOTELMAID- J·:X~Cl'Tl\'\· ,,.;L'lTl: . .: :-i3ll-Q.l I l , __ --- NEW FACTORY 8ra111·h wutlt'I' JU~l wµ.'11'11;:1 in ;1rra 1l('C1l• 1hr folln\\·1n " ~l;,:n1t T ·11r S 11',, 1:1.;1 ... 1·rv111\·n 11• s:; hr . .:;ile.,nh'n Upen ,\ll [)('netit.-. carcLr posiriwns. 494-1064 NURSES AIDES ,., ... 11.,,, ,. 1 •, I 11 rd a Y.5 · i11te1·es1cd 1n Joinini:.: an Collections. 10 key add-Eng .. .\ll'1<illul'.:it·al. niet;il , ~0-0 01vn rni, TV. grl pay 2 1 :1-Tust bc fully qu;d111ed 111 oil "'._,. '-"~ry "·ork1n'"' OJ"n"f' Cou t l b h d I' h FOOD SERVICE II Child Some En..,.li ;;h I I f 1· " & c:onditionsandbe.nefits~' ll1a~~ffcrs: ny l'OlllPB'.l'~er y touc an ig t fo1·1111n g;111d1n<·1<dren1ovtll .1112-8133 .. AT EASE a.spt'cs o tou1n.; \~·or..:. Ourhospltalstaffrelietpro-Call: I' typing required. Good t''\:P"!'ll'Jl('(' ll<'l't'Ssarv. Cook·('ll.fctr11a \\01:k1't' 1 iu.:s & r1x_ture..,. (Jwn hand 1 gran1 can provide a melUl· AMERICAN SAVINGS 1· *12 days a year paid company benefits, paid ,\dd1!1011;d ha1·kground 'in \\'ill train Da}s. I/tin1c. 1 HOUSEhKIEd'EPER·sitter for 2 OF NEWPORT BEACH I tools 1·cqu11·erl. ingful opportunity for you vacation h ll'IOI~ nnd f:v<t1'1wr design. I Personnel Dept, 1-loag Hosp, nice c i rcn. Light duties. the worlds rinesL stOl'l' tor 1,1, ••. ,.'" ,10,1,, 0,. c.,11 to disco\·er a :.:10 Bri~10! St. C.OstQ ~lt'sa *C t't' I ealth/life insurance, \I '" ,. 8 T, & f 'd 1 ·• 1· " NEW w· y .,1 H ,.-,,. 9 ,. 00 ompe 1 ive. P. •, y 1• 11 • 1· rnniJll'l 1!11·c \\'age~ 1 . • r nsp. re rcq . sa ary 111en, 11·omcn & IYirs desi1·1'~ ROYAL A TO \\!ORK!!! · r. uizenga " 1 *Mod f I t v acations and sick ;11H! he11•'f1t~ inc·J. paid I Opt.'n !!62-58511 art. 6. to hire a n1aintenance n1rin Equnl op11011un i1y cn11110,·cr ern ac1 I ies , leave. Call for appo1'nl· n1•·1lit·al ,,1,.,,,, ,,·1c_,,·k pt••·-FRY COOK I r h' b 1· I 11 IND S ARE YOU *G d • I · llOUSEKEEPER. 11·01nan or o tg qua 11y. t 11·ou ( !X' USTRIE r =~=~c;\t/f , roup me tea in· t ch;1~(· pl,,n and prnfit Exper_ Full, p time . 1 r 1 011 a pernianent pa 1 r • Ready For ,\ -----+ l 'f 'men . Surf & Sirloln I g1 r OJ: <1n edcrly person. r · l!l\C' ' . C! or p BF.AUTY OPH. 1..; r f' a 1 surance 1 e ~hnring µuid 111 c <is h * 64fi..82G9 * OafilS. You 1nust bC' ncal in . JU IO E. Uy('r p~,1 ,,. lllnge ncr'.' nppn11u11i1y for ~Ol·rl h;in·' *Stock purchase plan 171 Ii ;>•IO-IU'..:-0 q1Hu·1,,1·l.1-. Pl"a•(' suh1nit _ ~i!~lO \\". Cu,~sr 1: .')., ~ 11.ppcarnncc and of good , Sania Ana .rt0-.. 210 • H.ciidr Tw Creeite c·u1·11·1· :tt ('h1·1 ,J,,11 in *Profit sharing r".;11111•· 1(1tll ~,i1,11·v h1s101·v. FL'LL tin1e babysitter for 2 INHALATION Therapist for chftrac1er. You ,1uuld be F.qual Oppor. En1ployer m/f \'our 01\·n \\'ork \\'eek? Jlu1111ni::tnn B1•al'11 \'C'll' PRIMARK !l'l,:.;u1111•' 11 1111nui s;d;il)'~ JllO n!d baby it1 my honic. rxpansion program. All requirt'd 10 work l\·lon·Sun. •Ready To i\('C'('pt A pl'Ol!r"~~11·r .~· 1·o·r~· J,u~.\·. l~l·ply 111 J)C'rson or t'Ollf1H·I h1,1.,1•1,.., 11 ill n"r h c S.uni• hou~rkecpin!::'. Pr! sliirt.~. j:Jersonnel De Pt· 8:30 a.ni.·2:30 p.111. E;irly l\Iinin1u111 S2.60 per hl·'.' Sl:t-;,..~;;7 PRODUCTS co t'l>l1si1h·n·d· • ' •. I '\I Hoag 1-lospitaJ, N.B. er d ' bl d MACHINE ~c'-""-'---~ ____ n K lk 1·;1ea11ri1 1 ,.., Sl('i\ c;i1-c .. ost . r . ll'ee or 1sn e \'elrrn.n \\"!::'RE READY BlueprintClrk $500 . ra ;i I . • TOWNSEND CO. 11nporla111 l!Ualifi£'a1ion INSIDE \\'ORI' Parl·lin1c, \\'Otild hc\1·elcon1ro. PlettS(' OPERATORS If' YOU ARE!!! ~·,.f' Pl'li(I. f'rl'ff'l' hlu•~i,nnl ijJ.JI ll:!.~2400· Exl, :::;6 W20 S. Sus;nl ('hcrr_I' Hii·!'! n 11-1~1011 i:.\1;o ·1'. 1~·/inf;ints. R•·fer. ! ~\'t'<:. & Sat~. Ideal for c111l &\4-f:i070 1\.1·~'. 9-6 Ask ' roon1 t'S IX'l'. Grr.<I 1 .. 'lll'fi 1~ VDM I S;inta ;\nal', Calif. ~1~7111 l:.!~I I':. ll':•l'llt'r. S.A l'l'(JU!J"cd. SHl;iry s.100 .1' s,r,udc~t.s. Guriran•ye<l 1vngr. for !\'Jr. Boquetle. }'.;Q~; i A I • k 10 I I l\f:n~~lyy ~h~ &F~~Ay S· J.: i·o \\' 1 h VJlf••l't11111l1('-i\n rqua oppor1vn1ry /~qua! 0111••t' r_;n1r •loy<'r IK'~o1i:tl,Jr for l'iJ.:hl JX'r-"On. 6.16-8:'"·1 01' 892-22.18 ------i., c ;1y \\'Or wt>e . JQ~lr~ i1/1h1s ll'\·uif' C'.•1 ,\I . ...-, r,.. Employer n1/f ---- -Trnn~por. req. tn Irvine.' JANITORIAL help needed. i ~r~· day, 4:30-3Al\.f (.nrl ' HOMEMAKERS I Po~i11ons. Crill c n 11 1 r r• I Varian Data *Drafting $866 :1.>:!·8.j:.!J. INSPECTORS Part lime. Ideal r or ' sJ!rftl on tc~ipora9• ba?;i.~. UPJOHN ' ·,., ..... ,.. f: ''' PI '' . ''' ,. '' ' CR 1· I I f' student1;. Equ::it Opportunity ShUcr machine .. \\Ill truin I :J30 \\I. Placentia •''"''"'· '.'"": ._. .... , •.. ·.·•On Macht"nes 1· 1 *GARDENER* Employer. Phone f or 11 • 11.c 1 · . Ne11·rx.111 Bt'ach 61J."'··~1 ·~' ~ · EDIT "nl[J••,>i·i· ':·~~ 1'•' • o our m hnc bot ~ .,.~'JV '.l\p('J', 111 ,. ectr11·11l rlr~1i::11.' 2 d Sh'ft 111ec h an 1 ca 1 aptitude '""N lr1·111r· l'l\•d., ·'·" • s. ·1 . ' n I inlelViC\I' 494-8595 . . !l!:n!r. Placentia&. Flagship) J ::!~2'2 ~fich<-lron Drh·(' · "" 1'<!111111 1111r. rt11·n 1111 Rf' vo·:r 01vn boss! Part or necessRry. P1ud insurance, BOOKl\l:'.:E:l'f:J~ Devc!opmC'nl C011."\/'Ut't1•1n !1•·ine, CaJi!. 926&-1 MANAGER nlaJor finn. >:111'1 !or·111·fi1~. I Uti~11e. \'our O\VTI area. JANITOR for office bldg excellent benefit~. NURSES A!~n r e·" .luhs High Jnron1r. Guar:ui teed 14 day work week, 4:30 n1aint. p/tin1e,. eves. Call •;quaJ Oppor. Employer m/t Ant;u-" Gn rdon cus10111rrs. Earn Now. Pay PM to 3 AM, 10 hours 839-5750. PRlMARK NURSING POSITIONS Hf'spons1bil1t1cs , n .·I u •I e 1--(O C ) Pf'rsonnel /\g('nr) L.'l1er. 1 per day on temporary JR SEC'Y $525 For Expansion .\IP.. All'. Pa,·r oll , range ounty 33:; r·:. 17th SI., li11it 1:i I 534-7187 or 534-3144 l basi Fat vne i Be. ·r I od ff' . PRODUCTS CO. Registered, NU1'8e'> Construrtion PT'OJf't; a1'(·1.,' ClericaJ Ten1por11l'y . Costa ~1csa ti42-6720 I ' s. c ory •""" r.. _auli u n1 crn o ice . u1 2620 S. Su1an Licensed. Voe. Nurses & prcpara11,,11 of luianci:i 1 * Secretaries Gro1,·i11g r I c "iron 1 c ~ 1-_ _ . _ ence helpful, but not airport area. Outstanding Sa Calif 92'1().1 Nurse Aides '·~-· SI 1 1 . T • n1anuracturc1· localed in GENERAL OFFICE necessary, $2.00 -r chance to advance to exec, • nta Ana. · All ·-as. all •ht' ft•. ·,..,.,,~. • <1 · Yl\1111-: '''1th * yp11ts o c 1 · ~-·-t Call Coa t I An onual opportuni'" -· s!>('ed & :1 cl'urn{'y. Rrhlll'<l * General Clerks . ""1. '!td' 1 °0~'1Y l't'QUll't's ESCROW ~lttst have itooc:I typing skills hour, plus shift dlfftr• p-'"' RrY1· A "'A"~~~ ~.. v Personne'l DePt. Ho a i: <'.\p. necessary. Sa!ai)' f•IJCn • inl IVl u11 \\'ti 1 :.; tr on g OFF i .~-fi,guJ'(' np1itu1le to handle entr'al Apply • "" son 27e90"°Hnne .._ geBlncyd, ~CM ' employer m/f Hospital N. B. Pho 07" ,,.~ 8 · * Accounting Clerk• backi::round in collections. ICER 01·ders & billin" on Friden • '" ,..r • _ ~r..,..._r __ v "_ · _ ne ,,.....,""' ui.;1nc~-" 1 C d d ,.. · · -NURSE Aid d p hours. · 1 Top Pllyini.: Jotis For 1·op J -. rf' H l'Xpt'rirnt'C' l'sirah_!r. t'0111pu1er. \\llll train · 1 PR IM·A R K KEYPUNCH OPR MACHINIST es, aya, M S~llls \\'r.1rk A Day, A \Verk SaJat)' comn1ensuratf' i1·Jth E:-:peri<'nced, f 'tin11· Pll':1sitn1 \1orking conds. Previous key to tape exper. ·hih. SmAll nun;lng home. BOOKKiEPER Or !J111:,: TC'r1n. Call us 1 <':<p('ricn r:~· lkitr('c SECURITY PACIFIC t;()()(l 1'0. paid i'K'ncfH~. req'rl. Xln't ~-orking conds, Production, short run & be~ area: WUI .consider ' , T1·dn~~ f)rf'fPrn•d. r11u11n1un1 or 2 NATIONAL BANK Tapmatic Corp PRODUCTS trln"e benetlts. variely. Plersl\nt surround·• training nght partie!'i. Call roung, fai;• J!l'(l11·ini,:. Co~~A ,.,.0,. II -1 o. d I ·~ I l 7141 491"""' tor ap I . ·-s l'O 1'f!l' l'<'f/lll!',, · ,,.•11 f1."I(] f"i'1v1J()rf Ctr J)r., ;\B 1s.·11 11:1·~tt·i·i •1 .. Ir\ 111,. Please call for appt.. lll&'s. nC'w bldg in I:rvlnc Tn· '0111J P · !\If'"-• basf'r/ l '.P.A. flrn 11-'~U 11(' J•J' · · i N net>rls a~ssi\'C', I' IC · 1 6'~1-f'l ll, e:-.t :!!i:-i 979""6080 PCM, Inc. 837-3550, x231 dush al (.~1nplrx. Cttll ~fr, Ul{SES Aide & Ord<irly 7. Bkkpr \\'Ith minimwn 2 Y" S d t-:(!Ulll Opp0r. l::n1plO)('I' ---- -----co Leisure \Vorld l.ag. Hiils. \~C~h•".,.I""'~~· ~7~1'-~979-~-~3993~~· """' 3. · Exper. pref. lnter\.ws tandar 1 c_:ntL Frirlay-parr ti111" for 1 1'11on·Frf. Mesa Ve-'e Conv • public book.keeping expcr. r1 • LABORATORY -----'" MO-MIS olf. l)RJPPINGS r ROM I l\Hln lniutrancc of cc in MACHINIST--Hoap. 66. 1 Center St. CM . !'~"""""""".. Memories, Inc. \'OUR AUTO "''" I." \'l'l',Y plca11a11t Snnla . A. nu Med Techs. microbiology, Pro . f t 54H585 -'"" v • · 2620 S S h I d t/ ti gres111ve 1nanu , • I.rm BOOKKEEPER. exp'd A SubliirliA1'Y or ''t'movt-d t'ron1 Cofl<•rcte by 1tl'C'a. Sh or spdwnting, • Ulln ~matooay, ays me. needs a lathf' machinist NURSES A 1 DES, F/C. hfust be able to APPLlBO f\·I A G N r; TI Cs npplylng n co n1 n1 on !yplng, Sl'.'lf :t 1 :t r 1 I'! r • Santa Ane, Calif, Lab A 11 I 8 I 8.J' ct• w/1·2 yn exper. Al90. E X P E R I £ N C E prepare lnronle tax retumA CORP. housChold d~nser. U~(' umurobn('t'hobal er kgrool s."i d 001 (Between Harbor & veM nlp~cture <J.crlllbcrl ~/time. looklni for mac h In i 11 t PREFERRED. All shlfta. PA ole in H.B. FUlJ time 2'.l21 S. Annt' S1 , sirttighl (rorn thf' botlle req. ut Pu · ary 1° Fairview, &Outh of e<l~ trans days traJneea w/lltll('; or no Btvt.rly Manor, 24452 Via perm. 536-6690 or 536-3793 $(1.ntfl Arm, Ca.Ill. 9271» Rllf'I Jet HIRn,, ' ' ' thtn h()M} I $3, per w·. 547--0.149. Warner) H(/till'leuo. p~Bnncl Dept. uper. New a/oond bide.. Eltn.da, :....un.. Hills. Don't ldve up tt.e ship! away residue. End your Outdoor ·aports lost It• o&& IP• i ... • Xln't OOnctU• Inc 1 u d In I Vac~ CIOlt moM)1 Rftl: ''List'' -lt La claulfied, Ship An ectUtd o p po r t u n i 1 y rnoney short&ae by shopping 1 appeal r Sell )'OUr :'iulpment An £ q ua t Opportunity Don't atve up the lhlpl d e n I • I • EOE. Dlae four' hr1llle apL. to Shott ltesultlJ 6G{a678. cmpleyer the Pally Pilot Oa11aified with a loWwCOAt Oa ly Pilot Employer MIF "Utt'' tt tn c)AMlfird, Ship tnstnnn~nts, 102 E . a.m, bltfa,. etc. tbN • DUl1 = Ai s. 642-5678, CIR~lfl,ed Ad! GC~78. lo Shore Jlault>! J!U.6678. C. M. t7H3fl0, Caisllled Ad. ' f(jirl I ' JIGh'-+ Dr. . 1'Man I ....... W.lnl I ' . " CLL"RKS & REGISTER ' OPERATORS full & part time. Apply K Mart 23691 El Toro Jtd, El Toro Classified Ad pme Md sell ' netd or use:! Call $U.$18. j ._ • ' I I • ' I • k d . -... " " ;. I ;. I ., ' 'I •I I I I ' I , 'I • • .. ' ,. . . '. " • I " • " ·-·" (·· '" Holp W1nt0Ct, M&F 71DD NURSING CARE for elderly lody ''"'" ..--tlont. Live In. S dyo •per wk, room & board + $24. por d1y, Phone 673-1254, i OFFICE CLERK wanted. Gen. otUce dutiet 40 hr week. Full Co. Benefits. Equal Opportunity employer. Apply Storer Cable TV 2139 Ll!.guna Canyon or call for appt 4~ ' 2 OFFICE GIRLS NEEDED ltadio tel~phone dispatch Muit be 25, 11.ble to dJ'ivc Apply in Person YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th, Costa ~TC~ll OPERATORS \VANTED With answering s e r v i c e telephone or PBX experience. 11 am i I l o-n Answering Servlet', J717l Beach Blvd, Suite G , Hunllngton Be11ch, CahJ. 847-C076. • Holp Win!Od, M&F 7100 Help Wonted, M&f 7100 Hol; Wanted, M&F 7100 Help Wonted, M&F 71DD S.""'1. MDI 26, 1974 DAILf PILOT D 11 Applionce1 ao10 Dov• IMO I Gor•u• S1l1 IOS5 I Ml1ull1-• bO RECEPTIONIST Call ~trs. Sallr')'cr, 6T3-.1130 Imperial Savtnp & Loao Newport Beach Equal ()ppor, EmplO)•er RN's & LYN's SERVICE ...UO. mon, SAVE TIME, e PUPPY WORLD e MOVING! Small boat motor SCRAM LETS e<p'd. Married. Good THE BROADWAY MONEY & ENERGY! Watdi dop-Oermao Shep. 110. Drawtna boards, • wages. 6 da)rs. Huntington Be.I ch SllOP DUNLAP'S tor ret'On· bttds. Chlhuahuu, 'f In y twlnbed frames, cr1cket Ground noor O~nJru CL.A$ A Mechantc. Tw'IC up Naw Dllervkwbia: FOf' dilioned tppUances, freighl Poodle., Plt BuUa. Cocka· chair, lan1pa, PI ct u re I. ANSWERS SW!. .,, 1·-carb rlL. ""·I I CARPET SALES d .. ---.1 & new fioor poo, Old Ena:li&h, Samoyed, mlSC. Sat. 9-2. S26 El U'C New UJ<:< -• wo '• Y .;;.,pre;: o.c"'unm, Huski.•. Pup, , Modena, Newoort He;•h'" Of Leadlna ~Kptt~. Apply ReU\)1'1 Experltnce Preftrrtd DUNLAP APPUANCE ro 100 P.11X£0 PUPS! Stud , NB ' -llellsh -AltAln -Clulen -Insurance Company Arco, 19th A Newport, Costa XI • lo Be 11 · I v 11y r ~I lion SALES Expanding Sal@'S Otes Me&a. n t Emp yee ne ts 1815 Newport mvd., CM ~rvl.ce P.toat Breeds. Open 3 •'AAIILY r.1011lng Sale: ei sTo Of10t -0 - In 'No. Western Sector SERVICE SfA. Salff-..... , Affj~ Puwnntl lO-noon * 548-7780 '* Eve.. 5.'!1·5027, Ttot, \\'eltiuit, KUl'fboortb:, ~J~ ... _~1', ho Ou H I al S Or 0 ,.._..... .. ... , Edinger, H.B. BEAUTIFUL t• t y "·h' '""' runl wa.V./A-•er J 1u.~""-'ll s so1neo11c w r. <*Pt taff Relief & r~ vuwnY f/tlme. No exjler'. necea. I EQual Op E 1 FREJGHT DAMAGE SAU: ill e or .... ire eari · .· .,.., ' ta1u~s his \\'ill' oul ot her Pnvate Dut,y Nuraing Is For sales &: service. in Long On UM: job tralnioa:. Time & por. mp oyer new Hot Point Ref~ I g: Terr1.,r1. 8 wkll. old. Sired Boo1k· ~"11 & Dig~st Law $5,000 all-cltclrlt: kltchl'n and Not F'or Everyone • Bui Beach -Westminster -~-for overtime. pal d erutors, Wa.shen, Dryen & by AKC CH Kl r n e I' I 7:)2 ~II set, Ofc 1 nK>re . drl\·~ her 200 mllc11 to it Jt Might Be Just The Tbtrii Huntington ~aa. Leads & vacations. Apply 8am-5pm, 'llllfNEES Dl11hw11!lhers, New \\'ar-Buckaroo. f\.la.les & Femalt's ft 3 1 '"ltS'a.t/S . 548-69.12 mo6qUit<>-lnfc1ted lnke so Yoii're Looking For During comftlete training furn. to 159'l2 Pactlic Cout Jtwy IM ranty, i:redit, B or A, 3623 tor 1how or pet. 497-1684 11 · Pus un. she-l·Qn l~ dinner ()~er a The Sununcr Monthli! ! qua! fled applicants. HB 592--1571 ' \V, warner, Sanla Ana, near eves. or Sat & Sun. C1\RAGE sale; 2012 l\.1arlin gt'CC'fl \VOO(I tire during a e Create Your NO ~~fil:yEXP SERVICE SrATION ME· Will train dtpendabl~ prople lla.rbar. 979-2921. GER f\.1 AN S It ORT 11 R \Vay, NC\\~11 Beacl~. t.lany RAINSTORt.t Llttnlf!d L&O applicants CllANICand ATIENDANTS. to become plastic lnJection HEAVY duty Ken n1 ore POINTER }~emale, 9 nllhs. household items, sk1 rnck!i, I ;.::.:;;::.::B::::A~R~T;.,.L~E~T~T~--I Own Work Week! welc?ime. Outstandlnl! f:lq>erlencod, neat. F'ull molding operator11. MU!I be washer aU cycles avocado AKC, $50. liad & hots. clothing, liOme a11th1u~s. FLOOR COVER I t Competitive Wages, management opportuni-ties, time, days. FOUNTAIN able to stand entire shUI, if j green like new $100 cash. Hsbrkn. &a0-0610 plants. Sat & Swl 10 lllll to 4 NG Paid W•klyl L'Ofllmltslons from VAlLEY TEXAa>, Brook· necessary. Openings on 1st 96.'4488 F.V. DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS pm. .. 788 W. 19th St., C.M. e Var1'1ty of $8DQ.$1600 monthly hUJ'llt & Carfield. shift, $2.15 to start. 2nd HEAVY d .. K TO St·~ w-• J 5 In the EsrATE SALE Antique Quality t"uston1 floor -"tit S2 29 to stao·t 3...., u..,• en more · .... • "U· une , • • ,.,.,, .• ,,· !' 1 · N 1 Assignments & t It.art SERVIC "''. ' · ·. '." "-'asher a.II cles avocado Newport/ Irvine. area. Call Haviland, silver, furniture. '"" '" ng. ca un.ng a co, Apply r.1011. T1t1·u Fri. l'~or P=alolnterview f/llnle. E E S~ap e ra.ttend~~~ s60hildt,. 1,2.-ia to start. Rru~c in green like ::%w $100 cash. 54€H928. I Al! housc~ld items, bikes, G~rms.lro,"g I & c, olnl ',oteun&>. C.11 C ' B Id h ·--• N Y · "'""..-100 14j61. Clarissa LHne Tustin uaran ee< ins n a ion S.12 & 2-l • ,.. r 9e1 nlec an1~. eat in appear, ~ F.V. GOLDEN RET.RlEVER I (Off \\'arren & Holl Ave~. ) · ptrformoncr. Ovl'r 30 yrs. HOMEMAKERS (714) 635-7921 9am-5pm Apply 2590 Newport Bl, CM I APPLY . Rent Washers/Dryers IRISH SETTl=:R pupplt's. I c4't'r. UPJOHN (714) 540-5082 6pm--9pm SILK SCREENER with *Orange Coiu>t P\iu;tics * $2 \Vk Full alnt $15 each. ;. \\'ks. old. YARD Sale-TV's. stoves, FREE ESTIMATES 330 w. Placentia .............................. 1 experience in TEE SHIRT ll50 Wes! 18th s~. I . * 6.19-1202m• . 831-17<13. '.'°fas, other h 0 use h 0 Id I ·all tHb-144;! N printing San c 1 em e 1 e O>ita Mesa, Calif. ! 1ten1s. 1967 Fial, exe€'llent ---~'=--'-"-""----e .... ·port Beach 6-15-5531 SALES \VOlttAN, over 35, · n _ • * REBLT .,.,.aSher, dryers. Free To You 8045 condition, 919 ~ak, cr.1. EL 1-: CTR IC bu i It-1 n ll=:nlr. Plaeeutia & FJ11.gship) ll.B, Dress Shop., Exp. 493-6116 aft 6 p.m. ~ dsh/wsh. $50 & up to 1 yr Sat-i\1on. Fr1gitl1url' range 2 yrs old dresses/ sportswear SOCIAL WORKER ltfS\V u RGENTLY gar. 5-t&-5218 or 839-7620. O\.\'NERS lttOVING, lt"I'. e to t:LEC. lo~t·· .. <lint'\\", t·A-' S!G. Gas r:u11((' S 3 5 SALES REP Sready, parttim~. Retired.Strong medical hospital 2 T t''-" ''''' \0010011 t ··• ·n t PART-TIME CLERICAL o.k. 894-6232 experience, personnel dept. REFRIGERATOR $85. 2 yr iighl home. n-color, fr<1n1e, n1any itcnts U21ti ' 8 tc \\"aNM·r i .l."'Jl..I< Time Life Books \\"arranty. 14 cu. ft. spayed fen1. _cats, I 11111.le AmutTO, 1.lission v i c 1-0 . 1·ond S-6. 6.1 i\lcrc for pans 6 Positions Available r.tartlng SALES Girl. p/tiine morns. Hoag Hospital, Newport NEEDED Tabby Afl to te 2 has 390 blot:k romplctf', lmn1cd. Perm, Full or Call Morrows Nut Hol15e, Beach I 847-33.S4 . ec i na . )Tii. Jeronimo at Valycrmo. SUN p/h. p/s, radio .~· hl·atcr ;ill P/tin1e. Earn as much as lOam-12 noon, 557-8579 SPRAY. PAINTER ! · NE\V Litton l\1 i crow av c old. &\5-5362 ONLY \\"01·k f1r!\t $1j. l'akcs 1t all. Good clerlcnl t>kllls + litr. typl.ng & 111ath aplitud('. <! lrours per J;1y. J\o1unday lhru .Friday. Apply In Pl•rsonnel !)•·pt. !I At>.1·11 Ar.I Tlll.'!1·F1·1 PACIFIC MUTUAL 700 NC'\Vport Ctr. Di·., NB tJqunl Oppor En1µloycr you want. Start at a base oven, lrg cap., defrost cycl. FREE KITTENS PATIO SALE: \\TO\lg-h! 1rru1, 1..:annan Ghi•t stripped (or $2.25 per hr. Fantastic Secretary AIRLESS ASSEMBLERS f\.1ust see. $3.j(), 963-2963 Call M-0-5353 furniturc, polled p!tutl:;, 1 [Jun<' Buggy. 6·16-$447 or I he I · Steno G E fri t $50 GE DARLING t'ttl S k Id flln1itun.•, e-te.. :!'.l36 "B" PlRc_1!ntia, C.i\t. a n1osp re or s er 1 o us Paid medical, vacation & · · re gcra or · · · 1 e 1.1· o niindcd, positive, fun loving \\1e presently have a position holldays. 3100 West Central, & dbl oven elec range $12.>. kitten. Free to good hon1c.1 -1:!1 Poinse11iri, Cd~! .\lOVING: Dt'l!.\\'1ng boards, 2 people. (Across frotn O.C. for secrela.J.)' steno, must Santa Ana, (;.tl}...513.l. 67~1345 eves or \1·kends. Sal. Sun l ro ·I r:-.t ii d j 11sIab1 c. playpen. Airport \ For more into & have good typing & /I 1 1 T II:: BL hnhytcnda. pit·lures, lan1p~. pC>rsonal intel"V\v. 833-8098. kill s 1 PACKERS i\tAYTAG or Kcrunorc auto.• SAVE u:i; fro1n the pou111:l. I t;l-1-~S·G<Jragc full of ! liand laii·n l1lO\l'f'l'!i. crii·kf't s PtEASE CONTACT STENO CLERK I \\'ashers. Sj{l. c<i. Free Frre kitt('ns, Desperate. ll{'autiful furni\un.'. !an1ps,, ~.-han·, .... ooden chaa· irith SAL£$ \Voman, p/tin1e now, G delivcrly & guar. 546-8672. 642-5790 s!creo. etc, !llO\'f'd·ca11"1 1 C'ushiorts:, addint: niachine, f 'timc later. Ex per, BankgotNA~~lca •LADY KENMORE 11·nsher '!: 3 KITTENS 8 \\"ks old. use. Ridiculous prir·('s~ II~• !co\lector·s1 1.1·11rn\ coat. niature. See r.trs. Outlaw, 500 Newport Center Dr. -CITY OF-VOLT I dryer. Harvest Gold. G&'s \Veanc<l & HsC'brkn. t'ree 10 Vista Quinta, NB. i\lon !).j. I \\\'Ill beds, 11"&.Jll('!\. colored Pa.rt-Time Job J\lcditc1Tanean l mp o r ts. F8.shion lsland NEWPORT BEACH Instant Personnel Refrig & stove. 646-1092 good hon\e. 64:>-3085 I G,\HAGE. SALE; Hour:.C'hold 1 rl ar:.lic pieces !or Cl"afts. Flexible hours. Hosp1lality G;~~~ J!~co~·~ilt~r S.1.~r:t 836-3505 Major r.tedical Plan Auction 8015 2 cute puppies need good i 1ten1s, btkl'~ .. l:ooks, lools:, ~1~~2152~ l'nds. Evenings Hostess &rvicc n r c d s Plaza CM. Equal Oppor Employer 30$H3.35 Pepr HoWur k Now Availabl~ h 0 me. Poodle/Dachshund 1 r.ler.eo equip mt, l'<'<"'lli"!ls, lntelllgenl, \1·0 n1 ~· n to ours er ee Temporary Service mix. !).1()-2195. 1 ·se\v1ng mach., Rolo-Tillcr, I BUY!! ~~l1com~~~1v f~1n1il~1ts; Yo&t'~ MEN S&ALWEOSMEN • SECRE!ARY Reqlrlres 1 year cler1cal138-18 Can1pus Or., Suite 106 I •AUCTION St.1ALL v.·hlte male cat, & l\!1~.,:?98-1 And~s, C.l\l. Good, usecl 1urn1111re & 2 :J • 3 5. Typ1ng/shorthand stenographic exper., ability Ncv.'J)Ort Beach 5-~741 II • dccla.,.,·ed front. Ra i 5 cd JIOU5E Sale! El"l'ryUunJ!' opjJlinnl''tS or 'l'ill sell for you type1.1'l'iter. Call Z.17-Jro.i lor Nro:ll'd to work Southern required. Good ski 11 to !ype 50 Y.'.p.m. & takl' Equal Oppor. En1ployer \v/children. 67:H238 gOf's! Lan1ps $3. _CoHC'c ,~·I MASTERS AUCTION interview 11p11t. Orange County. Good important but outgo j n g dictation al 90 w.p.m. Ariply • t•nd t11blcs $10 nine!!<' Sf'I p A n T I f" u L 1. T I i\I E (lpportunitics. r.tust have personality & ability to cope by 5/31 /74, For infoimalion \\' AITRESS · Apply between I· l\1ENS Store Fi."<lurcs F1lEE adorable k i t t en s . s_-0. 8' couch. $20, nll;ch I 646-8686 or 833-9625 maintenanrc help n1.'t'tll'<I. car. under pressure c qua J \ y & application L"'llntaet Per· 12-J p.n1. Experienced only. 2-BUILDING in Santa Ana \Veaned. 6 11.•ks oltl. Call n1ore. 61&-6708 aft 6 or ~.::itlay, Call 49ti-6\J7 !lour:.· g.;;, CULLIGAN jmportanl. This is a super sonncl Dept. 3300 Ne\\1!011 See Dave, CH A R LI 1-:. S to be n1oved. 53&-8176 . SALE -2.i" ZENITH rotor tv S.19-0'l: • • 5.;:;.:>.0:,0 -j.lS-6349 TU<':i; t/u·u Sur \\'att·r Conditioning job for the right girl. Bh'cl .• NC\\"port Beach 9"l660 ~~W91102 l\lcFadden, N.B. 3-DESERT Land, approx. CUTE KlTIENS : console, ex cond $200. ZI", STl::Rl!XJ: Su1"JC'rlJ Fisher, 1,,\RT·Tlt>.11::, FcHiah•. T<'ll'-831-93b3 495-6030 Opportunity to \\"Ol"k into 673-6633. 10,00J acres \1"/\\<ltcr. \Vcaned & trained. b&w port.. S:!J, 1\1 is c .1 Scott, GaiTard ro1nponents, phon<' Solit·itin.t:. S:il:iiv + I S.\LES executive secret aria I : \\'A ITRESSl-.:S \VANTJ:::O, For info. on above auction 548-4615 household goods, 642-9365 1 sop h is 1 i ratecl speak.el" Cornni. \'it·. lt;orhor.1.:.\\il-EXPERIENCE position.TheExe·cutivc STENO I agl's2l-30.Applyinpcrson call: PlE\SL , Ct t GAR\GE S\L" 21 t· I systern, headphone:r;, Office, 614-4782. General Office. immediate Beuch Uousc 619 Sleepy C I R F B I : 1 niy nanie s ye e. '. ' . c,, Ml\ ic:r; ron1plelc. llydraulit' paliPnt wn. C.1\1._ K:::1~;:! --NOT NEEDED . !>-15-3..112 Jlotlo11·, La;:!:una &at·h 0 • • • yer Y 1 i.n an orphan: 7 nios. Box ~1ov1ng. TVs, Appl. l>aby Hf! !or n1ovu1g p;11il'nts, ha.tr PASTE.UP ARTIST I .. -. *Sec'ys, Bookkeepers opening. DIVERSIFIED uin!'d. 5-!9-1$46. it.en\S. t:iousel1fl!d goods. o/ (\ISt s:<m. lll':J\, 60 x :it I• · . . , .. . ~2.i i\1111. to $2100 nionthly \VA I TRESS, ex1>ericnccd. AUCTIONEERS \\" t ood h I 2 t I · t \·cr\.1h ig s93-i1107 /t1111e u1~1!11l1n~ S.ils. \o.1 gu;ir;intecd. Coniniission it HRvc too many to list Sr. Project engineer Apply Ben Browns, 31106 S. 1 '. • :u~ g , on1e or o {er . 1 · · ·~ 11 • • • • 1.111ches. l'\O l\lira 1..otna. C:\l_ bcncf1!~. ,\ 11 pl~ i;•i:i qualified. Con1pauy \'t•hiclc, Liz Re1nder's Ai.:cnt'Y Indus prod develop ~191..: Coast H.11-y l\1s J\o1cCloud NATIONWIDE f:~~~%1ua s. Adults only. G,\RjOE S<lll', ~·u1111turl', I lb I , Nl'll'JXll I Blvd, t.::\1 C:.ill 1"cpt'1.1t business, \\"rekly & ·10:21'l Birch SI, Su11c 10 1 Bkkpr. Scc"y/Con~fl" to 5700 I e ' T. · . LIC~SED -BONDED-:>-• '· • j HseftiJ~ it~n1s. (·lf)IJ~111~ ...., Ba oa Peninsu a Point 6•12--0811. n1onthly bonust•s. Daylin1e t\cwjl()rt Beach 8.t1-Rl!IO General OH1ce to Sl7G WAN ED e I JN~lJRED Furniture 8050 l loys. sar, sun 10 rn .i. ESTATE SALE PBX OPEllATOfl \\'nrk. No eves. Loc1.1! meat Dial A Job 833-0855 Clerk Typi">t lo s:;oo' CABINET MAKERS I !11£1\IBER OJ.~ NATIO~AL 9-111 NHn1uckct. ll. 1:. Furniture Chinn Crv~tal Tcll.'phonc llltswt•rini:: Sf'I'\", 1 11 hnlc~alcr. No Charge To You Sec'y to pres. S700 3 Exp'd, store r~xturc cabin~t I AUCTIONEERS ASSOC. CHINA cabinl't, D 1· c x e J UPRJGl-fl' PIANO 5100 liOX \ Silver. ~tisc. BY ap(>oinr: profcss1ona1 r x ch an g (',I J\lr l\1;,irtin, 213.-770-8~ Established 1965 Legal Sec corp RE SSOO makers. ru11 t1n1e Co._. Po._1d -· 610 S. BRO~DWAY, S.A. Interlude s1ylc, n1a hog. J TRAILER. 5· x 7· 2 \\'in.;E'L n1ent o~ly: , Fashion Island. N.B. E~qM.·r.' FACT IS ' SECRETARY Scc:ctary/Legal S700 group lns., + P 1 0 f 1 I 5.)8.-2899 or 8~2228 \\'lmod \\"ainut f1n. $Z-;iO.: I s--i\llSCELLA.\'FOU · I 673·59$~ 9·12 Noon. only. Top pay & benefits. Everyone Eats Me t __ .. Sec Y to gen mgr lo 5700 ~aring. an~ many extra anti Red. tallle "'I lea[ & 6 jJ, i , j4Q.~·1i1·' ~- Cttll 644-7!li9. a J?p1dly growing firm n .. -.. ... ,s Recept Typist to S.'XXI fringe benefits. . C I F I match chairs $150. Lrg I CAB!Nl:.IS for Kitchen & SALES 1·UNNY NATURAL indii• . .,.,.ho .... ·ants to gTO\\' & Constr Purchas Secy S750 Allred 1"1."'~.!:,~~n Designs * 0&' ASSR. OCJ• BAyTeErsy* 1\oode-n desk $50. PH: Horses 8060 1 . . Bath .. PBX OPJ-:HATOR FOODS Earn $150/wk or ac"a1"tance "-'/dynRmlC firm. Purchasing Sec'y w~ I ............ """'' k d f 6 kd u f I ed p f hed Tcll'phonr ;1ns.,.,·,.nn~ scrY . dist ·bu Coastal Personne I 10 JMN 25() Fischer, C.l\f. 1· Diversified Auctioneers v.· ens, or at "-' ays, , n misi re inis r . n1ore as n tor in Agcnc 5»--6055 2 7 9 0 Stat Typist $500 LAND TURQUOJS 5JZ-859-I l\IARE gent I c , \1·ell , Counter Tops also pro l'SSIOnal f' x ch an~"· Laguna Bea ch , San Ha.rho~· ' Recepllcn1s1 S500 I \\'ANTED •. \Vall J\lcn \\'<>-' E, , , , . mannered, :.'{) years old ; H,\RDEN ENTERPRISES Fasluon lslancl, 1'.B. L>;1ll'r. Clen1ente, 1.1ission Viejo Blvd. 0.f Escrov.• CUstonler Coordin· n1cn. Partition f\.1en/\\'omcn. AUTO'S & r ETC. KIN?SI~EI bed, xtra_ firm, super \Vllh kids $lj(l Soinc I Sli \V. 18\h S1. C. r.i. only. Tor pay & lx-n<'hts. 1 area i\lust have ex P S EC RETA RY I Ad min. ator (Brea) SS50 Exper. in mobile honie NATION\\ IDE ne"-, inc . mattress, box t k · ~'> 28~2 Call &1·~7069. 1 l\"Orking retail food stores 0; 1 Assist. for P.R. tirm. _1-Tust 6u Jeannie Sisco construction. Xln't starting Licensed, Bonded & ~nsun.'CI springs & frame. $1?-5. ac · &l2-J.'i6:; ~--'-'-'-----! PERSONNEL ASST SC'lling to retail store6. Use be organlzl.'<t, xlnt typtsl & & Sid Hoffman salary & advancement. In· l\letnber of Nat 1 on a J (\1~rth S 3 5 O_) . Queens1ze I REDECORATING SA LE : Assist busy Pc r s 0 11 11 l' 1 O\\"ll car or van. Call George speller. Senti reswne stating NEWPORT cenlive plan that really Auctioneers Assoc. Sl'IJ. 1nc. delivery. Usually . rLASJIY & i::-enllc &:>t-r,•I Everything n1ust go. Divan, nlanagrr of gr 0 I\" 1 11 g J-'unk \i•kenris 01 \i·eekday salary ~· to P.O. Boll P I Ag !>liYS now in eUect. Apply 610 S. Broad"'·ay, S.A. home 832-2'188. ma~l'. 4 \~h~te socks & loveseat, tabll's, I a nl p s. Nc.,.,·port lktich f1rn1. i\lust Cl'cnin .... s {TI4) 832-8599 & 1903. Ne\\port Beach. ersonne ency in person at Goldenwest 558-2899 83.>-2228 MOVING East-must s e I l blare. 1st S37J. 891-101-t ch a Ir s' s Pring s & h<J1-e /.:'"id t.1·r1111g :.kill.~. j.il-OJ:i2 SECRETARY, Exp<>r. Good 833 Dover Dr., N.B. J l\1obitc Homes. 1929 E. St.' B' I everything. 4 lull rooms 17.2 REG. Thorobred Geld· mattresses, drapes, & Stort $31.!1). C.111 Co;istal -S-AL typing, ! ho rt hand , 642·3870 Andre1vs Pl., S.A. icyc es 8020 furn. Living rm, din. rm., 1 Ing, 6 yrs old. $1.000. or nwlching bedspreads, etc. Pcr!lOnn .. ! Ag1'nrv. ::79U .. ES CLERKS dictaphone, 10 key add & \\'ANTED EXPERIENCED . full bedroom &et and 2 best oUer. 831-1?..W. 1 Sat •. SUr. & r.-lon only .. Call Harbor Bl\'(l. C:\! ·Zll04ifl:'Jj. I E-.:~~~ 11·/scivi_Tlf:f fabrics filing skills required. Salary STOCK ('1)ntrol cl~r~ nCC'd_ed in Ladies Ready to \Vear. U2i!~TE /~1 spe~, t ne~ singe beds 5051 Cheryl Dr. BEAUT 2 yr. Fillv T:.orobrd betllcen 9 & 6 • 6 73-IDW. PHESSJ.:Jt \\"anti.>d. \\·~ ! ~;on~n p/~~~~1:ics A pf~~ Q ac""ttnt7ml4g to6!,'lpe7_r2. & skills. ~.'"'k'roobe famil,tfl~r \\"ll<h Sales girls & :fi.1a.nagement XX ha~cn~adco~~r~\\'~'!:"nk H.B. 12 noon-8 pm. Qrr Horse. lla!1~'r tr:uneiJ. 1.111:.UON $ in Je11-elry 111 t \ I 0 1 · · ·• a I l •J-J ... oc 111 rou lllf' •· potential fulltime Or"ngc ' 'ELc-CTRtC 12· 2 ' "l"Amb·,··1300 962-1'\-o I · open, u 1!1lt'. '.Pf! Y llarhor Blvd, C:\I !II arbor · shipping & rec e j vi n g ' -· .... 16 lbs, stainless steel frame. .r-range.. J. "" · · · · 1 Antiques. \\'kly auctions. \\"e H.l..'.ur . Vall'tOnt• ~lt•aner~. Shoppino:: Center) Sl::CRl:."TA!"'..Y, E:.xecutive; to 979-6!2'1. · County area. 64&-53.SS Only 1 on \Vest Coast until Like llC\v. nlalching blul.' Miscellaneous 8080 are buyer:i; of fine j.e\\·clry, S:SliX\\a!·:1er _A\'C,_!' v_.__ Corporate President.' 1v.i·E LDER 1vJornamental 1 1976. \Vill take trade. $..i75. green s11•ivcl rockers. Lt. : llntlques, furnlturc. PROCESSOR S.\LE:", Bl"'g-1nnt·r~ l<"l S:!~. Orange County. Corporate ~TORE CLERKS • 1 iron experience. 1251i 673-35.54, Pvt party, CdM. green brocade sofa. 9x.I2 17 MODEL Horses, all si.(CS I Desert Galleries West r N l\I A 1 v 11 L J\l C E~p. f)l'r \\·!\. St'll Sha k Jee Sf>crc1arial ex per i enc c Ca~h1t•r, Stock Qerks, Floor Laguna Canyon Rd-Lag Bch 1 SCll\\IINN 10 S d Xl ru~s. -~ Ll'g uphol chau·. & colors for yng. girl. S20. 1 (11-11 645-2200 prrfrd. S;i lary open. Ca.JI PrCMlur1s. .l'.:arn as you helpful. _ Salary op en. Clcl"k~ .. Good future. ~ln'I 4!H-S376 • cond. $50. J\otJ:c ·s ~ 1 f1~ 5!1:r_:-16~J. . Ki_ng size. bed, g~ cond., I _ · . s. 1 ncte. 832_SGOO ll'Um. Rapid advancement 714-832-1~3 hr':;111s. Permanent f/~imc. \VHO \\'ANTS TO \\'ORK? ~149 Dl~~XEL drop len.f exten~io.n $35. Avail June Jn!, 'You Charlie's Trading Post potcnlial. 846--0322 SECRETARY/ •.J\dr t 21A ~o. f It i me DRIVE A CAB' SCHWINN TANDEM dining table, 4 captains move. GT:i-083.) ·19-1-1629 P~Llt~m!~~~~n~~ :i~;;: SALES-RETAIL RECEPT stu en ~JcPJ ~l~rson, CHOOSE your hourS, work Bike $'ii> 8-12-4622 cl~l.rs. all dark finish. RIFLE-Ruger auton1a11c I We Buy, We Sell to h('!p proinote tickC>t salt•s Full time, experienced only. Part-Time. Law office. 175 E. 17th. Costa t.lesa for yourself, be your O\\·n , · • · ~: c ~ 1 • cond., $500/0Ucr 10/22 carbine Sport st c r I Antique!!, f\.1etals, Junk 4' for sports events. Hrs. Prefe.r stationery & office Exper. pref'd. Call 831-2080. srUDENTS . k It -,,. · ~en or ~·om~n. Can Building Materials 8025 55 -t.055 modeL .22 L.R. i\1otu1ted 1 Fluorescent lites, j gal Gov. flexible. Mr. Prtl~. 5.14-5980 supphcs. Call for appt. . "-Or P . now, s'"'6hUy handicapped. f.L\RE gent I e, 11·ell 4.x32 scope. :r.lint cond. 1 gas cans gas h!rs QC INSPECTOR Nf'\\·pon. Slalioners 557·92l2, SECRETARIES. p '· t 1 me. f/t SUi:nmer. Ne.at, reliable. Neat -~lean Appearance. I BARN siding; 50 yrs old, mannered. 20 years old 673-6726. '. . · _ I Barry \\est. AccurRlf:', fasL !'l.tce ofc, r.tr. Richards, 846-5455. Vts., retired. Age 25 to 70. from E. \\lash., greys & super \\'ith kids $150. Sonie 4• 80 T .1 1 t.TlSC. & t_urni~urt, Eve~ & Progressive el cc 1 r on i cs S I I d E near airport. \\ nte Box SUf.ll\fER job interviews. Sui:iplement your lnrome. bro.,.,11s $1.lO per bd . ft. tack. 11a,derlA, Tn·v~1 e_r~ \,•,H,~hr·. Wknds., 5a92 t emhtll C1rc .. n1anuf. lll'nl nt'l.'<ls 1ndiv. a es a y, xper. ~500. Irvine, Ca 926&1. Average student, earn $900. Dnl'e a c-ab 6 ht:S or more a 49'.hJOSS. 642-5563 ... .,_ "'' c N~. C. Jlunt: Bch ~Betwn \\·fl'xpc'r. 111 or 1i11011le<lgt'l:'>lust ha1·e good selling SECURITY mo. f\.lust be able to day. Apply Ill tJCrson, 5125. Girls' Stingray, $7. \\iarner&Heil,ufJC1aham1 of l'l1·ctror11cs Cur 1nsp.•ctor I record. r-;~.,.,, b (' 11 u t i f u I GUARDS relocate. 5U-3380 Til\IBS Yello1v Cab co., 186 E. 16th Cameras & Equip. 8030 SHHH! FURNITURE CO:\'QUEROR Banjo, 5 Pl..ACE'Jl. gold 111 natural position in quality oonlrol bouuque in aflucnt area. r.-llRROR St.. Costa f.lesa. -AT WHOLESALE! string 11·/case. SSO. 673·.l6Jj, form. For i11for111ation call dt>pt. \\'e \\'tll train. 1'e111 Librral con1n1s, sa I a r Y Nf'Ctl F"ull & p/time guords · \\'Oi\IAN 10 r.lMIIYA RB67 prof Jge 894-2020 POOL •DOUGHBOY 2-l"dia I 536-7~8. a/cone! bldg. Xln 't bl'nefLis. arrang-ez11cnt. Eves 556-4660. for Orange Co. area. For S \VI TC H B OARD-Recept. stay w i l It formal camera. 90mm lens '--'--~'--------•·o•· D I I t 102 . rvi Catt 4 J 5 8 9 o 9 VariA" d t. '1 ~ be convalescent nights. Vic. 180nlll1 3 roll film ba,.ks & HAVE mo"-', must --It. 4' deep stainless, ~.hp pun1p ' M ' W t d 8081 ": u. isc ns rumen s. Don"t give up the ship! tnle ew -·• · =' u ics. "u,.. Newport Beach. 645-0089 '" ~""" ..... filter Jaddt!r hoses etc needs ISC, an e L. Baker. C.f\.I. 97!J.-5300 .. List" it in classthed, Ship Lawrence Security, Inc. reliable. & \1·cU groomed. I r~pid vance G_1~ex. CDS B111.ck Naughahyde sofa, liner. Gd cond llst o!f RADIOLOGY TC"Ch, days, to Shore Results! 642-5678. Long Beach. J\Ton·Fr1. 8:30-5:30. Call \\'OMEN NEEDED for v1ev.·cr. magnifier focus, kltch. set. Gold vinyl 81vivel 979--2966 •ORIENTAL RUGS• 'I . p t l\1rs. cameron, Bauer housecleaning jobs. CALL pistol grip, release cable, in chair. 493-8231 p · t t tinie. crsonnt· Dept, Help Wanted, M&F 7100 , Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Buick, 2925 Harbor Blvd, Hobbles Rag·A·l\.1op 548-0757 bf>aut aluinn case-. Also . • CRIB/Kant .... ·et mattress riv party neec s sewra Hoag H"ospilal, N.B. Costa Mesa, 979-2500 aft tripod, etc. $1050/oHer CONtTOUR ddlchwr fboor 2 used· for one child. like ne\v used JJcrsian ,l!,t. Chinese Real Estate Sales 9:30 AM. j 979-2966 con ou~ cu er_. em ssed $23. 979-8123 933 Carnation rugs, & tapes tries. 64+-5326 $60 [ I~ gold vinyl wtvibrator 590. 1 \VA:lT TO BUY: S J C e "TEACHERS Wanted." All, 1 NIKONOS II, U/W Camera 842_3841 Ave-. Costa J\.f es a , 1 an Uan aplstrano areas U.S. and Abroad. llerdwndiH . \\'/light n1eter, strobe case,' RIVIERA, HIGH R t SE Greenbrook Homes . ' PL.ATE BURNER and Licensing School Universal Teachers, Box be $175 847 TRIPLE d 2 IVIUL·r1 fany condl. in 8966 p rt! 97208 macro tu . . -3154 STUDIO Couch $50 resser, mirror, * 5.143~17 * , B h 0 and, Ore. · eves & wknds. ...~.,7476 ' · nig.ht stands, headboard • -----'------ Huntington eac On March 11th, 1974 our:22 year old medium TELEPHONING Antiques 8005 .,,,....... ht ti:I\ 9~ oUJ WANTED to buy clect1ic 16111 D-ach Blvd. f\.IINOLTA 101, n 7 Like \\°] e . ~· r...-o 93.1 tVN>Writr.r IB~1 preferred. "" . sized electronics company moved into our Male or fem. P / time neiv, s11a. · · * us~r:iiii~s * I Carnation Ave. Costa !ltesa JSOO·-Apt K South r-lov.-cr, e Fast Start Training brand new facility in San Juan Cspistrano. telephone help for Chamber ANTIQUE SALE ~~:m6 a.rt 3 & wknds 87"'564 ,I Grecnbrook Homes. Sant.a Ana !>-15-968J. • Closed arcull TV of Commerce. Pick your Better than swap meet ,,.... TIRES '-' Nationwide Referrals While many of our employees from our own hours 10anl-3pm or [ prices. Oak chairs, oak tbl, Cats 8035 GAS range, sofa, bdrm set.' WANTED to buy electric • Medical Program Pasadena facility moved with us, we do 3pm·8pm. S2 per hr . + Birds Eye maple chest, kitchen tbl & more. Ca 11 5 _Della JO-60 x .15 off-road· typewriter IBJ\ot preferred. • Management Programs f ll . bo!'us. Pleasant speak_1ng · primitives, de c 0 rat iv e 00 you have a purebred aft 2pm, 641MiOOG. !lrl'!l. rated for high.,.,·ay use. I 3800 Apt K South Flower, e Free 3 Weck In Depth have the O owing openings: voice From our office nlale Burmese? I have a o\ used & l new SIOO. Santa Ana o•o ~~ Tralnlng Program • . ; boxes, old oil paintings, female-, rould \\"e get them CU~ltt game tbl, year old, 1,f;)..13-b. • ........-;ioo..1. . Draftsmen Apply 315 3rd St., Suite E. prints & engravings, tog•lh•r•. Call m• at solid walnut, 34X3'_1, o ...... n GnEEN Hid-a·bed WANTED 10 Speed Bike .. v.1LI e Earn \Vhlle You Le11.rn * Hunt. Bch. ?vlrs, Orosz. Lamps, imported. cotton " ... ... 34X6S x1 nd 557 ,,~ ... -faded SIOO Pri Call Bill Flory 832-S440 Apply 28th & 29th. batique, ~; price. 423 Jlst &tS.1257. ' nt co · -2S33. suitable for ~ering. ~~YupR'1~~7 · vau.• 11ontlay thru tTiday TI h s I St (Ca v ·11 ) FREE TO YOU'! * QUALITY_ Sofa & Good niattress $10. Brown . - . • TARBELL * Electron.IC Techn'1c'1ans e ep one a es . nne-ry I age 7 • • LoveseRl, Like n e IV. I vinyl recliner & foot stool \\'ANTED: ELEC. TRAfNS. Costa Mesa Area j Sat/Sun, 1-1~5. S'F.t-1690. \~_ry homely e1ght·"-·cek old Custom-n1<Jde. Call 968--7910. SW. Aft 5Pl\I & iveekends. I Std, gauge. An1er. 1-~lyer, &:. ORANGE CO kitten. G ~ Uoncl 546-86'.!0 Work From 1 • a49-4338 after 5. MOVIN , must sell. Db_le 5--15--8157 • • • , REAL ESTATE * Transducer Assemblers Your Home l ANTIQUES D s 8040 bed_ & table corner urut. CRffilKant \\·Ct Jnaltrcss Musical lnstrum ts 8083 BROKERS 838-t::. Isl SI., Santa Ana. og chairs. lamps. 640--0872 used. for one child. like 11e.,.,, T C ' I Ope> 7 d 9 t 6PM DA VIKCI accordlan 120 op omm1ss ons 1 ays, o · BEAUTIFUL little Yorkshire WANTED: Solid mahogany $25. 979-8123. 933 Cn11111tiu11 NEWPORT AR~°>_'!.ITA MESA * Calibrators * 558-7311 * -NEW EUROPEAN Terriers. 8 wks. old. Sired or walnut dining table & 6 Ave. Costa l\t cs a . ~:~~s w~~~ndca!. n~~~.i~ SHIPPMENT In. Hundreds by AKC CH K ,· r n •1 , , chairs or more. 586-9012 Greenbrook Homes TELEPHONE of antique!-roll tops. " , $lJOO.f$7j(l or bst olr. C.Ommercial experience. Rts!dentlal People. Indu s trial pref Al so trn.-ome Sales Inspectors SOLICITORS sccretarles-ha.11 lreesmarble Buckaroo. Males & Fen1a1es TAN naugahyde s wive I TRIPLE dresser, 1nirrnr, 2, !J6S-:;..JTI * Set leads for our Salesmen. wash stands. Come and for show or pet. 497-1684 rocker, gd cond. $37,50. & 3 night stands, headboard ., c.=E~N~D~E~R--,-11-"-tan_g_gu-iw- Earn lop pay, Afternoons, brouse. eves. or Sat & Sun. drawer chest SIO. 642-SITI v.·hlte $60. 979-8123 93.1 "-'/Delttxe case. Pre. CBS CHAMPION PROPERTIES 556-3060 REAL Estate Sale1man, why : not work tn the hottest area. HunUngton ~ach, Fountabt Valley. Let us train you. Call Keith Snldct, 96l-44TI REAL ESTATE Sales, part time, Uc'd or unUcenaed. South Onnge County area. Blc:r 495-4121 or 49J....0290 . RECEPT/ INVENTORY CLERK Good benefits, p I l!l a • 1 n t ollice. Poaltion open tmmcd. Prt.ter 30-40 q:c grottp. HOtlra 7:31H:OO. C&ll. Ann GG-lll77. REC?EP.lIONlST wanted• fUll ·-Sotltl>em Cal. Optlcoi, El Toro lllf.7100 ii!iiiPri&risr fDl' doctor'• o11k>L --·WW tn1A. --- * * * * Electronic Assemblers Test Technicians Appfications Engineer Welded Module Assemblers We offer excellent working conditions & benefits, including pro!lt sharing. Interested applicants are urged to call our Pers~nnel Department for interview ap- pointmenls • , • • ENDEVCO (714) S.8181 Ext. 221 Get 1a11 .,. Dt1J1r •Pilot\ l!!!!!!!l!!!!!AA!!!!!llBquall!!!!!!!!!!Op!!!po!!!rtunl••IY!!!!Emp•l!'oy•er•!!!!I --,... "' looa« • I will train. 556-614.7. GREAT PYRENEES PUPS, SOLID Mahogney oval dining Carnation Ave. Costa t.lc~a $95. Sell or Lradl!' 675-6915 ANTIQUES, ex c e 11 en t AKC. Cllamp line. Bet. Ubl. Need.o; refinishmg' . ITh ... Greenbrook Homes. selecUon of Furniture & 2 TOUCH \VANID: Buffet, Clarinet. TEMPO'S Dial-A-Job! Acceu>rles. Many items on 11:30 or aft. 2 p.m. or wk· 842-818 . & SEW Singer Se1\'. 644-0220 SPECIAL this week only. nds. call ~. HIGH-BACK, orange velvet nmch., $75., 14. cu. It. 16 MM Sotmd Projector ENGLISH bull-dog pups. chair w/casten, Like new. F1'05t-f'ree Re.frig, S 8 :1., FLtrrE. Silver, gd cond, Se ~· HOUSE AKC OMlmp line6, Males. $4:,. PH~ 642-Sln 557~ I $100. \\'e:.tern Guitar. U>. L......... 0 F &U-J016 SI'UART, 326 Main St., Reserv now. Brindle It wht. Q U EENSIZE Hide-a-bed. 4.5 •• drop leaf maple cocktail '°":::::C::'....------1 Huntington Beach. Tues-Sat. 496-8399. Like new. Cost $325. A.!lkina: tbl. $25. Crib, hl-chr, potty Ofc. Furn. & Equip. 8085 I llam-5 pm, Sun. 11 am-3 BASSET puppies. AKC. 1 $195 or best oner. 67;>.l~ chr $15. P\\'l' lawn mO\\·cr -- TEMPO offers a truly unique pm 1;.~ wks old, Champ. blood GRANDFATHER $2C. 644-UXt. EXEC. Conf. d~! -one 8" j le time saving opportunity · ~ 1r· :'\ tr·. L sh~ !tt". for skilled• .. ·. . ANTIQUE ~ unwrual markings, CLOCK TELEPHONE Am. Pl.l:it·h. desk!, \\ood oUice desks. I KEYPUNCH SHOW & SALE &1 .. 26ro Finest brand. 30 oa!u, Sac. h · " Me h SE,.aETA~IES 100 Exhibl'-AFGHAN Puppl" AKC .$8") 893-4215 a r nt l' a I • • c '°'"' "' ..... ,.. ' ' BLUE VELVET SOFA ' ' ~·11lcul11.1or!I.. $20.-30., 2 DR ' Wbo ••ant dtgnltled A Long Beach Arena show quality. M/F. u concl" · 9' CUSI'OM made couch. Lcth•r fi.a-e sar..• rue. El« . atimulad1,., '°11' or ahot1 II Ocean •-t ........ Beach Blvd 673--2552 675-49ll exce ent illon $300. Woman Sc\\•hnln 10apd, type \V r i I er s, library • ~ "'-.. J GREAT DANE Puppies. Sl8S. 646-006'1 1-"0 -t t b I• rk ' h!tm assignments • few ?>lay 30, :n. June 1 & 2 i;,, ~" t.'Oun ers. • \\'O 1 days, couple weeks or few . Thru }Ti, Sat l·lO pm 1 Reuonable to good home. G•rage Sal• 8055 6' SOFA BED black na,uo I hl'nche$. fha>r. ll'<t., lit. th dedd 1 N ~.~..... Aft l 836-5532 ' D -·I rt\~·ks, shehes. mon I • )'OU c. ow ~ 12-6 pm pm, PATIO SALE: Slit, Sun. very good. $90. an• Pit~RCE Ji>NTERPRISES ~u can . . . • . Sekullch Production GERMAN Shep AK C A llttl of -•ht SJG.-8795. .M "'" ·-APPLY BY PHONE champ pedigree. 'S11ver, s1k e ~ • .,. na. 867 \\I. l.9lh c · ~ call 54fM450 Ir Let us know MiuJON $ In Jewelry, markings, l wks. 819-4649 l40 C~~'fo.1 C.M. 11' 1~~-. ~Port. !·V., UHF DKS $15 up. E.xec. awvl ctlJ'I ~t yaur 9ldlla m. No Antiques. WklY auctions. We (3) ~ T .... Poodle \4 'Il:!r-MOVING · 18 . -.. 8U-Sl.fil $15125. Secy ch r,~ $8124. nHd to c:ome in pers>nally . are buyert of fine jeftlry, 00.:"' • · yn, 1um, Pierce &i7 W w, CM. until WO ll&ve tbe 'jUlt rtcht' anHqlX"I, tumlture. rter, utlful, 6 wttks. $1S _..uquea. tool•. plants, Sat. 4 NEAR NEW Tl.RES. S.'r$ x 1 ~&l:=.2-"'S408;,;;,_,~-,.--,~-I ,pot l4r '°"' Dourt G11lerl11 W11t each. 646-lliliO. 1M 67 Beaoo" Bay, N.B. u. USED l mo, 300 mileo. WALNUT 50....wy dct!k. NEVER A FEE AT TEMl'Q, (n4)&6-:11111 GOLDEN lll:.~ MAY 26th 6 27th $.'50. 96).lABD owt\~I chair A t!lto& .. blntt T ..... Tompor1ry Help AKC l<mal<o. $100. ... U)2 CONWAY AVE. CM TRADE my 23" B a w TV $1'B. «l&-!0&4 lliior 6:00 A!<TIQUE PAINT It 6Go6ll69 9;111 Al>l.$PM tor,.... 10" or 12" oort. ~·~·"":.:....------I Don't .,.. up lbe.lhlp,1 VARNISH Strlppl..i IRIS!I SETtm pupo, AKC.&ln ••••• -......,.,1.TV.X!nl.plc, !lls.21!01. TWO lll On.-KARDEX "Lltlt"ll ln -Ship Spodolllt. free Elltlmates. too ~Ion dime I lift. -mi... 4181 ~ Sdl ldl< ~!DI wltll I Dolly rn.F.;$, $2:15-both.. lo S11tn !IHults! 64UJ618. $7-2138 • Mal• 7 moo. !ICMlll. Rloquet Oob, Irvine. Pilot CLuaUl<d ad. &CM6'll !l.l&-7111 1 • I • • l f) 12 041LV PllOT Sunday, Ma1 26~ 1974 -:---~-·-.=....,,--.,.----~~----~---~ mo· Ol<....,,...--1-Equlp, 1015 _G~e~n~·~·a~l;:;;;;i;~90~fi~O~n~•~r~•~I i;~;::~90~10~G~e~ne~r~a~I ;;;;;~90~10~1~A~n::_:ll~q~u•~•;l~C~la~•~•~lc_;9~520 f Auto;w;;;t·"ed..,.._..,9,.,S"';Q""1-0-.-,-,u-n-----97-2-0 1~l!"l1-1------,;725 1'iircedu 84ni PRIV PTY """l ""'"'"" 1Ca2222ZZZ222~22:2ZZ:CZZZVZZZ2:2Zlll ''1 FORD ll'ood)', no l • CADILLACS =.::;:::.;_ ___ ..;;.::1-.-71l--:J2-l ""'.SP".'."Y".'."D""'.ER::""'"'.AJ":'•'"'.llF::::M, '74 MERCEDES 450 SE Ex· Office full or n1ntchi~ running. Nccxls teilorln&. 1 73 DATSUN 610 S.lr•ck nlllil! ~1t n1ech K"tl ll\-e Car· one only (Ser- fumilu,., U&<d only 2 mlh» WIN A 'NEW 14' WHALER BOAT B ... 1 olr, &l&-1316. I Lorgtsl S•lectlon i door batrl lop,. •peed. •Ir cood. '11900, ,64[>-'ljg(J all ! 141 No. 017141!. Fully equip. MaM by Olk-. 552-7997 In Or•nge County cond, mas wbeel1, \'11\)•I 5:30 ped. $226.43 mo. ltue tor Pets IOl7 i Rec Vehlclu 953G Coupe OcVlU<"< • Sedan 0.-rool 1230CXWl 36 mt•'-OEL + TAI.-Why Ei.• ' •. w vu1., -Et Doradoo • Coo.· · $24f9 Honda 9727 • , .. ,. , yn trom o<h•,. • PARAKEET I --CLASSIC '57 Chevy S/D vert1bles . .Alao many othu • v.•hen you pay no more for enmper, m cu • • ""' .. 1ec1 end!l!ac 'l'lado-w. I CREVIER IMW '72 Honda Car • 3 " 1' ... •1th "'· , --="'•"c""""""'s;.-""'sr.;::>-...:2>J1l='-~ HY<lro trons. N•w lire• & Jim Slemons • · C.'\N Y<JU adopt a pct'.' I paint. Comp! reblt. Campe:r 2IB Wt1t Ia:t Street Supu saver! 1039GCB> Animal lovers ooly. Cal> C."ii{ziu{i"'1 FACTORY QMC •IP"'-Woodpon•I, bl1-ina. ~i'7i Only $1088 Imports -~-~~-~ ----.~~ Planqs & Organs 8090 AUTHORIZED DEALER Fll!Slereo, 114%. MI ke . '73 DATSUN Newport Beach 543-1781 · \Vork. 5-IJ.6333. PJCK·UP I R33·9300 _., NEW AND USED BOATS WILL BUY YOUR RECR>;-WANTED lo buy 1965 Radio, 1~000. 4 spe<d, new 333?!.'=~~ I ENTER FROM MocARTHUR ._ ATIONAL VEllICLE PAJD Chcvel!e Malibu 1 tat lo n UrelJ , (9GJ10P} , ....... -.--•'-'• OVER FINEST SERVICE DEPT. FOR 01' NOT. CALL US wag<m. must h"e good 1:>!99 4'3-3375 or llt-1375 I e PIANOS ~·01i BLS ., PRICE. OPEN I body & gcod interior. Call 35 USED JtOAD, J' u NT ING : o N after .i p.n1. 968--4971 1 '73 l~ONDA Civic hatchhnck, I B"'•CH 188CI B••••h "i"d auto, 1nust sell. Best otrer MERCEDES Open Nights 'Iii 9 PISCES MARINE BOATS, INC. ,.:;.';:.ot.' c 0 • " AUTOS IMPORTED I 8ll-mJ. ' N DISPLAY Sat: 'tllS:30,Sun.12-S 1555 NEWPORT BL"D.,C.M. 645 •3200 OPEN mnd '""""" ch=i'I G•ntral 970~ '71 DATSUN t:l>'.J l'•"bnck, 1971 _HOND~ Sedan. Good 0 • ORGANS Rentals fr $5 *P.ianos & Grinds* ,y n1oun1t'fl ?" 1-ton '68 Ford, I R<idlo, Heater, 4 Spd, lime t.."Ond111on, 3.l fttPG Bi:lldv .. ln. c.1h]('. Chlt•kerlnc: self-('(lntaincd i.:allcy & I HUGE green w i I h 1,'0ntrastlnt:: 5-l&-1309 House of Imports • Fischer_ Ka\\·ai _ k:iinball iiJUZZZ22Z2"Z22222'.2222'.2'VZ2ZZZZUZZ:mzz722222Z11f l~ung(', • e:w'\\' <'ng, ~lany Interior, 41,0CO mi I e 1 Jagu•r 9730 523--7250 . Knalx> -r.111 on & Jlan··;,1. ~rr1L'i, S~l.200. or bt>st offc>r I SELECTION j !9J4DBA\ $1695. Hat-.Ourl::;:!!:;:;:;. _____ .:.:.;:: MG 9742 ftfu~sf''t -Sohml't' -s1~~n-: Boats, Marine Eq. 9030 I Boats, Sail 9060 'Motorcycles/ 4!!6·!m'l. i OF Vollui1\·agen 1871 1 Beach 70 JAGUAR i\·ay · Storey & Clark -\\in-· 1 ----------1 Scooter• 91 SO 4 W"eol Oro'"•• 9550 Blvd., l1unt. Bch. W-4435. -" • FINE IMPORTS XJ6 I '10 MIDGET. Low m 11". lf'r · \~'rulilLPr · Y111n;ih11 1 \\'A.1'/RER, \'(·!vet d r j v e 121 . S \''T "' \ ~· .· , L·,,.1,, ----------I '73 DATSUN 2407. BltJ.ck. Srlll r -• N Sl'\\' Spinei · 1 1 .•• 1 . _ • 1" 1,..~, .~\\Inf:: "' . bl k am/fnl J>f'r C'Ct COuu ew • s 1 •••••••• "'~ 1nlltlnt> trans. Like ne"'• for ii•/llr. Fmni lJS,j(). e SPRING e '73 CHEVY e 73 DATSUN 240Z under "'AJTanty. Mt1·F'?i1 ~oss green Yo'ilh ac · 1 r11.di<1ls'. New suspcn, 30 Used fror:1,1 ............ $9~1 ::27 Ch<'\'Y. 1\lso. Chrysl<'r . SCHOCK BOATS LIGHT \\'EIGHT BLAZER tOL2Gf\'Nl radio. ~\Jr, mags, rally 1nte..rior. Full fa_ctory tn SlSOO &W-lS9? Playt rs " .......... S.119.1 '.\l·l~S Hny;J n1arine. xlnt • SALE e I \\I)('('! d1·11·c, r i t d Io, .• 73 PORSCHE 91,. _.. niin'Ors, front & re I\ r eqwpmrnt. Low nuleage & pg. . . Gl'ancl" ........... S3% ,,.,,J,•-•n•··t "'"cr1"c. "".·t . 2900 Lafayl'tte s61r·-·~-~ ·-~ y 8 , ~ ·1 s·~ 598 '987 r absolutelu Oav.•less MGB 97" .._ "' · " .._ .. .,... LK'~ :..; B ~ LVJV \\'e !ll'r.·ic<' 1,-hat 11 c sell. t1u!omallc, """ -, po\\'Cr l~t). 26?.ll spo1 ers .>;]IA}. .., a ter ~ · - *ORGANS* I ofr. &11-1~. · · · Bu:v nnii· iihi!e .--.ood s<'leeiioo i.1~~n.ni::,·. you should hurry., e 73 OPEL GT ; 5 y,·ttkdays, all day during JAGUAR DEALER Baldy,·in-Conn-ll.1m111nnd· 1lS' PACIFIC C,\T,\)IAR1\.i'll, " ~ 1 '' \'<'"ke·' !CB Jtl F 0 1 .. still a ·:;u)ahlf''. (,...,, •· Auhl 1617JJ'<::\ ! 1 '-uu. '6(i ~ c Sir.. run !I Ka1\·a i . 1.::1mhnll. l..0111'l'Y. Boats, ower 904 l!hf'1i::-lai:~ hull 1, alumn HARLEY-DAVIDSON $399'J , e 72 SAA. B SON,.,NETT 1 WILL BUY YOUR JX'l1C'l'I, \\11'(' y,·heel!! & Rodg-ers . T11on1a~ -111. !<pars, fully rig-g-ert, 1ocld 1 i~~ DATSUN O O Nllll'<lUN:<' rondlHon, )'t'llO\\' ~i,~:; '~;~:,~'.;': .. ::;~ * Ahoy There ,~:~~;l~ ~;'m:-0~~~:~ '.'~ "';~_l~!~~::;;,·:2,~:~~~;11,1 Mi'~i~·itM • 69 r~;,~::~,','. 1',?i~ ~o~L~1~;~~~LL ~~,1~~.':~:~', 1'~\;':'ii~i \\'urlitLcr Spu1e1. l1l'11· .. S·l9fl Memorial Day Srviocial I . I .. e)l;k. l 'llll '. se 1'1 l!'J3·1i211 __ ·' 101 •. ------e 69 ALFA BERL I NA l'AY TUI' DOLL.AH .. C',\LL 3100 \V. Coa:-t H\\)'., N.B. f\lvrl ., Hunt. Bch. R-t!--4 4Jj. PRICED 'rO SE.:LL CT·B, trlr 11·/nt1 11t·f'~. :\, 1"~t · Hl·-l'i!ISE\ 10-11 \!Gil '' I I C " o * WIN FREE * r-w ~iH S \\' spu111a rr. !:i<'<l!l'll AWARD , ; [.;1nd1·1111'•'!', h;11·d1n11. hl\tt' h.E:'\T ALLEN, 5'11).().l.f:Z. I 642-9405 ---. ORGAN LESSONS Tri!." ll'Ef ... -F .. ".·o "\lVVl "' "" MOTORCYCLES 1 A·1111111., :, .Ja(·kin.in iihf'•'1'· & MAN.Y MANY ~2t\oz 'f.'<I ~ pd I ~' . ' .. 11 f'tlll(. r.-., " "' .~ sl'll. $'..•IVIJ, l')r hl·.~1 oflrr. fJL't. , 1 11 11 I 1 , j • 1 · . ' •,11 r, inai; 71 JAGUAR XJ•6 "•"< n1l'•e. 1119,·. or tx>st ' . . I u l~' t',t).:1,', ('11111P l' \' I I /1~111'1 k I "'""' " FL 'LLERTON MUSIC Ji' T-Hinl 110 '.\lc>rl'. 1r/ti·!r ply. 171·1\67.1-0082 Jl(•,t~d.1, ,T,_11111.111h .. _l.1111.111~ r:ll'f\('l~, r:irlio, l'ihic !u.:hi". OTHERS TO \1·1~. .· 1 s true. iffl'r Pf.I · 586--13\G l1~t Sii17:.0. sr)l:ri:1l Slt'.r1. lfi)o;(} \ 11 n<'tt I lid (q~la . bu1n1icr gl'IJs, U,)() 111 i -I door, auto 1rans, air eond. ~::.:_~·_:_::.:.· ,;:::_:...::::.;. __ _ 18191 .!'..uclid, Funnl:iin \'alll')' :.in· OL\'i\IPJC Cln.~s Flvin.i.:, :\I · ' ~ · ;111·1·1·:1!1 f)('ll !i, hitch, .tux l'.l CHOOSE FROM lii .. r1118 yl'Hoii· 11,1ih Lhu·k ll'urher 'ti'.l l.1GB, GT, Blark, '.11rc S57-4836 , 1~· ~·orrnuta J(,-1 /11 c l' c Dutchnui.n, ne11· sails, 'rrlr, I · t•sn · 642•4345 ·-::ii 1:1tt!.., 1la.1 :1.t~·,'1<1j~! afl 1'\' AT -interior. 11·hls, s I er<' o . Good 12'.! :'\. llurhur, l"11lll'rlon I iv/1rlr, hsl $C690. \\'knd & equip. Best Offl'r. 5::17-7j';l:l I ti ~1:1"1-:?illl HrUC'<' St1iJO ·-;:\ Datsun tilO \\'a i; o 11, $5999. condition. &H-100.-> 871 • 180 S uri!y S·l89j, 11!!. 6 1 ~.\C ·;o fl:1rl<'y Dai·idson olff'r. au1on1nt1c tl'ans, n1r l'Ond. 1 Opel ' . 11 1 1. k ,. 1 -I /ikr 11c11·, 16,000 or1" n1il<'s. CREVIER BMW 9746 le==~ :.1 3' lllltO:'\DELl,~:1 .po·~rr n·f'. "f'11· Y'iO \\',\(;01'El::ll. Xlnl . ~ " _:c...;....--------1 WE'RE DIFFERENT ~o· Fom1ulu lSS i\!t'l'l'. 11· trlr Catania ran. Cart' I re t> rC'rons1~;1ch·il~ (·11~. E)l;t.rrn1c r;,1r""· 2 sc1s tu·r5, inu~t I -·~·:~:i-~20~·10~D~lr~. -----'70 OPEL \\'agon, Auto R1•;:-;u·1!~~·M• of lht> ··r .u1rasr1.·, 1h;~9• S76';1J. \rknd spct'ial f'n11s1n::;. S!l'cps 5. Like iw11 1 1 1 o 18001 ob11 .~. :--,11011· 61~ 1 kcr . ,;1·ll. 673-liij. , '71 1 D,\XS~. PPU .. "vma1111n1. Z08 ~~ia1~~~trcet Tr11ns .. J{aflio, llcft1<'r, Runs Prtt <'' th.11 ouf' 1·1·;u!, j · J. ; 67NIIJ.J st o r. J . , . . ROV . 67 CORTINA 1 • a con · crri~ '-') 8lS.3 1 C.oo<I, save on this one about, . !ht· '·'"' is ~hat TRADE IN SPECIALS I LUDER 16-26' raring sloo . 2 \rictoria, DI. ~ t;'~~":i() ~~2L~· \'ery Camper \\'/boot. !\u Utts. 17 ' !911GIRI $21!}). Harbour rompct1tion" kl.'~PS . ~r~~cs 1 j Spinakers. 2 Genoa's, &e. '7·1 HONDA CB TJ0,125 1111 _<'ea· •• ·' WAGON I S2IOO. Call 5"'6--6930. Jensen 9732 ! VDlksvtagen J8TI1 Beach about !hr :t11n ... 11h•rl\<'r l 1~70 II'>' Cobal HD l.I 1 I nd .,1~8360 d · era.sh ban; !<i~sv har Trucks 9560 '71 2-KIZ. $3700. \Vhile \11/blkl;.:c.;;::_::_ ____ _;.:,.:~ Bl\'d Hunt Beh MZ-+c35 you shop \I t· lo e 1.f'ry fe\\ I t ere. x nt co · .,. 1r )S, : ' • • !\°l\\\'i!l!H Automalic trans 73 JENSEN ·· · · ' saJt·s !.y· bl·irii;" undrrsnld rrduet~I to s.-r:i00. lnrl. n·lr, 7 1 551-mG eves. 1m1~1ac .• S,J99J-. ? j 8-5 7 6 1 ,72 FORD r.idiu. ' inter, mags, Very nl~ car. Porsche 9750 \\le're d1ffer•·nt !1('1 ,1use our h.p. OE + l'xtras. !!OBIE -16 · lrlr. Don't buy ~~). a.~-J--l-1 e\e. Ask furl 1 TON S6 ~lM. INTERCEPTOR Ill salc~tnf'n Jistl'll l1ard .10 I 1970 20. Skipjnrk JGj 110 nc~. used j tunes, gen1 : , ,n "· _ . nua1 rrar 1,-hl'<'I~. 1-1 rt.. 77 '72 2WZ. air, ma G'. s, . PORSCHE \\'ha!. ~ou say. thcyrf' ready fol' Jishing 011 trlr. c-ond. 642-8327. n YA.\l~A 6j(J, Faring, :<taki' l)l.'d \\i!h Tuk awa~ .'.\lichelins. stereo, etc. BKt Au10.1rnns, atr rond, po1\·cr ! •74 914 2.0 11a11t & lh) hHvc> lh<'\ l 11 1 1, Sh . SfjO nights at 426 floirer, Cusl11. ~l•'t'nn;: nnol hrukc>s, radu•. lUUU\ WIO .70 .ilO \\IAGON. Tllpc deck. inte1ior ~IS8Hi\llll . Complete. NE\\'. U\°C likP s~n~iti\'r 10 \\.·~~t you 1"1.•1illy 1 l)n\y $j!lli. J·;' :\IALIBU Ourri,g-er. multL I B_ai;:-s. SSZ>. c_an tx> sel•!I l'l·<1r . g.itl' ltft, 110 '"' f' I' -1\~•M lnr~t off<'r. S.l&-3182. equ1pmcnr. naturrtl lca\hl'l' 'I ruHy ltL'l:ury c q u Ip p ed . invt•ntory . tu n1:'.kc !hf', HI@ 17' flllll·hr!J 75 h.p.: /~13176~~~~: rup, ~ . : :'ll<'Sa. 6-12-33.:i:i . .\ ~[)C'1•d, :!."i.000 ll\ 11 c ~. TOYOTA radials, 4 spd, C'l<'an. BC'~l $9999. i l'l'a.i)'. Black_ on Black. p<'r1rct 111.itr-h hi I iv c rn I OB ~· crlr 30 gal lucl +· \' 1 '"J OSSA 'I k I d ... i?j(j!J]J' $169J I Orn·1n t r.r ,.. ''' 1 P1·11• ~ ' · · · JJOBJI' JI 2 ·1 · 1 1 ic J 11 tcii,_. R rral>-On. offer. 640-l.f-ll. CREVIER BMW i'h c~o 1000 DLR ."' ···~"'1 ~. ''"' l::t•nh in1maculate $WOO • · S!tlS, l'<H:lng S ·D·J·, .... ,, •. Ir S:i.o'\!(I onc..vo· · P1an1sr. If )OU ~1r1' 1hl11k111..: · · · erruip. •·11i· rack in1·lrl. · Jll't.:~ u;.1 1~11• g.is .. i~'·Jib · 1~~;1; l!Hl'!Kii', C.'.\1. 6-16-!130.i D.\TSU.:-i 2·10 Z·5,000 111i '...'iJS \\'est ls! S1l'C'\'I ~ bD u t a . ~ t' Y li.oa ~ '.! 1:1!2 20' Skipjack 16:i ~t~r~,' _1.Jnt c~ul. $~~~~1~·57::j, . ~~:'l'~8-;.i23 1 f'\'1" ,\,;.-fui· 11··. J'~~~~I~ t~il· Alfa Romeo 9705 E-.;Lras. ll1'st offf'r. PH: I ~<lnt11 ,\na ·~;rn~n~~1r,T1~:;~ er;~~: instn11nf'n!. g-11r u~ .1 11~ lr11np(('\(' 11•/trlr Binuw . ' . . . l""'T", ,.!' ~>-16-33·11 835 3171 \\'(' 1h ink vou'J! a.c:;rcr th·it · · \\l\NTE'D. ~LIPT'l·Jt 01-l ·-2 K\\\'\S!\l.I l'iO F d • · • • !'\ced fast sale. Rest offer. ii i->'n· tlifrr'rrnl ' ' r..-11·rr~. l1'1n1tA.h~. du a!. SABOT .~:111. niasr. booni, ',.J()' .'' ·, \ · ··1.1 ur?, • · "' ' ·1;:i Alfa Run1vo B<'rli1ia ~ !•l ·7~ "2~0Z", ,\/T, ,\/C, 12000 G'h~-~9~7~3c=S , J>vt party, 6 7 J-7 2 3 S: f'O,\ST ~ll'S lr 1.,,111·r•1'<:. Extr:i l·lcan tilll'r, t'tc. tii.ril:.'IJ I ~·~· · .~r1r~i._1._ i\lont_<~.sa 2,10 ___ -, -.-,-, ---;~ i·ho<• .. l' Onl' oii·ncr n111l'*" Sl,700. Karmann ia 1 -~o-o • !'L•dui•t'd1uS6~·, -------1L ,1nanyxt111s,mako:offcr. ;)1 C!Ji'.VY , T. fl.it IJl'il, :-.".l-::"'!iiJJk l--ti09·' -·-"-·--'-------i'\cwpor\ a~.~~):~!;r, C.\l ' "· , !.i 1~· f'nipe 11 /pipl'rs .1 Steve, f>1~-l:'~'l!l. ]'\('11· .~:?7 au10., .\:\1-1':\I. _-'::'...____ "·>-·· 67 GHIA · COUPE 'i~ PORSl1-IE 911 Tar~s B kh 'l ,. 1 1~111 1 FV !!!72 111' Scaray 390 Fnrd/Jct. Trailer, 2 1nain.~. 2 jib, fas1. l"IVF rail motorcyr/(' trailer rluH! batt<>ry s) st c Ill . Audi 9707 '70 DATSUN Pick lip f Lie. i:;7 F.OKl; 5-spd roo ur!:i 00::-<ri~:JICI · Sl!PEI~ SKl Sp I:: Ct AL ; S·l50. 11 .B. :i36--3'19ti. 1 spH~c. tool c/;<'sL ~hoi:k _C11t•1Ty._S~'.<m. 6 1.J-1113 !\tus! Sell · s1 .i:i0. ·I Spl'l'f!. radio -~ h(•a rcr. Si9!r1. Nt!w·porl Brach Dir. S.l-~~. '50' COLUr.tHJA, Kit boat. sus1i. S.'\00 5.'i8-576t da.v , ·70 DATSUN P/U. A'.\1/Fi'.1,I 71 AUDI JOOLS / . * 5 l·l·3~l 7 * I !\'E\\~iY.ll. 1 .7,o1c.c11-c"1cc3~-9~"°°-7.o·,,,...-~-~ F'lf:J.J)'S 11·archot1St! sale, 400 $877 c pianos ,i:, Drgnns, nr\\' .t: Drive 10 th<' t1e.ich !Ins \\'knd I CRH I::1·enings , 5'16·S679 C\'<'. A,;k rnr D:11·f'. hkt !'l'a!s , hood ('<lnd. $1·1:1'1. 2 door. '1 speC'<I, A!ll·Fl>t Fiat 9725 '63 SOO. lT;J()cc, e I e c I . used Sp1n1~ts, grant.ls, r~nj{Jy the sr1.Jty air, 5."11-2007 ,HONDA 50. Fast, ~.lust .sell, \'an ordrred.1 5ICl"f'o1, heater, radiaJ li~s.I I sunroof, n<'w trans, itcreo, players. Goin::: (1111 for 1 1>11nsh1nr & lake a look at t"L!PPER \\·/Dolly, l'<'OJIOll1ical, fun n1ach1nl· ;'36--l-l-i:i t t699f.;AD~. 1 '70 FIAT 124 Sport Cpc, ;i . . xlnl cond. lkst 0 ff er · business. fi<'ntal <i \\'/Oflllnn , our ninny ~pct·ials. $?li $150. :!12 £\'t'1~i~1g Canyon '71 lNT'L TRAVELALI~ 1 82577 I S~. R11dl<:>, Iieatl'r, lo lo e"'8•M l11..:J1 536-19'77. ID buy. l-\a1\·a1, Stein11'c1y. 1 [ Phone &12·18Zl ltd. Cdr.I. 673-711i7 Loaded, mint cond. Per fC'ct I 1n1lca1:e. 1mn111 cuInI1• lU(..UA c.u#IO I '6!1 PORSCHE 911T rblt eng. Bald"in Chi c kt·r in •· .NEWPORT PACIFIC .2~·sc."HOCK 61 E d ;:;o cc. KA\\'ASAKI .72, trailer haulcr.Considcr t127KLCJ. llarbour VOLVO : l\lichelln!I, l\oni'A A1'.f/F~1 Yamaha'. K1mh1dl, \\u;: :.r.;o \\' c:~l'l l/11y, i\C\\'port l1 hC'ad. ,e:allc~·. s;~s 4\:1";;:x;;: Low miles. Excellent trade, smso. 968--3118 f\ L • Volks"·a~('n 18711 Bea_ch '$5600 lmmat:. 4!}l-1866 etc. l__!A'ach _fi.tr .• SSO 67:!·42·15 ;1ft 6 pni. condition675--S039 19&1 FORD PICKUP -Ult fJ11\4 1 Blvd.: liunt. Sch. 812--4435· 1966 Harbor, C.!\f. 6-ttr9303 1 '73. .9.1-1 Gem. Btautitul GARDE~ c:RO\'E t1..ASSfC JS' So11!h Coa,;t 2;\' SUXJP, iiood lnhi·d cng, 110.NDA 1·i0 CB. 1973. 4,000 EXCELLENT r.10-r:~15 ._ TOYOTA , 19~ 1' IAT 12-1 Sport Spider. '71 KARMAN GHIA 1. rond111on. ~·~· ( 9 -5) t'IELD'S '71·11 63S-2i70 L.i.pstrak~. Res!orct.I 10 ~unt I claf' s.rn l!', spinkr. XI rontl. : i1'.1. $8~. Dr take~.o~er pynlls Silru. 9112·Jl.i9 , ~2600· CA~L. _ E.-.:ce!lcnt rondiliDn. se,1· 6i:>-im 1~i2 Brookhurst St., G.G. ~;rlCI : .Fni~:;.c~ .. ~ l.> Jt , $3-195. GT;>-72!17 j nt SI0.11 n10., 96.!-103? 'il FORD pickup ·'• tu11 .j J~,r, Harhor, ('.)!. 6-1'1--930::, i6 5966 tirl·S & pa1111. 615-3731 or 'i2 .SILVER T:i_rga. 2.4 9\lT C 0 NT 1 NU 0 US FREF. Ii' 0~~ 1;~1 eh -n itian g'.1 r · 1 SE' T S 0 L C .\ T' STE!:::~ Hodaka i\Iotocro~l>C'r, i-pcL'fl Sl9j() or Liest offer ' '7l /ltrO! 100 LS Ar ~t 10 Sugar Boivl, Cotton Bowl, 9!-iS-Cl.%:1 ) 2.4. :'UJ}{'r ron'I. For infor. I ORGA;..1 CJ.,\SSJ:.:S roH ;i11(?n;.11nr, p d~~~y n~·:~·itn~: I cATA~·IAR~'.\ -_!I Li LI~ .s ' ?r u·~tJc f\)I~ l~;l'~er U!kl' .. ~~1 -1·,;~1. ,\)l/F\l stcr~. i s·11;1~i:' ~ra~~-1 ~~;11 ~:cuan~·it~ln~. ·;,9 KAl{.\L\:'\S Ghia. t:rl '"1111 &I I-Sill. . ADULTS. J::1-l'r)' Tur~day l'L'p!d, llCI\' matching navy _n~ .. S-~..:_ti~2-... ~:i6 ___ ..;.1:_1~}··~1~~~1: 11.1 Cli'.VY 1 ~ T. Pit·k uri l\'.c11· lir('~ & shn.•ks.~2-1 ~Ii. Daily Pilot Classified Ad~ l")(ly, .~ncchanir:i~ly .xlnl :19.1·1 PORSCllE .. xlnt co1~~· 7:30pn1. S!arl nny \\'C'Ck. top. fi.'I Arr)·lon cnvf'r. 2 e HOBIE CAT 16' • 72 J!O'.\O,\ ... JO. ~.:\.'TP.AS. 11 Ca1np.t•r. V·ll, ~~u.to. Good per gal. i\lust ~rll'. S ... CXXJ GIZ..~iS. S8.)(l. 6 •. .---2343 ~l~.---:i\00 ·•.~king S,!~· Da)s 673-3011. Tom Dieterich i11 ch~i rg~·-rlo·i'I. pun1ps equipped ror Sl"~n r-:1 Oi ·r, J::XCl:'.L!.J:::'lT COl\DlTIOi'\ t'flnrl · Stil.0. l.Jfj.)l,~o. .i)'-fl~~~! Evf',; ,\-11·f'\~krnds A·-~--1 d 9700 Mazda 9738 ~.,·ell. 61_"_-2590_~·---- Coast l\Iu.:.ir: C11~1a i\lrs;1. f .,:,.;..,,.. · ·· ii.· '·' S"OO 812--071~ :----·n"J R J -utos, mporte 1~RSC1r" 91" 6 I 1~h1n--.;. 1\ Si.JV'/\J h;iy IJoat for J l"ll 11 .... .,1,,1 ., 1-I ' · " di I-") unclHTO, fC•' 1u, 'i2 ,\l!DJ JOOLS Auto. lrans. 1 -~, r. ~· , lil x n1 . Nr1vpor! 81\'rl. a1 Harbor. ~1·1-"1167' 1"2' ~u · '"'· ~ '·· tcio<v Ir,--·--------I"' .-.·11·c•1>" 1 '167-' '1" \l\Zll\" D !IT \\f d 'I "I I ' fi.:.!·:!~:il • '" ·1· -..;1 ,,_ 1 ~. ~": s;ttl~. ir,ul<'I', rOvrr, 1 'il l!ll~J),\ CL liJ ,\-t rond _1:a0l',r._ ... _ ·~ .. .','·on Y ·• J. ~llllff'Jf, .~· in1n1ncu!atc in_.;, -· ' ' r r. , 1 , con . 1• a11y " ras, s <'rl'Q ·" II' GL/\SSPAR. 30hp l Exrf'\IC'rH . 1-ii.j-{,'.~,I Ui 1ni. 70 ;\!PC s:~7;, Offer _·!:_l~-0.1iJ/_:i-l0-1.,,,7, i out. ll:'.l-20-10 Dir. LEASE OR BUY I F'.\1. Hll' l'Ollrl., /j l1':1ck 1 l:tpf', &l-l-~26~·~21 __ _ JJf.[\',\TF: f'AHTY \IA:'\TS JQhnson, _l_?ootl, run. co11d. I Boats S ed & Sk" 9oeo 1· li·l2-J3-l:t. 'B."i ~1 l1Jn l"orct pick-up S1i2j. BMW 9712 ~~~:;~~s."t{'<':1"~~~·. ~~o!~:~!~:, R&n'aUlt 9755 To l'u'. PIANO 1.0 ,1 1,·/trlt, S21J-. JI ne1v &ston1 • P" ' Mot rHom . ·1--sprl·d, :\52 en~111('. ., YourHe" CAt\H : \\'h;1lcrs, Ba:-.e $795. o es, ·l~l~-2.'122 OolN!""-lt1.nd.1u , C!5:~F'TQJ. SI99.'J. 'RI Renaull R·10 ..• !'117-~H·r) .. SCHOCK BOATS 12' ]\]]'.\f Sflf)M. :\lrrr·. 40, :: Sale/Rent 9160 FORD 1 ~\on JlU, Rcbll cn,g, AUTII. tK•tElf fOR DOT Ont' o~·ner Lo ~hl<'~ STL'DENT ·7"""J---.-1 ~Lafayette St. )l:s old, sell for SlfOO .. "I' I • V.\C,\TION • CJ II rnt'k. Co1nm lies. Xlnt BAVARIAN I lip lo .JO !\fPG \'BFJ17 selling' Pl~~ s?.1;: sl~~t~ I N.IJ. 67::·2050 v.·11.1 cxchanE:C f<)r l 11 ('I ,\T YUUH. U\1'.'/ l~AcJ:. 1·oncl $~190 979·2966. : M -'74 260Z $119!1 . I • 261 11972 ~·Tl !be I \\·ric:ht, small h.p. ho;H .~-I Cl . f So err ·1 1 ~-ORD :i~ ion '1 hy -4 &'~ W , '72 ftlazdaCp DICK MILLER .JEl1:Z essons. 4. ~-:l \Olllp,;on I rg s motor + CRSh. E \' (' s' .~oosc llllll '' &. ,1,. . 0 ,, ~I o~ ; MOTORS S · M h • 8093 , Lap,;trake off i;/10re cruiser, 1 673-lSO-Lar,e:e!>t ~clcct1on. Loaded. 6000 mi. 1 T , ~" -7'.lOFFtt •wing ac Ines _ i Fullv equip .i\,erc. J/O · ·1· • {Over iU i\l1n1s & i\l.H.'st. • lllf>.l'i~ • I Belo\\' Wholesal<' Nl'w & t:M"CI lmporu NECCIJI Sciving t.lachin<', 1 ~kcd i~ _Nc~'ll0•1 llarbor. ll'. Lovnnan, 3J .H:P·. cl~ Ll1\LES Vans 9570 . OR Slir.t9 120 \\'. 1\'arner at So. !\lain ltke nci\·. (.'(is\ Ol'l'r S."{(1. 1 ~ T1a1~el a11ul. Days 1 1\/ronrrol!'i. Qu1rk-'.\-ea:) 1'.10TOR HOME ! DICK MILLER Santa Ana 557-2132 J'rice $l50 67:~HfJ•1 Sal & ~.'.!100. I:: v es I wk n d s cur top loader. S 4 7 J. RENTALS '72 CHEVY ;\;; ·r. \'an, 3:11, I MOTORS I Subaru 9762 Sun C'1r~ 6-10 I 900---lOO-I 5.fS-42!)1 Redhill & San Juan. Tustin v:-s. au10. ~i-tract. ta.pc & ! ... 1974 ~MWs . 1 Ne1v & Used Imports. I , . spo;:ting"Goods 8094 13' ~STON \\'haler, li h.p. I I 17111 11~-if.IOO t ~1 ,custotn 1111. Ice box + 1 2002 s. 8avar1as, 3.0 S;.\ s 1 AM/FM, Mags, Air 120 \V. \Varner at So. Main 70 Subaru \\agon Ev1nn1dc. \Tcry good eon<!. I 1 ~! SHARE-WINNEBAGO can1p1n:: <'qu\ri'nit. Lo"' 1111. Order your car for dch1·cry Sftnta Ana 557_zi32 LD1v M\Jcs, Shnrp 667Al\U !\E\\' 1·u~ro1n ~urfflo;1rcl~. 1np S!lj() .. Also nc11• 'i3 i\lf'n.', 7' · Tnrrsportatlon r.ioot. / . I S.1.·J:il. filf.r2.':.'\~, 111 Europe NO\\'! 1 $ I 3 653* 1 S1299 riualr.1 1 11•'f'k rh•hvi'"'-'. S'IO. HP llf'\'<'r used-in c1\1tc, s3,j(j ml 20•,. 111trrcsr, us" 10 irl'eks a ·-;;--oo-O-G;:--,·A;o.; __ '72 :'llAZD,\._R,'\2· air. i.tcl"\..--0, DICK MILLER ·~ _>__c~u·:__~h..,nl'_tilff-01.~2. '" "' '· Shorll, EXCELLENT .-lr;ithrr 1·u1\'I roor elec :\!o.c• ~h;1Jlf'11 hlnnk~ s:\:1 Pvt riar:~·. 673--i,1::1. 1 ---\·..,~, au!o. rnags, IX"d, sink, PRE-OWNED BMWS Lease or buy nnt<'nnn 8.1~.to. · · MOTORS n73-l:i.%. ~ 0 \\' f NS SpnrHtshcr, Campers, Sale/ 1973 '.!J. \\'l'.\'\'1·:13,\GO n1otor-r£>fri.c:-. Lt. Hluo·. S3600. 773 .STATIO~ \\-:--Ci\, S2S:,O . i'\r11· & L'~l"! r111pon~ I S"tO're, R9~ aa;--8095 1-'/H. rlua! controls & Rtnt 9120 1:.0~::· ~~~.~ l1~'~<;_!') thing. f:.l'(l~. 67::-72\U •Jr 6-1:)..itiOO Call • '72 U.t\'<tfiJ -4 Sp & :1i. • 74 B-21 0 or best oflcr. 1'.!u \\'. \\'nrnl'r at So. ~1au1 Swap' ',~,-,'h",~·.~".''Lo's. ','~gui_p.h•'~.'s'3~.' '6' DDDC". '~4.:__:__~_._. ·'..'._ _ Barry • '7 1 ::..oo. Auto.,<:,, I's 67.1-36.-1!1 :.;;~111a_:.~-j.j7.:Zl32 8096 ,,.. " " <MJ ' '~ .~~ Ton Canqwi· I Auto Ser. & Parts 9400 ;-7""Tf.·ono, Ion" \\'hccl busc, • 'iO Hai·ariHs -:J in·siock I T-oyota 976S 1-~--------67:'.-3.'',S'I. SJ){'cial. A/T, At C. lo. 1 -"' at r1·dul·l1d r1rli:es !Mercedes Benx 9740 Tl~,\111•: ~l:ig11:1\·o-.: (.'olnl' ']'\' .~., 1 . . . . • 1111lra~t', 10 1 ! ' Cnh-01·c1·, FOlt S1\LE -1 11·hi!e IC'ltr1· sni. V-~. auto, radio, good ' I' I .\~/-V :O.I r.1d1<1 & l'!'{"ll'd 1·· I ,\('E:i1Ah.f'.:~. ·18 S/1'.' i (';1n1p•.'Z'. :\l~1ny ~I r a <;.: hrltf'1! lirl ~. also 7 x 11 ,\P llres. ~nrrlf1l:t'. s2.:i2;i i lsauot.eecx:k MERCEDES '68 250S j '72 c r c 1·hangr1· fnr g0<.1tl p.-1r1ahlr· I Cu~\ & fUllY,eQlllPPf-'.d for ~J-I A~k1n1; S2.1~);), Priv. Ply. I \\Ir(' mflg-S. sno. f!l~ rord, • 492-511·1 • rv""'d I Lrtl LlL'CUr ious 4-dr. Sedan 11·1111 ° ona pe '"'tor T\'. 1'' 1ra!·k t'l'<'Ol~lt ·r I P<:rr. crui~1~;/f1::;h1ni; Jn ~~'!--j.l."Jli C'hryslPr prnducrs. Trailer '67 FORD Van, 6 (')'!, 3 s1xt, ~ I auto. 1rans., po11·rr stc>t'rini:;,' 1\t1f(• Trn1, Llj!hl Blu<'. or s!rN·•l (':l~~f'!lc• rC'c'(1!'f!C"1-.1 ,\Je,100. 71'1.S:~-1683 l\!AJOJt\\'AY. ColJOvcr f1Jl' Jiil(·IJ h1c1er uscdl, fir~ panelc~l 11·/h('(L Ur1(lcr 50:'11,(~ fr.JC:., po11er hrak(•s, full ll•athc·r( only 21,<nl earef11I tnilrs ~,\:\1-4!';\! .146 Hn1n1llo11, j ·7:; Sl\JP Jack 20. QpC'n 1 ·ruyola or Oiilsun. Rrwll, I Ford :'llus!ang 'il ro '73 ~25. Sl.000.URGENT! 6T;>-5i52 · -0 4 Spd A'•fF•• interior, AM/Fi\t radio. low ! t:lltiESE I C\1 ' . I h I 2 r., " m m $2399 · / (TU1scr, 01v rs. Sale/part· jacks, shock!!. Used 3 lin11."s Be ore :: pin !197-271~. ·72 FORD r:100 Van V-8 Lie 2'!402 Marguerite Parkway mileage & show meticulous TV, Radio, Hi Fi St. 8098 nership or traC:e down., S97.l. 5-16--55Z.t Tl RES 77.~W?ll Jlnn<'lcd Pr. Pty. 1 . ft1ission \lic_,jo $6 6~-* care inside & out {\VXK59ll I 1-193-9188. ' S2400 R42-i352. USE AVERY P\VY EXIT. I -BILL MAXEY TOYOTA SALE OR TRADE r ' , CMIPER SJIELL to: 8 Bed. 5 Dl'!1a 1(Hil) x 1J off-road ' - . ' 831-2040 e 49.).4949 l PHILCOCOMPONENT 'C~AN 6S 17 Boston l (With vent) $!JO. lii~s.ra!l'dforhit;hl\ll\'US('. 671-0RDVA."'.reblteng .. 6 easeorBuy ! \\haler. lOOhp Johnson, lg.. 841,..5652 '1 usNI & 1 , r • SlOO l'yl, runs good. S 8 0 0 . GE C , 881118l'ath81•d..841 ll~SS HUNTING TOM 8£ACH l:,,r•rM !<)!>ll'rn 11•ith JJ.')f{ 1um· "·heel tr!r, xtras. $2900. 67J 134-n1:i · · 673-5789 aft. noon ORAN OUNTY S '74 PICKUPS lftble. / :.1&-il3i 1 Motorcycles/ .,._ "· OLDEST ~ A GOOD UNIT ' _ Scooters 9150 '72 OIEV ::07 ron1plcte Allto1 W1nted 9590 11·111 ~i·ll l11r Sl:!J. !inn or ' 13.6 .. SEA\VJTat 25 HP, . I <'n~ine .1,tclory 11£111" E/7. I & . OPEN SUNDAY '70 TOYOTA Corona 4 Dr 11·;,rl1• l•n' ~n 1nll porlalJll' I ~\ln~c eng., elec. sta11cr. n1'0 Premier hcln1ets, I~(' .• t'Onvcrsion to tnarinc u~. TOP DOLLAR PAID I • ~ ..,:..-' r ·12 MERCEDES BENZ 350 Deluxe, Raflk>, Heater, illJ t•I --{'al[ fii::.r~.;r. ~:\'c<l ~n~lec~n~roi.7t~lr,,.4kaccess. lik.e 1~<'1v. S2j ca. C111l I Frpc rl<'!hcry, Guaranh·cd. IMMEDIATELY l f"~~-::'-~~ SLCpeRdslr !Llc:USFJNJ Sa1·cr, (2J.IAKSl Special ,,if,r,,, "!' ,11,rk+'n<I~-in• roiei. I -7. · I 6i:>/!l16 S-1i:1. 892-9--l36 VOP.. ,\LL f"OREIGN C,\R~ ;i_~fOrjl&iii R.R.dio, htr1., aut., PIS; air: $995 Harbour \'olk.swagen, I ., ... (': l'\' --S!.,!:'llER ft_;N 10' G, a_sspar, '71 l\'OHTON CQ~l;\I A\00. '67 Cl/t::\;\-°"111,1,,. r•o· ,,,.,,.,".' Cali or conic in to SCt' us. --~ Spl'cial 10,100. Newport lRnt Beach Blvd., Hunt. .1 ''·'01 i",1 n11h f t !Oh f d "" -'· -.r: -' B ·1·1 Dir 714/~l-9?.()() Reh 842-4435 ·.:11;11.1111.,-d /'h\UI•' ftll~ ~·~tl'<''.;:.r. p ,\:inru ~··all Ill'\\', "O" n1ilC'S, r ninply ~O!l11ni:: ll\'t f s·,o, TH3 1974 BMW' • . t'<C I . ' . \, =~·~c.c.=·'-----·I \~:.·,. ,.,11.1:.-iii ,."1111111,,11 ~ ;~· JltJ~i!~0i~';-N B'.S·OS:il / 1·ho[lped, sharp. \il-fi62S I 1·:n..:111l-, !1:1laur.'·il .:~ jusl I S l'n MBZ . 250 ~an A~to.' ·71 C<?ROLL/\ 1600, 4 ~pd. - !'11.,1h' _-1b_1·;:i:,_af_".-r :\ 11111 .-Y _ • . •14 flond1t.'I i~Jfl .~ ;i;")() h"1kc ui. szoo. 61:!·.i.i<C I in :-.lo.:k ready f<'r in1n1l'dinte 4 Spd. AM/FM ll'RllS .. air. Ai\1/~ i\1, ft11ch. 1\,\1·1' ~I. nc1v Pn'\'111 r11d1al~. ~ ZOlJI \C i\fKl fl t 11 I I ~--cl •Hverv Excrllent srivin1•;:; 1 X radinls, & Jo1v n1iles. hrakc!l, ~O n1pi,:-, Xlnt f'Ond. STE!tEO ta1w~ '' 1rat·k 7" 11.11:i~irit'hin:• ivh 1~ a a .17~ 1 Xtr11s, $19~ ,\: $1 700 L'.S. 1\!(;i.: 1t1n1s---:-:1~. D~ l'Cin: .. ;1ni~·g-1973 m;,dcis.'" I $6 9~s-*. I 8.'ll-2040 Dir. $11l;j(). 5;,7_3522, 556-4842 H1•1•1. \0a r111us :1\11un1~ lnr '1·1 l'kg ces.600' iJ!lS--0.).19 I Ex<·eltrnt t'Ontl. 1·1'". Aski ng I S1\l.l·:S·SERVICE!..i::A.C\J ~~G ~--~f'_:_~'-~.?C __ T\' X.l'.!·977J ~ ~:.~~~7g;a 1 e new · 11oNDA SL 350, •7:;. Blur, $100. (.'all 5:\06:l·IO. 3100 \V. Coast lhvy., N.B. f OVERSEAS DELIVERY ''i'2 MERCEDES 2,;(l, all '71 TOYOTA. RT 83, 4 dr, I ~i!!!!~~~~~~~~. ;;11rt1s C" .. ~ c b' . just tuned $69:;. 67~783'.l or V\\' BUS Tl'Rnsaxrl.$7j. 36 hn 642-9405 . ROY CARVER, Inc. Lease or Buy xtras, $6600. Private Pty. auto, low mi., Below Book, I.I I~ "' . iuu ' a tn tw111 ' [Jj7-4S61 aft 5 V\V E . SIOO TOP DOLLAR 111Z..3803 $1·100. 5-15--7376 Beats and .,C , stTc11· 2:i·. Sips 5, head & [ · ni.:inc, · Bolh goorL ROLLS ROYCE BMW '" '"' ,••0 1.1. '66 250 SE Coupe, 4 !l(>('ed, '69 CORONA, 4 dr, ·Arr, Menn.Equipment : ~;.,l•lal!l'y.S."iG005:JG--76-19. ~~~ASKICoyotc. Like nC\\' .. !73i .. ~~· Engine. 1600, dual SPOFROTRCARS 2.14 E.17th St. DEMO SALE leather interior, orig &I Xlnt cond. SUIO. Aft 5 & s AHP 32' Luhrs '67. F /B, Call &H-JOC£. Costa ~teSA • 546-t#t beautiful. 8.11-2040 Dir. I wkends • 552-8032. General 9010 rt u•s1·l. f()gls. l\Tany extras port heads, had fire, bollonl CREVIER BMW EXAMPLE CLASS SELLS -642-5678 ,. The fastest draw In the Wc•l. 1------'-----= $17,.·iOO. Ch\rx•r. &12--5583. 2 1973 C·T·iO TR A J L looks good. S::n:l. 5-18·1617 All models ,t,-yenrs LEARN ' · HONDAS. 400 ml oo caeh. "' -''" MUSTANG hood, SEE US FIRSTI S.1!" e Sc:vk~ e Le"'iog 610 Toyota 9765 Toyota 9765 ~ THOJAN, '6.'i galley, head. . "" uu ~ierps 4. JinmaC'. $8500. Like new. &MJ.-1818. clean. Hood latch, JOg 20.~ W. 1st, S.A. 835-3171 :0t.MT,Si1Ytr....ui11C.blk.i~ BOATING SAFETY Offer. Priv. Piy, 67S.4l42. ·71 J~ONDA 750. L 0 w lights. misc. 642-9365. • USED BMWs ~~~~1.:i1~:-m1~ SAIL OH PO\\T:l! R' nillcage m int cond $1650 I : ,:::-'...,.~,=!..t:.".:::.. · ./ 'il 2002 $2886.20 I fHEE l1.ASSE~ l GLASSPAR J.o. Voh·o DUer a.G-33.i(I ·. . JI0111••1011LWl.C.•. '4S-tMli\ ., ·10 200'l I>~ B11Jl>on 1'011('r Sq1nulrun C'11J:. l c~ 1, full c:i-_nvas, xlnl 1 · Auto• for Siie I I ~ I ./ '69 2"m 1,1r;rr r-.lon., Junl· ;:, Ii;:'.() iun rond. Sl:OO. 493-5546. 69 SPORTSTER. xlnt cone!, TOP CASll for clenn used ./ '71 Bavaria I \l•11porf }111.1 bor Yn1 ht Cluti I Bo.ts, Rent/Char. 9050 . many extras. $!700. eoni 1111d trucks c=-a~p~ri...::::.c;=----9~7~1~S-I no '\."Y -'" . I &1 2-ll213 General 9510 Howard Chevrolet Cnll ,;411-._f9 j8 1 42, NF:\V 0 rl Cm! I LAMBARETI'A iildc car cusi · 72 CAPRI COUPE . 'for.;ir1n~~~~ ' NO si<1PPE.R 1F I.JI!,' libr. glass i;hell &!Iver I tilacArthur nnd Jan1bort'C I Dl'.\GJI\ .f •.•• hp t\ l~ltl Ii.Ji. YOU'RE QUALIFIED ! gre). SJj()/oHcr. 979-ZJ66 I 71 TOYOTA Ne11·1W'rt Beal'h •I 11pced, nlr rond!Uoned, Goon CONOIT ON s2flo 8.'3-0.~:i h<'lltr.r, Jnintuculatc. 137G-Gll-<19~G illtcr srif 1 • Fl~-Bridgc Spoi1 Fishermnn. / '68 HONO~ Trail 90. ~t~t 1~ t•nglnt', N~w . brakes, \\•E "islJY Fl.Xi. . Pl u,.h. Full <'lectronlcs, full •~)ncl. Runs gt-eat. Tc1Tihc l1t'l's & ball. Koni sJ1ocki;. PORT! .0 $2277 Bo•ts, M1rlne Eq. 903o gallr)', shov.·cr, etc. For ( mileage. $200. 833·0003 afl ·~ Dy~tuned. l.o1v n11leage. BE~t PRIC·eS~~c;IDI I rlu.u1.cr by day or v.·eek. TRIU~f PH chopper for salt Jl.tANY EXTRAS. 0 r I¥, ~' V·bollnm fu<'I tank!I, 1~ F'l!lh, <'l'llilst, cocktail, etc. or trade. 01vneT. Private par1y. Best De1n Lewis Imports I 1:88. SS, Q'nlVAnlierl & 6-L~nxl. 962·~1 Sun<lny Call 548--9809 oUcr. li:G? llc.rbor. C.M. 646·9.10: pltt~h<'. 645--8234, &IZ-6449. only. \ 159 750 NORTO~ SS anyllme WANTED 1955·1966 CAD Any i Jlo.11 Ir.lier Will carry 18' ERICSONl:JG" 111oop n. eqpt. commando. Outstanding 64>2342 model exctlltnt mr.dltlon boa1 no1>11C1IY 800 Ibo. $15. •IP'-S Charter da/wk. cond lllJO, m-0648 Anti A Cl le t520''--"581:.;..J6Tl=;..,,..==---f!nl. cond. 846-41~. pr/pty. M&.0428 • quu au .,. CASH FOR NlW ii h.p. Chrysler ERIC90Nli8"aloopD.equ1p. ~~~witu ~~1 1SIO BUICK. 4 Dr SpectaJ. YOUR CAR outbootd motor + Wk 11.,.. 5 0wwr da/Wll ~-pt ~ ••• ~" t -• M·-• ... 1 -rr S)9S. !145--296'7 ,_, INl-OUS • 1N111 e D\l.uo:• • • • ,_. .c.oill,;Vlllm '"'1rN·• ..... m<1<•. pr,...,. coll ~l $1.llO./Blt. oUtt 96M!1I All. Call 64H6111. · . ;1}t4Jt Lw -VOLVO 1966 8"'bor, C.M. 6*930! t , ( 8 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM TllnlTIN w.•• Honyo.n.... lrc.a...tht SAYll5 D .... s•tt.tt o..,•-... _ DOT DATSUN lllJlltd .... ............. 540·0443 "84Z·7711 \ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA O•w 70 How 74 Toveltn .. D1"'"1 ._, ..... °"'"'••JI BUY NOW TODAY -CH£O( OUR DWI coaoLLA 1200 SIOAH '66.63 .... ........................... .......~ ......... ..... ~ .......... --.. ........ W114tl4ll ., •• llM.ll ........... ""'",··~ .. _..,.......,~ .......... .. _,...,_,T ............ ....... NUl.ff,, T .... ........,:'E ~"'~·~-... ...,.....,....,&.. --- • LEASE , • 1111 '74 ., ,.,... ....... /,. $98.61 .... ' , • 1-~T.;;;oyot=•;._ ____ .:.'7:::;:'5 I Toyota 9765 v.1.. I ti a;; s,ndl,, M01 26, 1'74 DAILY PILOT ,, 11 1 22 USED 1 9112 Cadiloc ,;u 1ChovNIOt I v"'lel 9929 /l'ortl 9940 Oldt bllo ""i p nto - TOYOTA$ ' '72 Toyota 1600 '74 VOLVO Cad. '73 Sod. do Ville •n CHl!VROLIT • '7' MONTE CARLO '12 FORD LTD _,6 ..,_ ·13 PINTO. 1 owne.. ioCA! Coupe fac0>ry air c»nd., vin>l lOJ>, KINGSWOOD WAGON COUPE COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON OLDSMOBILE (3,000 ml>. $22!0. lN STOCK, A\1811.\ble al In!· beautiful v.1Ute til'lb:h, Auto ... , Deal all l~her lntflrior, tull a p. I I en re r. • Ir V-8, power ltffrine, pawn-10 PQlenter, V-8, nck. GMC TRUCKS Phone 551·23'bl m .. ~. uvlnia. Prices Trun., (T88GJV) A ......i... -., .. ·!:':.. d .. I~ ~~~c tlO'!..~!tlon n1. pcM-'fr bnl ~~ ~!L'!, ...... 1. -._ .. tr ateelrlnc...'..._.Power HOND· c•Rs 'il PINTO. IZlOO. or bell • .. • . $23 n, ........ re! ....... ~~ ...................... 1tee ....... powrr brakl!'I, V-3, e tcu-JC WuaAIW. ll r 1.u.et, • r Qll'JUl!lonlna:, ,.. ,.. off 613-4058 546-!$t8 $999 99 LE ••E OR BUY CNJ>o -..J, """' every re1'1J}ar 1u. Bell Btl)<, coodttiot11111, vleyl roof, ll,"'1l m>IM. NI<~ oar. UNIVERSITY OLDS ".:;: 0 ' • ,... dlx. xtra &: nawlcn thruout. <651EMTI Pretty car. <t31CIL> t536DTZJ I 28IO -81.~ OVE~ERY t083GXWI $57" I 12"19 $3899 $3299 flolta "'... •'54o.9640 'j Plymouth '960 t\n•~ la1 1 .:. '70 OLDS 88 Cu.stom. F\111y '73 PLYMOUTH - Ull\. UllUI 1\e 11181 I ....... ~. , Cad. '71 Seel. de Ville equip. + Jlt't'90, air. ele<I IH.::-.'TEli COUP!-'.: TOYQJA -CMA Le&l1ll I Factory air oond., F\tll Yoin<loy,·~. rdlals, 111u.~1 sre. I \'-II. rndln, au1on11d.i,·, a.1r . YQLYQ poy,·er, vinyl top, f u 11 •67 CHEVY STATION "'GN .72 FORD LTD S _ $1700. or b€'st ofrf'r. Prh·. ~ondillo111n~. l'°"""t•r ,:.tct'r• ~· H leather interior, tilt & '71 CHEVY S 11 V 8 "'dio A/·C· 11, PS q u Ir f', Pty. 493--2610. tni;. iiUpcr i;h;1r1i. 16'19VQP1 1""1U arbor, C.~f. 646-9303 '71 Toyota 1600 I I . " E' CAMINO ma • • '""' , . ngon. atr, . PB 10 ' •'W'lll , . 1966 Harbor, C.!\t 646.~.m.1 te esoop c ateenng, .. oor ... Dependable. $325. or best pass, lug . rack, A~i-r~1 1 '72 TORONAOO, full p11·1" 1 ~= 73 Corona I Nt'v.'. bra.k~•. tire• & batt, 73 VOLVO locks, cruise control, liKht V-8. automatic, po"' er offer. 642---7353 slC'reo. Orig. 0 w n c r I Intm!lc. Steel radinl'J. orig .. .,._ CONNELL .,.. • W 1 Koni Rhockt1.' Dyno-tuned sentlnel, bead ligl,)t di1nmer, stettlna:. radio, 1 ow -Io w ,71 MONTE CARLO 67l··l57.1/494·1112 oy,·ner $.1000. 833·38:M. I agon I Low mlleage. Many extra•· 1 145 E m01t every dhc. l"Xtra &: price. (904961 •1Spd 1 vlth Factory Air Con<.t, Or\i,:. owner. Pr!. party: • WAGON I lllKl\\'f excellent care. tSer. $1199 \Vlth 29,400 miles, vinyl roof. '70 LTD \Vagon, lo n11leage, Pinto 9957 Roof Rack (<X>tl-IEU) Best . offer. 6 .t 5-2 3 4 2 1 Auto Irani, air rond, nnv.•er 133850) auto mat I c, V-8, air 11/c, p/a, p/di&c brks. lug 1 CHEVROLET Ill' ll.111~11110 rll\11 ~!II II ''"' A 1 ,_ $M'9 oondmorung. cadlo, Nice. rnrk, nrw '""· 11""1, PINTO SAL[ $2999 ny 1n1e. ateertng, lunage rack, ~" (082CYHt IJ.42-8051 ' . 1•11 MARK u Sta Wagon 1 10•000 m1iSA VE Cad. '70 Sod. do VIII• 12899 Lincoln 9945 : '72 PINTO ATLAS Chrysler/Plymouth Op...'n Dally ~ S.un. ·111 10 P:O.I :..."J:..'9 flarlJor Hll'd , C06la f\lesa BILL MAXE Y TOYOTA 181181 8tu~Pllllu1 847 B':i!i!i HUNTIMC, ION !llACH '74 TOYOTA Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY All Model•! ~UAleW -TOYOTA I Fact. air. Exrel ,,.;,d., Be•i _.__, LOH Than 3$,000 MllH '73 CHIVROLIT oflrr. -3 ~YIER IMW Farto"l' ·"" cood., full MAL••u ESTATE WAGOu CONTINENTAL , It full] •IU I~ '"CREA~1 PUf'~"" ' Volkswagen 9770 1· 208 \Vest 111t Street _poii·cr, viny op, eather 6 Pasaenger, tilt wheel, I Santa Ana. 1nlerior, stereo, door locks, luggage rack, power __________ 1Docto1··s 1968 Co111111cntal. ! 135-3l 7 l 1 1111 & tele1C.Ople steering. iteeerlng, l>O"-'e.r brakei,, Chrysler 9925 ju,,1 hroke In 1\ Ith 32.000 546-1934 Auto. trans .. air conU $1695 '72 PINTO '7:! l'LY:\lOL:Tll [Jl"STER =~=""'~;.;..;----] 1\ll the xtras & lnmlaculate. iuper nice radio I: air Immaculate SUJOO. PH: 1971 VOLVO, 142s, 2 <lr, "hlte 1 f812BQE) cond.iUonlng. ISer. 3472) .72 TOWN · & C 0 un 1 r Y miles, Loaded! ln1n1aculalc w 'blue Int .. 4 spd. trans, SAVE S3599 Chrysler "'gn. 31 ,000 ini, Air $1500. Pl!: 67j.()IJ6. '69 vw Beige, blark in!., fully equip! , 16,(1() n11les, ('\'.t'f"llrnt. :? Door 11.T. Aulnn1:i1ir, po111-r stf'{'nn;;. po...,er hr;1kcs. air {'('ln\lil1nnlnj.:, \111.\I n~•I t!lti:if;X~ 1. S2G75. J1Jhn~n .~· j &;11 Lult'Oln/l\IL't"l:UI)' :.11;::6 !larhnr Bl.. (':\!. ;)11).:~1!1 J Sunroof &-Joy,· mUeag-c. IYED963J Only S1288 BARWICK Of\l'iUN ~~\V =· ~freglllpt' play· 1 Cad '-'• S-' d v ·11 I t"tlnd, p/\ ... indO""li,. p seal, Meverick 9947 ! bcAut. i"tlnr!. lns l1le _& out. F11c101')' air conditioning, 1 j conci Best offc~ buys ~ar 1T2 FORD $1795 '73 PINTO RUNABOUT ' · ne O"l\!H'r, I • --· • I • am/fm stereo 1n In! I I ~~ offer 01·cr $2S.:.O. 4!:14-vinyl lop,. ful.1 p 0 ~e r' I froni private party . 1\IAVERICI<.: cour~: 33375 CAMINO WISTRAHO I 3:·L... taJ)('slry intenor. tllt &: .~ . ~ 11 560 ~II 6 \' I '. . , I . \.t.M JU.t.NCAPtmlAMO i NO Dn., OAC a~su111f' bal., I tl'lescoplc steering, Al\l./Fr.-1 jl CHEVY Vega, hte blue 2 , . ' ' r;1dlo' !~Eh.!f'11TK c1, ~l1<:k, ,\u· rond., radial tiL't ... '"'.,...__,~·s..-forel'd llalf'. '1'J, 14 :;r::· stcrro, many other di:-<. dr, auto trf!'IS, radio, 68 CHRYSLER \VAGON, ' ~ 1 111ou!rh11~"· v1n}l l•••t '49l·ll7S or 131-1175 \\'a.econ 17 ()('() nll Ar-.I-t'~t 1 xtras. CVGYl9:;1 heater, lo mls. $1195. Call Waded, Full poy,•er. VACA-$2199 I mat'ulal1'. .. . -Air, a~!o, 'Lil>C' nr'11-, SJ.\j'.l6 I $1799 lo ~ It !h~s weekend. TION SPECIAL. Car~d lot' 1 $2295 I }\AHO-tn F'ind-V\VSuses mo., $~,l5.J. Bal. 673_ST60. 6-14·6500, 640-5010, 644-2342. &ince 11e11·, 5-11}706.:i or •<>CONNELL- CBEVROLET und C11111pcrs. \\'e Havf' · j \VANTED to buy I 9 6 5 ~646-C"'' 9°'7;.,97:;·=-~-~--I lhl•ni. '66 to '73. Sunroofi>, '73 VOLVO 1800ES, Air, : Che\'el\e ~1aUbu 11 tat ion '73 CHRYS. s1·a. \Vagon. '~l~"IU~BllD CO!(Al lll \I~ l!U ~UIC' 't9 Hll. f{unner rs. ,\(, r111I 1111· ,;hnc·h~ ,i:, 1111 1·-; 11\a",:~ ::~.~ •~11~-(;it ~lh•P• ~ l II~ .1 ' !16!~-!'JI"•.:.•. =---1cl ~L"Blll1Bi\~ Sl<1 \\~ .. I (;d ,.,,11tl.. r:1d,;1I.~ ;\!u;I ~II <;':j:i. ~~i8~!l!'.I) ----··-· Aut~n1nlit•s, 1 p11s8€'ngers.1 AJ\11F~ .stereo. 4 spd, y,•agon. MURI have goo<l I Loaded & 1hen some! 5 '70_ 1'1AVE1t1CK, c-:cor\Cln1y b 1966 Harbor, C.i\I. r.tG-:.i:.":l • !12!¥.i t5!2,\Gl11. Harho11r 1 010, 4lM-J962 eveli. bOOy & gQOCI Interior . Call I yr, 50,000 mi \\'81Tanty. Best with Aulo Tran11, Radio. LEASE A BRA.i~D NE\\' ,74 1 Vol~!l\\'ilJZt'n 18711 l~f'a.r.h 1 172 VOLVO P·1 800 ES. I I af!cr 4 pn1. 968-4971. ' oUei-, 968-7813 Hea1cr, Rndlal Til'es, Run~ '73 PINTO WAGON ti~ \'ALIANT S!nt11•111 Al\! F:\1 ~11•n•u, <iir ""tlll . ""1H.:on. Huns !)h'.. li•'•"('nll.1 g•J1').~l'OI!'. I u11n1•r, 1:1•h;il ~ldl~0'..!.!!:.\I'" ~~:,'.-!I'll TOYOTA l:n:I Corolla &>clan Bl\d., Hunt. Bt"h, 842-t4."5. Call 673--0-173 OPEN SUNDAY I Pe!'fect !569BEPI $119-j for only $6126 W\NTFD· ~t V\V \V" d -_ -· --1 72 CHEVROLET Continental 9930 Harbour Volk~"\\·agen 18711 niOI. open t'~ 1~~1:e~0-Jti I \;an! Under $500. M~~ ~= 'AUTOS USED CAD. 1972 ELDORADO C,\PRICf_: __....,. Beaeh Bl\'d., Hunt. Bch 1 J{unnlng. Scn<I info to CONVERTIBLE : 4 Door ha1-dlop, 22,·IOO m\lr~. 1964 .. Full pov.·e.r. ~ 842-4-135. ti.re~. :.ldt' n1011Jd111:;~ 1 l~il iit1:-.1·ER. ~t1< Ii. ti 1·1!. $2695 riul10 & hratcl". g("1"1 l'r•1il 1 :_~1-!(• Sl'Jf~l &11-.-.:-;:i1 I BILL MAXEY T OYOTA i111111. a .... ch EllHl 841-~S'lS HUMTIMG.TOM 8[ACH '70 Toyota Corona MKll Air Auto Vinyl Top 99lACR $1699 Cl."lfi•d ad No. 111. •/o AMC 9905 f ct · nd't'·-•-· full i ~ . tee · , condition. Ww n11!e1, $550. ""'-":::::,=-----" ,_ a ory rur o:> 1 ........ '6. .,.,'>'l'r 6 nng,. P 0 "' er• Att 6 or on wkndii 613--9007 MAVERICK '72, 4 dr, auto, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 1 let1ther intenor, full pov.·er, brake1. automAt 1c, r11d!o, I · gd tire• nev.• brakes $1995 Costa. ~1en Calif. 92626 AMC '72 Amb111ador 1ilt & teJescoplc steering, vinyl rool, like n cw .. Corvette 9932 Pv1 pariy. 556-1747 · · VW Sque.reback Wagons, '67 Broughem 2-dr Herdtop . stereo, door locks, cruise <72'1FLD) $2899 '73 CORVmE M 9950 to '73 Auto Trans. &. 4 spdi, Le11 Then 28 000 Miles control, a.11 the xtras &: low 1:.;;::•:..r<::u::ry:..i. ____ ..:.;.::; enoose from large in\'entory Factory a1r rood. Vinyl top, miles. (Ser. No. 430326J STINGlAY 73 CHEVY lrom $1195. H a r IJ o u r vtnyl interior, dual romfort $5899 Volkav.•agen l87ll Beach seal!, pov.·er 1 teer\ n g, 4 1pttd, 350, fully factory BLAZER Bl\·rl .. Hunt. Beh. 842-4435. poy,·er brakes. Auto. 1r;ins., CAD. '70 ELDORADO 1 eqUipped, silver with blaek 1 h 1 d 1 radio heater, '>''SW fires & Faytory air conditioning, 173 CMEVROL~T interior. (431AZCI "" PC r \'(', auto trans, k:~£r-~jff~; ~~n:~~:n1c " "" ,,~6511 <;]Ml. 1\/(, Ill.IN, ]01\\ 11111.j ,.; .1" hy orig. 0,1 llL"I" S.!.lOO 71 PINTO RUNABOUT ;; l>o..•r. Yf'Jlov.·, 4 spcl. Radio, Air Cond., t119DIV• $1488 G7~:-l'::'c~::.ll __ _ "ti!l GP. A-C, Pl:', l'/B. Pl\\'. ,\n1-~·111. :\u 11n·~ ,\ ~h,.•·k~. Lo IHI. \Int •"{)lld S!lr;~, 55-4.1:10 I Thunderbird ___ 9970 f;~h:~\ -1~'.:::0 ~e~~~::: Impeccable lhruo ut (632-vinyl. top. Full le~ther IJ\tPALA CUSI'OM cbuPE $5995 air cont:!, Cheyenne paek- ESEJ. 1ntenor .. l\111 po.v.·er, tilt & V·i. •-gul" ga•. •'••YI roof, age, 7,000 n1iles. l-t20SQP). 1'r11· ,\· u~\-..1 ltui)()r!' 1 1unt'·1111 and brdkes, near ~ ""' •· $4999 1)1 \I.". \\'ar!\l'L" al ;-;.,. ,'.\l.1111 n .. 11 1n1~r,fll_'~. & tiws $&50. or $2499 I trleseop1c steering. stereo j)OY.'C'r sle('ring, power • Santa ,\n,1 j.·,1-~1:1:! "~· ~..._1iti,i$ ar1 6. door loeks. all the s1J"<ts & . hrakes automatic air CREVIER BMW DICK MILLER MOTORS I T-BI RD '73 LANDAU Luxurltl1S hll.rdtop c p r . BARWICK DATSUN ,_,,,., "" 33375 CAMINO CAPtSTRAHO SAM JU.1.M C.t.,!STl.t.roo F'Hclory ;nr roud. "Iii \'\\' BUS, home-made -~~ super Sharp$l4! t99mJh'.QAJ I conditiOningl-1009. Nice 1i49GIHJ Aul •• N.w 98 "" . · · ,.·, 20S \\'est lsr Stt'C"I • ~ 1 1 (·11n11wr, r"hlt eng. 4 mo or . -~......_i\4. !IJ!.:t .• ~· '. Santa An ·t " .\f"l)O n1i 11·a1T. 725-7381 7::-.0 _ ....-: . A:\I 1o_4:30 Pf\1, Duffy. ll.00 \\', Coast Hwy., N.B. 835-31 71 _ ~ _ _ __ _ _ I ' .... .,,...,.,,.,!, .. ,• -l•>' 49l-ll75 or 8ll·ll75 1>"i.ll'L'1Jng, p·dio;c b1·akt'"· Vlll)l \Up, \Ul~\ ill\Cl"lf1r, U11;d l"1n1fort ~ra!;.. Till 1\ll•'••I. ~ti!l"N, <lll lhl' do•lu.\C l·.,11·.1~. r7.i2G\\"\\"1 "SPECIALS* Of th e Week '70TllUMPH ~ Spd. lbflCF\) $899 j \\"HJ<:C'h'.F.D '(i.- 1 \'.\\'~· OPE~ SUNUA'{ I 642·9405 '6j MERCURY Cornet. Jo~t \FORD PINTO '71 2:-0r Oune Ru~"Y . .,, pllrls. s2oo. 11 '69 \'ET 4z7_39H. 4 so<J, air, overhauled: 800. 111i.. llfiO. Less Than 21,000 Miles "' "7J llOHi\ET .. dr. Auto. !UL I Hav" -ceopt "• I • I I I " I Span.• bumper part~ :SIO. '69 Cl!EVELLE 396, 325 AIC conY, nc1v top, a.m/fnt, Pis, " '", A. ""'1' ires '~ v. ran~ .. r:iulo, lt':dt•r, 817-&l!H 1 ~~~6im ~1111 eond. ~~:.!500. OPEN SUNDAi' p/", 11/h, an1/fn1, ;J()\t. p/b, low ml, 6n..2266. paint. ~eeds 2 re11; _shocks 1 J'f• 1I rack._ llrlu:1.« hli1rk ~"'-----~-I C d •72 C d V'll Suprr C'Cnd. :SlGOO. 675-0009. (: S~OO/Bei;t oUer. &1¥-:>908 yln~·l lntrr1or. .~· ~po!h~ss , ~·~ P.-DlL~C ·~~('~~~{'~~~;·~~~\~~~~(~I SUick 9910 r:e~ist lacq~; lin~sh 1~·i1~ I ·70 CllEV :O.lalibu, V-8, ~ dr, oug'ar 9933 '72, AiARQUIS 1(} pa s s u1>.1dc ~ out. 11."i\C\'\\"! !l::2Mi"~~l)¥cl: I b11.~. 41ew englne. 831-20·11: '72 BUICK ''inyl top & leather interior., auto, PS, air cond., Good 1!169 COUGAR, gold wlblk ~::'"Tu A~1 ~/B. BIS.1 • $189 9 I ~~ ~t1 J)Jr. Sh:YLAltK i-~ull power. factory air L'Ond, 4'.i,COO mi., 839-56&-I 1'1nyl tp. Xln't cond. \\'ire • t-w • trr~lape, I ·62 VW V11.n, 001 running.1 ~:;o. :! tlnor, harrllop, vinyl condition, Hlt·tele. A~1/Ff\1 --,72 CHEVROLET-1 1''h.ls, R&H. air, new tires. new brakes, $3300. m-01 7 -i I . .DtllAC j OPEN SUNDAY $41199 ~~ or best offer. Call roof, 1111 11-hccl, po11.·er stereo mull!ple1C + S.track KI NGS\\'OOD I Sl500. s.t&-6518. '68 MERC. Sta \\'gn w/lug • llTd,' · 51 T ·BIRD . \V h it r 6 •. ).--4()&1. stcrrini;::, po\\·1·r brnkcs, V-8, 1 la~, pv.T. door locks, 9 Pnssc~gcr, V-S. poy,·cr '69 COUGAR . Bro11"n ~=ek . riAl~1 xtras. ~fe~t M0-91 ' y, porthole hardtop, blk . • ,, CHEVY VW BUG. 1966 nulornat1c. This is a nice tv.1lllte _lt'ntlnel, trunk lock, 1>teeri11g, po1\·e r brake l!I, \\"lbl(l.ck \'lnyl top, 1 ovmr, re--0 g vnr $850.497 2256 I in1e r. is i1nniac. Elt'l'. IMPALA CPE. C.ill <ift 6 pin, ~;,.213?. car. itiM;l1T~ etc. (39JEHKl luggage rack, :-t~l01na1te, air I SJl.j(). Call 962-583.; Musteng 9952 ' OPEN SUNO.\Y v.·ind~11. nu10. trans . vg. !<J'o. T•Jr ... , r W·'• "j0 \"\\" Squareback. RelJlt Uj;r.J $4699 t C?ndlt1o~lng, Super buy. '67 Cougar, 289, auto. RIH. .--'73_ PINTO \\ 0 <1'.!flll. 1011 Vl::RY f"'ICI::. Sl.5UU.! ~..,.., .. ~ 1 . _,,~,,1. (2910\'.\ I 1 air cond. Clean. S9:i0 or 72 FORD niilC'agP, :1uh1. air ,\ rral 67:.-JJ.11 $899 en~ $1600 or bt'st offer J Cad. '65 Cpe. de Ville ! $2899 I offer. 6.J0-1.199 aft 6 pm. r.ruSTAt-.;G COl'PE 1 . lll'au1y! 551--09!!9 \1·knd'i & ·vc~e:..g:::a::c.. _____ 99_74 I Bnan 4!l4-0497 Leis Than 52,000 Miles 1 , . 23,000 mill's, nc1\' tires, V-8. eve!. •u CHEVY STATION WAGOM V -~-A•;''). T•an~ .• Sttt11-";. (P-lA ). $799 064 POHTIAC CPE. v.a. ~ .~. 1:··:.:1 i $399 '61 GREENBRIAR W/r(Tf"r"r ,~,-.. ,., ... o _.Y,, k•.:.. I·:• I "· '!· 1;. $899 O PEM MOt-4 TH AU SAT Tll 10 SUNDAYS 'T ll 6 GROTH CHEVROLET llll 11 BEACH BLVD ll·l 7-00B7 S-19·331 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH ·71 V .\V., Good condition, Std , I Factory air conc11tiomng, tull 1 1 67 COUGAR, EJCcel cond., JJO"·er stel'ring, Po wer ~.~=;:;P"J"N~r"o~~, ~000~-. -, '72 CHEVROLET h {t C ll t · J tul 1 h I new brakf's low miles 18 b k · u •~ · -· cc lllJ;, 1 1 , a Any 1 me Buick ,73 Elecfr• 225 1 pov.•er. 1 I eat er 1ntenor ~fPG Sl 050 9GZ.TSl9 • ra es, automatic, a Ir auto, air <.."tlnd, lo\I· mile~. VEGA \l.'AG01' _!:"1.'f1!Wknds. ~i761 . LIMITED HARDTOP C . I AM F~ radio, r adial lire•. , , . . . conditioning. (lOOFFY) Xlnt cond, pri\', party. Best Au1nn1ntic, md10, 2 j, O 0 fl '&I VW BUG, sunroof, new PE trunk opener & ongina..1 , '72 CHEVROLl!T Dodge 9935 12999 offer. 493-8'i30 I miles. !oy,·, low Pl'ice. l!S. J~J09 full leather Interior, full SALE PRICED 1 MALIBU \l.'AGON '68 DODGE R/T 44-0, 2 dr I Pl:-JTO 'T.l :' dr, :1()'J(ll·r: r11i::. t7i8Eh.'Tl Ur 5475 Factory air cond., vinyl top, lnilde & out' I po1ver. Tilt y,·hcel, i;;ter<..'<l, 19 PR"senger, \'·8, automatic, h.t., P/S, P/8, air·L-ond. I A:\1 radio. lti.O<Xl 1111. ,1111 j $Ul!J9 '·air. nc1v n1otor New tircs j scats~ J\lo~t all the x11-ds ... ~ .. · -_,, f!} brak~~· _!uggflg_f'. rack. 11.ir 1. i\ . . 6pn1. I •=-CONNELL..,. CHEVROLET 'llllllU!OilllD Ct Sll~•\I S41 llD• '!'41 T BlRD Landau fullpOl\"l"r door lock!'!, dutil rontfort ~"" , -._ , ., I poY.'er :o.teerlng, po"' er Vl'r)' clean. $775. :>.57-532~ \ cond. $l200. 67:.1--1~ \j <ift 4!J9-:1Hl> brakrs, makes & lo\\-· nti!cs 2 0 -.. -----~' . \ cond1tion1ng. This 1s nice.' 6G i !ON_ACO STA \\·GN, 74 MUSTANG (Lie 628 !.72 RUN BOUT I (S70G\VUJ ' : " ' ., . ·· _ "' ' I (72-IFLOJ 1 ,\11ton1at1c, loaded, gd l"tlnd . .JPWl: 2 Coup: beaut. blue 1 • !! ~ .: _ 1n 1 ;1t 1euriti .. · '68 \'.\.\'., auto., Excellent $4'99 .... ~· ,, _ 12899 $50). 644-1127. \Vld k blue interior· radio on Y •• nus, <Jl" ;11r, , rond, good tires, $1 ,000. • · · · Ford htr "aut PIS an:. 2 sOO au10, e\"C!)' dlx x!r<i. ~z:;~:i. 7 Z VEG A 11"a go n. fum. !Q-9161/842-7088 • OPEN SUNDAY 9940 act'. mlieS; $3895. N....,;...,rt 6Tr7052 or 673-3S4-I in1n1Aculatc. ,. x c !' 11 e n 1 . 67 \'.\\'. Sqback, Or" Buick '69 Riviera CAD. 1967 BROUGHAM Be ... ~ . 3 condition, auto. ! rJ n s. 1K· LeJs Than 4.t 000 Mii '72 TORINO a.ch Dir. TI41833-9300. I 7 PINTO Runabout, auto., fat'tO"'' a!r, rarlio. "'''"'"'' ol\·nrr, all paper!!, ,·ery . . • el factory air cond. Full i\1USTANG Convert. . 7 3 , 1 R.,_H, low m_iles, xh11 L-Ond., 11 '' •• ., i·ll':111 _ $1HKJ. fi73-2'295 tacrnry n1r rond .. vinyl IOfl. pol'.·cr \"ln\•I to f u 11 \l.'AGON S23.50 644-7264 -~l· . Have lakrn delivery 011 : , . , I Stra!I') RPnCh ~l'al. full 1 ,.. h · . -. p, "67 El Otntioo & shell \I-$ -I 9 Passenger, rack, V-8, am/fm radio, air cond, pis _ · I 11(•11· car. /\lake orrer .. ~ I 61 V.". Bug, new clutch, rov•cr tilt iihert slcrro 1 at er, interior, all 1J1e Spd \:\l/t':\I ·H . .a.d;o \ir automatic, air 1..-ondl1ioning, & brks, Arr, 16,0C(l n1 i, ·73 PINTO, 4 sfltl, ']j :-OIPG. nu·an makt· nie an offer. n1'Clls valve job $;17J ' ' ' · · deltL'<e xtras Sh o "" s ' ' · -' ' po11·er steering, power lmmac. S3:n:l. 673-4245 aft r-.take off Pr: 1 19'J-:i1-1::. ~>-1~732 ' · door lock", erui1e control,· meticulous care Serv\ct Cond, cwitom camper ihell, brakes. This Is a no·,,,. "at. 6pm. 1 •M91s0 I 00-~ .. ;;=;.=bic----~= S!"l>rl y,·heels, all U1C' stras & . ahsolutc gcni. ~tu~1 See '"'" .. """""' " ;;. .~·r l~ V\\' po~wp cam""r, one1nan>1lhoo•. 1°-.7 n ·51 recordsavatl.(TU\V793J J l\11\2119) Ha•bo"" C945EXQ) '66P.1USTANG ood d "2 Pl,TO •· · J · uy a new vr:c;A ,. ,,.... "" .t\.n , • $2999 , g . co n · I · · •~e~ tu!-"::"· ~lnt unrH )'OU Sf'l" tills barely 1 rf'bl~ enil'. &-trans, AM/l'~I. $AVE ~----: C ~ Volks1\·agcn 18711 Beocho ,auto. PIS, 6 C')l. 1251'.l.1 cond 26,000 n11 . Sl1JIJ. li·ID-1 ursd 1973 Vega \\"agon. 1 SJ99J. 673-117Sil ~--~ 1 Bll'd .• llunL Bch. 842-4435. T.O.P. 49'2-5081 81-14. 644-S020/97!}-7T.m I 1o V\\' Sedan, auto trant, ~ 1 ---.,,2 CHEVROLET-Trucks 9560 I Trucks 9560 I Trucki 9560 I t.~ccllent, recent val\'e job. · ~~ t !~!PALA : lt.':1-2(}4(1 Dir. •· , 14 door, hardtop, tl,700 mlle1, I, ~ All.'d ~ .'\o • '71 V\\' C11.n1pC'r. Xlnt f'unnlng ! I OPEN SUNDA 'Y I radio, V·8, power steering I 68 F AIRL.AINE Stat I on ~~i""'..._....:.~ ... ". M• """' •:• CONNELL ·=- CHEVROLET 11 I ~l1~0• tt\D (0~11 l ltl 'I' olft """'-_j --'. i:\I rni. Clean. RadiaJs. P..I. OPEN SUNDAY 1 ·7;i SEO. De Ville, 19,000 n1i. And h I' a k e l!I , a11ton1rt Tic, \\'agon., ~1nt Trans. ca~. 71 Bike raek. $:.!000. 642·76TI . Black in & out, steel radial \'inyl roof, air cond1tloning. i\~PG. N~w trans, ne1v Ures, .60 \1\\' BUG N S f '71 BUICK !ires, all available extras, (8691:.:Q\\"J air. Asking $}<XMl Best oiler i; ' ew unroo ' SPpRT \VAGON Orig". oy,-ner. $--t995. 645-4565 $2899 takes 494-1T;J:J ~~.body, nds_ some mech. Skylo•k \Vago" ... ·111, low kd -v k $200 64 'rai9 '" " .. afl 6 11· ays 1all day 1vknds.. '72 1'-URD Squire !.I pass. Sta 1 · · :r I n1ilcs. pov.·cr steer i n g, day v.·knds. 1 \Vsg. PIS. P/B, air, ! J '11 POP Top Camper, orig. I po11"er brake 1 , v.s, .6• C 0 . I , AM/FM stereo Jug rack ov.ner. Service re cords, auto1natlc, rack, t ilt "\\:heel, .1 i\ · Running L'Ond. . • · _ ! I,•= 0 • ~,c "' .. 37 a'--ndltionlng l407DFDI Needs some \\'Ork. $Z:l ' ~1;i"<W1~wnr. 673-G7J"leves, l1 . •""" • "'-' ~ • ..,-... v • 673-0121 '70 NOVA. Motor xlnt.. gets ~,....,. )h< -~~~ftfo~.E~t'~o:~~ S2S99 Chevrolet 9920 ~"'~; ~C::I.& A~:~e~~~; B~U~~ Jo~gE ~ eng. $1500 finn, 640--4968. I ne11.• ores. $1,195. 8.U-3819 V-8, power 1teering, power Special of the Week ' 9800 '72 NOVA , ·w f.·IALIBU Super Sport brakes vinyl roof, air 1:.:.:.:;;::.:.:..;;:.:.. ___ ~:.:.;.;;;.:.:;;::.:.:..:.:.:.:..---~:;; CJCVY II COUPE I auto, sn1al! V-8. $400 0; condiloning, nice (701YFX) 1969 LtSABRr:. 2 dr hardtop. V-8, air rondltioning, pov.·e r , make offer. 548-.'U.2'2 a1ier 6 12899 1 Full P\IT, llll'. Best oUer. steering, vinyl roof, sharp pm · ; ' .. • I I , , Call aft. 6: &W-0.t72. I C'lr, Good buy. (Ser. 3().13) ;72 CHEVROLET . , 'G3 BUICK Special. $2499 ' i It runs. Bel!lt offer. ~1ALIBU WA~ON •:• CONNELL•=> CHEVROLET ""I •Uf~~ StlO !"01'11111 11' 11!~ 5'18-1861 6 Passcna:er, radio, pov.·er steering & power brakes, V-'74 FORD Ranchero. Fully I Cedillac 9915 8, luga-age rck, good nules. equip'd. One OV.Ticr, Shown l'12·11-L.OJ 1 by appt only, 833-3320 T ·as CONVERT. 48.000 ml. ·ro CHEV. Ce.price. 4 dr.' $2799 ! '72 RANCHERO De I . • • ~~f·a·ldnd. ~t11ke offer. Exeel . f\t_~lor. Ai~ cond. 1 ;,dl. Like nf':'.v.' Xlnt ~~de I 675'-6.>13 before .)Pl\·T. , Bargain :S.i.j(), ll\6-\4j6. 1·~""" o:•:: ro...., 8 • · 1 ------. --MJW. ,,...rvoo" an1-.1 pn1 . ·13 EL o on Ao o. 10\\' '" CHEVY IMPALA 'il"FoRD mileaie, l0i1dl·d. s Ii :i 9 5. f-:111 \Vagon . $700. a46-9:-t5(1 GRAN TORINO (Orig. ownf'r, l Gl~l ·1·1 SACR l~'ICE '6.i Co r \a 1 r . 1 '6~ NOVA, 'fully equipped, \\'AGON Any day ii IMC U~T DAY to Cot1lU. N!I\ J"f'IJlt t'Zlg & ll"ilh ~il~-Xlnt cond. !lest$$ 6 P85!((.'!lger, autn1atlC', V-8. run an ad! Oun'l delay. • • turbos. $650/offer. 54&-4266 1 buyst. 58fHi965 eve. I pov.el' steering, p 0 we r brake~. rack &. 11 i r C O W L s p R I s M s T rondlttonlng. 2::.l,000 miles (832Gl\1JJ W A I T A 0 R T A I ... CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 13499 •=> CONNELL •=- CHEVROLET ,'111 llHOR £HP CO~ll 'tn• l« 1.1f '67 FAIRLANE 500 Sta. \Vgn, nds M>J'k. $DJ. 67:>6596 ''4 FORD $250 ~1122 1965 FALCON F\tturs. H.T. A.T. P. Steertna, Red. Sl~ 557-3522 '71 TORINO, Xlnt mech cond. moo. Ask tor Mr. Olson. 673--3450 \\-'etkdays •n l'ORD LTD BROUGHAM 4 door, hardtop, V·8, power l!!eerlng power h r a k (' I , automatic, a.tr eondl1ionln1. vtnyl roof, electric wlndowa, crul•e cont?ol, split tront aeata, 1h&rp CU'. lmEXQ) -·~·CONNELL.,,,. CHEVROLET ' '" ''" I• ,1 • • ' '. '1 Brand New 197 4 Chevrolet % Ton Fleetside Pickup e foot bed Heavy duty springs Heavy duty radiator Power steenng Gauges Power disc brakes 8. 75 x 16.5 tires Vinyl interior Leaf springs Ser. 134314 s32s3 ·- • ' \ • ' DAILV PILOT Sattlrday, Mar 2', 1974· ' AMC '71 HORNET Automatic , radio, heat e r, a ir con- ditioning. (788DIZ) 5 1475 FINANCING . AVAILULE Phon• 892-1347 s FORD '72 PINTO RUNABOUT Automatic t ransmis· sion , radio and heater . (357ESL) TERMS TO SUtT --·-·-~----1 1081 GardnlGro••llYd. l \171 A:\IC Hornet SST . Aulom~tH·, radio, heater, iiir eonrlittonin,c. \'inyl lOJJ. ~78fi DI Z) $31 J)l'r mo. 24 mos 0 A.(' SIOO d n. lll'1 . p~ ml . pri1·f. $844 incl. tax & he & all carryi ng 1•har).!t>S. Full <'a~h pnee S7J2.2.'I ull'l. t;ix & he·. APll Hi. l:l'' liORI CardC'n {;rO\"C Hl\·d .. !"lanton. ti3ii ·7!"!00 St..+on 636-7900 O~EH 7 DAYS A WEEIC FOR YOUR COHYEHIENCE '72 MAVERICK Automatic, rad io. _______ __,he at e r . air t o n· DATSUN · dilioning, vinyl top. ---------1 Must see. (63101') SALEPRICEC '70 DATSUN 510 l 'oupe. ·l :-,pcl'd tr.ins- mission, radio a nd healer. (489AKX ) ~!UST SELL ! • sass FULL PRICE 892·B348 .t.nyti.,. '70 J)1\Tsu-.; !'L.510 St<ilinn \\"agon. Auln111at1r \ran~· rn1~~1on. S;11·nl"ae(' S!575. iiORI 1;.G. Hl\'d., !:il;.inton . H~12·8:Jl'.1 ------ * '72 DATSUN 1200 COUPE Automatic tra ns mis- sion, AM /FM r adio, hea ter . Low miles. S port st ripes. Im · niaculate condition. ~lus t see. (74IGM CI WORLD WIDE IMPORTS 8081 Gardfti Gro.,e Bl.,d., Stanton . 892-8347 Op1:n All Day M1:morial Day * '7:l J)A T SUN PICKUP 4 :-prt·d. air condilion1n g . ni0211 ROi 630·7~. THIS WEEKEND Dealer 892-8340 HONDA CAR '71 HONDA 4 speed trans mission, radio and heater. (09 lCQT) $688 Import Cor Specialists 8081 Gardon Gro•• 81•4 Stanton 892-8349 HORNET e '71 AMC HORNET SS'f. Automatic tr<:1n- s mission, radio and heater, ai·r c o n - ditioning, vinyl top. I l\I u s t Se 11 Th i s Week end. (786D!Z l Economy Ccr H•""-1en 636-7900 --------~--1---------1 '7i A?tfC l lORNET. Auto., --------1 R&l l. air eond. !\l ust see. FORD Supe r low pril·e . Will finance. Phone 89'l·&147 for ----------< free cred il check. J~fil l'l"\Tl). Auto., R&ll .1 --------1 n12.1BZB) S.12 J>er mo. 2~ mus. S\00 dn. OAC. Defe r· PINTO r1·d pyn1L pnce Sl348 incl.1 --------1 · T&L & all l'arrying ehgs. }'ull l'ash price $1156.28 incl ·r&L. AP R.' 16.55,.."1. . Phone !S!J2·8J.\0 TOYOTA '72 TOYOTA Corona M K l I S t ation \Va g on. Automatic tr<1n s mission. radio and heater , air con- . cl lt ioning, rear wi n- <l ow d e fog g er . <:orgcous <·a r. (:J IOG- J u J 52500 DEALER 636-7900 * ·10 CORONA CPE. -Autom atic. air t•on- <l i t ion i n g. r a di o, heate r. (268BQH ) SJ JOO 8081 Gardin GroTt Bl•d. , Slonlon 8~2.a348 * • '72 PINTO RUNABOUT Automatic tr ansmi s- s ion , radio and heater. (357ESL) Financinq A•ailoblr Dealer .. 636-7900 FORD e '71 PINTO Automatic. r <1dio heater. (924BZ B) Economy Cars 8081 Gardtn Grou ll•d. Slcmlon 892-8341 ' . !lEMAULT OPEL MAZDA ' '72 '71 '73 RENAULT OPEL MAZDA R12l SEDAN 4 DOOR ROTARY ·MAVERICK TQYOTA '72 172 FORD CELICA ST MAVERICK Rea l eco n o m y. 4 sgeed transmission, ra io , .heat er, ai r Au t o matic, radio, conditioning, bucket TOYOTA '6 '9 C OR OLLA S t ation Wagon .. ·4. speed, r adio, heater; bucket seats . $488 Dealer. 892-8340 VOLKSWAGEff · s ·8 v . w.,.f SQUAREBACK .. Alf conditipning. · radl · a n d b .'e a;t· e 'I' (WVW683l, Dir. $688r Phone 892-8349. · i · ' • .. 4 s~eed transmission, 4 s peed transmission, RX2 _ ra io, heater, head radio and heater, DEMONSTRATOR heater , air con -seat s, vi ny l top ,: ditioning, vir:ril torc. • *' • ' • ' ' rest. (!74FWA) bucket s eat s. Must see and rive o raci n g stripes . MAZDA (086CKP) 539 Automatic, air con- difionin g, radio and PR. MO. $688 heater, bucket seats, SIOO dn. S39 per mo. for 30 lugga ge r ack, rear mos. o n a ppr. cr edit. window defog ger . Deferred pymt. price $1200 FULL PRICE incl. lax, lie. & all car· (71688) rying clu1rges. Full cash Dealer •• 892-8340 $2288 price SlOS-0.28 incl. lax & lir. 1\PR 16.77'·f.\ IMPORT DEALER '72 OPt:L CJX'. 4 speed tran· 8081 Gardtft Grove l:vd. s missiC>nh bucket s eats, lm~Ccn rad io , eate r . Mu s t 8081 arden Gri•f' Stcnton 636--7900 sacrifice $2Ul0. <I26FU~I) 8081 Garden Grove Blvd., 81•d. Stanton 892·8340 892-1349 appreciate. SALE PRICED WORLD WIDE IMPORTS 8081 Gardeft Gni .. 81•d. Stanton 892-1347 Beautirul car. (141FZI ) $2900 Import Center 636·79DD Open 7 Days • . . .. . .. RENAULT .·~ '72 MAZDA RX2. 4 s peed; air cond., 1------.-,.-_ radio, heater, vinyl '72 . R ENAULT Ri2:' t op, bucket seats. A u t o m ·8 t f ~ Immaculate. (58301). trans.mission,· radio Mu s t see. 8 08 1 ·and heater. (204Gl0) Garden Grove Blvd.. $1650. P hone 892-8347', Stanton 636-7900. • * Orang IMPO y 's • largest SA11f ion ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST .. , T ~ • i . DEALERSHIP TL·l 2 ..<-:(_' ,jlf'!!'I~ -· .• '™ .......... ' •. -..-··.l'l~ ~ ' -\ ---'.' i I --IMMEDIATE DELIVERY UP TO 30 MPG R-12 ~·--~ WAGON A'& .. I~·~ « . ::i; : =:t -= :;;.·~ ~·. . I . IJJ -~­#!& "MEDIA TE DELIVERY""' VERY UP TO 30 MP COMPACT & EC ~;~:tflY CAR SUP ERMARK ET! Orange County's Largest Seledion of Import & Economy Cars To choose From! EACH AND EVERY CAR READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! '69 TOYOTA COROLLA WAGON Corolla. 4 speed, radio. heater. bucket seats. (289ADG) s100:~ s411 s...l''M=~· PYMT. • ~ PYMT. 5~20 28 Tola I c;i~h ionce •!IC la• & 1..: De""'ed paymen1 price 1620 ~ """'' la• a I•• •r<J •11 Cil!r\"l"ll c~ar9e~ for 2• monlh; 0 AC Apr 21 (/'It. 1 Yf:AR OR 120011 Hll[ W.ARllAN 1 f ON All USED ,-ARS '70 DATSUN 510 COUPE 4 speed, radio, heater. (489AKX) s 100 :-'~ saaa FULL s4" M6~~y PYMT. _-"*!'*"_PRICE ~ PYMT. sa.• 29 Total c;is~ pn09 •ni:. !u & i.e. Oele<l'9CI ~ pnai •HOii md. ti.II & l•c. •nd an · canymgc:~"llfl"'"'2'lmomh5 O A C.Aet 1763')1. I OO~o FINANCIN G AVAILABL E '71 PINTO Automatic, radio, heater. (924BZB) s100~~~ s1oaa s52M=~y P'YMT. l'YMN'T. l 11 S6 ?8 To!1I Clsl'> DtlGfl inc. 1u ' he:. 09letted Pl\'!1191'11 pnc. , 1348 ;.,,,:1 1 .. l l•C Jr>d 111 canyor1gc~.,gei;1ot'• """1"5.0 AC Attt. lll.55'JI.. I SE HABLA ESPANOL • ' •, ; 1,1; H~ i1\UIH )' e:1Cr' GUARAtHEE ON All USED CARS ADVERTISED I;-· I • 'OU ARE • NEW MARRIED •NEW ON J08 • LITTLE OR NO CREDIT • LITTLE OR NO MOHEYDOWN • NEW IN CALIFORNIA • '.'/1r1! l~l)l '·llllf'.,!VI 1<_1li tH\ 11,\)' cqfOIT 'YQU N'"F-0 '73 MAZDA RX2 Automatic, air con<:!., radio. heater, buckel seats, luggage rack. DEMONSTRATOR. (71688) ~.~.!Q[; .~·14'8"_11· 11.::.11a1•_s.1J::E~ Cl"Y'/l!ICll~~ klr36!T'Olllt>s.0.A.C .•. 1e 11'> ' FR EI:: 5 MIN. Cl{ED IT CHECK • 892. 8347. LA TIENE DON DE EL LA TI NO SI EM PRE EST A EM SU CASA .I ' ' s100 1732 28 To!alc•~hl)nal il'IC i.. & UC o.r.rred~ior>mi&f.t •nc:f ru &k. and 111 Ci•l)'•n9 cn.-gei. b 24 ....,.,illll 0 A.C. Apo. 16 1 J-... I 00 % UNCONDITIONAL WAR RAN TY. PA RTS & LA BOR QN t.Ll GOlO SlAl US£0 CARS DELIVERED ·TODAY '72 PINTO STATION WAGON Automatic, radio. heater. (47574) s100~~ s1511 s71~=· S16M28 ll)(•I aitri P!\Ct inc. tu I lie. 0.*'*! ~ ~ 11t72111d. i. 1 k ftlll CatTY\ll'IO ~! lor 24 ~. O.A.C. /lf1T. 18.43%, SEHAB~ - ESPANOL I r -·--· COSTA MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE WEEK OF MAY 26 ·JUNE 1 • • • =Friendly AMC/Jeep -= 1969 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 645.7770 ::-Word S. Lee, Inc 1234 S Main St , Santo Ano 547 5826 --Roy Carver Inc 234 E 17th St Costa Mesa 546 4444 CrP.v1Pr Motors 208 W I st St Santo Ano 835-3171 Soddlebock VollPy Imports 28402 MorquP.ritP Parkway M1rnon V1e10 495-4949 CADILLAC -Nabers Cadrlloc - 2600 Harbor Blvd . Cosio Mesa 540 9100 . CHEVROLET Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 546-1200 DATSUN Dot Datsun 18835 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-7781 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MAY 26. 1974 FORD PONTIAC - = Dunton Ford Dove Ross Pontiac ~ 2240 So Main St ~ 546-7070 Santo Ano 2480 Harbor Blvd . Cosio Mesa 546-8017 - .:=-Theodore Robins Ford :_ 2060 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 642 0010 -PORSCHE · AUDI - :=.: Un1vers1ly Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 540-9640 • LINCOLN • MERCURY ~ Gustafson Lincoln Mercury = 16800 Beach Blvd , Huntington Beach 84 2-8844 ~ Santo Ano Lincoln MP.rcury ~ 130 I No T ust1n, Santo Ano -Connell Chevrolet - 2828 Harbor Blvd , Cosio Mesa 546 1200 Un1vers1ty Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 540-9640 - :::. Ch1d. Iverson Porsche-Audi = 445 E Coast Hwy : Newport Beach 673-0900 ~ ROLLS-ROYCE Roy Carver Inc 234 E 17th St "' Costa Mesa 546-4444 TOYOTA ~Deon Lewis Imports - 1966 Harbor Blvd Cosio Meso 646-9303 VOLKSWAGEN -Chick Iverson Volkswagen 445 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 VOLVO Deon Lewis Imports 1966 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 646-9303 - == E: ":' = = § - - = = - - -- - - 1 1 l 1 1 1 :fy. !PORT! Hlt1Hllt1/IT! SUNDAY, MAY 26 11 :30AM U (QZ Ci)) CBS Tennis Classic 12:00 · ID (j) ®l Family Circle Cup Tennis Golf Championship 12:30 CBS Sports Spectacular Dodger Dugout/Warm-Up 1 :00 CBS Tennis Classic (Ci?) (j)) Danny Thomas Memphis Golf Classic Dodger Baseball Dodgers vs. San Francisco Giants 2:00 'Prep Sports Wor1d Arcadia lnv1tat1onal Track Meet. 3:00 ( ' Ci)) CBS Sports Spectacular 3:30 3 @ (])World Invitational Tennis 4:30 East African Safari Rally Stock car racing 1n Africa 8:30 @ (J.) Indianapolis "500" Race MONDAY, MAY 27 11:30AM@ Major League Baseball Giants vs. Cubs. 6:00 (19) Major League Baseball Teams to be announced. 8:00 0 ~ 00 Major League Baseball Teams to be announced THURSDAY, MAY 30 S:OOPM m Boxing From the Olympic SATURDAY, JUNE 1 l l :OOAM 0@ 00 (@ Major league Baseball Teams to be announced 12:30 Greatest Sports Legends 2:00 (~ CI)) Kemper Open Golf 3:00 NFL Championship Games 3:30 Greatest Sports legends 4:00 ~-Ci)) CBS Golf Championship 3 Search The anatomy of auto racing 5:00 1 (])Wide World of Sports The Mason-Dixon "500" Stock Car Race; and the International Professional Track & Field Champ1onsh1ps. 6:30 00 NFL Championship Games (~ (j)) Greatest Sports legends 7:30 (6J Boxing From the Olympic Vikki Carr returns as guest host of NBC's The Tonight Show, Monday at l 1:30PM. * * * ABC Sports will capture the many faces of the world's most popu- lar and prestigious auto race, the Indianapolis "500" on Race Day, Sunday, May 26 at 8:30PM. Seen here around the center· piece of an Indy racer at speed are (clockwise from upper left) racing star Mario Andretti talking with world driving champion J~ckie Stewart, who will be on the ABC Sports broadcast team for the Indy action; the field in the starting grid position; the color and pageantry of the traditional Indy parade, and racing great Bobby Unser about to don his crash helmet and head out onto the ''brickyard" track. THE DAIL V PILOT, TV WEEK. MAY 26. 1974 .............. • • • • • • • • • • • How to get more sound for less space. GETASONY. HP-161 : FM-Stereo. AM. Pho no System 11 your pars nrP t1qg<>r tr.or fhp ~r1ur (j ,. i ·vt gr.I •r..><f' 1t ,r we ve goto b•l.l scund ttv11 ,,1111 '•' ··".Jf-.1{ s •i• 1~1 1ntegro1i::d (..c,mponenl Mus1r ~vs'•·" II nos o r1Jrj1 ... 111tr o t mJ ,_,,, •;gr rpq._.r IOr wt:t)~ d1ston1 stOllOns w1ll'VJlJ' rJ1str,111r-q It.., onr·~ '"\.-rJrb, Ar•d pr-1•.)uq,-p0,,,er tor a big. 11tP li~e SOf•d • •orh,,. , ,,, "">r:J~ rt s J btl) sounrJ trv JI r · • •-r < • oil 011rrr' . (:' .... J.id ;Jf01n pock ages Ntr1 ._,. '"' ti r t •I l~ , .• • '''1:1 .-,,~ •ir 1-11 rionnel And O refTW! vt)t 1!t--':'11.J~I -,.f-Jf • M .. s1r Power 10 .MJl1<. [ f· 1 • 3 Sl'.">--'elJ ;·)r.' •J.;h.J rr1on1,ri 1 cir· •at:'' • Ceron 11c cor1r1 :1q.00 ,, 11r, a1 r l\,f1d sJ\,I ,, • lnpuls r:ird oulpuls tnr IOr'<.' ,,,,_nrd~r • Seporote ~11oe l\.M oo•c· '":t•I"' 101u-r .... orD Sr>e:J~"'' 001oric1ng • Aulorr 1ti HV: ., n<> S'•"»• '" I • r q ,, ·• ·19" 1· • 1" •FETr"" 1 •·r•d'Ml11•11•r • SC>hd stuh. ;!I ',I I r )r }'. ' ,~., • Bu11l 1•• :-i 1 ''u" ,···~I I ri--q Jene, 1 ' r I• I • Alt .. , I ( j\J'f r ..,1,.~ .l • l...lt, .H ( 11• ( '1t--•( o\t'!""'r.1 •• ,....r GPEA T FOR GRAOUA TION~ $ I 7995 SONY~ PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER AA& D Electronics 275 E 17th STREET COSTA ME SA 642-8882 Ho1;rs Doily 9-6, Thvrs 9 9 Professional Service for all your home electronics TV -Radio -Stereo-Phono-Tape Page 3 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 76, 1974 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MORNIN G 6:00 Summer Sem•ter l(nowled&e Univmity of the Air 6:30 Odyssey Not for W-omen Only Daybreak The Neil Billion Years -J... Educational features ~ Davey & Goliath I Garner Ted Armstron1 Bullwinkle 7:00 (tji (j)) Qi ({) News ~ @®J-m Tod•J Show (j) Cartoons O Michael Jadcson Show 0 Garner Ted Arm strong * CREATION·EVOLUTION • Garner Ted Armstron1 Hew Zoo Revue stock Exchanee : Sesame Street 7:30 6 lassie Ralph Story's AM Tennessee Tuaedo Bu&s & His Buddies Skip & Woofer 8:00 (~ (i') Captain Kan11roo 6 Dennis the Menace • 8 Sunup Mel Knoepp Romper Room The Flintstones J) Help Us to Reid 261 Bozo's Bi& Top ED Hodgepod&e Lod1e 'DAYTIME EMMYS' Barbara Walters and Peter Ma rsha ll will host 'The First D aytime E mmy Awards Presen- t.1 t1on." o n NBC. Tuesday, at I IA M. T he broadcast will mark television\ first Emmy Awards prc,em ation designed specifically to ho nor out.,ta nd ing achieve- ment\ in Jay11me programming The daytime awards program. ..... h1ch will originate from New York C11y\ Outdoor Rockefeller Pl.11a. will be presented on the J f t c r n o o n or the annual 1:30 I Colle&• Credit Course 6 Oaie & Harriet • Jack la Lanne 'foil & friends; No School Tod•J Spedal Mon. "The Adventures of Sin bad" 1 (])Cartoons Manna ; Y!(I for Health 9:00 (~ (j)) (j) The Joker's Wiid 3 ft) Sesame Street · ~@ ®) ex;, Dinah's Place The G1llerJ Ben Casey Movie: See Daytime Mo111es @Features I Love Lucy Except Mon. Gumby; Gentle Ben Fri i New Zoo Revue 1 @) (j) Gambit Ci) ®) m Jeopardy I ::~r~::P~=~me Movies City Kids (]) Public Affairs 10:00 <ti!: Cl)) ({)Now You See It ~ ~ [i}t@)sg;, Wizard of Odds Run for Your life The Momlnr Show My Favorite M1rtf1n; I SHCIAl I Aladdin Mon An hour Iona musical i lhe Prince Street Players CV The AM Affair 700 Club Educational Proerams; I SPWAl I Michael & the Mi11lty M is5 W alter'>, featured on N BC's Today program. also hosts her own .. yndicated show, Not fo r W omen Only. and broad- casts on NBC Radio's M onitor. She has accep ted m any chal· lengi ng as,ignme nts. including one with the NBC New' team that accompanied President N ix· on 10 t he People's Republic of China. M ore recently. she t rav· eled to England to report on the wedding of Princess Anne Her many new,m ak ing interview!. in- clude one with Henry K issinger following his peace negotiation.., with the North V ietnamese. and one with M rs. Nixon after her re. turn from a good·v.111 tour of Wc'it Africa. Pete r M ar'\hall . m add1t1on to ho"lting NBC\ h1ghl> popular game ~how The Hollywood Squares. is also an actor. ~ingcr .ind v.riter. He c;tarred on Broad· v.ay with Julie H ar ns in "Sky· ~craper" and headed the I ondon compan; of "Bye Bye Birdie." The television personality recent· ly completed a su mm er to ur of "Music Man" a:-id performed an 1e ight·month stint m two other ';if' 1musicats-"H igh Butto n Shoes" Barbana Waltcn a nd "Anything Goes" in Las Ve· pn me·timc entertainment Emmy gas. Marsh~ll ha" made several Awards show, from the Pacific record-;. written the screenplay p,1nt.igc' Theater 1n Hollywood for the film "W 1kl 1n the ~k)" with Johnny ('ar,on 3., ho\t and '1.1rrcd 1n two film' -[n !N BC at tlPM) 'ign Pulver" and "The Cl\ern " Page 4 Oak Mon. Q) News/P1noram1 del Ville 10:20 Q1) CD Joe Baratta Hulth Show 10:30 8 (Qi({)) Cl) love of Ute · Q)C!1tt:orm Ho111wood 1111res <IlJ (3) G) BredJ' Bunch Dennis the Menace Except Mon Wor1d Business News 11:00 (ei?J (j)) Cl) Youn& I Restless iu oo ®J m 1.upot: 1 9 1 • Daytime Emmy Awards Tues Bar- bara Walters and Peter Marshall are hosts for the awards presentations from Rockefeller Plaza. New York. ~ Movies: See Daytime Movies. Mayberry RFD I ~_,@ CiE) The Girl In My life Gomer Pyte Electric Company 11:30 (fa! (j)) 00 Search for Tomor· row 0 ~ :6_ ~ eD Celebrity Sweep· stakes Except Tues 00 Hazel fJ @ mm $10,000 Pyramid ! let's Rip Petticoat Junction Major League Baseball Mon I Grants vs. Cubs EJl) Mister Roaers' Nei1hborhood AFTERNOON 12:00 B Noontime 0 m Three on A Match EAcept Tues ~iu er Binao 1 CI) G) Password 19 m Hews 0 Features; Gloria Grey's Pet Ha· ven Fri. n Movie: See Daytime Movies @ Get Smart Except Tues Tennessee Tuxedo Except Mon. f Features (!)) Not for Women Only 12:30 (~Cl)) (i' As the W or I d Tums 0 Q) @ ®) g;, Oiys of Our Lives I Truth or Consequences @ 00 m Split Second Features Dialin& for Dollars Bullwinkle Except Mon 1:00 (Q! @ ) (j) The Ciuidin& Li&ht ~ Q) (j) l9) m The Oocton Allythin& You Can Do (ii) (J) G) All My Cllildren 0 hhlle Room for OadcfJ ~ Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ex cept Mon. ~Educational Proarams ; ;wa1. I Sleepinc Beauty Mon An imaginative production of the clas sic produced by Baldwin Park stu dents. 1:30 (~ (!)) (j) Edee of Ni&ht ~ 00 @) g;, Another World 6 Mike Douitas Show @ (1) G) let's Make A Deal Candid Camera Gallo~· ns Gourmet 2:00 (~ 1) (j) New Prtc:e Is Right · QJ 6 ®J g;, How to Survive A Mamaae I Sea Hunt (ltJ (3' CD Newlywed G1me m Movie. See Daytime Movies @ Movie: See Daytime Movies Mon. EJl) Features 2:30 U (Qt) (j)) Ci) Matdl Game '74 I Q1 @ 09) m Somtntt News @ CV m Ont Ufe to Liv• Features/Ben Hunter lnter1iews EJl) Yoaa for Health 3:00 U (~ ) Tlttletalu O Truth or Consequences: Three on A Match Tues. I Twill&flt Zone io el! Cartoons lV al General Hospital Movie: See DaY1ime Movies Mothers.In Law (ll@ Three on A Match ~ Addams famlty Except Mon. I Day at Nlaht Orama Cinema 36; Three on A Match Tues 3:30 U 3 Movie: See Daytime Movies 0 Ike Ooualu Show (lhr) ~ One step Beyond Superman (U) M o v I e : Ste Daytime Movies I ~if Green Acres Oidc Tracy 12 Ci) Movie: See Dayume Movies Futures (29 ~,-,) Cartoons • Travel ntm Tues Wild Wild West 4:00 The Rifleman leave It to Beaver Flipper The Flyina Nun Get Smart Spanish Lanauage Show eta Beverly Hillbillies : Sesame Street · Sube Pelayo • The Pioneers Tu es Felix the Cit 4:30 Hews Tues only father Knows Best Gilliaan's Island F Troop Buis & His Buddies Ninny & the Professor ~di I Love Lucy <eici 'I..) Movie: See Daytime Mov 1es • Don Wilson's Town h lk Tues Movie Underdo& 5:00 0 0 News The Bic Valley 6 I love Lucy 8 m I Dream of Jeannie I leave It to Beaver The Flintstones (3) Green Acres Simplemente M1r11 Star Trek Mister Roaers' Nei1hborhood · Orama • The Pioneers; News Tues · • Huuie Boy Entertainment Kimba 5:30 Cl) @ (3) ~ (!) News 3 Travel Films 6 Courtship of Eddie's Father • The luey Show Bewitched Gllllaan's Island ED Electric Company m Oon Wiison's Town Ttlk EE Three Stooaes Uve tervlew~ ; Three Mon. A Match Movies ' r) Daytime Movies e Mov lk Tues ws ather SUNDAY MAY 26 MORNING 00 Home Buyers' Guide 0 ( 3) Kid Powet [ 8 ) TV 8 Looks at learnine B Herald of Truth jQJ Indianapolis "500" rest1val Pa· rade :iti Christopher Close-Up (1j91 (8)) Camera Three eil Esta Es la Vida 6:15 W Christophers/Btble Answers 6:30 O lamp Unto My Feet . 10:30 D <®' \8 1) (8' Face the Nation 6;45 l8 Christopher Close·UP I To Be Announced @ L3J al The Osmonds This Is Your Bible Tony & Susan Alamo 7:00 0 Bailey's Comets al (6) Insight ( 6 1 Uncle Waldo w Mideast Analysis I 8 • Rex Humbard a> Pantalla Dominiul O Parent /Youth Forum . 8 10 Religious Special "h thl' Church 11 00 Newsm~k.ers . .. Relevant?" · ID Rehg1ous Special D u t y W Big Blue Marble A children's Bound" (R) An exam1nnt1on of the program about Clther children $ub1ect of. amnesty for those who around the world evaded ~1lrtary service during the 2l 6 ' This Is the life Vietnam conll~ct. .. W n Church With A V1s1on ;z6 arren Robern ~ Movie : "The Strip" (dra) '51- · The Christophm O 17 (3) (!) H.R. Pufnstuf 7:30 §Amazing Chan M1cker_ Rooney, Sall y Forest Chaplain ot Bourbon Street 1 8 High Chapa"al f6l Bullwinkle O faith for Today 0 Billy J. Hargis m Movie: "The Yellow C'b Man" 101 Vision On (com) '50-Red Skelton. Glo11a De OJ Elementary News Haven 123 6 Rex Humbard iE) Church in the Home (29 8 ) Town H;all Meeting ,13 (6) Film feature 8·00 0 Dusty's Trethouse '26 first Baptist Church O This ts the Life ( '29 8 ) Bailey's Comets 0 Rex Humbard 11.30 0 (.l9 8 ) CBS Tennis Classic f 6) Underdog Allhur Ashe v~ Cliff Drysdalp 0 II Is W11tten 0 17 r3 CE Make A Wish 8 lamp Unto My feet O Movre : (C) "Desert legion" O Davey & Goliath (adv) ~3 Alan I add Richard 10 26 Old Time Go,pel Hour Conte W Wonderama '23 6) Forum @ Revival Fires (:29 8 ) Gospel S1ngin1i Jubilee AFTERNOON 8: 15 17 3 Sured Hurt 8:30 0 look Up & Live O The letson& r 6 ) Johnny Quest 0 Campus Prollle 1 12:00 i3 •Film Feature "Mar!> The Search Begins" 0 ll ~J ·101 €D Family Circle Cup Tennis Final day of compet1!1on 1n lhe $100 000 tournament from thP. Sea Pines Racquet Club. Hilton Head Island ~ C a This Week 1n the NBA 0 Meeting Time at Calvary m KATHRYN KUHLMAN * (IN COLOR) m 23 \6 K1thryn Kuhlman '7 3_1 It Is Written 9:00 O Camera Three '3 1 Treehouse Club 8 GO! (~9 8 ) Day of Discovery L6 ~ Rut Estate Open House 8 P1oject Black 8 23 16-Oral Rober1s 10 It Is Written @ Day of Miracles 17 3 1 Revival fires '26 Pattern for living 9:30 EJ Tod,y's Religion 1 3 1 Accion de la Comun1dad O Serendipity 0 Oral Roberts O Domingo 8 1 Your Doctor Answers O Amuing Prophecies 'lOl Day of Discovery aJ 'Jj (J) Old Timt Gospel Hour / al 16) first Baptist Church -..,,,J 1:2~ Governor & the Students (('29 ,T) Amuing Chan eil Musica y Palabras 10;00 I Sunflower Company · Challenge MY Sermon Hour of Power 0 Gene Autry U Vision On 8 , Goll Championships m Your Government Today W (3\ Directions -,6 Sunday Celebration 12:30 0 CBS Sports Spectacular ,/ 31 Hera'd of Truth O Pacesetters 161 Movie: (C) "The Oeerslayer" (adv) '5 7-l ex Barker Rita Moreno 0 Directions OJ Dodger Ougout/Warm·Up W News '17 (3) Issues & Answers ('19 11n Tufty. the Sea Teacher €D Public Service l :00 · 3 J Directions 8 lassie Issues & Answe~ 8 CBS Tennis Classic 0 PRO GOLF SPECIAL: * FINAL ROUND ACTION 11DANNY THOMAS MEMPHIS CLASSIC" 0 (~ (ii) Danny Thomas Mtm· phis Golf Classic m Dodger Baseball [lod2ers vs. San franc1sco h1anh THI OAIL 'f PILOT TV WEEK. MAY 26, 1974 @ Here Come the Brides (17) (3) Movie: ''Ships With Wings" (adv) '42-Michael Wilding. !:261 ReviVll Fires ffi Movie l :30 3 J Issues & Answers O ~(i)Rel igio u s Special "Hopes or Fears" Newsman Roger Hager interviews Dr Morton P. !\lrommen, director of youth re search. about the multitude or choices facing youth today O Movie; (C) "Harper" (mys) '66 -Paul Newman Janet Leigh, Laur- en Bacall. O Head-On 10 Movre : "You'll Never Get Rich" (mu~) '41 rred Astaire Rita Hay worth 26 Billy J. Hargis €D Danny Thomas Memphis Golf Classic 2:00 , 3 1 Candidates for Senator O Prep Sporn World Arcadia In v1laltonal Track Meet. '6 Movie: "My Little Chickadee" (com) '40-W. C Fields. Mae West 0 Movie: (C) "In Name Only" (com) '69 -Michael Callan Ann Prentiss, Eve Arden. 1 8 , Air Power @ Movie: "Ma & Pa Kettle at W'i· kiki" (com) ·55 -Marjorie Main. Percy Kilbride. ';26 faith tor Today 2:30 0 Movie· (C) ''Man With A Mil· lion" (dra) ~4 Gregory Peck. lane Gr1ff1lhs 3 1 Impact 8 Action Theatre ll 6' Movie: (C) "R10 Conchos" (wes) '64 -R1rhard Boone, Tony f ranc1osa 26 Fires of Evangelism ff) Yoga for Health 3:00 3 Candidates for Congress O Movre: (C) "Elephant Walk" (dra) '54 -fltzabelh Taylor Dana Andrews 10 Meet the Press g@ Times 25 A look at the drrnking dnver ffi Alerta/Greetings From Germany ~6 Jimmy Swaggart Show ~Bicentennial lecture Series ('9 CI'> CBS Sporn Spectacular a;, Christopher Close-Up 3:30 0 €D Meet the Press 00 Movie: (C) ''The Shooting'' (dra) 71 -M1ll1e Perkins. Jack Nichol son O 17 t3 1 World lnv1tat1onal Tennis 161 Newsmakers m Outer limits iE) The Virginian 26l Religious Town Hall ~Insight CD Pentecostal Temple 4:00 0 Medix 8 Insight "The f reak • (R) Movie: (C) "Hans Christian Andersen" (mus) '5?-Danny Kaye. Z1z1 Jeanmarie 10! Hee Haw m Korean Vanety Hour I ~~~~l:tlon Toros This Is the Life Panorama Latino 4:30 O lilSt of the Mahicans Part I/ Cora 1nfu11a1es Magua when she re fuses his proposal of marriage 3j Movie : "Sing Boy Sing" (mus) '58-Tommy Sands. Lili Gentle. 0 Sunday O East Afncan Safari Rally Stock car racing 1n Afnca. , 8 I Star Trek m Movie: ''Dawn Patrol" (adv) '38 -Errol rtynn. David Niven. 17, 3 J Thundering Highway ~News y (6) Meet the Press ;uw Bob We lls Seminar €D Black Elperience €D Sunday Matinee CE Insight 5:00 O World of Survival "Do Not Ois turb" (R) 6) I SPECIAL I Cortez & Montezuma 0 Great Adventure 0 The Avengers 101News (9 Daniel Boone '17 (3 l Movie: (C) "A Town Called Hell" (dra) ·72 -Mar11n Landau, Stella Stevens. ~ Korean Orama 'll (6) Ameri"n West '26 Hour of Deliverance ff) Wall Street Week (;29 ®> Brother Butt rn Roller Games ffi Pentecostal Temple W Three Stooges 5:30 0 It Takes All Kinds fS J News TO\ Movie: (C) "Our M'n Flint" (adv) '65 -Jame!> Coburn, Lee J. Cobb 23) (&.Garner Ted Armstrong Uil Day of Miracles ffi Washington Week in Review (~ (8'1) Animal World ffi Roller Games 5:59 ffi Supermarket Top Ten EVENING 6:00 ~ (~ ®> @ Sixty Minutes _3 The Virginian · €D€DNews O Movie: (C) (2hr) "Wilderness Journey" (adv) '71 -Outdoor ad venture ftlm 00 Twilight Zone 0 Reasoner Report O Movie: (C) (90) "Octam,n'' (sci fi) '7Z-Kerw1n Mathews, Pier Angeli I Night Gallery Children's Cartoons @ Dialogue Casey Santos Show ffi Storefront CI;) Cine del Domingo Cl) Reasoner Report 6:30 D Animal World An e~amination of the ocelot. prized for its beautiful fur, and becoming an endangered World of Survival iecies. ~@News • Movie: (C) (2hr) "In the Good Old Summertime" (mus) '49-Judy Garland, Van Johnson ffi Sunset ED A-Rab Summer (R) €t) Fanfarria Falcon €D A Better World Cl) Wild Wild West 7:00 I) News \ O Wild Kingdom "Winter Comes to Cougar Country" (R) 00 Movie: (C) (Zhr) "Bandido .. (adv) '5&-Robert Mitchum, Ursula Andress (Continued) Page 5 "THE BlUFFERS," BASED ON ENGLAND'S BEST ·SELLING "BlUFfER'S GUIDES" (23 DIF· FER£NT BOOKS BY AS MANY AU· THORS, PROMISING ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE TO GET YOU BY IN ANY SITUATION-FROM FINANCE TO OPERA) AIRS AS AN NBC COM· EDY SPECIAL TUESDAY, IMMEDI· ATElY FOLLOWING THE EMMY AWARDS. INTRODUCED FROM A CATWALK ABOVE THE PROCEED· INGS BY "MASTER BlUFFER" BOB HOPE, THE SPECIAL WILL BE HOSTtD BY DAVID NIVEN, WHO WILL SERVE AS "BLUfFERS' GUIDE FOR THE EVENING," AS A COMPANY OF STARS AND A BLUITTRS REPERTORY GROUP ILLUSTRATE THE DWGHTS AND THE PERILS Of LOOKING AT THE ti , WORLD THROUGH A ROSE- COLORED BLUFF. MAKING SPE· CW. APPEARANCES WILL BE (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER): ED ASNER, JACK BENNY, MICHAEL BENTINE, ERNIE BORGNINE, JOHNNY CARSON, ANGIE DICKIN- SON, SANDY DUNCAN, GLENN FORD, ZSA ZSA GABOR, MERV GRIFFIN, PAT HARRINGTON, ED MCMAHON, PAT PRICE, BOBBY RIGGS, KAREN VALENTINE AND DEMOND WILSON. THE BLUFFERS REPERTORY COMPANY IS MADE UP OF: ARLENE GOLONKA, JEN- NIFER DARLING, .BARBARA RHOADES, CHUCK MCCANN, BOB RIDGELY AND RONNY GRAHAM (WHO ALSO DOUBLES AS ONE OF THE WRfTERS OF THE SPECIAL). CARL REINER IS A SPECIAL GUEST. ROSE· Sf>[. BE (IN : ED CHAU NINE, IClllN· GWIN MERV N, ED BOBBY AND FFERS MADE I JEN BARA , BOB AM NE OF CIAl). GUEST. SUNDAY (Continued) ~The One W•y 0 Concentr1tion Eli) M1sterpiece Thutre (R) (8J L1tin Profile @I) Noche de Gala ~ Pusport to Travel CiI:) International Variety (3) Golden Voyage EE Corona Now Dram• @ en Wild Kingdom 9:30 0 (~ (][\) Ci' B1rnaby J on e s Voice of Victory "Venus . As '" Flytrap" (R) A al) Lennox Quartet women's lib leader and a "male ((;29 (J)) Tllk to the Manager chauvinist" writer have a public m Esteltr '74 leud and a private affair that ends 1n death for the writer's wife 7:30 0 (Q:9 ca 1) (8 Apple's Way "The 0 Garner Ted Armstrong Zoo" (R) When George Apple finds 0 'THE KING IS COMING' animals being mistreated at a rcads1de zoo, he swings into acl1on * "INVASION OF THE at Cathy's insistence STATE OF ISRAEL" 0 a3 (6) 110J en World ol Disney DR. HOWARD C. ESTEP "The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at 0 The Kin Is Coming Riverton" (R) Concl. of a two part m SPECIAL Who's There! A Ghost story about a youngster who-while in Your House (R) Sheldon Leonard serving as honorary mayor for a narrates this look into the history day-uncovers some city corruption ol ghosts and hauntings. 0 r17 (J ) Cl) The FBI "The Be @ The Big Question trayal" (R) Alter breaking out of EE V:>ice of Calvary prison. a convict demands money a crime syndicate owes him. but 10:00 0 ~ en NBC News Repor t s learns thal the mob has a more Three Nobel Prize winning scientists deadly "payoff" in mind l1gure importantly in a report on the 0 Million $ Movlf: (C) (2hr) "How 'wu w1th1n the war' on cancer The to Save A Munage & Ruin Your report spotlights the light between Life" (com) '68 -Dean Martin government olf1c1als and sc1ent1sts Stella Stevens over how money should be spent @ Three Passports to Adventure for research tl6 Lassie I Day of Disconry ED I Sl'JCrAL I Charm of Dynamite · Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (R) Filmmaker Abel Gance 1s hon· EE News ored for hrs work Excerpts shown @ l out Special include scenes from "Napoleon · ';261 70~ Clu~ (1927) in which Gance used spht £tl firing Line screen multiple image and many CiI:) Pr1ise the Lord Club other modern film techniques JO EE Lou Gordon Show years before they became popular 10:15 EE Royal family of Japan/Pro EE lntemat1on1I Vanety women Golfers 8:00 0 American Horse & Horseman 10:30 O The Protectors W Elizabeth R (3) Reasoner Report Ei) Nippon No Uta/News I The King Is Coming ::2~ Ru Humbard Rock Concert @?) Chespirito The Evil Touch a:> Armenian TV Hour t 8 ) Police Surgeon 8:30 O (!;29 ra ) ( 8 Mann 1 • "Silent 0 Movie: (C) "Shane" (wes) '53 Target" (R) Mannix flees gangland -Alan Ladd. Jean Art hur. "hit men" alter he stumbles into m Mission: Impossible their desert hide out lD (e;i9 @ )News 0 ll '6 ;u)' en N BC Sunday (1j; 00 T.H.E. Cat M~tery -Columbo "Mind Over fl) Nashville Music Mayhem" (R) The head or a "thtnk 10:45 EE This Is Jap1n tank' ream of scientists murders (129 8') The Patsy Awards a colleague who threatened to re ~ _ veal the e•ecut1ve s son as a pla 11:00 0 ~ 0 0 CI 10 News g1anze1 Jose Ferrer Lew Ayres U Pacesetters Jessica Walter Robert Walker and W Kathryn Kuhlman Lee H Montgomery star ti (})A D~scussion With 0 Ji) ffi Cl) I $1'lCIAl I Indian-m It Is Wntten apohs "500" Race Tape delay of the 11:30 §Name of the Game earlier alternoon running of the . o Sunday Tonieht Show m1t11on dollar plus annual auto race Movie: (C) "High Wind in Ja. The pit area has been both sub maic1'' (adv) '65 -Anthony Quinn, stont1ally widened and lengthened, James Coburn and a new pit entry has been con· (8) Telepulse structed to avoid a repeat of last Gi Movie: "Somebod1 Up There year's crash at the fourth turn Likes Me" (dra) '56 -Paul New entry . man, Pier Angeli, Sat Mineo m I SPlCIAl I The Devil's Triangle m Movie: "My Min Godfrey" (R) A documentary on the inexphc (com) '36 -William Powell Carole able events that have taken place Lombard ' 1n the triangular area bordered by . Southern Florida Bermuda and the 11 :45 <"9 (I') Spanish MoVte Bahama~. wherl' ships and planes 12:00 lj6 Right On have mystenously disappeared with ~ . . no trace 12:30 :;:2~ New Directions ED Join Sutherland· Who's Afraid 1:00 O Speaking Freely of Oper1? "Faust @ Movie: "Plargirl" (d1a) !>4 -EE Corona Now Shelley Winters. Barry Sullivan. 9:00 m Oral Roberts 1:10 0 Movie: (C) "[Jape to Mlnd1- 6 Sermour Presents nao" (adv) '68 -George Mahans. Wandering Samurai James Shigeta THE DAILY PILOT TV WEEK, MAY 26, 1974 ORANGE COUNTY this week on Channel 50 meet the CONGRESSIDNAl CANDIDATES at 8:00 p.m. 34th District MONDAY, MAY 27th 38th District TUESDAY, MAY 28th 39th District THURSDAY, MAY 3 0 th 40th District FRIDAY, MAY 31at in cooper-at1on with Orange County Preaa Club League of W omen Vot.er-a Sigma Delta Chi Page 7 MONDAY MAY 27 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Ghost in the lnv1s1ble Bi· kin1" (com) '66 -Tommy Kirk. Deborah Walley 9:30 0 "Wake Island" (dr,J) '4:?-B11an Oonlevy Robert Preston 11:00 O "Rocketsh1p X-M" (sci f1) '51- Lloyd B11dges ''Tom Sawyer, Delee· live" (dra) '38-Donald O'Connor 12:00 ID "Cornered" (adv) '45 -Dick Powell, Walter Sl ezak 2:00 0 "Home of the Brave" (dra) '49 -James Edwards Lloyd Bridges. ffi "The Creal Dan P.iitch" (dra) '48-Dennis O'Keele Gail Russell 'lb "The Desert Rats" (adv) 53- James Mason Richard Burt• n 3:00 8 (C) "Living It Up" (ct m I 54 -Jerry lewis Dean Martin 10 (C) "Operation: Cobra'' tdral 71-0a111d Janssen Witham Con rad 3:30 O (C) "Blindfold" (susp) 66 - Rock Hudson. Claudia Card1na1e 3 J (C) "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (adv) 59 -Pal Boone James MJson 0 (C) "lad: A Dog" ldra) '62 - Peter Breck. Peggy McCay Angela Cartwnghl St 3 1 "Love, l ife & laughter" (rom) 41 -Gracie r1elds. John Loder ~} (];" (C) ''Up From the Beach" (dra) '65 -Cl1tt Robertson Red Buttons 4:30 ('9 -8 ) "Let No Man Write My £p1taph" (dra) '60 -James Darren Shelley Winters, Burl Ives f VfNING 6:00 000 (8 eD m qJ News (3) GT m 2J 00 (Q9 8 ) News 0 Bonanza (j) Hogan's Heroes Q Beverly Hillbillies Jg) Major lugue Baseball T earns to be announced. m Mission: Impossible Mod Squad £1 Pobre Conzalez 'l& Movie: (2hr) "The Angel Wore Red" (dra ) 60-Ava Gar dner 011k Bo garde al) Hodgepodge lodge $ Speed Racer 6:30 ':i) Dealer's Choice Q Dick Van Dyke 17, <31 Hogan's Heroes I Zoom! Travel Film Marg111ta O'Far11ll Show EE Little Rascals 7:00 0 3 0 0 ID CB CD News ~ Bowling for Dollars ~ Movie: (C) (2hr) "That Forsythe Woman" (dra) ·so -Greer Garson [rrol Flynn Series stat Ron Howard, as Richie Cunningham, rs left with his mouth ajar when the sporty convertible he and his friend, Potsie, have just bought, won't start '" "The Lem_on," on ABC's Happy Days. Tuesday at 8PM. Page 8 . THl 1\1\ll y I'll OT TV WfEK MAY •(. 1974 l 8 1 Wild World of An1m11ls 0 What's My line? m I love Lucy ID It Takes A Thiel 117 3) I Orum of Jeannie EE £smeratd1 'll 6 J Dragnet ff) Wuhington Straight Talk ( 'l9 8 ) Bobby Goldsboro Show rn Orama ff) Three Stooge$ I 7:30 0 KN X T Special "fV s [mmy Awards Winners Losers & Why Oc!Vld Sheehan 1.:Jkes a look at the dnnual Emmy Awards. with a spec1Jll look. at the nominaled shows and their stars J Hogan's Heroes 0 Police Surgeon · for an Encore Mu1der" (R) Peter Kastner guP.sls .:is a young singer who must con vince police that his wife\ kidnap • · ping 1s not a publtc1ty hoax 0 Help Thy Neighbor 0 New Beat the Clock 8 New Treasure Hunt 0 Mllhon_~ov1e: (C) (2hr) "Spa1 lat!ls" Part 1\ (adv\ '60 Kuk Douglas L<1u1~nre Dl1v1er lrJn Simmons Q) Bewitched 17 3 1 To Tell the Truth 0 17 l3' (l} ABC Mond1y Movie: (C) (2hr) "Hello Down There" (com) '68 Tony Randall, Janet Le1ah. Jim Backus Roddy McOowall. Ken 8Prry An underwate1 development e~pr1t 111e~ lo prove his poin t about the wave of the future by moving tus family into an underwater home 10 Movie: (2hr) "St1l1g 17" (dra} 53 -Wilham Holden. Oon Taylor. ID Merv Griffin Show ill The Cloucutermen lh1s minia- ture epic tells the story of the Gloucester (Mass) l1~hing fleet over the years u~mr. myths legends. hdllads and rare film tootage from the ddY5 of the great ships al Muy Agradec.ido Cl!> Variety Show 9:30 O ( 19 a ) a Dick V;1n Dyke Show (HJ Dic k reschedules a Ire QJer1tly lJnteled dentist appoint rnent to 11rnve he ~ unselfish with h1\ time I News Veloculad Pacem in Term Ill 'Nation.ii I nh•rests ol the United Stales' A d1\c11~s1on ul post \11etna m def1m • 11on\ uf lhP ndt1on s foreign inter· e ,h e~prc1c11ly as related to our ,1ll1es adver\Jrtt'\ those 1n between. .. n<1 tl1e \peu.11 case of Japan ~ '6' New Prtce Is Right ff) A Promise Shared A cl tary On the status r I "' l"ael .irnt>n al Orama "11 " 10 00 O ( 'l9 8 l 8 Medical C e n t e r ( '29 8 ) Nashville Music W Jtmmy Dean Show CB £scen11no Theatr e CD Pohce Surgeon ff) The Ghoul Gang 8·00 f) ( 'l9 8 ) 8 Cunsmoke 1 he rhotre ol r vii\ IRI An aRgress1ve m dd,t' <li{t'd rr .1n relusr s ltfe savtng ~uri~ery lf'M np 11 m.iy lpad lo 1m polenty 0 ID (D 'l6 News 6 Perry Muon CB Pra15f the Lord Club Town Tc1m~rs (RI Jim Da111\ t:uests JS Marshal Luke Rumba1il(h wh" 1s 10:30 0 Journey lo Adventure sent with Malt Dillon to tJmr d ffi Bill Cosby lawless Kansas town U) La C1udad Grtta 0 ll r6' ID NBC Monday N1ghl En) The~tre in America (90) (R) Baseball Tums to be announ1 ed rn Musical Comedy 0 ~ov1e: (~) (2hr) "Son of Pale· 11 ·00 f) Q 0 eI) ID CD News lace (com) 52 -Bob Hope JJne 3 8 10 ffi 'l3 6 News R~ssell O Best of Croucho 0 17 3 CD The Rookies Dt'ath 6 Night Callery W3tch CRl W11i1P becomes prc111ely O Movie: "Kind Hearts & Coro· 111 aftN g1111ng mouth to mouth ro> nets" ccoml 'ill Alf'r Guinness. s11\c1 t.it1on to an er cnn\1ct v.1lh [lr nn1s P11ce 1111.~I men1ng1!ts and whose S1Jb\1 m Mission: lmpornblt Quent d1sappedrance lhreatPns J'1 m The Untouchables entire city with an epidemic 17 3 Secret file m National Geographic S p e c 1 a I 26 The Saunt The Hidde n World Ale•ander ( 'l9 a ) The Pioneers Scourby n,11rates this special wh u h takes a close up look at ., me al 11 30 0 ( 'l9 8 ) 8 CBS Late Movie: mankind s grezte st bPnef.ic tors and (C) "Seven Brides for Seven Broth· most dan,Rerous enemies 1n,,.rt\ ers" Cm11sl S4 Jane Powell How- (D Safari to Adventure .ml Keel €i) Teatro del Lunes 0 2l 6 10 ID Johnny Carson 'l6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Merrill's Ma-V1kk1 Cdrr I'> ~' 1t>\I ho\t rauders" (dral 62 Jell Chandler 0 Movie "The Basketball Fix" ~Hardin (drJl 51 John lleland V.inessa fr) Chrome-Plated Nightmare An Brown e•ammation of the use of 111e .11110 6 Twilight Zone mobile in American socie ty 0 17 J 1 (l} Wide World M,stery m Penthouse I In the Steps of A Dead Man" ff) Movie: "June Bride" (rom J '48 12:00 6 One Step Beyond -Bette Davis Robert Montgomery I m Movie: (C) "Al Jennings of 8;30 (D Movie: (90) "The Kettles in the Oklahoma" (wesl '!1 1 Dan Duryea, Ozarks" (com) '56-Maqooe Main I Gdle 'ilorm Arthur Hunmcull @ Wanderlust CS Panorama Novela Em Day at Night 9:00 0 ( l9 8 ) a Here's Lucy (R 1 1:00 0 10 Tomorrow Jack Benny hues Lucy as a swe I 1 :45 0 Movie: (C) "Wabash Avenue" tary so that he can dictate his (mu~l '>0 Belly Grable. Victor autobiography wh ich empharnesl ~atu1c the roles va11ous women played in 3:10 O Movie· "Room SeN1ce" (com) his ltle '38 lhP Mai~ Brothers Lucille 6 The Bold Ones Ball THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY Z6, 1974 P11• 9 THE DAILY PILOT TV WEEK MAY 26, 1974 The Nominees: for Best ComedLl Ser ies ... All in the Family -CBS The Odd Couple -ABC Mary Tyler Moore Show -CBS fo r Be st Drama Ser ie s The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman -CBS The Migrants -CBS The Execution of Private Slavik -NBC "Th Mo111e! Emmy grabbE nounc• 8PM a t1me- cratts. Acade· The 12:301 Carso1 this yE The P officia the Ac taries, Nor throuf No1 Cor any , noun w1nn1 aware Th categ will t ular This Hi unclE goes po we tndUl ach1E presi awar symt Sc an ir to " was "lmr nam (pre! the I to ti des11 1t ha • • "The Execution of Private Slov1k" on NBC Wednesday Night at the Movies "The Carol Burnett $how" and "M•A•S•H" each took 10 Emmy nominations and "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" grabbed 12 nominations when entertainment categories were an· nounced tor the 26th Annual Awards Show, airing Tuesday from 6 to 8PM on NBC. A total of 295 nominat1ons-hoth primetime and day· time-including programs, performers, writers, directors and creative crafts, were announced by Robert F. Lew1ne, President. the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The daytime telecast will air on NBC, on Tuesday at l lAM to l2:30PM from New York. For the fourth consecutive year Johnny Carson, host of NBC's The Tonight Show, will host the Emmy show, this year originating from the Pacific's Pantages Theater in Hollywood. The Pantages opened in June, 193P and from 1949-1960 was the official home of the Oscar shows. In addition to the Emmy telecasts. the Academy will have an exclusive telecast for news and documen· tanes. Wednesday, Sept. 4 on ABC. Nominations cover the broadc~st period from March 19, 1973 through March 17, 1974, and were voted on by members of the Nominees for Best Music and/or Variety Series Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour, Th~ Carol Burnett Show, and The Tonight Show. • National Academy of Tel~1s1on Arts and Sciences in its 11 ·chapter c1t1es, with members casting votes in their own area of expertise on any one of 15 d1ff1erent ballots. The resulting nominees were an· nounced by Lewine and Joseph Bluth, Awards Chairman. Category winners will receive their Emmys on the air. The "Winner of the Year" awards will be announced for the first time on the air. The "Winner of the Year" 1n the actor. actress, writer and director categories. will not receive a second Emmy. An additional 1nscnpt1on will be engraved on the Best Category Emmy denoting that the part1c ular awardee also was chosen as the Actor of the Year, for example. This 1s a change from previous structure Historians will note that "Oscar" got its name from someone's uncle "Tony" 1s an abbreviation of Antoinette Perry. Emmy history goes back to the first ceremony. The TY Academy's constitution em· powers 1t to "recognize outstanding achievements in the television industry by conferring annual awards of merit as an incentive for achievement within the industry ... " In 1948 Charles Brown, then president of the young organization. named a committee to select award·w1nners for that year. He also asked for suggestions on a symbol and what 1t should be called. Some thought "1conoscope" (for image orth1con tube) would be an 1rnpress1ve title, but it was pointed out that it would be shortened to "Ike," a name reserved for Dwight Eisenhower. Another favorite was "Tilly," (for television). But 1n the end. "Emmy, a derivitive of "lmmy" (a nickname for the image orthicon tube,) was chosen. The name was suggested by pioneer telev1s1on engineer Harry Lubcke (president of the Academy in 1949-50) Once the name was selected. the next chore was the symbol. Some 118 sketches were submitted to the committee and when the candidates were cut to only two, designer Louis McManus presented an entry and the committee knew it had found its Emmy ********** THE DAILY PILOT, T.V WEEK, MAY 26, 1974 TUESDAY MAY 28 For morning and afternoon list ings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "The President's lady" (dra) ·53 -Charlton Heston, Susan Hay- ward 9:30 O "As Young as You Feel" (com) '51 -Monty Woolley, Jean Peters. 11:00 O "The Eagle & the Hawk" (dra) '33 -fredric March, Cary Grant, Carole Lombard. "The Lady's From Kentucky" (dra) '39-George Raft, Ellen Drew. 12:00 m '1he Shanghai Story" (dra) '54 -Ruth Roman, fdmond O'Brien 1:00 C2~ (C) "Kangaroo" (adv) '52 - Richard Boone, Maureen O'Hara. 2:00 0 (C) "Rhapsody" (dra) '54 - Elizabeth Taylor, Louis Calhern . @ "Outside the l aw'' (dra) 'S&- Ray Danton, Leigh Snowden. 3:00 .._a (C) "House on Grunapple Road" Part I (8ra) '70-Chnstopher Geo1ge, Janet Leigh. 10 (C) "A Matter of Humanities" (dra) '69 -Robert Young. James Brohn 3:30 0 (C) "The Birds" (susp) '63 - T1pp1 Hedren, Rod Taylor. r3J "Cape Fear" (dra) '62--{;regory Peck. Robert Mitchum. -------------0 (C) "The Rat R1ee" (dra) '60 -To.!!t Curtis, Debbie Reynolds. (rt l3J "Lilli Marlene'' (dra) '51- Lisa Daniely, Stanley Baker. '~ ® (C) "Voyage to the Bottom of the Su" (sci-Ii) '61 -Walter Pidgeon, Barbara Eden. 4:30 (QcJ (8)) '1he long Haul" (adv) -Victor Mature, Diana Dors EVENING 3 1 m ( U) News 6:00 ~ u 00 I~ News . 00 . I SPECIAL 11974 Emmy Awards Johnny Carson 1s host for the presentation of awards hon· onng ou tstanding television pro· grams and performers Site of this year's Emmy Show 1s the Pac1f1c IPant:!~!n::eater 1n Hollywood Hogan's Heroes Beverly Hiflbilliu Mission: Impossible Mod Squad EJ Pobre Gonzalez ezdl Movie: (C) (2hr) "Seven Wom· en" (dra) '6&-Anne Bancroft. Sue Lyon. EID Hodgepodge lodge m Speed R1eer 6:30 Ci) Dealer's Choice I Dick Van Dyke @ Hogan's Heroes Zoom! News little Rascals 7:00 I CV 0 m News Bowling for Dollars 6 MO'fie: (2hr) "East Side, West Side" (dra) '50 -Ava Gardner James Mason. 8 Safari to Adventure What's My line? I love Lucy It Takes A Thief 00 I Drum of Jeannie Esmeralda : Book Beat ( (!))Hee Haw ~Drama a;> Usted y la Polici• al Three Stooges 7:30 I New Treasure Hunt 3 Hopn's Heroes Help Thy Neipbor Secrets of tfle Deep "2000 Years Under the Sea" Host Scott Carpenter takes viewers on a voyage into the past 1n the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ® You Asked for It O Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Spartacus" Conti (adv) '60 - Kirk Douglas, Laurence Ohv1er, Jean Simmons. I ~wiT~;e~I the Truth Citywatchers Bobby Goldsboro Show The Ghoul Gang 8:00 O (®J ®> (j) Maude (R) The Arthur-Vivian love affair is on the rocks because of Arthur's constant eutogizin.1_ of his late wrfe. 0 fn (!) m I sff(1!l I The Bluf. fers A ccmedy variety special based on the English books "The Bluffers' Guides" which demonstrate the techniques for establishing an im press1on of expertise in unfam1har (Continued) Page 11 THE DAILY PILOT. TV ,.WEEK, MAY 26 1974 WEDNESDAY MAY 29 TUESOA y (Continued) husband in a sensational murder. situations Bob Hopt is "Master Strother Martin, Sheree North and Bluffer" and host David Niven 1s Cameron Mitchell guest "Bluffers' Guide for the Evening " 0 News O Movie: (C) (2hr) ''The Ml(IC ®l Movie: (C) (90) "Crowh•ven Serpent" (sci ft) 6&-Horoki Mat farm" (susp) '70 -Hope Lange, sukata Paul Burke. O @ (J) CE Hippy Days "The EE Teatro con Osw1ldo Cllvo For morning and afternoon listings, Lemon" (R) Richie and Potsy buy a I @!> Dr1ma please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. classy look1na car and have dates .10:00 Imm @News Below, for your convenience, are lined up when the mechanical break 6 Peny Mason the day's movies. downs begin. . @ (]) Ci) Marcus Welby M.D. I Merv Griffin Show "The Endless Moment" (R) A ntt DAYTIME MOVIES Ouler'$ Choice develops between the two doctors Safa~i to Adventure when Dr. Welby informs Dr Kiley's 9:00 O (C) ''The Mouse Th1t Roared" Gomon fiancee how senously 111 she 1s Ste (com) '59-Peter Sellers Movie: (C) (2hr) "Merrill's Me· fan1e Powers guests. rauders''. (dra) '62-Jeff Chandler, EE Spanish Comedy 9;JO 0 "They Were So Youn(' (dra) ·55 Ty Hardin. ED A Promise Shlred (R) A docu -Raymond Burr, Scott Brady. ED Bill Mo1ers' Journal "The Case mentary on the status of women in 11:00 O "lntern1tional sett I em en t" for and Against Impeachment" Israel. (mys) 'JS.-George Sanders. Dolores I Qulen? 0 I R "A . f H' .. ( ) Co d m Pr1ise the lord Club . e io. ssau1n or tre mys me '.. .. 51-Stdney Toler Movie: Knockout (dta} '41-10:30 O Holl,wood Squaru Anthony Quinn, Arthur Kennedy. I Journey to Adventure 12:00 m (C) "The Cobweb" (dra) '55- 8:30 tJ (~ @ ) (j) Haw a Ii five-0 Bill Cosby Richard Widmark. Lauren Bacall, "One Born Every Minute·· (R) Mc· La Ciudad Grlta Glorta Grahame Garrett invesltgates a bunco game • Chucherias l :00 ~ (C) "She's Workine Her Way using phony diamonds as bait and 11:00 I 0 0 m ~HD N . Throueh Colleee" (com) '52-Vtr preying on well heeled male Wat· 3 (j) (10) ft) @ OO N:: gin1a Mayo, Ronald Reagan k1k1 tourists • Best of Groucho 2:00 O (C) "lh1t Lady" (dra) '55-0 @ CV aJ ABC Tuesday Movie: 6 Nifht Gallery Oltvta de Hav1iland Gilbert Roland (C) (90) . "Bei. Borrow or Steal" . Movie: (C) "The Reluctant Debu· m (C) "Saddle T~amp" (wes) 'So (R) (dra) 73-Michael Connors, Mt· tinte" (com} .58 _ Rex Hams -Joel McCrea, Wanda Hendr11 chael Cole, Kent McCord Three han· on. r. .. d1capped men test thetr couraae and Sandr~ ~ee •. John Sa~on J:OO ~J (~) House .on Green1pple abiltlles by plotting and executina I M1ss1on. lmpou1ble Road Concl (dra) 70-Chrtstopher a danng heist atter the 1 s th r The Untouchables Georee Laurel & Hardy Featurette. robs Y 0 e 11 1 00 Secret File ®l (C) "l11terrupted Melody" (dra) m Merv Griffin Show The Sain! '55--Clenn Ford. Elunor Parker m Movie: (C) (90) "I Bombed Eii) D!l_ at Ni1h~ 3:30 tJ (C) "Two Rode Toaether" (wes) Pearl Harbor" (dra) ·,61 _ Yosuke (ijj ~)The Pioneers '61-James Stewart. Richard W1d N u 1 Toshtro Mifune 11:30 0 (~ @) (])CBS Late Movie: mark, Shirley Jones \ · ''The Left-Handed Gun" (wes) 'SS.-(3) "Btdtime Story" (com) '64 - .... Paul Newman, Lita Mtlan. Marlon Brando ' :00 • os Aneeles Area Emmy Awards 0@ 00 09) er;, Johnny Carson 0 (C) "R1mpage" (dra) '63-Rob· The presentations of the Los Angeles 0 Movie: "Murder in Hie Red ert Mitchum. [Isa Martinelli. Jack area Emmy Awards featuring music. hm" (mys) '34 -Tod Slaughter. Hawkins. clips of nominated proarams and (6) Twilight Zone 17) (3] (C) "Hell Raiders" (dra) '68 guest stars presenting the awards. 0 (fl)@ G) Wide World Mystery -J('lhn Agar. Richard Webb. ~ The Bold Ones "Nightlife (R) i.aJ (j) (C) "Pirates of Tortuea" Holl,wood Squares 12:00 @ One Step Beyond (adv) '61 -Ken Scott, Letitia 00 Movie: (C) (Zhr) "A lion Is m Movie: (C) "Mr. lmperium" Roman in the Streets" (dra) '53 -James (rom) '52--lana Turner. Ezio Ptnza 4:30 (~ Ci)) "Operation M ad 8 • 11" Cagney. Ii) Wanderlust (com) ·57 -Jack Lemmon, Mickey EID Black Journ1I "The Original 1 :00 00 I 0 (j) ~ 00 News Rooney. Brother" 0 Tomorrow @I) Noches Tapatiu g;, Movie: (2hr) "I Wu A Mile Wu 1:45 0 Movie: "A Hatful of Rain" (dre) Bride" (com) -Cary Grant. Ann '57-Don Murray, Tony Franciosa Sheridan. 2:00 m All·Nipt Show: "Boomereng," a;) Tee tro del Martes (C) "Wildut.s on the Beach," "Kid- napped" 9:30 0 (Qf Ci)) H1wtiins "Murder in Movieland" (R) Billy Jim Hawkins 3:10 tJ Movie: "Hell C.nron Outl1ws" is called to defend a movie star's (wes) '57-0ale Robertson. Vir1_1a L!si stars with Brook Fuller, as a boy who has only months to five, m the drama of people torn by his illness, In "The Christ· mas Tree" on The CBS Thursday Night Movie at 9PM. , EVENING 6:00 Io o (j) m m m """ 3 l@UICVti}@(Qi'a') News Bonanza 6 Hoa•n's Heroes I Beverly Hillbillies Mission: Impossible Mod Squad El Pobre Gonzalez Movie: (2hr) "Hotel Paradiso" (com) '66 -Alec Guinness. Gina Lollobrig1da. ED Hodaepodae Lodge Ef) Speed Macer 6:30 i Dealer's Choice • Dick Van Dyke 11 Merv Griffin Show (3) Hoa•n's Heroes Zoom! Travel Film News EE little Rasuls 1·00 I CV 0 0 mm News Bowlin& for Dollars 6 M o v i e: (C) (2hr) "Jessica" (com) 62-Angie Dickinson Mau· rice Chevalier 8 Journey I What's M1 Line! I Love Lucy It hkes A Thief Cl) I Drum of Jeannie Esmeralda Dr a en et I The French Chel (8)) World ol Sur1ival Drama m Aaron Bereer Show Ef) Three Stooeu 7:30 O New Datlne Game (J) Ho1an's Heroes 0 "The European * Connection" a Special filmed in LA, Paris, London, Bonn & Cologne 0 KNBC Specl1I "The European Connection" (90) Maury Green 1s host for some comparisons of the major problems facing Los Angeles and many European cities. Sub1ects include the rise in the cost of ltv1ng, crime, urban transit and the energy CrtSIS. I Help Thy Nelahbor Let's Make A Dul Bobb1 Goldsboro Show Millon $ Movie: (2hr) "The Champion" (dra) '69-K1rk Douglas. Ruth Roman I New Price Is Rieht Bewitchtd (3) To Tell the Truth (6 Hollywood Squ11u Storefront i (jl) Police Suraeon other People, other Pieces Celebrity Bowlin& Ef) The Ghoul Gana 8.00 tJ (lj9 ) Sonny & Cher IR) Joe Namath and the Righteous Brothers guest O Movie: (C) (2hr) "The Wonders of Allddin" (adv) '61 -Donald O'Connor. Noelle Adam. 0 fm (3) G) The Cowboys "Death on A fast Horse" (R) Slim sees a respected citizen kill a man. but his story can't stand up against the luller's ahb1 12) ta1 CiH!' Chue (R) Ch as e sets himself up as the head of a gambling nng for society patrons 1n order to trap the kingpin of a ma 1or gambling racket Craig Stevens guests m Dealer's Choice Slf1ri to Adventure Este Meaico Nuestro ~6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Merrill'$ Mi· rauders" (adv) 62-Jell Chandlt1, Ty Hardin I Washin&ton Connection Championship Wrestlina J1panese Lanru•ae Proar1ms 8:30 O @(]) m ABC Wednesd1y Movie: (C) (90) "The Mornina Af· ter" (R) (dra) '74-0ick Van Dyke Lynn Carlin The lrag1e story of a successlul publtc relations writer whose refusal lo admit he's an al coholic causes him lo lose his fam· tly, his career, hts sell respect and almost his ltfe m Merv Crittin Show m Movie: (90) "Topper" (com) '37 -Cary Grant, Constance Bennett Roland Young ED Hollywood Television Theatre "Sty of the Bltnd Pig" Ph1ll1p Hayes Dean's drama of the turbulent changes that occurred 1n black so c1ety with the advenl of the c1v1I 11Rhls movement Action takes place ( I 1n the Chicago area during the ear· IL_l960s W P1nor1m1 Novel1 9;00 iJ (~ l8 ) lf l Cannon "Phu Io r I n Is h" (R) An internationally known mercenary soldier obtd1ns THURSDAY MAY 30 Cannon·s ser>11ces lor a murder in For morning and afternoon ltstmgs, veslle_lton please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. 0 !lJ@ er;, N ~ C Wednesday Below, for your convenience, are Movie: (C) 0 (2hr) 'The Naked Run-the day's movies. ner" (dra) 67-Frank Sinatra. Pe ter Vaughan. Oerren Nesbitt, Nadia Gray. Toby Robins, Inger Stratton An Ame11can widower and his young son. on a business t11p to the Le1p zig Fair behind the Iron Curtain. be come involved 1n espionage and 1n lrigue 6) The Bold Ones (iQ) Movie; (C) (2hr) "The Bells Arc Rinfin(' (com) '60-Judy Holliday Dean Martin m Carmina Cii) Carrustl del Mundo 9:.30 0 Nein €E Drama 10:00 O (~ r a ) l 8 Ko,.k last Riles for A Dead P11es1 · (R) Jackie Coop er guests as a man posing as a priest while masterm1nd1ng a three m1ll1on dollar 1ewelry he1sl ~ m@ ~ti News 6 Per'J Muon 0 11 l3 CE D o c E 111 o I l he Touch of God (R} Docs medical \kills are challenged when people turn to a la1tt1 healer to cure their ills ED Bl•c• Political Power a!) PraiSf the Lord Club 10.30 I Journey to Adventure Cavalcade of Books Special l1 C1udad Gntl · Tele-Com1cos 11 00 Q 0 Q m m CE News I 3 I (8 \ UO) m ~3 6 News Q Best of Groucho ~ l'light Galle" 0 Movie: "Morgan" (com) '66 Vanessa Redgrave, David Wa rne1 ID M1ss1on: lmpornble W The Untouchables 11 (3"' Secret file 16' The ~int ED June w,yne (RI ( l9 8 } The P1oneen 11:15 eI) Cinema 34 l l.30 0 (,:29 8 ) 8 CBS Late Movie: (C) "4sylum" (SUSP) 72 -Peter Cushing, 81111 (kland Herbert Lorn 0 l) fii' 10 er;, Johnny Cmon Joey Bishop 1s guest host 0 Movie· "Ghost Ship" (adv) ~3 -Dermot Walsh. Hazel Court '6"" Twmght Zone 0 11 (3 CE Wide World of En· tert11nment "That's [nterta1nment -50 Years at MGM · ED D1y at Night 11:00 ~}One Step Beyond m Movie: "The Br1ve Bulls" (dra) '51-Mel ferrer. Anthony Quinn (E) Wanderlust 1.00 , 3 ' Q 0 a l~ 6 News 0 10' Tomorrow 1:45 0 Movie: "foe Mtles to Midnigh t" (dra) '63 Anthony Perkms. $oph1a Loren 2:00 m All-Night Show: "Apartment lor Peggy," "The Well" 3 10 0 Movie· "Colossus of New York"' (sci hi '58 -Hn\s Martin Olto Kruger DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "A r 1 z o n a Bushwh1ckers" (wes) '68-Howard Keel 9:30 O "Night Club Scand1I" (my~) I/ John Barrymore, Lynn Overman 11:00 O "The Floating Dutchman" (my)) '5!"r-Oe1mot Walsh "The Big Deadly Came" (mys) '54-L loyd Bridges 12:00 m (C) "Latin lovers" (rom) '53 --Ldna Turner R1cJrdo Montalban 1.00 26 "Sanctu ary" (dra) '61 lee Remick. Yves Munland 2:00 0 "Witness for the Prosecution" (dr .1) !>8 Tyrone rower Marlene Dietrich Charles t au~hlon (E) "World in My Corner" (dra) 56 Audie Murphy, Barbara Rush 3·00 8 ''The Mad Miss Manton" (com) '3Pr-Barbara Stanwyck. 10 (C) "lnv1tat1on to Dance" emus) '57-GenP Kelly CJrol Haney 3:30 O (C) "'I'd Rather Be Rich" (com) '64-Sandra Oee. Robert Goulet 3 "Kiss of Evil" (dra) 63 c1i1 lord f vans. Noel Willman O (C) "Picnic" Pan I (dra) 56- William Holden Kim Novak 17 '3 "l uck of A Sailor" (cnm) 34 -David Manners, Greta N1s~en 23 6 (C) "Badm•n's Country" Cwes) '58 Geor~e Montgomery 4:30 (29 8 ) "711 Ocun Drive" Parl I (dra} 50 Edmond O'Brien EVfNING G:OOQOO a ~mCENews 3-10 17 3 2~ 6 ( 19 8 ) News 0 Bonanza 6 Hogan's Heroes c-J Beverly H1llb1lhes m I SPECIAL I Dipsy Doodle Live ac lion and animation combine for a conlemporarv mad11gat and rock op era with original ballads D1psy- he11 tn Yankee Ooodle-dnodles up characters and sto11es 1n his mager am1r doodlea11um 1nclud1ng "Wind w.igon Smith. 'The Little Red Ht>n ·wise rools of Gotham. and Space 'ihutlle Adventure · (E) Mod Squad El) El Pobre Gonzalez :26 Movie: (C) (2hr) ''lhe Decline & Fall of A Birdwatcher" (com) '69 -Donald Wnlf1t, Colin Blakely ED Hodgepodge lodge fI) Speed Ricer G:JO I 6 ) Dealer's Choice (J Dick Van Dyke 10 Merv Griffin Show i7 (31 Hogan's Heroes El) Zoom! rn Travel film ~ Viajando EE l ittle Rasuls 7:00 0 l3 0 0 m (!) Nuws O Bowling for Dollars 6-M o v 1 e: (2hr) "Drum Wife" (com) '52 -Cary Grant. Deborah Kerr THE DAILY PILOT TV WEEK MAY 26 1974 ( 8 1 Inner Sp1ee I What's My line? I love Lucy II T 1kes A Th ref .Ji.. (3 t Drum of Jeannie w Esmeralda I 2~ 6 Dragnet I ED Psrchology Today 'Behavior Modrf1cation" Or B F Skinner dis cusses the application of his theo rte~ rn the education and treatment of retardates c11m1nal\ and the mentally 111 ( 29 8 } lassie g) Drama heroin disappears from police head Quarters and susp1c1on falls on the last man to handle 1t, a longtime l11end of Ch1el Ironside's 6 The Bold Ones 0 17 I J CE Kung Fu 'Empty Pa11es ol A Dead Book" (R) The prite of iusllce comes high when Caine and a Texas lawman find themselves outside the law and ac cused of killing a man Robert fox worth and Shm Pickens gue~t ED War & Peace (R) ED Accompan1me a!) Japanese TV Hour a!) Tele-Rev1sla MuS1Cal EE Three Stooges 9;30 O News El) Noche de C'la 7:30 0 Orson Welles Great Mysteries al Drama New Price Is Right 0 "THE PURSUIT § Hogan's Heroes 10:00 Help Thy Neighbor Ome's Girls (R) * OF YOUTH ." a Concentration A XEROX SEASON O Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "A PRESfNTATION Lovely Way to Die" (susp} 68 - K11k Douglas. Sylva Kosc1na 10 Wild Kingdom m Bewitched 17 '3 To Tell the Truth 23 6 Wild World of Animals ED Acc1on Chiuno ( 29 8 ) Jimmy Dun Show a;, Jonathan Winters Show Cf) The Protectors EE The Ghoul Gang 0 23 6 "IOI er;, N e w s Special ' The Pursuit or Youth" A look at the often frenetic and increasing American preoccupation w1lh stay ing young, and the economic and psychological reasons underlying 11 Om (E) ~6'News 6 Perry Mason 0 17 Cl CE Streets of San Fran· mco "The Chapel of lhe Damned" (RI A wealthy woman's daughter is 8:00 0 ( 29 8 ) 8 The Wallons 'The kidnapped and the girl's boyfriend Gill (RI Seth Turner 1s ani1ous to I\ strongly suspected come ot age so he can 101n his CB Praise the Lord Club father s country & western band- then learns he's dying of leukemia 10:30 0 J~urney to Adventure 0 :23 6"' 110.) er;, Flip W i Is on m Bill Cosby Show (R) Tim Conway, Roberta LI Ciu~ad Grita Flack and Burt Reynolds guest : Menominee The story ol a Wis O Movie: (C) (2hr) "Hound ol the consin lndran tribe's _struggle to re Baskerv1lles" (mys} ·59 -Peter ta1n their land and tnbal 1dent1ty Cushing, Christopher Lee €E Los Dias Felices 0 17 ~31 al ABC News Close-Up 11:00 0 0 0 €E er;, m News "The Culture Thieves" ABC News (3) (81 (10) El) (;21 (i) News •nvest1gates the mounting illegal O Best of Groucho 1rafl1c in va1uable anhqu1t1es -.~ (j) Night Callery story ol looting, smuggling, and the O Movie: "The Day the Earth dest1uct1on of much of the world 's C1ught Fire" (dra) '62-Leo Mc c1vil11ed past Kern m Duler's Choice m Mission: Impossible Boxi~g from the Olympic Ii) The Untouchables Gomon 11 (j' Secret file :26 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Merrill's Ma-';26 The Saint rauders"' (adv) '62-Jelf Chandler (°29 a-) The Pioneers ED Novi "Mystery of the Anasazi" . A story of the search for clues to 11:15 et> Cinema 34 the myste11ous disappearance of the 11:30 0 (29 a ) 8 CBS lite Movie : Anasa11 Indians who lived 1n South (C) "Someone Behind the Door" west America for maybe 8,000 years. (dra) 71-Charles Bronson, Anthony then around 1300A D, vanished Perluns. Jrll Ireland w1lhout a trace 0 i; ~ fo er;, Johnny Carson ED Jueves de Cal~ George Gobel guests. a!) Car1v1na Mus1c'I O Movie: "The Bonnie Parker EE Movie: ''Hollywood Hotel" (mus) Story" (dra) '5Pr-Dorothy Provine '38-Dick Powell. Lola & Rosemary '6..., Twilight Zone · Lane 0 'ff (31 ffi Dick Cavett Stewart 8:30 m Merv Griffin Show Alsop guests. m News/Sports ED Day 1t Night 9:00 O (.;29 l 8 ,) (}'CBS Thu rs d a y 12:00 00 Or. l_rene Kassorl1 Movie: (C) (2hr) ''The Christmas m Movie: "Go for Broke" (com) Tree" (R) (dra) '69-Wtlliam Hol '51-Van Johnson den, Virna L1s1, Brook Fuller, Andie (E) Wanderlust Bourvil While vacationing 1n Eu 1:00 CI) 0 0 Ofi fi~ (6 News rope, a wealthy w1do~er and his O 10, Tomorrow young son w1tnes~ an airplane acct . .. . , dent that ftlls the atmosphere with 1:45 ~ Movie: ,<C> Th, Gui Can t Help radiation The man is saved by It' (com) 56 -Jayne Mansfield. sw1mm1ng underwater, but his young Tom Ewell son IS exposed to radiation poison-2:00 m All·Nrght Show; "Cluny Brown," 1ng and develops leukemia. "Wup Woman," "Come Clun" 0 al (6) 10) a;, Ironside "Friend 3:10 0 Movie: "Count the Hours" (dra) or Foe" (R) A live pound package of '53-Macdonald Carey 1 '\(•,,r, 1nt rn1hwc•' t hi' TH I i-:.\1( lff':tr1nj.! \111 rlt·,~1n1•d '" rcwu' un t!f',11 I'd ('nn\'•'f 'ilt1nn~ anr! '11lt1•n un w,rntt•<I ""''" II \1111 h;t\C' ,1 pro~~m hf'ann~ 1 um•• tn fur .1cil"monstrnt111n111 clw ~P.ir-.; d1rPrt 111n.1! '"'' ru mt>nl Sears A<ik About Snrs ('onHni,vnt Credit Plan' Kuf'n;i !'ark I onl( Rt>arh < ':1r,•1n '\orthriditl' ('prr1t11' Pa~adt>na Compton P11 oat R1mpau I 'n"'111td t'omona 1-:1 \1ont1• "nuth Coa<.t • .1r ndf1 l1· 1•1aza lnitlf'"'Md Torran1·r l.aituna Hiio; \'aMe~ Page 14 FRIDAY MAY 31 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience. ate the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES I 9:00 0 "Enemy General" (dra) 60 - Van ·Johr.son Jean Pierre Aumonl I Dany Ca•rel 9:30 0 "FBI C1rl" (dra) !>2 -Audrl!y Dalton, George Brent 11:00 0 "Raw Dul" (mys) '48-Dennis O'Keele "Cella" (mys) 49-Joan Hickson, Bruce I ester 12·00 m (C) "Ten Wanted Men" (wesJ 55 -Randolph Scott Richard Boone 1.00 ;26 (C) "The Tramplers" (wes) 66 -Gordoo Scott. Joseph Cotten I 2.00 0 (C) "Song or S<hehereude" (rom) '57-Yvonne Decarlo Jean Pierre Aumont ID "The Witch's Mtrror" (horJ Rosita Arenas, Armando Calvo 3:00 8 (C) "Silver City" (dra) !>I Edmond O'B11en. Yvonne Decarlo 10 (C) "The Cossacks" (dra) '60- [dmund Purdom Geo1g1a Mall 3:30 0 "The list of Ad11an Messenge(' (mys) 63-George C Scott Dana Wynter -l. "See How They Run" (adv1 !>& 1 -Ronald Shiner, Gteta Gynl 0 (C) "Picnic" Canel (dra ) 5&- Willlam Holden. Kim Novak TH£ !)All v PIL()I TV wrri< Mf\V 4.16. 1974 Q) I love LU'J @ It Takts A Thttf lZ. ~ I Dream of Jeannie w Esmeralda '3 6 D11antt ~ Aviation Weather (:,9 8 ) American Horstman al Orama a!) Eventos L1tinos ffi Three Stooges 7·30 0 Bobby Goldsboro Show Henry Mancini guests ( R) 3 Hog1n's Heroes tJ ~ (6J 10 Hollywood Squares 0 Help Thy He1&hb0r 0 Wild Refuge _8 Thnllseekers secretary sends people -1nclud1ng his wile-to their love nest which is disguised as an executive suite 6 The Bold Ones 0 11 @ crJ Jacques Coustuu Special "Octopus, Octopus' (Rl Captain Cousteau and the crew or Calypso study the facts and tables about the legendary octopus ~ El _Padre de Mi Barrio '~ , 6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Rim of Mys1ery'' (adv) 69 -V1r;, Morrow Claude Aktns I Muterpiece Theatre (Rl L1 Criada Bien Cri1da £1 Almanaqut 9:30 I Hews foh1n' Holt Drama 0 Million $ M o v 1 e: (C) (2hr) "Man Without A Star" (wes) ·55_ K1tk Douglas. Jeanne Crain Q1 Bewitched 10:00 Q m@ '6 Hew~ J7 C~~ To Tell the Truth 6J Pmy Muon I Wall Street Week 0 (17, W cr) Toma (R) loma 1n Untamed World l11trates a baby selling racket alter International Variety he and his wile are ottered a new ffi World of Survival born 1nlant w1lh an oulrageous p11ce ff) The Ghoul Gang tag ID Pacem in Tum 111 National 8:00 lJ (:29 8 ) Dirty Sally Interests of the United States 0 :.Z~ '6 lo ED Sanford & Son a!) Pmse the lord Club ( R) Lamont's day 1n court on a tr al lie violation is highlighted by Fred's 10:30 I Journey to Adventure announcement that he's Lamont's Ball Cosby lawyer la Ciudad Gnta 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Any Gun Can · loco Valdez Play" (wes) [dd Byrnes, Gilbert l l ·OO £'ll O O CT.'\ Roland · ~ · C.101 rn cr) Nors 0 17 3 CD I SPlCIAl I M 0 n I y 3 a (10 2~ ft)-News Hall at Su World As host of this Q Best of Groucho variety special from Sea World in 6 Hight Gallery Orlando Florida Monty sings ca I frt&ht Night With Seymour vons ¥t•th the marine lite, and wet Mission: lmpou1ble comes special guests Florence Hen Troy Cory Show deison Bobby Sherman. Charles 17 3 Secret File Nelson Reilly and Jonelle Allen 26 Rock Concert 8 The Great Growth Debate ff) Bill )loyers' Journal m Dealer's Choice ('29 a l The Pioneers Safari lo Adventure 11:15 rn Cinema 34 Spanish language Program :26 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Merril's Ma-11:30 0 ( 29 8 ) CBS late Movie· (C) rauders" (adv) '62-Jell Ch.rndlet "The fearless Vampire Killers" 1 SJ 4.30 ('9 _8 ) "711 Ocean Drave" Concl fD Wuhin(ton Week in Review tire) '67 -Roman Polanski Jae ~ (dra) 50-fomond 0 B11en Joanne I rn El Show de Rosita Peru MacGowran Sharon Tate 17 l3 "The Night Won't hlk" (mys) '52-Hy Hazel, John Batley 1 23 6 (C) "Black Gold" (adv) '63 -Philip Carey, Diane McBain Dru ff) Japanese language Program 0 ll 6 }o ED Johnny Carson 8:30 0 <59 '8 ) Gooct Ti~s (R) The 0 H1ghwiy to Huven A religious EVENING 6:00 0 0 p (]f al m crJ News (3)@)(!1)@~r 6 1(1;29 8 ) News O Bonanza r 6 ) Hogan's Heroes I Beverly Hillbillies Mission: lmposs1blf Mod Squad El Pobre Gonzalez :26 Movie: (2hr) "Ho Down Pay· ment" (dra) '57-Tony Randall Jo anne Woodward €D Hodgepodge l odge W Speed Racer 6:30 Ci) Dealer's Choice g Dick Van Dyke ~Merv Griffin Show J71 (J1 Hoian's Heroes fD Zoom! m Tr•vel Films a!) News fE Little Rasc.als 7;00 0 CI' 0 0 m CD News Q Bowlin& for Dollars _6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Home an In- dian•" (dra) '44-Waltei Brennan Lon McAllister re Animal World 0 Whars My Line? fvans lam1ly, beset by taxes and program with Rev Paul Wells of the overdue rent, lace eviction from Assembly of God Churth their Chicago apartment 6 Movie: "Blackout" (dra) 54 0 23 r6) ED Brian Keith Show Dana Clark. Belinda Lee ·Doctor fake five" (R) Dr Sean 0 17 J 1 CD Wide World Mysttry delivers quintuplets and becomes House of fv1I" an instant celeb11ty, 8 Star Trek 10' I SPECIAL I Transportation in San I m The Untouchables m Diego-A D!a~ End? (21/1h1) 12:00 0 Movie: "The Incredible Pans In· Merv Crtffln Show c1dent" (mys)-Roger Brown Perry Mason m Movie: "Dino" (dra) 57 S I ED June Wayne "Louise Nevelson Mineo. Brian Keith Susan KC1hner a (R) fI) Day at N1iht a!) Panorama Novela 12:30 8 Shock Thuter 9:00 0 ('9 8 ) 8 CBS Friday Movie: ~6: The Baron (C) (2hr) "Honor Thy Father" (R) (dra) '73-Joseph Bologna. Brenda 1:00 0 10 ED Midnight Spmal Marly Vaccaro. Raf Vllllone, Richard Castel Robbllls is hosl to Anne Murray lano Joe De Santis. Marc Lawrence Johnny Rodnguez. Don Gibson, Tam The ltlm adaptation of Gay hlese·s my Wynelte, Diana Trask and Charlie novel aboul underworld lile, with an McCoy . 1ns1de view of the Bonnano family 6 Movtt: "Doth Valley" (dra) 4fi from the alleged k1dnapp1ng of Joe -Robert Lowery Bonnano 1n 1965 to the 1mp11son 0 Nashville Music ment ot 8111 Bon nano tn 1971 for 1 :45 lJ Movie: (C) ''Winchester 73" fraudulent use of a credit card (wes) '67-T T J h ._._ 0 m HBC Friday Movie: (C) (2:ir) om ryon. o n ~•on "Any Wednesday" (R) (com) '66-2:00 m All·Ntght Show: "Ni&htmare Jane Fonda. Jason Robards Dean Castle," "China Gate," "Another Jones A Wednesday arrangement Fine Mus" between a m1ll1ona1re and h1~ mis 3:10 I) Movie: (C) "Theater of Death" lress goes awr; when the mans new lhor) '66-Chnstopher lee k s e y y y. 1e 6 n e 'THE ANIMAL HELPER' Singer Gloria Grey has a compulsion-you might call 1t a dog- gedness-about helping animals. Some people have to redecorate or move the furniture around or clean out the garage. Gloria has to do things for dogs and ..:uts. Which is why Cha nnel 9 currently is airing a weekly half-hour 'h<'W every Friday noon called "Gloria Grey's l'ct H aven." Friend' !..cpl telling her she could never do it, but she's Jone ii. Singlc-hamkdly. 'he put the show together and got it on the air, which in thc'c 11me' 1, ;ippmximatcly as difficult a5 flying to the moon wi thout the hdp of NASA. She ha!> even managed to get her- ~clf a spoO\or. Alta Dena Dairy, which ha' the same kind of com- pulsion about cow, a' Gloria has about dogs and cats. Gloria, who ha) sung 1n !IUCh top resorts as the Desert Inn in Las Vega.-; and H arrah's at Lake Tahoe (not to mention most of the better TY variety sho"'" I doe' not 'ing on ''Pet Haven." H aving thus for-;akcn her 'trongest point, she goe' on to viola(e the actor's first rule of survival: nc\cr 'hare the stage with kids or a nimals. She 'hares it wi1h ooth. An eminent!) prac.:t1cal c;oul when it comi:, to animal welfare. (iloria has divided her show into three ~egments. On a typical Friday the viewer will meet a VlP guest whom Gloria knows is a specialist 1n the field of animal welfare. ranging from California state legisla- tors to veterinarian,. Her "Lost and Found" \egment gives frantic and often he.irthrokcn pe1 owners a chance to describe their lost pct.; and the circumstances under which they were lost. Finally. Gloria introduc;;. her own "Orphan'.; Alley," showcasing homeless dog-; and cars avatlaok for aJop1ion through local animal shelters. Glori.1. a din11nut 1ve girl "ith a big voice and even bigger heart. 1'\ no Johnny-comt>-latel~ \\hen i1 come~ to helping animals. She's hcen doing 11 all her life "Even a~ a child." \he !lays, "I was always rounding up -;tray dogor; and cator; I happened to run into." Because her parcnh. logical!~ enough. didn't feel it was exactly their mission in l1fr 10 maintain their own private zoo. Gloria soon learned for her,elf all the i"' and 011'<. of ;1nimal regulation.; and animal shelt ers. And ,he\ been al i1 t:\Cr .... nee. The only difference now is that ,he i'> finally doing 1t on 1clcvl\1on "Gloria Grey\ Pet H aven" is ju-;t .1n organized cxtcmwn of Gloni.I Grey her'\elf. "You c?uld say," a dose friend sighs, "That Gloria ha'> gone to the dogs-in the n1ee\t and be-;t scn'e of the term." THE DAIL V PILOT, TV WEEK MA'I 26. 1974 KOCE-TV ORANGE COUNTY TELEVISION THIS WEEK ON CHANNEL 50 SATURDAY: MAY 25TH (P.M.) 3:00 Dtmensi-ons In Cultures (C) 3:30 Dimensions in Cultures (C) 4:00 Connie's ClotJlln& Comer (C) 4:30 Connie's Clothinc Corner (C) 5:00 rreeh1nd Sbtchine (C) (KOCE) 5:30 Freehand Sbtchln& (C) (KOC£) 6:00 Zoom! (C) (PBS) 6:30 French Chef (C) (PBS) 7:00 Oranre County Review <C> (KOCE) 7:30 Wuhiniton Stral&ht Talk {C) (PBS) 8:00 Wu 1nd Peace (C) (PBS) 9:30 Book Be1t (C) (PBS) SUNDAY: MAY 26TH (P.M.) 3:00 Introduction to Physictl Geog· raphy (C) 3:71J Introduction to Physical Geog· raphy (C) 4:00 Introduction to Physical Geog- raphy (C) 4:30 Flower Arr1n&in1 (C) 5:00 flmily Risk MIMlemtnt (C) 5:30 flmily Risk M1n11ement (C) 6:00 Omnibus 50 (C) (KOCE) 6:30 Who's Afraid of the Opera! (C) (PBS) 7:00 Theater in America (C) (PBS) 9:00 Puce G1me (C) 9:30 Focus Or1n1e County (C) (KOC[) MONDAY : MAY 27TH (P.M.) 3:00 Introduction to PhysiCll Geo&· r1phy (C) 3:30 freehand Sketchin& (C) (KOCEJ 4:00 Connie's Clothin& Corner (C) 4:30 Electric Comp1ny (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Focus Or1n1e County (C) (KOCEl 6:30 Dimensions In Cultures (C) 7:00 Introduction to Physical Geog- r1phy (C) 7:30 Omnibus 50 (C) (KOCE) 8:00 Conrress: 34th District Con- tenders (C) (KOCE) 9:30 Dimensions in Cultures (C) TUESDAY: MAY 28TH (P.M.) 3:00 Connie's Clothine Corner (C) 3:30 Dimensions in Cultures (C) '' 4:00 Freehand Sketdlln& (C) (KOCE) 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Oran1e County Review (C) (KOCE) 6:30 Freehand Sketching (C) (KOC[) 7:00 flower A"anfin& (C) 7:30 Connie's Clothin1 Corner (C) 8:00 Conaress: lath District Con· tenders (C) (KOCE) 9:00 Sim Fr1ncb: These are my Footsteps (C) 9:30 Bill Moyers' Journal (C) (PBS) WEDNESDAY: MAY 29TH (P.M.) 3:00 Introduction to fltlyaic1I Geoc· r1phy (C) 3:30 Freehand Sbtchina (C) (KOCE) 4:00 Connie's Clothlna Cofn•r (C) 4:30 Electric Company (C~ (CTW) 5:00 Se11me Street (C) <<Pw> 6:00 flmily Risk M1n1ee"ent (C) 6:30 Dimensions in Cuttu~s (C) 7:00 lntrouction to Ph11ie1I Geog- r1phy (C) 7:30 Family Risk M1naee111ent (C) 8:00 Masterpiece Tht1tre (C) (PBS) 9:00 The Lenox Qu1rtet: (C) (PBS) 9:30 Oimensions In Cultures (C) THURSDAY: MAY 30TH (P.M.) 3:00 Connie's Clothin& Corner (C) 3:30 Dimensions in Cultures (C) 4:00 Freeh1nd Sketching (C) (KOC[) 4:30 Electric Comp1ny (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Omnibus SO (C) (KOCE) 6:30 Freehand Sketchln1 (C) (KOC[) 7:00 011n1e County Rewlew (C) 7:30 Connie's Ctottrin1 Cotner (C) 8:00 Conrress: 39ltl District Con· tenders (C) (KOC£t 9:00 Firin1 Une {C) (PBS) FRIDAY: MAY 31ST (P.M.) 3:00 lntreduction to ""ical Qeor· r1phy (C) 3:30 Flower Atr1nafn& (C) 4:00 Book But (C) (Pet 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (ClW) 6:00 Family Risk M1n11ement (C) 6;30 W11hin&fon Connection (C) (PBS) 1:00 Introduction to Phpiul &eo&· r1phy (C) 7:30 family Risk M1n11ement (C) 8:00 Conama: 40TH Di~trtct Con· tenders (C) (KOCE) 9:00 Masterpiece Theatte (C) (PBS) SATURDAY: JUNE lST (P.M.) 3:00 Dimensions in Cultures (C) 3:30 Dimensions In Cultures (C) 4:00 Connie's Clothinc Comer (C) 4:30 Connie's Clottitna Comer (C) 5:00 freeh1nd Sketching (C) (KOCE) 5:30 freeh1nd Sbtchina (C) (l<OCE) 6:00 Zoom! (C) (PBS) 6:30 French Chef (C) (PTL) 7:00 Or•nae County Review (C) (KOC£) 7:30 Wuhin&fon Str•iaht Tllk (C) (PBS) 8:00 Wu and Pt1ct (C) (PBS) 9:30 Book But (C) (PBS) Pa1e 15 SATURDAY JUNE 1 '.1 Cl R N I N C 9;00 6 C® J,!..) Scooby Doo 0 Ill 00 (10\ m Sigmund O Movie: "Death of 1n Angel" (mys) '53-Jean Lodge ~ (jJ ll lassie's Rescue Rangers 8 Elephant Boy €D Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 9:30 Q ~ ~ 0 m Pin• Panther 6 _ Movi e: "little Bie Horn" (dra) 51-John Ireland, Lloyd Bridges. 6:00 ~ Summer Semester Q trt Q) Ghost Chasers 6:30 l8 TV 8 Classroom 8' Dusty's Trail m Let's Rap m Movie; "f ury It furnace Creek" 7:00 O @ ~) 10 rn l1dsv1lle (adv) 48 -Victor Mat ure Coleen '6) Bullwinkle Gray 0 [7 L3) Bugs Bu11ny ff) Sesame Street m Brother Buu 10:00 £1 (~ '8') ~ Favorite Mutians · a~ (t) QQ, m Addims hmtly 0 CfJ: (15 Brady Kids 7:30 I Summer Semester 0 ~ m@) m Star Trek Mormon Tabernacle Choir O Movie: "The Raging Tide" (dra) 6 Tennessee Tuwedo 52-Richard Conte, Shelley Winters QT @ Yogi's Gang @ Country Music O Consumer Profile ~6' Allred Hitchcock Presents m Elementary Hews ~ Roller Games 8:00 U (~ ([))Ci) H•ir Bear Bunch 10:30 I (fa!'@) Ci) Jonnie CJ Q] (I)~ m Emeraencr + 4 · ~ @ ~ m Butch CmldJ Q John Wayne Th11ter Movie; "Ole• Barton, Sptcl1I 6_ Movie: "Ho Road B1tk'' (dra) A(ent'' (mys) '4S-Oon Stannard '57-Skip Homier. Sean Connery D GI m m Min ion: Maalc 8 (fz; Cl) Super Frlenda ~ Movie: "Storm Warnlna'' (dra) Movie: (C) "Plains of Battle" 51-Ronald Reagan. Ginger Roaers (adv) '70-Loretta De Luca. ff) Mister Rogers' Hei&hborhood m Movie: "Cry Vengeance" (dral ,...., '54-Mark Stevens. Martha Hyer 11:00 6 (Q? I.!) 00 Spee~ Buu.y @ Sacred Heart/Christophers 0 :n @ J:2' m Ma1or league ~Voice of Tokyo ~eb~ll Team~ to be announced EE Sesame Street 6 Ti1u1na: Window to the South 8:30 8 (~ 00> 8 S.brin a D :rt CI" m Superstar Movie 0 @ @ : o m Inch High Pri· (EJ True Adventure nte Eye I rn Sesame Street m Movie: (C) "The Last of the Mo-11:30 £1 (~ fj') ~-Josie & the Pussy· hicans" (adv) '60-Jose Marco cats Richard Castellano portrays Frank Labruzzo, confidant to Salvatore "Bill" Bonanno (Jo- seph Bologna), In "~onor Thy Father," based on Gay Talese's best-selling book about under· world life, to be rebroadcast on The CBS Friday Night Movie at 9PM. * * * Dinah Shore goes Italian as she and guest star Gina Lollobrlgi· da prepare an Italian meal and discuss Gina's book "Italia Mia," on NBC's Dinah's Place. Friday at 9AM. * * TllED OJ CU 'AYll'INTS? LEASE! ORDIR YOUIS NOW 1974 MODELS ALL MAKES CAil Ot Sfl e GEORGE JOINER e DON CROSBY 16 Movie. (C) '1he Marauders" (wes) '5>--Dan Duryea 0 Movie: "The Pucem1ker" (wes) 'SS-James Mitchell. I Ad lib High Chaparral Championship Wrestling .\ F 1 f R N U ! l N 12:00 6 <® ..! ) Pe b b I e s & B•mm Ba mm O Movie: "Man Hunt" (adv) 41 -Waller Pidgeon. George Sanders Q .!1 er CE American B•ndst•nd 8 Archie di lancer ff) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 12:30 0 (~ Lf) (l fat Albert @ True Adventure ~6 Greatest Sports Legends m Sesame Street 1:00 £1 C® Cl:> _8' Children's Fi Im festival "friends for l ife· (R) J ' Youth & the law 6 Movie : "fhght to Nowhere" (mys) '46-Alan Curtis 0 Movie: (C) ''The Desperate Ones" (dra) '68-Max1m1l1an Schell, n.~f Vallone 0 Movie: "Gun Battle at Mon· terey'' (wes) '57-Sterllng Hayden. W Comb at (V News rt (1) Movie: "landfall'' (dra) '49 -Michael Dennison lo Roller G•mu m Oram• a> Movie l ·30 m University Dialogue Land of the Giann . Mister Rogers' Neighborhood THE OAl~Y PILOT. TV WfEK, MAY 76. 19711 2:00 6 •1974 KEMPER OPEN• * Final round. Live. Who 's Who of Golf vs tough Quail Hollow. 6 (Q.9 (J'l) Kemper Open Golf f1· nals or the $250,000 tournament from Quail Hollow Country Club, Charlotte. N C i Voice of Agriculture The Br11nworks Movie: "The Wyoming Kid" (wes) '47 -Dennis Morgan. Jane Wyman. L.~) lntern1tion•I Hour 10) I SPWAL I Duty Bound m Movie: (C) "Santa Fe" (wes> ·~1 -Randolph Scott, Janis Carter EE Community Involvement Show ~ (6) Movie: (C) "81dman's Coun· try'' (wes) '58 -Geo1ge Monlgom ery, Neville Brand. ID Sesame Street m U.S. Navy 2:30 Cl) C.mpus Profile O Expruslon: East/West "Astan Americans in L•w Enforcement" (R) Ci) Movie: "Ench1nted forest" (dra} TS-Edmund Lowe. 0 Movie; (C) "Tht Bia Gundow11" (wes) '68-t.ee Van Cleef I High Ch1p1m1I Slb•dos Deportivos A(riculture USA 3:00 6 Bienvenidos CL Cand1d1tu lor s11te Assembly· m•n ~ A(ricutture USA Hfl Ch1mpionship C•mu Jimmy o .. n Show lQ) Science Fiction Thutre f11' (3) Roller Games :2" Wrestling I C.rrascolendas ) Challenging Sea El Juicio Human Dimension 3:30 A Just N1tur1I ~Movie: "The Rookie" (com) '59 IT~~~~ Noonan. Peter Marshall Createst Sports l egends UFO The Virgin11n j (i) Concern [le(tric Comp1ny Cf) Safari to Adventure S.turd•y M•tinee 4:00 6 <e.?? 'i") CBS Golt Champion- ship O lmputo "Prison Has Some thing for Every Body" (R) 0 Movie· (C) "Any Gun Ctn Play'' (we~) -Edd Byrnes, Gilberl Ro land, George H1lto11 6 ) The Scene R ~lebrity Tennis Soul Train (I) Search The anatomy ol auto racing ""(6) Voice of Agriculture I-~ Wilburn Brotheri Show Mr. Wizard International Soccer P1norama l•tino Voice ol Agriculture 4:30 What's Goina On "Crime Never 'Plays/The Jury System Today" (R) 6 other People, other Pl1ces Celebrity Bowling Star Trt• Wanted: Dead or Alive It P~ to Be lgnoflnt C1J Q} Ctr & Track @ U.S. Navy Biii Anderson Stlow ID PsJcholoa Toda, "Behavior Mod1fic1hon" (R) 5:00 Durty'1 Trtll I Corona Now Inquiry/Crime "Neighborhood Pohce Block Meeting" (R) From a neighborhood block meeting of res1 dents and the LA. Pohce Dept , a look at what the police have lo say about preventing neighborhood crimes and what the community people complain about (61 Sermour Presenb 0 ([7' ()) (a ABC's Wide World of Spor1s lhe Mason Dixon "500" Slock Car Race from Dover, Dela· ware, and the International Profes s1onal lrack & Field Championships from Madison Square Garden. O A Pl•ce in the Country "Claydon House" Beneath the clus1cal Geor· g1an s1mphc1ty of lhe facade ot Ctaydon House 1n Buckinghamshire are some of the mos! elaborately decorated rnoms 1n Britain-a con tr ast resultin g from a clash both ot style and personality between an austere architect and an eccentric builder and mastercarver named Luke Uaht1oot 1Q) Hews m Movie: "Thi Corn la Gr11n" (dra) '45-Bette Davis, John Dall. (EJ The Ptrautdtrs iJ (!) Other People, other Pines ~ Nashville MUSIC ~Yo • for Hulth 18 ) Celtbrity Tennis Roller G•mn Ric• Wan:t's Rodi Ii Roll Kimb• 5:30 JohnnJ Mann'a Stand Up Ii Cheer (R) Dick Clark guests 0 ~(6\News iT: Dirty S.lly Q Untamed World !\O) Movie: "Furless flaan" (com) '52 -Carleton Carpenter, Janet Leigh. ~Porter W11oner Show Accion Chic1110 ( fl_•) Unl.lmed World Ef) Three Stooges EVENING 6 : Pwi'RW~N~:;;;• *"HEE HAW'' @ Hee H•w Rt1I Don Steele Show Hicht Gallery Tutro del Aire .;2 @ H•tion•I Geogflphic : Nova "Mystery of the Anasa11' ( CI)) CetebritJ Bowline Speed Racer 6:30 0 CI) Hews SPorts With Bertk1 KNBC Speci•I News Conference "lhe Primary Elections" (I hr) A special one hour ed1!1on featurtng some of the Gubernatorial cand1 dates 6 NFL Championship Games 1 CV Top Ten lsswea ( @ > Greatest Sports legends • 801 de Mexico • lasile · Movie Little Rascals 7:00 other People, Other Places "The Men Who Hunted Heads (3) Wild Kingdom 0 Bowllna for Dollars t6J ~lebritJ Tennis ~ Reflecclones World 1t W11 Vlttory 1t Su "Full Fathom Five·• ®) Public Aff1lrs Speci1I "School Bonds" m (~ (j)) m Llwrenc:e Welk It T1kes A Thiel (I) Movie: "Sant. Fe St•m· pedt" (wes) '38-John Wayne l @ Dr1anet Jlmmr Dt1n Show Chrome·f'l•ted Ni1htmare (R) Sin&tes' Scene Three Stooees 7:30 O Wiid World of Amm1ls 'Seals of the Atlantic" (R) I Lers Mike A Deal @ CJ) Thrillseeken Plnbudtra Boalnr from the Olrmpic Concentration Movie: (C) (2'/thr) "W•ke Me When It's Over" (com) '60-Ernie Kovacs. I Ozzie's Gir1s Bobby Goldsboro Show The Ghoul Gue 8·00 (Qj Cl)) Cl) All In the flmlly (R) Trouble starts in the Bunker house when the family finds an 82· year old pajama-clad straneer m their hv1~ room. 0 iiJ (.!) [9J m Emeraency "Ze ro" (R) Gage eoes on TV after a rescue. and a family refuses to believe their son tried to commit su1c1de. · 0 @ CV m P11tridee f'1mlly (R) Reuben's nephew, Alan, encouraged by the Partridges 1n his ambition to become a comedian, has ' prob fem-he freezes before an audience Life Begins At "'""i•I Does lhe man in your life still respond, Can you compete with other women' Are you happy with your lifestyle' Put age • & experience on your side' Actually life can begtn for you at a JRP school when you decide to make a change for the better Do 1t now Call or come 1n lor a free personal analysis For That Not1c;eable Difference . THF C'lAll Y PILOT. TV W(EK. MAY 76. 1974 of more than three m Premier Film ED Blick Political Power m Movie: (C) (2hr) "Casino Roy a;) Happiness Is (~ ) Movie: "711 Ocean Dnve" 1le" (com) '67-Peter Seller$. 9:30 0 <ti9 (i.J Bob H t w h a r t (dra) _'50-Edmond O'Brien Championship Wrestllna Show (R) Swinger Howard Borden ~ Cinema 34 Spanish Movie suffers a bad case of the blues CD 11 Is Written Double Shoe• Thuter when his young son tells him about ll·15 {3 1Movie: ''North to Alaska" (adv) : The Gloucestermen (R) his new "uncle" who seems to have 60-John Wayne, Stewart Granger · Super Show taken up permanent residence with 11:30 O hbulous 52! "The Gallant • • Mexican Fiim Howard's e•·w1le Hours" (dra) '60 -James Cagney. Jap1nue l1n1uaae Proirams I Roller Games Dennis Weaver 8:30 tJ (~(!))Cl) M•A•s•H (R) Hot Minority Community O Perlor1J1ance Hudson & Landry lips decides that ltfe has passed · • Clllfornia Gospel host. A showcase for young talent her by, and she determines to drop 10:00 (~ (j)) ®Carol Burnett from colleges and un1vers1ties in her romance with M1jor Burns and Show (R) Eydie Gorme and Paul lhe So California area. request a tran sfer rrom lhe MASH Sand are Carol's guests for a come O Movie: "The Ghosts of Romr" unit, which has made a "mockery" dy salute to old movie serials (com) '61-Marcello Mastro1<1nrt1 of her Army career O Movie. "How to Make A Mon· 6J Movie: "Crut of the Wave" ~ Jimmr Dean Show ster" (hor) '58-tary Conway. (adv) '54-Cene Kelly, Jeff Richards Chll!!lionship Wrutlin& 0 117' Cf) Owen Marshall (R) O Movie: (C) ''The Villines" (adv) @ (V (D ABC Suspense Mo· A poltce officer, determined to find '58 -Kirk Douglas, Ton y Cur11, vi "Live Again, Die A,ain" A young his partner's murderer, is himself Janet Leigh. woman emerges from 34 years of charg~d with murder when he acc1· (BJ Star Trek fro1en suspension into a shockingly dentally kills a youth 1n self-defense O Don Kirshner's Rock Concert new environment. Donna Mills and Scott Jacoby and Tim Matheson ~Ql Movie: "The List of Adrian Mes Walter Pidgeon star. guest. senger" (dra) '63-Ceorge C Scott Ell) War & Puce (R) Community Feedback Q) Movie: "The Four Oars of Na· 9:00 6 (Cii ) Cl) Marr Tyler Moore News pies" (dra) '63 -Jean Sorer Show (R) When Mary complains to Musical Show 1· Happy Hunter Lou that she wants more respon 700 Club · Roell Concert s1b11ity tn the newsroom, he 1s only : Blick Journal 12:00 Movie: "The Corn Is Green" too happy· to give her the respon· · • Melodrland (dra) '45-Belle Davis. John Dall s1b1l1ty of hmng a new sports an· Lou Gordon Show 112:30 8 Spukusy nouncer-rf she will fire the present 10:30 6 Celebrity Bowling 1 :00 6 Movie · "Heat Wave" (dra) ·~~ one. Ei) News -Alex Nicol, Hilary Brooke 0 Q) (j) (jg) m NBC Saturday ll:OO (ID 0 0 ®.;News IE Movie: "Double Jeopardy" (dra) Movie: (C) (2hr) "Climb an Angry 6 Bill Anderson Show '5!:>-Rod Cameron, Jack Kelly Mount.In'' (R) (dra) '72-f'ess Park a;) Faith for Today 1:30 IJJ All·Nieht Show: "Apache War· er, Stella Stevens. Barry Nelson Mission: Impossible rio!,'' "The Glass Wall," "llle A rancher-sheriff goes 1n search of · Tonr & Suun Alamo 1 Quiet Gun" an Indian who has escaped police {I) Rock Concert 1 :45 lJ Movie: "The Unfaithful" (dra) and 1s believed to be headed toward ~mural Story '47-Ann Sheridan, Lew Ayres Mt Shasta. his home ,~ (j) Movie: "Freud" (dral 63-3:30 lJ Movie : "Marti of the Phoen1•" O One Step Beyond Montgomery Clift Susannah York (dra) '57-Sheldon Lawrence 1'THIE SMALL CAR EXPERTs11· FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES -SERVICE -PARTS PERSONALIZED UASING -ALL MAKES & MODUS A llllE SELECTION OF USED CDS 842-7781 540-0442 John Robert Fbwers 18835 BEACH BLVD. Ho~~;oy H~NTINGTON BEACH .S~rving -4/f Beac/, U /i eJ 5 MINUTES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY Notion's Olde-'t & largest School For Finishing & Modeling ORANGE -3 Town & Country -547 ·8228 Page 17 REN TACOLOR SAYS. • • IT'S CHEAPER TO LEASE A COLOR T. V. SET. • • THAN TO BUY IT! HERE'S WHY! When You BUY Whe11 You LEASE 1 Down Payment to NO DOWN PAYMENT Required 30% 10% 2 Sales Tax 6% NO SALES TAX Financing 18% NO FINANCING 3 (Unp•id Charges B•l•nce) CHARGES Service $50 NO CHARGES FOR 4 to Contract $95/yr. SERVICE 5 Parts and List NO CHARGE FOR Labor Price PARTS OR LABOR 6 Length of 36 1 YEAR LEASE ONL)' Contract Months Average $30 12" Port. Set-$12.45/mo. 7 Monthly 19" Port. Set-$19.96/mo. Payment (for 19'' Seti (Otn.r Models Av•ilable to 25" Console) Stud< with Set for Brand New Model Every 8 Ye• or Reduced Pay· 36 Months ments On Old One BEFORE YOU BUY A SET, CALL US .•. WE LEASE RENTACOLOR 'IACE OF MIND TELEVISION (714) 991-1550 • 220 N. CRESCENT WAY, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Page 18 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, MAY 26, 1974 ·n · L6~T Evening Movies ... :;;,,_".-:--...:· .i.· 6:00 6:)0 7:00 7.30 10:30 11·30 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8·30 9:00 11 ·00 11•)0 6:00 7.00 7:30 8.00 8•30 9 00 9 30 11 ·OO 11 JO 6:00 1:00 7:30 8:00 8.30 9:00 I l :OO 11:30 6:00 1.00 1-30 8.00 9 00 11:00 11 JO 6:00 7:00 7:JO 8:00 9.00 I I .JO 7.00 7:JO 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:15 l l 30 5 9 11 6 9 9 7 11 ll 26 6 9 s 26 IJ 7 10 9 2 5 26 6 9 s 26 7 13 23 lO 9 2 s SUNDAY. MAY 26 (C) "Wiiderness Journey" (adv> '71 Ouldoor advenlure film (C) "Octeman" (sc1·l1) '72-Kerwon Malhew' Pier Angell (C) "In the Good Old Summertime" !mus> 49-Judv Garland V.1n Johnson IC) "Bandldo" (advl 'S&--Robert Molchum Ursula Andress (C) "How to Save A Marriage &. Ruin Your Life" (coml '68-0f'Ml Mart•n. Stella Slevens (C) "Shane" (wes> '53-Alan Ladd Jean Arthur (C) "High Wind In Jamaica" (adv) '6'> -Anthony Quinn JamB Coburn "Somebody Up There Likes Me" (dral '>6 P<'lul Newm.:in p,,.r Anaelo "My Man Godfrey" (com) 'lf> W1ll1am Powell Carole Lomh.ird MONDAY, MAY 27 "The Angel Wore Red" (dral '60-Ava Gardner. Dork Bogarde (C) "That Forsy1he Woman" ldra) 'SO-Greer (,arson, Errol flyM (C) "Spartacus" Part I (advl '60-Kork Dougl1n. Jean Sornmons (C) "Son of Paleface" (com) '52-Bob Hopr, J11ne Ruuell (C) "~hrrlll's Maraudus" (dral '62-Jelf Chandler. Ty H.irdln ''Ttie Kettles In the Ozarks" (com) '56-Marjoroe Main 17 J (C) "Hello Down There" (com> '68-Tony Randall, JAnet Lf'1gl "Stalag 17" (dra) 'SJ-Wilham Holden, Oon Taylor "Kind Heart & Coronets" (com) 'SO-Alec Guinness (29 8) 8 (C) "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (mus) '54 Ji1nf' Powl'li, HowMd Keel "The Bnkr tball Fill" (dr.\l 'SJ-John Ireland TUESDAY. MAY 28 (C) "Seven Women" (dral 'b6-Anne Bancroft Sul' Lyon "East Side, West Side" (dr~I 'SO-Ava Gardner James Md\On (C) "Sparbcus" Concl (advl 60--Kirk Douglas Jean Simmons CC) "The Mac ie Serpent" lsc• fl) '6&--Horok1 Ma1suk11ti1 (C) "M.,rlll's Marauders" (dral '62-Jefl Chandlt'r Ty Hard•n 17 J (Cl "Beg. Borrow or Steal" (dr•I '73-Mochael Connors M·1 ••.tf'I Cole Kent McCord tC) "I Bombed Pearl Harbor'' 1dr" 61 -Yo'!ouke Nahu1C1 6 (C) "A Lion Is In the Streets" !dral '5J-hmt' Cagnl'y (C) "Crowhaven Farm" ISuspl 70-Hope Langl' P.1ul flurkp ICI "The Reluctant Debutante" 1com 1 '58 -Rl'I Harro\on Sando·' Ot>e (29 8> 8 "The left Handed Gun" !wl'\ ~8 P11ul Nf!'wm;ir "Murder In lhf!' Red Barn" mvs\ )4 -Tod Sl;1ughll'r WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 26 "Hotel Par•diso" (com) '66-Alec Gu1nl'eH 6 (C) "Jnslca" (com) '62-Angif!' 01cl11nson Maurocl' ChPv,.11er ? "The Champion" (dral '69-K•rk Douglu. Rvth Roman 5 (C) "The Wondus of Aladdin" (adv) '61 -Doniild O'Conl'Or 26 (Cl "Merrill's Marauders" (•dv) '6?-Jefl Chandltr. Ty tlllrd1n 7 17 3 (C) "The Morning After" (drill '74-0ock Van Dykt, Lvnn r 1rli11 13 "Topp•r'' (c.om) 'J7-Cary Grant Const 1nce Bennell 4 23 6 (C) "The N1ked Runner'' (dral '67-Frank S1nalrl! 10 (C) "The Bells are Ringing" !com) '60-Judy Holliday Dean Ma11111 9 "Moreen" (com) '66-Vanesu Redgrave. Qjvod Warner 2 129 8) 8 (C) ''Asylum" (susp) '72-Poter Cushing S "Gho.t Ship" (adv) '53-Dermot Walsh THURSDAY, MAY JO 26 (C) "The Decline &. f all of A Birdwatcher" 1 oml lt'l ftu.,11ld Woll11 6 "Dream W ife" (ccm) '52-Cary Grant. Debor11h Kerr 9 IC> "A Lovely Way to Ole" Csusp) '68-K1rk Dougln 5 IC) "Hound of the 8Hkervllles" (mys) '59-Peter Cushona 26 CC) "Merrill's Marauders" (adv) '6?-Jelf Chandler Ty HMdon 2 (29 8) 8 (C) "The Christmas Tree" ldral '69 W1ll1"m Holden, v,,,,., L•SI 9 "The Dey the Earth C1ught Flre" (dral '62-Leo Mc.Kern 2 129 8) 8 (C) "Som•on• Behind the Door" (dra) '71 -Char!l'<. ilrnn~or 5 "The Bonnie Peri.er Story" <dra) '58-Corolhy Provine FRIDAY, MAY 31 26 "No Down Paym•nt" (dra) '57-Tony Randall Joannf!' WoodwMd 6 (C) "Home In lndlane" (dra) '44-Walter Brennan 9 IC) "Man Without A Star" (wes) 'SS-Kirk Doualas. Jeanne Crain 5 (C) "Any Gun Can Play" (wes)-Edd Byrnes Gilbert Roland 26 (C) "M•rrl11'1 Marauders" (adv) '62-Jelf Chandler. Ty Hardon 2 (29 8) 8 (C) "Honor Thy F'atloer" (dra) '73-Joseph Boloana Brend" Vaccaro. Raf Vallone. Richard Caslellano 4 (C) "Any WednHdey" (com) '66-Jane Fonda Jason Robards 2J 6 (Cl "River of Mystery" (adv) 69-Vic Morrcw Claude Akins 2 (29 8) (C) "The Feerless Vampire Kiiiers" C~1lorel 67 Rom"" Polanski 6 "Blackout" (dra) '54-0ane Cieri< SATURDAY, JUNE 1 17 3 "Santa Fa Stampede" (wes) 'J8--John Wayne 9 (C) ''Wike Me When It's Over" (com) '60-Ernoe Kovacs. M11rgo Moore, Don Knotts 11 (C) "Casino Royale" (com) '67-Peter Sellers, Ursula Andros. Dav1l'I Niven 4 23 6 10 (C) "Cllmb an Angry Mounl aln" (dral ·72 Fl'S\ PMker Stella Stevens. S "How to Make A Monster" (hor) 'SS-Gary Conway 23 6 "F',..ud" (dra) '63-Montgomery Clift, Susannah York (29 8) "711 Ocean Drive" (dra) '50-Edmond O'Br1e!'I. Joanne Dru J "North to Alask•" (adv) '60--John Wayne. S1ew11rt Grangtr 2 "Tha Gallant Hours" ldraJ '60-James Caaney 5 "The Ghosts of Rome" (com) '61-Marcello Mn1ro1anl'l1 6 "Crest of the Wave" (adv) '54-Gene Kelly. Jeff Rochard~ 7 (C) "The Vikings" (adv) 'S8-K1rk Douglas, Tony Curtis 10 "The List of Adrian Meneng"" (dra) '63-Ceorgt C Sr olt IJ '"" Wynter 13 "The F'our Oayl of Naples" (dra> '63-Jean Sorel HOW WE PURSUE 'FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH' Trimming five or 10 year-. off one's appearance with a face li ft "J\ once the exclusive domain ot the wealthy dowager or aging movie star Today. even the middle-aged middle-class secretary and ~on,truct1on worker undergo pla .. tic -.urgery in an effort to look }Oung. They're all seeking_ that mythical Fountain of Youth, pur- 'ued b) mankind since the hrs! cavem.rn ~aw the \I. rinkh!, of his face rdkctcd in a pond Ho~ today's rn1ddlc-.tged Amcm:am attempt to rurn bJcl.. the clock wh1h: waiting 1rnpa11ently for '>C1ent1\l\ to find the "cau,c" and "<;ure" for old age i\ ex plored in "The Pur-.u1t of Youth," a \pecial airing Thursday at IO PM on NBC. "Plastic surgeons lift faces, breasts and behinds. aod slice off fat WANT TO STAY YOUNG! THEN, KEEP 8USY-1b•t'1 tht point madt by f1mtd mowlt dlttctor Alfttd HJtcbcO<'k (1) lo Hollywood ttSUu· rllnltur ~tludt Chawn (ct'Oltr), IClttsl Jent wrmao IDd co&Dflllan Gff'lt Bums ln 1 Sf'qutnce on "Tht Pursull of Youth.' 1h.1t d1eh won't shed." explain' Lucy Jarvi,, the d1,t1ngubhcd NBC' ne\\' producer. "Health ,pas pound. cleanse and starve us. Health 'tore' woo, \Care and bilk l" And ,c1en tic,t, tell us that the secret 10 long life is within our gra\p." 1 he program will tale a clo'e loot.... Jcld<, Mr,. Jarvis, at "how we lcJ\ c no 'tone unturned in our pur~u11 of youth while we wait for rhJt magical formula . We'll examine the )pa s of Switzerland, the lhcm1-.t' of Rumania and the blade of the plastic surgeon's knife'." \\ tth a c;cript 1n the form of a personJI cs .. ay by Dr. Isaac Asimov, the norcd author and biochcmi)t, the program will also explore the H'J "1n, why 'iO many Americans an: afraid to grow old . And by \.llm.entratmg on the vigorous act1\.1t1e'I of ... ome elderly persons, l l'lcbnt1e'i ac; well ~ 1he not-,o-famou,, 11 will show that. as Mrs. l.1n1' \a}'s. "there 11, reall) little an older per;on cann ot do." Wh) arc Amcnc.in\ 'o eager to loot... young. even a.s they grow •Id 1 1 he Xerox )pcc1al '>Ugge'I' thJt the cult of youth in this coun- tr\ hJ' <.hunted older people aside. to the point where being old 1<. reg.1rded almcxt J\ a <.11,ca,c. Parente, and grandparents are no longer rl'H'red ·"they arc rn other p.irh of the world. people are arbitrarily 111ned to retire at .1gl' 5'i or 60 and 11 ha' become difficult, if not •lllfl<''"hlc for anyone thnt age to find a 1oh. Io 1llu,trate th.it older people can lead productive live,, the NBC 'l'V.' cameras visit ~uch sites a-. a juni or college in Oklahoma where "' \c.u olJ ,tuJcnt ' \tudy nc.1tivl' \I, rit ing and typing. play bao;ket- h.111 .ind p<.trticipatc in theatrical producuons. They'll c;how a. 92:y~ar 11IJ .1ctor in TV\ "Adam-12" and a 94-year old doctor maintaining .in .u:tivc practice in Californrn. . .. "If we could honco;tly adjust society to the needs and ab1lat1es of lhc elderly.' sayc; Mrs. Jarvis. "we could find that the many years nu" available pa'>I retirement could be productive and happy. Medi· .:inc hac; prolonged good health to where only 5 per cent of the i'!Jcrly require 1mt1t ut1on.1li1mg. Btil. ,o ;iet~ muc;t prolong the good l1lc Mayhe then we coulJ le"cn our panic over the lo"' of )Outh. I here i'> no telling what the m1ll1on' Jnd millions ot dollar'i 'pent on prol,1ngmg youth could h11v for our old age ... THE DAILY PILO T, TV WlEK. MAY 26 1q74 TT • PERSONALIZED •STYLISH •EASY TO USE • • • 1000 Beautiful Stick-on Labels J'. ,of\ 1, -'~ ~ .,.,, t., ONLY j s125 ·r: Ly-t,·~>, lAX INC..1 UUf D •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND r I SHAPE AND SIZE OF LABEL Mrs. John Doe 123 Main Street Anytown. Anystate 12345 ' Labels Do Not Have A Pr inted Border Stylish Vogue type on fin e quality white gummed paper. Fill in this coupon, clip and mail with $1.25 to: Pilot Printing Label Div., Post Off ice Box 1560 Costa Mua, California 92626 le Sure to UM your Zip Cod• ---lili·ilidliilil--- ., L---------------------J Page 19 -it it • .. ._'i .. .. Scotch • .. • • .C-90 • • • Y2 SUPERSCOPE •••••••••••••••••••••• il ODV'SSIY .. « .. SONY HST-1'19 • • ALTEC • .. • • • • .. • « LP Album • • AM-FM Tuner •Cassette Recorder • Mag phono inputs .. « it • Recorded on Virgin Vinyl • A&M Artists • it W /SpealcH'S S 189.95 : =~9.9s Sale s I 69 : ••••••••••••••• • • 1 OdB Extended Dynamic Range .. :~. Sale s I 00 : . ... . .. . . . . . . ... @PIONEER . .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • • • Namath: Here's e Way It Feels . Get Clobbered DAILY PILOT How Much Do You Know About Being a Parent? A Recipe Direct From The Danes- . Open Sandwiches sk Them Yourself Went to Ilk 1 famous person 11 question? Send the queetlon Oft e pc>9le.nl, to "A1k," Family Weekly. 641 Lex1no1on A..,. • N11w York, N Y. 10022. We'll pay S5 lor publl1hed qu11tlon1 Sorry, we can't •nswer others FOR ELLIOT1' ROOSEVELT, .w11 of tlrr lut<' Pn•.\·iclcrit Franklin Ddt1rw R11usct ,./t Wlay did you write that revealing book about your fa tlaeis and mother's peTsonal lives? \Vas it for money? Fame? \Vhat?-E. G. Parkinson, \.Vells- ville, Utah • Since the p.1ssing of my parents, J han.• rt.•ad a steady flow of appraisal:. of their hes. Some of these books were l·onS<.'icntiously 1esl:arclwd by able historians. Others have 1-'0R JEANE DIXON \\'hat is your opinion of a ouij.1 board?-'.\trs. R. l. Eve, Austin, Texas • 111 my opinion. the 0111j.1 ho.ud posscSSl'S 110 r<'al p~jto<;hic 'ignifieancc in a1Hl of it\t·lf. I think II relics more on the sub- c:oml'ious thoughh of tlil' pbycrs-thoughts that supply the 1111dc11~ of its alk gl•d "magic." The ouija board is usually a liarmles!. game; but it {'011ld turn into something harmful nt thC' <'xpcnsl· of ovPrly imprc•\sionablc players. FOR I.0Rl·;T1'A S\VIT, "/Jot UJ>\ 1/011/ihan" in "Al° A •s• 11" What is your reaction to being a sex symbol on "M" A• s• ff"? -A. N., Norwood, Ohio • What's a sex symbol anyway? 1 have no hnng-ups because I am not beautiful. l wish it were possible for someone with irrcgCJlar features and g1cat tnlent to bc·c-ome n "sex symbol," hut I don't expect to sec that happ en in my lifetiint'. "Plastic Pretty" is too ingrained, I'm afraid. FOR THE ASK TH EM YOURSELF EDITOR I have read that John F. Kennedy, Jr., is 14, but only in the 6fth grade. Is it true that he is retarded? How many more Kennedy children are retnrded?-Mrs. E. Lowe, Wilming- ton, N. C. John F. Kennedy, Jr. • John F. Kennedy, Jr., at 13, 1s in the 8 th grade at Man- hattan's Collegiate School, where he's regarded merely as an average student. His aca<l<'rnic record is not outstanding. (A friend of the Kennedy family was quick to point out that John's father was "a late bloomer," too. The ]ate JFK at- tended Choate, where, out of 112 students, he was 64th.) FOR MRS. BIRCH BAYll, 11otw11nl chairman of tlir 1974 American Ca11crr Society Crnsadr You've had a mastectomy. \\hat lessons did it teach you that other women might henefit from?-Mrs. H. M. Miller, Chicago, Ill. • I urge women to check themselves monthly. Nincty-6vc pcrc.:c11t of brC'ast c·a11cc:r i' first di<>cm·ered hy the woman herself. So if she js checking herself monthly, ehanccs of cl('tecting it early arc good. And to the \voman who is so nervous about going to hrr doctor, 1 want to stress thnt 75 percent of lumps arc not malign:mt. FOR SEN. JAMES L. BUCKLEl' (R-N.Y.) What do you think of the seat-belt interlocks on new cars? I say it's big-brothcrism. My friends say it's just safety first. -E. Davis, Elmira, N.Y. • I know of no smgle 111tcrvcntion by government in the lives of its citizens that is more univC'rsally resrnted than the requirement for 1974 cars that <lictatcs that we c,umot start the engine until we strap ou1!ich-C's in. It may \\'Cll be that any driver who fails to put on a ~af ety ham<'ss i\ an idiot. But freedom implies the freedom to be an idiot so long as one docs not endanger others. I ' Cowr Photo by Guy Web•l•r/Globe Photoa been writtc-11 by hatf'rS or lovt•1' of om· m the other. From all this writing I have cxpcrit•11c<:cl a ft•cling that a kind of cardboard, one-dimensional image was emerging that did not tell the Cull story of the development of these two human beings. My parents Wl'rc two of the most gallant, brave, lonely and brilliant hum.m bt'i11gs that ever cam<' to the fore in this country. Rut they were human. They had their faults, thc.·y made tll<'ii 111i~tnkcs, they bled just as you and J. I wrott• this book ht'<'.H1sc· I felt they would agree that history should know the true trials nnd tribul.1- tions to which lhev were submitted ,..OR CEORGI:: 1'£Pl'ARD Wl1y is so much emphasis pla<.-ed on Banacek's being Pol· ish?-John Brewinski, Grand Forks, N.D. e \Ve wanted to co1111ter thl· Polish jukes, I guc·s.,, a11<.I ~how an intelligent, urb.11w ma11 of Polish extraction. FORJIMMl' BRESLIN, u11tl1orar1d newscaster Since the publication of your book "World Without End, Amen," you have been called "a serious novelist." Has this change in image meant much of a change for )Ou?-E. L . DonO\'an, Colorado Springs, Colo. • Certainly. When I goofl'd up something in the uld <lays, people would call mf' namt·s. Now thC'y t'xcuse tl1t.• samt· IX'havior because• I'm a "st·riorn. nm·c.·list" and havC' "km· pt•rament." Young John is a football buff. a tC>nnis t•nthus1a~t. a lover of horseback riding and an avid reader of comics. His friends and family describe him as lively, mischicvom and .1 prank- ster. They predict he'll be a playboy when he's oJcler .... John's sister CarolinC' has always been an CX('Cllent student. She had an A average at Manhattan's Brearley, and is main- taining the same standard at Concord Academy, where she's described as l>right and studious. Of the 29 Kmn<'cly grand- children, to the best of our kJ0wledgc, none is retarded. However, as is known, Rosemary Kennedy. the 54-year- old daughter of Rose and Joseph Kennedy. is retarded. CarOllne Kennedy FOR LEE MARVIN Why are actors so extravagant?-Nancy Wills, Provo, Utah •I can't talk about other actors, but I <lon't think I'm extrav- agant. I've worked har<l most of my life. 1'o<lay I sometimes ' feel like srending something on myself, but my only extrav- agance, i you can call it suc h, is my boat, which I keep in Hawaii. And even that l rent when I'm not using it. May 26. 11174 /irml(Y~ The Newspaper Magazine MORTON FRANK, Pr"ldenl and Publl•het PATRICK M. LINSKEY, V.P.-Ad Director Sid lAyefaky, Marbling Dir.; Gerald S. Wroe, Eastern Mgr.; Robert D. Giid!, Associate Eastern Mgr.; Joe Frazer, Jr., Chicago Mgr: JOMph Kelty, Detroit Mgr. PUBLISHER "RATIONS: ROBERT D. CARNEY and LEE EUIS, V.P.s and Co-Directors; Robet1 H .... rrlott. Mgr.; Robert J. Christian l'UBLltHEA SElllVICES; Robert Ba'*er, Promotion; taryl Eller, Merchandising; L04.1lt LMafa, Distribution. LEONARD S. DAVIDOW, Chalmuin MORT PERSKY, V.P.·Edllor-ln-Chlel Reynold• Dodaon, Managing Editor Richard ValdaU, Art Director RONlyn Abrev.ya, Women's Editor Marilyn HanMn, Food Editor Joan KenrlctcMn. Pamela ttoward and Hal Landon, Associate Editors; Eat•ll• Walpln, Art Asst.; Glorta Briar, Pictures Contributing Editors: PMt J. Oppenheimer, Hollywood; Larry BC>rtat91n, Sports. l'AODUCTION: Melbourne ZJpprlch, Director; Richard Wendt, Mgr.; Robertll ColllM, Makeup Headquarters: 64 t Lexington Ave .. N.Y .. N.Y. 10022~ 1974 FAMILY WEEKLY, INC. All rights reserved A 1'Ubllutlon .. Do-. CotntnunlHUOnl, Inc. !dwerd ft. DoWN, Jr .. Chi., Encutlv• 0"1c•r _llol81M1 8. Tre111ble, PrHld•nt .. ' ".;.a. ~ -. ~ At the annual Columbus Day Pageant in 19'14, Miss Delores LaBahn took advantage of the festivities to sneak a cigarette backstage. "' c: 0 :c c: Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ls Dangerous to Your Health. Columbus discovered her. With rich Virginia flavor women like. 17 mg'.' tar:' 1.2 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Repon Sept'73 I11ter\·ie"· h,-... Hoh Oates~ Jr. This i11ten·u!'rl' takes place at Jue ,'\fa11wth ·s football Camp f m JJoyJ . A lwndpainf<'d sign says so. lot! has been 1•·orkir1g on his arm all month. and nv11· he's lelling it loole on long pa.1u.1. /fr is fe£'1ing good. The re- a1\ ,,, is 0111 there 70 yards. Boll in ha11d, Namath fa ready for hi.~ final thrOll'. It will be a brt11 ura per/ur111- ance /fr seis himself facing straight aheatf. fie !.lllile.1 down the meadow to the apprehensi~·e 1rai\·cr, cot!s the ff)(I of htl body and wi1hn11t lif 11ng h1r /ect Irr flip1 the ball high nnd tightly spi11nirtf!, splitting the air. 4 • FAMIL V WEEl<L V, May 26. 1974 Ali Afternoo11 Witl1 Joe Namath: What It's IJke Being A ·Pellow Who's Young,. Gifted And (;Jt,bbered ! - "I enioycd that," Joe sa)s later "It feels good to be able 10 put the ball out that way."' Weren't you worried about hurt- ing your arm, throwing like that without ta king a step? "No. I don't like to worry. In the first plac.:, I don't like the feeling, so I hardly ever do any worrying. And there's no reason for me to be con- cerned about my ann because I know whJt I can do with a football." You seem to be the type of guy who enjoys himself a lot. "It's true. rm not really sure why 1t is, but for some reason I've had a happy attitude my whole life." And that extends to playing foot- ball ? "Of course. I've been playing foot- h.dl practically my whole life. Some part.s of it-meetings and stuff lik1: that that gets a little !Jld. But playing quarterback JS a gas. I t's a big respon- Mhthty, a challenge, and I like that. I get a lot of self-satisfaction out of 1t First ('ff. you have to be a pretty gl't'd athlete to he quick enough, hove thl' right footwork and <i good arm, h.nc gmxi enough rcactillnS. And then you h.1ve to be able lo h:1ncllc the 1.1~·!1l:,, l.111 the righr plays in the right s1111at10m. keep calm under prl'\\llre. and keep your team 10gclhl'1 and WMJ...ing. It's fun moving down !he field and gelling points on the hl•ard. I get a charge out of it." Sounds like you would play the game just for fun. ·Th.it's ''fling. You he.1r people .,,,,. the g.1me\ S<' nwd1 fun some· hod>· would play ir l·vcn if he weren't gelling paid for it. But th.11 doesn't make :iny scmc tu me, not in the pros. The arhletcs arc \O hig .ind f.1c;t that rhe ~ame is tou d:ingcrous In pl<iy just for the fun l'' ii. r very wed one of your friends is limping off thl· field or gelling carried off and that ha!i to make )Oll stop and think. And then rhcre'c; JIJ 1hc tim1: it 1:1ke~. the mcn - IJI <;lr;1in . Let's put it this way : If rhc~ tried ll"\ run thl' National Foor- hall I eaguc on fun alone. I don't think they could field one team." Do you think other teams psych themselves up to play against you ? "1 hope so. I don't know that they do, but if they did, it would make me feel good. I'd be glad to know they thought that much of me. But as far as making it tough on me, they don't really have to do anything special. Defenses arc getting so tough these days they don't need any unusual in- centive. Football keeps getting finer and finer. The players get stronger ~nu faster and the coaching gets more sophisticated, and every year it gets J little more difficult to get anything done out there.'' Joe, I'd like to know your think- ing in a specific situation a couple of seasons ago. This was your first call of the year, in an e~hibltion game against San Francisco. You hadn't played much In two years and the first thing that happened to you was a punt by the 49ers downed one foot from your goal line. On the first play you went back and threw a quick sideline Copy11gh\ ••' 1973 by NAMANCO Prodvctoons Inc . from "A Maller ol Sl~le. ·by Joe Namath wolh Bob Oates, Jr. Rep11nled bV permoH •On ol Lottie, Brown & Co Inc "The ball was long gone and I'm just watching and it's bright and sunny and all of a sudden-Wham!-it's dark and the stars are out and there's this whirring in my head. i mean I got hit!" pass to gain seven yards. That was a gutsy call, I thought. It was al- most like you were saying, "Joe Namath is back." "Yeah, I remem ber that play. I re- member rhc punt rolling toward the end zone and I'm saying. 'Get in thae, you.' But then their guy leaped ancl hatted it back and I said, 'Okay, then, that's a great play, that's all right.' Uut when I went out there, I mean thcr1: was only this much dis· lance hctw1:cn the ball and the goal lin1:. I was thinking ove r our plays, but we don't h.1ve a single running pl.1y th.11 couldn't lose a few inches <.kpcndmg on how the ddensc played it. There was nothing I could call and he s11r1: o f hcforchand, so I didn't even call a play in the huddle.'' What did you say in the huddle'? "I just \aiJ, 'Check with me.' We du that !>Offil'limcs when I want to get up there and look the defense over hcforc calling a play. This time l wanted to sec what those guys thought wc'<l Jo. When I got up there, the linchackcr on the left was up real tight <ind look<'d like he wa.s going lo hli11. The comcrb:ick on that side was hack a little, 'iO I just called that quick- out pattern lo the left end ." There Is a lot of pain involved In football. What do you think of the violent aspect of the game? "I don't like it. It hurts, you know, and I'm not into pain particularly. I'm not a masochist. The guys playinE? this game get higgcr and quicker every year. It's great if you're just watching the gamc-r love to sec them play. But being out there on the field with those guys, that's rough. Us little dudes ;ire alway-; getti ng bent in half." Co111i1111ed Makes a Wonderful gift! I ""'' Ultra Soft Handbag Yours for 15 days FREE! GREAT $15 LOOK! 88 CHOOSE FROM SEVEN NEW FASHION SHADES Please order by color code. BU (Buttercup) and AM (Americana), shown above. MO (Morocco) SI (Siren) EB (Ebony) I ,,. I .. \ ~ .K CN (Cluslc Navy) SW (Snow White) NOW ONLY 2 for $11.96 You save $1.80 Personalized with your initials absolutely FREE! Springtime blossoms, bright summer sunshine and you, looking wonderful with a brand new Contessa handbag on your arm! You'll loYe Contessa's roomy design and super handy pockets. There's one right on the lining inside ... and FOUR all around the outside, to hold your most -used necessities. 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Instantly create a neat nook next to phone! Measures 7Y2~ x 10~ x 41h" deep, mounts easily on wall, stands on table. So pretty, so practical, so useful! Never hunt around for scattered Items again! LIMITED SUPPLY -SEND IN YOUR ORDER TODAY! Because our new Country Store Organizer is handcrafted, we cannot promise an un- Umited supply. Orders for this really handy helper will be filled on a first come, first served basis and offer at this low price won't be repeated In this publlcatlon this season. Today -right away -mall the coupon for your Country Store Organizer -If you know exactly where your stamps are! ;\11 1\ff er1t(>CHI \\'ifh .Jc•~ Xnmaf h Co11tin11e1/ You must find it hard to 1tay calm, stand in the pocket and throw the ball. "It's weird. ll'!> not a n.1tural fed· 1ng .it Jll, JUSI 1:1tand1ng there trying 10 pay attention to what's going on 40 yards away and meanv. hik here'!> all the~e cats trying to crunch you. It\ not an ea~y rhing 10 get used tu. 'T he fi r1i1 11me you gt•t k nod.cu Juwn, it's ktnd of .1 !>hod .. Uut )OU get your~lf hack together and throw ..1 few more, and then you get hit .1gain. The !>econd one':. not a'I bad a' the fir:.!. An<l by the time )011\c been knocked down 20 11mcc; ,1nJ got up 20 11mc~. what <lillcrcncc Joe-. the tv.enty·fir!>t mal..e'! Hell, the) t •m • ha'e )OU then. Yuu·\e got a job to do It gets 10 v.here )OU almost dont notice v. hat's happening to )OU. l\e h3<l gu)s come up to me .1fter 1he game .ind say, 'Man. )Oll tool.. .l coupk 0f !>hots out there.' And I'll ''By the time you've been knocked down 20 times and got up 20 times, what difference does the twenty-first make?" \Jy, 'What sh0t5.'!' I don't remember gelling h11. Dy the time I'm climbing up from going down I'm alrca<ly thin~ing ahoul \he next play.'' So you don't notice getting hit? .. Most of the lime, no. But some h1b st1c~ with )OU prell) good I still remember a licl.. I got in rny fir!>t game aftC'r my knee injury in 1971 against SJn Franei~o. I went had an<l threw a long pass. The ball was long gone J nJ I'm ju'>l watching and it's hright anJ sunny and all o f a -;uJ<len - Wh;11n!-it's dark and the ~tars arc out aqd there's lh1!> whirring in my head. I mean I got /iit! I didn't even know '~ho did it. Doom! J got up and wobbled toward the line :inti said, 'Nice hit. buddy.' I got b:id 11110 the huddle, bent over an<l started lo get Jizzy. I had to stand straight up ::rnJ hitch at my pants a little-take some air-before I could get m)sclf going at all. A hit 111..c that one, I'll remem- If you want to know roore about Joe Namath's camp for boys, you can write to the Namath Instructional Football Camp, Box 142. Peck Slip Station. New York. N.Y 10038. Or call John Dockery at (212) 425-2619 The camp is in Dudley, Mass .. and Is lor boys 8-18 who want to learn the ins • • FAMILY WEEKLY, May 26, 19H her that quite a while.'' Quarterbacking takes confi- dence. Don't you ever get nervous? "Not often playing foothall I lc.1rnC'd \\hen: th:it kind of ncrHHI\ ne\\ conies from when I w;1\ pla) in~ goll one~ I \\as pla)ing a golf e\ht· hitllJn with P.rnl Uryant, In) l OJch down .it Alabama. There .,..ere 10,000 people there watching. and I'll tell )OU I w:i!> rcJlly upset. We wal~ed down the fairway from the first tee and I told Paul, 'This is awful. I WJS S1.l ncr vou'> hacl.. there I couldn ·1 even t.11..e the duh hack. I've ncvC'r hccn thi' nrrvou'i.' An<l Bryant said. 'Thl'rc\ .1 hunch of people watching ~ ou d11 '>lHllething you <lon't ·have that much confidence in. This 1sn·r f ootbJll, where you've worked so hard for so long to prepare yourself.' And v.hcn he 'aid that, it sunk in. That's how I gel ll'nlidcnce in my play I prepare my!>df bdorchJnd until I lnow I c.1n Jo \\hJl I have to. Then I h.i\e fatth " Do you think of yo~rself a1 a hard worker? "I know some gu}s worl harder. Thcy foci the load is so heavy the) \hould study all the time. Butac; lonA! ai. I'm satisfkd I hJve my work done right, I can't sec c:iting and drinking and sleeping it Of cour.,c. I find my- self thinking ahout it a lot. calli ng plays in situations. Sometime!. I'll bt.• '>hooting a game of polll und I'll find myself calling plays against a 5-1 No Exchange. But 0ncc I know what'" happcntng. f don't keep studying :rnd .,1udying. It's hcst for me to relax. lo have some fun and keep the lcn~ion I rom building up. That', how I perform hc<;t." and outs of football under professional supervision. (Some of Joe's assislants are Jim Kuck. Ed Marinaro. Joe Greene and George Sauer) There are three one-week sessions June 23-29. June 30-July 6; July 7-13. Joe $ays he will be there all three weeks. Cost IS $175 per session. acsvertl•el!'ent AT LAST! A DOCTOR WHO SAYS: Take Food, Not Medicine, If You Suffer from Any One of These Ills! "Why do I avoid prescribing drugs? .. , says this brilliant and controversial physician, who has cured literally thousands bf patients with nothing more than ordinary food alone! "for these four vit al reasons" - I lkl•U-.t dtUll\ du n1J1 produ1v hrult/1 Thty merely mask thr •1 ,.,,,.. /111111 ,,r 11 d1,r;a..c: .. nwcr up the cond11111n, whllt thr bud)' 11ru11~1,,, un 1 ulountli· /11 1 "" ll•rl/ 2 I hi\ I~ the rUM•n why 1Ct many ~n and women, or all aJ(cS , '"' """"' fl~h1 thrlr '"">' t1ut of nnr ullnrtnt, them 1hty Ju/I r11h1 in/CJ un mh,, Wltv they arc alw:.y1 "hair ~1ck" Why they never 1tally know -.h.11 11 n~am to be complr1cly hee of rain. in ~'"" "'' health. Bc:caui.c lht>. anll lhcu duel or>, d11 11otlilnt '"o" thun mrrr/11 fit ht oO rue h 11rw ul/uc f.., 8nd never drain 1111/ t/tr poison th•t IS leh rrom lhill a11adi:, ()f rrhutlJ tht 11111/ •roktnrd t11111t ~tort II can f•ll prey 10 a nrw dt'\C.nc' It Is "Tissue Weakness'' That Opens The Door To One New Disease After Another! And NO Drug-Only Food-Can Bulld REAL TISSUE STRENGTH Again! l The fo,111111 way In flghl d1~:i'K, then, ti not 1us1 10 counter·•ltncll c"ch new \) n1r1om 1n 111 1urn . b111 10 b111/d J1tt'h 1hur phys/l'ul ,,,..,,111h 1n1u rm h 1/11rur,,1td ('ti/ 11/ >Our body lhll 1hc or11an1~m lhal cauK' lhll d1\Cll\C 11 ,,1hr1 dntro1td. or ,..,.Jntd hurm/rJJ, llu vuy ln11ortt /I rnttfl H•llr hodf' 4 Thd 1• done in 1 .. 0 w•Y\' Fir-st. ro u~ o n1tdtcol-41t1 10 drain ou1 the 1•<11~1m 1h.u m»ke your body wea" today And, finally, to wu o JU 11nd r>tn fftOrr po...,uful 111rd1cul ditt 111 po11r S11prr-Nutrirttts-Nal11tr'1 """ mrd1t'111t1 -1nto '"""' t'flf'(llrd m11u11 1>J tho/ bodr _ not on/1 to /vri·r 11u1 that spu·1flc dl>NJ" n1 /1111 llJ hmnunl) pon1hlr /1111 a/lo to ,,u.,. that OTfUll ptrhop• f lfll hrultl11rr 1h1:m bf/Or<"" WQ.J ,.,,, uflOCl"d' h•r tumplt- See How Thia NATURAL Method Has Worked- In Thousands Of Case Histories, From Every Walk Of Life, And With Almost Every Aliment You Can Imagine! \\(' ~h•ll let Or. 1'11llkr'~ p.i1tnn apcall for lhel1\5tlvcs; "When I came lu you I suffered from '"'cll1n11 and 11n11lin11 ol e•trcm1 11e\ alm<'•I con\lant hun11cr, pc11od1c wtallneu, ~rtal ~ns111•11y to 11larc and loud no1w Since htcom1n11 your r111tn1 I find mywtr entrittllc .and i&lc11 unul nnrly milln1itft1, aw•ke fully by 1.30 or Reach mornln11. 1n 111><...t sp1r11S, nn1 1lu11111\h, .ind con11nu1na 1hrnu11hou1 the day 1lad 10 l'I( Jll\C, rcrform1n11 <h.illtr•11n11 la•ks"' Odore I ~came your p:u1cn1, I had vas11td acveral skin lptetalL\I\ h11r1n1< 10 hniJ help in th~ removal or wh~l apr>«:arcd lo be itrowths on my lace 8111J"o1C\ were taken; rc•uh nt1t•l1vc. I a,,kcd hew to llC'l rid o' th~ lllll"' lh\, huw 10 prevent the tr J(rowln11 back. I rtCtlVtd a shru11 or the 'f'C' 11Alt,1 ', \hOuldcr (lacer, ht, hlll'). ht didn't know! Or. Ni11le1 t,x1k unt Im•~ .11 lhc aru involvtd ~nd prescribed (nalural) mc:dica11nn lnr co1rrno1I ~t'J!lil.tlt<'n which wi1h1n one week's llme cleared up 111< d11li- luily II hh 11<11 returned." And Still More Thrllllng Reault1! All Told In The Patient'• Own Documented Words! "ltu ... c•ct, on Easter Sund•)'. March 29, 1970, I suffered not only an· Mhcr '"--'u"on, but an acute card1i.c arrht This wa.s pre<edtd by three •I.I~' ;•( 1nten'IC wear In«\, ra11a~ and rr<.llcnne\S .. Only tx11tmt 11ood lu' ~ m.1\Je 11 ro-s1blc' for me 10 w111c: lheJot word5 .. They (has rt11ular rh>"c1an•) believed open htan sur11ery to ~ lhe only nope ror l(lvin11 rne J nurmal life \pao .. II was al lhl\ point that I was refe1red 10 Or. N111tcr , . afltr hi\ tn1l1al oamino1ion und after rtv1ewin1t my medli:•I hl\lory .. he s1ancd me: on 1111 "biu1c hcan pm11ram" .. _ Wilhm wee~s. I no11ctd 11rcat 1mrrovcmcnt ... an 1ncrH~d suri:c or well-bem11 with each r•'~'"tt week My lamily doctor continuei< to monitor my ca\t. lie cannot, al thh point. rule ou1 the Ol'(n heart suritery recom~ndtd by h1~ rite!', but ht i• honts1 c:noutth 10 admit I've sltown 111c:a1 improve· mcnt. He \ays my heart " bca1tn11 more: slowly """ •tronrer and th•t cvcry1hang ~ound• i<ood. My l~boratory "'''arc all normal ... I'm look· 1ni: flllWilrd 10 rtturning to work and • normal p1oduct1ve hfe." I've ~en wh,cct 10 a•1hma all my hie II would come wi1h • cold or when I l<1u11hcd or uerc1J.Ci.l 100 hard. The situation beu~ dr1m111cally wof'\C when we mo~td 10 Sant• Cruz 1n 1966. For some rtuon I'd c;itch " cold every four to 511' week~ ... Only when I ftOI at, 11 wculd llO to my cht\I, dcvelor 1n10 a\lhma. and I could hardly brnlht. l wu fed up "'"h ~1n11 \Ilk :an•I 11rcd all 1ht lime .. So I wcn1 lhrouah Or. N1111tr'1 whole rro11ram . . N<>w ( 1971) lht few colds I catch uc very mild. I ~.1n'1 even rememhcr the la~t 1imt I h~d a•thma with or without 1 cold'" "In lhe lat1cr parr of November pa\\, I brokt out In an 1llc:r1k derm•· 1111, \CVtrc hive< 1n addition 10 the hives, I would act • severe poln 1n an area above lhe 11xti1 ll1dncy .. II was an acute shanennx pain thal 1mmob11iud me. I wa. nexl 11vtn cortisone. Arter 24 houn 1h!s would In.sen the severity or both hives and p-in. As lon11 a.s I continued with cotusonc ... I Will fine, but when I stopped, severe hives and pain re· curred. Then back IC cort1\0nt for four or five days, followed by hives and pain I seesawed back and forth in this manner for several week~ . A friend o f mint gave me Dr. N111ler's phone number and bcued me to call him .... Then on the 1enlh day undc:r Dr. Nl11ler's care, something wonderful (lo me, a m1tacle) happtncd-1 was free of my allmenL\! A st•111erin11 M11l11 h•d been ltfled from bolh my sltouldc:rs •nd my wife's . Now I am ln lht 1h1necnlh month ahtr the doctor's care, enjoyin11 1~ bcs1 of hcahh &nd lecllna arut." And Literally Thousand• Upon Thousands Of Case Hl1torte1 Morel ALL STEMMING FROM NATURAL "SUPER-FOOD" TECHNIQUES LIKE THESE, THAT YOU CAN USE TOMORROW IN YOUR OWN HOME! A1ain, to list only a frw uamplcs or lhe specific, step.by-step "Super· Food" Treatments 11ven you in this 1rca1 book: Home 1rca1men1 for con"1pa1ton lh•I works throuth your 11<111, and rrmo•·rs tntrrrral po/1otu, p•1nla.sly and au1oma1ic•ll)', at •he same ume 11 restores norm•I function' How 10 increase: che blood now (and therefore the life-ssvina oxysen) not only 10 your heart 11ssues, but your entire c1rcul•1ory system. (As JI.ISi one aidc-bcnefir or lh1s new, natural lher•py, cold ftel 11mply feel warm •nd good a11•in') This process ;au1omaucal1y lowers the work load or your heart, and your lunp, and so, u another marvcloin 11de-bcocfi1, olr110<1 lm111rdwtrl> dtnrlnuhrJ the tYrr-l11crea11n1 1h0Ttnr11 o/ brtulh lhat pl1aucs most people! How 10 11t1 rapid rr//rf rrom gallbl•ddtr pain. A treatment lha1 aho may enable you to actually, painles.\lY pas.s • stone or two (and act rrd of them ror good). And, 11 lht same Ume, 11tn1u/alr thl! flow o/ bUt: frott1 your /ivu, and bcain simuhaneouily 11omach-he1llna food-therapy. Why hemorrhoids do not have 10 be endured any lonacr! A simplt clJ!'Ule 1ha1 may yield aprarcnt bcntfitJ in •day or two, with rt~loration or norm•I function and comfort In a rew weeks, just u it has in cue after caw in Or. Nhtler's own fll1:1! llo• w #.~rp from brln~ pouonrd by .-ommuclol food Jprop This ~•hod J1111p/~ rr1'1ovn I~ Jpra> horn fru11s and vc11etable5-ln nm1ulrJ! A new way 10 brush your teeth that cosu no1hin1. And Lh•l 1rro1/1 lnC'IYOJt'J > uur po• .. t:rJ of d1gtJllOrt, How, 1( you suffer rrom an acute illness. you c"" acr11ollr fud ~01u body h<ahna food-in11rcd1cn1~ 1hrCJ111lll lhr sk/11. Th8l 110 lo work 10 help you. In srcond1! How 10 cu1 down ovcrproduct1on or stomach 1cld almost 1mmcdl11cly, without tQktn/t a 1h111t! Liver Detoxiflcatlonl Follow These Simple Rules, ANO PAIN·CAUSING POISONS LITERALLY POUR OUT OF YOUR BODY! The best aod most ancient mc:lhod of bealina wounds. (Anam;ali do this 1mlincllvely. But we've fori,rollcn ii ) A ~11-yoursc:lr pros111t muu11c lhal involves only a ,;mple molaon .... 1tlt thr ll!XI a11d soln oJ >our Jut •.• plus a lilllc-ltnown and dehc1ou• food 1ha1 1rtally •ids 1n tht: nor1110/ /unction of this 1mpor11n1 a)and. Whal to do for repeated violent pains in the chest (called Jntcrcostal Neuralgia. and or1cn misrakcn fo r hun lroublc or even auack) How 10 tell Ille difference at once. And then use a simple natural spro)' that relievn this 1onurou1 pain 10 minutes, for hours! The: inexpensive food that has fantastic results with cold, •nd even ftu' As Dr. Nittler says: "This remedy alone cures many C&5CS of nu." Why Dr. N111ler dorrs to s~' "I have known very severe Iona-standing c.ues (or Athltle's Fool) rtJfH>nd dramatically after one application"! And why he a1JO says: "l have seen 1 deep n.111y boil on a cheek drain through the sk.ln in Ont nl&Jlt with the use of thi! (n•lural food product). The lnftttion wu on the pad, there was no infec1ion Ith In 1he boll and no wound visiblt." PLUS· cmeraency lr'C•lmenl~ for bum5 lh•t pre~t scarrrna . 1 slm· pie remedy tor poison ivy th•I works •. how to melt away warts (and even some brown spo15) ... a non-prncrrption product (&!! .,e all 1he other rc~dies given here) th•t has a wonderful heallna efftc1 of the mucous membranes or thr lnt,,linol tract ... home: remedies for internal para,.,i1es ... what you must do, at once, for diarrhea •.. how Dr. Nhtler 1rea1' ulcers ... now to rebuild Wflk slomachs, w11hout aurna1ma 111<m ... how lo break fever In cmer~ncles, #!JJ)rcrolly In chlldrrn , , . the tested routine 10 follow for any virus infection ... 11rrn11h-Cood1 for every part of th< \>Ody llow your hody c•n huild up /n ow11 '""~' IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO., Dept.6011 , 13490 N.W. 45th Ave., Opa locka, Fla. 33059 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Allan H. NMdtr, M.D., received h11 diploma in mc:dtcme almost thirty year.. al.IQ from the University of Clncinna11 •.. has been associated \inct then wilh both the United S1ate\ Army and the San Fr:anc1Ko City and County Hospital. He was Ont of the first physicians 10 recoan1Zt the need for vitamins in medical therapy and the radical diltertnce in effect bel ween synthetic and orttanic vi1amins in thcr•peullc dosaat. He is a frequent contributor to various maitlllnes 1&nd journals, and is reco9nized today a\ onc cl the leaden or the new medical science of preventive nutrition as 1 major factor •gain\t bolh fatigue and disease. 111pply of n111r/rnr1 10 for11fy 11~ natural rts1$L1nce an terms or siress or c:p1denuc .. we1gh1-reducan1 14'/lhout 1cars .•. the most effective treal· mtnl ever uiveoted for hypoaJyc;emla (low blood iU&ar) .. and m11c:h, n1wclt 1non.1 All Yours To Read From Cover To Cover, For 30 Daya, Entirely At Our Risk! The choice is yours. This is a book for people who mean business II cosu you nothin11! We lake all the risk! Fai.r enough? Why not send In the coupon-TODAY! r-----MAIL NO·RISKCOUPONTOOAY -----. I IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO., Dept. t>Ot t 13490 N.W. 45th Ave., Ope l ocM, Fla. 33059 Gentlemen: Pleue rush me a copy of NEW BREEO OF DOC- TOR, 180049, by Allan H. Nilller. M.D.• I cnclo$C $6.98 an full payment. lo addition, I understand chat J may e.umme lhlS book for a full 30 days cn11rtly at your risk. rr at lhe end or 1ha1 time I am not salisfied, I will simply return the book 10 you ror every' cen1 of my moM)' back. Enclosed ii check or M.O. for 5, ___________ _ YOU MAY CHARGE MY: 0 MASTER CHARGE Ac;c;'t 1-------------------- hlter Bank *----------(Find above your name) EapiratJoo cbte nl my nr.._ _____________ _ OR YOU MAY CHARGE MY: 0 BANKAMl!RlCARD Ace't 1-------------------- Eapiruion d•te of my c;ud ______________ _ H•rne f/fost print AddreH ai City State· Zip ~ L. ____ .!!_&_!.I~~ ~;a~~ !20,!!0~1!,!~s~•-__ _. The outdoor life. the great life. Get yourself ready for it with these great values from Coleman ... and Solem, naturally. co1-n Double Montie lontef'n Modef 220 #195 The wOl'ld s m05t populor lantern f0< over 70 yeors Bums up to 6 hours Reto1ls up to · S76 00 Only S 1 I 9</ plus 5 Solem pockoge bottom flaps Colemon Poly·lite• Coole< ModelS285 Lorge loghtweogh• coole< holds up to 38 quorts of fcxx:I 01 e•lhe< tem pe<otvre e•lreme Reio.ls up ro SIS 00 Only S8 qq plus 5 So~m package bottom flops . . · 1 . • Colemon Day Sodi, Mod.I 8550. 713 Excellent f()( campers hikers cyd1s1s Holds o days 9t!Of Mode ol nylon Reto1ls vp ro S 1 b 00 Only S 7 9</ plus 5 Solem pockoge bottom flops Coleman Spomter Stove and Cook Kit Model 502·100 (ompoc1 lightwe.gh1 SIOl'es 1ns.cle o lwoqU01'1 sovcepon Con be used fOf bockpockong ond cex>kOU1s Retails vp lo 515 00 Only 5119</ plus 5 Solem pockoge bot1om flops Colemon Bacllpodl Tent Model 15SOA714 Perlect for bcxkpock1ng Of vse os on OU1C1loary tent fOf comping Opens lo 7'9 JC 5' x '2" (ridge ~ht) we'9ht 5 pounds Retools up lo S88 00 Only S39 9Q plus 5 Solem bottom flops CThe(olemon(ompo"Y Inc --------------- Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. KING: 18 mg. "tar". 1.3 mg. nicotine. SUPER KING: 20 mg. "ta(, 1.4 mg. nicotine. av. PBf cigarette. FTC Repon MAR. 74. ,._ d..o the Cof-n lt.m(1) ONtered. Eoch -ordered r9CfU1.-.. S bottom "°fK ,,_, 5o1..,, ~· (ony uae ). Double Monlle loniem St I 9Q ~ ~ Poly{11e•Coo1er S8 9Q . . Doy Scxk S7 99 Sports ter SIOYe ond Cook Ki I s 12 99 8ocl.pock lent SJQ 99 Mool 10 Solems G<eot Ouldcxn Shop PO Bo~ 9627 S1 Poul M1110t'Wta 55196 lmportonl Send ~k 0t money orde< plvs bonom llop5 by I'"' c~s moil Make~ 10 Solem s Greo1 Ovldoors Shop I cen1fy thol I om 21 ~ cl age 0t older Mr /.ks --~----------------Moss Addres1 ----------'Phan@------ City __ ---tote •P-- (Roqu1rcd) Allow 6 weeks IOI' deli~ This otter e'<Pfres December 31 1974 is l1m1ted 10 lhe U S A . ond is not valid IOI' sht~I 1nl0 stoles v.he<e prohibited or regulated People Qui% By .John E. Gibson How Mueh Do You Know About Being a Parent'? ations involving the children \hould always come first in any marriage relationship. (See 11umbn 4) TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Because of the close mother-son rcl•1lionship, a small boy 1s chiefly in- fluenced by his mother's behavior and altitude. 2. A child's view of <kalh is qu1h.: un- like a parent's. 3. To communicate e1Tec11vcly with your child you should c"apturc and h<1ld his visual all£'11tio11 hy looking him in the eye while taH.ing to him 4. Considerations involving the chil- dren should always come first in any marriage rela1ionsh1p. 5. The best way to deal with your (h1ld's errant behavior i'i to lecture him firmly. and to 10!?1cally point out 1hc error of his way' ANSWERS 1. //al.n•-according to a Universi1y of M1ch1g.m study of 180 fathers and 1heir four-ycar--0lds, which showed that .. though a small boy may spend more time with his mother, it's his lather's behavior that seems to shape the child's motivation and ability to learn." Findings of the study showed that "the father who responds posi- tively to his son''i needs, praises his achievements and involves him an decision-making is enhancing the boy·s intellectual development." A rurther finding: The father may show this same kind of "n11rturin1:'' bthav- '"' roward his four-year-old rla11ghter w11/11>11f a(lt'rttn>: llt'f l1'cm11ng 11bilitv. /•or xirls a/ thi., ns:e. t/11• nwtlrti.~ 1nffu1•nn> was f01111cl w h<' domi11a111. 2. Trm>. It has hccn found that a child's concept <if death depends on h1<, age and stage of development. Children from threl' to five usually deny death as final; children hctween five and nine years tend to regard c.Jcath as a personuRe who "comes and gets you." At about nine, the child recognizes death as a natural and in- evitable process. Jn another study it was found that many young children "equate death with an accident or ill- ness and may report that they them- selves have died-viewing death not :is a separate and distinct state, but sim- ply as another phase of life." 3. True. As one authonty counsels after evaluating a ~cries of studies on children : A /ways try to catch your child's eyl' when you talk to him-or whe11 ht• is con/iclinx in you. Parents arc also advised 10 ·'talk to your child from the day he i:. born. Don't 1ust make baby-talk n~ises. Really com- municate wilh him." 4. Falu. Psychological studies have shown that "if parents are preoccu- pied with the ir children at the expense ()f all other adult engagements, es- pecially their relationship with each other. they arc headed for anguish and psychological disruption. lt may look virtuous, but it leads to self-limi- tation. It i'I the parents who assert 1hat they have a right to a life of their own who offer the best prospects for untrouhled and resourceful children." 5. Falu-according to the findings of psychologist Fitzhugh Dodson, who has specialized in research on child- parent relationships. In summing up his findings in the definitive treatise .. How to Father.'' he observes that "the actual result of heing on the re- ceiving end of a lecture [particularly one delivered in front of other people) t'i that the child is made to feel ashamed. inadequate and resentful. These fceling'I will insure that he will he even· tesc; likely to take his father's -;uggcstions.'' Hie; advice to fathers· Learn to praise your child. Be on thl' loo~out for hehavior that you can prtH'iC If he hangs up his pants but drapes his shirt and socks over the chair in his room. praise him for hang- ing up the pants and ignore the rest of his behavior. FAMILV WEEKLY, May 26, l974 • I JOHN DALE IAff "11 lat 4 Wida I ·· reaca.. 11500.111 1 ~ Wiik '""'•II• a•C." EYBlmS. lllEEM Jll "I tab 11 11 ,,.,.. ... If $150.00 I •If whlu1ll11 llC p_r_HICtl, ''" $111 •• I •ay fltHtlt ..... , .... •H. IWIELlllE VMllEll (ftn1ar MluJltAI') "I hH 1nr111• $30.00 It $40.00 ,., htr wltll IMC ,,_. Hit Wttklll ,lrt· II••·" SMC ia confident that l{dtin« it can be the biitite-it. bnt dtti11ion of your LIFE. .. JAH •• .. NV_llET. WIKE 11• CfTlEll lllBNlE lllaM fol-M • INl1 '--Utl5 Y•C..1-Qc YNtC.11-A• ril Ha_.Nlh -• hu..!....t• ef 11~--.,pua ... .., ~ h l•o ha.l~nuh~,---· -••,._ .. : ~J -# -. . . . . ALl~nT~nN~ ~u~~ll~ nuT l~TT~n Everything we do is directed toward improving customer service. In more ways than one! CERTIFIED CHECKERS Well trained checkers mean faster, friendlier, more efficient check-outs. TRU-VALU UNIT PRICING Provides instant cost comparison by ounces, pounds, quarts or other units of measure. FRESHNESS CODE DATING Perishables are marked with a code date so you can be sure of freshness. ALBERTSONS THE FOOD PEOPLE WHO CARE BUYER'S CHOICE GROUND BEEF Package label shows fat content of ground beef. Another label shows the date it was ground. Smart CoolQDI h4 For Special ~Occasions This week, Food Editor Marilyn Hansen has just the answer for that next luncheon or card party. Marilyn says, "These open-faced sandwiches from Denmark are perfect for easy entertaining. Prepare them ahead of time, then store them in th e refrigerator, just as you would hors d'oeuvres or canapes." ()pen-Faeed Sa11dwiehes From Denmark. Open-fac&d aandwlchea, made ahead of Ume, allow a hosteu to keep her cool. DANISH ESROM 4 slices buttered thin rye or pumpernickel bread 4 lettuce leave•. preferably Boston or leaf lettuce YI lb. thinly sliced Danish Earom or King Christian cheese 2 tomatoee, cut in wedges DHh garlic salt 4 parsley or dill sprigs 12 radishes Mustard 1. Top prepan:d hr\!ad slice with lettuce leaf, then 1/t1 lb. cheese. Place a few wedges of tomato on top. Sprinkle with garlic salt and garnish with parsley. Place radishes alongside sandwich . Serve with mustard. 2. Refrigerate, covered with plasti c film. 1f not serving immediately. Makc.f 4 open-faced .fandwichcs DANISH TINY SHRIMP 4 slices butter&d thin white or rye bread 4 lettuce leave•. preferably Boston or leaf lettuce 2 cans (4 'h-oz. 1ize) small 1hrlmp, drained MayonnalM 1 hard-cooked egg, sieved 4 fresh dill sprigs or duh dlllweed 4 lemon wedges 1. Top bre~d slice with lettuce leaf. Mound 111 can shrimp on top. Place small spoonful of mayonnaise in cen- ter. Sprinkle with a little egg. Garnish with dill a nd lemon wedge. 2. Refrigerate, covered with plastic film , if not sening immediately. Makes 4 opl't1-faad sandwic/w~ ROAST BEEF 4 stlces buttered thin white or rye breed 4 lettuce leaves, preferably Boston or leaf lettuce 1h lb. thinly allced rare roast beef Horseradish Vt cup thinly sllced onion ring• Pickle• 1. Top each hrcad slice with lettuce leaf. Cover with 1/s lb. roast beef. Place a small spoonful horseradish in center. Top with onion rings and gar- nish with a pickle or two. 2. Refrigerate, covered with plastic film, if not serving immediately. M akes 4 open-faced .u11ulw1cJu•' Party Tip: Danish open-faced sand- wiches should be a delight to the eye as well as to the palate. The fun comes in the artful. colorful garnishes. Tradi- tionally, the herring or fish sandwiches are eaten first, then the meat, and last. the cheese. Of course, one can always cal in the order one chooses! FAMILYWEEKLY,May2&.19H • 11 ••• remember "Amos & Andy" ••• "Myrt & Marge " •.• "The Eddie Cantor Hour" •.• "Orson Welles Mystery Theatre?" Plays: "Happy Days are Here Again" I Let your memory wander back to the I930's when the entire family sat around the living room listening to their favorite radio program and the "generation gap" was an unheard·of phenomenon. Our charming reproduction 1s an authentic replica, in miniature, of that well·known old·timer. But this model has a precision music box inside, and when you turn the dial, you hear the merry strains of "Happy Days Are Here Again!" An Excltlne Conversation Piece for Home or Office It's a wonderful piece of nostalgia and a cen· ter of attention wherever you place 1t! Stur· dily crafted of high impact molded plastic and meticulously detailed right down to woodgrain finish and cloth speaker cover. It 1s a refreshing antidote to todjy's troubled times, and makes a splendid and unique gift. Order At Once To Avoid Disappointment At only $5.98, bound to sell out fast. And offer will not be repeated again this season! Orders will be filled first come, first served. To recreate happy, nostalgic days for you and your loved ones, order now. GREENLAND STUDIOS 6057 Greenland Bulldlnc, Miami, Florida 33059 "TUNE IN" ON THE PAST r -MAIL t 0-DAY NO-RISK COUPON TODAY -•1 GREENLAND STUDIOS f 60!57 Greenland Bldg., Miami, Aa. 33059 I Rush.._Radlo Music Box(es} #14447 @ only $5.98 + 85J postage & handling each with complete money.back guarantee any time within 10 days if I am not delighted. Enclosed is check or m.o. for $ Address __________ _ City ___________ _ State Zip __ _ 0 SAVE $1.70 -Order 2 Radio Music Bo11es, and we pay all postage & han· dllng. Extra "mlo" Is marvelous alttt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D Master Cl11rce § Olntrs Club II ~ct. No 81nkAmerlc11d Interbank No Amerlc1n Expreu I You May Charge Your Order (f'ind above your n1me) Cood Thru I Cood Thru Acct. Ho I. N.Y. & Fla. res. add appropriate sales tax. I _________________ J Y uu arc m.ik1ng the ~ame trip you have made many timc~ before A~ you en- ter lhc ho,pit,11 and walk down the hall to the elevators you r..:altzc that the !lmell of disin- lcc1.1nt ha~ become as familiar a~ the ~mell of laundry at home. You head for the room with the dosed do-:>r and all kinds of feel in gs come at you. you want to open the door, and you don't; .you want to go in, and you don '1 Your hand rcachcs for the door knob and one last thought shoots through your mind am.I rushe s the very breath out of YllU · Will he be alive-or dead? As a minister, I've seen this drama played out again and What Do You Say to a l .. oved One Who Is Dying*! "None of us likes to be conned. The patient, even at death's door, is no different." again. A husband or a wife lie~ dying in a hospital bed and the mate takes up the vigil, which may l:\st for days or weeks. The 'urv1ving partner's life takes on an ethereal quality in which even raindrops against the win- dow seem to be obscene intru- sions. The unasked-for emotions invade the grieving one from every direction: anger and guilt, By George /\. Nyt.• loneline~s and love, heartache and frustration. The wife starts to think of what life will be like without him; and then she feels ashamed for even having such thoughts. There is the helpless- ness of watching the life of one's beloved wife ebbing away, with not a thing that can bc done. A!. a friend or relatiw at one of these grim gatheringc;, how should you act? What do )Oii :say to the pa<icnl ·1 Well, one thing I've learned 1s tha1 c;illcri. should nci<hcr cx- pc1:1 to be en1er1a1ncd, nor to entertain. Too tlhcn, I've seen vi'\lltlr\ pl.1,c the nun.Jen of mJtnt.11111n!,! a con ver,a<ion on the d1~traughl hu,h.tnd or wife. 1 tw1 1s wrong and it I'> i.elfish. Of cou r~l', you c.1n ..i"o go to lhc other c\lrcmc.t I here :ire tho~c. for C).amplc. who '-'Jlll tu "You head for the room wllh the closed door and all kinda of feellnga come at you." Decorates Over 270 Sq. In. of Wall Space in Hammered Metal All in Full Color Glorious Pink, Blue and Brilliant Yellow Roses ---4 P'ULL fl'EET WIDE --- Imagine the beauty of glorious fine enameled hot pink. gentle baby blue and brilliant canary yellow roses poised in perpetual splendor on graceful, abundantly leafy cool green stems This symphony of multi-colored roses ascends from a snow-white shell basket that is tipped in a kiss of rich gold. Truly a colorful spectacle dramatized by the depth of finely crafted ham- mered metal. We emphasize these are not tiny miniatures. but beautiful museum quality hammered deco- rator wall plaques that dominate over 270 Sq. Inches of wall space. This lovely plaque will bring springtime to the decor of any room and only when you see it in your home. will you fully appreciate its charm. SUPPLY IS LIMITED-OFFER Will NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON! Frankly, we expect supplies to go fast and many folks will want several to put away as gifts. To avoid disappointment, we urge you that you order at once. Orders wilr be filled on a first come. first served basis and offer will not be repeated this season. T~~~~~~S SOLD AT $3.9B SALE PRICE $J 98 EACH Giant Metal Rose Wall Bouquet r-----MAil 100AY NO-RISK COUPON TODAY! -----1 I GREENLAND STUDIOS I 6056 Greenland Building, Miami, Fla. 33059 I Ple~se rush me the Rose Wall Decorations checked below. If I am not I delighted. I may return rtem(s) within 10 days for a complete refund Enclosed is check or m o. for $ ___ _ I __ Rose Wall Decorations(' 11178)@ $1 .98 (Add 65¢ postage) I Name I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Address~--------------------~ I c·ty State I I & Zip ________ _ I 0 Save $1.30. Enclose only $3.96 for 2 Rose Wall decorations and we'll pay the postage. Extra plaque makes a wonderful gift L N \ ,. na ,,.,., "'" , .... AtM .-r;rtr1151rl•h• ... ~~ h• --------------~----~---~---- ~ .. D 0 a: 0 c e • E < ltl·.u c\ l'I y di:tasl of the disease; 11thl'I\, lllll'llt llll ~~llllOg the i'>· ,lll' nl Jc.1th. launch into cnJle:.~ J1'u"'1l>ll' .1hout the weather, 1ir lhl' ,11111mcr'~ vacJtion, or the ,111 ~'l'I\ 1 hey had last year. Such 11,dl''' ch.11ter i' unapprcc1a1cd. •\ '1ft1l·oc ol the h.1ml can J o 1.11 mon: thJn pr attltng on (111d d~.inll'> 1ls time, Jnd 11 lllll\l he I C'>(>CClcd. I he thing to remember j, that thc p.1t1cnt is most often the l1uw1ic,1 person in the room. I .111111\ .ind fricnll'> talk about 111111 •• 11 u11nd him, over him, but 1101 10 him . M.1ny people make llh.' 1111,tJkc ol as\ummg that ii hl' 1.111, tu rc~plmJ to convcr!>a-' llun hc\ uncun:.c10ll\, and they '·'~ ,1u.:h thing' a:.. "He':. failed .1 f111 '>Ince ycsten.lay": or I liq ·\l givl'll up on him"; or I h1.· Joc11.ir doc~n't think ii will I>.: long nuw " rhe a~umption 1, thJt it he cannot talk or sec, h~· 1..mnot hear I h1) 1s t.1r from the trulh. I h1.· 'c n~c of hearmg I'> the IJ!>l 'l'rt\l' 111 he lo~t. I remember cmi: p,111cn t. a victim of <;e,eral ,1111~cs, who had been comato<;c f11r lwu 1.fays. The family came .ind went, but they never ad- d11.'''l'd him because of hi <. .1pra rcnt condition. Finding 111\'df alone with hitn one 11111rn1ng, I \JI down and reaJ S1.n pturc to him. At fi1 st it 'cCllll'd ,omi:wh:it akin to rcad- mi.: 111 the hcd stand But out of 1h11,c Jpparcntly unseein g eyes "dlcJ up tear; that rolled down h1' face He could hear, and 11ndl·r .. 1 and. I he tcrmtnJl patient 1~ \till J pe1,on PhontneS\ 1~ no morc 1..illcd for .lt this spcci;ll t1mc or life than Jt .tny other. None of 11' llJ..<.,., 10 hc conned. We w.int 111 he accepted where we .ire an llfc. not where our partner in 1.11nvcr.,ation would like ll!i to he . I he patient, even JI Je<.ith\ do111. 1s no dilfcrcnt. I\ pcr\Oll 's pre'\ence IS llH.lre 11npo1t.int than his many wonh I ruc fricnthhip. true love, is nol made uncomfortahlc by "lcnce. Under normal circum- ,,.1ncc' we do not fccl cJllcd upon to fi ll C\ery m oment with d1.1 1tcr, whether \1t1111g together 1n J fhh1ng hoat for thi: day, or lying on a beach blanket 10· gc thcr. or mJing together for m.111> mill's m an automobile. Nc1thcr '>h<1uld we feel pre.,.,cJ lo hll the ,11r with won.I'\ during the l10,111g home; of life. Con- v1:f\,1t1on that I' not spont:inc· om ;and timely can hecomc hi:avy , oppressive and )irin~. D calh ;., abhor ri:nt 111 ll1' he i:.11"c ii 1cn1imh u' of our own 111ort.1ltty. it ri:prc ... enb a fail- 111c. it re1111nd-; us ol our hel p- lc"nl''>S, ;ind ii confront\ U'> w11h .1 rll} \!cry that we :ire un- able to c;ofvc. So we pull hack .tnd rcJc't thi: very pcr.,on we Jo r101 w.111t to hurt. It b im- portant that we ri:a!>surc the p.1 ricnl lhill <lur relationship with him remain, firm. Finall y. remember that even the dying mwH have hope. I lope " ba~ic to everyone. 1-.vcn m terminal illnesses there 1s the hope for a lasl-mmulc cu1c or ;i miracle of God to save the p<1ticnt. But there are othe1 forms of hope equally 1111por- tant. There ,., the hope of eter- nal lik bc}ond death; and there .., thc hope that peace and frec- dum ,h,111 cnml'. even II the} arc to be toun<l in dying. A pa- tient\ hope" rd1ancc upon 1hc t.11.1 th..1t \lrong people arc near h1111 lo g1\c him .ml whcn hi: ncl'Js it IL lakes the form ot "Remember that even the dying must have hope. Hope is basic to everyone. A patient's hope is reliance on the fact that strong people are near him." 1ru~t th;1t the pat ient'~ <l.1ily rc- .,pon\1bil1l1e' will be adcqu<1tcly h.1n<llcd b} those who care. and that hie; family, his job :ind hi-; lifework will not di'>integratc llC1..1uc;c of h1' death. At e\cry ~tage o( life. t'llll p.1rt1cularly JI thi' moment of n1'11 .... we must retnf orcc the p.111cn1\ hasic sense of hope. hec.1mc 11 ;., ,1 necessary com- 1xment or a person's ability to face his own death with equa- nimity and a sense of dignity. Jn foci, when he has that hope. he will ve ry often share it with thoc;c arc,un<l him, and we nHl'l .1 1low him that privilege. Genuine human relationships can only be maintained on two- way street<; -even when one partner j, on a death bed. And if we ,11low thi<. dialogue to take pl.1LI! hy heing honest, we <;hall Ile ple.1san1l y surprised: We were comforted when we in- tended to comfort: we were en- couraged when we were won- dcring how we would have the c;trcngth to give courage; and we were taught acceptance by the one who seemingly had everything to lo~e. fAMILVWEEKLV.May 2G,1974 • 13 r A~c:-=a.:;.1-;; Oe:; f ;-;,.:-;, .::ing-: ~ion-;,~n;-Y ;;18 l I Please send me (number ) genuine 1ade heart necktace(s) I Enclosed 1s my check or money order for $4 95 (each l plus 35<r I to cover postage and handling, a total cost of $__ _ _ I I understand that 1f I am not delighted I return the heart necktace1s1 I within 10·days and receive a prompt refund No questions asked I I Name _ I Address I City State _ _ I I Zip I !Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery I ----------- FROM THE ORIENT Genuine JADE IS Mystical. magical. marvelous jade' This exotic. highly hand polished jade heart dangles in sparkling splendor from a full 17-inch. tine goldtone chain (with safety closure). The perfect accessory to enhance any casual or evening outfit. At this price order one tor yourself and others as gifts. a dark green. opaQue gemstone that takes an extremely high polish It is usually mined in Asia and then transported to a jade factory where it is cut. carved and polished by hand making it extremely valuable. UNHEARD OF LOW PRICE! lPtus 35¢ Postage and Handling) ACT llOW. MAIL COUPON TODAY! American Famfty. Inc., ?eot. r: J Bo1e to, Kensington Station, Blclyn .. N. Y. '121 1::1 mg. tar. t.J mg. n1coune av. per cigarette.~ It; Hepon MAR. 74. SILLS JCATIONAU y fot s10=99 Introductory Price s7ee Hanover'• 10-Minute Body Cycle GUARANTEE FOL.IS FUT FOi TUCl-AWAY STOlACl! Th1t's Ule beauty of it ... always tudy for Instant u1e, yet out of slfht in tiny space wtltn not In use. Folds lo an almost flit 21· by 20· by 1~-lo hide behind door, slip under bed, luck In closet Includes booklet with eitr· erst pro1r1ms to art you started. But hurry, you must order now! At this trrmendous s.tvln1s from the orl1inal price, our BOOY CYCLES art sure to 10 fut And remember. our money bac' 1uu1ntee Is In wrllln1 to Insure wtisfaclion lttlu •INI use eur IMJ C,Cle for 10-Moft minut• a ..., .•• non wflll• raadiftl • boek. watchina TV er 11ston1nt to music. In TWO WEEKS JOU will have seen pounds and lnehos men ...,, feel an increase In stamina anti ondur· anco. H rou do not see measurable ,....It• ift alt of thoM aro11, simpty rotum Body C,clo for a full rott.tnd of purchaM price, no questions asked! Now, that'• a 1u1rantH In wrttln1t NOW! LIE DOWN, RELAX AND PEDAL AWAY INCHES, EXCESS FLAB, UNWANTED POUNDS! Here's the "smart set" way, the easy, experience with just a lO·minute lazy way to a new, flattering silhouette cycling period a day. Tummy muscles that's used by famous personafities, will firm up, hips and thighs slim down, businessmen and women throughout waistline shrink . . . and soon that the country. All you do 1s rest on the paunchy, bulgy feelinR disappears! cloth-backed vinyl mat and start ped-leg muscles get stronRer, digestion ailing! You'll be thrilled with the 1n· improves. heart and lungs are vigorating resurgence of energy you'll strengthened. too. CYCLE INDOORS OR OUT r ---MAIL HANDY HO-RISK COUPON NOW - - - WHILE YOU ENJOY I HANOVER HOUSE, Dept. Z-434 THE SUNSHINE I H•nov• Blda •• Hu~. Penn•.17331 Y.a, I want to IOU pounds and ll>Ch" the LAZY way 111.,dly I rush TEN MINUTE BODY CYCLE for the special •nhoducto<y This easy-carry, lightweight cycle can be used anywhere . . . on floor 1n bedroom, any room indoors ... or. tan up in the sun outdoors while you pedal on lawn or patio. Enjoy yourself ... read a book, watch TV, listen to stereo while your leg muscles do all the work ... without strain or fatigue. TUMlllMUf( IOIY CYCU (Zll7>11), S.U( •1·" HANOVER HOUSE Hanover Bldg. Hanover, Penna. 17331 pt1c• of 1u1t $7 99 eac h, plus $:? 00 lo help cover huvr I we1aht shipp1na and handl•"9 cMts I unde"tand that ,, I •ft•• usrn1 for two weeks, I am not tot•I'{ d•haht.O .,.,,,, the results, I wolf retum for a full refund o purchne proct I no qu"tfons Hkecl ,..,. w1..un 900• ocu ,,...,,..,. uu ,, " I CMHCl IT: I D111eo CM1 ll Ame11un hOtUI J Multt Cllat&t f U IU11kAmt11u1d lnlt<bank JI ___ _ f Ace'!.# Dalt hpi•H ------ Encloud os '--------------! Penna & Md re11dtnts add H IU ta• I NAM.__ ______________ ~ I ADDRESS --------------- ' CITY I -----------------1 STATE tP------0 Check ,,.,. lo< f"RCC cataloa of line ••II• Clll99lll(°) _J "------------------- - - --411' He,.. .. r ..-. .. • ae74--- -- Sports Mlnl-Pronle CALE YARBOROUGH: Strung Out on Tension-At 200 Mph. "When Yarborough drlVft, he lltorally becomes pert of the machine.'' A soapbox derby held when Cale Yarborough was ten years old convinced him his future lay in auto racing, not tobacco farming. He now earns about $200,000 a year, has twice won the celebrated Southern 500 and finished a close second to Richard Petty In this year's Oay1ona 500 classic .... Yarborough grew up on a tobacco farm near Timmonsville, S. C .. and entered the soapbox race as a lark. He became so infected with the excitement of racing he decided to learn every- thing he could about cars. He and some friends began rebuilding old cars, and at 15, he piloted one of them to his first victory .... Yarborough had a chance to play.halfback at Clemson University, but he decided football was "too tame" and put all his athletic concentration on the auto tracks .... Mechanics describe Yarborough as "one of the hardest drivers in the business.'' When he drives, he literally becomes part o1 the machine and screams abusively at it if It doesn't behave exactly as he wants. His wife says that his mood of total absorption begins a day or two before a race, when he withdraws into a shell and fixes his mind on nothing but the upcoming event. ... All racing drivers know fear, but according to Yarborough, the better ones know how to turn fear into courage. "You're strung out on tension when you race," he has remarked. "On one front, you're fighting the track. On another, you're listening to the scream of your engine. Then you are obsessed with psychological 14 • FAMILY WEEKLY, Mey :?6, 1974 problems. What will the man in front of you do If you paaa him? How about the car behind you? Are you really that tired? Can't you push yourself a little more? If you can turn these fears Into a release of energy, you can obtain great speed." ... Yarborough is still a farmer- in the investment sense. Much of his huge earnings from auto racing have been invested in farms, fertilizer businesses and real estate. His earnings are such that he doesn't have to drive to get to races around the country- he flies his own six-passenger plane.-By Barry Abramson 0 0 s:; 0.. a: < 0 Cl) < ~ z can~uspot the camel Filters smoker? Almost everyone at the beach today has a gimmick. Find the one w ho doesn't. 1. Nope. He's Harmon ~ ....... __._~...._....._...M-__.,_L....&.a.---~ Nee. Gimmick: His singing voice. that sounds like two chalk slates mating Even his cigarette sings-every time he inhales, its multiple filter whistles "Dixie." 2.. Not Laura Enertia, beach queen. Gimmick: More movable parts than a Swiss watch. Has a waiting list for crew when she surfs. Smokes Ms. feminist cigarettes-whose taste just msses, too. 3. Not "Bull" Gene Biceps. Gimmick: His waterproof makeup. Doesn't Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~ l "l y '" always hold arms that way-this morning he mistook spray starch for his under- arm deodorant. Smokes his fat cigars down so far, the ashes drop behind his teeth. 4. No. He's Tyrone Shulace, beach pest. The ··ss·· stands for his l.Q. (He thinks "off shore drilling" is something the Marines do.) Smokes Huff 'N Puff superf1ltered cigarettes. You have to draw so hard, an art diploma comes with them. 5. Right. He enjoys the beach. not the beach crowd. Needs no fads or gimmicks in his cigarette, either. Camel Filters, Honest ;...=~;t tobacco. Good, rich flavor. 6. Unidentified frying object. CAMEL ·-- • 19 mg. "tar'.' 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette. FTC Report MAR. 74. AMAZING •I.~9 OFFER HARVEST UP TO 40 LBS.-HUNDREDS OF TOMATOES ~EARLY (THOUSANDS OF TOMATOES OVER 10 YEARS) FROM ONE SINGLE TOMATO TREE INDOORS OR OUTDOORS New Zealand ~ Exotic TREE . TOMATO Grows Huge Hanging Clusters of Succulent, Red Tree Tomatoes Borne in Successive Waves Month After Month • Grows As A Tree-Outdoors! • Grows With Tropic Ease - Indoors! • Foot-l ong Exotic-Shaped leaves Add Unique Decor to House • Produces Fruit Up to 10 Years • Bears a Colorful Array of Flowers from Spring to Fall, Followed by Hundreds of Plump, Juicy Red Tomatoes f ROM NI \V Z[ALAND'S FAMOUS HORTlllJL TUR£ RlSEARCH GROWERS l 0\11'-A\\AllNC, NEWS' WELLINGTON'S 1-<o\Rf £>.011<. -ASTONISHING TREE T(}\\A TO " now available 1n the U.S.A 1 l\nd on d nrwly developed super-hybrid \drtt'tv th.it hM\ l''t~ up to 40 lbs. (hun- dr.·d' ol l<lm.JIOC'\l a yt•ar -thousands or lorn.Ito<'' up to 10 years fROM ONE TRlf TO\.\ATO' An d\tnn1\h1nR C.outh American tomato fruiting trer rh.i1 Rives stunning blossoms fur month\ bloom\ Yl'ilrly e\l'n en the orth, RIOW' d \ a tree outdoor< and with tru po< l'a\C' indoo r< now " perfelled and mdClt• a\ atlJhle by Ne..., ZN land · plant 'c1rn11q\, to vou on thl' U SA What Happened In Palliser Bay! The i.1r11w1nR f1l'ld' e>f ~outhern Aud· land Jre lor.ill'd in Pall1scr Bay and there Nc»v Z<'<1l,rnd \ I lnrt1cultur1• hrcrt< m.ir- rof:'d Br;111I s lrCC' tom.110 to the fertile rain forests ol New Zc.1land South America·~ lu<c1om tree tomato was d1~covert'd by Brazilian Indians, brought to richl'st, fulll'sl flavor and lu<hnes< by Portugul'se m1\\ionar1e\ and hybridized tn a super·rt's1<IJnl \Ufll'r-ca<y-to·grow variety There arc JO d1fff:'rf:'nl v.irn!l1es of 1ref:' lomaroes 1n South ..-.mc-rica but only one is the lushest, most del1C1ous and ea\1est· to-l(row of them <ill' And that Ont> was made OVN after four years or hybriduenl( al Pall1sN Bay-working with 'ario u< un1vl'ts111cs -d1scard1ng weaker keep•nR •tronger strains -until the r1nal super \at1l'lv was ready for you Who Put All Those Tree Tomatoes In That ltty Bitty Seed Imagine one seed does produce over 400 lh< or tomatol'< in one llfetrme And New Zealand'! super Tree Tomato is so ea<y to raise that 80% of normally- p!Jntcd <ceds take. So easy it will grow 1n\lcll' anyplace a philodendron will growl <;o e aw that outside 11'1 actual tests seeds 1hrown at random in plowed fields, grew naturally with no human care. you wish between 3 and 8 feet II es super d1sease-res1stant Imagine stunning exo11c-shc1ped leaves up to one foot longl Imagine the con- stant changing show Firsl the lovely leaves -then a showt'r of delicate. fra· grant flowers -and finally a beaullful array of 1u1cy luscious tomatoes And <o prolific that as one croµ ripens, Mother Nalure \ees to it that anotht>r crop is taking its place, and this fruitin!( period goes on tor /111e month~ A Familv Delight Show your children nature's mystenous way of bringing a New Zealand fruit· bearing season right into your o wn home and ri-vers1ng the US searnn. Surprt<C' and delight your lriends Enioy delicious. mouth-watertng salads. freshest sauces, special 1ams and deserls -all winter long See huge hanging clusters nr succulenl red and plump and juicy tree tomatoes 1n \UCcess1ve waves month after month Grow indoors Plud. your dinner tomato from the tree Grow on the patto or 1n the garden Indoors or outdoors. see a color- ful array of flowers from Spring to fall. Each Tomato Costs Tiny Fraction of ~ Cent. Accept our intro- ductory offer. frankly we want everyone who en1oys delicious fresh tomatoes and gorgeous beaut1ru1 blooms and blossoms to enjoy this super-hybrid Tree Tomato. And we are shipping yo11 d full seasons supply ot the\e \Upc>r \eeds lor S1 19 But 1he Tree Tomato, up-lo-no'" 100 rdre and doffocult to obtain " 111 tfem.inrl 11 ' '"'' come ltrst ~el"\t•d SOLD ON A 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEI tfi., f.ifa5! 'Mf~ I ' ACTUAL FRUITING SIZE r;:---90-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ---:i I _,, ... _ !:KMlll•' I GREENLAND STUDIOS 6055 Gr"nfend Bldg., Mleml, Fie. 33059 Ph~ase ship me a full season's suQply or Tree Tomalo seeds I understand lhat 11 ne>t completely sat1sf1ed w11h growing progress I may return within 90 days tor ii prompt and complf'lr refund Enclosed es check or m o for S ------- _ _searnn's \upply or l rel' Tomato seed\# N7376.@ Sl 19 f Plea\e add J<;e postage per pk11 l Name Address N Y 6 .,. N'fll ll)"M''° ••tf1 ap('.,.1p1 ,,, ... ~·~· V1t City State Zip __ 0 SPECIAL OFFER -Ru\h 2 rull-se,l\on supplies of Tree Tnm.ito \eeds for only $2.38. (We pay all r>ostaRe ) Each <l'edlinK grows to 3 or 4 ft. in· door~ or up lo 8 ft. outdoors or you can stop the growth of the tree at any height GROW ON PATIO- OR IN GARDEN ••• .•• OR GROW INDOORS L--~~!~~!~!~~!~~!~~!~!~~~-~ StarC~t By Peer J. Oppenheimer Stwuting Jaequeline Bisset: Why. She's Still AJraid Of Marriage "I've had people on TV shows ask my name before I went on, to be sure they had the correct pronunciation, and then when it was time to introduce me, FW: Just for the record, how do you say your name? JACQUELINE: Bis'-sit. • "O .. j;, 0.. ~ 0 ;:; 0: they became tongue-tied .... " FW: That doesn't sound French. JACQUELINE: It's not. Bisset is a Scottish name. The way we !lay Bisset. it sounds hard. frankly. I don't think it really goc-; with Jacqueline. It's diffi- cult to say, and isn't very melo- dious. It's harsh. "I don't belleve that when you marry, you become one person ..•. I think you should stay two fndMdual people.'' H c.1J~ swl\dcJ a., skmkr J .1 c g u c I 1 n c U 1 s s e t cros:>CJ the tlag:~.toncs or the crov.ded Polo Lounge r.1110 lov.ard me I couldn't help m crhc.1nng an ogling Beverly 11111-. bu.,me'>!>m.m mumble c11- 1hu-.1a'it1cally to h1'i comp.inion. ·I h.11\ Jackie Bee-say'" At an· other tabk th1ce plump matrons whr\pen.•d env1011.'tly, "That Mrs'i Bec1c1 j, too thin'" When fac411elinc !>l'tllcd hc~ide me, I had 10 nsk: FAMILY WEEKLY: Do people often mispronounce your name? JACQUELINE (rolling her 'ilartling green eye'> hca.,.cn- ward): Comtantly ! I've had people on TV sho"., ask my name before I went o n, to be 'ure they had the correct pro- nunciation. and then when 11 was time to inlroducc me, they >x·came tongue-tied and still couldn't remember Once I even -;lartell lo s41y it wron~ Jilli had to correct myself! FW: You say you're not French, yet you did speak French in your film "Day for Night." Do you speak it fluently? JACQUELINE: I hadn't spoken Prcnch for four years and I was rusry. I was very apprehensive, hut before I went to France, Fran~ois Truffant, the director, called me to find out for himself if r had an :icccnt and if I would be able lo speak well enough to s1111 him. Then before every shot he went over everything to be sure I understood the thought behind it all, knew ex- actly what was intended and what he wanted, and "'as com- fortable in the lines. FW: Do you find it difficult to lrvc on foreign locations? JACQUELINE: If I am any- place for three months, it is home 10 me. There is no prob- lem. I lake certain things with me wherever I go -my books, records -and settle in right away. The only sttpulation I make is that I must have a balcony. FW: Why is that? JACQUELINE: Because I don't like the feeling of being shut in. I may never get to use it, but I know it is there, and I can get out in the air if l want. This is absolutely essential to me. FW: Where would you say your Co11tin11rcl ... no need to just hope -have it! 7rm~ A Great buy for Investment Collectore & Hobbyi•t• I The 1972 Gold Plated. Eisenhower Dollar •Electroplated with genuine :I-Karat Gold Tl9e fi"t dollu coin minted In years-the dramatic Eisenhower Dollar-now takn an increased value! A limited number have •n electroplated. With aenulne 24-karat .. d and will be releaised to the public for 119 first time, eddlng to its elreedy maanif. •nt beauty and velue and transformlna It Into a most worthwhile keepuke or •111 heirloom. Al.READY SCARCE You know how fftW Ellenhower dollars are around to betln with-they're almost imponlble to come ... yet they were recently minted! (Like • • Kennedy half. they've diuppeered ,_m circulation fast.) So you can readily .. how treasured the brllllantly aold· .,..ted version will shortly become. Birth· illlys, araduatlons ... there are so meny _.slons wtien a alft of this slanlflcance so thouahtful and forward·looklna. but ... R OWN SUPPLY IS llMfn.ot We have only SIMULATED "HOPE DIAMOND" PENDANT <BEAUTIFULLY REPRODUCED AND SET IN STUNNING PENDANT JUST FOR YOU!) • a.10 fiery oarab-cul, faceted a pollehecl Ilk• rHl 1 • huge 2.2a Kt. Marqul• center el mu lated diamond I • 34 perfeotly-nu1tch~ eur· rouncHnt Imitation dllmoncle I • 9• non-tarnleh plattnum·look chain I limited number of these coins evallable so urge you t~ reserve one or more of these traordlnery coins todey. When our aold·pleted rve runs out, It will be difficult to aet more. I virtually a stea~ tor ONLY S6.9 -' r -MAIL 10.DAY NO RISK COUPON TODAY -1 GREENLAND STUDIOS 605311rtt111MC .. 11111111, Ml1ml, nertfa J30st I THE EISENHOWER DpLLAR commemoretes Amer1c1'1 greet Oen· eral end 34111 Prealdent and lmmor1•1· lzes lhe hlatorlc 1nnouncem1nt "The Eegle has landed" by depicting the Amerlc•n eagle hovering ovor lhe luner surface. Flnil, • allrrlng tribute to £lien· hewer end the U.S. 1p1ce achieve- ment, 11cond, • prime exemple ol the engraver'• art ... now made even more veluablt end 1trtklng with 24·karel gold efectropl1tlng. ---·MAIL 10 OAY NO.RISK COUllON TODA\'1 ---- GREENLAND STUDIOS I 6054 Greenland 8ulfdlnc, Miami, florid• 33059 I Enclosed is check or m.o. for S---- __ Gold Plated Eisenhower Oollarts) (#12221) @ I $3 ... + 55• postase &. hu1dllns. I __ Welnut-flnlshed Olsplay Frame • 13568-pro I tacts "Ike" dollar-only $2.98 plus 45,r post· aae & handllns. I HAME~--------------ADDRESS _____________ _ I I I CITY STATE .. ZIP I O SAVE $1.00. Order both and we P•Y postese & I '--~!'..!~.!.:-".:!·.! !!!:.!.'!.:.. ~ ~~~·.!!. !!!!!.. '!!·_ .J We've had the legendary Hope Diamond reproduced just for you in simulated form (the original is now in the Smith· sonian!), and placed in center of spar· kling field of 34 exquisite man-made diamonds. In all, 3.10 spectacular. eye· catching, awe-producing carats simu· lated to brilliant perfection and show· cased in rich platinum-look pendant. You deserve the best -order yours today! Ruslt --"Hooe Diamond" Pendant(s) • 14255 I @ only $6.98 + 65e postaae & ll1ndlin1 eecll. with I money·back ruarantee ! Enclostd 1s check or m.o. for $ I Address ____________ _ I I I I I City ____ _..tate _____ llp ___ I O Sn• $1.30 -Order 2 pendants, and we pay all postaae & handllna. Extra "Hope Diamond" Is spec. I 11cu1ar 11tt! I _ !:,Y;,,! !!_l·...!.e!:!~'!.!~ ~r~r~e~~ ~·-.J advertlaomen\ 320 almost secret ways to get S01nething back for your 11 you arc hkt' most l\1rn!nL·:J11~. you probably wor~ hard a1H.I you probably pay your fair shure or t:J Xl''i. (Ma ybe you pay eve n a little more th:rn your fuir share.) Whal you ge t in return for your ta x dol- 1.ir, tkpcnd!-a lot on who you art' If you arc poor, you may be gt:t t1ng r cdcral Ho usi ng. toocl 'tamp~. and other welfare bl·ndit-; If you arc rn:h, you may he ge t- ting oil depktion allowances. ~pt:­ l..'.1al low tc.1x rates on ~our 11wc~t­ menh. and maybe you arl' even gl't ting otha supi•r !}pccwl tax dc- dur ti ons. But what 1f you are not nch or poor? What if you 3rc like rn o't of u' whu arl' Jll\t regular people 'tuck \Ollh!Whl'fe in the m1ddk? Wlrn t do you ge t then? The an- \wer to that onl' i'> caw You ge t lo keep paying. And paying. And payi ng. And paying. It 1s getting depressing. B11t what l..'.an you do ~1 bout it? If you are al- ready taking all of your lega l de- ductions and you don't wan I to move lo another cuun try or do ~oml'thing Jlkg;.tl. there is onl y one thing kft for you to do. You've got to make sure thut you are ge tting every penny'.;; worth of governmen t benefit~ that your hard-earned tax dollars are paying for. The trouble is lhJt most people don't have any idc:.i o f what they havl' coming from the governni.cn t or ho w to go about getting 1t. For exampk: • Did you know that the gov- ernment will lend a United Stale\ citizen $5000 and more at bl'low market interest rates? If. the ci- ti zen knows how lo apply lor the loan! • Protection for your childreo- a check list of over 200 toys banned as being unsafe for children. Check this list before you buy anything! • Need insurance? You can ~•nc hundreds of dollars in premium ra tes with low·cost government policies. tax dollars by Gary Halbert O 1974 Good News Publishing Co • Hnw would you like to have your own live acre vaca ti on hide- away'? Prii..:L'S begin <I!) low as s~s per acre! Do you kn ow the ad van lagc of collecting Social Se~unty benefits before your sixti es'? Or that 1 Yi m11l1on children rece ive Social Se- <.:uri ty checks each month? Would you be interested in u complete fo reign language cour1,e for only S 1 .00'? How ;i bout L' xc1 t lllg high- proli t insured investments'? Or tra- ve ling in the U.S.A. and abroad at goxe mmcnt expense? How much do you reall y know ubout your 11c·w Social Security and your new Medicare and your new Veteran~ hendit!-.'? lt you <l1dn 't know that you had all of these benefits toming to you. don't feel bad Not one person 111 I 000 really knows how to ge t what they have coming to them in re- turn for their ta\ dollars. Here ai:c a fe w more thin~ you can ge t 1f you know how: -It Free em pl oyment assistance 1f you an~ having trouble finding a j ob because you <1re not a young- 'tcr any more. * Free help fro m the U.S. Sec- ret Service to proted you against counh:rfc it money and forged checks. * Free plans and architectural dcsignc; fo r I~ different s truc tures from a three-bedroo m house to a hoat l:mding. ~ A S::!5 .000 start-your-ow11- bus111e\. loan with 15 years to pay ll back . * Free aptitude test that would o therwise cost you up lo $25 to find th~ job you a rc best suit~<.! for. * 25 '1; to 757< of your rent paid by Uncle Sam if you qualify and know how to apply . * Free government land to stake your claim when prospeding for ~tlver, gold or o ther valuable min- entls. * Free government service to help you locate lost m;.irriagc o r divorce records. * Free pro tection fo r your chil- dren against haza rdous toys pro- vided by the government Office of Consumer Affairs. * The right to enter a fabulous government sweepstakes-a public drawing to claim oil and gas rights to public lands. Profit potential ranges all the way up to $75,000! All of the abovc and hundreds of other lit tic-k nown government bcncti ts are available to U.S. tax-~ payer". The trouble, as mentio ned earlier, is that most people just don't kno w about all of the free benefits that they have coming or how to go about getting them . Even if you could work at 1t full time. it would probably tc.1ke you we eks o r months to dig up all the information th at would be neces- sary in order to take full adv<Jn- tage of what your ta~es have paid fo r. For years and years. the aver- age citizen has been in the dark bccau'sc there was simply no pra c- tica l way to find o ut about all o f these things . Now there I!-. a way . Now there is .a brand new re- vised book out called ''tfow To Get What The Government Owes You". It tells about 320 govern- ment benefits that most people have never heard of. And it doei;n 't Just tell about them , it also tell s you how to ge t them. It tells you how to qualify. who to contact, (including '-Ill necessary addresses). and what to say. The book is bro- ken up into 39 short , easy to read chapters. Here is an ideu o f what is in some of the chapters: Chapter 4 tells abou l what the government has free lor bo~1kr~. Chapter 5 tells about what 1s frcl' for business men and investors . Chapter 11 is on fr ee tinancwl assistance and loans. Chapter 16 1s all about low-cost government land bargains. Chapter 26 tells what the government has free for parent' Chapter 32 tells what 1s free tor senio r citize ns. Chapter 36 has in formation on how to buy govern- ment ~urplus. Chapter 38 tell s wh<it is free for veterans. Chapter 39 ·~ a special c;ec tion on what is free for women . That's just 9 of the chapters. There arc 30 more! The book also contains two very Spt!cia l reports. Report I 1~ "Who To Comphun To In The U.S. Governml·nt" (thl' complete de tails on who to con- tac t when you have a prohkm.) Report 2 is "Directory o f Regional and Local Addresses o f U.S. Gov- ernment Age ncies." (This will help you ge t foster action o n the be- nefits you have coming.) If you are a U.S. taxpayer. you shoulu h<tVl' this book. The book is not now ava ilable in ncwstanch or book1.,tores. Maybl' it never will be. For now. at least, 1t 1s onl y available by mail. To gl't your copy. wnte your name and address and the words "Government Book" on a piece o f pape r and c;en d it along with $3.00 in chec k. cush, o r money order for each book you want. Mail your order to: THE GOOD NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY- 7576 Freedom Avenue, N.W., Dept. 1409 . North Canton, Ohio 44720. The book will he sent to you promptly by return mail. It comes with a compkk money-back-guar- antee. AJI ordl'rs should br mailed a1, soon as poss1hlc. If you don't take advantage of these benefits, you are onl y cheating yourself. After all, you have already paid for them. Checks and money orders should be made payable to GOOD NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. .)al"qt1~li11~ Bisset Con1i11ued n.:.11 home is "here do you h.1vc your roo1-;? JACQUELINE: l·ngl.tnd. I am .in Engli'ih cit~cn, and that's where my family is. But my house is in Los Angeles, in llcncdict Canyon. I 1ust bought 1hc property, which goes up the tull hchind me. -;o I now c:.m hJ\'I! ahsolute privacy. FW: J<,n't thal the area where the macabre Man\on murders 111ok pl ace? JACQUELINE: Ye~. b111 I don'r think about that. I'm not afraid, probably bccau-se I don't dwell on 11. FW: Do you consider vourself •• loner? JACQUELINE: I like being .Jlone, but l 'vc found that I need people more now th;in I l•scJ 10. I don't know why that 1~ The hardest part of being ar the studio all day is that you arc constantly !lurrounded by pco· pk l \ometimcs eo;capc to 1hc powder room 1ust to gel away hy myself for a while. I can't \land frenetic chatter. FW: J know that Michael Sar- rMin is your constant compan- 111n have you thought about gelling married? JACQUELINE: It's not in my thl>ughts now. fherc have been period\ when 1 thought <ibout 1t. hut they passed. FW: Does this mean you think marriage is outmoded? JACQUELINE: Not at all! I bc- lteve in marriage. 1 believe in 1t '>O ·much that I think it must be a sensible step It 1s something to be considered in depth. One ~hould not enler into it for ~me c;illy reason: not for fun, or ~talus, or security reasons, as ~ome people do. FW: Why do you think so many marriagei. fail'! JACQUELINE: llccJu\e 1t\ a hard relationi.hip. Often one person conlinues growing and the other docs not. One suffers. the ocher becomes defiant. FW: What do you feel is holJ- ing Yl)U hack? JACQUELINE: While J am a secure person by myself, I am easily \ubjugated. l pave a strong desire to please. I could easily cca'e to live my own life I don'! hclicvc that when you 11'arry, you become one person. r think you stay two individual people .. rnd I think you shmdd stay two individual people. FW: Your father ii. a doctor, your mother W<1s a lawyer~ you arc an intelligent, articulate per- l>On II you hac.Jn't become an ;ictrcss, what career would you have chosen? JACQUELINE: I had thought a lot about being an archaeologist and visualized digging about in Egypt or someplace, which was a '>illy notion because I never knew anything about it. And then 1 had an c norm04,1s desire ll> work in a hotel. FW: A hotel? JACQUELINE: Yes, but don't .l\k me why. I have no i<lca, ex- 1.epl I 1hough1 about myself be- hind a Jc-;k , talking to people And I h.1d ;i thing about big kitchens. In m y own house. the kitchen i-; the very ~nter Lols of rough wood and tiles. It's Spanish-French provincial. FW: Do you have any pet peeves? JACQUELINE: This isn't an ir- ritant at all, but J am constantly being mistaken for actress Jennifer O'Neill. Once I s<iw a picture that l thought was me, and it turned out it was a photo of her. Jt was amazing! FW: Did you ever meet her? JACQUELINE: Finally. After this had gone on for ~me time, I decided I had to see her and find out what it was that made people think we were the same person. We happened to be in New York at the same time so l called amJ made an appoint- ment to meet her. When I went to her hotel, the elevator man said, "Hello -you're Miss O'Neill's sister, aren't you!" But when we met. we· didn't look like each other at all! FAMll. Y WEEKLY. May 26, 1974 8 11 EAT ANYTHING WITH DENTURES 61~ .. /r~ ~ ,,.... ......... ~- Do your loose dentures slip or cause sore gums'! BRI MM 'S PLASTI·LlNERrelinesdentures snugly without powder, paste or pads Gives tight.comfortable fit for months. YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING. Simply lay soft strip of PLASTl-LINER on denture. Bite and it molds per· rectly. Easy to use, harmless to dentllres and gums. Money-back guarantee from mfg. At all drug counters. In the time tt takes tq read this,or&JSI can start rel~ a toothache. WIPE OUT DEBTS lmmedi•l• relief of S600 to •25,000. Get the .. mo,..,, Mcreh. llttl•·""Own redefal ...... , ............ d. , ....... of ...... l .. • ,.... 11911 benkn1ptcy. tYlls, 1"41\menta. f -R-'1 l•lh It-lo 1et $"500 to 2 ""' lton s .... 11 IOa"8 .. .,. 2,618 .,,.,.. Spec••• c.on,uUeftt Mlps yov. S•nd No Mon•y -e-.1 ''•• lnlonnollon l'lAllOllAL COUftULOll llD'OllTS Ole. ,. · ........ ,... T_.. 7IOH OllCOWred amona rulna of ancient Mayan ctvlllutionl Said to brine good tuck. Certainly C>rlnas areen thumb and ~esty utlnat Just flll colorful 3• owt with water. and within a week, snip your own fr.sh dattcln111 Curly Crest hel'M. You'll .. t our words-order nowf ONLY $5.98. 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L ~!!:_ .:~·~~~ ~~~i:.s~~":_ _ For instant relief until you can see your dentist get DeWitt'• TOOTHACHE DROPS You're 34 years old and you still die of shame e~ery time''that itch" begins. There's really no need. if itch pel'sists see your Vnginal or re<'lal it.chin~ doctor. ran be helped. BiCOZENE works on Just try BiCOZEN E.~ contact. Helps soothe away (Say it "By-Co-Zeen.'')This it·ritation as it helps pro- ~rcaselesscreme may be the mote healing. Helps stop best relie/71cm ran buy with-that nagging itch in nut 71rrHcr1µtion. Of cour~. minuteg fiat. Really! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOlITBiCOZENE ..• .- ~ SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR READERS Limit two cartridges with coupon from this ad only NEW BORDERLESS PRINTS Offer ends Dec. 31, 1974 r --· ... - - - - - - - - - -.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --. : ·"'t.~ D He<e ;, my ••" ddge of I 2· exposure K o<lacolo• : I j-l-€ ~·~·~ film I am enclosing $1.25 with this spl'<'ial coupon. I • ' I I O Here is my cartridge of 20-exposure Kodacolor ··· ~-;.,; · :t film. I am enclosing $2.50. I I SKRtlllAND PHOTO I understand failures will be creclited. I I 7000 W. Belmont Ave. I I Chicago, Ill. 60034 I I MY NAME I I I I MY ADDRESS I L CITY STATE ZIP J ---------------------------- Add Some (low-Calorie) Spice to Your Life! Spices and herbs make lots ol boring low-calorie foods taste exciting and exotic; but no one ever really knew how many fattening calories they contributed. Well, relax. A study of dried herbs and spices now reveals they haven't enough calories to count. Of 35 popular spices studied, the highest in calories are poppy seeds, with 13 per teaspoonful. Basil is the lowest, with three calorles per teaspoonful. , ou use only a fraction of a teaspoonful of almost any spice, so two or three calories are gen- erally the most you'll get .... Good combinations for dieters to try: Sprinkle dry parsley flakes (four calories per teaspoonful) on low- calorie bouillon <?r other s~ups . sprinkle onion powder (eight calories per teaspoon) and paprika (seven calories) on a wedge of hot cooked cabbage and top with margarine. Try "Hungarian eggs" for Sunday breakfast: two quartered. hot, hard-cooked eggs, dotted with diet margarine, sprinkled with salt and plenty of paprika (about 200 calories of heaven). Give cauliflo~er the same treatment. Make yourself a 15-calorie salad meal by sprinkling vinegar (no calories) and dill (nine calories) on half a head o f iceberg lettuce. A dinner of cottage cheese and sliced tomatoes becomes gourmet 1f you sprinkle basil on the tomatoes and pepper (nine calories per teaspoon) on the cheese A good move is to explore your taste in spices and keep some favorites (curry? chili? savory?) in shakers on the table.-By Harriet La Barre c·llly Te11 ~)t\'(•rif(' ll('t•(•rds <·FA gar c.wtnfer Few rock groups achieve a platinum album. but Edgar Winter's "They Only Come Out at Night" qualified for the award, which signifies sales of ove r a mil- lion LP's. Keyboard whiz Edgar, born in Beaumont, Texas. was originally in older- brother Johnny's band. Edgar made it up to the top of the charts with his third album and says: "Music seems to help me see something beyond myself -that part of music's beauty lies not wittiin itself but in the joy it brings others. So it's a gift as well as a possession " 1. Sly & The Family Stone Greatest Hits (Epic) 2. Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles (Apple) 3. Let It Bleed by The Roll Ing Stones (London) 4. Axis Bold as Love by Jimi Hendrix (Reprise) 5. Everything Is Everything by Donny Hathaway (Alco) 6. Inner Visions by Stevie Wonder (Tamla) 7. Motown Winnor's Circle, V. 2 (Gordy) 8. Elton John by Elton John (Uni) 9. Led Zeppelin 2 (Atlantic) 10. Prokofiev Concerto No. 3 in C for Plano by Van Cliburn (RCA) -Interviewed by Loraine Alterman 20 • FAMILY WEE Kl Y, May 26. 1974 Order an eight-month subscription to Moneysworth, the shrewd, authoritative fortnightly that tells you how to get the most for your money. and we'll send you absolutely fru a copy of the 496-page, qua rte r-of-a-million-word Moneyswortlr Consumer Encydopeci1a, the definitive consumer bu yang guide. How much does a subscr1pt1on to Mon- eysworth cost? incredibly, ONl Y S2 9911 In case you've never seen the Moneys· i..•ortlr Consumer Encyclopeci1a (also pub- 11:.hed as "Consumers All"). 1t as the fun- damental reference work on personal finance. Its chief feature, like that of all consumer buyang guides, is, of course, t ell- ing you ho w to get the most for your money m buying appliances. hi-fi's, furna- ture and automobiles. The volume <1lso reveals how to obtain free medical services, cut your food bill, locate a ho use that will appreciate in value. get mortgage money cheaply, reduce your electric bill, plan unforgettable vacations that cost next to nothing.and buy just the nght kands of ansurance {auto, theft. fire and life) in just the proper amounts. Listen to these raves from critics ahout the text upon which th as work is based: TJre Wall Street Journal: "Want to know how to replace a zipper, lose weight, save money on food. choose the nght edu- cational toy? Ho w to build a patio. wire a garage, get nd of crabgrass? If you do, beat a path to this how-to book covering JUSt about every practical question you can ttunk of re la tang to food, clot hang and shel- ter." lady Bird Johnson· "I should have had a copy of this book when I started housekeepang, it is indeed the most re- markable compilation o f information be- tween two covers, a regular encyclopcd1a, and I believe 1t wall become a handbook m every American home." Parade: "A mu'it for every household." Tht Washmgwn Star: "Reads lilce a letter from a wise old uncle and covers just about everything but choosing a mate." The Washington Post "A handy-dandy guide bulging with tips on everything from dog bites to a working wife." Associated Press: "An all-knowing almanac." Federal Times: "A standard ref- <'rence book for the homemaker and handyman." The New Yori< T1mn: "Packs into 496 pages thousands of how-to-do-it facts for everyday living.'' Other critics have rhapsodized as follows: "It's a gold mane of savvy advice." "A do-it-yourself bible." "Written by some o f our best brains.·· The Moneysw<;>rth Consumer Encyclo- pedia is mammoth both in size and scope. It consists o f 496 double-column pages and over a quarter of a m1l/1on words of hard-to· come-by mformataon and sage advice. The work as d1v1ded into one llundreci and forty chapters and subchapters, and its index alone occupies eight pages and con lam'i t \.\'O thousand, jour hundred entrres The text 1s supplemented by allustrallons. noor plans. botamcal drawings, menus. charts. mapl>, cafone tables and so o n Contributo rs to this h1stom. work m· elude one hundred and tlmty·three top experts 1n the field of consumer affairs Among them are the Surgeon General of the United States, Secretary of Agriculture, heads of over 20 schools of home econom- ics of leading universities, high-echelo n officials of consumer-protection agencies (like the Food and Drug Adm101stration) and reno wned chemists, nut ritiomsts, biologists, architects, econo mists, etc., etc., etc. Together they constitute the most formidable think tank o f experts ever assembled in behalf of the consumer To repeat, you may obtain a copy of 1his invaluable, unprecedented work simply by entering a subscription to Moneyi1- worth-at the ridiculously low price of ONLY $1.99'! fn case you're not fam1har with Moo- eysworth, let us explain that at is (as New York critic Rob~rt Reisner has stated) "By far, America's most trustworthy and useful consumer pubhcataon." It rates products as to best buys (as amons cars, cameras and the like); 1t offers tips on how to save money (they will astound you with their ingenuity); and it counsels you on manage- ment of your personal finances (telling not only how to reap maximum returns on your savings but also how to fight inflation), Moneysworth is the most widely read periodical of its kind an the world. with nearly one milliur1 readers. Here are the kinds of articles at prints: Can that Arc Stingiest with Gas How to Earn Up to 12'h%on Your Savings Air Travel at 50% Off Low-Cost Life Insurance for Nor.-Smoken How to Save 20%on Your Food BiU Pantyhose t:Jut Won't Let You Down Professional Sex Courueling, SOO Per Hour Eun Interest on Your Chuk1nz Accounl Buying Art without Gelling Framed How to Pay Less for Stocks The ABC's of Buying Vitamins How to Get Dental Work Done Cheaply Overseas 14 Ways to Save on Your Phone Bill N~Faull Typewriter: An Evaluation of IBM's New Correcting Selectric Home Burglar-Alum Systems thal Are a Steal Outsmarting the Insurance Adjuster Scholarships that Go Begging Stoves that An a Turn-On: Producr Rating A Gourmet's Guide to Free Cookbooks Dishwashers thal Cut the Mustard Pianos o( No tc The Astol Padding Your Expense Account How co Sue without a Lawyer Trcuury Bonds for the Small lnvestor How Politicians Avoid Income Taxes - ln short. Moneysworth 1s an ever-ready, up-to-the-minute source of consumer antel· ltgence It's your trusty aide-de-camp 10 the battle of the marketplace. The editors of Moneysworth are a team of hard-nosed, experienced 1ournahsts with considerable expertise in the fields of con- sumer affairs and quality penodacal pubhsh- ing. The publisher is Ralph Ganzburg, crea- tor of the classic Avant-Garde magazine {Mr. Ginzburg was among the first to provide Ralph Nader walh a medium through whic h to express himself on auto safety). Moneys- worth"s editor-in-chief is Betty Faer, for- merly of Fact magazine. Radiating from this nucleus of editorial energy are reporters, researchers, product-testers and consultants throughout the Umted States. Together they create America's first-and only-con- sumer periodical with cllansma. Moneysworth as available by subscr1p- t1on only. The cost o f an eight-month sub- scr 1pt1on, again, 1s 10cred1bly ONLl' $2. 991 And you get the Consumer Encyclo· ped1a A BSOL UTEL Y FR ££1.1 What 's more, we're so confident that Moneysworth and the Consumer £ncyclo· ped1a will prove andaspensable to you that we o ffer them with what as probably the mol>t generous money-back guarantee an pub lashing history: We absolutely and un- cond1t1onally guarantee that Moneysworth -in combination with the Moneysworth Consumer Encyclopeciia -will in crease the purchasing power of your income by at least 15% or yo u gel your mo ney back IN FULL. In other words, if you now earn S 10,000 a year, we guarantee that Moneys- worth and the encyclopedia will increase the value of your income by at least $1,500-or we'll refund your money. Mean- while. you will have enjoyed a subscnpt1on to Moneysworth FREE and ynu may keep the encyclopedia WITH OUR COMPLI- MENTS!! What could be more foolproof? To enter your subscription and receive your free copy of the Moneysworth Con- sumer Encvclopedla, !>imply fall out the coupo n helow and mail at with S2.99 to: Moneysworth, 25 1 W 57th St., New York All 1mmed1ately. To pass up this un- precedented bargain would be madness _n "~'~ 1 ·~ I -------------1 MONEYSWORTH, 25 1 WEST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 I I enclose S2.99 for an e1gh1-mon1h subscription 10 Moncysworlh, the authoritative consu- l mer fortnightly. As a Special Introductory Bonus, I will receiveABSOLUTEl Y FREE a I copy of the monumental, 496-page Moneysworrh Consumer Encyclopedia If Moneys- wOl"th and the encyclopedia do not increase the purchasing power of my income by at least I 15%, I will get my money back IN FULL ' Moreover, I may keep the encyclopedia with your I compliments and enjoy a subscupllon to MoncyswcxthABSOLUTEl Y FREE' EXTRA BONUS OFFER: Cltttk thu box 0. enclose S.S . and xet the nrcyclopnlia PLUS a I whole year of Moneyswonh AND11 copy of the in110luable Moneyswonh booklet that 111/ of I America is talkfffl about, "Stake Your Cloim! How to Work tire Social Security Gold Mine." Same money-back f11111Tlffttt applie£ I I I NAMF I ADDRESS I C\TY STATE ZIP I Lo.-_,._ _______ .;.-..1 Warning : The Svrgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. HENRY AARON How good It feel• When Henry Aaron hit hi• 71 Sth home run and passed Dabe Ruth's record he said: "I'm thankful to God it's all over." In a book Aaron wrote with Furman Uisher, the home-run hitter describes what it's like at the plate. "I don't go up there swinging for the fence every time I go to bat. I like the feel of a home run. It does have a special feel, too. You can almost telJ when one leaves your bal. Not every time will the feel be tme. Sometimes you hit a 'home run' that hangs in the wind and gets caught, or 'hooks' like a golf ball and goes foul. Dut you still get the feel that when it ARMOUR'S ARMOURY By Richard Armour :_~ ~-: I ), 6 PURE SPECULATION Tbough l can't tell, just at a glance, Thtte must be good mosquitoes, ants, As well as Bies and gnats and vennin. It's something that I can't detennine. Such creatures, having lived good lives, I wonder, when the day arrives They shuffie off this mortal coil, What's their reward for honest toil. Do they, recipients of grace, Ascend to some celestial place, Enjoying ns a well-earned pins tin the World! lcf t th<.' bat it was n home rull." From .. A.iron" (Thoma:> Y. Crowell Co., $6.95). QUOTE: Kristi Wiiker states em- phatically she did not get her 1ob on tht' McC:ovem rampaign through a ro- mantic liaison with ..A ', the candidate - despite a malicious rumor. In her new book, however, she does eomment on reasons why cer- tain alliances are formed among c:o- KrllU Wiiker workers during a campaign. "Like soldiers in a foxhole, unnatural relationships are formed in a campaign. Bonds are quickly tied by virtue of shared experience and inter- est, and previous attachments fall away as your world diminishes. Home no longer exists; it has been replaced by something cozjcr and more engulfing- the campaign itself. Men who might seem most dreary when viewed with the foll trappings of their lives -wife, children and suburban home-are now only seen as much-needed. and very available mental, emotional and physi- cal companions." From "How to Lose Everything in Politics (Except Mas- sachusetts)" (Mason & Lipscomb, $7.95). UNQUOTE. SUSIE AND HERBIE "The Odd Couple" What do you say about a love aflau betwCC'n a kitten and a mouse except that it is a most unusual thing? This picture of Susie, the kitten, aod her f ricnd Herbie was shot reeentJy while Herbie was trying to catch a few wmks. Which proves that love some- times triumphs even over the law of the jungle. Despite her troubles this year off the c.'Oast of Bermuda, the "Queen Eliza- beth 2·· is scheduled to go on an 80..<Jay , ..:; age around the world, leavin'g New York City on January 10, 1975. The J ,300 passengers on the super-trip will pay between ${800 and $86,200 per person. The highest price entitles a couple to a duplex penthouse suite complete with pr:ivate staircase, private patio and their own bar. Passengers are ·Quips & Quotes Eternal bliss along with us? I rather hope, if truth be known, They have a Heaven of their own. Rumor /l(J.s ii tliat tl1c1/1,;c bro11ght out a new drinJ.. called ForeigMdc. ((., tlw ref reshmrnt th<lt ncoer 11auscs. -Dorothea Kent Detroit may a$k for a q11ara11tinc 011 small-car imports-to keep out the Asian Flea nnd tlic Cerma.n Measltrs, -Robert Brault Two American lmo;inessmcn met in a swank Brazilian hotel. One said, "I'm having the time of my life, and the in surance company is paying for every- thing. My factory burned down and I got a $100,000 settlement!" The other businessman said, "What a coincidence. My factory was blown away by n hur- ricane. 1 got a $500,000 settlement!" The 6rst businessman took it long. thoughtful puff on his $2 cigar, then poked his friend in the chest and said. .. Te!J me, how clo you start a hurri· cam-r· -Robert Orhcn THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Ktds see life dllferenlly. Send original contributions to "Ch lid," Family Weekly, 641 l exinglon Ave., N.Y, N.Y. 10022. $10 if used-none returned. I was takiug my ,'JJl-year-old grandson for a ride along country roads. All at once he said, "Grandpa. I'm lost." 1 replied. "Don't worry, honey. I'm not lost, I'll get you home all right." To which he replied, "But, Grandpa. vou rn11st he lost -you're with me. -Floyd M. McKinney Pittsburg. Kans. Sig11 at on organic farm : "We Till It Ukc It Ts." -Dorothea Kent Ductors tell overweight patients tliat if they l'Ot SWWly tl1ey will eat lc:s.v. Members of large families already know this -Lane Olinglaousr • ~ iii expe<:tcd to de\'our tbe following: one ton of caviar, fi ve tons of lobstt!r, 15 ton:. of filet mignon, two tons of pate and 17, 100 hottlt.'S of <:hampagne an<l wine. Crnisers wiJI also drink more th.111 one million cups of coffee. Bring on tl1t.· Dramamine and Alka Seltzer! DATES: Sunday is Mother-in-Law JJay. Also Sunday is the Jndianapolis "500." Memorial Day is observed Mon- day. The Emmy Awards will be pre- .<>entcd on Tuesday. BIRTHDAYS (all Gemfoi): Sunday- Ja.mes Amess 51; Peggy Lee 54; John Wayne 67. Monday-Henry Kissinger !5 l ; Hubert Humphrey 63; Vincent Price 63. Tuesday-Carroll Balcer 43. Wednesday-Bob Hope 71. Thursday -Benny Goodman 65. Friday-Norman Vin<."<'nt Peale 76; Joe Namath 31: Clint Ea<>twood 44 ; Prince Rainier 51 ; Don Amcche 66. Saturday-Pat Boone 40; Andy Griffith 48. BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: Henry KlnJnger and Clint Eastwood · J LITTLE EMILY By Frank Baginski "Don't 'Morrla the C11• mel Eat Ill" FAMILY WEEKLY, May 28, 1974 • 23 • GEMFIRE • • • magnlflclent slmul.tted dl.tmond of d.tullnt cl.trltr. and Ouy brllll.tnce so close to • 1enulne diamond In h•rdneu, brll · l.tnce and color that you, your f•mlly, 1nd your friends wlll be hud put to tell them apart. And every Gemflr• II cut •nd pollsh•d by skilled c,.ftsmen In the 111me manner H • rul diamond ··then ••ch Gemflr• with Its 51 f•cets (the 111m• u • rul diamond) Is carefully handwt In 1 luxurious mounting o f UK huvy told electropl•te (HGE), Goldfllled (GF) or solid Sterling Sliver. (SS) GLOSSARY OF TERMS HEAVY GOLD ELECTROPLATE (HGE) · · this mounting uses kar1t gold (either white or yellow) th1t ll elec:trlcally bonded to the mounting after It Is formed •nd the gold, by government st•ndud, Is 14 times thicker than th• designation "gold electropl1te". STERLING SILVER (SS)·· the mounting h 92.5% pure silver, 7.5% other met.th for strength, 1nd to ellmln.tte Urnlshi,,. Is lightly pl•ted with precious rhodium. •cAAAT (CT) · • • musure of weight for • dl•mond-Howev~. Gemflru are given approximate car1t values based on size (not welfht). In other words, 1 1 u rat Gemflre Is approximately the s.tme u a I eat1t di.tmond. GOLD FILLED (GF) · · 1 lamination of Bue Metal placed between sheets of gold. Why Pay More? EMPRESS A bHutlful 2 ct. buuty tllat h "Just r'9ht" for every occulon. 6004 Yel. Mounting (GF)·S12.40 6005 Wh. Mounting (SS) •$12.40 Each ring comes to you postpaid in a beautiful jewelers presentation gift box at NO EXTRA CHARGE. DUTCHESS An exquisite I YI c:t . Peu cut de- sign In a mounting of M>lld Ster· ling Sliver. 6009 Wh. Mounting (SS) · U .tl EXQUISITE GEMFIRE RINGS FOR WOMEN MAJESTY An elegant 114 cl. Emerald cut sol· tt;alre Gemflre set In a mountln9 of solid Sterling Sliver. '011 Wh. Mounting (SS) · U .69 REGINA A fiery 1 V• ct. Marquise cut Gem· fire In ;a beautiful Htllng of solid Sterling Sliver. 6010 Wh. Mounting (SS) · $1.69 How to Find s1zEs AVAILABLE: ud1 ... 5.10 Mens • 7·13 Your Ring SizeCJJMARK 1. Cut • strip of paper · 3 inches long and 1/4 inch wide. 2. Wrap the strip around the finger· thet is to wear the ring. Then place a dot, on the strip wtt.re it mHts the end. 3. ~lace the dot on the strip of paper at "A" on the ring 9ulde. T"• numb« at the end of the strip Is your ring size. A 0 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I t 12 13 14 -1 ~Rl-NG~G-Ul-DE~-,-,,,~l,~l.l~,,~1 1i-1,1~,,-,1.~1,-1,-1.1 ~RINCESS Two 90'1•ou1 Round Sollt.tlre Gemflres each tYa ch. lmpreulvely set In solid Stffllnt Sll•er. Tot.ti Wt. 3 ch. 6012 W". Mountl,. (SS)· tt7.ll A 1tunnlnt 1 ct. Round Gemflre with 4 fiery JJd• stones. Total Weight 2Ya cts. 6014 Yet. Mount119 (Qf')·$14.ll 6015 w ... Mountne (SS)·S14.ll A stylish Gemflre Coclct•ll ri,,. with a Ya ct. round so lit.tire center stone wrrounded by 6 sparkllnt side stones.. Tot.ti Wt. 2V• cts.. '013 WI!. Mountlnt (SS)· $13.64 PLANTRON'S SENSATIONAL TWO-WAY GUARANTEE RINGa ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL Use This Money Saving Coupon Under our sensational 2 -way l!uarantee you litenJly order "on approval" and wear ;ron trial". 1. It for any reason you are not completely satisfied return by INSURED MAIL within 30 days for pur- chase price refund. 2. At any time. for any reason, and in any condihon • (even if stones are missing) you may return your Gem· frre by INSURED MAIL.for free replacement. REFRACTIVE .. l.ANTftON, NC. DEl'T.ftn.tM 2207 IL Oaal•nd Avenue 8loomi191ton, Illinois '170 I QTY SIZE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION COST 2 CARAT INDEX JEWELR V NOT PICTURED White Mounting =SS or 1BK·W·HGE Yellow Mounting •GF or 18K-V·HGE HARDNESS FACETS PRICE (BRILLIANCE) COLOR Use table at right to GEMFIRE 1.0 51 compare • Gemflre with a Genuine Ola· DIAMOND 10.0 51 mond. A h1ndsomely designed mount· Ing with a stunning 3 ct. Gemflre. 5016·Yel. Mt9,( llK HGE)·st7.35 '017·Wh. Mtt. (SS) $17.35 handsome trio of 3 Gemflre ston .. 1et In a tlK HGE mount· Int. Tot.I Wt. 2Yl ell. I011·Yet. Mtg.(11K HGE)·t14.ll $12.40 1.7 $2,000 to 2.4 $4,000 Th• maulH mountln1 holds the bt'llllant 1 ct. Gemflre. IOU·Yel. Mtt. (11K HQE)·t7.4S ao20-w". Mt9.(1IK HGE)·$7.45 WHITE (WITH SPECTRAL COLORS) WHITE (WITH SP£CTAAL COLORS) • I • • • 6000 600t 6002 ,003 6006 6007 6001 6052 6050 6051 6053 6051 6023 5024 6021 6022 LADIES 'h ct. Empress Gf' s 4.91 Ya ct. Empress SS 4.91 1 ct. Empress tlK·Y·HOC 7.45 1 ct. Empress SS 7.45 4 ct. Empress GF 22.30 4 ct. Empress SS 22.30 5 ct. Empren SS 27.U 1 c:t . Round Cut Pendant 4.H 1 ct. (ea.) Earrlnts Pierced 9.to 1 ct. Earrlng1 Non·Plerced 9.90 Pendant Ii E1rrlng Set·P 12.H Pendant&. E.trrlne Set·NP 12.H MENS 'h ct. Monarch llK·Y·HOE 4.tl YI ct. Monarch 11K·W·HGE 4.tl 2 ct. Mon1rch tlK·Y·HO£ 12.40 2 ct. Monarch 1 IK·W·HOE 12.40 Ill. Residents add 5% 1.tlH I•• Tot.ti Amount Enclosed ------ ~h":,::~,u~lt~·a:.::~1~!~"' Mh off :NAME---------------------- a025·Y•I. Mtt.(11K HOE) ·$7.45: IOH·Wtl. Mtt.(11K HQE) ·$7.45 I ADDRESS----------------'--- ', .'::~~;'--..A~TRON , INC .. 2207 E. Oakland Ave .• Bloomington. Illinois 61701 CITY STATE ZIP ___ _ ·------------------------------------------------·· l ' ARt FOR . (\JN'. DAtt - I ~ .. ::. ..... ' • • SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1974 featu ri11q ~a®@@~ @~9 C~©ll?~B~@~@~rru ~~ • • GOO D GRIEF; EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COAST NEWS ( ! , - JJ1 '!!7c !I t/t 0 f}'' 1r) ' I DEAR SON ' I HOl'E '10U ENJ 0'1' ,4N D .'\L::iO PPi\EC 1Ar E THE LVN-:K r ,\.\A DE Fu!\ '<DU TODA'< 11 • -~ ( • .J • I I ' ) I ! 'ARE '{OU SITTING IN THE SUN? I f.10PE SO, FOR .<\ LITTLE -SLJN 15 CiOOD :\S LONG ,.\S WE DON'T JVERDO ll .. PE RH..\PS TEN .\.\11-.!UTES . .\ DA1( TH l:5 TIME OF '1'EAR 15 ABOUT RIG HT 11 I • NANCY (? v· I . . P l_Utv1 R F. RS UNION RC:CREAflON H ALL ·--------___ ___, Tl-1AT 'S THE STRANGEST LOOKIN G DART GAME 1 EVER SAW ; . / I l/j /,( . / . /. . ' • . ~ " 11 D ID '10U HAVE A NICE MORNIN G? DID t{QU VOL LJ NIEER IN CLASS AS I SU66 ES TED' TEACHERS ARE ALW.<\'1'S l:v\PRE-:;5ED 8'1' 5TUDENIS WHO VOLUNTEER ... IT I? A 5URE i.VA'1' TO BETTER GRADES ... 11 ' c ' • ~I . LINU::i .. :J~AT ARE '1'0J ,..\ . .\\ ,~_:; !"O R LUNC H' -\ I· I "REMEM BE R,-; BETTER 6R.ADEs; NOii) U)IL L 1V\E..\N . .\ BETTER COLLEGE: LATER ON. ()1D ".OU E~T '1'0LJR C..\RROTS? PROPER'NUYR ITiON 15 ESSENTIAL TO 6000 STUD :( II C.ARRvT<S. Pc.:..NL!T BJ-:-;-<::\ .-:...ND GUILi' '. I Bv Ernie Bushmif ler ? II • -==--====-I PLUMBERS I Uhl ION RECREAT 101'-.I I HALL ~ : . ' .. c .. ---=------~-·--. ~~-·.>-----------I L___:~~-::;::::'.:.._~~~--~--=-::--~-~~ - • J ,, " ' .. • Wel...L., UH, MA?l(ED ADVl?OR, MY PROBLEM 17 VeRY PeR70NAL ... CA~/ r YVH 1SPER IT 10 'r'Ol.{ ;J " \IVE:LL, f 13 IA :z 1-,_ :z. B>':z.Zi,:z_ /!>J.J."l- DENNIS THE MENACE ,,--,....---.::--:~--~ '/f.Al 1... 1 GOTTA - r~JT ';I IL;,; WATCH HIP .. . COMIN' <;HECREEI:>;. \ Al.ONG. A-. i-=:.>-... l>l>I · '-'1.JDGE ___ ... SAM DRIVER DECIDES TO SllOW JEAN CALVIN THE PICTURES HE TOOK! f,j/;:~·-r/,~1: < ' / . ' .... . ) _ _,.. () t/ ----~ AFTER I TOOK THOSE PICTU RES OF YOU AND ERNIE STRAND COMING OUT OF THE BANK, I HAD THE CHOICE OF FOLLOWING YOU OR HIM! I FOLLOWED ll lM.' ,; • ERNIE STOPPED TO MAKE ONE PKONE CALL BEFORE I TOOK THIS PICTURE! I• .,..1-4 r; MA?KC:.D ADVI sol2. V\./V"- 1€~~ 'joufl. Stcur, 1t1tl f ll-M OSI PA.OBt f MS IN (..OM Pt,(1€ p~1 1)A c,,Y 1,U1 T HOIA T EM !SAR. P..A SSMf;N f WHEW! :I'. F'EEL-WELL, 1T"7 BE'TT £1<'.1 KNOW ING . A IOIAGHIE, l 'l'E:'. liN E3 L~RDENE'D ~EQlAI R ING MY'7ELF IN 5E.CREC'i. DELIE3ERATJON. WHAT ?EGRET -"'"---~ --~ ADVICE:: DO YCIA HAVE FOR ME.? 'AJA~Kcp . ADVl~R .• •• weL.CoMe . ~J'f OOWN AND UN l!>lA lt.DE:N YOUR~i;1...F. MA~Kfrp ;4[)VJ>O~ .· . ~ -BIA T WE'L.L KICK If A"'OVIND AT 1...lAN C H .. By Hank Ketcham J c,,..'\ I D, Y, Jl I 9/IY . MFN /\RF ALL ·n 1/\ r ;\ A111<.i:.! /'GAi~ \[:· ----= <i<J<J I HAVE THREE INTERESTING PICTU RE , ISN'T IT, J EAN'? HAYE BAGFUL OF . MONEY.' WILL TRAV EL! • \ \ MUTT and JEFF ® By .1.l Srrtith I WIL L G RANT YOU YOUR WI S H TO BE YOUN G!;:R- BUT REMEMBER, RJR EVERY YEAR YO U M UST HE AR N O AND IF 1 HEAR MOR& THAN ONE PE:f.P AN HOUR I GROW FIVE YES! NO W 1 G051-\,I FEEL NO MOl<E THAN ONE PEEP AN HOUR ! I SHALL GIVE YOU A YEAR YOUR FIRST ~ UNGE:R! , GOTTA YEARG OLDER ~EP.' -m MO k?E THAN O NE P l:CP J\N HO UR ! ----, ,1.A , 1'.1 1,l;l 1. !vi'l"A"/v. T••lllt ""'•tt. l•t•"•••4 .J».A.la l.~_ .. A McHou,ht Sy"'"•'• ,,.,.,,.. ~· lo4A.;.. WoRKJN<J ON VOUR S CHOOL PLAY?/~-- ' WHATS A LL T HI S O H, PEEP PEEP NO ! ABOUT ? ¥'') ,\ ' ' ' \._-'· r · __,.,., '/ES .. WE'RE Do1N<J '11"HE ICE CREAM MAN COMETH ." .. I P LAY A POPS ICLl':O. ~'\'-- ____ 1G 2~ '-----___,,;.,~._, __ ----- 50 IF You WANT ME "TD HE:LP REO INFORCE )'o UR T INY TALE-NTS IN ANY WAY--I'D BE DE Ll~HTED TO --- WATC-;;.H.:_,e-..,.r-"'"' ANYTHIN<:! l CAN Do ,__ _ ___, "TO HELP? 1 USED "TO BE QUITE A 'THESPIAN ... -! 9$UtKER~·~ 0 STAFlRINCr g LoRp PLUSHBoTTOM 0 00000000000000000 0 . 'r "" ~ .... , .• ~·~ ... .... , •• !"' .,.._"l / c.(\ ·~_) :· ( DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lemont so H A ve A NO'fHE"I< SCOI C H AN I? SOI/A A N l7 SIOP Bl<OO D I NG , l?OC [Of< -OKAY '.' v ·-----:--- YOU se;e, HAl<F<:Y, lf"'S VE'l<Y C OMMON FOi< PA'f1eN'fS 1'0 FA L--l--IN L-OVE' WI '!'H '!'HE'ii< l?O C'fOi<S ... • • ~ ' ' :-: ' , • > l " { " . -0 ~ )j ) • _, L--OO K , WHA-r ·s HAPPeNel? -ro YOU ISN'I 'fH A 'f U N USUAL--/ c l" ANl7 'fHe FAC'( -rHA-r. YOU'RE: A ve-re1<1 NAl<IAN POE'SN "f" AL--'fE'F< 'fHE' Sl'fUA'fl ON ... ~ ' i -~ I 1-r Jus-r 'fHl<OWS Me , 'fHA'f'S AL--L-- ' SO BUY Hf>!:< A 17K'INK ANl7 f"l<Y 1'0 L--1 VE' W l'fH 11'.' C 'MON , l'fS BE"E"N HAPPE"NING 'fO ME"N I N 'fHE" Pi:<OFE"SSION- SINC E" ME"l7 1C I Ne . W AS INVeN'fel7 ! .. ' ~ ' ,. ' (" / ,WI '/' \ .) " , . • ' ~ 1- ·~ .~·~ ~; ~!VT T't.Tl>/.C:SL:::e:::~:E:::EDS by Tom K. Ryan ~L!,) ·~ ALL ~-0-,-~-AI?, GUYS! ... _.----, ./ DONE , v- ,. 1/ EH.1 ' . I L_~.,-, .. -'~.!~ THbLMA coMrLE'T<ot-Y IGNOR b~ MF.:"" GOOD I r>E.A ... i 'Ll- ri<Y rr, \ flON'l (,O AWAY .... I 5-2.i:; -·-·,·•·°'•Ci..:-,;.,_,,. .. ,.,.,. '''·····1•·•, .. -.• IT'LL MAKE A NICE COMVER~ATION) PIECE! . \~ ' . l { ~· --~ ~ . . ' \-... _~l ,,.._,_ _ _________....--'--"---~.- , • .,--> '-.&o-.---' I ---r-.<,.y/(/ /~OW CAN I ATTRAC r 1-1 &cR Arn;N-110N ·-: -1'lt. Bb wrrH YOU IN A MOMfNT ... t I • W!::'U.-WHAY DO YOU 'THI NK? ( J Mi\ YB&c YOlJ !>HOllL 17 I RY To CHANGE YOIJR IMAGE ~. - ---- .-- Y<oi\11 - Fl~/\ l.11 ·1 LE MO Rb HIP Wl-lAT KIND oF AN ANSWER JS "YE'Cl-l ¥? .. ~,, '· ' I I I rA~ l'Ot ' TRl lST VOl iR F.l'ES! Thtrr. arr 1l lf'a~l li(J: dltff'r· fllrr..~ j n flr•~·ini rirl~ili;, t'iPlWf'f'O lop 1.nfl hnltnm l'llMl'l.li. 0nw q•JJrLh· f;a n ~1111 finri lhr.,,~ f'hN"k 1m•f'r1 1"1th thnM" hfi.lnw. "l•l1"l'• ''""I li'" "'l'J•<•ll't'" '"'J'1V "<; "J.>11""'' '~•"fl un .. "II ·~ 'l"Jl~J ·l 'P ~· "P'"ll 1: J-'11'•"~ '1 ""'I "~II ·;; "lUe~•w S' l ~ll"'"'fl 'l .... "•·•~11•n MIXED SINGLES . -- , · ~\ WUJ\1 A (f:-__ J. ) ' ? ' A\.IR~<CtHI II IE HF.AV Y,TIPPER '. Rl'nd ynur rl· hflW\ dlll1 lftlh.h thr tips nf ynur 1n1lr ~ fin111•r,, J' ~ho"' ·1 .11">ovi:. 1\ow, • hJlitn)l.e .1 hy,tJnd<"J 10 '''~" ynur lcll wn,t 1n h1' 11)1.hl hJn1I ~nd your nl!ht Wf!\I Jn ht' kH h,u11t . ;in,1, r .\trHl\j! Ii" urrnri-l (1rC11j,!lh, try In pull ynur l1n~"r' .1p.1rt ) OU, nl lnllr\l'. will~ p- 11!y lhr nc~'-°''·tr) !0r~...: tn 1tr1er him. \Jn!t'' 11 " ,,1111r .. 111· d ,i:rr~I dr.d 'lnltll!<'I thJt\ ynu, h" ~lt1·n1pl 1' likely to 1.11!. , II h~ trtt'\ 10 pull n11c h.111d UJ'I and lh\' nlhl'r dnwn, rtm1nd l11m rh.tt 1hf to''''' 10 rt1ll "1nrh In lht \lr1r• Hal Kaulm.an .C ----BULLETIN BOARD --- •HOLD 'fHA 'f TIGER! 'figer trainer 'fom 'l'ylcr tickled the terrible tiger 's tummy, then tied two tin ca ns to its 6\l. Tormented, 1'abbv the t1~er torf' 1'om's lifi!hLo; to tatters, Tom lensed, 'tos..;;ed a tallh•. 'l'ahhy turned la1I. RepPal rapidly aloud. e \V1lh v.•hat l'lf!hl l1•11rr~ of th1 · ;ilnh~hl'I 1·.111 1011 lPll a l!•rl nan1Pri Ell1·n that 'hi· 1:-. vrrv ;iltr;11·t;\'1•'! Nn fair p1•t·k111 ~ hl'IO"'· · 'N 'J .L 11 R V H 11 ·"·'ll~I ~·~•11. e How many nrJi!illlY P:<i 1·;1n ynu rti~1·nvl'r 1n "ll(lll't 11ev1•r say I didn't never give you nnl h1ni:"'~ •. ,.,..,,o r11rl~· \!,S, Prr~1rlPnl' nn c·omtnon l'.S. r•>111i;, App<>ar try.rh<11f' rihhon!; 1n thrir hair. \Vh1l'h lwn'! ·1_.ft,,., -''II U(J uu••-'JJ-'J' :•->IH•nh .up un un1:tuu1'r'o\ 2. 5 <j • 3· "·b 'ty . 7 10. . 8. II . '\)9«,' lb 2!\~ . .12 IS 1'1 · 18 .17 • 9 9 ? I, I 'I I \ (/ c-;REJ\'I' Ill\\! i\drl thr"'e \'nl•>r<> nr;itly f.,r ;i ,,1rpr1,,r 1111·1111• ;ibnvr: l -H1·rl . :!-1.it:ht hlu•'. :J-1l;irl hrown . 1 l.1t:ht hrn11.·11 , :, - l'IN>h . fi ''f'llOY.'. 7 -~laroon . X-ll;irk ht11 1', ~ ()r::int:r. 10 ~\l;i, l SPEllBINDER! S('ORE 10 pnin\i; fnr u~1nc al! !hr lf'!1rr,; 1n theo y,·ord h{')ny,· lo fnrn1 _ l"'O rom1>lC'lC' "'Otrl.~. S l' I': ;'\ ,\ R I !l TIJ F.l"oi' .vnrP 2 p<11nt' r;irh fnr ;i)I ----·- W{ltri~ nf fnur lrllPr~ nr nirir.. _ fn•inrt ;in,nni;: th.-lrlt1>r, J11,t !n r hon, '' "'''" 1nl•\ ~n.-1 -.rf 1f flr , ~n th11.~tt ){'U t rltnrl '.., Q !llC~J\ R lJN l)O\\'N~ llnw 11u1ckly c;in :vnu rh ~rnv<>1 whv 1n'l;irlv above lb up In ;iJm•." 'l'n ftri•l 0 111, rnnnef't rlnt •, 1, 2, ;1, rlr. Tr,.• tn ~rnre .1t lf'a ~l fiO p'litil,,. --· _ -~·.r• """'! "'''"'"'r -'\'1'"·~".l wuAr A PITY! IT'S IZ£AL[,Y BAD I • !-) J'J}4 l-.1ns I f11lure1 Jynd1c.11tf, Inc. .5·2!5 JUST AWFUi.' By Brown and Casson OU . fJ.jA1 '5 Tt:R~IBl.E 0 7 ·-..L...I -···--· '{D Ok'AY, i300 M€1<. Wl-IAT 'S A 5UAM E. A PIT(. AWFU L. 1 [J(J<IBL t:. Pt:I< FC:CTLY Si-lOCK · ING AND IZ€AL LY ~AD 7 BoB ~~- WEODIN)-" i<ING ! . ·' !) --6 _..c_:::)~~----- rr-~~~~~~.,....,,,.~~~~ POP, WOULDN'T: THERE'S W E 'VE GOT T ROUBLE •.•• RIGHT HERE IN RIVERDALE, AND IT STARTS WITH "J"! WANNA BUY A CHANCE ONA NEW COMPACT NO ... BUT I 'LL TRADE YOU MV LAST RAFFLE TICKE\- £Vc'N/ ARE YOU STILL TRYING TO SELL T llO S E RAFFLE l ICKf-TS O N THAT PCOL TABLE? • I O NLY HAVE. ONE L.EFT .' YOU LI KE TO ENOUGH OF WIN A POOL YOU IN HE.RE TABLE. FOR p,EHIND THE THE "CHOK! LIT 8 BALL NOW. ~OP"? YOL! WON TH IS ... IN A RAFFLE.? YEAH! WHAT A GYP/ IT.'S 'COMPACT'' ALL RIGHT.' WHAT BUGS ME 15 ... THE GUY I TRADED TICKETS WITH ... WO/V THE POOL TABLE./ • I CAR? ... . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' Ve'N .C:..~TER W~AT • YOU WEl=ZE DEFENDING ME AGAINSr ooc·s I NSULTS. SEN D!OUT AN • NCIC B ULLETIN FOR B IG BRASS AND CRYSTAL . r----·--~ ~~ I> ') \ ~ K -v•lli. ,_....,"'" _;.1<;-. ...,r ~" . . ' . ,,. ' ..... "'-'' ··c'"'""'"'-1111. )r1~c.T•rnrri:1,1,.~~ \ --·---. -- • • ';' •. ~ ~ J,"fJ, '! lllW.1 Lf ·~ vou·v r GOT A NEW MURDER CASE Oft.I YOUJ? HANDS , TRACY, T~E DOC IS OEAO. ~ . .. I . • "Tl-IANK GOODNESS YOU KEPT YOUR ROTORCRAl=T ANO l="IXED· W ING LICENSE.AS WELL AS YOUR M EDICAL LICENSE C.Ui:lQE./N~T--l TRACY. ~ ~rr,·~ ~ '·". MUSIC IS ALL I KNOW. l'LL DROP IN Tl-IERE AND BUY A NEW GUITAR. _.. I .-· ·. 1 ,Vc.,!:10:~~ I "-' ' ·~!J'°'/1 ,, ... . •. ,; .r , II ... ·, ' '' WE l-IAVE CLEARANCE TO LAND ON THE l-IOSPITAL LAWN. ~ . .......... _ ............ _ GORDO By Gus Arriola 'l'Ill<'.tOf IF-WHOEVER NAM!':t:! rHrs 1.1" l)v113LiN0 BAL L HAO DUl!>BC.O rr; "GARBLcPOOMAOUM," INSTEAD OF EAl<IH ·· · · GA tif ' • WE'P 8E-CALLE D GAl:!8UFOOM.Al1UMW~sr WOULDN'T THAI ~e • A MOUTHF'UJ.-<" :I iHINK: WE 1tee /..OSI! .I. SeE NO FAMILIA~ LANbMA~f • • I T 15 A MOU/Ht==UJ-NO MATIER WHAi THIE.Y CAJ.-L US! " • WE'RE= KNOWN, UNI VIER.SALL Y 1 8Y A MUOf S HOR/El< TA<b1 ANVWA'lf •!<CK OF YOUR WHAT! • ' VO<.J1~E RIGlir! w~1fll.E. LOST/ I ' '