HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-29 - Orange Coast PilotO range Coast Di111l•-u-Li11e llurguins EDITION TODA\'! VOL . 67, NO. 180, J SECTIONS, Jo PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA SA TU RDA Y, JUNE 29, 19H TEN CENTS Newport Bay IJFO Had Earthly Message T!if' ;1pp;1n·11\ land111!( of an 11nidP11t i r1~·rl fl yu1g ObJtct 111 :-;w;u11py Up1x·r Newport Hay :-.hor1ly h1'fur'1• 1111t111ight Friday .'lent polil't· offic1•rs 11nd ncv.·spar11·rn1cn r:ieing [11 lhl' !'iCt'Jll' E\1•rybod~ 11;1,.., cli!><•pµoiu\l'.d. t>.\1.'c[ll for lh1• 11r:111l..'lh'r l111·c· .... 11i:atur!'i :-tucl 1h,• l1FI) firs! 1'1•JMJ1 ll·d ~illl<~!l1ng 111 lhl' 1nudflul~ uff Hath Ba y nrit'e v.·as con!ri\'r1l.of IK:d :-hl't·ts and a !rarnt, w1rh a flaslung li;.:ht ;1tt :1c:ht'<l. Tht: /'\L•11110rl Reach Police OC'pnr11111 ·•ll lu·l1copl1•r hovered O\'('r thf': ;iri'a. but l..t·pl 3 COl\Stdtrably !'i;tft• dl.~!;HH.:C lrolr\ 1h1· .'l!l!<IJl't'led flying s:i ucrr. . II h;1~. h.:l·n Oh3('r\t'ti I hr() ugh h111ucul:H'S and <1p1X'a rs lo be about 30 • f{'et in dian1eter and about 10 feet t111ck. 11.1th <i r~vol\'ing lisht atop ii," said Of- fi1.·er Tim l;ruHtlcman e<irly in 1he even- ing. fn\·estigators at the. SCt'ne, along v.1th rxei lf"d spect<1tors ga!hered to 11atrh the ;1llecedly e:i:tra-terrcstria l 1•ehicle. A slogan scrawled on the side of ii lent a little doubt. "lnlpeachn1cnt or 1111, asion. · 11 r1•ad "~ixon is s n1enacc tu the unhcrst" Se\'eral c:lrloads of sµe<:t;,tors pullf!d up on U::i.ek Bay Hoad nc:i r !he J::astt>luff tract to "alch !he infernal rnaeh1ne \•. hi1·h appi ·;irrd 1o h:n c set dcrwn un the Ha<·k HM)' 111utJfla !s . One ~ow1g girl exprc!>scd sutpri~ that !he ;ill<'i;td l'\·\\·..,!1;11 \1..,1tor~ 11. r1· .J11:Jrr Of .\ll\t'rl(:IUl 1)(,)l!Jf•<, Jnvc:i:.tig11tor!i do not lx'lit•\(' Ill" t11Ja\ 1,1.1s 1·111111t·1·1t.o:! '" 1hr "l~!h .• 11nu1I u1111·rrl><il t·un1 c11tH•ll uf l '! 4 I t111(f.., \', hn:l1 fJJl('!lt:d f r1tJ;1,V Jllj.!llt ,11 lh1· \Uulh'llU I '"I 1l•nti11n l.'1•111,,r Tht·y bch••\t' 11 \\.1.., h"ai•· ftJ\I:\ dt•:,,p1h· rl11· 11th1·r-1111rltlil .sh1g;1n.~ • li111·\t1~011ur-. lll'tl' tHlJIJl1• to rrach thr ~o plo1111··d dov.11 111 !ht• ll<•l'k B;1y 1111iek hut 11\;111rk'(I lO 1lr.1~ 11 out today fur f11rth•·r 'lt11!1 I" 1,,·111·· ~:.(t H•·r1I 1.11,-.h•·n 1\;i.., also 1111:11 ;11l1~h1l· for furth1 r "llt'\'Ul:1uo11 on the I J'(J .. ,,,, • ;irh tud;,1 Th" jJOIU'•' ~1 i-.11.!tt'IH·r ~.11d he \\'('Il l a(eWOO unmen 1ve ---·--------------------------- ~·-..... J ___ • I l I ' ' .. Dtll~ ,lie! ittlt ,,,. .. B ugliosi, Attorney I ndicted LOS ANGELES IGPJ 1 -\l inc('nt Bugliosi. v.·ho prosecuted the ~fanson famth·. and a defC"nse lav.1·er in that !rial \\'ere ·indie!'ed for perjury f'riday in 1he la1cs T round of a thrce·year campaign b,v Supr•rio r Court judges to find out 11'hn 1·iolated a gag order by talking to a reporter. f\ugliosi. 11·ho h.1~ run unsu{·ccssful\y ror district attorney and state attorney grnerat since the trial. said throogh :in altomey he is "shocked and outraged " b~ the indictment. The charges by the count~· grand jury are related to the romplei: running ltgal st ruggle by Im Angeles Times reporter W!lltam·Pvr, whit tpetrt 46 days bl }all for refusing to identify to the trial judge 1he t\1'0 lawyers \~rho gave him ln- form&tbl far a ltory. The grand jury indtct ed Bugliosi and Dnye Shinn. one of the de fen~ !av.'yers in rt?" !rial, on the grounds they perjured thcinselves three t imes in testimony to 1 he grand jury l.'lst v.·eck v.·hen they again dcn it'CI they leaked information to Farr. The sources nf the news lea~ can no longt·r be charged v.·ith cooten1pt of court for vio lating the gag order, because the :-ta tute of lim itations on that offense, in J9i0, has expired. Superior Court Judge Raymond Choate ordered the tv.·o lawyers to surrender for arraignment Tuesday morning. l 'illa PH1·f~ Explosio1 i Farr is also scheduled to appear before Choate Tuesday morning fo r sentencing on contempt of court charges for again refu~ing to identify the [a\\'Yt'rs invol\'ed v.·hcn he v.·as questioned before the grand jury. .\n explo!-'1011 ;i11cl fire al th e old \'illa Park Orchards ,\ssoriallon parking hou ~c pro1np1cd fire unir s fron1 1he City of Orange and 01 an,gc ('ount~· to :1:-.i-1st in fJUClling lhc holocaust . ~·h1c~1 cau;;ed ~150.0UU dJinagc lo prc·t·ooler portions of the rc l r1 g~ral1on arc~. F1 ocn1cn h<l<I to \Vear hre:1th1n.L! apparatus rlu e to e.sc;1p1n .£.: <t1nn1on1a fu1nci. '!'Ile cause of the explosion is ~t i ll untler 111\'e~t.1gal ion, fire- 111en ~a.\. He 1" 10 be scntencro July 29 by Superior Court Judge C.1iarles Older - rhc !\1anson trial judge -for contempt tor having refused to tell Older ~ho the 1'11\'Yi'rs v.·ere. Lawye1· Def e11cls P1·esident 011 ITI, Mil l{ Fu11<l, Taxes Ti1e tv.·o judges 1ogethcr could im~e n1urc than 90 days in jail on Farr. The reporters \a.,.,.1·er sa id Farr fa ces the prospl'C'l of yet a tttird cont.empt sent.cn:ce If he is subpoenaed to testify Ht the trial of Bugliosi and Shinn -as expected - and continues to conceal the identities - as Farr has ,·ov.·ed to do. \\"ASlllNC:TON ILPI \-\\'!1itt• Housr l:iwyer Jrunf'S n St . Clair endC'<l a l\\'O- d:iy prc!;Cnl:ilion of dcfl'nsc argu1nenls I.lei• 1hc HouSl' Judiciarv Co1nn1incc Frictfy. rcf111ing point by \>Oin l charges /JERE'S A CHANCE 1'0 AC1' 1t S Cf,UJFN A cho11ce tn c:r.pericnrt> the t>Xcitr· 1111•1rt nf rh c r1rc11.~ u.~ cl11w11.~ ir1 U1e "(i rt·o r1·st .~l1u11J 011 1':nrrl1" ~1'r' it, I •ii1·111/s ~·0111c luclry (} r rl JI (/I! Cnn ,qt yo1r11nster. Uucle r .. ·11 a1n1nu11cc.~ <le- /alls 11/ 1111 c:cci1- ·nr1 rlra111inp con - te.~t flepii111111f/ in toe/au·.~ lJai/y Pilot. F'1 rs1. prizi: is a c/u1 11rc to joh1 the r/01011 .~ on c/ou>11 rillcy u•l1ile e11'1.rl/ kiri in the 1oi11uer"s 111·i9/1bQrl1ood (11p to 60J enjo!J$ a 11111t11u~e 11erfnr"1m1ce of 1he Ringliua /11•1 ~-11ud 1Jnr1111111 1111(1 /Jnile y Cirrus. n 11,·/e I.cu tin// In~ UHn11g a111uy free r1rcus t1l·kcts td 1~1/u u~r.! uf t/le wet,k· l /f C/01i·11 ~·nr1• IJrnwinu cc.11test. Co1n- plrle r:uutest 1ufnm1ntim1 nppt>ars w1fll ll11rl1' /.p11·.~ Cor11er. fl regular 1t'11l11rr of Ilic Snt11rrl<11J Doily Pilnt , /1)dny 011 pn{Je 7. • th<il i\ixoo kn ew about \\'a'le rg:ite and ils N uclec1 1· T esti1ig· cover-up. St. Clair answered ch<irges concerning [,i' nii'ts Ai' reel the llT case, the S2 million campaign pledge from the ni ilk indu!llry, the ar- fivilies of the \\'h ite 11ouse ··p1umbe rs." 8 ,.,. T·ivo Leci.<lers the so-called national security "'iretaps 1 and President Ni:ton·s $467,000 tax debt. ... Details of h!s presentation "'ert B)' HELEN TUO~fAS published by the Washington Siar-News Friday. ~fOSCO\\' IUPTl -Their relationship · ho · ~ming to grow 'A'armer the mo re they Sr. Clair, ~: previously argued th at p ·d t N. and So\'iet Com l'\ixon l1<id no advance kno11'lcdge of ·. rtpsi c? "''efixo~ ~-·d 1 Bc-h-~ \v 1 t ~ F ·d 1 d. 1 ,_ rnranst art} '-'u ~·' . "" ,,,,. a crgate , urn(.,, r1 ay ,; a ircc rci.r focu~ their sunlmit toda\· 00 lim iting llllal of o!hc~ rcl'.1 ~ccl char.,cs. . underground nuclear tesL~. afte r a .. rn a 34-point st:11e1nent,. he s:11d . that reporled agreement no< to build n1orc r\1xon had ruled out paying convicted d f · ·ssile sit('S b11rgla~. E. Ho1\'ard Jlun~ $75,000 in ''hush e~~·t:~o~aders sch~u!ed thelr fourth n1oney and h11d only discussed payment. meeting pl anned to sign later In the day of. the m?'1ey becau~e he was concern.eel 3 J(}.ye$r trade pact and then v.·e re lo with nat1on[ll security -:iod llQt w1lh depart for a toog v.·eekend and more po~ible Watergate-related disc losures." Lalks at Ortsnda on the Bta~k Sea. St. ~lair also ,said Nixon had not B~hnev took: the Nixons to the autbor1z~. 0:r ev('fl discuss~. th~ Dolshol theater Thursday night, e~- polftlcal 1~telhgroce ~Ian that 1nclud~ ch~ vodka toasts "ith the pr~dent the break-in and bugging of Dcnwcrahe and then. his ert>S t~inkling. gave ~1rs. National Com!"i.ttee Headquarters in the Nixon a single red rose. \Vnte rgate bu1ldmg. Behind them in tv•o days or talks v:cre Ile said Nixon had no knt>'A·\edge of the agTeemcnLo; on joint effor!s to fi ght all.empted Watergate cover-up, and did futurt energy shortages, housing pco- not learn until March 21, 1973, that t"'·o bltn1s and heart diseB$C, "ilh the focus official~ in his re-elcctk>n csin1paign had turning quickly to \•ital quesLion of the lied before s grand jury Investigating the :i rms race. lnc:idcnt. \\'hi1e liousc SOW'CCS said the leaders St. ClRir al.'JI'! said , in'a ~par11te Ii-nlrr:i(ly had agreed to forget about point statement. that Nixon had acted huilding any more Anti-Ballistlc ~lissile properly in handling an antitrust actiOll (A.U~f ) si~ and now were turning to en· (Sre \\'ATERGAT E, Page ti (Ste TALKS, Page 2) ' . " \ ) ' ; ' .. ,~ '!' .. --.:;-c ~--- •• 'YOU NEVER SEE FLOWERS PUNCH EACH OTHER IN THE NOSE ' 'Mr. Church' Spreads Love at Costa M@sa's Fairview Hospital A Joy ful N oise Fairvie1i; Group ll<'ar.~ '.~Ir. (:/111r('h ' Ry AHTllUR re vtSs~~L 01 In• Olllv ,1101 Sii i! The_\' made a joyful noi se unto the LQrrl at Fairvic\\' Slate llvspll;il Friday, and He perha11s sel ;:1.~ide "·orries over His wnt'ld 's condition to 1vatch and listen fnr a tiinc. He rnighl e\·en ha\'e bct'n out there on the auditorium floor \\'ith sorne of then1. dancing lo the tinny tones of a bral'e lit- tle brass b:1nd lha! finally had to pcrfonn 1,1·ithout 11n1plificrs due to a po"·er failure. Cl<1ri11ct. cnrn1'!. 1ron1bone, pi:ino ~ind drun1s in !he b;ind , Rodney's ~lu~ie Coin- J>any. of (O:u·tlt·n Crol'e, c-0111b1nrrl in rnu sing renditions of '"Just a Closer \\'alk \Vit h Thee . " i11 a rnp;time beat. along 1,rilh lhe "Glor}'. (;lory, llallPluj:ih" ch<irus 10 the Battle J-lymn of The Republic. ~Jospital clients spontancoui.ly cl11ppr.rl and danced. A somber. small boy v.·ho lives at the huge ho.~pita\ ror the 111entall~· rctardL'<I nnd physically handirapped and \l'hO s.1i rl his nan1e i!I En1esl 11·anderro an1ong !he crowd of nt'arl,\• ~. stopping to hug poo- ple. Thcr(' "a~ a 1,1 hole lot of "'orshiping going on. TI.ere 11.·:is ice fT(':llll and 'shcrbet too. This v.as the final 1lav of Fa1r\'u:v.··~ un11!tu:1l llrli~ioui; Etnph:i!>is \\"eek . ;in ccun1cnk";il underl:iking 1\hirh w;1s tht:" firs! of 11 ~ kinri in .1 l'al1fornt1 sl:lt•· ho!'lpilal. esfX'l'ially ml' for tht' tlll'lltally rclarded. ''\\le'\le hRd R f1r-;!-rl11s~ l1l:i ~1." de- 1·\arl'l'i lilt' nt'\ J)r Fr:11H I" ·''.11ac·· ~lcOlash. Pro1Pl>1an1 L"hapl;.111110111" 1,;1.J l'lit-nf!l <ii Fil ir1·!1'1\· ~1<ilc Ho~p:ral '(;od In ~Ir ."' ll'<IS thl' lhl'111r And th<' thrust of I! 1ri1s 111 leach pa - tient! of fin a1·er;ig" ki ndcr~ar1<'n in- tellii::ence IC\"l'i-but \I lw:i"s ages run into the 50s. fills. 70s aud l!Os-lhal (;oo cares about lhcn1 The GOO or all cre:ition crc.11cd thcn1 loo. is t~ "·;n· the Hcv. i\lcOlash as~rrts it in his su11plc St'rn1ons to lhcn1 . They h111·e :i rig:lit~!hc Rrv. ,\!rQl.i~h ;1ffinns. to lake [l<1rl ih·Jlis \1·orld ;ind 10 1:11' h:ipp,v ill it .!! l'a rions 1,1·onrlrrs. \lllhin thei r 011n 1·:ipacl!y to understand and ex· perience life . "One kid brnugl)t son11' floll'•'r<: thr (lthl'r day," ht' said or th1· nclic:iou." Einphasls \Vt'(•k daily :t<'livi tic-;. n \'erslon 11f N1nv11n1ion:il V<H'rl fion Bible ~~hools L'OnduC"icd Oil th\' oulside. The nowers insrircd lhc RC\'. i\lcOlash 10 draw ti parallel. "\\'e discussed lm11· even the noll'rrs ha\'e their own names and 1hal God !ll<ide the no11·ers too."' he cxr!nincd. glowing "·ith the good hurnor !Mt infuse~ his 0"11 particu lar feel for rf'ligioo . lie i!i 001 kno"l\ lo his noc:k-includ ini:: tht:" halt. the lamt'. lhc blind ;ind tho"e of hmhed 1111t>llrf't ual Rhili!lrs--as anythins a!i stu ffy as 11-.:\'. ~l cOlash but as J\lr l 'hurt·h. "I 101$1 thrn1 lhr flOl\Crs :'lrt' in- d1\1d11:1ls and !h;11 lht'y havt> na111es or th1'•ir 0"11, but r1·1n1ntl\'(\ 1he1n !hat ~ou tSee i\lll. (:llURCJI, r :1g:c t1 Nigl1t-l o11g D1·a111a E11<ls F 01· 2 Cool{s L,\liE\\'000 tAPI -T110 ht'H\"i1y armed, '\l'ould-he robbt'rs \\'ho held l\\'n t·noks hosta,e:e for aln1ost J.'i hours in a rl'stauran t-har surrrndt'red eurly loday, f he t1o1 0 host.ages 1o1tre unhnrl. LAKF:\\'001) 1:\P1 -T110 !.1lk :iti1·r gunn1e n h<'ld 111-n 1·011ks ho:'>l:t~<' 1nsid,• :i res!<iuran!-har 11 hi le autll'ln1i£"S set ur floodlight s for :i n al!-ni~h1 \ 1~11 On{' h(l::f;1gc 11·as 5aid ln hal'l' a h~art con- ci111nn. About 50 he.11 llv :H'11lf'd ~ht·rirf'!'I dt'put1es and !)()lie<' out~id1• t h " rrqaur.1nt-h;ir pl;1\·1·d ;i 1\;li1ini: ~·1111.• 11·i th tht' J!t1nrn1'n. rl·fusin;: nunlcrous d•'mands for a gl'ta"a~· t ar The gunme n said th1•1' 11"nuld not l'n!TI" nut of lhe blulding !<"tr fea r lht'Y l\l>Ulrl bo· shct. despite pron1ise.~ froin po!il.'e rhat rhey 1\·ould not be h:1nncd. Police said !ht>rc \\'.'.IS no 111dica!ion rh.11. the hostage v.·i1h a h1 ·iin condition w;1~ ;1(!1·f'rsely affc<'lt't! b1· Th~ lfl(ktr~rr1• ht•:11 ~" Fti!e Room rest:inrant·h:ir ::it nightfall. The h i~ll !P1n1~:!':11ur1• resu\t1·rl :tfr cr an :-iir 1·011dit1orH:r broke dOl\'11, polif'c s;iid. \\"Hter and 1)01\t'r ;,1 111c hu1ldini,: rc>- ma1nrd t)n, bLJt rollt·e !urr11·d nll r11i> ga<>. TI1e gunn1cn cntt·rc.fl thf' rt'Sluur:in1 ·bar in this IA~ t\11 gc lt·.~ su hurb :1bo\1! 9· lj a.111. local tinit"', took t\1u n1cn hostasc and den1a ndc.'<I a gct.av.·.'.lv ear They nt>got1atrd by '1clC'phonc 11·iih Sht'riff I'rtcr PTichess. 1\·ho ~"''l' lhl' gun- n1en his v.·ord thev would not b1' harn1rd if !hry ~urrendcred llr said d1·put1t·~ v.erc prep<ircd 10 11.11t as long as llt'\.'C:.:..'.lfV. OnC' o( thr .eunn1rn tnld <i nr11~man bv !eli'ph11ne {'arl1<'r th.it th1•1 h1 !11•1rrl lh>'\ \\ (lu!d be de.id n11•n 1f 1h11 ~!t'pp1'ti nui~ide lie tnld a h.1rUfu,•I, stor~· \hat ron- 1·l11df'd. "II 111• h>:-.t' 1h1::1 0111• 1'1' 1(1~1 1! h1g .. E\'e Sil1a. ~l·1,.:1r-0ld d:.u1::;h!1'T' ol hfl~IH~c Tony S1il'.I, pll•;t(h'd 111!11 011(' of !he gun111en "In .111f.11Pr n11 pra,\t•rs and r1·ler1~t' n1v f~il h•'r" J.fpar1 n1c-dtt·111t' 11;1s p:i~~rt! 1hrCJUJ.!l1 :1 11indo11· b1 a .~t11•r1ff s r:ip!.1111 to !he ulh1·r hn.:.H1g(', B:lru1•1 l,.r;1s1•r FraSf'r, ;',7, ;1rul Sih·;i . ;1 1, :1n' 1il(lk.~ ,1! thr Flitf• !10(1111. n11d l'"ra!'rr ;i!:-.o t'OOk!'i p:1rt!unr fnr lh(• ~hcritf's offi<'t' T.lrpu11rs .,1/1'1"()(] to suhsti!ul•• nnr nr their own ni··n for Frn~r Rut tht' &Untntn rl•fustd t he drama lx-gtt n \rhen t1\n n1en rar· rying a pistnl shnt;.:un and a rinc 1\<'rr ~t'f'n entering !he ston\' and g!as.~ building 20 n1ilr!I fron1 dov.nrn11·n Los An;;clcs. 1\bo11t 5;J deputies 11'f'.'lr1ng fl:ik jackels an(! carr~ ing rifles surroundt:d the build ing. F;:iir !hr<111)!h Sunday 111!h hi);!hS r;1n1;ing fron1 n1·ur 711 :1l !lie hl':H.:lu·s !o !lO inlund S:rtu rda\". Su11- clay 's high<: will rnnge fn1111 1h1· up- per w~ ;it the S:ttld to !he upp1:r oo,~ i11lan<l. iNSI UI·: 1'0DA \' t\ lltUt'!' Ill /l~i' nf t/OIVll/!/Ofl /ol>11t 1111.~ b<'('/t nu/1ful,•i l· ~1u111/f/ c1111s tr111·11011 11111011.,-111nkf' y11od tl11•1r rl ·r1·11/ to 1!'11/k '"' l/11·u l\~lis .l/1111•luy .. 'i1t•1 //. 1'11~1 •' ·I. ... ·~· ,.,,.,1y "••e • (la•!ill~a 11·l• Momo.(lu don • (eml'! " llnra•,t OI " '""'"'"'' , ~"""'" U IS ,,.,.,.,,,d n ~·oc~ Mloh !• " O•am "o'''" " lr,.11 " Entr!nmo~t 10. 1 I Un,i. "" ' % DAil Y P'LOT ',$ 7 Millio11 ·Gifts Tic<l to i\'ASJll.\'G1'0\' 11\!'1 -Thi-,·~ 11·1':ilth~· bus1nt'""1n1•n ill!! 11d111e ;; '1n;1ll 11~1 .111:d» \\'hile !l(•ll.~" ,!11111l·r 1:1 1 ~r;-11 pl('dged ~i 1111111•)11 10 J'rr~id··t•! \ ,,111 'l-rf"-1'lt'f't10·1. a('('Of"(!ing to .'I ronfidl'flt111I r<1XJrt b.\-lh\' • st.1ff ol the Senate \l.'11!erg:11e l'01nn1it11'<·. Thr report deal~ 11ith l'rr~i<l•·n! '.\1\- a 1'.<: 19'7~ rcr]C"1lt)/l t\1111p.:1ii.:n ;u1d Uh· fund·rai slnlol t-ffon.<: r.f ll•·rb1'n \r J\.11Jmba'-"i1 of :\t>1rµort Rr,1c-h. :\1xOt1·.~ fonner persona! :ittornl'y A rop~· "f th<> rt'port .,..,,s vb1a1ned ~Y The AsS()("l;ih•d Pr1·~s. Th~ subje<.1 of fund r:ti~ing dirf not ari.!le 1rhtn \1:(fl!l 1>1 as nt the dinini;: 1ab!e, lhe report !':lid But aflt'r th<' l're<lident l1'fl . l\almbr..1i·h d1sC'UssOO !hr c:..Jnpa.i~n·s hna.r11·1ng v.i!h rtmsc pr1•s1'nL inPJuding l'h1c:i go f111;11~ r ier \\' (1l'rJ\cnt Stone, 1ndt1~tri.1 1ist Jv!111 1\fulcah~· ar~d Pittsburgh f i n a 11 c i e r RiPhard Sc:a1fc . "Stone s1are<I !hat hi' expc..:;t('d ID gi\'c Sl million ln 197!. .1 sa:.ood 111dlion 1n 1972, and a th ird 111ill1011 in 1rr.:1. if 1herf' '"'as a deficit ," the n.'!Xlrt s.:i 1d ... ~1 u!c.1hy said he \\·vuld n1atch St on e · s performance . Sc:i:1fe s;iid h1· \\Ou.Id gi \·e ~l rnilli011 ." l\ro other n1eo present. John Hollins and J\rnt Smith. la!l'r plC'dged t;"!~J.(•i!l t-ach. bringing the tol.11 of potent ial con- tribu tions to $7.~ mill ion for the e\·cning. the rrport said TI1ere \1:as 110 r:,1 mp:1'~ deficlt 11 .1d &one ga\·e only ~ nulhon S<:.Hfe g<IYc his promisro n1il!ion. ~lulohy, president ot tht Quigly Co , 11 drug m;inufaC'furer and sub5idiar\ uf 1~hifzl'r Phannaet"u\\ta\s. ~:.i\'t' '011\\· ™lJ.OCIU. Ka!mb<lch ~aid rhat \\i•~ because ht' had <.'Ol'ltMbuted hca\ 1\v in thl' 1970 cm~ional can1pa igns. · Rollins, president Qf Roll in<; h11er11a- 1ional. ,g;i\·e a !otnl of ~60.523 . 1hr report did not mention S1111th'~ e1·cntual efforts for Nixoo rC'Sulted in pledges cf 1nore than $13.-4 mil lioo of 1\'hieh a tOl<•I of SIO.!i millioo \l'as rec-e1ved. K;ilmbach pleaded gu1Hy earlier this rear to violating the federal Corrupt Practices Act by o ff l' r J n g <in1- bassndorshii>.> in fl'turn for c::in1µ.ngn .contributions. :i He vdll l'itlrrender to (l"der1-1! a11tror1- 1'ies in BalLin1~ t\· noon ~l ond;i\· 10 tbeg-in serving a six-t'o.l8-n1mth SP.n1Cnl..' "or campaign financ-e 1·1o!alivns. !he :iustiet' l>ef\'l rtmc1 t SJid Fnd:i y ' l "· • ' . ' " F ra in Page 1 W_t\.TERGATE • • • tgain11t !he gianl lnternntiooal Telephone '1ncl Tel egraph Corp .. v•hich allegedly of· ~N:d to undenrritc the 1972 Republican _ atiooal C-On1·cntion in rr-tu n1 !or a a\·orable anlitru.~t sett!cmrnt. i In olher de\'elopmtnts: , -At the El lsbcrg brt•ak-i n trial, 1· ederal Ju<l~r f.('rhn rd A. l~S<'ll ruled 'hat John D. Ehrlichrmn and the three i:-o-defendants in thi• ca5e coulrl not use f·patriot i~m or natiflnal Sf'C'Ur ity" as .'l tlefense again st P011spiracy charges. t "It is not a defense lo a Cfll'l~piraey fhat a defendant's nioti 1·e~ rna \' ha\·t' been goo:I or justifif'd in the n.1me of ~triotism or national securif\'." fn>s('ll id in preliminary insiruct1r~s to 1hr ry_ -tfn11~,. .furt iri.1ry r nm m i t t ., ., t,ilainnan Petrr \\' H.od1no J~. d!'n ll'd 1 ·unequh·oc t1lly Rnd r .11egnr1!'1lh ·· a Vis Angell's Tlm1>1' "1•1r\· thut hr 1':J1d ;1\l ~! l:H-inocraL'l on •h1· p1ncl 11f•r.• r.·:id.1· 10 ''Ote fnr in1 ~ar-h1nr-nt -l-S. Distri('t ,Jud~t' .!n<.r-ph (' \\,,<\<!.1 diS1n1ss£..:I <1~ 111r...,1 J ~1 111 h1 L0{1n1n1"fl C'a11Sl'. ii lohtl.11ng ~N'IU\). !<1 fnr(" !hf' fin.1n(·e C<lmm111e,.. 10 llf'~l!"t1 Thr PrrJ<i- rl ent to rt!Pasr ,1dr11 tiooJI na1nPS of rain. J>ai,ITTl rontrih11t111"s Vi<'e Pri>s1drnt C''4'rrild F' or d f;ed icted thf' H(}u~r \1·otikl \ ote 1n uri- ach Nixon 1[ he re.fusf'd tn romply \l.'ilh order frnn1 1he Supre1nr Court 10 gi\'C p ~ubpom:H:'fl \\'hitc llou~ tripe~. 0 1 .AMGf COAST .>I DAILY PILOT ,..., en.,,.°''"'°''' ~·.,. .... ..,_ ~" w-........, ,~ ,,,.., .,, .. """"'"'"" ....... Q-._ (...; .. ! P .. t..·I" -~ ~o, So .. ,., • ..,d ... r "~·. '<l '·'""~" '"'""'l' '""°' ..,.. Co.lo ""'• .,e,,,,.."1 a.."'' .,_,..,'<I'." &oo<• '"''"" lo' Yol·•• lo~•'•,....,~ t<. .. ~_,,.,,_. • o -1 ~-" (O.-••·o <" ..... (o ... ·••.., A <:• '"'II "'·"'.,,,,,,_." -,,.., !'.., .................. ... ~·r 1-. ~· ''""' """'""'""' r;,~• .. oz • ......... < fi.oy5,, .. , i;,, ......... '•'"""'"' "1'•7'> P O~N "''••l ,,.,,_.,,...l>\il> ·- h j ~ , .... ,., ,,,,..,.,,1o<l1"1 1...,G•-• "''~ Jf;.-..,. ·~ .. ,,.,. .... -..; •<j (<1 • O<tli .. H 1 .,~, • :»Jr 1i:i1 ""''""l "•-1~!Q.!l>ll Qffi,,, '·~.. ,, ... fo . ·' • ~· ''°•(• .. '" • I ·, • .,,-J, ' .... ··~···... _.,, ...... .. •. -·-~·::.-8•·'-.,. ,.., ""'"' "' ··< .-.... \ •, . ' ,. ... ••. l•l•rh-171 41.42.411 I .t l•o•ill,,;. A'•wtlt .. 64J.S6 71 Jrt" 1-<>U 'OJ .,,,. :r,.. '"•• t •; '" II•, • .,2-44ll r ..... ,100"•0-...,r,.,..., --...·•.- 140.1110 c.:.>,.,;•t .... t~'V' ( ....... f'l11>·" '"II c;e.... "*"' .. -.-v •• ...,.,., .. , .... " ..... .. .,, . ,, ..... ~ .. ' ·-· ' -., "" .. , ........ .., .n,.,.,,•r•· .,~,.......,..~,..,.,og..,,,_.., -.....i ''I• ...,, ..... po I•'...,...,,,.,..-., (a'''"' '·'"!"'' ~; ...... ,O)',...,~ ......... .. ••C.•"'O'll'' ~.,,.,,,_,_,.,. . .,.,,.,cu"""''"" THEY WERE ALL SM ILES AT DISNE YLAND DEDICATION Ca rol OeK•yser, Count Basie a nd Mickey Mouse New Disney Attractio11, 'Antericci Sings' Debuts 11~ ~l)fl,lA\' fllA:\llLEH 01 IM D1i11 P1IOI S"!I Thl' drdica!lcn of l1i~11ryl;1 n I.• nrll i'~1 <ittraction . a 24-11110•11<: sh11\1 r Jlh·1! ",\rneri!'<I Sint!s ·· \.\-11 .. 111;1r r1•d Fr11IR1 11 l1en cnr of its cre:itors. 1\I Bl'r!u10. fell into a pit en !ht' .<;1:'1 Ct' 11i·hiJ r J')()<;l!lg for photographt'rs afll'r thl' rlrd1l'~11 111n 11 \las a strllil!!I' <:l'r'!lf' Till' n11d10- ~t'in,a1ronic an1 miils 1>1err st tl l nl0\1nJ! r.nd sin~!ng . Prf l'I<,( pholo~rRph<'rs \lt're h ,Jding their cam1·r::i~ D1~11rylnnd pul>h1· ri~la!Jons pt.-ople 111·rr <::and1nir around <1l a 105.!I ovdr what Lo <!I). 1\nd Uiere at Utt• bo!tom or the pil. 1~·1ng .'.lt110n~st 3 1-,rroup of ;in imatcd rabhils 11110 had ju <! fini shro the ir act. lay Ul·n1no, 1>1 rithing 111 pain. The fantasy of Disne~ land h:i\! sud- denly tun1{'d into hard-cure rr;dity. and Iii(' t\10 did nol jitw Hrrlino. hov.f'VC'r. l'St'apM v.i1h <in ly bruises_ The .. 11·orriNI mo1hl'r rnt'b11 ' 111 1ti"" history of Arner1can n1u~i1' ''(;ai; .-..:111eties'' ~ctnr f11 rrtl 11nrs1• Sil<' 11:i~ l:...:nt O\''er bat'k \\'rl.rds · A \)isney1anrl spnl..rsm:in <:·ud .she 11t:;u\d ~ b.i.t'k 111 01)f'ra11on for the ~h{ I\ 's ptl b!ic opening tornorro11 T'he 11orril'd rnntller rabbit ~ings ii ~nd Sl'lO•' "\~·andering Boy:• ahout her "plin- 1',)\'0' rabbit son 11-hile h1~ shado\r , lh•~ fiimo11<: Plnyhny m11g:i1inf' l'~ mMI !001n<; hl'hind hrr in ;i !'!;\f 11i11<ln\1 ~ho'> !"' oo,.. n' 11 ; :~n·m:1 1t•d .1n1m l\~ •t, 1 <1n~ and in1~1·1· :-,L,,111 1nrch:.1nu ·1\lv 111 It'•· <11•1'.I Ill l"JPU1.ir !IUlr·~ ('\)\1 lULJ! 11, •I•· t!•ar1 '.!.!~ \,,,., .. 1 \f1\•r\< IH 1!\\I !• ,, ti1,tr.r.\ ar•· I'''· •·11!• r! 111 I\ .ir !• Th·-· ' \•nrr1r-. ~In'(<· "t t ··ii r I 111 n P'I :a••' 11,~· I tl"li\O r r;,.,,, r;1I 1-;i.·1·1~ H ,br•\I l .t n)ll~ l 11! \'1 0•_•1·;..~ ·1 !11111 11111,1><1 f '1·01t1 l't•ge I 'l'.\JJ(S • • • ding und!'rground ff·~t~ a hurdle rc- rpunng mor<; c~lr!l~l'I' d1.~l'11s;-.1on F:\'1:11 l)(.•forr 1h•' "1.1n11ni!. Brr zhnt·\· l'-.:· prl·S~l'<I a 11 ill1n,::nP~s to n1"(!Qt1n!l' :i t1metahlr. ror an undl•rl(round ban. Bui he i;aid. as did ix-s~in11!i\1c US. offip1als. lht;t the \.Iii~ !u a c·on11Jll'll' aitretnH·nl on <'ndini;:-!he \IC.'.lP. n~ buildup 1\.1S lone: and h:ird ... -. HI Flunda's \\':ill D,,.ncy \\'ol'ld. The ~11011• 1$ ]()(':li ed 111 !hl' r«fu tbi~hl•d rf'\'<JI\'· 111~ Carou~c! Theatre 111 Disnc,\'land's rornorro11 land. B:i11d leadt•r Count Basic drdi<'aled the n1•11· "Atlll'!'IC<i S1ng5" anract1on Fri:lay 1n1 rn1ng 111 a l't_·rr mony outside the rl'1·ol\ 1n~ lllt'a!t·r's door. ire proclain1ed !l1;1l th1• 110'11· an1mafl•d shot1· was "1m- IJt:l1e\ abl!' ' ;is ~l iss U1sneyland Ambas- ~<1dor Carol l)t>Kf'~·ser and 1he ubiquitou;; ~til'kl'\' :O.louse stood bv Th!'. sho\1 1~ ;i prlll:l~ct of \\'all Disncy f: n 1 c r p r i s r s 'j)11aginl"('ring '' The animatrd anhna!s a~ ~i'milar to tlm" In 1n,111_v othf'r IJisnr~·hind al1ractio1Lo; like "Scar Country Janlhorc-e.'' It was t.iu H1 at ;1 cost of <ipproxlrn;itely re million. Soree1·y Nearing 1'ahiti finish B_v 4th of July SorcC'r1·. the 61-foot scratch boat in thC' Los Ange les to Tahiti race, ~·as lf"~ than 1.058 miles from th{' finish al Papef"le to- da~· 11·ith gorid prospects of fin ishing by !he Follrth of .luh- Th,-. hi~ ~ln<ip-frnm California YC 1n.1111r,1u111J h:1nrl1:.1p :ind 1·l.111scd 11111f> J• ,,d t1,r 1J1, . ..,.~·ond ~!rai~h~ da~· as the 11 ''Id<: rrint1~11,,-i 111 bln11• 2~ knol<: frn rn 'h•• ••:1~!-,Ylt1ihP:1~! lr11n~: [,1,.1h· "h v ,, 1 rl il11 ('11111· rn11111t::i11ur1-. l1<i •' 0.Hll""rr .. '<t iti nr.n,· (lf rh1• htl;_1J<1. J1;1tl •'\l)('flf'll•"• 1! lhr• 1f.,ldr11111' nrd1n;1n!\ L'X!K'C:!<'<I ne.1r th1• rqu:ilor Th,• II lnrl Ill\'(\ 11 SI\ l!c·l11·d 1!irt'I t1nn1» lliO (i•·cr1'··~ !'>11rt1·rl \\,IS 1)1" fl(lh hO<•I l]1t1[ hiid i ro"<;erl ihl' cqu:i!nr .i t th" R a .m roll (·;111 1'11d.1\ T111) P!hers, ('111\l'•·rfn .ind tlii• ;)A. In••! ~.111 1 Spir11 11 1·rt· rxp<·ctN! II) cr<'I.~.<: lht• 1n1;1j.;1n11r)' dh 1rl 1ng ltnr l.K'll''t'1'n !lw 11ur1 h1'1"n :t11d southern hr.1nisphrrc hy th1~ n«-1rn1n g Jrnndir:;p st::ind ini:!s wilh d ist:ln!'e~ !n Tahiti • 11 Surccrr. 1.058 : 121 Sp1nt f.i" f1 )a11 !1 1.211.1 , i:l • Concerto. 1,287: f·ll ObSt·ss1m, J.38i . 1 ~1 \\'itcheru f!, J.&11. 1/i1 1';1r;11!n11. I jtij, 471 HJ!)!Urf'. I ~i9· 1/J • E<1s. l.fi.i2 . 1!1 1 Spirit !fiG ft . sloop! J.129 . lt"s a Hazard ' Ciµ,·orell<' Rc,a 11 laLio11s Urged \\'ASJllf\(:TO.'-; 1.\l'l -Ten _1c1:ir~ aft"r Ole <;urgeon general's: famous rt>por! on sm0k i11g. the S('(•refary of lk•;11rh. Edu!'n!if)n and Wt"trare has for the fir."! linit· rrquc~led authnri!y lo n·~u lat1' th.• s;i lt !v nf ciRnrettcs . (·asr1Cr \Y \\'l'lnUrrgrr a~kerl C1K1grt·~q on Fridnv to "('()Oslder leg1slation pm\'1rl1n,g lhi'I rlrpa rln1en1 or somr Olhl'r apprnpr1;1tt• 'i1g1•ni·~· \1·1th the authori ty lo $t'I n1axitnun1 1,....rmis.~ihle lr\'cl~ of ha~ardo11~ in11rcd ien!s in cl11arctles." \VeinlX'ri.:er lx'cainr the rtrsl 11~:\\1 ~--rret.1ry ro .~ek such authority. al- though lo1>1·('r H~:\\1 offlc1:ili. lu11<> tl:'J'l1fied in f:ivor of lCjj:islatlon banning cigarettes hii;i:h in rar, nicoline :ind ca rhon mono:iude \\'einbf'r~cr ~;11d the 1974 repor1 to l:onlolrt·~s. ·The l!ralth Consequl'nc(' of Sinoklng." confi rms f1ndu1~' of !hi' !\Urt1·un g1•n1•rar." rt'porl IU y{'ars ;igo Lh<il "ci.i;art>lle srnok1n~ is ;a serious ht·alth haznrd." The latest rf·porl, lht' 1•1ghth ~11ch rrr>"r! h1' !h•• ,::o\rrn mrni. t'stnnatrd that IWll( rnnrcr ~111l'd i2.000 Arnt't1l·nn~ l..~r 1rn r. r hronic obstruell\'e pulmo- nary dise:i~t· 25.l)(J(} ilnd c·orotHir~ h•·11rt 1!1sf':J\f' fi00 .000 Thr L' :-. 1 ·un~11 n11 r 1'1""!11• l ~;ilt·I \ I un u11 !~~1on rcl11ct11nth \'Olf'ri 3-2 h1.i;t monlh to turn do11n a pcl1!aH1 r1·11u1·~t 1ni: a II.in nn 27 brand~ of h111:h-lar c1g- .1reurs . Tht-con1n\i ~'>io11 !-.110 11 l:ir·~1 rl l• ~.1 ! :111thor11v nnd j11risdid1on ovl'r rii,::ir(•ll t'~. ;1 f.u 1 11<'1h'!l 1•,1r!11·r h.1 lhC' t 1t 111·r111 ,\t'l'!J U11!u1,e: {_)fll1·e. an arn1 of Congrcs.s. I Se11t.l B11<lget T0Gove1·1101· S .\CHA/llE~'TO 11\l'I -Thr l'alltOn11:1 I A')il~l<i\Uf'I' S\.'111 ;i fl'l'Ofrl SlU 42 billion eh'i·r1on ·.l l·:1r btulgl't to 1;0\', Hon:iltl llt·agnn Friday nigQt and 1ht• 1vcary !a11·n1akers then rlilCeS.~cd for a fil't'·Week sun11ner \lll""t1on . F111:il hud1;1·! :ippl'0\',11 ra1nr 011 \'O\l'S ,.,, 'Li-I 111 th1· Stn;ilt• :111d r.a.r, in 1hl· \ssi>111bly i1f!('t ;in unexpt.-'t:·tC'd i1np<i ssf' 11as resolved by slashing the bill by $ij 5 n1illion . It took a Si'C'Ond !f';i n1 of nl'gotiatnrs Fr1d.:iy lo brPak a11 :llTi111onious I Ith-hour ha lllf' O\'l'f the insertion of park project funds. ~lost of !ht' fund s df'l l.'!e<l fro1 n the first ('Otnprn1lll•l' bill hand\'{\ thl'tn Thursday u11nl\'l•c! p;1rk~ pru 11,~·1~ :ind l't)r1."!nu·11011 or l'l'\.)kt1•1•1th'lll uf thl' ortg1nal Capitol. Tt11· par!.. 1nunry i~ stil l ttlvr•· ro be ar- prupn:1\cd lhrou!o(h \ht• regular l1'g1slath·c prOL'l'SS. The l;111n1.1kl·rs di<ln'1 ObJl'C! lo 1l1e spendin g as ~ul'h. but only to \he rnethod in \1hich the fund s Wl'rt• 1•nrn1nrked at lhl' last u1on1ent for specific projects. ·rh(' l111nl budgt•l si7i•. bi gg('st 1n !ht• h1~lo ry uf any s!:ttl'. i~ rlosP to thnt pro· posl'<i by the Hrpublic;u1 gorcrnor. But Hc;1¢an·s lop :1ide. Ed1>1in :-i!ec·s·e Ill. snid Hr agnn likf'ly 11·iJI 1·e10 "a good 11u1nber of itcnu;... The lJcinoeratic- runlrollt'd !t·gislaturc deleted 111any pro- ~rarns propnscd by the go1·<>rnor and in- sc·rred other~ of !!1t·ir Ol\'11. J!caj:!an 1ras e.-.:pt•e!t"<I 10 sii.:n 1h!' spen- (ling docunr nt for fist;ll 19/~.;;, lat t• S;Hurday or Sunda~· afler 1rielding his fn ·quen rly·used Vt'lo po1>1·er. • The SUllt• (t"n.,111tHion rr-quin·~ the hudgl·I bill be sign!'d by niidnight Sun- d<1y. 1\hl'n rhe nl•11 spending year st.:irt s. Th(• rcct·~s. nt 6:40 p.ni. in the Sennte nnd :-it prrl'isely <in hour In ter in the 1\SSl'rn h l~·. endl·d 11h:il largrly v.as ~1 qu1 .. 1 six 1non1hs 6f la 1>1·n1Hk1ng ft 11·as O\·ershadO\\'Cd fllOS! or the lime by prinuiry e.Jection politics and. in the fi nal !WO 11·el.'ks. by .i fi ght O\'Cr electing :1 nf'\I' spe 11ker of thr Assen1bly , !Jcn1ocrat Leo t.lcCarthy of San Fran- t·isco. Bobb"· Fi.scl1 er Quit.~"·~ Kin{! t-.l(.'t:. France \Li'l l -Uubb} Fischf"r has resigned his lntPm11- l1•1n;1I <"ht·'s f"l>dcr:tliur1 1 ·1)1 1to rl1a11t\"(Jt1~h11' 11 tlf'. offu·u1ls .tl lht· :!1 st \\'1•rld f'!11·s~ 0 1) n11)1:1d un· 1J1 ·r11;11· l1f'ft' 1>;111t F1·1t1 ~1 \ F 1S1..'ht•r r•·110r l1•!ll.1· told official" ttl !hr I! 'F 111 :t !cl1•gr,u11 !h;11 h1• 11·Rs-!nk 1n1: tht' 11 ctln11 ro protl'St rhr eu11tlll1011' of 11<1rld 1·l1;11npionsh1p in;oli'llf'S. (Hflcials sHid F1.-.el1t·r :111- p<irl·ntly pl;111s to 11rr11.n~·· his 111>1n prlv;1te n1atches 1>1lth cu11 T1•11der~ 10 his 1\t!e. Any chRllen11:t·1· 11n11ld h:.11· to resign frorn t11c ICF. th•·~ s.11d ~learl ~eizurc Kills '['\r Actor Frank Sutton. Sl ."llBEVl•:rnn1·. 1-'1 1.\l'1 1··r:1111.. ~11111111. 11ho pl:'l~f'i.1 !ht• touLh !'g1 l'.tri.·r 111 1!1c t t'll'l'i~ion St:rit''> ··l;oult·r f'ylt. US.M C.''. LS dt>ad nt ~1 Polict' s.aid Sutton sufrl•rf'd an 11ppar1':JI ht·art :11t.1ck Frld:1.1· nigh! in his clre:-:-111).! r·co 1n just l)l'forr h·· 11a~ 1l11t 10 t:ik" the st;ige for a JX"rforrnane(• <it 11l(' Hi'\'t'rly Harn [>u1ner l'l;iyhouse. Sutt.on. 11ho hnd been in Shrrl'C'(Xlft ;ince lat!! /ltav for rehearsals ;ind p<'rforn1;in('(' in ·Thi' li'lll1c'd.v "1.uv .. , had eecn joi.r1ed here by h.is 1.1i fe Toby and <l:nighter Amanrla. 10. A son . Joseph, l O, al ~ suni ves. A Clnrksv'illt>, Tenn.. nati\'C . Sutton first acted at age 9 In e school pla.v. "TI1c fin1 time l 1>1·alkcd out on siage I h1ct thiS \.\'aTTTl feeling," he said in a re- ('C'nt int.cn·iew. "I knew then I '"'·anted to IX" an actor." Su!fon started acting in /\'ashvi lte. Tl'nn .. and ·,ras a radio aMouncer duri ng \\'orld \l.'ar JI. ff~ 1.1·as graduated cum l;iude from C.Olun'.bia University in dramatic art'>. In the 19606 Sutton jumped into the role. of Sgt. Carter. playing oppcsl!e Jim .\".1bors for (Ive years in the Gomer Pyle ~crie;s. ~utton hnd recently been doing lrlevision guest appearances and plar!ng :11 dLtUier 1ht•aters around the cotu11 ry. ~~~~~-~~~~~~--~~- Pl£E DEllVERY r 'l\1llt (:J-JUlt<:lr . . ll"l'l'f St.~· no11 0 ·1~ ,11ul Ir•'''' 't1ti.1hht111 " ;ind pun1•h1n;: 1•n••h o!!u·r 111 1h" 110'1 h· t·OHl.UlU\-(! The peo11!c ol F111r\ 11.·w Slate llo!\pl\.,I yn•1 s~. son11·11rih·-1 ha1·1· 1:H·r..1~n:il 1'•111 nict~ an1onr: 1h••111,1·!vc3 111,.1 11\..1· 1n t)•111• <>I!-•' Th1•1 .i n· 11011 tt1,11 d1fh·n ·11 r St~wl .. 111,.,.1 h·~~,,t1~ hull ! 1111 1\10• 111.hl· µ.ir;1Ull'S ,111d 11•1tl1~ vr1U 1Jj ·l 11•t.~ \11u11nu11 .'lll1{)flg 11oH"hl'.~ \;orft':u~ r•·l1~1011' 111·1·1 told t41 tli« rln·nlH 1tl th;• ~[.11 •• !11ir>p1l;d ~~s1~·111 .~ l1r:.1 lt 1~t11.1! 11! t.111h .lo111u1g 111111 llr' ,,h•(i1:1,h u1 ~111d 111 1/1•· 111•1>1 )Jrui:rr1111. _,u111 ,.!l111i1~ ll'hirh on•·• 1\0Ul<l h:il'c hl·i·n unh1•1\rd-nf 111 1hl' ~1:11 huspit;:il ~1·st1 ·1n . 11io·r1' f';olh<1t1i· f'h:1pl11111 F;1!hl·r .Jo~evti .'1•·!·:11,.;111 \', Ha bh1 .'i Sliulon1 'ih•n 1 ;ind .\!:11'1;1u•r1lo• •,,t~. 1111 1 ti:1n St·111111.-t eh:ipl.1111 Th" nurt·l pr!l)!r:1111 ~:1.1 ~ 1111' it1'1 ,\lt Ola.';h, 11;is tlu· hr;11nt h1l1I 111 I •"' 1·otu1g nl••!l 11hu 11a1l11".I !ti 11., son1o•tlu n1 v.ith 1tw1r ~p.irt· 111111• .u11t 11ilunl•'1'r1·•I 1 .. hel11 11 1th Su11t!.1y ;1fl!:l'lkM,11 ,. .. 111,:iou SonH· F:i1r1u·11· t.11111111·' 11111"1 i·onu' long 11a) 1or Sunday 1·1s11s. ~ 1·hun ·h i-. 111 !hf' ;ll!t'fll<~>ll "\\" .. s1:1r1o •d I)\ \111Lu1t1•t•r111:: ;iurl 11 IU~I 11 .. 1·k.,1t in!tJ !ill•. •:1:~ llt•1'f1 1il ]1,,iJ:.;1111 . :!Ii uf !\t•1111(111 fj,,:1•'11 Th1' 11i urk hi' [)ad.~un ;ind hi' 1ul11!1!(•1• ))!lrtner. TPrf~· llydin~~r. '.!~. iilso v! r\e111lf1rt llt•;ich. h:i~ 1T infor('1•d th· tinder:-<tand1ng :i11111ni: 111h1'r llosp11:1 I \\'llfkt'rs th:it religir111 invnlv1•s n1or" 1!11\\'ll·lfl~':1r\ll 1n:1\ll'r~ 1h:111 \)fUl\ll~•·~ 1. r•t<"rn:d !'!lJ<i.~'llH'llt :111d ;-tr1•1'l~ r,f ;.:<Jlt l s!rl'tehing b1·~ond lhL· 111':1rl~· ~a1l·s. "Soule \UIUlllc1·rs ;JI'(' ll d Ill I 11 l' ~I agnostlr.~:· says thl' H1·1· :\lt lJlash. U• 1/105e helping tl'ach religion. "This°i.1holc 1>1·..ek h;1s rn1phasiied 1h:11 on the spiritual lf'1'l'l.a tht"re i~ nn sul·h thing as ret.1rdntion... rt' 1n :'Irk e tJ H.1·d!nger nfter 1he Frida~· :;tssion. He al\(! D11dsu11 said !hf'.\' bolh had Up· bringing 1n fon11;il f'hurrhrs nf prott's!anr \\'Otship. un1il their experiences 1vit h a rnore sfmp!ift('([ re!1_1l1on 11s retarded residents at Fn ir\·irw practice 1L The band playl'<l. flll, 1h(' 11·orshiprrs danL't.'<i or clappt'd nnd instead of col- ]{'('tiflfl pbitt·s. the ushers !'1.'ISS...'CI nut ice Crf'.ll!ll. The tron100nisi: 1.1·ah ROOney·s ~lu.'lic Con1pany 1>1:.is 1hrea1eni11g !o burst his lwigs and he n1ust h;nr Oecn ratt lin J.: 1hosc pearly ga les fin his f111al st.:uiza of "Glory, Glory. lln l!eluJ<.th. " "This," S<Jid Dadsw1 ··1s 011r thurch no\\' With Llm/l.d Pvrcha1e .. ' .~ . ., ALL ALUMINUM ALV·MDNT PICK ANY POSITION '"'""''"'"'''"''"'' Add 1,~ ,.,..•/•'"~'' ""I"" '12 " ' '19900 RANCHO ,,,1, BBQ BAl&AINS L~-1•1 ••IO\ •R ~r•I•·• ~''"'lln• M• s-•.,.1· •• ,..-..;1.1>1,,,.,: • I ",t !h•I br~11t llolfrrlu rd•I~ < r•~(t '~! f(lr~ .. ., M~m: b) Div of lhi'" n Ji'tJ•n. I o LO,\l >' 3ll·•IUl'l\l\Um W "" 1 '""' Al.L LA CUSl 'A l't'U"'' zt.Je'i°< (I rt! • 0""' '19" UMBRELLAS GALORE! """ ·~·· .~ •• !,.\I", '""' k m '"~ ""'~" r11,, '" ·hi It' <"I ")f<,,,,,1, .. , !'•'"'"'· ' ' .. l)AJL Y PILO T :J f•ofif if·nl l lu t•f•st Ethiopia Facing Armed Takeover. •, ' \ • ' OC Employe Increases " •• " Plty Negotit.t lors F"1ci11 ¥ ]1tl )' 1J Dc£t(l/i11 e H) l\11.LIA\l Sf'JIRt.IBl'.lt 11.'l'k .'lnfl u11111l:•t•·1·1111111g\11l1•"-l 1l;i)S 111 Jl•.11 !';1lll l~'rt .. ·n1:r.:" f.10lrll :Hi'ounL>s f!lr O! '"-D*ll• "IOI t!Ut II I :in •' Ort Lo r1·•·ul\\• f11 fPn·n<·••\. •J'i1 r ~I I 1nilliu11 rnor•· :1dd1·d HTllO the ct>wltv \lllJI\ •\11\I:.\ Jo'.1J11op1.1 1,\l'1 l 1111,1111.111 ,1 n 111·d t .. ro· .. ~ ue(·upu·d g1111•111 1111·11! .11111 p11\.1l1• p 1d1 .. ~1.111011~ 111 1\1ld1~ \l1.l1.i .. ,1 I· 111L11 ;1111ul~1 r1•purl!'I \1 1;11 tli(' 111 il11,.,·1 111 1i_:lil po-.~1bl,1· 1;1\i•• !'OH!nil ,\1111\ 111'!1,1<!!':1.~l ~ 11l1·(J~•,1·d luyulll !u 1111· -[I N SI/ORT... ) h<>;nl 111 ll 1P ~l:i[J • E111µ1·ru 1 IJ.;il~ .'1«L1· ·.i1 1·111· 11111:it h ... 111 llT'ougli! ;ind prol1 111·;1I 1111·· l 111 r!w <·01111 11·.1· li:11·1• hru11gh1 lht· 11 1111.d 1·1111111 1 'li1.;(· llJ ;111:1r<'l1y • ,., ... ,,,, ,\ifi••!f 1;1 1,;-..;1 1-; 1\ll(I:~ i\fl'.i'rl\111;1 11\I') - l•11''dd11ll .111.111 11 l'1•ro11 is :-ull1·1·1 1l ;~ 11'1>111 llil•T(Jl!I!\ IH'OIH'l1111 ... ~\1h i1·h h:1~ ,·,1n1pl11•;1l1'd 111.; pri~I h\•:1r1 <11.;1·:1:;1·. t11~ 111wl1w~ ~.:11d Fnd:11• 111;.l il '1'111· 7:1 .. 1·1·ar-old l't1 •,,.id1·n1 n 1· 1• d s ':1b,olt11• J'\",[ :111<1 nu·dical :11te11tiu11 !O 1·111·1·1· 11ti:1l1·1·1·1· L'l'••nlu:dly.'' .~aid ~1 111t•d11-.i1 lJulh·t11 1 s1~:nt•d hy h ,. :1r1. ~p .. 1·1:J11st J)r. l'1·dro Cossio ~ind Dr. Jorgl' T:11:111:1. l'rru11 's 111ff' :111d 11t•r president. lsa]}(·I. n·111rn~·d Frid:1y f1•01n :1 two-werk E11ro- !l•·:111 li111r.& :1rriv 1nR only a half hour !)(•fort• lh1· 111«d1<«1I bull .... tin 1t'<1S l'Clcased. Thi• pn·sidcnt h;1s lx·cn ;i t hon1c for lhl' pns\ 12 d:11 ~ 111th 11·ha t dortors c;illl'd flu . I k· h<is hl'ocn ~l'l'i11g only his closest aidl'S. e K1.>11·11e1t,1 tlifi11!1 J)UBLlN . lrl'land li\PI -Ed1~ard l\1. h1:n11L•dy .J r. 12·.\'('i!l'·tilrl son of lhl' ~1;iss<iehus('1t~ sen:1tor. 1ra:-; in ;1 nuhliu liOS/)1t;il J-'1'1d;1,Y II ith wh;i t his fJ1hl'r's Of· ln:e (';died S!d('·l'fft•ct:> 0£ a l':111Cl'r trcat- 111• n! ,\ spol\(•s1n:11i for SL·11. Edw:irc! :-0.1. !\c11- ll'·1h ..;:1 1d in \V;1sh111g11111 thl' boy ll':is l111,p11.i1111·d Th11 t'>;<J;1.r ~u fft.•ring ;1 n1ild 11 ,11•1 1~J11 lr':l!'f';JhiJ• 11i 1n•aln11•n!!' d•'.'i!-:ll · • .'\l('gflt1 ;lll(UIS !1\'f'f S<!IHl'V irlf1"1':l.'>•''> r1>1' ( >r;1n1;t· I '.ounty i.:•!1 t•n i1ne111 's Jo.:..i io P•'Mll<lll<'nt t•n1ph1 y1•" 11"rt· due 1Jt eon- t111u1· r111~1t1gh the 11r·"kPn<l 1n <Jrl 1•ffnn to IH.•:H 1h•· July 4 r:quratJ!Jfl tlull' of l'UITL·nl 1\'urk <i>:f L'1'!llt 'lllf'_ fl'lllJ,(t' bcnt'IJt~ unrl :J(·111.1 I w:tg1· 111\T•·<•~~~. h11di:•·I 1•,hg·tJ 11011 •t:nuls al a rN:Ord It w:is 1·•·1~1rt>·d l.1~1 1,,.,.1-; lh;1l th1• t111) -.;110:: 111J ll11;i, .ii lo lffl'V<·nt ;J l'•'l:llJT"IH'I' of h0J1(• 1·:1 tw"r T!u· d1..,,·:1~1· r1·:.ull rd 111 :1111- pulatuH1 ol <.i lt·g Nov. 17_ e 1·'111°111 t•1°if_'t•s \\':\Slll1\;CTON ll J'I \ -Prlt'r' fo r r:111 j;i 1·111 prudu1·1 ... , 'i llllllpin;.: fur tin• f1)111•th t·u11s1 ·1·ult\l t' month. dcl-lilll'd <in· n!li1•r Ii 1x•r,·1·11t 1n \ii'· rn11111h cnd"d ,l1;nt• 1'1. 1h•· A~rn•11Jtun· Lh:11artrrt(•rit reporl~·d l·'l'ld~1y i'fl<'•'S 11·i·rt· 4 /)f:'fc·•·JH h•·!11w :• yc:ir ;1~u 11hd\' f,1flll\'f.'i. l'l"l'i <.iVl'.!':lg1·J 11 Jll·rccnt ;1bov{• ;i y1·.11· a~11. e f'iffs ,l\f•i::·••ff l·',i\IHFIEl.IJ 1i\l'1 -A i;t•n t ~ .s1·11.ed on1• n1ill1011 (1111pln •!:11n1111· :ind 111t•1hadri111.: pills 111 <.i hoa ! r:1 id, on :1 rrn1nh· !sl<ind 111 till' S;H;·n!'n,.nto li l\t·r dt•l1:.t 'l'hursd<1:•', 11f(1(·1•r ,; S<•HI. Tlll' r:11d ;111d !lit· ;u-r1·~t~ of Ji vt• 111•r- .;<1ns 1Jrok1· up f\111· 11f rhf' higg\·:-.t sp•·.._.d 11111 r1n~s 111 Nort!1l'rri C;ililornia hi~l<H). ~.:1 id HiL'k [/\1nag1111 . f(•der;il Drui.: En- ton.:cnll'lll Ad1nin1str;.ition agenL • lffll<'S V 1> • llAflTF()flf). ronn . (AP1 -Aulomobil11 i11 ~ur;:ince ralr·s. t111ad1•d do1t•n11·;ird the past four ye;_1r~. will begi11 to ri.~e soon bec;1t1st' of 1nf!ation <int! a new upswing in .1c~·idl'nt r<ltts , accordini;: 10 industry SJlOkt•"ml'll ""["he 1rl'nd <ii this point i.:; thn1 r;J!(·s 11 )II gn up bi:·causP of inflation 'n1('rc· ·~ no 11ay to circunivent this ." said a spokt•srnnn for the [nsuran cf' St'1'Vi('t''- f)ffict' in Nl'I\' York . whirh pro\'irh-·::; 1.100 ('1)mp:1n1l's 11 1\h sl[lt1stt<·s 011 ra trs <ind f']ai1n s. l, . ' ~ \ ' ' -' 1\f•f•rf" 11111111> I :nder JJI th;1l l1 air i<; n. friend Iv fcll11w n;i111cd Freddie. !!e's 'a JcrriL·r of :-.orls :111d lie need s a hurne. Hight f\O\V he's resid ing al lhl: Or;inge f'o11n1 y i\ni1n;d :-;1ic!1t'r, :JG! City Urive Sou!h, ()ran~e lnlrcpi<l \Vinncr 111 ) aeht 1'rials ' Ja111l'S Shelton, C'Ollnty n1a n.::igt•1nent's rh1ef llC).,'Ol.l<itor .. s;iid Friday the talhs "are going on 111 e<1rnf'::,t.'' lie said the ty;o sido·s "arf' l']l'.l~;r now than wh~ .. 11 11r• s!ar1t'tl t.ut . un<.ler !t·nn.~ of our agr1.i:1nt·nl, tli.-1\'s dl~iul i;]J I ean say." Shl'lton saJd the two s1d.-·s c1.111f1·rTrd :dl sides 1•;,•1" 111 !1111 ;1 i.:-1·t,·1n .. nt on :111· an1,1unt iif 11wn·;1'•', t1ut still h;1d :-1,1uc tle!a1ls lo 11111 h. 1111t . The ()rangt• l.'.;111111y Ernploy rs Assoc1 :i- t101 1. \',hH h b.1 r·~;1111<; fu r rn11s1 !'Ot.J/l!Y WOJ'kf'rs , 1~ r'>·purter11y ;isk111~ fvr ar1 <tvi·r<1 J.:l' 111 :J 1~Tl't'llt uiLTt:a~,-111 pay antl ~neJ1ts. The sourl'C s:1id <'01.lllll' ad1nin1Slrator~ hav1· set1h:d on <1 [1gur~ of <1h<1ut :.cvt:n or 7.5 pt·n«·nt County Artui1r11~1ratl\ !' Officer Bohl:_. rt Th<J1r1:1:::. ha.s tvld thl' IKJard of :::.t1p•·r~·1~;1r.'> Coast Banker, 6 Otliers Indicted in Fraud Case SAN DIEGO 1L'PI J -Two bank of-The loans 11'••rc frorn \\'pl!s Fargr,. f1ccrs, one of thern from l\ev.·port Beach, l'nitf'd C<11ifr,rn1;i B:1nk <ind the nank of a l.a Jolla man already convicted in ;i t";:iliforni:i.. <ind 1111· alh:gl'd bribrs in, $250 •. 000 fraud ca~ and four oiher volved n1on<;y. clothing 11nd tral'el, hr. said. NF:\\IPORT. n .1. IAP\ -The unbe:1 ten men I'. ere indicted Thursday on charges C d h d f Also indicted v.·ere: ot1r1Jg~·ou.~ :.in t e l' Pnding cham-nf fraudulently obtaining $500.000 from pion lnlr<·pid t•ath pos1cd vict0ries Fri-three banks. -John CharlC"s Burden ,Jr., 5:l. La J;1 y in !he prelirninarx yachl trials to Jolla. prC'sident of An1eric<in i'iortha!d Oil ThC' county grand jury indictment ~ ~:ll'CI a U.S. L·n!ry for the 197~ Aint·rica's COrp. resulted fro1n a seve n -mo n t h in-C:up rvces. O;ivid Hor;1tc Drink\1a1er, Jl. In rough seas and high winds off vcstigation by the district ar\orncy's of-t\e11·port Beach. corporcite banking of· \'1·11·1)11rt. !hl' (tJuragL'<lUS be<it the lice. San DiC"go police and the organized ficer and n1;inagcr of !he F.scorldido V:diant. by 3 n1inutes. l:. seconds on the crinle st rike force. l)istricl Attorney Ed branch of Uni ted California B11nk. r.!illcr said. r;_iin-shor1 t•ned 10.5-tnili· course and the -t11ark S!f'ven l\lorrison. 31. Lcucudki. J11t rl'p1d dt·fe:ned the r.1arincr by 2:48. Bail was set at $10.000 for Dalton Carl manager of l/1c Aztec branch of \l't·lls Thf' Courai.:cous. a ne1~·1y designC'd SmiU1, 49. of I.a Jolla . ilfiller·s offiet' F;;irgo. al 1nn i11un1 entry. has beaten the \.\'ooden said he was suspected of mastern1inding -Richard Rradfnrd Anderson. 42 . 1.:1 I · 1 · · the sehemc. J II ·d e flii.:·lirri•ifr llt>lllC nlrt·pu twice s111t'C the Af!ries of 12-mctcr o a. prrsi ent and treasurer of Pa1- ,Yilcht tes1s began illonday. It has al.so "Basically. Smith. in conjunction wi1h tcrson Corp .. a holding con1pany. \\'AS!ll!\:CTON 1API -\\lhite Jlous.~ dicfeated the Mariner .-ind Valiant once other indil'idual s named in the in· -\\'il!ian1 Schley. 48. Cleveland. pre~i- Cou11sl'I .J . Fred Huzh<1rd1 . a principal (·ach. diet.men!, allegedly conspired with bank dent of Leisurr Inns 11nd Resorts In c. and archilrct of Prl'Sid1·11t Nixon's dcfl'n~e 111 The ln1n'p1d 11·on the Arnf'-rica's Cup in loan officers to present fraudu le nt finan-~l idweslern Securities Inc.. both of the \\l<i !Pr_gate c·nse, h;1~ bPl'n rC'lcas1·d 1970 c111d 1967 during the last t\l.·o finals in cial statements and fraudulent colla!era! Cle\'cland. fron1 a hospit<ll l:i d;iys ~1fler 11 hc<.111 int1'r11a1ional s:ii ltng's oldest event -a in order to obt ain large cornmcrcial -And Carl \\'ickham Loveday, 50. E:;l Th<1l rnea11s l'l!'ll if ••n1pli1\,.:) Ut'Cf"tlt 111,. 11Jrff'n1 of1 .. r IJf p1;1n:1;i,.1nC'n1. th\• hu(l:!1't ·,1,,uld n1cr1'~1~· anotlirr ~Ill nulltvn ,,r ""' ·111r1n1;1 -' l-.1·r liudg1{ an~ilysl~ have ir1 d11·1it .. <I Iii•· rnOl'H ·y 11ould prvhahlr h•' ft1und t1y 1·utt 1 n~ ullt Io 11 -prior 1 t. '! e11p1!11I proje<1!i , '1111' 1110 ~1(!,., repi1rtl'dly began !all~ ~··;1.1r;o1 .. 11 Iii :is lllUt•h ;,S SI'\ ()f st'\"t·n 1~·n ·.11t. 1·:n1plo1·1·s ~1~1r11·d al aboul 12 llf'r<•·llt :111d ;1dn1 1111~1r;.t1v11 at st"itnt"thing It''" tli:111 O.IX 111'1'1'{'!1! "[It•• r;1 1~''' 111~1ld not bo• ni.adC' aero.~'.>· lhP-!•Jard T]1 .. fina l f1g1HT' 11ould bf-;1n ;11 1·r:1g·· Df !hi· tn;.:hs <11 1d lo\'.· :;alary b1k1·~ :-!11•l!r111 ~;11d !IH' (•urrl•nt ~~il;1ry agr1·1~ 1111•11\ t:iv r.-,uotv h;i..; 11'11h 11s trnployc:> 1·-:p1rt·, ;11 1n1 :!n1µht rin .Julv 1. JI nu Ol!;l'l't'IU1·n1 IS /1•:1t·h1·i! hy tha t :1 1111 , l·1nplri_1e~ 11ho st:1~' on the Joi) 111)u l<I ill cffl'C.:I . lie 110rking ""lthout a ll -11! I ,u '\ DAILY PILOT DEL IVERY SERVICE Dci.verv of 1hP Daily Pilot ,., quclrdntl·l'd "'""''' '''''' ltVGudO""'""'''' .. 'Pdro''ti• ''I'" ''" ,,n~''"''''f''"''"°' ~,,,.,.J'<llu '• ~"''""'' ""'''l ~"'•l l WV•t•. . .,,,., "''~u""" "' ""°'''"'""'"' ''" ,,, '"" ...... ,! ·, ,,,..~, .. ~,,~p .• , ,,,11 ! ' <•• ,.,,1 t• O<(,'"ltil '' '"" (.~''• 0'' lril•'" "'I,<,_,'"· "" .1 JI """~ r ""'"I~·· , 'J "'"'"""Hu"'•"'J!nn<o,," ,,. 0 ~ .... ,,.-,-,.,,\ ... ... ,.,,,...,, '., ..... ~·-,1·-·" "' '<>·" ' ''" h ,, , ""'I "nl ~ ,, .. ,.,. • \••1 ··~•· ,u•• t>-11 <l/I • ')41) 1]/0 ~1Tl<1e~ _________ se_r;_,._s _or_:2oe_,_,_nb_,_1_11_es'.d~'~1;~n~g~t~o'_"IB~5~L~-_[(IO)C'~n~s~:-·~,~1;~11~e~r~s~n~;d=·---------~C~o~jo~n~.---------------'=============== .-. d to c.\eor. NOW'S GOOD TIME TO BUY COLOR TV. If you expect to be in the market soon for a new color TV set, buy 1t now. Traditionally, June is a bargain month for buyinq TV and right now ... TV sets are usually marked down in price··· By SYLVIA PORTER .... Dail y Pil ot 6 /13/74 '-"=·~ :14 ,,.,.ie1s P"'° No Finance Charqes if raid in 90 days or Low Down and 36 dels priced lo clear :,..~-,.; 1l A. gC Mo11lhs to ~ay lo.a.c.I • Year Free Parts • I Year Free Service '74 "'0 .. , 1 ..• · ,,,, '~• ~'~ ·~ /4 ..i''{Y • 3 Year Picture Tube Warranty • Free Delivery and Set Up • ~\11(~ ~~~ = ~~~ I ·--~-~.·"i ~'.;.·;.·;~-.~'7°""' :::..____-'Ql&.RRA~ ~ricord/Master-Char9e •We Service What•We Sell• • ,-~· .. , • / , . , , / , 'f" /4 We know our Product Inside and Out • Ho Commission Salesmen. @CHROMA COLOR ----- 11'1 ' I' I "l,I I " " !L'JJ ',i~il'illWI ~4r1.,' -~~ O"'Ul)flrtl ....:.-J·- -· !>U~ ~' <1•0<1"ro1 ----· SYLVANIA • ZENITH STEREO • STEREO • ,.--' .... DJll, SYLVAMIA STEREO COMSOLES ~ ·1 '"™ f-..·;•tRO ~ r,,.,, AS225 S'(LVANIA SPEAKERS IEMITH ,~, ,( Rated R03748 SYLVANIA RECEIVER ''"''"" R.oo·.,.-.,.,."<")IQ ~-<$ ZENITH • SYLVANIA • COMPONENTS • COMPONENTS • •RCA STEREO ncn ~ ~ .... (' ....... ~~ 1-µ~• A•'' \A l.V '''"'" I "'""'° RCA CONPONENTS ;ncn ~ '.' o« ·--~ ·' .... -'-""'"' '., .. ,.~ y .,,.,, ,..,..,,,., ~~ d•;O••''"'r••-l"!t' XL- 100 ·~~ ~Rlit VllLl '''°"' C.'-'OJ~ '~ 01•<;<'~.tl p«I"'" ,:::;.-7"\~.~0 902 lAtlanta Huntin C~w I ton Beach:962-555 68-332919046Broo urst, ton Beach .... ".':', • ..... '~' 0 MOii, I n.r, 10-1 ·I OAlt 'f PILOT SaUiraa;·, J11nt Z'l, 1Cl1-1 County Strike May Cause Shift to Non-union Labor B}' IH)l'Gf.A~ F'KfT1.l;ICJIE Df>nwnds hv l~1n~1r11c11on lndlJStrY 1mio11S could ]!·ad l\l a \11despr1·ad shift 10 ll'n·union lnl,:Jr if nu1ld1n!; Tradt-s WwlC'1I \\Ol 'k1•r:-c rn:ik1· g1l(j(j thl·ir thl\•at to \1<1lk off 1.ht·1r JO~ ~1onday. Da.11 f'l't e1·son. ch1t'f negonntor for th~ oontraetl)rs. s..11d c!1•rnands stl<'h as U»sc IJ)• Or.1ngt• l'ouut\' l•irpcnters._ C'i.'mcnt inasons and l:1bort•rs "arc forl'tnp:: us lCl rtiovl' i.tv.11y fn1n1 un10fl tahor" A!! !hrf.'1• u1HOOS ha1·t• broken tJU ta\k!i wit h 1tw> l\l'fl manag('mrnt i.:roups. lhf' Bu1!ri1ng 1ndu~tr1 Associa11oi1 a n d 4sS0C1atl-d fit•ut"f';1l ro111ractors THE V~10\S f\a1·1: set L\1 onday as a strike de;id l1n<' 1hn"atc·111ni:: that \l'Otk 11o1!\ s101> ;ind pici..t·I hncs v.ill go up 1f their dc1nands :u·e nol lilt'! ~n 1alks h:t\'<' ix't11 :.ct OVt'r !ht' 11·eC'kr'nd. l'eterson said. "\\'c're still 111J!1ng to talk," he ~id . "but v.·e·n.· so fHr ripan 1111 1he arnount of 1nonev \vr'rr-tal king :ihout that l can't eV<'ll 'untlt•rstand tht·1r propos:-d " . The r-arpcn!L•rs urt~ a.sking for $1 9~ :in l~ nlorc lhan their present $7 35. Masons \l'.'.\nl SI I~ and !ahorl'r~ are asking for SI 30 an hour hike in y.·ages snd fringe benefits. Carpenters say thty y.•ill not iiettle f~r any hike \\·luch does not c!06~ the gap 1n ":ig1•s lx'l\\"t't'n carpen1ers 1n Soulhenl r':il1fornia and those in Northern C'n llfornia, some of \\'horn ha ve signed a tit'W cotnract for $9.7!1 an hour. "IT'S flEt\LLY an insult to us that 1hey're asking for par11 y,'' Pe1erson said. "The conlraclors just can't adjust to 1ha1 kmd of art increase," TI1e contractors groups, he said, are bowKl hy th,,ir ("Ofltracts to HSI:' union l:-1lx1r unul f\lo11d:l\. "but after ~tond1y, 111• 1·a n lL~•' :1nybody \rl' want. "All \\'e have to do LS hire Tncn to do rli.• 11ork." 1 ':>11lr:1t·tors, ht' said . .,.,llt.l!d offer noo· union .... ork .. r:; the curren t \\'U,!!ese Y. tth frinRt· lx•ocf1 ts oo the checks plus 11 1~ 65 1·1•nts an hour in Y.aReS and fringe l)l•nefil:i the contractors hav e oflered the unions. A STRIKE, he said, \\'ouJd lie expensive to contract.ors in terms of idle ('00.'Jtruction lime. "II 1,1·ould lUt m~ $1$,00) a day to s top work,'' he said, "and I'm Just a small L'OOtrRC'l.Of, '' Petenon si1id he plans to ''jus1 si t Tight a '"'hile" In lhe e\'tnt of a strike r..tonday, but "quite 11 tew corit1111ctors are ready to ka..>p on going." Union labor accaunt.s for almost all of Orange Coonty's constructloo wock force hut Petersoo sald, "I think there v.ill be 11wie a large noo·union group in a t'QUple of v.·eek.s." OliE TO THE wide difference in uniot\ and management offers, Petrrsv11 said. an agreemmt ht-fore Monday is wtlik.ely Rnd a strike, if one occurs, roi!d be. a long one. . E.!St:,.·here in Uk' state. San Diego Coonty and most Northern Cal ifornia construction Y.'Orkers are ~triking. . Operating engineers unions have s~hl fronl ihe buildin g trades councils, n1nking their o""n agreements, Tile h~avy equipment operator's local ! er v 1 n g Orange Cuunty spilt from I ~ e ron.struction y,urkers' grouri so 1ts n'lofmbers would not have to hooor picket !ines In the e\'ent or a strike by other member locals. ·~------ In S unday's Fa1nily Weekly: I), 1 ..... l '1~ ... h ... ., ( ... 1 ... 1 ........... !\;• •k olM•t .nd '\11~•·1 ~ I '"""f''' l ,u•J,. 1 .. u ....... 1 .. 111 ... 1 .. d . 11~.1 .... 1 ... ,,~ t.-,.-.1 r ... .,. a..w ..... ""~•lkw 'lh~ , .. ""'"''! "Robot '' or 1'Angel of Mercy''? A Famous Author's Eye-Opening Look At Today's Nurse Jlrc nu rJ1·~ !.>lill 1111rlerpnid? ls Florence f'l1'g11tingale 5lill tl1eir 111vd,./! Jflh)' arc su niany 11ur5i11g Jchools clo~in,c.; :-' 7 Deaths Uterine Device Recall 01·de1·ed \\'1\SJilNGTO~ (AP \ -The Food and Drug Administration has announeed toda y that A.It. Robins Co. -hns agreed to suspend sale and distribution of its Dalkon S hield int r auterine COlllraceptive device (11.iD) pending studies of ils safety. The Richmond. \'a.. !inn 2.2 million Dalkon Shields ha 1·e been inserted since late 1970. Schmidt said the FDA has no reason to belleve th.at docton should remove Da\koo Shields from patients \lo'ho ha\'e been wearing them SUCC('SSfully. h11s repGT1C'd se\'en deaths and HE CAUTIONED Dalkon inorc th::in !00 cases of uterine Shield users against undue inft'Ctions ·associated w j th alarm but advised patients to miscarriages in patients ~ing consult their doorof's if they the> Dalkon 5ltleld. have any {juestioos.. In a FDA Commis si o ner recent lener to more than Alexander ~I. Sc h ml d t 120,000 physiciaM. Robin s recommended that docton: mt -advise<! relllO\·al of Dalkon prc>scribe the Dalkon Shield Shields from patienlo;; who for their p.1tient.'I until the became pregnant in spite of s.1/ely {juestions can be the IUD. The company sug- an.'l\\·{'ted. "b:>pefu lly in the geS1ed that therapeutic abor· ne:\1. se\·eral y.·eek.<J." tions be CC>n$idered if the THE FDA SAID it plans lo 1:a1her au av ail ab le informa1ioo on IUDs from doctors and other sources and present them to an expen ronuniltee Cll Aug. 21. The FDA said 1he comm!~ wilt re1iew the information in an open meeting and m a k e recommendations to Sdvnidt. An estimated six mlllioo Am,:riean 11·omea OO'W use some> kind of IUD. l>fore than shield could oot be removed ~asilv. Schmidt sak\ that e\'efl if the problems 8S9Peiated with the Dalkon Shield were found to be commoo lo all IUDs, their &afety and ef(edJveness :is a ~ve would atl ll appear to compare favorably wilh birth t'Ofltrol pills. Kidnaping Probed JACKSONVlLLE, Fla. AP \ -Rep::irts or a second abduction of a white youth and ne\lo· tape recordings claiming a third killing in the name of Promoter Pleads Speed~· Cha.4Je Alien Smuggler l1111oce11t SAN F'RANCISCO (A.Pl - John T. Burl<e, oil drilling prormter of GeoTek. has pleaded innocent to the 17 o:xmts of a (ederal Indictment charging a $:10 "Tll i 111 on inve91.ment ~e. Suspect Seized U.S. District C.OUrt Judge \\'illia m T. SYo·e.Jgert ordered that Burke. 48, r or mer pres i dent of GeoTek ~ Inc. remain free y.•lthoot bail . He scheduled a July 12 he11ring to sct lri~l and hear disnilisaJ motions , Svt'Ci gen. F'rlday granted a llo11ored A S;una AJ1::i rn:in alleged 10 Uc un allcn sn1ugi;ler and hnuHng five ri.1exlcan nationals led <::.ihfonun }I i g h w a Y patroln1cn and San Ccl n1ente police on a hllo!h·sp<'('d c~ y.fllch ended with a blO\l'f1 Ure and burned engine in !\lission Viejo Friday. Patrolmen gal'e Pe d r O Toscano Gallardo of 1210 N. Jacluoo SL the dubiou s honor ol beu'lg "roe: o! the best drivers of any alien snlllgg!ers v."C''ve chased in a long time ." request by Burke's a1tomey Dr. \Villiam F. !louse orticer.i said thcoy first James Martin l>laclnne.~. that of Newport Beach and Rurke bt allowt'd to travel lo \\"hillier has rctci\'<'d noticed Gallatdo's \\'hite coupe tilled 1.1·ith aliC'fls abn11t n mile 11pcoast of the S<1n Onofre Border Patrol checkpoint. A ltigh\li•ay patrolman tried to pull I.he c~1r over. bot Gallardo a :i1 s e rt ed I y 5]X'(i a\vay northOOund on the San Diego 1\lidlan<l. Tex., and 10 Den\'tt Ao1eriran Medical As· lJn oil indu.!tn· bus~ on sociation's Di st!n"uish· l'Onditioo that ·he TI01l{y the e<l Service Award in t ourt on his 1rave\ pl11ns and Chicago. \Vrong person business puri»it' v.·as identified as l)r. At to n1eys Art hur J l~ou se in photo earlier Le1npt•rt . or San ~Ui100. and this week. Freev1ay. llobert Hooe , 42, of San ----------1-Tancisco , also p l e 11 de d San Clemente police units soon joined In the chose and tre l2·mile pursu!l reached speeds \li'Cll in excess of 110 miles per hour, officers said. innocent to a single> colllll of conspiracy. Sweigert ordered that l~y appear July 12 for trial selling. Burke, of La ~fesa, Y..'l'IS indicted June 17 on 17 counts charging hin1 v.i th securities sales frat1d, making false statements and conspiracy from 1964 to 1972. Lempert and Rose v.·ere charged only on ooe count of conspiracy. f , Steele Langford charged that Burke had d I verted investor's money 10 his o\\.11 "50. The go1·emlllfflt cootendcd he did this by combining funds and transferring them to firms wtllch he controlled but . v.·hich y.·ere nominally headed by his brother Robert Burke. 42, Orind11, named ns a ro- schemer but not a dc>fcndant. Pio11ecr's Services Co11ducted It finally ended at the A1'ery Parkway offramp of the rreev.·ay "'hen Gallardo's right front tire. threw i1s tread and then blew out. His engine, patroln1en said, had just bfown up 100. t..lemorial services 11·ere held 'I'hc car came to a Friday at Rainbow Chapel ln screeching halt a1~c end of \\ltluier for '""ess t\f. Kline the offramp and o f i ('('rs "'6" a~tt"CI the driver. thr('(' of Laguna }fills, who died aliens in the pas s c> n g e: r Tuesday. comp.1r1TnCflt and two others A native tJf South Dakota, fo1md in the trunk. r..trs. Kline had lived ind ~==='-'==:.::=:;===;I Lag\U'la llill:i1 a yea r and a half TR£ and In Gali!ornia 68 years. •• •• 'S She .... ·as past deputy Grand ....,.... ~1 a t r on, the Order of "'~"l~."(·,!.~""' Eastern Sta r, past y,·ort hy Th~.,.11 11 ., ,. .. high priestess of Whiole Shrine. L•tu~•·S.-!l~••tt. o1M•1 a 51).ycar me1nber 1Ji Eas!ern '---'"°'S·0401 42·175l TI!i' ;llil'n.s v.·ill be deported, pol1Ct• said. 111 P an w h 11 e fln!Jardo ts in Orange County Jo lJ ay,•aitlng charges of alien 81nuggling 11nd re c k I es s driving. The pursuit y..·as che second t.>ctic chase by patrolmen this 1norninR in 1he sa1ne areu of ;l!\l'n smugglers and Me.xlcan natiooals. Earlier in th e n;omITTg officers c h a st" d several immigrants throug11 ti¥.> )l(t Julls and arrested most of them, they s;.iid .. School Nets Stock Gift t.frs. Irene C. Larrabee o! Ne\\·port Beach hns donated s1ock worth $143,480 lo the California ln s l itute of Technology. The funds are to be used ~·herever needed. The stock is ln L & F Industries of Huntin~ton Park a machine cq utp me.nt \manufacturing finn founded by r.trs. Larrnbee':ii late hus- band. Ra~L:B~~e'=.== 324 N. NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH 642-3766 ll Yt1rs S.rM Loe.ti• e SALES •SERVICE S 1111uner \\'orld past niatrons club, and ·;...---------------::::=""°--.., a '(}-\·ear member of Ea~C'rn Siar State of California. ~ ~ports Slate(l She Is sun;ved by l\\'O niC<.'E'S. ?.lrs. Louise Spaulding and Mrs. Geraldine r..lillsap and tY.l> ne~-s. Richard and Lloyd Anderson The fami ly reque.s ts memorial cootributioos be SALE!! ncwpott tcMll t lkl 50°/oOFF!! All TfNNIS DRESSES A sun1m<'r sp:>rts camp for made to the Shriner's Crippled 5, lOW Coas! Hwy •NEWPORT BEACH•Cahl •/7 141 645~060 boys and girls 7 to 14 years old .~Cl>~il~dr~en~'s'_H~oop~~\ta~I':.. ___ _:_~~~~=:::::=======-=-::=:'::::::':::=::::::::::=~ SH AD TODAYS, SPORT SECTION will be offered next week and the v.·eck of. July 15 by the Fomtain Valley recreatioo departmt:nl cr;>J;°f;J.~l'.;&:;:~~~~-i!::.~:f::1li~~~esl:.'.:-f~S.l~~l::.~~'.!i:~:):~ 1be canip \\.'ill run from l p.m. to 4 p.m. 1tfonday through Friday at Fowitaln i' ~~~,j,; .. .,;;.o.,;;.to;o;., .... IO:,j;,:;.I ... ~~·-~ ... Valley High School -.1781 --~'.'1-,?;:-t lo.. BtLWl.rd St. It will include basic Inst.ruction in :oi o f t b a I ! , basketball, t ouc h roMbo.11, .... ·re,tjling and daily S\loi mm.lng. Regl~tralion is being taken at the Fountain Valley Com· munl1y center, 10200 Slater A\·e. The fee is $Pi.SO, wt.ich includes a r-amp t·shirt. Bruce Pickford. Fountain Valley 1·arsity football coach, is the camp director. GOING INTO BUSINESS FURNITURE SllbE Dr. Fra nk G. Sla ughter writes exclusively !his week for Fam ily Weekly on a modern daY dilemma, the role of the regi stered nurse in today's hospital. With more pat1enls, higher cos ts and more sophis· ticated equipment, RN's find t hemselves manag· ing television monitors 3nd computer print·outs while the patient remain s at a loss f or a kind word of encouragement. Learn what Dr. Slaughter recommends to turn tl11s trend around and help provide patients with t hat all·important psycho· logical care. Special Program On Tap th~ ll lack Liberation Army C 'IL U I Id haw the J"''°"'ill• police 111 P IC One of Orange County's most experienCed model and custom home designers is becoming a ''designer's designer'' •.• Entire invenlory must go .•• •MARRIAGE THAT WORKS-"(".lborcr ' ~•0r Jo el G1,1 r ,.,. " ! <>r j ~ ·n, ~ 1 ""· c'1r.·er w1fr1 fom•ly !,Tf'. , ,. I \.. ..,.,...,, '1 r rn do my 0..1 , ! r · ... . 1 1 • • · t 1. ~,fin ronrn pr1fnfrne1 I , · 1•" 11r , .. ·t : •YJ'"' w.,, "'Y I 'l""I··" •8AR8ECUf FIREWORKS-I , J I !1'or /~nri1.,, Hon~,.,., ,, .,,. ,,, •· I' : I l .,.,. I l ·' I trl 1 r ,. I J ~ t ,. ' ' ' ! 1·' ,, } ' ·i .... :. All <..:0 111i11 g Sunday With The I DAILY PILOT I ---------- , FR OM Fash ion Island N ew port Beach \ Rrgistra11on ls S1l11 open for forcr on sfl("C"ial alert. SACRA~lE:\10 (AP\_ The a special Costa r-.tcs.:i su1nmcr Police said a "0 m 11 n state'" 3rd District Q)urt of fun program de v e I o p e d reported Thum.lay that she Appeal has upheld the cspt'.CLai!)' for children with saw thrt-e ar fOU( blacks graO e:mbezilcmt>nl conviction of C'\'t'ry different type of ment.al 1'. blond \l.'hite vouth and force \\'il!iam B. Emmal. formtr or pl1ysical handicap. hun in(() a c-M. Police SgL r.xt'OJ ti\'e di rt'.'ctOI' of the 11;(' free program I s l I f. Connell Mid a (Xlcicet Sh.1st.a County Legal Aid crn1<h1c1t'ri ~fondar through knife> .,..;th a four·inch blade ~IPty. The de c i s Ion . Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 Y.as fow1d at the S<:ene , ("()(lfirmed the Colusa County p.n1 iii Canyon Elementary Nor di d police find a txxly Su pcri(lr Court decision last Sctiool. 2.1:.0 Canyon Drive, that a t.21/)('·reeorded message vcar th.1t Emmal Improperly Coota ~!es.a and rurui through claimed the BLA had dumped Used 11ntipoverty hmds for mJd·August. in 8 OOdy ot v.·ater. personal expenses. .. \\' c have room for as ,-;;:;;;;;;;;__,...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~--'-===~f""='j many as want to corne ," s.1ys S::indy ~1ayes, v1ho \\.'ork3 .,,.;th org.aniwr Jerry K;1.ban in lhe [)(>parllne:nt of Le i s u r e Servlces-sptmarf!d program. Arls Md crafts. games. hikes and excursJt.n,, to Southland rtt:reational spot.II are features of the program, v.-hich Is far more sucoessful this year. A lack of ~gnuJll lut year fom-d cancellation ol Uie planned summer program, but I this year it l! going ltr'oni· Save From 40-60% • Olis, prints, serigraphs •Antiques • Lampa •Wall decor • Nationally advertised furniture • Upholslery • Ash trays, boxes, figurines, planters • Candles1ick1, pillows, canisters, bedspreads Saturday and Sunday June 29th and 30th 10 AM·S PM 3930 Campus Drive Newport Beach {near the Orange County Airport) STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ' • ' • i--.... -' Dandelions Good to ~at '" ~ ~· ... I f OH.T (.'Ol~LINS, Co Io ! UPI ) Colorado State Uni versity Professor Richard f:. \\'alter says p e o p I c shooldn'l siray d.indclions. Instead they should cook, sal~. airl pepper lhe1n. H c rn.a.inUii!l.~ dandelions make good rotirlil:. The as.sist.ai11 prof('S!'Klr of botany und plant 1J01thology says people don't realize how niuch good food lht'J h:1\•' right in their yards. S<>rvl'tl pro~rly, numy \\'eedS..(ll<1kc a , great addit1cr1 to any meal. ~ In ;in aue1npt to prove to t1 people that unrecogniU!d food t is rig:ht under lht>ir noses, t .. ~'4'f ·~ ..... ''::~~cr offered a tour~.~1:~ spnni,: OH "edible n u t 1 \' c plants." Ile t·:<pi-·eted only 25 prople to si ~n 1111 -ire."teud nearJ~· 180 cnrolJ1:d. ONE OF Tilt": i\10ST maligned and cv111rnon \\'cf'ds \Val!er likes to see on tht· r;.ibh· is !he dandel ion. lie says }011 l'an drink it as <'1.lffee. 1;11t ir 111 a s;dad, sip il a.~tt soup or m<cke pancakes out or it . 1£d\ note : and h<1w 11 bout dandelion \vine.) "Many \X.'<l pli· iri n1\· class !l<l ld thf'V "ill n1·v1•r spray thei r dan<lclions a ~a1n," \\'alter s.aid in ~111 inlerviel'.'. "'l"'hcy're ~oing to di~ then1 up and use thorn ." "\\1e made coffee the oth<-r night 1.ut of the roasted rool." he said . '·\Ve've eatl'n !lie grt'Cns 111 ,, Summe1· Lawns May Need Spiking A lawn ln lhc spring, nurtured by "inter rains and ;1 long rest, is a thing of beauty. But no"', after C:a~·s of soil- baking sun and no rain, you could have a problem. I :wl.1d and ~u11 ·n1c 111111 ~·1' 11 e"1i: put into µ:uir.11\t•:." \\',\l.TEH, \\'1111 II \II to S<.Tarnbl1• around rlt·s111•rall'ly to find rw111 for lus :.lu.dt•nts becnus1• uf !h" I a r g f' r11ro!l111<•11t . s;.i1 d lh<.·y r<1ngcd in age frorn 18 w 77 ""'c had bt1,1tH.~~~ cx1·tu· lives. trick l;i vp 1·~. ~hop L'lerks, bc;.iul1ciHn~ :inti hou~c· \l !\"t's," tie "'11d. ··rt ra 1, 1h" ('Ornplplt1 ~111111 of prof, ~,~,11111~ I 11";1s amtu.etl ." Sonll· t1f thf• stuflt·nl.~ 11r-rt• haekp:1ck ing enthu~iast~ 11h•1 v·antcd ro supph.·•n• nt 1h1·11· 111(."flUS outdoors. hr s.111! Stun .. v.·cre old er pc-opl<' 11hti !i\'Cd 111 the foothills and 11 ho h•1;J h1·ard some of lhl' rl:int" th{·\ sa11 (.i'.!Ultl lit· • ,11"11 Ont• S!11tt.·11! 11 "' .,,. htllllt• \\.!~ •111\i •t!ll 11!1111 \Ill'• I h1 Ill !ur1k )11~ ''"'ii ,1111! \\ !'!~! ''I 111 1· in llw fu11llitll:, "llt· s.11d utl Ii·· hu11l'h •11111 \I i.J'S /l)(';I( .itid d fe ll !'/::..'.' •·\1·rytli 111t.: t'l'1' Ill' p1ekt·d up Off lht• 1i11)1h1•;q I'S. J JL•IJt'll/ll ~. 11 -1 f llNTl!.\11\' T11 II II \T 'il)J1)t' IJt'IJ IJ)t• 11\ll'.lll 111111!, \\ ;Jl!<·r .~n1d . n11u11 o! tlw 11"•1\ fouu~I Ill 1111: uultkKH''> .1r• dt•l1(·111us '"\\'"'re e:1t111g a ]fl! of !hin/~ rh:11 ;.irt• JU'>I 111.1111 uhl 111·~·d· ·-like SUl::\lllg 111·11!1· :1n l ;ill or tht· n111-;t.1nJ., 11, .,;,,11 Stinging rl• 111<· ttn.'>t!•, :0111! n1ullt·n l'Jll 1,... u.,,.,1 fur h ·;" l>ll'a 1uler.~ •\ ' Slir11/J Easy 1'o Gro'1v 11 ·s unusu;1J to fin d :1 shrub both atlraetive and tough, b1H in fitl!ng th;1t descrip1ion, tile oleander is a ho;;r,11 111 gardeners chro11gnr1u1 tlh· state. _\:n :ii \ow \J ,1111 t j ;l;1 pli!lll" ;, I 1· I> I• 1!1 I ti.ii!.!::\ l!1.1!1 I I 'I'! 11,11 !li,1( ;II' I 0Ll1·11 \ ••f \ !\J ,I'(! .">uu" • f 1'1• 11 11•1111• ',I ''1'' I 1111 ·1!1·1· 11 111· tll1· s:11d1·111-., 11 .t11 ·n I• ' ·'·ti.uh 1111.f •• •;• 11 lid !•d!i)l1• 11!:1111 \ <"ii• ,f.J•ol ,, 1 .. ..:1111111•· ln•·d ' • • 11 'l<'l!l' ", t'I Olli l':1 f'l"i«'ll , ~II «:1lil pl.J iil i l'fl')k• •I 11 · df!'''lilf' t':1t!;1JI ~ht.I II ''I'""' "IHf plf:Y,!•t•d·illlhL•ill hl"l'<'ll• \\,iJ a.·r S.dd tJ1~· !'(1[Jt ' II HI' 11<1111 1L1fldl·l1on roul, I· 1 ... I\ ··1r JtJ·~\ll'\I).°' \ 1 I I ... • l'«'.I li;i! .,f i"Jii< 1)/'I \\ /l11 11 II ! 1r,d l1f !ht• [),·t·p -;,,\JIU jp .11d It 1;c~tl'., 111"tr) • ", ,,, f]U· 1 <11!1-.· II!' ch u1k llJl )., I• .ll1111 '\ Flor al ., (,'11 !11r ,"'i/1111r 1\ IJOl\!•I' ,l,!o\', \I 11!1 .<:·o :1' 11! 1•\0]11· ;1L111!• 1 11·,, <d 11 t!lnjrr lt•,,11 1r1·, ;il 11. ~·1:11 ;11'"1u<1l :-;·1ul l;l;:11d 11 :·ii .. ,, ... ! 1;.ird1"1 :-;t:r111 111 111,. A11·il• ·11 (';,1111·1111c11 ("1·111t·" Tl l" ~:1,,11 11!uth opf'Tlf'd Frir!a.1· 1111\ 1'un 1111.Jt•i,:h .Jul 7 tr you havoo't laid a proper roundatlon through nmlching earlier in the year, obtain a coring tool and s p i k e compaC!('d ar(',"\S thorough!~·. Tf t/K! entire la\\'!l is in need of it you 1nay v•;u1t to rent a renovator. It "'ill sa\'C ytiu time and labor. Spikin~ w1:h a spading: fork is not the bf~t idea for it tl'11ds to ('On1pe.ct the soil in the pl"'OC('s~. these holes to hold th<!n1 open and water freque ntl y. ftou ghing the surface and scattering new lawn seed "·i!t benefit severelv "'orn areas. Top dressing w.ith a good soil conditioner will lay the groundv.'ork for a healthy soil surface and freedo1n fro1n future compa.ction. \\later your l<1wn frequently durin g summer and f<'ctl 11 Jightlv ;ti lea..~t once a mnn1h. On<' Or n1ore of these feedings 1nay he in the form of a high- nitrogen dressing .,,,,hieh gi\'es tire<l lawns a shot in the ann. Feed in the morning e<1rly and \rater thorou~hly -not so thoroughly that thl' food \\CLShes a"•ay, however . 111is shn1h is quite easy to grti\\' fo r it is not 1><1r!1cular ;1bo111 ::;oil. \\ i!I lake "'ind . sun a nd rt:flt'C1.l'd llt'at and [j\·.cs on Vl'f.V lit!ll' \1<.!.-r. U1 the 111any \\:t~s 10 pl <lllt !ht· nle:indt• on1• 01 1h1• 1110~1 popular 1s • :·~ ;.i road or 1!1 11 t·11 ;1y !:ordt·r Oleander ... n1ake \\'u nd c r fu l !uh ~1)N_·Jn1ens for the p;:l\io and other wa rrn outdoor living \ \11r•1·r,·111a11 1:1,111,·r~ ;ir:d :-11111!1-. l!'1 .;i 011• ! :.r •~ .. 1 r'·• .i Id 11111 h· dir.1i.la11·d .ii the 1•.1•111 ;"'('l\ffllll~ ! ! I ol'IJI gt" ( "ulOllll" lii•· jU'U.-!U! 1•1 A coring tool rernoves a plug of soi! and leaves the ground open to .1dmit "<iter and foOO . Brush or S\\'CCP sand into \\!e<'{!jng is easiest 11,·irh one of the chemical v.·eed controls. ''""Jlrtl \\1i1111t•r i\fic hacl t.illcy o f :'\:c1\'· port Beach. an orna- 111 en ta J hor1i culture rnajor at QC(', is lhe v.•inncr of the annu~I scholars hir provided the college by the Cal i- fornia 1\ssoclation of Nurseryn1cn. S11<Lil Lovers Give11 Gardener\; ChcckJist Capi tol J\'.ews Str\"icr SACR A'-fF.!'\TO -Europran hro\rn snail I o \" e r s !,llourmr·ls. that is) and ga rdeners have been \l;amcd by the Of'partn1c11! of Food and 1\;rrl cull 11rc Jhar f'0:n1 non control n1 r1 h0<!~. ~r1a1J bite or pcllcls. son1Pli m1'S rausC' :i poiwning probl1·111 ""i!h <logs and "('ats who may find the pellets appeti1.in ~. The dcp:.irtnll'n! annou11 erd lh:.t industrits ha\'(' changt'd the forn1ulation of snai\ bill's ro 1nake thcrn less attracti1·e lo pets, but some slores may still be ~lling older stor k lha1 is dangerous to animals. The d{'partn1cnt recomn1ends Iha! the follo"·ing precautions be tak!'.'n : I Jrrigatr to1na!oe.; nlll'.• .1~ 11f'<"{'i.~ar~· and s.:e th:n 1he ~·;,ll'r pcnC"tr.i!cs dN'pl~ 1r .. 11 ov(•r ;1 foo t dl't·p. if possible. 2 1'\o'<l.· is 1he tirnc l•"i C'hoose Jlthist11s 111 bloo1n. for ~tlS.:llional flo11'f"ring shrubs lo plant in a sunn,\', prot.::cr{'(f spot. -r!(';1d 1he label directions rnrt'ful!.v hefore use: . 3. F('(!(J dnhl ias now if 1·0111 -Scatter the baits-do not ha \'ffi't done !'.I) in the 1;;i~t lca..-e lhen1 in piles; ··-~month. Large-flov.·('red. sho\\- _,~·a1er dO\\'ll the baited var i<'l lC'S should ha \'C side area thorough!~·: buds pinched out to channrl all -Keep pets and children gn1v. lh in1o <1 f('1r tcrn1Jna! aw;1 y fron1 1he bailed areas. bud.~. 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Hn)lis}~rs ~liDiXJ OPEN DAILY 9 -6 546·5527 SUNDAYS 9 .5 FRUIT TREE SPECIAL ....... 5.98 Full size tree. Ma ny 1n lru1I """· Great Way To Get Your Vitamins Dwarf MEYER LEMON I"~· I 98 1.,. :z.ts s,.cw • Full size lru1I on dwart growlh !ree. Decorative BARK lf1"'.t Speci.M Bia, BIG BALE s'Wt.A.GHUM MOSS 0 ~ 3 .... 5.98 C l.l\i' Just !he thing to lleep weeds ~ 9,... t down: retain moisture a1ound ·~"·" 19'8 I "!' pt ants. '~ JGllJ.DISA'IAIL•ILI I _..;1o• ~ /' ' OQ.an1c moss for use 1n olanling basllals As a garden mulch. ....... • tHST ANT LA WM .•• , WIHAn SOD!! Soocials lhru July 7th· Closed Thurs .• July 4th FLOWER SHOP Lovely, Lacy BOSTO~ FERN .... I.ts SPECIAL 5. 98 TI1c oleand.:r r r r, d u c •' ' gene rous :unount s of c·ulor rJ nwers froni r.1ay or June to October. 11s C\'1~rgrren fol in;.(1· 1:> an altractil'C dnrk grcrn ;ill \·en r around. To assurt• a h('tltT now1'r displiiy ;ind a 1norl' gr<1ct·l11I sl1r11b or lrl'e. pru_ne earcfully in the l'al'ly :-pn ng. J,11!1\h1•1'f! :'\;1\';11 n! I .1 1 . \h··;i ha~ 11u:il1t1td ;1• ;i l " 'I I i f 0 r n I a cl' r 1 i f I ,. II 11\11"\CI I IH:l.11 \a ~;ll . :~J. Jl;1\ lo I' i ll 1·111pJO~<'li hy I.!< ~~I ~ \11r"·:·1 ,\: l.;iud ... 1·.'.lpl' l •1 .. (·o,·.i \1 , ~;, Slfll"I' !\lfi!J lie I ~ :1 l;111d -.!.lj·• arl'hi !l'('!Un· gr:1du.1tt· l n 11•1 C:il l'ol_I', Po n1c111:1. [(id.~ [ike To A.~k .41u/y (. __ ,, .L -. . 111!1'11.!lt d dll\• d 1:1~1 hp f(',11Ht••·1 0 1 p1:,1 .•111 • y t'.11" •·,•II a' . \rnvn;.: t"··ru 11111 1;,. ;i I I- f;, •I l1Tl'I..; II f11•1'I II l!fl r· 11,1' 1•1' hlt"h t•'.' 1 ·0111 ·1111111~ ~p1·l'la1·l1li•r i1.,11J:01~ nf tl o 11 t·r~ .111·1 ;1 ~··· f11.Jl lii;.(11I'll1111ll !JH11;11\'I• Iii~ 1,1• r ,_',;u·d1·11 In ;1drli1 1iJl1 t<i !hi• d1spla~ '· ·, 1~1:1;:"· !u 1h1 ~I:·.\'• 11111 I ;dill' 1.1 g"I li..:lptu l ud11r·1· en g;:init'lllllL: IW!ildt'lll, f I I• II\ CX[X'l"!S \lhQ ll'JJI 111;111 111;111 \ l.f t!1l· booth~ Regent II by BROWN JOR DAN I ' . ' 1111 11 '( l'l! q f l '"·· ,. • "" c ' PH ~7t.Cl•J ~ • WEE K-EN D SPECIALS' ·'-) ' .. '" lcr'JI' 'fanrty of FERNS ,.., ,,,. J95 ;9 ,,f. ·~ Be q o,, i o ', Coleu\ 5 9 c : .. ~).' ~:, & Mcriqold\. R~g . 79 . . . . . . . . . . . ...,.., ct:-1 lar<JI" H~..q )98 ~' ~.J _:_FU~C~H;:S~IA:;S~~;:-:====='"'"'====~'~ ·"',..1 e"'~ ) FLOWERPOT SHOPoodNURSERY ;( :1'! 1660 Santa Ang A•r., C a\la Me\a . S4a.:_2,.,qJ6 .~ SUPER SPECIAL-YOUR CHOICE HOLLYWOOD JUNIPER sac GOLDEN ARBORVITAE ~r~TI;.~ 8~~~~ESS EA ALL ONE GALLON PLANTS FRUIT TREES GALLON SIZE Req. l .99 2 ss STEER l cu. ft. RO<j. 89 59c BARK OR PLANTER MIX 1.47 2 cu. ft.-Req. 1.99 ----·-·-~ ' I' l' l'Jl iNG TQN CCN T[H I I If lGER AN[) BE/\CI ! 1•t1 NT1NGTON BE fl Ctl 892-661 I NOW • 28<J'o OFF I fJ DAILY PI LOT Presidio's Mice Saved By the Bell lly llERB CAEN :-OAN FRA ~CI SCL) \'irginia l ..e<H'h caught 1h1 . .., h1'.11tl1n l' in thi! Oak'frib "II ~~~ Fur linJ)('at"h· ment '' :ind "u111l1•r!> if th.•l 's the fll ysh:r1ous i.:.,~t 11.iy !-lll'('t'!>M>r lt1 "l-lonk It \·1·11 '/'h111k Ht··~ c._juilty '1 •.• 1\ p11''" 1 e !1 ·;1 ~c trorn our bt>]n\t·d p~1-.1111 :1 !.l t'r. l.1n1 I' LL•f", informs n1<' lh:tl \JO Jnr1nnf"St' let· ter <'arrier~. "inuer!!. of :.i "1nodel postn1 an" t:ontcst. 11rri\'l'd in San f'r;1nl'iS('O il nd !>pent a day tounng s ut·h po!-t;d.1n stt:t ll at1ons as Rincon ,\nnt''.'.:. :-..:an1cd. of l'Our~('. in honor of J>rl·:-illl'nt ,\br:1 h.1n1 l1111con .. , Tllf-: T.\l.t\'[.-\11.. l.tlt.:NGE Bob S1epl11·n~. :1 rl1·\·11tec of the l\l a rqu1s tle SC1de. y,·hu!>c birthday IS th 1~ 111unlh, a !!.ked Juhe .Sa nchez, al Sanche~· o n Fillmor(', if she'd give a party i11 his honor. "Well ," replied Julie never at a loss, "I'll try lo \\'hip something up" .. , I'm so old 1 remember v.·hen the l\.tarquis \\'as jusl u young \lo"hip- pcr s n ~1p per and arc you old enough to remember that joke? . . _Armistead l\.t aupin dialed lhe Church of Satan, listed in lhe S,l-~. directory, by dc,·tl. and got "one of those infernal recording clc\'iccs • so at the beep I told ll to go to hell " ... Don Starner hell.rd it at a Penins ula cocktai l party: "She quit :-i moking but s hc·s slill a l'.'.h ain-drinker. '' CAEN t"i:TTI : 'l'hc mt'nu at the doubtfully Italia n restaurant in the Regency 1-l yatl announces that salads are ··saladc<'red Ucfore ,·our Eyes," and \\'Ol kind fcncy 1n~lis is d<1t'? ••. Stanlev r.tarcus. the Texas n1erchant pnnce. con- fides that \\'hen he ente rs an e!evaloron the 30th fl oor, say, and f inds a b adly dres~ed \\·o nian aboard, he m e ntally undrC'sscs her "ri ~ht to the skin" and then at- tires he r fro n1 the inside out in !\"L'in1a n-~l a rcus' fin e:-it •·so th ~1 l by tbe tirnr-\\'C get to the botton1 noor . she looks 1,11onderfu1." and tha -cun a sun rooty·lOOt·toot. ~EVE R ONE t•pass up a r apid buck. Gro\'e Press is reissuing a novel •lilted "Black Abduction," v.·ritten by one James Harrison about the daughter or a r ich California conser\•a tive who is kid- naped by a radical group, adopts its philosophies and gflCs in ror bi se xual experiences. The reissue, out 1n ,1 le\\' davs. 1-. now <:allc<I jusl plain ·',\bduct11)n' -0111d fl'at urcs a CO\'er phot11 uf P atricia llearst 1n that farnnu~ "Tania" !-hoL complete \\'1lh auton1 atic \\eapon . , . IThe "';iy !hey hei.ir it .at Earth Nc"'·:i;, Grove will also turn the book into ;,i h:ird-('orc por· 1l1Jf11t·I\ I, OS\\'ARll: 1'hc Anthonv J . Ru!;- sos (he w u~ i)an1C'I Ei!sber1;:'s codeft>ndant in t he Pt'nl:.igon Papers easel ;1rt• !i1·ing :tpart in the Richmond Dist v.h1t·h 1~ 11l!t to in1ply marital 1tiff1l'ull1cs. It '~ simply that s he h:is hccome•~1 d isciple of Guru i\lah.araj Ji and has mo\·ed into :in a~hram a few blocks av.·ay , . IHusso report· ed\y 1s not 01·etjoyed at his ar- rang,ment, but, as Pa ul Desruis- seaux keeps sin g ini;. "Yes . \\'e }lave No Nirvanas.."). .. \\'hile Jose Ferrer was rollicking through "The Su nshine Boys " at the Geary Theater the other night. burglars \\'ere bounding about in his rented Russi:tn 1-lill hou se and schleppin g ofr just ab out t'V e rything that v.·asn 't nailed do,,..·n. GREAT SE\\'S for mice~ \\'e q uot(' from Paraf(r:_iph 13 o r J>r('sidio llcadquart(•rs· d;1i l.\· bul· letin for 29 1\1 <1_,·: .. Ail c;1 ts on the T'res idio of San Franci!'.ro ;1nd sub· posts are requirer! to ha\'C bt:lls nt- f;.icherl around their nl'Cks \\·hen out:i;idc of quar!C'r s" ..• 1'h(' l "PJ's Don 'fhuekrt·\' 1)1\nk s it's <• sham<' \l'e let !lilly ille BAllTn1an get <J\\·ay: .. \\"£" should ha\·c put him in thargC' of th e ~;i n .-\ndrc:1s F:i ult l lF.'J) kC'l'P II fron1 mo\ing " ..... \ntl f). '.\!. Prilchelt lo1•"·ards th i.-.; ml'-"sai,:(• on the hul- letin bo<.1rd outs idl· ·remple Baptist on 19th Ave.: ''Jesus Saves And \\~lfh -Toflav's Prites That's a :.lir<icle! .. · SPRISGJSG fnol hln\\·n from the (e\'ered hrO\\' of Strang1· 1le .Jim: .. \'ou h:J\'C' to he in tht• n ght 11l;..1re .al thl' right 11ntl' hut unfortunulcly I \\<i:-> <.1hst·nt t hl• day th,~-ex· plained ho\\' \hat's rlonc." -Consumer Agetccy Chief Urges High Standards By Frt'd \\'. h:line (I POl•I N1w1 '!ot<>1<• SACRA!\11::'.\·TO-·There's one guy 1n \Va shini::ton -a n appointee o f President Kichard ~1 . Nixon-who ,,..·on't lake any guff fronl anyone, -anrl that in c!ude:-i 111:.iff mcn1bers of the Prcsidl·nt hin1 :-icJL t-le's H1t•h;1 r<t l). S1m1~on, chair- man of the Cunsumcr Prod uct Safety Comm111s1nn. ;ind he drplores the so· ~.:<:1 ll ed .. p.,llti(·ril prC':-o,<.ures" lhal h;:i\'e been m a nifl.'<.,1 111 utlier depart· 1nents in 1.!0\t'rnmi:nt If Sirnrson 1n t·:n 1s \l·h:i ! he says he IA'on't bl.' 1nf!th·11c1 •d frnn1 i.l ny type ()f outside <;<•ll r l'C-ri•n:-.un1cr ad\'ocalt~ Ralp h !\:ull'r or !ht• president of Generiil :'IJ111i1rs. A $;1n Francisc11n "·i1 h a i;ond :-;cnsc of l1t11nor and 1h1· ability to poke fun ;it himself , Sunpson ''i!.itf'd Sacraml·ntr1 to mc~t \\'ilh offic ials 01 !he st;1tc Uc partmcnt uf Consumer .·\ffairs. "'BA.S Eil 0:\ my o"·n personal ex · periencc in indu!.l ry:· S1nlpson told a luncheon he re. "I 11·oulct think that v.·hat ind u~try rc;dl ~· Y.ants from a ~overnn1t·nt a gent')' 1s prt•di ctability, honest}, t:Onsi!>tcncy. tompetcncy a nd integrity. In n1y mind, the pUbli c i-hould C'.'.:pC.\:l no less from any of their public scr v <.1 nts." Sounds :i bit strange coming From :in officia l of the inOucnce-pl:a~ued Nixon Ad1nini stration. doc:-in't it? The re hi!s been. in go1,·crnment, nn ·inordin;i tc a mount or mcddlin~ 011 lhc ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT The ~omment page of the Daily Pilot seeks lo inform and stimulate read,rs by presenting a variety of com· rnentary on topics of interesl and signjfi..cance from in· form ed observe r s and spokesmen. Robert N. Weed, Publisher Saturday, June 29, 1974 • I part of people who are supposed to be controlled by some agency. Those controlled have always seemed to ha\'e a pipeline into the aj?cncy \\'hich is supposedly doing lhc controlhni;:. And \.•iith this ~ipeline in operation, it has at w;ivs hc e n possihlc for people to n.l'E:Oliate sclllcnients 1\ithout an,\'onc being tht: \\'l'-l'r. But Simpson has been ahle to lay do,,..·n some guidelines that seem to s a)'. "1'he same old way of doin g business just isn't good rnou~h ... 11 is Y.Tong to hammer out de;!\~ bcl11nd closed doors .... " Simpson has a nine-point plan con· rcrning v.·hat peopl e should ex 1>ccl fr('l n1 his ;igency Cand frnm other ~111·f'rnn1cn t:.il rcgul ;itory bxli<'s :is \\·ell l • "\·nu ,<.houl d C'<P<>cl ~·I I \1 h('l t·nme hrfore thl' con1n11 s~it111 lo gt·t a fair s hake: • "\'ou ~houl d ('Xpcct th.:it flur rcgulat1ons <irt~ clear and unan1- h1guou s: • '''lou should expect that we ,,..-ill vi gorously enforce the regulations v.·e 11-r1tr-and the 1011\'" "'e ;Hlnlini ste r. hut that "'C d<J so in un C\'Cn·handcll lll <tllllt'r : • '"You s hould expect us not tn ~ubstitU\(' regulalion by nc \\·s release for r('gul:itinn hy la\\·: • ··vou sh<>uld expert our regulatory prioritie:i; to he ration;1I and objecti\'e and not politically in- spi reel ; • "You s hould eKp('ct a libt:-ral in· terpretation or thC' lair s v.·c :i d- n1inisle r "'C Y>ill not arhi1rari1.1· restri ct our jurisdiction by narr(I,,... 111· terpr('tatinns of the h•,,..·: • "'\"ou should expect lh3l lhC're will be no deals made bc'.'hlnd closed doors but rather there will be healthy discussions in the open with full op- portunity for public participation and scrutiny; • ••You ~hnuld exp,C'l our re~ul:il io ns to rr-rl ccl 11 con~cious malching or the solut ion In the problem not a re~ulalory O\'C'rk111 ; and • ··'\'ott shooltl t•xpect us lo he l]eld acroun!'ithl~ for our uctions us \\el l .\IS our in l1el1ons v.·ith no conout s.'' Jn lh('Sl' da ~·s of ~C'<.t ndiil <ind hi~h ­ prt's~t1 re rlc:uls \\'llh puhtie nrfiC'ials or the '.\l xnn Arlminis trol inn. it 1.o; rl•fre~hin.t: 10 ht·ur su<"h un 1>u!~pnkrn ~fl\C rnmt·nt lt•a dl'r l t•ll us \\h<.tt 11•• ~hou!d IJc h(•arin~ unll n1l·a n 11 , Comment Page U.S. Supreme Court Justices, unanimous In their condemnation of a Florida law considered a threat to freedom of the press, are (clock· wise from lower lef1 ): Harry A. Blackmun , Thurgood Marshall, Wiiiiam H. Rehnquist, Byron R. White, Wiiiiam J . B1ennan, Potter Stewart, Chief Justice Warren E • Burger, Louis. F. Powell, and Wil· Ham 0 . Douglas. . .. ·-.;.· Court Rules on Free Press f-'ronl \\.irt• S..•rviees The U.S. Supr enle Court this .,,·erk un :o nlmously deeided <i n issue th;1t h;:is bud ne11,·s men and ot hers who con.~ider thern sel\'1.!S defende rs of i.~irst ,\rnt·ndnit·nt ri ghts skittis h for 1nonths. Thl're w;1 s ;_i tullecti\·e si ;,(h of rt'll1·f fron1 the press :1fter the nllt1on 's h1 ;.:h judici:i l hodv declared s tati;s c;111rH11 dem<1nd that· newspapers give pol il1 c.d candid.ates free s pace to reply to editorial attacks. The court overturned a 61 -year-old Florida "right to reply" law impo~ing such a requiremenL Exerpts from tht' deeisio n fo ll o\\': "Faced \l.'ith the penallies liftlhe l<iw had stood) , •. editors might well con· chide that the !'afc course is to avoid con- lrovcrsy and t hal, under the operation of t h<• Florida :-t ;1!ll lt•. lll'1l1t 1co1 I ancl elt'<'lor;_i l (·01 er;1gt> \1 ot1 ld he blunt N I or rtduerc1 . · · "1\ NE\VSPAPER IS more than a pas· sivc reccpla_fl_t or conduit for nj,'v.s, to111 n1ent and advertising. The l'hf'l!l:l' or n1alerial to go into a ne,,..·spaper, <.1 nrl !ht: decisions made a s to lim itations iin tllf' size of the p;i per. and co nt ent, a11d 1n.:<i1 ment of public issues and pubhl' off11·1..I .., -whether f:iir or unfair -cons1 i t11le.~ tl11· exercise o f editoria l con t rol ;ind judgment lt has yet to be dcn1or1 str;1l l'd how guvernn1ental regu lation of 111 1..., crucial process c an be exercised con- sistent v.·ith First Amendment guaran1(•£' .. of a free press as they have evol\'c<.l tu !111 .., time. "The Florida statute exacts a penal!.\ 11 n the b<t~is of Lhe content of a nc.,..·spap1·1 'J'he first phase of thf' penally re~11 11 1n 1 from the con1pelled pnnllng of <i re111\ 1~ ('\i1ttecl in H·r·111 s of' th(· <·o.~1 111 print ing .1111 1 1·ompns1nµ. liml' :ind 1n :1t~·rH1I~ anrl 111 1;1k1ng 11[) -.p;l l'l~ l !J;d i"<>Uld ht• 1]1•\'0!1·11 1t• .. 1h1'r n1 ;1l1 ·1·1.1 I 11 11' 11t•11 .. p.q1t·r 11i.1,v h.111· lll't•l v rr1·d 11• pr 1111 'I! I~ l;l oi 'I<'('!. d .., 11111• t1 '!.111 111!11 111 .. 1!'.;iil Uit• ea:-t· .1 :..:.1111 :-.I tti .. ,\11;11 11 1 ll vr.il1li 1•111 r .. nds. th:11 "l1 l'l1 ~p:q11.·r 1~ 11 .. 1 _..,uhJci t I•~ llh · f1n1t1· l•·1·h111 >l .. ).:i1·.1I 1in111.1111 .11 ~ .. r 1111 1•· lh<it 1·1ultro11!-. :1 h i···~nl\.i:>l~·r . 1·111 ll 1 ~ 111.i t'Ofl'l't'! IU ~.I I Th,11 <1:> llll t't't •llt!lt\ll" l'l•;1l1l1 , a lll'\I S j);tpl'I' i ,111 p11 .. ·1·t•d lu 1ul 1111 ll' 1•\p,01 1· ..,1011 of 1\s t·olun1n .~p;u·t' lo ;1t.l·o n1111 .. d .i!•· 1111· replll":> 111;._it ;1 i.:1•\1·rr11H1·11l ;1~t·111. dt•h •rm1n1·~ .. r .1 :o!.1!t1lL' r1J111111;111d:. th1· rc;idcrs shnuli! h.1\l' ;1\.ul.•lili ·.·· t'RO:\I 1\ ('(I,'\( l KHI.\(; qlJJ ll toll tiv .• lu~tice Uyron \r t11 tL". ··or cou r~e . th1· !Jl'l'~:-r.., 1111t ah1a \~ :1 1 1·111·;it1·. or l'\''1! ., ... ,~111~1hl 1'. ,Jl11I Dl,1\ HI•! presrnl full .111d fai r d~·li:1t•· 1111 1rn1~1rl.1 11\ 11ublic i ... ~Ul'" Htl\ 1!1•· h;d :.i r11·~· ... tr1 11·I. Iii· the First 1\n1c·11dtn1·1H 111th 1'\'~JIL'('\ to lh i· Jlrt'SS is lh:'.ll '.'\(JC'1l'IY 1n11-.;t !:1 \.if' l h(• l"t"k lh:1t fl('!";J ..,11111 :tlil d1·h.l1 1• ;111d I II .it 1)\.11 10 1-. \111! riot 11·· 1'1Hl1]'1'1•ht·11..,11t• .111d l ha l .ill \ ll'\\ Ill 11 Ill-.; 111,11· 11! ii IJ1 · 1•\ p i 1 ·-.~! ·d ··1·11e p r!·~-. \\11u!d h i· 1111l1r1·n:-.1·d hcrau:-i<·. in .J1 'll1•rt-1J1ll'> 11 111d .... ·\\liert· 1!11• prC'SS is frc:c. a nd l'\ l'l'Y n1<in :1hle to re:nl, all is s:1fe ' .\n1" n\h{'r acc.:nn1mo1!!ltion - ;1n y nthl'r ~~s i e n1 !hat 11r\ul1 I ... upp!ant pn\-;I\(' conl nfl o f th1;> pn·-..., \\llh l/ll' l11 ·a1·y h<•nd nf g1ll(·rnnl l'rl! l1 1l ru~11111 \101 ild n1:ike the J?.!1 \L"rnn1 1 ·111 l h1·1·t ·11~•11' of 1\h .it lhe p1•0plc tnay rt•ifd <uul knn11 ·rh i' l.J11 11111 .:;; ;1fnul ol th1· ele111f'11 1.1rv F1r..,1 \1nc 11.tinl'nl p r1J r ~•..,ll 1011 th ;1! 'l >\C'rnn1en 1 n1.1~ 11111 fnrc·1· .1 n··11·s p:J rw r to 11r1n t c o p \ ""h11·h. 1n 11. 1'111 r n,d1 ..,11 1 d1.,t r('!1nn, 11 l'l1 1111.,\·~ 111 l.::1 1 ~· Oil l h•· llt'I\ "1'1"•111 111 .. 'I .1!1 .. !111 • I\ 1111.1(11 .I !l11·n11.i 11 .11· •• ind\\ ii· 11 ;11 11 II li1 •/111•1111 •I 1111•1 ,, u11 1111r11n~· n"11 • tl1,1I 1 l.111 111 11 11 .. 1 tin 111·1 1 Hdl ''l'idio d ''ll h I· I I I 111 .. 1 I I ! L I t •l1il dt, I li"I ,1 I I· ' I 111" i,d 1d1· 11111111111 111 1.Hll"11 1"1 i,d ... <.I , ii + I ll ' It I 111 . I l r I, t , Ii r I• i I 1 1 I , I< It I \\'1111 1· \' 1111•• 11 11 !111·1 111 1111 11 I ,1 tlt,1 1 o1l 1~11 1 d1l1 lro -.01 l•'!'l•1 .il1 111 d11 1dt1.d 1l!C11111 ,11 PI 10 J, ,,,,. 1111· l1t'11pl1 ,11 111,. I !•lll!lh·J1 • 11\!'l I I "I tli1· )•I•'''• .J( 11 •.1..,1 Ill 1111-. .. 1 :1 ~··· '" "tll h1 "r"'' 11111111h1· 1 111 -~ ... a ... tl11• 111.l llllll\ Ill ltll ' '"'"'' '" 11 1·1! !1<11·11 ITil'lll..,, IS :-.tv.11J1l _1• h1•(·0111 1n:• n111r.-f ~lll \'I'• lul :•nd nuu·h J, . .., .. 11)..1·1.\ 1., l.e dl'\t'l'rt•tl tiy lhrt';1!!. uf lilu•I .... tut s" ·r 111; Jll-:('l ~IO '\ ••ti !1 1 .. I r11n•l 1t1"" t·on- ' lu ... 11.11 -. th1· l''>Ult I \',IC h1 ·d ill .1 1•1-;1 t'a ... e Lii 11l11 1·h :1 (l1:-11·i11u111r u! 1)1 id 1-.1 111.ig!l1ine!'> .. 111·11 ·' r.1 d1" -.1,t1 1H!l lnr h1io.1dc.1.,t1n i.: r•·!t·r1·111·t·" lt• !h1· .... 11111! l1t1•1,1 tu11 · rat·l-,·i ·• Ill ITS ('"\t'f,1.'I' of 111 " 1!°1,d llJI :1 Jl nlf-.11 •1\j[\' 1·h:11·g1'. . l1t th111 ~1>ft!'>•' th•• 1·p11r! nll1•rt 5 In :i that th•· · l't" hi,~-.. d1 · 1'•')'.1rd" ~!:11~i1 :1rd ;1p pl1 (•d. ;oltll1>1q•h l hl' 1111•111h1•r !-rd th1· 1n:1111rit 1 dilli•1'!'d Ill lllPll' l'i1 .1 ~•)11111 j.! 'l'ht't'I' 1•f lh1·n1 hPid l h•· ··r··(')..11· .. .., .i 1~n .,!:11·d " rul•· ~h1111l d :1111111 111 p111 :l1 1• llt'l'"l\11'\ if !ht· ..,l:d1·1111·11 \-, < ll!ll'l'l'll 1 11.1ll1·1 ~ 11 1 1'Ulil1C Ill · ll'rl'. ... t. T!1t' r11l1 ng 111!hilr;111·-. 111.d lr old ini:-:ind -.111 .... 111111•·-. ~i rule· b1 111111!1 :1!1 pn \·atc in - d1 11du;d -. rt·i.::trdl<·.., 111' 11hl·!h1·r t he ,t,il1'lllt'!lt ... !'••J!l]i1;1 111•·d .. 1111 •,il \lllh p11hl1c: '!IH ... 1111 11°'. !!\,ti' ~11 1· 1111 d.1!l l.1C•'" 111 \hf• f'X· 11•11! r•t ll11·1r ,1 1·111.d 1111 11r11 · ... 1111 lhf· h:1 .. 1-.; o[ 111·.:h;.:t·1 11·p_ ll ).!j)(•.., 1111 lo ";1\' lh :1t th1·v 11111-.1 111t•t•\ lhf' !'lri<"t 1·1 1.·~r .. f "r•·(·kl<·""' d1 ... r1·J.:;1rd " 111 11rdl·r In obt.1in pu11n11c or 1ir1 ·~u rnt'(I d;1rn :1g1·:-.. The Dilemma of Selecting a Jury S('lection or :'.l iu r\· can often he !he mosl irnport:1nt 'pai:I of :in~ tn:i l, Hu! lhl'r(' 1s ii s;1y1n!.! Iha! p1ek 1nµ, .1 1ury is likr r1 r-k1ng .l tll;tlo·, ,.,,IJ dnn '! knol\' v.h.11 11111\l' gi11 11nt1I it 's too la!t·, · 'J"o d1 srn,·f'r 11 hf•!hrr lhCl'C' 1..; an _,. Illa.., or ]l11."11ld11 ·l·. t·;1eh !-ld l' 1n ;! C"u :oie j.., 1'crrn1Uvd 111 qu1·:-.tion 111·ns11C('tl\'C' Jl•rors. ·r tus prn1·e~s is c:1l!1·il .. \'01r cl1rt " tn s peak \he t1·uth. 1\ Juror \\'ho shn1\ s that h1' cannot fair is rc mo\·ect Jnr "cause." And in c:1<'h ca ~l' 1•a1·h sidr• is t•nlill1•1I In rentn\·c ;1 llm1ttcl numher or ;urnrs \\1 lhoul }:!1\·in):! a rl'ason. Th('St: arC' ''JK'l'f'mp1rH".\ challf'n)..!1'S. ·· 11<11\ to dl!-l'fllt'I' h1as is a much 1leh;1lt'tl suh1t't'I. In lh(· teclt•ra! court ~yst cn1 . t he ju cl ~<.· does all the 1p1estionin g. Euc-h atcnrn1',\" is rx•rmil· ted tn suhmit in \\t"it utJ.: f!Ut'S tions that he \1·:1nts t hr iudKe In ask. The Jlldg:e ma,\· rrad iht• (llll'!\tinns or he m11y rc.iee t thl•m as nnt proper. C/\l,IFORSI.-\ cnurt.s j:!t"ncrall,\· <.1 1- lo\\· the uttnrnt'ys tn <1ut•sll11n .1111·nrs. Court c<.t scs and t rinl rot11·1 r ules al· lo\\' :1doptinn of the fl•rtt•r;il n1cf!lod of jury Sl'lC'r linn, Frnm 197 1 to 19i4. ('uli forn1a ('Ou1·ts al lo\\'C'd th i~ ''fl•de ru1 ·· n1cthod. Sint'<.' Janunry 197-L jurli,:cs 11(.'rmiT :1 ttornl'ys to d irt•tl ciut·:-.1 inns nf Jll'O SPl'C \i\'(' jurnt'S ''\l"ithin rcusonahl(' li n1i ls.°' Thl• l riu\ ju1l1:e has \\'ide choire lo permit or reruse c111es1ioning t>~· un uttornc~-. The purpos(> of the <JUl'Slion~ m:1y nnl,\' g-o to lt'sl the JUrO r ror ht:is ur imp:irlhd it,\·. Queslin n" that lend lo instruct the jur~· uhout lhl' la\\, tn ar ~u<' the (';ise in <id1,·anC'C' nf th!' prf'srnlalion of I tfc ('\"idcnrc or lo pl'v intr1 !ht• pri\'at(' !J ff;lirs nr the juror arc im11ror>c"r. 1"h1·r1• ;tl'l' u..m crnu~ pn 1flll~;J !.., fnr impro\ 1 n~ the Jurv ~lcrt1on protc:-.:-.. . '. Jn "'1111 1' < .1"1'." 111 .. ~11!11rn1 •1 ~ ni.11 ~··l •'•I 11 11• 11111 1111ti<1l1( 1ht· 1''"«".t'.11\•' "I 1)\1' !lid)..'" lo ~.o\t' 111'> 1111\P. 1 ~1 -.11r •1 il.1 t1 1111 tl\1 · 1 .1 ... 1· 01.1.\ IJt." h, .1rd 1.1 l1·~-.t lL11l ];.! 1(1 1'!11 ::- n1 r r11 l '.\U1'1E.-. n1l1\' :1 g tl'(' i,, t;1l.l' 11\l' l1r.•I \:! 1ur11rs e:dl1•d to llu· ho\ 11t111 ~1 :1\l' 1/1.it (h(•.\" t'<ill ho• '"f:111 • ' .111d 1n1r .. •1 t1.d · \J q11 ' f't'l'l'll!l\. l'l•lll'1 S !i :-t\!' (•\ ["'l'IT Hl'l iil·rl II 1th 11'-(' (1! I lfl1·10l11pr·tl 111 .11-. .111!0 1· .. •>Ill "<' ~1·l1 '(t"d l1•·.1r .111d "l'I' .11! I ii!• I • ..,1111111111 !II\ pi1 'l"p1 'd ,., 1dl'lll'1· \I 1<•111•'\' 111t(•..,111)11 \I 1\11!.'" ~, . .., 111 :1d \:11 11 I" .1 11d 1111· 111rnr-.; !lv·11 1lo·f'llll· l/11· (·.1-.1• .1-. 11 llit',\ "~;I\\ !111 • l\lltll'""l'" I!\'(•," 'lh1 .. ':"''" 11111•' Ill .. ·,,-~,; 0:._;'I . 1 lit·dl1 l 1 n.~ 11 11111·~ ' ,1 11•1 r1·n1n \·e..o; ;1r:-•111111·11t• '•II ,1d 111 1' ·,ll 1il it v n( •'1111«111'« h•of•>I•• !!II ' IHI\. l!r11\;'\"l•r. '"II d" il"l "•I lh•· ~.1111 1' t'li1't'I. :J :--> I 'II 1.., ii o1 I 11 1·v~• · 111 1 'J h•· 11 _111 ,.f 1n.,1 101 11 1r\· 11111..,! hr pr1•-.1•r 1 ··d , btit r~1 ll'~ 111,1\ be 1na<l1• to p1"•1 .. 11t .o\\01'111•1 .., f1 n111 tak1n~ up too 11 11!( 11 11f 1h1• l'Ullt t !-llllli', ' I I 1 ·1'e got son\c ~ood Mv.·s for you !hl.!1 week, hoya nnd ~iris 1·~l"s a c-lwnce (or you to be a clov.11 in a ctr1 ·tL<; for a day a.nd \.\Hl fr1..~ titkct.'I to matinee J>('rforn1anc·p1 of !he ..:1reu.!i. All th1.<; 111forrnanon is :so ~xcltin~ thar I h:i\"c writt("ll 1l up nnd t":itp!t111i..:d it in :1 SJX'Cial bu:c at njjhL tiK' Ollt' ht--aded. "\'ou C:1n B{' a (')01\"Tl." \\'ell , I must thank \OU for all the frog dra11 lngs 1 · r'eC{'I\"· ed !his v.·ttk 11us 1n<"1de 1ne 1ery happy bec-..1u~ la te!)' I had no! bi.'Cn gelling 100 ni nnr cnrds. jokes and ~·n\S fron1 you. But 1h1s v.cek 1 rttei1ed ~· a good ha1r h ancl I en)v~ed ----... reading thl'1n _)_ -t(.~-·:,. -'-·\.._.) ,..,. / , .- 1' ' ).._..------·-- 'l'hc w1nn111g d1·ilwing is reproduced ,1·uh !h is O'.l!untn. and I rnu.-;t sa.\· it v.·as diff1('1llt !o choose a \\1JU1l'r from all the other good l'll\rles. * PRIZE 11'1NNEH * II O.\"OHABLE ~fE\'1'10~ Rich•rd C1pw•ll, 11 , of 24252 Berk St., El Toro lhis '.\Wk goes !o: ~lonique Durio of Nenix>rt Beach, Rf'flce r:ullo, of 1-"'ount.ain \'altry. 1'imnn· \\'ilbr.rt of ('.,~!.1 .\1•'~1. l\:i.nn J ;H .. 'Ob."<'n of IJana f'o1n1 ~~an Spinner of Cos1;1 ~lr'>;1, Bri:in Snl.irh (If \ev.·pon Ueach. IJebbie aod J1•an 'J'yl..:r of l'\ev.por! B1•ach. nnh f.:1nt?rl:-1lt· uf Co•t,1 r-.fcc;;i. Any child 12 or under. can enter Uncle Len's Con1est. Here'.!i all '·ou do : llJ Draw picture on piece of plail., \,l,'hite paper 5~ inches .,,,id~ filid 4 inc.he~ deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or !race picture. It must be your ovm V.'Ork. (31 Put your name. age and addre5s on back of drawing. ~!ail it to Lncle Len's Art Contest., Bo:t 1560, DAILY PILOT. Co!ta ~lesa 9262ti. Entries must be received by noon on Thursday for production on !he followina Saturday. J\'iruter will recef\·e Kennedy half dollar. ;ind Julie J'(>rk.11 of :\'1•11·1)(}rt H":•"h flo .I OU k.'lOV, \\h,1l 111urscJ.1y 1s'! 1 1·~ tl'le F'our1 h of Jul\ H 1s t•fft1·ial!I" <' :1 11 r it "lrliJr-pt.'n· dl'ncc Day ·· For 1t \1·:is 011 .Ju- ly 4, Iii&. Lh:it tlK' Dl-cl;iratlou or fnd rpt'n1lrn1•r 1ras adoptrd In lhr-f'<•nt inrnta l Congr~s. L'ncle Li•n i~ s1ire lha1 al! of you knov.· v.h:n ih<· D«-lar:1· 1100 of lndrpcndcnce 1.~ and v. ha! 1t 111~a11s to these gre;1t L'nited S1.1te.>1. The Fourth of July also m{';1ns firr-v:orks and Uncle Ltn \\'Quid llke to issue a v.·ord of \\'arn1ng LO be real c<1reful around f1rev.·ork.o;. Even the so- cal!ed "safe <lnd s a n e ' ' fin:'"'orks of today can cau se bar! bums· and fires 1,1·hen Corner ---~ RIDDLES and JOKES PRIZE WINNER * CL'S1'0~1F.R: Did you raise these ap- ples yourself'', GROCF.R":I' r-.rl-\N : Yes. they v.·ere only 25 CC'nls a pound yesterday. Dtttit TWlff, I\, 91 )'IOI CtMtllt ,,!t (t, "'"'''"1 ·~ .. ~ - Tii t: FROG F is for frog lhlll sits on ;i lHlypad. H. is for !he "ribbit'' ~nd v.·hen they get mad, (I is For the ocean v.·hlch they sv.·in1. !"{)blue. 1; is for grl'('n, the colo r lhal makes frogs true. S is for the sun that the frog bathes 111, A1\d !h;.11 is the sl.Or}· of frog s Juli• ,.,...,1, U, ti ltll lft.,t•f l tfOt. ........ " •••<~ li.1ndk-<1 ra n·ll's.~lr. I arn sur" that all of )OU are f.1n1ihar ~·ith the heat lhat 1s generated fron1 a "~r klcr" and if yoo C\ {'r stepp."<l on a hot one in ~our h;ire f('('t, ynu kn~· y,·hat l'nl 1,1!k1ng about. So he real careful. boys and ;::iri s. Cn .. ·lc Len doesn't v.·<111t to lO!ie ::iny of rli! reader:-: This week I V.'Ould like all of ~ou 10 <lrav.· ~oor f;l\·or1t<" pie· ture uf your favorite part 11f the tnited Stat~s -You ran dra'4· the Lincoln ~[emorial in \~'a.c:hingion, pic1urts of the rnount.:.111L'> or oceans. an)1h1ng you like. Remembt"r this dra11 ing "·111 be in ·additioo to !tic clo1\11 contest. so rou have t~o 11· lustrations to do this v.·cek. Cou.JJW Try to Sliow Wolves Like People SPRl\"(;\·11.LF:. t ttah IAP) ~A California couple try1n{! to prr-,·e a theory th.at 1\'olrcs are trndcr-hearted crea1ures 11,ho liJ.;r-to bti.: around people paid a S.50 rev.·ard lo a nian who found thfoir run1,,.ay 111l!f nan1cd Kiska. .\~r and 111rs. 11ollt!: Scus, Los Angcl("S,)LrQJdf;Ql Kiska . a timbl'rline '.I Olf. 11·i!h tli cm on a ''isit. .\lr~. &>u~ ~1ld tl1e '.\'off \\'as reco1·rrrd h\· ,Jin1 l!:ill. who fc.und the ~ast v1ilh a group rif his c!or;s. SH I:: SAJI) her hu~band r11i~Nl tilt" \4·olf from "'·hm it 11"<1s 17 days old. nuriuring it on dog food. canned rnilk and haby cereal. "~eighborhnod ch i 1 d re n come around da.i!y and \\·ant 10 play \\"ith Ki ska," she !>ald. "~ has never barked but 1!1 shy and usually runs aJ)d hides - from strangers until ~ gets to la\o'4' them ." Seus ha.s been researching the rocia! nature of lhc v.-vlf for 2 1 ~ yt>ars, Rnd the rouple is plaruung to write a book oo their re search 'olith Kiska DOC rrI NS PIG Ll~IA . Peru (UPI\ -A do,c: ~·on a pig in a raffle. the oewspapC'r La Prcn.c.a has t1'ported. Eusebio ()('I Aguila . 01\llCT of the dog, said he ~ot w disgusted at his luck in pre"ious raffles that h c. entered the name of his dog, Samtxi. Vitamins Maintain Teeth •na1 ••~di~ c~.,.,~~t•e :'!l J·.1~ ... ~ ,.., c• ••• ~·••I! ~'«d*M• E~<vdnp""11• •n n"'" •·•• ll ofr.,,.,1. a;e 11. of "'"''''' \\ h11! are lrt"lh made of".' 'nil' body goes 10 a lot of troublf' to huild J'lf'rmanent ll'i!lh frorn U1e foods we cal. Uut sad 10 s.1y, 1nany yow1g pt'tf'llflS h.1\"l' :i !flt more dcnt.11 1ro11t>IC 1han U1cy should. A lot of this can he ;1void"d H v.e under1>tRntl how our l<"elh arc made and how to protect 1hcrn . !101\·ever, it does not help to knov• all thcs<' things unless v.·e promise ourselvts lo follow 1hr rules (If t()Q(h care -e\·C'ry da y of our lives. The two nwin troth·building ingredient!I are calcium And phosphorous. but a lot or other food substances arc needed to build !ht•1n and still n10rr Rre t\l·cdcd lo keep tbern healthy. AIJ of the materials required for 1ooth building and n1nint !'nance .'Ire eKtracled fron1 !hC' foods V.'C eat. But the hei>1 possible diet caJJ fa il If v.·t! ::tl.~o ronsuiric ;1 lot of troth· df">lroyln~ f00<ls or neglect regular dental care:. Calcium i.~ a cha!ky wh itt rninera! which is vel'}' plentiful in ml!k. \Vhen \Ve drink plenty of milk. We al~ ~ct pho.~por· Olis Md s:m1111l itmounts of sev· rral tooth building n1atcn:ils \Ve Riso get more phospl10ro11s from eggs and fish .1nd from l..'eg'Cfiibles of Uie pen family. \·1l:\J11in Cis pJ('ntirul 111 rit rus fruit~. cabba g e and cant:iloupe. Sinte the pt'n11.1nen ! t<'eth are meant to last. you nl.1y \.l'Ortd<"r v.·hy the denta l food:; arr nced<'d !o mninl:iin 1hr111. II IS true that the Oll1Sl(I(' of ti tooth is made from durable denline and ffiarnel. tn<'ant to last a lifetime. The OOdy cannot rebuild or rf'pair it Uut this is not the v.·holc story. The inside of the tooth is a pulpy "·ad of tj\•ing ti s.<:ue, fed by nen'ts and blnod \'essels. The roots o! the toolh are anchored in 1he Ji ,'mg jaw bone and surrounded by !he \i\ing gums. \~"hen the-pulp and the surroondin~ ti.o:sucs ;ire unht-Allhy. ii. ~tun:ly tooth is ~-~akened and n1oot likely de<>a~·s But there are a few hahil~ that ruin U1em. For r~a1nple-. cOO\·ing on hard i1cn1~. such as ice-cubes. can er.1ck the S.11 .. fllll 1111.-tl1111 fl AR A!Hly, 1 /1 o...,_ c..t Delly Pil.t, 111 1160, c .... M1t, Ct1llf. f'namf'I and encourage dec:iy. C11ndif.s and !lllgRI'}' pop P'f'O'i dc fOCld for bacteria that c.all.5C tooth decay. Bet"'·~ n1eal snacb also I ea ,. e rrumbs for bacteria. Teeth require brushing afler catin~. At least on~ a day, it is sensible to rem o ,. e fr:igmf'nto;; from ~tv.·rcn the tttth wiih n thread of dertl.11 floS:<I . And. e\·r-n with :ill the pmper NI.rt', twice 11 yr11r "'!!. take our tee-th to \isit a dcntl~L lie g1\·es 1hern a super tlc:111 i11g ;iad fills any sin<ill ca,·itlrs b<'fore big ones. tht>y lx<"'Ome ArdY tl'tldl t HY .... "'1:!\l,..... ~· ef lllt C~r.,,,lct-. ~ Ila•~-~ to (nrl• lt>f ....... I\)* 10, M Wllll 1m1-r, l'Mn· 1ylv1~11. fo< Mo CIUO•!I ..... Hood a ttal Will Frogs llfate? The !ales of Rtibin J!ood go back almost a thousand yf'ars. If !here is any prooi that hi! rt"ally li\'ed, surf'ly if mu~t ha\'e [)..'Cn lost long ago, so nohodv can ~av for certnin \rht>tht>r there ·rc.:ill,· \1·as a fanious outlaw of !his nan1c. l\lany people v.'OOld llk£" 10 lx- He,·e that the tales nrr based on a real charact<'r. But mn5t expr-11.o; suspect th.ii such a person never exist«!. And in any ca.oi.e. at thi~ la!c dnt!' 1,1·e are not likely to find proof ANN ARBOR, 1-lit h. (l:Pl l -Uni\·erslly of r-.t i ch i g an rt:$C'archers arc encouraging a rare mmance -betwttn tv.·o albino frogs. At their first me-cling the two f rogs, n am !!d Alpine and Albie, focused lhclr bulging re<I <'Ye! on tNJ<"h other bri._>fl)·. l)l(>n tunJed av.Ay. 1'hcrc are a ('OOl>lc of prohlcrns thnt not even 1\nn L..111<l1•rs could ool\·e. b('jj('\"(' the tv.·o rrog~ 3r'C Otll' ~ e:ir 100 young to br•ed. Bui Dr. Ouistlna Richan:ls . a coordinator at l he uni\·('rsliy"s amp h I b I a n facility, retnains hopeful.. "If they prod uct" n1 o r , all)!no frogs,' she Sllid. "II \tould gi\·e us quite a coup." It N"rtll lnly v.uuld . Expi>r1!l s:iy Uk' challCe~ of ha!<'hing an 11lbulf' frog i."i about as r.are 1111 hurru1ns produc~ quintuplets. The talr-s arc ·just As P~citing, ~·hf-tiler the'!· are 1n1t' or not. But let's face it, Robin ~nd hi8 mrrr\' men \t"Cft' outlllt\~ .,,m ~ole for 11 Ii' 1n1? He cl11imf'd to sh11rr-hit loot ~·ith the poor 11nd he el;11rned !l) Ill" trut to the king Bu1 n1ost of his l~v.·as srolen lax rnone~· and rl<'t'r !ilolcn lron1 the k in~·~ forP~t 1ifa\"be " • " • I n • ,, 00.fl V Pl! Qf j • • ,.,, f'ooli11~1 • • • You Can Be a Clown Ilov.' ,,·o uld ~<•u ltkc tp be <.i l'IOY.'O in a t.:1r t u::. fur a c.biy ? \Vou!d you like to treat cvt·ry kid un your ldn1._·k !11 a n1at111ce perrorn1<.1nl't1 u! 1 he l<i nglln:..:. 1lros. ;ind Uarnun1 and Baile\' C1rcu ~? Unl'f{• ·!~en Ii.is found <1 • Y.'tiy you rnay b(' Jutky er 1nugh to do bol h. If you t1rc I2 ~iir under, al l )'till h.1 \1• lo d<1 1 ~ 1._·11t1._·r .111d ,,,n L'nt:lc !...en ':-Clo\1;n l·~:u:c t:>ra,,·1ng Cunte:-.t If )uur~ 1s lhl· bt"•t clov.-n fat·e subrntlted ut lht~ next three ''eeks, you'll ,,·1n a Vt '>ll to l'lov.·n :_1l lev o n .t\ugust 2 v.·ht:n the l:lrl'uS <' o 1n e s t o ;\ n a h e i 1n Cun\"cnt1on C'e nti.:r .. ":l 'uu '' tl! '' 1.:.i r •Jn ruur fal'C' your 01\ r1 "1nii111 g d\•-.;i.L'.n !teal <·1rcus clO\l'tl:i \1111 p:11nt ynur lace 111 m;_ikeup ;1 nd :-.h<1\\' you hov• they cr 1•a f 1· lhl·1r 11'"'!1 ''lradem:..rk'' dl·~1g_11:-.. 'J':.1ke ;1 ll)(JJ.. .II till' l'l•l\\ 11 faces tH:loY.1 :ind drl':.n1 up,. funn y ur :-..id laC:L· ill ~11ur l)Y.'11. -Cs 1ng dark pl·n(·1J or p1•n , clr;1w your ori'..!1 n:d i·lov•n f:.it:...: 11n tht· 0 1111·1.d l ·r1t"lt· Len t:ntr~ ~ >1l q 1tJr1 111· .t rc ;-1 ~on;.ih!1 · l~I L':-.11111!1· 1111 plain "'hill· p .q1l·r '.\!ail 1t tn !'111·1,. Lt·n '-. ('Joy,·n ~·;1(·~· ('011 11·,t. t1..1 d\' Pilot , f\o\ 1.JloO. ('o!->!,1 '.\lt•_..,,;, l ':\. 9~1-i~ti ~.n rr1t·' rnu ... t b1• TC'C:('l\'L•c1 h~ n11<1n 'r'hu r.-.da~ to he el lhl tile fo r "cckl y jurlc ing. ~l·1ni 11 n .tl1 ~t ''tn nt·r~ \\ill be ann o ur1l·vtl ''t·l·kl\ through Julv :!o ;111d the gr.Jntl µr 1Lc ,·\inner 11n Jul~ .,--· Llra11 ;1 !'> ni~111,· t·ln11 n lill'I:'~ ilS ~OU llkl'. t:iut 1•ll•:1~t· !)t:lld t·ath 11! .1 ~t'p;i r.il~· t'll\el11p+• \1 ilh \t1U/' rl ~lllli'. .i1-v . ..i ddr,.,, ;111d t•·lt·pl11J111· lllU1ll)t •I' 1•1 1 111 ~·,f 1 I, ,11 11 1111 lht• l1;1t·k 11! \ 11[1 1 •'l!ll \ H1 •1lh:1 1d11 ·1 11 ( 111 I·· l.•·n .r11d 111 .., <'!l'('ll '-<.111\ll\ l.11•• 1·x1u·r·t ... p11 •k l!!lll 11!1 11 ·•' th•· 11r.ind 1i1111• \1111111·1 \11u II h·· \\i·,1r1n1.· 111.it 1,111· .111d .11•11r11prt ,111· 11111\n l"ll1lll1n;..: 111 1 l'l1\1·r 1 111 ;.; lfll J·'11d.11 \\I;. U..,1 :! 1\ll I !ii' ~ 1d'-<ill I 1>jlJ lol111 ~ :Ulfl lh11l1 ... 11!d 11\••Jt Ill \ji,. 1\n.t111·1rn f '.111\•·1111••!1\.111 ,·1 1h.11 jL11 11 111 _~,., •• 11111 ~t ir ,, .. :1 t'lll\\11 Ill tlit· H 111 ~l!ll~ fl r(1\hc·1 " .111<1 IS .1 r1111 r11 ,11H1 lt11l1·~ ( '1rt..u' Hut. h··h11 l' .' "'' h .. ,1r 1 IH· 1111:.!ll).l'"t!\•J' j 'f\ ··1 •• 1d11·, .111.i ).!t'nlll·rn1·11 ' 1 011 h.1\·•· to dr:J ll"!ht• \\l l1'11!1C~ I 1111111 !,H'I ' ;ind ~1·1 111 11 t11 l 11 1·IL· Ll·n f;,,.j(j J.ul"J.. r-----------------------------, I I + \• + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I -"-~I I --··· ~ I I . I I ,. ., ·-· I I c1pJ:.V -.. : L-----------------------------_l . world scope (10 poin11 lor each qunbon 1r1.......t c:omctty) l Irish ter1orisls bombed and set fire to Britain's 900·year-old (CHOOSE ONE : Westrr.rnster Hall, Buckingham Palace). 2 The Secu1rry Council unanimously rec· omn1ended that the General Assembly admit '·· to the United Nat•ons. a·Rhod es1a b·Bangladec;h c·North and South Viet Nam 3 Pre sident Nixon offered nuclear tech- nology to Egypt and Israel to aid in the ir peacelul developmen! True or fal5e1 4 . 7 • producers 1n a lO·state area en gaged in a v11thhold1ng action to 1ry to dr•ve p11ces higher. .1·milk b·beel c·soybean 5 The Un1terl States Consumer Product Salely Comm ission voted unanimously (CHOOSE ONE : to ban, not to ban) fire· crac~crs betore this Fourth of July. newsname ( 10 pointl If JOU un kllntifr fdt peraon in rhe ntw1) I am leader of a counlry President Nixon is scheduled lo visit th is week. I recently said my coun!ry was ready "right now"' to con · elude an underground nuclear test ban ai!ree· rnent w1tt1 the U.S. \Vho am!? matchwords (4 poinll for MCh COtTICI match) 1 ..... .ic.ule 2 ..... acquit 3 .... access 4 ... assess 5. E'J LC!:>':i •·severe b·decide somelh1ng's value or 1mp0rtance <:·declare not gu11ly e·oerm1ss1nn to <1pproach .. t.'nter . or use In addition lo bein g a family fun lratur~. THE Ql"IZ i~ an lntegral part of thr in-<'1assroom n~v•s proJ!ram prt'· ~i>nttd in Or:ingl' Coasl arra s<"hools as a publir Sf'r\ ii·~ by lhe Uatly l'ilol. • news picture (10 point• If )'OU 1nsw1r fli1 QUlllion COIT.City) Jeru!,nl»m r1o:i•,rcii'n\ N 1l ('I\ ur .. ,•rl 1 ~1 j>'I J 1 . ·,•.,11 •• f'>' t ' 1n Jh,~ /,,ir/c!IP Eil'\ R~ v1l1<i1 riame 1;, 1•1e l ~!t'.-111 p 1rl1.1111"rl ' ll nn ,•.nl sportlight (2 pointl tor 1ach qoeltion anawered comteUy) Open c h.in1p1oni;h1p . a fl rnold Palmer b G.lr y Player c·Hale lrv.·111 2 U S tennis p1a~er (CHOOS( ONE; 8 ill1t' JeJfl l<.ir•r. Ch ris Evert) \VC'n the 1von1en'!> J111J ! J I \11L' f rL'llCh 0~.1!11 1enn1~ 1ournarne11t 3 Tht:> sch£>c!ulrd !2 round Jne fr3:1rr·JPrrv Qua rrv ,,, r1il1 L ~1 rndf'd W1!h ~ {CHOOSE ONE Q..1drrv rr 1.:• .. •) VIC!UfY lill ,1 ~~fil r11Ul1d t.,;o;,.h111-1ll ~Ill)(~ i11I n,•,•:<. a gol11.1JLH'>e True or ruls"' 5 The n.1mP "\V1mbledon" 1c, 1'1 the new;. 1111> 1vrpl< 1•1 co11nec!1on with !he ~oon of , a 1a1 1('1' .... l. b tr-n1i1<, c l!t11 roundtable famlty ditcu11ion (no tc:Oft) Shnuld Por\!11,.11 denc.r' Wnv f1 ·.-.!iv ,, 11 -. YOUlt $COit£: 91 lo 100 point& -TOP SCORE! 11 to 90 Po'nt& •• E1ce1i.n1. 71 to BO polnls -Good. fit 10 70 pclnl& -fair. 624· 74 • vtC. Inc., M1dl1on. Wlteontin \'lt11n1lns nlso 11rt n('("eJ!ltiry fcir !hr. hulldini:: and care of IC'r·1 h. cs1)ecl11lly vll.imlns /\ nhd t;, \\'e l!'<'I \'il11.mln A from grr-rn :ind ,,,]Jnw \'tt{elables. r"-p!'cially Carru!A: fro111 fish oUs :uu1 r,::i::~. ll\'cr and cr-rl:iin fr u i t ~ , cspe<:ially apncots. For one thing . no one i~ sur<' of the sex of Alpine and Alblt F'or another, t1'Sca rchel"!' TI'IC \'alue of alhinn frogs 10 scie1K'E" Is clc;1r -lheir lack or skJ11 1:-<>lflring eoable& i.clMCe lo s1udy lhelr bodily functions, Ro!>lrt Hl)l-i.! 1,1·:1~ a bit of a ur.q n1 1'"~·'11~ ·14.L '·lll l,J )Id!-\\.!\ r·s 'q·~ .}·I: J·Z 1:·1 !-(IHt~,\\1 1.).1.\ I\. 1.111111.1.111 ptuo.-., .J.ipu.yy t:JJ C.J l~UlllUIUOJ l·'I I~ :.:JI\\~~\\:!.'\ phony -but !hose old talcs JOU·~ :q !· 'J1\J,L·C 'Q·j. :111111 J.)]SlJlUllS:l,\',·J ·3i1Q~ll'l!IO.\\ are ,.,.ry fasc1na!!ni:: q_·c:: :.lnJJ:t :J-'!Ll?J.i ·C :w.11 '.!{ '!.ntJ·i '..>-! :J.HOl'I!UOdS • • 1 I!_ DAI LY PILO I I Pulpit & Pew • ll•111tist lh1nt inAton \':1!1t·~ flr1p1i,t Ch11r1·h. ~1j';9 S1;1rlL~h . F;,1111- t:iin \';\l\1•1. j.!t11•:_.1 Sl)l•:ikf't' !>r I'. l; '\1•11111:11 111 , S(:l'Vil't'.~ 3 '.\II a.rn :111d 11 .I Ill, DI' Nl'UIJ\;11111 1-1·:-1:1 tlM• fot1n{t1·r ,.f ~·11 .... 1 ll.1p- t 1i<1 ChurC'h vf \•!'.la tlli•-.,1 .u1d \\".'IS !IM.'l't' 1 .. r l\\UIL' 1!1,u1 ~j Fir~t S<luthf'1'n rJ :1 p 1 1 s I Church. f.jll II ll:1nultun St Cosl:i ~II'''' "t•nh•tll 11 .1 111 .. (;ocf\ H.1nquer ~ p 111 "l'aul'<; St·l'rt'I 10 th<· <:11oct I.if,." h1 !'.1•1or .1.~· H lll"fni·r. Ct111rll1 ~1 l111,1!. \1 ·1.l <1 in , µr;n t'I' -...·r1•1ce, i p 1u. \l't•dnt'''l:1\ f'airl'li•1• lla11ti.~1 f hHr<'h, 2525 t'illl'I It'll fl u;ld , ('0::.1;1 !\1t·~1 : n1ur111ng 11,1r~h1p ,1t \II o'clork. Dr. H1l'lt 1rd II' IH1:-.:-. prt•nelun~. First B:l JT:ist Chu rch of !\'ev•port Hl'a<'h, 20101 Cliff Drh·e. :\(''>l'!Xlt'I Heigh!~; Sun- d;i~· School 9:30. 111.-.rn1ng 11;orship sc·r1 ii'(' I O : :Io : sern100 · "('tin Any ll111n:in Bf' Infall ible?" I)~· Dr F ~('1\1011 Bcl>hOI'('; ~lllld:iv t' I t' 11 l n ~ scr1ie£' "Thi' Sin 11t 1::1111 , l\nril h and lt1ll.11n" 7 o'(·lti1·k ~d1r<'Ck pn11·rt ; , r • 1 r· •'. \\'ednPsd:11 7 :lo p 111 ~1ud , ... 111 Book nf .J .. h ll arlmr Trinil,1 H a p t i ~ 1 Church, 1230 lt1J.;t'r St I •1 ... 1,1 \!('Sa : niol'n1n ::! 11or<:h1p 11 ·'.:0 and I I a .m.: n'1'!-~;l!::f' ··The Lord·!': Supper" -('orinthi;in.; 11 17-34: SlUld;l ,\' St·huol ~ ·l."1 a .n1.: e1·cnin g s~·r\ 1<·t· 7 p 111 First Raptis! Churl'h. 24521 l\loul!on ParJ.;1r:1\·. L;1~u11:1 !!ills: sf'nnon: .. IJon·1 l•'rt .. ' Trust:" bv Dr ]\'j!1 fl 111·11 . \•ooz-ship ~~·r\'li't' JO ·.lj , 1'und·11· Sctiool :it !l ·JO ;i n1 pr111 11!•'" ('];isst'S frnn1 !Ocl~!lt·r~ lhrou!.!h ..,rninr i1dulr~: nur.~i"r1 (','lrt' 1~ pro11(l1>rl.; 1·nu1J1 i;rfilll) Ill•····~ f':J(·h Tu1 •.,d.11 r1·cn11n.: .it ~ Cl1risfi1111 Harbor fhri~ti:1n fhur.·h 1 01sc1pli·s 01 Cl.in~• 1 '11•11 lr1·in .. ,\1·r \e11·r ·1rt n .. :1eh 11.·o~lup S<'I'\ l<'t' l)t'C!lll" ;1! II l~I ;1 n1. "l'r111f\11 "\\'ht1! ~h:il! I HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH DI Mt ... port BcDch tDiw:iplc,I 2401 lr•iM of Sewtla h~ s-dD, Schoel' t :lO A.M. Mon!"'9 Wonhip 10:45 A.M. , ..... 645-5781 Rt•. <nM R. ··- H1r•tr'1' • l indtr9DrleJ1 pro•idof.d Il l' l>n \l'h.:-11 ire ~·::111 Short.!" !11 l'.1 :-.tor (:i:nt• S1i,·3nson; 1·r:1_11'r and gr'0\\1h ~rou p ;11 7 p 111 ; S111nn1t"r &1f.'.lri (Church -"l·hocil 1 ll1•g1ns 1r 1th brea kfast ~ll ti :10 ,1 rn. First Churl'h of Chri st, S1·i1·ntht, :IB;JO ~t .. :;a \'errle l>rir 1·, c..·os1a i\lcs.'.l , church .;i.:ik.o0l ;it 9_ IS a.m .. 11orsh1µ ~·r1 !t'c .'.lt l l a .1u.: First ('hurl'h of Christ Scientist, 6!h ,ind \)h1 1• StrN',S.., lh11111np;1on ll1:;_1r h. church sehool and 1-1orsh1Jl i<1•r\·irC'S at 9 30 and 1 t ;1 nL: lnrorm11I Grou p of ('hri.~li.i u Scit:fflisls, LJni1·er<>1- ly 1!1p;h School. 4771 C;unpui; l)rl\c. lr1 ·u1C': ('huf"("h school ..JL 9 a.m . \n:i,-.;hip ser1·1ce :it !II 30 ;_1 n1 : f irst Churl'h of Christ, Scie-ntist. 3303 \'1;_1 Lido , ~t\1·port Be.1ch: churl'h :l~·hool and 11'orsh1µ ser1·icr at 9 :ind lO::iu a.n1.; t'irst Church of Christ, St·ientist, 635 ll ijih Dril·e. L.1gun<1 BeJl'h; church :-.'!'hool :ind \\·ors.hip service ;it JO :i n1 : Srt'tlnd Churc·h of Christ. Scif'ntist, 3100 Paci fic \'ie1r I}rivc. Coron:i rlrl i\l:ir : ehurrh s1·hool and 1n1n:hip , .. r1 ire ar llf ;1 n1 : \\'l'dnt'..,fl:ly 1f'·!1111on~· 1n1'C1 ings at R p.n1 . .11 :ill t·hurtlw<;: re·1dinl? roon1s -,·,.11l.1ble in :ill but lr1inl': •11li11·t·1 ··rhr1"!1:in &;1t"n~ .. Jr.~11 lfi !:l· "\\.ht•Jl hf'. !hf' :-:u11·1t (If !nl1h. I!' CO lll('. hi' \\'ill !.'Uldf' 1·ou into all truth: for he ~h:i!I not sp!'ak of hirnself: hut \1ha15(}('1'('r hf' ~hall ht'<lr. 1tl<1t ~hall he spe.~k: .ind he 1\'ill sho11· you th.ings to rome." Co 1111t11111 it !I Comm unitv C'hurl'h hr the Ba.1·. Lido Thcf.itre. Ji19 Viri L11Jo. ~1·1rp11 rt B1-.ach: \rorshi p !'>~'r1·1rl'S JO a 111 : Sl'rnion · "!.hjng rile t\ns1l·cr" by Dr. \\'illi:im n. r.irkrr~ hC'il l in~ ar.d 1n1•di t:!!1nn rl:r•~ \Vrrl· l'•·~d:11· 10::10 '1.tll . I. i ct 0 T!10 •:1 tr•· !'nrou:i rli•J \l:1r ("fl1n1JJunif\' L'hurrh, Con•1r,.F1'1•·•1.1' 1:11 ll 1·J 1r.i~·c:rr Ai•·: 11·n r ,.h1r "'r11ees and Ch11rc·h School ;it \11 ;, 1n . elute! c·;irp pr.11·i1!r '.I: .~l'flll•nl. · Th<.' L:u\ ! of !he WATCH "THIS IS YOUR BIBLE" SUH DAY· ID:JO A.M. CHAHHEL 9 A Series Of Oiscuss10ns of Bible Tr u t h and "" Coming Kingdom o f God. ~ponsored by '"" CHllSTAOfl.fHl.&.HS THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wflcomfs You. ..... ST. JAMfS, 1209 Via Udo, toltw?Qri leach I l I 0 A.M. Holy luct.orht \ LI AlltmDf, Holy lboc horht and MDmi1t9 Pra'l'tr TUESDAY -10:00 A,M. -Holy hchori~f ..,:I Layliog °" of H.d' 10:45 A.M, -,,.,.,., Ftllaw1hip tolwrwry l'rD•idtd DI SllftdDy & l•.do'f S-ict1 WlDHE SDA Y -1:00 ,,M. l"'ray,,. & PrUs.t The Rt•. Jot.."· A~y 11. Rtclor -""'°"' 675-0210 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2041 OrCHMft A .. e .. C..M. Sunday~ 0 ()() ~ 10 00 (t>urr.~hOol -9 15 Mi6-We-tk Strtictl -Wtd. -6:]0 P.M, -10-.00 A.M. f,., Howon:I Matt C...,.,.,ri1)ftl. View -~ 541.22)7 . Saint Micha~ And All Angels Episcopal Oiurch 3233 Pocific View Dri•e, CorCMKI dt'I Mer Sundov • 8:00 A.M. 1.-9:30 A.M. Nwsrrv-9:30 A.M. HDI• CD........i--T ... Mloy 7 A.M. -W"""Mn t :lO A.M. The Re.,, John Rodqfrs Da.,is, Rector . Phnn"! 6<14-0461 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH lll6 Effh ~I .• H..,.._ ltKll l .... d fod Df A•t ,.,.., 800 AM -Holy Communion 9 30 A,M -Family S<!rv1ce & Cliorch SchOol {Nllf"ery CarPJ 1 1 00 A M. -Morrung Worsl'Ho (Nursery Care) 7.00 PM. -Fest.val Evensoog & Sermon ' Episcopal Young Churchmen J..imcs C. Catey. Paslor -9£2·7512 ReS 536--4061 CAPllillANO VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH 11011 Dtl Obhpo Id., SOii .klOll COfiih'- W:onlllp I I O""--7:00 P""- s-dty l lblt School -t:la ...... ChPittiOOI r...w,.. -• .... Wrdntl(ky ,,..,n--':4S p.111. p,y.lor Wtlham O~vonoort 4tl-lf-i0 -24 HDW\ I Fri~<' and llonu.• of th•! Bra\c" IJ.\ l)r. i'h1 !1p l:. ;\lurray. Lal.:~ llllls {?o n11n u n i I y Churl'h: dri \·e·in ser\it'cs at 11:45 ;:t rn. at I.Ion U:iuntry S<ifar1. L..1i:una Hill.<>, ;ind f\\'O ronn.al Sf't'\"lt.'\'S ut 9:30 and II a 1n. at Los Alisos School 1n ~1 1~1011 V1f'jr•, sf> r 1n on - ··1-)-1•Nlc1111 I ~ B1)m of ~·<iith," hv J)r llarold F. Lt'est1n:i. p;tstor: s11n1n1er c-hoir y,•ill ll(1'forn1 fl\r first 1in1e at se- ('l)nd and third ser\ ices. Co11gre911t io11nl P J r mouth (.))ngrtit:a tional Church of :\:e11-por1. Harbor, 3262 Broad St . Ne\v po rt \l(';1c-h : st~nnon : ''13<'!\.\'een the Tin1rs." b.v P as t o r Ben l"r:iser: 1.rorslup scr1·ice and Sunda~· School at 10 a.n1 .: ;-:idu!t and ) outh Bible stud ies 9 il.1n.; Sunday evening Bible slLid y, 7 p.rn . f;pi•copal St. Jam~ Episcopal Cburrb, !\'ewpo rt B e .i c h : Holy Eucharist is ccl£'bratcd at 8 and 10 .'.l n1. serv ices: con- tinf·nta1 brcakfa.~t scrl'cd ~ftcr f1r,<:! s('r1·ice : child care and sun1n1cr church s c h o o I a1•;iitable nt 10 <i.m.: the He\'. .John P. Ashcv II returns fro1n rnurllh's lra\:e\ in ~::ist and 1rill gi1•c !!ermon at both ser1·icC'S: TUC'sday lO a.01. l-lo- ty E11£"harist \\ith layi ng of hand~: 11}:45 a.m. Tuesday Prn~·t'r Gr0u p: \\'ednesday 6 a.m. ~fen 's Bible cl:iss; \\ledncsday, 8 p.m . Praye r and Praise. Jeho vah's Wit11esses E .~I a n c i a Congregation : puhl ic lectur e at 9:30 a.in.: N. ,\.alter. traveling represen· 1.1111'(' 111 the "':ilchto,,..·rr Societv. 11·ilt disc.·uss "Our Trnublf'd Ti rne~ \\'hat Do Thl'y ;o.1.~.111" and sho\\• ao colrir stidl'S lfo1n 30 countries. 2277 C:111yon l)r11·c. Coota t.·lcsa. Cosui i\lei<t! East courreea· tion: public lecture 'at I p.m.: "Benefits For Uir--..From Su!on1on ·s Song•· y,.•jlt be . • NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Do•fr Dr ., 50-3631 Newport lt>och •:?.' J. kf'9. 'nfor Early VJ r•.h1p B 00 am Cllr•~lldn t duca11on 9 15 am Fi!~lrve V/ru M•O 10 30 am Nu rser>' l'<i rr i\1-;Hlable WELCOME d LSl'USSed by J f' rt p p il S , r111nstrr. 22i7 Canyon Drhe, C\l.'i ta ~lesa . C-Osta ~ltsa C entr l l Congregatloo: pu blic lecture at 4 p.n1.; J . Roller , minist('r, v.•111 diso.:usii "Sacrifices That Plt">ase (;od," '2271 Canyon i>ri\'l'. Costa f\fe~. l'\e~·port Beach Congrega· tlon: public lecture at 7 p.n1.: "Photo Dra1na of Creation" will be d~5cussed by 0 . Harris, rninister_ 7277 Canyon Orive, Costa ~tl'.'Sa. Laguna Beach Congrega. tion; puhlic lecture at 9;30 a.m.: L. ~11ckcy, n1inist{>f', \\'ill disctL<>S "Sa~·ings of Jestis fron1 the Book of Joh.n." 1001 2 l.1guna Canyon Road, l.a.guna Beach. El Toro C(111gregatlon ; puhlic lecture at 3 p.m.; K Suen, minister, 11·ill gi\·e a .~pe-cial Bible talk. 2 0 9 1 2 L~guna Canyoo Road. Laguna Be<i ch. 'Vatcht o1rer Bible Study lo folloY.' all lectures entitled "Good News For All hfnr.- kind .. , The publi-: is cor- dia lly invited . Jetcilh Shir Ha-~fa'alot, ff a r b o r Rtform Ttmplt, 3'4 16 Vill Lido. 1\ey,-port Beach: Sh.'.lbbat services Friday, July 5th at 8: 15 p.1n. at Christ Church hy the Sea. 1400 \\'. Bal boa Blvd., r\e..vport Beach; Tom Bro}•lcs h1mily and Robert Skversky family ~·ill create service. Futurie Co nstrvat lvt Sy n agog u e, Interfaith F'ello11·i.hip Lounge , 4201 C<ln1- pus Drive, ToWTiccntcr. at !rrinc : services each Friday night starting 3l 8:15 with dif- ferent c ue s l s officiating: sen·ices arc offered by group 11hi('h 1s in lhe prl'lrtss of in· iliating a fu ture cor~<:erv<1til't' Synagogue. For further in- Forma!ion. call 557·5325 or ~j. 8.'1111. TerJJ plt Bal \'abm of Newport Btach Will hold Sab- bath Sen·ices Friday, J uly ~ at 8: 15 p.m. at home of ~Utri and We ln·11te You To Worst11p LUTHERAN CHURCH Of THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del Mar .,.,,Ls_._• D. ~ ...... Worship-.. 10,30 A.Mo "1ur-.J!'l' & Colle!!,..,.,Pnlv.:le<'l ,.._. 644-2''' CHRIST LUTHERAH CHURCH M•~w ur1 S vnod 760 Victorio St .. Costa MrM Lothor V. Tornow, Pastor 541-5404 -....w''""'';l$1 11A>O ·---<-... ,. ...... _,,,._""" .. Christian &rMntary School -541·6166 - ., Gloria Doi Lutheran Church ~ Dano Point 33501 SfoMloillDr. -_,_, ... _, ...... Won!Mp -l:ll I. 11,00 . . ,., .. 5-y Scltool -,,45 y • 493.3·414 4'3-4073 . ST. MAmtEW LUTHERAH CHURCH 11112 Cul••r Dri•• Uni•Ksffy Pri, lr.,fM. •••· HffMri ~H._,_ l :JI & 11:00 A.M. -WonMp t :41 ...... -s..., SclilMtl 512-1121 , PtUHCE OF PUCE LUTHEllAtl CHURCH 2tl7 ...... ., ..... °"~ c..t. ....... ~. .lNOfl't:W C. •tofltll.'ll)J( P.$10< -Jiii Nfl~ !ntool! s-.t.r Sc.~ t:JO ....... t41 .... w.,..,.. M _, l•JI e.a. Prince ol Peace Lulheran SchOol -Mrss Esther Q150n, P11nc1o.al OU.co Phone 5•9-0521 School Phone 5'9-0562 FIRST BAPTIST CHURC H OF NEWPORT BEACH J h i (.h!~Qr,,. -II•·~°"'·!••••" -~~2 l .. l • t ~•"'·'n U•\'• 1~ •'>••o• S4IM•r Schoel -t~lo A.M. W .... I 0:)0 A.M. & 7:00 ,,M, W"<J""4•Jro·,., l•,..·o /l~~'J I I I I I Sherwin Jacobs, 2915 Quedad •. l\'cv.'port Beach. An Oneg Shabbat y,•iJI follow. F o r further informa tion call 644· 1999. Lutheran Chrkt Luthera.a Church, 35522 Can1i110 CapUi rano, San Clcn1enlc; Ing r I d and Kristofer Avila wilt ~Ing two S;redish hymns at JI} a .m. scrv ic.-e ; sem100: "Free as a Bird " by P~tor Ackcm1an; baptism of children will ~ held. Lulhtran Church of Our Sal'lour, 200 E. San Pablo, San Clem ente : sem1on: "The \Vay to a ti.tan's Heart .. by Pastor Lund: daily vacation Bible st:hool to begin July 8 and end July 12, the111e, "God's Pocple Today.'• Christ LatMran Church, 760 Vict.oria St.. Coota Mesa; th en1c · "A More Convenient Time,"; by U'le Rev. R.H. Kalthoff; Sunday School and Bible cla.s.s 9:30 a.m.; Y.'ednes· day \\'Orshlp 7:30 p.m. • LutJieraa Church ol the Cross, 242Jl El Toro Road, Laguna Hill s: "'or s hip scn·ices 11 :30 and 11 a.n1.: Cl11&rch (:elebratio11 1 fSf't PULPJT ind PE\\', Page 9) Folk danci ng and P.liddle Eastern and European foods v.•ill be featured at i\n- nual Festival of St. Luke's Onhodox Church scheduled Sunday on c h u r c h grounds at 13261 Dunklee St., Garden Gro\'C. C.S. Lewis' Works Enjoying Revival By 1\'ESI.EY G. PIPPERT \\11EATON. Ill. (UPI) -C. S. l...e wis, the English scholar and "Apo..."1.le to skeptics and ifltcllcctuals" \\·lwse death in 1963 \\·as oversh,1do11·ed by John r . Kenni'dy's assassina· !ion 1hc same Jay, is un- dergoing a revival of pu()lic in- tcre;t in his rcnec11ons Oll Chrh;tian faiU1. \\11Cn fomli'r \\'hii.e !louse .<.J)C(·ial Council ('harles \~'. Colson lolJ of his conve~t-On 10 Christ1an1ty la.-.t l.kcf'"mbcr, he said one of the reasons \\·as a chapter in Lewis' book. "~[ere Christianity," which concerned the sin of ar· rogance. "Arrogance \\'as the great sin of Watergate," sai d C'olron, i.1·ho has since pleaded guilty of obstniction of justice. "I think the grc:llcst s in all of us are guilty of, <md it's the hardest one to rccognile, is putting our own ego, otrr ov.·n sel~·e!. really belicl'in::t 1h::il 11·e as ind.i1idua)s ha "e c;tp;ici"fie.~ ihat \l'C dt'l'elup 10 Oll rsl" 1 \' e:; ' . 1.1:-:\\'JS' BOOKS :ire gct 1111g to be campus beslsellers. more popu laT than at .any tin1e during his lifetime. T h e. A Cordial W ekome .from THE UNITED METHODIST FHURCH I Costa Mesa Hunt1ng1on Beach FIRST Ut<ITED FIRST UHITED METHOOIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. 2721 17th 5 1. 536-3537 Wonhip S<nktt ,,Jo£ 11 ,00 A.M. S..-.ic:H-f:I' I: lt:JO Chwctii School -•:lO A.M. N.,,.-,...,,C-1,tl l,l""""'I Clilircll Sc._.-t:ll. CAAl W IS8ElL. O.D Costa Mesa North Huntinglo n Be;ich -North MESA YEllDE COMMUH1TY UHITED METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Mesa Verde & Bak.er S t. 6662 Heil Ave. S-i 2·4-i 61 54!>-2719 w....w, & Ctircll Sci-I WenMp-t & 10:)0 t :lO AM. Cti.rcll Scllo.&-t & 10:10 Fountain Valley Irvi ne -Easl 131ull FIRST UHITED UMIYERSITY METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 18225 Bushard 833-1233 962·2593 18-422 Culver Road w°"11-i, & O.Cli Sc.~ <ii Univer~~to.t t :lO ,l,M, Ww•ilif & C I Ford A Miller. M1n1sle r t & 10:10 A.M. ' CHRIST CHURCH HEWPOIT CEHTER I T THE SU. UMITED METHODIST Newport Beach 1601 Margueote Ave . 1-400 W. Balboa Blvd'. Corona de! Mar 673-3805 w--,. f:ff & tO:Jt ..... Rev Robert S. Shepard. Jr w ....... , ' c:..-.. s.c.... ._ ...... f :JO AM. ........... ..,._ ...... Wfflidsy ,.._SONI Phone; S.4-0745 --f ·l 1:41 ...... ,.1. tt:tt &... • \\: IJ)) SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple .. to. RABBI BERNARD P. KING meeti:;'i sf CMA!Sf (:t4UAO< ¥ Tl<E S£A , l~C.O w a.-81)Q_, -S.oc1' For Information: call 675-7230 . /\ TEMPLE &AT YAHM ·ri u l"lttor"'I ,, S-.... ~'' -,,_i.y I: 11 p.-·=Sc._._,_..,, ...... 12, .... w klleel-W ...... -i:ll • kll •re.w..t• 'I'•'-'• hr......,. Mtf.....ti..i c .. 64.f·l ''' P.O . I n JSI, c.,_ .. M• '2621 . modern language association reports a s t1'ady increase in the number of seho!arly books and ar1iclt'S published about Lewis. f()r the col il't:t ion he hegan in 1!16$. r>ow, \\.heatcm Cullego>, in the outlying sul>urh.~ \l'~r nf C'hic:i:::o. h<l<.i bet·0111~· t1ic rcpo!;i\or.\' fur cnf' 'f 1!1(· \l'Or!J's lea din~ colleetion• u! l.e'11i!'t 11·ork"> ttnd rnen)ur.1 bili:l , r;ink in·; alcn~;;idt' 0 x fur <l L'ni1·rr-:11.1··,, R111llrt;Jn l.1hr:1n UP KEEP Of Tiit; col· lt'ction \\'ill IX' fin<1nced by a ~2f)l),fl{~) µ-1·;1111 111 JlH'!TIOry of \!<1ri1t11 E \\';itlr. founrlcr of St' r ..-1 ~· l' 111 :1 ... t er Irie., a i..uli11rl1:1!l ( l1.1·:1g•) 1;u11!11ri;1l 1 r111. 11 \ ,1 •'11 t l:i~! f;1ll. \\',1Je, h~ Cu!-1i:1 ;lJ1n1rcd ~·\!ere ( Jw1~1i:11n 11", 1u!·quo·1«l fro111 h ~ h:.:~11 ill 1nu!crlulL·J cup~· at ~:ii··~ 1111'• '111;.:~ J}· <·1~11 • s 1\11111 Pl'"rc~,.1, ': hl l'l":-!11! l' t II h· • •! .ti' I 1on•11.1_.-.! L1'11 _, .~ •. t, .11·. 11.1~ p!an'i '" bu1!tl ;i rcplie:.i QI l.e1\1s' house 0:1 1hl' r.'.lnl\)US by 1930 as a periHane:it hC\11c 1~.:!1 J ·11-1·11 1!1-.('111 C'red L•.'\\1 ~ 1·\ 1·11·1 ,lu•t uJlf' n1orr .. I :ti .nh .. h11! I hadn'1 1'<·<1ll "" µ:i:'~'' unril r knell' r h:1.J !-1>1!h'lhlnt.: 1h:1 t coun1cd." hr t::.i1d. I FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1 115 G-1~ A•t .. H1111tinqt011 ltec:h -tl .. I 110 Ji"" WillOll, "•liDr s-dey Scllool -t :4S 1.m. WorVtip -11 •""-&: ' P·"" Jr. Cllwch • 11 A.M. W~!doJ ..... ,,, Sff•ice -1 p.111. "u• ..,,., p,.,.,.,e<> ;;• ~·· _,.,,,,., PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of th e Coastal Areas Christ United Presbyterian Church 20 112 M..,...• IHnr AdsMtl Hllltt ... o.t ltmcll le•. DOM1W £: lobtri~ '•.tor SIM•y W.,,..,. t:JD A.M. Cliwci. Scllool: f:lD A.M. Office: 20112 M~ia St. ~: ,, ••• ,40 Church of the Covenant 2150 F•ir•Mw IDod, CD•I• Mt•• lnice A. 1Curr1t. Po.tor s-d•y w°""" .. Cllurch School -l :lO ' I 0:00 A.M.. PltoM: 557.)J40 Community Prubyl°'ian Church -i 15 Forti! A••-. L..,..... l•ech ....... ,..., ... J. , .... ,n1 • ., Rt • ........ 0 . H~ -le•. Ar1tMr I . C~ ~ W..v.lp: t :OO Child c-f :OO i..M. PltoM: 4f4.7555 SI. Morie Presbyterian Church c-Jw1 ... 11 & EntttMf °"''• C!H'-dtl M .. •••· W-tli-A. McQ.oid. P•1for w--, & Chwc.11 Scllool -f:JO A.M. ~ , ••• 1141 / '"' This Sunday W o rship in ' L1s1.J1ndri71•3 T'rrsbyte rinn C/uu rlr f>OO SI. An1l1t ... -l10.1d • N<;wp(p1 ll•·d•.l'I . Dt. Ch11!1t M. Di11e11U1ld, ''"•' I "DO YOU REAU y MEAN BUSINESS?" Dr. CharJ&s H. D•ere nl1elcl , Preac,.,1no S.-11 c..,~ ... "''"'Ill"~ Identical Services 8 A.~ .. 9 30 A.M and 11 A M. AI C ·LIME Of HELP-445-2222 ' " ' ' * TEMPLE SHARON The C.OltMr'TatiYr tpogclJll!I for th. entirt Harbor Arto 617 W••t Hamitton, Cotta Mt$• .. 646-5552 • •• J.w1Wi t>e!MliH Att l11•ltitd Te Je&. u, S.Mt.ttt Str'fkt~ Frldoy At I : 15 P·"'- S..._..y At I 0:00 •·"'· ·PULPIT AND PEW S.t1urd~~. Jul'!f ?9, lq14 --....,l!l!"l'_ .... ....., __ "1illil_~--""""--"'· ...... ___ _.. ___ . ....;;~~~..;;;;;;;;;;; My~~ry Surro11nds Jewish Temple OAll 'r' PILOT _J • • • 1 (l"r9al he• A) fT'(lfn Hebre.,,..·s J· 1•· "For "ft '· -t:&mday Charth School I« . hav~ beoome: Christ's ~~s ~:)'oolh 9:-IA 1.m.; Aduh Dible If only v.·e keep our ongui~! ~01u t :SO a.m.; sennon by cooJldence nnn to the end. ~Dr. Wtlllain EUer "A Forilvtn ~len of the cllureh wtll meet at ~SlMer" OOMd \ptur 1-flle Square Golf Course Sun· k:!tound ln Luke ~M-; CO:. day at 7:30 1.m. for breakfa~t ~·t.tmporary service pre11ent~ -and fello\\ratip. ~j by ,.outh or lht Church of the • University Uatted Me"'°41•t i MaMetll from Corona del Mar C\urch, 1am CUiver Drl\'t , j! et 7 p.111.; 1'ncalion Ch urcb Irvine; Rev. Rortaki·Alllson to ~;School to be held JuJy 8-10. deliver sermon, "Hete la a ::~ Lr st for Tomorrow's &ru1· • St. P1ul'1 l.AIU1eru Clnarcli, gles!" \l/onhlp servi~ and 1190 Morningside: Dr Ive , church school 9 ind 10:30 a.m. LaiUDB Beach; service 10:15 a.m.; Sundny Schooil, 9 a.m.; nursery echooI is provided ; Pre1bttferi•1t By GEORG!: fl'. C9ftNtlL NEW YORK c o.;~ -An aura cl. m)'ltery ~ ~ ldoaol~lho 'Jew!lh · Temple ln_JeNJ&Jem. Botb for many Olrtt:dtns and Jew1, It'! ' . • looged'lor . cl\'-. • Mesli.anJc S.111. lt 11 oo.t. yet. But somethlng like it is happen Ina'. I Construction .11 to be(tn on the f1nt larie. central Jewish hOIJlll!I ol wonh.ip ln the Holy congregation will have picnic at Niguel Regloo.al Park, beginning at 1%:30. F1ttb Lutheran Oiu.reb, 4S81 a Portola , Capl!trlnO Beach; ., . Twenty.hi,·o perscru will be 'received into membership in • ~ 10:30. a.m. service ; Youth j League is altendlng retrea t ~ at Running Sprlngs wllh the rl'theme, "How to Give Your ~ F'alth Away;" advan ee St. Aadre'tt''a Pre1byterian City since the destruction of Ch•rc", MO St. Andrew• Road, 12>t Temple 1,904 years ago. Newport Beach; worahlp ''No one IA sugge1Ung that serv ices 8, 9:30 and 11 J..m.; this means the re!tonllon of t~ Sacramtnt of }loly r.om. the Temple," 81)'"1 Rabbi Dr. munlon wUI be obstrved at all Mqrice A. JaUee, prt:Sldient three aiervices : The Rev. · o( lhe Union of I a r a e I Charlell H. DirtnOeld fS'f:Gcrie, Syn•IORUtl which ·is spoil· the cooimunlon meditation, soring the protect. "But there "Do You Really Mean are parallelt.'' registrat ion i! being ACcepted for Vacation Biblr School rrom Aug. 5 lhrough Aug . 18. Newport H1rbor Lother1n Church, '198 Dover Dr i v e, Newport Beech; sermon: by P1stor Roger Berg. "The HOl'it Didn 1t Koow" st both 8 and 10:30 a.m. worship services; Christian education hour at 9:15 a.m.; nuraery care a\•ailable. FaJtb Lutheran Chureh, 820 Elli! Ave., Huntington Beach : sennon : "The Church That Is Only ror Good People. Is No Good at All," by the Re\•. Jame.. DeLange: worship service: 8, 9 and 10:30 a.m., Sunday School, 9 and 10:30 a.m. Lothtra11 C11urcb Of tbe t.l11ttr, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona de! it a r ; worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday, sennonette for c h I I d r e n ; nursery care prov ided; members to conduct song service Sunday for residents of Park Lido Convalescvit Hospita l, 2 to 2:30 p.m.: sc- con<I week of Vacation Bible School v.·ill be concluded July 5th ·with, closing program ; evening rommunion sen•lces, July 2 <1t 7:3() p.m. /llelhodist Flr~t U n It t d flftthodU:t Church of Fountain \'alley, 1822:'.i Bu.shard St., Fountain \'alley. Rev. Ford R. ftUllcr will deliver a sermon titled, ''Partners" based on scripture Business?'' Pre1byteria11 Cltorc.1r. of t~e Coven111t, 2350 Fair vi ew Road, Costa Mesa; srrvicts 8:30 end If> a.m.: Bible study in First chapter ol Ephesians to be contlnued; chlld care pnnided at both 8ervices and story-hour for ehil~: col- lege career group meets at 6: IS p.m. and junior high and -high groups .,.., aparately at 7 p.m. SI. M • r k Presbytert111 Church, 2100 Mar VI 1 ta , Newport Beach ; c h u r c h service, 9<Kt a.m.: senoon: "Deep \\1isdorn for Damaged •9phits" by \\'il1ia.m McQuold; te1t is "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted:" church school begins at 9:30 a.m.: baby sit· ting. Rellgleau ScieMce Church of Rettpa1 Sclencr, 20062 Laguna canyon Road, Laguna Beach: worship servicc-s 9 and 11 a.m.: sermon : "Be Not Afraid It ls I'' by the Rev. Dr, Henry Gerhard: junior church for children of all agt-s throu1h high school At 9 a.m.; nursery ca re at early serviC't' only. Church of Re~loas Sclrore, 6ffl llth St., H unting ton Beach; W'Orship service and church school at 10 :50 a.m.; sennon: "'IM Last Four Maln Aspects or COO" by !he Rev. Dr. Robert H. Stevens: nursey care available ; classes ln "Transcendental ~feditatlon" Thursdays a t FOi\ ONE 111JNG , !he pl"06ptttive new "Jerusalem Great Synagogue" Is planned as a ~ntral, representative aanctuary to y.'hfch Jewish pil&r\IM from all over the world may oome to pray - 10:30 a.m. conducted by Dr. "6tAevens; Oial-a·Prayer: SJ&. 2732. Flnt an.tt~ of Rellpoua Sdentt meet& 1t Corona del P.far High School, Newport Beach; church school and v.·orship seN\ce if 10:30'1.m.; sennon : "The One Ultimate Reality" by the Rev . Albert Burke. Flnt Oardl Of flellfleos SdtMe meets ln f.fasonic Temple, 3011 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente: heallni service at 10:4-0 a.m., v:onttlp sen1ic-e at 11 a.m.; sermon : "Love lJ the Answer" by guest speakeT Richard J . Grttn. Nt"lfPOrt Harbor Otrcli o1 Rellgioaa Scltrict meets at ~I Center St., Costa Mesa: Sun- day School and service, 10 t .m. with meditation sennon : ''Rel igious Science -the Y.':iy lo Freedom" by tho Rev. Eleanor C. Jackson; ?Mdlta· tloo and healing power at close of s:e.rmon at IO a.m.: cla~s ln Prosp er ity Consc:lousna1 wUl be held ~Y 7:»9:30 p.m. July 2- 30th at chUJ'(h. Just as the)' did to tt>e Te-mpl.e ot old. In another ~pe«. !'!very Jew e\"et')"llittfe i• belJli eneouraged to C:O n t r I b u t e ~ lo bUldllOI ol tho ne"A· edlftct:, e v en If amounting to no more than a half shekel -the ba111lc trib.Jte ol each practicln( Jew to the ancient Temple. F\rrthermore. the new house of \liWlhip Is being built of a specjal tadiaflt stoot like Chat « the Temple of Bible times, and 1:1 to be situated next to headquarttni ol I 1 r a e I ' s rabb1n.ic author ity, a9 was the td&torlc Temple. "THERE ARE M A N Y 11nalogies. but we're ""o.ry of drav.ing romparisons,"' Dr. Jaffee sald m an interview. "One gets ln hoit water even to hint at such a th ing. C(lld[tlons are oot of the question for re-establishing the Temple." Doing SO, Ouisti&'ls v.ro Bible literally, llnitarlon to man'! interpret !he would be a Ualvenlty U nitarian Chutdl, Uni\'ersity Park Con1· munlty Center, 41'0 Sandb.Jrg Way, Irvine.; worship aetviee 10 a.m. The Rev. Roger T. Walke will speak on way1 in '"'hlch att.ltudt's on is.suet such as capital punl.shment, abor- tloo and \l'ar reflect personal life-styles or color day·to-day relationships. U a It 1 r I••· Unlvenali~t FtUowNlp, 429 CyJretlS St ., Laguna Beach; Setvi<.'es Sun- IJ:ay&t 10:30 a:m. with HO'lfard Britton addrea3 l ng the fellowrldp on phllooophy ol self-healing. ESP and th< OC· cult at well M UF'O's will be di.scuSSied: the 4th at July pie· nlc will be be.kl igain at n:irth encl of Aliso Bt.ach. Varlo11• Cen9regotlen1 SevndMlay A d ' t • 111 t p~tlc lndkatk:.n of tht \rnm lnrnt rtt.um Of Oriti ~t any Jev.-s al.so l Jn ~ rtttoration or the Temple to ;i l"Om!ni Me.Mi11h. A m o n g p.-ophecy-minded Ou1.1Han evangelica ls, the. re~r!ng of Je"A'I from exile to go-.-em IJrae.l A.l"ld the unltk•atioo cl Jerusalem under Jewish rule were .tee11 as foretokenlna: C1u'\st 's ~cond comln&. Accordlfll to thf!\ \'ieY.'. a culminating sign would be I.he re.atora\lon of the Temple. "Non-Jews .eem 1 I mo st more concerned 1bout It than many Je\ft'S," Dr. Jaffee said. "They see It 11:5-fl natural step now that l!rae.I has betn restored to Jews after 2,000 yenrs of ""'anderlng," The rim Te:mple, built in Solomon's time about 1,000 B.C.. """&!! de!ittoyed h y lnvad1ng Babylonians in 586 B.C., but rei:IJllt a:ftenvards. The st!COOd Temple v.• a s burned by Roman troops in crushing a Je1-1'ish revolt in 70 A.D .. ,,..·hich niarked the end of Ct111rch, 271 A\•ocado St., Costa Pttua; 1ermon: "Times Last Hour" by Pastor Joseph Jef· freys at 11 a.m.; Sabbath School for all ages at 9:3!1 1.m.: Church fellowsh ip din- ner is scliedulfrl. Grace Bible Church , Veteran's Memartal Buildin:i, MS \V. 18th St., Qi~ta ~irsa; Sunday Semo\ 9:30 am., V.'Orship service 10:30 a.n1.; youth meeting 6 p.m.; Re\'. 'I'honTM Tyt-ee c o n t I n u c s serln tn Ph lltppta.n!: "Biblical Morality'' at 7 p.m. hour of praise, Pastor 'fytee continues study or James; n\lf'W)' pro-- vided; patriotic music will commemorate 4th of July. Ask Andy I~ JC'\11sh !it.a.le unli\ il'l 1nodem rMtoratlon. OR. JAF"f!:E, an 1t1omey and phUceopher a\ wtU as reUglous scholar, said Uu.it according to Jewish law, the Ha laiah, there are no deflnltl.'" obstacle5 fWW to re•totlng thf Temple. He said an Wl<l!flc1 al group of 1>Choh1rs currently 1:1 studying the the o re 11 1.: .a J possibll\U~ of lt. l·lo\\·ever, he aald thert are many practical obstacles. Dibllca\ly. the si te <i the Temple is on Mt. f.{ortah - the spot \\"htre. the patriarch Abraham ~aled h1'I covenant \\'ilh God and built an a!t..ar. 1'wo P.1oslem mosques now occupy the site , a Is o considered sacred to Mos.terns . "\\'e're co mm It led to protecting all the holy p14ftS and tht Jut thing we: 1-1·ant 10 <lo is go knocki ng dOl\"Tl. 1nosques,'' Dr. Jaffee said. He: sa id f u ll -(l ed ged restoration ()f !he. Temple also i,1·ould necessitate tt- establishment o( the Sanhedrin, a1lC1,nt Juda~,m·s rourt a.nd legj.•leli\'e coonc1I a111I aim !hi"' 1'rrnple order.\ (If pr1c-n1 an<l l~\1!~ "IT U..'VOl.\'F.S .51) many t'Omplicalloru." he ll a i ti . """'e're not prep11red lor 11 sptt1tu1!1y. po!l!lcally or rnorally." Vet th.! new $10 111i!Hon stru<..1ure will be 1;\tuat~d fltll to the HeL'hal Shlomo, 1, r a ' I 's chief r11bblnical t.ffi~-'. juirt as the vld Temple adjoin~ the C'.hamber ot Hewn s~. quarters 11( the relig11>u.~ councU. Like lhe Temple. the Great Synagol(Ue will be-buJlt of Jtru'l.lllem's "golden stone" whofie rolor cltanges in the cou~ of a day from gray to ~·hitt: to gold as struck b>· th~ (·hanstni angle5 of the sun rt \ron't be the Te mple:. hut has rul>tlf' ronnot at ions of it It \.\"!II be a "symbol of ou r heril<'lgc, or I.he great me."-'a.":~ Jeruu.Jem has foc the-1,ror!d." Dr. Jaffee said. For prophecy !!pecl al!.sts, it will be an inlrlgulng lnkUng. The Living Bible Big Undertaking TREES of the WORLD Btt1Detn Sal\ta Ano and OrlTnQt On Fairliavt n Avenue· 538·1191 CHU RCH POST R•v. JenMn Rev. Jc11sc11 WilJ Be Inducted Tbe Bt>v , Xe:il J'">nSen 11i\I he inducted at the :\tcsa Verdi• l'nl1ed ~fettndlst OuJrch a~ A0sor1Bte !llinis1er on Julv 7 Bi~tx.p Charl.f'S Golden 01 "!hr S outh-:-rn C.1lifomia-Ar1zon,1 Annual Conferen<.-c announC'°"'d his appointm<..'llt at the 12·\th sestiion Jn H.edlands June 14-18 An ordained elder in the t,"niled ~!cthodist Church. Rev JenS<'n·s primary responst- billlies ,,..111 be edu,'atioo, y outh ministries. and 111·. leadership development. 1\ nati\·e ur Illinois. he has ;i Bachelor of Science degree rrom '.\orthern I ! I 1 no 1 <; !;niversity. How dots Christion Science heal? listen lo r1rsthand e1'per1once s. This weeks program. "IEING A WOMAH ISN'T A IURDEH" 7:00 A.M.-ll'H-640---4.A 1:4§ A.M.--«:MrC.710-4.A 7: 15 A.M.--«:OCM-fM- 101.11-MI JUHi ll, 1974 "'m.UTH '";HEALS I o ·RAN<;E coAST,:CHURCH DIRECTORY_] • , .. • . I HARBOR ASSEMILY OF GOD 740 W. Wll-Cotto Me•• Ua.4714 Y. L .. ITWECI. ,..._. GALeN ( ><E:llTWEOI( Hloll'l'llY MITO<EtL A,.:io:11!t Pnto• 1,1, ... ,.., ol l.lwc -SUH DAY SUYICIS - t :4i A.Joi.-Sc,_. et Cllrfi·,._ Ut"" lt.M.........,-s,,... -.y A..oc'-" , ...... .._ '· tt.rtwtc• 1:11 P.M.--.W, Splril-"4 Sw-.ltyP.,._. ......... -··--·. COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pro!-ScNIDI -11-00,...., -E,.moo•..-/ -CN1d C." NEWPORT-MESA CHRISTIAN CENTER 148 TWENTY-SECOND STREET COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 645-6620 · . JOIN US THIS SUHDA Y . MOlHIHCt WORSHIP l :JO ""4 11:00 ui. "ALIVE FOR A ,URP'OSE" (Acls 27: 1-28:3 I) Dr. G1«9t 0 . Wood. P- t 14S A.M. -CHRISTIAN EDUCA TIOH AA"'9o• 6:00 P.M.~YENIN~ WORSHIP' Or. Wiii iam MacDona ld Professor ol Ttieology. Gordon-Conwell Seminary . . Chldrto'o Church ""4 ~ c ... '"'~ for All s.e,..,k•t Wnp"teti.. ..... ,,. Dl.t II Mi.-I I A-!"-& 'P.M. Senice Plymouth Congregational Church l!.12 .......... MtwpM .... -'4!:1741 aa.aSTUDY ..... ,. A.M..l 1:1tP:ii W'OlstflP & CHUICH SCHOOL-I .... .t..N. SUMtA\' DL JOHH A. LNIYAU.of'ASTOI THI unU CHUICH IY THI SIA 4611 LMIOM •LA ... llACH SUHDAYS•YICH 1 ... w..1 .•• 11 ............ w...., ... 11 .... INTE.:~fl~~~~COME ..,~~......,_ .. ,,...400 _ SOUTH COAST CHIMOt Of CHRIST y 4 ......... M ...... .. 1 ........ ..... ,, ....... c .. ..... (Brlllot At San OJevo Ft'#'/.) -W"""'"'lt ......_. p;<. ,_ llMIU CENTRAL lllLE CHUltCH 'Ur<I Strt.t .. -· c .... MH• -'4S.5HO .-.1 ........ -, .... ,.....,_,,..M.,... w...-.. w.,... -lt:lt'..& -~Sc-.. t ...... S.., It ... W.,.,.., • ':)I p.-. -'"""' M ...... WM. • """'"' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 11.AMCKES Of THI MOTMlfl CHUICH THI""' 'CNUICH 0' CHllST, SC*TllT. tM IOSTOM. MASSACHUSllTTS "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" -JUHi ]0, lt74 c..ta ...... -First Church of Clorlsl, Sclnlht JUl ..... Y .... Dr.c ......... ,,_.., sn..1-till A.M. ca.an• Ssrtke -11 :01 A.W. ........... 2110,,,.... ., .... Dr. ~11~-lwl ...... l-h -Finl Chorch el Clw11t, Selto111t aA.&Ol ... ,.._.., ... IC. ~WINI -t:JI & 11:10 A.M. C._... -t:JI & I l:tl A.M. ·~•--121,,...st. lrTNoo ·TH-...... of ChritHM SciHH•h . ......,., ..... k"-1 4111 c..,.. Dr-.. ·-211-Jll ,,_., kllusl -t :ff A.M. ci..c• s....riu -... ,, A.W. 1a 211 Ws4. Sertkti -I P .M. -1111. It I 1-1-h -Finl Church of Clorlal, klHlltt •>• H'fli Ort'• Clilnll & ....., ScllMI -..... ....,., ·~---2• .......... ... Ht.,... llffdo -First Cllw<lo of Ch.Id, Sclnlht ' l'Jll ... w........,.. ..... Oli9t•'...,. Sc-.. -.... ••.>• 4Jit. _._ ....... ... pirii. t. ... ~ t-.,.. -I.XI-I 1:30 A.Y. ,Ot afwy Tu ... Ntw ...... '-" -:MeM Clwlrd of Christ, Seloolltt . JIHP..tflc""'Dr.,C--.. M• a.re• & ,.., k .... -......... . I~.._-lHM C...t Hwy. I ..... N.-itlt•J We& h_..T....._,....,.._,.,..._..,.C-.C-. All 11re cordlally Invited to •llend the church servlcri; and enjoy the prtvlle1es or the Reading Rooms Qlil c .. ,,....., AT·ALL SllYICIS fllST SOVTHH°N IAl'TIST CHURCH 611W ...... ltrMt,C ........... ~ '"'"" tuNOAY SCMOOL-tt41 A.M. W'Olttw IM'flCIS-1 l:it A.w. I Hf P.M. ,.,_,. •1a11 Mll•llAT l•&Ht II 1 PJiL .....,_ . ,__...,,.._ COMMUNITY CllUICH IY THI llAY -.....tcl'Os..-.d ...... u. ....... 241t """"....,.,. ... ., lt:ll ...... ,_., ... _ ... _ ,_. w.;,_..,_ MS.JIN I ST OIURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPOf!T BEACH · SUMIA Y SH,ICI ..i SUNDAY SCHOOL-1 l:lt A.M. "THE ONE ULTIMATE REALITT" MIWPOIY HAUOI CHUICH Of llUCllOUS SCll"Cl SEAMON-MEDITATION HEALING SUNDAY SCHOOL-10 AM Rev. Eleanor C. Jackson ~1 Cen1er St.. Costa Mesa 646-1032 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCllHCE OF LAGUNA IEACH 2{.011 la.tu'IO Clo"Yn~ A~ •El fo<g ""'· ><;,~2~~1.!'.; :.~~:: WHOA' UIYICl-t & II A.W. Jr. Olirclrl & Y_.. cr.r..• -t A.M. o.;,- SU'llCIS: I 0100 A.M. l 6:00 P .M. IHTUESTIH• FUHDAMIHTAL lllU TEACHIMG COAST lllLE CHUltCH ~·Al'ICO 'Of'ISrt:FI J"I HIGH SCHOOi. CU 0816PO I AlllON SAN .AJ.t.N CAPISTAANO 4tJ.lt4t 494-1141 13CMl407 t : IS A.M. s-toy SchHI for .ti .... . IO:JOA~.M ........ W..,hlp t.J!IRSEl>r CAt<f. PROV•O~O illf IOTH ~l'IS fe.t 1'1!r,,,....,.,,,,, c,,i,<•""•"ll QI!> .. M"l'"Q•0.U 8.1~3139 THE CHURCH FOR YOUR FAMILY AIT>lo•t""! ""I~ I~• ll•f>l•<I G-•I C..~""1!<"<•· SeYenfh.Day AdYetttist Church 271 A•uc• St.. c..t. ...... J ......... ~,....,._ .......... ,,. Sabbalh Scf'loot ·---··-·················-········· 9:30 a.m .. Mprn1no Wotitilp ............................... , 11:30 •.m. Pi1yer Maetlno Wed nesday ........... , .......... 1:30 ii.m. Newport Unity •• , ..... kMNI. ....... h~ '-~ -II A.M. Sunday School lor •11 IOtl -9:00 1.m. , ..... '" .. Mt~ ..... °"'91 -6•'-1111 -llAw.llAYH li~7,17 FlltST CHltlSTIAH CHURCH Corona del Mar Main & Adams Streets Huntington Beach Bible Sctiool & Morning Worst11p 9 00 & 10.30 A.M. E'fe n1nq Wor5h10 6:00 p.m . Nursery care provided et a l! :5erv1c e s Youll'I Groups .... 7 00 o.m .• ('•' -~ ~'Sf' r,.., o-.,..,,, '-l~ El TORO CHURCH OF CHRIST ....,, ... , •• ",...._c ...... COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL l5JGO .. ..._Dr. • Mitdm 'f'+> 01blC' Clasi-9:30 A.M. 411 HELIOTROPE , 5UMDAY SllYICE Morning Worship-1 0~30 ..... ...i CMUICH SCHOOL. 11:00 A.M. Sl'-47S7 Sl~JJtl Ph11 Arnold. Minister Dr. "uu, G. Mllmly. Mlfllllff' 644-7400 LAGUNA IEACH · NEIGHIOIHOOD CON~REGATIONAL 140 SI. Alsl't l"lsc• .. G~ .t• M. le.,..t• MWttfor s.,.,. s.r-.w:-10:00 A.M. "U~ WITH HUMOR" ---~· n.... Gnpry ,_ 494·1061 Sllll'HHD OJ THE HILLS UHITID CHURCH OF CMRIST l0121~U,L-...•N~ ....... _,nS.-..,-II A.M. Caul ; "!' ~ W...W, I Clwclrl SicllMI IHTN s-...... MllM1ter ,_ W.. •illlac t!'tl 4tJ.Nll CHURCH OF CHRIST JIJ w. WM.l<>M. cost A MliA liWt s~ ,....._ ....,_.' ~., • .,.....1....., .... J ·~· "COUHTNl'llT WISDOM" ·-· ..... "All WI AllflHG TOO MUCH Of MAlllA•U" f :4s ...... lt:IO-. ,,_.If w_,.,., S*"k•• t. C...._ "',...,,. w ...... , .... iWr 1111 , .... t41-JI' I ., S4•·1141 HilrtW .. '~~ ,_,, .... .... .,..,.. li!ltihttr ' I ! \ ffj LJ,\ll1 +'l\(11 Dt1 v id , Dit1lu11111 II: 1, it pn~~ilth• Iha! ll;1\1il l·ro'I :11ut lllH h:tnn l '.11r11ll 111ii,:ht i-ur pri'l' t·11·r~1u11• ;111d 'lltlth•nl~ .. 101h·'.'-\1 ,, \l.11d.1 Sn11t . Tuls;i ,\ \1111 !h:1I th1• F1u-1 h1'l\11'\'ll ll.11ut .111d 1i1;1 l1 1111 h~1' 1tl;i111~l !(, !Ill' pc1111l 11h,.rv 111•'.I '10· <L1l111g l<'J..:1il.11l1 .ig.1111. ~ln'li .1 hl·.111!1n1· 1\uuli!11 1 ~urpn.'1 .o111r111" <l : Se1l l1· ;111 ;1r;.:u111rn1. l f l;1i111 lh:1l 1111· t·1\p·IJ 11\ "lla11 11ii Fi1t·-(I" h a ~r1·n·t po l11·1· e"dc. A111 J d ;.:hl " l)\i1ua Trasl.-Ernit· l.e11is. s~·;1111t· '' i\u "\)11r 111lt·." 1·\pl.1111~ ~1 q11r11:-u1g p1odt1l'•·1· t~,11 'Glad You Asked That ' by Marilyn and Hy Gardner S11••t·111·.1, ''11 ~1 ~ cl11•111•d ln1111 l!.111.111 t~·1n~ th.· -~1111 -1,1r •· ll;i1"111 F11t· () 1111·.111' 1111lh.11g uuirt· th.u1 111;11 .'>Ull'" ilu · -.f,dr 1~111.._.,. :1~1 1111 th.ii 1\t' por11·;1\I h p1!!'1·h tu 1·0111,d llit'l't'·s nntllln!.: tu runu>r·~ th:1t 1111• !!Ile 1~ ,i 1'°l1r1.' .~iur "I plMHl(' nu111h1•1 u1 1J,.,uh1u.1r1 .. r~ - II : "'I.' read lh:it l:uhcrl Conrad b fi11i~h1'd fil1 nin.:: lilt' 'tor) 11( .\\urph thl· Surf~ J!l't•:it St;1r ol huli:1 .ii·11 t•I tht·lt. \\'hat'~ \lurph,1 's lurn11•r 11;1rlt1C'r in tTitrlt'. ,\lll'll h uhn, doin14·! -t;.IJ. Lc:\l., St. Luui~. :\: l)ou1g 11h:1t t'Ol!lt'.S n:1tur;il\y -hlll hon~·~tly. \\'\lr~ 111g 111 a jewt:lry ~!tll"t' Hl Lal1lort11 <1 l/: \\'asn't it llt·rlli•rt llod\""-'r ~·ho· pron1ls1·d "t110 1·hi1'- l.1·ns in e1·1•ry pol and l\10 rar.~ in e1ery garagt'" 11hrn h,• r:111 for l'rt•sidcnl. 1\Jv lri1.·nd) t'l;1in1 it 11as llarrv Tru111an . \\'ho's right".' -i\ll'S. Belle Brooks, Tu('~on .. \1:i1 .. A: i'<l·Hht•r of you. Though it's ollcLl r1·1n~1nb1.•r1."<I ;1s son1eth1ng l 'rt·~1d1•11t 1!001t·r ~;11d -ht• n1.·11'r did It 11:A~ a slogan l"OU1t•d h~· his party durin:,: !ht· ·~s c;11111);1lc!ll \\hen lh•public:an 1·.1ndid:1t1.• llou1~·r r.in !'>lll'~l:.,,111!1.\ <1~<1111st l1t·111ocr;i\ .\llrcd I·: Srn1th. II : ·''r 111ulhcr frt'tjlll'lltly 'rt·lrrl' 111 ;1 la~hiun l·:1 llt"rl lhl' "\l'I\ Look" 1h;1 I \\<IS µoputar 11ht'n ~hl' 11 ;1~ a J!f1·1. t'a11 ~uu ll'll lllt' ~h;1t it 11as·.' -\1~. 1.ind;,i ,\l:1e E .. (;ul- u1nhu:.. Ohi11. A Crl•;1!cd ln Chn~!1an !)1or 111 l'.t47 lu st1m11L1t•' bu siness. thl' routuril·r d1'l'rt,,'CI th:ll thl' popul<ir l.nt•t•-111.1!!1 he1nl1nt' Ix• drop1x'<l to a!111ost ankle lt•ng1h. It \1·a~n·1 \l'r~ fl;ttlf'ring -1'XC1.'Pl to 1101nt'n 111th had legs. (liiirn:1:•i:1:ai;1a-!} l THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE! / I I \ ··01SNEY S GREAT PIONEFRING VENTURE IS THE SEA SONS HIT Ri'VIVAI ' "'AN INCREDIBLY REVOLUTION AR Y FILM ... THE MINO CAN RUN RIOT '" ,,,, "" 1. •·, .. A WILO. PSYCHEDlllC OISPlAY... REAll Y JURNS YOU QNl" P>ll<;hu1,:'• J-'rt~· MATINEES DAILY I :00, 3:00, 5: 15. 7 : 15, 9:30 - MATll'IEES DAILY 1.1t:11.1.1l li\1,1, 1111 ",\\i\;\\ll" -;kv ~ .,,,.,,vaR_, oiJ 1 t.L,~ o.Jl. ~ ,.~ ~ITi ·. ,_ •' ,~"1f.. lli.ATRIC[ ARTHUR BRUC[ DAVISON IOYC[ VAN PATTfN ~ '' ~ --THAT CllT IS BACK' THE NINE l!VES OF tr.RITZ . µ@!l THE CAT r>t1 DAIL Y: 1 & •:4 S: !.ol·S-: 1'1.lls HEAVY TRAFFIC P•1t.• ' 1~ wot"'P l •I I JO ' '' 1 \ I I • Video's 'Golden Ag~' Returning 1 Woll Ot\<Wt'1 "Oki ,~,~ .. ' t;~ I ll \ \h -.\\ FliTl.U\I \I\\ 'I'll!-. 1ll'l1 0·1\1·1 l•l •I"'" I ,I! k 111 th• 1''111', •!10 '\;!,jd,u \~'· '•·I I• 11' I > ·.n<ll .I 1 .•111.I 11 ,:11 !" j'i1·.1,,o•d I I k.1• I !Ji.ii 1111>1 o hti.i!\ ijll.+111\ i\1;1111;ilH "'i "'l'l,ii' 11!111 •'il tl11· 1·•1ll11111'1'{'Ld 111•1',\ 11(1-,, lh,111 ' \ o I IJ"I l) t' f l .. 11'1\.! ilw \'.I >II·· 'Ill Ii I' : 11.11 li•lll <' :tn 1 ·11il1 " ·111 ;i•, I ;i11U -.\i<'ll ' !'lit' I ' :-.11 ·l'I I 1•1111 I\ I I I I' I'\ •0 1\11• .,j 111, .,111111 •• 11 .1il.1LI,· H11t "" 1 .. h·1 1~1,111 1111dt111lntl 111. ,. ;111d1,·1u·o·, -.11 ii\\ 1:o'{'ill1t'1 f HI 1111•·1·,.,t ;11111 11'1'11 ' 1,•pl;1('0 d Ill •[1111 ~IHJll' ,111d • 1l11;1 llt1ll L"l>lllt'C1 t··~ I'. j\ I l li !',1!0•1t•tl , I , I II !,it l I ;lllp.;t' 111 FAMILY · TWIN CINEMA FOUMTAIN YAl.LlT 962·1241 1 • 17161 IROOKHURST • ,1, .. "A Touch of C la~s" CINEMA II MATIN!i~S OAILT SHOW N 4-T 2-5-8:10 P.M I i1•11 11-. :111d .ii' .111 t'tl 111;;1\t'f I ollllf' I\ 1\10:( F'\T 1 · .t ! :.. hPll\'1<1' tlnlt li,1 ~ 1>t•t•ll .I 1,.,11 ,",,·111.· "t 111:1111,11111 ('l\S .\l;c .11111 :'\la ' .,,, 1111uh "' lh;il tht• l)lt~'l' 11''[\llJT i,., -.l1;1 p ·d .1 '•II 1 If'•! \u'lll ·v I \·.i h1~h .111 .1nl lu1 lhi-\1 dr,1111,1111· pl.1.1 ~ I 1111111·~ Ill•' 'll.i11 ~ .11 :1il:11ih· l.i-.1 '1·:1,un 11"1'<' '\\it'• F 'L'l'lil 1 111 nt I 'n1 :11>• ~li·111. ~I I:\' · Tht· .\lll\•IJIO)'r;1pl11 uf \J,,, .l.olh' l'1t1111;111,·· .111d \I·,("~ "\)1 n ·h:1111 nf \1"111·1·" \!'.\! ~1·:1 ~r>fl .~ •fl f,·1·111::~ \\Ill !J I• h•dt• \I\{' S ' \lh'I" Ill•· 1:111 h1 1\11hur \11 11.•1 I 'll"' li>Ut-p:u·t llllllL ~,·ra·-. lil! !ho• m On Tht Ptnlnwlo 673-8350 TWO GREAT COMEDIES TOGETHER! ' ~<ird>r,e.jT~ti~ ~Q'Nf~ "~T;> ~7" • •• Dick Von Dyke "COLD TURKEY" In 1955 there w ere ;i few th1ng·s a f;:ishionable q1rls school cl1clnJ tc;:ich . ~ f 1om Wl!lter Bros Cl A Wa1nt• Ccmmu~•C 3"0<>$ Ccmpan~ r.;, EDWARDS ~ HARBOR CINEMA 2 Ha•bo• BotJle~.lfd at w11,on St 1ee1 Co•ta M....a · 646-0573 '"-"' .... ,, ....... , ""' \11' 111 f:,·11 l'r.1nl.1ln .11hl .\I:, ii I : t111; I! I< '-JI• •1·1.1 J Ull I\ 11 • I 1 Io• <If .llltli• I 1-.JJI\'~( llt·11ll!l"ll 11 "1'111·:111: \\'\~ lll.lt'l ~Ol·•d di-;1111.,1 1111 • .ti 1111·,.,. n .. 111<111,, l.1'1 it·.11 th.111 d11r1u;: 111, J'"ldi•n :i~·1 · nf 1he 19.-~1· ~;11•! <J.'-' •'r h .111. \Bl:; 11 ,. pi··~i.h•nl lu1 p111,1.;r:1111111111:: 111 \1.•11 \ u1 I. · 1 '! •01' I" 11 ti.. 1<101. ; 11 1 I 11 • l'l,,.1, l'\'!IH nil1·1· 111111 1111• li1 '! "hu\1 • 111 11 I"' 1!i1 ,.l: 01 l111 1r " 11\lf'" lir S lhi 111 .Ill 1111•'1. h'I\ l\111 1111',I f.11'~'111 [] 11 'I" 11 o'I \' ,i 111111! 111\~ll'I it'!'> .111d 11h1•dUllll~ll ;1!1tl \'ll l'll~ ~h"I\• l.;1 s1 \l',11' ,li1l!\O' !h,.r1· I\ o'!'t' ,II j,. 1~! 'l'l •'!I .,1· 1-•1;h! !;o .. ~! sli•lll• IH\I ".. ", ,. .. I '"YHI GROOYf TUil" "F-OOT FlTISH" IRI 'Tl-41 lAS DITAll" ~.,HI MfW C fi'ITURIOHS" ' S A fRWY !MANC><ES1 £R[1!1 GG fRWY ICITV OR. (Jt.l .......... A_ .. G Al'IG THAT COULOl'I, V SHOOT STRAIGt-il .. 1,G! G.ROO q "V ACl " & FOOT ftl l~H" /Rln Tl-4£ CAT" " Y aA~flC " "\OVl'IO Of MUSIC" Sp-.o••l l'•,<• 1~ JO •o l on ,, n' (o•<•pt Sun Ii. Ho• .. l•v•I S1 00 Ol"!n 0Jilt'12 30 p 111 • I !GI "l~cr1d1bN ,,__~ .. 1\,11/ ~1·U1t1th'IL!' I\ 1• I ' ,., li•>t d !11 I '1"111 \ ,1111, \II( "·" 111•·,·1h·11t .ind pr•11:r:1111 •ll/111<11 ;ui.I \\'1111:1111 Storl.o•. \l,c 111-(· p1t·,1dl·nt ~1w1•1,1I pi •>)~I ,, Ill 'loll 111, II.'' 1 , lo II 1111 (lit• IJ11.;hly ('Ulll[l\'11 111 1' ,111•1 j l1111g111J.\ 11 !1r!d ol d1 .~111;11H· li!'l'l,il ~ Ooil~ !Tom l p.nt. d1:irn;1!1l· :ilunv.s ILr~l. and llil·i lr-;~ji!~r.;i;~;i~~ij'if--J .. 111.·1, ~•·t·vnll ~s.· 1sqW•·.~~ !11 ;_1111;11ll' 'fll1"1:il~. (fl I'~ ~~~~!!:~~ s,11.J ;11"· .1 111:1t1•·r ul n .. 111urk I "'THRE E-MU ~IC(TffRS"' I p1" 1· ,111d li.,!.1 111 ~ tur r~·i.;ul;1rl "rL.A.Y IT .A.GAl"4 , S.A.M" jJI" 1.11111111111-tf'GI "Fol' 111,111,Y 11·:1ri\.' l\;11 11 .. ___________ .. .\I .I. '1'11111-.J-: 1'\l""tl1 10·~ ,110• 111 'li.1r1>1• •ol ~P•'('~:il )11"1"1;1111, p,11,iil1•~. s.ol\111·~ ;111';11oh 1111 1' 11 \'I I 111 ii 1111 '\ ~11<'.~'l'(] Iii('.\ l' 111pIi.1 ~11 l' s 11d, ''\Ill' d1i111in;1tt·d 1111,1 l~··ld l\lh~·n 1':11 \\',.,11!'1' 11 .1~ l'l•·.~111 .. 11L .~r .~Bt' t111ri11~ 1h• I 1•1.·i11, 110· 1111rod1u·1·d 1 Ii,, 1 .. 1 .. 11'11111 ~1 .. ·1•1;11. \\ h1i•li h!' I :ill1•d tl H' ~IK'l'l;u ·11!:>r And 1•1 o·t ~r11t't' 111:1! !1t11•· \IH' li,1~ b1•o 'll l.11· ~j'l'!':,d.\ !)!•111111'1. r "FORGOTIEN ISLAND OF SANTOSHA " An incredibly fiM wrlinq od•tnfure fO\'" e•tryone who lo•t' lht o<:eo11 ortd tltt od•tnture of fro•el -Filmed orOUl'd Hit world. ..,,;.., . ' ~~OW" s~o~:~-- FOR ONE WEEk OHLY 6 • 8 " i°O P.M. ''THU"40f:lllOLT AND LIGHT~OOTM !RI -"IUSTlf"4G" "IU.Zl"4G SADDLES'" -Nf'ORTHoY·~ coMrL.A.1HT" IRI '"THE STl"4G" CPGl "OIRTY MARY. CRAZY LARRY" !PGJ -.,.EA.CHER" IRI "'PAliALLEll VIEW " tRJ -· "SAVE THE TIGER" !Rl 0?9" 7:30eShowl ot dul Children Und<tr 12 ,., .. £ •<ept at O.-lve -lro1 Pla ying "OLD YILl[ll" Thh ShowOnly- Cklldr•,. 6 thrv 11-'oc PAClflll'IC TH•ATR•• 0"1Vl:i -IN SUPER SWAP MEI.TS HAR•OA 9lVD. Drive-In Swop M••I .& Au!o Swop S•• a s~" l •m '" •P"' ORAHO• Dr1••·ln 1 i 2 r .... Sat a Su" ft •"' la a p ... '"' ''" s •• , ... " ... h••'" }'"'""' Family Fu,,: Profile~ ll••o•in• O•lor•: ',.,.,,, Uo "''""'"s' , __ I His name is Horry Benson Hes lh1rty four. of hiS ki nd .and '· 0 A ROBERT CHA RTOFF-IRWI N WINKLER Proi.c1100 He's the f11st human b eing maybe the last lPG l ... , .... " "'"" ' ,, 'o .. , •••• ' ....... . ""··~· 09J .,., ,..., r....., • s ..... ,. a.-.,,. DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY' 1"'1 '-_J"'ARD RIDE 1"'-~~ CLIM EAITWOOD "THUftDIRBOll 'LIGHTfOO'll'" .the!J hove exactly SeYen m1nvtes to get rich qv1c~! <ll>"""") ELLIOTT GOULD · ROBERT BlAKE Jiff BRIDGI/ .. , GEORGE KEftftED'I .... "'" ca.ar .•• ,~· lR llfwT9d lrttm I ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • -OL"C " U •VU nf l.l"-•S. ' •'' co•s• ""'" • ,. ... """" •w~ 1<4 7 -fH\OH • 1't/NTINGT0N ft l'Af:.!t .......................... ' • rtt_~<" '"~U /o.1 '-'-llllo • • ' • llL"C" U<VO. O.T l.LLI S • • "'' •O•~'""'' ·~·"U"•><>•wv •••.cO•I T ... _.. ..... 001110• ..... ., ......... ,, ..... u .. T<NliT"ON ,., .. , .......... 0., ' l'lUNT• .. oroN l!lll .. C l'I ....................... • . . . . • . . . . .......................... . • ' ..... , .. '"''-' ., f ll.•$ •• ••• co•nr ""'" • ~ ... 0 ,,0•0 ,_.. •41·1t•o11 • f1UNl •NCifON "'•eow • ' tlur 1w1\1·'! tr1\\:tdd11:1 Trd \\IJ!uughhy uf l r1111L' hn1k1• 111- tu Ille pcrcctlla.l(c t\11l1u1n Y.1111 u !'ll:t.zl111g S\·orc unly H l f<1lf µoint froill 1x·rfccti<)ll llu1 11 w11s11't 11ult c 1•noup,h fur th•· 11t·t·k·s 1011 tionors -ltu1~" w1•rt1 n11i lt'd do11i1 hy old prii Jo:d .Sl·l11111•rlrr 1vith [I)() p11·1'· ('tilt, inthuling lht• tir•hl'f'!lk1•1' 'l'hirtl 1il<1L'•' 11·p111 tn Uohb l- Jr11n Allrut, 11hfl !,1llil·d Ill , p~·1ut.., 1<.hilP 'l'r.1J·} Godfr•·.1 ca1nc i11 fourth ;it HJ. Hr u y .~e'A·co1uh and 1hc duu uf lll·rh l'errz ;u1d Ulll ~a1nui·l.~on c<1rh 11;111 !P 1 ril:l1t. 11 !th H(•!ty a( - ifll.; th1• (·~tr;1 q111•sl1011. 11h1I•· 4 hrh Tr1·la an1! .loar1111• lla1i1·, nv1chcd nuiL· .1p1l"r". Liut ('tin ~ ~ddt-d rtk.: t11·h11·.1k1·r Huu11d1ng 0111 !Ii·· v.cek's co11t1•slun1s 1 .. ·r1· Tr l u K \\'lllh1111s an d .Ji111 \"nun!(, b1,!h 111lh ei~lll : l\an1·1 l'rlnr, 7• ·. the llylon ct 1 u11 • .,·1h ~ 1111d John llu ~st:ll, ~.,.11·n i•a1·h, llell'n l,,('huv.·11 1, ~.x . Shu11n L11yclcn, 41i. ;111d l!oger Odil, :l' l. F.\'t:HYllOOY 111o••rd up n notch ttus 11'('1.'k ris r.l nx Fraley ;ind hi s hol !l~O pt'rC l'n,;ig1· l<'fl the lineup after f:i iling to ;i ppcar for thrf'l' v.·ecks. This lC'a1·<'s Lurry Kl rschenbaun1 , 11·ho sat out th h wcC'k, in the IU\1 SIXll ll'ilh Ed the only ('t(.hcr 900 hi!tt"r. '.iflt ·r Be!!y firo1>pNJ ).IX 1lt1!1·h1 •'- 1\ spiritt·d r:.1·1· lur fuurth plal'r i~ 1t.·11•l•1ping ;1111nn~ ,Jnannr. T1•il :ind ltl:ihbi-J,•;111. onl\ SI X 1~11111~ :HJ:>r1 Jh·rl'"s :1n11lhi-r dOJ1i·t1 11u11l1·r~ 11 huh ~i.vulc1 sh.1k•· thing~ 1111 1·1 c11 furtll<"r. 1. TllE l'l'\Cll Y pri7.rf1,w:ht - t'r 111 "Ad vl•nrurr<> •ll 11 'Youn,.: ,\tan·· was ;1 tn1n1·0 rote for 14,·]!~11 hig screen !!\l ['cr~t:ir·? 2 l\1•n1e1111x>r !ht• two nli!'<' (Ill tlu• old M11<·klchcrry Hound (':11"11~111 s)lo11 ~ \\'hat 11 ('1'(' t.ln.:1r 1~a1nt·s·: t \lh1) pl;1_1\·d ··1··rc11d·· 1n th•· n1111 11• tu1•::r;n;J1.1 "f !hc piuflt'i't' ~ 111111 Ii·> \I .Joi-on hrl'lkc the m .1 h ~ ;. •ll11d h:1r1·1,,r 11·1th '"Thi· .L111 ~1n~rr ·· \\'ho pJ.11111 tu' nil1• u1 !h1· 1!15:1 r< u~;·k" ' ~. \\"llE\ .l.\l hit-: r,lt";1son ? • • 11 ;1~ .)•'l.' 1h1· ll;u t;•11d1•r, 1lu•t1• ll,1'> l>OJlll'UfM.' !'h*' Ill \)It' ~kll r\:untJ 1 a I the 11~·1u1· iu1d (I• 1 !hi! char11elt'r [I(' pltiycil. I\ On Frcddlf• C:u1r1n1 1, rt'L"Ord "/\blg;iil B P 1· L' ti t' r -------· Tlt1V!A ITAllOINCS l*'" K •,.<h•oD•~~' .111 1!4 St h-<11' .Kii B•nv Howtan1b I" Ja•one Di v!•• U~ I Tod W!llouthDo o\I IOblll•·JU~ All<1! Ol H1loo LI"°"'"' •19 Jim """"' t )I t '""' OOdlr•y 101 \! Joh~ lt~H~ll Ill II HO!b P•fl .. 1.+1 s .. ••w<''•°" 111 II 11Yl6J\d C~locnv• Ill IJ (~.!I< Tr•IA l~O If 111 1>11•< Odol tl~ I\ T<>o• Wdll•m• ··~ " \~d•,rl l.•Y<l<'n UJ ---------- By T.T • ~ !\:iv ('harlr~ (111•' ~1'llltl', ~' I ;11_v ( .i .i1\I 1111d ('11n,l.11t1 •' lli·1111cl\ I Toppt•r ( '11t1ph· 1 ti l rsus i H11drl.> lhH·r rol1 1 H Torn Bosl 1·~· ~ l1!•1rt·li<J I! "The flt·,1 .\1;1.1 ' I jU •· tlt•llllfjl plu~ I !J llnp1• ~:rnl'r~nn. I! f' I 1• r: 1'r;.111A·I 1Pf't1•r <:u1111 ·~ 11l•t!lt· t·r~ I !fl. l!1•gu1Ald 110~1: ! TV dr;i rTI<itl~! 1 11 ( andld ~l!l'rophon" • ru111 .•ho" l 12 .\'1:11 f·1r1i1:i1;t 1 ''Virgini;.i \\'l)Olf"' 11111 n1 'J 1clirc<1l.··r n, rt \;in l'l1o:.s1C' <ind l·J'l•tldu· 1 l\ohbS1.·~ 11\ 111~ I St'llt/ y•iur 1111.• rri·r~ /!I AC(; ( :ut"I For ~~1ill !.(1:-. '\t,l·l.l·:'i 1,.\f'1 i\IH ,;11, 11 1.; 'lhl' 11'' I I lit'\\ 'h !11' l1JI II/I' l.111 .,, ,, '"" l(j I llll+jll\ \\ llJI .1 ftdl I 11 :t IJl ".d~ (1'111 t l'lill!1g 1111 pl 11111 ' !111 I' ·r1 1t· I .'i :!ud ( 11·1 u11 1 '111111 1,f Aj1J•t•al, ul \1'11 y,,I ! st ·1.11·U 1111til S1·pt+·11ilH" 1~11i r f\'\ ISl\111 11f Hll' pr'+lll<' 1111 " :JC\<~' r11h· t,v tll" l·•th·r.i l <"v1nnHHllt'lil1un~ C!11l11111' 11111 Tl·,. vr · 1 .11•'• d ·11·· !!.•··, J1•J1•\j.,l(1/I l,o·i\l !Jli-.' ,dt \',\II I htilU' 1,j p r111H' I.Uh' (•II "~ul\!.11 i\B(' tti•· J,i:.l n•·J11urk 1., unn • •uu·~· 11· < ,. h ,. <I (I I ' 1·l111n~· • d1 tl!')I• it · \\In'!' • Iii•· I 11 ,. ' 11111 !·,\•·:I tl1111g '.\luu.-~ < :111 t l~u ·1 !1,· 1Y"' .~1'"1'.S ;1 r1• t•\1•4•( 1,.d !n I 1'L.·Ch,.dt1k·d )l!f ;uriug .11 :>ull • fUtl!J L daH• 1~11 • .i ·ubj1•tt did f\11.~s li1••.·r'hl'I" 1t·cu·11·1 7 This eh.ar:.iettr 11l.1\1·d u h;1nd yn1<•n rP:illy got hurned up at .\ll'<"onnnck in "The .1('101' \\ h fl !':111 1 1;.1d TRIVIA . r/11 Ill!' /Jaily1------------ /'1/ot. fl1>.r /.jli//, l'osrri ~o;o ... ~,., •• , ... ,c.c.o•i1"'a."j' A., t;:."." fll l'S!I 92fl'l1,· 1\1/ 1'111 ries .J '= 11/US( Qi' 111 rJ r• 111111/ /.Jy f\lou JoTJ lu q1.111/1f!J. S•'('(l." R The last narnes. please,l r~!l!!---------•I ,,1 the Fifties rock du0 Jan and J >can. 9. THIS r.tOVIE s c t dcsign- pr turned actor in ·'The Longegt Da y·• bee-Hust of his rl'srmbl~tnec to G c n c r a I f'.isenhoy,·cr. 10. Name Jack \\"Pht:i's 1·rry lirst partner in !he r;1dio1 " 1er,1:.in uf llr;i gn!'l 11 ('liff lh)hcr!~1·11 , (1~r".1rl'fl ll\01 It' ••('harJ~··· I' ;1, !«~.' !1 ln o111 11h;1 ! 111J\•·l' !'1 111 lhl' l~HH \t·r,;on 111 '"l',,111 S.11r.1·1·r • 1h.· r11l1•.:; 1.1 Toni aiul lie('ky 1\l•rc pl;11rd b~ 11 hon1'.' A~OTllER tiebreaker to take you hack to childhood I litl'r;1ture. Reniember th<' first nam('s of the. tv.·o l!nrdv IXJ.\".~ and thr first nan1c of th<-ir dctcct11 i: father'..' l. l)ub :\t111·h:.ir1 _ l\J.UUQ do11 n rnind 1 \01111 1 A Mu11colAdcptot1on 11; 1.·.-. .. Ur11tr.d Ar11s1s ALSO ::::::.= "A WINTER 'S TALE" fAMTASTIC ALL·MfW AUSTRALlAM SURF FILM DOM-Y MISS THIS OMl! Thi1 Ont 11 Rtalry Hot! l i9 Crowds-Com" Eorly! 7:l 0 & t :lO f.t..CH fYffollMG ) pl11s CLIFF GORMAH "COPS & ROBBERS " 'ltll v l'IL ar I I ..-NOW OPEN!------------. TW O NEW NEWPORT CINEMAS THE GRANDEST & MOST MAGN I FICENT THEATRE COMPLEX IN THE WHOLE WORLD CELEBRATING OUR OPENING IN NEWPORT I 11 llar-br-<1 Jtr-ei\a11d .•t'-r Vere•i Sake·· •.,I .. I '-------~-------~ FASHI ON ISLAND • NEWPORT CE NTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • CELEBRATING OUR OPENING IN NEWPORT 2 ... More like a war than a marriage. The Results Could Amaze You .. Just a few words in the right place ... Da ily Pilot Classified Ads 642-5678 This 1nan is a l1rilliant computer sc:.ie r1 t.ist. ALSO ST.t..lllMG- MICHAIL SAllAZIM ESTlll f ,AISOHS ,_.OLLT ,ICOM 1 .. u -h1·t1 \t rel~and .•\ t ,. I I~· P'i -'ak.c·· OOOtl.·Tlfll•l. l :JO.t:Jf fCI I IO·f 10-11 IQ SAi . l,J,•l IO·l :J0·1!JO• ,,,a,., 1·10 1U". 1,Jf·J•ll·\,Jo.1,JO• ·~· lTArtS (LL lM eu~STTM•MAI 't'OH S't'DOW • Lii J, COii WQN, lUll•. WIO, l-1, "ll ~ •l l:Of •HO• . ,, .... ). ••f l••I·~ 10·1 IO·t :ff· 11 \f \UN. l·tO.l .lO·l•IO.t•fO I . i ••. More like a war than a marrl•I•· WITH llLllM HE CIC.t..llT AMO SUSAM TY lllll IPGI "'°"·IMU•1 1 ll-t II Jl l l /l.tl!-•11 1 ~A l I 10·1 JO·S IO·r JD·! 10. II I \ -I )I).) J0.\.10-1.lO t JO ROBfRT NfWllti\N RfDfORD ROBfRT SH.\W f• ,I ''· ,f Ii! 't ft ! ',1 TftfSTIN6 WINNER 7 ACADEMY AWARDS! ..,... M•. w10 , l t<V•l . '" I 11.t,fe \Al l 1t.l .l•·l ·•l•t,IO . !I 11 -· r ll" IO·l:•l·t II "' For three minL1tes a day. lie is violently hori1icida l. GEORGE SEGAL WITH JOAH HACICln THE TERMINAL MAN -~ ....... -.... 1 . . . . . . . . . . -. . . CINEMA CENTER "Atl(U lo " AOAM , ~D •Tlo MfU • 97'1•1•1 "O~ Il l 1 00 •OD·' I 00 l•l '\~" 'DO lDO S OO 100•001100 IPGI rime oto rew "'°'" in year>. 1 ............ , .... ,. ., . ..... ..,. --"' •· cow .. ,.o HARBQR ,.~.:.1 ;;.ijii, l lOO ... , .... It orro •1u "' <>'1 ...... 0.' IHUl 1 I 00.• 10·1 DO· . .. 'll ''°"' l\·H •I 1AT 100.0/Q.IOO OJ )•!•l 1 ..... I~" 10·1 OD·• a . " ',,._, ~ ~ MKl1A[L CAIN[ • .. T11t IW\C" WINOMIU .. -~~ DONALD PltA}(N([ OOrltlNt nl'llCJ CUV[ N:VIU.....t JANfl WZMAN 2ftcl I JICITIHG "(ATU•f .\GOLDEN LIGHT O f ... EMOll Y. ·ou• Tl...il ' I~ !"H AT l!IND OF MOVlf ~0 T11IS I~ QIJITi IHl "OPllll OCC A ~IOH FOR ROUQU~T ~" IGWAltD!I HARBOR,,';';;.2 ....... """ " ........ ,, >t• •ti• 0" Mil \111(1' 'll j II)!.' i ·11 E:01\\ -., 1.>0Ll'lllN 2NI AT WI ST•~OOIC I J AY coc ~~. llMf M-G 1 ........ .. THI LAS! Of 1Mll,IA" ......... .,_. 1 .. 1.~" .,..,_,c..1o~· 'BL11ZING S11DDLES 2-i At c;,...,..., Ct~t•r AMERICAN GRAflIT!' cun• IAITW••• 'fMUnHlll•" Aftl UCN .. fff' '"" tu:1Tt11• "•tuu IH •Ol •OlllD •Otlll •l•U 12 DAILY PILOT lloro5f'fJpe $,.1urday Jun~ ]q 19 14 • ,\,I Ltari 11s: ' . ... Prcs li<TC ~ 011 Ri se SUNDAY JUNE 30 By SYD NEY 0.\1 AHll AHIES I .\1arc·h 21·:\pril 1q I You unl"arlh secrets. You find \1·ho has the n1t1nc1· a11d v.i1a t is to be done> 11·irh ·it You J1.1'I str:ught t:il\.. tr• Ill ::;ourcc for n1erly clus11·t·. TAL'Hl'~ 1.'\pril ~i}-.\tay 2()•: • Lie 1011· -h\ten ;:incl chserrc. J:r a11arc of needs of those 1:lo!'C to 11111. Strire to clar1 f) co rn 111 i1 n i c ;Jticn~ .\lakc changc s ;i nd so 1nr REFORM ADVOCATE Ed Koupal concessions. I GE~!INI f~!;lr 21·Junr 201· ().)nccnlrate en· rn:ik ing hon:<.' I <1 111ore ple:ts.1111 p 1 act' , 1·•su:11\v a n d en1ct10:1;1l h· :\djustrncnt 1n life style m:iy I be in cffin!,l l\c~· 1 !!i 1 nxldc ratic.n. CANCER (June 21 -July 22l : i ·ou are able 10 goin glimpse of truth. Thi.~ is re\;1\t'll to children. rnen1ber <if opposite sex. 'i·0t1 i;cc as is. not through rose-colored hue . LEO (July 23-1\llg. 221: Ge! dr"-n. to pra~lica1 1na!!ers -j race 1~~ucs d1rcr-tly. Be :l.\\·are l of \·aluC's. h.1n1~ appli;i11Cf". ,!':\[{·!• !Tit':!!>Ur('S n11d ci<'lll'r:1\ I ~.'C'Urit y. \'lltGll 1.\ug. '.!3·Sep!. 2? • · Short notes. CHI!' ar(' fe:Hur~d. I netaril·c lI1 tr11n::11 111:ik,·~ re<iuests. fulfill 11·h:i~ l s 1 re:ic;onable-say no to others. others. LIBR • .\ 1Scpt.. 23-0ct. 2.2 1: S?Jflight is t'fl gain throush creati1·i1y. or i g i n a I i t y . \\'elrome fresh approach. nev.· con tacts. i'oo 1ril! b c prhilcge<l to attend rehearsal or di.i;cu$sion. SCOHPJO 10cl. 23·\0I'. :l\ \: OPt•D.ui.TIA•lOIP• ...,, ......... YO•PM ._ ... ._ ... ,,,. Yo11 c.1n1t' al hr: \'OU uti\iz.c 1·011r r11·n ~lYlc .· Creatil'<' Process is ;icti\·ated. 'T'iining is on targrt. You look and f~•-1(::-!re\ hetTCT. ·~ • S,\C.ITT.\Hlt;S 1 \•~\'. 22· Dec. 21 1: Ycu ~ct ltft through sriritual guidance. Yot1 ft't'l "light" as hurdf'n is tiflL't!. 1 P leasam eontac1. rcactions are featured. C..\PRJCOR.\: i Dec 22-Jan. 19 1: En1phasis is on basic fulfillment. i'ou come close r to realiiation of ho~. 11·ishrs. Be 111lling 10 rr1nod~I. rc1·iev.·, a11<l rc\·isc. ~~A(iU"ARrr:S Lian. 20-F £'h. 181: Prestige. rises if ~·11u use mmmon S('nSf". Don't lake I ~n1-1hin~ ar ~11rfacr r:ilue Ori S<.>;111' prh·;1t<' rl tettil'e \\Ork. Dt> analytir .. 11. PISCES /Feb. lfl.\\'-!rC:h 20 · {)pf'n addltiun;i ! lin~s 0 f -- communication 11·ith famih· V- Uy TllU.,1AS I>. t :Ll.\S .Ju~t abollt f11 t' 11•;1rs ago. Jo1cl' l\ou11<1 I "••~ " S;1n l·'t·rnandv \'.1!!t·.v hou:-.·111f,• kill'(' der11 111 runn1ni.; a ~1ir.i.1 nn·r·hafh{·ring dn1·r aun· f'd HI ft'<'1!ll111g Clll', 1!011:1lcl H1·:1;.:an Tulll'S h:11·e crrt<11nly chani;· f'CI. Only H fe11· days ti,l!O. !he l;ovi>rnor f1 rrd off fl h•lf'~r:un 111 ~ls . l\oupnl asking liL'r aid 111 pri·ssur111g the Lrµ1sla lurt• j!) :1ppro1 r hts 1·an1pnig11 ri•fonn pro l'r3nl. p:1rfs of 11hich RO beynnd th1· l'o!1!icitl f\1'forin ,\{'\ p:1 S!!itd by the 1uters this 111onth. \!OHi:: TH.\\' :i11~·1h1ng. the (;01 1•r1101"s tclcgr:un lo ~1 ~. Kou('litl. 11ho togcthrr 11i th hu ... U;1nd Ed d1n•1·1s the !Ab :\l.1ke adjustments \.l'hic:h brltig 1--. ------- grcaler harmony al horn~ Be 't-~· · ·~ Ho·Power · diplomatic. \--"""" ~ HAND SOAP lll Gau1~ Calif 01·11ffi Clo11t, Recog11itio11 • 1\11~c!t•1o·b:i ,,·1I f'1-<1p tl··::. Luhlly. 1!l•111un!>lr;11.·s hu11 far 1!11•1r nr1.:;uuz:~lion h.11' ('Ollh' E1 en ;1fter lhl' p11-.s:1gL' of l'ropu1'1lH!ll 9, lht.' 1•,.011ll··s !~)IJI)~ h.I "> r1'('L'L\('d httJ o• ll:l · t1u11al ;1 lttni1011. t.losl of ihL' pubhc11 y has go111• to ('0111111011 C:1use. lhc national l'i!1zcn,· l111!b~• 11,1>('! p:~t'lll'ip;1fL'l1 l!l the California i111tia!ivc dr11·c. SOUT HERN CALIFORNIA FOC US Gut 11 11'as the Pt'Ople·s Loh· h~· 11 hieh n1orc lha11 a year .. p.!IJ bl';.:an the effurl to 11ut i·.irnp:it!.:11 refonn on the ba llut ;1111! Cununl·r~ C11usc joined in l.1t 1·r Tht> n:Hional group rt·J)l_'<•!l'(i!y offl'rt"'d to pull out of 1he iuili11l1\·e effort 1f h•!-:.H•l<1lur:-. 11<1S!!itd !> o 111 t> 11 1.11\\•c 1"H\IL"cs~ 1n ti1e state. 11•lurr11~ 011 \h1•1r 011 n lJSL.Y \l'll l':N Tiit L•·i.:i ~laturr rl·fu~'(I to aet on 1h1· 1,s1u· d1tl f'ununon Caus1· \1hul,•l1«;11 t.'flly )Olll I he Pr1Jpo.~111on 9 dri1•t•. lu 1h,• 1111•a1111n11>, the 1 'r11pl1:~ Lobhy hnd gathC"red n10.~t nf t11e sig n a t t1rl"s rl \'l'dN"I to put th~· n1rasure on !ht' b:illot. using petit!on- t'ircula1i11g ~kills honed in !hl• :1horri1·,: B.cag:111 rL'Cal l f'ffor!. !lit' dri1·e for th£' defe;1tl'd 197:! ~:n1·1ronn1ent lniliath·e and !he succe:o;sful 19n effort fC\r l'roposition 20, the Coastline l11it1atil·f" The Kuupals fe1·l good about thei r telegran1 from t he c_:o1·crnor because lhf'y bclierc ii reflects the ne11• status l h••y'vc ht•lpcd give the in- UF.SPITE A R ~CJ-:1'~r court tll'('.IS!Oll allO\\'UlS shopping cen!t'rS to kick pet i t 1 on r1 rcu!:itors of! thr1r propcrt~·. th1• People's Lobby 1s c"00- 1·111rl'd initiatives are the wa1·e ot !he future. The group plnns effor ls 01·t•r !he next IY.'O years in such fields. as tax reform . public con trol orer n1a jor oil conl· panil'~. fur!her po Ii I i ca l rf'forn1s and a re1 11·;11 of i!s flr~t 11111jor inilitt111 c. the g 1\' e e p in g c111 iron1nental rnei1 Sure. The success of Propostit ion 9. despite the ani1nositie.~ bet11·een her group and Cutn· n1on Cause. r-.fs. Koupal sa id i11 an inter\'ie"'· dernonstrarts that ··eren groups 11-ho di'iti\..,. LOWEST PRICES EVER ON GAS B-8-Q's ! "Bu y The Set-up That Suits Your Heeds -Super Savings On All 3 Models!" • TAKE OUR BASIC GAS BAR-B-QUE AND. CUSTOMIZE IT IN ONE OF 3 WAYS . t•ach other cu11 11ur·i.: to~ctht'r on an 1ssur hnd \.I 111. · THAT'S \\'llY Sll E 11as dt·ll~ht('(f 111!h !h1• w1r1· frutn llengan, th·r uld fot· "There 1~ no ut·t11•1st organl'f.ation d(';1l in g 1\ 1th 1n· itia!i\'t'!i thnf ll'i' f'an 't 11ork ll'il h," sh(' said "\\'e don 't rrally curr \l'hal i..;s ues 1:H.·opl1.1 are dl't:ply ronr••t'n"d 11i 1h \\,. just 11a111 th1•rn In hav;· :1 n1e!hud 10 11·urk 011 lhr111 ill ,1 s~·s1e1u:11ic 11 ;1y ' ··H1':114.1n , of l'Ollr'>t', l1;1S gullt' lllL' i1u!i:!ltl'i' r o u ! r h1111srlf f\1·ic1· i11 !he la~! ~ ••:1r-iJ!lC'1· 111th J11s dt'ft•a1t·tl I ••~ luni!a11on propos:d of lust ~u,·crnbt·r and again 11011· 11 l\h hit 1n;indatory scn!1't:cing in· ili;1 tile he is pushin g. HEAGA:\"S 1.\'TEHEST 111 • ALL BAR-B-QUES FEATURE THE SAME HEAVY CAST ALUMINUM BODY WITH CHROME PLATED COOKING GRID . • YOU tONTROL THE HEAT WITH POST MOUNTED, CALIBRATED CONTROLS. • THROW AWAY THE CHARCOAL AND LIGHTER FLUID AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL SALE!! The gos bor -b-qut lo suit all your outdoor <ooking needs. (onvenit nl polio bose lets it stand on its own anywhere! 96 SEE_THESE.-GAS GRILLS_ AND MORE AT THE •••• • HOME AND GARDEN SHOW ... ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER TOD A Y THROUGH JULY 7th ----------- 1-. . ij~~MOOll jl30 , ,,.i,WJI'~ PATIO IASE .. ~ REG."l08.SO • ' ,·.·, th•· l'('t)p!t::. Lul1IJ~ t'OtJld tur11 0111 to bt· 1111111.1r·1anl 111 th<i! ,e111ur's 1•rfu1t \I) 11mend th•· l ' ~ Coust11ut1<1n lo <illow fo1 na!Li)!lal 111iti;1t\\•t•s. Such <111 <lllll'IUl1111·nl ~Is KOUJl<il SH!tl \I'll! bt· the l'l'iip!e's Lohb~ ... 1naior J.(0:1I in the nt·xt ll·11• .Y~''"·' "Tht• wholl' l'Olll'Cpt or ill· it ialtl't'S IS Ullfl'CO~nizL'<i in 1h·· J·'.:1~l1·rn st;1 tcs." Sh{• said. "Tn i.tt'1 ;in ri111('ndn11'nl into 1hc· l'u11~t1tuhn1i. you'd have lo in· h'l'esl l1•ading ca ndidntcs for Pr1·s1d\·11t 1n it " Aod now the Cov1•rnor looks l1kt' 11111· of tl1c !OJl Rcpubtlc;111 ho1it·ful s. It's that f.1ctur. phis lhi' fal"1 t h;.it she likes some of 1/11· :-p1 ·l·if1<·s ui ltc:igan·s propose1t r.-fonn p:1ckage . that so pl•·<isl.'S i\1s. l\ou11al 11•1th the I ;u1 o·rnor·s h•lc~ra111 . Super ;· <., ......._ POOL LOUNGE.lo-. ~. c·· ----..._ · • SO" l•nt • '14" wide poel lounge "'----........... ----<---....__ -JF TODA,. IS ,·orn 1 OAD • Cie1.\ol toughdir1 1ha1 ,oop BlRTHDA\. IU'\ 1""·11>' ab1li11· \ UA.IND s t\f 1on l :~~~~-rt!~~n~ ~~1;,'.'.n~r~~~~.~f \ l\t\ • ::~;~~~:~:~~~nolin. 4 7 ( r.ftf'n attc1n pt lflO 1nuch al \ .._ W1lH LANOL1' oncf' and \\ill f'mb;1r\.. nn n••\\ .. _ \ "' "'' . ~· R£G. S9 wilh ti111y•nl •l11111inu111 "'::---...... ~ ........ ~ .. ""\ "'-;~·:.' $'9" "'"'9 9 ' ·~ ':c~,-~ /: .'.; ;,\\ '12.95 "'. • , ) !ii1> <.l\!C in Jnh· ~i;.:it'Jr11' ~ ,.. -..,------- (;·111ini J1"'~"11<, r!.1~ 01·5.,,,mm•ng Hol'l f· ' in1pr•rtant rri lcs in ~·011 r lifr , INNER TUBE ',I.~, \JS: Yon .ir.:-;;Ole to n1:i~c _ ,. f1nanf'1.1l g:tins I h r I) u ,I! h • lood\ of pool or 1iwe• lun. ' , J r•.n tael~ v.ifh I.Ml i111t1r1d11.1ls • Modt touqh tohold uptolohof r \\'eight eontn11 roulcl pr1'f' a 1ou9h ploy. $ 6 4 9 pro~l,,1n Yn11 !l'nrl 10 hroYKt. R£G . 17.99 hut ba:.ically ~"u arf'! an , ;:, ort i1ni~t. , ~~-' --1 .-'--.----...-;~;>---~=--==------'--- ,--,, , ..... • ~ e,1 0 B 11\sF"nl Jn·i111· Stude nt " /! / . > ·c ,,,__ r, PO L A KETBALL \~ r ,; ~ · ~·. : , ~~ _ • Hour\ ol lun ond heolthy,e•er<i,t in pool 01 lalie. • Y" / ~ ·;:, · -1 \ • lndudet bolt , tlurdy Hooting aluminum non·ru'I Ge ts Tuition • • •1 1/ f ,,. l .-.. ' h ome s 4 9 9 \fark ~lodig of 17!1J;i .• /' · l ' ·--...' ~Pice1\·ood \ra~'. Jr1·inf'. has i -. --'• · , -j been awarded a (1111 . one-rear ::..-----\, ,---1_ ~:.-' COM,l(f( tuition scholarslup to Lu!heran r ~ ~~ ,_ . REG. 1S. 99 . .:::;, ~ High School of Orange County. \ .... ~;JF .... 01!~e ~~~i~r. ~'~ta;knd 1~1~~~ ~r=;-·· · ;;i. Gu1MOU1 11 ~ presented th£' S h i r 1 e Y l~\\ • Spro1, awoy 1~1 LallT{'nCl' Scholarship A"·ard \ 's~~-~". SA VER \YSltm gum ond during 8th grade graduation Tatni1h dtptuils cf'rrmonirs at R{'d II i 11 i • • Clings ta melol lo \tal \ -b to1ily. Lutheran Schml in Tustin. ~vr' elwten worn pcuh. I L b 1 'entl1oles. • , • u ri1nlt1 piiton1, dh 1olwtt ond I ringt, rods, hearing s. dean~. ·~~·.·R.-A·,.~"' ... ·i:·11111T111I-' \1 >:;:,~L 6""9·"· c $ '1'"19 ~·=·=·"l?e!·· .. !• ?, .. . . -. . ' . . . V."f,ilNt~ "':'!' J , • MODElf30 WITH GROUND POST Rll;. '91 .00 Versolile gas bar-b-qu• .~~ with ground post ... tnake it :; 11 permanent, pleat:urable ;}"' add ition lo your potion. I , .. _, .. :-,~,,, •1 ~-·& ,. • ' ------' l 3 8 Inch Thoe~ -,~ / PLYWOOD • 4 It.• I fl. if.t th of lo11dtd, ~hop grade plyw ood. Buy now! RIG. s549 '7.tf ~HIIT "~ sc.lllti'l)o"oR ., ·~• lell-lormtd, full si1t 1" lrame wilh "' J" pv \h bar , 6" ki(~plalt ond ""o~ 'I rottlt" grille. ', 1 • JO", 11" I J6" 1i1t ... Complflt with •:I·= . ' hordwo1t. RIG. '15.fS s129s ( Fencing Borgoin! COMBED REDWOOD • f 1110 widt 4" paling\-I" thic•. • Combed bath ,id•!· uolloped lop ... weothor\ O.~utilully, RIG. ,.. 49.~CH , 1 5••1·t11; 1 1171 0Al!Y PILOT J:l LA Runs Wild, Spoils Westrum's Debut9 11-3 SAN FHANCISCO IAPi Von JoshW1's t"·Q-run p1n<:h-s1nglc lu1:hl1ghlt1.1 a four-run se11cuth-111n1ng l'.dly l/1:il hclf><'d !he Los Angrlrs lJodgf'rs to ar, l 1· 3 \'iclory ovf'r &in Franc1 ... eo Friday rng ln. spoil ing ti!(! debut 01 (;iants 011 ,, . ., ·ruda11 Cha1111el I I al I 1n;111,1ger \\'es \Ves!rurn. Jt 11·as the Cfr1 111.~' Sf•\'11n1h dt·l•><H 111 th<'Jr past eight g<J n1cs. \\'cstr11111 took over following Ok'lrlic Fo;..:.'s re~ignatif1n Friday. Steve G;ir1·l'y drove in th~ f)odgrr~· first two runs 11.'ilh a singk· 111 the first and a double in the sixth. /-l e also had an HBJ single in th(' sc1·t·11!h. g1vint: him !Ill' Natiooal Lt-ogue lead in fill! 11·iLh liL Harga11 Leall s Ra11gers Past .-\11gels, 5-3 Sieve 11:.irgnn. rel'OVrring tro111 :1 disn111I scnSQf1 l1l the rninors last ycat» continued his co111rbark F'rid~i.v nigl1t hy scattering nine hits and pitching 1hc Tt>x- as Rangers to :1 5-3 triun1 ph over tht' California Angels \\r:ilh ninth-inning help from Steve Foucault lfargan , a 31 -yca r-old righl-handt'r \1•ho A1111eb .'i/afc : Tht> 1:1unt :, :.eor1'(! ;1 tun 111 lhl· lust 011 t11ri . .; ~1cr's 1to11hlt• an u1 f1(.'lr! ;.:rc•1111dl':· it:ld Tou1111y .Juhu s 111ld jJ!llil 'lh •\ .1d 11i~1 :i pair ol 1nn-.1mt~I ruu:. 111 Ill\' 11111.J <!n 1110 lhro111n~ t·1'1'01s Thi· Dodgers, 11h4J t1•11e 11011 ..,1, o! \h• 1r jl;J ~t SC\t:U f:il lrlt::> S!.11'1\'IJ lhC ~~ICJltll•lll· 11111g 1ully 011 :i s1ni-:lr IJ~· .li1t· F{'rgu.~:111 1l'ho was forcrd by To111 fJ:ir1or-.·k 11 111 Hu;.·.;pJI lht:n dulihl~·11 111tu lt1•• nghl t1t·ld toruer. t h11su1g Hriu Hr1 :1111 '.! 10 Elias Sos:i 11 ;1lk1·d pin1·h !111t1•r l\'11111 • Cratl'ford i1>tt 11t1on11l ly 11n1t .fo;-chu;i h111 . ting for llavey Lopt.~ .. ~111g led ~11.irply up the rniddk• to 1•r:1.~t' th1 · (i1;111t~· :J l l«:ul :\like ~1 ar.~h;1ll n·l11.:1l•d .h;l1n JI -~ 111 rhe sc:1cn!h. !y1ni.: a 1n;qur 1!111.!tH' 1110111 t,y apJlC;1r 1ng ui J11s n,11111 1·t.;1•1·1.1111\1• g;1n1l'. Loo .,A,•lt> 'a ' h a, "' ' " J ... , ... ., '" ., ' !!,....... " •, .... " '~ ' " '" ' " 'J• " •I ...... ,, I! w,. .. , " ~ I '"ht,_ ot ~ f,i.tAhO"-In " ••• • • " " . (. "'"' It> " .• ~ .... ~.... J•, 1"1·• lP> (I ' "'" ••• )(j " , " " .. " ' ' ' "" . " ' P •<•v• <• •I II"•'"" Jt>hro." ,,, '~"''~" '" wtrv.lf 1 o•• j_,,." 1lJ '"'·•'• I'" p..,~,h • ' ' " . ' ' " ' ' " ' • " " ' II II I. ~ '"" f ''"" ,,(0 ,..,,h .. •11. • (;. Y4' I " V.. • I• ' •• 1 ...... , •• ,... "" " " " t<'I(» ,.11 , _, ,, • r.o I~~ '" 01 , • ,,ro hiQ ,. " . " " . " " [ (\Y ~~~~,. ll'• 1 I " 1-t ,,, /. '·" o<> to' A""""'' 1 ,.,., Lv· /, . ., .. ,., ~ '"' I <•r>«><u } lll \,., ,., :"""· ( •. ,. ,,., """~" H11 ~~·<lv>O•• ~ S J••11•, ''"~'""'" ~! J• "' w 11·1 I'" 1,,.11 llr>nnl L 10 ' ~O•·• I' ( <I" II \,,,~ /, ·'"''"'' 10 PP ' •) ,. . 11,ll-0 •P Ii II Ell BB ~O 1 I 1 1 . " ' " ' 1 0 " J··I" J ~ll llu~''''" S ports (:f ippt'd Sliorl Giants' Fox Quits; Brohamer Sizzles F 11A 1'-; c r i:;((l-Ch<i rl 1 c· l·'o-; rl'signecl Fnday ;is n1an:1~t·r of 1111' ~;in Fr;1neisco Giants a!ld 11 ii\ rl•plllel'd Ly \\"t ~ \r1-::.1 n11n. UP I TflOPl•"t .. II G'"'" 011 l(M,C 111111 Ju~• ?I/ l•••5 a• C~llrornl~ \\'1·~tro1:i. 51. ha~ bl'cn ;1 scout fur the C;1ants. Fox 11111 rt:n1a1n 'i'-L1h S.iTi Fra11tisco :is :1 "l"htl1 The Exp::i." gai ned ;1 ~pl11 tl\ routing the Cuts 15-ll i•l thf' 1>C(.1"lnd gan11·. 1Jreak1ng 1l op1•n 1111h ~1\ 11111~ Ill the th ird 1nn1n;.: lll'11 n1s Blair ~1111:pt•tl Chila\~'' 011 jtL'>t 11101 11 11~ ;ind \(on Hunt droi·t· 111 t1 \1• runs a11 ·t .lull (' x :ind 'l un Voli U,·11\l'l'cd thtll' apu•c·c ·r h1• t11ur·h1111r ;i • rnullUt• 11:-11111:11:.! ARTHUR ASHE, A WINNER OVER RU SSIA'S TE IMUAZ KAKUL IA FRIDAY BETWEEN SHOWERS. J.,r~ lJ le•~••' (.,ll!t><~'~ J,.,,. l Oa~.l .. nd .1 c~1Uo1n•• '. ,, i ••. postrd a rncdiocrr !>.12 earn1·d run ;i\·erage la~1 yf!:1r 111 th1• niinor.~. r:11~··1l his rN'Ord to G-4. lie 1l'aS r1•l1ev!'d 11 i1h one out in the ninth aft er a n error and h\'O singles londrd the ha.~l;'s. An infield out and another error i:;ave the An gels thei r final two runs. llookie Andy Hassler. 1-l'ho defca !r.d Texas last v.·{'(!k for his first 1najor league victory, was chased in the seventh 1\'hl·n the llangcrs broke open il 2-l gan1e 1\'ilh a pair o! runs. Toby Harrah led the Tex:.d au;ick with his ninth honu• run. a double ;:ind single. Harrah's doubl e, ;1 1ralk to ,Ji1n Sundberg. (;csoir Tovar"s run-sc:onng singl e and shor1stop Jl;t1·e Chalk 's 1hro11. 1ng error g;ivc the Hangers their 1110 ruus in the sc\'l'nth. ll:irrah ho111e rl'd ill the eighth. •• ' ~ b• • I 1 1 ) I 1 l j 0 0 • C1li10rn•1 1D r ll Do ••• ••• ' I I 0 • 7 l 0 Fu\. 52. h;1cl Jt1~·1 11•tun1t'd fr(•lll ;i 1111 • ro l'J1t-;hurgl1. St l :a11 ~. !.'ls 1\ng1 •lt•-; and S;111 J)if'go c.!unng 1\h1<:h !ht• 1;1ant-; l:11 l1•d lu 1n1pro1·l" 011 lhl'll' !t111I\ :\;1 11r,nal Lt:iguc \\',•c;t ~1 :111<1111;.: !'>:111 I· r:i11t·1 ~c:<1 1~ 33·42. one ga1nt· f}U1 of Ille ci·J1.1r \\-1•struni. ;1 £on111'r sl;1r 11 11 h lhc• ,\l'\1 York Giants, rt·pl<J<.:Cd Ca~·y Slt•ng1·I ;:s 1na11agcr ol tht' ~~·11 Yurk ,\11·1~ 111 l~l(i:J. He c::unl' 10 thl' 1;1ants in l!)fKI. e 111·e1•t1ge llnis1!1I CLEVEl.ANO-llunting\ott II t' :it' h . s J al'k Broharncr strukr,'(! ;l po11r nl h11 ~ 111 tllrte :ippt•a1«111ccs n1 the pl;11i'. lilt in>.: h1~ b;1U i11g average-to .326 111 h1•lp1n~ C!evc!;1nd to a 2-1 11 in ov~·r Bo~11111 111 Arner1t·an Lt'il!;Ul! lla!:t-li:tll :1l'1IO!I l·'r id;1,1 ni ght l'l1·l"l·land p11 eh1•r i;.i~lord Pt'tT~' !'lrl:d ;1 !hrrl'·hith•r for la:-l~lh t·n11 ~1·rul11 1• 11etory I! l1·f1 h1nl 1110 J..horc 1i1. th1· ,\ineri<·an I A·ai.;u~ r•·l!>rd l1 ·ague n1:irk rs 19 1n ;1 1'01• • 1ll111•f1lllfJJf ,~, •••••• :'l\C:\THEAL -Jc1 r,1 :>.lor;1l1•, 111pl11J hon1c Don Kes~111i:t:r iu thf' !lltll 11'11111:: To•~•. <.! DNols,,,., ;11 "'J""~'"· an a u.,oucn•. rt Gtlove, 1t LoylUO. ct R•ndlo, 111 f"••ll<>•>, 11> l<~rcrovt, I~ ....... ll. ~~ SundP"C· < tt•rcon. 1> r ouca~11. o . ' ' . ' ' 0 0 0 0 • D 0 0 11 .. ~,.. c• Cn<>I~. " 0Qfltt1Y, lb r11.01>run. on LaJ\oud. rt McC n.w, 'H FIDll•*· Jb s.>ndo, Pl> ODo,,., ;b ' o ' o_.,. Frir!;11· night. g11·1 11g 1h~· ("hu:;i~o f"111J, :.111 1 : ~1· "l-7 l'iCtory n1·t'f lh•· ,\ffJn!n•;i! E\llV" nl • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 7 l l 7 I 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 5 10 • E111n, < VllMllM, on Ellldt1101, < ti•--···· p I ~n1nn. P 11.•l•i~O. o '" ~ g ~ ~ th<• first g;11TJ l' ul ;1 1111111,_!ht douhl1·h1 ·.1d• 1 1 o o o and brc:ikUI!! l!Jl 1h1' IOlll!t'~I l-!;11111· ul tl11 ~ ~ g ~ J~lil 1na1ur lc;1g11l' t;;t~lb.dl :. .. a~ 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1ll10rnl• 010 000 OOl -J E -11.. Oliver, (llnl~. liJ1tQll> l. OP -T••d< j LOB -10•8> I, C•llto<n,11 f, 78 -D N•l~on, Gri•'••· Oohorlv, Marrin 1-<R '--Harral> (?), SS - fC\<Pt, 0 . NII.., ... s -~n~r·~ II Ell •• so HP U•n j'\t, j,.4) I'• 9 :; I 0 J Fout~u•t •-, o o o o 1 Ho.,le< !l, 1...1) 6 I l 1 1 10~"· ) l I 0 Ro1l .. rl0 l D 0 0 0 0 S•v• -Fou<•ul! I T -2 ll A -1,)0 U.S. St•ikers Set ,-l Marl;;.~ ' 111 Soviet l\f eet ALTSTt~. Trx. IAP ! -Aincric;in t!'Cll· ai::ers. sho1ving !'urprising strength in !he di stance races. cr;ickcd four records Fri· da y ni~ht in 1heir hend-to-head junior tr:iek :ind fi eld meet v.•i1h Ru ssi:i but soured the evening \\'Ith a n1onu1ncn t<11 goof in the 440·yard re-lay. Ohio S.tate's Tom Byers survivi"CI a USSR protest by Ytinning the 1500-rneter run in a n1eL1. record 3:39.R. Richard Kimb<ll1 ;ind Lo.1ra lligh's Ralph Serna fini sh ed 1-2 in t~e 5.tlOO- rnetcr run . to shoek the Sov1e1s 11·ho figured io win that event. This came on the heels of 1neet·rccord!I in both !he men's and \\'omen·s di\.iliions of the 400-rnetcr run and the v.'omen's 4W-mclc r rela'" rnar;:tho11 11 ;i5 thr lnng1·~t 1!<'111•' • 1• r pla.\'t-.! ,11 .f;1rr~· I ';irk 111 \Joni 11·;d z. )>. \ s,.;1,011s 111 111._, .\:1!1(Ulal ]..(•;•J.!lll e ('111·r1111 llils Ill( SA:\ JOSE-Li:-.\!ar111a High c .. :r11"1 \\"t•st nnd (;h;"iprn;in College st:1nrlt.u1 .\11 C'urran siiiggf'd his first pror .. ~~1ul1:ll hcrnv run Frida.v night . lrad111g :'•111 .10," 1•1 ;1 ll-0 win 1)1t•r 1·1~111ng ll:1\:•'1'~!u·lJ 1.i ii c~1l1forni;1 l.,('ngt1e b.1s~:b:dl gar1 ·1· e l ·'isl; l11j111·t-1I Cl.l·:\'EL:\.\"1) -Boston '.~ l';1rllon l'1~f.. Hll' Ar11eru:;1n Lf'~i~ue·s All -i,t:u· l't1l\'l1t·r i11 1971 111;11· hl' out for th•' ~e:1..i111 ill't'iHISt· of a 'kn(•t• i11Jury lie susl:11ll1'(! utl 1111· !1n:d pl:1.1 of Frida~· ni;;hrs µ:1111l 11 ll h th._· Clevcl<1 nd lndi:ulS. Dr l\'1 lli;11n \rildt·r. on l· of 111•' lud1:in~ ph1·..;1e1<1n~. ~;11d l1ga rnt•n1 s 1n Fisk ~ h'i! h.111t· ,,,.,.(. 1niur1·d and surgery 11ould bo· 1·1!11u1r1'l.]. e IJ•111·li11~1 J11111ps 0;\ Kl ):\ L~:. N. ,. . Quart('rltal·h l~nan IJo11J1ng. backup to Jinl l'tun kt•!l ul chc /'\1·11 England P<Jlnot ~ nf lh r \"alion;il FOf11ball IA'aJ!l1C fn,.. rh1' p:1~t 11111 1-1•;1r.s. signed a 11111 lll·\1';1r 1·0111 r·.11·l Fr1d;1v 111111 !Ill' .\1'11' Vurh S1;1r~ ,...I 111°· \',.11l d l,.oc11h:11! Lt:1 gu1·. t•11e11 ~~~~~~~~~~ \lcstern WeiskozJF Holds Lecid As Golf Scor<:!S Socir (),\!\ 111 ' \ j < I \\1•t<;kO!lf 1';1t11·111 l1• pul tu'!c!h1'!' :l Olh." 11111k•1-i•;;i" /11 to l;.l,,• ;. ~11;'-:.lrukt• l•·:id :1ltt'I" Fr 1d.11 <; '\t'('lltld ro1111d 1,l ~,!1:10,,1 l\'•·~l!·rn t11 .. ·n gull l1•ur11;JTn1•111 \*.",,1~\.1!pl ~··c·h111;! 111~ tir~t \ 1e1c1~ l-! l' j \ ;-;,111\.. I 111• 1,u11-, ltl 1hv 1·1 Ill ff1'•1 I ;111c1· Ill C\!llll•lle .• l \\I) ltl!ltl.l If 1·,j of l I 1 uuh 11111 u11(j1 r p;ir 1nr 1110 t1·111·,, n! thl' 1a 11 l;ul!l'r '\;11lon.1l t .ult Clt1h 1·nu1S1· It r11a1\1• \l\·1~ko1: hu1•1·\1·· 1he onl1 11[.1\t'I Ul lht llt·l«l Hl •11t• p:1r !1;:Un·... . ·If"~ ~ 11·r.1• f•x:t1·11nµ ,. "11 rt r . · \\, i .. kopf s:1irl '"11 1;11,," .1n :111lul Int of 1.;i tl!'ll< t' !u pl.11 II .. \llt'!'.lll .\I c.11lwrg1·1 l•IH• !-l(irl'd Ju~ • I:!•! I I! 1•11' ,11 tli . 1111:1; I 'I;\ \.1110111·11 ( i1:11n1:14't1:,liq. 11\;d• ho I p::r 01 :11• I \• l~ 1dOl11' 111 S1'1·011d pl.1;·1· ;1! I!~ Tli1• :•nu1p .11 I H ltu ludo•d 'I •·Ill II 11~1 •1 1:1111 ll h• ·11111 1-:1;11•, r:.ii111 .\l111ti·ll ,uid Bu1'1:,1 ]',11·!, !' (.,1•·1 ~.111d1·1·-l:1a11~ "! 1h(' t'{•lll~t· !!'t"Old \',llh ,I 1ij \\1"' h;1d r;1, \11r1·h1·\1 ;o ~ .• nd1r· 72 .1·nl \1,,1..,11 1 ta:th'll l'h.11!1·11;:1·:· Ill 1llr l ..; Op II 11111 \'.I' f.., :1:10 •ht,I :1 j] l-'..;c·1•pt1011ally lugtl ~Clll'lll;:! i-~:1111111· I 1.1rh i\r11.,hl t',1!11 h•r ;11u1 [.,, 11l"l ltl<1 i·.tch 1,1k111g 12 !~Ii. Llu! !or Ill.HI.I ul thr• ;,!;11111•., h•n:J111g i:1:1_1 ~·,.... rh1•; •'•12 _1;1 nl~ ot \.\•1c::I~. 11:tl<'t. 11.-•·, :111d l1 ,1j1' rh.11 111:1lit' 11p 1h1· li111i1·1 \,1(1c11ul t;ull l'l'lb e1,;tJl'~l' ,,~;.in l'.L11· th• ."t·t!1n.L\ lur :1 i;olf1ng horror ~ha\1 . ~ .. .,.,.. '"''n~ !..,.,,..... "' 1•,,•lor<> ()n'' <ial• T.~'"•l~•r• Tc I~ Vic"' '" Ill c. •• ,, ... ,~ .. ''·~l '.'/"''''" Bo~~· r •.••. 11r < t~ny Wl•c· '~"' l •• , .... {,;.,y ~-d'd" r ""r' r ~U"" Ger>e l ,.,.., '"""' I\."'~-· r'"" ~· ... ~ • r,.•1· !1·, r.~n• n.. r II' , ·'" '' \"' ' ... """! "-""'" l\<1lfl· (, II >I~ 1. r .. ~,., ,, T~m ~' l •• , ' .Jn.\ •· "' I 'I I' ' ' .• , ·.t "" ~ ,., 1·- ~ r ~ " I , I ,,_, ( ...... . ,. 11 . "" 71 11 It ., ,, ;~ l•l I .•o I • ti 1'1 I I /; "'I " ... ,( '" l\•91;; '" • I .I\ " ". ,. r ", ... , ,,. lt-111·1'1• I• ';• " " ,, •• •ti ' "' ., ,,. • '>L ' I' \ii • '" Joh11,.011 Br('ak,.. .'\.\l ; Spike J\lark l '..\l\l·'.11~Fll·:l.ll llr·f1·nrl111L., 1'1i.'11~1 11ur1 f'i1 t1v .luhn-.111\. ~· [01·1111·1· S:111 t h·111 ':110• n·~1dt'll\. C'J"lll"''d I<> :1 1110·•·1 r•·1 ·•nil "I i:~ :1 in 1h<' 1011 n11·1o ·r l111rrlh·~ l'rirl;,v 111 ·~!11 . t 11(' llri,t I ln1 · h I Ill,\ 1 ll 111" 11. ii 11 •ll t: ~ ;~ \·1";1r . to rp1:1l1h· lor th1• \:1!1un;il A111.1- l\'tlr Alhh•t1<' 1·n1or1 ·~ 11111.1111', tr.•l'k .1nct Firld t'h·1111p1tln~h1p~ The forn1l·r fl\.11np1;111 'l"f·lil !ht· l.1 .loll,1 Tr;1rl.. Club h11!d-. 111" .\1~l••rica:1 11111rk ol l:i n \1:in1ie H:1ll11b "' In• T1•11n•·~·f·1• .... rri tt' Tr;11'k ~ 'h1h 1• ,,~ lh·· n1•,1 t;1~1e;;1 1111;1ltf1f'I ;it l'.t·I 11111g lllt' t.11 .111•1• Ill.irk 1d111"'h i:he ~h:1 n·1t Jfowcver. a · shocking h.wdoff failure bet~·een Qiarlcs Hopkins and anchor· man Claney Edward!I dampened \\·hat ""C>tilrl have been a b.1nner nil.!hl for the A1neric:1n forces in this t"·o-day tne<'L TOM WEISKOPF IS THE SECOND ROUND LEADER IN THE WESTERN GO LF TOURNEY. Thi' 1111;il1f.\'ttl;.! ln;1dl' up rlw lu'hl fnr IOlll!!lll ~ f1n;1I.~ \111h th•' !np 111"0 fini~h;>1·~ if' <'n1·h •'\·rnr 1n\ .h·d 10 ri•pr r-<it•nt thr l'111 !rtl ~1;11•'" 1n 1hr l" S • 1 1u~~111 tr;1ek llll'L'! 111·,1 111·1·h n! J)11rh.1111. ~.( Hopkins, leading on the third leg by at least 15 ya rds, droppc(I the baton as he tried to hand it off 10 Edv.·a rds. an cx- S:inta Ana ll ig h sta r. The Rnssians rinished flrst aiid An1criea didn't even get ~d place points. The U.S. finished the night 11•ith only :i n2-8S.point bulge thanks to the goof. The RussiAns established meet st.1n· dards in the tnen's haminer tbl'ow and the \\.'Omen"!! 1500-mcter run. Yuri Scdykh tos.'!ed the hammer 22&-ll'While Ludmilla Gorbunova ran the metric mile in 4:25.5. This is the third time the tv.·o ~tries have met in competition f<r athletes 19 years of age and under. America defeated the Sovlcl Union at Odessa. Russia last year. The meet concludes ll'ith 16 ('\'Cfl{S ttlflig h\. Byers. whn finished 12th in lhe NCAA 1neet • .s.1Jd "The Russians did all the 1\ork . S{'tlin~ a good fa91 l'nrly p.1C'e ~ly roach had drilled Into nle a.II V.'ct'k on 1hc 11npor!anf'e of not lctt \n~ then1 psyl·hc 1nC' oul. St ill, I v.•as scared 10 death before the race." Babashoff Wi11s; Worl1l Re~ortl Set SANT1\ CLAR1\ Sb:1ecn-.ve:-1r-otd Heather c:rren"·O(){I of Fresno srt a 11orlil rC'Cfln:I Fridav nf 4:17.:J'.I in thr \\'orncn ·~ 400-metcr frL:Cstvlc in thr a11nu.1t Sant;1 Clara i11vitation ~I swin1111ing mcel Fountain Valley's Shirl('y B:i bashntf. \vho s\lo·ims for the ~lission ViC'jn -Nad¥£lores. was .'>(!cond in 4:19.94. Th{" forn1er v.·orld rl'Cord \WIS 4 · IR.07 , e~n'blished bf, Tecrui llothharn n1t'r \:is~ year. Babashoff lalt•r i;:ol re1 l'ng1" f'rtg111g c:reen\\'ood fr.r tht' ftr~r pl:i.r·1· nhh!\11 in 1hc l~meler frt'r l\o!h h.1tt 1h1' ~an11· 1imf' of 59.U, ~1 iss Gr1icnwood. 11 ho~ prt•vlo11 s ht~l lune for the ·10ft·nl('lrr w;i~ 4:21! 2 ll1l rrom lhe firllt l11p mi Siu-h;id n 2 114 1;2 tin1c at the hnl!wnr poi111. slow(·d ~onit• a~ thr• ~larl (l[ the St'ro11tl ha]( nnd 1h1•11 sprint ('d on thf' fin:il lnp ll:ibashoff'~ !in1L' in 1h(' ~00 h<'sl rvcr in the t'l'l!nl. w:is her The Nad:idorr!'· Valerie l..<'l' w:i.~ sixth in the 400 eoi1solalion race in 4:31.6 "l111t· 1,•;ir11mate ~lichclle ~lrrccr v.·as si xth 111 th1· 200 brc;ist consolation in 2 49.6. 1\ntl thl' Nadarlorr!: Bri an r.oad1'l1. 1.· •. 11:'1" fourth in th~ men ·~ 400 eon,ol:!!Hln 111 i · l'.?.6 "I 11anlM to 1'.i11 -I 11an1t·d tn hri1.1k 11 ·• tl1f' t'XCill't'I ~iiss Greenwood s.;:Ud..,~ l\arl'n llll7<'1l of Alll'll Hi ll~. 11 tin t\1·ld 't"cond 11ll•Sl of !hi' 1111~" 11n~ llnrd ;1[ 1 211 ]l ,\'hll'l' 1h:'ln 700 ~11·1n11ncrs fron1 14 cnun- lru·~ ttrt• 111 !Iii• 1hrcc<(tny n1Pet. Anr1!h1'r rn•.,·t r1•rorrl lt'/1..; ~1·1 111 lh•' 1111·11 _q '.!!~1-rnl'h~r hrl';1s1~tn1kl' 11ht'r1' Olyn1p1c: gold n1('d:ilist .John Hencken of Sant.1 ("l:ir:1 "·on 111 ;i t1111(' or :!.~·1.6. W0,,.~'4 V '!I) mn~• lrrr 1 1"-·~~wt"'f!. r '''"° \C •II ~1 'w""(I •·-.:~<o 0111 ,.,,_,,,.d • 1&01. llot"~'" t>\•· ~" 04 (!ff~ \f 1'1JI 1. B1b•1l>Oll, MIUI~~ Vo•ot l't10...i ..... 1. 4;\t.U J H•l~n. P.10f'I HHl1 $(., • in 10 \~•1•~v. •""~" !<Ul1 ~C • 1J 00 I II )•'-'"'"'"~' \_.1'• W••ll"'.!••1 !It, • 7111 ' < ~<!'"~' n~lv. • 1~ •I 10 ""''"' •i•!I~"" ,, ·IM ! ll!dd"ll T"''" JH 'I H•"I~ 1 ~·~·be! u"•H 1'IO !I l IC'1!1•• 0.. O, I ,,.r ' -~·n•· ~"~". ,.,..-: '• II•·"~''·'""'•· ~·· ~o ~ R•. Lr•mp Ot-' h ~,,'I 1M-·1••11J1r• •"•-r.-• v•'"'""v'' nc 1r' 11 .. Q,•~•. ~lr1"r"~""" 1011 i 11 .. ,.,~1 t.rlh• .. ""' I 41 I 1 '"'·""'~' M~ ~ "' I r1' • ~rn••!ll II•>, 11\<!~ I''""~'"" l••t•Ytl(\O) l<f I ~. ' it-"1•,,, ('h-••111 \,•~I• ''" ,, I ¢' ~ 1/IO ..,..,,, ,,,.. 1 8•b••~ol!, Mo1.,o• V•t •• • ... ~.•Oort<•, 11 0 1 (•'"" ,rr<J, ''"""" ){, ~o" f', ,1"" D• Id l)~'''"A '0 ll' ' ~"'""r.' ';'I,· f"\I ! "' \~ 6 • W"'I"' ( "A "A'' f"l,.l1>hln' St. I ~ ~ ~ ... 1 ... onAn .,,,.V~to. I If< I ;rr m•tr t''•'-' • Nm•,, O•• •'•''· Ill .. ? •I I ? ,.,.,,,.,. "' c1.1~ I••~···· J 11~ J sc1••·n·1. r .... •o.) ft . f I""'·'"'"~' LA••. '•I I ' ""'~" L ,.1,_,, 0••· ~· 1 > 6 I> 1,.n, ~"""' (l••-.1•~1 MEpj t~ melt• l'I""~'"' nlv .. ·o ! """' •. Ull•l!. H9 •S ) Voile<, ~r'u"'°"" •~lO J. \111'1"". {,,1.,mhu•. .01 .0. • Gr""I {AnA~• ]QA 1~ S 61t•t" S'N!h••• M~lh(xl/s! J39 60 6 ~"''""""'"l<I. O>v•!" 0•"•"· l~Ji\nt<l.r ''·"" -l ll•llo'• I.,,, •• 0~•· A(, <e 9 l >!->Id(~ ti•. LO•" (•Iv. I". '· ll<ln1t~·~ Hy1k~ ~(. '9 • l Brit,,.., S~•lll CM••. 1 !.'00 \ ,Yctelnlet-S•"'~ Cl••• 1 ~11 6 11'"""11· N••nerl""d 1,01 • lllO '°'"'"' ''"" -l ~,..1·~ T .• ,.,..,.,., 'l ' 1 ~~· '"''" 5•"'• (I"~· 411 l c ....... r1 l•u<k•d•lt, ~l• < Nc!C<•r ~! L~'1<1tr<l•le, SJ O 'I S~u,,.n, Long a.en. }• o • ~·~·nl>acn, w. Ge1"'•"•· 5" fOO-...,tl~• !•"" ! f\ru~<. f'·An•~ 'l, •'II) r1 p..,"1" l'"G 11~~'" 'iC • < • 1 •,n. • 1 ~C IJ•"r./'I S':.. • n• • • ~ •r•n•~• M,"'" 1'l. • .,/ ~ tlAh!lr, Ln> n110• "{ • QA • l"h"",Ln. l /Id.• 11r. ' r,,• n Jl'.l\mr,., "'"''·' I"'"'~""·~ •.• , (I,.,• l :<1 1 {~l .. 11•, T~!•M> I '" l )I I i \',r.l~!r. Gt•.i B" ••·• ?·111 , """~'·· Cr'""...i~ •l•v,. ? ?I) " II"• '"·'-''"'• • ""''" l ~I I ~ wre. Tu"" "'"' "6•~··· ~JQ1 ,-' l .OllllOl'S, .As ht · To111>1c F'ocs ~t ~1i1nlJledon \\'J .\I HI J~!)f)"\ !:nr;Jnnd, S11<1;.:;.;t·rin:_: .]1111111! ('0111111rs. t1111 1;01 .. ~ f1·1,111 1'lin1in:111011 ,1:1~hl'd b;1rk 1r ith hold lh'l'I 1 1t·11n1s Fr1r!;1,1 f111· :1 1u:+r11tl1011 fl\<'· ~t·t 1 t(•1.,r.1 01·1·r a ll;u·khnr~i' A11~1r:d1;111 .11ul kt·pr ,\r11•·11. ;1 ~ trout lllh' unbroh•·n 111 1111• \\'1 111blt'Cl1.n 1·11arnp1on.~hi1J.." Thi' hr;i.~n \nun;.: li•ll h.111d1·r 11un 5 ~ ,. .: :!·h Ii·,\. H•-11 011•r f'lul l h•u! 1nu~. I· d .--011 of .1 s:.dn1·.1 1:1 ,1 dr11L'r •n ;1 1:1:1~· 11 staned '.!~ hro1.1r.;; +·.1rl11•r ;u!ll 1hrl·1· 11111. 11111 rrupll'fl b~ r<1111 t'r,rmur~. l'tl·r;11lh1'll 11 111t St:1n Sn11tl1 • \'o I in !ht• ln1lt'tl ~Liie~. ~\\t'f•! 1111" !11P 1!1irri rc•und along 111!11 \1"!1'1":111 Artll111" ,\she. :-.t•t·di'll :'\OJ. f:, II 111 ~ ht':11 tho' SHI 11 \ l'nion·s Ta 11nt1 rt·/. l\al..11li;1 f'-1 fi ! Ii-~ "'\ thou~ht ·t !<hn1.1Jrl.,.m-!'>'fr!TIMh1n)'.! 1n·- help :tlOllE! !h!' SUllllllll C'\Jllll'f"l'lll'l' ., .\~ht· r.-111arkl·d aflt•r11 nrd, n·fcrdni,: t•• 1'1····1 dc-nl ;-,,:1;..,on·, eu rr1·111 vi~11 tn till· l"~SH Anot ht•r S('cdcd pl:i,11·r . To1u Okkl'1 11f Tile :\"t'lht'rlands. i'lo. i. als11 ~q111•t·11'd u111 ;1 str<iiglll·~l'I \r1u1nph 1hrouc:h 111- !1•rmitlrnt r;1in drop.~. b,·:1t1n)..! S1 .• 1holu~ Haran.11 nf lllu1g:1ry Ii-:!. 1;.:~ fi-~ Threi-1lars of h1rl,•-1111d·~1·rk ~l1n111 ,., h,11·r :1lr11os'c destro11·d 1111· 111(1j.!r:1n1 011 1h\' pt,...ud Al l-Enj.!lt~h Club b.1t·h111i.: lilt ~Q'H1· 1811 rnalth1·-; .ind for1·1!:. rh1· r·1•r·· 11111•,'t' into a 111·0-hour e;1rl1 ~1.1 1 1 li:d:•· •J· ... ·· s -~··· ~uooa llo~"d •.. " ·' .. ,.,. tl<'"1 ,, "''"~' .... . , ., ., ti~······ ,,,, ..... '1 J •• ,.,.,.. '. . ' l• · O••e• r.tr~•·• .. •11 ~··• ,.,,.,, Re ·•'• .. "" ' ' • 7 •. J J,,,,...,, r"~""'" ""·" "" 1 [lo"' A 1<• • ~I ' '"' ''·"' ucl tit•"''" ~11a1n. ~«JI 1~,,,~ ... a,n. B1.1 •, 6 ' o < ' ~ o I ' " ' I t> • (,.,,,, ,.. ,, ,, ' """' ri .. "'" ~·· .... ?·6 06i .. i.····· t"• . .,,, [l•UP<l !l<-.<I "··~Id LI ':••D<O•C" \\ r,.,,.,,,.,, o < I I, ¢ • TD"~ llh<hP """'•'"' r~1· r ,,, h•~· '·">lr.>11 80. o<, <~.~I. 6l WO"'•"'' 5·~~'"' ~eccmo ~(<un<1 fv(<o •• r,,,.,1.,•10'"'· A~>1'•'••· ~•d' •,,,,.lnA•·>r ~ ~It • :'""'''"~ [),,.,, ;,~, ... ~'81 ~·., .. ~, Ro"'"·o.~1.oO .. ''"'"''~ 11 1.'i a .1n . 1~1 -J;\Sl:l!.\1.1. - Th~' ,\lih1-·;iukf'r Hrc1rers rnl'1'! th1· Ti:::rrs at l)t>tro1t 12 55 p.m. 111 \ -n1 1nr.i-:1:.; R.-\S ~~HALL -111c Lo.~ Angrl1 ·~ Dodgers 1n<'l'1 thl' c;i,1n1s al Candlt'.~lick l'.~r·k 111 S:1n ~·n1ll('l~~·fl 1-:m p 111. 151 -~FL ,\('TIO\' ';.1 -The 111i:1 St':ISOll ffl r lh1• K1111 s:1$ f'i11· Chit>fs. 2 p.111. i2) -ll!ISll UEH/;\' - (lnf' ,,f !ht' n1os1 pn••t1giou s hor~t· ~ r'.14'f'~ 111 l•:uro.pt'. 01 ti·ri111.: ;1 pur.~r· f>I ~21;0.IWJ f9\ -\\'ESTEii:"/ OPE\' - Third r(>Und .1f'lion 111 tlu· ~21~1 l~lll tournatnl'nl fror11 Oak Bronk. Ill ~ f) Ill, r21 -CHS 1;01.v (_"II ,\ \l- Pl<•;>.SlllP -Johnnv 1\11lll'r , 1..111- ny \\';idkins and (;l'ril· Li1tl('1' 1111•1 •1 in thr S50.000 final at F1n•slnru· Collnlr\' ('!uh in Ak rnn. Ohio !) r nl 171 -\\"IOE \\'llH Ll l or SPORTS -(;old llll'flali,1~ frur·1 the :>.l(1n1ch Ol 1T11p1es :u1d !he \\'11rl1l ("h:1mpion~l11p~. headlnu· tht· S,1111 Cl ;1 r:1 Ill \t' rn;it 11111:1 I I 111 11 :1 ! "111. II ~1·.11111111ng :ind d 1 1 i n i; 1 h;1111 pin·1~111J'I' Fnu11t :11n \ ;il!r} ·~ Sh11 l1• !:.1b,"h1./I Ill lllt"hJdo·d Ill !ht· t'11lr\' l1s1 ·' .. l l _OAllV PILOI P1 ·1•11 Bn."1•f1nl I ·-'"''al lac e Est11nr1.1'.c; h·:icui' ll·;1rLn•: F..aglf>S f1•l1 lo tlw \'11st.1 \h•"f1 Jligh .\lu.'>l;in1:s. 2·1, Fr1rl11J night ;:t 'l't•I\ 1nkl1• l';11·k 111 lhr• llurOOr ;1rl'a .'>tll11tllL'!' b:i~··l>;ill loogue In otht•r Jl:l1nes pl;1~'l'd 1:n- dav 1ui:hL Fr unt -1111 \'alt·I.\ dcf•'Ol l••d C'.irona cll'i \l,1r 6 I n w1ting1on l~';•<'h toppk<I [.,,~ An11go.;;, 1)-0: :ind l'n11rr~I!\' scort'I.! fnur run~ 1n th•' ~Vf>nlh ftl Ill' \1Jth .\1•111•1rl J.l;irbor, :,.;, Costa J\lr~1 ~1lf1'(t .1 p;11r 1•f n111s in !h1• first u1111ng on Stan f\1cCov·s fi rst of t11·11 doubl•". J i1n n"r:1ndr w:1~ s.1f<• on an l'r- ror aftf'r t\\'o uuts. n1;1k1f\S! the runs unr arnt'd 1111 11 St1•1 •' Bernhnrdt gt'1!111;: :1 •u1·~I·· ;i nd r-.1 c.{'o.v tllt' nu1 ."'-'<lri!lf.! double . Brian <'n~1t·ll11r 1n;1•io' !lw two runs s1nncl up 11111\ .1 !1:11 pitl'll!Jt).( r11·rfnr11\;1111·0· !! I' .struck nut nine a11d g.111' u1i 0111\' three !li ts. Jerrv Johnson sror(',1 l\l~l'" tun o0 a single b:, Gr1•gg Milter. Erl \'iwinmh h:i 11tlH' hnl bat for ll untingtfln Bcat'h. ge t- ting a sin;:lc in rht' firs!'and <1 home run in the third Un h·crsitv c;i1111' fro n1 behind ;t ·!).ll d('f1('11 1111h .t s1nglr run 111 th" .•1 \1_'1 .1nd f<1ur in 1hf' s1·1·r11th 111 Ill' 111 .1 Hmf' ti1111t ··11ni.·~: 11 11 1 'l 1· <'d. : ... ;,. .. 'U"'' (.>IUb. '' w~u.,,n, 1., Jonn<l'n ' ~'' ·®·n•. lb .C:n..-v~r I! ><;lo<•. r I l>"!»n•cn ~~ ll." te'-Ph r;~~· ol <> F•o•, o Tot~I~ • ' ' • • ' • ' ' ' ' . • • ' , ' ' ' : • ' A.rtists 'fop ~1\', ,)6-41, 111 Ca2e PJay ' Lagun:i Bf'a1·h rompr<! !n .t ~:tfi·41 rirln r\· 1111•r ;1n 1n- f'Xpe rif'llf'1·d · \ILs.•inn \ 1 f' I" l/1gh ba'>l.1'tt>;1\i tf'ftlll Frut.n ni1-11t in ;1('hri11 .u Fou1htll lliµ:h . Coaeh .Jrrr1 F.1 ir"~ \r11~r~ mo1·cd 111111·!.I\' 111 frn111 :ind -hrld an r1~ht.rn-Jfl-por11! lrnrl n1'lst of 1h1· nH~hl 1111h Fr.ink '\\'right. Bt·n H:icon Hnd ~1.1r~ H~11hhun ~haring s co r 111 g honors. , .\\Ji~hl :.ind ...:i..!.i..P b 0 rn or l' ,Bacon p;1r-h r<1111r1hu!cd If, ·11 hilc· llrirhh1111 hit t2 ' "\\','.I'!' i::o 111" !o h~1rr nnr of } !hr tJ,~~T tr fl~" .11 I .:Jl!llna · ::1n<'r !'1r ~n'l't1 h"r1• ·· F:11r • s.;iid foll111nng Till' ;::11p1· lq 11 pl IP 1 ~ ' ~ ( """'"~n~"" >:~nn"<I• • • • ' . • • . ' . . ' , """"UD Grn.,•n•r I IGldlt l 19un1 I••<~ 10 ) " lq " pl !p " ' 11 11• ~en W"unt 11~. ' ••• t' .• vv·~" 1 0 1 ' '' -1 ••I "•I" ' . ' . WOULD YOU BELIEVE? OVER200 Ne w and Used TOYOTA'S IN STOCK Now Is Th~ Time To B~af Hiqh Gas Prices BRAND t-iEW '74 TOYOTA (oro!I~ I 110 1!\l -·-- ALSO 58NEW VOLVO'S 14 ? ". 144 ~ 14'• 1~<1 ~ Hi4 Sun•"' I<. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -·- USED TOYOTA'S $1177 ' " N•WP0'1 11orll0r II! "•• "< ~ " II "·'"•"•" M~· "~/·· I'D '' ,.,1., iu ''"" '~ II' "''"• 1 er Q.,,,M I" ~ '"'''<Hnn I• '•'"'""'· " , .. , ,, ' I'" .. ' • " ' • • ' ' 0 n rb• , ' 0 " , . 0 " • • ' . ' ' 0 • , ' ' 0 ' . . 1'-1~'" 1, "'(I r•l I l I I "'"''"" HuDot Cl~ 0.:.0 r~~ 9 l (o•-Gt l "'"' fl) 0 )"""'"' ">I< Ip ~·,·1.t~~ ~· ll•">'•n> " "f'••nin F jOU"• ' b r." '~" '" ) '<•"n•c• I' n •• ,,. ~ "'•' " ' ' . . ( o'••n ·•tO D ~· ... ''• ,. ' I• •~I> .. ' " ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ' . ' , . ' . • • ' . 0 • II I Foun••1n V1lloy l OI I• •••"•" ' J••" n \ J<(" n II "~·~···"'· " !Juorn "' rln'<h•· 1,, fl ,•,., ,, G•un<1,. ' ~<•·:~ r I ~,., Jn A••llO, JI> !lo"•" • • t < en•a• II> En~• ID H•·,.mp-. a Tot•t• .. ' ' . ' . 1 0 ' • • , ' ' ' • " ' ' ' 0 • • ' ' • ' • ' • • n rDo ' ' • • ' . • • • • ' 0 • 0 • • ' . • 0 ' . • • ' ' . ' ' ' . ~· 0 • " . . ' • • ' . 0 • , ' ' . • 0 • 0 0 " ' " ' ' ' . ' ' • • , . ·' "'' .. ,• • ' 111 1'011r11e y Bnrr,1· \\';dlnL't'. tht· statr h11ndbal11"h<11 11111011 i~orn (h;t.;1 J\ !i·sa, ad1 anl·cd to !ht· 11'i:1r1t·r fu1.ils of tht• first ar1111n1I n:i- liuruil ouh.loor !hrl'<'·ll'llll r;J(·· q11«tl iall ('har11pion.c;h 1p:\ b€'in~ s!:1gl·d 111 Oran~r COHSI Collrgc t h1~ \.l t'l'k••ral. \\';11!,1t't' \\·ill tan1-:I<• w11h thl' \'n ~t·l~h"<l player. Dirt S11imirll kt' nf ~in l)i1•go. in ~ f,.:1lur1· 1n:1t ('h IO(la:-.o llt 10 \l';11!.i1·" drfrntNI Bob Lund, 21.JS. Zl -8. 111 .'>f'C'Ontl round ac- r1m1 1vhilr Sehrnicftkr 11'0n Ol'Cr ~1·11t1 F1•f't1t'\', 21-5. '.!J ll. s .. i•d1•tl pla.r1·r.~ ad\'aneed ac; 1·\l'll.'<'lf'tl 10 th!• quarterflflab 1\·1th ~N~1nc! .'\'C't'dCd (.'1:irl1e llri1111f1(·lrl ch·ff';ilini: ,\lllrlv /Jugan. 21 ·R. 21-1!: thi rd ~d Sii·1 t' l\l.,.lt'.I' stoppt•d Dick l\u..,~J1·r. 21-fl. 2!-ll: ;ind fourth :-•·•··! ~11'\t' Scrnt 11 on 1\\'l'r ( ;1 .. 1111 .l'\;1k:11a11·;1, 21· 1 I, !9·21 , 21· I! ./1111 \ ':11'.·~1n of j -Ost;i /1.-IP~a 11!.~1 .ich .11u·1~d to th c <p1;11'll'rfinul~ wit h <"I 21-15, 21 - J ! 11·111 tJl'('r Crni..: r-.1rCoy. Seo•• Dy innlftO• ' " (l>'I>"• d~I '·'·3f 000 Ol()-! ~ FOOM•ln V~lltV 010 ll•-1> 1 PRIDE OF HUNTINGTON BEACH -The:-;e six l lu ntington Bcaeh Y.'resUers capt ured 11 medals m the recent A t\U juniors n1eet at I nng Beal'h. Fron1 lcfl -LJ:n·td \Vat t.s. Chris SchulL. Eugene L in, Htc·k 1\l oscr, Ren L in. !\like Provenzano. Olhl'r quartrl'fin31 n~kht>~ find l':1rso11 1n1'f'ting Brun1- fit>ld : Keeli'Y pl:iying PAU i L;n1•rrnc:c; and Sc.rot fa cing l'\fark Susson . tlvnllnf lon &••ch /11 ... r-..-.. ~, ~ V "' t 'l''•"' \I I v .. n "f' ,,,, " \.J l(•..,n"11 ,, "., • ' ' ' ~ !~ ' . , ' ' flB Wrestlers Wi11 •• 'r1 ' '' r C' '\'"'~ ~ .. ' ~,. ' • • ' ' • • ' ' I 0 ft ~ ,. ' ~ n .-1 L Nl1ti.,-,11al Meel ~ r o f . ' ~'"'" "' '""'"~· • • "'u""""'. n Be~ ;01 C"Jl r ·-" ~ L , .-,,, I).)) 000 i>--0 1 E .tan<oa 111 I.. ,. " '' IC•• n l••"~="''· " ~ ... ,,,. l:l•v~n • oc ,,. Ldr·.,o~\t, lu 'I• " Jn "''"~' ' ·~ 'I ··,u, I". Gro'lln '' ~l.,•llr" lo LO."r•I. n !Qt~I• .. , ; ' ' , ' ' " • ' • • ' " • ,, 0 " • • ' l• """ " c>•·s.i~-" Co1·r1 Mt•• lll .. ' ' . I '"" ' P•·n~or"• /~re .... < 0 f J• ·~..,-.. '"' r "~' ' ~ •<' t•n· n /\• ,,., ... -<I To! .. ' ••• ,... 00 I ..... " (OIM '"e>o ?')) C'Wl • ' ' • ' • • ,, ' • ' ' • ' • • • • ' • ; 0 " 0 • ' • 0 • 0 ' "' ' • • 0 0 ' • • 0 0 • ' •• " 0 • • , • • • ' ••• ;oiJ)o. ~11t1nl! 11ri·..,tli:rs lro,11 ll1f' lluntington Bc:lch Bo_1,; L'lub \\'On nine gold n1l'dals in lrL .. ·.sr1 Ii: ;111d Grl'co-Hon1;in 1"•n1ri.:·11111 •n d11nnl! rhi· l't'l'l·n1 A:\C Nat1011;1l J 11nu1rs lll('<'t hrld in Long Hcac!l nnvid \\'n1t s. l:l, !'}i ris Scl111l1. 12. ll1tk ,\lo.-.!'r. 11. L\l1kt• l'n)1 c11~:i nn, 12 . U1·n Lin . i::. ;1nd l·'.ugrnr Lin. !i, led the Ho\ ... ; Clu b tn a third plllL'e f1 ni~h 1n tilt! na111uii<I frcL·~1vli.: L'{)n1pct11iun Ftrst pl.,t't' 11 iHnL·r \\'.1~ :1 h•a rn «•lnpo,.-cd of 1rrcst!L"r~ fnnn :<rlLra! cluh.~ 1n .\l!n- nt·.,o!a . and !'•'L'Olld place 11-cnt IH a eo;11itu•n of tight clubs Sai11ts lll • I ·) ,:I -. \ T• H~(OI''--· .r ' Cu111et s Lo se in Seve11th fr,,111 the ~:111 Fr;1ncJSL'11 tl.11· l'hris Torr{'S. coaC'h of thv tl':1n1. ~aid llL' had l!f Uo_1 s L'Un1pc1111g. and lhcy p1ckl•d up <i l•1tal t>f 21 nic1lals . The rnee! w;.is held .June 14.' Hi in lhe Long Drach 1\ rcn;1. • 'l'hrre \\(:r e :,2fi c11\r:1nts 111 frr·"<;l\'le ro111 pt•1i1io11 and 2;10 111 CrCc.'().Hnrnan. Torres sa1ri tht'l'l' \\l'ft' no ll'<un sta11d1ni.:s :innouncl'd 1n Grecr..Hon1an cn111~1 1t111n. l!erl's ho\.\ thl' six ru1J loc-;11 11'1'1'5t lef!; 1rnn thrir mrd:il~ · \\'l'US \\()[\ ;1 i;ol1t Ill fr ee.<;t j II' Hild !-.lhl·r 111 Grec_'<.>-Hornan 111 tht· i'O-pow1d JWlior class Sr hull. \.\O!J a ~o!rl 111 fre1·~·~·Jc ;ind a s1l l'l'r 111 Grcc<f'Hornan 111 the lil~pound 1un1or r·las~. ill!'isl·r 11"on a gold 111('dal u1 trri•s tylc anrl <:rcl'o-Homan 111 !ht• !JU-pound 1un10r cl;1ss. :\J<;u rrorenzano ,,..·nn gold nif'dal.c; in fr eestvle anrl GN!f'1r \l ll\\\'ALl\.-<.:.1x 1;" 1111· n \\'o ·;;t Collrg,· pl;1~'l'r:\ l11l in do1.1blc figuri.:s ;i ~ !he Hustlers toppl('d Con1pton tolh~gl'. 89. ll5. in C1•t-ri11 •5 SUlllillt'r ll'Hl.:lll' baske!ball pl ;1)' l·'r1Jn:; n1gl11 . "l't·rrv MP1~·iihe1n11'r led ill,~ 11:1,\' 11°i01·1J~J while Fr:111s \':111 d1 ·r :\;1 h11 I~ The Hus11<·r~· Seo!\ t'lark h1l a 11air of frcr th1·011s 11 i•h :!H .~·ronds Jcf1 I() gi1·e l11s tt·an1 ;in 117-R'i lr;1J :ind Car\· H1 ~hr.11 ic1'f1 I\ \11th four 1·1eks rc- 111111n1ug. seoring nn :1 l•~·u11 Com pr.on en JO.\ t•d tt11· lt·a(t lhrnugh mt)!;1 r>f tht• f1r<l halt. until l'O:tCh Dick S1ru·k1t11·.;. f!uc'll'r<. 111111• • d !!I .1 4)-J; ;1 I· 1 a11ra~~1· ;1t !ht· 1n1 1·r1111s~1011 I! 11.1" ttght 11n11l (;ohl<'n \\'c"1 outsc;irrd !h<• T<trl nr ..... 12-2. fflr n i7-f-.6 ll·ud 1\1111 "11; rninu4CS !Pfl rr,, .• I'"'' Lo•' Galdon Wut !!") .. " ' ' •' .. " Gc1rt/1.1'c£1itt> Cc1.ptures :l f J7 Te1i11is Ho1iors ~:eal Bl''1t·11·<; l(nl;u1 C:dr1h· 11 :11!r coppt.•d doubl1• honors :11 !hl' founh annual .\1 is~ io n \'icjo t nnd D IL"nn:~ l11llrnry n·t-cn1ly . (';1ptur1n;..: the· C lll('n's singlo•s :.ind sh:iring t!i(' laUl'l'IS 111 C·lJ tll lX('d dau- b'··~. {;;1 r!h11"<iite nip1X'd 1\l i~sion \'if'1n's Toni \r y c k n r r fn .. '>i nf,'ll''> J1onOr<> ll'hil" ...,('ll·s I) ~in;:!t<S l;111rl·ls 11·rn! to lr 1·i nl'·~ Htl' · B:1rth, 11·ho "'"1·111 tl\· \'l'l\'JY•rl Bc:ich·!' 11ob \\'f'ntz , 7-5 ~.:! l\"o n1f'll ·, pl.11 11;1. <IVl1'l!l;11t~l t11 I 1ntJa ,\l11r\ ( ;u1 n1;1n :ind 1 .. n1!.1 hrut·hl'r 1n ~1nr:Jt>S pl .. 11 !\.1ncv l111dh·1· ind '•1o• ~tasor Ot \:1·\.1')111n llt·;u·h 11011 I' dnuhlr·<; ;ind .Judi• .J"n~•·n ;1rul Jo1('1• Hu•/1 of ,\ll s.,1011 I l!'lfl 11011 Oll! Hl 0 ll'O!lll'!l°~ I in;ils. Men'• C DouM&1 Fln1ll J·•~n ~·.(~1•, J'm f • \/,\,.<o;in ll'•~•"I <J~I (Im!• 1 111" 8 111 H~~~> I'\'"'"" VI•~· \1 'l 1·6 l:lc.1> Bunct·Pnll t•'• ,. .. ,,.,o" l.,,,c, O~f llO<> Jrn•tn Tr>ll1 N •vu un1 p,,.,.. _., B•~th) 6-<, ._l f lnali 11/'.r(.-r., [Iv QOI Bunr~C~>e. 6~. •I C·I> Ml ••4 l>oublu Somi• ro.., ""~ M•«oo• /'~'"~" (Ml••l1,1<1 v.1101 ao! (1111 .:•o I'""'' Du~> 1 1ll•wP<1r! Bt ochl )·O t '· ~ l. ~nl>ln Garl h,.Mt~-1,\"'('" Lv••n> l'~M ll••cn> d•f Hon llunet ~'"' Lou l<'<M,ll•o I Min.on v,<o,.I ~"· J f. ... 1111,.1. r-~"" ••••·Lu""" cer •.l~••r·Mtv'" 7 J, I I D M1n·o llnflH S•'"I• fl " 'N " '" II. , n~• ll~I> 8 "'(f' ll·'''"0•1 "''~"' 'l. 1' t . Q e ~'"' 1·•·"•1 "''I\·, "llro r1 1"""'•"1110" !lr"<"I /.J 1 1 Fon•I\ 6d•1n 001 Wtn!J ~·J • 0 _,,., DtlloblU f •n~!> .ao,, l:l •••n•tJ~rn OV"' • [, '" ",..,, .,., J,">n fl•~"~·IJll·,n 0"''"" l lu"'• ll()f o ~I/; 0 Wom1n'1 ~•"<fin f on•I• l·••> ~'v<llOI Ml Soll,~"""' 0·! •.! ., D W...n•n•• DouUlt• 'em" Ju•" J11h•r·J~r<@ Qui n ,.,.,..,..., Vl"o <.tr r Vv<•ll• Rt .. .-C. '' "' 11 .. ,,~ l'l•·"~n Vl•1c• / • 6•) I "•'" I •uCO••• ~•Ov ~I c•t>' •jd l • rl ~ II•·•••• !Oni Ovn(•n 1 1 ~•1•• Rv•I 6 • 6·] D Wom•n-. Do•bh~ Fin~•• JOf' •r ""'" "" ~"''"" >!• 'n' A) ~1 " Jn Opt'tl doublf's. ""hmidtke and Serot. 1he No. l seeded te<irn. \\·;is upst•\ by 11on Sr;1 rk1,,:1n and Da1·c Ch;irlston. :?I · 12. 21 -211. \\';1/la1·t· 1111:1 Hoh \\'rrzel :id- 1a11cf'd10 1hl' ;rmzs \.l"hich y,•11! ti(' pl;l\'(•(! «T I !Oday \\'l!h a 21 - 2. 21·17 11·1n 01·cr Lawrf'nce ,111d Lu11d O!hor Hie~1<ghl1 8 ~'"Ql••-C •cl ('own n•Hl• fl'd ""~" ·~ """"•"'""" •• 10 ~~'o' S•"'JIM-No. I '"d I "" M•"'"'~1•on rn""" iS,I Scnmld! •n '1'-'~"edln•I• •I II J(J wo,~~n'• ,1nolos-Jov lt'<>1>Pf'I. Co1•~ M•M, •n OCC •hl<ton!, 1rt<1.,I >I «J<"'.l m•o•· l '~ool• Fron«•-O•o<h Ir> Ov•r !r rlln•I• •I 11 :JI e l'nuhl•• (•'' r'o"'~ 1nd ocor111 B•w...,.~~· ,..,,.., 5•u e•"°"' •~o Cv~ s"""'~' 1n ,.,,.,.,.n•I• .. 1 1 Ba•I ( :outinues .\Ilk•• JL1>;t <'Otl!fnUl'd h 1~ n1.~ .. 1 .. r1 r,f !hi.• short tr:il'k n1ctr1n·,\1·lo· rac:.·s ;1! ! hr l 'lran!!c (.'<11101.1• Fa1rj..'T'Ound~ Frida\' 111J!ht by ,,..·1nn1ng !he "Cratch 111a1n Cll'!lt and th<' Fc"tur1· 1na1ch rac1· Ix-fore 9.00ll filn~ ",, ,.. .. '" 1~ .. 111;1n 111 tlu• 64·pnunct ;11n111r ~.';~·:;,,,, ,.. r·la "~ B\•n l.1 11 11·nn a i.:old 1 ,,.,,,, ' • .. ~·~'< C S'""'"' \~"'" to .... W-''O" ,.,, .. , •. " "'. n•I ~I ' , '" I ~ r 'rn~·•·• ' I · c \ll'om1n•o Sln•ln r ;n•ll "'" • ( '''"' ·~ •1~1 J """ I.'• "W'' $I, ! I 6 • n.1~r his 110•1 24 or 30 .'\C'ra1ch rna1n r 1·ents on the S..,11thcr11 Califnrnia tircult this rr :1 r <incl !'.U('!·rssfully dcfcnd-~CI hi~ king" <1f th!' tilli J)ifsi l'ioil ol'('r 11:11111.1• B1·c kC'r. (~••• "'"" cn~•a l'f ... ... ..,. " '" """' )'> ' ' ' h •O• ' '' • • '· O•"''"'" 1111.:(.l;Jl u1 frcc~t)ll' and lilh_cr l.. B•e"''"" in Greco-Hfl1n;.in 1n the /l~-'Ar·~ .• 1, • • " , "• '" ' P, ,n r • ., .. ., "'" '<·M R·•,t" ''" ,. 1. " N•no '' ' I ' ' !'lnol• ( wom""" Oou~lt! Flnll1 .;..,..;.,.'.,..... ~",;;i .. ~~1:]~.,:1"~•;.'•u\~J7,!',:1!~ l ou MrMillrn (M,.,1on 11',.IO) ~ 2. I Thr S.•ddlch .. 1ek \' :1 I I " \ ~.iint!': ~!"'cl .i:-1:< "n1:1:\ in tl1r s1·cn11d inning and 11r11t 011 t•1 JlO"l ;1 12·~ rictorv O\'t'r F11\. lrrton.~:1nti:1gn in 1' :1 :-t• 1 S1rn.e:1·l l.•·;i·~uc h:l!'••h:dl <1"11011 Fr11!:1.1· 1llght ;1t BrtJ1 1khu1-.1 l':1rk, l•" f ' ,.. . )~ G•nl~, c •, J I ~ " ~.~~'·le ... " ' ,. • ' 0 • • ' . ,, 0 • • ' ' • • • i:?und Jl~1iur cl<11>s: ;in cl 1.--------------------------------------------------, tugen(' J .1n \ro11 golrl ined:il~ I , ' • " "·'"'"''"''~ "'" w ,t•nlt I• o J I ,.,,, .. 0 ' • I Ml, • ' ' 111 the IOO·potu1d int€'nnL-dlatc ' 0 , . di\ ISl{Jol). Tiro yrar s hcturl'. Tiu· ('n•l:t \lr•.;.:1 C'onit·!~ (·, '• '}~•a '·"~ '"'' ' r~1 l'Q ~ 7 ' ' 0 • ' . Pro1·cn1.ano hnd won go!d 111f'dal.~ In hotli c:iirgories, bu1 I hr finic;h ed S1..·cond in each la ~t \'c<i r Schulz y,·on a fref'!':!l'le g ... 111 nif'dal la.'it rrar. \.l'hich 1 11·a~ the club's onl~ rn('(t<tl thal r('ar !!<llC up l!lrcr run~ 1n fh(' trif· 1nrn ol 1h1• :-c1·en1h an.! ln<.,1 \11 thf' :\11;1!1c11n Pir:11r~. ~ 2 V'O)rC~J J , rom"'" pi!f'ht·r lk1h f><,1 ,. h;od <1 !11n·h!t shu1nut 1111h 111·11 ••ttl~ 111 lhl' ~~·1·rnth 11 h•'n 1li.· ri1nf <'rll'•••t rn A hllll•!' ~1ngl~· .u1d 1hr••f' SUlT!'~~l\I' 11.ilk' ~c1•rPd oil« n1n .. nd Hoh llcurqnn dri11til1·d 11, .,, " 1• t • p .... -, ~ p """~•· I' 1 n" lo I •• !'> .• ,"..,.~· ~" , ,, ... '· .. ....... " • n, "'' r " ·~··· '"<>ft /' . ...,~, "" ~ r '•' .. J,.r lh•· 1 11··nr-. I , I• t ~ I ,, . '' ' A:'llERICA .'1 Lt~i\GL'l:: F<os!<in cl .. \l'lnnd I >\'T ro11 Hnll 111uir1• ,\!il11.111k~·I' Nl'W York !l;ikla11<l Trx;•~ l\;1n.;;1s t:1t.1 ChiC"ngn ,\l1nn1·;'()ta An.l!;l'ls eastern IJil'J.~iOCI W L ~o :11 :11 3.1 37 3~ :Ill .1~ :H .14 ;!:1 37 \\'1•,tcrn l)i visln11 .11 :n :ui :17 3:, 31) :J I ;J.i :11 4h :11 ~:, Fto~•Y"I ll:t t,.!tt Prt :,1,,1 .S'."l .S21 rd•I ,j(lfl 4:16 -.-.i ,:;oo .4111 l!~'.l l~i .41111 IJ•H 'o'<>tt "' ll•lt'""''~• "'°""°"•<!, 'f ll O•!'nll O, •.'•IW•u•.•• I ('•>I nn<\ I.~_,,..,,, (o!Y I .. '"'' '"'ri '" (""'"" J ''""' ~' Antt l> 1 TO<J•l''I c;,,.,,. 11,,..,,,. l•.,o1 1"·61 "' • ''"~l~n 11'•'•• • ldJ 2·~ 1 .1' •I', ;• ,,.., ·I '! <' ' R' . II '''""~' 1! ' 1r nc~'" <' "' C.• '" ' • ' ,,. 1r o •;i~o o , ,'•!.'"'''"• ,,..,,~~'/' i· M r1r ""'' ll•t••" I[ I •J•; y,,,. tl,~r ,., •.1· .11 ~·'"" ·~ "",••I•• 'I C\•111\·1 ~ ... 17' •''' ,. I IV l\u·"' 9 I '"•'(Jo~'"''9 ' ·•'•nq~T>IL .11"/<l)•"l .,, lono~,,, G•m•• 1\0\lr\n ~· (l•vrl.,nd ,.,. lw.•~~'' ,,, Oci•~•I 17 ~•m• I tl ·" '"''' o• 8Jl1,m0fr """'"""°'~ ~· (~IC••<>O (I g1"'hl O•~!•nd •' IC~~t3\ Cllv t o••> •I A~tolt 0 '" ' ' , ' ' , • . " " , • ' ' 0 ' ' ' , • • II I 0 Torrrs sairl l!le con1pctnion pl1:1!'r of thl' r lub·s \.\Tr<;tl1t11! prograrn J." <l\'('r no\.\· 111111! f>pt·prnftt•r hu! h1· has a lrl•adl' •1.1rlt-d a rra1n1n,11 c ·Ja~!' for th1 · <111n1n1~r for n!l11·r yo11ng<\('rs r\,\TIO:\AL Ll':,\GUF. Eastern Dh'lslon '.'ot Lo111.:; f'hilAdf•lphl<l \1r,nlrl'(ll 1 h1eago r·11tshu r1.1h .\.l•11 \'Qrk \.\I L :m 3:1 31! 34 33 XJ 30 :19 29 ~o 29 ~2 \\'l·~tern Dlvl~lon l/(Htg('r~ I ·int• i1111.1! 1 \tlanl.1 lto11:.1on '>an Franc 1~(,1 San !Ju;ogo .-.o 24 4.\ Jn 41 ;i~ :u; :is 31 43 3~ 4'i F "d•Y't Rt•,.lh P<'t. .. 'll'l .52!1 .500 A.15 .420 .403 ,fiilo . j39 .5 17 ll!li .4 Ii .130 (n•(~'I<> I 0. 1,'"""~~I ) )} (lof\I ~dM•, II ·~n.n9q l•r>r,.,n,11 6.Q, /\ll.1<ol,\ 11 l•"<O<>d g"me, 10 ,,,~.~~·) ~·' I ,,. •1 '" • "~·\ '''"'onn•d. •Aln f'l"I•·'"'·'~" "f' t·•~•·•wh, pos•pnn~d •~In ~rl~ D·•~Q \. tlOY''"". r"'~""" 11, ~'1" l·"'"<'"c J l O<'•~' G.,.., .. GU .. , 17'. " S• I ooh •Cud •• • 11 ~· ~i·H Y~·· /l',•IAt k }.\I Dno~r • I• " )I 'I ''"I , ...... I'""'''.)• "M1l,•(I"!"· ·~.t>~oltr •·81 "' Plfo ,i.o"Q" ('i{•u,< ~ " t~• 1' '""''"n~"'"' 11,1 ,,. ~11 .... ,. 11"1~ 1 •• . " I~ ' I """ tiin llo"tf \A• •t \,'" !)'""' 1~"11'"'"' <I• Sun~•y'• G•m•, ''""•1rlP'"·1 ~r Pl•r.1J<1r•~ n <ume11 ~ ,• ~·""' Y!o'' I' o•m'°J < "' , "1 l,•on•ro•• { 't '"~" d .<ll •nt~ OOI!•"• •I S•n r'""t"co ••oo\IOn nl Son 0·"1:10 A SMALL CAR FOR PEOPLE WHO QUESTION THE TOUGHNESS OF A SMALL CAR . Jn Europe. there are more than 50 different kinds of ca rs lo choose from. So it may interest you to know that Remy Julien ne, Europe's grea test livi11g stur1t cl river, has done 111ore stt111t s in Fii1ts than an).r other ca r. And the Fial he prefers tu dri ve above all is the Fiat 124. A family ca r. aaBo The biggest selling car in Europe. f h·rrse:i~ rlehvery arranged through rour dealer MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS -FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE - 2870 I Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo 495-1700 831-17'40 l 1. _i\la111itos Raci11cr t"' E11 trirs 'Oil TOl<llOHT C•••" Tr•<~ ~''' l'+nt """ 1:0 ,,m. !" E~•<ll llr.t •I<•. J! 1~.Hlll ''"· •1h lftcl till •• , •• Flll'T ••c•-&IG Y•"" ~ \~~· 111n·. t. <ii> C1~1n .. n11. Pu"' 1'/0IJl;I (l••n""" 1>rl(1 12i.DO lloc~ l.l••llnQ l llllt•~••hl Gr••n lip (C•'dQ1•i Calllorn!• 5••.a• •ll•nl.>1 Cul FD• Acol !GM/A) ~uc~d Count lM;nlah'1 f\ntH• l ~n~ (loph•ml \'Ml<~ M~ l r&vcl fll•r vt• ~<OOP•" 5part !WAl•onJ "'"" enoi~i. ~l•D ~ Fe!(h It ll••••ureJ 1Et0NO •ACll! -l\Q •~'~' Ol•I Allo..,4n<~ l'u"~ )1100 ,,. ,,.,., (11~·" """'' llOu>~' !l!rPG•>I ·~~<biNI•< CWii«ll R~di!<~"'Q A~n l~M>Hnl Pro1<K• Win (LIPh•ml 0UP<'> Lo Mhmo ( T<e•1ur., ' " "' . " "' "' ,,, '" 111 "' .. "' '" '" ", THlllO llACE--100 ~·"'" I ••O• of<I, Cldlnw><I f'u,.r ~1100 (l••monq P•l<~ \'iOO(I Bo 61obbv fl(nlql'lt) J~n'• Cnll•h~ft (Q~nk•I Ga EtMbo G<> !Llph~ml LunAr l"'un 1c~"'""'' "'"'e•l<~n G•nl lAdA!•f O.ln<1v'• E•n'"'' lRrool ol ~'""I" Dupe (Wdrn! '0UlllH llACE-)" •~•d, J <>111' & ""· A!law~11ce. r>ur>l! 111!.0 (.l'IMQmQ (l'IMl[e !WMdl O!·U> T<1nto 1c ... ,!D•41 Srour (II• (Hn•ll I , M"" nor 1·N~1..on1 11,,,,,n1Mh (l•r•"l'~"'I G~rvl" (OtJn•~ l~tl'lottH FtFl H 1111.Clf-J'oll v~!<i' ~•a•. Allow~nt!I, """' ~2-\ O Go WMriOc IC ~•oo•~I ,,11,. Meo.., 1n~n1<'i ~Oai<• M IJlf LopOjm) tJPV6<!~ river IT•~·"U'O I C•lP!~ln Crunch (HBrll Pr•" Club (Myle~) Ll1ne Tin , Go (W•l;onl "' ,., . " In .,, ' " '" ... , "' "' ' " '. "' ,,, . ,. ' " "' '" ' " ' " "' Sll!TH •.tiCE-ll'O Ya•<li l \••at ol<I> & uo Allo"'Ant•. P\lrSf 1.000. l n$ ~~11~1;111fc~~':'cii1 • Nerclno llo'.nl\ltll ) ~. ~moo!~(~ I MvlM l -r'JO/>n'' Roc~et fLio~.>nol A~.urf<I Vol!f {0~n~•l l Dll•P Br,pel (5m;l h! ,.,_ Moon IWa!•o~I G~velm•n fTr•~,u•~I .ti loo l!'UqoDI~ ftt (~'$ {/l<ll<e {lre;11u•~I "' 1'0 '" ' . '" "' l'.U "' ' " ~E \IEtttH ••e lf-)\0 ··••ti' v·~· Ol<l> Grn" 11\1'~ \1 ~?000 To• C.Ol'l1'11 ~·~•~ ru1u•;1., . r111~ Punnln•1 s;r Run•mn•r (\~1,0~1 ''•n'< E•.v J•t lAt1,1lrl J'l·R.,.;d Cl<><> l wn !L•Dl'l~"'l \o~nc~r·, Cf'l(ure (W•r~I Dupllcat~ O•e•rn (H,,.t) •lo ~ad 5~nQ< /""vl~'1 Swoe>1~ !W<iQM I A·l alon! A<>er.t !8 .. nl•l l8df<i>OO (l(nlql'ltl &co An"IY•r\MV (5m•lnl Allll lfllqible Joe' 011ki• IL•nl1~n1I I A·Vlt!orv Ch•n! tN•tQdemu•J , -' A -D wavne Lu~a1 !•d•"fd ~ni·~ '" ,., ,,, "' "' '" ... '" " "' ,., "' ll!IGHTH •AC£-•OO <>ld1 & un (lolf"'i"" C101ml11<1 n"c• 1n .'® Rae' On M•n f f\•'"'~'! P o1!I C.o r.o l!!>rtl (••'•"• o~ndr (\\<•l•on• To"·"'"'f•" 51"1'1 (G~•lal fl..-1 Conv !Ad~··> r~••I·""'' (Ir••'"""' Ovl>'Olle•dao (L l~l.,,ml VM~'' J V•or Pur>f \Jlll~. "' '" I'·' ... . " I" .. NIHlH RACE-)<~ v~•O' ) v~.,, nl•1> & "''· rl4lm1no. Pu•~• lllOQ C!~·ml~<l P<I(• 11 •')(1 l\•Q T ru<~I~ jCl~.;<,e l Jln,•tnm ,..~" !Loon•ml fluo e,,., ic .. ""''•I H1n~·1 VaftQ••~·o (K~•nn•! ,..""" f\~n• (W~l·onl At~ Cdtlo•t! !M<>'•l•I Lifll• O•~lo fl•• I~"'''"' c~nnv fl~,. 6~• 1 11,~o· ' U••n l~n~ldd• P •••ll Null>er Runnv IB""''\ Al<O Eholl>lr Al•mllo\ 5111> !CarC0/<1 J~•W• v.irn••n• l lL•""""' Fl•~l>e' (PM!tl "' "' "' "' '" ... "' '. "' , .. . " I ~7 "' ~~ .• , rME/.' Aita · ;Mrnon }~ I .~ ' ·• . ' . ATHLETE OF THE DECADE• 1 l.O !'liG·lRON s1 .. ors TOO ROlJGH FROftl RO lJG l l Clue \.If rhc n1n,1 1iiff1ct1h 1l1•11p· line' 1n ;.:1111 "Ii• n1,1~e ~"1ir,cll 11 .-· •·n ,,uµh !.111 1111 ,11,,1, 1111111 ro •U· Ii. J know I L.111 1~·,·,dl 111:111 v 111'1"11'''' 111 n1v l!Wrl l',ll't<'I II hi.:n I ll"\ :lnl] t llOtl\llllth n l d oll:11' h,:i.::111•e I Hll'1I Ill li 1t, ~.1y, ~ho! I ruru " "·l!l •ll Ii.:. ~1111 r!v :1 J·11 u11 I II.Joni. 111n'I J'•ilk1' \\'"!llol ht \\hl. 10 'impl) 1"1;:,·1 ;1h11u1 11,H1;.: .r I,:! v 1 I \\1i,,1! 0111 i•I ru11;·h. 'I he <l or <; Ii /i • l "'"'" ""'"' '""' """"""'"" """'' \ \ lh11•.: ll•'•"h dri 'l<l.°fl) t he h:-ilt .n,.11• lj \\ 1 1111h 11111-1Jcrahk lo ll. l'J ::rh•• ,11~·· { \ ;?c,1 1!11: l·•ll 11r11•r 1 h~ ;1ny in111 1'11h \ ~ 1 k'' /11!11h.111 .1 .t ur) iron . .lu~t ~''•Jl ~ ~'-'\'.,1)\1,.\,~ .. ~ 1h.,,.: l•HI;." Ufln' 10 }our b;1~ l'!J r . !.·••C.~ ~l!.t1:1nlll0 lh:1 l IH'flll dctp J'.!I•''' \nu ,,\(''~\\\ c.1111111 ;1 5 rr11n111)1 :1, t:ir a' a 2 11"" 1i. -u-.u.1llr 1.1rthl·1. ,,.,.._ •.• ~ .. ,. ,~ .. ~ IRON OUT THOSE IRON SHOT S! Arnold f'Oi.h1H11'i!Jooklt \ ''fl•\t,ng ,1ht Iron~" r,1v111s tl!ampoon~hip !10' to help s1!1rpen you • oronshot lecl!ri1Que, 5e nd 20(. and .i )!amped, returo 1rivelope IQ Arnold Palmer, 111 tare of H11l "'""~Popa1 . Nleet of Cli<111ipio11s R eturrii11g t,;C Irvine \1·ill ho.~t 1he ~lf'l•t of Champions for the Sl•cond s!rnigh! yl'ar on S1111d ·1v. l\1<1rth 23. UC1 cross counlry r oach L('n ~l iller rol<l th•· !):11lv Pilot. '"rhis is a hii;: 1n<'•'I for u~ :ind one \\'c r.·el 1\'i\I ;111r:i(·1 .1 lr1 vr p~·ople ::I~ !illlC L'!l''' alr.nl! \\'e 1\'1.:n• a l1!1h· d1sorg:1n1zt•d 111 s1ag1n:.: !ho· n1ert this ,·ear bu\ f1·t·I \\t· lc;irnC'd sor:;e thin!.\" !hat 11111 help for the next tiinc." ;o.·!illtr. l:!n assistllnt 10 Ail! Toon1l'y in tr3«k ;ind fil·h ! <flong \\i!h coaehin~ lhl' ITO.'" 1·oun1ry sqll<l<l . is !ookin!.\ forv•;ir<l to the f:dl ha rnl'f' senso n. ·'\\'e open in Hi·no ;1n<l li<:tll' an(lther 1n('et flt Uf 0 ;11•1s 1 All-C.;1!) early in t/11• y1·.·r ·•\\'c 3]~1 pick11t 11p a tr1.a11gular rn<'c! \\ilh liCL1\ and OccidC"ntat on llct 2fi th1:s \~1.·c·k. ·nic 111rt·t 1r11! h<" h('ld :11 L!C L,\ .. T1111tn('1 :ind 1'.!illur h:111· ·•I• proxrrn:;h•!y 35 rrc•-;hn1;111 .111·t JL1n1or rollt·('e t ran~F1•r, 11111·.! 11p lo bnls!Pr th1· 1·1·1d• t !"!llt.1 I during !hi' e<Hlllfl'~ · 0"1r l ..'.ll1·~t to s1~'ll a1111l1c-.111rn" arc somr 11 u 1 s 1 a n d i 11:.; to UCI 1wrfonnC"rs 1n\'lud1ng 1· (l rn l"o1\cy in the tnilc run. CoHC'y f1 ni;.llrrl fif!h in thi" s1:1h' 1111'1'[ 1n ·l:O!l.5 311(1 rs fron1 S.1n i;on.;on10 ll1gh. -'1 lt''s ;1 su[11•r pro<:J)l'1·1 T1101111·~ ;ind ~l illt·r :1grt•e . Cl··n Kl c111. a !'12-lr~•t ~hill putr.•r rr11111 Ct·rrr111~ Co11t·'.!.•'. 1s :um!111_•r ;ipplie:1r1! Slt'll' Scl1ll, jl I' t' I J ll 11 !>.I _I nh·n11oned as " pns~1t.rlJty. h:is P1arlt' :1p~l11·:1r1on .:i:-h;1~ !>;111 Field fro111 V1ilcnc1.1 High, ;1 SU U quartt·r·nlill'r . 1·:d AhlrnC"\'1·r lron1 !-i:1n Bernardino lii p;h ;.i nd olll' u! !ht• l1ljl Ollif·rs in \111• f'IF :\.,\ d11·ision ;dong with Tt·rr.1· Fink, :1n H~ll n1;1n fi·cnl fl . \1 od1·nn /11;.:h. .a 1·r ;·1 I s o ;1ppl 1c;1nl ~ An lea I.er ,.; ))ue I! 011or,.; Jl is/11 Coast Area Golf Res u lt s ol '" 12:1 t!w 1101ru•n ' 111v11:111n11:ol 11tt·n1 ;11 1r·11nr Co;1,1 ( l+ilJ flll.~ II 1•pl,, l'"lh•I'\ :H111u:1! lo11n1.• !'Olllllll In A f11 gh! .l1111t·f t..1 ~k111 111 F11Pndh !till.., I •l\lll1 r~ I \1111 II :1 :. lh1• II 111111'!' II 1lh j fl \!.1ri.;;•rl·I f\<1~t.·r t•I \\,•II.~ fl' 11011 I~ 11i1•1tt l11d1.1n II J[h 1:7 aruJ ~l.1r~t· ,\n1•1Jl••ll1 .. t !!Ill!>. c·c """' llw l' 111;.:hl n1·r 111th !l-1 111 th1' tll'I l••l1lpr•ti11un \'11· it'.lll I l :tllbr'Hl•I.' <1f \ l\'h)11:1 ( '( 1':1s 1~k· ,\ 111n11•·r 11 1t h I:! \1 I• th' L1•t· hf l<i dt:i tH!' l ( 1•.rpltH\'r! I-: ll1glit 11 1111 i2 ;111d l.c11·~l\:.i :-.p11.:u11..1 ul :-,;.1t:;i A11;1 f'(' II :1.~ \\ 1111 ill •·:1 'i~/llt•f l~OJhba• JtJ'l:illfjl!L' \1'011 ]{111 :~rO.\S 1'!111101·, 111 1\ flight 111 a !ow ~rn .. s. !uw 11t·l tuun1a1ncnt for !h1· ~1 .. n11 •n\ clr1 1J :l! El :-.i~utl Countr~ ('luh llu s l\'l•<'k 1111h a stort• nf fl'J K:11 gr:11 h 11 :1' "''t:ond .ii '.l~ fn llf•t iJl·t1un <.;·1" !'c.11•'. .. :• lh" \11nn1•r 111!h -;r; f1 ,:10\\•·1\ b1 .Jt ·:1n Ha.1·1nn111t ;11 1i ('J1;1rlo11 .. LOii" 1'011 I\ 11:· 11: grn,~ 111111 '17, .. d ~~n;: ll•·Th I.ii 1•·1;rrorn 111:i, .J.i1~1 1·:11:..• .. a E1l1•t•n i\!<1r,d1·11 :11 '.-;; .Jn;1n11e \\11od11:1rd fJ1gh! grll· ~ 111!11 ~IB, lJI ,\};1l't\I' \IUll t," lnl!u\\l'ti Jn 111·[ ,l/'I HJll. \JdrlO!l ('no); 11 ;1~ lh•' 11111111·r 11 t111 i'5, IHlln11 - ed lJ.1 l·:rll'f'll,Hr:1ch1t•ll :ii Bii Qf'(IS.~ \11·1or \11th 1111. t ·fi1;Jll~ Uorotll\' l.«11 11 lh Ill ll··le11 Lt·ig h 111111 n"t 111t h 77 1011011· ed h~1 ,\l11r11•I (;air• and l>oroth\' r:ckho[f :it Ill c·.,,.,,. llt•s11 TU!'ll\T !he fh;.:h1 lll't1r 1n a !'f'l~S rrO!>.' IHllJ'll~Ull1'1!1 ;11 r n,1:1 ,\l ··~.t ~;ulf :ind ('oun1rv l'luh 1111• \I l'I'); \I lf!I ,I :!fi1 ,:. 1·:~1t·lll' 11.110111•d 1,1,.1<1 I llr.•!idl· ltub11t'>\1ll "' '" r ),11111·ls1111 11111··111 !21i I 2l' 0, :-..;J1glc I 2~' -'· 111 ,/ 1!111~1 i'"I'' 1 l t'f1l, \'.Hl 'li•:P 1· 11 ;1, !li.· ,\ tl1ghr 11u1111·r 11t1!1 u;, f11ll1~111•1I h1 1·nnn11· J., ll•'f";1n 11'11 I~ .J Sli•l.J \l11t· lh.!rby ;u1U !-i1!111 F.,;o.h·r I j'JI !'oll, 1·11 .\:11:!,I,., ( ;1 p I 1 ~. J.11111" l.ouel.' a11cl \\',1l\h;1 !1 tlt·d f(!r l1 rsl tn I\ !l1gh1 1111h 12 ,.,., !1 C':1ro! l!•hS \1:11'1•;11 fl:11l1n~ lJt•I c:uHl.e1·. !O:l(•:u1flr ( .11•1·n. 1.t.·c :0.1t·rl.l·I and .\l.1 riun \\,,~ lll'ff' IH'.\'I 11 1th I! ('ll!'!i ill (" flight, H11l :r'l\r.·1 :1•111 \'hl'l\1s Barn1 •s c:1l·h h~1;J 1:.: \ .. r l1r~1 l'!lni,.IJ(· l\1·1111,•dl' 11 ,1" 111 ;o.1 111th 12. l11\111\\1·d 11,1 l,11\• 11•·111. l(:1f· \l1!('h1•!l :1 11 d U:11111·l>;n11 with \\ <·H<'h Th" 11·on1l'n's clulJ :it ll t111- 11ngton S<>aclifr r·ounlry Chrh r<·e<·n111' <'on1plCh'ff :1 !\\'O·<l;1~ l't·!c·l'11c toumnn11•n1 In !ht' f1r ,t ll 1glu. .lu:in \\'(';_nrr 11;1-; 1h!' 11i1111('r 11·ill1 1;7 f11llo11i•tl 111 1J1a11.1 ll•J.!>p1·1' if.I:• fl i·l•·n co11•l1·11 and l'<tll\ S !· Ii 1?1 lh·r 'r.•1 ;1.,11 1\nn L• 111 ... 111d \"1r;:111i.1 l .. 1n1t1t•rr 171' ,i.;,'<'Of!d 111:.!li! hllJIOI'\ l\l'!ll l•I \'111 1\·1 11· {l°(;ar;1 ;it Id 11.111 F.il1·1·n ,\l11·n ~··rnnd ;u ii fHll!' pJ ~1 \•'!''1 1\l•tJ ;:I ';"°:! If'· r l11d1t1l! .f111h' Cl <1'.l1n \·irg1r>i:1 S1 1 ·11·n~ .• 1ul11·n1• A•! 1111 .. t1nii 1,.·\'1·n1" P<'to ·rson Th•• 1h1rd n 1J.!h1 11·(•nt !(I :>.lid· rl1" ll1 •n111·1· 11 ii h fi!J. fo!101red 111 Al i('1• l!u\1h:il'd •it.1 1. Bt''' l't•:er~un 1711 ;,ind ;1 !h• !11·1 \\e•'ll !\1•1t•rh F.111rr~on. \'1rcini:1 Sll1i1h .ind P i1·1Tet11· i'roll 1 ;:i' In 11 p11111111.: 11n1rn:1n1 .. nt l,;11nb••r1 11:1~ thi· 111~1 f11~h1 11 ir1111 ·1· 1111h 21\ f11!1n\1l'<l h1 ti,.r!tl1!1n1· 11 .. c1· 1~~11 ;1n•l l'a111 :-iehot1 rn1ll•·r t".01 llo ,\I• 1':111·k~ol\ l"IP'U"\•d 'I'· 1·011111 f111.!hl hn•·ur~ 111th :'\11, f11lln•1o•d h\' 11 :1/('\ \)11 ,l1c:i i'.!:'• ;111ri F\1·h11 H1c1· 1:r:. Raci11g Resi1lt s L°(° Jn !tl\''s "\(' \:\ C'f1!11·~r t!111,1.111 el1an1111nnsh111 h.1"·h;11l tt•:un 11·itl hP horl•lrt•d pnor !•I 1'11· (':1l1forr11 1 1\ n g (' l ' l\',.dnPsd:i)' nigh! J.!:11n1· 11Hh !lie i l:1l.L1nd Alhl('!I('.~ ;11 \11:1h1·11n S1;1dit1n1 T i1« 1\ntt•.1t•·r~ <if C'H:1C'h C.1r1 .\d :1111~. ho11·c11•r_ 11 111 h:r11: <1111.1 a handful of pl ;11 1 •r~ 1111 h;ind ror-1h(' p r f' -~ :i 111 f' 1nln1dutli()11S \n11 \';1q ('l1•.111• lnlhh1•1I 't' i·11nd :11 ~7 .n1d .1 111· r<'~ul!l'd tur rh1rd ,II 21! h~:1111 ·1•n 1:111111 .'·:"ko F1·:u1\..1v !J111 ,1 .rr1d lin'"' I :in \ul,,,.,. Ii lln:ht h•llloll'~ ll•"ll tn \ 1 TJ 1'"1~:i '1L~:!.'..: .. J\ll!m1ed ll,\ Lee ,\]t·1 'k('l 12:: _ • .\L.1.\'llH' 1\,~rn1h \lice \, l.lrn 111111 rl11rd r!1t:ht 111rl1 ~!+1 fnllo111•d t.1· f"r:in "•1llllll•'f'I 1111' 1:lll1 ,1111 I 1ul~·tt1·I (] (;,l('~I 1:!1 1 I ()I.di .• ,\uJ !.:<ill .1IHI 1\l11_J<l1c l Hi·nt1t'I" 111·(1 tor f11111·1 h 111,Ch! FIRST IAC£ -J)O ,~,<!• D''" CIAo.-.rn Pu.-,~ ill~n FIO:I• N' e"<Jn> !C ,rn~·,. I! 00 /, '; !!<><•••' Fon~I~ l t..<,"U\ ~00 fl,.•~·m ll!"h~<ll•' T•me Ii JO ,,.,,. ' ,, JOO "' "''" ·~~ r ,,, l •o O·'""' a,,,,. ,..au••· ""''"" W!i.f. tla ~""""· l"" Lil !lum. P•uum ~ti;> I •."".~,,,, 5«.>l<hM ""'d On\/\!!•, IV''"'' .o C:" o i O•o·I, l•<>"'•lt•nu Bu• 'l f:••d• 10.F!ck!e n• flt•Ohl & J. llK -el'I ,;,,,1~, p1icl llJ.•O ~.u,.,cl ll•t• ->•9 •••d• l Y"~' ~l<J• & Ull S••"'"" ~110 .. A"'' p . ., • "9.-, l'e1>u•u1 IA"'"' !H f>•0"110 'fO '•O ~" "'nr<iuA1o lO (A•<tt·1~1 •1.) 1f'(o s~,,. il• At !T. Lip.tum I 1t lom~ 1161 -'l.l\O l>•n -'"' ~·•nwAv f<lv l· l •• !\•y W•• (~IC, Prl~'•""'•' "o "'""""'' T~ird 111<• -J~ v••cl• 7 '"'" 1• Cl~iml~o. l'vr•• 11100 J<ohn'1 ll'un~"~Y 10 (0•<!01~\ ll.COl<OOMI Col>r• fl•t~ '/ (r.o,1o•r1 1 <J 10 ll'lv~• Foll• (1 L•p~Jm! ~10 l •rn• 1a 11 Alro """ -Mr SP'IO<I count K•ndv M~•-. Un~I' t<ww. ~nr ''"· F"''· fl~v•ds Pue~1<>. Go B•~Y !<><, IJ r T ·••o ~.-' ~t••lrh~d -Gn!!• Con l•"· G<Jc·<. T<u" A.tmlr ,it, l ,>n"PP• fl•r 'our1n II•<• -i10 ~A•O• l '""'<,Id, & un (1.1.,,,;"n Pu"'' ~.'l'I' i ,,o,, ll<><.•~1 l0,.1•rl ''"~ I •~ >•~ f'luge'1 In IJ {•~M'"'i 11.10 ~JO Su••n <loolt f( ~m;lhl ,., l lm• <6 ~I Al '>I' R•n -Gft~•,.no. liu• ~··••· Ooe "'"" O<ily, ll-'""o. J.ov !!~• l ~t•d1c"ed KonQ • 11 ... 1u; Fill!> R•<• -l)ll v•rrtJ, l v•~• oon, 11.ll<>w•n<• "'"~ IHOO Oiindy Oupll!t T• (T L•Pn•m •C..O J,J '•O c,;not <'t•J•de tR fl•n.,1 l l>O '~J c.itch~o•t !R Art•ln 1 •u1 Tome 11.lO I A"D II•~ Ntv~. tl•V•• L•ntl !'"'d i 11~r C~•cft, wtn n C11pv, Qulntv Tru "o •c .. 11rneo SI.in ••<• -1()(1 v~rd• l v•ar olcl~ t. up. {l;,,mlno;. l 'ur;t 1~ The C:ounl (K H~rt) 1 <0 l.60 31'0 Wl•e Wllllt IE. C.•'18) ll 00 'col Ml"~ ~ ...... I !J W.1•dl + o:ll Tom~ lO lJ Al;o 118" -l lny w.rc1> llO'llnd. ""~! Rou~I. ArilOI!• Gold Ou·• 1110001 11100, L~e Bft W•tcn, Aloht II•• I No S<rftlChr• _,....,.......-.--. !'TC-··-----· PMf\., .. , ... · · • ...... ,,." Ul.M L.li-········· ............. ,ltll ttn.u. .• ,, ..... ,, ........ ... . """' .......... , ........... "''' S~Y~n!h ~It~ -Of;O VMD< oln' &. UD lllll'w,,nc~ ""'I• ~•'JO!i \'"''" !'t utu • 1J R,tn••O;! /20 N,,,,~11~ T ~n (l l>tyll M,.rl>I~ fj.;n (I( HMn , :~ ion ~ /h ' •'l "" ll•no lOJ.l Al'o l'l~n Lt!\~ llrc.,o. t ( t•, "' " F'~" [\,IO'· _s, ''r>l B." '· I'"'' ,..,,, .. ~rt~ltlH•<l -R,••I~· Du" 11 Eight~ Put -"0 V<lr<I· Na· Cid'"'"', ru"• 11er~ c~~v l!o<•e • 11 l •0"·'"'\ ;. ,J • ,. 5>~<•"<1 Of'C• ll '"11•<1 l•O •1 l •lll• OUPI' !( ~m1ll•I / •0 FtitJr' n11•nlhf'l'S <of !ht• 11':1 111 .1l't' pl:1y1 n~ pruf1·s,111n:tlJ.1. tnl'ludin:.; C;11·y l\'111•\'lnck. Jl.'I f \l:d11 1.iff. l\1·1111 Br1d~1·~ .1nl! H;1~1 llurn11hr1t•s Hori Sp1•111"· ;ind ,J" 1· r .1 .\l:i r:1~ ;1 rt' 111 1\l:i,~:1 1111h thi· F:11rb;inks r:old11;1n•11·r 1111! T"rr.1· Sl11p,v 1s 111 1!1111lr!, r ("1110 T:11I fJ:n·1s '' pl.·~·111;.; 1•1 Sp11nt.!fit·ld. !II i :ind ./U\ ('I ' ( ':1pl1.~ I ~;I' c ' H«!I~ \\';1 l1h:ill 126• I 11 ! · tll ~Ill. ilh' II 1flll1•1· LEASE A '74 DATSUN PICKUP '79 mo. . l ,1•ll>ITQ O l l COSTA MESA DATSUN 214!> MARIOfl ILVO., C.M. S40..6410 <!IHI h1\ll(ll'\ II Ith .'!2 I 0111111 t•il "' 1\lu ,. I f11h!1;1nl :11 :::! 1\';1~1 FOR EXPERT SERVICE foe your import call European C<1r Repci ir~ ... H~tll<U lllvd .. c ..... 60 l••O 1 "'' n 1J 1 "''" 11 •~ n,.,., I·"" ""' "" ·--------------------------------------------.... 11 .. u,~ 0•"''" O•n~ Iv'" W"""'''' .._.... 1 """' ,.,"'" l•ol ~·1• ,.~,.,.·-,. ~ct.•t•n"" G~niUo• /,'·•"· Ou•·I I f;,,.,,. 10~•*!" J·• A•ll f! < II !'••<•• • E••v ll:o<~"' & 'Sl•<-•d D•<~· Pa•d lt~l SO Nrn!n I!•<• -:;") ,,i'I',!• 1 ""' t. V•• {1,, .. , '"' p~.,,. Sl.•"'1 Dun~ s "'"~' IJ 'N •l•n'" 11 .O 1 •n c.o Ml~Tv JO" ro C•1<1otnl iotti M• l ·"P' I ' W.>tro • ''"'' I~ 11 Al<n l' .• n ""' ~· '""""~ ""' (.,,.,. M• •' '"' V•! F'''" l!Arc,~ ~.ml Q"'' O"co f!,,,, ~~"u"'' /,l,~'·'1 CH" "' ~, ,~,<~"' (,o l>!lh' .IP• ""' N<:'"'· r,.H+o•n•~ Smr><1 IS l"•~<T• -Ou~•·• Nln~r & l·Go MO! t ~ Jo~. P•it 1<.ll O(I If you always wanted a Mercedes Nows· the time . While we have a wide a:s· :sortmenl ol models and colo1s 10 choose from . Lease direct lrom the world's lergast ex- clusive Mercedes Benz D1111ler and :save. JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS °""". nc:wport t c:nni1 C 1ki SUMMER WHITE SAL E! FEATU RING: ALL LADIES TENNIS DRESSES Head -Po int Sel Ra cquettes 40-Love Keddie Kreations Quantum 20 o/o O FF lod<e'> H ot ~ American Golfer Hanipton Court 30 % O FF Men \ HEAD Tenn1~ Short ~ & Shirt ~ SOo/o O FF Men '~ Scosporl Sharl\ 30 °/o O FF Rocket Bog-II Bike Rocks 19731Model K S w1s~ Shoe5 NO W 9 . 95 (Req. S23 95) TRETO RN Reg. 3.i5 ... NOW 199 Limit a Bo•e; TENNIS BALLS Pe , Cu;lome' JUNE 27, 28 & 29 6110 W . COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEAC H 645-4060 . Sup(>C>t 'l Boo~t c·d At LJ( :1 I I' lt'I llh'' ,1 1 h I ''I ! , pr•1gr11ni 1~ 'h1fl1ng gc:ir ,,11,J !111· 111J 11 n·,1~111,Jl1I•· lq1 Iii• t'li<lfl'.'.l' J.~ l'lr,Oflf'O•l1P! I 1 11 1\Jd1'J!'h. A!ctrie ll l•!ld 1111' t:" :i"" 1 1•r Club thl1! th1• .1ill:1 11,• '! 101 ·1 <1rsl11 p pr1J1!,r:r111 •ti I \ I 11 .. 1 Id f\ITl ~~i !W~! 1111 'IP 111,111 , \('11()01 Yt'Uf "( 111r !a r;:•·I !•11 :1·· · · , 11 1 ~1:i:. 1..:111 ;1111! 111 1~1~a. !'l 1'. ,\:!I ti .. up lo ~2ftll.WMI · l •ur111t; 1h,• 1•17n, 11 ·,11· ·"' g•olfl~ I\) 111;1111!.tlll U<ll Jll":.!' 1111 <ll\ 1h1• lo1 1l 11 h.r~ \:1\,1 ··'h• t•ll'i) 11h1•n 11•· pl.111·d 1!1" J;r,I 11;11'·1· p 110 l!,l'llt' 111· "'" ;.:0111~ !<• 11.11·· l•i •hilt:.:• >If' '\\ t' 1i1•1•1! ,I f.11 111<•1·, ;1:.>t!l''''il•' JJlo;,?1.1111 .ind I •11 , .. 11,f11·d th.1f', lli• •11•1\ I.<\ 111 !11· ! d11n'i pr·11rv1·" 1t1.1t 11.· II du1111 lll" 11111" \\1• 11 111 d11 1111• 'l11tl111~: "I 1•ro:1 1 • Ill Ill<>( I !ho · I\ L' IH·Pn l.1k10·~ ,, ~1111:111 .. 11 lwd.. ,11 \I IH'l'l' f i!lll ;1111f \\ h1 •t'I' !li1· UJ11\1•r\J t ~ I\ "\l't• 11ill rn;1ht· tilt' 111,.~I u : l1h:1! \\f• /1:1\1• 111 l'U;,i \I L' \\l'l'l' 1·1·n:11111.1· !h1nk 1n~ ;il1out 11h:tt 1< e 11 ere ~0111i; to b1• "Tl1;11 olll Y;111l.1•p (·l1eh" 1li:11 ~'t'' put 1q1 n :· ,hu1 tl]l 111·1! I '"111'1 shu t up ~/) I rnusi p111 "'' 1111• c·h.1nrrlll'lr Iii 1n trw1k ,, r.1•1 :11 f!'lh111 I ·n1, 1·r~1·1 , f 1·ahfon11:1 1·1~t1tu11nn I '<'I \ f•ir 11:-0H1•r lu h:1..,4•h:1I\ 1·o;u·h 1;·1r1· Aclarns II•· 1vrl\ 1•on:in1u • 1•• :!tn11 ll np .. full ,1, a n1 •11:lil.onn" 111~1 11u1ion d0t•sn't ri:uch 11u1 111 gr1h lrun " Aldr\('h s:11(! 111 pr;1i~ing \hf' 11·0~·~ n1 11111 Er11 <:1 of 1h1· L·c1 rn·11 .111d 11nplv1nc, 1h;1\ \lit· ~illllC j!h•·., fur ·\d;1111~ . • I 11 \\'II I I !l f f I (' I ;1 I n II 11 1) II 111' I' l'I (' n 1 ,,f th1· lll)IJ'1in1111•·n1 <ind 1111•·1 I •• ,11 r··I! lht•rn. ·You (·n•111!" t t1 :1• • :1 1.n1 r .101u1g 11\:1n \·1 h 11' p,. tho• l•'.llll lh.ill Ill•' "11~· { ! I ~1·nds lo yu11'" '1!11· l'li:111r1·ll 11 11•11,,n,,,, i1 iii ;>tll 111\' 1h1• ( '('! p;1'1 ;•111\ l\u· h1rth 1•1 n1:1'1''lT \n!. '• .1110 lh•· 11""1! Z.01 ..... 11.. -.rhr.nl'-= l1.'1!ll1• 1·11 111• 1'l'•'(hh•.l :t ,.tu<h 11: "' ,, Sk.1lar l\;"'"11 '•,, '" Hf l!.!11\0ll 11h• I 11\d \11hl 1•1 1h lirsl 1·1 1 :1rh!1•l1•· 1ur.,··1 \\a(t·f pnlu. lj.j n11•r 1·.ir 1'•·11 •I '•llllull:l' " '"' .Ju•i> IJ41LV l1JLUI f ,; St.ill Unsigned ,"l1.e r11ici11 Says l VFL ls Ill ll !I\\ \Ill! J. 11\\1)\ UI H10 0•,ly PdO! $tfl1 I t.ul -.11,., llJ.HI 1• lo 1~11';' 111111 ;l!d 11, it,, l'1i I 11i.,1 ti:,ll .. ;1~:1/1 \\ 1111 ')1· I I' ,\11 .. 1'!0•\ 1;,,,,, Hui t/w 11 • 111« '' ,10j, 11• 1-11 t 1111111:' 0111 •/, -.11111.11 •I ~1gu111i: 1' 1th .H11 111 1,,, \\1uld I• 111 1!1 I• .•L"'" Iii•• l!.•ld U!J)I• 1111111!\ 1•,111•-, .L! >ll;.! I t1 , 11·11 • , 1::11• ·d :1 ' ""' r:·~ 1 II 1)1 1111· fi.11n-lo! ..,h,•1111.111 ,,,1' I 'I' II• d '" .1 I! I, • .1;.;•·l1i l;l'l \ l';I/ ,11,d ;u" fl 1 I' ltl d" 1,h:•h'1••r ! 1··,,111 I" ,1, \h1' 1 .. ;11 ll.b li• 1,i11.., d "ilh 1111 '" 111<· 111·11 \\'I I. l1·.11n,·• I 11· •.di. d 1•.,r!r l.i1 11· <1' 1111· i•t thi.·rn 111 1.11.t I l,d~\·d ' ' 1 I I !<'II ! 11 •I I' •I'· 11 J !I;.( \\'J!) I J/w l:,.tll'. J.1~1 ,I ('.II I I •I' dr .. ·~ ,1, 11 .i~ .il !Ill' l\1·1' i 'll0•'ll1t. II 11111 l,o·lp p!:1 .I 1'1 ~I Ii> ii.II•' 11 11' 111u•: .111un 1:111 111•1 bil'lllC~' 1·nl"l'IJ!I 1.'. ll' I I Ill' lt•:IL((!(' 111 likt· :Ill\' d 1e 1• :1 rt• g11 111g tu l',~p•:f'l1'IK'1· gro111ng Jl.!111~. I! •1~·111111 tll••1 {11'<' r(';1<l\' for th1· \'0111111 :: ~•«1 ~011 -ilnd !hr f;iu .. ~l1rul!d h · tno 11 1·011 11;111• 1h•· n1·11h' lr·huut ~·ot; ii I' 11nh :1 •IU<',1!1111 .,f llllli '' T li«t'<' h;1' • lw• 11 rtllllfll'S ••I " ~1111.t• ol'lt!J!l!! -.:r:1. p\:1~··rs 1111~ \I .ti 1 .. Jlio')'" '..'H111:-! 10 J)1• •Jiii'~ I 1-1 ·' 'l'"':-lifin -.1 nl..c .'· ~'.1i.:rn):111 !>.;\\' HI ;J .. 'flit'. lh\'t'I.' "nh ipl1·~t I •J\ \I.ill\ I l,l' Hiii' 11 .. 11 ;d 1111 lho • l\;11n;, lh1s 1·1 Jl\111:! ~ ... ,, .. (\~ 1·1i11rk l\rl I\,, tlh· 111 ·.'I pro f•1<l!IJ;dl \.'IJ,lt'l\ J°\c l!i'C'll Ill· 1 ,,fl • I ,11111 ,\11d 1hn1 ]1;1i; n lot I I 1! I II il!I !ho• S1'!T!'~~ <11' T,,, ,. l'I 1111· l!·t•J!I l·'rn•ll Iha I I T. 11<1· 111:! I Iii' l\,1111' :1r.; ;1 •ll'Pfl'.' l'I lll<"ltlt r L.A . LIN Sove UpTo S IZ9 Mo. Your Own B~iN'11 l i11e Minirn"m IS Call$ ~r day Son fronciscco Lir.e~ Only Sll 4.!>0 Mo. plws wu1~ Th~ T •l•pho"• c....,.......y of C<'.llif_ 100 l Rrd H1N, Coslq Mt•o 121 JI 77J.1 1 J-4 141 S! 421·1234 11 141'179-12)4 (l Bonus ROD SHERMAN 'J'IH',I .il .. u hr11~· t he talem :11111 I 1hu1k the~· 11111 do r!'.d w.·11 th1~ .1·1·.1r ·· J:,•l 11g a 11111!• r~·<'t'rlt:r. hov. d1 •·s II\' fl•t·I <1ho1Jt ! h r 1 .. 111,.,\ati•tn1·n1 ol I." n l' ,. Hl'rl!'lt:I 111 IU1u1s li\'Pr.•{' "I've pl:i.1·ed aga111st Lane" l;ut ne1 er on the sarne t('a111 11 Jth h1n1 . hn11· a l•rt ol r.·sperl fo r 1hc 1hu1g~ he l'i.ln do on th1· fo(tliall fiel d •·t rt:all~· (tun'1 look at 1! Fruin ;1 t•111.1p1·!1!Jf t1 .~!;1ndpou1t The H.t111-; h:u! fire 111d1' r'•'I 1·i\t'!" \lh '11 (/\1'\ \\I'll\ !II 1•;1111p la·r ~1·.tr 1nC'hiding: Jack :-:1·1" :111:1 tt:u~dd .J:1!'k~on. "l hhp1· !'111 f.:<'lllnf:: the \o. I ~1~1 1 o:r rlit· 1<'an1 11 11h :in equ;1! st;1rl tliis se.:i.son." Higt11 11011· he 1s n101\' ron- CL•rnlod \\1th !he :.UCN~<\\_J! this pr111nnt1n11 1h:u1 y;ith th e thn1atr11{'<l s1 nkl' ol ~FL 1 l:i yL·r:-Ill ,J11l,1 lh•'s ph~!>.ll'<t lly lit rind read\ 1 .. 1· plc1,1 ri!~ht now . .J Ui\ E Si\LE I · tl y., . .,I Io . I• ,11\ f '< • ! ,I I EXCELLE NT SELECTION Immediate Oeli11cry NABERS Pari{ef£u· -Mercedes-Benz- can11ot introdu ce the Diesel passe11ger car as a new idea. We did tl1at over 38 year s ago. !~"11::1\i~ Y •l•·!ll 'I +I ' I' 1111 I 1' \ I •1111·111111 . ,, /\ i ,,( ",. ) •. ' 111! I 1 •.11 i. I ' '"I ' I ,, "I 1.. 1, ! I ' n T 11 II I 1 11 I' '" 11 , j, •II \ j, r, t" J, • 1:, ·n · I ., ·1 \\, ",.,!,. 11,,·"' t ,. l·, ! 1h 1' (, •t 111 • I 1" ••Ji. ,·I'" .\11.l \Ii r•, I fl, " '" "'' fi.i,,,,JJl)11·-·l·1t• ,,.,,! ·•· 'J, ' ,, f, .... ' II I 1. " I I " ' I I· I ' ' H1·11~ I 111··· I ,, •!!I II q r/11n_: IU• l'fh· o 1, "' t; 1 ), •I 1nir,.n 1!1! I l1"'"! ~ "1'< 111 tu• 'tral1rdin.1r. llll'l l 'l •llHHll\ r 1111· r1 .qjr "' rl1" I'" , 1, 'f, 11<·11·, 111«1 "o>f!dl)I\ 111 I •lllo d1 •<•; l II ' j ,, ,1 • "lhl•i. i. .. I I/I ),·1 ··11.I, ,,111 I I ~- ! ' / • '' J IH 0 '.1~111\ • •O II I.II\ ·I I\" , I dot .'4,'I '. ,,, '" 1,·,I ~4 4 n11ll '• 1 di ·'I \11,I d, II\\ "\\ 1d1 <11 ,111!•• ,, 11111 ltll ·ll 1111 f\'•1 . 11.1 • oil•11 1!11 '" l ,, '"ii 11d· l!l .1111! lu ·lo" 11 .!r11 •t t ,I, I' I .. I I ·111 't• "! d. tll<'''" <I• 111, I· •\11. j. 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Pro.~JJ<>rit.Y l'H \(,t·1-: 1L l 'l 1-· Tl1t· .111·r;1t.:I' fo1·1·..,1 ,1 hl'rt' nnly \1;1nl" 1,1 1111ri; .111d 11111• !11-. h1•vr The i.p<·:1k1·r 11.1-. .t ( ,1•, t1 " .1 rn;u1 11·ho l'XJ)l'rll'llred llll• :-i111 ll'1 1'1' •1u~1 nf J!liill .u,ct 11!10 1rarns 11011 11·il1 for ;1 '1t11ct lif,· JI(• 11:1.s ~lk':1l.1nt: :d~iur 111~ 1t·Jlo11· C 7 t' t' h v ~ I 11 1 ;i k:. hut h1.., t·on1n1f'n1-hf':1rrt rt'l"''11\><ll~ dtiriug :1 rre1·1l' J!IUrnt·~ 1hr111n!h E 11 <;; t 1· r t1 l·~11ropt.·-f1ts 1h1· 1111~)(j r.f 1'us"t·• - ! 11rnr><>an 1•1np1n· :111<1 11 ... lo11;.:-;.u!l<'ru1;: o ,111cns 111 pnl111r~il ,1111uJ,\1JhL·rl' :ind lil'1llf! s1.1 11dard~. rh,, 1·11u111r11•<; u! f.:J~l••rri Eurn111._. prob;obh d1fl<'r frPnl 1•:1<'h oth<'r H10fl' 111.111 lhti«!• uf \\ ,. \I I' I' n l~1 1n1p1•-.•s\1<'< 1;1lh 11011 111;!1 lh1• Kn•111l111 1s ,.:1 11ni.; 1h1•1n :1 r1·l:1111t• lrL'1•don1 111 eh;1 1·1 !h1·1r 01111 C'lll.lf"\(' --·---llc1" is " ("<>lJ.nu-:-~~·-,:ounlry ou1l1n~· ol how tuu r uf !ht· rn11~l 1111punanl J.,;1~l Eurnpe:111 1·11u11ir1r<; :11·1· u~111~ 1h:t1 frl't'<lo1n :ind lht· rlf1·l't 11 l1as on l'\I('[~ d;iy !If(' Cz t•t•lt•tsl '' 1_·111-· i 11 \.1"r' JJHJ l·"·!h'r )(isl ;1 -1r~11gl11 [)'.111t•r <:1ru:::!!lt• 111th Sandor !;nsp~I". le:1<i"l" nf rl,,. JIHl•'l'h1I llu11g;1ri.111 1r:1dL' lllllUll ..:. r lho· d1rt•1·111111 11t .\1·1·rs' t•ron1llllle' J ,.1I11 •Tl' j •• 1-p;1r <'ntnpla1111·d b:i~··d r(·forin<: 11·orkl·d 11\·11 rh1.: prutlt· !110 \\'t•il -tl;;,i II,••\ L.•11 t' ]IJH IUU!'h 11H•fl('.1' !11 111;111,UO:"I'~ ~Pl'('U!ator:> iHl<l jk·a~anr~. 11lld·· hliu·- r·1•ll:1r f.1rtor·1 hands llt'ft' l1•f1 bt ·h1nd 'lh·· i''11r1 :1~rt'l"<l. l••hl .\1t·r~ In tn:ikt• ;1tl111~11111·111,·· ;ind 11;11·Jh'(I l···lh'r 1h:1l ti•1· pr11il<':,:ed pn-.111011 01 tu~ 1~a~<111f" 1\,1\ •'!1(f111i.: '.\')'1•r!> h.ilko•d. th1•1t l"l•fi!St·d ,1 <l1•riu1.1· 11r·1·tlll•·r·~ 1oll lhr·n q1111 f ;.-,~p:11".~ 11rrory po11111'd up ;1 111·1 ··l11p111~·nt 1n l~as1t'n1 f.ur:-i:l" - 11 .. 1 h"f\ ;111d lr:1rh· 11•1u1n .. 1111;111~ n1•11 1!,,11 :l'(" ;:o• lt!n~ 11 ';11 \JO\\l'r f-',.r '•1' \'"·1rs. !r;icl,• ll'll"llS !Jl ('1111\11111111~! 1·.,11 11t•>: h;11·1· hL·•'ll l'IJ n1111•• !h:in 1•111·prn1n1·111 111·:111011 . ., lur -T:iii!i7iTTiilg 11n1·k';'·r~ 111 11101"~1 01 l•:;1~l1•n1 1-:ur!lp~· 1his 1.; ~1il! 1r11" 1111! 111 llung .. r\ :1rl 1 l'nl:1nd 11111u11 l1·,11h·ro; :iri· h•·g11ir11n~ !1J f11:h! (nr tht•ir 1111•n. 110 1·kl·1·~ 111 rt•t11rn. dl"I' ll'<'rt•as1n~ll 1111l111i.: to th<' lhl· ur11011;. ,,, .i n·t1:ilill' cti:11111l·l !111 ! Ii,. i r gr1•'\:1n("o'" Tll1 I'•' 11·11•• 1t1d•-•'.l l••'1·r1 1i1Jti1' pr .. , 11r,.<; fnr n1nr1• 1 rl r n I 11 i! 1 t .1 I !'\'POrt !t:ll,1· :111 p1•l'<"l'l1T uf 11,; ;111nu:il 11Ul1HH-1114'1 11d1n ~ 11'< ll1·.~t ("0115\llllt'r' gi:Ods. f\IO·lhirct-. ril II~ .'ll(lt'S. n10-.i. n1 l!S (a1 ... JI~ ht•,.,1 1n11r-1u-.110 h.Li.'Jl its 1.:r~d11 r.1t1ng up 1\l /k)tlll'. ~tor·,, .. a11.: h;,rrt>n. Th..: re 1s t11rlo· rlil'ill-unh· ~au~;igt• ;ind chtl'kl'n \\url..Pr<; grurnbil' .1htn•! h11!h quo1as ;ind "flt•t·d-111~ l'1es1dt"11t .. \u•hu lal' ('t•,1us1•,r11 1•vrn 1·an('i~lt'<I 1h1· 111·0-ct:.•: illay Da.1 hr11illn.\ 1/u.~ ~ 1•Jr \'o·\ f,•11 d1plun1;11,; e\fl<'tt an l'X\)los11111 l!n111:1111a l" tho· only ~o\·h·t-hlot' 1·n1u11r\' !11.11 h:" 11~·1 t•r h;HI an upt1:;111g or .1rt1·1npt1·rl 1"·UP Fnr1•1µ111•r, rnost oft1·n 41••\('f"l~H· IC01nnn1:111s ;i~ ·•rJ11111l .. · If tl14·1"t• h lrOllhlc. l11i(' th·· 1111 \'.tllt·y n1111t•r"· •tnk1· 1·i·ei•rHly (',·:•u,i·~• ll lilM,.'Crb tu tht• ,,.,.n •. to sn101>1h thin ~..: •11t·r ( 1•;1U,\(•:;t'U, :11 5(j I~ ltl IO!:ll l'h:u~1· L:1l.11kc u1os-1 o!ht'r 1<:a>:! i.;urup1•:u1 l1·:11lt·r.~. hr run;; 11 f11ll·lil(loll 1 "'i·11ll nl 111·1·1'!1r1:1l1t .v." His p1r1111··· 1s 011 l'\·i·r r grn·rn11nPnt and s!top \\"all. llt•\pi11• lhL' t't'1111u1nlL" h~1nlsl1 1p~ lh1· Jl(1U1an1.in pt-'OPlt• .1pp1:<1r tu :1ppru11t: I (•,11i..··~1.:u\, J)(li1l'Y of 1nd1·1~ntl1•111 l' 110111 !h1· d1•spised Hus~i:1ns n!-'X! cJoor Tastes Good Life .S <tt ellite S tates Alakt' Use of Fr ee do1n To Ritn O·w1i Affai1·s -W itliin Li1nits B~ l!Jt 'JIAHD t'. Ltt,'\l;\\'UHTll !H n \l'l<)i'I' 1L"J'l 1 -!'n11111ired b;. lh!' \\(•~t. !h(' So\'ll'I l'111p1r1' 111 L'.:asto•rn l·'.uropt• J1,1 ~ 1•11t1·1·;·1l :l 111•1\' l'l'.I. F11r th1• first t1111i· :-.1 111·1• \\1orld \\'a1· ll. !11.· 11•111tlrh'~ .11 tl11<; 1·111p1r1· ha1 1· U.•t•n i.:11 1•11 :11ld u11·:1r.\111:.:11a.1<;, :1rl' using .1 111•\\' 1n•1•rl11111 lo run 1h1•1r own .1fLurs \lo,l·11v., d1s1r'.1t'lt~l b\' l.'h1n;1 :111c..t cJ,·tt·111t·. di•111:ind.'i .. nty · !hal 1 h 1· t'un11n11n1s1 p:lrl}' 111 t«u·h ro1u1tr,\ k1••'I! t"11t1!rol -<111d ket'p th1· l~"11·i· lh·por1,; fron1 F.a:-1 Cl·rn1:1n,\ ;1 ud liulg11n:1 i11d1l'<1!c 1hf'St• 11111 c:nunlri•'S d1•S\-r1·1· th1·1r r'1•pu1;11i1111 .1s tl1" l:1~t of ,\ht°'l'Ull '<; l-UbSl'l'Vl••t!1 "~<1[1•/lil1•s." nut ."I ~.l~H!-111114• J1)Ul'll1·y h,v ttus 1·01Tl'spond1•111 1hrot1gll 1h1· 0Th1•r four 1·ou11tn1·s 11htrh lonn 1h1• !it·;irt 11f !ht• L'r1)jllf'(' -l1 11n:.::1r.1. l'ul;i 11d . l.'11·1·!it1sln1·:1k1a .ind 1!1n11:1111:1 o 1111l1n11s lhi· JL1i.l i.:nlt·n1 u1 ,1 ll11ng:1na11 lh'l\"~lll."lll "Hus.~i:i is 1;1k1ng ;1 1norl' .~oph1~1ii·:111·d pnlil'y lnll':1n! 1-::istt•rn l•:orop1•. 'l'hl'~ :1 1·1• 11illlng to nllo11• a 11 Hl1· di v1·rs1 t_1· Tlll'Y n1:1;. not undl·rsr:ind 111i:1i's going on 1\1•1\• -hut at lt•nst the~ 're not stoppiug ii." 1'1·0111 1he gra.11 B;1 lti<" ports 10 t!1(' pl.l!>lic: l'«SOr1s of the Blat·k Sea. the ne1~ <llTt'lll is on pro.~1>t'nty and st~biti1y. ln n111s1 (lf the: hi{)('. lk."'Opli· hilve 1nore 1111111e.1 ;ind 111on_· pl:1t"l'S tv sr>t·nd it -on 1-.1rs. 1·lnth!-'s and countr.v hoznes. Huoµ:ina n supl'nn;irkers Sl'll fro1t•11 goul.1~h ,\nc1,.n1. t'Oh blt•d s1 ref'IS ;1nd .\f!Uilre·s fill 11·1!h tl l'll l'aSll'f'll·fll;1di• at:1os \"olgas. Trah:u11s. 1 larias. Skod:ts. J'ol.~kJ F1:1ts ;ind Zh1g,1li..: !:utlh•·r shn1)s 111 l'ragu,· Uurs1 1111h bt'!·f :111d pork l 'nl1."h gi rls iolll'r through \\ars;111· 011 pla1tnr1n sh0t•s <111d f;1shion tnodt'ls 1n:11·(·hl'<l 1n lhe l~u1IHfit'Sl :\lay J)ll,\' p:ir<td<' this yenr. .S O.\IJ:: (.'llLiNTill ES not ab J y J lung:11·.1• ;ind l'nland -hnvl' u:;ed lhc nrw liro.1tl n1.1ndatt• frotn 1\lose011· 1n 1·~p;1nd person::il fr!-'edo111s. Fnrl'lgn 1r:111l'I. \l'estt'rn filn1 s, u n r 11hibit1· d l"i1tllel'S:1t11111 -lhl's11 .'.ll"t' takl'tl lnr ).!r<in !t1L 4'\'t·n 1r publ1 slll'd er!licisn1 pf eurn1nuui~in or Buss1;1 IS not. Thi· S111u•l'i. 11!1" still hold 111·1·r;ill l'l•lltrhl. !lll'll·r !u kl'l'Jl the fl'lllS lt>O!oc'. ,11111111t1~ l1bi'r!11•s that rl·lltn1n tatx>r) 1:1 l(U!>-'il,L 11 .. ,.11. llO\\' Thi· li!'\llH!t' IS :1 phr;.tSl' th.JI l'rnps up 11l 4'(lOl'l'rSal 1011 .1/lt•f ~·11t1ll'l'S:ll111n D11n ·1 rock !In· IJu.1l" 1·;;1st\·rn Europt· tod.'.l .\ sho11·s 11tll·· or tht• rnCH10IJ11Ul' s;1!llt'l1('SS that \'t.,1tors 1·~ p1·t'f ln..:14•;u!. lht· Ji1u mey displ;i\ crl :u'l .1.~!1 uu.~hu1g 1":111).!!-' of rl•g1nn•s nnd st~·lt:s -J hzni.:;tr\ II htf"h piOllt'l'ft'd l'<.'OtlfJlTIJ(' ·•tld poll!ii';il l!l>t·r:l111.at1011 111 !hr l<l!f' H~HI•<. t111s 111111 Jes g<1tnblc. Jts n·forn1s .ir'i• IM'lll~ c·1J1l\olul:1to•d 11011. ~nn11• l'f- lri•nr•hnH•nt 1~ O('('llr!"lng h11t hot l1 dq1ln .. 1n11!s ;.in1! H11nga r111ns sny ll11s is :li1 ned ;1( tr11n111111g :111:1v 1·\~'t<SS~·s. rather 1han 1111111:.: 111111 eh<111gf's 1h;1t h:ivc lt'H H11d:1p1·s1 f.11· clo~t·r tn .\luui('h 1h:1n \lr>s1·u11 111 11111(1([ nnd Iii 1ng slnndnr<!s. -Th(' pol11u ·vl r•·prt·ss11ln 11111l0~:.f on ("11·• lln\lo1·11k1:1 :1ft1·r' thl' Huss1au-k_,1 u11.1•1iu1 11f !!Ifill ll;is not 1·;1sed. Thi.' few d1i;std1·111~ 11 hn h:1vi• nul I led .in· ~1lt•nr1•1I f'ol1t11·:i! ;q1;1th 1· grips !Ill· rr~t n! tlh· P<'11plc. Hur a d1•l1bt•r;1te c::unp:-11gn 111 llu,1' -1ff 1tis11ulli·n1 11·11h ronsu1nl'r good~ has 11·ork1:d SQ 111•11 !!1<11 !ht• l"!l!Ul1rv IS Ill H n111111·y~puu1111g l11i0111 C'z1·<·hoshi1•;11i\. h~, ;1tl r1·1)()rts ;irt.· rt•s1g114•d -:Ind l'lllllt·nt. -Af!i •r tin· Polish t'tOI~ /'ti ll(Tt'fllii•·r 1!170 . !ht· 11!'1\' ('onUIHllHS! h·:1d1-rs It\ \\':irsaw bt'gan lhl'1r •11111 1)l)ltt ll'<1I and t'l't1110111i<' r1•vi!al11.<1!11ui -l1·ss forrn:1I l h~1n till' lh111guri;u1 n-fur111s but 111111 thi• :-.an1(· n·sul! Iron p:irr~ 111n1 rol ;H 1111· 1011 c·nrnbint•s v.·11h ;l fr 1· 1• 1-1• h l' l' 1 11 g lillt'r:il i1at1011 in ev1•r1'da\' l1f1-. \1'1 lh1· l'nlL•s. ll \·ing bt'Ut•r .th:1i1 t•Vcr .l.u•f,>rl'. l"l'll1a1n w;lf}' of lh1•ir h•.1d1•rs. -Unlik1' !ht• Pllh11·s. ltorn;u11.1 1 ~ 1111!1·p1•ntlt•11t 111 lnr1·1gn 1}()J1c.v liut 111'0- !'il;1/i1u~t :1t honh· l'rt·~idt'nl :\IC'fll:u• ( "t·;11 ist•st.·u pron1 ot1•s constant ;1dul;1l1011 Jluu~:ir.\ ·~ .!nnu" l\.1it:1r h1·furc !lli.'rn botll g;111• !lle'll' p1·011l4· '' C 0 U I HS h l"111111nun1~rn 11 t:1~h· of the good 11tings !<:.\STEil!\' El 'HOl'E h;1s n.-d1rl'<.'lt.od 1111 !r:1di• to11ard the \\'t•s! tv /:l'I \\'cstl'nl 1•qlup111t·11t ;ind knrnv-ho11'. Hornania. l'ul.11ld :tnd llung<irl' do ~o !)l.'f(.'f!l\t or th1•1r tr:Jch• outs1dl' 1he Co1nnn111 isl bloc: E:i st Europ••:111s inakt· p;irt s for Swc:d 1sh t·:u·s <lllll 1.:lu1h"s for U.S. 1nailorder hullSl'S Fi'l;t'fl prw1·s. hugr subsidies nnd IUl\'·("O..;t S<l1111·1 uil h.!Vl' l'JUJbll'll then1 to i·o1:w· WJlh Ulflill!iMl and the cncrb'Y l'rlSi!I so f;1r. I.Jut h•ll' "~·11110111ist s bel ieve th:tt F<JS!t·rti Eur11pi" h<ll'ing 11lunged in10 !he 11urld et\.111on1~·. r:1 11 t'.Sl'apt: ii:.: 11r£1blerns lor long. llu1!1 E;1 st C1'rn1:1uy and Poland t'l;1im 111(·1·1 brr.~hi11 111 rhr 11ur!d 's lop !O 111dustri;1I t'1H1nlric~. !lousing ren1ains J • ~1111 ."iSitt is lt1l.:iJ111 ,. Jffflt'e SflJJlti."tit.•t1t1.•1I ,,,,,;,.,, ,,,. 1t·a1·1l t ·:1cste r11 l~11r·t1pe. 'l 'l1t•11 111·•~ 11·illi1111 t11 1.1111111' 11 11·itl•• 1li1·e rsity. 1'11e !1 '''''!I ·••••t 11111ler·st11111l 11:l111t '.s go- i1111 '''' he•••• -11111 tit le11."if t l1 e 11"•·e ''''' st11ppi11g it ••• ' fnr hirnS!-'lf ¥-'hilt• bronking no dissent Tht' country n1us1 1•xport so rnueh frwxl :ind l'OflSUnll'r gonds to pny for Cr<1u:-:t•seu's t!L'Onornic po1iciC'~ 1!1n1 Hn1nan1:1ns <1Ut'lll' 1111 for soH p bo11es an(! sh;irt· a1><•rtn11·n1 s a1no ng thrL't' or four J;uni!1rs. Hornan1;111s an· 1h1• onlv East f''.(!rt!lk'<JtlS 11 i1 h ii S\an1!;1rd Of, li1·ing lt111l'r th;111 th;H 1.r Tll1· B11s~1an .. lhL'lllSt.'l \'t'S. IJ I~ l' ()II r !' n I so fnr unorgnn1zL·d. 1s gro1~ng Bu i Bun1an1:111:-. s:iv d1plon1n!s. are docile"' -East f;er1nn11~·. the only S-Ov1e1 bhK' toun11·y which 1locs not border on 111 .. So111el Uni1~n . is st ill SUSJlt'l'I in Sovil.'t 1•yes. According tn ;i \\'f'stern d1pl1Jn1a1. ··The Hussians llC:l't'I" 11111 allow ht'l'l'»lt'S lhert•.'" E;1s1 Cerrnnn.1•"s Oll'tl ' ' !' c·o 11 o 111 I c rni r;1l'le" brought 11 llH' l)lr)C's l1i1.!)1P~I srand;1rd of IJ1·1ng . llllt nu ont· 11ill lin1111 ho11' µo!itiC"allv stahll' 1! is until till' l{t ·rl1n \\'all Coll lt'S 1iO¥.'l1 :111d tl1~· 1\17.i~lll SoV\1•1 troops S1:1!ionl'd th1•r1.: ll';111• -()f ;11J E:ist Euro11(•;111s. Hulgnri;u1~ l1k1· the Huss1nns lh·st .incl ~ho,1l1!llt'111·h In ~\lfl':Jd th1·1r 111111is Tt11s lo.1 alt1· h;i~ t•:lrn('d tlH1tl Jllo/"e !hall ~2 b1ll1r111 !II Hussian rud 11\l'r tho• ,\••ttr.~ Todor Zh1\'liOI'. Bul;::an:1 s n1h"r fur '.!U ~l"1r,, likes 1n dt'<·or<ife h1~ (';1p11;1I uf Sof1.1 ll'1lh p1C'tUrl'S nf hunsi·lf ann-1n-arn1 11 llh Sov11"t Cno1n1unis1 llilrl _1· (; 4' 11" r ;1 I Srl'r1•t.1ry Ll'Otlid I !:r1·1hnt'I'. \1 ild 1·cono.ni1· rrfo rrns h:11•,. llnd 11n 1·1s1blt• L•lll'C:t fill :1 rigi1! 1"1<.1!i11e:J I ur!hodu.\} '/'llE r\E\V E HA 1s E:1s1 Europe's 1h1n l s1ntt' lhl• \\':1r. Thl' fir st 11'<1 ~ the St :ilii1 1•ra 1vhen lius~ia irM)l<'d i!s ;;111·Il i'•" 11llilf' 1r~'ing to r1 .. ~h;1J1L' tht•1n in it s 111111 IU1il).!l'. Thi s l'I",! t'n<h'<I \\Ith lh1· J!ungari;1n upns1114 uf 1!15li. erushing problein throughout the bloc, 11 ilh Hl-.1 f':1r ll'<lits for ne w ap;1rtmf'nts 1·r11111non . but forests of new apartment houses gird each city .. J>uland sells ships nnd b1cyl'les 10 the \\"1•st. Hungary 111akl'S .st•at COl'f'rs for \\'L'S! c;t'rn1;1n cnrs. Ho1nania and Britain h;11·1· sigiu·d a ioint d«al to make ;11rpJ;u1 ... ~ \\ilh British cxper11sc and Horn;ulJ;JtJ l:ibor \\'cs'tern banlis co111pcte for loans to Cornn1un1sl gol'ertuncnts and American nu1t1l',V fJn<Jllc('S Balkan hotels. T¥.'O of the bu!>il'sl pl:ic:rs in f.<1sten1 Europe are lh1· U.S. Jibr:.irv in Aueharest and the c .. 'i. 1r;1d(· crntCr 111 \\''arso1w. \\"ll V 0(11•:.'\ llVSSIA, 11·ith a standard 11f l11·1ng th:1r ts :<:trll relatil'ely b.1eliward. ;dl1nv all 1his'! 1\11d how docs it expc('t to t·nnrrul ir' 11iplnn1:ds s:1y !111• h:rl'n1l1n simply hn~ niure itnpnr1;1nt prC'Ol't'tlf:lftl 1on:i -the \l uld!o• E:.ist. !!I!' !hrt•<i! froin China, the t1>urtship of tll1· :\ixou adn1inis1ration. ,\lore 1nq10r1a111. 1hL'I' S:I~', I.he Hus.~ians h:111· ll·<1rrH'<I th.11 thP old n1cthods of la!hl IM11!1ii:al (tJtlll'<1I:> and a rigid pl<tnntd C'conun1.1· lh.:H shortch.'lngcs the ron."ullll'r si111ph fl!I no! V.'Ork any niore -or <i! ll':J~t 1-1 nrk bt•lh•r in Hus,~ia !han 111 the \\'1·stt·111-1Jrientt-d countries of !·:;1slf'rn E11rnp1• Thi' diplnn1:11s ~ii~ agree there JS little ch·uice of it n1·11 111.t1e;1val in E<lstern l·:uropC' soon About .10~,i~)(J SP1'iL•t 1roops arr based 111 l·'.ns1 (;er rnan y. Poland , ( '1.L·ehoslo\"a kia-;1n<l 1-fungciry A n y ri·rl11f't1fln s achit•v1·d in lh!-' l::i!St-\lle!iit rrr•IJ»{'ll! lnlk s in Vi1'nn:i 11•ill h.1vc litll e 1·111•1·1 on !lu· pol1tic:1 I l1n pac:t of these trnop~ In f>ragu1-. 1h;: rr:1u1na nt •hr lluss';1n- lt·d Ul\:J ~IOJ!l of J9flfl ~till ,.,,1, !11 l1f<' Thl'rC' seL'fllS to be li!!lt· 111t1·n·'t 1 1 f~lll!lt'.;........(lnl ,I In 11\flfh'I \l1t\[ l"1cc·h:; 1lon·1 1;1n• 11lu·Uu•r " f11.;<a1!1·nt 11ril1•r h.1s Inst Ii'" \4•!1 vi' 11·lu·rh.-r 1111·1 r .. n lril\'1•1 ;.:11n111 1f1r1•1L,'ll 1 ••-..1d,•n1 •.1ul '' \nd 11 \ !h" ;11('r:1q1• (/•"l'h Th.ti th1<; ~Pit rllllll'!ll I' d··<l11·:1h'(I 11. i>;1! 1~ly1n:! · •·u11!•1t11111~-rl•n1111d1·r~ 1o •·d1ror, ~" 4·;11r1 11~11.'i from r1lh11 ('u11111111ru,1 , u1n1 rh·~. !>ll.f!J.:i•~iio·1~ 10 t1·:1ch1·rs !q ~llt-~s 1dt'.ilO!!~ Bui h_1 all :u'<·n11n1 .• tin· 1'ft"•'<:1ri ·~ ;ir" Jlt·t!h1 I' 111·,111· II v f 11:1!'! 11 11l;•rl1 1•1 f··1 r II I' Con1111L111is t N atio11~ Bet r\l'XI i.':t!llL' the Khru.~hchcv er:1 11f 1'rr;1t1c th;111~t·. 11i1h ~Ji1sL·n11 -tr:1 11u•<! il·:1dl'r.~ in ch:lrgc· :i nd 1•11•r.v S!••p t·1(h,.,- tllc·tatl'd or el1•rtJ"1'fl IJ1 lhl' Krt·n1!1u This l'f:t ll";uu•d 111rh !ho• !'1 .ij.!t1(" .~pr111~ 1nvasin11 OJ l!llill. uh(·n p ,. 11 111 ~· 11 libt•rallzat1011 :1pp1•;1ro·d -tn \1nst·n11 . ar lt·.'1:.t -(II 1hrt'.lll'!l ("1ll1HlllUll:;l rul~· Ill l'1r1·ho..;;lo11ak1a II d1t'<l J·nr1ret.1· 1111h !h•· H:1l!f1· rints tn ! '11lru1r! 111 19i0. 11 h1•n 11<>rk1·r<;· ;1ni.:er :•I po11•r11 ••\plt•ilt·d 111 11gh!ing th:11 h-11 tjlHI JllT:>nn ~ d1 •:ul Tl!r: CZEC llOSLO\'AK inv;i~ion of 1968 t;1uµi u th<' l-:;1si l·:urnpt:ans that they Cl'ln h.111• ;111 111tl~·1)t·tufl'lll fOrl·ig-n 1>0licy (likt 1:n1111u11.11 ttr ;1n uul1'1"1Cnde11t do1nrstic pol14·.1 1 hkl' ll ungn r.1· t but not both. 11lcrc 1~ 111d.·~1ir1·;1d <il.!rt!l'n1ent ;1mung Eas1 J-:11rnpo.·ans lhf'nl'it'h't•s thnt a n y 11h1·r:1l11:1t111n n1 us1 hr lif'pl undrr con1rol . "The• .. 1tt1.1!1011 1<: < 1111<;.olul.+'.1·d .111 c.ffie1;._d :l\'<\J fl•<t .1 \1,11 •r lo hr~ 111wl•·•t1 01l1r·p \l :tl.!•"" :1r1· f!•~(t 1 :1.•r\ 111111 p<·r...-.n 111 1•r:1g11" 11.1, .1 ',11· 1-:1.·1·1 "n•h Jll 'fl>JJ)l h:l'i ,I f 'h,ltoi-:1 ft>tlll1fl liHll'<" !'1•op\1• ;n·· ~;111.;ll•'d •·1;1u 11" .. 1111 f111i1111 ••ilr p•1.;,,1h1l1l1t·\ \Pf\' !':1r1•f11ll1 ho' ':11d 111 th" j'u.ird,,d 11:11 in 1ll11!'h ('"'Ii' ~•ill 11·io'I' I" Iii• ::,1if11 k r•f )'11\!l ,11ld Ill•· 11•;11'' uf 1111· ;itl 111111 ~n111·l l/l!i>p<; ~.11"1"1~n111·<I 111 t 110• ··v11ntr\~irll.' l'rl\.11t·l1 n1;1n\ r11•1 h11..:l111.1h,, ho 'l 11·11• 1h1s l1·;1r ;~ l'\agit1·r:1r1·<t Tlu·y ('n111pl;11n 111:11 1h1· n'f!llh•• uf l;u~t:i1' lfu .,;11i 1s · rnurt• (',·11hol1c· rh:in th1· Pn1lfl -th:H 11 011•rn•:1r·1s tn ~·1 LT\' Sn111'1 fr111r11 and could t''-'~'' pn!1tic::1t hf•· 11 11 111"h••< ··\1os1·0\\' only St·r~ hn1;1d uuthnl'S. · " \\ rsrcrn <l1plo111nt ·"'"" · T!w f '1l·('h~ fill 111 !hr d4•t;11 ls for th1·tll\1·l1•·" · 11ul 1n•·an11l11lt• :;hnp" ;1rl' F!ll<·d 1111)1 n1rat. <'l11th1•s :11111 ··l1~·l1'1e:d :tJ)J)h:inc .. ~ In n1ost Pr,1g11r f:1mih1's. hu .. hand ~1111! 1\·1fr both 11nrk ;111d <"an atf11nl !h•·--1· itcnis A govrrnrn1•111 plann .. r ~·11•' !h1' has bought "pol1t1t·:-1I ca!n1." A d1plon1111 11;1s n1nre blun!: "l'Mplr arc happy l)('(';HJ.<;(I their l>1:tlu·.~ aro. full .. "1itings rl'alh :1r1· a~ st:ihl!' ns Tll•'I lonli ... Onf' dipli1111a1 ~aid. "Thr pt'r1pl1 • ;ire JUS! happ_1' Tn lu• li·lt ;done Thi• ~1:1 nd;_1rd of l11•ing 1s gr1111g up fa\I Tl11s i~ 11h:1l 1110.~1 pl'nplt• 1' .. 1111 ~" 1i1t'rt'..: n" i11cl 1n;1tion 111 rf"lt·k th!' hr1al ' 11111111111·!1 Hungary pion1·f'r1'd 1·1.11!11r:1I .i u d t·conornir fret>dn1n i:: 111 l·.n~Tt·rn E11rfl1~· Ju·:irly :1 d~'f';Jd(' ;1~0 nncl 1.1rg1·l>- SUt't'l'l'drd. Bu r !hl·ri· IS .'In liHI•· L'Otllidcnec that Uic n•fnrin.~ ¥. 111 lasr th.it Hungi1 rinns often c<.111 1ht•1r t•ouutry "1'111· h!'S1 b;1rrocks in rh1· c:u11p " For this rt•a.<;(ln, ;1ppJ0rhf'n~1011 r:-in through I lungar.v !his sprinA \1•ht•n l!r1soc :'-.'\l'r~. fi .vot:rg1· 1\t'/l'l ;uul 1..:-iJfl.~ F1•hl'r !hf• <:~nibol~. f!'C:p1~11\Clv . nf 1:1·.u..-rmi• <',11l111r.1I :ind r :i r 1n 1 n i: r1·forrns :111 Iris! lhP1r 111hs o~thr ( flllll!111l11\I p:1rt1 St:t're!ana1 Silll'I' lli•·n rh1· ./;1110'1 l\,1d:1r reµ11111' h:1lo 1rnrli1'41 n1'•'tl111lt• to t"ll hotli llu11g;ir1 :1 11~ :1nil lol•'lgll,\.'f.~ !h111 !h1• 1·h;·1 111!•'~ pvrt1·11d If'~.-th:111tlll'•·T~11H' !'.It' \rr411d1111: 111 1111 IJ•''1 li\lu11111111u1 • ,.,,,,,,,,, \\,11\,t\\ lx1t1n1' l\•!l· I' II bu11l!11I;' U~·\\ li•111~1ni.!. 110•11 t .ir~ .111.1 'lorh, \ ;ulfl 11!1·.1· \\.i~r· h:1~1· ~tint 1111 .!~ p•·r·1·o'll1 ''II•" 1'•11 1:n1 Iii•• ~\1\(·1'111111111 ti.1-. 1n.1di• 1 1•111111·:1! fPT1•h 0111 "I lr-t '1•flt1~ pl 11·1 · h•t.ili'• 11 11;.• ,, p11•l 'I H•l111a\ 1111!1· 1)1)!•'1 1h;11 10111·h .. <l 11ff thi' 1~1;11 r111r~ 11:·11 I ppl1 d Ii" pn·1 11111• /,,.,111Jli-..1 t••clt111· I '•I• 1-.:11 tl'."11 • I .1111ii1 • , 1 I r~I ul 111 ,.1 ,1, 111 111 I ,1•!1'1 n L u r o p,. 1 " 'H,\ll' \i:1J11! _!:"l•,•(111 1 '11!1•~ ;11'1• '''I""', I tu !1,11••1 111 !ho· \\,·~1 1h1, \I 'II" -·~~ fl\'l'("•'!l f lll0!'1' fli;!ll 1'1 l'lj:J 'fl,,• · ,,,,,. u11111·r~1r1 l•u!lf'!111 lwJ:1rd 1h:1t !:1rn1•d 111 .1rhi·rt1-.1 ·1n1·111~ for .;1111!1•111 11111r~ tl"1 rh,· \\c•s! thrt'i' 11·.ir.~ :1go h;1~ .)ti t1rn:·hurf'S Qn d 1<;p!a.v 001\'' l·:1 1•r\Lodl' 1•01111 .. h.11·h 11"1 ;1 1!•;11·ht1r 'said.' "'Btlor1• 1h1·.1 dt•fcCtt'd · Th<' r101~ gLJ\I' 11rirh.•·rs a ~··11~" of JJO~'.'.·r lh:it the~· nn_. rl'<i(ly tr1 th•" r ... ,1 rlrl\t'f\ 111 Lodz !iih<~1k lht' go\'f·rnn1<'n! r!'1·1•11rl.1 h\' <;f r11i1n~ fn1 11ln·1· d;1~" :ii::;unst g;1..;ohne price 1ncrca~1·~. "Thi· p1'0plr :ir+•11'! afraid nf :111.1 rh111c."' otu· l'ul£' said. "Tiu· 111wk1·r~ t'~l>t'C1all,\" :11·1· eoc·lisure of th1'n1sl'l11es." l'<)lr~ fC'f'I thl'y can t:il k ;1bou1 anything 111 puhli<'. and do 1\n1i rt'j;p rn1• JOkf's ;u·t' h .. ;1 1•([ nn 1:1ctory florJrs 11r in huSt•s. T•·f'hn1r<1!ly. lh1s is tllt•l(nl In pr~1rTi1·1·. 1101h1ng b11pp1•ns. Thi· n1•11 rt·~1 1nt• or E1i11nrrl (;i1•n•k kl'l')l~ lll(lll 1·on1rol iii 111!' !11;1 h11t 11in~s ;11 t' \'er ,I" d a .1· 11•Jlh'o11l 111 rn11.1 ,, ,,,,,fl'' it• I nlilit• Hie r1'sl hi ~:;1srrr11 l·:urop•· llo111;1111ci kno11·s no boon1 .. T rt1if1c 111 !iii· ).!!•I'll ;uid ~1tat11.11 1·:1pi1al uf l\11(·h;111·\1 1~ ~part'. Clothin_c 1s l'\"1'X't1s1vc :uid shodrl~ Thn·r nr four familtt·s :;hnrc lhl' n1·erngc 11:11 ~ Hcgg;irs. 1ousrl.1· llYIJSl('l;, .11·1· f•1 r·r~11l11,·n· So :irt• hlack m:irkelc·rrs h:1r!i::rr1ng foreigners for hard rurrcnr\" 'l1•n ~l'ar~ ni:1J Hom:tnta ."Ought 1n1h•1)(•ndrn<e fron1 11u~s1;1 throu~h tnni;- ! .•J't11 !0;111s ;JJKt )!f,ttlf<; fro1n \\ l'"tl•rn 1·11u11t111·' Th•· idl';1 11.i~ to u~1 ::h· rnunc. 1" lu11 so11tust1t'lll! fl \\'1•SIC'rn t'fjlnp1lll'r1! II• Turn ntll high q11:il1!1· ).!fW1d~ v.h11·h 111 1111•11 1nultl ht• 1·\jl.,Jt1•1I In p:1y oft 11\\' 1 ... 111~. l\111 h<1l'1i11:1rd 1111111:1111;1 1111ild no1 tu1dd .1 n111d1·r11 1·1·<111•!t1)\ 1n 11 d1•J'<-11l1· ThL· 1~111.~ .111 · ('l>111111i-d111• 1\ow .t11•I 1!111n.1111.•1 1111 "'1 FL1t111·e 011 Wes te1·11 T1·a(l c \II 1•\•id1•nf'~· 1nd1e<1tl'S ltw;s1a ·~ allies >r1 ·!~·r lhl' ~llilU.<i; quu ;u1d a siahle life lft't' 111 !lu· pol1tic·:1I 1r1·mors of the pa:st. 1r1 \1•a rs to 1h<' u11r1·rt;11nt1cs of ch;1ng<' - •'\"I'll f'lr th~· bt'ttrr. The 11·11!in~ness of lh•· l"li'11pl1• lo ae1·1•p1 th<' half-lo;if nf pro,~pvrit~• i!tlfl !Xfr1i;il fr1·i'dorn JS Sl'l'll in tlii• gro11·in~ <J('t'C'pt,1n('1• of the preSf'llf"t' ot S11rlo•T 1rnops a'> ;J gu:ir:Jnl rt• ;1gain .... 1 llplwal":!ls \\\Ii."\\\ 1I'!'I1 -.\"ot ""1 lnng ;ign Tll•' l 111ntn11111~1 1·nu1111 u•" <11 E;1i::1r111 E11ropc h1"k•·tl fnr11ard 111!11 hn1~· 10 lhP ''1111'\il;lhlP • (''111:lll't' 01 !lit• 1":1p11,1lt,,! .. 1 '11'111 \11 lt\()11 l'ur Tllo'~•· \!ln1r l ri1n111un1~T rr111n1n•' rrid:11" art' lin ked .~o li gh1'.1· 111111 lh" 1 :1p11:tl1~I '<\"111rn1 :tilr! d1·1wr11I ~() ho ·;1l'1h· "!l l\"o·~IPrll rra1l1 • :1111! ('J'f'tli ts thal t)i.·.1 li1••1:1lll li;1r1· ~er 1h1·1r ft1111res <Jn tl11 • '011l 1t1111'1"J ,1 1eTf'S~ ol !hf' \\ l'~l \\',,~11-r11 hu~111r''<:-;1n•'n i:-tnl l-'.:1~1 .. ,.11 111111·1~ ,\i rlUh'" li1·1og ht'lll'('~fl J-:a s!t•I 0 ;11•<1 l\'rs11•rn IO:lirOl)t' !hri1·e on s.alt'Sllll'tl -both c ·:1p1!al1~r ;in<J conirnunist - cun1111ut11h; IH·l111'1•11 f.1etorics ;ind < ll"i!11n11•r\ Hu111:1111.l 111ns ;i business ~('h'1QI 1 <ll!llely rnod('lf'd nn llar\'<Jr•I. <irut \\'f'\1!•1·11 "'J1••rr~ in111<1r1 1heir l-.ui1¥.lt'ilg-1• lrhnl f'11l;1nd to Bulgaria 1\ll nf 11h1r·h rnL«•ns Iha! prohlt·n1.; -p1·rt11rb1 11J:: thr dt•\"t•lo1}(·d \\'est lili!-' rh1· 1111 •·n..:1~. gnl!o111n::: 1ntl;11ion nnd the 1n1·11:u·1· of a bus1ni·~s do11nl11n1 Un-eaten absolu11· ha1·oc 10 thl' rt·la!il"c!y Oack¥-·ard J-:01,1 l·:urQP('nn C'COnon1ics .. These countries knmv their shaky grasp on arff11et1rl' l"Otild be disl0<lged by nny erisis "IT'S BAL• 1.UCK for us rha1 11'r hn<J 111~t s1nrrrd Oi>t'l1111g up our 1·~·ono111y 10 llil' l\'t•'l 11hL•!I pnrcs, l'"IH'l'J:il l) Qil l"ll·ea11 l:M'having so stupidly," 1\ \n1rt'i1.:d J111iish ~01•t·rn 1nt·u1 01f1 rir1! s;11d Thr So\'lt'I 11001ng of \\'c s It' r· fl l\ll\:·"~1111'11 IS l\t•l l kllO\li'n. 11ut th1• p1t1p0rt1011 of 1hf' ll u~!':inn f'Conorl"\y th:d r~ 111'd to 1h1· \\'1•s1 is puny L~Jmparl'd tu thnt 111 ~0111l' 1·::1!;! f:uropt•an coun!rii•s. lfungarv, Borr1an1n and Pol:1nd. wtnll' 1nak1ng. sur,• 1h:-1r Huss1a rcnu1ins 111<'1r ~'' I O\'rrall 1radinR p;lrln<'r. now do ftitly half of their lrade 11.·ith the \Ves1 . For !he~ rountrics, bent on nH!C.l<'r11111ng lh1·1r t't'Onon1ics. a !It'll pattf'rn 1 .. l:tk1ng shapr. Thry in1port rn11 1nnr<"nal~ r~1lf'c1nt!r oil . fron1 lltilo:-1n H11r !hei r l11gh~1lu1li1.1· rn:-ic:hin<'ry 11n1I 1·~1K·r1J~1· 1.~1n11'~ t1·01n ltu• \\'c;.I \\"1·~1•'rn h:tukrrs provictt• 1·n~li ts lor 1!11·1r r~p.~ns1fJ11 I\ 111·11 !ht· debt~ t'un14• 1h11 -. th1·) 1111! lw p:ud hy !ht• ~110<1'> :u11I tt•11'11u1· 111:11 11111 pin1r fr11111 1l1r· 11\•11 I ll.tlt /1·d /0:;1~!••1'f1 <'t"Otl11111il'' Tit.i i :ti 11 ·:1~1. i11 !hf' thl'n11 ll11I. n-. .i l\1<;!tr11 .111111.i,· .. 111•" 111 \\';u ... ,111 s.-11d "lt'o .i J.;"111lil1•-tl1.1I lht•_1· 1·an 11n1xi1·1 •·no11t"1 rnotl1·111 I•' hnulug_1 ~11u1 :ind ~· ! ii p 11'1111·111" 1't\LlllJC h !>O th1·y f'.111 p.11 111 II •• :.. Iii t lu' II cir Id 4·1 ·(1110111 I <111•1 1·.1 111 111111·d1 t1, p.tl 11 ,th tll1·1r do ·h~~ and 1 ·:i •111< llir 11 \l;111d:11d flf 111111~ Th··~ 'n Ill ,1 I 11gt· /111/T~ ' 1'hf' pff1"'1S nf the• 111·11 1·r:1 n11l.1 111111 :1rt• h1•ron11ng 0·1 ut1·tll ,\1·11 111111'1• n;111on:d1:-:1 l•·~1dcrs <':1nll' to pl)lll'I" c:u s1.11· ll us;1k 111 ("11·<·hu<:l111·:1k1.t t·:1!11:1n! 1:1errli 111 l'ol;111d 'l"h1 • S1111•·l-; l••l<I holh !1i rln 11li.1l•·1·1·r 11,,, II• 11'\':ir\ lo fl'Slor1• 1 .. 11 ;•nil 01·1 t.·r 1:h·l'1'h. ,.;1,i•d 1"111111 .11 ('•Jfl!l'(1I:-., 1111 .'l..!k T1gli11·n1·d 1ht•lll Hut liliL· Tli1· pi•n11lt' ;11·,. b.1pp_1 iu~T To he lcfr ;di)IJi·,'" ii J•r;1!.:lll' f'l'S!dt"lll s;1id ROMAN IAN CAPIT AL OF BUCHA REST REMAINS MOST BACKW ARD CA l'J7AL IN SOVIET BL OC Pe.,•a11 1, Sell Apple1 In Open M"rket; There'• Li ttl e Tr.,ff ir i., .)teamy City • " ' l'UHL.IC NU I lt b 1-'UHI It..: NUl'IC't. l'l 'IU .11 ~t i' "'" ~U l>l•IO• (OU•l 0 1> TMI Sf All 0 1> C.ll LU10 •1<1.11 1>0 11 THI COUNf'r Of 0 •.111<Gf No A a11J11 ,.01'(1 01> ><tAM t ,.G 0 1> "CT\1 10 11 '0• '1101.llfl[ Of W ILL .... o •11111 CODICIL A NO •OM l 11. I I I! II \ ll!lTAM•NTAl'r ''" F IC lHIOUI t Vt!Nl )l l<AME l f.lT!MEN1 I 11.,., "~ "~ ""'' "'' °""\I ... • 1/ .. \1 Nl/l I> '" l T {("I "•' 11 "'' ,,. )•nto Ano '•'" Ylli} 1<0 11\ I 1 <} C"£0 H Ol'i \\lfl'E •IOI' <0\Jlll OF l l<t I TA i ( !"II (AllF0 •1<1• l'O• !M~ LOU NI ~ 0 1' O•ANGI l lolo n! W•l l iAM S I M t ~I I ".,.1, fl Jo•e• ~I fl lt•n l'I~•~ ( ,.,, ...... ,. ( •"' 9162/ ;; ;"~,l < r,;••f116 ~l\6 Joll•tv " '" •' l' " ~YOU l'U • (U .... Y< "d ~1 ~ ,,_ ~· ~· . ~·· .... ~ ""'' ,, to A Ml/. ··~''"'"ill\• u •••l W[ll ~lell IJ•t<A>e<1 NOTI CE I~ Iii II( AV < 1Vl N "n' MAll ~IU\ll 110 v1Lr 11 ""' • 1 ...... ,." • .. ' ,, ' " J • " " "'" ~·"""" ,,,.. r>,uUAI• 'l••I •lltl I '' r,. ,;,·: ,, r,., ~· '""'''~ .. :. J~1 • Cv<lldl ... ,, •v• '"" ",. l oll• I ' I' ' •' '"~ ' f•••~monl••, lu •"' ..,.., " ••• ••'•••• , '"'! "' P'"' 1a "'"<"""M1o le<lu••IW• 1••"'"'"'' "'''"'' ,.,, • .,~. r., ll•I; ,.,1 , ""' ""' . " .011d "'"' tho II t o •NI i>IO • 01 t oo< ~ I • !o / 19 Oft Jul • ~ 11 "" )!•• !< 0 !0.ro ~ ••mo no• O.on ••I !<)t )OJI• 11 191< ~' /l<J '< "" I JO on1 In tno '<•U•l•O•" <I''•'• 1 l'IJIJ I IC 'l.'IJ'I J{ E i •lll••• • I ' '""l~· ,Jllj ., "'~ I•· 1~··~ ' • ' ' •I• ' . ' ' "' .. '" .... ., ~· "' '' '" ". "' h •\~·•I 0. " '•• "*•'I ._ '"P (" T ' " . 1,.. '"" ' I• I 1 • I .... " ., "' ' '' .,1. " . , ' " I ""'"'Na ) "' .... n '"'"I •I lf>l'.I ,,1, IU •~·,., r ""'I Odve """" n ti e (.1; '• ""I Fl~TITIOUS llU~l'<E S~---!"",,',',,"',",,_', A >t l•l!f~tnlM NA ME S!Al fMENT " · 001...J Jv<>• 71 n•• 11 1 .. 11uw v µ-.., •·~ c v' '' " ' ' ' ' ""' I "'l " ' ,1 1 .. , WILLIAM l ~· JCIHN • ... I l<"\I Iv 'I (<~1>t> rlo<'-l'LANTS f'LA•il\• f'l../l."I~' I i !Ul lll.'lt l A l" ll llO l lfltTW LITflf f'i ln•~I~"' ~t!v'J 1 "''""'.' "'''"" I '"''''' '" Nortn L• il!lro• """""" ,O.ior• (, ~<'oil 100 Lov '" f loi• S< , "• " "" ,i.,, 1• 1 '" ln\ll•w-C•lll toJOl ll•o, { ol !o ~·~ V.1'11 ~~~~~~.\"~ HOF VENO.D.HL ... ltl O!J) '1JJllll l I lloyn•ud l?~tf H I~• t •' ),_ '< ~Ill SI •tt0<M~ IOI Pe1111ontr ! ' To 'o Co" I~''• 'i/lltU ~ •n Jo.., c,.,1110,11 , t\11) '"'""111>111 0 ~•l<J• -·· lJ••I• "110! l n1\ r>IJ<ln~I' lo 'On<!wde<.I b1 ~••;t ' Toi "DU lfl IJl l J~n~ l l 1t Jvt1 I If/• 1110 1• • • ' ~ r 1 I t f ""'"""u I'\ Ill II \I II rt I N0 !1tf OJ ,.Ulll 1< H I ~If I .. '• •l''O•r , .. E ,., ..... N 1u, I QMM \ \ION 01' l "f: fll• !1• >U~"'"'" Vl'll..E 1 J ,, ' "' "'' ' "'"U'•l<l• l•lt I< I ' ~· .. " < '"'"' '"' • _,. I Ju • ' ' ' (<IN~ 'l!.ll'"'OE IJl l " "" ' " " " ' '" I (t/I " l 11 •C1 "' " < I ••~ -' -:· .. r, .. , . ' ... "" ""'•1 ,-io, n '" ' \((H I~ ' t1H;;liWA"'\ £ l f M r H O\o ~·"' I f • ' , P~f {I\[ "' " ., PLAN 1'1 /\ "I ~'"" '" •' '' . "'" " "' ' I OoMhol !o AMeN01'£ .. l TO f V M ~ "'"1•1 l • I ' ' "" ~· ~I r g, " '" '~ J I " "' ' •l~\I ". • ~ ~ " ' • "" u. " T<6r I 1'~ ' " "' " ' ' ~' ' ' ' , .. ' " PUBLIC r'\01 ll:I J "'' ! len "' o,.n~· to~nt, "" I 11 , !At f' , •• , I I~<! , rll , ,,,, '' ' " '' " 1•-ff l I ~Ill II~ 1(()~[0 py ·~· ' ' '"' ' .. f'I·• '"" " ,1c1 111ov~ tV \I NEl~ NAME SfAlE!M[Hl ro11o .. 1ng "''"'" I• oa·n~ I ' ' l>u.,n• .. Ju~• I\ F l~Ul "'"'"'"'"1n11 11 I it .~~ J~1 , b 191• n ~ i. l 'lJlll.ll \11rH 1. Fl(TlflO U~ ll U~INI"\' ro~n~•I~ ~~i.:,L'~!11,">~7~~8lt<t•t "-"'' l'UJILIC J\01 ll£ '"" •u N:~~ ·~~~!::'EN:,, 11 "~ w olll•m 1Nlm•1 f:,•nR•n Q.1 10 I ••to< 111"' '" O ' A1• founto1n v.11e, (•I I l•t 'r/IJo Fl(flflOU' ll USINE'S AAA , •• ,r 1f<rY (0 1•1 ,. '"'' Jn/> °"''"'" " <f>l•llu<•O<l b• •n .. AM E ~TAT E MEMT A,~ .. ~··· 'lo ' 11 '' ... m11ivl11u•I l •• ''1""'"~ ~·'""·"'"an, (,1<,,'l t~••01Uu1oh lll/IJ ••,. TM, Uo!em•nt W•\ "'"<' .. ·~ In• I /fNJER !QUii t 0 <' (AllFr,1>•1 A /\ml!r f ~ IOl•I Vio><a l'l<I / "',~.~.'~",'.'Pl•<• '<•wP<ltl IH• ~ C 11•\•n!..t<•• ',,1,,.,' ' 1•.~ ' ••• ( ' I ,1"°• t~ ooo •1 '"" ' l 110 ,1 OE\111 l'<'' '" ~ .. pb,,loy ' ". I' I ·~~ """'' I ''' '~....... " ', " ' " ~' ~· I ' ! < I J I ~ 0 " J 111 I L~l/fj t< 'O• ~,r ~"• 1 '""'° ·~ { ~~~ ... ,~ ~:~: ·~ ,., " 11 • ·~ ~' ' "' ,., •• 1 '" ' 11' ' ,1 '' ' ""' " '· ,., Wllll~m "'••n8., "Y' " ' "< I W•""' n"•' r •• "• ·~ >l• 'o.,n11 C!e•I <>I O•M••• ~., ly.,. Ju'•! , • 11 !~/• "'IL i ti 1 1<~·'>.f •QI M•in •I O I 1/o<i u•I 1••<0,"'" II~}) FJ4'1ll 1, N'•"' "''O'''' ft<•• l>f•' lJ l!1rl •g•un /le~n b~!o '! o 0'1 P,u,11\neu IJ•~ , f , I I I• I {)<)'< l AOA;,~ •<' P•Ollu••~n r1 'O•!>'R•» • C~nllu<!o~ ~1 n Uft•Lt •I JOJn~ '~ 1? "I•~·' J " ( IVI• />'91• 1'• 'l"""r" fl ~. I,\• .. , ... ,.,, P••I'" I (> I 1•M• •' n~Uu I ~• ••1e1''"'' {<"" ij.,,,1, l'llfil IC i\0011 ( C. f>"ll H "'""" 1 ' '''" '" •l•U 1 1 ~ I•" ' ' I I ' in 1 ,1 .,.," , 1 ~111 ,1 1_,1y llOfo ul (J•~•~t lou111 1TATEMINI OF Wl1110 QAC'Al (llOM '1."'~:;,t1•r> "o'"~" v"• ~" .. 1•1• PARl'-lf•s111 p OPlltol.TINO U"OEll I l'l•l ll >v•I ''Cfll!OUS •VSINIOIS r I ME I 'I "'~'J 0 ~no• L" l 1 n~ny "I I J;nt ! '"" ro110,,lno Pt""" h•• " " , J, n , ' J"I> ' ', , ., ; "I• • <t< ""'"I fMrlno• lrom ~• ~· 1, , II'< •l>f'1•1ing vnn1• •~r !lr•ll" '' 1 1 11M11• ol Su<~eollnn<e ~v·1•,. ,,., 1 YI•,, )~In St (o~I• r\ '. ( '·' ""'" ~J•?I Th• fl"I! Ill" bull<"" •m~ '1 "" enl tu the por1n•ru1lp ._,. 11 < 1 Jul\e "I 1,11 In !he (oun•y M ''"''' Full N•me •~(! Adci'"" {I 11\e "•••on v-1 thorawl"g Antnony r "'" 111 >J "th ""•!!•I Fullerton Ceh• ·~•• •1•11 Signed A"""" y I '" r vbll•Plrd Or~nge r.,.., Jun~ 11 19 ~"" July 6 1l F 1'1Jt t:J~llv Pllt>I 1914 ?1 11 1' PUBl.J(' ~o l'l('r •1CTlflOllS I USINESS NAME ST ... TEMEN"f lotli>wln~ i>e''>O" I• d ""' l>u ~··~lllY P~'<I ~ N I JP< 100 IG\ l l•f..,<Hn P! ll•w1><1n B~~" (ol/1 Q<>1• Mori• "Ym•n IJH E 1.'e'<llll W• •I Co• n~ C,11•1 1;, • """"~'I ,, t Ot\dllt!od l)u "'" ••<lu•I "' Rate M,,, e Hvni ,., I " " > " "I ' ("~~>! 0 " I , I' 'l 1 IO/ 1 " , " ' " Ju < ~·; " !'LUI It \Ol ll 1 I' I I! I I I 'll' IO)fJ loOl!rl 10 Cfl'l tll!t><I \ \11 1'[1<101< \OUM! '• hO \!Ali O• l •«•OP10111. f <J lf l"E COVl<I ( 0 1 Ol<Al•C.L .... N• A IOI /I ""' I ' ' ' ' ' ',, . ' ,,, "' "' ",, ,. ' ' ' ~· ~· .. '" ,,... '' 'g ·~ '" "''"" ' u n ' '" "' '' >D I ' '" ' I ! I , •• ,, '" " """ II< " " "' I ,.. ' ,, ' ,, ~· I ·~· ""~' l>M I >l J ~J"f ~ A.llll OH P f lA~T £11 )l O W I'""" lllUO \•e lQ(lo LD• A .. ,, •••• C•hfo1n . 'IOOI~ l < ll OJ!ll Ollll "'."'' •• '"' "'" '""'"r••<t< • ' ' """ c "'" r '" iu'" /'•~I Jul •• ll I~ "' ., ' I , I . ' '• l'L UL lC L'l<ll I( I. 8 1l}IO NOTIC E TO (l!EO\f Oll S \UPElllOlt COVltT OF l ME •1.111E OF CAl lFOllN•.11 Fpll I !"E tOUNTY OF ORANGE No A 90111 ••• "I Alli r II \f u~·P 0.<edl•J • '"' 1 1 1 • l•l8V r 1vr " ,, "' " ' .. t fl"' •"\I ti ' 1 ",, .11 '"' '! II ,, ~ ..... ,, ''~"''""" ' • ' " " 'rl I , f • 1' ' ''""nu '''" '"' '" ,, " •I~•"~''""''""·'" • 1'1 ' ~ '" ~ 17!ll SU Pf .. 1011 (0 ljlll 0~ Tl•E S1ATC OF (4L IFO<"N .>. roJt 1 11 ( COUNTY 0~ ORANG E • OT1C r OF t<E Alll NG 0 "' PEftTIO'I FOii l'ltOa AI( OF Wil l A /of 0 HOl llGllAPIH' COOICll ANO r o w. LC l lEllS TESl.llMENT•ll'r ! I'"'"~ J I ~ HP,\/. I ., "" J~ I f " ,.,, 11 I Fo1· tJ1 e I 1'Ju1·1·iug(• Lic(•11se s L ~11 r 1 ~11 .. , h " >C> >\"~~ "~ "'/(,H f~ Bf~ilJ oll r '.. ,. " f " 41 I ·~ , •• _, 1. ' l r ~ / • .1 I .l ' I DO ' ~c1u1r '' , 11 r, '' ' ' J>f J>J>y i<l\RtlNr. J ' Ii; ,, I u ' JO•~ I I ~· I• ,, '" " ,,..,, ',.,...,,,,., \'Ill•'•~"~ r ' ..... !T "• ' V•llltArJ• ro1~ 10• ''•' ••• t<I ,, ' ''"'' J•F• L 'f<A~O (..~'<It , "~ "'"'" 'V>'< '' I •" Al>'-')ll>(I""' l' •11 " ' " I • ~ O f I />I' ! I Hu"~· tf n I i<l>;Jlt',°'N "~l .. A •' ' I l ""' /l. ,., ' '., ' ~ VF \10'• ~·1 " " .. ' ' ' "·I.. ' ' ,1 11, ' ' ' • '" ' ' "" .~ " ' n1 111c1 i. •• ... Pt•I 10 It/• "' , >' 1• I 1 " ' "' """"'. ' " 1,, n " 1lle> c or") l ,,,.H '·' l'~r,,.,.,.," •I I 1,.,, P• 1 " ' ' ·' 1<,nt n')Hn I'• n l' 'J Fl llRl ~I ( < <I fl '" ' '' "'' " I I '"ul&n ll r ' " oln1 M o<~ l oll!• ,, ' I"' II ~ L, 111 "L fl 1/ \ Y >,.<( I• . , \' •Q"""~ \.• •~ n••er ona B• '"' I• ~ L ' • '! (;•rO•" (, ,p l\11 1 " ~Ill! 8 UQGf <.S HILL-8 11 C.or• I ,, r s '~"' ~ ""'"'"" .... ~ ··~~ Jo ~l 10'>-l~t~ Apo 1 ><u1>! •Ill'"" B~~<n l><O ><.O'< l J(A~ "'"" r" t.-•' l o"I• \<ft>t>o< 1-11>1"! 1 '•'"' I\ a• Oc~n• J•o.i• ' I• ' L ·~•<t" ("~ ,.,..,,""''~~ ri""'!'~<u •1tf•""l D " " '9 f'J VI SalOO• Blvd f,r, " II orn ~"d Cl~w'! ,.~l I• 1~ •1J ' /lo ~M /llvd '-"WI" < Aenr~ 11 3 '"•fY Jr I KU'""" ~IMC• ·~ ,\ ' •• Lr" <n I• •/ ti "'" ~i ·-,-·•·· l l \'lf"O l',.C"L£~'EN l~ ' ' ,, 1·1~1 ' " ' 'I ,.. ftP•[h A I ~ .. "" O t l'l R! J( '\tt'IH I l h > >ll•••ntno "'"' 11.,.., • "' '" C""n!v Cle,. u! O•"IU' Lvun!y c .. Jut"ol fl 191~ ~ )0 71 Plll)•l >~f<! 0 '"~' (1,...,1 ll 1 '" Pl!,,I J ur e 11 71 1'> .mn Jul•• 191< ?11C I• ( "' I "'" M~ " (loto F u' .1.qeo ~e ' 111!? $~" V >Ile• l I 0"10f tM I/ I• I FICTITIOUS liUS<ll£S5 NAME ~llo.TEMENT ,,,,,.~ 1. d"" 8, .,Af:<I.. e"''"'" I ,o•,, ''' O' '''"'"' 'olll " !•i,I SLP /tJll ' ~ ' " "'0f 1r "' TO r 11 o;o TOii~ " I llO I "' ~H 'I fl llr , ., n8• hloJ ~ ... n $111>Elt1011 CO UllT OF Tl<r ''"'' bu•••> " con~" ~II •u•V11l '" " >bu\ "' \ ~r e•' " '"' "'"~~" OI v.' '"' STATE OF Clo.llFO~NIA FOii !l o 1 •'<<'><'"I 0 10 1 PUB! I(; i\'0 I Ill 8 ll!U NOTICE lO (llf0110RS SU,1•1011 COVIi l OF l HE !TAlE 01' CAL\~Oll H l.11 '0 11 Tl11 COUHl 'r 01' OllAN GE I I '•"~ M lh • '"' •' r x v (le Q• u r:;.g"~i'~'7' "'11 '""1 \'Liii H.: \01 ltl' 1 1 91 • I 11 "'"" ... ge c .. u,,•v o .. J<1n• $TAl['~['<T OF WllHORAWAL Fl'OMI I Pll~TN EllSH l l' OP Ellol.Tl'<G U"Of.11 0 • ' •n-' ll I 19 ~no July 6 f J06l~ Fl (l lf lOU~ BU)IN(SS NAM~ I>• ly F lot I 1 '<r 111 I>•''""''~' w ll•~ • 191> nn 1~ ~ , • "' , ., , " ' "" r "' , n1ac1Jt•U ,,,~, ''" l (l l ~u• ~., ro • l F f.J' L( 1, f l>Ol'l RT r~ l 'iCI•~ t , '• l on• Y 'l l • ~ 1 (<>I 1r•";, 1 f;,11~ u I' I "" '"' C••Gl1 l ~t i M•• C~l o ' n • B~Ttp n '" (< 1n• OC I M o• (•lo' n ,, P.,~, L Sottv •r 11010 MO Y • l n ' " 1 • " L o• r !n'o"' cl< "n"~ e11 1; ""''~'•' IJuoe l)Z/ l'UHI IC 1'\0 TI CE NO ... bJ7l C:>l•te o~ l O,.,AH O C OLl.~ll D '"' "'••I 9'''1 "' • '• n> •I I "" II• • "''<! NOT ICE o~ tlEQEBY l;IV(N 1, ''" FIC flT IOUS BUSIH ESS NAME \Tol.l EMENT f'•dlln•I o• 110 , ; ·~ '" n H J1-n• t'1•1 au 1>1t••cn• "•••"<! 1:1""'" """,., ,_ ln• lcll<>W•n~ "'"'on •• oo·~t bu•"'" '"a '-'<'<•a•+ • •• ,.,,,.., •o "" "". "' wlf\l~n•cel r~.-o~<le> """ "'' l•~(u~ (l,T[Pf'~IS(~ 1~.ll S•nto l •~ <" (..,ofo<n~ •t11 Al•n H•,\Chlrltt lb.I) S•"I ' O !II• <lerl. ~· II • ~I•.-• '"' """ 1 1 I '• 10 pre1eM !hem "'" tn l~e ne<•"•' \I '"'"''"'' la tne ~~"'' ~""" .,1 1,.. '" A ~A •~ fn Id '-lo••• C•I"""'& 91• "' ""' Al!Otn•y l hC'"A' l l~•" l ~·· ''"' b""""'' ,, <Ontlu(!t a ,. M !'•••"lie '-'•lento• Nn Jll '•aun,1 •• o< "" ••Ou ll <•ltlr•n• ~/!OJ I lo" 1n• "''' ,, .,,.,,.,A""'""" '"'' n "<A '"'~.,.,.., Q•a"'"', ~··• I ' •••n-••I "'"' 1 1 .. 1 •~ •1 ° r-•laln•t19 lo Inf •"•!• of ••Id f1•<M•pf r ,,.,n1, (ter> ~• O•ong< Ccuo1v on Jvnt I .... "'" •011• ,, .nit>' ..... "'" 1,,.,1 lqJ< ouDL•~•lfon ol ,.,,, "°'•<• o ...... "'"" ,. \"' C••<t M Olm•' :t E•&<.cU • "' lne Woll •DD•• n~m"" c1tc •~'"' THOMAS L lORO lllll P•U• d• V•l•n«• tlo Ill l~9un• Hllh C•lltotnl• t lU l T•I (II() 'II lllf Art"'ft•Y tar E••Cul> • P1,,)I •tl<e~ \l• \<I '°' t 0~ 11 Ju"' "ll 1' .nu J ul f o 11 1 F IC llT>OU ~ llU \INE~~ NAME SlAlC"'E'"'T •ollo1<>1nq , '' , ,, ,, u "' '"ICTlf lOVS ll!IU ~I NESS N ... MI Sf ... TE"llN1 ""' •cllO"*l'IQ P••><>n " <10.n~ t+OME ANO G~ll Of N Cl:l•T ER I l'Q r •t • ~ ii '1 !1' ,, •?•'l ""•n \oe ""'" )Pnl ' "'I"" v .. ,n Co ~1•1 Th, p.,, n•1• II '"' olu"t~ ln11~l<1u•I • • \•nu,. lh \ <l~'•">"O! I ~ ""'v Cler~ vi O••I"~ " 1t 1' lOv• I• "1n1 .,..., r.• '"~' 11 • /J )~ I I I < " PUHi It: :\i~l 11 I " ... ' ,, /I '"'"•1 '"' E•" '"" I I l j 1 '1 ' , 1 ~" j • • • '' ' I p,.n,, ..... d () '"0" CYtj<I o~ Jun~ ~ 1.1 77 19 1'7• f'llfl l fC :\U I /(t- ' I (!• ! " II l; ,, Ii i< . '' lC.t('I Jo ' •• (•I ' " '' •n• !> .. , r -"'• in•""' lou"•n''"""' ' 1~1" p' u A~a·e ~·In• Vi" "' ~" "' ....,.,, ' ''"" "' 1, '" I 1 f!•~ 'n0 f "'"'"I "'' ,, 1, '' ,,. ' " 9 •n I ,_, " ~ I '" l'Lllllt' :\tl lll l " J~n• I n i , 1 ' • I '"'' . ' ,,, , ' f I• ol \OOl .,.I' I I <I ""' ,n (run ll•Mr,• lt"' •v '• Ju<e ~ ',, '" D> 1, ,,, I" J,111 ' \tlfll:f f l ll}• "' l T ,, • •~r v I<> l"c t" • 1.i v " rn , 1 I' ' I ul H •''" '" •! ' I ~ ,n ~)~I\·~ 9 II • "' 9 JO ~ "' n I~ f' ' '"' "" u• ~ 1 I " TliE {0U'<TY 0 , ORAN GE ll'"' ' r No lo. ~~Ot t •cl ~«! F"i'" ,. N>'O(l AIJS r AllTI'> 11 rlnr~ ~1 , r < J D"·"~'"' ' JL l.')T re: 15 H[llrpv GIVF•I " •lroom1i~I ' c.:ror.," ,,, '"'"~ "'n 1 ~ 1, (\U L1n1cr O ,. We• .~-c -1~'' f••I• 0 J J"~ /0 191• ' ro.r11,•nn•11,,,,1,,, r n "t lvll "'"' ••1 I I "r• Iv " "' • "'~"~·• •'1Vrhr• '" ,~, on ,, I Wll..LIAM IE SI JOf<N ("'" !; (It,. \V il l i> RUTLl'I> I. !tCl<EIF lY 9v JOl•o J B•i<•I ~·• ~ovl~ Oh•• ~' LO> A<>Q"I•' (at f l I 1)1,/ .,01•'' ~mle ~000 l~D' o "'"''"'"' ,, [' ' . " . ,,. l 'L Ill.rt \Ol l f'I. P U!lllC NOTl(t ( ' ,, ~ I lo • • "• •I " " r•r •co I ~.,... .,. ' ''""' IQ !TP , ~o , OrHre L' lnom• " " '~:;',1' ' ~l·~7~-' ., ; "' n ""' 1!1 ou~~·" " • r t • I v.••n•n +cue ~"' ·~ " I• '" ' " (JM"" • • ?~ !> t 1:1.:>P o ll.;>~ / > , IJ.ove ~ ..... • 1110,,I\ H l110 11 Nf 0 N 1 n Be••n B•ve ~r· £ w'""''""'' (•l>•o•••• •101 l •I f1\t ) ~tl .. ll A"o•n~• !,,.. the E•ttUh,. " •1 ~ (',, I 11 o~ 7'I '"" Jvl O\o IV ' ' ' ,., ,.' ', ,, ,,, 'I ' .. ' " l'l'l!l I( 'llT!t t- !• "· " 1, '.)•1 ' lll.llf \'lll>l 19 Tiil FAM ILY CIRCI S By Bil Keue "M ommy w 1U BLU E ~ocl..~ go w11h th 1~ outfit oko y?" hlll o .., to D.111l1"~triu 111I • 0 11(' nf t he bct !e1 \\ <11 Id \\:i i-JI ep11 s ~1.111111 i..: \an Johnson 11 1)111 !l11d 1 ,i., (,t11r ;..L \\urph1 ill ,1 1~h .1 l l l'hnn1p~un 1:1 c.11 cl" \!nt1! dlJ.in .uul J.1111 1·~ \\ t1 1t 111orc as .t l'OJ!l· p.1 111 11f Lt ~ !1i.;t1Unc the H:1u lc of lhc Bu lge \I',( 0 8 3U-Shootuu\ 1n .1 ()nc !Jog Town H1(t1.i1d ( renn,1 SteJ;1111e f!O\\IC!s and H1t.:ha rd ~.ga11 111 a J\ 1n o \1e .i bllul .1 b,inke1 \l)tng tn hide S2UO ooo f1 Olll .1 gant: of OU!l a\V.'> \BC' o fl 00 -·s\\IC:Cl f'h:1r 1t\ " Shirley ~t ac. l.:i11H: -..r,11 " ,ts <1 dance h.ill hoste ... s 101nan(ed by l1d1n \Jt;\l:1r1111 1n !li is 111t1<i1t.:al \Vlut h also fea!ures !oll,Ll d !t .\l!ltl t.Ll h.n '.'ia nl tl)\ u~\l;; Jt Patila Ke lly and t l11 1:i /\111:1 .1 TV DAILY LOG Soturdoy Evening JUNE 29 KOCE TELEVISION LOG ) '~ l•W J'Oll T"E IO~ ICI Mo" ! l " '"" • Jt l /IW FOii 111£ HI~ (£I """'"K"t• '""" l •• 111, >'• !h•vt 00 11,W ~Oii f "'' .... JO L•W r o ll c.,,., n •I } 00 lJIW ~'lll Cl,.,\ .. ~\ ! ' ' ' Tt<E 10~ 1c1 I• '"'" 10~ 1(1 ' 1'fe 10' 1c 1 ., ~· " !lO IOOV ''!•I~ r t~J} ~ ,~· -~~01 r"n'' 1r1 10 wal EOI \AfCTY IC! ,~, "' . " ' ' ,, ' " ., ' "' " , ' 1 00 Oltlll<G£ COUNl Y •[VIEW IC! Ho.,.. tt> noln '"" <l••V ••"'•I> l'·~~q• '''' 1, "on• toot 1., v 'en )It WASHJl<Gl ON SlOIAIGttt !All( !Cl N•l•O"•I "J 0.•1•nt "'l~I " ••• ,., 1 I ')!) SH"Ll v r 11-.vf A l(!ltG' (ti A ' t I .. ~ .... 1 <I• ···~ '" ' . " I'"''' ~ r, '""' "" '' " . , l\0 0tt l\lAI !Cl On !" t " " '• lh ,,, .. ~ •• .. ,, .... " .. u<r•nolr •J(I • .... 1 .. , 2_jJ~AIL V Pll 01 --· ANIMAlogic ~ ,:,,, ""'" ••• '(V I ' ~' 0111a11 ~ I _:d " I s oz . COLGATE Dental Cream Pt>iso11t·r (;tl11vit·led lan Don 't Burn ~ Vse ' I ' .....--; '1 ---~ I RED\VOOn CITY .1 :pi' - John Krru:1:r. :!O. 11:1~ i>•·l•11 round guil1y nf 1111· ~1 rwhn1111· pol:iOn 11111rdl'I' 11f I. 1 ;i n .i Hughl'S. :~o. :1 J',du 1\lto l~ousev•ife. 1 A jury of Sl'\"l'll !ll\'ll :ind £i\'r \\O!lll'll return{'d tho· l'erdict Thursd:11 :ind 11·111 begin hearing ll'~l1n1on:· '.\1011- dnv on 1rhrther !\rru1l·r· shoul d . ' get the dca1h penall.v • l\lrs. l!ughll'i. hud;.· 11 :1s found in :i ran1p1·r 1111 ;1 Burl-· 1nga1ne parking lnt ~~1•h 4 1 Kreu1er could gel 1l1t• d1·;t1h p<.'nalty if lhe iury d··e•(lt'~ lht•I ,..J;iylng took place in lhP con1-• in1.ssio11 of r:ipe. rnbl:ll'r;.· nr! kidpnap and he 11 ns d1n•c1J.1-I llll'Oll'erl. COPPERTONE . ,. ''•· .. t i'•;,\< 111 ' , I< •1"',' ' ,:·• .... ,, ' J.' p Oil or Lotion 2 59 801 • ea "BRRRR " Ice Chest "I' ll'i"~' V I< • ''q ·. " ·· I. r I I' , ,1 I ',t • "SP 10 " 11 _:::::._ :::::::._ ~--- GARDE ·I' ¥ Q • 3 29 i/ SIGNATURE • 11 Garden Hose .,59c :o .· 7.88 . PLIES ~: i•~ I ~: "THRIVE" ,;,.;d f ertil ii er II ''1 il •', ii " •,',' :, I' '! .. ·.. I h111 11 11 I\ Chastity .. ST OP SUNBURN PAI N fASI WllH BEACH Towels~-SOLARCAINE II II 11 ~All 0~ C~llON :: 3 :usr 1 ""' @ Twin Sprinkler 11 50 11 2. 39 J1· ,. ·" rn•s1 N Sprinkle r II 69c :: LOTION & SPRAY ' .. 32~60" Med1c~te d .Steps Told B)· Tfl 0111a11 l.El·:ns. r·:ngl;111d I Al' I soi11"~1ne l r: '' II "Freeze Fle1 -. 88 " JQ,bO ' 2.50 JACQU ARDS "'"o~ Pan1ela B u i: k I e y h•)!\ ~ , , ;1UlhoriliP!i ht•r hu1;b;inr\ I.\ II rr 1ras in the h:ihit nf rha1111n~j · •. lier in :.1 rhcist1t\ ht'll L'I L'!'\ ~•) ~ ~, LOl lO N 1.35 1.95 3.50 ~ 1,.. .--''. ... · CIJ :: 60 11 5 · 99 J;Bo Hose Nozzle 99c :: ' "'' ' ' :, '' ' 1•'1• ;r ,, ~ f1 l)fl('n. TlH' la..;1. t1ni.· 11 i1;11,-' 1 r 3 01 ZENIT H p.-·ne{L shi' r:ill1·d 11•d1L·i·. 11ho l \~la.,1.c3.1~1 sa~-th('y r:1ught l1l'r hu~band in the :ict. 19+ I SPRAY ,.· "Bill lo Id' PORTABLE Bucklt\' 11;i~ ord~·ri·d 111 , :..:land tn°:il 011 as.~aul1 ch:irgl·:..:·\ 4 OI Jul\' :z:, :i111I rclensed on brnl .:, ha1·,. l•l bring m.1· wi ft• in l '-_:;;"'"o;::_ ______ _, :111e e1·er~· no11· :ind tht'n. · hr 10ld Lr•t·ds \l.ii;istra!e Court I 1hi~ 1rt"1·k '\\l1l'n ~he's het•n L'l1ninetl llfl. ,11,_.·. a diff,·ri·n! 1 11·omnn.·'"- W•lli•m Jo~~ Uunor cf v,,, .,.,,, (, r .. ,p, ~· deam Ju•• 71, 1~1< SV""e~ "" ,,,-,. "''e. Ja""! Nu!te• '"" G""'"' '""''" "I "'~'lad· "~e oc~r><l•on (.,.,,,,;op >P'"~"' • ·11 .,... n~I<' 1:.0"~ ·~ lulv ' ~ ro P'.' '" Poe •''' V•"'' /./•-.,·'•"'! PMI ~'I B'l"P A. t<u•d• ,...,,,.,,,,nr, P""''' V••,, /flOrluo•Y d"•CTP' O~O.ll Pu~o•on '·' O'dd' D"t~ cl n• ''" J,.,., 11 IOI• rr;"''"' o• Hurl,,.n• ·'1 ~!'·'" 'V ,1, .. , b• !d; ni<Tn,., ,,,, l • "·~I"' !~•!'" d~ugnt'"• ~\,, "• ' "''·"'·I Hv •t,nntcn B•~cn ·""' · [• • !, ' ""'"•' '~''"''" ,,. " '·'·''"' I I'\'"' ~nd r: '" Q,,i.., .n • ( ''·• "'•' '" ••• , , .. ., I'•'• .... ' '"·"' " ' • ' :~ ,,~ M" luo• On"<1· r "' ··•· 1 '"" !?~··"'" O"l"' '""'" "' "'~· • ' "•· "Y ~"""''· ' ., ' ' ,.,n, I "'"" .... ·~ ll'· ". , ",, ..... 1 $on· on & .1~~9 r ·" • •· I"""• '" "~'' r.-,,, , ... ,. "' l' .,.,.,. "''' '·O"""' " ... : ~ I ~-----~I ARBUCKlf: & SON Wf:STCLIFF MORTUARY ~{l I ' '· r-"' ,,,.,..,., -·-BAL TZ ·BERGf:AON FUNERAL HOMf: (0110 r.J .... ., 613-9~~0 641>-2 ~14 -·-llLL BROADWAY MORTUARY \ l(i :..· , .. ' 1 "-'·• ! -·- MtCORMICK LAGUNA Bf:ACH MORTUARY 1195 lor; '' (c,,,v'Jn ~d ~y.: •/:I ~ -·-MtCORMICK MISSION MORTUARY :SBJ'c (__,,n~ Con•1"ono ~ll'' J .. -i~ ·1:">•"<0no I.''" 176 -·-PACIFIC Vlf:W Mf:MORIAL PARK '.,.~ •. ·~ Mor•uO•'/ C· ,.,,.1 J.100 Po ... ,,,o,~~ N. -.i..oN [:. .. ,,, l oldu•n•n -·-· Pf:f:K FAMILY COLONIAL FUNf:RAL HOME 7.SQ I Boho/, ... v,~. •!I•"'."• 893 J:,. ~ -·- SMITHS' MORTUARY 6. /'/or; 1 ~" r, 6~39 WfSTMIMSTfR MfMORIAl ,AIK ' ,. I~· ·~· '•-t ·1 .,. ' --l \6 01 LIQUID or 11314 01 POWDER ~ Woolite 'ft __ COLD ,W4TER, ~ASH 1'i1 I 2 01 ·870 DIAL VERY ORY Anti -Perspirant Scen!ed or Unscented ' 1.39 12'x25 ft . OVEN TEMPERED Reynolds Wrap ALUMINUM FOIL /'1 I ~ . , : ' ; • MagiCubes fla sh Without Bal!er1es . --,;; "'..;. . -80J o1 3 I !2 fla~he l J AYDS Reducin g PLAN CANDY ,·. ' ·~ I' ;lb 5,,, ~ 3.95 Lubriderm lol 1o n lor Ory S ~1 n ( '" -I 2~1.19 50 Ol FAMILY SIZE Cascade 414 01 . SUPER SIZ E ORA FIX DENTURE ADHE SIVE 1.39 Lanacane ANESTHETI C-MEOIC A TEO 2•1, 01 1 79 Creme (tr 4 01. Spray • ea . ORTHO-KLOR l 0 • ~~lord~~e .oust, " 1. 39 ;: BAUER & BLACK ILASTI C Panty Hose l.adoes 7 95 S11es • MCS MALE COMFORT SPRAY 1·1 I•. ,, I .J :19 JOHNSON'S 4 oz. Foot Soap • , f, .-, I ' " Schick Super II SHELL ., 'No Pest'' STRIP. ~ip..~11 1 .,,,,. ' !\J TWIN BLADE RAZOR Pl US i'ir COUPf111 r ~ ,,, 1' •I [i\l(t:h,>\r r 1 •!./ · • II 11. r1 11,Jde ! .irJr•~:" 'iii·. l ly•Ai! IO~!'~l lndOGIS' -1.49 li I\ ll ~ lJ 11 ' BO X OF 200 \00rABLl1 Bo ni £ Of Excedrin Exlra ·Slrength Pa1 11 Relie ver ' ' . .i !xcedrin. 1111 1201 v1TAL1s~~'" Round the Clo ck Protect1cm w1tti ~l~~.;-D I AL DEODORANT BATH & BEAUTY SOAP -· • , t 11 j 11· :1 r lii)i\~ J .'Ii !I iJ . ! l,1 Pt p p,11 :I f1l 1 ' ' I/' I Ii • l•·I I , ('"""/ ""' . !"~""'"'~~ KOOACOLOR 111.1 '• KODACOLOR ~.~dac1h,'.~~~ 1~r E kt1~1c.~rome-X 2. 99 SUPER 8 Kodachrome 14641 11 '! 11: ldm \';il h rm! l11rn (1~1 'r KOOACOLOR "Superprints" 3.99 7.89 '" OTHER SIZES AT SIMILAR SAVINGS · 1• :.::u:::. ' AO PR ICCS PREVAIL, SUHDIY. JUHC 30th lhru lUCSDIY, JULY lnd OPEN 9 JD AM IO 9 JD PM DPfN 10 oo·IM IO 1 00 PM MONDAY thru SATURDAY SUNDAY ll ~ ~ d n ~ HUMTIM GTON BEACH -Adom\ & lrookhur\I -Sprinqdolt & f:di"qtr -Moq"olio & Wornt'r NEWPORT IEACH -1020 lr•i"t . Wt\lcliff Plo10 El TORO -24172 Rotkfirld Rood SANTA AMA -39 1 t South l rhtol St. • • D~llY PHQ T 2# WE NEED . YOUR TRADE ~ BI G 0 ; • Ill t: Ill • = >- fill > • Ill "' 0 .... • • • A. 0 -.. -... .. ,...~. ~ -'O 111- • • EXAMPLE SA'.VINGS: 52 CHARGERS * BRAND HEW CHARGER "SPECIAL" LOADED , HOT STRIPPED .' I :r 1 l 1 /·<1i'•ffl,,l1c v 111v1 <.1•.i1·-3 1ll 1'11tl E l H1 \4 V/'.,,'V ,1<lrl f')•,I i ·"I ~l•'i!L", WI••' I t•Jil'I nlutll Hlul<; il'ill21G-1 G 1 3!,<IJ~, "SPECIAL" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a~· + T&l WE OVER PURCHASED . --.... -~ '•'-{~ tms:;::T"(' I ij~ . !!t" MANY IN STOCK EXAMPLE SAVINGS: BRAMD HEW MONACO "SPECIAL" LOADED, t-IOT STRIPPED P.r•11rn ,1 ·;1!~ c!oln ,1110 vo1yl 1orou<'tl1tf> 31JD Vt. t1urr.Pl:I G/B,1:;; tir+··_,· !lllJL1i !l1(,f(' 1DM ;;-JJ402 1b /l 2• "SPECIAL'I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -+ T&l •· ~,_, WE OVER PURCHASED ~~ 228 VANS * EXAMPLE SAVINGS: BRANO NEW DODGE VAN LOADED, NOT STRIPPED J.n1°·•1 ,.,.r.u~.h•tfl,l Hlt /1·,•"« d cuo11nq H 0 F & R :,pr 1 nq~; p,\Cl tl• 11 r:n" 1 ii •1.111<1• •.1u.J1 Ui.·1 (l11,ol t111t1> b11mp(:r-. (,t1r~Hll P n1,in,r· rnutn 1111.1•· i l 1fl.n 11vu<1 93JS1 53388 "SPECIAL" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY --t T&-L WE OVER PURCHASED '-•If.at.I\. . ~~,, ·26 WAGONS * EXAMPLE SAVINGS: 8RANLl NEW DODGE 9 PA'!iS . WAGOl'I "SPECIAL" LOA DED, HOT STRIPPED /"11•. f!',.:o Ji I\ • ' 'i 11••1•·1J qi,, I" · ,r , " l'I" Vi',') "'lo•.t• 11n 1<,!• 11""" '/,'1l0:•,(,~,,;-l\l1I "SPECIAL" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~~--~c" .. ~ EXAMPLE SAVINGS: !_{w' n• -~ r0~ -~- ~ T&i. WE OVER PURCHA SE D 127 TRUCKS* WE OVER PURCH A SED . _ _.. 43 SPORTSMEN * EXAMPLE SA VING S: BRANO MEW DO DGE SPO RTS M Al'ol LOADED, N OT STRI PPED !111 .1•1'.1> lor'I "'' :· h"! 11\r Pr·d" I' 1-l r '·I ''' ' di ' ' !' "ii q,!•111•· P,orl,. Ile :<•1 1 h1,JP1;. I 1n,,, 1J1;,\L'1n ::.~"fl'l i "SPECIAL" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . 53888 --t T&L /~.J_ -~~/)\....-:-"'·~ ...... ,:f ' EXA MPLE SAVINGS: WE OVER PURCHASED 242 DARTS * BRANO 1-IEW DART "SPECIAL" LOADED, MO T STRIPPED ' f,' . " <I• ,.,. ,•,'"'I , ,.,, ,, ,.,, "SPECIAL " IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I , " , ' '~ , I,, l t « :11 ' r,,, ,,<!:(.1 i{H.~/l i,; 1 T&-L WE OVER.PURCHASED 88 COLTS * WE OVER PURCHASED -~ ~~;t 21 V~R~~N~?N- IMMEDl A TE DELIVERY i Ill -z .. z e < -"' ::::; -c 0 c: • z ; I MDI! All TRADE ltll THAT RUN ARE WORTH $300 AND UP FREE 7 DAY.TRIALEXCHAN~~ ~NAtl:UstD'CARS 36 MONTH WARRANlY ,ON'ALL NEW & USED ~RS:AT VICTORY OWFASHIONm · NEW ENGIAND SALES & SERVICE c: .. • ... • ... c '71-Dodg•~por+.man 'I• Ton Van -·-"··Special (",,. LJm !~32 11 FULL PRICE 1l7 w t'>f'el b;i~.e V8 . ,, ' ... . autornai.c OR If YOU PREFER rad•O. much muc.h rnl ·r• .... """"" , > ''" Pli> I •'""'·""· "'I---~~~~~~~~-~~~-~ '72 PLYMOUTH Miry Special >-/\u!om<1IK r;id >O, healer po we' S1Pf'"l1'l air cond111on,ng '.0 12GHVI ., FULL $1288 IF ~~U $4054 ~H ..... PRICE PREFER .... ·'" .. "~ ~·'''·'''~ '"' ·' .... 1-~~'-· _,_ .. _,_··-··~"-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) 'o ~ ' ~ I l "· r '"'·' I· 'I" • ... ... c '72 Pinto /lq 1t•)rn.1t.~ Ii• B.1c• •,f';it:; rJd10 ~1eJte r ,,, w 13?7GBV: Special ' -"'· . ' 1 ~ I IJ• '""O<! I~ •• ,,.,,, <' 1• ',.,.," ,, ' ,, Z I--~~~~~~~~~~~~ '72 Plym. Valiant Special Ill A.,,,,n,11or 1,1d1(1 h(',)[('r m (J{,11_ ti-1'1Ch m o 1P 1'1 J[H1 ~ $ ORIF $ 0 :~~~ 1388 P:~~R 44°6 ~H ·"'' <o ~ •'"'-'~'"~ II ·.t•P'" '".'''I <('"" U•l l '•"'/-,'N • ''""' .. "' ,,, 1111--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ·73 Chev. t-rlava Special -l....:>llDf• /\\1torn;il1C r;1d10 ;ind 11.-,1tf'r i93<l GH CI c IF ~~U $440~ ~H PREFER Ill 'o•·,\,I<• '~ .. ,.,,.,,,,,,.,,.,.,,., 1•,·~<<•,I• <l ~I tl•''"'"·tlt>.<<1<"'~1 .. ,,~ J-~-·---·-·-·-·-·~·-'~--,,-~~~~~~~~~~~::;-~-,,:--~-i !Iii •73 Plym. Fury Ill Specail ... f\11Tom;;11c l.ictory ,1ir POWf'r ~tf'pr>11u, 11111 wt1ei::1 COvf'fS much mo rr I 109FVTI OR :~l~LE $1388 ~R~~~ $44°6 ~H ''''• 1 .. 1, •, ''''"'" •·'" '~"·•no••I f1,11 r"" '"'"n 11•1• .>A""' l A• '~'''''"'d <l.,m•~I ""'~ ...... ~,., .. ,, ,,,,. '69 Pontiac A u1omatic . R&H. po wer windows, <11r cond1l1onrng (ZDU866l FULL $888 PRICE OR IF YOU PREFER Speciol '~·~ ·~~ > ' ,:,, ,, "'' ,, "''" .; ... o~ .. " r,,ll t••~ P«C~ 19• \ ~H •nCI 1 I L °"'•"""' ~ •• .,,P•I P"C~ >IC"~I'•; A' H ."1 '•"'- Ill . '.-·~ .<' . _, '">",~ . . • . • "' -'·72 Dodqe Coll ··---__ , .... ·····-----Special ---'10 Ford Custom SOO --• Special f.,r cnrid r<id 10 h e;itpr bucket seats w w wnep l CuVi''$ l,::J~EYS A,11rini,1T 11 r.id•O n('ater Power SIP,...1 1 n~. a•r cond \90 1BFDJ I FULL $1380 PRICE fQJ ' .. , .. ' ' 11"'1··" h' ,,.1., l, .~" ..... ' O R IF YOU PREfr.R . ' "'-' "'" ' . •"' ' . .. . " T_.. .. ~-.: . '· ·.: ' · WHY WAl ''t>r:} ··. · · INSTANT .CR:EDlT ..... ·· Phone 55'6~4620,>·t '.'. · ... ·.·.F· 1·E·.·E2~, :2:.~:~,;::i:~·} .. • • ' • .• •· . i •. ~ ·j;;'~.:::.::_!if :; . . . ..F. INANC. .:l'i· .. ~,, -:·-..11.'"'" .J'· · -• . · .. ,l.,-~·--;.;,:i.' • . . .. •' .-·:~.ii.~-~:,,··c,,·.;. . . . SERVfce· '?'''1' f(\'. :;· LET US ARRANGE · it;jE ' CREDIT Al'fD TERMS YOU MEED .SO'-TtiA.T Ye!J .·~~y DRIVE, HOME TODAY'IH THE ·q;lR ·Of YOUR CHOICE !Examples of our·.·m"ny ways to finance I · · . ' : · · • BANK OF AME.RI.CA .. ; Ulill'TED CALIFORNIA BANK .; CROCKER :BAMK • SECUR1TY PACIFIC • UMIOM BANK • CHRYS.LER CREDIT '72 Chevy WCl<Jon Special Auto trJns rJd10 liea!er. faclory air cond ;1nrl much much mnrf' ,2Q5FBC $I l88 OR FULL IF YOU PRICE PREFER ('"'I•-• I•>''' ..,, ~·'! I.' I~ )I ,.., '·"'' ""~"Cf l /Cln•, ' ~ ·'"""'<! ~"""'"' '"''' I Jd •~• n' " OR \ I ~•'\ill A ''" • IF YOU PREFER FULL PRICE I ~ p, """ : r ·'·'"~'•' I• ~-·-"~'-·~~~~~~~~~-,-~~--1 111 '71 Vega Wagon Special J-..,,rnrnbo;1c"'. 4 :..need cuslon1 0.1101 , nJC1I •dck. w•de o vah (2 11 784 1 "~~u $4406 ""' PREFER MONTH .. • -" • .,, •Al ,,,,,,,.,.,1~-'·"""''' "' ., ' ' ,. . ., ... ' . ' ... . ' . Ill ---':-:'• ,.··-·-=· ·-------------------4 '71 Plym. Fur y Special OR 0 < FULL PRICE If YOU PREFER " , .. , , , .. ... IR __ .. _. --------:---:-:---I• Special ... = '71 DATS UN PICKUP ,\.;,,·<'II IL :• l ·1".1'•f 1 ... r1o-t 1·, .. •. r11;1 '!' r. f,,l/~,j(', FULL $1388 PRICE '1,\H «<~•J•,,-,· ,,•\'''" , ! '"''• J ~L \IOlo·•"'l !'••"""''I'"•----·-·~-·-·_· _ .. _._. ;._·_· --------------:---,.-,----t - Speciol Ill e '69 CHEVROLET V8 <iL 1t0rn;1!1c r;1r1.r1 t11·;,:r• ODW'" !PC'''" 1 11r1 11•·1 01.1•n , 01nyl !<JO wt\f'('I rover', 1 10~ HLI\ ~~~\ $688 ,1~.~R $23 76 .~H 1111! ~~--c~~~~-:-...,...,..-~~ '71 Plym. Sebring Special ... 2 Dr H l Autnm::tiu <.id10 h•>,1!Pr Pdddf'O o;i:.11 v1ny1 interior - t0?9COVI - FULL $1088 IF~~U $3232 "" PRICE PREFER MOt<TH "' ['o1, '1,' .l,' ,_ ' " m'" •·" .,~' ' N" r "' ' ' ' '''"' 11 ''b .'~ ,,., • 1 ~ I ''~".""" '"''"'""' "'"~ -~~~"~··~·~'~'-···-'~·'~'-'.,..-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '71 Plym. Cricket Special 0 Bucket sca t ~. rcicl•o heat"' c ilrPSL.'..l l?w m•leo; ( 11 6E LHV :~~LE $1088 IF~~U $3232 ~H ·~ PREFER '''•I' Lo~ ,.d>l ·•l~"'''"';,.,. '''"''''' 1 3 •1~·h ''""'""~'"'"""' ' "' ' ' NOT SATISFIED WITH SERVICE? Try VICTORY "You 're the Winner" SERVICE HOURS Mo11d11y 1, JO °"'lo 9:00 pm · T w~i.-Fri . 7:10 om lo S:OO pm We accept all Warranty Work o:-i All Chry sler Products GODwE • CHRY IL ER •Pl YMOUTH tv'otor Home Service Too! ' WE NEED YOUR SALE S & SE !f.:V~C~ B USDt~ESS! • -. -• Sa!urday ,June 21} 1914 DAILY Pll01 MIXED SINGLES by Wm. F. Brown ond Mel Casson DOOLEY'S WORLD ---by Ro er Bradfield 1 11,\~ ~,.s; \r8 ,_.....r--0 o > I "l 1~' "J5f ~\ 6lc .<),;, • _ \._ W-.J A~\1C. ~~ A J. r• 1, S NOW W~un "IOOK (JNl n nL AN11 r1 l l ic) 11 11 t·lO<I.,;:: IN A 11111 ':.51!:11 ' II IA r 'sil Cl! lj 0 1-IAVr 1;11..N h!l~J'flh!1 f IJ ro 11 ii I UOO AN 0 r 1RUU AlJMINISl ~A f l ON CO"('~' ,(t ' .!.'. " , _,---;··"'!'I, 11!.lll!o, \:-· ... .. "r , , ) (t,.. . -. ,. I '---..-' r'.~, ' 1..:,,... <~ \ I ..._, '1 . • ... ~ ' • \I·~)'-'~ ~~ o~w 11~ TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K. Ryan Dr. SMOCK TH IS MONfH fHE' COVClTD PLACK FfAfHE'R GO!'S m 1HE' fR l ~E''S ICllTHYOL061ST; 1!1~ Z!CAl:Dl'ALIN' WH~~L IN 1115 nu.o; 1)le CA?A~Lco 1 KING-OF1l1"1 so:nor~HI NG; .. , ' l.IQUfSCfNT LYNX 1 I NAMC \'OJ : ~ELIE'/t. 11 01\ N011 LIQ, SG:,:;_ PllWA ib PON11 KNOlV l\'HAT;. ICH1HfOLOG.Sl :s: WH:.1 5 iHf LAl!cS 'I POOP O.\J OL:I{ FC.A1ii!-l\i:.c;1 I f\l f:'~DS? INOIAN OF IHE: MONTH!• MUTT AHO JEFF FIGMENTS MU'l'r, lllv YOU +1 EAR T~.E LATEST ? JOKE? A DRUNK WALKED UP 1'0 A COP AND ASKED FOR DIRECTIONS! HA HA UA c;.;> \{/~ Y~, =--========;, . •' ... . ... .. .. HAHCY HO~\I INSH'JD I DON'T GET IT' by Al Smith <HATS RIGHT-- YOU DON'T.' by Dale Hale by Ernie Bushmiller GORDO SORt<<I, 8u"°:J 6LJE55 YOU''"t.. ;JAVE TO E 'iPl....AIN 1>1A T O'-JE TO ME.' R'=! MOOH MULLIHS 0.1< .. LS:T 1E:J< i"IP AHIMAL ~RACKERS ... _. ~·" SLUGGO SAID l 'M HE TOL::J M c TO PUT PEEWEE, HOW IS YOUR PITCH ING <ODAY? NOT T HROWING A LITTL=' /.~LJSTA RD ~H_A---:R=D=-E_N,o,u_G_H_ '----~" T rlE BAC.L ------- PEA HUTS TODAY'S CKDSSWDRD PUZZLE h~..J C'J "'7"~:'5: --L~GS 1-..\t.:'E' -:-:: ":: .. ~ 2,\: E.C:~ -.... -..c.J i:i c::"~ ,'.\,.\,·B~ !LL ,\\~ET ). BEJ.~t:i:Jl f; (_ ,J.;.: .\ ·,•e> A\l ' r.\.\•'BE ~E .. L F.\~l :'I · ... J~: ..I,~) s::.:.;·.1: c .... :~:.:::-f ... ~::,,~.\~;.; /\\~~SE 1'~L S?E,...;J 111.: WHJLE T ... :J ~.::Et:S l'-1 SEO WITH P~~.5.],\. C.lio.'. '. ACROS" I Ct:riri1r~ 6 Poor ac1cr~ t-'r'"""' 1J ir .. -; • -1 I'.' •C a• ' I h fl 'C I paf\rc · "Ii $•(.: 1.' ~ :-::: c! :".: ·a r.~c;!"lt' ' -. " • i·~•· I '' I ' ' : . ' \.', •. ,. ' 1:;,-.... ; .1 '>lr ·e ... ll'le s " ' 27 C"'"rr· ·'' •·; • ~ I ::>n.:: ~ 1n~ec• :i:? lnQi.•rti'l .1J t~e!••r 11<i \ Va• .J5 Cl'ilrt :::;s rlo~" OflS~!Y .39 lJ'lC.0\l'IC'! .10 St•O"''l y. r.d "1 Dece••e.:i ~2 Up!i.•!lC 00 """ v ~J '"lpene1111t>le <14 R11c.e c,! le lh1CC 45 Canar..i:; !armer • ,. " ' ':.I.I • .; " " .. " ~ •1.• .. .. ., " • • "'• .. :o;,:at1.1~ 47 s-c .... ~ '? ~·i.anl aQ'! 5 1 ~·<I'll ,1 ·-· ·-'· ',. ' : :-.... 5d ;.r - ·" ' l " "~ t 1 "''"'!'.: I ••· I ~ 0!" ' -,. ' • • I •I"' e ',, 1 r r:('Sl;JOne lJOWN l ... -·"~ "1 l ·~•·i!QP. .J Au'rlC'' 1,n~no..,,·r: A/lb• ~ 1'.'oodsman '> Hiid ll s11ng1ng SBf\S8!1on h P1!t"ll"r '-··L · f '"'•, ~L I ~ £/!'f l''·l ,,;-:'ltl ·~•.:•· , ,',:I -'.,'. ~:ol---tti: :. : I" " ~·-~ • ' . ! -• . • -' ; . . . I . < ~ < "+' "' f-' +.-'-~ ; ' ~ , ! ! . IC , ~ , • • I • ' ' ~ ~ ' :. -' ' f-' . '-t -c ' - " 11 F()t' ft.":" 12 ' \'/t -1' • It /•II A!)C. 1t _, 1 "\ f 1:.1 ,... ; \ ,\ l:t-••' 'l ;>1 ~"~I , .1 Qp\)05 If' '" en!"~'"··~• ; 7 l •V•' ,[o:;,C,.~ ror.'1 <B M O••l'I DOOCl'l ;g Ac t c ! 1111d1ng JO Qpera1ed a . -• : p 40 St'"Q -.10 e• ':.:cnce 42 Ler:; anerri1\1on 43 ( •tendeo .1.1 V>!nOrr·OU5 ~"il"(-'S 46 Ce'lr•al !1ml'! Prr>!1 ~ 4 7 l arg.- 0J"d1es 48 [ncouragc 4~ ·rne···· ,.1u11ny ' 50 0 1srrric11 ~l' aua1r1y SJ Fem1n1ne name N~ ... nouJer 34 g~;ec:1 or 5S p,.nnng atyle Abbt 56 Ca11to1n11 C•tY 7 'Green Dakota Man&•O•'t\" .JS Preh• w111'1 hero to10 or le5t 8 News· 36 In 11dd•l!on oaoer. .Jf Hamme1· TV t ic he•doar1 q Norm 39 Hou&e 10 Be hev e ~cc1 1on ' 11. ' .. '·'-' " J. ':,· ' ' " " " 1 " - JO 'i JI ' .. ..• • " " " -., I ' .. "' "' ' 57 CanaO•an Football ~ c,, 60 Moon ve1•11c1 e, lor "'"" " " .. ,, '" " -- J I'. J> " ,, ,, ' •. '. "' • ,, · ... -• ... " ,f " " -' " ~ . " " • .. ., - l ) o(· ..__., ; \ _..· JUDGE PARKER c---'" ~----WE'!..L .•. r-!!:: ..... :_ rlt>.~"I • \'.'ORKt::> FO'! Aeour 1wo '>'EARS.' /1/IA~C.IA I~ ~O NtC.E -S.CME. TtME ~ I AND 50 AWFIA l- OTM ffl. /J Mf~ .. DICK TRACY 'f.lt t..!E', MA ~C I A . Fl('t;T YCLA G AVE !~A HALF ---=~"1 OF YCLAll ~ANOWICH, TMEN YCIA. (' • ri PU NCHED HIM FOfC. N O • · R::EA ~O N AT ALL.! C AN'T vc ~ LEArlN 10 CDNTf{OL. · VCUl{5E L.F ? r----- -jc ~ *~~ ~~o·'J ,,! c~~ by Harold Le Doux by Mell l. CONT1'01. MY5fLF 1'&A1 .. r r 1i=-t.1 1.LY ! ;! C..AN S:L.Y ON AND OFF 'THE HANDLE ANYTIME l. WANT,, .. by Chester Gould MY, TIIATS A NOISY FOUNTAIN Pl!N ! .,.,..o JUST PUT IT "u..vv. ON TME T.A8LE AMO ASI< OOClOSTlP IN Hlllll! ... '1,-:;..-~ h • = by George Lemont by Gus Arriola by Ferd Johnson IT'S 0 .1<. ,AUNT EFF IE-- WEIRE PRACTICING UP FOR S URFe o ,ARD1NG <HIS SUM MER ·1Y -/_ ~' ~' J ( t '< '\:__~~) r·\/ ~"· \4 by Roger Bollen • • • "And "'e bnth ju~t IO\'t married Ille -why. all I've rot to do is talk about \\·hen he y,·a~ single and he suddenly be· eo1ne1 very depre5sed,'. DENNIS THE MEHACE -----__... ---------- ! JOIN THE 'SELLERS C/flCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE f ·-·~-k FOR • I y · •. "1~.\ .,~.--.YOU MASONRY , _ .. !5 :il~ .. . . """ ••• L....J ,.. •''; LANDS_Cl\PING ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you sell a se rvic e a nd don1t adv ert ise 1n th e DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you're d oing business the hard way, Th e Service Directory I classifications 600-699 in th e classified ad section daily) gives you an advantage you get through no other advertising medium. It reaches customers who are rea dy to buy. Be there when you r prospects come in to the market looking for the services yo u have to sell. l·f your servic e isn 't listed, we'll sta rt a category just for you . Pick up th e phone right no w and reserve your space in the "Sell ers Ci rcle'' Your Direct Line to Directory Results 642-5678 .. CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT • . . ---.:r.-::. • - l_J ·::~I I I I l i -·l- The UNIQUE" Fe;itures of thii. Home are: 'I'll{'. 4 h1l lt1i' '.{ li.itli' ~ ~1 r1r1l·.~ and 1 t•nul ;•II 111 lt1'.11t11111I •u11d1!1"11 ltn1 11:1t·1d:itf' :irnpl'll_v 111..,1d•· ;111d 1.111 "1!!1 1let:!lt'<tl•1t 11,1 ll11:1p1·r". f<>J'lrl:il d 11•111\.' ro"111. 11H·11·d1h!(' 1·1·;ir 1:1rd pnfll a r~;i ,111 d 111•11 •1:11 (•1 ~11l!t·1n·r d1~tl\\:Js1u·r and •1:11 1"' 1i(':1t<·r i'J')•p i11111ers nre 11{•.i! lr.-.:1~··1 '1'111 -.; l1 r•111•· 1 l111 ·:1tcd het11t•1·n tl11· ·•11 /I 1•1111·• 1· ;1od :1 :1;1 1 h .111d p11t·1·il al :";7;{ ;,()(J \ 1111 ~l1111ild •1·1· it UNIQUE HOfl\ES Realtor~. 1850 Mesa Verde Drive , 546-5990 Costa Mesa Genera l R.E. 1002 .en<?rrll 11 .E . • (~?I'll • SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 TO 5 1831 PORT KIMBERLY PLACE HARBOR VIE W HOMES 1r.02 .\I( l'h .ipp111 111trl ~ IH!i Ill ,'<.· d1 •n l•q111e IL•,1- !tlJ Lil ~ ill'<l\l!1lul qu,il il;. 1·;1 1111•\11 1:_:, 1·1 1~1 dr.q1\'." ,-;.: •1allp;1per. r11irrort•d 11;1 rdrnb1·~ 11\ 111~\r bilr'1 11.. l ilvtl (•1ilry . tully l~111d sl';,1p1·1I \I S!)flllhicr S \~\l!lrl : lill;.,:l: rt:lrlt'lll p;1tio \llllJ l<il\lt:(•d i:ov1..·i· & i.:u ~ !iric l11r 0~1tdonr f;l :l) \II th 1~ !ur ~li\J.750 . William Winton Real Estate 229 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND 675-3331 f,\:tvf'll01 :_!:f 1002 GPntc"• ill R E. 1002General R.E . 1007 INVESTMENT O F A LI FETIME ! 'I , II II I• I ,oj,' I I 1,i11i1 I + Ii 11, .,nil 11"'' ,1 111,111111/ !11 11" 1 .. 1• 1111 111• ,,d 1/i HI• ](,-.11 J· •I 111 111 .1 hor1H ·t 11().I l!•I Lill,' 111,. g1t•iil •·•t 11110• :111"!11 .,f 1111.i 11 1.111111 1-YOU ,,11 d YOUR FU TURE 1 I 1 llP' 1"1'. I' 11{1 !l1t· ]llH' 1 /I''' l I I \ •I 11 p1J1.1/11l' <11,.:..o!ll/,llHJI\ 111 Ill I'.\ .i1 It,; l1iJ• 11i 1JJ\1 ;.,11 ,,f 1lll· I: ... : I 'do, VJE CARE ABOUT YOU, YOUR FUTURE .111d WE SHOW IT ! 1;1 ... 11 d h·-~111 tlic l1t·ld 1i! l\,·.il I ~t.•lt ~ 1111 ,,: ,. 1111\1 Ill 11111 q\\t• It \!1 \lllol~i·l l !q 1111• ]I 11< 11111 l1111d 1t·~11lL u1 11 •111vd 11•,1111 ,,i /111d1 ~llJ ll;il . l\1' Ii.ill' l!lf~lllll ('~ l1 il :! llhl' 11111·111 .111.ol\•I, WE OFFER MORE -·~11 L11 II !'1111111 1''1!!11· .i!ll!lllll'l t.il l\o• ,I I I.Ill''' i !OIJi1Jlll 1•/ bdt i.t·d Id< il1 !1 'l'\'1'1·1.111.d h.P f lip !1!!1'111(' ,i(l 1 ,dJ ~\"\I'll! 11\ill t ' .HI\ t I!; Ill TWO TRAI NING PROGRAMS, fll•dP n•11,il «llJ1i· 1111;111• lt1c.1\l!•ll :!II \t'.11 "I IHI• 1111 1 \p1·1!l111 1• .111tl MUCH MORE! 11•11 l lft·,]1~101!' !H'll 111\('~(llll'ill l,1( d1!1 J., !.ll1·d .ii illl' \ilpo1J l:ll"llh''' I <'lil;I Ill 11~(· J1v.i11 11J l r11111· !11du~111:1I l '11111pll'\ 1· 11lu·1 1· 11 :11 1 l1 ;1ppt•11,· W E'RE ON ~THE GROW -ARE YOU? II \1J\1 ;1r1• 111·1·..,1·n1 l1 ·t·il11n,: l\t·-1dl'1111 ,d !11cu111t· c·u 11111 11·rc·1.il "1 111!111-.1 11.tl l•1'1fll'J'l .1 1:111 11.!lll 111 1•:11 11 MORE 111• p1-,t \l'\·I !1!..1· 111111111 :,.: ;d1».id lllt·11 (ill IOJd,1\ 11>1 \!1111' 1·1111 lhlPt1t1,1J J11lli\l\'\I \11\\ I" \Ulll opjltl!\1111111 111 111,lj..l' lh1· hi~ Ll'I :uid !it•"t 111\t·~l1t 11•111 111 \11111 Ill•· IN YOU <1111] WITH US!! 1 .. :I 1;,plt l.u-.11;1, lll\l''lrr11•1l t fl11 1,1<1il \l.111 .1~~·r Iii !1 7.i~·l iH!I 1 :;1i1 i~ ,IJ ;u·.\r ll1t1 1 :..1 1111• 10.;, [J'\'llll'. !l:tilJi . * OPEN HOii SES * 64 9 Vl5TA BONITA THE BLUF FS, N.B. SA T SU N. 1·5 I ~ • I I I 1 ' 3121 PACIFIC NEWPORT BEACH COAST HWY. SAT SU N. 1·5 11.11 ~i":ooo ( 1528 KEEL DRIVE HARBOR VIEW HOMES I 1~1 1 ,\ l.1111d•. 11,0,111 SAT /SUN. \.5 .;)IJ'.!,ilJIJ I· cc 2012 PORT CHELSEA HARBOR VIEW HOMES SAT SUN. 1·5 31 OALGOA COVES NE\11/PORT I -I : B~ACH SAT SUN. 1·5 1910 PORT PROVEN CE HARBOR V1EW HOMES " J;J: ,\ illfllil' ,!I l',I SAT SUN. 1·5 "1;~1 :iUU F1•1• 2240 PORT DURNESS HARBOR VIEW HOflt.ES .j l:J: ,\ I .1111 I 111 SAT SUN. 1-5 I 11"1 ' :-;: :_: .)(I! I 514 DAHLIA CORONA DEL MAR SAT SUN. \.5 :1 I: I: ·1 f1;, ,\ : ! ~I: :! 11:1 ~ 1 :!;~ !)(J() 1313 SANTANELLA TERR. IRVINE TERRACE SAT 1 SUN. 1-5 :i 1;1; 1<1111 1·111 p11•.I ~11· ;.:1111 $HlilJOO oui=i "25'"' VEAR BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 2407 E COAST HWY CORONA OEL M A R •G·'-".'.'.•.l_R_._E_.;.;_ __ 1_0_02_G_'_".'.'.•.l_R_._e_ . ...;;;__1_0_0_2 ;;_;G:':":':':'':':":·:E:.;::;::;::l:0:0.:2:G:':":':":';;,;R:.E:-.;::;:::::.:10:0::2G .:!:-"~':':'.' :R:·~~~-:· ::;::;;::10:0:2:G;::':"':':':l:R:.:E:.;::;::::;1:0:0:2: ARE YOU SECURITY CONSCIOUS? * Balboa c ay Properties * ~ r=rtWWalWW1 li1'\'l)J1I\' ;1 p:ll 'I Ii! l'\1'111 .~lll' l:1 g ('Jl1\'111i 1;l'lti11d g u:1rclt·d ~.111·.~ 11·!:1\ Ill COlllplL·ll-"l'- L'\l !I!\. \1,dk lht: :-lrr·1·I" !tl .~;dct1 !'Inv r1n lhL' 1iri1;1ll' J.!oll t•111rst'. 1111c1 r 1tJcr~htp a\•i.1il.J 'J'h ree !Jedi ooui. U1rce l1all1. l)rund t1c1\ ho1nc. 11 1 I h r nail y u pg rad u\ ·~ ! c;i\ 111 t·~ l.; 1 ndsc;.1 ping . (·;irpt·l". d rapt·.~ <11c till 1n ;.1 1i10,·c-r1ght-in- co 11d1t1n11 . J;(>l1111 repla1·1·11ient co"! :1\ SJ l!J .. 10U. l 11~p1..·v1 \)1 1.~ luvCI) llon1e a t =11 !:11 c 1 'halt•<HI H1;.1·;1 I. [f(1111 I !o :i. !-.;1!. ~~ ~un . "'-'-• 7901 Newport, N'pt Be ach \J'1' JIU~21 BURR WHITE , Realtor ~ 675-4630 24 H r. Service * OCEAN * l-.\111111 lilk. ( h;.1rn11ng li"1nc 4tll l'IH!ll'r [(-2 lnt. ()111 ,1 :-Ii:! .-,(JU' li75-;UtiU OPEN SAT /SUN. 1.5 337 Westbrook Pl. I ollL':.!l' !'.1rk (' .\1 Ill 1;1 Ille'{! ll('l\.!)l lJ•1li1t10,i l. ·l 1:a 101111 r•11 .. ~1uil1 ,\ 1111111 :;>-1\i,!J\lll ~i :i(i.;;l)!H I N E1-VPORT BEAC H POOL :{J ~J( !.111111\ !'Ill. i .ol 1.:!1 ;..r,111 11d ~ 11 · .-r..:v11 h11u~e. \\ .llh l!i ,( uori l~ ~\; ·"h11p- p111:.,. ::>ti.i.!(10 ti-l~-·.J~J. SPECTACULAR l't•l\111 J'] fl!!llll' .\ l•',11 11 . \ -k 111;..: :-; 1-l!!.(J(llf ;1 I ,11 J I ''Ill .\ lt1 Ill !J I 11 .\loJill! hi:!./ !:!O REALTORS 5 Loca l Offices To Se rve You 1Jer11 Co11u'/1 l l.e.id111·., \orlh (Jr;in~t; t <1t111l\ l:r okcr. C'X- 1Jd11Cl111C! \,•\\IHI! l I IJt lt l' I.\ l !<J{\'] [·:\\'J).(; l\11 ·r J·: \ Hip ,.,1lt·-.p('.opll', .\[ II 'I be 1'\jlt'll\'1l1t·d p1 od1a\1\t• .ind h<11 (' C<1- <1JH'1'.11J .l' ;1l\J1udc. 1·:,1·t·p1111n<1ll,1 i;c 111.:r- u~1~ t'"l1 ll1!1 ~,11111., 'Pill Jilli' l1't'l'ili(' prnlit .~li:1r111~ 11r11g1.il 'I J l1t• l •lll'~l l11L·:1t1111111 : \L'\\• li"rt l,l·;11 ·!1 "'l'nl· !.,\.ii\' H~·;ill,\ 1;111ld111;..;". l•1r111·r nt ~L·11p•11! j l'll1l't' l)J' ,'\.:. l ·';1r~1llii11. lt1.J11 llill;tl olll! ~ 1111 ~ .. I(·~ pt•opl" Fu r ==========-;:G:e:n:,:,_~,l:--;;R~.E~.---~10~0;::'2 General R.E. 1002 General R.E. ____ .c:.:..: 1002 I llll[pJo·(llJ,ii 111\t'J'I L\\, (';d) (;~ll'fl!!ll l!Otll~'~ 1•r1 ,Ull'l\1 1i;.;..1:1l .• : ERRORS c Adverti\ers should check t heir ads daily & repo rt errors i mm e di a te t y. The DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the first inco rr ect onlr. insertion OPEN HOUSE SAT /SUN 1-5 Assume VA Loan at 7" a ! •. •I' I• ·11 ~II• 1,. ·n \ p'l1 ! I • 111111111 11"[11 II,.. 111-•'·I• I I" •I l 'n1 I"" 111;,1t1lo ""II'•' I •111 . .-11. 1·,1i.l-""'i11 1;1: 1 lo,<111• ~I~• •~1 1071 San Pablo Cir. '"!f "111111"" • !' ,\ ,...:111 11• I 1!1 LAGUNA H ILLS 3 BEDROOM Mexican Villa / Geach O nl y S6b,900 !! General R. E . 1002 General R.E. c__:c=c_:_:_:.::;. __ 1002 ' '', I'< • ~ I I ,I I 'I: 11 'I \11 IK!ll'\ 1•1 \11...: '•'I 1!h1l1 J :, , , • •1 ;,. 111•' , 11< I .. ., , I ~ \I 1 · I "' ,, l '"" ,, '~ I'll II 'I' 11•'1 ' r.I \f. •' •II '"' " I I II ii' 'J1• 1•I·"' °'I• I' BALBOA TRl-PLEX I 1" '\ \ I ~ \I 111 I I\\\! . I' •1 •• ·I" ii• I • ,,h i<1\•IL4' "' 11 I· 1 •I '.I\: !u. 1 \•,11' ,\"llr•~ l••'dUI\ l•H, ''''' \\,,\\'"'It• 11•'1\ <IHI I•••!\ lr,,u1,-11.,•.1\··1,1,1 ... 11 '1'"' 1' 11 .. I• 1 .. 1.uu i.. 1:,"11·. \l•ofl•.•.'••(,.n11•11)\,l!f !l1 • ll·•l···••1 ••I ·"''1 ••\.ol '"'·'\\I" 11••1 •dll' .• ,.j ....-....------ Newport Heights I t· • ' "'1•·1111 · F111<• ('ll '1"1ll ::: 1, oli'""" Ii" I•' ·,11111 •'"\Pil 1·) '' 1«·,1,.' •I 11111 i I• 111· .I II 1111 ., ..... r 1•·•11•·1111<. "I" 1' General R .E . 1002 \J,·,.1 ll•·-1-• ;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;2 .. 646-39.18 or ~ ve. 548-2426 h, ,1·•!1 \), I!• ' 1 t 1 'I I I.• • l.,t\ II ~·) ! \ I"' "" ,n.: i. .. · ' ' ' l'I' ' ·I ."' !IJ dll• "• I 1>' lu11 ,I'''' \ '., ,1io•ll!.Ji,Ji11~ \-;( ' ..... "'h•'l."'~"'"1' 1" U ...,.,,., <o~, J,;, \-j,ll't-rr,:nl 11,1111• '" I "•I"• ! fl•• •1'• I l•n ,,., 11 1 •• .,J; "'"11•·• i•! " L•ll ond ),,., Iii• I ,,ud !' 111 :•··! 1,u, 11•" r 11···1,t .,., .. .!!~. il'J,I,>;.... /'~-''" .Hl•I l.011.11 OREGON GETAWAY 1 •-\, ••'~ \\ 1111 '1J!o" ;: P••HI 1111·11i•h•"I 11 • .,,., 1,.. ,,1.-.1 ti• 11 l~of.1•1 \•'"• ! 11'• '• " II '" "il I 11 H , n.11-'"' n l.111;1·• ~u[I prit•' IU·1 $5 000. CASH 2211 Newport 81 . Co~ta Me~o Ell i 646-8811 Rlllnl.E Sun/E ves. 644-8312 Clean A little Save A Bunch Il l !,I I .\\1!1.Y 1;1ir1\1 111 \\'\ ~I I \I,)' 1:1\111· \lo • 111 ,. 11 111.1 I TI i1~ II 11 1-. lo .. k I I." ' I ' '!''-,,j., '"" • "" 111. !.'.ii ·' l.illo• •·I· 111111 "'II l1n11 11 1111" ,, I .. 1111.l'li )1<111 \1' fill \•0(1 .llld ,\Hiii f,111111\ { •HI• "I> I!\, Lo:,, 1 i"•I, :Olld Hl.1~ .. IO!l .,j(1•1 \,h .ol••lll h•!ip ....... s..-.• \Vallier & Lee ... , .. ,.,, lachenmyer Re1ltor BUILDER'S DREAM HOME I lnl.1 • !.oil•. di•'''" I 01IUI '" •. 1.1 j , +I I\\ ' • I I •lo 1 •• , I. H • ; 1 .. , I 1 ' ,, I' • "li" ·1· ll/1 ' llh \ J .. 1 1111 ' ''' '''"' l•·I<• •111\1 Hid lo d I "I I \j, I II I ""'' I .-1.rd" \l ... ''ii" I• \.o·I I '' PRE:I TI GE: I HOME:\ '•' '\ '\r·''"ni 1:1 545-9491 4 PLEX FOR THE OWNER OCCUPANT "" 1,1' 1r1·•·n1 I'' "I"' •1 111 11 , ~: I • It, 'I' , , j 11'• 'p., 1 i"" \\I\ ii·" T" 1 I• '. I'""'" O'I ' i"" I , \ .q•, 1 ' 111 I 'I l •I' I ' l i• 1 ii lo I , •' II ll L '! 111 • I • 11 . ' • ..," .• ,. •"i ! ' .JI 1; II·. n I' I I'" BUY A WARRANTY HOME \~ GOTTA SELL! I ~ I 1·111• 1 I• 11 1·1• 1r1·d \Ju,I .,,11 4 BEDROOM 1:11· 1:11111, t': 1·1.... 11 $34,950 IN I:, dn"'"'• Pl' ,; .111d .1 I \1 tl I sr• • 1•"1" .\u_, 1'1:111. c;.; .,·,~1 COST A MESA llj" I ll·"l"I' . ...:11t1d11 I'" 'l.1!-1• !hi\ rhn111~1 .. 1111, I><·' • ·l "I \'1._1 I ~ inf,1, \••\\ 1~11·1 I:, 'l"li l ' 11! 1.11;.11_·, .~ CAU.14 fOJt • FAlf (iTl .... Tl Of VAWli VALLEY REALTY • BlAG ENTERPRISl IUIERIC..11 'roe~ ElCH•llGl COtilPll,NY •.. 111"'1. (lo'\\ 1•.11111 .. 1 ,\ '"ll 1·, '"""I' !o·ol ,1 111•· '•';hlnl 1 ... 1h•. ~ ' " t'.·" .1 ,. • ....... . 1<1111·d ).<t~I' ,\•HI o•r• 1! l'iil I>< \•'11111" I Fii \ 1 .. ,,,1 ••I'~·;, ,/I) -,i,,_,11 (',di 1,,,1 1.11o 'I'• I II I• .! , I .•• 'l.' • ' "·'' ( .• 11 ',_ - ' • COOL POOL! I. :1-f'I '\ ,d• " 1· " 545.9491 • • • PHILI P GOODRICH 985 Mission Or. I•"" "' 1. Costa Mesa "' I ' ,,, ,, ,,, . \\'llh. TWO FREE T IC KETS COATS 1 1., 1i. .. & SOUTHLAND WALLACE Ho1ne and Garden Show REAL TORS .1. ., 1<1011 _1,11 --54!>.414 1-- IOpen Evening~) ' 11. ANAHEIM Convention Cente1· " 111·1 ' 11 ".. \' h ".i • I' ' " "I 1' .1 " "' I ' I I' • ' • '" II • 1 ·11". •. 1 Sharp • Ne a r New COLE OF NEW PORT I l I REAL TORS I one y '" ' >i l I ,I I.\ I .I '1 ,' :' 11. \ I : : .. I ' I =====I MESA VERDE \ I ~I ' • ·: .•. I •l' •1 tU ,II I" -I ( "I 1·, "I./ "' 11' lw " : ' 1 I" I '·II,-• 1111,1 1;11 ' l.111 11\ 1 ••111 I>< 1• ~ 1 I 1 " I' t ' ' • I .1 • hi •II• l.,1, ho•n. I I! , 1 H •I, I' II"\\' ( .jl I '.11, '· '" o!ou ii I 1 \ ""'·"'" \ \ 1, >II 11 •·1'1~1•1 •-H'<."1/IOlll ~·"·' 'I''"' ., "'''""' ~; 1111' \j , .1.1; ·,1.1 ~1·\ I! I \ l. \-0·5 ' • 1 .... 1\11 ,,,.,, .. 1, I ~· . . ~ '\I 1 " 1 i I "II " I 1 l I• •I • I!. I I " ·I" II I ' I"' r ~ t ' " , ' t I , '• 11• II• " 1,, d I' ,, I •I •I" 11· I~ l "II•' tqt !I , I \•' I '.1• "II '"· , "Oil" ·1 -I•'" I , •1 I I• " <li •. 1 .!~I PE TE BARRETT -REALTOR- 642-s200 .._._,______.._.. * DUPLEX * ". r. ii 11~ ,, 11•1 ( • .,1 • \I"•·• l<I!'.'•' l.iHl11\ J 111. 2 • _, I 1 '·1•1· I •.I 111'. o ·, ol'J' '-. 1,<11· I 1 .. 1n:1 l h 1111 tq·I. loll " ,\ 11·1, .. 1 .. .r ,, •• : l~i! ' ., .. •H 11 , , .. ,_ i' lo ·1' I, 1• • .'I ,, " "C" THOMAS REALTOR •• I I •; ,f.\~ l ~IG ,,B,~~1~1~ , 1: i•111 " lo 11.,,, 1.,1, 11 11•• I" I ,, 1'1 ·'i'' • I 1 I, I" I , 1 I " I ' 11 ii • I"' I II 1•1 l'•'•I. \. '" ol.1 ., ii 1 I• 1111 "'I•'! I ,I 11•! j, 1, ii . .r ( tll -,, '•,•·<I SEL ECT PROPERTIES LITTLE CORONA LOC. SB l ,500. ·' 1·l1.,,·111u1~ ~r:i: ,.,~11.11:1•, l··r11il .11111·,u. r• 1 .. 1. 1 hJi; 1.1 !., I• ,...:,.,, .!I.: l '1>f'p~ 1\11 :-u11.I .1 .1 I ~•J!ll! I I I}. 1. di II .• 1li11-.:-. I" II ! ,, ·'''"II h1'rln11. :•11 ''' r.I'•" 11-.1111"ll.! 111 •' COLE OF Ne'WPORT REAL TORS FIXER UPPE RS In 'II •, • • , di l'I II•' ,.,.,,. '''' I I\• ' 'll !',''I I' .1' '''. '.:1:.J. ·' nul I ·1-\!.I \], !.I~ .~101 Pl' 111 ii I' Ml~~~,-~~~,~~ 'l'I' I " . " "< oil I • "' ' I· ' I Ill \' ····1 Ill· ··I . ' ,.! hhl' I 11 'l'lj I 11, .. '1 1.~11 t1-T ·t 1uo1 ..... 1 .. ,/ '1•1• 11 \.;-..n111 •1\1ll"·lllT' ~I ·l llH\\ ,,, ;o.!1dt'<' 1:. ,1111~· 1 \;' "··" I"• II 1dl1 ll• Hl• ...... f;l:1-•1~i~ • 2·1 DAI LY PILOf l.,,111u<1a 1 J11nt 2'1 JQ74 ~ G9nmt R.E. --1 OoW.n9ral R. E. 1002 Gentr-.~1""R".E~.---cl0"0"2=-:;.-.,-,-,"1 "'R~. E'"'.---1"00=2-. "G".-n-.,-,"'1 ~R". ~E-. -To"o"i-Gr::,n::,::,-:,1rDR.•·e,.-. ---;1;;00x2•~0•.::n::,-:,.::1"R0.0E•.--'1"'00"'2','o~,::n-,-,.:01-;R"' .• "E,... . .:_ __ '1"'00"2"a'".-.-.,-,71"'R°'.E".---::100=2· 1--------1~~===~~=~ ----~~~~~~~-~--~ ;..:.· ..:;..-..._.;;:,...;::-:;....:· ...:-....~:;::::;.:~;:;::;::;;1 COOL BEAUTY OFMn House Sat Sun 1-5 F' I o • OPEN SAT /SUN . 1-S 18471 SI ERRA SANT O • 2086 M .. ; •• W•y, CM 1na pportun1·ty rl lltVl1'EJ .Jus\ • 1 '111a1 ~"" vo 1.e;u 1 1100 >111, 1 . QUICK POSSESSION ut': HJI ao·COJlu,. Jdnn .. "\'grnul'( '"""" • 4 Bedroon1-Easlside ONLY TWO REMAINING HI T11rt!l! Rock . Fro1n the < 1ni11g r111 ., \'•Ill tart \il'\\" th~ ctcl i~hthtl flO\\l!r pot shPi't'Cr la<ll·n ,vfth ph1nt:. .~·t! .vo u on the \\('t'k t:n tl $49,900 1'his \\'OJ)'l lf1Sl hlng 111 !itOl.900. ;*/"'4tiH, s~~ 1 ~··:;·;;· .. 'I ;~;/.:~·." 1'1,,,1::1."111'1:1:~:~ BIG CANYON "DEAUVILLE" -VIEW! VILLA GRANADA TOWNHOMES PEACEFUL POSH PRIVATE t'•"•1 ,\,1nl 111111 :.,.i11l••11 .. 1111 Spet!;H'l1l:1r •I Bil fl!(•del \11th dri1111:it1!' t'll· OPEN SAT/SUN , 1-5 5772 OAKLEY TERRACE I REALTOR 1 1 11·'11~ lnnr tr•····' b 11•11 hu>-lt'<Hlrc to Jargt' l1vi11~ rn111 1th n1erble tl rpl. "BIG CANYON GOLF COURSE VIEWS" Ir 11 li.-n vnnd 1111" 1',.11·r1u ll & \1'('t bar. Furnia! Il l{, t1ardc11 kit chc:n . Ele-( \\11NE) An interesting, 11ell arr;l!IJ.:t'd :1 l'<·1·r .. ~1 hu111t· lur th~· J,u'J.:l' ,, 4 S1laclous lKirn1s ., ~?1h tu1 ths: n(lWl)' refur- bdrn1., 3 bath hon1e 11'ith 11nok, 11'L't bar & ' VISIT THESE '"'nil)' ('t1ll no"· '1' 11•··· ~;~~~~1~\~~~~i\~~i~~·xlJu~~~~~·~~1~;1~~4J~0l~5 :30 b1 shcdthr1uiu t,u1cl.clltpetingufyour choice, fireplace in lge. l11•u1g rn1 . Lots of :-lo rti ,:.:e : $47,850 ! '''et bar, 111o<lern kitrhens, ele<'. garage doors service 1·oon1: 3 cnr g;n·a~e & :1 trcr11c11dt1u-. You Are Welcome Centu TRIPLEX -EAST SIDE COSTA MESA -\IL·r.v dt.!lt1xe'. L'onu"Uunity pool 11earby . \ie111! Price of $114 .000 uitllld('s the land . II/ ! N~v.· li :-ting~ lleal "pride uf O\Vnership". Jn CH ANNEL ACTION-OCEAN VIEW OPEN SAT /SUN 2·6 '''21 g1·eat deu1antl . S<:\\'ell bit 4 yrs 11<'11 {\cluxc "BEST NEW SALE BUY IN TOWN" OPEN MON. THRU FRI. t-S 2727 OCEAN BLVD. CLIFFHAVEN _ NEW LISTING ---=-"!"' I >e1>Hra1c 3 IJJ: 2 bat" home 2·2BH. l "")" OC>EN TH IS WEl;KEND (('OH<.lN .'\ IJEL ~·!:\H 1. lJn1quc 2-sly. 3 lxlrn1.. ~ 11 llni t.s. 131t-in l't.H1gc 101cns. l'all loday 1 S!J2.5tl0 83S AMIGOS WAY , =8 & •II 3 l !11rr v 111 ~ce thi ~ :i l>ea1·()(i1n, 2 full bath. . , bath ho1ne, It's 11nder.11oiug ren1odel1ng. tiiniii.i· l'Onn). forilla! dtniil'' r"orn hoine on ll!li ~11·:~.1110,"7'1· c .\L I UNIVERSITY PARK SPECIAL -$65,000 DI REC1'l()i\S: East.bluff Dr. to ~\Jr Vi sta. \.\'ith extensive U!ie of 11vod ... but. it's 1101 ° l6 "~ d · .~p'1tiou ~ ('n1·11er loL 11•11!1 n bcnutifl1I 1.::nvn One of a kind ' Reaut1fullv dl•r.:o r :t!ert 4 BH, to Do1ningo \\lay to Alnigos \Vay . Offere qu11e coniplete & plnns <ii·e ;ii·ailablf'. :-o 1 d '(1\lr11111'(" l"X'l'I 2 ~·, ''all1 l1011Jc·. S'pc". LR ·" C'>i llJ"d1·aJ be"n1 thi·u- ,"OLI crln add yo ur 011·11 touch of genius. l>ii11 't '1111 t·niere p:l!Hi s 1". 1 ·' '.. {·\-Clubhouse Road • u ~ ... " " ntiss seeing this unu~uaJ ltoine in a JllO ~L ti Sl'parclle gu~:.-1 rO\ltJ\ or llullby r011111 or eci!ing. gou1·n1et (:(1unt ry kitehen, brick desirable arc<i . ~:!lS.OOO . 700 Cl1ff Or. New port Be.ich $66,900 Mesa Verde Gcorgeto11·n tel'rat'e, charrni11 g entry ct. yct. 2414 Vl1ta del Oro VISleN 1\ !{eel Hill Con1pCtny 18124 Culver Drive Un iver ~ity Pa rk Shopping Center Irvine 552-7500 i .................... _,,, ............. ____ ....._I Doily Pilot Classified G•n•r•I R.E. 1002 G•n•ral R.E. macnab I irvine realty FINER HOMES FABULOUS 1002 French Gregorian 4 bed roo111 hoine onl_v I yr. old! Beautiful cotor coordination. t'hoice \Vostcliff location. Qv,•ner 1noving east so priced to sell no,~·~ Ch arles . .\rnoltl 642·82.JS. (C21 i BIG CANYON • LUXURIOUS Deane \'ersallles 1nodel · 2-!-torv. 4 bectroon1 on end lot \1·1 0CF..\i\ \:IE\\'." Reduced to $210.000. o"·ner Llought an other hon1e - 11'anls action:~ 'foni 'l'urner 642·8235. IC22) COM CUSTOM DUPLEX Pool Home 17932 llOl'Kli':S OPEN SU N 1·5:30 VIEW! SPYGLASS BEST BUY Perfection 1hruont lhis ":'\c11· Bedford." i\.Jany extr<1s. l1<'a11tif11I drapes, lux. t ptng & ex!en:-ive landst·api 11~.,4 lllt Fll & bonus rn1 !\00111 for pool. !11clud111g land 514.5.000 . .\ J'Cill one O( ii k111d ('Uston1 built dup lex on ;111 01·cr~1zc<I loL. !)0111 11 of Hovsi de , on!V 2 lil ock :. to the br;1ch i luu se has· 4 lledrool11.:.. J ba!hs. fa1nily ronrn and fireplace in 111aster beclroonL l11co111c uni\ is \'Cry large \1 1th :'I belirvon1:-. ~ lul l but!!s. Jl7 & 3171/2 Jasmine, CdM $125,900 OCEAN VIEW-PRIVATE BEACH !'n1 a rf'ally sh;irp 3 hect roo1n. f;imily roon1 h<lnle. on a lar,gr Int Sec n1y sccluctcd yard :ind hu r;c pool. \Valk tn 1nv private beach. J'n1 a real fa1nilv hon1e . · 639 Cameo Hi9hlands Or. $89,900 VIEW! VIEW! VIEW ! See this lovely 4 bedroom ~·Iediterranean ho111e. Choice is yo urs-lease or buv : 69 Monteclto Or.,.Spyglass Hill $180,000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 PRETTIEST IN THE BLUFFS :\c\1'11' listed -bcaulifuUr cletorated "\\"' pl:in.· 4 bcdruorn. fa1nilv rfi(1111. looks better than <1 n1odel llon1e. J)i·iced to sell quickly. in1n1ediate occupancy. 443 Vista Roma, the Bluffs $56,900 CAMEO SHORES Magnificent · Breathtaking · Fantastic Gorgeous • Stunning · Fabulous 'J'he~e are just a fe1v of the \\'Ords that have been used to de~cribe this OCEAN VJE\V borne. 'You 11·!11 liave to see it to believe il. 4521 Roxbury Rd .. Cameo Shores $180,000 CALL 644-7270 2828 S. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar 1T !i••1·f1.1r111 ;1nd sopllii;ll("<tlinn I ,of \!o•,,1 \'t•1·d•• .ol I f ~ 1 l >'h~l1lltil l~·~1 Li1sl lur111·e ~ ~J,q·1 I 1~·d1x~•o1 Heavv ~11.11,1• l"• .. f ;\t'~llo•1 l 1i1 110111111·" 11· •. ,.~. L111r·:v !v 11•1dt~ 1 ll\ 111.: !'••Jill \I i1lo l'ilb o:d 11• ,<1·1!1 111'<'1'1·" • Sp.u'IHll). np1·11111:-·~ lu <'Xpa nti ft1t111ly f'~1i<J !·.lll<"l'l.dl\t'l'S' d~,lt~hl 1111· l.11'1!." ~,.,.,1p~· [·:.1 t111pl ,, ,·,JI :H1;-2:ll:i I 'r1('11 St.>:l,!1 . .0. ) 0 1'£N TIL g • 17 S "UN TO(!£ NICE• I ~. 1 l .' h 1" ., THE REAL ESTATE RS ' * EXCLUSIVES * I BALBOA ISLAND Li\HI ,\·: ('\J!\lll1rr,•i,1I 1,'<1111 pl••\ Pl\ dOl111k IOI, Hll :\!.11 '111<' .\1·1.' ·"••II .. 1· \\di I i'lldL' i f (IUH ro1111l1•'ri·i.d 111111 ~ .. . \lannt' ,\1 I' E ~" r I \ e 11 l 1t•rn1s'. No 1011;: !ern1 lea~e~. ;o il l't'llled ltt )ll'<,'~('!11 ll!)lL', 1nl'.lnth l\l 111ontl1. REALTY ::Li :"IL\l',J:\L .\\'l-'. 131\LAOA J.<;f.,\\:D * 673-6900 * 14 1\tISSION I~.\\' ()pJ.:N s ,.\'f/SUN 1·5::3o BIG CANYON C. C. -$1S9,SOO r;real floo r plan . Forn1al & infortnaL 4 BH . ~'lt & 3 b:ill1s. Lux . drap~s & cptng. Beaut. kitchen. 3·car g:ir:ig(', lgc lot. t.n1'('ly vie\\·. 35 BURNING TREE l<D. SAT/SUN 1·5:311 BIG CANYON C. C. -$295,000 Golf Course view fro1n briu1d NE\V luxurious fl 811 custom hon1e 1v/ff{, fo rmal DR & 5 haths, Lu~h cp tng, n1ilrbl c. oak panln'g. A/C 4Y ROYAL ST. GEOllGE SAT/SUN 1·5 :30 THE "BLUFFS" -$74,950 & $78,SOO '!'he la.sl of the brand ne11· l)NJ-:. storv 1nod,'1!' \"1)UI' t·hoite of a "Linda'' or a "l :i~uila". :l Bl1 eath. \'oti"l! be gla d i\'EX'r ~'car you hought on<' of these ·rou . .'\ \''. Beal choire! 270 1 VIST.-\ UMOl \()'i.\ S:\'I' SljN 1·5:30 LINDA ISLE BEAUTY' -$250,000 l·:legant & colorful bCt ,vtront hon1e 11•/S bdr1ns. fain rn1 \.\'/\l'l't bar. lge. for . Dn & 41-'2 bit Lge. su11ny rms, cxtrn 1vitle lot. Pier/slip . BIG CANYON VACANT LOT -$95,000 Like to build your 011 n "? Call t0<l~.v for details of golf course site 11· fabulous v1e11·. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 21 11 San Joaqui n Hills Rd . NEWPORT CENTER. N.B. 644-4910 Gene;:llf R.E.-----T 002 General R.E . 1002 644-1133 Anytlm• 1002Gen•rel R.E. 1002 VOGEL & BABBITT REALTORS BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB SPECIALISTS ( 714) 644-6056 OPEN SAT & SUN. 2-S 10 i {UC' 1\l<1r:.cillcs Deane~built Dcauvllle p!Jn . :~ti40 S<1. ft. -1 BR + office + convert. oversized lofl. 1-'ool size lot, many upgrades. !157,500. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Dea!1e-b11i1t 1\lonaco n\·crlooking 10th green. Prot. decorated a11rl l;1ndscapcd in exquisite taste. j BR. 1nHster su ite \\'ith l'J'.<\L. n1arble bath. $160 ,000 . OTHER SUPERB VIEW HOMES BY DEANE Includ in g mod•ls, from $119,500 to $260,000. COME TO DEANE SALES OFFICE IN BIG CANYON PHONE 644-6056 Gen•;,-;l-R ~E-. -1002 Gene~al R.E.----1002 IRVINE TERRACE : General R~E.-Sparkling New-Listing-** ** ** Heritage Collection 2 bedrooin ·r den or 3 l)cdroo1n bon1 e. Lg. Jot on quiet street. $62.000. Tn1n Queen 644·6200. IC23 1 "PRIVACY +" on 5.1 acres· Tustin area. El egant contcn1· porary home \\'16 bc{lrnon1s & lg. 22x45 pool. "Designat1::d horse property.'' \\'ill sell al! or part-full price :S271.000. 1-larriet Perry 642-8235. (C24 1 "DESIGNED FOR MODERN LIVING" Decor:J.ted in greens & yello"·s · 4 bcdrooln, fa1nily rootn hon1c \1•,.garden roon1 & ~U · perb vie11' of L1pper Ba y. $189,500 fee. 1\n1y Gaston 6-12-8235. (C'25 1 "SUMMER SUN " Lu sh pool & yarct · \·ery privat e 4 bcdrooin hnn1e in lovely ('an1eo Shores. $98,500. Helen \Vood 644-6200. 1C21l1 "ARC HIT ECTURE WITH A FLAIR" 11ioughts for ton1 orr(l1\··s Jiving built 111 this d~l!ghttully different 4 beclrnon,. 4 bath hon1e . .i\!;ig-niftcrnl f;11r\1·av vie11 .. ·s fro111 al! roon1s . ~3:lO~OOQ_ Ol'E\ :),\t \~ Sl'N. 1·3 l'.M. 20 CHERRY lllLLS LAJl:E. BIG C.\~­ \'01\. 1cn 1 OESIRABLE WESTCLIFF I..ovely 5 hcdroo1n porit hon1e. 3-blo<:ks from 1\lariners .~c h 11nl .~ln1iv:i.led f l'lh•r. $3!.QOO. Jane Fra.tec G-1~-8235. ((28) DOVER SHORES "BAYFRONT" OPEN HOUSE S.'-\T. & su;.; 1-5 P.ilT. 319 t'.1 0 Jti\"!:\li S'l',·\H I.\.\!·:, sra111"h ,~l l'd . cu -.- tor11 ti on1e -4 hedro0n1 ~. fa111ilv ron1n 1Hx25, forn1al dinin g rf1nn1, I ~ hilli~rrl librarv 1narvelo11s \.'IE\\' of Rov .. \1r <·ondit111'ned. S275.000. (C29J . "IT 'S COOL " There's a pool: 11 ·~ pft\'ate: 11'.<: cherry: It's the neatest .. ~\vcelesl :i Oedroon\ rondomin· iun1 in Park Lido' S-lB,750. J:tck Custer 642·8235. tC30) DRAMATI C 3 bedroon1 Cameo 1/tgh!ands hon1c ac- cented by high bean1ed ceilings. n1assive lava rock fireplace & bright, light kitchen. Unbelievably priced at $70,000. OPEN S.i\1'. 4·6 P.ll. 4601 DOHCllESTER. IC31J OCEANFRONT SHOWPLACE Spectacular fami ly hon1e O\'erlooking 1\rr ll Rock & harbor entrance . Ov er 500 sq. ft. of quality construction • 4/5 bedroon1s, 5 baths -!-po\\·der room. llrorhnrc" ~cn t upon request. Bob 01vcns 64 2·8235, !C32) Builders · Investors • B•ach Lover' 7 door:. to Ilea.ch, qua int beach coll age on excellent R-2 build.able lot. $54,950. L.arry Uyer 642·823.l. 1csa 1 ~OU NTRY LIVING • CLOS E IN! Reautiful ('alifor111a Haneh hn1nc on nn1~ ac re · Upper U<1y .\rc<i. 5 hedroo111s. 5 l.i:i lh.~. den, forrnal dluing l'001n . ~tabl es. tack roo1n & artist·~ ~t udio . ~auna roon1 · 1vine cellar · poo l & ja1~u7.zi. 4·c<1r gar~ge. $245.000 . 0\\'ner \viii consider ex chan i;es. Harriet Perry 642·8235. IC34) BUILDERS • INVESTORS, Slde-hy·side lnts in prime area on the Perrinsula Point. H·2 zon l'ld . 01\•ner ~a\'s ''111akc offer". Clint ~to~cs 042·A235~ r13'.1) I ... ~~I ;--' (-~ ~ ' . -· _.,. -.... ~,-• ~-=-~/ r',_:-~_;_ -~~f' ....... ~. <, , "-Al--~ :---=- ( '..I·: ( :c •le':-\\ 11rt l1Y s. ( :c•. · Il ea I lor:o<0 CORONA DEL MAR CHARM Spacious 2 bdrn1. charmer 011 a 45 ft. R·2 !ot. thal is ju.<:t 11·ci1ti ng for a large unit lo be ad ded. Nc1v carpets. ref rig, & range are ln· tluded. Solid i11ve:-.tnicnt at $77.500. HELD OPEN TODAY f.S 617 MARIGOLD BLUFFS CONDO-WATER VIEW Special 'frinci 1nodcl on quiet. tul-de-s;ic street. :{ Hclr1ns., 21.2 lla1bs. eating aren in the kitchen ....--for1nal dining <1rea. Pril'ate P<ttio 11·ith bny vle11-. Quick possess . l)ricc reduced this \Veekend lo $;75.950. C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 nn~h1. '11\•«1'1111 :1 hr. hnrnt' 111 1• [1111 !1;11h~ (',)rl lPi<'I•' 111.,<jPrn k•l~·!u·n . J.;u·~e IJ\ 111•..: ro<11n 111lh fln.•plw ·1· ,~1"!1-11 1' du1111.: 1 n n n1 :"l l:11<:111h1'1'111 1~ iu1p1·1J1•• I ""1 111•1' \01 "ilh hri('k <111d 1·on· l"l'f'I<' p;ot l1\ <ind \'X'IUl~I!•' I litnd~!·:1p1111; L: I'~ t'n 11 •'ii BALBOA'S FINEST I !'Hl'P!'IS r1nd tlrapc:; In· c loir!ed. CCII! us ,.1 r.1::-i<:.':>~iL j LUXURY 5 BEpROOM hon1c ·1 separale I oP[Nn1.g.1rsFu11 rollEN1Cr• guc~ hvuse. "DU'fCl1 " slunglcd exterior r ~ :-.l!t'!'Oll!lclCd by large Shade trees. 3 story ' louk-uut lo1rer 11·ith c at \val).;_ L~rgc living 1.u1d dining roo1n s bo th \v ith fi rcpl;:iccs. F<1111- . ilv k1h.:hen \v1th a!J new bltn s. 2 Co rner lo ts -~---rriid-way bet1veen ocean anct bo.y o tt'r!!"p~ • . Price Reduced $2000 """"1a. 02 10.000. open Sunday J-5. 2000 Mir- a1nar, l~al boa . Ca ll 54~1151 . H. vo11'1·t' f¥oC'n \or.,kl11i;: lur tt ,.:,11,. ,,.,,,.,, ' '-·"'"" roo1 COSTA MESA DUPLEX h•)n1e ln c~ .. r ~ Gn·rnbr,..1k l EACH UNIT ROOMY AND WELL SU1LT- t1'hl't ltilli 1:-}<Jlll' 1'll:Jl1•" 1•)1' d f d :1 ,.,.,,1 i11·,11. Tlit• 1,111u.,·~ 11·ith 2 bedroon1s. private g;Jrage an ence 111or1t ""ll"n ~,, 1·11 11 11,.11 1 .. 1 vard. (;reat location. Close to shopping on ii• 1 1< ! ! ,; n 11 d 1 "" 1 in1\' tr~1ff1c street. Spend a little, 1nake a Jot. "1 •11<'11\,rll•·nt rri 1 11~p·';1 this !'riced Lo sell Jt $30,000. Cati 546-5880 for tinC' rirop<'t1.y. fu ll detail,, COM E SEE OU R OPEN HOUSES!! Op•n Sun. 2-5: 16lS Highland Dr. \\'estcli!f 5 l>edroon1 re:-;idence 11·ith be<1uti- !ul pool & jacuzzi. (;rc;::i tly upgraded . NC\\'ly papered & painted 1'X u1ost ly nc11·J,v carpeted. On delighlful !rce lined slreet. $115,000. Open Sun. 2-6: 2716 Bayshore Dr. Exceptional l~ayshorc k1cation \1·i th 1ride . Gf>0A""-W&w~,of-Ha1:00r . &-C.<i.lboa.. E.avHion. Pri1·ate :-;1\'i1nn1ing be<Jch . Large te rrace overlooking he8uliful ly land:-caped gardens. -I brdroon1 s 1V. rlcn . 11\er & slip for :l bo<1t s. ~~9:1 .000. Open Sun. 2-6 : 4507 Roxbury F~njoy the ocean vie1v th l~ su1nn1er in this ch;:11·rning horne in ('a111c·o Shores. 4 Bed· roorns, fnrn1al dining roon1. spacious pool· :-ize .v<.1rd & private beach. $139,.500 . FULLER REALTY G IRE 1002 G•n-.,-.1 ·R-.E~. ~ -1002 S46-0814 Any1;m, 'SUMMER OR YEAR AROUND 1 ::;';"~';;'°;;;;;;;;· ~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; """'""'""'"-"--"'".;_~ ... _.._.,_,,. YOU ' L L LOVE TH I S-ii bed roo in fa n1 il V Open Sat. & Sun. 2-6: 504 Evening Star Lane \V;!lC'rfront in [)over Shores 11'ith <lock for !ar,ee boc1t. 5 bedroon,s. maids, din.ing roon1, panl1il('1l d('n :ind 111~1 \\'ailing lo \1'elco1nc .\OU IOI' SUltlJllCr fun . $235,000. • BIG CORONA home. l)crfect for e11tert a1n1ng. l~<irge Iii;· lnJ.(-di11ing roon1 -j fai nil ;.i ronn1. billi<1rd roon1 and \l'et bar. i\lan.v custon1 features. \\ ulk to be<1ch or t(·nnis club. f'restige loca- ti0n (1J1 l~alhoa Pcninsul;i, 1\sk ing SI 1.J.500. l)pen ~undny 1·5, 421 SeY1tle. Llalhoa Call S40. 1151. THE BEST IN BLUFFS E·PLAN EARL Y BLUFFS · GREENBELT 1·:'\n l ':\1'!' HP:11111111111· !-.1t 11 ated on \11de d 1~tri n1 green be ll 1111 h ,;,n1c .\It. 8.! b:iy vie.iv .. 2200 Sq fl nf cl!:ir1n . :.!. L~r . priv:Hc pat1ns. 3 l~r;e Bl\.. 1:1111 r111 :2 1 ~ ba. This is the one vou '1e bef'll \\ntll n<: IPr'. 0 11Jv S7:l,500 OPEN SAT1 SUN 1·5 2191 VISTA ENTRADA I HAVE A VARIED SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL CO NDOMINIUMS '."•111' 1 .... 11 11 !I ••Ill •l!ipl ..... '! 1~'d1·,,.,n1 I 1 .. ,11J 1•n,,,1.,1 •·IP>H'tlllf " tur :1 lwdt''1<•11 1 ~· hl1H1 uni! A <'••ll•l•J ••1111r1 ·I 111 \ .. tl!t,,1lol1· I -1 'I' I\ ~' , ,, 1• ,\' l1u1 Call 646-7 711 (_wa,t.~,e.~.~.lee BALBOA ISLAND HOME PLUS INCOME-!nr 1111dl'r SH}(f,000 l ~al boa 's sharpest 2 ticdrorHn ho1ne •-I bed- r 01J!ll apartn1enl. Like JH'\I' 1no.;1de and uut. Open Sat. & Sun. 2-6: 1848 Port Ashley INSTANTLY APPEALING On the JHlr\.:-nvH1ntain \'iP1v. 1-!arbor \'ie11• Jlomes ~IonteQo. 4 bedroorn. 2 fireplace:-, freQh, clrnn & rrnrt y to 1n0Ye in . $77~7~. l·'el'-C:\LL I\U\\': Open Sat. & Sun. 2·6: 2645 Bamboo t -5 & S l~>.tcn s 1velv remodeled \\'ith qu;i11ty material HELEN B DOWD . & \1·orkn1Hi1ship last year. 'l'o:i .~1cfl1lly cl ecor·· • Park Huntington I ntcd and greJt location. 'l\ro bl ocks to bc;ich EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME [1C:111liful 2 ~LOI')', 5 bcdr0Qn1 , 3 bath hon1e in t~astbluff. Night & day viC\I' '"'tlh pool- St7.e y<ird . :\n exccplion;.11 val ue , S8-l ,9f)(), Open Sa t. & Sun. 1-S : 305 North St•r L•ne I REAL TOR, INC , MULTIPLE LISTING 644.0134 ''Pool " <'Ind Sl!!p :. to !:ihopp1ng. (;;di no"" 546-5880. IG.neral RE 1002Generl!I RE . 1002 I llli;:-hli· up1:l·~d''11 fill•' c:..~~I MAKE OFFER 60' ON BAY-PIER & SL IP ~pncious hoine-5 bedrooin:-. 4 hath s, ."tud v, fa1nity roo1n. plus IC1rgc hohby room. BeRi.1- tiful lree-sh<iclccl patio. Nothing like it for >210 .000 . I · · ' .........,._ , u1~~1111<'t1nn ~·()nnnl l'nll"y 1 l ~'U'S(c ~1'p,11111r h\11111: rooin LARGE LOT WITH 2 BE DROOM HOME - Open Sat, 2-6, Sun. 12-6: 4521 Orrington Rd. NEWPORT HEIGHTS W/POOL I ''"""" 1'' ""'"" lircpl'"" I near Civ;r Center Sa nta Ana. Zon ed prnrr" br1J;:"llt c~1't'l'Y k 1 1 ch"~., sional. l~xcellent. future investn1ent. P riced lorn1al d1n111g, hut{l' famtly t $31 ~1111 C II 540-1151 I rnon\ .1 g\unt hr>rlrrioms, :t I a ,.JllJIJ. e • Cur.:to1n btull hon1c un r :irl! lot·and«l·hnJL :1 1Jcdroo1ns, 2 baths, t'n1·n1al dining roon1. l!eauliful irregular pool 1vith loads of patio, plus 2 ya rli areas. Ne\\' carpel s/d rapes. Ne11ly rcn1odeled balhs, alley Ctccess. One of the best buys u1 Ne\vport t i eights. $63,500. IRVINE BLVD W/POOL C'uston1 hnn1e nn ;1rcs tigious Ir1·inc !Joule- ' <l l'{l. I\"ecds p;1int ::in d ciirpets. 2 8cd roon1s 11·i th lnr,gf' 1nnster· ... uitc. 3 ha1h s: Den. form· nl d1n1n}! ruon1, step-snver kitchen. \Viii ~ell la"I. 0nlv S59.!l00 . l)J)EN S/\T tJnO,\ Y & SI 11\'f),\ \'. BUILDER'S DREAM HOME Only 2 years old. 4 bed., 3 bath. hard1vood fl oors, dre<1nl kitchen. super upgrading - Large co rner lot. 1\·ith extra ronrrele drive and boat ga te. Eastsidc C'ostn i\·lcsn, only $48.900. PRESTIGE I HOMES REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE JOO N. NEWPORT. NEWPOR T BE-il\CH 645-6646 s,1rns. cuSTnM root.., 6 NITS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Don't 111i~~ lhii> full". C;11! U • 1)(11~. !'lil:)..l;i67. '\6) TWO BEDROOM BEAUTIES -1vi lh OPfNlll 9 • H 'S FUN roN N/Cf' k r AIJ . II I I\~ i l~ THE REAL ESTATERS sha e rno s. 8 garages. 1n exce en . con· d it!on. Very convenient location. c:aJI fc)r info. 540-1151 . CAMEO SHORES Beciullflil hon1c. Ne""· on lhe n1arket, 3 bed~ roon1s, 4 bath~, hobby room , pool. Out· standin g vie1v . $145,000. Open Sat, & Sun, 2-6: 216 Poppy Exceptional Situation In Co ron a de! f\1ar. Lovely tree lined !ilreet, 3 BEDROOM ERITAGE ~reat panorama. oceao & hilJs . Large rnslom 3 hedrnon1 , 2 hnth ho111c. $120,500-or lea.~{' np1 ion. 530,000 REALTORS -Opon Sal. 2·6' 2319 Hoa lhe< L.11,11ole cn~111 .\It~" 11.,1111• PRIME 'UPPER BAY LOCATION n••O:!!rd ·•1 '11HIHI l,1 11 11"1 '""1 -----.......... -... ~ .... ----......... ...,1 i,81'gC 4 bC(\l'()()fTI , hu ge lot \\'l\h fruit lrees l!u~l' 1r.i "11h 111r.·11 frll' G•neral R.E. 1001 General R.E. 1o0'i1 & vie\\1S, Quiet street. O\vne rs anxious Ex· vr~t·Tt1l •lt• ;:11n\,.,1, I;< r ~ 1• I · I cellent finenc in~ $92,500. · l'fll 1·1~ d ]•:1tu1 f• I I' '.: 1 I) ! !' 1<'n11~. ~c11· 1l~~~1~ Lemon Heights [ Great Big View Open Sat. & Son. 2-6 : 186 Shorecliff • COATS I Beauty · · G QUIET SECLUSION & , 3.iOO ~11 r1 _ of 11vinll 4; reat con1p!Jn1entcd by !he blue f'nclfic. Su rf WAL LACE hedr,.,.1n1.•, fn1·111n! rl\nlng Uttle House visib)e from two vie\11 decks. 1nake nn at. REAL TORS j rno111 11"101, hor~e ro1Tlll 3.;, I\\'" ha\'•' a kf·y !fl lhl!I 1nosphere only Shorecliff could offer plus 4 Ai·rp 1111 prlvnl!· road. In 11 do"'lii.:h1ful :i !lf'(lr<•)rll, 2 ~.111 be1 tr<>ol'ns, fa111ily room & 3112 baths. $224.500. 962-4454 I ,.,.,11ntry .. •Ptllri~: 1 car gl"m in CoronA Hlj(hhindw. !:1(ntgr \\ru1'! 111 ~1 IQ:!,OOO. Be,.,utltullv decnratPd wi th PRIVATE RETREAT ON THE BAY Call 646-7711 111vcly o::si·pe!~ & dr:111('rir~. $21,000 ('her·broih•r in 1( 1 r c h «n, ('harming 3 bedrooni. :1 hath ho111e ne!lr f .. r 1111•.,,., ~ii1u 111u.~ '!. !!l'rl nenr y.ird J11r1tr ,..nnu!Vl for jetty. Pier & sli p. Fahulnus vi e11'. Srparatc rno11i , ~ 11 o!h 1Pl•ill 1· .. n,fp W lk (! L 1 " P<•'I C11ll 67J-.S.i5o !or O(I· studio _l?\JCSt quarter,•, Fn r ~;1i!1·1r~ or ;1n\'tir1e s11 ·.11 !J""ll .1 Hrd1.-.r1 a er li ee I JY1\ntn1ent tlOll'. who loves lh e \\aler. $:l\1fi.(t()O. • :! h:1 I h, S.!\ll!•I "1111 l l /l~I • I • ' t I '. 1 I (if'f v_':"::-"-.· i"0;'.,"iii"''iioii"i;;'i;<iio" ~'/,1:1;;:.i~ ll"1~\1I!{.~ ,\ 11;1/,1~,~:'.·; , ,.,, "'1ri 1'1ri111,,.nc1" 1~·111•n1 n..:-~~:.,. ~,~~~,l~'tl~ · DIAL 644·.1 16~ 1~11 11~. hllli ,11111 !J\I /'Liul 11k .. 11'.'"'''."~·1 1111t•)"'"'';.,.;~·1 J ', 2161 San Joaqui11 Hilt s Rd., N.B. ~.1r; \'•(!(; ,\1"<111 11 .. , I \~I·. ,\f l\,,~r.\f,J·. I ----~--\-A COL DWELL BANKER _co. f'n.11 ~)j' '~1141 ,\~>'!II _'f' 1 '--------------.-...... -~ I ' ' r.11 ' 1't 1 L. r 1002~General R.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 General R.E , 1002 General R.E . 1002 Generd l R.E. 1002 ! -------------~-------------~~~~~---...--~----------! OPEN SAT./SU N. 1 -~ :4 11ARBOR ISLAND \la i.;111 111·1·111 111;11•1 1 tJ;1nool \11•11 11 !ldrni. 11 lia!h !J 111r1c \1•lli t1>r111al 1111111 .: 1111 :i:*1 l·t lot -! l':Jr g:1111gt•. J\Jl'I & .'llp. ~f17 '.°1 IJIJO WATERFRONl LOT \ 11u ..:an IJ11J!d tlle htHI '-•: •r! 1011r ilrl•atn ~ on I hi s .)7.5 IL tut 0111 l1e 10:.;11 t !J.11)1ll'L S.t!JO,OOn BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J .,.,3~4~1~B-•~y~•;~d-e~D~'~··~S~u~;~1e...,l~,N""'.B~-,....,.,..6~7~5~-6~1~6~1 ~ for Action •.. Call 642-5678 I *CAMEO SHORE S . ;'-.\\t•CJ1l1lg (ll'l'i111 · oi I'. ( '' ( j•( ,1r1•:1 1d1!:d 1111 1·11\•·rl.1111111 !u ~Ii.!\\ (jJ/11r111.i.: ,1! ~11111 1111 ,, • HARBOR VIEW HOMES * 1 11. ... tu111 dcl·or11Li·d I l1drr11 :1 11,1 1111 11 11~ 1111 ~ 1a1ni11 fill l'.e 1 .111 ·.1, \•111 1, 111 l!u 1:11,d 11lt L·r <.·d ·.11 ~87 .!Ill! CORBIN·MARTIN, INC. REALTORS 644-7662 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORANGE COAST'S BEST DIRECTORY lllt•P thl1 handr dift,tory witti yo;i thl1 w••••nd en yo11 90 ho111e-hunti119. Atl lht loc o1io111 11.itd r>elow ore de· 1cribt d 11111r•ottr dttalt bv od•ertl1l11q tl11twhtre in todoft D•ILY 'ILOT WAN f A~S ra110111 th~"'inq opc11 tiou1t1 for 1olt or 10 Niii art .. roed ro 11\t llfCh lnlormollon i~ thlt column ..,ch Friday, ~oh,,doy cind Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM :.:'.J!I lll'J1111rupe, i ·oro11.i del .\l;1r 1n:;.1;:i1u "iut ~~ su11 1-51 • •.i l'll l';.1<:1!11.: (\J.i:,t II \\,\., N'pt l;cncll i;i·: .. ;J{JtJU ""'at & Sun 1-51 it ·t!O Sl·rr:1 !Jrtvt-. 1'<1.\1 lltghlands 1i;::.u53U ::-O!J .50U 1 S;1 t & Sul! l-51 :.:.Jo I·:. ~:.:n u St., t '11s t;1 ,\Jt:-.<i ji/J-!:"173 S:.l:l.(JIJO !Sun l:!-;i! J l -1:!3 t.:!<.t ll\\Y .l\o, ·Hi, ~o. L;iguna ·lil!:l-:l005 :Sill.500 L':iat ~".:Sun J:l-:11 2 BR & FAM RM OR DEN J ~;i \'ia i\Jicc 11.idu 1-.1e1 i\i; ti.J-l-7fi!i'.l ~8tl.~J:"1U !Sn 1 S.: Su1l 1:!-31 , 1011 l 't. Lhcl.)cd !IL\. llvn1es1 !\'I{ li75-:IHl,IO 1S;11 '~Sun 1-5 1 \H,\I l 'I J\1111IJ1·r).\· l 'l. I ll\'. !lonle:-.1 r".n 1ii.'l-:!:l.!I ~ti!l.i.itl 1S:1 t l'\: :-iun l-.;1 • 1Ul3 lfl'i nc Luule1·u rd 1i4.J-lrl i·ltl ~:>!I.WU l)ut ,'\: ~un J-:i1 J BEDROOMS ~'.Jl7 :-.11\'{'r Lune. 13;\ck Uay, /\U :·1-18-!JRJU $-l.J.000 l5at & St1n 1·51 I I Hue \'crlc t JJig CanyonJ .l\B lii5·tl900 ($Jt & Sun !-5f :llJ!JH ('olle;.::e r\VC., Costn fllesa 1i.J6-1:1111 l ~J7.500 jSat & Sun 1-51 zr H lluc Cl1a l\!:u1 !loyal !l~ig <';inyoni J\'!; liif1-4Li30 .$11!1,SOO -1Sut & Sun 1-51 ll:l5 l)ort \\'heeler {H\,.11 ) Nc11"port liC!<1ch ti-l·l-J1flfl ~fi7.~IOO !Sat & Su11 1 ::!7Ul \'i::.1<1 i ·11ibro.->a l'rhc n1uff.s1 :\l_: 1;1.1-~\110 ~71:1 .r,oo ·~••t ,'l • .-~1111 1-s ·:io1 21!1 I (ll't':lll Lane. l"oru11,1 dl'I .\1;1r 117:!.f>SlO ::;l !2_.'lOO !S1111 J •• 11 4:!11 LL·n11oorl. :\L•11·rnr 1 llt·1 ~h1~. t'.\1 1,-11 •. ;1u11 ~~i:l .iOO !SUJJ 1-51 • •.\o hti 1;,iJ1i(i<t l~J\l"'• :'\pl. 1:1.:IL 1t10-tt111J ~!1-1 7.iti 1Su11 l·J• • Hi.fZI HIHH\j' L;1ne, ll\1111111~!011 llent•h i:!7~1l ·l.1 ,..,l I :)OU 1Sat \\':~ll ll l til5 ."i.tint .J;1111c" 1'!11\..'l'. :\°l'\I port ll c1~h1 :. till:·IJ;-J ISut ,'\.:Sun l-.·11 __ t,i..U; • .\ u;l<\-lk 11111;1 , (The 13Ju lfs) i\'11 1ii5.:1oou 1Snt 1".:. Sun l·.'i1 2/li l'opp \', ( 111<!1 .i'l Ut•l J\1 ~1r n14.1;1;i; ~l :..'.i l ~100 fS~l! ,\·Sun 2·li 1 IHI())'!. l'llJ\C'lll'C 111.\'. J[Utll l''-1 ,\"!; 075-::uoo 1 S<t t & sun I-Si , • =:~J 1;;11110.1 l °i)1·r s ! L.:;ilbo<1 Co1·e:-.I i\ll liiJ·30UO 1 "iilt & !'lun 1-5! ·llf) l>c S(1l;1 1\~rt«lce, l 'd\1 llighl<1nrt s H7:J.fFi$<1 $tt \J .51JU (Sun 1·5 I •:l:Ui l I !lfllC ll l 'O'-til \lt!.~i-1 li·lfl-771 1 ~·!.i .IJ()(l !S;ll & Sun 1-51 .. •Ji .\li11v ' 11111 \. !\c1\port li e;ich ti·lti-i7 1! :-.:i~•.!o()O 1Sflt .~sun t .. j1 • ~'ti:l! I l"('~I\ 1v1•. .\t•\1 p(111 l ~1·;1l·J1 1;.11 ;.Ji 11 .'i'i!l .. ifl() 1-.,11 ~v S11r. l·~ll •.;iu !Jlt·ro, 1;1u1J.,, ,\c11 p(1rt !:P<ll'h lii:l-•l(Joo --::: ·11u1 1 ~;11 ,v ."iun 1.;, 3 BR & FAM RM OR DEN 1011:\ \ 11lll'ill 1 J!'\ le ("ll.'td .\lc.•;1 .1·IH-l lHI! ~-IH . ."l(JI) 1~.11 ,\· '-.1111 1-i+ ;\()Iii l:11cht1ll,1rl \\'<i). I O'-!il \]l'.~:1 ~r;-!}-1\!ll)i $:J7.!t;)O 1S;1t ,'i:_ Sun !-J I ~;J;J~ l·11rdl1,u11 \JI , 1L ull1.:ge l-'k1 t ".\1 ~1 1~-IR2il ::;:Ill .!Oil 1 ~.1\ S.: Sun lll-t:1 ·l.iti <".i 111b r1fl;.:c 1;\ Il l-; ;1 1·c;J1 ('~l ti i3-:'ilVO IS;il S.: .'iu11 1 .. 1) l!l-l:J l Jn•\'r\ 1'1"11rtl(•1'ttl·h 1 [1'\1111· li.Jl-i lili:! ·~ti! \HJU 1.-.1111 !·51 ~:~11'.!U l'l!lf llr. 1i\C\1]Hlll 11<·1,cht, :\I\ ti·lli· 11i·l 1 ~7!1001 1 1 :-.;1\ ,'\;, ;>;un 12-5 1 17:l5 Skvl;irk ! 11:11< 1'1•,11 ;--..:1: lil:?-iiiHli SiliO!)lf 1.-..11 ,\ :-.1111 .!-.ii :!:!I:! i 'lifl l)r 1\c\1 po1·t Hc1ght si ~1 ; li4:l-.lltl0 lii.'t-·IO!tO rS11 11 1-51 :!l:U\ Seville i nulhoit l'l't1J t1 I ;\I; Hi 0-i :loO $8~.:)00 1sa1 & Sun 1-tl i "•41 IJfl ll>o:1 l 'ovcs. i\ll 1i4:!-t11.:{:) SIJ7 ,500 1S1.1t & Su n 2-ti) :!:l-10 l_)t. lJurncs'l i 11.V . llnn1es) NB tii5-3000 1 Sal. & !:>un 1-5) l 130 Son1er~ct 1.n. 1\\'estclifr1 r-;13 li4~·1 ititi 811·1,:i(l{I !Snt ,\; Sun 1 2-~I 4001 L)orcllc-;lcr IL';.1111eo l llcls1 Cd!\1 li-12·H2:;;i ~/!I \1(10 (S<lt 3-G) 70t) ('!i1 f l>r i 'l1 !fll:J\l'll. i\'\: Ii·! I-i~7n :':tif~ltl l S;it .\: Sun 2·51 11:111 1·1 LJ11111e~ .... ~II\' l ln111es ) i\ll Ml.lt.l:i ~!I0.:*1011 1S:1t S, Sllll l·f>I •-1 .i:.!.I r•rr111g tnn l{';i1ne1) SIHll'l'SI ('d !\J h l l-lili!i 'i ll!l,:"1llll 1~.1l 2-!i . S11 11 1:1-01 l:llll ~Jn1:llll'lla ·rcr i Ir,·. 1'c rr ) Cd~! H75-:_iOOU 1Sat ,'\;_Su n l -5) 70ti ];1;.011 ! J·:,1..:th l111I f J\e\vport 11cach 1i-14-51!Si $!i:l .f11H) fS;1t & Sun 1-51 :J22U 1\'l ont"na St I ,\ll'.~a Vf'rrlel ('i\ol :i45-4'.UHJ S ll.!\00 rSat & Sun 1-5) 452 1 Roxh111·.v J{cl. C'ru11co Shores, Cdi\I li4~-i2i0 ~1 110 .000 (Sun 2-5 ) •li:l9 (';1 rnco llh::hlnnds . C<1111eo Highlands fi44·7270 ~!1!1.!iOO /S at & Sun 2-fil 17till1 Ln11rrl Tri•c Ln 1 l rnl\' Pkl [l'\'inr :i~1-ftli!lh ~,111.~oo ISnt til dusk \ 17!1/! \1:11111 .-.1 lrvinr :-;.·1~·H:.!.!t:1 :,:i!i t10(I IS;Jl ,\· :-.11111 ~ll~~H I I li•('r\ ;ilt' I .. inc. ! I 11111111i.:ton I :cnch f!!ill·l:.'iO :'li·l,000 (."';It & Sun 1-51 •:):lfi l «_·d la111t ~ 1 \pt H1 '-• :\I: 1;.1:>-~ilii ~Ii.I ;)!Hi 1 S;1t ,\ ~un 1-:'il liUU ]l!l\L'J" i\t·11p11rl 1:1·;1c!J ti !.i-O:H1 :~ !)7 \ ;!{10 1 :.nt ,'\: St111 :l-tiJ 1JU t\:dilr ~l. 1.\t•11p11rl .'-lh11 1 c.~1 ,\IJ 5-l:~·l :.!!Jll ~-Hi .:011 f:O,llll l-:>1 IUil ~al! l-';1 l1 lro 1 1rcl1· ( 11i-l.1 \J~..,a t).H ... :l!l2R :'l-I U·Ll:!lf 1:-..11 ~-Sun l·.)I 'lti5 l·:. l><"lv :-.1, l"11,.,\<1 .\I L'.'-lt Hlfi-:l!Jlll 54fl-l-llli 1Sat & Su11 1-:il =,'l '1"1Uuron J};_1y 1S p_\'~IJ~., /ltll1 t'd.\J -0-1 4·-101)7 .... t~i!f JUIJ tSut & Suni 3 BR & GUEST 217 .Ja:-n1J1Jl' .\\c. ("uro11<1 <lei :'ll ;ir ti7'.J-5ii4li 1 Sa1 ,\ ~u n 1-5 1 I II\ S;_1ppJ111·c. 1;alho<t J ~l<111d lii:-1--ll.).'ill :->!! 1 :1UIJ I :-i.11 ~\: :-:iuu 4 BEDROOMS l~Uli !J o1 ~·1 !Jr 1\\v.•,!clJ!f1 .\J; 1>-1:>-IJH\J.J ~71.Uou 1 ~1111 J-5J 9957 (,l;id1u\u t 1t'cle. F1 n1ntt11 11 \'alll·.i. !H.iJ-4.iiii 3JY-JU:!.) 1.':iu n l:.!.-:i 1 • IU-l \"1;1 .\lenlti1H', L1d1J [,le ,lii3-1!1H-I .~l ·l!I :)tlU 1:-.nt & .':iun 1-51 J11-I 111!.!liland 11!11 rh<1 r ll!;.:hl~111 {1 '>1 .\13 li·!J-52(~1 li7.'l-4Ul~I I :--1111 1-:'il ~ f{ue l "l1<11no1n .-.: 1 ll1 g t';111~11111 i\J ; til·l-4!110 .)!"l!.l.3W 1!'>.it & !'iun 1-5 .JUJ liil'.l:l l/opkin);i tlll1\Cr:-.1l.\ l'arkJ l r\·111l' tH~·-1!:110 Sti5 .ll00 1S1111 1-5 :3()1 :J:IJ.\ \\'e.~1c;_1 rr1 ag!· llr 1 l:r;.111d!ri!·d l'l 1 .-. \ 54ll-S!/8~ :-..1:~ :·i\IO 1:-.at & Su11 ~-111 :!!Zll St11rl1n;,;. c 11 lu .\ll' ... H 5.JU·:!:Jt:i .... :1.1 \fiO :~il7 ~1. 1.1;,irtu11. ,...,..111\..i .\11;1 li-1fi-U555 ~~.j ,jQlJ 4:J.t .-.n nlci .\11 ;1. ,\i.:11p11rt fle;11.:h u-l •>·U55.j ~:JH.~15\J 1:-.;H. ,i;.: ~Un l-j1 ••l!J l:;lllJ<i<.i (1n1· :\c:11 purt l~t·;ich lt i.i-i:!:!5 :-'llHOl.lli 1S;t\ l-:1 1 -1:11 1.~.it1c>lla ·rc>rr . 1<'111011u Jl ighla1icl ( d .\I h/5-1:?~.l ~1 ,Hl.50t ' rSat 1-:1 1 ~1-lli .\l1r;n1i;11· l\;1lb0<.1 fll·r1111sul<1 tl-12-0:!:l.i .'\1 l:.!..UOO 1Sut 1·51 :!l:lO :-.tl'rling :\\'t ('c1~1 ,1 :'>lc:-.;1 (i-lli-7\il (!)ilt ).j1 !l:Jli 1·rucus ('trLIC. t'\t f1-l()...li.i-I ~.}7 .!ISU Hl:l l 'l\1ht111;,; '1'c11 <ice. lii:J-U.1!ill • •:.!ilii JJu nun:; l.11., (i43-0:JOJ $8ll.930 SJ:! :-.c;.111 ard , l·oron;i tiiJ·liOOU ~J J:J.OUU I Sun 12-5J 1 Jr\·1ng ·rcrri i\'!; 1 Sal~'\: !)un 1-.j 1 ( u.~l <1 !\!e:-..i rSat & Sun l-f\1 dcl ;\lar F".ia t & !'lun J.;) 1 < BR & FAM RM OR DEN ~2:!-1 \\'ind1v;:ird L<inl' Nc11·port Ue:1cl1 :ili -S/5.·, :)$7.!HHJ 1 ~at& ~un 10-51 •I !;32 l·:bb 1·ide Hd ! I l\'11Jl 1ll~1 i 'd.\! .)53·!J1.0 1 :oil:..10.UOO 1~cit ,'\:Sun l-:1 1 I !J:.!.·l Sanl 1a~u !Jr IJ11\·cr :-ihor('~ ;\I: li.J.J-1:~.j-I ~11-1.500 1S;1l ,'\;, .-.1111 l ·~l l I l:l:l (;1tn('~1t,:IC :-. ·rl'l 1 \ 11-.1.1 .\ll'';1 1;:-·1-:1:l:!:.! 1.'lllll 1.J t IH\H) Hhodes J)I' \lc.~...1 \ ~·Jd(• I .\I li·lfi-.l~il:) 1.-.111 -~· :-.1111 l·:l 1 .!:14:.! \\ 11ltl\1a1d 1..1 1::11"k 1~11\ ,\Ii tiil~:1~.j.) 1."i,1! ,'\: ,...,1111 J·,il :i:.!.2~1 .'\e11 ) or I\ ,\11· ( .\I !li!J.\il.JR ;:-44 ~1.'iO fS;1t ll\.: .-.1111 l·:i ) lii:11 l ';1ln1entu 1 l.1111 !'ark) Jr\ 111(' 5.'i:.!·7000 ~!'>;ii 1 .. -1 J •420 J\:1ngs Hd .. 1·1111lit1vc-11. 1\'.!3 ~i·l2·5:lUll ti7:i-·10t!O 1Su 11 !-.ii • 1:120 I lonittn· I :1111' :\'-·111 •1ll t J.le;,1ch Hlh·ti\UI:! 1:-in1 .\: S1111 !~·Ii i l-1 ,\11. ..... •11111 J;.1.1 1:-.p_\gl.!'-'-I .\I: ti-l.J--1!!1 0 ~J.!.i.0(10 1:-,111 ,\· ."i1111 1-:'i ;J01 '15 11ur1nng 'l'rec He! 1 J:1'... \':11 110111 .\'ll U4-l--l\JI U :-.J."i!J:iOO 1S.11 ,'\:.Sun l·:i ::lOi ~till l l 'or! \\'h11Ltv 111\. I J 11111 l·.~~ i\1 1~ ti ltl-1Ui72 · 1 :-.;it & Sun I ·5 1 •Ji~ St1nta lstilH'I. Lost;:i :'>!c));1 f>-lti-23 13 $:37,900 :{IJ-01 .Ja v;:i l~d .. Cu::;ta ·'lcsa !Sun 1·5) 54!).231 :'1 $G8.000 (Sun 1-5) • 28:17 Cl ubhouse 11d ., Costa l\lesa 546-231:\ $6:1.950 !Sat 1-;l 319 ~lorn1ng &t<ir Ln !Dover Shores) t\L1 ti.J4-li200 $27:i.000 (Sat. & Sun J-5 ) :5001 !'urk l;rccn t !l\"l lill!il <'rtl\1 \i-11-fllOO ~ll!J .500 (Sal & Sun 1-5 ) 10 C'ht'rr' llills l ,n (IJ1~ (':1ny on l i'\13 h42·fl'l3:i $.l:IU.000 tSnt & Sun 1-51 1:11;_1 l'l ·\~hl t·i· 111 \ Jl un1c:-1 Nl1 h~·l -1 /li~i ::;i i i~1!1 1S;1t S.: Sun 2-UI J~IH·l2 ("n rrt1a111a. ll 11111111gton f:l!ach ~lli:l-11!1:1 .-.:~tJ.500 (~<II,\: Su n 10-31 1.l.1 1 Sant1:1~n . Hn vl'rcst . i"·.it~ tii:i-.).i l I · ~a/,50(1 tSa t & !::iu n 1-:il :.!20\l ('hrt1111el 1111 . Hnlbo:1 1i-12-f\1.:IS ~11 3.000 S::>t 1-J) :2:\!\l ll1:<11hcr L 11 rUppcr ilay) N 13 ti-14-176ti ::;92.500 !Sat 2-ti) •2!-ll!l l~llcsn1erc .. \Jcs:i \'crdc. Cfll fi.J:l·fl42-I SS<l.950 fSun 12-5) lit~lli .\sh T rrc 1,n (Uni\. Pk.) Irv ine 1f-1 4-17fiG SHi.000 (S"t !-Ii) 1-1.!:i ht·t•l ( 1 ( \ I lll l!> I C'd;\I t>/.~.;:-,:.i(J ~H!J,!1.il! 1 Silt,"(.· ~un J2.fi\ 1-.07 1; •• ,1u1r\. 1t ':1n1c11 Sho1'l''-f f'd .\I toll lili•i $1 ·:~1 .:iPO IS11n :.!-fi1 • •:;;11i j;;1\.1,hn r.· 111 tl!:'l\",'<hlfl'('SI Nil 1oll-171l1o '~:!!1.J.1t!IU · !Sun~-H\ BAYCREST BEAUTY NEW /') Open Sat /Sun. 2-5 1725 Skylark !\ \t•rv nltra<"llVC :! lul11ll lHilflj• 111p1·1!t"1 f,.!l!ldllJIJll. \.iV!!l).( I Ill '~ lillllll\' 1111 ;1r[111!11 1·u\ered p.-1110, 1u '1 1111• t h111 g !11r 1·ut1·rt.i1 11 iug {Ju:1!dH:ll hu,\t•r l'<in ;J,-.u11 11· t:\1~1!1 1 1;1.~r,, !"!1ll :-,71;(J()O . ART SHAPIRO CO., REALTOR S I 1825 Westcliff Drive Newport Beach 642·7686 or 645·3120 Daily Pilot Classified 1·'1 1 ,;q \](,11\Pc1lu !)I', :-.pygl<.1 ~;, If ill &l·l--7li0 SUj0,000 ! S.11 & !)u11 :.!.·5• JOa•.i ;\l:1r1tin \\:iv. t·.;,1-;\~Jdl'. l '!i;.la .\lc:-.a .tHZ·l771 $-17.i!W 1S<1t l'I.: S1111 J.;:,1 •3:l7 \Vc sllJ !'o<lk 111. l("ull l'ge l'kl C'\1 55H·ll800 S·W,i!OO 1:-iat 1~· Sun 1-5) ~J:! .\J onte \'ista ( E;i~t ::.i<lc l C.\\ li~5-li6-lti $48.t!OU 'Sal &. ~U!! l-a1 Shores •.J60i c·.,n1den. {':1111eo ti7J-8:)!'")(J ~l .'H ,500 18150 l!('d Hud Circle , ti75·t)Ol)0 :SSii. WO 1:-.;1t & Sun 2.1;1 l·'ou11t<1i!l \";dll'\' 1Sa l & Stln 1.:11 :!707 1·an;1ry lt\lcsa 5-lti-5!JOO $70.500 \'crdc) C'113tn !\lt:-.<1 !Sun 1·51 4 BR & FAM RM & GUEST • Ul40 Fla11u11 go. :\lc:-.a Verde) (',\I :;.1u.:1.1::~0 1 S;it & Sun 1(1.j1 S BR & F AMILY RM OR DEN i:w J{ovnl St. George I Uig t:anyon 1 '.\I: G75-6 \j(J() (Sun 1-.'ll .ig J~oyfl l St. l.ieor~e ( 13ig Can yon I AU ti44--19l0 $:l95.UOO 1~ul & Sun l·!i :3UJ :511 :1 !\lon roc \\'nv_ Co::.ta l\lesa 540-8254 $45.500 (Sal & Sun 1-:11 16:11 Urchi.lrd. l'n.~ta !\lesa 642-45 1:~ $-17,\J;)(} /Sat 2·5! l liu rning ·rrec J1d (!Jig Canyon i '.\'B li41·U2:15 !:i:lOO .llOU I Sat & Su n 1·5! =H (Jakrnnnt Ln . 1 l{ig Canyon1 i\11 li.J~-t;100 $32.5.0UU !Sat & Sun 1-51 • •:10.1 !'\11rtl1 Sl<Jr Ln (!)over Shorc!<.J ,\Ji Li-1·1-li lib 5:l l0,UUU 1Sat & Sun 1-51 :lJ-11 lurk St., Costu :\lesa ti4U-i l71 I Sat & Sun 1·51 • lc_i Jj ll1ghland !Jr l '\le~lclif!t NU 644 ·1766 ~115,000 1Sun '1 .. ")1 2645 ll<nnhoo I EastbluJ J 1 .\L U-1~·1 7 fHi $8.J .950 iSnt s, .'::oun 2·lil 18ll Shureeliff 1Shurccli ff~1 t'd .\1 li4·1-17lili $114.SOO 1Sat & Sun ~-Ii) .JOl Utnd St.. Ne\1·1x1r1 f;e;1ch fH!l-221 1 SU7.900 JSat & Suni :.:uu.J Kor11:1\. !\lesa \'t'rde. Costn ,\lc.~a 541)..5990 SH8 .50U I Sun ]-,J 1 :!UOU .\l1r;1111:ir, 1::1lh0a 1 1l'n111 .~u1<1 ;;-I0-1151 S2 10.UUO 1S1111 1-51 6 BEDROOM • •14 l 1<1rbor 1.~1u11d 1ii ,-1-Ulb l 11 !nrlxlr l!-1. I ;\ I : I Sun 1-:.i 1 6 BR & FAM RM OR DEN L~lU 111~hl<incl. \\e::.tclitf ;...1~ lH:!-5200 6i5-4060 4:!! ~€\ illc, r:,111Joa l 'C'l1Jll.l!!l;l 540-11.11 ::;114.500 . t.l.ilJll 1·51 • •5()4 J·;veni11g Sl <ir 1U01·er Shnl"L''-1 1\11 6--14-liti.ii S1.J5.000 (S<1t & S1111 2-iil CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE ;.;0:ta-1: so, jj"i-!.1997 1\J ~iin St .. ~an t;:i li-l(i..7 41 i J BEDROOM 1\1111 ! Sot. ·19--19 \'1sta ('audal 10r1g . Blulf.~f J\'I; 1·51 6-H·l133 S69.UOO !Sun 1-5 ) :!()37 \·ista Ornada (The O\uffsl NB t)75-:l5:l5 S71.500 !Sat (~ Sun 1-5) J SR & FAM RM OR DEN .;()f:j (;cno:i 1.:-ine t ,\('\I po rt Jl1\'Jl'rnl \'.\I R3:'-20fl5 S:l4,!l511 i.o.;a t ,\-Su 11 12.1;1 .!Bil \'i~1 :1 !·:nt rricla t J·:.irl\' l!lt1ffs1 '.'\[; ii~4~01 :l-I Si.).:iOO ·1S:1 t S. S1111 1-."il .!li~7 \'i~1ci U111Jda 1.\11r\h l:HulL•1 .\I~ ti41·11:{3 ~HS.000 1:-iun 1-5 1 4 BEDROOM ()35 .\11111.;11.~ \\ a1· 1 :a & tr 111 1·:::1;.tlJluff li-1.J-lt:i:l ::;-1n:riuu (f-i<i t&Sun l:.!-51 4 BR & FAM RM OR DEN •t-l:i \·1~1n Ho111:i, 'l'he 13lt 1ff~. !'\!~ IH-1· 7270 ~[1!i.1-M.J(J j Sun •5 J\uc llu Jlnrt" 1J;1g (a1i.\·011 ) i\11 ti~~-11 :.i:1 ~~:l5,000 1Sun DUP LEXES FOR SALE 2 BR & I BR :!Ot: Grant. Kc\\pCJrt ShPr es :\I\ 64~·5::!00 tii.'i-40ti-O 1 Sun i \8 ;101:; Orc:hi d . ('11r1111u dc l \l ;;ir li7:'.f-2Ji J :>i!J.500 {Sun 3 BR & 2 BR 152.J ()('('1111, l'uron3 <lei l\h1r 1-51 1-:>1 1-51 675-70RU tSat & Sun 1-5) 52Q..5:l0 1.~ Onhlin. Corun.:i d~l !\Jar li7~551 I $JJ:i ,OOO (Sun 1-51 J BR EACH 514 Dnhlln, Corona del :'11 ar 675-3000 ISat & Sun 1·5 1 510 .'\vncacl o St.. C'd .\I 5[Hi-.J000 (Sat & Sun 1·51 .l2"l & 524 16th St.. Jl un t1n gton Beach :136-8821 S77.900 r Sal & Sun 1 4 BR & 3 BR \1 c. t'd~! :n10 & :~1 ~1 Sc~\'it•\1 4\·14-!il 1 ! I Sun [.j I 4 BR & FAM RM + 3 BR J ll-3171 1 .Jas1nine. Cn ron<i de! i\l:ir 644-7'..!70 S125,!lfl0 !Sat 1~ Sun HOUSES FOR RENT 3 BR & FAM RM 3018 ('e.,·!nn T?<l (i\lesa \/erd,e) f'.\1 2·51 519·0133 S375 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 4 BR & FAM RM OR DEN 3.i2 \Jr111cclnn Drive, 5.JH-11i:r1 5~95. • • • ... r aol Wol•rltOftl Wol•rlto~I ,I. r ool fo~l n \lt'"ll ! .'::out l'l.;_ ~1111 HOMES 2 & J Bedrooms lr orn $26,950 H;,rbor Hacienda Hom fl'!. I "1 11.u t•11' 131\ d !~•rt!\ vi 52 Sol d in 10 Days ~21 ' NEWPORT HEIGHTS AREA OPEN SU N. 1 ·S 456 Cambridge Circle Price Reduced S2,000 I : I ' ~ '\" I , !' rq· 1 1111111~ I'll! , ·;• ll'pli , I" p1l l••: n\l11"111 IC~1· +I \\ 1 I I I• 1 I" ll.o+•ll"'" ." , H• .1 > ·t ·I ; l•PI• ,. • · " ' " ' ' . ' GIB WALKER REAL TY 67).5200 As:s um e 6°'o Loa n On Dream Home '· • i•>"li. ' I\\ tl' I I • ' I I • I • · • . I' I , ~ 1 ; • I \ ' • 11 " c I I l •·1y..: Ill. f '\' ll~.1.1' ''II•· hQrnt' "n 1·1il Pi•·'•" ,1 .. / 'r• ·• 11;,;_. 1·1111 I \I IH•l•'-···1 ~;.\[~[1''\ 11, I \I, !'.,, ·ilt I, 11 '" ,, 111· • t.,,,l1\•o11l· \ln•I "< ('.di ~1~-~ .. ·~. rn rr 1. -e l <' Newport Heights -First Offering FtN E CUSTOM -:~ l1t·dr11n111 ho111c v.1\h I "1111 11 '. !l.1\1>1 tlt•l;i\11 11 ': ;111d ( "li\!'1l ll:1J! •' 1111 •u;d1 lit d \\ :tl"lll \\11ud p,1111•ll1 rl '.., 11p1·u l11·.Jtt1-. p.11q111·1 J!q111 -1'1111 hutr h, t}o(ik -.t1vl1 e• pl~1t1.: r:11I <111(! hi.Ji· td('d ;ind pan('l<-·d 111 \1 lit•11 l·11 1·pl.11 e• 111 IJ\111 i.: 1"''1!1 a1111 l,111:H l:.,1o111 !11r t.unpel bu;1t 11!! JC ,11 s1:\1 ~I.Mi BAL BOA ALL THE PLEASURES OF OCEANFRONT LIVI NG -\\illl'•'ll 111 .. p1·11blt·10' •d 111:1111 rcn· .11 .. ~ I 1111 .. 11p~.i·•·l1 11 1 1111 1,.1('1\ :.: l1(·ilr·no111 111 11 11 l1 •·d 1 ll'\\ l 011d on1tn111111 NE WPORT SHORES LOOKING FOR A BEACH HOUSE -;111d 11111 ,nii· 1,,.,' ·r111 ... 1111 +· cl11plc\ ~·qtiJd h1.: I fie 111:1• 4' t"I \11ll.? 1:l'd!'IJ!111lS Jll IJ'illll ;11111 (illl' 111 trh• rl·.11 -on ft·c L..11HL 208 Grant, Newport Beath Open Sun 1.5 Once In A Lifetime Chance "TO BUY KINGS ROAD" -IJ~1r~;o11 r;tlr.~. (111'.•ll :111d 1':1v \11l·\1 4 J\edr(lo1J1 ;111d ~11 e.~L 1 .1111 i. \:1 r~r paHo :ind heatrd pool '.\p11· rar p1·1 pi-ill\\ arid \1all r(lpcr-1t"~ ~h,irp and 11 1· rlf'I'' rc;u1v !n n1nve. 420 Kings Rd .. CliffHaven, N.B. Open Sun 1·5 Once You '•e Seen Thi s LOOK NO FURTHER -1111 eh 3 bC'dro111i\ h<•ll lt -~<Hl 11agree11.-; ont• of ihc hc~1 l.J11~· 111 1!11· Hl•1-..:hts nren_ ;...e\\" carpels <11111 drapes ;111 I .. 111\ ,-;;,:1_.j(lfl. '120 Lenw~od , Newport Heights, CM Open Sun 1-5 Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REALT Y 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642·5200 ......... r~-~~----r7£hV :0~ -..WVf?LPV LWL -._..._. ~ · · • __ Ge2er.a l _!k~.---'lri02 G;nm1 R.E .--10~ PSSSSSSSST !!! ~ JI.ti •\ 'I• •lo .o nd ,.,,,,j,-J f"' 'l ·. ]:f,, . J, \ i1 I Ill• I/" .1111. ' I (" U 'I •I J!I IL'f"•·\• I ,I'• llll( ll p.l11d 1.!11-1, ',,i·;·· 1111:: ' I 1';1 I 're:' I. •il•ll I 1'1 ". I., .1 MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY 1,111!111• "1 .,11' rn • 1•1.o··· 1, I " " I, I , • I !o t 1111• I , j, Lll<(1 •LlfLlo·I ~ I"' i: I I ·' 0: • ' Fh• Ii ~\,. \1,.tll",IH I .. 1• 11• I H~h ltl:,: ~:,•,!•~I. 311 lo1111! \uU1 I "J II I'~ ' . j ( I I .I. ' I·, '\IM I ' ~1 .... :11il .I\ j "· u~t ... 1 ......... . CL ASSI FI ED HOURS .A.<h'< 11i...,·r-1na) r•Jacc Ill' 1r ... 1~ hy 1rl•·rol1on<' ;, l'i\1 :'I 111 rr. J :io p 111 \l.,11d11· 111ri1 f rirlt1y i'\ 111 .,;!Oil ::>l\IUI tl:tl COST.·\. :\JESA OfFICC '1JO \V. l)a.v fi·l:!-567 ... -...l·,\\'1'1 ll:T HE:\CJ-1 ,,.:J :'\, \lj•PI"( llJ\d. lo l:.!-'.Jlo ';"~ Jl l':\TJ:-.GTO:..' BE'ACl-1 17875 B<'nrh Blvd. 5·10·1220 L,\f:t·:-1 ,\ nEAC ll ·:~:! Fnr<'~I ,\\ ,., 49.J.!) !f·•• :--,,\~ Ct.E.1l!:~TE ;in.-, ·"'· El C:11r 1nn Hl·nJ ·l~~-4·\.:" '\.1 )HTll C< 11 ';\T\' d1 n l !I It' j \I t.] ~:'{o CLASSIFIED DEADL INE S D11dlinl' fr,r L'''l'Y & k1!1.<. " :; ;~,\ /' !11. !hr t\;iy h"· IHI,. l•ll •llt',1\JH!l, !•)(('<'!<j ,,,1· :::.u11d11v & :-1.,,.,1, EUJll<>ll!> 1•.·hrn dc.1dl1n..: is .Saturd<1y, 12 noon. CLASS IFI ED REGULATIONS EH 1{()]! .S: Ad1·1·r1 iscrs shnuld chrrk !hl•ir 11 n~ d.11!.1· & n'1~1 rt .. rror.~ irnrn1•J1;i.tt·!v T JI F. llhILY r 1i..nr r1~~11n1r~ 11nh1l1t.Y f.,r !hi' !1r~t i11- l'PIT<'CI •n"·r11on unly C1\ :..:CELL/\ flt 1.-..: S \Vh.~n kil!1nJ: 1111 ad tlr ~tir,. II• rn:ilH' n rrcnrf1 ,,f 1t1r klLI. Nl'~1!3EH i.:n·rn y11u i1v ) l'llr ad 1!1kcr 11~ r"1·c1p1 fl f yn11r i;anc;·llntion. ·rh1s. k ill 11111r,!•rr 111us l ht• pre· ~rn lcd by !hi' ndv1'rlisl'r in case of n dispute. CA~CELLATION 0 R Ct)f.n;ECTIO ~ n r ]l;E\V ;\0 HEFOllF; HUNNING: i·;1.·rv <·ffort Is nilldt' t o kill ;1r <"Ol"l"•'l'I I\ Tl<'\\' 11d 1h11r hi\~ 1"'"11 Prrl<'r••r! ;,Ill 11 •' l'il!lll• 11 f:<l f\J';l ll• !••r 10 rlo '" 1111111 \hr l\d h;•, 1•pl11·.11~ d +n 1 hr 1•t1P•'" l1l .lli~·1\·Ll '\I;: t\11-" lhr~r 11d\ 11rr ~trirt ly a~\1 111 11th·.1nr•' by rn 11 il i•r al any on" or 11ur of- r1('"~ jlj() phone ordl'rli. ll<'rH\1!11": J p.rn. Fr1dr1y, c .. ~1n i\!r•r'I nff irr l:! nonn -nll branch or- fi cl's. Tnr: OAH,Y PILOT re- sc't1 1's th" rls.;ht to clas· sify. edit, 1·,.n~or or r!!· fui;" 11!1,I Hd\'~·1 lt~l·mrn!. rt11d !P t'hll!ll:C' it:. n 1l•·.<1 ,~ rr("ltl"tlons \111h11u1 r1riur t11•l 1i.:r CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS ("11,1 • .\1r .. r1 '..1~11~'" ' LIFE IS BUT A .DREAM In t i1r.' n1agn1f1rcntly rtecor,1t('d \'er~allles 4 l1dr1n hn1ne. l'r1re 1nl'I. prnfr~sion;illy de- ~1 ;.1t1•d J11r 1 11.,h111;..:~. <lri !!(l!f eour~c in 1 ~1;_! 1·;111,\'011 . l 'ndcrprr C'd ;it ~021!,000. l'itll Caro- l I'll \1:1 ~1111 ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT !:1Lht ll\I !O \1111r n \\ 11 clt11 k ,\: 111 \11 1h1:-n1.1r- 1 t1lq11~ :.!·'-ltll'.\ ;l ,'/., l ll<ild ':. l'l)(Hll ltollll' llll l•11i·l1 I 111d:i. 1~1e. :-;upt'1· huyo11 at ~'.!.1 ;,.000 1 'ull ·.\l;11·v 1·nnt;eldc r 11 SETT ING SUN VI EW "P1·1to._. 1• lu ·li1·1 11 1'--I Bdr111. h"llH' 111th pn· 1;H(' IJl•!Jl ~II 111.Jll,\ (•\Ira.~.\\(' lOUltl \ITllC. a h1>11k' 1.;.,11·,1 !1•! lll''\I rlnr1r a1;i1I. for ht11lcl1ng. t· 11111·t· pack;i :;l' S:i:.! 1.:111!1. l 'all .\la ric Bu.-.h. * OPEN HOUSES SUN •. 1.,,5 * 621 LIDO PARK DRIVE ,,l l !l;C\)ll~ doubll! \JC\\ CUll\l!l:O- 4607 BRI GHTON ROAD ..... p1••·!:-it·1!1;1r rit·l·,1nfront .·1 Bil hon1e \\'h1te \'.illt·r ,t rork \'1e11 1924 H IGHLAND DRIVE \ 1111 11 1·1n:i11 ~ion un a ~had.1 rpr11c1· 3 8{lr111s., ~1 _ h;.i1hs . 'l)nly $fi !l.fulll or lf we don 't have it-we'll find it!! Speciali1ing In Homes of D is tinction HU G HOMES, REALTORS 567 San N icola~ Drive, Suite Newport Center 640-4 050 102 Act ion ... Call 642-5678 - , I I DAVE ROTERING Top Monthly Promotion SCOTT GERRIE Top Monthly l istings Taken ' VICTORIAN MANOR 5 + GUEST $35,000 \\":\l.K TO rJl'.:A.Cll. r.ianl \rtctorian n1an- 11r. :'1 bcdronnis 111clud1ng n1as ter ,,uilc \1 11 11 401 bu th . Librar,v a nd 1nu.~ic l'h :un - IH·J"• 11it l1 ('0rl1('f' hnv \1'11ldO\\', (;tll-:ST ilfldlllll\'111 \11111 k1tciH'll ~;;il!IC l"i!jlf tl. l\;111q u,·1 d1111n~ l"O(Jtl\ II 1111 tli'l'pl;IC'<'. 11·.uJ.·d "t;1111cd ~r.1 "~ 111nd1•\1 :1 1:1·:·r1 f·:H lll l\1:'' I 1111 ~i l:j.(1:111:1 ABANDONED BAYCREST ESTATE 1:orn1al .'Lil e cnlr) 111tu plu .~h lu\;t11'111us t1,·i 11 •' rnu111 arc;i I lu,i.:r br1t'k cio11hle fire· pl:1 r;,. l·(1r111.d 11r(•,1dr d1 11 111g. Secluded 1 n;1 ~1 •.· r :. ll 111·. I 'rnl v~ ~ iro11;1111· J ;1 nd.l l'il ped , (Jl11eh p1f~.·l'~.~1on l''t'!'U1n-c t ran.~fc rrl'd -l'ricec! under \he ninrket for quick ::.ale. Call 6-1"-0:Wo. ........ . .. ~.,,,..... ',1 . ~FOREST E:OLSON /j •· ' • INC. . A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY 2299 HARBOR BL VD., 645.0303 ) " ' ' I 2(J nAJI V 1'!1111 I General R.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 • ~ RED SAILS IN THE SUNSET \l.1)1' IH II\'\\ , I ltll\ 1•<~',Jll .11 1d l1,11ln11 1!11111 \1111 (i111".111 1111· d1 q1 I~·\ ,ii1<111• l lill'.I ll\,' l!['ir;·.:~n:· d1 r.o111'.l tt i\1:11!·1·!11•\,1h!1· \tl.1 · (J('I·.\ "\'I ,\:-.I\ l ·, COZY CHAR/v'iERS "}. il1111"t"'• -11 11~:~lt· I 1111 I{~ 1,.1 111 1Hd l d\I \\opd p.1t1t·l1n;. l1t".1l 1\ 1 v1 l111'.., l11 1•pl.1.1 • llll •I "l'I' (<1 .t)lpll'\ l,1\L' "l vllll" ;11;1i1,diit' THREE F OR THE MONEY ·"l't lildt•d 1;.,; l1 1pl1•\ 111'1 <I ... pl.i-h 1,.,. ( 11111.1 1°11\(" \l111i 111"\l' Ill l!ll1di[lllr\ 111-.!1 l.iild '!".1 !111 1'_' I \< l'Jl1·1 :I •t.ll lt'I 11 \\II 11111 1111 • .iu Jl I• CRACKERJACK :-..H•il11 1 ' l:v.1•11 d 11pll\ lt'.lllll 11._ 11"' I .I: 11111t ... 111 11•1.11 , . ., 11t11d1·11 1 hu111 111 • •1111d t'\ h "l»p I" l!lt• 11 • .11·1 l:.111 t1pp1Hl1I J\lll .ii ... ~~ :(1\1 .1111 <111\\ll 1J!\' SERIOU S SELLER \I ( .-.. I I I 1,1L I l) \ I J .! I \ 1 •• 11!11 >1 11 :..! I : Ii \ 11: \ \ 1'11.il ·f 111~ .l ,1t'll /1 i, ~1 ,! \fl M! l.1•11 i!n1111 !1:1ll1' 11 II I 111 ~ lilt " 'Ulll' Ill' I I t•l t".•'-l'd d\ _IU\l ll,111\l' I(' l )J\ FRENCH QUARtER \Lll!'!H ',l ,J: :..!!:\ 1-.l.111d l'l'll~;il ,\!'II (II · It .ill~ ~lli l' t Uillp h•i(' II i1,ilt11lllt'' ,\· ,'>llll• d l'lh:-> \l!c:il Ll'lll!\~'> Ji.t1d11d !llliJ!'-. Jil l'· l!l<1v1• I n1111.il [Ii, \ dlc1•1'.1l111 ~ dcl1;.:l1!. :-. I '.:.2 P11(1 ISLAND T WOSOME 1:1::"1'f \ \i l J:' :-.t.·p-\11 IJ.i.1 . 1.:,1 .. 1 ll'l"lll" idl lip, l·:,11 t .. lt• tilljlil'\, (Hli•1t•d !JI' tll'\ible 11\1 llt'I ,I\ ~\II\ :i\111. J'J \ .I I 1 ,l(h· COSTA MESA TO'il/NH OUS E (i1;1r111111 '-:H;!\ :..I :\ liuit".11<.11 111 ;1dul! t..t1111 ll1L!Jlll l. J t•\t•]\ l :ll)ll'\lllC: 11('11 kltlhl'll <.t!J· pl1 ~11IL'l"' pr11·.1tt· p,1110 J111•1ol,!ct· hu-.:l' rln-.- ··t~ 1·n1nni lhlL 1 \: r 1 (' t1t(11t1 1Jfferl'd r1t d 1011 :-;:;g .-JUii ALPINE IN SPIR ED 1:1:\.\ll :\I-;\\ Ji1·.1 i\1 ·1 11 11;1:. :..!~;\ r.111C"li· l'itl' Jl1 ~h p1lt·t1 le1 1l r1 ;..~ hr:.1.1 ~11~1ke 1uid ··111111fl ll C!l~l ' '1"1'" \11 ]'l l\.11L' j!!l!il ,'\.· l l'llt\I'-(1!1111-l'"ll't'd li< ,J)l\lf\ll:-, Ll\\ll('[' :-./.; \111n (!1'1·'.\ -.\!','\.'-i t·!\ '2-.1 lll'Mll'l'. llLJ:J:\ Ill J:li\ · FOREVER V I EW J1()1J -li !ll.1Ll!.ll' Ill'\\ llt!lll .-.p.!l llHI'-. bc1lt:r 1!1.111 11v11 .;1;i: 1 .. 11111\ 1i1.111l· (J 1l·1· ~1.uo :-q I! cu~\\1111 d(·-.1'..'!ll'il 111ti·1·1u r p1qfe ... -.1on<1I p,dJ!I-. ~: J:111d :-( :qJ IJ I_ 'l'I 111·1 ~ \1 l .'-i"I" l.J·:.\ \ J: 1111." jll'!J('t'\ i1ill l1\' .-.1 l::1HIO 111l'lt>r!C'<; ]:l lHi :-.l J:\11 r 10\it" niter. Grubb & Ellis RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE COMPANY 2863 E. Coa st Highway Corona d e l Mor 675-7080 1002 General R..E . LOC ATION FOR All AREAS COUNTS!! ··' Tcy f ri.H~rbor We T ri-H arder 1002 * H ele.I Over For Another S111ashin9 Week * "Investor's Paradise" * i:;ill11>~1 !·I.ind * i'.(111 ~· I". J * Lnl :\11 \lfi * I 'r~ '-('Jll 111.111 .i:--.u1 11- .1bl ~· 71 1 '' * ·""1·; :11)1! EASTS I DE il:11111i;.c: ..' 1:1·d1111 11111· 111'..'. I Ill. J; 1ilt ~·.11 i.JI L:\' l11t fll'I 't•t \ I 111· 1111.1\ 1111 l>I' ~.\lid 1.11· ' -.1 0I ;! :-.;t ( '!'{"; 1] J, I "!1- l. l 1 ;.:i' (\. l.,11 (' ]•\\ 1·' '-'.,llilt'11 ,\: 11.111 ..... ,j llfill I COLONIA L ' STORY P\~•1, l:ilfllH ." .i 1;J ]1. 1 Ii ( l( I 11-.. I I' ,Ill'. l"\ I 1 ,1 ( lp1' 11 .... , 1 l '-.1111 l SPANISH FLAVOR l'llll'I' l';1lu1 '<t!l l(lll!ld· t'd h 1 open I I: h11·111dl d111111~-t :1111 ·ll :I:. :!l·I.! 1\ 111d11 .ird .\.!; (Jpi.:11 \.ii '-11111 1 i C U ST OMIZED .\11' l.1r lrn1') \lc-.11 l1:1- ')111(·t ll1'IL:lih111 I~ "lrt'CI. l '.ll t.1111 fll• h1~h !l'la (•11 1·:11 d 1,\ t•rt·d 11, II I• 1 I 1 1,1 I 11 l' '-'.'" 1d ' ( 11 ... .J • $6,000 LOWI I .111 .ii I .., \..' )1!11 I 11 1 dt••(11·1 II \I Iii l' 111"1 BUILDER'S DREAM e i.11 \"111 1 11 I< I q il1l 1"1 ~ ll•iltl!' \l1 \t 111 .:i.; I ~~11<! ( I I e i.11 \.:1111 II 11!1 11 1 l"r (!•l\111\l'I( 1.11(JfJH1 ·~ :..'.lilt~i] I I fill"• lll\'"l1il[ lill"ll!llt: :-;_j ~.J :-..J .\ ."111'1 e li·2 '1.ikt'" I 111111 " .iil 1 p1np1·1I \ l.1hl''-fl 11 I IOI /)<II IL • "1 I 1111 -litl\ llu\I l•ll l\J'll\'·iol l ;111 d lll!lll't' ;ipp1l'(1.1t 1IJJI •)\«I l1111klll " pt np1 1-.cd \l.1· 1111;1 1111 \".H'<llH \' LH 101 TRI-HARBOR REALTORS 646-3255 400 EAST 17t h ST ., COSTA MESA 1002 OCEANFRONT .DUPLEX Pa i nt & MAKE TH OUSANDS. Twa 3 Bedroom Units. New list- ing. BETIER HURRY! Ca 11 645-0303. FOREST E.OLSON INC A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY 2299 HA~BOR BLVD .• 645-0303 /ior Act ion ... Call 642-56.,J I ~~-~~-oo~~~~~~~~~~~,--~~ Ger1erdl R.E. 1001 Co1ontt de1 Mt1r 1022 Co~ld Me~a 1 02~T'7c:o:,~,,;--.M'-e=•~•c--~--.,•0•24:0-·~H"u~n~1"in~g-.1~0-n°8°ec•-,~h-zl0z4z0~H-u_n_t_i_n_g_t0-,-,~a-.-.•,hc-71%04°0..-l -L-•9_u_n_o~B~•-•'',~h~--,~0~4~ -NBA Del Mer Corona Line Up BAC HELOR PAD " I ' I·' I \ "--' " I'• .,11 '"" •·•'"I" 1 '"' CORNER LOCATION ,j1. " "'. " I' " I' ' " 111 I 11 !• ,, ,.,, '" 3 BR 1 BA I" "' pl ,11 \ 11. ' ,, ·' . "' '1l11 ' 11 '' I" .,1, •!I'-' 111111 SWI FT DUPLEX ,. '1' ,, • •1• 1'1' • I' \ " 11 11 ' " '" ,1,111 UO•J •"I' f• •Ii' ''ii •I "' I ' I ' '"I '11\ I' 11,, T HE CROWN JEWEL ii• I> "'" ill" ,'I' ,I HI I hill "· I ' ' \ ' " \ \\ 1111 • • 1. d d 11,1 .; .i In.-_II" L "'"LI 1!1 1 • •l•H•IH 1>11111 < J, '"" ~I \'I I~ 111 \ , \ll I !" \I ••11· .• 11 h l l ;:11 Back Bay ~---1004 ,.. :-, : . \\ I 't Ii' I' I \I \I 11 • 1·1: I'" 11• I< I'/" ' I ,I Ii 1• I I I 1 I .\ l" II II,' \ •"<\ ,1, .ii I" I• 11H d (ll 'I \ ""' ..:'Ill .':1\"j '-II\ L I j HI<' Balboa Island ~ "ii 1, II I College P arle ._ BUYA . ,\_,,,,,, Sp•'",' i s B~ i~t R:i ~A~.~,o~.. Exclusive * 1 '3 ACRE TH~~osT WARRANTY HOME C~:AR MERS I "1 , II I ' II ,.1 I t '""'"' I,, rtl d I!' I' .I 1 \;I' >I 111 '-Ii"'', lilt;, I ' , I ,1 ~I ~I Ill 1 ,11 ' ' ' ,·:: £Nol. in fOf! A ,.r l SllllATl.0' Y&Wl ·"VALLEY REALTY A llMO l,llTtflPlllSf. , • A!ill~ICAH STOCK £lCl!At<Q.f C()llPAtO HARBOR VIEW HILLS I"' "' \ i' I 1111' I , 111101\ I:,•" n ~\I I LI 11 1<1n , I• 1f I ~' I .. '. ,1,.,,\1!1•' 111 II ''I \ lpL 11 11 11" ""t ,\ ,, ,, I • I \l I I; j •. \ \ 1,1\111 ,\ \l \\11:1 \1 I \ I ( 1 I l.,lfr /I ' •11 H OME & INCOME SOUTH OF HWY, \1 ·ii d .... 1.d I" \\ 'II I Id .I lit HI '-1 I ,oil ""'"1 I 111 ' '~· 1.,,, I I 1111>h 1111 ,1,1, .. ,. I• l i" (' 1 I I , \I I I ._'11 \.'. '.:"' Mother Out Ba ck Eastside Costa Mesa ":, • t1I ,i, "'" • .,,,i THE LEAST ,,,,,,,, .... 1 '"" .. ,, .. ., Ne1"ghborhood · '""" llll'o Ill.Ill. lllil l'\l I~ li1,I l I l'I.,,, ~lt,1lKl 11••1 !'tiOI \lillHf•'' I" I/" I• "(I ' , .. 11"11 11"111 \'I< loll I I 1 I' , ,II •II "'· \_ 11 Dana Po int 1026 • • • I i,,., It\• "II' Ill(, 1•11 111,d 11111 1i11. 1.1111 j\, •" 11 I '1'!""'1111~ I~ itl, 11 ,,.....j l1i ll 1,,,1i., ,111 " 11 ,1 i.,.1 .\ dt•l !ph ,\ "' ', J:IH:\1 ,\ Ill·:-. 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Walker & Lee _ REAL.TY . ·' 1:tt : 1 .. ,,111 .Y ,,111 ~1· 1 11i11ll• l :ll 11, Ot •ct•tAft i>l"•'•l•ol" 1111• !"11,ll•' 1 t'11\ Ill•'-li•·ll••,ln•n.:h :'IJl ll·.11).;y t'J.l .l:'I:: l\H, ., l'.111 1\1 ,\ l·".\\I Pl-::\1 "•IJ'' n11 •• ,,,,, c.1.1,,,,1 111 Beach Gi'ant 1: ... 11111.-11 11,11,.11 \l:ll"in· 11(1,,11· •. 1i.1ru1 ... 1 "'"·1·1 .. r ,,, 111 1<11 •il ,,1l111g' ,\ ,, l1pl<· N•·11 ,h·•:.: .-1pl s tqd<', """I. ~!\•11.-11"11 (::<11''• .~. •J•'il• l"1•l111g H I i(:11J1bli11:' 'l"I } I"''\, , . ..,,, /ill Ill•, 11,.111. uii'1>1 S111,11111 1'(''.olh<l"•"I ,11,,1-,,. t"•••tll!I<'' 'i' '•"Ll•ll• ,, ,\ l It ;"di!\,. llu111 ... 1,,,i,., Ilk<' I< "t'.tl l ,1 I "II $':!l,!K111 c ,.1, ;,;,~1!~1!1 1 .. 11:.: 111 I Ill \\ 11N1Q c1 .. 11 Ill" 111 Iii" ~· I• dl't•llll "II J11•11I• ,1 "ttl I \111·1·".t 111 'I d1 I )hi rlutJI '11 t1 1, 11 t'l'llH Ip ii' .,11h • • (' ~; N 'I I, 1( VIHl•'l'lj\('1·. 1,:.:, ""I '"" .. 1 111,· LINGO REAL ESTATE 111.,..,11, 1111,.1·t.1111111•·111 1111• -~ --i\•11 " .. 111·111•p .. 1111:.:11\r110111 I I I •I ' I I' 1 lo ·1l111111.! 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H "" .. 1 1:11· ]."~" I: ,n "' H\\ I" I 1,: " ' Costa Mesa 1024 * OPEN SUN . 1-5 * 2345 FORDHAM *COL L EGE PARK* I i'd1 "" .' .j, 11 "' • 11d1111" " 'II 1· I 'I " • 11 pl. '11 'ii d l'·tlo" I.,. Ii Ii I.; >I or \I 'i•I 1111.1. I • ,, 11 ul I f,, 111'1-'. II• l ~ \, \ Jill Li l ·I••\• ,\ ri l•I '11 •'I\ ' I • 'I •Ii NEWPORT BEACH REAL TY 675-1642 SPACIOUS 5 BR (".,I, 111 ol \\Jiit 1 ... 1111' •<>Tll• ..; 1111 ' \n ' \ ••111111 I 1" I "I 1 ,_Iii ,,1 'l< ' "I '> 'i 1111', • \l•I di rr• "l I 111! \\ollt IH•I• D. I,'_' J. FEENSTRA " .1. 1•·' EAST SIDE CM " '''" 11 .. 11111' ,, '' d• : I :1 1<•111n '" I •l'I• \ \lioi "I I 111~ 'I( l«,'11 "'' •l1h .. 1 II' ,1,,. \Ii ' ii 'I I 11 :-., LI .'<1111 '' ·• 1· 11 1111: .• 1111.'-ll°\ 1::.11.1111: 1 j' " ; * " . ' \ I I' '" I '" '1;,, ' Ii•·· \\,,.,,,\ ii" Ii ii I" L 111 J, ,1 Id Ji• Ii•• \ I 11, fl o "111 Iii 1;1 I 1 '" " ".' '" I • ' ,, ,,, \ \ '" < I " I " • I , 1 • I .I 1111 • \ , ! •1 ,,1 '"I· '""'' '' n.i .. i· / • Ii /. 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FV SUNDAY 11-S j,. 111lil1i!ll 1q1,1 llll'd \:tll•J I ' 11 ,, 11" n• .11 1 "'" fr .. 111 \iii• "'lll·d" p 11 I~ l•ll l!il'!;'' HI"' ... 1 • .r 11 1111 , ... n1 r .. 1· I•• II .011d 0-.11.1 1" I I .•~hl1•MI ii•' l.111~ ldH< I, \1;dl f, IH Ill\:, I li.l1 ln II~ ,,1,11 \,1rrl. -:.1 1 d<'ll .. 11d 111~11 l.111•h< :11•111..: rll ik .. ~ 11'1' 1 I u rl1-." •'11, '.!I. l>,1111 , • 11 '"II '"" ll••Jll" '' l".11" f111d , 1 I \., 1 I ' I, ,\ .... 11111 I h i•• l"o1 II :111•1 11111• k !'"''''•Jl•ll :<10• •1,,11 11 •II• 'Ill Iii• I ,lko• NO DOWN -" "' I I", ii '" I l•o..111L' f "'I ii I• I• I •II I, I .1 '" 1 I• 111111 I, ••I \; • •• ll' 1,1"""11 ( 111<1 ' d· •"I ol• ii I .t1111l1 "i>OI "I' 11 "Ill II 1111 I' 1111• 111 1,, II I I\\ I" I I' di Ii• 11 1 I 1 •Ill• h•I 0 '""' i<l•Hll"I I '1JL ( • 11ll LI '. ~1 'I"""\\ ' l~ I 71 Spanish Delight S Bedrooms \lo "' "I I 1 .. 1, 11 11 ' I ''"" '''If'\ ' I\' ' \ln111 "I ' 11 t I .1 1, ·11 .. lh I ,,,,1,, 'i" 11 ·' 11111111 .. q 1111' 11.dll 1 .. 11 11 .. 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I 9~.-, -:.1 (-.,,1 ~1 11"1, l .•:.:un.1 ..... ·----aiii Blr..-k t.i t.innl.v 1•:.,1 &· Phone (714) 494-0731 '62-4471 ( :::~) 546°810] !o·nni ~ • 1-.. ;-.;, \I'll dC'l~•l\1lC'il Acres of Gree n S11tlHIJ11!I lhl' 2 ... 1 .. rv 2 1,,•,lr1Ji1111. '.! h;,111 ln1,n\;,,lh•' \\ill\ li!l\!<' l ~•llllS l'f1<"oJl1 f••r ~·~II'!! J.;f!)\\llll: ~ p:• ,.,. \'"~ :1 nt r .. r in1111• d1:1 rr 111•\l"I' !fl ,)11.,I ·,, • dL>ll n .111d Hllh S2<i ,11.1 (1111 l>l'U •.. Call 540-5140 \-.k1111~ $.-,2.'.ll~I . 1aob 1Pellil, -- -1~eullor 1~1 \\"l'~l··rn H;1nk Hldi:- U1111·1·rs11.1 l'u1 k, 11111i.• Days 552-7000 Nights Tn"· ~lwkh·d ~:-1.itr 111 I· 1nPrald Tt•i ,.,,,.,. Chn1r •' '.'. !-:11d )u, .1!11•11 11 1th hre.ith t-.k111;.: \IC~:Af\ \·r1·:1v.s l{t• ~IHn•d (J"idillHl),ol 2 j~'\i'/ hn111\' 11· \ lllt .: li;,1h~ ,\' 1h-n. Spf1c1ou, 1•1111 .v h11ll d111.J<'s l.1r~" •1111 1111 l1n1))1 1 .. .i1111ful !11111-.: 1111. Cr'111· l pl•'l<' '"llllll ,I' k1!1 h"ll 11 I ,. , 1111;: ;.1-.... I :e.11111ru1 II I l.inil-.1np«ol gp1unrl, < ~ I $2995 Down-All Modern \1/ .. \\1n1111uH.: 1'(101., p11t1 ... I r-:--:---'ill•·-·--, (hill '.!\""'~ ••l•I l1o•l11\• ;.;. 1·,.•111 f•w" t•nni .. 10111·1 1 u1alker & Lee 1,.i"n1 •. · z 1r.11i l·fl11L1i(t\I"' 5'.!111.1~w1 1:1.,1;, r l"•'Jl"1·:i1 1 .. 11 I I 111111 h1t1 ll-lll' ,\ •li'll\1 .. ~h1"t ltll ll•-.I I (",1111 .. 1 .011 '"nd11io•11ln;.: ,11 ... '"''It• l·w l .111•\i• .. ,' ("11•1•<111 dLq•t' !II:_: l.olllldl"'I h"lll•'•, :.'I'd\!'~ Ill J• dll•l~••k ;1,0.1 ,\ 11 ••l"kl'•""11 Sw1ri11 l~"-'i \11 111 ~·-ll_' ;:<-111j7 II Newport West I"'" I'" l'I " 1•1 u,. ;;;·~· '~"·' 11·111 ('.di ,JI\ 17 ~II .u1d 011!' or tli<' 1, r1 l•"•I • f ~ -,..;·)(JI~ y .. HL'rll oll', f 1 11111~ TARBELL. lill. !11111111: I 00111 .. lo;.ih ... 11 .. 1.l\l <"••il 11." 11",, '1.i-. ·' [Kl!~® •lrp' A·I l;i\111. f1111I Tl'•~·~.1 t/ S&TAT• Pio· ~»l ·~~J llJkTl ll"lh"I S.11 11 , 'I :·;2 \J,dali11n• ~·!_-,-, I l.01 l•·I" 1111 d --.:1::.. (', "l•I. !.:•t.:111i.t Roy McCardle Realtor 494-7518 1810 Newport Blv d ., CM MAGNIFICENT VIEW -"]"()I' {1r· 'J UltTl.r.!:OC.'I\ 548-7729 ' SUPER SHARP I f',ll\f0: 'I'll J:J .. \l'JI "I I ;.•,It•• 0111 I ~.11 l l,1n~•· i'••;1·;1 ,\ '"' 1111" I .ol'• ''''' ,1,..:1 · \i I·: ,•, 111 .. 11 "' 11 lllldtl•< ! II .ill, i., ,J1<11•J•lll:., 1111 I" 'I\ II i"'' I ·'I~ 7 \ 11 l·.1' ' WOODSY Tl.ft I: ~.c1 : S u po rl1,j '1"1<'1•111~ l wdr,~·111. 1'()\>I. I\"••! h"' I• "'n II ~ <"' rl 1 IL<•lll'' 1,..,1 t<i 1<1.111111'<1 11.1 1111,,l 11.irk. (J,\'.LY ~117:~~1 1 1\pp1 I ( 11111 -J.,,..,1,, Sh·1rk.1ny t,.l l-1)~(.10 I c ·;jj I • .,1,·11-1n·h 1·11!1 llh1d·· ,I.I "II! .,f tin-. .~ l>.lr111 hor111• 111th f••lf'\•'I" [':1,·1 11<' \"I"'"~ I 'llw 11.tnnlh nf tl1" 1\!•lfl ,, fur tiH'!° l1•·1-:l1l,•11f'•I 111 th1· lk·:111t1ful lrplo.;. ,.,. ,i,., I"' .'1 .')ti l ,(~I. Macnab-Irvine l (1'.1lt1• C'o•11p;111.\' 642·8235 644-6200 ..A-Olan REAL ESTATE (BRASHEAR) I"~· O\\.\U{ 1"'"1' :.1.1: 'I REAL.TV f.I I h·n1n·ll"1' ho1111· 111 1·11,11'1,11 ,1 l'k F•·11<.-1I l•>I !ii\(} (;]P!\ll•'~I"<' \\I"" -.1<•11 i.;1ni.;• rh1'•'.nl ~11 1-'117 ~ " . ' \!\-It'.\ r1 RUSTIC CHARM w /assumable FHA loa n I I :1 1i1'•1n1 ... I , /i.oTlt-.. <'••I " I" 1 II' 1 1 I• 111 I• I 11 11 ]· 11 i 111 •l'lll ~\ 'i•'lol '""'' '••Il l, 11 11 hl1I,,. ~ 1·" 11 11 •I ~ , 1111 I •I "' \.ii 1!. l•I II"+' !. :/(~Id, 11 ... 1.1 111•1' .11 pl.o~IH•ll~•· .~· .J111ll!I•• 111'1 1111-.......... -------...... •1 1.1 .. ·k .111·d .1d\O\lllill): ..:•'•"'l\ll('il 1011 I l'i•• p:dll HIGH ll·>rn•· 1-. "1ih111 11 . .i\..uii.: ON A Hill •Ii.I lo• •••111111 , ~11••1')•111:.'. (11,.tl•••k 111i.; 111• • tl,1 ••I <"•'111• 1", 1~•·1~. :inol 1••11111 • 1,.,g1111.1 1.1 11 11 111<1<' '""1'.1!1 ,.,,1 11 1-. lj:r;2 ;ltir111 -.:1 ,1,.11-.. 1111-. 1q•ll pl.i1n••d, 111 ;1,.i"'?.r1 (111n>'I', u1 11-.,1~1 \I' »nin·~ h••lrl•, I'"" :! \11111 f11li1ll• 1111.: ('..JI 1•11 l"ii'oi\', 2. io,d lJ~. IHfl)\,dl .i .. 1, .. 1, 11111111[! 1111 , Ii.:•· 111111q 1·111 "!1pl1'. ,111 .. n lllf• ""111 l.01Jrl•<'<IJ1"d luh 1\11 ~ln l h11.1 -=============:i].(\\"1 '1.\" '-l'H'!•<il" '.! -.l••TI ;d ~!>7,!l.>1). • hn1 111· 111111 lll•ll< 11·· .. l m ··xl•·1·1••1-. l ,.,.,i,·,,orn. 1•11 11\.1!1 :Q; 11wtl::»IP& T he Real Estate F air 839.6133 or 536-2551 5 BR Beach Beauty <1111111r L11111lv 1·1••111. 1111 ~ ~l!lll.'1'W ' it'«!\ 11 " l,11< 11•'11, Ii I I I' k f11"< pl.ii •'. l1l"\I ~h"<!.: 1·,1rpl'T~ lhrwn1t ·: l "•I" ·..:;11·:i~" (,lllil'I <1 94.5671 <199.2800 CIJS ~ln·1•!. $-d ·~~I Ukr !~i.1-:ii:~J !'111•• 1"' I• 'ii l':I: :>Ii I I• l'I' I ' , 1 i-.n11.o \1 1• \11• .\ Lil.0··1 NEW CU STOM HOME .1111 I .11 •I-'. , , •<11111 .\ .,II• l "hl'lll• .. , .. 111 '"\!l•d i 1" ll\lf ~·1 ·1 ..... :.!~ud SI' :: r·i:, [)•"1. F.in11h l"•llll, ~ ffll\:<' 1na~I• I' ~1111" II 11 11 ri111"~l'I .\' .111•1 ::>('II 1111.: lo,fl l.,ot'!.:• I ~ I '•I I ii" 11111 I\" I• 11 lh1· l>il;, "l""1111 1•111111,: lii(llil). <"1111• 11w111l •·1 ~111p l•ir 11 ·11111' .\· -.1111 111ni11;.: ;i~ •• 11 sr,,1~~). l'.kr -,:1; s.(~ Sharp Sharp Sharp Laguna Hills !"O\IVl·;lt l STY /',\!{f\.j l11•(lronn1s. din;n~ rno111. S· •l••n. Sup1•1" h••lllP, 1w1·1111un1 lo1I, 111••1, up:_:r;<'!1•d in •'l't'1·.1· ,1 ,1~ Be~I h11,v 111 arri1 1\ rr:il ph•as111·p 111· ~how. Call l).!().-7711. I• r ... 1; 11 'I,·, :>.11.•~11:,1 ' 1'1' :.o; ___ I 1·1111, .. , l'a111r1.· Hl.,rk i .\-.1".-.liii f,!:, ., f>;,, f,.1 11111~, f ul l1 111•ul.!1,.d, I'•111·11l1n11 ~t·, ··Jull1:1n! ·,.!I-II{, Z i.,,, 11111<" Lu11 1·111 'ltnn sq fl, IH ''"111111. fl{'>I." ,\; Jlldlll ~r<"1'11hrlt ;·,,If' in (·1111d 1111ec~I l~·l•lll' n1u1 kf'! f.,1 'flltr'k ~aJ1'. S")l,;,00 0WtH'I'. :;,J-.~~4l O\\!l•'I' 1 •· I i ~ CLOSE TO SCH OOL I.::; 1,,1 ,\ .1 d I .I:. ,! h.i , l,11 ,'. (''I oil). 111 I'.! 1111, lipli• 1•"-1hl• 11io l'!lioll 1:1 011111 •1. \'.!"111 ( 111 'lj'l-~'KJ~ I oi 111 1;•111 . n" 11 I ,1 111 ... 1,1 1H111•· ,11·.i~. $li.'.J(~J. Super Sharp & Clean •l•''"1l••I. l.l111i-. ,,,,,1 .. ,1 H111hl••r :..'\!l1lffi •J'.uk-·lik<' ~.11·d . '1111 .s i"1l•n. '''lll11al1I•• l•11n ~:+li•i11\I·: Yl'--()l,[1-1•,,11 ~1,,. I.it 11 tw.111t1ful .\ Urdron111. :.! h.1th '" l•"1"'' 1!1111°·1. ·,i~-~~7t'• s1,,1,. 1Ji1t :·11,\ f.11nr111, 1 hnn1<• 1.1·1fh cu sy 1rrn1.s UNfVEflSITY PAHi\ 1 I'.?,,,;, I )11·11n .. ~ ,. ~:"1'. 111 .... d•'l'!l 11/ln11· 111hl'Ps! 11~~u1n,1hle -COLLEGE-PARK--l"I" «1 pl~ !'.•"."!Lil drc d 7', 10:111.,.,,nlv Slfi,/~,o (':ill l:i' "111111. 1 ..... 1~1<1•' t ·,,,1 1 l:i ,,111,..1 • hdnn ~ d·n l'r1111• I"'" srhl~ S:. pk~. 11.v SCOTT REALTY :\I•' 1 '""I 1 1 •I, 111 1 Ill 1. ' ' " " ~("" IK) ~1-r~1-J6-fJ1·:1n1.1T11· 1 s1V, :l Hli.. 2·~ h.,~. 1,.111 n11. hii.;hly up1-1 .. 1rl· '"! <·!'11lnil :1ir Qn 11.irk \'1r11· S:;..'i.'Ol ~1Jl-S2'.\6 or (,1·1-1j!(1. ,.,,1.11 .• 1,,.,,p,•, I"•'. (<II d Hl\llO I .,._ .. ! • 1-'·' 5 7533 r .. 111 Iii•· oil,.,. ""I [1,11\i.l ~' ... .! 1,1' l</dld ~.i i'.il;•'"· 11"1"1 'l"'llo•,s tl11'1P"lil I H'~.\ lf(il '~I-: 1 ."o I I · L ,\< ,1.11• lq Ill I' I I II' ~ .~ !\)(I, '2.:·1:! ~".,1\illdlll 1)1' Ii-.-:~ S.11ll;o l {o~:.i .. ( I()\\' N I·: It ,1:.; x Jn lJ -"-·I ''''I.'. ' ·,i.".''-,-, ''l"'t1 -.,,l/S1111 lflh .,1.,....1,:!-1 .:1:1:. I·,!'..\ f:1111r111 rpl, B<•a 11!1fnl :l llfh111. ~!1;1" , ,., 011r of lb<' 1un,1 ~nur.:h! ;dl<"l' A SSUME 60' LOAN Hi '1"11"1 .-.1:1:.'LH.\,~li.itl•' 1.1111, \'"11 ... 1.1rp. (",ll'Hl l 1"11"1M'l•111:, h111 1 1 -111~.1~~01\i\~:1:v111v l'k.h·11111· 11<11111'' n1 111,, 1 .. ·;11111f11l EMERALD BAY \ 1:1: '.? ll I II/I(> !""'I. ['11•1 ) II "'''· ]•• lll<'d 1ol 1 l•lh 1:1• 11,'I '\ r~1':1 -,~\!0-li,'/I fll"ll\IU't'. '!!l'l llkll'I"~ fl'"lll $;· '.\ l{I:. 2 ll 1, .ill'llllll. :-,;,,.,r 1'11!11111111111' !' llH\\' /ll'ail11hh• \..il•li, 1, 1 ,1, t\ll . I'.!'· fr,,11t "li"/11'1111.! 11·1111·1 llu~~" 1.1:· .. 1~1; ,11<111<: l1kr• 111·~1··1 1·•.ir. 'h.1k1· 1'••f S!0,01!11 1.-.... 1. 1 .. 1111i-. ~1111111 fl'i'•' at s.~:(i.!N~I lln~ flrr•in sido> ,-:,,, /' 11 11 I II\"' I ll1•'1h l""1.:-::: :'" 1 _ li•I r1'1 l;onlllV g:11•lrT1 "I' h•>nH'. l\t •\\' l>.1rnl Ill,\. 0111, hki·r,ill ~!C~-J:I;:: Id fi!ltf'I 1.u· !i Ill" <1ld . honiu· fp'O IUI '>'• .-1 1 l:•lll l • ·'' l'"'I ·lli-'-111 111.1111 "lt:i,, S :1 I,;, 011 . 1 O\\,\J•:I{ 1 .. :11'•'' !i.iS!r, down :1111-.t sPll ~ 1•1.-1111), ~,:,2-i.:1:!)(; ll"nrhlional ~t.1 lln>:. Ii Bit (11'1-."< '-\\II \'\ I ~ • .' l~I~. I H '\ "II I ·"l"r' Ii · }."11) J ', "l"I ! ' I< ii, < \IHI"' 1 .. , ,dl"ll (.:'..'.,!~~) '.?.'11d S1 . ("\! 1;;,, 1·,;,; ••1111,.!'/hrk1 COLLEGE PARK l\v "'I rwr·, IBlt. 'lll,\ f1 pit'. r. .. 11 l'lll, 111" "111~. ~ll)1p11:.:. fJI Ill<" Hlll). $11 . .IHI. "Ji'I I)~ ... : fl\\\ I f:. 11,,~ t \'•·1·.,1· Sli:11·p : 1:1: 1' lo.i -.. F.1111 -r111 , 2 11 pl1 ll•"\\ • 1t1. ! '1 111 "Illy. ~) •I ~I p 11 I !fl 1~ ,;\\Ill l'fl\\l, i l'l l 1•111 :~i.:-1;ri..,; I !~>.;:: twl1·111 11·1111 1.u1l1 -1n~.· 1'1'''1111" 7'.,·· inli'l'rst l•ll'llH•I 1(111 1111., l1hrarv lodr 111 •. 11111, I g .. 111 ,i.ln (ll\"'>l 1::-.-l{i:2J". 1. V.iill d1~1N.:1,hl'1". 1"•'111' \1~ inl! rn1. f.11tST--1\D-.-11;1~'nrk f:1111 . 1"111, ll1'.1Ut1h1I s11n11y 1:J..('/t.t"l·.''T r.~11 1 1 t;11 iii!~ l'lH ti"" ""lid i.1t.111s fq1li· l°••I' p1d1n. spt111klo·r, Vill.ii.:t• JI[. ·Yal" n1odrl. ·I t'<Jlll"1 1ard ,!;,: <l\"<"r~11rd lol 11"""' 11 •. \ll·.-:,1 111 .1. ,\Ill: "J'J;,,, dt'I"'· ,,.,1 :1,1, ~tlp•·t: r~·1•11I ,'{: 1•.•r. S'l!UJ:iO . l\kr f'.lt. 2'~ l'J;1, f·11n nn. 1'la1cw 11/hral111ful (lCEAN s .. '>!~.~1 ~1 1 .111 ,1_,-.ir,11 1 .. , '\:i:,1~1 117:-111)1::.:! J..:.•!!_ ~ll-2~~·1 ~1•i'111>\'11 t-!1d11·11.v 1"'111· Hr;ACH \'IEl\S. A 11(1111<" nl : '"' I l\o ·d i1•1in, ·: 1-t:ilh-. 11, :11· Huntington Beach 1040 O\\,'\/EH llq11id.il('~ Asstunl' nrllt ,!/, lan1 ruol :ir<•a.-!Iii~ 1ru.1l!ly ,(. lnrfit\on 1~ ~,11111 \".,,.,I 1•J.ii.1 ('ill ,1,• .~1 "•, ln·u1 ., llfli'll1~. 2 ~~-[l:lf-A,J :11·11i111blt• po~~1hly orlly once ,. \ 1· I I c.. ,11 I "I' I I I h.ifh~ n1nnl" r111. hu1U in~ llNIV. PA!U\. <":>\l'l'pl1nnallv in a rlt'rad<" rf1ll .~.11· , 11· •·111 1l 101w• ..... .: 1: :. ~ ~1 . 1win . rp 1-. p;1t1n. ... · LINGO REAL ESTATE \\.,10 •1 Sll i~). Agt'lll l11d-.<p\! h:·· 1 .. 1. n.11. :1<· lt•••nl f•)I" ~Hl1t" l•1.1! B1·ln11 ~harp Forrlha111 1110!1<"1 2 1;i1; 11 ,.J. ,., ""· 11r l'l't'l'.l fllln ~ i\ni·1h 111·1rkr1 ht.'11111' ~'ull pll<'•'. s1nry, 4 hr. l', h;i, $Sl;,9(KJ 49l-~O~i J'..IS'f:--111f-., \I l'l Ill, I 1, 1] !! !\ S::l~il) 1111dr1 111kl. s·:o.~J(.) hkl' f",JJI '.•12-~:it;ij. Q11nrr:._~1.i2-~7~n 01" ~;.,-,.7~\ 1------------- • I.-• l"'I -.1.11 • '\ti Al() 1:1' fj\\11<'!' ~17-711'>. REPOSSESSIONS TliltTl.Jr:HOt:"I\ 'fEHll1\("f•; OPEN HOUSE .!'~Hill ,1,i. l• .. 111 ~.~~:11~1 ( .11 f•!1J: ... II" 11, ''ll llO"l' 1 t:H .:? \'I('\\~ t 'CI .~ 11~1!1~. i;o 11ln11 (':111 fol" f)1'la11 ~ ·1 • I I ,·,1, l••·,'I F"r 111fnr11111!1,H1 .u1d ln1·;1lin11 I Bil Fl\ !C.l~ll~Jfl ~"i x-1., H ' h O A L fl H 'll '·" t•' l·,111•. h.1. •1pl,, dllt\, f1plt• hl tin • · • ,,.,.,, · 19 n 0 Y I i:·, • "1\ \I.I: ! f,' I I '1·1· 1· 1 , I ' 111• I .1 1· nld. J." 1· l-!2, 1,,1) "r 111"~" I-llA ·"Vil hon1<·s. Logun• Bea<h -IQ:'B '\Hit 2 It;, .S11l1t I "1"1. I 11u 111 :-< \ \ 1 i :n 1., • • . . • 11 , •• , 1 .11 ,. 1 1 1-.,n1111 1 ~ I 1 1 I);!'. ',!i.,,,I •IHI 11.11.1.\ 1_'".' ·""lli\lil "I \111'1 "II ,°\1 ,\il.1t11• .~· KAS I N l ~ .;:, lill 111 LI"' ll/'I\ r 1 111 1 l' 1:.·11 11 ll ll rl •ii !• ~,.,1; Vill AB A !nr:..·r-:1: 11.1~ 1"d11.,.i 1111 ~ l'1••l••n1 1·•111io \If,\\' !•I ' 'I ":' 11 1 '.I ' • '. 'I \ QUICK SALE-OWNER Reat Est••· 962 6644 ''""II 111•111•' I•• sx;,!~~I l.i.cl (',\l',11.IN ,\ S: 1.,11;t'\,I •" "I'• I'll.:\ \I l.:11 .'>li.1 11• I I.I' -_:1;1• '"'·'t1 .~. o.ininn 'hll, flnh ~hL.:li ~l l·ll•\lhll' !•1 111' I I I I ! I I li11lllll 11,111, I I l~I:. "'I Int 111111~ '11 .. -. \II \fl I\ I -r.; I ~ ( II f \ I 11111111, 11 11 1,1· IHI '1'"1 '· , •111•1 i .. 1 i,1 ... ~ 1111.,.1• ·~II i 1:1 •. ·~.: z,,,, . i. • "<1 .,1., ·: 1;1:. p11 in-.1,,: KE .. NG"'A 'o"E"'R& ssoc l"!.d (ln,-.il•"i! 1\• ), l t II.di, ~l•,•Hlfl "i l'\ll,77 ! 1:1 n\\l'I! ~](Iii! llvh1!fl -I A , ~111111!•· 1111 11,.1· Ju"' I ("1., .. -.if1"d Ad' l ".111 l:t:!~.;~ ('ir ~,;,1~11. 01~·11 S1111 lf1·1,,1f1lrl J\d . Cnll r.12 -~;;sl •121::1 xt."-1211! .,I' ',•11 1• ',1,;-:• i I\..;..; '-1·1 I • ..; 1ol' "'1' I l•1d11' !-•.''li.i:1 l•>!l.11' 17111 ;1?1-ffl!7 .g una beach 1148 I -~--~ OPEN SUN. J.s 61'2 ALLVIEW PLA.:E 111 ''' Hf ,,•11111 ),,,,., I •I• 1101 IHHll •I' I , 111,.P' .>I " I , 11 \ ,\ 1 ..... 1.1 I •· " 111" 1:11 j.:•· lon/O• H. 1i·, 11• , ·~ lo \111 lo I! • '" " 11,11!1 ln1 '<' 'I I' I ' h•r1u 11 oliu111!_! 1•11 J I IJ 11 I\ I 111 1\ I 111 11 1 I / o. 11 lq111'~ $1 ,., ,(-1 EMERALD BAY \I 1111 "''.' !<>p n! l1H•' Iii I ,.o\ 11 dio Iii<' I,,,., \" \' l..l'.:1111 0 )i" 1" 11f1 1•t, I ll1 t- ·: 1,h Ill , .\, II, ·:1 11 Ill lo" "' \\llli l1oill.Hd l 111 I IHI \\o'I 1,.,1.. ••"•«'ii1l.1 , ~q.1. 1, 11 '<'Ul'"'"l"oi 1Hol l'I'' I < ''I dio •I. \I ii, -.IK I MON. BAY TERR. \11 ,1111' :-il'l"i'h li•PI• \\11!1,, I ,.j I'll I'. I I o. o1 I'" I.< 1 II 1056 Wdterfron1 Triple• " I"' I • >j ii ,,i,., 1111• I" I'll " I I, , II• ,,,,j I'' I ' I•","·''' <I Near Beach & Tenn1~ 1 I" .\1111 .oj1h "'I" I• • 1 • I I II"" ' ~Ii. \,111111 Balboa 1 \11,", 111 rlnplo·" ~ \\.ol• • "' • 111• ,( \ I I II !I" <I I,. \i I •. 1~1·1 ''" 11 '1 I ,,;,J I ,H\ "IW ••I' di Balboa Peninsula 11 . 11•1, I~ •II,> ' I I•·•,. ' ' " d d.,I\ ,,f ,, )o"ll'" ".! I.di Pl' I d• II, llf ,<Ill' d '1•11 ,', !1 1°1• I :11•·~1 ""'l•I ,\ fi ,1, '"I' 1'1~!1 "''·' -~) 1'111 fonn,d d1nl l" 11n !'.',· l.I \..;I· 11 'Tl!)'\ S\1.1·. "p11 .. n,ol 'I " "' 1.1 "'" 011 .,J 1:11:h:· 1 l~I ,. ;:• I: I ,1 n1<'!1• •11. lo l'l'l t/• • I I•" •t ,;, 1lo ·d H-'I ")I ,J, ii 111111'11 '1111'1 \t::•1:~~1 MONARCH BAY \ 'I'll• 1u11' :.:·" d,•1t li0"111· "1111 .;10 '11 1w11 "".I II '""I ·<I ],,, 111111 I'" •HI [ " I'" ol )!rli111-. ".! 11:11(1-. •1111111:.' llLI ~'.•7, )/~I 'Ji!J:'..~~·· 1105 N.Coo$r Hwy.,loguno 494-1177 INCOMPARABLE! \"1< \\ IH•" .oil I "'•llh .. 1 1111~ I •'IL '"lo•h'fi ~I "I 'Ill, 11 /1" "" 11'1 '11 \J• !II' ,II•. t(, , Mo J 1, q o., : ~"I· I Mesa del ~\ar 1061 1 :r , •111 i., 1 1 :1:. 1· 1101 1111 I• i • '~~11,,,,,1,i. h' 1 ... 11 \. ~, ~ .:J , 111 11,. I ~I Me$a Verde 1063 11:1\ll ' lr.1 liOHI' \lo'' \o•l d• l•"il 11""'' l l;I\ 1 ... ,,, .. 1 lt1n "" 1°.<l1i llLI ,\' I,,., 11' "'~'' • •11 "I ' ·1 'I~• [," "'"1' 1 .do .: L'll Newport Beach 1069 Corona del Mar 1··r1 1 .. 11" ! 1.1, ,,, -'-1o • .i11. Special l1i l]l<1p li•>lll< 1: '',I Ill'' f.'ii"! ill•' >'\I'l l 1d f•'I ' d liif'll<"ll: 1 •11•111~. I I jl I ' , ( li,ll llllll, I.LI",.:<', 1"11,IW '°"1k'11 Il l• pl"I\ jl.>llri .\ h 1·d1·n,;111 l\•11 111' pli" 11111'1 "''' of ~-~7 .. -~111 MAGNIFICENT! .\l11 1u~1 Oil'\\ ~· hd1·o11, d"n. I 1 1!11 li"lil" ! ;, •,.I 11••11 1 •l:111 .di lo •\'o I. 1·1"'' 1.1 k11 .-11 n l ~'l• I l••I \"•• 11~ ,.j 1 1111~ ,\· "' •".Ill .~7 \,'\,,I) EMERALD--BAY FIXER UPPER l~1r;.::•·, p:o1·1 0,tlh 11·1nn'I' i,,,1 1;J: h""" 11 -,""I 11 11 1 i. 1 . l1 'i,:, II< 1• I•'\' 1, '/""I +..•' Jlh lll .01•:1, 1. .. 1._, 11 <' 1 •• 1 • !1 ~l'•'.o l \ .tll'•' .. 1 ~1:::• 11 .. 11 • • • • EMERALD BAY l~I: I '" n,1 lo' I ,.,,,.,. liio·lo·l,1 I' o 11•" !··11 •I •IO '1 ,., ii.1 • ,.,,1,,, . .,, "' ,, lll'•·n•:lo 1111, p«g,_;O'd ii ,1d11 ""d 11" •I ._ g L d \ • • "11 I'" 11 l'l u• \ "l<ll IJ~ hlh 11• 11 \\ 11 Ii \\ ""!'!''"" ,, ... IJll1>:lo•d • '-I • I In• '11 1 " 1111• lh1· I··" 11 \ 'I' 1 Ll'.•O •'I llL<•'IHll I< ~ 1~11111'1 LINGO REAL ESTA TE OFFERED lo\ hndrlo•J' l•J\ «I\.' ll<lnn.: ~ 1,.,111 ''"1"y J,.,;1,,•. d1".1111.of w inti) I'' ~" p "I! l1v l"Lll . 'p:u •h·• k, 1·11~1.,,,1 .-~r:11111<· !oh· 11.,rk, ~1 :. ''~'· Th,. 1,1,,1 1,11" 111 "" >11t11ul La".:11n,,' r·.;1 I 1111h ,,1 llll•)r!l!!ol i••U .~ .'IJ•l\I Ill'.'. • 111 • :-. ',1.11 -,2 • ~••111111-. •. 1~! I' 10·1fi« 1 'o-.,·p. IRVINE COVE ~ (l11!~l .1nd 111:,: 1,•,111 .. r \'1•'11 In d\ ,Ll!~hl< Ill "II'' "{ ilw lllll~l • \.-h1~ll • 1•1 I\ ,oj.. Ito 1,·11 '"1'1'111111111"• 111 "'' (" 11 L 1-1 I'•' 11'1111111:• , •1r>l:1•'1 Hill 11:110,111•"1 II l'·I• ",., I ':n 1 lo• I:, .oil\ (". •1111"' 11\' 71 \-~'!I ~•1;1MI, 117: li~.:2 ''IT'~ lJl!:r\ l··.\1 I. llV \llT 11 1-' ( ;1 1! ,11, •1<''"1 1, , I 11 '""'n, 110 111 L.11.:ull • I:, '" 11, 1 .. p 01 l1ill ,,,,.q 111•1" 1'.i ,1111.1 V1<~\\ 1 ,...;ILol,1, \nl• "I I •I\-. l\1111 ] :o •Ii 1"•11 >11 I h I 111 ] ~I I II~ i .. lhll .~ I''"' 1: .. 1 1-..-p.1 l:<.oll111·~ 1'•7-I :1, 1 J:Y II\\ 'l 1: I ~I' :".['<l•"l<HI' I 11 "I , f 1\\1 '" fo>rn1 ol din 1 11 I,,. <111• .i ,,11111.• I· I., I" \~'J.1<. \' 11 I\". 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"" ' \ I< "~ 1;11 I ~ :1 1»11 BY OWNER Harbor View , Carmel : l;I; l lo,,, ~· Pll 1'111 '''" lh I f,l"l!l~ :~l \'!'11 l1Pli ·,l\~,:0: .<1 1 11 Sil.'1•1n • • 1:1·11L"!'l'I' 1;\ 1)\\\11: I• I q111,,J; ,·,lo• !:o• •Ill i Iii: I '11 1"1il llillll• ll" I iTo h• II. " I, 1, 2 J q d, , I• I'" d \ 11"\!I· 111:: IJ\I,,; _II IJ,.1•.,1,1, I 'I '' t' ' MONACO 566,000 1:1:. l I> <'lll \ ] <I 'i''l'"1 J"1 11, i"'I '1i" ""I r-:1n1. I " !, : I 1 11. J:' •l\\\I•:: 11\I•\ I I•'\, I. ·,I> I : . '"·', I , n I "', • If ii t II, <iH('[, I I\ 111 • d l'll)•ltll'>, 1.2:'"'" '"' 711-' \11\11\\ \J.\1 1.1'1 I hl'il('d ,,,J.iilH••I <'11,\n111 2 • '''' 11 '"I \.,11 ,d, 1'.t..r I I' 1\11 "i I.' IH•I"' r; 1,. .\ c !l 111 ·1'1.1-..\ 111" Hr IUlll'. 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''"•ill I \\JI 1, J I •I I• 1 .. 111'.11 d11 111 '11, . I"' ii Old oil Ii' ·1, I• 1 111 "' $79,000 \' "i"'l'I • '"" I.' I, ,11 1,, \I '''' .. ,11, I• 1• d• ,, 11.,. !.., 1,.," 11 , '" $34,900 ,, \" ' II '" I ''Ill ,,, '" I " ' '1,. " ' ii,, 1>11\ ' \ 1,. .. [111< ' ~'"'I 1)1 " "" l•ll ''" 111 11 11 · 111 " , 11 11, 1.1 I,,, •t11 I 1 • l.•11•1 J: I I Ill' •" 'nl C all 675-7225 .... auy· A ,. "· i ,,, .... ~.1~ lifARIUUitY HOMfi. 1-ieig ~i ts ,, '11•1 ( I' (' 1111 ' " ,,, ' I" ,,,1 I 1r • 1, ,·, '· '"" " ' I " I ' :• ,1 ' 1 ••• ( >II 'I•' Lo i Lnrc;e N2wpc r~ 'Ill I \1 11 I•> " • I" , •I . " ' ' ,1 1:, ,. I 'I ,, ' " Pool s~ach ., ' '" .:,1 " '" C a!I 646·7711 SUP t:~ "E'· ON FEE ' " '' I " II I ,,. "11 < "" ''" i, ' ' "II BALBOA COVE S ON THE \\/'ATE R " ,, .. I. \,.I' -1 "· i' ":'ii '"" • '' , I 10 • I• d • "' ,., I 111,l'I i o d l"i " ' . •Iii• I I I• '•ii" I" d I" ·i 1 .. ' · '" " ,., CA LL 640 ·8672 r:.y The Surf Ill " ,, "' " " " •'I ... 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CA 92(>6() 714 64~ 2b&b l••"'r \,llo'' I 1" ,. 1• 1 hod•" r ,n 1"'1111'1 lh•nHql1n111 \(',. 10<11 \;.,,;;~~~~iiiiii~' 111,,,1,, '1"1" I""" I"!"',, 11.i<h conl(,,.LIO• .ind• v111 d ·, ., ' rt!' I" VI.' l' I'' I , "" I ' I• \.' • I 1 S• .1\Nn1 I" ~l!• I< c1ll 111'>< r,' •\' 11 1·1 pr<1'•' _,,,., • NOT TO SCALE \\,do 1'11"• 111 io"IJl""· "II!" ol "I "1111 lt1 >'1' I" >•!'~ 1:111 ( ;, 1111tl,1. 1:111·. 1;0 ,....j,1(1 I\ \"ll.l:f·l:11~t· 11 1'11•.H \I >!I• ol\•'. ,,,,'pl ,\q_; \ '111111 I•"' c· .i1 , ~1 1 '1.: \.1,q~11 ,,1 , ..'. 1 , 1 .'>11 r. :·; REALTY :1 r,•ol inll 0"0111 1xuly J',,1J, C<'1l!1'1'. 11' 1111' 1111. I 2,f DAILY ll!lOI House' Unfurnished 1 Laguna Beach 3248 \I \ '\ 1 I 11 I ' , " I I 111 I r•·trn·n· ,., '" '' " "' '' •/\ Ill >!"~IP•"'' I '.,.,,' l',.•,1<'h I" ••' I •I • J 111"1"' ,1111\ _2 I 1 \,, H Jt1•11I 111 ,,.I\ 11! • ) ,,, I Ill.• o' I/ Jull!' • 'J }' 1 1 Newpo~t Island I•! l'I ! " 3271 I" •I• • ' " I \.'_ / Newport Shores 3272 t l \l 'I J I " ! I --- J ... !• "" • I 1· ;\ , I" 1 • I "•Ill ''"' ,. I 1 I'••• 1 I • l' f'!'. I 'I t " I• •111 • ~·'I 1'•' ' " I•• , , '1' CQsta Mesn ' 3724 Costa Me•• Ambnssadnr Inn BRAND NEW S34 50 & Up SI NGLE STUDIO APT -J • l 1 J \I II I I· l"l \ I: \ l ! ... 11 t 1"'1 111\d t' \lo I ' I' I' ,II NEW 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM Spl it level Apts Unf. AVAIL. NOW ! Apartn1ents l]';,f urn. ON BEACH! : UH l'nlun1 r r S.~.·1 (' .. ,,.,,.,1 l'.11'klllh 1 ... 1 :" Jl,·.11. ii l'<••I, ._,,u11.1' .011 I H•'' 1'\.,1t11•11 1{0('1111 HUNTINGTON PACIFIC Apartm ents Unfurn. CHILDREN a nd parents love the large, ~pacto ... , apart- 1nents at B a n b u r y Cross. tJ I 'lo1lol' I H I, ,\ \1"111 ''I' '-1 ,1,. Ii, 11 od pn• ., I • 1".,'1t1• ,, • 1•1 e I "' " ~ ,\ ~ Apo11rtmer1ts Unfurn, I Newport Be~ 38691 Sw mer Rental' 4200 ~~por~ch 3869 I•! I.I\.! '>!'lit ]!'\t'I ll•nh" I \•1111-..,\ l•l·:l. l\\AI: u•l)'•1111111, lin ,\t·" \1•11 \ ''11 ll •n•I !•11i.:ht 1"""11 "' •••o111 \ 111< ; 1~ •• "~'I h"" \\tlll !Ill\) HA 1.11.:1 111 !11!111 l..1! 1q1!o l'll!Tll' \IH I ,,1111 l'"li" .\\hll 1l•lr PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ••l•lol dip', J l l) s::·.o l11>1t1 1I Hon! 1tn~u1i.;h1'1!111'• 1,j: : .... ,, I 'llH'tll'l f"~ nnl\ sr11111 n• on the bay --: HI'~~ 1~1 1~1 .i t1 "11>11111;u1 .111l<tr~·n L11,1tr\ t•p1111 rr••H! 1111111: i\••ur 11"·1'· ll<"I' i,7 , -+.1~ \.:1 n1lTl<1nl\111i.; 11\(' 1131t r 1.11 SJI" !11•1 ~I:! lj}j J !l~\l 1:'1,\ I'! '\I' /'I llNT ' !J• r I+ L I ~ .11 •11 ' 1" Id, , fnutl ·~tr'' !I •n··· I " llP'i•l u', .~.,.\ h J l • h I I' 111111 rn p 1111• ;utd I'-p11TI d11 r111 u"li'd 11\11 I\ •!·'•'' ,•,,1i. h d .. 1111, !,. d I il•I 111•\ I 11.nr.. 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I• 1 .. ti ·ii ~. 1\1111 i111·. i.l1t1 ! 1::1111'•111 P .1!10 ,\ ~'tl', ]1.\\', .11111 1 $.''i I ll•'t•kly '" !lo·to •• ord,•1 •"1'1<'1 .)!1111"1 1', lrr•I<' l ~I 1,hl $1 0I Sii•~) ~·" 1:T,Jl~-- f1"11 1,I Jl .iJ1\\•~10tl1b al.,.•l 61, ,7 1•1 NI.\\' N<'"f""' l'.••1+1•11 San Jua n Capistrano 3278 e I\ .1 \lo1ol . ..:1 1\I•• \1 HI e l'I" 111· ..:, 111••' • l!f I l•"'I 1,.1•1 1;,,11•••111, • Frpk'-. e ~,,,... I 1·,·1 ••Ill(' 111" ),11< twr . 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'I' 11 l<i\l'ly. ·1 l\l:, " h <. ~•~I ''I fl, ·1 \ r" old 11 .Lil, \,1 I•• '1 l 'f!llllll . .J-~•h 1•'11111 ... 1~·d '!•I<' i._:u.ud. S1 7j 1111• 1'!1 :<.'\-fl."' Lido Isle 3256 4 BH. 2 B\ ni.·· !•·di•• 1111, I a\,ul 11111n•··I 1:.1;·~1 1~ r n10 , 1;1 .• -i.:~7 :. , ... -r.11; ''-----IMesa Verde 3163 1Ttll:L~ H t.U!:1111•1-. T\\(l B.\11 1:'. l~ll'l·-. ROD:\!. s.;·11 n1 on t to tiT 1-71_10'-------c Mission Vieio 3267 :! S1nrv 1i111d•·." 1:r:, l 'i ll\ <'nrpt'!" & <lr 11" ,1 !1'11 l1t••I ..:arngc, 1111} ll"'l''" 111.lh I""''\ 111<<' 1""'!!11"11 S!HI 111" ( .d1 !o.l:!-OO'i2' !-~--------s:::~11 . ". 1:r:. ~· 1: '· 1 11•1 1· 11 '''" 11'f1! oltl•' l.l1 ~1· '"t•I C:1ll 4\r,....o •'• , Newport Beach 3269 HARBOR VIEW Carmel Plan 11 .. 11>1' 10 ,'', f'.d1111.. "· ~1111.!11• 11'1 ,.\ ('f1111l ,,, .iii P• r u1"1111i .Jul) ,"1111 ,. ' {i..st ~\1 J3!!ff ;, rrall ~ 2'1 1•1 V1!.l~~•IO'I <)ro N l.l"''IK>rl I lf'otl'h 6 ·14· ll:JJ AN y ·r1 J\11:: \ ii I 1 "' ·"HI ,I I •'I I ' " ' I ! ~ ] I• ' "I ' ' I H I d 1 'II\\ 1•1" r, '<II•)• 1•11• "I • I .JI i '' • , 'I ' ' I' o \'," d11o11 : , ,, • •r I , n' • .1 , 11 1'. .11,.1,,! 1 I. I'!~ •I • "' I o; 1ld' I 1 I " ! • ••I d I•· 'I I\ , , ' , .. 1·1: •Tl 11 11! •ti• • ;~I d •I Hses Furn/ Unfu rn 3300 ·I t ••ti •• 11• I I)• t11 1 •t 11< ·1 h' 1···h•·••1 f'I" l 1 lu,ur·1 ,., n '1-~" l1 ,! 1," ~ ~, I• '" .. I ' '''' ''!' "''' '11.' ' ' I~ ).!' 1101 " ' ! l:''t d I Condos Unturn. 3425 -------• \11)\11' Si I' 1·11111 11''111• 11 11111 111 •f•I" !.I' 111 I 11•" lll'llll'l1 _: lq '.;h, -'~~I '•I II I'' f h,11·. 111 >1< ,, l1 11d, ... ~~,i ili", I •I , , ,,., "'\ ,., l < I •'~ 01 ! d I· 71 ~, 2 1.r: 1111 r· d<n '..'1~1~1 1"•111\ • 111 ( '"' 111 I 11 "\' 1(11 1•·•1 S 1un,1 & 1l'tllll· ,,, S\~I Ill•' 1~1 ,\• l1~t ,\, \II•' ,., UI ii~ \!: :1J 1'" \ '11; : 11'. 1 ;, fni J'..1\J t>l 111 .;1-,~·\\Puttila· \Cll. I'• II l«l\llh"ll~l' 'RI~.: 1: ••• r·11'h. p1 11· p111·•. '='·'1 ,j,11\,,I' (tp!C <ill'' ~;,'!/ 'II•• l ,j-,7:11 I \t :11 d .. ~ ... ,,; ; n;,,,, ,., , ' -~~--Huntington Ha rbour I'~· 111f11\ 11.1r.•rfr•lnt 2 111 lo.1 11 /p1 l 1'1,'I[ ,11p ,\1.111 .1 111;. l _· _<_11i l~l:•--~-· I• 11: 1, '" \11_ :oth : c,.1,d ·· l \!oi'I :.>-l. : ' 11 ;.:.11 . .$. \ii 2 •ldl \ 11 1. :_! <' I I 2 II I:.. 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I• l\111', ~:,,, \ \ " '' ]'< THE BLUFFS !ii:. 1:.1 '\,'II•''' 1~·•1r""11 f n11l1 r•.,'r11 1:. i.11 '"'·'n \11•11 !•1.1nd hn11l•' II 11• 1 [1,,11 ll[l~t111, '"~~~ !~• ~·l•'_\21111 !'"ril• I 110 10,1•1 p.rll•• '\•• ~J',I'. .!B\ II \1•w '''i1d'1. •11 l"I' •\do1'1l1 !.:l•lr111 l:."111 .1 ,,11~• h<'•UI I•" n\.i \Tly .\n1) c:;i,irm ' S~:il'i/11 .,, r.:1-;;n-, r.12-,2., 11~':.'01 -.---1-1 11111~"'""."'"""'"'. l '\] \\ \'\JJ: ! ( !"~I l'PI\• " • I • I:!.< . ,.~I • I 1•'111, ,,,,Ill 111•11 'HI: .• !\,\, :: .. i. ''"'i•ll! l'll\d t'\l 11~'17··,,.,•i.1 .. ,-0,: \l•I ] I', h.: •pn1•1 21!/' 1'"'1, I I "' '-lll • l' < I, 111 ~ l•;J Ill) 1"1' l~lt> ~ .. S 3740 1111\1 ~1:1 •. 111• 1" I• 11!1 f, I ,\ l T j j I 1 l'••l.)'J·..:1\-.. !. !'ll!rl,'\ I!-.,,[-., l'l.I\ l'\!'11\ '• ol'dl 1 \pl· -. .I 'I II,, " ' " : pl k . J.: ' ' 1 .• " '.\ \'\ 1 J· 1 l * L -.1.ll Hllh l-.-. • ~~'~ 1 ••I ! I .1 : .. ill 1111111 H ... II\' , 1.. !"I 11<'1> :::. I ~I 111•1 ,, ! 111 l!v ~:. ,i{.,•.7 Laguna 8 each 3748 ..:\!.\I.I. "'1101" f1tr111~11, 't. ,,,rl.,, ,,,-, u11 l l 1•.' II\< lu,l<•d I lo 1 1,",J ---Newport Beach 3769 ,\ :: I :r "f'' :".lo'j\" lo l>• "11 t.: 11.1C:<' i ' 111\111 11( I\ I\ do•o H".11• rl, \\\I] ,111\\' ,\: ,\II~ •\ ! ,,,'!'t/!ij ,._-;·1" ' !\.\\'I l I '1.i lJ : ·'i'' k1' .. 11,.11 h1!n 111 JlUI', ~Jp, !, $'1 1•h 1:1 :irh :-.I" ,a!l Suu 1.7' ~\ \j ----~-~ .... \\f'\ 11' l 1.r : li.1 .\ J: lt !1 Co l11r '1 \' •!I.Hr! 't'l'I, !' •I l llf: \JI...:\, 11 • '\ '\0111•1:1 1:1. ;-.1 : 1ol11 •l ,Sl TRAILER ~l\I) Ill" ~ 1 I oh p 1 !:!{ JU t<1 ,,. )l :-.n. <lj\I •i;-,·, l•I ,,\\ •dl1• I • '•i ll\'< 1111 IH' .. I [.(1()\,; llr:1n1! Ut•\\ 1 2.'!-1-\1\ .\.11111, .. 111,1 Hll!I~ 111 II\ ·~I ,!, s1 r.d1t,, .,1,..1, i 1, .. ,. r .. •• r,11•, sh.oi..: HAY LOFT APTS. 283 AVOCADO COSTA MESA 64>-0143 .'\l<ill 111111 ~ ,, .~II i ,\I) )'Ill " 11 '1111 Ill I p111 HACIENDA DE ME SA I••' \\ II 11,,111, C \\ BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS h! \l1t1 1U1'' lo! ( h l'flt\ • 11\111\.,: .'i. d I' Ii \I ,1' Ii<'! ~ 1~<1 10~. \1111111'"1 "t ,. u \J . 1 ~\I :du !\i!I ,\ :!I; :.~u.:1.'\.I :!t::-:,9~-:>~~I :'-r \\ 1 111111 "l'I' ci,,.., 111 lint~ l!.11·\~•111 .~ ho "h•' i .. 1 Ill!• !• nl , ,.,1uo •·d. I,•\ I' •I !ih> !~'!\\\ 1• d ,; 111 :. ~ ... ~, : 1:1{ S-,~l I I ll: ~)1., I uot11 1 \\.1111o·1 "''' ,\ ""11" :-01 ( 111 <Jy .. \I" o: H f·f:<I\[ <l_•l 1• 11\I '"I" 1111 I; I .\ l' I l I \ 1. J•l1l.Y'l '..:J \l\-t; l '!ll•l~" T l"\'\!..:, l'Hl\ I'\ r1n t I""' h• bu' 1111<'' ,\ 'Inf•'' ti.ord,.11 .\pl ~ . ..: ! 11 11;,-. -.1•\1'lt\\-: I ltr 'l;!t~l. 2 1,1111111 • "·'r 1,1 1..·i.: l.1 'SI"! I<' $1\,; ln"htdo .. ~11> 1 ':.':. '"' .1 11 11•'1 <1r1p .. t1<'1---------• 111,, 1 ,.., 11<' 1111 '. \ ... ~ lll':\ l' ll.11!.11 111•11 : !'I"" " ' -. ._,, ··1·g ~ l!'ll ' f-11< 11' 11 "!"\' <!'"'"I ;., o1 • ' ' ' • J11 I•>', :.:011 I Ji,~i] .~1111-. .;I , ••fl \\ 11 111 I ,,,., lit' ( '''" 111"!1!11.; '-II 1111• ll . ·1"·1 /"" "I ' , I Jlt_'ll .'>1111, li -lo ,,,,, 1. I 11 111,, \"'' 1 l'I' l 111 1111~11· ~"l/ t>I 'I • '' .\ ttl'll'l°' A.Ju!ts, '.\11 :;-----,,-~7 I'• I' i\11 2·~ l.ik~ .. ,., Ill J ,\ " '" ----------r .\ <'II• \!"' fl'pl f!l ll Off The Beaten Path "·"'"" ,,w '''""· ''"'' ''" ~lip' Adull 0111,1 'lt•'.! ~ii.\ '°'J"I' iuu-. 1\dt1I! G,1rdt'11 Apt' • l.u).Ul'llllh sh.1..: < i111K·t~ "' Hll Ill'< 11w! I \\,h11·~,\H I' • L1 :.:;l '••1I.~ L;,1,,BBQ s * J'l 1\·:1 tl' r.1rr0~ l ,\• '.! !~:: ~ 1\1 !0 $\<l;, ( ' 1-s, \\ ,1 1t·1 1 \l 1.lh ! (;arai.:•· LA MANCHA APTS. 77, :'•P•:t )'! t<', l'.\1 lil'.:'-:!llU7 --T~H-E DA 0l~S~Y~- '\I ' \l: 11•'11 I Ill 11 hilll'-, I nr ~h·•J•>!. rr"'" s ~' hl· 1 -..;<~1·· r.;_h 11i-:os1: ~r,.11~~' I Li..; l hit. hll·1n~. lloJ 1•·1~ 011 < l11!d n '11 Hl''l"•tl' \dul1 01 111:01 rtl'd 1'l1u11lt.' Sl~.1 111•111 ~.\~-: 1111 I Newport Beach 3869 -.\!\I!. :1:1: 1 .. ,,... 111 FOR KIDS AND BAYWOOD. '" .. 11 .1 1 • .,,...,, s 1 ~11 THEIR PARENTS ! u1il lo ·1 ... · t ;i. .... 1 I '\{}\\ OPL'.'\' •lt'J..\'.\t!tll'\I \l.\Li-:\-l o 1'011! : 1~1. _I l • .1. 1.!IU.tC:<' 'l~)l f · I •: Hl:OP.{l(l\l 'i I IN NEWPORT BEACH. Iii• ,\1,11\:... pl (,;; ... ,7•!'1 e 11)1 LOI l't11•"· r\•nr•'d Y .1 ril~ San Clemente 3776 : 1;1, 1\l "I l·l:l '-111.\ Iii t ld\\llll ~I I ••" 111 1 ... , ,ilr111 • t ' di ::1 . I :11 , li.7 Apartrnents Unf urn. r 1r-.1 l\•'"'r' ·11 1011,. '\·>11 • )'\.IL\11111 ,\I•', .11 1.~!I\ "' \',ii\ 1112-::j''-.) UNUSUAL Botboo i.1and 3806 OPPORTUNITY ------------1,, 1111-.. ni:. 1:1 :. l ' "\ ;\ Y ~ !l r.. · I' l c 11 ,,1, 111 111• 111 111 r rl!'"-•kon.: fl"'') I .nt1n1;1111'. .11.1..:. 11 I' fl '' ,\ Id".:•' Ill .... lrlca.l l(>e,1l l<11l p.1t1u :::i r , ~273 ~11,), .1v 1tl f,.r .. ti\< f'!l~-,11 I 7/c·_'·'-'H"01 THE VENDOME I Balboa Peninsula 3807 l ~'f.\'\l'!!ll'\I' 1:\('llf f.(11: fn1 '"I" 'f"'!'l,•1 Jll'l "'•1\ 1" 'l!')p•, ~!.il'k ,\ p11 I' '17, ut.! r·f ' · I ;' r. ,;',! 1 11,\f{.\l!'' · \l•r. 11r ''"·!• 1•111_. !I' II I I "' '' I .ti• 1 ~·· J •• ·di!', .'i! ! ,.1 11,,11~ ... 1:11.i ,-, ,;:11 ,,..,, -, ... ·: Capistrano Beach 381 8 f\I 1.r "\1 ., 1:1· '} !: \, "' l!l1n~. • 11 1' i.il'I" \ •'\I <:;~·II 1,1:•-11;,·, Corona de1 Mar 3822 j l~·l"1 .\nahr1111. C :'11 Park-like Surroundings 111 l.l \.!. 'l t. ; H1 \pt< P\·t !'111"" • lltd l'•·•I -.,I Sll'•fl !.: .\rhill-.. "Ill\' I Martinique Apts. 1~ij "'1 111 .1 i\n,1 A\<'. r:-.1 1 1 ll..:1· ,\i•l 11: r,:r, -.-.1~ --NEWPORT APARTMENTS 1 I,!: uni J'1un1 ~1 :-, t ru.rru:s l'\\lf .\il11l1~ \q l't l-., ~[~J '\•"iH111 n ll1I, ('\J l .di J.I:!· 71.7~ ----- BaY'Nood Aoarimen!s has <I 1Jeau11lul l1tcstyl!? !u1 <1dutts Ari adun recre;it1Ct11 ceriler rnade lo< lun lwo oools Sunny pa!ios <tnll balconies Shopping 10 walk to Beac11es OJy illld treeway ncaroy From 5290 lwo bedroo111 Two oathroom Bay'.o;ood Drive oH Sil., Joaquin Hills Ro.i d Leas.ng 0~1r:e open 9·5 30 da11y Ptlone 644 ·5555 Ownro and mandgeo O'{ 111e Irvine Con1puny P. ~ ~ t:3&'v\\:x.><.l ~ ... __ _ ~ SAN jQAQUlr-l HILLS ROAD _u.'.J I "~!!J.I ·-... l•"I l{l'.•lt.1 t'•llnp.1111 DupleJC-;$Unf~--1600 642-8235 644-6200 .;1 1: 1,111· '.! !\It Lr.fl 1\;11" 111. I 1.i il I'• f11:-,:, •n\1 l.'111 . :..I• I'"'•' p<o•l .0 'P"· ,\dul!" ~:'1.·, It.•/ "•+(II nn1lt'111, C\I 'I .\1 ~p;:i ""I~ J: I'. BANBURY CROSS lf'l'.11' J\O'il\'!l ijl\cJ S \\ 11'11!'! i I 11',hl \ 11 \I 1'1 •t:-.1 I \'.I, • 842-6604 • CASA de LINDA II~ y,,, kl•"' n I \I . l ~I: \'II i\I \\ .\1 arl ;.,n11 !. I:!: i '11!11111 I I'"" ~-~', \111111·· ••Ul'l•h• • 1•nt h.011..: •"'I lll:Q '.\1\1 ~·w1, ''""" .. ~ • -- Laguna Beach 3848 ~ LIKE THE BEACH? I'll!' 11\ 1).:lllflf o 11! ,. I, 11 o•lo•\,ll•ll . 1 II< i<""d :.,.1 1 :!l!L' g .tllll' 1~•!111, ~ l' !.: ll I' I 1 I ' 1: .. 111!\ful i BB :! B\ Ll11r .. fvt 1,.,, .. J\.la1ur+ 111<1rt1•'<I L'UU)llt' lkl f)f (, 31755 Coast Hwy South Laguna ~ t lCt:.\'\1-l{ll'\'T __ _ l'F'.\1'1\0US!.: '\1 11 :!l~U ~q fl , rkd\-.., I! l•I•'. o•lo·1 d fll , 'U h -I •'I pi k"g \"•1;. C .r.1<•1,111-,\\',nt 11"11 s;~·.(l/'.'llfl Y I' I \ Ill•' k1t"h"llS, Jllll'.ll(' p11t io1 \\\ll t -I -·, N ') hllll 'l. 1'1: t'IJ!I tlu11·u11I "I ti 1i."111o~. , • .,,,,(l!P' dr.1 • .~," ~,,.h • 0:,1 ~po (. ... 111\ it\ l ! 1 S1il~I 111,kl). $~\~Kl 111u11 p••!'l1"" Sul!lt•r1.111•· ... 1 l••rk ' -'~,;,·11''1,l!';gutlG I•••. 1 7,.11)'~2 1111: w1lh t'i<'I ,JI ors flf•llHl!.I! n{ 11 1'1"'1 S~ · ' -ljlj I J I I 1;•1 U''l .-"-lll<--l ·· -II\-1\1'!'1\1\<·iJ\'!~ J;;i1~·1 l'O.Oi< ~l'l'\'lo t' 11•,( ''lll 1 I U I'.~ ·' '• .. , ' I , ~.1 ,h•••/l !'l.u1d :11 1.1111lkll•"' \\,Ilk 11> 1<•11n/lw:uh ()(~HI\ 111•111 ·I l\'L. :.! 1.,, l1lt1ns, d 11 :111<1 ~.111 .Ju.iqoun U1\b l\u,\LI 1·u·w. A11L1\r, ·l'll!-()1".(i .! •.tr ~'.HI' d<~ k ,\v,ul .lul11 ·1 .. 1t•pl1nnl! (71 11 trll l'W"J Sunset 8eaCh---339Q $1111 l"-'t 'k ,11.1,1:~·lj~iti 01 IOt' 1'•'111 111 1nCon11.1 1\0Jll :!l'll;~'l. !!11 ____ . ------------11.:.t '\"SI.! 11,·.u h l'•'11tnl, 3!!H, \\I, ~111 lk 1i:su1111111·1· r••r11a!' CHANNELFRONT :!1>1. 11/f.1111 r111, 11r1 ti:1r, :: l!ll. ! l\H I Hit, !111111 S!'it 1,1._ 2.\ .i,11 :!'~11 11111f "r~'1 fq•h. (i,.,·k. lt1.!u1•"d f1"11 i 1 .. S!;·, tf'I 1vk . t71 1• 11:.11111, f11i11 1;~~1 )1•t1 ~1u1111•rr rf'11!.o.I 1 :1 1 .. s , s~l-1~:.s X{• prn; 171 1• .! l'.'11111 ~lo.I, ~1 ',,.\'.II. 'llltlHd .... 1111 1•,,ll 1•wl.l\ l>T1-0S:lt rilt\pnl l1 111t· 1·'11111 l:.AJ.) \'r!~ 'il l-.:()-{i7:!l & 'll3-J!l2-:-i2:ll ll .. \1;[~~-1.c,'--,,-,,-,,-."-'-"-'' BAYFR:ONT We5tminster 3898 , ... 11.1-:•·. u,..,. ~::1J \\011lk I•• : Ill~ J f,,. uni Sl~;, Yl l) -I~" Ir t1111 n ~1,,1·1•" l! 1\k OCEANFRONT S!li/' 1:1:. \1 .~t/l HI~. t11"1 11111·11 .111 11 1.1.1\ui.: ;1i1 ,\ol11l1 ~. 1•••1. t~t 1~·1 .. t 11•.,11' l 1 •I.• ,~; ·~..;1~ .! 1:1: I 1 .... 1111f S~~I \ d) J:J.'4:\ ('1.,l:•l St '.•13 191'.! , , -----~ CORONA DEL MAR ---- ---;-.1,\1t1•1,1, B1t\'hl•n1· 111, • $}7-, Yl'I} 1,A;;;p;;t~•;;;F;;u;;';";':::;U;;n;;f;;u;;';;";;;;3;;9;;;0~01 uru•u~ :! BH . l 1~1 h1 ·1 1~" .q1I lly "''('k or mf•lllh ,.1.,., CHOICE , ,.,11~··r :11' til Bkr ll7· .. :)~1!11 .! 1.1:. I l.11. 1111f associated LAKE FRONT LOCATIONS ---1VERSAILLES HI \C'H .\ 1'.tl/\.I SI II' HI:~ B.1y ANIJ 0< ···1u \'11 ~'" I J.: 111\ !: l\H, 2 !1:1 l'.,11 r.;,, IOdg 2.j.!o11 . ~1,~;1 , 111n C.1re~. 11\\!l•'I' n7·,.,~·.-.1 IROKEAS-REALTOR! ZOJll w. lalboa 67J-l6iJ .'1:1~ !11•H~"• 1 blk. t.1 !wh (11• 11 .111\,v .~ l.nhn1 I!." 11<'\'k f,7.1-6 ,•JI.I .di. ~1.:lO l\f,ii\s~~~I~ "rt!·~ II . I\ E\\'PnH r. 1 !ilk O!'C',!!l NEWPORT-CREST - :'\!.\\ i B!{. ))111. ~''; 1:,\ I 1,., o111 \'1!'11 f'nol T•'!llllS S'.•1;, 'lh'.!-lt11:.: Ii i'.! l\'lrl t.f::\-::l.-:-:111:, : li.1~ lil\.111) l'uwl' l:ifo "-'\ ti, l'11nll <' "I 1111, ,\dips 1\1o11l .luly J,, I~! : I \'t.0)'-'.IJ'.~l. I \.I :.") flN Tl!F. I.Al\!: pool Sips :-\ :\lr11 s t:Z Al s, ul h ('11,1~t 1'1.•lH . l•l'k~ 1111111 II' 1{1· 1v1111d1lC' l'•~1l . A!'upuJ.n 1\qu.1 Jl.;u· ('.di ~:!.J;2Qj <1r :,i;,_.\]'19 ,..., .J.11•111.11 Spo•o.:liu ul ll' .~1 ~ ll'=l11Tl11H ,.,ll't'f'~ 1, ,,, 1<' . Lah:r 1' 11011C'nnc , ~h·rs 1n tx:h . gar ~1 ".() ~••ll!llHltl!; • •, \llll!on l'lnl1111 1\1 d i July t I 6 -~ 0 3 2 . < lu!ihou,.<', Gy111, &1un,1. 1-:1~1-~if,()1. ·1 .. 1111 S.•<·u r .'1. ~-------Jnune.11.11<' fJ,·.;np;t!H\' °'{';\lL\!Ef{ !:J::\TAI.. \\'P'-( ADULTS · l\1·111'°11 N•,1· '\lilt.:! ll:i. ,1, I•~ '" t.•.11 h ~~(~1/241,J Sorry, No 1'1·!~ •1kl,1 !ill-!~~'.l•>r.~i~--.:'.!!. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Br 's. 1.AGtT~A ~ BR, w.1lk 1u ·\'ll--f"01l"1 l 1:1: .q.i . t ',<1ul1·f1 ~ '• '""' 1 from $175 per mo. 1,.,_.:1lh AIJlil.1:-0: s1~n 11k Santa Ana StiOfJ 111111 ·.July )~St>pt :.m ~ 1-,,-,-('( )"\ Ji(··)c.-"-,-.,-,,-,-.e-I-,-. -.\·I 'I I·,, S l•ifl 11111 ..;.,p) I•• 3700 Plaza Dr. '"'·""" 'o1Jhfill"tl 1\Dl'l.T". "(' IH 'h~~:::.:!~1_ .. 11__.!!f"-'·-- l 'l;'l'-. !'(')()!. $2(,,"i 1-t ii: ~ 111: u11f11111. !!"'" .. 1.111111111 1~ 714-556-0466 1 '.?, 1 Hll •1 1·1 ~. °''',u1 IJC11rh !:1-: 1'11-0tlili f"'"I l hln•'k \111111 IH't'Hll l,~:::::::::::I d11plf'\' ~··11 pn11 n (' h . -__ ---~------, -)(111 ___ _ !i45-l;,'llj i1r 4!!-1--:t'l-,2 Mesa Verde 3863 1 ~!-'1 _::.~ \•,~i r, ;,.,~-·--, ---'-------1, r.1.' . 11 ;.;,.1111111<· 111· v'i·s·:;....?;l.uei · ..• 1n.-,u \) I e HO:'lll: ,\T\J()..:J'l l!"P.J·. ,,.,,111 :!lll:.11 •. 1 ~l !-, 111., ~lfl -LLI >V '.' HDH\I. 1'. 1!11 1 blk !t1 I I ' • I I ( I l"'••<"h Coro11;"1 df'l l\!.1r. Likl' lt'ti\<' -,\•. 1:1 \•nl' 'LI, 1:,,r-"''I 1,11.-r1\li (~CITlllCH(W CDHCfPT I ) I 11• 11 121'112 \4·\li"1~ f'I•'" ,1,,, \I.re" \11 ">li·-11: ,-li•di.~i-:-2 -1 11 . r1,1 , !)\I' AGULTLAKlSIDlU~111C -------,.., ~ !1J~fr1il. '.!~. ,-;-,1,1rk Mission Vie1'0 3867 1,11 11~ ,1d1111 ~ u11lv ·'r' H"'-!I i 'i ···8•0",'h'e"l.,",''~"D h1· o<'h .~ h.11 S'.>(1() "k :'f,Qr, -H·~~p1~l_:~_.~i' \\11 r,1: 11.•'.<• I' • 1 ,.,, '7 • '11" ( ____ I!'~ .11. , • • •"'' " ·: !'I: (' .. n•I" '1 111~ dtJ" I BR 2 BR L l•'"'"l I.!·" 1~••1 \1 .. 11 $-'', S.•I ! 1r!h· 1h•n1~ 11Hh n n ·d!I • ' I\ I·.:-: l~~:r;~1~1 11p 1 1.1·, :1.~-. !'•I•" 11.1~,1l1rd .id fi \:!_ .. ;~;~s •2 BR & Den '''' ·••1 ~1••'11~ I<. ~21)() "' r k Ne;p~I Be~h --38-69 1 Ne;.. port Beac h--3869_ 1 1 1 From S 175 -S485 ••;,,.....,:I:·------· \I·\\ l'OHT !H<,\(11 hn·n Mesa Verde East & Adoms 11 a1\,•r. ~I) 11{'1•k . :u!11lt p.11·k NEW! SPACIOUS! EXCITING! See lhco;;e 1tnbcl1cvahl"· clcf!<int. ne\1' and :-.pa<.'.1ous 2. $.: 3 P.edroon1 apts. JUSt 5 1nin- utl'" frotn FashH•tl J ~la11d . \Valk to hank & .~hopping !·:nJo~· lu xurious bu1ltins and 1he n1o~t C\t'it1n:,:: rccre;,it1r111 fac11zt1es nrounrl' llrated poc1!. ~aun;i !', b!ll1;i rd roon1. hobby 100111. g~ rn loun ~:c & L~::u -J\-C2ues ('on1c tuda\ to i\C\~ l'nr ! \1111.1 \\here :-hnp- pini;:, cinp10\ 1ncnt ~i nd cvr.rY1hin g you need Ji11 1he (l(l()!) Lll:I ," is nc:1 rhv. l.!H)OSl' \ 11ur 11 C\\ .ipL tod~iy \\ hil c :1 fult' :-.c lcclllHl I~ H\~llldlJic' FROM S250 to $350 I 540-1800 \\/pr••I. nr ·~"nn. r.r .. 1111 l:i::iiiii:t::::::::::====·-"l \l\11.!~ al 1111' s1:1' rurn J.!',\:<.t,<; I ~pt-., 1 hlk '"'"'"'· HH. Por1!. • 1:luff, C"ndl' i;;,7·, 111111 (hl" ~k_.'..'..''~1" '11~1 'l741i ll•:1r lo .i~" 1Ji\l I«~\ l"~1n1 1 ~·ht1t '.? l~I : • S•1111111•1' rrnlal "11 n11:1 1 1., 1.1:. 1n 1111 . IK.h. p.trk I CO[~(I'\,\ [ll:1\(1l .luh .\· ~!JU "~ lii.\-!lll,~l \ti 'll 1 - -_________ , 19 P:i.11 . I' , Cl h • 1 ,, ' Bl.OCr, In\ II l'!f •,u h, Jul) I 1,..,,'; f,~, .. ai~••! :'.J1r '1:~~ •• 11: 11 .~·kh. s1 1,~ I .. 1urn1~hf'1I. i,111,, Si.I> mlh _1~·~" 1120 1Ht~2lll" COLE OF NEWPORT Vacation Rent~ls 4250 REALTORS (Bt;;_ ~ Hll 1 .. 11111 1nt1~·· hpl1·, f1 1111l ~2.-~I. \ [\]{, fro rn S l')~ l '+•li, 1 \'lllll~ o'lnl1IH'lll .1I 111 1 •l..l.l'.I ,<;,•p111 1to: f:1111 rly '• 1•t1nn, l ]11-.1• !Q '-hopp1ni-: & f llll' I• 'IL h t\.\1--2611 LAKE ARROWHEAD Condominium Vacation! \ {,II l'i1'iil(' :: I I Bt~lr1, .. n1 ('(,llll•Jlllll\111!1" :11" '! 111 •I nJ-,1.1,. 'f, r rr11t.il "11 I•' 111111111 L:1k•' f\ni•"l1•·ad ('HI] '..:l:J -2 ~7 -!l!'\!'\1 f•'I , ...... 1, .i1101\~ ro11,\ r ~ 5!·~-l -\\'i:J :J\ :;fl", 1no·11l"r \ u·11. r111111 1-: .• ~1 111urr. ;-.; !~ 2 Hit, ..! 1;·1 (Jtlll'l n11il11n• f 1t11il1 p I 1• ( o• I I rd '" S'',[)1).-:'\'J( !' '.! llH 1.11 111.; l'lt, .Jl)I l.;..tl , .iiJl•l/1•! 'lllf••i\ l!,;t~ S:Z1-'l ... n.'n. · B\, flpl 1!111, Tr1T.111 I .1rlu 1-h $.;:!).-·:HI: .! Iii\. f1plo. -! .i· po111n, I l11k !11.',u 11. ;.,,·111 .,1 1 Shores. l q•, I! oll ' I" Ir )1 \I• 11 (I''" ,,, ,,Ji).p~ .• ~, ,Jui \I\\ .. !'.\!,~'-J:\, frph , hl1u1•.: 11, su;~ 1· .• 1,,1 ~J-jl I'' lo~, ~ l~·, .1(! !,1•>1! Apa rtments Furnished Balboa Island 3706 !ll't' il11h 1,1'''. !1 .. 11<111~ l',l'">id !l• II '>tpl I' .j,•111\" :,0 I :1 ! ol.·n, .! , I • 111 I ll 11 11 ·I• ,. 111 ol..• I' 11 ;.I, ) Tl(j ·"'-I 11 \II I SI! . .' __ ~­ ! , \ t; \pt I I .1 "'I Io f~1,: ,,.," 'I ptoll~ ~.'1,(1 11'" \:l;i't ... n.f '•l'I \1 «·1d1 ('d\1 Cost.i' Mtsa 3824 '"" [v,11.,.,,,. NEW PORT VILLA -rm; ,_,cmNr. 11 •• 11n,1 •ti'" ,1p1. n•'1' ripl,, I PALM MESA APT5 ,,111 1 .. .,,.1, 11., 11,.1, ,, 1 1HEWCDMWl'>' 1.549 PLACENTIA AVE , AT 15th St. N.B. . I' I 011 I pl \,, ~h d1111 •• t . ~~· Call (714) 642-2357 or c a ll collect (213)882-8449 ~!!N UTE:-> TO NPT BCH I 1,.\11 1 ----[)1 l'•!'.d<'d ,,1'\11.Y t'h!ldto n ,,1 pt'I ~ 17 1 ~1 1.11.0 :~!) "! :;'J.)l .11<11i.: ·.:_,_ l!lf 1Jt:ll furn n11t Cr11npl SIC> 1o:r 1l:r\' N n nr hCtl.L'h 211i J::, J~dlHol\ 67\·21:1~ s·:7.>-:: Rn ::! 1;\. ;di i.1111 .. frpl•. ~.11d, J.:·'' r •• 1.u1 1 •l•'I \la1 NU-VIEW RENTALS m· 1 ·Ut ~.-;-;:;--~ 1 .. 1111.: ;•1\1~1 :<.'I fl I I • I• "ill \' I• '111 I l, +11.:" iii n 11 .rJ1 1.1111 h ol' •]'lo • 11' 11 1 ' , i ' "/ l·I· n I :1.1) I 1 r • I I <1111 HIH ii I\ "'"I \),. Pl1 ~I ,1 h I• I 11'1 I• 11 .. n10·~ I:• o11. '" , .. ,,.,1 HAR BOR VIEW J Bl: r 1111 ~1'1 '11 1 I It'll 11 Iv l llL. ;\ ''\\ l'a11!w S1111 "·~ 1.111 I I l" h!fl.'i',!"10 \ '.I I ,I I -;-,t·l'~.r. 11•1'.'111·· •1 '.! 11{1, l~ 1,11Jlr•I 1 td ,\1•: 1. ruJ!y 11 111 '•! \,,,. 1.1 ~11111.1 n~ l<L .. i.; .. 1'<il·t~ 1 \"i.'l ,\1111 Ln f ,.r .i111il, 1.!!-11~1. rv(·~ ,,7· .... ~1n 1 l'l.l~·~l!\\L;\ :;nn. !pl r ~11-r :-.r 1. h frn1·r•d vd ro~·n~ t•• 1111111 1· ~"111•1 G1,.11 1·.u111h h1.n:i· 'Ii :•w1 1,1 ~· 1,1,1 1 L' fi':'f1 ! \f~t ,I '.) I:!: UflJ!• I', 1•pt- 011 I•'. 1 •UC: '" I" 1 .. , ~It 1, 1'1 I. \I 1}-..1,n, ;-,.,. L', .. ;i; ·~· i 1.;1, .• 1 ... ; 2 \.; !') r· , .'r:r: I \ ) •I 1\•I \ ! , , I\ ll• .1 •'IP lol! 11· ll • I• t. 'I "'(oO ,,, I LI( " " I .1·u, I "I '" '' II I ~ •101 I .11 ... 1 Billboa Pentnsu1a 3707 -----~--- " ' I ' 1111 I 11 " 'I •,Ii lo: Id, "' I• o1 ... ,,., lltll'll I 111. I' 11' 1111 ; "· ..,11 , ti, u , , " I I,!: L Ill(> I 1, ild• I ' I ,I 11/\\ 1 I 11 ,. lr1 !"' !nd•1 111.I ' " ' , 1 ,-,; ... ; 1 e 11 '>I Ii ''I I' I' I '''' 1'1•11 \I 1h'I .~ I ...... I 'II ) '1 ii II. e l. \ 'I 11 11 I'''' lol'!.\,ll,!1""1 \,\1111·1111: ~·nq ::r:1::1.\ •{l ll r f•1 '•>1:0• i"<1'1 11t r-.0111.•lto• !ipl' .i,11 .. , 1.1111-, ,1,,...,,1 "•h"i' p11k ,( i'l'i \1 t1 , '!' 1.,1• ~l\• '-'' i"'~ 10-1 ~· 1:1. I Ind ill l.\Lt.i1\ 1'.\'.\ ! '1111 I !" 11'1\ •I "II .~ !• ,j,., •'I' ol t••" 'IUll1'1! r, II lllio I I • •r1l.o(• ' j' 'j 11! ---· 2BR FAMILY APT. \ • I•'!', I• <111 ° ",I ol \I , , :1~,11 l' •I \ Id 11 .d!.1, ,., \j•I I !, 1 I •ol ~,,,, \I 1 I HI: o!upl• \ I 1\1 -1~! \1, I ):" ;\\" ;\" I I.I: 111111111. ''"'",\·I• r1•: I, ol··f" 1• "·'-01 ~~ i10-J1·,·, )1111 l'I• I hllrl "~' •'1•1 Hr -C d I --'~72 ,,1 1pol "''h1l•l1•11"r1~'· orona e Mar ,37221 r.I~ ~:- I (I,, lo" lu•l•1I 11•·• •r ! u1• Id \oi '1 1 \•, .11•1 C1 pl~ 1:.1 ·o 11\f\ .' J:J : ,, .r11 I ti l'l.I '\ 1'1 •\ I •II •. •·n, I ::.11.r:.:• S!i I td~-j' ,o ..:1,,,1 1111 u .i~ .;~10 ;_ _______ ,,..,. _____ .., .. _.,..., .... ..,..l. B.11 11. I ,..,_ 2 Bl: rro1n s1::i1 f1.17\-\:-1~1',,~1,~1,-,.-,,--,,-\ 1 Newport Beach 3869 Newport Beach -3869 NewporlBe--;ch 3869 1';'.~1\1~·1\1~~~l 1~~ts ----Renta ls to share 4300 ,1, 1 •·lr1~. '.\u flttl•lrn or 11(!,. --'-------------'--------\j hlks lrr1m Nr11port l~lv<l) \\ANTE n f',n101111n111I~ ;,~, ,1><111,, s: Apt 1\. f .ill ___ c>~lfi-91\6(1 ____ ll<'nltl•\·. fu1~nr1:'ll1\' S1J!v1'n! 'H,-.-11"'1 -_-: I I II 1.t :-.L·l :HJL'" B,\\'~l{()'.\1' i 1 «n• >.1~11·;, 11 n1•al pn1 2BR~Vlba , cpls only 1 Hi./.11,1 "pl. ('d\1 l'•;nl,I f,.,,,.nd ''"n1an "' 2l'k tn 5175, 548-9573 610 C ""' llar ~11p "11n1nH'r ruin ,\•orr '.l'.?jil 11''1 111n11•h '"'1' JoAnne St SlllfiiJ/\111 y,.,,rly 11nf11rn 111 " !~·•!P ••'11 1~111'" • 11 Dana Point 3826 ! '\!I~\ 1_:,. :: !~I:, ~ f'.\ r1 1 1 ol· ,,, .1 .. r , " , 1 d \\ ill\111. d1,1 di shop~ ,\[ .. ., I I Iii: ·" oil :ilihl J,,1 I I• d 1 i • l• ~ ....... "•··°')!~!II•) • ~ I.\'.\ \'11 •i"lll\ J. HH, '1. I,\, 1111:1 un\111'11. S'21» 11p u • 1• , 11, •111 ... i.;tt 1nu11•d '" ( I' \-'JI llJI i, .1 18-~(1~ (Ii!·\' \'II\\ ;\o 11 'l BJ{ :! ! , \ ,..,. I\•• 1'11' '\r .\J.11 111o1 • •1111d -11"f•..: r tYJnt '.!.'to'1 !., :-·1'111 ... r1•r1·:. !:1· ,\1~r~ I ;1,.11( \'11•\\' 'l'l\01\1\t'U!l ,!,1r1 ''-' 11u•r1.!_4::•" f> \'! :-111 ll. 1 '11:\l~\lf'I: l\,.,u1~i1 .. 1' 'll\1{. hlHn', I'< ll'H!. , rpis ·; rh),... 'ilVJ, 1•;-•1 IS:! HuntingtOn Be.i'ch 3840 It's not polite to stare. I ~.(ll ;ll(l ~ Arlult~ i,jJ.}Ur,jl 1 ~1:-:11,,11\,•11!1 "!;1r1 1n::: ""I'' 1·• r.1-. "-,'il l l 1111 11 ."\ ""'n 111 -----------1•·1•1r11'1' .!Ill! !111 ,, 11!!] .. ('•1•1111 •!•I \J,11 l..1..; I 111:1 0111 ,,..I' 1,f!o1 ~"' ,,.,,1, t01·! DI !,.h ~:'.:,/r,1•• 11i1 1 \\I/Ir l.:"'I nn•I loul i'•'Ttl I •To' 11"11•11 ~ fl"I\ Ill[., ,1ilq1 '" 1111'11<'<; 11"11"' I~ ITT I-.• 011!1ful _•,lit.Ill______ l•1 .. :.!1n11.11•.d ll111.:111t.lt1d Rooms 4000 1,1. ,q11 •· '" l\1t' 1 11 • • • J , FULSEBAKKE 312 larkspur Corona del Ma r Y'111 Il l' thr "Inner nf TWO FREE TICKETS In 111<' I SO UTHLAND Home ai nd Garden Show Juuc 'lX th1 u .luly 'i 1 11'.,·pl '"" L:<l>'l<I k1!• IP'rl. pnl 1•1 !'Ii'''''' <'.ill fl\j-!'.12 \\o '(•kf'T\d~ ,Lfl<f "II 111111.;'- /;1:!-~~21 ,,,, 2j1' \\f'<!,d.11 ~ "'10n "' I n! lr11v1n~ lr•r · .1 n1nn1h ln 1·11rn[l<' l11!y 22 FOH-11,-,.-,h.'111-,.-;-l i7 111n11!<H'li"tl, ~!fllil" i\I, nnh 1, .. 1, 11 r1l r1·. ·ll "'Ill 'h.tn• 'IJ.1 f'IO!lc, drill\'" h'l<'h :!J>I , ""' ! !~•'11 I'! /\rlrq1111I•' Jll'll .U'\ !!•'"£11'! hi 1111.; $17.1 ni<-. ti-.-7r.r.2 0-/\ f 11 E J. {cl "n--,-,-,-k-,-,,-,·. 1 nllr:rrll\'f' frm:il<' rnnnun.11P al !hr ANAHEIM Convention Center 11.fXI \\ Ka1rll,r, An:rho'lll' lo sh~r•' 1•..;cl11!<1V1• Nrwpnr1 l'l••:rsP 1!'111 bl~-."11>1, ""' .\~\ ,Ip\ nn 1hc hluf!" Sl'fl. 11111 ln rl.u111 \11\U' 11~·k•·t <. + l1tr hn11~Ck<'r111111.:. hu~ J ./\K ~:Fl!t 1'r. npru d.r.11 J !'1'1\('jl)[-. lHl'. uppl'r 1»11111, ;; !ll:1 ll·'~1!111·r l,n, qff i:rd i:.1 r.ic-r. .11!111 !"-. 11"1 l>L'I'. & h'\'111•'. \ l\Jt , f,1111 /{ olln \~I() ,\\•ii •-1. f,j,,-1(1~'! ;-,.1,,\l:t.Y '.\·1:\1 .'Bl:.:! ll•, i.1t 111', 1.11111r!ry 111111'~. 1·11, 1 · $149 2BR lBR $199 l! •I'. n°i I" t' t~,, 12 .! 1'11.u 1< " 1~•·1. l Ul\"'1'. People have been stari ng at us f or a long t ime now. So instead of Just looking at ou r outside. ptease come in. Our mode ls and leasing staff are ready f or you Even though our grand opening 1sn t until July 28, we·re 1nv1ting the neighbors t or a su mptuous preview of the L'1•irth Counl.11 tllll 1l'C'<· :irrancrn1cnl onh· &l-rlil·l'l nw11hPr is ~Hll-1210 f SllAH ~;-·1 lJH -l101W.-:-:c:: "' nn . fr pit•, IP.I'" s:,;·~1 cOs ~Mesa ~---3724 \]rlnt!i 1\:,:1•111 r,i:-'J\'ll ___ ' ------------ \!:1111'\1, 111•~11 11''. lo!•~,j 1 _._11·.q.rs~l>~<'•!__!:Hr~l::_l):li'J nn 1•·t,nr•'l11hl11•1! ,\<111111y * 1 \J(I r-1:1 .. t,.'.\1 hrh .~ rtrp ,\~ <1 ol\ 111111! 11 ttl• 1', \I hl!i!l~. ~ 1:r: .";111d1·1 \•_ h+', <P''~ ••tir· '11', In: """!.. 11\H 1111•~. i..: 1r N°" 1wl~ Sl'.-1. ~lli//21~Jl S:ZOO X!l>-R'l!N r.11-11fl: -1 NEA-RBEACH!-- .' B1•, t'hlld "~· ll" I'"'~ j '\~;\\ l>El t '\I·: 1 J:!t, ': H,\, B IG C-ANYON S!f,\f{I' f11111 :tHIC rn 1111'"· : .n.~1·~ 1o I• •··~ .. pl 1 rnlt'\ p111", ''"''<!.:<. '111~·11-. 111 pt 1 ... SI '' ~11'. 1.~111 :O.:!, .\pl /\ .di !111111 ( oil •• \~.1;,,' ;\ !ll!. rn:hl "11 i.:,,lf ,.,.n1r'' Sl'll() pr r 11vin1h 11 !!11" \'rt ll'. 1\1;t ! 7.) 1.<l()i1 2Blt-T~t,~~'" ~l~ll-:\1-: .. <;1ni.:lr~ ••Ii, 2 HI: I!" r d\1 \!:II' $211 11 li\ 1"1 /\~I r .. , :1i• ... !il 1:10 ;i:I: ~I t,\ r·!IHI< •' 111" "' F:1,luo!l 1 ~1 1 111! 1~r11 l'ol'1 i\l.1rc.1t•· I 'I ~ 1i-./1.r•• f'\l'H I 1:1 \I.I~ 1 .. 11 ;,•. llA H1":01{-\ u h•rtll•'' : 1:1: '1. H ,\ Y t• 11 I I ;, I • "' /'Lltt:-l .. 11 ·1• ]'Mol •r II ! "11111'-\ill ' ' I 'I' " . !1 I J1'Yll J.q, ~~.-;Iii" .,111 1,1· ~\'J·:-.·r<·1.1r t . 01111••1 in. 1111 1•11 ~I :tll!'.lt' \ \:ll 2 Ii'• lili ,, ,\.J $:i·i fi41; 2)~'1 I 11 )\l!'l .IT!'l.i 111111 !:1 St·,-, 7 1: 'ili,1llo 1111• I llu1,11 ·..; /ll!bll ·1n~.dhli,:n 1 ,q,! ,\dul l~ ... ,,11 II! Jl"I' t.r,i.71,. 11 1 1:-:1h St ~17-)~l.T ~1 •• •1 1·1.11.St,(\l -I ------•11,j~\' n 1: ''P' ,)r1 ~., ·• ,1·1 '-\l.\l .L 1\l'i ,:\l~1 n1n i\1 ·.1 1· ------I 1111111 1111 l" t .. ~J;,·1 7"2A t"'"' 11. l11111l111i,:ln11 11'.l tl:\I. '1'11'"11' +. 1111! "11 11 11 ,1 ,i,~1·;, 1~,fl--Z',li:I Iii I• I ,•~• 11, 1' !'·I!' l:.lr,11 "\ ----.. ')-~-,----\dti", .,,, P"l~ '!'!-•) l:ldt·n' l\, / 1·.1:, lr1 !.111t~ lu I ~r I I'\!!{,\ Ir;: -hr, h.~ <1l.x 1 I 11 11 •II'' .,,,,, II ,11 .... , ( )1 1..-w .1 .. 111r .. p1 nr hC'H l'h. $1V.:> ' ·'' 1;1•. ~,·.:· ::;111 ~lor11tn :O.:t :1:\f;.f,.-t~2 ~: ;,:1 1 1ur:rt 1,, ",'. 1:{' ,1~;',~;'.1 -3BR~2BA~P0o l -2-BR. Just P ainted-I ' llJll"'''I !•ll'ltl<•k•l l f',111111) 11')., tl"l"I' l:..'(111 -~17-!04'111~'62-if.:7 ;q.~~'ii: 'r..:c· 1•1,1.1 ·1~•1 1.•((, 21:1 :. 21l,\, ur•flt'1', f.lt 1n g.1~ I l\J: t11r11 \ll-.-,-.,-.-,-,,,1,1 '.: ,1.,,~ : l\l :. 1w.1r 11•':1 I r;,ni.:r. •l'PIS, 1h-p~. S!50 1110 , , .. •,•1 "' 1,.111 ,..i ;-.11 c·,·nd", 1••·1 p 1t1". 1>!1 otts r~·1 w'fq, !1112-4-:':12 • I , 11.1r1" 11 •·1 1.1 ..... ri--,i~ 52111 '""11 • ,~ .1 111 ~ n1-:T<1Nt)() ,\l'T sn·, 1110. !',\I'll.\' f! 1:' 'I 1•,, ~~1 1),\J:1,!. 11:1: c·1p•. l tq .... 11ul1I 1111l1111•s fi)111n111n11~ !••l•.,r·,111lot1 •11 11 11 Bi1 1,.,1 I••'• ;-,.,, 1~1, Sl l ,1'_J••"I. ur__!_..-~l:~'l-lli _ ,\ •7,.,, .1 ~1\.'J 1,1· ""~ •. ; Htt ('.,1111•1. lrpl<, 11ri<h"r.I 11· I r.J, i•••I 11 1~·P' 11\H 11 11 1.,1~ 1 I,.,,,, .1 tl1.1 !'. rrfni::. ipt~. dr[l' .llll!' 11 • I• t• I !ii p I 1 •·l1 •.; \1 'J •l•l'l"\ ';/II! 1h.~;\1'•7 l\.'I \1•11!"1, 1'>1 ·l•li r. \loH ,j• •,,! .1:1 ', II\ '"" •!n!I S ~l(I \\Ii,!• I:, >hrllh ••\t i \I'! 1:1' fl1111!•\. '•l!l.O II 1'1\ ,\l,1ho1Jlll !!J: Pil•llll\~' ,,,,.,. 1~.11-.. 1111 , •11 >Jll• 11"11 ''llPk<'r• 1 ,II -·1,t !1' 1.:11-.:1 1:; I '•'•lll 111:,, •(·1,l1' ·II l•' 'I !II lllh il .. ii ',~ \.!11ll\•l "1:.,;;.--~!ll~,2C.1 111 11 111111 .1 !•11!'1' l'l"t '•! •ll• ll•t''" 1111h ., 111111 1111 ''' \ '111 1\1·,111.!ulv I I I 1. 'lf11·d .• fl• '"I ,1 (I. ,1f!, 11 l•d li12-~117' I '• ,. ' • Pr omontory Point style If you watch your step and mind the stray 2 x 4s. you JUSt mav find the villa of your dreams. won't you come in and say hello? @ Prornontory Point Enter .1t 607 Bay~rdC Drive Newport Ele.1cn Te1eotione 675 eooo Models oPen 9 G ------~-~------~----~~- • * 11 <;,'lnl.1 ,\n."I Fr111alt' nnl), :\1 1\I.~. 'tud,·nt ;u·r•ISS 0 C (' r'riv rn1, lrg ~<I Si-, n1n " 111!1~1 hr r1u1e! ll<'i'lt L>r• 0\1'11 ~h:irr hsrkpg :i 5 i · 9 2 (> 9 'f>f>k l11>! s20.' ,\ I\{' e k a."!7·241·1 :\1#--0fi \7 R11c1 ,-,-"-"_'_IT_T--,.:-.-,-,-.k-; _"_' {·1Ji\1 S!,1:•p111g !Ill, pri\ 11rll ndJn~!N:! l"'"n111ri1r ln1 !1r1ll; ,\ f'nl t"llH c Patin nr1•1111fmnt np1 n1·~r1 1\uc11~! ,\,.rt' Sn1okt>r $~·, 1n10 1~1 fd2-21'l2 ~;i:-rii17 l'l-Y,--rrl01.n 1'Tl!A 1<.11T ;\IC!'l.Y furn ,.,,,1n1 1n i::ond l\1Al.E. '" ~h11r•' d11p!r~ 11 I•~ o1 l1nn 1•ilh h:1tr·]lpn flJ'll . ~:1111r. 2 n11 !n hc'.1<'h $100 ·,i;,.i11o7 1111• f.711 l':o ----------!l Cl (l i\ IS $211 11k llJJ, \\Ith L\IA~ S rii..1111·">h111'•• ho11~1· klt(·t1 r11 $:111. l\k ur .1pl. nns,. hu~ ~!np~. 'tnrC'~. ;,ti\.-!17~•• 11r ti1!l-3!ll;'i 1111rt r•·nt h"IJl. ;.;., iln11kcrs ,\d1 rur11 1mm "' h.i1h. 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'~1,!'l~IJJ Pe••or.•1i 11 · 1 CARPET CLEANING "h' t11n•·I •\•~ 1,1• 1 NOW LEASING J!, f .,,,,.I\•.•· 1 .1,.·1., ~.f l A PAYABLE S700 BELLMAN ,1u1ro• "• '"' 1•n111 ..... 1· Hunl!nglon Beach ! I ·I ... n ..,, • '' •••••iii•oiiittt.oiiiiiilo luou ... • 1.111 1~. NEW M-1 <I .. 1 II """' \\{J~l.\ .... \I.II ]1.111 .: I.I, di•I "" I .. 11·10. \ 1 11!J"1 t I\ ,, .,, t ,IJ • ' 1:1' 'll.\IU" I •1• 1:1 11•<1·11· l.:.i.:•ui.1 '.\1.i,:1u ·I 1' r.: 1:111, Sl :·, :1:• ~ :,I: ::::: . .,-• "" '•111 !l..11111: •. • I I ,\ "I' 960-1970 .. ' •• J ... I. INDUSTRIAL 3000 sq . ft & UP LAGUNA NI GUEL '. • .•!': ( I """ ( ,to/L~l l':011P \'1\I \l. ,\'i,-.,J..;[ I.I \L J ,\d")''lt>ll, '<!J"~UI.,; ,\ l,o o,Po I ,1,,• '"l"I ;., .'>I \',1\1\J.. l\1!111 '\•I I• \Ji".! 'wl• I' I• UI I 1 ,j, So I\< I : :. ·, " , • ;r .. r.. 1·. :·. ~ · 1: 1 •, \l ,..•··I I; , -.. I t :, '· I· Perl onal, 5350 ----- • 11 ~· i\\ I\<, \•'to I·, "' ,, " . " 1 .. I• '· ' .. I • '" ''-'' • ' 1• I I''" "' ,, '. , • "l' ,,, ... , .. 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FULL SERVICE QfnO> l••...,ld<ll °'"" """ .,.,,. 1!1"1 lw1111 ni:•ll' l<K ll Mj ft '"11·cl1o1\J"' ~11:1n· \\i!•' )1:,1r"•'d 1.·nwr. 11 111111.ol.· \\ti ll .'~" 1·1•il111.•. $1~1,1,/lll•HI \Jl\•'d Tr•Twr filk In•.• 11 ,1.,,, I l•l<J('ll h• .. u ,\11)1 11 1 ,:i).J\ ., l'<" IH'Hl s1io.'11 lll'\••I 1:.-.11\111, i:J.!~ \']-\\' JIJ"i. 1 ~·,.;,.;1.r ' f•Ul•J>\<·~ 0 1.J~ 1.r11n { u~1;1 i\h·~ .• 1~l l1 :ll!>-11::1 I 1.,1,. 1 .,11 ' 1~-.. ~1111: AJ:l'rll \Jll IH"<"lllb!"S \1 1'''" 1 .. ·n•1:1n .'-'lwp hlk I.HI :"\I.\\ \!·1 l\!l(j '.,!\Iii ''I ii 1u.1I• 'h"!J .~· .,ff1n''-1\111111 prki: '.~1-; I'"·"" ["''"'. lra•h ·'··f\ '111: l•" i.r Sil h>\}. (' oll•"-r1·111:d · 1\1 ••I, ~11nlu11•. f•'lll,11 .. I' •• 1· ··1,"I"" l•·d"" h "' .:1111 .. r ·1r1·111I••. !• IJ 1 " \' 1 1 ' . '·I, , 11 I" I' ., 111]0 111.111 rtl". ,;111;,· ;1)-'1" f,H ,\'I "\JI '\I "·'"' :,,:7 '.1'.ll l.l". I\ ,11 1 .• I' 1 , •• ,'-;l'J!{I !"I ,\I. rJ·'.,\l >l<I: I I•' I '1 . \l I "'\ 'J /. I : I \\':oil•. 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I [, ollc;h:11r 1111\, I , ·1:• ,\'\Sl!ltTI.!• r.··r·ri·;...; t. \,\ .... ~:('['u.\IY Rent~l-s Wanted --4600 1·t·1·1'11 .. -: t: .. 11r,.1,1111..i 1nf .. 1111.11 ... ni ! 1111 ' .,, ' t '• """111 nnl• ·I• '·• NE O , . .,,,,.~,I ui.; ,\· r,.f,·1ral. 11' 11" ·,,\ 1~ ' IN LA~UN~F~~GESUEL \.\11 OT11Vn...: 1·,\!.I. ,\l't ,\l:L. !uo .. rp A \un-l \ti ·.1 ""1"-•'' ,\I ' ,. \\ ,\\ 1· '" n•11t 2 ,.nl' ~;ira~c 1 .-,.~; :?~r: __ I T,.f1t ,\i,:,,n1•;. .. i;t?-1 !,~Ii. I I: , ,, ,, ,, , h I , Only 42c p er sq. ft. 1, 1 -..l•>ra::•-. p r" f,. r ,1 h I y i'(Ji".'\l 1 Ii-:!! .h·! ]'.I,., 1.; ; )',\l.\l/<',\Hl"l-ltF.,\JJ~:if'"• 1 ).,11,.1.d, 1 111 ":' " " . \1."KJ fl .,\· 1;1· .. \II 11!111111"1 ,. ' I L' ' ,1 I I I I I II I ··"" '" ,. ., ... 1 • 1·~:.i. "1' "111;1 c l'al 11·s ur, 1 "' ,,r . ,\IJ 1tJ·:.oucr10:-.:.· 1•.1rai:-.1 .... :111. • .. \°\ ... : .~1 ." 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S111!P 111~1; 1--- ----_ -----------I ~r .. 1,1. 1;,,1d••11 111!11+· fl1,,•n .~-li . .-lu~Pr1Thurs ('a1!1\ \/.\"1111.\ \J,,1!i•·r11'!1 •·.11 • I .\If'. 1·1:1 .F l:J-:'.'\T • 11J~ ,\:"If•·. 11•• childr"n, 11n \•'1\f••l"I 1;,·ar·li ;•1"·' l 'l1·:i.,,. ,\1111, :,,7--0~d'I I 1,,r ,,,,11 Ii"'.:".~ .-1,1.11·1•11 :--;., l1•:1M' l'<"LJ 111 ~ ,.ffw1·~:. po·T •, 11<1 ~111<1l.;1ng. 'l !i1· ~-1 <1111T:ttl. unhiqop,v \:\ 11 u l<!11·,1.1_--:-1,1 ... 1.1.11 . 1 ·I . 1 -..1 .11:.!~,1~" 1;11:..·· .I ... lj 1\llf•>T'l1l'll1<'•i ·,,,.,;_I. <i<"ll <JI':: I.II{ Ill lt'.o~(' ti~.1.11 1<1. " '•ll ·· ' '' ••'It - I.· I 1 I G "' h:il11,.,l1\.-.Fw .o11 .. 1n.01111·•\J!lllil·.:: 1.,1,, •'••1,1r ·o .111~. ,\ t" full ~··I'll•'" ,,_;::-:.!(;!; <:1.\~ qr !tr.ilti~ L•i.··1·. 111·.'l.I" · 1•,,,.... 1 ~I 12 P11l"inl, 1111 ' ••vrs. I ,,,1 ,~1 nc ''"'" h·1h· unu-10 If · --' ~ '' to i\BU!'.TI0.'1 t.::111 LIFl·. 1 II 1 1 •'•~ ,,, ~l•"l •ll'U I ~:··1. '"'"I"' ., 11 . 1 --· " · ' · I.I:\'.~ . .-~1 1-~',?~. :'I 11r.:. 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Hlrr 1:T..-ii11;1 1 Pol i···· (J 1• p ,, rt ol •' u t . _E~·"'l'·111 '~n~. ~,:;::?;ri_•. __ 1a.i:I\ l~"j,: ·' '" 1:!,!· 1 , .. 1,1 J50fWESTCLIFF DR ~ l ~t :.;:r,...~~i?l l".\ltt.\T.'i 1\1)1n~nl<lt1« frll" .\<hi r ,,,,1 ~1 .. 111 ·1· ~l \'.F\l"!'<1nT J-"111 .• 11•·1.d C•·nhr f in.11n.ti.11I • ~"Ol':\l)l\1",tlll •ful "Lii•· jMl"l'l 1!~1''1'll···~ .. n11-.r1-..·I 1~· •• .,.l\. _,l:•."1.'' L · Off' S len1:1k· .-·\1. \l .1 t A 11h11 r 111th ilii-1' 1·l111o h-.·n ;,12~,)~,;; easing ice pa ce . D a peries 60"7 t",\l.l. IJ:\·"-ITt: \J.\'.'\\l;Elt Hl1r!. l ',.r•ulil 111·1 ~\.1r ~IATI! l 'h/I, l ,,f (_'1,i1·:1~" 1 r • !71 !• lil'.:-.:111 ,.,1 ~11 , Ii-kl ~(lf,,~. (',1111">1 k1·1•p. I •! l1k,. I•) 1;ilk. Lui·. J:O!olill' I Bu,iness Opper 5005 ]>LEA-;J·'.S·:Tl"J:\ t." ~ 1 :.!l'l-s.,;-hi'.::•. 1\..;T.\l.Lr I: \,, ; ,1,. '" (;nl•l Charin f~l'il•"l'l•·I :-;. II· ll.\P f>Y :~•rr1 BIHTHf!.\Y 1i ...... , ...... ;ol 1nnPnL1l \1d1w f{<'11:1r1I. 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Ci::-1:1.\0 '-1111•' 102 \lu,1 I"' ii<'f'('llddl;h· :ind l.:11•· ,, n1••<1•=<111,.:il (1p11111•h \\,. 11,olH 1 .. 11 In n1akt· J11"•>- ,1t1• 1, iu •·rl•·il t.r ,111r (·0m· 1.i) . .-T l.•·:hl l•nl\1il l'llP "1th l1l111·1i tqJ !.111, \ '" lj'h ,\ 1·,,1n,111;o. ! !"!.!. l~E\1 ,\1:11· F 1 >-l'.~\'I ,--,Gardening 6045 . \ lJ 11 l 1'!0'.\~. :il11•1·:q 1un--. :::::.:.:;::;cc-'.-----· \,. l''JWl"ll'Jll"r' l"l'<J 549-2015 ~ ,\ll.h!l\l.'\t: "1111""'· llfl<i<'I 11/\·11 II Sl'.lrl 111" Pl" 1,,q, S':fKI Ill'•. 1.al:tul.t I~ ;01"!1. 11.\ltT 1:1:1r. l'.•1 P.:~r1 S2800. l!il• '''tU·nt l•"•J\llft'd I :J. ! t ·i::'\.\l:Lr: . --·-----!·•llll'.'l li:tll" <of J'r••'-•Tlpltr<ll \\Ill' fr:111h· J'!'"'"' \"11• ,,f \l 1u1 St in !~.ll•J:i P1·11111 1· oll 1;;:: jf,•t!J r• n1<'•i<·ltnt.; of :ill k111.i,.j l',\!.(J\llili Cion. 1· ... ~1•1t-.•t l~t':\ .\h·111h 1:!'.H, ~'i:!-J~·:i I \l '' ·' ! I .. I h I. ! , 1. 1 .. {"I• --1' I·• .~I I • '·1 t;l_•11:") \I\ J•I '' .. . . ' ELIZABETH JOHNSON l'lt•I~ 1 .. -;,,. 'I: . " 1617 WESTCLIFF-NB ;,[i. . \.'1. l:.!W. NO SALES WORK 714-557-0393 1269 W. Baker l.:.i .,. "" Costa Mesa i:1"1 id ·>·,,, •I 11·1 • (J F~"!Ct; !o\ll". [l'\ II\\' .\II - f•11"1 :11'1';t l'l1'.l'·''"· ,· .. 111 I• 11·1 T1·!'"'· \l'n'' ;,,.,., "' ,: .--0~1 : "-,~~­r o u 11d ·I 11111 uld 1 .. 111 h• •t.:"· 11l11h• l~ll'I'~ l'I ~hrpht1d . 1'1 H1111•'\<'I" \io· Jlnll.~· ~I. L H .. J'.\I .·!~• IJJ.''T [ri•h ..;{'lh I'. :.! l\\f! "Id fr:n~d·· \"1.· '."rd .~· ~Uh !'t N !1. l!I(; I: J·: \\" i\ !: I> 1;;~-11i~; ~~O"F1R~1E T"ICKre ~s \..'._1 ": i.; 1,i-11.1;1 lu tlu• Y11 I ·,1,, .. ,11,IH"•' ~· "" SOUTHLAND 1:1. Ullljl'lll 111l11t ··~. til··r·ic·1-; ,\ s111t•• 1·,.,11,·.i s HAVE s Home and Garden Show I E . d J ' Jun•· ~'l't Tlirn Ju l~ I xper1ence a pa ncse lo". \'.d p11rl..111·_• I w ·•j ft J•l nr. Cu-.101i.1 .. r Tr.< ft:··. :it 1111' l a ndscape Ga rdener --·---r •• un•I 1;1 1•. ,\ "11110• n1;l11· 111.1 lll'l L ].'\IOI t' .\I \d1 .. 1·1 ,\ J'1u 11:111,,.11 1·111 .. n.111,.:: Ii) 11·rck ,.1,1 h111~·11 '11111 '"1- !;,r, Hlull~ .. n·.o 1;.~ i 1;.11.•1:l11.1 ANAHEIM I r~k \T\ '1 ~L!:Y 11 ,.7~·1 :\!.:\\" l'lus!1 uflw.-Hldt.:. :t 1 .. i. I :~! .'1111< s. I ·, ··if.'r• •11• ., 1:111. X•'1"•1\. ,,1;111·r \,;u ().(", :i:::_t•l'1tl'I '-::\ ·:1110 1:x1·1-:1. 1.,, 11. 1,,,, .•• r, 'llllt"S. \j1~) ,\• iliH "I fl J\ (', I 111 ~ l"I \,,\ ~·I JI . ,:,o I.. ]jtl1 ,..,I.("\) l:~i-~1~'.\ •I•~ FOR Convention Center Ll l'1il'l .\\ i •. \l:l•E'\l:i: l.•Ji••·Oil·LlqlJH1 T111lP·t1p \(~) \\" l\;1!1'il.1, ,\11:1h•·11ll l.1•1d"• •]''"'' ~ ,, •1\t. 1'11-.1'" 1·:111 frl'.!-:il;'i~. •'\I .. ~:: I'• .,,,.11.ol1I• '• •' • • ~· ·1 IF hc•I •' kno11·hn11· .~. •ysto:-111 (".di !·1.111h : .... ,.,)J'.; i.f•~T 11 Ill'•• !tt~ Sln,:f"~· f•'n1;,I,·, \'w \<'ll"i"'H"I 1•1< I , l :t'll "l l"d :.1~~1•~1'.! 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P •ll'-1 . :!:•yrs '''l'· [r,-e c~1 . 1'1 >-IL~I~-.·---------l;l:VY Bla1·k h•f·~·;ols \·11· :,.:nl 1; :!j :t19-lf,~L rl'n111f'•I ~t \!\Pl\ I iJ)sr. 11u1lr S1an11'"' 1·a1. '" l!'"\ 11\t' 1"1'tT,1< • [\;u j<1h lt(111 i.;h f{t'll!o. E;o../' .l 11· " 111OIT11<"n111• !H ~ 11<.'ll ., I " I" 1"' d , ' ·' ·' '" I ' . . 11'' " 6051 S17 A LOAD . " ' •\ " 11 ·' " ... * f/\ov1n9 & Haulirig * •• ,, 1 ...... I " , ,I ,I\, ,, I I.• " 'I I·.'•. 1 . I , l I: \: " ' ·'· . ... ' "' " ' i I I i I -.. I ( I. ,,,!I·-··.: 11 ·I'• ,, ., . I \ I' .\ \ I ~ II· " ,, , : ' . "'" , , P ' ·~ .I ''- )" fl.)11 I" •I .. dl I.~ I . ,. lio I I." \ I > I I " r :· , •. " Painting,LPapering-~073 EXTERIOR ONLY ' I I" I .:;1' I ,, J '. I '\ I I '\ • , .1 '·1• 1, * \\!all!J<lper H an!Jer * I I'• " " 1.I' I' " , . ' ' " "' ,, ,• ,, ' \ i" ~ ['. '~ , .. ' i 1.'• I 1'\1'1 l:ll\'\•,I . ' "·I " I .. ·1\1' '.• ,, •' ' . I• ., ' 1 •: ... l ,, . • INT EXT PAINTING \i I ' 11 <I • I I .I' 1 I" ·. 11 11 ' "' I ~ f .. ''I' t'l,,f1,.,,,,IJ P ool Service . : Renic<lcl 3. Ro::r hny f.!:82 Sc1·1inq A l1c1 11ir111\ t'./)J; •• Td~ Top Soil • • •• ~choc1 '.. S. i.1 ~tr \1c ti ".'ln "' '' . " 6')1] 6092 7005 l!lX..~~.'"'ln.~>..l'r.!P L[~~1::''~ ]~-.~ r.""!D •'WW ;-,_ ... • • 'iWI • '•"I J ob Wa ii !~d, M ale 7025 ' . • ·' " J ob Wanted, Frna le 70SO ' " .. ' ;..i ... 1., War~~~d, rA&F 7100 ' ' \I .. I' '' ' ', I' •I ' 111 • : •· i'' Patios 6075 .... I\' '·' ------- I ' I I l' , ' .. ,., .. \' I ,\ I:, ,\, : " ' . . ( '··1·. 11 .. 1·" I"• ,,,. 11 1:,. ' I· " 'I , , " I GASEVA I [' I I I I I S EN G ! I I' JU NE 28 ·JULY 7 ANAHEIM CONVENTIOtl CE NTER ~l_.._l'~l ~t· I I G 0 L Y R I Did you k.,ow 1hat Chris-' I' I [ I loph~r Columbus hold~ The . world's ·economy mileage rec· ~---------o•d? He C(O~~ed the A1 f~nt1c I F 0 G R E L I Ocedn "'f•lh ju~t 1hr e!' -·-1-~~~~~~~~~ •. ,, [l [' I I I O Co,.,rl•·e •"• ·~ ••'" fl""'~d _ ... 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" t I 'I "1 BOYS & G1RLS ' " •I 1• Accounting (!erk I' I•• 1 i" I,.•., I O· ., . l : , II· " " A /P CLERK "' ' • ' ' ' ·.1 DAVID KATAFIAZ 73151 Los A1 isos f"1 ission Vie jo ~ Tl/'JO FR EE TIC KETS SOUTHLAND Home and Garden Show . I ' . . ' . ' ' I -'· 1· ., ,; • 11, '" ,, . t·1 I! B \:1 1· \\ r.1 • ·' .~· •I"> 1• ':. i ' I . . ',. ''iii '' (. ,,. "' ; .... ,, I 'd_ 1·. -1 • \] .• I AVON ' .. ' I I. .,, *** " \Ii :'• :r \ I '" ",. ... ' '. " t [ ,'!• ·~ .. -1 I 1 .. r 1111•., t ... ; I' I ,, "l• ·'· ' " .:. ' PR OOF OPER ATOR AN AHE IM Convention Ce111cr ' '· "'-· ,, .... -1.;, • • Cashier/ Recept : •. I ,,1 I 'I lllllt'I ...... , ' . I• • 1 '-I • 111 • 1. 11 I \, "· I I• ! ',\ '" '' ,,, 11·: • 'i' I•!< I • I ll IHI\ 1iol1 \i•l•·I { 11 l.>•,1111'1 I:• 11 II , " l······-1 ,\1 1·. !~•··IL'!. { "·ll 11 i: ". ·" lo> I' 1 I ll!ll• ~ d,,, 1 1·<'h. I lo ·•ll·•-1 ''" '<1111111•! \t••l'k \t•: 1u I" r· ... n ..... ; •!' • -.1.111 ~' 1· i•1I l~•lh <:t. 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I' ! l l :,,,. 1.~,11 ,,1 ( \],•-..•. ('' "~~;'."·· l I . !· I : U • \ !. UNION BANK 11;,, ~ "I~ n11oc'' J"r •·li-n,.,il I• I •O 1• UNITED CALIFORN IA BANK JR. SECRETARY & CR. VERIFIER ' I 7301 So. Main St. S<1nt<1 Ana 17141 S47-9581 ,, .. " '" 1,, ' 1• I ' '•!" ,, .. 11 , <I I '1lnl \ ·1,, ''-'t•"I ,, , "" 11• !11"'" 1 .. 1 ' .•• I' I' di 1' 1! 1.;\ 1·,,,t,1\ 'I" ,. I • 'I d. .\11 l",!l \l\'I ··r•:· "·'., ., l'I•"!•" .\1•nh· '" l'•·f"''l To Doris Mitchell ' ., '\,\\•It"• ilr. 558·5280 ... ' j t ·~ · 1 • \. CLERICAL I 1• I»' .I •·I ,,,, '"•'1 ,,f 1111.•'1 \1 i•I I 1\ • ·," •I" •,1 :•· " .. II I i ,, ii' I •"I' "ii 111 " "" I''" 'I , ,\ '"''I•' 1 • ·1 I '., i• .,,,j,.,,,.,,. 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BJ J Oo•frDr."lO.H.I . 642·J B70 ·, ., DAil V PILOT ::11 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 CLERICAL OFFICE \lo,! 11,t "' '" lid• I• •In -· • I U " !I .11n MacGregor Yacht Corp H. ,I I 'I , 1111 1 \I Cl 1.1:1, h· I 1.11 .. "I I IL"I' I \'HI ,,1.1, I ' p11 lil1o \1·:·1· ., .. ,," ., ' 1•1:.1 ·''"i••it 1~1,.1 \I I.I 1: ..: I" t> " •"I n1.1n., :•·1 '''' I" '''" l I \t • ! '.<111••11 I '••H1111·1 \ 1111, •·I i .•. •ll 'I \I .~ 1 ... , 'I " 'l ' Compositor Typesetter \\' ' ,I I I' I n I • I \ l ' I' I I ' ' 1 11 I I 1 '" 1 .,, II!• ••ii• I" l"I' "·ll HI i'I <111 i•l 1111111..: ... 11, ·I' \ppi" , 1111-. •lo· >i<l.i I I I \\Ith ll:\! \!f'-1'/\l' .. l l \jl• -···· ""rl, ln• t.,.(, • • •IU •' 1 '°I! ... ,..,; 11 I• ,,., '"''' .1 " i<'I n111.,!0 I ol •I• .,,l,j I 1 .1,1, '" •''I'.' 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'''l""li" ,1t1ol ,,.i d111 .. 11 . .l ''"11''' l•'ll•' 1li1 '"11111''11' ~'••I 1"111•·•1 I'' '"h' r \\ t' ;111' " I 1,111;, I Ill• .,' II' ill ~II•'• ,,,~1111 I '>11'!•·<11.1 I 1t1 1 ,, .<.111J1l I. ~1.1 !11<. •I<.,,. '.If .,., 11 .. 11 s"1 .. 1y , •11111111·n·o11 ,, 11011. 1'\llt't'!<'ll' "· • \•"• llr Ill 11111.·• Iii IH Ill ~ S1 11•1 I• •11111•' I" c·11--1 rwd \ot 11 .. ' "fJ;uh 1'11.,1 !'!I l'~•'I. 1.'~.o (""''" \fo ·'·' I • 'I';•, ,\n ~;·pi;1l (11•1•111 111•11~ l .11111!•1.1• I J.)(J Ylll ' 11.\\"I< • 1' l1 1h·n·~r. 11 Ill ' I"" O\O!i1 j • .:; I l\.\1.1: ('!1\I I! 'i "' \\ I "• !. .... I~' l I 1 ' '"' < ' '1~·· ,I' ' \ ;11 , j !!I' I•" I" 1 ' ) \Hllr Ii"• ,. 1,1,r:: "t thr" 1: •.• ~~111rlJ Ari. ,, ,op' tnl'" .t II 1 I, 1'1/ol! ' 5 •ltlfll,\j J .1nr :'() J 174 ~-~=~~ He lp Wanted, M&F 7100 11.• I· - *** ASSEMBLY TRAINEES ' ' -· ,, ",,' ""'' I• 11 1 I I I " '" '" lo,\, "' " " '"'' Ii·'' • ' '1. ,,, ' " ,, ,, " ,, " ,, I''"" "' "' '·'I '' It I , 1. 1. "'' * Con1 pe1it ive P oy * E xcellenl be11 efils * /V'1odern l,1cili ties '" INTERVIEWS TODAY ' '" ' ' VDM Varian Data Machines •O"•l·o -' --\hd1 .. 1._,,., I •1 '\' I Ill ! ' .l11"r<11.1 ·1_'1.1; I "i'I ol '' ]111 HI' I (I J' ij'I"' •'I \!f!" 111 l I ELECTRONIC INSPECTORS ,, ,, l"" " .Jn• I J' 11 "' I 'I U •<I ~ ~ • I t..1 1 ! '''I" . i. •h ·· 111< ll1'j,.., I I "I ,, ',, '·' .:"" •' I' 0 I 'II c I' j I Io \• 111 •I 1, "1 ll 'I I I I u I . , '· ,, .. .i.,, ,1 • '' 'I II I ii ·'>I I 1· ., .-· 11 • ,,1 " 'I <"",.I <'\ l •I •lo\ I I [ • 11 • ,,,., H•l\•I " I I h • .. 1; 11. "' ,111•1 '' ... ~ I' I !• 11• o )' 111• 111 ~ 1' ·I ( .. ,.,,,_\ ,.,,,ti!'· Ill * * * .. l.•' Competitive P oy E xcellen t benefits Modern f a ci l it i ~s INTERVIE\VS TODAY Appl y in Person VDM Varian Data Machines " "' \~,. \1 ·1-.. 11 !l.r\< ( ';1:1 ·I I l·• '1:'''' j I I' I" 1 \.,, '' ' 11.1 "11 I I : 1 "Tl:••\ 11' ,, I " ' " I "'" " ., ___ , ... •ol- 1·lo J I.I· ;,, •I• q,., 11 ..... d I "'II, ,,t I I'"' I• h I• "" ,, i" "II 1 .. 11 1 • • I' ' I" l ~ 1 "\I• ( ,1: I. I 1, I. ln· ,,. EL ECT ME CH ASSEMBLER 1.1· l" ,. ' '' ' .1.,1,, 'i Te chnology M,1rketing 979-1100 o I I : " . 11 \.•~I I II. I I , ~I I 1·., I.• l\o•·I j II \l1 -' _, I 11 ( 1,:11\ll \•-.,11hl. "\I" I' P 11 <11 .c '1 oil Iii \, I; \pj'll \, \\ j1 " 1 I \I." •I '' 'l,o 111 J•l 11. ' IJ ""I" I' ·' h-'_'•.:.' i \Ii I.fl\ \!I '\I 1111.,..1 ., •'I '" • .i. 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Ip IA /1• j•·•11·I I 1 ru11 pit ·,-,,11 "' ~ ''· 1'h"I' .\11 i.\"JI-\\•, :,· ~J * GARDENER * _,,, '" ''\II ' 4 '11-11• ' l,llo SJ4-7187 1, ••. " .1•';, '· Ill \, 1\ 534-3144 H ~tp Want ed, M&i== 7 100 H-:-lp W;in!~~· M&F 7100 H~l p Wanted, M&F 7100 McDONALD'S GE NERAL OFFICE ,, ,, J.1 ~on I Bt?~t Age11cy "' , I \ GENERAL SECRETARY "' '" I I' ,,. 1 •. ., I ' ,, ,, _, GE NE RAL LABORERS I",.,,( , .. I ••I• .,, ' ,, ,,., 11 •• I \ I I . II \lo •I . \ i I I I "! ,\,I I, \) IJ'• '" "I \,I \1•pi 1111 " '" 1-:. I I II " ,, "" GIRL F RIDAY I 1 L I .OJI ''II'• j :, " lo \I ,,<I ! .I jl: 11~ lw ,, ,1,1,. \ " 11.•I• I 1•1 •::. II I , '• 1 '·'· ',, •'·"1: :--( d'• .• .i ... 1,1 :-1 , \11, 1. I lo •II • 111111 ' •<I I i''"' •II• " ,,.,, I'" q·1 """ ' '" 0 I • (".,;. ....... 11.1 t; 11: I. h1•1•1n11 \1 I' II I· 1'•11,11 I In II , .• ,,, 1 ..... 1; r11:. l'tl: I• ... ,. ... ,[.·- "'11 · .. 111;.: ·'"''ll''l} j•· •. 111.ilill I 'I I" "' I·'/ 1· ,,,., 1.L• I \ II I '1o 1· ·1· 1: I~ 'I···• ,, ;~· .. ,, Girl Friday/Bkkpr 1 I I "" , .1.,1.1 ''I" n ... : .... 1,11;, " - I· I: 11' \ \ _,, !'11 "' "11: i. ")•·I,:, ' " ·' ;:. ,\· IU ',\ 111 .. 11·1 .. ·1 " ' L' 11• •11, \I 11 -I ,,. •·I:• I , .di \' ""·'" ~11 ... ·~ , :'I· ;.:11 l"r 1111• ,. l'I• I' II " ' ' " " ' . ,, -,, ..... ,, KEYPUNC H OPER ~T O R "' ,, "I" 1!1 "1·l\llll1l1 11-,11 " 1:. 'l>ill• "" \ ,,. '" 'l'l'I I •"' C,1rol Smith 644 -5800 "' ,., ' .1111•1··.1• LEGAL SEC'Y I• .', ,. '" I ' 'I I• ,\ ' I ( ,,, ,, 'I 11 II '' I I _, ..... !.' I ' " 100°" FREE AAM ES Burt?a u I •lo 1 I _\ ,, ' ·"' Costa Mesa 556-1100 1.1 >1111• ·n. An.1hairn 776-81 20 1· 0 ' \' .-. I 1 I ~ I T \l:Y , ... , •··I ' '< • I 11 1. d -..!,ill- " I ' .I I 1" •1 i' \ •""•I I 'I"'>•: ', I , -"·, • . '11 ] ·"I I : .. ~ ' '"' l\1<11<1· '•!·\•·I •i" '"i""' • ' 10 I 1' '1 .I I ",, 11 -.. I ·•nl1l1·1 ld··1, t•·;•. "11·1~>1 I •1· .''-ii I' I Hl'o'll, •'I'' I '. • I -I l . 1 II ' ;, : -1. ;~~I I ' " , 1>; •I l.\·:--'" 1·~·'' J.lll"i<' 1.-1·h " p/: 1· 1,.-'\lo< I I" 11 :.'. 1 r: '' I' '" "' MACHINISTS 'I" '" ,,, ,·,! \i.n·ll·• ,,, J .. , I ' l ..• tl .. · " :.'nd .,,.:· "" "!. " t.·1• 1.11 ' I• 4•1•i·"1111111h, 'll "' '11! ,.., .I: ·1 (,. >:11 • \h!I COROT~K CORP. ( ; ![ " ' ! ' , .... ' •' j ' ' ' " \\' .. 11.' .,, l.1 "' "' '., ... ,, 111 IJ•r I 11 .. 1 .. ,. ! 'I'd ' " I 'l'I~'' I •111• MAIDS I "I LI"' l '• ·' " •II'" I \I "1 ., ·• B,1 lboa Ba y Club l:"I II !·.,.,,I lh'!· \,I; MANUFACTURERS BANK Expanding To Orange County NOW HIRING *Escrow Off ice r *Secretaries *Cl erk T ypist *Sr. Operul ions Clrk *Tellers J' :11 L I \,,·I<• ,\ ' ·,•II" I *New Accounts *Safe Deposil :-,, '' •II Manufacturers Bank 1 ... ,.,.1.11." I;,." 111 11 .. 11.11\••·d ll ill· ... ,11 I· <'I II· ,,,,i,, \".1 11· _I & NOW NEWPORT BEACH 1'1.1 \.'!-'.('\LI. (714) 752-0600 •Ill ol ' 1111•" "\I'\ r:.:'\.\,('I: 11.111 \I, 1:1" <'"-/"'' 111"1111 "·•I' l••r \:,1d .\ !1uil•l111:,:. hi 1,. '• !<!'-'I" \j•j>h Ill 1~·1 "·-1 \ •. , '•· ,,., I:.· 1°·h l"•n "" 1'1111. ·'.~ll .• ,·111u1r 111 ' I: \l.\l:"\l'I '\'\1·1 l'1u11,.,-,\ •l!,1'1" ll'lohd ,jl!l\1"•, "•llU' 1·"'1 • .-.~... ·' "" MANAGERS ' .r I. I I· J;JI I\\'. '''!"'' .,, ···I II \I I • i111 d •', ). ,. ,, r1dl ..;pd,( \lo Hd \f.,, ·•"'11 ('Jol.(l\i\I. 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"' 1 , ~ ;•i Ii! , I (' 11., )111,, ,,,.,. H'll ' .I I• " 11 I , . \ l. 1·; I \l.111.0• II• d1!1 I;,. 1111 .~ ~I :'.+ \. I r. •.,I' .!1••11, , I 11 .11111•. \.1 \i.,11'""1 LI< I'\ \\ '' r.J, ~·1~ "I ,. '.ill I t.•\I I ~"-~I 11· •II·· 1.1 l.oo\ II I" I I• 1 h I ,, 111 Ion\"' 11• 1( ~ I• .I 'I II• ,!, I'. \'• ~ _ ... 'd ·~ ",,,r, I """'' d ,,. II \ t 1•\\\111• ,,1 "''''">l"'I'• \\ Hiit i "I •i• "' , .. \l' I· 1 ••..•. 1, \,,,,,, '' ! '\I 11 <1 -·1 ), .! I' •I• I . 1•.HI I •1 .. , !1 11' . .ii "' ' I ,, 11·<1 -1 kl. l'i" 1·,, "I 1.1, " 'I I " ,, I " '" I I(( 11 ~I I I"! I. 1 ..... ',, '" 1:, 11 Ii I '" "''' ' ' •ill' ' I. ·~I I 1 '1.1 ' "I' .,). 1 ....... /\ \\ pt " ·'' " "' '·' " I I ••I " " l-1 ,, •I•• ll • '"k111:· I· ftp1w li t 'l\\ll •1 ,,, I' Ii I\ "' ,, ' 11111 -..!.\I I\! '-' \!fl"l!ll.1:~ '"I ~1~ 'Ill "1'1 'II 11\ \II~ I{<. llr ,. ~ .1-h .. •11-1! " .,,. /11••1>1 l,. :1111 ·'" 1 ... ' '' '" ... "' "'""' INSPECTOR TRAINEES I·". 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WVINE Pl fZ <;n'lt;;Fl Sll\.l 'ICI '.> •, ll,l:/'.L Y SEE DUR SUNDAY LIST ING "' ]· 1:11, .•I 11 ,,, '1 I fv'lACHINISTS 2N O & 3RD SHIFTS OVERTIME AVAILABLE STABLE EMPLOYMENT COST OF UVING ADJUSTMENT PAID HEALTH INSURANCE 11 PAID HOLIDAYS PER '{EAR 10 DAYS PAID VACATION SATURDAY INTERVIEWING BAM NGON SUND~ Y INTERVIEWS 12 4PM NC MACHINIST Start To $6. 15 Per Hour HORIZONTAL BORING MILL De Vlieg-Lucas-Bullard Si art Ta $6.35 Per Hour ENGINE LATHE Ste rt Ta $5.68 Per Hour TOOL ROOM MACHINIST Lathe Background Start To $5.93 Per Hour \ii J;l''!u111· .\!111111 1(1111 ,, \'e,lr:. l ;,pl•r1t:111 e J:l!'!(IH t"d IJl\tJ l'r!'1.1s1n11 Jl;111d 'l'ools l '.S. I 1!11.1·11~h1 p l\cqu1red . SATURDAY INTERVIEWING BAM NOON SUNDAY INTERVIEWS 12-4PM O t~cr Interviewing Times Can Be Arranged Apply or Call ROYAL · INDUST RIES 2040 E. Dyer Road Santa Ana I, I l'( !:c•;ul fllf Jl;1n1p 1-:,.-.1 \1.•1\fH1/'I J•1t•C\1,11 ! 540·3210 l-'ron1 I I ·rhc Suite 224 641 -1470 .. _____________ _ ~el p ~an ted, ~&r::_ 7TOO i i-lelp Want'!_d . M&F 7100Help Wanted, M&F 7100 MANAGE M ENT TRAINE E 11 ,., 11 .• 1111111.'. I'' ' ' .,, • v·,,Jf1•11! r-"11 , ' ''" ll "'I"' \\:II\« • 111""' I 1 ' rll•L l '11•·.·r .11 11 f1•llu", , ', I l'l.,111 .. •ol ··0111111• 1,..,,, ••1 •I' <I nJ, l<H•\lllo··, _\•II\ 1111 '· , I ·i'l"ill"lll\ lol ,I, I l"jlj 'iH ! I.JI 1'1f• ,( ld.l!I., '<I "I " ~ ·" , !!"" 1 ~ ! ., ""t' I """I'" •.I,'' 1., "' 111, II I• " ""' I""'~''.,, I .1lo0·1 "I ""11il·" • ,,! .OJ 11! I •"'\ii.ti '"I 1 I I Ii, '"" I "" ·'"'" ' ' Ii • "' 1 SALES Exper1t!nce Not Needed ~825 Mi1\1111urn to $2400 Monthly Guaranteed t u1n1111 ~'11 111 II t )11.1t1t11.:d 1'01np:i11) \Cllli'll' l"\'jlt".il l111 ·o1 11t''' 11 \'\'~11 ,\: 111\111\hl\ ho!HL'l'' I 1:1,\ 111111' 11 •II~ \11 t'I \;~ [.OI :1! 111t•iL! \I IJol~·- Mr. Marli n, (213 ) 770.8S43 FACT IS E VERYONE EATS MEAT ! A r,,,1i, ,,,. d f V -~~._,....,,..-~~._,.. ... ,..-~~-...-..--.--pprove or eterans I on-the-job-training He P Wanted , M&F 7100 Help Wai~~..:_~~:~~ bene fit!. 1·1:1· ~1 ·111\111. l1· ... !w1N 1; P AC IFIC FINANCE ,_. ~ .• 111 I' 111110 1.,1 .. ·1 :11.: :>, ! I ( .11111110• IC •·.ol r••''"~' ('.oil h!l l \~~11 ._ \ I I '.-; I •I I ~I "' <' II I I •'l•l 1·•1•111 oil\, I• lll lUH 'l:ol ''I '""·' 11"1\ ''l"'ll•IO'.' 111•11 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ~ --~-~-- SHIPPING & RECEIVING ASSTS !' h n11:11·,.,,,,,.n1. '"id•1h. I• II• j •l"f~'l'I\, •I• lo•li llOC'I • •llo'llll> L\!u~l ht• '" .11 I• n11t.:•"• ,\ppl) 111 I"'""'" 11"1 l lu,1 't!tl, ' '(I 111• ltl.0111, !.111•1d1" 1 •• 1 • .,.,,.""'' :!I I' \,-,11••1 I 1:1. ('\! SKIPPER WANTED I IL'l'll~l!d "·'" I ·1,., II• ·t1I• (' \ 'I'' .... I -',"-1 '11~flJ\('llC\,\ll"il-.•I' •i'iol lll'!''rl11!11I.' l :11\j•••1•·l'I f«i!I ,\ 11,,.i,,, ,,..,.d,.,1· \I \\J('l'l (l._I 1111'\ l .. o~llll:o ~.-.1; 11;'11 .1 -l, lo11' II.I\• •• 111o..-111 '\1•11 p•11 4•111 ,1 .111 •11 ,. !Jett .. LI 1ni.: jll" 1d111 I I It·. lw•I 1 ""' l' I · JOO Tons 137' l;aff Hig- 1ti11 , •1!"11 . i; .... .i PROF.SEAMSTRESS ·•P1•1 r11111.i., c·.,11 ~:.11-111\n I···· ,.,,., 1,:.: ~.; ...... \:;; ~'-'' \I•. \1 t' 1'11h ........ ~ "' '". .. ' '..'-: \'! \11 1' •o"h.11 ,1,. \ \•; '"'"' , ... l ';,1-)h'I' :,i .. , II. \I :I, l l<I I 111.\11, '' 111111.,: "' \\ "' I.. l•!U ''I' ... , '• 111 .• 1,.• I , li.111 '<'. ,.,,,,. 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I II -.,1,•.11 11•11 .• 11.1 "''II" II l••I Til•"I !111111111·•!•1!> I ".· ' ·lo o111.,· I 'I. • I I , · " 1 •ll•l••lllil!Jh /•n -11 tu !Ul.h·o "'~ ,1 I I t·1rl" 11 • i• ,., '" \\llh !-'I" 111·11. I "11: "I II,, II " L\l'! 1: l : 1·:1 ·~.I "II! •.\. lST ha• ~11•11\11 lh.11, \\I,., t\11,"'' Tiu· \'.ih1« ! 1[ h1J11·:·1:1~··· ·~ n·1 '.n•r1 l1<"l11"1 ,, .... 1 1·111.1,, 1:,·l.1 t1"11' !ill 1 1<" !•"llllHl~ l\1-ll I\\ h•, I' '"'ii fll1111'•' 1< n•'I NEW FACTORY ,. llJ!'d." l· I ]11 •1!1 !"" ~"'1 Ill )~•·:11wJ1 1111111·1~ .i11-! ••p1•1111::,:' !lo• •Ill\•·•' '!,11 \\1· ,1.1111 , ,., •. , 111•1•11 ... th" 1•111 .. 11111:.: 1 ·\ '" 111 \l.11-.•· .. 1.1\•d .i.i. '1 1111 Till•' "l:-1 11 1; 1r11 J•l'<''''"n ••II ,,,11,,1 . 111 , 1,n ,_, ;;;111 oluolln~ 111.111~ 111q••rl•nT ~ 1 ,,. , ri1,, nl "'1•1·1n1o•1·• H.>1'•' , 11:11111 g. ,',II 1 .. 11, 111-., "'' 1 I"''! I •II'-:011 :i11r:11·1 •11'1"':11· l:n1".1 494-1065 I l'.•W~ ll•:il " 11••1 1•>11!111·· 11,.,r i,.1._ .1"1' I• 1111 11•1' :'\< •Ii; 11< ,, l':11l i<'I ,:, 11,, Id,.-"Ill Pl''d "l it II ' BOYS & GIRLS I ••1<11t1<-1·t:\ -.1-1.-111 11 . JO yrs & Older 11 pl.-,.-;,111 • ,,,,.i~. 111 • 1•·1·11 ,.,,' "I•'' I .. 1111 lo .. ol 1«11 DAIL y PILOT '"I '"' "' "' """" ,, " I I" 'Ill lol ( 111 \\I 1 11 Has. Routes Open Dana Point Capistrano Beach " \)1l.d ·•.\, 4".111 ·I" l'" o·. 11. -.:' 111,,•1 '., II I\ I The Hertz Corp. 11111 1:11·, h -.i '" 11,_,I: "' I 1 ·,,,' .I ' 'Pl•,, ! '.1'11·1 I\' I '"'' San Juan Capistrano : . ~ ,.,-RECEPT IONIST .1.1111al Ii "f•I' 11 I '-P•·r CALL Mr. Lowder! 492-4420 I .qll.•I I IJ'I"" I :>I"'• ' \,J l,!11· I• ·. . \ 11 '\ _..; .\I I:,) ~ I : \. • I fll: Ill I :i .11-J"l I 'I' I\-\ l ! 1 '1 ' I Y \jl .i 1:..;1." 1:1 I: \ \,I .\I I:~' 1·1·1·1 ,J \ l.111• ' \I: 1 t .: -\ 11 '\I 11 II' ,. 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II I 11 p I 11•• "-1101, 1: 111,, "··-..'~·,j Free To You 8045 • • • CEDRIC LAMIRAND 1209 F lorida Huntington Beach i n 1" ii ,, \ 111 11• t 'II TWO FR EE TICKETS I• lhr For •n •d In Call Miry Betl1 Won1an·s ~orld '42,3678, ext. 3~0 SOUTHLAND Home and G•rden Show lu111• l' lbl 11 Jill) I 11,o ANAHEIM Conventron Center ;.,(11) \I h oi.•1111 \n ,i,. 1111 I I i (! I ~ I i •j -~ .. l ·' " \ ' \ I ro.t ·I 11"' •• · •' 1 .. I Id • • 11 1 '"' • I' I r I ''" Ii r I I ,_, "' d i "' ol 1 ol 1 11 ornll 1 !I • "! 11, I " I " q " <I,., •h I"'" "111 ' " q . " , ~' "' 11 "', ...,, "'11 II p " \lnlrn II. Ill• JlHh I I ollt'l Pl IJ. )'I ' II I I~'" .... ''" '"'' \\ 1 .. 1, f'H<'l ,\\1\1 \!0/11(1,,/11 "IZI uul ._r,1 f \I 1111111 <J\:~.~11~! l'\!1'~1!'"1'"" • 1 .. '1 ' lo " not I " "II• It •. I " 1or1 1n•,.t•• \Fl\ \I II •"'' ...,, ~1 II~ I! I' I I I~!(\ ' 111\l.l/h l••hl\I•·· .11 .. ,, 1 "' ,. 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't,l\<'I' l-~!il IO l Ill\ l II I• I \ 11111~( I.:" SAYE FROM 40 ?o to 60 °0 • 1111,, plllll•, '111,.:11pll' • \111111111·· • l.\JllfJ'> • \\1dl \l\\"I • '\ lllHll,iih \ .j I• I I I•• if F IJI Ill Ill!•' • l ph1•l•l<'l \ • l,il[J ii'· h"\\ '• J 1,,1 I lllL'~ ! 'ldlll l'l ~ • {<1111 .... 11.k .. 1'111 .. 11- l .111hlt ! • h• ,i,p1 L"rl' Saturday & Sunday June 29th & 30th 3930 Campus Or, Newport Beac:h (Nea r the Orange County Airport ) l.l.IJI CUI~ \1 !'\1 •. "ll ,, d111· 'i '"' l"I 111•'1'1 ... 1 1.I• ,\nlL•I' !1111 1.. " 1 1<"1•'<!11 <ii111, ,, "'\ ,IJ\ If I,'..: \\I •11~111 11'•"\ •h~111!c!u1 l•llll'' 11'1 lillLI '>llrl '\., ) ' I ' .. \' I I I 11 .,: >1~-1 ·o, -".I 11.il"t 1 1111 1>1 ld\I --. Summer Warehouse Clearance \, 1• quili. d 11·t.u1l1 111 o111 • s. I)()\ ,r11111,,~ '"'' r 1111 "· I 'I HI 'if . ~ 1: i1J-,>.:1,'(i, VI \ ,',-'~,:-. l ' ... 1 \ \1··-' SUI.JU () \h 'lllll ' I" 11 ..:1.1111 \11nn11 I, pl I Ir!'•·< 1 I 11>1 \!11 l ••J, ( 11Jll1111).i<' \'I'\ I ,.j !"rind ()1·1~ \\ "1ol 'Hr1!1<c \ o!~I ~'<0-11" 1,1'.'\t ;-;rzr' Ill'\\ 111!'1 :<pt 111;.:~ l\ll'l 111 s ~I 1i In• h1•1! \Tr,1 111111, 111,1 111• .. ~. ho\ f( "Ill ~11 •. 1 l 11 I (Jlll'• 11Slh' <1,.l11L'11 lsu,dl~ hllnll ",2 ~I \" II HI J"I ) 11Ill 11 1' 1 ., 1 l.111up\ l\J, "I IJhl• I" d Ii P• ( i1•·i1 \ L1 '1, " 11 • '11,11< h P1g • \II 1 111', •dd I 1,\21 /(.111~• I l ... 111\' 1()(( ,\ 1.1111~1 !! H •lr,\-1,rJIJ 1,\\ll.' 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Also y11n• •l"•'IT!l't! l, .. l,f' ~ I fl 11 I ~ h:7-•}(,;J) l[ll~\~1t~p~I)'' DIAMOND RING 1'1 i11 1.1nt , h' 1· 1 .J1,1tll'!IH!~ ~· 1 II\ \\hlh :..'.•il•I I "1 I • 11_:.i ~"111<'1!1 I I 11 .' I i•pl,u o'rllPlll I .1111• ••I \ 121., \\Ill ,,.JI fvl ~•I l l ('.JI "" 11 !-iJ1k '<.0111 °\~ 11< !, i I-]~ ,I) •'l,I\. p 111, I•" 111 d1 ry pl•, i, J' •rl1\ ,,,, ,,i, L1v&1tock (,(),\ 1 " h·1n,1k llflll!'l•<I c11 r ,, r· 1 10 l !I • I " I l' .ii I n•l 1•11 1'1J I, ,j•1 8075 ilhtlt• ' Mi;cellan;;u·, ·---!080 :il \l\11' !t ~fr olr '1'1-.C!,\L ( li• 111u1,..: ·, lii-·,; ! 1 '\,\I LP \I. f'• •ll«~•il I »11 .. i•'•I ·~.I)... I r~11 SI• ~Ill ~ ! ( " I" 1.1111 • r I' r ('~l1111.i1r, A I: 1 t. 111•1 to I ,, ' -1io1 .. Hodge Podge "H' NT ll ONEYP I'\ I ) I' ILL\ • ii I • •I 1. 1., 1 I • II• ... •hi\ ' "" ., f 11 111 ""''"'' .. . " 11! ' 1(1 Iii '' >I I 11 •', I I '' I ·I '' "'" d 1 ""'I . " " " " " " ... \I ,I 1 • .otl1 " ... 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Pl<1• I, \h i I 1 l>ld .~II 1111•1 "10illl JnllllSO!I [11 ,1 111 ('II ) \\l\IL\ ll 1 .. ,1<.d l.1111 .. 1 • _ -----''" ~•I I !11~11111 1,j) "•·~----• BUY!! .11.' ~ ,,; .. ,1,1 Boats, Marin& Eq. 9030 t,. •• .i. u ... d t"ln11uu lofC. Furn~&Equlp.8085 1 1 ).,\IU I'~; n \Vt'ruh•·· 11ppl, "" ··~ .. ,.\\Ill ,rll lnl l•'U --------------1 1 -111 1 11 1•1 1.,, S!((J ll1i11•h MASTERS AUCTION 11 • ' : I,., I Ii 11 ' I .. , I St'1..;11ll ·,JI!' •I .... I lflht 646-8686 or 833-9625 1' "" 1'" 1.1;_,-LI ~~ ~.:1~1 ]II j, \II f<'.ik & ~ ,1,~- dll h•JI s1111<1,,,,~;'ll~+;1 : ,.:It! 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" Rentals fr $5 1 DIESEL TRAWLERS ~111 q1 I""· 1>•-1•• 11 11 I Super Quality, long i11•k•1 ~Ill h ..... ..'2!1 I R S k 1 Open Nights 'til 9 ange, ea eep1ng CRYSTAL Sat, 'til S.30, Sun. 12.s l 015placement Hull CHANDEL IER ! p 1 \Hll1! LS \11111 L IVI. 1,11<1\,11 , ,,.,,., .. " 1111 L'' * 1anos & Grands* \l.ll,\ltJ! (IJ\!IO!l'ls ~~JI< 'Hll 1101 ,,1111 /'I ;•1• \I l ! 8.11•111 In ( 1lol" (Ill• h1 ·r1n~ I!• JI' \ ( !l! I) SI 10\\'~-[{, I' I --i !1~1het J~.111 .. 1 !.11nh1ll ...,l'\l l!)LS° t .\Bl\S .~ j\ (I)(\ (//C !lt1Li'' :,Jll l\11d11 · \]• 111 \ )]111 1.u.1, ,lln t.:•il•I 1111 ,1 ,11 1 •• 1 SHll.\l ,J-, Fl I\. IJ\wr 1111 I')' 1111111 '1 11~~·1 l ·"·11 •>1'[ "1'111 11r -;fl) I CJL ll'l!r:X·r· '.1 "1'~1 11 1J 'hiloy,\ (l,11h \\111 !\' ,1, 1,.~~1 ),',1~-:~. 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HARRY LjVESAY ,., .. , ,,,,11111.11~ iso• Cl•y Howard Chevrolet Newport Beach IUT~ Dl l lll JOI BAVARIAN f~IMI . I;. H~:;\ '" ,. •I f~I /"I 11! \ \! t \! ..,1, ll .\ 'I '" I ,, 2'0 HP Dle1el 550 MILE RANGE S.12,IJOIJ V1\LUE l"Ui1Un1 ll111'f1•!1 ~!11~t bo' 11,1 llV.,ll\ I 1>1•11 lq t._. lt!•l"• ... 'lkh..-1 1llll1••, I.ti.• U1·:,""~ "1 I''.",,' I I !1" ~11111 1 "I :\!,.1 ,\flj11 I ,,,,I r,., •·I ••Lt·• " ,., 1• ' ( .. "' h ~$ 8 HONDA ~--~ ~'i :::. '-~·:.,:.#' "FRIEDLANDER" ! -, i \I!\ " ' '. '" ,, Only $28,661 SUic 11rl~'f' 111 l'fl1•,.1 only 111101 .hJ1y B, '7 1 Hatter•• of Calif. J.12-1 Vin Oportn, N. U 171') 675-8711 1•1·1c1• t!i,:,.C.t. ,\Ji,k,• 1J!l1·r 1:1 • ..-•;1 :~t li~1 ltib~ t'\•' " ,., ----"f1: .-.l'Z\'1,1 ·1:, Jn...:1..:Y-lll :"-K-1: h•11111• t11ul r ' SO UTH LA ND 1111 ,.,11.i S·' t'lo~~ 111.1.11. /lull, n11ld1•1 Home and Gard e n Show _ '~-" ·, 1~1 .\/I • 2_11 ~!', _ iu111plctcJ . Adil 111 11~1. ---_ 1,,.w:./Mll11uJul\~ l~•ll'•l , r1>1111>r hl"11 r!gg!ni.:. '71 llO)::J),\ ·:~I ! I. l.1 ,.1 1 ~,. ~1111~ & g•i 118111ru,:. t-it'w t"·ll1111t \"t111d •• r11111• 11~~11 ANAHEIM I !rul!(·l', lk•1t offer. ~lust awll ! nil $52:1t fi7'\ ·n~q ' 1'''' Conventio n Center TWO F REE TICKETS N,Jll-'J:itl(J or :i.14-00.19 1 Motor Hom& .. ----·1 , . . ----' ~•II \\ hoo l•'l(P .\l .. tHl'lll• 1 ... .,. ... --...... ---·l ~llJ ~LOOP, ~1,.~·rs 2, lihp Sale/Rent 9160 p1. ,. ·illlit:·~·7:0. ! .,,., i\Sr-Anrnu·;-20'-0P"fi o111. 7 ti11i.;1\ 111 aa11" Hu s i Ii..' \.1~11'111 i:n;i ·. ·;·~.i.,, .. ;·' Cru!Sl'L'. 1~5 hp Qf.tC JO, !Jvl!n. nit lllttnY .JC<:l(){I t1n11''< • \11\CA'l'IUN e , \<>rtll < ,1111111. 1,,JI fl'"' Like Nt'1v' Onlv \14 hr~ ,t l11.tal1n11. Grl.'U.\ lluy AT Y<lUJt <11\,'1 /'1\l'I< 11111111 ,,., "'1 lf1--1·1·io i t-.lluiy xrr~" !nCI. COllVl'I';:: ~ulrr. 5.1~ TUl>llll /\Vt'. ll\i~)~(· fJ'lill l So Calli • . * -~"" 1011. ('\lr1Hillt, l'C: pk~ .. -'~llll011 lleal'h, "'LHl'~l'~! S1'l•'!'!tllll.. f'" 1; CQVl'r, 1•\c. M."JOO Nt:>~ l'\'t I Ir Yilll'l';;h1~M ll1\Y S,\J!.{11: 101·· l' ·Ill !\\Iii..•·'· ~I II ~· ·"1ud•· <'II~. ,I I Pa11y 1714 ) ti7!Y.1197 or (7111 1 $1!(1. <•!' olf1·r. j.4S-j.·,;,7 vr liALJ.S 111 ' •l1"11•I '·11 1"'~ "'' n111 5'19-'.!1'.12~1. 5-L~-4191 1.. l\IOTOR JIOJ\1E 1·1'1111 "11 (·lui"h «· 111·,-.· .. t1r•' ----f\J::N'l'i\LS 111.d• \•ll ~i-t~"'' •irt1•1 .\L~n iT HE',\l!TY. Ex. <'flrnl. .l>hi Boatt, Sllp1/Dock1 9070 •'l s1"d' 1"·1 •, J 11 .. ,,1 "u.: ;,, Vlsli. :ri h11 Johr1,;v11 G11k. I !t4·dh1ll S.<11 JUhll, 'lllhllll 11• ,,11 111111.1~~·H"I!•'• ~ll'<' E le.'.. start. Run llij;hl~. SJ.I P hOlrl!! UIJ to Jj', 401 l"dl• S]~.l~~KJ ,,. I!\ 11, ')•Ill l'l;i; ... 11'1 c:on1pass, horn. 2itaMtankM. l·.~.~t •. l·:iti:•"1 ltl~·r. B!'·1·1,7::l•r 1111111 ~""'Jul i',. \I"'""' i. ... ~ .... I• 11·1 d1111 TrJr, new tlrts, hubs ~J.rll :;J rtu~fi_,!~1G2 e1·es • $1·1:i 11!(, \:.!~~I .i.,), :J :, 11 .• 111111 .. r, h"n11• i.u1111~·1,, ..,-. alr1otnled. OK sult/hl"sh ~I.IP f<>r up to -Jj' Po11·r r 1111. TI !·.'l'.1-li:.!·11 ltlr tu11·l1 /\u 1n""1"r 1·11 .1 11·tr. Sll50. 546--0327 llo.i.tl, Alnple rnrl11ng. -~·-vi.,\;-h1.ol.o· dn11u~ ' 11.\Nl·c•o JO V S?l-l~ •I 111""Jrl~1111t·hi111111 1 ~0114 ,,,. l!!Jl"ll'. , r.. : I P 111111 ' 1 ',',,'.'·.·.~;111"7 .• 11. ".!II 111ir..:. :ixi1--0-r;:,·i '" 67 DATSUN. ,--::, '" Uncl•·r S2:.00. tlro,1·~ •1!12-'Zl_;f'I(), SLIP !\'F:EDED. 11 ', iii ..,..,.. ~ t',.,,._ 491--0!JOO or >tJl--0·112 I O;HtR !'"int llurhor T ·1 T -I '" i., .. ' \\I l~L 'Y 1111•11111: "fll."l ll~ BEST PR IC ES PAID! Dean Lewis lmport1 ! "'• f!·r•-. r 1 I! • \•i •1 ---,";,c;11 tn1:- Y(1l I: l..\!l ,pl6•1(}71J g • ~ Now In Stock at the OL D Price ! • j', ·:I! \ '" 1: 1 I ,; (J I ~. \ '''II"• 1 7 ! ~fl<IJ.I ''"' •• I A UTOS IM ~E ~=1 : '7! fl,\\ \1:1,\._ I 'l"'t'l/ l~I 71 H \\'i\HJ1\s ,\ul" 13} 7 \ ':ii ..:. ,\ ,..;.\·~ General 9701 • BUY or LEASE SAAB & ALFA ROMEO 'l..'\T !.r,\~k l'l.i\'.\:-. ,, I J\IU! :'-lr11 g11"r>!<' Park11:1y , !\11s~1on \'!.,.Ju t·s1: AVl:.:Jt'l Pl\'\' r:xrr I SJJ .2n.i11 e ~'JJ·~~ll~ · 1u1•·1·•l.v ll<'l'h~ 1•1·111 th·· I 1: .• llM•' II;,~ ('!11!0 .:-.i.... • ... ' " 64 5-6406 645-6400 ·f::) B.\l\\' \~Al 1";, .. ,.1 l"n11<ll1ll'>11. •. 193.·171;; * .. .. ,, 6.G. lbd:. G G \lJ,flll , 9730 '71 Jaguar XJ -6 I J 11 \ 111,, 'I , ,, n \ 1 • ,11 L,.·.111 ,i 1 ui11-11<.1 •,.'I 1., $5999 CREVIER BMW ~I I\ I I , I I I "' 835-3171 11 ;to; ) ' I r·p •J,o• 11 ( ".;11." 111 ll'f" I I' !di I " , ' jLllj• Ill""' < 1°1 '"II" \\ lu • J._ ,t ••II I) lo •1 lo·· .] .:Ii lff 1j1l1 \ .l 1, I ,1 \i \r I \\ltJ-11 .1,., 11!>11 f ""' 1,11, $t)'.f'I • I '1 I 1•1\ , : \l.\l'I\ I I l '1""" 1;, .11 !• l I ' : '· ; I 'I •I II l,.\11 '" Boats, san 9060 ·1!l6-7X21 E1"'S. ral er1, rave 9170 F'C'<UP • . . •. , . , jH1\UIOA Ha)' n1tJur111g . :~r F1f!h \\'h•"I 1':1,.11 ,11 :.I $1295 Ii t !l.\!\\ Jw/i'.),l ~)ll I~ n1ruh1 inn t :,roo "r 1 •. ,1 "ffl'r 1;11-;r;o 1.;11nl. · •••• •"'' \\ •11 ORDER ANY CAR 111,1 ~.'~~1 •,:1.: '• JH·",\U1[F11l# ~ tnl·.'."(,.I S41\.i'IO yrly ... FiXl'l'-lljlf)l'l'r hl<'. r>~I' 11lttnl ,\, ,111 , 1'1"1:1'!1 i~J.('.'' Sl~11, ,t'.ilic·r·~l11~~. I IJO~IJ1~~4--14ll__ l'.!1' ti 110n•· 1r111'•,'ll i11. I \oho 11\ei.tl, nlhh.;• 1,~11011, \\'A'."TJ::O· S!iµ lul' Zj' 1,..,11,,1• I n•I•'!' 1•1,1~~) 1111. l ,,,t ,,,., 1· ~Piii 1. 1:rrf•,,·1 ~01~d11loi1. I Bo~t. \Viii puy up tu s.i. per s1-1.11:w1 _ -.;,.,·1111··"· 1 .. 1.1111;.. FOR DELIVEP.Y :Capri 9715 1~11i .'\.I•· .1,,..,,1.,, • '" IN EUROPE 11'.11'1'1 ::• \.+ •. 1 "fli1 , .. r. nn1 .... ~·· o1 .. h.111• s.11~ AT FACTORY PRICE p111.1,. p.1111 ~:!>:•1 , 1',ill 117 ~·~.'1 ~a~1 l.;•,ule1l 11 · X Tn1,;. ll ~·· 2134 , . 11 .. 111•'. .i::J-i'i!M11/:ill-l•t.o11 I S22500 494-1126. · rnr ~vr.~. _ __ · . 12. ,·-rT l' ,.,11,_.,1 N". '"'. GJ. Boatt, Speed & Ski 9080 l; :"l 'l •'l'~\'1.\.'\, 11ocMA11a1 tt~D .c.» MS·OfiliO ~;'l"'I! llH1<'1'U')' p!un111n;.:l l\ l:J 1,,7 "I"~ l'.Jl;S l,1111•11 ..... I.I '' •. ,. 11.,,.1···.,_,,.,,.,,, I 11 lid;.'~ 111 •• :., .. :,.:·,, .. 1 :;.11 I . ' .11+• • !'<1/1• \ \IS <1111 I .ljl I•"' c. .,.,. ,, .,~ s 11y r11 ..... , s1 1.-" f ---- roruJ. Uk bllni hul! 11/ Ile 111•110• V-Bottorn, 170 hp. 1 • ____ .i1:1-•ill:.!·I 'i! l'!l1:rnl·lt. 260IXJ "" EURAUTO '7'..! \',\l'l:J ··~_.1 1" •1 '!"L 11lw•+• S!.7:i1 1:·:,, ::•1 673 4550 A:\l/V~l ~,,,1,-1 ..\11. 11°·1·•11· Jens en ____ -9732 blue dk. Co1np. l'llJ'ltll:{ ril(, 2 Sc" ill: F;drgl'ounds (;n!I •72 Tl-'.IOtY Pi' 1'l"''I'" J:-:-r'lll . 11:>1/t ~I lt:1d1u. '.\!a~~. ~n~I~. ~1'1'.~ll·. lla~. ~win H.an~··. JOO Fair Pr. C.1\1. I 11p ;1wnln!<. ,\: •·11~v 1111 s1:l!k'1 lt;iilia! , 111''''· ~ll\'ll , :\Ill! '" .. 1i.1111~. !11 .. 1111 llll'lll]l11, J" -~-----" n1a11y fol('("· $·100. 67:.1·.'l.·18. 5.%-9!J9:\ :..i~JX4i! • ' 1 ••Hd l2.-'(~). fll'r'I !iG~-~!~:1:: 11 1£. l.ASE!t-r11 1 ~11 l n r.; 1 J:i7"JM.ISTON WHA!.F.lt. 10 hp JJ' Alll ST!!IO: .. l.ll. 111 !' i·uuii. Vans 9510 nothing, /\JI equip, in ~OO'f I Fvin111d!' trlr l1295 Call r !)(\ l I s ., . 0 ~h:.J)!!. Hit.~ ~an1 C'lr;·t !or s-1s...~.' ' ' ~ .· 1';111',110!1-1.1.-"u ll,\'.\l 1Y.\I\\' .~l'E('l1\l.. ':;.'\ Wil! BUY YOUR ''' .. ," ,.,,, .• , f,11<"" <i"ll" , .. , A.\IJ.Jl[(.,\;-\, ... u-9 .. lfl I· ·I SI \" C I -""' -., ' '' v Jo '1 ·-----''I' ' ''I-' IHI ;l!'\'('' DATSUN TO rark. $675. 640--8·~9. I Campers, Sale/ Auto Ser. & Parts 9400 1 11 .. 1d 'li<n 1 . ..:1,,1.1;,r ;\v• t11 ·~·;/\Lt',\ l:Ol\ll~U 2000 r.·1 \', , YOTA LUXURIOUS Seu \Voll <10, Rent 9120 , , -j ''"r11 "11111,,"~· s:11'1 •·r 1;,. ... 1 i·,rii ~i 11111C''. 1 11111111 t' · OR VOLKSWAGEN 11.,Y•d liull, beauty fur ra1·c, J .. , . . . OVF:HDR.l\ f. fnr 1H1y •:·1r "I •ifll'I' !iv ,l11Jy 1Ut11 L11urrr1. B 11 1 ;.: "I\ '1 Y • !~•'It 111 1 [',\IJi ~(JJ( QI: !\IJ!'. \\JLI cnJ!sP lii·r nhoiu'<I ~·1:' 000 , 7i fh,.1·yVanffJnv1•r,,1un . .l.ifl l !nlt'k . 1\ .. 1·.-.r qs1"I. i...z 101 1·~1~:7.-~, ·•111 .. 111"h+I" s·1-ikL l!t!~L;'''f l:\.Y.T<IP J)!Ji.l:i\R 1 ,i:J. ' ' '· . '''''n sro11• ,-,,,, , . .,,,.i,, 111stn.1! SJ1", '<l .,,.,q --li·u 1 "_111•_~_,,t:.!•' 1,1. '. r 1\1.1.l.·' .. '·'"'·011".'. 11~;,-~Vi71i. I . . . . . ~·. !'., "' -__ . _ _;___:_:_' ::..--\\ ''T TO Bl'Y ;i:-1·~ -~ -' -' J"IU . E """ . I . S:WXJ. or oH<'r. ! 11.N.\-l r.U rf>H ir:i•I•• .. ,,, 1·11· I''" • Audi 970-7 1-, 1·r7'.,---l_l_ ----1 l\IT , J£i:>. Guoi, '"1t1!1!1u11, :.! , . ----' · \1111, dU', "lll" ,•: "lh1 r 1·11~1n1 · ·"'-'·' ' •" \IUI "'"' sets 011181[11 iv/hoHI rovt'r & 1~ J.:LDQH,\UO in~· cabover lu~1·1i"!.:'""1~ 1 .. , I~ 111 h ... 11 "i'n"11~. H"'I ·..:•I 1,.nd ,\ ... ;1111/f1:1 r .. ·!1", 111 1 r r .. ,., . trlr. r.1nke offer. fi7:>-JOj!I X!nt cood. l 1400. or ht:'~t ol· 1~1. ... 1'.!'.'-•_· _ _ _ I 1, ,,, d1· 11 1'1.,\::-o~ I': •-\l I 1! 1111 SJ. St"l:in 1·:uu:~·r. 111 ii h•1tll'"'r ~~~"w1 ft<r Prl Pty &12-S.119 'b1 8 · 1. SIS ------nul1U, hl r. 11u1. air. hc i),'1' ,,ij 1~ .. 1 '"1;11 ,,,1w1,.11 11,1 LIDO 14, 11·/s;1lls, & traLll'r, . · · ' --· u1c ... runs. l:•i'~ ~·111:1) 1.,·,,1101111(• ~>111. •l-1« 1.i~1 l.IJZ.1 ~ 1:.•1 , . 1!11y Lido Bid:·. S111ro• 102 1111· li7:1-t.\'n :110f\£-'<'111li•rt. l\•·1v11111·1 H,.1.,·h Oat1un 9720 1 ______ ..:.:.::.; Alfa Romeo 9705 '73 Jensen Interceptor Ill 1\ll f0! 'I 1".111'. ,In C '' 11 ii I.culll!'r llll••n.11·, t•,111 c1: t:q1111<', \'()I' \ll'.~·1· ~Et: Tll!S t',\I: •l~~ll.\l!I• ' $8999 CREVIER BMW \\'l's! 1,,1 Sl n•rt S:1111n. Ana .~-.....:.83:;:.5·3 __ 1_7_1 - Karmalin G.hta 9735 " ' . '""' LI! ,.,, I. ~~ll•I 11~ \I I ill ~ •! I I!>•' l I• ii 1 1;~· \ \\ f .i •'l'f. I '" "' " ~ ~ ~ ·~ ~-.. 73 Mercedes 450 SLC ol 1· .. 1 1· .. I:,' I •I!'':" J, '" !",I •'l'l'I)\\ I• $16,900 ROY CARVER , Inc . 1:111.J.~ f(ll\'\·1 : /, \] \\ ~ . ! 1. I 7!1i :-1 .11. 1111 i ! \l!.l'.<'Ll;j, J.1 -.1 """'I ' ' •1\ l\' • •+ ;-. .. '· "~~ _.' ,,, ' ~II I '-' ! ' . '" • •l•i' 11"11 1 • •r•11• ·I Jim Slemons Imports l:~l1 Qu111I :\. 'II l.l"t'I I\, . " ~ ... -:1 .... 1 1 •!. I_ ~.\_I_,~"~!~!:• i\1 \1.,. \!(1 !H r. OVER 35 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY Hou se of Imports 523-7250 TT\!l>Z ~.-,.-;:--U.•a11··,,-.,-.. ~.\-11·, 1: 10\1;ol< lt1!1o h«!, StiO<'! 1, ""d ""'~ t.:liu·. SGtillO. I'; • <J; 11 11 ... "·•·" MG ; I•, \l!J!l d·-1, \'1, '"•I\:' U11 11111 fir • .. '. MGB .1•.1: I ' !I Por sche 9742 "I'! l·• oil\ 97« 97l0 ----------1·111 .. ,1 111 'II! 1 '~•I !Ill hlnWI 111 1\ 1111, :'-Ii• 11"1111-. .;: • ~111 ,, 11.1 1~:1 '.,! o. 11• 1~11 111'!11 -1 -- j11 l'(JI:~ Ill 'Ii I I 'I\\ li!I• 111• 11••r. • .. 11.i ~1.7m ~ii I ,I, I" I• • l~'I I' I , '" ll ! Ill In l \ln1 1·111 \!:I' " ,, ',.' u•·,\ \~ " I I ;, I" 11 '. ,, !I \'I I! \I 1 , Ii• I'• L\ Ph • •~» ' '· •• !:_ t'l"·•!\ + l • ·, I t11/~ "111•1 ~,.,, '., ,,, ' ' 1•1!.;h .. I• ... ·~, : : 1 ·n1: ·1 1 r o111. • ol S.•-~J· . .ti '• 1•1 f ~ I ' " ; : ' •• f•nl(..,~'!ll -'llT l'l.I \\ J, "il•h' \\I •!· ,1 , '!.~· •I• 11 11p•111I ~·1.~~I "'" 1, 111 )'1)1 :~('111·. ~11, .~•11~·1 I 11'·11~ .~1·d. ll!'\\' 1'!11.! ,\\111·'.\1. \I ,J.:~ "" ~1·1.ill •I'd '·'-'' I'•<'!. l'(J[{...:.('llt: '111 '! \Lf· r .. not, 1 .. 1, .. r ,.,,, , ~\.\.~! I ;111 I;:!\ l:l'tf\ .<fl (i''I Saab 9760 Vdi7 ..:\_11: ~~ \ 1 t:•in' S l•••h' l1k' •1o·•,1 •l,ljM1 :,,,j-~· '1: ';' l I "l·_j 'iii l• .11111 1 ,\ \] I' \I T oyota \1 (J>I,; 9765 "1 ·•·"••I. 1 ·,i~~ 1'11 ,., ' -l "'''l '"' ( ·,.n1r"I. ILt'!ll 111 Pri Ply Wants 'I'.! TOYOT1\ Cni'ln:i 11 a11 \hH '1•11d C;1!I ~1:-:il-i'l\lil SlGO. 'or o..-~r ntrcr. A NICE 8 TRAV,F.~ QU~EN pcrle.:"t I f; ... 1 _Ttrt'S :.i, \1·11 -.1 111•! 11~1 11·:111~. 1 .. 0 1;11,11 ,, 11 1.,r1 Bt'.i"h U!l'. 7! 1 1,g l).\'l S! :'\ l'JC1,t'P. ,u1T BOAT 979--17·19 1..-ind. rt lni;:Pr&t1on & lots o! \J 11 \. . 1\ 1 \\l1u!1" ~ ,1•11 l"UH 0 ,1;111. ,_ .. ~-~0::1\!l , 1.,111nu1i: , .. ,~1 1·: .. lolt •·n:, :-.trlls S9'0 "~ll2l . · .• 1n1~11·•1ll;: l"l'"'"l"ll·~"'I 1·,1 .1.,,.~ · ' 1 h 73 1-V\R :>JA'.': 1;J!l,\, l1k" MB 280SE "j~ TIJ\'OT.\Cannn, nohl! ""'! 1;.1 ·~·n•I l1 .6!J:i Olf<'r .. 1· lr;,,J,. f•>r Truc·k. 6ij.-2f,li~ ·;o Tn1 .. 1a ("•ton11, 2 ch·, <llf e"nd , ;,n1., !r;1 n~. R;i!I~ 11hl~. SH~<I fH:?-lOS~ r1·1>s. ·;1 T(JYOT,\ L1u.;J"11a GOOI! t·nnd ~I ,:,11 .\~I< 1· :•pL1l, (',di -1 '.f>-lr• ·,7 16','•" Enl•·-"••·. T" li••ll.'-.• ·--·.·. · · onu· • · l'lr1.·>. ' 1.-·,,,,,_. .1 ·_1 ~ •.• _1. ·' -_. ,.,,,, -----., I i .. 11' < ut<· .-. l'nlh. Slllh/ .,,,, ,, " • ~ '• ,\1111 lfllll.S .... unrf, .\Ji•-'i!~I 11•'11• Lo nu\; .. \l'.\1. t'I\\, 1• •Htl1••! l\tll P''·" S-l•fli)· w/liO HP Volvo, full can\'llS 10 5UN.DIAL Ca111pcr. A/C. I G1ii:-;!j", !'VI. +il.)-1~~,ri 1 1 ... '.! J• Ptd ! ·, •1111iln1" \ ~11 .\ \l-F \l ><111 ... u1i1n11,·. 11111~, ------~\'I\\ S'..'.!Y.I:) •il IJ 1;.i: ... ::1;,.-, $1JN~I 1.11.11 ... ~ 9'"· Mazda 9738 1 7,.-llT"H1·r·111:,:,;:;-1c1_t:_S_Z_c __ ,, 1.:. crpl, ~·~ yl'll o!d, "'/less 70CXJ n11 on new eng. $2400. J 1+111 J><111C'l•"I ,1,i '"l'Pf'l•·d -~·· h7 1-10"li lil LlAf''l \ :~J!Z l nl· th!ln 2oro hn1 on ij:en, atkln11: ·~133~fore lP!-1 ·11__1·1., 1,q,. ~1·.o. !'rJ 11::1 nia1·ulah' 111 .t .. u1 ,(· l'l11· s~.5.'it-Z.l:l6. 7tV\V pop-top rainpcr11:1h l l Autoi tor S•IR ][~]11'.! ~'1i1:r 1 ''" ~12 -,,,c~: BMW 9712 1nu .. ~. \\'1U 1r,.i1 .. ~~1-11.Ho VANGUARD 470. 1 yr old, IC!ll & xtras, S2850-. I ''1"· s.;i:io :\lnl ((O!ld ORANGE COUNTY 'S I Dir very clean, tra11<'r, rovtr, ;l'!;).lL'lfi i ' "'"' 41>1!-~l:J _ OLDEST ::!li,\·1.-:l·.\ ',!.\ll~f!l!.----:W. ~"· Ullinan s a ils, Motorcycles/ !Rec Vehicles 9530 ·•11 t'fJP.D \·,\;-., 1; •. 11 [)('lu'l' A.\1/t'_\I hi"\'"'" 1111· 7 ' I & 1na•· 1\_111!1 r•nl)' 1:+.(1()0 !HI-S 14-962-692~ Scooter1 9150 •T k :'id~ """1" t>•..ty "'"t'h NE\V 40· F'IC er 11 Kc1rh, Sportcoach '72 25 ft. ~11~111 1:\''"' ·~,~_?+;:;;1 ,, ~l'l!Jll 611-~1:11~ DSL aux. leak Ucck5 find 1:16!) 110'."DA ?.50, i\!1:-JT ONLY 8,560 MILES ··:11 1·r)1:11 J· ~flll ..:111.,1 \',•II. ''i \ 11 \T."T .\ illl. 'I'll , lr\m. Sttll <lll'Ry. •lfi.:1.\f. CONDITfQN. Grny llui1't'rl 1'\1i< \'II f'lll<lllf', ~J 1\\11 ' 1 to•llil 11 11 , i'ad\nl,, s1::ill id li,,d111I 111-•", •ldt' >11,,J•l1:1~<. Seowlnd NP\\'p<lr l , 6·12-6(,()1 1111111 never r id1•s. \\'a.nts 10 (;.>11"rn111r 11•1111 <!ual ;.iu·1 b,,L ,.r1 1,;::-11 ~.1 lond"1 :l,(KllJ1111. s:1~~1:i. SPAN J\tlLLEn • I ' S"ll' $4!15. 5-l!J.20:15. 32(X; f~lllfllfl,!ll!T\c;, ~11"111'1', ln1h'I '61 . ·---.. :n-'.!1tl'I _______ _ &!JOt. l!I CC IJ1.1kotn <.."M 1 l..u...:ur1011slv a111~•1nrr·d u1 Corvair Van. $295. 1974 BMW's J1\T~!"\ ·o.:, 1;1n. 2 1t1· lidt11 rigged. Good tr1tln!ng bor1t · ' 'lri<' ,\.: ,,1,,-1• .. 11,,r ~1 ,.,.,1n". .1~t11:.' lol:...."' ioerious s a; I c r. 1~1i01.~ PENTO'.\' 1~:1 Sl l5., .. I -----lll .. 1,., k 1···.nh f"r 1111111< d1r1ll' 1111 l'fltid , 10,!lOl'l 1111. 1':\~·t•! 645-4574. It 1!1711 ~ SUZUKI ll\ likt~ ncll' I J'"11 "1' !ll'!il.,. .... •11J'"· tra11'· ·;1 I ('/.J'.1;11 1 ~'" n11, SuJ -•1' !!t-lh'<·ry }' ~f"l'lll'nl ~hin\i.:, ...s_n1I )~"1~1. >.1;-:,11;: 15 L" SN fl'E ·J . I S·l60. 1971 c ,\PHI 4 !:ifKi. i\l\l-f,:\1 ~1 ''"'" 1,1 ~ 11·, ... ·k,· l'flll11 ;\1H>.!•. T' a n ,, 11 •• rl ' /)I\ ri•1n;i1nuii:; 1973 lll•"ll'ls. '71 DATSUN 1200~ , . • .·"ti\ t nnr' I Sil""·•·· 10 ,.NI b''·· ,, .. ,,,,,,, ,\ 1HJ>t· ,· n·ar ~1 of'11 '''"· '11.i 5-l~-.iil.i l or hl'.!-:?2,-~··· "'' , . .., ''L'l(l'fC'"' 1·A •·1s·•· d ' ,.. ~ I · · · · .. _,,-, "'•# ·., ..... · ' 1\111" •h:ll ~1 ."1!!:1 1'11 J:.,-ac, Sllll!, trailer, C'O\'t'r. P'''·' !!' .. 8 "'~·Ji!. 1 r('ur 11· H'!'l", t'l't'1 \ •ti' Autos Wante.d 0 \'F.P.Sl"'S l)F.I ll'EI · doll """ ·• ..,,....., 11 9590 ·. •· ·'' · · · l\ d1•'"'"r. \o. (". c .. ~r., \. fP~" y, Sn<>::i lfU1kr orr. !t'a!urr tn•H~llll•''' ~ l1ar•·l1 ROY CARVER I 673-71n~ YAJ\IAH1\ ·11 2j()~IX. ni;iny •·1·.-.1· o<;,·it :-.111 ... 1 1 .. s...... , nc. -1,7fl1.1rst·;,,,P1r1Z:-1·P UDO 1 . . xtn•s. Xlnt rond. S.[.0_ "r t~!:! tB1J1 CADILLACS 1:<11.1~"' HnYr~· li.11\\ .~h"fi' $!17'1 rond., 2 4-_,,s+ot ~1111~. :~~~!: bt'st orr('r. D;i)~. ~~iG--8..'tl.1. I $14,950 Largeit Selection 11.i F.. lith St • ,·7·\.',!r·,; 11fh·r ·,_•fl • 673-3731 I El'eS, &16-Z226 l In Orang• County ro~t' :'-!l·~n • :i.tf.-.4W-I i),\·1..;1·, -..--;:! ~lu% .~1 ... i... *HOBIE 16 I 0 llONDA CL-70 l(OOd blkc f1)1· Ju.1.tlD~()Jl~ r,111111. IX-Ville~. !'.-...Ian ri... I :'-\.1;.:• .• \\1/~\1 11•.,1· 1•.u111. * 45 • lu11. v.'Ork or l'!•m,-.IJO<lv's 'I *TC[~w~ ~· k LEASING I 'I' I'! T II I · \·111r~ r:• r>orR'"'' -en, 'n/1•1.1 ~ .-~ _-, •r1 rR rr, .. t:.r1, 67:r017<' 11rr ;i11m 1 rir.•t :fffl n1L hut ~,.,,J 1'01\11. . , . ~· , ''" SPEC A LISTS • :i. 11•1·111i1 .. ~. \J~.1 111;,,nv Cltl111 • I . F>.a t -972-S Lloo I. -&. n !11u~hil'_S]~l 1~Ji;.-;;!,i l 1 , , · • •• · I -~"lt•rt r nd.llnr Tradr 1n• ::l't'\1• r dur1ni:: le.1 st' rr110tlljjiiij~jiiiJ:~~jiii rr!rr, xtras, xln!, r.i.1.0'J.1'1 '11 .rAilIAHA 1~ ~nduC:O. :~)() OJ'E.'\ SU:\U.\Y J, linpnr1a11t Crt·111·r l!'I\\ 1 8' .s \HOT y ·1 1-1 JU.::\uul 1111. stn .. t lflllll' .. ----·----l\i•~ lt\\,il'dl.I 1)11' [~\[Il l ' · t 1rn:n~~"' · rontp. n ·!easl'. :'\I nt !'Ond . I BOATS-TRAILERS ·'•'t'\11·(' ,\11u1d Ii\ Jl.,f!111111 _" -'"" i\l11lnr.~ \\'f' 1>1'1• drdu•Ji ft>d •'1'1'"s•'",,,'.1dtlll)n Cnll 536-!J:>~~f .·,•.•.·, _'"11.--.-,". '" RV STORAGE . 1970 ISW\NDF:fl 27.118 <ll"'. Vl·:Sl'A 1unturscooter. 24 H S •t to l.ll\l' ·'·1•11 i•·•"I ~l'r11.·1 • <•11 New pn!nt. Coinp. 1>qulwed. 1'!5 tL'. L:nrtcr 4,000 n11. 1m & In ;uOut·~~~~~e ~-0111· •1r11· H\1\\' s~ 11'1 .....,.,.,, fl "·"' ·"'"' rnpg. Xlnt c:on<l. SJ5(l. .,_,~,:>. rn1 ..... ..,..;,,,., . 4~268 \lo11thly l\11t cs SABOT, !'f>lll[llrtc \\I /sails & Jlf)D,\K/\ lOO, 511711ki lOO. l'ruri"lf' . ..;111111,n 11..,11y . s~:11 COMPLETE RV h"U1 set up Lor d•l'I :\Jn1. l =~~~:c.67;,..:;l3!I n\nny >:trus. $235. cfi. or SERVICE & REPAIR SAILBOAT S1!1nty S:11Jo1 J S400. 1.J01h. !lGS-13.1<1 I CENTER STORE yrs. old Used 5 thnt's. Xln't. SUZUKI 50(), ll("\I' tin_-~ & -NEWPORT IMPORTS -c:ond. SlOO. 213/459-lfiO-I. h k h t I • ~ J \\) ~ ~ '1 11 HOB!~ CAT 16, w/tr11Uer. r-;~11 s~~is.s$~~. ~~~78 con{. \' 1• ' 1· 1 I race {"(IUipllf't'l. S14j(} '13 If us. K ,. ,,~ ,,,.,.,I "'100 I · I )11(',. ... f.::lh af!rr :1 -"" 1\ " '· f'"ii;.t \11·y., N.B. I Ulkt". like UC'\\', Nc1·t'r Sanlu i\na Fniv al 642-94-05 GAtr · HJ G 1 r Sl.111p1·1· r;1n•tl S!lOO. 61.'l-<1102 Siind c.in)uu 1:::-.u 1 1 WE BUY-USED CAR-S I "'/trlr. \!~ ,IT olrl ST.iO. '71 llO:"Jf)/\ l!Yl SU"•'f'' or •lh'l ~714 ) 551 -1871 ~2-:.102~ ".!:..~:\1"" ;,_11-1i.1.~ _ ! ~.10'1 ni 1l"s :-.In! i·nru! s:ri:i. --------AND TRUCKS SAr.crr. r··~1~t•'rt·(I s .. 11,._.1; ~fi9-0l~. 1Cuni" 111 for ;i frrt· ;11·11•·:11•.11 F1!>1·11"Ja,~. rll:l:•"t 1 .. r . ral·· I u n:-.o \ ~.-1 n •rd~ ii nrk 1'1· UHt f. /.E t'u~!\•rn .\Jlnl110 Cl{lJTJ 1 l'llL\ 1:111.1 :·1. ~~~p1·1·f1"<I S..:_!:1 f.llC-;,.';'i'! l.i;·en:,~I_ siOO. ~I' ~Sl ofter. i\1rr 11••1'11' Sl11s 5 .r, ·I 1~!11 JI<'.\ h lJl1•d, !IU111 ll••t> (;•·n··1' 11·>1 1' /ronf ~ir. lully x n.1 ~J'i7 .. 11 :::~n '73 BAVARIA !'pt'f'•t, ~1111r•1 .. r. 1\1r !'i!t'I'<" t~MilJrl.• $7999 CREVIER BMW 2 ,, II '''I !~1 ..;II•'! ·1 S;1111·1 .\IO't 835-3 171 AQl'.\l:I L'S '.!\. Sr11•11.d 111111. t'all :~1!..fl!li':i. S!f l"tlol 1·1 ... /'Ill. :'t1·1••1)i . ------ Slltll'I' l'l'\llSC l!•IUljl. :\1111 1 ··1 suzu1-.:1 :.ioo. f'lll'lll;.: ,I. " " !II\ I ii". >-10-\()1\0 nr Autos, Im ported 9700 Autot, Imported c-.•ml. 49:\-.ilJO. 111nd!h1eld, li.000 m1, X!11t '.'I " • '-' "'~ 1----~-----------'--);..c..;.:., __ ;.;_::.; ~1j,11;-~n t. h1ll·r1ur. ,,,nfi. $.650. !l>J:l-17!13. 1'1:11 -;11\-.1 \ \f,1l<orho1n••. y.I ,, I .I·:\ \'!:-\f: Sr~11· 'i:: ;\1 \ZI i \ lt'\.'L ()nly 1•1~1 1n1 \11 -'i.! \1.\i'.ll.I I::'\: ,\tr, '11 i""l, 1,•,,1 l1f'I', 1'111~ I int;/, !lll'l,il I 10 1·1•1111 :,:)l-'!'.:ti~ '72 .\1.\%1!.\ '"-'" ! 'l"'"il Ill· 1·.,. 1, ( 'l1·1u1 ~ 14 1:1 ' 11 l!r I \fl•, I,• 1: !:; ~~00 I:! .\J.\zi!.,-i:;.: ~ .~111v1 11. !11·11.ut~·, all'. S:?0.~11fl 1111J.·~ 1;,ula),\. s1;~1!j 1111r 1 B11h 61:0-j71)0 ;i 1:o1t11rv l\1a!(\;i 1Koofi:-.l·f1 E\,.r!Jrnt Sl'.!~~1 •I llr • Bn!. 1;.1;, ,-,71111 ;i :>I111d11 P1~1011 ··n:.:nic~ :r, 1111. pt•r ;:al. J\LOO nu. Sl·IDl:l "I' h .. 1 .. 11 ~.~1~;-:21 I! 1:, :. l•h, l:/H. 'I I\' ltl\ ,11-;" l.1"-1· 111 ,, , 11111•1 ••!J ~_' .. ~f VI 11!1 ~j,..i,j"7\ MercedeS B-.n:r--9740 ·:i~l \l ,.!"<'''1"~ l'"f ~1. ll('f'rl~ cn"llle s:~1 ('ull .• l\.1!'•1 =~ ;:>,\ l'L TJlU:;L .\ I' ! ' L L rr:1·:r.1 ~r.s :.11•! 1 .. 11 ;·n ;o1i1!1J11111111 l~Hh <11id jlOI.-. . Tl1i·1 11 111 l•ri1<l1l••n 11\1' l il•'l"I /,. II "lik•'-111'\\'" "1•11d111n!1 I 111\'<.' 1111vrli1111.: lo• s.~1 1 ·• l.,;s.-. ;i D11 ill' l'Jlnt l't ...... 1rr .. rt /\!I. Call 1:~~-iili7~ o. _I bf'<I of1rr ;,;,7....,1100,, or I Sl'Z~l'.Y'I •·n~inr 11,,r1.,-' t ''"I'"'"'' -.1,·,.11~ fi. F ly l &M j\/1", (')!fo.,\I" (';ill 71 I T t 1 •'II' ii Ill• .:uo\\t'!, 1111·. I" 1 HARBOUR V·W FIAT OEALll IN AMlllCA 11,.·,1 I .1\1/F~l ,l.;r.·r1••J, .\11' l'/1:. ,, 11o, '.\!1.' 01111,1 Xl11t noll (h !'•I ~J~-,1 , Pont i ac 9965 Pontiac . . YOU GR MOU FOR YOUR MOtilEY AT S A ANA TOYOTA! $1 4995 VALUE BONUS PACKAGE FREE WITH EVERY NEW TOYOTA WE SELL DY:.10 TUNE e .lllGNMlNT • UNOflSlAL e Pt RM A CilAZE e 0001 fDGf GUARDS e LOCI< t;I.! C.lP a ANO ~JR. 0 J\)OOOM lll WAIUNn-. CHECK OUR SAVINGS BEFORE YOU BliY! -··· $AYINGS Ot<I MOST MODti.S rAl.('tl'\-l!i. <'"111111"1•• I .~11'\1, 1;i1;-!~•2l lio ~c ~ 'J11!+ or !1,J OIL'. "·ltr;11lrr. .\· 1"•1'1•1 ,1111 7~ .-.1111ih1 .\1 ~1-:-.i;.;·--.-,-"l-.~::.-.-,.r i;ir1-~1"1 I CAN SOLVE YOUR . JUST ARRIVED-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY eo•wl .'\I r;·~ SJ,0.•1 '~iJ-121!! 1 1~·-1 nftvr "r 1raol1· f,.r r·nr Sports, R.1ce, Rodi 9540 t..t:J1i\1 ,1'l 11r r11 .. ·1);1.1,;-;;111: ~1~~~0 ~'.!.':'! ___ ~ __ _111!"'---I f it)I< rl111~t1~. ltlHT '''llllf•. 1:_r, l'F:'\T(J\: :\ln1 l"!lld !·.fll(;\ll 'I,.\ \oc rt11"f' •"Ir F >i .. I. \H~\ (;.ti-uc:,' .. c.___ Y11n1;oha 11"\, ;... h, :-.1 11111, 1.i .. 11 II ··111.:1111· si1 ... '' .I •("1-;,,.-C-,,-k 'I .,, ,._,, l'Jlll, 1\11~1 •1[,_1!!Jli~. 1 {,. .-.!; ,\I , 11101111 ;,.; n•a ..... 111a\•' ,, 1"..i , •. "f'r(•C'do1n" 4 11111~ nld '68-HONDA-300--4 Wheel Drives 9550 lrirld, ll'H IN'I.('. ~:~). 1;1;...1Tl5 Otrrr fll~-:i'jft(1 ;:..._....:.=. \\ 1 \i\°Tl·:Ji J_.AZJ~l-1--!\'l f'.1 • .11 ·1.1 1 • 111:1111 ,11 •~. ~· 1·r l '\:\ll'FH · 1 ,111 ! ,,,.,,1. 1;,.,1 ,,[(, • Ali;.> f•or ~a ir: h:lll' 111 :-.Int , · 1 · • '1111 , ~,.11,,, e<>nd . 1\·lik"; li1:Hlli9 h~d1•.111\1r• JU!'li. \'rTy cll':.11 P \cl l··•r C IT\-11--N-C'.\1.1.: r,~2-::-;~n j'·I' \\'!1.1 .Y . ..; !'.I::.\, (11\.·111.11. ' ' i: ,\RA1 , . . . -... Sl ~lll f1r111 11'1(' 11111\ >:Int 1..-.nd. S:tlOO 11, <:'/\A nv f.R C111n1wr !'h··ll ..::,_ ··r ' I ' GT. .. 210'J li!~ .. ~1~7 I Sl..0 H;1nt'hf'ru (,,•1111"1!· _ ''~'•'· .111 •I 111 • · ,,\ ·I li..llllboal "/xtral ~ \:\llF\1 fC Irk lr)11 1111 O'll ·r· I . . s:,o. 1>7 All. fl·ll-:J".(lf, i·;1 T!•Ylll \ l.111<1,1111"1 & lrh'. r.rt !or fl~h1ng 11l so PANEJ.F~I> C:11np(·r SHELL 6•1-_ •1•1 ~, 1·...,. · S.i1:i. 96l-69.J~ l~r T~).OIJl _]ong-IX'rl. s17·, ·-. .--.~ ·: Ill '~~ -~;·' --I .. ,, . (allt,1&-07.>.1. 11 SCOll. fi !)I, pl~. P l\CKET St}h (.n.rr r 11:: 1972HOND\ CB·.'.iOO Four )'l'llu11. s.~ ... '1 \In! 1·111 1!1 I ~0011 lll motor. C a ti '' • +>1 1·12'!lt'll'~ &12-7(r>G. r.tany Exlra~. Clean. l{OO(I ____ -:_ ·--_ l ~;~~~~~====::'.:====d~·=S~l:l:O:·:O:':'°"~'='~f,=lf,:,:·-~";'~ e LANI• lt0\'1·:1: 'Ii!!'.~.~ .. e ""'"' palnl .~ !II•"· ,.1·111.I pt'l'f•·t't tOll<l . ::ill·!(lll~. !~ti.I>; £.W,f§TAR GA'ZER•i<.. T•ucks 9560 IJ1 < I \ Y R 1'01.L.~ N<-' ---~----'-j l!ilot. 1ou• DD•lr A<h•ilf Guo.Ir }:). !fl'., H '1" .l «o'C/,~g •o •~• S10<1, oci ll"!o•I...., Tri dev,lor:o me•\Ogl' for ~u..,doy, 2.32.u .6Jr,-: •end wo•d• C'J"e>por<l•n~ to numlH•• .11.91.86 ·:· vi your Zc.:J•oc b"'" >'9" sco~"o I Oun(• 111 .. .,., e• y,.,, }"'" l'1 Mo• 6/01 Ot'. /J ~~~ 1'111 1)1\T~\':'\ 1•11 ·1, l'I' I ,iw 111 i11•:it;l'. I ::1• lin 1 ~1100._ •,11-7977 '71 Oi\~SUN . :\!l,U11il 111t.-17,'.~ j l i re~. Sljj .•. ECONOMY CAR NEEDS leose A New STANDARD BEETLE MODEL 1111 64.32 Mo. ' I l ~ 1 A' J l '' 1ncl,1c!(':. df's!1nal1on & l)H'P charq£>•;, A~l r;id10 if'lllhf'rptt<> '1 :;pcect 11r1<1P rsea! <Jll colo r s ava11;iole 'b5 vw 113 . (PCT290 i 'b5 VW Bug (SJl923 SS95 S795 lease A New DASHER ~ •.rief'rl. 11·a!h•;t, r;1111n 11nc1cirs1>.1I AM ;ill (11•·,r111.l!1on & t11••f• ChiUQ•"· YOU PAY ONLY 91.67 Mo. 'b5 VW Bug .. S795 (lfX466) 'bSVW113 1429GBK S695 l [l "'' ll C: ... t.<lontt eJ c.;,.,..t NO• /! ':/"(" • t,., J• lo~• e• ""'" .._ !>"' J) 1 ... r·~·· 6~ '"'"" 112 u.J~f<..• t."•,. ~11<.l•""""' ee(""""" ·~51.1~·· l',111 ii 1r ... ~ I 1!1 itiT:i~ (-;\,11so 11 .. :id,·•~. n.11""1 t•'11-i• 1~. •7 '71 VW Buq .. $1899 ,1111,-1i ,,1,,n·' ~-:i11 1. 1:1l 11t'x1 3 VW Bug $2499 Rodio. 1nnqs, 1ucJ1al ~1' ... ~ 11 ,·,1u11f lD •· 6· 19.J6 ,8 t.8111)90 ' ... 11111 ll _.._ _AU!; II I 16 -;-1 ~~ 6116 v1•c.o IQ.,., 31\/•"tOI 61 ... ~~·o"'• \A(;llTA Ul/I e~. JSA•• e~A • • • lO<-NO• •• \I f'..• '"'°""'"o .. ~ ..... , 69 1~1..,, '0 "' •ow .... ~ 10"""''"''' ofC. 11 :1 11 """'" •t N°'" 1I Hro""""'ll S 13 l).JS •• ,,~........ •11• '''"''"9 l ]A •l ""•• l)f.ou:I 1:~61 _ , I• II •• ,...,,., I• l'lon Cot.,ltCO•H 1)1,..,, •~1·•''"'"'"9 7~"""' OIC.11 ~· 16 0• •6 fodov l6C~•• · \O • llf"'• •l rcu• JIO.. J.1.H.!O '\'' 18N{, '''"''"'"' IS ~, .. ~, !7·1811·78 <' 19 '""" ,,,,,.. .. onolo,td,.,.....,.., .73.11.11 • l'O t>.. so r......... eo-· 211...... )I !lo.,. SI s.,.. ot.01/ot.llUS ll"'""'• )'1C:on 8'10. !~II n -~ '1llo )]!"" IJl"O~I.. ,ti· II f'I -"• '' '"n"•'r<f )• ~ "Q I• M·o~ l'f"'.. '' w.,, .,,.., ~~ u""''"""'" a~ c ...... , ... d J. a. '·"If" 16 c~., .. .,.. :,;. w .... 1._ u v.,., '·lS_:_l1___.1_, 11c........ ·,1 1... 110., .... .., 1911 ... 1 ~·1 ,, eJ""'!l,,..,., (,',•VG II '19P,.,,.,,," •qf '"'"" 8?,,,1y .. • / "" 1/ 101, ,, ' ....... ' qoy,""'""' '"· !I \'::'' ..... 10'~: ~ '" I' 1 4 ,.11n -• .,. I ,. \,.•11 }: A•I"' \ry1"I .•AJ~a.~·;~, n.i ,::1·-· 1• 11 .• lft<; "; l.1;1 '.:-T c1i.·1v lnll'I•. 111,1 (S l?HOO tires. (895GNKl n•hl! 1'1 1\: (; .... i i11•<il ,,, s .. -~11 1------------1-----..;. _____ .. r,iJ-1:.:n r.ft. r. 1!1 . .i 1·111·:vy 1'1.i..1 11 •. 1u1... '69VW Bug .. S1349 '68VWBug .. S1199 ''""' "' "''1' j (XXP456 · Rod'o (XGV058) * l'hun•• .j~~'l-11~!.: • '70 ll1\T:.:l'N I'\ I ""11"1' I '11,fl(l(J 1111. NPw 'h1!"h $1 :,ill I f'11ll 41U-2(11.~.;_ ,. -... 't:·l ~·01H '. :-\r11 111 .. 1 .. ,·, rlu11 h. ~~.-~l !Jjj::.1;10~ ----'7.1 [,l \' Pl(i,;1 ·P. I fH !u nuh•:i;;•'. ~2·li.) . :~-.7-7,o;l•i t.2 t t11~I I '1, -..1 p $.:00 "! l .. ·~t nrfo I Gi~i-2100 f>71-,,.;~; We have a Large Selection of ----"ew FIA TS an1cr--~ Late Model SPORT CARS " '74 FIAT 128 S.L. Coupe 19-L ._·~--,. •!'D'lf-: #-. '74 FIAT 124 Sport Car '74 FIAT 124 Sport Spider The most modern Sports & Foreign Car Service Dept. In So. Calif. CUSTOM PAINTING & BODY SHOP Our facility Is equipped wilh the latest electronic automotive equipment Open Daily 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Open Thurs~ay 7:30 am to 9:00 pm, Onf' Mile South of thl' Son lliego fwy B.J . St'Ut< I ~LAR CENTER ;: PHOMl 540-4491 28 ll Harbor Blvd., Cosio Mesa 996S 9725 !1·1 [JAii V Pl 01 Auto'>, UsL·d SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Brand New 1117 4 CHEVROLET CAMARO •Ti nted 9l'-1s:::. • Sp1J rl n11rrors • Console • Power ,1eerina • Pow0r brakes • 350 VS F ?Ox 14 ~vh1t c wa lls • Af\~ radio • Ral ly wheels Ho Racl1ator • Ser =205 154 Si k # 11 68 5 3599 Rec:d H C~ocn~d~•c__~--~-'-9727Honda No. NOW1 SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS ON OVER 40 NEW 1974 MODELS' '72 TO\'OTA CARINA $1977 a\)e.M lwriA 9 TOYOTA ,H 11 r\' 11 I"!"'' 1 II' 11 I I ' \I 11 "' I "" l I ' ll'I 1111 In+ ~"I "I ' \\ ll M. 'II ,\ I • \ " '·•'I I•' Triumnh I! It " .. ' 11 I 11 Volkswagen ,, I ,, \I I , j, ' .... 1 ! 1.. 1··1 ,,, ' i 9767 II 1.1.' Ill "' I ,I I'' Buick 9910 • • • 9110 ROBERT McCORMISH '2011 Swan Dr ive '71 YW DELUXE Cosf;l Mes.J \ ,,., .o1\· tlw "'"""i '" I '·" 11 H '·I I \I '!• : I I H ' ,j 11 ,,11\llll''l•l<I TWO FREE TICKETS I I \ J I , ., : I\,· \I I\ · I j I •I ' • I \ I .~, l 'o '"·II.• "' 1(, rt, l•'i' •lloh \l,I 'lo ·r 1001 .• lo , 11 , J10 d(L I I fj" I( 1, .. /, I $1677 1 .. !I··· SOUTHLAND Home and Garden Show .111•1« ~·, llwn ,l1tl~ 1. '" ·BILL MAXEY TOYOTA lllll leoctllhd..147-ISSS HUNTl)'HiTOHIL\CH , I 1 .. ' I ,j.,. .i ... -1. " '" " •· llw "'••• l • ANAHEIM • WA £WtA Convention Center VOLVO ~l'I \\ h •• i..i1. •. \1<-•ll· .. 11 ) 'l":i ~" ' ,ii I Ii I! ,,1;~,. , \I 10110 •1:11·:1 l•I 1 l.11J11 \••Ill ILo l,•·I '73 YW SUPER BUG ,, ...... 1 h•".olo 1, 11 I>.\ 11· tll•lllh,I• •II, i .l ~Hf 11111,. .... $2477 < ,\H( Iii ('.011111.' l"li 1<·0 o' Tlllllll•«I 1• ,dll }~~ti • • • • '70 BUICK CUSTOM LE SABRE 4000R j ~·1111 f"''11 ·1·, I Jill I l"f' !1111"1 fti~o~:f 1.-:,,;, 'i';:;s·;:~7·j" ,;;·,:·:,""· l"\111 \ ' I' 11 I\,, "II 'II• j.,,,,I I •o:li )( •rl••I C' II ~wlw.ii& "'Jh> "" " "' " ' l .1 ' ' I"'" ol I '' t'1,,·1n \~ "· '-1111 nn1d \'<~I ,_,7 Iii" "i •Ii:•],,:"\/, '!'I •I; I\ \ • II"\\ I , ,, I• d \:!7 ~· \ .111 ,,,, ·"'.I * * * * * ~~~1·r V~1·1~·· nn1 J 1~~.1; lq11,\11 1111 11111\, lll•·<'li 11('1 tl. j, 11 i; .i:. * * * I' idl•I, ·'I.\ r * * VOLVO ll.1d••r . C', II (\\TJ('l1 /:111<•1';1 I'' 11 11 J••ll<'I, .ol!, t".\J .,1<·1'•••• \""I'\' ::: ... 1 ,· .. n.t. ;..,.,.d~ p:11111 ~~~; i_',•11~1 ~·1 ,·1;::,-1\!,·~.-, ']4 TOYOTA -,69-VW-Squareback-;n ll11·rr··1;.1. 1.11.11~1·:1>• 1 1 -"1•l 1:.1d1 ... 1:• .. 11.Ll 'I 11 .·~. ,\,-;]~!\1: ~:!1:1·, 1Hl--1r·r1 ~1,.1«·, I .. hl:.'--.:t~~J " Best Deal o. R . HAAN, In c. i:t rc1~ s",., .. -;.; 11 -,,; !'"";1111 ::.-:1)1 I. 1~1 •ll-11:1 , ··• . ..:-,\ !1·-111.'. 1: ••• 1 O'o•lld. Anywhere! LEAS!:: OR BUY All Models! ~e.MlwriA W TOYOTA ' SALES SELECTIONS SAVINGS 1·1~, \\\. -"·'" ,.,,~J ~1;i~1 ,,1• f'n_ 1'11 ~~:;: ~':l'.1'j I" .I ,,lf,.r <"all t.Ji;-~,2; "I° ·1;7 :'h:\l •. \J ;1.; l '••n11 ••I \ht•I ,-..,,,.. 1" ;,·~!1 • ('1•nl<'I" SI ,I ,,.J, l;;iolln h•.i!•·I l (II. l ~J .\· 1•n "!.d;i1•. ;.I!• ,1,1"' 1 .\1-:.',~:.' •I:'!-11 h··Ool' ·' ·!;I \'\\ 1;1 · . ..; ,'\nl 1 L11111111i< ·;1 Sl ·111·;1: l:1 •,.1lc. :01111!111 ~l••I'•">. hr•;iol!•t'". ~l i.\!l •f;, _''\~I 1·,,11<1 f;)-o-1:.'!7 n il !ip111 ·"jio \II\" .• '\111 '( (_'.,nil i\ll!o\ t1 ,.r1-. S1111p•,f. 1:0·~1 olf• r. ( ·:.11 ;,fl 1,: ;,·:... 1 ·.:12. NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor l tvd. Corto.M9sa a40-9100 (JJ'l·::\ SUNDAY --~----- n .. n·1 :.:1\1• 1111 r1i ... ~ti1p ' "l.1~!" II i11 1·!n~s1fi,'<I. Slap 11• Sh,,,.,. l:•·.;uJl-.' •i ll-~~;;~ '11 EL DORADO Less than 21,000 Miles "''""I I'" "I I '" '' \ II ' I I• l ' '"'' I r" 11 l' '" , 1 1 111 :. r, 1 '• ., ' 1··~ ,, ' " ' ': .. ,, ' .. '""""' • !'" o·.I 1•1 " I \I• N.'81RS CADllLAC 26oo Harbof' Blvd. " Cotto Mesa 540-9100 111•1 ' Sl ',\I!.\\" ' ' ( ·,,111~· 11,. \'111.· loll. I ',id d·"t <11p. 1111 11l d, ,1 ......... 1111 l•I~ I·• 1111• r '.~·~· ~: :7 .. 1 i ';11l111. .. 1, I 1 ~-1 1111 s .·.i.,11 rl.· I· .1111,,,1 ,,·' \ ollo l.ol:, '69 EL DORADO I '• 1+1"11" I "ol' •lltnl 1 .. 11,1· 111111 111 •1··!1111' l.o)'<''ln ,\, j, .•111• I • •'i''f i.,,., •"f 1nl•'I h•I I" 11>1 I ,1•1' • "lldilloHllJI 11111 I"''""-1111 .1 "I• .. ,,,,. •lo I Ill": 'lo 1'0 "· 1(0Hol lrn i.,, • 1111'1' o o•l!ll•'I. ),"I 111111· I 'I' "1'111 Ill I 1111.1,lu· 1·••11•1•1 l"ll '" I JI \' PRICED TO SELL! NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa '.C0-91 00 t II 'I·\ '73 BROUGHAM .,·11111 )l"\\l'I , 1111 .~ .11r '"I'" 11 I I 1111;11 ,., •llllo11 1 '"'' ,, ' 1. 1··~··"1 '" -1· ,.1·111 , .. n1 111I, 11111111 1,,, h ol"1•I j,., I;~, \io'J'I'"· 'l'"Lolly "'Ill I I• I',. d I·,\ !i'"l!lo'I\ IHI\ 111 1 Ir·,,:..: I' );,•,111!\1111 h11n11 S11•1111.1 11 .111 l-ll'I:.;•· '111,1 I 1Hp ,\• ,011t1•pw ~;oddl·· l·•.il!11•r 1111<'1 ... 1 ,,,·:-: \;\Ill • NABIRS CADILLAC 2600 Harbar Blvd. Costa Me~o 540-9100 111'1-'\ '72 Cadillac '" ' 11r 1•111 ''' I''" 1°11., ll•W Ion~. \ll1 !II</' Ill • .... 1 I "'' ll•'I' 1 ... ,,j ' ·II "~ ~~I 'l~ !, L'.'' ('llr \" !, ... \);1111>" I\ 1:_; ,(If' I':' ·;']: •'11!! I·:,, ··I , . .,11,1. 11111~1 "''' ~·r~1 1::1 7~1~ 1'•00 !\H',\I. \ ! d1 ;ol llH ,\· ;o11 1 nu.I •Ho~ 1171, 1 I' '• I' 11 "' \ 1 \ 1.11 \I . 4·1..-1 •Hild ;..,.,, p ;Plll, p •hll I'll_,;, .\IT,+; ··~I ~:1•1 , ,·::..1112·, : ! ( "111·\ .I l\.o 11 .i ,.,. I, ,\111 .. T1·11 11'. ,\\I 1:.,.11•• lo,.'110 1111 k ~ dl1· ~1~ 11.::, 1:: ('(ll~\' 111: \".111 ,\,•\\ t.1 :t!.1·<. s-::.. .• I ',ill <1"j~I h -:+,1. '7] Mon te Carlo le'' th.nn l~,000 n'de .. '" " ' ,,,,, 1•' ' ' '" I \I I .It "' I I 'i• '•I "' ,.. ..... " " '11 · " • PR ICED TO SE LL' (NABERS. CADILLAC l 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa M1rsa 540·9 I 00 111·1 :-. '74 Chevy Nova 1· ' \II'" T• 11• \II" 1· ..... 1 1;,,,1111 lloh I .th• :-,,." I !II I "" oll~l1\\ $3195 I ,1,1u ! ;, ., •• _. 1~: ·! \\ ,· ... 1u11n-1,·1 ! '· -·~· CHEVROLET '70 CONCOURSE WAGON I •I• •• ,-. \'' lu·lll•"", I•"" o • I " " I 1 :> : I'"'', tn ,1,, l;i. 1o.1, .1" '"l"li\1 .. 11111 \.h!I•· ... 1 .. ' '1 II 1 " ' .... ' j, >\\ '" .1. . " ' '' r,,, :, 1"1111.0• ,.1,.,, "f;., \.~1:, $1999 N~BERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor &lvt\. 1 Co1ta Mola '40-91 UO ,...:\ ''\ I ',I \' o I . ..;·1.1 \\'I;\ 1, , 1 I ~1 "•I. -1 .. 11. I~ 11111•._: ~:!'•-, ·-r, . .iil1I·· 0 I ~ ',,jl l;ill 111:10 Chrysl"r ,,.; 1 J 11: \."I.LI( .\111". 1 ,;·. I I". h ·,,1,.1· I ""In. ·,_-,, ,,1:_i; 9925 ( ···n1 "''· 1.lo!Jo• ,\ ~ i ·, 0 '73 Ch rysler Wagon , .... ,,11,. 11."I ' \' ' 1!11• " +' " + 1·!1 .. "" 11"1 I••\ lo•tl I 11111 , t , 1 ' 1,., II I• d• "r j "r 1 It "" •'t+11 11ho·l'l,1 <I ,. " I "li.1 I fol,.,, )" I<., I '''" "' ' I ,. I ~ ··! ... ,h\lf• ~l"I· 0 . R. HAAN , Inc. '11.'11 I 1,1 di Ii 11 •·1,• -1 '""" \\ ' .... 11. ':· p;i J "'"' ,\ ''>•~··1 1111·, it I! ~I.' !11 ( ••!Hiii I 11 ·:111111 111 1'"'''1 • dl 'lfl o.'i •I i•I I pl I Continental 9930 Continental '69 Sedan I· "1.,,., "" , . .,11d111 .. 111110,: l,.111! 1••11\'i·, .111 lo•,ollw1· llli<'l'l••I r 111 "lw .. 1. ,1.·1 ··•1, .i .... I•• I''· ,,JI l lio \1 1'11~ I"" ,,,.1, .1·:·· .~ \1111 '•llldll~•ll !11111<1111 1 S. 1 'MIS2 IOJ $1999 NABfRS CADl~C 2600 ~ iu,td. Co.-ta Mesa 540.91'00 •·I 1,.,,, ·•lu t ".,.11111,.111;,I , "".I ,\, 1t 11!1•• \·l.~1 '~· i~.~~ 1.,. 111: \,.1 i..:•••I dol1••11 I:. ,i ••11<·• ( di ,,, ' ~:1 ... Corvette \, o•l l" LI .\loll <1111·1. \11.1~111 '"1 I's.""· .\.\!·1.-.\l ~10·1••• 1 'i"I \I: ''HI h!\!·111\'.: Cougar 9933 ---~--·------- 1:•1 1 'IH '1 :.\I:. \hil 1· .. 1or l lt.\l'i•1. 1110:.\Tl-'.lt. \It "'''•·I lu·lt<'d_ l\,.~1 •1ffi•r ,,,.,.!' Sl:.'1~1 !;ii«·~ 1111• 11 k11d 1~i::-s.'1;:: or 1'·:·:-1 :: Iii :11~1(1 :.11t. !'IS. P/J:, !a1· .111 I:.•.! I. 1 in' I !••p ~:!.+l'.ft "' l"I •d• !fi'I :."'jjo,: Capri 9715 Ca.,ri 9715 TEST DRIVE HONDA TODAY 7jt :-:t·1•1-:1T H~:ETJ.~.-1 .. ,v 11111!·,,c.1". \htl '<1t1d Sl•,j"I \ ·.111. hi.• i '.•111 9800 AUt~ New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 c:;:_:.:;::_c.:,:.:_ __ :_:.o_ ;:c: __ __.c;;:;.1 WE HAVE ' ' THE LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW AND USED HONDA . CARS IN THE WEST! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON COUPES • • HATCH BACKS • CUSTOM "JOBS" • 4 SPEEDS• AUTOMATICS r--... -.................... -... ~ .. i l.: ov~"~, .. ~,~".~PG 11 , IMPORT OF THE YEAR • t tBv H<J.111 l P<:t M;ig;i11nl' t i~,,,....,....,....,,,,~...,,~.:>#ll#######~l#lll•l.t SERVICE AND PARTS DEPTS. OPEN MON . THRU SAT . ' ' : UNIYIRSITY . : ~fL~~A 0, 1:. .;its· 1"'M·" ·.)o· 'B' ll"E . 'SERVICE . ·~ "' ., ' .. ·• PART.S · 2850 Hil'rlioi· 'elvd., Costa Mesa 540-9640 I -· 'j.; \'\\ 1;,..1 l'"!td ))fl ~I 1111, T:q~· .r ... ·1<. \.'lo) • •ti ~·'':.\I., ----I j 2 \ \', , r. I ,\\!f~\1 t .• 1(1 .. ·'"' 111.,,1 j •hou );,. I",' ("1·!. .• .1 ~.,,,I ;.:: \·1•, l:u,, I ,,,.,,.I", olo ,111, I 1·11~!1!" IU·• ol, ll••rk .•\~ p.\l•I "11 .'j!I II, ! lJI! Volvo 9772 '70 VOLVO STATION WAGON •I •qw1·d 11·,,n,11us-.i•,n, r;u/111. ho•;o 1o•r. ;Hr • "tlollll•i!llni:;. iil'.l t"\"ZI $2477 .pw.lwriA 9 TOYOTA l !Jl~; llarl•1r. ('.\I fitfj.fl)J.~ l~J;T\1<11.l'i I. l t:. 1-: \ S1a1i .. n \\a":::•111. F;..-1 .. ,..,. 1\1r '~""!. ,\utr.111 ,111•·. 1)111:\'r ~ll'f'rillK, 1•11v1·r 11io;1• t1ral11'.~. ,\..,1-t":\1 st<'n,, <1 1!h 1:.1~· pl1tY•'f. lu)'.:· 1::ai:" n11·k t':1.-r .. ry \\':11·· !':.!11.\. I f.ork rt"I t: \ f . !\Ul'.'\Uld~· 111! S:1l.,(I l'\'I .l'ly, lit"> ,1·~··1_"_'_· __ '!;'.I \ \ JJ.\"4 I 11·1. .\111<0, :111·, ' II' I· \t·••llo·nl •"•lldlt l• 'II S 111~1 "l' li<',<I o I I 1· I' '~ ·~-11:(\ \ ~~-----1 '7:l \"oh·n J.lj ~•:•lion 11 ,11:1111, 1\111" Tran~ .. \.\l·F\1 ~trn••o. At!' f'nnd. dlr li\'.!-ll:r. AUTOS USED- 9901 CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Are Credit Experts! Ct1llljoll'1l' hnr r1f fr11Cl!<l1 ,I.• d1<11""''I·· 11u111'. We'll Deliver Any Car For $50 Down IC 1 ,\ I' I 1\111 tro•I•· Ill A•·o·t·pt,.hl•' ·Harbor View SUBARU ',!)l~J I l.1!'!1' •!' I :11•d '• ( \ 1 6'5-066() " , , I DIDN'T KNOW THAT'' Hugh Mynhat Johnson & Son Sal es Staff that • IS now ... the best • time • Ill get • automotive history to outstanding deal an on a new or nearly Lincoln-Mercury-Cougar Capri-Mark IV new ... I 2626 Harbor Blvd . of Cars Costa Mesa 54D -563 0 I j, l' 1 I ., "' ,t I ,, ' " ~i;15;;.od.;.;:;g,_•:_ ______ 9:.;9.::3S ~u•tanv fl • I"'' I \]I"" 1111'-' • •7 1]1..,11 ... 1. ~;"th.1,1 "It ___ 9952 Plymouth __ _ 9965 Pontiac Chevrol1t 9920 Che\lrole t ·~1 t'tinll1·11 ,., "I" 111 111 l J 0•·•11 '\·· ,,,, ,, '73 PLYM OUTH DUSTER 1,r1 r 1 .• 1 ..... 1<'•1 " .111 .\ .r 1 •.• , , ,, "·11 '·~ ~:OJ ~l•'l<'U IOU-1 "·' i.1 ,.1 SHU\l'H1 H l,\J :'\I•.\\ .. \ , ... 11111• j)~tlJlg ul 21 !llU~ l•I ~lid :-i111e $1 7•~ /"j "II" j>~I I_ n1<1 J."JIJ-•i'.' I ult :1 I• 111 ~\l-lU."17 l I J,\f( I ->~I/ 9940 Wa9on I lJl I! I·. ..; \1 t 1~7 '.1"~1 1111: II•··"·' "" 111111.. I"'.: \l••-.1 .\111 ..... di• f•"''' \\tl"''li. ("u~l;1 ;\J< ... I, ~JHH"•' 1,,.1!<• 11•.d• , •II• ) : \ , \ IUl• ~' I ' Ill' If ' Oldsmobll• 99SS •l 111r1i .. 111.i ... , .. 1 llll'., 1+;jj(,\'C. '70 "DEL TA 88" $25 7 Ill\ I •1•:11 h;it•ll••jt. l11•;"1Ut 1!t1/ 7 •lllHl!l"' i.:vld '' 1!h 111 11ti·htt1; '' l1!lf' :: ,,~. I• I l i,:11J1l 1"1'· :.;•lid 1 111,vl 1n11•r·1,.1· f-'11< t. .. ' .ill" • '•11,1 . lull' )•111•"1". 1 iu}l t•1p, I di 11 II• •·I a1l1•1. 11·;,11~. 1 adi•1, Ii• 11!••1 ,,,w 111· .. ~. V1't")' Jv11 1111ll·~ a1}e41l lewiA W TOYOTA '11 P1 ymou lh Du1ter ' " ' " ,, ,, "' ' " " ' !1·• I .. 1, ti• I, I ! 7 ·; I \ I' 51888 TERRY BUICK ATLAS Chry1ler /P lymouth lii" 11 IJ,.,J, &.-""" lll I , I '\I 'L'l.'I l!,111 • 1:11<1 I •"!d ,\)o·-,o 546-1934 !'ii~~ .• 'iqllll'1 flill lo\! l•lrl' t•q1111,p1'd 111· iill11~: 1111' • <Ill· flt!'' •Ill tli.! ,\. 1"1" (·I' \\ 1111 lri\\' I \ ,\('ti~/. i < • .,,:1, ,\ l :0.. 1 I •. $1799 f ,r, ll111l•HI, I" \i l,\.,'!':11: < '. ,.N-A-~-ER-S-CA-D-IL-U-AC--..1 ~:~.~ ·~'..~.~~~.~~ ,~~.?~~~, l'l.\ .. \f'Jt"rl/ 100:,, ;:I \~~\II .i~ :; l. ,ff4lfit0f .... 11'•,ul < 11 111111 11 •II) ;•,,.,d ..... JA'"0.91 111111·~. 'J ..... \ .!• <;j'l01 O. R. HAAN, Inc . nrr\'. s1 ·:'\n 'Y Pontiac 9965 ---------- 1,, ''I•'. l'I .r· ! ".I'• '71 Pontiac GTO " ·I I IJ .·f j•,,' " $249 5 ' r1 l , " t1 I .I I\• I '" '74 Pontiac Fire bird \ •. 1\if•p 'I j'". 1· " I' ~ '< 111 l, I. I I t , 1.1 I~ '· I , .' 1. I• ti• I ·, ·1·il••\ 1 T"i' '" Ii '.1 I II• IO.'< I I 1l~Y I'• $4195 '13 GR ANO PR IX ' I .1 " '· 1,. ,,,, ' I " ~I• ·I I " ' . ' ...... 11 '" I, !II, JlJ.I!~· I '· '" ,, ' " ! ' t I NASERS CADILu;C 2600 HarbOt' ltvd.. Cost•M••• J I0~.9100 '72 GRANO VILLE 4 DOOR HARDTOP I "I• I"'·' " ' ,,, ' " "' '" 11 "'" ',, '"'" .1 • I':' \ \I< It,', ·,., I .~; d ! \! ! ; it•\ I 111 .... 1: '1 ·111 ih• .1!<111,;•· PRICED TO SELL '73 Pontiac Fir e bird \ 11' f I ''· • ,1..... 1 t ' f.1 .1111 , < ·I"·' ' o I I\ "'••I• I• • < ,., ".),,f, J\\ $429 5 " ~Bos LONGPRE,/ PONTIAC I 1;1 ;, 1:,.1,. '~]_.,,. I J;J \'. ,1, ,, 1,<1 {"\I\\/".\ \\" ",,, I I ., • - I(." I ' I ' • • 1 ' 1'.I ,-jl "' r: r11·1 1;• \·· ~1 •I 1;1,·.,1 1\.1 .• 11:\ Vega ' " '· .... '',, '' " ) • • I~• 9974 BRAND NEW 1974 VEGA HA TC HBACK s9300 DOWN !.P"\li J .... ' ~ .1ty i· .. 1,,, •. r.,,,,, n, . ., r>· • l.'~·I" l•L f or1 .r> ' , • ' • • • '" "" •·.~ .. ' " ' ' •... : ., ,, ,.J 'lill CIJl;N·~~\' .-...;-\\,;-:;-!O ~·•h•l &: .<;.·:Vl<'f.' OLDSMOBIL E GMC TRUCKS '72 Pl ymouth Custom Suburban 11111 ,I fl I(>',\ . .i ... ~· ~· '" ·''' N.~BERS C.\OILLAC 1600 HartHK ltvd, ~ Coste Me t o 540·9 J 00 ' ! \ I ' ' I ' "" l '/S, l'/11, /Ill' Cl1-n11 ijl l '1111U $/\00/Hlc 11:n-:./!11'1 ARS 1\l,n,.•11. '! 1•-1·~•"\.\I' ""' HONDA c I ,,., ,, 1' I I " UN!VERSITY OLDS1 '"'· ·, .. """" ,,,.., :lJ'ji.1 Harbor Blvt1 . ; 0 . R . HAAN, Inc. c·.,~1.. \!~·~a :,.1u ~AO ~~·~~J ! l-1 11 1 !Iii )• I •I'.' 'I•\ ll I I 1 , I !J liJ•I I~'"• 1 " , 1···11·!. •LI ,1 '"• lk•• .. 111 ,. ,·;1 . ..'I~ \ ,, 4'.1!.11111.1 : ll"• I" <I• • I "• . ; I II I• I :.o«·•~I 1. I '< fl I ll• " +,1.,1 '" I''~ t 'I!. '' " " ,, ' ' ' " ". ' ( .. 1 1'1 1.11t I""' "' l '"'·' ··'""II•··, l"OHn "il ( 111r.1 S·1 \l..'.ll llJ )Jll"·'·· .111 l'/S., l'fl:. I'/\\. A \J F \1 q, 1··~•-l/1,.-1<_ '\Int t'Ull!I. $.'1:1.1 \ i'4-l Id '12 F• iltJ) ('uunlry ;-..p111·1· <11.!ll. J: & II. ILlll 1111r ;:<Mid i·ond. ~~11~1 "' \ii! I'' 1• ""' !'l'I. !'h 't-;\1 • 7.o~-1 !~7. (\ ·1'11Jt'.',\l••11:1:1•11.!l.\-\l)Autos, N ew 9800 A utos. New I ' ·--'------~~---" full.\ l'</'111'· \,II! •·••II• 9SO:J ~tos, N~~~-9800 A u to~. -~~~---9_8_0~ Autos, New --- ~l .!~~I 1111 '!:~~/ HI /01•~11 •1111111111111• .. 111111 "U"r \It ":111·111.1:111111\t\. :1;· \\"'"'"' i.!•••I 11,,.,, 1-.1"'1 llli HI< IL I.ii 1 II\.; ,\ IL .LI,, fr<•rll ,\ lt•ot•I'" 1"'"1' 11•1111 SR.·i. :.is ·"'.\ " -"72 r·n111J l,TI I \\"11g .. 11. 1·"1111 fa,•tol'.' 1·q111p 1 ll' I \I rl ,\'.\'i l r '' s1.·1•··1 .~. 1:1.·1·11 i1· 1r:1il l•d.: R'>l ~11 l1J lllr li7 V1 Jl:I f I· 1\IJ'< J,'. +i <')'lllll'I' :; ·'I" 1••1. (;d ,·,,rnl s~:io. ·;;: 1-"l•R!l 1:rn. 1\/C l'/S. I '/fl, I '"' 111•r \j!fll. 1117-il:l·, ·;~ T(Jl :l'~(I ~I,. \\l!t> '"'IUl[lp•·d \J11k1• off. r !li'..1-'.I\ ~: Lincoln ?945 «I 1.1.'>('tJI.:.. C<J'.'· Tl;>;t;\T,\L t'OCl'l .. C111ni.: E)r,I <rlo •. ' !""I I 1 '' (',., 1 , I ,I.lo l """I •11. I• I ·I"' ':o.o. (';.JI ~di 7 p111. )-·1:1::-I j'\ 01.ll~-Li• II,, I~"' ol "l d11 llT 1\lr, i11no1.t1 l~.1,111 1111 , s:·:li:··, 1•1·i i•:,, ~1:>-1~~~ I ·71ii1JJI.-' ~'11 111. I ~1,.1. 1111,I 1."i' j.. I I \1111 ···111d I \J": ~l/o+ll" '':O ,(I','.' -----· 711 Ill.I!-; C"11il'<·' I ,;I' l!T "Ir, 111110~ I'~. p-1" J111111.u ·11 I 1111 lll'o ~ ll~ '+I.'.•,:-•'.'.,.'.:__ Pinto 9957 , '72 Ford Pinto Squire j .\1r l u11d, I '" \]!I, ,..,. •lt';\ll ''" ·' jtlll 1:~i.:tL.(J•, .. :!.~.,-, t 0 . R. HAAN, Inc. 8120 !· 1 .. t :11!-lli1 '73 -FOrd Pinto-Wa"gon I SJ •d. ,.i,..,,., I<• ;id .. 1 .. i.;n, 193iJJllllJ• \_'\'··· NEW '74 MUSTANG II HARDTOP ... ~. '' "' 1 • ,,. ' •• I h· ' " • I '" 1" !~ ,,, '. ~ ,, .. ; .. ·'· . '. ' I" le"~l' l•li"I · ~II\" .'S21'tX/ l.n.:hl Hlu•· HI ,~· "ill. \\'hllf' 'I•')', l·...,d••l \\f'\11;»<-'l·IOO 1111.. I '1 .1 ! •1.1. !li:1 !i-:J I 01· '11!1-;t!: !II 0 . R. HAAN, Inc. lf-"-'-"'--"-'------------------:to~.1 i·:. 1~1 :.11-1111 * -~:. l'l\1•• ::i·'..\l:••l I * ""ill ('ll'\il:O..I \TJ\l, IJ"di" Au!o1110111 ·, ,\\I !,.\1 •l•I"" iilil<' 11/dk 1 111.11 l!i;1. ,\II J'lll"k, \ltd< """;,[ I ll'•·~, l•'I' '1.11"!•1'. Xl111 ("'"ltl $1!(11!. 'I I•>-1111 11., •I ,.~ cr•••·n 111o·1 6U7:! :.rt ;) 1m1 11 I "I !J<'IJ.!' 1111• ,,,.,. I "' ·' ... 1111, ~c.J 1.~TJ,, t:0:ir .. v· i'.: "j I J ' I :0.. 'j'I I \ \ I ; \" ..'. :< .q, , ' 11 ;.ln1 -li:1p• .. \la~t· .. 1rt·1·. p 111", 1,1.1 1 .. 11. ,\111o,, .111 . ;).11)..~~t!.i .i fl G !· 11f.. 1·111ls. \\/1\, ,\.\\ 1·a·ll•" !111h•d Maverick ----994 j _.1,,,., 7.1ft1 :.1 1. 1;1-1--1117 1-----------j: !'!\TO 11;:1: 1j~~F11·:--;1 "70· t\l ,\Vf;l\l C I~ .• \u!o, lu""' -,\/T. ,\f\, r,.-.r 1-.1,;i NEW '74 TORINO 2 DOOR HARDTOP ~QLJ "U.. 53650'\J: ~F ~ _='i! ONLY , -u1il('ui.:r . .s i:;i-.1 "I L\l~f' $~1 l'l Coll -l!f.·,_;,::'I:•_ ~ 1111,· !'.ill 1;1:,..:,;1~1 :1·.1vP .... , ...... r ··•·• tP·'~d1·. ,.,, .. ,., .. •·• ·"11 ~· L·.••<"·-l Me r-~ry 9950 1 t• ·•1.,··ro·•o ••· """"''r• •1·""' ,. ~··.,,, ... ----'-------1 j'J l'l\"Tn !:1·"1\11, :1ul•1., . .., ., , , ,, , . 1 r~"I '" 11/•l<'t't'll I ;1 p<', ~-'"-''"-'_•_· _'_"_' ___ ._·•_· __ ·"_'"_•_""_" ____ •_. -"-'_'_·_' ____ _ 1\'iSl.,\lJ: I.' ·' • •• I •l•• 1:•, t • ... •IJ'r• 111u1u .. ul.11·· l'•'i l \I• h'tir\ I 2tlr \l.in1u1s l.lruui.:hu111, luil 1111,•r . 1n,·1. J11nlf111 -.1t•1-...~1. 1 !•1 rnilo·acr. 1"111 tili-~-. : j] ]'J'l:.1 (' ' 1· I 1'111, .oul" ·' •f. l•"" I , . .., -'' 10~J 1'1 I ;.1 !'fln•I \<~. :; .. L'l i •>~:: ~ana, _____ 9952 Pl ym~u_!.h __ ~-9960 !llill \!,,.It 1 .\1111 '"'1•1 111 · 11 !JI'. ,,,,. ,;., u•I.:,, 4 •J.•\"< ·1;111 1 '72 Ply1nouth Suburban ··11:..:11' '7. ' .. t...5 .\!11,1 ... 1..:, ,. ·'· !-~pd, h'""I '' I'·•'~'",,.,. 1:•••! l~.id<. \•I' ("lid. )'"·''I ~·\ .. '11'1' ··11·.111 \\ Hi.:flll, I: l! 1 j I • ~I ' 11 I e1.in•I 57:~1 0 . R. HAAN, Inc. :.;17 ~:1i1 '1)~0 I. l.-;1 .dl-1171 ·1~\\! ..;r,\;-..1; -,\IT.-lt.~·ll, I :..I 111 , .. :oil ~:.'• , I' II • jj.\1-71111•~1,., H!'\11 1 '1,7\ll'i1 \'\,Ir I• ~I'/)' nuln. 1111.1.I 1;1 :.t _ ~-1;!!-l'I \ \1• :, 1 ll Fl"l:\" !II.~ d1· ~•"I.II \ul». hr;.nd II•'\\ fl.1111 1 I, ! I 111 •1~ r·, ' II., , l'.1dl". io<•ll<'I I ~17.1~~) Jlli •!" •'1' ..lli-'~I() I ·ii5c·1-1:..' ~:1tTii11.1 .. ,1111 I !n111~1••rlall!•1 1 ~f.<l'l r.1 .... <l:l'.' '7.l 111 :-1 I .I:. '' •·.1 t. It \c l I. : "t I•• I" i I • :• 11111 , I 1< · '·nrv!. (; 1 '! i ,it ; ...... ' ;I · 7;; \111~1 .. 11<..; \' '· I •1 ·,, n11I• i1.:1 . Ca ll ;,111 1 I' \I \.~~~.:;,I ,:·, I' I, ~ I I • I l 1' 11 l: \I: 1: \• I 1 o \ .1 '-•'I: 11' '·'!' ti \j. I '.lo")\"< J'l\ \i:i, r1. \..;..; ~1·1.1.." •.1-.! ..'itS Autos, Used 9900 A utos, Used 9900 BUY LOW MILE AGE NI CE CARS 1 '74 Conlin•nlal Mark IV 6 COO rl"tl•"• St.irllQl1! mo~1 lJ/f'f n w11!• prE.'f'n leatnf'r 1ntcr1or Al\ lhc n1<.P tn1ny~ L11<0 new (SJ:!O! '71 Ford Maverick Coupe Au!om;i11C . .1•1 cond1l•On1ng radio 1. l1nriPrenr 1rn• 1 ~7:1 HGB ! '72 Ford Maverick Coupe 6 cy1o1irll•r , -,t•(k ,11dt "11:100, !·1 iJOO rnle'\ Likf!rH•w i:?9UE.l<T! '72 Oa•I GT Coup• 4 w,oJ. rad10 22 000 m1l€:l::. Th1'\ ·~ .1 n1r.e r..-11 !8 fO[ VY) '69 Olds Cutlass Supr•me <\ Or ,';<>(!;in 19 000 mill's N1cf' "" P S il1!l(lrr>,1f1<. f.J(l11l va fYPl!)!', '70 Pontiac Le Mans Coupe Air cond1t1on1ng. riowe1 stoenng au1oma11c. VR (226(1E ! '70 Plymouth Duster Coupe 6 cyhndr 1 '\lick <:ht tl r,H1•0. gr;orl rnr!e<: (972BGl ) '72 Chrysler Mewport 4 Or &id 16 295 rn11es A rr. cruis e oontrol p S . PB . ;i uto. radio. Suoer nice f456C'.NJ) '73 Monte Carlo Air. PS. P 0 .. Po wo1 windows. AM/FM s1ereo. v1n y! roof 28.695 miles f93801GJ '72 Bronco 4 Wheel Drive Slick shift, radio. super low mile!.. rf'ar se<l!.rad10 (OB5GNM) '73 Ford Galaxie 500 Coupe ' Vinyl rool. air conn . P S P B . au1o. VB, 22 ,000 m+ICS (;:t80FKI) '72 Ford LTD Coupe Air. Vlnyl root. auto. Vl3. P S. p B . rild!O, 2 7 000 rrul l'<: '67V.W. luq Beauhful cond1fion Radio. orpot ot reoen1 engine overhaul fVS8 5 73! 5 1999 53099 53899 • NEW '74 LTD 2 DOOR HARDTOP /o1£?r .lii:~'""_,--1~~ ONLY • .. . ' '·~ •.. . ... ,,. A • '"' ''" ' ., ••. " ' , ,.., ··O.J• •' • NEW '74 THUNDERBIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP ONLY 56388 f\ ,., • ·.,~. I' ,.~ .•; ,.,. "~1 "' ~, -'·" • ,. . "·''A'~ r\o ·,.,. ,,,.p, I . ,., • "'" ,,, 1 'I• •· ·f , •• •14 "•\ "A'" • , --·-·~-.-,; . .., . .._..' •.: / ,-n.,,. . -- 53rd ANNIVERSARY PIN TO PACKAGE' A 10 SPEED BIKE W1TH EVERY NEW PINTO WE SELL ) FR~~"~T~~"~~gcK J ,, OF JUNE! IT'S OU R WAY OF SA YING THANKS FOR 53 WOMDERFUL YEAR S IM ORAMGE COUMTY . I ' l'o. _. .. QBQJ NEW '74 MAVERICK 4 DOOR SEDAN ·~~ ,. 5 2995~· r.:r>!!ft: ONL Y · /-· .;._ "' ""·• I'• '<• t '"' ' " I :, I • ...,,,. ·~-~ ... '!'"#" •••• -.... "(J " ,,, ... • t •I <., • o ·~ ,o\ . , ;o '14 BUBBLE TOP YAN ONL Y 5 5788 !'.I< I ".JI'•" '· ' '•'"'~·• ~a~ ·'·"' ~ i; ,, l"·•····A <·~1c•\'"' &·~-,,1.,10.1•\' ,,,,_,.,,~,. ~· ' i : '~' • I 6il I •I 14_.,,..1100 1 NEW '74 FORD F100 CUSTOM STYLESIDE PU ONLY 53499 .. . .. " " " NEW '74 FORD COURIER with 4-SPEED ONLY '' " 'L • ••" lu •' D(J ~-r.;c." ·• .~ ""'n 6 .. "'·""" ~,,.., '' <;·. • " ' , ~ __ .. "_,. ___ ,.,, .1 J :=:~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ON /\ PPROVEO CRlOH , ... , 11'1 "011•1 ...... ·-.... "'' ......... , ........ ·-... . '""' uo ~1u "o"" 1 ... o , .. ••• 1 ... o ... , .. ., •·I •••11 &_ltl OhLYt I•-·!•"' lo• ;JG_ OAI L V Pll OT BRAND NEW 197 4 Runabout Loaded (4R l1 Y l71176 J J99J • • • SAYE off window sticker price IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW 1974 (4K9\L1 99848) 5365 plus tax & license _ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 197 4 DEMONSTRATOR A ~ • 2 Dr. Hardtop. 400 CID 2 V V-S, a ir colld .• dual accent paint stripes, light group. radial wsw tires, con1Jenience group, deluxe bumper group, radio, auTo. br.ike release, tinted glass. wheel covers. vinyl seat trim. !AJ 67Sl2Jl21 l 4280 . . •, -•-plus tax & license IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW 1974 Radio, l'lealer. wsw tires. front & rear bi;mper guards. f1nled glass complete .. (4R 17Y189904) 5434 ·, • "°# plus tax & license IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 197 4 DEMONSTRATOR G • ._.. •_ i I 11 ucq A' ' • ..,. ' 1 Or Hardloc. 351 C 10 2 V V·S. a•r conct, crvosomatic, vinyl roof. rad ial wsw !ires, radio , power steering &. front d isc brakes. wheel covers, front & rear bumper guards. remote m irrors, l1nle d glass. vinyl insert body side mouldings (4H30H 125721) ~240 I • RAND NEW '74 F-100 Exp 302 V 9 cru•somat•C. !•fl ied glas>. wheel covers, 5100 GVW bumper guards ~FI OGRU08J55J 5131 $ Brand New Ford Courier dt.>(Or p,1c~<1ge_ \\'e~rern m11ro1 ~. ~pt•c1al ~ll OPPt' ~'"Pl'S 4SG TllNl(l69~1J 2411 s33 1..,. t.• & Ileen- V-8, cruisom alic, power steering . This uni! has a full lacing rear seat Iha! gives you !5J passenger capacity. 22 inches longer than standard cabs.(F7SMKU6J274l $ Brand New Ford Courier 'cvl1nacr. au10 Trans .. !act. air cond . radio, t;nted s gla~~. wht:-e l cover~. FIBERGLASS TANNEAU COVER Clo5e ovt (SGTAN l(39115) 1,11 Brand New '74 Super Van E-241 1/-8. crui5o. radio. "SU RFE R SPECI AL" This one will makt an ideal conver5oon for dnvone who 11 1(.ei tn e oc:edn or mounta•ns. !E1~HUJ100l ) 5199. BRAND NEW 1974 s FORD COURIER Full factofy eauipped p lus radio. !SGTAPV07409) 5194. AND WELDWOOD CAMPER Shelf $ 1974 RANCHERO GT Brann Nl'N 'IJ R.Jnche•o GT '60 enq , powe• ~'ef!""Q. 111! wN'el. §Pl:'i?(I c:onlrOI, dir. Brol..l!lham d<>co•. IJ()w<>r w•noow~. am 1m ~tcreo. h d ~v~pen ~10'1 tonl'W'av cover, m.tQ whl'('l\. (4A'8N 1528l1 ) 47)4 plus tax & license $ phn la• & llce nfe Brand New '74 F-250 3/4 Ton Pow('• ~trrronQ, <>•lr.t 9as tank , ok ror camper. Gel th,11 IO'!Q •anqe \oOV need. (F25BRU6l l34) ~S19 Brand New Ford Courier 5582 4 cyi.noer. ' ~peed. full factory eau•omenl woTh 'Spe(1al ~1roppe ~!rip(' kit ISG1AX09689 ) $ _9 Brand New '74 Power ueering , crui~o. 390 V-8. r11dio, Ranger XL T. lool ~!or<tge bo,, cdmper ~pec1.ii l. exlra ldnk, super cooling What more do vou flttd to go on vdc,,tion? CF151\.\RT•OOS3J •597. Dt>lu~e. V 8. duto. trans .. power ~leering , factory air cond , 1ne1a111c gold, rxtra sharp. 15120JC) $ 69 9 1972 GREMLIN 6 cyl . .iutom.it1c. radio, he.irer, wh1lewdll lire~. bue ke! sedts, luggage raclr., beautiful plum fu1i~/'l ,080ESE $1599 1972 FORD F250 J, Ion, v 8, au1omatic. radio, hed1er, air condi1ion- ing, heavy duly CQuipment. ,f//891K • $2799 1972 TORINO Squire a passenger station wagon, V-8. dutomdtic, AM/FM s1ert'O, hed!er. power steering , power brakt>S fac1ory air conditioning, Whitewall tires, tinted qlass, d lx. luggage rack, beaut ilul gold. immdculdle hruout. ,717FB B '72 RANCHERO Squire V·S. automatic. am/Im rad io, power steering, power $ i 8 9 brakes. faclory air condllioning, bucket seats. Chrome wheels. Extra sharp. 116651L us ta• & license :?o!,;,~e.!~'~'~"''~f~: .. '""" $2899 seals. console 2.890.2 miles. Like new thruout. •llSKKG '67 COUGAR V-8, automatic. radio. heater, power st~rini;i, bucket r.eats. con!.Ole . Exira sharp. ,f UN81}J9 '73 PONTIAC Catalind 9 pass, sTa. wag. V·S, automa11c, amlfm r~dio. healer, power s!eering , power br dkes. tac!ory air condi1ioning, whitewall tires, tinted gl ass. luggage rack. 22,06~ miles. like new . NOllHPIN '69 FORD F250 Camoer Spec V-8. au1omatic, radio, hearer. d•r cont1il1onong. E:rlra clean •38116( $ '67 MUSTANG Cpe. v.a. automd1 1c. radio. heater, power st~ri ng. $ tactory air condi!ioning 61.ISO mi. lmmdclllate throvghouT ,VCLOBl plus tox & license plus tax & license plus ta• & license plus ta• & llcen1e '71 DODGE Challenger V-8. dlltomaTic. radio, heater, power steering, vinyl top. bucket !;Cats. it114CUD i .... & '73 T-BIRD V-8, aulomdlic. am/Im radio, heater, power steer· ing, power br11k~. power windows, tadory air conditioning, whitewall Ii res, vinyl top. tinted gl11ss. power seats. 25,419 miles. Extra sharp. l lSJGWZ WI mm - -'AT-.T .. -AM Tiii •ST AYAIUIU. If YOU CU DO llT1ll. .. -USI • FORD