HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-16 - Orange Coast Pilot7 r _, J • • ...l,_. t.. "";"'" Wil B~'6ion AlreaJY M~Je .• .. • • • ' ' ' Fi IT .h t ____ na _rI .. u _ es ._County DeDio~rat.s ,.,.,__ . . Paid to W~on~t Elldorse • !\t ·.Coast -Servi~e -5th .Dislri~t Vote • , DAILY PILOT ouse ane * * * 10' * * * ~~TOE~o-;i;YAFTERl'IOUl(JU['ri7>;-r9t•~--- YOL.. fl, ltO. fV, I SICTIOtllS. M PANS ' ' . . -· • Deuwcrats "Decision Made' Nix Vote Offshore Critics ·Over Seat Attack Official · By JOHN VALTEid';( By JACKIE HVr.tAN Ferguson or Los Angeles. "It's very Of "" Dllh' rt• Slaff Of IM 0.111 Pllol Stitt frustrating." Orange· County's Democratic Central U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of the "I've told you that \\'e \\'on't make a Committee agreed Monday it would Mt Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted decision until the environmental impael become involved in the battles over how with skepticism and insults hlonday in statement is completed, and Ylhat l'\'e a successor to Fifth District SuN>l'Vic:nr b said is accurate," Carter responded. r-· ·~ ~nta Monica during pu lie discussion of Ronald Caspers will be chosen. offshore oil drilling along the Southern Dispute belween Carter and the ·1n a voice vote following·20-minutes of audience arose both about the issue of debate, the committee rejected a request California coastline. offshore oil drilling itself and about the by several IP,iding county Democrats to Speakers in the audience of 400 person!i Interior Dcpartmenfs handling of the eOO:>rse . a thrnber election as the at Santa Monica Civic auditorium told problem. means to replace Caspers who was lost Carter they believe the ilecision is "I admit '"e didn't do a very good job at sea last month. already made on offshore drilling sites. or publicizing it when we began 1'le committee majority asserted that ~·I have the feeling you already have considering leasing sites. last spring," the move would set ·a precedent and your mind made up and this meeting ts cart.er said at the beginning of the •• 1rs ence ·' . Harassment ., -Of Enemies ht Repori WASHINGTON !UPIJ -The llouse Judiciary Committee published evidence today of White House..efforts to tu"m the Internal Revenue Service in-to an agency of political re\\·ard and revenge. A 440-pagC report from the in1peachmcnt inquiry shov"ed that N4xon- \\'as present \\ilen aides discussed efforts to make political hay from IJ.lS tax information and to harass White Jiouro '°enemies" by audiling ·their taxes. Former IRS Con1missioner Jlandolph Thrower, in a sworn statement to the committee, said the pressure to politicize tire tax service boolmc so intense in 1970 that he had to threi'.lten to resign to block a )Ebite ·House plan o f reorgani7.Rlion. I .. • in~ ,_mttiSan...,,_element_in __ .a .... JXlll-_just window_ dressing," said_M!!Q' _ _m_efil,ing. "We maY. have some kind of partisan issue. ' credibility gap." The campa.jgn for the eled.ion was The fact that a credibility gap exists pressed Monday by Newport Beach's NIXON TOLD AIDES became evident during the meeting as 'rhr.ruLer said he feared the plan would Turn the 1.000-man Alcohof,'foOO.CCOancr·---1'1 Firearms Division into "a personal Police • -. • • -.;l •' . Y outlafal. l•8iJe1 • • • ' I .~ ' ' / Presitlential assistant RorialH Ziegler adjusts his.fennis rackets on the motor bike tie's usf'pg for transportation, during President Nixon's · vacation in San Clemente. Ziegler commutes 18 miles from his Laguna Beach hotel to the Western White House each day. He's also dropped 30 pound.s ~Y eating ol)ly one m-.1 a· day. .. I,_ ' • ·John Black, a former candidate fOf' speakers accused the Department of the · Coqress 8.nd currently a member of the · O Interior or having ignored the public's otaie Democratic Central Committee TO READ HIS BO K desires in the past and repeatedly staled Executive Board. their belief that the depart.menl is- B!ack said Utis morning th<tt.. despite WASHINGTON (UPI) -Charles \V. influenced bv financial donations fron1 • the rejection, he and other supporters Colson has told the House Judiciary major oil coinpanies. will wage a petition campaign throughout Committee that \.\-"hen a crisis occurred At one point a man· in the audience the fifth district in an effort to convince at the White HoUsc, President Nixon told waved a one dollar bill and shouted , the Assembly Judiciary CommiUee to jar his staff to read his-book "Six Crises," a "This will buy your vote!" , loose a bill calling for the November comm1ttee member said. "l find that very offensive,'' Carter Winner-take-all vote. "Colm said he read it 14 times," Rep. responded . That bill was introduced by Republican . Robert F. Drinan (0-Mass.), said "I find you offensive!" shouted another John Briggs·of Fullerton, after Caspers MOOday of the· book Nixon wrote after heckler. 1 . disappeared y.'ith t\\·o of his sons and losing the 1960 presidential race to Jotm . Representatives or a number of seven otbei' men during a cruise up the F .. Kennedy, environmental groups, several of "'hich (See DEMOCRATS, Page Z) I' , had held pre-meeting press confcrcn«!s, Coast -Pars ·Final .Tribute to Caspers · expressed themselves less CtJ\orfully but with equa l vehemence. "We're objecting that the decision has already been n1atle,'' said l\lary Ann Eriksen, a representative of the Sierra . . Club. . • By L. PETER KRIEG Of Ille Dellt l"llet Sl.-t The memorial folder s'.aid simply that a father 'and ·his two sons were "Lost at Sea, June, 1974." • B\lt ii was not the tragic death of Fifth District . Supenilor Ronald W. CaJpen: and sons Kl~ and Rick that a family friend, the Rev. G. Wllllall\ Ci~adf. recountl'CI during memorial services Monday. • • Before more than 400 persons crowtled into SL l\lichael's and All Angels Episcopal Church in Coroi:i& de.1 Mar, th~ / Jlev . .Graey._sald !bo.-J!tOpiO' who "°"' Ron Caspers "have a greater vision of , life because. of this truly ou~standing man." .. ·"' ·-- He said Mr .. Caspers ''.found hi• true ,, love in life in his election to the Board of Rev. Grady said. Supervisors." . J.~or Rmald W. Caspers, born May 21, The hour-long service In the hillside 1931, "life was an exciting thing,'' the chapel that overlooks Newport Harbor Rev. Grady said. "'as attended by· family friends and "He got so very much out of neighbors, political leaders and eowtty everything llfe had to offer. · op:K:.ia1s. "Whether it was that twinkle in his eye They heard the Rev. Grady talk of the v.·hen )'OU would go before him at the life of Rick Caspen, whose love of Board of Supervllors pr whether he \\'M surfing made him Tt-e.U knov.n on the riding herd •t his raocn on that little red 'tteaches' or both Newport &each and tractor or 1t the keyboard of a piano or Santa Barbara. playing bis guitar, he realized complete "He had a quiet and patient manner · succeU and total achie\'emcnt in tnat al~·ays pot people at case," the e\•eryfhing he did." Rev. Grady said. · • The Rev. Grady told of those' achleve- Ki rk Caspers, Zo, said Rev. Grndy, wUJ,. menu -college at 16, the yoong~t be rememberal for his love of the president. .fll a savings and loan al 29, outdoors. .. · • -and the youngest supervisor ~ver in "He \\'as at tiome -with nature," the Orange County at 39. • • ·- "lie was not an average man but in his 1 election to the Board of Supervisors he found the true . lovo or hiS: life. His re-election in June placed him totally in public ~rviee," the Rev. Grady said. ' ·Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' ac- complishments as a slqlervisor, "ilich he said "·ere highlighted when he V.'On his battle fo,.-OOunty acquisition of I~ S,~ acre Starr Ranch for a rounty park . Among tho:;e attending the memorial services \vcre Orange County political leader Richard O'Nell\, ~lrs. Judy llosener and Donald Bright, members' of , the South Coast Regional 1.one Conser- vallon Commlssioo, on which Caspers also had servc<,t, and Irvine Councilman t .....1: (See CASPERS, Page Zl • • I "I ,think the administration is making a nlockery of .environmental i m p a c t assessment and public input in decision f113king.•· "We believe· if the department y.·ere really listening tO us they \\~Uld have sent Secretary of. the Interior Ro"ers ti>lorton Instead of a subordinate," said · . Iii« OIL, Page II · Cos1.11011auts Orhitiug ~10SCOW <U PI } -. The t\\·o Soyuz-14 , cos:monauts comple'ted their '11th \\·orking day on boatd lhe orbiting 20-ton Sa\yul-3 space laboratory today. laking ·pictures of clouds and 1he earth's S4,rface1 ,the Tass news agency said. . ·' • force·• cOOtrollablc only by the IRS ·commissioner .. a political appointee. TI1e White House offered Thro"·er t\\·o candidates fOr ,the job - G. C'.ordon Liddy. later convkted in the \Vatcrgatc break-in. and Jack Caulfield , a former i'iew Yofk police detective whose role as a political spy came to lighl during the . (See 'ENEl\11ES.' Pagi! 2) Orange Coast Wea1her ' Patchy fog and fow clouds near the beaches \Vednesday morning other\\'iSC sunny \with not ·much change in tcmPeralure, acrording to the \vcatber service. Beaches in the low 70s rising ·to the mld- 80s inland. INSIDE TODA.Y So uth Coast r R.epertory has scored a snwsh hit wi!h ils suverlative productio11 o/ the rock-gospel 111usical "G~pell." revieu:ed today on Page 8. Et"1_1 IOfflMdC II L. *· ltYd t .t.1111 Ltlllltn lJ MtMY Tm 1S Cllllfflllt S Mo\'ln I MIJfutl Pllltft IS CIHlillHI "1'•14 (omi(f It N1ll011tl Ntwl I . Crt11wtrll 11• De.i"' /MHcn 11 1!tllorl1I P-I l!'nltrl•lnrntnl I • Fln1Mt 11·11 Hl' D•r<lller J HIN'IM;OH 11 rn11rrnr111on I Dl'lll~C..111• lt l"n11• 1l·H $Hrh ,,.;, llocl1 M•rl!tl• 1 .. U Ttle~llitn I r..,,,.... ' Wttlher d Wtrlll lffWt 4 • , • 1 ,2 OAllY PI LOT. ' Tutsda.v~ JlllY lb, 1974 _ • D·ef ~nse Attorney ·says Reinecke 'Never Lies' ' \1lAStllNGTON (API -Callfomia Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke wa~ dcscribe<l lOday at hls perjury trial as "an honest, over- cooperative human being'' who makes nti!lakcs hut never lies_. "'He'll make tnistakcs here in. the courtroom: he'll 1nakc mistakes ttnder oath. but he doc~'t lie," df'fcruc attorney James E. Cox told jurors during opening arguments. But pi'osecutor Richard D:i.vis said in a 25-nUnute statement that It e Inc c Ke •·deliberately lied" .to the Sen ate Judiciary Committee In 1972 about \\·hen he first talked-lo then-Atty. Gen. John ~tltchell about an International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. pledge lo help bring the Republican natiOllal convention to San Diigo. Davis said he would pro,•e that Reinecke discussed the n'latter wiU1 i\litchell before an 11nlitruil\ settlement . \lo'as made with IT'T. Reinecke claims h(> discusSfd U1e pledge only after U1e I'M' antitrust cise had been resolved. 0'Reinteke ~ill tum Out to _be • most important "itness against himself,'~ said Davis. Cox, in a lengthy presentation. said Reinecke was under no obligation lo testify before the Senate commtttee and that during tbe hearing he was asked Papers Devalued. ' Nixon's . Docii1nents Said Slaslied I NEW YORK (UPI) -Independent auditors hired by the Internal Revenue, Service to evaluate President Nixon's papers appraised - the1n at Jess than half the $576,000 clai1ned by ~i~on's own apprais· ers, the New York Times reported today. . The newspaper said the House Judiciary Committee had copies of the IRS audit of Nixon's tax returns containing this fact and was ''debating whether to make them public.'' The Times story, again citing commitfee sources, said the IRS audit went into "considerable detail about the lack of historical value" of the papers donated by Nixon. . -"1'~or example," the Times story said, "l\lr. Nixon's appraiser, Ralph G. Newman of Chicago, declared that there were 15,000 items relating to the 1959 visit to the United States of Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. The auditors found that there were only one- tenth thit 'many and lhat mo~t consist~ of newspaper clippings.". ~ I . White House IRS Probe Ot Movie Stars Bared IV~SHINGT.ON (UP(J -The White -Fred 1i1acA1urray. $19,716 for 1963, 1965-eG and 1969, less $5,711 in refunds in • ~ about his lmpressicns about when Mitchell knew about ihe I'M' pledge. "He's not a word.1mith:" Cox ,gaid of Reinecke. "He understands things he ~n put his hands on -rad~. televisions or mechanical things -a_ncl that 's the bent · of his nU'lkl~·JJe;s a mechanical engineer and tJ!!!'s _)me type or thlilc he understands." A jury of six men and six \\'Omen was sel ected , 11fonday after five hour's of int ensive questioning by U.LI>tstrict · Judge BarTingtoo •Parker and chal lenges by derense and prosecuting attorney,. As he questioned prospective jurors, Parker emphasized that the Reinecke case has nothing lo do \\.'ilh the Walergate cover-up. When he asked the panel of 70 ~·hether 1hey bail:beard the names of several former top aides to President Nixon who" are involved In the Watergate scandal, Mly about half indicated they had. Alter parker dist}liss&I 17 potential jurors for cause, the defense excused IO without having to state the reason and the prosecution excused. six on such peremptory grounds:. The jury finally selected is composed of eijlht blacks and four whiies. Bio- graphical data on the jurors \Vas not im· mediately available. The jury is sequestered. ~ Among the witnesses that Parker said might be called "'·ere: -For tbe . defeue: \Vashington Redskin coach George Allen ; former Jight . he3V)'._W~~t boJ.ing__s_~pion_ Archie l\foore Of S3n Diego; 1Califomia slate assembJyman Willie BroWn; fomier Atty. Gen. Richard G. Klt.indlenst: former special Watergate prosecutor Archibald C:Ox; Sens. Roman Hruska (R· Neb.), .Hugh ~t (R-Pa.), John Tunney (D-Calif.) and Hiram Fong (R·HawaH ). -For the __ prosecuti4ft: Rep. Bob \Vilson {R-CaljLl._Sen. 'nlnney and former Ni;icon campaign' manager Clark !o.lacGregor. . •. Reinecke was accompanied by his wile and three teenage children.An court. !962_J!D<f 1964. . ...• ~. -Gary Morton and Lu ct lie Bail, $7 ,010 From Pa9e l . ' .... • -• • Pro•P .. el . CASPERS .••• Joiui-Bulton. The Jl>eme hymn c-for lhe ll>lemn occaaion was, "Elemal Father, Stroas to save." .. NOM of Calpen' ltllow tupervlaorl joined in the memorial wvke' althoulh each ont sent an aide. Board Chalnnan Jtalph. Clark is "Oil YICltion and &ipenisor David Baker 11 ln Wa1hlngton p.c. on county business. · • Both Supervisors Ralph Oiedrlcli and Rpbert Battin are ~wily in Miami Beach where they are attending the NaOonit Association ot CounUe1 Conference whete they are to pick up an award honoring Orange County· for l l 1 progressive progr&ms. Caspers and his t\\-0 IOnS and 1even others were lost at sea June 14 beldw San Benito Island Oft Baja CalllornJa. They were ~aboard the &3-foot Shooting Star, owned by ~unty political leader Fred Harber whose fast communlcalion came late al night June ·13 that the boat was laking 911 w&ter and sinking. ~ ,.. Services tor Harber and the si1 others have no! been annouriced. REl~KE AND FAMILY . LEAVE .COURT PURIN~· BREAK';~ •;;.:L. 'An Honest Hum.1n Being Who Makes Mistakes But Never Lies' From'P .. el DEMOCRATS •• ••• Nixon to Meet Today Baja California coast. Black.hat labeled the effort to seek an election "the only equitable a n d aemocratie way to fill the vacant seat." Among others supporting the election js James 111orpe, the Conner San Juan Capistrano mayor who ran .against Caspers in the June primary. . With Staunch Defender Thorpe told Ille committee Mooday that .-the' press wa" indicating that Democrats irl -8acramento have been PreSiClcnt ~iXOO inlerruptS a holiday at a multimillionaire's Palm Desert estate today to meet in San Clemente with an ardent supporter. Rabbi Banich }\orff, • head . of the nati onal committee for fairness to the presidency. Nixon arranged a late afternoon meeting wilh Korff, one of his strongest anti·lmpeachment defenders. . Korff, of Providence. R.I.. has arranged rallies around the country in support of Nixon, and \Vhite House aide Bruce llerschenson is working closely with him oo his campaign to keep the Presidenl in office. - Nixon Jli1onday new to the desert ~te or U.S. ambassador to Great Britain Walter Annenberg, with his wife and his dallghter and son-in-law, Tricia and Edward Ccx. Th<!y reJaxed at lhe 20Q. blocking the election bill. · "They say we are· btoekinc a free election, and this (i mpression) is not going to sit well with the voters," Thorpe said . acre walled·ln estate and Nixon and Cox However, the majority ot the county played 18 holes of golf on Its private central committee members ins1lted 'Course. · ' · -· · ---1haL the party always hla remained Nixon has told hiA nldes he is feeling no detached fro!"1 DOni>&rtlsan JUJ)el'V.ieorial . races. disCOfT'!fort from phlebitis, a blood clot in One of tlfe county 's mCllt prominent his left leg. and the swelling hu gone Democrats. · rancher Rlchard O'Neill, down. !'He Is not experiencing anf pain" opposed tbe move to SUJIPOft an~. said .i:ess Secretary Ronald_Zle~ler. The ~!'JI.: v':~ge in debate before tbt condition developed before his trip to the Afterwards O'Nf!UJ id t-b t l\liddle East. • even though three ~now ~ The golf trip~ WM a brief respite· before on tbe c:ountf Board of ~. the f House conducted an inquiry in 1971 into the tax status of nine "politically active" movie and tel evision stars, aceording to evidenct: released today by the Jlouse Judiciary C:Oriun.ittee. - ~-...,\\1bite Housr officta1s, the eviden-c~ showed, went to the Internal Revenue Service to obtain the information which norm ally is confidential between ms and in 1965; ,,_ OIL _ dl.on.ald-Reagan, $13,101 for 196U6; ---- -Frank Sinatra, $30,797 for 1960 and • • • Nixon plunges into a series of. meetings party .ltaS never become Involved in their 'f'\\'O B-andi~ts-·lln-I•"'t,...._. i11Hld•C..r._1ater-this-week-to-prepere · -~~..:. , . Ro:..· -~---1 . . ddr he 111 dell ~Tboae ~ua:: uperv1mrs are U1Crt a mtJor economic a ess !" v~r Battin.·Ralph Diedrich and Ralph Clark , -· Nancy Galms of -the s e a sh or e nex~ ~eek, probably eb:ewhere m The board has granted Caapen offi~ -·-. 196U<:- -Wayne, $251,116 for ·1964-66, including a taxpayer. · · The incident Is discfosed in a memo $237,331 in 19'6. From Pagel 'ENEMIES' ... contained in the ~40-page volume of eVidence relating to alleged misuse of the ~JRS released by the committee as part of its impeachment investigation. The volume draws no conclusions as to the incident. The memo was written Oct. 6. 1971 to Senate Watergate. hearings. then-White House counsel John W. Dean Thrower, a Republican from Atlanta, 111 by John J. Caulfield, an eX-New York Ga .. said he blocked both appointments. City' policeman hired by the \\'hite House But wtlen he tried to see President for clandestine assignments. Nixon to protest agaih efforts to tum the The investigation was t r I g g e r e d 1 lax service into a political tool he was according to accompanying testimony, by denied access to the oval office and a complaint to ·the White House from blocked from making his case, he said. actor John \Vayne · of Ne"'J)Ort Beach, Judiciary Chairman Peter W .. Rodino that he was being "harassed'' by tax Jr. (0-N.J.), ti.as said ht conslders men. After looking at the status of other evidence of · 1he politicil aquse-of movie and television stars, Caulfield gov~rnment agencies to be among the COl'Jcluded that "The Wayne complaint most serious in the impeachment inquiry. . . , does nOt appeaf io be strong eOOllgti The IRS evidence is likely to be cited to pursue." when Rodino's committee starts drafting Impeachment in\'estigators obtained articles of impeachment next week. the Caulfield memo from the Senate Asked about the committee report as \'1atergate Committee, along with his he arrived for a closed session ol the secret testimony at an executive session committee today, Nixon's lawyer, James · :P.1arch 23. O. St. Clair said he read it to mean the panel "found nothing ·to it." "Per your instructiorii of Sept. 28, 1971, "''e have selected some individuals in the He said the matter had been entertainment industry who were invest~gated fully. by other congressional politically· active ·during prior elections comm11t~s aod -~t. ':"'as determined ~at and determined their audit hlstory,"-no harassing. audits were made of While Caulfield "'rote Dean. House ~mies . . The review. he said. shov.·ed these . Toda:,: s report .was the ninth volume of "deficiencies'' for the selected stars: 1~peactiment evidence to !:>e released, -Richard Boone, $1 377 for 1967-68; with more to come !ater this \Vee~ Environmental Alliance (SEA). II • B n.k Ca\J.forni~. . leave throup Aug. 9 and, until that date "You're not considering the lJllting~Oll 3 Nixon is. s~ti.ng fot a balan:ced budget no one can assume even 8 carttaker ro~ alternatives," said J. Alex Cota of the •. • of $330 bdhon m the 1976 fJ&Cal, ¥ear, in"the Fifth District. Gov. Ronllcl~ Eastside-Westslde Concerned Citliens F ~980 H uJ starting ~ July l . He also predicted has the J)OWer to appoint • ~ tO Committee. "We don't want drilling in Of f;¥ . 3 !hat the 1975 ~seal ~ear budpt-deficl~pers.Jf~DO election took place, that the Santa Mohica Bay, \\'e want will be narroweet to atiout '2 billion,. aPPoiMment would last until early oett ·alternative fuels such aa hydrogen." An acne-scarred man and h i s At one point, Ziegler told reporters tb4t year when a new governor ii 1wom in Cota expressed anger at having only accomplice stuck up a downtown there was a "pos.tlbllity" of !IChleving a · learned of Monday's meeting the Hunt!J:lgton Beach bank Piotonday, malting balanced budget in the current fiscal previous Thur9day from a rad i 0 off wit h $980, police said. · · year: as a result of rising revenues, but broadcast. The suspect, described ns about 40 revL'>ed his remarks to say: "The goat Is "We are deserving d. more respoot years old. slender with short hair and to narrow the deficit in '?Sand to achieve than having a mere handful of days to glasses, approached teller Maria Dr<ike a balanced budget in '76." prepare to defend our coastline," he said. at the United Qillromia Bank at 309 Main Nixon swnmoned Herbert S lei n , Apollo Crew In Celebration Speakers also ·cbj~ed to spending St.. told her he had a gun and demanded chainnan of tbe Council of Economic their time attending a public -meetin g money. Advisers, to ny here for consuJt.atlons CAPE CANAVE"'AL, Fla. (AP) · ~ \\'hieh 'ft·as not an official hearing and at She emptied her cash dra\ver of $980 in Thursday. Arriving at the same time will America's first moon explorerl today which testimony wa" not recorded. tens and twenties and gave it to him. be Secretary of State Heriry Kissinger for· celebrated the fdlh annivenary of their "Yet If we didn't a~ the police sakl, at tbe same· time tripping a foreign policy talks through. Saturday. blast«f into history to the quiet ltrains department could say the p · St't silent burglar alarm. pf "Auld Lang Syne" and a blariu,( tape interested ," said Miss Gaims. Police said the~teller never actually recording of the final minules ~·their "We want your input in our saw a weapon. Teleyision Set Buy countdown. · . envirorunentaI im.pa'ct statement," The robber then fled the bank and r The rare joint public appearance by Carter said. "I think you represent$ an according to one witness, jumped into the A 'H ll B ~ ' ·Apollo 11 astrmauts Nell A. Armstrong important point of view which may be passenger seat of a large, white car 0 OW arga1n Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Mldiael Collinl controlling. parked next to Gold Coe.st Laboratories. · came during ceremonies d e c I a r I n 1 "H~ever, I think you're saying that The car was seen going went on Olive SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Lester Launch Comi>Iex 39 at the ·Kennedy you've already made up your minds and Street, police reported. Urbina, 22, thought he had a iood deal" E4>ace Center a naUonal Ji tat 0 r I c you're angry because you think we've Police apparently arrived only minutes when two men sold him a television set landmark. already made up ours." after the bandils left at 11 :30 a.m. for $200 on a slreet comer. -A crowd of more than 3,000 broke tnto He suggested that COITCfpondence on The driver of the getsway car also Police said Monday that Urbina took cheers as National AeronauUcs and ... the subject be sent to William E. Grant; reportedJy sported short hair. The robber the set home, plugged It In and nothing Space Administration offlcials broadcast Manager of the outer Cootinental Shel(, was al90 described as about 145 pounds, happened. He checked inside and found It the tape recording of the final one minute Bureau of Land Management with the and from five feet , 10 inches to six feet was empty. Urbina told ofiicers that the and 30 seconds of the July 16, 11189, Apollo U.S. Department of the Interior in Los -'-,'1;:1.========·=====c;:ab;:in;:et:;;;;loo;;..;;ked=a;:tt;:ra;:c;:li;;ve;:.;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:1;;1;;;coun;;,;;;;;!do;;wn;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;-.. Angeles. 1 "He's the one responsible for the environmental studies," carter said. "However, I assure you we'll be much -s DI J •1366831 1961 ,.., Thenewrcportsa1d: ammyavsr.,,or~ N Clk 'lllhoff and 1966; -ewspa~rman ar , no en . , -Jerry Lewis $462 3l2 for l95Htli and former s~al counsel to ~txon, S\\'Ort 1n l96B:. . ' ' an aflidav1~ to the com~tllee tha~ H.R. · mOre innut'nced by reasonable argumen1" agninst offshore drilling than by opinions alone." .WHAT'S UP? NOT CARPETING·- -Peter Lawford $32:72o for l96&-4i9• !'faldc~an mvoked Nixon s name 1n 1970 ' ' ' in seek ing a me;no on the tax status of • " DAILY PILOT Tr.t er._~ Dlo;/\l Nd, witi. .,me.,. co- .,._ ,,. N•••·"'-" -~¥1 ... ()>onge ea.. """'"~lnq eoo-"'I' SePlt• .. -.... """''"...a. t.lona" ....._~ r rn10Y b c.o. .. °""""· Nt.-,..t 8o11Cl!. H""'~ll" Elott~lf....,.. 111n V~14'¥. l•gynt llud•, ,.....,,.,~. """' }I#" ~"'•l:S.... Jutn C.04l••"CI It "'"""" !ll91C>n~ eclolH>l't 11 _..,_ $11...001'" """ s,,,.. ~·V\ T .. 1>r1flCICW1l llUl>I01flll'O Ilion!" t! 3.JOWHI flly SU•, Coolt "'-C..!okwtttl, 1:19:19, cmi.H.loo1 li:it\.odP:Nai1 ,,.,...i ... ~c-~~- ·°""" Qi&.lalole .. Ulw.t••~ He-8~ ll.\lN-1 lloll-l1911"-'8u<fo mfc.•M•-............ llfl&.~ ,,.,,INel'!ao..~ ..... .:-..,.c:i.-nie 3°',_IJC-111.,. T...,._.1714t641·4JJI c~ •""'"tMt ••i.••11 •-Gottl•l .. -~ .. ~9ttcft 4t2•44JO "-"I dtll'I OMltOS...., .. C.• ""--QI.le.- .. t ~'*'''*'°"' 11Y m i.er ll tlO ~ IW lliloA ,.00_,.,;_..,.....-,,0Q~· Gerald Wallace , brother or the go.vemor o!_ Alabama . The damaging memo was sv.iltly leaked, even though unauthorli.ed disclosure cf tax returns is a criminal act. -John D. ·· Ehrlichman,. in another s"''Om statement, recalls telling fonner IRS Ccmmissioner Johnnie li-1. Walters in 1972 "what a crapp}r Job he had done'' • ix-cause an audit fciled to find a ta:ic underpayment by Lawrence O'Brien, then Democratic national chalnnan. Ehrlich{nan SYlore last February: "I •,ranted them to 1urn up something and send him to jail, before the election and unfortunately Jt didn 't materiaUze." -Wa1ters, who quit fhe following April, recalling· the incident, said t h a t EhrUchman had complained to hlm, "l'm goddamn tired of your foot-dragging tactics." White House officialdom, the evidence showed, felt Democrats in the .... rRS hier3rehf controlled Republican t.u: commissioner"'-instead ·of vice-versa. -Previously undtscl06ed • testimony from John W. Dean Ill before~a clo8cd session or the Senate \V at erg ate committee quot.ed him as saying that r\ixon wonted to stop tax actioflS against his friends. DcPn said Nixon "nskcd that It (the. TRS) be turned off on friends of his r -Dean, In a 1nemo to his White llouse . superiors. asked, '"Can we do un.y~lng to help?" when told that presldentl1ill friend Billy ·'Cfflhatn, th e preacher, was undergoing n tax audit to, see when he hod reported as ineome glft!I he had rcceivtd. The rerily : "No -It's already covered." • ... ., Among Monday's speakers, Hermosa Beach City Councilman Lance Whitman was one cf. the few to detail his cbjectiorui to the drilling. Whitman cited the danger of oil spills, the visual.impict cf. oil equipment, and the passage of . Proposition 20 as evidence that voters "hold precious the c"atirornia coastline." Monday's meeting was a less dignified repeat cf a ~Cj'tlng Friday between carter and Southern California city ·officials. who also expressed opposition both to offshore oil drilling and to the Department of the lnte.rior's handling of the matte r. 'Top Bu1nbler' To Get -Aivard WAS!TINGTON (AP) -Rep. Bill Gunter (0.Fla.), says bf, established a ' ' B u m b 11 n C Bureaucrat of Ule. ~lonth" a"'lrd. aB:I. the first recipient will be James A. Conlon, administrator of the Bureau of Engraving. ' 'Gunter said Conlon wtll rttelve the awtnl, a crumpled piece or wa ste paper, for· his role In complt.tlng production of 4.8 billion. ga~ rallon cou~s after it beea!].C1_ clear they wtren'\ needed1 The cost to the Urxpayers was $12.5 million, Gunter said· In 11 slate:m£>nt. • .. The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 years ago, (1952). Technology has been responsible for.. th.is, resultiQQ in speedier ways of making, dyeing, and ftnishing carpeting as much as 70 times faster! THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN· CRE'.ASE DUF11NG THIS TIME PERIOD. Yor (!lay think when you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive. Remember. however. that people are carpeting bedroom s. bat~s. kitchens, and other. areas that ysually weren t carpeted 25 or 30 years ago, making totals higher. . . · Carpeting ordina;ily costs less than linoleum or hardwood flooring, and provides features of comfort, quiet. beauty, and 1mpress1ons of spaciousness. • You 'll get your BEST <;ONSUMER VALUE when you buy carpeting from Alden·s. · . ALDEN'S . ' CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentla A.ve.. • COSTA MISA 646°4838 HOUIS: Moo. Tin tiooon., 9 to5:J~ •. t le 9--SAT. t :JO le S .f r ., • --- Confessed Perjurer .. . -----, • ' • s • OAJL Y PILOT :J1 \ . -. ~ou·nty--Of f icer -Sent-t~Jail- By TOM BARLEY ~Of lllt Dlltf ~llt SIMI Forn1cr Bucnn Park Police Sgt. James David Bakken war-11cnt to-Orange County :Jail for ono year Monday ISy a judge who ~as repeatedly urged by the prosecution to send the cOnfcsscd perjurer to •state prl!oo. Superior Court ~Udge Kenneth E. Lae technically 'Imposed a prison term of one to 14 years but immediately suspended it in favor of lhe jail term and three years' probation. And he made it clear in a long summation -of the special sentencing hearing that Bakken's ear:licr plea of oo 1..'0ntest v.•as, to Judge Lae, •!the same as a plea of guilty." · • · "Police ofriccrs are ·in a unique posllion in our courts and our-System or justice," Judge Lae told Bak.ken~ "That system would become a mockery if you were not punished.'' A long list ot sentencing conditions tpelled out by Judge Lae includes the • provUo 'that Bakken can never ag1ln be a police officer and ·can never contribute lcMlmony In any form in any civil"' or crim1nal proccclllng. fliS testimony live years ago in the drug trial of John J~rt Snyi:ler, 45, <>f Buena Park, eventually' led to nn investlptioo ol tile llncerPrlnl exptt1 and h1i ihdlctment by lhe Grand Jury on charges or perjury ;oo offering and preparing false evidence. Snyder was sentenced to nine months in county jail after being found gWlty of poMession of matijuana. Bakken testified during his trial that 'Siiyder's prints were f<Ul<iA\. a bag of marijuana that was the prosecution's principal evidence in the trlal before~ Superior Court JiJdge Kenneth Willi ams. • Snyder never served the nine-month jail tenn and· lhc felony conviction has now beer\ Strick(rl from the record. He has sued the city of Buena Par)( and Bakken for $1 million and the action is awaiting trial ln Superior Court. Ba.Jr:ken's former employers are co- defendants w!lh him In a Ill million lawsuit flied In Superior Court by Yt'illlam De Palma, 37, of Whittler. De Palma spent· three years in federal prl80n after being found JuiLty six: yl}&rs ago or taklfig $2,400 at gunpoint from the offices of a savings and !Gill aasoctauon In Buena .,Park. Bakken testified in that trial that a print found on the bank counter was De Palma's. Experts later discovered that the print had tieeri "llfted" from a document that contained the Whittler man's flngerprtnta and used against him In lbe trial. By that time, De Palma had senred three years of his sentence. He repeatedly insisted durlng his trial that he was ~ customers from his catering truck several miles away from Buena . ..Park when tbe Mercury Saving!" and Loan office was robbed. Jlis .lawyers brought in witnesses to back the statement but the fingerprint evi.dence against their client proved to be damning. It was learned late Monday that no .. federal action can now be taken against Bakken in connection with the De Palma ce.se because the .afitute ·of limitations applflng to such prosecutions has now,_ aplr<d. -·~ No reference was f1lade to the federal case in the bearing before Judge ~e. But defense attorney George Savord insisted after putting eight character v•ltnessea on the stand th.at "no one has been hurt " ln lbe Snyder <ase. "}le has suffered enough," Savord said. "He baa spent three months in the Department of Corrections while a diagnostic -study was being carried out and he was often kept in isolation." Judge Lae said he recogni~ that ~ Baken bas 1..ptiysical problem (a heart ailment), thllNbe former police sergeant has Jed "a very exemplary lite.and has ~a pillar of hiJ community. "Btlt there must be a deterrent to this sort of conduct," he said. "We · can not allow our system of justice to become a' mockery." Maneuvers -Open I~n Popeil Case CREWMEN WORK TOPSIDE ABOARD RACING YACHT COURAGEOUS Challenge Coming From Intrepid for America's CUp By ARTHUR VINSEL Of Ille Dall, P'ilot lltK ---Maneuvers-started-today-In-the -firit stages o{ the murder·for-hire trial of Newport Beach socialite E!Qise Popeil and her boyfriend, who alleiedly tried In contract two men to kill her millionaire husband. Los Angeles coUhty Superior Court Judge Mark Brandler has been assigned the case. Jie was to rule on defense motions made Monday in regard to admissibility of certaih evidenre. His decision 1 to be . delivered in Department 53 in downtown l.Al5 Angeles NY Beaches will open the way for seleclion or a jury to hear the eotlre case. A six-week trial is anlicipated for Mrs. Popeil, 48, and her co-defendant, Dan M. Ayers, 37. both of whom are charged with conspiracy and solicitation to commit murder. '?be onetime cafe wai~ and Ayers, have pleaded innocent. She remains free on $00,000 bail, much of it aecured by pledges from fenner · neighbors of the couple, who put up real estate holdings as .security. The Popells ooce. lived at 519 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach an address she· has vacated following a police raid there six month! ago by .Long Beach homicide investigatora. For America's Cup Intrepid, Courageous ,, Bow to Bow in Trials NE\VPORT, R.I. (AP) -The Intrepid helm, and -Gretel 11, with skippf;r Jim has pulled even with Courageous in the Hardy. also "·ere-schedajed to race observation trials to . detennine the United States represe'n1ative for derense . today. or the America's Cup. Southern Cross was put back in the Intrepid, the 1970 ~inner or !he ~·ater Atonday afternoon with 10 inches --• • 'Ibo sleniler b&nle and her tall, lrim male companion, who had just driven up to the waterfront home in a Rolls-Royce SUver Shadow limousine are accused· <>f 'plotting against the life of Samuel J . prestigious yacht race. registered a pair added to the length of her ketl and with a ... • lo In the Swi1n UfllT ....... Marine Capt. Alan Jones of Port.land takes a final gulp of air be- fore finishing a !()().mile swim from The Dalles, Ore., doWn the Co- lumbia River to Portland, a 3s=h·our-projecl lie planS an 1,800-mile swim down the Mississippi Riv.er in 1976. Pilot Logbook ~erman.~spires $7.95, 100% Safe Mousetrap By RuDI NIEDZIELSKI OtllY flli.t 11-lf Because the . t~ht of k-illing mortifies us, ~·e are probably the only p;eople on the block with a $7.95 mousetrap. That's bow much you have to shell out i! you want to catch your mouse alive. The guy at the SPCA just laughed ~·hen my wire inquired if ther~ was such a th.ing as a trap which doesn't kill ,the mouse. It was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard -0r and he Clidn't mind telling Chris so. WE DON'T BELIEVE in throwing money away either. That's why we bought the chcapo trap instead of the $10 luxury model. Both were uncovered aL a !Ang Beach pet store after t~·o full days of searching. All -0f this time and money has been invested because all other measures to get rid of our latest house guest, a ao 1 u1u two-inch vermin named "Herman," have fa iled mlserably. The little critter made his appearance -rather spectacularly -Monday by scurrying along the kitchen ctiunter and disappearing into one of the top burners of the .. electric range. · LETTING OUT A TERRIFYING tooth-ratiliilg~m , ctnia jumped upon the nearest chair, while I explained in great haste lb.a! .having • mouse in the house shouldn't be so frightening. "lie probably just strayed in ahd is as scared as you are," said I, re- aMUring Chris that everybody who moves into a new housing tract has a mouse .problem because the construclioft activity nu.shes them out of..their habitat. • · H-0we\•er:, th<! thought Of having a mouse nestihg in the stove didn't sit too y,:e\I with Chris \\'ho immediately gave me instructions from the safety of her chair on how to dismantle it. OF COURSE. HERl\tAN ~·as long g-0ne. "Forget the mouse ~vet came in hpc," I told her. "fl.1aybe he's slipped out of the house and \\'On.'t be back." Still the thought of ha ving tho aroma or "mouse frites" waftmg from the kitchen ~as disturbing and when Herman appeared the following night, It \Va~ clea r that he just had to go. J-Ils reprise performance caused quite a sccrie. 1 arrived home lo find Chris with her pant legs rolled up, instructing our cat "Fritz" how to chase Hcnnan the Vcnnin. She had the haUY.'ilY leading to our bedroom blocked of£ with an Ironing board while the doors leading from the family room lo the garage and the outside of the house were open. Those were to be Hennan's escape roltes. . . TllE JOE~ WAS for Fritz to put enough heat on Herman so that be would run for safety and be forever gone. It didn't ~'Ork oot that way. Fritz was still sniffing Wlder"'the couch Y.·hen HeJ'TNn was already back under the stove. ExclsperatfJd, Chris rolled do\\'ll her pant legs (She'd ·rolled them up. so Hennan couldn't shinny up her clothes) and began building a trap according to design parameters· devised by a D:iilY P~ot staffer. · Jt consisted o1 a shoe box. a slick proPping up the shoe box. a st.ring and a plect of cheese. The follo wing morning, the chetse wa:i gone and IO was the stick. . "l'l-1 GETTING A little lrrllat'ed with llerman." confessed Chris, wbo up lo lhtn didn't get too upset w!th our house mouse unless she actually saw him. "1 think We're JI.isl going to have to get a .mouselrrlp." And that's how we got our $7.9511ave-A·lleart mousetrap. Now U Herman will ju.st cooper11tc, w~ will be oble to resume our normal .llves again. Not Ready For JVudity Popeil. · He had initiated divorce proceedings in Otlcago, bul Mn. Pope.il still stood to rece:lve a third of bis 5timaled $200 mllli<n estate if be died. before it was final. u.,, -bomicide ~Im!. NEW 'YORK CAP)_ New York ll_no_t_j>laoed 1ii•cmlidWathtiO men claJming ready for nude.sunbalbing, in·fbe view oC knowledge of the murder plqt, have_ tape a fedetal magistrate. recordings allegedly dealing with the I propooed killing. "I don 't know where these peop e get .. Defense attorneys Phil Petty and the idea they have a 'constituttonal-right Robert Green, acting for Mrs. Popeil, to strip naked. and parade iD . front of and lawyer Joseph Acton, representing other people;" Magistrate Vincent A. Ayers, argued against allowing their use. Cat9ggio told a young map. charg~ with Judge Brandler's decisjo_q_on that issue disorderly conduct, intoxication and wi ll allow the juiz selection to begin shoving a park ranger while strolling in today and Petty saKI he expects it ~·ill be the nude at a Queens beach. completed. by the end of the week. The ranger said he sighted. Shelley _ Prosecutor Deputy District Attorney L i e b e r m '8 n ' 25-~-old bairdtts.!er, Peter Bregman reportedly plans to lead walking in the altogether a Io n I{ the orr with testimony by one of the men boardwalk al a federally controlled u. edl ~ ed r he k!U' lhal section of the beach at Jacob Riis Parle 8 g Y 11U1icit or t mg was never earned oot, probably nezt Mon-Thc officer said he was pushed by da Lieberman as he was writin g y. Lieberman's summons for disorderly conduct. · The defendant's lawyer contended the particular beach area had become a haven the past two sununers for nude sunbathers. ___ _ That was too much for Catoggio. "If this ls what's going on at Jacob Riis Park. the Department or the Interior m_lght well consider closing the place," he !;aid. Lieberman was released on $5,000 bond and ordered to appear in U.S District Court in Brooklyn <>n Aug. 29. • Rapist-slayer Eludes Police NAPA (AP) -·Police say they are "kind of at a dead end" in tbe1r search for the man who raped , robbed and fatally bludgeoned a middle-aifl woman who ran a neighborhood bar.· · · '"Ibere is nothing, no new clues," said Lt. John Bailey of last week's .slaying of Anlla Elizabeth Andrews, 51. Bailey said h-tonday that ?.1rs. Andrews was strangled, stabbed, beaten, and suffered a fractured skull. The atulcket' raped her, look $100 in chaoge, her purse, credit cards and kfys. * * * Popeil Must Pay Wife $27,000, Judge Declares CHICAGO (UPI) -Samuel J. Popeil has been ordered to pa y his wife, Eloise, $27,000 In temporary support payments and legal "tosl.s . even though she is charged with conspiring to. have him murdered. · Divorce Qourt Judge Hyman Feldman refused h-fonday to change his ruling at the request of Popeil, a millionaire partner in a kitchenware company. Feldman last year ordered Popeil to pay $4,250 a month to his wife for four morrths and another $10,cm in lawycr.i' fees while the divorce was pending. llfrs. Popeil and Daniel Ayers of Santa Ana, are being tried: this ~·eek on the • murder plat charg~. Th<'y are accused of hiring two men to murder Pope.ii. Mi's. ,Popeil and Ayers were arrested Jan. B.in CalUornia. of victories Monday over Valiant. new aluminu~ mast. The ctlanges. were -. At least one trial race between the two top conl!!:nders was scheduled for today. .intended to improve the Australian boo.l's And there was the PoSSibility. officials perfonnancc on the windv.'ard leg. said, that Intrepid and Courageous would ~Intrepid won the first race over Vali ant race twice. f.londa y on Rhode Island Sound over 'f llfeanwhile, Australian challengers 14.4-mile cou™' by· 3:02 and took secOnd Southern Ci:oss, w.itb_John..Cuneo..at the -race-over-a-JQ.rnile-course-by· 1 :52. Slaying Suspect l,abeled 'Mean'. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPIJ -The man ~of murdering country movie star David "Stringbean" Akeman and his wife is "'not crazy ..• just mean," District Attorn ey General th-0mas S hriver C?Onlends. - Stn1ver's remarks came l\tonday during a break in lhe sanity hearing for John A. Brown Jr., 24, who, along with tY.u -0tbers, is accused of gwtning down Akeman and his wire Estel last November as they returned from a late nigh t Grand Ole Opry perfonnance. Defense attorney Anl()ld Peebl~ said Brown will plead not guilty by reason of insanity i£ he wins the sanity he8ring . Jury se lection continued through the da'y 'vith four jurors tentatively seated. T,vo Me11 Slain Over Pool SJ1ot CARUTHERS (AP) -A preliminary Justice Court heari ng is scheduled for a Lemoore Naval Alr Station mah charg<.'d in a double murd"er over a missed pool shot. Lee \Vaighl , 36, wa s arrested after a barroom shooting near this Cl'nl r.al·- Califomia to"11 July 4 v.·hieh killed Robert Nead, 55, a Fresno businessman, and Richard Mendoz. 40, or San Jose. Witnesses ·told Fresno r.ountv sherifrs officers that Waight blamed ·a missed pool shot on Nea d. \\'ho was §itting ·behind him. Witnesses said \Va ight pu lled a .22-calibcr maghum· pi stol and fired hvice hitting Nead In the chest and l\tend_.ez in the jn\v. Intrepid a~ Col_lrageous both 49ve 3-l records in the July lrials. They brokt! even in the two races they sa1··~1 '!'-':"': Saturday and both oow have teated \'aliant t~·ice. Intrepid and Valiant had an even start in their first race Monday, but Intrepid was pointil1g much higher than the other boat-in the 12·14 knot southwesterly breeze and soon pulled away. Intn'pid led at the turn ing marks by 50 seconds, L09, 1:29 and 2:47. In the second race. Valiant hit the starting line several boilt lengths ahead o.f Intrepid, but within half an hour Intrepid had worked up underneath Valiant, forcing her to tack. Intrepid covered the -0ther boat and then outsailed Valiant for a lead of 2:09 at the weather mark. l\feanwhile, in 1t1arseille, France, the 12-meter yacht [ranee ~·as loaded aboa rd a freighter for a trip to the United Slates and a· series against aR Australian entry for the right lo challenge for the cup. The Gennan freigh!cr Kybfcls will take the France to Providence, R.I., where it will be equipped and prepared for training. beginning Aug. 2. Laivn ftf o-iv~r Kills W idot.v \\'ALTERS, l\linn. (APJ -An elderly Y.'idO\v v.•ho lived alone \-\':lS killed by suffocation when a self· propelled lawn n10y,·er she was operating lipped over on her. Faribault County officials said. The sheriff's office said A1rs. Fa:ruWe Tonn. 'ii. 11•as operating the lay,11 mo1\·C'r along a dHch on a county road in rront of her home near this sOu1hen1 J\f!Mcsotu cominwtil y J\tonday v.11en the accident occurred . She Knows Dow Nixon Feels . . ~ WOODLAND !DLLS, Tex. jUPI) - Airs. Nina F. Robbins. "a graodmother in my 60s," sympathizes wtt.b President Nixon. She knows what it is to face impeachment. · ;._ ,. Afrs. Robbins ts ~·oi of thi s tiny Dallas County community of less than 400 population. A councilman charged Mr with mishandling her duties and the a'Jf.° mole t'Ouncll of rite voted to hold an Impeachment trial. It will be held tonight In the small metal building that serves as City llall:•· She said !he knows she cannot talk wlth'Nlxon directly· bul !lid Monday she wants him tn I<now ·~ w1d..-s&nda . ' "( have ._,. thinking or gelling in touch with some people around the Pre1ident to lel him knov.· I know how he feels." ~\t'n:. Robbins said she ex~ts to be lmpeachtd and will fight it through the coo rt.. "Tm not scared. I'm not taking this lying dov.n. Alv.'8ys in the past, they have overruled me unanimously,'' &ht said of the five coundlmen. · -' Aieanwhile, she goes aboul he'r daily \\'Ork as 1J1Ual. That oould be anything rrom a golf game, to a class at h-lol.Dltain View Junior CoUtge to keeping house for her hUiband, rtUrtd Army Lt. COi. . . ,, • \V"eldon L. Robbins. ~!rs. Robbins said she never ~d nm for public office until she rnn for Cltr Coondl In 1!171 and 1912. Sh• lost both times. She rAn for mnYQr In 1973 and "·as elected. In his hnpcachn1t'nt c o m p I 11 i n t , Councilman Gsorge Gipson .1H~cust!d ~lrs. RobbiM of lnlCrfering \Vilh the duties of the city sccrelary and or discharging her duties as muyor "in an incompeten t munncr amounting to gross carelessness." Gipson 11aid city ordinances spell out the duties Of the mayor as being tho~ of calling meeting$ and special elcctlons and presiding over meetings. "She think--; she can do the cHy secretary's 11urk just because she ls there and has nothing lo do," he ch arged. Cipson's eomplaint 1'1so nccuSl'd ?.Ir$. Robbins ot holding up consldc.ralioo of a "'Rlcr rranchisc for lhe community. Rnd or pushin!( l<l (,dissolve the city•• through ann<'xation \11th ono of the fl\'e lar;;er TI<':lrby citlf's. including Osllli!i. \Voo<lland Hills is loca ted on about a ~ square-mllc 11·11ct wit h 011llas 1ouchin~ the eas t boundary, cedar JliUi and DeSoto on th e south and Duncanville OQ the west and north. . ' • • " 'I . ' ' • ·- 4 DAIL V PILOT -- Is This La11e For the Fair? ' PARDON ~IV ElJW\VS: Every year about this time. \\'e hav_e a "ery large problem along th is Dest of all possible coasts. lt is obvious. People sirriply do not have anything to do. You can tell this because of the v.·ay people are acting: They are all out there on the highv.·ays and byways, just· milling around. Consider the Nev:port·Ba l boa Peninsula, for example, There are mi~es t.f beathes, usually. some sun , scads of boats in the harbor and dozens of4 fine wateriilg spots. Balboa's Fun 7.one is ·~._.~ in operation. Think . about Huntington Beach. The longest run of sand in our entire region . Surf, .sea, clean breei.es: PONDER LAGUNA BEACH, for another example. Here is the tourist paradise with qliaint shOps, three (count 'em. three) art fesliWls all going at the same lime, a playhouse'-~ operation, a ne\\' ~lain Beach Park ·"'-and several saloons. View San Clemente. Here v.-e have the President of the United St ates, vacationing in his \Vestern \\'hite House \\·hile the national press corps waits around for him to·do something. 1( you ·can't watch the President, at least you can watch the national press corps. And this coming "'ee.kend. S a n Clemente .puts together the city's -annual party. knowri' as the Fiesta de la Cr\stianitas with its. parade and other festivities. Why. reportll. have it"today that the 5an Clemente Inn got so filled up with Fiesta reservations they had to turn away some of the national press corps. - ASSERTEDLY ,.IIFFEO s 0 m e or the press people settled in some Laguna. motels which \\'ere not occupied by tourists looking _at t~ three festivals. quaint shops, playhouse, new ~1ain Beach Park or the several saloons. No\\', if you don't want to go to the fiesta in San Clemente or the festivals in LagWla. you can look at the national press corps at either place. ~1eanwhile. if you're turned off by all thi!. voo can visit Cosfa &-fesa for a bif of old_A.l_!!erican'!_ wile~ lh!L Orang~nty Fair is in Its Mth season. You still have time Lo make .it to the fairgrounds tonight fo lhe Santa Ana Senior Rhythm and Dan<.'e Band or the Patriotic Music Review. SORRY, YOU missed. the feeder swine judging, Since that came off this morning, Y~ might, hov.·ever. still he able to catch 30ITIC of the cake decorating or. sewing exhibitions. · ·So it is along this 40 miles of coastline. \\·e have all these things happening and it'S all an obvioos failure. 'This is so because if all the home folks and \•is.i.tors alike \\'ere' attended these e\lents, nobody v.·otdd be left to cro\\·d up the roads and high\\•ays. Alas, the fair js selling attendance records, people are at the festivals and fiestas. and still you can't drive anyplace. The roads remain bumpcr-to- bumper. ' CLEARLY WE have invented our 1>wn problem. Everybody at the !air wants to get to the festivals and everybody at the festival is driving upcoast to the fair. By golly, nexl summer maybe \\·e ought t1> add a couple of parades. F~\"l'rvbody decorate a car and drive· sonic.place.· . . . . ' .. ' . ' . ' - Suicide on Televisiot• · I • f;t1pru• Tunnoll . Tu~kex .Reguest_s r , , BritisJi Tro~ps By Unlled Prtts 1Dteruloaal Turkey called on Britain today to join_ it In intervening in Cyprus and said It v.wld go it alone If BrHain refused to help. P1'sldent An:hblshop · Mal<arios, ousted by a Greek-Jed coup Mooday, V>'RS reported rallylng lib ~I lroopl today against the insurgents and heavy fighting v.·as reportl'd. The United states and other westem allies already had lncn!ased their diplomatic interventloo to urge Greece and Turkey, both members ol. NATO to exercise restraint But developments indicated Turkey and Greece onct again might be approaching a war over Cyprus as the~ in 1964 and 1967. IN 111E BACKGROUND waS a ~fedlterranean Island involves '!grave rlaks, and tt is of great ·importance that pea· Ce be restored as SCXll'I as JX¥Slble." ! · In New York, the U.N.'Securlty Council was called into session at 12 noon POT to assess the v.·oneninR situ8tion. 'l\r.'o high uriited Nations officers talked with A1akarios by radio telephone today ,F reported him "sound and well ." Convicts End · Ordeal .4 fter .Escape Fails Blood-stained· television program script and a suicide note lie on a table at station \VXLT in Sar~sota, ' Fla. after talk show personalit y Christine Chubbuck (right) shot herself in the head before live cameras Mondi!-Y· She later died at the hospital. Before calm- ly pulli ng the tri~ger, Miss Chubbuck told her audience, "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and . guts and in living color you are going to see another first - attempted suicide." · watchful Soviet Unlon. The Communist ital.ions er Europe took the line that the coup ~as sponsored by NATP to tum the · itediterranean Island into a NATO base - a development which would be , unpalatable to the Russians. Russia protested the coup to the Greek government. The U.S. 6th .. FJeet was in the area but not on any special alert. A Turki!h hate to Britain sent after an all night cabinet aession that ended at 4:30 a.m. asked Britain to use Ila troops stationed In Cyprus for joint Turl<isf>. Brilim inten'efltion to <.'OWUrad the threat to Cyprus' independence," a gov~ent spokesman sakt in. Istanbul. WASHINGTON (AP) -,._. anned convicts. driyen ba_ck: by gunfire and tear gas in a desperate attempt to escape their besieged cell block, surrendered to law officers Monday ni ght, ending a 105- hour ordeal at the U.S. District Courthouse. Hours after their frahtic effort to find· ·~~~~~~~~~ • • . Henley Awaits Senieiic~g ' . 111 Murder of Six Youths SAN A~'TONIO, Tex. (AP) -Elmer "'ayne Henley; 18, "'as · sentenctd to six priso11 terms of 99 yea rs eaeh. tod ay for bis part in" the sex-torture Houston mass invrder ·slaylngs. He co11ld ctpply for ptrOJe ~ el~t years and four mon.tbs. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPil --As his mother sat in the gallery sobbing about a kangaroo court. Elmer ·\vay'ne Henley was convicted itonday of killing six boys lured lo the home or a bachelor electricain, murdered. sexually tortured and "I guess it's fun to v,•atch them squirm and scream and plead for their lives." prosecuting altomey Don Lambright said in his final arguments before the jury began one hour and 32 minutes of deliberations. "\\'hat kind of human being -a \\"Ord I'm reluctant to use - takes that kind cf pleasure in taking , . another¥ human_:i>eing'.s.:life?~ - ''HOW CAN YOU get to the point in life. when·you've killed a little IS..year..olCI boy \\'ho lived down the street from you? HO\V can . you sit on th~ curb and eat fried chicken while they bring eight or your buddies out of a boat shed and you knov.1 there are nine more of them there?" Testimony in the sentencing phase or the trial, which began today . could last a week -as long as the trial testimony itself. • "They can't kill them. but they can·do that for .. , '' said Bettie Shirley. the mother of one of the \•ictims in asking that Henley be given the ma1imun1 sentence. Afary Henley's face was puffed and red from crying and said her son's trial v.•as Va kangaroo court if there ever v.·as one. There's no \\'3Y to describe it. II wasn't fa~." 4.i. HENLEY, WllOSE trial \\'as moved from Houston to San AntoniQ, because of !he extensive publicity in Houston surrounding the recovery of the 27 victims of the three-year murder spree, is one of t\VO persons charged v.•ith taking part in the killiftgs. David Owen Brooks .. 19, will be tried later. ' Ul"I teltPoto .:. -GUILTY IN SIX DEATHS Elmer Wiyne Henley 7.)-year-old fl ooker Dead PEORIA , Ill. (AP) -Sarah ''Baby Doll" Cowan, the 73-year..old hook.er who aUracted the attention of millions, apparently died \\'ithout a relative. ~liss co,\·an , ""ho gained nalional attentionA e c e n t I y tvhen she annouK'"ced she was. abandoning her 5+year career as a prostitute in favor of \\Tiling her memoirs. died of pneumonia over the weekend. But she was not without friends. The Peroria Journal-Star said a prostitutes union called COYCYI'E (Cast Off Your Old Tired Ethics) had asked &tonday where lo send flo\o,:ers. ~ Wirulow Washer Fulls 12 Stories -II as a Drink VANCOUVER, B.C. !AP ) A window cleaner fell 12 stories from an apartment building, boullCt'd of{ a parked .car. then recuperated with a drink in the apartn1ent manager's suite: , Norm 0 Lawrenct, 1.3, was \\·orking on the top f Io or of !he Del Oiarro apartmen!s Monday v.•hen a knot in the rope connecting his platform to a pulley came loose. He hit the.roof of a car parked near the s)de of the building and bounced from there to the grgund. His injuri es \\o'er& a cut on the head and a sOre ankle and La"-rence said he believes the sore ankle ca me in the fall from the roof or the car to the ground. Eleanor Bolam. ,manager of ' the building, said she gave La"·rence a drink and refuSed to allow him to return to work until Tuesday "[\\'anted lo go back to \\·ork. but she sent me home." Lawrence said. ''I felt like a school kid." As he fell. Lawrence said. he ~w be \\'llS going to hit pavement and used his feet to push himself a·~·aYfrom the side of the building. The parked car has a dent.about four feet long, three feet v.i<le' and seven or eight inches deep in the roof, he said. On e of his main concerns is whether the Insurance. Corporation of B.C. will pay for what he estimates as about $300 damage to the car. "I really can't afford to pay for it myself. I'm just starting out in my bt!!!i ness ... The note said T6rkey 'would take unilateral action H Britain dkl not act within 24 hours, UPI Correspondent John Lawton reported !ram lstaobuL Turkfy, Britain and Greece are the ~ guarantors of · Cyprus' independence Wlder temU or the Zurich and London agreements of 1959, which gave Cyprus ' Its Independence the fol.lowing year. It had been a Brltish _colooy after cenlurie3 of dominance by a .number of <.'OOnlries including Turkey and Greect. ( IN SHORT ..• ) freedom by ai:ing the.Ir {""aY into a cow1hlu5e ventilatlm d'*, 'F r a n k Gorharil. Jr., 26, and Robert N. Jones , 24 , were flo"n to the Atlanta Federal Peaitentiary. 'Gorham and Jones bad been inside the ~llb1oct since '11w.r8day v,·ben they seized.eight hostages and tried to barg ain for;, a freedc>m flight to Afric.a. e School Bollda11 M!Al\fi, Fla, (AP) -A .federal judge has ruled that making Good Friday a ANNOUNCING THE · riote had been school holiday discriminates against non- sent, a foreign ministry spokesman this Christian students. . afternoon said no reply had been U.S. DiStrict Court Judge C. Clyde received from Btitain. -= Atkins ruled Monday that Dade Coun~y Government sources said Pre01ier studeat.s must attend classes on Good Bulent Ecevit was seeking opposition Friday next year. He al119 orde~ the party backing !or government interven-Dade sdlooi board to stop JCbeduling tion in Cyprus H the leaden ol. Mcoday's spring recess during Easter weelr:. coup against Pres.ident,Makarios moved ~ i'uling came in respcn.se to a suit against the: island's 1\irti!b community filed· by-Miami junior bigh school teachtr or tried io unite the ~lie with G~.____Leona.rL...Spieller. He claimed non- Turkisb Cypriot Bayrak r a d i o ~ian teachers v.·ere . f~ced ~ ~ monitored in Adana said rebel infilntry sick leave ~ ~el"\·e rehg~ h>lida)'! and artillery had moved a g a i n s t and that Christian teachers did not have t-.1ak arios' headquarters at Paphos, to use sick le.ave sto ob6en•e Easter. "'here the president fled following the revolt.· The radio said 20 pro-Makarios police ofncen -Md sought refuge-with me island's Turks. , British Foreigl:l ·Secretary James Calllighan a~ed in Parliament today ·ttlat Makar~ has been allowed refuge in the sovereign British base area on the island. He said Makarios requested permission tc enter the British base areas and the British government agreed to his request · The British minister ·told Parliament the sblution on the e mba i t.l e'd • e Bljecker N111bbed TOKYO (UPJ) -PoliCe stormed . a Japaneiejetliner today and al.zed a young air pirate moments aft.er )\e slashed his ~neck "rith a knire in the drama.tic climax to a bizarre, eight-hour hijacking. a. Authorities raced into the cockpit of the Japan Alr Lines IX:8 this morning v..ilen an off-duty stewardess traveling on the aircraft led a mass exodus or escaping passengers dov..11 an emergency chute. Michiga110fficial Keeps 1be hijacker, a young man in "his 20S identified as Akira Iwakoshi, was in critical condition at N1goy3 National H~pital after slashing the right side of his neck before being overpoYtered. e OEO Chief 'ONt Son in Jail n1 Pot Case LANSING , ?o.lich. (UPI) -Lt. Gov. James H. Brickley, Y.·hose 17·year-old son \\'llS jailed on charges ol selling marijuana, says the boy "will have to take the consequences of his acts.': "\\'ith me being in public office, I suppose my children have specia( <1dvantages.'' Brickley said. "But this. tin1e they don't." to help him when and if he is ·ready to come to grips with his problem," he said. A pre-trial examinatiOO in the case was set fot July 26. \\1ASHINGTON (UPI) -Preside!)! NixOO has fired the bead of the Orfice of Economic J)p,portunity for trying to ~ve some of the programs the president wants abolished. · °'O Director Alvin J. Ameelt said Nixon adviser Dean Burch called him ~foodny afternoon . and "requested my resignation to become official at 10 a.m. Tuesday. His line was that the president does not want OEO and that I have been aco.ised of lobbying to continue the agency." . ' e Argent.Ina Violence Great Lakes .Region Cool Brickley, 45, a former FBI agent and U.S. attorney, visited his son, James Thomas Brickley, in jail after his arrest ?o.Ionday but refused to ,post the $1,000. bond to get him out of jaiJ The son, SCCODd eldest of six Brickley children, had no previous arrest record. He compjeted two years in high school ' and was holding down two )obs this summer -as a ~ishwasher at a motel and a gas station attendant. Brickley said the boy planned lo continue his high school education and go on to college. Brickley. a Republican who is not seeking re-election this year, remained steadfast in his opposition to legalizing ma rijuana -a proposal before the legi!lature following an unsuccessful petition drive lo put it on the Nov. S general election ballot. BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -A renewed outbreak of political shootings has presented Maria Estela (Isabel) Peron with her first major crisis since becoming president of Argentina. Four assassins burst Into a suburban • restaurant ~fOnday and Sprayed bullets into the back of Arturo 1t1or Roig, interior minister in the fonner muttary regime and architect of the electionl that put a Peronist government in power. Upper Micliigan Area Records Ternperatures in 40s "TH E LEGAL problems he has now are the result of actions about which he bas be<!n v,•amed several times,'' m0<1ni.1n •"" dewr1 '"' .. 11ong w1111 Brickley· said. "So his mother and 1 have l.Clml Cl-lntH. A!ltn!I ••k•flf.elll Sil,... rt• ··~ llMlan 911!11!0 CNorlon• Cl!fCfOO Clnclnn11f c.1ev.i1nd 011111 o.nv•r 0.1roll FrHno HOflONlu lnd!1n1l>Oll1 IC&nUl (11¥ ltl Veu1i lo!llwlll• • . !1TJ!lJ~l!oll DELIVERY SERVIC£ Dehvery of II< OailY is guar"11"'1 ....,., ... ,.. .. Ill "" ,.. ,... ~ ):» ,.... ~ .. .,.. "" .. ~-" ,.. bits .. tM 111• 7:31,_.. • Sl!Wtly 11111 Sil*y! If f11 ill • IKlm ,. cin ~ I 1.111 """1J, Ill' I IA S-.,. ul .. I Cl" '!II lll "Wlfl! 1' ' "" ""' Ill tli:-... 111.a. · leleOOoles .. , ~ ... """ .... "" 142~321 .. , .. ti llml"ll .. kd -,_" ........ :~. lll-1221 ' ~ t1Mtt11. t,;111111 iuc:i. - SAR lull C.1lr•. a. .... Ul-441' kllll l11 .... ,.,.. *"' . - H4110M41 Wl4fMt• Wr\llCl ,o.ICllll •• ;4• 111 1 •r1 ·Jlf 19.11 19.11 ··~ _, • - fteln 1e11 Mond•r 1n "'" of taken the position that he will have to Ri"""''M count¥, with 111U11Gt•,l'IOM!•1 take the con.......,uences of ·his acts." reparled In lh• 51n Ja<lnl0-51nl• ROii ~-. rriTs.1$ ·ra119rr i i.1ro;;-n••• 1<iynw11d \'oUng Brtckley an"d two companions :~~.:Ce:e.:;. ~:1~.vini of "" ll!Oww••· v.·ere arrested in the parking lot of a 11.:!!J. S1trnmar11 1nvem not far from the Brickley's rural Thu!lde"tormi 11011tc1 Ito• n•l!on Dimondale. Mich .• home. The teen-aged !oclay, k•t11llljll 1emper1!11rts down Ind. Brickley . "\\•as accused or selling three In some 1re1s. 11n1e11on1blV t OOllr, A v.-e.111er s"(ltam :11111 c1111td ounces of marijuana \.0 an undercoVer M:~ttered I.flowers Jn lh• Roc:kle1 oushtd 11'1un<111·u1"'ms 1n10 '!'le Nqott>trn narcotics agent. P111ns 11~1es 1nd M1u1n!plll v~11ev. The other two youths \Yerc released R1lnt111 w11-l1l11<J ttorot. " torn'°" w11 soo11e<1 M•• 011worth. without being charged. The charge Mlnn .. M•r North 01ka•a. ~ut 11e1 • ar1ainst the lieutenant uovernor's son lllf"N9e Of lnlurltt -"· rll)CM'ltd. et et Anot11tr UM of s•ormi. 11re!ch• from carries a maximum four·year penalty IM Cenlrel Pl•fns lo llM mh!MdlOfl of • tM e1ii.<n s..1>111r11. ""'••1 r1pOrtlr<0 upon convlchoo. • r.111 h•ch 111 rein tMJulltd N•WllO'' Earlier Brickley said he and his wife N•WI, Ve.; Ll-lnQlll!"I, ICY., end .. i • h ted the' 11~1, cot1n. ..1arianne ave suspec tr son was vnM1son,.11v 'oo1 ~mPl!f•""'s wtr• involved with marii'uana for some time. rttOl'dtCI fft Ille Grett l•-" rftlon. wlltf• rMGiJ191 dlppeo to tM ..0. ind ... Coastel Weather F1lt· tollly. l iOhl ¥1t~tlll wlnllt nlCIM .rid ,._nl""' ho\lff' ~fll wnrttly 10 to 16 •11e111 •~ .u..,_.. 111C11y •nd Wtllnttll~r. HIOfl IMay In lllt IO'N 10$. C11111•I i.m11tr1t11tt1 ''"91! trom l-1 To ll. lnl1nll 1'1TIOI••· turtl ••"'111 trorn u 111 tO. W•Jtr ll"'Clll'•t111• ... S11n, /tffH)n, Tide• TVISDAV Sl(Of'ld n1911 11,111.m. 1.J k<Ol'lll low U:SJ"p,tl\. 2,i WlOHSIOAY Flrtt lliO'll .. t :l1 1.m. 3.t fllr11 low 2:0 •.nt. ·It' $1!t(lll(I hlgl'I . t !ll 11.m. •·• Sfeond low l;U 11.tn. 1.1 Sun rfw!. 5:54 •·'"· $'1i •i~ p,m, "WE JIAVE afforded him professk>na.I help In the past and we continue to. want KISSINGER GETS VOTE Of' QlJEE1VS r..lANILA IAP).-The 66 cootestants in th 1:\fis~ Universe rontest were usked here to vole' for "the greatest poct.on lo the \\'orld today." Secretary of State J lenry A. Kissinger won by a landslide. Moon flM.1 I:• •·"" &tll J!U p.m. ----------~-- ' . -• '. Pl>iice killed ane of Mor Roig's "I THINK THERE is enough evidence murderers ani:l arrested a second In a. ·that it is harmful," he said. "Stiidies are shootout with occupants of ll_te getaway still being made and it may be even car stopped a few hours after the more harmful than 1''e know it to be~'o--as'Sassinat~ .... Lohhyisi Shot . Gun Supporter Killed at Home WASHINGTON (UPI) -Louis Sisler, a lobbyist for the Nation· al Rifle Association, was shot to death this weekend by a group of private citizens wbo said they were looking for a rapist. Police "1ld the asslllul! fired several shots throush a screen door arter Sisler told lbem, "You mus\ have the wrong hou!e," and tried to close the door. , ' Sisler, 48, was a former Indiana state judge~and a ronn~r aide, to Sen. Vance Hartke, (D-lnd.) Police charged Mary Harris , 55, and Alfonso Stoddard , 27, wlth homicide and were searching for othe~ suspects. The ~roup appar· enlly was looklng for the man who raped Mis. Harris 32-year-old daughter early Saturday, · • Sisler was staying at ,his father·in·law's house here while pre-, , paring legislation !or ljle NRA and planned to return to Indiana next month . \ • · ' ' - I • .. • " ' 600 In Progress. 3 Others • N 1 2 Murder s (;oast Grad I ·• Ttl1sday, Jµly lb, 1914 ~ ' DAIL V' PILOT .'i St .k s i'o d I l d Names ID the ews Ch Ge ts Degree · 11:_ es rea ff VQ ve : ' arg~--, lluntiflGtoo Bcac~ High --~ _ __::_ _ _:_:__:_:__.:=__:.:.:_j[_:::::....0.:...::-=-=--~-=:.::..:::...:::c.::...=='-------''----====~====-===-Sctioci graauate s re v ~··---1 \ T s J Spickard has received ri Atto1·ney ' ' - . Ac1·oss .. Country WJWlWS (UPI) r Three. persons ll'ltly hove bee n By lhe Assoi:hUcd Press picket lin es at stat c involved In tho staylngs or a l\toYcrs bt..>gin mov_lng again urilverslti es, govern m c n t Pr 0 m In en t w i 11 0 w8 in Pittsburgh and garfl\lt:<: Is offices and othe~ faeUIUes, ve terinarian, his wife and 0 · l• V!'.I degree in econom ics from the . -, University of t a Ii f o rn I a . llcrkclcy. SAN LUIS OBISPO (liPI)-Son ol !\trs. Sllirlcy Groen of . Dennis Sliva, 20 "'a s ar· lluntington Beach, Spickard raiuned f\.t 0 n day on t\~"O will be employed at Stanford counts ot murder one of l Researdl lnstitutc in Palo Ylhich ca~ies a ~Ible death !-A_l_to_._. __ penajty, -~--­being collected again i n The wage d~pute began · dat.1ghtcr, say.!! the attomcy Baltimore. But p I ck et s July G but Wltil today was representing auspectecl triple J coolinued ·.to groillld National confined to only ~bout 2,000 slayer John w. card. Airli nes today and a state 'A'orkers_ at a dOzen state "Baled on our preliminary J Silva L~ charged "' breaking into the home Great stars in person! " ' l"mploycs strike spl't!ad in prisons-and mental hbspltals. investigation. lt is tfkeJY there Ohio. "We have gon:e on record to "''ere other people Involved,"' Seine lobor disputes were let this state know that Y.'c Attorney Robert Gilbert df scttled l\1onday but about 600 intend to shut it down ," said strikes Involving a quarter· Ted V. Clemans, a federation million workers continued to official. hamper private 'induiltry..,nd The 'Teamsters. wi th 2,600 ( Stale .J go\•ernincnt a c r-o s s the members working ror the • Oroville told news 1n en WILL READ -flevlon DAMAGES -Enter-RECOVERINGu"~"~T""o" country. . . slate government, approved ti was fhe most-sfrlkes the -the strike oycr the \\'eekend. Monday. heir, J>cter l1e\'son, 35. Lainer Ann-~fargret. njgilt S.how" host John- nation has had In the post-Sonle of the 21.000 members or "Card Is accused of \Vbo died in a ra C:ing 33. was awarded $1 .5 ·ny Carson, 48: injured \Vorld \Var -11 era, according the Ohio Services Employes strangling a doctor and 1:t-trash in SOuth Africa million for injuries suf· ... to the Federal l\fefliation AsSociation are st r I k Ing year-Old girl with baling wire in ~1arch, has left his fCred in a fall of 22 his head and back in a Service in Washington, D.C. without mUoo endrosement. and yet the same person ls estate ·to be divided feet fronl a sta ge plat·· falt fro1n an exe rcise In Ohio, the American . A joint 1 e c I al~ t Ive acCu3ed ol kldnaping a family, equally between his fornl while perfor1n· board in his ho1ne i\1on· F'edcration or State, ())unty committee meets later today and all he was concerned with two sisters. Court doc-ing at the Sahara llotel day. fie. may return to and t.1unicipal E IJl p Io yes to oonskler a 25-eent~per-bour was their safety and well uments gave no esti-in Lake 1'ahoe in Sep· the show tonight. ~ton- bbga n .an expanded strike increase for public employes being,;, Gilbert said. "Does mate as to the size of tember, 1972. She had day's replacement \Vas today adding · its 7, O O O earning leass than $12,000 a this sound like the sa1nc his estate. asked $5 million. -· actor Burt Jteynolds. mernbcrs to a slrlke -that year -about 69,000 WOiters. man?" -----------,------------~-~ _ _. ___ _ began more than t"'°'O weeks The stri,kers have demMded a Vickie Ann Parsons "v.'ith intent to rommit rape:• a • c3pita.! offense. 1 li.Ank ThomPson The Grus Roots Lullrown Ski'es ll Hr.ndcrson TN>; f'our frl'shnwn The St&ple; Sinfilers ~trs. 1Parsons 'A'a.5 stabbed in the throat July I and an autopsy shou·cd she had been sexually.. molested . 1 0.: .!ones Matl.!c Revue Superior C.ourt Judge James ~1adden noted for the rerord that Silva could rc~i\"e th<!, death pen_ally if convicted of l killing. l\frs .. Parsons, wife of a Cal Poly student · Silva is also charged With s tr angling Al iceanne t.1~Iahoo, 53. Authorities said she had not l;>een raped, but an obscenity was Y.Tltten across her chest. Cell\! inuous free ent tainment i' ago. • 31-cenl hourly boost which · e /tlfJlifJll De11ie d Uni~ leaders ~id they wouJd be about 9 percent ~or SAN FRANCLSCO (UPI) - cKJ>CciM half or the ·state's -·prison guards whose starting A \\'itness who refused to 8,000 workers to honor their -·salary is now $3.52 an hour. -ansv.·er quesllons posed by a Grand Jury investigating the Patricia Hearst kidnap lost an attempt to stay out or prison for contempt of court ~fonday. 17,000 Gallons Milk Poured Dowi1 D1·aii1 Silva v.·as arrested and booked for murder in the tv•o cases after l\trs. Parsons y,·as killed. Oranrn, ~~~~I Aid B.oosted : .....,..,Admission• Black Arti-sts Hig·hly Horwred .. Q: ·w111t the passing of Duke Ellington, 1rt tbe'.re any eontcmporary bla(k ortltts as well respected; ltlgbly hoJ>o oretl ·and belove'd as be was? -l\1n. T. Tborgenson ~lempbis. ' 'A: f..lany. Certainly one \\'Oman \Vho'd get almost everyone's vote inctuding tqiat of the Duke, is -Miss Sarah Vaugh.an. On her 50th ~irthday last March, she received .. a.Jetter from President Nixon .saying: "Mrs. Nixon and I are pleused to join y,•ith your many friends, fans and \ -. ' Glad You Asked That' by Marilyn and HyGanlner ·· adinire rs in paying tribute to ~9t1 on your birthday. These wishes come lo you from ttwYheart of a nation that. re- Spects and honors yoUr talent --and from a grateful peo- ple wt¥> celebrate -your~ mwdc ~ the example oC }'tlUr life," · ·-n • ~ , Another wire,_fror:n._Gov. ·~d ReagaP;_~;:.~-~­ have over the ye.111rs been a· true good will ambassador of the United States. 1 join_ the citizens of Califomia in wishing you well, .and a very Special f'ioth." _ Stilf another tribute came ffom Mayor Tom Bradley arw;I the combined City Cowicil of Los Angeles. Thil citation read : 11You are among the greatest singers in the world, with a special essence that has created a sound that has ·been the envy of every n1ajor singer in the world." Dubbed "The Divine One," Miss Vaughn was born in Newark, N.J., a daughter or 8: singing, guitar-strumming father. At the age of 12. Sara~ \Vas plfying lhe <1rgan at the ~1ount Zion &ptist Church where her mo ther sa ng in th·c choir. She first impressed sho-Wpeoplc when, al 16, she ·~nter­ ed an amateur night at the Aji:>llo (the Palace of Harlem) and Y.'On first prize singiQg "Bc:Mty_a.n.d SQ:ul.';_Earl Fatha Hines· was .so ilnpressed be invited her to sing \vith his · band. Before long Sarah became•the idol or the Bop Set. Her popularity quickly gainl'd momentum through play- ing jazz concerts, doing radio and TV shows and waxil)g discs in a syrupy voice that sold like hotcakes. Q: \\'hat's ~bis about commecHenne-singer Kaye Sle- ,·ens doing a Sonny & Cher act "'Ith tht Dolphin s' Larry C!i()nka?· -Mn. Francis Fergen, Cincinnati. A: We'll let Kaye fill you in on the odd caper: "Larry and r," she reportii, "taped a comedy scene for a new syndicated TV Sho\v in Tampa hosted by the stuttering country and we~em star, J\1cl Tillis. J\fel aJ:l(l'Csonka and ·I did a comOOy number in which an·three of us sang. Suddenly Tillis· and I stopped singing and left Larry to C<lntinue singihg alone. \Vllich he can't. The result." the ravishing -redhead concluded, "9tas hysterically funny. Csonka is a comical, personable and likab le fellow. But ' a singer he ain't. Ho\\revcr. I doubt, even if Sonny & Cher '~ere .stiil together, lh<lt. they'd have anything to worry about!" . Send you r questio11s to Hy Gard11er, "Glad You Asked Tlla~/1 care of tJiis ne1ospaper, P. 0. Box 1560. Costa h1esa '92626, Al arilyii aud fly Gardner will an.- s1oer as n1afly questions os t1~ey can f1i their column, but tlle voh11ne of '11Ulil makes perso11~t replies impos- lible. ' YOUR . ·NEWSPAPER CARRIER. IS A CREDIT MANAGER ' ~ ttie •• ,. ... ,,, .. 11111•.t•M t4M't '""' I":"°"' .... t. Y" ...... ,_ .... eft ,_.,... -.... ,, .. ._..t t. ,_,, _ tM _..., WI fw dll•try ·of ,_. .... .,..,.... i.t· ~ Pa.t cwri.n ... 1ti ......,., ................ Tky '""' ,. •• ,., ...... ..., -·· .. ,., ........ ...,., . ...., ........ ,... e.ri«"I ... •IM4 t. ltwt c""""'-.. llleir ...... , n ..tr •• llit ISftt of Mttl......, • cMeWy'lty Ille JOMI, •• Mlty c• .. ....... of ... ,.... ~ ......................... , -·· hi ,,., .. Ir Wit. If , .... ,.., Y"" ...etity WI ....., It Mt ...., •• 1ittp ,.... cent ... fliewr , ltwt It •'!' ASSURE .PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE DAILY PILOT CIRCULATIOH DfPAUMIH . ' A motion on behalf of Cynthia Garvey, 2.1, lo ha\'C the-eon.tempt cit.ation against her di!rn i'ssed • ..\•as d••nied by U.S. District Court Judge A1fonso J. Zirpoli. HARBOR CITY iUPll -A dairyman's c oope'rali"\'(' dumped 17.000 gallons of fresh, rdrinkable. skim milk down ' 1he drain l\1onday and plaruied to dump another 6.000 gallons today, saying ncbo!Jy •,1.•ants to buy it. SACRA:..\IENTO (AP)-Gov.I Adults $1.75 ·-I Ronald Reagan has signed Ot.iktre"'6-12$LOO minirnum in Californla. ~ or the poor, because it would lcgiilation boosting state aid U'*r 6-frtt Assembly Ag r i cu I tu re cost 100-much l(j put it into for student \'ett>rans from $50 ~'~--~-~~~-;ji-~-.. -;:::::a!!I Con1minee last month killed a containers. to $100 a month. hi ll that would ' have allowed ---------, e P""te•t Pla11s NORTHRlOOE (AP! -A platoon of college students and- prolessors protesting 1>lanned demoli tion of an athletic field· \\'aited fruitl essly to b r o·c k bulldozers !hat never came. About 20 teachers a n d students fro1n California Stn1c UnfVersity, Northrid.ge. ho1Jcll lo stop bulldozers f r o m clearing off the athletic nrca for a parking lol ,_londay. A spokes man said !he prole!itors y,•ere prepared to lie in front or .the bulldozers. Tanker trucks drained the milk at the County Sanitattlon District's water po l l u t i on~ control plant here. rt ca1ne from the Callfornia t.filk Producers Association of Artesia. · ,;Th is is not a frequent happening. but it d o e s occasionally occur during a good production seaoon," said Clair Wright. assistant secretary of t~ cooperative. "We've had good weather !his year and the cows have lo\\·cr rr'lilk prices. \Vright s.aid thut COn!iumpllon may be down because ..., of ·the sch o o 1 vacation. Jn Los Ange 1 e fi alone, school children drink 22.000 galJMS of milk a da y 1.1•hcn classes are in session. He sa id there \Vas na way to contribute the milk to ch:irity, School Girl ... Pot S1noking On Increase • Pl'ol Killed been doing their 1>es1.·· He said the dumped product .,. SAN DIEGO lUPI\ -A is skim milk, from which the REDWOOD CITY llJP IJ - partner in a hang glider finn cream and butterfat have r-.tore •than half of !he senior \\.'as killed h-fooday when his been removed, and there iir no glider collapred in flight ·and market for it. high school girls in San ~1ateo plummetl'd 150 feel to the He said the \\'aste milk has C<lunty used mariju.a_na -at -ll'O~·-. ---been-poored-into-sewers-in~the1eastr-:;once this year, a JUIWl G. Fitch, 11, La Jolla, past, but this year was 11 u · rt·• M d wa! prooounc~ dead at the drained at lhe 'Was le • sla s c1~~ r~po "" on ay. SC<>ne al l\1ission Bay Park"s tre3tincnt plant to prevent Afrs. L1han Blackford of the Fiesta Island, according to pollution. County JicaJth and \'iclfare Deputy Ccironer, Al Kersey. He said ther_e was "no way Dep~rtment said 58.2· percent Fitch, an own~r of Ha\\•k to relate the problem" to a of the girls admitted using Jhe l n du st r i es . , 1.1·ns an possible surplu s caused by the weed in comparison \vitb 48.3 experienoed pilot. high ·price or milk, cau.sing per.cc n t 1971 anti 31.9 Jh!f· e Shot· ln Error SAN' JOSE (AP) -A young man who threatened neighbOrs v.·ith an air pistol ~·as shot and killed by police who thought the gun was a high-po wered consumers to buy less of It. cent. in 1968. The state government has i\trs. Blacl.iord said 61.9 made it illega l ,to lower milk percent of the senior lii~h prices be low a goverrunent-sct school boys admitted smoking revolver-. · Police identified the gunn\an as Eddie Wayne S\\'Ope, 20. of San Jose. He u•as earryinit a .22-caliber pellet gun that otherwise resembled a .45- calibcr magnun1 revol~·er. • San Diego Zoo Sued ' B)' Bo y, 12 • Claim• Filed SAN DIEGO <AP) -A 12· SAN DIEGO (AP) -Kansas year-0ld boy has filed 3' $1 City financie r Michael J. Coen million suit against the &1n has filed another $8.6 mill ion Diego Zoo ovef"""a 1973· incident in claims against \Vestga!e-in which he was bitten and California Corp .. bringing to mnulcd by wolves. $79.8 mlllion th e amoun! The boy. Gonzalo A . Coen is seeking fro1n the Almeida Castel\ on , or c 0 n g I 0 m e r a t e nO\V in Guadalajara, Mexico. suffered bankruptcy procecdinas. anilna! bites and scratches . Former Westgate chairman \\'hen he leapt rrozn a moving C. Aniholt Smith, a close stairway into the wolf den. assoclat.c of Coen, has pleaded The sUit, filed ~londay in innocent July 2 to a fcdcr.'.11 Superior Court here. clai1ned grand jury ind i c Im e n t !he zoo knew 1he·i,1•olf den "1as charging he ccnspired ro unsafe £or public viewing and misapply $170 million in funds \\'as "especially dangerous for of the Uhited 'States Bank. children unable to reJ:id. ' grass in comparison with 58.6 1JCrCl!nt in· 1971 and 44.6 perCt'nt in 1968. She said 1the s t..a t-i s t i c s ~ho1.1•ed the use among hays "·as leveling orf while jl was still on the increase ror 1~irls. 3 Students Win Honors ·· Three .Huntington Beach rcsidehts received 'academic honor.s at California Bapti~t ·Co llege. a· four year Sou.thern Baptist liberal arts college in Riverside. Sharon Laizure \\'BS named to rhr prcs.ldenr's list fo1· cbtaining a 4.0 ave r a g e . !Jarrel \Va I k er a!1d i•lrs. Kathleen Laizure Tildrn were nan1ed to the dean ·s list ror obtaining a 3.6 grade poi average or belier~-1,---------------~~----~.--- • beauti ul clothes for beautiful girls • . ' \ , ' • . . ~id o ·v ill agt: .14.!,!> Via Oporto 1;1 11Gi3·0.'l21 - ' I I/ 'I " I I/ ... /ill fi(l I/ '' ;u 1,1 'i/ ,d "·, /1 0. ~ • •• SUMMER SALE • 30 '• OF.FON DRESSES, PANTS &-Tt;)PS L -mm·. :::Dllb ~111~ BANK OF · .. · : . . . ~ . •' COSTA MESA · ·.-· · I . Consolidated J{eport of Condition of "UAi\K OF COSTA l\IESA" uf Costa l\·Iesa in lhe State of Cali fornia and Domestic Subs idiaries at close of business on June 30. 1974. ASSETS Cash and due fi-o m banks (including l\o unPosted debits) .... , .. U.S. Treasury securities ............... . Obligations of other U.S. Government ' s 916,726.18 250.798.92 --:rg1:rncies and corporations ............ ~ .. . 1.399.176.ll, Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ..... _ ... __ .. : .. Other loun·s ... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ............ _ .••. 1,200,000.00 7.928. 781.91 Bank premises, fur1Ulure and fixt ures. and othe r assets representing bank pren1ises Other assets (including l'\o direct lease financing) _ .......................... . TOTAL ASSETS ........................... . LIABILITIES Demand deµo sits of individuals. ' partnerstJips il nd corporations ..... . Time and savings deposits of individuals, parlne rs hiJ)S. and corporations· ......... ~ .. Depns its of l.ini led Stales Go,·crnment ...... . Deposits of Stutes and political sUbdivisions .. Depos its of con1mer cial banks ......... . Certified a nd officers'c hccks. etc ........ . I TOTAL DEPOSITS .......... . ...... Sll.018.261.42 (a) 1'ota l~eri1and deposits . . . . . . . . . . . 5,694.935.72 _, lb) Total time and savings deposits ..... _.. 5.323.325.70 O~her li abilities .......... . ........... , .. TOTALLIABILIT!r.:s .............. : ...... . 961.752.40 109,504 .94 12,766. 740.48 4.915,899.59 4.523,:rl5.10 :n 1.182.97 800,000.00 10.350.00 457 .503.16 451 .745.88 11.470,007 .30 RESERVES ON LOAN S AND SECURITIES Reser ve for ,bad debt losses (set up 11ursuant tolntcrnal l~evenue Service rulingsl TOTAL RESERVES ON LOA1\S AND SECUR ITI ES ............... . CA PITAL ACCOUNTS Equity capital. total ....................... . Con1n1on s tock-total par \'alue ..... , .......• t1\o. shares iiUl horized 300,000) (No. '~ ... shares out standrhg 125,000) Surplus (Including Conting~nt F'und of $250.000.00) ' .. · .................... ' .. , Lndirided profits ......................... :. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ............. . TOTAL Lli.\IJILITl 9':5. HESI::HVI::S. A1\D . CAP ITAL ACCOUNTS .................... . MEMORANDA 1\ ,·er<i gl' or tol<t l dcpQsits for the 15 calendar days end i n~ \\·ith call date ...... -..... . ;\vcrage or total loans for the 15. calendar ending \\"ith call date .............. -.....•. :\lark(•t \'·a1uc of )nvcstn1ent securit ies .. : . -. days .... 21.693. 71 21.093:71 l_,, J. 27 5. 03!1.4 7 , 750.000.00 500.000.00 25,03H.47 1.275,039.47 12.766,740.48 ll,I0<.404 .94 ~.372.7 1U.94 1.573.875.00 .\\'c. l)ui g(• \". :-)imp:son. !lr'es ident, and ·John \\'. \Valsh . Vi~e President and C:.1shi c r o f the above-nantcd b:.1nk do solen1nly S\,·car/alfirm that this report of t.'.Ondition is true and currec·t , to the best of our knowledge und be lie!. /,) 1 l~({M .e (.6J&<~""' ' . Stutc of' alifornia,County or Or<tngc. ss : S\\'Orn to a nd sllbscribccl before nte this 12th ()ay of .luly, 1974 . and I hereby certify thot I a m not i1n officer or director of this f>ank . ~I )' conlmission xpircs /'\ug"usL 19, 1!)77. Patricia 1\. Cobb l\'otary Public lSignedJ Published Orange Coasl Daily Pilot, July 16. J9i4 , '· • I • i t I .. , . -. .. ' . . ' ... • -. . ~ . . . . . ·-' ' . ' . . ... ,. • DAILY PILOT ~JTORIAL P AGE • -'Ibey Could Ride Free-I- ·~ • Orange County supervisors are toying with the idea of tapping $700,000 )n revenue-sharing funds to subsi- dize· .a program providing unlimited, free bus travel for all of the county's residents over 65 years old~ The Orange County Transit District, which operates the modernized fleet of buses, suggests $6 per person per year would be in order and an annual ticket at that cost is under study. ' The OCTD has treniendous ·sources of income al· ready......; including a sales tax allocation "of about...$7.6 million annua1ly. The county has federal revenue-shar· ing funds available as well. ·-· Add to this the fact that OCTD buses lose about 50 cents per passenger mile carried, and you find an oper· ation that isn't exactly pinching pennies to stay in operation. I.Ji It would J!bt be unreasonable to suggest that either the Board of Supervisors or the OCTD. find some way of raising the $700,000 for a deserving cause. The least they can do is offer senior citizens a $6 a year pass. Clo8ing the Deal Negotiations between the University of California, Irvine and Orange County suJServisors over the terms under which the U~I medical .school ·would take over Orange-County 1fe-dical Center apparently have reached what could best be described both as 11hopeful" and "critical." ~ as \he eric; tag for odiC land, buildings and equlp- rnent. 1he university has been talkin~ in terms of "$1 and other considerations." The Legislature ' has been talking-in-terms of up to S9.5 n1il1io n to renovate OCA1C but nothing for purCbase. ·· -Orange Coun~y,b a good deal more to lose than does .the UniversitY. ! California or the state govern· 1nent . sh9uld agr ment not be reached prior to the deadhne. That Joss would be measured in multi-millions of dollars in medical facilities constructiorr planned by U~l. 1nany. millions • a year in payroll and purchases 0 u•hich t~e expanded UCI rgeilical school would generate, and the millions the county would have to pay to reno-. vale OCMC. In addition. of course. there would be the loss in both the amQunt and the quality of medical services that would be available to Orange Countians: · _ ' The sooner the deal can be consummated the bet· tee orf Orange County will be. ' T1·imming tl1 e H em·.· Rem~mber when you were a youngster back in camp or 1n the dorm and a favorite nighttime trick was .~hort·sheeting the bed? ~ \Vell, it looks like you are being short-sheeted again only this time in aQiffei:ent manner~ ' Consumer Reports says many sheet' manufacturers ,raced with rising-"costs, are trimming six inche_s rrom the width or twin bed top sheets and five inches from the length of many king and queen size sheets. .__ . ' . . . '• .•. · Both sides h~e expressed guarded optimism in the last few days thal an agreement on this problem can be reached well ahe_Jd of the Oct. 1 deadline established by the Legislature. The deadline applies not merely fo~­ reaching agreement on OClitC; the stipulation is that if the agreement is not reached by Oct. 1, more than $17 million in construction funds for medical school facili· ties at UCI also will be cancelled. The county has been talking in terms of $9 million . \Ve .haven'~ ~en any major announcement of this nat1011·w1de dec~s1on, but you might want to check the package for J he width and length in inches. Standard measurements ~or a twin size sheet are 72 by 104 inch· e~: for a full size sheet, 81 by 104 inches: for a <1ucen size sheet. 90 by 115 inches, and for a king size sheet !OB by 115 inches.' · BACK TO NORMAL • ~ Election ·should Fill . Empty _ Seat To 'the F.ditor: An unprecedented quirk of1 fate ha1 caused the tragic loss of Sth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to his family and friends. It was our sincerest bope that all sons and fathers would be returned to those at home. ( MAILBOX ) L1tter1 tr-n•ts •re """'-· Menn1t1J wriMn "'911111 ,.,..,.., lfttir -111nw1t1 Ill * Wffh ... leH. Tlle ril~I '9 CC911de-1fltefl Ho Ill lflHI . er 11illlill1!1 llHI II r~M. •11 l1rt1n 111uit ;,,. cllHlt li111111n ''"' nielM .. ,,........ -.,, 111"'" , llllJ k wi........., .. '""91f If Hflkleflf r..-II -relll. ,...,., 1"11 "" ........ u.-.. The heavy burden of goVemment for the South--:Orange Goast now rests on lhe remaining supervisors who h·a v e problems to solve in their own districts, There is gi-eat concern among· citizens and which deserve their full attention. in Dana Poini that wtth<d •Intimate • _ Sinee the. Slh !Upervi.sorial district is knowledge of , our soecial problems and matnJ~ ~mcorporated and undeveloped,--------..goa1s;-and-without-al..real~cornmilmerit to-' there is little local government t~ share solving them; that random development the. ~avy ~rden of representation and will soon devour an existing open space, Addicts as Y 0111ig as JO . ' Dear Pre-teens. Trying . Heroin ' ·Gloomy Gus F'fank Sinatra for U.S. Secret:i...Y of Labor! M. B. . '· \V ASHING TON -The. main Victitns of reoe"·ed -Turkish opium rultivatioo may be the ctilfdren of America: with the likelihood of addiction even ainong 11). year~lds. · This is the solemn vie.w cf Sen. Walter !\foodaJe, D-1\tinn., whose Children and The cost of heroin addiction, the study Youth subcommittee is considering the _!hows, has. doublW..-sine~ the_ s_yppl)'. fr~m bodies. ·city throu..s. state. wiilpre-v-en_t_t"Oll!eQU"enCCSOf the -Turkey dried up. It now cosls an addict 6 " Tufkish decision to $51 a day lo support his habil, thus such an end to a beautiful and historic resume opium farni-putting the dru{! 001 of reach o( all ., area. in.it. excepl accomplished thieves a n d \Ve urge that all Sth district residents The Turk.s. after peddlers. 41 ~·ho feel . entitled to lluly elected agreeing three years representation support the amendfllent or ago 10 ban Opium THE TURKISll ban. therefore. lorced representa4-v~e· John •Briggs I Fullerton) • plantlpg in rewm for young people to turu from heroin to other due soon-before the slate legislature. SlS..,.mUlion in U.S: dangerous.but Tess addiciive drqgs such • .._.._. "' ·~) KARL -LEDERER--siJPPod paym_elJg_, ___ ,1111 :;___ as marijuana and~ yUls. Now Mondale President. Dana Point have nowt welched -rears youngs ters from~ fO 00 up wil Citizens for Action Association and told their farmers to go back to return to heroin if · it becomes readil y Board of Directors btlsiness as mual. Since m·ost American available. radiation 1tiey go!. as required by the Ato1nic Energy ·Commhtsion. The AEC is no,Yt holding hearings on a request by Getty's Nuclear P'uel Service! to expand the plruit. which has been out of major operation since 1972. At present, the sprawling facility at West Valley, '.Y._is do.ing---.m.ainly waste~ burial. decontamination ·alid storage work. • >J..READY, 1.300 residents of !he West Valley area have petitioned against the expansion, according . to the antinuclear National lnterveners. The local Slerra Club's energy chief. physicist Dr. J\farv.in Resnikov. is colleclinR: affidavit a r rom some of the. young people Tfho worked inJhe ,~ J.l!?nl. _ _ dec1s100-mak1ng at the ~ o u n t y leading ·to irreversible r ·e·s u I t s .. J. --government levet. Overcrowded schools, .inadequate traffic S~"CE a: new supervisor Would be circulation, excesslVe densities ..and" •• .. F·lr etcorks Ban heroin comes from. Turkish opium, this Footnote: .Mondale has · asked his will reopen the narcotics floodgntef. committee staff · for more detailed Resnikov has already produced a horror gallery o{ the plant inspection · reports showing \Vo r k e r 5 akih acciden tally punctured by discarded ·plufonium needles; a wOrker whose·head •as · so contaminated it le(t ra~iation on his pillow, and other incidents. ' .. "tourist . commercial • destimtion" on • · -. bound to represent the people of the 5th prime viewing coastal bluff property will To the Editor· . district, v.•e submit that the only way a produce-a chaotic focµs on O\Jr ~t Si30 on tlae 4~ of J~ly \re arrived at ~~~e:1stauruqti~eu~f c~U:°~~c:'i~ ~y community v.tljch \\'ill devastate the . Ah so ~ch (or fried ch1~ken and potat~ basically residential community beyond salad arjd to set off our safe and sane special electioo. We strongly urge ·that recov fir e\rorks in the safest possible place this legitimate vehicle of government be ery. \rhi1e enjoying the displays invested in by used to fill the vacancy so suddenly and WE SINCERELY hope that all other famili es. A boy came by and told tragicall:v_ created. responsibJe and coocemed governmental 1,1s that ·fireworks ~·ere prohibited .. we couldn't believe it. Autlwr AHaslO Pages To Get His Attention Sure enough,\ the beach \\'8S being patrolled by two county vehicles. with loudspeakers, in enforcement of a new county ordinance. W TOEY claim that the cost Or cleaning . "up after the 4.th of July ds proliibitive. what did it cost to hire the men with guns on their hips? And it is traditional for fainilies coming l'O'Aliso on the 4th to dig a fire pit in the damp sand and lo send !he children out searching for litter to add to it. The trash cans ~'ere overfio\vlng when we arrived: our children willingly picked up debris for our fire, and three acres of beach I am one or the bool<;-besotted people. One of the outer areas of irrationality \\'hich I recently have explored in my nature is a rurious re\'erence ·for an}1hing that is printed. and especially if printed In a book, and most especially bet\\·een hard cardboard or leather covers? · T was brought up tn a culture \vhere the norm "'.al illiteracy, and the ability to read was so1nething . rare and ~-onderful n ......as. in a followlniz: . _ ' J(eneratioo,.. was !he '!1-chance to go to col· .:P le~e. • \\1hal got into print ~ was for me, because or this training. · · somethin.R: like Old Testament engrav-ln~ on stone tablets. Whal W8J in a. book \\·as The Word. To doubt suct(·words ,.as SQmethinglike floutiii'g Holf SCiipture. This will be hard fQf those o{ the telly generation to conceive. I .can only assure you that It was so. Dick l\1erri\\'(!1l,, Schopenhauer, the poetry of Shelley. the capi t alist manifestoes of lloratio Alger, cookbooks and catalogues-these all had a thing in, common : Ttley had fought their way into print. They v;ere, therefore, good and to be believed. mo.re time for the Racing rorm, free' "'er~ cleaner for it. I'm sure that's why organ concerts in remote churches, etc., tAe rule abou't f1res only in the three or etc.. four firepits on that beach has always 1 HAVE, in Emerson's ~·ords. begun to been unenforced on that particular holiday. read proudly. "Read proodlf," said the \l.'e had been told by the embarrassed man . "Put the duty of being read Jifeg~rds, some of whom had brought · invaria~y ·en the author. lf he is not their own fire~'Orks, that !he children ,.read. whose fault is ii ? I am quite ready could at least en)O· y their sparklers. The to bl charmed. but I shall not make believe I am charmed." men with guns said those."\\•ere ''the , , 'ftf'SI of ah". ~ause ot!the dangeroUs \\ords to 11Ut on anybody s library wall, . wires. 1be Wires rust··pnd crumble or on anybody's Christmas sampler. As a _quickly, especially on 8 ·et beach, but loniler book so't, l now give the autl)or lre 've al....,.ys ,.insistea ouf-Children any given novel !en pages. or IS at the retrieve them immed ~IJIY~ add them most~ lo rivet my attention. Otherwise, to the rest«~f the trastr:iiJo;_~ years o( out. If ,he _ writes sentences which I . walking back ~foot /rom1:'1iso af"r cannot----Understand at a quick. reading. dark \\o-C havo Rtver been injured-»Y also out, even if ij_ be such an esteemed · .,· , 1 . w1tes. c ass1c' as · Malcolm Lovny's . no1v • much-touted "Under tbc Volcano." ,EACJ.1 'rl~tE the en forcement vehicles Ten times at least, I've triCd to get into ·J(!ft an area, the ir departure / was that book, usually at the insistence of / ~pe~~~~.g\~~1-~anndln~~r~=sro'; admiring friends , and some ti m cs .,.,.. ... ~ ~~se I spent thr~ ycm in th~ the la"'' for our chjldr'~. \Ve finally l\1ex1can town where the novel was laid. l grumbll'd our .,.;way hO:tD,eward as thought no book about CuemavaCa could directed. t«7 aet off fireforks in our fail to ... interest me. But \\Ir. Lo"rry drive1o1'ay. "'hi ch is ayerhung with consistently has. He seenu to me that eucalyptus and pine trees and surrounded ONE LEARNED witb ltle sadnesi that rare kiOOOf drunken \.\'riter: One who by uninhabited acres of highly ext>losive books \\'ere like everyµiing else. 5o1ne· writes like a drunk. dry brush. There isn't any um-place to "·ere good , some Were bad, and triOlt · · ~ !§Cf otf fire1o1·orks than ill acres of d1mp were awful. This ~u tiresome news, 11 • MY NEW..f'OUND infidelity ha.1 led m• sand:. why'WOUld you Conntt Supervisors 111 disillusioning neWI is. Along the 11me. into a practice \\'hich I ho~ to continue. outlaw lt? \\'hy make lhe '3.fest. thing vein. how saddening the news that 11't!C!PilY read a "popular" lx>ok which illegal! · 1o1Titers are, by and large, among tbe cost me SS. It "'as·P"'.'Qpcr gar~ge. 'Ill~ Our Federal Governntent is spending most boring of c:om,,...klnl! \\'U not I.he first time this has happened billiom in the next L~-o years to Llke the rteenl. convert, the rttet'IL -to mt· Thi' was the first lime, though, draJW.ize otfl' ~country~s Bi-Cententlial lnrldel is a furious man. Sincf my faith in lhat I ttrOte rbe publisher an iltdlgnant and 10c Spirit of Independence and an the printed ~-Ord hacl. been pierced, let~cr. Books Peed a consumer movement• Iha!. and hem >'OIJ are, outla~·ing ·our almost like a \•lrgin'a hymen . my fury quite •s much aa public ullllLy rates. traditional and perfectly sare fun . Will had turiled against the number of awful Not only did J write . Lyingin my teeth, lhe.-county prohibit firc"·orks altogether. books that I have allo\.\·ed myself to be I said I n -s goinc ~ tell my friends to and tt mpl mort people to bring in the b6red by and distracted,..-w1th-all ~Tile. J thre3tened · that we "wld ~111 rea11Y d11ngerous kinds fron.1 over the because of that built-in bl~ toward the hoyt'Olt tht: \\·ork.s or this oncc·gi rted border? The County is in ao untcnnhlc, book. author who now annually nlngs crD,JJ In unenforceable. expensive and ridiculous _Now. I read a book with the utmost our fa ces.' I hJl.\'e found a sure V.·a)' to pos!llonr here: plt ase remove the ban sceptlc!S1n. 1'fle burden of proof is on the combat public wlg:rrlty I! to set rn:an flre\\'.Ot~s on fhe beaches, or put the book, By Golly! The results Of ftUs ORGANIZED opposition against it. Alm matter I.IP lo lhe, vole In the next election. d.isapUne have been merul. One ;w; for the ~ket·book nCt'\'t, every time. ARLENE T. BRANoi:;wu-; • . ' • • • THE PRELl~llNARY Mondale study statistics on the enti re economic and shows that the age of young heroin users . soc!al effect of the Turkish vpiu1n \Vas already creeping to\\·ard the reversal. Orie staff report wlll deal with .preteens when . the opium ban dried up ho\\' to keep lhc hew heroiil boom from much of the U.S. 'supply. Even during the. 'reaching the pret'e(!ns. resulting opium famine. there ~·ere still l' · • mDre than 1,000 heroin.overdo6e deaths a CONTAMINATED Y 0 UT HS : A yt?ar. Ten percent of these \\·ere teen-nuclear plant run by billionaire J. Paul agers, the youngest lfi.year~kis. Gel.ty has hired yol(lhs of 18 and older. Mondale found that. at the time the \\·orked them in radiation areas, and !hen Turks stopped planting opiun1, heroin use allegedly cut them loose in t\\'O days had spread from traditional narcotics after they got radiated. centers such as New York City. Chica~o tn some cases, environmentalists, .and Los Angeles into small towns and charge, the young people ~·ere never C\'en rural communities. given forms telling them h9W much SPOKESl'tlEN for Illes company~ist that \,he plant is well run and safe, that. the doses received by workers ~·ere well within the allowable lifetime range for radiation set by the AEC. . Since its reprocessing shutdown for .expansion in 1972., the spokes.nan sa1a. the plant has had virtually no exposure problems, Which previously we r t minimal, they insisted. ·The hiring of young people is done through a contractor, they explained, and all get close radiation monitoring. .Making Marriage Sizzle The Mod ern Ms. W 01i't Like the Messa ge The times they are a-changing. The latest best seller, reports Newsweek, is "The Total Woman," which !ells the housewife how to "put the sizzle back in to her marriage." To a c q u Ire highly erized sil!le. authoress J\1irabel Morgan advises her fellow housewives to L r a n s ! o t m themselve>i into ad- ( c ART 'ui>PPE J hoperully on ' Miss Kupcake i n Accounting. but she. as usual, declined to return his soulful looks. The call came \Yhen he was in !\1r. mirln,11;, natterin~. ~ltenllve, obsequious and total.ly subse:rvi· ent sex pot~. Higgentoth's Office. "'I crave ycUr body," whispered the seductive voice, -' breathing heavily. ''Who's calling?" · If inquired Fred absently. But \\'hoe.Ver II ,..,-Was hung_·up. _ · As though-this weren't enough to drive any modern 111s. up the \VOil , !\:lrs. J\lor,11;an provides the follo~·in.it: Helpful Hints : ~ When he straggled in the· door that evening, there \\·as felicla In high heels and an apron. The apron retninded him or something. Ci) To awaken your lord' and master, "rub his back. whisper in his ear.'' (2) Put mash notes In his lunch bag. (3) Call him at the office and 1o11lispcr, "l crave your body." (4) Greet him tit the door ~-earin~ hl~h heels, black mesh stockings and an apron. If nothl.na else. {$l r'Oive liim your undivided aUen1ion" every wak- in.it moment. , • Like · all popular formulas, Mrs. ~lorgan'a bu malically transmuted countless marriages. Take Fred and Fetlci .. ~'rlsbto who had a dull, prdeo ''aricty tort of OM-•llil Felicla'rtad the hook. • 11011, HOW 1 adore you,'' she \l'hlspered inlo Fred's ear as she rubbed hls back tl'tC next morning. Fred rolled over and opened a blt$rY malevolent e)'t. "I've got to go to the bathroom," he said. At !he office. bla ; suspicions ·ere llfOused ~·hen he (OUnd a mAsh note in his lunch bag. His aispictons centered ; "JUST SIT In your chair. dear." said Fe.licia, "and I'll bring you your pipe and slippers and kneel al YoUr feel while you rea.d your paper." - "t don't smoke a pipe." said Fred. And he found It difficult to ronccnlrat e on the news with Felicia sighing so loudly. "Have you seen yo:ur allergist lately?" he asked . At 10 p.m. Felicia Inquired, "\Vouldn't )'OU like to oome lo bed, dearest?" "Not tonight.'' said Fred, •:J've got a headache." BY THt END of the wock, Fred had taken to turnlna: do\\'11 the 1hermosta' 10 get so1ne clolhca on Felicia and also bringing home frl~ for dinner. • 1-~1nally, he blew up .. "You 've got to &top making these obscene phone calls to me aJ the ornct:," he said. ' . · "l'in only trying lo put some sizzle back in our marriage,'' said ,.~cllcla. '·t can·t help it thnt,.l COl1Jtontly crave your beautiful body." "If there's one thing r can't stand," cried Fred. storming out or !be houae, ''It's to be treated as a sex object!" SO FRED joined the P.lalt. Liberation l\fovement and ran away .with a lady anthropologist. Felicia. forced to support . hersel!. took a y_ocalional AptifOOe Test which proved her to be admiring, flattering. . attentive, obsequious and totally subsurvient. "Then I'm a perfect wife?" she asked the employment contlselor. "No," he said. "but 1 think we can get you a job as a White House aide.'' . OlANMCOAIT DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wttd, Publishtr Thomo.s Ket11it, Editor Barbaro Krtibich Edfroria& Page Editor The tdilorial 1Plle of" the Dail)' Pilot ~ks to lrdonn and i:timulale readers by )n5Cl'lting on lh is pqe • dlvtrw•commentary'on toples or tn- ttttst by syndk:ated cohu'rlnlfl• and <"artoonials, b1 pravlding a forum kJr t'ndttt' Vk!\vs and by ~J'W' this nl!1\'SPlPtt's opink>ns and ldt&I oa Cumnt toplca. The editorial (lplftlons ol. the Daily Pilot apptu only in the tditorial oolumn at tht: trip of the pqc. Opinions txPft'!iatd by the col- umrUtll and eartoonllts and lall«- writffl att thtir own and no t'* 1e- mcnt ol the\r Vlf!WI by the DI.Ii, POot aha>Uld be lnltmd. . ·ruesda y, July 16, l97A I ' ... , . ,• • . ' "• .. ' • ·. ' • • r . . .. . • . . " • 'Fed Uf!' . . " W on_mn£letic ' . Turns to Bl,acks CHARLESTON. S.C. (AP ) AME c~qrtbe~ ilnd a Is o ~ Barbara Risley Kingston, a teaches Sunday schoot classes white woman· who says she Is and ~ib!e stµdy groups. S~ is tired of sitting in white seeking .to be ordained as a dlurehcs listening ·about how m Isler in the chlirch. to relate to black people , has ,. joined a black church 11m · 'I ROPE 1'11.AT t 'then get a hopes soon. tO""be ordained a chui:ch of my own somewhere minister:· jn the Charleston area," she Mn. Klnp1on bal been said. . ·1icenled bY the predominantly In' May, Mrs. Kingston black African Met bo d i 5 t became_ tge first woman to Eplacopal church to preach in rece ive a master of divinity ,. • · degree from the Lutheran Seminary at Columbia, s.c. The !lOfmal process r o r becoming a minister requires four years, two as a deacon and two as an elder, ( I ,. THE FAIIULY CIRCUS By Bil Keaqe "I'll bet you'd scold me if I put my thumb in a pie.". _Petaliunii Supported On Curbs,., "But I hope my graduation from ' Ille seminary wilt speed ..-----THE BEST-------that up," s!>e said. "I hope I · WASHINGTON (AP) -The city of Petaluma has ·won · a temporary victory \fhcn U.S .. Supreme Court Justice Wllliam O. DouR;las stayed a c:ourt or- der which prevcntf.d the city from llmitina growth. Pe taluma's contrc>Yerslal- ordlnance would IU,,it new home oonstructloo to 500 units per year through 1977. U.S. D,lstl'ict Court Judge UoydiO. Burke ruled April 24· that the ordinance w a s unconstitutional on "grounds it violates equal prore<:tion of the law and deprives owners or the USe of their land. He ruled in a suit filed bY developers and builders. . _ Officials in Petaluma, a city of .30,000 north of S ii n Francisco, asked Douglas to tby the ruling · J)ending a further hearing. D, o u g I' a s • order has the effect or !lettinir aside Burke's decision until higher-courts have decided-the 'question. They. asked for the staYJ because the growth limitation WUJ expire in 1977, so that even if, they win the appeal. the benefits ol the plan migbt be nullified. can be _orda~ as a deacon __ · ~ _ ~llctte..of_ fal)d an e1der simultaneouslY." MRS: XINGSTON'had been a ""mber of the Mt. Pisgah A~ church at Sw:nter from 1969 uoUJ last September when ' s~ transferred to Morris Brown · :A.ME. in Charleston. lier husband, Paul J . Kingston, is pro{eaor of .J>Olitical _science at , TJt.e Citadel, South c .a r o 1 i n a • 1 miHtary'C:ollege iti Charltston. "'lbcy've b .1 e n perfectly deliJ!htful," Mrs. Kingston sai~ of the Morris Brown Congregation. lo.frs. Kingston , a m.tive cif Eas t Hartford, Conn., is a ~raduate of the UniveiSity ·of Connecticut. PERSIAN RUGS yet olhrod fw .... "' NEWPORT BEACH -. wllbotoldlly ...... c ·AUCTION ' SUNDAY ~ULY ·21st - 2 PM ,,.,;.,, I P~. • ··-· w....;,., ...... _. .... , ...................... . .......... ,... ........... , .......... _. ., .. ...,. , ..... Al ........ p:nlmlll • _. .......... & .... I •• ., ....... ~W.!9........... ' IN A TELEPHONE interview with the Hartford Cpo/nint. Mrs. (\mgstoo -said NEWPORTER INN, 1107 ''"''"' u. ,. l she ·was "diwtblied" with AUCOR lllC,Ul31 "0-2tlq hef wl;lite, Congregational ....._ ~ 1 c,.. ~ . church's approach to rece re-J~===================::~JI latioos and sought something ~r ~~i: black people any better than v.·hJte," she ,said, but added that in the \Vhite church she never came into Contact with b I a c·k people .• • • ~b~ILY PILOT CLASSi,.IED ADS Dial the direct line to results 642-5678 DEL TACO -' Tuesdar, July 16, 2q74 DAllV PILOT ·sex Decder Indicted •• NEWARK, N.J. (UPI! -A ,New York man has been lndicted by a federal lfaNI jury in connection with nine companies wh1ch allegedly promoted the sale of phony v.·eight reducen ai\d sexual stimulants in five states. Real Expert HE WAS READ the "~1irarida warning'' .and charged with being ~ a , con v icted felon in po!se.ssion of a handgun. • confeSsiori in the rape- kidnap .,.,.as inadmissible as evidence at. his trial ~tarvln Schere of Albtrtsoh, N'.\'. was charged with fraud and conspiracy. in as!o;iation ·with 001npanits w h I ch operated in rive New JerseY co,nmu nitles, ti,1·0 in Connecticut arid ooe each In New York and Oh'4>. · ,TEMPE. Ari1. (AP) - Ernesto Mirando, whose birtoric ·case led lo c hanges in police p r.ocedures everywhere, re~ived • first-hand look at the U.S. · Supreme Court's ruling in action; police here said. 1 • Ernesto Aliranda. ~3. WilS st9J)ped on a trarfi c violation Suntla\• an d police said Afonday Jhey , found a ·pistol under t.is car teat. Asked if l\1iranda ~·as advised or his righCs, detective Jerold . \\'arren replied : "Everybi>dy ach;sed him of his righ t3." l\flranda was CQnvicted o·r robbery and kidnap- rape in 1963. Three years Jater, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that h i s . because he had not first been warned of his right to remain silent. · . TllE DECISION lorc<!d RQlice departments t o • begin giving suspect.• the . "l\Utanda warning," a set procedure followed by law enforcement officers in cautioning suspects ~ f their, rights. lie was al90 chariied in con-' nectlon with the 111Je of 'lO- calJs<f · aphrodjsiacs. ' 1 •· • a n ran cisco .3ourwa:g Put yourslJf·in·San fra~cisco ••. "Now! ., Ttle time's.right for a mini-vacatiol) in ever.yone·s favorite city, and besides. Voll deserve.a break. So why not jet away now? . ' In I s~rt ho!Jr y~u ~uld be enjoying San Francisco·s fabulous night life and gourmet restaurants or maybe tpur antique and boutique shops on a cable car. If that is not enough ,you·~ld.go to the.opera or theate(. We.ha11e something for.everyone. Air Californi.a's SunJet Tour.package includes !he essentials-lodging at Hotel St. Francis. ·Hy•tt-Union Square, Hyaft Regency, Hotel Mark Hopkins, Quality Inn, San Fr•l'.'cisco Hilton. Sh_eraton Palace; or The Westbury-.and groµnd transportation- t~ rest is up toy~. You can pick from a list of attractions and optiO,-.s to fit your ttme-table,,your plans; '(our pocketbook and put it toge1her your way. Choose from 2. 3 or 4 ,nightS'.sJarting at $36.90 per person double· occupancy! "Find out how easy it is to enjoy all of San Francisco. Ask your tra11el agent or _call Air California. (714) 540-4550 · -. . AIR ((/J,n;\~ CA I FORN IA .. We Care! s,rvil;tf Sacra..,.nto, San Franc:isc:o, Oo~tand, Son JOse, Ontario, ;aim Springs, Orange -County and San Djego. . . • . \ . ' ' .. r . I . • ~ '. • 1 I • " f"1 < •( I ., " • ' ' ' • • • • ' .... . . . ... ~ . ' " .,,. . . .. " ' •, ... • .· ... . . . .· . ' . ' .. • • • • • • • 't •• ,.... • • • ____ , ..... ~·- •, 8 DAILY PILOT Tutsday, July 16", 1974 • -. . TONIGHT'S ·scR Scores Smash With 'Gods-pell' . TV HIGHLIGHTS i • I ', ABC 0 8:30 -"Linda." Murder shalters a t vacation trip for t\VO couples when one of the '. wives rra1ncs her husband. Stella Stevens. Ed Nel- son, Joi}n 1.1rj:ntlre and John Saxon are featured. All too rarely, abou t every other season or so, a local slage producllon comes along "'hich reaches over t h e footllii:ht, to talie a !irn1 fiold on the hcnrl and soul or its nudienC<'. P..lorc oftt•n 1h11n 1101, It hap~ns at Soul h Coast Reper.tart. Intermission .Tom Titus r NBC 'o 10:00 ~ Police Story:· A string .cir • senseless slayings keep detectives 'Darren AlcGavin ancl 111ichnel Cole hopping as they pursue a killer called ''The Ripper." \\1hich is v.·hy S C ll · s exhilerating production of "Godspell" should ron\c <is a suprcn1e enjoy1nrnt but no "OOOSl'lLL" 1' m11tkal ••~..,. b•le<l Oft tht Go1~ of $1. Ml11Mw bv JOhl'I MltMtl Ttblltk, crlr@Clfod bv Jlllln·Oa~ld 1(1Uer, TV DAILY LOG . \,.-- wl creiJon bl' Greoarv !.ollon. l11htl1111 &'f &ollon t i>CI R19l1111lcl ll-. mutlctl cl!r~llOl'I by JOhn E ll l 11glon . choreography bv OemeM HtU tNI e oa Wrigl\I, prrMnll'd"V.'tOMMl8rl 1hf0vllh S11n<11n 11 • o'clock 1hrqh J.,ty 1..cr A1,1gull al South COit! R$ft'l0<V, 1811 ~::o::l!O!lte~v1iil.l.Co•I• M '.' •. • Tuesday Evening· THE CAST G•..., 8ell, Rick D.lyle, Leo C-rtt~. Dement ~6H. 11 .... ry Hlll.r B••111•a Ltv•, C••ol MlrUn, Midh• McF••· ' 111\d. ~i.ve P1!r1~, Jvtle Sthw••U, D tfD (I) EB QC Tuadar ~ Joft. S~rm•n and Ob' VirlgM. ICl C!D) '\111111" !Rl (cl11J '73 :__ surprise t() those \1110 have Stella S!evens, Ed Nelson, John Mc· I · · ·11 · lntire, Jolin Suon, M.ry Robin Rtdd. folio\\'~ I 11 s sc1 nu, at1ng A btach vK.ltion sh11ed by to.a professional Cosla f\I es a , JULY 16 C011ples ls sud~enly 1h1t~tl'ed whe1 company through its nearly 10· •·.oo 0 -o~-~. , .., ... , OM of Ille w1vts commits murdtt year career on the Orange .,. IL!Ui.l~liU 1nd l1Jmes het husblnd for tilt rnnst. O»fl\t(iJlll'.Ili~(l)) Mft1 crime. '-"" Oleu1111 mM1n1Criffi11Slliw "Godspell" reliindles that Ci) H11111'1 HtrMS • I m IWilrallstl M.lohn Muir" A S~· fervent rappot't b e l w e e n 0 lt¥tr1J Hiilbiiiies I 1iih imm!111nt. to the U.S., Muir performer and pla}•goer lo a plontered !he t1us1dt to uw lht 'lch hed · •••101•--m Mlnioli: lmpouibi. Yoitm1le Yal\ey. The p10&11m was pt unreac SJncc " '~ m Mtd Sqllld . • I filmed I• Wiscansln (~rt Muir Earth" brought audiences to EE [l Pffre '•111•llr I 1rn up) and Jn Yostmitt. their feel at sen more than (:tj M-: (CJ (Zb1) "Spri11rtltlll CJ!) h'*-1 ~ Rini" (•es) ·~z -G•IY C:OOper Ph1lhs lh11tt1. ':OO @ Tlll leW OtlH -• m z..1 . G) Wlln Dill-All ... A•1l1 ''? 7 ' Bill Bunud ·11111atu tllis OIM llow 6 3- EE Spttd a.cer benefit special depidin1 tlle pH111t 8350 6:30 @ Dlllel'I Choice ol tftd.t111t1ed $9edes._ 0 Dick ¥111 DyU m ..... tilt 11, lde1! .. " Jokt (lg) MtlY 'riffi• Sflow it I ·DM..,_ Wt1pow" I l~ Ktfh'I Heroes U) Mtcita T1patits Tlli Clll Clii'N• ml Tt!.I~, C.-tarios Tht riollft1t -Trft'lj Fil•• 9:30 II("'(()) Hhliu "Murd11 ln · TIM Mventur111 lht Slave T11de" (R) A IKin1 uttlt IWc.als loolb1H star is ch1r1ecl witb mur· derin1 his !tam's. vicious owner, 7:00!(D (J 0 m aJ""9 ind lht vidim's widow llirts H1w- ltwlln1 lw Dollt11 kin1 to handll lht dtl•llSL Ptltr Mtrit: (2hr) "'6tlt1N11 ti.-M1rk Rh::h_11t1n, Warren lltmmtrl!n& (drl) '42-£nol fl1nn, Alexi• Sm!!h. and [lien Weston c111st. (_i} S1l1r! to AdvtnlMll I (I) Sb Wivts el ..., __ 1111 three years ago. In esseii.ce, the t\\'O shows arc quite similar in structure-«Je built aroWld· ecology. ·the oihcr around the· gospel. BUT DON'T think you have to tie a rcligious person to enjoy "Godspell." It's doubtful Iha! C\'Cll the lllOSI devout' athirst could help but join in !he st.1nding O\'alion offered each night 1·a1 le<Jst during its openi ng \\'cekcnd 1 10 the energetic. enthusiastic and superbly dirccied com11any of 12 young perfonners \\'ho bring John·l\1ichael Tcbt'l.'.lt(:i blendint: of scripture and showmunship to life. \Vhile ecclesiasl ical purists might wince at the sight or Jesus in a Supcr1nan jersey tossing his first line to John the Bapiist ("I caine to get \\'ashed up," the sho11• is a literal godsend for tl\ose who have long sin~ failed lO equate rele vance \1·ith religion. The show imJ}Jrts t h e te.ach ings of Christ in the · unvarni shcd terms o( .today-the Beatilutc~ · a re doted ou1·frOn1·n Crucker Jox box und p:irables con1e rn a min strel sho'A' format-in a production whi'ch does not satirize ils source 'but 1nerely updates lie language. As the crucifixion approaches. the ten11» slou•s, the Ughl.9 dim and the message conies across u·lth Immense fecli\lg and clarity. . GUEST DIRECTOR John· I>.ivld Kellrr makca a most auspicious debut at SCR with bis superlative staging or "Godspcll." Under KeJ\er·~ imaginative guidance. t he stage is alive u·ith movement. much of it \11ildly 1:Qmir The company. spills out intO the audience on n1aily occasions, ns' if daring the paygoer to remain involved . Ensemble excellence i s refined to o degree .seld<>Jl} cncount.ered in local theater. C\'Cn at SCR. The company ot six men alld six women is blcnd&t (\vith lhe exception of the Jesus role\ into an intcr\OC'king uni! whictl can be hroken u1> and reassembled \.11ith ease in illustration. of each proverb or pa:rable . Leo Greene, a relative j "ISLAND MAGIC" plus 2 How Short Films I What's Mr Line? ''Y"--.L-!' '---+ I Lne Luqi I l'J ,.., JI I ates A Thief ' fE Ttltft Co• Osw11d1 Calvt (!1) (J) I Dft• el Jtan•it '2)bltrtkll lO:OOOQJOOl1imPolic1 Sl1rr ~(]) Drtptl ,. '':f°he Ripper" (R) Dtnen McC1viw Jtoli hit "Malcolm Lowl)'" and Mic:~ael Cole shr 1s delectNes ~ 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. COU ...... POC~S ........i> 1l l ~:::::::::::::::::::-:::::=::1 00> Htt Kn . invesli11tin1 a slrl111 of senseless I Dr sl.ayin1s in llleir tlforls lo lilld t uZr la Pllic:U killer nicknamed 'The Ripper.' Tkftt SIHCts 9 tD ID News. --WlfMI IEST ACTOI JACK NICHOLSON • TllK L.\..lfl' Dl!TAIL @ ""YM-,.... 7:JOINn T1U1Uf11 HYnt D @Cil m Mattus ....., 111.1.-"THEN~ i.Ccf.!T,~,•IOMS"· l ~·· Kma J (R) Dr. Kilty belriends 1 )'OUllC I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~lb~~~~~~~;:::~~dl . r., ~~~·· l mother llld teams that ... IOlll· I· 5«ttts "• Diep ytll·lld son, lttl d1ily in tlll cett 1 TH"'*-' ltf It I or his nine·)'t'JJ·old siilff, .H111rs · Millitll $ Mwil: CC) tz:lii) "Ma<·I from pe1iodic blldoul1... R'I .M__._.. r--.1.. licllord Hwris llifittnl ObwllioW" ~dla) 'S( -U10 ---Roe• HllCIW!!, .i.ne Wyman. Qji NH .. As.ltclll ..,, 44/100"1,_ DEAD" INI ID M~ . . I ~,, Ttn Ult TIVUI fl;J Tiit Ctllill1 Awtldtr If Ji_, '+ ''U.UGHlrol<i' POUCIMA"" ~ llt'1 Makt A Deal. ln11rt {R) . , • •c•t ~ m""" u.. t..n1 P• .. ~~..::lip. Otilffttl 9'111 1" C.lln•Jjit:JOQ.hvit: (CJ •'ilk A.......-·-"CHIMA.TO t•I WO, '°Id'°"' Sbtw I (co111J '~Ylflll Usl Pfler Mc· ~ 11tt 'lloul '-r £nery, ~ ' l :OOll(9CJ)Jf]J.._,. (R) Wll· llillr..Mf . •I.r's otlice pJrr,. l!Otl 11¥1')1 when1 Ll~GriUI his em~lo1eu inno1111C1 !heir furut11 · """""' ~ns 1or ·111, oJlic•. .. IJ:oolaommmNe•s U i1) Ci) ®J m A!St•IZ Su n· (l (jJ !Hi g ta) Ci) Ntn burn" (R) ~ht olhce1s help victii:ns 1 Im ti 'Mdll ol an 1ct1dent, ilop a c11 w1th l IB"'PlltlltfJ ph<lny lk:ena pl1!e1 tnd di\lt Inlet Mftd Kltdltetk Pflstlltt a 11~1 !O help drownin1 boys. ., MM: "lide A Yllltll 1111" 9 ~; (C); (ltlr) "Niii,... ("'s) 'S7 -John Jc1r, bllll)'• (com) ~1!11 Lo1tn. [dwuds. fJ @(i) w Ml ppr DIJI "Be· !CDT•• Ybitot W1St Slit's Tht11" (R) Riclllt Jiii WM 11rees '9 a. llllnd d1t1 .W.UM ( (])) Tiii PiMHl'I Poti.t'I all tor I costllflll PlrtJ ~as • murn·i cousin In Mid ol Ill ll:lO I) C·~ (]JI CD CIS Lall ..... escort.,._ laces arr 1wbrtr4 Mf'li1111 (C) "Mtlil Autn tilt [ .. ,...._.. •hen h1 di500Yefs hi, ht• towers (dra) ·~ -'Cllrislopher Plumme1 mer him. • Bort l'tt1, Ptttr f11k, G)'JISJ Jloit Lrt'. 111 ,. .... C>Ow I !j,t [j] a m -, ..... a:m!!C ltinlfi11'c Im. Ill'· fr.ct..r ......_ •u• & laii., Circa l'le.itre Cw-• .... : "'I.WI el a.. "'-" 11a,. (ldw) '57 -WllJ.ni hr111r, Jcia• U)ewriOtlll • YoPls. a. ~ie= rc1 t2111> '1k Si"" o @rn m w. w.w .. ,."" Dlllict" Part .I (d11) 'SS -Pill! '111t Herl Scream You Htar" (R) Newman, N1t1llt Wood. f.D Ttfl"' Ktll$ (ID Mtn luiWs, M11 Dl11"f1 ''Thi Ci!y Wi!h i\ fu1Wft" 12• II llltwit: "c..111' .... lilt I Qultn iirt11..W." (wes) '36-Gtfte Autry, ~ Ann Rutlltmlrd.. • ........ llDIS A&Af"" ~ "DU~O'' IGI ..,, 44/IO~• DUD .. ~ "U.UGHfM&. f!OUCEMAM'' INI ~IOLT 4ND U6tff'H>OT"' Ill . .. .., . ,.. ..... "PAUU.U YllW" 111 -' "S~Yl'THE Tl~H" 111 ' . B•r.1N.1:;;:~·c..'~~~· -WAL TB MATTHAU ., • piag Police,..." SpKW ....... Wl'tl. 'I"' ~.w.•s-. J , ... newcomer to the Costa ~1esa tuld one. \~hich co1npany, Is olltstandlng In the playg04!rs, this one included, tole of J~su.s. Although not as \!.'ill want to visit again. lt prewsse51ing vocally as, say, n1ny prove n s e r i o us l"Uck Doyle who plays .Judas, ch11llcn&cr to "~1othcr Earth'' ainong otbeni. Greene niovcs ~ln tcr1ns of audience appeal. easily and confidently lhrc111gh Perf0t111anccs or ;,C~odJ;pCll" his asslgnffil'fll, . continually t.'Ontlnue through July and n1aint~inlng control n n d August nJgptly c x c e p l balancing the Ins k s ,.of_ A'londays and Tuc~days. with a pr~acher. ~mcee and~hun101 1~1 ..i 30'Cl0ck 1118 ureeoRSuOOays, 'A'hlch weigh equally In ht s at the Third Step Thea ter, 1827 character. Nc1A•port Blvd., Costa t.1esa. DOYLE Al'ID· Bob Wrl~hl are the strongest or the ensemble individually-\vit h their powerful stage presencc 'and unquenchable energy . Top co1nic honors g() to Sieve Patterson and" ~1 a r t h a r.1eFarland 11hc hitter in 'a "'elcome return to SCR), \\'hllc Dcmene tlall. v.•ho shares musical staging credit v.·ith \\'right, flash<'S a. rnd iant talent in her SCR dcbot. She ·afld pert, blonde Bonny Hill are a pair or new races which, hopefully, will be seen 111orc often -oo the repertory stage. ''Godspell" is, unc1uc!!tion· ably, ·the (in est produc· tion mounted on an Or· rulge. C o as t stage this yrar, m MANN THEATRES • -"YNl ... Uiit-- ~..rin-.c.t.r ...,_,.,, .. ht./ta-·l:>M:IJ,_J.f:Q _ """'"flAMC" ...,_"" .' w,,_ _ !':41-i<IM:.H. I l :II , w•~ ~ ......... -.... I 2:Jo.J:4S-l:OO 7:J•t:4S .......... •••1l11l-1M .. .,.. w~ .,,,., 11111 .- ...... 67J4J60 Col- fwSMwTI..t -rte .. 00\'I TUii" Ill ·"'tJl'MAM UP DOC~ "COLD TUUl1"' IOI Mwle: "rlny M1rtin" idr1) •4g m MM: "llttlt Kell" (dr1) '56- 1------~Zlcharr 3co11,-lda Lupino. Rlch1r~ Todd, Akim T1mtrofl, WI· ~ liam Klif111ll. -- l :JO II (9 (J)l !J) H1W1N Flve·D "Killtr 11 Set" (RI lmP1eulonlst 1:111 (}) D ~ 00 K•.n, , Jolin B111tt 111e1h IS Dutfy M1klnt, 8 (fj fii a shipboard cotnedi1n btset by 1am· blln11 dellls, who lt111 lie m1y bt tilt ln1en6ed m11k of llis trtditor,. D @Cilllt m••c T••••ar 1llJ1tt1Y -~111' "Man Runnin1" (II) Tentfly lft;stl1ate1 a series al ·1~bt.r.1!1 of AiPeT11ive homes ind discowlJ iMif much more lies bt· h•nd !ht lm:enles, · Wednesday DAYTIME 1.10VIES I Z.-00 Ill~ (dr1) 'U -John P11nt, 0.. Dli;N. Jon C.ulf1tlill. t:JOG(C) .,...., ....., (lfr•I ·70 -""1 TlllnMs, .INn Klclttt. l:ID Cl)'1ll ..... Pwt I (lffl) '61 -Cllfk Geblr, M1rllyn JIOlfoe. llaltJJ'a Ul'lll!M-mcl , .. ~~lake" ---..CMAIL '-"ll4llN • WOUT hCOM ~­,,-., .. ._ ... Ml-llll• .... 01o1• ,.,, c ........... , °""'-· .. , ...... l'l'Mo'IUiOllml,__ WHAT'S UP DOCt ... 11\Wta.tiMIU,,..,.. ON A CLIAI: DAY 111 ' ....... "GKlllGl !IOI' tf.1.11.M :PG I -lll(MJNG WINNER 7 ACADEMY AWARDS! ~ ... ·~&r,, f ow~" •, • ---·-·-· --· 9:00 0 (C) "$k1 rut(' (rorn) '&5 r11nlit Avllon, Otbollll Walltf. t :30 0 ''ltllf .. Sclltol Cirr" (clr1) '51 --Gloria Castillo, E4d lyrMs. a CC> ""' Liit ...... '*'' ·e , -ShlMy Poitier, ..lolMI Sh!Mus. ! I\ I I ' \ 1 I • 11 ~ ti ' ·--. .. ,,, ___ , Jl:ot'f) (C) "Cun••n 11 at • Gr1nclt" (wtS) '6!>-Guy MldilOll. "Die' Tru:y'1 OH1m1111" (my1) '47 -l!Jlph B11d, lyl1 Laltllt. 12:00 m {C) ''Ther C1Me II CINl11rl" (d11) ·s~Gtl)' Coo11tr. ltll• H•Y· worth, Yi n He!lin, Tab Hulller. ' J:•. (C) "'Stn• ....... ( ... ) 1D-+MJWY FOflda, AMI l•tlf, m ........ _.(N)'SZ-Tudlt MM1pll)o, 0111 0ul}IL D fQ ...,. "' ....... Ce11c1. (JllUl) ·~k \1111 °'"· ltfMll LAllfl, .W·Mtr&rlf. hid lJl!lft. 4;l0!17J())"""" """' .. ,..... (dt_•) '41-Mldlff' Wlkflftc, ''"(ft {11) ..... " ._ ..... 1:00 8 (C) "C.uson CllJ" (Wn) '52-(ff1)""'i5 ~ ConltH WUft, M11!1 R;rndolpl! Seo", Luclll1 HorlNll. , • Ofltnl, KOC£, CHANNEL it Orange Ccunty's UJIF televisJon statJon, KOCE·TV, ha.!! s_ch~:Jufed the rouowinr special erocrams today. Detailed lis11ngs of Charmel 50's prop'ams are ca rried io. the Daily Pilol's TV \Veek each Sunday . .. l :M MA ICING THINOf Oll:OW IC! "Tiii Por11bl1 ClrdlnH J:ot WHl!ILS, KILNt, o\ .. D CUT !Cl "All(lolftl City l"•INI" 4 :11 MIS T E lll llOelll:S fllflOHaOllHOOO !Cl 41Jit ILt:t.TlllC CMPANY lCI t:• SfSAMa STlllllT IC) 6:• OllANOI! COUNTY lllVllW ICI •:lt LAW ,.-o• THI 'Nil I() "•ta4 l!!sr.re FllWf'tC•" UIMrt 12 ---:r-- Nearly . Everyon.e · Listens to Lan,ders . • .-· ·1}!~ -M~ .... IHl.9\. l .... t.H . "-I \\'}>()'' 1 • --.__...,_, .... --~ -····-. .._._... .... ·--....... ·-· ..... _ ...... ,.. -·' ....... "' ................... -THE- &REATEST AllYfNTUllE Of ESCAPE! • , ....... , ..... ..., .. ~-• n W AU[l'\ •l,~11\•l,!fll . ' . ·~ . ~ ' ' . TERMINAL MAN • ... ,.,. ...... .. , """'" '"' ·. < I \I \\I < I . I I Ii. '" . ' ·~ . ~ .. .//"'If.".!/!"".'' ""'.l""f · ' ' . . . . . . ~ .... _... .. _ .............. .• , .. . •. ' • • I . I ' •• ' I QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandl I. Michiga~ Tougher On Rapes ; ' Priest Loses . . Shirt $3. ~fillion in Stocks Dotvn Tub e CHICAGO (UP I) -A Community Co 11 e g e in $100,000 o~ the debt to the New Roman Catholic p.riest who Chicago. York brokerage firm, Paine arnaued S3 million on the \\'cbber Jackson and Curtis, LANSING, Mich. (UPI) -atoCk m111ket 'oa!y to watch it WEARING A BLACK stiit Inc., but the Chicagu bank d .. ~•1 Jn and priest's collar, Se.lski The st.ate'· legislature has """' e an en tang I e d held his check for 14 business upproved a tough rel'isk>n or dispute with a brokerage firm stalk~d from the federal days and Paine \l/ebber sold Tuesday, July lf>, 1974 D'AILY PILOT 9 ----- . Hair Slave$, Go Free! · IW .,....., ef ............... ...-, If ..,..,_ n.. .,.,, .. .............. lie .............. ~ ..... .......... ..... &.t .. __.,... ,.. ... ,.,. ....... ..,. ... ... ..... ,,.. ....... .... ..... 0.. ._, ........ ..., .............. -· .. ,., ......... ~ .. .,. .... .., ...... ............ hrw 1119' We ...... NillM, .. ,a.. YN .., ............. ,.... lleH .... ""' ...... ,....i.t ... ._,. ..., If ..., ~ "' .....,. , • ...,"I '• tlaeee wk .-lllMr It. W• .,. ..._. lty61at&. A Httle ltlJ MfMf ... tlle ""I ... I . . ,· Michigan's antiquated rape baa filed here for bankrUptcy. courtroom and said, "Th,ere.'s the Struthers \\rens stock. laws to make il ~sier to . The Rev. Norman R. Senski, no ,2lher way to match ~he big The massiVe sale in a stock _ convict rapists. , 44, a aecUlaf l>riest ln a-" guns. They .not only Want Y.OU__. normally tradc.>d at a-rate of n . The legislation prohibits a Wisconsin dk>c8e who also la to lie down, they w~t ~.o eat few hWldred shares a day JOSEPH'S SCISSOR' STYLING -,.._-H-lliiocAye., Hiiilliiijtio lw• 961-JJM JOI N. -llYd .......... -I'll. l7'0 JNJ MOW POI TOUI CONYINllNCI •• •• OPIN. DAILY d r 11... from an aaoc.lite ,_,essor .A' the meal off your bones. shocked the stock market, eense a rne y ..-v• w -send' th I sh humanities at M a f · Sensk.i filed for Wtnkruptcy rng e pr ce per are I A.M. to 10' P,M,....SAT. & SUNDAY. 9 to 5 P.M• dredglne up details of a rape Y a 1 r after firing his attorneys who plummc1ing by about 5 11 victim's previous s e x u a 1 . saJd he owes them $10.ooO. ,jpe~r~c.~nll_l.c_:__:_ _ _:_ _ ___!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ activity in court in an attmept Alco· ho} He made no objection when to discredit her by Implying ~.S. District Coor! Judge ·that she invited se1ual auack. I< rank J . ·~leGaf!:_ did not "I can"t tell you what's wrong, bufyou ·d better send 'a expert .on vertical hold ." · L. Itl. Bo9d Famous Names ,. -. NotTheirOwn It'• an oddity that so many famous persons through· out history are known to us by names not originaUy their own. Christopher Columbus, Jor instance. Lenin and Stalin. Saint Patrick. Numerous popes. l\fark Twain. Con· fuclus and Englebert Humperdinck, some pair, that. Irv- ing Berlin. But the list gets too long. Any others? · AM ASKED to idenlify the ...,·Orld's . longest love letter. That sweet mes- sage CO{ltains 410,000 words. About CoUr timcs ·as ml\"Y as the average modem novel Orie of Queen Eliza· beth's courtiers wrote it to his sweet· ·heart in the 16th century. What did he say? Said ~ love4_ lier. It no-w rests- m Ult British museum. LONGEST WORD Q. "What's the ·longest word in any language?" A. That's a ·aet of syllables in Greek which meruµi hash. Contains 171 letters. You can firld it in line 1169 or Arist.ophane's famous comedy "The Ecclesiazusae." And ·It's as long_~ all the words in this replr put together. Q ... HAS ANY big league baseball pitcher ever actu- ally killed a hitter with a wild pitch?" A. Happened on.Jy once. 1be great Carl !\fays fatalfy injured Ray Chapman ot the Cleveland Indians ln slk:h a manner on Aug. 16, 1920. \Vas the only field death in all major league history. . Q. '"WHO invented the military dog tags?" A. A New York resident--6amed Jotm Kennedr.. In -May-of18S2~Trll!(!-tc>stlrtl!Cri1t<rltitVrUon Ari11y, ~t got turned doWJl. That didn't bankrupt him, however. Lot of soldiers bought-them from -him personally.--- . .JIONEY Re.member, ~ da.rker the honey, the ~ore disti nctive the flavor. · . IN BURMA Jives R tribe of athletes called the lntha who row their longboats oot wit~ ·their arms but with their legs. . . WERE YOU AWARE that even before \Vorld War II the Japanese Navy kept all its ships' lo~s in English! No mystery about why. The Japanese lingo· is too cumber- some for nautical !'eCQrds. OHIO UNIVeRSITY'S Professor Emeritus Harvey c: Lehman checkOO out lhe careers of thousands of inven- tors, painters, playwrights and philosophers. To learn at what age they seemed to do their best work. The findings \\·ere remarkably consistent, Generally: Inventors. age 32_ Painters, 34. Playwrights, 35. And philosophers, 37. \Vith a sufficient sCalter of exceptions. Address mail to L. M. Boyd,~P. 0. Box 1875, New- port Beacli 92660. -Copyrigllt 1974 L. lof. Boyd THE LAW ALSO changes- rape from a sexual crime to a crime· or assault, dividing it ~to . four degrees much as murder is. divided into three degrees. First-degree rape \l:ould carry a maximum jall teMn of life which Is the same required by ®rrtnt law. The House approved the bill on a 99-% vote and the Senate But Sen. Basil Brown, (D- Detrolt), teamed with · other attorneys In the Senate to mo"e to reconsider tt>e. ~~ into law. THE RAPE MEAS.URE prol•ides that a ra~ vtctlm. need Mt prove that she resisted to the utmost - scmethlng she must of~ provide in.court under current law to win her case. AdditionaDy, the proposed law would protect men · and women atike from fotced sexual activity. First-degree rape w o u 1 Cl encompass se1Ual Intercourse , 'with a child .under 13, 1nceSt • .Y.1.tb a chikl aged IS to 16, forceablc rape, npe·· With a weapon-Or-rape ~mmitted during the perpetration of anotMr felony; such--"-a.s kidnaping . 'l'HE 0'111Ell~T.H R.E E deirees "'OUld · be f o r progre!slvely lesser forms of assaults. · · The lelrislaUon, which takes effect Nov. 1, al90 for the first time enables a SDOUse to file a rape chare~ aeain.!t his or hei· soouse while they are living seoaratelv with d I v or c e proceeding:s pendin'g. · The Michhlan women's la!:k force on raoe has reported that ol 5.000 cases cf raoe lreated in Detroit a r e a hosoltals in 1972, only 5.S resulted in convictions and prison terms. Serioris-abotit Losing Weight? Lindora's unique ·program is a safe and practical mCthod fof the ci1tire fan1iJy .to lose weight and learn how to maint.iin proper weight ... under the strict supervision of Medical Doctors. ,_Medkal Weight Reduction Call for informatio11 •Monday tlim Friday 8 A .M. to 6 P.M. SHERMAN OAKS WOODLAND HILLS LONG BEACH PASADENA WEST COVINA 789°7103 347·5647 ' 426-6549 798-2814 962-3438 G<lbln-Von O"I W8rne•-V•CIOl't 1(8 Pro!••1lon1t C•oc~e• M1,on Profe11lon11 8 dg. Mcd1~1I Bldg. BIC19 e~n' Bldg. Bldg, . ' SANTA MONICA POMONA CERRI ros MISSIDM HILLS E. LONG BEACH 828-4513 623-1655 924-5748 365-1138 . 597-0371 r••n~ll11 Pomon11 Valley CerhlOS Ml1•lo11 l OI AllGi Moditil Bldg, Med1eal Cen111 P1Glt 1slt1nal 91dQ. Med1c1I Bldg. Met1 lc11 Contet HAWTHORNE HOLLYWOOD . SAN OIEGD CHULA VISTA CLAIREMDNT 179-9236 '.462-0883 583-6932 420-9580 580-1414 H1wtl'lo1J1e M1,1h Al~a•Ado :115 fOll•lh A~•. B&J Medlt el M1dltel Clenltlt Medlc11 Canter Medic11l Cenl11• ' • Su11e o •P c.<iier -ORANGE COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH GARDEN GROVE lAHAIM 538-2395 557-1193 645"3740 . 534-2051 194-1029 l 1111111.cn1om111 M111 Ve<da PK• P•o1t11iontl Plar1 Hfllttlll P1ott1alon.i Bldg, f'roltuion.i 8100. Bldg. P10IK&IC1r11tl l ldf, .. ........... FutLERTON ·SAN BERNARDINO RIVtftSIDE 170-9501 118-4711 ~17-1250 s111e College Atrownead Mtdical M161Uil Bldg. Medical 816g. 51lu1re Lindora MEDICAL .. CLINIC ' . . , I - ·~ I ' ~­. . No_Strang~l' To Youth renew a restrairi1ng · order which prevenJed a N'ew York stoc~ brokaage fllifi. fro_m selling IZ,600 shares of stock to pay off one of Senski's debts. • PROUDLY PRESENTS . • THE FRANK SINATRA, JR. SHOW ·-.. DIRECT FROM LAS VE GAS. JULY 18 & JULY 19 MONTE CARLO ROOM COCK TAIL SHOWTI MES 8:00 P.M . & 11 :00 P.M. , --~---------. •' ' D~·-aa-::.i . .;__ ~ -- ' ' . July 7th. was on in auguration day at Orange·C_ou nty Tran si t. Sunday bus service began. · -For an opening Sunday, it was a busy Sun day. And o nce every· one gets used to the Sunday schedule !it's the same Os Sat urday's!, it'll ge t even busier. . . If it' does, .Sunday bus service is written into the record and becomes a year-round thing. . · If nol, lhe cut-off dote .lor.l he summer trial is September 29th . Sunday bus service is just one of tlie improvements that hos to ken ploce·recently. The number of routes and buses doub led. Service now runs flllm -one end of the County lo the other. -'· -· - ' • About the only lhing lhol hasn't chonged is.th_!'_quarter fore and the free transfers. • -• · Ride OCTD. IJ'll et au there. In style. Vinyl buci<et :ftiii-TB seals. New buses, pee age roe s, an 01r-con it1on 1ng. II Send, fof.your detailed, easy-to-teed, new bus sched~les. , Dl'ANGa COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT . ' $5.00 PER PERSON .. . . - 1.--~---------, For informotion on bus schedule5, send !his coupon to 1 OCTD, Post Oliice Bo,,. 688, Sonro Ano, Colilornio I I 927142, o• coll 17141547-600.1. I . ' I NAM' I I I A00Rf5.) I I CITY =~--- 1 -· I !er•IC.e ere<.:•~ Jt.. rc.:..1-------- I L --· -- ' . ' • ' • 1 ' . 1 \ ·1 I 1 ·- • -1 -. . . . . 10 DAILV. PILOT . " . . . . ~·-lueiday, July lb, 1'74 . ' ' . . " .. ...... "' . ' - ' Rams Reaffirm Vow: Will Fi.eld a Team LOS ANl)ELES J~P) -The w..icm ijvision\ champion. Los Angeles Rims 'lefl !raining camp Wednesday Y!'ilh just re"' nu:iltcrs unsc11lc<I: YihO 11•ill sho1v ,, 11"1ether !fief'& will be pickets, and ilethe:r there 11·111 be'l1 National Foolball L~aguc season . "Whether 11•r actually picket or not, ··m not sµre." says Harns playP.r 19rrscntalivc Tom !\tack of the cnn1p at ullerton State Univcrsfty. !'I don't think 'ol'OUld serve a lot of purpose at this 1ne. But y,·e don't intend to have I---<~ el'pl go~to ettmp because we are on rike I don't anticipate any veterans )ing t.o cam p." / t hlack said the Rams veterans would meet Wedne9day to de1ermine wk.it course to Olke against the Rams as part or the current NFL players strike. The all-pro guard, 'an engintx!r In the off. season, also said ·he 11'00\d meet with the Ro1n rookies -to explain the issues involved . 7\lcan1vhile. Roms oy,11er C a r o 11 Ro!enbloom VO\red the Rams "1iUld field a team v.1thout veterans if necessary for reg\.dar season and for the exhibition schedule which begins Aug. 2 against Cleveland at ~ Los Angeles Colisewn. "Regardless of what happens we will field a football team," he said. "I think thl! thlni will be sol\'td because It must be soh·ed. "I believe that our obligation is to kffp our store oprn . so that if ow-= veterans ure not permilted to ttpOrt this year, if Ed Garvey keeps them out , and J'n1 sure he wlll try lo. that 'o\'C will ha ve a pll!.CC· 'ol'here· our players could come 1>8,ck next _year." -_ -· Rookie coach Chuck Knox took Los Angeles to a 12·2 record and the \\'estern Dlvisk>n championshi p in 1973. He had extended invitatlon.s to the camp to 71 rookies arl:I free flgel}tS as 'o\'ell as several veterans, whose names ~·ere not a'noouoced'. Tllea talks broke oil belw .... owners cl the ....,.1 problems \b"t txllt," 11td and ·the Nallonal--. Foo<baU League · Mack In · elj)lalnlng Wily the Ram Ployen Auociatlon and the ptaytrS went vf!ierans ralght not plcket. · on strike. ·iwe have two obv'°'1s advantages ovri P.tack said many issue! in thl ltrlke do last year at thJs time/' Knox said. oot Involve the Rams. "First, all ~ coaches are better "I thlnk we are in 1 little bit tl. a ncqualnted arid aecond, our players know unique sUuatk:ln hete ln Los An&elea. We Wiand the sys\em better." .probably operate m the be9tenvtronment. All-pros John llldJ, h1ack, Harold in football," he said. "Our tKuatioa and Jack.ton and Merlin Olaon head a veternn the sttuatlon of. flnel are pretty good in Ram team. H~lsman 1'ropb,y winner John our case. On other clubs lblniJ are Ca~llelli ol Penn State heads the fta)]y.alicky .. You have lo.._ whit rooli:lea invited to camp. --you think·as a blanket feelln& and thla is "The pnmary Jllll'POIO for plcke:Ung our only wny of expressing !hat W'e have .wns to Inform the rooklrts and the public problems. in the NFL." Bombs Mar R-aces. Of French Cycles ST. LAllY-SOULAN, France -'lllret bomb espk>sions today destroyed several vehicles .a~ying the Tour de France bicyde race, one cit France's major annual sports events. An anarehlst undergnJund organir.a.tion calling itselr the Intematlooali.1t" Revolutionary Action Group& said it was responsible for the bomb attacks: in this remote . aid resort in the French Pyrenees. It was angered because the race made a one-day excursion Sunday into Spain. . The destroyed vehicles, parked in readiness for today's 17th leg ·of the mpn.tll\k>ng race., tncluded a van used by the Frend! news agency to transmit daily results. Nobody .. 11as frurt. A pamphlet found nearby warned Spanish cyclists" to quit the Tour ur face "disa~ble comequences." It also deooWiced the race for distracting people "from tfle problems of how to survive in the system, whethet" it UI Democratic « or Fame along 'vilh two o t he r ttKWoughbredl, UL activ:e trainer. uvt a former jockey. ' • Charles E. Maher II, l>«$ldalt of the National Museum of Racing, said Monday a nationwide panel 'se1""""1 Secretaria~ Damucus, Dark Mirage. trainer Charles Wittingbam and former jockey Cooo McCreary, now a trainer. e Spttt•Ulr Killed LEHIGH, IO\\'B - A 43-ycar-old man . v.·aiting to watch his teen·aged IOI\ play in a baseball game was killed Monday when a ball struck him on !he bead. Dick li.1. Jotmon of Lehigh was pronounced dead on arrivl.I at a Fort Dodge hoopilal Where be WU laRo afW the accident. . 'Ille game was between Dayton aJXI Lehigh, a central Iowa ' lo"1I ol 750 persons ..... ----rascist." • f.!.S. THM WI• CLEVELAND'S JOHN LOWENSTEIN IS TAGGED OUT AT THE PLATE BY ELLIE RODRIGUEZ. ,. e No Stlmul•tlon WNTSVILLE, Tex. -K. S. "Bud" Adams, o\\ner of the Houston Oilers football team. says rule changes adopted. by-tbe--new-World Foot~n-.. 1..e~ did little to stimulate the frrst series of SOJGNtES. Botg!um -'Ille toortng U.S. junlor basketball learn, led by J&- yeai-old Kim Stewart, easily beat Belgiwn, fl0..74, Mooday. . Phillies Sign _ 14-year-old To Pro Pact SAN DIEGO (~) -"He's a )'OUllg ,'Uf and he's tonna be big," said 11--o'hHadclphia -first baseman W 11 J-J e ---"1tonta1iez. - "He's ilieDCst school kid I've ever seen in my scouting;" added Phillies general manager Paul Ou·ens. The two men are talking~about Jorge Lebron, of Patillia, P.R .. the J4-ycar-old infielder the Phillies have signed. "He talked to Tony Ta"ylor and, mree or· four others from Puerto Rico and they just couldn't believe it either -at this young age \\'ith this type of action," Owens said.Monday, "\Ve're going to bring him on slow. -'We don't have the idea of exploiting young kids." Owens said. He said Lebron, who doesn't speak much English, migb\ be playing \l'ith the Phils in four or five year s. . He is one o( the youngest players to &ign a professional baseball contract. Joe · "Nuxhall Pitched for the Cincinnati Reds et the age of 15 in the 1940s. The Phillies announced Monda y that Leb'ron was assigned to their Auburn, N.Y .. farm team of the New Yorf-Penn league. lie will report to Auburn Wednesday and be put on the inactive list. along with .other young players familiarizing theinsclves with p'r o baseball. "He'll tum 15 tn September and wilt re-I.urn to Puerlo Rico to begin his ~freshman-year in high school," said Ruben Amaro, the Ph.ils' chief Caribbean scout who slgnl'd bim. . "We signed Jorge with the understanding he will complete. his high school education while p 1 a y i n g prpfes.sionaJ baseball. lle'll go to sclXIOl during the off-season. Phillies scouts saw Lebron ln a tryout camp in PUCrto Rico and '1We just decided he was so impressive y,·e wanted 1o bring him up," Owcns·said. Lebron.~ fect·IO and 150 pound!t, is a right-handed hitting third baseman and shortstop. Llnder baseball rules, athletes In the United States cannot si gn wilh pro teams ·until" they graduate from high school. But th e rule docs not apply to -!errit~ries outside the country. "\\le have to search where we're not restricted by the d.rafl rule," said ()\\·ens. • .......... ---..- Halos Win, 4·2 . ~ i;iames. . think . ,"Even with the changes I don't it Got By on Sheer .Luck, Says Disgrl!ntled _J.tyan made for very exciting, spectacular footl)at1," Adams said. "In ract, it was Jather dull. - "Last week some of those games bad baseball scores." -Adams, v.·ho had some trying years in the American Football League, said current talent in teams like"-u:ie rival Sutton Gets /Call Tonight Against Expos Houston Texans fails to measure up to LOS ANGELES (AP) -Battling to the early AFL days. b of hi · -• the · • •• "Talent in the WFL doesn't begin to reat out -a Umg ~ump, . u.#:J _ CLEVELAND (AI' 1--The California Angels~olan Ryan.broke his three-game losing streak l.tonday night with a 4-2 victory over tbe Cleveland Indians. but the fircballer was not happy "'ith hls perJonriance. "I didn't have anything," Ryan said. "I got by on sheer 1uck." Ryan had a shutout goirlg until the ninth inning when he gave up a double to Angeb Sl•te All O._ • kM~I) July 16 C•lllornl• 11 C~and JulV " CilllG<"I' II Clt\lelend Julv 19 Cal!tornl• 11 B•ltlmor9 •:)5 ri.m . •:23 11.m. ,;,, p.h'I.. George Hendrick and. a run-scoring single to Buddy Bell. Ryan was taken from the game at that point. In the second inning Ryan gave ,-up three walks and got out of a bases-loaded jam. In the eighth, after allowing only one hit in the first seven frames, he gave up consecutive singles, but agaih worked his way out of il ~r~ing-t"\\'O base runners. . "I was lucky to.get out of !Ollle tough spots." said Ryan, who is now 11-9. "I wasn't tired even though it seemed like I · threw almost 200 pitches. I wanted t.o finish the game." Luis Quintana can\e en to relleVe Ryan and walked two batten to load the baaea. Dave Sells came in to cool _ ~"i-ilre1 -alth:Jqh LuiJ , A1varadO'S 'slcnuCe tfy scored another run for the Tribe. H1mtiDgton Be.ad\'s Jack Brohamer Mission Viejo L11tes 83 Pros ~· Eighty~hree prolmionals tee "'1 Wednesday in !he fint round ol m..taI play in the annual ,Southern California PGA tournament at MlSSion Viejo Coun- try CIµ~" A second round or medal play Is. 1el Thursday "'ith the top 32 golfers advanc- ing to match play Friday. The tourney concludes Sunday with 36 holes. ,;asn't roo1ed~ by. ~Angels pitdlin1. collecting a hit .in two official trips to the plate. compare with what we had in lbe AFL Angeles Dodgen open a three-game back in 1960," be said. "TaJent-i•·~lnst Montreal'• Expos tooigbt thin. Look at the Texans -if they goLa v;ith right-hander Don sutton hoping 13 Cew nicb, I don't really know what "'ill be lucky they'd do for players. He's bad . 12 starts since his 1ast. CALll'OllNIA CLEVELAND Rl\lefl, cl c1111w. lb Sllnlon, rf Fllol>lniOn,dh L11!oud, II Va let'lir>t, U Oollerty, lb ROlh•~. lb McCrew, lb..-. Ellld<9u,"c D()oo(le, 7b llamlrw, .. Nlly1n, II Quln1-,11 Sell~ 11 101111 11Jr llrbl · ••rllrtll J o 2 1 Lowa1s1n, If J o 1 o JlOOLls.1111 110110 •IOOLee,ph 1000 2 O 1 O 8rohemr.2b 2 O I II I 0 0 0 Alwarlldo,2b O 0 I · 1 2011EU11,1b 50Gll IOOOS!>lktt.rf 3 0110 2001Gamble,dh JOOO I 0 0 0 liel'ldrk -,(1 l 1 I 0 J 1 1 o aaeH,3:1 J l 1 1. • 1 I 0 Ol.o1K•n.ph 0 II 0 0 J021Ct"l)S.by,pti 0000 00110Duffy, .. lOIO OOOOArHn,o 0000 II 0 0 O l·U111f'ndrt, p o O 0 0 ainJi:..,.,p o orio l l•I• To1•1s 2t2J2 C21 DOD c.11-' 000 000 --, IP' H •·· •ll aa SO N. lty., (W, 11.,) Qvl"tlN • j 2 2 ] • • 0 0 0 2 0 I II O II 0 0 2•ll•O .... Atll" Cl. 1·•1 "'-6 111 ' I I • 1 PB-Dunc:111. T-Z:D. A-TJ.,57, ... e Pondeiter Sign• FRESNO -Rnsooc Pondexter, a starter on last season's nationally ranked Cal St.ate (Long Bea'ch) team, signed a multi-year contract 11tonday with the Virgiilia Squires or the American Basketball Association. The &-foot·6 Pondexter said he ch::lrse Virginia over the National Basketball Association champion Boston Celtics because he has a better chance lo make the te<ftn. es~uuded SARATOGA SP.RINGS, N.Y. Secretariat. the nlnth--rfiple Crown Wimer, has been voted into ractng's Hall Ticket Sale Coercion Denied by· UCLA· Official . . . ... • \..• .. ,.\1..1 ! .....,.. ~ ·' • .,, ........... r-1' • LOS ANGELES (AP) -The UCl..4. need and must have your total support as athletic department says it is untrue that there are thousands of football season a letter mailed by the department ticket holders who \\Wld___~ly love to threatened to take aw8ylbe sea:soo be a ble to purchase season basketball ba.sketball tickets of _,me fam un1ess tickets in Pauley Pavilion where the they bought seasoo tickets to the school's Bruiru: piay. In the rising economy i~ is football games. . imperative to oomider that priorities be "I can see how people could have read given to the people who~ the total an implication into tbe letter," said afhletic program.".. · Robert Fischer. UCLA ---.Cina tlcSel bolclw who got the letter director, speaking for vacationing said, "I considered your tMX--91>Veiled athletlc director J.D. Morgan. • 1 __!~reat of taking our season basketball 111t was tent out in nnewhat of ;r-nckets away from U1 if we do not buy hurry. A couple of sentences could have season football tickets the poorest kind of been rephraSecl. sportsmanship and totally unworthy of "But the suggestion that \\'e're-trying the· high quality of Bruin athletics.'' lo coerce people into buying football "I think they have a lot of nerve. It tickets or having their basketball tickets · amounts to bi-ibery,'' another sald. removed is absolutely untrue. If the Fischer said the Jetter was sent to pcotJle had contacted us and asked, about 600 person.! -about 15 percent of they'd have found that out." basketball season ticl<et holders. The The k!!W r signOO by ~lorgan and dated BfUlnS ·have been , perennial national July 3 read: "f am addressing this letter co1lege basketball champions but have lo you and a limited number of other not fared as suctessfuJly in Cootball and basketball season ticket holders who do tickets for football bave not as o!ten been not also have season football tickets. We sold out. pi~ victory -a 1-0 four-hitter over lioUstoo. on May 14. His record bas gone from 6-2 on that night to 6-7 at present and no· One, including Sutton, can npJifi\ why. Montreal-wULopen with Steve Renko, &-~ .. ~-------~~ ...... en Shale All .._ .. KA9C Int> Jut-, 16 Mor!t.-..1 at lot "-"" Jlillr 11 MOnl,..., ,, Lot """"" July II Mon!tffl 11 LM Ange!H July It l"r.n.o.IP'lla 11 LOI ""'"" • JuJ110 '1\!ladtlplll• II LM Anffles Jiiiy 21 ~lldltohf1 11 Les AllQ9!ts ?:2J p.m. ?:n ... m. 7:tt p.m. 7:2S 11.m. 6:SS p.m. 1:10 p.m. 9. apinst a Dodgers club which lost t\\'O of three gamea to the New York Mets and scored only five runs total in tbl trio. Manager Walt Allton conceded, "I'm more <X>OC<med aboot the hitting than anything else. We haven't hit the ball well the last two or three w.eeks ... "At least, we haven't been popping it like we did the first two months." Leaders of tht National League West by JOI/a games at or,e point, lhe Dodgers. have seen the ClnctnnaU Reda steadily chip away at the margin and put themselves in challenging position just 6efore the All-<tar break. · The Dodgers had further bad news with the report that left-handed relief hurler Jim Brewer would probably be hospitalized for a week wllh back problems. He awoke t.tonday momlng with 90reness and was sent to a hospital. A!tbougb Sutton is ocheduled to pitch, there r~ned a posslbility he might lkip the 'turn. He suffered from nu during the ,...kend. Lelt'hander Al- Downillg wUI get the call If Sutton bam't completely recovered. Some prophets of doom Point oul that the Dodgers led Cinclnnsti by virtually the current margin at the same time a year ago. Ahead by seven 'games then, Loa Angeles finished 3lt games be.hind. Vice President Al Campanls Tefuses to see any similarit:t ·aa)'ing .. "Actually, there's no Cause for a lot of compari90n. Thls team is quite different than a year ago. · "For one1 it's more mature. Last year there were eight first-year playera on the roster. The experienee of having gone through a peMant nee has got lo help." • DI~ DEAN Heart Attack Hospitalizes -Dii.zy D~ !\ENO (AP).-Baseball Hall of 'Fame pitcher D\zzy Dean remained ID ·guan1ec1 OXldltlon today alter suff~ anothtt s eve Tc heart attack, bospital otficiaJs say. Dean, 64, Wat admitted to St. M"ary'1 HoSpital Sunday night with chest pains, and later Pftred a major atlack, said Ed Spoon, a hospital spokmnan. Once, he said, Dean's breathing stopped, llut it was restored through resuscitation. SPoo<i said Deon probably ~ remain in the bolpltal r.. an extended period ol time. Dean fin\ complained ol choEI plins last 'lbunday In nearby !blth Lake Tal>ot. Cal~. !fe ent.....r a hoopltal there and was reteued only a few hcMllS before suttering the allacl< in Rmo. . 1~ '11>e· pitcher compiled a tso.8! llfeUme record during I 2 yean In the majo< leagues Villh the SL Louis Cardinals, the Chicago Cubs and the st. Louis s.o.,,i.. In 1934, Dean pol!(ed ti 3M record v.ttb the Cards. His career was OJt short dfte yean later when a line drive struck him in the toe during the 1937 All""9tar Game. The injury lor<ed bJm ta change his piid>lng . delivery and altered hit effectivene:n. He later became' a sporil broadcaster. SoYiet-€oach-- Says U~S. Had Better-Players SAN JUAN." P.R. (AP) -'Ille United . Stat,. had bett« material bul mt as good a learn in the World Buketba!l Champioosbips he,. • they had In the 197% Olympics, Ba)~ the Soviet cooch who beat both American squad<. . Coach Vladimir Kiliidrashin, ~ With a team be' said was weaker than the ooe which gave him a one-point victory · and the otympjc gold medal ovir the United States, daimed a Illr.94 cooq- here SUnday. "They had better players this ti~," saii:I Kondrashin through an interpreter. "But they piayed better as a .. i.am in 1972." ·U.S. roach Gene Bartow ci the University oi Illinois, 'o\'OUldn't argue the point. . "I think any time you go against the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia or teams of that callber.-you'd better have some lime to prepare·for them," be said. "We were a litUe too much or a one-on-one team." Bartow didn't get ftis""'team together until a week t;iefore the cbampkqhipe hegan h,.. July 3. "We didn'~ play very well," said llartow ol the Soviet conleot, which fo<md 7-foo< oeot« Richard Ke!ley.o/ Stanford, 6-11 center Joe Mmweatber ol Southern Ullnois aJXI H forward Tom Boo .. 11 ci South Carolina !oul oul. "We got ourael.., lrM IOu! trouble early in the game and 'o\'e .mt very poorly In lhe -half," llerlow said. . The Amerlcane outsbot the Soviets by seven field gOaJ1 in the flrst--btlf, but the fouls enabled the Soviets to fashlcri a 5$. 55 halftime tie. SOviet marksmen hit 37 of 46 charily tosses in the game to wipe out a final two field goal advantage for the United States. 'I1'lc Americans \Vere m1ablt to contain forward Alexander Salnlkot/, who made all I 4 of his foul shots and added• 12 field grots for !8 points. CH.4NGE SOU~T IN TELEVISION BAN OKI..Al!OMA CITY -The N a t i on a I Collegiate• Athletic Assochttion and Big Eight Conrcrerice were' llccl.l:ted of anti- trost violations f\londay in a rederal . court suit seeking to ove rturn a b.1n on Univ(!rsity or Oklahoma f o o t b n 11 ,1ecast11~-------­The suits y,·ere flied by att.orneys ror he newly organized Oklahomit Television Sport5 Inc. Competition in the $12,500 tourney begins \Vednesday morning at 8:06 with the foursome of Ron O'Connor. Jim NCthe.rcot.t, Hanl!y Chapman and Joe !\lance. The final quartet. which tt'Cs off at 10:26, includes 1968-70 \\'inner Jimmy · PO\\'tll, Ben Neeley, Jack Gamer and John Anselmo. Nonn Bernard, George Slingerland and J im Lee are the flz:st to tee orr Thursday Ett 8:06 \\1th the l11st four90me being Uave t.fancour, Bill Blanton, t.tike Dowallby and Jack Bl!ll. Crippled Poster Boy Now Plays Ball . . ~ . The stJJt·auegcs the.bani! an unlawful restraint or tradeln vlotatloo of both federal and state antllru!t laws. • . ' " -Other former-wirmers in the tourney indude Eric Monli 11952-5.1-56-Sl-63), Elly Vlll<'S 119>1) ond Jerry Bar!><r (1959 ) . l\fisslon Viejo\s Club pro, Roi;er Manger. is in a 10;J9 a.m. rounome \Vednesday. v.·hlch also I n c I u d e 1 El Niguel's Uick Divel And another El Niguel pro, Pinky Stevenson. is :i strong candidate for the ri1.le. Stevenson was a runncrup ln 1969 af'ld 1970. ' - • SANTEE. Calif. (AP) -"He's JU!t another ballplayer,'' David Noriega's manager said. Aclually. he isn 't. David hit .31K> 8Jld v.•as start.Ing ca.tche.r thi:i Y.ear for the Navajo 'ftophy basebali tCam in lhe Santec·Plonce r National Little l..(':ague. ~ And that 'or an ll·year-old who was California's Crippled Poster Boy for the t.larch ot Dimes t"'O ye;irs ago. At the age of 7, tho son of Olorla ' . ~ • I Noriega ~... slrlcken ~10! pertlies dl!itase, a booe ditord er that Jett bis rlght leg tueless. A kklney was removed, and 1ht remaining one functioned pc)orty. There were eye pr'Oblems, aod David suffer"fd from asthma. ~ But t.trs. Noriega seys David ~·as never treattd as anything but normal. "ltta,ybe l,'ve anue:k in a little more , love /' she r sa)'s, "But he hafl always behaved like .• normal child. He figbtt •' --· wilh his brothers and sistors just like any other kid his age." • The visits 10 the Unlvtralty of C&lifomia School of MedJctne In San j)iego come monthly, but David bis steadily GOtte.n better. He rnttred a hospital last )lectmber aJl<i lerc wllhout his bracw and crut.cht& In Jenuary he came down with a tcvere muecle vlrua, so bAd that he had to ask a friend to tJgn ~ for him In lillle leacue. · ' --·- --1'-1anager Fred Boe says, <!Of course. I know about his Illness but I'm sure the other kids don't know about It. He's very Intense. but be'• u a.n.o.t-h·ff'----11 b:dlptuye r." , The chance to play t.Hiins Boe'• catcher, who already has .formed some 'opinions aboul baoeball. _ : ·i1 think girls should play baseball,'' aald David, "But not Wi,th bo)'I. WI aboutd play lbem. ., •• .... ' .· I. ' 1. • • Mar· a CdM Wlas, '3-2 -: S~ilors, Barons ~~llect Vicwries Selec s-- R.alsto11 Newport 11 arbor and Colla Meta's t~'O ruN ca.me PountJin Valley Hl&h pulled to in the sixth frame. After t\•i'O within one half game of out Gary Baume scored __ ay-ROGER CARl:S 1 Ha~bor Area bascba!L..lea(':'e on Steve.:..Bemhantt's double:--· CM"-1»11r """'"If l eaClei'"'E1tancia Monday nlitif Guy-:-Krlkorlan followed wl'th Bob Ralston, a hlRhly. aa the Barons of Fountain nn rbl single to p 1 a e regarded prep rootb:ill assist- . Valley rolled, 10.2, ·a n ck. Krikorian at TeWlnkle Park. ant, has ~ ::idd"'li to the Newport Harbor's s a 11 or 1 Mater Del, playins with Marina Hilil1't coaching rnnk!i, \\'ere • forfeit vtctor ovtr mostly r r e sh m e n and replacing Dave Okura. Unlvertlty. -aophomores. was bombed Okura w 111 concentrate Otber action saw Corooo de! early by Los Amigos. v.tilch 90Jely on track and fleld In ~far poMlng its slrth victory }>OSted five runs in the first iithleUcs, accordlhg to Pi.farina in 11 starts with 1 3-2 triumph and added four more tallies in varsity football coach ?.1lke over Costa ~lesa and '-fater • the third to take a Henigan. Del was an 11-2..vlciim of Los rommanding.9-1 lead al Costa "Ralston will act Amigos. Mesa Park. offensive coordinator,'' says Fountain Valley won its C•11• ir.wi:.121 , 11 '"' Henijlan, who be[olins his eighth in 12 dccisiona and It T1reo~1. ct 3 o o o second year as head coach at was put aY.'8y early as back-=!'{,.0:-: !! : : ~ ! Marina alter a 3-6 record in to-back doubles by n l.e k M'Coy. c 3 0 0 t 1973-which Included a 17-14 Woolard and · J8.ct. Upton were :~e11:!. 1~ j ~ : : victory over Anaheim. the big blows in a two run fint :~r::,~~~· ;: ~ ~ ~ l ·"\Ve 've betn working real • lMlng. Rob Hardman' finished ' surf~111.11 2 o o o hard Jo get Ralston ," adds off La Quinta in lhe second ~~~1'1~. .. ' o f : Henigan. "He wu t h e fnme with a two-run triple to Toi111 J ;-.s 1 freshman coach at Edison plate all that was needed 18 c._ •11 M•r u1 when I was the offensive Ulree Barons pitchers stifled .c. Jollnson. 11 ~ ~. ~· ~ coordinator on the vars'ity La ~lnta on five bits · at Moote. c1 i o o o TeWillkle Park in a night Mw11t1y. 2t>JD 1 1 : : level at ~Ison and ·a lot of my contest. ~':.~'.~ c r : 0 0 philosophy is predicated on J. Jo11nson. 11 ,' ,' 1• 11 ideas that Ralston has giveri Hardman's blow \va s over Glll-u. »u tbe centerfielder's tiead and t111'!re111. ,,-l t t t me. plated Will~e F1etcher and Ken ~;1~~~;nin, e1•2ri ~ : ~ : "Ralston has the ajl'.gressive M·-·--_·, w•-bad Mngled Fr1nk111t. 11 2 o o o attitude offensively thnt you -e... ........ ,., "' M11ter. i:i o a o t need." . ' .. ' . ' .Jut Clowning A round > • • ' • • • • • 'I Tunday, July lb, iq74 I 11 ..-; DAILY PILOT • Alai'hltos -Racing ' Results MllJohr, JVIJ' 11. 1f1' Clffr, TrKll 'ltl tt l •1ct1 -t·•111I 0"11111 a I Se.1l'N llr$ t. P1i. ....... Sl!COND llACI. -..00 y1nl1.. l yt. old1 & up. Cl1lml'ICI. ~11•N llTtO. Fa., Don !Cl•dart ) 4.10 2.!iO 2.• Ga h i• Go ll!.,,1ml 2.IO l. TrlJ011 C Trurv !lroobl ._ Tl"" -20.,,, AllO r1n -F11turtd l !d, Al•mlt• sieo. Jer air ,,_,.$P11ui Natt, M .... ...... THlllD •ACI. -olOD ¥111111. l Vt Old1. Ali-IAl't. Pllti>e 11.liOO. \ \ \ i Wl\fft11nd' !D•1rttl 10.IO 6.10 l , •· Si.tilt S.1 (M1rtl :JO.DO 1. I N11nvlll1 cc,v t••-11 t. Tl"" -·'20.:JO. · A•IO rlf! -Nor. T"'" s1r1111 !moll'n Gal, Skv OI Dl1mond, Wint: .... ll'OU•TH •Ac• -IOO ¥.lrdt. l ...... c1!:11 I. 119. Cltlrnll!CI. Fllllt1 I. fTllft P11rM UJOCI. $\IP.II' Cite !W1tson) It.DO '·'° 3." Trll Dtcl!; (l1plltm) 1.00 l. Ga cor-(C1roo11l .t. Tl"" -10.21. ' AllO rtn -C111C1't"t Tr1Nr.tl, Klc1r Q!Jffn, Ari-Gold Dutl. Color /•I Pini!, $1'11mHI. -ll'r•TM-•AC• -!SO ,,,,.. ' v• *'· FUll.11. Allcwtnct. Pll•M 110.-s~ .. ·~ Choice IW•dlt.20 2.60 2~ Ct tOS AM ltlfef"I IUP11tml J.t:I l : CrlrntOtl Ailtel ($rnltn) :u Tlmt -17.K. AllO rlt'I -Dllllf .. l.ICtf, Ci Annlv ... 11ry, l lKl T'*'l!lll, Wint wncn, Si m'' Dl•le D1W11. Sl>ITM IACI. -l» y•ordi. J Vtr Old1 I. 1111· CllMlffld .lllow.lrKI . 'ur' ..... Anctv Go (llPlllml 4.20 J.00 2.'. earlier. Foes. i:i o o o o Toi111 n 3 • 1 Ralston has been a stl"fln't Santa Ana Country Club member Fran carter (sec· Bros. clowns at the troph y presentation for the win-ln~a I~ dwurnpslth }~-~detal '"''"' 111111 "" , • • candidate for several varsity ond from left) and her partner, Jean Hilbert of ners of the annual member-guest toumey. The pair Coun!ry C1t111111! !Ptgtl S.00 7,1 P11w!t1' Min !My11tl 2J. Tim. -17,fl. • ............ c111'1 M.111 • °" ....,., s 3 jobs and spent the 1973 season Yorba Linda, a.re flariked by a pair or Ringling captured low net overall with a 62 Fri.lay. Mar at 6-5. , c~ dtl ~·~.:J:: 11~ 4 • under Ernie Johnson at ----------------------------------------'------ AllO rl~ -lolu O«lc.1, Air Cooltt ~YbvO'• c111ro1. love C1Wr1t LllCkY'I O'loV, '#hall Dtllrl . Newport Harbor's triumph DtMli, cf • : '-:. (:errttns College as a n came when University wai un-o. Mm.n, »:lb 1 1 T offensive baekl assistant. able to field a full contingent ·=~c '' 3 ' ,o In addition to , coaching of playen -giving Ne"'ldrt h:t. " ,' 1 1 football at EdiJon Ralatoa was _ n. · di -Tl\I,., If t _ , .. victory In J2 star11. e =t•· \\ l 1 : the -tennis coach for sevtral Estancia leads the pack wilh T. 1o11~~n. Jb 12 o : seuons. an 1-3 record . .=:mi 311 P 1 g g Ralston is expected to teach -'l•~F deld~· MaGr. pltcMherslll stT°!r.i,P ·J : 1 in the driver's education JYMll• ran in~ regg ~r ~••11 v.1111¥ u•, "' department in addition to and Dean Foes combined to H•l'd"'"'· ., ~ ; "i ' !~II ....w.nsJbJUUes. c• 1•1 11" ., 09,,. strt•e out · 1' ~-Mesa weot1rd. '' ', ', , ' ---~ .. " ' Vl,l'jllwo. uMon. )io., 1 r est of Marina's staff ts--G!'Mr CEJ won "" fortto11. batten. aowen, c 4 t ~ o ins I h !'to It 105--McC•rtv (Cl d.c. Jolln-'"· Franklin struck out nine In ~-;:'.'!id'.14iHf.3D 1 ~ o ~ rema wt Myron II er ns-eute 1c1 e>lnn1t1 w111t•OtT1 o:ll. five lnniniff, Miller whiffed i1111nt•. 11 2, ,' • •, (the varsity wrestling coach) lH-Plrrucetoo te i 11t< C•CINOll 114. --Jo11.1n1.11t, 211 0, taking the defensive reins. 13s-Ht1JOll U'J OK Oobt>5 J.1. one and Foes struck out three F111c11e r, lb ,' '• • , 1 1,1 , ,, ""'~""'""'' rt 2 1 Gletin Keyser handling the ,---.. -. hctm111c') P ttllld .Hos n1 in a one-iMing stint. -Tot1l1 .n, 10 12 1 -Corona del Mar won it in the ~ •-..., 11191• , 11 , linebacken and! offensive line 1s!--H1e111;11n 1c1 d.c Mill~ .. ,, 'rth 1 .... 1.... when G l• 0u1n11 101 ODD o-1 1 s and Dick 0elll'.an tutoring the 16s--Am111rona !El d.c Gntl•v 10.0. SI ....... '6 a r Y F1111n111n v 1111v m 210 11-10 12 l defensive backs. U!--Golvoftl cc 1 d.c Fr~lct"°" 1.1. Gulsness and Jetf Behrens ~,.,. °" 1~1 1U-Jot1n~ CE 1 dK Ktmbll .s.1. came through with rbi s3tg:Ies Ool ... 11 ~ " ~ "I'd like to oversee all of the 1tt-wi111111"d 1c1 OK H111klnon •.o. to score Mike M11-.hy and Jeff Dr''""· e 31~ , T t departments ttiis year, rather Hwt-Hl•on !CJ won by fl:rlttt. ....... t:l!'.".';, JI) t 1 o,o than handtmg IU)y_specific L .. Ali.t (Ill 151) M1111M1I• Johnson. . Ori.lo•, cl 2 : •,o • c .... MIN Ull-UJl-~lr;-Earlier the winners had LIMlrt. 2b : If o group,' says Henigan. H-C11rr1n ici won riy ror11r1. scored 8 tally in the fourth ~=: ~ 1 g 1 : 1be offense, probably more 1os-ell:!Ok1tn1 rc1 won Dv tor1w11. MKIMlr1. " l l than any other .. h...... of 11J....EdWll"dt (C) OK TOfTH .. ,. when Doug Johnson singled S11k-.•y, r1-0 1 I •, .,.,..._ l2J-Oat11 (Cl .dee. North ..0. and eventually scored on a Tot•11 L• ~ 1c'n i 1 ° Marina's g'1ne, ls the area 1JS-M"lklr. <c1 OK l•l'CI 1•.o. --' ~•1 by Jeu JobnlOO. " , "' ,... where improvemeht ii most 1•s-1.1n1rd cc 1 ..tnMd SPMd o ss. .. -~ -" K II > I j I o l !s-Jonlft (C) Ott Moro1n lJ.O. Wrestling ' Results . Racing Entnis W Alt"""• .......... tw Tffltdl' Ctt1r, Trad! I'll!. l"lrll ""' 1:U •·"'· II lucl1 Ill"' ltce. II l ••da 6th. 1111 11111 rtll ·- 'l•ST llACI. -l» v-rd1. 2 v11r old m11dtn1. Pul'M •1100. Klnclolc1111 CKnlonll Ltdy Tru• IH1r!) Tralllc JI! !Mrlttl Plenty Fist !t1nkl) .· C1!hn1mcm Cl •OOll.1! E•sv Mavlnv IWtlltetl sn1kp M Down CCre-1oer> No Dleer (G1rt1I Tull 011• (~mlll'I) Go C1111~ Go tW1•dl '" "' "' "' "' In "' m m •• $!:COMO ••c • -110 v••di. J Vtlr olds .. UP. Cl•lmlng, P11tl.I 1200Q. Step N Ftlcll II CGtrII) 1:12 ·Mr:-'l'CllC!ultrlCt""°">---ID Sunn Rock IMrln l 172 Blldgtr't lou·tWtrd) lit J•v tH 3 1cr1111erJ 1n Molthl IKnli!llO 121 J"""'s Min !S111ln.l 111 Llllte ltld TlcM tllllfllft'll 122 THUlt D llACI! -J'9 y1,d1. 3 v11r:, Pld• .. lfP, AllOW1nce. P11r .. ~. N.tn A Grit1 !Sm!lhl A!trur.llc Cl.1~t1l Holllf V1n !11r (Hit!) ll11n Moon ll11n (W1!1011) !lruc:t.:11\1 fClrdOlt) l vnn CM c111111,_ ltt '" '" "' "' "' ,OUllTM I.AC• --v•l"d1. J ve1r olC11. AUow1nc1. Pur11 13100. Jot Mooo\ Too 18•GOkJ) llotlr.ll o .... Cl enlc.11 DKlr.I Jtt {Wt,Cll Sun1h1111 N Fl-t !W1lklr) ll1cord Cll11r111r 'C1n1011i The A111bln1dor IMvl15) Mlrl-1 (L.llltllml Plead To llulfi" CHtr!I Pl•r SUWlll (Dt•v••) '" m '" '" "' "' "' m '" "'''™ •AC• -JM v1rd1. 'urw 16Qll0.""-'fhl Tl!or0U9Ninil JiKk"fi't (tnYlllllonaU. Amtrlc1n Dr11m C'1m1191) W.11111 Go (T11rcotl•I J1,111lkl ,., 1•1ml,.1I Hr Dlvy CGrtnll ~---.. Monarchs 11 1.•ldt -.. A.., Gil a 1·COllllfr C1r .. 111. P.114 NUt. t•Vltnll U.CI -150 .,.,.dt. 2 Y'N • o1c1 t1111n.. A1W.11ee. Pu"'" 110.aoo. C1l,N lfl (W1t'Mnl f.IO l .IO 2.( LJ1' llt'lllMll ICwdOUJ 11...tO 1.: Abdlcll'lld !Llpllem) J...(. Tl..,. -It.GO. . • Allo r111 -s.tfln And Gold. lto..11 c.i-'I Two. ~ntY Tru, Foaiy Dt>b\lllnlf Win, 50-36; Lions Lose Glnll'ft 'N Jadll. , llOHTH llACI -110 y.,.dJ. l Y" olcl1 I. l/P. Cl1lrnlnrg. l"urM 11700. Cl1ny Jtockl'I !LlpMm)·l.lO 2.to 2.: Ar....,i Cit~ (W11Mn) J.IO 3.1 Ma/Oy KHll1n (W1rd) ~.l Tl .... -~.00. A1ater Dei High's !'tofonarchs AIM! r1n -Mud PllPPY• Dir•• rolled to au easy, 50-36, H•v•ku, Ml P11, s1mo11. summer I e a g u e, basketball " ••Kt• _ ~ ll..:k .. a •· victory over Carlyon Hi~,,... C•~. ,..., ...... _ Monday night but i~ may have "'"'" •.t.c•-=-• v•rds. 1 vu. been cosUy. olds. C!1lmlno. Pune 11700.~ .. -I , Jolly Old $CUI {Myl~) 1.C-2.IO 1.11 I Center John Stnnmer {6-5) Ut1111nv 1e 11r ,,,,..,, J.oo 1.• ~ suffered a twisted ankle at lllonde Joe tc1rdoi11 s.ll TllOl9 -20.61. Santa Ana High. Aho r•n -GllK Ba. Wll~ -Kllll Gold, MIH Go RllOdl . GoHmlli ~ W e.ii t m.in 5 t er ' sJ4ans,-Pr.tia. e.1lbY OoMn.. synok . .11ar. • meanwhile, dropped a ~7 u 1.xi<'li _ 2.J911y ow sw1 a • \ decision to Bellflower High in L11111111111 tc. 11r. ,114 •1i1.•. the Loog Beach W i l s o n summer league. ' ' l .1 '' b 4 1 needed. , lU--lu1I'! CSI die P•••t 44. c:r.. 2IJ f 1 1,s--1111 m1tcl\. ~j.fe ~ 1 I 1 Qnly Six timel in the pa!t 18 lU-81litn'lln (C) lllnnld McGIMlt ( 0·5S. Gwc R •~ i:.r1~~·d' ~ f : T games two ~) haY.e 1;s-Ar-nc1r1r 111 won trv 1om11. Kent~-GOal Ovna,go G" tM•lwlr,...yl A·Ac:ctlw1t1 IPlnltCll) A·SOOl1td•a. 11111 IM.11111 Mttti. Mlfl tHlfl'tll unci. 1tu111• tv..111\11'1) ~ ... D, W1JM~l~r.v "' '" '" "' "' '" '" "' "' Marl< Breilfuss was the Deep 'Sea Vista '- scoring leader for lttater Dei. 5C0r'i1J&..J2 points.-LOH •I.ACM ls.I,....._-~ __ ,,':.--='1'1 r ·-, -r=-=-:d-' ~lf!Dll!'f:I wtiftl -Nu, 20t c•lftO ---"l ~ _ Oll.u,~St==1e"~.~Ol~~;3D J-J-.T-t-Vlkin1•-leams·r·e·c·f·s·t·e·r·e·d-";:;':;:;;,~;;., ''" Ml .... Yf•1t c 1-11. • ' 1 2 1 more than one touchdown in a f$-Lumo11ln• fFJ 1>1nnH s .. itnt• t:u. Foe, 98-76 WIDTfIER-Jack Keld> led a second half rally as the Golden West Rustlen stormed to 11 gg.76 rout ol East Los Angeles Mcndly night at the Rio Hondo Summer i.Bketball league. Kelch had 13 rebounds and 25 polnta. Terry Meisenheimer and O.le Parker adlll!d a and 13 points. ....... w.t tt•1,, pf .. S!""'I -. '1 0 01 • Mtll.lf\Mlmll' 1 O 11 ''''"' 5 l l 13 JllMIOll 4 o o I 8111 !O l Ttiom1>-1 0 l I "'llltld 2 2 0 6 Kt cll 12 I <S 2J Jolnu 3011 Madden 1002 ~k""• 1 0 0 2 1.Clt•k 1012 S. C11rk 4 0 2 "' ~ Toltll 46 ' IS H.1lftlmt' G'M'.:, ........_ WOULD YOU BELIEVE? =.3~2 TO:YOlA'-S IMSTOCK ....,1,non-To-Hltlo G91 PriCH LEASE BRAND MEW '74 TOYOTA c ..... s72s!. 31 uo. O.l.1.. D.A C. ~- ALSO llle-'d1,. , 1 I 0 las-G. SP11llnlt1 IM) UC Anderton w. Tolllt U 11 f 1 contest. lU---McN1rn1r1.(1') won bv forle!I, 1c-. '1 lrtl'IC1111 In tbe 11 year hist 1 ns-Fr1n1111 !MJ.M v111n1r s.o. r 11 • _ -. ory c .... us-0<1P1t 1Mr c1ec Sllll'O• 1.0. .......... Otl 010 010 D-' , ,* h-Ca,.; ... foolball only tbe 1970 1•$-H11teil (F) tlltCI !llOl'lllll 2·2. lCll Af'l'llOOI JIM O» •-11 t ... _ U~Ellanll IMl dk li"'"° ...0. team of· Leon Wheeler earned ~~~~ lt.~·:J~~:.s.2~. more than three -.:lctorlel ($-~U::W.1~11•11c~i Cite Prine• s.o. Gray Captures Handball Titl e Htmtlngton Beach's Do n Gray won the open division handball cllampiohship Sunday at Orange Coast YMCA in Nev.ll)ft Beach, outdueling Costa Mesa's Rich Warner In three tels. °"" c ... ,.......,,. .. Gr111 0t1 w,,,,., ;.1.1" 1 .. 21, ~1.n. Otolft Clfltll•lllfl H•I ~lt1•1t1111n cc°''' Mt11 ) d,.f ~,,}v •• ,,.,... INiwPOrl IMch) JI·"· C Dl'flfilll C"""'llll•INr. DI~ Plckerlno !!'Ollnl•ln VI ! tvl dlf Mlt1 Chllll1n IHIJ!lltnlfon 8e1elll 11·1S, 1·?1, 11·1•. C Dlttlltll C""911tlell lei, Otwltt {Faunt1lft V~llev) def lie!! M-n IC01l1 ~l 21·1 1, Jl..l, 4). Mwts1~:. 1fJ.;r,srv=1~m. Ralston, 33, prepped at •~k. Wl!lll /E/ won Oy for1111. HWlUngton Beach High before lTt:fl:~!;c11~ •lnnltCI J1rr11t J::i:J. going on to Orange ro..~• 12S-51ndloon (DI dK M. Wllrt1 .. 2. ~ llS-Str11'1d !El -Dy lorllll. College, Penn State a n d lft:3~~~ri· !ol _,, llY +ornr1. UCLA 1'S-!11t!1r111y D cflC N!td!.11 ,.2, • J1J....Dl.og\!llv D d¥ Furt>tt .s.t. "There's no ~ason," says 1•5-tio m11c11. I 1fS-nc 11111,h. Ra ston, "why Atarina can't be H ... ' -D. HI'. n (El ""°" Dv good in football. The 'school's tort~t. tough ln everything else." Ralston says the Marina offense v.ill be a multiple system with-emphasis on balance. He coached at Westminster High for one yur prior to coaching for three years under BJll Vall and Vince Asaro. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE EUI E11t • w L Pct. Gd w L Pct. GB ~ Boston. 48 -4t ,539 ~ Phlladelj)hia 46 _43 .517 Baltimore 47 41 .534 \; SI. Louis .. 45 -.494 2 aeveland " . 41 .506 I Montreal 42 H .488 21! Mlhvaukee 46 44 .506 3 Pittsburgh 39 49 .443 6',% Delrolt 44 45 .4!H 4 Oicago 38 49 .437 7 New-York H 15 .4!H • New Yark 38 19 .437 7 Well w .. t Oakland St 39 .567 IJodgm 61 30 .670 - Kansas City 4S 43 .Sii 5 Cincinnati '4 38 .587 7~2 ~ago 44 44 .506 I Rousoo 19 42 .538 12 TeXllS H " .1711 g Atlanta 49 " .527 13 A-tinnesou 43 " .473 a1,i San Francisco 40 52 .435 21 1.~ An&el1 35 17 ' .300 17 San Diego 40 SS .42t 23 MlllHV'I GI"'" MOllCllY'I Gffnt:l • C1ll'9rn!1 •, Cltvtl1nd J Chlc1go 1, All1n!1 3 O•~ltlld 6, l11tlmor1 4 "" PUISllUrgll ,, Hovllllll I K1n111 cnv J. l otlOll 2 Clntlnn.1H ), $1, l1111l1 0 MlnllllO!t •• Mltw111kM .J , Only g1m11 Kl'llO\lltd Cl'llt.lllO 3, Dtltolt t Only o•me• Kll!'dMltd T~!i 01- T•tl"I O>ll!ln Chic• \HOOlon 3·11 ., Alll M• !\tlfl'I-.. ,o~ 0 1kl1nd (Halltmen t·lll 11 811111110.. CA1u:lnder Hlllltl"" Dle..•1r M l 11 Plllsbt.trOll (llooltr So / ClllCl'Nllll IGl/lllfl lMI ti II. loul1 {Forsc~ 1• Dr ··~ 1llttrf111 fFIDlllf'M 1·11 tt 'llYli.nd ('"'"°" 1· Curll• •·10) • " . Mcntr•~1 (lltnko ... , •I lOS AnHlll ISUllOfl •11 \:" (Cf'f* '"'h'' ...... Y"11 (Mldlcf'l 10.'1 ·pft!IMtttfll1 iltVlllYln •7) 11 SI~ DieOO IGf1lt 4' WI Cl.II 10. tt ~ CllY C•IJllJv lt .. 1 U I MltwM11 <Wr'y:l 1·111 11 MIMllO!t !~II J .. J Ntw Yatll 1s.. ... r U I ,, 51n Fr1nclKO , .... s.u 011r91t I Loi/ch~ Clll~.1911 I lt .. t I "52 NEW VOLVO'S 142's-144 's-1<45-s 16-4'$· 19• Sunroof'• IMMEDIATE DELIVfRY USED TOYOTA . PICKUPS 41•C ... M,,... --s1777 WtclllltdlJ'I Gt!Mt ,..._ TUii II Htw Ofll • NIW Yark.,, Sift Fr1ndtco O.t!1nd 1t lllllmort Chic.ti ai Allt~ll =folnllt 11 CllVll•,.. H~tofl II Plllibutth !On II Kenut City Cll'IC ~ftltl 11 $1, LOUI' ~:r: 11 MIMltOll PhlltOtr.11 11 Sift DLlte II CJllClll A'.ontrt1 11 lOI Anffln " ------ Nips Vikes; Uni Rallies tl!lA~(,f lllUNl\ I?,'\ [)fll l 1 l l !'HON l SI llVI( I ,.,, I \\ estrrunster s 1 e a ' 1 n g Nu. 11 und ._.,, l n.n11vt. " rock •r. I. !llCOrer was .l.Jnn WiJ.n1 voho cOO' •• .,.. -o 1ng1 ... 1: 'u"!l i.u. 1.~ • • ' bonllO. 4 IWll!bu,, IJ m«tl!'tl. · cashed in rune field gqals for 1s~H1N,.1 -'' 1nGi."' 4 " 22 polnts Ytllowf.1//, 14 N rr.1<111f1, U! c.111~' • wu. s bcllllta,, n roct cOd. ':11 Mllt'r Diii I•), -.. lrtlff11•• f ' Meut1r11k1r 1 I ic:1u11m1n 1 o 0..1'11 3 I Fleic"9• 2 0 $11mmt• l 0 Tc1111 n • H1lll!-: M1!tr Dt l, 2).11. Wn trnl11tler ~ 111 "• W11son • /nlCt.lref. Nl.Wl"OltT ID91'W'I Uod!.lr) -Ull ,-~ "" 1nol1r1: :U wrr1cud1, iO bol'lfl>. 21J ' :n u/ICI blu, 510 roct COd. (Art'I '.'1 3 $ U •ll"ll -HM l"lli.oi;: l 1INcOr1, U ' l l biort.1<ud.I. lD bon!lu, 133 1t.ijl WH, ] 1 l """'I'--bin, I yt\koWl1H, tJ roek •• 7 6 cod, 20 ""clt..,tl. 11 11 .IO SAM Dll~ (MWllld"' Pltr1 -6ff ~ li •"'lllel't: 141 .11bKOtt, -ytlto>N'ltll. 5''1 tiarr1cue11. llO bonito, "1 c1Uco tiau. SCl'lindltr ; l :::' .... 11 2 0 Ptrkft' I 2 1 • 10 . ' ' . • • ' . 1• d 21 wlll!t ..a MH, 1( 1\11\bul, I bluell11 IMnl . DAHA WHAll' -110 fflgltr1: 51' ·~' '· bin, l1 batrKUCll , 9' bonito. 6 Ml\bul,, • J ytlt-th, :16 !llKlt-1. ·>1 You"ll l o TGll!I 21 5 H11tt1m1: ae111loW'lf', 31.u . SI.AL II.ACM -" '""IM's: ru rotlr. t cod, 6 cow cod, It 11nd t1e11. I l'lllltlvf.;' •"99 -91 1n;t1r1: "1 bOtlllO. I ~1111~(,. bal.I. 11 htllblll .• JULY SALE! we lleed·your Trade! Pr emium prices paid. EXCELLENT SELECTION Immediate Delivery.:i' NAB E RS ~ OPEN 7 D,t,¥$ ' Please cau 540-9100 2600 Harbor . Costa t..lesa Looo Beach Airport is an·easy snot from Or~nge County. And from there. it's easy going. Two round trips daily, Monday through Thursday and Saturday. Three oo FridayS and SundayS. • Call y()ur traV8i agent cir.PSA. They k~ the way. • - _PJA pes you a lift. -', . • ·- • -- ,}I, ' •, .. -·· ... /, ·;,· 1 •, ·' '/ .. ,. ,• " • ' " ,, .. ' \ ) ' " • ,I 1 J lt~~ILY PILOT w For tlie Record Deatlt Net.Ice• lllNNl!lt ..... " llltl'IM• ot JU Y1l9 5t,, C141r-I C1llf., iwi.MCI. 1w1v'JV!y u , ltl'-Sut'lllvH Ow wlle Luise 81nMi'. Servlcls Wwd, Jul~ \1, 1 ,.M, ,.l(Ule VI-e II IP e I, IE.fl!Oft'l-1, P1c1lk \l\IW M-111 P1rli:. PK!llc \llew Mofluarv dlr'9Ctor1. COlt•UKI' I , I ' i I • • .~ t TutSllay, July lb, 1974 COUNTY'S WATER FACTORY 21 PLANT COMPLETION DATE DELAYED On.of-1-~lnd Proiect Shown on Fountain Valley Site Ar.t Winners Named TIU EUL'S ~~ JoM Burgess, manager of the Brlqa CUnnln8"'1m Auto MuteUm In Costa Mesa, led 1 fiel~ ot at11ai. from Orance Coast CltJfl in winnlQg lhe largest nwnber of aw'ardl in the fine arts competllion al the Orange COunty Fair. Burgess received a ~ gift ~rtiflcate and a special award from the May Company IOI' his i>ali!tlngs j>Oflr$f!!ig • experiences frgm_ his terly years .tten-be traveled the fair circuit with race cars he designed, buiU and raced. His visual QOtaUons span some 13 yean during lhe ~ when he ,1ep1 in box can ~ stables. Burgess' ' 'on -includes water colors felt -pen drawings. ;;. ' "Good Old Days" i !!.lli ClL .leJl>P<!L.~~. collage, -_,, trophy. and marine v.·ater colors. _.,.., _. , a lilcll u ...,.. Maroella Sparks, Costa Winners v.1->se e'ntrles • '4J..171J Mesa, won !he Creeley'•t Book focused on the "Good Oklil'===========' Store special award ano was Da~" theme ol the fair afea: named a division winner for 1 ~ her• oil landscape entry. 'Ille; Carl Glaaford, Miaslon .. Yiejo, $oozy West A wit r: d v.·as profession.al : Clay Campbell, presented to Kathy Teach; Corona del Mar, s e m I · Corona de! Pi1ar, for her professional; Judith r.tcDaniel , Watefcolor entr)'. Mission Viejo, non • , Jl:tofesslornil. and K e 11 y THE-'1BEsT--or~ Show111_:J.:.:l•::<:.:ll::;n::_ • .:C.S=ta:.·.:M::e..=:':.j)llli:::.'o::'.:._i Eatl Tropl:iy went to Barry' Briggs for his profeqional enlry .. Briggs also captured first place in the oil figure coini)etition, ~'OR a $50 prize as division winner, and a first ; in pencil portrait Fran 'Gloclner, Laguna ~ Beach, "'on the Juror 's FASTEETtt'Powdec. .Choice Award in the ,;cmi-ft tik8a the worry professional category, a $15 out of wemt,g dentwea. di\'isioo prize,--and firsts in ' .,. 9 - qreat stars1 · 11\.pel'SOl\ ..... '""'"'-The Gr•ss Roots Le•lltown -=511.ie fl Htndrnoft The FOW" frelll\nwn Tho-!li--Ouck <ilunes M.&aic: Atvw: Cofttinuoos free entertainment . rodeo • hone.,.., _,... ...... TV~U\5·spotta floWers · ca.mival M.&rv Cor1'1t1(1, '""' ,.kcMllh' l.•fllf, H.mtlr.QlOll lllKll. 5WYCwd· C.V l\ltr Mblfld, P1ul Cornuk•; -JOn, P1ul Cornu•1. Jr.: -cll UCllllll', 81tc.er1 COr1111lr1: ll'lree gremkl..;\drln Incl two QrNl..ar1n.st/1itdr1n. S.rvl(el W~n11<11v. July 11111. 12:30 ,.M, PMlr F1ml!v Colonl•I l"ljllffll Hom1. W11tmln1Nr. CA. 8lso · v.-ent ine y,•bo Str~kes, Shortages Blamed Ne..,..n tnstit¥.ie' 1i:: ~ ..------"'---.-----1 ..: and captured •' places in 'MITH Thurm•" II. Smlrll, 0111 of ~1111 Ju1v 11. 197 ... ••llotnl of Ll!IUfll Hlll•. Slll"riw~ bv his wile Anne M11 Smlll!; one /li01!1r, Mn Meur1ne He1lll of l.10un1 Hllh ; -tH'O!Mr, Ot)s A,, Smllll, Jr. ol B1virrlv HNl1. Fur>ert! Hrvlcn -• held MondlY, l :Jll PM, MeCarmlck LM1un1 ••Kii CMPll wllfl Dr, Lewtifl'l;I F, Hewtty, Water ·F acto·ry De.lay~d r~~~~~~~E • , ·~ , .•. -~~' -~ the largest n~~r ••lw a1 Unlfed Mftllod1st cnurc11, l &,un. bout H1t11, o111c1111ng. 1nt.rmen1 SMpl\olftvU11. By· KA11fY CLANCY by water districts ~broug ·~~irv.~,.;"1~.k uouni1 Hlllt ott11eo111y,•s11ff the country, Elser noted, and CAIO Short.ages or bu i I d i n g Will . be copted if the plant ~ W. C1l0, D.r• ot ••th J utv t•. ves to be v'able and 1'1l. R11l4eftt ol Coste Mne. Survived bv terial f ult __. ... _"""'. pro J 1111 wlte V1t1n11 ,_ sons, D•vld of ma 5• a Y """..,... ""'Klll econOinically feasible. 1treno. CAr 1nd 1t11r11ld -1 u111T; two 1· st· \ and ,._ ' ._t>t.,,. G-"1111 s.111 ot 1c1111a end 1me e 1ma es now u...:: =·· s=., ~ J:=: c~s!'~ N':! strike by building .trades ELSER txplained· the '-~~ 't't:.:l!~::'tl::r!"m.5;~1<citu';'~~ unions have pushed bacK the system·will be used lo help day, while the d'e.s,,att:l n g · ,,;t 1...ints in ,the Junior portion will produce ~:.:. .category a~ also won , a million. If successful-, •. tbe . :Newport Institute scholarstup. desalUng ]irocess '!'ill ~ •t, &tUdenl ol Soozy West, ahe ex~nded to an eventual-' J$ ·,c '!!._~ .~~~Oi~ million gallons per day_, · .Qaysr~pttition, and 1 the of Jews Clll'lll of lne l 1tt1r Dev S.lnlt. curb the sea "'ate' ·111t•••s'•on ..,._, ll•Kfl. Offkl~ll1111 w1U 111 lll~oo complefiQ:ll date for \\later n " """"1 E•HK. Jr. 11111 fl roedw•v c ... 11 problem ,·n Founta•'n Valley M• N.or1u.rv. dlre.;torL · Factory 21 from April 1974 lo LOl'TMous1 sometime lhiS fall, and Huntington Beach .• ,...,,. l.of'lhollM, cost• Mese, -P~1!ecr "'-,den. El ........ spokesm:in Because of the rapid growth ,.,..., Julv u, "''· SttvicM oenc11no vv "'"' d · ~ \ de nds ,.klfk v1-Mtn1«111 P1rk Morti.ery, for Ol'ange C.Ounty Water an merea--.. v.·a er ma MIU.I'll District, builder of the $25 in Orange Counly over · the Ewnitt J, Mmtt, l"'9u"1 Hn1 .. "••sed ...;11,.00·racil•'ty·._blamed part of past 20 years, Elser $3.id.~the _., July u, tt1•. Ser\llu1 Ptnctlng .... · -nd -·-' t bas' h f'ic1r1c vi.w ~•1• ,..r11 Mortu«v. the t;ielay pn the fact that the u er ............ wa er Ul as •1tAoe:soN plant is one o( a kind -the lov.·erad, ~ldred er1c1.-i of 1..egun1 H1ns. 1Nl1M only water plant in the world The basin now is ,at about -v Jiiiy 1), '""-Sef'Ylcn Pl'!dil!I' !ti· f' f l bo I I be cHle View Me~• "•rll Mortll4lry, to combine desalte<I sea water ive ee a ve sea eve • ' ' and reclaimed waste water, continued, and sea , water _ c111it. .~"Tc':i: MIU "ised 'N 1 l'k hi h be threatens lo seep into the ewev Jub 16. 191., Se•vlcn ~Ing ' 0 Pant 1 et s as en basin, contaminating the fl"e_sh 'KIHe v11w 111etn0t111 "••k M0<1uerv. built before." he explained, NOf"1C1Ns "so it Was hard to estimate water su pply, c1.,-. o. HOP111111. Dtt• o1 c111111 Ju1v u, construction time in some WATER produced· at Water lfT"-109 .U. RtslOlf'lf ol i'• 0 0 Or1"9lfl\Or111, le ,.11m1, u.. st.rYlv..i bV areas," Factory 21 will be injected into ti11 """""· M.,.!Ail ~1,.. o1 Poc:11e110, ... the ground basin to help keep :!:"°J.~ t::_• =~:: ~ u~:,~~ Ux:ATED at Ward Street the v.'3ter level high._ enough ,..,u .. 1u1to...., JOAl!lf Mertlnt1 o1 Roy, and Ellis Avenue in FOWltain above Sea level' to keep out ut11u -"""""· Del111tr1 l1opl<ln1 'of V 11 W I F t 21 . ~-I ...... IUl\I; two •h""-Jee:•'• Gtsw.:li$r a ey, a er ac ory 1.s a any ocean water, 1 •ft:' rest o .i s.11 Lile c11y 1nct ,..1m11 o.mu111, I a r g e -scale. eXperimenta! _ the water produ~ \Viii be =.i,. i.;=..,::••:..,."' ":""~M~' 1: water project with 50 percent available to serve the needs of .,_ . .v.,, Cl\loptl. W<lkM 11'111 1-...-1 federal funding, 37 percent roastal conurumities. 111 l"oce1911o. 1,,.1\0. 1111 8roNw1' COlll the ( nd 3 The -·~ bas' ...,,1; 70 -. ~. ct1redorL from coun y a l ..,.......... an suwue:s ~ ~ percerit slate. _ percent of the water used tn •---PNllll-hrfwd L.._.,, ... 11;-Ytsidl111 When completed tliis fall it Orange C.OOOty, and, when • sacr""'"'°" o.te "' ,,..," Jut, 12, will be the only plant to both onorating a\ capacity. Water ""'-LJv..i Jn Cellfornl1 tor 22 YNrL t"' Slnfved bV 1111 w11e Merlin 1.tB«1111 ot desalini?.e sea water and Factory 21 ·will produce 30 =0'8 ;:'.;1 C::-~1::.;1~ reclaim wastewater, then mix million gallons. or enough tD .,..,..,.. 1nc1 HM!CV Ltfl•oJ>. Mr. the two and pump them into supply 10 perc~nt of the Lee1ron WIJ e m....-o1 tr.e MetotHc l t ___ , Jf551CA PICKfTT ClwitticM Sc:Mtlct L..:._ -Formerly in the Advertising · & Public Relations Business Now devotes Full Time to the Public Practice of Christian Science will be speakiog on "YOUR RIGHT TO BE RIGHT" Saturday, July 20 · 11 :00 A.M'. ladll 111 c~ion. •-• 1na lknen Shrine the JllX'mal underground water curren wa er 1~. '" s1er•"""""· $trVI"" ....-u oe Nici supply. T'~h;•~wa;;'~':•~w~h•;t:•~·~tre;,;;•~lmfn::;;iiijl .f.:--:.l:!~~11! WldMldly ll;Otl AM. ,.ed'Hc vi-Cllllptl', "''"A ~ .... . .... .. .... ,_ .. ~.....,. 9 l----!~!::!~l(;h...Jn~Kll1c___ll1iaw______.~y...,,em~1s---ang= ~....-- Mllllirl11 "•rll, sm11111· Mo r 1 u 1 r v • ~~rod~u~ce~~J:_S ~m~il~Jion~~g~a~llons~~·~========;:"=~ ~rl'etoJL I- 81tAUH•IS. l!'llHlp lreuntiL Del~ of dffth Julr 11, )fTol. r11r~1 ot leg""e H/Jll, Survlvtd bV _ ,... wife Adt M. eraunel11 -brOtfwlr, Herrv er1une111 one '111«, Ell~ Bongo, '-Ill ot l.Clflll hl1fld, Nl'lf YOf~, F11ntral -vicet WtdnescllV 1:00 PM. Flrlt Cong•fltlllONl Cllurcl'I ol A~•helm will! Tiii Rev. ~II W. llfldln, Plli!Of',. effklitil!ll'. Inter"""'! Afllhelm C""81ery, 91nc:tld 11¥ McCcll'mk k \.l!llffl.I Bt1Cll --~· •tcH•Y 811\ef' "" ltkhlV. 2'lJ Zlllfl W1v, 5•"'' ~ 5Ufylwd 11¥ --. J,m.. ltlciWYl -grenclson, GrlO •lc,,.v; -1111tr. "'"" Clltton; -11rott.tr. Jeck l lll'rv. Gr•~ -vicn TIHtsdey, Jul1' 16111, 3:» P~ WISlm\ntl.r Mtmorl1I "'"° ·--"' PMk F1 ... nv Colonl1I FUnttll "-" of Weatrnlns!ff. MIUCKU&- ; . WUTCLIFJ~Y "'27 E. 17th St. ~o Meso ......... ' -·-. ILA1'Z- fUNIUL llOjtAl Corono del Mar 673-9450 C.Oslo Maso 646-2 .. '24 -·-llLL-AY MOllTUAllY . 1'10 Broodway,'t;o~10 t:J.e~. 612-9150 -·-DILDAYuonmtS MOlriuMY , 1791 I Beot:.IT Bf¥d: ~ Himtington Be ach a4"2.m1 ~ 244 Redondo A~. LongBeach ' (213)438·1145 • -·-Mc(OllMICK LAGUNA llACH-Y 179.S l oguna Cof!YO'l l:d. 49 ... 9415 -·-llcCOUIClC MllllON __., 28832 Camino Coplstf"<lnQ Son Juon Capisttono 49.>ln6 -·-PACIFIC VIEW' MIMOllW PARK Cemeiery Mor1uory. \. Chopel 3500 PoclliC: View Drive Newport Beoch. Col ilor1110 9 644-2700 . -·-PHK fAMiLT COl.ONIAL f-llL -7801 Bobo.-.. ·~~1'el ... ,~~, ...... 893-3525 -·- Driver Fined After Crasl1 On Parkway SANTA ANA - A Laguna Hills man· booked on drunken driving charges after 'his car struck a small auto on Cro'Yt1l Valley Park\\'3Y has been fined $1.250 and placed on one year's probation in Orange County Superior Court action . Judge James T u r n e r sentenced li:1elvin W a I k e r Dodson, ·SS. of 25561 Padua Drive, after Dodson pleaded no contest to charges of drunken driving resulling in injury to another. Dodson was arrested by California Highway Pafn'.llmefl la st Jan. 2l after a collision that was first spotted by an off-dutyk Lagtma B e a c h policeman. It takes an exiittt~ to outsmart a tenmte. To get that t.txpt:rt. call Terminix. \Ve1l gi\'e your home ::i. complele termite inspection. If you ha\'e termites. \\'e·n gel rid of then1. Professional!)'. And back up our \\!Ork. \Ve cin in n'll~t cases offer you a tem1ite protection plan. t s 1t1pg as you 1naintain it. Tenninix guarantees lo repair ;;ny 'ne,\· sub1err:-,.;an tern1ite dainaJ!.:C. to HiF premises covered, up to 8150:000. For that kind of money we've got t,1 be smarter than any termite ~ The nat ionwide around. Phone us today for a 1ree inspection. 542·7881. YOU ARE UNDER THE DOCTOR'S CARE pest control experts. Sl\DD CLlftlCD DICl\L onTRDL • • , ··~ .,. • paC:ked .ltll ftciPtl tor • ono-a!th'niealt, IT'IQM)'•H\'inQ .. . ,~, ,. ' one to a family, while supplies last ••• adults only, please. ,,_ • . OPEN OR 'tRANSFER A SAVINGS ACCOUNT whe~ you come in for your free "°91<, Your money begins earning interest the same day you open youfaccount, and you'll find many valuable free services. BRING YOUR PASSBOOK. We can transfer funds from any bank or savings institution tor you, simply and easily, No bother to you ... no embarrassment. Just bring your passbook along when you come, and we 'll handlra/l lhe details. THERE'S A WORLD OE FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR YOU AT FIDELrrt Free notarizing. Free traveler's cheques, Free docunieOt copying, Transmatic" Automatic savil'lg9 MP@ait service, Money-Gard~ fo r a check every mOnth, Savings bond redemption, with minimum balance ICCOUl'llS', Free money orders, Free collection service for trust deeds, nol's and leases, Free sale deposit bo~. Free checking accoun1s, Free Income t•11 servic•. Funds rece lOJed by the 10th ol •ny month earn lrom tht t•f when held to the end ol the quaner. · ' HIGHEST RATES ON INSURED SAVINGS • .. OPEN TO SERVE YOU -•, . Mondays thru Thur sdays 9·4 Fridays 9·6 ltl~tTl'll:fl . " •• t ~· -· • ' - COSTA MESA-NEWPORT BEACH • 1 ' SMITHS' -1UMY • 6'27 Moln St. t4uflti'90ll &0th 3J6.6539 1855 HARBOR BOULEVARD COSTA MESA 645-1420 , ------------,,,--.,,nil (NEAR NEWP,ORT BOUL.EVARD) •==;:.-------1---1 -1 r JlfOFFICE=225 rnt Brtm!W-ar,G en a e -~);_. -~---~ I . , • IMPORTANT: PLEASE BRING THIS AD WITH YOUI • Other regional offices in Bellflower, Fullerton, Long Beach North Hollywood , San Pedro :santa An a-Orange,· Sherman Oaks, Stanton-(jarden Grove, Van Nuys • - • 1 ' ,· - • • ·-Deve opment \ -See~~al .~Conformity-Damaging ~ - By LAURIE KASPER 01 ttoe .Dallr f"llM ltaff 7 Dr. V. Lois Erlck!IOn, a j>sychologlst at lhe University of Minnesota, admits her premise is upsetting. ' "If we look ·at the stages of development, morat devek>pmenl and ego development, what we're fmdJng is that women a~ not growi~ to the higher stages ol pripcipled thlnktng a~ men." Although they pafa.llel and !Ometimes move ahead of males during their younger years, females' s c.o res mcasurll'lg such . things, as I Q:, achievement motivation , self emotion(!,! stability and plateau in the high women, except and the profess! psychologis" cal social CO!llofmlty Csting in their "A man doesn 't have that choice," tihe added. ""nle more competen\ be is, tbe more attractive he is." But the p.oiychglogist ¥lieve11 cnoui::h already has been said about • the definition of.men's and women's roles. N~w, she sakl, it is time to consider the damage it's done-and make an effort to solve the problem. Dr. Erickson and her apociates ·believe they have an answer, one which was piloted in a ?.1inneapolls school and whi~ she di during a recent workshop ·for rvine. t the human condition, re of stages," she we know what know what it should Since scores younge r years. "born different," &eerps. to. be a I omen, are not "Wha kso "d ""t t n sa1 • i "Al.be t to do ·is psychological -OUl" ~u.:: I ra • : growl DATING DOES IT At the age of 15 or IL the g~I beg"1s thinking of ·because of her social coftditi~, ehe can be eilbcr competellt dr attractive but not bolb. it as I\ responsibility of dx>logists, counselors and teal'hers in the public schools, which Provide a captive audience, because "this kind of education can do more for the individual as well as tl.lc human condition." • The courses are' base<! on i"\··lvi., .. n l:'Cnuine r eiperience and reflection lo restructure their tn· In a class on counseling , studen their pee.rs ana experience in a sem· developm·enl class, preschoolers and t in th!! class. The class for wo of{crcd. lo sophomores fo similar. Studenls are tr sent out to .interview girls a different ages and stages. of llfe. They return to the classroom discuss the answers given t questioning whal was said about and identity of women and re on their self-identity. - They also discuss articles on s~ual stereotypes, language and inequality, the equal righ ts ammendment-and selected roles of ~·omen in literature. NO APOLOGY Without being asked or challenged, Dr. -Erickson said she 'vould offer no apology for proposing a class closed to the male students. '!\\'e have a right. There is a justice," she said, explaining her belief that young need it ... 10 get through their I phase" and attain a sense t course it has been women would "sell he interview. Dr. because her latest ':it's v.·orking." riod, she cxplaioed , aintain¢ their $elf· ·s exciting because v•e / kind of data before." groy,·th, which she-believes rom the course, there will be "a re just system," she said. ithout it, she added, women won't y for the responsibility even when y are given equal opportunities and bs. When a girl reaches the A college math and chemistry teacher ·-dating age,.she can who married young and had-three ' children before going back to study either be competent or psychology, Dr. Erickson. said she ;.e;;igniz06 the difficulty or playing a dual • attractive . . . not both. She said, "I would hope the hert generati"on o! girls don't have the same st~uggles as our generation'." -Dr. V. Lois Erickson ....... T ripl.e · Treat. Captivating Theater-lovers' insatiable appetite for good entertainment not onlY wa:'l whetted but fullfsatisfied at the benefit premiere of "Godspell" Friday e'vening. . South Coast Repertory's triple treat immediately captivated its autlience 'A'ho · would have found it Jmpossible to sup- press enthusia$m had anyone wanted. As guests arrited., they s~ chathem- pagne while watcbilc,,..,,..~r1: ot. ater and in the Joi)by . The Grammy Awardfwinnirlg musical adaptation of the.Gospel according to St. Matt.hew : had everyone clapping In lime and even joining performers singing "Day by Day." Receiving a standing ovation and three curtain calls, performers q u i c k I Y changed to mingle with a lingering crowd during cocktails and buffet, hosted by SCR's board of directors. .. As no one was eager to leave: it was apparent that guests 'A-ere waiting for the third course-Informal entertainment by SCR's resident company. EmCee ?.fike Keenan facetiously desc ribed the ,,Ill of fare as "entertainment overkill," but it was obvious the audience disagreed as applause still reS0W1ded in .the theater well past midnight. Premiere proceeds will support SCR's cduc:atiOnaJ services which include the · 1.Jagic Theater and the Living Theater project. k'daglc Theater last year _brought a !Ive-- theater experience to thou.sands of culturally deprived elementary school ohildren. · Living Theater earlier this year allowed 3, 704 secondary level students from 84 schools to study a Shakespeare play in class. see.,it performed and then discuss it with the.'cast artcrward. Enterlaini~g as theater guests arrive is Reginald Rook of the Mime Theatre. • Gu ita rist is Glenn Barclay. . .. e ' BEA ANDERSON, Editor" ,_..,.\ J111Y u. 1•1' ..... lJ . "'---· Questi.on of Looks A Relative Matter DEAR ANN LANDERS' My husband and I both have dtrk .hair and dark eyes. Our child, aged six, is a sandy blonde with blue eyes. She resembles my father's side of the family .• I resemble my mother's side. \Ve moved to this community last year and people are forever making stupid remarks, such as "Is she adopted?" or, "ls the child from a previous marriage?" t really do a slow burn, but I hate to go into detail about her grandfather's family being blue-eyed blondes, etc., etc. If it doesn't bother us, "Nhy should it bother them ? I don 't want to make enemies out of these new acquaintances, nor do I want jo raise questions by being evasive. What -should I say?-IRRITATED DEAR JRR: Slmply, "Our daughter . resembles my lather'• side of tbe family, all blue.eyed blondes. I take after my mother." - ~ .. ~ - -,, ... ... I were 13 when you atarted-bard to believe, but I rio believe It, because I've beard fTom the people wlao work at d:nir; tt:rfters that some kkls who come In for treatment are still lo junior klgb scboel. I've also received many letters lmn lite kids themselves-and their parents. If you. w·ere saved by Jesas, I aay, uHallel~lah!" I'm for Whatever does the job. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a wido,vcr with four married. children, three boys and a girl. A few weeks after my wife died I told the children, "Your mother had four beautiful pieces of jewelry. You all know her large diamond DEAR ANN LANDERS : t once read In engagement ring belonged to her mothe:1', your column 3bout a girl, 17, who W_jS so it's going to Mary. I hope she will being talked into following her boyf~iend"'<-1;;;aiidft do\~TI lo her daughter." into ,the drug sccne--0r else. I then explained that their mother's t agre«I with your reply, but being In cocktail ring Y.°OUld go to the oldest son, ·the drug scene myself, I knew what her the diamond wedding ring to the next boyfriend and others like him would say. oldcsl. and the wristwatch to. th e "Ann Landers is crazy ... " or "Whal docs youngest. she knew..?" Their favorite comeback is, Since·t made those statements some "U you haven 't tried It, don 't knock it." relatives have told me that all the I tried it-for four miserable, rotten je"'elry should go to Mary because the years-so I can knock it. I can also tell boys ' wives arc not blood relalives and every fox and dude out U~re that It can therefore not entitled to f a m 11 y kill you. I've been on every kind of buzz heirlooms. My three daughters-in-law are you can Imagine. At timei: I was so fine girla and I want to do the right spaced~out I couldn't see straight for thing. Whal Is it?-CONCERNEO days. It was like being in a hollow bole in the ground with no way to &et out. DEAR CONCERNED: stick wldl your But I DID get out and It was religioo ortttnal plan. • Dngllltrl-ta-l•w arc • • h lhat saved me. I'm 17 now and 1 believe entitled to btlrlolms."' Fvrtltermort, Awe1tin9 t e opening. in miracles. Ofte morning, 1 fe" months equitable dlstribatklll 1mon1 dlildren curtain are (left ago , I woke and decided to give my life makes for a much bttter family fetl~ to Jesus. That fcellng was 90 strong .it I I I ----t~-"ir-1< • )-0 ,., c1-----knocked..out_mx_cra o . 0 ignt-.ic,. n this sounds impossible, but it's true. "haC1-pnldish WbaC.-OK lf-yoo1--~1 aren·t sure, you need some help. It's " ' Nancy Kend.all, ·Elm Please print my letler, Ann. rt might hel p somebody who Is back where I was four years ago.-FREE AT LAST available in the bookle'"t: "Necking an1l Pctting-\llhat Are the · Limits?" Mail We in garden and Elaine Kendall. your request to AM Landers, P .0. Box 3346. 222 W. Bank Dr.,.Chicago, Ill. 90654, DEAR FREE:' Vo1·~ t7 and ofl tht enclosing 59 cents In coin and a long,· '""" 1fter four yeanT ftl1 Dltlftl )'OD • st.amped, self-addressed tnvtlo lC. • • ·--• .. j J4 DAILY PILOT Tuesda.y, July 16, 1974 ' • ~ -F . : air Salutes ~Art.ist Lucy Srut(ord, a Costa 1'.fesa resident • v.·ho declines to give her exact age (she's l over 70 and under 90), has her OY.'l\ private art show at 'ihe Q.tange CoWlty Fair Uli~ year. ' • .. Rai~ing Quality · of Life: Aim · of Nationa I Effort ' The long·lilne exhibitor has been honored by havJng,a"·room In the fine arts . building dedicated to heJ', and lt Y, tbefe: ----t'·she is displaying some 30 paintlllgs t~ 1 \Vttk. NE\\I YORK IUPI ) -'fh <' General F e-d eratlon uf \Vornen~s.-.Clubs has declura:I Its own W.JJ"C"Ule war on rape. "This should be no hush- hush thing." said M a r y Katherine Miller, the new president o( the ~ti n1illion- member intemation:il fedf>rB· tion that calls itself the \\'O r1d's largest organization of won1en . "t "Statistics show rape cases on the !ncrease, oo matter v.·h.at the size of t he conununity," said Mrs. Miller, \Vho DO\V calls Charleston,· \V.Va . and J\lissoula. ~-loot, home. ' They ore acrylics and oils, "mostly mo<tern" in theme, Jo.Its. Sanford said. Landscapes, seascapes and florals, they are done in pastels. v.•hich she calls •·pleasing colors." The Costa t.lesan V.'as honored because of her contribution lo the fair and her participation in the art community, said La\lcrgne Rosow, fine arts sui>ervisor. She scn·es as a hostess for the art . exhibits on a regular basis and this year • V>'ill be there every day the fair is apen . l\trs. Sanford also is an active member of the Costa J\1esa Art League and Is a former exhibitor in the festival of Arts _in Laguna Beach. . "I shO\\'ed with Robert Wood and all the bigwigs," she sal~. A native of Seattle, l\1rs. Sanford said she has · shKlied art with good teachers -and has al"'ays done "a little art." .-J\1rs. Rosov/s theory that "a tribute is better than a memorial" explains the . dedication of the room to l\frs. Sanford. · which is the first lime such a tribute has been eyide al the fair. l\trs. Sanfoi;:d mod estly admitted she .thinks it "·as a good idea and likes the -• .tribute. • ' < < Officially the ·'program, begun as J\trs. ~filler took office ror two years, is called "Women A g a i p s \ Rape" (\VAR). "We need citizen 1ctlon ' groull" throoghool !he oountr~ to stop the rising incidtnce, ' she said. "We are golnl to train groups of women Vi every comm\.ffiitY throughout our state federation. our di~­ trict and local clubs. who will attend court when rape cases are heard to give moral support to victims. "Everyone \\'ho r e ad s newspapers lqio\\'S th..,t rape victims are often gril\ffl in UPI Tel ..... MARY KATHERINE MILLER H111ds National Feder1tlon their private humilia~ion a public a!fair. victim's •rual hi or Y criminal record is .... not •• admtulble in rape t:ases. And, 11 there rarely are witnesses, the cnsc pits the word ol the victim against. the that of the defendant .'' · T.ben . .Jl·ith a sparkle creeping im.o her .. voice she said, "I am \•ery proud of my \li'Ork." LUCY SANFORD HO NORED FOR WORK •courts and ironi c all y their r eputations ·are fr_equently impugned so that many victirM no longer will report the crime and make "We want to change the la"'S. Today, w~ile-_he becomes an opm ln UM courtroom, the endant'l!I Mrs. '-liller cited the work done by club members in Indianapolis ; They go to court ''by the hundreds'' to support Your Horoscope • • Libra: Take Stock, Get Second Wind -· WEDNESDAY JULY 17 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES !March 21·Aptil 19 ): ' Take stock of relations ·with ne~rs relatives. YoU can 'be mdepeiideof wi thout being --~a~rroruPnt.-You_can geU cross views lfithout being domineering. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You know now that you don't · know it all Accent 1s on whal ocrurs out-or-sight. Get ~hind the scenes. Be specific, frank and practical. CAROL DIETZ LEO (July 23-Aug. 221:, Accent on ro ma~ce, friendship, hopes, desires. You are rey.•arded for past efforts. Member of ~po.site sex plays TAUft,US (April 20-?\tay 20): significant role .. You plake Trust hunch. Some persons. changes. offering to co-operate, have - ulterior rr\otives. Know it and protect 'yourself. Don't be too polite. -September Date Set GEMU.'1 (?\lay 21-June 20): Cycle high -get gOing. Be independent in thought, action. Highlight or I gi n a 1 it y ,. creativity. Imprint your o"i'i style. Be conspicuous. . - Senior Honored Receiviai the 1974 Allen H. Linn memoria l plaque and a cash prize of $100 r or outstanding contributions to youth in the com munity was .VIRGO !Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent is on professional superiors ; advancement, responsibility, standing i n community. -YOu get on more solid footing. Your lifestyle undergoes review. ~1rs. Phyllis Dielz o f LIBRA (Sept. 2.l-Oct. 22): Huntington Be a ch has You may be trying to . anoounced uie engagement of accomplish too much, too her dauhter Carol Elizabeth soon. Messa1es. calls amt . ' correspondence have elw;ive Dietz to ~glas Vaughan, San qualities. Take stock. Get .Juan CapLStrano. second wind. Travel i s The coople plan to marry featured. Sept. t-in the La Venta Inn, • SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Palos Verdes. Nothing halfway: there is ~fiss Dietz received her BA intensity, adde d pressure, from the University of responsibility. Older Individual Califorilia. RiversidC and her is in picture. You will be AlLS from UCl.A . Her fiance, calliflg upon past experience, ·1eSsons learned from authority son of the Johh Vaughans of figure. Tucson, earned a BS at UCR. Stacy Lynne Cochran. SAGJTrARWS (Nov. 22· A 1974 graduate of Newport Dec. 21): You gain added Harbor High School, she is the recognition because yo u r daugh ter ot' the Norbert S. abilQy to communicate will be CoChrans of Newport Beach. enhanced. ·More persons Mesa Rites In Offing Miss Cochran has worked become aWare of you. Those throughout high school at the with problems will confide and John Tracy Clinic AS a confess. d · s National OJarity Le ague A wed ing Sept. 21 1n t. Ticktocker and has served ln CAPRICORN (Oec. 22..Jan. John the Baptist Catholic the pediatric wing at llolg 19 ): U'ork. routine, health, Olurch, Costa J\1esa is being M em or I a 1 11 o s p i l a I • money as it affects offspring planned by Barbara ~1oroso p r e s by t e r I a n as a or lover -these are in and Frank Phl]lp Coria. Candystriper. s po t I I g ht . Main ta In ~ti.ss Atoro90, daughter of 1be honoree lw be e n independent stance. Br i n g accepted at UCLA where she ·forth creative resources. the ·~1ichael Morosos of Costa plans to study law and J\fesa. is a graduate of ?wfater probably major in businesl' AQUARIUS (Jan. 26-Feb. Del HJ,11;h School, Santa Ana ' Carts Blanch Safe Drivers -women. --' "As far as I c3n determine, Ind.Jana is the only state where •· no convicted rapist con be given a suspended sentence," she cootinued . "We want to see this · legislation cn.actl!d across the country." By ER.i\tA BO~mECK cars in the parking lot without have all four wheels working. Dear l\tr. Nader: a driver in sight. unrort'unately, an four arl! As a rrequent visitor to the The grocery cart is turning locked in the same direction supermarket (every three supermarkets into a so that lli'hcn you drive the boors during the months of demoliti<in derby. AS proof, I cart the steering mechaiiism ';June,JulyandAugust),l .wish offer my own per s onal willtakeyou (a)intothepath to calJ your attenUon to a observations Qrl supermarket of an oncoming cart: (b) Jnto vehicle that is unsafe when it driving. a pyramid of 500 cans of dog is standing still: the grocery Point 1: Grocery cart.s are food; J£) out_Ul!! front door shopping cart. never parked. 'Ibey a re ~"here you just entered. As you may know, oo license \li'elded together as a group at Point 3: There are no seat is required in any state to the door and .must be bells for the children riding in drive these little mothers. separated by kick.in&, jigiding, the shopping cart seals. Tilus, Anyme, regardless ol age, 'wiggling and a good sUffiiek it is not unusual to have them vision, physical cooditlm, or in the old breadbasket. This lean into your cart and eat mental health can get ~ccounts for the body _.hall _ L _1101.1J14 of r a w the wheel. .,.. coruJtructlon being weakened. ~ b ~ o re you Occasionally, ther~ is no one Point 2: A ·safety check discover they are there. behind the wheel. These little would Teveal there L!n't' a Point 4: Shopping carts irresponsible devils slam into shopping c.art that does not should be like airplm:ies ~- • Membership Featured AAU)N- Summer °'1ibershJp COf· fees have been planned · by the Lagwia Beach Branch of the American Aa5oclaUon of Universtty Women, beginnlng with a 10 a.m. gathering wedtiesday, July 11, 10 !he Laguna Hills home of the Misses Ola MWer and AJlda Parker. Mrs. Earle D. Garrison will hO!lt the: second at 10 a.m. Aug. 3, and the final cofree will take place at 10 a.m. Aug. 13 In the Laguna Beach home of rt.rs. Richard Wade.--· American Association o f Uni versity Women . Hosting the first one will be JoArn Shemid; F o.u n t a i n Valley. On Aug. 7 Eunice ~!oore will have the second in her Fountain Valley borne aL 10 a.m., and on Aug. 21 at 10 a.m. Doris Morton will open her Westminster home ror the final coffee. NB Ebells SC Auxiliary '-1rs· Joseph Rose i s president of the. 0 r a n g e County Olapter, USC's Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary .. Orf..l:ltr board are the Mmes . Dirk Eastman; Frank I In Fioren'Uno, Garry Short, Paul Johnson, Richard Hunsaker, Edward Halligan and Lance LarsOn. AT WIT'S END nuns-it takes two to-handle 'the situation. One to drive and • CIJ:e to gawk and read th~ calorie content or frozen JasagnaEJ Point 5: Passing in tM lll.lpe 'ket l s hazardous because supermarket-aisles are built to accom1nodate the width or one and one-half carts. Thus, we encourage the reckles& driver' who fears J,he lli·hlpped cream toppiJlf( In his cart la melting and who will purposely force your cart into produce • And here's the sOOckef, Ralph. Shopping carts have no brakes. None what.soever. I suggest you publicly recall all of them and wom en Accordingly, the federation .... will propose that its 15,000 clubs in the United -States adopt a resolution proposing that it be mandatory for .a convicted rapist to serve time. The federaUon also has r.ograms to fight alcoh>lism and drug abuse, to promote highway safety and make seat belts mandatory and t o improve decaying d™11to\li11 areas. Other major activi ties include work with the New YOrk Stock Exchange to teach "'Omen the rudl"ments of finance, especially in the area of_wllls and estate settlement'; in conJervaUon, a ' 'brighten the nl11h\" p r-o gram for better street lighting as a crime deterrent~ a •• Justice for Juveniles" p r o g r a m ; support of tPle equaJ rights amendment (many men are federation members ). and promotion of the bicent'enruaI. everywhere can shop In,----~----­ O:>rvairs unUI the aisles are made safe . Yours truly. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY Wlle!IYe•Wet ... _ 1 tJJ ...., ltn. c .... ,. ... -141-0J!if Indian Art . Competition To st'low. sell 1nd/or compete lor s 1500 Artist ol Year Award, write #24 Huntington Center:'Huntington Beach 926-4 7. Women college gradulltrls from Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Mission Vlf:!o and La- guna Hills are invited. accord- . ing to J\Jrs. Leo Lipton, mem- bership chainnan. Officers of the Newport Beach Ebell Club are the ?\Jmes. John B. L a m a r , president; Marlyn Dan a , Robert Jacobs, George Nuile, James Barclay, ·c e or g e llallock. Richflrd Hodge . Philip Fluharty, Clayton Thompson and L. H. McBride. Meet Laurie Kasper ' NB-CM AAl.NI AccepUng the presidency of 0 _______ _ the Newport-cost.a M e s a B~h, American Association o( American Women has been ?\trs. \Valtcr Vogt. Great stars in person! -One of the Daily Pilot's administration. 18): Emotional ties refuse to and Or8nge Coast College. She I--~--,,.,,,.., rd Is spo1r::iored by go away. Be awaf't e~u 8tso studied at Cal Poly;-Sin the Newport Harbor Academy feel and \li'hat you intend lo do Other officers are t h e Atmcs· H. B. Corcorri;n. Donald $avage, D a v l d razko\vski. Thomas Gielo1v, Paul· Balalis and Ronald Kt.nk Thcwnp9m The Gran Root.' .... -. Siliks it~ 'fhe four f'resh.mtn Th< !< .... Si .... ' of Dentistry in memory of one about it. Your intuition works Luis Obispo lli'here she of Its founders, the late Allen overtime. affiliated with Sigma Kappa . Arnold . .., ll. Linn. Her fiance Is the son of J\1r. All Newport-J\tcsa hi g h PISCES (Feb. l9-1'.tarch 20): and Mrs. Gilberto Coria Sr. or Westminster school student.sarecllgibleto Practice , perrect , NI H I d t f apply. Selcclion Is made on communicate and ~~pral!e -. _ ,!10mo. _e ,_s a _gra ~a ..!._ o _!hree membership correes, -performance of -service to-get-bead on-value . Rlject St: Jore'J)h High-SC!i>Ol, Sfiliffi'"""OOg n n -1-7~3o-p . m . youtM secon d-band information. Maria and earnCd a. BS degree Wednesday, July 17, will be · fttake inquiries. Insist on in aeronautical engineering at presented by the \Vestminster· answers, not evasion. Cal Poly. Fountain Valley Br a n ch , ~ FRANCIS- '\.,ORR J' &.--.ame .• 3 l'ull Strvi.. LoutloM In Huntington a..dt PRESCRIPT CNS ' .-CM"" -m... °""""" /fmHSaOP$· F'INE STATJON£11Y llM~AHHUAL • '12 P'RICI SALE fHI l (1111 111 .. 11 Iii 1111 ttfflCIR 111 tllft11111 ,1•1n Lt! 111 "'111.,,... ,,,_, .,..., .... . n7 f"' Slnlt " .. •. .. .......,.. MlfllllltM Ml,..., .. ....... I l ,....,..,.. 1 tflftllltM ----.. I ---..... -.... \ . - • •• Chuck Jones M&ak: Amie Continuous free enterta.i1unent rodM . hof'M.9hcJw lnCJtorc)'Ck races TV_,....._.., howers • c&m.lval Ot:nirral Admtaaior\! Adliiks ta.711 Chlld11'1'11-ll ta.00 Undtr i •lrtt. ~-- ,.. ___ _ e People ~forles on campus activities 1111 well as more general stories on the people or the o,anae Coo st ha ve been 11mong reeenl contributions to P'eople ,!mm Laurie Kasper , ~ewe~t member or the People Sec1ion i11rr. llolder of a de11ree 1n journ1tlism from Cahforn11 State University at Long Beach, Luurie Is workln1 p•rt-time tow1r1rd • mast~r'1 de1ree in socl :tl eeology at UCL She covered various news-beats for ne\li'IPlfptrs In the S.an GabrlCI Valley area before jolnina 1he Daily Pilot stiff in 1972. She has bten on lhe s11rr or People (form erly Women'1 Section) ever since she came lo lhe Dally Pilot. · is_theJlaiIY-~P~i~lo~~~~-r---.- A ward-winning section f9i:. women (and other people, too),...,. · "<"'I • f• • • • • • " PUBLIC NO'tlCE Jlt!BLIC NOTI CE uns ''crrrrous •us1w1:1s • NAM• STATl:Ml!HT - Tiit 10Uo wl119 iie;Mlrl 11 ooino bu!.111111 "' $MA.LL I U$1NESS SEMINAR $, as Ptl..,.,10 Pl., Br••· C•lll, 926!1. Ow:1• Euttr.t JoM~, t•~ Plil,,...no P1~e. llrn, C1lll, tt.11. ll'Kll~~~r. l>USIM'4 11 conc:tuctfd oy 1n 01.c1r E. JOlllll.Qll Thl1 lllltl'ntfll w11 Hiid .,.1111 lhl COUlllv Cler-o4 Oflf'lllll County 0<1 June 11, 1,,... 1,.. ... FM611 l"ublli.hed 0.1~ Co.st O.!ly Pllot, J111y f, 16, 2l. 30, 1'14 Ul0·14. PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUS 1u11N•1s NAME STATl:Ml!MT - Tiit 1o11ow1na pe•i.on 11 dOlno t1111olMt1 11: J,V,I. PRODUCTS, t7' W. 18111 SI .. c~u Mn.t, C1IUornl1, tU11. , Ver"°" e . Schmiot, 1.>1 w. 11111 s1 .. Ct11l1 Mew, C.tlllornl1, 9'1'17. ~ Thf1 1>v1IM$l I• conchictta by 1n lncUvlllUll. Vernon E, k hlt\IOI .. • Tl>h 1!1lrm1M Wll Ill.cl wi111 1"41 Countv Clt1k ol Ori~ County on Junt )1, 1'14. -FJ!1H P~blt1hed Orll'IQI COi~! 0.lly Piiot. July 2, f, 16, 21, lf7C 24..0.74 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aut•N•ss NAMI! STATIMINT Tiit killoW!l!lil per'°" I• dolht bu1!ntu •I: THE TA1LWAGGl!R, liU Soul~ CO.II Hlgtlw•y, Sult• Ii L•lllllMI 811ct1, C1ll tornl1 91151 ~ - L)'ft WIJ11$, ll'O South Co.•I Hlgllw•v. Liiilll'll a.~ctl, C11ifcwnl1, t2•Sl 1!1h rxi.lnui 11 COlld\IC*I bv 1n lndl~k:lu1I. · L•n WUll1 Th!1 t11te,,,.n1 w1l flied with lhe 'count~ Cl1rk 01 Or1r191 Coun!~ on J1111t 21. \17(. Pllbll1Mcl Or1noe COi,. 0 1l(y '~ti;[. July l . t, 16, 23, 1974 2l1'·74 PUBLIC NOTICE ITA·2111l _ MOTICI! OP TIJRUITEl'S SALi T.S. N°" 11H14 . o' ~Julv 2s. !'74, 11 10:00. A.M .. CALIF NIA'ESClll:OW SERVICE•• duly 1ociolnt Tr111teti ufl"9r •ncl Plll'llltnl to DMd <II Tr ... t IH19<1; J1nu••Y '· 191] rirc:«cNd J1nu1rv U, 1'13. •• lnit. No, IOl:O. In boot lllSIJ. paot 211. of Ofliclll Re<ord1 Jn ti\&> offtc1 ~01 the Ctu11tv RKorder ol Or1119e Countv, St~lf ol C11lfcrnl1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST lllDOER FO!'I CASH {p.tYlblt 11 l)fl'of of WOii in llWl\11 mcntY of tlll U1111fd Stt!tsl 11 C1llfarnl1 EKrow S1rvlcr. l:nt KO. llrcedw1v. S1nl1 ""'' c1111. 111 r ight, llllr . 11\d lnter11t COllVC.,...:I to Ind IHIW M id bY II un41f' u ld OHO <II Tr111t In 1111 prapertv 1fh1'll'd In Jald CeUf'I~ Ind S!1!1 dtKrlbttd 11: Lot 97 ot Tr1ct Ho. "'6t 11 $1\oWn on .. m1p ttllreof r.cOl'dtd In 1'Jook 2$). PIOii 3t-O lnclusl ... of MIKelltllfOU1 MIPl. rKOr.:11 of Hid Ot-1~ (0!.11\ly. TM slrHI ldclre11 Mid otMr common 4nlgiwllcn, 11 1...,. ol TM" re11 pr~rtv dttcrlbtd 111ev1 rs 1111rPOr~ lo bl: 176'1 Lavolt C1111rt, l""lnt, C1llfornl1. Tht VlldtfllOllH TrU11N dl1tl1im1 1ny llebOl!y !Of' 1nv 1'1(91're<!n111 at lhll 1lrnt 1ddr111 1"4 otlltr comman d1slgna1ion, II 1nv, .ntwn l\ffllll. Seid MOit w\11 111· m111f-, bul wllh1111t co.,.n1nl or w1rr1nry, ••IM"IU Of' Implied, rt11rdi11Q !1!11, pa1 1111la n , er 'nc11mbr1nc11, la PIY tlll ''""'1lnlrl'J prl ... t0p1I 111m of Ille Mi.Ill HCUfe<I b1r. 1ald Oeed of TNll, to-wit: S1,:>02 fl . W th In. ter11t !t1tr10n. 11 provldl'd In 111d no!e!\), 11dvl nct1. II 1ny, ufldtr !ht 1erm1 al .,Id t)9'd of Tru1t, fN1, Cha'1iltl eno 1•pen1e1 of '"' Tru•IN tl'l4 of !!It lrtnt1 t rlllt<! b1 M id Oeff of T•\t\I. Tiii bltmlc11ry lllldtf' 11111 Ond of TrW Mrttotort tiecillH tnd dtl!\'9red le tM unoersi9flld • wrn1e11 D1d 1r1tlcn ol 0.111111 1nd Cltm1,nd tor Sile, end 11 wrllltn Notice of Otlt \111 11\d Elecllaii to Stll, Tiie underslgn9d t111Md 11ld Nollet of Dti.ull Ind E!ird)Ofl. IO S.11 ID IN r~ordl'll !n tllt cownry where 1111 r1111 P<OPll'"IV Is tecated, Dell: J.,..,. u. 197, C ... Llr<Ol'INIA ESCROW Sl!l'IVIC! II U !d TN,,ff, 81 Judy Ann OuCNlnt Au111or11..i Slgn1turt· • Publl thed 0r1n111 CH.i oanv Piiot, Jul¥ :i. f, u, 1t7• ' 73111·14 PUJ!LIC NOTICE '""' l"ICTIT10 US IUSllf'ESS NAMI STATIMl!kT Tnt 1orlowln1 ~er1on 11 oo1no M lfltt• 11: G~A,.t11C RESEARCH AN 0' OISTl'll9UTllCG COMPANY. 1 3• 31 T¥Ptt W1y, IP'YI~, C11il0f'"I• '1,.,5 li;elll\ 9. Sl•w1rt, l:llll TYPff W1y, lt\llflt, C•tlforrift '11CIS-- Tllft bullMU II rOlldlleltO hy I n llldlvldutl. ' • ICt!lh 8 .' Sttwtrt TM• 11111mt11I Wit f!ll'd with lht Countv Clerll at Ortno-Cownrr on Jwflt u, ltJ4. '""' l'l;bllthlcl °''"" Cout !Hllv f'llot, Jvty t, 11, n, 111, 1t14 Ul$.'• PUBLIC NOTICE • .. • Who's Canthaflas? He'sStaratHome L But N ~t dt Border • Alter nyl from lltxico From tfl Services City for a .fit llt his own expense, the\ P.fexican rilm stur-Canlinnas ws refused entry to llle1 United &at.cs wttil officials intervened. I\ ticket taker failed lo rer· ~ii~ Cantlnflas, \Yhose renl name i~ Marlo Moreno. "aMrio was about ready l() go back'' to Mexico, said in:tpresario S1nti~go Reacbl. ( -PEOPLE J Al least $50,000 wu reported raised for mcdlcal equipment at San' Diego's C hi ca no Community Center. * Songwriter Jim Webb and Asked i( she Y.'ould adopt a ca,ust sintila~ to M r !'I • ' J o h n 1 o n ' s beautification projects if sh~ became r1rst Lady, l:fclen Jack.'IOh sald in a tle\l'&paper lntervi.ew: "It's hard to say l'IO\" \Yhat should be done In the future but I iim concerned about prob~ms of the eldt'rly and their health care. They have so many talents we never fullv utilize. So many'are !Onecy and proud and they're"'Seeing the.ir Sll\'i ng!i eaten away . by inflation.·• • * Australia's Joan Suiherland was given an emotional home· coming nt her flrst opera performance 'in Sydney in nine years. Art Winner '. Birgitta "Patsy'' Sallivaa, who have a l~montb-old son, "'ere honeymoooinli: in N e v a d a fallowing !heir "·cdding at an all~ay festival in Ojai. Dedicated rans .paid up to $500 for her first night Sooty \Vest, Costa J\fesa (seated), has won tiiree first performance. places in art competition in Orange County Fair. It wac; 25 years ago tha t Her student Kelly Martin, 13, Costa Mesa, helps dis- P.tiss Sutherland first sang at . play winning aw!U'dS. Webb, 27, and the l~year­ old daughter of actor Bany Sulllvaa plan a trip to Hawaii before returning to Webb's J{ollywood home. ''"~in,l!'s In her horne to\m or ·--------~--- At 1:Qe cere1nony, about 200 guests · watched as a hot·air balloon, commemorating a \\'ebb hit, "Up, Up and Away," soared .skywanl on the 20.acre .ranch of Jim ft,f assl na, star oLthc rock group U:lggins and Messina. Sydney for $6 a night. A beje"·eled a u d i e n c t. attended !:he first night at Sydney's $110 roillion ooern house, and critics d~bed her. perforntance in "Tales or Hoffman" aS brilliant and stuMing. * Papers which Nevada Gov. l\Uke.O'Callaghan had to -sign to authorize a $29,000 federal * Office of ~Econo'mic Bandleader Lyle C. "Sklk b'' Opport11J1itv grant mistakenlv llenderlOn pleaded·innocent in y,·ent to California Gov. Roo.ald New York to charges of Reagan. evadihg irll'..'Onle laxes by Rea'l"an aporoved the grant claiming a $.150.000 <deduction anyway and shipoed 1 h e for musical scores he said he pPoers back to regional OEO donated to the University of offices in San Franci!ICO. \Visconsin. A state OEO official said the Henderson. dressed ·in red ~oers "''ere being rerouted to slacks and "'hite jacket, made O'C8llaghan for pr o p e r his plea al his a1Tai.gnment ih signing. ~ianhattan federal e'o u rt * before Judge Thomas Duff\,, Character actor A 11 e n He was ri!lea5cd without bail. Jelitlns was listed in stable Henderson, 58, was indicted condition in the intensive.care this month oo charges of unit of St. John'! Hospital. in engaging in a fraudulent Santa l\fonW:a after. i&urgery backdating scheme to evade for reriloval oe·a_hmg,. payment of more than $100.000 -Doetors for the 74-year-Qld in income taxes in 1969. veteran actor refu.sed to * disclose the nature of Jenkin·s Pltrt."e Brooks, Chief of the illness. 1.a ke"·ood. CoJO. ·Poiicl' Jenkins appeared in 1'/lOl'e Depart~t and a n1ajor than 175 films. including "42nd charact.er in the police book street." "Okl:ihoma Annie " "~ On ion Field," is a and "The St. Louis.Kid." candidate for Seattle chief or ·---* police. Documentary produ cer Brooks. 52. conlinned to a David Wolper, 40, and actttss Seattle newspaper that he is Gloria IUll, 33, were. married being,('()tlsidered ror the post. il13 sunsef ceremony al the saying Seattle has ' 't he ?ifauna Kea Hotel on Hawa ii, nucleus or a fine department his pubficil.v office announced. there." Aroong those attending the lt \\'as appar't"ntly in Los ceremony were his three Amreles-that Ile met J011eri• children by a p r e vi o u s W~baudi, author of "The marriage. Onion Field." and' Police books * "The Blue KniR}lt" and "The Premier Vitlhak llabin's Kew Centurions.·· cabinete reappointed. Druse * S)eik Jaber l\faadl deputy 82 Ear11 ,, All 'A's At Mesa Strai~A 's were earned by 8'l Costa l\fesa lligh School . student during the scrond r. ~ .semester of the l 9 7 3 • 7 4 academic year. Seniors w i l h strai~ht A's are: Robin Anderson. Darlene ·Bailey, Gregory Belous, ~fary Bourgeois, Sheryl Bowen , Susan Bo\\·en, Diana Buller. Leslie Carter, Paula Copenhaver. Daryl Crandall, Janet Cutts, Pamela De Cubellis and Karen Dietrel. First Plciee Mrs . John Blake, Cosla OTHER SENIORS: D a v id f.1esa , bas taken two ~orstadt, Fay ~ o r s Y t ~ e • first place ribbons and Kathryn ~ra~is. E I 3 1 ~ ~ one second for her en· Grogan, Victoria G~, lie1d1 tries in the-=-nome Liv· Haas, Ti~hy-Hartig, Ja~-ing ar1d Design com· Kleck, Susan Kol.ar. Diane . . t' Lester, Jacque Leyrer, Craig petition a . 0 range titasi, Carolyn 1\lillica, Shanon County Fair. Nutt and Jodi Palmblade. Others: Kim Pearson , Kan1 Purdy, JJolli Rogers. Peggy Sclt\\•andt, S I e p h en Sharp, Turi _smi_tb_. JJ me.s_ S\v&in. Amy Tbompson and John \\'hi tmore. JUNIORS: Eric AnQers:cn, Ooro!hy Baden, Re b c c ca Balentine, Terri Bergman, Lawrence Brov.'flsoo. Yvette Dean's List Certificates Going to 21 Dumouchel, Cathy r i s h c r. c.ertific:ttes or acadetnic Sheryl For g i e , Kevin achi. t _ba\·P b e c n Gallagher, J-!:oward Gensler, vemen J l\!iles Greiner, La w r e n c e awarded lo 21 Orange Coast arada. Cindy Jamieson and " students at Cal Poly San I~uls Scott Langford . Obispo \Vho \\'ere named to Other Juniors: Ste,. en the dean's list ror the spring Masuda, Jeffrey Palmblade. quarter. Leslie Sterrett , U5e Suikki Students from Costa tiiesa and DonaJd \Vright. "·ho r e c e i v e d certificates SOPHO~IORES: Joan Be--are: Christy Blanc, 1960 S\\·an Jous, Ronnie Bly, Sandra Bly~ DMve; Diane Chrislensen, 277 Gina Caprine, Susnn Carr, -Hanover Drive; Tyler Lowrey, Stan Dembecki, Deborah lfcl· 2003 Goldeneye Place; ~anet meczi and Debra Hempstead. 1\liescke, 2023 Flamingo Dri ve '---..... ·-. • ,---- DAil V PltOT J IS ... "' .. -Fol J,. OWi!! ,·" ··a ~ 1.11 .. 1 :t"':..1$1:...:l'*.,i ti,_" t,":;: 11:M fi:ilmil• ~ ~:rl ~: en .i Mut!lll 11:: l 6.21 t. ·-"!""" I . 11.ll 4.1} S.lt .. "'-"'-"'· i.ll I. • l'DS: BOTH COLGATE and P G 6 ... 1. lrilr lfl• 11,91111.'1: . .,.nr,1• ,i.t.J 1t.111 ~ • 'J:H 'J:tt 3\50 felt that they Ought to be rn A a 1'.01 1,.W ~ :10,0ol 10.tl, able to snatcb some of the ~ Gw ~ o· "" -~ ~LW i ... •.J• -I~ m Fd · 1 Sf I !.It ,,U CUllTY l'DS: mouthwash OOsiness f r o m """' 1"'· I ·• " , ... .: •.» •.rt · =:l' 1.n >.ta Listerine. The P & G entry. it;:-~ , :U 1t'.! 3' , -fn ~· E: i} 'ttl '::;f ~'/!" " l:a tt~ ~-. has "'Ol"ked Its •••Yup Nitl' I~ ! M a:w .: E!: a i:!T i:~ "1~1g~o.~osi.ll ~ A Fii 0 ·l"!· ACIOllo 1.tt 1·21 ClDo Fd .:11 1· ' to about 20 percent of the =:'Fa · '· 71 · ~ 143 ~ ·Sir' Sm '! o 1 Coll.I loo " .. Ignored by Am J 111' r.z;u '" I Ltlllmrl ,.11 . Gii.Rl!HLO GR" : • Jfeteo Jackson. \\ife of minister or oornmun lcation!i. p&tential president i a I He js thi! hif!'hest ranking Arab candidate Sen. lle11ry JI.I, in the tsracll go\·emment. Jackson <D-Wnsh. \, savs she The 55-year-ol(l-~teran of 20 admires !\fr5. Lyndon Johnson ' yeats• service. (n Knesset. the more than other presidential Js~li ·parliament. served in wives because "s1le did a the same post under former gre·at deal for people." Premier Golda li-feir. 67 OCC · Students Other sophomores: John and Diane PeUcrs, 3 5 0 Marwlino, Noelle N a I t o . Villanova Road. bus~ On the ~her band, 11.,,. i. J .!. ~ . .,. 1i:ff i:ft ~, Gi11 f= :~ ~:;'' F 1 1\ 11: ~ C° 1>111 I 3''1 4. Fm t(!' :16 '. 6 ~lt~~~I j . ~ t~ ... mouth\\'BSh usen. 1.1ii ~t"h-6.00 •·· ledr u.641l.t1 ~ ... H J..Jt :::· StUJ milled at being ' s.ff J· ~ 4.u .10 t=' t-4i ... relegated to second place in ~ 11·~ 1:u: f . ;:tr t: 1~· ,j:i '1j~ mJt.sJt,:::~ the toothpaste market, tor GOC"~ :u ! 11 ··· ,._c n~r~ .... Catherine Ready, \Va I t e r Rolsma, Belinda Smith. Belh Snevely, Richard Webb and Bridget Wedge. many >"tars its main ~flt =~ t:f; ~: :t,. ::: n~ ,:; '· :!'!(": 't\"l 1:·;: FROM NEWPORT BEACH' centtt. Colgat< is now trotting ii l:lO i. J:ft :i.;· ' '!"" n.!l Ii'~ "·" ,,:,. Jack Cohen , 2007 Highland out a new' brand called Peak. All"IHI 1•·1.• .,:,1 1: .. :~ ... 'B ~!! ~~..JT~·: Drive : Becky Hopper, 2152 k-A ....,,.;., i..-a.tlenl is . l:fi:};• J:M1~:12 .~ , .. 1 M·t~il •nw J.ff i:.a V~-1Jor do J Johns! Wuvoc .,......,,. ..~....., (lrw9I ' S.14 6. "NAIKI .. v,., , Trrt 6. • ... r.;1.11. an ; ay on, bak" g -~a !ii; '·" I" ,_..., . 11r1t1 a.52 .11 .....,.ur '·, •.n 201· Via Or'\'ieto: 'Ibomas in :IUU • 1 10:e11 · .. fl!!.°'" !."ju Bro •,'!S •.ot 1.'4 Sm1111 a ,,., '·•• Make Dean's List FRESHJ\tEN: Oebie Beat:h, John Flont, Catherine Heath. Robert l{ud<lck, Debo r a Johnson, Kimberly Johnson, Lillian Kadev, Greg Purd,v, cathy Tarpl<'y 'and Barney Tang. The one new product which , l •2 ·'~ f-J:: I"° :o :o .fn. 'Eo· t.H 10.11 ~1&Gr 1.n a.u Lahue. 18 Linda Isle Drive; has-been a-.Winntr for COigate ~J'-' ! ,, ,tf, f 11e :·:r ;·:~ F:::r.: · .. ,~ '·ll ,Gff,.~ !:n:s. ::o Cou~--y Reiser 1601 Kent ;"',! :JZ J., r.~ vo •.•• ,·., 11111p F •.u •· 1nw G ' 1 .... I wn:: • i! Irish Spring, a deodorant . 'tlUT ... . ~"' F l .N •. In '·°" ··~ Lane; Pamela Yoder. 17UJ h · wuTCMts· ~ •llfO.• • ~1 1.1i J ... Antigua \Va y and c r·a i g soap. Introduced In 1972 • Iris ~ : 'tlt '!· ~ ~ f;i ~·:l :J~ ::n ;:;l :,fi"d·~R~1· Thomas .• 15 Seaward Road. Spring has ,managed lo :m . [iil" 1·,. ,·,,. 10 ... 11.•1 I'd 3.s. '·" Sixty-seven Orange Coast students made the dean's list of Orange Coast College. Costa P.1esa, Y.ilh straight AA for the spring, 1974 s~n1ester. Straight-A students . from Costa Mesa are :Rob ert · Amberger, Jesus Aney a, Virginia Aroil50n, S b i r I e y Baxter, David Campbel l , Marianne D'Angelo, J o h·n Deed.<;,, John Depko Benjamin Epstein; David Forbes and Dt!nise Frick. Also: David Kruschek, Anloineile Lake. h1ary Jeanne lAV.'ry, Robert Lucca, Kenneth ANIMAlogic11,»., "''"" i ~ .... • I - f\.falle, Richard M c C I u r g , Patricia Jl.fclntosh, J a n1 e s ti1el.ro."ie. Jr .. Ronald ~linke, Robin l\forg:ift ·-and Fredric ?.fueller. Bicyclists Will Pedal • 15 l f fk~ ot $C.I l·" .I • r: ill t '7i D 9.5' 10,ll . .,.,11 •.01 4.JI ~m San Clen"lente: Steven capture J)CT'C(!n o 11<: 11lc c.111 .•• •.1e i11 u111 ,·'M t '"" MCD 10.-06 11. Pigoars i.Sll J.tt nu deodorant -•p bus Ine s s, e.c-i •.113 t .OJ F1"' &r 1'1t 1'n ~•K 1v 1.J1. 1.1 f: F• Gt J.t:J J.t:J B -• A V I · ""'"' l:ilyrll(. 4 ... S.l) l'IOMIM o.Ou,.. · Mlltlef 7.111 1.111 Fr tnc: l.O'f 1.0. rown. """ \•e a enc1a : placing it third behind P&G's """"~or '·" •.4 1,. Fnd 711 ; 71 Mio "'" J.'M •.JI 1.i~ Sir :loj,2fJ.1.10 "-nald Johnso" -· w. Ave 8&Kn 141 l.U 1.14 IOI F"nd ,·., 1'•· ,,..,,,., M 1.00 ... 7EADMAN FO!• •w ·•"""' .,_ 9 · I) d lSffi 1 ·• •• ... ·'"""""' Fo a.:! 114 1o1n rno1 iu t. 1 u..,,t (1 percen an 'l · Qrtwft 1.111 11~1-,,.11 0 ,,.0, MtOF<I • .. · .. Valencia: Afary titullin. 225 w. "-.. . Di 1 (3' 11 '" ln' t~' » F\ittl 1.:2 5·' Mtl 8rlG 1 1:~ ...... J1 '·°" 1·11o1 , n.nuvurS 3 per~ · i;.1 ,,.. ,,. w 3.66 '· Miii' F4 t.ff 1.1 .OtNn JS1 SSJ Aye Valencia and Kathryn An 0 th e r P&G brand. "'-1, .'2 : at MIF a.., l . J n11H ltOE '"· St 2410 So 01 Vi''' 8mlw I.II ..W •12 •AM.tlr!ltll 3. 4,1 g IS.11 1S 71 amtf. · a · Safeguard, owns ten ~rcent ~\"~PV0~1~1•111 •nc~ .:,,,1·1J :f"'~ 1Ia 1t· ~· ,~?;~:!i F _OM SAN JUA N ofthenmrket. . ~r:o ••s il"(i"~ lli !1""'11,, 111 11 soROU,., ~-p1"slrano · Magdalene "' DivShr j't1 C11 , ... • Hlrl•ndu , .. '·" ~ '" s.17 ....., , Ntfwll ·t '.11 LUI Mflf llC PDS: lncom t 7J I Jt AND JI.farina Naito. Albert F v te . BewS<y. 3 2 6 7 2 Correterra wm1 ITS eonsist,nt reeonl ~ J:a j:E T : S.IO 1.H l:.tf\. f:= !~ ~\ t~ 1 n 'Ntlsoo, Christine 0 ' Dowd, Or e raJtS Dri\'e and Debra Young. 2!1506 of disasters, "ill' docs COigate 1 v ~1 :61 m"~ f·" f·J, ~....,.Ii i·n i:" t:;;1 t :·tt '::.\ Chris O'Hare, Eliae Powis, Riviera Court. keep l~ing? \Vell. for one 1H ~.ffr.' •1:1 lll fl ll! '1.ff J;:;'t: '=: '·lf Suzanne RI ch le. J 0 h n Harbor Area pedal pumpen Other students who made thing, its ruee punishment if ''°' 1 IS -c. f'' MG 4 ~~ ,. ~GH t·;: ., n Sinqivage, LaM'}' Sm j th , 'i nt er e 5 t e d in n lsing the spring quarter dean's list you can get. it. Even though it E""• ,:;; %:~ ·~·i:rM' ~:: 1tU h 1tff 1J·U ~~ ~:~ :~f Shai'on Spe.ncer1 Marg.are t scholarship m 0 n e y for arc: Lori Bro\\11 of Dana gets trounced regularly by ££; ~ t11 t.t ~ ' ~ ;1!:r, l'i·~ = .. rlv1clJ' Wilson, Heidi. \Yahlberg and veterans· attending Orange Point. 33777 JI.farina VI s t a Prock!r & Gamble. C o I g a.t e ~""' :" tt! 1 • t" !·,. ~c!I. 1:J§• ,;I °=(~·v 10.ao 11~ spir~x Vr)ght. roast CoU1t1e are inv.iled-lo-Dril'" · lark Sizelo,·e of 1" ~ .... e .-r. ~ 1 1· -'""' i,•s •.it From ountainv a1'1"b y , portldpate In a Bllre-A-'lboo l..1l(Un• Beac , un ,. IMI year and on that volume it , I! f~ ~:~ tU f;:~, t : • :&-'i! 1~.lt ,~:!! C~thy Carothers, Judi I, h Aug. 4. \\l~y. and . i:;ric Tulleners of cleared $88 million. which Is s. ,. 'j:t ,-i; NT(N:" :U 1 : ~<,!~0 f.fs"'i" .. Faulkner, Clyde de Polenskl, Cvclists \\'Ill tenvc campus ~l1ss1on V1eJO. 25672 Chrlsanla n1ore nlo1ley l:hsrn ·"·as earned F::, j·U :· 1 "•~ 1 ··~· ,f~ ii""'' 1"'' 't~.1!1· g:, t 11 ~!~ Patricia Spaan and \~lll13m at 8 a.n1. and all donn.,s -Urive. by such companies a s ShTr 1 ·•7 ... • it) tt:it "" ril b:rs l · > fi:':i1 nc: ~ 11 • ~? W ·•• R -·~1· St I G "ll e tte ""' 'I'·' LT°"Cl"' ,..._•01· .~-.,;;'j·k F~;; Huntington J!cach: ~:~1:.!fl0f:~r;:U:1~~·= ' \\~i~1. S:~~ay Stores and i:,.::.. 'i ,:·!! E::-j:1il 1·; ,,,. tR t:~ SrCA ~~ :.ji Marfarct 'Anderson, Ronald occ \lcteran'!i Affairs _Office. AC<.lll:Si't;Oll Campb<'ll Soup. I" : t» ~ C(~ 1· •·• ~ffl: '~ ttf 11·:01 lau~5,..u'M16s~· /\ye Ki I Bl k Sall ... ... Sci . llS I ... -Sll I) AC!rKF 3 1••11 rs, r st n el a, y rerSons lnt('l"tst('d In tklln:;t ... 1 i '°'° !!:~ ··· 1ttv 'oi. • ... """ t'111 i..11 Cox. Reginald Drunlng. Dnvld are asked to find 10 or mnre •adiO ~ '."LI•@ .:w ,~;c,. 1}1~n~'t':~!:w~ !ii ti 11:fu!tt~~=J~i; McCracken, Dnvid Nl l ler, SIXlt\SOfS who will pledge a At Li'riear &1 ' .50"" A"' 1 •• 1 .ft~f'!ro.,., ),3' ""' •...: ,,.., lfl John fifoher, Mcreclith Plper1 donation for caCh mile they 4 1:ti I: I:: . ·r r.:~'.., ··~ i'M ~.r F tn ~·ll =~e~:zvir~t ~~~~ ·=~~le.~~;e:1~~p=~t~f : LUlear 1 n st r II m e n ts pager E 0 tt ii ~ii a:s~·g $..:";• 1:~n t.-B i~'' I~ : :·, mile and the rider cpmpletts Corporation, an l~sed e ~ C: GVid sr, .,,.,. ~Jr J ·· tr"" ~J: 11 FRO!\f NEWPORT BEA.CH: 30 miles. the schoLarShlp fund manufacturer or gra p h i C $17.00 c 1~ l.~'t lflW 1 i·,l t.b 11 ii! 11:§41 ~::J~ l:d J:ii Teri Kahan, Pa I r le I a \\Olli m:levc $3. iecoiding instruments, has a lllOldh R ;: ?ifacFarlane1 Susan Malmin, Checkpoint s v.111 be set up to acquirtd the a.sselS of Fram total oott ·Kellie Phllbl'ich:. Re b t cc a rte0rd aot ual mlles and thfrc Elettl'OOlcs ,Company for an -:-e ~ Smith, Urte Vaughan •. Lois 1YiU be food stands v.1th 1h~i !\h:-'un~d~lscl~ooedp.!j1&•m~ouga-!l.'oft,ea'!!f'"~tt:.' .... ..,..i1tt-Hiir~ll· nln,=and1Curt-W~,e.c---nro1,ci mac . murw . tt\'O v ' I I 1 II 0thor·.stralgh1 A •iudent• crew will pick up disabled in th< contrael creel t •pprova : j·, i: ~ 0!. 'f"ll ~"~'! 1: .: ::11 :n •!~ on the list arc: Barbain Botti qcles and riders. manufacture. O'f eleulronlc ,...,•Ri .s. s.~ 1;r,e,.., 1 .·U !f .. ~ ,,1 ~ .U •? of El Toro, George Long of TO sir up, come to the a s s e m b Ii es , and their ~· . j '! , 11 ~ , 11 , .., 1111',, 1.~ , , ...,. r.-.n !~ Irvine, -Christle Peck of \teterans Afrtirs Off ic e acquisition pro\•ldes n ~• ~ :J j '' ID f" .. ,1 ~ 11• u. '1¥\11t1 c:.r ., laguna Beach and James before July 31 or «Jn!act 5\gnirlcant Cl pans I O' n' or s' • 1C :r, l, ~ 1 :: tf.+t 11~ •,· 0 l: ~ .. ~ tP, i; ' J K I prod • bfjJ C> ·! J, I '"" t/,10 11.U ,,.,..., .10 '· ~ .. ~: AArons· and Theodore Zltfau Of Ralph J\1cComb CM' O'j . oppe UCi.JOn· C&pa 1y. 135•3305 11,) 11. J ,,.., '"'"" t.JI S.11 Vl'llt F I.it "'· ,,_v.i1tt11t. \Ve!:tmtnster. at-556-5853, or MS-5864., Linear'• ln·bou!I tlectrordc .... ..;iiiiiiiiiiiil--•1 ' ' ' I \ ,. ' t '• • .. ' . . . ' . . .. ' "" -- ' TlltidAt. J uly lb, 197'4 , . . -·· • ,__ ( . . ·-. Bob Hope ~aughs All. ~li-e Way .~o •anla- LPS ANGELES 1Ar1 -Bob llope.,bh:lmes himself and Bing Crosby ror the millions thal were• losf by their fellow pr.elty good, so Bing and l put others u•ere striki..11£ oil around deductible. Revenue Crom the in $105,000 Mpiece. l ren1ember our property. well& -if they came ln -had wondering v.'hen 1 was signing "\Vel r. that prop e rty the advantage of the oil produced 28 flou·-ers that depletion allov.·aMe. Ber1en and othen got stung in the alleged swln<tle of the Oklahoma-based Home-Stakt! Production Co. .. investigative surveys before he par~ '\\•Ith any of his <:ash. Dolores llo!X' \\'SS once asked what she .thought her In lAWslana and Mississippi Tbefplight ot ihe stellar and is considering a deal in Investors in Horne-Stake bas Texas. ' provided him w0llh g a g •----G rfc.;•;;rm;;;;ers in the llom&Stake 11 01 Wln<i e. 1he last chec~ for $19,000 Lf '-p~o be v.·orth po million , i!ar._s ere.._ wllliog to hand \\'as Just thi'O\v1hg-my money wid Bin& and I wc.rg in for a O\'&r huge sums without e\'en away, quarter interest apiece The seeing the y,•ells they were "ldon'l know how I missed out on the deal," said llope, who was not approached• by llome-Stlike. "It sountled like a great setup wit h all those names -like a coagt-t~ast • husband would have been If he hadn't gone into comedy. • m·R~CET\'T Y£ARS he-Ms -.materlJtl. of, <:9.Pr&e, as he invested heavily in California demonstrated recently I n "Sometime arter Iha! I w<is ne\\'S made a page in Time invest' g in. "\Vhy, a businessman . of course," she replied quickly. "And a very suc_(!_essful one." real estate and adm its that \Oklahoma Oty: "' tw ice a ye_ar at property-tax "I just came here to make time he cries a lot . an oil deal (big la.ugh) .. \._f'lt's all our fault -.'' remarjed the ~median. "\\Te cost tfiis co1n1n nily ta lot of money Just bee use of what ~ happened to us Several years playing a date at Baylor magaz ine, and the'.\ every star ~ 'University in \Vac.'O, Tex., un~ in to'vn wanted to get into ~ AS A RESULT, Jack Ben y, this oil guy said he wanted to ~oil.'' Andy Williams. Liza ~finne_ Ii, come down and sec 1ne The--ltµ'e was irreaislible for Bob Dylan Buddy Hacke t, beca use he might have some those making highly taxable Barbra StreJsend, Alan Alda, good news for me. incomes. Not onl y v.·as the • pavid Cassidy, Tony Curtis, v.·ax museunt. '' , It Is possi))lg that Home- Stake's· masterminds decided not to try the money·v.·ise Hope. The comOOian gets solid He· has proven tl\at in his dealings, showing an ability to r a-t t 1-e f--details o{ G compUcated"contract with the same ease ttlat he remembers jokes. He retains oil interest s tough for w bu s l n e 1 s Actually Jae~ fen~y wanl~ Hope re~rked that it's · _ _1 figures-to flrM. inveatment1 me to tak'e ·over tus $300,000 n o w a d a 11 , since the investmenl i n Home-Stake· government has ·been (guffaws ) . , . He was calling eliminatinl tax shelters. me from the hospital (roar).'' • ago. ,,, "A GUY CA~IE lo us ¥lith an oil deal, and ii sounded He came and told me that orig inal . investment t a x Faye Dunaway, C a n d I c e Califo1·nia's Peacl1 G1·owers Face Poo1· Yem· Due 'to 'Rot' Orange County Business Costa t\.1esa res Id t.n t drug whole~aters in l he fountain Valley. PbJllp I. Cohen. area represen· Fullerton area. * SACRA!'l[E!i\t'J'O I AP l \\'ine lo\•ers needn't \l'Orrv about a rain-damaged gra pf 'Crop. but for connoisseu rs of canned peaches il s a different s t o r y . ~gricullurC' officials have announced. State and i n d,.u._s t r y MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ-- Sa /es • Service • Lea si ng 28701 MARGUERITE PARK·WAY 49~1t0o MISSION VIEJO 831-.1740 S. OW,. Fwy. to A•irry ... wy. ••It. ript.,. M.,....,-iM WORRIED AIOUT YOUR IMYESTMENTS? SHOULD YOU OWN GOLD OR SILVER? SAFETY VS. YIELD WHICH? Fot the month of July only Charles Neal, nationally· known investment author and analyst will privately co nsult with you to map out a survival plan !or these challenging times. Professional advice may give you !he peace of mind you need. SpKill lah: $40 ,.r OM itom-COftMltoffoL CGI or writ. •....• C.....U ..._. F-.c.Mil s.r.lc•1, IK. P.O. loa 915 S-.a.. Capistra.o. CCllif. 926-75 " 17141491·1 Ill Reg/S1~red with the SE~ as an investment adviser. Not a stock brokerage firm. spokesnlen said a fre<ik July storm that hit Northern Californi a last \\·eek triggered outbreaks of Bro\\'n Roi. a form of. fungus , among early cling peach crops. Californi a is the nation's major source of cling pcacl_les, !he type used by nwst .canners. A SPOKES~lAN for the (.alifornia Canning P e a c h Association, Dennis Icardi, said up to five percent or a projected crop of 810,000 tons of peaches could be "'iped ou t by the rot. State offic ials had said last \\:.eek that sonle of California's . .. COAST RESTAURATEUR John Mc.lnto•h , NEW PRESIDENT "J1me5 L. Gray 6 Promotio11s Revealed . - tative for l\111tual of-Omaha · '* Jamts Bttw1 of has been named "Ne\v Man Loren ' F. , Sutherland director of of the Year." has been appoitlted sales genttal &el'V· ·lie was selected on the basis, representative for industrial ices at S.d- of heallh lnsuranct volwnt products for the J. r. Baker and service to policyholders. Cbtmica.I Company • of Ne~· d I e b • c le the company says. Cohen Jersey. He ls a resident of Comm1llty v.·orks is associated with the Costa Mesa. • in U.guna Jae Bartholomew div ls i.o a '* Hilb has 'office In Tustin. Pt1k:bael L been el~ed ---* r o r m e r· state presi-Josepb L. Troilo has ly manager dent of tbe .--...,. be e n an. ftbSat -,. o e n 11: National Association O{ -Poy,• • pointed di· Ana mort-er Engineers for' 1974-75 • r e c t o r of gage bank· '" Prior to· joining Saddleback m a r keling ing office of Hospital. Brown was direct.or for AHePI· Co 1 d we I I of engineering at. AlvaraOO bly Services Banker ~n-, ComnuUty Hosj)ilal ·tn San Unlllillted of Corpa g e m eh l • Diego. ., as '* Costa l\.1esa. been namOO MA•• R I c ii 1 r d H. Boatelle The n e w field real estate repre§enla· of Fountain Valley has been finn special-T•OiLo live for the J. C. , Penney named director o( quality izes in assembly of electronic Compan y. loc. assurance for m Caaaoa inrerna tlonally famous wine "' oomponents. Troilo will also Marr, who joined Coldwell Eleclrlc • Nortll American. grape crop could also be Far \\rest Ser.ices, Inc., of JIENRY WAITERWciRTH operate as general manager. Banker in 1963 as a He will be responsible for At Far West Services damaged b Y ...,;,._...,awned now assumes the post of vice * commercial salesman. resi~ quality ol all rrr Cannon • ....... ~..-Irvine, a wholly ow n e d Jad1 Thurmond of San \\i th -bis wife and thn:e . connector products ~ced fungus. But the \Vine Institute subsidiary of W. R. Grace & president of 0 Pe r at lo n s ' Juan Capistrano has joined the children in Corona del Mar. at company plants in Santa said few vineyards nad hit by Co.. has annOWlced. six elevated fro.m his 'denrormer Pha rmaceutical operations * Ana and plants at PotlQla, position as vice presi t of division of Synlex l.abont· 1-luntington Beach resident Phoenix_ and Toronto, Canada. by mildew. personnel promotio n s, Sout h ern Ca l f fornia ' iories, lac. as a professional Robert L. CulweU has * "The grapes are pretty including the elevation of John operations. He will oversee service representative. been promoted to manager of J 0 1~ p h tncaudo, . cur· YQUng and are more abfe to R. l\f~lntosh to chairman of Far \Vest rest 3 u ran t She will convey infonnatlon We1tmor Fln11ncbil's . Los rently general manager of~ v.•ithstand mildew than those the board aild James L. Gray operations west of the on, Syntex specialities to Alamitos cffice. Ba 11ock'1 South Coast Rockies . .He Jives in 'Costa ph sl · pharma ists and Pl ha b fa 'he lo g " "d N "d Y c1ans, c H• 10· •·~ th• f'·m 1"n 1973 as aza store. s e e n r r a n • sa1 orm to presi ent. l\fesa with his wife, Dena, and · " 11..:u "' u ~ • ted · I r R assistant loan manager. appom genera manager o oby, institute spokesman . ~tclntosh, founder of the two children. F B• d Prior to that he was the finn's new San Diego lcardi said that Pe a c h restaurallt fa mi I y that Denni~ McMeekin moves up ree~ay 1 S associated with Liberty Loan. store expected to open in gro~·ers _ in the . Marysville includes R e u b e n • s , The _ from regional vice president SACRAt-.tENTo (UPI )-The Culwell is ·also. a eaptaln in the February, 1975. area. 40 miles north of 5 1 of the Northeast region to the state Department of J\'lar~ Corps Reserve. Jncaudo jollied Bullock's in Sacramento, had suffered the 1ifoonraker, ·Baxter's tree' position of vice president of Transportation has called for * 1968.-PiiOr" to liis current Snack Shop. Coco's. Reuben E. operations for Far West /bids Aug. 28 on a $.l.8 million l\1khlel Boardman has assi gnment he served as heaviest damage. Lee, The Whaler, Lt. Robert restaurants e3st or th e project on the last remaining been appointed a s sistan t assistant controller, assiStant The storm. the heaviest Julv E. Lee. Isadore's, Th e · ·Rockies. i\1cMeekin and his link of Interstate 5. 'fhe manager of the newly opened to the chairman of the board "-if-....NQW YOU CAN TRAJ)~ rain in Nonhem California in Sandpiper. The Plankhouse, V.'ife, Lynne. have tv.·o rhiJd~"'n project calls for a 3.1 mile Westminster Mall office of for long range planning and 'a.;' over a century, dumped more and will relocate tO the highy,·ay section just north of Barclay's Bank ol CaWonUa assistant general manager of IN COMMODITIES than an inch of v.·ater on The Summer llouse and The Southern' California area from Stockton in San Joaquiu in Huntington Beacb. the S h e rman 0 a It s 1ilarysville groves. Al o or in g s , began his New York. County. _________ _c_ __ H_e_a_nd __ h_is_fa_nu_·1y_ll_.,_•_in ___ ,_1_or=.'=·--•----~-cright-here~n.Jlle"'Jl(i'l't-Bea~:j-~==============::::::=::~~uran:;';;l~ca~reer;\;;;;.mil~!M8~•~it~hj~~--···~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .... ..;;;.. .......... iiiii(""'~l-I 1-----1-a-pr<ifessionaJ-commudity·firm-a·smalh:o!!ee shop·m-e.rona r • • .. • •• • • • ... • Isn't it time you die; your commod ity trading with a man-and a firm -wh ose pfincipal business is commodities? A .. d B de! ~Jar. c . . I M d" A s k L. mcor 11r Far West Services l\OW omp ete . .id.. a_ Y· merican toe 1st Ann ed operates more than I 0 0 . Now you can-right here·in Califotnia's newest. fastest growing financial ma1kel· place : fabu lo us Newpo rt Ce nler: At Kipnis . With Dr. Robert H. Adler and his slall of professionals. OllllC restaurants across the United .. ______________________________________ _. Their busin'ess is commodities. Dr. Adler writes a syn· dicated newspaper column on inVestments. If you have interest in this type of ir')vestment. talk to one ol the seven people in this new Klpnis office trained to talk your language. Phone 644-6910 or send the ,coupoo, below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... Please have a Klpnls Com· modlties Specialist call me Kipms• with th e lalest market inlor· matlon, and send me the f"..:--oditJ'es latest Ki pni s Co mmodit y \..A.Dlllll market lel\er. Membe11 ol all princioal commodily exch,anges Division ol H. S. Klpms & Co. Chicago • New York Wa6hing1on, O.C. • S~.t1 Francisco 610 Newport Cttnler Drive, Qep1, 8 Newport Beoach • Phone S••-691\'.I t ll T HUS, pt<ON( William · T. Pasroe lll. i::residenl of Amcord. Inc. of Ney,')X>rt Beach. has acquired 86,000 shares of tile company's common stock in a private transaction. ' The purchase of t h e s e additional shares b r·I n g s Pascoe'.s holdings of t h e comoa ny's common stock to 532.000 shares. As of June 30 there \\·ere 5.671,211 shares of the compan y's common stock out 5j.and ing. Amcord is a diversified manufacturer and marketer of construction and I e i .s ur e products. Sunday is . FlltlE>AY in the ·1.Mlijijll1ll ''The Good Lile'' • We offer to you Planes, Motor and Sailing Yachts, Mexican Villa. Ski lodges, and much More. - We are a limited membership group which provides individuaJS or corporations Luxury.Recreation and a potential tax advantage. We pffer fif5t class privileges at nominal costs. TRANS MECCA Charter MembeJ5hips a1e now being accepted for a limited time and will exclude monthly dues. Group membeJ5hips are transferable and fees will be increased after Our iq ilial offering. CHARTERMEMBERSHIPSIS00.00 ., States. ~tcLtt.,'TOSR RESIDES in Corona del Pilar with his wife, Audrey. Gray. who joined Far West in 1960, became a partner -and helped establish the fi rst Reuben 's, located in Newport Beach. He u·as executive vice president. prior to h i s promotion. The SG-:vear-0ld executive lives· in Newoort Beach with his wife, AtUla, and children. Dick Park. promoted from vice president and sceneral manager to executive v\ce president, joined Far West in . 1958. He resides in Santa Ana Y.'ith his wife. Betty. Gino Boero. v.·ho joined· F.ar \\'est in 1961, will become yice president and g e n e r a I manager. mo ving up from his rormer position as v i cc president of operations. He lives in NeWport Beach with his wife, Nikki, and three children. Insurance Group in Cost<I Mesa T r a nsamerica Insu rance Gr6up's \festem zone offi~ have transferred from Los Angeles to Sooth' Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. As resul t of a move bandlftl b y Co ld w e ll Banker Conunerckd Brokerage Co., Transamerica ·I n s u r a n c e Company·s zone office now occupy three nocy-s of the South CoGst Pla1.a Flnan<:i?l Center at the $0Uthtast corner -..-----+~, .. · -Btl.Stot~ un o,wer ~ltt ~I P-E ll'••h l L•tl Cllg. E. ~ I _·y;,, ' .. ' _,. ,,._ . .... . It ... !·-'• .,.. ... y, ... l~! ~ '-. --For more lryforrnarlon please coll 645•5543 slrtet&. Also t c n :.in t e d In the same build i n g Is Tran samerica lns urance·a Southern Cil\fomla Branch office. a 75=employce group ..111c11 ocli independen~y or • r.one operations. ' L .... . ' ' • • • • , , • --~---Ju.!t__ OAILV PILOT I . .. - 1 • ' • Monday's Cloeing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Year's High-Lows Appear Every Saturday • New York Vps and Downs GAIS•llS t UD 2l 1 I Rep M9 1Sd 1' .... , t\ cl! ~ ; 1 U11 72 6 2 PSEGPf 11• 1NI "" 3 '> U tO JCon,t,~• o JTeex Cori1 ? 11 R c ,W,.,lt Mngl 9 t-I• Up 11 7 ·~'te :'( D 5 011111~n c~ •~t ,~ Up 16 1 J Welb I Cp 6ROC.~11Wr 1 t Up 16 7 6Clf nv W s t 1'mttl 111 t ~ \\ Up IS 6 7 1111 Inv 61d I EllQf pl .... 91 17 _, UP 1A6 I Cev Com Cll t A "le E11lp J :, U11-l.Y t S.i=.lnll 20 !Of'lo;1r Ind J &o UD l•J OCl'\l'llpSP 5'l. 11 Ventct n M • 11~1 UD 1.,3 11 Grci re~ 20 U TilW 1!f fl.• ft Up 131 12 PIM Wtllll ll ST M o l$d )I 11\ Up U .. 1 13 Coll M Fetid 14 Wall In I .l6 Ult lj.J U Unlort~m 10 II Howml (p I u ..-l:ltl U• I .3 u fa.I Phaml 1' Grl~Drll 40 1Vr '• UP lj) ~ Pondel'DMC S 11 s.-on lr'ldirt >'.~ ~. uo I .0 \1 11.Pll(O «O 1' 5,,_i1 10 6 ~ Up 13 l '' HtrfSM. ·!! ~AllcoMlll 10 IO:j 11\ UO 11 lt SllGll pf IM II.PL Coof i l • li11 ll5 i1 l~~Tt..o TllomOJW O 11.2 22 N«Ooflkl ;;I ~::6¥i~ '.ti l~ tl• ~= 11.• ' ....... , $h0t ,.. f.\A,0(0 ~ 1 1•• Up 'I''~ Mt.CC.C. _,. H Al!IMol lOd 4 ~\ Up I .t H GtMf 1 M • - ---------~. • 5•'" H• .. .,.,,.,.,. •• .,,,..,. •• ,.,,..,..,. ••• ~-•·•""""•••ft~··•= .. s•rns'"'"""'""'"••••mm ' e llld1} Hitll Low C1'M t 11V I' Dq,v Lose s .Ea1~Iy Gait1 s, Breaks Even ., ~ ' ' . ..: ., . . . ' . . .. . ' ' ' ' • • • J ... ' .. ..., ··. '~ • •' I . ' . . . . • r •' • . . ~· . . . . . . ' • • ,. ' , ' TUMBLEWEEDS IT GLJ~i 15, .. !loo.<if~ .. •· • • A~.l'>IHMA,MY · L1ff1.E SMOCCHI_(• POO ! WOUl:D YOU ' CARE TO .... I Tuesday , July 16. 1974 OAtLY PILOT by Rqg.,-"Bradfltld l I ! ; I j j l • ~ ' r YOO-HOO, ~An !3RUDPER! 'TIS EVEON· • TIDI' A~/ IS HOME FROM MF. LAfiORS! SllOOKIE DEAR! by Tom K. Ryan HARK!: DAT WAXEN PALLOR 'f'ON DOSE ROSf.Y CHEl'KS! ... DEM Df.W-t.IKE Dr. SMOCr'K"---, ,.-----~--,., · C~d55 YOLJQ 1...EGS. WHAT IS YOUSE !)()IN' IN DA SACK ?! 1 lil'ADS Al~WART DAT VOIGIN f'POW ! PA CHILD'S~! ... HAMii iN Pllllf1ME I Pl!AR!..VOUSE AIN'T INSURl!P!! Pt..EAS&:: MUTT AND JEFF FIGMENTS NANCY SLUGGO . .. .,,._,..,, __ TODAY'S CIDSSWDID PUZZLE UNITED Feature Sylldicate • A.CROSS 1 Trades 6 Floor · co~er.ng pieces 10 Cu11ing tools 14 ··--· Dutton 15 Came lo eari n A1cha1c 16 Mun1c1pa1 mop 17 Mao!c Leat · Gardem 18 South A.mer1c;,n republic 19 C1tvo1 Latvia 20 Satisly1ng resu11 22 ---••••. .,, V11am1n source 2il Oulwara appearance 26 Female an1..,1 _ 27 Pine COM 3 1 Door sign ~:?·Perceives by the car J3 Jeer 3~ Glass vessel 18 Formerly J9 Cor!ilin p ick les 40 Go wild over .i' !I tot!ows "onntemos 41 Nortri Afncan I ' ,. • " 17 c1ly 43 Consistent· 44 Cease to live .\5 Prwa1e girls scnool 47 Takes back 51 Mans nickname 52 Aophed ' vitreous coating !>4 1 ake into account 58 Amoun1s ol money 5~ Grand Duke of MusCO'IY 61 K1ndof >how 62 lumber source 6J PartlaUy Preh..: 64 TufkiSh Cllt 65 Vend 66 We1gn1 allowance t:,7 Preiend 2 wo1ds 00\"JN I Boxing mattl'I 2 Warning word · A1cha1c .l Over again ti "HM S . -·:-·· 5 Beelles 6 TourJst s "" ' ., • " " ' ·' MONO.\\' Putllt; Solved . . 1 -.. Douglas· Horne 'Sr11tsh statesmaro 8 AUblfla'n' region VM 9. Earnes1 10 1ne 100 ,, 11 Fun or energy 12 F1t11ng re1u1ns 13 -···-and St noes 21 60\ Roman 23 Boor 25 F11tfl/llke 27 Foot toverif19 28 Canvas s'truc1ure 29 Newround· lond.caoe JO Singer A.nita ···;,, Chit John~on s 01irtner •• ' 35· lnoOnes1an island 36 A.ver"age Aobr 37 Oepeno upon 33 Engager 1n .l c..omt1at 40 Ocse1tt:'• 42 P•ecc 01 !IOOlll'lg 43 Avo1d1ng cAayger;it<on <14 Girl 46 1moa1• 47 1Aus1ca1 svmD01s .ia Haroerr va1 . •9 Sn10 ot the dese1t ~Tear 5J Knights w•!e ~Lik e·-·-+!'! ~ trao 56 F11med divorce ccn1er 57 Educa1or SO lnsec I egg - " " " '• " " " . " " 1J '. " -" • . ' " " JO " . ' lJ " " " JI - JI " •0 " ., ,, . ' .. .. • • .· " •• •• " " ' " " . ,, " .. " " " " 61-- " " .. " -" ' ' . ' by Al Smith SOMEDAY 1NAGES WILL CATCM UP W1TH PR.ICE'S! by Dale Hale ., <!:> GORDO MOON MULLINS AT Lf..5T! A posS/B'E ~! ST•,ADY .. . ~.~ ............. _,..,. ····~·=-. 0 .......... o-· ·by Emie Bushmiller ANIMAL CRACKERS I ALWAYS KNEW You WERE A NUT B UT T HIS PROVES IT PEANUTS \'OU "'""' >\JW MU()l. MONE I" IT TOOKln MAKE T!-115 r.'/:Nlf ? ~? ' • t"·' . -· -' JUDGE PARKER wHrn: surrs, F.e.Nc'I Hla'S J>il[) ee'~t'RAt.. OPIJ":~r 1'm~ #I! ~Pl..l\Clt.l<& p,e.1:¢' CE/>llMS · t(r ... -• ,.-'111•~1{• .... ,, .. _ ~' -*"" ""' ._ ___________ _,ltilM ,. .._ • ...,., ....... ... , , by Charles M. Schulz ~"--~~~~~"ri AN.:> Lf'OU KNOW WHlf l';\I, t'iECAUSE M'i.f MorMEr{ WANTED TO GOING 10 SC:E IT ? 6E1 ME OUT C*'. THE HOOSE ! NOi A t MEARO MtM TELL M ISS " TH lt-'G! SPENCER THAT Hf HASN'T DO YOU'? A DRIVER'S LICENSE: AND ME SAID SOMETHING A00UT 6EING IN A MOSPITAL .' •. by Harald Le Doux 7·" . ; by Gus Arriola ~E'AVE THEIR MA/l!ZI< ON' THE WOIZLOf • c. ..................... . .......... _ .. by Roger Bollen 'I'VE. 60T A FORtllN :nt:D l.lP I~ LOOKING POOR/.----_,, 1 I ~ i J I ''l\lrs. Hopkins w1s here Ju t month ind the told me to be MISS PEACH DICK TRACY • l~A '7AY5 Hl5 1.ANCLE MA-S GONE IN FOlt 8ALLOONING ! J WOW! • 'VES! MES C:O·RENTER., ABO<JT • TO COM& OUT. WHE•£ C>OE5 HE c:>o HI"' 8.A1.L.OONIN6 ? ALL OVEK . ·by Mell HE IOAT5 TOO MIAl.H. by Chester Gould •s'Tlll.LMIMAMINUTE;c S <O:WllS later " SAYS l'RACY. on the street. BIG DAAIC GLASSu,P CMECKlllED SUIT? ' TMAT:S MIS C:All T~E~E ._,.... . .,. - i;ure aQd take up t'er1mics inlitead of land!icape painlinr - t he said cerhnits i:: so much ne1rer the restrooms." ·DENNIS THE MENACE ;<'~ ?-16 . J . .. \ ). I • • -' • . ' , . ' I . • -. ~-- .. ••• ·~ . ' 1..1 , . .. .. .. ' "' . . .. ' . ' .. . .. " _,_ ... .. ' ; ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' " ( ' .·. ... -·~-:::=o:-:co,-~,...----1----·------PUBLllC N<Yl'ICE PUBLIC Nl)TICE -SCHOOL OllftlCT1 110 OIAOLINl1 - ~i ... • -----~-~~~ P UBLIC NOTICE "'" ,ICTITIOUI IU$1Nl!fl NA""• STATIMl!MT Tiit. followlnt ptfWlll b dal!ll boAl!IMI •\: I HYOltOTHEll~L POWEii C.Q., LTD, t10U VI~ C•ll<t!!t, Ml•).lgi• Yl110. f °''"'" COUll•y, (1illi>toU. 1,•1S AOO--S. 5pr ..... lot, <>-<"I P11r!Mf, 2103' VI• C11t..,., M.l\tlor> Vitia. 0<1~ Covniv. c1111. m1s. Tllll llll•lnKI 11 ~Of\Cl<.lt'~<J ty 1 llll')lltl;I H•IO.•VllO, Mou" 5. S111"1nkl• Thi~ ilt!llM/11 Wll IOMI wit~ t~ Coun•v Cl1r~ OI Ottntt Counly on J unt IJ, 191• • • 6 4 .... ••tot• ........ 1000.2999 ._.., ••..•. ' •.• 3000-469' .,.._,,, lnvtst-i& __ \_ flnandol .,,,, .. , •. 5000·*9 ......_,_.nh, PttMntlll•. lMI & ftund ,, .... $05G..$4f9 S.wk1' & ••• 6000.6099 TutSd~J. Jul~ 16, 1~74 The Bi11e1t Marketpl~e on tht Orwce Coast DAILY PILOT CtASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It , Find n. [ 5 42 •56·78 J Trade It. Wtlh a Want A<i One Cal I Service Fasl peclll Approval • OAILV PILOT 19 flltplOyMM°a ,,.,.otlM •.••.• 7000.71'9 MtJ<hoftdiM .• , • , , IQOO.l099 loots & MorN ~flt ........ 9000-9099 Aut....wn&ettiet Tronlfll'1Clliwo , , •. 9100·9099 ;G;•;n;;';";;;l;R;;;.;E;;;.;;;;;;;;;10;;;0;;2;G;;;•n;;•;;';;':I ;;;R;;.E;·;;;;;;;;;l;00;;2 I G_ene ~J.-~~· 1002 Gener ii R.i:. ERRORS: Advertiser1 -·- 1ho~ld .<heck · their adr 1 s BEDROOMS 1002 dally & report •rrori GREAT NEW LIST.ING OF HUGE 2000 s<1. I m m • d i • t •I Y· The lt. Bar llarbor ho1ne. Ou t s tanding at·S45.500. PuOll11>1d Orlt1<Jlt (NI I Julv t, 16, '3, )(I, !0• ,,..., O•lly Pilot, n.u.1•. ---J'UBLIC NOTICE ' _11(_TJllO.U$ IU$1N,EJS -_ ""i ITATl"MI" , T"-follow! lle•IOftl 1r1 llOl"ll butlntt' 11: ORA;NGE COUNTY SUZUKI, 1'9S H1rbOI' Blvd., COlll M111, CA. "26'• llObbv L. C•v!MIJl,0 ll•t Ml. Hood Dr .• S.1111 ,.N, CA. t110S DAILY PILO~ a11umes Lo t s ot·ext ras, cul-d e-sa s p rink lers, inter· llabllity for the first n /? r COlll. Call 00\Y_for details. 546-5880.' l"-< o r r •ct '1niertion \ _ ew' Lonee~} _. _ ilA YCREST 'S BEST ____ _ only. -------~eading NOl'lh Orc>.nge County Broker, ex·· $92,500 -Quality built ·c ustom p ool home. ~~;~=~~~~~I panding Ne\vport Oflice-INTE l~V IE\V JNG .f eaturing: 3 Oversized bedroo1ns, large. \~ PUBl.lC NOTICE SUP'IR10R COUllT 01' THI: STATI 01' ClliLll'OINl.l FOi THI COUH11.V 01' ORANGE '"' ••: FICTITIOUS BUSINl!SS NAMli STATEMl!MT lotldWlnq aeri.on I• 110l1111 business Mt. A.-Ulf •OTICI -01' ~HIA!:IHO or l'l TITION OOOD RAPPORT. 306 Utll Slr~tt. • -S~al 8e•ch, C1l!lornl1 '°740 FOil l'RO ATI \IOL ANO FOil Llovd Rlthird f rederkk 306 1'111 ~~;~·~~. Jr-L :..tt':~~~~RATIOH Slr~r. Se~I 811eh. C11llorn1.:. 90740 Eillll of MICH.4EL CLARENCE 1n!rJ1~u.,~· -· IS <OMucted llY Ill CAREY, ••• MICHAEL C~R.EV, •~I Llovd' Fr-rkk MICHAEL C. (:AR EY, Dta1Hd. Thi• i111-.,1 Wal llltd wll~ the J<(OTICE lit ;..HERel Y GIVEN lllolt Coun1v C!1rk .ol Or1Mt CounlY on Juni1 't tlli vf ltd r..rt!n I 14. 1t71 petition tor l'~1le a Wm 11\d for Fl't<f IHUl/ICt of Lt rttrl ol AC1mlnl1lr11!on with JJ:~D19~ J<r-~lf~,01" D<lllY ;1~?;4 !ht will lnMked lo lhe ptl!ll-' ' · refe-r...C:t lo whkl! •II 11\iode tor further ----·--------· --p..or!lcul..-1, tnd l~I the llm. Ind pl1Ct PUilLIC NOTICE of hl11l119 tn.. Hmt II• bffn Ml tor _ _ ---- Au<;111il 6, 1,,4, ti t \)G t .m., In Iha FICTITIOUS IUS INISS courtrOMI Of ~rJrntnf No. l of itld NAME STATEMIHT tour!, ii 11)0 ClvPt Ctntitr Drive WHI, ln The lollowl/19 per-Is dOlna b\1$1Mil Ille Clly of S.nll Ant. C1lliornl1. 15, Dllrd July 11, 1'1•. 015POSABLE5 UNLIMI TED, 1:MO WILLIAM E. SI JOHN, Loqtn A~ .• 5ulle 106. Co•l1 ~ ... " .. ,,,'o;;','l LCt.rk C1IU. '2614. • .. Irving S<llw•rlr, 10S1 W. 21Jth 51 .. AllOf'NY .. LIW Torr111Ce, Ctlll. 90~ 4lt E. 1n11 St. Tlll1 buslneu 1• CONluctM b'I' .tn Cott• Mff,I, Ctlllor11l1 tU11 lndlvldutl. T.i: tn41 '42·14411 Irving Schw1r1z AllOrMV fw: l'tll!l-r . '"' ' ' ,,, ' -· -l'vblnlMci Or1t111e Co.sl Dally Piie!, 5 \II emrn '."11S I'd I W th ""' '"'' '' I• ... 197• 1llOll·1• CounlY' Clerk of Or~nge C011n y on Julv 4 • • ... 11, 1t7'. P UBLIC NOTICE . FJM" Publlo.htd Of.t119e -Col~! D•lly Pllo!, July 16. Jl, 30 11!11 All!IU~I •• 1~14 J$91·1•. ~~~~-~~c:--­SUl'IRIOR COUllT OF THI STATI O' CALl,O•NIA FOJt PUBLIC.NOTICE ~THI COUNTY Of ORANGI ----·-------,. Ne. A.tff\1 -'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NOTICI! 0' HIARING 0, l'ETITION NAMf: STATlMl!NT FOJI: 'llOIATI 0, WILL ANO 'OR The lolloWlng perter> I' doing buslne1l LITTlllS TISTAMINT-.llY 11. Ell•lt of DORCAS R. McKAY, 'AIR 0'ZIGN$, 171' Verina, lrYIM, C<t~••sed. C.t .• '2661. NOTICE 15 HEREllY ~IVEN 'II.I!' C1!1lln1 \lllltlo Holmin, m• Vet.trKI. ALBERT N. McKAY 1111 !ole<:I ~<tin I lrvlnt Cl tJ6M ~,1,1.~=e •; LC~":::'eT_:,11,.:~111,:":'o ;: T1111 buli~•s ls 'conduc :ed Dy 1 tlmlled " ..... por!Mrshl~. oellf1-r remenct lo wllltll 11 mldt lor (flillln.t y Holmon lurlhlr Po'rll(ul.trl, and 11111 1111 llmt ind Tiiis •fittmenl · wl• filed wllh the plac:e of l>elrlno lht -hll bean Ml tor July 30, 1'71, .ti f:.lO 1 m., In Ille County C~rk of Orl"!I" Counly on Jiiiy (OUrtr-of Otp..orlmt'11 No. 3 of litld 11, H7t. · ,_,, 11 100 Civic Ct'flllt Orl111 Wn1,.4n _._-,,----, .... llM City of 51nll Anl, C1llPorriil: P111111...... O~•nQe --c:iiisr-0111'1' • Pll!!F, 5111.i A. SIO., 9611 •LI Mot1, Foun11l11 Yllltv, CA. t210I tki•!d P, S(1ri.d1fl. ._.12 CIWlr'MYllll, lrvlne. CA. tt105 Th11 builMSi I• <011<h.cled by I '""'1'11 Pl•INrll!lp, llot>b¥' L. Cl¥1Mil Thll 11111..,..,,1 w11 llled wi1ti llM Cll\lftty Clt<k ol Or111119 CounlY Cll'I JUN 11, ,1'14. Putllli.llld Or1noe Co.151 July J, '· '" 13. 197' FU1J6 Dilily Pllol, nis.Jt J1UBLPC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI •USINfSS NAME STATEMENT followl119 pertGn 15 dol"9 bu1!nt11 -~-=~­l'ICTITIOUS I USIN-.St NAME STAT l!"MENT l he tollowlng Pl'IOl'I 11 dolno bllifMU ... BUNNY FUR'S. ~l:i EilSl Cot~ Hlgllw1y, Cor-d-1:1 Mtr '261S. Solomon Btrm•n, 21u1 Brookll<lrlil $! .. Hu111ingtori Be1eh. C1lltornift '1"6 Tlll1 bu!Jnn1 11 concluotlld bY •~ lndlvldual. ' Solomon Bfl'rr"n I Th11 1tt1emtnl w15 ll!ed wiln ttM • County Clerk of Or•not COl!n!Y on Julv 3. t 1914 I F:iJJll Publlllled Or.tnge CH\! ,Otllv Pllol. July t. 16, 23. 30. 197' Bl2·1• PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI! STATEMl!NT Tile !ollowlr111 llOfiOn 11 doing bus!ne~1 •i: LIOO BOOIC SHOPPE, :Jilt No. 1 vf1 CPQ•lo, Ntwl>Orl 8tocl\, Ctlltv•nl• f26H Llncoln Otn11ra1 Corp0r1llon •t..10 I Indian Hiii Rd.. RIVll,.!lle, . CtiUcrn!• ~7>(11. Thh; bu,lnt1s I~ cOnducted bY tl cori>0r•llon. Ll"'oln Gen11r.tl CorPQrallcn Georqe Holaoie P•rs!e1en1 I Thi• •l•ttm'1•1 W.ti liled wltn tne Coun1v Cler• or Or1r111t County on Julv 3. ltl• Fl»U f Publlsllfd Or1noe co.01 D.tUy Pilot. L Julv 9, 16, 23, XI, 1914 25•1 ·1• -- PUBLIC NOT ICE --------NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUl'ER IOI. COUl.T OF THE STATl OF C.lLIFOINIA FOlt THE COUNTY 01'" DI.ANOE No." A • M1'1 Oi led Jiiiy H. lt1A. July 16, J:], JO Ind A\1111.151 6. lf14 dfl-1' ~!~~A~.~k SI JO HN, PUBLIC NoTICE DORA It. NYMAN ll1t J111 Mll1M Slnef L• """""' Clililnll1 90006 AlfWMf •• ,, , .. 111-l'ublllllled . Dr1n!:t CD.JS! July u. ,.,. 21, lt1• NOTICE OF TNI! TIME .AND l'LACE OF THE lttAlllNG OF Tr!E LOCAL AGllitCY FOltMATION COMMISSIO'll 0, OllANGli COUNTY, CALl!'OIN IA, W ... N TNI! "Sl'HfRE OF INFLU• INCi" l'Olt TN£ CITY Of' COSTA ----------=~---MESA, AS. Al>O'TlliO l'I'. THE COM· PUBLIC NOTICE MISSION ON---.IUNl!-U, _1f1l" WILL ----~~~·===,,----!:i'Lt~!WIO AND l'OS S I BL Y NOTICI TO CRl!OITOltS NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1111! Ille SUl'ERIOlt COURT 0' THE L~ll Ageney Formation Commlnlon hlis Esl1te of MAX HURWITZ •. Dtc••<ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEH lo the tr«litor• or !ht 1bovt n1med clKMtnl thll en --Mvt119 cl•lm,•,~, '•ir.1,,.1 '!-. .-.ld oec-n• 1r1 reQUlr..i 11 , .. wlln Ille ,..,,_......, vouchtf'a. In Ille olllu• 1 ot Ille de•-o1 ,,... tbOvt enlltlld. court, or to p<totn1 !him, wllh the nK(SN•Y voucnen. 10 !IHI underslollld 11 430 l:2N:I St., P.O. Soll llU. N•wporl &e.ch, c1rtnwnr1, '1660, Wf!!ch I,: -the pt•ce of 1>usln1!H of 11\e u~rtlgntd In 1U mll1trs oerltln!ng 10 lhl Hlllt ol ••Id drceoeot, within four mon!hl alltr 1he llril STAT• OF CALl .. OltNIA FOi ll1ed Wl<lnes.dl'I' lht Ulh d•Y of AUQu~I. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE "''II !Ile hour ol J:OO P.M. of Hid day MO. A•Ul or 11 iOon tMreatter IS said ma!le• c•" E1l1!1 of LEO RAYMOND MC GEHEE De llt.trd Jn Room S03 In the 0r8nQI OKe•Hd. C.ounty .-.<1mlnl•tr11lon Bull<llno. SU North NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo tht $yc1mor1 Slrtel, S1nt1 Ana, C1lilornl1, P11bllc1!lon or lhlJ na11c1. I I 011«1 June JS. 1'11. -·1<athlfffl o. H11rwlt> E~1cu1Tl1 of rM wui ct 111e eredllorl of the 1bov1 n1med decedenl 11 ttM llmt 1nid p11c1 fer Int Commlu!on 1h1I .tH perion• h&vh>q (li1lm1 111•lnll lht to r1vl1w Ille i40J1led sphere ol lnllue111;1 ,.ld·dlC.ldt'fll l rt r1qulrtd lo Ill• 1hem. for 111.e C!IY of Costa Mew. with thl MCIUlrv vOU(l\ers, In the office Tllo par!lcvl1r lerrlfflry v1;:h1n lhr of tM cler~ of tt>e 1bov1 orntltlotd ccur! or Cllv of C(lil.t Mft••1 adOpted •Phtre er 100-p<t .. 111 !hem. wllh tlM MC..,Str'f' liiflutnct lo be rrY!twtd lnvol\115 !ht vouc:r..rl, 10 11\fi under1lontd 11 .. ,. J:Jrd unlnCDl'flOl"llH 1r1a locale<:! bel'Ween St<eel, Wt•lmlM!lr. C1llf0tnl1 9l1Al. S1nt1 An1 Avenue 111d Tustin-Irvine whlcll 11 the pllCL ol 1Wllnn1 of 1111 AYtnlle south of Mt•• OriY1!. 111 Ille easl vndll'llOned in 111 rnane<1 perfllnlng to Coola MeM·"°'lllwtlJ NewPOrl Bt-Ch lne n li111 of wld d1etcltnl. vli1hh1 tour ••••· m011lhi 1llitr lht 11 .. 1 p1111llc1l1on ol !Ills Dated: Jvly I, 1971. 11o11c1. BY ORDER OF THE·LOCAL AGENCY Oiied Junt 15. 191• FClflMATION COMMISSION OF ORANOE DONALD J, McGEHEE COUNTY. CALI FORNIA E•rculor of !he Wiii of RICHAAO T. TURNER the 1b0v• n•rntd dtl:edlnt E•ec:vtlvr otticrr, Lot:>I ALICE MOOll! """'y Form1llc;n Commi.ssl~ Att-y 11 Lllw ot Oft-.Cwnly, C1Ht~rnoot U1 Htlllfrtlll N1. 1·B P11bll-Or1ng1 Co1'11 Dt•ly Pl1ol, C'"""" •I M1r, Ctlll.tf!lll tt•21 JVIY 1.6. J97' 7~·11 T.i: UHi Qj.Jt29 An-v ..,. 11i~1cvt.r _ltUBUC NOTICE • Publ!tlled e>ranot COU11 01lly Pllol.,l---"·----------- June 25, 11\d JvlY 2. '· 1" 191, nll·I~ NOT1CI 01' "O"·RESl'ONSlllLITY -------------,--Notice Ii htrebV g1~ !hit 11'1 11nder1lgned w111 not bf rr"'°"1lble lor _1ny 0t0t1 or li1t11Htl6 '9!1lr,e~_JY P U BLIC NOTI~ FICTITIOUS •USf Nl!:SS NAMll STATIMENT T~@ tollowlno pertonl ••• doing b\11\nll!S as: PARK AVE NUE LIQIJORS. 1!11 P1rk Aven~•. Coal• MMI. ca1nornl1 '2627 Elmll' P: C1.tpl1, )12' Pal1l1 Rd., tnY-all!Cr lhan myselflo>on or 1tllr f!lls dlle. C.tttd lhli 121h day al Ju!y, 191,. Janlt• Llnd;i K0tctlk 10313 .Slaffr Ave .. No. ?Ol Bldg. 10 Fountain valley. Calilornla 9'2106 Publl1lll!d Ortno• Co1i1 Cally Piiot, July 16, 11. J], 191• ?o1•·14 A111hllm, C.1l!lorn!1 '290' ' P"BLIC ·NOTICE 1bOV1 n1med dKl!'dent, 'j HURWITZ.. HUltWITZ I REMER 4M J,n. Sl<HI P.O. I t• UH N1wpOr1 111cll, .c1111ornl1 ttut Ttl: !JU) '13-Wlt Al!Of'MYl lor l:Htulrb Pu11ll1hed Or1nQt COllsl Oailv Pllol, July f, t, 1•. 13. 1911 l•*" -·--PUBLIC NOTICE ---I SLl'·f..o2 NOTICI TO Cl•OITOltS SUl'ERIOI COURT 01' THE STATE OF CALl,OINIA FOlt TH E COUNTY OF OltANGE No. A•I" E•tlll ol MARGARET PRESCOTT WISE. Otc11Hd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo ll>e credl!on of the 1toove ntlTM<I dKedtnl Illa! •II pe<SOlll n1vlng ct1lm1 19<1ln•I Ille Hid dle:fd~I ire required to Ille lhtm, wllh the nettswry vouotnen, In lne ~!rice of tl>t d•r• of Ille 1bove tnt!tled court, or lo pre\C:nl rhtm, wUh IM nc.'i:eswrv I "°"'"'''· ro the unflnlonltd 11 K!ndtl " ,1,noertou. &o~ :ra, S1nt1 ,t,111. Calllornl1 9'2102 which 1, lhe pl1ce of blislMSs of thl IHldtrsloned In 111 miners perltlnlng 10 lht t i!lll of wl!I dKedtnt, w!lh!n lour mo11th1 •lier lht tlr.1 I p11Dllc•llon al th!s """''· Oiled June 26, 1t14.· I Edg11r S. Wise E•ICUlor of lhe Wiii ot !hi above narned dec tchn! KINDEL & ANOEltSON 10Ht Norlll lrotdWIY ·1 Bil• ns '+ S1nll A111, C1lllornl1 'U01 !.,. Ttltpllone: 15'·7711 atverlv J. c11o!e, 112' Wft11 P1l.t!1 l----u--=--~~-­Road. An111e!m, C1llfornle 9'2tO>I This builr>UI 15 condUClfd bV an FICTITIOUS IUSINESS lndlvlduil. NAME STATEMENT Elmer F. C11pl1 lht fotlowlA!I pt<SQ<li are. dOing Tnf1 sltltrntnl we• llltd with ltia business 11: CounlY' Clerk of Or1111jit COl!nly on J'-"'e KOLL BUSINESS CENTERS • SAN 71, 1914 • OIEGO. 11'9'1 SkY Ptrk Circle, 511111 l , FJ!lffS 1'IMiA# C1llf., 911G1. l'llblhtwd Ori"'l!e Co11t DIHV Pllol, \~kl M. Kr.ill, "'9 Vi1 L'dQ ~Giid, June 2S. July 1, t. 16, 1'74 -1313-1~ NtwPGrl BelCll. C1lif., 9'2660. --------2. llcMrd C. Emon, 116 -.11111~ 1111, Newport s..ui. Calif .. 92660. • PUBLIC NOTICE ]. Lee c. S.mmls, t4 llll<lt IJlt, H•W· llOl'I BeKll, Call!, "'6(1, --------__ -----•· o.P. Mlddlema1. 11 !lalf Mcon !11y Dr,, Coronll det M.tr. Ct lifornl.t, f'UJS. 5Ll'·14l" s. Evtrttt Divis. Ill, 3'°° Sal!CIU<Jt •OjlCI TO CltEOITORS L•llf, Cororll 6f1 Mir, Call!. '11611. SUf'I IOI: COURT 0, THI! 6. TlmofllY l . Slr!>dfr, 19lCI Pllfl •TAH Of CALIFOllNIA FOi Albftns, NIWllDl'I !ltkll, C.il!!. S1'60. THI COUNTY OF ORANGE '· Frink J. SCiarr.t. 1iµ.,. RlnHll .. ._A .... R'""' WOMER ROid. la Mt11, C1llf. 120.IL E1tate al LESLIE '"" • ~. A E PreperUes,,lnc., 151 F11~m!no· SR., 1ho •!>Own 11 L. ARlHUA WOME R, '°" Avenue, H1rHcrd. C°"". Nil~. .OKetucl. "' , '" Thli Du~lneu ll cO<ldvcted by• llmiled NOTICE IS HEREtlY r;1y_ a 1 p..ortnerllllp. rredilors ol !hi •boll• n8med cll!cedenl TlmolllY L. Slrotde-r Attorney• tor E•tCUIOf" Pttttll•lllii Or1119e Co.11 O~lly Pilot. 'i Jul1 J, t. u. 22. 197, 100.74 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSlllESS NAME STATl!MliNT Thi lollowifl'll Pl•IOl'15 are dolno bus!nt•• 11: RILEY ANO VAN OSODL ~RCHITECTS A.I.A .. 17I02 S~yh P1rk Clrcl1 Suitt Ho. 201, hvlne, Cl lornl1 fl•• 0-oe W1111am Riiey A..tA ..• J1\n P1seo Ac1tl1, S..11 Juan c •J>l•'•1<10. Ce~I!~~ ~~61J11n awo( Jr. A.I.A .. 1('1 VII CordOv•, Newport B11cll, C"llilOrnl• ,,... Thi' bu~IM•• I• conduotltd bV 1 peneral 1>1rlMrlhlD. 0-111 W. Rlt.y N~lllln K. Vin Osdol Jr. AIA Tiil.i s!~ternen! WIS tiled Wiii! Ille County C!lrk cl 0•11'1111 Couuly on Jul y ), 1'1• th~! •II 111<sont hliYl"9 cl1lim 'Ha11111 '"' Th!t statement ..,as flied wllll !ht ~I~ 1',~~:,:;: ;::'~';!, 1~ 11~~·1~7'1~f County Cler~ of Q••noe County on July ol llM cle•k ot l!ltl above trnll111'd (lJUr1, er 11. 1'11. F>••J Publls~ Or.tn<lt Co.1st fl) preienl lh1m, wl!ll ll>t nKIUi•Y h July 9, 1', J3, 30, 1t7• FlUl) 0~11~ Pfln!. 2'60·11 vouchlrs to lllll under1lqntc1 11 1h1 L1w P11b!11 M Or•119e Cl)l\t O~Uy Pllcl, • ---Oftlt1 c1' Miiin M. Oo1tal, 11 Prcreut-1 Ju!v 16, Jl, 30 and AYgu~I 6 •. 1?11 16<t0·1•. P UBLIC NOTICE C«PQr1llan. 500 s. M11!~ ~1.1 s11, aoo, ------·-------- D••"ll9• C111tornl1 ''™'· wt.Ith 11 1111 PUBLIC NOTICE >Ul't!l10• <OUllT OF Tu & plact of bullneu . of II•• U'ld9f5l~n1e1 ., In •11 m11ttr1 111rl•!nl119 lo Ille.,,,,. of --STATS Of' CALI FOltNIA FOR llld dl-Cldtnt, wllllln tour months Iller l'ICTITIOUS •USINISS THE COUNTY OF OllANQI IM f!<ll~ubllc1Uon ol this nollt•, NAMI! ST.lTl!MENT ;,' Mo. A .... Dt!t( un1 21, 1,11. 11\t loJlowlng P4!!~0n$ are Ckllng HOTICI OF MIAlllNG 0" l'l!:TlTION mm1 M. Womer. • D111ln111 ll: FOi l'ltOBATS OF WILL AN O FOi E•ec:utrl~ or tllt Wiii cf 11\t RANDOM ,a, ASSOC,, 2li1' Av1ni;i1 LETTllS TISTAMl!NtARY t 1bovl n11"\td ClfCld9!ll Topano1,_ MllliCH'l Vle]o, CalllJ167S. E~t•ll of FRANCI~ R. CU)'fNINGH,loM, MILAN M. DOSTAL Rll'lll1 E. 51dnntr, 2lS3' A..-.nlC11 ak.t FRA.NI< ROBERT CU ~N+!l(;+:f"ilM, A l'ref11~I COl"l'lftllOll T-1191, MIHIOl'I Viele, Calif .. 9167S. lkl FRANCIS 11.0ll~T CUNNIJ<(GHAM, M SwtR Mllfl SI., Ste. INI lon1ld S. Gtb!tr, 1'15 POlflonl Ave, Otce.tH'd. '"' °'""'' Cllll<lfflll tu.I Cos!.t M11a, Ct. NOTIGE IS H611iBY GIVEN Ill.II T.i1 (1111 911S-2ftl Tll11 Mlne11 Is c-uctl!d 11'/' 1 llrnhflf · OAVIO M. CUNNINGHAM !Wis flied AH_.,-"' l•tt•ITI• p..1rt ..... 1hlp. 1 ....... ,, I 1111IUon tor Prori.tl• ol wur IN Pvilll~ 0.-1noe COIU D1ll't' Piiot, R1ndY E. Sklnntr IOI l1S111nc:e ot l tlltrs Tttlamen1·1rY f(I_ J lll't' 2, f, 1', Jl. 1t11 Jill-II This sl1twmtl'lt Wit fll«I with IM 1111 111tUlontr re!ertnc:1 lo w 11th ls mlOe 1 (:aunt'( Clerk of OrlllOt COt.1111'; °" July for 1111'1...,. 111r1ltul•r1. 11111 11'1111 IM time PUBLIC NOTICE I\, .. ,.. 9nd Dll(e of M••f""J "" Wrrl• ha$ ~ ---~~------1 FJM1J kl lor July tl. lt11, 11 t ;JO 1,m,. 111 tri.t -1Jfll . PubtlShld Dr•noe COMll ()Illy Pllot. tO\ltlreotft of OlptirlnMM NO. l of HICI l'ICTITIOUS •USINISS July 16, tl. JO 11\d Awusl .. 191•. UJt.74 court, .ti 100 Clwk Ctnttr 0r1,.. W111, I~ I NAM• STATIMINT IM CllV of 5an!1 Aneo C~lll!w nJ1. llW to11ow1,. ptfton 1, dolllll 111111twu PUBLIC NOTICE 0111' July .s. 1t11. WIUIAM L ST. JOHN, Iii • ' • ---.,oc:~c:oco-:-cc,,-,,,.,----1 C0\11\IT Clerk CANYON TOYOlA. Uol fiflvll •e• ".CTITIOUS BUSIN SS THOMAS w. HINOEISON, JI. llW'd, l rt1, C•IU, MAMI STATIMl"T AllorM' •I LI,.. ALOOl'f, -INC. "' 1'o\llll "'" f!IYd.. Tiii I01towl"'9 "''°" ,, dOlf'IO bllslMSI u • 1!11t IMh S•rNI Sloille 111 '"'' c;.,111ornl•. 11111 or 1~or 1llon1 u.~ c.wa Msw. C•tltorn11·,1.i1 . I . Ct~~'r e:iti I Ccw>ClllCIN "V I tor· VALOR HOUSE, llOS Jel!•r.an AYtl , T .. 1 17HI 541.JUt ....,. II ' !Mil I (0511 MIN. C1UIQfi\11 t1626 All-l' llri f't1l11...et 11 pori "'1:111erl C 5~(n'*f l'tttllllnl JOWCtll ltllerl•Uo.' 310} Jelterr,on Publl))MO Dr1r>Ut Co11t 0.Hy ptklt, • Ti,t1 ., ... ..,.~, Wl1 '1nte1 Wlll'I lhtl AW~CKll Mew. C:1•ll~nl1 t'/626 )Illy '· 10, ,,, 1171 -»l'·" C~ty Cl~rk of OrtllCll Covnl\' on Jllnt T~ll bWlntU 1! C~llCIHt DY an 19 lfl( T • , lnclhio!C1110l1 G't:TZ, '•1K1Ms • MANNINO J01r11h Lenerltl!O • . S") WUtlllrt ltulh er' "'1-h 1l•ttmenl waJ lltt(I '"'"· 1111 Lt• A...-111. c;atifernt1 _,. ) twnty Cl•rk of °''"'$ C:ounlt on Jo.Mt T1l.1 ttt4111 11, UT "' • • ,,...\ FJ4fft l'~Olllhlb Or•• Co411 0•11~ PJll!i, -\IOllV!td Or1not CO•\! O•l'it Piiot. July t. II. 13. », 1•/• • J$>4•11 J11ne U. J11i.r '· t, U, ltlA ~1'1·1• • . , t .. Kids Li1'e I .To As-k l11itly ti for TEN t op sal~speople. /1.1 u s-t be l\'OOd panelled clen, beautiful rorn1al dining._ 5 e>\p_erienced. prod uctive and h av e co-2 fireplaces. 3 bath!;, 'loads of storage, laun- 1 r ~ HmwfofS. 11 fl!t j o p erat ive attit ude. Exceptionally gener· d r y room, a t rilln1 entrance and oversized _ ·-· -· -· . ous com1nissio11s spill plus 1er rific p rof it garage. l·lom e centers around lovely pool I sharing progran1. 1'he f inest location in New-a rea. /l.fan y, m any rustotn features. Just 6 1002 por t Beach. "The Esta te R eally Buildin g", listed . call for complete details. 546-5880. General R.E. ( N' cor ner o ewport C e nte r Dr. & F a rallo n . WESTCLIFF In d ividual offices for sales people. Fo r 546-5880 ...,>,,. HERITAGE· 7 EXECUTIVE confidential i~tervie\v, .call Gordon I-Ja ney, Open Eves. Super shurp \Vt'8tt.liff ho"''-'· P r esid ent 673-l 518 A Bedroon1. 21-: l»ith. Lnr~1· pool. Thi~ hon1e Is 1hf' hct;1 Generaf R .E . 1002General R.E. 1002 General R.E. . • REALTORS' 8 huy In Ne11•por1 &1111..:h. Cull ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: G4ti-m1. Properties * I NEWPORT W /POOL I !" 3alboa Bay Custoin built honic on ran' I I 1002 1 G~ner~I R.E. 1002 D A I L y . p I L 0 T NEWPORT SHORES NEWPORT BEACH \ lot -and -ii • half. 31 Walker 8 lee , Bt'<lroo1ns. 2 b;iths. forma t . ,,A~ l•T•ll Spotless! 3 .BR .. 2 ba. ·POOL . U!ning 1w111. BcauJHul eMOVE to MONACO 1 •~~~~~~~~~~: ho n1e. \Valk lo c Jub, 31iR. fa mily rnl. Lovely 1 lrr<>gu!ar po<Jl wilh loads of &sk h_1 the luxury ?r lhls pools & tenn is. O nl d I h 1>11tio phis 2 vard :11·eas I C'ii<'C11t10110Jly bC'a ut1 f11l 2 1 . "'53 500 675-7060 y I groun s ,y g reen ou se. Nr·11• 0carpcts/dri11>es. NcwlY . l..e(IJ'OOnl :ind cll.'ll ho1ne. v Vogel & Babbitt REA~TORS Big Conyon $j1Ccial ist~ Counlry Club Mornt'8 untl I Ionic Sites 260 Ne"'l)O~t Cenle1· l)r. Ne\\·port Beach (7141644-00.'Xi MAKE ROOM FOR. MOMMY! $40,500 Kingslzc single story rriil!J!es huge ('OUnlry ldtchcn ~ 1 b...:Uroon1s. i\l11slrr has dr~s­ ing area. $40.!"JOO. Call 1101v lo Sl"C 847-6010. Red Carpet R .E. Office \\'otking pi1rtner wanted, Buy 20'; intere~I in offi<:<': Call 6~5-8080 ror inf. !._ • __ . _ _ ·-__ \\:a lk to schools & s hop. 1 1-eniOOt·lcd baths. ·a 11 c-y Quiet. cul-<~c:s~c l~·atinn.\ N ewport Ba ck Bay I ping. $65,950. 642·7491. _ n<'r~Sli. Oqt> of_thl' lwst .b~ys S'.~·9i'O. Jo J<.J:,. Caro II 2BR d. ( --ONE-TWO ___ 1n 1'\1•w1x>r1 Mr1i.:h1s. $63,j()(). \\ 1lk1nson, 6-W).-<\161. ., 111 . r tn ., am rn1. IRVINE W_il'OOL l · Lge1 backyar~.65x l5ft,' Both are.rie\V. Dup lex,t Custom Jiozne 0111 e_LETis~ETP9PP_I~' cov d p a tio. Cul de sac. ocean v1e\I'. SIIS.000. I 111,;sUglous · Jrv1ne Bentle-(ON POPP\· A 1.1 '.~ell'. 111 Nr ho r se trails._ etc P lus Balboa Is le hotne 1·ard. Needs p;1int and ~orona tlel 11.hu · A n1 · _ , • · . tnvestn1enr \hut pays 101·1 $49,950. SSG-8800 $l 59,500. 673-7420. I f'arpets. 2 Bed~wnis \\'If~' it'iell? Clean building and1 lai"'A'e n1astcr SU!'':· 3 baths. neat tenants Un d f' ,.I IX'n. lo1111fll rhnuig rooin. · .· . I] REALTORS ra 1 ··h·p.~\"f•t" kitc!wn. \\'ill sell SIOO,IXKI. All 1h1s, s1tuate~1. o~ rasl. Only S59.900. OPEN two R·2 lor~ n1ake rlus .1 S..\TUP.riAY & SUNDAY. l ~Utk•.rb vahw. Call for •"'"'"'~S~L~oc"'a~l~Olf"'~ic~e~s,..T~o"'Se~r~v~e"'Y~o~u"'"' ... ._' DREAM HOME dcta11.~. Bart Ja cobse n. 61-1-4174. Gene -,,1 R.E. 100--2 '-RE I002 Only 2 years old. 4 bed .. 3 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.·;;;I ~erai . . hn•h. hanhrood f I 0 0 rs. ,. drl'a1n kitchen. s u 11 er tAediterranean UJ)j,,'t'flding -barge corner V I.Ila In lot 11·ith extra <X1ncretc drf)'e <UJ(I bout · gat~. J<:astside TIMER C d I M Costa ~-lcsa, O;!lly S-11!.!00. 01•1 • oron• e ar \\ill \ r:1(]c fol' i II i: 0 Ill C OLD •CATALINA, 1----------'1 Possibililil'S galore! L6J'g~: prnpc11y. I Big 5 Bcdrooin hOnic, l'.'ith 8 eo1·ner lo~ 1~ith S~acr to add CALL &l~>-6G~G rorn1al ,lining i·oon1, having • on rr desu'li<l. This d1u1·n1er 1' I PALOS.VERDES NE\VPORT HARBOR. Sec then1 all fron1 your fully landsc11prd a11d h i i:: h J y upgrade<l Spyg!11I;~ If i 1 l retJ'cal. 4 Bcdruon1s 111Kl fa n1ily 1oorr1. Fee land. f or o!Tly S169.500. Con1pare all othf'l' vie11' prlc~s. Bat1 Jacobsen, 1}4.j...-1\74 , ' 1770 sq. fl. and 2 brick I ha~ 2 ~roon1s, 2 baths aud . . rireplacl'~. 1-«ate<I on . a 1 a f\cx_1hlc roon1 that rn_n . be ~ p R €\ T JG€ ll"t.'C shaded . eornCT . lot,1 ,anythnv: ycru. nee~: D1111ng HOM€~,• 57'>J.60' •...• u11yonc can take I ~n1, dr:n 01 fr1 1~11~v t"90rn. _ over 1his i1~·1tr Io a 11 . ( P~ic~~ at only $69.:-ioo. ~ll . . """"'"'~""'"'""""""'"''"'"[ Pltvabk· S2M. month PIT! of 1 67:'.-8::1.10 fol' sh o 1\• Ill.; 300 i\:, :'\c\1·port Bl.. i'\.B. 640-1120 (~tfflEX I HouMslorSM ]e l I s2o",ooo. Bl'ing a paint brush I appo1n1n1er1l. -COLLEGE PARK I ;::1.,,'j~$:,3"'3"'."9""'so'"'. ·; ~;~""~'." ...... '"" •o" '"'" FRESH & BRIGHT POOL HOME I 8 1 , NOTH ING DN TO Vl:.IS \ I P 1 of ess1onall~· . de<."t>l'l)ted ' ASSU~IE GI LOAN Harbor Vie11• Hnrrrc. Atluh f;llil , 2211 NewpG!'t Bl. __, 1---&.i:upird 011ly No defc11-ed I This beautiful Collf'gc Park Classification I 000-109 ( --1 -~ Clas sif ication 1100 I Re11I Estate. 1 Gen«al Cla1sificetion 1200-299 9 646C0sto8Mesa811 1 n1au11t'nan{'('. La11·n al'("as hon1e tuts all the an1eniUC!I I • OCEANFRONT 11nit \ruxlscap111g de!"ite:ned to that you\•e been looking tor. DUPLEX pt•rlL'l'tlon. You 11·ill be 1 Cus1on1 Spanish t1le pool. Sun/ Eves.-~ Bdrm!!. up, 2 bdrrrn;. rlown: I excited v;ith Wiis-C\-W · """\\'<lll to 1\·all CatP£_lS lhruout. 646--5855 I 2 balhs Pitch. Spacious popular 11.lonaco plan loaded and a GI IO?n Yd\1ch can be upper unit l\"ith_ Ol)l'll l'lf'an1 11ith extras. Ex~ ens Iv e assunied_ \\'1\h paym:nts of 1.•eil's.. fr ple., complercly eo11c1'Clf' 11ntl b1·1ck "·ork. ~nl~ $2-11 n10n th. A ... k about • !• .. •• .. " ' ' 1 • '• l· " i• " " / [. _;.....-)e 1. ~ '-"Attention ftUPi _' r~-u 'U:'.!-11·~ 1·US1001 ~raped-Mil'~· _ l-!CE;J<,_~.u"'--f--L--1 =t, fw11L<>hcd· J0\\1"!1' u n i t c.omplctety c:lr')X'led and hs ling No. 8860 1 • ,, t'f.-'u!al. $199.000. \\'ilrdrobes, !mjal loca tion. f REAL ESTATE Builders 1 Oill: 67".r-3663 833--0523 E"es. t.llnutC's rron1 F' a s h _i_o n . 949 ~ 9 Nc11·1XlrL .Bf>ai·h adtlrr~~. i!:Qn-l.sland 11nrl _ UCJ. P1 lffll t 545. f I '-. C <'r[ lt.1 1'0un1y. :!2.:l16 sq, ft. t-right al ~9,7jQ. I huildahlc lot _apvrox. COATS NEWPORT 107'x20S' plus n1utua.1 lLCL'CS~ I 1 ~ & I c11se111cru fron1 ~lonrovia l I BEACH AREA Classific;.-tion 3100.369 I . Apotrlmenls tor Rent · 1 ~ ulong N'V Bount111rv. Just · W WALLACE I ·. , L 9 1 N\V. of sU 111.~rior A\:(. .. ad-! , REALTORS Its. all logcthcr hc r7. On.~ ~ ja1..'!'nl h1 fells\ of) Newpo1·t . l'"l41 I la1gc l'Oml!r lot 111 qu1e I Cre·t 5 16-2~13 I 5 B d I -._..... -con1n1unllv. Hai-all !hut s. ,) . e roo ~ (Open Evenings) n1akes "Nel\'PCll'I .. a spcc1.1I Classification 370 0-399 I 1 ~ Rentals f OPfNTIL9 • irsFUNTOBEN/Ci:' plat't'. Ne;i1· beal'h A If®-~ 3 B th I '"'""''nl•. '""''" "''"" 0 • ' -" .a Newport Beach-nwilf cou_rse. Sparklln:;:: p001 ~ r . ' utlcls th final touch! 3 large One o! a knKl. deluxe hoine .. ~· h<x!room~ . de('p carpet • S ~ 11:ith 2100 sq. fl. ;tll on one Oi\•ncr \\Ill_ Fina.nee _. 1 ne11• bu1rlwr block rounler C la ssification 4000-465 I I Weslcl • 1 ff DoMer floor. 2 Firl'ph1t.'t!.~. all bl111 Mu~Jloac Fa~11~.R• I tons in kil1,.'hen all thi~ for • equipn1en1, 1111 like 11('11'. 1 a ing Si9,900. call ~231 3 f'NnClal Classifica tion 5000 Exec:utiYe Home Just $52 500 \\lien you purchase a Hre ()P(N nt 9 . IT"S FUN ro BE NICE' S ' style. Ne1\' Hi·lO\\' carpets. 21 r·® ·1 'i I I~ I Sharp! Sharp! \VC'slcliff iin':• !.. fircplaees, beautiful fan1ily ' , , Announcements -d hon1c • for only $76,99;>. 1 2211 Newport Bl. 1wm, all on a quiet !rec 1 ' . •• UnlX'lic1·obl_;1! 11. h~s. fou." I Costo Mesa shaded streer. OtfC'red a1 C lassification 5100-5299 1 bt--droonis. -= h,ilhs and '1 646-8811 only S5.i,750 \\'llh \hf' O\\'!lC'r l c.'~ .• --=-=======~! I 1111),(e J){)()I. 011•11('r has k aoo f r . :1lrC'ady bought n{'\V hon1c in rinanc1ng. As . u isling I D BO. A ISLAND I Ilg] ~.F .• ~ \\'ants fa~1 Psc1u11'. Sun/Eves. No. 1'1!1.1. l AL L01tandfound : This 110111e 11·ill linve open I Walker & Lee !3 BR., 2 BATH C-1 F . I ' hotL~e EVERY DAY un1il I 646-5855 Refl l Eslnle $78,500 Classification 5300 I suhl. So !1uJT). !f'forc il"S ( _, 545-9491 i loo la1e. Gl6-7'711. · 128 WAREHOUSES 1 1~ [)lock 10 hcach.• tlp.~tairs I l~I -·~--.._ Brn11d nC"'• nu"' ll'asin". EASTSIDE C M z I c 1 I · .,, '''''"''' ·.·. j "' . . of ha.\·. ,OTI('t • 11 pnn1r I 70•,; alreadv. . I ea s rd ; lk & l lo"• DOWN loc111ion. Caplure 1his n1stic I ' Wa er· -ee O!JJ)()rluni!y-. s;-,oo.ooo. Jo..:;o.;(.'l.'I· fl charn1 a! a lm1-gai1rpl'icC' by Classification 5350.5499 ' RI Al 111 A,, tent rclul'l1: 'i.!"1 "ro;;s. 3 Bcch'oon1, .1 ~ bnlhs. l4x2ti calling !H::i-TJ'13. ~e·111rule hv1ng IUO!ll II' OPEN rtL'. !TS FUN 70 8[ NICE' E I l~ -D~---I A rh "epl11tt. Plus rnn1ily &1 L Interest l..ol!I of cupbonrd spare. · I, StrvicH •nd Repairs . ' up ex-ssume dining lU'l"IL E ll'l'. : :ins. I ~ OW Qunlily crpts & dL'JlS. Ohl I THE REAL ESTATERS Classification b 00-4099 1 VA loan gnl': Good ..,. f i nan c in i; 1 D ' 1 .. ," n'· 11 TORS 111•11il11ble. $.'ID,OCil 1 ;._.:;;-~~-~-i;;~-~;;;-~; ... ~~-; ..... ~~I l~I JnC(lnlf' .>.N ll'Cr 1110 • "'' • · 1 646-3928 _Eves. 673-4577 S.HA-RP-TO-WN-HOUSE lnstru~tlon ~ P11yn1ent S21:i _ per n10~ ! ! SINCE 1944 '--------· Cnll rlo11• S-12·2il'i Agent 673-4400 I Sini;:lc ~tory. 2 l.Jl'(lroon1. I=!-, 6 4 2 Classification 7005 Of'E,VTll 1 . rn ~UH ro B£ ,.,,cf' U.1ths. Lll\·ely d r a Pc s • -ca1·1k•ting, r1c11· •111plinnces, ~® M6SA VERDE ('()J11(>r fh'f'pl11ce. L itl g c I :'..Jlf 11 , EXCLUSIVE patkl aod gnl'drn 101· your Empio'mlnt f : This 4 br, 3 ba ext"Culi\P,J;ini· I do!: or cat. lt1!L1'E'Hlion 1'00n1 I 1ly ho1nl' .hus n forn1.~1 din· -L T h an Rent--and 11l';llt't.I puol. 5.11!.000. Classification 1000.1 199 -111Lt 1'00111 & ii::e "l'J~ir: •• 1 ess 'PETE BARRETT I fl I. f. hi 11u11ily 1.,,,.111 1~ ~x1,..is('(l N Beach · 11 M-···"···· II~· 11, n a ion 1g er _ "'""'" • ,,,, ""' .. k "'""' + ear aJ--REALTOR-... ~ ... ,JU -A hid ..... (ihi'Pl'<I pool &;.1,000.---' Up~r;uJcdJ!lJ'\'('11:'._J\"l!Y,·,u'Gl'\:. 645-5200 L • • I Rent Olher I ~:ill l(>r 11111H 10 sel'. l'l"'r11 111 and oui I 1ve tn , Y1\HD 11•i1h .~hud<' lr<'r. ~ Classif ication 8000-8099 1 \Vrll buil! 2 Ult. har1l1111od Di\VllJ BOUH1,~;. rtJ;rn. ni·:vc uu·u BOAT IJOOP.. ONLY $32,500 floor11, r11·,.plar(', i.:ardcn & _ -:i~G-!l!tr>O __ --V\111 11rl1'r 01ilv S29.~iOO: ! B(•i.:t to ... tfl ~lr"11 for 162S ' I [•~ II !i'f.-'rs ."'r>par:•t.P "l Bfl hon.le'. I Old Corona del Mar C11n'1 l11~t lonJ1, Cull now ro1· c1,.,11 ,1? UnbeJirvabl~·. A Mlln::-~.nt Y. ' t•nrnrr lot. , ~·}'Ctit, F.a~~Sltl(• j Unu~ua l ln1·e1-1l1ncu1 or1po r·· 111ore dc111lli1 842-2J::t:l ll~!!nl. 1 llll'.ely. 1'cn1oclck·d hon11! In a '---------'· 1 locu!lt1n S•lh • .l.iO. Con1pl"I('. lluuty. J::!\'.lra ltu'b.,'. 4;1 ft OPfN~IL t • 1rs fUN TO 8E" Nf/";f• I-,\l"oOd fa111ily 111.'ilthOOrhood. Clai$ifica tion 9000-9099 400 [ 17111 1 FOR All (-{-:? lot 11 Ith 1111fu•iou~ 2 1 [~ 't 1;oon1 10 1'Qlln1 In this blk • ARW Ldr111.. 11 J lin. i-hannt'I". Nick ~·ru'd. hu• hu11'Y 1h!51 • l[rt.i) C.M. ·_-_-_ I n1·11ly 1•;11·1)t'ICd. l'h•nty ()f ,1 c:u1'1 lnsr. C11116 1&-7711 ~-~-I lrHSpOrtatioft -· 1:i:ion1 for hu:xt· unt1 + 4 1 L.K.ER & LE.E --. e111· ~nra~I'.' DL'l'O~!I back. ~ · -';;..---HE:AL ES'l't\TJ-: c1.,,;;;"'.'•' 9100.9499 1 'C. f .. Colesworthv -FREEDOM-HOME r IRVlf'jE-W /POOL 5 6 I COSTA MESA ,_REALTOR_S _640.0020 WHO WANTS ON~~. ('us101n l10111f' on pi'el<tl~ious l§] Fou "-PLEX Con1plc1ely 1'('n1e1<lcled N;.,\\ ll'\ill(' ._ lt:iull'Vt•rtl. Nei!ds Autos far Sale Q I' MC:SA VERDE gold. 11hag Cn.rp<'ts. ~''"'I p.i lnt ono.I corJX'l!I. 2 '--------' I Coll us n.bout r h I~ ' prtthng. Com11lctc 11 11 \I' J &-..;roon111 11 ilh I 11 r '!'. e Cl<1i sification 9500-9999 t111Nl·t~llnd Inv cs 1 nt t'nl I Qy,llf'~ hM •~uci'd !Hice 1~ kitchen. ..T~kPiJ 11 "' 01.!.I '.ntnl!llt"'I' 1111he. 3 balhs! Df.n, oppartunily 111 ,1 hentr $12.!'l.50. ~or qtnck 11.1lp, •I Li;:t I u1nount or ~ash to niove In. •lorin~L dinh~ l'OOnl. s tep- \l'e!'lsldC' loc11.tlon backinl!'lo UR~. ~i'll'!l•rm. 1111 xtrni!. CHU &IG-7711. 1131·('1· kilchcn. \\'ill M!lt fa$!, I\ w 1r •tOOt'SC. $6J0lmo Xlnt ~n!I; lfUiC' ,,..oo I ! On I,, s -, 9 9 D 0 C11 11 1 i'O e '.Wld be 111,,re l A~.;unXt 6,.V.A. 1~ .. 11• "1 PnE:sr·1c'F: i10111ES, n.: 111 c 100. mo. or l{f'hn:1nrc "'.'"''I" ., 7-+ ·Trivia? 8 lt'1 a reason -10 read,.,.-- Daily 'llot's ~s~·~~" ~~CllrlC'Y only NEl~~>:-.1 llfo~.11. Ef<l'T1\1'l::. ~--IN~~ --~ ,,. Call ~l-'i2ll !)i!Mii4S. 32.tOO SILL_LB.UX.o..+---~-I \~ h•1t II l11!lh;1u~f'. 1'hl~ {lrl('I' · entertainment pog• ev•ry Satur~oy _.TKE MOSTEST 1.·011'1 I~ I;(•" for u if>,·ely FOR THE HOSTESS I ..rt .. 1,~··ln t••n •ifti·n hon11•. . ll11rt;-• It w1.in 'L l,1~1., Elt·Q:~111t hf1111(' \11 111·1nu• ureit. 8-... ~10 \·•,,nr 1 !i hNtroqn," Fo111ih• r,.,1111. ]-11 ·....:.. -' _ t'onnnl 1ttnln~ rtlf•1ii. t)\i'r·t IDEAL LOCATION :ch~f' t·ul·dt·:<.t•E' lot. l-1<':11111-Nc nr llunt. Cir. 11 U1·. 1 ~;,· J11.!lx.1IC1'(1111H'd· ;i.'l.~. C11ll h11, frple, •11nnm1·. Uy Olvn· 11r; i010 10 :«'f'. • 1 rr. S.13.000. $97 •. 1911, I -·· '. ii , • . . . I t • . • .• ~ • • • • ' • ' • • 1. .. ,. ' .... . ~ . --,.. ... ·. ' .-. ' . . ' -·. • ---•T • • ~ 20 OAILV PILOT TutS\taJ, Juty·l&, lq74 ~~1-.G~.,,.;;;;;:~r~•l~R~·~l~·~~-·l~OO~l~G~•~n~e~r·~l~R~·c::..·~-"....;.1002::.:.::..\Generi01°R0.E0.~~,;oo""1'G'-en==•r~•"1°R0.rE-.~~"1 ooiM2T1G'-•=ne=r~!"1'R'.r£-.~~"ootM_~.G~e~n~•=r~elnR0.•E'.~~-..Xi"r~c~o~r(lo]in~•~;~d;•~l;Ji!f:C::::J:£':=1"1rc-;c~ .. ,:-::.Mo..:-:,.o--..,-~~i~02~4;:;:H~u=n~ti=n~9tto=n•·a~.=.~ •. h.-l11040\In.I , ' ~· • .- U.'sTSIDE DREAM HOME Only 2 yea1·s old. 4 bed .. 3 bath, hardwood floo rs; drea1n kitchen. super upgrading - Large corner lot \\'ilh extra concrete drive Rn d boat gate. Easlside Costa Mesa, o~ly S48.900, or \\'ill trade for incon1e property. ~R€S-TIG€ I HOMES REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE 300 N. NEWPORT, NEWPORT BEACH J NBA COUNTRY CLUB SUMMER JS HERE! I COMMUNITY Slop '"'"""" "•UI• "' and • OUR BUSINESS IS HELPING PEOPL E LIVE BE TTER HARBOR VIEW HOMES . . . One or the most popular districts of the entire Harbor area-... licre arc l\VO good- values . . . 1 WOODED RETREAT. J)clighlful lrl·plex, one block froi'n China Cove. Absolutely prime condition & verda nt la ndscaping. Financ· Ing available . $38,500. Enjoy adult living in a brand ne\v 3BR ·townhouse. Beautifully landscaped & · 1naint.ained. Cl\arminG pali & fireplace. 1. ,PQllT CHELSEA ... quiet street, poi>-Owner Is anxio\ts, llurry! ! ! ula r ~·lon aco m od el. 2 &drn1s. & conv. den; OLD BALBOA CHARM, 7 Bcdroon1s +·-a b t"f 11 d d · 1 t t· k tree shaded badminton court. J ust steps to enu 1 u Y upgra e · inc· ex rf-pa 10 \Vor •. ocean and beach. Perfect (or large fam ily, $69.500. -----b ild 1 . ' lo G --1--01r-u or view o_o t.baLextra l ! reat 2_£.0RT DU RNESS ... high on a hill \vith location, great value at $Iso-;-ooo. xlnl view of valley & Mts. 3 Bdrms·. & fami- ly rm., brand new. $8'2 .500. GRUBB &-ELLIS DUR BROKERS 67§.7080 Co d.I Mar fron1 1he bea~·h! ! Own your rona This (l'lll<' hontu ht\1' privacy ov.•n srudlo Condo rl~hl Une Up h'1n1 thP t\n1e )'OU (lttll'li U1e acrou trom ow-O<Yon nt 1 "BACHELOR PAD enclosed t.'l1Urty1trd untU )'OU llunl'inGton llu.rtiour for only l<'t1\'C lt. 3 yf'nJ'tl r~v. ·1 bed· $2-&.900. Or enjoy 11 cool, Jn Corona lllKhlsntU with 1'00nno. All lhls and )'('I')' N'lt\)(/ng &1n1111er In 11 n1ore ltt..°t.'C'NS to pr!v111e Ms1·h -:J lov.· yal'd u1oln1en11nc:e "'' li!l"til)Ull J ' b cd r o o ni Bit 2 BA with i:lant ma."1cr $6l,4fi0. tHS.?~71. Corxlonilnlurn 1\' i I h n !>Uile and llll'(:e POOL Of'ft' TIU . IT !JN 10 BE..NICEI bcauilluL puU~ Ul)gl'Uilr(i ~ $6\1.500 11uper ttnn~. =-c11rpe11 »,nd l 'UJ'll'~. Onl)' CORNER LOCATION 1>1.~. · A •2 BR hdri1~ on R-2 \\'ill1 Ask 101· Al,Y!lc' or Oflve e :«I' e 11 en I <' x 11 an11\ou Ch ristiana Rea lty ~11,.~iblll1 ies, bift ynrcl, & ''f'=~;;;=:::=:=:==:: 16916 \Vnrnl.'r iii Goklcnw<•lit 1·11,ln kitchen onJy .$67,S00.1-Huntlni;ton Be;u·h !!M2-74MI! 3 BR 1 BA . • All!O on 1111 ll-2 lol \\•ilh A 1'C'al doll!musc! F1·eshly ACRES-OF-duplex JlOll'lll.la l 11 (IC>xlble pililllL'<I :i bd1in.. 2 both • Uool' 11l1t.n 1n n lerrlllc north hon1<'0 1vlth n1any fruit ll'("Cs. . o 1.!!Sh\Va}'_ locatio n $69,9"JO ltk!h1dt'll kitch1:n built-Im!. GREE SWIFT DUPLEX Coven.'ti-,mtiif.'"'"l"llll rlet". --· · A r'OOlny 3 BR 2 BA owncrtl $37,750. Ask aboul lht• • • unit \\•Ith (il'epla<.'C .and lll!.~uninblc loan. Ca 11 Surround lhlx 2 x1ory, 2 formRI rl intns:-and lletll'ly Ml>-1720 bt>c'lroon1 2 hath to\\:nhotite RpartmC'nt ,v\lh bea 1~1 mftftl!lL. \:)>\rl\ Kt'01\ing ~pa<.'f'. BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 b1·and new 2 br g:arn.gti L · ] v.·ilh hugt• IJOnu~ room -for ceilings nnd l.'OVercd patio ~IU~0 Vacanr fnr I m 111 e d In I c General R.E. 1002-General R.E. 1002 ent"t Q11ly $91,500 niove-in. Ju.st 31,: do\11n k> n ;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;====;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;===~I THc CROWN JEWEL -lo\V S'.l!l.500 full price. Call Hi~h on thl' crest of a hill 29;,;i llat·boi· Blvd Ox;ta S.Khl140 \\'llh 180 dcgtte vlt.'Yo' A .. f.'lcsa .• WALK ER • LEE · :,'Ot'&COWi -<f Bit home \\'Ith , . -, Ii.EAL t-;S'fATE (orrnnl dining u ht.1,ll:e gan1c f.lc~. \\ootls be~uty, 3 B•, ~---" -- roo n1 all in custon1 built f11n11ly roon1, :111 ye<1rs new, Ex 1· J nh el~an<:e $149.001 atriun1, lge patio & secluded ecu 1¥8 ow ouse Fol" All Tlit: Above ~llrden, erl llll'(iral clngs,. 2 407 E. COAS T HWY. CORONA D E;:L.MAR General R~E-.----:-1002 Gerieral R.E. 1061 • Call 644-72U 7~¥'N ass~1nRbl~. Gr loan nc tU 1 3 lx'drooni 2 sio~ . $28,400. Priec $•\S,rilO. au u •J CJS REAL ESTATE + upw:raded c11rpetJng. Cus- 548·1168 ('\'t'S 5.i7-62.J.1 tnn1 drupe~. 1:1u'll1·n po1lo I • , ' ln lront. bitlco ny oll 1nns1r1· -~~-6~4~5·6~64~6 ~=----.=--I GREENBROOK General R.E. • 100,2 General R:E. 1002 COUNTRY KITCHEN MODEL -· Vaulted SUPER BUYS * Vacant lot, County R-4 zoning $29,750. * E astsid e 3 bedrm. huge Jot. · $36,900. * 3 Bedroom & family Mesa Verde $4 0 00. * 4 Bedrm, -run1plfs-r1n, qilicR pO"SS-$47,850. * :~ Bedroom Duplex. E-Side $47,950. * ,2 Homes on Lot, Santa Ana Hghts $48,750. * "I U~it s , Long Be ach. xlnt income $59,500 1797 ORANGE COSTA MESA 642-1n1 ceiling, 3 bedrooms. only one year ne\v, m odern as today anCI ready -to -1nove into. Lots of rough textured \VOods. shag - carpets, fireplace, the \Vorks! 90% Financ- ing availabJ e. Vacant, see today. Call 540.11 SL COOL COSTA MESA 2 EASTSIDE TRIPLEXES-Quiet location~ close to everyt.h,ing. all in \Vonderful condi- ''(iolt \Vide lots. excellent landscaping. Ask· ing $136,000 for both. Call 540-1151. ERITAGE REALTORS PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES NEAR SOUTH . COAST PLAZA And a proposed p ark! This complete family home is clean enou gh for you to m ove in \vithout lifting a broom. There's a family room (with fireplace) plus bonus room plus ou r . bedrooms· ·plus breaKfast area plus formal dining. All that for $64,000. And you can \Val k to South Coast Plaza to spend the S you've saved. UNIQUE ,HOMES Realto.,, 546-5990 2850 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa lOOl"""'Ge neral R.E. ·1002 IRVINE TOWNHOUSE UNDER $30,000 · OWNER selling 3 BR, 2 BA. (plus utility room) Alpine-style condominium in \Valnut $quare. Air . conditioned. Shag carpeting,- ·drapes. red\Vood patio. Across Crom com- {TIUnity pool and par k. Near schools. l1nmed- 1ate possession. Priced at $29,000 with 90 per cent financing available. ·call 551-5151 ANYTJME. · I~ EXTRA Igo n10(l~m 4 Br, 2 bcdroon1, henvy i;hake roof, Ba + 1>lud\o ln ~Int :>Lnf;(IC! ne1U' Pool. O"·ner 1nu:>I Sf!ll, _ _, fnmlly nrcn. $5000. dn. $34 ffiO • BV , Ow~r on Fee t.._;i1u. $49,(0). 637-7368 .or 998-3903 · ·· · H.\. lhtls .. So. Sn.nclp1pcr uftcr 6 pnt · I' 1llage Real Estate Alodt•I. 4 -BR. 2 1/1 BA. . _ Fam. r m. 3 cnr gar. 3 BR. 2 ba_, blk \\"nil len<:t', .. .. Upgraded. 2 frplcs. $98,500. bhlns, crplS, nev.• paint & !62·4471 ( ..... ) 546·110J OLX'n !JOU~ S !\I -S un . lndscpd. Ai;swi1. GI loan.1,.. ...... ...,,,.. .. -...... !1 644-1938, ~1331. 1528 -Kccl ~~622znio. No _agt s . =------oyo LLHOUSE- Dr. · -Cozy, cute :ind cle11n as a SNAZZY ! I 3 ~R. 2 b.?· HIF pool •. cust. pin! Thick and t911sry \\•arn1 . k1!, panelutg, irplc, A....sume carpet. CuS1Q'l'n walllS(.'Oallng Gt-eat '.!.~R; "':(annly 1·m: S'i;, loan. ?w:u'· 257 Brent·· & polished . \\"OOdS, shiny O<-c~ vie\\. $650. f.lonth. 01 "·ootl, 833-385.:i. vinyl floor. Big_ gounncl $84: · GEM 4-PLEX, 17) Eastside, C~t. kitchen. Candlehghl dine, -$79,500. Has r-lgml'. Q\\•ncr( brick patio v.·/BBQ, brick 12G-F Tustin Ave., N.B. Broker. ti13.-52'.l1. firt'p\11<.-e In 111.rgc l.R, 3 goorl REALTORS &12--4623 Dana Point 1026 size BR's. Ai>sun1c 3%% VA By mvner 2 BR Av11il i;®n ~ payn1enl!i $155. per i m nt e di at c I y. Temis. O\VN ER. \Valk to :DohC'ny mo. PITT? $35,900 1'1111 prlce! S;i5,000. 714 F e r.n I e a (: lkh. 2 QR. 2 BA. Olsh to l0<an? Bkr 962-551-1. S4&-87:J6. F'llrnished. GAr. & Patio. :""~;--:--:----:-::-;1~14'~-~-000~--.:!"~'"~"""~-'--~=I Assume VA LoGn 1.C.:o::•::•::.•..:Mo:::; .. ~ __ _;1.:02::.•..:1E1stbluff . 1030 Low d Q\Vll, 4 BR. 2 BA. like nu cp1s. drps & vln)·I floor. Sep. lnundry rn1., cloi;ic to nl'\\' Sc11114 shoppg. $36.!IOO. 842-1411 : Evc-s: OOS.-1178 BY Ownet', Ealltslde Costa r11esn, 2 on a Jot, li ve Jn 1, L'ent the other out. 160xG1, 2-2 · Bll \\'/dhl garHt,rcs. _$-19,900 Prine. only. &15-2877. BV O\VNE R . MEsA ' .... """ ,, ..... , '"' ' \':\LLI·:\· HI· \I.I' ' '" '' "" ' , BRASHEAR 1001 Balboa Peninsula 1 007 VERDE. Xtra lrg 4BR. 2ba. J)O!<itively no ag en t 1 . SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT • .. , I A~> •I• "• ' ... ''' REALTY General R.E. HELP! BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB-$189,SOO Beautiful ne\Y offering w /vi~w of golf course Lindi Isle Waterfront & Ne\vport Center. Exceptional lge view Lovely 5 BR .. 3 bath custom home. E'nclosed lot. Huge privat.e patio w/lovely pool/filuz-courtya rd with plumbing for pool. P ier & 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME zi & prof. Jandscpg. 4 BR. FR & DR. cu-stom slip, 30 ft. yacht included. $225,000, cptng & drapes. Schumacher papers etc. 70 LINDA IS~E DRIVE MORE FOR WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. Prime 45 IC l agoon lot -$150,00·~-+-YOUR-MONE.Y This 4 bedroom .Jiio~ is 3 2111 San Joaquin Hills Ro•d BILL. GRUNDY, REALTOR yoa,., "'"" afr "l!ond;Un""' NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 341 Bay1ida Or., Suitt 1, N.B. 67~161 and hwa~ h'21ooj(TI!al. f;u1,1ily 1 ............................................................. -~ ... ~~:""'""""!"'~~""""~~ ....... ~!"'d l'OOfJ\. I\ *JUlll'C CCI G I R E 1002 G I R E 1..-:;; of space anff only a sho11 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME R~NTALS! 557·5116. .c=.~~====~-l'The selle~ of this great SS MA LE . REPOS.5ESSIONS . family home \\o.nt to St"ll! GIANT A U 8 Thruou.t Or. Co. <;all for hst n icy have just lo\\'t'rcd ow 61/i-J.~LOAN of ad<lres.<ie!. \\Tills Reall y, price fo $76:500 and \\'ill a Bedrooms, 2-100 sq. rt. of .;;-16-7739: 645-973.1 still listen to any good oUc• spaeiousnes.~. Floor t o BYOv.1ner 3 BR,l~bn,Nr. belov.• that. llas bi g cciling!.lone f i r e p l a ee. uena Viifflr-J nc mosr :C:----Piiwi. -'I'erms-. -759 -~kling-pool-.--large---yard -bar'ge-lamUy mo~ 3 bath!;" unusual • street' in lO\\'fl. i\ 1-h!dson. 846-8736. with ma lure trees &: flhtubs h0n1cn11t.ker!I k 1 t c h e n · sn1ashing 4 bcdroon1 l\\'O AIF.5A Verde 3 Br. 2 bath. and aJI freshly . pa_ int~ Scpnrute launrlry r o o m . story \\"ilh dock. sandy $39.500 Call 557-TalO for Inside and out. This is an Creal buy for S<l<\.900. ~I beach and patio. $850. Hppt • Pnn only. 0 P ~ 0 R T UNIT\'! The The R~al E1tata Fair • grn.cJOus 4 bc.'l:l~m floor 839-6133 or 536-2151 pian rui.s a lallte kJl(.i.en andl """""""'""'""""""""'I cithcr a forml dining I't)JTTl ll!!-~ -~--TM Point -On lhc bay. steps fri•n1 the i1•edge. Large CLASSIFIED or f1unlly room. The sellrrs l.ARGF: 4 BR, n~ • Beach. enera • . ~enara • · ""'' G::.:•;.:ne::;r:.:•::l..:R;:;•;;:E;:. __ _::1001::; ~neral J{.E. 1002 drive to South Coast PIH:ta . ASSUME 7% .LOAN Mesa Verde Villa ~loal al $44,500. Call lt----h=,,,,_.,;C;.10N~DO _ . CLIFFHAVEl'I £'.'lguna !tilts ~n1 2 Ass-urn.--?:S-0/o ll!IMliliWi NEw=tlSTlNG'--+ ". '"' "·'· •' '" I \·.\LLE\ IH .. \I.I' olde.1· 5 be.droon1 home )'f';ll'--l"OtHKi-~WlOOQ...ma,_....Jll---1!'0.URS CaH liTr'i225 dvertisets may place t heil' ads· bf telephone 8:00 a.m: to 5:30 p.m. ?<.'londay thru Friday wl11 ctnTy 2nd trust deefl. _.r~nn~'~'-~"~'"~"'~'~:~Ll:k:':::;""';:::"f.;' The lenrter \V 11'efiMnee :!171.!00:-96~ the lsl trust (}c!Nl at 9~~-;;., LF:T me sCU~your hon1e. Top and you will find Valley's $ & fC\\' problems. Call ex('ltisi\'c l ·Yr 1\'arranty a loday! 6T.r0JO'J pn1. • bnfh onJ_., 2 yenrs old. Grt'Hl $25 500 rruny to see this 3 bedroom; bu) in today's n10.rkct. Onl;r I . • FOR PETE. 'S 2 full' bath. family roo1n, $27.500. Call &16-T?U. Convenient to park. pool, ro1·01al dining room honlC on -rrce"'·ay, ~hoo\s, shopping. ·SAKE spuciouS con1cr lot with a ~-~ ...... --, High fashion carpeting, pan-benuti!ul lawn and covered eling. Enclosed garage. As-Come and buy. I h is p a t i o . s OM ET H I'N G ~===:::==== -., ... , .. •'"'"•' , ..... •'• ~·"-·"· .. , '''"' ""'""'' ,, ' \'. \ Ll,l·~\- 1i1 \I.I' • "'"" '~""'' ~f '"""" ,,,, Hj,.' ..... ,~. Walker &, ''CC sume 7lJ.:<J, Joan and pay magnUlccnt 4 b e d " 0 0 m EXTRA -a separate guest 4 PLEX l! 1151.~ pc• mo. Hu""". Call townhoU9e In lrvine. It 's gol hob R I ~~ 1 11•1 1 "" •• , · ( ll d h room or by room or FOR THE OWNER 546-2313. 1:; ~m Y rooalm '"H· \'O ????? Really • thL, ""-on't Corona d el Mer 1022 ASSUMABLE . • • ""'''"'" "'· u g o 1 '" Call"I 166 ~ OCCUPANT .::===:..;;.;:o;.._.=:; OPEN71l 9 • trS FUN 10 SE NK;Et· ma.st er bedroom and super as · · n ~l"e. ·"""· Poo~O~a;l~W ~~~HH ugc ' ~-~~-.!or pete's s.'lkc cal.I 644.~7270 mas1cr bedroom. ASSU:\I· - ABLE (or low cash! This , ~ . ,1 1)1\e l-; (.'Onlpl<"le\y l"l'motlC>J(!(! ,,._ -4 .•• ~.t~ s· ••'t-- an1! re11dy 10 n10,·e into. EASTS1DE IT-llUU ,., ... , .. "''" .. '" ... ,.,. Seldom do \\'C find an investment pronerty that Is capable of excellent income producllon AND is al50 s u it able for O\\'TK'r occupancy ln a roomy '.\ BR 2 BA apartment. PLUS has BUY A WARRANTY HOME $60,000 8 lo noon Saturday COSTA MESA -0Ff1CE 330 w. Bay 642.5678 yc~r of • trou ble t-r cr Hunt Harbour 1042 eilJOYmcnt. lfu•'•'Y -somcq:.:::::::·..:.::::.::::;:__..:.:.:.::1 lucky fam ily \\'ill be living LEAS£. Beaut. \.Vate1·f:ront 2 In Eastbluff nt'.x.,t achoo] BR, 2 Ba Condo. w/prlv- ~ear. \\11y6:'Jz5t1. ~~lp. Avail. lmmcd. NEWPORT BEACH 3333 Newpor t Blvd. Irvine 1044 642-5678 • llJ~~~~~~~~1~=~~=:=::;1 1 YR WARRANTY • HOME HUNTINGTON BEACH I! Terrific Turtle Rode 17875 Beach Blvd. Fountain Valley 1034 Home with a vle1v &: just 3 540-1220 -hoµscs 11eparate you from LAGUNA BEACH BY OWNER 1eiinis CO\lrts, park &. pool. ~~~~:"""~~~~I excellent terms with 20% Steal i1 for $42.900. Ca.II DREAM HOME REALTOI - ai.:cnl no1v lo see R47 ·61'.110. ASSUl\lE 6'" \':\l,l,E\' RL\LI' . "'"· '~"'''""f ... [R<(•~'1()(•< .. H•~(! '""'' BALBOA ISLAND down. Oops! Not in Corona del l\·lar I but on the Balboa penin.'>ul11 very old duplex -maybe just a lCRI' dov.1\ ' lol \'aiUC ·ci;tin1atcd at $<15-$50,oo:l. · 222 Forest Ave. 15 bdrm., 3 hath. pool, hm:e Grack>IL!I living in 11 home 494-94~ open beam mst. suite ~·1 that looks like !I rnodcl. 7100 sWJken 1ub, elect. garg., sq. ft. inclrt. 3 ciir gnragc, 3 FIVE BEDROOMS-This 4 Br.,. 2 Ba. family $39,900 hbme lk,l.S ii all. Corning Fi\'e bedroom~. Pool 1.iblC' range & cont inuous cleaning size family room. E xCf'lll'nl oven. ceranlic mo s a i c r:ondlt ion. $.19.!nl. To !lt.'C ('OUnter tops, tu11h crpts, call 847-6010. fl~ent. y,•nllpapcr & pane I i n"' thruout "" htd & filter pool. EASTSIDE 2 Br. home: David Bourke, Realtor carp. & drapes: 3 rn r gar., 546-9950 lt-2 loL Sell or exch1u1i:t· t~orlln Co,, Rltrs. 642-5000 CLASSlFTED \\'ill sell ill General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 LOTS OF LAND &. TREES ' ... but you live carefree in this University P.ark townhouse. Largest available: 4 bed· room. 21/~ bath, t\vo fireplaces. Steps to all facilities. Call now! $69,500. . PRIVACY AND SPAC '"-- on Balboa Island. Large two story custom home on two lots. Per fect year round home for gro\ving family. Sl59,500. Adjacent lot in ay also be pur chased, . Spanish Hacienda 4 Large Bedrooms Spanlsh. H11clenda. 4 family llizcd bedrooms. !'luge living roon1. Fireplace. Bright chee1')' ki tc:hrn. Large lo!. Be a u_ t i t u I landM:api ng. Edison Iii School District. Ju~t lisled. Call · n o w 963-6761. OP£1j TJl ll • IT'S FUN TO SE NICE! THE REAL ESTATERS HOME macnab I Irvine realtye-- LIDO EARLY AMERICAN DOVER SHORES Large 5 bedrootn and den hon1e. Great lo-Spacious view hom e bu ilt fo r entertainin~. cation on street to street lot . $167,500. Large 1naster suite + 3 bedroorris. fam1- BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED BAYFRONT ly room & POOL. $2 19.500. Ron Sherman Over 4.000 squ are feet in this custo m built, 642-8Z35. (E70) near nev.'. exqui sitely decora ted home. 35 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX fl. frontage on exclusive \Vest Bay. Dock" New-close to beach-inco111e-gteat in· facil ities. $300,000. vestment & cotn[or tahle Jiv in g-\vorr't last HOUSE & GA RDEN CHARM -4114,,500. Carol Berry 64~-6200. (E71 ) 1ng isllelievffigt~qulstte-home-sur--. BLUFF S BARGAIN rounding lovely English gardens. Vi ew nf Beautiful Trina model-3 bedrooms, 2lh Bay, ucar pri vate beach in Bayshores. ba ths \V/private patio on quiet greenbelt. - $150.000. Anxious ow ner -offered fo r lease furn .• THE CAREFUL BUYE R'S DREAM leijsc option or sale f<,1 $&1 ,950. Bob Owens Rare Turtlerock find "'ith centra l air co"" 642-8235. (E53) diUoping, self-cleaning oven , upgraded tllc EXCI TI NG VI EW-REDHILL RIDGE & carpets. near pa rk & pool \VIU1 3 bed-Lovely nc\v Broad1noor horne w/panora- roo1ns, dining roon11 fan1ily room & 2 baths. .,nlc VIE\V. 4 bedr ooins. family roo m _ OCEAN VIEW PRIVATE BEJl:CHES St.-e this comer location 3 bedroom, family roo n1 hotnf'. Highly upgraded. Enjoy !he pliu.-id pool or U.<Je 1hc private bench. A i;uper large lot. A truly best buy !II $89,000. 644.7270 $65,000 Rare C-1 lot, south of high1\'ay ~ '5' at the Intersection ~f ?.lacArthur and the High\vay -Also possible build to suit. $65 ,000 '" ..... "" ,, ..... '"' \'.·\l,LE\. Rl\l.I'' '"'""'~ •'"~~· ..... . 1 •"'"'"' ..... , *DUPLEX* Both \Vilh boy vic""1i· 2 Lots. South o{ lt~·y. One year new! $125,00). . ·uDO REALTY - 1177 llo 1,J, .... II *t>73-7300* SAN-CLE?itENTE \\'aler sollencr, sprinklers, .bdrn1s. & 2 bPths UPfi!ali'I, 305 N. El Camino Real gns BBQ & niot-e. $66,500: 1-brirrn. &: h.1. downstairs. 2 492-4420 !HZ-7887. Sunny p.'lllos & n proress. -. _ , . Jightl'(I & landscaped yard. NORTH COUNTY ASSUi\1~1.E 51,,% 1.oa~: Sep. rllnin,; nre11 & a good die.I. free M~l220 3BR. 2 2BA plus 20" sized ramlly rrn. w/brkfsl. bonus rm. o"·r~r take 2nd. nl -CLASSIFIED $41 500. 847-4286 or 646-:w>S h.~r. Pl'lcerl 111 o Y $74,j_oo ' ~th many oUMlr spcc.13.i DEADLINES -lunti ngton Beach 1040 rc-atures. Deadline for copy & lci!Js Is 5:30 p.m. the day be- fore publication, except Newport West for Sunday & Monday d r h be ' Editions \\•hen deadline an one 0 t e vecy 51 • · ·1.ln h' 'l\11! d, ---'l l.P1ill11r is Saturday, 12'"11oon. 2 _STORY-l B<-'$'.m. !llm i!y nn .• dining room, 3 baths, CLASSIFIED hai'tl \\·ood floors, .cP..ts & Isl \\"es1e111 Bank Bldg. REGULATIONS drps. A-I IA\\'n, fruit trc-es. Univt·r11.lty Pl\rk, flvine ERRORS: Advertiscni R,~y· ~·~~die Realtor Days 552-7000 Nl9hl1 should check lheir ads dally & report errors 1810 Newport Blvd., CM Immediately. TH E 548-7·129 PAMPER AND PURR DAILY PlLOT assumes 11'"'"""""""_""' __ .,.I double 1hidc pod w 11 liabilitY for the first In-Assum• 71/2'/• Loan! 111'0Vidl" rlcn11u1-c a n d corre<:t Inser tion only. 3 Berlmi, 2 bnlh. Off Garfield t:O~lcnlment ns )''OU enjoy CANCEUATIONS : hlwn Bushard & ~!agnolia. living in lhls 3 bdnn. 2~= -When killing an. ad be bo1'derline--htwn H.B. ,\ -r~ . .l>alh. twnl~ wi~h paneled sure to make a record V. Assu1ne VA -loan of bOnus room. _II s on the of the" KIU. NU1t1BER $29.500. Iota.I pymnts sm 1n~n and pnccd at only given you by your ad mo. Prict:d at $42.900. · $64,700. taker as rectipt o[ your Thrff Worlds Realtors· -CALL "2·7~ cancellation. This klll !168-44Qj 968,-2297 Eves. • VISION • nwnbc< m"'t be ..... REPOSSESSIONS sentt'd by the advertiser In case of a dispute. For information and IOC:ltlon REALTY CANCELLA'l'ION OR of theSl' FJfA & VA h.on1..-s. o red hilf company CORRF.crION OF NEW contart -Univ. P11rk Center, Irvine AD BEFORE !l,UNNING: KASABIAN ~~(r%r c:!~~!cl: amna~ !~ "•R••,.a.,l .E,.• .. •• .. '.•--.9.6ii2-6644iiiooilu~~ L~~~~Ro~¥6w~~:'. that ha• been ordered, •1 -~ Ne~ 2 BR. 2 bo rondo. IRVINE T ERRACE but we cannot guaran· ASSUME & SAVE ~~~~56.1h"f'5, $39 ,00 0 . 3 •!:ti'., 2 l)l•.. 1800 sq. ft. tee to do '° until the ad $r,.'\,r,oo. P r tn c. Only has appco.ttd In the 1'h11.r;i 3 bcdriv SIArdtnn UNiVERSTTY Pi\RK 4br ... ,...., .. .., ___ .,,,i l.iT.>-1!)10, paper: l-lon10~.l)rln1e H.B. a1~n. facing The 2 m'a j o; N EWPORT-W/POOL !NVESTotts & Butt:DC:RS DlME--A·UNE Afis: ~All ~all Cf'll!I, new Ille, grNnbclrs. Own I !I n-d. Sre &09 ('.ol1lrn1'0d. 40x ll8 Int kitchen and both. freshly $69,!IOO. 01vnrr v.•UI lease • .,: ...... If ::;,,.,(4 tj •7.11:1.it ~I ~ 11 IJ~\ C\IJ1I01n bullt home on rure Tht"Se ads arr 1trletly ,P!'~n1 tcd In and out. Bkr !J63. back, j.'i2-i9.16 lot • and _ " • twlf. 3 'l BR cute tl<>mt>. 2rul unit cash jn adve.~by ma11 11~-~-~""~""~""""~l'ce~~~~~ZJi~~I l;kdrooms, 2 baths. fornial begun \\'I A P P R 0 VE 0 oq_r nt aey one ot our or-11 · OCEAN V1E\V JBll. mA. lpl, dining room. Bea 11 1 l I u 1 Pl.ANS to eomrlcte. $69.SOO. ti~. NO phone orders. $l!OO dov.'ll. F're5hly painted, lrg su1~rek. $4.~ undC'r Irregular pool \\'ilh londs of ;';;~~1658,,·o.·,_~· =-~,.,.-~ l l Dca~llne: 3 p.m. Frldl.)', nC'Rr Sct100ls & P::.hops. 3 11ppralsa .• A~umable ,..-"° .. llo, phn 2 ynrd areas. U1'USUAL 2BR. w /I r i Coi;ta Mesa office 1.2 htlnn11.. 2 b.'lthll. buill-lns, V~ k>lin. $59,99.i •. b!ll-4037 or N'C'w cflrpct1/rirR1Jes. Nt'wl,)' prl\'AtC' y11rd '& "'OOl'I ffeck. noon - all brall(h of-fanilly 1·n1, trplc & 998-48.10 ~e-•. ____ 1 1<enl0clcled b.'lllL~. al Icy Grc1.-nhou.gc, Fircplo.ce. \\'Ill {icts. swtmmln'f pool, $39.500. Cl iff Dr. Oceanfront "CN'M. One ol !ht bC'!ll buys ri11T)' 2nd TO. fr,r ~1!e hy Tf!E DAlLY PILOT re. Bkr. TMbell. Oii So\2-2!;6\. 2 Brt. 2 BA l.\pL Xl"l '~''" In Ne\\ port llr~hts. $&.1,riOO. O\\'Ucr, S.i!l,000 4.1.1 Sca\\tlrd. -1 ~ • b lldl oo Ctil! PltE!mCE 110~11'~$. Gl.-,....16t6 ~n•es the rlj;ht to clu · 11..;\ CUESTi\ By Seu: l bl!< ()('(II n • u n(l'. 11 ,000 . 1Hti-ti6''6 Si>\",LA•.•, 2 _,,.~ ,1 "R. 3 $ify, edi t, ctnsQr or re· to Plj)~ m r\. r In 11.: Prine. l)lllV. 644·:fl50, .. , ·"' · •1 v fuF 1t.ny advert l11emcnl, "'"alk to !)('Can. 4 BR. 2•i hit, --ST-S•OE-INCoME-'' •h changc.Jt.&..J::a.t ·h1'3" rn1_ut., ..n1-p llt\l-lNJk..--:ii."Vw'PO H0\\1ES J.i;'O doll bo on 0~ J,it. OC'C'An v\{'\\",. _ lri; Yd. & rcaull1tlon1 without upgroded, beaut. lndscping, Jock Pl'Ck, Ag!. tlilS-I .,Only $55 ,500. centra l air condit ioning. 3-ca r ga \·age. ----!J----HARBOR-YIEW·Hft:t:S----+·11-Beaulilull)l-(lccocate upgraded & _fil1!1· D~a1~1~lc . Burli11_game _Jn par~ like' §fil!l!!g. scapcd. 125,000. R. JJaJdcrman 644-6200. --Full grown p ne liefs. TaltiedfaT1icomcd -(En ) --- ceilings. Spi ral staircase. 4 bedroom, ranl- ily room & hug~ bonus room. ~122,500. . . DIAL 644-1766 2161 San J oaquin Hllls .R~., N.B. A COL DWE LL ITA"NK ER CD.• t OJ. Dover Orive·&4:Z·l23$ ... ' ... 1644 M1c ArllH1t 644·6200 Newport 611ch, C.lilou1la 9:1613 t :\Bil 21].i\ •y,•\lh dbl ger £ CT1l-<ft....--<qi nr./nMm-ur. l)l'lor noUct. by owner, prine. on.b'. llndlo PllSl'L ".Klfil " 2B1l: IRA "'hh llhl RR.I'. $147.~2.;il CLASSIFIED Sll8.JOO. ~~14. ------ "'!-ieYf"n y1·s old. Xlnt buy, 11.V. Ifill", 4 Urt, 1"11111-nn, :\ MAILJN"G ADDRESS <M·n<'r nlO\'<'J. rtool hOmc. NORTll Trvine ,le\\-el. 3 BR., gJ"C':ll lnvtJ;tmrnt. Owner tnr ~111·.. (li1tlo. r.or._ IOI". $~00 tlm,•n. 3 bdrm~. 2 2 ba ., a!r-rontl. L\~e "'.'."' uc:c'Uflled. Cull Prtl::S'I'ICE: ()('(>an &. hlH vicU•. $95,5()0 rrr-P. 0. Box l~O, b!llti.,, '"inlly m i, trplc, ..!!!:!!!W .t oul. Owner .i44-27J7 1101\IJ::S f('tl' inrormnthln 3111\ .Jcnsc :ar:, mn 1!17·2J7t. · Cotll\ ?ifeta hul ll•in!, v11ulted l'f'illnA, TUR'M..E ROCK ' ~· 21iB.\,I dt'IJl!lll. 61i:,.ff~ ~· ·-'---\\'/llll A !ow-prl<-'td t!tLT? 92626 ~hll C~~·t;" $~;90(l. fJkr Jln:'lf lrl!!CJ)!f Wl"Ji\~ 'Y Xira3. Sell Idle lll>:ms •.• , .. 642-C"16i8 Jt,cait t()(l\\Y'I' Cltt.11!lnL';J Adil. Call 96~ 8.l:l-2813, O"•nr. .. .. • • Irvine 10« IRVINE TWNHSE UNDER $30,000 Owner 11ellln11: 3 Br, 2 Ba. (plui1 ullllty roon1I Ah1hie- 1Cyle condo1nlnhun In Wal· nut Square:,.Alr condh!Ont•d, ~hi.la corpollng, d1-apc1, red· "'-'OOd patio. At'l"OM ll'l"lrll corr11nunlly pool Knd p;irk. Near IWhooil. ln1n1edlnrc poul!'SSlon. Pril't-$29,900. wllh 00 ptl'C<'nl fln 111wh1i;c aval.le.bll'. C1111 1 l°IJl·5151 ANYTlfl.ff.:. I • \ * 041LY PILOT 21 L1gun1 illt .• ewport B11ch 1069 ncome Property 2000 HoUMI urnis uset Unfurnlt . I ouses Unfurni1 I o"s•• Un urnis .ct t ._fp1rtment1 'Jn urn. New World Condo /\ cu 1om doeor .. uh"'COlld., 3 bt:lrins.. 2 \,,.,, ~un~ 1\,',1.o FllA. Prict' $32,500. Unobstructed Vlewl Unf01."J:Clteble \•lew of lhc 0!.'('1Jn, uprwr bny & the clly light!! of N~·port. U.l!On\ be1111ty featw'Cs 4 bdnn11. 3 bnth11, l'UlllPUt l'J)Ql)l, dlnlni.: "' ! room. On a IMY.C fee-lot! "21 · $1115 100. Call G4•1'"8'J!IO. RHllo R~IN--( ~L.J *-644·7 662 * "" BEACH UNITS ELEVEN-NEW B1lbol Penlnsul1 3107 Coron• dtl Mir 3222 j Irvin• 32441N1wport' 811ch 2~!! S.albo• Peninsula 3807 ~ llAYFRONT 5 Br, 4 Ba, pier, CHARt,ilNGI * RENTALS * Bl.K h~11n ll"1u;h.:: Br. 2 r~·· I Bl!, $\JI(), n1lhjy, rit'l!I & llMt. \\'eekly. \\'lnlcr. yrly. · . Villu1tc 1 Univ. Pilrk. Jri•. I vi:u·. 1\v:u· _ 1Jt1•• s.till~S'.!.:tll1 l:u.l, 3nJ floor w/vlow1 Brand nc-w ll 'unit S£l\11· /\vail. Soept 14th. 67l-20J9 Very i;harp 1.,.,,0 bc<troom 3 Bd. •·· 2 b.'l. S315 yrly:_&~-l2·9_ or S.'G-5.'L! _ 2lJ..697"'°'-~t~t96"----~~I DEL~ a1»u1ment! \Vlllk Ntwport B11ch 3169 l~'O bath home with a 13 Bdrrrui., 2~1: Ba. S·l2S llAHH.\111.J1011nt', kl\lr/lf'"I•" I Coron• dtl Milr 3822 ~I. be~,·~,~rUpp~":;~ ... ~ llililrkllng pool fumlihed Vllltgc Ill Univ. Pat•k, ll'V. •IH_n , 21 _UA, 22:.0 liq. fl. ., II • .,,, $395. 3 Bdrmtt., 2 bit. 1360 &~4-70'.ll AVAIL. Au1t. ]5l lovely~ Sr, .. 1e101lnr. ovens, i11KlnleAA NEWPORT BEACH 3 Udr,11~ .• 212 b.i . 1115 -N ---H . h-3 O 2 Ba lowC!r uni1~l, Kinktt &. dl!'h"·a~her11• thick DtiAUTlt'UIJ Su~r locatlou JOulh of I Ptlrk u Univ. Park, Irv. ewport eig f$ ¥_ fenced patio. trp1c.. ld1-en 1>hn g t:nti~ .. 111, Mf.'1dcan Ille 1.Jntla J11t1• j lJ®-J~ ..bli:.bWJl.Y. -Ii ck> ~ tt1~J:.-JJklnus .. ~-ba. S·IOO LU?{. new l"·nf\sf', 111~ CfC"c.. "·~Jromc-. 6 "?o, m1ri .. e1110e. ·~nlt'Yll, fo1-ccfl iilr lie11!~ \Vit terfront JM>1ncs bedroom hvo. 11tory ,:10111 ril The Tel'rt1et:, Univ. Pnrk, Irv. 3 Br, frplc slf i·ln o1,:..•·i, 1ge SJaO. &J1~9'Jj() day.\ or 1u11<l&·k11 nnd 111uch 1norc: Annual or liummcr lc11.11es. \•;ood par.eh11g .. firt'P~R.<:e, 3 Brbmi;, 2 ba.~nuw S400 patio, gar. \\'nlk 111 lrurbo'ii· _6~1 eves. Alt 1 be<lroo1n 2 b.1111. Crosi; B UI G rundy Rtr, and bt'amcd eeJhngs $150. 2 BdnnJ'., 2 ba .. new $350 Ii i & J·:nsb:n !<rh.I"-1.\f.. i'\T::\V, s'p'~t•c~~~,~,-. -de~,-.,-.-,~B-t.I Newport Ce111cr Drive $3100 n10. 9?f intetcr>l 1.1v11il· 675-6161 Turtle Hock. li'Vine • $3:~. 5-43--0001: li !tl--7~.:i.; cit' 2 Ba , ""'<Ilk IQ bci;ch n1 Open 9 IQ. 9 11blc. 200•.:, deprcclilllon. All -Alln. Landlords! \\'e ntally 3 Bd 2 I Jo~R $12~ I h J A 11 \ 1 DY Owner, lmr'nnc. 3Bll , Laguna-N lg~el 1052 Sh 1072 this few only $312,000 In need rental llsth\81!. houst-s ; rniH., 18' · a San Juan s.,t1PP n::. va · 1 i.u;:. M. 2ba. Chancellor hO:lll<' in -Newport or~s I I ti \}'ATERFRONT w Ip Ir. r ( I I I 2 BdJ111s., 2 b1t, $125 C • t 3278 $:.9.). Allult~. 673..29111 Univ. Park,-J,'"orn1l din, lrg SAL J:: 0 n":'LEA~ * A FRAME * 1;.~,~1~c ar!~~~~:Cgeu .o~aun:~: $1."IOO n10. except AUK S200) ~~r':!-~~::i~ts . urn II !Ci or 4 BdmG11 .. 3 ha.If A•' $173 apts r'no -·12 BB. GARAGE A JI T .. kitchen, fam MYI & inside ln1nu.'<li111c. Ru1':ll. View o( -!7141 7:i2·1700. n10. f 21 3 l 9 3 4 -0 9 2 0 I ,. Bd reeo,r~ om°' ,.,o~ 3 BH Jl il ba. open stail'11~av, !Wni;c:c, n:rfr\g, gH.1·r11:e. $2:10. utll 'rnl. On an)enbell & Hiiis & Sea, Shepherd & his Dron11:1Hc 3 Bdrn1s., 2 bath.,, INVESTMil~1;1\~i 1213127Q..;lj47 Call 61.5-1225 t ryn5., w . _,, frp!~ 2 car "D r CY1l1iil. lease. Qj"l(ln daily, 12·6. 612 1~ clo&e lo nll f'Omn1. p\11,y sheep. 4 BH, 2 llll, 40' SJMirkllng new palnt & -YEARLY 3 HR .. l bh.. ~ach---tido Isle, Nc\\'pol'l O'!acl)__ pool ,' ·fully ~rpid,' lnd~cpd, Jji.S111U1c. &12-8367. art:i &~~e!I. s't ITillln~ f>.1ounlain Lake "() 0 J • ~e~~~~-~:; !roni pOOlll & [ 9 ? yo hoosc. Lge. fcnc.'Cd }'d S3.5I) 4 BdCA:i.t 'Ss1 7500 $690 back yd fcl'IC{l(I. Ncat'l;.i lle\V, 2 2BR fljl(!j, bl tins, su ndcck--, ~n~r en~ ,.;;i111 wlri'n~~ li:tl-2G20 CAYWOOD REALTY 11 5 : mo/lcaslr"..Agl. 615-4630 • 1 nil fron' ocean & rnarina. pocil, t w/frplc, adl1 s, $2.'.'..l. ~';;.ion.\Vll0I l'OOfi~dc1· ltase Lido Isle 1056 * ~l290 * _ , . , =-;--·-·-~ Houses Unfurnished • VISION • 3~~·n.:~{ciui &. sharp. ~kc~!f~· 613-1418 c~·es Q! UN IVERSITY Pal'k 380 W 1 rf t , I CANAL1'ttONT home: 4 BR, BRANO NEW General 32b2 REALTY loadC!d ""/xl ra~ & OCt'an BEAUT, oce11n vh?ii·, 3 Br, 2 · · a • ront rip ex 3 ba. den lg playroom. 11 1 vie\\:. $2%, 4!r-600D _or Ba. bl1ns, garage. po,.1 beach 21 ~ bn, f11n1 rm . upgradrd Owner's apt., 2 studio alfl.~.. Swlm~1in1( ' & 0 tl!nni!I club un_!_ngton Beach. lst ?ivncr ALA l.ENTALS SPAC. 4 br. 2 ba, frplc. a red hill company f>-li-J2:>7 pri.,·~-S37T. . A"d u Its . t h r u 0 u 1 · Lrg yard! 3 b(lnns. cacti: leasehold. q1l!inbershlp. ~ One b I o c k I <leµl't!t"lallnn; J Br, 2 '2 liLl ! Vie\\'. Canim pvt comm- 1 Univ. Park Center,_ Irvine NF:\\' DUPLEX. p"1 YIH'tl. 2 613-8153 w/coyci'ed p:itlo. B e t $160,000, Laud -ca11 be-f1'0i11 beach. S 18 , 5 O O • <h.Jpleljj on corncr. ·I wi '"U&l.•u ..,. 1o1rva btlf. $-195" n10. l.J:>ase option/ 2 BR 2 B locatw:m on major Grecnbcl1 purchased. 642_5!lll. ~locks from ,ocean .. ~ -car ll:ar., . a .. f a1n· Co,ta Me$a 3824 overl*btg 1100\ & tennis Near Beech & Tennis 1ncon1e 111-ea_. Bltns. f1-pJc 111 f Oli·nr will lin. ·194-2508. I UNIVERSITY PARK r1n, Tennis. nr B'cach. $2jj.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 courts on cul-dc-!lllc St. , 2 ~, I San Cleme nte . 1076 ench u n 1 t . ;i;o da~ ill NOUSIS Cost1 Mea 3224 I 2 BR., 2 ba •• nc1v $3'1-5 1110. 496-836:1 ask for J eff. I• 0\\11Cr 5.l2-MAA ,, . .,.,_,_,rm.· upls., Sll'Pli to ronlpletlon ·Buv now & pick I 1 '-'TS. , 3 BR., 2 ba, • , 3~ Sonia Ana 3280 NEW • . cvel')·lhirn:::1 1165,000 11.UXURIOUS euii1orn built your co\01: f~ carpets & DU,lS. BEAUT. nlOd. 4BR hon1e, :1 BR. 2·~ ba., h1n1. $31J :.::::.::.:::::.: ___ _:::.:c:1 IRVINE COVE j Balboa J"Spanilih "''/prinornmlc "'hilc kitcll<'n apoli80<.'f!&. NIWl'Olf &-IAY,c .M. M 2•1H3 1'1f'Sa \\"ood!I. Hoge~ seclud-14 BR. 21 ~ bl!, 1111n. $42.:i LEASE. ~autlful 3 bednn Ii · OU!standlng eomcr view lot ..I Adjacent duplex~. \\later wntcr w!c1\•. 2 br .. 211: bn. In Wm. T. MILLER Rl TY SEVERAL bach apts $90/l2j I ed r11aster BR do"·nstairs TURTLE ROCK "'ith bonu.• rn1, cpts, drps. I 1, 2 & J BEDROOM av11llable In Ollf" of Ilic nlOSt orlrnted. $ 1l0,00 0 To .srtludr.d nry.-a. A 11 r a c. 642-4811 furn, util pd·nr hl!ach 1 oµeninv to hrick patio. Ca· 3 BR 2 ba, fari1. S100 •• b.a, A\'ail Aug. ·1st. S?.23. exclusive, privalc ht>ach $11~.00l euch. 1\~ Yrs. old. oourly11rd, Jge deck, unusual r B h 1 NR ocean l Hr house, avail J thedral ceilin.i:-, 2\~BA,2 fpl 's , COLLEGE PARK per n10. VUl~gc R . B. Spl't Level Apt Unf comn1unitics ln So CW._-::-Buy One or all. f c 11 lures th r u -o u I . Fourp1!x Hunt eac sty, C&D .• fncd for pct , lrg ll\'rm, dinrn1, fan.11.'111, 3 Br., 2 ba. lam, ne"' S3GO !162-4471 ' 1 5 • contact Bill Dn~npart Peninsula Point $175,000.00 fix & Save COZY 2 Br hou~ $150 fncd qunl drps, 11·a1cr punher. WALNUT SQUARE Hses Furn/Unfurn 3300 AVAIL NOW! \Vest Coast Parific Char1ncr! 2 BR,• den, hh::h [ ESTJIER K. DUNNIGA!':!' tgt' 3 bcdrm + 3-2 IX'dl'OOm!I, for chll~ & pct, g~ -1?.80 l!>e n10. 979-4510. 3 BR 2 b thll ~ • , 714-831·2000, 673-6832 rves bcf1111cd c<.'ilin~s. One blk. Rltr. 714/492/6£>43 bllns, closed g1u·., swhn ?LD white house E. Ci\1 slv, * FREE-\Vriter has 1 bdnu " 11 'r\VNHSI'.: on bay, 3 BR, 21~ UN IV. Pnrk. niusl sell rhis to ocean, bay &· t1111nls l'ts. Santa Ana 1080 pool. lfurry, only 3 11.'(I. D & C, lge yd fn cd ft'ntal. ha, 2 cur gal', boat slip. yr F'EATURING: nd 4 n 2 Sep. guesl fJUHtl('l-S \V/eotn· Only $58,950 QUIET 2 Br houi;e $195 stv/ NE\Y t.Br furn. Sngls ok lsc, S~!Y.>-$395. 646-2700. Loft Bedrooms e Frplc's • =~~-'·Inter. H, r11v~~~.7~r~ pll'te b:ith. $82,500. BY 01vncr. , yr old 4 BR I First P ioneer Realty T'R'e~.i_5cd, Bw/ ~llr, v,a.;~ Lo $175. 2 Bdrnl. Hu1Ty' I Condos Furn . 3400 Cera1nlc tile kit~·~f'r ; .... Ex:- financing avail. O 1v n r . townhonie. S.A. near C.i\l 842..4421 ]or. hi & ure _, ne DINING nn, 4 Br, fqi:lc -PQl'ed Bean1 Ceilings • En· 552-8793. OH Sat/S1u1, 4086 l.J:p!lnr:. drps. 1111 elect kit. n'~R•'r' d 2"J'eh gal~ KIDS & pets J *" 2 gar. iNE\VPORT Beach. on \l'3ter. closed Patios • Pool & Gcmiainder \\'&y. 1 yfl, pools, tennl~ c rt s DELUXE 5 un'its, 3 Bt•, 2 Ba, " "' 11~ • r se "~ REDEC.2 Br $200 kids/pct!> . ,. I 2 bedrni Ex c c u 1 i .,, e n1any othet• Conveniences. net1rby. Sl'l.500. 54G-598'.l. ov.·net"s unit. AlC. good Cdl\t, child & pet, gar _ Homefinders * 642-9900 1st \Vcslem ~ank Bid.,. Condoniinium lum SUfl('l' ,\dults only. 1L;•;9;;";;no;:;;;B;•;•;ch;;;;;;;;;1;;0;4;8 2 DBdecor1•t~~· or,eam, t Santa Ana Heights 1082 ~U~1£R + r.t~~~~~ ~111 ~~c~~L~~~~ i~ S2'l5 i 2 BR house ~165. Also J BR i o:yn~v'£5~'I.f0:· INJncghlsl J''ic .... • .. aoa,1, lllilip.,· ,~Pool: ·HAYLOFT APTS -· ·1 11 rm. =non argc 0 · SINGLES try lhcse :t Br 2 sm And bike to beatil 2 acuzz i. ' va 1 u Y "' , • Clo!le to tennis & the lif'ach. HORSE PROP. Lots for s•I• 2200 Ba_ $250 H.B. $273 (1\I BR house Sl1i:5. It~. Re~t.~ls <BR zo .. fa nl ml & fpl. 'r~"hgust . 1.\\:eek71 ,~r 6~!11· WOOD & VIEW O!fcrcd at $38,950. Open l!J ACRE pnvatc fiy phone daily. No dnv1ng ! ~. , ~ one ~,l)S • ~._ ~..-""". 283 AVOCADO A 2-Bdrn1. hoillC in a rustic T~es. thru Fri .. 3 10 6· 123 S111all slablc, 2 BR. l Bn , ~ 0 1\t 0 NT 0 Ry n .. v POOL home 3 Br, 2 Ba S29a to pick up llit. Agt. Fee. ~ws'..1~~:hl) · Can 581·4037 ~l~~;d 414: 613-402'1 1\li · COS'rA MESA ~ecUon of the L.nguna ar1'a, Viu Nice. 11· hunkhousc. g,15,000. lge ....._ Singles. kids, pels, fncdl-979-8~30. ' • ., ' · 64S.01~3 that is ideal for n b:1chlor or Ontu do\1·n req. 557--033.i "'111crfroo! ·loL l'iOxlllll'-:51.l' gar VERY CLEAN :ind vacanr, 3 TURTLEROC~ " br, 2 ba; Condos Unturn. 3415 1\lon·Thurs 5:30-7:30 pm. W , boat slip. Ch1:ner may 1\lAi'IY 1\!ltNY 1\IORE lan1 l'Tll. alriun1, SIOO per . . Sat·Sun 10-4 pm ~ :~~fu~a':1~. 1::~t~k! .. ~·~ ~· ~21 ~t~.'_nster 1098 aca;rt ~r:;~c. Sil~t0 tg:;i~~ · Call us or Come by ~~Ce<r·;a~A& :~~ ~~~ 1110. 8.13·l91H or 6-M-3240. BEAUTI~'U L J\lis.,ion Viejo of lhe Pocilic off In lhe PAINT & ~OVE ~~~cl St~~e Sn1ilh'. m I ~LA Rentals 642-1313 J7i1n_e C?Sla _r.fcsa localiory~ L1gun1 Be•ch 3248 ~1!~ ~ndo~1cT .... ~i1 t;: Off The Beaten Path distance. This homr has :1 3212 (ofli<."I!) or 645-4815 $8.). t Br nr. So. Cst ~ am1ly &luallons only. $295. . "A~ 3485 ' ' · frplc. & deck. Chvnrr 1\'ill can nmke th!s your di-eant honic. ' $18.:i. -2 Br. ~·oocl burning mo. Call agent 546-4141. Slli. A'I'l_'R,\_C. l Bdr house "'"""'' . BJlsist \\'ll.h f In an c Ing. ' CORBIN-MARTIN home. AnxJOU.~ 0 \\' 11 e !; I frplc;-llhag, nice yard. EASTSIOE de c 0 rat 0 r 8 yd, patio, niature. pctn\ PARADISE f\TANOR 2BR Spacious ~dull Garden Apts. ' , · * bt>drm, 2 bath hon1e on Npt .. Bch.~ A~prox. 1\IANY JIO.i\lES IN OR. co.· remod~ted ·-snfa ling' :Ua. SJ&j, NICE 1 Bdr With g11r. S27:> n10. 5-19-381H * Bit-ins incl Dish"·ashCr ~9000. I Realtors "'ill help you finance lhls .. VIE\V WT-Fee-Back Bay,, POOL .,1,ith fireplace. delight' 2 ·BR S anish ·ust I on~y . 2BA. huge recm1 O\'Cr 2 car * Lw.:urwus shag carpets /. I * 644•7662 \ 60:<127 Joi. Full price l@'xlOO Sli.000.-'644-0061 C II •F · ndl ·" s i garageNo.cnd.Ncarbeach 1 U I 3600 •LrgPool &Gas BBQ's II H S27 ~JOO 8-12-7461 · 1'\'C. a our r1e Y hogany carpet, frpl c ,.,·.ga~ s235 PH IV ACY & ehurin' Dup exes n urn _ * Pr' P· t' . K"ll.f LEASE OPTION· SALE J PA'RK PLACE RLTRS Costa Mesa Office S300 1no. Util incld. 2653 R~lec 2 Bdi· hse So. L.ai,'lln& ? , , 1 & 2 ~~~!~ 51~0'.$'l!IJ REAL EST.'AT£ O\VNEH/Bkr, 4 BR, 31,; BA , . SAN Clen1cnte·C y pr us Homefinders * 642-9900 Sanla Ana Ave. 673-0797. 1300 UTIL pd 1 +den lrplc OOSTA ?-.lcsa, -BR .. )Onl Gas & \\'"''''Pd . l'\I compl . remoC!elcd \\"/pool. 16062 Bc11.eh Bll'fl .. llunt Bl·h 'Shore:. lot 60x:l20. 'Ocean . · ' .' nwn yard & encl. garage. .. 900 Glenncyre St. / 4;;· Jot. 1149,500. 1~ Vin vie"'· pvt beach & entrance. 1J2 Cubr111o, Cos1a l\lesa 3 BR, 11; ba. freshly painted "'':' ~r. pool, deck . . Jui;t i·cpalntcd new slol'c, Encl. Garage 49-l-!H73 [>'l!l·!l.116 •l•tilbn" ,..,,, '-"'77 or 67" """'' ~ $58.000. Agt., 675-12"20. LANDLORDS'. ini;idc & ou1. l"'c1v cpts. $325. \ ERY L~c 3 &h ; 2 Ba, drap(>s & carpet. $l!IO LA MANCHA APTS. "' "'• O"f\r.);J »-~ ~-""·-I cm:1 drps. Lg yard. Families frplc, yd. patio Lag. Niguel &12_3120 67~.-463.IJ 178 Scott Place. c.?-.1. -,...... Mourit'n , Deser.t, \VI! Sptelafil:e in Ncwpor: only. Refs req'd. 5230 per NU-VIEW RENTALS • 642-2007 Ocean View Newport Beach 1069 Resort 2400 Beach • Corollll del l\lar • mo. Absolu,rely no pets. 673-4030 or ,19-1-~24.8 Ap1rtments Furn1,h•d p k L'k & Laguna. Our Rcnlal Ser-:>49·1058: 5·16-4141 Agt. · Ir • I I From La9una SHAKE ROOF M b'I H CHO ICE nc1rer 7 Rm . vice ,, FlIBE to YOU! T ..... LE'"E n -v· ' B L1guna H ill• 325~ Balboa Peninsula 3707 Surroundings Beautiful J bedroom. 2 o t I ome.s An-o .... ·hcad home .. L.'lkc u."c. Nu-View? ·~ i= ''-"""an ie"" r, DELUXE 2 & 3 Br. Apts. bu1Ji home ll'ifh outslf•nding R bl" R h for sale 1100 l\lany xtras. F'urn. opt. Big NU VIEW RENTALS 21,!: Ba. nC\v Crpts, Orps. LAG. J-r.LS.-EL TOHO. S.12:i. BALBOA J,~N Pvt Patios -!ltd Pool 0 c e 8 11 vie 11,. This Gm lftf:I GftC · savgs 011 O\\'ll sale & fin. • \\'C't Bar, freshly wallpap-n10. 3BR. 28A. A/C, Ch\ltl: Under 1'enova1ion &C re-Nr. Shop'g _ Adulfs only. immacul11tc hon1e is only 2 ·Built around lovely yard and \Yi~TERF'R'?NT S 1 2 • 5 o.o · Cons. l:.ease 0opt. $46,SOO. 673-4030 or 494-3248 ercd, big yard, fruit tree.". OK, no,J)C'ts.Fnc'd )'d., dhl decoration. surnmer . .,..•inter Ma . • A )''ears nc\v and has 8 patio. 2700 Sq. Jl. 4 bedroom Pictu~ .,...~ndows Vu ·Lido l-117-32!M 2 Br hOuse c .ril. $165. 2 1400. n10. 6"'2.Wl5, Avail 8/1. gar. Beaut loc & vu. rentals. 675-87·IO rt1n1que pts. i;paclous !SJ) S<I. n. A \\ith separate dining room, Isle. 548--055.1 or 6Ta-l996. FL C·\RJSO vn.1 25 miles Br house H.B. $165. 2 Brs EXTRA lge modem 4 Br. 2 5.12-9367 eves. YEARLY, :1 BR. Very clean, 1777 Santa Ana A\'e., C~! _ .. __ lire:Wn!=C-and..beam..cciling:s family_room~~"". bar .. Acruge tor-Hie 1200 F:. -o'r San Jua:~pistrano,. singles. families..Cd.i,I. \Valk Ba + studio in xlnt.-single Lagun1 Nigue_, 32S2jl"'~B~lk~t~o~Ba;;J.y~&~<kI'~'~·"~· ~S?i~1~5.\'. ?i~J~gr;:A~p~t ~11~3~~~~~;"-"'I accent I.ht!! true Laguna se.,..·ing room or ofl1ce larg~ . -2 BR mtn. cabin, 1 acre. t~ water, 2 Br Balboa. ramily at1'a. $400. mo. mo 673-605:) or 613-00.G value pric'f!d at $62.500 kitchen. J Car gar~ge. 21~ AptES 1n Antt>lope l vi~" $18.00l. 0....'llr. 548-0358 S1ngl<!s 9k. ,Rent~!~ by Deposit req'd. 637-7368 or SEA TERRACE . ' l724 NEW TRIPLEXES Call Today 644-7211 Quality cons tr u c 11 on Valley nrea. $~.000 in.,~st. phone daily. No driving to !1!18-3!1(13 after 6 pm: \\bite "'ater OL'f!a:i vie .... · Costa Mesa_ Sparkling ne11• 2 BR. S2Jj, /Jn NIGEL ~AILEY f. · ASSllCIATES SPOTLESS II ,\ really ncAt 4 bdrn1., 2 b.'l'th hon1C' \\'ilh family nn., frplc., blt·in.s: huge decks. Outstanding vie\vs of 1\lts .. volleys. New car])f'ling: ptiv. patio. On!! of !he best buyii in Laguna at $62,500. thruout. On block lon~, $1000. er oiler. Msume Bal. Real Estlfe Wntd •. 2900 pick up list. Aglh Fee. amona rolling hi 11 s. 3 BR. 2 BA $33j. \'t'~1 bay. 979-8430 2 BR llOUSE. Priv patio, ''ft s1rec1. a beautiful hon1e. (714) 6Ta-5747. f HUNTINGTON BEACH encl ga r,. ne"·ly remodeled. Everything a family could Ambassador Inn Income Homes. 267:> Elden Owner leavini:t attn. Only Duplexes/Units FOUNTA™'-VALl.EY "RENTERS!!" no pets, l ,year inrant olt. desire. Guarded enh'Y gate. {ri.r. ~lcsa-Dri\'t'J. 6~2-'190CJ. S9'Z.CXXI. for sale · • 1800 WE WILL BUY You Get AU 1'he llouses l $193. ~ Bay St., OJ. Beach parking. Recreation BRAND NEW . ' 408[.Jl-1 FOR Ill OD available for rent in OUR 645-JJl7 ~ club \1··pool, *tnis. Nt\\" $34.50 & Up .3 BR, 2 BA $195 c.... · IM · HOUSE + TWO YOUR HOME T AV BULLETIN" UPDATED 3 2 BR ho 1 ~ tlo nuractn·-ely decor. 4 BR. SINGLE STUDIO APT F1\l<JILY UNITS. Srud101 11C'1v : ill . N~ ~_!nts, no ~~.!~s, no _tJnlft.l"-eek. -use. en .. ..,.. pa '· J~_,.Jt"alled ~yd, easy SPECIAL \VEEKI:Y RATES s ha;g. bltns. pvt patio, 11•11/k ['~ New 3 BR, 2 BA, plu11 TW& illc fees, no ,.,..•a1hng. We Hom find * 642•9900 encl._ gar . lndry-rm, good 1na1~1cnancc. $545. Lease. 2277'HarborBlvd. 10 school & sho pplng , -_-'!!'::...__. _ + : BR, 2 BA apts. frplc. pay any back -payments. • ·~• locnt10t1. _J200. 64&-1246 or :'~""'ii~"'~· :Rc1!~Mt:ii'f':::-l • ..:eo~"'~•~•~re~"';.."'::HS~·~40;. .. jli"~;.~7~ss~7~. iR"&i:Ori:--;;w pLliot. jf.\rag('jo;.-·launtlry, Call"· for h-ee bid. No 132 Cabnllo, C.M. ~t·l 991-1550. -?-.IONARC1-I SU~1tt!TT ~ IB 'Id"' 646 4414 bl' 1· II' 'It t k B 2 f d d BACHELOR J.. Loft, ulil. y1i.us u1 ~-· -· o 1ga ion . e WI -no as FREE FRl::E 3 ORJ\.I. BA. ence y , Nev.• oce .. an vi~ condos. $30 WEE~ & up- 1 f I, 1· !16"~7 • ' ·' Se · • ( ··• "-f "' p11id, pool, JitCUZ:ti', CID. OCEA.i'lf"RONT DUPLEX 01' A IS 1ng. ;>-«"" • Profession"' rvice c OM."11 gar., no · cals. "·" s. Adult hving. "'"'· -700 sq ft ..• Stud 'to & 1 BR Ap'·, t d I VILLAGE REAL ESTATE NDLOR S* 7 2 l "2 °~,... "" rcfrig & garage. <.1 u t $150.000. *LA D 1 \Vee 0 Dr., °" -o.:.ui 2. & J BR: P~tios, ~lubh_se e rv & 1\·laid Ser\'k'e A\•ail. only. yrly. :~3 Ht'lmil1on. C. 638--3.»4 i>r 984-1372 "AAA'' BUYS HOUSES Homefinders * 642-9900 COLLEGE Pal'k 3 Br, 2 Bit, \vl pool & .iacuzzi. $350-$-150. e Phone Service -Htd. poo\. M. SIG0/193. 6 4 3-4 4 11: Income Propetty 2000 No cost. no points. Broker tam rm, dbl gar, blk wall, 493--0331. Anne Barrett, Ai::;t. e ChilW.Cn .& Pet Section 642-1960 h · ed' t l Califomia's Lat'gest C/D SJIS SJ! 2196 C'! 1-""-'='--------pays ·cas imm ia e y. •Rental Service! e · · -Lido"'i-'sl 3256 • 2376 Ne"1_10rl BJ_.,·~·· 7 •• LRG l Ri\1 bachelor apt, 16 UN.ITS AAA Realty 8J9-1i00 LEASE, Oceanview Park, 4 ° 151, 548-97'":» or 645-396 f1-eshly · painted. crpl'd. nr. 0 b n..· f'OR LEASE: New J BR "·-• H S •~ 5* 120 10 SPENDABLE 11 USE WANTED Y "" bedmom, 2 b"h Laurelwood ' ~ omc. ~. mo. PROF DECORATED 4 BR. 2 *SUS C/tSIT A 0 .C.C. & •h''"" ''" 9 11 Ply: Cash to your V. A. 01· Patio home, Tustin Custom 548-6396 or &12-£506. Ba, blt·ins, dshv.'shr. steps M' I I N rt Beach to 12 noon. 984 El Cam1110 or ON THE WATER 'True! JUST REDUCED F.H.A. loan. Short cscro"'-d 1 _, · t' to priv. beach. Reduced to eac'"l~t'o~ o& i"Bd"°rni. l'roo•' call 5.~347'.l aft 5 p111. RP 3BR 'th ~. l 16 I t 't Prlnc. only. 55&-0347 l'<lpe1i, auuscaping, pa IOS. D1n1 Po1'n' t 3226 •= •r t t ' •• .. SI IA \Vl Cl\111 uu.'l SJSOO! gaJ"( en YJ>C uru s. 1375. 5441336 alter 5 P'.rit ~..., mo. " us e O. S · $!50. Aduhs, 110 pets. 2ll0 HAHBOR VILLA APTS. slip, fealuring large patio Quiet oUstfC'C'I \\'estn1inster LEASE OR PURCH1\SE. 3 6~74 or 833·1316. Newnnrt Blvd .. C.i\t SQUI::i\l\Y CLEA~! and side yard for trailer or kicatlon. \\"oodburnin g or 4 BR, l\'ith assumable BIL.--JI d 3206 AVAn. Aug.I new 3 br, 1~> 3 .-U f 1 & ? B l 1 OFFERED uddition -to settle eslalc -firepl .lccs. Terr .zzo entrys. .,..,_, To Pn·nc only a -sin · ba, f.p., cpt thruout, close to FRENCH Twnhse ""View. LG 2BR furn. ALSO unlurn 11 uni _ . ·, • r 1•160pa '°," 1 Urfer: Reduced !o SM,~5(). Enclosed garages. Sparkling J$'.7'100 0 ;. ~75 .. · · schls, marina. $290. f1¥l, \se BR, J ba & den. East end. 28R rl plex Adlts 110 pets Br $135., 2 Br · oo · ... by builck!r. Lo\·cly 3 CALL 640-8672 pool. All Iail!e 2 lx'droom ~~~~~~~~!1 3 BR, ~ZY, Frplc, Crpta, (TI<l)828-9m. Lg sunny patio. $Gj0. )Tly. Inq. 1;,2~sl~r. · 2621 llarbor Blvd .. C.1\1 .. ~~~ti~ ~~~r:m:~y s~;l~I; LISTINGS NEEDED unils. Gross Ul'ro per . nlo. ~ ~ ?.!.~~. l~~~l~J-z.&· Fount1in V11l1y 3234 ~ or 6Ta-4S96. t BDRllt. large, ideal for 2 BDRi\T ~~:r· ~lolT~etJ liv. ri'n., spac. deck, cusloin --G CAN-YON l2'k spc>ndable. 6.1 l1n1cs I & YEAR lea~, 3 BR. 2. ba. bachelors. Adults. $l6.5. & couple,.} (1111 OK ... $110. --mic tile "'Ork, $43,500. Bl gros.~. Just $22j,000. llurry Rent.Ill ~ Balbot P1ninsul1 3207 LARGE 3 Bedroom, huge frplc, patio. B e a u t 1 f u I 1175 1993 Oiurch 5'1S·9S33 Refs. .;Jl .\vocatlu, C~I. ""'"' CUSTOM HOME I for this 'one.. • call (7l4J t i:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·:O..:: t rumpus -11,, 3 •·th, all conditlon. $<170. 538-5410 · · · · , ~&1~2~--085,,,,-7'-----~~ The best buy in beautlful '"" "" p · 3726'-Lal{UM! For fur 1 her Overlooking 6 Fairway gol! IJ.2-1700. $625. 1\10. yrly lse. lt-1odern bltns, 2 car gar. s"·im pool. Mesi Verde 3263 Dana 01nt -, * EL:'-! GAR.DENS APTS ;~~r~i'll:, *•PP , t . l'.~,:~1~;;~~:1! i INVESJM'l·l~~Palli·~:JQ!llt'.~~~11 1 :G~e~nH~·~:~:~'-·-F_u_'_"_i•-h-~~~~Oc:l ~jJ~~:~:~;;: ~~~~ .. o;J.~ mo h N:~: ' .. ~;;~;' ~'~ ;~·~:h Z '~"~~~«~g:~; s~ ~~~s;~t~~~; Southcoast Pa~rp_._ SO% '"" ,,.,1, OI' owO<'r ' [&,lt!f~LI' ~!!!i~\T:i!!i ! $110. UTIL pd. Bach. Nr. 6't2·48U ~ngton e1c shops. 8.'Ja.0211 5151> Huntiniton 8e1ch 3740 SPAGIOUS 2 Br, bllns, crpis. THREE FOR ONE inay acei!PI ll'l':IC ['~WJ !I bch. Pref. student. Laguna. ENJOY 3 Br nr \\'ater -drps. pool, lrplc. gar. 3 LOTS compo8C' lhis one $245,GOO WE'VE GOT $1;,Q. UTIL pd, Lge bach, lull Capistr1no Beach 32~ · Singles ok. Newport Be1ch 3269 F'R01\I 51 39. 112 nti. to beach Adulls, 110 pets. 316 \V. Bay, outstanding build ing site. '\,llO\\'TI appnl, onl.r. Cont11r! kit. Cpl ok, Laguna ,... BOAT gall! 3 +2 1165 UTIL 1 -·• 1 Bdr BEAUTl~'UL POLYNI:SIAN'l-'c~•~L _______ _ EXCELLENT 0 CE AN Sieve Sinhh, 8 3 3 3 2 1 2 WHAT YOU WANT! $275. 2 BDR, µ-pie ·~~e LEASE/option. Neiv 3Bft SCingles ok2 $3"" l blk beac:.C e'a)~~. . 6 POOLS. TENN IS, PRIV. $110. !BR Duplex. J\larried VIE\\'. 100 FT. OF' ROAD -61-18,. I t"out· -l·plexcs In Choice E· garage, yard, 1 blk bch, hse. $315. per mo. Call FIREPLA E 4 + ~ PATIO Garden A p ls . couple, non sn1okc111, no d & (Olflccl or r ~~n1c:___ side location. Good rental CdM 49G-5169 s · I k Pcnh1 $2'20. 2 BDR front k' ~'RONTAGE. grn C'tl 1n.z es o · house Child, snll ""l ok, Saunf:ls, jacuz;;:I, 2 car pr g. pets. 968 "B", \V. 17th. ready to build on. This DESPERATE n1-ea. I block fron1 17th St. ·NU-VIEW REN1ALS Corl!.nl del Mar 3222 HOMEFINDERS Cdi'.t ··~ 846--LU3. 5'18-03,j." P~n1irr building site ls ~ s hop11in g. Good ap. ,~.•-4"'3"" -~-------* 642 9900 * t offered for only. Need lis tings on Somerset preciallon, tax: )helter & in-'.)4WIJ -.(Ir :...... ""' ELEGAJ\l'T 4BR hoinc .,..., • $3;iO. 3 BDR. 2 B.'l. [rplc hsc EXEC. 3 aR. 2 ba 111/poo • UPPER 2 Br. Cp1s, drps, 12'1900 or Por1ofino 1nodels In ronie. This could he lhe \VALK to beach 2 Br + guest , pool & spectaculor vie\\' of _.:1=32:-.::Ca=b=n=''=''''·=Co=st=•='='="=a,_ 2 blks beach, Cdl\I. Nr. hr-ach. fonn111 din m1 , r11g/ol'e11. Ftun. only. No .., owner ivill ~nslcl. term~. Harbor Vie1v Homes. \\'e start you w11nr ror beginner house, N.B. Walk to 1vater. bny &: channel, Super for ~· 1 S260 ""U·VIEW RENTALS lg. f~1n 1i11, stont> trplc pl?ts. $150. 7~ Shalin1<.1r. ?llISSION RLTY. ·l!H·0731 ha\"C immediate qualified in·1cstors. Don't wail . M>parate unit Balboa Isle ~ntertaining, $l200 m 0 , or easl!, · ~r :fi:I· 6i3--l030 or 4!).l-:.;243 rri thPrlrt1l l'eili11gs. $4;:,ct. Ill!'· ----~·~18~·"~"::_8 ____ 1 buyer~. Please call Ttwse "'Oll't Jnsl. Principles $125. 2 Br house Cdi\I. G7l-2-19fi Beautifully decorate · A t I~"'--='---~~---;rn·lrlin'? pool serv .. A .. ·ail. IMMACULATE I I HARBOR VIEW only. singles or fnnilies. Rentals 1-•=M>-~I0=24=·-•-~----OL-ctiji\ect: 2 BR duplex. 2 POOL, frpl c, 3 BR. hollll('(I. 968·3.J;JO. l BR unfurn. s1ovt• &:: rt>frl~ 2 Bdrm.. 2 bath hon1e; HOMES * * * * bto' PP,"°,,"',,dat,·',,·, ~~,.~ri~~ ts~ ::o.~r;41 ~fa~io~.~ ~:k~;··o~~w:,ti:r,o& ~~ rYoR:Bk~~1~: ~:·1rkcll(I '.\lilliTt.:D ~:?~~~ ~~~~c o~1~1~~ lllndscilpcd, "'ilh lge. !recs REAL TY"'833-0780 TRIPLEX g·,o 0•·3t1 .., Nr new Civic· Center and CD!\1 "'alk to beach 3 Br * L"SED BRICKS * &12-58-1!1 &: brick patio. Close lo new Eastsidc localion. :J.2 lklnn """"" 673--0103. rURNlSllED 3 BR _._ 870.4.lEi'I I ."'!::"'°'-------~I rifarina. Hurry on this one units ~u1TOUndin:;: ~autiful B jL--I I d 2 BDRJ\I + den. fireplace, Park. 1 Child OK. No dogs. BAL130A 1 rn 2 Br boa~ sl L B h 3741 SHARP &: CLEAN. : •• t''lC.500. • ll;\RBOR Highl:i,nds. b Y. I A-" u t' t "'I' I -s In 3106 b "If 1375 y CB r I y =!162=""""''='~·~"'"-'''~'-A~M=·--· I u 1guna eac Bcdl'OOlllS, 2 bath apt for • ""---ofY'!-_._,.__-01vncr, 3 BR, .l~: ba. d?r. poo · "" in 11 no ·"'· ui ins. · · 3 BR, 2 BA. fireplace, cpl~. 2 BR. garage, -pet ok · -· lease. 5260. 1\lo. Rcfs. u.u~---. • 101, enlargeable. 1'1arlnel'fi, The.re's room 10 ex:pand. COZY Collage ·\V a'n Is &14-0030. Ro · Hom1find1r1 *'642-9900 $220. n10., in<'I L:tils. + rK'<'Cled Call Agent 546-4141 ~ ..... ~ Ensign. Ne"'JXll't HI gh Ad.diUona! J u~it~ can .be oompany. July.' Aug, ScpL 2 BDRM, 1 BA house. drps, bl~ I • ~·k nf UN TIJE BL U f' r S cle:in. dep .. A\'ail Aug l~t. ' ENS APTS ..,.._ • ., y 1 $49000 built ~hind ex:1sllng units. v.'t!Ckly, 223 .Qiamond , ·r early lease 1275. mo. So yards, a. mo. or . :[See ilOi\' l BH rr11tc Oo;t' * F.1.!\I GARD · . dllitrict. acan · · · Lot . size 66j'C305. Owners 675-6921. · h 673-8859 Dale 963-4567. TOl\'nhousc living, 4 Bl', 21t ' be 11· 497 ri.'8 ' UNFURN. 2 BR apt 111 • '4tt.f1oo j 646-73 a1Lx10us! of "'Y· · VAC\NT Ba, sno1v "'hite crpt, lprlc, 10 ac · -' ~·amllv &>ction. 177 E. "'""''71 BY O\vncr Udo I s I e, ~fJU,ER REALTY &f2-48tl 4 BR. pool," saul'\8 & jacuzzi. "<ine cellar, garden putlo Laguna Niguel 3752 22nd St .. C.i\I. 642-:l&li -EMERALD BAY channi1>g 2 BR +den, $130000 \l'alkto-ao "'~ Askfot w/hang,ing plant s . , ----tL-J L-•• 1 I · area \Viii • Ila ff -· -· gamcroom """ge. o .... ·ner \VEST NINE rorido. 2 l~!t 2 Lr~. 2 l,ledtin.. !."'11· ""'.: Ocean side of Jl wy., l 01\'Yler cav1n~ , . 10 UNITS . $~ '1) X\ '-,( -"C C. SI ~1R . SNIDER 962-44n. lived In. 644--0111 or s.\0-4097 RA. \\le!!kly or year!~·,-I C'.:'il. No IM'1s. $1 7.~-.. Cnll \\k· bdrn1s 3 bu.· ~unroom: consider sclltng furn. \!::) ~"U ~). lJ ;::> CLEAN 3 BR. 2 BA liome, c::~.::::-"2.:...:=..::.=~cc152.7-17;\2 l!l'i-:."77 d11y!l h('fo1·c.7pn161;>·00·U,rtft while Water \'IC'~ & \l'alk lo $77,500. 67:>-2288. h Ch '/ 1285 I 7 6'12-AA:l3. beAch. St:fl,900R ASSOC BIG CANYON ri~ht on 11th 1~ :ii~~ s~6~~~?~n~~1~~~11~ That lnfrig11in g Word Gome wit a uc11: e ~171as1c1!1g$too dcP. f ~; • YEARL\' RENTAL • Newport Be•ch 3769 1 -3 BR".:'.lc_B_A_P~OO~-L-1 TURNE • ffth'l\'tt.y, lrg )d, .. DEAN ' $l9,800 yr. 9.~~;, l'CIUt'Tl. 6.4x Mite4 111 Ci;AY 1. POUAN l!!nsc. Bio'. No fee 893.-1331 2BR. den, 28,\, Pt>n Pt $37;1. -, • J105 N. Coos1 Hwy., l..'l;.•1u1a 1\tONACO. _J Bil, ." BA,+, ·~s:''Full Price 1130.000. o ••••-·o• "'''' o! 1.__ 2HH. nu 8h:irp apl $275 $.15-\VK UP. I Br. 2 Ba. J,· f't1111ily 4-1)lt''>. no J>CI~. S~fKl. 4••11n .i;lris 117'000 01 Loll.SC' "''v~ •Y" ,.. 4 liR, 3 ba, fan1 r111, lrg 2Bltlg uppcr npt, fpl, Bach.CotorTV_,,111;1irl ~"1·1:. Nr So.CiJ11s11'1.iza,97!).699j ~ ',.· ' ' ·"Ve"'• llttle deferrOO 1noin· fOUf "'"omb!ed WOtd' be· ho L• led ~1 ~ 1 TH" '''SA 11 ' G <1~7 2571 •.• nus m1, nca ,~.. bc<1n1 ceil. S29:i. 1>00 . r, i ~· • ' .1 i • 2-B~ h' II '"Pl~ 1lr1" -LAGUN'' PRESTI EI · · leMne€'. Anxious t11cllcr. Call low 10 !Of,m lour slmp~·WOfd,, & pool 1n••1'nt fu •·n "'"' ·' 11 ..., •·• Ne "port Bl NB "It' ~I '" •1 1• · · ' -"' .. • ,,........ • Coast Propertie!I. 61.r,,..\O 1• " · · " l". • ~:ui•e. $100. 1110. C 11 I I This cu1ito1n h0n1c has !he n.!"1 A1 R1:BOR 4VIBE\RV ~!?1'1~~ 'l:t4·7"J2-l700 toduy! ~I ~i I 0 C S I I l BR condo, near beach, * SUPER HO:i.tE! 3 br, 2 \VATERF'P.ONT .. f.i,•c ho11t fo4:l-:ll21J 01• 61.r4G..'m. ll'lCSt or evel"'ll1lr1g. S11e\:• rv.•· 0 JllO, . • ' ,;i .,_,I lNVESTMl~I~ I \ N u SIM " ·-d k 3BR f I I Slee s =-~1 ;r f 11n1 1111 & Ganle-rm -S ....,,mo. •JO pe..., ---bi\, lg wa.lle<J~yn:l-Appll'i;, ~ · · ua·n1~ __! "ISii.~ .,-BR 1~r11.n!s to t taculnr coasU!ne virw ... ultrn . . ._ -rei t • • I I 1• I' I 536-l187 fully Cl"J)t'd , I.& ~150/mo 8: By \l"k, mo or yr. --' • 'l'tlr 01J:-201i \\'Rllnce, C.i\I. inOOern gouriTiett.---::KltChen. Owne . s.sg;950. 833=3891. . . • . -• • BEACH HOUSE: 3 bed, 2 ha, inctds gal'rlencr. 1524 l\nlta 67:>-6169 't.i-<138 1 is.i&.-t.223 artist's studio, ln1 rted tile SELi.. (Ir l _ea s c Io Pl. • 1 ; ; .,...shr/dryr, frig, $3!1. Call L.n. For appt., &t2.-L12t: \ RR apl. Furn. ulil pd, S12S. ?."'.8~1.""d~· 1--1-11<1~~-tt~ll-l -.. ~I balhs -h's all ierc1 Of· Bll.}'h'Olll Vista de! Udo. ---•=:1••1::11•~ I . H A p C R I 'jJ Joan. 962~ or !lGS-3149 evt's 67;;...1404 rno. 216 E. Balboll, N.B. ~Bit• ~ ux:,e 'poot si' M 19-,,· feted ot $125.000. Bk t S~e 1 BR & Lanai Condo. , --.'-',,,.;-,._.,....-; ~ 21 =., ns: c111 s , ;iv. 497-JiGl. o .... ·ner 6T;NS.>.1 2-Fourplexes P' I ,. r~ I Hunt. H1rbour . 3242 \~~edit~~ Ai:~~~g1c! pr~r. 61··-..... ;1a1;1~. G l<t-~7 -. L.AGUNA horn<': 4 hr, 2 ba, HARBOR VU H0i\1 ES.I . · .. · · UNIVERS IT\' PARK BnJ Isle 2 Br. 'kids, pcls. Apartments Unfurn. 2 BR, tt~ R.i. gar .• patiO. r le bean1 (."C:\llngs. crpt, $61,500. i\1onaco, 3 BR, 2 Ba. St~le by side In ex<'t'l~cnt 2 B Rentals by phone dldly. No <'Pl~. d11>S, bllns. $18;1. 2::16 d~· canyon vU. 497-1816. avail ln1mcrl. 67S·Oj62 North Cmila ~les.'i locnllon. I GI TN ~Y I •i ~~~-UM! .. 3At~~~. xi:i driving to pick up li!tt. Agt. Bilbo• Island 3806 San10 Ana AvC'. · I 1050 0111l('r brokt'r i11L'Onle Sl6.200. Jnii:t 11~1rd . · When e men is being 1ued "''" Z-Oa28 f'ct. 9i9-&l'l0. Nf:AJU.Y Nf.:\V 2 BR .. 2 &1., Laguni HI Is -3 B~B\~-fBR 1BA and exc:lw;l,-c 511lct1 price J J'· J \ for div!)rce, he suddenly di1-t"Oncl. $400. lease.;.;; ~ B\ C ,~1 V/ICANT! r.edul'trl 10 $260. bltlns Jaund1v fol". En.: ' I • $67,000 Cll~h. C11ll ?-.Ir. . • . . L-Irvin• 32« 4 DR. ~ I. ;on1n1. ........ • rly 2 61• ~hag 1h11S WU' . s'2Z "L>-ffi" SHARP SHARP SHARP duJ)tcx, 11te11~ to beach. lti$ttr ~ ~ulhCo. co~r1 how -"" "· 1:1' Gdnr pd, nr Schl14, SIOO. mo. Y ,· • ,•.,,. 1 • • .__:ar~~ • J ,),), • LAGUNA HILLS 1 $87 . .500. &16-3303 Rcoltol'tl. • --.-R-A_M_H_O_l-~ Lee Da)'ll. 5-Ml-8121, t\·es. IM 1 Opal. 6-tO-~BR l BR + St-~ furn. No pc~. 1' bedroorn~. (llnlr'i room .. It BY 0\\11Cr HV llon1~~. 1 e~11i-tba chickli .quo!a'--rrniif.lii;1iii".::"iiijj-§-jrm'f-6~tf<><X108~i'.--;;;;;;;;;:-;;;:t;;;;;;:TY1U.~cny' b~~·11\I now, l ~fi $tt.o:,:n~.0~.~·§!C::":"':'~':S:t·="~'i-----·1 dt!n. SU!!C'I 1MllllE. jrit:llliUlll "'Ofl"rtil!1. 1111 • ZOnl'd c~· NC"'JlOl't by f1lht19 '" ,,.., "'iMlftg WOl'J:h s" ·1 BLUJ-'FS condo; end unit. • 1 . "'' . . ~ lot pool, 11pg11rtled In $71 ,tm. 64~-qzq:, r.lvcl., C.i\I. ~ 1)'10 l11c,)11'1e. ~::::!~~~:;:::;.:~·~~~··~·;·•~·~;··~;~"'~'~"~''.:·~'~"~';'":·, 3 Bn 11 •mtll • $300. $32S, S.\'U Pool. 3 Bdnn1>., 2 bnthll 67J....1411 anytlnlc. 2 BR. quirt fllnlO~Phcl'I!, no eve~"'J)Y. BesLbuyJ n tu'.Ca. $159,000 ('.tlCXt ft"W co n1 hl r r r 11\ I ..., 3 srt Hon1r!I .-S360,$.r.5,..$39S !38.'r~fonth Brokc:r 614-0.13~ Bi lbo• Penlnsuli 3807 fll'I$, $Iil0. . /\ rcll.I ~e81!Ul't 10 lho\\'. s.-;s.m1 or fl8.t-3..17t rlf'\'elopml'tll. .s 6 5. 0 0 0. 8 PRINT NU~BER£0 i~Tl ERS' IN 1 ~ HR Tlom~ •. $3.15.t'tM, $42;, HARBOR Vu lfOQl('ll, 3 Br. 2 . OOS-800.a C.11 646-11. OCt:ANFftONT DUPLEX Owner-ll1'(1k('r,~&12-0$!l(). -;:===lH~!~l!;:l~Q~U=•;Rt:;s;::;::;::::;='*=1=F=i==f=j==j ~~~\.~A;TY Bn . Yearly lease. $4.15. mo. tUTI-:: AS A BUG Dina Polnr 3826 "Mn'.c n.oonl For D<lddy" ~iESA VERDE +.'Pl.EX ~ UN!i'cRAM!tE lfllfRS TO I I I I I I I I R.ANClf RtALTt 67:HU62. 2. nn l!ludio duple)(, l ho~ ;;.o:;c;...c.:=----- •.. ele:Bn <iul 1he gnrage I Tmnia.c. unlt11 llT'pcbnc loca., W G~T .i.NSWf·' . HE ~ ._ 556-6800 * l-lnvr. &QTncthin.': ,1011 \\'1'ht to tnxn O\..'CO n . .1\d111t~. no fK'IS. SUPER 2 Bit: AM's W I 11 lee' ... 1u1'11 thf1t junk Into cn5h 1''le.x. f!nane:ln!J nvail. 'tUS!J!i.RE:At.TY ~ t?: Cln»lf!f:d . tid do It 2n.E. Balboa B11:d..tl1" i20 CrcRt View! 1'horo.Pl!O" a hef ll with a Daily Pilot ClaSlllOl'!d Peul \V. Brum.held & A~. SCRAM-LETS Ans'w1-1'n Gltssif lc1tlon 8080 * 832·5Jll • wt>ll-Ci!n NOW 64~8. or 11)~22 1\IAnagcn1en1 Corp ~93-01-41 °':::=:::::'::"::'::'::':;':;';:":::=~L'~d. cau &12.-5618. j&12 ~.:::.o dl'IY' fi4G.1os1 m,... ... ~ ·- ( ' s I , • .. •' ' -· • • \ 2 DAILY ~ILOT Tue1day. Jul1l6,1974 ~:~~po~rt~~m~o~n~t•t}u~n~l~ur~n~.:T,A~pt~1~F~u~r!n~§~~~~~-~ic;!ojR~o~n~t!•~I ==4~4~Dll~~~~~~~~~~t~o~1~1J&~F~o~u~nd~,.:'.':'530o~!]'\~u~1~in~•~•~•]S~•~rv~i~co~1C:-8 H1 ulln9 ' 6051 H11p -W1nttd, Mi' 1iOoH1ip Wantff, M&F 0 7100° ·-°"---"";;..;..P•;.;;ln;:.:1 __ ....;;.3•:;:::26 1;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;CH;:O;;:l;;:C:;E;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 HUNTINGTON r -)' .... 1~ -,, .l CALJ. ANIMAL CONTROL 0001'1\.EEP!NG, P<IY..;,. ' $12 A LOAD D Ii ' -s cla 0 !Y '" 1 . l _ Huntlt\&'10tl Bt>ach Shelter ltt.X. .. 'll, l)'ping, Katl\y'11 Book· • Get rid of w111\&hlly e .very Uft Y ft . OCEAN Vu dclu:< 2 sn: 2 LAKE FRONT BEA-CH ' 8521 }';dj11a1.1 St. 536-251 1 kceylng Services. &IS.2650. THASJI , .. DEBRIS ~·rec~~~~~·ar~1'!n,~~: LOCATIONS , 5075 Warner:'IAve. Bu1!ne11 Oppor 5005 (&!ck ot 1-lumnnc Soclctyl _, Cabln9t Making 6014 Coll<'C'C Student ~lB-64.."8 occ. "2~1 La Pnl Rd. VERSAILLES . , eL S AN it.tlALI ASSJST. LF.AGUt: -?t10V:INC Hauling Bxper S7J...4Ml till s. 548-200$. 3 Olk~ B.'l.i« of ltu.rit1n.a-ton icr forta-2 i\< 0~1 on. ~~Ing tiild CAB INETS, Bo.'\t \Vo r k, llc>llahle: Re1t!IOnab1c. t'reC llAl'bOur. G,000 ~ ft of of· $18~1 & S:.WM ~lo. neutel nJ1.: lnro1n1 .. ~~13 JnUk't' 1~1>0d cov'd pa.Uos. est 832-7581.. , Huntington Bel ch 3840 .. ON THE LAKE Ji«'s. 2,000 lilJ ft of dmftlng e lnterlor Decor ator ANfrt\ALS T?i.iPOUNOED 1"r'l'e c-st. Reas. 646-5219 . At S..u11\-CM111 Plni a. 01• school 1,IOnlt • 2 nn 11.dult Gr. $2j()~·l 11. year Gcnu Shep, Blk/1!1h'E'r, t• . LOCAL movlr13 & hsulu'f: by CHILDREN Pool • Acapulco Aq ua 8.'ll' apl. Light Dln.ne oivt~I'&. •Ha mburger Stand Slu.1ggy Terrier, B\'\l'n, ?-1 Carpenter 6015 atudent. 1..arge_ truck. Reas. & Jacuzzi Speetacular 8 Offlrrs adjoin Mendo\l,•lnrk ~ Sh:.~. Tea·r., Bloud, F CREATIVE CARPENTRY 6al'1')', a.1t-12.'l5 or ~9"138. OF DAILY PILOT TO CARRIERS. RE· QUl!lES THE USE OF A LARGE STA· 1'ION WAGON OR VAN. CONTACT MR. BENTON WILLIAMS, 330 WEST BAY STREETt.COSTA MESA. TELEPHONE &lz.4321 "OR APPOINTMENT •• WELCOME Ac1·e Lake 1v/To1o,·cr"" Alrpoi·t. (H,tO. 16t!L' ~1 +D•BY('llr NESS Sllf'p/Tenier 1nix, 1'1i .. F. RErttODEi.JNG, REPAIR: l\10VINC &. flAUL.4NG. An Equ ... Opportunlty Employtr '"'., ~ BR froni $165. Lge litlfi:' F'ownalns. ~ l\11111on Oollllr 6ii.'.H1-,~AN~A1 1.'US SI 51"-""''o Ccr1n Sh~p. 13lk/Tan, ~1 ING, REDECORATING, 32 ft. ?i.fov\ng Van. Jn1i:lfl't'd, Hel Wanted M&F 7100 Help W1nted,'-"M&"=F~7=1~00'1 -toclomi .play_ arc,":o:c!'+-i~u.bho~ G)'.rn, Sauna., '..l . .,,,='===~'==....,°"""="~~~-.,;.i.;.tl~u~ii~ nux, Blklwht t rENCES.-OECKS. DOI. U'x:lll & long dl11t. ~1--06'11 , P • .- child's drean1i. dB It n s. Totii't cur:',Y. l:-O"V"!:"C'v-B'()1lT-rQlrE Cock~l~·. G~"t.ry. ,1 TIONS , BURT. 494·&167. Housecleaning 6054 •• "4... .,._.. ...,_.. rf'<lecorated, c ose garage, Inlnledla1e Occupanc,Y peaceful, bt-o.uliful S 11 n ·•........-... ., l>caut. landscupe<f. Close to AOUL TS Cle111cnte. ssooo. c 714 l Germ She11, lllk/ron. 1'"' 12) PATIO -Co\'e.rs ,&. Dc?cks. HOUSE' OF. CLEAN A(•COUJ1Ung Clerks to $5$ shOpping-l.1 sc h o o 1 s , Sort"-'. No Pets 4!)2-1737; rifler 6 p rt1 T<"rrlt'r i\1 ix, Tru1/~ht, Al CUf tom desig~ toxpertly C· 1• ,1 • _ _. • fl \\11.ne Tasting Cellnr 551Hl5tl. " 400-1~1 Afghll.ll, Tan/\Vht , t• btu.lL F'ree-~sUn1alt'S •1' 1 1' S!I, 'vi.,~! OIVll, IOOt!i l\IRnag<!l'!I (Couple) $800+ Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Br~1. Shep CcilllQ, 'l'<iu, r~ 646--7'.>98 846-9-tCIG u~1?. pee a_ rntes or reg. Booli]H~cpcr 10 sriOO fRO~t $139. 12 1n!. to bench. from $175 ptr•mo. T,~~·~11 :~!~.i ~w:s}~~:i~~~ &!lter n1is, Tti, F RE~10DEL. ADO-ON, GAR lien. Sl2-G82·1. , l.egnl Scc/Corp/R.E. $750 liEAUTIFUL POLYNESIAN Sante Ana o · I 1 1 Trh;h, Red, Jo' CONV. Custom & new Dedicated Cleaning l\ITST/l\1TSC $736 . 6 POOl,.8. TENNIS, Pl't!V. 3700 Pla1a Dr. c::~:u~~~'. ne nig it c ll ), Cock\fr, Blond, l\I oonsl,. 25yn exp, free C!il, * \VE DO F:Vt:Jt\'TlllNG • Exec. Secretary S700 PATIO Carden Apt s , 71 4-556.(M66 675-8800 , r.ilk'>hiOUt'!r,dSl~hr.~·ln'., l\I 64f>-..1>J~ Re(.~. F'TW C~I. 6·16-283.q Sec/hkkpr -1. $700 Sauna~. ja1:uzzl, 2 car prk'g. -"' n • '"' "luC • FENCES.GATES-STEPS Masonry 6070 Sec/[t11':. leasing; $625 8·16-1323. I ?:::;;:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:;:;;::;;;:~ NEWPORT BEACH Invest Opport'y 5015 c;cxie 111\x, .Brv.·~11o,•ht , f RAJLJNGS-DECKS-ETC. · Ot'dCr desk · , '$(;90 c · ? BR d' c I 1 · ---~~-~---I oocllt\ \Yh1I~. f 1 5:18-71.JT eves. Brit:k·Blotk Stone P1ttk»i & lnvoicil1lz elk to $500 LAR E. -sl\t 10. oup c. ~. ·' 1\l.-J"\~J. \V:aterrront f.'sccuti\'t' offices; SELECT Group of Jn\'cstors Old Engh.sh ~hl~_p, i\1 --1 C . T·" A F .1 \\'alls. Quality \Vol'krnaru;hip tlllllng clk/NCR,3100 to S500 Infant OK. l\'o pel5. $151.JO .N,C,1:druta.7L-11UU'~ l)n(i 11· • h'Plc., 11•et bar, pl'iv. desired 10 participate in -CAT!S I A iu a~e v1.111y, run1 y lli;c ~~7-6ft6.1 Jtcc/ typist $500 \Varner f.i ~ach. 8·17-1\.\0 UClllNCflCWCONClPT ! l111tli: one 2 l'OOn1 suite \l'l th "'alerfroDI projl•ct. At\n. Tabb)', Crey/whl, F ~111. ton1orrow. $/:;>() up. · ·;1 . • Clerk typist $500 OCEANFP.ONT. s11u1ll lBR. &DULY 1.AAlSIDCllVllCC vlc111 of boats & "'all"r. investn1ent $70.000, &-cured, Crey;\\1Ute SianiesC', r ~S-7637 ew~. Paint1ng/Paper1ng 6073 p .1• Ge.n otficC to $3.25" $285. ·111C1. .Judy \"oung. tMAll H lSACClrn o Bill Grundy, Rltr allractive roturns. 64G-Qj{l2 Black/11·hi1e, ff'nu1l c , f'E~CES-GA1'ES ~ fDl\"llNE i.....~~NNEL 812-f:HO or i\lr:t: ':'36·1·187. •Bochtiors 67S-6161 Mort Trust Deeds 50lS Bltl('.k/Gold. Fcn1ale \\E BUILD &"'l.EPAIR WALLPAPERING H\.V I rtK;)U 2, BDR'.\l , l'lo~ed gurage. •I BR , 2 BR I !!'~~~~~~~~~ 1:.:.:::.::..• 0 ·-AND OTHERS 5.1fr2513 LO\V 1lATES .. 5'1S-7637 eves . G SERYJCES•AGENCY Child & ~n1al1 pet 01\. ~16:>.· ofi1cE· SPACj:; 1'' 0 R l:.OANS UP·TO 80'/o 2 GOLDEN FEMA(E tµSTOl\1 Carpentry. Bars, c P~!INITRINtd 11.·11 4M E. 17th St (at Irvlno) Cl\1 841-81·19 01• !iG:!-7H:~i •2 BR & O.n llENT. Costa i\lcsa. Harbor 1 t TD L MIXED SHEPHERDS nicknl\Cl'I rum etc Reas On\1nl.'1c a / es c1 11 S , 4 ·---~3~8~4~4 From $175 . $435 nl Adan1s. B ca u ti f u I· s oa RS I . ratl"'S, q1;allty 1~·k. 968--0,i35,. E~xte:riors & Jnt~1·iors u1t• 22 642-1470 Irvine iuodern. Air. n1 u s i c, _ 1 W /BLK MASK -J-25 Years Expcncn1.'C ~ MesaV.rde E~st&Adams j11.11itorial, Class A. \Vnlker 2 d TD L . 1 WfWHT MASK. I Carpet Service 6016 Quick Replys By PARK WEST APTS. Family Apa rtments 5-40-ISOO .~. Lef' Bldg. Call Gene Hill, ft oans LOST IN FREEWAY JOHN·s C t & U hol 1 -lt<ldio 1'elephonc APPOINTirtENT Sect'etary. -;~::;~~'f:'~O"':;:=:: I 557--0136 or 642-0200. nrpc P s ery Ne1vpo1·1 • &12·1000 part tlmr, Slit, typing, call .:;; ESK bl $5(1 Lowest rat•s Oran1!(°11 Co. ACCIDENT NEAR SAN Dii Shampoo' <Soil Hunt Bea<'h 847-4128 S.l7-4l14 (or lntervie1v BEtAlITrr·ui.ho21BR.&PBool, D•no. ,,,',·1pa1 "P•"''~>.vdeanalu•,',,.,.... SI I M C Cl'J:M ·STATE PARK R1~tardantsl.. Degreasers & }~ounfainVly 554--0a55 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio CABIN Et' n1akcr. carpenter trnJ.nce, for fll!lt £l'01vln1 boat· manufacturer. Apply 8-IJ 17.t22 Derian, Irvine. CAllEER \Voman who .need• $500+ mo 1t. Must be sales oriented, Mr, Ly o ns -CASHIER -Hoste ss. restaurant oxp pref'rd. Set l\11ss McLeod, Ben Brown's .... 2271 CHEF, Qualilled Man, for 11mnll dinner house. 1 man kitchen, N.B, call 673-7722 . Clerical ·· Job Opportunity ' Keypunch · 2 BR, 2 f;1;1th 11011· a1·ai1:1.hle f.ro1n S2'.!11. On ('ql\·er Drive, just off San !)i~~o f'r11•y. 3883 Pul'i>V iU\I' r .11. 552-9200 cosc 10 s ppng Ul\ v• ....... I ter ••• o. 7/6 POSSIBLE all color brighteners & to __ ------. ASSEMBLERS line. 1941 Pomona. C.!'11. at $5. 1110. Answer l n.g 642-2171 545-4611 · minute bleach for white ~~ _ 6-12~"7 service a\'8ilable. 1 78 7 5 &>rving !-{arbor area 24 yrs. lNJURY. HAVE SAN Carpcts,· Save your money *·BE s T \VORK-LO\VEST CSwlng Shift) 4pm-l2pm 1.fid· 2 BR, II~ Ba)Coup!Cs. &gS BeaCh Bl\'d., Huntington DIEGO LIC. FULL by saving me extra trips. BIDS• Eleetronlc \nstrumcnt nite. Mes• Verde" 3863 "'elconu.'. 610 Apt C Joann. Beach. C12·~321. lS'r Trust Deed, $16,000. GROWN & GENTLE. \\'ill clean living_ rm .. dining Ex[l('l'. wllllpnpcr hang~1p:. nianufacturer needs exper . 54S.9:.73. 1501 WESTCLIFF .OR. fl!~';~. si 45. ~r ino .. all due CALL COLLECT rn1:, .~ hall $15. A!1Y _rn1: Call for eslunate · 675-6357 assen1blers tor P.mduction R 4000 NE\\'PORT Financlal Cente1· ~i~1:·r.t~'!1:1~';<j~roperty, 1-453-8343 8am-6pm, S7.50, cou~h $10. Chair S:i. lJ after 6. dept., final as!iCmbly, PC • HO:'llE ATi\JOSPtiERE _oo_m_s_______ Leasing Office Space ASK FOR LORI yrs. exp, 1s 1vhat counts not p A·P ER HA NG JN G &. board 110lderlng. }Ull·tid Deluxe :l & 3 EP •. He>ntal Ofc ROO'.\t for rent $93. All CALL Ol\-SITE i\IA.i~AG.EH Announc.ements 5100 " 1~1ethocl. I_ do \\'l'.ll'k myself. p..'linting. 21 yrs Harbor eniploynient. Ex c e 11 en t 309j ~cc' Ave. J4ti-103-i convf'nicn('(!s, IP-P. beaut. i'ilB 6~2.3111 C:'l.'t. 2!6. ---E-· N-,C~.0-L-,N-IT_E_· -R-1---· LOST: lt f.:\\'ARD! sn1all liood re.f. l'l l~IOl. area.. ttefs. tw:n. no 183281. s:.Uary · & Jx>nefits. 15 ?-.fin. M• · y· · 3867 1 d·" 1 """' ""' · aging, plun1p. curly black & Ceiling' 6018 642-2.156 lron1 &lnta Ana. 1ss1o n 1e10 sec u "" lOnl(' 111 '.1stin. * 1 '10. F'RE"' RENT • GROl'-H CJlOUP c. I I Tit l 838-0038 " "' e.. ~~ <1<"011·n (C'n1a!e Tf'ITiCI' ns t . ("A1NTING & rcpd.ir, 35yt'S 1 3 ·8•R.. Co~1,-c· ·p•~ ri""'" I ,_'fture9 '!1]" on y. No lease l'CQ. Di x. offices. Gain Insight into 110\V others scf'n 11 pn1 .July 4th near r ,,.0,.,,,,.,,n•i>>'p . guar, Ti>ko · • nc · 1 "'· .,,_' ""'ore :,,.,, a.nl. adj. Airporter Hotel. 55c Sq. I CAL"OUSTIC 0 Clos~!.\l"j~·S-pool. Avail 528.il I LRG Roon1 East Costa i\tcsa, r·1. incl. A/C, full services. :fH1/ 0 ufor nj~~~~cy yoia; ~~1~~r 1~; ~~~itg 1 1~:;;: ""F. OR ""5.:/'1~j!~t? _or niy exp, mo. 1•1·• ·1· Q,,TI ba1h, entrance. Kitch. 21Tl DuPon t, Rm. S continue your gro11·1h. 3 Eve \I · RI & G · 1 D ~ ~ Call F'or Appt. Jn~ustrial Relations (714)i94-9401 N B h 3869 ._oun t:un < • nvio a r., ACOUSTIC CEILINGS PRO . h k ewport eac privl. lri,: yrd, $98 n10. 833-32'13 t9 til noon) C:rou!).'i ongoing !or 3\~ yrs. Laguna Beach. Please call F. painter, Qnest "'Or • TELONIC . 5CHANNELFRONT Dix 2 & den, 2~~ ba unf $600 2 Bc\1111 ., 2 ba., 2 t'ar gl\I', frplc. Furn. . .$JOO Yrly BAYFRONT 3 BR. 2 ba:, unf. S4i5 \"i:ly STEPS TO OCEAN 2 BR., 1 bn., furn. S300 Yrly 3 BR. 2 00.. unf. $38~ \·rly 1 2 (~Rh~A DEL s~~·ly 2 BR. l ba; unf, $275 Yrly associated >JS.-_~. =~~--....,7 \VESTCLIFF DR. Nc .... ·port 5.'12-8271 497-2817. 10 yr guar. free glitter n-reas. Int-cxt., !ree estimate. ;;:-&st Price J{e(s. 548-2159, 642-3913. ROOl\IS ~ 11·k up, v.·ith Beach, •IOO sq. ft . "·ith Air, $100,000. SECURED' by 1st S45-9B80 PROF. wall covering, &late kitchen: $30, "'k up apt. Private Bath & Balcony. . TD on prime property. -...~ 11 5-lS-9T" or 6.\:i-3967 $115. mo. Call Gene Hill, l[gj v 1 •200 0.00 He. No . .i;1;Nl<J. Insur .. n ' """ a uc over ·~ · · •\\'lLLARD Painting, New t"""S pa""r. TI4·842-4386. * HOOi\1 FOR sgl v;orking G4 -O~vu~==~==07 Lo1t lftdf"ourld Borroy,·<'r record :dnt & · 1 -1 I ~ ., .. -.. ~ girl. Nr ocean. Beaut new *1 M-0. FREE RENr* <'lear holdinga substantial. aoousuca cci' repu ts ,. PAINTING by ool stu at low resi,lence. 96...~7910 Excellent Offi~ Location In No rL~k. trouble free dry\\nll, No. 281038· &l2-5TI5 prices. 5yr exp, v.'l'.lt'k guar, FUfu'ilSl-lED roon\ for rent, Ne11.·porf, near hay. 1030 sq Lost -& Found 5300 i11ves1me11t. Rate &. terms Cement/Concrete 6019 lree est. Rob 673-36:)8 ASSEMit.e-RS outside entrance, pvt bath, ft. SJOO. 491-1215 --~r,-------ncqoiiablc. Pi·Ui. only, Eves. • -* 10'1~ DISCOm.'T * For sn1all electro-mcclum\cal LOST 1 ('(lmputer module S.ls-6j62. ST l'l.l\'IPED eoncrete, .Wallpa~n·ag ·& Pu•'nt>'ng sgl girl, 64s.-4293 aft 6 DELUXE OFFICES '-';o;~..,,.._....,.--,,,-,-. bbl fl b . k .. -nianut. oo. -Penn & f/tin1e. about 8~"x11" \\'tapped in ' LOST male poppy. blo•k, ro (>Stone, I e, r 1 c;:, • l''ree Est, Call 531J..OC>43 'I h ood d t ·1 & Sleeping room: rt>slrin racil· J-'1'0111 $130 Per i\lonth plastic. Losl en l'Oute to ,.. Patio.~. pool deC'ks, dril'e-1' ust ave g ex en Y ilies. O\'er 40. S65 mo. $20. Ne"·ixn•t Beach • .\nahei1n fron1 CosM. r.resa .cocknpoo, approx ·3 nio. 1\"ays. 610-4349. * Wallp•per Hanger* vision. Non smoker rei:i.'d. Security. 518-i>J3. 7. Rc:ilonon1h.:s, Bkr~. G1S.6700 \'ia Ne11·nn11 & Rivt>rsidc Srrayed or taken fron1 ~B '\\'ALLS Pl ' C Rebko 6"6·2449 No expcJ'. neccss. -vuy ,,... \"Chicle. \ril·. Lirorice Pi?:1.a HLULt\ -an e!'s, · pleasant small co. Oill R~T forrenthf'au!11pt.liv&1 NE\\'PORT CENT·ER F\\)'. Rettu·n · greatly N Bl ·' C '! N SidC\\""dks Dri1'e\v11ys Platttr/Ropalr 60n L'A""""' f SR k I · NB & ~1 $80 appreciated. Con1act Alldy on e'vpotl \u, · "· • o ' ' ·' ' ~ or appt. . , INDUSTRIES Laguna Beach Equal Oppor, Employer Afinlm11m keypunch UNIVAC 029--05'). of 6 mo 's \\'Orking exper. 111D or 18~! St.n-Clerk 1 50 "'Pm + IBAt·SeJectric, slh 70 wpm. · Secretary Typing 55 y,•p1n + lBM Selectric, S:h 80 wpm, lntcrE"st or experience in ln· vestments. Clerks l\1ath & English oriented. Typing 40 wpn1 . + Apply In Personnel Dept !) lo 11 a.m. Mon-1'~ri PACIFIC MUTUAL 700 Newport Center Dr. · Ne1vport ·aeach Equal Oppor. Employer ' .. CLERK· TYPIST BROKERS-REAL TO RS 101~ W 8<1lhoa 611 16Ll itc 1 pr1v, 1 · "'" • I Ground Floor LHIV Suite, Andersen ~2.4321. questions , children nlifls "645-S120 niorhing 01· ev('s . En g_i n e c r l n g, 8 3 4 9i9-4199 & 979-1268. p a n e 11 e d, · reccplionii>t, very n1uch. Please ·call CE.i\1ENT work of aU kind s. PATO! PFL.AS'l'E!tlNG Production Pl., ·N.B. ROOill to 1nan $70. nKlnthly. $295.-$3;-xJ .. 640-82Z2 LOST-RE\VA RD Fein. 9 yr '548-6178. Re as on a b I e. Fr cc All types. rec es~unatcs Aulo. L<lrgc r.ompany in Costa 64&-9136. 27:, FJ01o,·er St, 1617 WESTCLIFF-NB old "Ginger". Boxrr/Shep. LOST SIAMESE CAT Estiniates. Call 638-3325. Call 5~2J 1'1esa area has opening fol' Costa Ulesa -~ 515, 1200, 2300 s-1 t . mL'7. Tan. Vic 22nd & Santa ' Contractor 6021 P lumbing 607& Service Adviser clerk·typlst. Duties consist N -I h 3 Ana: Ci\l. If found call Pnn1, , . REWARD .. for Mercf!des Benz & Fial of typing, filing, good at ewport eac . Summer Rent•l1 4200 o~iCEs & Suites. ~:~~ 644-4333 or 646-4245 eves. Male, very lrg chocolate GER\VICK & Son Bldg Contr. L.R. OTIS PLU~tBING de.n;hip. ExpencnCiXI I h.1ndllng telephones. Muat NEWPORT VILLA VACATION BY. THE SEA LOST: 7/4, \o·1c . 34th ST., point \\•/no front c\a\\·s & Add remod st. lie Bl-114321 Remodels I Repall"S. \Valer onfy. Guaranty + comnils-be able to work % day on NE\V Spacious, xtra lrg apts, &!boa Penln. 2 Br duple.:<_ loc. gd parking. l X sq.ft. N.B. Sl\lALL .. YORKIE" oo '\'h~skers, P lease t'On· 673-0041, 549-2170 heaters, disposals, furnaces, sion, xlnt. fiinge benefits, Saturday occasionally. a11--adult-secur1ty OOilding, ~ apt. Spanking clean, nr 105-1.gk -E -18th. C. 1\1. -TYPE FEAf_,_ DOG.--SHAG· _1~921'1. _ GK~ la Uo dshwashrs. &l.2·6263 M/~.l_ _tt~-~_rlQOOt:;:lrowl·_ ~v~ment Qpportunitl~ __ & 3BR, 2BA \\ifh ample sl\OI N 211 E 5-;8-GY. NAi\1E'S "DIGIT." Ph FOUN D kitten on Andros St. J~~.T:ci~. ~i~lti 2690'ti -Bttr.-Comp1!!tePlilliilimg ager. Excellent company Deiiefits. parking spaces. All bltins, Emf~ ;Jvd:Ct675.s120 0j. Business Rental 4450 673-3570, PLEASE. RE\VARD l\lesa Verde. Abt 3 mos. old, M \V Co, G·IZ-4703,. s&-v1ce. Lie. 27.ml. MISSION VIEJO \Vrite elnsrU1ed ad No. 203, crpts. drps, di"'· gas stove, !II "'"5''2 LOST ,,· •. ol N 0 w port creain ro. lored \\i th It. y ay RAYS PLU'IBING SERVICE Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, 10 min. f:ron1 Fashion lslund. l c"-='-~==·~-~,-= FOR lease ideal snles lot for .. D I 6011 " IMPORTS Cost ~f catif -Riveria townhouses mlnia. brown stripes, dk feet, blue r veways · Repairs . Installations a esa, · JllUl/U hot 11·ater paid. P'1. patios, Li\GUNA Cottage, I BR. used cers~ boats,-motor gray poodle. Lower front eyes. v.rearing flea collar.1 "t h . rv<o 0 >JS.86l8 &7 . • Equal .opportunity employer REC ROO~IS. heated pool, lrplc. 1 or 2 mature adults, homes, n"IObilc h o n1 es. 5'16-35'10. · . TOP quality asphalt seal ., r. sc ic ~ 01 1'.1arguente Parkway 81111nas, gym, lounge & no pets. \Valk to beach, Compll.'te service faclllties. t0eeth ~i!>.<:li\g. Cad 11 aft 5pin, .. coast l ngs, patchin"', Roofing 60&2 495-1700 or 131-1740 BBQS. ocean . viev.'. $200, w.k Also ~Int RV auation sit<'. 15-J-tJ:,, Re\\·ar .! LOsr-3 mo .. old Kitten, stripping slurry sea(. USE AVERY PK\\'Y EXIT CLERK TYPIST 114-6-1.2-2337 ~'~"""'-'-"="=·=~~,;,.---I OfLi~JIJ?tl;CC _avall....l.igbteQ FOUND:_.JM!y 13th skinny ~allco !ongha1r, vie. Super· 1~palrs, 842-5929. REPAIRS, all types. Reasl---------- SofiY.""rto pels \\'. NE\\rPORT, l blk ocean. &. paved. Orange County's scrufly, non-OcsCl'lpt grey 10~ & Pl~eent1a. 548-7622. -El i 1 6032 Free est. Llc'd. Ask for Au!o. Shnrp, ambitiOus. Penion with 1.1-19 P lacentia A1't'., N.B. pool. Sips 8. Xtras. E·Z busiest intersection S.E. female kitten, approx 3 ec:tr c• \\'alt, 830-502n anytime • MECHANIC ., good . figure aptitude & P ARK NEWPORT .. prkg, lm1nac. Reasonable. Comer Garden Grove & 1nos. R.exfol'd Ave· · I~ Electrical Constructors Tilt 6091 Afercedes Benz experienced, moderate typing ab 111 t ':I APARTMENTl'f •• • .eau. 962-6al1 or 968-0438. Harbor B\o,.'d. Call da:vs l\fn;. Cypress. 821-lJG.j, Pwsonals • Collllnercial Residential CIWJs A license. Guaranty necdcd.T Tl . ln this secure orti.ce. ~ ' SUMMER AT THE SEA Tucker {TI<!) 638-7512, U028 LOST-golden rctrtevcr. ~Yale. ~ Indu•••al . 64::...n""'l CERAJ\11C TILE NE\\' & plu. good commission. xJht et fie Fringes. Bachl:"lor l or ~ Bed"roOms ' 1 1 Harbor Blvd. Garden · ..,, ,,-....,., J Bet Ag and To,vnhou!iCS Furn. apt. bk b.'Om ocean, 1 yr old, Golden \\"11.\te. ELECTRICIAN _ Llcense rcm~cl . Frc1 • es5311:;n~!!!· tringe benefits, etc. Ask for •son t tncy F'r. $214.~ ·n....n 9-6 Daily' pool. H.D. \Vk or mth. _G~ro~v~"===,-.,===-I Newpott Beach area. Please Ptrton•ls 5350 No. 233108• Snlall jobs, Sm ,,obs we ('(lme, · .,...,'""' personnel mgr. 17400 Brookhut11 t, F. Vly. Spa Poo~.,.. Tennis 961)..2746 NE\VPORT Sl-lORES • contact, unhappy 13 yr old maint & repairs. 548-5203 Top.Soll 6092 MISSION VIEJO Suite 213. 963-6775 h 6100 \v C'I H••-'""~rt 675-5240._ llELP! A1uch loved. muoh Across !tom Fashion Isla d NEWPORT Beach-Steps to · "· '"' .. ,,,,... · G rd · •••5 IMPORTS CONSIDER AC ·R J bo San J u.I bch 2 BR & 1 BR $nl & 700 sq. ft. store space LOSf:Fen1ale Irish Setter, 3 nlissed, twelve year old boy a •ntng -*TOP SOIL * C0!\1POST A EER Htui:~a~~ on oaq ·" ~125 , \Vk. Boat · s l lJl suitable for reta.11 business yrs old, on Fri. 5131. Vic. .~is sin g one 11•eek. -Par•dls· "ord•nlnn *' 1'f~t11-*"',!-~~DOD 28701 l\larguerlte Parkway WITH LARGE l'NTL (714) 644-l900' 675-<i662 or service. Avail. lmmcd. \\'estside, C.l\-1. Reward. .....~ttncc Lacey Is 4'10", Th. -• ....,.. .)OU"V~~ 49.S..l700 or &3l-1740 LIFE INSURANCE CO I --=.-.= ~0-::°=~· ~-~~--~I HARBOR i\iANACE" tl'.:NT &\;)-20j7 lbs, .bro\\'ll ~haggy hair, SP1Ccialize Restoration Tutor ing 6094 USE AVERY PK"'-. EXIT Development of t\vo ·-nts BACHELOR AF•t-. -1 BLOCK to beach ~ tmmec. 2 COi\IPANY INC. .~ound pair of Prescription large hazel eyes, very tan " Landscape. Monthly .n I. required In erta. s10'.'fu:i.1 .... 1· •. ,.,nt '" ,,·a0 8l>0pp>'>>g Br house w/yard, slee,... 6. s·,~ ""= co1nplcxion one front tooth 1'.taint!'nance & ~rinkie'r "'-' .. ·J ._, r¥ iMJ\}JIJ l"lrc h·ame glasses. Vic of ' . .,., SPANISH LESSONS B\' AYON year. plus commission .• eenlcr. Ul\I.. Pd. Yecirly 67~390· 600 ft c 'I 11·· l\Tain St. in Balboa Penin. broken in hal.f. Last seen RcQair. Call 642-M49 -BERLITZ-TRAINED LA.DY. Xlnt tring• bencflta. sq. ·· ·1' • J.l. \\·earing orange polo shil't, leasl' only! $135 llcl o · 2 BR. frpl. 2 BA, Nr .. park, SWtablc for Dr'ii office, 2 Call 61'.\-7699. go!rl & brown striped Levi 549-2015 EXP. 646-8783 Call Joe Qulnt11.1111 Si3--!Y.!li ~ach & bay. $200 v.·k. 3606 prii·. rms. 646-21?.0. LOST Large bro11·11 female Dalrs & bro1vn motoreyc;le l\Imv & Edge/Or Complete Window Cleenlng 6098 Asks *** 5-!7·9207 • B::lM :M SJ·:E Cat alina &. Ne1,·port llrk Ln, NB. 673-0473· Gc rn1 an ~horthair Polntcr boots. PI e a s1 c: a I I Cleanups . 20 yea,:rs exp. Is there an ,.\V ON COOK B&y fron1 your beaut. 2BR 3 BR, 2 BA, newly dee. Pvt Industrial Rental 4500 n1ix, '1'hilc pa11·s & chest. I I-lunting1on Beach Police GEORGE HAi\·tf>'TON * SUNSl-flNE \VORKERS * rcpreSt!ntalivc in your life? Salary according to exp. I ,,·~tl'rfronl apt. Ne\\· c.rpts, 1 patio, Ju!!Aug $j00/mo & ~&\:Z.-3.),'ij RE\VARD Dept. (71'1) 536-53ll. EOG indusu·lal, residenllal If oot, v;e may neerl Prefer no sludents. E>;per. d<P' .. •,·. 1.~.;.11.t, furnft.tn!urn, S290 ~Tly. 962.5sJ1: 67f>..-j810 * NEW BUlLOING * 1 1 F'INE E .,,......, est &12-6931 l'k 1 f'd &ut 'II · A I .. 1 • 1 61 , ,,~~" FOli~D: Part Pood e, n1n c, . PRE.GNAN_T? . "ard ., 1,,·,,.nnnco 5,_,, . ..,. r 1-.: • someone 1 c l-'OU n your r,re .• wi train. pp y _"':'3 -•11'·1.:'~~--N'=BCH.2BRl>"",·.1--SO.SANTAANA /b I~ " "' '"''""' "hhor""" Sell. I 2 •0 •30 • ..,... -"'".~~ .. ,.., "·!Ute 11· lack car spQts, ca r 1n~. c onf1d en t1n l Cleanup$/Hauling. 54s.sG2,; Schools & nc1g ,...,.,...., 1n your >e1l'cen : ....... :. p.m . Bl::.\Cll & ,00,\T SLr~ 7. One hill: to bch. $lj(l/11"k, 1400 • 16«1 · 1900 · '280Q • ·1,000 bel\vn \Vnrnet & Euclid in couns~hng & r e r ~ r r a I , Instruction 7005 spare lime, earn good Hamburger Ilamlet, 15-15 ,Ulf: Buy A~D Oceon \u Call &l~>-6680. sq. ft. 3·Phase P<l"'er, nr. ParksideE!:it&te,F.\:'..531-6072 Abort10n, ado ptio n a. money. Jnteres1ed'! Adams Cilt Ask for Mr. ~~~I.I ~c'.t~idi. ~~~j.,2 $~: ! Rent•ls to share 4300 S*.D. c'o'n>SyT.A MESA * FOUND: Small white dog keeping. J A p A NESE GARDENER· ·F--:L UTE LESS 0 NS Call 5,J0-7041 • 7.l::fa:Cg_on_.c;;'===-c--1 ./·~. •-ks _.,. poodl•. vie APCARE &12-4436 Cleanups, fi:ee c?stin1atcs, Be.,·nncn & up 9 yr$ Cook ConUnenlal ex""r. mo. Care,·, 01o,•ner 675-&'J51. GSO Sq f Ill' llf>.220 """ LoUU .,... ' ca1\ 'for Kris Ena Is u ' ......,., BABYS~R 4" YR OLD •-''Rare Opportunity" · · t. J., P"'r Harbor & Gisler, C.l\I. SPIRITUAL READER ' playing exp Ryn 497~""""' 111"' ,, n~ only apply. S ee OCEANFRO:\T, Yrly lse. l F R l?iJO sq. ft. Priv3tr office, Ciin't keep ~2472. OpcnlOA?.ftolOPM 64&-J370 . ' ROY, ' Richard Detanna, C he f. DR upper, cpts, cl.rps, $300. ree ent! HRndwnie, cool ove1'h!':1d door. S-19j. Ll.000 Advice on all matters. Experienced Japanese -[ll] HUNTTNGTON llARBOUR, Ba\boll. Bay Club, 1221 w. per mo. ~2-34-IJ, 8:'15-1148 dude. ''F.xecutive type'' and &1.. ft. i mm e d int e t·lo, .. u,.,N,'.~: Sdr:!.11, wf•hmH.o. c..,.1. t~.Y. 312 N. El Cam ioo Re;"tl Land1ca'pe Gardener I ...... ,;... I ii 5.11-mo <DICK) Coast Hwy, N.B. atlractive super cool si.~ter, occupancy. " ,.,, u" .. ·• .-.. _ Cl I r t ~ BANK TELLElt San Clemente 3876 11·ill share bl au t It u 11 y ·C. -ROBERT NATTRESS T~\\'!nk\e Pk. area, C.l\1. eo.Ji492.;ro,:n e, or 49~~i36 TAKATA NURSERY 546-0724 ·COUNTER MAN --dcoora!ed, Countr.v Club REALTOR ~1~Li42. , -MO\V ,tt; EDGE-monthly • 025. Exper. requlrcd. Apply In Foreign car e.'Cper. or 2 BR·2BA Vie"'·· fir<'placc, type apt. nc.ar bea~h with O:lsta l\-tesa 97Hl7l "fOUND: Small, \vhite, niale \-ASECT0~1Y niaintenance yo.rd cleanup Job Wanted, Malt 1 person do m cs t I c, ., Ben eftts. pntio. bh·lns. 110 pets, nr. C?ll~ attro.cliv~ female 28-1--M-OVE NOW T-0--puppy. '-ks like .....,..;ile, 11._ C-o n rid ential information, & hauling Geor~e ~42 A · ·le-Stole -Bank Applicallons taken O.t 1990 beach & shops 492-3730 35. also havr nice \\'ardrobe ivv l"""' ooui'isellng & referral · · · 1Ml\1D en1ployment for mer .... ~lurhor Blvd. T MISSION "I EJO rlcrt L'Ollar. Call G49-13.\7 Al'CARE. InCo~. A. Non· EXP. JAPANESE. KNO\V ,.., ... _,._, 37 yr old Christian 675 S. l\tain, Orange 'VALK to beach! Nc1v spae 2 for you! l\"O Codillacs. No ·• C '.\I -·r HO\V MAINT CLEANUPS ....... "" "-' COUPf E I ll i BR. 2 BA. Encl gar. nnnl, phonics Or ripoU lll1is1s. OFFICES FROM .. · Profit Agency, 642-4136. TR_l.MINC ..;,., ~Acr. • Jami.l_y n1an "'13 childrc~. BARTENDER·full 1i1nc. 21 · " ' niot(' ·a nee, as. ocn vi ei'" $240, 496--0616 ,..... Please. a real do\\11 to 400 SQ FT FOUND: F'cmale I rish * PALM/CARD READEP. * ·" · · "°"''"°"' Exp ·~ menngement, retall yr. "Or over. Expcr. pr('f. ~ut !IL~t. mgr .. main!. & desk. ('arth, tQgtlher. fenialc. •-• setter. \ric: lSth .~ AD/REDUCTION • EXP Jap11.n gardener, s a I e s c r e d It, a 11 d not nee. "~ i.vill trtun. Zlili Ne"·port Blvd,1 C.rtJ. Sen Juan 9~~59 lnrlusrriri l 30110 10 6000 sq. II . Oceanfront N.2. 0 1v n c 1· lOS:t Beach Bl., Stanton. m'aintcnance & •clean up, 11dv~rtising. \\'ould I, i k...c TONIOS REST. J f':I C . 64~1967, Capistrano 3&78 · Cull s.:n-1600. 2799'.! Cai11inn 1nust Jdentily 673-~72. 527.3~"" 96:3-1020 prisill.Qll 11·/[uture. Ca 11 l"ashlon Island, De s 1 g n l--~D=E~L'f"V~E~R=Y.-o&c--·I __ ..._, _______ 1 S!t-.'.GLE ~lpther \\'OUld like Cnpistrano. &1n DiCE,'tl f'1vy ....,., A"'" .,,....., I • B lo m'v. '" 1~u•• wl)--rd I 2 IJJST , .. atcl10• at U·c EXP H0 ,,.,.,... Go·"onc< ':'~_,., · . P a1.a. N. · STOCK MAN 2 BR + CO!JV dcn._Crpts/ ,_ _ ·~ "' "" -"' to 1\vcry, r ghl lo Can1ino ~ " ' LJ.rE or DEATH; Let our " ,._,, •u -d New Adult cOmniun· ~1"-C'.\f & Laguna Beach -Gaplstraho. , volley ~11 c11 at AndC'rsons babies live. For alter.nati\'CS scrvini;:: Newpo11 Beach area ~llDDLE l\gc ntan \\'ith good BARTENDER, Dinner llousc Full time, days. M11St be iti' Pulling green/pool I ".'._ls~me. ~~ c_aJI v \Ve 11 d y · Sehl, lIV l-fonlc5. 640-0700 to ABORTION call Ll1''E free estlniatc!l,-646-4676 construction man11gcment & 'f>oly. drink exp. Full tln1e over 18. Note: Utis is not a _ciose to @lf cou!'l'le. $350. S.i&-:.917, ;,:il 1885 i1'0rk NOW LEASING I Rc1o,·aro. , LINE 541-5522. 24 hrs. EUROPEAN GARDE.'NER. background: Moved . to posticln, Apply Sam's Sumn1c1· job. Must be avail. . ~213} SM-1380 * -YOUNG-nia.n wishes to share Huntington-a..ch-LOST: blk. & wh1~ ~1__ 2 -fr-P'AbM/-eARD READER"'i'-Landscaping tJw.--servicf Newport" Beach nnd ~ltt -_Seafood,___16278 PS:ctlic Coast _when BChool atarta. See 1~=0-7~=:"'7-'-'' ~ · :2: Ur Costa l\1!'sa apt /fe ". 1te amon<l~ on etiest. d/ d . reasonable. 642-5329, fiSS.1425 lo ttlocalr, wilh nn ,_. •• 5""74'2 1-lwy, flB. t11lfi51' ,· <l~E:-!'l'l:li r.; --.---3 BR, 2 BA. Encl. yd. 2 , ' ~iv . . NEW ~1 Vic. 62nd St .. NB 5'18-7·113 n re uctwn -County Co.npany. V'n-BEAUTICIANS NEEDED Costa Mesa .. children. no pets. \Valk to ni~c;. Call after ;,i pni, 940 Sq~ r·c. l UJ1 10831 Beach pt.. Stanton. Cleanup & Reg S.N 10 Al\t UI 10 Pt.I w/following Beaut t1hop .,,. ft. 1 I ._ I 1 1 Von'1. $235. 493-4285 &4>4JJ7. Han1ilton ,ft N!'wland St. LOST Vic f' r a-n c Is Can 527--MOO FREE EST 540-7373 • I d Bon , . ......n a ,,.qi I •n A F /u I 3900 T\\'0 rem. room1,1ares ncodrd tUAlf70 Founlalns, RxlO pa.int of RICH RD G R 0 V · PERSON K.now C'.11•1•1 T t Jo"aShlon Island,· N . B . Periodontist needs exper . p,1 u rn n urn 7-Born. Call 842-1942. A -A. . E . EXP. J apanes" Gardener 1-lutt Repair \~ ng 0 TelTiflc oppty. 644-5750 f-llme asst X-ray ~lft: lo share SJ>UC'. 3BR, 3BA Wl· CALL YOUlt SISiER JN Pl II It 1 \Vork \Vcekencls. C 11. I l -, ' "'"'' NEW ; DELUXE APTS f rr "d'I ' I"' $!'< LO~ -'I bl " " do ease"'~~-0~34er 'pin -Coll-I £ P .'I. 71"0' MTI BEAUTY OPERATOR Ca te """d. Emended dulleR ~ !~" .uup ... '7. ,,,,, mo. NE\'{ BLDG ~f.J, l200 Ji;(!, ft. ·~•" sm ... ac" mlUO g. LAKE ARRO\VHEAD. ......,.."" '"· " .......... -w ·-., .• ,. Ii ~98 & &M·ll88. !ISO. 220-3 ph .• front offl-. NorCo lie. tag, Vcty l~th & Tra vel 5450 k Busy shop No fo\lowlng nee oppor, H.B. area. (714) .... 1 11c Re\\ Ard 642~158 REL. College student needs 21 Yl~ old I\ la Ill seeks \\'Of Comm gu'nrr. ' 962-6671. •·1-:~f. roonnQl\Tc 11·nnred Im· . crpt>;, lrg rear cl oo r !t, iv i · · · · Cln./up. Reg, S.· Roto jobs. for :ippros. 6 "·ks. Good S4}.l0.i0 l ·o=E~NT=A~L-~P~<dodon==17;.-~,,~,·I n,1f'd . Jo shore AJ)t. Nol lhe Anal'lehn & Tf'r111!11al \Vay. T,9Y J!O?tllc, 11·ht frn lost EUROPE aY CAR Exp./GARD. S34-4M1 refs. 611--l186 before. 5P~1. . ' trainee kno1v dental n1z b·u t 'lnexpcnstve. Cl\1. Days 646-oo.",.1 or C\'es • 12. Vil' 22nrl & OrRngf'. There is still •ime ,to ord<'r a 1.,. .. 1. -.(Pam) • • * BELLJ.i AJ'1. l\lust be 21 QtJ.S7ij. · 1 t1-IG-0081. -. I 1111~ flea&: l'.:l'n cot IHB-5-116. General' Services -yrs. or older. Apply in tcrn1lnolozy &: procedw'ts. & 3 Bdrms, crpts, drps, · --· • ...i car ror August. Scptcniber • Job Wanted, Fma ie 7050 pe>-n. ll•'ltoti Inn, """"~ •.. Snn1e rhairside &. X-.ray. LADY pensioner to shArc )';E;\V i\f.t 1400:281.K> sq fl sh•)P FOUND; Gcrn111n Shephel"• dcllverly in Europe. \Ve ""' ""~w...,. utilities pelrl.. B!tlns, l11t1n· 1 Blk , T VI 1, k h.•nitlc •It 1,_1011, , FR. EE ESTIMATES NEED A l'az Rd. Lnguna 11111,. Non-srnoker, u1Kl<ir 3 0 . d f ll' ho1ne \\·/same. cal eve11 01· '-oficl'!i. n ;'I 1ih11sc p11•r1" "' nn. t't,v \. :.ae ,, .. "' " '-" 644-«lll ry ac i!les. ltt!c, rooni 11eckcnc\;; J 47.-150i 1.l'!li;h.scn 1,. xlnt Joe nr SD B11y 9~35Z2 or -i91-9~7 Ovcrs!'a!I .~trU\'cry & \\'Ori< G~nJ ~·TAlnt. k Applh1n.c-'<' ,.OMPANION-? 'BQ(\_T_pn!nter, 1nust hill'!' ""'-""'~· --~--~·• 'v/pool lablc, ;:rym room. 350 "I -G4G--us2-!\1 r be ---l ,,.;1h you pe1·50nnlly to plan rn~1:11l;"ttltm. Cht-ek ...-our '"' yacht cxpcl'ientt Cu ll DENTAL A SS ISTANT, snunn. pool, • hhq r arl'{'I. Garages tor Rent 4 • ~'Y.. · -r.-or ll• FOUSO Irish Sclt:..-r iv/VI 100 )'Our <lt·ivin" ilin"ro~. · ptic:cs. Cell Gi3-1l.l52. Uncnc_un1b(:rcd rcdhcO.d, p11~~ ... ,,0 '~"I · expc1'1.cn lot ~l"Ollt or Adultir; ·Only, no ""Is. 28St I ---"'--...,..--"·~-O\i•nr. NQ.-r:Cnile \•le Snnta An.'l. ..,. '" •; '" 1 bll " J Jlo ~~~ a k c 11 8'" ~·1 .Bri11tol, l?Ofl1a'?ile1;;.M~i00 MINl~WARIHOUSE·s NE\V!\1-1 1200 10 3'1:i2 sq,fr ;;.12~85fAJ. Bu y-Lease-Rent AIR COND SERViCE ';1~jor,"1nf~1 ffrm~ !.1111 1:! -BOYS & GIRLS oiii'ii'ii·oiii'iii'ii' ii'~ioiii;'i;;;iii;ol "ililiiiii:iiiiii I STORAGE ' S\V S.'\11111 Ann ()!" Co.~rn Alc!ln LOST: Germ shep/lnb. ~lale Any M•k• ' AUTO I HOME UNITS to itet 11.y,•ay from It all. Newspnpcr Carrlel'fl. ?i.1111. Dtsper•tely NHdtd • No l\-1ove.in or •r.sove-olit Office A: w11rchou.~e-J\n1ri prk 7mb, Blk ..,v/llm eyt6ro"·s, EURATO DON* 536-1300 DriVcti·hur ~·y g k 1111, nae 10. Lido Isle, &lboo SECRETARIES , • chari:t>s. From ST.50 per 208 31-'J-I • '~hOt 1o,·t1!rr.g11..<t 1·!1 536-38.'i9 · 673.4550 "THINGS" by l\-tOOfle. Gen 'I loves tho sea. R e r. Peninsula. Contact lttr. 'roo M11.n~ To List I ~:; mortth. 1'r1t!lh ser 64G-t2.":21&l4-2m Jo'OUND: Small . v.·hltc> poodle c,. r Pe n.i r y.. r c I\ <1irs, <'xch1tnge. Cnll loa m thru IJnckstrom flt the DAILY AAMES lOO"J. FREE '1l, ' ' ll11.m1Jto11 & N.,,,,1Jntl(f "l:t·IIB PACIFIC . BLUl'r l ND·., vic~of S\litcr Bro~. 22rid & 3700 Ne"~rt. Ne~·po11 Bcach plumbing, Eloc· rmnodellng. 2pm (2131 42S-43t1. PILOT or call _ 642-4321. & Blll'C1IU or . 1.'!!°!!.. · ·ALLSPACE ' PARK. Nnv.' ~l·t ~lt11. 1300 Ne1o,•porl, c.~[, Call &IQ-¢ 642-5613 NURSE 'eoinpanlon. nvall. leave apphcatlo~. Employmc-nt Nee~Y ,. 2 BR T . r I 960--191'0 . A'',~. C. s,,•.· 6f·'12~~' •1,.\VhltUcr FOUND:.' 1tlk w/broy,·~ f,'" [ .• ..:.....-""'"·'~'' ~ l\J1\SSEUR S1a1e Rrg. "''ill for king or short 111.rm Cllte• Equnl Qppor. Emplo;•e:r Costa Mes• 556-1100 from $r..o.0~\'B1t~t~~ sr~: O(fl Re ntal 4400 " '1 -IOI.I' m11lcpop'h~ nencollrtr \le --YllffkC house calls, Rc11s c:>r conv11.l('SClni. 1'1lll\lre .& BUYER ~Harbor BJ., S11ilP. 2fl'1 Pool, tennis. conllne.n111J ct 10c PER SQ, FT. 0 Jllpml\1\ t.· V11·l:c.. fisi.0138 l'a1e!i. SJG.7221 lx't 10 A.In: rtll;lbJe ""xlnt ref. Any llhifl \Vnmcn'4 npparel, jr'ir;, & An•heim nM120 brtllkf<Ut $Cp&rAte flln1Uy N E'\V p 0 R 1' R E:,\ c H ' 3600 sq. ti. 4001 Birch, Nn FND \\I h V' NB ~ 11n 7 f'ln'I 900-2939. 'Ktrl!!' 7·1·1. Shoulci h!l\'C 600 No. Euclid aechon. Close 1 ~hopping \\~tcllff Dr. 800 !IQ -f1. &.umglµ"llner, Ac:t. Ml..:i032. 00~14 b~~~11 •6 It gcp~t~ · ' B1ibysittlng 6008 HO:il E REPAJT? He lp Wa nted, M&F 7100 n1~rchnndlslng degree &/or 1.,. ... ..,..,,,,...,..,,....,,1 A-flnP. beacil. "l!!i!t:S..w./n10., I ~'l' l<'Att.. r1 -.1oi•;1 . $110. Carpcnli'll plunibimt ----practir al ('Xperlcnct. • II!!! 64z:ll200:-'CiCncmn. , cwprirt ac. va'ln\ . 't;.N.O;..Mcso..dcLMat .. JU'CR., EXP. 0.\1.-TO:!~~ lcCldc.a.J~nit ~H9..trX!.I ACCOUNTING PlC:t$1lnt 1wTOU1~. No DIS!!,~JHER n~3~i---nlE !:XCITh'JC NE;\V Plush offJCt' Ulrls: .. 2 1st. 646-6300. f !'mn\!' • Siamt's..' c O t · LlJroiClt Pl\T~. 19th St. r,:-:;""c:--. ;](i;eixr P llSt'!S pttllSUre, fa'11,y. 5IJiY mm ' 00'. ' ' PALM MESA APTS. to 6 n!\I !1Ui\e$. Confl.'r~nc.~ d Ml';(IJ4;) • G'6-o1$$0 • Cl.~ssv Cars dl:"S('r\1(1 quAhly of hl!iUrilrn.'C . lll'l'OUl\tl ng, \\'ttk. :\'Int OpP<Jrtu nlty lot• ~11'-'llon Viejo, j8J·lm Rm. Xerox coplr>r. Nca:r Rentals Want• 4600 F'O 'NO: !'i ft?11u1lc poodles, 2 Cll.l'C. \Ve clca11 & "'<lX cur, 1111l11ry QfX'n. Contoct l\lrs. fuh11YJ with Independent j1· DRAFTSMAN =.I~ 2TBR~fn ~!~· O.C. Alrmrt. 833-:lMO. RESP. COLL. studt.>nl .. Tictds II hltc.. 1 hlock, I nprirol, I Bu1in'e11 Servlc•s 6009 ~ ~11~. Aln~ 968-1~ --'-!Uch(lttll!On. _£,nrplro Iruiur-<)cpl t;l{lrt .• ~nd re.wme lo 2 ''" n1fn. cxprr .. plu~bing Adults, No Peu; S:\1.-\lJ.. oUlec. Cd~t. 2nd u11furn hso/:ip1 \v/l'nt~'d ':Id c1111111P11 1:nc. M~l EOORKEEPINC Sf:rtv10 ;. c;.~~~~~J\~~~~I:'i n.nee Co. 1'!5-6766. _ ~~072 Box 9J· 5811 Clt'nicntc & ele<:trteal field prcf'd. :WOi. l\lesa Dr. fJoor, l)tflet + storage rm, fQr ol)I"!'!. trained dog bet. FOUND: Child'i rntaincr ot SJltnll Business. Spt'f'llt lb t. CABJ~F.'TS 61S-t!n'i ANS\VERING SE. n,v I C r. Xlnt b<'nt/i~ • rrov.•lh (5 bib trom Ncwpiorc. Blvd.) s~. mo. f\fon•nt, Srun-~121). Un<Jr. S12'l. l\tlChael, Corsl~A P11rk. 7·11. All Ta.'te!I". 30 Y·e a T" I · · · ~rt, over ri. 1111rtra\n, C111ull\ed Adl C.U 642-0078 op port u n iii<"•· Ple&5C •• M6-l860 • 5pm. 6~. &12·3079. •• • G37·0070 Expcri~nt.'I.'. 614·26'79 Classified Ada ...... 641--.'678. C.1-t. ani•. 540..!ii?. todttr l contact Jack F-'olcy, ~IX>. ----...,,----- . ' . . ' • ' . --·-. . .. .- • .. ... T11Hdar, Jutr l&, 1974 DAIL y PILOT 23 Holp Wonted, M&f ~I Holp Wont-, maF 7•w Holp ont~. 71m Holp Wontid, M&F flOO I Holp Wonlod, MiF t 100 I Holp Wontt d, Mil' 7100 Holp W•nlod. MW7100 uog1 -F ro0 T o You I045 YOu~1ijR'1~<1:~~:~~~~~·ork 1 ~~~btu::· n:!'f~~~: ~!~dhii~-: r:r ~~1 .110:~~~ REAL ISTATE s~~.1~;~.~=~: ~~1~'!yyp/sh~ws::a~ \~~1~.~me~ i-1~~~~ FREE LOVE 1:r~~.~~y~vi~~~~:i~ •• doctor'• IUltd.&111nt/r"° 3800 South Plata Or, S A tn.C.i\f. 6~ -IF' YOU~ LIKE' -~faylor Made Sulll. 642"°411 11k11!-roq, No lf'&ld P.~'P req. only. llr.ldi la a 2\~ yr. old yi·Uw· ~OQfl home. Ln\'r~ people, ceptlonl11 In hl•111th 8JW&. No ~-0554 A1AN !ruin for window Sl~ wk. 5'IO-OIS3(l, BLUE DOLPHIN l!lhrador In ~of· a f1t1nlly 518-1934 nftt'r S<llJ, up. net.-t ury. Wu train Ho,.-~ 1.; MA ID. No rintlnA: ln1t1ller. Start 12.50 PEOPLE SEC/BKKl'Jt PQrt time ~ Vla. Lido, N.B. v.Ul1og to i:lvr lots nf lo' l', - wu. Ari11ly In fltl'Mlll' after-cxpe1·lt'nt.-e ncceR.~""" 114 J h• RA)lllel to S4 !'4 within . SAL.Eli "'"rk, "niall ••g•·..-..•ng -. \Vi\NTED, ""'"" O>smct\clun 111\1.I wKier111_andlnl:-llnd lot F urniture IOSI hoou or· e\U. 2930 \\1,1. Dit. Ave llcl , htar:"· Sa n I 1 Yr. Owr 2.i. T~n. rtel't. WE'D LIKE YOU NOETXPNEERCIEESNSACERY ·"":o.::"c.O:o .• :::.C::.. :,:rli::Jrpo"'-rt"-:-!.m-<',,"::::c'2l"-::.· 1 Newport tka"'Jh al'Pa. Wrltt or ·''·v1111 l•J run. Sht> •s AJ<t' ;...;.....;....;.;.;.. ___ _ • -1111')' .• NC\\'porl Jk•nch. Cle1nente. 492-1911 &14-3'191. • -Boie No, 183. c-o Daily Pllo!, rew:latentd Vt'\th paper~ Summer Warehouse ·---ii.I Ill •1111•· s \V"'I l • 0 • 1~ Co 11.vnllable. \\Ir \l'Oold Ilk~ w DIUI~I. &•tlU'an1 lypc, to llSKPlt I CHILO CARE. -To L'ONlder a carffr wllh the ' u " "'" eu t-SECURITY r Boie """''• Ala Jt1e~. ~(!(! her p;o 10 guoJ pi:.Qph• Clearance 5Ul>c'rvlsc gnn1e room : Mo.lure womnn for ·Ute • MANAG.ER leuder tn real «i•IJl.te Hervkoe. r,~~f~ld:l, ';-~SEL~~~~~~j! Of FICERS Ca.ll1~f.i-92626 1111.1 t In g v.'il h a !!IC ynrd-<1r " ranch New 11ulltl'd reb1~lt nu1.11resi _ H.otlt"Cd 01\. 5."17-7063. hH\\'1'k, cgokln;:, 1ronlnf1:, & We pro i!J'l rut' ules iraln.. f)IRECT TO 'FHE';, PUllLIC. 1'~ull It -.l>/timl', l'lwlni;: & qua ,..atlQ;sE·~t N Loo' I lilyle Jot , Plett!le .. lf you & .bo.'< 11prh1~a i«it•. ~ull & , DRUG CLEHK, prcfi•ii11Qn111 r11re for i )'r Old. G I Ing, Together we'll !Wl yuu Jncorne, benefit•, bonuses Bi ifl'Ve)'llhi 11hiftl!. Rt.tired or \YAREHOU A -"ng <'a1ffii>I l(ive H.~Jdi a lot (>f t11.'1n ~l1r. phorn1a <'y. No eve11 or f'un, Hrt/dny, !i day/\\'k, + 2. TRAINEES 1vherc you wunt to ao. · ro. l'JCJ){_lnilon art outlllll tt-pcn11\oners pref'd. $2.36 an for n1ature, aler1 1ndlvWu11I \ovu ln relurn do not 1 .. 111 016--8686 or 8::3-962::i • flf'Wll 00 <'Xl)l~r!enci'd Jn RX &1t11 1nth. Nc«I l'e(f, It C'ar. • dlnr:--Joh Security. Cha!)CC )1Qur. Unlforn1 furn , Pl'IOl)~ w\Jll11g lO 'learn &: CIC<.'1llll l\.llke &I 67~24 t.<ve~ ',i; Cos!& 1'.li!sa <1c11t. & slckne811 i!tUPJ>lirs. 11'\'lna nren. l\.tr. Ca1·1· F II & /I OFFICES· BELOW of ndvanctmtnt eiecf'llcnt &. ear l'l<q'fl, Plant Jn lrv!ne ttllpo~11lblllly 1.n C!t11b. N.B wkcndli. CONTEi\IPORARY 8' i;ofi. j Top ~·age11, tnr>tl. Ins, profit 546-524,~3="da~y=•~· ==~--U P t m e ARE INTERESTED Cir'f!at training Pr'Olrt"ani. luf!U!I. Coniplex. Cull LL llnn in1'0lvc.'d in .v1u:U11.ln¥, e PU . $50., Kini Ill wa!('r bc'd 1 5 hn r 1 n I • COLLEGE -HOUSEKE£Jl£R Int~ r v I e w Ing Now tor IN YOU Addltlo11al training ror top \Va1·ren, 8.t'l-3000, ext. 191, bl;c~packlng &. iklwt'14' !rt"-PPY ~ORLD • .,.,,/liner, franu·, pe(ilstn!, PlfARMACY 540-458{) LIVP: JN OR OUT-LITE l>ulltkHll ln. Ortll{f(' Co. ' produt+rB. 10nni-2pm l\fon·thru \\'i~. tiles. Gooi:l future for rf1ht Dobern1ans -(;ernian S~iep-h€'1.1tt'r. lu&rn pltd. SlOO. EXEC SECTY tor Land COOKlNG 1 ADULT, 4~' l\Tu11t be over 21. bondable k CALL MANAGER AT J\lr. Johnson SERVICE Sta. At te 11 d . p('flOll. i'IUlrlS{ of onlct'B & hi'rYI~. Cl1lh1111hoos, T 1 n y 5.il-~~~. ; "'· •-,.._ YR OLD BOY · ~ ph I I nd 11 '13) 77~0"3 > · , iencral warellouae duties. ]'< Jdle .•. Pit Bull•. t'!jtjui. I ~ • U\.'Ve-iup1nent .... u. Shtnd & . 111 ;;vvu YI ca eo · ave BUENA PARK' (, """" I /nmc. ex:pcr. Neat Call G45-l0ti6. poo Pomeranl\ln, 1,1,,.1, fat•' COR?'ER 11;rp. rrd-wht. blue I Typlna ruq, . lc11ol cxper. HUNTINGTON llARBOR cnr Ii telephone. Go 10 Tit FACT IS appear Avail 3pr.;1 Dall •J"' 1 1 r hnl p r ht>lpful. Gd seln1y & -5:"11-7180 IDlckl Toe Markel Mare1t you Ill' 522·2156 EVERYONE EATS l\fEAT! A J •25!1() N 1. l y. WHO WANTS TO V.'ORK" !tr, A1nerlean F. lti k i n1 o , o e 111 up 01· ': o ance be Ill C II •1 telephone our oUICt>il. . . COS~A MESA ,.!Py e~'IXlrl B \•d, DRIVE A CAB• -. Pui;.~ 100 J\UXED PUPS• uphoJs. chAlrs J small nc ~. 11 " 11 r Iha. I! 0 U S E K EE PE fl r i~==::;;:,__:=====I oi"?,''i;;;;.;;;'°"c:;;::::--::::;-,o=:-[CltOOS>.' -·· bo"..;, ,,_,, Stud ' Sen ·iee Mo.~!· lin.'t'd.·s·. J?!!~11cd c.-hests, reas. &Mi-833--0l23 for lt1tcn·Jev.·. c ~ P. d..J JI v e. Ln. Eni;:... (714) 835-7•117 54• -1 SERV i;;: er~ .... ..... I ~~ For lnfori'nl'iUon· r"-7· • SALES I:::E :ilallon. part time, lor yourseU. be your ov.•n Open F:\'Pll. ~1-.l027. -.='----.. -----·! EXPERIENCED "'lll~ spetJkirig. Xlnt &alary. rtlusl· TIC. TOC SYSTEMS FOUNTAIN VAL-LEY Rcttl Estale Invt!~lments eve & ~"et'k·rnds. l\Jusl be ·bou. p,1en or worllf:n. ~n 1 s1. Denlllrd pop, ,\KC RI'". 7 COUC.11. .J ](l\'f' sedt, bor h Apply ii• 11\.'ntOn. Corro.,.,··8 hn~·e refs. Private l'll1 & "''"ual Oppor. Employer SU.1754 Smttll, aggre111h'C', R.E.I court~us, ld_endly .& neat ~ al.tghtly b1J1dlc11pl)l"t! S50. 3 mnth5 old. 1 n1ini;-1 fur . SIO. Dru m .~e t • Resww·aut; 620 Ave Pico; b<l.lh. Nwpt Bch ST.>-3798 ...... FULLERTON inVl'Slmt>nt company, active Hppeaf'111B. \Viii train, ~fust Neat '. Clean /)ppenraoce. tur~ poodle pup, 9 ""k:H:HtJ, \\ Z!'lgrn ~ crnbal 124 t SC ' lfOUSEKEEPER. Live jn. r.J,\NAOEl.1ENT & SALES •lll-lS4I 111 A les, de\'elopme'nr ~& h.a1-e referenct's. Call G~ri:y Vts .. relln!d. Age 25 to 10. Jlt'rllitref' S2S. 962.1732 I SlJCI. !Hb-1.'IJ2. art 6pm. EXP ER I ENCF.D J\1otht>rlells home. Good pel'5t0rinel for growl.or 11yndlcallon ha11 one 5..i7-7'2~·1 C'.\I. Supplement your lnrnmc. , , ADJUSTA Bed, llf',·er uS('(f. Maln!cnkllCt! man netded dril't'l'. ·Perni. Ref' 5 · ehlldrt'ns 1 young junlon HUNTINGTON BEACH OPt>nina;. Great opportunity SERVJCI:: Jiilat!on attendant, Drive a <'.ab 8 hn or more 11 ,\K~p·e fa9 n . ~re~all 'j;11e Be~t 011• over Sl25. Call full tlnie. San Cle1ntntc Inn _673..:..9111 afl 6:30pm. speciality shops. rituil be 540-5140 ~1· lil'.°fesiilonal . _Mwil be fully f'xper, ihl,Yll. Good day. Apply in llerson, f" ni1 ~7i.it.ffi.Jiw_1 er &1Zri100. 492~103. lt<>USEXEEPER. days. full c nth usiastic, pcr50nable TUSTIN-RE DH I LL ht.>enstd. Local otht.'il. \\'r ite pay. aas.s A mechaniC'. Yellow Cab f'o ., 186 i::. 16th P · \11'1\NTf:J) · FEJ\1ALE \\'Rn.ted, rx[ld full or 1>4rt·timl•. N ""Y i'o rt w/a dc1>lrc to learn & • 8-6256 . , ~~u1 ;rr'""o a~_Nn1. =--~· !!~~ly Tuneup & carb. exp. Xln't Sr . Costa ~fen. F ree To You I04S * USED BRiCKS * time eml>lo.vce. f I g u re Bench, rels rcq. &l;)...1828 achlcvr. Positions avBll. In WESTMINSTER 0 • Ca · uuie '""· ........ ta pay, 5 days. Reilly's Arco, \\'oman for n1otel ruald \\"Or.k 87(>.4'.fi-I npUturlf', 1he11vy w o rk HOUSEKEEPER I C(X)K. Newj>ort, Hu n l l nit on 894;-0611 ~feM. · 92626. ~h & Newl>':'rt C.l\.f.:._ Laguna BCl\,.h 11.'IOrt. 6 FREE LOVE * LOV~:SE:AT s. sofa clL~tom w, tboof Ii: u r c s I , Po11tlnR: lh·e In with couple . .Newport Harbour & Santa Ana. Call SALES Shipping/Receiving day ~·ttk. 494-1196 · . . . 1 . mudc • Vl'IJ' gd qwil. nC\'<'.r peg rd system, 10 key 'Jk'nch. Brfs. 64(}..0009. Mr. Rcynoldll, The Red Special program for Better faghlon & gpc11swear. AsJ;e.mblnra, male or fefn. ·YARD f.1AN. full time, neat He1cl1,~ .. 1s a 2 ~ ~~· year old uS«!. usually hm, 968-7910. adding machine. g n n d Il\ll\fD . allfi d i ,.:Ba:;;l'°;;::"c.L~l~m~l~t"'""' ~846-00'°"':;,;:"o.· 7 I wilicf!n:::ed applicant'! Strong bkgmd in Mies ol Small ~·holesale manuf. 111 appearance w / very ye uJW !abrador in _nl.'erl of a h0~.,",1'11'!.'A'°'d 1 'N'o'. • 19,. '.\'~~110" ~c h 0 0~~ie~·~~8' d ~~ v e: 5 ~fGMT t111c 21-30 $150 wk 1.-fashion. 642-2444, ask for novelly .co. Sells netionally. neat hand11.·Mt1ng. Apply fa~1Uy willing 10 i:ive 1.01s of ANTIQUE oak h:illtrce $Jj(I, D:,1 P~I 1 1, 0 "· 1;;,,, pref. II not ,qual, trainini:: guarn 11!. Col1efi!:e pref'd. J\.fr11. Chepnwn, 9:30 lo 1 nn1 Some exp e r . beneficial. mornings 1930 Ne~'J)Ort Bl\'d lo1c anti 11nrlersrand1ng -~T~-1:.~:...c lied S4j, Cnll Q;;;1~ J\.f~~11.', cit g2626x JW, \l'ill be provided. Xlnt job I ~';''~·~R~l~eh~·~"'~~··~"'6-=~54~5~5c_·~ SJ.LES J1Cr&0n, art iupplles Golden'i; Magic \Vand 946 and lots of nxnn \I) run. She lor house~·ifc in local area. l\.IEOIANlC Wanted. CJo.11s A I Wa,l,~~'~'~,,lee . & picture frames. 40 hr wk. \\'. 17th St c l\f Appiy 9. Is AKC _re.11istered "'It h 7' Burnt Orant:P Contp. F/C Bk kpr for s mu 11 Cal.I ~ton-Fri 9-2 492-3873 s LI r d Apply J2-6nm, Tues or,Wl'd. l!Ar..t. ' ~-· I _ ll~l ~11pers llV(l!lable. \\'e ""OUIJJ COUCH. S65. Call aft. 6 . C ·mag ccn.sc pre eiTe · C " H Mll'chandlu · · like to see hei: go 10 good I p.n1. &H-t:l":IO h1t~lne11s 111 osla r..1f'!m . INSURANCE Top Pay, Apply in prrson at 190 S. oast "'Y, Laguna .........,..,__....,,_....~ . prople ~'Ith a BIG yard or 11 . • ~• Subn1lt resunie ,\ sulut·y Experienced 1 n s u r an cc f:)cxon, 300 E. 17th St. Costa Beat•h ' Sr. ProJecl l::ng:ineer·Indus " ranch .~tyle lot. Plense-if l\Just Sf'll. rhnettc. s"'iv.u requlr~nicnt to P.O. Box Accounts P..eecivab\e Clerk. -'~'~"='~·==~~=~--\V&~: ~~JR'i[ SALES glrl needle point/ Prod. De3elopmenl $20K Ant' you cannot g\\'c Hf!icli a lot e.~:~·8 roc~e:, 6~2i;Jlen.'O, ~·1 ~~;~.Co. 92680· or cnll l\.tnt. H. i ch a rd s·o·n, f.10TEL J\lAIDS , -J ccewcl backgn::··-:t a must. Projf!ct Tuginttr S15K 1que1 • 8005 of lo\•e in return do not call c · lll!$t, · 1':n1p!re Insurance Co. WI LL TRAl ;N;~~~I EqunJ ·Op1X>r1unlty Employer Some eve, week-ends, tl.'1)18., S1· Engincl'r/J\fech to S20K GE 'S N· IQ "S 1t1lkt> ut 6T:>-llb1<1. cvc11 & :J 01ron1t> Stools, S:rl. en. As 1'-RY COOK F:xp., n1ust bo.~ 8.'t)..Q'iti6-------TOlt or-P:lll'i'fe7"'"Apjil)I CO:Sl.11 --i--so.-Coti11t Village. ~191!5. SI'. Buyer tt1an!/indu11t~I • :raut.R~~l t~sftro~""St~ .,.,·eekcnds. Good tts N~\\'.7 . ' clean & neat. Over 21. IRON ING Lady to <lo my Pi1esa 'Inn, 370.> JJarbor Real Ei 5 t6•t0• Salts SEAl\.1SfRE&5. Exper. only. • SISK rnd Oak Ibis $295 5 Pl.F.ASE SAVE J\1E F'R0'.\1 !Xi7-3 31 ~-~r~rn,i$~W.n C:s~JJ~V:. Ironing in your home In Blvd., Costa l\1c11t1 . Spanish 1peaklng OK. De.signer draftsman/elee. pressback clu'I Sfi(l ea , THE POUND! Lab/Shep COUCH. i;ood oondl1ion. Call N.u. Cd~t area. 673-6519. MOTEL MAIDS Liceniing School Heavy duty J)OW('r mach. F·C Bookk 11~~ hoosicr $150. 7· Oak .kilch mix. c:reat "-ateh ~Jttly-~ le 16 enly, attff-ft~~'>l---- JANTTORS wanted p.tlme. 5 for Ne~'J>(trt Travekxlge. 62aJ In · Hra 7:45 to 4:15, 5 dy \\'k. ceper ····•·•·· _ cabinet $29J, 011k China tree. 514--0030. _ l -~p~,,~l::.. ~'~l&-=2563='----- *GARDENER·* Be yo·.:r own boss! ·Part or .!/time. Your own area. High Jncon1e. Gunrantecd Nightll per ~-eek. r..tust lie \V. Pacific Coasl Hwy. N. Hunti1'.19ton Beech Apply Sea Suits, 837 \V. ~~~~rR!~~.:::::~ cRoa~;nets S?'125 ~ .!:75 Lad01<ks 4 ADORABLE BLACK & .G . , I -•s O\'('r 18. Start $2.25 ht. Call ll. Top \Vagt'fl, t-·un Time. 161!1 Booch Blvd. 18th, Costa Afesa. Se B k ,.=..,.· . top S , ......,aut a \\'HITE FLUFfl' KITTEXS a rage~a • _.., 'SEA SfRESS s I cy ~ erage ·--······~~ Library lbl $225, , . · Slfr-S'l'll. -MTST Operator • 1'~ast Start Training Ai ' pan 11 h Accounting Clrj,: -······· ,$550 Cht>sterfield crvd couch 8 v.ks. old, weaned. 644-1006 THERUllOOR l.lh·in oven ..\ JOB OPENING. blueprinting, Ft'I! Paid. \\lork on the staff • C!OliOO Orc:uit TV speak In g • Welcome. Girl Fri, CPA ... ' ..... ··~ $1;JO, 1870 Armoire $315, 1870 Eastblufl. . range lop. dinin~ roon1, _ • CUstomen. Enrn Now. J>11y Laltt. . -Nt'\\'port. $2.50 ~ta11. fl1u!!t or · local \\'tll kno,vn •Nationwide Referrals r.tachlne & hand "-ork. F·C ~kkeeper ••..• .-.$~!:"> Eng l \5h piano $450, Unmarried Cockapoo ~·an1s patio, furniture. baby neccl9 hc responslhle&pcrsonahll'. publicatkln. Great co · • !•ledlcal Program Crocliet \\'Ork. 496 -7361 Accounting Clrk ....... ,$55(1 Grandfather $425, \Vall & you lo take 1 of her !rec k 111isc. U5 &1pphirc, 534-7117 or 534-3144 GARMENT rutter. Exper p~I.-or "•Ill tr11\n 11~ht applicant. 5 dys \V k. 7:45-4:15 12.50 hr to stnrr. Apply 837 \\'. 18th St., Co~111 hlesa. l.1 on -Fr i , 8:lt1Rn1-noo11 only. ·19'1-7IB3. \\'Ol'ken IF good benefits. • U1nMgement Pl'ograms mornings. Cllll Jeannie Sisco mnntlc clocks. & n1uch sassy 81vk olds. 493-4810. Bnlhoa Island. 6734i65.'\ Lanai Secy lriinH Sa1ar)' to ·s100. Also 1'-ee e Fl'Ce 3 \Veck tn Dt'plh Security or Judie Striner more! 482 El Can1lno Rral, WHITE toy poocUe 7 ouis H _ 8060 If Yo':a have exper. a.s a Jobs. Call Betty Cotler, Training Program NEWPORT Tustin ~2-4932, 8:»-li89 l\lale. F'rec to good home: :.::0~·~··~•:...---~,.;,;:.:.: secretary, lhls Io c·a 1 5-~ Coast11l Penionnel • Learn While You Earn RETIRED Personnel Agency .. OPEN 6 DAYS Call 546-2848. l\IUSTAl"G qtr. nutrc. 1t attorney will train yau In Agency, 7790 Harbor Blvd, Call BHI Flory 132-5440 -133 Dover Dr., No. 30 Orange Gel. Antiques 3 CUTE mix s;1elli1"' ollps, s hands., 7 yn;, Sorrell. F'ully the fa11einatlng career of CM l\fonday thru Friday GENTLEMAN Newport Btach 642-3870 Hundn.'C\11 of an I. I q·u es, "·ks. F'ree to good honic. 1 rained \Vestern/Engllsh. Jnw. !\lust have sh. Call NEED l:lclp-Male or female-• TARBELL for Perm. Plae"irnent Agency stained .gla,;s, \\' o o fl en PH: 646·1390. SJOO. 171•1\ 897-2627 ~~~. ~700°~1"~~~g~J~: ~ift~1.;;s~W~1), ~ltly 875 \V R. E. e:iiwr trnlnln,. Snuill SECURITY ~ ~~ps,$~ &\V ut·. iti~'. BEAUT. male klllen. i 11•ks RECISTERED thoroughbrt'd STUDENTS f/th:ie now p/I Santa Ana. Open 1 days, 9 old. Long hair, dark gi;ay 11:eldlng. -huntf'.r palt'ntial. Cl\1LIQUOR CLERK NEW FACTORY ~:::.~yp$c~i! ~~:t"1';n. GUARD F'nll. Neat, .reha,p ~r, ph ID 8 dally. . tabby. fHS-40.17. Best offer. Shawn. 496-734:1 GENERAL SECRETARY Branch outlelll Just opening n<'C". J\tr. LeVI, 846-54.xi. "'RE~~ .... COLL. I" . 10 BONA Allen \1·estern saddle. · 'ti In area needs the following: R I l t'JNE estate J e ,., e Ir Y, ~ , ""• " ·:" mix, xln d $300 P.','.:",,a™.:~' .~!,nm~1."°'e~..!~: ~lgmt Tme $185 ~·k ecept on st -IF you are interested in SUPERVIS~R. . bronzes porcelains, f In e mos. Spayed. _Xlnt temp. ·,-· t l'O'C~u GT'i-3772 "u "" vo; ' ,~ Servmen {2) S3 hr PBX 11urkin1t 16 hours between Stock, storagt> & sh1pptng. A crystal. rugs, lorn . ·l.~A~lt~"'~"~·~""~"~""~--'---~ J-;:;:;;;;;i;:;-''-"""""c_iiiiii pref. hut not n e c es s . Sale.men 'Open n1ldnlght Friday and fw;t growing steel furniture antiques &: n1uch more to be FREE to gd home, n1ale Jewelry -1070 ~6~13-~w~:..111;;:;,·~·6~M.c..;0~01~Y-·.,...~...-I midnight Sunday and want n1anuf. llrm needs an sold at public auction. COCKER SPANIEL, 2 "TS~l ;:.;;:;.:.c-<--'-----"-I Snlllry eo m_me n s u rat c .,.,r/abil\ty, ex: per . & qual!Clcations Send rt'sume to P.O. Box 232'1, Nelql()rt Beach, Ca 92663. LlVE-IN ll""t housekeepin<1, All benefit.II, career poaltloM. Rec· ept'1on'1st ID lllllke $3.00 an t.our and bit l ust _..,,. " ROLEX ~·atch. dill m 011d ..:hild caro~'~7 days. SaJ;cy 494-1065 Ql'(! cager lo take atim led ous , c omTr 645-uuu. · Has 1~· 846--0995 elusl('t ri ng, di amond SECU{tJTY seriously,· w(' 0 en man, exper. n PAINT & VARNISH removal AlL v.·hlte shorthalred male solitaire. si!\·cr set & many open. call 942-2995. NEV.'SPAPER Auto Route A' bu f nt off" \\·Guld like to talk with you. stock control &: shipping 10 Antique Furnllure our kit~n 10 \\'ks more i1enu;: of es ta 1 r L\'N -3 pm toll pm & rellef Illig. Bch) ~lust be O\'Cr 18 Gener:T cl::lcal du;~:~ \Ve are NOT a ~ccurlty ~ead ~ ct1~8~~u;"tlo~ ~pecialty. 557-2736 ·Call a.i.~ jc,re_lry to !X' l'I01d ut publir It pm to 1 a .. 1. Experie:oc-e<I &: h11ve dependable enr. guard service. Apply: organizing ablli1y is Apphancft IOIO IX>G found, 6 wits old. b & auction. su.noo. for oonv. hospital.. Good ~~t3s:~:Szi!,a!~i.$t~~.~~~· and accurate tyP.ing r• DICEON Nq'd. Al~. ability to _ v.· .• needs good l:l omt'. Livestock 1075 GENERAL ·.LABORERS Imnted. ..USlgninents. Top , SSS. Long or short tf'nn. Call 54D-4450. I .i"'iii'iii""iiio' ......... 300i;ili;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i I quired. Cord board. ELECTRONICS commlnicate-w/all \e\'i!ls of f REIGHT DAMAGE SA~E. 847-4618. -t' OLDERLadywho candrive, Good frlnte benefits. . , lhe Ol"ganization. Xln't pllv new ll o t Poi nt B t"fuJ K sh nd-HORSE BOARDING . Ma .1ntenance part iline companion, Ill?. Nice, but active work· INC &: fringe benefils. Send Re!rlgeratol'S, \V a 5 h (' r ll' -eeu 1 _ -!ti OU BaCk Bny AT"l!n. Bo:t lltlll11'i ~~~-=f~~~:"'f• ~~~j11~~~:r~·~·~ld~e~r~eo~· ~up~t~··~5~· j.l~n'La~c~o~nd~lt~lon~· ~·~·-A~p~p~ly~='..-f--.l& --~-··AM ... :._ re11ume to Afrs. C.Omfort, ~ ... ~ D~~1~h1[9:.~e:-· l\fft!e. 545-4763 . a\·al/11hle. Call for dc1alls. NF.VEH, A FEE AT TE~1PO TEJ\1PO Ten1porary He.Ip U Son1e Opl ic11 I' cxperlenl'i! DICEON AN '1JUaJ oppcrlunity -near llarbor. 919-2921. 546-2267 MiscellanHUS IOIO S Pervl"s·o ,, r OPTICAL LENS-CLEANER, Itvi;;.C;nf.'.ian---1~~on-Rarman;--lrvine; 36zi-w:\V~ San~: ·:H·ss;a:c:;:cE~~D_;WHl'FE~S"4fF 6600. • P.~!~~ but not required. employer Telephone Safes SEAndR'S _2!•':0 ~~ 1~~ ~•Siamese, 7 weeks. spunky, SHAG RUG. 6:..9 Rust .t· · G F, NE RA L· 0 F"' I c E. Under the limited IU-64·"'" Electron1"cs .. ·-co .• u,..,.. ., outrageous. boli trained, 3 Beig('. nylon. $30. S\VAG 'Ex1ierit'l\('('{I, o~·f'r ::o .. 1 porvi1ion a Facility En.. Part-Tim• Job ' SECRETARY Costa Mesa Arte new. sr;i0 .. l )'l' main!. femnlei; 546-368·1 . LAJ\TP. l\icker. $10. 546-$5S2 Person olflce. BookkN'p1ng •1 be I Flexible boot'!i. Hospitality agre<.'mcnt 8.11-9619 • - helpful. Sl20. ~·k. G44-84Jl.I g lneer w1 I respons ~ Hottt11 Service n eed-£ ID (TEMPORARY) Wark From T Jl ERM ID 0 R self·clean rl G T I ' ble 'f o r preventive intelligent, w 0 m e.n .to C. , . ... Your Home • oven. Range top w/grlddlr. Gi S• uys rave maintenance of prad!'C" \\'1!lcome new famille1. You 1 si" Apprt>xiamate\y 3 months. ' bit-in. Avoc1ui~. "perfect 18·23 Fret' to tro.vel \vith tlon equipment and in-~·lll need a car & l~vl!e~0(a~'H"4 Typing 55 w,p.m. + IB.l\.'l Top Commissions oond. 673-665.1 · cha~roncd 1.~up to Hawaii stell1tlon and repair of typewrlter. can 547-3095 lor Selec.trlc. Shortband 70 * 558.73ll-* Rent.We1her1/Dryers '!R~ & n:i,bf!r10c~\1!:t 1~~~~ prad~e:t lon machinery. Interview appt. An F.quRl Opportunity v.·.p.m. +. Previous public EquRI Oppor. Employer $2. \Vk. Full main!. iveeks expense paid !ruining Wiii have support of PBX OPERATOR Employer M·F · _contact helpful. * 639-1202 * -·~~~q//Mi ~ " ~,:..f A CONVtNlfNT SHOPPING ANO . progran1. lmnied. cash two people and will Telephone answering st'tV. Apply in Personnel Dept. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS HOOVE R portable \\'8.Shlng ..;¥ SfWINC CUIO( FOR TH[ drA.\1tlng acrounl, tran11por· handle plumbing, eltc· pro(C8slonal ex ch a n it e · RECEPT./$.~C'Y fi.fonday thru 1''rlday !J.llam. for non·protit athlrtic club. mnchine. Xlnt .cond. $150. or talion furnished. for per-trlcel boilers, com· Fashion I1ilarid, N.B. Exper. Fine IOCRI co. A lot or public PACIFIC MUTUAL S2'1tl. nio. salary for S hnl best .offer. 642-TJM sonal Interview can r.trs. _..1 • I ndl only. Top ~Y &. fringe contact on this variety 700 N rt Cc tr Dr N 6 per day. Agply _ 315 E. ~ FREE PICK UP-Ref's \\"sc SJS.7756 1Dani-<lprn presswu air, a r CO • benefits. Call llJ.4 :P.lon·Fri, pogitlon. Good typing 6 Ute an ~~op~unlty ~;,,piy: ~~.B. 9:4::> or 2:4::> Appl's & Scrap ?.lctal. Cali i\l~·Frl only. tioning motors, drllla, &14-7009. sh will land this outslanding ;,.., ...... ,,;,; ... .,..;,..,,;,;. I T'iiiiiiii'iJ>ii"sAIES'<iihl~~~·~~!-:1?:' ·~~·~--~ S I C J hn T"' "RHONE s,"ES <th any ime. ·~ GIRL \VM'TED no exp . .,.,.111 etc., etc. a. ary com·, PBX OPERATOR position. all Rita o 90n, r:.i...c. • ...., r1c d 3 1 1-'n. '' m .. 1.e Drn""rles. mtnsur ate with •xperl· Answering service eiep .• full 54<Hi055, Coastal Personnel SECRETARY year Tlics &: Taps, Year G.E. elN"t p ryeJ. eye e11 .... "" ,,... A-noy -Ila•~, Bt•• ""'Y van'oty •pol with. Iola -·nd en>ployment. Call Ed like new St>a. • 61R Ohm11 Way. Ci\t. 642-6171 ence .O'I'-"-"11 tin1e. Apply 657 \V. ':t:.:1=-• "'"" · .uu ~u, .,.... ' ~ '1'1!8 962·1965 • ,.,.. 642-1403 .._., of oppor. for :i gal 1\1th s;ood =~'' CM. 64z-41171 Good benefits, stable 19th. Suite H, C.l\1. I ~-·-·-~~---~ skllll, bright sniile, I:. zippy REF RIG&:RATOR-l'reezcr· company, near t h a Recept/Trilnee $475 pe1'!1C1rlality. Fun job TOO~ DIE g \Vhlrlpool excellent cond. GIRL or young \l'Oman f1"l-r to travel in niotor homr. Cook and look af!rr elderly gentlemen. 846-.2161. GUARDS lmmed. Need full & p/llmf' guards for Orungu Co. ure11 . Cull (213) o&ri-5325. 8n1n- Sp1n, i\fon ·11iru F' r I . T. .. 'll\'l'ene<." Sreul'lty, Inc. A. PCB Tyne 45. v.row1'1 lob. AAMES 1-' FREE ~ O<ango County orpo•t. WESTCLIFF _,. 1 -"'S"cc'·...:S<H<=o:·v"'---~~ Apply: Personnel Agency ,. Empl~~:n~ ~\fgency MOLD MAKER B icy~le~ 8020 DICEON Dicoon Eloct,.nlcs • '""'' m ContorJ Cos" """ "'6·1100 *BICYCLES* leadl'l manufacturer 1651 E. &finger, S.A. 2706 HRrbor Bl., Suit" 207 New 10 speed $64.95. Bench Cl It a42-8836 An1heim .. 710·8120 6~1282 El • of rigted rcu R ECF;PT IONIST with 600 No. Euclid Small clectronl('s tlrm n~s Bicycles, ,.,.. ec tron1cs, Boards la.seeking qual-bookkeeping Hkil11, for --=~==-,---f'XJX'r\('nCN person w/ttbiti-BOYS BICYCLE 10 SPEF~D I lfi~c•ndldat11 for Aa<tNO&shre t'n du 5trla1 SECRETARY-1y to cl('sign & fub molds or rt1ti.DE IN :FRANCE $150 I I • -·--ADVERTISING dies from <'letail drawings. •"·'"""" nc 1t m , n1pect1on, p 1 a 51 l e s co., Costa G I kl I o 0'~~c~~::=w~===-,,-~1 GUARDS • touch· p, silk screen-11.fe>sa/N'pt vie. 54&-6243 AN! you tt rl()!ch ubo\'e th e s!: 0:~ ng ronr s. ay 2 KE\V SCJ-IWINN 10 spd. • CAL ON THE CO. '· For 1n •d In C1ll Mary Beth . ' -.. ~ ··'' r--...: _\ \.) " ' Im1nP.d. en1ploymcnt, full I I I PERMANENT 1 1 1 rl'st & looking for n101'C than I::itual 0000,: Emploi·c r Varslty &:_Continental. Boyl' time, pa11 tin1t'. lni1ldl' \8j?.2. \Ion K111'n1an Ing, mu t • 1ytr, m a-c er e 8,; just a M?Crelary pcsilio11. l & girls. 956-24M att 10 an1. ,vork. \\'Ork· any sh!fr. r1t-tne. Calif. chlne shop, photo.print• wppoti~lonf~· :r.:!~ acrcqcu~te S ~ then )'Ou're our rdl'I. l\.tust 549-304 10 SPD Bik('ll s74 as.~einbiL:J \ Un''lonns r u r 11 Is h c d . on equal opportuni!y 'ojJ lit 2nd and 3rd .,. · · hnvc good shorthand & ,.,....,,....,..,..,..,..,..,, I • 1 de11lttd 122 .,_ d Stolre8, Spokes Blcycll'~ Ne~'J)On Beach, Costa r.1~11 employer m· sh ft openings. Will -· !~P~11!u~~~~9·ad""No. J:s~u,~~ ·rYPIST HB. 53f>..GS40 & 536-7697 area. Unlwr111tl. l226 W. h "'"',"t"'A"m;.,;l;,VA!!N!!TE""'D""'""' tr1ln 1h1rp applicants. REUBENS Daily Pilot, P.O. Boie 1560 .. TECHNICAL TYPIST ~'-~-~Ua~~apo~~:~ily cn1pl'y ~EACLIFF MOTEL Wt are en 11tabll1htd, Now Hiring Costa Meta, Ca !12626. . l1nmritlill1c opening fo.r In· Building M1ttrials 8025 \. & " ' ~ .. '" H·· 1\ '. ; '* " " " " ' ' houst exp. FuU t Im c Laguna Beach. 494492 pany with good ben• COOKS Fte Paid, lnve1_triien1 dept. dept. For appt.. contact stove, n1arble bath gink, Waman·1 ftarld '42·,678, oxt. 330 lfOSTESS . callhlcr, dlnnJ?r ' 1661 S. Coost HW)'. reputable growing cam· --·-SECRETARY ~~~l~~~orwl~~la~~~:: ALUt.l. !iCrttn• door, gas ~ j· ' position, npp1y Sa m• s t.fAID, part lime day5, pref fits near the Or ante HOSTISSES or old line finn need~ l)(?bble \Vlllson. 6#5800. ~·all hcater1 w11ter heater, Scafcod 16278 Pacific CO<Utl expd or will tnln. Lido County ~rt. Appl'(:~ p /TIMI.· eUiclenl lndlv. I\' I &O Ct d _&CSI .ElnanctaLServices antiq.-tub.-COtlnl!e .,.,,ltldo~'. -\1..~ \-l--•---'~1 1wy:-11:~ ~--Sho"" ~ott!l~&i~-:--. -DICEON ... -"'KllPl·R----~~· ~.ve~:~!~e~=: t>qual oppcrrunity emplr. kitchen sink & dlt;;'.sal. Sell Idle ltefns ...... &12-5678 CLASS If JED wtll Mil 1t. ADJtl)' J.5 Daily CalJ Coa.slal p t; 1 0 11 n c 1 TYPIST• 67:>1462, 008 Acacia, d~I . 251 E Caast Hwy Agency, 5'M>-605.5, 2 7 9 0 Fee Pald. Beautiful office in Cits IOlS 1 EEK & FIND• Electron"ics N ·port l!aach n arho• e1vd, CM ,, .. , .. comp'"· s•m ·1450 ~ S ow *So ' Boolck Alw F"' Jorn" •• Cail R;ta Hl'IA'IYA,N Bloo PI. -W ~ Sources of Perfume '' Equal Oppor. Employer C y1, t•pers J I "I"""~~ Coll 1 1 " ..., -.... ~ '~ I !love too nnl ny lo list 0 uu;on, " iMMN. s a kittl-ns. Che1tennere lines. , , R W M 0 0 N A R E G R 0 T R S N Y L D nc · I d Pl'rsonnel Agency, 219 0 o11ys: 87~1, Carul/Evl'. :--.. r:.1 RN 1 to 3 pm, 41 bed conv Liz H.c n ers AgC'nl'y M11rbor Blvd, CP.1 2131961>-4700 ·1- 0EN0 R WM E I TSOfOES.L E M • hospltnl. Good sa la-ry. 4020Blrch St.,Sulte104 ~ 11522 Von Karman 5'19-3061 Newport BeRCh S.tl·R IOO , TYPIST SIA~IESE Klt!en. rrn1, 4 n10, N GS F 0 0 0 WC H 0 S L B VS R M R lryine, Callf. '2664 RN/l.VN \\'t'E'kcnds 7.3, 3-ll, 0111 A Job 133-0ISS Our mull roon1 lll'Nls an Lilnc Point. CFJ\ reg, shots, •! f,j~ ' '•I " "-. ·, ' ' I I good -. nds. Top $$. 1'4' No Chor•• To You nccurAIC' typillt. 50-65 w.p.n1.l.!159,,· ::.· "!iri:::l"·':::·":.:'-----1 9495 \ E I R I ES 0 U R C E S 0 H. 0 A E 0 E '·" ~ .. • No eieilt'r. nee. I\ pp 1 y ioy,:22y, ' :-1.:.r~ " I'"'"" "111t .:11» [!] ·~:qua I Opportun!ly Superior, N.B 612-2410 E11tttbllghed 1965 Nallonal Sy· s!el'ns, 4 3 6 1 n-, . -i-1.11• n' l<l•rlr,.·• a!J"h~n. W A B A N C S N 0 F V H W M E R K N C en1pkl)'i'r 1n·f -.... L,, 11T -f1T 111., •II• nu1 .. 1 l1t·M111r •·f'<l· SECRETA RY, • l .B .J\I . Birth ~!;__ N.B. M6-7::60.i.;;,:.!::.________ '''""'i~ 111"";:... ,1,.1 .1,1!dnM ~IM h in or L'" s AL R L MIP_:E R F-U-M Ef S-L-G-A-V-0 -*PUnC'HASINO CLER"'" -ROUTE Exec. /l!°)•pewr itc r &-Nt'tl:r O,-Airport. GEl'tMAN shorth:i lr n1nlr. .,..,.r1. rn rn1 1<'nft'I. blltl'. "'o•k at •--cl>. Gen. offlee SALES • Dtc1ntlng Equip, '4 d!lY/\\'k, Hou~Ctr'l:ilncd . .l4 \l'kl. $20. ---.1111TIITT'"PnJH"rn"lnir 11 1·~*' S Y I G E R L M • N RYS NC L 0 w ~~ I I rt II Uh N U RGEN LY Sn C -. \loJP!••I l'.ot•• rn ;1;: quick. W L " lbllltl•• w/typlo>g X n oppo 1111 Y w · · u T Beaut. llne!I. c. fin '! \'our o"n mlrior w!Ll ii-II "''', ,, 0 1.,11, '111",.~,"~·ovy phOllCll. _,j \\IE \VILL TRA IN YOU ?-ftg. Bo.hkin&' F'll'lll. Send · kt'Cp. 64::i--0715. 7SS \V. ''·'° l>o• ~un1c1I•·,. you 1ooi ;i , ~-' r .. ,.,r ~,,.11 ll~n~rn. A 'L S 0 0 T C, L 0 W E R S L A 0 S A L . .,. "'' A d · -lary RMlume to Classlflt.'t'I ad No \\'II ,....,1 1u 1hl• 11raef1u111111\tttl "'"•~ 111 ~ h oppty. ROSAN, INC. 2901 n pay you a sa 11 J:>\I · NEEDED ,:,:,~"'""'"::.· ~·~'" -,----,,"'.CC7.I i11• tl 1111 "l!h or 11 l1 h(111t 1' • •·rnr• 1""''~' i>•tl•rn w. Coast ff~')'.~ N.B. whUe doing II. It you ha\'e 11!~;. ~~11 •1 °'· CP.O~ pup p J Es , p u r ch r fl (I nu .... r "u1brul~er1. ~:~;~:~~1"'~1~,~:~·.~·f'iJ:,j' cqual oppcrtunlty nlwy1 wanted to tun your o11111 • ....,., • "csa, 11· 1"0'°· l">orwcvlttn Elk Jlounds. !S 1•r1n1rd ,.,,,,.rn t•tG · dJ•> ~~h'"" ,.,11 IP~'"'""' A N M I V N T I S R E S 0 P 0 E 0 R 0 rol own busineu v•e will 1how SEGRE:TARY I Rcceptlonl~t. "'kll. $30/no p a pers. ll11r Iliff• 10~. 11\.i. •~..... "'"'k· 11r mor" ~oo 10 All•" "'uallty Cont )'(Ill hD1v 10 enjCly your w<!f.k.,. "'general Ot.fice 11<0rk. Sh' TYPISTS ,,. ~-. ••~.le~. 111" :1n. !'Ill' 11•, n"·•• ,..,1 1111· 11,111 l'1lol. S 0 S C 0 A L T A R H P A S N L 0 S R ,.-"'~I + ho 1-'~C:::.::::::::..~----~ I tbij~t 111 l'lo yd8, •5•. Trto. '«"''""r'n l"'i", r1tn 1&3.0ld • Growing Co. h111g lmm@dlate .,.ary +comm. nui;: not req'd. Jn Cosln l\lr:sa. GENTLE bf!nut l)uppif'l'I, ~ndSl.OOJfort•rhp•11tt11 Olt·••t• s.a11011. ,..:ew \cwk. p R II R oi' U S S 0 f A f S I N L R T A C)J>enlng, (Or a )'OUl'lg mnn Vpdehlc[lfl ~~;.-~II expen1~ Sc!nd retu1ne lo On~!lial , M(llhtr Iii A boxPr. hrellh)', Add Z.\ c•IMJ fot "'~" nan .. r11 "\ 1w11 l"rtnt ~•m•. Ad· lo do tint article It • l!lll·.1111t11""" Opcnling t1d no.198, e/O Duily Pilot, _9610 1nr ht•11·1.o~~m,.1l1nd •Prr1.t dl'\·~·Z•1•1'.,1h1T'n,•11mlwr E T 1' N C 0 8 L R A R 0 8 I N t 0 ML t It A b lne1s Blue Bo 1500 Cot ~I • , VOLT ' S5 f'll. 831· ll\'etl, # ~.11111o11,. oth''""" th1rct ..:r,.• 13t• '""•l p1111ul1r rcctlvinl Inspection. l\.fust e1T Dr)' Ulll Id '.1 .. L. P.O. x • ta . csa, .• k <l•'•df"ll1l'JY "'•tl l~~"'!IU<!~ .~ ... 1., .... 11 .... rl~l~eMlfO'rafl ff 1 U M R t F A H A L E A V E S V 0 A M\"C txp. In r e tt I! In C C'roM Blue She · '' f.\/Vr Ca 9263j Temportry S.rvict1 LOVABLE boxer pup1., "' II "~·~'t""'",.. . .._•001o ,1t;on~ l•l~l•·t' 111 ,.,1n .. • T111trt: 81ueprIn11 &: uslna mC'dleRI bent. profit •h"!" SECRETARY, Pflrm11nent M11.)or ~1edlclll Ph1n old. lbrton. 10"1 1tw-!liitl!' 1'11<'1 l'rHJ.·••ln•1n,w. . '""" 8 E OD EGERA ND UM 8RMTST ' ·- • C C , I T R 0 N 0 L 8 L 0 I L N. A B N E ml ........ nielet'll. v en Ip r 1 , In(:, rettremenl Al age 5~~ .~ f i,mn N~• rt AtcR, NOlv A\'allAblt Call 837-9670 Rlt 6ptn. l'ltll'rn l.IPf!l 23: w ... 1 1~1h \'~"·1'f>,. • "~n Rouli h~ L..,;=,;,==:-o~""=::::;,,07:;::;""""'""=::::-.J·ll+iiiil...... ·-_jo,Lo.--'ri'-·-....-1 1.-ln ft N '"" Yl!rt ,., '~"~""~'--~·-~ .. ~··~r·;--~"~·~·-~·"~'&"~"~'~l~I ~~-1--1---1 -11""1'1\"~~ Omtn,., ,,,,-,,, IW"VI" tt.:1 ·vu -t tlc•lb1e nnurs, & . etnPo'Mtl')"'&o JRISH-sett~/i-.~·l'-olH t t!m '' \! r::"i"Dt1ftr=:<' £11' \,.,..+ N .... Urr;l""I {\&it l.~ , [_:-jlUllllcUotu.:-lM-hiHHt-~lllll~'I' btlo)w eppeer f°'1"atd, 8" ti " ~!'° C S I 1-... I I r 1·11 • 1--..1ehlfd, 11,, do,..n, or dl.,allllly tn Iii• ~ldt. find tacll Tlcrn Rois k c oy rPoRTUN ITY TO t:ARN .h ... 11mpu!t Dr.. u te VO N~"'l"~ fl f:(IO( l()1ne. ~Ii WIM1 ~·r,•1.1' \'l \lft ... ~ .. ' ~·1 ...... , Cr1"'hN Ilk II l'(I ' hidden 111mr i nd b0:.11111 11 illo•n: orote 1 orp. WHA:T \'OU 'RE \VORTH. SAVE Tl!OSE APPLE NC\\J!Ort lkfl(•h M&-4741 UJ.8.1 842-&.)17 ~~!~~.~n~ ::,.;!;.'!~,~~·1~:' ::!~':i~rl~~~~r:::-1:::. :: ~ ~/:~~~lLA ~~t~~iM :.:~~ ;. 12812 Knoll SI., GG ENJOY "iOUR WO'ttl< .~ ~l~~~~~~S ()11~:'1 "ni;;oll>.>t~~ \Vt h11vc a. conJtJlctc.,,11ckaJ:e l \'O~KI~ ~KC:-;~1i~E ~-f!1,i'~f1t\eR ~;;~~ f~~~\:; :~~::~: ~:.~:~.:7:.~-: :: :: C:IO\IF.Olt. 1.EA\fS ROOTS 8f-l389 PROVTDE A GOOD ltYINCi TI wlll brlirhl('n the Of employee• benrtlt11.\\\'• ltnol. . °-r&-" Ille. 1.1·1.11.od llli.l>t1l•1.~ll.\l'•'• 1 .. m411t'\,.thfl llwil . •l•~ COAi. TAR 'Ll!MO!"tfJllASS lll'OOD " fi£\L ESTATE: 6 llc<"n!itd f'OR YOUR FAl.111.Y m~~~I to 11 .'l'"llke-n~w" pay l(lp w1gc1. All offk-r & &14-!> lrl't' ,r,ut>rot "'1111~)11 S\.>nd it...' 1·,.mpl..toi.\1~11 .. no•1i .,SI Oil 1ornomt'A : Nlslll1hlllt Pit.Iii. ~ 111le1peoplc nccdctl to ICBIC \\'Otn:JNG LOCAl.J.Y. _condl!10n. !(Ave onylhln.1r to lrKlU~llilll .11klll!1 are nt'cdtd. "White Elephalllfl" 0\'Ci" h".:'t .. :e:~~:, ~-~~~: llf>1k :i ·t~ J:'f\l'IM'Al•ll•n• 1 12 ...... To.nidti :in\' ur 1111 of !hot l'\pllndt>d ''Sf.tic: & Find" h0<ik~. olli~~ und bu I Id t 11 K·•, Call ~tr. 1\lckcr, M9-.3110 .. Mll? Uso a onfli, Pilot Equ11\ Oppnr. F.tnnln)'fl' n1nnll1K your house! Turn lfll>t•n! ~'l~hftllll;ofiili , ,1 00 ~~::~.~'~'q~\1j,111t:~.2 ·::: :t ' Nr"'""' ... r.-·n. llenry, F;quRI Op'""'"Unlt)' l;mployer Cl••··' r1·• Ad. Coll .t2 ~.. llwn1 lnlo ''Cash''.•· icU 1n~111n1s.-i.1n~l1o)()I! t1~1 1.\••uolt·r~ri1Ml~•·•,i .•... "M.I<' · n"lnbr~ ?ln1u11jh1,1t11d60ctn11(11,..fa.:l>,n11kin1rhe~i.,. ~1"''' iw '"""' "'~· ,..,.,,,~ h h DU Piiot • " 1l2-02M. Clau!Iied Ad! Coll 642-aG?S Oli•t1ifled Ad! Call 642-5678 I em I ~I 11. 8 Y !.lwkllfl6J1r1t H~&~ .)Or J~f:!lin 1;~~~~~ht.:;:•,!~~~:.r-r.:lt&n11n Stndlntc>, Addw 'You'll flflfl II In Cln~lfll'(I Wl)nl ad rcsulls ..... 612.-:i678 toctnyl -IOtlityl • cla!15ilicd nd! ----~•;_-------~--------I • ' -~ .·. I • • • • ' < I \ I • -/ •• 'I ·'''•'•'•.t t .t .l • ! ..... • •• I I Ml1eella~ -Plano1 & Oft•N -Boat•, Power · fOi Motorcr,:I~/ Vw !lfii liMW _klw~ 770 Mercury lJ 1----'-,---1 .._.... 9150 I< ALL wool huml bratdod mg • l'IANOS ' '73N0VA W•ll<ratt,"'., twin = '71 DODG~ LEASING '14 MERCEOE.S i.'!O SE ·68 C~STOMIZED BUG•Xlnt '72..MERCURY I 135 c9~12·J. Twh• ,,.. "t • ORG'"NS Mere 188. v......, '"" HONDA soo ;.1 ... .,.r ......,, CAMl'ER VAN Sl'ICIALISTS METALL•c coLO Exec•· c:ond. Crpt. FM/AM ""'· 1 m. Ne"•\y recovered \\'jng " Extras. 10 hrs, to la,1. C'tlQd, 4* all. extras lQO. &-:vice durlna ieue period tlve car • line onl)' lSER. 8 track, ntaga, Wip ant, crpi COMET I ; 1 chelr rrs. Bruss andil'on set Rental fr $5 Jll,500. 4't-a6. •• ·Yarnt.ba: 90 elec. atart, • no,.~ eamr,r· vs: Is ~I'll. Crtvter 8MW ·NO. 01800:!); low • 36-mo. Jutt cleaned. Just PQlnt<..td $25, Milk stool $1. 4 a11ist's S · 16• Rl,ENELL l/O. ~OAfC, .fairilw, • extra• $150 . -r. -·~ •• ,re tls ., wu a.wardW tM BMW open le• at SU3~08 per blue metallic. $140 0 . 2 Door. qn1d metallic, 6deyl., I', dllplay easels $2. ench. Must sell qu.icldy! s:mo. -.sa-tll5!-~ •.. etc:'R:adv tot tun, ~Aw• .... ""' Hotrma.n mo; fully equipped. NO 962--2700 automatic. air, ra 1•· Mlr.e. pietu1<e fram~s $5. !or "--NI h , II 9 · ~;) 9861 " ~ .. v:, pltal reduction -·ired tJ Sun !)("ti.fer, tt.e«nt a r o u P . 1, •'l O"gl 1 .1 . ti 1• ..,...., ~ ti t * ~ * . ~ MDklir . ....._, (28'N96) Moton. We ire dedicated ca .. .,..... · ' . VW ~f. -r e d . t~ETFl , 1 . .-. na 01 ru111n ngs 11 S , I S I" • $JS88 to ..t __ _. • _,._ JI ••----• ••-· ,,,_ di I "" •" 2 h. ~ h ,. 2 'b ah t :;JO, Sun. ~ Boats, Rent/Cho•, to5t .. Sa'-/R-9160 · ,.,vo YoG LW. .. ~~on lft __,,. ru~u• '-· '" '" $2888 1 .... ee lgu c <UN, ('n s, *P'a & G nd * 1 ,. . )'OW' --.ew, BMW. Sff us d\rome wh.11, tuned exh. t 1 :!odpernJaypcd"'a·-n'oo"''rik:.~,obffce~~ 1 nos r• s FOR RENT. DAY. WEEK. e VAc!AnON e * before )'OU leue ll'.1)' BMW. ........ Bf.It offer. Mutt sell by Fri. * 1 ~.. w• ~Fl~~~he'r °'uKbat•,.:,':"KekoimrbatngU hfO. C0°0NADO 35. Call AT YOUR• OWN PACE • , • f • 4rp lhl~ of"'tC BMW:a iau.r,.::u• July 19· 546-"'526 --i table attached, S25. G.E. lb<.: .,, ·~ J j t .m·~ mod 1 .-59 v w ~ Rotisserie $10 .. Foot stool • Knabe. ~-on & Han""". . 1n4> 325-l!M -'Choole h:om So. ~llf. 1'Hrl UI ~""'. Molt -ea Newport Beach . . • per Van $450. THEODORE. j $1. Iron Rite lrortet' St\\, MUSSE>tt .. Sohmer • Stein-BMts, Sail MO "LarPst SelectiOn." ' RO FORD ' av. Jable for Uiunedlate de-13.'l-9300 Re-blt eng, u tires, brk1', 11 Cal'p<!n!er's anclcn1 tool \Vt\Y • Storey & Clark • "'fn. (Over 40 Minis A M.11. '1). , B Jivet)I', ENTER FROM MaCARTHUR papel'a, ,. prbpane lantern, ROBINS FORD ii chest 39" x 23" soo. Golf ter • \Vrulilzer . Yamaha 1 12' KORELLE JR. sailbOftt DAl:.S CRIVIER BMW OVER stove, h<'a tel', ta111:<. Before ~ cart $.'l'. 3 plY'\'OOd hlngffi Nc\v Spinel!i !l. .•••••• , $595 1vith Highlander tiaiier. MO'J'OB HOME 2060 Harbor Blvd. ll8 W. lit St .. $.A. 835-3tn · 5• 833-72;1--8.!!.! 497:_1107_ 2060 llilrbor Blvd. 11 si.gn boards $5. 2 n1aplc Used fl'Om ........... ~ $95 1 Great for beginilen, contes ~RENTAES Costa Mesa ' 642·0010 C•prl , 9715 35 USED MOVING MUST SELL Cui;ta Mesa 642·0010 •f- television cabinets $15. ea. P.layfrs , " •••••••••, $895 \~"idthdi m&alnUlsail: jib, oa"', Redhill .• "! Saft J~ 'fUStin •n FORD .Oub ""·t~au·Van, · MERCEDES 19Tl VW Super Blle, lllfle ,65 MUST~G 11 · ~Use. odds & ends 1nake Grands " ......... ,. $395 pa e e Jackets. Only (TI4) 83&0900 12 AJC,-r.AJT PIS CAPRI '12, v~. 4 spd, air, Dck. ExCt'l. -mech. oond, 1 offer. ~ P.r.L \Ved ., *ORGANS* In \\·ater 6 times. '74 pass., .. • • m.·· -~, 1219• ON 'ISPll~-006m! e n.. $ • •cvr ... E • HOUSE 'TRUCK '49 Int del"-tnt ' t'-l t .,_., ' "• .,.,!. ,, • ...,'. '. OWMI • -"'""'.-<I Thul's .. f"ri ll A~I to 5 Pi\T Bal div iii • (l)nn • Hrunmond • reglstrtion j.neludtd, $600 R E \ .,._ t _ _.· 1 . · -d· _ "881"6ncw ll'C!I, x n J J -4 3 1 -4 5 8 7 eve s V'l'1"V.w.1 Rebuilt englne • traM • and 1 Sat. & Suh. ;;oo1 Loren Lane Ka,, .• ,· . K•'m'"' • "··-y • or ~~II consider tra.~ tor · ·· · ...,.s 0•-at ~ c assic.. con ' -aft. 7. wkd.YB nf.83S.3833 e?Ct 260 -I 1 A It 1 o j r.~ta 'l • -~w>< h-hl r-NeW eng tir,.~l)rks etc ...,.. FORD~... -Su Ho•-• of Im Vovo , 9772 l'<'ar en(. el) rean1. ~ "e a. Rodgers • Thomas • · :rn· P ~·-·S.P c equipment. ' ' ' " ''" ~WMom """' per '73 CAPRr. ·AU/FM stereo, •-RA1'tc. needs about US ii\ 'body , SCR nM LETS aha • \Vurlitzer. 962--2189 Much more. lust -aee~ Vu ~ equip xlnt mags V6 ..l j;.,. I iOOll r-.... '70 VOLVO ~·ork. JU!it a few small ) I Jj • Optigan St50 EXCLUSIVE $4600. or beat otter. &I0-4596 cond. Make 'otter. 'Bel. noon mueeGe. ir.ec:1 wt~k vieyl 523-nso _ · . "dings. lnteriOl" good. $575. +1 LO\vrey sp·~··:::::::: $195 34 Islander. Brand· neW CUI< ·~· Shuta. 1120~ Motor Horiie l:,a.tt. s ~ .. 673--T.rlO top. Xlnt t'Qnd. "2-5136. '73 MERCEDES • s 0 s L STATION 1''lrm. 6'12-5908. 11 ANSWERS \Vurlitzer Spinet,' new .. S499 ton\ boaL Super-loaded. By ::iv~~ ss4-1;,r \\'eek. '71 FORD super Van 302. DatMM '720 Sports O>upe. Xlnl cond. WAGON Must•ng "52 •,'', *WIN FREE* o\vner t.I.-Th. att. s Pm. ~v · • Auto., camper c onv ., Prl. p8rty. $U,'l5D. 9'1t-3MO. Cousin _ Pa.rch _Tying_ ORGAN LESSONS F., 31.). & Sun. • all d8y. .. • ~s.PH:~.e.~·l>CAXl.ntl 'COnd. N rt •-h ·or M.1-3275 eves. 4 'lpeed transmlulon, radlO,. YSY-267, Mu.sl1.1,ng '69, 1''.B. ~1ohair _ UIQI h<' IS 633-6886. -· 1 • R~NT: ·n •El Dorado _..... _,..._, •wpo ...aC 1972-280 S.E. f.s• boater, a·1r oonditioning:O V-8, .air, automatic, new ·1 \Vhen a nian is being su~ FU~L~RTON MUSIC HOBit; 16 Sharp cat Ltme lwtotoi'hOme. Sips 6, -.. u. '73 ·DOIXiE VAN, 15",CXXI *DATSUH* __ sedan. Clean. (749FVZ)_ paint. 847-o828 · 1 for dh'Orce he suddenly dis· 18191 E:uchd, Fountain Valley gl"l'e!l' • ~lblack r a c In a:. cont. $1?5. wk, + 5c a.mile. miJ.es. ~of xtfaS. -LEASE-,.,791 $2477 '6.5 CLXssrc 2-+;2. Slick. I covei'S ho~; RICH II<' IS. I 557-4836 stri~. Must se.U by Aug J. 548-2Sl4 * ~~ * or MG 9742 Smog cert. ·Engine ~at. REFRIGERATOR 20.S 'Ill\\'. 122 N. Harbor. Fullerton $1850 or.offer. 6'J5....4287.. RENT newFlingmotOr home AutOI Want.ct. 9590 BUY· FM radio, SZ75. 979-279'2 frosHess, 200-lb freezer. 871-1805 !!OBIE Cat. 14' light blu & Slps 6• tut~ SC, ~·. eti;. 5..;...leli . * 'GS ·?i.iO-l\tldRet. Radio, + 1\a"• l••..:1· MUSTANG '67, white 'vith Like ne\'" S:?75. 8' l\01·a1 gold,, trapeze .and olhor \Vttkly rates. We~ver,· 545-TOP,.DOLLAR PAID r-"' heater. Wire whfs, Michelin -WA W"ID blnck Vinyl top i s oo . ·coocll & chnir $50. Din~uc CONT I NUOUS f"'REE xtras with car top carrier 5624· IMMEDl~TELY 26.0. Z $137 X, new top, 1 mvner, ofler. TOYOTA 673-1988 table, ext. 72", a chairs $40. 6RG·AN CLAS.'iES FOR 497-2571--, U x 64 dual ' wide. 2 BR. 2 FOR-AU.'FOR.EJGN CARS FULL Pi:tfCE.i+ T . .&: L . 548-3357.att 6 pm \vkdys. .-. .. =..,----.= Sears Combo radlo/phono, ADULTS. Be gi nn ers OOLUMBIA 22.-Spin. ien. BA. Lge den. Air cond. Call or ·come,ln to~ ua. -·~· MG MIDGET 1969, ·excel Oldsmobile t955 ma.pie cab.; needs ,1·ork, ~~PM .• I1ntermediatTcs~~l5. outboard.__ Sabot, xlnl cond. Adult paric •. 493--0153 ~ NEW. 1971 eng, (37,000 n\i), radial 1966 Harbor, C.P.f. 646.9303. ~e• a~ S75. 540-().f'";X) aft 5 pm. ......,,a .. esa • uo: ..... ay S3500 492-9487 ' • Tr•llw1, Tr•••• '9171 610 2 or· .. Dr tires, darlt ~n. black lop. ·n 145 WAGON G 0 Id OLDSMOBILE nights, Fountatn Valley .. . . -I i't • $1500./otfer. 493-978.l eve8::.. w/black interior, air. radio, I BUY!! \\1cdncsday nights. Start any 10' W/~1de boo.rd.,_ Compliete· FACI"ORY .cloee nut on 2 4 Spd. Trant. Included Opol _ _..,.. Radial .,.... GMC TRUCKS " \\'eek. Fran Mic"" in $225. or ' l;iest Offer. Call --.: A"'" or all optlo' ns .,,_ new s. .i:. ... tra rear HONDA CARS Good, used furniture "' ..... GT>-5747 show unit&. 1-14'-4 sleeper IMv seat for 2 more kids. Fine aOrt\i,nr'e~ nr \Viii ~I'll fr',r vou charge. Coast Music Costa . . . . w/duaJ ~etc. riiarine dwingONtLhlys aale r 'G!rOPEL Kadette Ral.Jye, 2-t coodition. fl-995. 496-3006. UNIVERSITY OLDS MASTERS AUCTION 1\l~a. Ne-1vport Blvd. at CHARTER BOif. Good cond. toilet. 1-16' .S sl~ dual 3100 W. Coqt H,wy,, N.B. tereo lnt cond 1 ..::::::::;::;r-~~~~~ 646-8686 or 833-9625 Ha1·bol·. SJoop rig&:~ with engine. JIO\\'er etc ,w/.x WithOOt ....., -AUTO:PilATIC ••••••••••• $96 :=t 118i1. $695. ~2992. · · AUTos··usED 2850 Hatbor mvd. ar1. 6 or Sunday 83!Hl974 • 642-28a~ 1!:8"ps::;~ 673-~~ ~ c ro_n ~=~ =uc'is~~ ~d~ c;A~l~_c_s~--.fJF~=~~~-: ~ J: CHERRr: ~Opel GT Gener•I 9901 ~s~L~~~uass su:: .. SILVEH PTRJVAJiiYPA::ITANYO\VANTS sails+ & trailer. Xlnt cond. son St., Garden Grove, Ca. L•,..st·SelectlOn SIDE MOLDING·····••$ 6 eves 644--0l84. 'OO PONTIAC, Power,-. Air, a/c1 p/s, p/b, a.m/fm 12-7pc place setting. \Vallare CASH. FOR $475. '962-USil ~2191 or -847-0741. 9 am-In Ora ... ,.._..._._ UNDERCOATING • •••• • $ l Gd tra ti & stereo, new tires, gold Grand Banvoue + servicing 6 ept s .... Coupe OeV"'--~Sedan"' ft.. With copy of ad only! p.,....... 9750 ns, new res w/blk vinyl top. aft 5 pm, ·v·1 * 547-9445 * LEHl\1AN 12. no. m. S"per Pm e:<;c un........,s. UK"· 1-"=" SALE ENOS T '"T4 ,_.. ,~-trans., &12-6742 91"21<"< -~:s.in!~i101~~i1171~i~·T~~~'. Sporting Goods 8094 race equip, hnmac, mini Tr•ilen, Otlllty· 91• V!lles· .. E~ DOrados • Coi.-~ •uro PORscuE l9'iO 9ll·E Fucl AMC 9905 :r "' Lido Not'CI. Phoww<..J6[[1:>-~22<,;ll!J..:c:=::~~o===;O"'=" -~·ra~iler:::,,_ • .!~!:~:C454~·!:-445~5:.;,. __ ._jv~itt--l1'xi' bed. wrtiDleti. ~so nl&J1)'. other NEW · 1974 inie~-J.I a..g.&..-i=::;::_ _ _;,_~='~~·'ll-DLDS__D:eltaJloYtlLIIT ~ for appnt. 16 GAGE sholgun. Xlnt cond. s~BOT. 73 Brian· Thomas, Drop door, xlnt cond. nu ~~Caclill&e P -ICKUP -i\M/rr.1 Stereo, 5 spd. NEW AMC/t:IEEP ~j =~i· p~:·~l ~i~e t BEA UTY SHOP Qu a I it y • S}ao .. ~lode! 06 Rem 2'1, $8:J. bke nC\11. WIMing racer! tires, S43..Qo6 aft 8pm. . . $2969 $5500. M5-lJqg ask for Air. Dcalc...,.liio Dr, HS ""uipn1cnt ror 3 Chr. shop. ;i-15-0266.. $650 673-<M44 Crumpton. NOW OPEN IN -~--------1 1 -~lor niachinc, .~han1poo ' TV Radio HIFI St I09I . Auto Ser. A Parts ·MOO FULL PRICE + T .&' L 197} PORSOtE Model ~14, Huntington-Beach 1964 OLDS Delta 88 Station ~ , , , XLNT. Lido 14. No. 1886 NEW 1914 Whit lbla k 1 1 -Wagon, auW trans, p.s,. P:b, ! t'hair. sinks, roll-a-\\·R)'1l, w/trlr, 2 ·sebl sails &: xtra.s. . e w c n enor, ""'plion desk. & dryers. BUILT-IN cassette . ta"" rin= PH·. ~3731 SUPERIOR Auto Foreign B210 2 DR. !!~~: ... call aft .~eves, ~' . -~ a·c, lop rack. good cond., ,.,.. ~ • .,.,..... · .,,,,.. Parts ~ hundredl of used N.TWI" ~ ~ !\lake olfer, 5'10-5397. $2000.cal}67~3 player/rec.order, 15 •• ,..,.., ..... "'..,.Cat, d•-fore' auto ...,,...._ t TOP CASH fOI' clt'an used $2570 SAVE $10 Fi\.1/AM/Sle reo FX v£J•,uo.&:.. _....,., ign ~ · ..--• caraand&ucks -'67COP::>'brown,newrun'g, t"n.'l'm.P New Fli'ght sail s, w/trls. Cbeautifu1) reasonable prices & free How--'~L--l-a. FULL PRICE ·+ TA L g•"", Kon! 8 i......i... ....,,, AJ\1'.C/JEEP fnc. One \\lini;ton·Dclta t<'il 60 off· · pri plf, 979-4199;979-u;s deliverl)' •. 152-1656, 1 7 31 lll"U -'-,,.....,..... NEW 1974 ... · ... __, •V& ~ 15751 Beach Blvd. road tire, fi1s 15" rim O<!ck Conttrol Panh eTul t~at MUST 9ell Vlkiog 20' cla!sic superior, Colta)ksa 'U'a·•~"' and Jambo,.. 710 -2 DR. ~I!!'!!;.., Ver)" nq. $COO. 1/2 mile so, _of S. D. Fwy, .. ne\•er used S2:l. 6~34~ pops up a a louc . n1ng .... uu"' _, HUNTINGTON BEACll 70 OLDS Cutlass 4 dr. HT air, auto!. p·S, p-b, lmmacu. nu tires $1720. 963-6139. Pinto t957 I ev<>s or ~·eekcnds. n1eter ipput/outpitt eau""ood .. ~~~.~sloop. . Slip. $950. SEdaptS ~-INVJECTORplwith Newport Bea.ch $2969· '73 r<JRSCHE 911-T. Air 84H066 1=°''=''--~-7'"".7'._... I auxiliary jacks. St e r e o .....,...u.uo a er,.....-.w . .&Om ete 833-0555 · CMd 1 r $8 850. '72 PINTO Wgn. (787FWX> I FINE estate jc1ve lr y, headphone jack. Main unit 22' WOODEN si.oo ·with pressure regulator, air FULL PRICE·+ T &: L ' ' ots9~i· ' -Cacfill•c 9915 A/T A/C Roof rack bronzes, po rcchiios. fine In \\ood grained \Valnut d ·1or-5ail . . cleaner, all huJiwatt. SSS: WE BUY -USED 'CARS * * 'SHARP. $2149 crys1als, rugs. fu111. anti1ques ,veneers ..i.ith Bone White ~ ~7616.8&:,1100s_ eqwp. 54&-1879. ' · ,..,_· ~NDlorTR~CKS _, __ , Newport Datlllil Sub '760 '73Xl_ -SEO~ DeVille, loaded. (Dlr.l BJJI '645-5700 ~ & n1uch n1ore to be sod at top. 40 watts Qf pow!?r · $100. 14• CAT w/trlr; ~lue/whitt' Antiques A ClauJc '520 """t"e .m a """' &pp•a&a<U 888 DOVE ST. nt couu, Io ml'g. $5 950. 'TI PINTO, 4 spd, 2000 cc j public auction, 6-l).2200. Call S.18-8404 after 6prn. l\J.F. . A 1 iro::ti to ' GROI'H CHEVROLET, NEWPORT BEACH '67 SAAB.· 96V4, like new 548-9'1Sl or 96S-9392 aflc1· eng., raclio/heaJer, xlnt Super buy 145 yds. 2 tone SONY video tape recorder ~~qwafter -8 P~: ~· WAl'tTED -·~'56 Ford 18211 Beu:h Bl~, Hunt: Bdi Betw. MacArthur & Bristol , inside I. out. $950. Call 6pm. t.'Ond., $1575. tl73-4705. l brn. carpet. 260 yds. sw1 gold wnv & camera. $380. -Also · Pickup in sood to exeillent 847-6087 S49-3:33l at Jamboree Road · 507~7· '70 CAD CONY 73 PINTO Ru boot · I Ora S SllORES Boats, Sl'-/Doclu tlJO condition. Will pay · •-·~ -~ N•"1 OC Airport Toyota t ,. • • ' -na • ..,. pery pee. Sony ~i" l hr. splice free .,.. ' -Y ".i:. ou~ 1-Llk d l nd 16 000 I DI · t S ·~"" A St dollar •-r ~ ... ~t "-•nk. Call, n.nn-...,..... AIJ!'OS ·CALL -•1300 · e new, e uxe, all extras. CO · • m · x: in · INTERIOR :.:..,..., \'Oil · video tapes, $20 ea. Call ""' • ..,, ,...,. UT1CVn,i:.u o.>o>" D 496-TI71 E 492-8154 642·2255 or 54846~ 64&-81.2.S. URGENT! Need 40' Side Tie. ~Eves. after 8 P.M. IEST P,Rl.CEI PAIDI '72 DATSUN '14 JOY. OTA New tires. Moving, must ay ve -for a beaut Trimaran, eves • . •P•Hll, ~ ~R1t0. Asking $2800. '12 PINTO Runabout 2000, 4 CARPETING, Nylon, 1 yr. PIQNEER SXIOOO 11V. Teac TI4-892-8687. 1940 CHEV. apeeial dlx 2:·dr. DMfl Lewis Jmperts\ ,,,........,.. pd xi d 21 :ge,s~:~. s~a. \~~~~~1.L~; :u~; o~~r:.'1'2ns~~ w~~~ct~~~e~ ::00~ ~REOori¥· :~~~~wwCloudxlnt. l!l66 -~.wic:Oa 646-930C Radio. '!~U~~ speed, Best Deal Chevrolet 992Cf .::x:~!!~n~bout, m= :' 1¥ green & itq gold. $lOO. dual 1212. All xlnt cond. 548--0297 aftei'~6PM. 1927 "'.,.~>e> • • · YOUR CAR several other·Econo pickups All......._re'! '73 MONTE CARLO. Black cC's. Best oiler. •Jl.1ust Sell. ST;i-8781 $600. ~50. -c:--...11 restcrable. Many xtra parts, 54&-7070 to dJOOile from. (8958) ,..,._ naugahyde top, P/S, P/B, Call 67[).7111. MAYTAG-p 0 r t ad rye r. 6' OLY]vIPIC srEREO . Boats,..,__ a Ski .. $7"JO 546-T.r.!6 -$2288 LEASE OR. BUY turbohydro, air, radials, ~--c.--~-="'' Structo gas· BBQ Uotl1 CONSOLE. SCUD STATE, 17' • SEARAY. l50 •. hp R.c Vehiclff t53D Autos IMflPRTED . All ,.,..1.1 ' 10,0Cl mi. SpoUess. $3595/ "P~lyc,mouth ______ t960_1 •u Lr '69 EJ\..<UlllllU. Good eng. -._ ~~~~Id se\~~8~7-~~~'aJTanty. $lOO. Ml·5S38 :~~~.~fa!:!~"!: aOA:rs-TRAILIRS Genil'el :>, ,-~ 9701 *~·-· -.,,. t·· otter. ~'TJ; 49 3- 7578' '73 DUSTER P~Y;rRe1~f~: ~~ ~ed~ .... ._....., Gt] SZ50,_~l °" 988-«m ~ RY .JTORA5E" , ... BuY or LEASE THEODORE ~~. ;~5'0r~ 01::. v:;,1~~t~a,;:~· Xi~r:: 1.---+-••'•-..-_s.2.11 -....... ~ . · · •u ~-!!>'· ·· · s · · ROBINS' FORD mDJA. 968-<008. • 1ow "'""· <318.JFU> ,· com plete. 642-1255. ·1 ~I 1!1111 1 1111 ; ~... =··~ .f. ... -~ .... · • ~~A-LF. ,A &ROMEO ____, CJ1EVY Maire 2 Dlr. 38;K----F-- , l\! E'J\1 BER.SHIP available _ ~ 2060 Harbor Bl\•d H.T. 283, Runs, needs TLC. NeWpor1 Beach Tennis Club. Ganerel 9010 Collta Mesa 6f2-0J10 $125._551-5965. · * Jl,Jo~ i;ell. Reasonable. Ph. C•m-.. Sale/' . c~ .... nw RV ~ WI •• -OUR aft 6pn1,67":>-3271. \VILL .TRADE A1AGNif1· .,.-. "°...,..,_... ., . LL·-.. y '16 CHEV. Impela Spt Cpe. • USED Electronics pumps. CENT Ladies Diamond Rent 9120 Sii~-~ RIPAtR DATSUN, TOYOTA , Radio' Heater, AIC, $275. THEODORE S I Riog. tor Saii or Powor ~E. · •R-1. TORE · OR VOLKSWAGEN -968-~2391!:::;·==-..,.~-g e n er a to.rs. urpus ·n V\V Su-.· c.•mp·er . .~ >z 12 & Boat In good cond. 6 ·+ ''7 ..... · ' P_AID FOR OR NOT. WJµ '80 EL CAMINO, 6 cyl eng. :~~~~£~=·::= .. ~6t::~~r1neEq. 9030 'T2~MAROOOopc.FN5pm.lla:~~PU ...•. · '~i~.J~~\~1 .. '.1 ~~~~, ~~~~:~i1'78l~k. personally designed. hog. ' ~ . ,.UH • '·-• ---· -Balboa Bay Club" '811 DATSUN -P.U. W15 or ' ' 54~ Imp, Just overhld, • variety. priced right call YANMAR Dlesels -8 & 12HP w/6 pa.ck overhead camper. ...santa .Ana Frwy at Sales e ~ce hilt ,oner. MUrt SEU. CHINOOK-TOYOTAS Round 1 a · C.0. Many xtnis $500. J w '°SO P\\•r sail, bay, utility boats R/H ~ """ .,.,...... . .,._ _ _.,~on ~'t "15 .. llOI! u~ 14.00i NOW! 673-UiO'l. Tripper now on display. , . Runs good 846-4117 anytime ean .,.....-..., J.oliller Jlotarine., 0 •0 ~38 ' .,_, ~' • .· -. ' "1aQ\11(714• 1. 1 11-n ' --,. ---- E 40.. d bl• ~ · .. "fUST SELL! :74 """"'", man" Ready for vacatlori trips ... LIK Ile\\" ranJ{e ou Motorcycles/ Alfil Romeo . 9705 .. ~ .r_ Bu Inspec and C 9933 oven avocado !180. Dinette 35HP Evinrudc OUtboat'CI ., ___ _.._1 . 9150 CB.INOOK·TOYOTAS round xtris .. $5100. or'oUer. -Stilt ~_,_Y now!···,, __ howt out•r .. , 't·"i'tcITancan •tylc ""· l\'lotor S75. ~-· ·tr1 ~-play 7.1'., ~A RO,,_~ GTV --·•·r ,, .... -.. ,, I ·~1339 ..... ve one ... ~ you =-""'' .,.,,,, 642·321a pper· now on u.. · • . IUal' •·~,...... ....,_ • w....., ......... ' ·~ . can save dollars at Bill '68 OOUGAR, V-8, 11.uto, PS. 968-9876 '72 YAMAHA 300MX El'l'at Ready -forN&CaUontriP1 .•• 1500} ?J!iles, lmmac. ·n DATSUN 4 Dr. Sedan Maxey Toyota, 18881 Beach PB, Fact. air, R&H,_Good f"or sale. la"·n tTIO\\'CI' s:;. Boats, Powar 9040 cond. Only 16mo. off show Buy·now!.: ._Inspect and Burgundy Beaut . w/air. Gd cood. $1750. Blvd., Huntington Beach. cond., Mu.st sell, best olfer. ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa &12-0010 ATLAS . · Chry1ler/Plym...lh Open Daily &: Sun. 'tU JO PM 2929 Harb:ir Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-1934 Two bird cages $3. Nev,: 16 x 'rm Door. Tie-down straps&: drt~ out. • Se!t 'how you automobile. $5300. 499-1389 ~-847-8553. · 833-3872 2Q fn1me $1•,I, 592·1679. SUPER DELUXE bumper rack. inckl. $700, can save dol!U8 at Bill leave rneuage '72 240Z, only 19,000 miles, 19701,, TOY01A Corona;-4 Ford 9940 '74 GRAN AM, 8000 mi., 18 Oak Desk Sl'.'"J. Ne\\' pair or VEGA VOYAGER 55&9.135 Maxey 'foyota. ~Beach Audi 9707 lmmac cond.a/c,magwhls, dOOr. auto trans; air,:..;;;.:: _____ ~.;.::: J:U~a<-~f~te~u~M~· blu., Bilstein shocks for V.\V. 30' DrESEL TRA\VLER '73 HoNDA 45(Q.. !qler Blvd., Hwmn,to~ Beach. 4 spd. stereo, $4800. 6"1~ A?lllFM, ZT mpg. $13'.M). '72 FORD ' · 53· 5-14-3417. · On display Now! clean! 8600 mi, New "Super '847~. · '72' 4 DR Audi lOOL.S .. Auto, '73: 240Z 4.gpeed, air, AM·FM Good cond, 673-4332 , I '70 DUSfER. RLH, AIC:, .. ·2 I<ERi\tA.~ RUG * , Fil)erglass'n teak! chain $950? 4G6957 PP LA NDSAILER. Cbubui::o, ~:i;, ~'!°;eo5670· ·n:..:i~dials. stereo; mags, ski rack, &: '11 'I'OYOTA Celica Like 4D00R A/T, 6 cy l, 20 !\.lPG. Rull! U 1 d . S~50 F'rni :rull Displacement! 586-U70 sin&le seater. $225. ........,.,. vro-, U3"· will trade .. 831-2040 fdlr.) new. Lbw miles, many VS, automatic, Powe r & looks xlnt. $1395. 675-5568• n67~22c51~1~~r 4 PM Eco~FJi~AL.! * '73 YAMAHA ii) JlolX * . . ~ BMW . ,712 ·1'i:>ATSUN 510, Sta. Wgn., extras. Must 5Cll! Offers, steering, t'Rctio, heater, ·7o ROADRUNNER, 3 8 3 SUZUKI 100. good cond. $100. Only $27,750 Xln't cond. Best offer. 4 ~(Drives '550 . new tirei, ·p jftpe. $1600. 645--05.12.' -• extra clean. (284ELA) auto, $1200 558+825l 13' Bof>lOn \Vha!er, 45hp \VILLA.RD BOAT \VORKS 533-7097 after 4 pm " '68'BMW )'.Q2 4 1Pffd,•1ilver f>n-2913 'tJ TOYOTA Corolla. Lile $ 1688 Chry, $1100. 846-2733. f'"actory Direct. Sales '67 SUZUKI 250 cc X6 '71 _JEEP 4X4 w·bJack int. i3l-21:MO (dlr) Flet 9725 brown, 15,000 ml, beaut. DEEP freezer $50. Stereo. 3336 Via Lido, Newport Hustler Gd cond., .reblt Loaded. Yellow .&: white. 'TI BMW 2l02 with sunroof & ' cond. $1700. T.0 .P. 893-8496. * tum tbl & amp. $50. Call 33' O\VENS SEDAN '67 eng., $300. 89'Z-7260 Hubs,, 4 weed,"' rad lo , A?lt-FM stereo. i3l-2040 '74 TOY -CELICA 4 spd, air, 642-9985. Xlnt cond. Twin Screw,, 225 '73 HONDA XL 175. Lo mi'g, heater, Uke nrir~ (129KKV) ;ti(diilrlli.)iiiOiii ... iiiOiiiiiiiiii 6,000 miles, pvt pty. 439-4511 -ELEC. Dryer $15. 9 drawer HP Flagship V-8. lE hrs,. fted for dirt. sL ace avail. -$JAii · i: eves 439-5197 dresser, unfinished $25. Ne\v 4K generafor, elect refrl~. Runs greal/$575. 64Z..3364. 1972 'I'OYOTA Corolla 1600 2 commode $10. 642-5666 · range, hot \vater heater. ·n BlJLTACO 381, &d cond. jr: dr. 'xlnt. cond. 22,COO mi. . sho"·er & head. Sips 6, "-.::a. or •-t off•r. 968-6m'. • 2Q60 Harbor Blvd. THEODORE ROBINS FORD PontlK 9965 'ti4 CRAN PRIX, gd cond., fctory air, Sl45. 673-9280 '72 PONTIAC Ventura, a/~, pis, disc brks. 2 dr, \vhil,c vinyl lop, $2,595 979-1397 BRAND new Cortina engme, 110 al '•1 al nks ~·· ~ r-g n en gas ta . ~n.35 ODOR l9n TOYOTA Corcilla. Best ....,..ta Mesa 642·0010 1500 cc, $150548-· 2318 i\tust sell pvt pwtf. Make .T.HE E-oUer. 303 N. El camtno '70 GALAXIE 500 Thunderbird offer. See at 3862 Sirius Dl\ 1969-STOCK B.S.A. 650 ROBlat' FORD USED DECORATIVE ROCK HB 1-luntington J!arbour 3rd Looks good, runs cttat "" , Real; San Clemente * $700 * 99711 RED & \VHlTE.cHEAP! Island, 2L1-592-l836 $800. 5""'184 frlT '72 OOROLLA 1600 4 spd, Transp. car In good L'Ond. i 557--0145 * ** 24' SEACAMPER, 1973. 'nBULTAOOLabltolOO.dirt Costa~r B}v~OO]O -25tmpg, '73 Motor, best 962·7056,.sce at 18721 Apple· l·M=;,-.-."'W..-a-nt"ecl-,--808=1 30 hrs, like oow,. V-8 & trlr. only $Z'i1l. Finn. Top shape, -------== offer. 979--8367 • wood Circle!, H.B. . Sleeps 4. head, aho~u. Call 494-0384 bef~ 10 AJ.1. 1973 TOYOTi\ LandcruisCr, '73 Celica yellow. Mags, xJnt '69 FAIRLANE, mags, \VANT TO BUY LIGHTS gallt>y-Cost $17,000. Best '73 TRI 750 HURRICANE WliO'I , uldng $45!li, Sharp e '74 ~.!) CS I: 3.0 CSA cond 26,000 mi. $3200. 132 W. h~aders, side pipes, . p/s, .FOR •n YAJ\·IAHA 125 c.c. oft'. over $8800. Fin. avail. -Sa<T.lirl-at--$1.750.-Call-64f).8Jf4 ·daya, alt 6 • 2002,DJ'JA.I.' am TII CMada ND. H.;San Clem. ·p/b. Very good ·con<i $800. 5-14-3417 -n476'1:Ril88 eVH. 497-3J2.oi Scratch, 4":;3452, 9 -12. s;g-75:12. • '74 BAVARlAS 4 speed 536-4844. Music•l lnstrum't• 8083 "ED". HONDA CB 100, lloilt & blu. '65 INTERNATIONAL, • '74 ~VARIAs Auto. Volk•w..... '778"·=n""'ro"RO"""'L"m="w"a_go_n_."F~'ull SUPER Ski-Fish/Bay Boat! Nu & perfect street kn>A, wllOJ,)' Cabover Roll·a· • '74 3.0 S &: Y.-'• factory equip ' inc I u d SKIP JACK, 20 Hu 11 . 2131 Verano Place, Jrvi~'."' k>llC Carnp.r. A-1 Cond. •• XLNT~'LEASE PLANS •· '64 .VW Baja Bui 1600 t!flg, AM/FM Stem:, & Electri~ eustom bit. 280 Hp €hrysler f67-2636 i: , . l ran 8 porter' lranl-e.xel. · trail brk. 831-»tel Dir. '72 T·BIRD Loaded. J\laroon & • \\•hltt. Air, P.S., P.8., many more options. (231GAI ) $4388 * THEODORE ROBINS FORD ELEC. guitar & sml amp. $70., Pana!j(trliC 8 track stereo tpae playe.r $30. Xlnt cond. 64!)-9675 aft 4pm. Ole: Fum. &-Equip. 8085 t/B. Many xtras. $6500. or 1968 YAM~.,125 CC Twin, • . EXCELLENT SERVICE _J_Oft"°'IMl_ar _____ ..;t.;.73.;.:IO~I Crown torsion bi.t, wide ,73 'JURINO Sq . W g Tmde for late MDL ·St. lepl, turn signals, Trvcb •. ·,ts60 • rlm.1,· $500. 548--1617. ' Ultt agon. l\fcrcede5. ~T14l wkdays, Excel cond. $%i0. MS-2428 1972 XJ6 Japar· blue, lo BAJA BUG C 1 Passenger, full p w r , 2060 Harbor Blvd. 548-4200 eves & wlrnds. '72 H·D Sportster. Exrtl. ·7· 2. FORD F2S·o· Biel 'I miles, grt"at sMPe. $7400. • or v a r,~AM~IF~'M~·~··~'Jll~· ~830-K94~~1=~""'~t;,a~M~•;::"~==;;&t;;2·:;::00~10• .,. , call 497-2379 . Jmllertd. new thru-out I . 22' DIESEL, Su.;...t. Sport, ('(Ind. Sl850. Call after 4pm. • • , • tn. -. Never used. ~t of (e r ! I 1\LJ\IOST NEW, Desks, ~· 536-TI58 CAMl'ER '68 Metallic Brown JAGUAR . r7;;:;;;:;~r:=-:--:::--:::-:-::::::::::;-::~ -~---~~-~ .· -Q Crcdcnzus. 610-8325 or Aft. many xtras Included. Min1 H./D. '74 shovel. in 'fi&:d Air. 4 speed, 2 tanks plus"8' ~~· =u:s:~ 4~f19nd. '72 . VW. Ye 11 ow, air, ~~1;. ST AR GAZ.EK-IE l'.,_ 6. 1Hi1·0138 To\\'t'r, l'l('W factory demo. frame. Lol1' of chnidie.' cab over camper Sleeps 8 , -. AM/F!')t l'lldlo. New tires, C::~~~=-..:::::.:u1·cU Y Jtl'OLL\:\;·---~---'< _ . $12,000. Days,,._.,.~. ey~s-w .... -d. e .. for 1'ett. ,. .. ,._1621 (96~E) • _ 25402 Maa---'te Parlgrt>av 71 JAG XJ6 Loaded mcl "--•·-J k ""' ~·· , "•"' EXE~ .. swvl chrs $15/%; & \vknds, 642-~£ --.JTl.,9l9".• HOND.,A .~,8-·~ 53688 ....... , · " · · · 5,...,..~, ugg, rae · ...,.....~, /ftJ M,o~, 11 Dks $15 Ul'I. Secy cht'S $8/24 ' -._ )lis&km Vl::!jo ~.chrome w~s, lo miles '69 VW Sqbck. AM/FM <~»~." Pifrttf, 867 \V 19 Of, 642·3408 J4Jt..o~l,-18-GLAS11tON w/ $400 ee 842-7259 •• USE AVERY,-.PWY EXIT. One owner, S3l 20a0. . ndio, auto. xlnl cond. Call 1.i.1&.19.211 u·tr. Like brand itew. Seats * IDl-1:1«1 • ~ Meale 9731 ITI41 5~ll64 or 586-7658. ~:!!<>e!•O;;·l6..._. Pets 8087 6, fly i:qpd, V-8 302 ,C/" '73 HONDA Cl..3SO. Xlnt -;_;,c;.. ____ "--motor. Afl Spm, (213) 592-t'OOd. Call afier .6 pm,. ORANGE COUNTY'S ,13 MAZDA '64 VW Westphalia Camper, l\1 .ACNIFICENT Umbrella 1.&it.-96Z-9791. .THIODORE · OLDIST . -R.X·3 Wago..n ttblt .eng., new b r ks, , Cockatoo & Scarlet !\facka\v '69 BULTAOO 250cc, f1f:W top ... mDn A/T. air, stft'eo, rwfrack, shocks, tires. $1000. ~1548, ParrDl s , c ompl e te 13' &la Witch whaler type nd , rUllU & 20,COOl'l'lllea,facwarranty·I: T2 VW F •··k . 1;;<~!1!...J bay boat. 1973 Chmitt &;hp e , runs .strona:, $200. or xlnt. (471.JPQ), Only $27t6. a1'tum.: • auto, ~' w/beau!Uul ca. g es & eng. $1000. Call M8-9Cm or offer. 642-2).90 2060 Harbor Blvd. 831:..IMI) (Dir.) excel COltd. only ll,OCXI m1. r:r. 1'.AY 11 ?!i'~'~crfrl~hcSJ. 10~!c~~ ~2-1880 t 72 SUZUKI 250 Charnpton n:.ta Mw 642-0010 1 '72 MAZDA RX%. Air, 81ereo, $2'l00. 833-9'5. -\r~~1t1..:t 10 Birds tt re rxeeptionallv . 16' LARSON fibe-1asS, LIKE NEW! S57S •bi EL CAMINO ey1. leather, vinyl roof, metallic '" VW IA.IA BUG ~ _ 1-$·22· :r '5' CALL· 548-6007 "" • 6 e11R.. ..,,.,, ...,.._1330 ~ 50-.5266 tame & affectionate. 645-\\'/40 hp JOhnson. canvas · A/T, Riff, line "''Olil tnick. paint. ~. ....,..., _. · 2'))(I or 675-3662 tilt trlr, ·elect start, Jl.250. ~'69 YA~OO. Gd cent Ru• guod. -$296. 563-178r ' 1974 BMW's · '73 Muda R.X3 C(iupe. ,\uto/ '67 VW • Xtnt l'Of1dl'ii(;t Pl'anos & n-ens 8090 613-81»1· eves Eatt"oi'Cftl4,M '°en S1*2L_~ or.r. 1969 FORD * Ton PU Truc.k. air lo Mil~. Movlnr ?tluat $815./best offer I _.,.,.l__.{::::(;~iii-~ ·~;.;~· == ·n 01ese1 kiow1:re<1 .2f Luhrs ··"'· '"'" s cy~1·~-~~~ .. =·~·:tnt::..oo=::·n~~·fi!1ock ~'ti~!e!Lr;:',!M''.,''4-!":!u~1.......i~~·..:l6~1:;-4006=:"-· --1--~·;;;-~~~·'=,...-I· l-.MUSIC CUMOal 4'fl(i•he';.,..""l • .HONDA.~350 G.:2500..ml.-S , ~ RI 1973 models. MercMes Benz '740 '67 SQUAREBAO<, )00.. , eo w><'""" Now oi)en Evenings 6C<tPIM>1· Bargain! ffi-rns. -.~~Id, '850· !:J rm . f'ORO P/U, 4 wh1 dr:. New SALES-SERVJCE~A.i;ttlG reblt eng • .,~~.;.,_~1000. ~''" 111n.. . .,. •• l\fON, Ttf'URS. FRI 10.9 1 ...r-1•60 blueprint m0tvr w/hciaden. OVERSEAS DELIVERY '66 _Mt~ Bell2. 3)() • ~~,.,--,..,,,1142 ;i::;:,..,.. tj ~: OPEN SAT lo.6. SUN 12-5 10 11"1'. Glasspar rtl~ \TI DUC\Tl 450 RT, S750. PH: 9f:I0..2135 ROY CARVER, (nc. .roan. Recent v 11 I ve1, '71 VW SUper Beetle, xln:t !:o.c ti. ... ,..., •• V1>1 Cot. Newpi>~ Jlarbor, c:.J Stcerl'fi7S~~~~ble11. •n1 Honda 100~. Both in '$7 at£VY"~l-ton--12'-1!-an-t ROLLS ROYCE BM\V aldring moo. 498--1986. -cond. $1995 or bHt orr. Call ~ ~.. !! ~~~~II" r-"'~='"'l I '·• C I :ITT! 1~-FV , •. 'YM"'' l k h ll .,._~:t ~~d. "'' 16 a.n. 7. bed lfak~. 'Good, Sm). + 234 £.17th St. ·n MBZ 2*1SE 3,5 ~· 491>-5165 aft S:~ ~C,....-;..,, ~~':'..c 6J'OOAnurs ..,.::~,_,"· "°'• w .. "-'• 11ps_lra e u , .-vn. N.18 1•0Va three rat.I o,m..~ (blta Mtta e 54&-4444 11unroot,, to.ded, and factory '&. V.W .. Excel. nmnl.ng, $9M..tll 11,9"""'''• ~~~"'~"'-='~;,,._,,,...,,.1 lnbrd. eflg .. ctwl•_r It xtrae. motorcy<;)~er·o~ YtU '63 00[)(;£ S p U The futelll draw In lhe Weil. alloy wheels 831~2040 (dJr.) Qrl'l{iMI ~r c11.r. Beat 60i1...-. tO'iiiz . Sell Idle items wi~-&cf~~~ t~ s:-:: ~1'08 ,. old ms.. 892-6496 • rune aoocr, 8 pay~ Cali .... •Daily Pilot a...Jll«t Ou&tf1td Ad t Call ~\.ol§le~r.~, 491~-~192S~§!!!J~:1~~~~~~~~®~~~·,;~~C)~.1~'~°";"'"~'1~~~~ .,, PlJo( Cla5!if1ed • . • -642-5678 Want ad tt1ults ..... 642-5678 !f-61D>· Ad. C.U ~. • toclaf! J!ou'll ilnd It Ill CJ3sstOtd • • -' ' ( .. I • I I• I 'I , I I ', ; , l ' r I I I I L • • • • • • •. • • San Clemente ' • Today's Final ~ap~t.-a-n~ -N.Y. Stoeks • I . \ • • VOL 67, J:«>. 197, 2 SECTIONS, 24 eAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1974 TEN CENTS Coast Pays 'Farewell to Ron ~aspers, ·2 Sons By .L PETER KRIEG · · into St M~l'I and All Angels °' *..,....., ~ _ ~ ~ tn Corqna de! !\t_tr, lhL The memorial folder 18ld iiiiijiiYtWa Rev. IJrodl' Nici. lhe poop!~ whO knew • father and his two IOIUI were "Loll at Ron Caspers "have 1 great.er .vlskJn of Sea, J\me, 1974." .. • life ~me of tlliJ truly outstanding, But It wu not the tragic death of Fifth mah." District supervi-&neld w. Cupera ii. l8ld Mr. Cupen "l<lllld hla true and """ Kirk lind Rid: that ·a lamil; I.Ve !ii.Ille In Iola el&tloo lo lhe Boord of friend, lhe Rev. G. Willialll Grpty, SUpervilo<s." . recounted _,durl.l}g memorial ;iservices Tbe ,bour-lq service in the hillBkle Moo!lay. chapel,' that overloob Newport Harbor Before· more than 400 penona, crowded ._. attenaed;' by . family ti-iends aod ;"" -' 1t;-... . .. ----.-- nelghborst political leaders and coUnty officials. They heard the Rev. Gi~y talk of the life of Rick Caspers, whose love or surf mg made ~ . well known on the ·be.aches of both Newport Be:ach and Santa Barbara. "He had a quiet and patient manner that always put-people at ease," the Rev. Grady said. · • Kirt Caspers, 20, said Rev. Grady, will Clemente Bewq~, ,R~'1e Cop .Probe . Efforts to Use .. . ' . Gets Study IRS Detailed 'Ille San a.m.ni. City Council will WASHINGTON (UPI) -The House Asked •bout the oommttt .. report as conskler action Wednelday on at least Judidary O>mml.Uee published evidence: he arrived for a closed, session of the two« the re<Xll1UDeltda&ions fJi a Tbomu today Of White House efforts to tum the committee t.odax, Nii:on's lawyer, James Reddin probe of. the city's police Jntei'mil· Rey"1Qe Service into an ·agency o. St. Oair said be read It to mean the cleportma!t. o1 )!Cliilical .....ro and revenge. panel "found nothing to _it." Mayor Thomas O'Keele said· lodily lhe A ~ge · report from t h e He said lhe matter bod been ......U may act ·lo abolilb ·lhe ailtlng lmpeoclqnent ~ llbowed that Nl•oo Investigated fully by other congressional positloo. GI Aallaianl ~ q( ·Police llid .na pr....i ..ni.. -·-dlorts commitleel and it wu determined that II> -the title GI J"llliM' -i!' !!Mi ~-·-IRS t.is IS. 'ENPl!I"'.' Pq1 ll --bold"' the -"........ lillclrinoUmi .... lo llaioa Wblte House • be remembered for his love o'"r the riding herd at his ranch Ql1 that little red round ihe true love of his life. His ouJdoor _tractor .or at llJe_kcyboard or a piano oi:_ re_--eloction ·in June placed him tota.Jly in "He was at home with nature," J~_ playing his gilitar. he realized complete public service." thj! Rev. Grady said. Rev. Grady said. ~ success and total ac.hlevement in Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' ac- For Ronald \V. Caspers, bom May 21, everything he did." complishments as a supervisor, \\+lich 1931, "life was an exciting thing," thC The Rev. Grady told of those achieve-he said were highlighted \\'hen he won his Rev. Grady said. menls -college at 16, the youngest battle for county acquisition of the S,500-- ··He got so very much out of president of a savings <µid loan at 29, acre Starr Ranch for a county park. · everything life had to offer. and the youngest supervisor ever in Among those attending the ~ial "Whether it was that twinkle in his eye. Orange County at 39. . services \\'ere Orange County JXljtical when you would go before him at' the "lie \\'as not an average man_but in his leade r Richard O'Neill , f\1rs. Judy Board of Supervisors or whether he was election to the Boa rd of Supervisors he (See CASJ,JERS, Page Z) ' • e ·-----Call Meet . 'Window Dr~ssing' By JACKIE HW.fAN Of tlM D&M1 l'llft SltH • U.S. Deputy Undersecretary or the Interior Jared G. Carter Y{as greeted with skepticism and insults ~tonday in Santa Monica during public discussion of offshore oil drilling along the Southern California. coa~line . Speakers in the audience of 400 persons at Santa Monica Civic auditorium told Carter they believ~ the decision is - _already made on offshore drill Ing _sites. u2J!.':'a :..:'"=:.::. ~Hi, ..,....,_ ... ~i£: B ;;,j'j;f'"1or massive -b•U""J"" ?J::':! =1.::i:....1o 1 .a ~-iiiJiilni.U..ilhbmiiFl!Hbe 41-'"d'itt iiiiii6, 8ld the _,re to poll!ICr.;:&.e;=c....=...c. E ~~}:::::.~~~==-~~ =.rm;m~-1 ~ -~ ':. ':r: !"""~t: 1o1n::: Contributors "I have l1ie feeling you already have rour m~ made ~p andmthis meeting is_. -'lt---wwiun-'°"-clriiasJnt ..., MBrT e e . •n•s~very..-.---1 frustrating." • i-eoommended . that a.Jel C Ii II or d ~.:"....;.t1ooWhlte -plan ° f Murray, II, lbould retire Cll a dlAbl,llty -·said be,......, the plan woold In Co' ry Race penaton. bml ibO t,ooo.man Alcobol, Tobacco and . Murray bod al(Udy-ID -y. Flreormo Dlvlslan Into "a penooal police "I've told you that we \\'On 't make a decision until the environm Cntal ·impact statement is con1pleted., and What I've said is accurate,'' Carter responded. Dispute between Carter and the audience arose both about the issu~ of offshore oil drilling itself and ab9ut" the Interior Department's handling of the problem.. announclnc JU dedsiGa bod 11111!*'1 lo do ,...... conlnlllable only by lhe IRS • with lhe llndlnp of the report Wb1dl bad --· a political appointee. not 11'1 bt«1 made public. 'Ille White -alfend llirower two Monday lhe ~ also ollldafly ...,,,_ for lhe job -G. Gc>nfoo ...,..._.. that IL Mel -mild Udd1 Iller CQ!Vlcted In lhe Wat<rgat< ..,,iaoe Munay ... actiDI chlel. -.:. and Jact Caulfield. a former 1n 1o1a ......, c1ay aa actlnfl clllel, New v.rl po11ce det<ctlft -ro1e aa ""'1ner said loday lhe dopartn\elll "baa ""'"~I to I' ............ lhe relu~" llnce Ille report flndiiip wtre ~i;;i:.:'""~ ·--. '"Th:lecfinvestlptfon, """1uded by TIBVWEt, a RepJhl1can from Atlanta, Redd! I Los Angeles <!*f <JI Ga., uld he blocf<ed botll appolntmeoll. police·~'!'::,, of -"'1 probtn was· Bat wilen . he· bied II> -Prealdent commi!aionecf 'ey the city .......:JI °aKer · Nm>n II> pnltat· agal!t dlorll lo \um lhe the PubfJC _,.. Employes Aloodatioa tu ..me. Into a polWcal lnol be waa voted lo demand It d-.accea . lo lhe ovar <J(fice anct ~~ ••• · · blo<ked from mafllnl bis case, he said. ~~~ .. n~.~ ~ J.i1c1ary Cbalnilan P ... r w. Rodino lhe depOrtment wb~ repor1 Jr. <!>-N.J.), baa l8ld he cooalder3 said began di!lerlorating ln about 1969. evldmce of lhe political ahllse of !'Ortner i81cf be -not r.ei be Is m gon1moent ...,..ies lo be among lhe anf poeltlon to make a statement about most aerfous In the Impeachment inquiry. the report unUI lhe councll mecll 'lbe IRS evidence Is likely lo be cited Wednesday:----when RocUno'• ocmmlttee starts drafting "But at· least the tension is off," articles of .lnipeacbmeat nelt week.. Portner said. "The deportment. ia starting lo perform witholit oo much pressure... - O'Keele said Stan lllatcbett, !he.officer -.. lhe --chlel apol, prol>ably will be maslped u .-. "We feel like~ really list<ned lo Ill," .... police de!>artmml ampfoye l8ld loday. ':!be -· report waa ,,...,_.. Yestmlay, llflilr the report waa out everybody started llllillnc' qaln jlllt I~ ~ Ulld to be." ,,,. police ... Incl--·· wtth a11 the ~ emploJes. 111e .• city council membtn, lhe city IM!!l!l<'o and memberi GI lhe community and nearby law enlorcemeol qencles. ~ the report complemented their rank and Ille pouc.m... rot OO!ng "bright, creative, and weD.edlac:ated,"• it (!lee PROBE, Pip I) Inland Areas . . . ~t Smog Alert Oranp County air pollullon olfidals, --aptded lo call !heir -.... alert ID u many days. Ibis allel...., In Inland mu GI the COlllltj. A finl sta;e health acfvllllrJI .............. t bolo <{feet Monday aftemJmJ. ror 111 alUll inland ot the San Diep Freeway. . .. Olfidall predicted little change In -!~today. Republican stale controller candkfate William T. Bagfey termed "totally oblcene" contributions from two Orange County basin~en which paid most of lhe COSll Of lhe primary campaign for bis Democratic opflonent Kenneth Cory. Bagley .aid Monday In Sacrameoto that Richard O'Neill, owner of Mission Viejo Ranch, and Louis Cella, a Sania Ana ph~ian, put up more than 82 pe"""t of lhe ltlJl),000 Cory spent In his primary campaign. Contacted by the Daily Pilot this morning, Cella , acknowledged l he contributions but deitied they were intended to g~ favors from the controller's oll1ce as. Bagley fmpliecf. "This is totally obscene," Bagley said, "and without any redeeming social facton that I C8Jl discern." Bagley ~~pared his campaign expenditures. f ·1132,702 wilh Cory's, saying they '' e into lnsignificince." 'Bagley, however, faced relaOvely minor opposition in the primary while ·c:orp encountered a well-financed campaign on the part of San Francisco Supervisor Robert. H. Mendelsohn. ~ replied that he was not surprised at I.he: "absuf1i and wild charges" became, Bagley "learned his PoliUcs at the· knee of Richard Nixon."·· Rolerrillg II> O'Neill and Cella, he said, •11 dcm't know anything the controller's -.. lhe stat< lands-commission can do for them." 0 We gave the money to Ken," Cella sakl, ···nnt, ,because Ken is a friend and baf been a great legislator and a groat friend to thousands of people in Southern C81ifomia. "Second, the moral ,fiber, the fabric that boids America logether today is only !See BAGLEY, Page ZI Youthful ltnGge? Presidential assistant Ronald Ziegler adjusts his tennis rackets on the motor bike Ire's using for transportation during President Nixon's vacation in San Clemente. Ziegler cotnmutes 18 miles from his Laguna Beach hotel to the Western \Vhite House each day. He's also dropped 30 pounds by eating only one meal a day. CUSD Could Get Windf3ll H Deannexatioit Succeeds lifillions of dqllars of a s s e s s e d valyalion could be brought into the capistrano Unified School District if a group of San Onofre residents SMeJt from Fallbrook Schools and draw their boundaries to Include the San Onofre nuclear generating station. The deannexatlon proposal was one o( several alternatives offered by the Capistrano district board of trustees M911day to a woman represe nting parents In a Camp Pendleton housing area;- Mrs. Jan Friesen said 90 percent of the parents surveyed. in the_ tract, just south or San Clemente, want their children to attend San Clemente schools. Tbey now attend Fallbrook schools. Because of the location, elementary children must ride the bus 4<t minutes one way, junior high students an hour and 15 miputcs, and high sci)ool students one hour . '·'I admit we didn't do a very good job of publicizing it \\'hen we began eonsidering leasing sites last spring." Carter said at the beginning or the ~eeting. "We may have some ·kind of credibility gap." The fact that a credibility gap exlst.s became evident during the meeting a6 . speakers accused the Department of !he Interior of having ignored the public 's desires in the past and repeatedly stated their belief that the department is influenced by financial donations from major oil companies. At one point a man in the audience wav~ a one dollar bill and shouted, .... "Th is will buy your vote!" "I find that very offensive," Carter responded. : • "I find you otfensive!" shouted another heckler. Representatives of a number or environmental groups, several of which had held pre-meeting press conferences. expressed themselves Jess colorfully but · with equal vehemen~. "\Ve're objecting that the decision has already been made," said f\fary Ann Eriksen, a representative of the Sierra Club. "I think the 0dministration is making a mockery or environmental i m p a c t (See OIL, Pa1e %) Orange Coast Weather ·Kelp ,May· Prond-e-Energy-. . . "\Ye went to the Fallbrook school board but didn 't get any satisfaction," said ·P.1rs. Friesen. "They believe we should consider ourselves lucky to attend their schools." _ J\ilrs.. Rrieseh... ~id she WEl~king__ information on whal alternatives were available. Patchy fog and low clouds near the beaches \Vednesday morning otherwise sunny with .not much change in temperature, according to the-weather. service. Beaches in the low 70s rising to the mid- 80s inland. Caltech llCientlata all-.-.tl)' they are e1peibnenlill& wl!b a .flOllll>le ..,. _..,. GI <Mfl1• nip, lhe (altlt flt ...... plant In tho - 'Ille Qllllletlc natural p1 -can '" ..,,.,._ from the giaDI --· ... .av. lo Calllomla~~ '.'""then be A martne ~ farm 11· cumntly being let up In deep wll<r all San Clement< llland lo -rt~ with lhe llelp. -~.. """' lo del<rmlne wltelher large quonUtlel of lhe giant martne plant can be ralaed ~ ' • artificial conditions. , Caltech marine bioloC!ll Dr. -' .. Nortll. II, a -def Mar -. Is the dllel oclentilt-GI t1te morloe fmnlil& project. lie -out GI Callocb'I Kerdldl .... ..., !n Oonna def liar. Dr. -" tbe marine -wtoo baa lod a -1111 compalgn -lhe wtt. **' .. -.-W the 8euelwl9 • cal!iiim 11e1p 1ona1a. ,,,., -. declmalod -.al ywa ... b 1 um--Oy warm ooean currents and bY an · Invasion of teh>Om:lur'tDI -urctdm. Oa lhe Orange.COalt hla lab baa 1rwpl1111od new kelp beds at Dana, . Point and at CO-Sborel. f 'llll lmporlulce GI Dr. North'• tat .. t kelp larmlnc project la refleclod \11 tis . . may ""'"°'L They Include lhe Navy, Says marine biologist Dr. North, "If Caltech. the State Department of Fish the pik>t fann Is successful , then one will and aune, I ind the National Sdmot -be eetablilbed that is a mile square. -' . • .. • "If .... <al\. -' these pl8ldJ In ->.• ~ kelp, planll .,. aoll'-quonftt1es,.1bey mlglt provide ...,...t1y llOlng 1.-to a larg~1 Mlf>O'' us with a -a"*81t GI petroleum-like net-11 !Oft that II suspended ,. feet proOOct& !0< ...,...ung food, fuels and •erwter hi 1 .,_ deepaJ"M-~ " ' - oil San Oemente !llanil's -hem tip. Kelp la llreldy Jll!ecf today !or a wide . The U.S. Na'l' buill llld Installed !he ,_ of I~ flUrposes. Derivatives • 1Nerwitl!r earl/and · is currentl:)' l:rGlr'l the 8'lrihe plant are used in au..tah;I& the lrelp 'piants t0: ll 'Kelp toothpaate, JJ:iD•~ paint, ink and plantl' attaclt thellllolvol to Iha bottom card'-" ~ M!I to put a stable head and fllW upwonll·-the -ui,. ... beer. -. any limd plant. '1110f <Oil nodlhajptl fl. • ~ -loncast for the hoture are 21111 leel, _.ied by a network of air In ltrtlHzer, plast!co, ltitll.llld loodi f!lr .a. · both animals and humans. ~ San Chicas, director or busiriess services, who sat in for absent Superintendent Truman Benedict , told the group ol Pt1arine Corps wives that interdistrict attendance agreements are permissible but Fallbrook as well ~ Capistrano Unified woukt have to sign. INSIDE TODAY ' So"tll Coast Repertory l1os· scored a smash lilt with its · supe rlatiue production of the rock-gos pet rnusical "Godspell," ret1itwed 1odau oil Page 8. · out that several Schools in 1mia ~ u .t.1111 L..-n n the district are now o •e a-owded-, -1--.;..,,,.,•_._,,"""'-~s-= 1 particularly ~1arco Forster Junior High. c1a111flef n -14 ~· iriiM1 1s F • Jd I h d I t Comlt1 11 N1tl9N/ M.w1 • · r.trs. r1esen sa n er eve opmen en .... .,. 11 0,,_ °"'"'' n there would be 150 elemen1ary children. DHfll IM!lu. n "'-" ''"" nd · I hi h l:dit.rl# 1"1ni ' S-h It-II 50 high school, a 50 Jun or g e11im11-1 • •*-"""''" l•U students. 1"1111111:1 U·U TtllitlWll • School H1 O~r s TlfNltft,. I Tho FaJJbrook · Elementary "'~ 1• w11llllf' • Dlltriot plans to buHd a ·new raclllty in : • 1111-1111111 • w.rtt "''" • their al-ea, but 1t is !eyeral years.away • ·l -.,- -- ' Tuesday, J11ly 16, 1974 • ' ' ._1 DAILY rJLOT SC -----• 'Near SC Pier • Fro•Pqel OIL ... / ·Coast Panelists 118e-and pllbilc Input in decb!'"' maklna." "W•· 11e1i.ie U Ille department ,..,. iMlly liltelliq to ua thoy '""'1d have ..i 5'cretary of the Interklr Ro&ers Morton instead of a 4Ubordtnate, '' said Nancy Gaims of the Seashore Env~onmen~I Alliance (SEA). "You're -not considering tht By CANDACE PEARSON property which lies inland cf the Santa alternatives," said J, Alex QXa of the 01 '"' 0•Nv "110' st11t Fe railroad !racks. Eastside-Westside ConcerTied Citizens A fourple~ proposed near the San Commission planners said the buiding Clemente pier entrance _ mough isn·t a ''high coastal dependent use.'' Committee._:>W~ don't want drilling .in approved almost a year ago [or eight The ty.•o -·to three story structure the Santa Moo lea Bay, we want units _ "'as vetoe<t· r..tonday by the ad jacent to the central beach v.·on't alternative fuels such as hydrogen." regional Coastal. cOinmission. contribute "positively to coastal esthetics Cota expressed 'an""r at ha. vlng only nor will it contribute to n1aintenance and ~ _,. • " -:' ~ ei~ ; , The vote by the South Coast Region:il further devctopment of establishe<f." .• ~. lr-.... -4»' ;y·;,:"*',, • ~ .• ,..t -~· ,. , ~.. ,,i_s,4\ learned . of Jo.fOnditY's rpeetlng .the 'Zooe Conservation Comn1ission "'as four ~""'"' .1;,t·7 ·""' ,-.... ,,.. " ~ F<\'1 · Th sd f di . recreational use," the St"[ff report said. ~/"":'~11-.;,1:.·~1 .. ·i: t \' . ..,. previous ur ay ro~ a r a o yes and bve no._ It takes seven votes for Art Holmes, the one San.Clemente city .,.,.~~~ ~N\;.~~ '.<-~1~11tr '"" ,\0,. broadcast. <tPPfOVal. . . councilman on the co m m i s s i o n , • "We_are.... deserving ot more. res....,.. __ _ -The project planned by John Brown at -·sT~fted'the pro1·a;. ---SOME OF THOSE WHO ATIENDED CASPERS-MEMORIAL SERVICE "LINE UP OUTSIDE CHURCH -""" d · ot ht ~l't"' d 5 f I fo c 5 1 L S. than havlng a mere ,halldful of days tO 001-609 A~en.i a, Victor~a g c.aug n He said downtown redevelopment in Episcopal Church In Coron• ti Mir cento o R ttt r ounty uperv sor ost 1t a prepare to defend oui-coastline," he said. the comm~ss1on s ~rm1t exten~1on es. ~ Clemente is a. long way off and Brown first received a penn1 Ju SO, purehase of thi s land isn't the city's Speakers · also objected to spending 1973 I? build eight units, but his · cing highest priOrity. ...._ · their time attending a public .meeting fell through. He was joined In voting yes by .. """' P•11e J Wh ·i H IRS p obe which was not an official hearing.and at When he reapplied with a reduced C-Ommlssioners Louis Nowell, D 0 n CASPERS l e ouse r wlllch testimony was ncit record..t. project , his old pennit had run out Phillips and Russ Rubley.· · J • • ; --"Yet if we dldn~t attend, the becau,.se t~ ~mm~ssion -~~ct~!~fyped R=i~:!~ R~ .. y BRr:gmhmt, n J~dyy ) • I department could say the publi~ tm'•t gran mg 1me e ... ,ensions .... · · • -0 a ~Rosener and Donald Bright. members or Of M • s B d interested," Mid Miss Gailns. · By the tiV!e new public hearings came and Carmen \V.arscha~ voted IJ?· . the South, Coast Regional Zone Conser· . . ovie ~ -tars are "We want your input in our up in June Brown's project was opposed The San.Clrmente City Council June 19 vation Commission, 00 which ~Caspers by reside~ts . \\'ho want the land as. a refe:red _the case back to ~he co!llmis.si~ ' also had servcit, and Ir\'ine Councilman environmental i m pa c t statement," windo\v to the sea near the city pier. for its "independent cons1derat1on on its John Burton. Carter said. "f think .you represtntS an The coastline commissioners ri-1ondii'y merits. "'ith the understanding that the The theme hymn chosen for the solenm \VASHINGTON (UPI ) -Th!!_ \Vhite -Ronald Reagan, $13,101 for-1962-66; important point of view which may be who ,. voted against the four. u n. it · city doesn't have any concrete .Pia. ns for •'ln 1 960 d 1 11. ed I t f th ' I occasion was, "Eternal r~ather, Strong to House conducted an inquiry in 1971 into -Frank Sinatra, ..,.,.,,7$J or 1 an con ro mg. -apartmerit said they y.•anted to give the r eve opme~, o e a~ea as 1 1s on y city a chance to buy the a·172 square foot under study. Save." · ~'l the tax status of nine "politically.active" 1!162-64. · "However, I Urlnk you're saying that ' But five.days later, the city parks and None of caspers' fellovv S\!l)ttVisors movie and television stars, according to -Wayiie, $251,116 for 1964-66, including you've already made Up yaur minds and Access Dispute . Held as Threat To Cou.nty Du1np recreaUon commission unanimously .. ed . . . evidence 'Teleased today by the House $237 3.11 · 1966 -you're angry because you think we've recommended the council establish a fair JO!n in the memo.rial service alt!1°ugh ,Judiciary Committee. ' tn ·· d . each one sent an aide. Board Chairman Wh•'te House olf1'c1·a1s. the ev,·dence J--. A ..A. already made up ours." -market price for Brown's Ian and lo buy H 14 N' He suggested that correspondence on IL · Ralph Clark is on vacation and showed, y.·ent to the Internal Revenue From Pqe 1 the subject be sent to William E. Grant, Already on the site are a single family Supervisor David Baker is in \Vasbington Service to obtain the information which Manager or the Outer Continental Shelf, d\\'elling, a take-out food stand and t"!_o D.C. on county busineSs. normallY is confidential between IRS and_ 'ENEMIE·S' • • Bureau of hand-Management-with -the office buildings. Both Supervisors RaJpb Diedrich and a taxpayer. • U.S. DepaAment of the Interior in Los Brown proposed to tear down the office The incident is disclosed in a memo ~ An8:eles. " buildings to Jt13ke ,way for the RabertJ3attin are away in Miami Beach contained ·in the. 441).wge volume of no harassing audits were made of While "He's the one'"' responsible for the apartments, but leave the o th e r where they_ are attendin&. the National -evidence relating lo alleged misuse of the Hous'e enemies. environmental studies," Carter said. A top official in the Orange County structures. AssociaUOn of Counties Conference IRS released by the committee as part of Today's report was the ninth volume of "However, I assure you we'll be mµch ~ Road Department predicted today that Commission planners said the where tbey are to pick up an award ii~ impeachment investigation. The impeachment evidence to be released, more influenced'-by .reasonable \. unless a solution can be reached "'ithin a ddeve~op!nenteedwolnuld beth ~l units an acrte. ad honoring Orange County for its ~ol~me draws no conclusions as 'to the with more lo -e later this week. arguments against offshore drilling than • year on controversial ·access to a new ens.\y exc g etr s u g g e s e • -incident. .. ,,.... by opinions alone." south county dunip site, the county would standard of JS units an acre. P.rogl'essive programs. The memo was y.-ritten Oct. 6, 1971 to The ne\v report said: Among f\-fonday's speakers, Hennosa be "out of business do\\1l there ." In other actions Monday .In ·Long Caspers and his two, sons and seven then-White House counsel John W. Dean -Newspaperman Clark Mollenhoff, Beach City Councilman Lance Whitman 1\lurray Storm. deputy road Beach, the commission turned down a others were lost at sea June 14 below San III by John J. Caulfield, an e:<·New York former special m~I to Nbon, swore in was ooe of thg. few to detail his commissioner, said that hopes still are pennit request by R. A. K. DeVelopment Benito Island off Baja California. They City policeman hired by the White House an affidavit ·to the committee that H.R. objections lo tbe 1drllling. Whitman cited h' h th t th dispute over access routes for a six-unit condominium at 807-809 for clandestine assignments. the danger of oil spills, the visual bnpact v.~uld ~ S:ttled \\'ith the city of San Buena Vista, san Clemente. were -aboard the 63-foOt S1loot4ig Star, . The investigation was triggered, HaJderrian invoked Nixon's name In 1970 of oil equipment, and the ~ge of Juan Capistrano. . With ils vote, the conuniMion upheld a owned by county political leader Fred according to accompanying testimony, by in seeking a memo on the tax· $1.atus of Propositiop 20 as evidence that voters "But if we can't reach accord by early 25-foot blufftop setback proposed by its Harber whose last commwlication came a · oomplain"t to the White House from Gerald Wallace, brother of the governor "hold precious the California coastltne." summer of next y ... ear, we v•ould have to staff. ]ate at niibt June 13 that the OOat was actor John Wa>'.00 of Newport Beach, of Alabama. The damaging-memo was Monday's meeting was a less dignified putl out of the area completely," he said. The Mena Vista prOject ·called for t k" d sinkin that he was being "harassed" by tax ·r 1 l aked tho h thOrized repeat of a meeting Friday between The cotinty already owns hundreds of excavation and grading of ·1be coastal a mg on water an -g. men. After looking at the status of other ~ t y e • even ug unau . Carter and Southern Callfoml.a city acres.of Prima:Desecha Canyoo in inland bluff to make way for part of the Services for Harber ahd the siJ: otben movie and television stai's,-Caulfield-d1sclosure of tax return~ is a crunir.al officials, who also expressed opposttkln hills near the city limits and its current building on the face of the blu!L --liiVe not been announced. concluded that "The Wayne complaint act. both to offshore oil drilling and to tbe dump site, Forster Canion, v.i ll be full The vote was five yes and four no on . , . does not appear to be strong enough -John D. EhrHchman, in another Departriient of the Interior's bandling of by mld-1975. the application. 1J 'tr · -* to punue." . . sworn statement, recalls telling fonner the matter. Furthermore, a lease be.tv.·een the Absent Monday weri: O>mmissioners D , Impeachment investigators obtained IRS Corillnissioner Johnnie M. Walters ln Carter said at both meetings that he county and the o"'Tlers of the canyon east Ralph Diedrich, James Hayes and Don emocratip unit· the Caulfleld memo from the Senate 1972 ,, hat . b he h d d ,. expects the eovironm«Kal aslealment to of the Sao Diego F.reeway expires next WilSOll. ,._, \Vatefgate Committee, aJong with his w a cr~ppy. JO . a one be completed. by December or January, July. ' -. seer.et testimony-at-an eiecutiv~ ~sesaiCJO ~use. an audit faded to fmd a tax following public hearings, with; a fina.I '9 "Jf we can't develop an allernate site WliJL~TOl En :rOrse ~ch 2.1. -~__..,.-=""--• derpaymenLb~wrence.-O~Britn,~deciskln'i"to-be,,made-by-late~ng-'"Of'---1-~-1n--the Soul:h-<bmty;=-i means-that,~---F,.... Pqe~ 1--41 . .tY-. ll:----=-U "Per your instru1=tions of Sepf::JISJ911-ttten--Democratie---natlonal-chainnan-:-1915.~------------~ 1---rubbish--contractors-would..bave-to...ha'"'-~=====~-------h I ed Ind! id I · !he d '-I " " all the refuse to Central locations a Jot PROBE S • } B II t '>''e av~ se ect . ~metry ~as m Ehrlichman sw:ore last February: "I "This Is ·going to be a tough ec~ on, f he " 'd St . i • • -peclft . 3-0 -entertainment m us were wanted them to t1·,-. ·up something and Carter said Monday . .. art r away, sai onn. ' politically active 'during prior elections ··" The effects of that, he added, would be ,., and determined their audit hh!tory," send him to jail before the election and felt in every household, through greatly said the adnmiistration of th~ By JORN VAL TERZA Caulfield wrOte Dean. · unfortun.ately it didn't· materialize." increased service charges by the private department has not been folloWing ot "" 0.11, Pli.ir st.if proper management teclmique. Or ,...,....,_h•' De t' Ce t 1 The review, be said, showed these -Walters, who quit the following April, contractors. t' The -al'° p1'npom· ted -"-ms ange ---3 s mocra ic n ra "deficiencies" for the selected ·stars: 'f'ti<:Alling · the incident, said · t h a t The next stage of the dispute las mg ... yv. • r·-~ C<mmittee 8greed Monday it would not r more than a year with the city is for the with training programs, chain of ..-Richard Boone, $1,377 for 1967-68; Ehrlichman had complained to him, "I'm city council in San Juan to review IO .command, record keeping and become lnvolved,in the battles over how -sammy Davis Jr., $36,663 for 1961-:63 goddamn tired of your foot-dragging environmental impact reports on evaluation, communications; and control a succesior ·to Fifth-~Pistrict Supervisor and 1966; tactics." White House officialdom, the alternate access routes. That Y.ill oome of trusties. Ronald Caspers will be chosen. -Jerry Lewis, $4621312 for 1958-66 and evidence showed, felt Democrats in the 00 Wednesday. All incoming calls for sen •ice and radio · In a voice vote folknving 20 minutes of 1968; • IRS hlerarchy controlled Republican ta:r F'·ve are preferred as top choices by transmissions should be taped, especially debat the .,_ jected . 1 -Peter Lawford, $32,720 for 1966-69; commissioners -instead of vice-versa. d e, comm1tl-'l:l'I; re a reques Fred M M I 7 6 f ~· the county, and .,,.,..,.!al preference still uring emergencies and when the b al 1 d' Dem -ac urray, 19, 1 or 1......,, . -Previously undisclosed testimony -~-~-·d t . . Id b y sever ea mg county ocrats to 1 iin' r i-~ ueS with the use of Ortega Highway. .--1..,.,1 en ts Ill res ence, t e report endorse a November election u the 11165-! and 1969, l~ $5,711 in refunds in rom Jo W. Dean III be ore a c ..- 1/s suggested. means to replaee Caspers Who was lost J96% and l!l64. session of the Senate W a t ·er g at e The county offi cials. still prefer the use In addition, the duties of the at sea last mmlh. committee quoted him as saying that of that high'>''BY because of costs. '' department's one policewoman should be ~ary Morton and Lucille Ball, $7,0lO Nixon wanted to stop tax actions against But city officials insist that to burden upgraded and an adequate number of -The committee majority asserted tha t in 1965; '"' his friends. Dean said Nixon "asked that h ~ed · d' ·h. h · h substitute sergeants and policemen the move would set a precedent and 1't (the IRS) be turned orr on .friends of t e crowu , win 1ng 1g \\'ay Wlt more inject a partisan '"element in a non· i)eavy trucks would create an intolerable positions should De provided so that long· partisan issue. hls safety problem. term sick or administrative leaves can Fi.res Char 55 Acres -Dean, in a memo (obis White House be filled, , The campaign for the election was The highway ... a state-administered pre.55ed ?-fonday by Newport Beach's superiors, asked, "Can we do anything to thoroughfare, is not eal'm"arked for any d Chirtef Murray6, who had hbeen with the John Black, a former candidate for CORONA (AP) _ At Jcilst six minor _,.,-help?" when told that presidential friend improvements by state highway officials d er. mei:it ~ lyhear~. ahd been in Congress and currently a member of the brush fires, believed caused by motorist:;, Billy Graharp., the preacher, was until 1976. ~ e erioratlng ea I since c had open state Democratic Central Committee broke out Monday aloog the Riverside undergoing a tax audit to see when he Storm predicted that some solution viii\ heart surgery in !971. Executive Board. Freeway in the Riverside-Corona area. had reported as income gifts he had be reached w'ith the city and that the "Thbl e Chiefk's dphysi1cal and per50i1 ihal Black said this morning that, despite The names charred SS acres, authorities received. The reply: "No -it 's already original tension between the t\\'O entities pro ems pea e at a most precise Y ! e he ·d covered." · 1 same time that liflllernal department I rejection, he and other supporters sa1 . early in the dispute-"has mel owed ." rob! be t It' 1 ,, th v.ill wage a petition campaign throughout ·Marine Sentenced . - For Rifle Thefts SAN DIEGO (AP) -A 21.yeaMld Marine has been senten<81 I<> PrflOll for h;. part In the theft ol 17 M·I& r1flio from a training bamcks at Camp Pendleton. Dennis J. Spencer. was sentenced MOllday I<> an lndelilltte term under the f..teral Yooth Correctkins Act. He c:ould serve up to six Years in prison. Spencer and another Marine, Jollt F. Fanner, 19, were Ciinviail-June 7 of charges connected with the Feb. 16 theft. About 12 of the rifles have been recovered.. Spencer was convicted of conspiracy and theft of and receipt of government property. Fanner, who Is scheduled to be sentenced next Monday, was convicted of conspiracy and theft of government property. "I th ink \\'e have a better working ~bse~:l gan ° mu ip y, e report the fifth district in an effort tO ConvillCi! rela tionshi p nO\Y ..... The early problems the Assembly Judiciary Committee to jar and disputes '>''ere.brought about by mis-loose a bill calling for the November understanding," he added. \\'inner-take-all vote. . The test of that premise, however, y.•jlJ Jury' c. OllviCts That bill Was introduced l)y Republican ,. WHAT'S UP? come Wednesday night when councilmen John Briggs of Fllllerton, after Caspers try to decide v.•hich alternative suits the disappeared v.ith two or his sons and city """ 2 Oil Narcotics seven other men during • cruise up the Baja California coast. OIAHQolCOA.ST-_SC DAILY PILOT Tl>e Oru•oe to1~1 0.1,.Y P•lcl. w,t~ .. fticto i, _. "'""" 11'1' Ne,...P1eu. "p~r....i ~'"" C>1<1QOO Cotti ""l>'••h•~ ~"' S.Ql<I .. ..,,,..,,..ill pU!M11M~. '-'O"~O l"'""'l" ~"d1y. !or Coo!1 Mt->1, Ne"Por! lk..;11, .....,..,,"'f."" S..K~/~ '"'" Va•l•1. ll~v"I llu•;" ''""""'Soocl>e'>l<io •"" 51• Cl9~l•'$'" Juan C..D<:"ll>O J. .. ~. '~'°""I td•loO" •I P.,1>'>1,.., S.tU<Ol)"I """ s.,..,. • <lllyW.. Tl'l'iitl"<"Pll -~"°"ltllflnt ott1 ~we~ B.wSll'M1, Ce•ll M9U, C.l>lot"'•· 0~8M. Rober! N. w4'1 "'"""'<111'1d l'UD111 .... l~>A ML?~!">e ~\~f\flJ!"lt~O>lot Oo-16$ H. loo• ~~f.7-d P. Noll -.u .. 11~ "'~"O ld!l(n S•C ........ Offic.• JC~ l~.;,11!.liCam"O ~ .. :JI .:Ottw()tfk,. (;Q,1. 'ftt.11 l3CtW..1 &1~ ~1 • ..,1 ~B·~ ,\)33N""1'Jtl! ilc<111.-ttd ....,111,"0!~~ li<IKI' 1 1•1~ !loo•:• iv, ........ · ~·o~o.-221r~11•-.. ,. .. ' LAS VEGAS (UPI) -A federal court jucy has convicted tY..'O Lake Tahoe men of possession and conspiracy to se.11 an estimated $1 million worth of cocaine. Sentencing was set Monday for Sept. 6 for ~1ichael Barbone 23, and Kurt Crasper, 22. TOO l\\·o, free on bail, f&CE: a maximu.m of IS years in prison on each count · State and . federal narcotics agents arrested lhe pair, along with Robert Davis. Honolulu. and George Chadwick, Carson Cily. Nev., on April 2. The agents seized 2~J poundii; of cocaine during the arrest. F!'om Pa9e J BAGLEY· ... Black has labeled the effort to seek an election ''the. only equitable a n d democratic way to fill the vacant seat." Among others supporting the election is James Thorpe, the former San Juan Capistrano mayor who ran against Caspers in the June primary. . 'Fhorpe told the committee ?i.Ionday that the press \\1as lndic3ting that Den1ocrats in Sacramento have been blocking the el~iol'I bill. "They say we are blocking a free election, and this (impreSft[on) I~ not going to si t "'ell with the vote.rs," Thorpe said. HO\\'CVe.r. !he majority of the county central committee members in&stCd !hat the party always has remained · detached -Crom non-partisan lllpervisorlal races. · One or lhc county's most prominen t · Democrats. rancher .RiGb.nrd O'Neill, , opposed tfle move to suppori'an election. ~~ai:~.ars old and, already sho.,..·s great but did not engage in debate befofe 'the committee ·vote'. The !rend IO'>''ards lack of trust In ' Afterwards, Q'Neill said that , government, he said, ""•ill lead to no even though three Dem6crats oow served man daring to trust another, let aloi1e on the county Board of Supervisors. the trust the governm('nt_. party has never be«lme involved in their ' NOT CARPETING - The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today • are lower-than 22 .years ago, (1952). Technology nas been reswosible Jor Jhis, resulting in speedier_.ways_oL making, dyeing, and finistting carpeting as much as 70 times faster! THERE IS VIRTUALLY . NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN- CREASE DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. Yor may think when you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive. Remember. however, that people are carpeting bedrooms, baths. kitchens, and_ other areas that usually weren't .carpeted 25 or 30 years ago, making totals higher. .. ' Carpeting ordinarily costs le ss than fi!loleum or hardwood' flooring , and provides feature s of comfort, quiet, beauty, and impressions of spacio~sness. · . You 'll get your BEST CONSUMER VALUE when you buy carpetinii from Alden's. · ALDEN'S 1---i--,,J -.i '""!} Ctntffit4 A.-..trff .. '42·5' ''l\tr. B:igley Is all that I despise in performance. °'cmment " lwald " I · •'-"-'l'hostn~rvl!fflBTelt~lim-H--- 1. ca , torpi , Ineffectual po Ii tic a r Battin, Ralph Diedrich and Ralph Clark. CARPETS • DRAPES '1663 PlacHfla Ave. ' S• C'-"M All O~tc ,...,....._.,z.44zo Ccol'f!IM, 1911, o.....,. ON•I f'W'l"'"O C-~. No,,._ 11-. •'""'r•t>Oftt., l'll"'O'ial """"" ot ~'-"'' -II ,,..y t:o6 iWOOuqM "'lllf\'llOK4! ___ .,_..._ 8-d citot l!Otl-111111 f! eo... ~. Cl~too'­ "" 1111114«\IOto'l'l ~ c.•n• •~ oo ~-D,-lh!~ .t•.OOll'IOl'lll>ly,nto~l..,. ___ t>.OOfllO!lll'ttr. -' hack." The board has gtanled caspera official Th!!: contributions, Cella said. were not leave through Aug. 9 and, until that dale, designed to g:'lin f14vors from the ... no one can 11ssu1ne even a caretaker t"Ol~ controller's office. • in the Fifth District Gov. Ronald Reagan "I huve no idea wh.1t the controller·s has the power to appoint a sucte1.I01' to office Ci;iuld do for mt. I have. never Cnspers. If no election took place,· that received any favors Jrom anyone Jlt the appo{ntmcnt would last until early next st.ate l~vel, ·• ~e !iaid. year \\'hep a new goVC!'flO~ Is s\\'om in. '. -• COSTAMHA HA11c:'mi. 646-~838 SlllCI IH7 -, . . · Hou•S: ...... 111n1'Tlwt.. t ,_.,,,~, .. ,..,s•r. ,,,o,., • .. • ... ---t --#·----------·--. . • l I I I • Tuesday's Closing Prices New York (lps and Downs 11i ,, :: ~: ~ Uo "' Uo Uo ~: Uo «£ Uo Uo u. Uo ~ ~· 1 fo P m 11• p I' ti: ,1 ~· 12U '' o ll ~· 11 , '~ 0 ~ H\ Uo ... \~-t J -U11 ~-l'•rk 15 Meat Aetl.,., • • • " • __ ...,. .... _. • NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ' • • SC DAILY PIL~_J7 Year's Hi gh-Low s Appear Every Saturday s rr P1·ices on Stocks Gene1·ally Lowe1· r • e Telepro1Hpter Am.,rlcan 10 /lfoot Actlti., ., • - • -• • • • ' • T > . • • .. -lueSda·y . July 16. 19 /4.# DAILY PILOT MIXED SINGLES 0 o ;O 0 · 4J< •OO~, ll~DA ! •0 ~·~ A"'EWMOON! 0 •• • • TUMBLEWEEDS YOO-HOO, M~Y ~RUDPER! 'TIS E:Vf-N· TIDE At/I 15 HOME FROM Mc LAflOf<S! ISN-\Kf::-f::'{f:'S HIUf;-A~VAV NOOK I -- FIGMENTS ., NANCY 1. 1 '1:X.IR ,tlDl"UEi:t AMO I FEEL 't'ttl'VE BEEH SPfNONb TOO NiJCH TIME Rf4l>IH6 CQtOC flm(o;, t.Al'ElY ! • by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Ccisson ,..---...._ j) ~..., • • . ' • • • • S~IE PEAR! by Tom K. Ryan HARK): DAT WAXEN PALLOR !Ft>N DOSE , ROSF.Y CHE!'KS! ... OEM DfW-UKE WHAT 15 YOUSE DOIN' IN DA SACK ?!. ·~ I 8EAl7S J\lHWART DAT YOIG/N ~l{)W ! PA CHILP'S 2Qi! .. : AA.-; IN Pl!llE,ME I ll'EAR ! .. VOOSE AIN'T INSURl!P!! J~~~~,r~~~~~- WAIT!·· PR ICES AR: RUN~ING A1vAY FRO M WAGES ' by Al Smith 'SOMEDAY 1,A/~GES Will. CATCH UP 1v1T>i PRICES! by Ernie Bushmiller SLUGGO · I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE A NUT B UT THIS PROVES IT . ~ ---·---. _,_-~ ... • , DOOLEY'S WORLD AH ,1'l,LMA,AW· LIT'nE 5M00C~1r ­roo ! WOULD You CARE TO .... Dr. SMOCK GoRDO -----Ci=leiss Yoor:z L.eGs, Pt..e:ASi! <:!:> MOON MULLINS ,AT ~A5T! A POSSl!1LE ~! 'STSADV·· -~··· _.,. ... ·· .. ~~: .. • 0 ANIMAL CRACKERS ...... o-· t 1 JIA~·<d TODAY'S CRDSSWDl·D7PUfZLE lb:> '7-l• 1' 19/lbfC!o<>;ol-.,,. . .._,.~,_,i.,"" "< . ·~------------...... .. ..... ,.,... ........ •• UNITED Feature Syndicate ACROSS t Trades 6 FIOOf city •3 Cons~ten1 44 €ease lo live covering 45 .. Privale pieces J girlS 10 Cu111nQ • . , school 1---~•IOOIS -~., Taka5 14 ····· back button 51 Man s 15 Came to nickname earlh 52 Apphed A1chau:: 16 Municipal mop 17 Maple Leal Gardens lB SOi.itn American republic 19 Ci1y o! Latvia io Sa11sty1ng 1esult 22 •••••••. oil V1!am1n source ' 1111reous coaling 54 Take mto account 58 Amounts o! money 59 Grand Du~e o! MuScovv 61 Kind or show 62 Lumbei source\ 6J Partiallt · Pre!1i 64 Turk1s1i city , ' ~ONOAV Puzi!e Solved. ' -. -- ' DQuglas- Home: Br1t1sh slatf!sman 8 Aus!r1an 1eg1on Vo< 9 Earnest IQ The IQO. " 11 FuU ol eiiergy 12 Fi11 rng rel urn~ 35 Indonesian island 36 Ave1age Abbr. 37 Deoend upon 39 Engager 1n ;i r;omba! 4Q oeser1er 4:? Piece ot Hoofing 43 Avoicl+ng e,(aggera11on •'4 Girt 46 Impair PEANUTS by ·Chcirles M. Schulz r-r~~~~~~..,...; IEN Mn .• l..!0\1 DOlLARS ! AND L{Ol) KNOW w~v l'M I ~CAU5€ M'{ MOTHER:,WANTED iO 00~6 10 SEE IT ? 6E.l ME OJT QI.'. THE HOUSE ! JUDGE PARKER r..-M ISS SPENCER TOOK WHERE 15 MIM TO M EET THE HOUSE - J USTIN NOW? KEEPER! DO YOU KNOW ~ ANYT~ING A60UT ~I M? :. ~ ' ; ~ : I N0'7 A 1 MEARO HIM T~LL M ISS THIN&! SPENCER THAT HE HASN'T DO 'YOU'? A DRlVER'S LICENSE ! AND I-IE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT BEING IN A ' HOSPITAL ••. -. ,_,. • ~ ' by Gus Arriola . LEAVE-THEIR MARK ON ' THE WOie.J.Of . . c.,.,._,.,.. __ _ ..... _ by ROCJel' Bollen t'UE 60'1'. A ,ORTll 11fD <:P '" LOOKING PCO~ I,__ __ _,,. :,; j \,~'· . ··' ,• ·.·~~ ' ., ,:.4:,, , .. : . • ' 24 Outward appearance 26 Femate animal 27 P ine COf'I(· •~--'1 -0001 sron 32 Perct:1ve'i cy'tne ear 33 Jeer 65 Vend 66•We1gnt anowance h 7 Preteria '}word~ UO /Jrl 1 Bo•1n9 malr;n 13 ···-·and St11oes "?1 ro-i-- RQfTliln , 73 8001 47 Mus1ca1 SJ.mbOIS 43 Ha1clen~ Va• 49 St110 of ttit oeserl .. =--'--'-' "Mrs. Hopk ins was here last nsonlh and she told me t• 1»e ,,ure and lake up ceramics instead of laadscepe paintifts - sh e said ceramics i:.; so much neater the restrooms."' by Mell .JS Glass vessel -~ ~';,~a~~lv p1ejles 40 Gow1lcl over 4 1 It tallows "prlntemos" 42 No1tn • African 2 Wt1ir11n9 wor<1 Archaic. 3 Ove1 agalfl 4 "HM S .. ,.,. ... ~ Beetles 6 Tourists "d ' . ' " 17 " " " ll 29 JJ " " • .. " " ' " .. .• 25 F111ryhke :?7 Fbo! covering 28 Canvas :>O Tear 53 Kn1gn1 s w1te st1ucture 55 Like · -'-1n :>9 Newfound· · a t1ap lalld caoe ) 56 Famed JO Si~ger divorce Anita···· 34 Cnic Jonnson s canner center 57 E<1ucator 60 Insect egg 7 I 9 .t~· 10 11 12 IJ ·~ 2J JO JI lS J~ Jl •0 ., 0 " .. ., • DICK TRACY --~---· lR:A '?AYS Ml~ t.ANCl.E MA.:; GONE IN ,OIC. SALLOONINcO ! . , . , WHl~E POES Hf: Po 1-+1~ 8AL.1.00NIN6 ? -STllLLMIMAMINUTE~ lfS TRACY. • ALL O\/f~. HE EATS TOO MLIGH, by. <:hester Gould - DENNIS THE MENACE -.1<-- J ·. - l ' Q . ·-·· ... . t • .. • "' "' ' " • ·-. ,. ' '· • " "" •U ,, ,. ' " ., •• ' . • , .. .. .. ' ,, . " •• ... .... • ' •• ' ' •• ' " . ·•··· ,.,, ' '"JIM ••••• , .. . , ... '° , ., • ~1·• ' . ' • , , , .... ' ... .. ... . .. -· . " ' ' ---------. ---. -......... . ....... . .. Laguna~ .. ~aeh . . . --.. , EDITION Today's· Flial . VOL 67, NO. 197, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ,-TEN CENTS I . . Laguna P_olice Win Chamber Backing Over Pay By JACK CHAPPEIL· Of .. .,... ""' .... 'Ille Laguna Beach. Chamber of Ccmmen:e hU steppm Into current dty budpl deUberatloos, charging penoonel slnoJlb. " tbe po11 ... il.e~-11 "dqerously low" and supporting poU.oe employes In tbetr pay negotiations with the city. · _ • Chamber ol Coouner<:e --· Larry lfunl suggested in a 1etter to ltfayor Roy Holm that the. city U6f tax .. _ tleward, Revenge Efforts -to :.use -IRS Detailed · ' - WASHINGTON (UPIJ -The llou1e Jwticilr)' Ommltt.e ]>ubltshed ·-today o( White -elloril lo turil the Internal Revmue Service into an agency " political mranl and ...... ge. A 440-page report from t h e lmpeacbmeot Inquiry Mlowed tbat'Nilul 'ljU ""'°"'' whoo aides dilcUsled efforts .. make potltlcal bay • fnlm ms tu lnlormation and lo hara11 White lloule "enemies" by audttlng their tues. Former ms Commtsilaoer Randolph 'nlrower, In a nom ltalemlll& to tb, committee, said the preaure lo po!JUclze the tu -became .......... . . Judlclary Chairman P,etor W. Rodino Jr. (~N.J.),, bas raid be -n evidence of_ the . polltical -o( . govemment agendea lo_be -tbe ,_ .,,.... In tbe lmpeocbment Inquiry. '!be ms evlclellce ts likely '!' be cited -RodJiio•1 ......... IWil draftiq . (llet 'ENJDimS,' Pip I) Mother of 4 ' . " -.. .... mo·111o1 be had 1o--·to-...Ial!-1o--'""-' __ _ block a -Wblle Home plD -:0 I • city councll to cut the tax rate and not to lncreaae .city spending In the face of an utra sm.ooo It could receive by keeping the same tax rate . Property tax is determined b y multiplYinc the property's assess.eel valuation llmel a tax rate per $100 of the --lion. The cbamber president noted that Lacum u a teaSide community bad a untque law enforcement problem . . "Ally ctty k>c.ated in an area wnich aUracta great numbers of people Ls bound to exp e? i e·n c e certain incmveniences while enjoying t h,e benefits of their trade. "It is unfortunate that wilh the inOux of the..summtt-b'ade Comeetthe need for increaaed lliw+enforcement. T<t y;bh that the situatioCt were otherwise l s unreal is lie," Hiint said. "Lagtina's· police force is da~ef'9US)y JGw. Decreasing penonne_I would lessen efficiency, would increase i~urance • rates,' and unfortunately, becomes' an invitation to crime. "We fuJly recogni ze that in ortte!" to at least mainJaln law enforce·m·ent efficiency at the present level funding mu.st" be-available. For this reason, we heariily ,$llPP!)rt legislation whi~h ltWld provide communities with monies ior safety serv.i'cq;. · , 1 • "We support as v.·ell Ifie use of fµnds now .realized by the increa~ in the assessed ·valuation of Laguna Bea'ch. . . • • ThiJ 1 y,·ouid considerably offset the department's expenses," Hunt said. The city council e.arly this year in budget studies has ordered that big cit y departments cut 8.6 percmt froril budget projections for fiscal 1974-75. -- Those projections would have main. tained Je\'els. Of personnel and. services. · The police department was cut $80,000 which meant a loss of five officers. However, at the times · of the (~ POLICE, Page Z) • I Call Meet 'Window Dressing' By JACKIE H~1AN Of llMI DIH, l"llot Stiff • U.S. Deputy Undersecretary o£ the Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted · "'ith skepticism and 'insuJts ~fonday in Santa J\tonica during publi~ discussion of offsh9re oil drilling along the Southern California coastline. Speakers in the audience of 400 persons at Santa Monica Civic auditorium told Car:ter they believe 1he decision is already inade on otfshore ·drilling'Slfis. "J have the feeling you already. have your mind made up and this meeting is • just wlPdow .dressing,., said Marr. ffi~O~__Angeles.-"Jt!s-very frustrating." . ~~ ... rwec1thePim-Kills Himself tam tbe.J.,OCIO.man Alcobol,.-Tobloco-andl-=-=· =~'-' :..:,_.:::· ---'----'C..:---- •.·rve told you that we won'1 make a decision until the envirorunental impact statement-is completed.-and.-what-I've sakl: is accurate," Carter responded. Ftreanns Dlvisloo Into "a penonal police The JQOtller or r...r i-1 cblldml wu force''_ contrqlla~le Oll]y by the ms shot ti>deiilb jj,-Siii& Ana eorly ioday 'b)' commw, a j>olltlcal appointee. !!'!' ,,.._, who then put the murder The White Hooae offered -.... -(IOll .. bts'temple 11111 lrtll<d blmlell, eandldatel for tbe job -.G. Gordan police aid; · tlddy, later C011Yicled in _the Watergate The aparelit muri!....Wclde t o o k bttak-ln, and Jack caullJeld, a former . place before a -wi,_ at a New Yori< police -wi-role· 11 commerdal ·and . Industrial ·center In a political spy~ to light dwing the South Santi Ana at about 1' a.m., St!hate Watergate-bearings.. delediftl a.kl · ;"lbrower,. a Repuhllcan !nm Atlanta, The -'1ctim was ldeatllied as Ga., said be blocked both appointmelll. Rola Moolct, 11, of ltllJI lloptll Rooewood . Bui when be tried IA> ,.. President St., Santa Ana. Her dead hulband wss """"'-'---"=~~--'==--Dispute betv.•een Carter and the MOTORISTS ARE USING-CENTER· LEFT TURN LANE TO PASS SLOWER CARS ILLEGALLY · P9llce Wiii AtternPt·to EduCate·PubliC.About H.urdoas t1Srun~.C1njon'R.01d Situation • · .. ' Traffic Hazaro Reported audience arose both about J he issue oL""' , offshore oildrilling itself and about the ~ Interior Department's band.ling of the problem. · ,;I admit v.·e di9n't do a very good job of publicizing it when we · began .considering leasing sites last spring," Carter said ar the beginning of the meeting. "We may have -some kind of credibility gap." The fact that a credibility gap exists . becanie evident during the meeting as NllOO,toprotest again elloril 1o tum the identHIOd a. llipei -1c:ii 'llis liody tu service into I political tool be WU bore DO Jdentlficatloft, police said. --d0nied:-....,.-to-the-...i--d6ce-and-The-wlbms; · wh>-told-jlolice that · sj)eaiiMi aceusea .. !he J!ej)iffffieilt-Onlie Lau_ una Dri,tiers___lb_e_ Lei t__T__uru_lall!_ e f_ or..P_a,ssing---'i"lnlerior of havlng_igoored lh"-JlubliC:S---1 ~-desires in the past and repeatedly stated blocked from making his cue, he said. they had no time lo ~art the tracedy, Laguna "Bead:!. rnoto'rist~ -~ ille~~Iiy used in die Canyon Road sectOr' is an "reversible left turn Jane," meaning that said 'the couple arrived at the center at usill.8-:newly otrtped left tum lane on internaur;.· 1 marlc:ing and has been used cars turning left from either inbound or 33lt Weit Warner Ave. at about I a.m. 9 .... outboUnd · 1anes may pull into the area if' -spers 2 e--•n>cs..----ud--be@.g argulnc. Laguna Canyon Road as a puling lane, for man years in the county. . between the brokeq double double ye11ow . ....U . ' .;:JU Duiing ~df:...t:bt-W!;,Jtllf\!!,,PcMrs"";. _ _.an!Uextr100em,...e"'lywbazardous.,....,.,._--ll<!"dl"'ce"'-"·"Pu"'b"'li"c---'V-"eterao!E-'"--.'"lice"'-"'--"o"ffl'C·cer,,__,_sfrec""'-al"'led""'t"'ha"t__,a,_t -1ines aft<f...wait--for traffic to clear before Mmlco aaertedtf"ran froin the "car and Works Director stan Scholl said Monday. one time there used to be a third lane turning. " R""eive Final her. bulblnd calilbl up with her and Scholl said the Laguna Beach Police aloog Laguna Canyon Road, a. passing The arrangement Is designed to '-"r' draged ber'i'blct into the auto. Departm nt ti de Id ta lane for use by either traffic lane. prevent the' heavy Incidence of rear-end f.oast Farewell Belore::tbe ltartled cinlookers could e recen y ma a v eo pe The traffic engineer's brainchild soon traffic accidents along the commertjal reaot, Monico pulled a .n caliber recording of traffic 'aloog tbe half-mile became known aptly as "a suicide lane" sed.ion caused by cars waiting to tum .. revelW!!' llld quietly pumped three llttetch of the new striping, and it showed as passing oocoming cars would meet left stopping in the traffic lanes. bulletr"into hil screaming Wife and then that 40 vehicles during an hour period bead"'<llt. The city will embark oh a program to turned the gi.m.' cm · ~f. Both m-e ued the lane to pass slower cars. 'Ibat's not what the new stripihg in educ3te motorists to the new restriping prooounced.:dMd.at ttie tcene. · The motorists' behavior is dlfftcult to Laguna along the commercial ·sa;or of planned for the stretch. By L PETEil l[Jl!EG • " Of ... Dlllr. '"" lllff 1The memorial !older uld limply that • father and his two 11'.1111 were "Lost at Sea, June, 1974." ,llul it was not the tragic death al Filth Diltrid Supal'.Vilor Ronald w. c..,. and !KtllS Kirt and Rick thit a ·family ~. the l\•V. G. Wtnlam Grady, -led duiiog memori4l -lltblay. Before -. than 400 penons crowded lillil St. Michael's and All Angels Council to Hear · Citizen · Pr.otesi Of 'Crisis House' ~I Cbureh In Corona ~I Mar, the A neJcbborbood ~ ao Orange !IP. Grady said tbe people wbo !mew County plaM Id ieaM ·a Mystic Hilb· R<*I Cupen "have a great« 'vision of home as a "crlill -'"!or delliiquent arr' becauae al this lruly OOl•andlnc youth wilt' be beard Wednelday b)' the iiiill." La ..... -Cl!J Olllldl. . " Jre said Mr. Caopen..!'.loanct.l!!l! ·1rae-'l1le matter Is aoe ol the lint Items on 10Vi in life in his election to the &anror--lbe· council 4:39 p.m. qenda and sUoervilOrl." stems from a -by W. "C. Cauthen, -4'be --loog service In the billJide chairman ol tbe MyR!c P a r k ~ that ...,_, Newpon Barllor Neighborhood Assoclatloo. _lie -that l!"I 1ttonded by family friends Ind the city ban the -of tbe 'IYooth 'lletllbon, political leaden and county Service Center:" · . onlcials. 1be center would home at ~ most six They beard the Rev .. Grady tall< of tbe -youths "eiqierienclng family problems In ... . · order to ·preYeDt more critical .t.tuauons /~l of .Rick Caspers, whole lov_e of. riom developing," accordinc to .• 'Jetter ~ made him well known Oii the -to ·-o( the .,... by the -o1 both Newport Beadl and county. - ' -Barbara. Al -· recent ....,ty, -A 0 I accomK for, &:bOII said, explaining that Laguna Canyon Road is. Police officers will cite motOrists who the broken double-double line striping It is what ·traffic engineers call a . use the center lane •for passing. Machu Picchu Developer~ Retilrn to Laguna Panel After · atnlost a year of silence, developers o! the proposed. dormaot Machu PlcchJ project ln Laguna Beach made an appearance Monday night at a plibnfng commission study 9eSSion. • · i:>mdty ·for· tbe 73-acre site between Top of the W~ and Mystic Hills was set at about 112 units by commissioners last August -a reduction of nearly hall the unill originally requested by Creative Communities, Inc., developers or the project. The final deqaity and other d<sign delallo WGlld ho,. been -tied oot between p!unen, devtlopers and project on commission agendas. The Canyon A c r e s Neighborhood As9oc:iation was~ involved in the CQntroversial bearings last" y e a r • protesting the possible drainage effects on the , canyon communlUes, which lie below the proposed site. Alter these meetings, the Machu Picchu pro}ed: may again appear before commissioners to receive a go-ahead to continue project plans. Weapons Confiscated Ra.gley Assails Contributions Given to Cory RepubUcan their belief th3t the department is influenced by finan cial donations from major oil companies. At one point a man-in ttf 'audlence waved-a one dollar ~btU and · shouted, "This will buy your vote !" .. l find that very oftensive," Carter responded. "I find you of!ensive!" shouted another heckler. • Represcntalives of a number of environmental groups, several of which had held pre-meeting press conferences. expressed themselves Jess colorfully but with equal vehemence. "We're objecting that the decision has "already been made," said Mary Ann Eriksen, a representative of the Sierra Club. · "I think the administration Is making a mockery of environmental i mp a c t (See OIL, Page %1 ' -Oraage Coast Weather Patchy fog and low clouds near the beaches Wednesday morning ot.hei-wise sunny v.•ith not much change in temperature, according to the weather service. Beaches ,. in the low 70s rising to the mid- BOs inland. INSIDE TODAY South Coast Repertory has scored a smash hit r with its superlative --p roduction of £he rock-gospel 111usical "Godspell," ~eviewed today ou Page 8. lrlM •-'""-U AINI L.-.n 1J L. M, •ff41 t ~'( Trff 1S C•lllfml1 I Mev"' I Cl1Ulllt4I 1 .. 1&., M•hl .. Jl~MI U • "He bad 1 quiet and patient .....,.. Supenillon 11111tJntj_ a lafll Contlnpnt 1111 always put people at eue," the oLMystlc llllll -nen lurMd aut IA> RO.. Grady said. -• """" tho or-"' crialll houoe. The •11Jrk Caspers, 20, said Rev. Grady, wilt sweriiiont however a141N't'ed ft. be' remembered !or bis love ol the 'l'llo LagUnl <1M1DCi1 ·lat ~·llUlf had • t1·----jjil6ii!: "--'-----,---..,'"'"~°"'---~­ I "'He w11 at borne with nature," tbt oot the loceUon at 1111 Pltcainl Piiot.. ·~~4,,;~l:"" ·•·t..~";ilhr-1----~ O.tll Mefkft 11 ,_.. U•U R•., Grady said. • • Collnctlwoman 1'111119 8-f, wbo 'For Ronald w. Caapen, bom May U, sujlPCl!ll the -Ol\'l_er1 oald ·the Ill~ "Ille was an exciting thing," tbe mattel' wu "'very bodly oanoted by tbe -(Set CAS~ Pqe l) (!lot CotlNCIL, .... II lltlt.ri.t '"' • s-ft 11•11 1111i.rt1l-I I Si.di M1rttlt 1._U_.. - Flri.11(1 lJ..U T•l•Wlllt!t I ttr 011,_r J ThHM,. I HI-t4 WNl/ter f 1111-IM!ta I Ww~ N"'I t .- ' - .. ' • •• ' ··-· ., • ' •.. ~ .... z .·o~~Y P.l\Ot ....... \'-··-········ • From Pflfle I 'ENEMIES' ..• ar1 1cles of impeiichm ent next v.·cek. Asked about the committee report as he arrived for a closed Session of the conuntt.tee today, Nixon's lawyer, James D. St. Clnir said he T('O.d It to mean the panel "found nothing to it." He said the matter had been investigated tUJly by other congress ional committees and it was determined that no harassing audits ""erc n1ade of White House enc1nies. Today 's' report was the ninth volume of im~achment evidence· to be released, with more to cotne later this week, The new report said: -News·paptirman Clark ~lollenho~. former special counsel to l\tixon, S\\'Ore 1n an affidavit tO the comn1ittee Vlat H.R. Haldeman invoked Nixon's name in 1970 in· seeking a me n10 on the tax status of Gerald Wallace, brother of the governor •--~of Alaban1a. The daJ))Eging memo was_ S\\'iftly leaked, even though unauthorized. disclosure of tax returns is a criminal act. • .....Jolin D: Ehrlichman. in another sv.'Orn statement, reCalls telling former JRS Comnlissioner Johnnie ~t. \\'alters in 1972 "wj;i.1t a crappy job he had don(l" beca use an audit failed to find a tax underpayment by Lay,·rencc O'Brien, then Democratic nationaj chainnan. Ehrlichman swore last February: · "l \\'antetl -the1n to turn up something and send hin1 to jail before the election and unfortunately it didn't materialize." -\Vallers. who quit the following April, recalling the incident, said t ti a t 'Ehrliclunan had complained to him. "I'm goddamn tired of your foot~gging· tactics." \\'bite House officialdom. the evidence showed. felt Democrats in the -IRS hiera"rchy controlled Republican tax cOmn1issioners - instead of vice-versa. -Previously undisclosed testimony from John W. Dean Ill before a closed session of the Senate \V a t e r g a t e t1l mmittee quoted him as saying lh?-t Nixon wanted to stop tax-actions against his friends. Dean Said Nixon "asked that it (the IRS) be turned off on friends of bis -Dean. in a memo to his \\fhite House superiors, asked, "C<ln we do ailytfung to help?" when told that presidential [riend BIUy Graham, the preacher, was undergoing a tax audit to see when he had reported as income girts he had received. The reply: "No -it's already covered." -. ' ' l.1!1!1!11,;,!ul1 >6,.l97.i ...... _., .. " . ' .. -· ' Dlllr Pll1t Stiff ...... HE'S JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF . PLASTICS J.Artl~t Tom hlloni UMs Vivid Splllshy Technique Laguna Artist Devises . . Own Color Technique.) ' ' \ Cal~ll Discovery f'rem P•te 1 OIL •.• _. • • . Kelp ~roclaimed I \ \ . U9"11mmtl and publl<'-lnpul 111 d .. 1~1111 thaklng." "We believe U tht department were Nlll1 IJNftlq to ., lhtr -111 bav• .ent Secretary of the lnterlor Rogers Marton ins tll ru L albordin.att., .. &ald Nancy Galmt 'ot the Sea1hore Envlronmenl.sl All!anC'1 !SEA). Soµrce of' Ene-r~ Caltedt scientists announced recently they are experlmenttnr with a poaslble new source of energy, kelp, the fastest growing plant tn the world: The synthetic natural gas methane can be produeed from the giant seaweed, native to C8lifomla. This gas can then be used to generate electricity. A marine energy fann Is currently being set up in deep water off san Clemente Island to experiment with the kelp. · Scientists want to detennlne whether large quantities of the giant marine plant" can be raised-Wlde artificial condiUons. Caltech marine biologist Dr. Wheeler North. 52, a Corona 'del Mar resident, 1s the chief scientist of the marine fanning project. He works out Of Caltech's Kerckhoff Laboratory in Cor0na de! Mar. Dr. North is the marine scient ist whO has led a successful can1paign since the ·From Page I >-- CASPERS • • • "You're not c onsidering the early s~ties to rebuild the southern alternatives," tlllid J. Alex Cota of the Cali.forn.ia kelp fof¥la. They we~ , Ea_stside-Westslde. Concerned · Cltlzw decintated several years 1 aa:o b Y Committee. "We don't want drllllng tn unusually wann ocean currenta and by the . Santa Monica Bay, we want tm Invasion of kelp-dqourlng sea alternative fuel1 such 11 hydrogen." ' urchins. On the Orange CQast his lab has Cota expressed anger at havfhi only transplanted :new kelp beds at Dana Jeaf'ned of Mooday't meetlnr the Point and at Cameo Shores. preVious 'Illuraday from a r ·a d Io 1be importance of Dr. North's latest htoadcast. kelp farming project Is reflected by Its -many sJJ009ors. They include the Navy, "We are deaervtna of more respect Cal~h_, the_StfilL~J:!:@rtmen~ of flab_ than hlvlric a mere handful of. days to and Game; and the ·National Sclent"e prepare to defend our coastline," he-said. Foundation. Speakers allO ~Jected to ~spending Some 3,000 full-grown kelp plants~ are the~ time attendlng a public~ meellilg which wu not an official hearing and at currenUy being fasteUed to a large rope· which testimony was not · recorded. network raft that ii sU.nded ·40· feet "Yet U we __ dJdn 't attend, the , underwater in a 300.foot-deep area a mile department could say the public Isn't off San Clemente Island's Jl(jrthem lip. interested," !laid ?.iiss Gaims .. The U.S. Navy built and installed the "We want your input in 0 u r underwater raft and la currenUy environmental i m pa ct statement " attaching the kelP plinta to it. .Kelp Caitez: said. "I think you feptiiiftt$ ~n plants attach them•lves to the bottom impgrtant point ot vlew Which may be and grow upwards towards the sun, like controlling • ! any land plant. They can reach heights of "However, r think you're uylng that Rev. Grady sai 200 feet su rted b a network of air ·~'ve already made up your minds and "He got so very much out of sacs. everything lire had to offer. ' Says marine biologist Dr. North, "If you're angry because you think we've "Whether it was that twinkle in his eye the pilot farm is successful, then one will already made.up ours ... when you woµld go. before him at the be establi$hed that is a mile square. He suggested that correspondence~ Board of Supervisors or whether he was "If we can grow these plants in the subject be sent to William E. Grant, riding herd at bis ranch on that little red sufficient quantiti~s, they might provide Manager of the OUter C.ontlnent.al ~ tractor nr a• the keyboard of a piano or us with a vast amount of petroleum-like -~"-"' rod t ' t· food f 1 d Bureau of Land Managem-t 'wtth t•, playing bis guitar, he realized. complete P uc s 1or genera tng , ue s an . .... uic aucceas and . total achievement in ~lectric pc)wer," he S!lid. U.S. <Oepettmeni of the Interior in Los . everything he did." Kelp is already used todaY for a wide Angeles. 1- The Rev. Grady told of those achlevf" range of industrial purJIOles. Derivatl\les~ "He's the one ....W.•ible for the from the marine plant are used in • -t""'-ments ~ .college at US, the youngest toothpaste, pills, paint, ink 8 n d environmental studies," Carter said. president of a sa\tings and loan at 29, cardboard and even to put a stable head "However, I assure you we'll be much and the youngest supervisor ever in on beer. lnO -~ Otange County at 39. nl()l'e uen~ by reason ab I e Other· uses forecast for the futtlre are .811,, "He was not· an average.man b'ut in his arguments against offshore drWinl tnrn election to the Board of Su ..... rvlson .he. in fertilizer, plastiC!I, fuelJ .and foodJ for by optnlona ak:lie." .. ~ both animals and hllllUlNI. _ ~ found the true love of his IUe. His Among Monday's speakers, Hermosa ,....lectlon In June placed blm tol.slly In Bea h c ·1 Coun 11 Lan Wh" public service," the Rev .. Grady said. c 1 Y c man ce itman Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' ac-FrolR P8f1e l was one of the few to detail hil complialunenu as a supervisor, which POLICE ob)eotl0111 to th• drilling. wh!Cmb cited By IDLARY KA YE ·Part of the resulting abstract effect is he said were highli~ed when he won his • • • the danger of oil spllll, the ViluaJ impact 01 1119 o.11r , ... ''1" fom a d!emical reaction, Belloni batUe for county acq~tion of the 5,5()0. of on equJpment, and the passage of "I really like strong colors explains, and part from the way the acre Starr Ranch for a county park. discu111tons, the department y,·as already Proposition 20 81 evidence that voters masculine .. , I like impect pieces,'' said . paint Is applied wtt.h air brushes, regular Among those attending the memcrial at that strength, and no layoffs were "hold lou D mocrati'c Unit Tom Bellooi. explaining why be began his brushes and by pouring it on. services were(Orange County political made as were required in other city prec s the CalifOmla: C<!Uillne.~~ C--vivid splashy-paintings currently on Belloni has been working on his plastic le~er Richard O'Neill,·· Mra. Judy departments. In total, l& positions were Mpr'Mlay's meeting was I leu dlgnJfled displa:Y at both the Festival of the Arts technique for four years, but he says he's Rosener and Donald Bright; members of trimmed from the current budget. repeat of. a meeting Frkiay between Will Not Endorse and the Sawdust Festival in Laguna just scratching the surface of plastics. the South Cout Regional t.one Conser· The chamber also gave oblique support Carter and Sou~ Callfomla city Beach. "There's such a great potential for vatlon Commission, ~ Vt'f:rich C8spers to the police employes in pay discussiml officials, who allO expressed opposttJon The 27-year-old Lagunan uses a plastics -effects you just couldn't get also had served, and Irvine Councilman now under way, and a subject of conttl> both tQ. offshore oil drtlllnc and to the Specl,-aiJ-Ua11 01· technique he devised himself, mixing with traditionatmedia," the artist said. John Burton. versy at city hall, Department of the Interior'• handling of D lll pigment wJth a clear, JlquJd plastic and Belloni has been painting about 11 Tbethemeh'ymncbotenforthesolemn "When negotiations with police the matter. 1----applying-it-to.w·oodL--------i~e~ar~1~but¥.-!no~w~be~d~•vff;ote~s~almost~~!!•li!_l )!hlli!__.:'occul " department employes reaume we Carter aakl at both m P that he By JOHN VALTERZA ·· time .to hls vivid, plastic paintings. occaslon-was,~temalEa,ther,_Strong_to_strongl;r.--urge--you-to-aertously-cM.ider-expects the env asaeasment to °',... o.•r ''"' 111t1 Some are done in matcbi{lg series of Save." the safety and wcll.·being of Laguna 's be ~pleted by December Of January, Orange County's Democratic Central two or three, called dlptlcs and triptlcs -None of Caspers'. fellow supervisors citlZElll and to cause oo turther forced or following public hearings, wtth a ftnal C<lmmittee ~•gr<e<i_Monday_iLwooliLnot_ -lnland-A~l"eUS-~ ancient Idea used by the Chine,. and joln1!d In the memorial IM!rVlce although voluntary mirnati011S," HUI)! said. ~~Ion to be made by late oprtn1 of become tnvolved In the battlet over how panese each one !lellt8iiliJCIK."""Bi:iifif'Ctii, iilrni_an -"""""1• 11 ~ .. · 1 •-be 1 '*'"" ,~-," "Eactt piece of the set is done • 1° .... w ~· ~~1 a 8UC'Ce990l" ·to Fifth District Supervlsor G . s ··z separately. but placing the two or three Ralph Clark is on vacation and s· ... ~ . Carter uJd Monday. 1---Ronald·Caspers-will-be-choeen. ~ et_ mag f ..l e~t-together, In separate [ramcs.-buLwillLa Supervisor David Baker is In Washington L~ 1~encans ' . , " In a voice vote following 20 minutes of continuous ' design, breaks up the D.c:-on coun Vli:usmeaa. • debate, the committee rejected a request Orange County air po\lulion randomness of the overalf dealgn," he Both Supervisors 0 Rafpb Diedrich apd In :'•exi'co Jail by several leadl·ng t Democra•-to officials vtere expected to call th eir sa"1d ifl coon Y 1,11 • Robert Battin are away in Miami Beacb Senior Citizens Aided on l'axes enOOrse a November election as th_e _ serood smog alert in as many days Be\loni was born and reared in Los means to replace Caspers who was lost this afternoon in inland areas of the Angeles, and has lived in Laguna ror four where they are attendipg the National at sea last mmth. county. . years. He'!" exhibited three times at the Association of Counties Conference GUADALAJARA, Mexico (UPI) -Six ·U.S. cklzens were sent to state prison to await trials on charges including '11le committee majority aMerted that. A first Stage health advisory Sawdust Festival and this ia his second where they are to pick up an award the move .would set a precedent and v.·aming went into effect Monday Yfi8r in the main festival. honoring Orange County for its smuggling of drugs, weapons and Senior citl:r.ens in Lapil Beach nn automobiles. They include Alfred Leroy receive help In filing their clalm1 for inject a partisan element in a non· afternoon for all areas inland of the Bellooi, who says he's been supporting partisan Jssue._ __ San _Diego Freeway. himself "quite well" for four years solely T:h~ campaign for the election v.·as Officials Predicted little change on his plastic work, says people in re~ Monday____!!Y. _ NeY.])Ol"'-rll\-.-'Bea~c~h~'s,___1 _ _;in::..'con=d=l::tions=-=f=or:...::tod=ay".------l·-~01-'ra,;n!l••"'-'Co:!'wi'!")t and L.A. are tun,ed. in to John Bi-_ct. a former candidate for abstract work. C'.-Ongress· and currently a member of the People understand Its purpoSe: that it's state Democratic Central Committee F p l decorative, beautiful and you can look at Executive Board. rona age it for a long time and not t.ire of it," the Black said this morning that, despite COUNCIL a~tist sa id. the rejection. he and other supporters .l. • • • • y,i}J wage a petition campaign throughout the fifth district in ar:I effort to convince the Assembly Judi ciary Committee to jar l~ a bill calling for the November winner-take-all vote. That bill was introduced by Republican John Briggs of Fullertoh, after caspers disappeared with two of his !Oil! and seven other men during a cruise up the Baja California coast: Black has labeled the effort to seek an election' "the only equltable a nd democratic '\\"BY to fill the vacant seat." . . DAILY PILOT T.,. 0fl"90 Con! 0.!'f Po.lo! wil" "''""._,. c:ct"- i.,,.., 1,,. Ne"'''"'-.~""'""~lfl'll!e Or­ Co)as1 Pl><>l•l~•n~ CM\po"" Sllrw•I& .O~>Ol"ll ... t.kllll••"""· ,,.o,,.,•·1 1~" fno•v . .,. to.to ""t>I. N••lll0t1 S.ICfl. H""litlv!°" ~lltl\/~°"''" I~•• Ya1..,,, l•~""~ 8'tc~. lrvt""/$.o4<!lofOIC> ~"ii S1n ~M•I~" M" Coe>sl••r-o A ""'l"' ,_.., ""'°" ;, ~"""' s.'"""""" •na S..•· <I•" l~ ""~"°' °"""'""'9 pion! ,..1 3J0Wnt B01 St1tel. c,,,,1, Mew, Cll•-. I M11!. Robeot N. W"<'d ,.,,_I"""""''"'°' l~f..M1.tpt.i"I M•""9>"11 (Ool(ll Goll'!; H. Loo.: R..;6d P J'b~ , All<t!ltt ~~ fC.~,,... . &...-ii ..... Offk• 221 ~~~""'""9 .V~ .•,ddu1-.i: P.O. Bo• t.&6, 41b~i' _Oltlfl' Offtctt l'.:o•t• MOM lJO w..i 8'~ 51-tlewNll Btlell ~,_eo..o.,...., ._..,.,,flOlo" 6"""" 1Tl!15 !lett~ ~tnll'.I :;..i,~el!IW!tll.~~flC"'""'°lltOI county." She said it was not made cle"ar that the youths involved were to be from the Laguna area, not outsiders. Another controversy is simmering over county mental he&.lth agency plans to turn the old Del Camino Hotel, 1289 S. Coast Highway, into a drug rehabili tation center. A representative of the mental health unit has previously outlined the county plans for a 40..bed facility in the old hotel, the site of iwmerous drug raids an~ narcotics arrests by Laguna police. Other matters on the council's-agenda include: -Under extraordinary business, a hearing or the Laguna Beach Police Employc'> Association representatives on the question of pay and fr inge benefits currently under negotiations. • -Proposed goa ls for development of coastal property between Laguna Avenue and Sleepy Hollow Lane. -Final approval of installations of new 10.cent an hour pa kring meters along portions of Broadway, Forest Avenue, Third Street. Mermaid Street, Cliff Drive and Beach Street. • -An oral presentatio n by the director of finance on adoption of the 1974-75 fiscal budget, setting of a tax rate and proposed budget ordinance. En1e1·gency Aid Meet ' Set in South La"una From Pagel BAGLEY •.• campaign on the part or San Franc~ Supervisor Robert H. Mendelsohn. Cory repiied that he was not surprlaed at the "absurd and wild charges" because Bagley "learned his politics at the knee of Richard Nixon." Referring to O'Neill and C<!'lla, he sliid, "I don't know anything th e controller's office or the state lands commission can do for them." "We gave the money to Ken," Cella said, "first, because Ken is a fri end and has ·bei?n a great legislator and a great friend to thousands of people in Southern C&lifomia. "Second, the moral fiber, the fabric that holds America together today is only 198 years old and already shows great ~·ea r." The trend towards la ck of trust In government, he said, "will Jud to no man ·daring to trust another, let alone !rust, the government. uMr. Bagley is all that I despite in government," Cella said. "He Is a typical, torpid, ineffectual p o 11 t I c a I hack." The contributions, Cella said; were not designed to gain favors from th& controller's office. '"I have no idea what-the controller's office could do for me. I have never received any favors from anyone at the State level," be said. · A free, t\\'O.j)art public fonim cnvering emergency aid will bcJ!ln at· 7:io p.m. ~fasons A~cept Pact progressive programs. llicks, 54, of Oceanside. Senior Citizens Property Tax Aulltance Caspers and-his two sons and seven A seventh American, identified only as-from-SI ~.m. to 4 p.m. Wednelday at-t&e ---' others were lost at sea June 14 below San Mike Schmidt, died last week -in a Laguna Beach Branch Llbrary, ,a&S Benlto-tslanct:oii.-13.aJaeifi!omi&.Thei hoapi~-~It under~tmtment for Glenn!yre SC-:-----:--------. -head----uijuries,-authorit1es-sakl-Monda . A-repretentat1ve.from-the·llale·wlll-be>--- were aboard t~ 83-f~ Shooting · Star• AutborlUes declined to give t be at the library to answer quest\,ons and owned by county pollhcal leader Fred clrcwnatancea of his )njwies and said provide forms. Harber whose last communication came they dld·not have hisiil:e or U.S. address. To be eligible for property tax late at"ftight June 13 that the boat was · The seven were arrested early In July assistance, pera>ns mu!t be 62 yeara old taking on water and sinking. as part of a roundup by. state and federal or older b¥ Jan. 1 1974, must own ud . Jaw enforcement agenoet in retPonle to occupy their own home, must have pakt Services for ftarber and the sb: others a crime wave in this city, Mexico's property taxes 9!! the home, and muat have not been announced. second largest. have an income of $10,00Cl'or lea. ' ' ' WHAT'S UP? NOT CARPETING-, The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 years ago, (1952). Technology has been responsible for this, resulting in speedier ways of making,. dyeing, and· finishing carpeting as much as 70 times faster! THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN- CREASE DURING THIS Tl~E PERIOD. Yor may think when you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive . Remember, however, that people are carpeting bedrooms. baths, kitchens, and ottier. areas that usually weren 't .carpeted 25 or 30 years ago, making totals higher. ' Carpeting ordinarily costs less.than linoleU!TI or hardwood flooring. and provides features of comfort, quiet, beauty, and impressions of spaciousness. , You ·ll get your BEST CONSUMER VALUE When you buy carpeting from Alden's. " ALDEN'S . ' CARPETS • DRAPES . ' ,...,.. .... -,,,.,-.-4J.c11·t----+--''lcdntsd.a . ulh coast Communit,,y-~ Clft•lfMjj A~ .. 641·1471 Jlospilal in South Laguna. e 8eCOfl A TEG AP -e ttll1'111:tt--- laprl•lt•h flD,,_t"""'tt: -· p,nrt will be held at 7:30 p.m. th e Mason Union reached tentative agree-1663 Placentia A•t. ,...,..._ •t•·t••• follov.•lni Wednesday, July 24. mtnt with contractor$' a.s.wciat10111 COSTAMls'A Coov•·9""· ,., •• o..-to.Ji P"~""" er.-· The progrom. conducted by Clrector or en a thrtt·vtar contract and . a =~i::;::~~"~'r" :"':~: Emergency Si!rvlccs ti1yron Wacholder, raUflcaOon ~ote Is achedultd Saturday, a \11\111CM.,,.....1-oiU111"1JI"'"".,.. \iv\11 cover cardlopulnlonary resy__scltatlon, "!lion s kesman said 'Monday. If tbt ~..0~1•""'1•-~ow~"'M.1 e.•1too· snake and lnseet-bite e.mci:g ncy ~ct ls approved, Ifie" carpenters unloo =:ot=~~:~o:;::.~ 3'0Q·,.t~' .Jreittment. Yiltat to do about poisonings, will be the.only construction un ion sUll on '------------·-·_, and first aid trcalmerit for injuries. strike in the San Diego area. • • 646-4838 HOURS: -TtoniTlln. f 1•11Jt-ffi. f lo f-SAT. f :JO lo I " . • ·~\ \ • -~ ~-------"--•---• ' -··-- • • ' ' -• • • --• .Saddlebaek_____,.· ~ . . ED)TION *·I' .. ----VOL. 67, NO. 197, 2 SECTIONS, 2i PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALl~RNIA l ·;.J.1 .r , ,,.. . -' I • • .. • Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks~ TEN· CENTS Coast Pays-Farewell to .ll9µ .Caspers, ~ Soµ·s By L. PF:l'ER KRIEG into St. Michael's and All Angels neighbors, political leaders and county ot * o.1tr ., ... ,..,. '. Epi9copal CburclJ, in c.orona del P.tar, the officials. Tbe memorial folder Mld simpty that a Rev. Grady uid the people who . knew . -They heard the Rev. Grady talk of the • • • be remqi/bered for bis love. of the outdoors. "He was at home with nature,'~' the Rev. Grady..akl. found the true love of his life. }lis re-election in June placed hi m totally in public service." the Rev. Grady said. -Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' .ac· ,father and hia two tool· were "Lost at Roa Cupen "have I IP'Uler ViJKIO of Sea, Jwie, 1174." · -life becauee ol tbil truly outstanding _.., But it waa Dot tbe fraglC Cleath of Fifth tnaii." --- life of -Rick Caspers. whose love of surfing 7m:ade-liini wen tiioWn on the beaches of both Newport Beach and Sanla Barbara .• For .Ronald W. C..pen, born May II,_ 1931, "lile was an exciting thing," the Rev. Grady said. riding herd al his ranch on that little red tr.a~lor or at the keyboard of a piano or playing hls guitar, he re.aliied complete success and tot.al .achievement in everylhing be dld."- 'Ibe Rev. Grady told of Ume achieve- ments -college at 16, the youngest president of a savings and loan at 29, and .,the )'OWlgi!st supervisor ever in Orange County at 39. complishments as ~s·upervlsor, which he said were highlighted when he \\'On his District Supervisor Ronald W. Caspers: He said Mr. Caspers 14found. b.Lt true and !One Kirk and tJick that a family love lo life in h1I election to the Board of friend , ·the Rev. G. William Grady, Supervi10rs." recounted during memorial servlcts The bOur-long l!TVice in the hillside Monday. chapel tbai-...overlookJ Newport' Harbor ,Before more than 400 persons .crowded' was attended by ·family friends and ~eward, Revenge Efforts ·10; Use -.J-.' IRS Detailed W ASHINGToN (UPI) -The Howie Judiciary Commitlee published evidence today of White House effor1s to tum the Internal Revenue Service into.an agency of ,political reward and revenge. A 440-page report from t h e impeachment iDquVY showed that Nlxoo was presebtwhen --'aides discussed efforts to make political hay from IRS tu ' information and to harasa White HOUie "enemiet" by auditing their tu:es. D. St. Clair Said he read it to inean the panel "lotmd'nodiing to II." He said the mailer hod been investlga~ fully by other coogresslonal committees and it WU detennined that (lloe 'ENEMIES,' i'ole It ' Mother of4 Former IRS r.ommiulooer Randolph s1 ~.jn· • Mate· 'l'hrower, In a ._,, atatemeot to the UJ,11 "He had a quiet and patient manne r that always put people at ease," the Rev. Grady ,.;d. Kirk Caspers, 20, said Rev. Grady, will. SOUTHERN "He got so very much out of everything life had to offer .. "Whether it was that twinkle in his eye \\1hen you would go before him at the Boord Of Supetvisors or wliether be was "He ll'.l!S not an .average man but in his election to the Board o( Supervisors he • CALIFORNIA BORDERLAND VENTURA COUNTY !TRACTS UNDER CONSIDERATION I !I' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SALE# 35 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY o'RANGE COUNTY -- \ • '\_ .. S.9' NlchoM1 • l1l1MI SAN DIEGO COUNTY ~~-~ "'-.'=::V "•"I "' ' • commlltee, said the pressure to p>Utlclze • ' · _ tte--ta~ lffVioe=tw-ame~•1ot~emNt!""'lll=~';;;~-~~~~~;=="'=::;c;;~--oc==~~~~l=c=:==oo=====j ~:.Iha~ he~: t~~ to ;:'"o~ Kills H i~elf reorganization. . b.attle.Jor cowity acquisition of the 5,500- acre Starr Ranch for a county park. Among those .attending the memorial services "'ere Orange County politi cal leader Richard O'Neill , Mrs. Judy (Se< CASPERS, Page %) e 2,500 Acres Of fudust1-y Approved By DOUG FRITZSCHE Of tM D•ll1 ,llOt Ii.fl Three Irvine Company developments "'hich eventually could double the city's population and add more th.an 2,500 acres of industrial anl:! corrimerci.al facilities to the city were .approved by the Irvine Planning Commission ?.fond.ay. The commission recommended city cowicil .approval of the Woodbridge residential d e v e Io pm e n t • Irvine Industrial Complex East and Irvine Center. The 1.700 -acre Woodbridge de- velopment, bounded by CUlver Drive, Jeffrey Road( t.toulton Parkway and the San Dieto Freeway; is expected to eventually provide houses !or 28,000 new residents. That's atmost equal to-the present Irvine populatioo. During prior cily council review of \Voodbridge, the city council made -----1 1ia,..-----l-clf.angesin plannmrcom miss i-o~ ---'I1fi'Owersaid"lie !earetf'llill~ll!rWCQld TRe mother 0 fOUD4 en wu turn,.. the 1.000.man. Al~, Tobacco and > shot to death in Santa Ana early today by • Flreanns Division into a personal police her husband who tben._put the-murder ---~'~-==" controllable onlY. bx. the ll!S-~ .,-.,~lempl --• killed himself L-------...l commliSioner a =.r«rear annNfttee weapon ~ Q.13 e·auu • • JNU•· r:r--· · police said. DellJ P'IMI 'N ... M1111 The White House offered 1brower two 'lbe aparent murder-suicide t o o k candidates for the }Qb -G. Gordon place before a dozen witnessel at a Liddy, later coovlcteOfn the Watergate: commercial and industrial center In MAP INDICAUS OCEAN AREAS WHERE FEDERAL OFFICIALS ENVISION OIL DRILLING · But One of Those Officials Lurn1 Co11t1I Residenh Have Different Ideas tm!ak·in, and Jack Caulfield, a former South Santa Ana at about I a.m., New York pollct detective whose role as detectives said. · -a political spy came ~ light during the ~ Tbe mµrder victim waa identified . as ~ate Watergate bearmgs. Rosa Monko, 33,.of 26(D South Rosewood 'Ibrower, a RepubllcaJ) from Atlanta., St Santa Ana Her dead husband was -= ~Ga., said he bloclted both aPPolntmenls. ~-as Mi.uei Monlco~Hll-body H"· h J :te • ' Oil Foes Blast Superintendent Zogg Hit -. " recommendations and the plan had to be returned to-the commission t.o_be_ reconsidered. The commission. in sending the pliln • back to the council, stuck to its earlier conviction that the residential development should be phased so the influx of new residents would oot outstrip the availability of schools a n d commercial !acilities. Council changes had removed a fonnuJa for phasing recommended by the commission. Butwhen he tried to see Praident bore 00 identfficallon, police said. fg_ U TWT Nixon-lo prolelt again effor1a.Jo turn.the --The-wltnesses:--wM-wld ... Uc• that ~ --8 tax service into a PQMUcal ioo1 he was they~~to-tbw&rt the trapdy-..4-td-ff • y --ir.iiiiea B«<S8 to tJie ovalOl!lCii ana said tbe couple arrived at the center ai It. e at--euruig-Sadaleback_Educato1~s- But the oommiS&ion urged th.at development hinge on a 2.8-J st udent to classroom ratio and co m m e r c I a I f.aCililies eQUiValent -to one acre per 1,000 block~. from m~iDg his case, he said: 3.124 Welt Warner Ave. at about I a.m. Jud1c1ary Chamnan ?eter W. Rodmo and began ·ll'gUing. Jr. (!>N.J.), bas ""d. he cooslders Durlm! the ·course of the till Mrs: eVklence of the political abuse of MonicO assertedly ran from tbe car and ~emm~t agencl.e1 to be a~g .thcr her husband caught up with her and most se rJOUS in the 1m~ctunent mqwry. dragged ber back into the auto. The IRS evidence is likely to be cl~ Bef · the starUeil onlookers could when Rodino's committee starts drafting ore . . , articles of lmpeactunent next week. re.act, Morilco P!1"ed a .22 cahber ~· Asked about the committee report as r~volv~' A~ qwckly pumped three he arrived for a closed session of the bUll~ts into hJS 9CJ'eamlng wife and then cOmmltlee today, Nixon's lawyer, James turned the gun OD blmsftf. Both .-ere •. pronounced dead at the scene. * -* * White House IRS Probe Of Movie Stars Bared- • By JACKIE HYMAN Of .... DlllY ...... Slaff U.S. Deplity Undersecretary of the Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted with skepticism and insuJts Monday in Santa. Monica during public discussion of offshore oil drilling along the Southern Callfomia.coastline. Speakers in the audience of 400 persons al Santa-Monica Civic auditorium told Carter they believe the. decision is already made on offshore drilling sites. 0 1 have the feeling you already have Ytlll' ~lnd made. up and this meeting Is just window ~ing," said P.lacy,;- Fergu1DR-ot---Los-An~les;-'' Ifs -very frustrating." "I've told )'OU that we won't make a • decision until lJie environmental impact .I -' • llatement i.!1 completed, and what I've •IVASHINGTON (UPI) -The While •.. does not appear lo lie lltnlng eilOltgh ,.Id Is accurate," Carter responde<j. ltOuse conducted an inquiry in tm Into to purwue." Dispute between Carter and the the tax status or nine "politically active" ,Impeachment ln\>elf.lgators obtained audience arose both about the iMUe of ·movie and televlsfon stars, according to the Caulfield memo from the Senate offshore oil drilling Itself and about the . t:Xidence released today by the, House Watergate 6.~ttee, along with his Interior Department's handling of the ~iciary Committee. · secret testimony at an executive session problem. . ~ ltiWJlile House officials, the evidence . Man:h 23. · ''I·ldrnit we dldn''9. a very good job SQOWed, went to the Internal Revenue "Per your inltrocUons of Sept. 21, 1971, ot publicizing lt When we began ~ice to obtain the lnformalloit which we have selected ane·lndtvtduala in the con&ilertng· )easing sites 1nt spring," people. • The students·t<rcl.asgoom r a t I o • The Saddleback Valley FAuc.ators and early summer. the SVEA rejected'"l Commissioner Frank Hurd said. was As!IOCiation (SVEA) leveled a blast at board offer of an 8.67 percent salary raise h sed instead of a student-t<rte.acher ratio Di.strict Superintendent William l.ogg in and proposed a summer mail-in \"Ole by to keep double sessions from meeting the a "position paper" released Monday members lo decide on a possible requirement. night. . • September strike. Irvine Industrial Complex East Is a Members alleged he is "chiefly The point of disagreement is a 2,058-5cre extension of the Irvine responsibl e" for a breakdown in salary contingency clause requested by the Industrial Complex "'hich couJd ad d up to negotiat1ons that could lead to a teachers which would entitle them to up 54.000 new jobs in the city. September strike. to 45 percent of any Unanticipated money The future industrial area wraps Zogg oountered today by saying the the diprict receives between now and around the south Comer of El Toro paper contained many inaccuracies. when the final salary agreement Is Marine Corps Air Station, northwest of "It's unfortunate and a little disgusting reached. ~the Santa Ana "'Free"·ay, and includes when they make'& personal attack on the "A year ago fi ve men lislened to e h land both inside and outside of city . board and the superintendent," 1.ogg issue and struggled to reach a limits. said. . as a Board of F..duc.ation," the payer A ·prime ccinsideration of t ~ e The SVEA. lo which most or the slated . · commissioners about the development. district's 50000~ teachers. belong: \s the ... _ But tod_~. the statem~nt ~!d,_thr~ o.!_ Hurd said. was protecUn~ the area's organization which negotiates-with-the the trustetr(V'~r1\I c Cu 11 011 r h , l uture "'Or ers fromlneM1sc an<! crash Board of Trustees representatives on Olester Briner, and Joe Peterson) "vote h.az.ard from planes on El Toro's north- matters of salary and benefits. as a bloc in keeping with the directiOn of !See INDUSTRY Page %) Alter months of meetings in the spring (See EDVCATORS, P.1e'Z) ' - Democrat~. to Stay Out Of· 5th. District Hassle Or1111ge Weather Coast rwr;mally Is confidential between ms and entertainment industry who w e r e Carter sakl at the beginning of the •.taxpayer. politically active during prior electkms , meeting. "We may have S>me kind of By JOHN VALTERZA ,The incident Is disclosed In a memo and determined their 1udit hJ~•ory," credibility gap." °'"" o."' P'Utt 11•ff Congress and currently a member of ·the state Democratic Central Committee Executive Board. Patchy fog and low clouds near the beaches \Vednesday morning otherwise sunny with not much change in tempe rature, .according to the \\'eather service. Beaches in the low 70s rising to the mid· 80s inland. cos:itained in the 44-0-page volume of cauJfield wroie Dean. · The fact that a credibility gap exists Orange County's OemOcratie Central · evidence relating to alleged miluae of the The review, he aid, abowed these became evident during the meeting as r.oinmittee agreed "-fonday it would not IRS released by the committee u part of "deficiencies" for the '1el~ stars: speakers accused the Department of the become Involved in the battles over how • Black said this morning that, despite the rejection , he and other supporters INSIDE TODA. Y • • ill. Impeachment lnvesUgatiOll. 11le -R1cblrd Boone, $1,377 fdr 1957.Q ; Interior of having ignored the public's a successor to Fifth District Supervisor volume draws no conclusiOftlo as to ~ ~ Divis Jr., '31,113 for 1981-63 ftltru lh the pelt and repeatedly stated Jnddent. and ltelS ; their belief that the department is Ronald Caspers v.till be chosen. will wage a petition campaitn throug~t South Coast Rtptrtory l1as the fifth district In an effort to c:onvtnce scored a srnash lil t with ils--- ''Tbe me.mo was written Oct. f, 1171 to -Jerry Lewis, MG,312 for 195MI and influenced by financial donations from In a voice vote following 20 minutes or then-Whlte House oounael Jom W. Dean 11611; majcr oil companies. debate. the committee rejected a request Jtl by John J. Caulfield, an e.:-New York -Ptter Lawford, 132,720 for 198M!I; At one point a man in the audience by several feading county Democrats to ""· li hlnod by the Wbite lloule -Fred MacMuri'ay, $11,'lll for 11161, waved • ooe dollor bill and lhoutod, lodor.ie 'a Novembe<-.d.t<tion as tJ1e .. the AMembly Judiciary Committee to jar superlotive production of Ote loose a bill calling for the November rock-gospel tnut ical "Godspell," winner-take-all vote. reuiewed today on Page 8. That bill was Introduced by Republican ohn Briggs of Fullerton, after Caspers ~ •-we. ~1111 L•llftn n ' . ~,ye~: ulipmea&&. . 1-. llld 1•, 1ea~111n m~-~~t;:"::;;;;;-..r;;;:r.;;--'~·to ~ wh:> was lost Tbe ioVestigaUon waa triggered , J962and 19M. "I find that very offensive,' -• .ealiilniiill. di.Sappeared with tWO of his 90N and ~fi!l'ftl':". ~ = Tm 1 : ' Her. tn41n-llu-4--a...cru~tbe-<j-•~---'tt-:H f1sluzl P',,.... --41-1·-------.... '8 Cotnl<I 11 N•ll..,11 N ... I t acconllng to accompanying lesllmony. by , --Oary Morton and Lucille Ball, f7,0IO respcllded. · The commillee majority aaerted that a complaint to the White. House from in 1'66: "l find )'OU offensive!'' shouted another the move \\'OU.kl set. • precedent and ICtbr John Wayne of Newport Beach, -~ ReJ11111, $13,101 for 19124: beclder. ' . . • inject a partban element in a non; that he was being 11hara.saecf' by tax -Frank Sinatra $30 m for llll and Re'~ of a nu111-.cr or partisan issue. ,,,1. - men. After looking at the status of other 1962-64. ' ' envlronmenlal groupa, 1eVer1l of which The e1mpalp for the election was movte ana televi.!lion stars, Caulfield -Waynei $251 ,l~t for 1964-88, including bad held pre-meeting press conferences. ~~~Bl:~~y f~~e=id:ach~ concluded thal "The Woyne complaint 11$1,331 In 111<1. (lloe OIL. Pap I) Baja California coasI. crn1lfllll'il 11 °'~" et.lt!Y 1t Black has label~ the effort to seek an 0..111 N.i1cn • i t .,_.. 11o1• Edli.rlal ""' I Sll«b 1 .. 11 election ·~the on y ·equitable and EM•fT•"""'"' 1 • s1tt~ M111111t , .. u "'--"""'atic way to flll the vacant seat." Fifi•"'• 1t-u 111tvliltn • .,,.,,...,.., Hy ou·flltr i 1"Httrs t ·· Among others suppOrtlng the election H~ u w11111t, • Js James Thorpe, the former San Juan 1111wr!ftl111t11 i w.r1• "'"" • (Seo.DEMOCRATS, Pa~e I) : .. ... ---,,,.ct~ • • ' DAILY PILOT IS f'Nlll P•1e l ·OIL_ ••• ei:pressed themseh•es le$s colorfully but - \\'Ith equal vehemenct. "W•'"' obJecilng that the declalon has already been made," said t.1ary Ann "Eriksen, a representath1e of the Sierra Club. T-. Ju~ l~ 1974 -~.'.lJh~the administration ls mnklng a_-+ -mockery of en,·irOnmental-1 nl p a c t assessment and public input in decision making." ""'e belie\·e If the departnlent v.'t.re really llslenlng to us they 1\'0Uld hal•e So!nt Secretary of the Interior Rogen: P.fort.on instead of :i subordinate." said Nancy Cairns of the Seas hore En\'iromnental Alliance (SEA). _ __,_ ---- ., ' • O.llr Plltt lld ,,._.. "\'ou're pot considering-the allernatlve5," said J . Alex Cota of the Eastslde-West!lde Concemed Citlzen.s committee. "\\le don ·t want drilling in the Santa J\tonica Bay, \\'t \\'Int alternative fuels such as hydrogen.'' SOME OF' THOSI WHO ATTINDED CASPERS MEMORIAL SERVICE LINE UP OUTSIDI CHURCH Epltc_o~~urch in Coron1 del Mir Sc.•n• of Rltet for County SupervlMr Lott 1t S.1 Cota expressed anger at having only learned of ?lfonday's n1eeting the pre\·k>us Thursday from a _ r a d i o broadcast. "\\'e are descr\'ing of more respect From Pa1e l CASl1ERS ••• than having a mere handful of days to Rosener and Donald Bright. members of prepare to defend our coastline/' he said. the, South Coast Regional Zone Conser· Speakcr1 also objected to spending ''ill.ion Commission, on wtrlch Caspers their time attending a public meeting also had stf'\•ed, and lrvine Councilman which Was not an ornclal hea ring and at John Burton. ·which testimony \\'as not recorded. The theme hymn chosen for the solemn "Yet If \\'e dtdn•t ·attend, the occasion was, "Eternal Father, Strong to department could say the ~blic _isn ·t Save." interested." said ~liss Gaims. None of Caspers' fellow supervisors "We 'o\'311t your input ln ° u r joined ui the memorial service although . envirmmental I m P a c t ~tement," each one sent an aide. Board Cha inn an CMitt said. "J think you repre1eat$ an Ralph Oark is on vacation and important· point of '·iew \\'hich may be Supervisor David Baker is in Washington controlling. o c t b · . . on coun y usmess. "However, I think you're saying that Both Supervisors Ralph Diedrich and you've alreddy made up yoi.ir minds and Robert Ballin are away Jn MlAml Beech rou're angry be.Cause you think we've where they are attending the National a1ready made up ours." Association of Counties Conference He suggested that correspondence on h h t · k d the subject be sent to William E. Grant, y; ere l ey are o pie . up an a\\·ar Manager of the OUter Cootln~tal Shelf. honoring Orange County for ~its_ progressive programs. · Bureau of Land :t.Ianagement with lhe Caspers and his t\\'O sons afid seven ltJ.S. Department 0r · the Interior in Los others were Jost at sea June 14 below San ~~~~!: the one res~e f~ the Benito Island ofr Baja: Califoi-nla. They v;·ere aboard the 6.1·foot Shooting Star. envtrornntntal 1tudle1," carter sakl. "However, I aS5Ute you we'll be much ~':~r ~ho~ui;!~t r:'o~~!i~e:ii:~ :~~ more infiuenced by rea1onabte . late at night June 13 that the boat was .argument. against offshore drilling than Motorcyclists Roar l nto Ro1ne, Protest Surtax ROME (UPI) -HundM!ds o ! nX)torcycliE.ts angered by a llUrtax on their bikes rooM!d lbrough doW1MAlwn Rome today, leading police a crazy chase. The motorcyclists gathered in the IPiazu deJ Popolo at dinner time and sped a\\'l}Y in dµferen Hil'ections, filling the hot-WmmeLair with noise. About 30 stopped at lengtb in front o! the PaJano Oilgi, Premier P.fariano Rumors'1 omce. re.vVint up their en,mts to a dea rening pitch. Others raced to the Piazza Venezia. parsued at high speed by police cars. Still another group invaded the pedestrian island of the Piazza Navona. It wa~ nearly fwo hours before police brok~ up the protest, Several motor- cyclists were taken to headquarters for identification. The goVenunent, trying hard to put Italy's tottering ecooomy back into shape, imposed a wave of new ta1tfl l.hi.s month. "n-Included -... on cars, motorcycles and motorboat!. f'ro111 P .. e :l EDUCATORS • • • -·their chosen superintendent, !\Ir. Zogg." Zogg : has created . ''a facade or participetory managerhcnt that is) at once «1.tidng and mi1l~ding," the SVEA relN.8e said. · , One .Or the SVE~ points was that Zoai cm~lnued to say that tbe district has enough nioney for "orderly growth ," and recommended against a tax override election to bring in more money. At the same tlm.e, they claimed, Zogg was recomrnendjng a_deduction-from edUcators' salaries fore ducat ion al improvements. • School &.rd ~ident Joseph Pelerion ..id he Is "deeply disappointed that they would revert to penonal attacks oo 7.ogg. "'11lere were many unknowns tn the Wdcet estimates all along." Peler90n stated. "Many or the figures they first received were guesstimates and .they knew It." O'Neill Holds Back Promise~ Of Support by opinions alone." taking on \\'ater and sinking. Services for Harber and the si1 others 'EN.EMIES' , • Among Mmday'1 1peaken, Hermosa have not been aMounced. • Orange County Democratic chief Beach City Cooncllmon Lance Whitman • .1..: no haraaslng audits ...,. made or While Richan! O'Neill said today he bas been ,.. , wa• one of the rew to detail his l-f" -{::r 'f;r House enemies. contacted by several persons seeking the ob)ecti<N to the drilling. Whitman clttd FronlP . l Today's report was the ninth volume of Fifth ~ril't supervisoriitl seat, but thus the danger of oil 1pil11, the visUal impact Gff! · far he has mad• promises of support to impeachment evidence tO be released, of oU equipment, and the paaage of DEMOCRATS with more to. come later this week. no one. Propolltlon 20 as evidence that voters • • • d Among those O'Neill named are ------ Calteela Dlseove91 Kelp 1Proclaimed· ·sour.ce of ·Energy -Caltech scientists announced recently they are e~per.lmenting \\•ith a poseible new source of energy, kelp, the fa1te1t ' ~owlna plant In the world. 'l1le synthetic natural ga$ metharte can be: produced fronl the giant aeaweed, native to California. This gas can lhen be uaed to gene.rate electricity. • A marine entrO" fann 11 cunently being set up In ttetp water oU San C\emente ~land to experiment with the kelp. Scientists wanl to detennlne \llhether large quanUUfs of the . glint marine plant can be railed under artlnctal condlllons. cauech marine bk>logl1t Dr. Wheeler North, 52, a Corona de\ Mar r9lklent, LI the chief sclentlit of the marine farming project. lie works out Of Caltech's Kerckhotf Laboratory io Corona de! J\far.' Dr. North is the marine scientist who has led a successful campall)n since the ea rly sixties to rebuild the Southern California kelp fore~ts. They \\'ere declm~led aeverat yea~ .. ago ~.Y unu!Ually Vi·ann ocean currents and by an invasion ol kelp-devaurlng sea urchi.M. On the Orange Coas t his lab has transplanted new kelp beds at Dana Point ahd at Cameo Shores. The importance of Dr. North'a_lates.t kelp fanning project is renected by its many sponsors. They include the Navy, . Caltech, lbe S~ate Department Of Fish • and Garn~. and the National Science Foundation. Some 3,000 fUll·grown kelp plants are currently being rutened to a large rope. network raft that is suspended 40 feet underwater in a :i~root-deep area a.mile· off San Clemenle Island's northern Up. The U.S. Navy bull! and installed lhe Wlderwater raft and 11 currently attachin g the kc.Ip plants to it. Kelp plants attach themselves to the bottom and ll'OW upwards t.owai'da the 1un, Uke any land plant. They can reach helghtt of 200 reet, supported by a neht'vrk of Air !IACI • Sa)~ marine blologl1t Dr. North, "J! the pilot farm Is 1ucceuful, then one will be established that is a mile.square. "If we can grow these plants in sufficient quantUies, the)' might provide us with a \'&St amount of pet.rOleum-llke proctucts for generating food, fuels and electric power," he said. . loothp3ste, pills. paint, ink and cardboard ahd. even to pul a st.able head ' "'! bet<'. \ I Other use1 forecatt for the Mure are In fertil iter, plaatica. ·fuels and fooda ror both animals and~humans. Bagley Hits Contributors In lJory Race Republican atate controller candidate \Villlam · T. Bagley termed "totally obscene" contributions from lwo Orange County businessmen which pald most of the costs or the primary campaign for his Demof:rat ic opponent KeMeth Cory. Bagley said Monday u1 Sacramento that Richard O'Neill, owner of Mlsalon Viejo RMch, and LoWa Cella, a Santa Ana phyli'clan, put up more-thin 82 percent ol tbe $600,000 Cory spent in hls primary cainpalgn. · Contacte<I by the Daily Pilot this mornIDf Cella acknowled(eCI e contributions but denied they were intended to gain ravors ff(lm ~ conlroller'1 ofnce as Bagley lniplll!a. ~ "ThJs Is totally oblcene," Ba1l~y said, "and withbut any redeeming mcial factors that 1 can discern." Bagley cofnpared hi• ca m p a I g n expendltW'ft of 1132,702 with Cory's, saying they ''pale Into insignificance." Bagley, howe\'er, faced relatively IT)inf?r oppositiono;ln the primary whl!e Corp encountered a well·flnance<I campa1gn on the part .of San Francisco Supervbor Robert H. Mendeloahn, Cory replied that he wa11 not surprised at the "absurd and wild charges" because Bagley "learned his .politics at the knee or Richard Nllr.on." RelerTillg to O'Neru and Colla, he 111d, 1'J_cjon't know anything the controller's olfice Or the ll1te Jandl commlaaion can do for them ." ··we gave the. ll)Oney to Km ,'' Cella'. sa\d, "first, because Ken ii a friend ·and has. been a great lcgi1lator and a 1reat friend to thousanda ol people In Southern California. > "Second, the moral fiber, the rabric that hold.I America '°lelher today Is only ltl years old and afready thowa irt•t wear," Tbe trend ' towards "hold precious the Call!omts coallllne." · . · The new ..,,.rt 181 : eal attorney H. Rodiet-Howell •----°)fOO(ljy's""'Pitttlri& wu I ltss atgn1~t>is,trano-mayor -who--r~n-against --Newspeperm al' Mollenhoff, and-San Clemente City CoWlcilman repeat of a meeting Friday between Caspers in the June primary. fonn~ speclat counsel to ~llon, P'Ol'l ln Arthur Holmes Kelp is already \lied today for a widt ranl{e of industr111 purpotefl. Derlvatlve1 from th' marine plant are used in •J'-· OVetnmen , , ea no nian daring to trust another, let alone f'ro111 P .. e :l trust the governinonl. Carter and southern California cit Thorpe told the oommittee :t.1onday an affidavit to the comnuttee that H.R. , . · , I . _ _, alt'..:.____that-the --was Indicating that Haldeman invoked..Nixon~s-name-ln 1t10-0'.NeillSild tha~ to the Il't'f·o·u-·s·TRY -.-.-.---'"mr....,,._g]<yJ& all lh•l I deffiae In l ~ goverrutlfnt," Cella 1ald. "He Is a oft'lcla 11-who al.,-e,.l"....-oppo IVI• _,...-· • • · trary A bl R bert B dha both to ' offlhore oil drilling and to the ~ats in Sacramento have been 1n seeking a memo on the .tax statua of con(R N • 1•se8m hymanh 0 at ltmh typical, torpidJ ineffectual pol l t l c a l . • blocking the election bill. Gerald \Vallace, brother of the governor • ewpor eac ) as not me w Department of. the ln~erior 1 handllng of "They Jay \\'e are blocking a free of Alabama. The damaging memo wi1 him. 90uth runway. hlClc." ·~ contrlbullon1, Ctlla said. were not desig"ned to gain fa'/ora from the controller's offl~e. the matter. election, and tb.ls (impression) is not '"'·iftly leaked, even though unauthorized And Badham and his chances to The commission recommended Carter 11kt at both meetings that he go~g to sit well wHh the voters,'' Thorpe disclosure of tax returns IJ a criminal RUcceed C.aaperc figured In O'Neill's stlpulatloo1 in the. plan which Would expecu the envlroornental a~ument to said. . . act. decision not to back a November :f ::~v!1ba'H~1~v~°cfemf:!n ~.:a~ be completed by Dettmber or January, Ho\re\·er, the. ma10nty of' the . oounty -John D. lltrllchman, ~ another election. the runway to the Santa Ana Freeway. "l have no Idea what the controller'• ofrlce could do for me. I have never received any favors from anyone at the state level," he said. fol\Gwing public hearings -.1.•"' 1 final central comrruttee mr.!. ~led S\\'Om sta~~ent, recalls telling fonn~r Th . 1 . ·-•~ • . ' "1L11 that the party always remained lRS Commw1oner Johnnie M. Walter& m O'Neill sees the legislation seeking an · e commwion a 50 recommci~ decisloo to be: made:· by late spring gl detached trom noQ-P8rtlsa pervllorial 1972 "what a crappy job be had done" election a• a measure 4ntroduced on that the development ban be ~vjewed in 197S. racea. because an audit fa iled to find -. ta1 two )'earR. One of lh I · . l Bad.ham's behalf. Irvble Center, a 47G-acre commercial "This Is going to be a tough declslon," e coun Y • most prorrunen underpayment by Lawrence O'Brien, Carter Mid Monday. Democrats, rancher Richard O'Neill, then Democratic national chainnan. "This would put him (Badham) in the development Which will be built in Satellite Launched opposed the move to support an election, Ehrlichman swore last February: "I best of both world5-aa a candidate for phases, Is In the trlan1le formed by lhe but did JD eng!&e ln_debate_ before the wanted them io_tum..up &nmetb1na:-1100 Sue!=rvisor as weJ! as an\-i!?-cumbent $anta _Alla, San Diego and_La~ VANDENBERG A_f_JI (UPU -Aetoa ---.Ll ·'all-~ , aimmittee vote. &end hlm to-iitr~ltit'! the election and cana~ror tlie ASSem61y;--sam-fi'eDAy · ,._L__Qerman·bulll satelll -.''"""''"'-~di ---1£3 COnti-1tue--~XJ erwards, O'Neill said that , unfortunately it didn't materialize. "-..r O'Neill. lrvlne Compeny plans lor developing succenfully l«unchecl nto t on even though three Democrats no_w served --\Valten;, who quit the following Aprll, "As rar as Badham is concerned, he the parcel call for the first phase by mid· a four·tlage llOIJd Ille! rocket·. The ~ DWP S 'k on the county Board of Supernsors, the. recallinl the incident said t bat coulffii't IOM." 1977 to Include i.l 1Q0.9tore, two-level National Aeronautics and Space Ult . frt e party has never become involved 1n tHeir Ehrllchman had complained to hlm, "I'm The Democratic lead"er said he had sh:ipping mall with four major . Admlnlstrallon said AerOI B was perfonnance. IOd<famn tired of your foot-dragging been . contacted by many candidates department 1tores, low.rlae o r f I c e expected to conduct a terlel of 1elenttflc LOS ANGELES (AP) -0.partmenl o! Water and Power offlclall1 and labor union repre!entatlve.1 ca1\ed f o r continued talks with a slate ntgollator today in an attempf. to avert a strike by some 5,000 employes. The Iiltematlonal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the Architects and Eng!Mers, are schtduled to walk off their jobs early Wedne!lday if their wage increase demands of 15 percent are not met. The city Is offertng 7.S percent. " ' DAILY PILOT T .. ~ C:...u °""'"11:1.-•!l.Clo 1t ..,.... ti~""' l<l• ~-Oolll-''""°'-ea. .. f'll-"'O ~ s.,.,,i. _ ......... ~-. ..._,,., ...... ~ '~· ""Coe!• ..... "-'~""""'""""a. ..... ,.. ....... .. ft v.-.... U QUllll "-:1\ """"'"'S--> '"" S... ~IM ._ Cil-1'0. lo _ .. ' ._..~ .. ...-....o~ ..... ,,.,Su ... Qys. Tiie ......... .....,.,,. eilM ~ •I 3XI WW ........... Qio, -. e.i.tir .... llllt, .bd It. Cirl•y '11!;11,........_a..'illl! .... QI!' ~Kee~J t""QI' CMfwH. L°'" R;i:lod P. Nol . ...~ .......... ("-~ °""" ~M .. mWl'\\l or$!.wl """'3tl .. 0:11:=3 ,.._ kult"" ll;p1t111 ... t<;!O.t2,,0l'HIA .. _ ~°" .... ,.,. lt&'l&ti::t>"""'-t -..c:Je-:JO!l'bftl(JC._111, .. ~ lhree supervl90ts are Robert tactics." White House offLctaldom, the a1lcinl for h11 support. -bulldlnp and a major hotel. experiment1 on the earth's upper Battin, RaJ ph Diedrich and Ralph Clark. evidence showed, felt Democrats In the He aaid that he has told each one that Later phases would double the mall atmosphere under a )olrit program lRS hierarchy controlled Republican tax he would not inject party polltlc1 into the sire and add more apartments and between the United States and ·Weit commlsaloners -Instead or vice-versa. battle for IUCCtltlon to the Ca1pers 11eat. offices. Germany. Firtls Char 55 Ac1·es -Previously undisclosed te!!Umony ,;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;.;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~;;;;;;;;. •.•.;;;.=. CORONA . (AP ) -At least six minor brush rires, believed caused by motor\1t s. broke out J\1onday along the Riverside Freewj!!y in the Rlversi<le.Corona area . The Olmes charred S5 acrea, authorjlies sail!· ·from John W. Dean Ill before a cbed session of lhe Senate W a t er Be. t e committee quoted . him u 1ayln1 that Nixon wanted to stop tax actk>ns agalnlt his £rleods. Dean said Nixon "asked that It (the IRS) be turned off on friend• or his • Admission Re®ced ______ ---1-11 __ Coµnty Fa.ir to Honor Senipr Citizens Today The Orange· Cotmty Flltr s·a1ut~ aenlor Ch•y TUe. Needlepoint Demonstrations ,· citizens today with a full schedule of 12:30 p.m. -Spinning and Carding , special activities and programs and Needlepoint DcrfiOOstrlitions reduced admiS5kln Qfice~. I !m. -Aladdln 1t11gl~ Show, Clown Persons 62 and older will be admitted ntcst for 75 cent! toda y and their tickets are 1:30 p.m. -Taste Temptln11: Sal1d1 IOCld for a number of shows which begin 2 p.m. -Camp flrt Olrl1 Folk Dance, at 1:30 p.m. with a senior parade around New Dimenlions {~tualc ), Rag Doll, lhe fairgrounds. Sheep Judging Al 7 p.m. they will ha"e the ~ p.m. -lntematloruil Children's Oioir, ~ f>'ables Around 1'lt World opportunity or •ee!Ji& lwo or lhem picked 3 -• 1 ddln ... ~. ·~ as Scn~r ~Ing And QiJe<n during '-p.m. -"• "'""~ ~~· "Colden CoUrf' ccremonlct on tht 4 p.m. -Hawthorne Youth O.nd, • n1•· a-..i.1theater staa". men's CadMa, Country West 1'1u1\c .,..,.,. e>< 5 p.m. -Ne.w Olmcnslons, Aladdln 'WHAT'S UP? NOT CARPETING-Th~fatest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 years ago. (1952). Technology has been responsible for It.is. resulting in speedier ways of making, , --...<yeing;-snd-finishing-.:arpeting-as-mucrr-as1 0-11mesfliSter!'____ - THERE IS VJRTUALL Y . NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN· CREASE DURING THIS TIME PEAIOD. Yor may think.wh~n ·you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive. Remember, however. that people are carpeting bedrooms. baths, kitchens, and · other areas that usually weren 't .carpeted 25 or 30 years ago. making ~ota ls higher. · Carpeting ordinarily costs less than linoleum or hardwood flooring. and provides feature s of comfort. qu iet. beauty, and impressions, of spaciousness .. You 'll get your BEST CONSUMER VALUE when you buy carpeting from Alden 's. I ALDEN'S • • . ,-T=:;11141641·4>11 Alto on tap ton ight Is a performance -al Magic Show l---1---:ci..:=::;='::,.,:=:,..'.':'""''-'"'''°''·"'"""!.· -·t--•.l!Jll. i>J~S-tmo->iii.,!O~p.m> O!lna-PalntlJIC•-...,,-eer."ee'*!l!! .. -l-1-~--' s-c.._.. Al 0,,_ ,...... Band in the Lltlle Theat~r. SUtchery 1663 Plactntla ;...,,, COSTA MIS.I. T...,._4tl·4410 Young and old \\i ll enjoy the 8 p.m. e p.m. -t.ta ranthl Vlll•1e ~fulic performance • hy the C'.oi;pcl-sl ngtng 7 pm. -tntemat\onaJ Children's Choir "Staple SIR$1e.r1:• l'I ramlly 11lngln5( RrOup 7:30 p.m. -Great !\feat Substitutes, .. -COWlollt. ''"· °"""" c.-"*"""" ~ IWli Nt_....,_,...,.,, __ .....,,.._ • .,, ..,_...mtlllt -II "'°' M _ ... tl'llllOul~'*"",...llOOllT'lfl\l l>*'" .. ....... ""'_,.,. f)l!f" °""" M@ .. Q :,fal., 1M. """""°'loft llf' -13 00 fl'IOl'l!l.t,, fly .,_II 14 00f!lllMJWr~ ll'Ult!.,., .. 11••hOflfl 11300 ~ I or International acclaim . llank Tl1'.>mptOO and The Brazos Valte.y Wednesday's fa ir highlights are: Bo)'s All Oa~ -Cak• ll«oratlnA, Furnllurc I p.m. -Father Clollghlln Boys Choir • Refln1shtng, Scwh1g, \Ve {l v in g, Nl'w Dimensions . Croehctl!l1l Ocnt0nstrnt\ons 9 p.m. -llawaiian fleview, Hank Thomp. Noon -CarvlnR, Astronomy, Radio, $0!1 and 1he Braios Valley Boys. - i •• '---. . '""'* llAUOIAllA S!MCI IHI 64'6·4838 . HOU.S>M ... T1ont Tllun .. '9 ,to ·l :lO-ffi .. 9 le 9...,SAT.,·9tJO le I , ___ , I ! I . \ • •. • Buniingion · Beaeh Fountain ·Valley · EDI TION *' * .l VOL. 67, NO. 197, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES • . -r .. • Today's Final f N.Y. Stocks • ORANGE @ UN'()', ~LIFORNIA f UESDAY, JULY 16, 1974 ,T~N CENTS ouncil\ Moves · to 1E-ase Transfer Tax Tension By TERRY COVILLE/ or •JM o.llr Pl"' "'" Huntington Beach Councilmen pledged Monday night not lo lift the holly contested rtal estate transfer tax above one-half percent in future years. The vocal promise was madel n an effort to quiet the controversy surroundina: the new tas: and ease the Jenslon between , the cOunctl and the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Board or Realtors. They refll!ed, hawever, to put a charter ameOcimeot Issue on t h e November ballot whlch would allo\Y voters to determine if they want a real estate transfer tu at all . Jim Larkin, vice president of the board of rei\tois, made the election request, asking the council to allow "the voten decide it." · 1:11s request drew heated reaction from several councilmen. "Jf ~·e're going to run to the ballot on ' Employed Probe -. Against . ()'Brien WASJJINGTON (UPI) -Jolm D. · and unfort~tely it didii 't mat'erialJze," Ehrlichman sicked the Internal Revenue Ehrl~n-was quoted in evidence Service on Lawrence F: O'Brien in 1972, and carped about a '"era pp~ job" when audit.ors failed to find any evidence or I.ax d>eating by the Democratic party leader. "I wanted them to tum up soinething to send him to jail before the elect.ion released "today by the House Judiciary ~lttee as part of its impeachment inquiry. , . O'Brien in the.swnmer of 1972 had just stepped down as' national Democratic chairman lo run Sen. Georie S. McGovern's presidential c a mp a I g n against President Nixon. Ehrlichman was Nixon's chief domestic affairs adviser. Using swom statements f ro m Ebrlidunan and from Jmnnie M. Walten, the IRS COl1ll1llaiooor at the t&rto, Ille mcie.c. llletchOcl mud> Ille every issue that comes up, we're gotng to be ln real trouDle." compla~ned Councilman Jerry ~tatncy. · · "If 1t's legal (the tax) and can be collected. then it's valid and can better be afforded by !he public than an ~ase in ~__property tax or the utility tax.'' "This really upsets me," added Henry Duke. "Of a.II the taxes, Utls is the least that would hit the homeowner in the. city. ~ people fuoving in had better help us pay for all we have.". SOUTHERN a Ml .. Un• _...,. ~ ol 1llo O'Brien incid«lt rfll&ed last weet by the Senate ri,;..._,,,.at.ergate·cotnmlttee·m-1iafinaireport-:-''1--•------ u Indicated -,.tlbout-drawing-any Councilwoman Harriett \Vieder Y{as the only one to lend !tJpport to Larkin's request, saying, "I'm hearing something else. If we think it's such a great source of revenue, it can stand the test ol an amendment on the ballot. I'm not afraid to put it on the baUgt. We netd to give t~ voters more chance to make decisions." Her suggestion Jost 4-1. Even Norma GibQs, v.•bo originally opposed the transfer tax , supported it i\-londay, explaining, •·1 think it's f!lfr becaUM? it v.·ouJd at least not hit the people now in the city, but lho6e moving in." ~ The tax v.·ould be applielin the sale of real property, and could be paid by either the buyer or the seller. A half pereent ~x on <). $40,000 home would be $200. City Administrator f>ave Rowlands expects the new tax to raise about $1.2 million this year as the major new source of revenue to rover the increasing cost of government. ot • CALIFORNIA \ORDERLAND I \ ~~~~~~~=~~~l~~:::~ESRA~~·~~S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR VENTURA COUNTY LOS ANGELES COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY SAN DIEGO COUNT Y Rov.·lands suggested the council mi ght take the public stand against increasing the tax in the future to allay the fears o[ the board of realtors. When asked by CoWlcilwoman Wieder if such action y;ould solten the board's opposition lo the tax , Larkin Mid he could not speak for the board. Local rea ltors are still passing pelitions around town in an effort to force a special election on the real estate transfer tax. are Panel Tabs President fu Report \VASHINGTON (UPI ) -The House Judiciary Comniittee published evidence today of White House efforts to tum the Internal Revenue Service into an agency of political reward and revenge. A 440-page report from t h e impeachment inquiry showed that Nixon was present when aides discussed efforts to make political hay from IRS ta:c information and \o harass White House ·.'enemies" by auditing their taxes. Former IRS Conunissioner Randolph Thrower, in a ~om statement to the committee. said the pres.mfe to politicize the tax servioe became so intense in 1970 that he had to threaten to resign to block a White House plan o f reorganization. ---Thrower said~he feared the plan would tum the l,OIJO.man Alcohol, Topacro and Firearms Division into "a pe rsonal police • _..<'Ollclullons -Iha! Ehi'lldunan got .a tip O'Brien~.v:ecUarp-sumH'fl'O!n---f--------...,o;o ie""froW8.rd Hughes organization and , _____ 1_rorce"_controllablL011ly by_thc_IRS•--~ rommissioner, a political appointee. ... might not hav~ reported it on his tax returns. He then pre91ured. the IRS for an audit and was furiom when told no major discrepancies were found. • o.llY , .... "'"" Mff MAP INDICATES 'OCEAN AREAS WHERE FEDER'AL OFFICIALS ENVISION OIL DRILLING In a telephone cooversaUon Aug. 29, 1971, •llchman fll'St. comp(ajned of a .. stall" on the_ O'Brien audit to then· But One of Tho.. Officials Lurns Co11tal Retidents Have Different Ideas Treasury Secretary G<Orge I'. Shultz, then twned on Walttrs. '"It was my first crack at him," Ehrlichman testified. "Georgt wouldn't let me at hJm. George wanted to stand between (me) and his commissioner and this was tbe first time . . . I had a Apollo Crew l 1i Celebration, , <;llaJ1C< lo tell the commissiooej' what a CAPE ·CAN~VERAL,. Fla. CAP) _a:appy_job_beJlad....aorie..:":_,_~----"'""-ica!s..lirst JJ\(l"lQ explorers_toda. His testimony was given at an celebrated the fifth anniversary of their executive . session of the Sen a t e blastoff into history to the quiet strains Watergate commiUee Feb. 8 and forwarded to the House. panel. Walters, of "Auld Lang Syne" and a blaring tape Janice Godachy of HuntinJrton in a sworn affidavit submitted to the recording of the final minutes of their Beach has won four first.pl ace .impeachment inquiry Ju n e 10, countdown. ribbons for her batik wax re--remembered the ca ll well. The rare joint public appearance by sist entries in the fine arts· "Mr. -E h r l ichm a n indicated Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong. show at the Orange County disappointment and said to me 'I'm Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and ~ichael Collins Fair. in Costa M'?sa. JI" goddamn tired of your root-dragging came during ceremonies de c I a ri n g -----------------" tactics.' I was offended and very upset Launch Complex 39 at the Kennedy but·decided to make no response to that Space Center a national his.for i c Two, Bandits Hit lluntington Bank For $980 Haul An acne-scarred man and his accomplice stuck up a downtown llun1ington Beach bank Monday, making oil with S9fK), police said. , The suspect., described '81 about 40 years old, slender with short hair and glasses, approached teller Marla Drake at lhc United California Bank at 309 Main ~t ., told he r he had a gun and demanded • money. She emptied her cash drawe'r or $980 in ttns and · twentles and gave it to him, police Sf.Id, at the same lime tripping a, silent burglar alarm. , PoJiec said the teller never actually statement," Walters said. "Following the landmark. telephone conversation, r told secretary A crowd of more than 3.000 broke into 9rultz that he could have my job any cheers as National Aeronautics and time he wanted it." Space Administration officials broadcast But Walters stayed on eight more the tape recording of the.final one minute months , until April of last year. and 30 seconds of the July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 countdown. * * * White House IRS Probe Of Movie Stars Bared WASHINGTON (UPI) -,The White The investigation was triggere d , House ronducted 8n inquiry In 197J Into according to accompanying testimony, by the tax statu S of nine "politicall y active" a complaint to the \Vhite House from movie and"televlslon stars, according to actor Jotm Wayne of Nev.·1><>rt Beach, evidence released tOOay by the House that he was being "harassed" by tax J udiciary Committee. men. After looking at the status of other · White HOU!e officials, the evidence movie and television stars, Caulfield show~,. went to lhe lnterrial Revenue concluded that -·~ Wayne romplaint Service to obtain the JnformJllion Which ....... does not appear to be strong enough saw a weapon. normally Is confidential between IRS and to J>W'SUe." • · "" The robber then fled the bank and a taxpayer. Impeachment investigators obtained according to one witness, jumped into the The inckSent is disclosed ln a memo the Caulfield memo from the Senate 'Decision Made' Offs1wre Oil Foes · Rip Top Interior Offici{tl By JACKIE HYMAN Of lllf D•ll• f'I"' STiii U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted with skepticism and insults Monday in Santa Monica during public discusSion of offshore oil drilliitg along the Southern cauromia coastline. Speakers in the audience of 400 persons at Santa fi.lonica Civic auditoriUm told Carter they believe the , decision is .already made on offshore drilling sites. "I have the feeling you already have your mind made up and this meeting is just window dressing," said ldary Ferguson of Los Angeles. "It's very frustrating." "I've told you that •we won't make a. decision until the environmental impact statement Is completed, and wha·t I've said is accurate," Carter responded. Dispute between Carter and the audience arose both about the issue or offshore oil drilling itself and about the Interior Department's handling of the problem . "I admit we didn't do a very good job or publicizing it when we began considering leasing sites last sprlng," Carter said at the beginning of the meeting. "We may have some kind of credibility gap." "I find you offensive!" shouted another heckler. Representatives of a number or environmental groups, several of v.•hich had held pre.meeting press conferences, expressed themselves less C1>lorlully but with equal vehemence. "We're objecting that the decision has already been made,'' said Mary Ann Eriksen, a representative of the Sierr·a Club. "I think the administration is making a mockery of environmental i m pa c t asse'ssment and public input in decision making." "We believe if the department \W!re really listening to us they 'C\'OUld have sent Secretary of ther Jiiterk>r Rogers fi.torton instead of a subordinate," said Nancy Gaims of the Seashore Environmental Alliance (SEA). "You're not consi d ering the (See OU., Pa1e Z) SL~ . .\mericans In .Mexico Jail GUADALAJARA, !\lexico (UPI) -~ix U.S. citizens were sent to state prison to await trials on charges including smuggling of drugs, weapons and automobiles. They Include Mfred Leroy Hicks, 54, of Oceanside. A seventh American, identified only as Mlke Schmidt, dk!d last week in a The White House offered Thrower tv.·o candidates for !he job - G. Gordon Liddy, later convicted in thc ·Watergate break-in, and Jack Caulfield. a former New York pollce detective whose role as a political spy came to light during the Senat~ Watergate" hearin gs . Thrower , a Republican Crom Atlanta, Ga., said he blocked. both. appointmen~. · _But when he tried to see PreSident Nixon to protest again efforts to turn the tax servic~ into a political ti.lot he was denied access to the oval office and blocked from making his case. he said. Judiciary Chairman Petet: W. Rodino Jr. (0.N.J.), has said he COl\iiders evid~nce of the political abuse of goveroment agencies to be among the n1ost serious in !he impeachment Inquiry. The IRS evidence is likely to be cited when Rodino's committee starts drafUng articles of impeachment next week. · Asked about the committee report as he arrived for a closed session of the committee today, Nixon's lav.•yer, James D. St. Clair said he read it to mean the panel "found nothing to it." He s1;1id the ,matter had been investigated fully by other congressional committees and it "'as deter1nlncd that no harassing audils were made of \Vhite House enemies: Today's report was the ninth yolume or impeachment evidence to be released, \vith more to come later th is week. The new report said: (See 'ENE!\1JES/ Page ZI Oraage Coast Weather Patchy fog and low clouCfs near the beaches \Vednesday morning otherwise sunny with nol much change in temperature. according to the \\'eather service. Beaches in the low 70s rising to the mid· 80s inland. INSIDE TODAY Soutl~ Coast Repertory lios scored a sn-tasli hit with ifs superlative production of tlle rock-gospel musical "Godspell," reviewed today on Page 8. pestenjCr seat. of a large. white car ~tained in the 440-page volume of \Vatergate Committee, along with his -parked next to Gokt Coast Laboratories. evidence relaUng to alleged misule of tht secret testimony at an executive session The car was seer1 ping we:st on Olive IRS re.leased by the committee u part of Mmh %3. The fact that a credibility gap exists became evident during the meeting as speak'l'.ll accused the Department of the Interior of having ignored the public's desires in the past and repeatedly stated !heir tiell<f that the department Is 1nn-by financial dorulUons from lftftjol oil comi-1· hospital while undergoing treatment for Erm. -.mti.({ ,. "''"' L•'*" 1J •-• injuries, authorities said Monday. L. ""' •9Ytl t ,__., T'" 11 Street. police reported. it:. impeachment investigation. The "Per your instructions of Sept. 28. 1971, Police appartnll)' arrived only minutes volume draws no conclusklns ·as to the we have selected some individuals In tbe ,_ __ altet..the h:mc!JlsJeft. • · idea · ilKllalley--who-w. .... The driver of lbe getav;ay car also The memo wu written Oct. 6, 1971 to politically active during prior elections reportedly sported short hair. The robber th<m·White House counsel John W. Dean aM determined their audit h!~•ory," was also described as about IU pounds, III by John J. CaulCield , an ex-New York cautfield wrote Dean. and from five feet, JO rnches· to six feet~ City--poticeman hired by the White House The review. he said, showed these 1111. for clandestine assignments. ' '(See STARS, ~1e It " • ./ ,. -- ' • At one point a man In the audience · waved a one dollar bill and shouted, · "Th is wlll buy your votet:• _J~_~nd that very offensive," ca.rter n:sponoed. ' ' I~ C1tl .. rwll 5 Mrlhf I Authorities declined to give 1 h e c11tt1fitf 1t-u M....,.t .. _., u circumstances of his injuries and said __ 1 H cot11iu 11 N..ii-1 ~ 4 ~ ..,mi:_M~" ;-~-C-11 >~i+' -~---1 ll!d"Mt'ltave1tb"a,....-U.!Maaffii. ·~ l I J I IEdil.,.l•I ,._ I SMrl• 1•11 The seven were arres~ ear y n u y 1:1119.,11"'"'"' 1 si.• M•rl!•11 1•n as part of a rowiclup by state and federal lf1t1111C• n .11 te1.w111... • M1 G1rJ111tr J Tll'J1t.n I law enforcement" agencteS in response tO Hfl'fttt" 11 Wt1llltr I a crime )V&ve in thJs city, Mex ico's 11111nn;•"'!I,, • w.1•• "'"" ' second largesl ,. , • .i ' I \ ·, ---·-----------·~ 2 DAIL v PILOT --• ___ "'7 __ r_,_•sd'-' ""·-J_u'-1,_1~b._l_974 In, H•ntlngton Planner.s: Review· • . • High · Rise Code A long-awaited high rise onfulanJ. , and i11strial a<eas, ex:ep; Io '\ ·h· h \\'\1Uld ii\low the construction of ne1ghborh900 commercial ~\el6pme~t.s. ~ lC • . . 1 1 The cOOe sels no height hmlt on high !~1\·crs in co1nmcrc1nl and . industr a rise, but each 8llcgested hi~h rlae districts , is sel !or a public hearil]g parcel could be limited by the clty as It tonight before the lfunllngton Beach co1nes uP for approvaJ. . Planning Com1nission. Th~ propoSt'd code su~gests tighter · · · ssion stn rts at 7 .nrch11eclural and landscaping con1rol In The ~m~1ssion ~c . exchange for the allowance of the o'clock m cuy cow1c1t chambe rs. buildings exeeed.ing lhree stories. The ne"· cOOe would permit multl·story No high rise could be built on a )ot ' • ~, I .. • • OellY ,, .. '''" ..,.... • 'Estates' Ho~sing Set For .Study The Fountain ~a11c)p1y COuncll will discuss 011e (_'Olu1cllman's 11roposal to apar k \larger, higher incon1c houldng. tn 1 "resld~ntbll e!States ione" tonl&h:t. The courtcll will meet at e o'clock In City Hall. 10200 SIRler Ave. - Councilman Bernie Sva\Stad asked city planners April 2 (() rc~eurch th-:? ' Wildings in properly zoned comn1erci11l smaller than 20.000 square feet. and no multi-story structure could cover more f'rom P99e I than 20 percenl of the lot . SOME OF THOSE WHO ATIINO&D CASP!RS MIMORlAL SERVICE .LINE, UP OUTSIDE C':jURCH EpiKOJMI Church In Coron1 cltl Mir Sctnt of Rlt.a for County Supervisor Loat at S.. · possi bility of a new ronlng along l\1aii;nolia Street and Elli~ Avenue requiring 12,000 square foot lot• wl.th 100 foot frontage. Sval11tad said he !elL Fountain Valley needs some. l11rii;er e 't1l e ·1 t zetl develop1nent1 like Tu1Un, Jluntlnston Beach and Newport Stach. 'ENEMIES' ... -Nev.'Spape;.tnan Cl.:irk ~toll~hof(, former special counsel to Nixon, S\\'Ore in an affidavit to the conunittce that H.R. }ialdeman invoked Nixon's·na1ne in 1970 in seek ing a n1cn10 on the tax status of C.erald \\'allace, brother of the governor of Alaba ma. The damaging memo \\•as swiftlv leaked , even though unauthorized dlscioSure of tax returns ls a criminal act, il -Walters, \lo'ho quit the following Apr , recalling the incldent,. said ~t hha' t Ehrlichman h3d complained to htm, ~ m . goddamn tired of your .r~t-draggmg tactics.·• \Vhite House off1c1aldom. the e\•idence showed, felt De1nocrats in the fRS hierarchy controlled Rep~blican tax c.pmmissloners -instead of vice-versa. -Previously undisclosed testlmony from John V.1. Dean 111 before a closed se~sion of the Senate "' a t e r g a I e co~miltee quoted him as saying that J\ixon wanted to stop tax actions against his friends. Dean said Nixon "asked that it (the IRS ) be tun1ed off on friends of his. -Dean in a memo to his White House superiors'. a.!ked, "Can v;e do anything to help?" \vhen told that prtsidentl al friend Billy Graham , the preacher, was undergoing a tax audit to see .when he had reported as income gifts he had received. The reply: "No -it's already covered ." • -Former assistant J~ Commissioner for Inspection Vemon Acree emerged over and over in the testimony as the conduil_of infonnation from the IRS to tht Whitt House. Fer e1ample, it wa1 Acree who told Caulfield about Graham'• tu troubles and Acree who ln 1971 reported to caulfield on the tax returns ol 'Lawrence Goldberg, a Rhode Island toy manufacturer then under conskieration for apPOlritment "ln the Jewish arta" at the Committee to Re- elect the President. Acree la n0w head of the Cultoms Bureau. FromPGfel '--rARS ... • ''deficiencies" for the telected atars : -Richard Boone.11,377 !or 11117.QI; -Sammy Davla Jr., ·$38,683 for 1961-63 and 1968; -Jerry Lewia, M62.312 for 1951-66 and 1968; -Peter Lawford, '32,720 !or 196M9; . -Fred MacMurray, •tV,718 for 1963, 19S>&I and 1969, le.91 $5,711 in refunds in 11182 and 1964. -Gary Mortoo and Lucllle'Ball, $7,010 in 1965; -Ronald Reagan, $13,101 for ll!U&; -Frank Sinatra, '30,797 for 1960 and IMU4. -Wayne , $251 ,115 for 1964-66, inchJdlng 1237,331 In 1968. , Fourth Clinic Struck t.A hfESA (UPI ) - A fourth Kaiser Pennanente health !acil lty 1n San Diego County was struck h1onday by the Office and Profeg!onal Employes International Union Local 443. The 130-bed Kaller Permanente Hospital, which nonnaJly hat about 400 U1\lQn ""·orkers, remained operational l\fonday with supervisory and non-.tHJdng employes, OlAMCH COAST ... DAILY PILOT ,,,. Or~ Cotti 0.;ly ......,., •<l~ •NQI .. '°"'° "'*' ... "'•~··'·--.. ""--tr,-"'90o'll~ Cool.I l'uDll>"'"1 ~ S.:-.oi.,e .-1«""" .,. ~-· '-'OllOIY '"'"""" l/•IMI. IOf C.0.lt ....... r.it .. oon 61..:n -·'''"'" lt..:fll'-''"'v.-'111 l•~,.,,. lttc.11. ,,.,,...,S.<111!eN<.• '"" Sift Cie"'tn!US.• """'" U 1M•1•.,.., " -II ·~ ""'"'""" .. --S.'\110.W ,..., s., ... M;"!o ! ... l>'<~"~tl Pl#l•ll"'t 111""1" ol i110- lltVi!rll1.~"1 ,,,_ C..~kll"'• 1:1611. Pct-." tJ w,..,d F!O•--"'-DI•~• J11·I P.c ...... v • \l<tt••e •• a .... ,..,Ot r111t1MIMO*f fi a~A Murri..,.,. ... ~~t:a.1 ... (f-ole\ H. l o:;: P>1:fgd P. Nol "W61M ~ ......... lG•IOtt T "1'I Co-. 1 w,., o......,.c..i..,tt.•~· H•filltlt11 ltMh Offttt 1111~ &.ofh lic..•~Ql.:I Addtn~ P 0 k.• l'fJ, '2MI 0...0ffkt• L ......... ~ T.'JJ.,W A• Go.I• 1.1.w :)JOW..i Bu"""' Nt-..-•1fCl'ISlll"""'lCll _.,. S.~Ot-»i""°""U""""'°ll•.i ' 1---,,----\ A high Ne ordinaoce bu been under study for several years. The ctty l'1.ll'refltly has no -pnl\•isions to a llO\Y high rlSe-struetures above three stcir1es, even though some ha\•e been built. The proposal before p I a n n l n g comm.ill!lioners does not cover residenllal high rise. a S(,!parate issue still under study by the planning staff. Ton igh t's proposal has re<.'eived lhc endorsement pf a council-appointed cltizent high rise commit tee \vttlch ~wked with the city staff and planning commission to deveJop the code. 4-11 Club Asks Council Build Aniinal Park The Tri-City Challengers, a local 4-H FrotnPGfel OIL ... alternatives," said J. Alex Cota or the £astside-Westside Concerned Citlz.ens Commlltee. '4We don't want d·rilllna: ln the . Santa Moolca Bay, \\'e want alternative fuela auch as ~yd~en.'' Cota expressed anger at having only learned ot Mmday's meeting the previous Thurlday from · a r a d i o broadcast. "We are deserving of more respect than having a mere handful of days to prepare to defend our coastline," he said. Speakers also objecied to spending their time attending a· publlc.__meetlng ~ which v.-as not an official bearing and at which testimony· was not recorded. Cltib, asked Huntington Be a c h councilmen Monday night to buy and ''Yet if v.·e didn't attend, the build a 2.S-acre, small animal park in the department could say !he public isn't controversial Sunset Heights district. interested,"' said !'.fiss Galms. The park would contain auch fann "We want your ' input in our creatures as ducks, goat.s, pigs, sheep, environmental i m pa c l statement," rabbits and other small animals which could be touched and petted by children. carter said. "I think Y.ou represent' an There "''ould also be some acreage so important point of view which may be youngsters could grow flowers and controlling. vegetables. An equestiian center, wilh a "However, 1 think you're aay!ni that lr811 to the central park, might allO be part of the plan, according to leaders or you've already made up your minds and the 4-H Club. yoU•re angry because you think w~'ve Sunset Heights is the rapid I y already made up ours." · _ developing apartment district across . He auqested that correapondence on Algonquin Street from Huntington Harbour. The council ,recently placed a the SJb)ect be 11ent to William E. Grant, building moratorium on it to halt the Mana.1er of tJi Outir Continental Shelf. scattered constructioo. Bureau of Land Management with the The area came to prominence a few U.S. Department ,of the .Interior in lA:is months ago when· Huntington l{arbour residents tMed to block plans for a low· Angeles. income, federally fmanced apartment "He's the one responsible for the project. environmental ~!es,"-Cartelj_said. Since then, it has become the subject "However I ailure yoo we'll be much of a city study lo detemtine the potenti<i l more tnnu~ by r ea son a b 1 e earthquake ha zard and the need for a __ -. ls alnst. offshore drillin" than perk, school and traffic plan. ar~e~ • ag ,, ~ City plaMers have recommended the by opmion1 alone. creation of a six·acre neighborhood park Among Monday's speak.err, Hennoaa in Sunset Hci~-"-~ _ _ Beach-City Councilman Lance-Whitman JilileRertO Uie council, J\.frs. Marie ~·as one of the few to detail hl1 Graser, a 4-H a"dviser, suggested the city b·cctions to the drilling. Whitman cited use the 20 acres ol small lots south of 0 J Ed·s Dairy, plus a few more ac res kno~~1n the danger of oll spills, the visual Impact as the Smllh property. of oil oqulpmenl, and the pauage of "Many people bere would like to Propoa1Uon 20 aa evidence that voters maintain the ruraf fl avor of the area ." ''hold precious the Califorilia coastline.'' she wrote. "It could_ ~ maintained by l\1onday's meeting was a less dign ified youth groups at a nurumum cost to the t of t' 0 F ida betw-city." repea a mee Ula r y ,...... The price of buying the land . however, Carter and Southern Callfoml& city could run over $1 million. aceordin g to officiarf, who also expressed opposition lhe city planning department which says both to of!shore oil. drilling and to the Sunset Heights acrea1e is aellin&" for Departm'1!t of the Interior's handling of more than $40,<m an acre. · About a dozen 4-H members were pres· the matter.. -. . ent to urge the creatiOO of the ''petting cartersa1d at both meetmgs that he animal park." Some of the youngsters expects the environrhental asseument to presented the council with their own be completed by December or January, letters ~irtg it. following public hearings, with a final Councilman Jerry 1.f~lney sugg_es~ed d · · t be de by late spring of the parks and recreation comrruss1on ecision ° ma should study the proposal arid report 1975. back to the council. "This is going to be a tough decision," He noted a small animal section had Carter said Monday. been proposed by une city for the central park, but had not fit into central park plans. Fire Destroys Plant T~IER~lAL (UP I) -A blaz.e at the CodeW Bros. Packing Co., located about te\•en miles 90Uth of here, cauacd an e•tlmated '50.<m damages ~londay. Ri~ide County firemen said the fire destroyed 45,000 packlnA: brces and a 150 foot·lon1 bulldlnA: at the data proces1lng plant. l\1asons Accept Pact SAN DIE~ f AP) -The Cement ~fa.son Union reached tentative agree- ·ment with oontractors' associations on a three-year contract and a ratincatlon vote is acheduled.5aturday, a union spokesman said Monday. If the pa.ct la approved, the carpenters union will be the only construction Wlion still on strike in the San Diego area. Cap.sule Council AetiQn· ltere In capeule form ere the major actions taken Monday nlaht by the lluntlngton Beach City Council : ANll\IALS: Announct<l their Intention to \\•ork '41ith the Pet Owners Colll· ' lion to rework the city's animal conlro\ ordinance. SUNSET HEIGHTS: Referred to the park1 and recreation a>mmi11ion a request by a local 4·1.f Club to develop a !S-tcre, amall animal park in the Sunset Helahta nel1hborhood. AIRPORT: Set Aug . 5 a1 the date for a public he1rln1 on the revocation ol a permit allowing a 50().foot exteruton of the runway at Mt&dowla1k Airport, but agreed the hearing m.1Y be Cincelled II-certain airport lmprovtmenla ara • completed. . ' ' °TRANSFER TAX : Made I public pledge not to allow the hotly con!Htod real estate transfe r x to o above a U rcent.. but refuaed to put the sue on ovem r o , BOATERS: A(l'ccd lo study lhe iss ue of 11low1n1 private boils on the ctn• lral park's llunUn11on Lake. ~tARIJUANA: Turned down a reque~t from the QllUoml a Pth~rljuana Re- form Lcllguc to order the police deparlmtnl to stop a rrest~ ror pot possession. ' \, • . . Coast Pays Tribute . To Caspers, Two Sons By L PETER Kl\IEG ot 1111 Diiiy f'li.t fllll The rdemorlal folder said simply that a father and his two IOOS were "Loat at Sea, June, 1974." But it was not the tragic death of Fifth District Supervisor Ronald \V. Caspers and sons Kirk and Rick that a family frit:n<f, the Rev. G. William Grady, recounted during memoii"al services A1onday. Befort more than 400 persons cro\vded lnto st. Michael's and All Angels Eplscopal Church In Corona de! Pilar, the Rev. Grady said the people who knew Ron Caspen "have a greater vision of life becaUle of this truly outstanding man." He said Mr. cispers "found bis true COUNTY DEMOCRATS STAY OUT Of.' ST.H DISTRICT HASSLE, Page 3 Jov~ltfe in his election to the Board 9f SutJ!rvi.sors." The hour-lona: service in the hillside chapel that overlooU Newport Harbor was attended by fanil.ly friends and neighbors, polltlcal leaders and county officials: They heard the Rev. Grady talk of the life of Rick Caspers. \\'hose love of surfing made him v.•ell known on the beaches of both Nev.'}Xlrt Beach and Sant.a Barbara. "He had a quiet and patient manner tnat always put pewle at ease," the Rev. Grady aatd . Kirk Caspera, 20, aald Rev. Grady, 'viii be remembered for his love or the. outdoors. '·He was al ho1ne wit h nature," the Rev. Grady said . · For Ronald \V. Caspers. born l\!ay 21, 1931, "life was an exciting thing," the Rev. Grady said. "lie got so very much out of everything life had to offer. "Whether Jt wa11 that twinkle ln his eye \\·hen you would go before hlfn at the &ard of Supervisors or whether he was r iding herd at his ranch on that li ttle red tractor or at the keyboard of a piano or playing his guitar, he realized complete success end total achievement 1n everything he did." The Rev. Grady told of those achieve-· ments -college at 16, the youngest president of a-savings and loan at 29, and the yoonge11t i;upervllor ever in Orange County at 39. • "He was not an average man.but in his election to the Board of Supervisors he found the true love of his Ille. llls re-election in June. placed him totally In public servlce." the Rev. Grady aald. Rev. Grady Cited Caspera' ae-- complishments as a supervisor, which he said were highlighted when he won his battle for ·coiinty acquisition of the 5,500- acre Starr Ranch for a county park. Among those attending the memorial services were Orange c.ounty political leader Rlcha,_.. O'Nelll, Mra. Judy Rosener and Donald Bright, membera of .Car. ·l•"'ICk Crash the Sooth Coast R•gional Zone eonaer-~ 1. vation Commlaalon, on which Caapera -also had aervl'd, and Irvine Councilman Kill M • John Burton. 8 otonst The lhome hymn Cho5'n for !he solemn · ' occasion was, "EterTI.al Father, Strong to I H tin-• =1.--.----Save;'~ . n . Ull g On None of Olspen' fellow oupetvison A 59-year-old Huntington Beach v.-oman "''as killed Monday in a collision between her car and a Oat.bed truck, police reported. Huntington BeaJ!h police are still investigating the noon accident at Beach Boulevard and Newman Avenue which fatally injured Ethel Novella Wilson or 5092 Audr ey Drive. . She was driving southbound on Beach v;hen she palled t\\·o lanes of cars stopped for pedestrians In a crosswalk and entered the Intersection at Newman Avenue, police . .said. • There 1he collided with the truck driven by Donald Zane Sommers, 47, of 8321 Vargas St., Huntington Beach. Police 11ald Sommers was trying to turn left onto Newman. • The Imped of the crash hurled ~trs. \Vi190n's car head-on into a large sign. joined In the memorial aervlce although each one eent an aide: Board Chalnnan Ralph Clark ls on vacation and' Supervisor David Boker lJ In Washington D.C. on county bullnes1. Both SupervilOra Ralph Diedrich and Robert Battin are away in Mlami Beach where they are attending the National Association of Counties Conference where they are to pick up an award honoring Orange County fOr I t 1 progreaslve programs.· Caspera and his lwo aons. and seven othera were lost at aea JWle 14 below San Benito J1la~ off Baja Calllomia. They were aboard the 83-!oot Shooting Star, owned by county political leader Fred Harber whose last communication came late at night June 13 that the boat was taking on water and. alnkln g. Servi ces for Harber and the 11ix others have not been announced. ~ The standard R·l 1re1lden1 lal) ,lot In Fountain Valltiy is 7,20(f sq uare feet, acco rding to city plPMcr1. If the councilmen like the Idea, Planning Director Cllnton Sherrod 1ay1 in 'his report , they should ask the planning com111ission to toke steps to establish a new zoning category. The mlnimuni dwelling unit alz.e would be 2,200 square feet , Sherrod outlined. Once the zoile is establlahed , the council could apply it to specific · proj>ertles. ~ Svalstad alao wanted somb kind or 1neand ering sidewalks and c u r v i n g streets in the area. Sherrod said these questions could be handled by eac h subdivision and don't re<iuire city action now. . The council also "'ill di scus A Its opposition to pro'Posed. rate increase• by Southcm~eauromta-Edia:On-ani!-an addltioil to the contract for the recreational Complex in Mlle Square Park. Huntington Teen Fall~ 50 Feet From Phone Pole I An IS.year-old Huntington Beach youth Is in critical condition today at Pacifica Hospital after accjdentally fallin~ off-a SO.foot telephone pole Monday, the H11n- tin51:ton Beach fire department reported. Randy Shine of 2502 Huntington ~ Is unconSCious with head injuries and two broken anns. firemen said. . Shine fell from a pole near Vorkto!fi Avenue and Huntington Street, landing bead tint on a tin gauge shed ln an undeve'°J>ed oil field, officlal1 11ld. He then ricocheted off the aht.d and dropped !roll\ theTo to oil pipes on the ground below. Flrtmen were at a lou to erp1aln what Shine was doing oiilfie pole," althOujti one--- offlclal 11ld the youth may have climbed it on a dare and then lost hla balance. Stillie waa treitect at •ttae ecene tiy Huntington Beach fire d e pa r t m e n t paramed1cl after the 3:40 p.m. lncldent and then wa1 taken to tbe Huntlnaton Beach hoapttat T al,ks Continue On DWP Strike LOS ANGELES (AP) -Depertmenl of Water and Power• official• and labor union repruentallvea called f o r continued talks with a atate. negotiator today in an-attempt to avert a strike by aome 5,000 employe1. · The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the Architects and Engineers, are scheduled to walk off , their jobs eirly Wednesday Ir their wage , increase demands of 15 percent are not met. The city Is offering 7.5 pefcent. .. WHAT'S UP? " • ' NOT CARPETING- The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 years_ ago, (1952). Technology has been resp0nsible for this, resultin" in speedier ways of making. dyeing, and finishing carp eting as much as 70 times faster! THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN- CREASE DURIN(j THIS TIME PERIOD. Yer may think when you get an estimate that· carpeting Is expensive. Remember, however, that people art:1 carpeting bedioom s, baths, kitchens, and other areas t~at usually weren 't .carpeted 25 or 30 years ago . mak ing totals higher. · Carpeting ordinarily costs less than linol!ilum or hardwood flooring, and provides features of comfort, quiet, beauty, and impressions of spaciousness. You 'll get your BEST CONSUMER VALUE when you buy carpeting from Alden 's. · _ , ' ALDEN'S /1 CARPETS • DRAPES _ __, __ __._..61.'-lac.enllAAt._t. COST4 MHA 646°4838 HOUllS: Moo. T1lni n.r... f le l1J~I. f le f-6AT .. 9:30 lo 5 • , , . ·J-----·--------------... • TutsdAy., Juiy l&, l<J?4 H DAILY PILOT :J New'Energy Sourc@i> Kelp May Help .~ ' Called! 1clenUst11 armounced recently lhey DN: experimenting wlPl :i poSsible new source or energy, kelp, the fa stest ..:ro!i\'ing plant Jn the world. . 1'hc synthetic natural gas methane•can be produced from the &lant seaweed, native to California. Th1s gas can then be used to generate electricity. • kelp. Scientiata want tci determine whether large quanlilies or the giant marine plant can be raised under artlncla l oond1Uons. . ' early otzu.. to -repulld the Southern ClllfGmla kelp fottala. 't'bty we re decimated 1ever1l years ago b y unusually warm ocean currents and by an lnvuJoa ot kelpodevourlng 5ea urchlna. On the Oranse Coast h~ lab has ttamplanted new kelp beds al Dan1 Point and at Cameo Shores. Cellech, tht State Dtpartmcnt of Fi!i h and Game, atld the Nf.tional Sclenct Jo"oundation . - Some 3,000 full·arown kelp· plants \lre. . °1l being ras&ened to a large rope. net raft that is suspended 40 feet unde ater In a 300-foot-deep o:rea a mile off San Clem@nte Island's northern tip .. p\:intJ auaeh 1hemael\'es to the bottom ond grow up~·ards towards the~ 1un, like any land plant. Th y can reach heights or 200 feet, 51.lpported by a network of air ""· Says marine biologist Dr. North, ~·1r the pUot farm is successful, !hen one will be established lhat Is a nlile square. products !or generating: fOod, tueb: and electric power," he said. Kelp is already used today for a w1de range of industrial purposes. Derivatlvts from the niarine plant are wed in toothpaste, pills, paint, ink and cardboard and eve n to put a stable bead on beer. A n1orine ent.rgy farm is currently being ~t up in deep water on San Clement e Island to experiment wlth the l . Callecb marine ~Oii.it Dr. Wheeler North, II, 1 Conlna del liar mldent. Is the chit! 1elentilt ol the marine farming project. Hf" . works out Of cattech's Kerckhoff Laboratory in Corona del Mar. Dr. North 11 .the marine scientist wbo has led a auccealul campaign since the The importance of Dr. North's latest kelp fannlnf• project i• rtfioctod by Its many lpot»Ort'. Tbey include the Navy, The U.S. Navy J>uJlt @UqJnsli!l__C(i the underwater raft and ts currently atlnching the kel p planl! lo It. Kel p ':It w can &r w the.so plants~ ~ suCricient quanlltles, they might provide u.s with a va:st 111nount of pelroleum·likc Other ~.s forecast for the future are in fertilizer.Pfii6c11, fuel1 and-roods for botb anlmals and humans. Democrats t Avoiding Election Hassle . Ed Reinecke Is 'Honest' --Defense WASHINGTON (AP) -California U . Gov. Ed Reinecke was described today at l 1iland·-Areas Get Smog Alert Orange County air polhJUon officials were expected to call Uttlr second ll1lOI alert in as many days this afternoon in inland areas ol the county. A lint stage health advisory warning went into effect Monday afternoon for all areas inland of the San Diego Freeway. Officials predicted little change -in conditi~ for today. • Judge Jails Ex-officer For Perjury By TOM BARLEY Of llM D1Hr. l"ilot Siii! his perjury trial as "an honest, over-Former Buena Park Police Sgl. James ~--ccopCraliVe · human being" who makes H Davjd Bikken was sent to Orange County mlltakes but never lies. Bagley ;ts Jail for one year ?\1onday by a judge who II WJlS repeatedly urged by the prosecution "He'll make mistakes here in the to se nd the confessed perjurer to state courtroom; he'll make mistakes under •..., •b prison. oath, but he doesn't He," defense. ·con'lrl. utors Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lac -+----.attorney James E. C.Ox told jurors during technically imposed a prison term or one opening arguments. to 14 years but immediately suspended it But prmecutor Richard Davis said' in a l n Co.ry Race ~:;t~~~f the jail term and three years' 25-minute stalement that R e i n e c k e And he made it clear in a long ''deliberately lied" to the Se hate -Republi.can lltate controller candklate summation of the special sentencing Judiciary Committee in 1972 about when ;'-J"' he · tha-1 Bakke • 1· I of William T. Bagley tenned "totally anng n s ear ier pea no he lint talked lo lhcIJ....Mty. Gen. John contest was, to Judge Lae, "the same as Mitchell about an International obscene" cootri~ons from two Orange a plea of guiltY,." Telephone and Telegraph Corp. pledge to County J:>uainessmen which paid most of "Police officers are in a unique help bring the Republican national the costs o! the primary campaign for position in our courts and our sysle1n of convention to San Diego. his Democratic·opponent KeMeth Cory. justice," Judge Lac lold Bakken. "That Davis said he would !~prove that Bagley said Mo!}day in Sacrament.O system would become a mockery if you Reinecke discussed the matter with that Richard O'Neill, owner of Mission were not punlshed." Mitchell before an an titrust settlement Viejo Ranch, and Louis Cella, a Santa A long lisl of sentencing conditions was made with m . Reinecke claims he An h · spelled out by Judge Lac includes the a P ysictan, put up more than 82 · prov;.,,,_ that Bakken can never again be a discussed the pledge only after the m ent f ... -ooo Co t · hi - antitrust case had ~n re-lved. perc 0 uic .,.....,, ry spen in ~ pqlice officer and can never contribute UC>; """ prllnary campaign. "Reinecke will tum out to be a nut Contacted by the Daily Pilot this testimony in any fonn in· ;i.ny civil or Important witness against hlmseU," saJd criminal proceeding. Davis, morning, Cella acknowledged l h e His testimony five years ago in the Cos:, in a lengthy presentation, said contributions but denied they were drug trial of John Robert Snyder, 45, of Reineclce was under no obligation to intend! edll , to f" gain Bafavgi9rs ·1 frolmed the Buena Park, eventually led lo an testify before the Senate committee and con ro er 8 0 uce as ey mp 1 : investigation of ~be fingerprint expert that during the hearing he was asked "This is totally obscene," Bagley said, and his indictment by the Grand Jury on about his impressions about )'hen "and without any redeeming social charges of perjury and offering arid Mitchc.11 knew about the rrr pledge. · factors that lean discern.'' preparing false evidence. "He's not a wordsmilh," Cox sa1·d ol Bagfey compared his e a m 'p a i g n Sn ,_ 1 ced t · th expenditures .of $132.702 with C:Ory's, . Y.uer ~~s .sen~ . o ou>e ll_lOn s Reinecke. "f1e understands thinp be can saying they "pale into irisignlficance . ., m ~~ 1aJ1 aft~~ being found gwl~Y. of put his hands on -radios, televisions or Bagley,_however. faced_ relatively_~~ o!. m~11~a~ Ba.~ke~_!estif1ed --------mechanlcill things---and that's the hbeol---mioor opposition in the primary while ilurtlifli1s trial tliil ~raer s prints were of his mind. He's a mccha nicaJ engineer Corp enaKmtered 8 well-financed found°'· a !>8g ~ ~anJuan!i that 'A'.as th.e =ers~~!." the type of thing he JUnpaign..on_tbe.__part_oLSan F..ranclsco p_rosecut1on s pnnc11N;1_l ev1d~n_c~n _th e Supervisor Robert ff. Mendelsohn. t~ial ~f~SUPEfior court Juage A jury ,of six men and six women was Cory replied that he Was not .surprised Keooeth Williams. , . selected Monday after: five hours of . at the "absurd and wild charges'' , ~nyder never served the n.1ne-month intensive questioning by U.S. District beca119e Bagley "IE!arned his politics al 11ul term an~ the felony convtcUon has Judge Barrington Parker and challenges the knee of Richard Nixon." now been str1ck~n from the record. He by defense and prosecuting attorneys. h ed the t r B p k d As he questioned prospective jurors, Referring to O'Neill and Cella, he said. ~s' SU Cl r . 0 uena ar . an. Parker emphasized lllat the Reinecke ;•1 don't know anything thC controller's Bak~~ fo~ $I_ m~.and the action is case has nothing to do _with the o!fice or the state lands commission awailtng trial tn Supe ior Court. Watergate cover-up. When he asked the can do for them " Bakken's former employers are co- panel of 70 whether they had beard the "We gave the. money to Ken," Cella def~ants wi~ him in . a $12 million names. of SC\'eral former top aides . to said, "rirst, because Ken ls a friend Ja~~it filed in Superior. ~urt by President Nixon who are involved in the and has been a great legislator and a William De P.alma, 37, 0!.~hittier. Watergate scandal, only about half great friend to thousands ol people in De Patina spent 'three years in../ederal indicated they had . Southern California. prison after being found guilty six years • After parker dismi!sed 17. potential ·•Second the moral fiber, the fabric ago of taking '2,400 at gunpoint from.Jhe jurors for cause, the defense excused 10 that holds 'America together today ia only · ~ffices of a savings and loan association without having to state the reison and 198 years old and already shows great In Buena Park. the prosecution excused six on such wear." ,Bakken testified in that trial that a peremptory grounds. -The trend towards lack of trust in print found on the bank counter was De The jury finally selected is c.ompGSed government, he-said, "will lead to no Palma·~· Experts later .. ~isco,~ered that of cl~ht black[; and four whites. Bio-man daring to tru9l another let alone the pnnt had been hftcd from a graphical data on the jurors was not im· trust the government. ' ~e~t that. contained the ~hitt~er mediately ava ilable. "Mr. Bagley is all that J despise in ~ans f~gerpnnts and used against him The jury is sequestered. government," Cella said. "He is a in the trial.. Among the witnesses that Parker said typical torpid ineffectual p 0 I it i ca I By that time. De Palma had served might be called were: hack."' ' three years of his sentence. -For the defense : Washington The contributions Cella said were not He repeatedly insisted during his trial Redskin coach Geofge Allen : fonner designed to gam' ravors irom. the thal ~ was serving cust~mers from his light heavyweight boxing champion controller's office. catermg truck several miles away from Archie Moore of San Diego; California "I have no idea what the controller's Buena Park when. the Mercury Savlngs stale assemblyman Willie Brown; fonner office cou1d do for me. 1 have never and Loan office was robbed. Att y. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst ; received any favors from anyone at the !Us lawyers brought in witnesses to former special Watergate prosecutor state level ,, he said. back the' statement but the lingerpript Archibald Cox ; Sens. Roman Hruska (R-' evidence against their client proved to be Neb.). Hugh SroU IR-Pa.), John Tumey damning. (D-Calif.) and Hiram Fong (R-Hawaii) •• -For lbe proaeeuUon: Rep. Bob Wilson CR-Calif.), Sen. Tunney and former Nixon campaign manager Clark MacGregor. Reinecke was-aceompanied by his wife and three teenage Children in court. Four Die in Crash FRE.5NO (AP) -Four penons Yi--ere killed when their car wu invol:ved in a collision with a Santa Fe frtllht train east of be.re Monday night, the California Highway Patrol Said. ld~tities were not immediately available. Papers Devalued Nixon's Docurrient.s Sa.id Slnshed NEW YORK (UPI) -Independent auditors hired by the Internal Revenue Servi ce to evaluate President Nixon's papers appra ised them at less than. hall the '576,000 claimed"by Nixon's own apprais- 1ers, the New York Times reported today. • The newspaper said the House Judiciary Comn:ijttee had Copies o( the IRS ·audit •I Nixon's tax returns containing this fact and was "debati ng whether to make them pu6lic." The Times story, again citing committee ,sources, said the IRS auc'jl went into "considerable detail about the lack or historical "Value" o( t~ papers donated by Nixon. · "For example," the Times ~tory said, "Mr. Nixo n's appraiser, Ral~h G Newman or .Chicago, declared that !here were U ,000 Items rel• ing . lo lfc l93 tmnnh-rl!nltell 1ternrSOv1 Preml!'r- 'Ni kita S. Khrushchev. The auditors found that there were only ~~e­ tenth that many and that most consis ted of newspaper clippings. ' , -. J -~1other of Four Slain; Husband Takes Own Life The mother of four young children was shot to death in Santa Ana early today by ' her husband who then put the m~rder weapon to his temple and killed hin1self, police said. nte aparcnl murder-suiclae I o o k place before a dozen witnesses at a co1t1mercial and industrial center In South Santa Ana at about 8 a.m., detectives said. ' The murder victim was identUied as Rosa Monico, 33, of 2602 South Rosewood St., santa Ana. lier dead husband \.\'l\S Identified as Miguel Monico: His body bore oo Identification, police said. The witneMes. who told police that they had no time to thwart the tragedy, said the couple. arrived at the center at 3324 ~t Warner Ave. at oboul 8 a.m. and)>•i · During the course of the tUf fllrs. Monico asaertedly ran from th'e car and htr husband caught up ·with her and dragged her back into the.auto. ' • - CREWMEN WORK TOPSIDE ON RACING YACHT COURAGEOUS Challenge Coming From Intrepid for America's Cup I ntrepilt;Cou1-u-geuas Bmv to Bo1v in Trinls NE\\IPORT, R.I. (APJ -The Intrepid has pull~ even v.·ith Courageous in the observation trials to determine the United States representative for defense of the America's Cup. Intrepid, the 1970 winner or th•) prestigious yacht race, re,c:istere<I a p.1ir of victories Monday oyer Valiant. At least one trial race behveen the 11 .. ·o lop contenders was scheduled for today. · And there ,11as the possibilit:-i, offici;i!s said, that Intrepid and Courageou s \\'Ould l'ace l\'1ice. records in the ·.July trials. They broke even in the two races they sailed last Saturday and both now hare defeated Valiant twice. · Intrepid and Valiant had an eren staT1 in thei r first race 1'-1onday. but Intrepid "'as pointing much higher than the other boat in the 12-14 knot southwesterly breeze and soon puUed away . lntrepl'cl led at the turning marks by 50 second s, 1:09, 1:29 and 2:47. In the second race , Valiant hit the starting line several boat lengths ahead of Intrepid , bul v.•ithin half an hour • Intrepid had v.·orked up underneath Valiant. fo rcing her to tack. Intrepid CO\'cred the other boat and then outsailed i\lenn\vhile. Australian chal!engcrs Sout hem Cross, with John CllllOO at the helm, and Gretel II, with ski pper Jim !lardy, also v.•ere scheduled to race toclay. • Valiant for a lead of 2:09 at the weather 1nark. Southern Cross was put back in the water 1\-tonday aftcmoon with 10 inches ' added to the length of her k~I and with a nel'.' aluminun1 mast. The changes 1vere intended to in1prove the Australian boat's pcr.formance on the windward leg. lnlrepid -\lo'On the first race Ol'er Valiant 1\-tonday on Rhode Island Sound over a l•t4·mile course by 3:02 and took second race over :i 10-mile course by I :52. In trepid and Courageous both have 3·1 ~1eanwhile, in ~1arscil!e, France, the 12-meter yacht France was loaded aboard a rreighter for a trip to the Uriitcd States and a series against an Australian entry for the right to challenge fo r the cup. The Gem1an freighter Kybfels will take the France to Providence, RJ .. where it will be equipped and prepared fo r trainin~. beAinning Aug. 2. _Court of Appeals Rules OC Ca11't G-et Lead Out • Superior Court Judge James f . Judge 's ruling a year ago that Orange County cannot keep leaded gas beyo nd its boundaries has been uphcfd by the F'ourth District Court o! Appeals In San Bernardino. • . Three appeUnlc court justices repeatedly streucd in an opinion 501idly b.1cking Judge Judge 1hat Orange County's Air J>ol!Otion COntrol District 1s strk:tly limiled to regulations approved by the Legislature. An anli·pollullon ordinance of the typ<: &&ed--b ~ns . three ycaf'8 ago is clearly unlall•ful \lo'hatever public health concl·m~ ml,11:hl hhve. pron1plcd the ,measure, the appcllntc rou n s..1id. • 'Lawyers ror the county to d a y ronfirmcd that !hey will Ulke the issue to the Callfomia Suprc1ne Court. ll was the county's intention when the o'rdinancc "A·as passed to "otally elim· lnatc. lead fi;on1 all gasoline sold in the county. Lnwyrrs said ii v.·ould not naw be possible to achieve lead elimination by thjt da te c9en tr the county is suc«ssful In Ille Supreme Court. Presiding Justice John Kerrigan commented in the 12-page opinion that 1hc countv ordinance is "un~pportcd b the language of any statute or file decision of any court and agains t which is rangCfl the entire weight or all existing authority." • --------) .. ' To Stay Out Of Ca~pers' Succession By JOHN VALTERZA 01 TM DIUJ 1"1"91 Stiff Orange County's Democratic Central Committee agreed ~1onday it would not become involved in the battles over how a successor to Fifth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers will be chosen. In a voice vole fo\IOw ing 20 minutes of debate, the committee rejected a requeal by several leading county Derllocrata to endorse a N~vember election as tht means to replace Caspers who was klllt at sea last month. The c.oromittee majority asserted. that the move v,.ould set a precedent and inject a partisan eleme[ll in 1 mn- partisan Wue. · · The campaign for the election was pressed Monday by Newport Beach's John Black. a fonner candidate for · Coogress and currently a member of the stale Democratic Central Committee Executive Board. Black said this morning that, despite !he rejection, he and other supporters will wage a petition campaign throughout the fifth district in an effort to convince the Assembly Judiciary CommiUee to jar loose a bill calling for the November winner-take-all vote. Tha t bill was introduced by Republican John Briggs of Fullerton, after CUpers disappeared with t'A·o of his sons .and seven other men during a cruise up the Baj3 California COBB!. Black bas labeled the effort to seek an election "the only equitable an d democratic way to rdJ the vacant lelL" Among others supporting the election is James Thorpe, the fonner san Juan cap1strano mayor who ran agaJnst'-- Caspers in the June primary.· Thorpe told the rommlttee Monday that the press was indicating that Democrats in Sacramento have been blocking the election bill. ''They say \Ve are blocking a free ele<:Uon , and thi s l impiessiOn) i5 ml going to sit well with the voten," Thorpe said. However, the majority of the oounty central rommittee members inlisted that the party always has remained detac)Jed from non-partisan supervisorial races. One of the county's most prominent Democrats, raocher Richard O'Neill, opposed t1le move to support an election, but did DOt engage in debate before the comrriittee vote. Afterwards, O'Neill said t h • t , even though lhree Democrats now aerved on the county Board ol Superviscn, the party has never become involved in their performance. Those three supervls:>rs are Robert Battin, Ralph Diedrich and Ralph Clark. ;:;.. JJ.. ;:;.. O'Neill Holds Back Promise Of Support Orange County Democratic chief Richard O'Neill said today he has been contacted by several persons seeking the Fifth Dis1rict supervisotial seat, but thus f~r he has made promises of .suppGrt to no one. Among those O'Neill named are • prominenl attorney II. Rodger Howell and San Clemente City Councilman Arthur Holmes. O'Neill Said that, despite reports lo tht contrary, Assemblyman Robert Badham (Ji·NeV:porl Bea'ch) has .not met with him. • • And Badham and his chances to succeed. Caspers figured in O'Neill'! (lecision not to back a November election. ' O'Neill secs the legisl ation seeklng an election as a measure lntroduced on Badham 's behalf. "This "-'OUld put him (Badham ) in the best or both W1)rld5-as a candktate for Supervisor as ~·ell as an incwnbent candidate tor ·the Auembly," said O'Neill. "As far as Badham Is concerned. hci couldn 't ·k>se." The Democratic leader snid ho had been contacted by many candidates askipg or is support. • He said that he has told each ~that he v.-ould not lnjct.'t. party polJtlcs into the battle for succession to lhe C.spe:rs ll!:af. ' ' ' .. - -•• 4 DAILY PILOT • €1Pnit Tarmoll ·Turkey Req-1Jests :~ British 'Troops ---By-UnhoM-Pl_..Ja...,wl ... L_~edite.rn.oean i1land involvff "grave TUrkey called on Britaid today to join risks, and it-ls' of great tmpOitiricellUI"""! -l--- I !Is Thi s La11e I iFor th e Fair? I PARDON l\IY El.BO"'S: Every year 'about this .time. y,·e have a very large 1problem along this best of all possible 1coasts. It is obvious. People simply do 1not hare anything lo do. You can tell thi s because of the v.oay 1pcople are acting. · They are all out there on the highways .and b)'\rays. just milling around. 1 Consider 1he Ne\\'po r t -B a l boa 1Peninsula. for example, There are miles of beaches. usUa\ly some sun, scads of 1boats ,in thr harbor and dozens of fine \\'atering spols. Balboa's Fun Zone is even in operation. Think about Huntington Beach. The longest nu1 of sand in our entire region. Surt. sea. clean breezes. · Suicide on Television Blood·staine<l television program script and a suicide note lie on a table at station \VXLT in Sarasota, Fla. after talk show personality Christine Chubbuck (right) shot herself in the head before live cameras .l\tonday. She later died at the hospital. Before calm- I Jy pulling the tri~ger, ~Uss Chubbu ck 'told her audience, 11In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living color you are going to see another first - attempted "suicide." POSDER LAGUNA BEACH, fo r aoother example. Here is the tourist .paradi se \\·ith quaint shops, three (count 'em. threel art festivals all going at 1he same time, a playhouse in operation. a ne11,· !\lain Beach Pa rk and several He11ley Awaits Se11tencfug Wi1ulow Washer Falls 12 Stories -II as a Drink •----"~1~~San...ClemeoJe.. Here ~-e ha\'e the T ... M:a-.. _vder President of the United St ates . -iJ.}--· -.......... -. vac~lioning in his \\'~tern \\'hite House ofS~Youths • 11,·hile the national press corps "'ails around £or him to do somet hing. If you can't \\'atch the Presiden t, at least you can ....,·atch the national press Corps.· And this coming weekend, S a n Clemente puts together the city's aMual party. kno"'·n as the Fiesta de la Cristianitas "'ith its parade and other festivities. . . . \\1hy. reports have it today that the San Clemente Inn got so fiJled up with Fiesla rese rvations they had to tum· away some- of the national press corps . ASSERTEDLY !\tlFFED some of the press people sellled in some Laguna motels \\'hich "'ere oot occupied by tourists looking at the three festiva ls, quaint shops. playhouse. new l\tain Beach Park or the ~everal saloons. - Now. if you don't wan~ to go to the fiesta in San Clemente or the festivals in Laguna. you can look at the national press corps at either place. SAN ANTONIO, Tu. (AP) -Elmer l\'ayne Henley, 11, •11s aent.tnctd lo Ill .. prisoa terms of 9t years each today for bis paJ1 ii the st1-torture Hoastoa ma11 murder slayl.ngs. lie could apply for parole in eight yean ~d four m0Dtb1. SA N ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI ) -As 'his mother sat in the gall ery sOObing about a kangaroo court, Elmer Wayne Henley '\\'as convicted 1'1onday of killing six boys lured to the home or a bachelor electricain, murdered. sexually tortured and "I guess ifs fun to u·atch them Squinn and scream and plead for their lives." prosecuting attorney Don Lambright said in his final arguments before the jury began one hour and . 32 minutes of deliberations. "What kind of human being - a "·OT'd I'm reluctant to use - takes that kind of pleasure in taking another hum an being·s life? • . VANCOUVER. R C. (AP) A uindow cleaner fell 12 stories from an apartment building, bounced off a parked car. then recuperated with a drink in the apartment manager's suite. ~·orm LauTenCe, 23, was uwking on the top f I 0 0 r of the Del OlaITO apartments Monday when a knot in the rope connecting his platform to a pulley carne loose. He hit the roof of a car parked near the side of the building -and bounced fro1n . there to the ground. Hi s injuries were a cut on the head and. a sore ankle and La'\\Tence sa id be believes the sore ankle came in the rawm the roof of the qr to the ground. Eleanor Bolam, manager of the building. said she gave Lawrence a drink and-refused to allow him-to return to u'Ork until Tuesday "I "'anted to go back to u-·ork, but she sent me home." Lau-Tence said. ''I £elt like a school kid" As he fell, Lawrence said, he saw he \\'BS going to hit pavement and UM!d his feet to push himself away from the side it in intervening In Cyprus and aaid it peace be restored as 900ll as poalble." would go It alone I! Britain refused to In New York, the U.N. Security c.ouncil help. President Archbishop Makarios, was called into session at 12 noon PDT to ousted by a Greek-led coup Monday, was assess the worsening situation. Two high reported rallying his loyal troops today United Natiol)s offlcer1 talked with against the insuraents and heavy fighting Makarios by radio telephone today \nd "'a! reported. reported him "sound and well ." The Unil;ed States and other western all ies already had. ihereascd their dlRl:omat lc lntervenllon to urge Greece and Turkey, both memben ol NATO to exercise restraint. But developments indicated Turkey and Greece once again ·might be approaching a war over Cyprus as they were in 1964 aod 1167. IN . THE BACKGROUND y,•as a watchfuJ Soviet Union. The Communist nations of Europe took the line that the coup "'as sponsored by NATO to tum the ~lediterranean island into a NATO base -' a development which v,.ould be unPalatable to the Russians. Russia protested the coup to ~e Greek govemment. The U.S. 6th Fleet .wa1 In the area but not on any special alert. A TUrklsh note to Britain.sent after an all night cabinet sessioo that ended at 4:30 a.m. asked Britain to use its troops stationed in Cypn11 for joint Turklsh- British intervention to counteract Ure l ltreat to Cyprus' independence." a government spokesman sakl In Jstanblll. The n<Xe said Turkey would take unilateral aetion i£ Britain did not act. "'ithin 24 hours, UPI Correspmdent John J...i!>wt.on reported from Istanbul. Turkey, Britain and Greece are the co-- guarantors of Cyprus' lndependence under terms of the Zurich and Loodon agreement! of 19S9, u1Uch gave Cyprus its independence the following year. It had been a Brit_lsh colony after centuries of dominance by a nwnber of countries including Turkey and Greece. ANNOUNCING THE · note had been sent, a foreign ministry spokesman this artemoon said no · reply had been received from Britain. Government sources said Premier Bulent Ecevit was seeking opposition party backing for government intenren- tion in Cyprus lf the leaden of Monday's coup against President Makarios moved against the island's Turki*l community or tried 'to unite the republic with Greece. Turkish Cypriot Bayrak r a d i-o mooitored 1n Adana said rebel infantry and artillery had l'flOV~ a g a i n s t l\1akarios' headquarters at Paphos, '\\'here the president fled following the revolt. • The radio saMI 20 pro-Makarios police officers had sought r:efuge with the Cnnvicts End ' Ordeal After • Escape Fails '\\rASHINGTON (AP) -Two armed convicts. driven back by gunfire and tear gas in a desperate attempt to escape their bellieged cell block. surrendered to la\v o£ficers .Monday night, ending a 105-- hOur ordeal at the U.S. District Courthouse. Hours after their frantic effor t to find • ( IN SHORT ... ) freedom by a.'<ing their way into a courthouse v~ntilalion duct, F r a n k Gorl\am Jr,, 26. and Robert N. Jones. 24. were nown lo the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Gorham and Jones had been inside the cellblock since 'lbursday when they seized eight hostages and tried to bargain for ~ freedom fl ight lo A£rica. e Srlwol Bollda11 MIAMI. Fla. CAP ) - A federal judge has ruled that making Good -Friday a. school holiday discrimlnates ·against non- Christian students. U.S. District Court Judge C. Clyde Atkins ruled 1'.tonday that Dade County students m~t attend classes oo Good Friday next year. He al!O ordered the Dade sdlool board to stop sclledullng spring recess during Easter \\-'eek. '"1e ruling came in . response to ·• suit filed by Miami junior high school tMcher Leonard Spieller. He claimed non-- Christian teachers were forced .to use sick leave to obsel'\'e religiolt!I holidays -and that Oiristian teachers did not have to use sick leave sto c;itiserve Easter. e Bljarher Nabbed TOKYO (UPI) -Police stormed a Japanese jetliner today and seized • \teanwhi\e. if you're turned off by all this. you can visit Costa "'lesa for a bit of old Americana 1vhere the Orange County fair iS in its 8'1th season. You slill hal'e lime to make it to the fai rgrounds tonight fo the Santa Ana ·~ Senior Rh ythm and Dance Band or the Patriotic J\lusic ~eview. 11HOW CAN ''OU get to the point in li fe when you've killed a little 15-year-old boy who lived down the street from you? How can you sit on the curb and eat fried chicken \\'bile they bring eight of your buddies out or a boat shed and you know there are nine ~re of them there?" "'' T._.., of the building. The parked· car has a GUILTY 1N-sr~e~THs.....:'-.Ml>L_i a_b9_u~Uong, thr«-I<eu.i J\ "' "" and seven or eight inches deep in the island~s TUrits. I Brit~h Fomgn SeCTelat)' James da:Uagtwi iDOOWiC:OO ~arliament today that Makari~ has been allowed refuge in tbe sovereign British base area on the island. He sakl Makarios requested penniision to enter the Britl!h base areas and the British government young air pirate moments after · he slashed hill neck with a knife ih the dtiiffiatiCClimax tO a 6izarre-;'elght~--­ \. - • ~ SORRY, ''OU missed the .feeder swine 'judging. since thst came off this morning. You might, however. still be able to ca tch some of the cake decorating or sewing exhibitions. So it is along this 40 miles of roast\lne, \\·e have all these things happening and it's all an obvious failure. This ls so because if all the home folks and visitors alike \\·ere attended these e"enls. oobody 11,·ould be left to crowd up the roads and high.,.,·ays. Alas, the fair is selling attendance records. people are at the fe5tivals and fiestas. and still you can't dr ive anyplace. The roads remain bumper-tir- bumper. CLEARLY wE ha"e invented our 01vn problem. Everybody at the fair wants to get to the festivals and everybody at the festival is driving upcoast to the fair. By golly. next sum mer maybe v•e ought to add a couple of parades. Everybody decorate a car and drive someplace. Testimony in the sentencing phase of the tria1, which began tOday. could last a week -as long as the trial testimony itself. "They .can't kill them. bot they can do !hat £ot us," said Bettie Shirley. the mother of one of the ''ictims in asking that cHenley be given the maximum sentence. f.1ary Henley:s face was puffed and red from crying and said her son's trial was "a kangaroo court if there ever u•as one. There's no '\\"ay to describe it. It u•a.sn't fair." HENLEY, \\'HOSE trial was moved from Houston to San Antonio because of the extensive publicity in Houston surrounding the recovery of the 27 victims of the-three.year murder spr ee. is one of t'\\'O persons charged wit h taking pan in the killings. David Owen Brooks, 19. will be tried later. Elmer Wayne Henley roof, he said . 73-year-old Hooker Dead PEORIA. !IL IAP) -Sarah "Baby Doll" Co\van, the 73--year-01d hooke r "'ho attracted the attention of millions, apparently died uiithout a relatl"e. l\liss Cowan, who gained national attention r e c e n t I y \vhen she announced she was abandoning her st.year career aS a prostitute in favor of writing her memoirs,. died of pneumonia Over the \\"Cekend. But she was not without friends. The Peroria Journal-Sta r said a prostitutes union called. COYOTE (Cast Of£ Your Old Tired Ethl~) had asked fl.1onday where to send · nowers. One of his ma in concerns i1 whether the Insurance Corporation o£ B.C. will pay for what he esti~tes 'as aOOu~ $300 damage to the car. . "J really can't affortl to pay for it myself. rm just starting out in my business." agreed to hi1 request. The British minister •told Parliament the solution oo the embattled ·Michigan Official Keeps So11 in .Jail in Pot Case LANSING, lt1ich. <UPI ) -Lt. Gov. James H. Brickley, whose 17·yea r-old son was jailed on charges or selling . mari juana, says the boy "will have to take.the consequences of his acts." "\Vith me being in public office, I suppose my children have special advantages," Brickley said. "But this time they don't." . .. hijacking. Authorities raced into the cockpit of the Japan Air Lines DC8 this morning · v."hen an oll·duty stewardess traveling on the aircraft led a maM elOdus of escaping pa~ngers dawn an emergency chute. ~ The hijacker, a young man in his 20I identified as Akira lwakoshi, was in critical condition at Nagoya National Hospital after slashln'g the right side of his neck before being overpowered. e OEO Chief 011t WAS!DNGTON (UPI) -Pre~dent Nixon has fired the head of the Office of -'F.conomic Opportunity for trying to save some oC the programs the president want&-aboliahed. OEO Director AJvin J. Arneett said Nixon adviser Dean BW"Ch called him Monday afternoon and "requested. my resignation to become official at 10 a.m. Tuesday. His line was lhat the president does not want OEQ and that I have been accused. of lobbyi'hg to continue the agency." e Al'fJe11tlna Vlolenre Great Lakes Region Cool Brickley, 45, a former FBI agent and U.S. attorney, visited his son, James Thomas Brickley, in jail after his arrest Monday but refused to post the $1,000 _bond to get him out of jail. BUENOS AIRES (UPI ) -A renewal outbreak of polltlcaI shootings has presented Maria Estela (lsabel) P~roo with her .first major crisis smc;e becoming president of Argentina. Foor assassins . burst .into a suburban restaurant 1~1ooday and sprayed bullets into the back of Arturo Mor Ro11, interior minister in the former military regime and architect ol the elections t1l4t put a Peronist government in power. • • "THE LEGAL problems he has now ~ are the result of actions about which he Vpper Michiga1i Area ~ecords Te1nperatures iu 40s has ~n warned several . times," m~11111-1nr:i <1t~t 1re1r.11on;-w1111 Bl'iCkley saicL''Si:fhis m<itfieriiid ve. Police killed one oC Mor Roig'1 miffi:lettrs and arrested a second tn a shootout with occupants or the getaway car stopped a few hours after the Temperalure1 ~ All•n•1 8•1P.ef\lltld a1 ..... r,_ "'H BotlOl'I B\111110 CMrlo111 C.~k~ Cl~tl"""ll C.le•.i•no D1Ha' Dtfl•rr Dettoil F•••no H-1111v 1n01an•~I' K•o.111 c nv L•l V~•1 Lavl•vllil DAILY PILOT llltll llw •7 II ~ ~ i, .. . " " " " " n " " u .. ~ .. .. " :~ rs :~ ~ ~ " .... " " 11 ., DELIVERY SERVICE llel11<1y o[ lhe 0.rly ;,101 1s guaranteed ....,,,~ II fM .. •t NM Jtll C": ~-U ... UI "' ""-"" .. ... It ,.... tats "' tan lttil J:ll , .... ~ Mil W.,: II Pl .. Ill rK1M .,.. CM ~ ta.a Soilllit.,. •I '"'' 51ti1!. ul illlll I Ctn .. Ill k.pt It ,.. '* ,,. !An wti lt aA .. " ~ WlAtMll IOIO(.UI. "-::r'' "" MUw•ll~fl Ml11t>1•D01'11 N.W Oflt: .... I _y .. Ol<1•-City °""'"' . P•I"' SPflnai tt " " " " " .. .. " .. ~ ., " ~ .. • " I -- ..... , .. 1 .. ~•~JlNOW ~ ._All ~~li-.,1,IOW Thtr"'91 10'1 w W•lhlnQIOl'I n 11 California ~lilu wUI 111 clea• In SOU-t11tr11 C1ll liltlll1 l~rovtll IT'lcl..,.tl<, t~CtDI 111 Cot\tl l MCllOlll d\lflrrt IM t••IJ marnl"9. ,.,.. Nll!GMI w .. 11wr s ... vlt• M1tl lelellltlnts .•... HZ-Ill> '··'° llt!>bi • " " lftt"hll CMtr """"'• ·~ ' ·1-~! ...... r;_ ____ .!J._ji-.:'"'::. 111,11 lft Oawn•awn Los• .Aflfelft. fl1Ntl'rM .... N\OlletWf, 'Wll!·- 111111 IM low tol, ~ JllM(IW le~ Plll'°""Qll .. "'""""''.'.' ..... 140-1221 l'orll•nof O••· l'ttplO c ,, s.. tli*lk. Clllstr• ltd , ·-S~••lfltflll s.."" ta;lll•, ... hill St, Lou!• *" 1,.....1.., llipfl .• UZ-«21 t:" ~·-· f.lty II ••II( KO _s .. m• • -I ' ' • " " " ' " " " .. .. • .. " " " ~ \I " Elwwhlr-. hlflll wtn lie In lh9 low 70l In to.tsl•t 81"111, I" It'll mld·'OI lfl li'\111\d v•lll\'l. 111 !he lkllll:r !'Ct la ~.1<1-tot '" t,,.. "'OllfOleln1 •"4 l•Ol'll 9S 111 lft "" .,. .. ,... . -· klllif'ld l~lll'IOl!Jroowtl'• ... llUI~ !ft Ill •Her,_ •"4 M nl119 In I t -tloucllllllol. R1tn fin MollCl•v 1n 118n1 .,, taken the position that he will have t8' ~:;:;::111c:;:·~~nw1}:c1~'::t~! take the consequences of his acts.'' arH 1. T111 r-er 11111~ nea• 1or1•wlld Young Brickley and two companions m~ ':: r:~.vlfft al 11!1 Mlaw.r&. Were arrested in lhe parking lot Of 3 assassiilation . -• •• (J.S. Su•marH tavern not far from the Brickley'• rural 1'11.....oer11orm1 6a!•ed '"' n•lloro Dimondale. Mich., home.'~'he teen·aged 1oe1•v. •ttL?ll'IO iemper•'""" <1ow11 1"'°• Brickley was accused of selltflg three In -•rt•J. ll"""'°"'bly cooler. A we•'""' 'v'te"' iti.1 u111to ounces ol marijuana 'lo an undercov~r K•Tllfed tlla\lit<I ln I... Rll(kltJ ,. ( ponMo 11111no...,1ar ... 1 into 111e Nor1111•11 narco 1cs agen . Pl•lns ''''" 11'1d M!s11ulP111 v1111r. The other two youths were released R1!nf•ll WIS ••lrlv UgM. h .... •«~ w•• M10t1et1 ..... 011-111. without' being charged. The c arge Minn., ""r Na••h oet.a". ~111 1>o against the lieutenant govemo_r's son d•rn~ or'lni1Jtln wer• r~l'd. Lohhyist Shot ~"°'~ u ... ot storms &ir.tc'*I ''°"' carries a · maximum four-year penalty lllt! Cent••I Pl•lns to Ille ... 1011<lloro of 1ti. E•'"'" s..11oero. A•••• r-11119 upon conviction. • 11.11 llK~ of ••In l11<l\ldeel Newpcirt Eiirlier Brickley said he and his wife ....._•__,Gun Supporter Killed a.t Home N•w1, Va.: ll•l"'JIDfl, Kv.. •rtd Br!d9tPart. c-. ~tarianne have suspected their son was unw1~1i1v tool leftlW••-• w•r• Involved with mari juana for some time. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Louis Sisler, a lobbyist for the Nation· rKor<led J11 1111 Grell L.lk11 AOlal'I· h f •twt• r..011191 <11PClld 10 "" .,. 11111 al Rifle Association, was shot to death t is weekend by a group o •cout-• ..,e•tL-"WE llAVE af(ordecf him pro£essionat private citizens who said they were looking for a rapist. .. n ReT help in the pall and we continue to want . Police said the aMailants fired several shots throuih a screen F1ir lvdolJ, L.lvht ¥ar1•bll wlndt b th " d ,.r,11, -.rt0 """""' "-"' --'"' door aner-Sisler told them, "You must ave e wrong ouse, an """"'" 10 to '' kftllh '" 1ner-ttied to close the door. ladl J •"4 Wldl>t'lcl•Y· Hlgh ladt' "' KISS INGE R GETS d r .d "" ·~ ..._ ,_,,. ,._,Mn Sisler, 48, was a former Indiana state judge an a ormer ar e 1 ,....,. "an1 .. to ''· 1"'•t111 ""'91r•· to Sen. Vance Hartke, (D-lnd.) hH'H ,,,.... lfcrm 6S 19 tO. W1llr rd *""'•'""' ... V"'"'E OF QVEENS Police charged Mary Harris. 55, and Alfonso Stodda . 27, with Su11 , Monn, 'l'lde1 '""' ' homicide and were searching for other suspects. The group appar· Tu•soA• ~-.-.......,-.. 0u .. wa.sJ_Mk.lnO' for the man who raped Mrs. Harris' 32·year..old *Zr'" 1:11 ""''--.!-l-.J L\Nll.A-l~··,..16-<lOll~L'f.,Jn.;::t!='; ..,_,. .,., ~rd K /n1 w10,..110,.~:u ,.m. l.l the f.11.9s Unlvene contest wert asked daughter early Satu •Y· f -he 1 .Sisler was staying at his father--in·law's house here whlle pre· ,1.i1 11rv11 •:II •·"'· >-• here to·vote or "I greatest JlttSO" " I ·• t J d fir•' •ow ........ ,.. 2:4, •.m .... , the •'Orld today." Secretary f'f State par ing legi slction for the NRA and p a~n~to return o n 1an1 ..... , St>totld 1'1qll ••. • 1;10 ,_m, •.1 ) ndsl' t lh :·1 seen 1ow 1:s1 '·"'· t,1 Jfenry A. Kissinger won by :r a ide. nex mon . ,, w •un rbtt s:s~ •·"'· !<ell •~os p.m. --------------" -M0011 1!M"i 1:* e.m, "" I:~ p.m. - . . ' • -, • • .. '~-·-t .,. , ) __ • -:...l' ... _________ _ • • • • -=--<•= , ' ---; Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks I N TEN CENTS I Coast Pays FareWell to Ron ,C~spers, 2 Sons By L. PETER KRIEG Of ,._ O.IW rilllt Slafl 1be memorial folder said-simply that a father and· his two 30llS were "Lost at Sea, June, 1974." But it was not the tragic death of Fifth District Supervisor Ronald W. CUpeta: and aons Kirk and Rick that a family riiend, the • Rev. G. William Grady, r~ted during memorial services Monday. Before more than 400 pers;ons crowded into st. Mlchael'1 and All Angels Epilcopal Charth ln Corona del ~1ai', the Rev. Gtady_~id tba Jl'.l'OPle who knew COUNTY DEMOCRATS STAY OUT DF STH DISTRICT HASSLE, Pogo 3 -------'----=----~ Ron Caspers "have a greater vision of life becauae of this truly outatanding man." He said Mr. Caspers "f~ bis true love in lift in his election to the Board of Supervif;ors." The how--Jong service ih the hil lside chapel tbat overlooks Newport Harbor was attended by family friends and neighbors, p>litical leaders and counly offi(:ials. . . . • . They beard Ille Rev. Grady talk of Ille lite ~°' l\ick Calpers, whose love of . surfing made him well known on the beaches of both Newport Beach and Santa Barbara. • "lie had a qtiiet and patient manner ttiat always put people at . ease,·· the . Rev. Grady said. Kirk Caspel'f , 20, said Rev. Cr3.dy, will be remembered for bis love of tbe outdoors. • "He was at home with nature," the Rev. Grady saKI. For Ronald W. Caspers, born 1'-1ay 21 , 1931, "life was an exciting thing," the Rev. Grady said. "He got so very much out of. everything life had to offer. "\\'hcther it was that twinkle in his eye when you would go before him at the Board of Superv'isors or whether he was riding herd at his ranch on that-little red tractor or at the keyboard of a piano or playing his gu;tar, he realized complete s~ss and total achievement in everything he did." The Rev. Grady told of those adtitve- ments -college at 16, the youngest president of a savings and loan at 29, • ' even ' e ot Employed PrQhe • Against O'Brien WASHINGTON (UP f) -John D. Ehrlictunan sicked the Internal Revenue Service on Lawrence F. O'Brien in 1972, and carped about a "crappy job" when auditors failed to find any evidence of tax cheating by the DemocraUc party leader. "I wanted them to tum up something to send him to jail before the-election and unfortunately. it didn't materialiu:," Ehrlichman was quoted in evidence released today by the H"""' Judiciary Comrnitlee as part ol ils impeadlment inquiry. O'Brien in Ille aummer ol lm bad juat stepped down aa national Democratic chairman to -run Sen. George S. McGovern's presidential c a m p a I g n against President Nixon. Ehrllchman was Nixon 's chief domestic affairs adviser. F Using sworn statements fro m Dirlichman and lrom Jcilnnle M. Walters, the IRS commissioner at the time,· the evidence sketched much the same 8'or)' of PW!! O'Brien iD:ideN. related last week by the Senate Watergate-Committee in its fmal f'eport. 11 illdi<ated -wltllaul drawing my ....oillllons -that Ebrllchman got a tip · SOUtliERN ... Conception •nta .. rfNr• -J Mll9UM - CALIFORNIA \BORDERLAND ITR.t.CTI UNDER CONSIDERATION I • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SALE 1135 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY OfllANGE COUN'TV 1 • SAN DIEGO COUNTY . I . . "' • ~r .O'Brim bad iw::ei* larle IWnl from n il "' . .,. Howard Hughes _.,muon and ' ~pe -,1-1'.W~----Ti;;:·~-not-llove-..pol'ied-iHR-his-la•-1--11------' -. returns. He tbea pressured the IRS for Judge to -.Ad_m:t· "" audit and was lurious when told no ., major discrepancies were fOllJld. In a telephr:me cooversation Aug. 29, T d E id 1971, EhrUchman fint complained of a ape V ence -"stall" on the O'Brien audit to lllen- Treasury' Secretary George iP. Shultz, By A11THUR R. -VINSEL . Of tllt DlllW rilllt St.rt LOS ANGELES -A •Superior Court judge ruled shortly before noon today that tape recordings will be ~issiJ:U as evklence in the murder·for-bire trial of Newport Beach IOclalite E~ Popell. She and her boyfriend. Dan Ayers are .accused of plotting Ille death of Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon Samuel Popeil last year. · Judge Mark Brandler'• ruling today_on motions. by the defell!e to rule the tapes inadmissible was seen as somewhat 6f a blow to the defendants' case. Jury selection was e1pected to ~ tn Department 53 of the do " n t own courthouse at Ill ,N. Hill St., and be complete by Friday. A six-week trial is anticipated for Mrs. Popcil. 48, and Ayers, S?, bolh of whom· are charged with conspiracy and solicitatlon·to commit murder.· The onetime cafe·waltress and Ayers, have ple~ed innocent. _ _ . then turned on Waltert. · · "It was my first crack at hiJ:n," Ehrlichman testified. "George wouldn't let me at him. George wanted to stand between (me) and bii cpmmissloner . and this was the first time . . . I had a chance to tell the commisaiooer l\'hal a crappy job be bad done." His testimony was given at an e:xecutive ··leSlion of tbe SI! n ate Wotergile comniltlee Feb. I and ·forwarded to the Houoe pane). Walters, in a liOm affidavit iiibmitted to the impeacllment Inquiry J u n e 10, rem!mbered the call well. "Mr. Ehrllchman indicated disappointment and said-to me 'I'm goddamn tired ·or . your foot-dragging tactics.' t was offended and very upset but decided to make no response to that atatement," Walters said. "Following the telephone conversaUon, I told secretary Stulta tha t he oould have my job any time he wanted it." But Walters ttayed on eight more months, until April of last year. * * * _, l -Olllf' rii.t Mtwt. MNI MAP INDICATES "OCEAN AREAS WHERE FEDERAL OFFICIALS ENVISIDN OIL DRILLING But One of Thole Officials Lurnt C~astal Residents Have Different Ide•• Oil Foes Blast Official Environmentalists-Sa)'-Decision--Already Made By JACKIE HYMAN Of t1111 Olllr 'lilt Sl1fl' .. U.S. Deputy Undersecretary or the Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted with skepticism and insults Monday In Santa Monica during public discussion of · oCfsbore oil drilling aklng the Southern California coastline. ,. Speakers in the audience of 400 persons at Santa Monica Civic auditori um told -Ca:rter they believe the decision is already made on.offshore drilling sites. ••1 have the feeling you already have your mind made up and this meeting is just window dres&ing," said Mary Ferguson of Los Angeles. "It's very frustrating." • "I've told you that we won't mak~ a decision until the environmental impact .statement is completed, and what I've said Is accurate," carter responded. • Nancy Calms of Ole S e a s or e Environmental Alliance (SEA "You're not consi ering the alternatives," said J. Alex Cota of the · Eastside-Westside Concerned Citizens Committee. "We don't want drill ing in thEi Santa Monica. Bay, we want alternative fuels such as hydrogen." She remains free on $50,000 bail, much of it secured by pledges from former neighbors of the couple, who put .up real estate boldinp as _,tty. The Popells once lived at 519 ft.arbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, an address she has vacated follolting a police raid there six months ago by Long Beach homicide investigators,.-· White House IRS Probe Dispute between Carter and · the audience arose bolb about the issue of offshore oil drilling itself and about the Interior Department's handling of the problem. Cota expressed anger at having only teamed of Afonday's meeting the previous Thursday from a r a d i o (See OU., Pase I) Police Copter View of Nude Recovers Art The slender blonde and her tall, trim. male compm:tion who had just driven up to the waterfront home in a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow limousine are accused of plotting against the lUe of Samuel J. Popeil. He had initiated divorce proc~ings in Chicago, but Mrs. Popcil still stood to receive a third of hiJ estimated $200 milli~state if he died before it was rfnal. Long Beach homicide investigators, (See EVIDENCE, I'll• II Newport . Suicide Try Thwarted A despondent woman wbo leaped in1o the sea ftom Newport Pier wu retcUed Monday night by lifeguardl; and citUens who saved her from drowni~. 'lbe victim, 57, from San Bernardino, v.·as given emergency treatment al Hoag ~1emoria1 Hospital after the incldeat ~ f.====translerred to Orange County: Medical Center for counseliiig. Lifeguards sakl they had to. fight the woman after 'reviving her once they did discover her floating face down beside the pier, about three fourths of its length out from shore. · ' OrMovie StarsBared WASHINGTON (UPll -The White House-conducted an Inquiry In 1971 into the tax stakls of nine "po1itically active" movie ,and television Mars, according to evidence released today by the House Judiciary COmmlttee. • White House officials, the evidence showed, went to· the Internal Rl!Vfliue ·Service to ol>tain the~Jnfonnation which normally 11 coofldentlil belween IRS and • lupaytt. . The lncldent is dl1elosed in a memo aintained in the 440-pege volume of evldenco rdltlng to aUepd mltuae of Ille lRS releued by the committee as part of lb impeachment lnvesttgatk>n. The volume draws no conclus~ as to the incidtnt. • The memo WIS writtelf"Oct. 6, 1171 to t~Wbite House comasel John W. Dean UI by Jotm J. Caulfield, an ex-New York City J)Olloeman hired by the White U...se for· clandestine assignments. The investigation was tr i g g ere d , according to accompanying testimony, by a complaint to the-White Home from actor John· Wayne or Newport Beach, that he was being "harassed" by tas men. After looking at the status of other movie and television stars, Caulfield oa11ciuded thll "The Wayne complalnl / .•• does not appear to be strong enough to pursue." lmpeacbJnent investigators obtailfed the Caulfield memo from the Senate Watergate Committee, along with his secret testimony at an executive session Alarch 23. <iper your instructions or Sept. 28, 1971, we have selected some individuals ln the entertainment industry who w e r e p>Utically active during prior elections and determined their audit b:-•ory,'' Caulfield wrole Dean. 1be review, he said, showed these "deficiencies" for the se~ stars: -Richard -· 11 ,377 for l!ltl'l-!8; -Sammy Davis Jr., '36,683 for 1981-63 andl •; --- -Jerry Lewis, $4112~11 for I-and 11161: -Peter Lawfml, llS,710 for ttl6M9; -li'r,ed MacMumy, 119,716 for t963, • J96$-66 and 1981, lea SS,711 in refWlds In 1962 and 1161. --Oary Morton aAd {Alcille Ball, 11,010 4 n-1915; -Booald Reagan, 4 11,101 for JllMI: -Frank ~atra, '301"1 for 1980 and 1962-64. • -Wayne, 11$1,UI for 1161-11, includinll $237,331 in 11161. • I "I admit we didn't do a very good job of publicizing it when we began considering leasing-sites-last-spring.n.. Carter said al the beginning or the meeting. "We miy have some kind of credibility gap." The fact that a credibility gap exists became evideq_t during the meeting as speakers accused the Departlm!at or the Newport Beach police were scheduled Jnlerlor of' having ignored the public's today to reunite a naked lady with a de!lres in the past and repeatedly stated burglary victim who is one happy dude at their ·belief th~t the department is the recovery of his nude. tnnuenced by financial donations from Jay '\Vard. or 3036 Breakers Drive, was major oil companies. due to pick up the fi ve-by·¥Ven foot At one point a man. In the audience painting from the police property room, waved a one dollar bill and shouted, according to Detective Mike Sullivan. '4Thls will buy" your vote!" ur find that very offensive," Carter Police helicopter pilots and observers responded. . · inaistbathlnlbey 1 donth't watc1toh thew o m bue nt "I find you offensive!" shouted another , sun g n e a ge r, heckler. something caught the chcipper crew's eye RepresentaUveL of a number of Friday. environmental groups, several of which Pilot Tim Giundtman and ObServer had held p~meetlng press conferences, Officer Dennis Haehn zeroed in for a n:prelled tblmletves tea eolorfUll.Y'"but cloae.r kick ·iit what appeared ·10 be a wltll equal veherl'Jence. ~ naked lady up a tree. "We're objectinc that the declsion. has They lnade a low level pass and alrtady been made,·• said Mary Ann discovered Lhe feminine form observed Eriksen, a repre!l!ntatlve of the SiCl'l'I from aloft was a painting which had been Cl b hidden In the upper branches of the tree. u . ' "I think the administration is making a PatrQ,imen who recovered the artwork. mockerJ. -of envlron~j rn p ••=-:an original b !\tel Ramo1 and val ued at assessmen~rid public inpttt In decision 10,iM> Dy \ a , sa a n making." · -• invisible from the ground. _ "We bell If 'the depanment we.re lnvestlgaton said the lbier·app:irentl y reallJ listentn&~ to u tt""Y woukl 'have stashed the painUng in the tcee near tent Secretary of ..ttre Interior Rog~ts Ward's home to avoid being di9covered Morton Instead of a subordinate,:• said and planned t.o rcttlm for it later. • .• l'i and the youngest supervisor ever In Orange County at 39. "He v .. as nOt an average man but in his election to the Board of Supervisors he found the tru e love of his life. llis ~lcction in June plact'd him totally in public S(!rvice." the ReV. Grady said. Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' . ac- complishments as a supervisor, which he said were highlighted \\'hen he won his battle for county acquisition of the S,~- (See CASPEl\S, Page ZI are Fan el-Tabs President In Report WASHINGTON IU PI ) -The House Judiciary Committee published evidence today of White House efforts to turn the ,. Internal Revenue Service into an agency of political reward and revenge. A_· 440-page report from t h e impeachment inquiry showed th.at Nixon was present when aides discussed efforts to make political hay from IRS (ax Information and to hara~ White House "efleqties" by auditing their taxes. Fonner IRS Commissioneri Randolph Thrower, in a SWOpl statement lo the committee, said Un! pressure to politicize It.! tax service became sO intense in 1970 that he....had .to threaten to resign to -· • ·blocl<--a-White~House an~o·-1---1 reorginizatian. Thrower said he feared lhe plan would tum the 1.000-man Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms DivJsion into "a personaf police force" controllable only by the lRS commissioner, a political appointee. The White House offered Thrower tv.·o candidates for the job - G. Gordon Liddy,, later convicted in the Watergate break-in~ and Jack Caulfield. a former New York police detective whose role as a political spy came to light during the Senate Watergate hearings. Thrower, a Republican from. Atlanta, Ga., said he blocked both appointments. But when he tried to see President Nixon to protest ·again efforts to tum the tax service into a political tool he was denied access to the oval office and bfock~ ffom making his case. he said. Judiciary Chairman Peter \V. Rodino Jr. (D-N.J.), has said he considers evidence or the political abuse or government agencies to be among the most serious in the impeachment inquiry. The IRS evidence is likely to be cited when Rodino's coinmittee starts drafting articles or impeachment next \VceR. Asked about the committee report as he arrived for a closed session of the co mmittee loday, Nixon·s lawyer, James D. St. Clair said he read it to mean the panel "(ound nothing to it." He said the mailer had been investigated fully by other congressional committees and it was determined !hat r no harassing audits were made ·or White House enemies . " • Today's report was the ninth volume of impeachment evidence to be released, ~'ith more to come later this week. The-new report said: (Ste 'ENEMIES,' Page ZI "Orange Coast Weather Patchy fog and low clou~s near the beaches \Vednesday morning otherwise sunny with not much change in temperature, according to the weather se rvice. Beaches · in the low 70s rising to the mld- BOs inland. INSIDE TODAY South Coa st Repertor11 1'os s'"ored · a srnasll hit wilh its su.perTativt productfoll Of tile rock-gospel niusittll "God1pell." revi ewed today 01t Page 8. •rllMI l imlltdt 14 A111 L1n1h""-U L. M, l"'d t M-t TrH II Ctlltemit S c11nmH lt•I( ~-. M11lv1I ,Vl'fl 11 c-ic1 ·u N1!11NI N""' t I -. 0r--CMai-·~·~ ... --~ ,_.. 1J·l4 DHlll N.ilctt U l'.dllerll l ,,,. • l11hlr1•in1t11111 • .,,,.•M• u.11 '"'" , .. ,. Sl«I Mlrllth 1 .. lt ftlt\'ltltn I HY G1r•r ' HWMetl't • U Tll'ttMra I W•tllltt "'4 111trminlt11 • w11lf Ntlll'I I \ 2 DAILY PILOT N Tuesday, July 16, 1974 --~----~ Pilot Logbook He1·man Inspires $7.95, I 00·%-Saf e Mousetrap I By RUDI Nll::DiIELSKI DfllY Pilot $"If BecausC' tl1e 1hougfif Off filling mOrl iltes us~e are probably the only people on the block \\'ith a ~7.9S nmusetrap. That's ho\v much yOu h;1ve to shell out U you wanL to catch your mouse alive. The guy at the SPCA just laug~ v.·hen my wife inquired if lhere \\'as such a th ing as a trap which doesn't kill the mouse. It ·was the most ridiculou~ thing he 'd ever heard of and he didn't mind telling Chris so. WE DON'T BELIEVE in throwing.money away either. That's v.·hy \Ve bought the cheapi> trap instead of the $10 luxury 1nodel. Both v.·ere uncovered at a Long Beach pet store after two full days or searching. _ All of this time and money has been invested b;ecause all other measures to get rid of our latest house guest, a NJEDllELSK• tv.·crinch \'ermin na1ned "Henna.n," have failed miserably. The little critter made his appearance .-rather spectacularly -Monday by scurrying along the kitchen counter ond disappearing into one of the top burners of the electric range. LETTING OUT A TERRIFYING tooth-rattling scream, Chris jumped upon lhe nearest chair. \1·hile I explained in great haste thal having a mouse in th e house shouldn't be so rrightcning. " "He prob<lbly jUst s!rayro in and is as scared as you ~re," said I, re- assuring Chris that e1·crybody 1\•ho moves into a rtew housing tract has .a mou se problem because the construction activity flushes the1n out of thelf' habit at. . Hov.·ever. ·the thought of having a mou~ nestin~ in the slo\'e didn't s1l too well 1vith Chr is who immediately gave me mstructJons from the safety of her chair on hol'J to dismantle it. OF COURSE. IIERl\IAN 11•as long gone. "Forget the mouse ever came in here.·• I told her. "1\·Javbc he·s slipped out of the house and won 't be back." Still. the though t of having the aroma of '·mouse frites" ~afti~g f~m the kitchen \l'as i:listurbing and Y.'hen Herman appeared the following night, 1t was clear that he just had to go. . . . His reprise performance caused quite a scene. I am ved home to find Chris u•ilh J1er pant legs rol!ed up. instructing our cat "Fritz" how to chase Herman the Vermin. . . . She had the hallway leading to our bedroom blocked off with an 1ron1ng board while the doors -leading from the family room to the garage aq_d the outside of the house were open. Those Y•ere to be Herman's escape rotltes. THE IDEA \\'AS for Fritz to put enough heat on Hf!:rman so th~t he wo~d run for safety an<t be forever gone. It didn 't work out that way. Fntz ~s still sn iffing Wldcr the couch 'vhen l1ennan \\•as already back under the stove. Exasperated, Chris rolled do"Ti her pant legs (s~·~ rolled them up. so J{ennan couldn'I. shinny up her clothes\ and began .butldmg a trap accordmg tO design parameters de\•ised by a Daily Pilot staffer. . . . IL consisted of a shOe box. a slick propping up the shoe box. a strmg and a piece of cheese. The fo lJowing morning. the cheese was gone and so was the stick. "l'M GEmNG A little irritated \vith Herman," confessed Chris, who up to then didn 't get too upset with our house mouse unless she actually saw him. .. I think v.·e're just going to haVe to get a mousetrap." c Aiid that's bow "'e gpt our $7.95 Have-A-Heart mousetra~. Now i~ Herman will just cooperate, y.·e will be able to resume our flOrrnal lives agam. From Pagel. EVIDENCE ... ------------------ . ' •••• ' Fr••P.,eJ OIL ... • broad~st. "We .aro deJCfving of more J"tipect than havlna a mere handful of ct.ys to pi'epare to derend our eoastllne," he aakl . -Speakers aJso objected to spending their limb attending a public n1eelini: which v.•as not an offlcinl hearing and .at v.·hich l eslill)Ony was not recorded.~ "Yet If ~ didn't attend, the dc~rtn1ent /could say the public lsn' lntercsted ," said Miss Gaims. "WC . want your• input in' o ll r enVironmental I m p a c i statement," Carter said. "I think you represent$ an im~rtant point of view which play be controlling. ; · SOME OF THOSE WHO ATTENDED CASPER' MEMORIAL SERVICE LINE UP OUTSIDE C:HU~CH Epltcopal Church In CoroNI del Mar Scene of Rites fOr County Supervisor Lost at Sta . "ijowever; I thlJli: you're-saying that you've illready made up youi' minds and you're angry because you think we've already ma<le up ours." From Pagel CASPERS ... acre Starr Ranch for a county park. An1ong those attending the memo rial scrv,ices were Orange County political leader Richard O'Neill. P.lrs, Judy- Rosener and Donald Bright, membcrS-o! the South Coast Re~iO!lal Zone Conser- vation Commiss ion, on \\'hich Caspers also had served, and Irvine Councilman John Burton. ~ The theme hymn chosen for the solemn occasion was, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save/' ' None of Caspers' fellow supervisors joined in the memorial service although each one sent an aide. Board Chairman Ralph Clark is on vacation and Supervisor David Baker is in Washington • "D.C. on county business. · Both Supervisors Ralph ·Diedrich and Robert Battin are away in 1.tiami Beach where they are attending the National Association of Counties ConferenCe where they are to pick up an award honoring Orange County for l t s progressive programs. Caspers and bis two sons and seven others were lost at sea June 14 below San Benito Island off Baja California. They were aboard the 63-foot Shooting ·star, owned by county political leader FTOO Harber ~hose last comm~cation came late at rught June 13 that the boat was talting on water and sink.log. Services for Harber and the six others have-not~been-~ Nixon to Meet To<J,ay With Staunch Defender .~ ~ . He ~uggested that eorresP-Qndence_O!J._ the subject be sent 'to William E. Grant, P.1anager of the Outer Continental Shelf, Bureau of Land Management with the <J.s. Department of the Iflterior in Lot Angeles. "He's ·l~e One responsible for !ht environm~ntal studies," Carter said. "ffowever, I assure you-we'll be much "'n1orc. influenced by re a sonable President Nixon interrupts a holiday at a multimillionaire's Palm Desert estate today lo meet in San Clemente with an ardent supponer, Rabbi Baruch 'Korff, head of the naUonal committee for fairness to the presid'ency. Bruce Herschenson is working closel'y ·arguments against o(fsborc drilling than with him on his campaign to keep the by opinions alone." Nixon arranged a late afternoon meeting with Korff, one of. h~ strongest anti·impeaclunent defenders. ' ' Korfr. or Provideiice. R.I., h-a s arranged rallies around the country in support of Nixon, and White House aide From Pagel President in office. Nixon Monday new lo the desert Mtate or U.S. amba ssador to Great Britain \Valter Annenberg. with his wife and his daughter and son·in-Jaw, Tricia and Edward Cox . They relaxed at the 200- acre walled-in estate and Nixon and Cox played 18 holes of golf ·on Its private course. Nixon has told hi.s aides he Is feeling no discomfort from phlebitis, a blood clot ·in his left leg, and the swelling has gone down. "He is not experiencing any pain" said Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler. The condition developed before his trip to the f\.tiddle East. A1nong_ Monday's speakers, Hennosa Beach City Councilman Lance Whitman was one ot the few to detail his objections to the drilling. Whibnan cited the danger ·,.oil spills, the visual impact of oil equipment, and the passage or Proposition 20 as evidence that voters "hold precious the California coastline'." -'ENEMIES' ... Monday's meetbtg was a Jess dignified repeat of a meeting Friday between Carter and Southern Cal~~9.ffi~, ~~f.., officials, who also ·expressed opposition both lo offshore oil drilling and to the Department or the Interior's handling or The golf trip waa Vrief respite before the matter. Nixon plunges inter a series of meetings -Newspaperman Clark Mollenhoff, with ad\'isers later this Week to prepare Carter said at both meetings that he former special counsel to Nixon, swore In a major economic address he will deli\'er expects the envi.roomental assessment to an affidavit to the committee that H.R. next \\'eek, probably elsewhere in be completed by December or January, Ila! California . following public hearings, with a final deman invoked Nixon's name in 1970 Nixon is shootingior a·balanced budget , oin seeking 1l memg on the tax status of of $330 billion in the 1976 fiscal year, decision to be made by late spring of Gerald Wallace, brother of the governor starting next July 1. He also predicted 1975. of Alabama. '.fll:!' ·damaging·~o was that the 1975 fiscal ye ar budget deficit .. This is goqig to be a tough decision," swiltly leaked, even though unauthorized 11 be" -.1 · • 'd , disclosure of tax returns ,is a criminal wi narrowcu to about $2 billion,. Carter sa1 Mapuay. act. I , . . Ehrlichrnan had complained lo him. "'l'm fl -•ecal~~~e~h:ho;;,~~~;~do~~;mt:p:il'-uai·g Says· President goddamn tired of your foot-dragging · Two Bandits Hit tactics." White House officialdom, Ille - evidence showed, felt Democrats in the f IRS"'bierarehy controlled Republican tax Con i"dent of Outcome I ,. Squirrel Blamed For Explosion _4.t Edison Site placed in con1act wilh lwo men claiming fftllltin• gton Bank commiS.ioners _ insl>ad of vice-versa. · . kno"·ledge ot the murder plot, ha\'e tape -Previously undlsClosed testimony recordings allegedly dealing with the • " from Jolm W. Dean JII before a closed -... .(. -pr-oJ)osed )tilling. ~. For""" ~9so~nau11---session"'·of -the-5enate-w-a-t"e:r-g a-t e -=sy HELEN'mPMAS'~-----,Huce:-:::sai~'°""'"""a M""':-t"r"1ps::--;:,.;-;e;-;r;-;e;----"-l A ground squirrel died P.·londay .night in a $3,000 explosion that destroyed an Edison Comp~y transformer in Newport Beach. Southern California Edison Company officials tQday estimated that damage figure · following the transformer blast caused by a short when the squirrel got into the electrical facility. The 5:21 p.m. incident in an above- ground transformer fixture al 366.-San !\'liguel Drive in Ne\vport Center shut off power to 200 customGrs for about one hour. _ 1 Newport Beach Fire Department Tnspecror Arl J\torton said the force of the blast buckled steel plates housing""tbe transform er. -Power-v.•as out to -two ·high rise office buildings and firemen 11·ent through them, checking e.le\'ators to nlake sure no one was trapped. Two Agents Wounded CORDES JUNCTION, Ariz. IUPI ) -A search was under \.\'BY today for a man who shot and v.·ounded t"'o law enforcement officers investigating a narc.otits .case. Ylounded were J\1arty P.1artinez, an agent with the Fede ral Drug Enforcement Adm inistration and ·~lichael Tanaka, bel ieved to be with the Honolulu Police Department. ORANGfCOAST " DAILY PILOT -T~ °'•"'l" C')O<O 0.tl; "110l '""" "'""" ,, •-t.,...11•P li~n ·.P•".' '" P.,:,,, .....,, Ir;" e 0Jf"O'• U•·• P~~·" • ·.~ ~·Jl"!l>o,., •""''·"h ~~"''"' "'" Ill>!>'"~ "' .n,•~ '' r ' t,.o~. IOI (;(t\IO """' "'•~:·· ... u.,..,~ •• '""11"" fl<>.•<~''c-... • •.-• V• . ..., '.n.,na u.,,,._, "~ ,., -;.11=~~01 ••t· · "" c,,.,..,.,,,> s..n J~•• c..o. , .. ,..., i.. ""ll't '""<(>n'" ,,., '·~~ " Pul>. "....: «••vi J.,, 0•1 :.,.,,,. (I.I,.. ln~~~rw;-1.-'"llP·l., "'»Cl'n"'-I e., s1 .... 1. eosi. """'"'· c..r.i,,...,,. m<t> P-*--!J.\V,.~rf Poe~"""'""'"'',,.,_ T~i:....,., f.0-10< l fio""<.'l\A Mowr.!."9 "''"""""(Ooror Defense attorneys Phil Petty and ' ~ ,-committee quoted him as saying that • '·"' Ul'I w.. Hliil1t'"'"' "physically as v:ell as intellectually Robe G N'1.1on wanted to stop tax actions against President :Nixon Is confident Hause taxing" but that Nixoo views them as rt reen, acting for l\lrs. Popeil , An acne-scarred man and h is f,is friencl s. Dean sai~ N1"K0n "ask·' lhat ----J "" C'-' investigators have turned up no evidence "highly st1L'\.~1ul," exceeding the ob.-and lawyer Joseph Acton. representing accomplice st.uck. up a. &wntown t (the JRS) be turned off on friebds of that he committed an impeachable jectives he set for himSelf. Ayers, argued against allowing their use. Huntington Beach bank Monday, making his offense, White House Chief of Staff ltaig also said that despite his threat to Judge Brandler's decision on that issue off ~th '$980, police said. -Dean, in a memo to his White House Alexander M. HaiB\..said today. . do so, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will allow 'tbe jury selection to begin superiors, asked, "Gan we do anything to Haig aJso said Nfxoo's recent summit \\-ill not resign. -today and Petty said he expects It will be The ~ described as about 40 help?" when told that presidential friend journeys "reinforced hJs determination" Asked if ~i(lger will remain in the completed by the end of the week. years old, slender with short hair and Billy Graham, the. preilcher, was to remain in office. cabinet, Haig replied: "You bet your life Prosecutor Deputy District Attorney glasses, approached· teller Maria Drake undergoing a tax audit to ~see when he In an interview at the Western White he will. I . cannot foreeee any Pt!ter Bergman reportedly plans to lead ._. at the United California Bank at 3&J Main had reported as inC-Ome gifts he had H~se. Haig said Nixon feels "tha t in the drC\lmstances at this juncture whidt off V.'ilh testimony by one of the men St. told her he had a gun and demanded received, The reply : "No -·it's already wake of all this activity there has been would Jessen tny confidence that he is all egedly solicited for the killing that was ' covered." no impeachable offense confinned by the goi ng to serve his country in his currmt never carried out, probably next Monday. money. -Former assistant IRS Commissioner evidence." position." ·+-·· --.. Popeil Must Pay Wife $27,000, Judge Declares CHICAGO (UPll -Samuel J. Pope.ii has been ordered to pay his wife, Eloise, $27,000 in temporary support payments and legal costs even though she is charged with conspiring to have him murdered. Divorce Court Jud ge Hyman Feldman refused l\1onday to change his ruling at the request of Popeil, a millionaire partner in a kitchenware company. Feldman last year ordered Popeil to pay $4.250 a month to his wife for four months and another $10,000 in lawyers' feC's v.·hilc the divorce v.·as pending. i'.lrs. Popeil and Daniel ·Ay ers of Santa Ana. arc being tried this week on the murder plat charges. They are accused of hiring two men to murder Popeil. Mrs. Pepeil and Ayers were arrested Jan. 8 in C.alifornia .• ~Iarine Senienced For Rifle Thefts · -She emptied her cash drawer of $980 in for Inspection Vernon Acree emerged "Both the President and his lawyers "There is no public servant I hold in tens and twerlties and gave 'it to ..him, over and over in the testimony as the reel an impeachable case has not been higher regard In terms of h i.1 police said, at the same time tripping a conduit of infonnation from the IRS to made, bot there are those who may have contribuHon. I think he has made silent burglar a.larm. the White House. For example. it was · that objective in view." contributions and will make many Police-said the teller never 3:"ctuaJhi cree-who told Caulfield about Graham's Speaking-of ·Niion·~-June·travels to the more." -~ -- v tax troubles and Acree who in 1971 Middle East and Moscow for summjt Kissinger, who will arrive here for saw a iveaJk>n. reported to Caulfield on the tax returns talks, Raig said, "He generally has coffie conferences \\'ith Nixon later this week, The robber then fled the bank and of Lawrence Goldberg, a Rhode Island back spiritually and intellectually had threatened to resign unless his name according t.o one wi~, Jumped into ihe toy m a n u f a c t u r e r then under stimulated. is cleared of allegations that he ordered passenger ·seat or a large. while . car consideration for appointment "in the "He ~cannot help .but fool personally wireta ps against Jt officials and par.ked next to Gold Coast Laboratories. Jewish area" at the Committee to Re-inOuenced in his outlook and reinforced newsmen between 1969 and 1971, Last -nie car was seen going we'st on Olive elect the-President. Acree is now head of in his own determination to-fthis on weekend Nixon a 5 s u m e d full Street, police reported. the Customs Bureau. governing the United .States." responsibility for authorizing the ta~ Police apparently. arrived only minutes -;:;::;::;::;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;:::::::::::::::;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;..;;.,.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;:::--';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.~;;;;~"i",;;;1 after the bandits left at 11:30 a.m. r 1 The driver of the g.efawciy car also reportedly sported short hair. The robber was also described. as about 145 powKis, and from five feet, 10 inches to six feet tall. Car-truck Crash Kills Motorist ; In Huntington A 59-year-<>ld Huntington Beach woman was killed P.1onday in a collision between her car and a flatbed truck, police reported. Huntington Beach polite-are still Investigati ng the noon accident at Beach Boulevard and Newman Avenue which fatally injured Ethel Novella Wilson of 5092 Auarey ·Drive. She was driving southbound on Beach when she passed two lanes of cars stopped for pedestrians in a crosswalk I and entered the intersection at Newman Avenue, police said. · WHAT'S UP? NOT CARllF TING-. The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 years ago , (1952). Technology has been responsible for this. resulting in speedier ways of making, dyei ng, and finishing carpeJi ng as mu ch as 70 times fasterl THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN- CREASE DURING THI S TI ME PERIOD . Yor may think whe n you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive.: Remember, however. that people are carpeting bedrooms, baths, kitchens, and other areas that usually weren 't .carpeted 25 or 30 years ago, making totals higher. . r .. · Carpeting ordinarily costs le ss than linoleum or hardwood flooring, and· provides features of comfort , quiet. beauty, and impressions of spaciousnes.s. . · You'll get your BEST CONSUMER VALUE when you buy carpeting from Alden's. · . • SAN. DIEGO. (AP) -A 21-yeaMld 1\!arine ~as been sentenced to prison fOr hi s part ui lhe theft of 17 P.1·16 riOes from .a training barracks at Cam p Pendleton. H••pOl'i~fl Offic:e Dennis J, Spencer was :i;entenced ili.J r~"l.<IOO'' ~-d fifondny to an Indefinite ter.m undt:r the There she collided with the truck driven by Donald Zane Sommers, 47, of 8321 \'argas St., Huntington Beach. Police said SOmmers was trylft& to tum left onto Newman. .ALDEN'S A~~11d;.,. . 1>0 &,. 11rl. WM) federal Youth Corrections Act. He could Otflff Offlc:•• serve up to six years in prison. c...i~·~4'• :\JICU'o·...,11.11ai•••t ''"""'*°""··• mr,...e,. •• ,...,.. Spencer and another P..1arine. John F'. ~·"Ofo.CI .... ·~ 1ra1~"""'"""~·""•..t Farmer, 19, were ....... Viel~ June 7 of !>tftO.....nt" .)O~~~ t 1e;.."""""~ 1-V'll ~ The Impact of the cr•sh hurled Mrs. WUaon's car bead-on into a large sign. CARPET~ • DRAPES • . 1_._,110~171 4 1642•4.Jll charges connected with the Feb. IS theft. CaJ . R huff) d 1--l ~°"'""",...11,_-J_r<A&ibo~ut~12rof-="lhc"'""""rif,,,le"'"s -'ha=ve'--'bce=n -'=· ~>~m=e ... t _.· ,.e,.s==~e=--H---rccover . :::r.;.!!':io.'!:"'~~~ "':!~;':~ Spencer '''3S convicted of CQSJsp!racy TOKYO UPI) -Prtnlt . Minister . -1663 Pla~tntl.a.An·-___:. __ 1-.,....--'t l:()Sf A°MlSA OI w .. ,,1111111101J_N'f•~ """" tot ~.o and theft of and receipt of government Kakuel ~anaka sWiftly reshuffled his ""'--~"'"""'°""'~0""'"' property, Farmer, who is schedulea to be cabinet today to lry to patch up a new s.-1(10• ~,-119ld•' (',qt!,"' .... °'1'""' sentenced next t\tonday, was convicted of political crisis brought bv the uncx....wed n11 $IOK,,P'IO'I Dr-u oo.._.,,.,, "~""" ~ ,,.. ... , ••oo"'f("'"IV;""'~""-...,..l)fl!.•3.~"'0"4"'' conspiracy and theft of 1overnment resignation of Finance ~tlnlsttt T1kM property~ FukJlda and St.ate Minister Shlgcru llori. ' . 646-4838 ~ .. , HOUIS: MM. T1ini n..., t lo 5:30~111 .. t lo t..,SAT. t:JO lo 5 • r • r " f · /, I .. • • . ,_ • ______ ........ ~--· --------~-·----··---· • . ' • • • • Or~ng~· C~!·!t .-..... Today's F inal N.Y. St ocks . VOL. 67, NO. 197, ·~ SECTIONS, 24 PAGES· ORANGE cou mv. CALIFORNIA ' TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1974 " . TEN CENTS c • l I • Coast Pays Farewell to · Ron Caspers, 2 Sons By L. PETER KRIEG Of tlll ON!~ ''"' ., ... The memorial folder said almply that a father and bis two 1011S were "Lo8t at Sea, June, 1974.'" ,, But it was not the tragic death of Ftftb District Supervb9< Ronald W. c._. and·-Kirk and Rick llial a famlly friend, the Rev. G. William Grady, recounted during men'lorial aervices Monday. Before more than fOO persons crowded into St. .Mlohael'1_ and Kil Angela Eplacoptl Cbutch in Corona. del Mar, the Rev. Grady said !be people who knew COUNTY DIMOCRATS STAY OUT OF 5TH DISTRICT , HASSL!; Pago-"3 Ron Caspen "bave a greater vision of i~e becauae ol Ibis truly outstanding ·man." He said Mr. Caspers "foond his true Jove in tile in bis election to the Board of · Supervi90n." The bour-kmg service in the hjllside chapel iliat overloob Newport Harbor was atteoded by family friends· and neighbon, poiilical leaders and county ·officials. They beard !be Rev. Grady talk of the life of Rict Caspers, Whose love of surfing made him well known on the beaches of both Newport Beach and Santa Barbara. "He had a' quiet--=and-patient manner that always put people at ease,·· the Rev. Gra(fy said. ... Kirk Caspers, I>, said Rev. Grady, will be remembered for bis love of the outdoors "He was at home with nature," the Rev. Crady said. ' For Ronald W. Caspers, born May 21, 1131, "life was an exciting thing," the Rev. Grady said. ''He got · so very much out of everything life had to offer. and the youngest superviso r ever In "Whether it was that twinkle in his eye Orange County at 39. v.•hen you would go before him at the "He was not an a\•erage man but in llis Board of supervisor! or wbelher he was election to the Board of Supervisors he riding herd at bis ranch on that little red found the true love of his lire. His tractor or at the keyboard of a piano or re-election in June placed him totally in playing his guitar, he realized complete -public service," the Rev. Grady-said. ·success and total achievement in Rev. Grady Cited Caspers' .ac- everything be did." . complishments as a supj'.!rvisor, "'hich ·'I1le Rev. Grady told of those achieve-he said were highlighted when he y;on his ments -college at 16, the yoongest battle.for county acquislJion of the 5.500- president of a savings and loan al 29, (See CASPERS, Page 21 " even ., e 0 are ' ' ·Probe. Employed Against .O'B:r;ien I lllleUM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BORDERLAND ~AACTI UNDER CONll~EAATION I_ .• SOUTHERN CAL IFORN IA SALE #35 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Panel Tabs President In Repo rt WASHINGTON (UPll -Jolm D. Ehrllchman sicked the Internal Revenue Service on Lawrence F. O'Brien in 1972, and carped about a "crappy job'' when auditors failed to find any evidence of tu cheating by the Democratic party leader. "I wanted them to tum up something to aend him lo jail he!'"' the eleclloo and unfortunal<ly ifcdido'I materialiu," Ebrlich:man wu quoted in evidence releued .today by the House J~ Committee as pert ol its impeachmeol inquiry. O'Brien in the summer of 1972 bad just • P(>peil ·Trial uage to A.llmit Taped Evidence By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of Ille Ollb Piii! Slllft LOS ANGELES ..). A Superior Court judge N ied shortly before noon today that tape recordings will be admillible as evidence in the murder-for-bire trial of Newport Beach IOdalite Eloise Popeil She and her boyfriend, Dan Ayen are accused of plotting the death of Cbica&o kitchen gadget tycoon Samuet Popeil last year. Judge Mark Brandler's ruling today on motions by the defense to rule· the tapes inadmissible was seen as somewhat of a blow to the defendants' case. • · ... Jury selection was expected to begin In Department 53 of the d o w .n t o w n courthouse at 111 N. HilJ St., and be complete by Friday. A six-week trial is anticipated for Mrs. Popeil, 48, and Ayers, 37, both of whom are charged with conspiracy and solicita1ion to commit lnurder. The onetime cafe whitress and Ayerll, have pleaded innocent. , She remains free on $50,000 bail, much of It leCUred by pledges born )ocner neighbon of the couple, who putfup real estate holdings as security. •epped down as national Democratic chairman to run Sen. George S. McGovern's presidential campaig n against Pr.esident NWID. Ehrllchman was Nixon's chief domestic affairs adviser. Using awom 3l8tements fr o m l.o LOS ANGELES COUNTY \VASHINGTON fUP ll -The !louse Judiciary Committt>e published evidence today of White House effqrts th tum 1he Internal Revenue Servi<:\! into an agency of ppolitical reward and revenge. · A 440-page report from t h e impeachment inquiry showed that-Nixon Ehrlichnwl and 1n>m -M. Wallen, the IRS commlllioner at the time, the evidence lketcbed much the same story ol the O'Brien Incident related i..t week by !be Sena!< ... Wat<rgal< Committee In Its f\pal "l'O!:I· -~--1 ~ was present when aides discussed efforts to make political hay from IRS lax in!ormation and to harass \\'hite House "enemies" by auditing their taxes. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ll indicated -wi-·drawfnc '!lY concl--lhal Ehrliclmlan IOI • tip ~._ ............ lirp __ !be Howard' Huebol orpnlzation and QI DOI havt 1epirlod M cm his tu "'°'""· He ihen preaured the IRS for an audit .and Was furioqil when t:Olif'"'lio major diicrepancies were f~. ' In a telephone oooversaUon Aug. 29, 1971, Ebrlk:hman· fi1'lt complained of a "stall" on the O'Brteri audit lo fhen. Treasury Secretary George I'. Shultz, then turned on Walters. "If Waa my first .<.Tack at him," Ehrlichman testified. "George wouldn't let me at him. George wanted to at.and between (me) and his commissioner and this WIS the fint tiJOe • • • I had a che.nce to tell tbe comnllssioner what a crappy job he had done." Bil testlmoay was given at an executive lfMioD of tbe S e n a t e Watergate committee Feb. I arid forwarded I& the Houle -1. Wallen. in a sworn affidavit ~tied to the impeachment 1 inquiry J u n e 10, remembered the call well. · "Mr. Eh r•I ichma n indicated disappointment and said to me 'I'm goddamn tired o{ your foot-dragging tactics.' I was offended and very upset but decided to make no response to that 91.atement," Walters sai.d. "Following the l<lephone conversation, I told Secretary Shulti that he cou1d have my job any time he wanted it." But Walters stayed on eight more months, until April of 1aat year. * * * • - , DI ... Plllt tffws ~ MAP INDICATES OCEAN AREAS WHERE FEDERAL OFFICIALS ENVISION OIL DRILLING "'t But One of T.hoM Offlci1l1 LNrn1 Co11t1I Rnidenti Hive Different ld111 l . OilJ Foes Blast Official Environmental,ists Sa:r Decision Already Mad e . By JACKIE HYMAN already made on orfshoreArilling sites. Of"" o.11Y Piii! '''" "I have the feeling you already have U.S. Deputy .undersecretary of the your mind made up and this meeting is Interior Jared G. Carter was greeted just Window dressing," said -Mary with skepticism and insult! Monday in Ferguson of L<ls Angeles. ·"It's....yery Santa Monica during public discuss:lm-ot-frustrating " offshore. oil drill.ing along the Southern , "I've told you that we won't make a Califom1a coastlme. . Speakers ln,the audience of 400 persons decl!ion until the environmental impact at Santa Monica Civic auditotium told ltatement is completed, and what l've Carter they_ believe the ' decision is said is accurate," c.arter responded. Dispute between Carter and ~he Nancy Ga.ims of the S e a s hti r e Environmental Alliance (SE A). "You 're not consider'lng the alternatives," said J. Alex Cota of the Eastside-Westslde · Concerned Citizens Comm~ "W~t want drilling in · the Santa Monica Ba.)!, we want alternative fuels such as hydrogen." · Whiw House IRS Probe audience arose both about the issue of offshore oil drilling Jtself and about the Interior Department's handling of tlie problem. Cota expressed anger at having only learned of Monday's meeting the previous Thursday from . a r a 4 i o broadcast. -"We are deserving Or mo~ respect than having a mere hand!ul of days to prepare to defend our coastline," he saki. Former IRS Commissioner RandolPh Thrower, in a sworn statement to the committee, said the pressure to politicize the tax service became so intense in 1970 that he had to threaten to resign to block a White House plan o f ~reorgan_i79Jii _ Thn:>"wer said he teared !he plan would turn the 1.000-man Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms Division into •·a personal police force" controllable only by the IRS commissioner. a political appointee. The· Wl;lite House ofrered Thrower two candidates for the job -G. Gordon Liddy, later convicted i}l the Wat ergate break·in, and Jack Caulfield, n former New York police de:tective v.•hose role as a political spy came to light during the Senate Watergate hearings. · Throv.·er, ·a Republican from Atlanta , Ga., said he blocked both appointment s. But when be tried to see President Nixon to protest again efforts to tum the tax service into a political tool he v.•as denied access to the oval office and blocked from making his case. he said. -Judiciary Chairman Peter-\V: Rodino ~ Jr. (l).N.J.), has said he considers evidence 'of the poli tical abuse of government agencies to be among the most serk>us in the impeachment inquiry. The IRS evidence is likely lo be ·ciled \Vhen Rodino 's committee starts drafting --articles-of-impeachment next-week_ Asked aboyt the committee report as he arrived for a closed session of the committee today, Nixon's lawyer, James D. St. Clair said he read it to mean the panel "f0und nothing to it.'' He said the matter had been investigated fully by other congressional committees and It was determined that no harassing audits were made of White House enemies. The Popeils once lived at fill Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, an address she has vacated following a pOlice raid there six months _ ago by Long Beach .. O"f hcimicide invesllgitors. · The sl ender blonde and he:r t-11. trim, male companion who had just drlven up Movie Stars Bared · "I admit we didn't do a very good job of publicizing it when we began consklering leasing sites last spring," carter said at the beginning .of the meeting. hWe may have some kind of Speakers also objeded to spending theiP time attending a public meeting •which \\'85 not an official hearing and at \li'hicb testimony was not reconled. Today's report was the ninth volume or impeachment evidence to be released, . with more to come later this \Veck. The new report said : IStt 'ENEft.llES,' Page 21 to the waterfront home in a RoUs-Royce • Silver ..shadow lilnousine are accused of {See EVIDENCE, Pll• %1 Copte r 11inding Claim Filed · .. Harold Segentrom Jr., a member· of the family that ~ · South CO.st Ptsza and much of the sumiundinJ land, bu ru.d a '125 claim against the city of. Costa Mesa for beans allegedly crushed 1 when a police helicopter made an emergency landing in 1 ¥1 llbdill l beanfield two-weeb •to· WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White .. ~.does n6' appear to be strong enough House conducted an inquiry in 1171 into to pursue.'' t"-tax stalu.s of nine "politically active" Impeachment investigators obtai~ movie and television an, according to 1he Caulfield memo from the Sen~te evidence releued today by the House Watergate Q>mmittee, along with his Judiciary Committee. . secret testimony at an executive session White HoUle officials. the evidence March 7.3 •. showed, went to the Internal Revenue "Per f._OUr instructk>ns of Sept. 28, 1971, Service to obtain the lnfonnatlon wblcb we have ae1ected some individuals in the normi11J i11coafldenUal between IRS and ev~t 'industry . '!ho w ~ r e i lopayer. polltkally · tdive during prior helect~ The lncldent 11 diacloeed in a memo and determined their audit :-•ory,' cdatained in the 440-pqe volume of CauJ~ wrote Dean. • evidence relating to aUeted m1sme of tbe 1be review, be said, shOwed these IRS rel-hy !be """""'U.. u pert of "defJciendel" for the eelected stars: lb itnpeac:bmelll investlptlon. The -Ridlard Boone, $1,377 for 1967.Q ; volume, dnwt no coocluakm as to the -Sammy Davis Jr., $36,683 for 1961-63 lnckteat. "' and 1986; • · '1be memo wu written Oct. a, lt7Lto -Jer:ry___tewis, $462,312 for 1951-66 IDd UJen.Wbll< lloule counsel John W: Dean 1168: • ·Ill by Jolm J. Caulfield, an ex·New York -Peter Lawford, $32,770 for 196M9; • Cit1 polloeman hired hy the White Houle -Fred MacMurray, 111,7!6 for t963, credibility gap." ' The fact that a credibility gap exists became evident during the meeting as speakers accused the Department of the 1nterior of having ignored the public's desires in the past and repeatedly stated their belief that the dej>artment is influenced by financial donatioos from ma}or oil companies. At one point a man in the audience waved a one dollar 'bill and abouted, "11lls will buy-your vote!" "L find that very offensive," Carter res~ed. 1 I find you offensive!" shouted another heckler. . Reprhen.talives of ~a number of environmental groups, several of which had held pre-meeting presa conferences, expru:sed themselves 1rs colorfully but with equal vehemence. "Yet if v.·e didn't altend, the department could say the public isn't interested," said Miss Gaims. "We want your input in ~ u r environmental impact statement,!' Carter said. "I think you represent$ an important point of view which may be controlling. "However. I thb'lk you're sayln·g that (See OIL, Pago %) Hu l,a Spin ne rs To Hoop it Up A lot of people in Costa Mesa will be going round in circles Thursday "'hen . ' . Orange Coast We athe r Patchy fog and lo w clouds near the beaches Wednesd ay morning • otherwise sunny \11il h not much change in lempcrature, according to the weather service. Beaches in the low 70s rising to the mid- 80s inland. INSIDE TODAY Soutl1 COO.st Repertoru has scored a sn1ash liit with ils superlative productio11 of the · rock-{Joope.l 1n 11slrnt "Godspelt," reviewed today 011 Paye 8. the city Hula Hoop championships are ·Erm• 1111\Mdr 14 At111 L111t1.r:. n 'Ille daim 'will he bn>ugl1t to the :lly council's attention tonight by City Attomey Roy June. ' June said today be w i 11 recommend delllal of tho daim. ~ "We do this routlnely ao ht we ,--1r w;1r-no1 prejudice the - the dty's Insurance carrier.'' be I explllned. 'Ille' ctalm is heinc tsken good nataftdlJ at city hall. June added. for d.,._lne usignments. lt8$-IS Ind 19&9, lea $5,111 in refunds In The invesUgaUOn wu t r i 11 e r e'd , 1112 anc1-1t64. : •cconllnl to accompanying IesUmony, by -Gary Mortoo and Lucille Bail, 17,0tO -~..Jbe...White..llouleJrom...Jli.llllio;.' 7:-:---..,,=:--:--::o= actor John Wayne of Newport Beach, -Ronald Reagan, •tl,101 for 1962.al: lhal he wa• being "harassed" by Ill -Friot Sinatra, l!0,1'1 for l!llO and men. After looking 1t the: status of. other 196Uf. ~ "We're .objecting that the decision ha! already beet! made," said Mary Ann Eriksen, a representative of the Sierra Club. "I think the administration is tnaking a mockerYt of · envlromnental i m p a c t asseumtnLil¥1_1amu in t in decision making.~· • • "We ~ U lhe department .-.re :!1 Y s!'!Ta~ ~ :e ~~er':11~o~~: '41ged in the downtown park. ----.. L. M. ••Y• ' M_, r .. e u • C1Hlerlll1 , 1 Mnln I Contestants will compete in six c1111111t1 n.n "'•tv•t ,,_, u · different events dcmonllrallng dl!xt.erity ~::C.:.nr . ~: ::!:":' C::::~ ,; from 1:30 to 4 p.m., IC rdi lo U.,'nd""'--t-o..•-Nlllfft~11-'°""' J. ·~ IL.";; 'l'"'"f':'.·-f_flle•lfl ,... ' I_,, ..... ca r1t:r, o 1R:: epar men 01 1e1sure •ft••tt•lftmW 1 sttt~ M1rti;11s , .. ,, ,..._,......_ f"'llKt U·U Ttl1YliJ1t1 • I ''''" • ,..,..,,, Ht Otrflott J TlltlNA I She says, if you 're 16 or under and "--u w111111r 4 • • ~ • • ' movie and t<levlaloo 1tan, Caalfield -Wayne, 11$1,Ul lor 11114.al, including c:oacluded lilll "'Ibo WQllO comP!ainl .. '237,13t in 1111. · • , !f have a huli. hoop, come on downtown and •n'V""Hlllll • w.r1t "'""' 4 ~1o.rton instead of a subordinate,'* said gel It on. • • • ~ • , • ' --------· --·-·· c Pilot Logbook Herman Inspires $7.95, I 00% Safe Mouset1·ap Dy nuor NIEDZIELSKI Otll\O •llft Sl•tf Beca use the thought of killing mortifies us, \\'C are probably the only people on the block with a $7,95 mouseLrap. That's how much you have lo shell out if you want to catch your mouie alive. The guy at the SPCA just laughed \\'hen my wife inquired if there ~·as such a thing as a trap "'hich doesn 't kill the mouse. It \\'as the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard of and he didn't mind teUing Chris so. --........ ' • 1. • you've already made up your minds and you're :mgry becauae yw think we've y made up ours." "'81ellod that t<irT...,.Senee on the bject be sent to William E. Grant , ~ er ·of the Outer Contlnental Shelf. Bureau of Lilnd l\1anagement with the U.S. Department-of-the Interior l.n Los Angele1. "He's the one responsible for the envlronmenUtl studies," Carter said . "HO\\'ever, l assure you we'll be much , more innuenced by reasonable .. arguments agalnst offshore drilling than : by opinions alone." • WE DON'T BELlEVE in throwing money away either. ·That 's why we bought the cheapo trap instt:ad of the •10 luxury model. ~h were uncovered at a Long Beach pet store alter tvoo full days ol searching. . SOME OF THOSE WHO ATIENOED CASPERS MEMORIAL SERVICE LINE UP OUTSIDE CHURCH Eplscop1I Church In Coron. del Miir Scene of Rites for .C:ounty SupenlMr Lod 1t Su Among Monday's speakers, HeM}lOSa Beach City CouncllmlQ Lane< Whitman was one of the few to detail his obJectlon.1 to the drUling. Whllrnaa-<itec!- 1he danger of oil spills, UHi vlaual lmpact of oll equlpment, and the pusa1e of * PropoalUon 20 u evidence that voters • "hold pr<elou.s the Califomt1 coastline." ._ Ali or this time and money has been invested because an other measures· to gtl rid of our latest hou:se guest, a 111ao 1•Lsl(1 lW<>-inch \'ermin named "Herman," have failed miserably. The little critter made his appearance -rather spectacularly -Monday by scurrying a!Qng the kitchen counter and disappearing into ooe of the top burners of lhe electric range. LE1TING OUT A TERRIFVlf\G toot~attling scream; Chris jumped upon the nearest chair, \\'hile I explained in great haste that having a mouse in the house shouldn't be so frightening. "He probably juSt strayed ln and Is as scared as you are," said I. ie· asSuring Chris that everybody who moves into a new hbusing tract ha s a mouse problem because the construction activity flushes them out of their habitat. However. the thought or having a mouse n.esting in the stove didn't sit too well with Chrii \\'ho immediately gave me instructions from the safety of her chair on how to dismantle it. •• OF COURSE. HER!tfAN \l'aS long gone. "Forget the mouse eveP" came in here," I told her. ··~taybe he's slipped out of the house and "·on't be back." Still, the thought of having the aroma of "mouse frites" \\'ailing from the kitchen was disturbing and when Herman appeared the following night, it was clear that he just had to go. • His reprise performance caused quite a scene. I arrived home to find Clvis "''ith her pant legs rolled up, instructing our cat "Fritz" how to chase Hern1an the Vermin. She had the hallway leading to O\Jf' bedroom blocked off with an ironing board while the doors leading from.1t1le family room to the garage and tbe outside or the hoii.se were open. ~ \\'ere to be Hennan's escape routes. THE IDEA WAS 'for Fritz to put enough heat on Herman so that be would run fo r safety and be forever gone. It didn't \\'ork out that way. Fritz was still sniffing under the couch when Henn.an was already back under the stove. Exasperated, Chris rolled down her pant legs (she'd rolled tllem up so llerman couldn't shinny up her clothes) and began building a trap according to design para1net ers devised by a Dail y Pilot Staffer. ·- ll consisted of a shoe bo1., a slick propping up the shoe box, a string and ·a piece o! cheese. The following morning, the cheese was gone and so was the stick. "1')1 GETTING A little i?Titated with Herman," confessed Chris, who up to then didn 't get too upset with our house mouse unless she actually &aw him. ·'J think we're just going to have to get a mousetrap." . And that's how we got our $7.95 Have-A-Heart mousetrap. Now if Herma11 will juat cooperate, we will-be able-to resume our normal-lives again. Frooa P"lle J C"'\SPERS •.. ~ere Starr Ranch for a county park. Among those attending the memorial services were Orange County political leader Richard O'Neill, l\1rs. Judy Rosener aod Donald Brighi , members ·or'"' • the Sout~ Coast Reg ional Zone Conser- vation C.ommission, on which Caspers also bad served, and Irvine Councilman JOhn Burton. The theme hymn chosen for the soleinn occasion was, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save.'' None or caspers• fellow supervisors joined in the memorial service although each one sent an aide. Board Chairman Ralph Clark is on vacation and Supervisor David Baker is in'Wuhington D.C. on county business. . Both Supervisors Ralph Diedrich and Robert Battin are away in Miami Beach where they are attending the National Association of C.Ounties Conference where· they are to pick up an award honoring Orange County for i t s progressive programs. Caspers and his two sons and se-ven others were lost at sea June; 14 below San Benlto lslaDd off BaJa .. California. They were aboard the 63-foot Shooting Star, owned by county political · leader Fred Harber whose ~ communication came late at night June 13 that the boat was taking on water and s~nking. Services for Harber and the ai.z: others bave not bee1u1111l0Ull«!!. Popeil Must Pay ~...Jll-Wife $27,000, plotting against the life of Samue\ J. fAeStl FromPqeJ EVIDE.NCE ... P:i~d initiated divorce proceedings in-1-\..~,-0!l'e"dat Judge Declares -. Admission Reduced County Fair io Honor Senior Citizens Today The Orange County Fair salutes senior 3 p.m. -International Children's Choi r, citizens today with .a full -schedule or :.... Fables Around The World special activities and programs and 3:30 p.m. -Aladdin l\tagic Sho1r · reduced admission prices. 4 p.m. -Hawthorne Youth Band, Kings. Persons 62 and older' will be admitted men 's Cadets, Country WeStern Music !or 75 cents today and thei r tickets are 5 p.m. -New Dimensions, Aladdin good for a number of shows which begin l\fagic ·soow at 1:30 p.m. with a senior-parade around 5:30 p.m. -Cllina Painting Creative the fairgrounds. (Related Stories Pages · Stitchery ·12, 14; Related Pictuns Page 15) 6 p.m. -l\larantha Village Music Al 7 p.m. they will have the 7 p.m. -lntemalional Children's Choir oppc)rtunlty of seeing two of them picked · 7:30 p.m. -Great Poteat Substitutes,. as Senior. King and Queen during Hank Thompson and The BraUll Valley "Golden Court" ceremonies on the Boys . amphitheater stage. ~-s p.m. -:-Fat~ Coughlin Boys Choir, Al.50 on tap tonight is a performance at New Dimem~?"s . a p.m. by the' Senior Dance Syncopaters 9 p.m. -Hawauan Review, Hank Thom~ Band in the Little Theater. son and the Brazos Valley Boys. Young and old will enjoy the 8 · p.m. performance by the 1 Gospel-singing "Staple Sln•en," a family singing group of international acclaim. Wednesday's la!r highlight. areo All Day -Cake Decorating, Furniture Refutishing, Sewing, We a v i n g , ·erocheting Demonstrations Noon -Carving, Aslronom·y, Radio, Clay Tile, Needlepoiht Demonstrations 12:30 p.m .. _. Spinning and Carding. Needlepoint Demonstrations . I p.m. -Aladdin l\tagic Show. Clown. Contest 1 :30 p.m. -Taste Tempting Salads 2 p.m. -Camp Fire Girls Folk Danet, New Dimensions (Music), Rag Doll, Sheep Judging ,, •• ' • Monday's meeting wu a lesa dlgnffied repeat of a meeting Friday between ~~~Is. a:!o ~~°::re=0:1~sl~~ ~ both to offshore oil drllling and to the Department of the Interior's handling of the {?latter. · Carter said at both meetings tMt be expects the environmental as.sel6ment to be completed by December or January. following public hearings, with a final decision to be made by late spring of 1975. "niis is going to be a tough dec ision," - Carter said Monday. George W. Caso Rites Thursday . A funeral service Is sche duled Thursday _for_ Costa Mesan "George Washington Caso who died Sunday at the age or 62. The rctl~ U.S. Marine Corps captain had lived for 28 y~ar"& at 319 Flower St. Rites for Capt. Caao will be Thursday _ at IO a.m. at the Church of Jesus Olrist of Latter~y Saints (Monnon) ol Newport Beach, with Bishop Albert E1.xles Jr. officiating. During his military career, Capt. Caso served with tbe U.S. Expeditionary Force in Nicaragua. He was born in New Jersey . Survivors inc!Ude his "1i fe Velma; toM, David of Rialto and Ronald ol Utah: daughters, Mrs. Gordon Sant of Idaho and Mrs. Sandra She.fer ol. Costa Aleta; brothers, Henry and John Ca!IO of-New Jersey, and. nine grafid~bi)dren . Chicago;bUFMrs. Popeil"l!till~stood"to-l-~~...,~~--~~=~~==='~~C111c~GO'fUPrr ~samii<r'J.'POpoil receive a third of his estimated $200 \ has been ordered to pay hls wife, Elol1e, million estate if he died before it was COSTA ':f.1ESA CITY COUNCIL $27.000 in temPQrary support paymenta final. Regular meeting. City Hall , 6:30 p.m. and leg&( costs even though she ls ORANGE COUNTY F A I R charged with conspiring to have him Long Beach homicide investigators, murdered. Fairgrounds, daily through July. . Apol{p Crew l1i Celebration Marine Sentenced For Rifle Thefts placed in contact with two men claiming UCT LECTURE _ "Management Divorce Court Judge Hyman Feldman knowledge of the murder plot, have tape Development for Women," Room 160 refused Monday to.change hi! ruling at ttc0rd~alleged.\y dealing with the Steinhq.us Hall. 7 p.m. the request of Popeil, a milltonali'e proposed k ling. \\'EDNESDAY, JULY 17 partner in a kitchenware company. De. fe attorneys Phil ·Petty and "GODSPELL" South Coast Feldman last year ordered-Popeil to pay $4,250 a month to his wife for four Robert Green, acting for ?.lrs. Popeil, Repertory 'nleater, 8 p.m. months and anottier $10,CM» in lawyers'. and lawyer Joseph Acton. representing UCl LECTURE -"A "Family Afoot fees while the divorce was pending. in the \V est," Room 178 Hwnanities Hall, , p 'I and Ayers, argued against allowing their use. . 111rs. ope1 Daniel Ayers of Santa Judge Br&ndler's decision on that·issue 7 p.m. Ana , are being tried this week on the murder plat charges. They are accused will allow the jury selection to begin of hiring two men to murder Popell. Mrs. today and Petty said he expects it will be ·r op Slioiv Dog Popeil and Ayers were arrested Jan. 8 in completed-by the end of the wee~. California. Pro•eoutor Deputy District Altorney Take1• at Fai"r Peter Bergman reportedly plans to lead &- of£ with testimony by one of the men allegedly. solicited for the killing that ~·as never carried out, probably next Monday. From Pe9e J 'ENEMIES' .•. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (/\Pl - America's first moon explorers today SAN DIEGO (AP)•-A 21-year~d celebrated the fifth anniversary of their Ma.tifte has been sentenced. to prim for blastoff into history to the qu iet strains a?~ , his part ln the theft of 17 M·l& rlnes ftom oC "Auld Lang Syne'' and a blaring tape t.]f~ ~ a training bamcks at Camp Pendleton. recording af the final minutes of their l DenniJ J. Spencer was aentenced countdown. . , '.Jl<t ~; lifonday to an indetyi~e t~ under the nie· rare joint public appearance by l. ;'·· federal '\'outh·COrrectiom Act. He could Apollo 11 astr~auts Neil A. Armstrong, serve up to lix,yean in .prlaon. Edwin "Buu"~drln and Michael C.O llins 1 Spencer and another Marine, John F. came during ceremonies de o Jar in i; Top Senior Farmer, 19, were convicted June 1 of Launch C.Omplex 39 at _the_Kennedy charge.a connected with the Feb. US theft. Space Center a national h is 1 or i c Jenny hliller of Costa hfesa Aboutl 2 of -the rifles have ·been landmark. · has won the 11best in show" recovered. A crowd of more than 3,000 broke into award in the senior citizens spenctr was convicted of conspiracy cheers as Natk>nal Aeronauti~ ·~uKI category of the home living and theft of and receipt or government Space Administration officials broadcast and design C(>mpetition at the property. Farmer, who ls scheduled to be and 30 seconds of the JuJy 16, 1969, Apollo queen-sized crocheted bed · conspiracy and theft of go ment An all-points bulletin is out today for Judas Priest Psomas, a $300 black registered Great Dane stolen from his master at the Orange County F3ir Monday. the tape recording or the final one minute Orange County Fait with a sentenced next l\fonday, W&I conrcted of -Newsp-aperman Clark -MOllenhoff, It t:ountOOwn. spread. property. former special counsel to NJ1on, swore In 11;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; Fires Char 55 Acres .CORONA (AP) -At , lea.st six minor brush fires . believed caused by motorists. broke out Monday along the Riverside Freev;ay in the Riverside-Corona area. The flames charred SS acres, authorities said. • ,. DAILY PILOT l .. °"• S!la!! °""'Pd<>! ....,, .. ~..,,." ....... _, ... ,.,._Plwll 150Ufll•~D,IN0<""0" Cou t ~"'"'! eo.-n, ~.,..a•-tt e llUlll"""" 'llon:lol\o' "'-""' ~n.,.., IDr C.0.1• "'~I.I. '<~""°'' S.-,...,...,.,,,,., 6-ic~"W' • 1o•o ~ ....... ~&toe:~ lf'Y-.,. s..J'llt._v 1...a s.. Cl9mPnl..-s.o ~ °'"'"'""".,. """. ·~--oM . DUlllll-~ •"1 s., ... OoVI 1 ... 11''""'~-·-.0fllo"'""' 3J0Wp .J llo~S1!Hl,Cotto"'-.Ollt!ot11t• t~•~~ RobenN. W.,td ,, .. .,.,,, """ , . ..,, ... , .... Michael Psomas, 24, Altadena, told O>sta Mesa Police Officer C h u ck • Hoffard that two men had been ordered away from the dog, which had been tied to a concession truck, three different times l\fonday. · He said witnesses explained that -the men returned. One claimed to be Psomas' brother and said he \\'IS taking the show dog for a y,·alk. "Please help me find my dog.'' Psomas _implored in his "'Titlen statement to police. Wi11do'v Smashed 111 l\fesa Burglary A Costa hfesa couPte who operate the Carlick Wal'er Bed agency drove by their place of business l\1onday night to admire a new window and determlned,..it may have been too attractive. Penny J . Carllck called lhe police to the firm ·at 2372 NC\\'l)Ort Blvd ., lo report someone attracted to the merchandise had smashed the front window ln a •t• burglary. Taken were two bedspreads and eight sets of linens for waterbed slumber. Satellite Launched VANDENBERG AfB (UPll -Aen>s B. a German-built sa tellite, ·wa s an affidavit to the committee that H.ij. Haldemlll invoked Nixon's name ln 1970 in seeking a memo on lhe ta::c 1tatus of Gerald Wallace,. brother of the· governor of Alabama. The damaging memo was ~ swiftly leaked, even though unauthorized dlacl06W'e of lax returns is a criminal act. -Previously undisclosed testimony from John W. Dean Ill before a clOM!d session of the Senate W a t er g a t e committee quoted him as saying thal Nixon wanted to stop tax action! against hi s friends. Dean said Nixon "asked thal It (the !ks) be turned off on friends of his." ....:.Dean, in a memo to his 'White House superiors. asked , "Can "'e do anything to help ?" when tolcf that presidential friend Dilly Graham, the preacher, was wldergoing a tax audil to see when he had reported as income gifts he had received. The reply : "No -It's already oovered." · -Former as.iistant IRS Commissioner for Inspection Vernon Acree emerged ' ) over and over in the testimony at the conduit or information from the IRS to the White House. For example, It was A<ne who told Caulfield about Graharn!1 tax troubles and Acree who in 1971 reported to Caulfield on tht tu returns of Lawrence Goldberg, a Rhode Island toy 11\a nuracturer then under · consideration for appointment ''ln the Jewish arta'' at the Coo\Jnjttee to Re- elect the President. Acree is now hud of tht Customs Bure®. ·. WHAT'S UP? NOT CARPETING - The latest census figures confirm that carpet prices today are lower than 22 yllars ago, (1952). Technology has been re sponsi ble_ for thi s, resulting in ·speedier ways of making , dyeing. and fin ishing carpeting as much as 70 times faster! THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO OTHER CONSUMER ITEM WHICH HAS NOT HAD AN ASTROMOMICAL PRICE IN- CREASE DURING THIS TIME PERIOD . . Yor may lhink when you get an estimate that carpeting is expensive. Remember. however. that people are carpeting bedrooms. baths. kitchens, and other areas that usually weren 't carpeled 25 or 30 years ago. making totals higher. Carpeting ordinarily costs le ss than linoleum or hardwood flooring , and provides features of comfort, quiet, beauty, and impressions of spaciousness. . You 'll get. your BEST C::ONSUMER VALUE when you buy ca•peting-lrom Alden's. • ALDEN'S CARPJYS • DRAPES • ; _____ -16.63 f'lacentla Av.a. COSTAMUA T•.....,..171 41642·4121 !UCCeSSfully lawtched Into orbit today on • 1---1--"""'"flH ................ ., . .__~_.,,~rO.~stag .,11L1ueL roc1<11 he -Gahniet-R eshuffled1---1-1--- N8tiona1 Aeronautics and Sp ac e ' , ~\lf\O!!I ,,,. (). ~ """'"""' ~ ...., f'to"1•1..-•<ll\ltlr .. __ .,.,11,,.n• "' -''-""'' ,...,., "If• oe .. ~ .. , _____ olOOPYl•~"'- ~~M POfl.,..p.ood .i (:tiolo "'""' Cll•""' ~· tl\l-ll!llClll!l'ot-•1300-"'J.ll'I' ... _ •~ 00-11111 ""1o1"" ~,,.,-r~ 13 oo ... ,~,, . - -· Adminislrallon said Aeros B was TOKYO UPI) -Prtme Minister expected to conducl a series ol 11elenlific Kakuel Tanaka awUUy reshuffled his experiments on the earth's uppt.r cabinet today to try to patch up a new a1mosphcrc undt'r a joint program poUtlcal crisis brought by the Wlexpected betwetn the United States ant,! \\'est rc1'fgnalion of Finance Minister Takco Germany. ""ukuda ttnd State ~1inl&lor Shlgcru l-lorl. • • ,IN_ • HAHOllAHA SIHCI ltl7 j 646-4838 HOURS: Moo. n.,, Tlln. f le l:lii:-RI~ J le •-SAT. •:lO le 5 • ~ . • • ' ' I