HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-21 - Orange Coast Pilot! -· ·--.. --- ' SIJ·NDAY • -- VOL 67, NO. 202, 7 SECTIONS, 18 PAGES • • ORANGE ,c:QUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . ' SUNDAY, JULY 21, l~H TWENTY-FIVE CENTS • • • . { ' . ClaiJns 1 Capture Ni~osia U.N. Council Calls for Cease-fire By, U1l(.ed Prt11 IntemaUonal TUrtiJh land, air and sea forces Invaded Cyprus Saturday and despite heavy !ll(htlng claimed capture oJ the capital, Nlcoola, wi4liln hours. 'l1le United NatiooS ~ty Council c a 11 e d unanimously for a cease-fire but Greece and Turkey refused to say whether Ibey would~ it. • 'Ibe ftghli"' across !he ~fediterranean island, wtuch _plunged , lhe Wetem Alliance into Its worst crisl1 lince the 1956 ~ 'invas~, was greeted ~ a ma..ive <!ll>lomatic effort to """"°' full-scale war between Greece and Turkey. Bl.it Greece warned at the Security Council meeting in New York that it, too, would ..n· troopi to Cyprus If the Turkish invaders continue to occupy Greek Cypriot areas. All communi.catlorui with the island -routed tbrough Athens -were cut at about 2 p.m. (.PDT) Saturday. But in Brusse\s, a NATO spokesman said fighting raged at the Nicosia airport and other areas intD early today. · The United States ordered warships into the area to stand by for the evacua.Uon ol Americans and U.S. paratroopers stationed in Italy were placal cm eled as a precauliooary measure. The Soviet Unim denied P .... gon npons 'that Sovltt troopl bad • • . . . ' Nixon· Socializes . By JOHN VALTERZA 01 """ O.llr PIMI Slaff President Nixon plans to leave his San Clemente compound this afternoon to attend a party in Bel Ait thrown by his budget. director Roy Ash. It will mark the secon<i time since the President arrived more than. a week ago that Nixon has emerged from his enclave in San Clemente. At 'about the time the Chief Executive and bls family are attending this afternoon's affair, Nixon's chief Watergate lawyer, James St. Clair, will arrive on the South Orange Coast to prepare for a' press conference Monday, and talks with Nixon on tl'\e latest wrinkles in the impeachment actions in Washington, D.C. Late in the y,·eek St. Clair filed a 151-page legal brief y,•ith the House Judiciary Committee. The massive document contains assertions that there is "complete absence or any conclusive e v i d e n c e demonstrating presidential wrongdoing sufficient to justify the grave action or impeachment." 1be brief insists that the President had no prior knl>wledge of the Watergate brea~; that despite 90me indications that aides hoJ)<d to misuse, tbe "lnlernal For President Nixon. the \\'eekend has been a blend of some daytime relaxation -including swimming and -·alks on his private beach-and strong concern over · the crisis in Cyprus. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger rushed away from a press party at the PresidmtiaJ compound Friday night. He left reporters to launch a series of phone calls to the prCsident and '· to foreiW), officials arter ne\VS ol the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Kissinger spent rnost of Saturday conferring '"'ith President Nixon on the apparent good chances for a round of talks in London bet"·een Greeks and Turks -aimed at achieving a permanent; cease-fire on the strife-tom island in the ~Iediterranean. -.. Kissinger left for \Vashington, D.C., later Saturday. -! Impeachment Cl1arge L~t Revealed in Staff Report · WASHINGTON (AP) -Spec ial · Danielson (D-CaHf.), who emerged from O>upsel. John Doar presented evidence · the clooed-door briefing to say, "I have for President Nixon 's impeaclunent that no choice but to vote for impeachment." he called "substantial and persuasive" Other members withheld comment on tci the House Judiciary Committee on 1ihe \'Ole they will cast in about a Saturday. week , ·but there was general agreement Ont member --Ty penuaded by that Doar and Minority Counsel Albert Doar's preseotatioo was Rep. George Jetiner had put' together an impressive documentary case. Be--lhe !lls:.ae.ir-lliok . \ I I oloo i:=:-... alert. ,._..~~~-M...ia·~=-*":f:. I ·----...... •ltha . port dtleo of K)'}1llla &1111 JJrM ..... -, ; · ·-·4"~~ft'ii Clenwnte ..... .a...-ent lo change Import "l think it is a very effective job they have done so ~ :· sa.14_ Rep. ~ QKa (R-M.tne), one of .a half-tlozen committee Re9t1b\icans who say they have not yet decided how m vote. . J · 'llutisb warplanee bombed ,Jnatall-ot lhe Cyprio( riaUonal guard, "'1lch staged Monday's coup OU!ting Preaidl!nt Archbishop Makarios. A Greek Cypriot radio station dalmed nine Turkish planes aholdown. "Tonight I'll be In Ledra street (tile main street in Niooa6a's Greek Cypriot quartor)," said 25-~ld Turldllb private SeUm Gavus, one ol the Jlll'I~. "I'll have a bottle of whiskey and I'll . be dancing with two G""k glrlo. W• hm! waited 11 yean Jor this." Greek Unlled NaUons Ambasaa"9r (Soe CYPIWB, Pa• AS) ~ qlMltu,. .. ®'«. denlal• raised In ~~el illclUdiil the 118!ertion that tlie Jal investigations tmit (plumbers) was set up by the President as a response to threats of national security and was never authorized to commit illegal acts." The brief also denies that the President authorized the payment of attorney's fees charged to Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt. St~ CJair is expected to rneet. y,•ith reporters at the Surf and Sand pressroom in Ll8guna Beach sometime at midday Monday. No specific time for the event bas yet been announced 'by Presidential aides. Ex-pense -C.ite,d .4s 'Abuse'. Government expenditures for improvements to President Nixon's San Clemente house a[ld his hideaway in Key Biscaine are cited in the evidence for impeachment as presenred by John Door. Al!I evidence of "abuse ol his oCfice" Nixon is being brought to task for ~ use of public ftmds for improvement to his private property. •w eleome~ Nor•h i1111eri~a~ ''The General ServiCes Administration made expenditures for the President's penmal benef'M beyond its I e g a I autmrity with the apparent knowledge and consent of the President," Doar said . . '• _, __ ' I '"" . Huntington Beach P~to~ Hvsta. ·f:on~efi.~n ;~t ~'Chur<;hless' -· " -r Church "The committee could conclude that these instances and tho6e disclosed by the evklence on Watergate are part of a pattern of the use of the powers or the President to serve the President's personal objectives, without regard to the legality or propriety of the conduct involved," the lawyer fo r the House Judiciary Committee added. By VfOMAS M. M<CANN Sanday Editor Come Tue9day night, the-white sui t Ulat_the_ preacher has made his pulpi t trademark will be caught In the glare of arena lights at the Anaheim Qlnvention Center. . . There will· be no national press coVerage-no demonsttation marches. There will . be no chui-ch leader eleCted; •no' churdl · blfsiness, • pet se; conducted at all. · The phenom'ehcrt most pfomipent about · this gathering of thousands of men, women, boys and -.girls is that ihey will-have come from all over the United Stale!, • from par!! of Canada and Mexico, and even rrom other· parts or the world, as individual~ individual families. _ • . • Rare among the delegates wlll be the Preacher whose expenses have been home by his home congregation. Many of the family groups will have flown irr on cut-rate charter flights or driven their family cars and campers aerosa the coontry to spend precious He will haw his silvery--haired head In that .cJare to lead 20,000 delegates In -• al the opening -of the North American c h r i 1 t i a n Conventioo. _, Billy Graham? Some worid Preacher, H_is Staff ..... -famous religious fiaure come to make .. church biotory in ScUhem Calilomla? 11..f' H , J "R . . . , o, !Iii! man-8Hhe-1oca1-polni o1-tr~Or'V Ow.. eunJ.;Qn that llCeNlrio will be Dr. Thomas ,W. .J Overton-"Brotber To'm" to most o! his Oranite C!J&sl con""'gation and jus\ "Tcmmy" to lhOu8and8 or ra d l·o listeners, churehgoen and c • m p • a~mdlng )'<JW!g people he has oerved over lhe years acroa the nation. He ha• been pa-ot lhe First Otti1t1an Clnirch of ·Huntingm Beach lo< the past 15 years and dvrlng ' lhll Jast yur, ~ own calt'\llaOoni, has probably more service! there thM in the rest of the 1$ ye.an put togelher. Ho• has been belplng to k .. p five secretaries busy--(hree here and two In Cincinnati-in the dlacharge "-his duties 11 president of the giant revival meeting known as the Nort h American Christian Con\'ention. It happens once a year tomeWhere on the North American continent, but the ooovenUon hasn't been In Southern California since Its vhllt to Long Beach In JIM. -1 There were not then-and will not be this year, In all ~litty-ony great controVmial f9llJb rabed from the floor. ' 'Ibomas W. Ov~on. S4 . .seU«scrlbed Southern Indiana country boy whose fum- ily lived "on UJe back 40,'' jus't this month comPieteci work for : his Ph.D., bought a new wtute,suit and got realty to host the "cbun:hless" church-CO(l\o-OO- tion. • . • Tbe H ... ingtorr Beach pastor Oj)Clll Iha pall l'""!' •• president of the NOrt~ Ameri<ai Ovillllan Convenli<n-gtv6ig that job ., much Ume u be bu glvM to bis home·-tloa. " On a typlcoJ trip rt<ettly, •be flew 1,000 miles Ind clroft a,ooo· m11eo 'bl eight dllyo lo 1P'¥ -limes at coileges and --Ill lllOOllnp wben local sporan were wbfPIMDll up enthullasm for the "'"""tlon <ii be-held In Anaheim lhll weelt. 'Ibat's the WllJ this conventkln "'Ol'ks. There are no durch hetdquar1cn, no battery of notional or -Id staff members tq do lhe 1..-1<. The "North American'' calb togclher only those lndlviduala "'ho care to come-on their own and at their own txpenoe-lrom 1ocOJ coo-lions or the Olrillian OWrd> or Ouch of Cbri•t or olher -!tonal groups most ob9erver1 would cluaU'y as Protestant chta"ches. -There is nO orgaluzalion t h e s e ChrlStla111 support at some central headquarters. 'l'hetr total independence of operation -even amon~ congr;egaliorut-ls built ' OT\ "home rule" and "self-determination" Taised to the nth power. Churches in Fowttain Valley, COsta Mesa, UlgUna Beach and, ol course. Owrton's own H~· Beach con,-e- ptklll, are expecte:f to leoCI delegations to"Aiilbelm. And there· are S8ITle individuals the puior can be sure. he can pount 00- they'ro on lbe Jl"ll'lm. • Typtc:ol ot -I• Franklin 0. Bi•ler, Jr., a Costa Mesa resident and past.or ot lhe Weobide Church of Christ, !,q 'Be9ch. He will appear at a semi~r leSSion an "Facing the R a c I a 11 y ~ COmmunity" at 2 p.m. on Wednelday. 'l1ll!re are tome other Orange Coast area people bf. knoWi will be there. too. 1)!y art the associate pastors and other staff memben from bis Huntington Beadt clNJ'ch who, be •Y• Joldngly, be almost hasn't eeea ttU put year while they dld·ht.s job hero ll home. 'nwt "reunion" Will include Maotn ~. DlnnJI Dyt, Flora Muon. Marge Td<n, Rebeccl Huck and Nadille "'"""'· , days of vacation at a convention they are attending totally at their own expense. \ The congregations of the participating churches have no world organization. no parent corporation-non-profit or other· wise. What "Tommy" Overton will addres.o; Tuesday night is the opening session of what may be the biggest home-grown church meeting ever held in California. It will have been "home grown" in an esUmated 7,000 congregations across the cootinent. nurtured by direct mail neWJliitters ismed six times a year to to a malling fill or 37,lm families. It will be the modem epitGme or a meeting Christians believe was called in Jerusalem by the apostles of Uie first century church. as recorded ih the New Testament's book of Acts. And, though his o"'tl modesty and theological conservatism demand that Dr. Overton demur at the thought, it \\'ill have been held together by cor- respondence among him and its other participants, as tke first century ·church was bound together by the epistles of the apostles. Other than in those letters· and the convention, itself, the delegates to the "North American" are a church people (S.. MIMJONARIES, Page All Hetit')' Sllrf, Rips Prompt Rescues Heavy surf and riptides hit Oran ge Coast beaches Saturday and hundreds of bathers lured by water temperatures as high as 70 degrees needed rescuing. _Lifeguards in Newport Beach reported the highest rescue rate durin g the siege of breakers as high as seven feet. Spokesmen for the Marine Safety Department said that 279 re!ICues were logged through the day, but .none was serious. About 85,000 persons y,•ent to the beach in that city. In Hunlinglon Beach, where the south swell caused problems as "·ell, about 175 ~ ""re rescued. Guards in South Coast jurisdictions said the swell was considerably sma,Uer I.here and few rescues were logged. 0:\ '1'111·: l:\Slltt: MEXICO MEANDERINGS -Daily LONELY LIBERACE -Robtrt Meyer PllOt Automotive Writer Carl Cantensen pl:ays everything from Chopin to Bach. reporta oo a 3,000.mile journey inlo But the concert only gets a spattering lile~co. much or tt "off-road," .in a • • of applause. There y,•ere three in the four-.~·het'.!1-drive vehicle. He fowld plenty audience at Fairview State Hospital of beer and some good surfing waves, . . ' but advises travelen to pack lhcir own 1ncllldlng Staff Writer Arthur R. Vmsel. water from Nor1h or the. Border. Jt's V.'ho tells the story of this unusual on the travel Page, BS. patient, Page J\4. GREAT ZERR~ HUNT -Tbe INSIDE, OUTSIDE -Offices and the zoological team al Uon Country Safari working erwironment they furnish - chases down, catches and docs a ''horse both inside and outside -are told clinic'1 numbtt on one of Its ztbras in Jepal'ate stofleS by staff wrltcn in today's "Honln' Around'' feature, Hilary Kaye aod Sherry Angel, both Page B3. on P~gc Bl. • .. r, • • Rep. David Dennis (R·lnd.), a strons: defender o( Nll:on, called Doar "a \'Cry. effective advocate.'' At the same time , the President's staff made public a legal brief. in which presidential lawyer James D. St Clair sought to refute in detail a broad range of charges agair..st. Nixon. A majpr part of it dealt wit h the questions of payments lo Watergate defendant E. Howard Hunt Jr.· It cited an often-quoted remark by Nixon telling John W. Dean Ill: "\VeU, for C-sakes. get it. •.. " SI. Clair argued this quote "obviously refers to Dean 's suggestion that Hunt should be (S.. CHARGES, Page Al) ' ( Reagan Hoping Congress Won't lmpcacl1 Nixon SA.i'i FRANCISCO (AP) -California ' -. Gov. Ronald Reagan said Saturday. "I ----1 am hopeful. as every American should be. that the Congress will find no impeachable offense" against President Nixon from 'Vatellf<lte. "I think this country would be better off" if no impeachable offense i.s found Reagan told a news conference prior to addressing a banquet ending a threc- day national conference of Young Americans-for Freedom. Many YAF delegates have made it known they would like ·to have Reagan as theis 1976 presidential candidate. Reagan said he has "not been one of_ th greatest fans of the House Judiciary· Committee in the \\'aY they have been handling impeachment investigation. "There has been a partisanship element." • "I think what is very disturbing arc those Congressmen y,•ho bave made it plain their mi nds were made up long before the hearings even staricd. It is a time for every Congressman lG search his conscience. He shouldn't be. voting on a political basis but as a kind or super jury. At least a perccnt.agc1 have indicated they have other factors than what is morally right or wrong.,,, ' la•lde Suday ·-"' ........... .. At y_. S11n>ke ,, __ .. t:allton.Le ,U Allll L8Mtrt .. Clluififf 01.~11 ~llM.l •• C-M ... , M9VI•• , .. ,r ,......., .. ·-· .. DHfflHitkn ,., 11:'91 ltlllt Cl-Cl '""'"'' ...... .AW.I S-1t Cl•CI ••i.rt"""-t .... , TllHtrrt •... , 1..-·---14 Tr•nl .. .. 1.__ " l1r1 Wilt.rt .. 0.1rtw11,,,. M WMl!tW .. Gted °'" f'•hl .. D#,IL '( ,ILOT llCltOHI • A ! DAILY PILOT Sul'lda.y, July 21, 1974 • .. '\• . ,.,_.p .. ., l . CH . .\RGES OlJTJ,INED elven some 'signal' and not money. ''Slgnifaiitly, at no point in his telt.irnony, either before the Senate Select CGmmiU.. or IJelore the grand jury did evtO John Deor1 llCC\Jae the President of having authorized any Pl.,Yments to Hunt. Dean testified: The money matter was left very much hang-irlK at that meeting. Not11ing was re-solved." - At the Jud1ciary hearing, members said Doar picked· UP. where he, left off Frklay with a recital of events that he-said placed Nixon in the center of a \llh.i te House.<firected plan·to conceal the involvement or presidential aides • • • COl'Qlllittce sessions are expected to ht te:levls«i. .The stare swnmary of the evidenct in support of Impeachment aays the criUcal question the committee must decide tn determinlnC N 1 J: 0 D • I responsibility for Water.gate ls whether Nixon "'as duped by his subordin ates or whether they were carrying out his .policies and decliions. \ in the Watergate cover-up. . · "Wltll respect -11> lhe plan ," ·a · tran.9Cript d Doar1s opening remarks Friday sbJws him saying, "I say that decision came directly from th e One ol the decisions apparonUy reached in the inner White House circles "·as on June 21, 1972, four days after lhe brea k·in of Democrati c he'adquarters in the Watergate office building, when it wa! detennined that j f u rt h e r disclosures of the event woul~be limited. From that day forward, the; summary says, a policy of containment under Nixon's direction "'RS followed. President or was impl~mented through hi! two closest auociates, H , R . Haldeman and John Ehrlichman. 'Flusli It . Down~' Gurn.ey Advises . ··'Followiog that, 1 say the President made the decisioo to cover.up this sOOrtly after the break-in on June 17, 1972, and that he has been in diarge of it.be cover-up f:rtm that day forward." coc;:oA BEACH, Fla. (UP!) -Sen. Doar was accused of bias agaimt Nixon by White House Press Secretary Rona1d Ziegler, but in the transCript, Doar denied it. Edward G\l"l<y, (IH'la.), said !otunlay that John ·s. Kn!ghrs call for President Nixoo •!\> resign "should be flushed down the toilet.~· . ~ • "As an individual, I have not the slightest bias against President Ni.Ion ." he said. "I wouJd hope that I v.·ould not do him the smallest injury. But I am not indifferent. not indifferent to the matter or presidential abuse of power, by whatever president. ... " 4 • • • • .. ' Gurney, here to atl«>d a Yot11g Republicans conven:tion, called Knight ''the most opinionated, self~ered man l know-.~· . The senator's comments were in response to a Sunday COILll1ll1 by Knight editorial · chalnnan o/ Kn t g h i Ne~'Spapers, Inc., which was distriOO.ied to the ruin's 16 newspapers. l>oar's presentation to the committee is based on a 306-page compendium ol pertinent evidence culled from the mass that has been collected and tied together with · a running narrative that covers the areas in which Doar believes impeachable offen.!eS can be fowtd . Knight, who !\JPP)rted N11on in 1960 and 1!168, and endorsed no ooe in 1972 said the ftesident "can n eve ; retnl.'ititute the authority and respect he held before Watergate •.. ., he ou&I!& to be out o/ office, etu. by impeadweot or rtllgnalion.'' After further ~ans of the eV:ider>;et on Monlay and Tu.esdar.,M the comnuttee will begln debate on Wednesday, with a vote on impeaclnnent possi~le by the end of the week. , The Gurney, who recently was indicted on bribery and conspiracy charges is one of Nixon's staunchest supporters.' Coast Watch ••• . Top News stories of the past week from Orange Coast Communities •. ::"""' '111!:'1-" -~ (\Ir ~~..:... . ft.:. ..:. 6P•-1' ,, • .11 -J.:t't ·r "r"• -ct· ~,_, -·· ..,.,..._ .., ~-.<\ • • ~ • ··--.~-~ • ~?.. ·--....... -·· .. ~~·-·-... •• ti SI\.• CLBMBRT&--Tbe_ po'l.ic• departaant ·her• 1 ~ II•• •• llioral• probl••· of cri•i• prop9rtiona·, • f., ~SPrdiri9 to tb• st-pa9e-re.vitllW rittenJ-by . l . '·"ltd'iia9Fno• nghei',P8lici~Chti~~hilllaYflle.dti{b,.,'<,,. 1 ~~l"v~oup;~Jt·' ... p9c~t1i'l,; p~r:,ql>_•!·a1~Lo ~!}~9 •--;ii ··, '~Wtw;inC911d••}.i n• .. ~9q.!o~-:bco••qd~~· ... _ . -t. "lic~r llt.laajpr_.;,_in-~rn¥1 ~•ilri1tranya, pv-"' • · era1'_, tllt:Z.etir•••!~ of forae'r ch\ef t Cl.Ji~­ f'f-. ~Ur4Y-: oft"'d,i•abi~itY;1J>•n_i1io~ a~ ab0,l.~ ' ... Q~ o • he •po•itibn of •• atant ch1.t~. .. • ',Jii*'l •• · • ..... • • 'J " ~r·· ..... • ·~." .'-·-....,_ f,,..ru .. ":" l ). • f~:::, ~·TillGTOR B&AC --Bott••t~i••u• J.n to~ t~ l/C\:.f • .,. •• ~'-' t . -J-~'\ •&9'1 ... ~ 1 nJ.ma1.'"'~co•'tri01 . '°'"tP-''° o.w~•r• i co-"1 1-j!t!;l.•• !'bic~ re'.q•R~ly la!PC~~ a r~ca,11 eft- ... or ~·a9ain•t •i-1' 'coa.ncilaea,•ti••~nov coapl•t•l._y ~ -~r ... ,vZ!-i.-tten the ~ity .. at\anJ.a'al con\r"ol code .' The ~ 'a1199e•tit4 ch.a~ge,.1 {nolU'ile (1) .. • teduction i•n 1 tb9 coatr.of do9 tags fro• S\0 1to $5 an4 cat I .Y v 4 ta9ii t;ro• $10 to $2, C2J no_. entry,· o~ 1pr:iVate !' .p~pez:t,y vtthout ,.z;~i.asion or ·a •~u~c,b .,.,- , · 1rftt:, alad "lll c;r••llbn'"'of an ei9bt .:ae~er "ni-.,. • 1 .... .. 1 1'•..-_ ... ., ' • ' ~ ! . . ea,. cont1~.1. c9•• ••~n.. .. • ~ , t •f.-' ........ , • • ~ ~... -... J lfEWPOJlT BBACR-.-When a 33-foot cal>iD erui-~.r; c.X"&.tila.ed•into ;the_~ca~• >•P•n :of the Coaat , $.~'y :ttJti..:~•· ov•r..,.eWP.O!i.i;fay~"'At 8\ipar high • ' . l!w<li~il~Y ;,.1ght il9t1n<L¥i1''! boail!:•utt.1re'd, ~ -i}o•• .l!.~ '1'.n,uri,s. ~·""'11'"' K~'!_ill 'iif'J · ,!ii1>J>~'.llai'4•D 1 GfOY~,· J,,.,~ hi,li :l\a ·••d.v~· ,.~~erto'Q.. ·crond'i ~ 101rat-11oa9111f:••orl?•tiHI! -~ital.· ·a~,•t ~~ne:i Walter ~ao,,.'36 "b~ W°lw'"' • ~ Beach,~-•,uffer•d:'fa ·b.roken noae. ;;. ., ~ -.. -· . --' # •,:.-.: • ~ ' • ~'POU9~AlM.VALLEt-;Tti9 rebel Poontain Val j 8ttllt>o1 aoa~4 'th4..•f'Veelt stari'ed to looJt:'J • ~--. ~, . . ~ --to1. aecede fr~h"e Huhting~n •••ch Uoian ... • ..._ -t1'cbool 'ot••trlcil .<:.-_eo~d PJM149nt' Pi-.:1 'f: • jl!•• · eall_!d foe a.., detai_,_led •ece_!_•lon r~!: ~ re the Aug. t .board •••tin9 and"iiilie4;.,Jup.-j w--••·t flit.:e a'N..ck ·t~P!i.•-i .. l •••t~nlJ• tOrl' • I ' Op.n.a out ooa9unf~y ,..feel·JniJ• abou·t unlfict:-· t,lbn: of tft•· l'Ciunt.in· v.a~-l•Y· aiet~ict. :-. _ 't' i ~ ...... ·~ · · iRVza.~The "',;Tinninq bu•s.l••1pd recoa-• • ~,. .J.ded 1:.ltY c9uncl·l'!ipprovil uor 1£br'9e Ir•iftet . t;O~pany pt'oject•, . .)fhich ,w1;.l! fiveniuaily 4ouble ~',, cJ.t)!,• ~o)S'u la tt~~: and ·~ aora~ (h,•~n 2,, sdo •• of ... ind•1tr:lai •and coaae-rclil• develop-• • • ~~~. They are~ woodb_:id~• 4evelopaent Cyith ~.o oo ~A'ldint11 ;•nw1ne:rncru•t--Yl a1 C:o•plex-•°i (2,0SB •acree)t-';iiid Iniii'e'.:C•iit er (470-aot-e CP•piea with· four ilajor 1tfore1, 100 'r•t•il , J#f'hOp1, \r hot•1 an4 SJ~r9•.i!~~?~~r~oreftion and ·•ntertainaent center ~ri firat ph•••i·• , ' .,~O,TJI •11zs11-,A ~O:cial atu~)( bY. c~;y plan· • 'r•~o-nd• th~~;a,~ ,oitJ''~ 't llagh aig~ ' aace P.iJ. b•-tr•l•a•« fbr •u~o de9ler•~ .but 4D•• reco-end that theater•' and· aotels be 9iven. a break. The c ity coµnci} ai ked for a 1tady on the PO•Jlli bility of a1kln9 •Jlecial al-· lowancei for certain k i nd• of bu1ine11ee when t1\9 9n..,_ord.i nance' wi1. adopte'd -..-rJ.i•r thie year... -• ·-1-!" "' .:---.. . .. Rif•TiltGTON B!ACH••In•an:etfort t~ 1ootbe,,~.~­ an9ry real eetate intere1t1, city councilaen pub~ial,. ~ladged noo to' 'l ncieale the ~ unpopu .. 1~~·••.t-ata tranafar tax above the one- ha"'l'r.:Jl!tcl~t level 'in f~tur'e ye'ai•. 'l'h• t•x, ju•t1'•P.O••d ,t~i• Y••r , j1 expect•4 to raif• tt.2 •illion to help a bu49at ••vtraly 1hott j I I \ . .., on rev•nue. ....... ,-• AT . NICOSIA OUTSKIRTS .• Cypriot Guardunan W1lt1 From .Pqe J CYPRUS ... -...., ., New Discrepancyin Tapes ·Reinecke . . Startles House Comlllittee. To Testify ' ' . . By United Press lntemational Ziegler 1akl that around Jan. 31 , 1973. Home Jud1etary Cbmmittee members when tile Waterpte burglars were found were startled Saturday by the disclosure JtUllty, the newspapers speculated they of a major dlScrepancy in a final bit l\'ould get long sentences U.S. District of evlclenoe submitted Thursclay by Jud~e John J . Slrtea-sometlm1!$ known NJ:mn'~ Chief pefense COunsel, Jamet as '?!faxbnum John." Jle said Nlmt• D. st. Cle,ir: \ ' · ""4 -otones and apparently Tt>e evidence, a bri ef excerpt from undentood that 1.Jddy bad received the a presidential tape, was subniitted to ma:1imum sentence. =that Nixon did not approve "hush But Ziegler aakl J u' d i c I a r y " payment. to the . Watergate Oommlltee members "Like (Rep . n oo March 21, l!m. St. Clair Jerome) Waldie," a Cati for n ta 1aid the tape was of a March 22 meeting Demqaat, "will aetr.e upon an eJTlptleal between NJ>on and his then :.1: Point like lhls O> )'!Ii away the facts." staff, H..R. HaJdeman. Also m Saturday, President Nixon'• But there "·ere references in the ~M:-ical "1~, Dean Burch, described ~ events lhat ~ not ocrur until March ~e\ H<Kf.te _ J\Klidary com m,J t tee f"' -\indlcatkig the tape could not unpemdunent proceedings as one of \be P,J8!iblY have been made on March Z2 "black spots in jurisprudence" and as St. C1atr claimed.-aCCUled the panel's chief lawyers Of. :·u it was willful, it wu a. my IM'VinC u "hind aum11 tor u.e . ..nous malier." said HamDton Filh, Democ:ntlc majority. .~r. (R·N.Y.) ol st. Clair's -· •· · "In the meantime, you've IOI to pve •. the -t ol Ille doubt to stupidity.' Ri h d . s ID San Oem<ute, respooding to tbO C Hr SOn 8 ys apparent fla"'. a · spokesman aa1d · :i= ~t 1o =~rll.=..~: · Nixon .Discussed when he dlSCUMed-tlle _,F. . · ' In the tranacrlpt, Nism ref.,..· to 'a E } C F"" • Jill 1enn preocribed 1or w.i.r..a1e ·ar y ox mng COlllpirafor G. Gonion Liddy, who. WaS nol eenten<ed until March Z:I' -the WASIIlNGIDN (AP ) -Fonner ,'.tty. day alter the reported ooovenatim.. Geo. Elliot Rlchan!IOll has told Ille On· Monday WASHINGTON (UPI ) -A ~ense lawyer uld Saturday that CaliCornla Lt. Gov. FA Reinecke probably wlll tesllfy Monday that he did not lie tD a Senate commit~ about the dale he infonned former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell ol an l'IT offer to help flnanc. flle.1m Republican Convenlion. • Reinecke and Mnchell both swore' before the Senate Judlclarv Committee that they did not discuss the ITT offer unlit September, J97J, two months after a controversial · dec ision to drop an antll:ult caae against m . But lperjury ch1t1e •PIM! Reinecke Is hued ca evidence that he and Mitchell actually dilcuued the ITT offer in May,. 1971, before the anUtrust cue 't\111 dropped. • Defenae Lawyer Jameo E. Cox, d"!l!k heated · · IJ"IUIOent before J u ii 1 e Barrington Parker, aald Reinecke mlpt take the otand when the defenae beglu calling Ha · own wttneuea Monday - probably to bolster his argument that the Senate testimony was limply a lapee of memory. "f can ute categortcally that tllis "°""' Judiciary O>inmJu.. that as ConstanUne F. Panayotacos o1 G..ece Is the tape of Mar-ch 22, 1173," said charged during U.N. debate that Turtlsh Press Sea!Qry R<loaJd L. .zleCI«, early IS July 3, 1173, Pre.i<lont Nlson Parter rejected a motion by Cox for a mistrial, and said· he would rule Monday on whelher to -the cue Cox argued that Reinecke was not advised ol his rlgbta during tbe prosecution'• lnvMtiption, hid no lawyer wltll him at the Seante hearlnc and that he8ring transcript. llUbmltlod u trial ..-... _.. faulty. waJ'jlianes had chopped napalm bombs inslltlng the transcript had not been waa.\hreatenilg to lire l]leClll Walq1te on Cyprus but Eugeoe 'Ro6sides, the tampmd with. pn>eeCU!tt Ardllbold eo.. .. Cypriot envoy loyal to 1tlakalios, said . An affidavit in which Ri~ • he could ... oonflim lhll. d-the inoklential dilpl9mre UPI cornspondent Michael K .. 11 Stars' Rabbi. with eox wu -n .-ma11e reported from Nicosia ihat Iha 'l'llrtdlb -, inv1Sim trigg..-ed interCommlBlll fi111ig publlc Salunlay l>y the -..ludlclary on Cyprus between Greeb and 'l\ata Dr N h Cornm1ttee fn:m its l mp each me n t but a shaky local --WU • USS aum, inquiry. arranged by U.N. penonnel duriDg the • hi bN affidavit, dated Jwie 17, 1974, ~ Miss Spain Wins ' Universe Title J " day. Dies at Home . -said Geo. Alelander M. The Secllrity Council later -....i Halg Jr., White Holl9e otaff chief, called MANILA, The Phlllpplneo °(AP) - an overall cease-fire . coupled with him on JuJy 3, 1973, to ask about a Mm Spain, 20-year-old Amparo Munoz, withdrawals o( all foreign U'oqls from LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Dr. Max new story that Cox was lnvestipting was named Mia Univerte of Jf74 m the is1a00, Turkish invaders as well Nussbaum , one of the world's foremost expeodlturtii at the Westem·White House Sunday. as Greek officers with the Cypriot Jewish leaders and spiritual consultant in San Clemente. The 5--(oot.a, cbestnUt beauty from National Guard, and· a call for immediate to many entertainment figure, died Ricbardaon said CoJ: · told him the Malaga cried 88 she walked down the talks betwem Greece .end Turk-in Satunlay ol a heart attack at the age runway before ~ kl •·! I · "1 f 68 report was erroneous. The attorney . a "UI NW e .... ev stor. London. . 0 :... -en1 re1a·~ Illa! word to Haig. audience eotimatod in the mlllkllll. More The ""°'utlon pas9eCI ls.-0 with both Nu-um suffered a heart attack at ·-· '~ than 8,000 per10111 attended the pqeant the United Steteo and the Soviet Unioo his Hollywood bome during dinoer Friday "G<n. Haig lllkl that he wu not at the Folk Arla -n Manila. . baddng it. It!I· architect, B r i tis h night, a spokesman uid. He was taken aure the President wu not going to First runner.up was 'Mia Wale!, Helen Ambassador Ivor Richard, then asi«d to Citizens Emergency llolpital by a move on thli to clllCl>arle Mr. Cox, Morpn, 21, of London: Miss Finland Greeoe and 'l'llrtey whether they fire department _.. mlil and 1*' and thal it could not be • matter Johanna Ra-. 19, ol Helstnltl, WU int<llded to mmply wltll ll was tramlerred to Cedars of Lehalloll of Co1's charter to tnvestlgaie the oec:md runnerup Mils Colombla Ell ~-·~---" u. ~-t •·• Hoopltal where he died at I a.m. President o1 the United Stetea." ~ CeCilia E : ' a • ~---_ ~ ••• , ... ,_ _ -· 20, of Bucaranmanga, informed Turkey ·that c;......, would NUllboum aJ90 had suffen<I a heart Again on July 23, RlchanllOn said lhlnl runnerup, and Miss Aruba, black- "coasider it an all of ...,._, .. u attad[aeveral years Ill"· he IOI a call from Haig . who "told eyed Maureen Ave Vieira, 11, o1 Turt<ish tnq>o mritiOOe to occupy_ Greell Rabbi ol T'!!lVf!;:i.oet In Ho~ me !bl& the 'boll' wu very 'uJ!!!p~t-' ....=Organ~ -runnenJp. Cy\Jriot wdlift In -cw A-· JDr the paat ~~mo and ·-Cor. Gmei-aJ Haiti ti>ld me-that 1bO new 'Mias" Univene, suoceed'"" woold also oind In ti,,;)pe to protecit bis wife ...-.tlj.-...i from a lengtby 'll we have to have a conlrolltatton 1173 winner Margie Moran of ii: Greek Cypriot>, he said. trip through Europe and Israel. we wlll bave ll' General, Halg said Phlllpplnes, weighs Ill pounds and has Turkish AlnhMaado< OliD!ln obJ als> Born In Allltria In 1908, Nuasbaum that the President wanted 'a tight Ihle meuurementa ol 33-22-33. avoided 1 dlrecf ......,._ 1fe --tilt ~ -edaeO!ed In ~Y and received drawn wttll no further mistakes,' and As the crown waa plae<d on Mts. Turkish operalion-waa--M·lilvaaim' alil loi1_P11.D. in phllooopQy.Jn. ll!IL~lru!Jl=~tha~t 'lL.CoL does not •m!,_ we wtll Munoz' -· k ollppecl, and the new aaid Turkey was ooly fl!!Nllhof its the University ol Wunburg. -get rid of Cox."' beeuty qlle<ll__lautl)oed de!_~_ v •• oblliatioos under the lnaty ......... eeidi ' Cyprus' lndipendence. , ,, Allen Jenkif!s, 'Mug,' Dies at_ 74 SANT A MONICA (AP) -AO on Jenkins, l!..!11bbery·faced characltt actor of stage, 9CTttO and television ror 52 years, died Saturday. He wu 74. Jenkins. reportedly suffering from lung cancer, had been in the tmenstve care unit of SL J-Ohn's Hoapltal for a. week foll~ surgery for r~oval of a lung. He was hospitalized a few days after oompleting Ille remaking of the movie "Front Page," in which he acted on Broadway in 1928 . Jenkins, who ;was born afld nllll!d In New York, de!ICrtbed hl! usual role as a "mug ." He appeared &D .more than-'75 fllJN.~ in_cJ\ldl.ng 1'42nd_ ·s~" "Oklahoma Annie," "Golddlggers," "The St. Louis Kid," and "I Am a Fuiftive 1rom a Chain Gang." · ....... , DAILY PILOT Robert N, Weed Prnl•t1t Ind f>ubll.,_ Jack R. Curley \'let Prtll""' tlld Gln«tlMll....,... Thomas Keevll Editor Thomas A. Murphine ,,...11419fn9 Eclllor Thomas M . Mccann 5\llldty Edltor (llarlts H. Loos Richard P. Nall Nllitliiii-.....1 ..... · Offlcn cmt. MHll: "° w.11 ..., s""' Newoon 9itKl'I; 3l» NtwPGr'I ., ...... .-!! ~°""' lkl<ll! 111 Fo~SI A-H..,ll"91Dll .. Kii: lllli S.ectl llOIMv .. ol ~II tte,,.,.nM : JOS NO•ll'I El C.mlll9 "'II ' T-(7141 "1-4.IZt Cl111ifil'.d Aclvtrtl1lng M2·S471 Cooyrig111, "''· Ortn9' GMSI Pu111Uf11'1f (OoT\~•"y, HO l"'wS lltrln, l!l1,,t•1tl-. editorll l !Nttrr or 10,,.rtlMmtnh l\t.r-ln ll'Mlf ... •"!Ired~•• wltllOllt .-111 Jlllt'fl'lltllOll ,, t .. yrlOl\IO-r. ' · ietoi.I < .. ti f!Mlltt 111114 .. 0.i. llNM .c.tlllan!l1, S~Mtrl9llOl'I .., c•l'lfr u .iO "'°"'"''!! •Y. mill .,.,oo """"'''' mllllMf tnlll'lt 1W N.00 l'P!OMl'llf ~ummer Pops Coricetts MONDAY EVENINGS UNDER THE STARS ON THE MALL AT FASHION ISLAND Now through August 26 Flonl Deiontlons by AMtlNG'S NEWPORT NURSERY ' HENRY BRANDON CONDUCTING THE FASHION ISLAND BRANDON SYMPHONETT'E. TOMORROW EVENING JUtY 22 PROGRAM -9:15 P.M. Fashion Island Overture -Dance of the.Spanish Onion -seieetions· from"Jesus Christ, S.upent.u" In a Persian Market Stardust Mimi Brandon _Rose Webber Ketelby ' Carmichael Carroll Arr. Medley Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head This Gal's In Love With You Brandon Arr. People Talkln' At Me love Is Blue "love Story'' Theme These Foolish Things Tie A Yellow Ribbon Selections from No, No, Nanette Popp Lal June Jones, Vocalist Youmans 3ponsofed by The Irv ine Company ind Fashion lsland,Merchant's Associ1tion in cooper.1tio n with the Music Performance Trust Fund. Free to the public FASHION~.,) ISLA .ND JfllWPOa'I' Clll!Jf'l'lla P1cHlc COlll HlthWIJ-lllwtln .l•mllol'le 1ncl'MICIArthur • , -. ' ·~· . N ., ' I . . . ' . . . .. ' • I i I • I I ·. I - " • I • -'} .. : • ' ,' .. • ' • • .. .. ( • • ' .. ·-Derby Day ' The 10th annual Soap Box Derby's Orange County competition rolls oll at 10 a.m. t.oday in Irvine Park. Act.ion at the Derby grounds saturday included last-minute adjustments like those being made by head-to-head father and son (above, right), lineups for inspection and one trial run (above) and the impounding and coverup ol cars (right) to be guarded overnight as both cars and drivers awaited the starting gun today. Orange Coast entwes •·the event include Jon Clark of Corona del Mar, Brian Hartwick and Don Obert of Hunt- ington Beach and Roland Ward of Costa Mesa. Sponsored by Santa Ana Elks Club, the classic youth event will be open to the public. Races are expected to be on until 3 or 4 o'clock SUnday afternoon, Victory banquet and award ceremonies are scheduled to beg1n at 6:30 p.m. at the lodge iirSanta Ana. • • ..: -'t. -11"1:> .. -.~ ,. • • J • Lanter~ Bay to ~e Debated • Lantem Bay in Dana Point, reportedly one of the last open areas in Or~e Count)' with bluff park potential , will be dlacuwd Monday by the regional ........i-. 1be project first surfaced more than a year ago when the South Coast Regional 7.one Conservation Commission approved plans to build 115 homes on 28 acres. A~IJ:~ ll;Crew ,Ohsenes . .. .. . . . --... .... . .. ,.. ... . · s·th · Moo'it-·Tr-ip Birthday • 1be state coastal commisfilon reversed that stand. The new pl;ms call for constructiOn o1 95 cIU9!ereds iiigJO'liijili1Y-,n,e111ngs and a six-acre perk. L&Wern Bay is bo&nied. by-Pacific Coast Higbw.!y on the north, Del Obiilio SU..t lo the 90Uth and east and by the Street ol the Golden Lanlom lo the west.. • . Do11eoy stile Beam an<1 DaDa • f'llint "Ha-· are adjacent lo Del "llbitP> · Street, which mates tbe entire 76-acre Lafitem Bay pefeel valuable ~open space, commissioo plaMers say. The regional commission meeting WASHINGTON (UPI) -Three Apollo that there \\'ere no surprises in store begins at 9 a.m. Mond ay at Longi 11 astronauts Saturday celebrate<! the ror us, that things turned out as smoothly Beach Harbor Department, 925 Harbor fifth anniversary or man 's first rmoon-as-they-dld."-,. f.l:lua.Drive . . ~ landing and mission e<immandet Nell -lcliael COllins, tOO thi"fd-crewmembcr~7'<> -f~r-oo~ss1on planne:s are A. Armstrong said he thought at the .who stayed in lunar orbit:. while his wubhold~ .their ret'OJTl?1endabons ou · time there was cnly a 50-50 chance colleagues spent 21 hour 36 minut~,.. jhe '7:5 milhon development.. . they wouJd succeed. ~on. the moon, said "th8 wonder ot. It! ,. ~y say they ~.more 1nfo nnat1.on "I thipk it's fair to say that I, at all " was that nOthing went wrong. "':' what~ ~lied a very controversial least, . was surpri1~ .every time Armstrong, 43, Aldrin, 4f, end Collins, piece of.~. . : sometJung worked, said Annstrong, 43, commemorated the anniversary of The tim mg of nearby pro1eci.s and first man to walk on the moon and the laDding · at a CettmQflY at the the possitility·that the state transporta- ·now -an-engineering prOfes91r at the · Smithsoni.~ Institution, wbei:e_c.otlius_ 1ion ~eut may extend Del Prado University of Cincinnati. is director of the National Air aDd stnil tfifougb phase two of Lantern .Bar "I had a continual suspicion that the Space Museum. bave to be explored, one-planner uwh- next item on the check list would be 1't a news conference-at t b e cated. . . . . the one that would crump out on us ." 5 ·thsonian Ann t A~ .. ed lo The extension of De! Prado to Pac1f1c F.dwin E "Buzz" Aldrin who landed nu ' s rong .was ~ · • Coast Highway wwJd abo cut through he Se. 1 ..... .,: .11.ty "th comment on a aatement 1n a 1100D-to-be-a canyoo now being med as 8 natural on t a o ., .... '1w 1 Wl published boOk by O>llins ("Carrying Armstrong, said he thought there was the Fire") that Armstrong "exercised preserve. . . a belier chance of success, but added, 'his commander's prerogative to crawl If the road is app~ved, it v.~ld "l think we were all very surprised out first" on the moon. This, Colllns be under const.ruc:t~. 1n three to five wrote, irritated Aldrin because earlier !:-:t1!' the commlSSlon staff report Teens Gr~vely Injured _In Mesa Car Crash Tv;o teen-age boys suffered grave injuries / S..iturday when their small foreign led.an assertedly ran through a red light In a ())Sta ?ifCS8 intersection, hit another car and then rolled several times. Costa l\tesa police declined to klenUfy the youths because the victims are juveniles. They said one youngster suffered crilleAI head injuries in the crash: the other su(fered a broken neck. Both injured youths were r.eported in serious condition at Costa M e s a· l\1emorlal llospltal. The crash. oo:urring shortly ofter I a.m. at th e intersection of Harbor Boolev1rd and Adams, involved another cnr. but Its driver :.vu only sflghtlf' hurt, accordirlg to police' rnports. . . ' preliminary plans called [or commander '. . to follow his copilot. Prehm1nary proposals for the ~a-acre -== -second phase-of -Lantern Bay include Cr ew Opens CD's 'Cracker Shelt.er' DETROIT (AP) -A wreclting crew tearing down a building in dowdtown Detroit has turned up some snappy evidence that planners in the U.S. Office ot-CiV'il Defense were big on crackers. Nearly four um of crackers -300 cases --..'ere found stashed away in the .basement of the buildiiig, wh!ch was designated as a Civil Defense shelter in the early 1960s. No 5'>UP, no cheese, no water." Just crackers. The \\'Orkmen removed the va cuum- · packed, tin containers and placed them in IG-foot stacks on the demollUon site. Then, they broke open a few packages. "They ts"ed fl!'llY good," said one "'orkman . 158 slngle family dwellings, 160 condomin- 1ums, 4.8-acre public bluff park and promenade. An eight-acre section adjacent to Doheny State Park b planned tD be left open ror possible publ.lc acqusilion. If not purchased, it woukl have about IO dwellin( units. • 'l1le entire second phaae, ho\\l!ver, isn't part ot the application to be discussed Mcplay. In the staff report, lhe commission planners point out that southeastern Orange County has been subjected to intense population growth ,pressures. By the year 2,000, about 38 percent ol the projected ~ty population is expected to live in the ·area. mosl or it within 10 miles of the coastline. _ The only other large undeveloped parcels left arc the Chandler-Shcnnan property. a mesa north of the hurbor : Avco community Devel()pers' oceanside tract in Laguna Niguel and lo lhe north .. the Irvine Company coastline. ... " , • I ' Sunday, July 21. 1q74 OA.ILY PflOT A. r I ---"--'--'--~------'-'-"~~~ La st of 'G~o.il Old)J~ys' . . . . . Comes Today as Fair Ends ; Today is the Jasl of the "Good Old Days" at the Orange O>unty Fair and officials are predicting an all-time record atiendance at the annual celebration in Costa Mesa. On tap for the windup of the expoaition w~I he minibike races at noon , the Aladdin Magic Show at I, J:30 nn<J 5 p.m., the Chuck Jones Magic Show at f and 7 p.m. and the New Dimensions Patriotic Music Review at 1, 5 -and 6 p.m. And as a finale to the l<klay run. coinedians Skiles and Hen<terson will perform at 7:30 p.m. in the fairgrounds amphitheater, followed by Les Bro\\'ll and his Band of Renown at 8: 15. Attendance records began being set · early in the fair run with figures \\'ell _,;. for la!t y.ear's edition, officials said. i Besides a full range ot-entertainment today, exhibits including erarts, .:iencr, Q cooking, horsemanship and dancing art" on the schedule. " Admission is $1.75 for adult.a and $t" for children from 8 to 12 years old. Youngsters\ under six are welcome frtt.' Today's 'inal acltVitles will start ~ noon and will end at l~ p.m. ~ \ . Northrop Aid ·: ,{ 111 Getting ~ ~" above ~ percent above .the like petiods· Contracts Told i --. . . • .. , ;. -... -~~·,.."T~~-·--t-:-;;-- ~ ~ ~ . ~· ~· PIANOS Rose Says Ni~on Had No Kennedy , To Power' Him l!YANN!SPORT, Mass. (AP) -Rose Kennedy, mother of the late President John F. Kennedy, says President Nixon "did,,well" to reach the White House without the advantages of a PJ)\\'erful famlly. In a copyright interview in the Boston Sunday Herald Advertiser, f.frs. Kennedy said her !Kil, John. had the help of his father, former Amba$ador Joseph Kennedy, and of his grandfather, former Bostoo Mayor John F. Filzgerald "I don't believe there was anyone like that for Mr. Nixon," said Mrs. Kennedy. "It's so unfortunate and disappointlllg." About Waterpi., Mn, Kennedy said "its confusing" but did not elaborate. Monday is Mrs. Kennedy's 84th birthday, and her only sui-viving son Sen. F.dward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) was expected to attend a small party in her booor tonight. She said "be hasn't decided" yet to nm for President in 1976, but "when he does, whatever his decision, it will be all right. 1 will accept it." 'Thong' Caught, Gµ-1 Suffers Broken Ankle LAKEWOOD (UPI) -An J.l.lnonllMld Loog Beach girl aul!ered a fractured ankle Sabrday when-her feet became lodged in a departmert llCft escalator . "l fell I've had a good life," she said. "It's important. not to dwell on sorrows but to tum them i n t o t"OO..truetlve eHorta lo hell" lhe grief of other people." LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE co. DETROIT (AP) -Commerce! Secretary Frederick ~-Dent privateljo urged three other Cabinet officers to support Northrop Corp. In see!Ong NATOo fighter plane contracts even thouglP another U.S. finn was competing for i the same business, .the Detroit News reported today. 'l Jn its Sunday editions. the ne\°Vspaper"' reported that Dent said in a per10nal- letter Feb. 13, 1974, to Defense Secretaryf James R. Schlesinger. that the time» had come "for our ~ovemment to fully , support Northrop in obtaining the8e '" contracts.'' ·,., ~ The News said1 Dent sent copies ot.. ' the letter to ~Secretary of State HenrJ t A. Kissinger and to George P. Shultz,\ then treasury secretary, ielling them that "this important project needs the full support of aJI our departments." I A second American aeros p ace., company, General Dynamics, was a~. that time also · developing similar: airpl&ne de.signs in a parallel progranJ.i for the U.S. Air Force. - Dent suggested in the Feb. 13 letter that U.S. amba ssadors to the NATO nations be asked to "lend all posslbfe assistance to Northrop," the News reported. But the story quoted State Department spokesman John King ·as saying that after Kissinger got Dent's letter, o{ficial4 at the State Department quick1y realized that "it would be the height of impropriety to ·gel involved with Den\ on this thing." • In its story from "'ashington, the · News said Dent sent a second letter to Schlesinger after David S. Lewi.1 Jr., board chairman ol Gener al Dynamics, got word of the iniUal letter and went to Dent's office to protest. 'l'be. second letter, dated March 18, asked the defense a:cr't(my to disregard the Feb. 13 :ietler, aa~ it bad been based on "a wrong assumption." Also in the ruining for the NATO · J'Olltracls are ihe ~ ]olirage an:I Swedish Viggen. • ORGANS '"' ,,, " '"""'' ~·' 0 '"'"" ·-$8 9 5 1~. Winner of .5 World aword1 lor mor~ ~ond ~ior-crofl~p With one finger, ploy all your fo11orl le rhyihms, like: Sosso No110, Rock, Woltz , etc .. with the new e11clusi11e Magic-chord "Ask a&o U-t ow p iano leas• option NEW KIMBALL SPINET sH~~.~~"' s595 STEINWAY GRANDS JEN TO SELECT FROM -OV.ER -100 USED ORGANS IN STOCK sample listi ng OVER 25 USED GRANDS ~'~~~N_D _ 595 !Aw~~O_N_D .1395 • FAMOUS NAME BRANDS A. KOHLER, 5' EBONY· ............ 1395 -~AM~~M,D 695 !!~~.~~L .1495 WEBER, 5' EBONY ..•..... , . , , .. 1695 THOMAS -895-BALDWIN--1-io95 MARSHALL WENDELL 5' .......... 1795 "'"""0 ····· ····· "'" •··· · ····· 1 J CHICKERING, 5' WAL ...... : ..... 2750 ~'~~~ONO 895 1 ~~~~ON_D 1695 CHICKERING, 5'6 WAL .......••• 3095 LOWREY 895 HAMMOND . 1795 MASON HAMLIN, 5'8 .••...• " ••• 3850 °'"" IOC .. ... •• • '"°'~·· . . .. BALDWIN, 5'6 WAL. .............. 3925 l!!.~ ....... 1095 ~.!!~L. . .. 1995 -SAMPLE LISTING OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 6 P.M. SAT . 10-6 MON. THRU FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. --TOP NAME BRANDS • FLOOR SAMPLES DEMONSTRATORS • NEW & USED PENNY-OWSLEY Orange County Warehouse _ EUCLID at SAN DIEGO FWY •. •.PHONE 545-0415 l,!;::-;;;;::;;;=~-=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;!.~~~~~~~~~~A~ll~l~TE~M~S~S~U~B~JE~C~T~T~O~P~R~IO~R~S~A~lE~~~~~~~~...l j ' ' . I . , . I I I I ' i r ' • '(, -:..,: o-.JLY PILOT ~Sunday, July 21, 1974 .. " .. " I I I I I l ·-., -'• ~onely Lrberace .. _!1lays ~eper1toire I ' For Audience of 3 - • ' .. ' ' f'~ ..i11t ...... ., l'lt!'ktl O'~ ! FAIRVIEW PATIENT ROB!;RT MEYER I • F· I ' .. r ' " ' ' • I ' By ARTIIUR R. VINSEL • -. llis tennis shoes tenderly touch the pedals of the baby grand piano, his fingers Couch the keyboard, and music spills once more from ·the soul locked inside a lonely Jijt)e Liberace. He hwiches over in coocentration, blind in one eye : his left hand helping the crippled r ight search for the melody. Silence blankets his audience of three. in a ?SO.seat auditorium, as he tries to pick up where he left off so long ago. CRYSTALLINE TONES suddenly flow !mn the beat-up old piano, the cla§ical tinkle of <llopin's '1."orks and the brooding thunder of Bach. . Robert 11-teyer, 5.1, has been a concert pianist for 47 years, 36 of th!?m spent 1ri California state hospitals for the mentally retarded. "He just has the innate talent. He is a person who was born with music in him," says Anne Brooks, psychiatric social worker and music instructor at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa . "This is the ool.Y thing, really, that keeps him going." Meyer's life story is a strange mixture of triumph and tragedy, from the standpoint of wbat is, compared to what C0&1kl have been. HIS A,LMOST-FLAW!.E&li piano-memorized since childhood but . occaaiooally improvised y,•itb the .hand and ear of a ~ b o r a mlil'ician-.makes a stark1:mtrut. .. • Be is -· His geniQS iwi got jlru ... tniead oAleing hoocd. ~ ~ -• h-!eyer'i gr~ther v.'as a cultuml lady wm spoke 17 Janguages, while his mGther was an accomplished 'musician and teacher too. . Robert, 1i!r only child, '"Ii day at the, age of 4 v.-ent ·to the piano and started picking cut tunes with cme rmaer. He had a Dlfllcult B-y used that vague generalization in the 1920s-and then contracted polio and German Measles that a~ parently damapd his !rain. IDS elementary educaUm ended at 6 and includes anly a few weeks of kindergartm. His father died \\'hen Robert was 40 and they say part or Robert Jtarted dying v.·itli him. • He is still a good boy. in that he v.·orships his mother, a frequent Fairview visitor now in her upper 70s, but time is taking its toll on him too. His tunes must sooo fade away. He Is not a handsome man-by male fashion model standards perhaps-and be is losing hls bearing, but then Beeehoven was totally deaf, and he had something for the world. "He's just getting okt," says Phyllis Bolin, director of the Sensory Development Program <\tr Fairview, where Robert Meyer receives bTs therapy. . He bas lived at Fairview for 13 years and spent the previou,, 33 years at Pacific State Hospital in San BernarUino County. 1bey often featured him as a pianist for lci;ivities tbefe, when his fingers were les.Y prinkh!d and Bew over the teys faster as bis . mernorx flew ti_ack qver ~ yean~ . -He ptayo -~.11111 bis repertoire of music remains varied. • Classical selcCtions are interspersed with such nwnbers u "Red River Valley,'' "W"'*""" Throogh · The Hilb" and he accompanies himself in a clear teoor voice singing "Loodon Bridge ls Falling Down." ;'What a· Friend ·we Have in Jesus". is good enough to bring tears to the eyes of an Gld country· .drcu.it preacher at a S25 funeral. Or maybe e'v«i·better. Tears can come I<> .-hers too, at his perfonnances. 111REE PAIRS of hallds clapping in the 750-seat state hospital aUdit.<riwn, however, make it sound too emjKy and so Mrs. Brooks suggests that the maestro conclude his concert. He agrees, presenting one last nwnber. "This one is caUed 'The Atislouri Waltz.' for my mother,''-he explains carefully and deliberately, to the audience of three. "She was born in Missouri . . . " He perfonns the oommemorative walt.z number with a flouriSt, a lonely litUe Liberace playing for that audieoce of three. THERE IS an interested newspaperman, his psychiatric social worker Mrs. Brooks and the psychiatric technician to help him shuffle back to Ward 26. "He would have been a great musician if it wasn 't f~ his condition," remarks Mrs. B-s, who knOws inborn talent from her years of instruction and education. The pianist, howeyer, concluded his afternoon concert and arose from the bencb, unaware of missed lame and fortune. "Will I be getting aupper ... ?," he -*ed · quiet.1Y. Arco Dealers Claim Push Is On to Sell,, Sell, Sell By PAMELA HAil.AN or "" Dtlr '"" ''-" Jrate Arco gas atatlon ilealen charged Friday that they are being harruoed by the'lr parent company to le.ii more Gao-1!" wtiich they pey four t<>--Jlve cents more per gallon for than their competitoro-and when they don't, their leases are lhl"t.!llened. ~ TOp oftidala for Atlantic Richfield CXlJld oot be reached over the weeken<l for comment. ' During a press conference organized ·by the lntemational Service Statkm Dtaleni A!aodltioo at a ?'ellaurant in San Juan Capistrano, Arto deolen auerted that AUantlc R i ch fl e I d repreaentat are fOrclng them to lower their prices even though the company does not lower lb price to lhe dealer. Memberw """°"' said they betlewd the oompeny stockpiled during the enera shortage and now finds it has too much 111 oo Jts hands. Dea.Jen, however.., are not' selJing as much gas becamt the oil c.unpanies cUd "tx>o good a job ~ the· public" in axivincing them to buy smaller cars, use pubJle transportation, and drive lesa . "Now that Arco Is not selling Its stockpiles, it is merdng and barrassing dealers to sell mcq aas and when they don't It iJ tbreat.enirW them with lease violaliOM, 11 said Dick l>effenbl\lih, an Arco dealer in San Clemtmte . VirgU Davldaon, of Santa An a , vice president ot the dealen group, said Art'O dealers are therefore being I'm doinl.'' he said. "'11\e company toki me 11 I don't want to nm the atatkln anymore to let them know and they would take it over in 4.1 houri. 'nley told me they could make 15,llGO a month profit. 'Ibey also u"ld I could keei> the (Jlr•ce but if I dldn'I\ want It tbey wooJd make tt into a t shop or dry cleaner." \ I Bill !legan' o1 Tustin said he his OOrrq:iany representative why hi1 gas , coet more and was told that the company \ blends Ill product with high price Venezuelan oil to .keep up with allocatk>ns here. "I asked him why they didn't stop buying Venezuelan oil and cut the price lo the dealer. He didn't have an IMftr." The dealers who alrtd complaints wttt asked to fUl out reports to· be lent io Seo. Alan Cr.wton who they said is conductlng an investigation into oil company practices . , ; Deffenbaugh pleaded with dealera not ' to give in to the company. "U you cut a price yoo're stealing out. or .ywr I own pocket." .,,. l ~ . Damage Estimate" Hits $14 Million In Killer Blast ~w:"yt' ~'--~ i:,~. ~~ DECATUR. nt. (AP)-Damege oou!d .. .,.,3 .........-uceed $14 mUlim from Friday's rrlUBive neighboring Slandlrd or Union dealen JrOPOM gas eq>lollon in a rallyanl who buy their gas much cheaper. Owners that resulted· in two deaths and damage ol Standard and Union statiam present I<> 580 bul""-· on Decatur's Industrial verified this fact . -... An Encinitas deal<r, ·Bill Maholllch, · east side, olllcials said Saturday. said his friends tell him "I Ji11e you Tiie blut at the !lfte-mlle loog but 1 can't affonl you." N«folk I< w..i.rn HaUway Co. yarn Patrick St.ark of. Los Angelm sata injured 133 railroad worters and area !tatioo owneni are beirl( encouraged residen.11. Six railway e m p I o Ye s to stay open 24 hour! even though in remained in serious or critical oondlUon most . cases the gas pumped from J 1 Saturday in a 'ho&pitnl bum wit. p.m. 'to 8 a.m. doesn't pay operating Two workers died late Friday, ~ costa. 18 hours after the predawn explosion. Dealef'S are also no longer receiving 1bey were Richard T. Beck, 54, arid subsidization for electric bills or rent David Web9ter, 23, both ol Decatur. for 24-hour service u they once were. More than 200 workers began repairs He added anyone wM has limited hours and cleanup work and rail service was will.,.. be considered a leue violator. partially restored· by Saturday afternoon, Other "Jea9e violatlcns " aCt'Ol'dlng a railroad spokesman said. to tho dealen ~ include posting N&W olficials said damage to the sigm such as "mechanic on duty," or rail yard, equipment and cargo M>Uld "no .elf-service." Yet Deffenbaugh said be at least $8,729,000. he received two window dUsplays from General Electric Co., w h i e h Arco Monday, signs be is not supposed manufacture!! stereo and r 1 di o to d~ay. equipment at a Decatur plant, said its Georxe Godfrey, Orange, said he .,.. w.........., and aintents were dO!lroycd advised to cut his price by t'A'O cents and estimated IGl!IS at between $2 aud a gallon after be had already cut it $4 millioo. 1.6 eentJ. ... In all 590 buildings were damaged, "I knew it wouldn't do ..y good an inventory taken hy the city revealed. because the guy across the street 19(d Forty-twO of 563 ·houses. damaged were bls gas for four cents 11111," he uid liMed aa unfit to be inhabited. Godfrey aald be lowered bb Jrice OffJcials • e!tlmated $1,693,700 damage anyway and it'~ not woridhg. · rosulted I<> dwellings, 1878,000 I<> other I -~ iil ,: ~ J .I .i .... •1•111 figure It c:an 1 last aboohicht tlO!s ~~ ~mmeLak rc;ial Hiproperth Schooly; and $1.5 million ,,~~~~~~~--~~~~!'"""'.!.,.""!~"i.~~"':'~""'"!'.""~~~~":"',_~~""'~~~~~~~.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~n~g!.._!ps~~·~·~ooa~,-w~""._~~~~·-~·~w~~e~VJ~ew~~g~~~-~~~~---,,..,..,_ .. " ! .. : i ,, ..... P• Al • • barker bros~. emi-ann.1 ........... 1 MISSIONS, l\IINIS~~~~~~~~~~: .... I~yorgd~u~.0-"~~~~~i;~ Jruy ... .....,..,.•ture It is th1J very nm-ettitynea that i~ .. ~ ..... I I ! I l -BUSY ~TION PASTOR Or. Thomas W. Overton makes the coovention presidency such 1be cmning together ol all the a headache. elements in Anaheim this week means Not the leut ol. the worries is getting that, in a sense, "the church," as vie\\·ed together money to finance the big event. by Dr. Overtoo's constituency-the n.. budll't for the ontire cooveatloo lheolot!l<:al fundam-ol the local is $165,000. 1 <llurdJeo GI Cluist and Olrlstilm "And that," It ,... Pointed out by ~ o('~orth America-will be a ~ head ol the paid lllaff, Conventioo viSlble, viable f-far fowc..111ibts-.1Dd Di.i<tor U!onard G. Wymore, "includes lbr<e days. rd for the. <lndmati office, ala.ff Still. ·Dr. Overton mt his auoci.ates salaries, hall rental, paper, printing, on . the convention's planning boiard ol. postage-even hooorariums and expenses 120 men frun around the natkln shy for tlK>&e few guest speakers who get front any implication \hat they are any money from the coovenUon." calling together "the church." Registration ree11 average $1 a person-.. As a people trying to be the church $5 a famlly, regardless ol number-and as Christ established it ... we cannot v.·ere expected to top 40,00> (many being have 8 headquartets or any kind of dQllati(l'ls by well-wishers with no intentlon~of-attendlnglr-_hierarch;:" Dr. Overtm em sizes. If it weren 't for ·that revenue and "Christ is the"head of His church." {or income from apporoximately 150 He goes further, trying to eltpla.in exhibit booths the convention cooldn't the big "tent meeting" type program exist. that will take over the Convention Center It is the various ministries doing their in a couple of days. -things in the exhibit bootM-Bible "When yoi.i're 1ent aa a delegate to colJeges looking · for 1tudent1, a conventioo. you're 9e!lt; but when mi8sionaries aeeklng 1u~ publilhera you 20 as a volunteer, that's sip!l£icant. with boc:U ilo sell, televlsr.an mnaten "What ft, will have in A1iiheim ii •smc· 1oc: funcb for a1r \tine, ·lllnlfnc volunleel' fellowship -and tbal's ~ · groups peddling album>-wtiidl make U.. ... -kind." J ~ ; Ch.urch's Airline People Save Day ~ It took some £ranUc phoning bet"'·een • airline Presidents, but 2,00'.> delegates ' 1 to .the North American C h r i s t i a .n • ) Qonvention are_ CO!!l ln_g in on chartered , 1 winp and a lot of pra yer. Bob Clifford, a member or the convenlJoo president's congregation in , Huntington Beach, just happens to be president of Air Californi a. When the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) decreed that eight chartered commerdal airliners could not ny, it gave the convention president. Or. tbomal Overt<>n, pdsloT ol Huntington , Beach'• First Chrbtian Church, one of 1 his toughest problems. , He wasted 1¥) lime taking It up with · the Lord-Ind telUq Clifford-that the I ~ CAB had groondcd several hundred · ' delegata. including t.een·agcrs .desti ned l I for stardom 1n the Bible BOwl. the I scripture quiz show \Vhich is a traditiaua t I highlight of the convenll~. ' The ai rlines, unde r CAB ru~. could 1 not ch"Brter flights tp teen·agers or to • groups, such at coovenllon delegates, not belooglng to a corporation or some entity which could take u I ti ma I e rcsponsibUJty far underwriting the flight. ) r ' LeoOard G. Wymore-, convention director (head ol the peld staff the convootion maintains In tt:s Cincinnati • and flying them to vaious parts of the oountry themselves, to ferry dclegat~ to the Anaheim convention. Qffice), l\*ed Otiio congressional deltw -;====:._---~..:::.:::..., gates to intervene w1ih the CAB. Dr. overtoo called on eot1gressmen and senaton, too. But th& real action came when Air California Preoident Clifford coni.cted Edward E. Carllon, pmident ol United Airlines, in ancqO. ' As tho I>«O<fier loll!r put it, "They must have been able to talk to each other in their own language." n.. canoeled fllibta--707 and 72'1 jets with pusenger capacity ranginc from 179 to 232 per P.1ane--were reinstated both by United and by Trnns World Airlines on waivers 8PPf'O\'ed by CAB. 1\ backup plan to get the deklgaU!s ny1ng .... being wtrled out by other members of the llUnlin&f<>n Beech oon· · gregatlon. • Some airline pilots who attend the church were llgurlna on chorl<rilli airplanes h<r-e In S<Mhem Callfomina DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of the Dally Pilot is guaranteed Moftdl•·F~ U ~udol'OI"*~--'"" s JO '·"'·· t •ll 8llCl l'(llol• too' will or titouglll to .....(•UlM•l4'e<>..,l1ll OOp.on. S.l11t~' •nCI Sulldff• 11 "°"'dill ftDt •K t l""P y- CIXIY b~' ··"'· ~uro.i,, ••• "'· S-.r. t•ll -"'°"y woUW~ ID'°".Cfll~.,lljiU'fl llM•l IO•,"'· Telephone~ No•1l'I*••• ~ .. "'"~11" llf•rn •AG Wt\! l"llllhl,-.,. \tnC.~m,n1t,<;•011!•-ilt"'-", '""Jll~"(IPl)!lft. 0*".4 ~'"' !i0111"L ~QilH10,~ ........ N,_I , - You CAN afford our best ·custom draperies at low fabric-plus-labor prices! # BARKER BROS. Group I. .. 2.99 yd., labor included Group IJ ... 3.99 yd., labor included Group ni .. : 4. 99 yd., labo1: included Wltlt • e11n.r.a etatom dr9peries Clin m1ktl TheY blend to pet'ftctlon with yaur room dtcorl They h1ng mort fully and richtyl They lllt ~I Hl'tt •II th is tor your windows at our txcillngly tow f1bf1c-plu1·l1~ pricas! Come choon the tlbric 10U ..W ffOOI our f'99Ullr atoc.k: IUaeiout 1ntlqut t1tln1, tubtle IMrtn, r.faxtd open ""'"· lmprntlvt dtm· ukt, rtgtl j1cqu1n11, Intriguing teitturttl ~•I.tel from 1 huge bouquet of col011: from the boldtlt tnd most.Vivid to th• aontat tnd ptlntl We'll create 1 treatment tor you wl!h 111 !ht tlegtnct you wantt 80' minimum finished length 'SAVI ON CUITOM IUtCOY!AI AND ftl·UPHOLITlft'f ..• e'lery one of our own ttbrica we hlYt In our present 11ock '9ductd. A .,.,,., Unu.ua1 oller 1n. .. ,.._ Un lo lhop In tho comfOfl and privacy of your own homo? We'll be happy to send a prolea- slonal drapery representative to your home, at your con.venience, with fabric samples and window treatment suggestions. Make an appoint- ment soonl Coll 8'12-4405 Hunmtington Beach<--!n the 'Huntington Ctritet Beach Blvd. at Edlnger~92--440!5 Santa Ana-2522 Nor1h Main Street-5•7-76151 . ShOQ Mond1y, Thuttdly, F"ridly liN 8 P.M.-,Sunctey n'A.M.11116 P.M. • . . . .. I l I s ' I " ' : I • I I ' ' ' ----) ' Sunday, July 21, 1974 DAILY PILOT Energy-less-Homeowners Creivs Clean Up Tar Frorri Rivet: ' Stage Sit-down at ~WP • WEAVE RVILLE !AP I - Cleanup crews said saturday they expect to collect about ball o! the 4,000 gaHono ol olly asphalt tar which spilled into the Trinity R I v e r following a truck accident. The gooey tar was dumped into the river ~·hen a tank truck and trailer crashed on Ca1Uomia 29!J West of here Friday artemoon. A high\\·ay patrol spokesr1l<ln said the acc.kient "'as still u n d e r inves!lgation. The truck driver was not injured. 1 Spokesmen 13.ld workers ,_. been able to collect about 1,• gallons fX tar near .. accident site. More bu 1- oollected by an earth d4D and booms farther down "1' \ U~IT.-.... WANTS POWER BACK Woodl1nd Hills RHld1nl Couple field In Death Of Socialite HILLSBOROUGH (AP ) ~ Police 8earched for the body of a missing soclallte Saturday . arter. a ~fenlo Park man was dia.rp!d in tv.'O murders and hls girl friend as an accessory in three, including the slaying of the wealthy ,matron. Lois Jean McNamarn , a 53· year-old widow, was last seen at her posh rand>style home here July 11. H,.. blood smeared Cadillac was cllx:overed Friday at San F r a n c I s c o International Airport. Ban-y Austin Brown, 25, of MenJo Part: was charged in the murder of M r 1 . McNamara and the June 25 fatal shooting of Richard Pipes. a Santa Cruz· grocery clerk killed during a holdup: Brown's glrlfflend, Carol Campbell, 'rl, was charged as an accessory In tb>se two murdcn and in the slaying ol Stephen Russell, 22, a hi1<tl!lker from Idaho Falls, Idaho, whom she and Brown pick<d up July 17. His body bu oot been !<U>d. UJS ANGELES (UPll- Some 50 411811' Woodland Hills homeowners, who have been I wllhout eledrlcal pw~r the l i-lthtoe days, staged a lood a t~d-o w·n demON1traUon ~~~~;i;=~~ 4 try to end ftie !ooNlsy-old •lrlko apinsl tl1e Department of Water and Power. "We're out there roasting to death," protested Jank:e Spletzer. "Everybody h as rotten food. We 're sitting there with ddldren that are s1ck and people that are ill and we've decided t.j)ey're not , Police Say Defreeze • · Lo11ely for His ·wife LOS ANGELES (UPI) -for several years with his wife ~Id Defreeze·, who d~ aM family before going to with five members of his prison.' Symbionese Liberation Army The rePort said the woman was one of about a dozen in a eouth Los. Angeles gun persons pcr1nk1.ed l:iy Defreeze battle and fire May 17, came and other SLA members tu here because he wu lonely 1nove freely in and out of for his wife, a police report the house after they sought stated. sanctuary there. All of the people were Defreeze was the "Cinque" interviewed by police for the ol the SJ.A. &VO't\'ed leader report. ol the mostly lemole t<m>riat The ,..,,... said. "Cinque group. _ !lated thal he knew-police The ___ ,... details ent were in the neighboriJJod but '">"" • ev s that he and his clUldren would inside the small stucco house fight to the deaths. Cinque preceding the shootout and exiressed a desire to take fire. a number d. 'pigs' with him. The document quoted a The woman !aid she saw the w~ with whom De!n;eze arsenal of v.·ea pons Mkl left spoke sOOrtly before th e,_•_ho_rt_ly_a_fi_erw_a_ro_s_. ___ 1 shootout. 'J"1e woman, not identified, ! aid : "Finally, Cinque said that ooe ol the re.asons he came to Lo& Angeles was to 9W'Ch for his wile and six children." Defreese. wilo was 30 when he killed bimoel! .. lhe boo.-. bumt.d around bim, lived here Midcontinent Roasts In I 00-degree Spell ... ' v.s. s ....... ~11 ABOARDI !Sear§)- • I Bii 8'' I 1 O'' LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT c GENUIN~ FULL NATURAL COLOR.PORTRAITS! Not tht old style .tinted or· • peinted bllCk & whit~ photos. LIMITED OFFER! Ono poi ........ -por !mnlly. Child Oii Hmlt: 1-~ U yilrs !JROUPS PHOTOGRAPHED II 111 lddlt-llo por oubjMt. This YfltY IPIC'.i•I otfw ii PflWt•lltd .ft 1n p;~on of our tl\lnk• 'for Your pltrontge. . . . ADULT ~ . .-.nta. Of'..,."": faml- '' 11ro11ps, are welcome. Group• .•t US tic I* 9dclltlonal • t. "' - Photographer's Hours: Dally 12 Noon to 8 P.M. Sat. 10 A:M:to 5 P.M. Sunday ·12 Noon· to 4:30 P.M. . . Held ovef by popul1r dem1nd · Mono1y, July 22 thru Saturdoy, Ju1y·27 SHOP .AT SEARS AND SA VE 8uen1 Pork COVin1 S1nt1 Fe Springs lhd WI• a ...-.. y...,.11 lJet:i 'Cerritos L1gun1 .Hlll1 Torra'!ce • _, · .....,. Costa Mn1 Or1nge . ' ' . ' . ' . they added. ----:.;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --OUl-SUMDAY'HOUIS ua -, . _. '" , .. • . ·' '· ' • • .. I • · Shop Monday thru f'r1day1 10:00 ~.m. to 9:30 p.m. l Bullock"s Santa Ana . I .Fashion Square, 2800 N. lrlain Street, $.tnra i\n;i, Telephone: S47·72 1 l S:1turda)', I 0:00 a.m. ro 6:00 p.m.. Bullock's Sou1h Co:.i~t Pbl211, S11 n Diego Frttway at Jlris!OI, Costi ~ltsa, Tcl('phone: 556-061 t . . • • ' • • • • I .. ' . . • 1-, l I • I .. • . ' "'"" I ' ' .__ I ' t r r ' > t r d ' t , ' (DAILY 'PILOT 'EDITORIAL PAGE)· 1 4 f " I f • Who's S.talking Whom? ' \Vere it not so frightening in its potential aspects, some of the newest testimony coming out of Washing- ton woUld be amusing, almost 11 copy of a Mad 1naguine comic feature called Spy vs. Spy. \ In Utat parody, two cloak-and-dagger cartooµ char- acters employ trick and countertrick, rUse and cbunter- ruse to outwit each other. In the end, one wins , but it doesn't matter; yo~ can't tell who's 'the good guy and who's tfie bad guy. · Testimony published by the House Judiciary Com- mittee last Y.'eek showed how a high FBI officia1 held back a secret wiretap record for fear J. Edgar Hbover might use them to black1nail President Nixon. to cooperate and threatened \o n!Slgn in order to block U1e plan. And if the l"Bl's llilver imago Is tarnlsheq, there !r' aotac;e in lu!owlng Hoover's successo" Clan!nce Kelley, l!operaUng a new-type l"BI, one more open and mOn! s nsiUve to clUaen riJ!>ls and to public opinion. On one hand one "i!u.st con.sider tho Irony of the la e FBI director -Mr. aw and Orde~ for four decades -being treated u a aecurity risk. Was Hoover hlmaelf subjected to wiretspa and other survelllance he meted out to thousands of others! 1-------..,..,.:l'h+.ll'Bl-official...Depu'*4Jireclor--William Sullivan. said that in his opinion. "~1r. Hoover couJd not be en· trusted \vith this infor1nation" and that Hoover "had used wiretap information to blackmail other presidents of the Unit ed States" and would do the same with President Nixon. Then there's the lanlal!lin« question of which Pru- idents he had blackmailed. What did he demand· for n1aintaining secrecy! And most import.ant, what did he -ha\•e-on~them -pl'N\llllably including Mr. Nixon? ... And in otlll 1nolher cloak-and-dagger twist, it would appear that the Nb:on Administration was out on it4 own to create 4 na.tional police force of sorts, n!lpOn~ble only to the President. Wallowing in Watergate is messy and unpleasant and a 1bock to our national pride. But more and more it seems destined to go Into history as an urgenUy needed and perhaps tong overdue cleonsing of· our political •Y•\em and Institutions. • A former IRS con1missioner told the House commit: .tee the \Vhite House applied extreme pressure on him to turn the 1,000-man Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division into "a personal police force" controllable only by the IRS commissioner, a political appointee of Pres- ident Nixon. And with such sterling political spy open- tors as G. Gordon Liddy and Jack Caulfield, of all peo- ple, suggested to head up the force. In Other Words • • . Press release n!Ceived by the Daily Pilot: The plan was thwarted, but clearly it was the intent of President Nixon or those around him to have a handy band of special cops available Ior whatever purposes seemed suitable. The implications of both of these plans are shudder- ingly frightful. Both indicate a twisted perversion of Jaw and justice, whi ch Americans thought could only occur under totalitarian governments. "ROSEMEAD -Southern California Edison Co. today reported improved second quarter earnings and noted that fot the first time in a number of years its rate of return is approaching the level a.uthorized by the California Public Utilities Commission." Yet in both of them, there is reassurance. The IRS commissioner involved, Randolph Thrower, flatly refused Another way to loot at it: Edison made 82 percent more in the second quarter of 1974 than it did in the second quarter of 1973. Russians Should Come Visit Us or Shut Up Now that President Nixon a n d Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev have had their summit meeting, I cannot help thinking how mu ch more needs to be done. It's firie for t.he top leaders to have arrived at some kind of meeting of n1inds. But surely lhere is a lot more to bringing about a detente between the tv.·o nations. Successful communication, as we all know, is therapeutic in effect. This is . v.1iich the problem is the Wlblocking of commWlication between parent and Child, employer and employe, teacher and student, there is always the ~eneral question: Who is to be ithe tbeiap1st and who the patient? To this question there is a general answer, namely that since Jistenini is at the heart of psychotherapy, whoever has the emotional strength and courage to begin listening to the other felk>w instead of shouting at him can be the therapist for the other. Thus the emotionally secure mother can ad u therapist for her dilld, but the strong child can also act as therapist for the temporarily upset mother. 'nlE CENERAL rule then is that wlleth- t r u e whether we thin~ or pschother- apy M.rrowly, as ap- plied to the psychia- trist and his patient, or broadly. as ap- plied to the clearing up o( miswrierst.and- tn2s that becloud re 1 at ionships ... be- tween people in " er Y9U are parent or daild. supeNilor or subOrdinate, teache.r or lludtnt. U you have the firmness and secwity of lnU!mal org8»izatj\ln to listen paflWtly to . the-other fellOw, even wheri. you feel that normal business and family contacts. tn this broad tense of psychotherapy in which no theripiSt ii ihvolved aqd in ... ( J managers to come here. and speak to us. Let them explain their system of S. J. HAYAKAWA pn>duclloo and distribution to our busmessmen and legislators. Let them -· explain collective farming to our .._ ___________ _. farmers. Let them explain their way of he is wrmg, you can "-start the Jtheife? theibopes·r anx~t.iehes aboufu t Ambelerican aims. thenpeutic process IJ)lling. " for t lure, ore every college: campus, service club, church ~~ ~: r ~b ~. h ;1.a~ group and f!Very chapter of the League oI nezt? How about ettending the idea of Women Vot«s in the country. th.,..peutic listening to include ~lo-THE PATIENT, by talking out to his people communication? If we as a nation psychiatrist his bitter memories, present are really strong, if we are 9eC\U"e in our Umtraticm and fears for the future, coovictlon that democracy ii better than gradually .V.m>mes bis biUemeos, communist di.ctatonbip, then why not get frustration and· fear. If Russians are l(lft'.etber with-the ffnssianj and 1lsteu to bitter towardl US, frustrated by US OI' them? fearful ct us, and if indeed we have oo IOlteaid o( doing our belt to PftV8ll the aggressive designs that they need to dtsaeminatkn .OI' communist propaganda fear, leL Oen come and tell ue what's in our midst, let us invite OOndreds, eating them so they can get over il - perbapl tbcmands, of Soviet teachers. Let us invite them, at our own eipense · professors, journalim, jorlsts and plant and with no 9bingll attach!d, to join the perpetual lowi>moetlng In which we are all engaged in a free society, so that they can lay their ideas aloogaide ours for · comparison and discUssion. ~ If we listened. to the Russians We would find, I am sure, much to disagree with. But S\JWO&e we continued listening anway, in order to get a dear idea of what v.'e disagree with. Some of our ideas may be influenced. We will certainly get new infon'natlon. Alto we may find our· selves r~aluaUng some ol our fixed ideas. But what would happen to the Russians doin,c the taJking? One nwst not forget that m. therapeutiC communication, the patient undergoes more change than the therapist. Whose views will be most changed by a successful exchange of cormwrUcations between the Russians and ounelvesl · U we believe that because of freedom o! ._,ti and .,... and democntic in:K.ituticm we have a better view of reality than the Russians, what have we ~fear from Hstening to them? WHATEVER THE outcome. it appears to me that what is accomplished at the summit bas Utile meaning unless reinforced by what happens among thi: -1• both In the,U.S. and the USSR. So let us Invite the Russians to Mid •US a couple of thousand al their best speakers, aloog with interpreters, to tell us their. story. If they accept tbe invitation, an exciting process of interw.ltural comnn.m.ication will be launched. If they do not, they w i 11 have demonstrated that hov.·ever insecure we may be, they are in even worse shape. __ Time Will Telllf:W__arren's Wins Outweigh His Losses .. The death of Earl Warren has evoked laudaklr)I comments from tllOlie In high office. Many have been siocere but others:. coming from those known to have been political opponai:ts if not outright enemies, must be ~anted u olatitudes. As the old Latin saymg goes "De rnortuis nil nisi bonum" (Of the dead be nothing said but good). Hoy;ever, l:M!fore those too young-to ( EARL WATERS ) shown ttU tendency to overreact to pfOblems in his decision to Incarcerate all persons of Japane3e ancestry during World War 11. As govel'JIQ( tie oft.en over· reacted to situations as tw did "in creating .. the WWII-type civil defen~ agency at the outbreak ill the Korean . Conllkt, whicb saw him advocatbur: that IWl!r'VODe build beckyanl bOqib anellen. . F . - Sports Figures Are People have known Warren, as attorney general and three·lim~ gcrv· emor ol California, start regarding him as some sort of saint. there should be mention in his eul<ll(l' of his llhort· C<llfllDp. For Warren was human despite the praile t.bJt has come aft.er his death. And as all human tiein&s must hive, he bad hb faults, weaknesses and bad traits. Wamn had the outw8rd appeanJlce'or arman of great wjlnnth and compeaion. Some woo knew him regarded tlUI as a f..,acle and t~ght him cold, &elf· centered and vindictive. He wu very much a pubUc man. His entire life was ..,..t on the public payrotl. Altbouflh ldmltted' to the pradlco ot liw, he never was In privaie employment and had liWe aclua1 e1.perience trying' cues before a court. Report.! in the newspa~ about the attempt ol football players lo acquire the rights to the.Ir services have reminded me that there may be a basic Wue here the American people haven't yet thought through. Like thousands of Little Leaguers, I greW up dreaming 1 might become a professional h a s e-- ball player. '11lat as- piratioo dimmed in my teens. but I don't think I ever rcslly ~ot over my lnfatu· ation with the sport. It dktn't trouble me t h at ballplayerz, once lbey made the ~e. didn't ha\/e the same freedoll\ of employment that olllOt' Amerlcanl enjOycd. It seemed ooly natural to me that players-whether In baseball , football . basketball or hockey-shoCild be "sokJ" or "traded." In fact , I didn't see how the game t'OUJd operate on any olher basis. 11Jat WU (he way it had always been, and it ns nothing to be questioned. JUST ArrER college, my first job wa!t aa a spon.WTiter. I began to realize I h111d been so wedded to the tr11dilions and folklore of baseball 1hal I had blinded .. . . . . ( NORMAN ' COUSINS ~J myself to the realltits. And . the more t learned at close range, tile ~ I reali1.ed that I was wroag in thinklng that , baseball or any other professional sport would lall apart If the players owned ~Ives and were free not just to bargain for their salaries but a\90 to have a voice as to where they wanted to play. 1 also came to realize Utat tile argument over whether baseball is •a sport or a business Is completely irrelevant. If it is W'K'Ollltltutlonal and immoral to.buy and sell human beings, k doesn't make any difference whether the enterprise is caHed a sport or a business. The basic lav.--s of this muntry were not established for some groups and not others. JL is absurd to say thal It ls all right to-sell or trade human beings like ch3ttel just because they b r i n g entertainment to large nwnbers of people. - It is equally absurd to say that professional sports figures dOn't have lo play If they don't like the cootract olfenld them, ar ii they doo't want to be traded ar IOld. Wbat this line al reasoning overkioks Is that the pena\ly to a player for musing to "" traded io: tbet he can be d<¢ved al bis livelihood altogether. Would a businees executive be willing lo-accept the proposition that-he con be traded to anoth<r company and that, If he refuses, no other company will take him? \Voold a city official from San Francisco, say, accept the notion that be can be sent to Corpus CbrisU and chat if he doesn't like tt he can lump Ill A great injustice has been dooe In the name of l}IOrtS for mudt ""' lq. . THE SUREST way o! correcting that lnjultlco Is for the Amertcan people ID ... the i... In _.. far what n i9 and to ~ atlllelos In their 111M1pt to bring prol'"'""'81 aporta w I t h I n 001111titultonll ~ The American people neod not fear that their favorile sport ,.;u be lmpelred in any way if a player retains bulc OWTlei ship of his talent!. A game of b8'ebeli °' footboll or hasketbell will still be as erclting u it ever was. The ..,1y change wm be that pla.yen pnibabliy will get a larger share of the t'"fl pie and will be in a position to <XM!lrol their own doltlnlM. IDS-CAREER as chief juatice will tend· He-ii r.prdod as a pod f!OVe""' '1hd to , overshadow hls earlier years. And in many respects he was. But he muffed there Is . no debating that •he was . the opportunity to be •-rgovnor. He · respo111lble for some mo m e n to u s came into office wheri the state'• coffers dec:Wons while on the Court, the merits were overflowing with wartime sumluses of which will king be argued. The rulings and with no indebtedness. He left, having on etv:lt right!, involvtng integration and spent 111 ol the money and ra1eed the buslng; one-man, one-vote; search and ta:reS, with million• upon mlllkm of seizure, and interrogation are among bonded ln4_ebtedneu. 11tis during a those that have caused much condem· period of ,reat pi'Olpel'ity. nation d. tbe Olurt and WafT'ef'I. . ./ Thal llUt"h decisions were bound to ccme Js beside the oobtt. It wu Warren who. lhoulden the run blame (er credit, depmdlnc on cme'1 viewpointl for them. And It ii lrmtc that -who dll...-him the most .......... ~ the lint to tum on him as chiel jUltlce. 11lo '""'' Is that tlley should --what to expect by bis performances u attorney general and ,....,,.... llllklr)I will probably conclude that the dedlk>n• were proper but excessive. In addreulng-the probl<ms before the Coor!, the 'l'Ullngs ...... mended to be all·lnclustve, thereby intruding new sets of standards upon hose sfates wh~re no problems of aegrea:ation, representation or rfahts of accused existed. · N 1 l torn e y general , Warren had ' IT BAS BEEN said that h i 1 adminlstntloo was not blighted by -1 and It II true that he built an imqe of iategrity, In moll instance! well deserved. But he wu not above doing lafllHfsed faVGn b: certain of his sup. portss at tbe npma of the-best inter· es1I el the JUbl\c. And he' was not above t""lltlni logllla-with Judg..riips In return for their ~ The Constitution does not require that one be a lawyer to 1erve oo the Supreme Court and Warren'•. detractors liked to quip that Warnn proved IL Eilenhower, who ls ~,, to llave regretted Warren's appolntmcat, Is reported to have said, "That (Warren's aPPolntment) hu to be the Worst damrt mistake I ever made." llistocy will ha\/e to draw the concluslonS after emoUons have tided . Election Fund ~lisuse Was Bipartisan l Citizens concerned about Political : financing reform owe It to themselves ! and to the American political system to ~ read a new book published by Arlington ' House entitled "The Million Dollar Payoff." The book was written by Douglas ' • Caddy, the criginal attorney for lhe Watergate Seven. In it he detailed how , big labor Wlions manage to channel their _______ , BARRY GOLDWA: ..... TER,..... - ' . ' money and efforts inl1> the ele<tJon ot • Democrat.! running for Congress. , -'Caddy states flatly that the AFL-CIO's 1 Committee on Political Educ at.ton • <COPE) is "flagr~ly violating" the Federal Elect.ioo Campaign. Ad. The ~neficiaries of these illegal practk:es, he says, are almost always Democrats. CADDY, UKE other COMCientious 1 advocates of campaign reform , bel'eves that the publicity given the Watergate case has presented the American people \\oith an unbalanced picture. H e acknowledges that Republicans engaged in many ill'Eg'ail aOO q u e st hlJTlf"e_.--- -,practices of campaign financing in 1972 j but insists that the irregularities were l not the sole possessioo of Republicans. "Contributioos from co r po r a t e treasuries to the Nixon C8D}P,li.gn are ~ensible, u Caddy W r j t e 5, 41but violations of the Federal E1ectkln Campaign ,Act llhoUld lie prooocated no : matter who is involved-<x>rporaliofts, ; national bapks or labor organiz.at.klll, all , of which are covered by the act.'' , The author says that ~he amount of , illegal corporate gifts to Republican campaigns i's "lnsigniricant when compared with that ol labor Wlloo'" to the Democrats: As a reiult. '-"'anC-- imbalance haS been brought about in our > political system that threateni to impose • a labor government on America, he says. , If ·this happens, our e I e ct e d repre9etllatlves will be !<SpOll>lble to labor bosses rather than to the American -1e: Caddy believes that America needs a general clearlbg o f the air about campa~"'finiocinl n, u he puts it, "not merely .~ dilmetic, partilan re!Onn effort." He says that leglslatlon passed .. by OJrem that flill to ·"ootl.,,...et· pliciUy the. putl.san me of tax-e•empt union funds, manPo'W'et' and l'elOUr'Ctl is no reform at all. •v 1 ~ OIANM COAIT DAILY PILOT Rob~n N. Wr.td, Publbhtr ._ T/lomos l<Jevil, Editor Barbara Krcibic~ .Editorial Paoc Editor The <dllorlal ,_ " ""' tlailJ' Pilot ·leek• to illform. nd ldmulai.· rnckn by prftentifts Oil "'"' .... dtvent .'cornruntary. C1t1 tapes 01 in.. tll!ftl by syndkated colmnnists ..,.. cartoonlstl, ti,' Pl\)¥ id'"s • '°""" fix' raftn' views and bJ pttwulh'c au. newspaptt'll O!)tJdoM and id8I OD cumnt topics. The tdttorial ~­of the OOy Pilot appt9I' onl)' in Iha editorlai miuma, at ttte 1op o( tM, pqt. Qpil'lkml dpttMd by the: f!lli. -um.Nits imd ca~ 1nd let!«' . writers an! ~ OWft Md m <tndone-· rncnt of ttleir vie.-. bf' •he O..U, Pilat m.tkl .. infwT;d.. Sund1y, July 21 , 197' I ' Sunday, July 21, 1974 Coas! ~ig~way _Bridge: H~w Low . r , r VpperBay · • ' l Is :qt Stake ' Bf , FRANK R~Bl'iSJ'N ~108t everyone agrees thlt lhe Pacific Coast Highway bridge· muat be - to facllltale· tralllc flow.· Frlenda ot Newport Bay believes that It is criticaJly Important 14 reatrict the height oi the new bridp lo a vertical clearance of · 17 feet above the mean high tide. The purpose ot a high bridge With a vertical clear'ance of 32 feCt, aa • • ' ' • • .. ; ~ . ~ . , Open the Bci)· to Sailboats • • 87 LARRY .MILLER Jn order to provide proper bnckground information for a discussion on the design features or a new Coast High\vay bridge, Jct us review for Cl mom ent ieveral trend.I lni boating activity thllt of late are beginnili.g to be accentuated. reversing the process upoo retumtn1 to the ramp. f"aced with this major, 1nsulfleleney in our harbor. it is 1.be recommendltlon or the Ne\•:port Harbor Chamber ol Commerce that the new brklp be I designed in such a way a1 to ,,rovldt · sufficient cte3rance f« t r a 11.e r • b l e I sailboats to pass under w 1th out I nettsSitating lowering their mull. Our surveys indicate that a height clearance of 32 feet would acoornpllsh this 'purpose, now and for boating generations to come. ---- The first of these ii: the trend toward smaller boats. obviated by dramatic increases in in itial cost of the craft as v.·ell as by substantial inereases in t™'. cost or upkeep and storage to a point 'vhere now those of modest income find it-extremely dirficult to seek: their ·The~are tho9e, however,--tbat feel ----1 that a bridl!' or thla lielght will i.tld Frank Robin.son i.s a member of the florbor Commisston 01id Frltndl of Newport Bau, which oppose• a high ·bridge. • advocated by ~, alleeedly j s to provide clearance ' for t r a 11 e r a b 1 e sailboats latSIChed in UpPer Newport Bay. The 32-loot bridge wUI rost the taxpayers more than $1.5 · million in excess of what a lo'W bridge of 17 feet would cosl. Before we approve of the· more expensive bridge, we should eumine the etrecta of this hich span on the com- munity, esthetically ,and ecologically. Also we ,should detennipe: if the stated obJectlve -to provide easy passage for sailboats Into the }o_wer bay -can be met without the blih brictae. . ONE OF THE MAJOR effecti of a h•gh bridl!' woold be increased -to Upper Newport Bay for marina devefopment and boatyard r e p a I r racilities for large boats. Stuclies by 11he Orange County Health Department show thal the heavy metal deposits on the bottom or the cbaonel in the lowet 'boy am tO -yards a&eady reach lethal levels for fish and marine biota . Since all resPonsible governmental agencies (city, county, state, and " .. . ledenll"11ave qreed on a general plan, in 1950. to preserve Upper Newport Bay as a Jf unchecked by physical and lega.1 wildlife and people'• park, flirther barriers, the congestion and.. incnesed degradation of the Upper Bay should pollution will destroy the recreatiOOai not'be pennitted. . wies, _ a~rt from boating, in lower Does the conoem over fw1her decline •NewpOrr ~Bay, and the v.ildli£e park of Upper Bay hive a balis in fact ? in Upper Newport Bay. This must not For an aiwwer to this question, v.-e • happert: · · ·.. -~ -,._ need ooly to ffi:Olllize that boatmg and - or _rt.al estate . development already IN ORDER TO acccmmod.ate trailer- dominate IO percent of.lhe walenylys. ··able sailboflt& while keeping . .the brid2e1 of Newport Bay. , " low. w~ •4*-1 cf..ly to Jl'O'."ide decks on Die . Berthed boa~ in Newport Ha{bor far lower ~ ~"of the .DeW l¥1dge. Ra laing exceed the optunum boat population for the masts in an area away from the a recreaUonal harbor of this size, launching ramps also will reduct boat according to R. L. Patterson's study traffic p~ems. at the laWJch sites, .. -'iilct dock space is the bottleneck at the launching ramps in Upper Newport ;, Bay. ._: The. two. valid reason.s for construction of a new bridge are to ease traffic flow and to replace the deteriorating present bridge. Efforts to secure an unnecessary, more costly, less safe and visually unattractive high bridge seem to iodk:ate).hat, in a subtle way, marina dev~t in the Upper.Bay still is ,.jng J>U(l'Ued. ~ • • • ~ . ne eEtects of alterations to the . bay through ex~ded marina operations must be regarded as incompatible v.'ith an estuarine. preserve. Larry /.filler is assi1ta11t manager of tile Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, wllich favors a higlr bridge. boariilg enjoyment in larger boats that require wet storage. The seeond trend. becoming much 'more evident in rfcent months, is toward sa iling craft" as opposed lo motor driven vessels. The advent of fiberglass construction in recent vears hlls resulted in a tremendous upsutge in sailing. And now with the ,availability and cost of marine fuel being ol much more concern than previously, more boaters are looking to sailing as their means . or recreation. · THESE TRENDS then are the reasons v.·e are seeing an increasing interest in trailer sailboating and can certainly anticipate ever-increasing interest in 1ne future. The problem now iJ where~to launch the trailer sailboats. Our residenta find that the oo.ly launching ramps in Newport Harbor are located inland of Pacific .Coast Highway bridge so that afler launching one must somehow maneuver his boat under the bridge and then go through the difficult and sometimes hazardous operation o f raising the mai:.t while under \\'BY, to allow more large boab to enter the Upper Bay and . into the future \\i ldlife preserve. We do flnd at the present time. hov.·ever. that boats up to 511 feet long are. in fact currently using the recreationally a. e v e Io p e d portion of the Up~ Bay, but do not enter into the wildlife area because of the shallowness of Ult water. IT IS 'n(E STATED intent of the Department of Fi.sh and Game not to change this shallow v.•ater configuration, and further , as part of its management plan. to restrict boating activltY at such times as it becomes incompatible wit h the preJerve concept. Frankly, it is much more a problem \vith the far more numerous outboard motor boats unrestricted by even a low bridge than it ever will be with the larger vessels. The visual imp.'l.ct of t h i s recommended bridge and the angle of the approach ramps have 3190 been noted as areas ol coocem. We submit that the!t concenu should not be overlooked but should be addressed with imaginative engineering a n d... architectural design treatment. It certainly is within the realm of available expertise to ameliorate these areas of concern, and we definitely feel that . every effort should be made to achieve tbe&e design goals i n coordination with the goal or properly serving the needs of our boating public. Adult TV Advertising Needs Cleaning Up Too Legislative Raises Oppose<l Carpenter Replies on · Pay Hikes • To the Ed itor: Letters fron~ readers are welcome. constantly degrading President Ni»on. Health Department's upper limit of 1,000 · NE\V YORK -No'f. that ACT . C«nmercials are built into the (A~on ,for Children's Ttlevilioa) ha• American f-.-.t->..... st l'k succeeded. in persuading u S . • ...... .,.._ t'! .... ay em 1 e broadcasters ·eo .~ certain of ~ir tax sheken and o.\ 1-~.e p ,I et ion 1, l--rll--l-""""~~oo!lljldron'1~ . , . _ , prognHmn!Di, perhlpl IUIDl!lhtng can But couldn't nnethlng at least be • be done for grtllm-UJ>S. · done ·-the o!UU.r! And about By year's end, ~ kiddies wil be those .ine1k711 sab<'Or'nmtrtt•ls-? The . sllb)ecled to only 10 mlnut.. per hour ..,.. .JlH '!promoticlial I" paid and ·- of commer&ill on Satdrday inornlngs. considention ful'llillhed by greater • (Weekdi,ya are another matter."Every Oompeb hotels." night, their parents JM up with 9-'tl minutes of ads per hour: 21.S minutes or hucluiertng during the thr ... hour prime-time period.) Should yoo lma(lne Jl1at lldulls have no further cause for complaint, cooskler the recent Pace One report in Variety, the show·busineu weekly. It v.-as headlined: "Station Break Clutter Could Som Hit the 10..Minute htark." Station-break commercials are in --aa<litiiiltO tbOSe wilhin eacli 60 minutes. TV'S SA~A.GE of movi~& by tM Incessant intrusion of commercials is an old, sad story. Again in New York, the three .great commercial networks all broadcast their major evening news programs at 7 p.m. This ls known as public service or non-freedom of choice. Getting back to clutter, one of the ~roadcasters' more infuriating dodges irthe ''mortrto come" gimmick. Some of the sorriest abuses of the TV license to print money occur in Your Ju1 y ·2 editioo contained an Normoll y, writers sltould co11vey their The press and news media could give parts per million. although it is greater editorial entitled "Abu~e of Privilege." meisages in 300 words or Je~s. The hlm some credit from time to time on his than the 500 parts per: million desirable • calling attention to . .sotll6 questionable right .10. corn:C~nse .Letter . .s to fit space many accomplishments. Both parties limit for drinking water. pay raises and ·~ retirement· be!lefit · or elmunate.hbel 1.s 1t$trvtd. All Let-could "·ork as a team unifying all the llOWEVER. . ·u ho incr~ · wtricb. __ Q\tt: lawmakers ' in' ter.s mu.st include signature and man.. people in our freedom lovin& America. . ._ m commwu es w se · Sl"~~~miisld~f ffr-.--it'f~·odl!if't'11-.bUt-!flom«Ji-;1M.1frberlDiU.--t1efore-1he-t976-etectiort-,re~ld :~~~nsua~~1~:fu~~V~~no ~~~~~ themselves. · held .on requ.«at if .tufficienL1"eos01i learn more about Sen. Ted K~y SuPµIY, exceediilg thet.OOo part.s-Per .l wrote to.~ .Dennis Caf])enler 1~ a:rrent. Poet rv will not be pub· and the truth about Chappaquiddick. The million is pennitted under the United aod . ~~ .. ,Robert\ B$dhaYn ltsh r . : ••• J .1 ,':. ;· .... .'~1"'~·~,+ ~pe~.c;k. book ".T~ Bere:· by Zad St.ates fteal th Department standards. e'1>ressi'rii rl:U' 'i.:llslpproval Of these· ' · ,.. Hust can be ~haiil_!d In : most In addition. it should be pointed out actions"and 'llave received a teply fioin bookstores. It explams m detail the that the United Slates ffealt h Depa.rt· Senator a.,pent~ expressing '1.'f\at I' ( ____ .... ______ ..., .. ]. -unnecessary dea th of Mary,Jo Kopechne. ment ~ndards are mandatory·only v.•ith think is an adniirable position. I think ' MAILBOX On Sam Vorty's radio program, he had ·respect to interstate vehi cles such as / your readers will be interested in his · .; as his guest speaker John Farrar, the buses trains and airplanes. views. ~iver w~ .. rescued Mary Jo when he was nie~e is legislation pending I n IDS LE'ITER is quoted herewitb in full. with his permission: ' Mr. Turner, I have r ecieved your coit"6p0fldence in v.·hich you ha.\'e indicated your coocem relating to the article "Abuse of Privilege" which appeared in the Daily Pilot relating to action Ila.ken by the Legislature to raise their salaries and provide increated~ri:tJrement benefits. )'ou v.•ill be pleased to kno\v that I am opposed to S.B. 1762 relating to additional raises for legislators and l did Dot vote . for sucb an iflaease . Relating to S.B. 15:67 and S.B. 2094 regarding the retirement plan, I am ooe of 'two senators electing. not to participate in this Plan aod have not vOted i.u support of suclf -programs for. legislators. I do not support the first _notified ~O hours alt~r the accl~ent Conl[J'ess that would establish water , a~ .at the hme the police were first quality standards 1,1•hich -would be • nohf1ed. applicable nationwide. At p r e s e n t , turno11er in legislators instead of an TRE Q~TIONS and answers were however. the standards under which the , incentive to keep them there. A terri.rie. Everyone ahould read the book. ·water industry is regulated a r e · higher turnover v.'tlUld mean more Mary Jo could possibly have been saved established by' the Californ ia Department individuals would get involved in ir' Ted Kennedy had notified the proper of Health. All v.•ater agencies in Orange politics for a shorter period of time. authorities before 10 hours later. Q>unty. including cities. v.'ater districts thus bringing forth a constant flow of I. Why did he lie about being in the and water companies, comply v.•it h these new ideas into the Legislature. overturned car in the water? :iandards. The \\>ater delivered by these agencies On tv.'O occasions I · introductd ~·· 2 .• Why did be cont.act six atlornevs is subjected to periodic sampling and • legislation that would limit the length before going to the police, and hoi,1• did he extensive testing to insure compliance to 1 . of. office for any one penon to hold get the Chappaquiddick party group to the standards. This monitoring process but due to "Possible coo.stitutional .. aq t.C?~ _ enables 1he high1y trained professionals problems it was not acted upon . ~l~Y' did he ny the body of Mary Jo operating -these systems to immediately ! Mr. Turner, I hope this will help to ~1ua before an autopsy could \vatn the public of any contamination of I explain the reason I. voted against be "peifofmed? . their \\'ater supply and to take immediate I . such proposals and I ~¥,.ant 10: thank . -:_ • •: Why did Don ~fcFadden of \\!ilkes steps to remove the source o f • you for 4itlng the tifuif ,to "'.1"1te and i' Barre, Pa., pay the l\opechnes $150,000, contamination. Yet incidents of contam· · · all~-..y me to expre6S ~feelings ~nd ·· ~ .. which came trOm Ted Kennedy ? ination are extremely rare. opuuon on these I~ which ~-"PP.lrentlY~are-OOt_being;:e~.Jo .... NINA JARL THE ADVERTISEf\1ENT in your paper ''NETWORK. a£ r i 1 i at es•' the big-prize game shows. "Let's declared Variety, "apparently have htake A Deal ," an· es p e c i a 11 "I come to think of the station break gruesome example, offers the V.'Orks: between prime-lime shows as a place a slick, professionally hail-fellow to stockpile blurbs and promos. But emcee; contestants and would-be. those execs along ~fadison Avenue cmtestants whose naivete equates sensitive to Ct utter are responding with their wlnerability to manipulated enthusia!l:lcallf to Kn.A·TV general hyster'8;--endless vulJar displays of sales manager. Richard H. Frank's merchandise, all blatantly sales· one-man promo crusade against !he pitched ; and organ breHi life vapor breaks which current.ly are creeping sprays of curdled. syrup: • relent~~ssly toward the 10..minute · Freedom. of expression ii euentiaJ mark. o-a lrff-societr.But hOW loill \J ttie Variety went oo to report that public supposed to toletate arrogantly Frank has been monitoring station commercial polJIKjo1fof tts air waves? briaks on the three Los Angeles Ir broadcasters would reallze that network affiliates, video.taping them, jarring, inceslant, aatre:Sllve ·hard and collating the results. He has taped .sells are Counter~uctrVe trr:tants1 ''a nine-minute-and--43-tecond break on their own enligliiened' self-intereSlt KABC-1V, six minutes and 14 llConds might lnduCt ' the tell-reform thllt · off KNXT (CBS), and eight minutes Vt'Ould best Serve both,t.hair viewers -concept of a retirement sys~em -for legislators. Those men running for office sbould be molivated because of the beliefs they have in the philosopics •they are' tl}'ing to pul forth and not ' becal19e of ' any-rinancial~gain.'Uiey,"_ hope to attain. As soon as ·the finandal aspect ' is more bnporlint thail 'their · ft8.S911S for W&l!tinc to repretl!t!t tho' people, they •ill jOIO sight of J,rue representation and Will vote With only considera.Uom in1mind that v.·ould best ·serve their 0'11 needs 14 ·be reele<ied. · the people through the news media: , ---·-implies-that-the only contaminen13 in a \ · Dennis E. ~l,ef: -. .".. ._, _ ~· p 1. Vie ·s v.·ater sUJ?l!JY ~re minegtl in nature. "It~-- ', , c-ator, 3.fth O~Jd ·:: ~ i-.OMllff r SOii II:! .. ignores the factlli.1t just as important or ~.. more. important are· bi o Io g i ca I .. and ii8 ....001 oll KNBC." and their industry. The American broadcaatin« induslry Otherwise. perhapo ACT should preatfrnably """Id 1111"" with Lord cooaid<r sponsoring REACl'E - Thmllon'a definition of a 1V licente Rescue Everyone from American as a license to print money. Commercial TelevisJ.00'1 Excesses. I woWd .like .to see •. higher . . ... · I hope this letter is lntetestlng erd1gh · To the Editor : contaminatioM. This means all the little to be prlnted,in your Jetiers column. In reference to the remarics ol Sen. H. Jiving things that can be found in water,. -.J.~RICHARD L. TURNER L. (BW ) Richardson re1arding prison including bacteria and viruses. refonn. he states, "We should have more 'What About Teddy7' . ' To the Editor: ~ 1'111etple ... ,._, OftrP)lJN -• pHt twa yell"I ah a cost of rnm'W! than S8 million of the taxpayers money. 'lbe poli- tical oppos:ltion, who control congress, is punishment and less rehabilitation." A public water supply is closely Also, "Forty-eight hours a week of hard monitored and protected from such I k 'nd biological contamination and, when Vtwk; nothing heps a stc m1 more needed, disinfection o{ a public water .than a tin!d body." I - ·,r ••-. aenal4r has di9CUssed supply is practiced to guard the public \1(111; health. Any home reverse osmosis water hi! views with Jo!Ul Ehrlichman or treatment, such as ,the ooe advertised, Senator Gurney. can reduce the amoum of minerals in !he Mr. Nixon may also be interested in v.•ater. j the senator's view's on rcfonn. He had However, care must be exercised in CIA Man Kn·ew of Plumbers Squ·ad ~ter get all the rest he can while he is their use to avoid b i o Io g i c a I doing ab9olulely nothing in Washin gton. contamination.' The treatment u n i l ROB'ERT JACKSON. should be cleaned at least once a week with a detergent solution to· protect against this possibility. Ad 'Milleatfh19I It is unfortunate that Mrs. Van~e felt WASHINGTON -CIA frool .man Robert Bennett, son of veteran Sen. Wallace 'Bennett (R·Utah ) has conceded that he knew a "White· House burslary- bugging team WIS m the prowl in advance .of .. the celebrated Watergate. break-in. A seCrel memorandum, written by his CIA cue oUicer, states that the Jen1torl1 Jon withheld vital infonnalion from the authorllies. ln an interview 11.·ith my as.wciate Les Whitten, Bennett acknowledged he knew at least three days bcrore ·the Watergate burglary that White Houso aide E. Howard Hwil and his secood·!lOI')' crew had plotted to break Into the campaign headQuarters of Sen. Ceorg_c McGovern (Jl.S.I>.) and bu« the pla"" INSTEAD or reporting the conspiracy 14 the police, Bennett kepi hi• mouth shut. He al., ""1lided 14 hla CIA contact that he bad held baclt tnlonnatlon from the original Watefgate prosecutorl whtn they lattt q .. •i<ll<d bbn ·-the WatergateliiWC.,;:-- Had BeMett 1nronnec1 the police o1 the plot to bust Into McOovem beadquarten, as the law requires. the aibsequent Watefgatc caper would have betn aborted and the course ol history might have been changed. ' This episode is another link in the mysterious ClA i nvo l ve m e nt tn Watergate. We unCovetcd the first pleee of the puzzle as earJy as April 7, 1973. wh<n we "'ported thal \he CI~ h:>d "ordered Mo ageota not 14 talk to the FBI about the explosive Watergate' case." Thereafter, we published several rcporls about the CIA and Watergate, but the full story still hasn't been told. THE CIA Uled Bennett's public relations firm, Mullen and Q>mpany. as • IPY fn:nt. en il.s.J>lyroll was none other than Howard Hunt, lhe \Vatergate ccupirator, #ho came to the finn from tbie: CIA anc1-ll&er ·m<JVed over to the Wblto llaule. -· Bennetfs nephe• referred. a Br igham Young · Uni\tenlty · student. n .a m e d Thomas Gregory, to Hunt who recruited tht young man as • political spy. Gregory ln!lltrated into the campaigns or the President's two chief Democratic rivals -first. Sen. Edmund 1'-1uskle's staff, then sen. Grorge ~tcGovern's starr. Sul Crepry, a coosclentlous Mormon. became unl!asy about his undercover work . He spoke to his bishop about lt, ' 'vho v.•as Concerned about the ethics of the job. nlEN GREGORY v.·ent back to Bennett and explained his misgivings. As Beooett relaled It, Gregory had been told by Hunt to work late ooe night at hlcGovem headquarters and leave a door open ao the White House burg1an could meak In. GrellO'Y tnlonned BeM<tt that Hunt •·11 "reportlll& to IOl1leODO higher up.'' Hunt'a Wbtte Howe c.o n n e ct ions \mpreaed yellng. Gregory. Bennett sajd he also felt Hunt would do nothing illegal becaulll "he had a ful l-time lawyer advising him." The lawyec, it turned out, \\'8S Hi.mt's ~nspirator, G. Gordon Liddy. BtnnMt said he advised Gregory "to gt.-t out." The troubled student gave Bennett a letter of resignation to deliver to llWlt. Two day1 la~. the Hunt·Llddy team broke iOto tho Watergate. • To the Editor: Your Stlnday, h1ay 19, 1974, edition cootained an advertisement by Mary Ann Vance whi<"b is i naccurate and misleading. Jn.. that advertisement. Orange County water drinkers v.'ere warned that they are drinking distasteful and impure water. Taste of water, of course, is very much a personal thing. Therefore, I 'vlll not 1ddress myse lf to \he 1-or whether OrlJlll• County's water ls tasty or distasteful. To st.ate. as the advertlltment does .. that Orange County water contains 800 parts per million Impurities Is grossly misleading. And the claim that "United States Health authorities have stated 500 parts per milllon Is lhe limit for drinking v.·ate.r" is Inaccurate. tt is trot that Oran(le County water does contain 800 parts per mlllion of dissolved minerals. This 800 l}arlS per million is well within the United Statts she had to resort to such scare tactics in .,... her attempt to sell a commercial product. WILLIAM F. HURST President. Orlnge c:ounty \Valer Assoclatloo, Inc. . Obscene Signs Sent To the Editor: We •are greatly dl"sturbcd by the ever increasing number 6r obscene bumper stlekers, one of the recent mes being a \icious, unspeakably obtcefle reference naming President Nixon. It seems incredible that a dectnt · family. v.•it.h children, following a car \\'ith such gutlerish filth sb:Juld be forcui to view such smut. Is there not a law restricting the i,1·orking on lhese bumper stickers? ll seems to me that cltiicns who !!Ire offended by these bumper slickers bn ve JACK TOON • . ' • . . 8 DAILY PILOT .. Sunday, July 21, 1CJ74 , • .. .. I . . .. • -' I "• ~· I our I -- I • are on , • • I ' I • Vin Sale ·2ss twin llot or lllted 1111· a.n. "CllngNm c---In amooth and sturdy polyester/cotton, machine washable 1nd Penn.Prest-for your convenience! 130 thre1d count. Freshty checked In super th1de1. Full ftal-or fitted, reg. 4.79, l•le 3.11 PIHow CINI, pkg. of 2. reg. 3.29, .... 2.51 ~~~ChargeJtL , It's the quick and easy way to shop, pick up a bargain on the spot. Next lime you're in ask lor a Cha·r9e Cird applicatlon. We'll do the rest. Chances are, you can Charge the same day. Sale J11et1. i .n. ,__. .,._. pr1n1-... .50% potyel1er/S0-4 cotton. FuH nat « nneo. reg. 4. 79, •• 3.11 Queen flet or ftned, reg. 7.", lale 1.21 King or WMtern King ftat or fttted , reg. 9.99, •• 7.11 Standlrd plHow CUM, reg. 2 for 3.29. Ille 2.11 Queen ... plllow catel, reg. 2 for 3.79, .. 1.11 !<Ing size pillow caM1, reg. 2 for 3.911, -:1.21 ·~ -. • • HARBOR CENTER. Costa Mesa (714) 649-5021. ' Now ••• all _ stores. open Sunday one hour earlier! Shop Sunday 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. •/ 1'-'' ·• ... I V :f,, A tlfJ,· ·' ' ' ' ;,• ..... .... ... 1 !,• ·' .. -. . ... / .' • . •: ,. ; . ' . ' • • .. ,, '!;""'"~(' ........... .... ·-~ ~· ' ~ .. ,.., _, . • <'\<. ,.,., .. • ' ' ~ I' • • • '. • • !', ·' « .... " •• • •• .. .. :1 ~ ~ _._,,, 'o;.;11 f"~<~-'. I.,; I ·"""-•-.. 3"<. ~·. ...... , ....... !•i•<.1<11 -.;,.1·.~ • • l • ... .. .. ---F .; • •• f ~ · . .;. .. ~r" '•, A. ! .... , .. ... ... •· . .. • ·-. .. • . '· . ' • ... ....... (''"-J..-.f";,/<'f"'•• ~ (' . .ii .. -.N.{: ·~·····'"· . . '• ·.·(~··:._ •• '"• • ... f!J• I ' ~ ••-' •• •>.<(., t'# .t:J~ 4) /.J..J"-~ •,") '"' _, • .'> ,. . . f .$. • ' ·< ~·· .. ~ ... '. ·1· 'V ' !•""" ~· J ""')'*<W&W0. , .. ; •' .. ,. .. \ ".I . ...: •· ~-1 ~ • : .. • • . " . ...-..-;.1 ... vW.f •J,'>""IJ J.1;·_,_., ··'· (.,_"1!,: .. '7 ';,. ., ~f;, f 1.•.,::,.;_.~ •' 'V'.•.;!y!Uci-"•ti.11:.·,.,.i< ~ t. ~ ....•• -.ei~:••·4l;.jt..;,~d¢1f,,.•1$J;:-.J: ,·,;,, •! j.· ,,.;v •. 1 .,;, .,.. ... r "· ,.J{'(.'a~,-·.•·.·,,.,,,7,"f.'1;:;;/,;{ <1,;,;~ _.,, .. ·· ·rl '•'".'I'(·.;''•' J'JVI•': ,,. I .•..• ·~· ~ --~ "'1.•,;4. ,·:.;ii~•-'.,, .. ,_,_ .·.: .· .. . ''-~. '·~) -_·. ,.)·~~,Ji'..: !.)1:·\"<..,_ •. .-:, •.. "'.,,.,. "". :.;. ., -· . " . .,., . c.4' . . . . 1_,,.... .. , .. .:."11<.-r·.:, ..... ,1~>"·,_,,,·J,•.;:.·,>1>\'\it.f .-.,,,. ,~ • ~; "' .: ,.J .,,: • .Al" GI. "'cl '"' _. :y,·,.;' ..t ~1 :J ~ ~' -~ ,;.; ,...,., .• , ., ~"'~ll•'''i .. . ; . .. .,,., ... ~;,_.,, tl . _, ! •• ·} ··; ... ) ,,; :-·• ~- I 1 .< " ~' ' . ~· ' , ... -~ . , r} • • , •• o1' - • ! • J ., ••• ; .. ••. ~,. Jo Ct, • 1 ' . ~ .. • •' cf fl ... .. ' •• • ' . ... ~ .. :. ... !'I-... .. • "' . ' • . ' ' . -·~fir.• If"• ....... • _.....____,. #&.~~<:'. ,.:111 '-•-a.~.. .;.. ...... _._,,_;_~ .... ., ~ "-~~· ""~ .~ . .,., A ,.i u.. " r ~ :"" ~,!._. :t....!..l ,,.._._ .. _ ·* , .. ,,.-Wi ... , ..... . !);; . "! ~ . "" ... ,.---t: .. .JI ••• olf<... . ... ' I ' ~ j;.,! ,._ti '-Iii ,,, !'>1 '•¢ '~>. i'."! ...-..; ti' -!>'_ <f l'' (/ . ... .;i (-... .,., . .-" ; ., .}; • • • ... •}'·t ."f• '_.,. ~~<.\:.'~-.. ~~ $¥ ............ l''t¥-<t··· ... 1.. ... .,'t'!.ti·,..., ..... , • • j ~ " ~ • ·1 .,,i ,JJQ;.V'0~</1~"'1 '41!:ifo~•..,,,, .~;;Jit,<tJ,_.,. ""' .<W-1.!.~ ~f ~~·~/~ci•.t •;Jf 4.l',1¥>.i.fi:j1J.~'ili1il ia .._,,-.~ .. -.a'«•'..,!., W' .s' !.;.•1'fll.;---~f(,,:~•I' <1W'f: ;,, ,f/J,.w~· I ,J ..: . •• ... ..;; . . . (" . . . ~ ~ I •J ...... ~t~'"~\t:; f, ... ~~ .. /lt#.tl-'f'i~.-#1-~--···•;!' 1' ... 'li7111T-P:··· ..... .,-.'fi ... ~•. •' ~ f . . . . . . ·. ; ' " .-,,,_-. «-•>·,..; <11 '-" ~,.-.'I,-;~ " # ""1 ·"-. V' '#, 11> ,C//f' ~ '!fi #' ~·. ,_J ·~*.""~·· ·~ ~' *' ;('!' 1f -1 «.•'If: t-· ._ f fM'( ~' .J..,, 1' .. ~· 1ii;<,~,J ·~ ·' ls ,.,.-ti . .,..; JI< 'fl'! J •) {t $~< .. '.-~# ·f;lt' :# ;#S<lt .Iii -J !/;#!' ';i-4 4l!t<. "11;< • ' •• • ..... • .. . ·;. ,., . . ,... .... :< . ·~. . . . • • .. ' ,,. ~" , ~ " ~ • ; ~.; ·.' , ~ ) . x L. t' a.; Gi ~ ,i' J) ~ ~ #: '. q * ~"g-!f' >Jf •' k · .t • f ' • · . t' !'( ,.. ,~. >ii ' ' ~ .. ' ' . . ; .. ·~-- · . Sale 2~11ot--...._, .•. ·o-·........,-- ot long·~rlng ~tar/cotton wOh 130 lhreed count. Mechtne ~ end Pen~ for, 9llY' care. In .,... decorator coton . ' Futl lloto<-reg. 4.49, Ille 1.M .. · -.: : .. · ·. < • . .. ., ... . · .. · _ __..,_ __ Sale 21! ftet .. ftftod ..... 2:41. WNte ,_,.... lhMta In amooth but sturdy polyffter/conon, Penn-Prest• 10 thef'a'a no lrbnlng. Full 180 thre1d count • FuN nat or fined, reg. 4.49, ..,. S.72 .. Twin long flat or fitted, reg. 4.99, •• 3.71 Full long flat or flttod, reg. S.49, lllo 4.21 OuMn nat or fitted, reg. 7.49, .... 1.12 King or western king nat or fitted, reg. 9.49, •• 7-'Z Stand1rd ptllow caan, pkg. of 2. reg. 2.49, 1• 1.12 Ou•n pillow caaea, pkg. of 2, reg. 3.49. •• 2.11 King pillow~. pkg. of 2. reg. 3.79. Ille l .12 • • i:iale pric~•• affective through June 21. Pillow cuoa, pk9. of 2...iog. 2.19. -2.M • ' . ... Shop Sunday 11 A.M. to 5 P .M. at the following stotts: • HUNTIN GTON c;_ENTCR . H un1111q1 0 11 Beach (7 14 l 8Y2-777 I . FA;>HION ISLA ND,"Newport Beach (7 14 ) 64~:2 3 1 3 . ••• t <> • PllBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI aUllNlll 111.lMI ITATIMIMT TM klllowlr19 ,.,.i.on I• doing bus(na1 11; Ml!5A CEIUIUtlHG, 1101 H v1uwr1 !! .. c~11 Mft.I, C1. J2'l1 Cott!'~.'l. l.~':J,1t'3 Etmllur1t Ln., Tlll1 blnlllffl II C-llCl«I by I n lndlvldu11. Al •• ,,,. Tlllt II~! Wll 111111 Wltll !ht c-tv CJffk of Or1noe COllfttr an Jut'f 10. lf14. . . -Jlllltll1htd Ori,,_. Co.11! Otll'f "!lot, July I•, 11, h i -.cl A119111t 4 1'74 '1541·14 ~-PIJBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOIJI IUlllflll 11AM1 ITATIMINT TN "°''""'"' ...,_ 11 fal"'I Minni 11: TM!: AOIUAH CO., !OS 1!111 :.ti\ Sir"', H_.t lffch, Calllornh '26'0. Vfl'l(.nl H. Svchtf, XIS lillt 31111 SlrNI, ~I .. Kh. C.llfomlt '2660 Tlilt bi/I.I-It conductN by '" lri-dl.,hh,,.I, Vincent H. lllCl'let' Tlll1 1111-1 .,. .. tl!ld wltll IN Coun- ty Clerk ., Ol'allft Countv on JIJM 26, >m ·-,ublll'*f Ore!lll CMlt Delhi "llot, JUMI )Cl, t nd July 7, 14. 21, 1f14 2151·1~ MIUCllU&ION WllTCLIFf -NAllY 427 f. 17th St., (0510 ~o 6.46--4888 -·-LU.'l'Z·IR4HIOH _FUHIRAL HOlojE ... COf'ono d1I Mor 6~3·9'50 Ccnio Meso 6-46-2424 -·-llLL .. -AT ~y 110 Btoochoay. Coda Mesa. M2-91~ -·-DILDAY llOTllllS MOllTUAllY 1791 I e.oc.h 81vd. Hun1ingto11 Beoch 8•2-n71 244 R.doMlo Ave. Long8eoch (213)-438·1 145 -·-McCORMICK LAGUHA HACH~Y 179.S l oguflCI Conyon Rd. 4'94-94 1.S -·-McCOIMICK MISSION -1'\IAIT 28832 Comi~ Copillrono San Juan CopiSlfono 49~1 776 -·-PACIFIC VllW MIMOllALPMIC Cemetery Mortuorv Chopol 3500 f'ociflc \'Ir# Drf¥9 N11wporl Seo::~. California 644-2700 • -·-PllKPAMILT -COlONIAL ,_Al. HOMI 780 I Bolio >.wt.. Ww11•111u 893-3525 -·-SMlTHI' MOmlMY 627 Maifl St. Hl,lfltingfOll leacil ~ THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY -·--... .Ill 11 INlll"911 " -_.......,. .................. ,,, .. ~......,,,,..~ ,...., ,.....,, """' . 14 ........ , ........ ,.,, DAILY PILOT • . . ' • , • • Sllnd~, July 21, 1974 DAILY PrLDT --~ ~---- FIND, PLENTY OF --HIS AND . HER MASTEi!. CHAllGE IANICAMElllCAllD ALWA.YS ACCEPTEQll EAR . GREAT F.ASHIONSI _ GREATSELECTIONS/t .. AT THE GRANT BOYS!! :::ac •c :ac :oc 7c '"==~ SUPER SUMMER . u COORDINATE OUTFIT BY . . -TOBIAS TREND "rA.lltotm.-&-Joiftt.-Clflt - A· 1 JEAN CUT TOBIAS SLACKS Sizes 28 lo 36 in Beige AND MATCHING A· 1 LONG SLEEVE SHIRT JACKET In ~zes S,M,L.Xl PANTS •••••••••••••• s1 soo JACKET •••••••••••• s1900 TO MAKE ANY SUMMER OUTFIT COMPLETE ..• SHIRTS BY IMPULSE, MALER OR FRANKSTEIN!!...--c-----1 IMPULSE LOiii Sl.EEYE SHIRTS WITH llAllDAllA AllD PATCllWORll YOKES SizesS to XL $1599 FRAllKSTBll l.OllG SLEEVE FUIRAI. PRINT SHIRTS Sius Small to Extra Large in Asaorted Colors $11.99 THE GRANT BOYS HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF WESTERN SHIRTS BY ... KARMEN, WRANGLER, B.R. WESTERN & MILLER SHORT & LONG SLEEVE WITH PEARL SNAPS $7~99 and up MALER WlmRN smE LIS SHIRTS WITH l'EARL SNAPS Sizes S to XL in Auorted Colors $15.99 WE'VE GOTIT ... WHEN YOU NEED ITI BE PREPAllED.FOll ANY SUMMEll EVENT WITH ••• • LEVI'S ® \' FROM THE GRANT-BOYS ii ii ·-FOR CASUAL WEAR ••• -·; --1-~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~- I Levi'"® f., Guys 1 NOYD RARES -GREAT FOR SUMMER WW , . Siz .. 29to42in Ncny, lrown, Gr.en, TOn & White Olt1MA Y WE SUGGEST ••• ' , ~ ... , · Levi's® foe Guys STITCMEil'DOWN SUEDED SATEEN PANTS Sizes 28 to 38 in Assorr.d Colon FDR WORK OR P.LAY LEYliS® DENIMS ,...,,_.. STRAIGHT LEG 501 's .si ... 27 to'° In lnclto Mu. LEVI'S® SUP£R BB.LS 5"1.-21 t9 31 in INogo •tve • l .. • • • • • ...... • SADDLEMAll IOOT JEANS si ... 21 to •21n lrdeo Mu. LEVI'S® Bal CllDS Slrn 21ta31 in~ Colao .. ~· . . -- THE GRANT BOYS HA VE A HUGE SELECTION OF LADIES PANTS_JY. •. · H.l.S., DITTO, LADY WRANGLER, LEVI'S® for GALS H.l .S. ILTMORE WAIST PAllT WITH lA POCKET Sizes .5 to 13 in Na¥y and Tan •••• , ••••••••••••• , • H.l.S. , ' · CORD CUFFED PANTS •l········ .. ~1500 ..., Dino !~~.~~!.iNJ°v~-;-... -............. ~1449 n Spe~ial Coordinate_ Outfit By _ U Lady_Wrangler ~ LADY WRANGLER SHORT SLEEVE B.ASTIC BACK JACKET WITH CONTRASTING STITCHING AND PIPING WITH MATCHING PANT AND BELT PANT ••• ; •••.••••••••• S1349 JACKET •••••••••••••• '104' SHORT~ •••• ~ •••••••••• $849 BY LE.Vl!Se>-FOR GALS-. -;--. LONG BRUSH DENIM SKIRTS LONG DENIM SKIRTS Sizes 5/6 tO 1,.5/16 in Lt. 8lt,1e $i1tt .5/6 to 15/16 in Indigo lki9 $20,00._. --- SPECIAL SELECTION OF LADIES PANTS ON .SALE!! famous Moker famous Maker '18.00 DENIM FROllT PocKET PANTS CRINKLE DENIM JEANS Sil:nlto \OinAuonedColon SiinJ11016i11A1-.dColort ·ON SALE $8.88 ON SALE $8.88 Famous MoS!er Famout Mak•r DENIM WESTERN JEANS PUID PANTS S11es 8 ro 16in AHonec!Colon Si1n 510 13 In 11... '1oid ON SALE $8.88 - . . . , . -.. ·. • • , I ! A le DAILY PILDT """41ay, Ju~ 21, 1974 : lliri.shaw, Oth~s Suspect • • Feds Decided ob Oil· Issue . -· ' Federal Jaws supp()9edly . AND m.E very official. "AU. 1UEIR n1 e et Ing s 1ua r a n tee that the Qls patched to Southern ·were just a cover," said government can't start major California by Int et io t attorney Roser J . DianlOnd, projects oa the millions of ' Secretary Roger~ C.B. Morton a prime organizer of the acre1 it OWDI bolh onshore to smooU1 things over has neWJy.fonned ' Se as hore and offshore in Southern further confirnled Hinshaw's Envlronmenlal Alliance, of the California without a aeries of opuuon. ' three M!8lior\s Carter held In publle' hearings 'and a thoroug h "To stop the world until Sacramento and ... the Los •• ,. SOtmiERN CALIFORNIA BORDERLAND --TMCTI U.DUI COllMMU.TIOll • IOUTNIMt ~IAua.i#ll OfNll'T•INT Of TMI l • \ • THE BEST ···•· ·•·· .. PERSIAN RUGS ,.. ................ NEWPORT BEACH ......... tor,...• AUCTION < • mvtpnmeo~ impact report. I hose ( environmenlat impac9 Ange~ area .. / Yet a c o n s e r v a t i v e studies were done would mean "The declllon has alreidy congressman from Orange been .made and tt>eY just• want SUNDAY JULY·21st • 2 PM .. • ' J"' • ' .......... .M. r . ... ...,, ..... _. .......... llllFI ............. I ................................. , .... .... County, atter an Interior ( SOUfRF.RN ) to rush' ll through," he added. Department briefing, Joins CALIFORNIA "I think It's a dellberale conservationists in .suspecting FQCUS Cleception aimed at cre<iting ......................................... ',,, ....... ~ ............... .. the department has decided the ~wUJklD no deCiskln has ... -=-------""--~.--•-" modtbS before any hearings -u=a1 u--. on the · issue are scheduled to open more than a million offshore acres to oil drilling. uld • hold ol he Noted PtfaJ'1 Ann Eriksen. •1rt.•flu.. n·e co n t any 1 the Sierra Club's new Southern ..,·d, rw:nruRTER INN ' _r.:-lease iales we already have C 8 11 f ronia repre6enlative, Continental Shelf office did in .release about the single: public along the line," he , 11•1 J gir " K That 1$USpicion, \•oiced by Republican Andrew Hinsha\~·, is backed by statements front federa1 budget director Roy Ash, who said in a recent magazine interview that the government is counting on oil lease revenues from t h e South);and and the Gulf or MexlcO to help balanr.e its planned," Deputy Undr.rsoo:t· "One contract they've let the weeks before Carter's meeting-where a map of contending · the delay was A-.UCOI-~, 12~3-tt~!flq tary Jared G. Carter, the de-ha he swing into California tend& to tractJ likely to be -leued was acciClenCal. __ partment'a third-ranking cffi-stipulate! 1 t 1 Y won't even back the conservationist revealed didn't arrtve 'at most "----...:::.=;.:::.::.::c.:::::::.;:::::_ ___ ...,1 cial, said at a meeting this sta~t gathering biological data conclusion. newspapers and broadcast ll:-the delay was indeed an . 1975-76 budget. month until after the date. the draft tar ons tll the da of 'the accident, the a cc t d e n t • • • ~ • Later m the same ..... ion, ~nvtrorunental . impact report NOT EVEN the dty and '~u . un y prevented local omdols from Nearly_· Everyone Carter backtracked somewhat. is to be · published this fall county omeialls who were to ~ . !onrung a united front to deal · · maintaining--that-'<noUUng-has-That--is-reoJ.-evktence-f.hey!re-yn~t7'\~itlf"Cilrter at OifeOl Yet .... an~Intenor-Department··-with--ihe-0J1-dri1Ung · propogal ·-··· -····------./---~·--· been decided yet ." determ.ined to procceed no his sessions were informed of official revealed Uu!t a press and cut deeply into the time L~ L de Bi.it· coast.al corv;ervalion. rpatter v.·hat. II --the meeting until three ·days release had been wriUen ~ee environrnen!Jll groups had to .. Q tens to a-n •s IO'OUJl6 simply didn't beHeve W h H t he I D t e r i o r before it was beld. weeks before the meetings. prepare l.tjletr responses for °"' •'. that. Department's Pacific · Outer 'Ibe department's press "It · was held up somewhere the public meeting. I ' .. 59.00-79.00 It takes o lot of confidence · to rr.oke on offer like . this. And al sale ·' prices, ye t. But we're so proud' of. our own Centuro® mattresses, that ,we ho ve no qualms .about tell ing you: Buy o, Centura® of your choice, ond 1Sleep on it for 90 days. If you are not completely satisfied,return it foJ o full. refund: How's that for o sincere rest test? These great mattresses ore mode . to our own rigid specifications. Choose the firmness you-wi~ in the Centuro-11®,, G:entura® 0r Cen· turo-Pedic® lines. All sizes available, now aJ_saJe_pticesc.· --------- • !11i reg. 995.00 vanessa by dr-exel: . very • italian 5 pc. painted bedroom ensemble 879.00 . . . .· .. ' " I As rom0ntic and . warm as a summer's night· in Venice. Vanessa. · VeKy 'sophisticated. Very Italian 'in ,. styling. Elegantly finished by '· (}exel craftsmen in white paint with 'hand striped olive ~accent and gold tone trim. Constructed of ·se lect hardwoods wilh '•rpaple , .! "veneers. De sig ned for the discriininoring. Set 'incl udes 70'1 dresser,~-'--~ --~ vertical mirror in s1mulat~ wooo~frome,. f ull/queen eoofiOOrd and !Wo nightstands. King headboard , 60.00· extra. 445.00 matching d:i6r chest, 339.00. Bed-oom, Dining ~urniture, 92 ,. -che~I ~RO~DWAY ""'-'HEIM f>l:WPOflt +M H, fu:lid {71 4) SlS-81:11 ,4f FosJion ltbd (714) 1:1«.1212 CER:R:ITOS 500 Los Cerritta Moll (213) MO(HI I • i-0'4TINGT04 BEACH 1111 £drqef'-11~ (714) m -lllt · OiWG. MALL Of OfWolGE 2lOON. TustinS....t (7l4)'m·llll ' 89.95-119.95 volues,,full suze, 74.90·94.00 ep. pc, I , . 89.95-119.95 values, twin extra long, 7 ... 00·99.00 ea. pc. 209.95-779.95 values, queen size, 179.00·239.00 s.et 279.95-369.95 values, king size, 239.00·309,00 set . . Sleep Shop, 69 All stores e xcept Wilshire •. -. .. • • . I ·our cent:ura mattreaa: lave it or return it • ' awn SD-diy na-abllgetian trial period · plu• •peciel aele pricea 74.9!5-99.95 valuea ~ • . ' • .· ' ' At Yo.ur S.ervice . . • I Ci~ a problem? Tl~ write Pat Dun'n. Pat witl cut red !9J>e, get the answer. and action 110u need to 1ol111t \.1 .. 11equltie1 tn do0trn111tnt and budne1s. Mail your "'I' question.• to Pat Dunn! At Y ou·r Service, Orange Coas t Daily filot, P.O. B" 1500, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. In· elude your telepho:it number. The coli.tmn appeara Ott S1u1days. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. .. ·•.'ljl''"\'·~ • • ' l ¥~.t1!9¥r•, IH•c:!"~· Tlttrt lloHe DEAR PAT: 'in addition to stopptri/('home deliveries, leaving lights on, notlfy1D11a neighbor of t11vel plans and aiyuiging for lawn· care are there any ~ lips that might help to aYOld1 a burglary at vacation time? f ,v G.C., Cotti Meu • Don't Jaut leive Ugbti ea. Law Mtercemeat •gencles fee.11UHDd ba)'lai Umen .lo tlltll lll:b&a oa a.ad off In 1everaJ rooms. 'I-et )'OW ltelalaber katw t.i.e ll&llt1' thoe schedule. You may Want lo bavt yov telt.-.e dbcouected &oo. llurJ;ll.n of&e.a ~ .. tee If a bome ii Wcanl. ne 'ncerded menace "'J)k ·.,... \a1 '~i M!'inporarily dWDnlle&ed," preve.tl N}'OM frt.,{ knowlq: posltlvely tbat a home ts imocc11pled. · ., f . ~ f!lpt.IM!r K11otes:•er Rti#ej .... ' .• ~ DEAR PAT: I've been ·trylng to grow roses for years, but my efforts are k!IS than successful. Although my mother tries to give me good advice about , roses, now and then she "rubs it in" that she's a real expert. The other day she told me her roses "appear tQ have a virus." This was a bit much and I can't reslst asking ir lhis comment could be an exaggeraUon. If ao, I'd like to be able to tell her that she's gone a bit far this time• T. Y., Newporj Beacb . "' ~ ' ' . I uta to dlsappolal you, bul ,_.....,. __ ,. tilll .. ll!Oblema they cu Uve. Yoa can make a ~-1 ·c·:---rotn probablJ' Iii Ve beea lllecltd by tlae ' ...... L q 9 t .. II -(yellow) u..,, -., rill&•.... i.ea lljO -Z-,..ap tM symptoms m.ay be teen only oa 1 dngle leaf, tbe \'Ira mo.a Ukety bu •tlKW Ute eallre pllnt, resaltlag la lesl vigor and cr-wtL v .. eeakl ntelt- lloo lbal ..... II no aeed for r.aJ _.,, ~ II\<'" ._.. to be Uttfe utaral .,ead ef tbe vtru from Me pfat~ to 1notltei', F•eept by graftln(. A bit of 1ym,.U.y ls lD order, bcnrever, 1htct there Is no cure for a vlru-lnfected plaat. /lfallle";:{Wame b Fair Appellat!on · DEAR ~PAT: I know that a womatt living in t:auromia can no\v be desJgnated as Afs. on voter's regestration rolls. but can she ever use her maiden name, fJllher than her husband's last name, on other documents? L.C., San ~lemente Yes, tt.e attorney general ruled that a wife may oae ber m.aldea name for stale legal documents. Sbe could register &o vote, apply for a driver's llcenle or 1et crfftt under ·~er maiden name. A woman pelWcal candidate Ill tld9 Alie al• m'ay use her maiden name to nm for office • long as ii is C!Mllstently ued and ii not fraudulent. + . It Belp1 to Read Ille FIHe Prl11t . ·,; ~ ' .. If Ar~hite~ts Could Be .~ing • • • a /di a Cll Cll • 1 ~ §[] 0 q] .. Cll DD DD .S:ONVE!'ITIONAL FLOOR PLAN -SS EMPLOYES, NO EXPANSION " • YOU '\ • . DAil Y PILOT SECTION 8 -· ' Sumlar, JMIY 21, l9t4 • • • Cubes Give Way ~o-New Clu.sters ~; 8)' lllLARY""KAYE OI fll9 QIMY ,llot S!1tf Depending on whether your bo3s° buys Theory X or Theory Y. yoor office is either "traditionally sterile", or "modem pleasant." For those who favor Theory X. o!f!Ces .. with long straight rows of rectangular desks, drab colors, narrow aisles and .heavy, permanent walls, are just fine. ~ TIJese advocates of Theory X -one or two schools of thought on ho\V offices should be run -say ofncc "'orkers need: authority. hav~ a limited range of ability, v.-ork only because they have to, and receive gratification via the paycheck. 11>ecry Y people1 however, don't buy these ideas, and i113tead, h3\'e brought a "'hole new approach into the office - something called "office lt:ndscaplng." TllE REASONS behind the advent ol office landscaping are part psychological, part sociological and part economical. ac;cording to architect Denis Kutch, of an Irvine firm of engineers, architects and planners called VTN. The new way ot furnishing office inter· iors calls for' movable 'J)8rtltlons. desks in· clusters. curved paths for' ai.!lles and a personal touch in each office, not seen in more traditioruirsetups. Theory Y says people work because they want to. Gratirication is part money and part psychological -"Feeling ' you've done a good job," Kutch says. . • • • Walls Would Mo:ve; There!ld The theory says people are capable of working independently and should be ·respected as individuals. not just workers. Theory Y is .,.,·hat is currently being taught in most business schools. and as a result. is catching hold of t he irdlitectural industry. ' ' Be No Offi~es Li.lee Stalls MORE AND AIORE offices are renecting this new psychological freedom for employts. One recent e1alnple ls the new civic center in Huntingtoo Beach. ' 0 D "If you me our-o£fice interior system, you can get 25 percent more people into your . office, lo"'er the cost of later change. and increase the p~ilctivity cl I .,,. your workers by making them happy," claims Robert Yax, a salesinan for the Cleveland-based firm Hauserman,. Inc .. in a typical pitch to office managers. There are really t\\'Q basic function s of the office landscaping approach. The first is to increase the worker's productivity. By makiDg a more pleasant environment, and more effectively orgar.- izin,g the worker's tools about him. lhe worker \\'ill do a Jtreater -.mount or \\"Ork in a more efficicnt '.m:anner, the theo111 _ •oes. 'l1le second. function iS' if'? .ruake !hings more economical for tM1 bQss_ "'hen h:; -DEAR PAT: Last year my husband and I joined the "~t's Dine Out"1 club. We h;t.ve )Jsed it .aeveraJ times anq are very pleased witJt ill olferings. However, I sent money to the Forum in' January for Ice Capades lickets. I have mr,!'O'Jl'!!ed ~i~ll!!Y< l!fl_l\00_..J<e,..Ulmes.re<(U<Sllag a refund. ii We never gOt the tickets or a refund. Jt's really~oot the club's fault. but 1 j --.... -·~ .... ~· ~ .. . · Cl~ides Jo diang~\bil,Jn\eriOr at a later ;:ti.:;;'\·~~ . .,. -:· ·~ " don:t know wbert to frOOt'bere "' .O:~ (0 "" ~ ·~---~ .. 1..:"'-·~·=-'-'L' __ c'IF"'-'-~'l'·f---\or;?<t<',P.>r;: T .K., Anallelm • ~ N ~'inl'itmr ~ are more costly to install initially"! but in a period , ·"""'2 to l/halQOtill ~llili.IJ.'91Jllay is "-'t_~ified. y~·~. ~ ..... 1: c . · GMrte M11udka, Let's DfDe O.t CO mliT's ~vpa&.1 mdl1er, fttl-lbal )'GO HDd a ~ tof'1 .. :ilii CofiM Jitlen ,I( -81'1•· copy of ,..,. amceled cHck to klm al ta ~ub'1 malo ~~. ma 8"oobUst, Garden Grove, Callf, l!lfZ. U yoa. W clllfiCked year• Fonuw eocrpee, ..... alb 11ys, yea WOldd laave noUced u.t )t ukl . ...,.or,ten f•: tleke&t •lVed lea Ulan 18 daYI behre tbe ....i -be bold In w!IJ.call for plclnrp by tbe purchaser. Afler the event, the Feram sett.let Its account with the performing agency and no refunds are given at that time. Let's Dine Oat 11)'1 thlt policy k due to be revised in the futare for club memben, wtth rerwtdl malled to Penom wbo order late. The club will attempt to straighten oat your problem, bowever, If yon caa provide proof of eltber Ute Jl!lid oi'iler or past communi- cation. A ~p check by both tile clab and tlle· Fenm ln4ik:•ted DO prior contact oa yoar put, Mf-1k1 added. Be•ltll INswra11ee Gullle A-llable DEAR PAT: In the June 19 ''At YOUr Service'' column you mentioned a "Shopper's Guide to Hec.l!h Jmurance" by Herbert Deneberg, former Penn- sylvania Insurance comm~. I tried to Obtain this book at Dawson's Book.store, but was unSlK.."CelSfi.l. ftey muklD't find a Usttng or any other date in their ordering directories. Could )'"It fumllb me with the name place and year oC publication? • ' I . D.F., Corona d<I. Mar Thi• beallb Jns:zer: ...... ., a lllopper pldts .. Insurance ud beallh care orlglnallf; by tlle Ptnmylvaala lnsmmce Department while Herbert S. De Wla Iii--· Ito t.11 Ulle 11 "Tbe Slmppot'1 Gliideboot to Life ~. fll!altlt lallll'altee, Aldo i..ruce, Homeewner't Insarance, Docton, Dentists, Pensions, etc." Tltie Commeaweallh or Pennsyl· vanla bolds copyrtgllta on Ucb origtnal SlliaMer'1 Oakte. CoMumer News Jue., 813 National Pma Building-, Waahlngila..-b.C. ~. llolds copyright on the book Itself mtder contract WI.th the state1tf Pennsytnala, which reeelves royalties on all boot ula aod serla.llied verwltM. Pablk:atkm dale Is Aug. li . . ~ •, ' " •, . -. \ . KuowlHIJ 'liar .Parts Can't BHrt DEAR PA't{ .i llft a 71-tear-old widow with a 1965 Pontiac and until three years ago l hi('llla:l"'nie piob1em that E.R. of Foomain Valley had -net knowing when or wtiit mairitenance work was r:equired for my car. I don't think your advice Of lbjldYtQ& books telling ~ ·car parts could solve such a problem as well 81 J have. [ located an bcioest, effictent and dependable service station in Newport Beach -and &hat •beats any book! ~ ·1 • • ' ·--. ~ • 1 J.F., Newport Beacll ---You're· rjpt, bat A can 't hart to hi~ 111Dt mecmk:a1 )mowSedge or 1 car's parts •ltd tervk:e requirem ents. WWII ..neWq: • wrag with an "informed" ~~*tr,.er'• cir, sbe ~·w'9t~l.t 6'•'..!t llloald be repalrri and lll!l'JllM ~ time t. ftiiiliil'1o otmplole die Job. ~ . ~· ··1· . ' • • .. :-ti • ' .. FamJHes tor , .. _..,. St•tl.Wt• So••"' · .. ·' , . DEAR!PAT: Some tlille ago, llrouglf ~· column's plea, the Foreign Study Leque was able to hnd homea for ·sem-a1 French students studying in .-Amer.lca-*'-summer._We...ace_no..w.....ap~lig for South Cpast area families to host Brfliah students 14 to 18 years old from Aug. 1 through Z2. Thill 1s a clwice to further strengthen the bonds or friendship belweeri our two countries, and really get to know one another on a personal basis. .. .• G.I., Lapn1 Beach We bope .-reeuU1 of lhl1 request •I• will be 1acceufal. lntereated pereoas are uked te pboDe Gayton! Inge, 41$-&134,> fer fatlMir tnfermation. . . "fewer Delh•er.le• Are Sl•f!Jl•ll • •' ,DEAR PAT: We ordered a Toro lawh mower at a special sale this spring, paying a $100 deposit lo the hardware store. The dealer said it ~i>uld be delivered in two weeks4 but it's.mootN now and our grass is geltlng oul of haM: 'l'!ie llo~ b~~ ffro for the P!'lblem, disclajmjllg an1 i'ospooslbility. J wdRd Dke Toro's cori\n1ent on this s1tuatkm. ' M.S., Costa P.lna • . Late dell-of parts ca..e.i Tm ao11utt to delay prodactloo, bat to cut bllck &ttal manaf1cbre ftt ~ tealOD, says David T. Met.a.pun, Toro pr..W..\. n, .... rQ .,. .... hit tbe ftnn'I "G ... Mooter• portlcalorly Uni, and dll&Mbalon llave beti6 pat 11 •llocllUol. McLaq~ltn uys dipping: ll under way .. al• now and your deaJer 11 tclleduled to set • dellY"1 wtl~ a 1'etk. · .~ I'' • ~ 0 ll1le cost or~~ fhe,_omce a/ ' later date· i.! ~·JJIOVnble pilr· titians and t'ltber~-.interiots are used. he said. · · .:·· Also. because space ls wied more efficiently companies can place almost 25 percent more employes in the san1e office. \'ax maintains. ''lf lhe boss says the office is filled up \Yith people, I tell him. 'Fill up the old building first ,' before going out and building a new one'," Yax said. Kutch, who is a p rod uct of the MOVABLE WALLS IN SAME SPACE -75 EMPLOYES, ROOM FOR EXPANSION /See OFFICE, Page B:?J • • • Volleyball Replaces . Brown Bag By Slq:RRV ANGEL Of n.r a.~ ~1"' sittt '- Air-conditioned offices can be very -a~ling to-~en-on-hot aummer- days". iklt not lo a groUp of employes at ·Datatron Inc., in the Irvine Industrial Complex, They look forward to their 45-. minute lunch break when they can leave their ofnce spaces for the outdoor sunshine ~ Jet loose in a J2!licknlg -pmeoohOlleybatl. Daily volleyball games were started by the company's monthly improvement o.\mmitb!e two months ~ago after cmployes requested a recreaUon facility for lunchUme use, perscmnel ,manager Sylvia ""'1<ins said. . A volleyball net was pul up in the. parking lot area al the plant at Reynolds and Red Hi\1 avenues. Later, boundar y lines were drawn at the request or the players. About 50 empJoyes . now participate in the games, Mrs. Perkins · said. "Tbty all maintain they feel much more alive and awake after a game, even through tbey're perspiring. It gels them out of tl'Je building into the open air.'' she explained. ,. "It helps-up get our ntinds off our work. It releases tension so we work better after lunch,'' a lenlale player ' added. Mn. Perkins said the games have al90 brought ~ny employes closer to- gelher, gfvilg members cf all depart· If· (lerks and Se~retaries Ruled, ·' There!ld Be No Walls At All • _,;· . . -~: .:-::~--: J DATATRON EMPLOYES GET' CLEAR OUTSIDE WALLS FOR LUNCHTIME VOLLEYBALL GAME ments a chance to become acqGaihted. Exercise is a bi~ incentive lo p;:ir- tlcipate for both men and y.·omen players .. But the women seem especially enthusi- astic about that aspect of the games. When asked h:iw !hey manage to eat lunch and play volleyball in_just 45 min- utes, one spokeswoman said, "We don't eat. We1re trying to lo5e weight." , There bas been one p r o b I e m since the volleyball games ·began. 1'be players 105e track or time and some- tin1es return to \\·ork late. f\'lrs. Perkins said~ But the players are seeking a solution to that problem. They have requested a tu1'1Ch bell to alert them v..Tien it's Ume to return to work. and ~frs. Perkins said it's likely tho con1p;:iny wlU provide one. Tho company ha9 other urograms1 111ch ' as a bo'Aliru( lea#(ue. similt:1r to those offered al many other largt? c:ompaniet lhnt \\'ant to 'bring em ployes together after y.·ork hours. But lhe idea of recreation for employe"1 during the y.-ork day is rather unuSYal and is proving r.o be quite successful,' according to ~trs . Perkins. •!'J'hcy love ft. ·\ViU1out n dOubt. " provides for a better ~'Ork lor<!e. 1'lc:1 t..-ome back t(I "'61·1t rcrresh\!d .'' I • ~ t t r I, I j I . ' -~ :a DAILY0 P1L.bT SuHIY, July 21, 1974 -, .... - • GoOtl Dee. YES Director Honored "l'\°f: De\'er met &n)'OOe lite: her. She's 10mething else." These are the woros of Onms< County DeJiuty Probation Officer ~fel IAlM, v.·ho ls speaking In praiae of Florence Hayos. Mrs. Hayos, a Newport Beach resident. has been director of the Youth Employnlent Service for the past five years, bolt beyood that, she has be<n a -r and friend to young people. She has, according to Dunn, given personal cowt· selill( beyond her job blurs and opened her borne on a temporary basis to youths ln Deed of a.place to stay. < Mrs. Hayos a!IO has served u an informal ~ person for the Prob&Uon Department, helpin& youths find jobs and aiding the department in fmding the help it needs. She also is one ol ti» lounden; o! the One Way l/elp Cenler and is an-assistant to the Newport.Me&a;-SCbool District's l''Ork experience coordinator. • • Te l'j,.' Beelfh "°" c ..... , • M11$hrooips Dangeroias, The VolwttarJ Actb. Center bas oevmt OPc>Or-"The only pi.;. :... pick ......... la II ,l.., ' hmities for thoee wbt enjoy working with ltullent!. The local grocery Rort." " '- positioos Ol!erod ID!'i" a amaJI amount of \r&Wn( by ' _Jl ICbool paychnqlll 111 behavioral modlllca&Jon tech-Althou&Jt Ibis wamJnc baa· -echoed -and nlques. Moll hnparlant attribulM wblch Ille volwil..,. over, many people pick and "'II wild ........,.._ The should br1DJ to the job are love and ...,...tum ror re.Wt Is about 100 !atalitlea a ~ ID the U:S. llom kids. call the center, 'Jiii Avocado St., Coeta Mesa. mushroom polaonlng. 1 , ~, • 642--096.1, for more ln!onnation. . , Only aboul a doun ol .the li)o\Mqll~ ol -ol Cloaely related to the ·~· the ~ Clinic In muah"'°"" are known to be poiaoolus. VII'/, 19,. santa Ana also -Wllunleen .. belp " the O!lld peoplo. however, ""' tell the dlll._. w GwdaDce Coater 1a tutotmc cbilclreo re1errec1 there br po1sonous, and noo-po1aonoua -. Tho ...,,,. are the city ICbaola. Tbe ~ ls broad and 1enera , poi9000Uli can ~ much mllery, lf'Nl !run aria and erafta to aaldemlc ,.;bleCta. For further and ev~ death. · • ' information "°"tao! the «Iller, IHWla. , ~ poiaonous ol all musluoom.s la tilt~ An -rtunll)'.IDr 1 ""1unleer with 1 slrOllf lnteresl and .,.~. ~ ~ lali~~tt~ !~ Ill pa;i:i-· and lralnloa In ~ (perhaps a payc!JololY ma· -.. ., ial<d -Min jor), 10·...r111 a ps)'tholoslll •t the Menial Health AJo<> lo fall. It Is bri&htly coJort<I when -~ '!I. . ciatioa' in Newp0rt'·Be1Ch in live "lab ..,rt" II al19 matures. Thi! species of mllSbroom Plotallit·.i ~- II ted by the Volun~ ....... 'Action Cenifl' DIO... ... a..111.MWtt substance · that ls injuriOUs to all . body ceJll, ~' •· . s" · -T • ·.-..uue-'"'9"V-• abdomlnaJ pain. nausea, and von\lt~n Clli Al10ido9 . l<>r-'!'f'-ln!ormatlon '!ti this. _ ' , ' d cotMilaJcrir • '!be Hun"•..., lllacl! Children'• Libney lo' hop-kldney .. Uver, and Jiraln amap, lea to \ ID( for a baii~Jt' "!"'l"fr ?wttb its "BJar Bang F\tn and corila. " ; 1 Manchitle" procram-Sali'!d'Y· Aue· IO. To be held al 11llj-e are a number of o!d wives' tales reprdtnc the Golden Well Calll!le Amphillieatre, the evant proin-mll!hroOm bunting. Some people think that 1 mushroom • .i&e1 a day ot fun ..J excttement' for the yowipten. is -edible If the skin pee'\S M$11Y off the cap. 'Ibis. ls Students Need Tutors Dunn credlted Her with belng-his "No. l relOUl'te here" and said that in his five years in the Harbor Ar!a Community Service Center. "ahe lw done more to assist me lhag any other perDl fn this area ... Mrs.. "lia)m. is.lhe mother of tru-.. children. -ever met," Mrs. Hayos s81d of the Harbor Area. "They deaerve every bit of time we can give them." Needed aa a crowd. plMl8I' is a dowll to ~ out not true, Nor is It true that a ~ mushroom Will candy,-&Dd ~··an ,,}tit} In-for biJt11 J1U1bs and -taml.sh a silver IJlOOO or tbaLUIOking...or.Jloolni~.1---.. adtalb t.o hind out refn:tflnents m:I ~ ~se. the plant can remove Its poison. 11. It Ind 20, Ind bas one grand-daughter. She attends both st. Andrew's Prabyteriin Churdt Ind Calvary ' Chapel. thk 'Jbe date -..U be .~re faster Jt8n JOU can aay Thete is no antidote for mushroom Poiaoninl· 'Jbe "Bltll Bani . -. . Fun!",' ao why DOI call the West ,onl_)' sure cure b "NEVER EAT ,WILD MUSHROOMS," "We hive IOme ol the sratat young peopl/'·t1\'t Unfortunateiy, Mrs. Hayos will liOOf1 be moving lo . Marin Collnty, leaving a place that wtll be hard to IUI. Oran«" COunty Voluntary Adlon Center ~t , 131).2.'ml.. . ai;oordlng to !be call!omla Medlcal Asaoclat!on . .. ' :;Fraud .. . .; .. ;Mail Now ,, , ·I .. :sent Back .. ' ' ~ WASHING'roN (AP ) fv"Y Clay in !'lllt Ollias ~ die nallon, tet1'n are ....., ......,.., "Retum to ..-. Order -.. -·~ for violation ol la!Je ·' rs--atltion law." ·f It'1 all part d a tittle-known ................ lion_ ... ·-1he --~ ave~ Ameriams more Ihm $100 m i llion annlJO!ly. Sinoo If/2, lht •"'1cy has .. ~. -.... -200 mail- : on1'n qain9t llmB - . guilly ·or raise""' , aRt•ni ', 'ill advertising. 1tie iaDt I .. pits -OOI of ! 4;.i1sjri@I. f '. -1RVINE ENGINEER LIKES-THEORY- O.ni1 Kutch FaYon Mov1bte Partitions . i j \ CtUSTERS-SERVE'BETI!ft-THAN euBICLES, Robert Yax S.111 New Concept Hlrdw1ie 1be ... .-often )llaood Ill tahlold -Ind bo- maq magaU.S, appeal to mermen ol toll s e l: e s . . OFFICE L.<\NDSCAPING ON INCREASE • • • · ,,_... lor )Wlh, beauty, (F'nm I'll&• Bll bdll, Virility <r 11\JCCl!SS. Berteley Free IS p e e c h ... ~~ ~ ~!,1 atovment in dle mid~. _,_,_ ..... ............, likms the office revolt to tte weight Joa em we\gtt «•'1 student revolutioo -''although pdJctie, 1aod sales, beauty much quieter." ' ' 0 ( f l c e prodooU, vitamins, p ho n y 8llployes ~ .saying they're «.hoola 1 a n"d 1 ba.ir:_-growing tired oc tie~-r ace I e 1 s potion.1. PWD!n,'' Kutch conwnented. "ll's ju.ct arna.r.in( what you can sell--ttrough-'!ihe-mail!,'' -0 FF~ C ~ LANDSCAPING Afl a secior Postal Service takes lb.is mto ta c c o u n t , bffidOI. "l'<q>le will buy 111~ r o r indivlduaJlty -anythiJlc." .._ ollloe lltati<m -each Until a ff!W years qo, the one tailcred to the per.JOn's -Service bad .. pro,.. ...or1c needs """ .. ll<"IOllll! 1ntmt to get a fraud tutee. Yax.,wbo "'Orks out ot t:Ulvid.ion. Now it «iy has to Im tQDpany s Ana~im office, -that 9>e advertis~ explalned 1-bis c:anpany lDr., .Jll'(lduot was false 1o get ~attS Ill dloosirc interiors. Mop-mail order 8 n d We have space analysts . who have knowledge or both ~ phsh the same end . , the p-oduct and the orfice in· t The ad can . be 1 .n terested in our product. In cs· 1ence1 be marries the people partitions placed around his about five years in practice, it to the walls," Yax said. desk. Files are also placed on is inc re as Ing almost Interviews are held wi th these partit~s. thus rreeirig everywhere . company, officials asking floor space to allow bolh Jl\Orl! 11-tore and more companies questions ab:Jut each depart· I g1 the --~d merit's function. the cx isiing employes and a more peasant arc ving 1--nod to number ol. personnel and their en\'ironment, office landscape their archltecta to try the new fa c i 1 i t i es , p e r s ormel advocates say. interiors. Yax estimates 30 pojectkm for the next IS The arctlitectl admit to some percent of. Ha ti 1 e r ma Ii • s years, ~ps ber:weeen drawbacks, 00.t but.hasten to buslness, is done 'tlr)th office ~ 'PC'ak v i s 1 t 0 r Point out that these, too, are landscaping techniques, tr'alllc and' other pertinent -overhearing cooversations <tt-r-7A1osLarch~tects ~nvolved topics -being \\'Orked on, Kutch sayic with commercial proJets are 1be. p Janner then takes some employes complain about aware of the idea ," Kutch tf*' 98ta end 1fUb rut an nearby ~ stationl: • says, ~t ft really ~ oo int.era system WJ!que to the "There s a, certam type ~ many compames go for fparticuJar company and its of privacy in these set4 1t. 5ituatioo, Yax ,said. ups: but not the same as the "For some companies, it's rub1cle-type encloeed office, or a gimmick," Kutch warned. INSTEAD OF just a rows of ~sks w~~e sound "It's not really a panacea in rectangular desk, each ~vel.s differently, Kutch itself, a Ith o ugh some employe has his own "work said. companies plck up on the idea station," or office. lie can Office landscaping is not yet hoping to solve all their store personal items o n swee ping the oountry as some internal, employe ills," he shelves tacked onto movable architects would like, but after added. ' . 299.20 or $12 d month• .... ,,74 112 ct. tol•I weight bridal aet.14K gold _ _2.r $9 a month· Rog.$247 , Diamond and opal cocktail ring. 14K gold. 525.60 or18.75amonth' Rog.$157 445.60 ar·$16.50o mon1h10 ••• $SS7 1 Ct. total weight atarburat cocktail ring. 14K gold • . • r • I~~· magazmes, radio 'l'r 1.e1evisicn, jll6t as long as it ~ to ·have the rmoey _. fllvough the mails. ( "1be 1JW1>08e of this la;., is bx .to punish ~; It'& CO l6rotect ·tM P"i!lic " Mid Amm Horoscope: Leo w Check Sources o/• ct. aolltaire engagement ring in 4 prong 14K gold setting. ·i. , llJ. Weochel. M°ifine JPoN.J MONDAY to do witfl it -you gain cosigning s. backing, str:w,.m·anstup:-yau are an F judicial o£fJOer. through cooperative, receptive guarantees. Be sure you incurable roinantic. II single, By SYDNEY OMARR attitude. u q d e r s t a n d I e g a,I you fall madly in Jove and ramilicatl<n. Id' th! JI . B lis ARIES (March 21-Aprll Ill): us•• (Se 23-0ct 22) 000 marry ' year. '' • • ts ch """ pt, ' : IF TODAY JS Y 0 U R manied, there might be an , · ICYC Sweeping anges indicated -Hlghlleht versatility \\'ithout emnroAY you were on YGJJr addition to yoor family . oppoait.e eex couJd be involved, . BC1ttering your... forces. Look own early: -You we-re ;==::==:~=::::===c;I I 1 Should Be You learn, discern, check and behind ·the scenes; be , willing physically or psychologically _.. investigate. You d i s c o v e r to do some ~moUshmg for separated from-your-parents. -~ --A .... p.ll"JJO$e of solMl program of ' Decemtier ·11 be ol reasons. _ ... ·Ud' w1 one your i 1a-1.•• Co ed rauu mg. ---molt-.impol1aD ~ o( __ _..._..,.... llcem -~ TAURU!>rApril"21Hlay 201: SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): 1974. . ' ~- I Lunar aspect emphasi.z.es facts You have friends .mo want to 1 Scorpio, Taurus, AquarilJ8 n. ~ There is a dart shadow combined with imagination. push you up to top of ladder. and J..eo person! PI a Y ., ,_ ._ 93.60 or $5.SO a month• •••• 111 Men~a 3 dklmond · metchlna wedding band.1<11< gold. -- Jloftring OYer the CWTtnt ~feans you OJU\d have the best However, you may be aignUk3nt role! in your lire. ...,_., ::t:':I, I btcycling boom. of both worlds. Key now is to preoceupjed in speculative _l':_:OU::__::ha:v:_:•_~k.'.'.n_:·•_:c_:k'._._.'.'.!o'.'.r2:======:::,=:='./ I · : 'J'bat bicycle accide:nta lut e~aminc, analyze, perfect, venture -or rom antic 1• ,year killed 111 people in &eparate. escapade. 1~---------------~-- ~Callfomla and injured another GEMINI (May 21.June 20 ): SAGm.utrus (Nov. 22· ". O,S7f, according to t h e There are pressures but you Dec. 21): One •ilo bes been :.N•Uooal Automoblle Club• could thrive. Emphasb is on any oomet badt into your ;should toll you oomething. ..._..ibillty, -··properly, Ille. You betlelll. You abo are ..-;· Staying out of b i cycle ambitJons and career. Be su91)Jcklus. 'Key now is to be : acclclerl& requires the alert receptive, You could "in open-minded Witlnjl being l&pprood>, one U.t enablea powerlul ally. g\Jllible. ~rou io catch buartb in time. t::n>en you can act quickly, CANCER (June 21-July 221: CAPRlCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. ~Jlee»jvely, and safely. EmotiOM tend to dom ina te. 19i : Domestic adjustment; Dm't be penuaded to give up new understanding with ' Stlrt wit h a bicycle that .90metblng for nothing. Insist family member -these are In is tbe right size for you. Sure on fair trade. Otherwise, you -l'pOl.llghl Disagreements cnn 'ru might crow into a t~ Joee retpecl, money and be sUmulating lf )'OU ma intain ~11 llleydedllf'-·~· Clay. That !rl<ndlhip. humor. •ls, ~..., In """""'1inC ltlla< blc1cle doesn 't ¢ you LEO (July 13-Aua. 22 ): Hold AQUARIUS (Jan. ZO.Feb. 1 killed tint. off I n v e a t m e n t s • New Ill: See in light of actu:illty. Ice skat i 11~ c,·cr ~·tla~·. 0.. ' ............. ,.. ............... .... ASK AIOUT SrECl~l GROUP RATE ,., J(wp iJme brakes aperatinl apprvac~ is netenary. One Steer clear of get·rich-quick llTIODlhly. -Um -rly -wl>o1advo,.. you leads to •ct ICbemes. Awld 1el!-deceptlon . Inflated. And often check the on. unp.1l&e. Prcted )~If You teM. raw' \0 perceive "''hat Mitty of chain, w b et I 1 , by check:1nc llOUf'Ces. muld or D:ltld be rather than ICE CA•ADll CHALET COST A MllA d what exilts. IJ)rOCketl, pedals, II d I e. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): t.IE SA \I ERDE SHOP PING CENTER handlebars! and tMlndle grlpg, You "'ill be surprised •t how 'PISCEs (Feb. 19·hJar. 20): HAtln• ll•O AT ADAMS Learn to handle a bicycle an Idea "'Ol'ks and results In You may be tempted lo go T~\: 111-1110 ~· -l~ebu-JhlD( o..-.S ID flldoraemonts.11.. __ ,.... ___ ..;.. ____ ...,.,.._,....~ ....... _.. ·-~ .. ~ . . 157.60 or7.50amonth• "'°' $1'7 4 diamond "insen" rlng.14K gold. A.PAIK ..... "' ....................... ! • • • ' ., :. • • • I • • • • • ·,·* 77.60 1 or $5 •month-• Rog.Sl7 . -277.60 or $11.50 a month~ ····~·7 Men's 7 diamond ring. 14K gold. 115 Cl. total weight r-----'•'-·---t pJe1ced e.tr(lng1.-"" __ 14K gold butlercup setting. · 1~3.60 or $6.SO o month'" ••• $16.7 .-- 7 diamond pendant In 14K gold. . OIAH61_, .............. _ ..................... Ill ·~I Ill I I -- SANTA AMA ....................... c... .... • ... IM ........ Ylti . . . ' .. ' ' -· ~. • ' Sunday, July 21, 1q74 DAILY PILOT ft 3 1 • ' RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTDY Wllp YM W_. --1t22 ........... C•tt• ,._ -Ml.talt Mid-Summer SALE! FOXY LADY CUSTOM SIIfD BIKINIS .... Sit.ts • COYB·U'5 • PAU..110 PAHTS • • WIAI' UllTJ & TOPS • • CIOP' TOf'S ~ MUU·MUUS • •CAFTANS• • 14H'S MATCHltilG TIUHKS 40% OFF! 40% OFF SALE STARTS MOH.,"JULY 22od • ..._.,: l :l O te S ,.-.. M-. tM. frl The fbx9 Isa09 t WOMtN'li NACitWf411 AND Sf'OITSWfAll ~ ,. IStS MOHIOYIA AYE.. tttWPOIT llACH r: ALL BUT SHOES -When the Lion Country Safari 1-----~· oologicaLtea1n go.t hold of him, a certain little zebra- }:!ud got about everything a "horse clinic" bas t.Q offer -except, maybe, a set of shoes. Dr. \Villiam Y. lliggins, ll1c park's resident veterinarian, uses rasp to file \off the stallion's hooves (above) and ''Pat" Quinn, zoological director (center of photo at right), draws a blood sample with help of several -;::.:::::::~;;;:::::::::::::::"~-:-~-:-·:-~··:·=·-:':~::::::::::::~·· ~ ~ l ~ TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION .. , . ' I of the park's rangers. I Wild Zebra;-He's ~o Pony , I ' . . • Ill Pajamas Transcendenlal Med1ta!lon develops the eaoacity tor lull enjoyment ol lile. It ts practiced a lew minutes momlng and evening. During ttiis titne the body experiences a profound ccep sl ate at rest while lhe mind. remaining awake, expands to fun awareness This 1echniQue improves the clarity of the 1hinklng process while dissolving accumula1ed tension and lat1g11e BV TO:.! McCANN Of Ille lklly l"llel SllH 1'V! ,little zebra may· have looked cute -like a pony in pajamas -bot the man trinurupg his hOoves kneW he really M<as a. wild s(.ud and that he, could bite a chunk OOt of a man that "·ould take a long lime to heal. lie knew it because he once carried the ~eeth 1narks frGm a young zebra oo h.is hips for several ·weeks after tlw.t one ~ot to ._m. • I• • Lion Cotailry Safari or Dr. like 1 ~' Jn -(he swanned all around the ze bra, \\'illiam Y. Higgins., tes&dent Laguna Hills~. '· v.·hich bad been gently ~d veterinarian, before ~ left • ~ opera'~ . 'became , a to the ground ~ bli~dfold~ recently for a simUatJ job Jn. ~ill.le .J!kR. a. Wg.gail6 blJot.iaa ~ ~.a precalt1on. against bis \Vest GelJnanY· )'-Qulnn stopped to block traffic ~ettin~ his. bearings and In charge ol the ~bra catch ~ ~ney went Wad in~hls _attacldng_his _benefactors 1n 11·as Walter C. ''Pat'' Qttii:n. jOOp t a point where he could case he awakened before he one-time Tennessee ra-':!1\ boy get la clear :Slot at the stud was expected to ). \\'ho is no1v zoological dir~!lt selecJfd for' 1the veterinary ~---------~ of ·all the animal pres«vcs c:ietkup. ~ · operat.cd by Lion Coulitry Later -about-fh'e minutes Harsin' Safari, Inc., includin g touriit later ,_ 1the tranquilizer had parks in six states. \ takeni effect -and the liUlc Around Quinn had 1told his senior striped stud was ready to take \_ ____ _...,...,_ ranger. Wes Baney, that I"" an anesthetized na p. , to Immunize the lillle beast some other characteristics of against both the Eastern and 1he zebra ·s blood. Western strains of equine Another more complicated I • cncephalomyelilis .• These arc anayls.is: the S~lA· 1.2 test. the shots m~t conscicn!ious, v.·ould break out chemical ! horse1nen administer t:'.I their r h . domestic aninuls'f<o \\'ard off ·eon1pone:nts o t e an1ma!'s j blood and tell the Lion I the equine "sleeping sickness." Country s a f a r i Zoological IHTIODUCTOIY LECTUl.IS Quioo also mo\'ed around Department how n1 u ch MIWPOIT the prone animal spraying calcium. phosphorous, glucose.! HUMTIMGTOH 1U.CH AIEA each cut and scrape he rould uric acid, cholesterol. and IU.CH All.4 MeL. .My 22 . find \\•i!h bright yello\v other elements were found in l ,...., .hity 21 I P.M. topical antibiotic. it. J 1 r .M. Ma.,,.,. Hwtior Tl blood h I t 1-to-S.•i'9• Higll la. Ill te · e a er Tests such as these. Quinn 1 140i1 1e.chll•d. 6009"6.e explained. \l'ould be sent to a explained, help build up files ~ w,,...,.., Off 15• St. COSTA MISAAllA ....,.w ... I P.M. ......_.,_. 1101 ........ st. .W-'fMP.lhL Th e job or trimmi.ng the hooves or this particular Hart.mann's Mountain Zebra specimen and seein;; atrer some other health needs of an animal whose species is listed as "rare anct..endangered'' v.·as one of his Jail orncial 1cts at preferred target of t h e w~ae he slept, what had 1nission 1vas a Hart.Joann'! been la scene out of Great zeOra~ Bariey's jfCP ~0110~00 ... Yi'lilteU"f{Uriter became more Quinn's station ·wag<Jn aJOnc like l horseman's quarterly 11he t;Jacktop road driven by i visit 11.0 the veterinary clinic. tourists who pay for t}le \except the "patient" was pri'vilege oi ~ animals boriZootal instead of uprig'ht. Some of the men helped Quinn v.•ith such c I i n i c a I functions as drawing a syringe full of blood from which samples could be taken for analysis and giving injections of tetanus toxoid, a "''orn1er. a genera] antibioiie and a Shot. human blood \a.boratory for of information that s e t' ETY analysis similary to that Presented by ltITERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOC! performed on samples taken __ ::<S<=•_:Z::E::•::R::A::·_:P~a:'.g:::•_:B8::1._~[ ===A=N=o=o=·P='o=l=ot=E=d"=c=a=tio=n='=' O='=g=an='="'=H:on==64=2-4=7•:t=== from human patients. running "free" in 'their Africa-Liorl Country ran & er s One test, a CBC I complete blood count), v1ould determine the number of red cells. number or white cdlls and -, I ~er~l!!:_kut~!fian:t§~ur~}!oiice,SocU;il~WorK- ~ 1-: .; ......... ~ .r r..·1arion Joy ·Willsey is a ., ei31iL ~f them are male .,Bl!d ''eoman School RI Bainbridge, young lady with :h.ree johs. '· fopr .~\e also police Orflcer~ r..itl. She completed the 12· one career and the urge for a fli?m $4Jthern Ca 1 i' fa JI n I a week course in eight weekf; ed : ..... • oomm"iities. AmO"" the n1en and was "honor person" in her college ucatioo. · . ..., of the IP DetaChment, S~t. class. A finance major al Los Willsev is knGWJI as "the Her association "''ith the Angeles Valley College iri \Ian .,. rough. tou.~h cre:irfl-"puff." 1nilitary police detachinent. at r\u~•s, she helps pay her \11!.Y ·'She's pretty, nice to look al ·El Toro, however , has resulted thro~h school \vith pa~t·l!me ··, , 1 and efficient," says one or the in one additional joh. p!us :;i jobs as the secretary to the " u nit 's non-comntissiooed 1na}or personal decision. foreign student ad·1L;or at the ,.·i., offian. ~laster Sgt. Edgar .o. ·'F'irst. rm chang~ny_ collc e and as a bookkee er Bre-11...-1-l.os-Angeles-pol1ee-co11ege ajOF"fi'Om finance to fora r k1rm. "" ··; •· ,-l ~ .... , officer in civilian life. • become a social ""Orker." she But the pert 'r edhead · ',..,....·){·~ ••J,,', Asamemberofthemilitary says. '•Jn talking with these Afarine ...... with reservafions. -~, .-.,. '*""., .. ce urut, a y se rgeant po ce 0( leers, ey ma~ me professionals in this field and I "'ant to be one of the.in. They also tell me that the field is • overcro1\'ded bu! J still feel that if one Ls dedicated, he or she can be a success in any field.'' · So. ·the third job Joy has added to her list of 11c;iviti es doesn't pay in tenns of money: just in satisfaction. She -joined Volunteers in Service to O!.h· crs and is Ml\' 1rorking ·with the Los Angeles Ccunty Pro· bation Department. counseling teen -age girls. comiders henelf a career .·\!.-;o. '10\ '. -. ~-, ! ~ , gt'A';irv 1 ,. · po!i · the I d ti •r· th ,, h enlisted in the Marine ''' is in diarge of payroll record aware of the need for more books and general _. • . ,,;:;:,.;;. adminislration. overseeing all JCPenn· ey Adults $1.75 Childf"'" i-11 $LOO Ul\dct 6·1rtt , . , _ ··-:• the crdinary problems or lhe _ .._, .. ·». computer age that h a v e • "' become a "-ay of military l ife. ··" ·' The blue-eyed se rge anti ·"' explains, "Evt!r since I "•as a ,, ___________________ " .... . JitUe girl l'\'e wanted to be in the milltar\' service. None of my family Could understand it, I but \\'hen t ~ot out of high school , I went lo work for, There are a lot S1and..1rd Oil or Ohio. then · started collecting recruiting of ways to ..,., :;,_. literature. [ checked O'.lt u\j oi; change ,. the services before deciding on 1 <he MA'ine C-Orpo. your style. ••••twi)TS~~A~ .--,v:.J rl=~h~ ~i::fu~a~~r~I Our Festival perm challengi!!g. Since it "'aS • f iinancr Than ihO olhers I 1c11 IS one 0 o.i" '"11" ''•11 '""'" promotioos would be more lhe best.· rapid. I will have 20 years'of1 Our 'Festival' perm tor curls, MP SERGEANT M1rion Joy Willsey combined active and reserve ~ce before I'm 40 years waves and extra body. lnctud- • old. That adds up 10 a flln· ing shampoo, cut and style COi'iis-in h.er hometown ol taslic retirement ' progran1 " :,. ~e~i ~~:·mmended for Cleveland, Ohio,' when she was Jo)'. as .she prtfers to be • bleached or tlnled hair. J8 serving "a three-year called .. does Mim i~ to ~""l·--------'-Get-a who1e -newlook with Mi.istrnent. Upon discharge failure m her Manne Corps slle enlisted in the ~tarlne career. "?.'hen I first enlisted subtle hair trosling or painting. Corps R.escn'e. I was assigned to electronicsr Shampoo and style set Today she is assigned to the school aod promptly nun~ed included at 14.88. l\lilitary Police Detachment out. I had ryo comprehension 'Sure Thing' conditioner for of ~fARTD's Mairinc Aircraft ror the sub1ect. renewed vitality And texture. Group 46 at El Toro ~1arine Someone then took note. of 1.88. ~ Corps Air Station. .. the fnct that she had stud1ed Th.e unit is composed of 79 shorthand in high school and J Marine reiervists. Seventy· she was sent lo the Navy1 BELLY DANCE CLASSES __ Learn the Dances that ca used.Henry Kissinger to ... say_that he .wanted 'to make the world sare for Delly Dancers. a Video tape equipment is available lo · record student ·progress. You learn ...,;~/, quickly! We have excellent facilities and small classes (maximum 7). •••MttM• -IMTRMIDIATI -ADVAHCID PlioitlUIOll.U -TIACHH·~G CL.UHS , ................ ,c...., ..... .,.. ..., 11 ..... ''" ..... Or-.. c.-., •• CALL NOW: 545-1-088 COSTA MESA • .,,flf ,.., It ,_,. et ...._. ~ _...., Olf!t• ull'N'ltMt IMID,;111 -•rtl t..e ,._,,.,, 1,.111 cNtl If nint 1111 ( ..... , ....,.. TV I""" .... INClll"' dlU ... Shop 5-doy 11 A.M. to 5 '.M. at the oMowhMJ 1lore1: FASHION ISLANO, Newport Beacl'l {714 ) 644-2313 ' HUNTINGTON CENTER. Hunt1ngton Beach (714) 892·7771 . . . . . . ..... ; ... -.~·-···'·~······· ·····-·· .. ~-.. • ' ... 20°/o off · Penney diamonds. So you can say it all for less. Sale s120 Reg. $1 50. 1/5 carat diamond earrings 1n 14K gold selling & . . Sale 180 Reg .$100. Diamond. rosebud cocli:tail ring in 14K gold selling. ~ ~ Sale 5476 Reg. $595. '11 carat diamond solitaire ring 1n four prong l4K gold se tting. Sale 5296 Reg. S370. Crossover diamond cocktail rinQ In 14K gold ~ening. Sale 1396 A91. $415. 9 diamond wedding set In 14K gold pebble finish setting. Man's matching 14K gold ·ring. Reg. $75.-ftow SH ' 111ustratlons enlarged Sale'180 Reg. $225. ~· carat ' diamond pendant in 14K • gold setting. Sale sas :-..· ..... Reg. $110. 14K gold cross. -~ with diamond. ·I Sale'208 Reg.$260. 8 diamond insert ring in 14K gold s~tting. Sale 5264 Reg. $330 S diamond overlay weddiiig set in 14K gold matching S1lttlngs Shop Sundcrt I I A..M. to 5 P.M . at tt.e followillCJ stor.o: FASHldN ISLAND. Newport Beach (7 14) 644·2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER. Huntington Beach (71 41892·777t . . • • &· ,, ll 'I ~­" " ~: " ,, " ~; ~. , ~ .. ... l· • I ' -- • ( ; r ' IEA ANDERSON, Edl111r • • • • - ' ' Feathered Frien·ds Fi.nd ,_ ' l y JD DLsON ' Ottll9~.......... __, the smart pie:eons for milea around know where . te Dernelle's house is. Il'• where Ill good food is found. By word of mouth -or beak -the news has tiaveled far and wid" that there's al)Vays fresh bird sied and water there and everyone is welcome. The birds come by the hundreds for their meals, arriving for breakfast as early as 6 a.m. They perch on her roof, on telephone wires across the street and in the trees, waiUng for the handout. Ml'!. Dernelle started feeding the birds six years ago when she threw out some bread crumbs. A few birds came, and she sl.al'Ud buying oeed for them regularly. -· Now, she buys .it ·by the hundred-pound sacks at a coot of about '80 per month. "I have fun. I love animals," the Costa Afesa res· ident said. "I don't drink or go out, so I have to have something to spend my money on." When a blm ill' injured by' a ~ar!,or 11 •hfs- the case too often, one is shot by a1BB gun, she takes the sick bird to the veterinarian for treatments. She often _ 0>---ii\(ls up nursing them Da.Ck lo hOalth .herseU. --· rr-. · "Why do they have lo shoot the birds?" she asked sadly. . J She said she sometimes finds her animals (she has cat., also) and birds are better friends than people. Mrs. Dernelle, a Gennan immigrant who came to America in 1948, keeps her front yard and the street · · clean of evidence of her winged guests. .... ..... _....,....,O.'""- She sweeps the bird seed hulls from the street and •---waahes the·droppll!gs from the sidewaiks-regularly;--- In addition, she maintains a beautiful yard all by bel'!OU, which she has developed U!lo a perfect foil for wild birds. Mrs. .Dernelle is adamant that birds and animals should not be molested. ''God created them too," she aaid. ' Her suggestion is that people put out feeders f~r animals when civilization begins encroaching on their tenitory, instead of molesting and killing them. ..-A drive by Mrs. Dernelle's east side home in- dicates that her solution indeed does work and is very ·popular with the denizens or the air. • · But she may have ruined the market for pigeon J.,..,rs eisewhlft, because it looks like every bird in the 8jlthland has come lo roost on 20th St. ' • I • • l l • • • l Park Prospects Good . \ l . l • • • -For Dail y Hand out - When Elsie Wright takes her daily stroll through Central Park during her lunch hour her friends flock to greet her for they have become dependent on her hand-out. As th UPI photographer captures the scene, it would seem Elsie wins one- upmanship over the adage, a bird in hand ls worth two in a bu sh. .. • , \ • ' a • • • ,. .. • 'Pigeon' • • ' • A few bread.crumbs started the whole thing . Now Charlotte Derne//e buys bird seed by the hundred-pound • sack, spending ~ ·about $80 a · month to feed her feathered frie ndi. 7 . , .. • • • . b. .• • Thi,s Fan Puts Out Too Much Hot Air PEAR ANN LANDERS: Th~ girl, I'll call her I.Jla, who works with me, is obeessed with your column . Really, tt's enough to drive a person crazy the way she sits in the cafeteria during lunch hoUr reading It out loud . 'nlls alt.ernoon, a supervilor got mad because Ula was ·interfering with her ~ - ~ .. I• . ' ·• , converaatim. I heard .her say, 0 Shut up. at your respon1e to the man who We read it this morning comJns in on the peid $1 ,000 for hll wife'• a~. train." Ula,..,, rt"'" on Jeldlnl.. 'Ille (lr<t[llan~ WIS cauoed tiy hla -.-I dtri't .,;;;; if 6~r~ dizzy ;Ian i5 a tieSt fiiiif-f~-the hUtband felt bis ~frustrated actress or what, bot she puts "buddy;' owed him '500. You wwered: -··..&.. -"""-· to her _,...,,. It' "When a married woman Itta henelf Into '° 11-.;11 eA..,._,., m '--ti• s a 1·am like that It's HER nrnblem." llke !he's trying for an Academy Awonl. ' •·· This girl Is not making any friend> for Your reply struck me u my yw. Am~. It's enougi) lo {llllke a chauvlnlsllc. Why P..,ailzt tho-hr ~ <UIU);e your · column. Any havtng the biological apparatus for ..Uestions on what to do about it?-childbirth? You seem to overlook the !act YOUR FRIEND 1 1 that the pa~ in this epilOde ~ just DEAl\11\lEND: l 1111<!..to· 11'11 lbe _,as mud! a jar\· of the ,!Wllliem 'D ohe kneel: on .-: a f1l&lrif .. f1•, be slice . \vas--:-I say, equal-tun. e-q aa I LOI -llell-1'" l!'rlonnin1 dally, reoponsi&llity.-PEEVED IN NENNAH lk bnl lldn( IO di b oft •1 for ••!1 DEAR PEEVED: Sorry, Boller, lMd from 1ter •• poulble. wltea , Ged cave 1"111•• die lllofblkal . DEAR ANN LANDERS: l am a girl, 15 yea·111 old, who tried out for basketball Ind made the team. The problem la, I have a hideo111 birthmark tn the center of my IOI{ whlcb will allow when I wear my unifonn. It ls large, very dark, and I ~ k. I love to swim and, ol coune, wbenl'ver I wear a bolhini 1"11 the blrtlunart ts notlc«I by ~· I've besl ~uked IODle VJSY -b qUesllonl'. - I want to hive lbe blrthmart removed Ind Mom I• ogreeable. Can )'<Ill tell me bow k can ·be~ how much It will -and what kind o< a docl<I' ahoWd do it?- SELF .CONSCIOUS DEAit 8.C" AK i·-lamily -II reNM•a.:rad a ..... tal•&IM Ile wAI -,.. .. ..,~.nm ... .. .....i -..... IH k wlll --·~"-""'"' U•P Ute blr1Ulal't II .....,.ed, ,_ can lMrJ (at almll& ~l iome r-bly -moknp tttamt or lotJllM IMt will te¥er tlte blrtbmark ,. well .. •• will Utw It'• ll>ere •• • • DEAR ANN LANDERS : l was amazed ' . 1ppentu for cbUd-bearfn1, He 11• p•e her tk .,.pea;lbDlty of dtddlaJ ,..., lbe Wll toiu lo de with It. It'! a weJI. bow• fiet U.t mett 11tt1. wlD tlke wbltever tbey can pt. A1y wom. m .... Ille bnln1 •be Wll'llonl ----·-t .. ,. • mtrried 11\W' .. " free •• ellllplllo .. tk -.... -tk ·--lktn•··-llpUy•DOlllet'uy. . · • CONFIDENT!AL TO ONLY YOUNG ONCE: Being young la one Illini but being Immature la llClll1<INn( elae. s.m.; peot:le ,.i older but llley never grow up. r.. "'"'1 to fl!I_-.! from under Ille protective wlnCI of )'OUr porentlr Ind tell JOllr 1bil1ty to ny. My -ii(~ )'OI don't do it 900n ~ oeverr ·wUJ • 11 ak:Molhm nlalnr )'Oll1' IUe! &.ow tllo u1pr slgub incl wut II di. Jleld tlll! blokle&, '' Abltoll1m-Rope a .. Help.'' by Alm Luden. Enclose SI ftetl lo,CG41! wtlll -r-llOI I lllf, . .,.mped, selhd*•-"""'"II Ana t11den. P.O. an. 1111. m w. a.It Dr., DJt1io, m. -.. . • ' ... -· n • ........ , ... ..... --· ..... 0 .., . = -·· ' ·' . \ ,· ' .. .. --. . ' . .. • • • l • . . Sunday, Ju1y 21, iq74 DAI LY 'ILOT B I There's More to See Off-road ·in· Mexico Editor'• Note : Carl Cari· tnun, automotlvt toriter of th< DoUv Piiot, In the fo~ lowing arttcll emmfne1 tht adv111ture1 and trlal1 of an off.rood Me:ri.co 1oumeu ht o ••hf<lt d<llpned for i"'t that kind of .,,, 111 CARL CARSTENSEN Of ... Dally l"flet Slttf By now I was lalt<11 up with the mood. "Why stop the<e." I &aid. let's U.,, goin( 1mlil Ille u,.. wear out. 'fbt command decisJoo WU Guio}'bl to Mazatlan to SOn Siu. SUllFBOARIJS M the root, JcrU, sleeping bop, a little food and a few clothes were packed, and our 3,000·mile Wby do people choose to eqiedltion began. 1\:1!~ drive to Mexico? After clearing the Me1icall Obviously, a great many oC border at daybreak'we croaed UI are a1-..1y lool<ing for a the rugged and raw Sonora """ desert. This hot otretdl of mance. Otben seJect it as a highway can be. tedious and new YllCltlon experience; dull and there Is """""11rable une ol. us want to be ~~-entertained. We all look at it temlin in the western United u a UUJe bit of adventure. State but we found it attrac-tive. · When there'• talk 0 f "mivtnl to Mezico" moat Reaching Hermoaillo "e diacovered a c i t y ol. lloutboro Col-quickly liife rliiing -bet ..... ....., eJ:"l',. nlerrlng to the early Spanish and nmem ;" -... ~r..Ti.,oi:i Mexloo. Thia is a pn>lllla ~ ~ agriculturol area not unllke -WIJ lo Clbo -1-. the !._;al Valley. The mUd ' ::r.=ra.a-.... ~ .. :: dimate-mabe ·yeor........i tbo -wat oout ol fanning Ideal. Mn:lt'O, 'put Maratlan to the Our ovemlaht respite on the ...n Ylllqe ol Son lllu. coast o1 the tuif II Guaymaa Noted, for filldnc and now was welcome even though Inhabited by many young driv.inc the good Son o r a people from the United States highway was not ezhausting. becltlle of ideal surf, San Blas Daybreak again found us on •. the road toward Mazatlan. ii reached by a ICenie, paved passing tbrough vast areas of . ' ' road llaat wm:ts -down from fertile fann and ranch .Jand Meiloo 16 lo die dense jungles throilgh the larger cities of MAZATLAN'S OLA~ ATLAS BEACH CONTRASTS-SANDY SHO~.E ON NORTH SIDE OF ToWN al tbe tropical ·lowlands. OJidad Obregon, l4s Mochls The ancient isolation o f TRI Q\JlCK change to and OJliacan. Driving is Mexico's we9t coast no longer speotacu]ar jqle Dora is routine here as Maico IS is exists, with fOOd roads having .....,.. ~ n.ome. well ma.Qained. -intnldedtha, 00 1 t the looL ~~~ . 'l'be "'1liml -ol the curv.. ...... = ltlt ....i 111 ..,,.._ a UWe '!(?WEVER, large trucb rood is a remartable sight. ~ wllb Fonl'o 1171 and • -dominate most Thia old port city r ... rt -....._ drive and ~~to"::~' -_.umltfel f« mm .., ~ diotmltclll was to There' noChlng lik ,_...._ .; water sporta, and sport fishing ..:,_ 11i1 o.;a,ma Wbco my 1 . e .....,_.ig _ 11 among the best anywhere. c:ada Ital 11111 dlicmled this the. rear view mirror" and A trip t.o Mazatlan's municipal db 1 t..._ neliNxw, the aeemg,. the laJ'le 0'1W market shouldn,'t be deltlnltion '-.ned to dmlge catcher 00. the front grill of overlooked. In this square city -u qukSly II. new maps could . a ~nU..tra1ler onJy irdes block market you can nego-be proeurred. I faun acquired behind you, They do lend to Uale will! !he other citizens another cock'tver. tailgate. . for just about any type of food Early evenine found WI at or clothing. · After deliberadoa I found our Mazatlan 'oeadlfront hotel . Automobile and ~er Muatlan to be m acceptable The Bronco was b a re I y fen"' service b e t 'we e n dMtination and the idea of a .. 1...........:i w1..-•1..-111~--"-' ~~ 1ia-1 i.11e 111.NiL11£i Mazatlan and La Paz across ,Jum beadtront hotel; warm flew c:lf .the root and my the gulf Is also available if '!IUD and water, cold beer and t!a vel 1 ng com panlont you choose to go one way via Iota of. ahrilnp sold me. disappeared dov.n . the road to lhe Baja highway. SOOrtly after making the a well-known surfing spot. commitment I started hearing · Mazatlan by auto ls a good about San BJas. "It's just trip and it gives you that extra down the road a ways," I W• fleDbility of beq able to tee told, "perfect for off.,,,.dini." the town and vistt !he people. A FEW DAYS in Mazatlan ~ the drive to San Blas t'5Y· After finding a suitable campoile and selling up tents my qodrivers again vanished. this \imeJor f\.1atachan Bay. Here, under normal cooditioM, ~tng is ideal and ridel cad-be close to a mile tn 1 .. gth. . One IWier DOted it took him nearly JJ minutes Of walldna: ~ck up the beech to re-enter the water art.er a good ride. 1be beadies are secluded and uncrowded and t h e scenery is exquis.ite. 'lbe beavy sand provided good off. roadlng. Our 1974 Bronco was the deluxe Ranger version and interior appointments a r e rather pash for Utls type or vehicle. Seatine is comfortablt. and not fatiguing and you're up high enough to see over the hood. This becomes quite necessary wllen off<Oadlng. Our eosy-hapdling short- ~'beefbase unK was equipped with the small a v.a which is atandard ln C a I i r o r n i a , stand the shirting procedure a u t o m a t I c transmission, with the four-'<'-'beel. drive. It is pov.·er steering and few other a ·litUe complex in the Ford txtras. The 302 provides 1and shifting mistakts can f':DOOgh power and t h e cause difficulties. A quick lee- aut.omalic Just makes driving son ' is all that's necessary. , easier. You can shift manually AJ. San Blas we drove the il )'00 chlooe. beaches and thnlulh .-i DISC BRAKES would have jwigie-Jike ten-ain wllh no been more suitable ttran the difficulty. At one P>iflt, the standard drums but no loose sand nearly covertd tba problem w a s experieno;id. wheels and gave us a few Discs seem to respond better anxious moments, but wt· through excessive heat, dirt puUed through. _ "· and water. The ~ronco was The opportunity to explore. also equipped with Um.ited Slip miles of isolated beaches, to and Traction-Lok axles. These enjoy surfing and to prowl fhe. items are advisable for use in languid, tropical climate givesr' d"'!l sand. 1'\lC Bronco offers _the feeling of being 11"ldll! plenty of orr-road mobility. farther away from {l.'ewpoot OJr Brooco also was equi,r Beach than only 1500 miles. ped with a roll bar, "tnich There's plenty of. CBS but · always adds a feeling of safety facilities are limited, s·o and a 7.$.gallon auxiliary gas travelers should keep the tank ·tank to supplement tbe stan-as full as posilible. Water ii . dard 12-gallon capacity. It scarce but rbeer is plerWiful. would be important to Wlder· Carry driI¥ne water widJ you. Paris Youth ·Rine Japanese .Cycle~ ParkReservatio11s Advisable ": • :-01 PARIS -Every_aflernoon (and all day week· ends) the motorcycle kids get together at the corner where. Rue Quentin Bouchard enters the Champs ~lysees, just belt>w the Arc de Triomphe. No hippies. No Hell's Angels. 'These yo.ungsters run 8 to 17 years. They are dressed to the nines in rally-type outfits that cost up to a thousand dol· lars. Their bikes are chromed -and polished to re- flect the Paris sun. Mainly Japanese: Hondas, Ya· matos, Suzukis. eludes their first racing cars. • A shopping counter sells miniature glass cars for candy. Automobile jewelry. All the posh auto gear. The motorcycle kids and the Renault place · make a great afternoon. Saturday's best. ·* * .. Visitors to 21 of the nat ion's national parks are being urged to write for overnight camping reservations Jn order to avoid being turned away because of limited camping sites. System. Inc., Post Office Box 1976, t:;edar Rapids, Jov.·a 52l0tl. The request 3/Jould contain a self-addressed st a mp e d. envelope, the complete nam e and address of · the vjsi tinf party, nwnber or people in the party, exact visiting dates, and the .'Size and type of vehicle being used, including boats. More than 25 million "'·' Americ~ are expected to .. ------------------\:k;"'be";':;';~' :~1 ~r:~ Order Yours NOW .•• Utile bikes for little kidl - I saw one 8-yoar- 1-old· girl dolng-flgurHighto-you-.ouldn'rbelleve:- 1 Priced the clothing at a bike shop nearby: Black boots with chain ornaments, $100. Decorated he!· mets, $70. Leather trousers, $150. Leather jackell the same. Gloves $30. "How do we ,.t Into China? Is it possible?" - About like . getting the camel through the needle's eye. You can apply in Ottawa, a People's Republic office'there. In Hong Kong there's an of- fice. If you write to either one, they won't answer. _ If you walk.JJl,_tbey_5_,1iy: "Who invite<t_you?" You say: 111 "don't know anyone. But if I could get in, I'd meet somebody who'd invite me." They say : "You must be invited.first." (The cart goes before the hone Jn China.} I've asked a dozen times. Same deal. I even carried a book, "The Sayings of Chair- man Mao." TRAVEL LA-Vegas Route Set Labor Day 'veekend. while Ol!.IY about 10,000 campsites {--:,-....,. . exist to accommoda te them. -..._ -"\ Accordlngiy , the rate of • -t J 000 tumaways has risen-urarp1y - -• •-- within recent summers. ~ Tu1s MONTH t he J!t ( Beautiful ' I ' . ' , .. ' • • They stand around rapping and ltlmirtni each other. Occasionally tiring up the cycle and doing acrobotic riding over curbl and on tho oidewall:s. · Across the lllree~ Dnig WOii Creperies sells the best crepe• lri Parts. They fold them into cones or into three-pockell like Mexican tortillas. (The Sonora fold .) Each pocket holdl something: chopped lamb, mint jelly, salad. ,Lots o! dessert crepea too. Price $f.50 to $5 and they're '!forth every franc. Absolute• must in this area, a block away, is the Re~aull auto •~ency. Go above the model ex-~bit to the mezzanme where, there"il a restaurant. The booths are antique automobile bodies. 'The itghting is from old·olyle auto lamp•. Fenders and ··wheels are used for ornaments. And the f0<!4 _is e1cellent. -on ·the second floor there's a-collection of re. stored antique Renaults dating back to 1898. In- They DO sometimes take tour groups on in- telloclual pursuits: Doctors, students. Canadians seem to get on tours without problems. The Ameri- can walk·lD is 88 -out. ·- *' -''We've been off•red •membership ($10) in "• trivet club tfllt promises very low-cost travel .. , .. Man, wateh that one! Lot of people have been taken on these "clubs." Anybody can start one of those things -there's no policing. When they can't deliver, what can you do? Sue for.your $10 back? Questions you want to asj< travel clubs: What airline is flying. you? Then call the airline and ask who these people are. Have they reserved planes? Done business with them before? Uthe -airline OKs them, it should be all right * * -:-• "Are tr•!•l•rs' checks the but way to carry nwneyr' .· . I think so -and that's what f do. They caah everywhere, even when banks are closed. A Jot of savings and loan companies give You tree travel checks if you have a deposit with them. Otbenrlle they cost you $1 for each $100 of checks. ' Flow of Yanks-and Dollars-Abroad Slows H you \lie J,hem on your hotel bill, the-hotel Ulllally TAKES $2 on the $100 -I've had them rip .......,. to 20 -t and me off as high as $5. So cash thent in banks. Very ROME (AP) -Europeana wllo Jive off the tourist dollar are Jflll'Din« a hard leS90n thl• 'year: 'tile Yanks aren't commg. 'nwi chief rea!Km is that Europe is no longer a berjiain. ~--· small charge. 'l1io problem is alltvlat..I IOIMwhat by a rill! in the nmMer.. of Europeans diKoferlllJ Europe. Bui many loot with ,..,..1 at the puling or the days""'1en the camera-tottnl Americln WM I S -.. the 1bopteepen ..... to take bl• money. "'!be era ol the 1111-opending YllDll lo -· for now ot least,'' Yid a London hotelier. All ',Italian travel apnt agreecr: 11Tboee who are on lirnl~ badpb can"t alloni $10 ~, oo a continent where they are auppqeed to apend ,. a dey." · · ,,,.. A~~.-that Amer tourlJm in Europe· decl O'!.'f1Where thla year, from I IQ percent ln m0re In Britain, Italy and Biggest travel check thievery la in Nairobi. ~ almolt ctrtainlv They invented "leafing." Room boy unhooks the ' braclnnd lakea one or two from Ille middle '!' )'PU ': ~ ~'"f:..!n ~:., __ w_o_n'_t_n_Ot_ice_._ No_st_ij_b_l_e!t_._So~•-ta-'p_,t•.-th_e_m_to~· _gO!b_ee_:r_. _ 1 $US. Le Terrule Pepe, a -1&1" Tourlll dining lpOt In cmtral l.aOOoo, nfled Its f<lOd pricOI 30 percent. . its wines llJO percent '!be Americans who come to Europe seem to be _making Uil!lr holidays llhorter than they ueed lo. AlrU... .... bofl!Jo ..,,or! earlier return& home. "'l'be 11-In the United Stales la not too -• ond --lze by cul· tin( thlr trlpo abort," said a apokesman tor the Wet Gff" man Tourist Office. TUEY AUJO oeem to be spending leas. In Copenhapn. American tourbts often are eeen 1aktnc tbe bul ''or even walklna," a tourilt o1nc111 ukl. They are "abaolutely not linlnt up In Copnhqen'1 flllC)' fur a hops," he added. HAWAII '7 • Dmr ...... .. -Hal.., .. ,, 7 tll •1,alwu1 .................. ,._ ~,.. '"· "°""'· "_,.. lll'lll ~;....,_on "'.., _ _.. -...,, ~ COSMO WORLD TRAV~l -flew At Twe C••1M1.t LontloM 1!11"'11•rt •-h .• H.aiik1gt• 1eac11 645-9610 96Z·5519 · JttW.Ca.INwy. JltJ6•11tl ... ........ . ....... ,,.... C.11 tor FREE COior Vacalion Brochure . . .. . . ' ' . I ' ' ·- W ASllINGTON !AP) -A special ~ train 1ervi~ bet"""' Loo Angeles and La5 Vegu ·wilt go Do operation, this tall, Sen. Howard Cannon (D-Nev.) has announced. c omputerized reservations ~ ( ---:.1 ~J) · service of Park lleservaHoo -f~'::?~ Stick-on 'Labels System. Inc., of Cedar RaplM, ~ -~ 11 Iowa, has been pres,,ed Into v .duty to respond to mail •nd .•PERSONALIZED telephcne orders for overnight cam~ space. Using a unlque monitoring and scanning device, the system is able to quickly locate available campsite s a n d assign them in res ponse to ;·~1a t •srYUSH / -~ •EASY TO USE v-;;,., requesta. .. ' \ Cannon said Amtrak would operate the t r a I n in conjtmction with Lall Vegas Charter Service, Inc. He said no public funds would be used. The terVice begins Sept. JJ and will consist of 1wo or three · round trips weekly, running on Fridays, Sundays and nne Wednesdays. Las Vegu Oiarter Sen•lce has guaranteed a minimum of 400 -per trip, Connon &aid. Since" its genesis on July I, Part Reservation System has fielded 50,000 requests for nation&I park accommoda· -•ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND " tiona.. Prelpective · o v e r ni g h t visitcn to national parks are asked to plan their visil5 as fif in a dvance u poMible, tben send their requests in full to Park Reservation DM'I GO-.-ON (IUIS before you' have consulted the cruise experts at the CflUISE GUILD OF ORANGE COUNTY ' ~~ The only comp8ny specializing excliU&ively in cruise vacation travel. ~ . . ... ' . ' CRUISEGUILD of ORANGECOUNTY W. hold block space on '"°'' popular cruises . ZIZI C.lMPUSlllLSUITll IRYllll. CAI.If. HH4. 17141 833°2974 .--------..wn ... I::. =.. ·~ ~f--,-. ....... I a..-!!!.e I ... a.=:. ---·------ • • ' •• j • -----------, ,_..,......_ ... ___ _ -...... :.............................. I SlrW ................................. ,, .•.••• OCv ................. , •..•••• ~ ................... . z... ' ' .................................. . ...,. ... ......... .. ... . . .. I c:-=--·--·-····---· . . ) ·- IHAPE AND Ill~ OF LAIEL Mrt. John Doe 12:J Miiln Si reel .Anrtow'ri , lnr1Tif• 12l&5 r---------------------, Fill in thi1 coupon, clip and m•il with"ll.25 It: 1 ~ ' 'il•I 'rlnting L•bel Div., I 1'. P"t Offtce Box 15'o I Cotta Mesa, C1Jllornl1 92626 ••.•• .,, •. • ••"••H••••••Moo w .. •••• ............. "" ·••••• • • .. ·-··· ................................ -· ...... .. • ''"'""'" ••••••-••••••••O"•'"""••M,,ooo_,,,_ •• ,, ............ ,, H• Y•• h l11r• te "M yevr 11, <• ,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,, I I • I ~---------------------~ • ' • ' • ' •· • I ~---------------------------....;..-~. 8 oAtLV PILOT Sunday, Ju!Y 21, 1q74 TODAY'S CIDSSIDBD PUZZLI ""'-"'T-ee_na_g_e D-r-iv~er="-'- ACROSS 70 Burmese 134 Blbllcal 29 Highway language ~"Ounlty 33 Nero's 1 Corolla 71 Large book 136 Pr-evaricator "eteven .. leaf 72 Dueling 137 Play area 35 More 6 Appetizing sword 14 1 Printer's asinine Jelly 73 Slice fluid 38 Forcible 1 1 Butcher's 75 Barter 142 Aviator's encroach· wares 76 Outfit marking . ments 16 Dirt 77 Doctrine 14 4 Modlcum 39 Supplication 2 1 Wed 78 TV hosl 146 Roman robe 41 Corroborate secrelly 79 Planet 148 Kl'llghl's 43 Tant alize 22 Sofa 8 1 Ae gean title 45 Eas tern 23 Planet Island 149 Altending potentate path 82 Well: llalian 150 Hawaiian · -1 7 British 24 Habituate 83 Closest vine I princess 25 Morindin 85 Chinese 15 1 Came l 49 Anger dye society 154 Charged 50 Small bird 26 Acrid U Possesses particles 52 Scheme 28 Measuring 88 Thin cookie 156 Travel 54 Key·shaped device: 2 89 Tidy 157 Female 55 Globulin words 90 Denomin· relative plasma 30 Japanese a lion 159 Bequeath 56 Near by drama 91 .Keyeduc 160 River ducks 57 Naval 31 Overhead 92 Young 162 c raw 'officer train salmon 164 Senior 59 Proper 32 Latin 93 Fortification 165 Requires 61 Enticing king_ 95· Gre0K letler ·5s sma,11 "63-C-oif about 34 French 96 Jason·s ship herring 64 Anxious kings 97 Under 167 Ta lly 66 Petty 36 Siamese 100 Above DOWN quarrel measure 101 Bro·wn kiw"i • 67 ladder step · 37 lukewarm 102 Spindly. 1 Fleshy fruits 69 As iatic 39 Chum 104 Mild oath 2 Girl's name country 40 Cul 105 Scottish 3 As far as 72 T award quickly line 4 Suitable • sunilse 4 2 Comple.te 1bs Prohibil 5 Shakes· 7 4 You: ltallan section 107 Fight pearean 76 Measured A4 Chesl 109 Afternoon king vision sound party 6 Pretending 78 Heraldic fu r "6 Heat 110 Repast 7 Thus · 1g Sonanl source 1 1 t Cease a EngliSh 180 Sodden 47 Choir 112 Alleged tavern 82 Unadorned voice force 9 Sacred 84. Stern 48 Curl 113 Conceit picture 65 Hebrew 5 1 Moist 115 Drowsy 10 Seat letter 53 Dried 117 Man's name 11 Type ol 87 Court plum 11 8 Cylindrical home 88 Desire 55 Harmony 120 Liquid 12 Miscalcuta1e· 90 Enthroned 58 Deposited mea sure 13 Touch·upon 91 Asiatic 60 Small 122 Within 14 Mah·jongg sheep brook 123 Praised pieces 92 Ring out 62 Overly 124 Together 15 Accelerate 93 Automaton decorated {with) 16 Discover 94 Oqd'ge 6 5 Garlic 126 Move 17 Cadmus·s 95 The two section smoothly daughter 96 Grows old 66 Nun 128 Cowardly 18 Card game 97 Donk ey 68 Mu slcal . 130 Football 19 'Tend serenade embellish kick 20 Greel lng 98 Collection ment 132 Male swan 27 Circular 99 Expected SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS 101 wlJhlully Gove_rning body 103 And: Latin 104 Lay awa)' 107 Food: comb. form 108 Paddles 110 Fusible. substance 111 Meditate 113 Judo emblem 114 Small valley 116 Conclude 1 17 Sardinia (abbr.) 119 Social position 12 1 Molds O• tungi 123 Florida Key 125 Aurilerous 127 SP,ol_led cat 129 Chinese religious 130 Liberace's inslrument 131 Unto 133 Carried 135 Cast le ditches 138 While 139 .Harst!ness 140 Sluggard 142 Equal 143 Knot 145 Boy·s school 147 Picnic pests 150 Sk8ting surlace 152 Scottisr. congre!',. 153 Growl 155 Pouch 158 .Verbal ending 16-1' French article 163 Beheld!- Gets His Victim By ER'.\lA BO~lllt:CI-\ \'.'ho is roster than a speeding bull rt? Able to race lcco111ot i\'t'S? Leap tall buildings in-a singl e b~tu1d:' A teenage driver, that ·s AT WIT'S END . v.·ho. get n lot of rq:pllcnnl s for I tlcn·1 know ir a p:lrenl instructors. but \re scoop lhc e\•er gets over their 'childrer. crcnn1 orr the to\). llad a dri\'ing but I tried. For il bullfighter in here frn-a fe\\.' couple of years afl('f the \\t'eks. Poor de\'i\ just. couldn 't second one had gotten his take the pressure. A lot of license, I had to be heavily vcrerans apply. ·rhf!:v th ink se dat e d an d \.\'hCll il lhey 've conquered ft ar. but appe..lrcd my \'Chlcul::tr DTs they can't hack it t\\'O days. \1·ere wider COIJtTol, another \\'here's your son?" -~ca1ue..to....m~·~•unldd~•w1t~te~r'ed-::.C:::.::.:.~=-=::...---­ the fi\'e \>O rd s that strike llE WAS in the car holding terror in the hearts of p.lrents the cigaret lighter in the air everyv:here, ''I'm 15 and a and shouting. "Is this a spark half." plu~?''----- "I'm going to assign !\1r . AS l told ; husbttnd, "I 1 rd d \Vil ia to your ron,1' he so i . can't go throu it again. I'm "lfe's a veteran of 153 yowig yet. I v.·ant to lh·e. l missions and is credited \Vith \\'Ml ·to see the sun set O\'er savinli the lives ·O( inore than i\fcDonalds : .. the bottoms of 200 pedestrians. 15 statues, a 1ny copperware shine ... thl' boy scout \vho \Yas being balhroo111 scale sturk on 113 helped across the stroot by :111 ... I v.•ant to dance and sing old lady." and laugh. non·t you under-i\1f. _\Villiard <!Qpearf'tl_ill a S'land? J can't go throui;;h-an-green beret. a jump suit. and otht'r teenage driver.'' parachute boJts. • ·~\I r . \\fe found the solution to our \\lilliard."' I said, my eyes problems in the yelio"' page~ glistening "·ith tears, • ' I ... a drh·er·s sc:1001 called Id 1h b · t man Kan1il..ilze Driving Acaden1y. cons er you e ra\es "Our teachers are all top in the V.'OrJd. HO\V do you men,·• said the dircetor. "\Ve climb inside C\'Cryday \l'ifh these affiateurs." Ha11g Glider .. Meet Today Uang glider_mce t ~$ place today at Escape Coun· try in Trabuco Canyon. Pilots from throughout the United Stales will compc1c. A new event is the bQmbing event -entrants \\i ll ca rry a \\'ater balloon and ain1 for a plastic swimming pool. Admission \~iii] be ~I 'l'•ilh chi ldren under six admilterl free. His eyes never Jett the floor as he mumbled, "I an1 immortal. I am immortal. I am ilnm ... " "It's all right. Jim:' s.'lid his supervl<;or softly. • ' Y o u · v c onJy. ·got · 13 more-combat n1issioos before R and R." 1.-ly son in...~rted the key in the g\ovt! t0mparln1cnt doer and shouted. "ls this \\•here I put the key·! I kno\1 hO\\ ·to drive. I just have to log so111e hours.·· As the car took off T "·ill nc\·er forget ~Ir. \Vi\\iord's stricken face if I lire to be a thousa nd and his \\•hhnperi ng. "I am immorta l. I feel a little sick. but I am immortal ... " 7/L7J.ZING S7J.DDLES ~II~ "BUTCH CASSIDY AHD Ti 1, JN[J[ti8[11_1 ,./iilll THEIUHDAHCE KID . ' ,, "1 1 1r_;1-1TFOO r tHE tERr:imAi 1:1Af;1 7 HE srrNG "A ~HWIE (;l.ASSH;? '"l"OU 'i'll.L lit: IJ1Tf.Hl.l. t"ASCINATt:n.· -t....1.n ... -........... ..r. _,,crt:Rt:OPTJIE ~10.,Tll! A POIGS.\'.\1' LO\'t: S'TORl'. t:l'BILI, ~111:ru~:RD 1.i )f.I 11. \'EW t:S. .4. llLl1.111~ ··•IQl"l'..M"l.Sll l!o!P, .\ ,.llOUHCAll'fl.O I Rt:r !lPIM I r.,,, r:i:)li -s...-.. ........ .w.. ... ,.~ f"l)Wl\l•D•, !j\~\l\•f'l!ll .... ' ... '· .. ' .-... -NlWlll4N ---. • ...,.,. ..... ,.~,. ~I Jll(811NG , )¥IHNU 1 ACA~Y AWAIDSI -c.,;,,;;.~1t.tUI .... .,. ... , '"'"'~"'' ..... ' I \I I'\ • ~ -. I I W . . . " . ' --11 ...... C-.1'1ofo Uk"t ..... '"'"1'11000 ••• ,. .......... .,...w .. "'"'"""''"'OICf" .._.._ ...... ,, .. __ .... _I,,.._ Wl~TOROO• 1 """;!;< ,.,..., . . llli!I man ~ B b as. "It Computer-!identJ!i;t. "°' '"""' ,,,..,_a ::I: he ll!i vlolently OOmlc -------· __ , ... --.• _,,,.,_ --.. , .. _ ' _. .. ,..,_, __ ,_,_ -..• Nl-.WJ'OR'f (-·· . . . ·····-·. -· ·-· -··-·· -.... •\ . . .. .. -... -. -. ·-·. • • • • • • • • • & • ... • • • '. •• l Hard to Clioosc Cary Jl..filler. cente r, tries to choose a courtesan in a sce11e from Edi son' J-ligh School's summer musi- cal. .. /\. t=-unny Thing flappened on the \\lay to the Forum." Kathy Tont i, left, Pam Grundman, stand- ing r ight, and Diana Pike, kneeli11g, are among 120· students pre·senting 'the \Vednesaay through .July 27 production, \\1hich \Vil l start each evening ill ~ o'clock ~t O\v~1er School in Huntington Beach. !------------- ---CtN/OOMI ?O . ' . .... "' .... -CiiiiuMI ?/ ' .-' 1 T I • I "IUTCH CASSIDY •THI SUND.I.NCI IUO" _........_ ..,.._..., .. "CNIMAT~ .. 111 .. -''WO•LD'S GllATIST ATHlfTl" "THUNDllllOLT AND UGHTPOOr' Ill -"111STM4G" "IUTCH C ASSflll & THE SUMDAHCEIOD" •• '"THI: Hf:Alllllf:.U IUD" .. ~ ... ,.._.....-: ROllRI lllDfOID KATHARIMI ROSS. "BUJOi WSIDY AND THE SUMDANClllD COITUISA fOI Socllh Co.lst-#1 714-s.\6.271 1 COITUISA • Pwlo Ori'ft.ln 714-545-3313 n1111 Slddleback P1111 Cinerr.1 714-~1·5'80 •uttTUMITDN llACM " H1111tifttl:on Cinem1 714-147-9608 llMCC -20 7l•SJ!.Jl21 • •• ·-· •••• ,& -, ... .• . -, .. •; • I . ~~. ~hard ~on Sunday, July 21, 1974 ........ "···· ..... :-:v. -~·.,: . ,• ... , . . ' Your Ears: Progressive Rock· Dies , ·~·;:jty 'MIOM.u P.wa& allow bla ltallon lo IO on {:.;, Of .. MllW •ltlll .... ~'"·"'~-\ I01ing pwler? But as lood a • ~,.·If.¥ ean are burning. Not question i1: Why can't tho ;ibldtute UMy'¥e talking U\'C>Ut Los AngclH-Oranee County Gie, but becaUJe lhey"re not market support one measly Ni ltUbJUnc: about me. Me, progressive rock outlet' :~ la, aild all the ojhcrs '111o6e who. find Top 40 (OI" i :;oic: whom popuJor music Is :io or IO or lO, 11 k now :4io}etJUnl more Uuin noise to ls practiced) i.U ,1 ha n :.Wam above. stlmul~llN: materlat h a v e :!~=Jbey1re ~(ldag because the cverf rilht to le41. 'Hke the >!*"1 few ban of Hstenable, cattlemep dkl as~ watched .. ~lure-type mu 11 I c farrnen -wreci: the..,... range :lioi'a '1oeo •rued fro m the by ereciin( f,._, ,:~di.IL Well, to·be specific, Away back when, there 1W :~_fO retUo ii back in control a r espect ab 1 e KPPC. ,:ji( our hlncers, an v i 11 . Admittedly radio 1tafJ1 aren't ~ ·and druma. One ol 1cno.., for 0tbelr st.billly but ~Iii' laot:-M,. lo my ear it it waa 1 toodl too""'*;...,.., The entire noct of station conlrotlen: Collecllvely real· ~that the radio freaks \\00 mlllion·aellft' the dly before. the old KYMS guard 11:new a That's easy listening? ch.ana;e wall In the alrwRVf1, Don't aet thil .-a. No Severlt « the former jockeys another within U seconds. buddy, if vo'hafs ,qood tor t Just hit the button, if you broadcaster's pocketbook l.m't ha \'e any buttoos left. Thi.! ,qood to your ears . and lea talk and more music -and aome variety - j1.11t don't sJX?nC( the bre1ul tllllt the broader audlenet1 (whlch include! teeny-hope thrbugh the nearly 9ffllie) 4oes. 11 ... _ ptbered and made some one is ad11ocatJ,,.: a return feeble jokes about what was to the spaced-out sAturday In atore fbr listeners. But they afternoon ~ w~h dldn't hint of the severity or a name like a.no. who it all. Actually they handled wh!Sper"ed and • pau.ed 30 themselvee with remarkable seconas between words and reltralnt. Ir they knew the claimed to have been so full ct11aequences of t h e stoned he couldn't talk, ID change they ~Id have been commercials rampant toda~· -----------1 on every station, FM being \'irtually a1 corrupted a~ AM , 1--111-.... '9 ~-'""'-lilce-<l-•ud In ..,.-rellWha"Ci llii KPPC Jl\IUW'" bu -C<><llll<d by brass canned the Whole batdl ,,.._.,...,~...t~ll.llsm. ·To call It oLdeeja'YI.~_,. RMult: The bearabl e comm ercial messages prQduced by l nd ivid!Jn l stations vanished, and the •llek, teetl><:lenchlng hype hit hlU'd . It .tarted with your friendly, laid·back '"e cord ltore cha"', bot now even General Motors itnd i t s mmpetJtor1 blve joined in. 'd · t ha to llsko to driven to *8)'lng some things you JUS ve , thtt would have ro-A-', n11Jllng at minutes of mwlc an hour. '"""" ,,M But FM .. ,_..1ve rock" « the plug unannounced-like t"'"&' -.-KPPC engineers did in 1971 had a~ the key,bknd and like the Russians did to of nonaggress1ve penoaalltte1 the the networks oo Nixon's and broad must•cal -~ •-'p JJl'Oi1'0ll1n1i that prevtoally ~~· . OH, '1'111 IOUND lan't quite e I u de d the. e i: tr em e IJ'...:WOULDN'T be surprising the same as on the news fonm-both rigid AM and the if this stampede { 0 w a rd station that dad listens to. inJUaj,ly structureless Ot Well cmnmerclall I s I f surely ha\'e been responsible for the enraged destruction of nlOl"'C than a few car radio selectors. SO 1 T ' S get-oul-the-old- Dylan·albums time, because you're not likely to hear anything on the radio except what 's dictated by record sales. A vicious circle. it-is 'nt--1--< ~--Id be belaborbijf .tlie'" H .J ·~ KLOS ~ owtVeic,."""~ WU .~ ,~ (IOl ,S) in Sula to rely on: and tater some ''~DO ...... lail!lt llleutln fam lllor '"'"'"' (Jfll Gonut-, (.~ Jorm, lt hao been . Steven Ck!an• others who used ::~ wtt11· aame "static to be 00.i'rniog) even turned 'lbert's a feeble , se><:aUed "enough, however, couldn't be sm s e • tock baod inJtead ol aome , left alone. defeating. It, is hel p(ul to ha\'e Johnny Mann sound·allkes It couldn't make tnoof h lard music before 'YOU go slnclnl "Pack up the kid& and money. 1be All·American old out to buy it, and a lot of crank up lhe car," competttive drive crashed Ir· the air time ol stations today "'hich the stations no lon~er lead at all ; they ·just play what you've shown rou "'an! to hear, because .1 ou ' 'e lxl'.lght the -alblim alre11dy. And they play It five limes an hour. Jn between are comJftS9ed commercials. • ..,,. .. 00'1 '"''" 1•1 ~=~l kid you l'bt-Orange up on KMET, .IO" )'ounger KVMS wasn 't the best ~.-: • . UJl:eners wOOee ~ t t ·en ti o n nample ol akemative radio, ;::-·· • ' '.'' J • span1 could handle -.. · but It was all that remained. ;:~;bol'fT ~ where o1at longer thttn "three mbN&a,. Bill Fox w~'t ~ eaaief!t ;:~~ 1hi'dlel itot lo!<t. n iey sought refuge there. Alter 111, announcer to listen to 'itqi~doubt' burled Jt with !he didn't the kkld~' 11stene'rw ("Whew, "'tlw! Whew, wow !") ~ ,~ ,ad. ltllent that the have mQllt ct the A~I dial but Jikt most of !he rest of ·~ ioWnen could net to themselves, not .to menUoo hill tmdles he knew how to • ~at11, Don Steele's S 1 tu r ct a l' . }>I~ ~ to play. LllJen ~ '' It. i~'\~they, Soulh\·:csten1 evening ~· oo ":hidt they ·in now and you'll be lucky ,~ who art? 50 could wiggle their newly to bear anything other than .. ~l_t lq1 ~1rl.e. Rein~ prncti-developedtparts? EltOn John. John Donver and • c8.11"boW1Jna11)' :1ear:1 can on1: \Veil , it..:wun't erwugti. l\iM;)e\·er happened lo bal•e a .. ... .. ~x-~ . tistic·success. The ratlnp rrce is 1*lutht by LicortCe Pizza, was on and the Jlatenei ,11ot 'Wben!.tloule and the other trampl!'l!.SoontherewaSlta omnipresent record watt's Clilference between one-time d_.ttblei' Uice KMET. .,ltbllahments. NOW where KLOS and KPPC and the likes do }'OU hear • new sound be- ol KROQ and KKOJ fort l*I buy It? Hearing the And it's just tough listening . · F.qles slni "Old '55" 10,000 times doesn 't ,much belp one SMASH COMIDY AND NOW the dlaeaae hu been c.Ontracted by the more local. and for a !hort tlrm? ff'ore responsive. K Y M S . It's the Lemon 10ti. - decide whether lo buy a n C\'f'' ._ ___ P··-· o_G_R_A_M_i __ ~ 1 Ear:ly last Sunday morn ing Van Mon1son album. 1r --1bere tsn't a surprise left. Lilt.en to the soog on ooe FM rock stltion and it's guaranteed to be playing on "M.A.S.H." ... • "1MI MTSTUIOUS I LA"D Of C4".t..'" MIMO" ~a.1ot.t J••t~IPGI SPKitl ''"'" 12:30 10 1:00 p.on. I••• .... Su"' & H011do11! S1.0D S.A. flllWY !MANCHESTER EX.I C.G. f lllWY ICITY OR . I XJ A 11 MUSii us• v """ .... """' Cj..W.'t SM.t Mreitltl" ll'GI • 1'MI .. ()()'f'I TUii" Ill 6.. ~ML M.t..J1sn1k ,... "WHITI l.MoKTMING" ll'GI :;~fl'he Best .I~n 't .. .,,.. • Ill This Book WOODY ALLEN ~ "PLAY IT AIOAIN SAM'" hth 111 Color '• "'" :::::::' :~:~~s for summer n:ading :·~·prere-ably slim as litmus, :::(.Sy to /can')' in a beach !>Ag, :;=too not too heavy on the brain ' , I ' li>iiOlib<i'V""iiliiiiilJi<iii=f=====================~::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'.~j contents quickly prons~ but of !he snobbuy 1n th11 non- <'<»notnists ·who have ti.t ~ llX .., · book is not ooly unreliable, but ·~ ;::~ have always leaned in the ·~~cUon of froth. but this ~--900 the publishing industry :·~reached an all·thne low in ~ area of literary ineptitude with the appearance oC an ldhtically pompous non-Oook calJed "The Best" (Farrar, Straus & Ciroui:. $5.95). Non-books have a I w a y,s cluttered the ma rk et, attracting the' pocketbooks of people ~no can't read. with subjects ranging ftom poems to mull through whil~ silting on the john to how to grow~ orchids out oC ice cube!. What makes "The Best" more obnoxious then . most non-books is the alanning degree to wtu_ch Jt t».kes itself seriously. Gll,\NTE'o, no book that calls John Simon the "best movie critic" can really be taken seriously. even as trivia. But Peter Paasell and Leonard Ross (not writers at all, as even the briefest glance at the C'fllll!.sr. c,,... •• 1'21.1141 FAMILY 'l'Wlil .,....,.,. tJa.1241 Willkllqfta IJ .. tJt6 "4-'-"'~' 6Jt ..... ... an ea5y public ripoff -ud-· R R&ID dan<eroos. we all know 00w b&dfy , . r can MJUt, with more economists need extra money In· the j u i ti f i c a t ions 1 n d today, don't we?) do lndNd Rew quallficatlans than 1.1e set ,expect the innocent dupes who ~ forth by the authors, that the buy their non-boot to tak'e "best instant coffee" l s their WlWarr&nted QPinions t.rout>k.. to ~uce what 1 the Yuban, not Kava. seriously_.. publflben 'call 11 • decadent I CAN LAUGH of( their So they offer, with a whole earth catalog for the insistence that the "best · ht f -~ rratl h urban middle-claa" w Ith straig • •~ na ve, sue · r••tau-•is 1'n • ·ndon" sre Erneraonian dcdicallon. "" ..... u.i arbitrary judgments as. "the lhase sinister Indian-Pakistani beftt book in the ,Bible" (Job), m:t'\' REALLY do honestly cellars where more JJl!OIM,e get "the best camera" (the believe}stf is the "best peanut food ppj.soning each yelr Swedish HasseJblad with a ~ter,'' poor sa~. And. if tbe Harley Street ~ can $-t ,IXKI Jens system), ''the best like me:, YoU couldz\ 1 .. c1re. l~ss~ ,, c: co.mm 0 date..: on the / diet" (something frun a about the best pnvate Jet · aasu.rn'p t i 0 n . tbat their Junior high t~xtbook that liR:Jer $1,000,000" or "the bel!f. ~has ~'tkem 'l'li follows the chapter on why $acher torte in ~ ww~'' or ~ ~"0~cti . is . you-sbouldn·i""Make out on tile ~"',!the best fi".,._...r Ucmh" Qr ~~nur oorirJilr,. 1 !.m, *UJ!i. ·bu-et~onel first date ). "the beftt sOOtgun" 6!'.... . .~ !the Jtalian Franchi), "the the · ~l ten-speed bl,.cycle of ~ the greatesi :it 8 11 an be.St mea l in 1Srael" (plums), 'Under $300," you might still be iestaurants in tHe entire "the best national park" (Mt. Interested to koow that soine -wor1a: McKinley, 250 miles 'from the ' Artie Circle, and you can have it), and "the best restaurant in Pennsylvania" (a dive called Joe's, which serves nothing but mushrooms). Shee r lunacy , you say. And you're right. Trouble is, these guy~ have gone to all of this ll<:ltdD HAlllS ·CMUCI: CONMOIS 91ii110te O'llllf:t ...UC: IY ,_.,MA.NCH .a.MIWmtSTAlc.t' Mli.-u.arl<"' ......... DAA.T IZ:JI llJI .... •:JI -. ..... 1:11' -..... "****'= MULNIWMAN I llOllllllDfOllD IWIWllNI llOSS. "llVl'CH CASSIDY AND 1HISUNlllNCI IOD" .... ..... . • "TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT:' -Now YorlONtt ... • ''@@@@@ (5 Camei1 Eyes-Hig~est Raling) ¥STUPENDOUS" ' -CBS·TV . . . • ' . ' ....,. . . --. . .. -. ' . . -. The Main St• eet Eleetrlcal Parade A dazzling procession of fun and fantasy brought to life bv nearlY a Quarter of a million twinkling lights: ~--~-~~~~- '". I The oreat· '·. Rock Circus .· + ST~q~N~ • ANN PEEBLES .. j; . . OTnE ARCHIE( ":: T' f · July 21 ·26 . '. . t · Big Qan~$ -· • .-~-'-1'-:~--- ·7f<' •. at Dlsneylan(t * . . ST~lllNC HARRYJAMES , ·...m-.'t'<l & HIS ORtHIESTRA . • ;· ,/uly 14·27 -. . ' ~ . . i\ . All new "Faotasy In the Sky' Fireworks Spect1cu1ar . More Than 50 Exdtln11 .AC1Ventures and Attractions An EagK! named Sam and his sidekic~ a wllim9cal old Owl . take you on a whirlwind musical auventure from the • ol' Southr to the wild W~ to twistin ' U.S.A. Climb aboard ~ 11 ~I ' ' ~ I I i ' . fer a'fun·iovln' loo< at America~ musical heritage. • Dtsneglnnd ; Open every dav from a a.m to : a.m. , 1· • • DAIL V PILOT 8 CHAllLES 8110NSON 1·~tR, ~1AJESTYK" I. llUllT AEYNOl,OS H\fHITI:: LJGHTNJNG" Great stars ~ in person! Ha.nk Tiiomp.oft The. Gra.ss Aoot5 Lesllrown 1,,--'lkik&.~ Kmdenan~ The. f'our f'reshmel\ The ?,ta.pk Sil\firrS Chuck~ Ma.ilM:. Aevut.' I' Continuous free . entertainment ·1 rodoo . lv:rse show mororcyck rACU TV progra..ms -sporta flowers -carniva.J ~~---~--~ ~ ~ 811 1 ... [), (,,.,.M ..... :;. I . ..' PACIPIC TH•ATR•S D"IVa·IN SUNA SW&~ Ilana HAAaOA 8LVD.Driwe·ln s-p Me.t & .lute Swo• 511.A $un.-91m 10 ,,.., ORANOI Oti••·ln 1 &2 F1i. Si t.I 51111 .• 11111 lo 4pm I'll rt f111 S~•••~• •t ...... il!I StMli- Family Fun! Prorit1: aa,..aiita Galore\ JUlfS YllHl'S/MYIRllOUS ISi.AND OI CAPtAIN HIMO l"I OWi I --!MN IClfU IUll.lfo. t.St Of ¥V• 1911 . " ·~ ' . .. • • • , .. •• • • '· • " "· " . .. : I ,• ' " •• ,,. ~ ·: ~ . '~ ·: .. • • DR. HIGGINS FLOATS TEETH (FILES OFF EDGES) Senior R•nger Wes 81ne_y . Holds Zebra 's Heid ZEBR..I\ CATCH . . . (From Page B3) standards all zoologists can measure . future speclmeM against. his zoological c<luslns in the equine world. His ~eeth, tor example, are so much like a horse's that Quinn and Higgins looked at them to estimate the zebra's age. Tbey guessed the stallion to be betYleen 8 and 9 years old beach a I on g s i d e, Lion and guesSed his weight at Country's stream, which about 800 pounds. He stood represents Africa's Umfolozi barely 13 hands (52 inches) The animal u•as k e p t unconscious for about 35 minutes On the sand of the River, high . Higgins and. a11 the help he Just before administering could recruit from the group the antagonist, which "·~uld swarming around the zebra counteract the e a r 11 c r used huge boo.£ nippers, fresh· immobilizing shot. Q u i n n I ~hoof knives and helped Higgins "float" the a ~ nic's ~v:-teethof-Uii!! iebra:-Th'ir lr an - er. · operation in which the sharp The screu•driver \\'as used in outer edges of the teeth are preference . to a m 0 r e filed off so they won't cut th~ conventional hoof pick to get inside· of rthe animars cheek. at gravel and small stones In less than five minutes lodged in the sole of the after the. "wake-up" iiljection, . anhnal's foot. the zebra made bis first The size and tight U-curve drunken attempts to· wobble of the zebra hoof. is more like upright. a mule's than a horse's foot He staggered to his feet and, aOO. working apace inside the in a surprisingly short space (!Uter wall is cramped. of a few seconds, got himself The frog. that V·shaped sort completely ocganized.. . area on the the sole of a He beaded straight for the horse's hoof that acts as a "Umfokni River" and, wading in over his fetlocks, took a ; cushion when the toot hits the deep drink or two. It appar· ground , was almost ently helped cure his "hang· undetectableoo tbe super.bard over." He was soon headed _______;__foot of the zebra._ back to the-feed-trough In many ways fie r~bled. \\<here the whole incident bad begun. : Would You I 'Drutlier'? \ c wouki You Liiii. To Use More Of Yow Mind? [I 1f sou're one or thole "'ho -"druther be bxsin' around," the Daily Pilot has a bumper stick" with just -words on it -along v.itb the ;?1.~ .;.::: :.' ;· •1• 1. 'lbe bumper strips are I:. ti' printed In black letters on ., -_. c--· flooreecent Orange background fw ltttlr Ce*'OI OYw and are pressure sensitive IO , .....,, • - they're easy to put on {and :e;:....:..ESI" :=:. aloo easy to peel olf). • • ._ •-Uk ·~ ·si.... Order es many ~ you e • ,,_ •11C11••• • ....-.. at 50 cents each and the Daily ,,, "'°-1~~1ltd1 111 ~ .. --· Pilot will mail them to you P.llf.SOORI .,. lint cius, postage paid. Send DA~!D IEDMAM crdel's and c.ash. to: Hors.in' "o~TE": e.n"e. 'nME: . . . • Consumer Bill .. Headi·ng for· Vote By LUCIA 1\10UAT WASHINGTON -\\rhen it romes to y,·antlng an instllutionullzed consumer advocate ln Washington, lherc are those who do and those v.·ho dc)IJ't. Those "'ho ·do -backers of consumer protection agency (CPA) legislation -are concerned 1lhat those who don't 1nay manage to defeat 1the proposal \\'ithoot really ha\'\ng the votes to call the fight a fair one. The bill, \\'hich 'w o u Id establish independent, nonregulatory agency or about 250 staff members t o represent the consumer before federal agencies and rourts, passed ·the House last spring by a ~substantial margin. lt is currently on the Senate Ooor by Sen. Jan1es B. Allen (~ Ala),. among others, has Promised a fi libu ster. Proponents ol the legislation are not sure 'Ailen or even "'helher (hey can rally with the two-thirds vote necessary for cloture. votes to pass the bill," insists Carol F o re m a n , executive director of Co n's um er Federation of America (CFA), ooo of the t'A'O m a j-o r organizations in the vanguard ol the oonsumcr fight. "What we don't have is the two-thirds ... We count about 15 people sitting on the fence." The consumer protection agency bill, as vigorously also passed ·the House but was defeated In a SeooteJjllbuster. nle first tkne •round in 1970, the bill puled ile Senate but never got out ol the Houae Rules Committee. Many of the curront bill's backers regard It as the most imporlaJ'a COrllUmer bill ever to be considered on Capitol Hill. opposed by much of tile THE BASIC idea goes back business community as it is more than a decade when the promoted by con s u m e r late Seti. Estes Kefauver groups, is up for congresSional proposed a ~er affairs consl1dered very mlJCb consumer advocate R a Ip h Nader's Idea .' j~WE'RE absolutelv confi· consideration for the third department, but with its dent that \re have-enough.-· time. Last Ume -um -it-~ ~ifidl.Uona, it is "The qency would be both an adYO<ll< -that's the pan writWl tnto the bill -over regulatory ag~es and a watdldo& -that pwt would be er• because of Its mere ex~," explains Nancy CJiaaen ol Nad«'e Coogress Watch, tbe other m a j o r oonJUmer organizations head- ing up the coalition of some 130 labor, women's commwli- ty1 and consumer groups back.-me 111e bill. 25% off fabrics .t23 4S& J89 Q I ,_...._. ___ ,. __ cHAAGEIT With your JCPenney Charge Card, II YoU don'I have a charge. 1uslseehowlaslwecan - open up yQu1 new accoup,t Cre~ doubleknits ·, · Sportswear prints Denim 1 41 , kn!1! . h .... ----1 -Reg.:J.nJb:au-uffieta!~i~e ___ , ____ ). 2.99yd:· ~. • Y • -colton. Machine wash. 45'1 wide. Rq. 3.19. Easycare wash 'n • 1 1)11. l.M. PoiYeslir denim lhat1n wear polyester. Designer •. Revernffd lroniri'g. In plain ·;. patterns, textures, coordinates. JLinior prints 'fancy'knitt. ·• " Colors galore. Jacquard doubleknits 2.24,d. R-a. 2.99. A specially low sale price on 60'' wide no-iron polyester. ScooP.uP yards! • 2.84,d. Reg. 3.7t. Young fashion In easy knlt polyester/cotton, Gingham checks 96¢,d. Reg. 1.21. Never n~d an Iron. Machine waSh polyester/cotton. ...s·wide. .. -Prices eff•ctive through July 24. Dress 'n blouse prints 1.19~d. R9g. 1.11. No-iron cotton/rayon in the pick of the pretty prints. 45"wide • ' . ,Arotmd, ·Orange Coast Dail y ,My22. "*-...... 1sp.111. ~~ PO 'rlA-J560 ""-'n 11114 JtfC:~. • ,l ,#' II_ ll~1"""eoa~~CA~9262tl~~~.:_:.:::~·-~:::.~:::'..~~~~~~.~~~~~,~ 1 -· -SERVICE..--,-· .. Professtonal Service by trained professionals jewels by joseph ,,..,_ -... = = . .::- ~' . ---- -;-Diamond and stone settiflg • Jewe!.(Y designi!!9 __ _ _ _ •Gemological Diamond _ • Expert walch repair • Fine jewelry repair and jewelry appraisals ~ .: ~· ~·by joseph can seNi<:e all your jewelry needs. from creating an original and exciting ring to appralsi~a valuedh~m. All WOU DOME IN THI STOll ....... ~cr•lll-•_... .... .._... , ... ,,....~ .............. .... .,. .... awoe .~nh_. ~trll. ,.,_.,.. l ...... SOUTH COAST l'LA1A 11r1*11 .. 5M 0..,0 ,_, COSTA MISA HOUIS: • , ..,, .. t ,s.t.IM,a....S-. , ..... , ... - Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers #"'-- ' ayelle sale 88¢ Aeg.1.11. Machine wash'n dry Orlon $! acryl ic Sayelle. 4 oz. pull skeins. Scissor special 2.99 ... 7# bent or 7" straight style. Mirror poll1hed alalnlesa steel. Ct.11 II on your JChnM• charge card. • • • ' • . .. • ~j h Afghan Kits on sale 5.24 · Reg. l.M. Afghans to make. Lots of patterns. Machine wnh 'n dry pull-skein acrylic. ~. ' ... ~. ... ... • • • . . '• SM_, .. _· Artlal P•letle Tr_, AlrTlghl ... I ' .... ' ' SIVft Polnl •°hM•MOlllJ '-11tllrl!ti11 lr1' .... llf ..... " .... 114. lai"lil ... ,U11ttt. Tiit Iii lllm • •Ir 11Dht Mtl '""kh :!:-..11111 ti ,....._ ""' nl~tL Qjl111111 ,..._ Wllu.lt 111' ultndtd "rlodl Of 1111, "'1.,." 1-tM IHI llllt 1M HI-tit Ill ,i-.~ -...... ..... Ille J-lot II lie! dltt~rtM. , THE PERFECT OIF1 S•nd cll•~k or 111on•r ordtr 11.ffl pll;I &(l,i, _. ... ' 11Md11111 117.41 10111. Ordtr j•O Or ..,.,, 1it4 .. ... Ill Po.!191 llllHll!ng; Only .... . 1ecll. PAT. 1"1"40. DESCHLl!R SALES:. • .. ·- • • .. , • c .. ·.~ :·~1; .• .. • • • • • • ' .. • , .... . , . . ,... ... . " ...... . . . . . ... ~ .;··ic! . ,,_. . . . • • ' ... .... · .. .,.. . ' . • • .. • ' ! ' - • • ~ .. ' . II 0 • CHI .. by not pitc All ... and Jim Alt.a. beca N110 .. 1 . ....... ' . ' ' . ' , '. Sunday, July 21. iq74 DAILY PILOT C J j ·NFL Strike Sutton, Marshall Can't Stop Phillies1 . . Prineip$· ·Won't Talk 1-lerrmaitn Out; Wood Unhappy Over AL~ Edict . CHJCAOO (AP) -.YO!> can't please everyone all the tlnie ..i -you can't please ooyone. Catdter Ed II~ ol the Olieago White Sos: doeln't want to play in the All-star baseball game Tuetday and will not! Pltdler Wilbur Wood ti lbe White ~· will go ID Jllo ~ pme but he's upset alloai "' ,..Uemen's agreement amonc ~ Leogue managers not ID me AD• pildien in today's games. . . Manager O!UCk T.._ of the White Sox is bitter dJat Keo HeliilellOO and Jorge Orta weren, llOlliod <o Ille tOIJll, And the Milwaukee B....,... ean\ uhdersiand '-' .lobaro' Brl(p was not selected to Ille team. Ropmeotlng Milwaukee will ·be Darrell Porter who said. "It not oDIJ surpri8ed ~ but everybody oo tM bill ~ub." LOS ANGELES (AP) The _l<; MarlhalLalter sinsles br__ ~y Phlladelphla Philllee ripped Los Angeles IIutton and plnch·hltter Tony Taylor put starter Doo Suttoa and retie! ace Atlke runners on first and third with none Atanball for lour run, in the elghlh out and Los Angeles clinging to a 2·1 Inning ud del-the Dodi!ers H lead. Saturday ni&bt· Dave Cash greeted A1arshall with a Despite the H'tbact, tho Dodgers game-tying single and 1he Phillies took maintained thetr I lh-game bulge over Ille lead when Marshall fielded Larry Cincinnati in lbe Nadonal Ltague's West Bowa's bunt and fired wildly trying Divilion while the Phillies ·kept their for a force at third. The final two llh-pme lead over Montreal In the East. runs ol the iMing cal"l).e home on ,,1ike Sutton, who ham'\ won since May Schmidt's .sacrifice fly and a doub_l,c It, held the Phillie. to three hits and by WlUJe Montanez. one run uotll the eighth. He gave way Joe Ferguson of the Dodgers broke Ot.•NN WtUT• WHITE WASH I \Vhen college a~ National Football League teams get ·Under way with their regular seasons? ' ' WFL executive Don~ Anderteo feels it won't matter-at least in areas where _ \Vorld Football League teams arc winning. For example, even lf USC, UCLA and the Rams are under way, Andersen does not feel the Anaheim-based California Sun wULbe-ill-effected. He thinks the -&n. can cWaw heavily- from the Riverside, Ontario, San Bernardino area becauae Anaheim Is so· inuch closer to those cities than Is Los Angeles. He feels that people will 'come out because it's football , if for no other reason. His logic fal).s in line with what Buzz MootrQJ ol Costa Mesa onee told n1e regardhw: the WFL: "J'l\ go to watch the Sun tiecause it's footbaJI." • up a scoreless duel in the sis: th inning Buckner v.1alkcd, Jtuthven left ·because u•llh a t\\1H'Wl double. Philadelphia· -of-ll bruised pitching hand:-Jesus·Hemalz sh1:rter Dick Ruthven blanked Los took OVl!r and got J immy \Vynn 10 .. ~M•'-itri11Jt Lft A••91M 1•• •IN Mr 1111111 DC1lh'b $111L.Nt•!tl t11f &owt ~ l 1 0 0 8VC~Mt lb J l I I Sdwllldr 3tl l o O l WYnf'I cf ' t 1 I N.onitne.i lb t I 2 I F~U!IOn c l 0 1 J Atlgelcs on one hlt ror five innings ground out as the runners advanced. Dodge r • Slate 1:1a p.m. 3::io p,m . S:JO p • .,., 4::l0 p,m, be.fore f,utt.on. singled to lead off the eighth. lfe "''as forced at second vihen Davey Lopes hlt a sharp one-bouncer back at Ruthven. After Lopes stole seeond and Bill Halo s' Ryan Blanks O's .On.5Hits It 1!111 •• so 0 0 1 • t 2 2 ' 0 0 0 1 T-1:57. SllCONO G.t.ME c.i11or .. 11 111tl-· 1brllbl 1111r~lli ltlvtrscl 4 0 0 O l l1lrcf 4 O 2 O C~llt)b '0 0 0 COHlO'l•rf 4 0 2 0 S!anlonrf '-0 1 0 Grlc:tl7b • O IO F Robln!IOn d!I l 1 1 l T Oavls di! • O l O v,1..,une n L iJ O lo JPowelllb • o 2 o L•hlHxllf ,_,o o e o Cabtllor o t e o R OHY ... lb • 0 I 0 ll1Ylot'll l 1 1 0 El Rodl'ltv.r C l I I I II ROblMOll :lib 4 D 2 7 ' 00oYl 7b l I 1 0 llumbrV..-• tlOI R1mll-tt n l I l ) H""'1'klll C 4 1 1 0 Fit~ro. o 0 0 C 0 8el1""r n 4 l 1 J s.1110 OOOO Cue!11rp ODOO ~~~ ~'72 ~~~ ~JllS One out w""' wlnnlnt run Kortd, Callfomf1 ODD 010 001 -t Bafllmart 011 000 lllM -S E-Valentlr>e. OP-C1llforn!1 1, S.ltlrnore 1. t.OB-Call!O•n11 5, Balrlrnore 6. HR-;:F. ltoblMOn 110, Btllnltr (JI, S8-81yklr, S-81y10t. '""11:•11:11so Flgu1ro1 I., 1·1 11'1 12 '-" 1 l $1tlf 011100 C~llar W,13"6 t 7 2 7 1 "3 MllP-llV C11CU1r (F. Rob1nton), P8-EI ltodrl· llU!C, T-2:11. A-.23,J7t, l<'erguSOo then lined his doubl e down the lt?ft field line. 1-lernalz, 2-1, was the winner. lie left for a pinch hitter during the eighth-inning rall y and Ron Schueler pitched the last t\\'O innings. .. " • .. .... RUlhYtn ,., ' ' , , ' He!'"n1!1 w. '" '" ' • • ' ' Sclll.>tltr • • • • • • SutrOft L, .. ' ' ' ' • • M1r!NIU , , , ' ' , T-2:)9. A.-Sl,911. Daffy Mourns • ' Ul'\Mlr ct l I I 1 W Crtwfotd rt t 0 0 f Jof..,Utoti. rt ~ 0 0 0 Crt lib t I I 0 , 8oonec tOOIJOlhUllf •o1• HvllOnll ) D 1 I Ru»ttl M l 0 I 0 B•f'lnltltr" Pr 0 I G 0 S.Utton p l 0 1 0 M ANltrtOll rf 1 0 0 0 M1rJNlll I" 0 I 0 I ll:ulhVen D· t • 1 0 McMUllln 1111_ I ••• Htr,.,rz P 1 o o • I T lt)'lot' Pl 1 I 1 D ~f!utlffp 1000 TOlll 3'S74 Toi•! atlJ Pbll1d .. $11 000 llCIO UO -S Los AnH!tS 000 11111 Ill» -2 E-Bvcliroer, JO/Ins•-· M ... w11, klwflldl. LOl-P'hH-ll>hl• $, Los Ante111 7. 28-Ftr~, ,,,_ •• ,.., ,, Joshlj1. s&-8udl ..... , loPtt. ~ $F-kllmldt .I Wish It Was Me, Says Dizzy's Brother . WJGGINS, Miss. (AP)-"I played Paul, even to the closest of friends. aecond fiddle to Dizzy Dean and I'd "I always depended on him," said Clo it again. I v.·ish it \\·as me now Paul, "He was a front.runner. a na- , lnstead of him because he probably tural, even v."hen we were kids. He enjoyed lite more than I do." y,·ent out and was bold and I was glad A few hours after expressing that to be a follov.·er to him because I got sentiment, Paul Dean \\'as at the bur-a kick out of him like everybody else. ial of .his brother, Jay lfanna Dean "I'll tell you the \vay he was. I a ·b:lsebaU immortaJ who ov~dow: oould say something to you that ed ~ in life and death. tA-·ooJd make you mad at me. And if he "We've ah~1ays had t\ro different didn't say the same thing to you, you ~s and we clashed sometimes," v•ouJd get mad at him for not saying said Paul, the younger Dean. it 1lrafs the kind of personality he had ." ··we have gone up to t'o\·o and three years without seeing each other but Paul discu~ his relatio!!Jhip with there's no two closer brothers who -tllltty during an ex-elusive interv1ew ever lived. There's no tv;o people in the Dilly Dean museum. a modest wtm v.'ould fight for each othe quick-repository of the trophies his broth- er tnan Dizzy and Paul Dean." er accumulated. · Paul and Dizzy burst onio the ma-He said some of the stories the jor league baseball scene together press most delighted in v.'Cfc a little dur:in"g <he mld-J930s. But it was Dizzy exaggerated. blithe of spirit and quick of tongue. "Diz never pick cotton ." said Paul. "'hO: beca1ne the darling ol the press "The press and the public made Diz. and ' the nation. He didn't do it in a conniving 'o\-""ay, ·In 1934, Paul beca1nc the only rookie He just liked the press and the press to pitch a no-hitter and win tY.'O World liked him. He wanted somebody to get a good story." Series games en route to a 19-game Paul acknowledged that his brother winning season. bad on occasion pi cked cotton but But brother Dizzy \\'as posting a 30-said 'ne and his father made a living victory season the same year. To top Crom it. it off; Dizzy was hit on the head early "I bought Diz out of the Anny with in the series. an incident v.ilich led money I earned," said Paul. "I had to one oi sports' classic beadlines a 30 much money I earned picking day later: "X·Rar! of Dean's Head ton tha~ I bought him out o( the Show No1hing." and had plenty left. fdy dad a Result: Liu.le brother overshadowed hired out to pick cotton for 31,1 y agrun. . and I guess we had about as And ·it continued lat.er in life, as r:ash morley as anybody else Dizzy "-cnt on to aaln the affections lhose t~. Everyoqe had )f a whole new generation \\1th his lng dut'mg tOO<;e days." down-home antics aa a baseball broad-PauJ rsaid one of the Ciiff he caster while Paul slfd in rcla tiye ob-and his 'brother had "'as the mphasis · ' _ .... · 'the!'. ·a.Yl_to_their humble ginnings. Although buffs ew 1s ,WM eave tliiS" a-widJ_Hi! ____ st.er burned almost as brightly as h!gilest of tllougbt," Paul .. "I Oizzy's, Paul was known mainly· as ' 'dOO't \Vant to leave world and Dizzy's brother and probably alv.•ays say I was a pauper , rotton-piclcer 'o\-ill be. and the poorest guy ~ tl1e United But it's ~etbing he's used to by States.'' now and he insists he's always ac-But while Paul hmtfd at thei r dif- cept~ tbc role willingly~ven in fen:nces in life, his eyes moistened childhood and later ' hen both broth-v.ith tears occasi.Jelilly as he talked ers \Vere making ii big. about the good tlrres." Jay had been given the nickname "We were winrs. \\'e believed in of "Dizzy" long be.fore he made it to ·ccmpetition. B 1lhen \\'e 'A-"Oll or lost the major leagues. Dubbiilg Paul as "'e lea rned r:i . quick to get up and ·'Daffy'' \vilile both \\'ere wi.th the St. shake hands \Ve leameJ human be- Loui s Cardinals was almost an after-iflgs \.\_"ere n1an beings and that was thought. lhe great demark of. Dizzy Dean. Dizzy and Dally, Urey sounded good Re didn't k at your hair. He looked together. at lvhat ~ugilt oC the individual. \Vhen he died Wednesday, a 63-There n't no prejudice in Diz for year-old millionaire, Jay was known anybod . ~nroughout the nation by friends and "I . 't think he ever disliked any· strangers alike simply as Dizzy. body t if he did I'm going to say But Daffy never stuck. Today, he's rive inutes was his limit." McGuire, 0' ....... ..,.· J:l1101~ Vie • li.1 PGA Seo ional Finals San ~abriel's Paul ,.,tcGii and Palmdale's Ron O'Connor ar in lhe championship finals this m ing at 1'.tission Viejo Golf and Count~· Club follo·wing Saturday's quarJtrlinals and semUinals victories thati sa 1,1· t"·o El Niguel Country Club 1,1>!fcrS exit the soth edition of the PGA.Scct ionals. The t\\'o •clash in a 36-hole match beginning at '1 :3C. There will be no third place ma'lch-Jcrry Ba r b c r forfeited his chance to El Niguel's Paul Scodeller. P.1cGuire made It to the top with a 1-up triumph over Barber. who disposed of his son, Tom, in t be quarterfinals. · o·Cbnnor tumed away El Niguel's Rick Oivel 7 and 6 iil the quarters, then \\'ent an extra bole to__topple...Scodeller l·Up. Scodeller missed a chance for victory on the 18th, hole against O'Connor when he missed a i '~·foot putt Given new life. O'Connor putted 54 reet to get within one foot of the 19tb hole and tapped in for I.he victory when Scodeller three-pulled from 40 feet out. ·Hemnaru> llotly rellilecl to play In the g3me arter tie hid been named by All-star manager Diet Willi.ams. He will be replaced by ,Jim Sundbe<g of Texas. Wood was incensed over the agreement not to ... All..tar pildlen today. "' a result, he -..r\ed Satunlay with ooly two day• r'9I inllead ol laking bis i'egular tum. Chris Evert Tough at Tra~k" __ Too . Barber appeared to be on his way to the finals after knocking in a 10-foot put on the 17th to get to within one of ~1cGuire. McGuire's drive on the 18th went into trees and he appeared to be in trouble "'ith Barber staying on the fairv.•ay. '·"I don't mind beeaU!O I have a-INGLEWOOD (AP) ....:"'(]vU Evert teputaUoo -of working with two days tumod her PSO.OllO llllld1 nee ap;nst rest," said Wood. "But what la the w""""' dlomploa Miii -et Into a objective of the American League rac.w? To \\in a divlstoa or to win the AIHtar ,,..,.., ~ • ........, by nearly game? Wby should the Sol ·• any 50 ......... wlth ·a time of 2 minutes 2 other club bt depived o1 .,.,. • ~ oeQllds !or the mile and ~arler oo Sunday. -maq:ll u Jocl<'1 Lalllt Pineay pulled up "What if a teem should los• !ta en-his ~Illy belon! nadllng the finish by one game becaule a pi'*t wu line. mt wied or taken out of rotation or llisll • Muoli.t and Chris Evert. the pitched ahead of time be<:auoe o1 81e Eat.m -of S-,.....id fillies, broke All..,ar game! It'! unfair to the pltdli!rt from d!t pta, _, -llUt from ' and the clubl tnvolvOO. ' then °" it was Ottis Evtrt au the way, Jim Colborn of the Brewers said. 0 The Jockey J«ge Veluquez had her ahead All-ltar game 11 loolng 111 mdllabUity al tile lll1t tunt by a-head and len!Jthen· becau,.· the teom ...,,...serllng the ed the lead to 11> 1eogths mldwa1 Utrough Mlerican Leaguoll ncil tho belt." the bad< llmdl. On the rar tliilt, Uie !illy l«1 by th,... lqb Ind ~ it to 10 as-the pa"ir hooded 10< UJe wltt bclore the 46.500 1 ... at Hollywood Part< who had made M.11118 ·Mµ1ket the favorite by the nar- ,....., ol marl!lns. Each filly \\'ent o(f at 34 odd~ bul there na fl ,*50,7'0 wagered OD M!l.i 1ilusket 1nd IJ,W ,040 on Cl>ris Evert. . Whal. bad been tout.ed as n close ratie twned.into a runaw.y afler the far tum. It WU geperally expeded that il!tss Musket., winner ol eight of nine races. would go to the front oorly but tbat d Id"' llappen. Ouis Even, with a whl~ blatc on her floe and msltlng hor tall In usual fonn, showed the 'ray virtually ·from the start. Mill Mutkec. with Pincay aboard, .... er.-a ....... cllaUenge. , { Chri• Evert returlied IMO In IJWwin· only · "'ageriNI and Rosen. a ~\Joston clothing m8nuf1cturere "Wtlitri' temis rarb carries tbe atrts Evertt name 4! the Wlmbl'4on duunplon, ~octed Ille $350,lllll In the -~I· bottle. • He and Aaron Q. JOOjlll ol liiu...,_, · Ore .. .....,. of Miii Mjlllld, eo<b had put up 1100,0llO and Hollywood Park put , up $150,000 to make this the richelt of 1lil m-hocn. For )he. second tln\e ih l"wo yean, the fuvorlte. Jn a matclt race here lost. Convenience beat Typec:.st by a head t"'O years ago in their $250.000 matctr. The New York invader, a daughter or Sv.'OOh's Sort oot or a T.V. Lark mare ~tiss Cannie, had won seven of her nine mces in the East including the triple crown for 3-year-old filll rs. the Atother Goose. a SCC\lon of the Acom and the Coaching Club Oaks. She preYiously bad "'Oil at Belmont Park over I t!a miles but MiM Musket ne\'tr had run farther lhan 11,2, • The track '\l.'8S fast and the time of 2:02 ""11d be oomparod .wllh the 1:512/5 for Secretariat_, the Triple Crown chain-- pion ot 1973 wht.>n he 'o\-UI the Kentucky Dcri)y, Each nlly carried 121 po<J1lds. • But Barber's nett shot v.·as too rv and eventually it came down to mak:tnf 800ther IO-footer to pi;t the ntatch lntO extra holes. Hm.-e\'er. Barber·s pu tter failed him.. He hit to \\'ilhin the lip of the hole but. the be:U v.·oukl. net fall. • 1if~Wte. "'ho v.-as extended to the lath for the first time in the toUrn~y1 pitched · on to the grL>en and l\ro-putiea to win: ~ Ou•mrtlft~t• .. ~111 MctiVl<e !Sa" G•.'l"lllfJ tlOf l>t;Mllt N.- l(N111 t.1ke Goll COY"tl 2 ~/Id I. trl'V 9~,°'~ tGrJlfltl'I P•"'··LAJ dtf TOl'l'I 1•9 IGrlttl!ll P11rk, 1.AJ J " 1, Ron o·c-!O•'tr'·"r'\' Golt , c1u11, P1lfl'lcl1i. dtf ll:IC~ Dlytl !El N!Qwl) ll'IO.~~ .. Riii SCOOt!I... (ll NIGIJ911 HT Fr.cl CrK llf'ldlo) • tflll '· Jtm\lf11111 1k0"'1" d!lf ltrbfr I Ill>• ' _ O'C-Clef SCOC!tlltr 1 VII on 1llt '"'" -' ' , • ' • ~ l • " • " • ; • • • '· "' ~ . .., "' '" .... .. ... ,. '" n• '" -,., No "''· ; • ... ' ;;tel, '"' "" i:=7" ..:l; -.:: .. :: :: ,t..M, . " I"'' ... I :z:: i ~ ~J. ,. " i.'~" ·-.... ,. '"" ... •. :: " • • " " .. lft ltt· 1 ft••· • 11111"" I .. ... ,.-.! :.W•ll ~ •• -·: . '· .· c i DAIL y PILOT • Sports CliJJpetl ~ltort ' • . .. ··Fans Seek Voice ... In Strike :Talks ·· STll;L\VATERLMinn.-Se\1en Still"''ater tase h\'O years ago teamed 'f.1th the area men have 'allocated $30,000 of 'their cootro\"tnial star for-the first time since crn11 mcney tb launch an effort to get a ttien and beat Piem Batihes and Fran- YOiee for the rans in the negotiations OOis Jauffret, 6-2, 6-4, 9-7. lx;tv•een the Notional Footba,11 League and Nai;tue ,likes on Barthes and Roman- the NI'1. Pl ayers Association. ia's Toma CMd meet& Jautfret todtly TI1e NFLPA currently is on strike in the remaining singles matLties ol the agaiqst the league. and veteran players best-of.five series. ..,. have said Ure,\• \\·oul~ not attend trahting camp! until the~trike is-sehled---~9-ltaJuJULT..op ~ .. 'Barr.Wins Minor.Loop ' Pro Debut Ed Barr and hill y:Jre had reaaon t.o celebrate !all Tuesday when thetr two ton.s-Mark and Jim-pitched complctc- game victories. . · Mart, maklna' his Jl'O debut, Pve Up seven hits in 1parklng Bristol, Corm. to a 9-2 .even-lming win over the Waterbury Dodgers. BatT, a former Golden Wea sta-.i, walked jwt one Ind llUuck out ....... A sockt>Sman for the Stilh\·ater group. ---'"!!!ll'ed Fan Fretdom. said advertisements BAASTAD. 8'••cden -ftaly, won the y,·ouJd be plRced in newspapers throu doubles match Saturday and took • 2· I . He recenrly '"1P>ed •'itll the Boetoo Red So< after being draled In the 14th rowld. Bristol is in the AA Eulerti Leque. !he Ill r ' b eaa 0 .... ' -..i....-uietr Davis eup-otlt <'Ql.1010' ca ng Of' a \'Olce y European· £'..-.-A teonls semi.final as C41 ns in the C'Ofltroversr. . '"'"""l' · The spokf'.sntan s.:i !d Fan F'reedorri Adriano Panatta And Paolo Bertolocci · men1bei"s reer !Xlth-playrrs .:inJ ov .. ne~ • <Weated' Bjorn Borg and Ove Bcn'gwn, are nO\\' represcn!Ed. buf the fans. \\"ho &-I, 5-7~1-S, 6-4. maKc the game ~hie, are ·..,.,11hout Italy will .J'leed on1y one victory1U .. ·io,..1 rep1~entation. da»'s ftna! two siucles to win the hem! ~" ""' of-five ~.oo ~ advance into the lo. : , .~ e l11irepld Loses final. The etosing singles Will JYUltch" .r--~ · . ~ucd agaliist , 5"-eden '• Liel J·o-.. " NEWPORT. :R.r. -· The alumin.um haI8on and ·Panatta n~ Bm"g,. the ,, yach~ ·Courageous. ·taking ad vantage · of . teen-age sensation. . ' Dlllr ...... tt9" '"""' Jim, meenwblle, coOecied b.11 alzth Win . " ~ CRAIG SHEFF ligtit y,•inds, lriunipbed d e c i s i v e 1 y Sat urday against the Intrepid in ttie 1>.S. obscrvalion trials ror the America's e N~ .COlltraet · ~al manager A1il ' Seghi ol the Cleveland Indians ripped up· pitchtr ~ Boam.in's ro.'itnct Saf?t'-'. da.y·and made him·ricftef' by..abola $1,500 because of. f'li! no-hit performance-against 'NEW YORK JETS 0 LINIMAN MARK LOMAS WORKS OUT IN PREPARATION FOR NFL SIASON Cup. Says Ex·RuStler Courageous. seeking to oust defendtng champion Intrepid from the Sept. 10 Anierica's Cup racing 1 series. defeated its v.·ooden opponent by ·4 minutes. 32 seconds in an eight-mile race orf RhOde Island SoUJ'td. e Knrl S,l:r:rler '.ENDIOOT-1','"N.Y. -Hometown hero lhe Oakllmd ~ ·s Frldiy niglli. · : rrs i.llecat to give bonuseS. so it was nOC'C!Saiy to put the highe'r. oture intO' · a new cootract. · ·.Freedom Issue Big Key . Riehle Karl. "tio grew ~ just Across the street· from the golf courae, charged into .a share of <the lead Saturday with a 68 in the third rtUnd of the $150,CXKI CHICAGO;;-Tbttie ci the top four players, inclOOing top seed Stan Smith',. advanced . to the smilfinals of • the ~ Cbicago. Intematkml Fest ival of Tennis Saturda1•. •. · .. In Players' Demands B.C. Open. Karl. now an assistant pro at the host En Joie Golf Club when he isn't playing the toUr, had a ·200 total. eight under par. He v.·as tied for tl)e top spot with Curtis Siffot'd . e ~01nnnla Lead• ·.BUOHAREST-Jlie Nastase and Ion Tiriac scored a doubles v1ctory Saturday, gi"iog Romania a H lead over Fnmce in their Davis <lip tennis DmJpean 'lrnup A semi·fmal. Ti~ae. who bad qu&lTelled 'flith NaS.: 'fuday's Sports O.ll Television . u., . ._ll.' {Sl ~ ANGELS BASE84 -The Calil<Jrnla Angel; ... lleet ·-·!lie · Orioles ! f Baltimore'sMemorial Stadium. · · 11 :30 •·~(2)• -CBS TENNIS CLASSIC -·<tw. Alexander meets ·Roscoe Ta ~n a quarterjinal ,. match from ·n, Tex. Smith rec.0tded a 6-3. 6-r ''icton• over seveot.tMeeded Brian Gotttried for his fint tw<Het match of the toumamtnl e Sclaeclcter Wini . By CRAIG SHEFF Of tN DeitY PU• lt9" r.tark Lomas is one National Footbllll League player who isn't about to CfOIS the picket lines. . Lomas, · a Huntington Beach re!ldtnt and the New York Jets' ltar11ng BRANDS HA10:l, England -Jody defensive end for the past four yean, Is Sdl<dtter of South Africa, In a Tyn-etl pok' ~-d'-·-ln ••· t Forti, '!\'On the British Grand Prix Satur· outs en w1~1 -.-..-I{ u11: currtn NFL playen strike. day as a luckless Femui, pi.loted by Nik-"The playen don't have any recoune, ki Lauda, 'Whk:h had led until five laps but to strike," says t.Omas who played from the finiAh, dropped out "'1th a tire two years y,·ith Golden West College punc!Ure. (196M'I) after RJ'8dualini rrom Garden Emerscn F.ittipaldi d Brazil, in a Grove High. J.lartboro Texaco, fmished s 'OOd iod '"Ibe average player in the NFL is just bJok the lead in the v.-orld drivers ' a piece of property to the owners. 'Ale dtampimship point standings. ' · players have no riibt of freedom what· . . ' ,, . . . • ,,. D ·1 • . . ,...... . ..... IM!.nnoa ea t . . . ' . The freedom issue is cne or the key &REEN BAY.:...'lbe G~ Bay Paeke~. parts ol a list o( 6:1 ~,by the haVe~ aCquired ~uarterback 'Jack c.on.. ~ p~yer_s. lt ·~. g1\l'e the .JMa~r· the cannon from. tte Olli• Qrwbo•,. ior· ri;lbt to hArAatn 'qi th a~r club. aftu . • • • J"' an •h11 current cmtrad•exp1re1.-. · undistJ~ lt,itotv dra~. ch:Jice . .'CIOich -·4'Jf I wantea to make more Dlooey and Dan· Devine, 8111D111""1 Saturday. was offered mor< by andlJ« club, l ..,_ ~~nncb, 31, bas olne years ~ri: · should be able to bargain. Most, people, ence m die .~at.iooal Football League 001side of football, are in a po1itlon '80d wu • •tatter with the ~deJphia · where they can move .to another job, if . Eagles And Cllicago BN.rs before going·-they want to," says· Lomu. ~·Dallas in.1972: But he •ys, that's not the cue In pro e Fallorile Gcln• !oolbatl . . 12:30 p.m .. (~CBS SPORTS SPECTACULA I... The A It - 'Amer ic a Y Lh bowling Hn.VERSUM, The Netherlancb-Top.'. ' Championships a f e a t u re d ~ seeded Gillermo Vilas ol Argentina df:. The owners obje<t to the -of movement issue primarily becauae it might devel~ into . a mooey war with teariiiDiddiil'i"fOr~tne services of a key player. Tu·elve high schoo\ -.tudents meet feated Marcelo Olara tA Meti0> M . ~4, in boys and girls cotn)etition from M ~turday to roove into the finals ol. Irv1ng. Tex. the Outdt International Tennis Oiam· person can gtt illjuttd seriously in football when you have four or five guys compainl for I po1lticxl. "Alao thett'1 no Job security In footbell. You're lucky if you get a pension in the NFL. You have to play five yean and the average life of a pro !ootball play..-la 4.5 years. MM guys play ane flt two years and then they're gone." Lomaa. who Is M and 250 pounds. will not soecuiate about how !mg the strike wfll lilt. I "l 1Ully don't know. tt depends on how stubbcnt the owners are. They've completely tgnored our demands so far." Lomas was a two.year surter at Golden West but did not mak"e the all- conference teams. After two se&900S at Northern Aritona. Unlversity, ,be was drafted In the·el~th round by tho-Jets. --When" the Jets Gerry Philbin was hurt during Lomas' first aeuoo, the $Inner Rustler took his place and has been a fixture at defemlve end since. ' _Strings Handed Another . Setback Boggs Easily ~'ins Diving Championships in ti dectsions, for the San Francilco Giants, beating the'M<(s, M , Both att Lynwood Hlib and USC graduata. Almualilo If !» Go-Gnve UnlOed Sc'-ol District ... .... C..ll c ....... 11y Calles• Dblrld 11 apocied .. become a reaUty Ii Ntvember. wa.t tMa mHu I• tat au awne. It 1-.e Grove Dlatr1ct will be reqalred &o ~ Air Force .Lt. Phil Boggs put on .one enroll at eltbef On•p Con& ., Geldt.a of th< sreatist c!Jsplays or three-mew West. " aprlngboar<1-c11v1n1 1n history saturday~~I• .-,.11 tM Gorden Gnve ........ to eas.lly capture the event at the Los ILlve Ud lM-lr pick of ' nrloa .JC1 to A ·1 1 1 aUencl. Actully; OCC ud Goldeil West nge ea nv tatlona!Dlving aliudyboQleNper.ceMoftbeGlrden Champlonahlpe. Grove JC lhldtldl, 11ut 18 mftu et Boggs, a ~year-old computer analyst 4,• fuU tr puHlme 1W.ta ii in educational nsearch, scored 138.90 ezpected over a tm'ee-yqr period. points, four more points than bll own The 1nneutloa U1 been 9pproWld by previous world mark ror an tt.dtve the Mini of eonnen ef tH Clltftnla f' • Conunulty Collertl ... iePlatllo h• 1ve-judge contest. ''" peue4 bot~ ._.. of Ute state "I ,bad a good conU!st," said the lecblatare and ltil1 af1t neetved U.e modest Boggs, who last year won the pvmter'• aipstare. v.'Orld title. "J ·came here rested and Lerblatioe ,,.. HCHPry t1 permtt l scored well, but J still have a lot levyfnc a a.cent ta1: for ttpttal oat11y bl to leam." tk Gvdea Grtve dlstrlet. ne luue will ,. before Gllrdf:• Grove ,Later. \'eleran dh'er Cynthia Potter vo&en 1111 November. came out o( retirement unexpectedly . lo capture the women's three-meter . springboard eyeht.1 Yi'llb a total' of 480.25. -Cl!>e guy who is e1tremely excited Boggs was far ahead o'r ,,m Moore. -about-the coming footblll wuon is six·time forn.-aalionat ,champion from UCLA~ receiver steve Mmahan, who .,l Columbus, Of;do. who hid 544.~. Third prepped at Marltla and was a JC All· Was Keith R'Uistl!, PhOenix_ with 53t.9!t American at OCC. and fourth was Mike F i n n er an • . Monahan caui!Jt ~ siJ: puses after Columbus, wHJJ 5.18.30. 91, receptions in two year, at OCC. To ~~ !tunned a crowd of about 1 ooo say the least, he was a btt disappointed at the L<ls Coyotes Country Club ~ith with the Wishbone-and even tlnateed lv.'o or his 11 dives. The best performance to quit UCLA following the Bruins' Ion came in a forward 2J,2 !IOmermult with to USC last seaton. ' a full twist, on which he received five scores or nine from the judges. His other stunner was a forward t \.2 somersault with three twists. But Pepper Rodnn and the Wiahbone are gone and Mon8han Is elatld. He's one or the better receivers m the Pac-8, but hun'.t been able to exploit that talent, thus far. . I :30 p.m.(7) -WOMrN·s GOLF pioOshlpo. ' ---~Final round-coYera~-of the--~viJas-w:IU-meet-Barry Philii»-Pifoore secondol majcr women's goP tourney · ot AustraJia ·in today'1 final round. · But Lomas doe~'t feel that's a rtAtllstlc approadl, "Owners can't afford to have a Joe Namath and a John Kadi for example, on the same team. .LOS ANGELES (AP) -Raz Reid ~'tlrl the men 's singles and teamed With "1sb Bo8trom to win the mixed doubles as Bosten came from behind to win a ~'mid Team Temis match 24-20 from L(llJ Angeles' Strings Saturday nighl Jt was the 12th loss fn a row f« the slumping Strings. v.·ho now have a =ord ol 12-19. Boltoo, second In the Atlantic sect.ion of the Eastern Dl\1t kJn, is lS.14. · Boggs recently \\'Oil the Swedish Cup and ls considered America's best hope for a dlvin,lt' geld medal in the 1976 Montreal Olympic three-meter diving event. Boggs was only fourth in both the springboard and plaUorm evmts in the U.S. Olympic tria1s in im and failed to make the United States team Bob Acosta, tbe ClF player~yar in fooUJrall l1''t NI.OU ap,. may Uve a 1ea111 time becemlns FDllerte• Collece's No. 1 qurterblck. - the season-the U.S. "'Omen's open champlomhip rroi< La e Champ Defettda Grange (Ill .) Country Club. Leading entries include r:athy \Vhitworth, Sandra HayrUe and JoAM Prentice. LIGNAN-0 $A1lB!AOORO, llaly-World Bo~ Council Jlyw!'flf!t dJrunpion 'Be- tulio Gmzalez of Venezuela knocked out Italian .Franco. Udtlla in the 10th round ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ol~the~ir_:ti~·tle~bout Salunlay nigh\. "Also the average fan thinks every pro football player is making $100,000 a year a~ I've read the average NFL playec ta maklna' $30.~.cm per year. I can tell you' that J'm n« making near ,.t.ha1. much and neither' are IDOl'lt of my fearamatet on the Jets." "The average fan doelll't realize that a ·WOULD .YOU BELIEVE? Baseball Standings OVER200 Hew CHld U1ed TOYOTA'S IMSTOCK . Mow 11TlloTINTo1..t HicJl'Ci•tPrices . .. LEASE IRA.HD Hf:W '74 TOYOTA c .... 5 725M~. --ALSO ~52NEW ·VOLVO'S loi2's· 1oi4 's· !4S.s f64's-164 Sunroofs IMMEDIATE -DELIVERY.,_ --~·- USED'TOYOTA PICKUPS • '• ci.... ,,_. ........ ·· s1777 Natioul Le.apt Easl . Phil~elphia · ft.lonbul St. Locls PIU•bwih Oli.cago New 'tort Dodren CinciMati Houston Atlanta San ,Francisco San Diego "' 48 15 45 .. II 40 Wes I L 46 .. 49 " 51 51 63 33 57 # 40 51 45 50 .. .. 53 42 58 ... .,,,.., .• ""'' SI. LoYIS '· H~11$10n J 'Monl•HI l, Sift frl'lt!KO 1 Cftk tilO 11, Clrtelnntll I ,.lthbUr~h 1 . .l.U1nT• '· 11 lnnlnJ1$ Phl!1d1!11hl1 5, Dad91rt ' rtew YO!'k 10, 51n Dl9to ) T•1'" • ._ Pct. .508 .495 .479 173 .... .136 .61.0 .588 .531 .~10 .1'3 .421 GB l ~3 3 3\1 6 612 6\1 12 II 20 23 Hc..ston IDlll't.,. W I I f SI. Louis f'o.-.ci, 1 .. J Plnoburth (!.1119 4.fl II "-H•nl1 '"'"I'°" '-111 Cni<•IO (lluttl.I ).ll 11 Clnelnn11J CGIJflt!t 11 M Monlrtal !.__,. 10.10 •rod l l•lr '·JI II Stn Fr.ndKO ( In' .... •Ml D•Act11l11o ,.,, • New Yllrit l'Mlt H I 11 Stft DI"° fco;.lt •111 F'llllMIUofll• (lonMrt 11.f) ,, ~,.......,. J..JI ' American Le•rue Eut Division Boston BalUmore Oeveland . New York Mil•.-aukte lletnJ(l Oakland Chicago Kansai City Texas ftUnnesota Aagels "' .. 50 49 .. 17 46 45 5( .. 47 47 46 31 L Pel. 44 .5.15 44 .527 44 .52% 47 .500 47 _.495 49 .179 41 41 46 50 50 59 .588 .522 .505 .482 .179 .1;1% ..... '41.,... ,, ...... c1 ... 111nc1 10, Oe1;l1nc:t ' +.lew Vork •• Kl llMS City ! Cftlc1to J, ¥llW111kM 2 o\fttftt f, !lt1tlmort o. Id ,8a111rriort s. ""''Iii t, 1"d Ml"l>ftWOlt 17. Oettoil I T•••l 1. Botton ' Tlllt''' 0-A_k.., L•- GB \I 1 3 3\1 ' 411 ' I 8 \~ II • OHl•"ll'(llli;t t.f) 11 Clt'l'tilf'lf 1At11n t ... ) MJl'one.ot1 (lllylr.<tn t·10) 11 Oet~I. (Wllktr '-0 Aiot .. 1 IM•111ef' l_.1 11 8attlmo<"• IMcMtll'I' Ml Kins.• CllY Clt!IH '"31 ti "'4w Yorl tDotliloft 1.1n • . Mli-u~M lc.ltldl'll H tpd C~l!ntllon •lJ It CJllCllO lkltol JM tlld .....,_ •Ill loston IL .. lMl 11 Tfll" l"trttfl 1..SI The Strings started off quiekly, taking the lead -Marita Redondo heal K"1')' M<lvllle ol lhe Lomt<n ~- .... Jr.~:: u. AM.._ l•l '• ·•··· M1ri11 ll:"'ondo (LA) dlf. Kerry Mfl¥UIN1nel NtwlMl'ry OU 6-0. ....... '""* . ll:ll ll:Md (e J *4. GIOfl Ml"t'I (U.J '"3. ...... hull!• 11:1111.,. T1ylor·ll1"Pllerl W1rboy1 <•l dlf. M11lotrs· ''' C1r1Mr (LA) 6-J, Mix• Mftt" ~•l!:\;'.rcm Il l c:tlf. Cr1mtr-5usmu1 {LA) '-•· for the Munich Olympics. De Henets Uve a 1tod palRr returning bl Ron Alto., UI•• Acesta ftprt1 to Uve quite a flPt 011 ltf1 bad1. Aeffk prepped al Wellen ud W11 at UCLA lut 1ear. Fullert.n probably rate< as the team to beat in the South Coast football chase., but the conference looks wide open at this point. Orange Coast must-better its passing game if it is to be a contender. Polat-.e itioninq for recreational vehicles .. ..-....... ' .. , ;J ..=. • ' f !llff fl!flff fff I/' ~139.99 CAMPING I SPORTING GOODS • ICE • PROPANE • STORAGE HUNTINGTON BEACH TRAILER SUPPLY . 16242 Beech Boulevard Phone 555·8500 lJcl M1 ~o 01 S11n On~go Ffoew..iy l "YOUR'-SATISFACTION /S OUR REPUTATiON " -· • Alamitos Racing -. Results ' . • < . . ••• - DAllV '1lOT • c I ! P ~I mer BI u e Chi pp er .. ·.M ~57;i;t _ .~-··.~_.'f'!o ..... ;.~~~: :~;:;::;;;. . ·:;;;::;; ·~ J _. ~~ 0,11111 Tr--tr:lL_~Wlf!ll _._ ~ tr. ..... 'TM itllwllflt...,..,._ Is ............ 104JTHt•N COUMTllS ATTOltlolt.Y IAl&A,A>-S INT e •I 0 • S ~ M '1lil:il\J.. U.NO ~ANY. 1414 1~1 lM! MJM COMl"AH'I', 3'n ~ I W . h :B . h F ltltVICI , 11"4 l"wWIN '--COetOWi 1r1--' .. ~""" 0r1.... Sli!IN' m , 1,.lvlflf'd'oll ••· Tllfllrr. c.1n,.,"11 Ol'lvi . ,,....., •-· ,,,, ...... "'• ..., t t t Ort¥•. Celt!., f1Ul. ,........, .. ,,,,, Ct. '14'0. ltWI N Hiii U. 14' '~ Slretf, '" ....,. .. ~~t.~~,.. •• CMIMt9' b-, *' ~ ~.ir.: ·,,,.... ~"' 11" ~3 ... ~"-;~ ,,u.:;;, t1u1 .,..."' ,,,:~.~-'' ~ "' .. lit ... J. $1Mt 1li!t Ml-b ~ 11oy • .. ,..,.1 ,,::.!,,111,-1 C~ld tw Umlltld Mk¥91 J. Mct•ttr• SlllOdlY, Mt 21, 19'4 I rig U Ure .:,:." .:;..::~;ul:.':1,'.f.::,~ L~M· ~~ ~=:-:;:;:'· I 0 I 0 2 OK•:;::::i. ::•= ··~. i .~.~~; ='i:'<:li.J:!, :A:"' • ' "'fhll 1111-9 ... , ftlM Yltll no. ~ Oo...iii. .... O 1\11!1 Tllll -'t1Mleflf Wll fl l.., wttt. 9111 .,,.,, •AC&-.. y~ , "9M' C-.ty Cltl'll " Oflfl9t C-IY ... J~ •• L!fldt MC(..... Tllll Ill~ w:. ,r:, "411'1 ,,.,. CwnlY C"'t " or.,.. (oyflfy ... .Mr eMI ..... c1.im1=t; Plll'M ,,,. .,,,.. •• Jf>h Mto•lfCll•• v Covroty Cl.,k " ~ c-IY M My ' 11 • ,,,.. -~ 't:,n1~:99)1J . .t0 I~:: !:;: By ROGl!:ll CARLION ~ gained ao much Conftdeace """""*' Onllll9 '""' 01111, ~ c!:., ,~.; c!~ ;.'~u1i":. lfJ4. tt•OC' · ' ""\11111•""' ·oi-o. c.., D•llv 0 ": Tri~ c T•lllY tlrlOlltl :l.00 . Of .... ,,..,""".,... alter donning glasses. J~ ........ JI,._, M.vutt •• 191, Ull'" lf14. . c .......... 'm"°" ..... ·"'· Jiiiy 21, .... ~Au9Wl.4 u. "'' m>7• Tt--2t.$1 .ti "Bob bad d-.th plioo --• •JHlt tll~fCM a IOHtt & Mt II Ill. · -· ,.., .. ,,_,,.,K, IU(k_., 11~.t 'lbere were IOMe wf)C) felt a "t"'"' peroe PVBUC NOTICE' _..,.,.._. °"""' c--oiur ""11o1, • 1~.. . -PUBLIC NOTICE , ,11.,,t, Poco s1mmY tKO, OollbnKk'• Bob Palmer was -1y problem before the gla.a Jwtv 1" 11. • .,,. A.lllWl'I •· n1, ml-I• '~ 1 •1• 110'11·• ""'*' overlooked wheft he•·-~ and 'ft.'e think it was the key •icT1Tt01.1t '"'"•" L• .,....., <• 11 "'"" 1 ...,, ,.,54,1 1 12S1t • -• to wh he 1 . t MAMI ITATIMIMT PUBUC NOTICE 1"1111111"-I °''""' c.,1 Dtllr ,11-. ti10T1c• To c•tDITOltt ....... ••c•-110 Yltft. 3 YHr b•""-.. •--' f« All.{:JF ---.. y was unmn• a , ..... -.. --,, ........ ,_ .. ,, ,. -... • ... SUPI•••• COUIT ..... :~~ ~.:.;',T:;1'1111· fillr .. •1100• J~H ~u It monu;;IO the ba.D. 'Ve're ~~e .. ~11 ¥. ••. ........ ,..._ ••CTl'Jo:l #i''lilSI 4 .. ... ••• "fll'! ., lt7•~ STATI Ot'"°CALlfiMllllA FOil '(UOll•m) llAI J.IO :l..tO aft.er starri.. .. at C.Oroae del encouraged-he's a super kid o:::.r:io~~::. t~r:.~::'~ TM ,.ef"' • ,:,~ 111 :r ... !,., PUBLIC N011CE • TMli '°:~T!.:..°": .... '~fi!111':r ~~~=1 l.llO t!: Mar High .. 'dioot for three from a &-uper family." d:,i::"'' c:'~~'""' t;G"i;"~~~1 0r~ M;:-i-,~: 1NvEITM£!NT co .. u ss • tHM o!s::1:C.. '' Ll~Lt.t.N •· U.LtMe, • Ali• ''"""'°'' My1i.r1 M•"· F11t uears at third base and Palmer. now Oil the road 111111 20), tr~IP!t. C1!1t .• ""'· Wl'ltll'lt ... _, ........ P••k. c.11'-'"•• TUfi!A IOI COUIT Ofi THI! WOT ICE IS HEt!IY •(l ll/EN .. flW . !lldle, HHH'V "" "h· HI Clllf, Gyp .: ..&... with his Knoxv1'\\e ·-Tltll Mlti.•. •• <ond-uded •Y • ton• STATI' OP CAL IFOttttA F(llt e•eollcrs of Ill• -~ "'""'*' ~t • F.. Cat ... ,ft;r. teamnlal'<"I, <OflllW•llOll. 1. Ct.rtllC9 I. Hlc::z11 1"4 i;.,i.,, TMI' COUNTY OP OIAN•l n..t all Pff~n~ """il'l!I d •lrm ..WlllSI !NI .' TM lllD 11 .... ,_ a'''''· 2 r•·-But yOU can be sure the 1 is h\\'OIVed in a JS-day TltOy'!.QVJTIEI C:Oltl"OIATION =rfi,~"·,i•T.:usii: C' f 11r..'u.;.,,111J lie...f.-Mr.Z 'd de<.td..,I i re rlQlllred lo Ille,.,.,,.,, ·--~""'~ -.., • ... ·..a--the -0 Ji._~ ~~_f.lllirY -c.iltOmi.-1~ "''• Hllln. NOTIC8 0, NEA~G OF 1".~t!lJ.0111 ._.un lfll ~~~,?<'!V boCl\lc:.,, ln.lt-4 ... Im 0 --:-c1ilm1,,.. filll'M $2100. --Cilcago WliiteSOX an! taldn elC<'Ur!lon am1..u1 "beat'Ind hl• 511t.n-1 WIJ 111...-'f!l ' "-Yftftft1 Nl~IU 11\d i\11-•o "g• l"llO~ATI o,.-W'ILL ANO &f'Tl'if"ile<lfCI ll\• ..... 9"11tle-d cwrt. IW' -~~ ... ",'-"'!! (0.(~~11•,c., 7.~ ,,•·!! ,•.·.," a 1-•, ~~··· •--• St humidity of the Sootb Coun!V (i.,-k ol Ort• ~ ... JI/Pit Nl6'.ii11, (D>Tt.-_ ~ l'~' ll•IM NOTTL0010•,",,','r CO,DICIL AMO FOii to ~-t ft>enl, wltto IM -sory _"" ---.--"ft WUl!O • , • H, lt14. •1·14. '31.N-O.\e SlflM'I• AlliM-:m, L AM NTAlT ~we.Mr-. to !he uruHr>lfMd 11 IM llfllc1 w.~ W1rrlor (Mo!'fi.) 1.20 the Sea fO'll And It s the V.'ea!her and ,.,,.,. WllfsPll• ... IH!tl• .•I zoe OA.IAaEttGI, O.:ti'Ad. of ,,..1, .effltrMV. ltOIQ:T w .. OM611. Tl~ .. l .. lll'l..w..-"-.. _, ~-long ·'-··-f'i.I~ ""-· •alr--~· PubHilltld ~ c~ Ctlly Piiot. N!:L J°""" "v:. NlllllDI '"' ,,_,.., 1 NOTICE l.!1 ~CIEllY CIVEtl '"'•' s~•-20$, tllrbtl'll< L•w 1111101119, 211 tov &ISO ,,,,_.__, Jld, ltocklll SOI, a M , ~......,. -mr,,-~·u .. _ --uw. .......,_...,_.11,.. ...... ........., • ..._,,,.~ ...-r.lllw, C.:Tri•I-loH'llkl' Trv:.I lll!H .fM_fOOOllE e. LOEFFLl.!l h•~ liled !JUve Av..,.,., a111un.t.. C1lll«ni<1. wl>ldt 91. \.Olllt Jr .. Fkl!le Iii' ar11111. M!ohlv Palmer 1....... been with of the toll on him physically --' ::,..-CA Wt:11 •IWl11•,.., "' ._ ........... Pdllllo • ...... ,;o..,;;,,,,...,.,,. ______ -l Mlclllrie, MKHy Tap c;irt, K.nny IMe "It' f t' . ., ' PUJIUC N-CE· •I'll' Ptrk. c,11•111• tUU Mokllr-coflk Cadltil. 11\d t1r ;wu•JKt ol In 111 f1'11nwts ,.rr.i11ing .. "" _.... II Oat l«.Olld Knoxville of the AA Southern s very a 1gulllg. says v•• Tilll ~'*"It c9i'ldliltt.f .,., • ..,., .. L.Miwn 'ft11•"""'"Y •ri•~• 1• ~1o1~ <1«-'· wttl\!n tlAA' '"""""" 1tttt Pal · "B t [ f I l'k (' .. ,,,.,"IQ. . ·· WN<" Ill,,..... h;it' .....,,.., Nrlic\.lt~n;, •rod !Ne fln;t ""oliUllO(I of nw. !dke. League and is cur re n t 1 y mer. u ee I e m f'K'TITHMil lVll•••• i o.-. I. Mllfl•lU ..... , n. tlm• Ind ol•<• ol M~llflll IM Ollod j-Tl ltl• hitti-the bt_ll at a ,240 cJln ,, catching good especially et MAMI ltATIMllllT c!::rv r~ Of._, ~ .. nll JIM M-1"91-.,. H'I f9"July ?9, 1911, 11.f:le • , LO"-INE' JAMISON ,,... "°'"''" •..::• --'¥.... J YMr old1, ClelM! ... ,_ ... L" • .,. W.te1'1 IAd1lr1'-.tO 2.» 2.iCI ~ ... fll'OGll1J J . .tO :uo DM<AWl'I ,., c. tltnll.ll tM s.oa ,,__..., ,t,1w r•n-Ltha· 0tck1, c-1., "at/leln, Alohl l1r "'"" llt.ICl -MD •1rcl1, S .,_ llkll • tJP. ci.111"-t 1llM11K•. ll'llOoll! Coln flrwQl UO S..0 4.1'!1 l\lllllV PM OM (ACl•lt\ S.iCI 1.0 I'm Far Yov !,MOl/'rltl s . .MJ Tl!M--tt.05 AIWI r--....O.... CllCfll', A·l/liwwln, Al'• Alllll, 11':1-t. l.r, I• Sur• Olt LWy SllCTN llACI -111 y1rd1. S YNr •• l ""· Cl1lmlr111. l"UOI 12tCICI. IMrt ltockll (WllUrlf.IO '"° SA l•rrlno (Llplllm) ' J.«I 100 1u• Trtor (Knltllil S.IO Tl~l3 . Abo r1!'!-MIM A Gtlt&. Sc...,. !klart. l"tppt Wint. C:lllfor"ll S.Pldf, ....... AltO ''n -t. ..... 11111 IC .. r. Dr11P O' ...._vmoon. ElltbO Go. PrlllJ'lbllll, Mlldl( Cl\lc. L" V911dv Girt II IX&CTA -.1·1"11111 ..... a , ................... .. NllfTM ltACI -.. Y•rdL , ., .. r oldl & ~ Cl•lllllnlll. fit,lrw 11700 c .... , ........ Kip 111'!'1111\J 1.20 '2.to 2.• LA-o's Pet. (W1l ... r l.tO 5 . .tO Cocty Kid (C!'t' .... ) 3.lt Tlnw -1'!1.46 Also lltn -Crlf' l"ttUr, Otcktltr, Zorllll't c111. '9K• Noll, \/tin T-'MI, lr91-'P111 O'wl!. No ll(O'tk- U 1-..dt ~ tctJ a l·LWt '""fl.ill llJI ... ·'Irvine .. Divides Twinbill -~ • IOI PALMER thi . t ' TM i.llftlllll --It ... ,. Mi.. • 1'74. ' ~ WI -•• ,,.. .... ltof ~YFWl'l'I"' °'"" ...... ' N~. . W•LLI ...... JA,\All()lilt in addition to his aparkling s p:un • .., . . I " wlcl fW<f, It 'llO CNle ''"'" Ot1v• Ce>-E•k\11 ... " -WUI " P 'ay at ca•~ ,.· a backup "Tbe first week 1 felt 1=--ANNA ........... .., -so. ,. .... 0r., .u~ :-O~!(so... w111. 111 .,,. c1iy 01 s. .. r • .\M. c1111ottJ1. ,,,. ,_,. 11,1n1111 ..,......, 'I \U"Ei" • • ~ ..... M , S-.-Mt. Ct. mo. • ;.;rr,;;;r ...... :r-. o .... J ulw 11, 1t74. •otllT w. OMall roie. "Palmer did ·so we 11 J was lit the nlaJOr leagues o.v111 F, o.t ......, 1• K-i,..._ """"'•· ~,.. INll ~LLIAM •"It .KNt11, 111 •• °"" ........... ,.. ~ the pitch• · Or., F~ (1. "*1 Tiii -I • ~ Ci.rt ....... ,, C1ll'-""1 fl"! Palmer was o r I g In a 1 t y receiving," says White Sox uccause mg was to Kim '· 0.1 Sotto. 1• "-',.... ..,. •••~ ca1T. ·AMII a l't:VI .. ,._., .., c,,.II•...,. scheduled to' I i the ecout Gary Johnson "that 't fll!t. I was getting' caught Ur.,"~ C:•. "'11 . ' ,,.. C':'.i.i~ ,,,,.... ""'utoll•llMI Or•.,.. C••t Dilly Pill!. pay n ' • 1 close into ....., ~. But I'm 1~~1·.., ~-'-CO'ldll(.tK ."' l"Vltll1,,.. °'"'• c.tt o.uv 1>11o1, T .. 1 cnt,'=:..., JUM JO.•• J1111 7, u. ti. 1n• M"·'• Rookie Uague, but he W89 was decided to keep blm . "•J '-'.:f· ·~ °" "°" 1 Jut11,,., ,., 21. "'' • H, .. ,, •""""'" ..,1 ,..,..... • brought up to AA status _to · where he is. getting used to 1t now. In Thi• 111"-1 w11 .,, • ..,"' "" ,,,0111.,.. er-c:o.s1 O•rtv l"Htt PvBLJc NoTi:CE give Knoxville some depth-at "This is an educational · the.rookie league ~e were ~:y.,a•nt "! onll99 '°""'Y"" J~"' PUBUC. N<n!CE Jl,llv.u. 1 1. 21; """' • . 1m-1'•----------~-···· least until the White Sox period for him and next year fast. but they were wild, too. P-.. •1cT1Tt0U•· iu1111ss ·PUBLJC NOTICE ST.AT•M•Nio~,:-:,.•DOM•••• organjzation coold come up we feel he'll be a fronL line "r!ere these guys have the J:~b~.~ %~~ 1 ~o;:,1 ,$:i1 ;is1t':i fllAMI •TATIMlfllT 1 ._.. ••cT1T1ou1 1u1111111 •AM• wtth someone from the college cau.'her in A ball. good control." ~-I:-':';~·,.. ..... .-.,.. olOIAO 5UfllllOllt COUllT ·o,. THI ...Z'*us:'::WW: ~r.r~ "'1:1"~ dM!" • "We feel he's th-e. m•."bc Palmer, who ()nly turned 18 PlIBUC NonCE HllH1t.V FAllMS. .. ~J ._,.r" ITATI OP CALl,.OllflltA fOI "l'ME c•ow'I Nl!ST,. YACHT &HD u . ,,,. ·' . N ~ d ; '-· A.._,.,,_.,, fitrlr., Cll1tl:lfnlt '°''tn TH• COUHTY 01' OIANCll SHI P ltROlt!: AGE" M 1015 ltllt!1 But after takinit a look at four / years away fr()nl the 1n ovem~ an is t11c young· •1cT1T1ou1 1u11•1s1 1 c1.,_. 1. Nl.,,1111 _, Ht1.. · "" .-..m A"''"'"• 1.-. ,..,1r., c1111or"1' tl'°2 Pa ·---. ·--.·me I I el d ma'-leagues. He's gO! the est player in the~ Southern NAM• IT•TIMllNT NI~"'· C•l'-'-wnOer r ..... , OileG ,,TtCl"Ofi HU.lltff 0" "'ra1T'lolll The t!dlllws llU>•l'llU ni""' r11 ... .-Ill u1~ n.uu.~• JV' Le i.....-Thi flllowll'll ,..._ h 4olnt IMl$!P11SS '-'· PZ1 lllftl:'l'll Circle, F'"i.1i..1oro, a.i'1i:f'f;1~ ·01"11 WtL~ A o FOii •l>o'll• was filed in CCM1tv on Aprll u. manager .Jim Napier. himself ootstanding arm and he's very a~says a •11.11ue run ••= · c'l.~:;.;.~ N~li .,,.. M ' E11,.11 oit "'-'•T1~H.Nt&~u.N. •I• 1 ' 1 '· · • against Nashville has been the HElttTAGI! Pit/NT co .• n1w.11'11 N<i.'lbOJ Co-Tr.irt i:.•, j • .,:: kr1tWfl n MAltTIN HOllACE COC: ... M H CON~·· INC .• c: 1III1rn l 1 an eir-catcller. decided to keep quick. 'Ve think he has the SI., Coil• Mti.t. C•. mn . 1·1·74. ~ Noirn. 'iri.111'1~ I '115 :::i Ill~ k-MAll;K M COCH ltA ' COIPQr•ll•"· 70!5 kl\Oll Av ...... , lllllW Palmer on the roster for the potential as a p 0 we r highlight of his season to date. ci..11.., I\'.· sn.:or11iu. n1 w. 1m c.HICl'nl; t2lillO • • "1r•' All• m, o..:tMlll. 1 ' · "'· , P;;rk. ci;11.11:1ro1i ttl602: , "We v.·ere ahead "I ··d SI., Cbll Mft.11, Ct. nw J.. Jllwl Y., Nillll111 .,,. Trudn T. NOTICE. IS H!!tEIY GIVEN• I'll.. T~I,. ti.r..i~s ... , tol'ld\lcte:S •Y ' balance of the season. hitter-especially s ince he's • "'= · -· , This ~ b CO!lfvt;IM •Y 1111~••u.·c~Tf\llllMJ lll'ld« 1rlh1 •olfld EoN'~l:f M. cocM1tA1<1. 11"' 11.ncWll ,, ~•t1""-my home run gave u s )Nll~klu~li:.rJn" ~Ml~ kl '-1·14. ·IU W•t . Hdlmln A•-· !Ot;A ti<. COCM JIAN,,..., flled '-el". ·Tl'lis ~.="':!'~:"°'/i;d'"'':l'Ji ,,.. . insurance " says P a \ m e r Tt.b 1111....-· w r•111• ·-,,. M_r.,. ,.,._ Cilrtor!"• tl)M 1111'111\1'1 1 ~· '"•-i:. °' .,.,_,.. •"" tor C01111t1 c1 .. 11. If Or•11ge C011<11y sn Junii = . •• "'"" Cl1r-I. HIM!iau lhll•-., "'"''" T•,.mlnf•tT to fM 11 1'7• Knoxville won. J.l. c-.iv Clerk • °'',,.. c-tv "' J~ -TN• ~·h C'IJld>Jc'-1.., • ltflM'91 ""'1'*-'""11\C.' 11> w!\kJl_lf._......, lot .cRuOO,i...alC..AJtD AMT••· • • • 2t. lf74. .. ~i.. f\lrl!loW. "rtlc\111,.._ 11'11 Tlltt n.·11-IPlll A"-" · -- The hl.llTlidity is a fact« l"llDl!5hld' Dr• , , 0 ,, .... ,,, c~ ~":":'or!",.. ~~ wllfl , "" •lie.I°' liur1110 "" ,,.,,.,. ~i'll ""' :;.t .., wit?...,. ''"'· "• ,... -;~ in the South and Palmer sa.ys Juno.JO,,.. J 1"': u~~ ,,,•., ·-~· », 1n._ _,,,, °" ~VM rw JIAy ». 1'74, 11 t :» '·""·· 1~ !'I'll ""*"''"i1i111, c111it!W1 t1111 • · ' "' ' • ' ' " 'JUaTolli .,.UUJIM · ~-Oii Otpei'fmen1 Mo. 3 cf •st ld 11-.:1 .. hes not espeoaUy looking -PUBLIC NOTICE •OMIOil AllO ••lso• c-f, 1t 7flO c1111t; Cffllll' o.1w w.-.,,, Fn PutittRIM °"ffVI Cont o.ttr "',~ f()rward to the 14-hlui' bus _____________ 1112• '""'"' ,...., A-!NI Cltv of s.~t• &"1· C•lll«lll•. J11h 7, 14. 21. •· n7• Ult-74 Wfllttfw, Cel!Mnle ..a Ol!W J!Ay 11, "''· . trip that awaits after the ,.,cT1r1ou1 1v11w•s1 T•h tfM'«I , WILLIAM E. s1 JOHN, PUB-UC N-CE Ori _ .. _ . MAM• SfATIMlllT IUl1t Cwn!v ci..~ v•• auuo.1 senes. T"' lcitowl ....... "°" la dol"8 MIMl1 ,,,.,,. NAm ... s. IU.IKHAllD. Palmer who has adde<han '" P11tot1.,,.. er...,. c1111t -o.11y ,11tt. W11L11• a ••••••Y 1 nnt . · h . he• . h nd-0--~ l"ACIFIC IKtPl"Elt, ZO!t Avon Sir .. , July 7, J4. 2_!,_21, 1114 ZllJ-14 Jlt ............... It. 'ffOnCI TO CltlDITOlll lllC 1n tg t a l t"""'-"""' .._,,.., Mlcll. C•llf'Dml• nwo Lii ......... CA ,,.,, SUl"llltlCMt-COUllT °" ,,.. -. in weight S3)'S he'll turn to Penntn1 Put111,t.1na ca,,.,.",, PUBLIC N~CE T•h c11n.,..... 1TAT1 o,. CAt1,.0llN1a "°" • llK0r'p0!'1ttd. NfWPOrt hldl.'c.-iltor!'!!1 v•• &"-YI,..,,""""-Tttl (;OUlllTY OP oµ••• weightlihing after the season t)/M • PIJbUlhld er.,. c°'" 011t-1 l"not. 111<1. 1rt111N . u rt to beef Thi• bll!ll-•• (-UC""I tiy I P1n1novs IUlt•••• J11l1 14, u, 21.·1tt• 2111·7• Efl•tt " KA1HRVN L. svTTeN, Jn an euo up even cotpor1llO!\. NAMI STATIMllNT 0~-l...t. more. PllWl•nt hbllil'fln11 co., IP1C. Tiii 11111,,...11111 ,.._ 11 dlllr111 IM.llll111$'1 PUBLIC N011CE NOT1ce: is HE!tt!IY GIVEM 1o no. . J. fi. TIN"""°' •s• Ctedltors If Ille 11>o'111 "'!'Md ~ By CRAIG SHEFF HIS brother. J~, al~ a Thi• ~m-=1 .,.,.,, fi led wlll'I -... ~ ~• STAii MAR INE! s u,. pt. y ,.1CT1T1ov1 1us1N1s1 '"'' 111 ,,...,_ ~Vint cl•!"" 11111111 "" · • ' ro--de) •tar Htglt ~.~ c -co • -°' ,......... .... c;:OMl"A"IV, 2227 111i. s1rto1, coi." 111.t.MI ITATIMlllT "Id d.c-"t •r• ,...,.,..,. lo fll• 1'1'111'1\, Of IN o.lly '111t Stiff ~1 .. ,... 1' , t" .,,......_~, 111111" ., .. ., "llll'R ""'"'~ lfl J!olly Mfie, Clll'-ml1 '2627 I 'Tiii ft1"""'1Plll Oli'9I fl dal M iMU wllll It. l'llCl'$.W'1 voucl\lrl, 1n llle lttt lf,I" •• · JS playing for UC Irvine. 1'· 1"._ 1to11ert W•l1"9 Ml...,., mt s1119 .,, 119 et ri. e1-o1 tM '"°"' ..,1111td c-'· °" With a dream of Ol1C day There' r J 1 FU4!' Slroet, COilt Mis.I, C1Ulor"l• '2'21 FLOltAL GIFT EYl!'·OEA5 OF lo P!'fill'il nwm, wtlh the JM.ns1ry becomU). g a maio· r league s JU e pressure on J "'"'r.~ °"'~c .. si 0~11Y ~"'·. Tll!t"' 111151"'" 1s (llNll«fld ., •n cALIFOt:WIA, l!M w1sio;,.m Aw .. vouc""'•· to'"' Ulldeti.itlllll 11 1111 offlc• · Palmer w it h management 111~ •• •rid A ''· 11• 19 ' 2 1~ tlld!Vldu1I. -c ... 1. Mew, c •. '1iH cf Pie!' •llornen. SHADLE AHO HUNT , baseball player abandoned, more interested in grooming PUBLIC NOTICE no;s ~;.~'::,~r w•1 litM . wilh lh• A;~~ c'::i':~;;::~·J:ft W•~lll...-lllft ~~!~=n~~~~:1f.• :::,.:; Myron Pines is hc>peful ()f him for bigger and better COlll'llY Cl•k "' 0r.,... covnty .,. J11n• Tl\!1 i.u11,.....s b ~Pldlldld •Y 91\ "'w.Jnas <If'"' ""'""Mtlllll 1" 111 1'1'111· starting a new career. . ~ PICTtTIOUI IUSl!lllSS 2', \"'· 11'\d\Yldl.o•I. . lt1s pe·rlll"I""' I&""' e.11,. ol ••It lllct-things to come. fllAMI' ITATIMllllrT -. f!)tft! Clot M. JlhfMPI det'I\, WIUol" tour -'11t Mier "" 11~1 A star high school and And with ihe """'tinued T~ 1o11cow1,.. PtnC11 Is dolnt M lnc.s l"llllliM'lld Or•• ':oau D•lly Paofl 11111 $ta1.,.....1 ,.10s l1teo:t wa11 1111 publlt•llc~ et 11o;, n..tie t. college player, Pine&-tike .. .,... 1s: J,,IV 1, 1,, :n, 21. 1•1• ;.s1s.1 c-1y c,.rk " or11119 CGIJlllY ...., J1111 O•tN J11111 21. 1'74 !~······-of ~·-· before progress thal he's making it !>OTT CONNECTION. Ir.kV. w ... ,,.n . --17, 1'74. ELl?.AIETN GAIL MILLIGAN 1,._.iu:o vwa , . 11va .. C:OS11 /,\OH, Ctl!I. PUBLIC NOTICE F..JMY. E•eclllrl• ~• 11111 Wl11 If appears he s a blue chip c111r1n &e!llY!dn cen:"" r.ot w. P11bH$hlf o..,,,, CN.t o.ny P!ltl ""' ·-1\9/Pled t11ote0en1. him -never made it to the p-~ •-p···· the Jack ol COisl Hwy .. flllW-1 INCi\. C•lll. t2MQ Ju.IV t i, a , •NI Auo"wit, 4 l\ 1'7• 2'.!T·J.i ,SHADLIE ""'o NU)fT ~. leam•es enl •J\y •t '""!"-.... ~ Tl'lili w.1_, 1: (lfld\l(IM ty t n •1ctmous·1u111tns · · ' n sJ.tt.nonst ui "'M , ev U.i qui· All-CtF credentials that most ll\Cllv1tut1. . lllAME STATIMl•T • PUBL ,; '0'11 ... o. kl! .6f7 · Lina: when be knew be could .. _ .. 1.__ ,...~1:4' . ~t.. C9'u1• •. c;ein..... .:..ho! loll.wt, "' pw>iOn Is do!M' '""-\MU ---1\. N CE Vl111, Cllihfloil t2IU never aee hl,s'"dream come .,.,..,. ... a:a.n ~orrua ....,.yers Tl\i.a 11.,_,w11r1ted ... 111111'i•l'.llW'IV --~ Tiii: rn41 m-31:11 possess 11;hen they enter Pro ci-"'~~ .. July'"' 1n"' A+J.1.: .. eNTe.•,•11es. 'mt ?'k.,re 1 •1CT•T1ous: •usu1•Ts a"°""'s totr llHl.lllrfll: T , true. I "~ lt.d., e.1 Torn, C1lll'Ol'nl1 no. ..,.,,.,. 1'{11.Y•M•HT '"""''--0..1,.. CN~I. 0..lly l"l\gt P •-, who played at Goltlet\ bMeb&ll:. l"11G!0!s!Md onn1"" 'c•st D•llr l"ILol. M~ Asi:M<1t1r.,,,...., Jr.. t5'11 ... '!.~ 1cnowi119 ""'°"' •• •c<nc11 J11n1 :a. J~11 1,1-. 11, in• 141._,. ·-· _:_.:.__;_:_ ________ ,July 2 , 71, 11111A\IOISI"-11. 1t1' 21'2·7• fi lar,. 1• .. m Toro. c1111Wnr1 r.it.:11 • _..Ple'SI •s: West and ~pman colleges, Tl\ls ~trw.;s 1s (Ol'IOJVCl<lll w 1n 1~ ISIE •"'II IOl"CO suPe1twH1? PUBLIC NOTICE ... ~~~~~ ............ ., , ___ P_UB.LIC NO~CF;t d1v!11 .... 1. ' llACl!iG l:.n"l!ll"ltl!SS, 12" S. Lyon, ., iJ"liOW-Dlannlng a-teaching = 1• H•N., AWienb•tflMI', Jr. s.:t• 1'AM, ·c.nt.~ f'l1C5. • ;---:,c,.c,"1tc,c0c0•,c,c,c0c,.-1c,-,--- career alter three sea.tons In LU.SE A 'T4-D--;\TSUH--•1cT1Tiov1 1u11•111-_,_ -TNi-.i11 .... .m wn 1ufld •lflll!l!I c..,,.. H..:::..i!n. ':.°':.~...!~~1~1~' s. __ llAMl.JT•T•M••T For Pines Big League Dream . No Longer Exists J the min . or leagues. 710 2 dr •• ,,...... til&MI ITATIMlllT IV Cieri!. rtl o·~...i· c .... 111y ."" J ...... 12; Tllomla Wiit .. Wtoll'I, 1145 Ii. Gr-. ""' l\ll~1-pft'$Olll .,.. do1"" Till fol!owl119 !>e•'°"l ' tr• 11101,.. lf7• ' Mi ·~· ... Mike Konig came through He was a math and PE MYRON PINES + , .. , ••• c.u. 11111r~1n ••: l'l*4z 0•••· cii. f7'6S. ""' 11 ' · COST .. Mis .. D ··TSUM LILLIAN'S ANTIQUC:::s. 41l:oiJ'" St l"ubtisllld Or•noo Cu~ D.tlly Piiot Tflh Mll'lllSt II cendVl:l'ld ~y • 1"'41••1 MACHINt:IV !!Qu1r 1..teNT TIANS- "J .th a t~·· ~·ble w1'th major at ~-pman and ... ... "•" • -• ' . . • " ~ , 7 • • • "'"""1htp, fi01tT. 202J PJIC*'l111, Ce1511 Mnt • .. >r> ... , UU\.I "''"' • ew,..... NC/l, Ctl f. Junf • '"" ~1111 \ •~. :11, '' 2'02·14 1"iiw1eli' llar\lld McMlhon C1111oml1 "m i two oot In the bottom of. the currently looking for a job. ball in Biliin'", .fitontana, a 2141 HA:!:!4~~YD .. C.M. ,,wJ~I:: ~iw!:' ~~~ci!~'t."c.~i't. --TM' •11mm...1-wn 111ed wi~ "" c!.J. ~oo11 a.,st111. '"'·•"'" "'-""•• last ""''-to -•de the P••es ,., t b~-r bo··• •· 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~1 ~1 P.O. '" 2jM.f.· N----h-·. · PVBUC N"'"CE · Calll'ltv c1trt c1 .cnr1111,. c.......,, °"' Jvty • "'' •INorn!• t7m .,,,._"ti t'""'! "'' no iwc: a ""' year at San Jose in the c 111 r.'63 ........... ~" ..,..,. 11, 1t74. · · Thi• 1111$1,..s Ii cOl'Wluc'-1 tw • Jrvine O:>lleglans with a 7-6 his experiences in the minor Ca"~'-League and· last r:11 · 11~1-1s ~uctellf by " '"'''-·' '"'''''' --•·-_ ,:... °'''''•""'•tr,· tOl'JIOl'• 111 ").· c-· , ·-·•· '"'· 11 UJUllUG flldlvld~11, N'"l-•TATIM .. T , ,.,ror""' •• -:". ,,.--.--,-, ,·,. ,77, -·' • '·"· , ... -. ,,::"" bastba victory OV!r vis!lini leagues, but adrnittedJy feels se-was at Jacksonvi'\le. wtttloME ...... ..... .. w .. -J ·-~-~-I (JI S Jo fOR EXPERT SERVICE · -~• TM foikJiorlllt ,,.,_. -croil'lt Th19 mt-I -l'lled wMo tM ,._....,... ly at u rd a y his size (>9) had a t lo Florida in the AA S6uthem Tiii• s11,.....,,,1 ,. .. ,, fl l«I w1111 ""' 1111sr".u es· PUBLIC N011CE C01m11 CJ1rk DI Oren;e c-t, oro Junt afternoon. do wt'th Kansas City!s decision League. for your 1·..vvvt '""~" '1"'k °' °''""' count, on Jiitv THottOuoH•llEO 11rsEA1tCH 1. ~ 1" 1'74 • .,.,..... , 16, lt74. ' ·ILOOOSTOCK AGEHCY, 20 "Wftl ,.._ 11\e triumph fll'8Ve the that he Would never progre!S "'fhey pald me $500 a month Cati l"ulllltllld Ori C '1Wlt · C•sl Hflllw1y,.Slfl'9 4.,.......... IHcll, sJ l"llltOR.IC= OI' TMI ,llllilal'lld Or111ge Ceell Dilly l"llel.' Anteaters a split in the put an AA league. my first year, $600 a month J11lv 21, 211, •!'Id A':'llll r~'t, 'M!ly ,:..'1J C .. I= ~ Calli,_,, 'm ·&•$I • ITATll OP CAl.tfiilllUA fOt Jlll'll lO, IPld Jwlr 1 • l4. ZI, tt 74 tl52·l4 doubleheader-National C i t y "I could have r.at::l lhis my ,.cond y•'" and -a European Car Repairs PUBLIC NOTICE 0.....11111 AvllP!W, er.191, c1111.m11 TM• co~':.'Y•:r,0• 01•,,• 1 _ PUBLIC NDnCE ba Y ... M bal th .,... "'"" Ziff W..... lt.-4., c.M. '*'. , . 'f.''' o• •••••• o• •-otob• ---· . came ck to win the ear ' e month last season. That's 645-1440 ~11-II c 1111o m s-~ "'' r -~--------nl~-• • UC •-•-· V •-•• City -g.,.,;,. .. ~on told ,.ICTITIDIJO '"'''''' .,._,_""-'Or 1 ' C':;lfllrfof ,.,,n • Oii' '110.AT• 01" .'#ft.L ANO FOii fitCTITtOUI tV!llMISI 5' ....... p, -. at u ...... ncu...... --·--"' okay if you're single, but I •"•iu-• ' .... -• ··':" $.llTTtlll TnTAM•WTAllY NA.Ma STATllM•llT in C.ali£omia Co 11 e g I a t e me I was not good enough got ma-o·ed before my tho.rd 1111 '°'~;!1 srATIMINT . di!t':!.1~.-11 ~~ br 911 '"' Elf•I• rt! WAL Tl!tt w. Keiusoe 1. Tl\t ftlll0\lflnil 1>1rson 1s _,,,. timM:.t l hi •-beca f •• SUl\.1f\.lER 111111-,,, ,. • per.-.i .,.. .,,.,. Don.1111-M, c1n1ri.m 0.:lftld. •s:. · " League play. O go any gncr use O seascn in pro b.'lll, and it's CLEARANCE CAllttot.L'S J.IATVllAL MEAL TH ;111t 51,,...,.,.,.,, W11 11114 Mftt n.., ·NOT1C!E.,. .. 1s Heae1v c;1veN tti11 s " M ltENTALS. 7'1'11 er~ K lg' winner ""'""II hted my siz.e Thl!y wanted to CAllE 631 w. UT!\ SI (fl;'f .... Ca1n1V Clll'k or Or•Roe COllrit1 .. J11l1 WALTl!ll WAYNE Cl!VSOE• h.s f;led ..,.,..,lie, 1....., fi1rk, C1lltornl1 '°''' , on s '"6'' g send me ·back kl Florida this hard to live on that kind of we need your Trade! C•llt ' " • • 10, "'" ,,..,,Jn • ,.1111r.., '"' l'rowt• 11 wrn •nd J11n c. stoweiJ. n:n1 SMti 1r111111, a four-nm outburst t ha t ............ when you're married,,. p . k.;....i" E Ctrralt hnt Er.I L-· • • ""4l tor ••~UIC9 ot L.iren Tf$li0rMfil1rv ro L• ·M1r111.o. C1!ltorl\l1 906JI • n'ga·~ a • • National r •ty season as a utility player," ';;;.":.':;_.: rem1um prtces paid. Chino, c.111.; ,1711. ' • ' l"lllllllftM' ar.,,.. .COi'' OIH• 1"1111, t119 Plllli-....i.r.-to """'c" Is l'McM Tllis lt!r.il'llSll Ii cGM1.ic11d bY • nmueit • ·-~ ~ ~ .. P1'nes .. ul'CI says. EXCELLENT SELE ... ION Alrn.t M. C11re11, 16920 Er..t Ltl'll. Jiii• u . 21. ti, •ttd A\loin1"'"''1111-14 fair'""""" 111rt1c1111rL .... l!wol IM time P,rtnl'l'slolp. .. le.ad. YS · Pines batted just .238 la.<\t i..1 c 11fro, C1t11 .. tino. •Piii 111<1c• " hNrl1>111 ""' """ !\.Is be'tl'I • ' Jeen-C. 510Mfl Ca I P ··1 wanted to be a pl•-r lmmedo·ote Deli·very T111. tiusrr.u 11 cOP111uc19111 lli¥'. __, • PU)llJC NO'llCE "' 1ar Jiiiy xi. 1t14, 11 t :)(I •.l'l'I .• 1n t11• TMs st•'"'*" -fi•• "'"" 1111 r eterne1I started it off ...,,-~ • season, but was one or lhe PJ•tllll'•hlr;. ,,..._., cO\/moom" o.,'""""' ~· 3 et wldl Cc·.'lltv cltr1< <11 Ot•tilil c-iy.,. with a single and Dennis coach or a regular, but they leading outfielders 1.11 the KtnMlll a cirl'flll <Clllr'll •• "'° c1v1c c .. 1w orry1 \'1r.;1, '" COMSTOCK. ••1t1u1. ·d I •--lded t t t NAB ER S 7/l!s 1111em..,1 · .,., 111..:1 "'~ -, FtCTrTICMll 1u111111ss' t!'lol C IV of s1n1t ""'· C•ll1crn11. ' JOYI • WWLCN [)e(any's double, Jim c~v·s 581 00, 80 UC\. 0 S ar league. '" fllAMI ITATIMllHT 0.Plod July 11 191' mt OrMMll'llfM A-Sit •1 11£"' Coun!V Clerk et Of•nvt c ....... tv Oft J~1, T1lt 1'11JC1111il'if . dDi Ml w11.t.1.t.M e. 51 JOHN, •-''"'· C..WIWJll• tt•11 ' aillgle, Rich F!Plder's single , teaching ~citing." \\'ould he do it all over ~ 17• 191•· ,... •s: . ·~'" "' -c°"""' c1 .. 11. 1nl) n1-m1 ~ ••• and Pat Esplncna 's walk led Plnes two seasons again if he had the c hance? flulltl$1'1td Dr•• Ca.ti.I 0.11.,. ,11ot. H\IOll'l9fon -..C.h,, covrt Cllltll :&":~P:1~ ""P' Y~u••n,,. · Pubu~t...t "bninoe CNi t oeu, "=. to Klftg's n.p. at Golden West after "\\r!thout a doubt 1 would. Jutv 21. 11. •"" AUIMI 4, 11. 1tr4 :Mf.74 =~~""" ":: &:... ~~1~~~~.; Heti...,..., c.w~ P'"' . J11rv r. ,,, :1. 21, 191, ,si,.1, graduating__from._G_u den O?£.tl 1 DA~s •rod 6'inetr A-. Hill'it111g1°" , .. ,h. Tiii• uu1 ~u1. •1"' ...... ---. . ~becaUle-playing pro_ball is ___ete.a_s!! Call 5-t0-9100 'i---~P_UB:_U::_:C~N~'()11~~CE:::_ _ _ci ceu'°""'' A,_,,..,., 1191•"""' PtiJlLIC N011C~ 1m,. c.1i...-en Grove High. He hit .367 his something 1 always ~·anted 2600 f-!aibor COStaM0sa•i --=------~.a.-c..,,,. ·-c•11to I.Un•~ fl...toll•!Wd °"'""' Cot$! oa•lf l"l!at.1 ____________ " . •····-• _ .. , •, •, "', freshman season and .333 in to do. 1 got my chance ." '"'"" • 74'M C~•tf• (• c111fonlt• Cllf'ROl'lllonl. ~iJtr 14,. 11; 21 .~it14 -r-u»-14 -•l t• , ., .. ., MOTICll TO CltllDITOllS "'I C~!ol• O.lw. llllM C, Sin Diego. -MOTICI TO Cll•OI~ •::. ,..i..11111. 11 , , 1 o his 90phomore year, earning 1u .. 1111011 cou1tT M TMI c.111or111i'21u . PUBLICN011CE su,.1ar011 cou1tr o,. THt l"lhl'ltf',•d ', ,• ,• .~ AII<OO.ference bOnors. twice. ITATll Cit'" C&Ll,.OllllllA f(llt 1hll Ml~ II eolllllldld by • l!ml!Olll ' . STATll .... CALl,.Ol!lllA PO• ·=.:. o.1""y, c MEN/WOMEN THI COUNTY o" 01:&Me1 p1rtn1r11>1p. . TU' tic. TH• couNTY OP oa .. •• Dtltly, pr 0 2 • • He then played two seasons . Me. .... ..,.. .... : C-' Clllb MOTIC• TO CIEDITolll w.. ....... ' •• CGrtrr. 111 • 1 1 • at Chapman hitting -• and STEP TO E•••tt di MILDlllEO Altt.EN&. •OST, M_,.._, cor..,.1!lon suPl•i011 cou1tT ~ ™' e~i.11 of esTHEll fi EAttL MAJIKH.tk, • ........ • • • I ' ' ·-u p A C>ec••N ,,.,, .. " .......... ·-,_ ·-.... • · ..,. "''"''~" ro• ITATI o• C,t,LIPOllNIA FO. .,..., · • ' E19ino11, dh 2 1 I • .374 , t NOT ICE: IS HEl:!IY G!Vl!lf ftl "'-Tiits sltltm•nl '*'' !ltlO 11.i'ln !tit THI COUMtY 0" OIAN•I .NOTICE IS 1_HElt!IY GIVEN 10 ·~ I ',~ .. , •. · ,."' •, • •, ', ', Al'"-•..., ·he was a two-Umc crN llors ot 11\:e •-MfMd •"""'' C~TY ~ 11-0l'•noe .Cwntt °"' M•v .... .._ • llhS · crldllof"t ·" !tit •bo.,. n•"'9d dtc'96elit -· "'""6" SOLID FUTURE tMI •II --MYllll cltl!M 'll'l!ld.1111 2f, 1t7•. liU .. I! di JUNI 11':1'1.i'f Dttl9Wd. lhll,•11 IMl'..oN NvlnQ <l.lms ,_.IP!sl J't i N.,,,.,,, p • • I I All·AmericaD, Pines was not il!d d..::"""' .,.. r""'1red ·~ 11• """'· ' ntt.n NOf1 E'. II Hl!ltl!IY G1J1U:N '!ti 1111 Hld *"'""' .,. r_r,., ,, 1111 "*"' 1Dlfi• \JO 1 f J t-~~ . the M wltll !I'll n«eUtry ~ I" tt. Miki "1bl!!llled °"""" COllSI 01ilf l"llOI, "wo:!IGO'I of ll'toll tllo'/e ' 11.1rned clkedo!nl wllli !tie n..:-•r• Vouc,,_,. In 1M eHlfe SC.. • 11111111 se t:\,."'\t:U • m l~· I major w 1 TH 1Dl tht c•~ O:~ ·~ ~lld c:om. r;11 J11n1 JO, ar111 J111y 7, u, 11. "" :'°"14 tll•' ,11 ~ J.M+111g c111m1 .-•'""' "" m 11>1 il«t <11 "" 1ti.v. ..,1111ed ~1 ... ' ( r • ' J-m~ dntft thus did not •el o pre""' ' flKft~t"' -• -----<fld clea<l"'I 11"1 •"ll>i•ld lo Ill• lh9m, lo ptestfll IMnl. W•I~ lhl MC:~ • Hit. City 100 Goll .._. 7 J .._.... • • ~cuc:na••• lo the 11Nlenlor-d II 111t1 Llw PUBUC NOTICE w11~ noe MtftWIY '"-""'· 110 1111 11ffit111101Kl'lel't. lo 1111 11ndl'l'slonH 11 MtkEli'· ' Ir vi Pit mtl DCIO ._, ' J a bonus for signing \\•ith Kan· offltl DI JAMES L. ltUl!L. Jlt., )'32 VII . '. DI ti..-der• ol ,.... 'bo'<9 erilined c..-urt or NA. Fl'TTING ANO FINCH, A"""111VS-... > --ctly PROCTOR & GAMBLE O:>o;no. sre. \aJ, N-1. l t•cfl, C1llf. . M Pf'IW'll 'l!'lwrl, .,1111 noe -~u1 L•M· 2JM1 El Tero l<»d, ·WI• 206. ~-I ' • INIM ClfMill-II) A11 • ...wlo+dll lt·lllo-pCic.• ol'~INM-1 of -1'1C11Tt01H IUSINa5J -.O:llltl'I, 19 !I'll ~nt.n.11ntc1 11 Thi L•w Toro C-1lltor,.i1 '2'30, wllltll 19 Thi pi.c. .. , 11 "" lie played one year of TQl>kie 111e wnOll'•lllrtld 1" •11 m1!t«l Plfl•l"lng NA.Ml' STAT•MINT 0trice oit Cl•llft "· Klmi..·1, "°' '""' s1., o1 ~lnt.s <11 '"' 11nde.tl"'11ci 1n .11 m••· I ... ,kl, r1 s 1 s • SALES 10 IM r..1111 or wld d.crd9"1, '!"lltlfn tour TN flll(Ml!MI PM'IOPIS ,,. d~lllil B•kt(dlM . (i.111 •• t~!· """lfll Is n.. ""• petl;ill'Olnt 19 IM ..:ilil• oit lo<lld 0- • 1"119rntll, II~ J O I I ::1:1115 11111' lhl firlf Pllllllc•l10~ of !Ills MllleM~ .. , jl!ICe DI boAl,_.,ol flW ~tP!ft In all enl within t ll'i$ Ill I ·r I Ptlmor, cf " ' 1 1 ""&!~~ J 1116 '"' IND£X Otl/ISIOM. 211 0.1,~1" Wty, "''"""'·;.rt•l"t"' to in. esl•1'1 "' Mid ~lk1liot1 lllf ;.r, '::1c1 .. I'll Ii ~ • O.l•"Y• e 1 o • o • "' It' $.r!M 11, ~"..,,.. IMcli. c1. '7151 llltctlMfll, wt"'1" ft>w mororros ••tw 1119 o~rold J11n1 21 1t11 • • °""" 11 J • 1 o \\·e are seeking a n individual who has an interest in ~~~ei11~,1J~o~9r, i1'1:;l1 1111 HMlh P•IT.· iit oo1 ?111n W•1. ·fl••' ..,011<"1"" oit 1h1• natlt•. J. P•T11'1cK M-c<A11•01.L i · · o • THE.VIKI~ ,. 1 L11u~• hid\_,~·· '76.il • 01tld July 11. 1'7'-• •• 11 1_.,. Cortir, 111 ' a nu selling and is looking for a long.term sales career. •-• o1 "'° e•~d • °' 119 P1111 Nie"°"' ,,1111~1h. '11 so. MA1tY 1u1t10N. • m n • 1 r•tor •"' wrn EIPINIZI· 11111 2 1 1 a ,, ...... ,.CIVl_NJCISI J Ille~• "•med O«.rd8Pll. ·-filK•~ ·~'""'*· c., Admlr.1,111trl• ~' ~ E~!•l• ·~" rtl no..,,, .. DI 1111 c111rc1. lb ' 1 , 1 Your sales t erritory will be right h e re in this area. ' AMII L. •u11L, Jll. rt.1, 11u1rne.1 ~ eonc1t.oe1..i bV , '"""'1 111 '"' •iw,. r1111'11d e1t<..S•nt •tio,,. n•mtc1 dlteoent i Fi.lter, •1 4 1 1 I rod "", \II• Oplrtl, '"!· lt2 Pir'-t~lp. , . Ct.AUDI I". ll':IMIALL MclCllllMA. f'lnllit9'& •tMCM KDl'llt• 211 1 o , 1 ·you')I be selling p ucts recognized as the best. 1....,n1..u..c1111.nM1 11"H. ,,,.... u•161~51• u w.1 e1T-•111 .. s111Jt• • Hle~mtn, , 0 o 0 0 b k d b ff t• d t • • d 'JI b ltl4) 4n-tl7t . _ 1"1!1 P1N11jl1 · 1•''""'91111. Ctlif. tJ.Jtl El T-. C•Mf9nll• fMll •• Tot••• 31 4 , , ac e Y e cc 1ve a ver 1s1ng, an you e AlfWMy' Ill' Acllllllil.,,..Wwttll ""..... TM "•'-t .,,., 1;1"' ..,.1"' tM HMI 11i.»11 Tll~ 11141.,...... :: swe ~ 1nR1111t talking to custom e r s who ·need and respect you and '"""~•. . c-.tv c1 ... t., Or•not C0\11\fV .i J111y 1. Amr.J"" "'"'1Mstr1tr11 Afl_,.. .., "'"""'""...,CT• • t ft • rk · I • b Put1ll11\td Of•-COl51 D•llV l"llot, lt1•. · l"OJbl11""" Ort/IOI COllOf Otily Plloit, fiubl1~/lt'd Ot•not COl~I Dtll'f flllit. • "'''· CtlY 001 020 11,01~ , 1 the ma eung he p you can give t _em. t ~":•rod Auoust 4, 11, 1u4 2101.14 , ,,..~1 ,1uiv 21 . 11 •nd A\1111111.., 11, 1t1' ,,.,._,. J1111t ;111, ,,., Jv1~ r, 1" 21. 1n• tof.t• • 1n11111 aoo ooo ...... 1 1 You'll be trained to give this markeling help by ex· ~ ,,,bntMll on:r, <•ii O•lly Pilot, • (------------! perts in an organization noted fot its marketin• PUBLIC NonCE JIAY 14 ' 21 ' .. • A1i1ust '· lt7• ~•11·" PUBUC NonCE PUBLIC NOTICE ·: • ' ~ nd I ati 1 od • ,{,.t•t PUBLIC NOTICE ; p••••••••• .. rl aui.lily, a or the qu ·1y of its se ling meth s. . su,.11•1011 coullT °" 1141 • "•°°" ~ C01101r.ot11 l ~n· short, You'll be sucessf9lly selling first-class 1T&T1 °' CAL''°""'' •""' °' '""""',;-' Tt'\lfl c~111:.-1oc:,~.,1~ ,.__. llfdl. Ctll""'. • • ,, -'··~-w ·lh a r· t cl as any at a good I rv COUNTY °"' NA••• llOTICI TO c•IOl'TO•s ""' tlo.t 9" 111111-... lh• 30lll •• , "JllPlt, 1'71. t ~""""""' I ITS . s comp sa a.,, .... ':" .. ···--···-· . S\lfillllOI: cov•T ,, TMI l"uMI ...... In Ktof..t11K• wtfll • "'JI ... "'"'' SW-tnt..ient ••• ,. ... • " Low 36-Month ltose; and Wilh One 0£ the finest benefit program& v• SlAT• Of" C~lflO•lll& POii COU•T ,ltlYAT• ,• , In If" M•lltf of lllo AciDllc1tlcn 91 TM• COU•TY ~ Oll&lll•• &IS8TI • TIUSTI TllUITI COMllllll• ; '74 MERCEDES available anywhere. A part of this benefit program ~ECELIA MEA HOOGi 1or c~•nt• e1 , ..._ a.-w· ~ c.t11 1n11 •11e ..._ bli*t ........................ KLM ,09,u:i , 450 SI • __includes the opportunity to own stock Jn the com· •m•. • ,, · Ett•I• fllll,IHEI e:. AllTE1t~0«tieM111. u.s. T,...urv ..eall'\tln ...•••.. , ................. 100.000 100.000 •• WHEll /..s CEl.1& 11',l!A HODGE, HOTlc'E. IS ttllUIY' 0!Vi'4 11 "" ltroll .... ~ f\lml~~ ltiltuNI ~ lk t Brak C.-.-igl pany through profit Sharing . pet!tr-. N1 filed 1 Plll~Ol'I ~WI"' ~ cl'lllSl:ri 9( It'll •r,:-r.•l!Nd ~ffll 9'SOb reprm..it111 •nll prll'ltlln .,,,,._, .. Dbc e.,..,.... This is a good. permancnl career ope ning ror the 'll!!c1er~D1JM•C--1 tor ... ,,or0ertri•t1Gl111 "",,1 • ~11·~rwi~1M ",1'11"''111 Otll«•~s.t11 ...................................... . Metallic G old Execulrve ...,._i ............... -111.1• II·-·. "' .... '""" Cli:LIA Ml<A" ~ .,. 'f"l\1..--" • ttoem. TOlAL ASSITS .................................. IOl.000 6.H'O .,n .... , ••• . ... J:20,'6'l - • • l I ~ I • i \ -::: ... -.-•• ··.-.· •• ·.-.·.··.·.·.···,·,·ea. .... tl serious-minded p er son with feet on the ground and a OGE ""JlAOJ I LAINE HOOOE1 .•• ;11~ --..rv -...:twn1 1~ "'" tfllc1• cir -one only !Ser. ,..,, ti·••-·forsolesw·ork. \T 11 DllDtll;S-D 1111t .i1 ""'°"'" <lll'k ... _......,,_,ltllf c•""'., oii. Lr.1111.t11• .••.....•. ' ........................ . !!018009). Fully tlQuipped, Stl4f IUI°"' lnlt~lld lft ... IOIWO-wlUUN m•n1r le prntPll ~~ nK•1~rv rQ'IA.t. LIAlll,;.lflES ...... , .... , ........... } .. ··• ~ -1 $A.YI••••••••••••••• • Please phone coiicerning "OUT inter est, outlining •PP'., "'°'e ""• c_. If it:oa A.M .. on .. ~. '•...,. """""--•1 "'-°"1'1 CA••TAt. ACCOu11T1 I.Ow .-..nu. open ease el ..,... • ~ _, ...._.. ., Slit!, J. 1t11, 111 ""' co."'11om o1 el Mr •• .,..,..,, !"AU~ 11. WATTI, Oii c-,_._11111 flll' ~-.1111 ,$243,08 per month. No ..,., details of your 11ales background to: Otllll'tm"" ...,, a. 11 tN CclirfNal•• P•e•l!c1 H\/l'llfllt:l\lri/•'-• c1111or1111 IN-'"''• '''"'orb • .st.caoi ....... . c::apltal reduct'an required. 1 10:11«1 •' 1" a-.1Ccw.1" Drl.,.. w111. '""'<to 1 "" '1"' !If •wl"f"lt If 1111 !,,.~.,.. -"''• """''lf'itl"I 1.0001 ...... ... . 100,coo ,., 1 t l••I .. '!! .. .._., 00 Mike Burke ,,,.,. ""'· c.11"'"'i.1 .w .i-w t•~"'r .-. ....... 1n ti ""'..,.,1 ~fi'"" 10 •wJ11111 .., .................................. H .. . '"'°' ~ -· "'1111h1 "1'!110fl ler(h-.. rit ll4tfM,,. l',1t1•"' ~•d ~~. wtln n IQlllf Ulllfyl._, ll"'Oflt't , .................... . JIM SLl!MOHS IMPORTS 1101 QMll s,,.., {213) 923-0811 . Collect lhOlllllf not .. fl90fllf' • , """"" ...... "" fln.1 "'*l<lfllfl ,, 11111 TOTA.I. WITAI. ACCDUNTf 111 ....... ,.. U! lCO,OCJOI Downey' CA IT 15 l"Ull'Ttltlt. 'OllOt•l!"O !Mt • Mile-. 7q_TAI. LIAllLfTll $, MO CAPITAL ACCCU"ITS c:.n of ~' • .., " Ww ,._ .. °"'"' Mf "· 1t71 lllirrru. :'lo 1t, .. " ...... ) • . •• •. . ••• • • t00.«0 ,.,.,..., 3»MI OUl1t!mtd ff\ tM Ot!!f PU•, 1 ~_,.,. 1111f t.. Mcl.t.;J:!f~ 119 .. of Q1"9n!lt. OW!lty of Oflftlil, u . """"""-~ • Call between 8:30 a .(Jl. & 11 :30 a .m .. Mon .. July 22.. . 1974 07 Send resume to: P.O. Boie 977, OowneY. CA 90241, Attention: Mr. A. 0. Hare Equal OPOQrtvnily E"'i>IO'ftt • ll'M'll ~lfl "'"'· llt' Ott• , £...,.,ilh'tt flf IN Wiii ti' t!l.orlft .II. 111111'11., ,J!tt.:iffnl, lll(hfrtl A. °'1'1'1k1. ISQ. Stc,..111"J' DI l"I_... 1 CwllfV, C•!l~le, """ , -k tor fM.lr ,,.. ......,t """'*" clleloflftt 1111-..1 Tn111 <M"'•llOPI, INlnt •ut~ •~. N th "" "''"""'· wn Ill "''~' • MCllllftt .....,, prior "" IN flll •II .. ,,.U~ "-.t ... TT'f" ~ ~flll'WI .... II fk """'" ~°""!•!,,_ Lit "'' ~l'\O ,..,...1 ., C'lfld11"" l'llltlno °"' tl'e ,..11i.o, ,_ M1¥: • ~ kllll"'-"'111Mnt ~ ~ 11111..._..., 111-otl!IWI, Jt.~. ""'"., inf O..T•D1 """It, "'.. t " ............... ClflfilrllN,.. ml"" ...... n aroMIMd •• IMI "' '"' "'' of "'" .,,....,.,. .,... t.t!rit. ,. IHl(~DOAiilM1( trU • Tel• 11111 ...,. Cl•..,t• 11;, 1/11 ..... n, ,,.._idl9il ' l ;,t ..._ 11 Cevrt A...., fW ........,,, ' 111<1'111'11 A. OV-t. 11«'9!•rv ~t ~ Mt O.lj'f l"~OI. P~I ..... °'"'" Ctr.' Ollly ~lllf, __ t _ ....... '.llO JVIY 11 ... w Al4 • n, 1f1 ,,..,, JVlt '-"-t t. 21. • .., MIWt t.,m• ·":w' l"idl,.. o...,. ~ Jllll'f l"11ot. JvCr #1, 1t74 ...,_,,, .. • . . •': . . . . ' . . . . . . . • • • . . . . .. • I c 4 DAILY •ILOT ;:. I '· ::i :;f .. : :; \ ... :-: - I • : I . . ' Th' Week's .Market Highlig'1t·s VOLUME, HEAVY TRADERS NASD ·Q_uotations on M.utual Funds .. ~.~~,.~~.'.!.~ ,._w Yo111. -P'°;!I Ww'·" t tl c-•.IJ ?·,. Mfnl¥,M ',·" , J MollA•IOfll Pp· ~d S Iv · '!·1 ll·J' 1,_no I• .t 11$1 ;n L.Tlt = l·ff 1·•1 ~· Fa 11.tt ·f =( 1S.j ffl ti 111v • I . 0 vi ·":" ... 111"·' , . ., ... ..~ .. r· . t' ~; ·i§ di .,.~ 1".;;; ,,J. ·I · l!1l~':f ·r:'· ,!;ll ~""1.'.I~!~' " c ~ j':~ llf !'lo': -~ '"' ·~ 1:r.1: lt~'1:" 'i'f :l, !ITT" . ·~ ,,, .. , """' • · 1:~1 F~ ·,l i:M =:8:;: ~ J; 1:11 ·S~tiir ' ·' , .. ,, 1 o! : jll il§~·i:.,,.,,·r"·1 "w ~;,.: !]J ?:.~ th ~tJ:ri:::;i ;i~ ;t?i. 'tn t1l\·u., f· :!f · ~="' tli ·i'' .. ::: !·" ,~·r. ::.. ·1·· .. "::!.. ··µ, i·ll ·1·~ ,.~. ~· ·r.J .,. ''I. f' ~11 h, .11 ,t.av ••r ,1, l "b,\C t,JI 1 . f11c-' j · .,. ' ., '· Ge11F '· 1 , J U Gv t , 1 t;i\ MtM Fa 1\ II •11 j Hart GI · j . J vklll · 3. t II 111" J, • II' PUNf' M >M '" "" > . -0 ' ''" : H>rt Lo 0.1 '·" .. ,,. .> S. Ori• G '·l"· .... ' '-l•" 'W,I"" I" I t "" !·'· ... ...... "!I . .. ~~· ... •. •.. . "" ··1 " ~'"I' •. Hl' " Fd 'ij ,t .,,. ,ff s" Htill.. . •. 1-H 1.11 · l<t i" t SI t ' • Al ii.tit t: t .•~ A•I . Plorift 14. lf.2$ '·;~ i.J~ inq . . \' ~I.I· LIMi , • ~~·1 .. ~·,c "", , ... J." ::::: ., .. ,1''ll ·t·,ua .... _.:··1~·'··1··1:"· . ~· .... ;• ·n' j, ~. \::: i:n 1, Am r!ll t !11 ·11 1 ... F .?, '" llwi' ""' , . · · ... 111 . • .,, L" t" •.n'. ,'2 ""' s 7.0 . 11• T ~·' lftC: 91'.!! s,. ' .l)(llm ,, • '• ... ~\ J. j· I Vi l 2:» .H .. M ...... t<r (.p .n 1·· 1....._ 1. t l .t1 ~fA Mt 1. 7.11 I Fr IJK .It • t ·l.UtD ••• -."' y l.IS '· I ~ttll .M • INI ,.-,\;,. ., · · ~MM l. · ~" G< l· , VANC l'UN ; c.. 1 ·t! 1 :•l n1 111wl "'H '"H ,.."' Ct111 '· '·ll •M ''' :u . .o :M.j• 111 ... Jl s.ij !·" ft!~ i:n ~:r ·~·',ts ..... sa. t~Z.-_,t·, .it' -=·~ilwtll 1't··11tff ~··'*""1 .. ,. 1 vs ~rn s: : sJ{ Slllc:I J • 1 qt! .. 'l, l .SO "'" lndk 1.' . ..... kl . 1 It 111 .... •t 1,~ '·'" V;i'\'OM ·I .. '"'"• .. '·'! ~··'.. t~ ...... "" .. , .. .... "' ·1 'l· , ~-"'· .1: ... -.~.. I· ... Sloe:~ .S.11 1:. y Lv 11: ''I" i' YI:$ I, I '·'r ~i',","', .,,.~, ,,·,.\ i~ OO i. t J.jt V•IMI 1 1.1 J,,J ·""' °''" '·'' ·J " LA 111 1L iils'.t. __ .._ -1~ • • .,1 s '" 1 os: 1 =Gr .. ,,1 ,,1s Am ""'~. ,GS ,)0 I' ->.•• . ' 1¥~ J.12 .&9"'\M ~-10.Jt 10.U "'liq_ 1.;f 1.'f ~ \:'~ j:;; 1': I ~I~~ t:U ,.,,. •:11·•· ~v.... i f;, II 1J:I! 11'.11 i!I 1,l! ~:H 1lff .iV•.. i.n 1" 1 &fl 1.U •.' I~ .~.:M 1~KM11it'2111.111 ~"""~.M j·SJ LL~~eTo .. l.n m ~l'P : 1.u 1.1' I .,· s: .:w :, 1:: i: l ·tr. t:n'' ,::: r.:,~\"' 1!:9! ,,:tt ::~~v 1 ·t I . f,;'~ 1'·t: '1·i:t 1 I t.s lll ·.O C ;:: :: ' ~:f! ~71 " j: ''li' r:'~ l:f: ;;l'l ,.,.,, ·~ " I"" ·~ . >«• ""'I:" .... ,... I !·In _,..., • . I . • "'"" '''l "· ' F"flll Ill• ·a •fi " lt k Fd H Jf" S.Wcl 1 • ..0 ·:i Paul At~ . 1 . ' j •H cap I.I l , W.11111 I.I t . , vlo ""' .> ' ... f.1 n :M H.M "' '" '·" ·' ...... ~~· . ' ',·'~' "" Eq 1·11·t W.<-O.H ··1 .Audi• F J. , lll'tl t.•2 10.•• Inv Ati .i,l) t .I .... !!!! , ... ,. §!' tt . 2 . l W1"61.r '·!l 1· A'llll ' • /lUfl rt 11 ,. .. I s I: ........... . . c ii I W.sl trod l·' . l'\11111 e : . • 6 11 •is Trst ut ·'I ,.. ,.l~OtllM GJ>: Uri ~ .J6 6, ~ltr t .31 9. MOUDHT0l' 1 · j •I J.•1 Grwtll t.U 4.19 Pftlll t.tl .!.•! >( I 1 \\\lid Gr' • • l1e1;1r. . • i"21 1.n Trs1 Sri 11.1 1~·ft Pll Frrn ••·•• ... ¥"'by .. ,.s1111v1c11 .11·••-lli•JOtlld. '""" A ~ , ,. • 16 lncom l·'° •. ,. ~I• '·'' f?.I . , 1, '#IS(OflS ,,51 •• L? ~a ' 1~+'Y 6,0I • .. ~~~·F~ I~) S~n• ~ ~·.~·1 12:;~ 110 J>: • l bMWI • " • • J P G..,11 t. i>lii':Fd aS.7 .11 .,.-oc: , : • b 1 IN. t 10 .H~llS F• 14. 1t.I a~ ~ "ll :'Ir ' k a.,.-k ti!'-..: • Pl•I 1:•1 ,:, • .14M Stll 11· 1', " rt 1. • ••• \\That's New 1·n Stoc s •c11 HI ·1 lr1 61 JOt'IM MAM~Cll:; ,. 9H f.11" • ~~ I' l: • SSec s:tt. : :: 8fld ~ l .• "·tt ~itfl 1 ···~ 1i·u .......... WllllK JUL., ,, ...... ., "· ,,,, rksnr • • 11 s . .io ••• iii• •,s.~ •,.00 .... a•" I 1· ,.li , 11,tk • • SHK 6.01 •.. a ..... • .--oMnd ' • IMCtlEASllO OIYIDllNOS ' "' . 1·. Vtrsl t.t l 10.lS ll TOlll: PLI GtlO . to. ' -,_ t .. .. 'i i"i ~ ~· ~ 16 ... 11.11. PL.I Trn J. I . Af-•1119 Spr!l!fl-lk from -tnllm : :.. i:"rlln . : I )s ... , 16.U 11.~J PAICI! •OW : AllHllC AlcMltld-12\~( lrom ~ L'tllll PU r· 141m f' l ' j CJ t 6.tol 1.•1 Grw~ t. t .u ('.ommunlcallons S..1tllltt-2Sc lrom :10c .11 U 'l·' f1:'f ••~1A 11:aa 1 :., .,.I i; t:l ~: .. U ~~""'r,• 1~:l. il:l~ ~~~~~~\~i~~rom eoc ~"" 11 i.U ·~ ACj_M~: llSI 1 11.'111. Nw r •·j '·" E:v1t1s Pr0dl>Cts-1Sc lrom IOt •• ,., . o.os , " l '' J '' 1at ? 1.12 a. Pro o j . !·" ,,, ... •-•-••••< " , ·-• NY v'" • '-'' F" 1..., :11 :e1 US1 H s.tt '·" ~:ios"J :· 1-~ 1~t'CofP-1k~o.:;--;VK. ~ Fllftd • ··11 Fin '"' .05 l·" .. '... lu J.lt PUTN.:M • , JOhn-.. "'""Wfl-20< !ram IX 1 s:'..'v ':oe ;:,1 ,~';'J "• 1:~ ,::? :awr1 2'.•s l'fi '?,:01: l oul1¥11i. Ctrnenl-30<. from Jlc AM .. IMG F1•1t IVlkk• ... ,, • ¥9• 9 02 9 M McCor9 CotP-2"= tram 'Jc MOS: tM\I 5TOU: l(nkr Gift J.ll , ~ QUlh .:li ''ff NOl'lll Af!Wrlt•11 Co11-10c. ltom !Sc """' 1.os 1.U Oil\ to J.St Jtl lMlmrl<'. !·1• .1• Gtort , )1. 1j-SCOlt ,...,.,_u, trom 1~ Blfncd t.e• 9.?2 Gr FO J.li •'.OS LO EO!t 1 "'0 ll.lt Gr-wtPI I. . 5'abMr0 C0.11 UM 1110-Jk lrom :iOt 8ncl FO l,lt l.olO 111(Dm •. 7.12 LIJll OAOUP: IMOrn t.6, 1. sn.,.. 1"""111ie1-Ul,'H lrarn l'lt !qty Gr l·ll •-~ s1oc:11. r: '"ff •. 11 cp L.,,, n.u, 'l·P, ,'",~!', ,'·n' ,•.M, Soull1•• H•t11ra1 AeW111rcts-e11.K 1roni 01¥ Pr 1 1,fl 1sl M\1111 I 1 !ll Ciir,..tl'I t. I · .-· ·i V'°" • FIG" Am ,: •· t F1rn Ger 1: 1 1:11 Aeuch 11.ll U. VoyiO 1.i! 1. 1 Sou!Mtn Pat;ilic: Ca-5'<: !ram ~ Grwm l 112 1.. 1 P'OA.l.IM GltOUP· Lilt 1111¥ S.CM J. I tleMrv F 1. 1.00 ;••• IXTX• D>V•D••-IMom s:•> t ,10 100 FM J.11 J .16 M' C\P •.ts S.•1 ~;''\" J. S ll """-th"r: Mlning-n 'hc .... ::'1 111 t.~ f:U ~~IMI ~:'il ,:u': ~TL :I: s."~o ' t n i·tr STOCll lllTA .. OIVIOE'NDS v...1"' s.1s •·j• ts ,,.,,.,. s • s 1 c.io '·" '·"' scuoola F~: ~w 1nct1111ri•1-1G 1K it~,,. !11 {I fdl'I Gr i 'u 3° ~I 11.tS II.ts lnlr In• II. 11.'3 AISl.IMIO 0!'11011 .. DS b flUUllH>l.•S ' " All; 8811r1< 1j >j.l'I ,..II C-p-t,c : UOUP: Alf lilt .S.7• j·Jl ~ . t .It 0MITTll0 DIVIDENDS FflO s.u l ,IJ Grwlll 4.lS •.IS Am Sus l~ . I . , ~-1• 20.U 81.rlkll!" lllVtll!Nfll Growo "'r, i: 1·.i~ '•·fi ·-•,.n,, 't·", L'='"'"'A" ·n::10 wi<..,. ~;, ;-~s :'·)Q "•-'""' 111C111s1r111 I ...... : J ", ~"'· .:.s :l1 . aron Fo ,.61 t .n •tq,"'1 J.'6 J,01 A•Pllllllc Mori~ .. lnwi•or~ m" j 11 I _.., 6 12 611 •Sro t~ .9' 1.13 1""'5 s.u s.•• 5pKt10 lllCIUlll''" t 0t1 .... • ~I:,: ::::i11r1111 · • er11 ~&: '·1110·11 .s~1l'l!p'to ·:i,~·39 "'G"11tl~1:%~T .. s ,,...~ J.1 3.H ~ON c" , '' ·~ __,,,,....., •.11 '·'' Arn r •.Gt t.04 Alle!lh"'~ llldl""' s-1.•1 •Ii $2.U 11111 " S.M I· 5 • t . .., lnop F 1.n 6.JJ ODD d IJ! !·SJ Amer.ct Corp l .OI vs 1.65 1f lH 1 ~wlPI r S.t~ 1.19 ,,...,, F 1.'M t.to S6f Stirs 1 . 1 .!t A'"lrkH C111 Co 2.t! vs 1.M ~ 11.t. · •'. u~~;~ ~:\'1 ~:': ~¥' PMC\'.u '·" J!::J~1 F 1!· !1~JJ :~'!!~1~':."u~~;:~,!153~1 1¥~ 1.n Doric I Ullhll• I·" l.6S MlG •·!f ._., alAAllHLO GtlP ; c.or 1.tl " ~•• • 7 ~ 1 ff Re1 cap .u 1-11 Ml 0 10 6'; 11 11 gm st l.ll Gre:i Nor-\~n NtkOOI& ,_,2 ¥S 2.11 ~n!t1' . J .:IJ' ,: F':t ti~' i:tf 1 :at =t8 1i:t.1fjI Fr.'{P~d li. '~,·, ,'-' ... ' ~v1~ ',,·,",,_, '·'' _ ,,~ Ciirwln '· l J.1 •"•"' ""•c'•.45 6.t5 ,,...les '"' 1.11 1. 1 ,_..,bl' I.SO ,,.,., " vv •• lncam !·" f·M UNOS I ,,..l!Wr J.H 7.19 Ltq.il L J.tl 1(1lser -.1um n11rn I. CPlem J.02"" 1,1! Vtnl11r .ll .n · fiACM.lf'; Mid -.m •.00 •.JI Pltl fd J.IS KOPj)lrli (Cl t.51 VI 2.11 Bank of Ainerica , Begins Recycling An aMual report printed on old Banic: of America depoeit slipsf Paper towels made of ~cled ~·cards? l.•...P kAmericard 'statement envelopes c 0 m posed or obsolete comprt.er printouts'? All are pouibil1Ue1 of the near future. Dant-of America h a s initiated what could become ooe of Calllornla'o iarfleat paper recycllne pr o j e c t s inwlvtng nearly 3. 000 ,080 pounds of waste paper each year. Old bank rt<Grda, which previooaly had been shredded and destroyed, are -bolng pilverlied and recycled. "Tl' STARTED with a storage prob&em in oor two record warehoules -one in Northern California and lhe other in the SouUt." says A. R. Zipf. executive v ice pr1es ident and senior administrative officer of the bailk. "We began by reducing the number of years old records were retained in storage." wtb l,OOt,000 ~ o( 1'lSlC paper bi Us wwebouHA. "We st.ill doo 't know how much more is in our eornmunity offices throu1hout tbt state," Cilillladdl:-- - While disposing of t h e baddog. Cahill Oltimatea that about 1,000,000 pounds of _. a year mlgllt be recyded. Later, he thinks. the annual phaseout of r<lired items woukl · diminish t o around 3,000,000 pounds year. nus recylcing p_r o j e c t Marted in Nay at the bin.k's °"""' County warehouse, where about 1,400,0llO poundl of nate _. are being ~-In the North. al lhe banlt'I Dublin, Ca 1 if . , warehoule, IOlne ll00.000 pounds ol ..... ·,.p0. will be recycled. Both of these effcris will be. completed in August. ./ A'rrER THAT,. c.hill says, a syatem will be worked out using recycled paper. It issued for recycling old records from a apedal report on recycling the bank's statewide network in 1971. of 1,029 offices. Jt also participates in the magazine. Dow JoneH Stocks :I .... -"11;A'!:Y,'f.,i:·,\1.:+:rrt '"" fli:ir 161." 1"-.. 111 ltt.IM u ...... •1.11 ...... _,,, ... li.11,.1 .• N"-:b IM,1t1U ... W .N2Jiii+.a.a Dow Jones 'Bonds -··"'··"··-···"" 41 ....•• t&.U .... l4 .66:41 .ILIJ-. .. a 111 .... ~.• ..... , .tt.• .1i:'IE-.1.a ti ....... 11 .MM .U . • .t.Q t=. ... ,11.n .11.1i .11.U. ·"-·"" ....... , .. n.•t ,n.., .n .1, .n.--.1.H ..................................... ,.., ..... ,llMll ...._. " .... Iii ... ----... ' ~ ... . Weekly Sales .... .,.,. ,1'9cll• u. .... ..... 'ftfll ..... a.a.I. . Ii ....... All!Wk• Meckt u:=f!!! ~.... . .... Yearly Comparison 'Ml, ..... .... , 1•. ltJt Jiiiy 12, ''" MY 11, tt71 Jiiiy 14, ,,,. Standard ~l\d Poor . .. ......... 0.•0ti m .......,,... ..:rs ''"" ........... II ... __.. .M.JI 31.tt ».•+l.U utlNtlK 11.)t 11.11 Jl.tlal.lt -laM~• II.II 11.11 lll.M+l.)I 1 C-1 Wd 2 "'•"" .10 3 Emo Fin 511 ' NllMF 1.ticl S l'tHd Tool • St.C.Cl. ·"" } 1(1\lfl.Br .11 I Call-'111 .IS-' Ro'-trlo .eo 10 A MIOicl • I? 11 Avco CP wh 12 Gii Stttl lno 1l Hamil•~· 1 1' ODmeMll .Ml IS qRtldg 2pt 16 c.mRL)I .}O 11 IWlt 11111 .SI 11 GCA Corp It lrl'+rr\1 .'HI 20 tloc....., .1' 21 Har11''" .ill n ""'""" ·---------------t 21 Mtwi>.t .t» 1• l.trmASn 10 25 Nf'111 Co 1.111 1 Rip M; .Jj,!r, 2 qAetllng Co l O l1Mt1 .no t HClllY* 1,tO 5 11111111• 1.'611 6 cav corn o 1 PSEGclf 1.10 1 s;_.c 1 .... t Ttl(OU Hll 10 Mr.Gr•o• o 11 ConMlg .... U OWKk F Ji n OllqLpl 2.as 1' 11111 Inv .61d IS -.1.w.a l"IU II 91crkey .150 u (Oflltll Pw 2 II ..... (.ppt S\.'> 19 Sybml>f 2."11 20 wttknJ .11)11 21 C'.onlltp 2 . .0 ?2 JOlln Svc .IO l l Tlgrlntl .30d 2• Pol\OltCIS• S ll ~lantC .241 .. ....... . t W.+ 1oit l,lp ~I.I I I ii+ 111'1 U. .Q,S , ;~: 1~ ~ ~:; 1:H'+ 2'Yf Up 26.t 11'/i + J~~ Up 21.1 t'A+ l1 Up 1S.t ,l'h+ 2W. UP 1•.1 32lt t ,.,.. Up U.1 t + \lo Ult 2J.1 • I +J•l6 ,Up 1J.T :l•t+ tio ·Up 22.1 Sll~+ •U Up 12.l SI~.• IO'h Up 22.J ,,... + \~ Up 22.1 •1\lo+ Wt Up 11.1 •t-o+ 1" Up 21.1 i + tt Up 11.J ·~~· n, Up n.o 1~ .. n~ Up :M.t t .l.>+ 1v, Up 20.1 Sb+ 1 VP 'lG.t 1i + J'/1 Up 20.0 II,_.+ 3 Up It.I 11\\+ •h Vo It 0 LOS•as •111~· 1\1 ()It 21.0 1·~-"" Olf ll .1 ~·-1•o OU JO.o ••""-11 OH 1•.t t >•-2\o 011 It,) l\o-·~.Ott 11 7 ~ -u Oii 11.1 2• -~ l OH 11.1 }·\Oll Jl,I 2-~0ll U.I 2;i.-""' Ott n.o l -\~ Oii U.J ltlll-S\'4 otl 1•.l 'i'-~~ on u.1 t \.\-1"' Off U.l s -~OllU.t u -1'.~ Otf 12.1 6t'h-9';1 Ori 12.e JOU,-'''< Off .U.l ,,,,_ 2.\t Off 11.t 21\~-~-Ott 11.• 1-h-l'A Off 11.S 11""-1\.'J Off n.• 1?"--1~0 Off II.I •11-~ OU II.' ' Ice Cream Prices Climb Sugar, }lilk Costs Rise -but Demand Doesn't 'Dip'· .. . -- Chri.ttian. Science Monitor Stnrice ,. " . , BOSTON -It's bot and you. 'want aio ice aeam cone -.but the cone that a>st yw 25 · .,..,13 last year Is 3S I0.40 O!Oll ~- Y• ice c:ream makers 11y their profit! are meltiq away 11 fast as the COit of ifigrecleal.J piles up like some oupenlocllor triple treat. n.e bluest c:ulpribl, lhey say, are the priceo of milk and sugar, the two mart impx1ant ln8rodlenta In ony flavor o( ice cream. Sugar, ac:cordin( to William Webb ot' Bordm, one ot the largest maken of ice cnam, wu selling for about IO cenll a pomd a little over a year qo. Now, be 11)'1, li lo -t 3S - Mllk. whidl is a<#IJ>Dy a basis for several lngredieall -In tho making ot ice cream. "bu skyrOcketed," aooording to Webb. Jack C«conn of H.P. Hood, Inc., a Bosi<ln dairy • prodQcta nwiuf-. pointed out thal milk bas 1one. up about 23 peremt since list year. · ·other ingredients, "too. have ' tailed to off« any relief. The price of cocoa beans, used in making chocolate, has about doubled in the last year, accordlD& ·to s'cveral indUltcy soutces· has risen shariilY. \ s ·, CUERRIES HAVE gone up by ·about In May 19'73, ~nlboanl aold 10< $170 a third. And even the ' price1 ot the a too, accordlng to Corcoran. In May cardboard, needed to make every cart.an 1'14. it told fot $210 a ton. Now, he from· the one-pint container to the large says, it fetches aOOut $320 a too. Burbank, anoUler naticxlal k!e cream rewier. said lhal desptie "lllblWIHal" cOO ~. "we hive mana.pd to I'"" oor·pr;c. 1...,,.._ nominal." · '!be other necesary ice Cream et1ne ingredient -the cone ltlelf -bis not been much belp ellilet'. Jaoeph Grimes ol Brigham's, an ice aeam and food service chain in the Northe8st. said cones now are OOltln« about 33 psoent ---1111)' did Tut 111r'. AN<mlll:R FACTOll. aoe _.lly lmponant to the icHnoJn.maldllg bualneu, ii tho -for tho elec:lridty for nmoing all the refri1eratlon equipment needed in the v 1rIou1 mam:facturing procc• !I and for ~ the ice cream once m1de. M...-lyu.....al-qo. tho -bill lot .. ioo ""'"""1-.ldn~' p1an1 wa $1.SOO. New that wllty bill has dilubled, Webb ._w. None of the ioe O'tltm ...,..,., were abre to lorelee o.y coaunc down of ice cream prices. As one Mid, "It is amv.ing thit ice cream la .etlng as cheapfy •s it i.1." Frank Li-~ ol Howud J-\"• said, "The be!t we're hos>il'll for ill a levelifl& oil in prices." ' ' IRONICALLY, AIL. hilhor pric<s have had little effect on lee CftllJ1\ sales. According to more than . one SJd;mnan, sales of ~ tteam, which slacked a ·bit as 'Jlrict11 nme, have picked up again and "are now hlgber than ever.'' · Michael G. Cahill, a senior melllodl anal)'ll ""81ped lo remove tbele records, says lhil lmmedialely left lho bank Since printing its 1 9 7 0 San Francisco Bay Area annual report on recycled Paper Recycling P r o j e c t , paper stock. the bank has which recently won an award pioneered in recycling and in---' from "Environment Monthly" The bank u.ses recylced paper for forms, envelopes, letterhead& and paper stock for bank publicatkn. Since 1970, lhe bank has prlnled its annual report on recycled paper stock. druml used in the ioe crea.m parlors, A spokesman for · Baskin-Robbins of 1~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Gloomy Ecorwmic Cloud Not Confined to . U.S. llY "lllUJAM L RYAN ~ T"• AISOCIAT•D ... Ill A malai1e CftfJPS llCr'Oll the indu.trlallzed world like a cootagion. Spme: Dltions are more painfully affllcated t h I 0 others , as two electi<WIS last week indicated, but ecooomic ill ·bealtb and politi cal indeclakln erode p o p u I a r conftdenct in much of that woHd. From highly placed fi&\lrt!I in the fie-Id ol. economics one heon that •. .._ globol depression is po 1 s I ble uni• ... " Tt>8 catastrophe known aa tho Great Deproogion be(an 45 years.. ago when the bottom fell out or an Amtric&n boom. But today "-hen It comt1 to defining sareguards, experts grope vain1y for 1greement on wtlat ougllt lo ho done. Al t~ gloom accumulAtet, one even hears tpee11l1tkln that natk>ns arc looking less -•able an lhe time. In Ille -.-non-Communlot WO<ld,, aympton• ouch u .totldily rillnc inflation _, and ane ~ ployme n tare .......... -. In die United $ t a te I , • Cllainnan Az1hur F. Bums of the Feclorar.-Reterve hos Aid such tb.inp ''threaten the very foundation of our society'.' President Nixon is jawboning the busines.s community, but lhe how ot coping retnaim elusive. THE EUROPEAN Common Market is no longer the cheerful, confident tonTnunity it hid betn, the nine have heerd warni~ that t:hty face their ...... crloit llnce the community WU founded. Tbe community 'a «>11miillion l'kle pnsldR, neighbors, but they have not eteaped a variety of inllation- bome problems and their leaders have just had tbe lr o"'" sunvrrit to examine the Conunon Market's .......is. For Gennans, especially, lhe very thougbt ol lnflltlon is traumatic. 'Illey hive 1 national memory of the time, only a half-t'entury ago when. at the peak of postwar inflation, it .took 4.~ billion Gennan marks to equal the value ol one Americtn dollar. Tbe"Oxnmon Market •! . mapz/ne In i1s July ls111< ~rried a recent speech by the not ed American ,. commentat~r, Z b i g n i e w Brzeiinski, noting: a danger that 1 mood of preuirniam could becoine d o m i n a n t among fflt industrial countries and p1ralyz.e etfectlve rerponaes to remedial meu- um. I I ''The: Good. Liie'' • We offer to ,you Plana, Motor and Salbng Yecht1, Mexican Villa, Slct Lodgel. and nlucb More. ' We are a limited membership group which provid• indlvidual1 or corporatlon1 Luxury Retf'eatlon :and a potential tax advantage .. We offer ftnt cla1S privileges at nominal costs. TRANS MECCA Charter Memberships are "°"" being accepted for a llmlted time and will exclude monthly duu. Group memberships are transferable and fees will be Increased after our lnf!lal offering. ciwna,.,...... ...... $1500.00 ~ ' For more irfonnallon pl-cal/ '41-51CS TrfJ'lS ·~ ' ..,.. Real ·&afate ~' '·aieatlbftatcommeld . . ~ •v Reeltor Rend•ll lloCllrdle Ovr M• will -• bo graduollnt flom hlth achool, He plans on · 1ttencllng coll• .. and' wanta to t purtue nit ••fate. He makes extremely ..... 1radn. Our Income It nl1tlvely small when one CIMW.rt ' we have four other chlldren. Are there 1ny•fun41 er schol1rshlps av1ll1ble for ·1 student ent9rlRI the rHI estate fltld? Mrs. R. I ., (01t1 Mesa Yl96, there are. Over seven million dollars from the Real Estate Education and Research Fund has been granted to colleges and universitiea to en· cour.age real estate education and research since the ,program's inception. The real estate commts· J ; •~oner _is ~esi>:<>nsible for allocating .funds to educ~­ " t1onal institutions and from the begmning has utili- zed advisory roinmittees to seek and·asaist tn mak· ing detenn1nation for !und expenditures. . . -Aegean-. . ... 'Heights '.Debuts • 1 Aegeu Heiirtrts, a new $17 tnltllon luxury h om e conurlunlty under way in the ¥lasion Viejo area, makes its debut today during a special preview &ho\ring.. • A project of Al s co.t • Development Qlrnpany o f ' Mluion Viejo, Aegean Heights it a aequel to the firm's! Aegean Hills community. PRGIECT archlt<ct A r t Danlell!ln ot QenieH31l, l\foon. Sampieri and Ill( of Ntwport Beach designed the recrea tion facilities to aJlow to r ma1lmum view enjovment of Sufld•Y. July 21, 1'174 ••llv •1L0L c si -~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-\ '. ·~TME o·cEAN ' ·VIE'W' ;,OF A ·LIFETIME·. Townhomes from $54,950 . San Clemente SeaView .Jownhomes , .. c. , ...... s .. ci ....... c .. t. 11141 •t2-fSIO. /=~-~-. (.--~ ....... •---· ..... c-.. ""',. .. 1, Walker 8111 .... ,...., La ... I ••• .... .. ...... ' •••• A111t• There are 99 functioning community colleges in the state. Eighty-six of them offer one or more of the the colorful Sad d I e back ------------MDuntatns and city light! in' ---------~-------t I six approved California Real Estate Certificate pro- gram courses: Real Estate Principles, Practice, Legal AsP,ect.s, Finance, Appraisal and Economics. MOJt of these schools offer both a 24-unit certi!icate and a 60-plus unit AA degree program. Just for record purposes, the first year of the . certificate prognm was 1963 and the total enroll· ment in coµimunity college Real Estate certificate ~ courses was 16,719. During 1972-73, 82,000 llcensea, prelicensees and professionals in business closely related to Real Estate took advantage of this re- markable educational opportunity. In the past few years. these participating colleges have achieved a rel ative uniformity of coune con· tent. title, description and quality of irutructlon; thus, the progress o! community college Riial Estate education in catifornia has kept/ace with the needs or the Rea l Estate industry an consumer. For your· information, a partial llst of the col- lege in Los Arrgeles and Ora nge Counties offering , above referenced programs are: Cerritos College, , Compton College, Glendale College, Long Beac!l City College, East L. A. College, Cypress College, Fullerton Junior College, Golden Wei\ College, L.A. .,,.€ity College, Mt. San Antonio College, Orange Cout College, Santa Ana College, West L. A. College. For additional information, I suggest your son check with his school counselor. We recently purch.lsed 1 20.unit apartment complex: We have hired 1 proftMional property manager. However, 11 this It our tint 1xperl1nce, can you give us an Id .. whit we may rulONllllY expect from 1 prof1sslon1I property m1n1 .. r1 V. M., Nawport ... ch The professional property manger must be everything from an accountant to a maintenance man , Crom a salespian to a psychologist, but to be more definitive, th e following list, while not all in· elusive, should serve as to what you might expect from a pro!es$ional prQpeey manager: . Consult with yod 1as to the locati6n and total DIANI CANDLIWOOO MODIL IN IRVINE Style the background . 1he recreation cunplex includes Hghtod leml! '''urt<. an Olympie Ii,,. 9Wlmming pool, and ra major two -sto ry clubhol&e facility. The clubhouse was designed IO that h spacious IOWC{ level ii suited hr meetings and en t ert a i nm ent and 0 includes two fireplaces and ld World Con,cept Offer. ed . kitchen 1.c;uu ••. nie -level, 1rltich overlooks the In Europe it isn't at all -~entrance U.t opens meeting room, is desiirned for unU1Ual for affluent people to to ipeCtacUlar i n t e r I 0 r 5 . :m 8' 1 lounge and came live in hornet that combine Garden ·patiot adjoi;n the · natk>nal tradition With the master bedroom, a:s well as Surrounding this natural .. innovatmns and oooveniencee: the family room, kitchen and recreation setting ii t h e of today living ....... ronvnunity's ~nit pllos. or lllll Quiet ~yards,' eotraoces home! <mnpmed of single-" ltartlnf at curbelde or AN INNOVA11VE ze~lot-~ ~nd sidewalk and c a re f u 11 y ~ land plan, where the home bout.I~ c 0 n t e m p 0 r a..r ~ landscaped garden palloa are IS plaoed 00 the !Ide of the ldt ' arthJl<C(ura\ styles. hallmllb ol msiy F.uropean rather than m the center, b!l!nel, portlcuiarly tllooe in P-the·many amenities Meditertaneu countries. now available are a large pool "Many of these· European and ca&aa, a tot-lot and a conctptl provided much " our private .five=ecre Jandsca~ insplnltk>a ~ tjle design al park. : D e a·n , Ho mes-University "niose lPho want trore open Park," rel1tes ~ Gonzalez, · ip8ce Will .eoon find it right Y\ce lftl(ilent for dttlign fO< ·~ the -· WhC't the Deane oe .. 1_..1 Company, 34Mcre William R. Mason Newport Beach. Regional Park is n o w underway. C. Eichen Firm.Moves To Irvine Working hwing.t a r e • I D u R J N G OUR last DDC TOPPED the list ol <DTell.Uy in procress for the scouting trip in Europe before Southland b>mebui.lders this new $500,000 hedquartera of the new Irvine community ye-ar by winning four coveted Carole Ekhen Interiors. Inc. was underway, Lan')' Deane, Gold Nugget Awards for to be bu:Ut oo Pu11man Avenue ~resi~~ i0 { ~co~~~· r~ De an e Ho mes-University ~e: ~~~ ~w~ Mediterranean countJ"jes. We.. Park. / in Costa Mesa. according to were IOOking for Ideas in. Presented. '~Uy r.or H rd F ..........., .......... •-h o u s i n g t h a t w o u 1 d excellence in housmg design owa . • ...... ,,._.., • .. concept Establish the rental schedule Market th·e space available ·rompliment the So u t h e r n ' and v:alue, Dea;ie 'ft"OO a Grand A I Io c iates, Qrange-based ·t r . Award for tts Bendemeer arcbi.... ptilnnq and -. • -1 Ca ifom_ia lifestyle. ~ of us moi':lel. an Award or-iferit for ~ - Create a tenant-re1afions policy Prepare and ei:tcute leases or rnent.s -~t •\ w.,ere !!-"'!"'~pressed with the its Walden home and "Awanfs c.one.uctioa Gb the %7,SOO. rentaJ.(,.a.gl'W-_~,., ·~· lmagi~ and charm found of Distinct:ion ior both tbe • q a a r e -foct, tingle-story ~ .... minutes from tennis, two minutes from the blnk. Perfect location. A quick spin to Laguna Niguel Tennis Club, a blkefide away from banks, markets ~. anC1 shops. El NIJuel Terrace. Eleganl Townhomes \. that are worlds apart from the usual sort. Terraces; . ~ views. country airs, 2 and 3 bedrooms with fire· < places, balconies. private patios. *43,000 to Ml,IOO. Excellent conventional financing. Come spend a few min· ::,,,- utes. Stay a lilelime! Models open daily 9:30 a.IT} .. to 6 p.m. Cro~1n _..,, ~- Valley Parkway oppas1te - El Niguel Golf Course. ~""· , 'ff Vt4) 495·1920 "o ,~ . ' , ,, ~ -.:. in both new and old homes in Candlewood and Kensington buOdJng is 1tt to ~ August Jhls area, which is so similar models at the new community. ~ I ~ comple~ IS befnl !oourclima.teandtopograpby. Priced from '59250 to pllilnld. for December,--------,----.,------------------Collect the.rents when due Supen•ise maintenance personnel ' Create and maintain properly all records ' ' W or k i n g w.ith our $78,575, the lour modeis of ihe Thoms-:m Mid, \'lbe facility architects, designers aOO land one and two-st.ory homes of will o:mta1n the desfin studim planning s p e c i a I i s t s we shingle rough wood brick .and ot c.ole EJchen Interiors, 1 . incorporated many European stucco ~xterior cont~n 1,400 to prominent re 1 id en t j a I fl.fake regul ar status reports to the owners Recommend any ne eded redecorating and secure estimates Handle repairs as necessary Evtct sour and slow pa:v tenants Supervi5e the purchasing Audit and pav all bills Be aware of' what's happening in the market '· place-who is rentin~ what for how much Jnsnect. all vac1'nt space freri uently > ; EDITOR'S 1''0TE: Randall R. lilcCardle is an invest· t. ment cn1al11st. co/lcae le cture r. and author of "Rea~ Estate in California". Send 11our comments a11d ques· r, ions to R. R. AlcCardte, clo tM Dail11 Pilot, Post Offict Box 1560, Costa i\fesa, 92626 . . ' • :· Developer Offering ··· ,-Guide for Movers r· ~ -the many hazards of r today's peripatetic and highly , mobile lifestyle is that hazafd particularly fraught w i t h conftl!ion and trauma -the move. Whether it be moving from an apartment to a house -or What is worse, the reverse (if you've ever tp~ condensi~ fumiture meant lo<' 10 l1!0ll!ll down to four) _\« house fo house; wbether it be the. first. 100ve c:r the fifteenth, the prospect ol boodling up bog, baggage and the familY cat is always unnerving. cover features a v\htage photo ol a circa ID> "vamp" swooning In the arms ol. her poma ded "Valentino," a tongue-in-cheek approach that mild draw a smile from even the mcst anxious mover. The kit cootilns woeful infonnation that is intended to smOoui the -movinC ~ 1rom the )ll!dlng ·stAce ·1o resettlen\ent-in the ~tar I borough community. Included is a pamphlet from Bekiiis on "Wha t You Should Know Before Moving," tips, on ~ oonwvation In lhe MarlbomJch bome; and I -. llstlng imporllnl new community addresses and phone numbers -for shopping centen, emergency IS'Vk'ei, churches, schools , and utilities. 1'I~rlborough also poblisbes a newsletter. available at all developments. that .. features ENTITLED "Your l\1ost infonnation about each d the 1.ioving Experience." I h e d e v elopmenta, blctgroond informaUon oo Marlborough Development Corporation, and Marlborough Development Corporation is attempting to make the m o v e easier by providing to bu y e r s of Marlborough homes a comprehensive "new move·ln" kit that is individualized for each of the firm's California developbicnt!. 'T' • Rid inlormalion al interest lo T lCjO ge ~bonurh reolclents, aad·I _ ,OOllJ ball li<on Jnchid<dJ1Lthe . \ ,....e-ift kits along w i t b Homes nn..n 1n1or1na11on .. cu•t•nie • V' r .. _ procedures -.how to • 'contact. Marlboloulfi 11 aljy housing features into our new 2.450 square feet and are decoratlng firm, as well as community in Ir vine •' ' available in 14 exterior !t«a1e areas for interior Gonzalez said . stylings. flmUbinp and decorating The Gamflewood, -~-J~ The sa.Jes center can be ltem1.. ,,_ level. three-bedroom. two and reached via the San Diego E J t e r i o r architectural roe-half ttath home a t Freewa,\• by exiting at the highlights ol the aructwe University Park, V."3.S cited by University/Jeffrey Drive off. lnclude shed rcdi of MeJican Gonzalez as an example. ~lere, ramp and then ~inr:: tile, bnme ii•. c e d a r the home starts at the \\-est on Uni,•ersitv one-hair tongue and o.>ve lidine" and sidtwalk with an inviting mile-to-Jordan Avenue. brick cdomn trim. ' ..,,,-----------.(,, ,,.. -..... So you thought you'd ~-<:1 ~· "move up" when you sold --< your old house for twice Its original price? Your former home. most likely e si ngle family residence. prob.ably fncreased in rea11e velue et about the same rate as the cost of land and new home construction has lncre11ed. Your •profit~ may have .... ~ v1ni1hed on the way out of the escrow offlc:9. Now wh1t 7 Instead of ,. selUlng tor len than_ your dreams, OOffM visit El Niguel Terrece. A • ~ clutter of hHlslde . townhomes only minules ••••I from Ml, 1'nnis, H'oll end shopping kl beau fulfy planned Laguna N uel. Thi perfectlY·posltloned square footage o • ~ 1hffe lndlvtdu1listic homes will utilize your .p.nctable (and investeble) dollars for your maximum advantage. Compare coat per 9qUIN loot, finan ci ng, neighborhood lifestyle and ttvlttl_ltty. lnatead of settling tor less. self le for the moat 11 El Niguel Terrace, "'3.500' to 158,900. Excellent conventional financing . Open 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. dally, Crown Valley P9ri(wey opposite El Niguel GOif CourM. {7f4) 495·19'20' l ' \ I \ ' '. • -· . ' I ' •·, 'hi ~ I ! I . ~ •. ·r· ' ·,!· .,, ~1, . : ; • ., 'r~. • This weekend n1arb: the Jprobiens a.rile _ and the GpOnlng of the &e«llld ~It of phone oumber of , \ h e • Mission Rfd11t .hom)S 1 at ·ooTMlunity llS!OdaOon,. if any. . ' ' ' ) Mls~on Viejo. · • Only J 1 of· the ~. with prices st~r:tlng at. $1 lt,000. are av11il1ble In IJ\ls net~. Details bJi Ml.,lon Rld~c m11 \IO obUIDed hy calllng;'l1t Ml_. Viejo Com'\>Ahf and 11.sktng for i\fl!llion Ridge sales lntormation. A THOUGRTFUL exlrl lJ se'verat change al address card! to remind and make U easy for movers to notify the post offtce, to say nothing. of the butcher, the baker and candlestick . maker, or the oondinii move. ~Equal Housing ~ Op~rlunlUea ' ' ' I • . ' . > ~ ' ' • ·' hA CUES'l'A BY THE SEA ' . ' •Preview Opening• Our ·101h uni t is no\v open for you r vif!wing. Since you've been house hunting. you kno"' lio\v important a good nelghborhoOd is. In Huntington Deach that neig hborhood is L• Cuest• By The Se11. These quality homes are0dramatically di(fcrenl and exciting. They.arc ideal\y,situaterl lo take aclvflntage of the excellenl year-round climate. -..oesignod \Vith mony 1pecia l Oouai~old ,fe~ures lVhich incll\_dt: 'tnassiV,e rfu8~awn lvooc(. beams, wood and brick siding. and soaring roof lines. A truly functiono l floor plan with beautiful appointments, 3 lo-6 bedrooms, some Ooor plans in clude a study. Son1e have con1forl· able family rooms with -.., wet ars, onus room s, formal dtning rooms and three ca r garages. Conveniently localed nea r schools and shop. pi ng areaa.-with harbors 11nd beeches close by. { La Cuesta By the See, !l beautiful ho~e for yo u ...._ --:.~~;·~,-~!;.,, and you r family. · "'*•~· fior f urthcr Information: 17 I 4) 968-2929 or (714\ 91!8-1338. $51,990-$68,490 Homes By Ayres ... Since 1905 - ' I • • ' , I - l -• -: , .. (; 'I DAILY PILOT S11nd~. July 21, 1974 18tlt Unit for VleJo • • • • N~ BarceWna Tract Open l Barcelona hon1es at Mlsison Viejo has opened its 16'b unit !1 ot homes. offered. and each Bar«lona home includes a riropltlcc iu the basic purchase prit'!e. , All qarcelonri honlel' are pati0-0rlen1t'd . wtth ~ rear yards designed to ·a I l o w nmxitnun1 enjo)~ el lh.? C:iliforn~A lifesty le. w bi ch •c<oo\S • comr.rt.bl• bl;.;.\ of lndoor-ou!door Jl\•ing . £ For1y-five OC\\' hon1es are SEVERAL Barcelona styles ~ 'included in· !he new Wlit, offer high \•autted Jiving rorun t· according to 8111 Kent, project ce111ngs, with · ¥"~ ma•ler • Illes tnanager for t h e suites completneRIM b y ..; ntighborhood. B • r c e Ion a spacious walk-In c1*fs. ~~ prjces currently range from A concrete di-iYe•ay1 buill-BARCELONA'S Buena plan 2 $32,000 to '41,500. • in gas range and oven, fcalures a stylishly-vaul~d ! Four fioor plane are ofE\e dlsh\\•asher and d,l s pe sal. Jiving roon1 ceiling, while the ! in the Bareelona series, co~ icemaker line, outdoor !'to-story ''Dorado'' of ~ er s ~ one-story .Ptans and one t~·o-K•s b8rbecue outlet and hea·:y-either four bedroorris, or fhree1 • story model. with hro, three duty insulation are additional bed~ and a den. FOClll : or four bec:roab11 available. bonus features included in the point ol the l))rado's Jiving : F°'irteen d I 1 tin ct iv e I y b a·s i c ~ purch:.se room is its distinctive ovaal· :: different elevations a r e price. shaped f i r e p I a c e . ••.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~-~~~~~~-'-~~~..:.,.'--~~~I • .. . ' • . · PREVIEWING · LAGUNA NIGUEL;S VERY PRIVATE NEW ·NEIGHBORHOODI Park Niguel ... the fashionable ne\v Jddress in prestigious Laguna Niguel ~ A world of beau1y and ~lusion opens through the gate-house entry 10 thb new resi dential neighborhood 01 quie1 , curving streets and m.lgnlficenr vie\vsites. Here, .t colleciion of lux urious hill· \ide townhomes ofiers •n out~1and1ng O\vnership opportunity for those \Yho demand lhe very best. Unusual value~ in residences of superb design .ind ,, e:<cep11on.il <tu.1l1ty ... w1t-h all ·di the rustom ft'.tlUH'' ~·ou \\IOUld ex.peel 1n. homes oi this pnce r.ingi; ... in ;i \Cl· ring of uniquely l.indscaped ,ground~. Enjoy the n1.1ny benelits oi living in L;igun·.i Niguel. .. 1he new TO\Yn Center. El Niguel Goli Course and Coun trv Cl~b. lJguna Niguel Tcnnh Clul>. beau1iful ocean bedches ... all within minute~ ol ne\'V Park Niguel! \Ve invite \•our .idv.incC selection 1;( these exclu~i\•e ne\'V homes. .. \\\. P~fk ,ff!B~~ -~ ~ f ~ ' From $55,490 to $68,990 Telephone: i714) 631·9770 l'umrshed model> open d•dy 10:00 •·"' 10 du~~. 'i.!le~ Office: 19619 C1own V.11!cv l'•r~w•v l•11un• Nigul!I, C•hfo1r11~ 9!f>77 . -- I • g ·,~~~~,!~~~si~~=C:,!._a!. ....... ". beck bey -tlao. 1im11ed ed11lon, with ody 12 bedroom * den .to four clolel• 8lld prlva\e *-1llf fioor. plans with ietlye 1"~1Wry models priced from bedroom · ;;\th every home areas are alto 1t1 .. 1rd REAL ESTATE • '• Lake Views .M:aximiZ~: At Shores · .. l\1arlborough De velopment Co rpora tion 's lakeside community, the ShoM at Lake Forest;-features homes which a r e architecturally designed . to maximize Jake views while at the same time provide architectural interest and privacy fol' .each ~~· Four plans are aVaUable, ·three two-story and one sJ.nele- stoey, which r&),g~ in price from $51,950 to $67,950. Houses are immediately available. The Plan · Three kitchen exemplifies the way th e houses have J>een deslgnM to take maxim~m advantage of the Jake view. This large .kitchen features a brea~a.st nook, and another coovenienee is a handy service bar pass. through from the kitcheo to the dining room. · ti e l.mlll In -·~ -· 187,teO to 182.llOt. f 1 .. ~-' ' "'-1 r·~-or••--exeeu v es 1u.1U anu ''The homes have particular ea w·w& two 'u""y aces. ~""·-ux: cloee-to-custom e :i t e r I o r interelf. to active executive formal eatrJ ~ dlhlng room Located on Wtndwtrd Lane. elevatkm make , Windward fanUDet who enliertlln, '' MrL and either tine or four. baths. jolt olf Irvine Boulevard In Lana Homs both a ..... N..,.tc ataled. "ladl ol the Amini _, ......., utru N•wporl -· Iha home value and an extraordinary remakl_lng nine. b o me 1 iaclUljlltl w:Mti'1tbe homes price project m1y'" be reecbed via Uvtu& eaperlence, acconjll>g to available oilers a ·poo1.11ze lot, are ~ areas in the Newport rreeway to l2nd Mra. tluel Nowak, eii;chisive , three car garage and oae-of+ allfllPf ...._bib in muter street, tbell talt to .lrYiM and l&les qent for Brown kind e1terior ~elev,.uan of balb Md, jt#,tbrq ban from Wit to ~-vd ~. Bales De v e lopment Corporotion, brick. roughoawn ....i ad ldtdllo ,Ip -patio area. office ls !Denied 'within the devetopen of the project. shingle." , t.aree nook area off country-developmea~ lite. ' •• " . \..... ~home lo ~lk. a ~ster~ nannea Community in exdutfw t ~-._. ..... ,.,.~, Seadlff. You c.n w•lktoOnnae Qluoti• beoulilul beochot,toflllht-liaht<d tnmll CCNrts, lo golf~ patb, and the new civic «nter, And, you'll be ad~cent to tuperb · tchools (Elementary, Jr. High. and Hfch. SfhoolS; · all immediately M'Xt to Be1ichw1ilk), Your new Beachw.tilk Townhome gifts 'f"5 luxurious 11d--iid111•1ttt livlne: at• . surprisingly affordable COit. Otoole a 2, 3, 4, or S Bedroom. 2-Car Garap T ownhomc. and you'll start enjoying tht fun and ' princy of entry 1trium1, fuJl .frnced • pitiOI, IU5h Undscaping, and fabulou11 ' Boor plans. • 7 Swimming Pools, 2 Oubhousn: and. more •.• T)iey're all at Be1chw.tik with the thrill oE Jiving at tht beach. Come home to the beach lodlyf An outdoor patio between - From only $43,950 the kitchen and Jiving room makes outdoor dining easy from either room . ~{arlborough~s k i t c h e n s reature I u m i n o u s ceilings, built-in dishwasher, disposer and double Oven. The four-bedroom P 1 a n Three 1Saesrgrfed-for a large family. A den/guest bedroom is oooveniently located on the first floor and thei"e are three spacious bedrooms upstairs. The Shores' four models are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To reach The Shores, take the Canada exit off the San Diego Freev.•ay, go left over the freeway to Muirlands, tum right on Afuirlands to the mo d e I comple:i:. ' . ' ' \ ·,_ "- " • ' fumhhff mod,], open d.iily 10 A.M. Excl!llmt fiaandna: 1ivailabk. (714)-...S7 ~® A.J. Hall Corporalion -1.oo~ .. o-.. ~-~-­...... Diop,..,. __ ·----.......... ·- -. •• , . -· • " • 621 Lido Parle Drive ha quiet elegance designed into each home. From the skyreaching natural wo&I Oxtel'ior to itie unique doub,le view of the~. 621 .Lido Park Drive as rich in warrt)th, privacy and luxury. 621 ·Lido Park Drive entices v.ou to sail home since there are 18 private docks~on the bay side for residents only. Quaint boutiques, ort galleries and sqme of Newport's ·finest restaurants are mormiiq.from yo~r door~. • .~· • The eighteen elegant homeo .. prlcod from $133,000·to $165,000 end pffir up to 2,65Q square feet.The, home design features 2 beilroomt/2 beth• and 2 bedrooms plus den/3 betlia, Each home has 1 lnagnificent bey view from'both the living room end master bedromn suite. A homeport for tl)ose who want only the finest ... 621 Lido Park Drive. " ../ ' Q/dl/ &-~ Cnt7~ttM-~!l/ui;t; ' , West.Coast Pacjftc Sales Office Hug Homes, Inc. Broker _ 875-1070 Broker 34118 Coast Hwy. 667 Sin Nicolas'Dr. · -0-Po;,nt · • , ; . • Newport .center ~1-2600 840-4050 . • , • • • • .I • - .' ••• . --' . ' I ' •• ' ' -BRA~D~N,EW . _..,.,_.. .tJBB,LE TQ CA:ft\PER VAN GaugtS •. auto. trans., tinted windshie(d, sliding.cargo doors, · x1ra cOoling '-radiator. F & R ChrQITHI bumpers. Malibu "A" , y.oindows,~adi .. passenger sea t. camper eqvipped, candy apple red. . . SP,ICIAL fl!IANtJNG , / AVAILAILI' , . BRANDNlW (1974 PINTO .~.speed !rans.. front & rear bumper guards. 1#4R10X208368·) Summer Discount Price , LIKE NEW 1974 . :P·tNTO RUNABOUT NOT STRIPPED BUT EQUIPPJD Auto. transmission, 2300 cc engine, radio, heater, decor group. #~~JOUt~ . . $' , . Summer Discount Price .,_. -· V·B. alrlo. trans.. (disc·) $ . b,rakes, tinted glass, vinyl roof, loaded. l•K92Fl469'9 I Slimmer .Discount Price J BRAND NEW ' -·FORD .' 1COUilER) -& SHEL1.' - (SGTAPY06096) SPECIAL .. · · FINANCING AVAIL~ILE SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE I l, ' speed,1 radj1l tires, r~iO. .c heater, bucke1 seah. _.... L (t21EYHJ '71 TOYOTA PICKUP ' '71 DATSUN PICKUP spetd, ra.dio,' heat~. #97811T ·- '73 DATSUN 610 (Pf; .. , 41 speed. "~s 5llver-r1re lifid!" (07118W ) R1dlo,he,uer.nice ooe 1345~3 . 7 '.$24 88 '72 T YOTA . ~-'70 TOYOTA '71 MAZDA CRICA ; . . 1 ~ Mlc'H RX2 "ROTARY." 41 IPfflf, lactorv •Ir condi-I J9ffd, r.cllo, hhtllf' Lkense Radio, heater, loaCSed & nice. Honing, radio, ·heater, #7JOAQK 1571DVE · 41146FNB • , ,· -~ Auto. trans., pOWer sleering, radio. heater. tl0P'31) ' '69 CHEVY "Kingswood Wgn.'' '70 CAD!LLAC El Dorado Loaded & nice. '102SAG'J '69 DODGE' , TON P.U. Adv~lurer pKkage, H.0. equipped. #8?804R '72 BRONCO WON. • whffl drive, l~JlKLlt • . Fully equip~ wllh all the goodies. (#830FLZJ POW" hea;er. '71. T·BIRD • LANDAU . loaded & .. 1ce. lfll63CHO) '70 FORD VAii EJOO Long WhNI~. I cyt,, auto. Iran$., Mater. ClntllP) '70 DODGE CORONET COUPE auto. trans .• radio, Mater, tow low mites llnBOF :$'10 8: '71 PINTO 2 DOOR 4 Speed. (138CFF) • '73 TORINO 4 DOOR V-1, auto. lrar'K .• 1.tclorv air cooditoning, powe,-steering, pQWer fdiscl br.tk~. radio, healer, vinyl roof. 191~GIY . '6B GMC · ' ~TON . Stk:tt Shift.' POWff tai)fftf. (117266111 . $1081 . '72 RANCHERO . . 500 v.1. auto. trans .. t.ctory air condilionlng, power sieering, power brakes. AMIFM radio. heater, IS2905K * BE SURE TO ATTEND * LOS ANGELES INViTATIONAL INTERNATIONAL DMNG MEET \vmt COMPfTrioltS flOM THI MUNICll 0L TMPfCS ON THI HIGH PUTfOIM ~ lfltlNGWID AT ios COTOTll COUNTIT CLUI, IUINA PAllC JULY 20-1 D0011 ,., • nus FORD • • • _SWMl_ar", _.i.-'11_2_,l,~1-97,,_4_~---.....--D-Al_LY_PILOT 11 , J .) ·t ·,'• ~· ·PICKUP & CAM PER · •74 FORD % ·TCi>N PICKUP · ' & 8' MAJORWAY .CAMPER • CABOVER·paneling, _etc. & ready for your per~nol touch. (RV-1833) IMM D ·DELIVERY BRAfl/D NEW 1974 MUSTANG II HARDTOP TH IS PICKUP TRUCK & ~CAMPER IS READY TO GO ... ( F25BRU62476 ) SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE 1.r lilre ' cyl., power steering, (disc) brakes, l'lealt(._wtlilewaH !ires• Iron!'&· rear bumper ''5:-'!'i" gu"ds. UR02Yl91'17J) $ ( • . Summer Discount Price BRAND NEW 1974 MUSTANG II MACH I 2.8 litre engine, auto. trans., factory air. power steering. power disc. brakes. radial whitewalls, tinted glass, con- sole, digital clock, etc. $ (4FOSZ274179) . DISCOUNT FROM Somm1u -Discount-Price -----sUGGESTEo-usr- BRAND NEW_ ----. 1974 ' LTD . FACTORY AIR . (~4J675103235) . . 1· f:D I DAILY PILOT Suncl•r. Jul,.21, 1974 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Roal htott •.•••••• l 000..2999 The Blaest Marketplace on the Oranp·Coait .: . I ;llr••fll & ................ J'll00.719' Rentals • • • • • • • • • • 300Q...C699 lulint11, lnve1t11...m & Financial •••••••••• S000.5049 DAILY Pl•C>1 ··cLASSIFIED AtSS .. MIR ............. ~ lloah • Mcl1nt Annollnctmtnls, Personals, lost & Found •...•• SOS0-5499 Strvicts & Ropair1 6000-6099 You Can Sell It I Find It I [ 642 s&•s J Trade It With a. Want Ad ·-· __ ...,7 ___ • '-- One Call Service Fast Credit Approval Equipment • • • • • • • • 90Q0.909t Autoolollles & Other TransportClllon •••• 'lDD-9099 • THE REAL ESTATERS macnab/ lrvtne realty FINER HOMES . SUIT YOUR FANCY Spacious 4 bedroom home w /lg. bonus room-convertible to 6 bedrooms. Family room 3 full baths -total 3137 sq. ft. $!19,5oo incl. land. Lois Egan 644-6200. (F31) '. BIRDS DO IT why not rooot your ruffled feathers-in a sumptuous 'Indoor/outdoor, 3 bedroom' garden home. The charm of thfs Harbor View nest will make you sing like the birdies do. $76,500. Lois Miller 642-8235. (F32) COMFORT & LUXURY * 6 bedrooms on the bay *Pier & slip * 2 lg. master suites * Air conditioned * Furnished. or unfurnished Martha Macnab 64U235. (F33) SHARP AS A TACK · and loaded w /upgrades! 4 bedrooms, 3 baths-privately-situated lot w /lovely~ sun- declc & your very own pulling green1 $9'2,500. Betty Kerr 644-6200. (F34) "WHAT ARE DREAMS MADE.OF?" · oflnJa _j6/,, PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 107 Linda Isle Dr., Open 511!_1 l ·5 BUY A WARRANTY HOME 0-r•I R.E. 1002 Gener•I R.E. llG CANYON HOME · IOOl 4·PLEX NEWPORT BEACH Sal Exc:ha There ii only one Big Canyon, site of maliy e or _ nge line home selling up to 4365,000.-& great Excell~nt Huntington Beach appreciallon value. . · Loc:lltion. 4 ·two bedroom, 1 ~ S.. 7 Cherry HRl1 Lane bath tntits with paHM and • . cal1>0'U· O!ferod for $68,1"'. , ()pon S.t. & Svn. l..S ean 6'&-0555. · •164,500. -You own the land. 5 Bdrm, S -Baths, 3 Fireplaces. LEIGHTON LINDEN, REALTOR 67U621 ' \ \I.I.I-"\ RI \I I \ BU Y A WARRANTY HOME it;;0,.1 R.E. !002 Gener•I R.E. IOOl : *HUG HOMES* -YOUR GOLDEN I REAL TORS OPPORTUNITY I . NEED-$ $ COZY CORNER · "'""' oew li>tina,. a-.. deal Call Best buy in area at $69,500. including sunken I t v t n c toVAll cloleey Re:l!t and Joo out A 3 BR., 3 ba.: immac. room, huge covettd pM.k>. Linda Isle Waterfront bout our ~ Trust Deed OPEN SUN. 1-5 Sharp! Only S34.DI! CaU Lovely 5 BR., 3 bath custom home. Enclosed :nd Guaranteed Sale plans. 1924 Highland Drive !:!;eM7.:_0 ~the ex~ _courtyard with plumbing for pool. Pier & \VE GUARAl'\i"TEE 'MtE LINDA ISLE slip, 30 ft. yacht inclu~~.:. $~,000; ~~OUR HOME. 0....1ltt awdous; 5 ,._ lam. CLASSl•I• .. 70 LINDA ISLE DRIVE . nn., pl~ 'A: •lip. ~~ HOUIS"' frime 45 fl lagoon lot -$150,000 FABULOUS VIEW ·. AdYertloln ~ ,llLL GRUNDY, REALTOR ':!c~p..,'{"-;, "j:~onn: u..1r ..i. by 341 lo-...,_ Dr,. Svlto 1, N.I. 675-6161 romplet•· bulldable lot. g,oo a.m. to 5'90 p.m. ~~~~·~-;;~~~~~~~~~:!~~~~~·!! Total price $324,SOO. Monday thru l'ri4Q' >•nor•I R.E. 100l0-r•I R.E. llOZ OCEANFRONT 8 to noon s.-No Money Down F .. 1anc1: s BR., Shorecl111s. coSTA MESA 'onlCI: $500,1"'. 330 w. liq BIG CANYON LUXURY HOME V•l•r•na lluv -FABULOUS CONDOS . 60-6618 '1 Bedrooms with hu I e 6Zl Lido Park Or. {)pf!n add-on '+ tlnplace &: air every day from 10 to 6. NEWPORT BEACH #5 Rue Du Pare Open Today 1-5 ron<mioning. Extra sharp. From $133.1"' to 1165.1"'. 3333 Newport_ 18 lllvd. Upgraded carpeting and Piers & Allps. 6G-S&78 TRULY SPECTACULAR-$235,000 ~:d,,.'0: 'g\~ to=~ CALL 640-4050 HUNTINGTON BEAOl center. Walk 10 1ehools. J ""!1!!1'!'!'!''!"!"!'~~...., 17875 Bnch Blvd. Versailles Plan on 10th fairwa y & green (just above model homes); 4 bdrms., 4lh baths; 3 lrplcs.j)_umptuous decor. custom ja· cuzzi plus · countless other quality appoint· ments. Truly spectacular at $235,000. HASTINGS & CO . .-REALTORS Ov.;ner tran s f erre d NEGLECTED S4().l220 extremely, anxlow. $37,950. JR ESTATE LAGUNA BEACH I' 222 Forest Ai,;e, $35,950 • ...- tU-4471 ( ;;::) $46.110J Formal entry large separate 305~~Rlll --u livina room. Fomial dlnin&: . . "'"" .o.o'M'\ NEW ORLEA"S. TALL room tor twelve! Country --640-5560 Day or Evening SHADE TREES, gr~ sized built In kitchen. Huge NeRnl COUNTY A Growlnt RNlty Firm 27.UE. C-Hlthw•y Corono dol Mor 67s.a600 ' ' ' ' 0-rol R.E. • 1ot2 o-r,1 II.I. 1002 ti Coldwell Banker OPEN SUNDAY 12·5 1732 Candiestick Lane, Baycrest 3 BR. + loft, DR '95,000 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12.-5 4521 Orrington, Cameo Shores 3 BR., lam. rm., pool. $145,500 OPEN SUNDAY 1..S 1301 Keel, Harbor View Hills 3 BR, family room $97 ,500 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1..S 186 Shorecliff !!Dad, ShorecliH 5 BR, family room $244,500 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 2791 Ba;rshore Dr.\ Bayehores 3 BR, lg. li'(, rm., lovely patio •78;000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 .. 4507 Go<ham, Cameo Shores. 4 BR. $157,500 lOCll E. BALBOA, BALBOA POINT 7 BR duplex, waterlron~ pier & slip $250,000 OPEN SUNDAY U !CH Evening Star, Dover Shores 6 BR, lam rm, waterlroq~ pier & slip '211,000 OPEN SAT. & SUN. :M 23!2_Aralia, Eaatblufl__ 3 BR., family rm~"J,000~- 0PEN SAT;& SUN. U 4507.-Roxburr., Cameo Shores 4 BR, family rm. ,)39,llOO · OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-6 2645 Bamboo, EutbluH 5 BR, family rm. View $79,950 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 2.-5 A; room to least, a "room to fun, 3.rooms tiilileep, a pool to sun. $129,500. Jack Cust· er· _ _ -(1'35)~c ----. ' -11771 HIGHVIEW DRIVE "!::i'ii'.i'.""""Tc~ffi::::~~~=~:: belts and pool all mal• family room. Large rear dl&l tree 540-1220 ;Got;;-;;'";;'•;;l;R;;.;;E.;;;;;;;;1;00:;;;2-1 1 Gerwr•l-R. , GO! toh10d tor you:..;BR-tBA· _O>mer.lot. ~ 0i:.m\~':ft---=:C:;;LA,.:;-;SS;';;;IF;;l;OED~-.Jij~ --------. townhou .. nestled away new carpet. Forced tale! DEADLINES OLD. W l'ff "-from tr•lllc •nd nolM. call today 9J!3.fl787 ~~ 305 North Star Lane, Dover Sbot:os 6-BR, fam,mi, pier & slip. SZl.0,000 ' ' ' GREAT EASTBLUFF BUYI "REDHILL RIDGE" OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Lovely new Broadmoor home w/fan- tastic view! 4 bedrooms, family room, air conditioned, upgraded & landscaped. $125,000. (F36) COZY & CHARMING Corona del l\1ar duplex w/thic.k shag car- pets fireplace & open beams. Great place to live &: enjoy mcorne TOO! $1141fi00. Carol Berry 644-6200. (F37) BEACH HOUSE-LOT VALUE_ Steps to beach -30x85, R-2 lot. House comes free only $54,950. Larry Dyer 64U235. (F38) IRVINE TERRACE- MAGNIFICENT VIEW Beautiful pool hom e overlooking all of Newport Bay! 4 bedrooms. $182,500, incl. Iand.-Tom Queen 644-6200. (F.39) ' - DOVER SHORES VIEW! Exquisite English horn~ sq. ft. 5 bed.rooms, family room , billiard room, formal dining, den/office & lar~e pool. 3- car garage. $449,000 fee. Harriet Perry 642-8235. (~'Ml) , MOVING EAST . . necessitat~ saJe of a real sho,vplace 4 bedroom custom built French Georgian home. Best Westcliff location! Charlel Ar· nold 64U235, (F41) BLUFFS "TRINA" MDOEL Lovely condominium w/pri'{llte patig on plcturesque greenbelt. 3 bedrooms, 21' bet.hi. Sale, or lease option-$64,950. Dick Halderman 644-6200. (F42) YOUR ow..-couNTRY CLUB! Tlanls court, pool , cabana, 150' on 16th fairway o! Mesa Ve rde Country Club. Fab- uloul 4 or 5 bedroom home. $250,000. Appl. Oal)'. (Jona Chichester 642-8235. (F43) .. °""' ~ lll·lnS 1144 M.c:AtttM 144·1nt ............ c.li!otftil 12"3 estc I ..,ver RHdy to move In, with Ol'E.Nnt • • "s FUN ro B£. N1C£1 Deadline for copy I: ....... TIMER Executive Home now c•rpota, dr•po•, ~-, ~ l~.!'~,gu~J: ~ Sharp! Sharp! Westc!Jtf area appllanc111 & flrtpl.c:a. IJ U•,t!f,'l!I Editor u~*he: = home for only $76,995. Owner wlll 11111 or IN•• . l;E'ii'i~'J:I Big 5 Bedroom home, with a Unbelievable! It has four $31,500. BKR. · ' ls Saturday, 12 noon. formal dining room, hav111g bedrooms. 2':i baths and a GRUBB & ELLIS · CLASSIPllO mo "I· tt. and 2 brick ,.,.., pool. °""'' ha• BEAUTIFUL REGULATIONS fittplaces. Locatf!d on a al ready bought qew home in 67S.70IO tree shaded corner lot, S.F. &: \~."anl5 fast escrow. MESA ve=R=D=E--I TWO STORY ERRORS: Advert.ism 57'x160' ..... anyone can take This home v.111 have open EXCLUSIVE sdailhoulyd &eh~~!th<'re-~ over this 7'>i:% loan. house EVERY DAY unlil . ...,_. ....... Pa)·a.ble $200. month PITI of sold. So hurt')', before it's TI11s . 4 hr, 3 ba executive $39.!riO full price lmmecllately. TBS $20,000. Bring a paint bnish too late. 64&-TIU. family ~e has a fQrmal &Slumc 6';0 VA DAit.Y PILOT ~ 11nd save many dollars. Full dlnine room A: lge separate llab1llty for tbe tint t. price just family l'OOO'I w·expo1ed You barsain shoppe r1 correct 1mert1o1a ~. ,--. .... ! ~-..._J beu'nl i: bl& brick trplc should l'@ally hurry and call $33,950. Wal;'ker"Lee + • hid & l!lter..i pcoL "'on thl• one! Four h""' CANCEIJ.ATIONI' U' sss.t:m. Call tor appt to bedrooms,. huge . rul-de-1ae WMn killlDI an. ad be IL •••~ '''"'' see. kit. and. a VA loan with 1ure to mab a record ~ 1 -=======~1 DAVtp BQUl!KE, ]U.TR. ' ..,.,... ... cl only $17! per ot t)le KllL NUMBER 4 PLEX ~ '"°""' It JOU take U """· given "°" by your lld A-* fol' listing No. 9577. :=i:~ 7:; Sun/E .. 1. FOR THE OWNER "c:!~':,;\~.E~ut~R WAL~~R & LEE nwnbor moot .':rtC -,4, sass,_,_ OCCUP-ANT lnvest _now! 4 Qua lily du--~~ E:::!: :i::e ~ i:e ctT.puw. ::::::;;::c:::r::iz:;;:::: Seldom do •-e find an 1ilexes. Under $8.i,OOO. ea~. 545·9491 ,..1.u ........ .1.noN OR in\'!1tment property that is AJI rented. ShoY.'fl by Apo L .......... ~~ * JUST LIST&O * capable of excellent income RACHELLE ROBERS ~=~~~ .T'Bdnn., 2 bath d_ui>'eJC, just production AND is a.l90 3333 E. CoAst H .... ')' .. Cd~t Inflation fillht• Every effort 11 _.. to redecrnte:d. one unit furn. s u Its bl e for owner RIAL TOR 675-2273 '111' kill or correct a ntW a4 Bit-Ins incl. dishwasher; occupancy' in a roomy! BRJ!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~""""'"""' that hu bttn ordered. frplc. ea. unit. $89.960. 2 BA aparhnent. Pl.US has Newport 9c••nfront but we cannot ~ Call 673-3663 6Ti>-8531 Eves. ~llcnt terms with »Po Completely returblshed. . tee to do 10.until the ad Al.SO: Duplex, 4 bednn. l n. Mailer bednJOm hu appeared in th t 3 'bdrms.: l~~ ~ )"OUng TIJIS IS IT!! -hu fantastic octan Vn. paper, t'rplc. Deluxe unill, step& Only STI.500 10 beach. Sl2S,(Q) Call 644-7211 h'O other bedrooms, 2ti DDIE-A·LlNS ADS: ~11 ,....., ..,,,,.,., .,.,..__ hllthl, boatyard. Perfect --_.._ ::= ....... : Uf~ U l.:ravo<J E\tH, home for beach lovers! l.._, -are cuh in advance a., /Jn NIG[L [!AILEY f. associated AUl"I~ Fl!<; RI JILT()';''; ~r1~ W Bo ~r~ ~'l l•tl ASSOCIATES Open Sat &. Sun 2 'till 6 or at i;:g one ot our of. 2702 W. Oceanfront fl N r=::. ~-Yonkers Realty M&--2888 · en. ~ Dea4flne: p.m. J'lidaJ', THRil FOR TH I $32,900 STILL ' I ... l!!!l!!lj .... """'-..-~ Cool& 'M--12 I ' _, -till -.C· HARBOR VIEW MONEY. Socludod R-3 IUYS MAKE ROOM FOR n.... • luat • short Fantastic otan<T ...,,. It MOMMY! _THE 0DAILY PILC/I' .... MONACO Hh 1..-Chino Cov•. 1mmocu111e ...i '"'"" tor '""" u.. ·r111it to • ..._ Thl1 delightful 2 bedroorn I' . , m•v•in-conclJ. )'OU! $1450 down pht1 cloatna $40 500 sit)', ·edit, cel\IOf' or n- dtn or 3 bedroom home Is tlon, plua lush l•ndtc•P" cotll. See tti.ll one today, • ruae any adwTUHment, located on quiet cul-de.uc. i~ Excellent 1t•rt•r Call 841.0010. Ail· H\ia'e 4 bid.room ~Ingle llory .11ncl tn chen1e ltt nte1 I 1 ~1 1 h • I ' , ~ with family room. Nice • re-•latkins without nex o green~ I, t as a w ow fl"enclna, VACANT. Oun. Sharp. lvw family area. Walk to m&jor ~ .... 1_ Mt.kt. large yard ~and la IKR Sq. Ft. HOM£. 1315 So. Rita shopplic and a1i• ICbool .,... r- beaut llully land,..ped. GRUIB & ELLIS w.,., Santa !"'"· Sell "' H>.SOO. Call 147-4010 Act. · CLASSIPllD' Belt of &ehool1 A: thoppiaa:. ~,-AFCO REALTY, 536-456S or ""' $11,900. Phone 644-185.). j }fARBOR \rlEw llJU.S '"'">17;.-":ml~==~-~ P. 0. Box 1560, Upgraded thnt out. .~ 67 • .,.._ Trade. 5~ % V.A. Loan., Ol'f#m.t• 1tlRMtolltNCE! 1 MAILlu-ADDllUS Exp. Gen Contractor Seeking CdM. Luxurious decor. Pool, BE A U T I F VL OcQntront Cotta M• L-_!~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~-J~N~o~Pro~Ject~-~S!lna~·~"°';'.''°:'_::.°'i "'""'· & tow 'maint. )'I. Apt, 1-Btoch. lBR, llQG8 snl. apll. 5U-61'8 ew. fe. land. Owner 644-2915. 2'.BA, $67,500. act 4!M-7:11) "--------' • ' ··-· ... .. ... . ........ --~ .. _ .. _. _____ ~.... -.. ···-..... -. • • • .. . .. see thla.i charmlng 3 bedroom Lusk-built tiome, Family room and formal dlninl room! Owner most anxious for quick sale - Priced accordingly at '67,000. f A 30 ACRE HIDDEN ESTATE I Private-the last word in prime view seclu- ded homes. A very custom 5000 sq. fl., 8 'fr. : old early California· home. 4 ·bedrooms, 4 baths, pool, barn. $350,000 Bl ON THE WATER-'0.R SUMMER FUN Jndoon • outdoors blend to make thfs gra-doa.s hople a place you want to be. 5 bed- rooms + inaids, large paneled den, formal dinln\c:'.m, country kitchen + oock for large '218,000. CAMIO SHORIS Beautiful home. New on the· market. 3 bed· roollll, f baths, hobby room, pool. OUtstand· /iM. view. Shown by appolnbntnt only. $145,· IDIAL OCEAN VIEW HOMI Popular spacious Lusk Tiburon with view on pool sized lot Exceptional condltlon oa quiet street complete wflh all conveniences. $97,500. SPANISH MODIRN Thick adobe waUs, tile noora lr:..beavy beams enhance the charm o! this S bedroom family room home. Close to private beach. $78,500. INJOY THE VllW '"411 SUMMER Charmin& Camjl!) Shore• home with oceoa • vlew. 4 bedrooms, lon'nal dlninl room, SJ>&- c\ous pool •ize yard and lovely llrlck pauo. •139,IOO. ' . ' PRIME SAINT MALO ISTATI Near Carlsbad -last word In ocaanfronl privacy. Old world charm behind gurded gates. 3 bedroom, a bath homo, private ten- nis courts a. beach hou11. •200.000. • DIAl:M4-l7N 2161 S.n .i-u1ot Hiiis Rd ., 'N.I. A COLDWllL IANKIR CO. . ' • IOft for A • • • ' ' . . • s 2 7 ' 2 7 • 7 7 ( Su11day, July 21, 1974 DAILY PILOT D 3 Co'>t.t Me<;,.,1 Area BEAUTIFUL 2 STORY Fo .1t .11n I/all•~~· Atr;-i 138,960 FULL PRICE VILLA MONTEREY Allumlble8%YAloantorvou 4 huge·bdrms. 2 bath$. 2000 bltgaln ht.Inlets. 4 hu99 bdrma, SQ. tt Spacious hv1ng huge CU de UC lot, and 1 VA roorri/d1nlng atea. Pool 51zed ·kwl with payments ol only lot S35,SOO~ VA loBIT Wllh EZ 1174 per monlh II You assume· 1erms.Just 3years new! . IOln. (714)5-46·1754 '1-'"°:=:;'~'-:::o::-::=::""'~,,.~~~ .. =·~·:..i-~~--~------~--. •---F-1V-E-8DRMS-GOLF ANYONE? RANCH STYLE TRANSFER FORCES SALE $33,000-NO DOWN 4 SQaclOus bedrooms 2 full bath to Vet&. This vecant name has hom&. Huge family room. been c:omplet&Jy refurbished family Sile kilctien. 4 years w'ld 11 lust wait ing for 1 llmily to new. Sleps to course. 5% erjoy ltt Included are Ii replace. cJown. El terms S47,600. built In range & oven, carpets (714)968-3371 ,Ind drapes. 2 car garage, and {7 14)546·1754. much much morel flexible f------------1 ..... tool 110828 545-9491 NEWPORT BEACH ~ER WILL FINANCE;!!! S20,500 2 Slory Acres of green, 2 bdrms, 2 baths. family sized kilchen. Spacious home and just 1650 down lo EZ 1erms. Call now! (7141546-1754 ·- • AANCHOLACUNA ·Beautiful new 2400 SQ, fl. 3 bdrm, 3 bath. Beamed .c&lllnQS, extensive ocecin and canvon views. Big pao( sized lot.198,500. 646-7711 HOW'O YOU LIKE ·New carpets thruout !his large 3 ~rm home. Completely painted 1ns1de, lotced air he1t. N1oe area. with huge back yard for lods and bud9e1 gardener. 1-----------l Cl:>le garage. VA. IOan ol $184 TOP OF THE WORLD per monlh. Pill & 7% apr: Seriously apPOinled. 4 bdrm. Priced lo sell at 132,000. formal d1n1ng, 2500 SQ. ft . 1_v_aca_o_1 _c._1_1 a_38 __ -6_2_•_•_. ___ __ p1n oram1c ocea n view s. wt: 'NOHK FREE S1 10.000 From this ad. because You 646-771 1 'M'.ln"t want 10 miss seeing this Sharp 4 bdrm hOrne in Tustin TOP OF LAGUNA! lor iosl ,_$55.950. Close lo A truly uniQue Laguna View-schools. also fenced back hOme. 3 stories, wood and, yard. Almo1t new. Everyone gl ass, wtth the kine of view QUal1hes lor·with t0% down that made Laguna famous. payment. c.an l0t appa1n1.ment Saddleback 10 the Sea. must 838-6256. see to beheve! Shown by f----,F-Y_OU __ H_A_V_E----tl IPPOlntment only. 646-77 11 THE MONEY · WE HAVE THE HOUSE SlJP8f sharp 3 bdrm home with hON E "OF A KIND IOts of toom for lhe kids. Huge SUPER RANCH" poc)I. Nice carpets & drapes 00 genTly sloping acres with a thruout. Obie garage attaclied. commandi ng view of Palm Great kitchen area MOM. Springs and the Coachella Prioed to sell at S42.500. All Valley. A historic tanch carved 1erms C31183&6256. This bMutiful home has It all! Huge lamily ·room, boat or 'trailer pWking, new carpeting erd built in financing 11 less than the cu"ent 1ate! Offered Co111e &row With u,s out ol the wilderness by Harry 1------------tl Ben~t of Ford Molor fame, Al::NTING??? •f55,7~. 110199 545-9'491 ABANDON ED PCX)L ESTATE Secluded 4 bdrm. 2 bath home on~ acre IOI. Spacious bdrms. . and. living areas. Loads of e111ras!EZ. assumable loan, . $29,600. rival s San Simeon, Death lTCOSTSTOO MUCH MINI HORSE RANCH '6.550 CISh down buys this lovely horse ranch! Assume VA loan al 7%. S249 per month. '.lmn\aculate 3 bdrm 2 bath ·rlflCh home fenced by block· 'Mils. three corrals. Barn with Valley Scony·s ca s11e. and the So buy your lamily this rest. gorgeous 4 bdrm biggie on a Prob. in part consists of a oorner IOI with open country Spanish s ty le hill t op spaces. Also includes 2 • man sion-4 bedrms. 3 1u11urious balhs .. All !his in • (714)546·1754 (714)968·3371 l1replaces. 10 II. carved beam Tustin where living is lree and .. ceilings. giant swimming pool, easy. Try !or 134.900. Call tree&. trees and trees. Owner t------------1 Business is Greatll t'uge trees. (house completely 83&6256. Open eves. will coruider trade lor Irvine/Newport/Costa Mesa WALK TO BEACH 2 STORY CHARMER 1e·wired and eQu1pped w/ 1------------tl new air cond ). ..,,,,,. 4 tiuge bdrms. 2 baths. large 545-Q.491 p.anelled fam ily r oo m lt-----~------1 Step saving kitclien. cuslom 5BR-:CQSTAMESA decor thruout. ·owner ha s ASSUME 5~% FHA LOAN another,Priced al 138,900. with payments of just 1202 per (714} 54&1754 then--clOwn the hill 3 bedrm. 3 bath guest house; 5 paddock stable . huge recreation room w/ wet bar, bunk house. ta ck room. blacksmith Shop, and another huge-70' swimming pool. m>nlhl Beantllully upgraded (114)978-3371 ard ca-ed lor. Everything from the heevy shake roof to tt'le five 'huge bdrlns means gracious family living. Just listed at 139,950! Huntington Beach Area H you ever-had any thoUCjhts about a Real Estate Career-, we'd like to talk to you. _ ..Add..all-lhis to a 117 degree hol: water wen which serves all the prop. and you have fantastic potential. 110347 545-9-491 LAGUNA HILLS 3BDRMS 129,995 FULL 'PRICE .Np down to .Veterans· EYetythlog from the Spanish tile rool, to the enclosed patio spells lamily lu11ury in this 1 V2 )'881' young beauty. JI you're , OISTINCTIVE TRl-lEVEL SOL VISTA HOME \Mth OV9f 2200 sQ. tr: Perfect for enlertaining. Four large bdrms. k>fmal dining room. spacious family room. Shown bof appointment. . 897-0321 nae 1 V-. Jet our mortgage. f-----------11 ~l'IV arrange low down financing FHA for vou. JUST S34,5oo 18543 545+9491 IWJ available on your terms. Excellent noor plan with large BALBOA TRIPLEX! lamily room. brick fireplace. ·ONNERWILL FINANCE! large fenced yard and 'lbw! Ocean vtew and ready detached garage. ~ssume made financing tool Really ~% LOAN OR BUY Gl·no ·now. wl'ly not have a good .dooNn. · .i"'"'8St(Tl8nt and some run tool . 897·0321 19278 . 54&-9491 " f---------- 0.EAN A LITILE . SAVE A BUNCH SHOWS LIKE A MODEL JUST 136,500 3 large bdrms. protessionany built family room. wilh wet bar. Great hOme on e11tra large lot. Assume payments ol 1229 pef" IT()(llh. . 897-0321 We agree that this house.looks · 7 years old going on ten. but a little deaning wlll make it a t>eautlful home tor You and lOX family. CofQe lake a look and make an offer! .1f8557 . S4 S:.9491 t---------- IRVINE BEAUTY The ·tranilerred owner _mlJ1t. seM this 2YI ye11 YoUna Irvine 1 hOme. Everything from the Shake roof to the twge....:tot millns comfortable living · tor 'ltC'l and your !amity ~45·A491 FOOR Pl.EX 4 ·2 BRUNITS ONLY 153,500 FULL PRICE . You bargain hunters shoukl really call us on this one. Owner will trade, or listen to anv olfer. For further into. -pleise ask abOut listing #9745 545-9491 ASSUMABLE VA LOAN Stwp1 clean 4 bdrm tlome wittt assurriet."9 8Yl% loan or 13500 down, payments as low as111M perm:ioth. Full price 134.900. ~ ~5140 ACRES OF GREEN &mlurd this 2 story 2 bdrm. 2 bath townehouse with huge ·bonus room for e11tra growing. Vacant lor immediale move in. ..1Jst.11500 down payment to a lowl29.500 sale prioe! #10455 842·4455 Our expansion program plus our record·breakino sales volume requires additionaJ career motivated sales people. Maybe we can answer some of the most frequently asked questions about a career with the company ttiat is the BEST in Total Real Estate Service. Walker & Lee. DO YOU LUCE l'EOP'LE? -WE DO! CM" business is people. So it you like people. chances are that we'll like you. MO LICENSE? -MO P'ROILEM! We have a special program for unlicensed applicants. MO EXP'ERIEMCE? -THAT'S OIC, TOO! We provide service not only to our customers. but to our own people. OJr "Head Start" sales training school and management team will give ~ the .technical competence necessary for a successful sales career. You get it free.-coming in, and periodically throughout yaur career. UICE YOU!l l'RESEMT JOI? -WE UICE OURS! And why not? We enjoy the re·p1.:1tation of a fine company, a liberal bonus program, surgical. health, and life insurance programs, plus support areas in advertising. like our full page ads and an array of proven sales aids. We otter our clients total service -we own our own f!J!ll:low ex>mpany, our own mortgage company, and our own insurance ~ncy. We have the industry's best "trade program" called the Gi.a'anteed Purchase Plan. There are advancement oppartunities. too. in """Y 8<ea. If you're a licensed Real Estate Salesperson, selecting your broker is an irf1)0rtant deciston. If ycu're k>oking tor success in Real Estate, Walker & L.oo would like to talk to vou. ANY~OlfE QUESTIONS? ' Gift -of ow 111•aqer1 a cal. Let's t ........ TOU. US ..,.i YOUR MURE! .......,._, ADAMS+MA6MOUA Car.t 01p al• A6-s ... ,.... . Mr..Mtl · IOI SA-DAU C. ..... S,. I 1dll1 ... , .•. n1.ou1 COSTAMISA C:.... I lill --·-... ,.... ~· ~TOMIDIM---YAWY -llACH Aawtro.llml..... 17213•1111 at Wc .. clff,._. Great tor .. Jus! living,'' or trobile home park potential, ~lop., guest ranch. i'l"Olorcycle park, or 1 Aec>lacement costs -Would you believe about a VJ million ~ Try 11 75,000 with \.-\ dn. owner wil1 carry at 8%. Tus1in Area 646-77 11 4 BR + FAM LGE POOL 143.g5o Besl buy in Tustin. A liltle fi11·uP and save· 11ooo ·s. Located on Quiel cul+de-sac. Near schools. For d ining Q)Untry style kitchen. Hu;e lireplac:e & lots of K~lty Pine decor. Hurry. Catt 832.SSOO 8 + ACRES NEAR TUSTIN Secluded estate, 4 minutes from Newport freeway. 4200 SQ. It. 4 1/t bath. 2 master SU1tes. game room with wet bar. 20x22 tim. room. Pool. Plivale lb type entry. Musl be told. c.1 ·now 632·6800 ' 1 2 STORY 150·0oo-- ..llst listed this 'spacious home localed in North Tuslln's lines! area. Established tree lined street 3 baths. huge firee>lace. spiral stairway. 14 acre. & sharp -sharp Call 1<!2-6800 1225 MOS 7% VA·LOA.N •BR2BATH Beaoti!OI North S.A.. IOCation huge 121130 lam. room. fotmal dining. E11cellent terms. Full price 135,000. Need fast sale. c.all 832-6800 aJSTOM BUil T LOADS OF TREES ~ACRE LOT 220080. FT. ~ ---:r.-• N...i. L.tm.-..... 77 I 2 STORY SEUERTRANSFERRED ~ ·-_. .... 3371 -S28.950 This beautiful custom built estate has jusf come on the n-e.11et. so you'd better hurry. Everything from the formal dining room to the · 3 car garage means spacious·tamily IUJrul'Y. Now ollered at only $58,950. Ask about listil'lg •BM4 545·9491 NEWPORT BEACH HUGE FAMILY ROOM OOAT·CAMPER PARKING Musi move this .week! ·142-445~ Garden type living. 2 baths. 'Beaulilullydecorated 2 story4 ·-----------;;;----------"r-----------il""----------llf modern built·ins. Custom bdrm. 3 b.ith home, just drapes. plush c arpets. 'reduced to 152.950 for fast VASPECl A.L MISSION VIEJO POOL HOME LARGE LOT-POOL ~~~-ul T'u sli n • Cal I sale! , Great home for the Vet. with POOl HOME Ptlpular C.Ollege Park area 4 NEWPORT BEACH 195:}5 842·4455 no down payment. 3 bdrms, 2 Just listed, sharp pool home. bdrm. 2 balhs plus family Four spacious bdrms .. 3 balhS.. and large family room. sitting high on a h11I 1n lovely roo m. All this plus an be.lhs, and room lor • boal >------------< Spacious master bdrm suite. Mission Vieio. Seiter an111ous assumable VA low interest too. Even has a gazebo and New carpeting and drapes lor Quick sale. This home with loan! 'Nonl las11 1\llO fireplaces. Who could ask thruout. Tolal price S38,950. deep pile carpeting is a 646+7711 I o r m o re ? Ca 11 fo r ASSUMABLE 7% LOAN and just wailing for you! deOOrator"s dream. and must f------------1 ac>e>oinlmenl to se e. asking Wllh m>nthly paymenls of only 586+9000 be soon to be apprec1a1ed1 159.500. Cati 646·7711 :$181, or 12.950 moves you in! 58&-4000 586·9000 LIDO ISLE Y1 ACRE VIEW C>.¥ner leaving area must sell choice pride of ownership home. 4 large bedrooms, 3 large baths. formal dining, of course and all the goodies. 3 bdrm home on large cut de 586·4000 Beauliful 5 bdrm 5 bath, large sac lot. CMner leaving area and i-----------, _______ _::::::::::,i street to street lot. Family SHARP SHARP SHA.RP Trailer Place. Horses OK. Call THE BEST ROOM IS THE ELBOWROOM Here'$ the hOme with enough elbOW room tor everybody. 3 QUeen sized bedrooms, with dazzling bath. Country style kitct'8n overlooking !his huge back yard. Submit Your own terms. Seller is fle11ibte. Priced at 144.950. cau e3~25s. ·ALMOST NEW and priced under S44.900. Lois ol upgrading added both inside and out. Sparkling clean 3 bdrm Of a separate sewing room or what have you. localed in Irvine on hVQI! lot. This prioe is read y for sale why nol let us shOw yau around. call 838-6256. STIRS THE JMAGINA.TION S31 .000PRICE Heavy shake' roo f with "towering trees surrounds this 3 bdrm doll house. Well planned style wilh vou In mind. Used brick lireplace. Lois of panelling. Really and truly a lovely home. Seller has agreed to 5'11 FHA what mote oould Y9U aSk for? Call now to see this one. Call 838-6256. IT'S POOL TIME AGAIN Professionally designed provides pool safety lor !he kids. We have JBOO SQ. It . 3 big bedrooms. Separate fam ily room, 2 baths. Great 2 story horM. walk 10 all schOOls and shopping and convenient treewavs. Assume this ~% loan. A.skino S42.SOO. Move in C"Jndition. 838-6256. -1'AKEY00FfTiME and assume this gov't low interest loan al selling Pl'ice of 126.500. 3 br 2 be all polished & shined little doll house. Fantastic fireplace. Plenty -of land here to grow you; own vegetables and fruit. Pay Just S1S5 per mo. Pill on lhis VA resale. cau 838-6256. CALL IT CHARM $28.900 4 BR 2 BA Mama·s get-a·way. Sunshine dean & ready for occupancy. ju.st right !or you renters to get st arlett. Carpets ,g drapes lhruout. Huge kitchen with country atmosphere. total payments are less lhan rent. Call 838-6256. Westminster Area Pl.AV TIME 4 BROM CONDO No ""1e yard work in this one year old spacious home. 1 ~ baths. great floor plan with· tormal dining area $29.5001 #1 1268 89S.t356 ~,,111 ".""ce.lfice tor only 129.500 RA.NCH ..... _ ASSUME VA LOAN room. we! bar. huge master •ui P1'1 WITH ROOM TO SPREAD suite. sun decks. For lu11ury LAGUNA HILLS now 832-6800 4 bedrooms, dining room. & l-----------_f----::;::-::----1 den. Super home . premium . VACANT ' ' .. ' ' " ' ' ' ,. " ' , ' 1· NEW Hl LO CARPETS This beautiful Newport Beach home must be seen to be believed. Huge tree shaded IOI, with plenty of room for YoU1 boat or camper. E11cellent sc::tiOols. and ocean breezes. .AJst listed at 155,750. ·Please "10678 842·4455 T"' $246 TOTAL PER MONTH! living. this is it. call for appt. •ftS large ranch style home' This cnarmi"" 3 bdrm. 2 balh ..., ,.ust been listed. and seller • .,. 19240 64&-7711 IOI, pool, upgraded in every SENOR IMMEDIATE home 1n Laguna Hills is in says he is moving! l arge yard ready. move+1n cond1tion1 Call tor your children wilh c.ozy fast on this beauty, ii can't last Wfr-/. Best buy in area. A real $120 MOS OCCUPANCY -t f------------1 pleasure 10 show . Call Assume 8% FHA loan o f 4 bdrms. family room. heavy !' ask fOr listing • 11.10199 545-9491 Mission Vie10 - Et Toro· Area family room. I I replace and 111 price and terms! even a wet bart 586+9000 586-4000 LEMON HEIGHTS BEAUTY 646-7711 112.300 and enjoy lhis sh<Y<e root, new carpeting and 3500 sQ. ft. ol living. 4 1------------1 cuslom 2 br + lam dining. drapes. 1800 SQ. It .. and 2y,: bedrooms, tormal dining room GREAT INVESTMENT Lovely carpets. Intercom. Full baths too! Just 139.900! IRVINE BEAUTY SU~R CLEAN ASSUME GI LOAN BEAUTIFUL LAKE FOREST 586-9000 nnn1.--00,,,1.315 ac,eo-". 5 .. price ohly 122.500. Hurry. .flt0399 894-0611 586·4000 ............ ,..,,...,. " Pride of ownersn1p. roomes r~il 832 oo~ '------------t--'----------j private road. In a country on an acre. Good income, ...., ....,..,,,, I" selling 3 car garage. Won"t country atmosphere. fruit f------------1 SUPER SHARP S 184-MO PAYMENTS This beautiful Irvine hOme Is a real inllation bealer. Only 2 years young and in move in condition with lovely carpets & drapes. Everyone Qualifies. Please a~ about listing '9231 . 54S.9491 This home·has a superb view of the LM.e With 4 large bdrms, lormal dining roo'm and large family room. Upgrad ed thruout. with lovety Spanish tile entry. all set on a Quiet cul de sac street. Call nowt 586·9000 588·4000 OCEAN High on a hill overlooking the blue Pacific Ocean. This home is in S11cellen1 cond111on. with gl)urmet kitchen. family room. ' and big pantry. Deep shag cameling lhruoul Sate price '67.500. 586·9000 586·4000 Newport Bf'ach Irvine Area last 195.000. Call 64S.-l711 trees, owner will e11change !Of 4 HR <+--FAM. 3 BR + HUGE !""'=====~==='°1-·cabln..in.BiQ·Bear-LakerWon't-f----,.,,F'P00["'°---11---FAMllY"ROOM ! BIG.CORONA last. Call 64&-7711 ru of stale owner. Enioy the 20¥24'! A.nd that's not all. • Your beach lront duplex. 2 1------------1 finest N.~Toslin area. Foolh1U Beauhlul 101120 terrazzo patio. !, NEWPORT CREST bedroom + 1 balh coastal ASSUME 7% LOAN High. 3 car garage. Huge many lru lt tr ees~ qu Let l Best buy in this area! 3 c learance to r super 3 CONDO 161127 family room. formal localio·n. handy sto rage :· ~s c:ouns + mini view of conversion. 1st trust deed bath only 2 years old. Great badminton court. Pnced !or 1v 1ng •s yours or on Y ocean, mint condition too! assume 7%. See & sell. can buy in today's market. Only last last sale. Ca ll no w $35,500. Just L1sted1 bdrms. 2"'1 baths. pool and bedroom 2 bath unit & condo Laguna Hills 3 bedroom 2 living room. 2 fireplaces. bu1. •!d1ng .• 1100 sQ. tt.1ol haDP1Y •r': ~46+7711 64&7711 127.500.CaU64&-771 1 832-6800 894-0611 '---------.i.. ........ ..i. ........ ...1~----~--.i...----------------------------------------'1 . FREE MARKET EVALUATION ;· "f'OUR NEAAES,T WALKER I LEE o /FtCE 11: .ALL OFFICES 0,f.N 1:30 A.M. TO l ::JO ... M. ........ 2132 S. Harbor Blvd, 1141537·5901 ·-c--2190 HlrDor Bl'ld. ·11 •15'5-9•91 71 •1&45-G465 l• H1br1·•,.. 331 N. H.,bof, LI H1b<1 213169•-37•1 lll/819·2792 .... _ • !00 Belltlowef :J1.:.,.i21.9411 116 M1tgnoll1 A¥enue C~·lM Ai.mttol 7 1•1521·5138 3A01K111t111,Los ,..11mito1 l• ,..,.. 71 •1828·0!IOO 21314:)0..756' .. 4947 LI Pl!ma .A....... ,,,,?.27·2273 213186()..3303 329 N.SlaleCollepe81Yd. FOUfltltrl ~ 11•1a21·1710 7 1•1772-7281 17213 BrooktlutJt 714/772·S1M> 11•1546·175• L .... ~If•., ...... aa•••r 71 •/MfJ.337 1'" 41•1 lor19 Beach Blvd. 994' llM flo.rter" ,....,.... 2131•2'--••21 213/92$.951& 1718W.OranoethOfpeAve. 21~·S9i4 __ 71 4/523..J l61 7 1~1171·15•2 ...... ,.,. ...a.,.. .... a283 L• Pllrna Avenue 11~1 Sol.Ith 81ookhu111 2131860·5111 714/522·21:)6 lll /Sl{l.7753 c.rn... 11•1s31."'1 t 1 •30 E1Jt Soulh SI. MIM'ltMf'et1 8"c" 213/t24·5539 7612 Ed<oiger AVenue 1 1•~2~ 11•18'2·••55 c.... 7141540·51•0 ,..,2'i West 911'1 Slreet M~ .. ._~. 71l173S·0515"· 6042 BolMi Av~119o 71•1$47.0717 1 1•1897-0321 • No,co 2027 H1m11e1 A~ 11 •1135·•S~ 11•1S47.()61)& 11tw.r.kfe..U11!nnlty 1360 u,,,.,.er1-t1r Av@nt"" 7 1•1613·~30 ......... Nofw•·L• MW• 2231 South 8ros101 St 1•509 Soulh PiOt'leer 71•15'6--0022 2131868~817 Tultlft 71•1523-3218 172•0 East 11111 Or...,.·YIMI P•k •t NewpOfl r'wy 22115 H. T11111n Ave.,Orange 71•1832·&800 11•1631·6110 1\lttln OSftal'd·l'ort """""'9 137SI Red Hill Aven11e 2831 Nonn Ve11tu11 Ad. 11 •1131·6256 Porl Hueneme ............. aO:!o/•87·6341 1001 We1tm•nst&r Btvd ,..,.. o-t 71•1894•0811 73161!1 H1ghW1y 111 Wflil1'9t'-H1Clefld1 "•lffll1 11•13411-a\~1 11!1123 Le1t1ngwlll Ad htM '#lfWI 213/i •J-712• 28041 S. "aw11M>rne Blvd, 11•187t·271 t 213/$41·2!18• '"•"'-101~ 1•77 S. Mlntflellft Ave ~131!119·1362 11•1533·6600 We Are Members 01 Intercom Retocatlon _servlce Representad In 50 States. THINKING AIOUT A REAL ESTATE CAltEER'r Step up to Walker & Lee! You can move uP to a career in this dynamfc industry where achievement and earning prospecls are among the highest. Vi@ tJ!.er & Lee wilf' assist you In providing--• training program which will give you the technical competence necessary for a successful sales career. Special program for unlicens" applicants. For Employment lnform1tlon Coll Mond1y thru Frld1y 9:00·4:00. ~<=:r (714) 778-9350 (Orong• County) (213) 589·7382 (Loo Angeln) (213) 598-~791. (Long Beech) • - Do"°" ......... -.i.,.,.,. flOlrle '"'WQ<Tll ori !O<Slt'J .... aner> You "'ri bee .,..,...,"'~ •I ""1 .. ""Ii<:" ...i"'"'...,... ,.., ... ""I•"°" -'" • "° '' ""' 1 o• tll•1>9 on lhtl ,.."-'<U!" tl<"lr,. 10 '"' 1•un.er l l~ ol!oce CJ< rw11•• I"'' t•~ "°'" .,,. H ,,., ,,., 4ppeo~rm~1 •I ro~• '°l .:.:":::h::.:::::4::i::.:::::~~I::~~-------i , .. -~ ,,...,,._~ ----"', -· ~ '~ ~ --...... ""' ~ (',•n1fiC"111o· ror .frlHrkel !W1/11g/iOll 1M,,;i.l,•n11.11'ru111. .. 1~·1 "'al~1·r &: l.tt. llM'., Hf'fi>rral (·tntral , • ., l~•Jth! ..................... 111 ... ~ .. ~" l'il h••• lu h~"' ""'' ~11:11•-•" ,.h.ol Mt """"'" •··~11'1 i..,nt:: M l••h• '•"'~'~'~•""'I •h•I '"'' f!o'I "l·llh .,,....,. ...... r .... ..:1 ..... 1 .. •ol' •"' 1·~ ...... 1 .. 1 .... ,,., Al~·· n•n~..,1 1,.,.,k.,.1.1,..l lho 1•· ''""' ,\url(<•I" ""' »tMI ti..ol 1 .. ,11 ,,. 1111tk'f "" .:.~,~·1~ .... \t) rr"I""'>" 1. :-1 n ... , ... ,...~. h•l"I .. ,, h •t•rthi •r hr<•<•·r. __________________ 1,., ...... _____ _ M11o·l .. l•tn""----·------------------- --~ ~ , __ .......... ., "'''' ••• ,_ ... ···-· ............... , .... o11 .. , ........ "' ........ -............... "" -· • • • . ' . ., • • . -. . . . .. 1 ~ ~ DAIL V PILOT ener1I R.E. Sunday, July 21, 1974 1D02 GOMral fl .E, 1002 GeMr•I R.E. 1062 ~···a.&.. l~M,!•I l;I. , 1111ii ,G!!!••• 1t.1. . . looiG";::io.::-,.,.,,,,..,., ... R,,.E .... -.....,1"'on=-"'a-.... -,-• .,.11""1."'t-. --1w~o;;;r--.-, ~l~1.--<i•oo.,..,.,21 * * *· -* * * Ueritage Collection EAT OFF THE FLOOR! eMOVE to MONACO Bask in the Ju.xury of this escepllonolly beautiful 2 l>M1w 1n and den home. Quiet cul·de-sa.c location. $7l.9:IO.-YEE. Ca. r 0·1 \Vilklnson. &ll>-tl.61. • • *•* SPECIAU * * Ol'l'tiED av' EASTBL'\JFF RIAC · " . " , LIDO ISLI. .. .' ./" , ·• •' " 1' NEW ON THE MARKET, lovely 2 story t.lesa Verde, 4 and den.iormal dining and breakfast rooms . Custom x34 Anthony pool \Vitb SWfiep. an<l}&DdSC8 ing affords Jots O( privacy. Off~ ·at '68, . Call 546-5llO. e ~ET'S GET POPPIN' ON POPPY . A trlpJex b\ Co 1111. dcl ri1ar?1 A n lnvestmffit that pays for ils<'ll? Cleun building and neat tenants. Under 1100,000. All this, situated on tWti lt-2 lots n1ake tbla a superb value. Dtll for detalls, Bart J a co b 1 e. n , UNIVERSITY PARK -$65,000 Unusual -because lhil is .a del)ghtfu sep- arate 4 BR & FR home & NO'!' 1 towa b 11$•· Beat1t. detorated, spotless &1.charo:Un . A r••I '111eper. Year ~l'oUllil !~. 3 B<11:ms,. e\4-1 blths, with 1900 expandable sci\lara.tootage. Near tennis cts., beaches1 etC."oYersize laundry area&: garage.J.fany other excellent features. '86.500. '" . " .v11w SllKIRS A"4ti# SltlitJ. ~ REALTORs' • !, 17932 HOPKINS OPl:N SON 1·5:Sjl UVE ON T OCEANFRONT FOR . BIG CANYON C. C. -$295,000 . Spectacular Spy1laas ·fonver view. Nea• new. Occupied 3 months. BeautlfUI '3 bdrm. 2130 Port Durness. ,Poolslzed lot. 995,500 In· eludes land • • . don't pass this one up! VISIT THESE , l· LESS THAN 100,0001! · RARE 3 BEDROOM Rendezvous Coado, . TOP FLOOR ... Great Vie\v of Catalina and Laguna. 2 Parking spaces in sub-garage. Security building, elevator. Completely fur· nished. $90_.._000. Seller may carry 1st TD. G C1115*115f-O--- NEW COLLEGE PARK USTING 644-4J74. ~ eCATALINA, Golf cours'e view frOm t>rand' NEW lwr:u'.rious , 5 BR custom home w/FR, formal DR & 5 baths. Lu sh cptng, marble, oak panln"g'. A/C 49 ROYAL ST. GEORGE SAT/SUN 1·5:00 LINDA ISLE BEAUTY! $250,000 Elegant & colorful bayfront home w/5 bdrms, fam.'rm w/wet bar, lge DR &-41>! baths.-Lge sunny rms. Fantastic mstr ste. Pier & slip. 1 LINDA ISLE DR. OPEN SUN 1-6:00 BLUFFS PROPERTllS OUR SPECIAL TY SINGLE level Anita Plan; 3 bdrms., 2 baths. Beauty! Custom decorated. Nothing better for the price-$53,950. You Are Welca1111 CLIFFHAVEN-NIW USTING Hurry to see this 8 bedroom, 2 full bath, family roo1n, fornlal dining J'()Om home on spacious con1er lot \vith a beautful lawn and covered patio. SOMETHING EXTRA- separate guest rm or hobby rm or !? $86,900. 700 Cliff Dr., Newport lffch Opon Sun 2-6 I i: . EXPANDED to 4 & family & den & about 2100 sq. ft. Good, quiet tree:Jined street. Sharp home with nice carpetinj, landscap- ing. Handy to schools. Ofle'l". at '47;900. C1ll 54t-5tl0. _ PALOS VERDES NE\\'PORT HARBOR. See lhen1 all from yoor fully 1 . landscaped and h I g h I y upgraded Spyglass H i 11 1 retreat, 4 ~!rooms and I lan1Uy roo111. Fee land. 1''01· only $169,500. Compare all other vlc1v pl'.iees.. ~·t ' BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB-$189,500 ,Vie\v of golf course & Ne\vport Ce nter! Gor.- .geoµs 4 BR home \V/pool, jacuzzi. prof. land- scpg + other extras. Lux. cptng & drapes. ORIGINAL area -'69,900. 8 Bdrms,, 2~ bathsi end unit~ Showcase condition. Local noted decorator's ~wn home. Bright & light, warm colors. Patio surrounded by colorful plantings. A1u st see to appreciate! OCEAN VIEW-PRIVATE BIACH · ' Jacobllen, 641-4114 ' .1 CHOICE E-PLAN, in original Bluffs. View site & lots of privacy. Shown by app't only. ~-3 CHERRY HIIJ1M1ANE SAT/SUl'{l-5:30 - 'i '~ , . SPYGLASSHIL~-$l45,000 ,. '74,900. - I'm a really sharp 3 bedroom, family toom home on a large lot. See my seclµded yard and huge-pool. Walk to""lny private beach. I'm a real family home. $89,900. · COUEGE PARK ' FARMHOUSE RED-parklike•yard. Sprink· Jers, covered patjo, storage house, a~ bed- • room and dining. 2 Baths, fireplace. Asking ; $39,200. Call 540-1151. JtlEW CAl'E SERIES LISTING . A RARE ITEM-but a sharp 3 bedr oom '' r Condo· in a quiet secluded se<;\ion on Costai.i t Mesa's Eastside. Lovely pool, 'landscaping.· ·Children over 15. $44,750. Call ·546-SllO, ' POO~ TIME COOL ... ., .. OCEAN · .. BREEZE Exquisite ~ b e d 1· o o nt executive hon1e, only steps to ocean. t~o1111al dinin:= overlooks outside deck area and lush la nd s c a ping. Family roo1n, 21 ~ baths, laundry 1"00n1, ha1-d\\·oocl Doors. patio -arc so1ne or the [i:'atures you must see to, belie,•e. $56,!lOO . . OPEN HOUSE ,• SUNDAY )·5 ( 3 BEDROOMS + SPARKLING POOL - :' fantastic Costa A1esa home "'ith plush car- • pets and drapes. Separate family room 1 din- .. ette area, detached double garage on large ~, lot. Vacant, owner wants fast sale!! Last .. years price, only $32,500. C1ll 540-1151. . 21651 Impala La., H.B. UST LISTED COATS FINEST MESA VERDE LOCATION-quiet tree lined street. \Valk to park and .schools. 3 Bedl'oonf and family. Excellent condition. ' .. · WALLACE ; • Cedar roof, shag carpets fi~ace and pa- . tio. Full price $42,500. C~ll 1151. · ilALBOA ISLAND HOME & INCOME IMMACULATE 2 BEDROOM HOME wiili one bedr'oom apt., 2 blocks to beach, one to shops. Looks like it was built this year. i ?tfove-.in-clean. Hurry on this one ! Call ' ~SllO. REALTORS 962-4454 FIVE BEDROOM 'RANCH STYLE $33,000 full price No do1l'n to vets This vacant home has been · GREEN.Ro con1plete1y refurbished and OK is j~t v.'Biling for a family COUNTRY KITCHEN MODEL _ Vaulted to enjoy it! Included in the ilin. 3 bed price are fireplace, built-in ce g, rooms, only one year new , elec. range & oven, carpets modern as today and ready to move and drapes, 2 car garage into. Lots of rough textured woods, shag and much, much, more. If carpets, fireplace, the works! 90% Financ-you're not a Vet., let our Beaut. 2 story 4 BR-traditionsl home w /lge FR, huge bQnus rm & 3 baths. Fully Idscpd. l1any upgrades & large yard. Lovely vie\v. ·,14 ~flSSION BAY DR. · SAT/SUN 1-5;30 " . i BIG CYN.C ORNER "CONDO" $129,SlJo ·Owner wll carry 75%'loan' at•8%,'25 yrs. ,Smart pr<!!. decorated NEW 3 llR "Bor- . deaux. 0 Prof. ldsc, COV patios. A/C. .__- 6 RUE CHAMONIX SAT/SUN 1-5:30 · BIG CANYON "DEAUVILLE'!,.... VIEW! . • Spectacular 4 BR model w/dramatic en· tran ce to lge livng rm \\'ith marble firepl &: \\1el bar. Form. DR, garden kitchen. $149,500 ·2 RUE CHAMONIX SAT/SUN 1-5:30 THE "BLUFFS" -$74,950 & $78,500 The only '2 NEW 1 story models left. The most desirable "Lnda" 3 BR 2 bath. Ulscpd. , 2701 VISTA UMBROSA SA'!'/ !SUN 1-5:30 WESLErN. TAYLOR CO. 2i II San Joaqujn_Hlll'i Rd. NEWPORT CEJiT!fR-. N.8'. 644-4910. General R.E. 1002 G<Mr1l R.E. FOR the discrimina.ting buyer-sweeping panoramic view. 3 Bcinns. 21h: baths lUx. ~rious living. Many custonl leatµres. Price !Ilcludes lalld. $120,000. By app't. only. Excellent selection of leases available startin~ at $375 per month HEADQUARTERS FOR BLUFFS HDMES Alwayt·IH us first for the bestl 2414 Viste del Oro {a.st Newport Beach 644-1133 Anytime IRlllNE COVE, Sacludad hill •era retreat with SBR. gounhet kitchen, pool. Offered at $250.000. Land purchase information now availQ.ble. Call for details! LIVE ON AN ISL!-N.D YOU WON'T nHd a car wben you live in The island is divided into 8 fee land estattt ~his ~astside C.osta ~esa home-Everything sized lots. This particular estate owns 140 is within walking distance! Priced right to 639 Cameo Hlghl•nd1 Dr. Opon Sal/Sun 2-6 . ' CAMEO SHORES Mtgnflcant 0 lrHthtaklng • P•l"ftlstlc Gorgeous· Stunning· fabulous These a?e juSt a few of the words that have been used to describe thi's OCEAN VIEW borne. You will have to see it to believe it. 4521 Roxbury, Cameo Sho.res Ut/Sun 2-6 VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! See this lovely 4 BR Mediterranean home . Choice is yours-lease or buy! $180,000 " Monteclto Dr., Spygli11 Hiii · Opon la!/ Sun 2·7 HAPPINESS ISi!! A large 3560 sq. ft . home with no one fight· ing for a bathroom. 4 'h BatJls and some lovely views. This sensitively decorated home gives a warm feeling with extehsive -use of tile on floors and roof. $159,500. · 4 Point Lom1 Drlva, Spytl111 HU~ Open 2·7 CALL 644-7270 . .. ' 2128 E. Co111 Hlthw!_Y•. Co...., dol Mor Ganor1I R.E. . ·1002 .Ganer al R. E. 1002 * SUPER BUYS * ft. of water frontage with a 60 ft. pier. The see-now_ OPEN SAT &: SUN 2·5 pm. age of the residence is'9 years old & within READY TO MOVE? Take advantage of OJ> * Eastside 3 bedrm,~e lot, $36,900 its 5,000 sq. ft. o! prime consti'uction it bas portunlty. PRICED UNDER MARKET. Pan-(Open 511/Sun 1·5 w .. tmln•!•r, CM) 4 bdrms., 5 baths, an original 18th century oramic VIE\V. Dramatic entrance leads to * 3 Bedroom Duplex, E-Side . . . $47,950 frplc., exquisite woodwork, paneled ceilings delightful prof. dee 4BR, 3BA lam rm 2 * 4 Bedroom, rumpus rm, quick poss '47,ISO & features you would expect on a •$500,000 fireplaces, wet bar, laundry 'room, triPie (Open Sat. 1-5 20l6 Marlon Way, CM) purchase. The full price, only $395,000 with gar. LO,W $112,000. YOU OWN THE LAND. * 2 Homes on a lot, Santa Ana Hghts $41,750 . I . • r in~ available. Priced below market at mort. con1pany arrange low dn. F1iA or 5% dn. $4 ,500! Vacant, see today. C•ll 540-1151. conventional financing ror excellent financing available. . * 2 Homes on -a lot, Santa Ana Heights . . COZY GliARMERS. 2 HousH snuggled on . . $41,750 , BUILDER'S 'OWN HOUSE . : . R-2 . lot .m Old CdM. Wood ·paneling, beam * 7 Um ts, Long Beach, xlnt mcome $59,500 \ IA YCREST'S BEST ,.. ·~·· .:.~.;, hWTY '"d ;,k ab<>ut • $92.~ualJty_built custom ·<!>O<i ti<>Ut~ •~ung No. IOO'lS. c Featuring: ··3-0versized bedl:ofiJ!ff,'t\arjl, f-WALKER & LEE ~mpressive pool home for entertainment. . ceilings, f1~eplac.es. Mu st see lo appreciate . · Spacious,J or family Jiving. RJii~\ l. i'l'4"1· Terms avliililble . · · -_--"-'-• 1797 ORANGE _ 1 wood panelled' den, beautif~iining, Real Eslale •=--I 2 ff~places, -3 baths -loads :Ol.f!~ri(i: lawr"" -Costa l\tesa . dry room, atrium entrah~ . ov~rt,ue<i 545.9491- fbdor;~J~~~e J~. -z;;~~".d-~~~·. p ~~~~:.p~t,tt,!';t,~~~t~·fi.";:i~:~;n,;,i.;:.h -Ul'IU"21c· . COSTA MESA . 1 jiaths . .;w.mttst-see"QU"tilll1'1i(! · . • us! mea Won'trast at $55,000! . ~~ -' · " · -177-1 · ,, ; GRUBB & ELLIS garage. Home centers arouhll 'lovely l\bol AIR area. Many. many custom features.:i .Just listed, call for complete details . .wiSNo. CONDmONED HARBOR . . BROK_ERS • 67S.7NO ---·------· --Generel R.E. 1002 Ganer1l R.E. 1002 COOL COSTA MESA BY MOTHER '. 2 EASTSIDE TRIPLEXES-Quiet location NATURE! . close to everything, all in wonderful condi: And it's ool nice to foOl ~ion. Wide lots, excellent landscaping. Ask-mother nature! So see this COMP'ANV mg $136,000 for both. Call J40..l151. unbelievably upg r aded home within \V_I!. l_k in g lr-------------....,1 •"'"""' •o o'"""· t.a'"'" REALTORS landscaping. Co u r t y a rd entry. Rough cedar wa lls. 2841 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar n c New carpets &. drapes. Ne\\' "Selling Real Estate in Newport Harbor f paint. Built in bookcases. Since l 944,, ew oncep REA' ·:rORS M,~"w't8411~ ,.!.~.,,appreciate. Call ... N v~ 673 4400 Leading North Orange County Broker,-ex-~~;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~1 ~0~"~"i'"~'tl' l";s n'"~"['0~B£i·J"~i" • · panding Newport Office-INTERVIEWING I ~,..~~~,..~~!"":"'""'"~~,..,..~~ for TEN top salespeople. Must be 1112 General R.E. 1002 Generl'll R.E. 1002 Gtner;•I !l-E. ·. ~ 1002 experienced, productive and ha \I e co-. ~ J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I operative attitude. Exceptionally gener--'=;;;;i;;;~~~~~ -1R· VINE ·TOWNHOUSE ous _commissioas split plus terrific profit • .... sharing program. The finest location in New- Wlth.• SPYGLAsS UNDER $30,000 , port Beach. "The Estate Realty Building", •. " OWNER selling 3 BR, .2 BA. (plus iltilitjr' corner of Newport Center Dr. & Faralloa. There are only a few unsold· Deane Homes • YI'." ~IGHT ;,q Haw.ii room) Alpine-style condominium in ·Walriut Individual offices for sales people. For ERITAGE TIMFS a-WASTIN' General R.E. 1002 Genaraf R.E. 1002 • at Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Open HOuse Sat/Sun 2·5 _Square. Air conditioned. Shag can>eting, confidential interview, call Gordon Haney Beach . .Enjoy-1he benefits of originaL o.wn· 3 Half Moon Boy_ . drapes,-rettwoo<ljllitlo."'7iffl)s!f· !fOIJl«:om--1 ,.,O:P~r:es~i.d~e~n~t-:6~73-=1~5~18:... ... .,· .;;,.",....;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;';1t· - ership of these handsome high.styled Award ·Immaculate, profe"SSfonally munity p6ol and park. Near schOOis.' lmmed- w. 'th · ' lJ · landscaped, tastefully dec-mners WI sweeping go course Views. 2 oral~ Spyglass Cape Hom i.ate possession. Prieed St $29,'900 with 90 D" ii Pil c"1 111-..1 to 4 Bedrooms, garden kitchens, luxurious 3 BR. doo, din ,m. M'"""i: per cent financing . available. Call 551-5151 . a Y of GSS - baths, informal rooms, several on pool size cent s\veeplng view. Low OPEN HOUSE · · lots. From '125,000 to $260,000, including m•oltooanco. $159,r.o<J. SAT, SUN. ORANGE . CQAsT'S BEST models. Vo9el & Babbitt l;~~~~;l464~S~K~A~.Z.~AN~~~~~~\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii\ DHne Sales Office in Bi9 Canyon ~~6A!;..T~S6 General R.E. 1002Gen~r•I R.E. Vogel & Babbitt Reattors 644-6076 6~4-6056 r1I R.E. 10'2G<Mral R.E. 1002 ' (J ~ Colony Realty, l~t. FINE HOMES AND INVESTMENIS NEWPORT BAYFRONT condominium. 1 BR., 2 BA. Excellent terms. $5'4,llCID. COLONIAL HOME overlooking the Pacific. 3BR SBA. Many beautiful amenities. One of' Laguna's finest homes. $169,SOO. l'IX·ER·UP HDMI!, Temple Hills area, '5.000 down. 3BR 2\tJ BA, fireplace, ocean and canyon views. $69,950 OCIAN VIEW. Condominium. lease/option, • fJ,000 down, '475. per mo., 2BR, l~ BA , beauUful oceaa view. $17,500 PLUS-WE hlVo 111. T.D.'s ind 2nd T.D.'s en 1..,.,. property, end c1sh to purchase. ALSO, call UI for trades. IUYEltS -SELLERS -BJ~OKERS . 4'44517 PRIVATE FINANC· ING. NAUTICAL DU· PLEX. 2 Bedrooms, fMturing firept.ce, bvilllns, bay.& buch 1 .. cale, Out of •rea ow,.. er must stll. Asking $72,950. E·Z tarm1. Call for dal11ls. BKR. GRUBB & ELLIS '7S.7NO EASTSIDE INCOME T"A'O doll house1 on one lot. l BR, 2BA "'Ith cfbl iar ii 2BR. 1BA \\•ilh dbl gat. Seven yn old. Xlnt buy, greal · lnveltm(!nt, Owner occupied. CaJI PRESTIGE I IOMES for Wonnatkln and tlel11\ls, ~ . . ~ • OREN-SUN. l 1• S . ~ ' . ·~5-505 1h LARKSPUR : It's really open - tn the fr aming stage. Be your o"'n decorator, select your own CotOrs. save .. on lncome- taxes wi th "first owner" depreciation, plus the good life in Corona del Mar. $124,000. BIG CORONA BEACH : First time ever on the market. On Breakers Drive, on the sand. Small hjdeaway with room for expansion. Owner will finance. $150,000. BREAKING GROUND: New, unusual, ex- citing view homes in Laguna: Be.Ch. CaU for details . .. 1 NE;W LEAS!!S ON '),IF,f}: Buffa;~do, 3 i b~rln "& family 'room.' Cltarlll-8hutters, pergecUloon. I yr, 'lli*t ~'ll 1nllic ·• • Balboa Bay Club Apt. 3 bedrm , on the water; boat slip available. 21-> lyr. ease. $750,00 mth. I \ \~· ' . Newport Beach·Corona de! Mar Real Es· \ate Specialists. Call u1 for quick, n!liable service for ~our real estate needs. • ' i. ' . .. 251$ E.;0, .. 1 Hw\I., co.,.. Al Mir . 6tS.SSl1 • - CUSTOM Tiu:LEYEL ~80=.AT J~ES.._S __ Walk thru garden entry to luxurious living area, step down to family room, bar. Gourmet kitchen overlooks pool & lrot>ical grounds, boat access. Formal dining, P.arty room , secluded master suits, children's wing. Call 645-0303. INDOOR POOL-SPANISH ESTATE IRON GATES leading to magnificent SPANISH ESTATE. Red tile roof. Heavy wood doors. Massive beams and sky domes. Interior gardens and waterfalls. WOODEN. BRIDGE over stream leading to secluded mast.er suite with Roman bath an~ private patio. Formal living room_w1th cathedral beams. Llbrary & music room. Guest FACILlTY. Fiesta party room and bar. Cantin• kitchen. Banquet Jonn1l dining l'ClOm overloolling 45' qen With sparkling indoor pool. Call 9™>30& . . FOREST E. OLSON ., " A COLDW&LL IANKIR CDMPANY · 2299 HAllBOR ILVD., Ml 0303 · Fr0m Pacific Cont HlgtlWeJ and s.ertor °'wrwe lnter.ectlon, dJiV9 up Superior to Newport Cl'tlt ~hlftorflc•: •t I f'lobOft Court. Open dllf'f 10 A.M. to Suntet. ,,.,., ..... ,.,. • • • \ DIRECTORY ............................... •tlll ....... ··-·-=-Al ..................... ... ............ ...,_.._..~_.,.,., a' ........ 11....,,.DAILYPI W~ADI.,.,_....,...,_.._ ,., .... .,, ............................................ .....,, ·-.... ~ .....,, . HOUSES FOR SALE 2128 Seville (Balboa Penin.J NB 673-7300 $82,500.-1 (Sat/Sun 2-6) 2B~DROOM **3308 Marcus, West Newpqrt, N,B. 642-5200 675-4060 1S.V sun 1·5) •42.0 Serra Drive, Cdrona del Mar . 673-8550 $67,000 (SUn 1-5) 2 BR & FAMILY ROOM OR DEN 8055 Garnsey, Santa Ana • 545-9491 $24,950 14882 Dahlquist, lrvllle ' 545-9491 $44,500 123 Via Nice (Li do Isle) NB (Sun 1-4) (SUn 1-5) 644-7682 $.69,950 (Sat & Sun 1·6) 23LLarkspur, Corona del Mar-- 673·2222 (Sun 2-5) 671 Marigold, Corona del A-lar 640-0020 (Sat/Sun I-5) 1609 Pl. Stei;ling (H.Y. Homes) NB 640-0020 (Sal(Sun 1·5) 2900 Paper Ln. (Back Bay) NB 556-8800 $49,950 (SOI/Sun 1·5) 830 Park Ave., Laguna Be~ch . 644-7211 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4ey3 Serra Driv~. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $69,500 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 38EDROOMS 27'1:1 Ocean, Corona del Mar, 67l'>8600 $215,000 (SUn 1-5) 19'24 Highland Dr., Newport Beach 640-4ll50 J68,li00 (Sim 1-5) 3079 YeUowsto~ Dr., Costa Mesa -111188 , . (Sun 12-5) 416 DeSola Terrace, Corona de! Mar 673-8550 $89,500 (Sun 1-5) 810 LaM'\nld•, Laguna Beach 644-n11 (SUn I-5) *1859 Port Abbey Place, Newport Beach 644-8855 $71,900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 400 Prospect (Newport Shores) NB 6404356 $50,000 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 413 Flower, Costa Me sa 675-7060 · $39,950 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 2223 Avalon St., Costa Mesa 548-1168 $36,750 (Sat & Sun 11·6) 3613 ;!'Imber, South Santa Ana 673·6900. (Sat/Sun 12.S) 1585 Baker St. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 673-6210 $42,500 (Sat/Sun 1-5) 2811 Ocean Ln ., Corona del Mar 673-6510 ~112,500 (Sat/Sun 1-5) 2701 Vista Umbrosa (The Blul!s) N.B. · 644-4910 $78,500 (Sat/Sun 1·5:30) 6 Rue Cbamonix (Big Canyoa) NB 644-4910 $129,500 (Sat/Sun 1-5:30) •340 Otero, Bluffs, Newport Beach 675-6000 $84,500 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 2708 Vista del Oro (The Biu!!s) NB 1854 Port Renwick (HVH) N.B. 644-6928 $71,000 . (Sat/Sun 12·6) 420 Lenwood, Newport Heights, CM 642-0200 $53,500 . (Sunday 1·5) 231 2 Aralia (Eastbluff) NB 644-1766 $67,000 (Sat/Su02-6) •4521 Orrington (Cameo Shores) CdM 644·1766 $145,506, (Sat/Sun 12-5) 1301 Keel (H.V. Hills) CdM 644-1766 $97,500 (Sun 1-5) 3066 Country Club Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM $5&-8800 $78,500 (Sat/Sun I.SJ 2240 Pt. Dumess (H. V. Homes)"NB-- 675-3000 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 1118 SantaneUa Terr. (Irv. Terr) CdM 675-3000 (Sal/Sun 1-5) 2117 Vl!ta Laredo (The Bluffs) NB 675-3000 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 118 Sapphire, Balboa Island 673·8550 $92,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 706 Bison (Eastbiufl) NB . 673·8550 $64,950 (Sat & sun 1·5) 700 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach 644-7270 $66,900 _ (Sun 2-8) •639 Cameo l-ligblands Dr (Cam Hilnds) 644-7270 $89,lljlO ISat1Sun 2-6). 209 WeUesiey Lane, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $43,500 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 4BEDROOMS 19 Bruboa Cove, Newport Beach , 675-7225 $1211,000 (Sun 1-5) •104 Via Mentone (Lido Isle) NB 642-8235 $149,500 (Sun 1-5) 512 Seaward Rd., Corona Highlands, CdM 675-6000 $135,000 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2 Rue Chamonix (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 $149,500 (Sat/Sun 1·5:30) 215 Via Mentone (Lido Isle) NB 675-5930 $92,500 (Sun 1·5) 19422 Hard in g Lane, Huntington Beach 979-0050 $36,500 (Sat/Sun 12-5) ' 1706 Dover Dr. (Westclil!J NB 645·0894 $75,000 (Sat/Sun 1·5) •2024 Cenlella PL, Newpt. Bch. 833-1206 $79,500 (Sun 2·6) 425 Via Lido Nord, Ne\vport Beach , 675-7414 $126,900 (Sat/Sun 1-5) *104 Via Mentone, Lido Isle $149,500 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 4361 Sandburg, Irvine 673·6510 $62,500 (Sat/Sun PM) 4507 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM 644-1 766 $157,500 (Sun 2·5) 1821 Tahuna Terrace (lrvine Terr) NB 673'8550 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 308 Bowlini Green, College Park, CM Ill -'6711111 (Sat & Sun 1-1) IH4, Santlqo Dr. Dover Shores, NB 641-2114 1114,500• -(Sat/Sun 1·5) •428 Ti _Boid, Cliff Haven, N.B. 643-$119,000 (Sunday 1·5) •1809 U,Ua Way (Dov Baycrest) NB 844-1786 $125,000 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 4ll07 Ro1bury (Cameo Shores) CdM 844-1786 $139,500 (Sal/Sun 2-6) 24:42 Windward Ln., of! Irvine, N.B. 64(1.1255 $92,000 (Sun 1·5) 2087 Port Bristol, Newport Beach ~7llO $86,000 (Sat.Sun 1·6) 3229 Now York Ave. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 97M748 ($al & Sun 1·5) #2 Inverness (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235 (Sun 1·5) •2854 Carob, (Easlbiufl) NB 675-7225 $76,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2818 L-Oretto, Costa Mesa . 6411-7171 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 69 Montecito Dr., Spyglass Hill 644-7270 $180,000 (Sat/Sun 2·7) 4 Point Lo1na Drive, Spyglass Hill 644-7270 $159,500 (Sun 2-7) 2086 Alarion \Vay, Eastside, Costa llesa 642·1771 $47,850 !Sal only 1·5) 2181 2 Starfire, Huntington Beach 842·2535 $49.900 (Sun 1·5) *4607 Camden (Cameo Shores) NB 673-8550 $154,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . 5 BEDROOM ••2702 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 646-2888 (Sat & Sun 2-6) 5 BR & FAM RM OR DEN **79 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 640-4050 $255,000 (Sun 1·5) •28 Royal St.· George (Big Canyon) NB 67~ (Sun 1-5) 15651 Caltech, Westminster 963-7878 $59,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ••107 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-6161 , (SUn 1-5) •3096 Bali Circle (Mesa Verde) CM 5411-5990 $105,000 (Sun 1-5) I Burni!lg Tree Rd (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2 Cherry Hills Ln (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 49 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 $295,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) . ••l Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 $250,000 (Sun 1-5:30) 2424 Holiday Rd, Newport Beach 64&-2812 $67,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2645 Baniboo (Eastblull) NB 644-1766 $79,950 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 186 Shorecliff Rd., (Shoreclilfs) CdM 644-1766 $244,500 (Sat & Sun 1:5) 8851 Carmel Circle, \Vestminster 842-2535 $55,900 (Sat & Sun 1-6) No. 7 Royal St. George Rd .. NB 644-4455 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3113 :f.1onroe \Vay, Costa Mesa 54&-8254 $45,500 (Sat & Sun 1.-5) 6 BR & FAM RM OR DEN 1500 Highland Drive, Westcll!f. NB 642-5200 $149,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **SM ·Evening Star (Dover Shores) NB 644-1766 '$218,000 (Sun 2-6) 4 BR & FAM RM OR DEN **305 North Star Ln. (Dover Shores) NB ~-----644-1766 $210;000 (Sac& SWi :z.-s)- 644-Ii33 (Sat/S ·5) 2130 Pt. Durness (11.V. Homei) NB _,,. 844-1133 ~ (Sal/SU l ·o) 14&45 Kazan, Irvine t l.. • .. · 551-5151 $29,900 , -Bun) _ . • 3 llR & FAMltY ROOM " 2989 Teakwood Place, Costa Mesa 5411-2384 $45,950 (Sat/Sun 9·5) 260 Joann St., College Park;CM - 540-1151 $39,200 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 1732 Candlestick Ln. (Baycrest) NB 644'1786 $95,000 (Sun 12·5) 480 Piospect St. (N'pt. Shores) NB ' 548'1290 _, --(Sunday 1-5) 2791 Bayshore Dr: (Baysbores) NB 644-1768 $78,000 (Sun 2-5) 1998 Tustin, Costa·Mes.--- 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 615 St. James, Newport Beach __ ,6411-7171-. ~ -(Sat-& sun 1-5) 1144 Carson, Costa Mesa 5411-2313 $37,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) •4521 Roxbury, cameo Shores, CDM 644-7270. $160,000 (Sat/Sun 2-6) 25ll4 Wes\Ptinster, Costa Mesa _ 1142-1771 ·'36,900 .(,Sil,IStm-.1-5) 3 BR & FAM RM OR Qi!N 945 Dahli"'1Costa:Meaa • 545-9491 9$1,000 " (Sun 1-5 ) 916 MacKenzie, CQsta Mesa • -' \ 545-9491 • $45,500 (Sun 1-5) 3016 Buchanan Way, Santa Ana • 545-9491 $38,950 (Sun 1·5) 3717 S. Parton, Santa Ana fl4&.8555 $44,500 * 1821 Toyon (Baycrest) NB (Sun I-5) 642-11235 $129,500 (Sun 1-5) 11188 Port Claridge, (HVHomes) NB 642-8235 • $76,500 (Sun 1-5) 1633 Corsica Pl., (Mesa Verde) Clil ~11$1 '42,500 (l>11n 1-5) 1068 Vallejo Circle, (Msea Woods) CM 1BD7 POrt.Whaeler, ,NB 832-22ll0 (Sun 2-6) 1.6~ P.riwnse-(Mesa Verde) CM - 549--0577 $45,llOO (Sun 12-6) 11771 Highview Dr. (Redhill Ridge) S.A. 644-6200 $125,000 (Sun 2-5) 310 Orchid, Corona de! Mar 675-8600 $152,500 (Sun 1-5) 2627 Alta Vista (Eastblull) NB 64().1227 ·$75,000 (Sun 1-5) 111155 Santa Rosa (Mesa Woods) CM 551>26'10 (SUn 1-5) •3448 Santa Clara (Mesa Woods) CM 566-2660 (Sun Jo5) 2837 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa 5411-2313 $61,500 (Sun 1-5) * 1132 Ebb Tide Rd. (HVuHills) CdM 558-9201 $120,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 17932 Hopkins (University Park) Irvine 644-4910 $65,000 (Sun 1-5:30) •3 Cherry Hills Ln (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 '189.500 (Sat/Sun 1·5:30) 14 Mission Bay Dr. (Spyglass) N.B. 644-4910 $145,000 (Sat/Sun 1·5:30) 18422 carnaby Lane, Huntington Beach 1142-5541 $49,900 (Sun 1-5) 6782 Baker, Huntington Beach • 842-7441 $66,000 (Sat/Sun 1-5) *7901 Rhine, Huntington Beach 842·7441 $44,950 (Sat/Sun 1-5) 6301 Winslow, Huntington Beach 842-7441 $38,750 (Sat/Slllll'5) 10150 Red· Bud Circle, Fountain Valley -575.5000 $56,900 (Sat/Sun 1·5) •3339 Nevada Circle, Mesa Verde, CM 546·5990 $63;SOO (Sat/Sun 1·5) ~68 Turlock (Mesa Woods) C.M. 979-6739 (Sat & Sun.1.0,5) 9206 El Azul,. S. Slater W. Bushard, FY • 982·2456 $54,900 (Sat/SUn 1·5) 1133 Gleneagles Terr., Costa Mesa CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 18*(; Iowa St., Costa Mesa ' 833-11293 $24,500 (Sun 1-5) 3 BEDROOM 503 Lucia (The Bluffs) NB ·-840-002ll ( SUn 1-5) 2429 Vista Nobleza (The Bluffs) NB 644-0134 (Sun 1-5) 2837 Vista Qrnada (The Bluffs) NB. 675-3535 $71,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) -2708 Vista de! Oro (The Blulls) NB 644-1133 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3 BR & FAMILY ROOM OR DEN 2817 Vista Ornada (Eastblull) NB 640-0610 $87,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 4 BR & FAMILY ROOM OR DEN 21l!O Vista Entrada, Newport Beach . 648-0655 $74,900 (SUn 1-5) •4 Mojo Court (Newport Crest) NB 642--0288 $73,000 (Sat & Sun 1-6) •5 Rue Du Pare (Big Canyon) NB 64o-5560 $235,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR & 1 BR 226 & 2261'.! Onyx. Balboa Island 5411-5880 $97,000 (Sun 1-5) 3 BR & 2 BR 608 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 873-7769 $139,500 (SUn 1·5l 617 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 67~10 $115,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3 BR EACH 505-50512 Larkspur, CdM 673-2222 (Sat/Sun 1·5) • 3901 Park Green (HVHills) CdM 675-5511 $124,000 (Sun 1-5) **330 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB • 548-1168 $48;500 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 501 Catalina (N'pt Hts.) NB 1--645-7575-$89,000 Sult-12.5) ' 24885 Overlake. Lake Forest 495-4121 $49,800 (Sat/Sun 1-5) 3206 Nebraska Pl. (lo!esa Verde) C.M. 979-5210 (Sat & Sun 11·5) 3 Hall Moon Bay, Spyglass Hill 644-6076 $159,500 (Sat/Sun 2·5) *523 Ave nida Campo, Bluffs, NB . 640-8125 $89,()()0 (Sat/Sun 1·5) 4601 Dorchester (Cameo High)anm) CdM 642·8235 $79,900 (Sat/Sun 1-5) 2016 Port Bristol (HVf{omes) NB &42·8235 $71 ,500 -(Sat/Sun 1-5) 18261.F.oxglove (Univ. Park) Irvine 552·7500 $64,900 ISat/SUn 1·5) ID211 Edgehill (Turtlerock) Irvine 552-7500 $127,500 (Sat/Sun 1·5) ••66 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach IM4).8672 $91,750 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) • 644·6200 $1!9,500 (Sat/Sun 1-5) *421 Ledroit Dr., t.aguna Beach 494-7518 $240,000 (Sun.11-4) 500 -I Street, Balboa Peninsula (Sat 1-5) 642-8235 $149,500 (Sun 2-5) * *319 l\Jorning Star Ln. (Dov .Shores) NB 642-8235 • $275,000 (Sat/Sun '1·5) 2209 Channel Rd., Balboa Peninsula 642·8235 113,006 (Sat/Sun 1-5) S Torrey Pines (Big Canyon) NB 644·6ioo $159.500 (Sal/Sun 1·5) * 1324 Outrigger Dr., Corona del Mar 6442975 ·(Sat/Sun 12-6 pm) 4372 Winters,veet (Univ. Park) Irvine 552·7500 $49,500 (Sun 1·5) 2501 Port Whitby, H.Vu. Homes, N.B. 640-8672 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 119 Via Orvi~lo, Lido Isle 675-0123 '135,000 645-7575 $350,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) TRIPLEX FOR SALE 33861 Calle LaPrirnvera, Dana Point 49&-2790 831-0044 -1 (Sun 1-6) . ' HOUSES FOR LEASE *612 lfe liotrope, Corona del Mar 675-7225 $395 mo. (Sun 115) **342 Buena Vi sta, Newport Beach 675·7225 $800 mo. (Sun 1-5) 618 Acacial(So. oL!lwy) Corona del Mar 675-6000 $500. mo. (Sat & Sun 1-5) Pool W•tomont Wato..i-t &-Pool • DAILY PILOT ·CLASSIFIED .ORANGE COAST'S BEST S-ALESMAN I Sullday, July 21, 1q74 DAILY PILOT D 1002 Gener• E. -J002 * HOUSE & GAllDEN CHARM * Enchantingly beautiful 5 bedroom home. Large secluded tree lined •brlck patio w/ custom designed ramada for delightful !am· ily fun & entertaining. 2 BR's upstairs; l BR w/fireplace & balcony. 2nd !rplc in lg. family room oU living room, J ewel like din· Ing room w/picturesque windows. Lovely crpting, By owner '67 ,500. Prine. only. I[ _, .... l~ I ~ ... lot Siie •. • .•. 1 MoOllt Horntf, lw 1•!f , ., • • ,. • I 1 ACf'HH for Mle ... ,, ..... ., , It Apa•t.,..n11 for wit . , •.. , . , ., • IJOO 91,1JfftfH Pr-riv . . ...... l c...,.re,., Lot..Crvp11 .•....•••• 1 CommMtltl Prop41'1y .......... I 2424 Holld•y Rd ., N,~. 646-2112 (-0tnlnh1m1 fOI Mlt .••..... I Dl.lllltXtl•Unlll ule .,,,,, ••••••• 1 HOUM~ to bf mowH .. ., .•.•.••• 1 ln(ome Pr-1.Y ·: ........... . l!\111111•111 Propfrty ... , .•..••.• 2 LotllOl'Nlle • "'" ••••• 1002 G 1002 Mobil• Home • Tr1ll1r P•k1 •. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=;;;;;·;no;;ra;l;;R;.;;E;;;• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ma""'t1ln, DtMrl, llt..:irt ...... -or....,. co, Prlll)trl, ......... 1 0\11 Gf $1•'-Pi"OINrly •..•• ,. .. 1 * * OPEN HOUSES * * R•,.Mo. '"mo. G•w" ··-···'· . A1•I E1tat1 EMClllil\01 ..... tlOO 330 VIA LIDO NORD, LIDO SAT/SUN. 1.5 "'•1 E•1•11 w1"1"' • ....... . 60 Ft. on the bay. Deluxe 3 bdrm., 3 ba. home plus 3 bdrm. guest apt. R-3 Lot. Sandy beach. $350,000. 501 CATALINA, N'l'T. HTS. SUNDAY 12-S Early Amer. 3 bdrm., fam. rm., din. rm., 3 ba. 2 Frplcs.; nice yard. $69,000. -I~ Hous-. Fur11llhed • . 1100 fio\1-U11tur11flhtd • . . . ... l2M. Hou.in Fur~ II'" Uni •. 23llO I C_,,.nlum.1 F11•11 3-«IO Condominium& Unfu•n , , :J4S ToW!lhou-cwn • ... . .... :UOO TO..,.nllollHS Unfuffl ..... »15 Oulll••tt Furn . . ... . • . •. ;550 I Ou91t••• Unlurn . l6QO DAVIDSON REALTY Aplrtment& Furn .. . . • ....... l.X9 A~ttmenh Unlum • . . . ..... 3800 )801 W ( un t Hwy N B 645-7575 Jl10 t>ll•wµur• 61.-d N ti 673-9060 J{uge Family Room Owner v.111 finance This beaullfu.I home has it all? Huge family roon1. Boot or trdiler parking, ne11.' hl·lo carpeting and built-In financing at less than the current rate. Offered at 155,750. Ask about llsting No. 10199. WALKER &LEE Real Estate 545-9.491 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-S, 3209 Montana Mua Verde 3 Lge BR's, 2 Ba, f'am·m1, lge fed yd., pi1tio. dbl brick f"rplc, $41,950 Also 4 Bil's. $42,lliiO. 10<,~ down Exclusive Aqen( 66-1197 "'li"'e"'D""SA""-"'1 t'I"' S....,IN"'-"T"'H""E SUNSET. Majestic view of jetty, ocean & har· bor from New Orleans style duplex above Chi- na Cove. Decorator's dream· with unbellev• ble extras. BKR. GRUBB & ELLIS 67S-70IO "BLESSED" BACK BAY Rancho V'iejo Townhofues 1974 SERIES Con1bining a superb blend of livability and location, these 2 & 3 be<Sroom, Spanish lityle townhomcs offer a con1ple1c pa c ka g e ol le11tures. e Central air conditKininz e C.'ustom dr<1pes, shag crptg • Enclosed garage & patk:i • Concern package, heavy duly insultd v.·alls/<:eilingli • Pool, bathhouse/cabana • All purpose rec court FROM $27,490 CALL 714:516-UfO • 5% Do\vn /excellenl con· 1\1111 F11n1 CM: Unf .............. 3'00 Room1 . , , . •'XIO Room & ao.rd ..............• 4050 Ho1111, Moltt1 ................ •100 Gu.It H-.................. •ISO S11111mv R..,1111 .............. l 1'l0 V1c11lan Rtn!1l1 ........ , .. , , • t2SO R1nlll1 to1hll'9 ............... GQ!l G•raon for • ..,, .............. 439 Ortlct Rt11l•I ...... ., • ... ~ B111h1ts1 R9!!111 ................ '450 1nd111!rl1! Rmt1I •.... , · . HOC s•or~• ..................... •sso Renlt!s W1nttd . . . , •. 4600 MIKtlllntOlli Rlnllll .••..... t650 t .___._r--_· __.I~ ButllleU OpportunlTY •• • ... SOOS 8 UtJ""5S Wtnled . . . ... 5010 ; ln..,.11,,,.,..1 ~ •• . . . SOU 1n...-s1 ...... 1 w1mt4 •.•• • •• Sll29 MoMy to L01n . . • . . • . . • . . • .sms Mfllrrlf"f W1ntetl . • .•..• , ... 50lO Mol"IOl9"-Tn11t OIMll ..•.•.. !Gij -· 11"' 1·cnUonal financing Announcements ....... s111t F'rom L.A. take Santa Ana Cir Pool• . . ................. s1• frwy or San Diego fo'rv.'Y 10 L~11 Not!cn ................. 52QO El Toro tun10ff. then left on El Toro Rd. (1 ~• mi.) to Pino Ln. & mcxlels. • LEVITT-WEST, INC. 1 , laal ~-![SJ Walk to Beach '--------' 2 Years Old I "" ' '~"' "" Near ne1\'! \Valk to .beach! Priva1.e entry fa1nily rootn. Bright sunny kitchen. Large 11 ~I n1aster suite. Sepa rate Pwsonals ~ service porch. Cu s t o m ~------' carp e Is. Professionally landscaped. Be ready to buy 1vhen you see. Call 96.1-6767. Pc.--11 .•• So<:.laL Clubo Tr111tl "" , ... •• OPEN TIL 9 : IT'S FUH TO 8E NICE! . • .1 '\~ ~1----1~ WESTSIDE s.r~lc. Olrt-elory ............ 6000 TEAR DOWN Rentable 1 bednn beginner ~----- hon1e with $$ for the futtll'e, I If J•j roon1 for 4 Units -60x205 . lillltrucUoll lot. . lllb'7 Anaheim, Costa t.lesa • Only $29,500 Sc1100l1 & ln1lrllciloft ••• ''" TI1e O\\'ller is praying for :::::=:::::===== I 11 fast sale on lhis hea\'enly REAL ESTATE Job w1"1td, Mite ..•. .•. .7G2 ,,, 3 bedroom. den. fi~place, Jllfl w1nt1d, Fewi1~ . . ... 111 ' · 3 bath lOV.'TlhO\lse. ~1editate Salespeople! You have your Jaii. Wenr..t, M & F .......... 111 . d pho H•IP W1nltd, M I. f .......... 11 in a garden sett Ing. ov•n pnvate esk & ne. Peaceful location, near tv.'U Saine location 18 ~TS. Ne\\' chun::hes. Don't 1~-ait for the or exp'd real estate sales I rapture!! $34,9:JO. Call now people v.·eicome! CaU for ~------,=~ &16-nn interview. I lladu·. I"" OPF,llTH..t• fr'S FIJN 10l!E#ICEI ~3921'or £ve. 673-45n c _____ _,_cv_,1 ~.,ll~'iH\ll,l r~l!E.; : : 5! lg' ---~ ••••!!!!!. Bulldl~ M1terl111 . . •.•••••• ICl~l ............................ C1m1r1s & Equ1p!T19nl . . . • . 80.oJ e BIG CANYON"e =--* --* -* c11s . .••.• ........ .eros QUALITY, CUST0~1 llO~IE Lee Gibbs 1 ~~ ro voJ·::::.:· :·: ... ~ on golf course. 5BR. SBA. 1863 p · · 1 i'11rnl!u~ ......... ·• ····· .• ~e5'1 1tcarr1n G3ragc Sele . .. ........ . . aeu fomu1 I chnrn1, fa n1rn1 II'/ C 1 M ..ion~~ .... 80.; \\·er bar, •I rpl's. Lath & ' os a esa Houstltold Good' . . 8065 nlaslCr indoor J"ncuz1.l. i\Iusl I Yoo -•I'\. 1;11.' ld•t.tt•I" of I' ~','1'1,". . .... . ~~1~ '"'s('C W appreciate. TWO FREE TICKETS .~~1~ry ..... ····: .. . &0• N 7 °-aJ .. _., ,... __ ,..,,,. Pl Jo l:JC \\IKe{l1neo1." ·· . IOiO 0, NJY '""'· .....,.,.,.~ • Ml~cellfrlt<IUI W•nltd ... 50.1 Newport Beach. RtNGLING BROS AND I Mu1!c11 1n1t•un1enl• .• IOl)J OPEN SAT &: SUN 1-5 BARNUM & BAILEY Ollkl Furnlllll'I & EQlllO . . soa:; Rf?AB~_.1;;r' HA.ll.EY, Realtor. CIRCUS· :f..~ t O~ilf~~·::::::::::::·: =~ ~ nl the Sew!llQ MKlllnn ............... IGfl MOVING """'" .... .. ................ . ANA HEli\'f s1or11 Rnt_.ent, 81r •..... IO?S CONVENTION CENTER Swips .. ···· · · · · · · · · ·· ·· .. · · .. "'96 Price reduced $2000. for TV, Rtd!o HIFI. s1-······ .•• 800 \V. Katella, Anabei1n quick sale! Near Mesa P lease-call 642-5Gi8. ext 333 "Vt'rde Golf Course. Sharp 4 BR. 2 BA, Fani-rm, Frplc, to dllim )"CHJr tickel,s. I a11 bit-ins. Owner n1ust sell! 1.,.............................. ..,..,. I•'*- I ~~N 6~EA~sr"."~; I' SO. SANTA ANA L-~~'•!'.'l!:pm~,..~Jf~1'.~- 9m.67~ ~·· . . . ...... 9(11 . r--------,, 3 Bdmis .. 2 bnU1s, din 1111. OPEN SAT / SUN. 12-5 3'13 TIMBER BOii .. M1lnt. & Slr~ke ...... tc'2 a .... 11. l.'.•rlr.1 fQ~lpm1"1 . .. W. !loan. Po"' IT . . .......• tOl Baell, ll.1nl/011rler ... .. . , . tel ll01l$. Soll .. N••• 1port1 •411Jpm•ntf For Clmlllecl Ad ACTION c.n A DAl.Y PILOT All-YllOI '4111671 §ial i ~; 1111r11 ' REALTY 315 l\IAltlNE AVE. BAUIDA ISLAND * 6~900 * 8 c1l1, Shp .. Doc:M1 • llOIH, Splild & Skt . 1 awti 510r•11& • I[ T·-- Aln:r•I! ... . ....... . ........ tll lfAYFRONT.-WOWl C•m~rs, Siii, ll.nl •••...• ti OWNER MUST SACRI-El« rlt C•r• •..............• fl Moolll Homtl .. • ........ ,tU FJCE ~,·, sharp 2 L.-.1 Mot~<•••IScooltr• ••.••••. fl ln _... MihO'I' ~ S..i.R1nl ....... t16 room, 2 bath. Bay & 1r1111r.,, t r1ve1 .... . ..•.... t1 1r•lltrJ. Utll11J ......... 111 OCHn view. Offered at Auto"'""' • ir>1rt1 ..... . I $64,900. L ow down, trede, contract .•. let's [ I di1cu1s it! BKR. ~-----~--~I GRUBB & ELLIS ....,,,.Sole '67S-7080 POOL P'-L~us=,~ ·-· . AitflClllM & Clutln $.M'.900 be~I bu.,y tll''DU!W:I for. 11.K"re•ll<'>IVll V,,'llt'lel fanlni;!le 1l~"Ot"lltor ho111 SDOtn. lt1<1. Jl.~1 ···· · "' ., • 11 "·II J ~ Wtwel Ot'IWH ., •• ,. .. '" l 1 ~Pl''" ni:c t'Uslon1 pOo. 1 n1ck1 . • . •S6 ~lnnlcured yard ... i\lUsl' ~ \111n1 , • • ~ 80 hnrry-Ctitl 8'17.riOIO Ag!. ::::. \:!~1:, . ..: ' J1ave imnctn1ng )'Q\I 1\·nnl !<1 •uto1, lll!llOl'IH • •·• \\'HEN YOU PAPER OR PAINT A ROOf\.I, "·rite the anX>unt of paper or p.i.lnt it took behind R plcturt~. Thl.!n next tln1e Yotl Ohll'r, yo11·11 knOw exactly ho\1' 11111111111111 ..... I much mater1al you'll need. M!ll? Clan\Ued nds do it !~i:: :=:, ' . .': .. , ·· ... :.;:· "·ell • call NOW 64H£18, ' ' • ' I -. I ' I . I l . ' ' ' . ' I I ' . ' I r I ' . I . I I .!_ ' . . ' . ' ,. I ' ,, . I· I I I- " ' ' ' :• I " I• " ,, . ' •• ' ' I ' v .,,, . ' ' • . ' . ll!OH ~)9~1 • . I • -' . J . ' • " -···-· . . ' • ' •• SO YOUR LlrFLE . RED WAGON r J \ ~ , • . . · .. ,5 REALlI ·DRIGGIN' · • " ' . ... . .. ...... -~ ,. .. ' ' . . -ADD HORSEPOWER 10 " THE .FAMILY BU.DGET ----.,..---- -- You can handle those bills. All you nee~-are the dol· . . . IClrs you'll .get for all 'he still-good, but.;nobody-_uses· them items you'll find all o~er the house. Make a list of them today and · decide to turn tho~e unwanted ar· ticies into extra cash~ It won't cost · you • • • it'll pay you. And you'll be surprised at how .fast you ce1n sell I " iilst' abo~ anything . with a DAILY PILOT cl_assified aci. Try it · tO'day. Every ~ay is a good .da:y, to, use -. .. . • • --~ - 'DAILY PILOT · WANT .ADS- • {And You Can Charge Them) , "'! . •• . ' ' --l;..._ ____________ __.;.. _______________ . ____________ .....,...-..,...::.,.......,.._·..._..,, ....... .-J . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . • . . , . . . • . . . . . . . -' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . • • -. ' J • " HOMES OPEN 1-S THIS AFTERNOON -5M..:rh ... -LJNJQUU .. turM;...GoloFful,..clean 3nd contemporary! 4 Bdrn1, single story "Meadow llo111e" in prime location. See at 156,900. See Vergllene Hull at t8150 Red Bud Circle, ~~ountain Valley. S.. These UNIQUE Futures: !JNIQUE among the UNIQUEs! 4 bedrm that is clean, and original. Stain glass tiles, Jots of wood arid warmth. lrre'sistible at $135,000 includ- ing views and' keys to a private beach. See Dorothy Johnson at ·512 Seaward Dr., CdM. ' S" These UNIQUE Fe1ture5: A sp;ectacu- lar Back Bay view, wind proteCteCt patio and 3 bdrms with exciting decor. Bluffs con- dominium at $84/600, See MatUyn Shuff at 340 Otero, Newport Beach. , -' S.. These UNIQUE FeatvrH: It's for lease, 5 bedrms, +'lam rm, beamed llvl!ig rdom, fireplace and porch. Vacant and .for lease at only $500. per month. see Marll)'n Hodges at 618 Acacia, Corona del Mar. S.. TheH UNIQUE., Futures: Terribly, beautiful decoration in thts 3 bdrm ''E 1 Plan (!amlly room) original Bluffs Condo. A !real to see. $89,000. See Jim Valentine at 523 Avenida Campo. S.. The ~IOU£ fotures of This Home: Brand new listing! 4 Bdrm. 2 Story pool home, clean and colorful at $63,900. See Gud· run Coady at 3339 Nevada Circle, Mesa Venle. S" These UNIQUE F1ature1: Ifnpressive • New England 5 bedrm, authel\tic decor + large pool and pool house. Near golf course. $105,000. See Ogden Sogn ot 3096 Bali Circle, Mesa Verde. l)l'llllC>UI: t1()Ml:S ON TO, OF TME REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH THE NICEST PEOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR, 675.fiOOO MESA VERDE, 546·5990 • CALL U& 1ci02 General R.t. "SHOllCUFFS"-Corona del Mar Beaulllul custom built by Ellerbroeck A.I.A . 3 BR, S BA home. Outstanding view of ocean, canyon &: natural greenery. New c~t.s. fonnal dining room . You have been wfiltin1 tor this one. Never before offered for sale . Owner leaving state. Better hurry. Shown by appointment. Call broker. 673-6757. Priced at $169,500. Price T. McCul1ten, Re1ltor I I TO\\·nhouse, t!nd uni!, near &\\imn11ng _pool, .,..ith dbl. l(an1:e. 4 Bdrni., 3 baUu.; his new CilrJX!tlnjj:. f'a111lly room. $37,500. OPEN SUN. 1·1 •UO lOURDIS •, ' WE MUST MOVE ~HY DON'T YOU •• .into this clean, spacious tastefully deb rated 5 BR, Z\12 BA MAYBROOK. on large cul de sac lot. $59,900. ' ' J,,_.,.._..,_, __ ""''"'-------... l BURR \VJIITE REAl..'TOR ' .. , · · YoU''RI NUM•IR ONll \' Generel 111.1. 1002 I Corona del Mir ~1 Newport, N'PT BCll ' • NJ you'll feel like a king In lhiK big exec- 1022 ~=·~·,,.,,.~~"'=*=~• utlve 4 bdrm , 3 bath home with family TAKI! YOUR TIME • E1clu1ive • BEST EASTSIDE W esfern T erra in ,,., ............... . l<••llotl•• ...... (• '""' (71·1l'lb.1-7'7'> room & fireplace. Huge master 1uite. Fresh-•nd u•wne !h~ eo•'t low COSTA MESA ly painted inside & out. '"6,500. Call 540-l720. '"""'"loan ot .. mna '""" Bachelor Pad of $26,500 3 br 2 ba all With p I 3 bc!droom, tarnlly room, FOuntain Valley 1034 1 Huntington Beach ICMia VIRTUAL PARADl$1 polished &: shined little doll ( 00 lure front &: rear putio. -1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 Lota of trees & plants surround this beau.-hOuae. Fantutlc tlreplace. I A tlellghlful 12 BR 2 BA Gora:eotis treei1, boot or l • tilul 3 bdrm, 2 bath home Has kitchen )P~ty o:.,ia~.~~I= a~ -~~,,~.mu!•,, ·"'··· .. x1 •,.,' •,·, ;~11n"11&Cteli!. $4:?,000. Call COOOOL ~s A MINT . One Mile to Beach b il . 'y,o • ·=-.,...... . . .. ,Easy living in thl& air u t-ms. r amily room, fireplace:--took& like · fruit. Pay-just $1 . per lot, Y:alklng distance to Ol'fH nt,. irs Ft.JN 10 IE HICE• cond!Uoned 2 11tory Town a million! $41 ,900. Call 54()..1720. • mo. P.I.T.l . on th!J VA pri,·ate bead\ access . hOu5e with 3 bedroom&, re&A.le. Call ~. Open $69,500. l(}l;e ~11. Lov.· a· • · Including 11paciow rriaster HIGH ABOVE THE HARBOR cve1. intere:1l. Call 644-7211 , ..,,.Ith balcony. Ch~l'1 Delight Big, impressive 4 bdrm in Newport Heif.!1 ts. WALKE" & LEE •I, 1 j Khchen w/self deaning On a lar'e fee..lot, with 190 ft. frQn ge. ~AiTTi°~~E -=~~~~~~~=! 0~ ~~IA>dres~;oi-:~:. Executives dream! $98,500. Call 644-8750, POOL HOME MESA VERDE Format dtninr. Wot "''· VIEW GOES ON FOREVER! Thrff bedroom A famlly l;;=="°"=""°-,,--Polf Courie, 1 Story. photogra phy lab and dark • Magntftcent custom wlUl a forever view of room only $37,500 today. CU&'TOM Built' By o .... 'ner. ASSU1.IE T'iO LOAN room. Assumable 7\i~t the ocean, clly light It upnr b•v. Thi's bt'g Move on tht11 one, lOmon"OW CDJ\1's ·finest 9ua1 1 t y Eiee. 4 br, 2 b& & tam lor.C••"•' S248. mo. pars aH. ~ It m•• be hlot~ .... mt Duplex, Front unit IJ 2 slOl"" 2JOO ft 18 • ~.bdrm sits on a beautifu fee Joi $185,000. -· ... ~. . oo·ners re1iden~. w/niez'i :~. Fa::'ta~t lc ali; The Re•I E5t•te F•ir Call 644-8750. ~ lib jacuz:r:i, n1agnilicient upgraded . Cuatom Uf.6133 or 536-2551 master bed sitting room al UI I:========= j Su"'"'ER BOUQUET 1 '...... · v.'8.l!paper, It · •. "''O\'en ~ W lk 0 l I .su te. ..... •. en tertainment shade1 " shuttcn1, linttd Just $3450 down on this pretty s bdrm , 2 B er u ee room """10'""'" St>onl"' Window" .,,, do,.t• • ASSUME bath home with trees & flo.wers galore! Jn-_::;=::':':"=:::":':"~'=='.'..! 1..'0urtykrd , \\'et bar, Unit bltns, paneled 3 car gar. c, ludes built-ins, fa.rnlly rootn, lots of p'anel.. R G 15 211 ~· f 5 u n de c k unumat lnd&epng, as tr o 71/2 °/o LOAN lnlit f34 500 Call ~1720 00m to rOW ~~~ely I e par ate. turf, 2 _P,Btlos, v.rought lro~ 2 Story, 3 BR, 21/2 BA, · 'f'·, ' ' • JI you're lookln1 for a fe nc_e & So ?<.fuch_,, J\.1o~. lonnal dlnlng, lg tarn n11, 1 , ,. ASSUME 7•;. LOAN Iii ma I I er hon1e with Costa Meu 1024 .$19,500 By Ov.~n~r·.:.·~l!i77. shag cptli, cust dr.p 1 . Beautiful 3 bdrm in Irvine .Just 21h /rears expan1ion po.selbll!tles for I COLLEGE PARK 1..-ountry kit., lg covered Id F · --• the future In Corona del Reduced $3000 · POOL · patio. Only $-11,900 . . o . amily rm, forn1al dining r1n, ream J\.tar, look Into !his very , SUBJ\lfT AU. . OFFERS? Sh..vp 3 or 4 bdrni. 2 bAth~ 842-7.fil; E\'es: 968-1178 ~C.~.· CallLus~ .. gr7ee60,n yards ... i)ill .. ?rice,._ com fortable 2 BR hon1e Exciting 2-story. 1n Eastslde on a beautiful trte lined (BRASHEAR) 'f'T'I' llVV un-8 with fireplace and built·ln Coil& J\.fe1&. \V1th 4 bdrm11, st. A!sumab.le VA Loan. kitchen on a corner. $67,500. l. baths, tamUy ~ m, Pool 11 ready ror your R•ALTV COi~ M-• New:i:rt •-'--h Call &W-nll. f1replace, formal dining summer e njoyment ,[~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;. 1w ·-~ room. Separate s ev.·lng 646-7711. I ~ 29,. H ~--Bl d 600 I Ct Dr room· 0 \\' N E R 'i':'., ASSUMABI..E loan on AttraCli\'e l b«inn, 2 bath horne In good are& near schools ancl shOp!I. Private ~wim and tennis club a\•alL Up:::ra.ded carpets, bltns &: 2 car attached garl\ge. Pretty green la .... ·n. S3l.~. Ca I I 5$-8836 •• ~ID9ant Mansion Vacan i.. J Bedroo1ns, ov.·ner \\•ill Cll lTy 111 TD at g:i,-(., P r e a ti g e neighborhood. t.luch pri\•ac)' on this e1tate size lot. Cul-Oe-u.c lilttet. Close to achoolll, &hoppinK and fl•cev:a)"I. New painl iru;ide and out. Proreuional- ly landscaped. \Vate rfall 1\ith colort:d llghling. llurry, S4i,900. -54e0~1720v . 64p4. 97'5"0 . DESPERATE. ~"""· cau lm·•ly 3 BR. 2 "' HOME. • • Olt).17>) Big lot w-dcllgntful ""' ·walker & Lee ""' •andscp'"" & lg. 00•• ll 1002 8-lbot P9nln1ul1, 1007 11' (HftBlftlJ -~-••~_ .. ,._ .. • -patio. Xlnt cond thru-out, I~ -~ -Come a: see this great buy! t6l-4471 ( r.::.J 546-llOJ rllage Real Estate Oenerel R.I. 1002 G.ner1I R.E. 1;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Belboe J ASSUME 7\.;% LOAN -.~!.-===-'-;::::::::===I CdM • VIEW HOME , 4 Adja.,.nt d"'''"'· W•tor I ~ · OPEN SUN. 1-5 BY OWNER Ii , oriented. $110 ,000 To ~ .1654-CIO\\-'AST. j bdnn., 3 balh, pool. huge SUMMER IS HEREI Two lovely homes foi: the price of one! Orie SlL'i,000 tach. l~ Yrs. old.1 295.> HarborM Blvd., Cost& 2-Story, 2 bdnn. condo in open btam mst. suite w/ Stop fighting traffic to and with swimming pool. Possible investment Buy one or ail. e1a good ?ileSll Vertie a.rea. sunken tub. elect. garg., from the beach~ 1 o.,.,11 your opportunity. Offered at $174,500. Pel)lnsula Point : BAR HARBOR Pool, BBQ l priv. patio. v.:ater softener, sprinklers, own studio Condo right UDO ISLE Located close to the beach & tennis courts; on large lot. Offered at $88,950. · • CAMEO SHORES SweepinJ ocean view; exceptionally Jge. pa· tio area ideal for entertaining. Call for app't. to view. Offered at $114,000. Land avail. LAGUNA-NEW WOILD . Channer! 2 BR, den, high tge 5 BR, 2BA, fam rm, Exceptional value. S24,500. gu BBQ &: more. $86,500. across from the ocean at beam'ed celling•. One btk. lovely cul de 98.C, pld DAVID D. CARLSON 842-7887. Huntinaton l{arbour for onlr. to oce&n, bay & tennl& els. neighborhood. fo{ear schOol&· REAL TOR 133-9293 ASSU?ilABLE 51ii% loan, $2t.900. Or enjoy 1. coo, Sep. iruest quarters w/com-So. C5t Pla1.1., $45,500. BY OWENR r 1 XE R 3BR. 2~BA plu5 ?X>'xOO' relaxing summer In a mott plete bath. $82,500. i UPPER, -s28.~. full price. bonus rm. Owner take 2nd. spaclowi 1 bedroom Iii 3 BR, lge Jot. on cul-de-sac. $41,500. 847"""296 or 646-3808 • Condominium w I t h & tl!Jfff !g I Roon1 for pool or addition. Huntington kuch 1040 beautiful patio, upgnded I ~-~11111"' Assum e 7~~~ G.l. Loan, ·carpels and drapes. Only , Payments, $:n.I mo. 910 W. $34.500k ·, Aly D STU".fflING ~ BR. 4 bath M6-8S1 or 645-734.f. I 20th St. C.f.1. Newport West As Or se or ave I I nuly hom' 1 --'"r lot Chri1ti•na Re•lty &me oce.·~t,;;·'"" vu . OPEN SAT /SUN. 1·5 llrESA VERDE. OY.·nr will 1.nd one of the very best! 6916 warner at Golden..,,•est 61H359 ·JI 1133 Glene19le1 Terr. 1 finance, sharp 4BR, 2BA, 2 S'l'O~Y-l Bedrm, family Hw1tlngton Beach 842.-7486 :--'-i'~----,h~"o=e Panoramic view froin 4 f&mnn. cedar_ rf. block rm., dining room, 3 baths, 1,,, ______ .,...,,,1 Capi1tr1no BMc 1 1 bdnn., 1am 11 Y rm.. v.·a.I!. cor lot. $4.?:900. Ownr. haniwood floors, ~ts &. DESERTED s p AN 1 s H OPEN SAT Ir: SUN 1-4 I Immaculate home: lots of 1 50-057T. drps. A-l lawn, fnut lretii, i HACIENDA-sec I u d e d · 26421 Via Sa.ct'8J'l'\ento. i;hutters. A barpin al l BR, 2 ha, 11/F pool. CUit. etc. $&4,500. 1 from view by huge trees! "· LIOO RCALTY ,... \ ' ' ' . *67J·7l00 * •' Excellent value in 3 bdrm., 2 ba. condo, with all the amenities upgraded. Assume existing 7% + Ih, loan for only $180 a month, incl. PIT!, Of!ered at $32,500. :?BR S68 axJ kit, paneling, frple, Auume Roy McC•rclle R1•ltor Loads of imported tile De~~L~rt 5...,.:f: t:dbeach. DON V. FRANKLIN 6',f, loan. Ownr, 257 Brent· 1110 Newport Blvd., CM \ v.·rooght iron, brick v.'O~t----1 •· '$52,500. GC-9591 BKR.. REAL TQR 673-m2 v.'OOd, S3J..l855. ,..., sca.11l9 \ end mln'Oa.! E I e g ant ' C.F.Colw.urthy"' Co.· Reallors B!AUTtFUL BLUFFS Spacious Franciscan model _in better than new condition. Deluxe, pk.lsli new carpet & new a ppliances; wide greenbelt view in orig- inal Section_ 3 Bdrms., 2lh bathsi frplc., formal dining. Low leasehold. Vacant & ready~ $64;900. HELD OPEN TODAY 1-S 503 LUCIA Unusuil investment opportunity; 2 bdrm. +,loft, with sup~r potential. PJen~~ of brick, &hake room, lge. trees. Extra wide 45 ft . lot with room to build. Clean & sharp. fi71000. C. F. COLESWOR.THY I 640-0020 • J 026 · drapc!rie1, thick carpets just Corene d•i M•r 1022 Owner's Heart Broken Dan• Point --- ---like new! Formal «line, Been transferred &: must 11ell OPEN HOUSE gourmet kitchen, 4 BR'~ Outstanding farnilf home on quiet cul de sac; OPEN SUN. 2-5 !hi• beautiful Mesa Veftle 1 OPEN HOUSE v.· I s pac Io u 11 master 3 Ia:e. bdnns., dining rm. & view l Ready to 231 LARKSPUR executive. One of the nl~st New Tract, 2 Story, 41 quarters. Spanish courtyard go at $61,900. Incl. land. 2 • 9<frn1s., · 2 hath s: home• ln the aru. Has 3 bedrm, 21"1 baths. 8 mos. and patios!! Vacanf-OV.'Tler """•indov.·full" den ; frplc. bdnna, 2 baths, den, family SUNDAY I to 6 PM nev.'. Close to beach. Price \1·ill finance 1.t too·, 10\\' Omtu P1.Uo Larae Joi $s.J 500 rm, t...,'O fireplaces Ir: dn!am 33161 C•\J• L•Prlmvtr• reduced tor qttlck sale. lnten?st rate! $39,900. F'ull CORBIN-MARTIN,, INC. ~· · ' ' kltch'". Pocklik• yord•. Big OCEAN VIEW TRIPLEX OP<• s,.1.s. 18<22 C.roaby prlc~>"" o•·n th • land! party patio v.1th filtered Lone, lfuntington Beach. BKr ~11 21 REAL TORS 644-7662 . ~720cover. $51,IKXI. Call Red Carpet, Re a Ito rs, -C~..,-n-tr-y~C~lu~b~L~l~v71"1 __ , ~ 2 BR, 2 BA ea., tirepl11ces, S42-ffill f ountain Valley's pre1iUgkius ~ I I Coro~ d1I Mar l>OH Y tUXKJ.lX [ • open' bean\ cellln~s. large -~ -----Greenbrook wilh Olympi c WT~R ~lllftl) j dcck1. Luxury and quality LITTLE ~NSION pool, saunas and picnic l '!'-!!!~~!!!-"'l~~--'t"l~-'"""'l~~ 11'~ thruout. Penn1.nent \1ew1. Big and beau~iful \Vlth .8 ·area. See our 4 bedroom, G1ner•I R.E. 1002General R.,E. , 1002 t.rllc-t ~ DANA HARBOR ~idget size pnce. Cl~e in ·fumily mi Barcelona home, .....:':'.1111 w~~ R·A· LTY ~R, 2BA, lots of pnvacy ju.st one block trom club-1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:. t .. 1> with a lov.· n1ainte11MCe ho $60 ~ I" ~====~~~=~' 12955 Harbor Bl\'d., Costa 496-2190 Ul.Q044 front & rear yard_ Con1pare use. ,;JUI.I. THE BEST IN BLUFFS HARBOR VIEW HILLS ?<.!esa be d r-ee 1 -Century 21 Sp•row Ocean Viti\', 4 BR +Huge * TRI-LEVEL, ocean i·ie1v custorR auty es'<S" '~or 142-4474 ' Family Room, 1wi.mmln,g CUL-DE-SAC S'ffi.EET 4BR, famrm, 21!'A. Ne"' ~ Only $38.500. 847·35M. NO BEnER 'VIEW IN NEWPORT! pool, !gt kit , abli:llute Open house Sat"-Sun 1"°· crpt, drps, paint, 1ntercon1, --· SPANISH -FORTRESS ~ prt"ocy. ~,Hou,., Sat. •-1068 VaJlejo ClrclP, 0"11er bltin i·ac,_um. Xlnt cond. By SSUME & SAVE 2 STORY s.n.500 vu the exclusive "GOLD COAST" of the • v~ c wan .. "'"'"' VA '""m•bl• A Blul( B d h al END UN T Sun. 1-5 AMERICAN · O\\Tier. $52.500. l32ll Ocean il1assl\'e Spanish pllhm lead s. ran new, soug t ter I , REALTY 1 ?itANAGE?ilENT loan. 3 Br, 1 ,. Ba, atrulm. Hill Dr. 493-4129 Sharp 3 bedrm Stardust to artiled counyard entry. BAYFRONT D-PLAN. 3 Lge. bdrms., 2Y.i CQ, . ~:i:trs:tios':i!~ty. = e 180 DEGREE unobstnict· Home in prime H.B. a~a. Spanish tile roof. 2 Mex.lean ba., fabulous kitchen. Finest $40 a yd. Kara-John z!mmermat1 53&-ftJ1 $48,500. Call CJS REAL able ocean \o\ev.• lot. S23,000 Wall to w&ll cpts, new tile, patios. 4 lxlrms., custom stan all. \VOOl carpets. Impressive _ _gated ---cfrfEEN & GOLD ESTATE s.18-1168 or e\'e Lo....• 00....'Jl payment. kitchen and bath. Freshly carpets, "·allpaper & chan- IROADMOOR TURTLE ROCK 1· l"""'....,...,. ..... .,.,.""!!'!!!""'~~-:::1 OOMrel R.E. 1002 Oinerel R.E'. loH courtyard entry. Artistically landscaped pa-W lush' Froni laodsc&plng 55,7-6244 e 4 Ocean View Un Its, painted In and ouL Bkr 963-del!ers. ilfuch more! ONLY ·tio w/pergola & planters. Overlooking besf to c;u:;ktlng! "Antique MESA Verde Beauty, cor. to barµin. Pri«d at $89.950 5631 1 S4l.500! 898·2636· water view in Bluffs. Please come by & see lovers, call today to see this cul-de-u c, 3 br, 2 ba, Ile\\' Roberts Rttlty '19l-03)2 COWNIAL RE..U. ESTATE f i------DOLL HOUSE :::i~~\~~ LOVE TOUCHED Supef sbtlrp \\'estclllf home . 4 aldtoom. 2~~ .bnth. Largt' pool. Thi& home I! the be!!\' buy ht Nev.'Jl(l1'l Bea.::h. Cull I 646-7'111 ) ' ' Welker&lee ···~ 111411 tbls beauty for yourself. $126,000 INCLUJ).. smashing 3 bdnn. hillside <'I'Plfdrps, all e 1 e c . OWNER. \Valk , to Doheny J W"kencl Specials 11\'0 STORY BY TI·JE SEA- ING TH IS VERY R'IME LAND home. Larp {Corona D11hv.·shr, gas heating, Sch. 2 BR, 2 BA. Franciscan Fountaina $1i6,000 pitched , shingled roor. p . · Hl&hJai;>dl lo!; Only sn.SOO 11prlnklered, v.•alled back, Furnished. Gar. l: Patio. SpanJsh beauty . , , , $38,750 adobe fireplace. lluge ilass OPEN SUN. l·S 2429 VISTA NOBLEZA University Re•lty hes patio & boat port, both S4J,OOO. 493-~ Sol Vista \v/pool ... S44,950 kllchen \l•/1111 the late st (off Vl1ta del Orol ,. 3001,Ei.Cst. Hwy .. 673-6510 cov'd. Lrg tool she d , Eistbluff l020 01eck Open House Directory fixtures. Patio pass thru to ·~DUPLEX * dlcondra, lrg shade & ftiJ!t • or call. wood sundcck! Sw~pln~ EARLY BLUFFS E-PLAN', GREENBELT JI( trees, dbl gar \\'/storage &. -Robert R. Chesley staircase ro mamn1oth llx23 END UNIT, 2200 sq. ft. of c harm. Situated Both vJHh bay views. 2 Lots. bench. Top cond. $.15,950. REALTORS 842-7+11 IDEA R00:\1 . Toasry 1\·111111 on rollln~ greenbelt wit.ti Mt. view. S Lge. =r siJn.~:· Ont year Ownel', 54G-2..'l84. · OWNER ttloc. · G""°"""•s cN~rpc,,",· giant boot1 slab; bd <L b I '] 2 I b . ht ELEGANT Exec. HDmt, 1 ........,, •-·nc. 4 bd..::::.·.·· 2 es I!{ among P nt' s. rms., 7 ;,i: a., at111 y r1n ,, ge., rig Y N N rU 1 4 1 ,......... ""' ...... S.13,500. ~\Ill price! Bkr 1 Priv patios Asking c:-5 500 r. eiv, 0 1 oc. ge baths, fa mily rm , dining """ "'~1 1 · ' . _. · .,,, ' · BR's. raised entry, step Ufetime rm, [rplc & bulll-ins, GA1 r-~~~~===~- I HAVE A VARIED SEL·&CTION OF dov.'I\ to Ih·-rnt, fani-nn iv/ BBQ, patio. Heated & 0 DN PYMNTS ""AUTIFUL CONDOMINIUMS BY O\'~'ER, DUPLEXES irplc, formal din rm. Sunny Opportunity filtered pool. $54,900. bkr. Real Rustic country style urs;; 3 BR, i'M .. home w/lge 1 kitchen & brkfst area. Brick Price reduced! -$76,500. Call 842-2561, home! Cute and cozy \\•Ith paUo W/fltt pit & BBQ Best buy in E&atbluU! Four -WALK-TO BEACH. -crackling stone fh~place, 3 LOVELY HOME BR, 1. Ba, k1tthcn, din-rm, hook-up. Comp. lndscpg, By bed m plu cool pool hr. 2 b&'s, copper keuJe Ir: llv-nn area-rental. Ev-o,,-•, 9-'T.19 . roo · !Ii • 2BR. cor. lot. 2 car ,..,.r. Only '"" •;l""'U surrounded by matw-e trl!<'s .. --~m1et kitchen. has all NEARLY NE\V LOVELY MULTIPLE LISTING ~134 erythlng upgraded, ne1\'ly LET THE LANDLORD end shrubs Ncv.·ly ""lnted 2 bib to heh. o ... oner v.·ilJ the latest lealW't's! Big H01'f E wmt SECLUDED • palntt:d, Good inten?st rate. I GET UJST ' .. ~ finance at 811% per nlO. ba k &rd I h nd ENTRANCE. LARGE B 'Ider Clo I ~!!!!!!'l!J!~""'"'"""'"""""""'""~~""'-'"'~'!!J OPENHOUSESAT&:SUN. Inside and out. Al l 536-8821 . c Y \\•l po •a ROOMS. HOMEMAKER'S UI rs seau Gener•I R.E. 1002Gener•l-R.E. 1o02-«'>1 ~. 521\,' IRJS, CD'-1 . Drive by 2223 Av1.lon St., off a pp Ii lll'IC'tl ~furbished. Gerald s. TIM>mas ~altof' waterfall and ro~c 1:erdens. 0 RE A ?<.1: c o u N T Ry \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I -... l>i: Wllaon. 3 Br, 1 % Ba, dbl Seller ,v\11 carry a !le('(lnd ' Obie gar for Dad. No do..,,·n -r ONLY 134 ·~1 BY Owner-on Fee Land. .... ......... N•wl>"palnted with T.D. and lender w l 11 LA CUESTA By See : 1 blk to• \lets. Ju~t listed., bene r Kl•~N . ,OMi 2 Bedroom' 2 btl.th Adult :\..... •---..~ · t sec! I this Bkr WON'T • ·~ CALL "'1 ' H.V. Hill&. So. Sandp1l""r. 4 biK yard & frplc. Near K· refinance at 91/%. 1tome 0 propo mar ,n•: run _on one. · ~•· '".I Condominiums. Only $21,950_ BR 2" BA F 3 • I I Y•alk.to ocean 4 BR 2i bn 002 ,."'1 6010 ..... . • ""' . Rm-rm. )I.fart. Pri~ $36,750. -c.11 -can-lea Valleys e:ii:c us ve · • " ~ M .....,,... • _ ~.. vlth $1098. down lncl~P' OUR BUSINESS JS ear ·1ar. UPltld mdl. 2 CJS REAL ESTATE one yrar wflrranty. Thl1 hup FR/LR,' co nip . A 11um1 7112'1. Loanl 2 IJ!ory Spanish • aMun1e closing costs. 836-4200 trp!cs, $98.500. Open Houst ~8-1168 opport~lty v.'On 'l last ton1. ubperaded , Deautrt. lndscp~~· 3. B·"m• 2 horh. 011 Gortlold $29,950 1'l1'A loan. LO\V 10 AM lo 1 PJi,£, Agt. HELPING PIOP''I •·t Sun 6"•1938 ~•11 1331 o--t --• s"" 1·5 pm DY owner, p nc. 01,.y. "" · · LO\Y 00\VN Bl;cr. &ls.-0303. "" ""' • · ,..... ' .,..,... . BY Ovffl~. Ea1t1ide Costa . ..:;-,",..__...:_b ... ,., """ · ' $8.1,000, 968-0-t5t btwn Bushlll'd & ~1flit00ll11, 1~ Keel Dr. f.Ie•u. 2 on a lot, live In 1. ~ ...... ., · bol'derllne bt~'n H B & F General R.E. 1002 Ll,VE BETTllt * SPYGLASS * rent the oll)Cr out. 160;dil, Cn\1 61"'.>-m5 SQUEAKY CLl:AN 3 BR. 21 v. Assuine VA · l~an 0 j Super ,,\e\vl New 4 BR. homt 2-2 BR w/dbl garaJres. ~· Dutch I1aven ?.tarlna. $29,j()(I, 1oial pymn11 S277 In prestlge areA. Lge. lam. $49,900 Prine. only. 645-2877. Ne\v sh.nit crpt~, frplc, bit· ino. Priced ur $42.900. OCEANFRONT DUPLEX .P•lnt & MAKE THOUSANDS. Two 3 ledraanr Units. New Hst- 1119. 1mER HUIRYI c a II 645-0303. FOREST E.OLSON '"' • A COlDWELL BANKER COMPANY 12" HARBOR BLVD., '4UJOJ CAMIO SHORES-DEST BUY IF you hove a large family-- IF you want an ocean view- 1 F you want a prestige location- ' • then, this home ver y well could have been built wilh OU in mint!-It bas 4 bdrms., cnnverl den & fo rmal dining rm. Beautiful kitchen. Nice sized play yard. Located 4627 Roxbury. Open S1tn. 1.s. 1318 SANTAN:l!.'-A ~RR. •• : Irvine Terrace. Call for app't. to see: 3 bdrms •• fa mlly rm.-poolstr.e yard. $86.000. Open SaL & sun. 1-5. • . . r111. & room tor pool. E~'TRA tge modem 4 Br, 2 Ins .. Avail , 00!-'· Subni!t 011 fThfee Worlds Re1ltor1 Perleet for dlM:rhnl natlng Ba + studio in :.:Int sina:le :_y~· s;,.1-2459. Prln<:rpals 963-4405 9GS-2297 Eves. buyer! fll.fl'lllY area sn\), dn BALBOA BAY PROP.; $49,000. 637-rif. 'or ~ooi 3 ~AR GARAGE, 4 bedroom REPOSSESSIONS * U!Cl'l4 * , alt•r 6 P••· luxury tnine, 21·~ miles to _.,.. "' ' h 12 18 f ll !'or infom1ul11Jn ond loc:ulon IR VINE Terr a c e -By ~tE SA VERDE NO . Fount•inVaflly -1034 =~ N~ M~tao.n.!.;; ot 11te1eFIJAltVA hon1es, Ov.•ner -Uke newl 3 Bdm1. BEAtrrY 2500 SQ. M'. of pn.!&tlge -y0rktov.'I\. $43,900. A;enl Ci>tltl\CI·• 2 bll.th, comer 'ot. PooJ. l BR, 2 BA, country kit. + lh·1ng .t bedroon11 2~ baths, 531-SM» or 962-2~. KASAllAN Priced to Sell! $73,500. fam. rnt. Beam ceilings. 18"26 rwnptis room, h• ... Only 1Y.t ...,... old. 3 bdrm, 2 Reel lttete ff2 '"' 673-7910 r.lany UPf!'ll dt'S, S57-5..i76 -.-J "4 ._... . li.'25 II\· rni. Near SIRltr baths, b.1111-lns, d\sh\\'8-Sher, --· -----T.INUSUAL 2BR. w/trc ME.SA VERE 3 BR. 2 Ba, & Bushard. $5-1,!n>. For f1.mlly nn, frple.-Brick & HERE'S A NEW ONE pri\•ate ya.nl, \.ood deck, Fam·nn. Stp. D~nn. 2 q\lk:k aalc! ! Aatnt 961--redv.'Ood patio. Sprinklel'll This one I:> Jusl belna llreplace, iJ'ff"hou!le, pvt I Frplca, on ·cu I -ct e • 11. c · or'SJl-5800. front 1 rear. $42,(00. bkt. retu.rbi8hed v.iih tile ne~t beach, O\lntr, 2nd TD Principals only!! 979-6210. 3 QR..·2l~ Ba, Bll-lnl, F1'1>1c, Tarbell. Cati 962-Sj66 ide•s in h0n1e building. At tlvall, s:;9,!0'.1 &i'S-oll16 _ 'BY Ov.'l\er S,JIR. J~ bt.. Jllr. Pft\'at! &rtfl, Tennil\ Poal&, Decor.tor'll dttoam: 4 bdnns. $:16,900 It's a Mtttl. 11nd )'OU By 'oo'Tlt.t 2 BR. A\'nU. .$.C. Pl= Term'-1') etc. 1,r.ll. beach. FOR. SALE 2 baths. famil)' rm, frplc. cail 11ssun1t' lh\s klv.· ln\el'Tst1 I m n1 e d I a I e I y . Term1. 11'udeon. ~· • 'or lease, $225. 0 w n e r built-Ins. Ults of paneling t. "A k>lln et m:>. P"r nio. S;;.";.OOi), Tl4 f'ornleaf . 4-PLEX. (2) East.side, C\I. &16-tml \tallpeper, shag ca rp et . Hurry,ca\1 841-M&I, BKR. 846--S736. fi'9,500, J{as ~lrm.t. Ownerf AS..WJ\.fE 5 Joan $5T.2XI. Jl9,;i00. bier. Tarbell. Cl!lll ~IERIOrrH-GArden;.-lBfC ii\'VESTORS 2 houses on Broker. 6T3-52'21. Nll'A 'prlce 2460 sq ft' blr, 962-1373 lrw. Pf!Jl\:lt'll l•m 1in. lorml B A-BEACH \ l"l'lf\I r..2 101 So Df ll11t')'. MESA Verde, by o~Tler, 4 <.'O\'tred pat\o, oul81Andlni: 01..0R J{O:-.IE nelll' tk11\TIUl\ln ~n '!~11Ku'i, f~~~: i:.-~ ""•AND , Ue:i111, ~l{rdt'nS, $93,000. By BR. n1ust ~. Under School District. Owner llunt ington 0eac:h.on 50x125 "t"' B --3DDD ' O\\'nCr c1a.~1G9. priced at $39,'i!ll, 979-73~. 8-l&-8401-ot 5.'£-88.11 ft . n ,3 lot. Terr If I c 4-JJ!t-:-2ba yle'WhOn;: 1 g 11'/UCEO T U 2 BR 1 lBR, 1 ~ btul, ,,.,. ha.ck ,J BR 2~1 b.'I 2 •Io r y lnvtltment potent\11,l S32.9(X}. $36,j((). 011 ' 12-5 Sat·Sun. ••O? a .COA9T HWY. Cc::IAONA D•L MAfl' ba. (rple, o rt"::c«! yd, dbl )'l'd w/(rull ~:, new nice 'hom e:, Pwt locAtton'. Aacnt 962-24a6 or ~._ 19,P...!!.ardtn J.n. ll.~ .,. ___ ..,.,._.,. __ ,.. __ ..,..,..,..,_... i'llr, R2. $61,300, 6~ blllns, 97WSSS priced to stll, a11t N\7-Tiz.t ela1s1ffed Adt •••••. 6'1i-.,.~7!. ~\Jc!!! itrm1 .•.••. 6"~5613 1 I • • • ---·------. I • 8 DAILY l'IL!IT Sulld>y, Joi 21, 1974 Hunllnifoo 104C 11rv1.. 0-" L>tu•• Beach 104' L1kt Fo,...I 10541 Newport.,-h ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .... ,No ..... - I GIAZEBO IRVINE lWNHSE EMERALD llAY 2,000 gq. 11. hkc '1"" l j,-• UNDER $30,000 An C'~illna: f:antlly & BR, f1n1tly m\, 211 bi1, 2 t .. Olrl"IC't Ml\lng 3 Ur, 2 lb. C'lltert11lulru: honll' "'I I h !«Uf")' DeBne borne 6n be11ut tplu.<i ullllt)' roonil Alpine-wpa.ck)Ul!. livii~ areu, 4 l.a,ke 1'"ot't'll lukc. Huge 1 YR WAtlRAN l V . • HOME E'll'f f\ \.\IAH•i•'\t~:' Hl 1M l Cornes "'1th this lint 3 bedloonJ "°""' Locotod in I Hwitlt\gtOh Be 1 e h . A main1~nance free rear )'ard. Wo has a. Kol Pool and loads of brick wQtk. Call to see this lrnlMCul11tc aJ>(lHK.• ho1"1e. I $46,508 Full Price •"·le condominium ln'\\'ll l· bdm1. 1ul1c11. -lrt". adult 11w.1tl'r i ulte ""·l'aulted opeul IAYFIONT .., fanUly -1•n1. "'\lh proftu , ~itffit'. Ctt1tral alt 111r ~!,S:~~~~ d~,!~ ~~~rt~;~11~ut~~,1~~~ : ~~~!rB~~ ~~ ~~·~~. ~~~ f~ wood pat . A~ fl'Otu ti'f<'41Phlg oc.¥!'11\ vte .,... . &, hu)(t~apt(t. ) m nt 8 c . ~frotloool •• TNl.y ruaplftceol. ro1nn1unltr rool tiud ?lilrk. J:szi 000 Quick (lrca.ipy. S59,990. Tolle - Near sc:hoob;.' lmn1C'dlate NORTH LAGU ~Jt~~n>~_:,___-iiLIOA POINT JJOSM>S1'lion. .P11M! 5211.900. "'-... H 5 /S 1 • "·Ith oo percent fintuii·in~ In. one 01 No11h ~w1a's ...,...n ouse at un ~ Pier and slip. FI v e I u1·ullRble. c~u r.:,J.jljl lnlHt nrt'a:ri, lllf're are, 2163.i O\'e1iake, Lake Jo'orest bedroonu1. 3000 11q. tt. 45' !' ANYTJl\JP,. stunr1ln&: city l coastal E.'<ifUliJl!e Oeant: Garden on baytront. $11.~ price 2211 New\til, vle\\11 fron1 this htry<' hon1c. holllf', 3 bed1in, 2 )>a.th. $250.000. l.eue year J y C Lagun1 B•1ch 1 CMS 3 Bdrms .. e11ch "'Ith \b; 01'.'ll Olv1ier ha!! p u r c h a~ e d Jl2,000. 64'1"_ AL TA VISTA · b:.ih. """" "~"" '"11" onolh" home, "'°'~ "' . UDO P'"RK 2 VI..., LOTS O• fornud Ulnlng rni:. lgc. llOQn! lteduc<!d to seil at ,.., • .,,... ---. -z-- S Just listed 20· hi.eh. •·al.I of ran11ly 1·11t v.·/wel bar. 3 S~9.SOO. \\'elt'rlront llvln(: _ with 3 OCEAN + BAY VIF;\V HOUSI + TWU \ ,111 \ 1' I '. I I \ un/ Eve1. . gh1.ss, natural v.·ood 1ntcnoli;, frples. Sl~.000 Ct'ntury 2l/1'tisslon Country bedroon111. Secluded klctltkta f\bw:• Rd., lffRhold Ne\1' S BR, 2 BA. pJus 'J'\\"O ~ l46.4l4I pa11oran1i~ ,1r11• or l>O.'\st .llt~' MON. QAY t!ERRACE 495-4121 or 493-0290 r-0r nutture t.'Ouple. Boat allp $SO.OOO • tn DOY.11 :. B~. 2 BA apU, ttpls;, --S ~~slg~n~f ~1,6 D~~~:1d A11 ~lU". ~!sh h.)nte 11'ilh 3 ru<c~l'rn rustlcaiOO available. $1Zl,000. a:;~t!~ ~~ ~~~sW~' Balcony, Din-iin. & ~lstr lxbn1s .. 3" ball~. fAnlily sq ft !I BR, 3 ba, 2'5' fainlly BALBOA COVES CALL A\ •••·l•I• ,,_., Assume VA Loan BR. Ganie R1n w·wet·bar, rm:· fon1.1al dlning nu. i·u1 2 st.::i1·y Deane Honie. Redecorated 4 bed r 9 om ~W ~ ~ N~VPORf .SJtORES I ~ R 2 I k I (h·e1· 2100' in thi -3 BR E xe e P 11 o n al qualll)' A\11.ll. tnunclt Tren1endou11 I lio•11e \\•Ith bo11I sUp Owner • ~ '· '+. D'IJPLE.X• i ', tnu cpts, drps & vinyl nocrr. ·Sl ll,500. · tiled robt; shaded alrhln1 betl.nis, l.'CllJl"f-I air "'; or Income units. $1JO,®i\ ,, Niar N"''" ••••Office ist&llO. Jee ~-6'r:Mil23 · w do\\'11, 4 B . BA. 1 e BeauL landsepd ll IJO@me c:onstruction: terrazzo nrs., 1n11s1er suite, d(lrk exposed/ in~ht ln~e roa· con~mcrclal IALTY '~~ unUt •· Ottjllaeea.' -a-RIND "New . l iStp. laundl')' mi., close to UPPER VICTORIA entry. $129,SOO punfier, beaut. decorated & DOYER SHORES -income Pn-y 2000-Jluntl~ton Beach. lit owner l ft('\\' Sean; sho1>pg. ~.!!00. 4 AU ' Lolli Be Oe v . MONARCH BAY· landscaped. Lg. covered OH THE WATER Newport SherH 1072 1 ,..., ckpt~laUon. 3 Br, 2~ Bl 142-illi, Eves: 968-UIS &cl~ · ..,. .. 1:ut. · v·u· 1 A spacious garden hon1e 'fl•ith patkl. Sl.i2,000. To I l e J\<111 \\'ells buil l th I a I! Sf A -l 6 UNm I duplex on corner. 4 BRASH E Beach a to ic. great privacy: 1'.'00ded lot Realtors, $-8500, be~utUul 4 bedroon1 home I RP 3BR. v.ith own boat blocks frocn ocean. Good AR rGood l~mts f<)J' buildei· on 1 i\oith room far Jll08'. 3 / 'l'\VNHSE. 4 zdnn. 2~~ \11th n1n,gnlficent bllll!ll'd 8~· .~alu~ t ~paUo WALK TO BEACH 120/o SPEND AILE lncOme area. Bltns! trpl.e In ,;;;;~R~E~A~L:~:r~v;:;;· l all 4. $24,900. each. Bdn:ns., 2 baths, dintng nrr. be. Patio. (irep\t, lake. ~·~· Spectacular • v\ew. :dditkne ! to sc~ft t ,.er or 2-Sty. :I 8H.. 2 00. Lat!', Tru ST ~~1'p'let~~ ~ •. ;., no~ Ir pkk I WOOD• ~LASS I $97,000 --.. ' tennis, p:iol . $.17,WO. ~ Asku!l; $185,000, OU R-" A .. ,,.e.:;:1501c -patio.>: [!'pie., l»;:!.t:!al area, ,, e! J U REt>'V'.CJ;:Jl Wt" co'-• ... ~-~ta ' p 1 a--v 1 Call 6Th-'122a er. cuuc.,,. "'~. · . Ouick 00~. $56.900 , ~! 16 garden t)·pe·units, , .... .......... • Hunt Harbou~~I042 Excltini:' RH Des1.1;ned 3 Bit 1 4!!1.-( LM:io Isle 1056f (ALL 6404672 CAYWOOD RIAL TY Quiet ollldreet '\'e.:>tn\irurter chen applial'IOl!L , · ' . \\-Rn.1 foi: addlt'?fl. il~aJt.v I~ , , l Lltl'JNCS NEEOE:O * J41.12tt * locstlon. \\."oodbui·n·l nr Wm. T. MILLIR lltLTY fl.EASE-Beaut. \\'aterfront 2 de..:ot. featw'es m this 1 ~ Premium Homes ~~~!~111• .. T!~s~~!~~ .. Ml11 'BR, 2 Ba Condo. \l'/ptiv. ~T' oli.I l10i!1e 1\1f::in1astic I · !~• -T\\'O '°''t i)' 4BR "'"'"'lly r;:,-0 ",iief. .. lBR,. 2 BA ... _.. .,..,... ...... ._ ""'=--I 'boat slip. AvAll. i1n111ed. tw~tal vu. 20 Ft. high ~,a;. 1 1ion1es Oll prin1c ov~rii~ Beach' house Co:nmunlly· pool. NI larre 2 bedroom flY£ IJNITS •846-1801 • cetling, 2 "4· decks. Pli 1105 N.Coasf w..-..,,•-una lots: 119 \'la K~n & t•' I unl\s. Gross $3070 per 1110. I COw1 ... -• 11=000 ··-r -w -Ll:I Pool, • Teunls,' etc. Reded-1~ ~nendablr.. Q.1 lln1e111 l;rvlne 1044 1 6c'EAN'FR0NT 494-1177 I ~~11a 0•1~~fi000o. Outstandi•Jf __ ·-----_ ------·: /J;-c. .. , : muted, • n\I cWl'tts. Xlnt r:ro•. J-~st $2'1U,OOO. Hurry Tv.'O , duplD:q, and throe ----· .,_a ues. w.., • ea. • • -Co~I ~ 'Prln<.ip.als On I y r~n· 1hls one · ..:all (714) 3BR, 2BA hometi. • I t; .!'' & 11, Ac .+ ' ""'"· OCEAN VIEW CALL us ro SEE SHAKE RO'OF I ia a11uon sr..riis. l 7'2-l111Q:·"· · $&9'5Dft The Who .. Thln9ll ~ecluded. lret:!s, panoranile c(,,STQl\-l . • ' • i:I•. • \ti ••"""' 'J -·1 . ' '" tho w•~·· """'"' .;.,,, '''.;,Po~" ' d!vid". !"50:000. I PRESTIGe HO,JES. • Utittlnghim Rt.tltn Executive Hom• :: BR . $22;,000 Oco•n•ld• . 107.4 I illl!ll , redone and It's beautiful. f (_ II ll iSturuo ,tt . 1\1·0 wtlque CUSICltll built .. ..f Bullt around lovely yard and I 4 BR "" St~;>OOO 11. . '' _·. '~F· .... ·,UN•1.·~IT .. ·.ED.·:uB.sROl<': •• ~·n·~·l I! I bdrms., fan1ily roon1 and ' $1~~~·1 (3~75Lg. Ri\I, gt'eat BR h?nies IX>\\' available in FEALTCRS pi1.Uo. 2100 Sq. ft . 4 bedroon1 :; lil: $115:000 BFACH CONDOS: Ne\\' 2 ' ••• -v-... _,, hree \'ery a11rae1lve patios.) f,71171 · t ,OOO. beauuful Bluebird Caayon. 67J-Ol~ 1\•ith separate dining roon1, :P-. 20A., earpeti. ch'llpes, ~!!!!!!!!!~~~': c;,;..~~~~-""'"~~, l's a BroadmoOr Turtle I · •guna Beach 2.000+ ii<I •• ft 'Aith open fan1ily roo1n \\'-\l'et b:ir. at $1200. Ali~~"l'n!-:rtym .S3Ji~m..1391 Rock-honie and it's pi·iced spacious hving and OCt>an LOWSOO se11·tria: rooni or office large , 1 f 1 only $59,500. 1 viev.• all 01·erlookln,g . quiet ldtchcn. 3 Car :J3rage. , !'ian Clem•nte 1076 W ~E 001:-4?e 3 bednn + 3-2 6edrooms, CALL 552·7500 can>'?'.'· Fi:>1n 11pa c 1ous 40 FT. VIA GENOA Quality constr uc tion WHAT Y.OU WANTI bltns, cloeed' pr., 'SWlm • VISION. 1 . ~raz1l1ant1le~ntryyoustep 3 Bd 3 baths Dini thruout. On bloc!< Jong "White Salls in the sunset" 1'~our 4-plexea in .choice. E-poo.l.Huny.~ty31elt. I I 11110 sunken Llvlng-rm onto rnis., , " "? street, a beautiful hon'IC. are roal ll'01n this in1n1ac 3 .side location. Good rental Only $51,950 .., ___ --·-~ plush carpet-you can still rm. Ininiaeulatc. Near new.I 0\1'f){'l' Jeavln;: area. Only SlJN LO\lERSll!_I_ BR. 2 BA 'home '\V/frplc, area. 1 block lront 17th St. 'Ftr1t P-..,r RHlfy REALTY TrM Studded CharnMr select. llonwn1akrrs drean\ bowaRb loWSOD· JR. $92 000. Oce!liiiront 2 bedrooin i.ixer kitchen ' blt·im, emf p:atlo s h o PP in I;· Good t.P-~ 142-4421 ·\Vi!h canyon,:., oceRn \iev.·s. 2 kitchen \\•Ith e c.r a n1 i e Realtolll 41iL,1~ FOil.\ on super R.2 lot!! Besl over-look!~ well:manlcureJ pr«:iation, tax i;heltcr k iu- ' a red hill oompany BR .. den, I ba. 161.500 cooklbp, "'""'''""'" ov<n 3416 VI• Lido 675-4062 • ' ...,ldm>liol ""'" ·,~,anl • yd to Dan. Pt Hlrixlr. como. TbJ• could be ""'I A'M'ENTION BUILDERS Univ. P11rk Center, lti:ine Emerild Terrice and Jot& of ceramic tile. ··------·-~ 11101.e in OO\\' and en)o)' the $5.1,9j0, Bertha H enr)', »lart yoo \\'ant for ~mer J 1,'!!f'6A 1MESA 1 Cho. , N rth end I Jo'ron1 Fan1ily-rm v.ith lge. , BY 01\'ner S7i.SOO. 123 Via • ReaJtors. "92-4121 ln:e~tora. Don't 1\'li!t • ~ .. .._ noome un ts. ice ~ ? c · lolexiean brick trplc you I Zurich. E.'o:lra sharp, p1:or. auninier • build later. Sul>-These v.·on't last. Princlples Income $910._ per mo. Room ~HE FAMILY HOME ~rea1~11aking ocean \'lev." step onto ouiskle deck for dee. 2 Bl', 2 Ba + den. ntit lenns. <hl•ner may a. San Ju1n Cpttrn. 1078 onl)'. for 10 men Wilt•. Call • 2 Le,_.1 bofne. -4 BR., 4 ba., . . G7H212 .. • nance. * * * * CJS REAL ESTATE • , is located Ill \:Jn1\'et'!ilty den. Spacious entry hal l 1 e n t<' r I a I 111 n i . fo.larble . _ ROOM TQ ROAM·f CALL &t:>-8400 2BR home w/pool. $2'l,100. , TRIPLEX J ~SS-llBS ark, just steps a\\ay from seo tiWng 1111 be 1 11 : pullnllllls ant.I n1any n10re Mesi Verde 1063 , · Only y,~ OOivn, This "oo't l!:a . 1 jhe fan1ily ~I . tc1u1is cts. in~· mi. 11, e.'\.ienJ!:i · su~~ features.-'fop quality Ihm Ne\v'pci11 J.lelg:hts: life., Cust. M· 'NUSI last 7 ~lside OCll~u. 3-2 bdnn •COVINGTON 4 PLEX'S • k bike tnHls. 4 Bdn11s., C ,_ kl h .out. LocaJ Builder, OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 bl'ilt 11 roo1n oon1e· 4 V. E. "--~&Co. Robcns R·eath•, 49l--0202 units surro~i~g beautiful, top tood, exccptio-A ' terms. 1 r 1wt)\. owi~/ tc en· · · I I $8li 950 • --· ' "'-"'tan.1 ..., pool And "ti1at s not ttll '"" ~.~ths + ranilly area. I lushly lndscpd. g r 0 u n d ~ r~~~~n YOr. Es · C JS85 BAKER ST. bdrn1s .. den, huge fan1. r 1n. ..,., r-......_, . S•nta Ana 10i0 The;e·a roOni io expancl Prlce lnctcis c e n er o·u • • 1 1r/S\\'ln1nling pool, patios & 61~1 ' IN · Beaut1tul 3 bd1·1n .. 2 batli ~ .. ha. & kltch. ~·/all bit· Additional 2 units can ~ Im.pound account•., h I !i h : I rooni for 1c1u1is ct. $240,000. ho1ne: ln1111aculate! $42,500. uts. !\1any e....:u11s. $71 .000 '[JDO-ISLAND-iEA-cH· BY 0\\'ner, l yr old 4 BR built behind existing units. f'xiai.llnc loan bals. Min. ' 110 h ,-[·1 I' II i I, . . --.: '1~r.iillur 1 lsl \\'este1'11 Bank Bldg. Unive1i;icy Park, Irvine ~ays 552·7000 Nights Oµe11 House Sun. 11·4: 421 EMERALD BAY PRIME AREA Sunday 1.5 pj_n, Open ·Hse •. 4 to\\Tl~me. S.A. near C.M Lot size 66X305. OY:•ners c!Olilila-cosla' req. l~ I Lt.'Clroit Lane. Secluded, v.·ell landscaped JONES BR, 3 ba, huge master trpting, drps, nll ele1.:t kit. arDdou~! ~', ~r •mo. By aiit. All!(), see us for ran c h e s , one third acre Jot \\ith Baycrest. Tradewinds Lane; suite, baJ( vu, tennis crt. & yd, pools, tenn11-_c r t s i\tlLLER REALTY &12-4811 846--0_18_2~. --~---I ho1nes. :rroves In Fallbrook, O-..'i?an vie11· i, only tile REALTY.INC ~~stigtl::: bdrm,, fn~i. rnt2 beach. $895 I~ option. nearby. S3t.500. 546-3985. 2 Ul'Jits. 2 bdrm plu!l l bdmi: Sh!~VffTRtm1PL~S!~..':t1wed m' 128 s. 1.fain (TI4) 728-1077 beginning. \\'e are proud to U"tM«i ba~hs~"1~~trn1~c'ti1ce' $126,900 t· .. P. 1.lake orter. s.nt• An• H•i9ht1 10l2 -r.'O fittplaces. Close to ~.. c.A """. ·'!~!· l~~~th:h?~~sn:!~~4 ~~ I 171411173·6210 1 ne't, lotsorcharm. $79,50011 :_1~~ Lido Nord. <n4> °HOR.SE PROP. :fdedandandsl~~<I·y~':_ ~.iji=°{~Ot~~ ~l~rio~a~t~~ry.bfge ~=~ ~~~21to ' CALL91G> ~ 64f ·J~l4 BJ:,~:ro= ::;;,r,,t:i: Small st~leA~R:R l ~.T.Jll. ' $tl~.•pri ft•eltv Family-1m, gr a e i 6 u • Mission ViefD 1067! ...... m~.ble e~try· hall, w.;. !iv "'·Jtx::i~. $,1.1,5oo. ~ 2,1:=ur~·=e ~ ~!~ (213) S"-1611 _, Living-rm "·ith fossil stone REALTY 1m! hi>lc, ~ lrg hr, ~ tile down req. 5.i1--033S: ... -----FOREVER VIEW 1 frplc, and re n1 ode I e d Near M•"'•rt Peat Oftl•• btt. step sa\'lllg f!lect kitch., . alle)' eileh 1'.ith ~a.raze. 4 APl' Units 011 19,GDO sq ft. POOL kilehen-&---stereo-tbnt-out:--"VlE\V" from t"'° fanlutlc crpts;-~. pert Ya r ' ·South l:agvn1--:-:;--:-10l6 ~l IJP!~J:a.stsidetlo .,~ --~ loCl'.d· CZOt~~£·LN1!Wport . . 1 AJI of this surrounds the planters fruit lrees s1-000 "' csa "-"'" n ....... 800. \' ., ,),, ~ mo Income. 1 High in lhe h.111.!i o .! 35.1 N. Coa~t. l.a."una pool & p:aiio \\'hich is an I ho1nes, overlooking Harbor Gl5-il!Bi. ' :>, • LOWER 3 ARCH ,BAY " . 1 Good Jor comm er c la I bdln1., fainily rn1. Pre~1dent ___ _ ____ l lh•ing at ·rs f st S259 500 Immediate Sale Island aild Catalina. 7lT .. Spvalass Hill oce8n vie•'· 'l*autlfully ~tslde Costa 1'tes!I on Owner-Broker, 642-4590. Turtlerock:. Rpacklus. " .f94--7SJI intei:ra.J part of Qlliforni:i. Island, ~y Ial.11.nd: Balboa.J 3 ~ Fam-nia 'Miu~ wt\b 6 units. $13,250 per wiit, development, $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 , home. Hu ·I u x u r • o u a ' UNOBSTRUCTED 1· LINGO R' EA'"L' E.STA,TE. • Kings Road 2800 5CJ ft '~ quiet tree -~haded s1reeL •·1 DEL'"'" It • B ~~c)~~W~.:1 ,5 1 ... ocean v~wt ,rom-trus<~ -499-1.391 Ai!cs:,1~ -~~ 6S'xt:.~~i·BR.2 BA. • ~~:'w~~:.'~J;,c~ ::at~~1c..=a~ Do-nut~· m Or«n~. 2 Ba, =1 ·:11 u~it."~ J92l1 E'.a:..ehiH 1 • \Vood Mt: ~tucco 3. bdrm., 1 'Ocean· .,._ n1ell· e9Crow closes }.U2. • P QAILY ' t SS5:S90.~ltttlkll eall · " i brick patk> complete v.•ith SiQ.000.J~ terrns, •" loeaUop, 81 ~':"'0 'ayaiL ..._ 2 00111 home, located high 't' 1st. C.11.11 67?-7225 ~ '.'IT'S NEWT"° ChooDe U<Y•r HAR BOil VJ.;Vf • f01.111tain. $1Z7.000: 1''int. , ,._ ~Aa ?~ YEA'GER RLTY 56Hln , CALL 552-7500 in the'hill1; of La'?tlna. Full>:' ir.·-am Lanuna ,_ "HOM' ES' ·: Tnllt Deed of JJ:i,~ is -, , ·PR,pPERTIES L-..1 for ,ulo , 1•2200 J .• VISION • equlpi)eif K'nehelr'\\·ith-l}ajJi1' ". \_~,-O\\'n decwator~ colon. 4BR, , ~ ~" '. ;;.t::' aiS\iiiiable at 8%9'ir lnt . . • 11 ~l9'JO. ""' >-- 1 conipactor. Interior, planter, Beautiful 3. oearoon1,. 2 384.-;-o·X:ioo• 101. Fireplace RE~L TY_~~ L-INO'O REAL ESTA.Tl · , $lJO,OOO PR.OM ONTO I( y ~Bay ) ,,·et bar !'rptc ... plus a view bath home with outstanding in master 11uite. LAST CHANCE, . 494-81116 • • '99-1397 \\'&~rfront lot. 50x100•.50· 1 a red hill rompen)" Univ. Park Center, Irvine f • 1 ocean vle1v Th is ·-10 UNITS boat slip.· Owner may 'f 16~m950 neary e\·ery _room. imn1aculate home .is only :i "DRIVE BY" action on the BLUFFS W•stmlntter 109I • t tn.d XI t · · years ne1v and has a SA VE UllWll ---' · acctp e. nt l!Mn• spacious 1850 sq. ft . A Beaul hon1e of designer tor · -.. ' ' · Peninsula duple<, 1 bloc k ...--PAINT & lDVE avail A•'"""' $1 3 0 0 0 0 l '.l"!I I~~ fireplace and bean1 ceilings lo jetty. lBR, 2BA and 2BR, sale., All po!tSible xtraa. Prof ~tact Sleve Smith, 833-I OPEN HOUSE V~k/1~ accent this U'Ue Laguna 2BA. 3)%. down, assume l st done. See daily betiveen 1 & • .-:.,A . .:.__ home.(~~).' or ~lS t • REAL ESTATE "''"' pnC<d ot $6!.!IOO TRUE CALIF. LIVING T.D. Ownec will cony 2nd. Spm, Ownec. &lt).-0603. can make"•~ your =an> 1 ta;SA~c:\\~U:::~s!'~n) 900 Glenne)'l'e St. C1ll Tod•y 644-nll i~e::1~ ::aurZ~-~.an!,:i Ji~. aihrbi;A ~At'~~ -.-c.·ptain1 Ou•rter1 -1:Uehe1P~~~wJ:i!'.~ Mo:~·~rt, University Park, Irvine 494-9~i3 549-0316 Tb!. 3 BR~tprm-din·nn, 3 Realtor 1Il4). &O-J600. On G.odwlll Ct* rt bednn, 2 bath home· on ~"'""""' 3BR. f 2 ' 'J Low•r Thrff Arch Bey ba, cenltal air, lge pool & -WEPS TO-SUR,-Only $10,900. 4 Br. 2;' ba 60xl27 lot. Full pr l c e 'T.:""""'T -•· am ""sh ·•, Rec11\'00d & wa.ss· 3 BR your very ov.·n sauna. View Surfside Penlnsula duplex, I u x u r .Y to wn house $71,500. 842-7461 .,..., OV.iuivme. o r 1 . -. .' '" lot; Xtras too numerous to has enoimous potential with V.'/oomplete elec. kitchen . ...aH -_.,_ -\\'alk to !IChools, parks, 2 ba., patio, deck. leEs than pnn!. By Oll'Jler under . lnclud 1t 1 · . · .-.....,., ' ~ comm. pools & . ienn~. one )'ear old: just across OFFE·R--ED $65,000. ~2019. ' a.:!~~ i;untla 8~1 ]'j I :~&i!truh~·~·~"~0~0~'m~ean;,•~:;'~~~1°~;;;~·,~~~-~~·~·~a~w~u~e~~I =~== °Van!i~·e Rl~eln ~!r: . EYerything new & hig1,tly 1 th' street f~m the ~! f . _ _ _ ___ _ re.-..... an. 5 ca . •Y &l:H>l41. · 16062 Beach Bh·d .. trunt Bch ' .,, u~. ?ifov~ ln & enm G re a t v 1 e 11· . _E! 1 \' . , . . by builder, lAvely 3 $3000. OO\VN. Take over GI . f'!JOffiY ownei; s ~unit \Vilh I Co m Io r t a .ble turniahed trouble tree lli·ing. Best buy communlt)'. Sl6S;!XX> r lkhin., 2 baUi l;\illny Mme: 2 er,-2-Ba-:-JndS'i:pg. 539 SOO. _Jireplace, built.h:t.•, carpel.\ e BIG. CAN.'tON e _ lncom.-P'ropwiy-@tt~re. Pri~ $15,~ or will , in Uni\:ersity Park at S:M.9~~ Double Y~r Duplex I ~.J.matic ~nlry to step.up o r 11·ill re;il. 547-TilOO days, i?t ~raJ:~1'r'fler ~ Beaut 1'10naco mod, over I .... ...._ ~ Existing ' structure on Cl ' exc~. l..any Pf'hrter, 1 SL,tFSOK-DliNN REALT\ • .. by ad1h~ rooms to 11\'. m~ .. spac. d~k. cus~on11 ~a4 eves • CALL 6'~o er. 2SOO aqft, l dscpd, cuslm _ .... lo;:, 51Xl50. Good location. ~.J.*. ~~Ri:TT 1 TJ2..lllX> I present 2 bdnn .. l·ba. ocean ceramic ule "1?rk, $43.~. N rt Be h 1~9 . crpts, drps, on vie'\' lot. . PreSCDll)' 2 tenants. uldnc l I \ie"· units. Live on in one The best ~Y 1n De<tul1ful _..!_!~ ac -~ 9 & I $131,500. firm. By owner. $30.000. Elaine S v e dee n CHOICE ~-er 7 Rm . * 70;0 LOAN * \\'hile yow· equicy escalates. ~<;Una! . ~or I u rt h ,er V. E. "°"''"' & C:O. Call 644-9-t26. MoWle Hornet ~ !F44\ Arrowhead borne. Lake use. $90,001. I in!o~iauon & a PP t · Eastbluff Vi•w Hom• 1ooo1 Eo1o1..........., HARBOR Highlllnd b for •-1100 Many xtru. Furn. opt. Big: ' 49.l-T'.xil i;ho1v111g call I s, Y llr. llllvgs on OV.'fl, a:ale Ir fin. " AEsumsbl~. $224 per nlOllth 1000 N Coast H\l'Y t ~-•na ._· G l.152 * I 'rbdnn ":,_fa~~\ykingrm.d.A"""' Balboa f! I ··'-ownerlot _:.,!.,!eab!R, l 'h,,..ba'. cor. GREENLEAF-· Cona, Leue bpt, $4&.500. I . ., "-(;WI SouthOOll.st Pacific C.0.-p. 1'0111 pa.-........... 15tance -_.,. ns.... . CJU.-e, ,e...-.annen, ' ,.. ~-Ree.lty , Com"•"" 1-337~ • :: 3692 CLAREMONT -~---·-----lo schools, ntkt, churches. H rbor E~. Newport • High • ~·-.. ~~ OPEN 2·5 TO SETTLE ESTATE New rugs & newly • View Moftt .. o dlsfrtet. Vacant.· $49,000, 5 ~ Adult Comn1unlty. --·---MAlofMOTII ~ llll'le 1. Pool • Tennis Cour1 U1vn )'OW' ow n on o..:ean decorated. Price $75.000. 4 BR, :! BA, ~am-nn, Bonus, 646-7343. -· ~ , 17~ Whittler Ave .• C.M. baa J •~"'::"'!:""'"=~.,....,.,., comer" view lot, o If 1 Playground • J.IO,OOO 3BR, 3BA. bu!\1ins, earpets, 2627 Alta Vista Dr. ~12'17. Play-rm, 1 Story, Prof. l.OVEL)" 4 bdr pool hoine avail. a beautiful 2biiO lfttl"lolt F1iht9i 1 Merldlan,·walk tone''' chalr · Scenic Properti•s * 67s..sn• * --IMMACULATE-1-1-drapes. Sechrlty gn t e 11 , lndJcpd, quler Street. Nr. Large secluded lot. $l9,500: Donnua MobUe ti o n1 e, Sever a I 11maJ I R.E. lilt. All util, Wfdercround. I 2 Bclnii.. 2 bath home: pr ivate bC!ach, tennis coun BIG CANYON right on ·11th Schb & Pool. Lo. ma.int. OPEN Sunday 2·6 $19,000. Call ~tween 9an1 Investment situations with 645-8031 aft. 6 1, & 2 pools, genero us In.in\'ll)'. 11-g yd, DEAN & ta'(es. By own et. AGT. e-1206 & 6pm, &t6-'196.>. -. 1 ow interest, assumable EL C.\RISO VIIl.11.ge, 25 miles · landscaped. with lge. ll~s gl'cenbelt. Firlit li me ?iIONACO. 3 BR, 3 BA,+ PRINCIPALS, ONLY! 2024 Centella Pl WATERFRONT $ l 2, 5 0 0 . financing avail. E. or San ·Juan Capistrano. UNIVEllifITY -Park, :ilJQ, at 136,500. , ·_~1 ___ ' ______ •197-:2571. . HARBOJi VIE~ HOMES • LIDO ISLAND. Sale by Isle. 54i-™ or 67j...1996, X>::E°" viev•. $28,0QO. Ownr. 548-0358 ; & brick ~tio. Clo~ to nev.• 11 ~-' ~.;:"...... GT 11· ooo 832-2'200 · I Ji Marina. Hw-ry on lhls one o e_,.,... s...,.,,,uw, A . xtras.. I: a, . 01· Lease. Near 2'2nd. St. &: Irvine Picture wlndov.·s Vu Lido = 1 2 BR mtn. cabin, 1 acre, 2\t ba, lam rn1 , upgraded •. *-""--,._..,. OCEANFRONT $71,500 BAY VIE\V OONOO. 3 BR $79,500. ,BY owner. Palermo mvner. $139,900. 66' lot, CommerCl1I Prpty 1600 £0MPANV Rench", F1rm1, thru o ut ,. 1 . .J.'i ,yard 1~ :i ~-~~ OYO 2 BR, 2 ba., delu....:e t Fam-nn· prof'ly iilOdeJ. 4.SR, l li BA, w/ 4BH. 4BA pool O?ENFrl ..: , GroYel 27cio l w/1:overed patio. B es t !"# ~ apt. Comp. fur n . Sen· dec.'Orated &: lndscpd. Open min,)• xlras, &44 ·5830 / Sa1 . .' Sun.'t-5 p'.m. 6J3.-mO: C•l Lot $17 500 R.EA.t.TOR 8lJ.l206 --------- k>c:atlon on ma,Jor Greenbelt I ;;--UUona! view. P90I, clc\'ator Sa.I & Sun, 1·5, 2611 Vista 67fr3U4 for appt. 130 Via Lorca ,. • 50, 140, N ;9th &: ' PRIZE =k~ :t.4t.'.r~~~ 4,._5,,1 4,,~2191}1 te ·~11. tg. stUidcc.ki Loan =:o Eastblutt.-$8l,500. ~ Ave.,eC~?lt. Priced : ... R.it!'r "ACRE RANCH 0 ~11 • ~. ----~ 8.\'a11. Co111e see 11. Bkr, low at $2 50 per ~Ft Near Sart J c pl trano -"~· -OCEANFRONT CONDO (i14 l ~3005. BACK Ba>• area, beaut. older I · · · JU Thetford W•y ' uan a 5 · · I AT BLUE l . ~... ,,~ " s~~~ l/,£1/iS w •• .., N. T•y Co. Coot• a.a---c.omplete "ilh tum .. ranch •' 2 llOMES, Bolh 7\a',il 11s-AGOON LAGUNA CH1\R~tER '"""""" w • .,.c on .... aere ---. e REALTORS , ~ houtc, bunk houtie, be.rm, amtables. EJ.:quislte det.'Ol'.. 3 UR. 211.. Ba \;·1h1XUI)' 3 BR. 2 BA. rec rm, oce&n feni..'ed · garden, fon:ed to · 2lll San Joaquin llills Rood · ,.ou ""' the wlnner or . horM!s, r Id Ing ring, j i. "Calif. Homes" &: amenities: Sec 11 r it y. vie11" beam cell, Belte\-c it ~1~:91J'9~~ J.1t~i2. O\\'ner, That lntrig11.in9 WonJ Game with' o Chlldlt Newport Center &M-4910 TWO FRIE TICKETS•' ptstureti. $250.000 Price, 1 "R&cquet Club~ .. Jn ck Pt'l:k swin1n1ing pools. t e n n I s or ~ O~ly $.j6,~. O~n ••• 11, WY t. l'Ol&Afll -witY PAY RENT? w 1he 11·ith xlnt tetmA. . ~ Ca ll 586-5!164 "R&dlo courti;, etc. Plus sand)' House Daily l--1, ;s1668 "rd BAL PT ~I blk jetty, lge lot, 3 little ~tores. Use 1 & RJNGLING BROS AND Bil l Grund)'. RJtt. ~161 j Pllie K-161 " . beach. $130.000. For appt A\'t'. So. Laguna 499-1731 or 3 BR & bas, patio, Teen apt, 9 1er1an;e 1h1 6 Krarnbled .receive income. Assumable BARNUM· & BAILEY Reel Esteh Wntd. 2900 ·1' . ~T~j~eH•llv"""nd"'1 ZI iel C I 833-13:'>5, Lee Hughes IUtr ~ Ocean Bl._.d, J9j,000 llllO'.):'t..;:1~,r: ~: ~ 7% k>an. o.w.c. 2nd. Qdl CIRCUS I BV °'''ner: Turtle Roc:k. a ~ · I ng o. SACR 1t·1CE v•Vnr ._ti M1ltl line of 1Q11Gret. now. JU1t reduced to at the " 3 or ~ Bedroom llOU91 or yn like new. 3BR. &ep. lam. 11141 -100.ar.o or 838-j44(] 3BR, 3BA View Honie lor NE\\1PORT CREST CONDO~., $38,000. ,\.i'\'Al-!E l~I TO\\'llliouse' In Un\Wnlty '1 I A din. nns. kll. nook. Int. -THE-BEACH dBUM·I-sale by o\l·ner -11lke 1011· ·I BR. 3 Ba.F an1 -tm , TUG TA E I CJ~ REAL ESTATE CON\<'ENTIONCENTER Parlcl,:!,or3orTurtlerock, uplfnlded. Despuratel \\'as I Let's face it • it looks l•r-00\~n or ,G!, iqslble lease O\:c.'OrAtcd! 0 :ner De~per· I I* I ~I ! I I ~116S (l/\n 11. u 11 ~ SG0,000 ceUtnsr Prin oriy. $63 000 $58 900 option $64 500. Open Sat & ate' S73 000 642-0288 ~ wv · ... a te a, Anahe:111 fii2--781U ! Le• • ..;:;" • W :f~ rible! But "'ith I\ little elbow Sun i0.s 3o9.i ,..lounl'ain View ' ' · · * ShoPD1nt Center * Pleas~ call 6~5678." ext 333 LEASE OR PURCHASE a "",,· ff · ~· ~~,.,7 1 1 grease, lnaginalion. sruitl· Dr ask for Ron Garner Ne1'.·port Crest by owner. 4 l!oilta 1\-·fe'11a. Groa1e11 $2.iGJ to Cllllm your l1ckejS. 0• 4 DR. with .., .. ~,·.,, cons er 0 ers ................ a l. Pfl.1)1;?r and paint It could De 714-497-1369 or 21:Hi60-2222 B.R. 3 ha , Sunken L.R. Fam I L 'A a F E F I Per n10;1th. 10% Return. • • * F1rst T.D. Prine. Wll-':! .. 'IP1'1 hRndson1e! (AJ\t'r all, even PRIM.E end unit Bluf!H A.m: 71J% 1~1. Below mkt. . s~;tk As.sun1ablc toa:n of :;ss.noo or 586-0475. -.... a Laguna Bun1 needs a llUle Condo. Original are.11. on $70,500. 642-31.!J.1 I I I J' I SlS0.000. $255,000 • F lr1n. 2-FourpleJ:ft l ~!!-!!!'!!!!i!!!!!~!!!!l I . ,L~SALLE MODEL Tl.£') 497-i7Gt. VistA Dorado. 3 Br. +Den. SELL or 1 ea se Io pt ., - - -• · Prl~lr.• Ofll.y. Bill Me.rrell Side by aide in excellent 4361 -~2N.~URG Rtcf C11rpet, Re•ltors 21; Ba. Owner·Ai,'1. 61~ Bayfronl Vista del [JdO. , 0 A M R U A , . ~ido -·~•lty 67~7300 North CoRta. Mesa IOCfttlon. ..... l~ I r .,. ·-IRVINE COVE Spnc 1 BR &. Lanai Colldo C doml I Income $16,200. Just !ls. led -OPEN SAT/SUN P.M. NORTII enil , occan11lde Olvner ST:>-5853 · on n um1 ' u I It R It ,Outstanding comer vle11r IOJ 2 BR. $32.000. Bkr. !-I I I I ,, for .... 1700 •16nd7 oooexclldl\'C sacles price n v•rs Y •• 'f avallabTC_ln ont' or th nK'l!ll • 493-.%1.1 • O\\INEM Unique BEACJ-1 . . . . . • each. all Mr. I ~ E. Czt. ltv.·y., 61:i-61l10 t'xc:luAh·e, private Deach , 1050 It 0 M E . a 3 19 Bruce I CUS'l'Oi\f t>awated, 2BR, I flluer 54.5-34:.?4 SouthCo, Heutes Fwnllhetl · . -I conununilit'!! In so. Cid. r L•9un• Hill• Cre9ccnt. 6 4 5-8 9 14 or • G u D N " A I greenbelt view, s 4 6. 0 0 0 .4 Realtors. ' 1 (JNtv P1\RK, BUY NOW , oontad Bill Davt nP01·t Bl' ..... ''" W 1 d ""'""233. I' I I I I t I , · 644-7974 MESA VERDE 4-PLEX Generel 2102 1f'OR LESS F'R.Oi\I O\\'NER. l\'est Co,ast Pa•lf'~ u"'tl"-r nt'.w r H IRBOR '~"' a k 1bovtcutting do··;... ·--l • I"' " " I 1 tNcw 2 BR. 2 bll __ ..... ,71 ,.,1.~. 67~;.,~ -·es duplex, \.'Olldo.:: B.R. 2 ba, 1 •¥•t.o•~ llOi\fE "'' Duplexn/Unttl ~i .. ~c. un.-~p••11lt' oca .. $115. 'UTIL pd bfich al ""'"""' ...,,,, ~ .r-... Ir dsh 1g 2 Ponofino, 4 8R. 31i bu. ' on elec1rlcity -did you ror ule 1IOO •1ex. .finR-nc~ 11va11. beach. Ideal 11 tUden t 1r;t1~ dl'JM, $ 3 9 · ooo · ev0WNER!0ottrs&;;;;: ;&;, A~~riie ~io.$21:7-00 f"fl!Jl·m1 ~~game·nn. I N A F L E L 1 •ver lry typing on 1n elec· · Pa~-~'· Bl"Jmtic}tl,t: AUocs. Lasunil ' · Ivan \\'ti!,, 1 Er, •~ani·nn, IOnn. f .P. $29,500. 23502 Loi Owner. ~.IW. 833-3894. . . tric typewriter with the Duplex~•me M2·+NO 1lays M:.<~tGlll e"": I SJ~ u~rlt.. pd nice *h· 1 D~~tk,"o~: ~~~~·e~~ ~/nl:J~1;, ~S.:.!is \~u; L-1k1For5'l6-"t;m . 1054 BY ~~&r:Y C'H~~i_:.g. I J 11 .I I --out? ?-u •·-w Interest 0-of a Kind Nu.r.o10;~·.~<*NT1.a,,_ din. nn. ~ \llew lot. of Ne\\"PQrt Center & &cit ~ "'· ree """"'1 Ml ...._. willter rentali ~ iS~~/!~~~t::I r:~~,t~.££-;' .~ '~·~~~u~f~"..= N~~~~~~~; B.,~ I r l·s1~ i·~1 I•~:;:;:~~,::--.;:.::~~ ln«>mt YA$330 Laa.! mo.=~~~.""~".'~'. ~·~1'W°U~~· l 833--2813. Ownr. -Cuff -o'Z Ochnfront ~ii!n, ~=ny up::'J::. $500c.(O). 640...cF "", "'c.Sla..-.J • . . you a-'°:"~~;.,~~-~Afi1:: J:i~~n~! ! ! s10i~~o:)t~~18. W111k t NEW DEANE HO'ME, 2 BR. 2 SR. 2 BA Apl, Xlnl vtew lle#lul . de c o ra I ed " "" ron "• .. ~~!!'!. I' r r I' r I' ,... vfEW,c wr:ree-&Ck Bzy: ·~ 2 Ba. AVl\11. 8/15. $6Ji(n). locatlon A bu\lding,$UXl,OOO: lantl!:k,.'ll.J)P,d W/ru!Oic deck tlOO.OOO. 612-!iJ!ll or 54-Ml706 v ~~~;•,r,_•,•0 1· I' r J .r:~100· &~.ooo~Plt f.oosi ~.'~~: ~-~ s:s"v. .. ~: 49.)..4728 eve3 .t: ~s _ t Prine. only: 6"'4-5~;,G. pa tio. Grount11 fenc«J A 2 BR, 2 Ba "'8-~rfront oontlo • 1 t\·t. fl.j(), VUI pd. 88.1 lfle. J Br TURTLEROC'K TERRACE I BE A trrJnJI~ O~in1rron1 ~prtnkl~rtd. A II s u nl 11 b I e Secin'll)"pool·J<tcut.il·n1nr lna • ~~ I I I I I I I I I I roR Sail". Ba.lboa lalanrl Lot hi.:.. l tepA: to bt!ech x..,. Vie~ UCJ ~ llghlJL 60 Pll!n. Apl, 7BR, 2BA, $67,$00. agt loon, $46,0CD. Tolle Rt!altors, $99.SOO. Agtnt 6~353l. -· • · • · · · · • • -eourt~y to brokml, 64j,3SZi Bch. Alt. Fee. '97!44.3o 4 BR.l'R. $120.00o. 8,13.8719 <(»..l~ 1 "86-8::00. S<ifldkTtCiiii .•.•. G·l~ SCRAM-LITS Answon In Cl1Mlffcoll~ IOIO a 61Ulll5 , Oaulfltd Ado ...... ec:ii1i. ' -. -• -.. . .. ' . . . -. -' l I I • 1 • , SundAy, J111y 21. 1974 ' ''!"""~!:wi6""i' I ...!!..-Unfumhhod , -~·:'""" ~.,..i~,-1 . kOuM• lltlfunri~~ I, Ht;""' Unfurnl"'°" Ap"tnia~urnl1hod ···,~~1rtmen11 Unfu~n_. I '\P•rtments 11hlll!~.'I • iJ06 1 1 ~·-• def Mar ' '1222 Hunil~11.on \\Heh 1,3240 L ....... Nlguol 32521 Sin Ju1n I !l!!~l•nd 1706 lillioi Joi ind ~806 Coot• Mall . -4 If.~-~--~ "'""" F1>1·. 1.,.,,., -... 1""' mo. "· ' • 't ') •' ill.111 1 Ult~tr~. Utll , 1io: 11ALBOA Jwland, ytW'ly. 3 , , DAIL~ PILQT ~ Unfurn. i Ap1rJme,t1 \f~!urn.? 3824 1 c .... -312' t-p·;; f=E BAJ.llOA' .1..'".''"I"' .,,ci •rml n,•·. CHam.'".i.NG! .~ .• ·-,. ·!llij ., .,... : ~7,1 .me£. .. "" ' .... 13:1.; - wN0h11cn• rt!lll•I, Sept 10 June. 1 ~'J f! l~.1ullfully d~ralod. Adull ·~~ vlcw l • PA~1$·... ,: 'l'rorl)' Nvw ur Se 1 Bdrm, 2 Bath. Pct1 & * * •h1df'nl11 ~"CAlit. »JO. I \'try 1harP . twli btdroG J'l'l. occupied. 2 an duplex. 2 nc :111 1111 ·r· ' u -:-' t bi3-717~ p . chlldntn OK. P&rkllli: $.ti() I f?MT98. '"''O ~th ho ,111 ' c:u-pr., w/wllShtt A: rll')lf:r ~Ualllfi:'~f fuJJrii~r poWd dl·np.:):V,1(11.~11 0 ln I'. . --n10, 61~7910 A UM! Rln ' Brothc ,. nwi ., 1 8 hookuv. One ndle tv ocean, tltsM!.~ (fllmlcd entij gate. Encl £fl~3W\'. Laundry ral'1l , I UJP.. l)l•11u11lully !urn, Vu or --, . no r i: n l•lboe '•nln1ule 31071 ~k.lln. pool furui.hed I Nr TIC\\' Civic Center •ntJ DfACb parid11a. 11.fcn>alkl(l \~o l k" to brtlch & ~hopptll~. tlfi)', l\Ulf( ~z I.It'd. d/I~', v)~~TBr n=~::;:'l.~h~~ ~~· . MEo""tr'E''R0tn~eN"EA' N * i 1..1 Ntw · 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM -1 Park. 1 ChUd OK. No do(.'1. club w·pl)l)I, . tf'nnl1J, Now $!25. \1';111/1crl tif)'\:r, $325, 673-01.M 1351 ; Op 1• 1W1-4 307 ' • KA BA~'RONT ~ Br, 4 Ri:t , Super IOtttlon llOUth ot _96'1-1471 181< lo!_~~-attractlwl,y de<»r. " BR. _ ___;!.._ <19N~1079 • 8alboa-Penllisula---Ji07 '' 11.. · pltr, ftMI . \\~If. \\!lruf'r, h\ii:hW&)' • •Ptocio111 dne SPACIOUS a,... Q>Otl1111 T n)() f1101 m\, \I'll.I~ yq, cuy NE)\' DUW.E¥' Rvt th 'J Y1U..Y, AyaU J"IGW, 1 BR. VILLAGE r::I Avail.'~)(, l.41h, l;>td1'00l1) t'ir.O ftm')' -,IQtA "ot new, 4 1in. 2llA. e1ihcdrai ,GMl(/ll~nanct. $545. l.c'll!IC. cAr't-llr:', 2 a~:<t ,,_J.;:ttll· SU~J,\11-;R & \\'INTEll New, blUrtl, drapa:. Call .IJll "'OOd P&ntll03, fb'()plaoe, Cflllln8't. aarden kltcMn, 49..1-5769. _ m1, Teunla. nr Be1ich, s~·,_ l.A>\•cly, l'le&.n •1 BR. ~115 li73-UIJ aiiytlme. I ' .. I SpHI Level Apt1 Uni. AVAIL NOW! ,, • , ·' • ~ 1 l~a~ , $400, per mo. No fee ;~E.· • 3 BR 2 BA do' Dbl .,,:r-j ~11('. blOfk IQ Bay. $129 and Co5la ?-.tes11. adjuctnt 10 Loll Bedroozn• e f'rplc'll e leacon S.y 311~ ~-uPlfflded thruout . One yr 11·~ •1 ~L i nw. t00-&63 aik to1· Jeff. ·I or ;,. Ono block to oceun-. Balboa Peninsula 3 907 An address of dis~incuon tn F'EA'run.1NC; ~cpN Bay, 2BR, 2BA, ! , ._ lfioOker, 89:J..13tl1 .. ' ', t'\ ff ;t..(, \II, Ca 'VIiias. t;o, '4:yJ -3110;. ~i..:.j pc1: \l'l!Ck. 1124 \\1, Bal· CUTE A$ A BUG N11wporl Beach., 'Bs~boa. Cersn1lc tlle ·kilc~en11 .. Ex· )o\efY Jll!_t\O, pvt beo.ch & 1 . EX'.Ec. .3. en.. ,2 be. \\'/pxll. :m: 4 1 2~ 967..J611 _Lou Uhd. . 2 BR studio duplex. 1 hoWIQ. and the Southl11.nd' f1nc~1 I Poied Beain Cclfing&. En· doclu. $450 ~.r llJQ. fm..3'1Jj 1 • ill Nrl Mat:.tl t'en-na.l "dininn, tty --· , , •-· CllAR./\llNG BALBOA INN f.rom ot:enn. Adult11, no pets. commlfllltles. elo•ed Pp.U os II Pool I,; It wkend11 at ewt, 67l-fq43 · -• , • ., ~ • 1,-. J:, tiun rn1, •tone frplc 1 ~ 1 use Santi' Ana •· · -'3280 OrJ('n July 27th. Nc\vJ.y . 2U E. Bnlboa Blvd 675-8720 UNFURNISHED rnh.ny other C011veri.ience~ Cororui del Mer 312.2 Call 615--7225 , , c11thedrnl ct!lllfllra. $450. n\O . ..,,,. pi60, fiffrill, etc. Not d1~ccu·fltl'll. ~mer & or (1 )983-5872 t Bedropm $!7::i Atl ului .on!y. 1 i _.._,. , . fncldl,n,( J!OOl 1erv. Avail. ,.~ ~~•Of .lw)lhJc. SO. COAST SHOR.ES ~tcr rentals. 67~..0. N&\V exocuU\'e 3 Br 2 a a l Bedroon1 & Den S2'l0 HAYLOFT 'PTS , , Cl :M'~CS.( ~·~· ijl't>, "1&! Jmmed. 968-3450. · .~69 ;r.t. t" " BRANO NEW e x cc u t J \' 1• \'EARLY, 3 BR. Very cleo.n, opti (2). E. ot Pavilion. 2 Bedroorns S2·13 A • 1 . ~'°'~ liili ~Or' 3 BR, 2~S Ba, Blt·ln1, Frplc, ~~CUL.AR ,~. vt""" l~et -:RR. ll~!th ~'Ol~'lerl . 1,a Blk to Bay & Ocean. $275, S-tSO. mo. yrly. :'i.lr. S"1ng, 2 Br Townhouse $270 . • . .. . -· ... '-" ·-1,._.-.c. ) , Privute ·nrea, Tennis, Pooh, pk1,v.>,CIOtnJ1f.;l Ur, t\eri -+ hi1':e fq~!l n'll:lifl. n10. 673-6055 or 673-9045 m-1011or 8"2-2iJi. · 213 AVOCAkO I ' • I """ h " :.Cu ..... _ klrCti r I Please coll tor AvaUabUitle~ I.I I~ L..vrtl en 'J14t e c. :·1 · ';""'tc · NO.fETS. \.'~,, ~· -·!"J..'~:--, • .rri • PrlVBte oon1mu~tty, pool, 1 2 Bit l BA v.·intcr, 1 h.se to 1 BR, $100 111thly,. nrst. ~ n J COSTA MESA Leall(;tr.a; 'f. Sale. OWner. cf11, drpl, ~h _prtvt & Muna, jncuz:d, ref' rm ncca.n J)Sh\vhr Jg iwms last, 3td fioor "'/view. ~' The charm of Old \\'orld '4S.01.U lBR, ~ful'l'l/u~fUrn". MUiP, &16-5971 . . , ·~.!1:'~ Y'90 mo. ;•/po01 !able. 65Hnl! b~k $.."'.!D. incl utll. s!za-8531 . F.. Bay, No. 6, f2lll 69'1·1100 Spain &\\'aits yoU in Cc.ta l2 Noon to 7 ro I!c:'if 01r1~~k t.ci~~~:ch-" $100. MOVI! IN 'I 4 .BR. v~~r 18~ A ! ~I>l"n2Bli, LE:AsE. O:t, 10~~1 ~~~~f:D CorOiia dei"M.r :1722 c~ lut~R,&$t~ r~t-1a~1~ ~~~~~!,n'711~~~~ .\10n . thl'u s~. Lido l1le 3156 ALL()W~C:E j11.cuµI, "'a1k to ocean $325. $350, mo . ..m..472S n ·c-i; &: _C:APJ fit. ll~J!~~ S~IALL 2 RR. uppt'r; u1 il. ~uded. 9fiS..3856 coun~ is the ~tting where i ~~~'"'!~""""'!!"~I ~ 3 Sr. 2~i .. ~bllfl1, trplc,I Aak..lol;.Mll. SNIDf;R aii.. v.1u)(i&, -' l.E.ASE, bcauti!ul 3 bcdr1n l pd. S210 l\lo .. yeru~y. Quiet BACH. ·Apt Yearly Just ~~,a~sc o~ l~s,~\~.:~,Off Tbe ·Beltlfl ... hlh CONTEMP o1 BR 3 BA c.;tt1!5'~·-._rttt •·tnnmot t 4471.·~ · .., CHARMING townhouse \'o'tlh bonW1 m 1,cpts,drps,l rnarTied cpl 00 pe t • -~~,d .11<5 .,·, mo i I 1 Y pa Y 1 , • ' ' ~ l ~ ... " C ~· .!< 'j · · 1' )la U A • 1st $:?25 · · re,,......,.,. · · "' 111 over 1>1.reams an' bltns. nva ll &tp_t 1. \\'inter • art 5t 3 BR. 2 BA, Sllll::le1, children 2BR/2BA. $2-$0 mo. N!"-•ell • ll\'& ·iF~ R E · 1 6i~:l.lll -UtU inl'ld, 67r7Q59. • ponrl!I 10 the door of .your 1 r . J $465. Yrl~ $:'JOO,"!°· 67H923 ... ...,~y t'OTT~\GES : -2 Btt. I & • pell OK. $285. Call Auoclate.. 4~ ~L.1Wo. V1 a .. c . ~. UJVELY l er:, [M!Uo, nlceJy c,ron1 del Mir 3122 villll apnnruent. , . l Spacious Carden Apts. Mau V1rlk 3163 ! fpl S, 11~ blki> to bch $.800. 835--0211 w1 1?8iC 149B to Lido Ille . ~ 3256 s.wa. lo '2.'IA.L f\Ji;n. l ~ll Blkli to beach. r -Fireplaces, wet ba r s, · •\dul LS.·.No l~UI • -~ . j ti' , JllO. 5 blks to ~ $2'?ii. nlCI. le11Vt ~me A number 'far · ·111· ~l! • \' :·r~ $190. mo. 673-6101'. ' · ' CllEERnJL 2 Br garage l>Pamed ceilings, "' oo d : ~~.~io~ci~Vi'::!:'. MES~'Venfti"' I' R , 2 D{A :·' )'l'ly. lial Plnchhi,_ Ritt. return f all •• : 1 t * * *' -l~ , lWI..!" ,\fl ~ C t Me i 724 apt. Pvt ~tlo. rangt, frig,! !)8ne~i_ng. • J 1 'Ully1_ tt1UEPIW~'ho1ne . 67:-r4392. 1 LO\lt6.L'i""'bl',...:l-.0.,-4it ~.~n.d... , ·. f ~iCf '::..7 os• ~~ .. , ~e.,. L~roo~·:..On1y 1 -J.'a&h~n de11~00.colo.r-·~~~~a~e<;,~1:SQ's Years ~l~Mt, :Aft ·~Pl t. HARBOit VJe\y Jlllls, OffM ,to OCf!B!l· Newly de<m".1 1.'..4 ~ 'l I ,; -=--~ ! i~ ~~~·Jr•' $30 WEEK & UP sal. v.•/isc. Xlnt loc. Open coordinated nter1ors, "'ltll 1 &: 2 BR's. $170.Sl&l I • ·~~.o(llj1 S·Ci'.f ,nlOt "bay view:' S BR,~· ln/ou.t.. Singl:....:in.1ide-re<t. • -it\ . . e 'Studio &lBR'Apts. dally '12-~; ~l2~i J asrnJnc, _cP'if~:~~draJ:,stOii and •Gas & \\later Pd. Garage . / nu., 3 ba. Pri1.1 •. enc.1. pntio $325... Le:a.t;e. :\. ·~-l You 11re the v.·inner of · , · • , '· •• e TV & ~lt(Jd Servit--e Avail. 642-8367' . halL-onies. . I l~ MANCHA APTS. ,New}>ort-Be1ch 3169 '"/pool, $750 Mo. on ~· 4 B'li1 S ti11., lam rm , IJ'Q'.-',TWO FR!l l'ICKETS !, -~-.llM• ~11..,. e Phone Service-Htd. pool LARGE ~ 3 Br, 2 Ba -Coinniunlly" ·Centtr. "·irh '778 Scori Place. C.M. "• .. ...!!"· Agt. 6r.rST21& 1, .( bonys ml, healed pool, )'rd!/ I ·I thcl \' h\"Cl;l i>llOt· h'.>tlt'll it" Conin11 • Children & Pet SccUOf! tluplex. So, of Cit "''Y· All SJ)Rcious lounges, billlard & . 642-20:07 NEWPdif1 i&.ACH 3BR, 2BA + tam. tm, lrg I: pool main! furn, 9A-ol!ll R~NGiiNS B'RoS AND del_J.M ~~ 1~6tto'ui1-.pQo1. 237~ Newt_>Ort Bl_\'d., C~ ne11• app~ia11ce1i, clo!IC to pina: pong_.1'90ms. El p rt M B~UTito""UL IIM'/p:atiq1 ali8..1f.m~ V,~MT 2 BR $.l.65 ~l Blt'l. BARNUM & BAILEY ~-> .... ~ .• f I j• ?. 1 . 548-9755 or ~w!. rl ffOOk & lic;hool. rront un it ,-3 ~.....,.tmm1ng ~ls. 01_.1tdoor u• 0 eta . 1.i'::1e)~~n~ ~~~~:1~ ~ ,. ~,.~a··(~~,/1 ~:A~ t:!e~~~ ~'.j CfRCUS 12. _Corona de\ ~lnr .~ ~;!;nf WSus tlsrr~s* 67~30 d!;s, ~:1~ ~e~~: I ~~~~~::. ntght-hg~ted 1 BR. ~16~ ~rp Unfurn. All uA.1 le • , .l· 4 brr ;a, 1 BR•' oondo be ~· · · at tbc lugh1vsy · Three_ bedroom I !\llnutes to Ne\\'POrt Beach. AVAIL Aug ht lovely 3 Br ·~calth spa with gym,nasium All Utll. Pa;d 'ani,"Or,.1:1un\!lif'»J:.,~S,Q1.. ., ~,t. 1 m· , • near a. • ANAHEIM twu story, char 1n1ng home, Bachelors & t Bdrm. From 2 Ba. lo~er unit Pool' ape\ separat~ mens alld I I ,Gr~nifYi ~Jr'. heh . $495 mo. LeaSe 0puonJ1 ~::~~~1 SlOO. mo. ·No, CONVENTION CENTER Ur_cplace:, beamed ceilings. $150. Ad ults, no pets .. 2110 fenCed patio, irplc. Chndre~ 11:omen·s YaClllt~e~. including N~1i~~~e~~:S , 67s:6 ~ I ownr "ill Dn. '$15<1. · -"' 800 _\V. Ka1ellu, Anaheln1 $4j(). • 1 Ne"·port Blvd.. C.M. ""eloome. 6 mo. niin. lease, s., .--Ja> :..~~ re 9 M 1 C M * BEACON BAY.-.. , C {i \M. ''" • f r3~4 3~.11+ D:~~e yer~I:• ·~·~fftP.""'"~,333 3. L11-ndlords! U't' have lensed BEAUT. 1 BR., lot• of .bit-ins, S350. (i.14-9400 days or 1 -~ni*-~ ~!1-~ J ~'.. su 195 •Pe Ave., • , _ . . ,· · I 01 a u ·-5trr 11 0~ · 962_ • mo. • ,~. ~-~~ our llatlnga .• For su~rb poo,I, .... ·atk ~ shopping. ~~ 614-9344 e..·cii. -~~illt iQft.~fOrj.lhose Park-like j 2 Bdm\5(,. ~.baU.,: fOJ.11. 2 ·BDR!'of, din mi, a.rage, 444 r 5585· , ~~.\~!fti. '"'! "~ st'rvice, call lll for hon1cs, ?Ill. beach. $150. nw. 001 \\!.NEW, spaclowi, deluxe 3 Br, "·itl~~,.i..,:. Wf SIM'reundlrids, 1 , ~.,pa.liq, ,)'$uiY ~cp(C fcn<.-ed for pet. i 5 Brit 2BA. fonnal dining PROF DEOOM-r.ED A~R. 2 a p a.rt m c n \s to list. 19th St. ~om 2 Ba, walk to beach m -Oinveriie!ltiy located to all DELUXE i t!f Bf":'\pts . .. ~~r ~fiif ,' ~IS-j,j27 EUNGALO\Y .. 2 Br $19.'i. room. One stap" oew patnt. Ba, bll·ihs1 Oshwshr, lle;>s l'"'urn lshed or unfw11lshed. 1 'BDR!'.1, Jarse; ideal ·tor shopplm::. Avail. Aug. lit. of SouUll!Ol Califomia,·just Pvt Patbi r,J-l~Pool I mas , · a . Garage, kid; ok, avail . UGO 5 · tt. 89 -2328. .lo priv. beach. Reduced to , . 'Cal .• lnll : j"f. bachelors. Adults. S165. & $395. Adults. 673-29U minutes: from the Pacific Nr. Shop1g • .-,((!uha only. 3 B*', .1 "' .~· ~ts1de BKI~G pet 2 Bf r.m. Fenced 2 YEAR old 2 Br. do~ble $025 mo. J\1 utt I c a Be. 1 l ,..ft'a;-$175. 1993 O!urch. 5t8-9633. BEAUT, ocean vie\\', 3 Br, 2 Ocea.n a.nd. Nello-port Bell.Ch Martinique Apts, I iho~-er .. \Vln1er R e ~ •a I . yd, garage. · ~~· 5 ·bloc~ to bei.ch.1 673-88'73 or 833-1316" 1 \\'ANT Privacy! Lg. 1 br, Ba. bltns, garage, pvt beach O\'erlook1 ng the".Costa ?-.1esa I \\'a t c'T I r ?n 1 · St>Jil·J une. · Homeflnclers * "2~"'90 $265. mo. 968--0&52 .ntENCI! Twnhse w-view. J tum or unf , adults, no pets. prlvp. $375. Adult 1 · Cowitry Club. l\~~~Jl.~a. Av~ .• CM ' 6~~ f r'fllc. blln s. J 132 Cabrillo, Costa Mea. lfv~e ,, ti'~ 13-244 BR, 3 be. Ir d.en . .E_.a-11 end. $150. 2860 LaSalle~ 8974225. 673-81~ OPEN EVERY DAY 2 BR APT. Klds OK, N• j ; : I UTlL Pd 1 BR •trpti:. S135. -~ . Lg sunny patio. $650. yrly. LGE 2 Br furn apt Close to LARGE bachelor. 2 blks HOURS: 9:?.Cl to 5:?.0 $175 , ~RLl: BJ··iJroha. r~ lirln1:y00rpeto~chUd-now *RENTALS* ' 64().8T[Z,qr 6T;H896., ~ing. Adults .only, no ocean. Ulll incl. $187. Lse. Directions to l\Jeditcrra.nean pets. ·s:s!!l& m~~&._r.e 'Att~1 GT~ . , p~· OK, l BR Houae, $150. \'lllaae 1 Univ. Perk. Irv. YEAR le11.se, 3. BR, 2 ba . pct~. Inq. 179~~ RoCl\ester' Adults. No pets. 675.-4174 Village: From the San ~o~.-.-.~,-.~.,-.,----3~1~2~e 1,.-=;-oc-~,..-:°'.::;:---,::-:= Lilli "pd. Close in, avf.11. llOW 3 Bd. s.,1 2 ba. S375 frplc, patio. B l' a U t.1f u I BAYFRONT on big b&y 5 j l BR encl patio ·carport.. 6 LARGE 2 Br, 2 Ba, 2 blks Diego Free\l·ay: Harbor I---------" 3 Bl,t. .. •2 ~.' bcuch hou.;:c another f0t' l o4der ~nt. 3 Q.dnn1., 2\1: Ba. '425. rondltkrn. $tt70. 538-6!t;.• Br, 2~2 . Ba.,. remodel~d. ! nios' lse. tl..l»•.' mo. Call ®.n1 betlah. $275. CaU after Blvd ..• South 2 miles. Or OCEAN Vu dclux 2 BR, 2 ~13\~t-~il. Sept. $32S. I Nt::AT 1 BR. Gar. Apt: ,UO., VUlage IJI Uplv. Park, Jr\f . .r 3_BR, :f" BA, S!fA.~ P\1. Mndy bead1. Children 11 673'-513~. 5 pm, 673-4678 from Ne~'POrl B'lvd., turn BA, furn-unfum. $250 up. 1--:-;-~~...,=.-,.,---,-ut ll_1xl. alao 2 BR, 'Wldeck, 3 Bclnns., 2 ba. $3GO $650. v,er 010. Availab,lc ok. 673-0045 or 673-6056 1 Rf.I. + COTTAGE, UHL Cost• Mesii 3824 North on Harbor Blvd. lrg: rec ,rn1, liUb.gar, imn1e1 Houses Unfurnr1hed $18.:. "~"-. 3 Bd1.ns .. 2% ba . $475 /10\V. 6-12-5851 Brlcr. T\VN~ on•ba;r, l ·BR .r:;2\li pd. 5145. mo. -EAN oc'c:;" .24831 La 'Paz Rd G.".r.I 3202 i\LA RENTALS 642-8383 Park II Urtlv. P11.rk, Irv. Mission Viejo 3267 ba, 2' car i:::ar , bonf slip. yr &lJ-1401 2 BR . + den, tripl~x. r.tEDITEP.~A.lll -613-4801 till 5, ~2958. Newport & Bay, C.M. 3 B<irm!f., 2 b11.. $400 lse-. 5495-$595. 6'16·2700. . I , Everything new, huge paho, VJLl..A E 2 SR, prlv. sundtck, me1 1111 ~ . ') EXCElLENT RENTAL.<; The Terrace, Univ. Park, Irv. 4 BR, r·am-rm, near NE\V. C nd F 3400 D ana Point 372' f~lc, bltns. Adlt cpls. S225. Cos~r.re~~C:i\f~:nia g 8 r. rn dry ' s 19 5. ~lA. ··~TAi.S 3-eR.. fa n1 rin. din nn, 3 Bdrm~. 2 ba., new $400 Crpls & tlish"·a.sher. $335. o o1 urn -OCEAN' VIE\\' s paciOus part· !J'r.t-3432 9262ti '196-76&1/611)..4533 cnlllfl • wt W1c:1i1.uu"" MIYICI Turtlerock, gar d c n er . 2 ~tj·~ ~k ~~ne $350 ~7~~ St _age c oac h • NE\VPORT Beach, on "'ater, I ly furn. 2 aR. apts .. Ne\l•ly 2 BDRM ho~- 0 ?-.la1Tied -Fair Housing -a pm. 11•ater, ASllOC. fee paid. 1-3 .. EklrmS lJ>a FR $4ZS ' • 2 bedrom E xec uti ve decorated $2C6 mo ,vi.th couple, 1 chtld K. $170. Telephone t714) 557-&r.ll "OCEAl"""~.~N~,1~,.-.-. ~,~B~R~.~B~lt~.,-.,.-.' f rfjll HOutEI Year lease, $52j mo. Close 2 Bdrnu1" 2 bo' $425 Newport Beach 3269 Condbmlnlum, AYrn. super lease. In<Pitre mi ~ Cres-Refs. 351 AvocRdo, C?tl. refrig, iatnge. Trash &. rNJS j Ill pool & aJJ amenities. 4 Bd ·• ba, $17• view. Boar Slip.<. fool, ta Dr op 496--0844 642"-0857 NEWPQRT \Valer paid. Adults, no pets. I I l +ou'1.S University Park, 3 BR, 2 1 mls., 3 ' . a e BAYCREST e jricuzzl. Avail -~ & Au· ' . . * ELl\1 GARDENS APTS APARTME-NT~ S165./mo. 493-2517, 445-400t ·. RA, single slocy, $liO. mo. G~ntrt'e Hon\es ~ • 48R-3BA-Pool ;;ust & Se pt. \Vf'Ck or mon!h. 2 B.R ~ivly decorated, $250. UNFURN. 2 BR 11.pt in 1 • .l/lllWPOl:t 'MT,C.M. 642·UU Close to pool " e 11 3 lfdnus., 2 be. $385 0 d al 1 11 thru', Av ii P.hone days 71-1: , i2!Hl66l Util included. C_!lhlc TV. Adult Section. 177 E. 2 BR. Unf $145/ !1.10. Huntirigton Beach 3840l I C. ME.l)A 1 guy l Br hse ~ amenities. Bkr m-3380 Udo Isle, N..«t_wport Beach I ur ~-1..! I .. ---1.~ .. ." e..ves.._7.1!1:_673-7023 .1\lr. _960-r.;:;;":;·12;;;;•';;;':i'!l6-0l~j::95i;.;--u;iiil=:'""°~~St~ .. ,;c'=.'!cM':,·C:64~2-J645':::!:'.!'·~ UTAdulLlltsT.lENOSo PPA•tsfD ~ I l"A' ~ 3 Blk•'·t-o -. .--from -or-be.ch $90 util·pd-~ -i Bdrm!!., 2 DH, $890 mm.;u.-ease ..... b. II d H . •=h 37·,.,. ' ...,.. ........... NE\\'PORT .00.ch Ji45. 11.vnll I ll~RllY o_n I~~ 2 Br $180 / CA~L i552·7S00 . ,_ kl~eh. \.\·/eating area, spac. ea . ~t1n9ton D9M; • ..v SPACIOUS 2 Br, bltns, crpts, 2(50 Nev.·port B\\'d., ·Q.I 1 this l;e 2 BR apl. Antique 1! Huntington bach $125. now ! s1ngle5, kids · , .• VISION • bk )d. Pref. ~me °"'™:r Condos Unh.trn. 3425 f"ROl!t 5139 1/2 mi to be h drps, imol, Irple, gar. Call 642-71i~ I gold shall: crpt.s, drp!i, Ile'\\ • Fncd w-1 & c:hlld I ready, kid ok. . to W31l \o btiy'liflf tntcrest BEAlITi t""U_l.. North tn·inc , c~ , .;• ~&•j81Pl.~~S _!acil. ~1!9_ !Mi3--532l __ J-IE\' Joo« 2 Br hQUAe $].;)I). •E-,S IDE 2 Br $1SO. \a.cant&; \\1t0~i11 .rel~1J.ni:: ,I: ~I s . B~UTir,Uurot.\"'NE,sL& Adulta, ~pets. 376 w. Bay, I awt.s. encl ::::ar. I: 11\undry ALL. ]f.in·~·~ di>lx,·lri si;,o. HltJNG a pet 2 Br Sl.85._ Fncd ' REA· 'l'V ' rates 1011.-er. S725.-n\O. inc. TOl.\:~se. 3BR. 2 B IJ... P~i~I...SG TENNIS. PRIV. $UT. IBR Duplex. ~tatrled s~lnz l\e'I\'. i "'BR sns. NEW 8~~1:4 APl S ".K . ..,. l 1 j ya.rdilgarage.. •. • .,., . gardener & pool sci'\'. U t 1l 1t y r oom. A i r , •. ~en .APl,1,. k B"•B'••-.~" w tba I ,~ , ii~ lds,:i~'iti~"i'.$~ Si Homefif'Clers *642MOQ ~ * liill wmpany . , , Pl10ne: 646:-52811 tr•SU-l.915 conditiornng. l~:tllo: Ci rage. 5al'wS, JQPJZ1.l. ~-car ~K1 cooi:~.,:~.i:~ ~in:'. ~~~1 H~2£7Se~~~ S0~~~3 ~~ L/AU?!L IE\\ 1 .;'.O~ for~~-· .... "!°" 132 Cabrillo~ Celta..Mesa Univ. Partt ·center, IMM $165 'tf'Fl~ '~el""'el"l: Nr. schools. ~~'Wuse_ o[ . g. 1323. • ~pe , rnr. Meu,".'Dri.ve). 64. '-. . 12-1 8th Ml t i:~~ .: ~,142 ! 'J'1'1" .. -:;;J. , t .-.. . .. .. , . ,, ~w _, ·. rotnmunlfY. pool. Ater &11 • · WJMa · '~~ n . ru\M _.(Jpd .2 ~· ~ ~.: 3 Bi.t. l~ ba, ~hly painted 2 BR CooOO •••• $%3.5/~mo i4e' Bdr. l bl 11.{.'n;-·nai _Pe~Ul cabie TV-" paid. $296;' n10. . ~ . ' ' u~2 BC." Cpt.li, dl'Ps. I 2 Birt 2~.l:\'1111rrrop\ ~u pain(. al~bltnt f?-W,.g,r.1 lnside & ~t. New <;PUI, 2 M·~ '.Jt.;''265~ Qill'.J\!l:llY Jge 21Bi;St, 2 lease: Wl -5151. Avt1 1l Aug., · ~ , lei m g/ovin Fam. only, No &\~ ~ LO.~t., uril. Beac=t'i, \tv\~lio •t-lns. COltC,EOl.JS ~ B!j,.;t·bouse drps. l,.i{ 1~ ~m1lles 3 Sit. _ , CIOI • .••• ~"&"·™ Ba \V/4b~ • ~~ ~pool. 1st ., • ./ 'f': , pets Sl50 758 Sh11.limnr · paid, jlOO), Jacuzz__!, CI D. S220 111'1 J63-,J~ 0 r $295, 'Kldi'& ~ls-;i;,.ct1r ' • 1 only. Refs ri.q'~· -Jtiel per l _BR R.>mes • '300. '325, $335"· Qll\t ~ . • -, ' " . . .. 1 ' • • •• • t-etrii & gai:age. _l adult 963-Sssa :/l ...i A • r SHARP 3 B'r hi>u•c $72.1. iJOw 1no. Absi:tltltt.,, W1 pets. 3 BRlliomes. $360,$315;1$JOl:t $375 3 s<Ii', "l ii' )~ frplc. 3 BR condo Mlss101~. V1c.)O"I , ~ ·!-W>.$..TIZJ ~J..-7 -.;..-• 5'8-0358 only, yrty. 393 Hamilton, c . ,. ,E.C.l\f. iitv-ref, C~D, 1e11ragc !>49-1058; 5'16-4141 Ast. , i BR Ho1ne11 ... $333,$395, $425 Double ·gar; )oUd,t p1Ltio Closed k ''s~~e . .,,.K3•~85s. & -if USEO,~UCS-t ''~> ) BR unfurn, 1tove A re!rlg ~f. $160/195. 6 4 5 -4 41 1 : LARGE 2 BR studio. Couple. Sl:.-VERAL 3 Br, l Ba $250-LEASE·0cean View, 4 Br, R·~Ui l\EAL'l'!" Nc~'POrt Shoros. · peta 0 · · "'"'" .. ~.,.. ~ or j · -870-4564'~ -$140. Pret niid age cpl or 6-12-1960 .. • ~. Infant 01{. No peu. $157.50 2T.i Pallo, 2 c1ar, J<ids It: pets :2Mt Ba, ne\I' Crpts, Drps, RA~~l·'::At,.Y NU.VIEW RENTALS 837·6050 ext 231. Laguna Niguel 3752 r~11~8. No children 01· pet11. LRG 1 R;,1 bachEilot• apt, \Verner & Beach. 84~40 ~tnny to c 100sc iron1. ~·et Bnr, freshly v.•allpap.. 673-40?,0 or 49-1-3248 Len.se, Univ. l'ark, 3BR. '.! fi~M-VO't freshly pain led, · crpt'd, nr. OCEA:.NFRON'f, sma.ll lBR. C«ll us 01' ooinc by. f ert'd, big yarrl, fruit trees. TU-;,,~~AtTY *-SriU°IHffbor Rd-.. BA .. D1;,e.placc, µa1io, pool. \VEST NINE condo. 2 BR, 2 SHARP &: CLEAN. 3 O.C.C. & shops., ~ 9 $285./tno. Judy Yoona . .__, $400. nio. 642-0415, Avail 8/1. * 832-Slll * :.! Bil bo. 1 . 1 ' lcnn1s. aJ2-1260-~ _ B_A. \Veckly or yearly. Bedroon1s, 2 bath apt for to 12 noon, 9S-I El ~mmo or 842-fSIO or ~fgr: 536·1487. i. F~: }~:E~DL~~e: .foct~v EXTRA lge moden1 4 Br, 2 2 EXCEU.ENT RENTALS I "'artl~ns1 (l~c1J. ~~=t:b~~~· 2 BR t-'Ondo, AjC~'tm. /\\•1til:-~l732 -'196-8877 lea~se., ~·A...,.r..~o54&!i11.li. call 539-3473 art 5'l:Jm. \VALl\ to beach. 1 BR, I BA, ' I Ba. ..t ..t~o in xlnt sing19. irtt1t 11 $300 :P.1o lh ' 8/15. ,64;)..348.3 or 837-60::.0, ne---!. ''A'"n . HARBOR VILLA APTS. $180. mo. 3 BR. 2~ ba., $350 .• ALA R.-,t• s [ 6421383 raWiily'"'~afta. $-IOO. mo. 3 BR', fu.m nn, din nn, Tur--ees. · n · ext 231. Newport Beach 3769 DU • 1 Slory, l BR, SQUEAKY CLEAN! mo. 894-46411 Agent LAND.LORDS! ~ req'd .. 6,'.j7-nGS iM lleroc~. g~ener, \1'11.ler, -GEM MISSION VI l::JO. 3BR,28A. gar, fer yd, loc. on Oil·de· Unlurn 1 & 2 Br • patios. 1 2 BR, 2 BA upper, bltn gas !1.lB-3900 alle~ 6 IK!l-· t--= ·f;: paidCi l-3 Ye11.r l~F Tustin A\'e., N.B. Nu oondo. Air. 1''il't'!placc. 1 BDRi\I ON CANAL s11.c, $200. mo. 2016 1-larion Br $135, 2 Br $160. Pool. range, cpts, drpe:, Sl!iO. mo . · ""' Specialize in Nt\VJ!!!r: 2 ft.. '!<I n""--Frplc gar &ea.J.al"I· S ~'°u· ooeU ·•to !?°1 REALTORS 642--1673 Avail lmmcd. 892·1219 Slftii. nlO. ADULTS. No pets. \Vay, E\'es. 6&-0lJ5 26ZI Harbor Blvd., C.i\I. l 0:84oi7"°·79~29""'""'-,,=".'.'.'.=-I Bt'ach e Coror111. de; '.\'far e on, , u-. • • "" amen1 es. Juw , ... ty I M POO' • · dul ... •-' Lawzna. Our Rent&! Sn -crpt.so rl drps, no ~ta Pa ~. l _ &R. 2 .BA., sloa~ -, \\1EST'CLIFF tu~ .. New 2 , nxi. · ~DULTS._._,o ~ts. :I BR, 2 BA, . .__ R.ENIAL-value.Jor __ a , ts OCE;AN..J blks. !BR 1Uuun.1, r ,1ce Is rnEE to You! Try pleasure:,. \\·ater, & trash ·s16h, '~.·mo ao.e.. to •.YEARLY RENTAL • BR. 2 BA, !pl. patio, pool. I Pref. girls. 645-6680. Fa mily 4·plex:, no pets. flOO. over 30. References l"t'q d. 2 stove , refrlg, d/v.'. frplc, Nu-Vlew~ aen•lt->t: paid. $250. 544-5100. poOI. •4 aJI' 11.m~tlei. Bk1' ! 2BR. den, 2BA, Pen Pl $375. Adl ts. $275. Pll: 646-4627 , $?~WK UP. I Br. 2 Ba. &: Nr So. coast Plaza, 979-6995 Br, 2 Ba to.,.,·nhouses .. ~ gar, 5.16-8142 e\'es, 536--0714 NU-VIEW RENTALS 8 to 5. · 8JH3so 2BR nu sba111 apt $2Th Ne\\'fXlrl Crest ·I htlnn., 3 ba. I Bach. Color TV, maid R rv. $155 • 2 BR Infants to 1 y~lloiv ~es for am.e.~ioe~. NEW, lrg, 2 BR 11.pt.; yll.l'd. :• 6734000 or 49-1-32.U FOR lease A}lf· 5th 1 storY B~F1Jl.... Nprth .ll)jM . 2B~!:':'J. ~5.fpl, sunke~ l.r. fllnl. rn1:, yrly ~I. TH~1 f.:~~~81N. ~~-QI~!. 2DTi Wallace, C.M. ~~l~a St~\ cs! Apts. 1'° \\. \\"alk to Huntington C.enter, -r HNTG-Beach, "·alk 10 beach condo, ·2 + 1, 2 car gar. ToWilhOOU ."''"l "BR, r2 BA. Coast Properties 673-MIO $415. l1replace. 642-31:JJ ~rt ·· · · · ~· S160.-mo. 714: 8'1&-5417 3 Br. $225. Pct ok. S:UO. Nr. pool. Nr. So. Cit. U t I Ii t y room. • At i · 2 8• ATH Large 2 ~bdm1 .'. tire~. --OCEANF~T Don'I 11ve ur. the thlpl 2 bdnn. 1nodem, crirts. drps, EX1RA Its 2 Br. 2· Ba dlx NWPr ,Bea~ J Br, 2 &l ~.CaU 55al-~·'*r.4 ':.mr'lditlonirc. Patio. Garose. , 4 BDRM, . shag; ~ams, 1;::1rdrn, q(iiel ~ YEARLY "List" Jt in c 11.ssi(ied, Ship rMge, adults, no pets. $175. poolside apt nr beach. $165 . ............ tp' sln,..le• ok , v 2 !"ii~· o:z Nr. ·schools:· Frtt UM! ot NC\v Harbo~ Vie~ .Honlc. adults. $'n5. J:.d.2.Jf5J JBR, 2ba. SSOOmo. 642-6793!l ~Jo!Sho~t"~l\~.,'.:ul~to~!~6'>-5'1~~~78. ~ti ~25~1~5~Et.l~d•="~"'::;·~41~13~#~~233J~~Fl~~o,~ida'.'.'.;:S~t=.5~36-5882~2]~J' a-ua~• • . "·"" '."; ' "' . L Fant 11.; t 1 c vie\\' nr .... it · ;;:c:..ci=::_.:=::;.::c:•_:::,;::71i_'::i::';"-~~~--:;;;:u HNTG Beach. bi ke ID bch 2 $ . AJso 2 If! · comJrltlJl.t~~--\Va.fer A SY.'inuning Pool t e '11 n 1 ~ "f.Takit ~noom' 'f"jf 'bltddvr; You oon·t need a gun to Irvine • . 3844 lrllln• , • · ·3844 Irvine · ,_, , 3844 Br sz;o. Kid~ ~ ~4' ok $1~ A.(t. Fee. 979-8'3CI · c;:, cable_ tv _ru~~· $29J mo. I cow1• park & a~hools. "$495. . .·• ·clean ·ou1. the gara'ge l ··ora\I' J-,ast" "'·hen YoU • ·; . ...! ~ · ·~-· Homeflnder1 * ~2·9900 BEA1Jl'-. 4 Bi· ~hie fur..!¥.,, 1~·: ~ 1. Avail Aua: .• mo. (714)64()-5868 ... lum thul jw1k into cash I place an ad in the DAILY , :, .. , ~ l.~2 Ca brlllo, Costa 1.frsa 1 quillty ~area. .. J"a~ily ~r¥Y· lit. • * SUPER HO?-.IE! 3 br, 2 \\ith 11. Daily J>llol Classified PJun:_ \Vant Ads! CaU 110\1' ;q 4._. , '. :f.._ JJ.~~-· Luxuriooa .. 111i11cl01.111. 9n !he $380. BY ()\\IIICr ~10 UNiVERSlTY P A ~ .~• ba, lg \villed yrd. Appli's, ad. Call 6-12-3678. -612-5678.. . . . , i . \veter, 21,~ luHhl,, 3 BR COLLEGE Park 3 ,Br, 2 Ba. Towuhou~ 3,Br, ~Ba, J:ll!j,,. full:i• Crpt'd, Lsc $450/nw Costa MeN 3724 1 Costa Mes• 3724 _upstRJrs, ·. 2l&i sg:. ft , fain nn, dbl ~ar •. blk wall, drps~ 1 a ~~~I 00 · incWs gardener. 152•1 A11ita -=:;:;;;:::::::;:;;::::::::::::;;;:-:.:,:::::;:===~I To1v11holtJ>C.. ·00o1,dock :ll the C/0. $315. 83lj-219G $49(t. ea,ee. ~ · . r::n. FOi' RppL, 6'1Z:.1121; r - door. rttin1 /or ~o· boitt.' ,~·----v~·~f;' $300 ?-.to. _Nr. CUl\'er &, e\'es 675--:wi:t-I ,, .; Bcalit ~1.aridaln,}' ~ .B.'\Y,, '1 • , 2 ba · ·~ \Va"ln)lt .4 B,r. 1~4. ba , bltna, ijiAC 4 BR. 2~; Ba condo Wh f th k•d Oxnard. LCl15C :.S·l:/J. '!'°· f . I, no tee. ""\ c~.J.k1d11Jpets i ok. AM O! 11.•/frpl4;. ~ prh·gs. Nr. OS' e new I 213: 7~T.'l'12-tl" '-.· ,,, '1 3 . 2 Ba I "'.* t!iM!. uwntt-MG!!IOOl [ Catholic;. <'liurch &. hl sch!. .. 1 f~ENTERSt , ...... '" · cri.n<ll'in OK. -lier~~cr,---B~ JrlJrt 2 ,Ba. ll\'llh-'lll\ $465/nio )\rly lse. 6-1-1--5043 , You C<!t All-;~, .HOIJl>H ... 979-53ZL ..• -,Ullt"bf.f>bol!f:-tenn\s, p,artftl; or67:H7!19 Dn1heM d(? avallable ff!f re~_l{l OU.R 2 BR. 1~, Ba • gar.' patio, etc. $350. Lease. ~7197. r DUPLEX* • : • . · • o •- BULLETIN'• JitJPO~ED 3 cpta, drps, blfiJi,:. ~$2dJ. 2346 LlgUM Be•ch 3_t41 j BLK from beach. 3 Br, 2 B~. Ume1/"•eek. Santa., Ana Ave.'· ·'T : ~· &:o\lo. .,.!)IC&[,.. ne_v.:-.J33D/$350 ---- H-ln<Mrs *·'42·-1 BR, 1.i 11oor: '""''Ii airy, 4 BDRM. +·FAMILY '>"1Y· "''°"""'' 8i2,6322 ' • 13'2 C'pbtillo, C.}1. ·-· nice· fl.pt for me.ni4!d· couple Loe~ on lge.' lf!'.•Pl lot 11t BEAUTIEUL .~~h"'W 11 MD 'f ·s A D 0 R I N N FRE&; . FREE Om tS. See it!·,Mr.1461 1 Top,or,the \\1or1a. SpacioU1 Lu= J~ifng · 75 thl1 ·ft· UJt 1 e J>rotcssional Servine • Dana Point 3226 4 bdrm. & fam. rm. floor N • "'.~_se:....~ .... 1,·1rno· , ,, ,, NEW · *LANDLORDS* · ... ,,.... •1'". t.ong "'· rm. """Shen.~ .. ~ · -BIW«J -. ~ ~ 2 'K \ge L\JiV:rn\,. to.I~ "'If l rep I a Ce. Buil\-ln HARB-Vu-Home, sale/lease. Home~li:MI•~~"*;"'~, patio.· stove" 4:..fiteief-: ,ar. kltctlen. Ari c.-.:ceJlenl family 4BR. 2~..Bt\. 2250-~. {t. Call "'; C••····· s34so &.:..u ... _p:::;::.. C"'alilornla • l..arieirt° fenced ;yd, f.le!ll"' Marlna. home tor only ~-7021. -• -.. .... ~. tiRent'al &tvlt--e!e Adults, no peti;. LEASE s-i;;o J\fONTH J?-.l~L\C. 3 br, 2~ C1I :::"';!.,;.:"",,.': . FOR ·Lease: NE\V 3 $225. Cull aft 6 PM &31-9126. MISSION. REALTY 494-0731 wa,terfront home. \'Carly. -.,,.,, , b c droon1 , 2 b11 th, AVAIL Aug,11!.ew 3 ht, l~i $18:1 NICE 1 BDR \V/&ar C11.IJ eves. &IO-ri866. • -• Lau~ll\'OOd Jll11io home In ba, f.p., cpt~out, close to No. End, near be'a ch • BLUFFS condo; end unit LiHf!• hlnll.ttM Tustin •. Cus101n d r " Pl' 11_, sehls, marina. $290. mo. Isl! $220' 2 BDR ix.-ean \.ic\I• Pool. 3 Bclnns., 2 baths 16k,...fecltltift ... .ti. land~ap!!li', pntios S37~-1 <71·1)82S-:-Om . apl Jge flock, sinl pet ok $38.5 l\fonth Broker l).U..{)134 W•i. .... ...,.c...,.. &H-_53.15 Aft !il;'l\f. 2 BR 2 bath hOu8e frplc $275 l Bdr fl-pie ho u s e . LIDO 1 Wtt IHlr ' • 2 BR C. M. $155'. 2 BR, bike· "'USir.'.' /drver, Pob o'.k '. Ynrd, pat.lo, chnnn! So.' .Ii!le bench/tenn\11; '1 t.a. ... 1.-.,.11i... to beapi. lLIL f BR.,2 Ua A' . A., l5 ,~.3·7..., • 1..ni;. BR, S b a, lse/opt. $89~/rrlo. DirHldl .. ,h-e••ll. J.cnli ,Gos llQ'S lM~otlo11 •- W•Wr & Drytt Peil. teih6u!ir ~-N.n'. 'Alto · ''111 . ug. '.,:r,J-~-Nu~VIEW RENTALS" Vk>"" 67&-7414 ., • 1· v a c ",n I hM"~ _utll pd E11tbluff 3230 673-<km or 49-1·32'18 ) sE6ROOM aup1oi.1 hpUse WATllfAU-STllAMS-U.GOOHS Lq.Bch.Agt.)ec.979-8430 · B 2 BA' d ' ,11 • to be 0 ach. Y~afl)' .. ~.1" ., •'lhft.i. o....t:-I• ~10'7 . ·IBR, famrm. vii!\\'. .Vacant. 2 R. , en. u ns, -1 , ~ •• • ;ra:: ~II.I • ~ $600/mo. gardener 1ncluded, decks. Beaullf\JI ocean \1ew. il 1, I',..-.-"'. "~~.~-~.~,,..,.-_, -.. -~~. ~,-n Broker 6*<11111 No f,ctt. Yt-ly le11.se, ~. BLU1''FS 3 Br V la, 2;s Ba., -,.,v ~";T i1 __ ...,,.., mo '644-788Q or 61()--8914 f&mll)• nn, sep. din. rm. 2 Br condo. Ocean-bn.Y vlt \v, .EASTBLUFT VIEW HOJ..IE EW. , lo < •· t pC>OI, $475. l..se 640-1717 Boer allp a vail. to 45'. tin~ 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba. $.150 mo. VT •pat • =-· am nn, N · h 3270 nied. t'.'Ctlpy. ·• * 644·06.S7 * din rm. $525. Incl. ir1u'(ICJ1fr. , ewpo_rt He19 ts MILLER REAL TY Fount1in Valley 3234 lAe. o.,,-ner, 64+-lSl9 ' L'\lt.tAC. 11paek>us 4 Br. 2 I-----.,..--'-._.,.--~---- 16-t2-48l1 OChJt A Mount. Vlc1\•, 3 Ba, farn nn home 2 fplc, ..:..~ 1 / I I ~arwc 3 Bedlw~ hume Kine BR.I, 2 BA. 1 )'f· c11aanm, encl gru-den treA. .Clt...._ ..,.. 2 BDIUll. bluii, fe'l:cedt yd ... ruoUN§ room~.J! b&tll. .. "-1 OldttS.111~499-.Jm :JV I YtQ!JCr/dryf'r incl. $«XI. .,, ... ..._ .4 r-;: ~~ s.tp. 11'0· l .blk bey. OCffn. bltjf;IS;·l car;£~§••im t'.tj· .,.1:" n10. 110 El l>lodena Dr. -1 &t)..7?2\ "' ' Kltl 0", ~ -. L .. u .............. 11.t ~ ~ C . 321• .... .. ..... l"IV . ....,. • LUX. new twnhtt. prof, dee. \ B! 1nyon Ageftt 8U-4tll. -LAG. HL&r.El.ITORO w.o. l Br. lrplc slf cln oven. ta@ c lffl-Ma i !3ni LEASE-3 br, 2 ba, S35D n-.o. mo 3 8l' 2 Ba A/C patto, gar \Valle ·io Harbor oron1 r 1 . .;..... No pe~. Lo\'eJ)• 'l'llt'd. Nee_:. cblld OK.' ~ ')'d ~ HI ~ E1~\gn scl~l.s.~ Li;:e. 483 MOl}N(NG CANYON 2 SlwlptMngi 8.J6-819Ji-_.._ . 11prinklen.. dbl f."· Btaul S323. 548-G601: ~155:i. t\.'f. Br 2 &. fpl , rtOt, 'f>\•t pnt~. Huntln,ton 811cti' 32~ loc &. v\1. 55)-936 eve1. Nei;,port Shore• nn 2277 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 645·4840 ' ' ' ..-- TIQ:ANSWER 'I'() YO,UR KJDiS · SUMMER VACATION. ---- M. Patf< 'M!st in INine we have a full-rime recreation director, with a sletf ol nine, to keep the kids nappy. T!wJre's always something happening: day __ ..,. csmps, picnics, lleld trips:; swim lessbns. basebal~ tennis c~nics. The ~st of activities goes on and on. with special programs tor-kids cl al ages. For tne kttle ones there is even a day-care center. And when summer is over. lhe kids will find SChool dose enough for walking. Just because the kids are having I~ ooesn't mean you'n be left wittJ nothlog to do. Oi'Jr recreation staff has a fuq program for adults of all ages. . • Now Available: Two bedrciom. two.bath apartments , slarUng at $220 a mcinth · PARK WEST APARTMENTS IRVINE 3883 P<rkvle'N l ane (714) 5~·9200 (' . ... I '"" ' .. ... ·! \ ' I j - d ' " J !I ' ' \ r ' , "IOO. n'IO: '\'rty tl(tl-'1' Aug. 1 . I ~Unt I 3252 - 1st. O'IJ.-7099 l 3 BR, 1, ~ Bl, bhnA, C'Olt. 3 BOIUJ.~ BA., patlo.'"frplc. 1 YEAR OLD 2 DR., Oe,11, dl',Jltl. close to beach. tee 4 . .2 ¢";:a ne-M1!~ comm. pool, tennis. \VAlk tol • Open $tll: 1 $un. ,230. leRtc fenced yard. 968-1011 ~ v< ~'..Mt , -~ 'f:i(IQ '.,,..; beach. .:-Sm. ... nyir )'l'ly. l '======i::·============lti~----------''''-----------..,-----~ .. 111 707~ ,As•Qi., c.o.~T. want ad results ..... 642-6818 fll~llir Tll'r • ._ • 9Go.~.:>t ~~I • 1: . ii ' < ' • • • , i1 I I I· \'.( 1. I. '' - -~ • ' "IW":· . ~uo1.1 11-~ : .. .' ~, },_ : Cj ! l I ' ' . -.. . , . " _, -,. "' f • ... ' ·> • j.W'rt in /Ht llfittt llf S.Niftmt illfi. · ' "1 1 /mi• 's ~-d,,. •i•llln /,.,,, / , · ut "" .ei,wu, lie w,i/M--s llf I H•liw. ••~llf.1/11 twrU's btSI [ .. 14iu,,,. ;,, 1"i/MttrN,. ,,~ ""· ,,,, 11-I" .. ""'' •""" "'·/ft . . . •1 C -Cll11t11t •II in),k r YMI 11il1 r-r '*'i 11 style. Wilk "'fls, stf/i/NI!. "'11 ,,;.-, . ""1. fitrp/ll«s. PlllS Iii I/If fU/ily efttv ,,. v·--'.I ydll'd a,«t. • •· · • PrC11M11114ry Pui1tl is 1s r.rtifillf 11 Ill# 1rr . .A11i u trritin1_ 1s p •'llHI 14 .Ut ii. ,. --.~ ...... . . ., l" . ~ ' ' . ' ' I I \ 8 ···~ . . ' \ ~'"'< ~ EXClnNc NEW CONCEPT! . . .UULT LAKESIDE·UVlllC ' .i .. -..~ .... ,.. 1~ ... 1. •1f· •tt1MH T•nnitC.Um·T•"nit"9 ~· • ... •3 S~immlftg Peels •Jatus1} •Swirl htt., • v.tteyHll • Han41toll •Gym • Sounas . •••lft1ifft Golf Drf'llhi •""f' · · •· 1,.. ,,_. fae,les •Card ltoom •Cel• ttJ · hell., fP,2P,1P16o. $115 t.$411 . . ' . Mela Verde East·& Adam& 540 • llOO PRESTIGE LOCATION " (\ • • Sunday, J1111 21, tq74 DALLY 'ILOT.,1 fl l~~~~~}~~§;~~·;.§-~~t~or'.!,..,,....~E.: .. : .. [· =]. ~!l~~!"'!!:::.~·=:J;,[· ·i. ~'~'i $<Moll,. ' . . .) HoliW•-· Ml,,110t·1 Help w.-. Mii' 7100 '. Holp Wonted, Mii' 71001Hetp W1111tec1, M&f 7100 r;Hol;;;;p;:W;;•;;";•;;M;;leli•;;;7;;;'j;/ rz -1 •n11......... 1oos -I - i. e"1!A-.CO'<W.~Delios. $11 A LOAD !AJic"""ouNTANT' ASS I STANT "'''""'" -~BEST JOBS Cl..F.RJCAL ' Stltltor Qos..,, if~ -"ly a.t rid OI ,.,,,..,,,Jy' f LU T E L E S S 0 N S , ... trainee, •< ... un.nt. Moat be .,. • ~ , ~I bullt. FNe Utimatea , TRASH I: DEBRIS Becinntr'I .t up. 9 yn Ufe llJluranct aoeount1nt O\'er 21 • \\"l'll IP'OOtned, ~ Adm to $700 JOBS 1· · · ·--·· ti H 118 SocWty 64&-MI M6-tt9l.5 O>flep Student • ~ plaflnl exp, Ry~ '491-2983 MUI! bl\oe m>Uele' degree ,: :~~':;~ ~~ ~ *Secy to VP to $IOO .... _ .. ,,. AN~--~LEA~UE REMODEL, ADO-ON, GAR M 0v1 NG • L 1G1t T R. £. carter tra1nln1.,sn,1all ~:t."··~~)'~e·l}D the dependent llp(ln ('~perience. *R'ec•Pt/l11el $6IO • ri"Y':-\ ,--.. \.t ~' l • ......, •-~ •'i:n.. OONV. Cuatoro Ir ~ lfAULlNG claue1. Perw;inal llleotion. Ptr !f!'otll I . ~ No n11qne call!! plel'W B"'-/I I $750 JOBS neu uuunn. -~. ~ AXP trte Ht L0C.AL Ott '!' Ac~n\y SchooW S48·1192. aftcl ltaft w/a Jfilror; flet:U;urant con-.e; * ••Pr tta • Ji.lalnlaln, eniUietrlnc rt<-'O • AN UIPOl.INDED &CS.44.18 ; ,r ' ' ~ • ~ • knmvltd&e or G.A .A .P. 01 Baker&. si;swi' Coat• *S.Cy/lttal $700 repreduc.,'lton proce1lnt ShepllAb hllx, 111, Al Q£N~~ MOVING 1 HAULING riil Ae<.<ountii1&'. Send f'C5ume Mr-N. ' *Receptionist $)45 JOBS rypi111 abrut.Y, htlptw. Pe · =s;fl!c;/-. . ' ~=,~:.~'."'6."::. I lill)-lil!i "1,i:~=.:~~:· 'f,;~~~~' ,!,r.e,a~:.l1:i t~:::~::.~-50/$4u';;1 STENO CLERK .~~~·;~1 .;:""' !J'urler"tnij:: Blkh'ht, 11·• \Veloome. Pete 642-3114 ' Ne\Vport Stach, Ca~ able, }~or Jr. Ex.ec "'Ith *Cr. Mani19tr $7001 • I Oill J'"pr-Appt I hiel\ri\b(, BN11i nt, l\t I UX:AL mo,Vin& I. haullfli by Job Wanted, Miiie 7115 . Att~; ,Carol Smith Jr. i!'aahk111 retail exp. )Vlll *Gtner•I Ofc $600 Sh, TO \\',p.nl. 1)~~ ~ + It\Hiffltrlil P.~l··rt~ni MU.~ llkl...,.F-4' I atudtnt. Ll\f'ie truck. Reai-. · Equal Oppor. En1ployer 1..'0nslder top 11alei;won1an *Ofc u.-r/Bkk 1 v..p.nl. IB:\1 Scleclnc. Good 7141 . 4M-MOI w~ ....,., Qolj. l'i:_ 1 \ • I Bai'ry, ~l-1235 or 539-.9-;lSB IAl~·I O !!n1ploymtnt r 0 .. nay,• ready for •dvancentent. ~ pr Buie M11U1 ' ( I ~'II~ mix, tn.~ Fc11111e C 1 • 16 HouuclM.ni"I .oM l'ongr.nW 37 yr old Christi.an · Stt Sincha, 01rl1 Fashlon, to $800 : · TELONIC so.m.T.,. Jlrrq •\"10 . ' family man wrJ chlld<cn. .ADMH(ISWTIVE• So. C..•\ Pia... J *F/C Bkkpr to $700 KEYPUNCH WDUSl1lJES Btiiii'IWiiehr •Pu~ples ' ~O N'S~ .\J~la~ry I HOUSI 01' CLIAN ' F.:xp in management, retail , :. : • Assr. ~fer. for 11 111 a 11 *~kM.,.r to $650 s-...1ni shitt, 4.Plll·~P~t l\'ot, -~·~, , _ -• 'I Lab mix, Yellow. male Ort Sha mpoo·, r~u Clu'pet1, wlndo .... 11, lloots s u I e • ct e d IL, and t.'01nplcx -...·ho pre t er 1 *General Ofc $550 li!~6 ihan G nKl's work l:etU~e .leech l Cocbpoo,· Grey, male R.etardnnls),' De,...euerp & Qph01. Specht.I ratet; for rer:. ad\'ertl&lng, Would I, Ike ,SECRE~AIY n1alnt11inence, gardening &: *S.cy/Engln.er $650 cxpcr. en Unl\'ac lTIO or 1 Equa:I. Oppor. 'Ef'Q.ployer Terrier 14ht., Blood, M aU oolor' .brt&titenert & 10 serv. 642"6824. . ~ltlo~ w/!uturl!!. -Ca I I outsid~ Sl6-8S90. Management Openings I Ill.\! on. 009. t -I ~Blkl'l'an,Fentale •ll\lnuta bl~h ,tq.t:. ~·jtite HOUSECLEANING Job11 4!*Hl972·· MISelld,~r 'Mo. At.M'O~tOTtVE Service *NC Progremr $16K CL:IRK TYPIST AA'D OTHERS ~ll b, ':,'!in:a~e·~ n:i.':!. "'antrd by <»llert &itl. Job Went~, Fmele 7050 (ll 1Mnth1) Cashier, exper. Capeb!e .of *Mgr/Mktng/Svc STAT .CWK Insurance baekrn>und pref' ·' ~ 1 compGter mollule , ___ li"•• .... 1 ~ Vic Falr &: Re.lponslblllt,y .lo pertonn 1 handling '" a r r a n t 1 e s . 1 MOK T ta.listlcal exhibits but not e~n. So m about l lh"xll': \\Tapped In Will Ca:an ..... ,. nn., ....... hi FafnWw. ~ Je~a. 979-962J C'ONGENIAL oJdcr I ad Y ~ • o .,, >' P ~ 5 ' oorre,~p. (dlctaphol'M:) .. ~en _ .. _,to mi., ' hall $15. Any rm. --de!llre1 · ""•11lon u llve·ln wide variety•of oomplc." & · I !:*'or•m•n to $14K piwrre11:d. llOn\e m ~th at \east t )T bus. expc: . •-•~ "50 -·ch .. ,. ~ -15-.. ~~ Cloot1l"1. ~ I l l ret:Ponslble clerical &:,stel"I(). Auto. calcula110ll lener 14Tltinu: eo.t.MHa "'·" '"""" ..,..,, ...,, .._ ~· con1panloo . t e MECHANIC *QAM•nagtrto$19K ability. • Sala r 1· c,ommensura i: viii. NeWtiort .A Rl~lde yn. eq>, b what oowll not •.\VE 00 EYERYTHlN~ • houiekt'ot'per. Exp. 642--4434 graphic -...'Ork. fiO W.p.m,_ . *Indus. Engr $16K ~·lex_per. N.B. ,of~: ' "Nr;.· R4'tUnf ·'C1"••tl y method. 1 de•v.wk myself. R.da. Free eat, 646-2139 JIOU~T.'t'ANIJ'{(f, days,, typing, 90 ...... p,m. sh. ApPIY J\lercedes Benz experienced, HELEN $C:l-IAF F'ER RGURE C' ""'K. co. tie~fUs. catrJOan Ne . appnclated. Contact i.1ld)o Good ref. ,531'"°101· • \\!OM:AN' ~1 day \\'Ork. p/tb~;;:i'i'.la\'e , own transp. ·~ PftSOn at 1-'ountaJn Valley Ca!lll A li<:ense, Guaranty PERSON!\EJ, AG E.."KCY ~ 833--M50 • Anderten 842·4321. llR Crlit C.:~· Hae p.t.9:> Goqd mt r e 1 l·a bl e • Call 5'&-01::6 eve•· = E!~~c~~~la~nu~~t plu~ ~I 1.'0mmli;11icn, xlrit -1262 Camnus~Dr., S-4, N.B. Acoountl~g exper. helpful. CLE"'°'"'ru;=··"'PUR:;-;';;-;;C!;;IAS""'u"''"c,-;P;:t-, LOST: Lldlet.O'lMY claNeS, Rm fol. ~tm hie $39.9S. ~ ~· afl-8108 ; H9'911 'it tetl' M&F 7100 Jey, Corner of Talbcr1 '-I frint,-t: ~:iefloi. etc. Ask !or · '{15i-27ll i\lath onented. time, Fiexlble houn,~1i h toriotte llhtll rlnt. Brlaht 114.t.l. Guar. '116-5.110 J""9rl•I ."'1 an ' -Ne11·1tmd. '\.'e are an equal pt'n.onnel mgr. SALARY school ed., gd at II s ~ ~ ;"':C•lll"t•·:, ,6tll SMALLComp>"y -..wd ·An,~.,Temp.Po&IJi<>" opoortumty •mploy". MISSIOfll VIEJO -BILLINGCLE.RK ADMINISTRATION ~1:;;:,ti~t_,~.· ! 1 •WlUA.RO Pain.ting, New like . to ~ do oUice & . •.AYQAY. Filing deadline Tueikl1:1.y IMPORTS !Fee Patel Bluechip firm . =1 acouatical 11 -..·i-I. r; July 23rd, 197·1. · mo\'1.n~ to bcautllul ne11· of1:1 CLERK I COFfE£ SffQP . d~I. No~~.&TUfra co;:'merclal bUil~~-~ '£"". · R.Y DIDA y '·_ _ ~ 28701 Malltlierlte Park"·11y 111 Irvine t'Omplex. \\lodcra te '· 1 • " t .c---~ic--~0 ••19 1 ~0· .. ~1 4'.,~ •• ~ ''11!9 ~ .AIW~llffcfrcrt:P.li1e-49S.1700 or Ul-1740 1 t.YJJiu&" & 10 hey allder. St1:1rt Clerical de f a 1 l. lr1\'o!ving • _......., _ .. .,. .. 'Ofl'r.xJtfgf;""i'.~-r."KMed 2 USE AVERY PK\VY. EXl1' I SJ15. AlliO f'cl'.' Jobli. Call ~ baaic fn3~·._1'yping WAITRESS enY -poodle. Lower tronf St AM p ~·ri . c 0.J!-c rf:te,·i,l_ ,,~~J , 'ilk t;..I. ~ 4 Openin~i;. For \\'ks a mo. for Ne\1'00rt A UT 0 ttr 0 8 1 L.E-Sen•ice ~ila John<oon, 5 4 0 -6 O 5 5, 4J ''"~:t;n· IBl\ ~ee. . lei!!lh ",!1-~· ·~II lllft,f~. oobble&(oue,; tile, b'r I c k , Mrr1 IU... C. OI~ ! ISecretari•I 111iiii'· Fast, J!xact _"'Ork a Cashier. eXper. prcfd. Tlteet I Coast.al . Pl'l'llO~el ~eilC)', Apply in Pe1'50llnel Dept. 8e-J45M. Rel\&rd. P1t'°8 pOol detlci drive-· 2265,Mlner St., /Sr Ty'iiittt niust. CfJ'J7].4l 64.,_161 1. & greet· our custon1crs. ~ 1'!3r~r 81.~ 'C~t . -l\tondav thru f'ri<ht.}' ~I lam FOUND -~ack & ~te way11. 1640:~349.' ' ' CNt• Meta_ IR•.proT'f'fPl•h ALT"qt Tl<»i Lady, e."'per Gi-eat p e ii.~0;q1i 1 j t )'. & I BOAT. B~IUDERS PACIFIC MUTUAL . ~PP);. Med uni 1l1e. 4 w~te CUSTOM CEMrr.tt> W<:>Jt,K You nre tne 1v1n1lt't Of IR c;'ptiDnl ti only. ~pply In person, ~1nhtg a lnust.. Good • \\·esli;wl Corp. 11cecl11 iOO Newport Cent.er Dr., N.B. j fetl. See'Jnl . to ,h;avt: 'hffn .Patl01 ~-·wauca ·'TWO P.lll' Tl,CK•TS., • • . ..~ Barbara s Dretmia.klng, 458 ~neral of'fl~ skll!s. 9·6 /Engine tnsta•ler an equal opportunity emply. trained. · f"OJ)pta. tat I . Cail Oon 84i:SSt4" , .• l .)9.the !(Laborer• . , I Fl. 17th, C.ttt. Behind Arco ~ron.-Fri. Phon~ 97~2500. /Bondel's 1 .,,.,.,;,,,~::0:::::-:""'"""" 549-~. -.-RIMGlliNCa BROS AND IA11embly i'r41nus siatlon. 1, *uto. . ./Carpenters 'fl CLERK . • FOUND:· Ne1vborn P.u ppy. 1 . ~~1~EN~tt,.~de:::iti ! BARNUM & IAILI\' Ai'llD ~ 1.IORE! ArchitKtur•I • Service A.lviS.r Co. <:Mpanslon has created Lquna •Afch, Sn.ch t ,,' lu'. or' job 640.b'ID.5 CIRCUS l_..._;..J: Draftsmen ' ,. , QPenings for career minded Heights, rd In lee planl ,...!....$ i.:.y u. . .: . llJWl'lm Si>eclo.J~.ja. ,..ru~~nl ' for l\lcrcedes Benz & Fiat people. Appl)' NOii'. TYPIST Mtvoeen Nor\ll " 0 r o • Cf.P,IENT \\Wk/pl ~ 11tlod,;. <IJN~!:.,~llil " ; , ,. Penonn""'• ~-·rvice r interlOiL .. ~uif~have j.s yrs Jealershlp, Expene~ lG38 Pla~ntla, C.i\I. fllT·ltn •I t '•• "' P.ea so nab e '. r ree .,.. ~ ~ .W ex r ,1,..,......,,<>h )mow'I only. Guaranty~ comnns-00--EPE=R~-· /(J. J.0.$1: Peariirwi~.,•lngle l!!IUmatcs, Call 6lB-331i 001'-'VENTION CENTER 17511 lryfne Blvd. of ':11oP &b~\~ br ihter. slon, xlnt. fringe b!!nefits, * B KKE * \Ve ha,·e an immediate /<i.a'1..er. mand~'rt~ ,size. Qli\1 Child Car• 6020 110Q \V, Kif el la, Anaheim •I IS-Tustin decor products. Allred l\J. etc. Ask 1ot personne_l man· M~.. N e \\'Po rt Beach. openin:: !or a clerk typist-: ! ll ll al •-I• Plefte call 642-5'.J'it; ext l33 '••• · .... .l,. eo~--0 . ........ a:i:er. Neat, must dri\·e & type. in our i\lar k et in g • ,_..., n e ...... e. LACUNA Niguel Mothers. to cl8Jm )'our tlckebl. i.. -~ . •UVI• e !I I g n 5 ' 6oN 10 IEJO ~)~e i\~.~-ler, Adn1inis11-atkin Department. -~··; "' -• -·~ Ref.ii l' ',, Oilld care, n1y l!Ome, meals, • '? , * * ~ Qppor: Employer ~~. Colla !.f es a . MISS N Y .alitkr' m. 33.).i~ ~.:_\Jdo. Strong typing skills & 1''.'•lhlon' 1if•M lfer~'!.~ka recltt . · E>cP'd. 496-48l2. L9!Ji!(~pl'! '"'f ARTl!ITS EXPERIENCED 1 IMPORTS '-~~~ch,' 9lifm; or ~~~~!!'.chi~uls ~u= 'Ni~P;-rf lea .. ch . 1 'rottar; vie: i.fe&a ""9'erQe 486:-#12 ~ * * Full/Part-time 1\'0rk at 28701 Jl.Targuerite Parln\-av ii!KklfJ!i• · rieedea )b "·ifOcal Dutit!ll 1\' i 11 In \To I'' e Betlm 9""" -1 am or .. &.: a P ~:'.) .. t· ~ • .. CoMractor, fP21 ""'tANDSCAPINcl. ; i\dvertlsin;:" Ao<>cncy. 49$-.1700 or 121-1740 CPA ·o·rc~ Prior ~A olc. processlrig cu~to1ner orders Equ1:1lOppor. En1plo::Js ' FOUND:"· 2 1 MIUe' Sfumese T ...... I , ' • Ac • 89'l....034 USF. AVERY Ph.'\\1Y EXIT '!!xp )M'erd AL9J lntel".!Sted & p~parin;i-01-der s'.atus t -L · kiU8JI in the 2lth , bloak, JACK auuu"', p a t o ~· For a uilique, &. pe,...Wlzed count1n·g· ART \VORl.\ER ,.,;/1, basic in ir S1ail· Accountant. Call infornl3.tion for lntcrn1J & COOK E.'xp, apol y Harryts E";E~~::: ::: :~~:.: ~~·£.i~".7:..· Jookkeepi11g "" Prod~~ .. ,; ...... 1, c~i?.~~:1f~; =~~~·bz."~~~;~~ 1~~~~;.::;;:;~,!; I~cii~;~;;r-11'· .«'·re':! ~Jar I: nea collllr. PROF. Ddi Groom!ng. F fee · "SSEMBL'ER• -office, typin1. GQ.040'2. for a pcis:ition -...'itlt an -~. N~,;t .. ,. fttti1·l:.M. nick up & delivery .• In " ti AYON 1· BOYS a GIRL:S Ora1ia~ County ('O!npany P/tlnt,. Ph: 499-2'171 979-42.U. . Laguna Nl:ueL 831-2180 Mesonry MiO Control~r .... to. $UK Ne1vspaper CarrlcN i lin. that offen': Ask For_~_!te~--:-:-z:r; -' --Accountent .... to 11K 1st & 2nd Shifts , ·a I * Competitiv• Pay I COOK for con va I e s c en t Draperies 6027 Irick, Block ~ Stone' Jr. Accountant to 12K ) Asks *** j p~~ln~~la~doec!~~~~t :.1 ~1r~ * Excellent benefits hospital. Ask for Supervisof, ll•l DRAPERIES Gall aft 5 pm, &15-aJG , Bookkeepers $700-$950 l\1SI ·Data Corporation, an Is there an A VO N J Backstrorr at the DAfLY *Modern f1cilities 1 "83~'....,.~-·-~~--~ BEDSPREADS Pafntlng/PaP.•rini 6073 Acctg Clerk $50G-$650 01:a1.ige . Co. based el.ee· l'epresentalive in your life!. PILOT or ca.II 642-4321 I: COOK . All aroun~ "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~ m OU all fabric" Free Est. I tronlCS f1n11 h11.s ~veral 1111· If not, \\'C n1ay n<!ed 1· lea\·e application. Plea5fl Apply Tm expedenced. Immediate. I!! SS ...$)28 ~ Accoun· t' iaats n1cdlate' opening~ d4' to someone like you in your Equal Oppor. Employer • * 49"..-9950 * Personals 5350 In honlfl. 7 ,, WAl:l:.PAPERING ,. rapid ifO"''th in our 1"1Cighbo1ilood. Sell in your --ausB6vS v DM . · COOK · tar Pini P&Jace. 21 Electrical 60l2 l .~ PAINTING • assen1blY area. Previous ex· spare tinlC. cam good yr or older. Accept -...-or?< ARE yoU irnerested in El-·~c-• ~---.... =-Comnierclai;Re51dentlal Un li"mi'te'd per. should Include 1 or n1oney. Interested".' Appl y In Pen;cn. Sam's resp 0 nsibility full-time. c~Ina: )'OW' We! Finding .......... .._ ..... u '" E:rtcrio & r t rlon nlOre of llie followini: Call 5-~7Ml 'Seafood rr. 3901 E. Coa11t Varian Data I Above averap hr wqe + out \\'ho you are and where U>mmercial R.etidential · , · , rs 11 ~ 'PC •··rd Stufflnn H\\)'. CdP.t ben ... A l · h..1~-~t... W .111 bel lnd""'-'al _ 64.5-0357 25 'Y~an Expen~ • DUG ., -hi eu~. pp l' . 1n person ~ _,.. . t ,w,... p -u ... u. Qwck ReJ>4yi; 8)' AGENCY /Knowledge Elec. B,\BYSm'ER. 1ny honie. CABINET 1.lakers, exp in Mac nes I only. Stra\V Hat Pizza l:,'PJJ _to _kno\ )'.Olllltl.L.an!J EbECTR.ICIAN -License.. -;.-Itadio Telt:phon'! Components -1na1ure_rdiablU ady_ s~t· l illi~ & assembly of stott i'm-P.flchl!IM.m-tffli;-TI&lace~ 3:nli Cam 1-n.<i to1 find. ot ~te1.1 1"'•'1' No. 233108. Sma11 .)obs, l Newport 6J2-1090 IOOY. FREE .1coble Lo'no Ing Au;:". 51h. ~¥or niore in-iixtui·e. lntenor decor "i 1tvi.-ie CaUto-"a QOO&I Capistrano: San J uan a ternative ,ways .. 1 e a n1aint & repaln. ~~:113 Hwit Beach 847-412~ .,.. • fonnatlon call 64:>.~5 ¥or m'll1ncts. Very ~ shop '. :'"t" r , t:apl.strano 1 fit )'W.,~' Soc Furniture 6941 ~ytj• ~--0555 SANTA ANA ./Mechanical &/or I 6~2-1511. oontl & nlally bcnei1ts An equal opponu11i1y, \ COOK l'.Hff r~~4 •• lpl'Y ./Solder Touchup -· t& ...,_lfrcd 111 Gonion-Designs; en1;:ii.:i>·er 1\1-F'---accordiu:· to exp. . wAivr ip G6~~ buglne"1 * ~~='. ~~ r(~~4~0·s~7~163-1 WE NE~~ .· 'K ilJIER -~;e~~~ ··-:~~~:,:in.E:;fy -.. ~. ,~Nn\.-;f&ppr..-~LNl,d -"1.l!ntr'.>11 .S!Mfff;:;f(fffer. E.x ....... "''a!Jpa.-h•-"g, 11 T '-~n-1.ly ~jb •-e 2:30-4 ::0 p .n1 . . b..r~manr. ·~:da~·k 83f1.:.lm: ,_.a ,4 1 c:u·ror Stim&:lC -67~7 NEWPORT Assembler ' t l i;'.i-Trvi•1e r eq uir e11 H:unbu:,. r Ha1nlel. ™~' . lifu." .I Xldf'M . Garcfenlrti . ·-6045 ; AftCr ll · · .._ , ooi ln~dual to handle current Ad'l;11s Ci\J. A.!!k tor J\Ir. nao 1't ~ ,:l oe' .:pr.~111w .. -· HI -~ a. I 'PAPE R·HANGl'NG'. tr t BEACH ~-'y~·inee~. ,, t ' PR ' :i'' ~;f~:ible& o:kl;PJ';a~-O:f n~ Purchasing Dep~. Hila-en. COOK . N.8.~i~ietln;;:-onto Par •--:-.er .nng ptintlu'°. 21 yl's Harbor 'UtSanli ~iii..I ~;· l °l~onths ntrela~. ~·", ,· , ' [rUr l'he r \\'/a c c ntgPurchasln_: or n1ater1al bluer &· beuer things ....... S~a~e .... Jl.~~rAfiQIJ, area. Reh. turn. no 1832$1. Suit ''°~ ;t . ""' · 1 "'A""'RS responsibilities. El( per. t.'Olill".ll e:..-per. helpful., 60 For Wt dinner hOUllC!. Mu~l : ~~~~or:;~ltK'.oln~ ~}nint;~~~~ ~P~~~ ::~a ·& 11!pair, :G1n (714)-Oo.4044 ·;··2•40 Per.Hour'~ ~. OPEnr IV ! ~1~~~~tipl~11r.~~r~lel~i;.:~~ ~?~~;n. h~,~~o;~;~:~:i ~\srl~~~~~n1t T~I~ back to \\'OtkT 1.l ost Rcpeu. Call 642-SG J9 I Y.1>rkmanship a:uar. Take Assembler B h·ial bat's & ad1ustin; s.•1lls. · Harbor. See l\f:rr. 1-lr. H9SPilal'\ & Docto1"s offices SP R t N KL ER Systenfs. ad vant11...., of nty -exp, Officts throughout O-no·-s ol our entries, us \\'ell n~ ;:e:1eral , Lelste?J.·c ~---~~I I rt! d · d • •· 5 C llfo • G r.tonths·2 )'l'!I re<:cnt related .--··• 11 · 1 • 1 c -11 fo, Appt -, c k-H I f"" pl'efe-r mature pcr110nne . expc y es.1gne "'i 536-7()j6 o. • rn1a Brookhurst&Adamsbr ofJicc ski s, inc uu n ;i " • o:o· ttpen>, exper. "t' Unrn neressa,ry 1k1 11 s. Installed. Quality 'Vo r k PROF aJ t ho ,..,. Ork I exper. H --L t y..J!l.n b. s a I a r y Ind 'll:ti::i;I Rel'.ltio1u; L.P-...rt-tlme, lmd. openinQ: Ca I I l~U,'.! I a Pro(~ssio~l Guaranteed. Free Est. reas. ·Jt~l~~'rrec"~~l::r.te'. Division of · , $2.55 P•r our (Huntington-Bee.,.,...)-conimerisw·:itc 11·/edu-.:atlon (7f4) 49c;.t40f Apply in person, &mah . Collefle. Oi:>'29'l2. Gr:iduate 008-16'22 . _ , Reis S48-2'159 64.,.?9ll ~Ccount•nts Ovt~toed " I A 1 • k {'Xper, Call ~!1182 for TELONIC Rei;taun:nt, 3109 Bristo\, Placement. • , ~Tr ... -, lu1he1 trim-PRO~. wa11CC:verlwn:, ~hilt Assemb er ,'.~.·n•sr~~~.iy: ~ app11I.--. INDU' STRIES Santa. Ana 9~7"'~'~-~ I PREG:fANT mod tmovecl weed-.,. * * 2 \"~. + !'&'eat related C!S· /CAREER '''oman .,__no needil 'DELIVERY-?\-tAN for ea.tty car I na c~n(ld.e n tia l or r • lie. No. 2'i9514· Insur .. WI per. fine starting sale-~500 + mo st. \\lust be sales Laguna leach morning L.A. Times home coun1e11ni-&r r e fer r a I· ing, yatfl cS..nup, t.YI* paper. n4-MU38fi, I $3.15 Per Hour ries, exeillent ben-~rlented. i\l'r. LY 0 n 1 EquaJ Oppor. Employer delivery route, Adults only. A.borUon. adopt Ion &t "2-1612 * 10% DrSCOUN'f * . efitt packege, • st(l-545.}. l\11,lll )aa~ dependable C'U'. keeping. 549 2015 \Vallpa.perinJ: &: Pain!lne •ACCT'G CLRK $550 I \·,'c oflu. 2nd sbilt dif· ple•sint wor. kinn CASHfER -Ho s tes s , 'No fllliJ!dtlnc, no collectlna:. APCARE 642-i436 • Fl'ff Est .. Call 5J6-00.t8 F'ree. Type 16 'key, •go00 ferenlial, n1bdi?rn tacll\1ics, environment a;;d restaurant exp pnfrd. See CLERK TYPIST 2 Hrs. ·Clany, \\'estntinster/ SPIRITUAL r.EA5ER-i\lmi· & Edp/Or Complete PAINTING-EXTERIOR fil?tl•>e aptitude, Sa11ta Ana. & ru1 excellc.11 lM'.!:lC.fil i\tiss \\lcLeod. Ben Brown's r.1ust have rood f¥plng skills, r.:un~1 Beac:i area. Open 10 J}i\T to 10 P~t Cleanups -20 years exy. Sta~e lic1 fully in~ •. refs, IPERSNL ·CLRt( .. $500 packa,ae. plenty of oppor-499-2271. COITf:spondence & ~varied 6JS.2924 ' Advice on all matters. GEORGE llA.:.\IPTON .f11r_prlces. 979-J.335 },~c. E.""<pi?i· · 'pc1'$0nncl tvnity for •dvence-Ctcanin~ lady or hl,!idlool Kt~. office:., Cl~~ iii ;rrusi.~1 _.qELIVtRY men perm., p/ :12 N. El Camino ReaJ REL. College student 1)ffds * Wallpaptr Hanger *· dept. 1w1ct1.J"'1. ltvlftt · -~ i\l:iti~Sfi11~P;~j~}' '. ment. JP'l,.Sln. oillcc, once a.-... "-@'1'1· -of , .f;naidM.,··Ort. t t Rt-.l:r Ea r·1 y morn Sa11 Orinentei For appt. On./up, Reg. & Roto jobs. c. Rel>ko . 646-Wi:I CLRK TYPIST to $500 S . .-.,,.~11AM.·lii ~rs;:in bill 00>rn. only ST,,...t2n • I.gt~ "\l<o!f' .. ~/fenn. ·'"~·~r doh:,_ to N.B. Call .(92.911241 1492·9136 Exp./Gardener. 541-4541 · ...,... W• would prefer" Jn-l,., --• ·-"---· -pOdOon: ?.On. 2''11'1 ·exper.; h6~,Appro11:. a ·hrs. S200 '77"':-c-;='*"""~""= -~-...-:--dl"pl .T1-pe ao. IO Key. S.\\•. ,..._, "--=-"'A-4350 1 ~· "'Ith 1 Year Experience I . I AP,Pl)' In Perso,n I ·' ' <7ASECT01.lY, an.vtin1I!. "·· >t ....... " P1tnti"I, Sign 6Q.74 l''rec. n·ork,, in p~hasi.11;: Or Contact d•'v1'duols w1'th·, fl ' CLERICAL A1nt \\'Orkinr:" colld . t ,_. n'lo + •"115 allow I. Con f idiehU&I information 1 J A J>'A NESE GARDENER-PXTh'TING·REAs. iu.tEs &>.nt:i An-'l. I MSI le1se 6 ~...,,.i~,,... VJ~ """''llUlll!I· ""' bonus:"H1-4SOO. oounaellnz 1&. refeIT&I. aeanups, free @stimates, Jot/Ext. Free E1>timates CLRK TYPIST to $500 viou1 etcperi_,. 1n· . 'fl . St l ~~Ct_~· Dr .. ,~ i~ers \\'an I 6 APCARE. lnCorp. A Non· call for Kris '•Ena 1'6 u, • *--&l5-0363 aft. 5 * ' t Free. Accowit!n:;-dept. Fi~· • 1 bank, sa.JI ... .&_ ;\tSI l>'.111. ~orpor3lio\I' '· ,o/l! 1 tS; • '-" ' 3 .l'Jl•OIMi; Iii ;-c!ster votm . ." Profit Aa:ency, C42--W36. ~70. ~ ---+ -..... '• ! ~-----·'"17 , ,. antitnde ''""" 50 10 1 Data Corporation I loon •. , . fl"nco·, An Orange Count)'.1ba¥.:d .._~•;,.a, !!!!'"ii#' s.:e,.:S:.,-1n·1 Ti":;n\ '~' Any houri: . WIDD\\'ER, 58, nBme Bob P.li11ter/"•pi1ir _ -. ' • ._ ,, " • ,. • ._ • no electrunics r1n11 . u JI .... uc.n.n .Y ~ ·a · Experienced :J•P:•MsJ ' '"!'''· S.\V. S"'nt~ Ana. I ·number of ope ninp , f<it at"OOWlU'!C . Ne\vport -"-'""7,,-+~,.-,-,,= I • ~'ll", 170 lbs. Ownil home, Lendacepe Ga~er,. PATCH PLASTE1t1NG *SEC'Y NO SH $550 ,.y~~~k~r. Costa ~le~a · company, #' qualified indivlduaiJ' lh )Beach in~~co. /ltr)i. Call ~a!l .Jtem!! wnh • OaJty • a:ood job, meet !line!!rc TAJ(ATA NURSERY S>J&.0'124 '.All typci:. Fyee est!1n11.~111 F'l'ce job. Cootl l~'llinP,", ~ravelj ~~ ~,4 . _ 540-6600 Pl•••• call for I lhese at·eas: &4r1-~. '. ¥ i ... I Plhrt· OtssUled ad. 642-SGTI ~~. ~ to date. LANDSCi\PE $Cid, sojl, maint • I Call ~25 ' rcsen·Btlons. 11'111 train ~n ' .. .~t)llployer 111 /( 1 appolntm•nt r* Clerk -: ~ ~·Ip Wanteif;-1\4ftF 7100 I H•i• Want~, M&P '1tti ! ._,,,==_,=,.,.-o.T;,.-IC rl kl f5'1uinbl..,. 60711 T\\'X, work for busy ~· · "' F' h h _ SPECIAL TR.EE $IL VA loup, auto _•P n er , repr :i• __:_. org co. Airport area~ ... -Karen 1tz ug or Good 11·-(1gw·es, I e g.t b I e MIND a:»n'ROJ,. ·E.s.'p., ......,.. . ' L.R;· OTIS PLUl\ffilNG , l''ree also Fee jobs , ,"':.. \ Dennis Soderin hand\\'rllin,g & \cnoW~~ of, ~ sEtF 'Udf'ROVEl\.1ENT 140\\' '&. ••EDGE...n1~ Remodels'/ Repa.in. \Valer Angus Gordon Personntl ASSEM8u:RS \ (714~ 961-4411 '*10 keyR•adcde"p .. tllilo'n"~1s"t'"· CAREER SALESMEN LECtuRE:-Sim, .Jul)> 21, maintenance yard cleanup tiet.te\·111: disposals, ruma~!.1 A!f!llCl' -642111.0 • • 1 • • San Clemen/, INN. A 1,..,,1n,. G<oop .. 51&-6112 """~""'": &12-<263 ·.i;c I E( · f ·sECURITY Swltdtb d 0 • PALl\f/CAJU>JQ:AI>iR* E:\.'P . .,Af'ANESE .. KNOW BIA., ComPlete Plurublna: A:c-'l'>Unllng · ..... ~ ee ro-oar pr ADt ru;DUcnON · HO\f ._?ilAINT. ~PS. Ser\'tce: Lie. mG&-1. ·. . *Acct Clerks · ,. ~· • , c ;\Just like inlerfacln,a: \\'/ lOBZ.1 ~:Bir' .~ton.l "llt~l\flN~-• ~ RAY:PLUMBINGSEl\V'ICE *As1t1o::kkHP.,i , Mecfis11.1cal -~ 'PAClfl ~~ne ~~Tee 3& ~~~~n! 52!-3406 XP Japan a:a rdener, Repaln · · lnstallaUOf'l'.i 'J'eni Ass' ni'hloi for .. ,,,. PREGNANT? Thlnkin&" ntenance''&:'·•clean up.·1'4 hr. ltt'\ict ~f.8.S638 e.~~ IJi!i:,nnel all A ~I BANK *chal~~c·re~ry 'Abortion! K""'! all "" )020 ---. 'R"""--~ .al2 ...... ol o....n,e''tlo. SS ers , ... . .. fact• ';ht· Call IJFE LINE, . , anup a. , .. t r: =;;;==.; ·< -, l"Ol' Further Info Call ' r .,. -, l'yplng 60 sh prefen-ed. but U hrs., 5'1-s.'i2'J ' . FREE EST -i, ~7373 REPAIR.St ~an type1. Reas Aleta Frederick, Mgr. . _ .. , ·· Equal Opportunity 1101 n1andatory. 1.Hn 3 )'I'S PREGNANT? h in k In' r . · _ Free.-. l.dc:'d. Ask for 714 /83UJ03 Vana.n Da. , 1 , UJl!6 ha" employer i\l·F recent e11."Jl(!r ~ '1 Abort1'm?' l< ' all the EJCl' Hew&IW> Gonl,'n" . W"1t, ll3t>-50>i aeytim• •!{... 'T . '"''""' .f#. n "5 IM * K ey!)~ftCh cJ ; (acts first Ca~I E LINE, ,1ervlngtlNe\.YPOl!!t!l~ t.rta Tile . , 6091 ...., a.65emble . .: rably -...1th BARTENDEfl-fiJii th'ite. 21 R-····-, kno .. ·1~,. ol -. 21 )Jrs. 541 • ltef'e1 niales,,~•u t l "tO 6 I or prier 1... . E f •. t ~uU>'-......... .... v~ , ' ARDENER. anca.bt ~' i \Vt: ¥•·or o\·er. sper pre . .,u 192. ~tust be ab\'! lo do * PALi\t/~O~EADER * EUROPEAN G CERAMIC TILE, ~allty , y x'di ence"orr • not nee .. l\'C . 1\.ill v train. 011,1 ,·erifylni:: & niakc 01\'n · ad/t9d~tlon 1 Landscaping • tree, sen.~ work, Rtas. prices. C&ll I •.¥@ l~pre~ '? tt TONfOS REST. INC . 'Cl 10831 ee..cti·it Stanton. rellllOnable. 6(2.5328, 685-1425 .Ul to· g PM 6t6-48tt J , trailrt~ arid lllntpl) require Fashion Island, 0 e s i·i:: n dnun cal s. 527-$,400 ' Gener•I Services , 6046 lap it1i .. 6092. ~~1'.~'rJ't:::h~~Kli;I:}: Pl1t1.it. N.B. If you are 1nt{'res.1M in NEED to talk ',to so1ntone? "THINGS" .... , MOOfle'. Gen'I * TOP SOIL * COMP<>m' An equal oppor. e~ at"1 th tn e ~,fi problenu --BEAUTICIAN joi11ing a progrcss1v1! co. Ctll night ~:lY, 64rr-2222. ".>; ".r ,,_ * _..._,.-.."•'--WOOD hrvolvlng dc.cl.1nals . a 11 d BU§Y Shop. No Following that offers: ABC I NE · Ca rpentry·; re 11 a11·ri, mu1A-n. n.c..u ,.,_ c 'Moclorn F•cllltie1 · · ~umbing, Elec mnodellna:. ~all 588-t930 , =·Mllocal CPA_. fu.m ~s. ~ .• , 11~~10CZ'1:~ s.18~ /x1n•t Benefits ~~ , , -a ~ 2-56l 3 -4,. Wind:ewCINnfnt "91 -.·ants to hire inexperienced lit )'VU . nil'.!et thr.se /Competitive Pay I I ?i!ASSEUR State Reg. ~·iu ·• , ., J I A ta t Lo , quallflcahonll and A re PL CASE APPL\" ..,... ... ""*' mnke hoult C8.llt. Reas JIM'S Wlndoiw 0Mnlns . WI or ccoun 11 · rk..., ~· IOoklng for a po!lillon vo'IU1 Pf•n• ~1onda,y Thru t"rlQay . • • _ rates. ilC.'1211 lief 10 am: · Maint.::£ Jnctl#t~. long how'S, hard \\"O 'don I an Ol'ange C.Owity company f f 8:30-11 A~t. 111 P~r11011 ' ¢ aft ' pm ~ • ~mft'C. • t'l!tldentl.1. apply u~less ll e r 1.0 u s. that lfer1i• eut • tun• Or ContAct a lnni S · fck .. JtiPAIR Fl'Ml nt• ~~ 498-02M r Dlventfied experienced 0 · •1.r.s, UI ' ..,, ....... HOME ~.... '.--' ·=-= . . ....... Hand '"'tt'" .... , MSI eooI<KEEi>JNG ''SER\1Ki' ~°lt..:.."'r:_~"' * iiittiNi1wORKERS • fequlrtd. \\'rite ClassUied ! ~::if~~:'~~fiti ~ i: i. Small eu.lneli . ,........, I 'l..+1, ttaldentlal Ad. roo. 185. C10 Daily ?ilot, * lltodem Fitcililiell JI' •J All Tuet.1 .30 , Y,ear1 ~YCandesm.'e.,qualj_ty fM· ~ 6Q..t9.11 p O Bos l:?:l60, Costa £-:perlencot.f6444619 11 •• ctrt. We dtan A """' W\DdOW Qeanl,_, l\[HA, Calif. 9'.!6i1. Apply ;q ,_:.raon ColllMI Mi•.'!'I •14 · br hand . AJan-toet ' ~I . ._ Est. i.a.;• A/PAY-::-A/RKC-1 .;.'--n----~~"'''"·w""'"-k••I H~NP.;:~~:-~,,.,~~ aJll!a , ext. 626 ~per -...·orklni oond~!. ... "DM· .. CAB1,,.._St 1_,..l o~ • • ......,,... ......,.. 4-••"r' •1 1 ~ to 1lart -...·.oppor, "" " .f lattice wood , co&l.Ji klii., . *~1461 I ~ d\'lnct n1cnt~ • ... , ..... .. "' OLIJtK TYPIST ' .rr.e "'· Rffi. 9. Hev\lnf . ' : '°' l • ' Jo son Bost A~y y=· '1"Dllta ~' r.,. AcOOu"'~" dep< oli\.•l Ce"'"ter . ills. MOVING ;:;rAtmJNG -J L .Mecltcel 11 111400Bl'ookhW11 , Vty. : t "-~It.I.-• e:~alt' d'e v lop m eft"l lc ---• y ~1Sl.ll"td ' t{r!. ·" • ~Item 9GHW ~ ~~~!' , co n1tru ctlon ·m . Job IRVINE CARP~ CO · ~:-~·d~~-.. '":'11.00~l Midi lect'r~~ci, lCCOUNTANT . ea.(' -. 'f•.'I Mtct»iJOn ~' '' '1n.wlv"8 aii( l)-plng, rtlh~. * * 30% Orr • * 5 · It~ .. r.t or y 'Jl*t.1Y, Coll* deg. e"-i>er:t fn'et. lr\.~~. CnHfomla 9266( Cl._rlcal & !90mc rtetpUonlt:I • · ·• Ml2o8120 .w\iiNQ .. Hlullng, · Exper. ope~itntr roorn T •cl\· Some ~nerat acmunlln, 11u1les. Call for a pp I , '"1'fi ~.a..-.~'"'~ Mtdtc*' &I · oppo-tor 11dvanccmf.nt ~·'.An equal opporti1nlty. 833-8680 • ~ ~ lll ·( l{'Jt.l~T.,st , ;' . ~ , ~~ ~ I )'tluno, ~ tr v I 11 .., en1ploytr A1·1'~ I · ,... J.l A4 it · '"' • XJ rhe f~test draw tn !Tie \Vest. l~i!J~~~:Q~i!!;~"~;.I ''*Mfthlft'!~Mauli r --. lndu•trl q:i,rip1cx ro. n1 ~=======~ ... a Da1lv Pllot Cl-·~stflen 1: ~ 110 • dJ!· .!lt,l-Gl4 ~: I IV w,., .., "' 04&-lOOO. _ Data C:orporatio~ , S33'Bakl'I" Costa ;\lei::t 11141 540-6600 Ecrual OpP91". Employtr ~f • . . TO SELL THE FAMOUS WHITE ,CROSS ·PLAN I an1 looking for salesmen that want a PERMANEN'T' __ position with a chance at MANAGE:¥EN:l' IF TIIE.Y,.QUAIJFY .. ,~, .... ~ ,·· ' . ' I want salesmen that NEED $1000 to ~ every monlh.·I will furnish bonified LEADS. I \•:ill t.rain you to l.Qcresae your inCi_>me up to $30,000-$40;000 per year or 'more. I have, 9ffices in Lon; ~ach, Riverside, San Bernardo, Covina, An&helm , Santa Fe Springs, Downey & Los Alatnllos. ~ If you are at ease talkllM) to Jiecple ~ If yo~ are 21 ycan -or .older ~ 1 If you are aYGllable ~ Mys a . , -.wed. · .. "fl. .. 1'-J . :~~~,}~. :: MYERS IOAM.#M M.idey, T1Mo4oy er Wodnoodey • . " For P1"9nel Conffflentlal lntervl•w • (213) 597-4406 ., ,, -' .. , f-. -------- , ' 8 11' 'DAILY PIL01 , Sv«fay, ~"'' ~1. 1974 • . , .,., _ .. , , ,, , ~lp Wenttd,MJ0~.·7'100 Help Wanltd, MAP 7100 '1 Halp'W1ntad, MAF -71001 ~Ip W1~ttd, MJ.1"7'1 0! IWI~ Wtnttd, i;iiji'Jlii,\ ~Qinf!iJ: Ma~7100 f H;fpWonr.J, MiJ ''"1Htll> Wanttd,.Mi« flliiHtlp Wonili, MA-·flii1 '1' Dellvery-S_ unday Only' l':!'.';i. ~·~'TEZi<te~:'~. ~~ l;'tllD:llll't. CALES L~!~:~~~·~-.. J]i!,5°1 * * * l1·,,11 or MA:,~~~. '" , 1 11111111~ 1\c11tn l fj.iij,J ,. l11( I. "~VI" Sh 80 ty It•<>;., I Pet'IOl'lncl J\11lnowtv, NG.DUCJ.ION TYPIST OF DAILY PILOT TO CARRIERS. RE-1 ""'~"'" , •• ..i . .; "''"''"~ .... , w b' ' put,. , Btlboa Bay Club ,. ' ' ~ J\o6\y ,~ A !k-Ck I:. 'CO. NtJ l!'•:sf1 n~ .. C:im \\ihUC ~'dti tc lk~t\A, beilc"i •1'!tt 12Zl \\! Coll. 11 Nil 1 UIRE THE USE O~' A LARGE STA· G:it 'W"1 19th 'St. •t;' "1· ,,.,,,,. ~·rt ""'" ""''. ~E 5TCLIFF MACHINISTS . ' '!-•y , IBM SELECTRIC .. 1 ION \VAGON OR VA N. CONTACT.~1R. IYl:i-I072 , . ivkod~. fult tlnie ivhen (jWlll· I e~nn;::I i~l'llC)' 1\IAIO \\'1\NTED : J 11 , BE'NTON \VlLLJA~IS, 330 \VEST BA\' , ·HOSTESS-CASHIER-lie<l. . j '.~lar~• !II Crnter) SE:ACLl .. ~F" ltfOTl-~L STRBET, COSTA l\I ES . .\. TELEPliON~ j f ·111nt'flli 111.11urnt1t.'t c rm11) I tG.lt E. Ed~t•r, s.;.. 1001 s. Coosl llw)'. Need to type 70 words per 1nlnute;accura\elf , I 642-4:121 FOR APPOlNT~lENT. ti~IX'nr~~~~; oi•e,~ ~Li..~P"l!1.~ 1 '1 E:tt Lani • s10-1s::1 • .\-l2~L--EieriencH l.lirwni Bench, "91·•392 slower typist ne ed not apply. , , I ·. i1JRTL.k~ ·~STAi..HU.t/l;' JLr:trAL tra.11\ef', Xll11 1)~1"$ lm'tti ·t•lj"'"'" [ M1lnt~1nc• Helper · Experienced onlY 1 ~' {41\ ,1 An Equ1I Opportunity Employer · :J9 Fnshion lslruut Ncu'.·Oo.i·l k 2:n/~<l2'A<\-rt 111 ~Ills. ~<111 flrn1, Nr, O.C. (I Uf iG I'\ ~ll"li, sited I n ti u 11trI11 I ' Apply; in Peneft'"" • -· .. -.. •,: "!!-,------..---F I ~enit-· , t 1,1• "' •1{::M . ''""!' n1rjll11'1, f33-00.11 .. ' 2nd Sh\ •1 i) .. ttPM M.dhc!!ivcs firm llCC'k !i . ' ' . tip W1nted, MfiF 7100 I :ielp Wa'nted, M& 7100 i1ous~Ki.:r..-P1;;ri., itt, 'i'1 \,r-e' i;-. t •• ~ i ~ . : , ~oyoR_,,_c.LER~~ 3rd Sh,lft ~ .,ILlP.M-7AM ~~~1l·d~~~ha~~icti ~~f1-~ ~ ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '• • t.· . . 11•/1•lclC'r!y Lnguril{ bc11cli1 •i . I Po11unu.~nt l'Vet1lhi }A>81t1on. * M II ~' •VII WIST BAY ST COSTA ''E'5A' . ,_ Dental Asslst1 nt f !Nt-. boullque J ll't'f' "'o!-k Jndv 497_23n ·T• •:, "' , ~ }lust b.l over :n, expel'. I 5 '\• 11 ssilhil likiUL>d e111plo)'l'Cll in "'"" ., · •m , I ~·antL'<I ror 1!cnt111 sp('cl11lls1. ~l·•~\1.'fiud>ess.1 0 rt-s:<'i'~· -b11 1 i -1 ·~MJ·f op.n~inY:, 1 ~ ~ )irer.: but l'Klt 11 e c e 8 8 . * Chucken pcd ..r1ornUll1~. o1bc111'j' 11-I 11 ti 1 ask for Paul Ward 111 £x1>e.1·. de!l!n!(!, Xruy IX'rt. qu1u1 C' · 'i: ~ ~ · ~t mm •• • , · ~ ~ • •• liT3'7530, AlVI only. -_ ut t!K. ,-.... ~8 t cs o , , • ~ jl"Cq'd. Salary open Bunt st \h·h prefY. a .1 7- 2 0 Ii; Dic;taphOtWjCJPr )I •i • -rl 1 , .• * Lathes ur/vancc1uent are V\:'I')' good !·I ~h. aren. 96i.386'.!. • ~ &1Hlt63 · ~ 1\ p.rn . "'· 1att""l•tti1'1iv." ~ t " • ~.;h0011",.~.f0,!!',.1•~,,".',~~1·.~·11,~ * G I d !Ol' qunlllled lndlV\rtual11. f1tlp W•nttd. M&F 7100 I Help Wanted, M&I' 7100 ~ 111 h h I d I • • : " 1' u.i.-..: ., r n ers ' l\no11'ledge of clcctrlully & -, · . DEN TAL As ll I 5 t II.Ill •. rooo SERVICE & !It' 00 lP Oll\I\~· ' JHOlh~r, O"'n rn~ & l\'ketuls • f lg lllo I I ~l I; Hunllne-ton Bench, 5 dttYs . CAFETERIA R•t• TraiMe }1, ~·t ( ,~. •f oft ~ m.1001 tor dct11ils * NJC Drills & I t!t 1;a 00~~;-eM~~ 'ha\·~ OFFICE TRAINEES ·P It E. s c Ho OL COOK. I including S:1t. l yr exp, or I Good 111ath abillQ-<. l Ughr ID'\llhJE'nc'Dt'l"'U. w.. rrt -LOCK.SMITH--* MIU · owp. hand taoli. Conhacl Stnlle I Dini for~ pay + · Partlinle. Clean, etticlent, lfqui\'Blentt't!<},Salaryopen, , school dlplon111 , ,Apply .In 11;"'".I ' ~.rLJ\.JVi"fl "'(C:L C ' . S , Personnel, O:::.AdJ,44 ,F.nual bonld_Am&:·P1n sh1ft•.1'~n com.petent. ,Very re1 p . !additional benefits, 97~ COOKS & SERVERS pt>1-ioon, 8:30 an1 ...,.11Ckd;,1yll SERYICfS .. AGENCY . otu~lc!ely ei-:P,!?r. lns ld.e/ * Hones ·Oppo-r. Effilip~erP.t/Fr , -, nlnlCl!fplll'.'rr. C o m 1n er c c peison. Xlnt work I~ a: 1 .. 1 ~--~~~-~rrr-6-' !ia(C'co l11~urnnct, C'o ·•1TJ-o · oulSldc "'Ork. Good sutai y. ¥~ .Bureau, 16612 Beach, 1-IB oondltlons. No exp. nee. • D~NTt'L cf~I~A cOOci f~fi I F\111 tinil". ~lon.·Frl. All Srookhursi Fountal'\0Va11~~ \\'ine Tastlna Cellar ~.la~~ ~nents, l'ullrrton. jQc. 2nd-Sl1ilt eremiunt__ .MALE_.!;~1n. tJ'fp-..MfJ.Q.l!N.,_&1lbllM_(Sl,g1 says tu:. 87r...4022:Sat·~-' e: I' ~· :S c, . r-.lnjor tlt'iwfits. Call for ebE """ ' ""-' M\u1:.i}:"dk (Cdbptel '$800 -4a~.. 30c Snd Shirt Preniiun1 full. & p/ti~),ADPIY Center) ~ Inn{> job, . lnng~ h(_:ncfits. appt. 640-l:iOO Exl. 119:1 ' . ~~pe1· , to $8Xl LVN's He'd Psy Tech for , Kcutuckyi' Fried Olfckcn, -·-r P~,!--lCbooAkkC<QWltbi&/ ~ M»iie S.1.t. .11.e ... S•ll)~3:J I!?._, ~\on. thru fl'i. in~ro openings. qunukclt 5'('(..')'·bkpr·leial ST;J(J charic nul'!le & in~lclne Longer Tern1 En1ploynwnt I 693 s. Coast Hw~ Laguna OFf'ICE'Cl:EANING n .... ..,.,s eeper w P"r• ..... Dt;ntal Aswlant, ~11n 1 '\ r. J ~ c ho o 1 lJ us 4.r) ~· e.r i ~1TST-~1T{)C., , $T36 nw.11e po&itlon!I. park \\'ltb History Of Beoth. J J ., '-' , Appro>t. 4 hn1 eves. Exper e:otf)t'r., typ~, !14-7060 lot • l::xp. !\lust tnkC' good X-Rn y eFRY COOK 11i:tf. ·ff• J\O! _Qudl.' t\•1tlnl 11r, Ex, ~i:rt.Q.ry . · S)Oll Lido Coln•. Jlosp. 612.so.H. NO LAYOFFS I ?\IAN k lt eouple, ~I hr RI!.. + aulo 11ppolntm~nt. 11.. be:-Lise. nta~·h Areu l •KITCHEN HELP.ER 11•111 be pro,·1ded Xhu job 1s.."'<'y·Reeept-Lt.-gaf• $673 -. "t \Vor:[pan~"'Orl-ln es t.·i-:p, C.1'l~ &, Nwpt. drea. JS.t7-2:i69 '!'HE JOLLY ROGER ror hou.,;c1vif~ i~ loco I .,!!rf'a.' I Reccpl·llte-sh . ~ r-.IAMi~'IS'J'S ~ -. , : ~\'ill t~a°cb. ~ N ·£11 Can~ Colle(,:t cell °""'2131 927.fll.15 REAL ESTATE pENTAL A&"'T. Chah'Sidu. ·IOO S. Ola$l H11·)'. .£:!._l'I~ ~~[12~'~--.'. S<>o•_LRE Lell.lluig S62S ~ .. IL'";~.~~ .. r'(· In Our P.lanurnctunna: Area Real ; SC. 492-:jlQN 01-·i;·rCE GIRL need(.'(I lm· ' ' -P I IAll phas~s .gen'l .dentistry. Laguna Ikacil ·. lnformatlon Cltr,k ~:~~'l~h"1~iJcn 3100 to= ,/; CR w. E:otc<'llcn~IV ~~· ~~lions -. . , n1cd., J\1ust be experi~nt'ed I IF YOU UKE lllustha1c xrayexp. t'R\' COOK Ex p. mtlSI. be f('(',Pald. Grf'et vL~ltors to i:1 ~ic:~Ty . f ' s·'):; "'\•.. .. .. , l.l_, MANAGER lnlyplng&tlwntpyfor bus:y PEOPLE · • 493-1178 * . elt•an l: ne:;t. 'Over 21. ('f'!lU11,1UUlry. T!lkC' can:> 1?_f Ac.~~;nt. ~crks . to ~ _ ._ _ Con\pn.nY. 1 · ny> of Chh'(1;u"cll1· of!k~. Houri; 1 I . Appl\· i!'I pc%1llln iu Surf & pa11ses. Rl'!iC'v(' on P~X .• l\l<'d Frunl-Ofricc s:ioo h:M·Ac~':'.~ n1cdh.:~ nl ., ins.. '·'t• S.t &:,3-7. ~\\estcunor .. WED UKE YOU l. Desperately NHded I Sirlolu, 5930 \V. Coast lhvy, ~Just .~·e cty1lh1,g,_ *,·,11~-1 p T Cl!Jl. Of(:icc $3.25 ht' • -'(j', <ll~blli9n_,flqi...~~1'Jol: & TRAINrrl\ .. &iile...101, N..B~ Si.5-~~---i.. I ' ' ( SECRETARIES J N.B. · '"'1811· <N'J~. .rt>llt ixne 111· 488 E.11Th Sf. tat trvltlt'l Ot • t"t'tn't'n"gi ! 111·!l"i .v,J ~ . OP~rt..~'"y01." 'NCR~ "ro consider a cettttwith th1 Too !'llanv To List · · Call Coast<1I Pf'.r s 0 ~;1 e 1 I Suitt 224 642-1470 -,...~~-...,...,.,..,' SATUflDAY 1nn~·hi1»Q tr.llQrllt,pr, p.\il l~der Jn ~I e!ltate 11trv1Ct. ' ,AAMEs 10oo;. FREE I *GARDENER* ~:;.:.1 ~lf~u0 ~ ..... , .. """ .. ,.. l !J 1' }.. .:>~ ( 1"'te· 11vws· ··)~I . Fun & pft1.~ 111111.,.f "J t&in.; i\p~ ~e provid" lhe .111.lea train· . , , -· ' • ._...,.. · ·• -w#i-·v -11 ,., · , • . ' !Jank t·r, Alnet-ien, J . 1ng. Together we'll get )'OU 11• E /3uretfuh "A1 J lle'yo·:i·o_;vnboss. Pa~or l -JANITOit & TRU"CK ':! ·, ~ )W(' July2~th;11n\,!Jl:~m lntcrvle\l'l•tig Now for lrvlnr,Ne\r rrpeach.. \\•he1"t'yoti •Wani1oeo. tnpoy11?e l P'l'lll'Y lltn1c. _..oul\ O'A'll. area .... SPECTORS DRIVER ' o~~R e. . . . :· 1., .. ,. Posltloi'i!!. In 'Or1u1go Co. • I Co1ta Mesa 556-1100 High Incon~. G~a~~l'C! l'R coni bina\lon for s n1:i. \I .1 • 1 :~ • A~b1)r'tn Ptr-1111 ... ,., ~. ~tu~l be over 21, bontlabl? & OC~n~r!i "'cxpcr.tlt h~/"r"~h~~,'Ji OFFICES BELOW 12706 lbn·bor Bl.. Su\r.-. 2fl7 I Cu s1omen. &rn oi\. ay I . . , ni anuf. firni. p 1easa n 1 • ~th• 4-"ftliay --111 good i>h.,vskld.l'mn<I.• Have 1 1 " 11· Pu ·. "' AttE··tttTe--o·· , Anahe im 776-8120 Later. l ' ' ' l .. , -' ~--d & ood S~1htir-.t."7PM'..---t'ar &1tcl•pho1e G4' \o"'1'1,. ran. ~nergc c per s o . l"l"l5~'• • I 5••1117 5••3144 ~··1 r""-,..."'W ..,.,. • ll'Oll\lllg l.'On s . g co. RTE'~ ·' "-.., 64H l72 NB t>f :i •_' IN YOU j 600 No. Euclid .-or -· · """' '1'""""" ".r!C:-' 4{;( pa id behefits. Tapmstic Air-Conditioned Plant BE . 'I , Toe bla.r:ket ncafj!•t~ or ' · · 1 ; , r.. • , .~ ;i . , ~ 1 · ·1 _ . gr';>"'·1ng 0 1'.lngc ......_oun \y .ri.s-. Cot·P. 18jl ·Kettering St, 1 tclephOne our office&.,'. . • • CALL--'MA°NAUR-AT 1 . --etl' •k>ctron~cs_ fu·ni has •tfl\· lr\'lne. 979-{i()S() Prefc1· lndiTiduals ex ""r-. ln41 83>-, 7417 -'PAC.KER •,; ~ • ,, • 00 you fee l you 11 1~ ·ovt'l' GEN ERAL n1~1"·1e -n•"" for El....._ ,..~ f' I f I ck " • I p u ' L C. I t I .._ ........ ~.... ...... ""-----ienced In set1in.. p ·~ . .. or n Ontlfll 011 Young ll\U/1 1'\llU\IC.d to P.ll au'e'N" "Rk ' .• uua !fied for your p1~n Need d 'Now!· troolc lnspet·trn; i•:'previou.s JAN;ITOR Needed full tlml", "' ... .._, . ..,. 1!...:-.. CORPORATION TIC TOC~_..EMS el('('trorUcs eqtiipnicnl. • I' A position? \\'ould )'OU like "' e recent related experience 111 for convalescent ho&pl!AI. ezautltf .., .. v~nli. . . • 4~"• PO\VELL' Er..ECTRONfCS 522.2&56 pos.il!on i1·/cquel pny 10 I /Secretaries [inaJ & ln·process inspection English not . nee_. Beverly ~Icier training person!! l::Qual Opi--. Eil11ployer 11820 WistcfniAVe Stl\fitor\ COSTA MESA -~;C'n1 f ~1~ou c.!i~~e--:i~ /Typi.sts funclions. Jn d Iv id u a I l\Iunar. 340 Vtctona,~ = ren~:le ~txt~~tJ l.r. 18001-"tt'On lta""imi-n MANAG ER 1"RA1NEE-· 89-\.™''DSk-for .Johe •545-f4fl 'pref'rJ. C~ll Sat & Sun. 17141' /Clerical SC:lected must be fam iliar JANITORIAL 'Cli;atting, full . 'mec ca up .1 u l'. Irvine, Calif.. 'Fl"e Paid .. B11.:¥!obWri_,flnn !11 FOUNTAIM VA.Ll.:IY ~n6 for intCl'\'iN· nppl. /Keypunch . ."1811 ,Phascs .·,· r e,, ~ or part.un,,e. t;!,1n;;?..,~k , HB Ercl'llent benefit progran1 in-ID-104; Ext. :294 l!'vine CompJCx";""lii'rs lfl"tll PAINT .-MET Al t. ~1754 . 0 nd I. P 0 , h • IMJK'C IOll, a c •.:tlU area a pn1 O'i -"""" cl""-· E I Opp Em loy-. '· •. . -·-" ti t r se_ resume · ·.-Tee n1cians blueprint.s & sctfcmatles. • """""· qtt•1 •• p •f needs lnch_v. w/def1n1teman • '!>'81"""" '· w .\'l\.n FULLl;ltJnN Box 5061 San1a A1111, Ca I Ac~ntinn · -goals to 1nove up The ladder i:,~llmatl' & be 1Us own boss. ill!'l'S42 .... ·ri. . . 92701 . -'A bl • J.C. PENNEY CO. • Gt'OUP P.ledll'al "-l.Uc •• MACHIN-'E·· in cot·p. SU"UCturc. Stw1 t-1ne oppty rc!!ponsible , , . ,--cR-AFTSMAN-• ssem e~s r. _ I WE OFFER 24 Fashion Island fn$.y.ra.pce , .... ,, $&13:. Also Fee Job$. Call perso~jn Siy1t11,; Ana ~a. HUNTINGTON BIACH 2' Yrs 1nln: expc~ .. plun~~ NEVc;~ ~tt~~ ~~~t.PO ./Moder n F•cil.itles I Newport Beach : ~~~ l~~~~a~nle Vat::a tion 'OP!RtfTQR9 "" Betty CUtler, S 4'0-6 0 5 5 , 540-14 . ' 540-5140 I l olee.lncal held ptef'tf. I TEMPO Tempo'"-Hel• 'XI 'I •-f' llo•·O--n••g F'or . • ~m Shon•• Plan llllll TRA'IN' !i""li!_al Pc-t'Jll<t/11:!\ PART TIME TUSTIN-REDHILL Xlnt benerits & 1,'l'O\\'lh -~J •• • •· n D9rte 1t1 / ,,.._ u 1 • •v .,.,. '! 1 . 279() Harbor Blvd, CXf · --IJl.6256 I o p p or t u 11 Hies. -Please --as2 /Competitive Pay PART-TIME. e Cl'edir Union . l\tANAGJ.it:"S -. ~r. n~ed . WESTMINSTER ,c:ontac1Jack Folcy,556-6iOO. GENERAL Or='FltE I PLEASE APPLY l BEAUTY OPERATOR Apply Employment · S hou l d 'h,ave b"as_l c f~r ful ~. r~i.·~. ,Jn:UR4.. '94.0611 D. r. I V E . I N A .s s i st~nt Act a• reception.isl & 'use l undc.r1tanding of me a sun rig Xlnt PttY i !ic1 jlltl. J 9.-0.C. I 111anager, Evenli'"' ~11ft. small cordless S\\itchboard. 1\londay Thru J-t-lday · E•. eilll~nt .,,....;fng ron<!r. » • OffiCt tools. ga1::es. & kno\\'ledge Or locutions. 64-t-4WO. · 1 ~i>Ctla)'prog' ""r"rtln tOi- Q\·cr 18. \\'ell groomed. Avg tvping abilitY. Never Or Con tact Outstandjng Bcnl'fits rea in~ U<"P,. nti; .•. m, MG'-IT tri;ic 2t.30:;.$~ \\'k .. · unllccn:cd applicant. .., 8:30-llAl\I. l.n Person ·' .-.v•n KAYNAR d bl ri So • ;::t~~-i;;.,.:7.'~eB!;~~1: I a J~~~~10B:1~~ Agency ) "' Ap~~~\~~-i~~'~son . g;~,~~ij~1 1~ '~fi's~~. ~f,~nRic~~~~r~rd. UNITED I '! ~. 1 1,~.! ! ~' ·' C~a !o.te5a~----•-17400 Brookhurst, _F. Yl.v. MSI Equal Oppor. Employer n1tf MFG. CO., INC nincldniJ; .. Slna~V :«impall'Y r.-tECJ-IANIC \\'anted. ClM.!1 A CALIFORNIA .• DR'S ASSISTANT Suite 213 963-tim 800 S. St•tt College ·atmosphere, -·~ ·~ any Sntog Ucense prefen-ed. DAN W lk & l Young lntly 118-281 IQ 1vork Data Corporation J R. DRAFTSMAN ' Blvd. ... bep~~~i~~")~;J i .• i Top Pay. Apply In j>C.J"llOn at --: ..... K a ... ~.~ .• ,. ee a.!I doctor'11 assistn.nl/re· GENERAL OFFICE 33.l Baker,. Costa l\tcsa To be trained in inte1·ior Fullerton C Exxonl ~ 300 E.· 17th _ St., 6_ N C D ' .. ,,,,.,,,,.,, In lte•lth spa. No E 'd on! I · 1 oUice d rod Division of Purex Ol"p. Cosia r.fesa. o1V ewport enter• r • .._ , I xp Y· gir . · · (714) 540·6600 restaurant e_C?r P ucts. (71•)871-1550 900 East &11 Rd, Allaheln1 Newport Bt11ch lexp. nect'frlsaty. \\c Iran ?.lust have bookkeeping ei.:p Delnlling ab1hty to run E al -·ual opportunitj cni(>lo)·er !)'OU. Apply in pel'fiQn erter-& be self starter. }:;qy.al Oppor. Ett1ploycr m/f blueprint mach. & keep up qu oppoz1unlty employer ~.. l'lledieal 644 6464 \\'E'RE PART OF YOUR f'UTURE . . , . ••' i' noon or e\·es. 2930 \\'st. Cst. Idle Ide, Iuc., Cos ta r.1esa . detail filt>s. Alfred l\I. l'lf/F SAVE TI-IOSE APPLE WORK 4-40 HOURS H\1:y., NC\\"P(>rl Beach. 6-12-8900 for appl I 11' S·P ECTOR-l\tEci-fANlC-Gordon o c. s igns, 250 . PEE~INGS and hoil in , HOMEl\IAKERS, INC. An J::qual Opportw1ily Equal OpPorfuhltj Emploftr Domeslics I AL. f'.\"p in Aero Space, fL~hPr. Costa Jl,f e s a Don t gl\.'e Up tht-lhli,>! nlununum pall!I and pot&. A Sub or TilE UPJOllN CO. · ~n1ployer : REAL ESTATE . H~usE~IVES GENERAL ~!~ kr:c'u~~~~~tcee~i~ ~2'S60~ ~-~~~~·rt!1R~J',~~ri.6:.1P ~:.~'-~~a~"!!:~~~!i u~~~ 1 • •• * · TRAINING 1'----Use--\our Slullll W---help -.---5--W-21 0l KEYPUNCH -$600 Don t l:lvl'. up the ship~ t:0nd1t1onf Have anything to /NurHi.; ~-rt ~~!~~ Fra.nlc .• Wilson • , People & earn.a good 'A'llge. SECREJAR'f --Fct' Paid Thl!1 fine eo. ,·ery "List .. It in dassilled,·Shtp l sell~ Uso a Daily Pilot . ./C 1 ·' t ~·· 1 2531 Bamboo 1vALl.EY REALTY belleYH IIOJl,1E~lAKERS II 01'1 E ,INSURANCE , . scldQ.m has an opening due to Shore Results! 642-5678. I Classifi('(f Ad. Call 642-9378 . .1c°"'Y..a1•·~ ~ 1 1 .•.• that a suceessful sa.1811'11.n HE,\LTII -~RE DI\•. QI ExpeneQt.-ed Insura nce 10 congenial co-workers 4 Hel W tlted ult• U IV\ I H I W ttd M&F 7100 • OfT)fNll ~ ·~ -Newpor,t .Beach ·--Is one \\ilo Is \\•ell trained. UP JOHN Urgtnl,ly, ~eedi Sa\aty c a m m ern 5·U$U te Acoounts RA:cetvabl~rk. the outstnnding -benefit: I~ • , "'.!"-J ~-• p an -~ ' -./Subt't.ltu • ''elirll; .... '"" W1lll'le~~ 1-\\'e ~are; J~ for::; .... ....i I 1 "' . " ' . ' resp:m.'<lb.le exper d "':mruin "'/abililj.)'., _,exp er,~1 :. \~ i;:i-\1 ~rs,-R • c IJ a r ~o n, ·1 ·1~~~.Pff£Ii. G.til!lt...ttumc.e..lor.~ /Homemaker~ TWO e.R&£Jl'ICK8TS n\ Ind' c d,.. co~~. thal ha,111l a delire to care qua!U~tjonl Se.i~m.ne t-2!'.~ Insurance , ~o llt~~i'fi~·-1tho Y'~_; , . , ' , • Car necess. 4 .:rtr.: tequln!d. , lo t~ .. tioncst me? and \\'Qmen who ..._ 11 r~r 01h~. ·' ..._to_ra- 1 13m; w &.~r66. ·J~b!I. can san1 =~ . ._ ~-MACHfllfSfS .·,, · 'e;-f!lY :9i){r,"lnl'llre-r himl 1ltNGt 1NG-BRos-ANC h '!nHo""1,oapran<1.:-irow .. w1Uf1---1r1 ·l·~=t~~~~l~~ep;;;'.'°:rri Beach, Ca ~.; ' . ~l1~:1i~~il~rpjh!ll~~~·fi~·1 ~-';;~1:,~~~.,,cy, !"---·.,.' ' "' . . ' ~,:.;.,"'ir~:"N;,.: BARN~~tu~AILEY ?:"~~:~·~,:::-_~~ 1·~t~~~~:~~-&ca~hor!~~: GTitf1FRl~AY.' ·$609 H81p W•nted. M~F 1100 Help Wa"nted, M&F 710Q ! I: ~ . ' .. ~2ND & 3RD SJllFJfi7·;·;~-, . 55,31.' . 5 $ ' a! lhc. r:chan~:e~c~u :i::tc~ I ! refs req'd. ; Typing~~:~~ties • -• ,• d PD text C ept1onl.:1 oo'NV'E~NTNAJOllNE IJl,CE1 NTER be· part ofi our exp&nll6ofl ij·e pay you. insure you & WESTCLIFF l\'IACllINISTS -'1 ~ .: • ' Exper & mature r.tust kno"' program, we will traln )'OU. 'bond yoU &.. you pay 1no ' OVERTIME AV !(ii.ABLE -pegboard Call · btw 2--4pm 800 W. KBtella, t\nahein1 For conUderltial tntervlev.>, ' fet'S. · ~~~""f:, ~~~;~J MILLING wkdayM. '42-8566. Plcn11c call 612-5678, ext 333 call Valley Reali;)' fn4) I Ii Pl,a.c ~5;;'{ Appl. I 1651 E.~" S.A. M'ACHINISTS -co::~~~v~:~~~~~=:ENT ~?r(L{~")S~ . __':_":"n ':"' ~ok<t5 ~~~·ESTAT~olff !~ Em~~ment GO"'I> JOB I _ _ .FulLor p-t.Une. Apply Co&tl\ . Pert~Thrie Job_ . Brokers 1 S1iltsmen •, Ciun1ellor .. "---V ·-, PAID -HEALTH INSURANCE Mesa Inn, 320Ci llarbor F'lcx1bl~-hou1·s: H~p.1tal1ty \Ve have an upening In our ff }'Ou have h1ul c!encal Retired inen or pensioners 1 Three ye3rs tnihimum experience. The ·pt>-, 11.P. ~ID .• UOUDA YS p1:R~,YEAR Blvd .. Co&ta l\1esa. H08te,i;~~ ~tv1~ n e c d s 1-Refildcntial Div. for an exper. &. are sales or1cntcd \\'ho desire 2.-dgy_i a .... ·eek sitions require the planning, setting up and ~ ~ ~ -.. l\fUSICIANS or Groups lntelllgent, w o 11:1 c n · to exfX'ri enced man or "'·oman 11 "'·ill train you to bc<;'(lme \\'Ork . No dril1kers . Good ogerating horizontal/vertical milling ma.· I 10 DAYS PAID VACATION \Yanted. "~leome new families. You possessing enthusia.lm and 1a successful. profes.!IK>nal refs. 67~2289. . d h . Ila h I . Call 646-282.1 will _need a ~ar. & integrily. lf )'OU are 'P'""""'' """""'"· Salory c mes an I eir a c ments. '· SA' TURo·•y INTERVIEWJNI! a·aOllloftif~ '""'"'.''"· Call "'~ for ,,.,,.,,,,.. ;, • b<ootl"11 1---t;.;..-=mm .. -ca!J-JeJn-Brown. vi'iCit-Yariity. I itust have the kno"wledge and ability to I •' (I . '... . ... n1 Uft' -NEVER A FEE lntcrvle\V appt. oIU ce in the finest locatJon, ;~. Coastal Perlcinnc,I • I # uHt Co pit& read and interpret machining blueprints PAYROLL CLERK 11'0rking \vith co n a-en I a I 'Agency, 2790 Harbor Blvd, · ·r" -VI Pit!( " and sketches to perf.orm machining opera~ j ' ·;.:NC MACHINIST > : [I ·i_~· ~,: J•cc-Pa id. International firm asaociates,\\·e1reinterested ; C~I \~-o~ ln DellghUuJ . · . . naeif f' i.-h d l ~ • , · • Legal S.C'y"Bk,pr 1noving Into pluidi ofe11 in In meeting yo11. lntervle'<''S t.; M PLOYMENT i)fM i. 11~.:A-t'J;g fi lf.lbnS to obtain s~_1c m ,...e.s an to er-Ino\nc Complex. l'IIust have by RpPOlnt11Jen\. ' Small tite mlg exqef. ~ w1'':.'."ao' ..:;J.t/l ,f t "'-,arlces. '-... ' ' .,' 'Start ·To •$6.15-.rer-Hour• ·• $750 1 yr 'expe•. ;n ,,.,.,..,11. W11l1y N. T1ylo• Co. need• •rellable f t,~lirie t.->.i nls'4r Cfion~ ~ ~ "-· ~ -Salary to ~. AllO Fee REALTORS ·employee \\'fexper. In Appfican Ari A 1-~ ,~ I .. HQRIZONJ'·•t --I -al Recantionist J~ Call Rlla JohnS<>n, 2111 San Joaquin Hills Rd. 1 metal lho_p. 0 °gi~l !lP'l! '~,~~· in': f '. ~ 'H _., -"' 540-WJS. Coastal Personnel Ne1vporl Center 6#-4910 w/eo >fin e "'"'ii'~' r~ • '. ' ·' •co I I $675 ~· Agency, mo Horbor Blvd, m-iiro J ;m Cl• .'~ I' )!You · · • ! , ~ . · BORING MILL CM RECEPT/~EOAL , ENGINE lnstalle ftip' 'SuL-eedt . · · :9Po4.t { { ' 1 .,. • • • · , • Keypunch PBX Answtrin'g Service Pllish office In Newport ' I l · g b 0 8 1 Office Exp., Bf Smart, -; I · .-p • • , knd Beach. Co. pmfera 1ndJv. • a• .grow1n p?!f'.~~l!,'fj~·"" Appy.i.u erson .' . Jll D VI' 'Lu • 11 d T $605 ' Ony!l&.nftrll'iinclud,w I 1r/somelegale:per.Start manufacturer; ... tft ly S-11 , Ca. . -~llig .. ~1 f*J33 Harbor Blvd.: Costa Mesa",'Calif. e 1e9• CGS~_,U ar 0 Full p/t. EOE 540--1962., $675. Clll_I_ JUI.a Jolwon , ,17422Derlan, ·~ Ave. t&fTIMRic.. aft. i~i-'. . .' Start To $6.35 ·*'.~ r',, Hour .~J ....... PERMANENT -~Jar.rClll 5~:-c00stii.'1 1Penoi\nel IN1'1iRTAllW E,.T B""iW•fY'+ t)M,Jl , ('JAii equal op(lOtlupity employer.M /F 1!11 MTST /MTSC Opt "°''''°"· Min '"""" ,oo Ageocy, mo 'l""'r Blyd, WANTED~···~·) 1ni1t5lon1;.TrVouDcal • . ,r. '$6'5 .,fl ,· "'·pn1 · 1yplng rcq. ~H Cl\Ii'·.li -1.h t\'l~"'t ' Apply 100.J,tain SLl rd I, \\'d;ll 1h People & Are Help Warted, M&F '1T00Help Wanted;· M"&F 7100 NC DR f l·'·L\ .·• _, . , U dc&ired. 193-8122 RECEP'f16Nffi.TYPIST ESCRftW TRif ' Se<liu A Cat't'er, Coll : ~ • ~ . PERSON knowledge Bont Legal o(ficc • L n a-u n !It '":"'"!-• ' CAR nliW3-91<15 .MEN/WOMEN . I 'l."-1 Accounting Cle'rk HWI Rcpa.lt "'Illini::: to \\'drk Hiii!. l.IU!l be iood typf1t Outs~f'l4~ 0~.:..' lrlit.n 'PER! . -NDL ~· . ff ..... ,,11 ' -_. Start To c:_s.93 '.P.e. r_·.".· a11r, .,' ' "'cekcnd11. C11ll Coliect 6PM, "' ~ble !(JI hnnlit~,l"eceptk)n-as rect'lli:_tea'CuuJ: "AGf!Jll' lo r. ir<PQ. " • ~ i'~' QP' JO A. j 1 ~ · ~ Secrttllry · (114-1 GM-8077. 1 telephon11· 1 &; • ren'I oU\ce escrqw, reat t " -Q:Ji ·'-~~1'l ' "' ,~. _.,:i. j ', ' : · l '\"( • · St~ duti es. ~o SH i:ev'd. C.11 = . . usj=;;;.~: .• ' ' ~ ~ ' , ' TOOL .g. CUf;TER't·~-~· s.:;~:~~1!!;:,y, PERSONNEL, ~~;~r;~~ •'" appt. !:!..""'" B __ ·_::_I · · .lj;' ~ ~"110 .fUT·URE ' ,-; GR. IN.DE. ,. \ hport i.G~ CLERK RECEPTIOH1s'i' .• EX.'5 CflETARY_ t H"''"-WA"'TED , · .-5 .. ' WITH' ;. , O•anat 541•1694 . Pleaoa<rt leg•L otlk• .In Fqi· top exec. of real cstat~ ~. 'l ~· eM. ' ' 1 '1.L.... · 1 "i ·J ·? f • 1 ~ , i • ,7 •• Fa.shlo'!._ 1I.sl~ f.!J~. development """'"""'°" ~ C ~ ~ k'J,.~ -. ' ('~~To $5.93,·P f ;j _Haur NEWF 1'CTORY= An;niermn<Jol>lo•••h..,. "" ~· .J. t hy ~Rf:l\lesi!alet~l~~no~i :~tt .. ~-~ .. ~; U\Jl~R & ·GAMBLE I ~~\, '" Bl'Mdl ouU~~-·-.n~ pcsnonwhoh!15 goodOU_lce c:n~r~M~7671.exper. ~aria\ .s r ~·d ... ~,-::~··~ , AJl !kM'ti~ns Require MtaJ~ . .--5 Years ln azh n~follO:Wtljg: 11kllls &. enJOY11 workit1g C P. ST ~:Jull dt?tair:~u Anmi!~ ---~ .;.r l SALES i Exfur,1't1nce , • ' own Pre'cis Hand Tools ·~tpl,TrnC' [\ -.• ff'l ,., lvk \\-It~-people. ShOuld lrJ>I! ~ RE, ~TY~l--\VCekda)'ll betwn lliwti'"'A:. · ~··HIRING __ '•.' ' • Scn1Jlcn !2) $,1 hr & 1111.ve good n1 alh .skills. ~ App Y ~~~ilOam-i-11 3 833-8680 _::¥-P e7roan~I\J ¥-'Pt,k _ ; .-., Re utre4 ... U.S . Citiz.cn~l}.Required. Salesmen .,, • · Open l\londtlt\ttiru P'rk;i~ ,.;,~~LE w•n;ed ·~-.,,; ,,, ...... ,.~fj<I dfifn ·"' ··~eeking aJlclndividual,who·ha• an in-sA' ru· RDAY INTERVIEwl!G, BAM· NOON All benellt>, ""~' P91itl0>t" . 1 .. :;::',,~;:r; .• , :, 1:m·Qila; ,,...,, '"' , . . .t JntJ'illlill(lll . No-experi "' . '• r if1 sellin!T 'and is IO"Okin g for a 1011g-ter.m I 4f4olOU time employee, 1 \ '· g_·u t'' e rlt'ce~ty du~ w ~xc-s: , l• ~ " 1 Appol11lJnc.nl .R(lllnl$ ·•,"',",de, thea,"'* :l,o[pp)'Cf truining f"l"Ogr'an1 roi·f en 1' 'gb ,, ar~er. ~6ur ' sales territory \Vil! be I ' '\ J. I •. '{ • N,E,,\VS~~·p/ l.'i!, A~~~ Rout,•, 93~.-8830 •' ~~ .. ~ .. 1 -• w g 11 re 8 • "'." k-ev \\"Onitn 18 & over '~ t lerc 1n th1& area. I -.1~. u.: 11 ~'pet .,,, oval' ~ \ ~~:rd mli:~1~~~ ~·~1>'0 ~I TOP WAG. E ; -· !i',1'1 ,b 11· ". d ts . . d th Other lnterviewi~~ ·,'l'i'!'ft ' ~\\Ja:i~11 ;}~ntl. sn;k~ -s'j~: . ·' ~::.i· ~i.nna:_' I< hMdwritlng. 011 "Mb1u:.i, . "~'~';.. 0\\ e se HlG pro uc recognize as e -~.an ;Be Arraiqed 1110. M7-1100 tier. •10 11.m. COMPUTER · .. • 549-3936. , ~· .. .. ' t'o1· ~tnre lnlormation'&tr., be'st: backed 1' effective advertising_. and ·i I . • N'"'"l'E/COM--P-""1'"''"-COOKS t · · !714) 99•3541 you'll be-1.llkln 16 customers who need and · "UK>t "" ""' uoSTESSES FEMALE ·rhelp· "' "I ed ~ • . ' ---·ApfldJ or 'Call wliwd .~ be "''""""' In AUTOMATION n ' t·u 111 1, / ti m" .1-1y c 11 M • T 1 Onl I res pect you 'in 1he marketing help you can , , • -~· P~l"E • , . v1' II on u I Y , • lh•lng In a 111co hon1c, ,., 34K'1'22lh1c~y,:.iltc•""'cl~~h~~~~-. , ~ ~· give them.. • . -t-" [ • -' helping nl~ people, eon1lng 1:i11 Von Karn··· , ... ,.;,,,. B KK~IPElt " ... ~ ll,'\\'f' 11·l~tlt.r l\'C/lr you have •· 1 • • tron1 $!00-$000 per rno. & ' E "'"'" ' .... ,,.' Ott oa Poinl . , ontqro"·n? Sell It f<l.'tL 'Aitll This is a good \nper1nanent career opening ROYA J INDUSTRIES have l>enclits ? u 1h 1, E,:.qual Oppor, mpleyer nl·f • AEJ>IY 3 5 D1t\I)' CLASSIFIED 'li11 irel1 H! · a 01111.t p;lot ('husitn?d A\tP fof).fhe ~rl'Ous· lrided person \vith feet on ~ t.. 1n1erttts you &: )'O(t. .have 251 E. ~oatt Hwy H•IP Wontt4, M&fllff , Help W•~!od, ~iJl!'I t~~, grou~ll,,ntl' a Hldng for sales work. ~,Et~;~'"irsftlmH'if" P,IAMASTICCSHINE OPRS Newport Beach • Please phone con'"rcming your interes t. 0\41:.. '45-5531 .Equal dPflOI'. t;mployer <) -c Energy P.roducts_Div.ision _ ll'-.f!lrltv ,xriond lng ~Pl!!Stlc INV~ST. '(OUR :S.UMMp i~ 'I ~ ~=g det•~s ot ~our sales background to: ~uRS~ ccu·s • =·'""hlft':.f.:~!""'" "'~.l''.t ".EIT,,i;rt: .'k':fi'~ Be ready for a new career this t911 Mike Bwrke · , ~ 2048 .. E~ Qyer RO, d run or. pan 1tmn. All shtt1s. 3rd 11 fti for "·on~n. Wlltertront loc. Wbdl thnt , 8-se!.Sioll'reiil ~4o1e 1rdini!fg-·11t#<lhii" .11 I ' 121 l ,) ·923.0811, Collect • • , 1 S t A XI"' "'"""'" ••0 d ~;toJ'.""'6i,,,.~~· 1 ':'~ ~1~1 N. a.,_ "'·NB I D CA ~ . • an a na I working conditions. EOE. 11dv11nl't'mcnl u n I I 1n i t c:d 2ll'4tf>Broodwoy. 5oQ1b-Ano:• ~ I Q\1 '.1 • ,.t , -owny, -' ... ' ' ~. I .._~Ulv'1~~ .. Mc~~ .ti~~~: "'/81'011•ing (.'Q, Clean Ille Rl:C-EPTIONISf/TYPro-i- l de 'I 'A ·~a ~i I 1 ~ IN.. ..wn -;W k I bt II I r-.. dt1lH "'Ul"k, ofc:. tllp, cd torn tars o \.I • (Over-Rold Of£ Ramp Eastf'rom The i1'01' 11 nc1\• i d ng. ...... I (0 J • . -J, . ...,_ ~ i f \) Ca!J ~\\'CCI) 8:30 a.nl. & 11 :308.ltl., ' ~ ~ NURSES AlDk:S P.cl1Ablc· l)lihl nietl in1>ut•1tnce. & good l~'I) nn r;klUs. Mature, 'f,t.10 p.ni. WK., Juty'J4 . 'ZI~ · ~ ~1 t JJ '. ?llt1,1:July 22.1974 -t, ~·Newport F'reewayJ ~ • , {ti a t u re · Ex p er I onceiJ vncntlon Plall. , 1-cllablr. pr1110n. Start $8.<Dl ' ~7'-, • or ' . ' . 540 3210 " r /;I~ ·~ • Applr ~A~f,;)'~1 l"IY. 6'1\-1410 ' ,_~'-jo • Se nd rcs un1" to: P.O. Rox 977; Downey, C1\ ' -~ ~\\'e<!d •t\ .t Re1a:p" C11llf, lrttectlon Meildl"g "~tn.'c' Roorn Jo~or Daddy" .,... ~ 9024 A'! 7 tA " R 0 11 • ~ • • • ; • 1 Fron1 treasure, to trru~h 26.""i ~~~. COJJI~ Ml~t\ , . . . clenn out the l&l'Nl'.C. .. • Ii fr."'11 , '921 •w , J' .~ en vn:, LlJr, . . are 'Bqu·s1 "Opportunity Employer ~1/F .I • r Turn them lnto c11~h l fl'Vl(ll!' lndwi. Co1nplcxl ... turn nia.t JW\k Into cash I • • 1 \ _.. ~ , • F,qu1aJ Opportunify F.f11p loycr J J ~'f!Jfo~1;1ri :J{~ ~' Bii< Sof Bakeroct.R~hlll 1, :J~hG.ajPJ41~~~-t ~~fted 1 -'• ~ • • -I ·- " "' ' . .. . ... . . • , '"' • ,, --..... • ..... • .... ~ •• ,. • -• --... 4 • ' ' 4;,. ' •• . '""~' '•*. -"-·~. -• . . . I ' ' i ' I : ' I • • • J 1HelpWontet1,Maf7lOO Hol W "' W"'"" MiP'fiiiQHOj W id;;! Mi 1 illi a:t m , a~-_SUAday,Ju~21, 1'174 DAILY PILOT., .. P •ntod,MIP71001 ' I • J P • " ' 1 ...,.pw1-.MI 71wAoocllOn iOHAuctlOii IOI _1,urnituro __ .J G•rogo ~I•-~ RN'S & L~'I \\IE NEED YOU! \rork 111'htre yuu Wllnl, when )'Oll want A Ill otten 01• .-little •• you ~nt. hwured/Bonded. PA'i NO i'EES. liOMEMAK!:RS .SUb of UPJOHN CO. . MU531 I SERV fCt~ SHI. Atte11t1,I .. TRAINll \".'ANTP.:O.Exp CosintU¢.lanl* * * * * * * * * * J Secretary P/tln1r. t,~;r~. Nl'al 1 \~JN' r"\.'"I ~rili fer bnJall l'O. I\twport Beach art-a. \\'rt,le l.RG Re<'I Dini~ Rl11 T:i.bl CV~l~l:;nCJ.\L l)"fle Air ' u1.1111e11r. -A)'ll.ll 1.,1.t Dell)'. Ap11b• l"e\\,,Ort t4rioe, m &x No. 1113. C1'.1'011 1ly Pllut, * sum 'lllUC •ucnoN * I ~~:~e~~~'~oo:c:. e ;u~ ~:ri~~·,,,'1'!!1" $ l 7). AP1>IY Dia N::\·; rt BhoJ,, S 1perlc.r , NB J IS..2622. P 0 Bo:< 1000, Coaa. MHa, ,. ',.~r. 1 ~ hp. \\'t' hn\•e an hn11,..'®\,te 0 1 • •. TU1Utf.°:T-L:A1llI: onni; foi-Cn.llf. 9Zi28 st it.lina * * * 2 SU~IR X DRUGSTORES*** seat 16, $100: TY.in betti ' Sl~. S:inlc: cw~t cleaner optnitl&' for a Secretary .,.,Ith . \-,... qualUk:atlww. A.JI E-.1---.. & Fixture• Muit •A .,_1 ... 11 SJO. Ne·,7 ~:a,iP Triple $rtJ. lfllde µlle-lllt~r & t 10 2 yf'ars exl)t'rlence who SER\'JCE rlOLlon 1Ult.>nda111, •111.tl! niunuf, lirni. Plc-:1.io.nl PART L.,..IS,,..._... ~ -dff-sser k mln'Or, Xlnl. VU.C.'Un111 ST.1-l'l<t\'ei-Tt11.ile.r, has stron¥ l)'Ohllt llkllli and fully expu, doys. Cood worlu.lij( condJ Ir flOOCf co \\rANTED PnlcOcal nul'lt . 'TlNG: Ca!lb. registers, add ing ma~ SllJ, ! \\'ardrob...• cOeit Jf $C.l0. Eleclrlc whfet' Fa ni 11 1 a r It y wt 1 h pay. Ctua1 A 111echnnic. ini.ld benet1ta. • 1'-apn1allc Full tirne. u,•e-111, 2 dy• chines, show &: display cases counter• $l:lca. &: Misc. fH2..$149 chulr $XAl. 8' nuorncent enillleerlni tennlnoJoay b1 'f\u~p & ct1rb. exp. Xln 't Corp. Wl Kettering. Jnrlne l>f' .. ~O:b~ 1.~.~~'YNo h~a~! lights, ice cream cases, dollys, 'baskets + LITrLE Girls ''1hlie ?p: light llxtw"l's, lnt·1~bu. 1~ .. '!k10_ dtslrablc. Dut\es w 111 pay, :i da)-'11. R.-O!lly'11 Aroo, 97~· 1,,.011.:. Phone 499..iut!. ' Lots More 109 NUMEROUS to list . lledrootn te:1 i~;ldlnz oor. l'a. Vlnyt .ofa ., ._..,. ~:::,: J:::~:k)J~f 81~~ ~ ~~{~~-~~JON : REPRODUCTION I \\'l!O v.~~ J':) Tu WORh:? Fl RST SUPER X DRUG STORE ~f~1t~~;~lf, 111~1\,elh~~ i~:i1,;··~/181~!14l: ea~1 so'n"Y Attende:at, tut 01' part Un1c. I URIVE A CAB: 21S7 H.c--. llvd (Hietiw•y ,, 1nactilne etll?iofrur.e, T v Tnpt' NX'OrdCI', rttl I~ RN 7 to 3 P M. 4l Bed t'Oll\'B.IHCent hoapf:aJ. GOod oalary ..... 31161. RN/LYN .,.,-eekendll 7·3, 3-U, IOOd t.'Olldll. T~ $$. 1445 Superior, N.B .. !'S:2110 "--'t CllEVRON STATION, ::OO'"J I mist CJ-IOOSfo~ 'YI.JUI' hburs, "wk HACllNDA HEIGHTS, CALIFORNIA ~ bl Ack ~ 11'hl t c, S:l.'.'. !\l11ny ocher iteins. Bee 11 you mec theie F'Alrvlew, Coil& ~lesa,, tor )'OW'!leU. be )ltlur O\\'n 'JULY 15th AT llAM Ent)'Clopedla stand, lan1ps, Dlme·A·Lln~ 11.tl. 133 Ii/. WI!· =ii::•::"a i!~1on ~~t~ SERVICE 11ution attendillii, l:>Ou. Men or, won\e'D. Can 2ND SUPER X DRUGSTORE , 646-lMol son. &.!·Sun. nn Otllnge Cou111y COtllpnlly exper. Dly11. TeJrt:~CO, 1695 "' I I ~l al·ta~an h:=. 9101 GARFIELD AVE. ,-summ.rw .• rehout• ! I ~~I. P .O n TE 0 D ll n iR that olkn: Supe11or, Colta Me&ll e iave an ' nvnediale Vll., retired. "'-25 to TO. (CorMr or .. G•rfleld & u ... Mli•) Cle1r•nce "urn1tu~. Hor;u:, Te a M --, openlng: for fxpe:rienced '"It" F I V •--. Nf'w quil ted rebuill ntll ttl'C!i.'l I Dining iels, side baord, ann ROUTE 1AJ,ES WIU Train, S&lary, Co1nm, BbnWI. Vehlcl• f.wn, all ei.:p. pd. Eltablllhed. BUii. + territory. lilf'd. Coverago Prollt Shr1u•e, Retire al !'i1, No Shike, Lay ofl·i5 y 1·J. f>aS..3110 Mr. Tucker 7.9 pm. Equal Opportunity En}ploycr F"iITiZ___.., ~ -- SALES IXPIRIENCE NOT NICISSARY Multi MWlon S Wholesale meat co. needJi produc:tl1-c lndlvlduali1'JllO SELL t.IEAT DIRECT TO TR.E PUBLIC. Incon1e, tienena, bonuseii .t: • • Con1petllil'e Pay, * )::i(ce_llenl Benefit~ * ~lode1·n r~cillUes Pleuse apply to: VDM Varian · Data Machines . 2722 i lichelson Drh·e Jr..,ine. Califo1·nla 926&1 co. expan11dv a1-e outs~nn-1 Au equal o p p or t u n i t y d~ Job SeCiirily, ~ha1,1c• e111ployer ~t·'fo' ' of advancen1ent excellent. Great tralnln& progr1un. , · -- Additional training for top I prod·~~ J........ : SECRETARY ~2131 m-&>il I FACT 1s Purchasing EVERYONE l:ATS blE.\1'! 1 ---.1 SALES I I CON$10ER A CAREER 1 WITH LARGE l'NTL , LIFE INSU!IANCE co I Develop1nent oil i.,,, agents requb1!d in Area~ $10,000./ year, plu1 001nmiml0n, j Xlnt frh11e benefi!Ji, Call Joo Quintana I 5t'i-920'1 · 8:JO.l:SO SAl.E.S t • Y, Oay, Nico Pay , An lmmacll•t• opening for • IK· r•t•ry In our ,Ur· ch•1ing dept. The position r9t1ulr•1 I Y••r direct 1ecr9· t•ri•I •xperience in •II ph•M• of pur• ch•sing 11ctivttle1. Muoi type 60 WPM •nd take shorthanil at IO WPM. 9A~t-lPl\1 01· 5fM..SPllt I Enjoyable phone &rder \\'Ork Apply In P•rson 3333 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. SER.VICE Sta. Attench1.nt l't!productlcin typjst 11,1 Suppler1\111t . you: 'in<"Ome. oufttll) alleY', Callfornl• t: box·•prina-• scbi. Full&:• ch~h'fj, col.fee tab l••I Full & Purl·Tln1e • ' eni!neerin&: & statistical Drive • (:ab 6 hn or mU:t!" JULY 27th AT llAM twin ~loe. nur1'01'!1, hau~\ng Ua-htfli, 9\lO.E. ~~ Hwy,_~B·~ typing bttckcround. Must ~'!rn'oi\··~~yro~.~ ~ RUD.Y ~A".'!<IN AUCTION,EIR 64U-&G8G <'r 833-~"'2.'i 1netal gard en ruru.1.tu~: have world!'!& knowled&:e of St .. -~-··· ,1.,.. For AddtUOnal Infor,,.,,ation COilt" !\I Bun-Ainatlc ~Hee m~. 1-SHIPPING & I RECEIVING CLERK -· I I • 11 · t ......,..,. " ,.. ~ 1 eJa triple s1eel sink, housetioJ..t ... vnlnlerc a ~ DI I ll r y ... ,OMENS HAIR sr~ •sr ,,, &I A ~ERS AUCTION 0 v • speelficaUons w/respcct to n • .,.. °"""' A ENPORT 1'. (Halln1ark) ae<.1!ssorlt's. 41:! A1--oca.&>, !3)·01.11 & sty1e. Exec . &TOl\1ng ihop. Golden Touch 71~ Or 833-9625 heavy Une 001\Sll'Ltctlon. CDi'.I. 6n-.::r.JJ1 •l.YPt'llTiler, '70-80 w.p.m. Coi,ffi1f'n, S1T22, S. Co&il * * * * . * * * * · X) n ' 1. c 0 n d : • S l 5 O · URGEBiOck G~.ara-,-,-Sa~,,-,11 llY.y, So.. Lquna . _ _ * * ~muL.itely ohve ::reel\. Gl)-1'art, de:-iks, tab I es, Excellent compan,Y pa i d YARD ~IAN to \\wk f/Hme ApplJancH •ti 0.,1 , 1040 ~~:0-1 Snt or SUn afl ehina, chain •• lamps, 307 benefits & \vorkin; in r.ntal yard. Very neat ,.. SOFA Slr"' " ·w 1 Chev. en~. & auto. lrans, conditions. hand"Tllinz & appear. Wll1 SAVE TIME, e PUPPY WORLD e _ ':"· ~ la e a!11p11 Paintings, t>an &: 11tool11 Prln1ary responaibllllles \1•111 ft.ate range J.1.36-$3.9G r;am. App~ nlOml ~ MONEY & ENERGYI Dobermans • Ceman Shep-~ $8i(i, 0;12P~~r b~ed ::8• ~:~~ 00,gs, mucb be to supervh1e stationary Apoly In Person Newport m\'d. C. M. SHOP Dm.1.AP'S lor recon· ~·. OiU1uahuas, . T I n y SIX-"3kers $ 1 2 a bnb~ M a u r e t a 11 i 11· 1 03 1 l stores and 1nake delivf'rles. t.landay thru Frida)' I ~~~~~ jijjjiiiiiii/ ~l~ _applianc§_f~i:.:11 Pr' ~s. Pit B~ls, Cocka· + buinette SS, 5.11-lLl Huntina;ton Be».~h~ ~~· ~~~ll~:~rler:~ ll~~'iatl:~I B'"'E"R-J2NTOOEAN I:.' . I ~"'-=~~ &: new floor I :: ~!~~'11\E !~l'mS:t: C.~~,.t.~PORAltY 8' sofa. S.\T. l SUN. ~ Sc1.1vie11·, <.'Onlpany v eh I c I e s iJI l •d•t"'-V DUNLAP APPLW-lCE ro. ' f>u."5, JOO l\IlXED PUPS! $50.: i\.JJlg !l'.t ~·11ter , bet! C!DJI. RCA Stereo Console. required . 'The ldeaJ I l'~;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiimiiii;;;;:~~ 111<5 NMvport Bl\'d OJ Stud Sel'\1Ce T>.tOl>t Brtttlt1. • "·/hner, frauw. pedistal, \\'/P.n1.fn1 radio & tape backg1'0und \\'OUid tn..:lucle • 5,o -~ •·• o....., Eves 531-5021 heater. fac.111 pad. ~100. deck. S200. 3(b.1}t) \\'aJnuf ,' , crl4av ...,.. ' • SSlJJOO;j Ill e~~'S' In a ~CORPORATION Antkfu•• . ~-.,,JIOQ .... SlFREIGH-'F-DAJ.tAGE-S..u.&,-.l!USH SITT'T_kll,_ :; n1°'!!.hs ---· ------.-I ore. Delk, $125, T>.latch .. Ofc. r n1Ult11.""iy oip.i1iiatlon. ! ~ -------- 1 n e \\' H 0 t P 01 n t oid, had all shots. $.W l\I~lte1Tanean-Sof1-&-Cli1.1r Ou:. $;)0 • ..0Ct<i.."'OO .EDdJBL. If you n1eet t :i e 11 e l llOOI y K 1::11£E . Refrigerators, \\'ash,. r 1 ,, ' O IB5-2-t99 _ Custom, • ~eca.n Blu/Gm !~·s:f.<!!dspot Re!r~. apt. I t 11uallricatio11s and ar el on •rm•n "' ANTICiJUE · Dryers & Dish~'Uhers, New I UP h 0.l s 1 fY • • See lo ---' I lookini: (or fl poiltion tl'ilh Irvine, Calif. SHOW & SALE I 'ran'8nty, Credit; B tif A, · Appreciate 846-1951 FREE".lElt, gara:ie shelvt8, an Orange Coun1y con11ni.ny 13J.:l424;-Ext. 294 ~ 3623 \V. \\'arner, Santa Ana, I y, , If' BABY funi., Elden Battery !;liq. stereo, ?Clll'Cr nM>irei~, I !ha! c(fe111:. • f Equ•I Opp. Employer . LA.GUN~ HILLS ~ALL ~Harbor. 979-2921. ,,.. te u 1 PQ\\'ered car "·/charger. ~:i~~ Dii:i~111Rnica~~t~ * Competitive Pay t:l 1'vrw, t e.ll!o1·.1;0. cop p ER T ()NE Lady Quct:n 11ize lx!tn1. set, pecan l 6 chairs, 20gal tank \I'/ ~ Excellent lenetlts II San Diego f l'll'j', El Toro K'eiunore 'Vasher & Gas 3 Linea. 2 Times, $2.00 finish. 6.iS.6115. I Roi !'I.sh, & misc. 1939 riift Modern F•cllltla& TYPISTS I Rmlli Exit. Dryer. $17;) \\'hite i\1aytag Llh."E NE\V divan birch end Suntly Harbor Cl ·cle HBl · Plcru;e apply in pc1'Son or1 \Ve Nee<L Yoo ~mv! For top J,w,y l!I,.,..~ ..'::. :!li;t '\'a.sher ~ Gall Dryer $151), Fr .. To Y-· -•s tbls & cof tbl. ~J~ting out of bUIJ..Uil9 1 ' send a le:ter to: 'l:i.ylng jobs. Long & sho1i H ' :Ul~'>hlblts! Guar !: de! 546-8672 1 • --_.. ar.t>a. n1Ust selC '2 21 G.\nAGE Salc-.-~G~u-o,. VDM term ustgnments. Sec Us uUr!I:. ie As i\lall GAFFERS k Satt.ler Builtin ~ . J Jlelio1ropc, Cdhl 67;)-4619 S\\·ortl11, ,·,. .. ·cl · ·-•' BEAtrr Shep --·• "., I)', cry1...,, Today! -Dilihwasher Harvest Gold l · · mix. ""'""· 1 BEAlFT 30xM n1ah0':::· desk Ciothlnr,i, 11un lamp, etc. 2120 E/U~1:Y lO'li ~·eN!tulied yr ol.d, $100 Guar &: d~l. Ff'~n. All &hols, spa.yeti. l~~ \\'/l)~•riter dra'.l.'l!r.· Good \V. K~llcr, Santa Ana. Nf' 1 Dl8•~U Cf1a.ir, Couch, & M&-86r.! )T. Te iood home on ly.\ cond \\'ilh lanip S75 1'~airvielv & Sunfl Sat f Varian Data · q : Machine 27'!2 !\1ichelson Drive !&"vi ne, Callfo1nla 92'.i&I An equal opportunity c1nployer M·F ti Roc-.<c1·. $12J. all. 6 Queen ---, M~$86{ 833 ,:i.! · a. OY.'cr. i .r.:J I AJu i m!'t~:t. Chail-s, $1241. ALl\tOST Ne1v Pe 11 n e y' s ----l It Sun 9-_c>,.0 ~-~---yw Jllth,_, ... 1 Blond BDH1.J Set, -4 pi:.11. \\'Uher & dr)'f'r, 3 mo. old. 1''LUFFY \1•hlte kittens. 6 I BEAl:T :: Pc. Chc1'f'Y"'OOd GARAGE Sale. Fr c e z c rl ( B I ~pis. t.tntt. '1 i'.Jlrror, All features. ~lust sell · ~·ks old. 1-Jal_e &, female. Lll. R!'"'. Set. French Prov. Upaight, outdoor BB Q,·: . ·"an .,...... W.llll SllO. 6i3-l153,See at 2930 mo~. $210. 960-U89. aCl&-<002M . :aKi 1' lamifliO. cost $j(J(). :\1nt cond. sell I poy,·er la\\'Jl n101\·er &. mac:1 ..._..,,m;:::t::,. __ ..,. __ , E:es.vicm·, COM, Sll.t. &. Sun. HARDLY used Kt' nm 0 re · · ! S200. Alt. J p.nt. 646-1897 items. 1939'.! Shaddy Hobarj' ------------I · d --!•• from --··j C1l'le,llntgBcach. ! Orange Co. Ant"-uei e ectnc rrer. Trade for • P.ATJO SALE, Sw1. 10-4. 406 CHAJRS, ~..., ""M }lwidreds of antiques, gu dryer U\ ~ood oond.r~-E: 19th St. C.t.J. nr Tustin yachts, rea'sonab l e, GARAG~Sale. 1 r G65 ._) TYPIST !lt!.loc"<i glass, \V o 0 den ~1689 Al-e. Lots of nilsc. Yac:hting Associates Cofl> i Oli\'e Circle, lo' o u n t a in w/a gooti snln.r)> & bonuses. · Erun $100 1v!1 .ft"*+. GC\XI spe3ldna: \'olce 1 /i: phorie 1 1 e;•;pef. helpJul'A 1~1 i'.lr. Il<i nd, at TILne,(ue Book~. ~·---1 j 1Fee Paid. Yow1g dyna1nic chairs S1J & u'p, PlanOs, KEr-;MORE LABJL-'\OOR puppies, frtt to 646---0551 Valley. \\'arne1· & BUShard fJl1 ofiicc. Great benefits. n;lltops, !CS 'V E. Jst St., ELECTRIC DRYER F,,_ ... ~. 1e. Laguna Beach. H_YJ;>Q.LE Be_<I, 2 n1os old, t~a~:e,uml ~.loe0k0,1N•R-~! SKIPPER, Sla.11 $430. Also Fee Jobs. Santa An:t. Open 7 days, llARDLY.USED $50. ~ ~"" Coit $159, Sell $99. Simons """ """" :,. Call Coai>1al Per so n n e I 9 to 8 daily. * 64~1689 * , Baby chest.est. $150. sell then left to circle. 83!)..5984 Sales 1 r«ie.C~O > ,\gen:)', :i-JO.OO:xi, 2 7 9 O FINE estate je1vclry, bronzes RMtt W•1her1/Dryer1 ir;r,;r;;· ~i::;i~l. le!~. :;i~~ · S>19. Xlnt Cond. st.3-886S. i ~JOVING\l SALE 1Sun ~lyl --~ WA NJED ''iiiHii'ii..iiiii,.,iiE;,lii.:~.,".· ,..~ .. "'.·,.-.,..,.-,..-.,.1 porcelalJ111, 1ine c r.y s ta I . $2. ·\Vk. Fcll maint. Grey/\\·hite 492-0644· CUST ~lade Gun Cabine1, man)_' en1s, a so or 1-ru~, turn.. .-ittques & * 639-l.202 * · 50 yrs old Be\'eled Gl ass I Spanish TV. freezer, etc. I C URGENTLY n1uch n101\! t!l ·be ~sold at Bl I IMRU!\G 11·hile cat, calico doors, hand painted n15, 1 ~36.19 20312 Sa. \rest.+ Equal Oppr. Employer public ll.Uctioa. &45-2200. -~~ .. ~, I020 trin1, l~~ yn, hunter. 645-1G79 ~Bn'Ch ~A ! needs Sale&. gills tP \\'Ork in·f nl.E MINER , BOYS IDCTCLE JO SPEED Spayed, shot&. 54&,-0027 ADJUST A Bed, ne,·er used. I l.a1\.RAGE S;ale. ~1 1 !i c ,, FOTOMAT \';eekeuch; 1.: vQed hOW'!I. Licensed for 100 Tons NEEDED •CYRUS NOBLE • r>.1A:DE IN FRANCE $1f,O 2 KITTENS. I all black, Iona: Best ofr oi·er $42.) can! hous_e!J?ld lten1s. au,~ paru Apply 111 pel'80fl Tues. Jul)' . . haired. 1 gray & white long 645-5300 · & ti res. 3321 ,V. \\amer. 23, btwn 9 a.m.·3 p.m. at SECRET•RY or better.137' GaUR1g. _ C'11lector botl1e,•sealed · 494-9026 . ba!f. §'6--6927 aft ~:30. · Unit F, S.A. ~ $500 • 646-8579 2 NEW SCHWJNN 10 ·-\1.;.NT!-:D ---~.~-~.~~.--1 r~OTOMAT, 201 E. 17th St. Good-h . ' ed K I h D il il TYPISTS . . --Si"', ? TAFFY fem KITTENS had * t:'IBD BRJC1{$ * &"'TATE LI q u Id a t 1 0 n : ct.I .... I s & typing. op pay g -e C . a Y sa s ANTIQUE Jo'rench chairs, V~ity &:. eon, !inental. Bo)'l' 1 ·i;hots. Yn:i spayed fem. cat. , _ Antiques, furn, etc. 10 am · · for in1mediate job!!! See Us 1 • •• • ,, t\vi!1 needlepoint. Fren~h .!._QU'ls. 9:J6..-U.54 aft 10 am. 557.3209 aft. G & wknds. 87Q45G.l to 6 pn1 Sat k Sun. 215(1 -sALES-PIRSONS -Today! i ofI Waikiki m Hawau. 1 antique dov,.n cush~ cha1r.10 SPD Bikes $74 assembled ----.-* LOVESEAT·t:sofacustom Vista Baya, N.B. 6'6-4:>13 (1'1en or y,·on~)kcnp ntake 1 •11 I Rush reply to VOLT . , 6'r...-s415 aft. 4Pt.1. Stokes, Spokes Bicycles L-ebraclor ~•trMver n1ade • very gd qual, rever~ GARAGE -Sal~:-bab)7'"'things, ..$400-PtL \\'. 11~ __,_ -r:~.J r I T•mPor•ry S.r"vtces -1 PAL'l'T ~VARNISH removal ~IB. ~&--536-7 963-lill6 -=----~..umally-hm.-96S-7910. -810~. 1v;-dh~IR\'liSller~ &.: Vega& booth· !'P'l!e lo 1nfi; ·yin J'UDll P..t Dr. I SAN MAR ~laJOr i\ledical Plan I Antlq~ F'urnilutt' our 10 SPEED, Ram a h or n BEAUT. C':Jllco kitten. Fe:m. CLE,\~' & :rood co~. pi\10\\' n1isc items. 1c.on Schryt'r &: service coritpahie\. (Part N0110. A\'3.il~ble I Specialty. 551.,.2736 handlt'ban. $25, 10 y,·ks, Box tr.ilned. Call ba.dr. sofa $45. Corner table Lane, HS. ~4S.302J. / ~~~.time) Mr. 4Snyder. .-fJ.1 h'N.• UJ.1Jtl 11 Tcn1pornry Sel'\i~ l BEDROOl'at set, marbl.e·to 641>-J181 ~~~. I & bed s;i.1-8-t7-3366 , 5elling -Oidt<> buy ne\\:,I ~ l ·lrJan. -cR·u ISES ~-C:unpus Dr.. 8!:11te lOO I 4 piec.1!S LADIES 'ORCO 10 Speed 2 FLUFFY KrM'ENS, 1 l RUBY GlMs -t i-f-1 a n )' Collccta.blcs, Jewel Tea.~ Sa.I~ Ji\'.eivport Beach . a46-4741 I * 4!!$-.2910 * _ bik~, like ~ev.·. is:;.:.. Call Tiger_ cat. ~ y,·ks old PH:_ ch:indeller. beautiful, $40. plan_ters, free iten11:1. 1{l to OF,ICE TRAINEES \re ha,·c a ccy.:nfllete pac!u:;:e I Bicycl•1 .I020 54.8-43!7. 5ll6--3j88 El oro. • \ ~Tl23. \ -~1'.>6-1 C Onu1ge,_s:~n \ Smile & Dial~· g~I pay + , _!E£_RETAR~ __ 2421-H 1. gt _0•. 1 CJi:' er:ipto. --'e , C•merea & Equfp. to3e 2 aband. f..kitten1. Save .,..·hat \fOVING! Expensi,•c 9 · \ C,\RAGE Sale, Sat & Sun. 1--+----j l>OnU!. mn-·&:--P'(ll S!iifrs. AUle ·" \'iOilt ""' Uiout un lD: Ont .. !P4' top ,,•ages. AUl!filCc·&. . -4!. PICI UP-Re:fs, . . someonehn'eW a1111y.lrWdel osbneal sofa. S:icriflcc sg:;, ~pper retrig, as la"n .... ~.:~m. ~~~'2'!·~cl:11. c}fe I j~t~~is~n1o1 f~"rh~:a~ San Marino. Ca. 91108 1 iltlustrial skills iq·e 11~~· I Al,il>l's I.: ~P l\Ietal. Call F'Er\i'DER B..\SS~lAN. amp. 0Jtly,-549-181i6' ~TI , I n1011·er, g~·.iCJOt . ·e, PtJ• \Veit known 111 on th 1 Y .!:<!ual 09po1'. En1ployer ~l''.tfn1e. b15-5258 ___ r fender p~amp, d ua I UnUlluali PuJ>i. St. Bern, Col· Lfu\,VING STA'.F4. n\U$l sell ~ '· nl\l;C. Cheap . .23~ ~~ (Sign ~s T~ niagazlnc needs your skills (213) 684.2777 :zi:::: , ---2 Gas Stoval $20 & $15 Sho~man ~o.binets:, fender lie -& 81.ep. Bred for best / all furnlture! .SEE TO I \\csmiulSl~r C.l\I. s...-:-'"'aihieri _Stock & iniagination. _ ·--; ___ _ WAITRESS ,. 61~4ti29 ~ s~~s "' n\Ore. Pr!. q ual. JdeaJ fam. doz. ~G-9912 APPRECIATE ! 53&-9693 2 B F,~\J}L~B ~-Sun. ~j ""' J•IOft Bast Agency SPECIAL 1order je\\·eler Food,/Cockla.ils. D i nner GE RefrZ-.. •afor ._.5-Y -.-CX>CKAPOQ, lovable, l '-:i yrs 'l'\\1IN Bed, 4 piece ?.'f11.ple. 'L~'?':i. ;:,tR,,ef · Em,,..k, 1 c. wOmans Ap~ Store ill Nu 17-KXI Bl"OOkhw'lit, .,~. Vir. tllarnOncl setlct hc>use cx~r. Lunch & 'W'V. .,... BUSHNEU. Sky Chief If Id Spayed h d all h darl• bro\\'tl Bedroom set, ica, ina, x a a Westminster Mall, Liberal SUl!e 213 96J..:6'7Th \1•axc1'. h'l'lne area !)19-6122 dinner shifts open._ Apply '.91i-01071 1 Retractor Telt'scope. Xlnt ~d· yard s36.~0S6 s otes. 6i3-3.500 'te:.:ts, rreezer & n1orc. ' Vacation & Benefits. Xlnt. --~ ----STOC:l<-R'i:>OM_/ __ in person, San1's ~afood !ifAYTAG .Electric Dryer, s oond. t.f&lly extras. pso. 5_ ' XL. OOND. S?.-IL. bufJet, 4 .t\\·in beds. Good for suni·I Opportunity for Qualified SECRETARY , RECEIVING CLERK ll, 3001 E. 9oast,H11•y1 all! yeai:;i. fine .condiUoa. f50 A.'ik for SteYe. 673--069& • flurniture 8050 Strato lounger chr, t\\·in n1er l~on1e, ladder. patio! Pel'IOn&, Apply1 AN ITA F'ee Paid. Beautiful modern 'I I f ___ , d I Selling anything 11·1th ll Daily· 641>-al.81 • Cot& -u: bed, desk1ch1'. 6'IO-O'.l9~. furn., a2:!0 River Ave. N.B. SHOPS LM Cf'l-ritoS Center, oUice in Fashion Island. "a e or e1n. • ......... e or p·i 1 ,.,,,._..,,._., Ad . 11 th. 1 1 ..,_ 2 UPHOL. Decorator chairs, 548 7934 (713! 924-2359 \\'Ill be 1ight hand to area flberglnss boat co. Apply in 10 ~...,.,,.,.i.,.. 15. a. 3v~ !!Orne .1n1 you ~n ° . 'lbp •quality, dttp blue 5 I IOSS 1 • • SALES \ice pioesident. Also Fee pel'IOn at Clipper flfa.rine sln1p1;,:.:;".tte1· ... JU!l sell .• Class1fled1 ad1 do ltHIJ\lJ\L,\'iA?:J fiTITENS, vell'et,Ukene11-,~2-9-t0-4 Garage••. 'G•\R:AGE SalaoSll.t l: Sun. f I • Jobs Call Sall)' Hart . Cotl> 1919 E OcekJental SI call l;._-w781 11'ell call NO" "2?5618. Sealpotnli. F'1ve ieneration l' SOFA , • t rat GARAGE SALE Sat/"'· Anlll[ues je\vePly, 1ulsc. 718 Better ash on It._ 1portS1.,,ear. .. . r . I . . ., Seal""'ints EilL"' -neratlons. . gTeen . na u o3Ul1 J,, TI! ' .' CA!\L "·'" 1Mn Strong bkgrnd Ln sales of 54(}-60.)5, Coasta Personnel , Santa Ana. -..., ' -~-. -apeirtry--pr!nt:--Xlnt conCJ: !\fi5c. Jte s -Port!~ , e1 eal, ..;. • ~· fashion &~2-2444 ask for 1 A!{ency, 2700 l!arboi· Blvd, STUDENTS lftln1e 110\1' p/t $Ii;;_& up. Y.'1th papen;; $75. GT;H43:'.: Circle. HB 9fi0.2JS9 0...'liS SE~ -ti42-5678 ~tra. chapman. 9;30 10 I .,,n _Oil Fall. Ntat. rdia. car, ph il.a-6•5-&l.O """'-""="°"=====~-~~--=-=~-========"="=======~\ SAL~ h I tor .--.!ft sho in SECR1':TAR\'. · f . B. M . nee. 1'lr. Levi. 846-:HSa. F'OR SALE, PUREBRED e p .,. P Exec. Typc11•r iter & SEALPOINT S I AMESE Newport Beach. ~ature \\-0: Dictating Equip, 4 day/\1•k, J h • • · KITI'ENS. 8 v.'ks old man. M~t be ab!e lo \\'Ork xlnt opportwlity 'll'ilh N. B. ec n1c1ans •ACONV!NlfNTSHOPfltNGANO ,~-~---~~~~- IOCne Sat I & S,Wl s. ST.1-2634 i\Ug. Banking Fir111. Send SEWING GUIDE ratt THE 1 Tonoise SJ\eU, 5 mo's fem. tor appointnient. R-i>unie to Classified ad No. . · CAL ON nu: co. J Male sliver tip, S n10's I SEAMSTRES\ Span I 11 h 116, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box !\lSI D)l:'1 Corporation .has w/papeni. All Shots. $100 Ip ea k Ing \\'elcon1e. Jj(j(], Costa ~lesa, Ca. 9262\i. SC\1!1'9 inunedinte openinp 548-000l ~lacWne & hand 1.\'tll'k. SE', cry to GEJN'L •,IGR. for T~chn}clans, al all lc\'e\J For •n •d In Women·, 'Vt•rlcf 1,..:"~·~:.:..;"-"~·-~~~~ " of experlf'nce ( D I "l t a I LOVES children, 71.f:mo, fen1 Crochet \t'Ork. 4 9 6-7 3 6 1 Prit·atP. Ciub has in1meu · · "' Call ~rv hth '42-'671, •xt. ~10 In l'equl~). If . )'OU a r e SHEPHERD, papen,~. mom gs. opening for exper & \\·cU interested in joining a -, DU tags. $25. 536-Q26 · • SEARS Form&! \\'ear, needs quaJifi.:!d girl. Sho11hand & progressive Orcu~e Co. l r...... R . ,...... -Salosg~ ... 18-25. Will "''"· typing req. !000. •tart. bo•~I clecnonleo llrm !hat 1n•ernatioi1a LJ{."3~cmer: ~ttern _,, 3J.:31lll'S per "''k. call for Intervie\vS by appt. only. offers Ii 11 b"• 1 l~i::J t: .,.,&~ 3~ ;Ki&-3000 DOBERMAN puppies 5 wks, appt. 540-'""" ext _:~'...--AKC. Black. 'tf'S, &. a ratf' -Secty Legal Trainee ...,Modern Faclllti•• blue. l\lother & father xlnt - Secretari~s c.~I. A1ty, 1 girl otfir.c, seeks ...,Co.mpetltlve P•y 7.,1. te1np'mt. 714/49ir4833 1 ·~·==· trim Y:ell groon1ed cal'eer ...,Xln't B•neflts • Gorden Retriever, Champion I 1 oriented girl Friday trailll'i1 Stock. 2 )T old female ready I mm9'11.•te open- \\'/good S/H .\.:. typing Pl.EASE APPLY 1-b __ ,. · Oet ·11"'" ""' s:•ills. Start . $100 \1'eek I i\londR)' Thru F'rlday wr •L~Lnr m · .....,. iv , Ines exist for qu•l- lflecl 1Hr•t1r'91 • with at least l v••r• ••perlitnce In r.,ner•I office ond or ontlnMrlng environment. Goot:I . typing ond thort- hend 1klll1 raqulr· ed. 979-S::ZO $> 8:30--llAt.I, In Person itood hon1e only. 63.~510-4 S!!:~RET.AR\" I Reecpti :nlst. ' Oi· Conta'-1. SCHNAUZER. htINIATURE AKC RARE BLACKS. 10 Genei·al Office -..urk, Sh MSI \''ks, shots, 2 fen1, 1 male. not req'd. In Cfl81a l\1esa. , • Slo.v/ Pel · 646-5231 Send resu1ne .to .tluslficll .. · · · nd No.196 c/o Dally Pilot, Data C "" • DARLING YORl<i:l E P.O. ijox 15GO, Costa i\tcr:i. 0Fp0Fati0ft Pup~s, pet or ;+11'.o w 1 .... --. ea. 92626 :i::.; Baker, Coiita i'.lesa .l ' tiual1ty. 962-8711 ""anytlme --· -I (714) 540-6600 ali. 6 pm I SECRETARY DA C H SHUND,. small Teinpornry or pem1 . for Equal Oppor. Empk>ytt m-f atandard. dark ntd, 6 mos dental • orfice. E v e s . , 64-l-2213t Days 642-61-17. old. Olapipion ~. AKC. I SECRETA-v -law oflk~. Telephone Sales . $1lS:11-nu l'_UP Apply In Parson 3331· Horbot-Blvd. Coit• Mesa, CA •• ~i,,· Over -ZS, typ/sh. spelling Costa Met• ArH 11 -skill-'. 1>cq. Ilo legal exp req. AKC, Ch•mp. Sired $12j' 11·k. 540-0830. Work From ,) --* HJ.It I ~-- ----sEl\tlCONDUCTOR I l\fATERIALS PROCESSING Your Hom• tqi,.11rl Oppor. Etnplo)--et m-r \\'e need Intelligent versatile people for )'OU.ng co1n pany. Pol lit h lng , i\Ia c h lnc. Ol)f?rnlor: l\f o u n t er s, EtcheM!. Flnal lnSJ>e(tors, \\'orklng 1''orman T y p e Person. 2nd Shih to be tilled ~ fir11t. E~lJCrieoccd in SC:mi IS.Cretarle& Conduetor Industry pttL T !P Comml11lon1 .,, * .558-_7311 * Equal Oppor. Employer TRAINEES Ordc T I ~i6 I SUroa Jnc. 833--380.1 Sr. ~yp~n ssOO ;;...,;;;_;; .. -;;;_;;-i;;;;;;_;;_i;;;:_;.;-;;;_;;;;-;;;_;;;;.;tw1111raJn dependa~lf! people Lqa! $cry Probatr S150 SI'. Project Sn':';iT'l(.'t'!l'-lnd~ to bt'rome plastic lnJeetK>n Alf:> Construcl. S6i6 Prott. Orvf'lopi•it•ilt $20K n10ldlng operator1~ Must be P\eoe-pt/S.Cy SSW Project Enlllnr<.'-· Sl5K able to stand entire shin, lf SI""" ..,. ........_, necessary. Openlngt on 2nd Purchas,'Htn Cir 'NU Sr i:.ngi11eci-•i\lt'Ch lo_,,.. shlfl. $2.29 hr. 3rd !lhlft $2.46 Acctng·'t'ue's·Sal SJOO Design dre~n1~n/elec $12K h R \ In 60 I Pl Gen Of= 9-3 s.1 ti1· 1.csnl &!..· Rg ·Corp , ... SiOO r. A 11e < ays. Adm s.crttary $SOO Bookkct"f)(.'r A·P .......• $650 APPLY Sales Secre1ary S70J ~"' Brokf'rll~'\" •........ ~ Ortlll<l'.e Cout Plartlcs Stm>, Trainee $.'m r1ri Fri. <.:f>A ...••••. S:-U> 8jlJ \\'e1t tSth St .. Ork Typist, m8th S.J60 f ·C Bookkeeuer ........ $i00 ~la Mcaa. C.llt. Clrk Typl~. stat S ~ /\etounlin:;:: Clrk ........ $Sii0 I ~========ii F/C 1'1tu1u11l ~ Cnll .:c·u1nif' Sisco I Order Osk Typl!it $UOO or .T1•t\lt' !'!Piner lltc. Penml """" !000 NEWPORT Llr. Relnile1"5 ~e1M:y p I •--.t(ll) Birch SI .. Suite 101 ersonN ....,.. ... y · N~1wl'1 Bee.ch gr.,-,\90 133 Dover Dr.. No. 30 · No Chorgo To You Newport lltach 142-1170 £11t"b1l1hed 100.; PerrJ, Plt\ct:n1rn1 A~fney • • You coo C/iorge DAILY "LOT Clo111flod Ado 6•2·5671 I . , .. • 72001 ntonelli ' ' GE~'TLE beaut upples, n10!her is a boXer, hf'. thy, S5 e9. 831·!1670 eves. IRISH Setter, M/2 :yr old Nttds a good home. • {H.B.) 8fZ.4.177 • SA.\JOYED, male, 7 mos .• Had shots. $100. 831-2967 TOY Poodle, male, AKC. 3 mo'• old. Black. C a 11 644--0268 after 6pm. FIND TDUI N4MB . llN 1IBNIND NllBT TIUIBTS IDITB SIS Ws easy. Check the classifl~ secffon for "ads:• llsffng wlwrs' names. H yar name Is illllOllCJ tlte111, just cal 642°5678, extenslO.. 333 b~tween 9 a.m. and I P1"'• We'A arrallCJe ~or yov to pick .. yow two Hckeh at Ille neanst office of the • 1.t ' DAILY' PILOTf .. ! ' - . ' • I • I 1• 14 OAILV PILOT Gar-Salt ' • Sunday, JtHr 21, 1974 Mloctll1-.1 iOiO Plan .. · ~,-o~,,-.-"-' --=-, ieoa=t1;;:.,..:;p;;.;;;w;;,,:;r--•-iiMiiiOii:::'h1,:-, <s,;;1iri--<;cNOiiili"1M011rr.J:lftr:.-iH:r.o:::m:'.ts:::----:,.,,..,co.,~Mo.,..,1o-r""Ht~--.. ----,li"'ec=vnoh"'"1c-.i..,.....--'5i~-,··v~1-.,.------,m '' Rarely u.ledi Uke New! · • PIANOS 11'£LC0'1E ABOARD CATAMARAN SAL i---. * * __ s._l•::..l_R•::.."-'---'-160-IOATS-Ta•1L1•s -------; IRVINI TERRACE ftedtcort1Un1 ule. Drexl".1 tr1plt dre:uer SlSO, RCA lrTmole TV, $100. C\1'1. C\11tom , St1nlhony l"Onlbl· A SPECIAL DA'' Charles Vt.1:1ey ""' " '6$ l""ORO Econollne £100 I nation ''""'"' BAR-l>Q. • ORGANS t"t'tn A SPECIAL BOAT CLOSE OUT -SAVE OVER 3'5 w . wn... ' • VACATION • ltV STORAGE ...... -club w. ~' ' ,,_. ....... _.,.. u 1' ' Dlnlna rm m. 6 chalra. rm. new tra11h compactor, 'chain, Ibis. p I c tu r e t , imlnon, lleht fixtures, play pen, misc i,'00dlt1. Sat S-.5, ·Sun 9-4 1424 Dolphin Tern.ce, Cdtil. BROIL.ER. ~ilh b a 5 k • t I fr $5 Witll•rd 8o•t Works SJOO, AT YOUR O\\'N PACE . . • 14 Hour S.CUtlly Auto., air cond., (01 ) rolli!tl'k!, prongtXI tork for Ranta s NE\'1};$1' Addition lo the k~~,·~l.~~~a~nc:~ .. ~::: You ~·~t!~~·r of ~2"°,~-·~·Uaean.1·~f. 'In a Out S.rvlco' "°li.JNSIT ,OltD holdo11 ao.d &r>ll . VEGA FLEET PRICESLES.S "'' .._. .... -~ • ~i~~~n~~ o..n Nloht• 'til ' VEGA .ao MARIN ER. TY~C~~S! TWO FR1~~1:1cK ITI <O\ICr «> ~~ M.H:1>. = ~~ ,v:Om~a::n Grove ~~10 ! 9~" ' l>~" ~ ..... 0nij S.t: 'llfl1•. SutldW °"!" ~11•3~9 .'1ot,.6' toe11y RINGLING BROS AND MOTOR HOME COMPLITI ltV •utos W1.n•-• '5-· S30.°" "'°"' 6'2440, C•n-*'l•nos & Ollftdt* • n G wRA·~cE· 2IU N",""'1•"1 !'~d., KB. RENTAUl .. CADl .... LLACS "' J" •l'AI El<ctric ,bonnatt·llyl• Baldwin . C..ble. Chlclterinl ~N " l DESIEL ~ .,. BARNUM & BAILEY RedhlU :. Son J~~1 T"'tbl SlltVlCI & Rl,Allt fadl .. hair dryer (try 1t -~'lacher. K"·aJ. Khobafl , "?ll'ER! 12' KOR ELt:i:JR. aallboftt CIRCUS 11141 1138-""" CINTllt-STOltl flrst~ only s1•.00. P...h on, , • Knabe . u -·on .l u --'!:1. SUpttb I' Gass ConltrucUon -.·Ith l~i1hland1?r h'9llcr at lhe , Llrtflt .......... l ... Pol ........ ~·· SlffPi 6 ln 3 C.bl.nsl r-I for·-~ . ,,N,\llEl.'f ·n LIFETIME Mo•-Hom• ·~ I \lj~~ \~I I In~ .... c-ty Horses I060 U'U-'6840. arold' La nd ?.IUUf'tt • Sohn1e'1 • S1tln· Luxw·ious appointmentat .,..,.., ~o·llllets, comes " '"'" ' "" I ~---------camera, Bir Sv.inPr No. "'l.Y. siorey & Clark . \\'ln-F'l y·Brldge' Dual cont b,t wUh m11lnull. Jib. oo1-w, CONVENTION CENTER 2'l ft. Loll of utru, lllte i i i I Coupe OtVlll_.. • Stdu o.. JtEG Is TE RED French 3000. Black·Whlle on ty , ter • \\1rul ltter • Y&nlaha Outstanding' Sea .... 1,.., d':. · paddle A IUe jacket1. Only SOO \V. l\atella, AnAhcin1 new, lUe over payment.. Vlllet • E' Oorldol • eo,,. ••--bre currying case • _\ol ..... t bag Ne\V Splnet• 1,. • ,, •••• , $:>95 . •v ... sign in wa ter 6 times. ·11 Please (·all 6~2-5618, ext 333 Private O\\'Jler. Zlli FaJrw-,y vtl'tfbltll. A tao n••_, other .....,." d, 9 years. S250. a-"'8"' Lunlted prod' u~tlon, inspect tea:llti't.IClll included. $600 lo clnin1 your tick.ell. Of. CM !IMta Ana J'rwy at _.., 640-4141 C'Of'!lblnntion and extra flash Used from •••••••••••• $95 \OW, or will conllder trade for • * * 'Tf C!"-··to. I)' Motor Ho-"' Stnd CJnyoit txtt Nlect <;od:.llac TNdf.lnl. bulbli. All for Sl~OO. Phone Play1r1 " •••••••••· S1i95 333G Via Udo, Newport ~k~aphlc equlpnient for~it. 111r, ..... , ....... -. (714)·951.1m Jewelry I07D 64Hi!WO. Re,·ere Ware Pot1, Grands " ........... SJ95 673-2780 2_ · 50 Ft. Pan An1 with Cabana ~"' " r-. " I'-' --------pMs. c.otfee maker and ml!IC *ORGANS* B Bay VI~\\', Lido, Newport !!}'!,.~· M+4*21. L-rt1,. R .. , Rech 9141 1\01..EX ~·at..:h, dla m 0 n d i1ems Phone 642-6840. Ba1d~·ln . Conn . Hammond. cc~VrrER ~~~. LCUst~~?~~l~ -IXCLUSIVE Bl?t.ch. 675-4~1 ~ :.c: cJ1,19ter rini. d I a n11.1 n d ••GRAND o p EN ING Kawai · Kln1ball • Lowrey • 418 Chev., Enc. blucprintt'<1, 34 I~\Ander. Br11.nd now cut· AT the beach on aoU coune. Tr1ller9, Tr1wl 9171 CORVITTll .olitaltt, silver IK't & ll'l&lcy SAUE*1f Rodaerr. Thon1a1. Yan1aha Bar, Sink, Stcr'l'O, step, ELC ton1 boat. Super loaded. By lBR 2BA, den. Pett OK. 7 TO OIOOSE FROM :;""',_,~ 110tc~_s.,1dofat pestaubltlce Old Dudl 41'bh_.. \ta.rps! · \\'urlltier • Gulbn.naen • GAV Plate Like new. Lo owner. l.f.-Th. alt. 5 pn1, By ownr. $20,500. 536-6000 FACTORY clote out on :r Fro1n M995. to S189IS. '"' .... •.1 uc Antique Ootble! Costume Al!en. hn. Coat $2J,500. lncld&; F .. Sat " Sun. • all day. Mo 1how unlta. 1-14'--4 1leeper WTU. FINANCE aucUon. 645-2200. Store in Orqp County. Optla;an. •.••••••••.....• llOO OJ.!it. 'J'rtr. Sac \\lill frade 6J3.8186. torcycl .. / · w/dual power e1t It mulne 1972 ~nche 914 Co• Livestock •15 (Pt"fiaps LA) Jl).2S% & Lowrrr Spinet •••...•. Sl.95 small boat or Real Eltate. l.flDDLE of Su mmer Scooters 9150 toilet, 1·16' .5 aJ~r dual Beautilu1 $M&S. •-----·-----I more marked down on most Wuriltttr Spinet, new •. sm 673-1022 eves. Pri Pl.., Savings. 2 New custotn built po-.-er etc w/Oit without Call J eff Currie m.oo.55 ' Item• al'°•~· o1 •-'-••·-H••·--• A 100 "'· .I '12 JiARLEY Sportste.r, E1ec. n1ari.ne toilt't. Rooondo Rec-'68 TORINO. -t·-. < ...... IQ\& ~"''"'"'"'"'· .... u"""'"• ........ --.ve 35• SPORTSF.ISHER Duffield raclna: s abots . tart ~ltd 16"Whl ... , -etc. Larp ~ China *~WIN flRll * i-:..a-. Identical -to 'Tl's aabol 5 ' new •vv-e ' ' realton Producill, U691 Nt;J· spd, AM/Fl.f ate re o, HORSE BOARDING Back Bay Area. Box 14•lb I available. Call for detalll. Cabine.t~1'5G +~SU1tcasn, OlOAN LESSONS Fly.,.~,...<;' .auto p~, fa&ho, D&tional1 wiruler. P\lt pty. 6 .. extened front end, S.U. son St., Garden Grove, Ci. he-adtra, cam, alum trunks. 1(9'1 ., .,00 \lied -RDf f'&.dlOS, t\\'m acnw, 67J...1012. Carb. Xlnt cond. Cood buy! 5JG.:rutl ot 8f7.oT41. I am· manifold, Holly car b: clothln& 50 +lWJo.i:t Vlntaa:e l'ULLIRTON MUSIC 210 cai tu.I, 60 1tal water, fHS...$702 8 pm except Sunda)'t. traction bln .l map. suoo. ·--· Old 81 u e ~dered , stove, retrlg, winch. 2 bait SAILBOAT, heaV)I ~p keel, '69 KA\VASAKI 350 JcyS, .ERIBA trailer Ideal m firtn. 5f9-3874 :1~,_ch_1_,.._'1~---'°-'-'7~ Masonic ~.7'$15 ea. 18191 t;_uclld,_Fountllin V~'-lto--rec -aleeps 6 S21JXJD, ltf~.bull, w/ra..1.sed deck, 42HP., 3M mlles on ttblt compaCt can.' 14. ·btd, 2 4 WiiMI Drives tl50 ' WANTED, Skip Loader Ir. COME BROWSt, l l 0 4 2 557-4136 ~3.soo , alPI 2, rQOm for lnboard eng, Xlnt rond, $500/ofier, burner stov., Ice box, 1 1.:..:.::=::..::.:.:.:.:::....-= , NEWPORT IMPORTS Sl.00 W. Cout llwy., N.B. --WI BUY USED CARS l l • Small Dump TNck. Carden Grove Bkid, 'Garden •U2 N:~liarbor, F\illarton SUPER Ski-Fish/Bay Boat' e~, Need11 \\'Ork, $600 as ill~ 5-lS-2938 other exttu. 1 >T old. '71 JEEP 414 • 642-8514 Grove 636-l &M. 171·1I05 SKIP JACK, 20 Hu 11 : 18 EJlt 2lat SI, ~· at '72 & ~-12S Bullaco Puna.~. &tlr2939 dyt, •zst evet. Loaded 'Yellow • whl AND TRUCKS , : MltcelleMOU9 IOIO •ARAM·'-ETS C~ONTINUOUS FREE ~~~°M~~·:..~_!.~=~!G sabot, xlnt oond. !!~ ~:!:: =d.ean'. Travel, 1913 lt' Cardinal, Hubl ' f lpeed radl~e~ 1 I BUY'.'· ...., .. ORGAN CLASSES Jo'OR Trade for late Mo L complete wflllil, 2 h.p. S590. 49-1--8312. ~1~~1.~·8~POu~:C!'::r heatfr, Uk$e~~1,1• <U9JOCV> ANSWERS ADULTS. Be&lnners ~ferccdes. 548-77'1 wkdays, n1otor. cart. WUI show '12 YA~IAHA 65 0e c . -. 66-mt ~ GoOd, UHd lumltute & 7:00PM, Intermediates 8:15, 548-4200 eyeg I 'A'knds. Sun l.ton A Tues. 311 """" pU ill 111 CO.ta htesa • Tuesday * • 24• SEACAl.fi>ER, ,n13, ftuby, Balboa. Itl&nd (in S e ml c..b 0 P p_e~d .. .......,Xlnt. 21' CITATION T rave I * a'4MT!R$ wAUCriON Gutter -&Hle -l.faraud ~ed~.:.. .. ~~unnl~ht"• SVtall•rt"••Y. 30 hrs, like ne"'" V-8 & b.1r. garage). ~~~~~~er or tn.de for TraEx.iler00.00A.lr ~.· ~:-'~"'·. 646 ,,,, or mM25 -During -Fallen -Supple "''eek~-rran. Micus I n Sleeps '1, head, ~-er, COLUl.ffilA 36 by owner. \VOULD like to rent bike 968-8346 .......... __ ,J33 THEOOORE ' aft. 6 or Sw1day A39-0llT4 :-,'.J~~~~~Dt•i-~ ... _. clJ.arge. Coast r.1uslc Costa p..ltrley-Co1UlT,COOFi • Bt~,t Perfect condition. 1 yr old. for 10 day road trip. 350cc -M"v"-'·50=-Cad-.-C>mvm---.-W-UI , """ cu ... ,. ._.,, .M.... N•-Bl·~. at o 1 over "''""'" n. e.v11.1 . Diesel. Many Xtras for ·lass & up Will dall CORNER unlt wilh 2 beda: & on electricity • did you ever "-~ "r-• """ 714/6'B-Gl8&. eves. 497-l)U crulstnc. Priced .tor quick i: · · pay Y trade fOr tent tralle.r. '11 41 ROBINS FORD ' 'spttads, $75. Maytq dryer, try typl.na: on an *lectric n&l ..,... 642-2851 "ED". We. rate. 962-3781. Jfarbor Isle Lane, H B, Ca. 20ll) Hubor Blvd. nHds heating elen1ent, '25; lype'A-Titet with· the~P LUG 22' DIESEL, Su~r Sport, Phone 49S-6139 '73 YM!AHA 250~tx. new. 962-8Zll Costa Meta 641.0010 2 color 1V's, •'Rlnut cab., PUlLED outT 'flEW'S •'lrehoule sale, 400 Cutty Cabin, Sport Flsbel', CHARACTER • 0 • t • !r:~.· :~o, '!,"'" L\HA mtttx, 16' TRAVEL Trailer, llp1 'TI JEEP ,..._;_ ___ ..._ '"' $40 ~. P1Uowback chair SlS. I luded. Mini ~ "" -. 5, Reese hitch, elec. brakes, '·'"'""" ... """"• ""• l\fuslc! Music! Mtl!lic! pianos & orpns, new & numy xtras nc Good cond Sloop ria-a"'nini included. $ 5 ~ o . v.•hffl. drive, auto trans., 962-3000. UCI grad stud~ \1till play used Splnets, Ir ands. To'A"i"!r, new factory de1110. ' • '71 HONDA 175, S300 962-8'r.l) r str P'#I' brks dM:l at your parties. lndoon -players. Going out for $12,000. Days, 540-662'l, eve• gee!. With engine, Li p-S~~ike, dirt equipped, _ · ~ter, 'bucl&rt 'aaia,n con'. · AIR compres5" • 12 hp motor Mop on v.ileels 16' equip. OutOO,rs. Port. piano, busine1&. Rentals v.·/option &: "'·knds, 6-12-31.DJ 1trake. 673-3441. $280. INVADER U' a11 alum, sole, Im.• mlleaat OBSCXX. Extremely \'erM.tile. Call to buy, Kawai, Stelnv.·ay, 17 1,t ' O.B. Cruiser, Ill hp. 21. LUGER, slp11 4, sink, '69 HONDA 175. Good cond. 2 beds, ready to IO· S2995. Riche.rd, &W--8>93. Bald11oin, C h I ck er l n g, hie~. trailer, l berths,. CB head, am/fin, iape, O/B Orightal o-.·ner, Never ~1314 O. R. HAAN, Inc. Yamaha, Kimbal, Wur., etc radio. nllsc. e q u 1 p·. aux, trier, Dana !~Int raced. $325. Call : 83G-79C2. '68 APACHE t.f"la, Tent 2020 E. lat Mt""""11 Corne in for a f'tte appraiaaJ I to GROTH OIEVfWLET, I 182U Bettb Blvd., Hunt:Bch T 14T.f:i087 MS-J.131 j TOP CASH !or clean uaed can and trucks Howor4 Chevrolet MacA'1~~ n~a.mboret N1 .. ~acb wz anr . IMPORT!m 4111'0• llST PltlCll PAIDI 0.... l.ftla lmptrll 1!:66 lktbci. c.11. •m Clil .OR YOUR CAR .. 111111 AUTOS IMPORTID · for painting, alrlesa pwnp, pret11ure rot, gun £: much more. I am retired. 2558 ' Fairway Dr., G\f. GARDEN" GROVE Plyv..wd/glass, new paint Marina Slip -L2 Bk r DKW lZi .MX/ Trail Bike. ti:aller, alp! 6, very clean, l9'73 CHEVY llihort nanvw '701 nELD'S (TI4l 638-2170 $1475. 2711 t"'irst Ave, Cd.\f. 831~ or 4.96-78Zl: $3500 Pe11ect running oond. Shilt $515 ~U bed, 'A: ron tnick. silver, GeMr1I THE entire tumilhlngs b'om 13112 Brookhunt St, G.G. 6/a-6593 kit • .__ ~1591 STOC g• I "-----------1 a }rr. home to lie llOkt at 8 _ 33' Diesel Cnl.iJdng Sloop TRI ...,_. }.R1 RAT. l 0o-,.....,r clean. with or without Nat'! BEACH bll 1a1 ....,, .-.. ti C0.4.ST MUSIC New 65' Motor Y1cht 8M. cal tl, 16 1>ngs of sail!!, ·n Y.UtAHA 90cc. MX, Best deluxe. 1912. Sl560. Shur-Track 15-50 mud-anow , Cfd~. eAP{it·~~~ , ·Now Open Evenlne1 Nrly comp 65,aJx7, slpi; 16. 6 IDt. Newpom-r . 40' Dietttl offer $22! 962--2752 IDl.19 , * m-ms ~ tires. $3600. By owntr. ,TV's. btcyele111nc.'456Vista +DODIE'S DUDS* 1-ION, TIIURS. FRI 10-9 \\l.T. coniparts. $89,500. or Ketch!! \\'OW!!. A~I ApacheRiver AveFV '70 ALADJN 15, Self Cont. 675-25TI IMPORTS 1 Roma, N.B. July 23rd. 10:00 -WOMEN 'S, CIULDRENS OPEN SAT 11).6, SUN 12-5 oiler. Pri. pty. Co. 3336 Via Lido. 67 · H./D. '74 shovel, fn rig'd Demand Water System, 681 72 I.,.... Pick-Up , AM to 5:00 PM. 64.f-0350 RESALE BOTIQUE Cor. Newport It Harbor, C!lt 536-1606 40' CRUISJNG Ketch, diesel frame. Lots of chrome. B Vlciorla, Colta Meat .-• Super buy 145 yds. 2 tone Tovm & Country Center 646-0271 J YR old, 18' GLASTRON w/ aux, f/g hull, Teak decks, Wftrade for Vett. &IS-1.621 TRAVEL TRAILER, 14' t spd • Rlld!O A: hee.ter • s1:ep HAS THE bm. carpet. 260ydll. sun gold Beach &: Ellis, Hunt...Bcb. Brookhunt at Talbert, 1-V' lrlr. Like brand new. Seats custom Teak int, equipped '73 HONDA 350 G ~mi 5 * $61)0 * bumper. Good miles, extra LARGEST 1 Drapery Spec. SHORES 982--0095 !m-f733 6, fly -:qpd. V-8 302 C/" In sail away cond. S-16,000 moi Id ' $850' F i ' * 1JS E. WU.On, CM * nice 1591nJQ) INTERIORS 2640 Avon St. 20% oH of $15. or more CONN <Theatereue 5 5 2 ) motor. Aft 5pm, (213) Sin-Sea Wind Newport, 6"U60! 494:-4,na ' · ~ m • w ANTED: 41RifR.EAM, Only $2295 . INVENTORY , ~2255 or 543-4654 purchaae with lhis ad. Walnut , 3 Afo's new. Must 1641 . LUXURIOUS Sea \Volt 40. H ---"' Ch _.._. ( ll SUOO M6--0J33 '73 HODAKA lZ Wombat. well equlpped recent model. OWW"U eYl'V'fST Mink Coat $900. open 10-5 clCNM.'d Sun &: Mon) R , . eves 19' THUNDERBIRD l97l -~ hullll , be~~~ f~.tfaoooce, $450. 673-3t15 alter 4PM. M·-•-•ur and J--~ Kaliion Coat $100. OPENJNG Soon in Corona PµNO, ro9e'f00d, 18 8 S · Tri·hull Cutty Cabin, 150 n~.;s a ............. .,,.., · Call 581~ ............ , .............. ,... OP' Brnidtall $400. de! l.far Patio Sh o P ' <Llrnate scroUld, id cone!. 0 . 1.1 . C, I I 0' T r Ir '73 HODAKA dirt bike. Auto Ser, & Perts MIO Newport Beach SPORTS CARS Synthetic/lox trim $150. Margie'• "HOUie of Many $250. PH: 8f7-'1017 w/brakes i: wench, $4250. Hobie Cat '16, Hvy duty Knobbie tires + extru. S4rS WEEKEND 833<IS65 Monkey fur $100. rrhlngs". Lei me sell )'OU!' S rtl Goods IOM ~Wl Highlander i"& Iv an i ze d &15-41l2 19TI DATSUN PU, maa whls, !OVER 30) 87$-6197 art "''Ork, handmade gifts &: po "I CLASSIC 18. s 0 u th c oa. 1 t Tra.il!r Xlnt. Cond $1750. r•ECI ALS many xtra• SlfiOO, • 7 o iiEAtn'Y SHOP Qu al l ty creatior. on oonalcnment. HUNTERS! 12 -ia. shot Lapstrake, bay c r ulae r , ~9570 '13 I-ID Sportster. Elect. ~ " Y.AhtAHA l'ra.tX, $20 0. &: SEDANS ~ ~pment for 3 Chr. shop. For further infonn.adon shells, misc. riDe A pistol r.lint cond, Inboard eng, HOBIE Cat, l t' Ught blu A: C':fi1'6r:~. clean. s2000. Good lhru July 21 I~~==::===~=--• p us Color machine, shampoo pleue caU Martie at ~., ~ca. r r lflg e cover, ne"· navy top. xtras, gold, trapeze and othm' PLA COOL" 1971 DATSUN PU, leaving -1 chair, sinks, roll·a·wa)'ll, 67$.3606 Cases, bu I k I ea d . $2950, or tittflifler. fi.6:.S-165 -xin..rwlth car-ttJp cin'ler 1970 YAAIAHA-115-GC, new EYAPORA~l·YE-tO\va;--price--hal~b ~e .. n-l---"''--'L.0""''-"''---1 ttceptlon ~k. &: dryen. LP & 45 Reoords, Tape Reaa:>nable. 673-8105 l)' CRRIS CONNIE '6T, 497-25TI ' rblt eng. Xtra parts, S325 COOLIR reduced tor quick aiale, Best NEW • '74 sam. call 6~ reoordeTVrs, ~,'.'.._.record~ Store, Rest., B•r IOtS flybridge, trim tabs, bait 33' COAST' RHODES SUX>P IWG-8633 eve. v.•lth lhlll ad (DP) offer. M>-2107 , FINE estate /ewelry, tape, ea ...... c~ Y.'/doors, tank,canva.snn,!M1mstep. No. 37. 2 set& of sails. some * 1971750 HONDA '* only Slt9'.oo '57 FORD }S Ton P.U. new ALFA ROMEO"S ! )ronies POl'C" ains., fine noor polisher, rotilRrie i.e. lee box. 2 ~·aU refrlg. $12,500. firm. 213-181-4292 t"ruising rear. Aft. 5 , Xlnt c..-ond. U,000 nil. plua bultallaUon Brakes, Clutch, id l"l&Met, & crystals, nip, furn . , broiler, camen.s, o Id '-d 1 112.• 6'15"-0924 496-°'~7<92--' -r··-l -ALSO ' •kl>. or otter. 636-11!0 ..a..... SA AIS ~ & h kl be bottles. rocits rollectabl.e sa.... or Pe cases, • 20' Skipjack, 215 Orne. VHF. ...,.,., ,...,.. u.... ...,., .....y• ,.,.. iold ue:t ~bllc~ction, odds 'n' e0nds adu:lt' ';-.'Otktable6.~.962-1&97 Ball Tnk, run Canvas .. '66 GLASS.PAR w/cabln, HONDA 450 UNDERCOAT 1,0=rc.-•:;""";;;;;,·,-=,..-,,..,.,....., lf-_ _;l,l,~66-&;2200~'::·:;;,rid;;r:::sh;c;<"-;; paperback!. 6T.H11ffi TY lt_.. HIPl:St ... "'~7005·~~r than nu ~!!!J· ~t ~~· ""/pu~ Xtras. xlnt. M«ll38 _._ RV T k ·nbo =. I P,1u__.w/1hort SAVE Bf~ < k OB , 1 ' 1 • ...,, •fo~ or s 1ng, _.y or rue x, cy , ·-U'Ul.I, 3 let~~wer .... ~:I "eom~r ~~~·:·~LOR TV/S ~ .BOSTONU \\'HALER wf~ 1tittc. O/B, $2500. 84&-4730 '73 HUSK¥ Tt Oii1J$J9.95 _R./H,~ ·n L~;-~ ''With. cholc1I '' 1 files, almo1t new Maytag motor, misc. e lectri c AU. Excell. 1-Med. St. HP Evi~e eng. Road SA IL BOAT P 2 8. ~7~25and Jo.Cycle -tran.1, R/H. PH . 847 1 wu.her 6. elect dryer, moton, Ford Dual Point Am/FM $135, Color a.nit. Hwy, trailer, &:: cover. Be5t EXCELLENT CONDmON • ~ J \lj ~ ~ 1 lj J FORD P/U f whl dr New a wcado, 831-0US Dl..strlbutor for 289 Hi·Perf Comp. $20 ' U·lnlltall oUer. 6/a-3(69 FUR SERIOUS SAILOR. i\10TORCYCLE '62 HONDA ·, r' r'. I I blPH·~.p~t ... ~tor wttte'..den. Verde. Italian, Pecan Eng. 673-BlCD . Frank Schroth TV s.t8-3386 li'BOSTON WHALER 494-2307, msa75. ~= __ ·--. _ --·· .. _ .....,.. .. ..,., ~lr;1rh J1tup11rh +· '~s""R_.et. 1150. 21'' color TV .MiK W•nted IOl1 837 W !9th CM 26 yn exL S450. 646-4187 ao.t1, Sllp1/Dock1 9070 Santa Ana Frwy at '67 CH EVY S h 0.1' t ·b ed· 1 $75. OleSt dnk $30 . • 4 Beaut. P.A. speakers $100. Boal Rtnl(Ch 9050 '12 BULTACO .Pursang 250: Sand""'-· Exit Camper Shell. Air, Tacoma "Directly acl'O&f trom Utf: Acmrdlan $75. New Weber'a MODEL RAILROAD TRAINS ea., great cond. Alao misc. 5, •r. PRIV. DOCK SPACE. Balboa Xlnt cone!. Never need. F ...... ,,on Rims, Sl!iOO. 646-5993 aft. 5 Balboa Bay CJub" ' 1 kl!ttl e $40 or oUer. 549-lMO Prefer (oldtime) any makf-unmounted •Pe a k er s · FOR RENT, DAY, \VEEK, Penn. :r.f:ax. 28'. New Sall Trick, S6i5. 968-<»44, ree.w~ Ckme '7'.l INTERNATIONAL ~ Ton Sales • Service ' RA.WING TBL, 42x31, $25. Lionel Am Flyer Marx 5J6..2'786 MO. CORONADO 3.l. Call Boat. Adult1. =· mo~ ·~ ~ap~~ ~t~!a":e ~ff~~ Or&ngt County 4 spd, 18,000-milet, $2300 Ml 4406 Ml~ 1 Adj. Architect ch air• 6J,;....638a AKAI, 2800-S.S, 4/2 channe l (TI4J :W-U34 67S-<8i6 55" ""ll SUPERIOR AutO Fo I before noon . aft 6, 646-1263. BUY or LEASE l_,._ • t I ·-n,•-C Stert0 tape 4eck. 53QO. d ~ "'ttn 73 ford C • "'""'~ • me a. ....,, s Y Af\. olnl; wanted at 968--0740. Bo.ts; S•il '°'° 45' SI e tie on main bay, 73 Paf!• has hundreds ot used oun•r SAAi ExtTcydto sz. 642-3t!!9. bulk prices. Newport. Call week days, .~.!londcara Cl.JOO, . 35l lnmi., foreign auto parta at Pl k < pd ~ck le Decker Call 548=&'.J22 COLOR TV~Zl" \\'alnut, 25' SLOOP, ~on ~f19..-0tm.~-OO~TI:2S--carrier c . realON!.ble prices I fre • c ·Up, s ' radio &: & s~---t~Ratary. Dec: _M_O w ER \l'ANTED:....E.'deDaion-ladder, =~t':it 8Goodpm plct~. readily acceua.ble.-15 th \VANTED-Sllp or side tie for 1 n YMIAHA 90 trail blic: ~~~.!~~!.· ,..~2-1,•!,;;<;.,.. l 7 31 ~~!:~:. ~'ine-.~f';~f' _ALeA ROMEO T 1 w/sr-catcheT'. S 7 5. ans"'tl'·a·phone I: 1 u r f -Street mooring. S 5 5 0 0 . 1mall 22 .toot sailboat. Call ~ i:-iw. ......,. Jt t !188 Ul5 aft. e p.m. racks. 673-1107, Sfi..4193 2-4 \\'ATT stereo, $50 642-2378 eves. 54&-<1297 after 6PM. Good COili·~ Call Valley Tov•·Rllht Towbar tor Only $2695 • THE MINER Mu1ic1I ln1trvm'ta IDU 15X T~~~ $22. BEAt.rrIFUL lA>ne Star 16' Bo•t1, Speed & Ski 9080 ·7::: TRIU~1PH Tr1dent i..O !':! ,;:'!!,h salety chains. $1(1. Howard Chevrolet e CYRUS NOBLE e sloop. Great fam ily day .,._...,,,., CbUlctorl bottle, ••led WE specialize in qualll)' PIONEER SPKRS. 2 yrs old, sailer. Cover, trailer, xlnt. Str!ctly Sld, GJa..st-r G3,75 cc, runs great. $1250. Leave -JUdson Suptrch•-r MacArthur and Jamboree ; •-,....., -•----11 -•· Waln "·i. A h n---$195. 493-3231. Johnson Elec, Trailer &: message aft. ;;, 646-8790 • •e · Nn~act. I .,_, .,..,._.. exper. J.Qlt .... ,..._.. • ,..,. ut .._. . mp . ~v1. --$5C • ·' S.llJ.5160 p n:1\trh Jhup11rh +• . .,,... s pe e 1a 1 s att S.c. belt offer. 8-17-2146 \VANT ED ' %. ounce extras. ST'~ll '71 DUCATJ, 450RT, $750. • ? =~~0; ~.-:J~ Hammond M2 Orpn, w/ RCA 21 .. Color TV. nu tubfti Spinnaker, luf! 40', girUf Z5', 14' f1Sli Ski Boat, 50 l'ifl?rc, '71 HONDA 100, $350. BoUi Gener•I '510 '70 FORD Iii ton P/U, hvy "Dlrect.Ballboay '~afloomub" "" ~. d1x a-as r an & e s . fender LeAlle $750. '36 i\lar-Xlnt. Cond. S12.l 963-2963 or so. Pref blue & white. w/traller, $'175. In xlnt COIKI . 968-8816 duty, 3 tanlca, A/C, &hell a&.¥ .._.,. ,..c..t Un 017 ••/caM sm, Drop Crolslng. 68)-6186 9G2-l593 74 KA\\IASAKI ~Z I. Like WANTED camper, lo mi, like nu. Sales. • Service 1 _,...,W"9 1n & tee ·u• at Second LEHi\1AN 12 no 280 S Boa S nu. ·lo ml, xtrs. t.!50/tk ov CASH PAID ~ 645 1406 '45 •too 3-M DELUXE °'PY Mach, Fkldle, l fO Cabrlllo, Cotta I ...::t=-JltLI ~ equip,' !~mac: = ta, tor•ge 9090 pymls 558-0972. f'or Your Junk.Automoblles. V•ni fS70 AUCil t707 I lyr. old. Sl50. Antique Drop ?.lesa. 643-l'!m. ,_,1 2 • .<On~-111_~"'~"':'4.!:l"~----J·'-"":::::"-::-::-:-=:~.;,. Leaf Thi. $45. Shortv.'8Vt u<U er, 13454-4455. SKI BOAT ST 0 RAGE , '74 HONDA CR125 Et.SINOR ...... ...,,... ' Radlo. $1.5, 675-4238 Rosen 5-Aiece set. AJl stand1, XLNT. Lido 14. No. 18S6 Security Yard. HORNET Lk new. Excellent cond. S82a CHINOOK·TOYOTAS round '71 DODGE 72 Audi 1 OQLS ; NEW Hom e Portable lle\vlng pedals, etC. Good Cond. No \Vltrlr, 2 sets sails&:: xtn.1. i\IARI NE, 940 W. 17th St. • 6#-8438 • tlipper now on display. , . CAMPEil YAN 2 DOOR ~1 1~ Sound d . cym.be.11. S375. 839-!MOS or GIMr•I 9010 $1095. PH: 6~3731 C.?.1. 645--9690 12 0 Ready for vacation trips. . . ,.., , ma .. .-.. ne IN, esi.gn 838-0606 ' H NOA CB500, Xlnt Buy now! , • , lnapect and 3000 "Trade1man Camper VS Full factory equipment ln· 1 ~ component w/S trk Ole · s~· KIT1'Yf.1ARAN Dlnehy 1.5' VENTURE Cat, dacron cond . S109-:i. drive out ... See how you power ateeMg:, re 1 r i , ; cludiJC air conditioning. 1 &:: 2 speark!:n S95. 6'M-7339. -• Furn. & Equip. IOIJ 4 hp l\lerc O/B, deck ctu'll: sails, "'/trls, (beautiful) [ I(•) 642-T#I aft. 5,.p,1n ... _.. . .. cnn··-"Sa\·e . ·dollars -· nt Bill stove, etc. ReadY for fin.' (217Gt<8l· POOL table, n yrs. old & DESK IU d -& tbl., davl.t1, 513 anchor, ~-~ty, 979-U99, 97S-l268 1,.....1et1oa 19il \."estcoutc.r. Vy ali•~. l\1axey TO)'$), ta, 18881 Beach (281!l911) SHARP I ~aut. •--r1--•. Worth ' . e rawer. \\lalunt. ob•'•, line, dlr. Im' der. ~-. -• ll~OOO. ~.~~'take• JI. Good condition, $50 or best 781';292 ""1.1 l\.1UST sell Vlklng 20' classic $~or Best Offer. !?}7v_~:;~~.Hunlin&ton Beach. SAVE $J395 ....,..,.. otter. Call 963-4.;i67 aak fur -. v.·ood cabin al~. Slip. S950. &U-8004 .,.. ~ ~ Bev or Linda, Aton thnJ P'ri. 17' ALU. canoe. 112.l. 5t8-q'l26 Call 645-1208. . Cimperi, Sale/ '71 ••• MONTES '72 OOOGE l.flnl·Motorhon1e. * --~·• M 1125 SS J Rtnl 9120 -A MX DESKS, palnt.t ~ dbl EXEC. swvl chh $1.5/2S Aft. lO:A. · l. ames 18' Alpha Ca1amaran _ Super set up, 9C2-8380 Bubble top. Air rond. ~!!!.a]-':!~ca IGpl Dks $15 u¥, Secy chn $8/24 Rd., N.B. Xlnt cond. Tralle1·. (QiOH DBJ $3199. ~--Pl 86 ·w ... --N "~·• ~R w/lO a.>I-1798 or 501·2713 Ci\J.fPER Shell. 28" for Ford '73 1-IONDA XUM SUNSET PORO erce, IV CM, 142-30 .w PVO•v "~ 8' bed. Xln( cond. New cond. S875. PERSIAN RUGS ARP Odyasey Synthesiser. KP l.lereury Motor. Xlnt ?j' READY TO GO. Priced Call 6T>iG91. ~3751 5"40 Carden Grove Blvd. BUY·SELL+TRADE Xlnt cond. ~. ·~I I cc:.nd. 873-5678 evt1. ' to move. E:\1ras. Call Westminster 636-tOlO 213-659-"80 -682'7 _.., '-'-Sportscab camper ll h l' 11 . Motor Homes, , evea n4-637 54S-Of79. loltl, M•rlM lq. 9030_ 5JG.-0961 aller 6P?ll cargo door. vent&, windows. . l!IUST SeU, S2300 or best 2060 Harbor Bl\'d. SANDWIOI Glut, 107 pc ANSAFONE. l\lust sell rny SOLING 27' Good cond. $lOO. 963-3.1"79 • 51le/R,ent 9160 otter. Dune BUUY. new VW Costa MieN. "2·0010 Set. 1$31). ansalone, some warranty s.._ull, 3hp. Xlnt NC\'er .raced, rare~ used. '12 MAROON Da tsun PU '72 SUPERIOR ~totor Hm. ~d!~i:~ ~·he~~ ·n FORD Club Oiateau 875--e6i6 lert. SJ&.7732. S"n. 6»5IOO Npt, shp S2600. GH-528&. \'1/6 pack overhe11d camper' Xlnt rond. ZJ', i;:_lps 6. In Ure I rim1 call Ted Van,. 12 pass., A/C. A/T, (2) Mcl.ane Po'l\·er MO\lo·en . Ptls •7 BMta, Power M40' HOBIE 14 Riff. S2850. 548-U397 ml'1. Call 962-3279. so1...Gi.s . • PIS, deluxe lnter., MW $125 n.. (l l Pcm·er Edpr S8:ll ttre1 xlnt cond. 9S8-8816 • ••• 00~~. IT ~••J ~·•-O 6Th-2513 h!ERCED Camper. 81~', xlnt New 1973 22' motorhOmt. '73 OIAMPJON' 2)', Rf. a.IT, 'I< 00• OCE " ton •-•-· .............., POODLES ......_. N .... ...,.er ut board, N nd Do II rr1 th al _ _. · · """" n WUMNW CUt' . Blick • ~ .... __ -'-'t-t·-•·, -·•r, tralle•, e\\-l>OM slip included. $2800/ co , me c re g., o er r/gen, •~• 1ntenor. $:..iu. UO .sen. llPI S. lmmac 316 v' k ' " ANTIQUE pistol1-Mlltna at .,.............,; -.. -......... • CAC: ro Ei l. No-. -4u, xtru. $750. 548-602'1 or Oller 6-1~. cOOQ. $~/or olr. 963-ll34 \'&n, ~ -l\', van, .. ~s Barplffi! Also swo r ds , 6-wkaold ' etc, Sl,900. or tr11.<1c for offer. 5a2-34SS. --V-8, auto, Xlnt cond. $3475. shleldl &: knlve1. 545-5050. Only $35. each for Inform, travel traUer. 642-6155 .: 831~ LARGE R 0 T 0 T ILLE R. Call 5'16-1145 19' Californian Fibl?r Glaii; 1970 ISLANDER 2i. IB et\(. i,,;,,;:..;oo~oc=E--V"AN=.-=13"',=000 wanted. Reasonably priced. PleMs & Ort•n1 .• 10fO RU flab out. XI n I. Ne\v paint. Comp, equipped . miles, lot• of xttas. Call 493--7790. '--'-""'-;;:...~=.::..;...;:;;.~I &t,ylSkl/F\1h 140 ~terc Id. ~91X>O. fil)n, 6·l6-0032 · * 6-15-2"2--12 • THIOOORE ROBINS FORD '73 Alta Berllna. Ju.c. bough!.. 300 milts. lo1ust Mil. S5IJll · or'taJte Over Pfl,y. 6tif""xtru 997-2915 or 637-8003 BMW '712 OltANGI COUNJY'S OLDiST & PRIVATE PARTY ·W·"rs Muat &!II Offe.N !''48-40:)9 13' SLOOP, n·y e~· d •• SEARS Crattaman power "'" b-' ,,, '74 DOOOE Van, auto, V4, 1.----. 18" -I 2 TO BUY PIANO .FOR 17' Inboard B"" Boat. Ve""" O/ iu. $4.:N. linn. 1 t Int • t 1·-"" .. -.. '" CASI• ·~ ., o•· •-·~· '"" · · • ~' · -0' 1974 IMW's years old. $100. ~:iG. .... * 0 ,1 ..... -old, but 80uncl hull, engine -,....., .. £.'i belt otter. 73l-1073 LARGE 32xGO Office Desk ""' -.,....;, * l'Ul\!I hul needs •'Ork i250. '73 15' l\fcGregor "Vcnt\Jre" ·~POST Of'.FlCE Jee:p van. In 1:1tock Nady for lmmedJate with typewriter drawer. PLAYER PIANO, 190 9 Call 675-4810 v.·/trlr! many e."l(traJ. Like 3321 w. w arner, Unit r .. dlllVftl'y. Excellent aavtnat pa.so 673-£071 MetrlJI, Pump action, c~JJ ~~ INTEREST 21• t!li'O new. $725. 507-917S. s A on remalnlne la-73 models. aft. 6 pm, 545-7965 Thw1derbl~/ l'o-uf• cl-p l\fOORll'JG . tor 30' Bo11t .~' ' &\LES-SE:ilVlCE LEASING Ex-ti D .... App•Brood ... "" • '""" •. 100DGEvan,-n.6~. OVER~·s o-"-Y ' ...... '""•· .1 BAWWIN ACl'OllOnle Plano. v cutty cabin loaded v.·/'l'J' Sailboat l-tust sell . ... nd ,,.,,;:,;."" 0£.n _,,,.l:.A Mare/ RK!lng Horwe, 5 yrs. Be a u tlful conte1nporal')! $2.IXll Ot' bes t oUe~. &12-2828 Take trade. 9fi2...6765 a11"'" .. 1 s'°pm' ~· 4.91-ROY CA,llt, I~ $1<0>. 673-n9l y,·aJnut ST:>9. ·sra-4.022 lll..,.-UNJCORN --·--OAK BARRELS --~--=--,CI.ASSPAR CITATION IGl\i'. ~~maran ft '6.l·vw-VAN AA firm ROLJ.<; ROY BMTI * • • 110. 120 rlP. mnny xtrt11. "'/trailer. Gd cond. .,. ,,..,. "ISO .,. 23t F;. l?lh a . did, whOlelhlll. 64.6-m4 Lonnie French Oet1.11, Fi11h or Sid. $2100. SfG-1402 ,,.,..~ Coat• Mesa • ~ S4N River Avt,. 9'S-129.'l IT CATAMARAN, new Alla, H '72 FORD F250 LEASING lRVINE Coalt Countcy Club membership, suoo. 675-fOOO 644-2188 ,.~:: ~.!~!"r .J ~tee~~ .. o~~:ir. ~~w~t. & ~ ssn. CAMPER· Sl'ICIALISTS ~~ ~ 0 IC'vtced __ _ I nvn nlOV'e ca:rnert & TWO 'REE TICKITS $1Th. f'i)..9280 :tfeeds Slip f(Jf 35' SaJlboat, Atr, 4. speed, 2 tanks Pita I' II Important. Cnvtfr BMW projector $25. to tJie 31' Flshln1fPleas11rc, ~!' no llv~ aboard. t6to32:i CMb O\'ft' ctmper. Slttp1 l .,..., aw1u·dc..1 the BMW 963-«Mlt RINGLING BROS'AND 11owk. trailer, 80!-IP ~Jtrc. After 5 pm. (967T;OE:> Sen.·lee Award by Hollman '1=£.Z~u=rr=-=TRA=-"1"'LE"n~11~rr~CH~I BARNUM & IAILI Y SS:.O. 638-8w i3ii""'FLYING JR. ·I Salls, $3618 Moton. We ar• dedl<:•ted OOlllPLETE S30, 5W Allao CIRCUS tS' OLASS P AR 75?ip 6pfn1\Aker; f\1JI r11.ce. teflon D * IOt:f\-C)'Ou ~~--MfVfeton Aw, JG, 64.>1679, lit tb(i Johnaon, bt lhks, dpfh fndr,) _b1~1 , trh'. Sii~. $79.>. 6~5-Q.113 cur 1l''A' twW, SM ue Dli:TilIC Dl')>er $15 ANAl.fEIP-1 fl canva!l's. $1400. 536·1796._ INTERNATIONAL 14, No. THIODORI ~~~=~B~i New deoarator Lampt S20 CONVJ::NTION CENTER BOsToN WhAl4\'r 13' nciw 2'9. 1\i"tl stts ol 5.'\JJ1. Good ROBINS ju~t anived. Moil rnodela ~bit SID. MJ..5111 800 W. K•tcll•, Anaheim «J h.p. EvtnN!e. 'SI®. t'fJnd. Fait. $·t!O. ti7J..0166 E FORD &\' 'l:ible tor tmmodh1.lt de-i:>JiliiD1 DRAWER 115 PllMM Wl f42.!it!T8, txt 333 MS~ F'OR Sllle, lS' C..tatnAl'IUl N E E 0 $. S E llvtry, I Orn« .tre.r $2J to claim }'OIU' tickets. Clau.ified Ad; Call 6tMS78 w/trn.lli'r, $800 83>-1030 2060' >fnrbor Blwt. CR ~VllR IMW w.n ._.., 110. 84,,_ • • • lOd•>' J ~ss1nm ,,,, ,.u "' CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS eo.ta ""• st.?.0010 ""' w. J;1 St,. s.A. 13.1-3111 • --• ' • • " 8 . ) I , ~o ; rt .. I I. I J l l ~ l •· I i I 1 1 ' • ~ l [. I ~ 1- 1 . \ ... ' .. ' .. . . Sunday, July 21, 1974 DAILY PILOT 8 J•I •:;::::::::le::::ns:::::::":40::MO:::rc:td::••::B:•:"':::::":40::;MO:':••:td::••::Be:n:r::::'7:40:::M:•:•:ced::•:•:B: ... :::::':740:. F:l•~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t7;iifi;;;l~et;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';iil~F;l•~t;;;;;;;;;;~9~725~F~let~;;;;;;;;;972S;;;F~le;.t;;;;;;;;m;i";~;72S;;~·~]i' 11 ~ ,, I J L Here's a month's . worth of gas. ( ~· ~ • ' j '! • . . - ·Mercedes-Be nz 280 Sedan A Lct'111yyou· i~alittlcovcrtcnd\OUsailCfmilcs But face it. You don'r buy a Mcrccdes-Btnz. ._ ~~·~~~in ~ cicy and suburbs. !iOlcly for fuel savings. There's a lot. more to a Jn Alnirica'a leading luxury sedans, you'll Mercedes-Benz. Advanced cnginttring, safety, butn about 100 pHons of g&J in one month.· apd, after just three years, it h3$ a bcncr resale k ~ ~c~cs-Benz 280 Sedan-our clmest «al~ rhan an:y car made in Amnica. ' lnQdtl·~.ti+c domestic lu.xury cars in price':" '.·, This-is10M'yearforaMerccdcs-Bcnz.CaJl u• 'fOl!11.riei<I just 74 gallon1. -'tod•y for atcst drive. _1•''t t "'"t .. . Seethe1· ,. ·I • ' ~ .....,..--,; .. · Mercedes-Benz 280 .sedan at 1 MISSION ,VIEJO • IMPORTS f s. ... ~ ... ...., ,....., hll. lllM:-... .,.:. ... • SPECIAL OFFER ,. ,. .. · Merc.edes Benz _, 21IO's .. Coupes & . Sedans -.. . ~· r.- I ; ,•• . ' ·'· " •. • 1 • . MlSSION VIEJO IMPORTS I OHL!~ .. s2939 'fOliTHIS t!EW l.f74COMEl. for Action ••• •· ... • •111n1. Dmffl FOi BAVARIAN 1.&i Now In Stock e •74 3.0 CS k 3.0 CSA e 2002·2002A & 2002 TII e ~74 BAVARIAS 4 speed e °74 BAVARIAs Auto. e '74 3.0 S & SA's -XLNT LEASE PLANS • & 1 EXCELLENT SERVICE • . . - . I .. • -.. r • I ·On ost Models ' ,,,, I: " 11a11a · . . . The biggest selling car in Europe, o..n.a. delMry •""""1 lhrouah-deole" .-' MISSION .VIE.JO IMPORTS • WE GIVE THIS $14995 VALUE IONUS PACKAGE FREE WITH EVERY' NEW TOYOTA • WE SELL DTNOTUNl eAltGNMI NT • UNOllSUl e PllMAOl.Atl e DOOi IHI WAIOS e LOU G.t.S Ci.It t AND 1 ya •• s~MILIWAIUNTY. . CHECK OUR SAVINGS • "IEfOIE YOU IUYI • . . . I f ! I ' I I I ' : ~ . I' . ' • 11 j! 11 !l I " I' 1: " I' i: i \ r . ' ' ! l I I - • • 1----f~ . f ' , I • BRAND NEW •'SPEED •RADIO •TINTED GLASS • DELUXE BUMPERS •WHITEWALLS (IV77B'4U339560) s15 DOWN s15Pil PYMT. M9!1Ttf 224 PINTOS AVAILABLE . 100%. Financing Available .. ..,. .. -~. Follow .The Balloons & SAVE Fin -'•' .~'f · ;; ~ ~. · ~ -.~•~ •••. . . ~ 3"hJ 'l''{fc . • ~ .t ~ ~ . \ -~ ~ ~ """" .. WITH EVER'( NEw. PINTO SOl.D THIS· WEEK:-· ,• • ~ • ."' ' . ' "!'V; • ; .~:_. · ENQ DURING OUR·.',~OT AL DISCOUtlT SAU''· . ~ ... " -• • WXURY USED CARS & STATION WAGONS 72l1DCOUPE Awrier-windows. .. nesau. air. l304EPTI s2799 72GN.AXIE •Qr. H.T. Air, Wind au. aharp. 1)!72EXPJ S269·9 72 LTD BROUGHAM Air.-(813FEP) s2799 ' 73GN.AXIE land•u coupe. Air, 11031 52) s2a99 . 7) l1D4 DR. H.T. Air, "'°'1>· (&OOCIH) 52199 • 72 GALUIE 73 llD COUPE 4 Or. H.T. Air. Landau.· ... :. a ..... blue (789GHA) (208991) ~.~ . 73 COUNTIIY SEDAN Wagon. 10 pass. Rack, Ginger glow. {033HPXJ $2499 s3299 -· 53599 "72 GAlAXIE 73L1D SPECIAL 'n COUNTRY SEDAN -'Or. H.T. Air. low miles. Landau A·i r c ond Stal ion wagon . A i r (968EKN) f2640RXl ' ' oondilioning. {376EOT) 52499 . 53399 s3399 73 GN.AXIE S00 . 72 GRAN TORINO h W 4 Dr. H .T . Lindau·. Landau coupe. Air, bright ?'l~R.anc agon Extremely sharp. (244594) red, (132FT'Zl Nr concUtion1ng. (068E~Hl s2a99 52699 $2199 73 l lD LANDAU Qiupo.Air cond. c2eeaon s3299 73L1DCOUPE >;roondllioning. (254GAX) 53199 73 COUNTRY SEDAN Wagon. Air, rack, moon mist yeHowfbtack int. (021 HPXI 53699 'n OEV. KINGSWOOO . Air, Atctic white. 580FZZ) • $2699 73 COUNTRY SEDAN 70 PONTIAC LE MANS W8gon. Rack. Powder blue.• W8gon. A ir oonditlonil'IQ. (018HFE) (518BXB) 53599 I • .. • I SLIGHnY ,,. USED CADILLACS · from . "FUSSY" OWNERS Choosao frotrt IUllC! Cllln LllWT SIUCllllf 'ii' 1 JWI A '•w 1-.i.1: 1911 c,.. De Ylllo ,......., ........ _ .. ...,.._ ---·---... _..... ................ 1911 Sid. De YlUo '-'-?""·WI ---___ ._...,, ..... ... .,_,. 1912 El Dando ,......,. ...... _._ ...... ....... ....... • • ..,.,.._. (So.. f ll.iolll {2)t•c'-"- 1912 Sid. De Yillo L~ thon 18.000 rrW1es ""'"""_-.. .. _ . ...,. .... --.-...... .~.,r l'lltOHI {4)t9c"-'- 1911 Sod. De Ylllo ,.....,. ... .-.. ... _ ...... ---....... & ... -INJMOll (:1)1•~1- 1911 Cpo., De Ylllo ,......., ....... _ . ....,. .... --·--°'9MI -.lftlOUGI (SJ .. .._,_ lllO·Sod. De Ylllo ,_,, ............. --.... ... -.--... -..-... .i.p, (olWJQ) • 131.•• c'-'1--19lOCpo.DeYllll feeor.--..'""""""""" -.---.......,. .io-(11!9Ml 12lt•c'-'- 1910 El Dorodo ~--""-·'""' ... ... -.--~ ...... i..; _.._u: .. ,. 121 .. "--"- 11101 ......... ,........._.,,_ ...... ......, ... . ... _._.......,_ ... .... -111101 .. i 11H Sod. De Ville . ,..._ ............ _ .. _ ._....,. ••••••'· loo•~•• """i." .............. lloo.{¥0Gll11 l2)t•ct.-f,.... 1118 *nuehlm ,, ........ ...,. -... -.. __ ... ...., .... -- ... L-11'1l"°"' 1911 Sod, De VIII• '"'-""· ..... -· ..... --.......... -... ..... ... \wo ..,, IJIG(QWI ,._ 12.000mile c.lllec Volue P'tMedion .... ..-... -,.,.,_,.,.\ Motnr effMn,. ~ NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harb. llvd. c....-540-9100 r ,. J THE BEST THIS JUST MIGHT BE THE. BEST TIME & PLACE EVER TO BUY A USED CAR . EXCELLENT ECONOMY 'n DATSUN PICKUP s215 ~ i.oo., rdo, '-*•· ._ ..-. - '73 PINTO WAGON Sc,.ti,.. All1°""'t~ MW Hrn , M~li,. ..... 11.WOmilel.(lu.l~I.) s3150 PINTO RUNABOUl' s2195 OfNllc.. M• r10ltl ,,, •• , rtdla, ._. (8DIELA) i MUSTANG va .• 5227 -l!H rl"I• haultlul · -.--.ll&H IC11KKZI 73 \IEG4 ICAMMBACK 52275 bl ..... ,_ MW Micll. '•IMI !W.., ladory •"· • .1po .• lor •GOM""I. "'"'""' DEMONSTRATOR MARK IV I · We haYe 3 Mms at Tromenclaus SG•llllJI. Clyde & Dick JoluilOll C11111 .....,. Pelt•ses. Sales Mmagen Marti. .ALL MUST GO! .LINCOLNS 3 to choose froM l•cludl119 Mrs. Jahn••'s.. MERCURYS-CAPRIS-COMETS WAGOMWtc. SAYE! SAYE! Home of the New Cor ''Go!deri Touch·· . 2626 Ha bc.r ll•d. 'o~ Can \ l LUXURY AUTOMOBILES 'n T-lllRO LANDAU s397 2D-.EM\l'Wlwl•ltlle•llrll.8uutilul ~--~--belf9d lirH, (17ICJirl'A,I ' 71 MARK Ill s4795 73 MERC. WAGON . · (' s4395 °*"' ...,., • .-. All t/19 ....... llld '4M/FM 11.,_ ~ pi,re""Hd lrom Fad Mc*1r Co. l231 H80) , 'nMARIC IV 55995 Ttl9 .,,.. ., Gnoc:aan gOlcl •l.,.,."""'O dolPI Int 2&.000 lfl•IN. 1\11 OPI ...... ,_,, • =lee.i,!,... own«, Sand ••t" """" ,._._~ ~ IFU,) $617 • .BRAND NEW 1974's NOT JUST ONE. OR TWO, BUT NEARLY 100 BRAND NEW LINCOLN-MERCURYS AND ~PRIS AT B~ST EVER PRl~SI .• Horne of the New C'ar ''Gold., l ovch" Costa. Mna 540·5630 . . • ' 1, I I " • . I 1 0 y ' I c ; ' . • - • r Sunday, :July 21, 1974 DAILY PILOT D Jf I I ' BRAND NEW S-IERmr+--1.i 5 ' • ·.•.; .. l . ,.. .. \ • I I r . ~ i • t\ • '"' 7 J ' . PIJ'80uth's I N~,_"9fle Economy Car! ; I 1.:·111e .flrd 20 ; • P•ple to ted.drlwe any ; lew or UHd Car Today fi'ol11 12-3p.nt. Uooil:•-..-~ 72MAZDA · • Aatlryeng., .. lpeed,·rldlo & heater. (421ElW) '71 INTERNA'FIONAL _,.. TIA¥8.AU. ·• v.e. auto., fee. alt.' p/1, p/b, radio & healer. (S& 2371)' -,-. ~21.95 .. '65MUSTANG 0C)4, IUlo. U-, Oldlq, l hoatw. (RI.JOOS) ' ' ' . " ~~9J .. .. ' • • ~- ~73 PLYMOUTH ... , .. 2 door H.T~ V-8, auto., I.e. air, P/S, P/B.1 vitl)1 iop, wsw Urn. radio. I. helter. {867 JN Al 52795 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE ON ALL CARS O>< .t.Pl'l!Q~IO CQfOlf I YEAR USED CAR WARRANTY ' . .. '67 DODGE DART 6cyl~g . ._PiS, radig, & heater. (TPW908) .. · '70 TOYOTA CORONA ._ f--- • cyt., auto .. radio, 6 healef. (•29QSH) 5595 . . '6') DATSUN 4 S?Jf .. 4 !i?89d. radio & heater. (YYA294J .c-•'" • .. ' ' I 5795 • +Tax & License t ,-• OYER 70 TO cH'oosE FROM! . lt.;iMEDIATE DELIVERY • ' ... . ~ Automatic transmission U5 C.LD. 6 cyf. ..;... rook, -· • I:• _..#JZ59wltl411ol lido-...... Dllat ..... CO't'lrl, •hrfl i..+trlOr, C ........ etc. Ser. 0!¥174-01kir•-...-•30:J.100o<w>~O.A.C:roe11c...-•u10110~tu&--.~~ !Nlill._. ... lndudlfllll IU & -O .lt l:U~. IDINClR HUNTINGTON BEACK t CHRYSLER· ~ PLYMOUT~~ " WAINd.· .... ~i----- r-------"-u.1c __ •m~•,. __ ,....,. __ ,._11 1oc._ .. _-_,._tt_• ____ tm_l;:on1 -Morcury -. ". "'° ~domobRo ""Ply~ • NV --"''-"-----997-4 v.... .997i 2 COLD <::adl14>c., prlvalo '611 CAMAM 0 11 .. mn•e. C tt '72 FORD • 1968 IilERc, •air, .pow or '"'CUTI.ASS wl&lr, am-tm •1 · '73 y.,.., eo.-72 VEGA ...... 1* Eldorado, 1>:111 -out ... !"'• $.150... Ol'Y'91 4DOOR "'"'"' • steertnir. 'Good "''''" °"""'wl""','673-0676 . '73 DUSTER ' Spd. ;;.~· • ,,:;;;,, . c . . :;:ix de Ville, both In · -· 54<-3417 " Stl119rays · Con<!. 675-85ll_. ="~'~'-· ----"""'= 1'1, ndlo, boa1'<, automatic, Exterlo< dooo<. Good miles. HAT .HBACK l , aft .,p;:-1~~-'70 6u.tut0, Sharp! Btonze Choice ol 1. 1989 thru '1'4 _ 4 VS, ---:automatic,~ P o-w e.r Must•ne ,-1952 Pinto ·9957 power lfteerin&', vinyl root. Ex~ (~JF.s) _ Fllll factory equ.lpment ~ ~'-"'"'-~'-o-~~--1 extu. Brown vinyl top. spd & a u t 0 mat I ca ateenng, radkl, heat~r, low miles. (378JFU) Cnly $1895 _ cludlng automatic tranamltr ·~~!:'·~ Fl,S"""<I Xtnt rond. sm>. 1-'493-6321 Ex"""tional units Jn .,,...Y oxtta clean. 12JWELA) I '65 CLASSIC , 2+2. Stk:k. '72 PINTO ,,, $2888 ' L-~i... ''"'" A ....i ruco car! l'/5$ --·-· ,..... "" · -·n CU1AR01 ooa oond-3 -..,.... $1688 . Smog cut. E.,.1ne .,..,. Howard c ... ,...,.. GD<J. ' ...,., •"I 1115. Sla-1619 -Spd,-l'.S.-'1tve<-wtblk ;nte •. ' MUST SEE -F'M-ndio, 1115.-m-ml-3_D.O_O_R_ * -Mac:Mtfiu<-an<l'-Jambo<ee---$t995 1 C1m•ro 9917 $1950. Pvt pty 551..&38 "20 Ho--'"~ c11e.-1-... * '69 Futback, VB, auto PS/PB Runabout, radio. hea t~r . THEODORE Ne~""~ch • CL-I I wani YIVllST Nu Paint, Pvt. Party V62'7. auto. trans., am cc, red. ~ '"' CAMARO 350 Turloo, -•ro • MacArth"' and Jambo<ee THEODORE 847-0828 C973EDJ) ROBINS FORD PIS, P/B, auto trans, N---Beach ROBINS FORD · $1699 11150. Now ;nt<rio<. 531-"'62 '67 IMP, AlJ SS ··~ 1'65 MUSTANG Want a lo'A'-priced car! Read today's Classlfied Ads. 2060 Harbor Blvd. Autos •New 9IOO I I. 1· ·10 · eamaro . Rally Sport. 65 . CORVETTE 10' ""S:i4iW'· * loaded, lmmac, 42,000 ml, CONYERnDI r 2060 ""'""' Blvd. Old mobl'--· Alf 6 Sat 531H'llll · 11.u; X-TRA NICE! eo... ""' 642-00lO 1 ,. ,,_ THEODORE - ~•I I _9_901 A~tomatjc ttan.mJ-... 14'0.IFTJ ·~i!::"..; :,,:r."('397~j 69 Olds Clltlan ROBINS FORD ndfoandboarer.(002AVA) $1895 . 1199 •M•il"" Calta Mesa 642-0010 :': 1 '65 1µ.RRACUDA, •V.f, 4•1pd ~ .. ---------------1tk, A/C, ori&'. owner. $300. 968-4966 aft 6 , ~ $677 · All 0.,..,, UI & out, Jaw SUNSET FORD· miles, one O\\'ller, fuU power 2060 Harbor Blvd. Pontiac BUY LOW MILEAGE NICE URSI 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. including air condlHonlng'. Costa Mesa Gtl-0010 ---------1 w .. tm!n"er 636-<010 -CDZD200l-· •-'73 PINTO. Exterlo< d=•· '73 PONTIAC L£ MANS 1--------------fJi "••11 I • ...!. '72 TORINO STA WGN. In $1595 . j •peed tn"8mlmon. (578- 1114 Chnrolet ....... C-4oc.... ..... n-1.000 mht ,_., ..... _. _ _.,. ......_-.~ ........... IJlllUI . . , 1173 Ponfl10 - CMl'o La.vii Gd. Cond FuUy equip. With CMS). $1799. . ·vo·vo Dodto· "35 PIS, p;B &·_Ale: No Jon...-SUNSET FORD ~I ---------needed in Buainesa. Must· 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 1966 1-Jarbor, C.M. 646-9300 "12 OODGE Colt, auto trans., see! 644-0244. West!JlinsleT 636-4010 A u t oma t i c transmission, po\.\·er !ltee r ln g, air ron<1Hlo"$2e77GJU) 69 NOYA •CPE ndlo, hooter, clean '"''' '62 COUNTRY Squl•e '13PIN'J'OSlalWgn~4 0730F>"NR. IHAA1595. N I \VagOn·, runs jooa, W(alr, SIJH a Sf!o:v1ce ,•pd. Jo mil~nt • ndll n· ' l , Automatic, "radio-k-heater, special tires & wheel&. Low miles ·nice (XYZ4tll) ,. .. r , nc. · 1225.. ••• -·~ ~Ll:JSMOBILI D\'°Y xttu; kond, to " • •• -.. """' 2020 E .. ht $41-M71 ~.. GMC' TRUCKS' 'pvt ply, all w •nd 645-6293 -_. WllD •n O!ARGER 318, ' dr, '67 FORD Gataxto r.oo, 2 HONDA CARS . Im PIN'J'O. 28,000 ml. Air, TOYOTA ·12 Impala 4 Door Air. automatic, vinyl roof. power steering & brakes. A&H. (552ESA) '72 Mova 4 Door &'"cylinder. automatic. ·rac1io, Heater. pcwer steering. (376215) 52599 Only $1295 Howard Cllev101et """' ..., "'"'· ,_ ""'" ., budtp. Rocenr. ""'' "° UNIYl!ISnY OLDS auto, ... ,, ""'· JOnt """"· '73 I--" 2 D c '$1l"1· •'73-1428 .... & ,.,., ... ,.,-..... 11ret, llllO. OJJor. 19H176 aft '''° "' .. -r-a oor pe. kblll 644-6518 -wkend1 1966 Harbor, C.J\.I. 646-931)3 Automatic, radio, heater, JIOWer ' ,.. · . . ...,.. Hlnar 1¥'!· I,,,· ~=·=--:-=,--;:=~ '6! PONTIAC Ube steering & brakes. air cond ., vinyl $2 9 9 9 "n OOOGE SporlamM V8. '70 LTD BROUGHAM, xlnt, Colt.a Mt:. . H).. .. '71 PINTOdlo, 4/heapd, m:i_,~ a/c: Radk>/heai:.14£. c~ top. (149GIH) ~ Window Vall. &!per Cle«fl.!' 4 dr. 14 AIC.·. RIH '70 VISTA CRUISER Wp. q ., ra ater, .ll.Wt in, xlnt cood, 673--0154 1--------------~--MacArthur and Jamboree 'N~-· 0ne Owner. $1995. MS-3443 P/S, P/B, 42,{Q) ml. $1550. Roof rackt. air'; arrto., power •cond., $1575. 673-4105. "'G9~Le"°'uo--.,,.-1~°""'--,-. ~10-m~tl~c-s.' ' '11 CllEVllOLtt -VEG A --. MJ,1'75 . •• •, ..... ........ ....... low '13 PINTO .JWnaboul, ...._ ·~ '74 Dal.. 260% WILL HATCHBACK, radio, htr, '"" l'orcl . fMO Mercury ; "50 mllet • ~ · 131.·:DID mnd. 16,tm mL Dlx ·tnl ~ condpm. ·~o:rsCall between Automalic. air conditlonfng. stereo. rpd. cs.r No. 611-5J 11495. -Dir. • -Ila> 496'-nn Ev< &8151 7,680 ""'"' 1832KJZJ TRADE N..._ Beach Dir. n4-'M'i-AtRLANE. V-8 enr .. lo . ' '16' MUSTANG 1984 OLDS O.lta· • Station '73 PIN'J'O Runabout, 2000 Th .... ,~l<d "711 833-9.100. nilleagt!, l owner. Eves. 6 CYL .--i ·SPEED Waaon, auto trans, p-s, p-b, cc's. Best otter. P..tust SelJ. l --~---·---1 1---------------- '69 EICamlno. Good .... •ooJy-548-2483 < R•bullt •ngine • """' • ""' a-c, "" racl<. -....... Call 675-7lll. '72 T ·BIRD tNew bralt@s, needs body 181 FORD CUltm. 500. Xlnt ITU' end. A Real Dream • 1 Ma~ brfer,'5'0-5397~· SUNSET FORD •"Ol'k. $1300. or belt oUer. <Dnd. $325. Atk for Carmen. Mids &.boil.t $25 in b6dy OUl:door IPO'rtl loet 1 ts 5440 Garden GroYe BJ.,.11. 968-4038. Hi-2231 • work. Just a few small I &PPMl? Sell your,ewlpment Westminster 636-4010 '12 MONTE CARLO, tu1J "61 TORINO Air/Power dlnp. Interior good. $$15. With a low-«11t Dally Pilot """" ,_....,. pv.T, vinyl t91>. ~nt cond. CVW'I. or Bit 'otter. Firm. 642·5908. Claul!ied Adi 6'2--5678. '72 PINTO IMIJlJ cc, .,,,..,...., ~-~ / ..... -:""' Xlnt cond.. 24 mpg, best '"''~· owner. • ............ Ou.6 • 64>5202 oHer, 830-9076 497-1346... 9960 • ---I Loaded. ?itaroon I: wh ite. Air, P.S., P.B .. many more options. (231GA ll $4288 * ,THEODORE . ROBINS FORD '72 Mcllila RX2 17.333 miles. Below Wholesale Blue Book Price. C424ETW) -. 5 1799 4 WHEEL DRIVE CENTER '72 Ford ll'OllCO Loaded 4 wheel drive. (065GNM) '73 Toyota Lalldcnriser l oaped 4 wheel drive. (749HGRl I 52899 53999 , ; ."';-'~ _,-· .. ' • -- DAILY PILOT ' OF -.. • • ".':-•' IRAMDMEW COLT --" . COLT coun '"SNCJAL" ""'~ LO"AHl,·NOT ST•I• Vinvf bucket seats. 1600 cc •nglne. vinyl t ide mould i ngs, 8 .0 0x 13 t i res. lW 1 K45305502} $2476 BUY ··· _ BEAT THE 11511& C8'1SI ' ·+T&L llAND.W· DAIT SWltMoB -sNCIAL'" LOADID, MOT STU I & Automatic. 22.5 6 cyl .. bumper guards,· radio, Power steering, vinyl side mldgs., · di•. whee l covers, wh ite walls. (LL23C4G2303<0) • IMMEDIATE DEUVERY· 53276 .+T&L BRAND MEW. , -• Dodge PICKUP llAND MEW D-IOO"'VIClAL" LOADED, NOT STU'f'ID 8' Sweplline ,p ickup. 3t8 engine, aiorrelic transmission, heavy duty front & r ea r sp r i ng s . much m o re {014AEAS136719) IMMEDIATE DEUVERV - IR~MD -.:.HEW CHARGER · llAte NEW CHAIGll ' "'SNCIAL .. . LOA.DID, MOT cmn .. ,..,, • ., 2 Or. H.T .• Automatic. vinyl eeets. 318 eng .• E78x1 4 WSW. vinyl roof. pin stripes, wheel · covers, much more. tWL21G4G135435) s.337 6 . s'MMEDIATE~~y . . T&L . 2916 'WE'RE L~ADED WITH \ "4 WHEEL DllYES! + T&l '. ' . 4 WHEEL DRIVE BRAND NEW ' ::=..: =~o .~ llAMDMIW"'WICl•L• · • ~ ~~-~""".='II• DOD61POWa·W..a.14WD ' t WMIWMONAco"SNcW• .W1008'swepdine cuat.'c.tr. Y8. 3600front , LOADID. MOTAUI& aDe. H.D. rear springs. lncrMMd cooling. ·rw1o. dual brite minors. power lteering,•4 .• ,Aulomet~_tr"nsmiuion. 3IO vs •• radio, w h • e 1 · d r i v e • M u. c n m o t e • . ...,.., l)Ollller steering, power brakes and '· a'Ud'I more. (OM23J.40218712) 1Wt<AE45'08205 > • ',n_14 ·' IMt•tiTE ...... Y sU'f6 :s3876 .. +T&L . LOAD$ TO CMOOll NOW +T&L 138 VAllS .111 STOcK-IMlllATE. IELIYERY-G.EAUllCEI . . . ' -' . 71 ,IMia.lh Fwy AubNf.C,~ater. power steering. t102CAEI =E , •976 ~= •3111 ::;;.. ONy Ul:fti .... ,. -wiUI &211-. flvMuiri PnOt •1034.N !ncl. T • L. ~ pe....,._ PnOt •121"-IO. A.P.R 21.~~ ) 72 Clle'Y w..,.. ' Special Al.Ao. trans .. radio, heater, factory air cond .. and muct\. much f'f'IOfe. !'~) '1876 -.:=. •6382 :i.,..-°""' Ml.82 b 3CI-. willl 1298 -F ... -onot 11988.Y W>C1.. t & l °"""'* _...._'2!1111.62.A.P.lt.21~ · • '71 V"JCI Station WllCJOll Seeclal Aacfio. hEiater. HiBack bucket seals, carpet!. (7310W) FULL •1276 .. ~':., •39•4 ,. PllCE '""" · -Qr, 131.6' b :ie-. W!tl> 121111-. Fu• e."' 1111119 •1:l52.MI inti. T & L·o.twr.I ~ priQ9 . um:M. A.,.R 21.~ · '72 l'illto 'Speclal Automatic. Hi Bacit ents. radio, heater, w.s.w. 1327Q8V) FUu '1376 ., ~~u t43n ,. PllCE ---Or-, "'3.13 lcr 311 MOI. "'"" l 2M -. fvll cW Jftol 11 •!ii !if incl l I L O.fw<Nd -118181111 °""R :>l)M ... '69 Mla'-J Speclal Vinyl IOP. radio and heater. bucket seats. center console and more. j_016GBKl . :~LE '1076 ~ •31••::..... O...,t.11.M b 31.._ -.II> 11111~ f .. c..ti .l ll<IOM lftd, f I L o.lrlMd .._.. Pl>C4 '*:'"' Alfl~.i1.0&1o . ' 11 ·.:•._I ~' 1 ·· • ~•-c..c... , _, • ,. ;,(: ....... ,-~ .... ~,-~··•" . r ftnltd -~~=r=:. H.D. F I A ---· -~i&uGO--~ lite•. d_u,, brite bumpers. chrome mirrors. much more. (811AB4\lll48335) . . -l~TE ~UVERY 53'376 - --rti:---'--"-''-1-, 72 Do dg1 Celt . · ' · SIMclal Nt CXJl'ld., rmta; ....... bur:lcM ...... w.a.w., whMI coven. (835°EYS) =· •1376-r!: •aa-::..... ~ta.a lcr 31 -..-tnt--.. , .. -llllcf 11419.11 lllcl. T & L °'"9mlll ....-.-11m.-.""·"·IO.Mlt .• .... r '67 lllllck Spart WCllJOll ,,f;, · Speclil "1tomltic, radio. heater .. PQWf« at • ..nna. till Wheel. ao.ted. (UN'ZOll» • OI• • ' FUU 776 ' YOU' -. •2·7· .. .. ICI -·. -UN¥ u r.20 IDr 2<t mo11. with Ull '*-'-fwl -pnee tm.K ird. T • L -o.---• · M1.IO A,,R.21 .5~ ' '"'l ' ,..., .. _ Pl'IC* 71 l'lyM. Fwy Special "'-"o. lrana .. redio, heller, powerstffri1Mr. l1155CKC) ·=-tt76' .=. -•38-1•.::...... _. Off' ta1& b :M ~ -.ilfl 1219 dawll. '"" -11ic9 11CO<l.ll Ind.Ta L 0....... ...-.i-•1214.11!· "·"·"· 21.0t'll. '70 PlvllL Vallallt Speclal •73 Che•. Mo•a Special AutorTiafic.-roo t rack, radio, heater. power steering. wheel ~: Automatie..radio and helter. Cl340HC) oovera. (803BNW)-OI • 3 Oii ' :~E •1076 ~ .•3 IM ::..... ;ell , •. 76 = f43M . =- °"'1.J.t .. _ti. 311--""' Ull ..._Full-'! .oc:e I H«IM MCI r 1 L, ~ Oli*M:l.D b'1'-..-.U11.,_,M ......... ll .... M lflcl.TIL ~ ............ __, 11nc9 11'45M. .... l'R. t i Oll!l --·· ---·--····--A.l'.l'l. IO..... ' HOTSAnSFllD WITH SERVICE? Try VICTORY ,. ' ·:~ ou're the Winner" --· '.c W....,7:11_,.,.,. T......,._1:Jl•teNI,_ Wt acctpl .. Warranty Wort on All Owysltr Products . DODGE• CHRYSUR • PlYMOUTH Motor Homt Strvtct Tool ' " , r' I ~ I • E c:·.~~~ -·--· COSTA MESA SADOl:EBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE I WEEK OF JULY 21 -JULY 27 'lheOdd (oilPle ~ ... '' - AMERICAN MOTORS ! ~ e friendly AMC/Jeep = 1969 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa == . 9 645-7770 ! ~Ward S. Lee, Inc. = 1234 S. Main 'st., Santa Ana ~ 547-5826 = == == = Roy Carver Inc. ~ 234 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa -I 546-4444 = ~ . · =Crevier Motors i 208 W . 1st St., Santa Ana = 835-3 171 = ~ = Saddleback Valley Imports a 28402 Marguerite Parkway = Mission Viejo 495-4949 -== I = NaQers Cadillac iii!! 2600 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa CADILLAC ;::::=: 540-9100 ~ ;;: CHEVROLET =: = FORD = = == = = Dunton Ford ,2240 So. Main St., Santa Ana = 546-7070 . Theodore Robins Ford =· = = 2060 Harbor Blvd·., Costa Mesa 642-0010 University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9640 LINCOLN· MERCURY Gustafson Lincoln-Mercury 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-8844 . . Santa Ana Lincoln-Mercury . .. 130 I No. Tustin, Santa Ana ==-547-05 1 I = = = = = - THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 I PONTIAC ==Dave Ross Pontiac a 2480 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa ~ 546-8017 a == ; i == 5 PORSCHE ·AUDI ==Chi.ck Iverson Po rsche-Aud i ~ 44 5 E. Coast Hwy. ~ Newport Beach 673-0900 i ; ROLLS -ROYCE ~ ~ :;;;: Roy Carver Inc. §I 234 E. 17th St. ~-Costa Mesa 546-4444 e ; TOYOTA ~ == . I Dean Lewis Imports i§ 1966 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa § 646-9303 I ~ i VOLt<SWAGEN . = E§Chick Iverson Volkswagen ;;; Connell Chevrolet = 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa = 546-1200 El == :!E a -l5:i DATSUN ~ Dot Datsun ;;::; 18835 Beach Blvd., = Huntington Beach 842-7781 ~ c;; iE .. Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Bl vd., Costa Mesa = 546-1200 . == OLDSMOBILE = § = ::=University Oldsmobile = 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa . 540·9640 = = ~ 445 E. Coast Hwy. =· s Newport Beach = 673-0900 § ~ c ~ a VOLVO = ~Dean Lewis Imports ~ 1966 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa == 646-9303 = == == ~ = =-=--===---=--=-=-~-=------:::----=--__:::__ ------=-~ --------------~-=---=-=------------------~ 74 TV !PORT! HICHllCHT! SUNDAY, JULY 21 10:30AM fill Summer Tennis-Chic.go lntern•tion•I Festival of Tennis 11:00 A_!!Jel Baseball Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles. 11:30 (~ (i)) CBS Tennis Classic 12:00 CBS GOit Ch•mplonshlp 12:30 (Q!) Cl)) CBS Sports Spec:Ucular 1:00 CBS Tennis Classic 1:30 ~(I) U.S. Women'• Open Golf 4:30 1 Auto R.cln1 Fiim "Quiet Revolution" 9:30 1er Mld·SeHon Specl•I MONDAY, JULY 22 8:00PM fil) Summer Tennls-Chlca10 lntem8tlOn81 Fet tiv•I of.Tennis --• TUESDAY, J1JLY 23 5:00PM O l10) All·Star Baseball G•me 8:00 9 Cl) Afl·Star Baseball Game WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 5:00PM m World Football Lea1ue So. California Sun vs. Jacksonville Sharks. THURSDAY, JULY 25 6:00PM D 00 9 World Football Leap New York Stars vs. Phila· delphia Bells. 8:00 llJ Boxin1 From the Olympic 9:00 9 M•jor Lea1ue Baseball Oakland A's vs. Minnesota Twins. FRIDAY, JULY 26 lO:OOPM fl) L.A. Aztecs Soccer Aztecs vs. Seattle Sounders. 10:30 (]) Jr.cin1 Film "Sebring-A Time of Glory'' SATURDAY. JULY 27 ll:OOAM O ID Cl)~ M•)or Le•1ue S.seball Teams to be announced. 12:30 9 Gr88test Sports Legends 1:00 D (jj) CI) AFC·NFC H•ll of F•me Football Buffalo Bills vs. St. Louis Cardinals. 5:30 Im Film "Bed Rock" Motorcycle endurance race. fir•)or le•gue S.seball Giant s vs. Astros. 7:30 Boxing From the Olympic 'Ol:D MAID AND THIEF' Gian-Carlo M enotti's comic opera "The. Old M ai CI and the Thief" will encore on Channel 28, KCET, Thurs at 9PM. The opera, which premiered on f BS in August. 1972, stars Charlotte D ixon as a blue- bloode\I spinster who is duped by her pretty housemaid (Suzanne Brock left) into taking a handsome young hippie (Richard Estes right) into her home. T hinking that the young man is really interested in her, the spinster robs the church, the local liquor store, and most of her friends to keep him in spending money-until she discovers the de- ception, Then Menotti's music ca n barely contain her rage. A master of the sfior tSpera, Menotti is widely known as the composer of "Amahl and the Night Visitors," a short Christmas opera written for television ·in 1951 and broadcast anf}Qally fer many years thereafter. H is other works include "Amelia Goes to the' Ball," "The Medium.'' "The Consul" and, "T he Saint of Bleeker Street." THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 21, 1974 tr • PERSONALIZED •srYUSH . •EASY TO USE ••• 1000 •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND SHAPE AND SIZE OF LAllE L Mrs. John Doe 123 M•ln Street Anytown, Anyst•t• 1234'5 L•b•ls Do Not H•v• A Printed Border. Stylish Vogue type on f ine qual ity white gumm~d paper. r - - - -- - --- -- - -- - -- - - --·, Fill i n this coupon, clip •nd mail w ith $1.25 to: Pilot Printing L•bel Div., Post Off ice Box 1560 Cott• MeN, C•liforni• 92626 ············ .. ······· ... ··--....... . a. Sure te UM yeur Zip CCMI• ---ii''·l'Pii111M·--- L ---- - ----- --- -- - - -. . I I .J •ROUND TWO' Georgia Entel, newest member of The Mary Tyler Moore Show wt this past season on CBS, will continue in the role of Georrette, the "dinf -a-lin111 blonde who is the almost-study 1irl friend of newscaster Ted Baxter (Ted Kni1ht). Miss Engle was dist4>vered for the series by Mary Tyler Moore and Miss Moore's husband, Grant Tinker, who saw her per1ormance 1n a tourin1 production of "House of Blue leaves" in 1972 at ttie Huntin(ton Hartford Theater in Hollywood. lntrod~d in a party scene in one of the previous suson's episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Miss Enael was so well received ~hat she was written into the series as a reaular. Miss Engel first received national attention in 1969 when a David Merrick 'Qstina aaent saw her in a. New York Equity library Production of "l end An Ear" and cut her as Minnie Fay in the Broadway production of "Hello, Dolly!" The Mary Tyler Moore Show will beaio its fifth season this fall on CBS. 'DREAMS COME TRUE' NEW YORK WAITER MAKES GOOD-It's an old story, worn and frayed by countless retelllnrs In soap operas and late·ni1ht mowit reruns-but the Hollywood dream still comes true, once in a very, very lon,a •hilt. Tiie dream came true recently for youni ittor Bruce fllrb1im, 1nd now he's the "'rookie" actor on ttle set of the popular police series, The Rookies. He'll portray officer Chris Owens on the ABC series this fall Onl) two months 110, Bruce and his wife, utress Jeryl Dewalt, ware livi41 hand·to.mouth In New York. Br"' worked part-time as 1 waiter in a Greemrich Villa&• restaurant, while Jeryl 1ne harp lessons. benin1s, Bruce studied actlna under famous New York drama coach Sanford Mt1sner sharpenin& his actin1 skills by performin1occasionally 1n daytime teln1s1on and off·hchny staae prodlldiOM. The n Bruce am• to Los AP11eles last December to spend the holidays with his parents. By chance, ht met 1castini11ent who 1ot him a small part 1n 1 "Police Story" se1m1nt Abo by dllnce, Producer Aa ron Spellinr u w the se1mcnt, lihd Bruce's wor\ •.• and tttc rest ts another Hollywood success story. Now Bruce is a replar, poltraJtna one of "Los An1elcs' finest" 1lon111de wet1r1ns Gtor1 Stanford Brown, Sam MelYille, Gerald O'lou1hlm ind Kite Julson. "I have to admit, my head's still in 1 wbirl." urs Bruce. "But ot course, th• opportunity is fantastic. The first couple of days on lhe set I was pretty edo-1 Jumped 1 milt every time 1 pistol was fired, and I kept doslna both eyes when I was supposed to bt shootin1. But the rest of the cast 'members have bean terrific,· and I'm be1lnnin1 to feel at home alr11dy." As for his future ureer, Bruce Is ready for anythlna. '1 already feel as thoueh all my dreams have come true. I ruess I'll just hawe to start dre•mina all over 111in." THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 21. 1974 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MOHNlf'.f, 6:00 8 (]) SUIHttf Se ... r m UnMrslty of the Air &:JO Dr. • ...... llUCNta · Knowledtt "Alcohol" 6 o.,brtlk Uw tot the 10s Ed uution1I Ftlturts Glmer Ted Amtstron1 lultwlnkle D @ (]) m lrldJ lunch m Detulls the MenlCt I Futurn W.,.. ll&Sitleu News Z.•! 11:00 <9 (j)) (j) Youna & Rntltss . Qj 00 (iO)iE Jldtpot Movies: See Daytime Movies. 6 EverythinJ_ lots (ill CJ) W Tiie Girt In MJ Ufe News Gomer ry1e : Electric Company 7:00 ~~~@Hf=-Show 11:3011 <9 (j)) (j) Search for To1nor· row c.tlon1 MlchHI J1caon Show OntJ & 8011.U. New Zoo Review Stoct Eacb1np : Mister ROllrl' Nelpbortlood 7:30 Llsale 0 u 00 ®) m Celebrity Sweep. ltlkel I @ CI) m $10,000 r,r1mld let's Rip httkolt Junction Mister Roeera' Nel&hbortlood 11 r T r r N o o ~. Rllph Story's AM Tenn• .... Tuxedo lup & His Buddies Skip & Woofer 12:00 NOOfltlntt World Business NIWI ~. ~SR. · Jeopl~ .. _·~d : S.11me Street • It\) I§ .=:"' 1:00 I (tij (j)) Clptllft ll•&ltOO Movie: See D1ytime Movies. Dennis tM Me111a Uncle W11do SUnup : Fublres • Ro1nper Rooai ( (j)) Not for Wo•en Only Tiie AilltltoftH (]) Help Us to Reid Tues., 12:30 8 (9 00> (j) As tM Wortcl Tums Thurs. • ~ 00 Qj) m Dlys of Our 9 Bozo's II& Top I.Ms i Tnrtlt or C:.1111quenca a:30 I 0uit , H•m•t @ 00 m Split s.co.d • The Lucy Sltow Feltures; Gloria Grt7'1 Ptt HI- ~. & Friends ven Fri. ClrtMns I Dillin& for Dolllrs •• M1rllet Closlna : Yoe• for HHlth Undtrdo1 9:00 I Cll> (j) The Joker's Wiid 1:00 (fjj (j)) Cl) Tiie Guldin& llpt : S.Slntt StrMt • U (j) (jj m TM Doctors CJ) 9J iE Dln1h's rl1Ce ~In& You Cln Do Callery @ 00 m All My Chlldm The F1Jin1 Nun • F11tum Movit: See D1ytime Movies. Movie: See D1ytime Movies. Jldt LI Linne : Course of Our Tintts I Love Lucy G1111bJ; 5efttle Ben Fri. m ,. .. ioo .... hatures 9:30 <Jl c1]&f ,A·:.:,,., Strt1k ~: Set Daytime Movies. F1Ultr Knows lest Feltum Hazel City IOds . (]) rubllc Aff1lrs 10:00 ~ Ci)) Ci) Now You See It Feetures ~ Qj) m Hip Rollers The Momin& Show M F1vorite M1rt11n ~"'lo&t...Tlle~ AM Aff1lr Each1n1e 700 Club : Between tM UnH · Ntw1/r1nor1m1 dtl Yelle 10:20 (i1) (]) Joe lerltta He11t11 Show 1:30 (eij Ci)) (I) £Alce of Nlpt · @ @(\jfm Anottter Wortd MitieOouituSMw @ (j) ti!) let's Miu A Oe1I . JlufMf ti" Mweilturt G1llopin1 Gour•t : Between tlM Unes 2:00 II <~ ooull -'"" •s Rlatrt · QI 00 Qj) m How bl Survive 2:30 A Mlrria~ I Giit Storm Show Cftl mm_.,_, G• .. MllltROOftl fof Olddy Mowle: See Daytime Movies. Feetvm <a (!)) Cl) Match G1M 74 ®) m Somerset News @ Cl) ED OM Uft to live Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Hunter lnteMlws/Futum 00 Movie: See Daytime Movies; N1me of the Ge,. Thurs. fE Yop for HNlttl 2:45 EE W11hlnaton Debates tor the 70s Mon. 10:301fd)ilow of Ufe • • Hollywood $qUIJeS "' o 3:00 11 <a Cl)> Tatttet11a 0 Not for W•1t1 0.IJ "Sexual Problems of Women" T•lllallt Zone D Clr11Don• ti!) &e .. r11 Hospitll evil: See Daytime Movies, Metlltrs-ln·llw Addlms F1mlly : D1y et Nl1bt • Dr11111 • TJMltl the Wortcl; Movie Tues. l:30 II Mowlt: See Daytime Movies. (]) M0¥1e: See Daytime Movies. Topic Thurs. D Mlllt Douet•• Show Rock singer II stone is co·host. Ont Step Beyond S rman G.;' cv Movie: See Daytime M<r- v1es. Dldi Tr1q 19 Green .Acres Llw for tile 70s Ci)) Clrtoons See the USA Except Tues. Wiid Wiid W11t 4:00 Cl) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Thurs. The RiflelMn ltm It to lener Tiie F1Jin1 Nun Get S.1rt Siltp6e•tntl Meril IMrtr Hillbillies : Sell•• Strfft . $Ube,...,. • Felture Movie Feill tM Cit 4:30 News Tues. only. Fatlltr Knows hat Gilll11n'1 llllnd • C.nclicl CIMJI lup & His Buddies N111t1J & tlle Profeuor (j) Merv Griffin satow I love luq (j)) Movie: See Daytime Mo· vies. m Desert Theatre &) Underdor 5:00 0 @) iE News; All·Stlr l111blll Tues. I The 811 Valley I love Lucy EE News II) I Dreem of JHnnle Tiie Lucy Show The Alntstones; World Footb1ll Le11ue Wed. So. Calif. Sun vs. Sharks. I ~J;:~=t Adventurt Mister Ro1ers' Nel1hborhood Drem1 Ride W1rd's Rock & Roll Kirn bl 5:30 i (j) G1J (}) News Tr1vet Films 6 Get Smart · leM It to ltner Deed End IOds Film Festini See Daytime Movies. Except Wed. I Cillip•'s blend Electric CoMpany Tltree Stoo11s "THI SMALL CAR IXPllTS11· ~ FACTOlY AUTHORIZED SALES-SERVl.CE-·PARTS "llOMAUDD UASING -All MAKES & MODELS A lllE Sll.ICJIOll OF USED CMS 142-7711 540-0442 Serving _A.ff Bea c/, dti e~ 5 MINUTES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY. 11135 IEACH ILVD. (Hl9hwoy J9) HUNTINGTON BEACH • SUNDAY JULY 21 MORN INC 6:15 m ~n/libtt All.IWlfS 1:30 (1j NIC Reli&lous Procr•• 6:45 (]) Cllristoplltr Close-Up 7:00 lliley's Comets Ulldtnlot Rea HuMbanl • P1rtlrt/Yod Fonua Unit Two Cl) This Is UM Uft W1rrtn Rolltrts 7:JO Malina C11111 ne Christtplttrs Chplain of louli>oft Street RodlJ I fritttds • lilly J. H1rps VIM4tn 0. Mulli11n Stew Cl) lte1 H1 .. b1rd I (I)) Town Hill Meetina DustJ's Treehouse This Is Tiit Ute Rt1 H111tbanl AnMtlld Ult World It Is Written u .. p Unto MJ fttt Dr. C.'1 Pi .. 9 Oki Timt Gospel Hour .... ,. .. WIAdeftat I (I)) &os,11 Slnainc Jubilee 1:15 CI) Slcrld Hurt l:JO LIMP Ulltll My fttt The JebMls Todl(s Ht11th C.1npus Pnfilt M1nlllll EJron's Sund11 Sdlool • Mttti!ll :nme It C.IVllJ_ m THRYN KUHLMAN * (INCOLOR) ~ 00 Kith,,. ..... " It Is Wrftttn 9:00 rslllll Efron's Sund1y School Trttltoule Club . 50! ca @ > o.y of Disc.owt" lt•I Eltlte Open House ~ Friend Pookle C1J ~ (I) Grit Roberts lnliafit oe Rtllcfon ix of Mlnlda hlptl CounbJ Hu•bard 9:30 C.mtr1 lllrtt Acdon de II Cotlunldld • Sertlldipitr U•its of M111 Dotliftp Let There Be LI~ • Alllui111 Prophedts ~~ ~~ 5ospel Ho1r tint llptbt Ctlurch ) Allluinc Chin · Musiu 1 P1l1b1H 10:00 stepi t. llmlnc ct11tlence MJ Sermon Hour-of """ Ho.. l•r's Guide (f) lid Power , 1Y I looks •t LHmln1 Herald of Tnitll Sift Diep H.,.,eninc ClwtftDpller Cloee·Up ( Cl)) C.me11 TI11ee • f.ltl El 11 Vld1 10:30 letltf · NIC llltl-'"' Sped1I "Le11cy'' Pace & (R) Aleundtr Scourby is host for this pro1r1m, filmed in the Nether· lands, to show how the Dutch peo. pie hlVe contributed to the world. @ Cil m ne Os.onds (Qj Cl)) flU die ....... Tiils Is Yow liblt NFL Action '74 Tony l Su11n A111110 Cl) I nsi&flt Mldeut Anllysis : Su ... r Tenni......ChlClp lnttr· nltionlr Fntiv1I of Tennis (4hrs) @i) P111tlll1 Dominici! 11:00 I Todl(s Rellaion Aaatl luebafl An1els vs. Bal· timore Orioles. @ Movie: "Wln1• of Dlnpr'' (dr1) '52-Zachary Scott, Naomi Chance. i ~ (3) Q) H.lt. Pufnstuf Hrati Ch1P1ml flittl for T.a, · (~ @ ) NI .. of ... c. .. McMe: "MJ Friend flklll" (dr1) '43-Roddy McDowall, Rita Johnson . I Cllurdl ill UM Home first llptitt Churdl Ci)) llilty's ColMts ll:JO I (lij (j)) CIS Tennis Cl1uk Movie: "Esupe tD Clof(' (dr1) · ' O -Pat O'Brien, Const1nce Ben· 12:00 net. · u CUH:I> m M•e A Wisll To· day's words ire "blu1t" ind "bt1r." G Movie: (C) "(llt of Sum1tn" (adv) '53 -Jeff Chandler, Anthony Quinn. /\I TfRNOON Fiim Ft1ture Vision On CIS Golf Chlmpionship Your Cowemment Todly m Tennessee Tuxedo eiilri11111 • lnsi&flt 12:30 II America's best young * bowlers in exciting head-to-head action !, (~ Cl)) CISI Sports Spectac· THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 II ~~ m U.S. Womtl\'s Open ror, live, final round covera1e from UGran1e Country Club, UGr1n11. Illinois. Entries ire open to Pf'Ofts- slonals ind 1m1teurs with handi· e1ps of· not more than four strokes. I Hert Come tile Irides (l)JflC ltellpous Sptcl1I lilly J. H1rift lnsl&ftt 2:00 U Movie: ''Tlllt Min Froia Rio" (1dv) '64-Jun-Paul Belmondo. Cll Movie: "Tlllt H•&U Woman" (dr1) '47-Shlrley Temple, Ronald Reaaan. ·1~~~~1ts Filth for T od1y Sund11 Mltinee 2:30 I Dusiy's T11il Action Tlleatrt Hip Clllpen1I Chin1se Children's Hour CI> Movie: (C) "Str1npr On the n" (wes) '67-Henry Fond•. Anne Bnter, Michael Parils. lfhs of EV1npli1111 Lowe Tennis Ci)) A few Good Men 3:00 fa ttM N1tion Tiie Kids Nell Door Movie: (C) 14April Love" (mus) '57-Pat Boone, Shirley Jones. B Movie: (C) '1'he Wredl of tilt iiJJ Deart" (adv) '59---0ary Coop· er, Charlton Heston. ®) Meet tllt Prfss m Movie: "Isle of the Dtld" (mys) '45-8oris Klrloff, Ellen Drew. @ CI> Movie: "Recioil" (mya) '53- Kieron Moore, Elizabeth Sellars. Ji••r SW•u•rt s.ow (()> IMtttl Yoaac TM1trt c.lebritJ Tennis 3:30 !10) Ntwsm1kers ftii Ctutalldelphllns, @D MMt ttM Prtss ' Mowte: "berytllln1 H1ppe11s II (adv) '39-Sonj1 Henle. Tiie Yirpnilfl Creetinp from Germ1nr Rellclous Town Hall : Yop for He1lttl lftsisflt flint Felture l =r::.n. ~ Movie: "The II& Combo" a) '55-Cornel Wilde. loftan Drlllll @ Alllerfcan West Hour of Dtllvefance : . Wiii Strfft Week ( I Ci)) Brother luu · Rifler. a.mes Fil• Future Tit'" StMps 5:30 II It Tlk11 A.II kinds "The Fight Game" A film profile of John Thom· as who has been In bodn1 for 31 yur$-ten as 1 fl1hter 1nd 21 years as 1 referee. ~ :::.: (C) "Ironside'' (dra) '67 -R-ymond Burr, Don Gallowey, Don Mitchell, Barb1ra Anderson. I@ Glf'Mr lid Almstron1 DiJ of Mlr1elel W11hlniton Weell In Rmew ({)) NFL Action '74 film ft1tUf9 m 1o11er c.lllft I V r N I N (, 6:00 II (Qf Cl)> Cl) CIS News Retro· spectiwe lui1i B1rzini Is n11tat0f of "The Italians" (1967). Ill' Emmy award·wlnnin1 profile of the Italia n national character based on Barzinl's best ·sellin1 book. I Tiie Vlralfli1n tl)@DNews Movie: (C) (2tlr) "Detroy All naten" (sci·fi) '68--Aklra Kubo. i Twilipt l.one · Rusoner Report fov1e: (C) (90) "Tiiis Island Earth" (scl·fi) 'SS-Bart Roberts. faith Oomereue. I Niaflt C1llefJ Chlldrt11'1. C.rtDons 00 Dillepe Cisey Sl11tos Sllow Newport Jm Festival: A Sllutt to Louis Almstronc (R> cm Cine del Donll11p (I) Ht11kl tf T rutfl Cl) Movie: "ParltrOop (1dv) '58-Ken lynch. Com1111nd'' 4:00 Media 6:30 O Alll.,I World Bill Burrud's cam· eras ~pture the 4,000-mile migra· tlon of seals to the Pribilof Islands. i1 Workl of 9urvlv1I Hud On lnsi&ht Trut Advt•bue (}) Atouncl tlie World 00 Q) Flhw Feature SundlJ Celebrltion Public s.mc. • f1ltlt for Todly 1:00 · A w ... n Is Filmed at the Pea· body Conservatory in Baltimore, the program focuses on Or. Jun Eichel, bereer Ivey, a woman composer, as she rehearses musicians in the per· formance of two of her compositions ind teaches a class in electronic music. l @(I) Q) Issues I Answtn CIS Tennis Cl1ssic Movie: (C) "Tiie Grut Man's tbn" (dr1) '70-Dennls Wea· ver, Ann Sothern, Dean Jones. (IQ) Movie! (C) "Honeymoon Hotel" (COm) '64 -Robert Goulet, Robert IMo':i~ri"CJ Kwan, Jill St. John. News Ci) FOf\lm ClWistopller Close.up l:JO Movtt: (C) ''Y111p1nct of 11111'' (adV) '6~ex 81rker, l1n tiunter. 4:30 5:00 Movie: "The lie Show" (dra) '6 -Esther Williams. Cllff Robert· so~n.1Miot Movie: "Our Very Own" (dra) ' Ann Blyth, Farley Gr1n1er. 0 Hee H .. "-'tin V1ritty Dtlf Hur : Colllultatioft ·Tom • Thia Is tit• life ' • hnor1Ma lltino Trmlurt List of tile Mohica11s Sunday Stir Trtk Movie: "Klss Tomonow Good· " (dra) '50-James Ca1ney. 1 ~ute Rldna film 00 Mitt the PTess Georp I Di1ne Ivey · Ila Experience ( Ci)) Dr. Nortn1n Vincent Pt11t • Elizabeth It Pentecoatal Temple Wortd of Survlv1I Outer limits lrt1t Adventure Tiie Awenpn 11 !vt~ rc><ztir) ''TllJs Sportin1 Ufe" (dra) '63 -Richard Harris, IRac~~:berts, Al1n Badel. f1nf1ni1 F1lcon All·Allltrkln Footb1ll Hl1hffehts Wiid Wlkl Wnt Movie: (2"r) "Foottlpt h11de" (mus) '33-James Cagney. 7:0011 News D Wild kln&dom "Myths & Su per· stitions" (R) Marlin Perkins de· bunks many of the baseless beliefs about livin1 creatures from fish to aorillas, ·with his firsthand know· led1e from Journeys all over the 1lobe, includln1 an expedition with Sir Edmund Hillary In search of the Abominable Snowman. 00 Movie: (C) (2tlr) "The Home· stretch" (rom) '4 7-Cornel Wilde, Maureen O'Hara. Cofteentrltlon At Issue P111port to Travel CI> Goklen Yo111e J11>1nese Llngu1p Pro1ram (i) @D Wild kinedOtn Hippy Hum.rs . rttkl1 of Gold (R) 974 bo" 0- of my ian i's All bo. r· e- fs to e h e e· e. (~ 00> Tiit Proud lrttd I Nodle de Qlla Im Eat91ar 74 llltlraatio9al Variety 7:30 II <9 Cl)) 00 Apple's w., "The C...... New Teacher" 1R> The Apples 1nswer 1n 9:30 ~<a (j)) (I) Siity Miwvtn ~d ind think they're hirin1 1 clun· MonHll Tibtruile Cttolr '"' wom1n. Through a misunder· D • E KING IS COMING' standina. however, Georae's French * 4 Horses of Revelation teacher shows up, expectin1 to 11ve DR. HOWARD c. ESTEP the whole family French lessons. n Ii) (}) fi) m Wortd of Dian., I Tiie 1Un1 ,, Comln1 ITJristle• Face" (R} Part 1 ~ 1 two· Dodatr Mid-Season Sptdal "Is part story about 1 14-year·old boy s the Year?" Dodaer first base· wh t t t k h' · man, Steve Garvey, hosts this as· 0 ae 1 ou 0 ma e is way in the sortment of man-on·the·street 1'nter· world 1nd is soon joined by 1 fellow v111bond-a bristle·faced stray dof. views to aet opinions on the Dodi· They are befriended by in easy· ers chances for 1 pennant. 1oln1 country store·keeper who m ~ "' Qltation takes the boy on as his "partner." al VOIU of Calvary o @mm Tiie Fii "The Bouaht 10:00 D ~ Ci) lfO) m NIC Reports Ju,.,,..-(Jf) Tnspector Erskine inves· "Heart Attaek" CR) Paul Cunnin1· tl11tes threats which resulted in 1 him is producer and reporter for hunr jury in the trial of 1 crime this ' speci1I that e.xplores the i dicate figure. dramatic new advances in the Million $ Movie: (C) (90) .. A dilgnosis, prevention 1nd treatment "" for Killin(' (wes) '67-Glenn of heart attack. Accordinr to Cun· Ford, lnrer Stevens, Georae Hamil· ninaham, "one of the most excilin1 ton. aspects of the whole problem is the I Tll'" Pauports bl Adventure new approach to the rehabilitation Lasaie of heart attack victims. With proper Joumer bl Japan (R) care and gradu1I exercise, most of 1:00 them can be back at their Jobs, the D HEE HAW'S PROUD OF :~~aaed heart muscle h1vin1 heal· * CHARLIE PRIDE Tonite I Day of Di1CO¥e1Y Net Haw • Dr. Nonun Vincent hale Safart bl Ad•enture I, NCewsl b Nippon No Uta/News u Pltttm for LMni · • Pr1i1e the Lord Club : tvenlna at Pops "Jose Molina" Lou Gordon Sllow Clltsplrtto 10:15 fl) Ro,11 F1ml1J of J1pan/Cflallen1e • • At1Dtitl1n TV Hour Coif 1:30 IJ <9 Cl)) Cl) M1nnl1 "The Dark 10:30 Tiit Protecton Hours" (R) An incriminatina photo Rt&IOfler Report of 1n underworld kin& mikes Min· Best of 5nMadlo nix a syndicate taraet. EJiz1beth 6 ~ CoMert Ashl!l_auests. ,.,. Evil Tot1elt 0 IN (j) t1Q m NIC Sundty Police Surreoa MJstiry-Mclllll1n & Wife "Re· • Movie: (C) "lost Collm1nd" union In Terror" (R) Commissioner (dra) ·~nthony Quinn, Alain De. McMillan and his wife attend his ·Ion. Claud11 Cardinale. 20·year college football reunion Mlssiofl: l111polllble which ends in traaeily when one of (Qj (J)) News the former players is found slain. (j) T:if.L Cit 0 @ CI) Q) ABC Sunday Movie: Sumo Wmtlln1 ('C) (btf "Preject X" (dr•) '68-· ~ Forum Christopher Georae. Greta Baldwin, : N~~1't_M Henry Jones, Monte M1rkh1m. Har· · _...,,. Music old Gould. Startlinr new film tech· 10:45 <a 00> Sp11isll Movie niques h.l&hli&flt this futuristic drt· 11:00 Im D D Ci)@) News ma of 1 man of the 21st century l.lt:luYft 1Ui.lil1n who is tricked into believing he lives CV Top Ten IAUH In the 1960s. The fate of the en· U·301Ni•e of the Sime tire wor1d lies in the blotted mind • • Sundiy TOtllpt Sllow of scientist Hagen Arnold (George), Picesetters who carries both l~portant secrets Movie: (C) ·~ Min Wllo Could 1nd enouah bacterial cultures to t Deith" (hor) '59-Anton Dif· destrft the world. · frina, Hazel Court. m 1_,lciA( I Showdown ,at the OK CI) TeleputM eifral (~) Lorne Green narrates this fi) Mn: ''FIJlna Tlatrs" (dra) '42 rt·creat1on of the leaendary gun· -John Wayne, John Carroll. fi&ht that involv~ Wyatt Earp, his m Movie: (C) "It's Always Feir brothers, Doc Holhday, the Clin ton We.U.r" (mus) 'SS-Gene Kelly, gen, and Mclaury Brothers. Den Dailey, Mic.hael Kidd. OJ _ lflct4L I This Is Tom Jones &) Movie: "Printle'a Proams" Sammy Davis Jr. guests. (com) '55-Richard Attenborough, 9 8owrMt & Ole students Terry· Thomas &> Vltwpoint on Nutrition · 9:00 I Or11 Roberts 12:00 ~ :r· •re.;: Klasorte • Seymour Presents Pt • Qemer Ted Annstrona 12:30 @ New Directions J1p1nese Lanauae Progrem 1:00 0 Spukln1 Freely Tiie Ot1t WIJ &) Mn: "Knives of the Avtn1er" : Maaterpltce Theatre: The Ed· (ecM '67-Cameron Mitchell, Jack wardl1M "Mr. Rolls & Mr. Royce" Stuart. Ear1y automobiles end 1irplenes 1:10 6 Movie: "Tht Dilry of AnM star in this story of the men who Frink" (dra) '59 -Millie Pertins, founded Rolls-Royce. Shelley Winters, Richard Beymer. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 introduces its new models hard to find, but we hove them All sets feature • Trin1tron Color System (one gun/one lens) • 100°~ solid state • One-button control for Automatic Fine Tuning, Color & Hue • Power-saving instant-on defeat switch D '""i a KV·9200 • Trinitron • 9" !Ceen meo\Ued 01oqonolly • weq.,. only 20 lbs. KV-1711 • T rinitron • 17" !Ceen meoS11ed dioqonolty KV-1910 • T rinilron • 19" !Ceen meoS11ed dioqonolly • T rintron Cob System lone cpi/ooe lem} • I oot i.olid SICJle • Pow&--soving insronl-on defeo1 swiich • O.butt0t1 control for Auromo•ic Fine T un{ng. Color & Hue • 114 wide-angle clefleoo0n pictise ti.Ce in silm cabinet • Tnn!Ton Color S~lem lone cvi/ooe lens) • 1M~9ot<1 • Power-soW-q instonl-on defeat switth • ~on control for kfomotic Fine Tuning. Color & Hue • New 114" ...,de-cingle de0edion pid11e lube ond re-; slim profile cobine• · • 70 detent UHF channel ~lection AA&D Electronics 27 5 E. l 71h STREET COSTA MESA 642-8882 Hours Doily 9·6. Thurs 9-9 Professional Service for all your home electronics TV -Radio· Stereo · ~no · Tape Pase 7 CURT GOWDY: 30 YEARS OF MEMORIES In a sportscasting career spanning 30 years, Curt Gowdy has used countless words of description. None, he readily admits, is more vividly embossed in his memory book than the word, "traumatic." That's how Gowdy, NBC's versatile sportscaster, describes his first assignment as a sports broadcaster. • "It's a six-mantfootball game in Cheyenne, Wyoming," he recalled. "St Mary's H igh against Pine Bluff. It's an unmarked field ... No numbers on the players. I'm broadcasting this game from atop a soap box on the sidelines. It's cold and for the first and only time in my career I'm hoping no one is listening. Traumatic? Man, trau- matic like it's never been before or since." In looking back to his 30 years-25 of them as a broadcaster of major league baseball-"it's been all down hill since 1944 and St. Mary's against Pine Bluff." Gowdy, whose major league broad- casting credits include coverage of New York Yankee games with Mel Allen, 15 year~ as the voice of the Boston Red Sox and the last nine as NBC's top man on the network's telecasts of Major League Baseball, says .. it's been one beautiful experience after the other." Take Ted Williams, for instance. In Gowdy's book, Williams was "the most exciting, most dedicated ball player I've ever known." ''At age 42," Gowdy said, "Ted was still asking umpires 'about some new, young p itcher in the league. Whether his ball moved ... If be was around the plate. His curiosity even "'fter he had made it as a top star constantly amazed me." Asked to name the most memorable events he has covered in bis 25 years reporting baseball games, Gowdy gave the nod to a happen- ing that took place only a couple of months aao. "Henry Aaron's 715th home run to break Babe Ruth's record," he said. "That tops them all. I had the good fortune to call that one for a national audience on NBC's first Monday Night game this year. The way that ball park exploded when he hit it is something I'll always remember." Pegged right below Aaron's historic blast is Ted Williams' farewell to baseball. "Get this," Gowdy said. "It's the last game Ted is going to play and it's his last time at bat before hanging it all up for good. What's he do? He hits a home run. It came off Baltimore's Jack Fisher. "Lots o f folks forget how Ted would come through with spectacular results in dramatic situations," Gowdy continued. "Did you know he hit a home run his last at bat before being recalled into the Marine Air Corps during the Korean war, and that he hit a home run his first at bat when he was discharged?" · Gowdy's tip to young people with sportscasting aspirations? "Get a job doing it a nd get lucky,'' he said. Curt Gowcly (rt0t), cuneall~ tmbarked oa W. 25Cla 1euoa M a major 1a1pe b..bail brOadcadtt, laceme,.. Brooks Robmloa, CWrd batalU 1acl suptt star of dM 8aldlDon Ortoln. Pace 8 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 21. 1974 MONDAY JULY 22 For momlnc •nd •ftemoon ll1tln11. pleHe see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, .,.. the d•y' 1 m0\118. DAYtlME MOVIES 9:00 O "Don't Glvt Up tM Ship" (com) ~ -·Jerry Lewis, Dina Merrill, Mickey Shauahnessy. • 9:30 U ""'"' look lack'' (dra) '52- Huah Sinclair. Rosamond John. 11:00 0 "JUll&le Goddess" (adv) '49 - Wanda McKay, Geor1e Reeves "Th• SuMwor" (dra) '66--Gary Waaner. 12:00 m ""'" of the Kln&dOll" (dra) · _ '4~reaory Peck. Thomas Mitchell. Vincent Price, Roddy McDowall. 1:00 O (C) "t.cl, A Do(' (dra) '62 - Peter Breck, Peaa McKay, An1ela Cartwriaht, Carroll O'Connor. 2:0011J "S1oty of Molly X" (dra) '50 - June ttavoc, John Russell. 2:30 0 "female on ttle lead!" (dra) 'Sf>-Joan Crawford, Jeff Chandler. 19 @ (C) "Oedipus ttle Kin(' (classic) '68-Christopher Plummer, Lilll Palmer. 3:00 Cl) (C) "Island of the losf' (adv) '63-Richard Green, Luke Halpin. (10) (C) "It's A Do(s Life" (aim) °Sf>-Dean Ja11er, Jeff Richards. 3:30 IJ "TIUnic" (dra) '53 -Barbara Stanwyck, Clifton Webb, Robert Waaner, Richard Basehart. (C) ·"rf A Man Answers" (com) '62-Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin. D (C) "The IHd Weaon" Part I (mus) 'SJ-Fred Astaire, Cyd Char. isse, Oscar Levant. Nanette F ab ray, Jack Buchanan. (i7J Cl) "Tb• Anael Wllo Pawned Mir Harp" (com) '54-Diane Cilen· to, Felix Aylmer. 4:30 <9 Cl)) "st11np11 When Wt Meet" (dra) '60 -Kiri\ Douglas, Kim Novak. 5:30 m ''Tiiey Midi Mt A Crlminal" (dra) '39 -Dead End Kids, John Garfield, Ann Sheridan, Claude Rains. I V f N I r,J (, • 6 = 00 natt5•~., lottlftll Ho1an's Heroes ltvtrty Hillbillies Mod Squad Spanish Talk Show Movie: (C) (Zllr) "Susan Slade" ( ra) '61 -Connie Steven s, Troy Donahue. Ell)Zoo111! &) $t>ffcl -Racer 6:30 6 Dealer's Cltoice • Diel Van Dyke Merv Griffin Show Cf) Hopn'• Heroes : l'al Chi Ch'uan • The Plonttrs · • Trawel Film · Tiit Adventurers Little Rncals 1:00 IJ(l)OfJ@@mm News D 1owt1e1 fof Dollars (j) Mowit: (Zllr) ''Tiit Outsider" (dra) '62-Tciny Curtis, Tony Fran ciosa. Wiid World of AnltHIS • What's My Uot? I I.ow ltlCJ It T 1k11 A Thief (]) I Orea• of Jt1nnit Euleralda : Nlturaltm Spanish lahauage. ( (j)) a..i,, Coldsbofo Show · Dra111a • Ust9d y las Estrellas Tllrtt stoops 7:30 IJ Jonathan Winters Show (A) IJ•ne=t=~ • Http n., Nolpbor ....... ttM aoct New Tnuure Hunt MlllkMt $ Mowte: (C) (2hr) way All Boats" (dra) '56 - Jeff Chandler, Geor1e Nader, Julie Ad ams. !fOJ Sta Wortd Sptdal "Shark Alert" Tlllt Girt (1) To Tell tllt Tri.a (j) New Price Is Rllfrt : D.!!. at Nlpt ( (l.J) Naslwillt Miitie • J1111., Dutt .. · Polk!e SurftOll Tiit Ghoul Gu1 1:00 1J (fj Cf)) Ci) Gun111loll1 "Snow Train" Part I 00 A train is stopped by Indians 1nd Dillon must either release two men to the Sioux or face disaster. 0 QJ Ci) m NBC Double feature Mowil: (t} {!hr) "A Trff Grows in lroHfrn" (R) (dra) '74 -Diane Baker, Cliff Robemon, Pamelyn Fer- din, Michael Wixted. A family of four struu les a11inst pcwerty and lhe father's alcoholism. "Twice in A UfttillW' (com) L74-Emest Borg nine, Della Reese. A retired Navy cook satisfies his lonaina for his for mer seaaoina life by purchasing a salvaae tua. 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Where Bullets Fij'' (dra) '66--Tom Adams. Dawn Addams. U @(])(!)The Rookies "Rolf. in& Thunder'' (R) Two teenaae boys, one a uniform·happy 1un1·ho type. the other a hostile cop.hater. cause problems for Officers Webster and Gillis after l . Ryker places the younasters in a Junior Police Cadet proaram and orders the rookies to watch over them. @) Mowle: (C) (3"1) "The Dtiwil at 4 O'Clodt" (dra) '61 -Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra, Barbara Luna. Kerwin Mathews. Jean-Pierre Au mont. Dtaltr's Choice Slf arl bl Adventure eatro dtl Aln Mowte: (Zhr) "I Cottfen" (mys) Karl Malden, Montiomery Chit. Ell) Su111111er T111nlt-Clllca10 Inter· national flstiwl 1f Tennis (4hrs) Men's slnales and doubles flnals. I Penthouse Comlcly Movie: ''Tirer Shirt" (adv) '32 -Edward G. Robinson. J. Carrol Naish. 1:30 I Merv Ciriffln Show Movie: (90) "Scn1m1tt1 bates" (dra) '56-Tom Tryon, Martin Mil ner, Jan Merlin. 9: 10: 10: 11:3 1:4 3:1 EE P111oum1 Novtla t:GO fJ KNXT Com11uni(J Action Special "It's A Mitter of Fat" KNXT's Glend1 Wina ind Mario Machado host the speclal, which looks at the con· tinuinc "battle of the bulge" - TUESDAY JULY 23 how people feel about excess wei1ht, For morning •nd •fternoon llstlnp ills causes. what they're dolnc about plNse see DAYTIME PROGRAMS'. t, and how to reduce with better Below for your convenience u e ~~ ·, ' ~ The lold Ones the day s movies. li7) Ci) m AIC Mond11 Movie: ( ) (fhr) "fiW Card Stud" (dra) DAYTIME MOVIES '68-0ean Martin, Robert Mitchum, tn1er Stevens, Roddy McDowall, 9:00 0 (C) "Seven in D111&ness" (susp) K1therine Justice. A high-stakes card '69-Sean Garrison, Miiton Berle, came ends In a lynching and soon a Dina Merrill, Barry Nelson. mysterious killer appears to settle 9:30 II ''Tiii Teaan" (wes) '53-lloyd the score with the survivors of the Bridges. Marie Windsor. game. , 11:00 D "The Monster & the Girt" (hor) (Qi ) Hert s luey (R) Kim '41-Paul Lucas. Ellen Drew. "Slnls· becomes.the song·and·dance partner ter Monk" (mys) '67-Karin Dor, of Frankie Avalo~. Harolc! Lelphil2 ti) Muy A,rldec1do · ~ Varie(J Show 12:00 m (C) "Royal Wtddln(' (mus) '51 rTI ..,..., ~ -Fred Astaire, Jane Powell, Peter 9:30 ~9..1 ('6> l..!lJ) Dick Ven Dyke Show Lawford. (R). Dick tries on a fake mustach.e 1:00 @ (C) "Capetown Affair'' (dra) '67 ~h1ch causes Mu to recall their -James Brolin, Claire Trevor. fi~tN::ting years ago. ~:00 0) (C) "The Secret Seven" (adv} la Vt lodUd '66-Tony Russell, Helga Line. I) Dr11n1 2:30 0 (C) "The Perfect Fur1ou1h" 10·00 II (Qj (]))CI> CBS Reports (com) '59-Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh • "Space: A Report to the Stock· ~ 00 (C) ''The Cool Ones" (mus) holders" CBS News Correspondent 67-Roddy McDowall, Debbie Wat. Walter Cronkite analyzes what Amer· son. ica's space pro1ram has achieved 3:00 (j) ''The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and where it is golng, and asks if Part I (dra) '39-Charles Laughton, the American taxpayers are getting Maureen O'Hara. their money's worth. @) (C) .. It Started With A Kiu" I m Ii) News (com} '59-Debbie Reynolds, Glenn Perry Mason Ford. ~~~n .:e ~cad ~ub 3:30 II (C) "The Ucfy American" (dra) '63 -Marlon Brando, ·Arthur Hiii, 10:30 O Movie: "The Trial" (dra) '55-Sandra Church, Pat Hingle. Glenn Ford, Arthur Kenne.dy. "The Art of l ove" (com) '65 - I lill Cosbf James Garner, Elke Sommer. Dick C..CludN Crfta Van Dy~e. Musical Comedy O (C) "The Band Wagon" Concl. 11:00 0 D Im m, NNee"w's (mus) '53-Fred Astaire, Cyd Char· Cl) @) Ql 00 isse, Oscar Levant. lest of roucho @ 00 "Another Shore" (dra) '49- Nlctrt Callery Robert Beatty, Moira Lister. Alfred Hitchcock Presents 4:30 (~ ) "Talk of the Town" (com) Reverend Ike '42-Cary Grant, Jean Arthur. ~ ~nrsitor 5:30 m "Ancels Wash Their Faces" (~ ) The Pioneers (dra) '39-0ead End Kids. Ann Sher· idan, Ronald Reagan. 11 :30 II (~ (i)) CBS lite Movie: (C) ''Tlle Clr1 He Left Behind" (com) '56-Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood. 0 ~ 00 @) m Johnn, Ctrson Paul Williams guests. 11 Fractured Flickers 00 Movie: "The Tall Lie" (dra) '52 -Paul Henreid. D @ CV l(l) Wide World Mystery "File It Under Fear" (R) &l Movie: ''Ganpter Story" (mys) 'W-Walter Matthau. 12:00 0 Movie: "Overland Stage Rider" (wes) '38--0ene Autry. m Movie: "The Sur" (mys) '48 - Paul Henreid, Joan Bennett. fll) Yoca for Health 12:30 0 Candid Camera 1:00 O o Tomonow 1:4511 Movie: (C) "You're My Every· iiiTn(' (mus) '49-Dan Dailey, Anne Beater. J:lO II Movie: "Tall In the Saddle" (wes) '44-John Wayne. Ella Raines. Werd Bond. E V E NING s:oo = D w mm m News 3 !» 00 (~ 00> News · 0 · All·Star Baseball G1me iCon~~n';~~ 5 PM. Ho11n's Heroes Beverly Hillbillies • Mod Squad • Spanish Talk Sh~ Movie: (2hr) "Man With the Icy ~s" (hor)-Antonio Sabato. : Zoom! Speed R1eer 6:3016 Dealer's Choice • Dick Vin Dyke 00 Hog1n's Heroes : T'ii Chi Ch'uan · • Tr1vel Film • The Ad~enturers al Little Rate1ls 7:00 11 (j) D ~Ci) m News II Bowflnr lOr Dollars THE OAILY PILOT, TV WEEI<. JULY 21. 19?ol @ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Pillars of the Sky" (dra) '56 -Jeff Chandler, Doroth~ Malone. I Safari to ~enture Whit's M, Line? I love luey It Takes A Thief (j) f Dream of Jeannie umeraldl : Book Beat "Workin1,'' by Studs Terkel. I (I:)) Hee Haw''. i Orama Uated y la Policla Three Stooges the midst of a feud between the settlers and Kiowa Indians. i The lold Ones Hollywood Squares What's the I i& ldu? "Americans Like Authority" Experts examine obligations and limitations of au· thonty by those who exercise it and those who challenge it. @I) Los Crandes Anos del Rock m Movie: (2hr) "So Ends Our Ni&hr' (dra) '42-Glenn Ford, Mir· garet Sullavan. ail Tele-Revista y Comentarios 9:30 1J (Qt (j)) Shaft "Cop Killer'' (R) 7:30 I New Treasure Hunt Not all cops are good euys, and it's Hocan's Heroes Shaft's hard luck to get involved Help Tti, Nei&hbor with pohce corruption on a scale Secrets of the Deep that includes frameup of a black of. a You Asktd for It licer, theft and bribery. Darren Mc· • Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Slan Gavin, Georae Maharis and James A. of the Paean" (adv) '55-Jeff Chan. Watson Jr. &uest. dler, Jack Patance. I Elizabeth R I That Girl News Cf) To Tell the Truth Merv Griffin Show @ Ler s Make A Deal Teatro con Osw11do Ca~ Day at Ni&ht Dl'IN lo?>by Goldsboro Show 10:00 Im m Newt TM fihoul Gane 6 Perry MliMft - a·oo -c~rT\)'-' M d (R) M d • (IX a> Marcus Welbr M.D. · ~ ~~\.I.; a~ • au es (R) M elderly scientist, returned sufl?nst weddin1 gift to Carol and from a junrle trip, contracts mala· Chns (Fred Grandy) tu~ns out to be ria and then learns his grandson even more of a surprise than she will not accompany him on his neat hoped. field trip. 8 ®) ~ News ., EE Spanish Comed, 11Mov1e:, (2hr) I Saw What You ~ Man in A Suitcase Did (dra) 65-Joan Crawford, John tt) Great Radio Comedians Comedi· Ireland. .. ans discuss the ''great lost art" O @ ~'~Happy Days . Great of radio comedy of the 1940s. Expectations (R) ~lchle befriends a al) Praise the Lord Club stranded beatnik 1irl and brin1s her . ,, ,, home to stay temporarily, but then 10:30 ~ Movie: Handle With ~re. (dra) learns she is pregnant. 58-Dean Jones, Joan 0 Brien. I Dealer's Choice I Bill ~sby . Safari 'o Adventure la C1udld C~ Gorrion · Noches Tapatias Ci) All·SUr Baseball (3hr) 11:00 I 0 0 @I) m m News Movie: (C) (2hr) "Battle Cry" Ci) @) EE @ Cil News Part I (dra) '55-Van Heflin Aldo Best of firoucllo ia • ' 6 Ni&ht Callery Man Builda, M1n Destroys Alfred Hitchcock Presents Quien Movie: "Satin's Satellltn" Comedy (scl·fi) '58 -Judd Holdren, Aline Movie: "One for the Book" Towne. (com) '47-Ronald Rea1an, Eve Ar· l@Tllt Visitor den, Eleanor Parker. The Saint 8:30 II (Qi (j)) Cl) Hawaii f"IYe·O , ( (j)) The Pioftn" .. "Draw Me A Killer" (R) McGarrett 11.30 II (~ CJ)) CIS lite Movte. attempts to solve the riddle of a (C) "Pretty .Po son" (dra) '68 - series of apparently motiveless slay. Anthony Perkins. Tuesday Weld, Bev· ings that come at intervals of sia erly Garland. weeks. Elliott Street guests. 19 @ tfO'l m Johnny Carson ! Hollpood Squares Fracturecr Flldlers @ Ci) m ABC Tuesday Movie: 6 M~vle: "lells of San Fernand~" ( ) (90) ''Third Girl From the Left" ( ra) 47 -Donald Woods, Glona (R) (dra) '73-Kim Novak, Tony Warren. Curtis, Michael Brandon. A chorus P @(I)(D Wld~ ?!orld Mystery girl who finds herself fallin1 in ~eath Is A Bad Trip love with a young college dropout EE Yo&a for Hu lth must choose between him and the 12:00 II Movie: "Pals of the Siddle" man she has loved for 13 years. (wes} '38-John Wayne. m Merv Griffin Show m Movie: "love From A Stranpr'' 0) Movie: (90) "Ma & P1 Kettle on (~ra) '47-Sylvla Sidney, John Ho· Vacation" (com) '53-Marjorie Main, d1ak. Percy Kilbride. 12:30 O Candid Camera EE Natur1lists "John Burrough~; 1:00 00 O Ci) Ci) News How Far Are We From Home? O (lg) Tomorrow Filmed at Roxbury, New York on the 1.45 .:111 M 1 , "D ti s t" (d ) Hudson River where Burroughs • ~ ov e. peri on e~re ra lived and worked most of the time. 52-COrnel Wilde, Phyllis Thnter. I The Pioneers Karl Malden. Panorama Novell 2:00 m All·Nlcht Show: "loft& Nl&ht of 'll," "Plndor1 & the Flyln1 Dutel· 9:00 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Flam1n1 Star" man" (adv) '60 -Elvis Presley, Barbara 3:10 II Movie: (C) "Danprous Miuion" Eden. A half-Indian youth must (dra) '54 -Victor Mature, Piper c}loose sides when he 1s caught in Laurie. Vincent Price. Page 9 WEDNESDAY JUYY 24 For momln1 and afternoon llstlnp, plNte ... DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movln. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "Stli1eo1dl to D1netrs' Roell" (wes) '62 -Martin Landau., Jody Lawrence, Warren Stevens.• 9:30 O "Sevtnteen" (com) '40-Jackie Cooper, Betty Reid. 11:001J (C) "Witch ltnt1th the Sea" (adv) '52-Gina Albert, John Sutton. "Bond of f11r'' (mys) '58 -Dermot Walsh. Jane Barrett. 12:00 m "Tiie Anltl I tht 91dm1n" (wes) '47 -John Wayne. Gall Rus· sell. Irene Rich. 1:00 @ (C) "Son of Robin Hood" (adv) '59-Divld Hedlson, June Leverick. 2:00 Q) ''Thi looters" (dra) 'SS-Rory Calhoun, Julie Adams. 2:30 IJ (C) ''Thia Happy fH lin(' (com) '58-Debble Reynolds. John Saxon. Q) 00 (C) "War Kill'' (dra) '68 - Georae Montaomery, Tom Drake. 3:00 Cf) "Hunchbacll of Notre 0.mt" Conti. (dra) '39-Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara. Qg) (C) "M1n on Fire'' (dra) '57 - Bina Crosby, lnaer Stevens. E. G. Marshall. 3!30 IJ (C) "Send Mt No flowers" (oom) '64 -Rock Hudson. Doris Day, Tony Randall. (}) (C) "BllndfOld'' (susp) '66 - Rock Hudson, Claudia Cardinale. Guy Stockwell. D (C) "Two Loves" (dre) '61 - Shirley Maclaine, Laurence Harvey, Jack Hawkins. Nobu McCarthy. @ m ''Valley of Son(' (com) '53 -Clifford Evans, Mervyn Johns. 4:30 (~ (j)) "They Came to Cordura" (dra) '59 -Gary Cooper, Rlt1 Hay· worth. Tab Hul\ter. EVfNING 6:oonaoommmm N ... @@9@<~(1)) News IOnll\ZI 6 Ho1111's Heroes • Beverly Hillbillies World football leaaue Cont'd from 5PM., as the Californla Sun vs. the Jacksonville Sharks. !ModSqu1d S.,anish Talk Show Movie: (C) (2hr) "G1rden of Evil" (dra) '54-Gary Cooper, Susan Hayward. : Zool'll! Speed Racer 6:30 6 Qfaltr's Choice • DidrV1J1 DP• 0 MeR Griffin Show CV Hopn'1 Heroes : r11 Clli Cll'u•n • The Pioneers · The Mvtnturtrs Little RISClls 1:00 rnoa@oomm News IJ Bowtin& for Dollars (j) Movie: (2hr) "House of Stranc· ers" (dra) '49 -Edward G. Robin· son, Susan Hayward. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 Joumq Wltal's MJ lint? It T 11111 A Tllltf CI) I Drta11 of J11n1tlt Esn11rald1 : Los ~&•Its Collective ( (j)) World of SIAmval · Dram• · • Aaron lel'ftr Show Thrff StOOatS 7:30 1J New Datina G111ie rn Hotan's Heroes ! Wilt Till Your Fltfltr Gtb Ho•• Help Thy Ntfpbor l et's Mille A Deal 1obbJ Gotd1bofo Show Milllon $ Movie: (2ht) "Ten Seconds to Htll" (dra) '59 -Jeff Chandler, Jack Pelance. o New Pr1ce ts Rf&frt 1 (]) To Tell tht Truth 00 Hollywood Squires : i1tNl1ht ( ) Police Sur,eon • tr People, Other Plaus · Celebrity lowtln1 The Ghoul Gane 1:00 IJ (eij (j)) Cl) Tony Or1ando • Dawn Will Geer and Jo Anne Worley l!!..est. U Q)@Qgi mChase "The Scene Stealers" CR) Reel plots be· come real crime dramas as the Chase unit pursues thieves who use movie scripts to commit robberies. O Movie: (C) (2hr) "Sea Wife" (dra) '57 -Richard Burton, Joan Collins. D @(l)aJThe Cowboys "Re· quiem for A. Lost Son" (R) A venge· ful father blames Cimarron for the death of his son on the longhorn ranch. When the man and his family take possession of the ranch house and hold Mrs. Anderson and two of the youna cowboys captive, Cimarron uses a mol1sses·lovin1 burro In 1n attempt to avert more tra&edy. I Safari to Adwtnturt Variety Movie: (C) (2hr) "lltUt Cry'' Cone!. (dre) '55 -Van Heflin. fl!) Nnpttt Jm Festini: A Tribute to Louis Al9istton1 ( R) IE Cha•pioMlllp Wrtdlh11 a> J.,..nese l..npaae ftrof'I• 1:30 D @(I) m UC Wtd11tsd•J Movie: (C) (90) '"Scraa111 flrettJ h a· rl' (R) (susp) '74 -Ted Bessell, Sien Barbara Allen, Bette Davis, Charles Drake. Allan Arbus. A. sculp· tor absorbed in deplctina evil hires a pretty student as the housekeeper at the mansion he and his mother supposedly share with his hopelessly Insane sister. • m Mtrv Griffin Sllow OJ Movie: (90) "Arturo's Island" (adv) '63-Realnald Kernan. Si) Panor11111 Novell 9:00 IJ <9 Ci)) (j) Cannon "Blood Money" (R) A f11mboy1nt criminal attorney defends a young doctor charged with murderina the at· torney's financier client in an •P· parent l•ll·8$Cape attempt. 0 Q)(J) m NIC W1dnud1y Movie: (~ (lhr) "T1lt Crtat Notti\. field Mlnneaot. Raid'' (R) (wes) '72 -Cllff Robertson. Robert Duvall. Luke ~kew. R. G. Arnistrona. Dana Elcar. Donald Moffat. Cole Younaer. Jesse James and other b1ndits all decide to rob the "biuest bank 'UNLIKELY ROMANCE' OF ROLLS, ROYCE rake a dull, i.todgy mcchanu:al gcn1ui. in Edwardian England with a passion for hard work. Combine him with an ebullient, mercurial member of British nobility with a flair for primitive cars and more-primitive aircraft. Shake well. and wh a1 do you get? The most luxurious cind poss-ibly be:,t autos ever manu· facturetl, the Rolls·Roycc. The dramatic, adventurous story of "Mr. Rolls anJ Mr. Ru~ce," whose li ves were to affect worldwide transportation a:, profoundl y lj , Rotim Po"'" (I.) p&ay1 tbe debonair c . S. Rolls Md Mk•.el J.yaaon II die dull med u111ICJll 1enlu11, Henry Roytt. Page 10 1 a-. America·~ Henry Ford, will be televised on Masterpiece T heatre Sunday at 9 PM on KCET. Channel 28 . with Alistair Cooke as host. One of a mini-~erie entitled "The Edwardians" and produced in this country hy WGBH, Boston. the special stars Michael Jayston as Henry Royce and Robert Powell as C.S. Rolls. And featured is the original Rolls-Royce Silver Ghol>t. manufactured in I 907 and valued today at mo re than $300,000. 1 It wa., the Silver G host that elev 1ted Rolls·Royce to the automotive hall of fame. am.I mndc 1hc company's trademark--0ne "R" uper·imposed over another -famous 1hroughout the world. The teaming of "Mr. Rolls and Mr. Royce" has been called "the greatr.st unlikely romantic partnership since Gilbcn and Sullivan." In their triumph and tragedies a re all the colorful beginning of our automotive age. As with most "marriages" between two such obviously di pa rate person,, Rolls and Royce were brought together by a matchmaker. He wa'\ Henry Edmunds. in 1902 a friend of Roll'> and a shareholder in Royce's 'lmall ele~trica.I firm. Knowing that Royce was appalled at the shoddy workman hip of a .,mall car he had just bought ano tnail{otls. owner of an auto sales firm m London. was looking for a new car to market, he suggested the two join forces. The rest, as they say. is history. The Masterpiece Theatre special based on th.cir stormy and fertile partner hip • shows the human sides of both men-Royce, the plodding genius, forgetting -both food and sleep when caught up in a mechanical problem, and Rolls, the younger, quick·silverish visionary who ~w the automobile as only a stepping· -.tone to air travel. "The performance of the Silver Ghost itself," said one critic, "was a delight to watch AS it sped by at a smooth 20 miles per hour along quiet roads as yet uncluttered by Mr. Fo rd's Model T ." Their 'ltory ended in 1910 when Rolls. after having beco me the first man 10 fly roJnd·trip over the English Channel. was killed at age 32 in a plane crash. The subsequent progress of their company was perhaps best summed up by Ro lls' ari:,tocratic mother. who turned to Royce at the funeral to declare: "As '>harcholders, we should make it quire clear that the affairs of Roll ·Royce Limited will remain unaffected." 10: 11 : 11:15 11 :30 west of the Mississippi,'' at North· field, Minn. (]) The Bold Ones ®) Movie: (C) (2hr) "Alona Catnt A Spidel'' (dra) '70-Suzanne Pie· THURSDAY shette, Ed Nelson. JULY 25 m Cln11lna Ell) Hollywood Ttltvl&ion Thutre For morning and 1fternoon llstinp, "The Standwells: On love" A theat· plelSe see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. rlcal family of puppets presents Below, for your convenience, ere scenes from three plays: "The Way the day's movies. of the World," "Baker's Doren," and the last 1ct of "Camille." DAYTIME MOVIES a:l Escen1rio Theatre 9:15 l!) Charmlnr Coif 9;00 0 (C) "ll Fripttned Cirls" (adv) 9:30 O News '63-Kalhy Dunn, Lynne Sue Moon, fl) Dfa1111 Murray Hamilton, Joyce Taylor. 10;00 II (~ ) Kojak "MoJo" (R) 9:30 O ''Tank Commandos" (adv) '59 Kojak poses as a chemist in an -Robert Barron. effort to snare the thieves who stole • , ., . a million dollars worth of morphine 11.00 0 'The Concret~. J~ngle (dra) 60 and who are now trying to sell 11 -Stanl~y ~aker. N1~ht Plane From back to the insurance company in· Chungkin( (mys) 43 -Robert volved. Preston, Ellen Drew, Otto Kn,iger. ~ m &J Ntws 12:00 m "Rogue River" (adv) "so -Rory Perry M1son Calhoun, Peter Craves, U1J @ Q) Doc El!lot "The C~r· 1:00 ="Operation Secret" (dra) '52 -fer" (R) Or. Ben Elhot must find """' the source of contamination follow. Corner Wilde, Karl Malden, Steve ing the occurrence of two cases of Cochran typhoid In a small Colorado town. 2:00 &J "Bloody V1t11pire" (hor)-Jaime tl"ii Min in A Suitcase Fernandez. Ell) Musi~.of t~e People "An Ear for 2:30 0 (C) "This Earth Is Mine" (dra) Bluegrass Bill Monroe and the '59-Rock Hudson, Jean Simmons, Bluegra.ss Boys guest. Dorothy McGuire Claude Rains. • ~ Prllse. ~e lord Club 3:00 Ci) (C) "You're' A Bi& Boy Now" 10.30 ~.Movie. , Csclpe From Elst B~r· (dra) '67 -Geraldine Page, Peter 1111 (adv) 62-Don Murray, Chris· Kastner Tony Bill Elizabeth Hart· line Kaufmann. man. · ' 11111 CosbJ 119) (C) "Meet Me in Lu Yeps" la Ciud1d Crita • · H Ill. i_. Alt .... _ "I th (!'!us) 65 -Dan Dailey, Cyd Cha· u n .. emaun s e risse Family Oead?" A debate on the • · .. . , future of the family as a unit in 3.30 II (C>, Do You T1ke This Stt1n~r' society, with Lawrence Casler. author (dra) 70 -~ene Barry, O~ane of "Is Marriage Necessary' .. and Baker, Lloyd Bndges. Susan Oliver. Sol Gordon, author of "The., Sexual 00 "~tagecoach to 01nce(s Roe~" Adolescent," (wes) 62 -Warren Stevens. Martin . ID Tele·Comlcos ii~c)° "Jicsaw" (dra) '68 -Harry 11.0011CJ0 @I) m al News Guardino, Bradford Dillman, Hope ~Ci) t19J fl) QJ 00 News Lange, Pat Hingle, Diana Hyland. CI> Best of Groucho @@"Melody Club'' (mys) '49-m :~ G~l~e~ k p ts Terry· Thomas. Michael Balfour. &J Motlt: "L~d~~n ;eJ~~ .. (com) 4:30 (~ 00? "Not~rious Llndl1dy" Paft '42-lrene Dunne, Ralph Bellamy. I (com) 62-~tm Novak, Jack Lem· (i1J (])The Visitor mon, Fred Astaire. Qi Tht Saint 5:30 m "Crim& Sdlool" (dr"') '38-0ead tll) Y!!._1 for Hulth End Kids. Humphrey Bogart. Gale <Ci? CJ)) The Pioneers Page. 11:15 @I) Cinema 34 11:30 B <Cit 00> 00 CIS Late Movie: (C) "The Cornipt Ones" (dra) '67- Robert Stack. Elke Sommer, Nancy Kwan. I ta ct) 9 m Johnny Clrson FCldured Flickers Movit: ''The Cruel Tower'' (dra) '56 -John Ericson. Mari Blanchard. 0 @ tl) Wide World Speci1I "The Guinness Book of World Rec. ords" (R) 12:00 O Movie: "P1radise C1nyon" (wes) '35 -John Wayne. m Movie: (C) "You Can't Run Away From It'' (com) '56 -Jack Lemmon, June Allyson, Stubby Kaye. 1 :00 (]) D 00 Ill (j) News O !19) Tomonow 1 :4511 Movie: (C) "Boy From o.ia. homa" (wes) '54-Will Rogers Jr. 2:00 m All·Nlght Show: "Comm1ndo," "Penn Of Pennsylv1nia" " 3:10 II Movie: (C) "Destln1tldn~ Inner Space" (sci-Ii) '66-Scolt Brldy. .. EVENiNC 6:00 llOOCiJalmm:lal News (3,)®)@~@(tjf(j)) News O Bon1nza 0 00 @ Wor1d Footb1ll Le12ue New York Stars vs. Philadelphia Bells. I Mod Squad Sp1nisfl T1lk Show Zoom! EE Speed Racer 6:30 !iCi) Merv Griffin Show (ffi 00 Ho11n's Heroes £lD r11 Chi Ch'uan ~ The Pioneers lntern1tion1I Variety The Adventurers EE Little Rawls 1:001rnoo~@mm News Bowline for Dollars 8 Secrets of the Deep I Love Lucy THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. JULY 21, 1914 It likes A Thief vigilantes who are tryin& to wrest (]) I Drt1m of Jeannie the man's wlll away from his heirs. Es111er1td1 Q Victory It Sea : FNlt of L1nru1ge "King Lear" ~j Major Lea1ue 8aseb1tl 01kl1nd ( ) L11sie A's vs. Minnesota Twins. • Dt1111a ft) The Old Maid ' the Thief Gian· Thret Stoores Carlo Menotti's comic opera about· ' 7:30 -01"10ft Welles' Creit M-teries a btue·blooded spinster who ts ..., ,... duped by her pretty housemaid Into "The Power of Fear" (R) Don Murray taking a handsome young hippie and Shirley l(niaht star. into her home. I Horan's Heroes r &!) Acomp1n1me New Price la Rldtt mi Julio & Serclo--Comenurios Help Th~ Nticllbot I s•un I Shootin1 Cabby A 9:30 I News behind·lhe·scenes look at the mak· La Gr1n Revira in1 of "The Great Gatsby" with ob· • Dr1m1 servatlons by stars Robert Redford and Mia Farrow, producer David 10:00 0 Qj @@) @D Comedyworld Merrick and director Jack Clayton. Guests are Steve Landesberg, Rich· Highlighted on the program are the ard lewis, Kelly Monteith and Jim· costumes used in the location shoot· my J~ce. ~. in Newport. R.I. ~ W &J News Concentration 6 Perry MHon Wiid IUnadom @ (!) tl) Streets of San Fran· ~That Cirl cisco "The Victims" (R) Stone and (3) To Tell the Truth Keller search for three escaped con· 00 Wild World of Anim1ls victs who have killed three people tll) D1 1t Night and terrorized others in their at· (~ a ) Jimmy Dean Show l~mpt to flee San Francisco. Henry I Jonath1n Winten Show Silva guests. The ProtectDn ft) Verite "Spend It All," and "Hot The Gl\oul C1n1 Pepper," two films by documenta· rian Les Blank on the French·speak· 1:00 II (Qf Ci)) c B s Thu! s d I y ing "Cajun" people or Southwest Movit: (t) (3 r) ''Thi F1n11ly Ko· Louisiana vadl" (R) (~re) '74-James Sloyan, Cl!) Prai~ the Lord C'ub Sarah Cunningham, Andy Robinson Renne Jarrett. A tightly·knit family 10:30 O Movie: (C) "Mission Blt1ng11" in Chica10 are S1unned when the (adv) '68 -Dennis Weaver, Vera eldest son is arrested on a charge Miles. Keith Larsen. of tryin& to bribe a health depart· &J Bill C.sbJ ment official at the family restaur· El) La Ciudad Crita anl "Secret Wor1d" (R) (dra) '69-ai Alfred Hitchcock Presents Jacqueline Bisset, Giselle Pascal, €1> Lis Dias Felices Pierre Zimmer, Marc Porel, Jean· Francois Maurin. A strange and with· 11:00 i 0 D fl) Im News drawn boy is brought out of his 3 Cl) ®) fl) (j) News secret world by a visitor to his aunt Best of Crou o and uncle's home. 6 Night C1llery ' 0 ID (j) 0 m MIC O.vls Show Alfred Hitchcoell Presents Mac is Joined by guests Roy Clark. . Movie: ''The Avencers" (adv) '50 Rich Little and Loretta Swlt. -John. Carroll, Adele Mara. D Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Lion Is in ti7J 00 Th~ Visitor the Streets" (dra) '53 -James 66 The S11nt Cagnev. Barbara Hale, Anne Francis. (fi9J 00> The Pioneers fJ @CI) tl) Tet11ptt1tures.Risinr 11:15 m Cinem1 3.4 "Is There ~ lady Doctor in the • . House?" Or. Mercy falls for a liber· 11.30 II(~ Ci)) Cl) CBS Late Movte: ated woman doctor and the romance (C) ''Summertree" (dra) '71 -Mi· of the male chauvinist •n4 the chael Douglas, Jack Warden, Brenda feminist creates misery for the rest Vaccaro, Barbara .Bel Geddes. of the hospital staff. 0 @ (j) ®) .m Johnny Clrson m De1ler's Choice ft FrlCtured fl·ckers &l Boxlnr From the Olympic (j) Movie: "Invisible Stripes" (dra) ~Corrion '39 -Humphrey Bogart, William ft) Evenina 1t Pops "Jose Molina" Holden. CR) O @@ m Dick Clvett Rudolf m Jueves de C1l1 __ NUJ.elev_is~ick's only guest. a;) Caravan• Musical 11:45 ft) Yogi For He.Ith lE Jipanese Seriil 12:00 0 Movie: "Randy Rides Alone" 8:30 0 @ ~ ~ firehouse. "Watches (wes) '34 -John Wayne. of the Night (R) Captain Ryerson m Movie: ''To Pleue A L1dy" (dra) and his men battle a slum apart· '50 -Clark Gable. Barbara Stan· ment blaze, then rescue partygoers wyck. when a lop dress designer's fashion 12 30 ,... C d.d ,._ showing is marred ~Y fire. : u an 1 wimer1 m Merv Griffin Show 1:00 (3) fJ 9 (j) News a:l News/Sports O lfg) Tomorrow 9;00 0 (i) (])(lg) m I r 0 n s Ide "A 1:45 B Movie: "Brea•lng Point" (dre) Death ln Academe" (R) A college '50 -John Garfield, Patricia Neal. professor is blamed after a student 2:00 m All-Nioht Show: (C) •'The "un· in his class takes her own Ille. • • (i) The Bold Ones fighter," "American Guerilla in the 0 @ (E Kung Fu "Night of Ptlilipplnes" the Owls, Day of the Doves'' (R) 3:10 B Movie: 1'Johnny Anael" (dr1) '45 Caine stops to help a fatally Injured -George Raft. Claire Trevor, Signe man and winds up entangled with Hasso. Paae 11 Leon Russell, one of the cur· rent music scene's superstars, makes his first television ap· pearance in more than three years when he hosts back·tq· back .se1ments of NBC's The Midnight Spech1I (1·2:30AM) TlllD OI CAI 'AYMINTS? LIASll OIDH YOUIS NOW 1974 MODELS All MAKES (Allot SU e G EORGE J O INE R e DON CROSBY COLOR · TELEVISION WHY IUY ONE ~· '450'? You can rent a brand new color television for as little asi3 a week. Fully Guaranteed "Option to Buy" for Only as Little as s 13 a Month Just Pay 1st Month in Advance. ADV AMT AGES Tb LIASIHG • Detl•..-y llgM Awfl't •Ho ...... O.....,of WoMy •Ho Wwry abcMlt R ... Iii• • Ho S.Cwfty o.,o.ff Coll Now to Reserve Your Set , .. .,_c•ee1oct 714-533-6 730 FLOYD'S LEASING COMPANY ~hlly 1Mr,,.,__.1Mr.io1. """IJ..Jr.iol. Page 12 FRIDAY JULY 26 for mornln1 and •fternoon llstlnp., please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, •re the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "Country Music Holicl1J'' (mus) '58-ferlin Husky, Zsa Zsa Gabor. 9:30 IJ "Police Do(' (mys) 'SS -Tim Turner, Sandra Dorne. 11:001J (C) "Countdown. to Doomsdq" (susp) '67-George Ardlsson. "Tiie Marksman" (wes) ·53 -Wayne Morris, Elena Verdugo. 12:00 m "The Last Anary Man" (dra) '59 -Paul Muni. David Wayne, Betsy Palmer, Luther Adler. 1:00 Qi (C) "fury at Smuuten Bly'' (adv) '63-Peler Cushing. 2:00 m (C) "Pirates of MOllterey" (adv) '47 -Rod Cameron, Maria Montez. 2:30 0 "The Great Man" (dra) '57 - Jose Ferrer, Dun Jagger, Keen•n ~nn, Julie London. QJ (]) (C) "Dracnet" (dra) '69 - Jack Webb, Harry Morg1n. 3:00 Cl) (C) "fl1mln1 ftatlltt" (wes) '52 -Sterlin& Hayden, Barbara Rush. ~ "Never Let Me Go'' (dra) '53- Clark Gable. Gene Tierney, 3:30 IJ (C) "Captain N .... n. M.D." (dra) '64 -Gregory Peck, Tony Curtis, Angie Dickinson. "The Truttl About Spring'' (dra) '65 -Hayley Mills, John Miiis, Jame$ M1cAtthur. 0 (C) "Nobody's rerfect" (com) '68 -Doug McClure, Nancy Kwan. @ (I) "Nonnan Conquest'' (dra) '53 -Tom Conway. 4:30 (Qj Ci)) "Notorious landlady" Concl. (com) '62 -Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Fred Astaire. 5:30 m "Hell's Kitchen" (dre) '39 - Dead End Kids, Ronald Reagin. EVtNING 6:00 uouoommmm News (l)QRJ 1 _3 Bon~~(j)((j!(j)) News Hopn's Heroes Beverly Hillblllie.s Mod Squad Spanisti T1lk Show Movie: (2hr) "River of No lte· tum" (dra) '54-Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe. Rory Calhoun. mzoom! a> Speed Racer 6:30 6 Dealer's Choice • Dick Van Dyke o Merv Griffin Show (]) Ho&•n's Htroe1 : r11 Chi Ctl'uan • The f'ioneers • • Teatro · The Adventurers Uttle Rascals 1:00 noo@oomm News Bowlin& for DOiT1rs 6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "The Hell· benders" (dra) '67-Joseph Cotten. Norma Bengali. Cl) Animal World B What's My Une? CD I Love Luq THE DAILY PI LOT. TV WEEK, JULY 21. 1974 It Takes A Thief mystery thriller; and Lorne Greene (I) I °'91111 of Jtnnl• •nd Aines Moorehead stlf as art Esmeralda dealers who find a strenp solution : AviatiH Weather to their d•uahter's lmpendlna mlr· ( Ci)) Anhn11 Wor1d riage to a ne'er·do-well American Drama painter. . • Ev.ntot Latinos i The h id OMS Three Stooe11 El ractre d• Ml llrrio Masterpiece Theatre: The Ed· 7:30 lobby liolcllbOfO Show wardl1111 "Mr. Rolls & Mr. Royce" Hopn'a Htroet I -.. Cri· .. ...,. rr. liAI Hollywood Squares u ..,.1d1 B ... n .,,a ~ \.."V \Ill/ El Al••naque Help Thy Ntlahbor Japanese 0r1111a Wild Refup Tllrlll.,. .. n 9:30 8 Twllllflt Zone Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "ril· @ (])Q) The Odd C.uplt (R) lars of the Sllf' (wes) '56 _ Jeff While recuperating et home atter an Chandler. Dorothy Malone, Ward ulur 1tt1ck, Oscar is b•d.gered by a Bond tough housekeeper, who ts even too 1Th1t Girt meticulous for Felix. (})To Tell the Truth I Nna D!l._ 1t"Nlpt Wanderlust (JJ) Outdoers Wlttl Ken Calla· · • Dra111 Wlf 10:00 ! m m News I Untamed World (jj) @ m ''-'IM!Alc;ulc;:AL1,1l Portr.it; Mule.an Rodeo Wo•an I love (R) Dramatiza- W.rtd of Survival tlon of incidents in lhe lives of W•I· The Ghoul G1n1 lis W11field Simpson and the Prince 8:001J ((jt (())Cl) C8S Friday Movie: of Wales, later Kina Edw11d Vljl, (C) (3hr) "Around ti!• World in IO who •dbicated h1~ th'°!'e to .marry Oars" (com) '56 -David Niven. the woma~ of his choice. Richard Shirley Macl1ine, Cantinflas, Robert Chamber111n and Faye Dunaway star. Newton. Winner of five Academy 00 'erry Mason Awards. includina best picture, the fl) LA. Aztaca Soceer Aztecs vs. film is Jules Verne's classic lale of Seattle Sounders. the epic journey in 1872 of ad· @ Man In A Sultcasa venturer Philees Foga and his min ml rralM tM Lord Club a: Passep1rtout as they circle the alobe 10:30 I David Sunlllnd in 80 days to win a wager of 20.000 Biii Colby pounds sterl~. : Loa Anit!es Collective 0 ID (]) 119) m Sanford I Son • loco Valdez "Wine, Women & A~nt Esther: (R) 11:00 I 0 u El) m m ,..., Fred and his buddies 011an1ze • Cl) ltAl@@ News swinging party with a group or a.st of Groucho women after attending a crony's 6 Nllflt Gallery funeral. Alfred Hltthcodl Presents ~ Movie: (90) "Godzilla" (sci·fi) Movie: "Sl111son In the WH 56--Raymond Burr. useu•" (hor) -Enrique Rambal. O @ (J)G) The Brady lundl 1~ Concert {iij Bobby and Oliver become con· : Beflind Ult Linea vinced they've uncovered a spy plot ( (j)) The rton..n thlat ~;~;:sc=~~ 11:15 @I) Clnen11 3' Safari to Advtntuf1 11:30 IJ (~Ci)) CIS LIU Mtvie: (C) Spanish l1n1u11e Prosram "House. of Usher'' (hor) '69-Vin. Movie: (2hf) "Two Women" cent Price. dra) '61 -Sopbia Loren. .Eleanora Cil Jaubone Brown Jean-Paul Belmondo Raf 0 9@@) m Johnny Carson Vallone. • Roy Clark is guest host. fm Washlniton Weeli in Review IJ Troy Cory Sllow @!) El Show de Rosita Peru (])James Talent Showclse Joe Ni•· m Japanest C.medy on hosts. • . " 1:30 0 ID @ m Brian Keith Show u M~e: (C) 'The Silent Gun "Sean the Allergist" (R) Sean takes (wes) 69-Uoyd Bridges, Pernell over Dr. Chaffee' s allergy practice Roberts, Edd By mes. temporarily and makes some stranae 12 00 ~ StaM:.. Trt'kR diagnoses. : ~ -·•: ' ed River'' (wu) '48-0 @(}) G) Si• Million $ Man John W~yne, Montgomery Clift. (R) Steve Austin is assigned to find m MCMe: (C) "Planet of Blood" a downed World War II cargo plane (hor) '6&:-John .Saxon. Basil Rath· 1n the Himalayas. The discovery may bone, Judi Meredith. reveal that Steve's father, the. pilot, Em Yo11 for Health was a coward 12:30 (i) Shod& Tht1tre o Lers M•ke A Deal fJ Candid Camera I Merv Griffin Show 9 Th• Champions Perry Mason 1:00 0 ~ m Leon Ruuell Mldnipt Wall Street Weell Si>edll Part I. Leon Russell and His P1n-.m1 Novel1 Gap Band. taped on location at his Japanese Popular Music home and at ·his studio In Tulsa, 9:00 0 @ (j)@) m NBC fridlJ Mow-Oklahoma. le: (C) (2ht) "Ru Harrison rresents 1:30 m A!l0Nldrt Show: "Ulllan Rumli," Stories of Love" A trilogy of love "Trad! of the Vamplrt," "Do It Your· stories, each Introduced by Harrison. stlf" Bill Bixby and Julie Sommars star 1:•5 IJ Movie: ''Stop Train 349" (dra) as computer programmers who have '64-Jose Ferrer, Sean Flynn. romanlic problems with one of their 3:10 IJ Movie: "Blood on the Meotl" 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 computers; Leonard Nimoy and (wes) '48 -Robert Mitchum, Bar· Juliet Miiis star in a circa 1946 bara Bel Gedd~.>. Robert Preston. I SATU RDA Y JULY 27 '., ( 1 f~ N I N f. 6:00 Cl) 5.,..., St111esttr 6:30 Ci) 1V I aassroom ~ Christophtf Close-Up m Ufa Rap 7:001 9 Cl) @) m lldsville lullwlnkle (i1) (}) lup Bunny Brother luu 7;30 I SHllHf SetMsttr . 9 (1) ®l m Aclda•s Familr 6 TtnlltSIM Tuatclo (i1) (}) Yorl's Gani • Consumer Profile Alttnlltivea 8:00 I !1 CJ)~ Hair lear Bunch • Cl) I m [mtreency + C owle: ' rolina Moon" (wes) 'CO-Gene Autry. 00 Mowtt: "Man of Conflict" (dra) '53-John A1ar. Edward Arnold. U (i1) (}) Super Friends c:J Movie: ''Corwtte K-225" (adv) '43-Randolph Scott. Ella Raines m Movie: "Plunder Road" (dra) '58 -Gene Raymond, Jeanne Cooper. Q) Sacrtd H•rt/ChristopheB Q)Vekt of Tobo 8:30 I (~ Ci)) Cl) Sebrina Q) (j) fi) m Inch Hi1h. Prl· Vitt[,. Q) Mowlt: ''Spy Hunr (mys) 'SO ~ow1rd Duff, M1r1a Toren. =. ~~ne Ptayhoute 9:°.°l ~~~~~=und @ Cf) u sslt's Rescue Ran1ers EJtplllnt.., 9:30 0 QJ (I) fi) m Pink Panther 00 Movie: "New Orleans Arter Dart!'' (mys) '58 -Stacey Harris. Ellen Moore. U @-@. Sbost Chasm (i) Duatfs Trlil m Movie: "I Accuse" (dra) '58 - Jose Ferrer. Viveca l.lndfors. 10:001-'fii (i)) (I) Favorite Martians · ~ Cil ~m star Trell Movie: "The Invisible Creature" (sci-fi) '60 -Sandra Dorne. Tony Wright. 8 Ci7J Cl) Brady Kids Jrowtt: (C) "fastest Guitar Alive" (wes) '67 -Roy Orbison, Joan Freeman. m Country Music Qi Alfrtd Hitchcock Presents m Refltt '"''es 10:30 I ~~~@t;~~~~ Cassidy t1.') ~m Mission: Ma1ic e: (C) "The Captain'' Tablt" (com) '60-John Gregson. l l :00 R ~ii)) Cl) Speed Buea Cl DCIJ ®J--m Major l eague la1tball Teams to be announced. (i) Tijuana: Window to the South 0 @ Cl) (E Superstar Movie CD Trve Advtntvre 11 :30 I) (Cij (j)) Ci) Josie & the Pussy· cats 0 Movie: "Miu isslppi" (com) '35 -8in1 Crosby, Joan Bennett I"{) Movie: "Apache Woman" (dra) '55 -Joan Taylor. Lloyd Bridges 0 Wa&on Tr1ln "The Pearlle Garnet Story" I Ad Lib Hlrh Chaparral Championship Wmtlin1 AFTERNOON 12:00 8 (ti_t, @ > Ci) hbbltl ..... Banim U @ (E Action '74 muneer 12:30 ! (Qi (i)) Cl) fat Albert True Adventure Greatest SPorts L11enda 1;00 8 (Cij@) Ci) CIS Childrtn'a Film Ftstlva1 O Jim Thomas Outdoors Ci) Movie: "Tank Com111anclos" (dra) '59 -Robert Barron, Wally Campo. 0 @@ (E AFC-NFC Hall of fame Football 8uffalo Bills vs. St. Louis Cardinals. c:J Waren Train "The Kittie Pryor Story'' !Combat News Rolltr Ciames a;) Drama l :30 0 NR. Action 74 IE) Land of the &!ants 2:00 I Dusty's Treehouae • The lrainworb Movie: "Marco Polo" (adv) '62 -Rory Calhoun, Yoko Tani. (i) Ethnic faces @)) It Takes A Thief , m Movie: (C) "Lone Star" (dra) '52 -Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, Brod· erick Crawford. ffl Community Involvement Show @ 00 Movie: (C) "Th• Cool Onea" (mus) '67 -Roddy McDow1ll, Deb· ble Walson. (Qi' ) Lorett. Y oun1 Theatre I U.S. Navy 2:JO Guitar Wortishop Expression: East/West Movie: "Three Desperate Men" (dra) '51 -Preston Foster, Virginia Grey. fJ Movie· (C) "~fT9Whead" (wes) '53--Charlton He~n. Jack Palance. m Hieh Chaparral m Sabados DtpcNtlvos m A~iculture USA 3:00 ft Bieftvenidos O Arriculture USA "Mother Nature & the Weather Experts" A discussion of how America's farmers gamble on appropriate weather in order to produce the nation's food. (j) Jimmy Dean Show (lo) Science Fiction Theatre Eii Wrestlln1 m El Juicio m Human Dimension 3:30 8 Just Natural 0 Focus i UfO The Virginian Concern EE Carrascolendas ({i9 ) Challengjn1 Sta m Saturdaf Matinee 4:00 I) Movie: (C) "What Price C\)orY" (com) '52 -James Cagney, Robert Wagner. Dan Dailey, Corinne Calve I. (3) Movie: "Love & Kisses" (com) '65 -Rick Nelson. Kristin Nelson. O lmp1eto "The Case of Rape" An examination of the mental health and legal ramifications of rape. O Movie: ''Godzilla" (scl·fi) '56- Raymond Burr. -. THE OAllY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY :>I, 1974 " Tht Seine Suspense Theatre Soul Train Cl) ltolltr '"'"' (j) m Voice of AcJiculture Wllbum BrotfMn Show : Mr. Wllanl ( (I)) Safari to Adventure · lntematlonal Socctr . • Panorama utlno • Wally's Woltahop C:30 • What's &olna On 6 Other People, Other Places Star Trell Wanted: Dead or Allvt It Pap to It lanorant (I) Fllm Feature BIH Anderson Show : Erica "Thinking · Big" ( Ci)) Celebrity Tennis · Movie Coron1 Now . 4:45 ED Makin& Thinp Wort "Furniture Stain$" 5:00 I Inquiry Sdtnce Fiction Theabe Greatest Sports leeends "Ollie Matson" I American lifestyle ""' Movie: (C) "Wer of the Wiid- cats" (adv) '43-John Wayne, Mar· Iha Scott. The Ptnuaders 1 00 Cir l Track Ci) Other People, Other Ptaw Nasllville Music : Y![I for Health ( (fJ) Untamed World • Rolltr &ames • • Rick Ward's Roell & Roll hbl 5:30 3 Sketdlbook Q) CJ) (Qj Cl)) News TWlll&frt lone Ctltbfity Tennis Dirty Sally Untamed Wortd o Movie: (C) (90) ''Taaart'' (adv) '6~Tony Young, .Dan Duryea. @ CI) Film Feature "Bid Rock" Motorcycle endurance race. @ Major Lea1ue Baseball Giants vs. Astros. ED Naturalists "John Burroughs" m Three Stoogu f VfN I N \. 6:00 I 0 Cl) mm News 3 World of Advtftture I SflC!A\ I Voyare to Ult Sta of Ice A film about Newfoundland fish· ermen and the hazardous SOO·mlle journey they take up the Labrador coast for their annual spring fishin1 trip. Celebrity lowfln& Real Don steele Show ~pt &allery (1) Daniel Boone Sflnlsll Movie Cl) National Geoir1phic : Behind the Lines ( 00> Celebrity Bowtlnf Wild Wiid West Speed Racer 6:30 0 (j) News 3 Stiorts Wlttl 8tftU · KNBC News Conference 6 NR. Championship &amn ( (j)) Greatest Sports Le11nds · Boa de Mexico • u ssle Little Rascals 7:00 Othtr Ptople, Other Places Wiid Kill~ Trvth « Coilstque11ee1 lowlln1 for Dtllars Celebrity Tennis Reflecdon• Seven Seas Victofy at Sta Cofttarvation ' Enero (9 Ci)) m Lnrtnce Wtfk It Tabs A Thief 1 ~ John WIJ!lt Thtatlr Draanet : rut Radio Colltldians (A) Jack Benny, George Burns, Ed1ar Ber1en, Binf Crosby, and Fred Allen's old Allen's Alley Gang talk about the "great lost art'' of radio comedy of th& '40s. I Sln&IU' Scene Tiit Advetrtvrer Thrtt stoores 7:30 8 Wild World of Animals "Animals •of the Tundra" A look at life on Alaska's tundra, which is shrouded in frozen darkness in winter and covered with flowers in the constant i l1ht of midsummer. Let's Make A DNI • Wiidiife Theatre "Medco. l and of Contrast" A look at some interest· Ing aspects of Mexico and its wild· fife, includin1 a visit to .a number of small Mexican communities, arts and crafts, and the Mayan Pyramids. I ::.~;"F!... the Ofy•pk Concentration Miiiion $ Movie: (Z%11r) "Wiatt· ev,r Happened to Baby Jane?" (susp) '62-Bette Davis, Joan Craw· ford. (Continued) James Devlin (Steve Forrest) returns to life hours after he has been unjustly hanged and pronounced dead in "The Hanged Man," the ABC Sus· pense Movie, Saturday (July 27) at 8:30PM. p I l 'I @[1@)~(] Q (!J[p 'THE ODD COUPLE' fo'or a scril'S that fi(tured, on rhe basis of early rerurns (via rhe rati ng~). ro be lucky 1f ir Jinishcd the premiere season, T he Odd Couple ha" come a long way-four years to be exact-since irs debut in 1970 on ABC. The flfrh seme rer will see only one change in the Tony Randall -Jn k. Klugman comedy romp: the program will shift to ThuN.lays al 8PM. Ir 's now een at 9:30PM on Fridays. In retrospect, The Odd Couple has had a broad und diver ified history. Fi rsr. rherc wa<; the long Broadway run of the Neil Simon play, followed by 1he equally successful movie ver ion. It wa .. n't until 1969 that the way wa~ cleareJ for a video versinn of the poignant co medy builr around rwo lonely men Felit U nger. a fuss- budget phorogtapher, and Oscar Madison, a sloppy s por tswriter- who share the anic aparrmenr hue who have noching in common excepr their differences. The cao;ting o f Tony Ramlall a~ Felix and Jack. Klugman as 0 car ic; a~ happy and compatible casting ns tele- vision has seen during the last quarter century. Klugman, who defines himself us a happy slo b. played 0 car Mad ison on Broadway for 11 months, replacing Walter Mallhau as the harried scribe. and on the London stage immediarely after ror an extended run. Randall wa seen as fastidious Felix in rhree -.eparate ver ions of The Odd Couple: T wo in C hicago and une in Las Vegas. where his vis-a-vis was Mickey Rooney. In u plorin2 the characters of Felix a nd Oscar, the stor ie em- pha!>ize the personaliry difference<; hctwcen the two while revealing that they remain togcrher because nobody cl'>c would put up wi th lhear ecccntricitie<;, o~car i n randy guy, always on the lookout for swingers, while Felix seeks a more meaningful relationship with a member of the oppo ite sex and till yearns for h i divorced wife. While F elix and Oscar appear to be wildly fictional characrers 'pawned from the c reative imagination of Neil Simo n, the prorag- onists arc actual!)' based on real people. Danny Si mon, a facile comedy wrircr and brother of the playwright. was the protot)'pe of Felix. Roy Gerber. a well-known rhearrical agent. provided the inspiration for o,car. Danny actuall y started writing The Odd Couple oo hi own. found himself too occupied with other pur!>uits. and turned the idea over to Neil, who fin ished !he 1hree-acter him- self. Neil' reward was ten percent of all accrued royaltic'I which , over the year , hao; come to what was once known as a pretty peony. T here is a striving for perfec1ion and a sense o f realism in The Odd Couple that is atypical of many video series. A case in point was a scene in one episode in which the script called for Felix to use the vacuum cleaner to coop up ome. ,crumbs on the carpet . Tony Randall read the script directions and then turned to executive producer Garry Marshall, who was visiting the set. "I don't think,t' he said. ··that Felix would use a vacuum cleaner under the circumstance~. e pecially at midnight o n a Sunday in New York. The vacuum would make too much noise. I think he'd use a carpet sweeper." The matter was considered by Marshall and the director and a di~cussion with the stars followed. Jack Klugman went along with T ony, and eventually the others were won over. A small point, perhaps, but indicative of the sense of involveme nt the principals feels about each of the episodes they do. The modm operandi of :rhe..Odd Couple calls for the cast to read a new script o n Mo nday, with the fi lming Friday before a studio audience a: Paramount Srudios. The reading sessions arc a ttended by the actors. prod ucer Tony Marshall. executive producers Garry Marshall and Sheldon Keller and others involved in the production. During the reading, bits of "business" are added and dialogue is tightened and changed, when necessary. Tony and Jack will break up over certain lines, and the director-making no!es on his copy of the cript-will accept suggestions fo r change while being free to re ject lhem if he wishes. Usually, he goes alo ng with the stars' point of view. Sometime,s the original story is drasticall y altered, ulthough the basic idea is retained. Almost always there arc about three revised versions of each script. Not too long •10, Garry Marshall was interviewed in his office by one of the countTy's mo t influential newspaper television cditoTS. After the usual amenities were exchanged. the editor said to the executive producer: "When you first saw T he Odd Couple six years ago o n the stage. ho'f did you figure it to become a smash TV ~ituation comedy?" Ma!"'lhall considered the question, smiled. and then repl ied: "How could I Rgurc it for a nything else?'' Pa1e 14 / THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 SATURDAY (Continued) "Stand·ln for Death" (R) Car1 Betz I Ozzie's Qlrts 111esls as a man who kills his wife's Ci) ThrillSffken lover, then finds he killed the wron1 World of Surviv1I man. The Movie Maken 8 Shock Theater a:oo II (Qi ())> (I) All 111 the fa1illy Ciil (]) Ql Owen M1rshlU "The (R) Archie and Edith are having Break·ln" (R) A detective is char1ed problems with both "another wom· in a wronitul death suit after he an" and Frank Lorenzo's mldnii ht bursts into a home, without a search mel~·maki~ warrant, and kills a youth he be· O fU (1) Q9} m Emercency "In· lieves to be a Jewel thief. Owen ventions'' (R) Possible radiation represents lhe mother ol the victim poisonini from waste In 1 wrecked who has brou1ht the suit •&•inst the truck: the mysterious Illness of • detective. Jane Wyatt 1uests. healthy man after a taxi ride: and I! ~=unity fffdbadl the crash of a fat young man I§ Japanese uniuaae Pro111m thro~1h a cellinf keep the para· I lobby Qoldstloro Sllow medics busy. . Vertte 0 (j}) m Ci) The P1rtrld1e Fam-. ; Mtlodylend fly "Pin -11 on Danny'' (R) Danny Lou Qordon Sllow finds a brooch, 1ives It to his mother for her birthday, the n discovers to 10:30 i Celebrity lowlln1 his dismay that a $50 reward is fE News bein1 ottered for its return. 700 Club m Movie: (C) (2hr) ''War of tlle 11 ·00 (1) 0 (j) News Wildcats" (adv) '43 -John Wayne, • f!yatt urp Martha Scott. m> filth for Todiy I Cllamplonshlp Wrestlin1 Mission: lm.poulbfe Cine Espanol Tony Ii Susan Alamo Porter Wa1oner Show Cl)&) Roell Concert I Super Show Samurai Story Mealcan Film 1 ( Cl)) Movie: "The Notorious Japanese Lan1u11• PrOCJlm Landlady'' (com) '62-Kim Novak, 1:30 II (ft\())> M•A•s•H (R) The Jack Lemmon, Fred Astaire. 4077th's weekly poker party, joking· @E Cinema J4 ly described as a "conference," runs ,. • ,, the ~lode around despite a series 11:15 ~Mo~: (C) Hl1h Time (com) of interruptions that temporarily re -60-B1111 Crosby, Fabien. move ~me of the card players 11:30 II Febulous 52! (C) "Ellery Queen; from att1on. Don't Look Behind You" (mys) '70- 0 Eric Burdon on Oon Peter Lawford, Stefanie Powers, E. G. * Kirshner Concert RMarsd1;'~.~~ry Mor1an. IJ Rodi Conct~ Eric Burdon. Fol · MtMI: ''Don't lother to Knock" hat. and Mandrill star. (dra) '52-Marilyn Monroe, Ri<:hard 00 ChamjMoftahip Wrtstllns Widmark, Anne Bancroft. 0 @ (}') &) ABC SuspenwMov· Ci) Movie: "Scotland Yard lnspec· le: (C) (90) "The H1n1ed Man" to(' (mys) '52~esar Romero, Lois (R) (wes) '74 -Steve Forrest, Maxwell. Cameron Mitchell, Sharon Acker. fJ Movie: "The Loni Duel" (adv) Oean Ja111er, Will Geer. Barbara • '67-Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard. Lune. A former gunslin1er is unjustly i Sur Trek hanged and pronounced dead, yet • Fript Nl1ht With Sermour returns to life hours later as a Movie: ''Wake Up & Kill" (mys) mystical and mysterious >111enger '66-Robert Hoffman Lisa Gaston!. f!lhtlng for justice In the Old West. @ Ci) Movie: (C)' .:A Majority of tH Hee Haw One" (com} '62 -Alec Guinness. 01) HollyWood Television T"8atre a;) The Happy Hunters . ''The Standwells: On love" 12:00 0 Movie: "God's little Acre" (dra} 9.00 II (~ [)) C.iJ Mary Tyler Moore 'SB-Robert Ryan nna Louise Aldo Show (R) When Ted Baxter learns Ra · · that Mary Is .taking .a nl1ht·school • ~·Toni,M Sttow ~ass 1n creative writ1n1: he enrolls m Movie: "Haunted Stransler" 1n the same course and immediately (mys) '58-Boris Karloff Anthony becomes a burden to Mary and the Dawson. ' other students. 0 @ Ci) o a;, NBC S1turd1r 12:30 00 Speakeasy Movie; (C) (2'/2hr) "Marooned" (R) 1:00 llJ Movie: "Badie of M1rsh1I Bren· (adv) '69-Gre1ory Peck, Richard nan" (wes) '57-Jim Davis, Arleen Crenna, David Janssen, James Fran· Whelan. ciscus, Gene Hackman. Lee Grant. 1:25 tJ Movie: (C) "To the Shores of The three·man crew of a malfunc· Tnpoll" (dra) '42 -John Payne. tlonlng spacecraft Is marooned Maureen O'Hara. while Mission Control works des· 1:30 (lg) Movie: "Handle With Care'' perately to rescue lhem. (com) '58 _ Dean Jones, Joan I Premiefe Fii"' O'Brien. • H..!@plness Is m Movie: "Sl1ttery's Hurricane" 9.30 (ta!) CIJ) Bob ~..taart Show (!ldv) '49-Rlcti•rd Widmar~. Vero. (R) A rather embarrassin1 operati~n nica Lake Lindi' Darnell Gary Mer· leads to a romance for Carol with rill. ' ' her doctor. I Roller Games 2:20 0 Spea~easy Mlnor;ty Community 2:(0 II Movlt: (C) '1he French Line" Jimmy Dean Show (mus) '54-Jane Ru~ell, Gilbert Ro· Music of~ ~pie lan4, Craig Stevens. California Coapel 3:00 m All-Nipt Sllow: "Escape From 10:00 II (ti) (j)) (])Barnaby Jon ea Red Rodi," "Sand" . KOCE-TV ORANGE COUNTY TELEVISION THIS WEEK ON CHANNEL 50 SATURDAY, JULY 20tJI (P.M.) 3:00 LAw for die 70s (C) 3:30 l• ftf tM '70s (C) "Real Es· t1te Finance" 4:00 LAw tor tM '701 (C) "Real Es t1te Broilers" 4:30.uw fOf tM '70s (C) "Use of Real Property" 5:00 law for tM '70t (C) "Govein ment Re1ul1tion of Real Propel· 5:30 ~•! (C) (PBS) 1:00 c.r..-...s (C) (PBS) 6:30 Island E.dt• (C) Invites the view- er to fly, ull, cross by car ferry ~me any way at all to this Pacific paradise called Vancou- ver Island. 7:00 Ofan,. County Rtvltw (C) (KOCE) 7:30 Musk of tM Ptop4e (C) (PBS) "Blue1rass Tradition" 1:00 Jaa 1 11 Montrtaux (C) (PBS) 9:30 JounMy to Japan (C) (PBS) "Awa Odori Dance and l1cquerware" SUllDAY, JULY Zht (P.M.) 3:00 .... Yo11r Alltlq11t1 (C) (PTL) ]:JO MHlna Tlll•p ,,.. (C) (PTL) "Port•blt Garden" 4:00 Tald•a lftttr Pktllrta (C) (Pn) "Pictures lndoo(' 4:JO LAM Ttn•il (C) (Pll) ''The Vol- ley" 5:00 Dltctwtf n,1111 (C) (PTL) "like· offs 1nd Landin1s" 5:30 Dia It (C) (Pn) ''lnstamna a lawn" 6:00 0.1lblls 50 (C) (KOCE) "The Good Guys" 6:30 TIM M•llc of Oil Palntlna (C) (KOCE) "Floral" • "Blossomlna" 7:00 A Closer Look (C) (KOCE) "'Lois Nettleton" 7:10TIM N1blrallttJ (C) (PBS) "Theo· dore Roosevelt: He Who Has Planted Will Preserve" 1:00 &enlna at Pops (C) (PBS) "Ben- ny Goodman" 9:00 leboqulvarl (C) (PBS) "Roberta Flack" 9:30 Focus Oma• Countr (C) (KOCE) "Alcoholism in Oran1e County: The Silent Aaony" MC*DAY. JULY ZZnd (P.M.) 3:00 bow Your Antlclues (C) (PTL) Ralph and Terry discuss en1mel· ed·lronware. They then show ex- 1mples of pressed alass pal· terns and aive a aeneral history of pressed itus. 3:30 T'al QI C..111111 (C) (PTL) 4:00 Mlltar Roatrs Ntlaflbomood (C) (PBS) 4:30 EJedr1c Comt>a"J (C) (CTW) 5:00 SeAIM Strtet (C) (CTW) 6:00 focus Onnat CountJ (C) (KOCE) "Runaways: The Lonely Youths" 6:30 Law for tlM '70t (C) "Nuisances and Pollution" 7:00 .... Your AltiqUU (C) (PTL) 7:JO Omnibus 50 (C) (KOCE) "What Kind of Hlah7" 1:00 Wltat's tM Ila ldtlf (C) (PBS) "There Are Better Ways of Fae· ina Death" 1:00 Music of tflt People (C) (PBS) "Bluearass Tradition" 9:30 Man Builds, M1n Destroys (C) (PBS) "You Can Help, Throw II Here" TUESDAY, JULY 23rd (P.M.) 3:00 MMlq Tlli11cs 5row (C) (PTL) "Summering House Plants" 3:30 Wbttls, iui.s, and Clay (C) (PTL) "Wediin1 the Clay and M1kin1 a 'Pilch Pot' " 4:00 Mrster Rogers Ntipborhood (C) (PBS) 4:30 Electric ComP1nJ (C) (CTW) 5:00 Se111n1 Stnet (C) (CTW) 6:00 Ofaaae ComJ Review (C) (KOCE) 6:30 Law for the '70t (C) "Creditors' Riahts" 7:00 Makin( Thlnas Crow (C) (PTL) 7:30 Th• Maoc of OU Palntina (C) (KOCE) "Mornina Scene" 8:00 the Comina Asunder of Jimmy lrldit (C) (PBS) 9:10 8ooll Bt1t (C) (PBS) "Malcom Lowry" WEDNESDAY, JULY Z4ttl (P.M.) 3:00 Love Tennis (C) (PTl) "The lob 1nd Smash" 3:10 Whttls, Kilns, 1nd Clay (C) (PTL) "How to Roll Coils" 4:00 Mister Roaers Nelatlborbood (C) (PBS) 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Di& It (C) (Pll) "M1int1lnin1 A Lawn" 6:30 Llw for Ute '70. (C) ·1:00 Love Tennis (C) (m) 7:30 A Closer look (C) (KOCE) 1:00 Masterpiece Thutrt (C) (PBS) 9:30 The Naturalists (C) (PBS) "John Muir: Elrth, Planet. Universe" THURSDAY, JULY. ZSUI (P.M.) 3:00 Talllnt Better Pictum (C) (PTL) "Picturin& Peopte Naturally" 3:30 Tai Ctll Cll'ua (C) (PTL) 4:00 Mis1tt Roatrs NtlaJiborhoocl (C) (PBS) 4:30 Eltdtic ComPlnY (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Omnibus SO (C) (KOCE) 6:30 Law for tlle '70t (C) "Leases" 7:00 Ofanae County Rmtw (C) (KOCE) 7:30 Fows Orange Cotlttty (C) (KOCE) 1:00 Maft Bullda, Maa Destroys (C) 8:30 Boboquivlrl (C) (PBS) 9:00 Holi,wo.d T tltvlsioft Theatre (C) FRIDAY, JULY 26Ut (P.M.) 3:00 Discowtr n,tna (C) (PTL) 3:30 Tllt Freid Qef (C) (PTL) 4:00 Mister toem Neipborbood (C) 4:30 Eedric Campa"f (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesa• stratt (C) (CTW) 6:00 The French CMf (C) (PTL) 6:30 Law ftf tJlt '70s (C) "Wills" 7:00 Discowr flylna CC) (PTL) 7:30 Tlklna Better Picblm (C) (PTL) 1:00 lttllod tlle Linet (C) (PBS) 9:00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) (PBS) SATURDAY, JULY Z7UI (P.M.) 3:00 Law for die '70s (C) 3:30 Ln tor tM '70s CC) 4:00 Ln for ttle 70s (C) 4:30 Law for die '70s (C) "Leases'' 5:00 Law for die '70t (C) "Wills" 5:30 Zoom! (C) (PBS) • 6:00 Carrascolendls (C) (PBS) 6:30 Acamp1ndo con la Familia 7:00 Oran,. County Review (C) 7:30 Music of the People (C) (PBS) 1:00 Newport Jazz ftstival New YOft: A Tribute to loub Armstroltf 9:00TIA 9:30 Journey to J1P1n (C) (PBS) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 21, 1974 TV 'ij~.r Evening Movies 6:00 6:30 7:30 1:30 10:30 11:30 7:30 1:00 1130 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:30 8:00 1:30 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:30 1:00 1:30 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 1:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:30 8:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 7:30 1:00 8130 9:00 11:00 11:15 11:30 ·:.< SUNDAY, JULY 21 5 (C) "Destroy All Monsters" (s<:J.fl) '68--Aklra Kubo. • 9 (C) "Thia laland hrttl" (sci-fl) 'SS-Bart Roberta. Faith Oomerau.. 11 (C) "Thi• Sportlnc Uf•" (dra) '63-Rlchard HINll , R•chel Roberti. t (C) "A Time for Kllllne' (wH) '67--Glenn Ford, ln,.r Stevens. 7 l)' 3 (C) "Project X" (dr1) '68-Chrlstopher Georc•. Gm• Baldwin. 9 (C) ••Lost Commend" (dra) '66-Anthony Quinn, Alain Delon, Claudle Cerdln1te. 7 (C) "The Men Who ~Id ChHt De.th" (hor) ·s~nton Olffrtn1. 10 "F1yln1 TI1ers" (dre) '42-John W1yne, John Ctrroll. 11 (C) "It'• Alweys felr WHUl•r" (mus) 'Ss-Gene Kelly, Din Dilley. 13 "Prlv•t•'• '"101r•H" (com) 'SS--Rlcherd Attenborou1h. MONDAY, JULY 22 9 (C) "Aw•r. All Boets" (dre) '56-Jeff Chandler, Geo•&• Nader. 4 23 6 (C) 'A Tree Grow• In Brooklyn" (dra) '74-Dlene Beker, Cllff Robertson. "T1111lce In A Ufetlme" (com) '74-Emest Soranlne. 5 (C) "Wtler• Bullets fly" (dra) '66--Tom Adams, Dewn Addams. 10 (C) "Ttle Devll et 4 O'Clock" (dre) '61 -Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra, Barbara Lune. 13 "Scre1mln1 £11ln" (dra) 'S6--Tom Tryon, Martin Miiner. 7 17 3 (C) "five C11rd Stud" (dra) '68-Dean M•rtln, Robert Mitchum. 9 "Ttle Trlel'' (dral 'SS--Glenn Ford, Arthur Kennedy. 13 "G1npter Story" (mys) '60-Walter Metthlu. 2 (29 I) I <C> "Th• QI,. He LAft Behind" (com) '56 -Teb Hunter. Natelle Wood. TUESDAY, JULY 23 9 (C) "Sl1n of the P•a•n" (adv) 'S5-Jeff Chendler. Jeck P•lance. 5 "! S•w Whet You Old" (dra) '6S-Joan Crawford. John lrel1nd. 7 17 3 (C) "Third Girt from ttle Left" (dra) '73-Klm Novik, Tony Curtis, MlchHI Brandon. 13 "M• &. P• Kettle on Yecetlon" (com) 'S3-Marjorle M1in. 4 CC) "flemlnl 5111" (adv) '60-Elvis Presley. Barbara Eden. 9 "H•ndle With Cer•" (dra) '58-Dean Jones. Joen O'Brien. 13 "S.tan's S.tellltes" (scl·fl) '58-Judd Holdren. 2 (29 I) I (C) "Pretty Polson" (dra) '68-Anthony Pertllns, TuHdey Weld. WEDNHDAY, JULY 2A 9 "Ten S.Conds to Hell" Cdra) '59~eff Ch•ndler, Jack Pal•nce. 5 (C) "See Wife" (dra) '57-Rlchard Burton, Joan Collins. 7 17 3 (C) "ScrHm P'retty P•ICY" (susp) '74 -Ted Benell. Sl•n Barbara Allen, Bette Davis. 13 "Arturo'• l•l•nd" (adv) '63-Reainald Kernan, K'1 Mersman. 4 23 6 (C) "Tiie GrHt Norttiflelcl Mlnnnota Raid (wH) '72 -Cliff Robertson, Robert Duvall. 10 jC) "Alonf Came A Spider" (dr•) '70--Suzanne Pleshette, Ed NeJson. 9 'IElcape rom East llertln" (adv) '62-Don Murray, Christine Kauf- mann, 13 "Lady In A Jam" (com) '42-lrene Dunne, Ralph Bellamy. 2 (29 I) I (C) "The Corrupt Ones" (drct) '67~obert Stack. ~ THURSDAY, JULY 25 5 (C) "A lion I• In the StrHts" (dra) 'S3-Jemes Ca1ney. 9 (C) "Mluton B1t•n1••" (adv) '68-Dennls WH11er, Vera MllH. 13 "ftlt AV9n1trs" (dr1) 'SO--John Carroll, Adele Mara. 2 (29 ll I (C) "SummertrH" (dre) '71-Mlchael DoualH. FRIDAY, JULY 26 9 (C) "P'lll•111 or ttle Sky" (was) 'S6-Jeff Chendler, Dorothy Malone. 2 (29 I) I (C) "Around ttte World In IO D•Y•" (com) 'S6 -David Niven, Shirley Macl•ine, Cantinflas, Robert "Newton. 5 "Godzlll•" (sci-fl) '56--Raymond Burr. 17 3 (C) "GrHtest Show on Earth" (dra) '53-Charlton Heston. 13 "Samson In ttle W111 MuMum" (hor)-Enrique Rambal. 2 (29 I) (C) "HouH of Uaher'' (hor) '69--Vincent Price. 7 (C) "Th• Siient Gun" (wes) '69-Lloyd Brldaes. Pernell Roberts. SATURDAY, JULY 27 9 .. Whate¥•r Happened to Baby J;:ne?" (susp) '62-Bett• Davia, Join Crawford. 11 (C) "Wer of the Wlldcets" {adv) '43-John Wayne. Marth• Scott. 7 17 3 (Cl "Th• Henced Men" (wesl '74-Steve Forrest, Sharon Acker. 4 23 6 10 (C) .. Merooned" (adv) '69--Greaol)' P9ck, Richard Crenne. (29 I ) "The Notortous Landled~" (com) '62--K1m Novek, Jack Lemmon, 3 (C) "Hl1t1 Time" (com) '6G-Bina Crosby, Fabien. 2 (C) "Ellery QuHn: Don't "-ti .. hind You" (mys) '70-f'eter Law· ford, Stef1nle Powers, E.G. Marshall. 7 "The Lona Duel" (adv) '67-Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard. 13 "W•k• Up & Kiii" (mys) '66--Robert Hoffmen, Lise Gaston!, 23 6 (C) "A Majority of One" (com) '62 -Alec Guinness, Rosalind Russell. SERVING ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY! Call Today 633-4503 Pa1e 15 ••••••••••••••• • ~RS: Monday thru Fri. 11 to 8, Sat. I 0-5, Sun. 12·5 • 445 E. 17th, COSTA MESA atlantic music stereo ·Fear on the Potomac: · How ''Kidnap Fever" Has Rocked Congress DAILY PILOT Quiz: What the Experts Don't Tell Us About Food ; OAANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. 5 Pop Stars Talk About How It Feels To Create Music . Want to uk a famoue perMn a queatlon? S.nd Iha queetlon • • .--.., to "Aek," family WMkly1 641 Lexington Awe., New Yori!, N. Y. 10022. We'll pay 16 tor pUbllehad 411Ntiofta.. Sony, .. CM'I an•-othare . FOR LETITIA BALDRIGE, public relations erecutioe and former social 1ecretary to Preaident Kennedy , How long did you go to 1ecretarial tehool and tDlaat did you get out of itP-Robma Rich, Lanaing, Miclt. • l went to stenotype and typing secretarial school for all of two months, but I 6.nisbea a year's course in those two FOR LORNE GREENE / Bow old were you when you turned gray?-N. Fourman, Fayetteville, N.C. • Twenty-four. It runs in my family. My mother was 22 when she turned gray. FOR H. STUART KNIGHT, director of the U.S. Secret Service I was surprised to read that Secret Service men are still guarding John F. ICeonedy Jr. Do you abo guard Jacqueline Onassis and Caroline Kenoedy?-M.T. Davidson, Utica, N.Y. • Public Law 00-608 provides for the Secret Service to pro- tect the widow of a former President until her death or ~ marriage, and to protect the minor children of a former President until they reach 16. At this time John F. Kennedy Jr., is the only child of a former President receiving protec> tion from the Secret Service. FOR DAN ROW AN I understand that you are a dJabetic. If you were to go into shoclc away from home, how would people know what the problem was?-A. Casey, ADentoWn, Pa. • I wear a bracelet with the Medic Alert emblem on one side and medical information on the other. There is also a phone number that can be called to get additional computer- ized information about my ailment Medic Alert is in Tur- Jock, Calif. Their bracelets are woqi by all sorts of people with allergies and other hidden medical problems. . FOR DONNA FARGO Your song, "Society's Got Us by the You-ICnow-What," sounds like a political statement. ls it?-M. M., Millwood, N.Y. •Well-I don't lilce to get involved in politics, even though I'm normally a Democrat. I don't want to influence the way people vote, because I don't think I 1cnow enough about politics to do that. As for the song-I think it's our own fault if we allow society to get that kind of grip on us. We our- selves are responsible for the predicaments we get into. FOR THE ASK THEM YOURSELF EDI.TOR h1t tr\te.that Glenda Jacbon has announced her retirement from movies? My girl friend says she has-but I can't believe it.-S. James, Waterbury, Conn. • Your friend is wrong. Glenda Jaclcson did make the state- ment she was thinking of quitting to become a social worker, but even then she was preparing to start work in a new film, "The Maids," in Rome. Her unnappiness was over her be- lief that roles for women in their late thirties and forties are limited, and that this means' she has an uncertain future. Miss Jackson, 37, has won two Academy Awards for Best Actress within five years-in 1970 for "Women in Love," ;md this year for .. A Touch of CJass." Cower ~to by Walter Chandotla .. . . . months. I had two college degrees and didn't want to hang around.secretarial school all that long. I took private lessons and worked on my typing and shorthand from & a.m. until midnight seven days a week for two months. I finished and went to work in Paris. My advice is, no matter which type of shorthand instruction you choose, work terribly hard -at it and get it over with. Then you have tools to use forever, in your career and in your homelife, too. FOR TOM HEINSOHN, coach of the Bolton Celliu Does it bug yoo when people say you look lilce Ernest Borg· aineP-J. J. Murph), Austin, Te:us • Not at aD. He played Vince Lombardi on television. Some- day I m,-play the title role in 'lhe Life of Ernest Borgnine. FOB. DORIS DAY What does your organhatiot1. Actors and Others for Ani· mah, tell people to do about Jrlbviec that show pain or death in8icted on animaJsP-John Thompson, Durham, N.C. •We urge people to boycott 6bns that inOict ~or death on animals for purposes of "entertainment They may obtain a list of these 6lms from the American Humane Asso- ciation. We also ~e them to write to their state representa- tives demanding legislation that wou1d prohibit the showing of films in wbicn animals are deliberately killed or harmed for the purpose of making a movie. FOR RICH UITLE, lmpreaionUt I am a fan of youn and do 70 impressions. How many do you do?-Frank GiJlespi~ Beleda, Calif. e Ido 130. FOR LORETT A SWIT, .. Hot Lipa Houlihan" in ·M· A·s·n· I read that you were piclted for your .. M. A• s•ir part while playing Agnes Gooch in "'Mame." How did this LappeoP- H. J., Euton, Pa. • I couldn't believe it either, but the two characters do have a lot in common. Both are repressed and trying to hide from life. Both are up-tight and straitlaced-then when the barriers are down, they go bananas. Both have great capac- ity to Jove, and both are frustrated. July 2t, 1974 lianl& ~ The Newspaper Magazine .,...1c:a1 .... DowM ~. lllC. Edward R. Downe, Jr .. ChalnNn ol flte IHrd Roland & T,........, PrHldMt A. Edward Miter, EHc. V.P., Publlahlltfl MORTON FRANK, ,,,..,.,.,,, Md ,..,,.,,.,._ PATftlCK II. LINIUY, V.P.-Ad Director LEONARD & DAYIDOW, Ch.,,_u llOttT PEMKY, V.P.·Edltor-ln-Chlef Rernolda Dodeon, Managing Editor Rlclulrd Yaldatl, Art Director Roealyn·A.breftp, Women's Editor llarttr HanMft, Food EdHor 110 LAYUIKY, V.P.-Marketlng Dir.; Gerald I . WfOI Eutem Mgr.; Robert D. Qllclc, Ataoclate Eastern Mgr.; Joe Frazer, Jr., Chicago Mgr.; JOMPi' K..,, Detroit Mgr.; L C. Wlfldaof, Promotion "'llUlffllt RIELATIO ... : R09ERT D. CARNl!Y and Ll!l IW8, V.P.s and Co-Dlrectora; Robert H, 11.moa, Mgr. "'•UIHl!R IERVICU: Robert J. CINtetleft, Mgr. J_. G • .....,, Bu11ne .. Manager; Aobeft Banler, Promotion; Caryl Eller, Mdeng. Joen Henrtcbeft, PalMla Howard and Hat Landon, Aaeoclate Edltora; l!a .. lle Wafpl", Art Asst.; Q'°"8 Brier, Plcturea. Contributing Edlto,.: Peer J. Oppenheimer, Hollywood; Lany lort9lelft, Sportt . NODUCTIOfl: llelboume Zlpprlc*, Director; Rlolwd Wendt, Mgr.; RoMft8 CollM, Mek~p. Headquartara: 841 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022e 1974 FAMILY WEEKLY, INC.All rlghtt reserved. •1874 Ill. J, Aeynotde Tobacco Co. He does more than just pass through ltfe. He liVeS it To the full. He smokes for pleasure. He gets it from the blend of Turkish and oomestic · tobaccos in camel Filters. Dovou? Turkish anct Domestic Blend ~ Warning : T~e Surgeon General Ha~ Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. · .. Speeial Report: How .. Kidnap Fever" Is Roekiog \\Bshington By Franees Spatz Leighton "We're living in the age of the kidnapper." "Jt's getting un- safe in the U.S. to trav.el at any speed, in arjy vehicle." These are some of the comments on Capitol Hill concerning the security of ouc national leaders and their families. "If this keeps on, we·n be living in an arJTlcd camp, .. commented another. Recently, from a trustworthy con- gressional source, FAMlLY WEEKLY learned that kidnap threats have been directed at the Vice President's 16-year- old daughter Susan, the youngest of his four children and the only girl. "Tbe threats were definitely the product of a sick mind," said the c-0n- gressional leader-, who requested that he not be mentioned by name. "They were sent by persons trying for the most dramatic gesture they could think up at this time, when all eyes are on the Vice President as the possible next President'' . As a result of this danger to the sec- ond family, an addition was recently tacked on to the 1974 Supplemental Appropriations Bill turned out by the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Subcommittee of the H_ouse, and quietly signed into law by President Nixon on June 8. Congressman Tom Steed (D-Okla.). chairman of the appropriations sub- committee. said that about .a quarter of a million dollars will be spent guard- ing Susan and her brothers. Says Steed, "This figure is flexible, and if the girl and her family do a Jot of traveling, it could be much more." T he rest of the $2.75 million increase in Secret Service funds will be used mainly to increase the protection of foreign embassies and their occupants. In an exclusive interview, Represen- tative Steed added: "There are 40,000 names on file of persons who want to do harm to national leaders. It is a man- ifestation of the violence that is typical of this time in history. This is an age in which people in the limelight become symbols that certain kinds of minds want to destroy." Vice President Ford, on the advice of the Secret Service, has canceled various 4 e FAMILY WEEl<LY. July 21, 197' picture stories that had been planned around Susan, and she has been told to keep a low profile. 11:,i!s is a sad state of affairs for a happy-go-lucky girl who loves people and loves roaming around. She worked at the White House all last summer, helping sell the White House "Guide- book" to tourists. If she works again this summer, it will be in a subdued and - carefully guarded way. All around Washington, there iS'a bit of the feeling of an armed outpost. Visi- tors to the Capitol Building and the offices surrounding it may not realize that the jovial tourist-type character tagg1ng aJong with their group is a Capitol policeman in plainclothes. "We can't run a police camp," says Sergeant at Arms Ken Harding, cKairrnan of the Capitol Police Board, "but we are do- ing everything we can thi.ok of to pro- tect the life and limb of all citizens. We are aware of the pelitical climate, and though we can't send Capitol police roaming the country to protect our leaders, we do have a close relationship with all other law-enforcement people across the country, even when a threat is made against a congressman in his home district as far away as Los Angeles." ~ What's to be done? There have been a lot of suggestions. One is that there be a pool of Capitol police a congressman can call on when he feels threatened or endangered as he v~ntµres away from his office on Capi- tol :HilL Something like a secretarial pool. At this moment, protection of congressmen stops the moment they step off the Capitol grounds. Senators and congressmen who have young children, people like Sen. Daniel K . Inouye (0-Hawaii) and Congress- man William Stanton ( R-Ohio), are es- pecially concerned over the climate of fear. Inouye, who gained fame, as well as an avalanc~ of vitriol. as a Water- gate committeeman, had to tell his nine.- year-old son not to answer the phone anymore. And Bill Stanton, who was proud a few years ago when his wife collabo- rated on a cookbook with another young "Kidnap ........ Mw ...... dlNCted .. the Vice Pl"Mldent'a 11-,..r-old daughter &Ulan. ..... "Thi• is an age In which people in lhe limelight become sym- bols that certain kinds of minds want to dHtroy." congressional wife, now says, "We no longer even tell where our little six- year-old daughter goes to school." He also told FAMILY WBEKLY: "We now have security for her on her way to and from school. We don't like it, but it's a fact of life." His wife's cook- book, "Meals for Moppets," contained the pictures of his children and those of Sen. Mark Hatfield. Says Stanton, "If the book were being put out today. we wouldn't permit pictures to be taken. It's just a precautipn. I hope things will change and that we'll no longer need this kind of blackout.'' All kinds of ideas are being talked about for ·protecting government offi- cials and the general public. One. pro- tective idea is a telephone book with addresses omitted. "If you want some- one to have your address you can give it to him when you talk to him ·On the phone," says a law official, who points out that when Patricia Hearst was kid- napped, a Unive.rsity of California stu- dent directory was found in a public lobby open to her name, address and phone number. Congress is currently in a state of agitated confusion over how to deal with the kidnapping threat that hangs over every person of wealth or fame. "" 'C I I Quietly, all over Washington, our nation's leaders and their f amities have been changing their life-styles in the wake of .the publicized Hearst, Getty and other kidnappings. Here Is one Washington writer's excluslve- and disturbing-report. ,.. offense to accept ''the fruits of kidnap- ping." This would have included-had the bill been law at the time -the $2-million Hearst food giveaway. If passed, HR 13302 would imi>ose a $ t ,000 fine, a year's imprisonment, or both, for benefiting from a kidnapping. On the Senate side, two men, Sen. Roman Hruska ('R-Neb.) and Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.), have in- troduced a bill that would restore the death penalty iJ cases of kidnapping that resulted in death to any victims. The bill-S1401-has passed the Sen- ate and at this writing awaits action in the House. Strangely enough, Seo. Edward F. Kennedy, who bas much to fear from kidnappers and who faces danger every day, voted against the bill. And for a very interesting reason. As Senator Kennedy explained it, if a hi- jacker, say, had.already killed one man and was in danger of being caught, he might go ahead and kill all his other hostages because his own deat~ would already be a certainty. Incidentally, Senator Kennedy's per- sonal protective burdens will be intensi- fied this summer because of his promise to his niece, Caroline Kennedy, daugh- ter of the late President, that she will have an intern's job in his office. Al- ready the word has gone out that pic- tures are to be strictly limited_, if not forbidden. Caroline, at 16, no longer is entitled to Secret Service protection as her younger brother, John Kennedy, Jr., is. Sixteen is the cutoff date for the Secret Service to protect children of past Presidents. But you can be sure that as long as she is workiog in the Senator's office, Capitol Hill poUce win keep an eagfe eye on her. ~ got this reaction when I called one congressman's wife about the kidnap scare: As a result of the Hearst case, Rep.> James M. Collins (D-Texas) has in- troduced a biJI that would make it an "Please don't use our name. Our children are the only thing we have in the whole world tbat we care about. We don't want any kidnappers to know that we are afraid. But we have every possible device to protect our home. Please, don't ,_ print our name." lilll · ·,. · Free . ~ . Frigidaire Automatic Ice A\aker . · When 9ou buv one~ our three most popular refrigerators. ... Frigidaire has made It possible for Its dealers to offer. you an automatic Ice maker absolutely free when you buy any one of our three most popular refrlgerator..freezers: . Our 17 or 20.6 cubic foot Top Freezer Refrigerators, models FPCl-170T and FPCl-206T. Or our 2o.3 cubic foot Side-by-Side 3-door Refrigerator- Freezer, model FPCl-203 V3. (You pay only for the plumb- ing and Installation of the Ice maker.) It means you won't have to fill Ice trays at the k~tchen sink. And you won't have to worry about spills on the way to ttMl refrigerator. It also means .~ can always have a bucket of Ice on hand for those unexpected occasions. It's all cJoOe for you automatic- ally, right Inside our 100% Frost Proof refrigerator-freezer. And It's a dependable Ice maker, too, because we've been building dependable refrigerators for over 50 years-and whatever we build, we build to last. What's more, we've used our exclusive Frlgl-Foam Insula- tion to make our walls as thin as possible to ·give you as much storage space-In as little space-as possible. And trimmed the fully-adjustable shelves with the lux- urious look of teakwood to make all three models as beautiful Inside as out. Unfortunately, this automatic Ice cube maker offer can't last too long. In fact, since It expires July 31, 1974, we suggest you see any partlclpatlog Frigidaire dealer l B I l BI as soon as possible. . - f'lllld•h.Ho•• IEllY•-·· Dl*lon ., ....... Md.on. Model FPC I· 170T . , , The FIRST Pictorial Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment A startling look at the world through the eyes of criminals, con men and the super-cops who bring them to justice! CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT is a vital social docu- ment of unprecedented importance that is bolder than detective fiction and more intriguing than conventional journalism. This definitive encyclopedia probes far be- hind the headlines as it lays bare the history of the violent age in which we live. Fo~get about your free gift if ·you 11don't want to get involved." Volume 1 involves you to the hilt, as it shows you how life looks to the assassin and criminal, and re- veals the modern methods used in the war against crime. If you're curious about criminal behavior, If you would like to peer into the incredible subcu'lture of the under- world, return the accompanying coupon without delay and receive what may well be.the most remarkable vol- ume you have ever read on any subject! The distinguished editors of this unique and reason- ably priced new series have compiled a wealth of infor- mation-much of which is published here for the first time. You'll read the true accounts of the most notorious crimes of all-the Sharon Tate murder case ... the story of Param Youngblood ... the atrocities of Hitler's black SS ... the Mau Mau. You'll follow the careers of the Marquis de Sade, Rasputin, Willie 11the Actor" Sutton, .. Lord Haw-Haw," Bonnie and Clyde. All in all there are nearJy 3000 gripping pages, more than 2000 incredible · photographs. Each volume highlights the great crimes, the great trials, the history of criminology, and includes an ency- clq~edlc s~tion which is part of a comprehensive 2Q.. volume .. A to Z" of crime. Throughout, the emphasis is on you : how you are affected by crime ... what you can do to protect yourself ... how science and the law work to pre- serve your life and liberty. The world's first pictorial encyclopedia of crime and punishment is available only by mail. To .receive your fascinating 144-page complimentary volume, just mail the coupon back to us. Accepting Volume 1 does not commit you to purchase anything-ever. And you may examine any o~her volumes in the series FREE FOR 1 O DAYS, if you wish to do so. But do act now and claim, as a free gift, one of the most Important volumes ever written on crime and punishment. \. ACTUAL CASE STUDIES YOU WILL ENCOUNTER IN THIS UNIQUE ENCYCLOPEDIA NAZI SABOTEURS-... the so-called "Long Island Si " who came by submarine to destroy America, equipped with lethal explosives,· counterfeit currency and forged identification papers. CON MEN ... the bogus "Count" Victor Lustig, who twice "sold" the Eiffel Tower to gullible businessmen, and Han Van Meeger- en, who passed off one of his own paintings to Hermann Goering as an original Vermeer. OUTLAWS ... like Australia's notorious Ned Kelly, who terror- ized the back country in a suit of armor df his own making before being executed at age nineteen. LADY KILLERS ... including Florence Maybrick, who poisoned her husband with flypaper. NO OBLIGATION '' TO BUY ANY BOOKS AT ANY TIME SEND NO MONEY-DETACH AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! ---------------------------FREE BOOK CERTIFICATE MAIL TO: IS n.s • .....,..ttePnu A ~ol Longones-W11tnaoo• Inc 6Commerc;iatSlreel Hrc~v1lle NewYOJk 11801 YES! Send me V~ume 1 of the 20·volume CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT encyclopedia as a FREE gift, with no obligation to buy anything. As a subscriber I will be notified in advance of all future shipments, and I may reject any shipment or cancel my subscription, simply· by notifying you before the shipment date on the invoice · accompanying my advance shipment notice. If I am not completely delighted with any volume after 10·day FREE examlmtiorr,1-m-ay return it at your~exi)ense-and owe-nothln1. If you,,do not hear from me after I have received my FREE volume, I under- stand that you will send Volume 2 the next month, Volume 3 the following month, and the remaining volumes the month after that. I will be billed only for those volumes I decide to keep, at the rate of one volume per month at the low price of $4.98 per volume, plus shipping, processing and applicable sales tax. I may cancel at any time by writing to you. 0 Mr. 0 Mrs. _________ _..,....--------- 0 Miss (please print cle1rly) Address, __________________ _ City ________ State ______ ip, ____ _ Si1nature __________________ . 250 What Makes Chlldren Tell Lies? (And How Should Parents Reaet?) 0 All kids tell lies. Not just some, all. And when they do, parents usuaHy react In the same way." ... One of the ·"little old ladies" who uses Silk&Silvef. Eighth in a series: She's Betty King Barker, indus- trial designer who can list among her credits 4 careers, 3 grandchildren, 2 sons, and 1 husband. She also manages to find time for tennis, golf and looking after her good looks. To keep her silvery hair bri_ght and beautiful, she uses Silk & Silver, Clairol 's long laating color lotion in Silvery Pearl* #14: · .. "So easy,'' says Mrs. Barker, "I just shampoo it in every few weeks . .,;..· · -it colors away the yellow, ;&' · adds lots of body and won- derfully rich deep color." -- And it has no peroxide. · Mr. Barker approves. "' "Gray ,hair looks so young on Betty.'' Silk& Silver color lotion ~I for enhancing gray hair, from Clairol. By "alle B•llett friend of mine, now a grown ~an, tells th.lb story: • "It .was in sixth-grade gym clau. My friend and I were given the assignment of putCing away the gym equipment during noon hour. Finding ourselves alone in the gym, we began honing around. One of us got the bright idea of lowering one of the wooden climbing poles from the ceiling. One of us bung on the pole while the other pulled it up and down via the pulley sys- tem. All of a sudden-snap!-tbe pole broke! ... Luckily, no one was hurt. But bow to explain the broken pole? "We made up what seemed to us a plausible story. We told the teacher that a man wearing a mask and a black cape had suddenly dashed in through the side door, lowered the climbing pole from the ceiling, broke it, then ran back out. "It seemed so logical! And, after repeating the lie a few times, we were half-convinced that it really was the truth!" All kids tell lie.s. Not just some, all. And when they do, parents usuolly react in the same way. They get angry. But the truth is, telling lies is a normal part of growing up. And, even if you as a parent have to count to ten, it's worth listening calmly, beQuse it just might be that, while it seems like a lie, what your child is really trying to tell you is a deeper kind of truth! "Look, Mommy-I Am Met" Many children begin to lie before they're evco able to talk. Take Tommy, for example. He was midway through potty training when be bad an accident oo the living room rug. When bis mother came in and saw what be had done, Tommy pointed to the dog. Does this mean that Tommy, though still a toddler, is already going astray? Not at_all. Tom- my's chief motive, of course, is to try to escape a scolding. But he is also saying that he is a sep- arate, distinct pei:son -with-thoughts .and .ideas that haven't been prognmmed by Mother. He is saying, "You are always telling me things that I have to accept at face value; now let's see if you will accept things that I tell you." These first testings of mental independence may be just as important to the child as arc his first faltering attempts at physical independence. A neighbor of mine bas a little girl, Dotty, who (like most little girls) loves to play at her mother's vanity. One day she accidentally spilled a bottle of her mother's most expensive perfume on her dress. Using a four-year-0ld's logic, Dotty came up with ao ingenious way to destroy the evidence: She took a pair of scissors and neat- Continued on page 20 I • FAMILY WEEKLY, July 21. 1974 . TM Half M1lllon Dollar . Blc~IE Givcaw_, · -f10111 Coca-Cola · · Five thousand winners nationally. You may be one of five thousand winners in the Half Million Dollar Bicycle Giveaway from Coca-Cola Bottlers. Each winner will receive a Schwinn Varsity 10-speed bicycle, the bike built for riding at home, on the campus, in tO\tln or on a countiy lane. Ifs America's favorite bicycle. So win a Schwinn and head for the open road this summer. And \tlhen Y0':I Bottlers. ------------------------, &tier OI oft9rl Ol \OI .... 5.(0) dlQnC4M IC>"'*'-One pile per lc:Jmtf. M Plll9S I ,... be OWOlded b.,.... ~.,.,,., 1oirn one1~1101n PCJC*OOll 1 d Coco-Colo one d lhe ~ (o) • blonded plcJllc: CGP li'*S llOln I bolll9s -do rot mol melal c~ Mal ~ CGP linen~ (bl one plOCJl-ol·~ l9(JI I florn the bollom c:J o COiion ol C01Sor nc>depOtll bollles. (c) ._ nec:tt labels llOln lolge-*9 ~ bollles. (d) one eni:>oMd lloc*Tolt florn l)lolllc t'ddel on o poc:lt ol cons; or I t•l lhe WOids "Coc:oCob its t1e Red Ttw-o" hand ~ ...ei yaur name. ~ ond I*> I cxlde on o 3"a5• pleCe o1 paper. I b be elgbe. al erllliM nu! be ~ bv ~ «l. '974. ond lllCei.ecl no lcJlef lhon ~· 20.1914,.. wrmen ...-be delel11•iect 1n o IOl"tdom ~ 11om a1.,..... I · ~ tiv The MoJJ1e Plain ~. 1nc.. an ~°'"' )UCfglrQ OQClllirOlol• I ~~(ft tlnd. o.. w ,,.,,. oe fie .. '"'°'--o1 fie ~ No I ~ c:J pa.. is perml9cl 9 I l;::llc:Ms "*'IC> al ..... d .. USA ellCllP I .. along America's favorite soft drink-Coco-Cola. Ifs quenched more summer thirsts than any other soft drink In history. But no motter what the season, Coke Is right for any occasion. For get- togethers, picnics, or bike trips, you can't find a better refresher than ice-cold Coca-Cola. No ft-~--~~kCIDl1Jlamlll!l.9 lhl Coco-Colo~ .. llcll9ls. ill ~ ond ~ ogenclel. ~., IOOhO.~~piiOtlt:lledand-t----­ '91111cted bv law. M ~......,.,.,. wll be ~ IC> cia!"ll ._. PllZe al o ~· doubt about it, it's the real thing. So keep plenfy on hand this sum- mer, And be sure to enter The Half Million Dollar Bicycle GiveawaY. . n's the real thlnQ. E -,C'\ ~&lE r...,. -.,. i' ed ~IQ S<;hwlrwl 0.0.. The odcjl c:J ..rri"O .... be dMell••«t bv .. rurrcer c:1 .-. ***1 ror o 111 d pi1ze """*'-tend o sepoate ~ ~ ~ IQ llk:yde Mw-. P.O b ~ McJS)le Plolrl. Mlm. ~.-....... ,_,,. Moil you entry lo: Half fllllon Dollar BkVCIC Glvuway ~o.a. 2200 MIPIC Pl9Jn,Mlnn.55359 If I'm 0 winner. I p«Jfer. O Mon'sModel: O ladief Model: OBoy'sModel No git's model aldoble In the VorsitV ().Speed Nome ______________________ _ Address ________________ _ City _____ -.--Jtote_-'-Zip __ CARLY .SIMON .. I don't write songs for the public. I What Does It Feel Like to Create Today'sMusie? By Leralae Alterw•• write them for myself. I Wfite them-out------------ of little ideas that come into my bead during the day. For instance, I started to write a song about being a little girl and standing in lbe doorway and'listen- ing to my parents' and their friends' conversation. As a child I was thinking, 'How safe they are, bow sure of them- selves the grown-ups are and when I get to be their age, I'll be sure of mylelf, too.' But really, it's the peony-candy syndrome. You think, 'I just can't wait until I have enough money to get 100 sticks of penny candy,• and then when you are able to afford it, it makes you fat or it puts cholesterol in your blood or you don't want it any more. It's just that whole thing about growing up and being grown up myself and having a little girl standing in the door. It hap- pened just the other 'night. She was looking with such awe at me being one of the grown-ups and I was sitting there thinking, 'I feel so uncomfortable, so shy a·nd so unsure of myself.' And all the songs kind of come out of an experi· ence. I don't consciously· want to put a message across. U it happens, it hap- pens. J guess there are some people who sit down and say, 'All right, I want to write a bit single. Let's see, what's a big item at the moment?' But I've never worked like that." BODIDDLEY .. They say a boy is grown at 21. He ain't. He's just beginning to learn some sense. The reason I can speak this way . is because I've been 21, too. And I know what hap· pened coming up. I thought I was the smartest little dude around. I thouglit I bad au the answers -but right now I'm i f earning s u every day. So it's impossible for you to know it all. On the othe'r hand, parents should listen to rock music before they knock the sound. Don't sit "at home and look at TV. Get off the dead hind parts, put on some- thing, and if you go to a place where the kids go, the kids ain't going to ~ fuse you. If the pareot says, Tm the parent of a kid who comes iR here all the time and I just waoted to see what they're doing,' it's better than coming dragging the police behind you. 10 • FAMILYWEEl<LY. July 21, U174 , 0 1 guess there are some people ~•H down and .. ,, •All right, I want to write a hit single. Let's see, what's a big Item at the moment?' But I've never worked like thaL"-Carly Simon I think we would have a little better thing wit.h the kids and older people." DON McLEAN "J plan to be in music for much longer than most of the people who are around now, but I don't plan to be in it in a way that places me in a historical period as part of a aroup or as part of a 1eries of individ· uals that helped shape a certain kind of muaic. Tbls is partly because of , my own unwilling- .I · ness to be involved in any kind of society. It's partly also because I lack a concrete musical style. I don't fit into the rock 'n' roU thing. I don't tit into folk music. I don't fit into pop music. sometimes amen a . I really love Chuck Berry and all those songs be does. They sort of sound alike, but be can a.fiord to make them all sound alike because they sound so good. James Taylor bas thaL He bas a style of his own, and so does Dylan. J lament the fact sometimea that I don't have 'it. On the other band, I also have the chance to experiment and do what I want because people don't expect any _one· thinrof me. Therefore, when they get something, they're surprised. One of the things that is really wrong with the ex:perts on all levels of the arts, es· pecially in pop music, is that they are unwilling to look backward. We must always have one eye ~ the past and one eye on the future in order to make the present more substantial. U I did anything in my life, it would be to get that point across so that people would not be hung up on this notion of con- stant newneaa." BETI'E MIDLER "This isn't what I want my career to be, but what the fates do to me and what and where my audiences carry me. It's something that you can't do by yourself. It bas to be in concert-they love you and you love them back~ it all comes from that. dott't-want to I'm not interested in doing a play. I want to work out all the things I have to say within the framework of the musi.c. My show is a show, not an act, and there's a very subtle difference. An act is not as honest as I'm trying to be. What I do is very theatrical but it's also very musicaJ. lbere are some places that I haven't been to with it yet. You see, I am 'M'l&S M,' and that ii one point that is both a drawback and an advan- tage. Some people come only to see 'Miss M'-the image of Bette Midler- not the real Bette Midler. So~ people come to see Bette. Midler and wiab 'Miss M' would take a dump. But I feel that it's all one. I want people to under· stand that all the songs and all the ex- • periences and all the glitter and all the words aU come from me, from one per- son, from one personality. And that's what I have created. That's the way I express myself. I can't paint and I don't write very well, so that i.s the expression of me. And I have other things that I want to say and I will be expTeSSing myself until I run dry." RANDY NEWMAN "Writing is always bard work. no matter bow fast it comes. I mean it's something to put younelf in a room with nothing there · and come out with something. Some good songs come real fast, but a lot of &iJhea they don't and I'll work over them. I throw out more and more songs because it gets harder, not easier. I really bate to write. It's harder than perf ormiog. I mean performing you're there and it's done and you don't have to listen to it, think about it. Writ- ing, you can't stop thinking about. When I work on something, I can't tum it off. I wish I diAciplined my- self to work a certain number of hours a day. rve made lists for my· self, schedules, all my life. Tolstoy did that from the time be was IS until be wa5 80. He'd make lists o( ways be was going to improve himself, but be never followed one of them. I did my own lists before I knew he did it, but I've never been able to follow them either. 'd like-to IJe.able-t<>-siklght-doWA and work on scbe<lule. When I have to work. I do. I very rareiy have gotten up in the middle of the night with an idea and felt it was worthwhile the next day. I don't know how the ideas start; but then if I knew, I could do it all the time. I think writers are the craziest people in the whole entertainment thing. There's nothing concrete about it. Things change from under you. You think something's great and then later it sounds terrible to you. rJlll I can't listen to anything I do." ~ 'ORDER House of Wesley's ••• CREEPING ., , , at Amazingly LOW PRICES -4 -Pl.afontrs s.100 a for $1.1s 12 for $2.50 24 for$475 481o,s92s Plus Valuable Pe~ny Bonus! WHY A GROUND COVER? In meny .,. .. end situatlqns, ground cowers .,. more eppropriate end more utlsfKtoty tt.n turf. They .,. · Ible tO pow end thrive In aun OI st.de, end in poor soil. . On steep slopes wheN mowing Is difRcult, ground cover Is much more efhc:tl19 end much tea laborious to maintain thlin greu. Ground coven hold the soll • well M Uf' Md the textures .. far more I Interesting. ' am.ti ... of ..,_. .. • conttn...I chore to ~z:::._ _ _: keep mown end trimmed but ground coven require elmost no caN. They .. excellent protection end soll conditioners. They hold the Wien leeves from bloWlng-ewey, thus helping to .W •••lly to the humus COfltent. One of ....... moat ................... full tlMe bHuty. Lush fol .... beglne In . Hrty spring, MCI atar-eheped wine red now.rs delight the viewer from a.e. ....._ through leplelllber. The llltrectlwe ......... ,.,.... follege lelta ... , Into winter, .................. rk:tl ''"" ..... .,..... color .,.er1y ... ,.., round. ...... being one of the lowellHt of the ground covers, 8edum elso r81H high on the other ,..,..,._...., n • Mnfr, grows well In .,. °' pertlet ahede, In undJ soil, cl8f IOll, or good eolL Ila tMcll foH ... MCI root.,.._. llold the aoll on slopH or benU. The neet M " cower fonM • denee ,... • ..., ftlM IO bring ''"" MCI wine red belUIJ to 11opM, borders, roc:lly .,.., .. ,.._,. be...., MCI dul'llblllty .,. needed. bell plent wlll e8111y MCI qulddJ .,,.... lo flll one sq. ft. Sedum .,.. .... ewnlJ, ....... tetM ... """°"" llftOOltl ... ...., .... I ...... of c=:.-· Unllk• tome other ground cown, ......., ... celled "Dregon'• ... ..,. ..... RED SE.DUM Now to cover those .h!lrd-to-fill bare spots ·with Blazing Color! Check these Special fieature~ of the Perfect Ground Cover! CREEPING RED SEDUM Y' Grows In Any Soll Y' Thrives In Sun or Partial Shade Y' No Special Care Needed Y' Extremely Hardy Y' Brilliant Color Y' Rich, long-lasting Foliage Y' Neat, uniform Growth Y' Quick, but Disciplined Spreading Y' Guaranteed Y' Inexpensive You will receive hardy nortl)ern nursery grown plants carefully packaged to arrive in prime con- dition. An outstanding buy at less than 20, per · pl,..nt in lots of two dozen! FULLY GUARANTEED All ...... I ~·Id lo be of high .. MHJ, •uctlf -...,.rtlMd ..... to -"" In good ........, COftdtllon Of purchw price will be refunded. RETURN SHIPPING LABEL ONLY -you_, keep ............ (One,. ...... ii). ~~AAAAru~ rou put 1t -c1oee not ..,..... ou1 1neo p1ecee -.,. 1t c1oeen't belong. ............... lndeeltuCtlble, enduring end .,.,.... ............. heewr c:HIMltc ..... nutrlUoMI odds. SEND this Special Offer Coupon TODAY to receive your Red Sedum f--l-Lll..,_w_fs_a GDod Time to Plant REDSEDUM! Your~ Sedum,...... will Htllbllsh themMtwes begin to spreed • few deys llfter pa.nting. In • lllOftth or so they wlll ........, be M Inches In ......_. 'They lhlly loee their follege. • the first winter progr I z: but wlll ..., out ...... In ...., spring. Durtng • growing ..... they ...., reech 12"' In ....... t eter, •hnJs melntelnlng their Met N9'11eted ....... HOME OFFICE HOUSE OF WESLEY Nursery Division, ' R. R. 1. Bloomington, Illinois 61701 2 PEONIES 254 and-Peonies I r--------·PI-'°tint Plalalr---------, HOUSE Of WUUY, NUlt&UY DIVISION l .L .f1 ... t.2959 • 09 ••rm ..... •· 61 1 Please send the following: HOW CAT. MANY MO. l1IM 242 Creeping . lllit 8edlJm -Red P9of1y Sor.-(2 '°' ~ wllh ordef9 of 12.50 up) ,._ ... .._ .. ,...... ............ ................................... NA• TOTAL COST EveryoM'a flMlrlt9. With ...... _.,.. of 12.50 or MON, "'_,,....----------"-------- YoU un ..., 2 Red '9ony bwhea <• reg. sus mue) tor cm'~------------­°"'Y ~. T• ......... of..._ utn uvinta on._... I - some P90flies-IPICW with thia nfue-pecbd ledwn offer. llTA ZIP·----L-----------------------------------1.------------------------• Warning : The Surgeon General. Has Determined That Cigarett~ Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . . 18 mg. "tar," 1.2 mg. nicocine, w. per ciQrita. FTC Reoort, Mar. '74. .. - : 15¢off • • • .. • • • • Quaker~ therecipeeveryoneelse~ ' s 4 r ·' 1 < ~ People Quiz. By .Job E . Glltsoa What the Experts Don't Tell You "'"---=,.........'" About Eating J Tnle or False: The manner in which you eat provides a clue to your sense of security. (See 11uh 1ber 3) TRUE OR FALSE? 1. How good food tastes to you depends on where you live. 2. Rewarding a child for good behavior with a piece of candy or something sweet is more ef- fective than praise. 3. The manner in which you eat pr~vides a clue to your sense of security. 4. Your ability to enjoy. food is related to your ability to enjoy ,life. ANSWERS 1. ·rrue .. Studies at Colorado State University have demon· st rated that our ability to appre- ciate the various tastes of food varies marlcelily with the a/ti· 111de. The investigation showed that our taste functions best at sea level. The researchers founJ that there is a significant differ· ence in the ability to taste be- tween sea level and 5,000 feet. Strangely, however, no signifi· cant difference results ·in goi ng from 5,000 to 10,000 feet. 2. True. According to university studies in which children per- formed under three rewarJ sys. tems: social rewards (praise, special privileges-such as gel- ling to stay up later-etc.). edible rewards and no rewards. Findings: Edible rewards achieved the best results. with candy being "the most effective reinforcer." 3. True. A psychological study of food habits shows that when lhere is an especially esteemed piece of food on your plate (the lopping on a dessert, Tor exam- ple), whether you save ii for last or consume ii right away is highly suggestive of how inse- cure you feel. Eating it immedi- ately, before anything else. is associatt d with an underlying feeling of anxiety-a fear of los- ing something. The more secure person is apt to reserve rhe es- lecmcd tid bit for last. 4. True. Consensus of studies shows that the enjoyment you derive from eating is a pretty accurate barometer of how mpch enjoyment you gel out of life. Jntereslingly, rhe mental loss of appetite-called a11orexill nuvosa -is chiefty caused by "dissatisfaction with the ,_ life i.ituation in general." ~ TUNA CHEESEWICH In bowl combine I can (6V2 or 1 ozs.) tune , drained and ft aked. stir in .Y.1 cup ketchup, :}4 cup SWIH or American cheese, 112 cup chopped celery and 2 table- spoons finely chopped onion or I tablespoon instant minced onion. rehydrated. Split 5 hamburger bune, fill buns with tuna mixture. Wrap each in foil. Bake in pre- heated 375"F. oven for 20 minutes or grill 15 minutes over medium coals, turning once. Makes 5 s~rvings FAMILY WEEKLY, July 21, 1974 • 11 For years clogs have beeri · · to tell us how much they love eggs. ~ Thatkwhy Purina made New Beef & Flavor Dog Chow. H your dog could talk, he'd probably ~k for two eggs over easy. Because, even though you may not know it, dogs are crazy about ~-· ti And now you can give your dog the eggs he loves with new Beef & l:.gg Flavor Purina Dog Chow.• ~ For your ~t's healt~ed Purina Pet Foods ... ®and see your veterinarian annually. It's a completely balanced dog food loaded with beefy flavored red nuggets and yellow nuggets made from real whole clried eggs. New Beef & ~Flavor Dog Ox>w is just what your dog's been ~king for. 'And to·malce it easy for you to get it for him, we're giving you a coupon good for 15' off the regular price. So now you both can be happy. .. I : • 'C 0 u ii.'. Speetrum/74 Sports M1n1-Pron1e ROD CAREW: MMt the American Le-oue'• S.t Hitter Rod Carew, the American League's best hitter, used to be known as "baseball's angry man..:· He rarely communicated with his teammates, carried a perennial chip on his shoulOer, and was always threatening to quit the game and go home. Carew's behavior was conditioned by his belief that he was the victim Of racial discrimination and was scorned because he was a foreigner who spoke English with a heavy accent. ..• Carew we• born on a tr.In In P....,.... He grew up In poverty, firat In Paname"and later In New Yortl City. He found school difficult becauae of his poor Engltsh but discovered hi• future career . WhyTBHaaNof Been Conquered "Tuberculo~ Is dead," you hear proudly pro- claimed. Don't you be- lieve It! TB I• not dead. Of the lnfectious di ... eases, it la the leading ~. when he joined a sandlot ball team and showed great natural talent. The Minnesota Twins gave hlm·a tryout, and signed him. But his experiences In the Florida State League, where he felt he was suffering from racial slurs, nearly made him quit. ... Carew came up to the Twins In 1967 and has establlahed a brilliant record. He hu been on the All-star tum every year, Ml won his....,_., batting championship~ .. ttrnn, ha• the hlgh- •t lifetime batting averege among the league'• acdft playen, and la continuing to be a top hitter this MMOn. He'• also one t»f the game'• beet bue runners and IMI year plHerecl 41 •... He's also lost that chip on the shoulder and be· come more outgoing. The fact that his team- mates on the Twins regard him 88 their Indis- pensable leader has helped dissolve his moody spells. At 28, Carew Is now at the peak of his career.-By Barry Abrameon 'fhe Diet "'*11 How to Track Your Snacking Pattern An Interesting experi- ment has been going on at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital Diet Clinic. Each dlet- cllnic patlfnt acts 88 his own detective, tracking down and keeping cause of death. There are alrnoat 33,000 new Cll'" a y .. r In the U.S.-wlth New York City residents being the worst afflicted. So TB Is still here-but its treatment has changed drastically. Fresh-air sanatoriums-the treatment of dec- ades ago-are no longer necessary. Unless It la acute, TB CM be lr•ted In 81tJ general hoapl- .. , on an outJ)9tlent bnlL And while bed rest and isolation are not necessary, taking medicine is lifesaving. A new ..U-TB drug, Rlmllctlne (Ciba) or rtfampln, h8a the,__. 8lde eftecla. Other drugs are ethambutol (Myambutol), PAS, lsoniazld and, in acute"l:aaee, streptomycin .••. The reason TB la such a hardy disease Is • because the TB germ can He donMnl In the bodr for decad• then become active ""9fl '"laUnce la low. TNI le ateo the re11on It le "Oh, not much ..• what are you doing?" a record of when he snacks: while talking, read- ing, cooking, watching TV-even whlle standing, lying down or sitting. The detectlvewortneveals some surprises to the patients. One houMWlf• dlacovered she ... a hllbltuel .. afternoon Mter," at ttM refrigerator every few mlnutn. Her eolutlon: She now Mvea tMr morning • •hopping for afternoons, and that kMpa tMr ewer from home. Another woman found she was an after-dinner kitchen snacker, so she now stays out of the kitchen after dinner, even washing her dinner dishes In the morning. By noting down the circumstances during which you snack, you can Identify your vulnerable situations and deal with them better. 1nON llCtlft In older people they have canted II longer •... How do you diagnose TB? Through chest X rays and tuberculin skin tests. The deciding test is finding the TB germ-caUed a mycobacterium-ln the sputum. TB's symptoms are weight 1089 and coughing. -BJ Erwin DI c,_,, Ph.D. -BJ Harriet La Barre Celebrity Soapb6' 'People and \Ou OTTO PREMINGER: Mr Advice to Oldatera "Older people should atop fighting change. I'm older, but t think moat changes are for the better. Older people keep claiming to remember how much better things were In their youth. NoMenael Take, for ........... the complalnta about the obecenltJ around todaJ. All thet ~ ,._, reftecta le more freedom, Md In the long run that'• tor the ...... Older people complain about the ...... of'°""'" But wMt'a wrong with roung peo9'e •""9..., c1on-a ..... to tight In a war? ff._. le a .. that people don't bellewe In, and they.., ao, that'• for the better. Just look around at the changes that younger peopte bring to life with their new Ideas, and you get new enthusiasm. Older people should start enjoying the changes taking place lns'lead of grumbling about the way It used to be." Otto Preminger, 67, ls directing his latest film, "Rosebud." -lntemewecl bf Wiiiiam Wolf Do Poor People Have More Friends? If you enjoy watching "The Waltons," you're Involved with the current nostalgia fad that shows the Depression years as a time of great human warmth. Though most nostalgia about any era Is un- realistic, the famlly-frlend warmth Idea connected with poverty mey actua11J be true. A study of •.500 modem families' leisure habits shows that to this day poorer peo-ple..........., out...oclallze more proeperoua famHlff. The poor very frequently drop In on their neigh- bors, relatives and friends for an lnformatvtstt'of hetpi'ng"'Out, TV watching or just sitting around; and theJ cleftnllely keep cloMr overell Ylllllng cont11et with their rel8ttvea than does the average prosperous person. People with good Incomes drift away from spending time with friends and kin· folk toward leisure activities that must be bought and paid for- bowllng, golf, trips, restaurants, movies, etc. It's true that purchased entertainment la often interesting and fun. But the old Idea of spending time with friends still satisfies a basic human need. -Br lhlrter Sloan Fader " • FAMIL\t WEEl(LV. July 21, 1'74 (SOUNDTRACK) 1!J]{[JE ~1IllN<G; 241968 Exclusive offer from the Columbia Record & Tape Club 239871 * 237081 241026 239806 * 236141 237974 * 234955 239566 * 231670 225862 232918 237214 * .J Tiil " AU l l"8 sunER _ .... BltOS. _.SM CAffttllUCll .... .... ~ -=~ ... ~. ,~-. ...,, ·-2J0367 2l5598 * 235606 * • TM( IUT IOUT OfTHf GOlOSaOIO MILLS IMTMOS =, W)ll'"' ':'!· ~ , ... Wiii• ,..,., Dell -, ........ ·-i... :;.,J --:-o;."t' ..... _ .. 232660 t 233007 t 235161 t 240671 t tA .. ll•l>le •• reur•a a"4 tarlrl•tos HIY Featuring The Music Of ~~ 239533 * ~ SIMCl.(S 1111-1173 .... "" ..... .... .__ ..... . .. _ 236115 223404 t 217412 t Carly Simon Holi:akes " ...... "' T•f• , .. ... . 240390 * 2AOU5 * 231741 2l4831 40AWN'S~ ...... , .... "' ........... .,_,.,II ._ ...... "".._, ...... -""··-,-.,.,,,~ 236109 230931 * 11026U 241398 234401 235614 * ~i EHOCHUOHT '""""' ..... n.•-•n ~ WM ........ ' r.•tU Mr-• ..... I ti::-.= ~:..~·~ l~J~ 2343n * 234757 232561 229997 * 231766 i tAulla'9t •• re-II• •1tlY 242354 * or 240211 * 232511 PAUL SIMON ~HCllrGOES llt<X~ "' i.:::.-..... -·- 230912 231964 * 236075 226431 'Chudl=~ DECADE # t ... ,,. ='--235507 * 225805 * ' 221192 Andy Williams -T-he Way We Were LOVE'S THEME 242057 239889-239880 Oelu11t2°,......wt H~tkla11<­ t ... •h " , •• , Wrltt I• Mt~ •••lier•. 242768 Y-.,1t'atNel-1fy<>u join now. you may have any 13of these records or tapes for only 11.97 And lust loot< at the wide ranQe of recorded entertainment you have to choose from-not only the beat and the latest from the huge Columbia catalog . but alto new releases and old favorites from A&M. Bell. ABC/Ounhill, Epic, MCA. Mercury. MGM, Parrot, London. United Artists. and many, many other labels! To Ofder""' 13 reconta «a.pea just mail the application provided, together with your checil or money order for 11.97 as payment. That 1s a/I you pay for your first 13 selections-there are no additional membership dues or lees for joining, (Be sure to indicate whether yoo want cartridges, cassettes. reel tapes or reoords.) In exchanoe .. You....-k> buy Nat nine lftOt9 •lactloou Cat reout-r Ctub PftcN) In the coming u..e ,....._ That's nght1-you'll have three full years In wnich to buy 1ust nine selec11ons so you are not obligated to buy a record OI' taoe every month. or even eV9f)' other month! And you may canoe! your membership ar any rime at1er you've pyrchased your nine seleciions YOlllll own chercfe ec:oount will be opened upon enrollment ... and the selections you order as a member will be mailed and billed at the regular Club prices. cartridges and cassettes. 16.98 or 17.98; reel tapes. 17.98; r8<lorda. s5.98or S6 98 ... plus processlng and postage. (Multi ple unit aers and double selec11ons may be 10m9what htgher.) You may~« retec:t 11l1ctlons as follows: every lour weeks (13 tunes a year) you will receive a new copy of the Club's music maga- zme. which descnbes ttle Selection of the Month for each musical interest .. plus hundreds ol alternate selections from every field of music In addition. about ahc t1mesAy ear we will offer some special selecilons(usually at a discoont off regular Club prices). A r9S()0'1Se card will be encloeed wilh eacl'I magazine . •.. If you do not went any •la cllon offered mail the respcx'IM card by the date specified ... If wou want only the Selection of the Month for your musical tn· terest. you needdonothing-11will be shipped to you automatically ••• H you -nt any of the ofher aelectlona offel"9CI Just order them on the response card and mail ii by the dale specified. You wllt always have al I••• 10 daya In which lo mell• a dedlion. If for any reason you do nol have 10 days in which to deolde, yoo may return Ille Selection of the Month al our expense and you will r8Q8ive lull credit for ii. You'I be elglllte tor the Club's bonua plan upon completing your en- rollment agreement-a plan which enables you to save at least 33% o"-all y<>ur future PUrchases AC1 now ' TAKE~ACK ~ 12''atereo NCOrda . OR OR OR ..................... _ ................. .... ~----------------------, COWMBIA RECORD 6 TAPE CLUB TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA 47IOI I am encloalng my check or money order lo• S1.117 es payment for the 13 selecllons ll1ted below. Please accept my membership 1ppllc1· lion under the term• outlined In this advertlaement. I agree to buy nine more selecllon1 (II regul1r Club priceal during the coming lhree yurs -and may cancel membership any l me eller doing 10. I - lftlttHted lft IM lollowlnt trpe of r9e0rded etltenal-..t: ~ ..., 0 1-TrKll Carttldilff (A8·W) [J Tepe c .... nn (26-XJ [I RMl·IO·AMI T..,e• (OU-V) O 12" Sl•rM Aecorda (Ml-Z) Wrl .. ltl '""''"'' of 13 .. 1ecttoA1 I I . MY llAIN MUSICAL INrv.UT IS (dledt -llloa Oftlp): (But I 11111/w1ys /ree to chooH 110111 eny c11911ory) JOT [ Eeer U1teftl"9 2 0 Teen Hitt 7 0 CIMllctl 1 O Counlrp 5 rJ Jan 4 (records onlyl §£~ ............................................................... .. f .. lttaM" PflM) ,.,,... frlf•ft'le t"1t1el U•t N•me ...................... .' .................................................. . . City ................................................................... . s-......................................... n,c.. ................. . De Yw Mne A T ........ el (Olec•-1 0 YIS ..••.• Q NO APO. F PO oddru1111· '°"''/or 11>«lol ofJtr 1'21~/n• L----------------------~ You're Nher ·~ Too Old To Hear Better Chicago, 111.-A free olrer of ape· °" dal interest to tho&e who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Bellone. A non- operating model of the smallest Bellone aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone requestin« it. Send for this non-operating model now. Wear it in the privacy of your own home to see bow tiny hearing help can be. It's yours to keep, free. The actual aid weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No "'ires lead from body to head. These models are free, so we suHest you write for yours now. Again, we repeat, there is no C'08&, and certainly no obligation. Thou- sands have already been mailed, so write today to Dept. 4687. Beltone Electronics, 4201 \V. Vic- toria Str~t. Chicago, Ill. 60646. r1HAY ... n:MCW .. IU'lU '°'""j I PALMCO .... MM I I .,.. "·"· 1 .. st., ..... na. .... I I :;~C::.:J~s> #N-7'13 9 I I I I lnclostel cfl«k or 111.0. tor I I Ulll I I AH•sa I I c1n I I ¥TATE " I L~..:.~'!:.~~~~~11.:_"_!8~J Grow Mushrooms You'll be tt11 ll0tt1u wtll tllt moateu "'*' 1°" SINI frtsll • plclled llome • lrowll llMllll-rooms. M'l 111•1 Is • IOUfllllt'a d1ll1tltl 14110" kit comH complttt wltll lnsttuct!Ofta lftd It 1111111n111 slmplt: notlll11 to plent, no attcls to sow lint w1ttr tilt fr•'/ end w1tcll 111111 'trow! ~lrat crop rttdy In 30 d1ya. Tllovalllda ot aporu &lvt rtPllt crops ewry 111 weeks. ldu-catlonan Order nowt ~ALM CO, D"t. .. 4, 4IOO ........ ·~· ...... ,.... ,.. IUITS IHTllU IDtTIJRlY DENTURITE refits loose dentures In only five minutes. "Cushion of Comfort" lets you eat anythina. l1u1h, t1lk, even sneeze without worry~ No more food under pl1tes. DENTURITE IHts btlwHn dent1I visits. Ends dilly mess of p1ds, powder or pule. Euy to remove. No taste. No odor. Money·b1cl1 au1r1n· tee. See your dentist replarty. Use DENTURITE for comfort ind econ· omy. At 1ff druc counters. Chlhlrens Lies Continued from page 8 ly snipped the perfume-stained area out of her dreis. French psychiatrist Marcel Ec.k-who has made in-depth studies of why children tell lies -says that it's part of a child's development to "test" adults to see whether or not. they believe him. This continues, according to Eck, tong after the child has learned to distin&uish between reality and make-believe. The lie may sound like wishful thinking ("My daddy's so rich he bas ten cars and two air- planes"); or it may be an at- tempt to tell you what the child thinks you want to hear ("My teacher says that I've done so well that she's not going to give me a report card this term"). Underneath it all, he's testing his ingenuity and logic against yours. The "Cherry TrH" Syndrome It's usually at about age sev- en, says Dr. Eck, that a child becomes concerned with the "evils" of lying. Suddenly little Susie or Jimmy will become more consistently and literally truthful than be has ever been before-or is likely to be again! Some experts call this the "cherry tree" syndrome -after the famous story of George Washington and his "1-cannot- tell-a-lie" reply. All children have heard this story. The im- plication is that, once having confessed to chopping down his father's favorite tree, George atta.ined instant amnesty. Not only was all forgiven, but some- how (at least in the minds of children) George's truthfulness led to his becoming a great hero and ".Father of His Coun1ry." At any rate, it certainly is true that most children look upon telling the truth as a pro- tection from punishment. ("I told you the truth, so you're not allowed to touch mel") Truth- fulness begins to be pushed to extremes: The child who be- comes a tattletale; the child who gives his mother a withering look every time he overhears her giving an insincere compli- 20 • FAMILY WEEKLY. July 21, 1974 ment or a j>Olite excuse. As the child gets a little older, the super-honesty wears off and the old testing resumes-except now he's likely to be better at it than he was at age six. "But How Can I Be Sure My ChUd'1 Lying Is Normal?" Family counselor and psy- chotherapist Selma Miller says that problem lying is usually not a matter of an isolated lie or two, but of so much lying that it's a real characteristic of the child. • The most important thing for a parent to realize is that hon- esty in a child does not happen automatically or all at once. "Real res~t for the truth," she says, "develops gradually-and not out of fear, but out of a sense of being trusted!' To help maintain a good climate of mu- tual respect and trust in a fami- ly, Mrs. Miller suggests these simple guidelines: 1. Whenever possible, try to get a handle oo the underlying source of a persistent lie. For example. suppose little Lucy keeps claiming she "lost" her 25 cents allowance, even though her parents know this isn ... t like- ly. The parents could hurt little Lucy by calling her a "liar.'rBut that wouldn't answer the child's real problem-namely, that she is misspending her money, or that she feels she needs more than 25 cents a week. 2. Help make it easy for a child to admit when he or she has lied; if he's scared, he'll just tell more lies to cover up the first one. 3. Tell him that it makes you sad when he lies, that it's a let- down and a disappointment. Give him a chance to empath~e. ("What if I told you I had a present for you and really didn't .... ") 4. Yes, go ahead and drag out that old story about the boy who cried wolf-and bow, in the last analysis, it's he and·not you who'll suffer from a-poor-eredi· bility rating. 5. Ask yo,,rself why a par- ticular lie might have gotten you so upset. Was it all because you were concerned for his safety or his morals-or could it have had to do with the fact that he ftouted your authority, or put one over on you and made you feel foolish? It's normal to feel this way, but it can make you overteact. Pantyhose may cause your itching torment. lt"s true. _Fantyb.os.c. may sea.lb eat and moisture in ... lock air out. So· )'OU itch. ~nsitive vaginal and rectal ams nttd s~ial care. itching fast. Quiets your urge to .Kra_ldt. .• e.ven hdps promote healing. BiCOZENE mca1u s~ial cue for sensitive vaginal and rectal memhr.mes. That\ Bi<.'O'l.t:Sl-.'C rcme. (Sar it "By-Co-Zttn. ") Hit'O"l.ENF. helps relieve ••• may love, vigor, long life be yo11-rs/ INDIA'S LEGENDARY "TREE OF LIFE" P•NDANT ••• Golden Branches Aglow With Man-Made Jewels! Ask your druggist about 8i(.'CY/.ENE. Cherished by Maharajahs and Potentates! For centuries, believed to be endowed with the powers to grant eternal life. Now this fabled tree has been reproduced to bring dazzle to your life. Pendant has 10 brilliant simulated stones ... similar to 2.25 Carats •.. hand·set in gleamina golden branches. A rainbow of fiery beauty 2" x I .JA" on 12" aotden chain. Only $4.98. Matchln1 Pin. Only $4.98! j-----10.DAY MONEY·BACK·OUARANTEE COUPON -----, I MADISON HOUSE .. ,_ . ..,, I I 4IOI ..... 1)5111 It., Mlaml, Fla. ,_, ....... I I RuJlll th« tollowl111 "Tree of Life" Jtwelry1 MClrtU I I --Ptncs.11t(s) • 14406 @ only $4. 91 + I I 65( posta11 & llalldllftl;,_Plll(aJ •14406 Cit'/ I I @ on11 JUI + 6St p. & II. CnciOlad I clltd Of M.o. for $ Stat lip I 1 1 0 SA~C CVllt MOllC-8u1 botll, and N.Y. & Fla. rtsldt11ts ,.. ... ad41 I u ve postaet on ontl appropriate salu tu. I L------------------------------· AUTHENTIC REPLICA CASTIROll FRANKLIN STOVE WHEN YOU ORDER BY MAIL FROM FAMILY WEEKLY ••• Please allow up to four weeks for delivery on items ordered from companies that advertise in Family Weekly. Sometimes unintentional delays occur. If they do, just write: Lynn Headley, Family Weekly, 641 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10022. MHMIENT Ton.aT te flusMI 11P -to t1i1ti11t Htltt " ..,tic t111k ., "'"'''-'i -atlf·etlllalllff """' .,., .... ~ ..,.., wlttr pmswe. Ito fiallll 11P floers. Clo& rnlt· tlllt, •llf ........ ...-. • llUt•e11t 111to 111111 ttolll, dlft, 1Nf1111tllt witll priYtlt bltll. hlCtflltt 1111 "'" of your IMllM. f iM11Ci11c twalllblt. 011ltr i•lrits i"'lttd. fret cat•ltt· MU, Otpt.J·31 , loa lOM7,lff'laton, Tea. 77018 be as nt ns en 1 I I I I I I I ·' I~ se es If ts II . II Wtlcllt l!t ....... Wallt3tllldlet ""' J711a blcllel Unh1ppy, tummy nl•nded. This is how poor Oyen looked wh'" sile slerled. DAVID KAPLAN writes to tell us ... AFrER 7DAYS AUCUST3 w ......... ... Wallt21111C1Mt He,. M'ie tnclMo 1 H.n 0.,1 &..tlf -S1towin9 promise of a new physical 1eb11tfi. ·' An'ER 14DAYS AUGUST 10 Loll lll'oudl Loel I Vt Wallt JKIMI WetPtlll,_.. Walat ZP!t IKllel fflflJllMllel 14 IM,...,_ Oar• &.o,., -You beller believe 11 - 100% Resh•ped. How About You 1 CASE #20693 WHAT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SAY: "I lost 18 lbs. and 41/J'' off my walsi In 14 days," I . M111Mw1 • "I lost 13 lbs. and 4" oil my waist In 14 days," M. Haney • "l lost 15 lbs. and 2'h• oll my waist in 14 davs." r. lotd • "I lost 101,'z lbs. and 3" oll my waist In 14 days," "'· ,..,_ • "I lost IS lbs. and S" oll mv waist in 14 days," L. Heethcodt • "l lost 11 lbs. and 41h" off my waist In 14 days," R. hetrktl • "l lost ll lbs. and 211,• ofl my waTst In 14 clays," a. Va4orll' • "I lost !I lbs. and l " oll my waist In 14 days." J. Ml•lford • . Reiulls vary depending upon how much over· weight you arc and how much time vou give to the Plan. These people have given from s to IS rnlnures twlte daily ·to our one· simple exeitlse. lying on rheir backs In comlorr, even while walch· Ing TV-(some ate between 10 to 2000 lcss foods). Naturally, their impressive resulls vary. The above sampling ol our hundreds or thousands of users proves that you, loo, can ma~e sensational gnlns. Sarisfeclion is guaranreedl . WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Medical Doctors. Chiropractors. Oste<>f>"lhs. Ath· Ir.lie Co..chcs .... 11gnm Ir's the most suc:cculul W11lsrllnc·Weil(hl Reducer and Shapin11 Up M11n 11Ver lnvenledl '11ost412 inches off • WHAT COMES Off IN 14 DAYS? Individual results vary. but durtng an averqe 14.<fay period you can expect to lose up to 4 Inches lrom your w1lslltne and up to to pounds from your present weight. It strengthens your bean and lungs, Increases stamina and endurance, improves your dlaestlve functloo and general health. II also shapes you up -from head to toes. For a "5" Minute Exerciser -It sure does a lot. 7 nounds of excess wei"ht- andShaped up ... injustl4"61~!" "EXPOSING EffORTLESS EXERCISERS leader's Diae_st (Sept., 1971), New Yort Tl.mes and Good Housekeeping. amo11g others. exposed sauna wraps, lntlated belts, weighted belts and eflortlets exerclsen as frauds. Sclenttftc-tetearch- en. mecUc:al and fitness Hperts all qree . ·-·there Is only one way to Urm, shape and trim up your body ... fOll in.It -" tlMl.IDCMI olfl One 5 Minute exercise, twlGe dally, lying on my back watching T.V., reducing my food Intake only by 20%- but not lvln u an of the foods I love -DID IT! ______ _..;;;..;;..:..;; r-----------.. .... BEFORE ONLY 14 DAYS Because you may have been fooled In the pa1t by "£flort1Ms Exercisers," we are giving you our no· nonsense Free Trial Oller as shown In the coupon below. We want to prove lo you -at our risk - Whit rhese cuslomers and thousands of others ac· compllshed -So can Youl. .. Sately ... comfortably ... In the privacy or your own jlome. Dec. 4 7 DAYS LATER LATER Wallt S71/t Wetpt ltl Dhld, soft, pudgy, out-of-shape the day Dec. II Waltt 34'i• Wel111t HS Ofttr 7 o.,. Lato1 -Firming, shaping and Dec.18 Waltt 3311• we11111 tM Proven results are already verified by the thou· HJ'lds. The guarantee Is In writing. Now, can you think ol a reason lor not ordering your "5" Minute Total Body Shaper and start looking and feeling like a mllllon ... In just 3 days? '5'MINUTE BODY SHAPER We Care About The Shape You're In -DON'T YOU? ........ ®Results injuSt"3"~ ! Allor 14 D•r• -A slimmer, more youthful and ah1poll11 body -Fast Enough! W WEVER BUlDS BEAUTIFUl. BODIES loo Weldt?r. Illness expert and rralner ol cham· plons since 1936 says: • "Gl\'e "'" s mln•t• twice d•ll• ror onl• 7 dip 111d ycMt'll loM •P to s lncllOI from ycMtr walltllne, •• to I .pounds .ot •nwHted weilJlt, 1!MI '111•'8 ---+--4111· 4lf I wffl>ftt•rt1_..y pe1111,."· ---- LET'S FACE THE FACTS WHY YOU'RE OUT OF SHAPE You eel the wrong combination ol foods, you do not gel enough exercise to thoroughly work youi muscular. metabolic and respiratory systems dal· ty. Because ol lhls. lat accumulates around your walstllne, heart and other body organs. slowing you down. aging your body and destroying your vitality, vlrlllly and youth. There Is only one way to firm up and shape up: that Is through proper exercise and proper nutrition. Effortless exer- cisers. reducing pills, sauna shorts, weighted belts, danaerous and painful dlels and other gimmicks designed to appeal to your laziness will not work and have been exposed by the medical profession as frauds, lnetrectlve and In some cases danger· ou1. They can only reduce your pocketbook. Faoe up to It ... II you want to slim down. firm and shape up. you must work oll the Inches, and there Is no saJer, laste( and more enjoyable way f'th:nr l'tmd141R. Covv1•11ht IOlt Weld!!r, 1974 to do It than with our patented, truly miraculous "S" Mlnute'Body Shaper Pla n. r---------------------· I n' . , I Slim Down ... HOW DOES THIS INGENIOUS . Gftee· .uiru I Shape Up In Just 14 Days! "S" MINUTE PLAN SLIM, ARM AND I A#. . .tt SHAPE you · I v11e1... t The Wolder :;::-Minute RodyShaper pl~ased---==:.:...~.-!-·---------•• on doing ONE CONTINUOUS. RHYTHMIC CO· I· "W It Oft felt" -_. -I ORDINATED EXU CISE, rwlce clolly. Thet's all you -"*• & ftlWlillc,.... I JOSEPH WEIDER DEPT oc1& do. No dierlng. Eat the IOOds you like-however. I ~·1:,'::r' •:r-..: I 1f8ine1 of Chemplons with Over 2,750.000 Succe$sful Students I we suggest you consume 20'11. less lood. while on I ,.,_.1 ,_;, ••ultl are "5" MINUTE BODY SHAPER PLAN this pion. lor molfimum results. This one live· •lrudJ wrllitd. TM cutrent" I 21100 ERWIN STRHT, WOOOlAND HILLS, CA. tt364 I minute exorcise Is 1Jest11ncd to ouack the Waist I Is 111 writ1111. flow, e111 JM and Hips !where lar occumul111os qulckesl, giving tllink.ef • r•";4!" for not I I _, to Sita,. u, Fast! Pr..,. It to 1M at '°"'°"" risk that 111 iusJ 3 days I your body n llabby, weak ond dlslorte<t look1-as I ~~·;:.:~? .. 5•111111111• Total I can '" •114 ftel lli111111in1 1a11lts! ltusll nie 10111 inc•i•a "S" Minute well es burn oll c•cess r81 lasr by spelldlng up I Body Su per end Sti1nl!lln1 CouM thtt d-it -in pl1in """"'· I Stored cnlorlos end reshn11lnQ yo11r ch~t abdo I COMPLETE KIT O I tne:lou $9.95 r.r the •llow Ill• $1.00 for sllipplnc "d hlndli11c. • · h• ' • O SAVE! Oldtr TWO for onlJ $1'1.b , pla $1.00 for llll1111i11J and lla11dli111. I :,ny.1 llrmlng up your IP.As and arms-your total 11 OjNLY:,~,I'·)· 1 , 1 (140 t .O.b.'s pl1ase.J Enclosed is 0 c1*k °' 0 _., ofdtr or o cnh :, f'>f $.. C•lif. m idents add 5% Hies t .. It's soler thnn sucnuous workouts, hP.ats the tlmo Name ............................................ Age : .. consumpllon and dongers ol 1wm workouts . . or ony other vlQorous spon. Address · · · .........................•...........•.•.........•. Thi! unit weighs 11bot11 16 oz. und Ills any wallnt City · · • · · · · · · · · • · · • · · · · · • · · · · · · • · · • • · · · · · · · · · • • · · · • · · · · · · · · • · size case. You con cnrry II and use II whenever I ...... ~ • .111.•,t. I State .................. (Priiw ;.;i~t ci~ri,Y .. Zip .. .. .. .. .. .. • . I there's floor sµaoc-nnyllmo. Even whlln watch· lngtelr.vlslon. · L-----------------------.1 IN CAlllAllA: .. ~, .. Mf11111n llOOy ShllflCI rlan. 287S lll lllS ltllld. Monlrc11t, Ooclll!c. - - ~at in the World! was only about a month pregnant I didn't feel I was lcilUng a life or any- thing Jike that. But the real reason for my decision was that I also felt it was absolutely the wrong time for me to bring a clU.ld -into the w6i'Jct-Even though Lany and I had been married for &ve and a half years, we'd been living a strange, disjointed life and I felt we needed more time together by t--------...'"rselverto see whcnrounelationsb:ip ~ BILLIE JEAN KING "I plead honHty" QUOTE (from Billie Jean King): "I got pregnant in late February, 1971. ... I took the usual tests and when they came out positive, there was. absolutely no question about what I would do. We [Billie Jenn and her husb and Larry King) agreed on an abortion from the beginning and there was very little thinking about the morality involved in our decision. If that sounds shock- ing, all I can do is plead honesty. I mean I did believe strongly that inex- pensive, legal abortions ought to be available to every woman, and sfuce 1 - was headed. I was entering a period of great change in my life, personally and professionally, and uoder the circum- stances, I felt it wasn't proper to start a family." From "Billie Jean," by Billie Jean King with Kim Chapin (Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 6.95). UN-- QUOTE. Mental illness may be a chemical problem. So says Dr. Ronald R. Fieve of Columbia University who bas de- v eloped a new method of treating the iOness. He pre- scribes uthium car· bonate, a salt com- monly found in mineral springs. One of his most suc- cessful patients has .foehue L09M been playwright and director Joshua Logan. Formerly a manic depressive who sprang from low to high moods in a matter of hours, Loga.n ("Annie Cct Your Cun," "South Pacific;' et<:.) snys now ~e is "never distracted by what used to make me either depressed or elated. Now I'm the same alhtm time;¢ bJgan -is mie of approximately 26 million ~ericans with severe mental illness who are forced to seek medical help during their lives, according to a study by Dr. Ger- he and his two partners in tho What This Country Needs restaurant in San Francisco P"!t their heat.ls together and came up with the legs as a gimmick "Each leg is hand-carved. No two arc -~dds Rowan-;-ln-fact, the OWR--- ers have taken great pains not to dis- criminate against anyone. The table legs come in all colors: blade, white and yellow. ala Xlennan:-M.O.,a professor of psy----- chiah'y at Harvard DATES: The All-Star Baseball Came LEO ART Anew twist "Who •ya theM are women'• leg•?'' That is restawant owner Bob Rowan's standard answer wflcn he is accused by feminists of being a sexist. Rowan decided on the shapely table legs after will be played Tuesday in Pittsburgh. BIAl)fDAYS (Monday, Tuesday: Can- cer; Wednesday-Saturday: Leo): Sun- day-Arthur Treacher 80; Isaac Stem 54. Monday -Rose F. Kennedy 84; Bobby Shennan 28; Orson Bean 46. Tuesday -Gloria de Haven 49; Haile Selassie 82; Don Dry~claJe 38. Thura~ day-Eric Hofler 72; Walter Brennan 80. Friday -]ason Robards, Jr., 52. Saturday -Bobby Gentry 30; Leo Durocher 68; Miele Jagger 30. -- -f; BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: Watter Brennan and Bobby Gentry Quips & Quotes ARMOUR'S ARMOURY By Richard Armour ~ I < CHECKOFF For everything my wife has talents Except to make a checkbook balance. It's not addition or subtraction That causes such dissatisfaction, It's leaving out where money's gone to; That is, in stubs, what checks were drawn to And what amount-which fact not known Makes balancing quite hard, I own. So till the bank's next statement comes 22 • FAMILY WEEKLY, Jul~ 21 , 1914 There's naught to do but twiddle thumbs. Aod here's what chie8y rankles, sows: The checkbook's not my wife's. It's ours. Whafa the world coming to? I tm- derltand there' a a .beauty parlor in Trenton, N .J., that ha& an emergency entrance. -Frank Tyger Hank was putting the cat out at three in the morning when he saw his neighbor going up his walk. "Hi, Bill, where are you going this houT of the morning?" u.r.o.a..Jecture," Bill replied. -Lucille S. Harper Customer: "S}rty cents for a pound of tomatoc$! Did you raise tl1em your- self?"' Manager: "Oh, yes. Yestercl4y they u;erc only .')() cents/" -Herm Albright There's a coffee shop in the Wall Street area serving a Stock Market Breakfast: scrambled nest eggs. · -Robert Orben THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Kida see Ille differently. Send original c:ontributlona to "Child," Family Weekty, M1 Lexington Ave., N.Y .. N.Y. 10022. S10 II uaed-none returned. Our friends were the proud parents of their first baby boy. Thinldng it on)y proper to name him after his father, Matthew, my nephew came up with an idea: kWhy not call him the 'New Math'?" -Ruth/. Anderson San Pedro, Calif. A family I baby-sit fo r was planning to go to the Bahamas. The youngest boy was talking to a friend about the trip. The friend remarked that the boy's father must be rich. To which he replied excitedly, "Yeah, he even has tens and twenties! .. -Lorrie Peeu Ft. Bragg, N.C. By Frank Baoinskl LITTLE EMILY "A glrl who e.tn Mii IO box .. of Girl Scout Cookies 1houldn't t1ne·. any trouble at all. Now, marchr' . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • • · Famous Scandinavian Design Scissors -'ne· cissors that are molded torourhand • Cushion plastic handles with . contour finger grip gives you more comfott and cutting freedom than you've ever experienced before. • Stainless steel blades Cut paperin~pattems .-•• fabrics with incredible ease. Some time ago those inventive Scandinavians in· troduced an entirely new concept in scissors. It was a scissors with a special cushioned handle an· atomical1y designed to fit your hand. The comfort was incredible. You could cut through the most intricate curve. cut all kinds of materials. cut f iee hand into all kinds of designs or slip the scissors along the table for an even straight line cut. People who were used to the old f ashioncd kind of scis· sors couldn•t imagine a pair of scissors working so efficiently and so effortlessly as this new design. Seamstresses ~nd anyone who needed them knew they had discovered a secret. But origina11y these scissors cost much. much more. In fact, even today you can find this design selling for $8.00 or more in fine stores. But now we've created this same de- sign at a f antasticalty low p,rjce. "Shear Joy"! It's got the famiJi~r orange, cushion soft. plastic handle, the staintes3 steel blades, weighs only 3 ounces, and they're 81A" tong. If you thought there was nothing glamorous about a pair of scis- sors then wait until you've tried these. At this new tow price you can't afford to be without them. Or- der now. If they arc not shear joy. simply return for full money back. 25 W. Merrick Rd., Dept. L-352, FrMport, N.Y. 11520 Serving Satisfied Customers tor over 25 Years Sellln1For As Muell As SI NOW YOURS FOR ONLY ORDER BY MAIL WITH CONFIDENCE- 30 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Jrt Ntrrll CtrJ., 25 W. lltrrlck IN., Dtft. L·352, F,..,.,t. N.Y. 11520 ---, I I I Please rush me Famous Scandinavian design Scissors @ $3.99 plus 60c shipping and handling. O SAVE! Order 1WO for only $6.99 plus 80c shipping and handling. 0 SAVE MORE! Order FOUR for only $12.99 plus $1 .00 shipping and handling. Enclosed is O check or O money order for S---~ (N.Y. residents add sales tax.) PRINT NAM&J-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDRESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ CITY~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I STATE ZIP~~~-L _________ O JayNorrlaCorp., 1974---------J 'c!:? 0 F INAL SPORTS -~ 0 . . . SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1974 . . • . .. --. -..c::a . . . -• • • ,,,. • • • ...~-=:::=.--. • • --. IT' '5 GOl~G CLEAR ACROSS THE LAKE ! 0 0 .. -.. . .. . . . . .. --.... OKAV, '(OU STUPID SEACM 8ALL, :,,~~uu!.f!~!!;;~~:.:::~eo COME &ACK "'ERE RIGMT NOW, OR ,~ I'll SEE TO rr THAT '(OU KE6Re-r .y ~ ~T FOR THE REST OF '(OlJft LIF& ~ 1-2.1 NANCY LOOK AT THAT OLP ABANDONED HOUSE I W O N DE R H O W OLD TH IS PLACE IS • LET'S GO IN AND LOOK AROUND MUST BE VERY VERY OLD . . ! ~-- EXCLUSIVE ORANGI! COAST· NEWS STA'<' CALM I 816 6ROTHER ... ~TA'( CALM ! I 4'0U HAVE To KNOW /.tOW 1tJ TALK 10 A BEACH BALL! By Ernie Bushmiller THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING LOOK WHAT I F OUND ON THE KITCH E N ' r ... 11,, s ~·· "-•~· ... •• ·-· ~ e.i 9 & ,. ~ ''4 U 'V'• i•°'""' :it t . .. • ' . .~ SHEl-F • .. . v • • THAT REMINDS ME / MOTHER WANr$ TO LOSF IS POUNDS .' A IHAI WA? THe F'AMOtA~ 11 00~1~ MO~HNlKOFP GAMI3 ti ''! IT CANNOT se COL.1NT ett~D !! J. j 0 ~ ... . YOlA~ MOVE.1 lflA I u:: YOVl C.AN. ·AH , Bl.AT YOVl DDN'I, MY f=~IE.NO .... Aw,1~TOO. · I.ATE! IT DON r HURT ANYMOQ£! A (CHUCKLE) MOPEL.E:~~' ''N'? Ii? ye~ .... l G1Ae~5 ~o .... t -., OH. OM. 'CAN IT se. _1.t.fS. Q~l~6 . '1/Ve WA,TBP Fo~ Al-L- M'I L.IF! ?! ? - WE WANT TO ,HAVE A TALK WITH 'YOU! YOU SAY YOU WANT TO HAY E A TA LK W ITH ME! ABOUT WHAT? JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING,1iliiiiiiiiid JUSTIN! FOR A STARTER, llOW COME YOU DON'T HAYE A 'S--DRIVER'S LICEN SE ? M AYBE IT WON'T WHY 5HOUlDN'T 8E 50 EASY! AS A I ee ABLE M ATTER OF FACT. TO GET ONE? YO U KNOW THAT ANSW ER eETTER'N I DO .' YOU W ERE MAY BE YOU CAN'T GET ONE! ....lllP.l'"~ OH IS SHf' 001NG TO T.rlE '4THIN CITV" NO, I'M GOING TO ~OIN YOU ON THE GOLF LI N KS / RANCt-1 '?""""~~-=-_.,--r- IN STATE HOSPITAL, WEREN 'T YOU ? DADDY.... 1 L:>AODY/ W HY ARE YOU HITTING 'tOUP HEAD W ITH 'FHE DRIVER? . , GET OUT OF HERE ,., 8 0TH O F YOU! DO YOU HEAR'? GET OUT! 'l'OUR BAI l WCNT R IGHT IN HERE, M RS . LODGE .' .,, , '"' 11, \fDO ! t \lvONDER IF T. CAN GFT /\ DRIN'< rR()M N .. N .. NOW, ',1 F' .... DON' r DO ANY"rlllNG wr 'l L p,01 H P>r \ 1 HIS rAUC.f 1 ,; ' .r'IP.RY r CIP., -y \ y---' I • • , • .. ' ME ANO SAM TOOt( O~F IN A MURRV, CMIEF. TM~T'S ALL I KNOW. OF=' COU~SE! NOW TMAT we·ve CONVERTED TO ELECTRIC HEAT, TMESE AREN•T USED. l ' Just two46-ounca labe ls from any flavor of Hawaiian Punr.h - _or the pla_slic _ring of a .s~·o.a of 12-ounce cans -g&tl; kicf s 4 to 12 into Sea World free! Thar:; a S2.25 value! But keep collert111ci thnsP r inos and lr1bels hPc;:iusP. 1ns1rlP. the . pnrk they can be exch;inqcd for strll more things: Free ride -For just two labels you can takP. yo11r rick" of one o f three great rrdes.The speeding Hydroforl. the spectacular 340' h igh Sky Tower or the exc111ng Sky Ride across the park. Free seal or dolph in food W ith 111 st onr-: lrihPI ynu II gel "freP. h;:ig ot loon You'll be r1blP. lo pr:l the crn1111.::il :;; ~s thpyta ke the food from your hand. P.roe Shstmu poster-calendar -UsP. two mnrP lribPlc; for a hP.;:iutrful 22"x34" full color wall poster o f Mr. & M rs. Shamu and the kids. Free drink of Hawaiian Punch-For one l;ibel you can en1oy a refreshing glass o f punch 1ns1de Hawa11an Punch Village. GPI tnqethP.r with H;1wit11.1n Punch true lrutl punch. Pre~ent ynur l~hctti .:ll th"' qat~ I cir F nEE arlrn1;·.inw, .lnrl olhr r great ~~v1na& L rhirt~o to l01mrly mr-mbers 4 to 12 yi:-3r:, of M~. C htl· dren muc;I s f\CCOmoan1ed bv a tulH~ay1ng r'rlt tit lo QUdltly rhrs ofter 1s good .only throuRh l ~bnr Day. $POI :>. 19 74 . SOS TAR r COLL~CTING NOW! ~ .. • 0 Brhnlrl ThP GrP~I SP;il1n1. SP.:t Worlrl::, rn;ic;tPr 111r1q1c1<1n with ~ome ve1y ~nec1at · slr1qht·of-ft1nncr .• 1ct" II s all p;irt of lhr 0 1110-J\·L 1110 Ar n ti 11 •1" 8(•,11 f. rC'nri11m C11 c.L• BIG BRASS WAS MEQELV USING CRYSTAL TO CARRY HIS KEY FOR ~IM. TME REAL CO iRENTER CLEANED OUT "rME 80X. BECAUSE I F'INANCED BIG BRASS ANO DOC WATEQS IN THE MAGIC ~EALTH QltJGS,I WAS TO GET SOO/o. STUFFING A DUCT, EM? RLD . I • P~NV LANOSCAPEQS VICTIMIZE TME • EL DERLY. DEMAN OINC. L ASlGE OOWlll '\ PAYMENT. T14EN MOT RETURN\ NG 1 AC.AIN! DOUBLE C:14EC.~. ..1 ANO W~OEVER THAT CO·RENTEl:l IS. ~E,LL ~AVE T~E FEDERAL ANO STATE TAX PeoPLE RIG~T.-... DOWN ~IS NECK . Blf=T TMIS WAV fLL CiET IT ALL. PARDON TME-MUMOA.BUT- -Ts:lACY TO SAM. TWO FOR T~E SQUADROL. COME TO ~E BASEMENT. HAWAIIAN PUNCH! TRU E FRUIT PUt·JCH Shamu. a twn ton rdler whale. takes a m'!n fl"lr thi:? ride of lw; l!f P Anrl then "'~SQ <; a prPtty q1rl II $ n~rt nf the e1c1t1ng new Shr111111 tor Mayor &how. &tarring M r. & Mr::. Sl1dmu. V1•,lf lllf' I "nst t-.1"· n f tlli:-f1nl('lllln5 ' Yn11 II !-rr ri c;hrnwrPrkP.rl rn.:irinpr nde " ri.lll o1 rtnlnhrn""C; t1kl"' w;ilf'l' o;k1o; rn lh1s l.:l11qh ;mn ttction packed show PC'l ;t dolnh!n l el"'rl "rtovP.. l1nlci .1 c;t~rl1sh 111 yn11r hanrl Sed W or Id q1vrc; yn11 thr r.hilnr.o In 111PPI ,, .. ni:-rfnrml"r·~ dn),f" 1111 ,11li:-r th'· .,,lti::•N I'"> 111-l1nr shQWS and e:tllr ilcl ron-; ,11 ~"'" W n r Id . .1nc1you11 lcwr ll1em all. Hawaii;m Punch "Ge t Together Days" Now! ... thru Labor 0 fl y W@ RLD. M 1ss1on Bay, San Diego • . I ' \ .. ..-.. --~ .. . I~ ; r • I . I • ~·· . • . . . • ' . ...... t .. BECAUSE Tl-L~T'S V\'14AI 114E RULES SAY. . •. ~~- r .... THAT'S \Vl-\/\l-Tl IE R ULES SA'/: ~FIFTEEN, /,~· TiilS<TY, -t ~ FORTY. .. -..... WHEN ')OU WIN THE l='lt:?ST R)INT YOUl2 1?CORE IS F IFTEEN-- THE S ECOND POINT MAKE5 IT Tl-l\RTY. .. l: GE.T IT~-If: I ~A\JE TWO R:llt-..FrS ITS TI4\12T'f TO/ ----NOTHlN~ - LOVE? WH'/ DO I .... . HA~TA WELL, YOU DONT SAY 'Tl41C?T I TO NOTHING'-- YOU S AY "T\ilRTY----LOV E ."-- SAY,, ~LOVE ? R? ~, Wl-IAT 'S A DEUCE ? FORT Y.' I . . . Jl Wt/I l he real \ \'t-1 '/ ,.... '""........ y t") t·~;Y-~· .' .. -n.it:.=N CON\ES FIFTY? >~· ~\ .~ 7' ' ~ t-JOW -rHE ·~ ,., ~ Wll'-i' J[Q a: ..... ? A SET I'-:. .,... . ~) T:"'t l IR..:>r <..)NE -TO \NIN S IX ) <. G~ES BU 1 YOU ( y / HAVE' ID B F. )/ 1 TWO GAM ES II A l lt:AD f :;I.~ tl'l' / ' J WHEN YCU U'-:,t-. 11 If' T![ RQCAh.ER ~ IN WHICH -~.j CASE ... ™E GIANTS AQE A\-IEAD, ll-\IQTY- LOVE . CH~~n CH .EEF, C~EEFi ~I& HARRY PEeL! OUIS117fl £JUI INSIPe He's KIN"' L.UVAl'ULL., 9RAYE, KOOL, GROOVY, sw~ei; Nf~T, VEER, 9EW11FULL, .. . J-rHE CHEEF AIN'T NUTHIN' ~ur A RAG; A f'ONE, AN ' A HUNK O' FfiHERSl! ~!.;..-.... __ L-!..~~···~;~~~~~·~.~···~~,;·:~:~.·=~·~~~··-:·~-~: ___ ~ ~ Seeing lhat she i.s about to be pushed off a iowcriry cit# c -he JUmps on fhe villain and,.,. WE WILL 8~ BACK AFTER A BRIEF COMM~RCIAL ME:SSAGE ... ..J{ ,.,. SIGH ~ T/Je covnf 1s fhree and fwo, wifh a man on second. .. NOT EVE:RYBODY CAN DO IHAI ! Muscle Mnuse please sfancl UfJ? -anti 7/;ete will /J r a ·cold fronf ex/ending from fne Rockies fo,,, · . . • • ' I __ / ", I I , CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are at least six differ· f'nces in drawing details between top and bottom panels. How quickly can you find them? Check answers with Lho5e below. ·p.>110•11~1111n ,, 1nn4 "!1 "llJ .. J~IJ'll ~· .... ~~,..., '•; ·r~11n•1•~·•do1J " .>lflV'l ·i- "Hll•WS 11 pu•1s ·c ·au!~'!W ~1 111oqpJ!B ·i ''u""!w ~! >tOO\i • t :~"Ju"'"JJ!O .... .-=i·-------BULLETUi 8_.0AR.D --- FSP, ANYONI-'! lnv11c f111:1111, In int tlown n.rnw-. ol l'l'""n'. pf.1\ l',, 1"11101.. '· phone numhl•r,, l'll .. nn ptel'e,nl JldJll'r. J\'I.. them e OROI' OF.AO'! What timely thin!( do nersons frequ ently lMIY I hey will do that no one ever does'! 'fhink this over a hit before answt>ring. e Thi> fO·lc>tlPr word BOOKKE ErER Im three :.l"ls 0 of ciouhl f' 11·1 Ins. What nine-letter word doe:. loo'! H111l: IL l'nd.'> 111 double C'. e Whc>n a i.hip n1es a flag called the blue peter, it's about to _ . F'11l blank. "l!ft Ol 1n Of\fl •,II •More F11t 1-·r11nk fun from Oan and Kathy McMahon nf Rurflao, N.Y. Oan: Fat Prank Orw fiO famo\I'> fr•llow11 5 fret from Florida Friday . Ka thy: fat . frank fm•d 5 Cre11h lh h for Friday's fh.h fry. 10 l11ld 1hl' p.1rwr, Jn1 l -----,-.-.--.......----.,.-----------......., pldlC lhl'lll Ill J hJI. J\11nounl'e thJ I }'Ott--'W1ll "rcJd" 1 he Jld pas \la nt\'lllJI ld('p:ilh)'. ~ow. n ·.1d1 11110 lhc hJ t :i ntl w11 lnlr.1 w .1 pd· pa. Jlolrt ll lo ) our lnrl'ht'11U llllcl l'flllll'll· 11.1tl' intently. In .1 mtn· llll' nr two. :.hJkl' your he.id tn dr,~u~I. Open the fl.1pr r and l'Ompl,11 n t hat 11 •~ wn11cn 1n .111 1tk111hk h.rnd. C isl 1111., r•11wr ·'"de anJ draw .111a1n. 01 lnur,l', 1h1-. i'> a 1 U\t'. Now .1 nd ht'r11.:c· lorth )OU "rl'JJ' lhe prev1ou~ pJpl'.r. HOOPS·A·DAISY! Object oC llus hoop·lo&:.mg game is to ring a peg that M:ores 100. Which path will produce a winner'! ..... • 3 SURF·TY FIRST! For a trmely pic~ure above, simpty apply the followmjl colon;: l-Rcd. 2-t.iiht blue. 3-Yellow. 4-Licht ~ brown. 5-Flesh lonei.. 6-0ark irreen. 7-Purple. 8-Gray. 9-Black. SPELL BIN arn ! SCORE 10 points for using all the ----+-----'-- letters In the word below to form -----+-----two complete words: PARTI CLE ~. . . . . -. - THEN' itoi'e ~ points each for 1U ----1----- word~ of fou r letters or more ____ .,__ __ _ found among the letters. Try to seore 1t least 50 polnts. ____ .,__ __ _ MIXED SINGLES By Brown and Casson \ Lt© 7-:21 I CAN'T .JU ST WAIT IN LIN t= --l 1M PRACTICAL.LY OUTTA GAS NOW-- GOOD!! IH' GUY WAY UP FRONT IS BUSY RE,ADtNG HIS NEWSPAPE:f< ... HI! µ!H·MEH·· -,-~Ar's A L..~UGH1 MISTER ·-1 RAN OUT OF <f/A5 Bf:.FO~S: l Rs,ACH ED THE PUMP ... GIMMe A PUSH, 0 .1<.? r-------A POSH? ofCoURSE.1 , 600M 6'Z., COULD YOU 6V€'tZ r26 A LL'( Ger 1NVOL..VEP? " . I OON'I 1~1Nk GO , JOY ... :u-: 1 WOVLC'N'f KN OW ~OW 10 ~ANOL€ A Or.Je -1o·ONf, 12eL.AllON5~1P. I MUTT and JEFF ~ O.K . IF YOU WAN\ 10 BE. A LIF'E.GUARO YOU GOTTA L.E ARN HOWTOSWIM.' . .. GREAT! I WILL, I WILL! J'. · HAV'E't-J '-f PAIP ou-r I! f ;, . I I (( A JACKl"01' IN -fH i:<e;e: wee Ks .' He: WAS JU5'r- Pu1'1'1 NG YOLJ ON, PAL--GAMBL-ING IS ll.-L-E'GAL-IN -fHIS SIA1'60 GORDO J./A S /HIS PAI;,/ 70 CJ.!Ut::CFI A L WAYS ' , M!aN . .so \. ARDUOUS? .... wow! .f .DOfE.sN.11 ,, ., 'THIS ... iEMPLO· FILL- Y LJ vvirN WE . AND I .-1!.VER.- ; ENCe'? • • • • ,, • J,. ;1.1 NO! l._,,-r_ WAS J!,f?efEZE 171L THEY ADDt=D THl.5 -·· ' .. --HMM, YOLJ SAY OBJec1's we:i:<e: 1'AL-KING -ro YOU, S:H ? ' . • 0 I • .. -fHAl'S ~IGHI' CONl'INOe:, C'oc-roi:< AH! HIE'RFE we Alee:.' • YEAH! Tf/ESE H~ICrSTAl/JE.D GLA5S WINDOWS R.IE.VE.AL THE NICER.-- ' ' I • AN/? GOOP L..UCK .' By Al Smith Y E'S, J'. l'<EOAL..L-Y C?O Nooooc> A 1.-0NG VACA-rJON .' • NA/URE OP: MAN [ \\// 1 I •