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1974-09-27 - Orange Coast Pilot
---. -. . ---. '• ' FRIDAY'~ArnRNOON, SEP-TEM~ER 27, !!!~. 'IOL, It, ~ IJI. ii SICT"*I. • PAelt ....,. -·' . --------t ---. -- ' • -. ~ - • .. -• .. · . ' • I ' • ' ' an . . .. . . . .... ··--. •cos1nic Teacher ·~ Wows lfer College Students • I • • • ' ' .. ..... ' 8 'Recipients' Pack Pension Panels South Coast Area Oil .Firms Hif ' In 'Land Grab' I SANTA MONICA (AP) -The the Coastal Zone Plan. chairman ol ~ Legislature's Joint Cool-"The major oil companies are con- rniUee on Publlc Domain today accused ducting a land grab ol publicly held l-~tb"'e"'ma~io"r-'.::oi:<I "com'-"'pa""'ni"'es'-"01?ro-'nc1'<u"'ct;;l"'ng'---'oo;:ll;o:resourct::::o.,.=,-',=;:1n'-UieSOUtliem canfomia a "land grab" ol publicly held o i I re-borderland of the Outer Continental • soo"""' off the Southern California coast. Shelf," Cory told the hearing. Assemblyman KeMeth C<wy ( D -"This oil resource acquisition is being Garden Grove), made the statement at oonducted with the acquiescence of com- a bearing conducted by the U.S. Senate pliant state and federal ,agencies which Ocean Policy Study Group with Sen. should, insteasl, be regU!ating the ac- John Tunney (D-Ca.lif.)\ as chairman. Uvities of the gilint on companies in Cory, Democratic candidate for state the public interest." contn>lter, urged a ball o/ the propooed Cory conceded that tbero is an energy sale by the federal government ol oil problem of emergency proportions. but and gas leaSes f« offshore drilling on said, "The specter of that emergency is tbe coastline. being used to stampede us into oontinu· He said any future olf!llore oil develop-Ing policies which creatid ii -dispos-. mem .&uld await the completion of Ing of tllo vast energy resources of our Okay Gentleme1i , Start Gastropods SACRAMENTO (AP) .:. Gather your gastropods, marshal ')'Olll' mollusks, slither your snails into place. The second annual great snail race is set tonight at a local pizza parlor. Since !irst prize goes to the slowest craw1er, the rules include a provision that all entries must be alive at the start of the race. It's also Illegal to glue a s>ait to the track. ' ' Continental Shell on the ill considered terms which will leave future supplies Jn the bands ol the same sell·lnterested, blghly manipulaUve group of majo<-oil companies." He contended this Would "permit e~ vlronmental ~egradatim that is wholly unnecessary and that we can no longer afford." Cory aaid that federal '.'big bonus" leasing policies for ofl-e oil leases eliminate competition by a small com· pany ... grilup ol companles. He added: "Unless there is an effective and immediate congressional in· ~terventlon iJ\. the )easting process ••. we will see the consummation of a land grab by the major companies on (Seo OIL, Pa11 Al)' Debate. T~night . - Flournay,-/Jrown vn .. 1(,QCE~TV . . - The first televised debate between Democrat Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Republican HoustQ.n I. Flournoy_ in their camEaign !or gov· ernor will be broadcast tonlght by KOCE Channel 50 at 7 o'clock. T!ie 60-mlnute broadcast was to be taped at noon today du ring a confrontation between the candidates at UC Irvine. The confron· tation was expected-to l.'foduce the .most sPeS!fic proposals 61 the campaign on educational 1SSues. , ' The unedited broadcast will be shown on on!y two stations, the Coait Community College District's Channel 5o and KPBS.TV, Channel I~, of Cal State, San Diego. The San Diego broadcast wlll begin at 10 p.PJ. Both candidates have supported the concept or providing mo.re funds !or poor school districts to meet inequities in educaUonal op- portunity cited' by the California Supreme Court. But.to date, nelth· er haa made or endoned ai\y specllic proposal. The debale. was to be held in UCl's Crawford Hall before an audience o! stu~ents and faculty. The moderator will be John C. Hoy, UC's vi<!ll"cbancellor lor student af!alrs. · Tho program format _provides for a slx-minute opening state· ment and three-millute reliiittal by each candidate and then the can· didates' responses to written questions submitted by the audience. . . 1 I . • • hey~re Fro111 Outer S·pa~e Dlf1'r Piiot llttf P .... DID UFOS HELP BUILD PYRAMIDS? THAT'S ONE POSSIBILTY IN UFOLOGY • Monique Shahrivar of Leko Forest BollovH They Did -Shows Mockup She Uses In Closs Searcl1 P1·essed For Two Missing On 'Ghost Ship' MORRO BAY (UPI) -The Coast Guard today launched an air search for a Santa Cruz man and a woman whose 45--foot "Ghost Ship", was found abandoned of! the coast Thursday with only a barking dog aboard. When the Coast Guard discovered the fishing _ boat Teddy Jo, all the boat's electronic equipment was on, the engine was engaged,' fishing lines were out and. the batteries were dead. The only sign, of life aboard was a hungry dog, a spokesman said. The Teddy Jo was owned by Robert L.-t.1arx of Santa Cruz, Who apparently left Eurtka this month with a woman com~nion, knOwn only as Janice, for a--fishing trtp down the coast, the spokesman said. The couple stopped al Ford Bragg Sept. 15 and were last seen by a friend on another fishing boat on Sept. 12. Marx' last log entry was Saturday. Also lowld aboard the abandoned cralt were the couple's belongings, including a nightgown and Morx' wallet. and spoil· ed .r.sh. Authoriti .. said they believed no one had been on the bolil in several weeks . 'Cosmic Consciousness' Taught at Saddleback · By JAN WORTH 01 t11t 01lty Piiot Stiff .~1oruQue Shahrivar of Lake Forest has been a very pretty French girl, a Dutch mr..n · a prilnitive human that lived unde'rgromx!, and one of Beethoven's lovers . But that's all behind her no\\'. Those were her past lives, which she identified in a lhree-year intensive study ' of reincarnation and cos1nic philosophy. And before she passes from this life. she feels certain she will visit Easter Island, Australia, and the pyramkls. She said she has experient'ed the phenomenon of teleportatlon t.o the bedside of a friend, has somehow made bread appear Jrom the sky, and believes thal careful and aclentlfically learned cosmic consciousness could produce a race of supcrhwnans. For the paat elgbt years. Mrs. Shahrivar has punued her Interest in all these phenomena diligently._ by reading as many books as she tan !ind and seeking out people •1th parapsychological experiences. Last year she offered Co leach an adult education course In telepathy, UFOs, and cosmic awarenem for the Saddloback Valley Unified Sc boo I . District, and her course was a hlt. • J 1'1e second year 0£ her classes began last week-with both an advanced and beginners class of students fascinated by telepathy and other mind-over-matter di sciplines. Her student! include a teacher of parapsychology from Chapman College and a psychobiology professor from UC Irvine. She says she has taup:ht her students (See MONIQUE, Page A%) MAN ~!AKES SELF PERFECTLY CLEAR , SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The sign on Lirt Barnett's front lawn warns: "The Next Stupid So0-0f-a·bltch I C&lch Run· ning on This Lawn Will Be Shot." · Barnett aald he placed the sign In front of hi& suburban Citro. Heights home ~unday arter he dlacovered another motoriSt had driven across his lawn and broken another sprinkler head, "the fourth one this year.'' lfeacUon fro1n passers~y has been mixed, Barnett aald . Lawmakers In Line For Checks SACRAMENTO (AP)-Potentlal bonus checks amounting to e qian $580,000 cou1d go to eight te 1a~kers on two crucial co ttees _,:::/unless those. committees vo to Wipi out the Windfall. 'Ibe me of the Senate and Assembly mittees will hold hearings Mond~y and then vote on measures to re al the up to $5. 7 million In car pensions for 11 legislators. F ur out of the nine members of e Assembly Public Employes and REAGAN CHARGED V(ITH. 'BONUS RIPOFFS'. Story P•tle' AS ; Retirement Committee and ifoqt-0\it .or five members of the Senate RUies Onrf... mittee are in line for the eilrly, pension! checks which these bills wciu1d wipe ... ' The flood of 19 bills on pensioh matters ~·ill be considered at the be¥IDgs and !hen killed or referred to their respective houses when the Legislature comes back ?.ilonday to oontiriue its special Session. Senate President pro tem,, James R. Mills (0.San Diego), who chairs the Rules Commillee, is in line for bqnuses adding up to $142,453 by age 60 it the windfall is not repea~eli and if he leaves office by early next ye<Jt. The annual bonus for Mills, 47, would be $11,871. The 14·year veteran of the Legislature will be eligible !or 90 percent. ol that (See PENSIONS, Pe1e·AI) , Weather·~-· lt will be sunny for a brief while · Saturday afternoon,. according to the we.ather service,• otherwise mostly cloudy and drizzly. Beach highs in the upper 60s rising to the rnid·10s inland. INSIDE TODAY Reading tl1t fu~iny poptr.s a1Kl cotl.ecting comic .slrips-ts a .ser· ious bu.tiness for cartoon b11// Jerome 1\.luUer. Part of the 0""' a·nge Coo.st man~., coUtction of originals is displa\led today on tl1e cover page of the lVttkttul· er, along with all article on, l1i1 absorbing ho~~-1 Al Ylll' 5tl''lltl AS 1 .. 11.,. .. L.. M. .. y. ll C1lll9nlil A.I Ct•1tlHM Dl•14 Ctl'tll<t 01 c,. .... ,... ot Dt11t1 Htllm Al IC!lorjel l'ttt "' ''n•~t• .t.11·11 ~.,_ 12 lntermlult• c• .AIWI l•IWMIA 11 M4Hkt 1'6 MtYIM CM • • •• ' Frldl1, Z,,t""btr 27, 1974 Nixes Control·~ for By HELEN THOMAS YlASHlNOTON (UPI) -President Ford, chairin4..,his inflation wmmit, ex- ~essed optiffilim today that the nation's Wlllliigness lo , sacrifice will h e 1 p overcoine Ifie moSt severe economic pro- blem since the Depression. But he wu criticized immediately for doln1 too lit· * * * ile. Ford presided before 800 delegates. and 700 guest. in the vast ballroom of the \Vashington Hilton Hotel at the coolerence he called . ol the nation's leaders to fmd solutions to the vexing problem of limultaneous inflation and ecooomlc llump: * * * Greenspan Sor ... y : Apologizes for Reniark 011 Brokers WASHINGTON (AP) A I an Greenspan; .. President Ford's c h i e f ecoOOmlc a~i.ser bas exire!Sed regrtt aboot -:his· statement that stockbrokers ~l!!ftd ffDt during the eroooinic slump and inllalloO. • ,,I regret that that comment was not as clear as it should have been," Greenspan told the Se nate -House Economic Committee Thursday. ';L-~~1~ statistically it wu mr-re«; nts snffer lerioully fnlm inrraliOn, uding the ftlltl!y. Bat I was not suggest.i.ng that ltockbrabn suffered ti.; mosl Ob.-!y the p •or suffer thf/JPOSt," said GIM""*" chairman 0 -the !President'• Council or Economic Advisers. iGreenapan made bis origiaal ow•m•t last week during an anti-lnflaticlll con- lerenct! ooovened by the White llou9e. ·1When~be said that stockbrokers suf. '!!red the most proportionately because of,the dramatic-.decline in their earnings 'during: tbet 11'ecent stock market cfrop, members of the audience booted and' 'jeered. His •remQrk was criticized by labor •"''~ '"' Frona Pqe Al iiPENSIONS ... ·aiwual check -whether the bonuses are repealed -if be serves through next year. other Senate committee member• and their potetntlal bonuses are Sens. Clare :ilerrybill CR.Ceres), $33,686: Robert <Stevens CR.Los Angeles), $20,350; and Georgo•lenovich (~Fresno), $8l,IOI. '·Sen. •Joseph· Kennick, (~Long Beach), Js eligible for an immediate pension -whenever he retir~ -because he ~tV!i i!~r more Ulan 15 yean s~r!l!il. • ch~ ol the Assembly C<ll!I• ipittee, Wadi~ Deddeh, (D-Chula Vlsla), ~Id receive annual checks of $6.124 liver the !1ell> six yeara if he decides ·to leave office this year or if the voters !reject him··•! the polls -a total of !$36,748. ~ Another ... committee member, ~AsR!il~ .. ' Newton Rusaell, (R·Tu- ~unga), irils'•rejected by the voters in )be June· p'limary and is eligible to \tart drawi"I annual .·checks of $8;rl9 Jtar)jllg J , for a IS.year total of tlO:J31. it,;\d'Jlwoman March Fong loses he hce for secr-etary of state in ~ovember, her peoalon-check11 each year \v1 · · to $41,11111 over the nut tll she reaches age 60. .&aid she will vote to wipe fil her own lplm. . AssembJym1n Edwin Z'berg, (D- ac;111m'l!to),, la afready ellglblee for 9% p,ei(:eDt or lils pension because oi his "" years service, but the pension bonus llrOvisiom oouJd put an ertra $967 a '""·inti>-_.,1iet for each of the nut ~ 1ee ... olfice. ~ ·=~ members of the ~ ttee are ineligible for the_. us because they were elected alter the cutoff date of 1989 for the immedlate pens tons. They are: ', Assembfynm Julian Dixon, (~Loi ~geles), -Bannai, (&Gardena), Doug · can.., (R,lltocklon), Lawrence Iapilofl, (!l-San Diego) and Loula ,apan, (llll!oly Cl!J>). " .:JI .. , • I ~ m au·••COAJT .. --Ulf1Q!(1JI -- R<lod P. "°" -·- Ttlkn117141'4Mlll .~u·••• , .. i..u11 ftolll c....... .-,._ '°"""°'L'OU'lli ~ .~.,. ·-Ofll'lllla.¥~ .......... leaders and spokesmen for welfare organizations at the anti-inflation con· fmnce. He alJO said the Admini!:tration's anti· Inflation effort must toclude belp for the poor, and a taz cut for low'-lncome persoos could be one step. .J Greenspan said be opposed any general tax cut that would reduce federal revenues. but said some relief for low·in· come persons -"the casualties of in· Dation" -might be worth ~ring. A roductlan for the.. poor """1cf .liave to be ollaet by tax boost& for some ocher sector, be said. . Report Clnims Job F avoritis1n ST. LOtns. Mo. (AP) -The St. U>uis Post-Dispatch says that it obtained a secret report showi ng that the General S e r v i c e s Administration improperly gave job preferences to persons referred by powerful political figures, ill= eluding then Rep. Gerald R. Ford and Senate Republican minority lesder Hugh Scott. The report,· kept secret since its completion by the Civil Service Commission in 1973, cites "clear and conc1uaive" evid~ that GSA Officials were in apparent violation of Civil Service rules ,iJl giving special treatment to job candidates referred by. "nominally political • figures," ·the ·.newspaper s a i d . . 'lllUflday. '!be report-allegedly quotes memorlllda in which GSA officials . r1Ueippted to "help out" Ford by l\Dllllll •~ J<t•~". Gal<fe: olt Grl1)il, Rapidl1 Mlcli. However. Galde reportedly turned dciwn the jobs offered to him. • Court Overturns Ruling Against Torture-slayer SAN FRANCF (AP) -The U.S. Court of Appealg_toclay ordered_ Iha! co1wicted acid-ldller Geza de Kapl.aey eillltr be freed on a writ of habeas . Clll'}Ols or allowed to withdraw l!ls autlty · p~ in the torture-slayttlg o! his bride. De Kaplany was coavlded of the acid slaylllg of his beauilful wife and aen. tenced to llfe' imprisonment in Aj>ril 19611: Sile was slain in August 1911. · '!be :H decision overturned a· U.S.· Dillrld Court ruling which denied de Kiplany a federal babeas corpus writ. The lower court conducted a hearing to determine if failure of the state court to hold heai-ings to determine his competency to stand trial depriveil him of d"" process. • The cqurt_ said a quantity of evidence was befi!re the state trial court indicating t1tat lie KaPiany was seriously W at lhe time ol the' trial. It noted that bis pJea "as preceded by a bizarre outbµrst in the court~; that be ~ad been hospitalized earlier for mental il· lness and tbit he had attempted suicide. '!be appeals court overturned the decision of U.S. District Court Judge William T. Sweigert. . ~ appellate court said a trial court ;. conslftullonally forced to hold a hear· ing any time oubotantlal evidence ap- peara that a crimlnal dtfendant Is In· competent to Mnd trial or to enter a guilty pl~. It added that a defendant must have a higher -level of me1ttat compe,tency to ent"' a plea ct _guilty than ' to stand trial.. . . ·-.. l\lndnm Indicted In Vesco Case . . • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A madam who told federal investigators lhe sent llhutile flight& of prosUtutes to flnandtr Robert v...,, l!f Costa Rica has beeo maillled on charges o! pimping and panderina. A prallmlnaty hearing was sel Thurs- day for Oct. II for Alex Fleming, 40, alao known a1 Betty Anderaon. 1 She told federal investigators that she had -women on 1peclal charter fllghll, taktn i food , llped teievtsioo pn> gram~ ~·eapon.s, liquors and other lux· urfcs to Vesco. a fugillve from U.S. cbargt1 Involving an alleged ._1 !200,000 ~ixon campaign contribution. • I ., ' Se°'te Demotrallc leader M I Ire Mansfield and Houu speaker Carl Albert used the occasion to call fOr strong and swill actfon and to tell Ford that cuts in the budget -no maiter> bo~ deep -O>Uld end up mdlna·the lf!IJO.. Uon worse, not beUer. · .... M , !· • The loudest burst of applause came when Mansfield solemnly called for man- datory controls on wages, Pfices, profits and rents. But Ford, as he has in the put. rejected that oourae: •· "I do not intend to ask for it," Ford said, noting .he had no legal authority from Congress to impose controls. He said it was "most unfortunate" that some businesses already are raising prices in anticipation ot an ultimate return to controls. Treasury Secretary William SlmOn said controls lead to "inequltlea, dbtol'tions, hardships and scarcitie.0 and merely attack the results, nor the C!IU1e8, of lnflatiOn .• .,._ ~ Rep. "Wright Patman r n:. Te x . ) chairman of the Hoose Banking-cam: mittee, urged Ford to fire econofn.ic advi sers left over from t1* Nixon days. · "The President needs to get rid of the holdovers who have contributed to a series of economic mistakei,10·Patman said. ~. · Another congressman, Sam· ·Stratton (~N.Y.). said the price of antifreeu demonstrates the need for controls: He said antifreeze is selling fer '3.50 a gallon wholesale but from· 1 $8 to $121 at iU stations even thouglt "__P.>ere· is no shortage of it. -· - Sylvia Porter, a newspaper columnist, complained that consumers hsd been left out of economic planning.-·She' said that such things· as setting aside vacant lots for community victory gardens to help householders cope "ith food prices would give Americans a sense of participation in the fight against in· flation . A common theme throughout the oratory was for tu relief for poor and moderate income families tO help them cope with inflation's burdens. Ford opened the meeting by declaring that tbe burdens of setting the Americii.n economy right must be shared equally. "No ll'OUP should be called-upon to carry an unfair .share 'of the load;" he said. But he e:rpressed optimism that curtailment o'f the worst inftation.ary bout in many years ultimately would be achieved. His chief economic adviser.s have estimated-_i_t will t:ake ,J.8 .InQOths to three years. I "I have unlimited confidence -In America,", the Pre!ideat sakl. "The bat· tie agains&1innition wlll'nOt b6 an easy ooe. It will i'eQlitre sacrifice and common effort. It 'will require dlacipllne, but we· will win." Albert oomplalned that the Democratic Cmgress had been esciuded from deci<linl the partidpants and the agenda for the seriea ,of 12 meetuigs which led to the ~~y summit. Mansfield said he was discouraged that the oeasions have produced nothing but words and theories wltii:h offer no relief to a nalioo bruited ~ rising prices and rising unemploy-LC "The public knows that UtUe·tjU been done to halt the marqb of inflation,'" he told Foro, wbo sat ne4ftiy pulling his pipe. , Spea]<ing for lhe Republicans, Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott (Pa.), aatd' Congress must take much bllme if federal overspending bas .helped pump up prices. · , "If we have overspent, Congress has overspent," Scott said. "If we lack fiscal dlJclpllne, Coneress lilck.s fiscal dlsci· pUne." A leading Senate comervative, John Tower (l!·Tex.), said tliat if-tnllatlon iJ not controlled "we may lose our entire system of government and our free society as We know It." ~ Ford is expected lo outline his Administration's anti-inflationary pr~ gram in a cloeiog speech Saturday af· temoon and advance indications were that he would propose tax cuts for low and moderate income people to help offset the burdens of inflation. 2 Trc1nors /olt • • Japan Slior.tly . ' .ti fter . W a.rni1ig TOKYO (UPl) -Two iharp tremors rocked Japan today, causing Uyacrapers to sway in downtown Tokyo.. shortly. aner scientists warned a major earth· quake could ·bit the oou'ntrf 'at any time. ::.. • The , acienUsts Issued !heir :Wamtna Thuraday at a ,meetinl o! :earthquake eiperts lroat.tbe Ja-Meteorologi· cal Aiency and Toltyo l/ltlvhaity. A few minutes' alter noon today, Tokyo Wal roclood ,by a quake which registered 4 on tbe Japaneae scale of 7. Two and OliHaif boun later, another !l!lk•, alto m .. sured at 4 hit HolibldO~ IOO mlles north ol Toltyo. • =· -.::'· . No lnjortea or major-damaae Wfl reported. • Super-oxpress train• linltlng Tokyo and' OSaka were, baited for 30 ,minutes. to check for lraclc ciama1e a1id-Tokyo IUbW•Y• and trains alai' baited britfly.• railway olllciail reported. No. damaJ<' Wh found. • Tbe acltntists, whe met to coprdinate l6elr studies on esl'lllql>lb prediction, aid u,., believed tllq dltcovered a "vacuum area" In the ocean ~ not far !tom Tokyo which ts belltwd to be a aorage area for earthquake energy. ~-----• Van Nicked . -• . ·-·• .. ---• ............... -.................... , ... -( . . . . ~ . . --..... ~-....,...., -.. .. ,. J-_... l .. ~· _-........ -...:.~ • , VAN DRIVIR 7RAPPED IN NEWPORT AFTER 'SUONT:IUMP!:-. ';'' ~Vi~"' FrMd lty ~~~~ R ... ili~. "'rrvf:::C "F :-. . _ .... ---. --... .... . ...... -.. -·---_.., .. ..-.-. .. : F.roln P•te Al • ·:;· . . --~9~IQU~'S (:~SS~S. !_:•. _:;:.~:·;~ f =e their.:hl~ihic abilitiet_-aod ~~ centf', Arit.oii ~~~re o ~ one w1 na ure. -._!-• ttmes throu&b 1154_ _ .... ~-_ - '1ter .. classes ha ve a real followtng," "~ost •of ril.y studea(i ate"" akePtiCal said Keith Sims, coor.dinator of adult a;boot UFOs when Lhey first· begin the education for the Saddleback Valley I " M · s rl · --'d . .,B dlsbict. "There's a whole group who c ass, rs.• hah var ... • ut as have been coming back for the advanced we procress, they become more in· courses." terested. Mrs. Shahrivar, a native of Iran who She Is a finn belie\'er in life in 011ter speaks fluent French and was educated space. Uke Adamski, she believes some in Belgium, comes across as an of the visits from "other ilfe fonllS have articulate, thoughtful voice f o r been to try to warn us that our natural parapsychology. existence is In perilous bfllance and Parapsychology, w h i c h techn ically that nuclear .blasts could tip us over means ~·beyond psychology" of "similar the edge into environmental 8nnihilation. to psychology," is a new name for One of the central points to Mrs. the study of mental phenomena tile Shabrivar is what she sees as our grow· clairvoyance. mental t e I e p a t h y , ing necessity for ·•genetic screening." astrolravelling, and the study of human "The time will come when-a committee reincarnation. ~111 screen the gene hlstorY of couple.s Every natural form has the ability \\'ho \\'ant to get married. If their genes to communicate its feeling.s to every aren't good, they should 'enjoy other other life form, l\1rs. Sbahrivar explains. people's children." she said .. Tba1 is telepathy. "And i1 you become \Vhen aaled what made that theory involved te\•thically, you can~ corn-different from the one used by the munlcale \vith plants, animals, all forms Nazis in Germany, she added, "This of life:" she said. has nothing at all in common with "These teachings are pon~political and that. Good genes don 't depend on non·religious," ~Is. Shahrivar said. "Thb: ,,·helher you are Jewish or black or is. just science we're studying. It's all any other raCe. ~ou can .,firld gpod based oo ~enllftc. logl<;. ~ COm,DlQP genes and bad aene. in "1Y race.'' sense. "If our children atart W!th a:ood ienes. "It's very beauUfuJ 1·tcf study," lhe and then are taught phi~ and "cd's- said iin <111 interview W.me.ctay. ln··hlr mlc awarene!S and telepethy, that 's hoW 'home: '11I( ·mori people iQded it' we~d we will develop a s·upel' race,,''' she have a race of superbuman.>--and .not added. · very long from now. Before long, diseases would be voiped "Some people are like· a ship \\itbout out, she predicted. a rudder," ahe ~-11Each penon Pwlichael Parker is the Chapman Is bert for ' pl.ll'J)Qle. And if you learn College administrator who attends !\.'frs. to understand ttfe you understand this." Shahrivar's classes and teaches a class One ol the autbon Mrs. Sbahrivar in psychic phenomena on the inter-term asks her students tO read is George ror Chapman. Adamski, a C8llfonU31\ w!>o claimed to ''For most highly educated people, havo h&d Visits by people ftom Venus. it's more difficult to get .tn toucti with He wrote several· books, two of then\ psychic phenomena," Parker said. "Our in collaboraUon with Wmston Churchill's education is very slanted to one pan son·fn..law Desmond Leslie. of our mind. r' They; lnclude "Inside the Space Sbips " 11Monlque is verf'\knowledgeabl e ·i~ and ''Flying Satlcers Have Landed.1' · thete things and Is doing a good thing Adamski claimed to have made con· by teaching this class. We need teschlng tact with men from Venus in 1952 tn on all ltveli to ~ people',,,,rajndl~" .. I . . ... ,, . B~ilij~.ffpn t 't • "'" r: ~ .. Wbai',;.'i\.';"..;;,··J•scrlHtt.;. .!.. ·~ ...... ~ct ·--.':.r~--·jOt ....... ~ ... ~wlllt the ''°' 'opr1..iw; ocr,111;JI!'1111 Ill , :\f!v_.._ '~ ., ii .... • "'1Vlf1 """" ..... ....,., ( •. • Alhlr ...... DlcUd by the northbound auto u :tt-< • traYeled ealt on Balboa Boulevant'it 18th Street, the van careen. ed out of control, flipped on its side and skidded 45 .feet before crashing into Ute rear of ,;,-p~rked car. · The.. plumbing company 'van's driver, Jaltser "Sin&b, 30, of \Vhlttler, was trap- ped inside •tlis lalJen vehicle unlll freed by N"""l'Oll OOcli)lollce. Singh '"""' taken ·to ·Hoag Hoopii&! \\'ber&~e· uft4eNtnt ·emergency surgery. A bospltal'spokeltmln this morning sllid his condition was toofl, Driver of lhe northbound auto that police•said struek tbe-\•8n, Nancy Diestel, 26, of 1820 \V. ·0cean Front, ·NeWport Beach, was not injured. Nor was her car badly damaged in the 2:30' p.m. collision. She told police she did not iee the van or" bear · a noise whe~ tbe two vehlclei collided. "f felt a slight bump and that wa.i all," Mrs. Diestel told police. Fr0tn Page .tl OIL .•. the Callfomhr Outer Cootinenla1 Shelf which will for generations deprive our citirens of the teat benefits of the resources they own." Cory proiic-f that before selling leases .on the shelf the government carefully explore the geological ~en· vironment and impose effective en- vironmental protection, and that "it give a far more careful consideration to the economic factors involved ... to insure that the consumer gets a fair break." Co11i-111a11dos Seize E11voys .SANTI) f)(jMJNGO (UPf) -~ An Atnerican diplomat and t b e V~uelan vice consul were kid· naped today by a group of anned ~mmandOs and are being held , in lbe Venezuelan E m b a s s y , American diplamatic sources said. The SOtµ'Ces said others may have also been seized but the clrcumstances of the kldnaping are not yet clear. The abducted American was idenfi.lled as Barbara Hutchison, 47, a public affairs officer, whose family Ls: believed to live in Bllltlrnot<. Md. Henredon' s Famous · 4 Centuries • . . . . -. . . . . . This exceptional hall console features two pullout shelves which are heat and alcohol resistant. Available in · e'ither cloister or cognac finish. · -. --..... ·• . On display no~ at any pf our· tllree fin~"· _Stop in soon.' I ' ' -·-~ OAEXEL~HERITAGE-HENAEOON-WOOOMARK-KARAST~'4""8A~ER . ' • 'WlllDATS & SA 'l'VRDA YS 9:00 i. S:JO I - \ NEWPORT BEACH• 1727 WESTCU~F DR., - LAGUNA BEACH , 34S NORTH COAST HWY.,· ·~·Wt - TORRANCE• Z3Mt HAW'lltORN! BLVD (Open F~·:IJ1,M~"· tN:30i ' • • • " .:1·1 ~voijr Ser:vice A Suad•Y· ll!.q~.4~Y .. W"""~1 . aad Friday Feat•re Ol lhe Dally Pilot ~ t • • ~ . 6.r a JWol>l<tT1? T~ •,,;,;,. Pal Dunn. Pal wiU cul r.td tape, get the an&wer• and action you need to solve inequities jJi governmtnt and buaine11. M.U your que.Uionl to Pat Dunn I At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, I! 0. Boz 1560, Co110 Afesa. CA 92626. Include l/OUr 'telephone number. Plck Good Dealer DEAR PAT: Wilh all the new mobile homes available today; is there any way to make mre one purchalee the best 0 brand" currently oo the. market? Although we know we would ~er mobile home livin8 now that our children have grown, we want to make sure the coach we choose i.s a good buy and well built. R.G., Hunliagloo Beach A spokesman from tbe Mobile Home Pilan•cturers AslOdaU. advi1e1 tat tbe selectloa •f 1 mobile .boae. dealer . Js h Important •• stlectlon of tbe coacb ' ... ~ DlllY !"!lot Sl•H .,_,_ Uself. It Is wise &o alk .a dtaler for reference• and check bl• or her buslnt11 reput.atk>n wltk the Better Baslne11 Bureau, your local bank or the Orange Coanty Office of Cons11mer Affain. Tbe AuoclatJon will mist In haadllng com· plal.nts of mobile home owners 11 cue problems arise . aftl!' parc1-e. Wrtte to VltghUa cureon, MHMA, 148 Lee Road, Chantilly, Va. Z002.L 30.FOOT WALL GUARDS SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION KMplng Water Away From Billion-Dollar Coastal Project Anger Flashed Capt. Stfeke11-Rellll11 DEAR PAT: A few weeks ago I saw an individual named "Captain Stickey" on a television talk show. He repreaented himself as a modem-day "Superman" figure -ready and willing to solve coMumer problems. I bet my wife this is a joke and there is no web person. Can you find out where C.plain Slickey can be contacted, if be can? _Doctors Report Nixon Responds to Medicine J .M., Newport Beacll Southera Callfornla ofren sometblng for everyone, even Captain Stickey. Write lo ·Jrlm Ill :ZOOl • llllllblre Bh'll., Los Angeles. LONG BEACH (UPI) -Richard Nixon's blood do~ are "responding satisfactorily" t otreatment, but he was ~rted responding with anger to moves rutting olf posti>fesldential privileges and money, I • N~'s trea~ment for phlebitis at Long Beach 'Memorial Hospital js expected lo last ' at least through the end · ol ~1 week, preventing Nixon from ,pt· leqding lh\! , Ppe)lijlg , Tuesday ol the Waterga\e CO'<U-Up trfal . lie has been subpoenaed as a witness for both pro.. seoutioo and defense. The dime-sized embolism in Nixon's right lung -an area of blocked drcula· tim call9ed by a blood clot from the phlebitis in his left leg traveling through his veins to the Jung -"is responding satisfactorily to a combined therapy of oral and intraVaneous anticoagulant," Dr. John Lungren said 'Ibul'9day. · Lungren, Nixon's personal physician, said the treatment "will be continued for a nwnber cl days." An AdmiQ,istration s o u r c e in Washington "Said, meanwhile, that Nixon is ii1 a "very irritable" mood because ol . what he cptlSiders ·the "begi"udging attitude" of ~gress and other govern- ment agencies to !deprive him ol privileges, funds 30<{ amenities given other fonner presKlenl.s, who served out their tenns. 0 He feels everyone is giving him a hard time," the source said after a Senate subcommittee Thursday voted to cut Nixon's "return to private life ftmd" DEAR PAT: My atlempt at being practical by purchasing vinyl upholstered furniture since I have small children has backfired! They have marked it up with a ball point pen and nothing I've tried has removed the stains. Plus that, all my attempts at aeeking out stain removal inf'onnation from every source imaginable have failed. Do you know of a solution? by more than hali. -..A.. ..A. .A. " • l..f w w -Nixon is upeet at other moves, lbe M.S., Costa Meu D. v· ' T k . source said, and was particularly an- None of tbe lulrdware 8orel coataded nJi IeW 3 ~n noyed that the Marine Corps only bad Olly prodGC11 opedllcollJ •aHe for · · 1 "grudgingly" ~°"' him lo play on removing ball point lak 1ta1al. Try aling the golf course at Camp Pendleton, rubbing alcohol •• ·II•• stoln .... II For Ni~on Maid, only a few minutes from his estate that doe&n't work, several hardware at San Clemente. Until he was hospitaliz· stores recommencled spraying: Uat: 1tala eel Monday, Nixon spent most of the wttb aay hair 1pcay. Lei ii 11<1 for valet Expenses lime since his resignation Aug. 9 in a few minutes aDd thell acrub with seclusion at the fonner Western White 10ap and water. U other readers taow House of a bell pol8t pen Ink tlU -onl . WASHIN~TON (!J~IJ -The Cha)l'P\f.n -· ·~-Nixon, who is a dally visitor product or 1uceetsflll ._ o m e m a d e of a Senate subcommittee says the to his bedside, is being assessed of • methods of treatment, let me know government shouldn't pay for shining her husband's condition at frequent in· .; ud the laformaUon will.be JM!bllded. Richard Nixon's shoe& tei;vals,'l LW'lgren said. " • ~ ·genera.1 govemrfteoL 11ubcomnrlttee E C'omplaint Fo,..mS of the Senate Appropriations Committee l DEAR PAT: I have a coJpplainL about voted unanimously Thursday to cut Nix· =-• television repair dealer Wtin:h.Ji.would .on's rw:i.uest for transition es:pense.s from ; like to address to the -be the '850.000 lo $320.llt!O. The House fias pro- ; ata.le Bureau or RepaJr SiiVICts. This posed cuttingtf,he.expenses to $398,000. '; would be somewhat difnCWt since the The chairman, Sen. Joseph Montoya ; former chief, Donald PejK.'OCk, has (0-N.M.}, said the subcommittee wUI ! resigned. Who's in charge now? J'd also insist that all of~imn's federally paid : like to know how to request the "One staff conflne ·iCtMtiei to "direct ltansi· • Stop" complaint ronn yoa described lion acts, ?at~r than perform chores several months ago. , ' . In tbe ho~d." ; • L.T., Foultala Valley This add1,Uon · cnme-·r ~ter it -was Sacramento, CalU. l580%. 11111 ..-r ~ _ . ..,. 75 commoa couamer com I , ll'eU., · • .. --.. o1o •• • • ..;, 1'ricvcle Accident -Results in Lawsuit A Laguna Hills ~lire World resident who states he suf!ered serious lnjilrl.es when he was knocked down by a tricycle ridden by an elderly lady sued her Thursday f0< $300,000. Robert McKay Gibb, 749-B Aveoida Majorca, Laguna mus, names Mrs. Nma L. Whitehead as delendant Jn hls Ora'nge County Superior Court.lawsuit. He 1aen- tifies htrs. Whitehead as the operator of a large tricycle which ran into him on Aveblda Majorca last May 6. William J. Hayes Im btm apPointed discovered :'that.. ~a butler was 11 interim cbief fell~ Peacock'• ... receiving~$12,000 a year and his maid resignation. Request a "Obe Skf'' com-:: $8,000 a year from government fWlds plaint form by sendlnc 1 ..tl~ 3 -part or .;M20,ooo in annual salarjes Umped envelope to P:E:O. · llt,: for l~·stllfkurreoUy at ~ Clemente. ~·:-.:".:r:be ~~.rlo~:t'J =·rSoo'.da:-y~s· Pilot Surveys of tbe envelope. Tbe form 111111 trill • · be l'"'orded •nopenecl to Ibo Con.ct· · • .. atate agency for bandllng. - rarent•' u.M11t• •.• :-~Pra~iice of Sea Burials DEAR PAT: My .... a newly'Ucensed ' •• is scheduled for the Op driver, occast~, fakes \jle family •· car out for the evtnlng. AltbauP I've Among "Sunday's -Best," e d i t o r s ment agency told him repeatedly never to lend the predicted today, will be those Daily Ed Page. car ·to anyone else -and I don't think Pilot features: ' d •-· ··'b Id HOW MUCH· GAS-Nobody knows ji1st ue wout -w._ respo-Wty wou FUNERALS AT SEA-An organizallon how much patural gas lies beoiath It be 1! he should let a frl~nd drive called the Neptune Society is helping Caiiada's Arctic fringes, but estirMtes and an accident should occur? · Orange Coast families beat the t.lgh are that it is considerable. ~ consortium People wbo own ::t!"; 'i:!~ M:::. cost of dying. Staff \Vriter To1n Barley, of: Canadian and American compaoies wants to build a gargantuan pi~· 1lrcraft are Hable for Ute negllgeat ldl ( J to carry the gas to homes in both of • perml11lve" -·· Tile HabWIJ Sunday~s Best~ countries .. Chdsti~n sctence Monitor Is limited t.o JlS.M •lid $30,00I. ne _ News Service article analylCs the hnpact Sla,...te ~~11 ol tC.i ~~~'!_~ .. ~ !,Ht ~ .. ss .: • s so .._ .of the.. moostrooJ..sized ,Rroject botb on ca -.iuui• - -3-,,. esea.. looks Into the legalllle1 and olher del .. ns tlle land it would cross and the. consumer tbe coart1 bave nled )'OW' tnltructJou, of cremation · ana a s h • s c a t t e r l n g' lt would serve, YOU Section. considered 11secret retlrlcUons," we.re ccN? I YOU Sect' aot ellecUve. Part .. I Ulbltltf al90 oc-mon cs, ' ion. 25 RED YEARS -The People's cun la ca1e1· where car keys '"' WHAT DO ·TR~ KNOW-".oul)tr , ke\lubllc ol China is nearing lis tlth •;avatlable" and tbe car la ~ased by Supen1sor·"itn.1ph Diedrich reveals ln --birthday as a ~mmunity nation. Mao a minor (or any otlltt penon) •ithoal a gUest C<inortat lhol" he and otttor •'.f'se.lung b nearing a time for taking the "express" permission of tbe parent. supervisors haven'l been able even to stock o£ what he bas accompll.shed.ln his ~asy access tndlca111s • • I m p 11 e d find oul whnt kind of information i.s' 80 Y't!ts Q,n, earth. Correspondents from ptrmisslon," especially If tbe car It being filed by the Orange CowllY the \vlre services put It into ~rspertlve used occ••lonnlly by a minor 1nd tbe Intelligence Unit, much Joas bow the with stories on both Mainland and the partnt opp,..ved ol Ille~ llrtftt'I Info ta beini pther<d. Hi1 Inside \pok "oilier" China, schoduled for Sunday's licensing. .. • ab lllO, counlt'• own !'Cl'A«yle l""tm-·A~. ' •• A -· , ) • ·-fflday, Stpttmbtr 27, 1974 s DAILY PILOT A !I San On of re Generat0,r BilliOil DOilar Projru5t By JOHN VALTERZA OI Hie ~IY Plltt Sl•ff At the ocean's edge in San Onofre, the deep-red, rusty wall or steel rises perhaps 30 feet, and It sirelthes 1,000 feet rrom one end to the other. Through It jut large pipes sarging with water from scores of wells driven into the porous sand nearby. And beyond the massive steel structure built to keep . the ocean out is a pit , carved into shapes that are reminiscent ol archeologlcal oclditites of the Near East. About 140 workmen are on the job there this week, but when construction actuilly $la.rts on the two new units at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, the complex will have a working J!OpWation of 1,800. And the price tag will make the com- plex the largest single construction p~ Jee! In South Orange Coast history. It~ amounts to more than one-billion dollars. . What has gooe on thus far at the site immediately down.coast cX. the ex- isting Onofre reactor has been modestly tenned "site preparation" by engineers • supervising the six-year job. But in ·the parlance of nuclear plants, "preparation" bas amounted to this kind of work : -The gouging out of 2.3 million cubic yards of earth with equipment that worked around the clock for months. -The construction of a massive batch concrete plant capable of chwni.ng oul 300,000 rubic yards of concrete a day. -Laying fotmdations for a "tern~ porary" building complex to aperate as a nerve center or the operation for at least eight years. -The drilling of hwldreds of shallow wells, all linked to a s:iphisticated pipe and pump system to keep the water away from the coastal portions of the .project whe re excavations have gone rar beyond sea level. -Forming, pouring and reinforcing a massive concrete platform that 'will serve as the base for a towering crane that will be used throughout the reactor construcUon period. From the standPoint or scale, the site" carved out ror the twin nuclear reactors makes the lone existing unit appear.puny. Spokesmen (or Southern California Edi'I"" company, which has !Ill 111).per. cent interest in the project, emphasize that each of the two new units will be twice the si:.e and create twice the energy as Onofre's Unit One. Actual camtructlon will officially start next week when concrete is poured in ., the forms for the actual reactor complex. Construction schedules call for at least one year's head-start on the first of the two reactors nearest the old unit. Once work is under way there, crews will start again at the spot downcoast where the third unit will be placed. For the executives and engineers work· ing for the two utilities building the complex (the second investor, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, has the 20 percent interest) what can be seen at Onofre today constitutes a C()Stly victory in a battle which has raged for years. From the days of the first hearings by \he Atomic Energy Commission, more than four years ago, battles over asserted coastal damage, thennal pollu- tion, asserted safety deficiencies and other complaints raged . And during that time, u t 111 t y spokesm~ insisted the price tag more than doubled. Spokesmen for the construction effort say that the expenses might still rise, particularly in the area ol s~I, where the supply is sporadic and • .the prices increase almost by the day. As the actual reactor components begin arriving, they will be stored on a leased ~ite in Camp Pendleton - a mesa created by the dumping of the millions of cubic yards of dirt gouged from the Onofre bluffs. That mesa serves as an cxamplsl - one of several costly one. ._ or the new regulations imposed-om Ua ta>n- struction project. Instead of sim ply dumping the dirt. the utilities were required "to scul pture a series of natural mow\ds • erooohd the dump. site. and at the end of entire construction cycle, strictures dema nd that the mounds be plantt'd. Yet another .mound bas been slacked up at the edge of the .Pacific. \Vbcn construction endS, t.hat .heap of sand will be pushed back into the SPot \vhere the 1,000..foot seawall now stands. The utilities, essentially, )Yill be forced to build a new beach. ., Reagan Reqnie••• Orange County '.~agic' Fa.des . By BILL STALL AP Political Write r For more than eight years, a sure.fire formula for political magic was to put Ronald Reagan before a Republican gathering in Orange County. The audience w o u 1 d hang on every word with the awe of a 10..year~ld visiting the "Magic Kingdom" of Disneyland for the fil'!t time. But the mutual magnetism was strik· ingly absent this week when Reagan plause points and gag lines in the. 63· year~ld governor's address. They didn't clap at all at OPe .otwious point, when Reagan declared that State Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest had saved the stale enough m o n e y lbrough Wise investments to run that office 1or , the next 600 years. That kind of line used to b1ing the house down, particularly in Orange Cc>un- ty, which played an instrumental role in booming Reagan for the governorship eight years ago and ~lecting him in 1970. ( ) One Orange Coonty ofijcehold~t; °lllll1 NEWS ANALYSIS declined to be quoted by 'naille: llla~ \ the mood on an accumulation of events ------------"" including Watergate, Richard Nix.lfl'.s made what may be his fin al major forced resignation and the pes.si$ic political apPearance as governor in ouUook for the fall election. . Orange County, the natioo.al symbol of "We're kind o{ going through the mo-- GOP conservatism. tions,'' he sakl. ... Neafly a third of the .900 seats set One state Republican. .. Jeader wll> up in the Disneyland Hotel ballroom knows Re'agan well .offered · i bii~ · were vacant, although county Republican assesr;ment: "It's because..af1 Aua~J .• leaders said the dinner bad been a That was the day Nixcn anncil.noed sellout. . he was ttsignlng as President. The Ml'JIY • whd bou&bt the $100.a;>late lranslfon t the ~ -· J!!.J~ tlckell for Wednesday nJgbt just didn't Ford 1 v~y ellrtilnated ~e~. ' come, they said. Those who did reacted Reagan might have had a!,~ with muled enthusiasm ·at natural ap-1976 presidential nominati,qp. IUl.BS ARE HERE 'l'UMTNOW FOl Sl'tlltl~ COLOR ' . 3 BIG SAVINGS!, For color variety three favorites MARIGOLDS, PANSIES or PETUNIAS in your garden here are " COLEUS R09- 69' 3!! ' Last Chance! MEXICAN PO'nERY CITRUS l•AL SIQUOt.l ~OFF PLANTER MIX REDWOOD COMPOST 2 ::· s12' SI .ti • w-=s149 2 ...... ....2. .. PLAHT IU~IS NOW FOR SPRING • RUNUN(:ULUS 3• .... DAFFODILS ALSO ~E TillPS FREESIA • CROCUS & MANY MORE ' _..,,·--~~ , • I . : A 4 0"1LY PILOT Friday, Sfpttmber 27, l'J74 Newport Beach Goes Countrv • O!>WTl\Arul DEPT. -Omidel' the ci<J ol Newport Bead>, that glamor midway locale aloog our 40 miles ol Or- an~ Codt.. What kind of mental image doell the name call up? SOy Newport Beach and most folks in -parts promptly think d Newpon ~· 1llink d Newport Harbor and '•~ ol greal white yad!U, music across dappled waters. red sails ~ D:t 'ihlf simset, munnering voices and ligljl la~, IUllOllg tinkling glasses in ~ly appoinled yacht clubs. Good liull like that. % tt elev~ that last Digjlt .... the time roe the Qimmodor<'s Club ol the Newport Harber Cluunber ol Com- merce to bold its annuaJ Everybody Gd Aoqainled N'J,!lt and Grand Gather- lng,'E!lent.. tlllll llASll IS ~ yearly 90 the Oiambtt can celelnle the start of another """""' after all the tourisU have gooe away. Fitting with the image ol Newport Bead!, the city ol harbor, .... beaches, Vistas lllif'' p 's, )'W would anticipate this lilliMit <I the clan wooJd be bellf ...... Ptvuim Queen oe ..... qc;lt"' ;:;r Or ... _ ol the mtltl' appal--club& *' '1l1iol ,... -figure. Bui k ~v the <llamber ltadenhlp f._~;:v:_~~." and dedaJ'!d Go- w~ Diilbl. -'llley -COUDtry. 'llley I !\!IM to pt acqal-at a bacUpot onjl!f.Jnllle Ranch lmown aa Bommer ~ ftll -maimalned by the rawffaandt has a oookhouae, cm'al, -pie* llhlel unde!' trees, strings <I 1111111 ....-and a genuine, okl-h-' I, Onl!ge Comly dirt rood. YOU MIGlll' SUSPECI' this was all • llewport Beech put.on lllllil ,... start driving-Lato the place. 'lbe dirt rood is real. 'lbe ruts are real. Then yoo opot \111> blact bulls, atandlng Bide-by- -..._ the fence, g)arl.ng at yoor '"*; · llim1 )ll Orange County," )'00 miri.le to yoonell. "Naw, must be staft'ed., 'lbe Olamher l"'!llabtJI bell rowed ·-~Wu Jluleum.'' ••;il!i1 a real """ waoden acrou ymr path, boYlne eyee tolled toward your beadliil*-'"lbat's a real caw,'' you ucWm out loud. Now )'OU're talking to )'OUl'lell, - You finally ani .. and Bommer Cen- yon, "1le<e -.ct it ls really Newport Get-.l<qainl<d Night. A Dixieland band 'blares away. Sevem hundr<d Newport folks .... ""°"Pini it up st the old corral. ' EVEN ASSEMBLYMAN Bob Badham, file Newport Beach Republican, has abandoned lpOCtal -upstaU long moag)I to attend. City Marine safety vu.ctor Bob Reed is there in a rowboy bat FClnller Chamber President Jack !~ Is m band. So is forme< Mayor :::!....Hirth. So is newly decorated :zll.year ~, snploye veteran Ken Sampeon, Mid ol "'--· barllors and most ol out """" ~.t!llate. Toal', owner d the alocemen- PIM!lm Queen pleaaure boat I.hat being used ror this affair. appeared blue<lenim outfit Gary Burrill, tho,. radtm)an, 1s ctrculatlng. Harry Bab- -tiiu;-the bJClriin, is elso on hand. SO BllRE WAS Newport Beach tile big braao ot business, governmeni. In- dustry, entertainment and maritime operatiool, gathered near a corral out in tho bac:tcoontry. kicking dirt. And clearly, Ibey were having a great time. All Ibis probably proves that no matter how glamorous and oopbisticated yoor borne town may be, it's Btill fW'l every ,.,,, and then ta go over tho bill. Nobody Coniplaiiaed Laura Ann Bode encountered. no resistance when she wore this dress to class at the University of Nevada. But when she showed up for a dance at the Reno campus, police arrested her. At fim she was booked for offensive conduct, but police couldn't find anyone who was offended so they changed the charge to indecent exposure. Palestinian Guerrilla Front Quits Arab Group By United Preis Intematlon1 I A split in the ranks ol the Palestinian Guenilla, Movement threatened today to widen, complicating even further U.S. peace e!lorta in the Middle East. Paleltinian sources Jn Beirut said two more gumilla groups may soon quJt the administrative body ol the Arab Guemlla Movement, following t b e wllbdrawal <I Marxist Popular Frool f<lr \he Liberalioo or Palestine,. the gn>1p that made allplane h i j a c kt n g synonymowr with guemlla terrorism. THE FRONT mtJl!llDAY announced Its withdrawal from 'the leodenhip of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the acknowledged administrative body for all Pa1esthllans. It said it was OOing so because the PLO was pro-American and might lead to recognition ol Ille existence of Israel. The PLO executive committee calll'd an emergency mee ting to discuss the withdrawal and threats by the PFLP Ra1igers Save Tet on Hik er MOOSE, Wyo. (AP) -An In· jured climber was rescued from the rugged Grand Tetoo Peak thi• morning after spending more than SO houn oo the mountain. Following the rescue, Harold Orate, 24, of Des Moines, Iowa, was taken to St. Jolm's Hospital in Jackson. . Drake was brought down from the mountain at approximately 5 a.m. by a 26-man rescue team of National Park rangers. 1be rangers walked down the peak aft. er three attempted helicopter tvacuatkm were uosuccessfu1. DAILY PILOT DELI VERY SERVI CE Delivery of the Daily Pilot is guaranteed Mon.H,.F,.o.ty : 11 .,oudllno! IU>lf '°"' JMPt'• Dy i.JO P "', tdll oin.d ,our UIPY •ill bl l>rC11.19/\l IO yoi,. C•ll~ ••f W"'m ""'\ll 1 .IXlia.m. S.lurO•Y ""'° ~....,.,..: II you oo l'IOC nntw your <OPf tlJ -•.m. ~lurO.y, IM l.t.m. $utld1y. <•II fn<I • ~GPY •Ill bf br'ougllt lo 'fOll· (Ml~.,., l•q.n until 10•.m. Telephones Nortltw'MI Hltf'tin(llon 8N(ll .MdW1~1m1n"•r ...••..•.•••...•. ,.s.o.11X1 ~n C~1nff. Ctpo~!r-8"(Jil. ~n J,.•11 C•Pt1t•-. Dfn• Point. South l •gun.t, LllJU"" N-1 •.•. , . , "'7·U10 Winter Storm Rolling In • • . ,old Fron t Crosses N. Plains To ,ward Oh io Valle y -'• "'"' uw .... •S SI .... " .. " .. " " ~ :g " M SI " " " .. . . .. .. ,, S) .. '' 77 .. :: ff " " :; .. n H " = " ... = l.l " " ll l'l " .. u :: (Coollal weotllfr In/or· matlon will be found todJJu Oii Poge Bl) , Confirmation Delayed I . Probe of Rocky's F.inances ... 'Comp.li(;~t.ed~ · WASHINGTON (UPI) -An Intensive lnvestigatloo of Nelaon A. Rockefeller'& fina,.,.._ will !!J>l1l!l'ently delay his coo- flnnatloo ... vice ~ until """'· election day. ~ a 16.45 milllm capital phis tu that year was nearly thrM ttmes hla lncome. Committee sources said the delay did not necwarily mean problems. Cannon said Roclce!elltr would be m:alled II be was needed to; esplalD tl\Y new leadtrs or two Black groups ,.1d he did the best be could under the cln:um· stances and when his record is taken u a wbole, Rockefeller is qualified. Senate nites comm.ittee chairman Howard Cannon (D-Nev.), ended public bearing> 'lburaday, but aaid he was against the committee acting until the· Int ernal Revenue Service and Joint Taution Committee make their reports -whiclt committee oources say will not be complete UDttl after Congress takes its OctOOer recess fmo elections. evidence. , , "This 1$ al<\> a complex issue, there i.s a lot niore io bis tiDances than even we thought.'' be said. "lt'1 jwJt taking uine to do a thorough job." . -' ' ROCKEFELLER WAS attacked in the P orno Pich1re . . 'J ust Natural' . PORTLAND. Maine . (UPI) -Cliele Graham, nibbllng on an orange after attending a court hearing, said she saw nothing ob6cene in "The Devil in 1'-tiss Jone5." THE HOOSE has already indicated it would not act on the Rockefeller nominallm until alter the electiom, but the Senate bad planned to complet'e ils work before then. final day d the hearinga by con- servatives, anti-abortionists and Com· munilts. A . leader ol the Attica prison riot, Frank Smith, aloo called "Brother Big Black" and under indictment for murder and kidnaptng in the uprising, told I.he committee Rockefeller was 0 dire<.1J.y µspooslble" foe the death ol 45 penoos ~uae be O<dered an .... u1t by sharpolxJoting state trocipen. The 38-year<0ld actress, L.ilov.11 ·~ fessionally as Georgina Spelvin, was free oo $1 ,oo> personal recognizance pending appeal d. a case arising from her star- ring rote in the movie. C.IUIOll has aaed the investigators to take a close k>Ok at Rockefeller's 19'111 tu return! when he paid no federal income tues. Roclteleller explained be paid no federal Income tax because "I see nothing more obscene tn "The Devll in 1iti!5 Jones" than in the "Hellstrom Chrorrlcle." she aald. "It merely deals with people instead of insects -but in both pictur~ the subject is natural functions ." Sawhill Seeking $40 Million From Refiners ....... 11111111 Finl Art BIUll'll While a number of witnesses con· demned Roclte!eller's baodllng ol A\tiCa, Seeond . Co111ing? Min is kirted Gal Says 'I'm Jes us' . _\VASHIN~TON (AP) - A woman wtaring a white blouse and a dart blue mmWdrt briefly Interrupted Nelson A. Rockefeller's confirmation hearings 'lbFfrsday by stand.J.ng in the midst of the audience and :r:·ming that &he v.·as Jesus Christ. "LET TIDS BE known: that I am Jesus Christ," she while the Senate Rules CommiUee was bearing Rockefeller testimony. M police started to escort the Y.'O'man.oul , she cried. "Thank God thank God. Get my purse. •1 1 • A man, who turned out to be her hWlband. tried to block lbe aisle. 'lbr:ee Capitol policemen half-carried him out of the hearing room. The woman. who identified herself as both Nancy Isabell Thompson and ~trs. A.mo1 Heacock, said she was an ordained minister of the Aquarian Cooperative Church of Jesus Christ and had come to proclaim Christ's return to earth. POUCE ESCORTED the man and woman out ol the building and said no charges would be filed. _A _short while later, the Rov. Kenneth E. Lee president of the Washington Chru~ia.n Action Council , took the witness stand-to-oppose Rockefeller. He descnbed the fonner governor as an adulterer, the first "reference to Rocke- feller's divorce and remarriage in lour days of hearings. .., The Rev. Lee also ~id. "I v..'Ould like to disas9ociate myself from the Y.'Oman wbo stood and S8ld she was Jesus Christ. The Bible <bes not say Christ would come b&ck in t.be form of a woman and certainly He would not be wear- ing a miniskirt." Fine furnishings, fabrics, wall coverings 10 flt &vary --· ...... • 11811111111' ' budget. Col")'lpllmentarv A master Truly an Investors and col· design advice . at the Jectors gallery. Raymond Beverly Thompson Inter· disappear· Oriental rugs and artifacts. HandQ!&de (Nomadic) Craftmtanshlp at Us very flnett end at prices easlh/ affordable. Oriental throw rugs . Second lloor, 250 Newporf Genter Drive, Hagen features lhe mos! nallonal -Carpeting, Ing cralt of custom·made complete collection ol vi nyl, tile In a compl ete mens' clothing. Tony Botlc No'rman Rockwell prlnt1 llome c~nter. offers tbe finest In borh you11 find. An lmpresstve Beverly s Table -Every-fabric and quallty.Cus1om· collection of Robert Wood thing Imaginable for cas-designed and tailored paintings plus Marc ual or e!egent dining. clothln g by Tony Bollc al· Chagall, Siqueiros, Marcel Beverly s Bedroom Bou-Jows you 101ruly look your Dyf, Whitaker, Locca and tlque -Truly spectacular very best. othen make this a gallery cu11om. bed accessortos. that Investors and collec:· tors most vtstt. llddlRDI/ RoblnlGll. lllC. _EJ'IC I Alii1llll ~Anllailu A quaint home-spun 1hop Wflh the wannth, color ant! personality of one·Of·a· kind fuml1hlnp and acces- sodes for the home. Fea· tured are 161ect antlque1, trunks, che1t1, rntrror1, cl()(;kl, tables, chaJrs and other collectable1 tnclud- Suite 207. - =· warm lmpom' C..lgners and Crar11men ara renowned ror their "ln- temattonal Theme". Resl- dentlaJ and. commercial lnrerton, furnish ings, ac~ ce1sorles. anttquet, fine 1r11 & aJftl for dlacrtmtnat4 Ing tas1e1. lntcrior designers and im. porters. Pat Giddings and Claire Jtoblnson Invite you to see a special exclllng collection of ru gs, an· tlque1, accessorlea and contemporary furniture from around the world. We are e~perlencad .tn brtnatng together the best tn all periods and culturu. 011t lt1m t:ould 1idlarec1 1our /tonw. Com1 to Mt to PM It! Walk tna through Frank Forrls In1ertors ~ . Is a unique 1ensuarexperiince. The pla y of earthen textures -stone, leather, auede and w1trm w_oods -a.n4 delicious colors proffer a visual feast. Accessotles abound -each chosen wtth an eve for the dlstinc- live, the one-of ·&·kind. Stop In for a cup of coffee ind an enllghfenlng chat with our 1tatr. lng contemporary,ab!tract ,_.-.;;;;:.;;;.;;;;p and traditional fine art. Ropro Jl 111 new. expand· Ing Repro<luctlon· reclllty convtnltntly loc1tad tn the Detlgn Plua loctlon nl Newport C'.tnttr. Our Mr- vtces ranae ftom photo re- producnon to 1 complere ...i.llne of draftlnl 1uppllt1; ' ne•ia lllll'P ILlll ,,..._ Oe111n framtn1. Orf5lnal •a• 1raphtc1, wat1rcolor1, palntlnp, ICUlpture, repro- Once vou have eeen her ductlons, ll&ht1nc and ao- crea11on1, you will never cetsortes. unique Ideas - forpt their lmpac1. If you ptr1on1llzed eervlce. have J!IVer seen her crta· Home tnd commerctal tn- t1on1, you must txper1encl 11aJ1at1on1. Leastna. fin an- them at T11'1.Aw1nn wel· clna. MeMl>tr Southam come wUl be Watttna tor CaJl fornla A;t Dealers voa. A110C11t10n. \ rtdflc c;..., Hltflwtt D11t1n Pl111, • p1rt ol N_,i Center ••• Wet! of F11hton 1111nC1. T1ke Newport Cntlr Drtve 1ftd IOOk to !ht Ml. Nine 01p In '"' 1ky dlrecl you 10 pltnlf o11,... ,...lq aad 1 1raly unlqu1 1hoppln1 1Xpeti111CO. - • Bab~sit~r Arrested • • 1 In Kidnap · SAN DIEGO (AP) -: A babyalttf< who alleg<'<lly kid· naped a Chula Vista -infant three weeks ago, saying she needed tbe cbild to claim her huaband's ' inhcrl.tance, bas been arrested in Tijuan.a, Mexico. Auth>rilles said the baby was found safe in Mex· icali. 100 mile5 away. The 5-week-0Jd b a b y , Carmen it a Pollorena. ap- peared healthy and bright.J eyed as she was reunited ( ) Ruling lllade S la le Mayor Joseph L. Alioto _ _ of San Francisco was '---------' told again Thursday by Thursday with her parentts, district attorney he JOOn and Yolanda PoUorena , should "withdraw fron1 at the Tijuana PQUce 9tation . any further negotia- A sketch of the babysitter tions or participatlon" drawn by a police artist and in family's purchase of p u b 11 a h e d In Tijuana Pacific Far East ship- new1papers several days ago ping company because Ftld11, S..ttmbtt 27. 1974 DAIL. ~!LOT A 5 'Ripoff Bonuses' . ' Reagan P~nsion Attac~ed, THE NIKON SACRAMENTO (UPI) -· bonuses unavailable to •ny Assembly Speaker Leo T. future governor or con- McCirthy has charged that stitutional officer," f..lcCarthy Gov. Ronald Reagan urged said. quick passage of a Jeglslatlve He explained that Reagan's pension reform biU in an at-pension is ron1puled at 40 fM:r- tempt to protect his own cent of his salary, currently retirement ''ripoff bonlJSCS." · The Democratic lawmaker fl "tf -{:;r ~9,100, but would increase proportionally any time future governor.!! received a pay ift'- crea1e. That feature has been ellmlnnted for anyone elected alter 1972. "The biggest r i po l f 1 howevei:," McCarthy declared. "ls from the addition of a cost-of.Jiving adjustment bas· ed on 1tm4. This increases Gov. Reagan's entltlen1cnt fro1n $19.640 to $36,230 Im· mediately." Thursday said constitutional officers, not just legisl ators, have "abused" the retirement sy11tem. McLennan l{aps Quiniby 1'lt is time we stop at- tempting to blame each,-oiher and clean up the OOtlre sy~tem SACRAM ENTO !UPI) -A sponsor of the pension repeal clig\blc for $10,164 a year _ Jncludlng the governor's freshman R e p u b I i ca n as· bill, \vhich bluntly told QuUn-under the presl'nt system. If special pension bonuses he semblyman seeking to repeal by: the law is changed, he '''ould seems so Intent on pr~ the ~arly pension benefits for "If thls bill ls passed It I k ti l I not receive a I cg i s I a t l v e tecting, ,, McCarthy said in a awma ·ers says a re r ng co . might be the jolt that will prepared statement. league will be hurt n1ore by save your life. If things con· pension until age 60. McCarthy and other hls drinking problem than the tlnue for you as they 00,v "I feel like a person must Democrats Wednesday re-probable loss of his pension. are medically, I would expect feel when he is led to the jectcd Republican efforts for Assemblyman John P -your life expectancy to be gallows and they are about immediate repeal of early · Quimby, (D·San Bernardino ), aboutlwotolhreeyears. Your to drop the door." Quimby retlrement benefits for some a 12-year legislative veteran, problem Is not in your legs. lamented "'ednesday. lamccluck legislators. The had complained that he will it's the motion in your right "I've shaped my \vho\c life plan, which allows some have diflicully getilng n job elbo\v." · · around the pension plqn ... lawmakers to retire during after losing his Assembly seat McLennan was dismayed 1 felt I've earned my retirl:· reapportionment years: before in the primary e I e c l i.o n . that the letter had been made ment. I feel rm getting the reaching age , 60, ·could cost pnrticularly because be is public but acknowledged he short end of the stick." MICOH FZ w1tt1 1.4 S...1 & cas•, ...............•. S6Zl.16 t4KOH'FTM .ttt. 1.4 tHs •can •....•.•.•.. ,.,. $5.28.16 MlllKOIMAT IL with FZ '9fts 6 case •••••••. ,, •• $412.64 MIKKORMAT wittl f2 '-«is & case •••••.•.•••••• Slll.50 HUNTINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY 11519 Mei" St., H.1.-141·64 I I or 142·•119 ~ l'll<nl ~ C.-n1., t • 1 appareQtJy led to the .arrest of "conflict of inter· of 1'eod<ra Lopez Dellorrell, ests." said Ban Dlego Sheriff's LI.---------- Marlow llatbbun. taxpayers mllllons of dollars. confined to a wheelchair due was talking about a drinking Quimby re s pond c d to JNS'TEAD, committee hear· to polio, prot>lem and hoped his advice McLennan 's let ter by saying !=========~=========== Inga ,on the entire issue of He released a lette r from "might shake him up enough the Republican ' · needs KIDS . ' t'etlrtment for elected officials Assem blyman Bob McLennan, to make him slop." psychiatric attention. l t • 1 were scheduled for Monday. (R-Downey J, the legislature·s Quimby, 39, a former broad· juslificalion on his part for LIKE TO ASK ANDY e Park Fouled lip LOS ANGELES (UPll - The federal gov ernment brought a $600,CKXI suit Thurs· day against a company !hat allegedly created a foulup in nalionnl pa r k reservations that will last for the rest of the year. She Admits Killing Man Over 'Rape' In ordering the special 0 _on_l_Y_P_hy_s_ic_ia __ n_a_nd __ p_n_· m_e, __ c_as_te_r_. _w_o_ul_d_1mm __ ed_1_· a_te_Iy_be __ h_urt_in_g_a Jot of people." session on retiremetnt reform The J u st ice. Department said the company s o I d campsites In national parks to more than one group at a time. creating conflicts. did not make prompt refunds to campers and refuses to give the park service the money and records needed t o .straighten out lhc mess. The civil sUit was flied in U.S. Dittr\ct Court against Park ReservaUoos Syztems Inc., its thrte operators, and the Insurance Co. of N o r t h America ol Pennsylvania, the cunpany's surety holder. e lllan•on. lllor;ed SACRAMENTO (A Pl - CaMcted maM murderer Oiarles Man..on ha3 a•aln l:JO<ii"pliiCi!I--11'gft't &'CUrlty rt11trlctiona after he lrted to smuggle a letter out d prl'1lll, 5lote olflclals asy. Pri!IOO spokesmen Md said early last ~-eek thllt Manson had been allowed greater freedom o( movement and great.er contact with other In- mates at the California 1-fedlcal Facility at Vacaville. e Soldier KUled FT. ORD !AP) -A soldier \\'as shot ·to deeth hen! by MONTEREY IAP ) -"I'm not sorry I did It," said loez Garcia , admitting sbe killed a Soledad man but Insisting it was self defense. Accueed of m~rder, Mrs. Garcia tesUned lh her own behalf Thursday in connection with the ~tarch 21 shooting death ol l\figuel J'UTienez. "YES I KILLED him 00.. cause he helped Luis Castillo rape me," Mrs. Garcia told a packed courtroom. "It's about time it gets talked about, even kids get raped now and no-- body says an thing about it." ~1rs. Garcia, tbt wife of a Soledad Prison inmate, .... -.._ claims th.a! Jimenez and casuno a~ulted her and ~a! codele!ldant Alfred Medrano ~or to the shooting. She also said she received taunting phone calls following the rape. Deputy Di.t. Atty. Arthur Braudrick claJrm an argument amcog the four prlnclpala over filleged drug trafficking led to the shootlrJ&. 1 The trial rontinues Tuesday. in response to public demand over the pensions, Reagan urged th.at !he repeal be com· pleted in "a couple of hours" to hold down expenses of the session. McCarthy said the rush was de signed to prevent lawmnkers from s t u d y i n g Reagan's retirement. The speaker vowed it woul d not work . The San Francisco lawmaker said Reagan, 63, after "only eight years of service," will leave office and draw an aMual salary of $36,000. "He receives thal amount only by invoking spec i a J Candidate Cl1arged In Bribery ONTARIO (Al>) -Wtltlam ~lcVUtle. a Democratic can- didate for the state Assembly, has been charged with misde- meanor bribery beeause of allegations that deputy county registrars were paid 40 cents for each new registered Democrat. a military policeman trying ~--------~ f McVitUe's voter registration drive coordinator, Ruben tar!, was charged wtth the same violation Thursday. Both are to be arraigned today in Ontario Municipal. Court lo make a drug arrest. an Anny spokesman reported. The 9bootlng occurred Thursday evening <>lit.side an enlisted men's club as the ~fP was Investigating an alleged sale of dangerous drugs. the spokesman said. The MP was suspended from duty pending an Investigation. 19 Solo11s Get Bo11us A three-week :nvestigation "·as made by the S a n Bernardino County Sherill's SACRAMENTO !AP> -office at the f«luesl ol Nineteen former s t a t e Registrar Willia.'ll Clinton. The t!k:oot bonuses were all'l!edly legislators are receiving paid to deputy reglstran: early retirement bonu8ell recruited tn the OntnriGoChino e 1' uka•fu Na med now and will apparenlly area. continue to receive them SACRAMENTO (UPI) even 1r the contrnYeniial The standard practice is -that deputy registrars are Jo~ P Vukasln Jr ......__ law Is re~aled in the ,., · ·• ......... paid 10 cents for each voter, troveralal member of the -special reg s ative ses.sioo rep:ordless of perty. Public Utilities Commisslon, Monday, the Los Angeles McVUtte, 36, Is running W.• ""med to the Alameda Times relV>rted In i•° Fri· ., .... .,.. '"' against Republi ca n Pete County Superior Court .bench day editions . Y-ander Poe.I for the seat in 11Mlraday by Gov. Rooald ~---------' the newly fonne<I 6 5th Reagan. Assembly District. Reagan prevlou1ly1~------------~'----~---I nominated Vukaaln, 46, a Ropubllcan, to the lit lli!ltrict Coort ol Appeal In San Fran- cl11CO. But following widespread prole!l ol the nomination , Reagan withdrew 1 it in an unprecedented action . Units _.\wake After Quake In Cai;iy~n SAN LUIS OBISPQ .(AP! - A mild earthqua[e nea( a nuclear power plant undet construction ha1 shaken two citizens groups into 11k!ng tht AtomJc Energy CommJ11lon to ••'ll<nd QOl!ltructlon 1mtll the .. rthquoke daqgen are ·ru11y evaluated. The two croups, the Scenic Sborellnr.a Pr 11 er vat ion Conference Jn Santo Barbara ond !he San Luis Obispo 1riother1 for Peace, told Uiii 1 AEC that !urtt>er research should be conducted on the offaliore fault system , within 10 mllet of the plant 1t Dlablo Canyon. 0, aaaa1n. AUTO-HOM .. l•t IJtSJlRANCr ~ lt14 H~ .......... COSTA MftA. 549.5554 ~· l ,, -.TC.IUIOTT ti: Son Diop !'raff nor Robert C. Elliott is thl outhor of the first orliclt in the 18-port <Arias by ~ Sorits bting pubtishtd OS 0 pu~ic service by 1h(tklily Pi~t. Efliott ifa l1terot1JJe prolewt ot UC Son Ditgo ond ii o lellow of 1ht-Acodl'111' fl Ant ond Scitnet• The Sll)tning orticlt of the arias ~·1n Seocc.h of !ht American fncJ'n'' -~s Jn Sundoy's Dolly Pllol. In It, Elllotl troces the «rty begimirigs ot America. the 059irolions of th& colonists ond rte o:ti~ts ond tru11ro1iont that hem beef\ .port of Iha rotion'• grOtoYth. • Raodefs ol Cout!H by ~ ortlc~s moy olso eorn college otelt i... tt>tir etlorts by ... ~lll}O ot eilhet UC trvlno or Oronge tlJOSt Ewnlng ~lege. Courieo bY _, ore pt'JlOfed by UC Son Diogo under (10'»1 of the Nat!Onol Endowment for the Humonltlts ond the Exxon Foondotion. Artidnwill opp10<wetl<ly on Sundoy1 in tho ' DAILY PILOT • ' ,• 4 BIG REASONS ••• for buying this RCA XL· 100. D Solid state reliability. O Black Matrix picture tube (RCA's finest ever) for sparkling bright, detailed pictures. The all new "Allen" Is a perfect example with Ito 30,000-vo~· chaul1 and beauty to match. ConaarvH energy tool Uses 24.5% less power than our comparable aat1 with tubH. O Automatic fine tuning convenience. D Superb styling and traditional RCA craftsmanship, ·M•••iK•d ll letO !>Nm C\1Tr1nt. RCA 19 7 5 XL-10 0 prices $ start as low as 2 RCA Acculine portables. One big enough for the who le family, the other a bit more personal. Both feature the Acculina "in·lina" plctt.1re tube ayatem 10 popular in smaller sets, AccuMatlc IV, puah buttori color control an·d RCA XL·100100% solid state par!ormance In outstandl~g , decorator dttlgnod cabinetry. RCA's biggest screen, a great value. Con1erves energy! (Uses 48% leas power than our comparable tube sets.) Preserves your budget tool And, RCA cr11t1men bring you a striking Spanish style console featuring a massive platform base, overhanging top and decorative filigree ••• It's all RCA. Mod1t OT·70I . . DAILY 10.7 19046· BROOKHURST ST. SAT, 10.1:10, SUH. 10.S OPIM MOH., TMUl. a Al, IM HUllTlllGTOll BIAGI 968-3329 • ' • I -J ~ . ' .. ' • ' • \ "' DAIL\' PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE " . • Investment in Safety " 1 .~ 'l ' • I i ·, } t-l~ ' z-'r, f r·~." t ~~ J . . ' ·, · .... ' ! i.· t ,. . Mothers or many .youngsters attending the new ' Dcl Obispo Elementary School campus in San Juan Capistrano are so concerned about the traffic threat to their chi ldren that they have picketed to displav their concern. · They are fighting to end hazards lo their children froll2).rafric a long Del Obispo Road. 0 ,, •• +~e ~attic lias gone on for months, and one ·ac:&.o&.-y came '''hen city councilmen agreed to install a temporary signal to stop traffic on the major arterial highway leading lo Dana Point Harbor. ·'fut near·n1i sses, occurring as early as the openmg day of school , indicated that the signal is not adequate. 1 arents are demanding a crossing guard to assure that small children can cross the highway ••fely. · And the demands seem to be meeting '''ilh resistance by city officials. Crossing guards at problem-s ignal areas in San Clemente are provided by the city, and the guards, mostlY_yOung mothers, earn the minimum wage~ , Siirely such a plan in San Juan would not unduly strain any budgets. i:.lf ' ' " ",.' \~ ' Waste Treatment Funds . ' :f .. i> ; ·: While the final dollar figure is still subject lo change, the Aliso \Valer Man~gement Agency ; tAWMA) is now rirmly ill lin e for bet Ween $10 million and $12 million in federal grants for construction·of a regional waste water treatment system. r The project \vould cost $26 million and serve the communities of Laguna Beach, South Laguna, I lu'nk Addict I <;~n't Kick 'i~~ Habit (; :ART HOPPE ) " I Septembeis, 1975 Glorfa N. Flayshon, "a s~emlngly rei'peclable housewile, "'as convicted in :Federal Court today of buying a $t9.95cuckoo-clock Plll{ltholder. Mrs. Flayshon, 39, was arrested un· der the 1975 Unnecessary Purchases Act, pa!Sed by Co ngress in July, as a lal desperate attempt to curb in • ·fltiori~ The new law requires con· sumers to pro"e that any goods they are needed for their "heaJth, y«>r well-being." , uting the dramatic tri1l. Prosecutor Franklin Furter noted that )frs. -Flayshon was already on probatioQ for purchasing a $12·.95 set of six antique Lucite moustache cups and a $14 .95 Stu{fed Canada Goose Lamp Kit. ·raeatef'before you, ladies and gen· tle*"en, "IFurter told the jury, "you seti.th1t,111osl selfish. thouf hllesi; anct de1}>icable of Americans-a com· pulsiv.e ~er. Or, as ttey are called lheseda~ a 'junk junkie'." ltt:her ilerense. the sobbinj( three· lime loser. said only that she needed th• curkQo·clock plant holder "to brig:Men di> the living room." 'the'it1r1 required just 17 minutes to reicb lhtrguilty verdict. Mrs. W.ayshon was arrested after he• hustM'nd came home to find the neit.cuftib·clock plant bolder as well as~lea· crawled in lipstick on the baulroom'.tmirror: "Stop me before I bdy again~•· ,fttice lound her in the Imported Curio\. SOCtion of a discount house. They ftiict she was pale, trembling and pe~ring : They said she begged them to allow ·her lo buy "just one lit- tle J1.95Zamboangan Rain Goddess'' i Dear Gloomy Gus With teenage alcoholism on the rise, how can any brewing com· pany justify producing "near beer" -the d rink that tastes and smells like beer and is sold to kids ? What next -imitation gin and whiskey for thf' kiddies? SL.W. GIMfll• G111 c•-lllttWt .... ttt<ll tt ,. ... ,,...,a• M<HIM'll• ,,.,IKI lfl9 ¥1e-S el Ult MWS ........ S.... .,_ .... ... ... c;....,,, c..s. Otlty ..... before they took he r ip -a pl ea lhe'y or course refused. -, Under relentless queslioniJ)g ._by Prosecutor Fufle[, .Mrs. F.lafshOll.JftJ· . milted she had Viol.ited Uie~ie·rms ·or her probation and had not only read ad;S jn newspapers and mag_azines. but ·watched a commE!rtcal· on television. ''I had a lready gotten up to go wash my hands 18 times in 29 minutes," she told the jury. "So 1 just sat there telling myselr, 'One teensy commercial won't hurt'.'' "But they showed this r eally adorable cuckoo-clock plant holder and this indescribable craving came over me and I knew I just had lo have a fix and •.. " At this point she broke . down in tears and couldn·t go on. Following the verdict, Derense At· torney Perry Elk made an impas- sioned plea for leniency. "I admit you r honor, that my client is a junk junkie," he said dramatical· ly. "But Jet us remember that she has been conditioned since inrancy by a trillion dollars y,•orth of advertising lo become hooked on this insatiable craving. Dul Judge Hector (Hanging Hee) \Voolsey '"'as not impressed. "To see the deCendant as simply a victim of her unimpQverished en\•ironment .. , he said sternly, '•is bleeding-heart nonsense! To protect the economic safety or all decent citizens, this woman must be exposed for what she is-an incurable junk addict." Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo. Irvine~ E l Toro-Laguna < llills. and Depending on how the grants are allocated among . member agencies, local taxpayers may receive relief ror up lo 80 percent of the cost of new sewage treatment racilities. Howe,ve r. it appears at rlrsl glance that Laguna Beach '''ill benefit most ~directly from the grant ~uhsiclies . The grant decisions r-eached in Sacramento mark it step lOY.'urd elimination of old and qutdatect treatment plants producing ocean dis charges or · se\\•age effluent '"hich doeS not meet pollution standards. ,.. The Halloween Problem City officials and student leaders in San Clemente are hoping that they can develop some sort of activity on Halloween to end wha~ has become ·an annual uprising by unruly youths. Last yt!ar's melees at Shorecliffs and the Riviera District were serious. Dozens of youths \Vere arrested and property damage \Vas significant. The plans came not fro1n city counci lm en, but from student government leaders, \Vho hope to organize an evening or films. li ve music and other activities \Vhich they hope \Viii lure teenagers from their traditional romp with police. Resistance to organi zed youth activities is to be predicted and \\•halever progran1 is devised. local yo uths must be convinced that~attending an evening of rilm itnd music \viii be more enjoyabl e than pelting police and older residents wit h rocks and eggs and taking the consequences. s 'Besides, the Communists spend more money to subvert democratically elected governments than we do!' Still l11fl11e11ce Polic·y111aki119 ' Nixon Holdovers • ID White House WASHINGTON -Ho"' little both the s ub st~ncf' a nd . style or policymaking have changed at the \Vhite •l ouse is rerlected by the fact that the same economist who "·rote President Nixon 's last economic speech expects to \\'rile President ford 's s peec h concluding his economic summit conference Sept. 28 . The speechwriter is economist Sid· ney J ones. a major backs tage policymaker at the Nixon \Vhite •louse \\'ho remain S highly influential in planning the Ford econom ic su mmit. Whai 's more. Jones ha1tno apoloiies! for the last Nixon economic speech in Los Angeles . July 25 \vhich advocated "the old time religion .. -· that is. fi sca l and mo netary conservatism -and not much else. ALTJIOUGH Nixon's July speech was in itself a depressant on the economy, other ,government orfi cials expect Jones to· fo llow the same ge nefal script for ~1r. Ford. Apart from perpetuating Nlxonomics. this sho"·s that economic policy is still being made in the While House rather than by Secretary or th e Treasury ' \Villiam Simon . as once seemed probable. Such a pattern generally holds true ror all government policymaking during President Ford's first six y,•eeks in office. Despite his genuine , desire to decentralize power aY.'ay from the While House and back to cabinet·le\'el departments, little has changed. Indeed. the White House Dom-es tic Council under Nipcon holdover Ken Cole. is more infiuentiol than ever. No "'onder, then, that policies remain as they y,•ere. ( EV ANS-NOV AK ) THIS CAN be partly explained by the lack or the usual transition period bef\\'een Presidents. A1oreo,·er. there ne,·er \\'as murh chance for ap· preciable change as long as Gen . Alexander Haig maintained the old Curtis or Nebraska, some t"'O \\'eeks ago asked for a pri\'ate session "'ith the President to discuss their com· pla int s e1bout "'hat they consider his left\\'ard drift . The lack or any rl•sponse to the Senators is the respon· sibilil y not or ~1 r. Ford but or his star. Cers. 1-"'or \'arious strategic reasons, they did not Want the Senators to see him no"'· Nixon system as \Vhite House chier or ITE1'1 : The Don1 estic Council staff starr: y,•ith Haig lea,·ing this y,·eek, ad-ha s domina ted the presidential ministration officials outside the decision-making about the govern· \Vhite House hopr a neY.' day \rill m ent's ney,• ene r gy policy r:la"'" for them. · machiner)'-a decision crucial to both Neverthe less, intimate F·ord ad· diplomatic and economic problems. visers are deeply disappointed about ;rttt._ Domestic Council paper on the· the first six "'eeks at the Ford \Vhite subject, submitted to !\tr. f''ord last House. What follo"'s is a sampling of y,·eek. wa s trca,ted as a top secret fecenl lncident.s lber~. "'h!ch are ·document not. a vb.ii able to high,ao\'er· disturbingly sim,lar tO lhc prevailing .... nment orricials" ou,Laide tfte \\'hite pattern or the Nixon \Vhite llouse: l-fouse. · IT E1'1: The recent legislati\'e mes· sage se nt Congress by t\lr. Ford \\•as prepared entirely by the Domestic Council. When one \Vhite •louse aide bootlegged a copy to a cabinet mem· ber, angry Domestic Council stafCers launched an in\'estigation to discover the "leak.·· Item : A dozen co nser\'alive Republican Senators. led by Sen. Carl Item: Rep .. Albert Quie of ~l in· nesota. a hi ghly regarded Republican moderate. had a rgued unsuccessfully that President Nixon should not ''eto Cundin g of anti·poverty community actiQn programs\ When he renewed the argument WJlh the Ford While llouse, Quie encqunlered exactly the same resistance and exactly the same arguments in reply. That was hardly surprising : he "' s talking to exactly the same Domestic Cou ncil starrers. BUT THE art ermath of this last in· cident s hoy,·s th at. ror a ll th«.> similarities bct"·een tho N'ixon and fo'ord \Vhit e !louses. there are dlf- rerences "'hich hopefully will be dominant e\•entually . Unable to make his poinl \\'ith tht' Oomesti,r Council staff. Quie insis ted on seeing the President himself, e1 friend and ally for 16 years. Qu.ie got into the o ,·al orrice. made his pit ch to "tr. Ford and came a"·a~ convinct>d there \\·ould be no \"elo. · The point is that Quie ne,·cr "·ou ld have gotte n elose enough to ~ixon to t'Onlradict the staff. In contrast. close ~rsonal aides brought to the While House by ?.tr. 1-~ord reel open access \\'ill be the essence or his Presidenc\'. Once Haig leaves. they belie.vc . ~fr. Ford's personal inclinations ror tl de:· emphasized \Vhite llouse starr "'ill.be translated into reality. \\'.hate ,·c r happens in the post·liaig \\1h1te House. ho"·e,·er. the last sis "'eeks cannot be \\'ashed a\\'<I\'. At a time "·hen ~Ir. ford 's closest ad· ''isers felt changes irl bot h the policies and procedures of the adn1inistration were imfcralive, the new President "'as un ble to budge more than sli ghtly the monolithic Nixon system that he i~heritcd, Incumbents~ Advantages \\'bile the dire predlclions of d0om made for inc um bents early this year "'ere not borne out by thi! primary elections in California, there are those , "'ho still think voter reaction to office holders will be disastrous to many at the general election. Their reasoning, although based primarily on the discontent of the public because of unemployment and ' ( EARL ~ATERS ) de)". Tiie other Cellow must gain hi s knowledge Crom the ne wspapers and the difference shoy,·s if they meet race to face."' ' · AS FOR rund raising for the can1· paign. So ng says the incumbent not only has the ad\'antage of kno\\·ing how a nd "'here to get contributions, he has establis hed a record y,•hich ser- ves to reassure contributors that he is "'orthy of s upport. \ Cost of Presidential Transition high costs of living , goes deeper than that. They say that even though the public is angered by actions raising lop government orficials· salaries y,·hile large segments of sociel'.'t' are unemplo.yed and even those emplo.red sink deeper a nd deeper into debt because o( inflation and higher taxes. the orri ce hqlders might have . y,·eathered the storm . But they fe el that the accumulation or all of these things together with the utter di senchantment with those in of· rice, caused by the \V atergate travestie>~ is bound to be teflecled in the ballots cast in November. But y,·here there is no debate or Song 's contentions is his observation that. in addition lo his O\\'n abilities. the in cumbent ··has a staff "'hi ch is politically sophisticated". ..While other people ha,·e storrs, and almost any candidate can assemble a ere"' of vo lunteers. only an electt'Cl orrici"I has paid employes who perform politica l tas ks as part or their normal duties." \VASHINGTON -11·s goi ng.to cost the taxpayers well O\'er SI million a )'ear to keep Richard Nixon in his ac· customed style . Rattling behind the scenes for this bountiful budget are t"·o Nixon ap- pointees, General Services Ad · ministrator Art Sampson and Bud set Director Roy Ash. The day alter Nixon gave up the Presidency a nd retired lo San •Clemente in disgrace, Sampson nc\v out to California to meet secre~ly with Nixon aides Ron Ziegler ~ind Steve Bull. They talked about all the m oney it would , take to set up the former president as a private citlz.en. THEN SAMPSON and A:sh put their heads together and decided to request lhe royal su.m of $8501000 for the tran- sition. Routinely, President Ford sent their request to Capitol Rill with hi! blH1ing. There ••as 1n outcry from members or Congress wbo complained tttis was too much money to Ja,•lsh on a president who had resigned to avoid irppe:acllmenl and conviction. Ex~ept for a timely pardoa. tM)rMted. Nixon mi&ht have wo~M _,.prison ,.·here his keep woulC •• .,..l the tn· payers c.......,11117.,_, 'A llllllc9mW11tlee bNd<d by Rtp. (JACK ANDERSON) sition money down to $393,000. This "·ould include a $60,000 pension and a $96,000 start, which Nixon will con· tinue to draw to r the rest of his life. TllE GENEROUS Sampson has also exempted Nixon from paying rer'il on the go,·ernment office space he is usi ng in California. Sampson tried to tell us this merely avoids "double bookkeeping." But It also Provides Nixon with $100,000 "·orth of free of{ice space, "'hich. won't have to come out of his budget. In addition to all this, it will cost the Secret Ser\'ice at least $622,000 a year to protect the former president. This rtgure dotsn •t include another $3001000, which is now spent to protect his estate at Key Biscayne, Fla. The bodyguards are expected to be with• drawn from Key Biscayne by the end oflhe·year. Sampson also doesn't like to talk about the entourage which Is now ser· vlng Nix.on at San Clemente. At--leasl-. 32 persons are working directly for Nixon but are paid by assorted a:ovtr·· nmenl agencies. Their salaries add up to a whopping $576.000. Because they are "on detail," \hey can also collect $40 a day for expcn"es. · mer press secretary Ron Ziegler. I-le brought along his ravorite press <1S· sistant. pretty Dianne Sawyer. who makes $21,000. Yet there is no press office al San Clemente. Nixon has gone into such complete seclusion that wiseacres have dubbed San Clemente "Elba West ," yet the nonspeaking Nixon is attended by speechY/riler R;ay Price a~ a S40.000 salary. A form er Nixon attorney, 1'1ike Sterlacci, is also on "temporary assignment'' at San Clemente, drawing dO\\'fl $28,263 from the tax- payers. The ex·president's loya l secretary, Rose Mary \Vood s. still collects her $36.000 paycheck from the \\1hite .., S.ALC· fg"j l.,..,. .eoo #97 999.Go -~-- 'You',. In luck. lt'a bHn teduced/' 1"'11 , D·Oltl1.,'hu now recom·· ON LOAN from !he While Haute 11 -ied slullln& the l850.000 Iran· a salary of $42,500. rore .. mple, lsf•r· .._ __________ __, .. ,_ I House, and Steve Bull receives $34 ,000 as Nixoh's chier errand boy . Seven .other White I-louse employcs 11re "detailed" to Nixon. TllE DEFENSE Department has loaned him another rive men, in· eluding three chauffeurs. Nixon's per· s(>nal maid and \'alel, meanwhile, have been placed quietly on the National Parks Service pa yroll: And the loyal Sampson has .issign'ed ll mainte nance worke rs from th e General Services Admini8tralion ·to keep the Nixo·n estates in .lip·t<ip shape. Congress has had so much difficulty gelling rull information on the Nixon spending that Sen. Joseph Montoya, D·N.l\J ., has !Ired ofr a private letter to the budget chic{. demanding ''a e<>mprehensi\'C and complete listin& of Pll federal personnel detailed to the former president." J"ootnote : Sampson dcrendcd the Nixon budget as appropria te und pecessory. He contended lhal the Lyn- don Johnson transltlon had cost $541 .800, whic~ didn 't include the lime spent cataloguing the Johnson papers 'while lfe-was still in offic,. .. Quotes Or. Fred G. llddson, tounder-direc· tor S.F. Alcoholi1m CUnic :..... "Alcohol 1s worse th~an drug$ betau~e il is in · sll1ious and an"'accepted part 1'>f our socitty." THE REP UBLI CANS 'knew they \\"ere raced \l.·ith hurdles because or Nixon·s dirriculties. But they took great heart when Nixon resig.ned. It almost looked like a new ballgame. Alas, it was to be shortti\·ed and with f'ord·s plunge, Crom diaYing heights of momentary popularit y to a.- dangerous tow, the Re~blicans are again o_n the defensive. Still, there are those who think that many voters y,•111 not limit lheir resentment caused by the letd0\\10 or the hoiie tMy had placed in Fo'rd, but \viii strike out al all those in dfflce. . ... One who dl~agrees wilh such assess· mcots ls Senator Al Son~. chaif'man of Ille Senate Judiciary Comm.IUet. Since he lOQ must stattd before the ·voters in November it ·may be Jus a case of "'hi,;tling in the dark. Still, in a recent "newsletter·• to his district. Song discounts any contention that in· ·cumbcnt~ are headed tor troublci with strong arguments against such' a pos· s'bility. IN TllE MOST amazing candor-he spells out why it is almost lmpc>sslble to dercat an incumbent. Pqinting oul that the Incumbent has the advantage oi. ·CIMTlpaign experience, ha\•ing 11lready won at least one election. he cites the further tdi;ie or being more koowlcduable about the issues . SONG IS SOT talking about cam· paign staff hlr-ed \\'ilh private runds. His reference is: to those payrolled \\'ith public runds. Enou~h said? ORANGE COAST DAILY PI LOT Robe rt N. Wttd, Pubtilhtr Tomcu KttviJ, Editor Barbra Kreibich dU ...... Pog< Ed!lor Th• torla~ Plle OI tho D•IJy PUot s to loform, and atlmulate rtaden by presenting on lhl1 page diverse commentary~ topics or in· ltrett by syndicated cotumniM.s and cartooaists, by providing a forum for readen' views and by presenting this newspape1r'1 opinkw and Idea s on current topics. The edlto11a l oploions or the Daily PUot appear only in the tdltorlal column at the top or the pai;e. Opinlon1 expre$$ed by the rotumniats and cartoonislt and lett·er writers are tht\rown and no endor1esnent or their vltw1 by the DailY. UOt sho\ild bf inrerrtt. "Even lhe 1tupi(lest incumbent is ~Uer )Jrcpated 10 ~cb~l~ the Issues · Friday,~cptember27, 1974 hc.e:au.c;c he deals with them every '-------------' ' I ' ' ! t \~ r· + ·' ' r t -' Friday, September 27, 1974 DAIL y PILOT A 1 ~.......--...---~~ U.S. Dr'ug 'Causes Ulcers' 'Tlae11'll Kill Me' Kansas· -HotliJ1e Titillated Employes Run!V p\Bill btte1· T1·iggers Murd~r Cha1~ges Y,, MILLION DOLLARS of New & Used Authentic HANDMADE ORIENT AL RUGS Due to 1 time limit on our exceu1ve Inventory AUCOR INTERNATIONAL has been lns1ructed ta diapoM by PUBLIC AUCTION ' TAU.AHASSEE , Fla. iAPI - 11Rosea·are red, violets are · blue, I could really move my tall !or you." That t a p e-r e corde<j_ telepOOne message, purred out by a sexy-volced \Yoman !n Knnsas City, titillated bun. dreds or F1orida stale , em· ployes last winter. t TR 0 UB L E IS, '1\IE emplo_res were using s~4 of. fice te!Cj>hones to reaclt [ti\! voice. And budget·mlnded;of· ficJals say the state should be reimbursed for the1cal\s. The woman was promoting the $15-an·hour..and-up nude modellna: services of the Blue Orchid studio in Kansas City. She told all callers that she \Vas sitling in th e nude, "thinking about you." Somehow some s t a ! e employe discovered t h e number. He or she told a rrle!ld about Ii i the friend told a frlendi and so on. • • 'Tr WAS MORE' or less of a joke, -and It spread like wildfire ," said .Randy Miiier, an auditor in I~ state ·FOffi· ptroUer's o(flce. leas~~ W..-.11ll!de over a three-mo ntfl span. Nov. 25, 1913, .must have been slow in the s~etary 'of state's office -e~loyes dialed the Kansas ({ity number 30 times that day. · The fever .. .c:ven spread. to office of Gov. Reubin Askew. noted as somewhat or a . , puMtan. On Jan. a, hts aides and secertt1rles chuckled over the Blue Orchid message 16 tiO)CS. "SOMEONE INDI~ATED that it was 8 toll-free number that could be called," said Larry Brock, State Depart- ment fiscal officer. i. Ap- parently lots ol. people were WASHINGTON (AP) -A leading JXlarmaceotlcal firm is selliog in almost every cql,ll1t_!')' except the Unjted States a drug it has known for nearly 10 years causes ulcers in monkeys, a Senate committee bas been told. told that and made phcne calls Subpoenaed t e s t l rn o n y with \hat belief." ·before a Senate health sub- Bfil! tbe_ state was bil~cammittee also_di5Closed this $274.:il for the cells. Pt1ost oost' --week that Ciba-Geigy Corp. $1.15,\ but it depended upon allegedly withheld adverse in· the Ume of day each call formation about it's "Slow·K" was made. potassiun\ supplement from ~1ost of the calls were th e Food and Dru g caught. by auditors of the 18 Administration wrtiJ a rormer agencies involved. M a n y Ciba executive blew the whis- chagrined callers have already tie. paid up. McALESTER , Okla. (UPI) -Three Oklahoma State Prison conv icts ha ve been charged \Vith murdering another Inmate \•:ho told his grandmother he might be kill- ed for refusing homosexual advances. ,..,......,., ... ,.,.as,,...-...... , •• ...._ IW««•I ... MtlU.I. Nl•P A-.:1 a...a. T••tii1 ing tv.·o years for un authorized •"4 S•• f'r• ..... use of a motor vehicle, \Vas SUNDAY, S!PT. 29Hl WEWPOITH SHM' la un c h ed when his ll07Jnl••rHl4,M:,_,...,..._. SAU STAITS 2,... IM,....cH.h9 I p.a. grandmother released his let· TMNS:Chll.CMc.1i.M.-c" ters. Mrs. Stafford said the ' AUCOR INTH:N AT!OM4L 12 Ill 9t0-Z9 I 0 convicts charged! should be INTl:llS H>I MUIE AUCT1 "IN~ MOW tEIWQ. ACClnED .. punished in a rough \vay." !~=====,,....-------------=~ Robert Dycus y,•as found "YOU KNOW, ROGER'S hanged in his cell Sept. 12 death wasn't easy and l think and prison officials first ruled they should get the same the death a suicide. But treafrneiil,'' she said. Kids_Lil{e 1'o _c\~k AnrJy Dycus, 19. had written hisf-;::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:=========:; grandmother, Bessie Stil{ford or Tulsa, that his life had been threatened. "THEY'LJ. KILL me and make it look like an accident," one letter said. Public ~~~ SWW·K IS und ergoing clinical trials in American pa- tients, pending FDA approv al ror marketin~ as a prescrip- tioh drug in the United States. Chargl'd with second-degree murder were Johnny Clint \Vigg ins, 23, Mimmie Lee Blevins, 25, and Richard McLish, 42. \Viggins and Blevins previously pleaded guilty to man s l aug hter charges in coMection with cell mate deaths . -AUCTION Pare1ataf lf l'••oar . " , I Lit-tle Eyes See X -movies j • SAN DIEGO-(AP) -Some parents are linJng their win- dows with aluminum foil. Others keep their children in- doors at night. Their fear is not a roving st rangler but sexy movies shown occasionally at the Santee Drive-In Theater. said Supervisor Dick Brown. :·A guy could drive off the road looking at that stuff," added Board chairman Lou Conde. Some officials said a sol.u- ti?IJ m~ lie tn e new kind of ~. which is to be in-' . troduced in Los Angeles m the fall.., which prevent& those not on drive-in lots from seeing the movie. THE FAMILY CIRCUS ' The drug is designed to replace the potassium lost by patients taking diuretics for fluid loss. Some medical ex· perts say orange juice and bananas achieve the same result. The investigation into the death of Dycus, ~·ho was serv- Tulane University merucal Ahorti'on professor J. Gilbert McMahon , a Ciba vice president for three years, confirmed that it was Suit Filed he who tipped the FDA May 26, 1972 of company studies showing that Slow-K caused •• Bahv Born gastric ulcers in Monkeys. J CIBA APPLIED to the FDA SACRAMENTO (AP) - A • FRIDAY, SAllJRDAY, SUNDAY •t 8 P.M. Bargains on Fine Crystal. S terling Silver. Po~celains. Orientaf Objects d'Art. Paintings. J ewelry. Antiques, Bronzes, Furniture, S elect Indian Turquoise ... $1,000.000 INVENTORY From Estates. Courts, Out-Of-Pawn, C usto ms Seizures. etc. VISrTORSI Come and .tee whatfunan AUCTION can bef ' • ,._ IN ITS LATEST st c p against Che "menace," the San Diego O:lunty Board o f Supervisors !his week ..-dered PlaMing Commission hearings on adding , an X-rated film ban to special ~ permits issued to drlve·ins in untn- corporated areas. 11 By .BU Keane Aug. rt, 1971 for pennission Sacramento mother is suing to co n du c t experimental local doctors because, she studies with the drug prior says, she gave bi r t h to a to seeking marketing aP, baby boy after they asmrred proval. het they ~rformed an abor- FREE ADMISSION! ,, .-, . ... . More than 800 residents of the suburban Santee-Lakeside area petitioned the supcl'visors to act against X-rated films. But Supervisor Jim Bear. who voted against the move. said it amounted to "en- tering the cemonhip busi- ness." "PEOPLE IN THE area have been in touch w1th me, saying they have to keep their children away from windows, · keep them indoors. even some of them ha ve to line their windows With tinfoil to keep the movles out of the vl~W Of their children 's bedrooms." "Why do you weor 1he~ glosses, Daddy? Every1hing looks funny through 'em ." 1.icfl.tahon, who apent eif>t 0&ndra c. Hastings said in years with drug companies the lawsuit-that she went to and 24 years in clinical Dr. Thomas Slaughter Sept. pharmacology 8nd h u m a n 28, 1973 for a therapeutic abor- research, erriphasized that he tion. She said she was told was appearing under subpoena the operation had worked, an d and that he had no ax to was assured in foll owup ex- wilh the FDA or the phar-aminations Oct. l2 and Nov. maceutical industry. 15 that she "-'38 no longer The Ciba monkey studies pregnant. had been per!onned by Dr. She said she didn't-learn Albert Earl iD early 1965. He that the abortion failed until left aba in 1969 afler 21 years Dec. 28 and by then it w,as with the firm. too late to end the pregnancy INTRODUCED INTO the safely. The child was born bearing record "'as a memo,_Ma_y_L ___ ~-~--i prepared for, but never signed r--::;::--.:-:':a tiy, Dr: J.-Ricbanl Crout, then director of the FDA's omee of Spiequ:q'l E v .a I u a t i o n , reoommendlng that legal :ac- tion be considered against Ciba for not submitting the monkey studies. ·s ~ \ .. ~~ T_,_ ~--"'' 0!1'8111 642-1753 AvaiJ&bte the first ti 1ne. · eCou••t, I ·1 • • flEXT EXIT. • ,- ... across the street from seven of the Southland's mosr elegant wa terfront res rouronts! HOURS ' Inspection & Priuore Sales 2·4 P.M. & 7-8 P.M. Daily Closed Wednesday & Thursday ., AUCTIONS HELD EV£llY FRIDAY. SAllJRDAY, SUNDAl'. ot 8 P.M. USE YOU R BANKAMERICARD. • MA STIOR OlARGE, PERSONAL CHECK OR CASH .2542 West Coan Highway Newport Beach. Callfor.ni11 92660 (714) 645-2200 ' WE BVV FOR CASH OR SELL ON COMMISSION WHOLEESTATESORSINGLEn-EMS Saturday, Sept. 28th. 1 t ' • -" --_. , , ··-1 Hundreds of spectacular values will be offered on our gorgeous climate ' controlled mall. Don 't miss this! 'About the only thing that hasn'I changed ls the -Send for your detailed, easy-to·reod, ....... 4 'f i)• I I ' I " ' , . " ' ~1 ,,.,,., .,, 't I' I ; ' ' . " ' ' ' • Prior to May 13th, Orange County. Transit buses went os for south os Loguno. A~pr that you were10n your ~wnr Nqw there's comple te ~rvice throug"hout Southern Orang• County. From la Habia to Son Clemente 7•da~s k I --a wee. ' 3"5 minutes separates tfowntown SontO Ano frOm Leisure World and Laguna Hiiis Moll. Or go tlirough \agd1a Beach to Gonnect wilh the two different routes d9Wn o San Clemente. And lhe lrequehcy of bu;es ls 1he some.as it is throughout the rest of Otgnge County. AU exls~ng routes throug hout Orange County have been improved, loo. And,' from July 7 lo Sept. 29, Sunday bus servi(e will be tested. unning on S01urday sc~<f\Jles. If Tt works, OCTD will stay open every Su nday. Excepl holidays. quarter fore. And the free transfers. • now bus schedule~ Ride OCTD. Wll get you there. CM•r.i•coJNn~C#litMli I for,i~![oo ;;;-~h;;1;-;ndfh~"j;;to0CTO,b° ¥8, .f I S~rtlO Ano, Colllornto 92702. or <:oU 17141 ~7-6004. I I ""'' I l Sa,,ta "ria"' J Ill .! El • N WGUNA ':~.~·.' HlhhS .... ~~ I AOO<i.So I I CllV ~ ZIP I MAhh • • ·-. I s.-....i11_... I -L------------~ M SPf:tlM.lY &HOl't. llJf'l'WS. SIEA.AI AMD Al""4A 91El~ IAN OltOO fAf:IEWAY ,l,f El f~lllO. , ) " . r . . I , I ,• I • 11 • I A f u•IL I PILOT For the Record Dissolution Of Marriage Deatlis . Elsewliere ~ PETOSKEY, Mirh. (UPI) - John · U.niag:ton, 66-year-0ld veteran radio and television _ .J>Ol'90llallly, died Tuesday in " ~ McDonald Hospital t llfler a lol'I! Illness. Harrington in • earlier years was with WBBM and the CBS network In Chicago where be wa.s a .a sports broadcaster in radio and telOftslon. • " ..... - • • Jp!.LA (AP) -MermiliN services were held tocl"1 far retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Bctb E. Nowland 83, -earned his wings in Italy 8' an Anny pilot in World War I. He died Sept. II. EDZELL, SCotland (AP) - '!'be Doke ol Rou.rpe, 61, a Scottish multimilllonalre, I. :?iled Thursday. 'l'be head of l-1he Clan Ker owned an 11~ actt estate ~ was an avid sporisman. 1 '?l D~iath l\'otfees ' • • 'MIUCICU & ION I WU'ICLlff ~y '427 E. 17th St., O»la Mt'o 646--4888 -·-IMtz.IBGEllOH l'UMllAL HOME Corona del Mor 673-94.50 /Cosio Me'a 646-2424 -·-BILL llOADWAY MOllTUAllY 110 B1ocx:lwoy. CO\ro Me~. b42·9150 -·-DILDAY .. OTHllS MOITUAllY 1791 1 Beoch Blvd. Hunlinglon Beoc.h 842.n71 24 4 Red<mdo Ave. long Beach (2 13) 438--1145 -·-McCORMICK lAGllNA , HACH MOITUAllY 1795 Logvna Conyon lld. 49·4.9415 -·-McCORMICK MllllON MOITUAIY 28832 Comlno Copi~trono Son Juan Copi~trono 49.S.1 776 -·-PAClflC VIEW MIMOllAL PAIK Cemelery MorTIKIJY Cha"" 3500 Pocilic View Orive Newport 8eoch, Colilor n1(1 644-.2700 -·-PllK FAMILY COLONIAi. FUNllAI. -HOMI 7801 io15C ""-·· W1JolmlMter . 893.3525 -·-IMmfl' MOllT\MllY 621 Mo,n St. \_ H11111ingi1on Beoch 336-6539 Fnda,, Stpttmbfr 27, iq14 UC Irvine Doctor Tells " I Of Chil,d Brain Control The ablllty to control Ihe brain development <4 children will be pol&!ble In the 21st century. 'I'tl.b was one of several predictions mode by UC Irvine poydlOlliologist Dr. J a mes McGaugh in an orieotatloD lecture t_o new studeats this weet. McOaugb brought students up to date on the lllate ol brain research and then made several predictioos on what !Cientitts ol the future will be able to do. He said tbat it would be possible for parents to control selectively the development o( their children -for example, by having the right side of Youth Suing Over Attack SANTA ANA - A Hun- tlngtoo Beadi man who was ol minor Oil• -be alleged- ly :was attacked ood beaten in a Juveoile Hill hol~ cell has oued Orange Qxmty end a number of 4Xber juveniles for $100,000. Mark A. Nichols. II, of 21642 .Polynesian Lane, claims in his Superior O>tzrt action that ~igerre by sheriff's officers pmmitted otne< juveniles to attack him. the brain stlmulaled tbe child would acquire musical talents or to have a sexy child the hypothalamus co u I d be stimulated. He said such stimulations coold be glV<n ooon after birth but !Uggestod !hat It VIOUld be possible to have plastlc surgery of the brain later in ur. If the oppo<tunlty was missed at an early age '- "juot like having your teeth fixed ." "Parents mig!Jt go to a doc· tor and say, 'Our child is 15 but he isn't amountbl( to anything, can you tum 'him on to music?' " McGaugh cm- jectured. He DOied that research had established that aninlals could be · made to forget an ex· perience so long as the treat· ment occurred soon aft.er the event. "Some people might like that, especially alter ~des are posted," he quip- ped. Scientists in the next cen- tury also would be able to give treatmEns that woold improve the memory or people and in thi s way senility might be retarded. But McOaugh warned that he could see a danger of alxlse, saying that brain sur1ery might not stop at treatment for an ailment but mliht be uoed as an ID- S.named of social control. An eDmple, he said, would be po)'<holllll'lel')I on lllooe j prone to violence to rutb their auresaton. Many .technique s of ~ are already being practicod, be said. Re!Uming to the ablltty to d e ·v e I op· muaically.fncllned cb.lldren, McGaugh 1ald1 "1'm oot convinced It's the prerogative cl. pll'e!Q to 11y tbelr cillld lh>Jld b I V e musical abWty." Valley Man Sentenced For Drugs SANTA ANA -A Fountain Valley man woo odmllted In the courtroom that he sold dangerous drugs bu been sentenced to ooe year In Orange County Jail. Superior Oourt J u d g e Everett W. Dickey ordered the jail tenn for Stephen Paul Holdsworth, 2Z, ol 171i82 Locust SI., and pla<ed tl>e defemlant on five yean pn>batlon. Holdsworth pl,aded guilty In drug charges filed m his .... rest by Foontaln Valley police last Man:h ~ · afte< oelllng drug• described by ~ officers as higbly dangerous. 'IU••i11's Health Fair FREE HEALTH TESTS DAILY • E.K.G. • Grip strength tests • Blood pressure ocreening • Breath Analyzer • Pulmonary function • Reaction time test and others WEIGHT LECTURES: Friclay, September 27th 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. -~:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Saturday, tseptember 28th 11 :00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. .TEST TIMES: Thursday and Friday, September 26th and 27th 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. . Satqrday and Sunday, September 28lh and 29th 12:00 noon to ~:00 p.m. Fitn.., and Diet Director Mike Turin r .. lizes that &OOd health is the basic Ingredient in an attractive, fashionable appearance. So .•. tor 4 days Mike, the Wastmln1ter Mall and numerout hoopltal1, health ind fitn!SI agencies are offerinc test&,.lectures and coun· aellng ••• to help oolve your weiaht and health probl•""- 4 days ••• Thunday, September ~Slh through Sunday, September 29th JJ,,.- • •• and it'sall FREEll i A Visit Wastmlnster Mall.-•• the 4-diy public clinic ••• for __ . a healthier, hippier and more (• ~ !Mhlonable you! WeStminster Mall , The Best of Everything Place/ San Diego Freeway at Bo)la Avenue Seus, May Co,., •.nd other fin e stores c::::" \ ' ( ,,.._ PRESCRIPTIONS Prescriptions to be filled? For convenient service, stop at the Treasury prescription de- partment. By the way, do you need new shoes, clothes for the kids, toothpaste, hair spray or as- pirin? Shop for all your needs while your pre- scriptions are being filled. Make your , one stop at the Treasury, ·the complete shopping center under one root . . -. 1U8CA PAU: Beach at Orangethorpe • Open weekdays 10 lo 9:30. Sundays 10 lo 6. . OUHfH: City Dr. al Garden Grove Blvd. • Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6. ' SANYA AHA: 390(LSo. Brislol-No. of So. Coast Plaza..• OPfJn weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 lo 6. ' .. . ... \) I ,.• .,... ' • .. ' l· • ~ :: ... Friday, Stpten1ber 27, 1~74 1AILV PI LOT A 9 . Smt· Filed questio1as a11d A11s tve1•s In Death County Transit ·Detailed 0£ Boy' 4 A special cllizens lransil study learn , has drafted a list of quest.ions and SANTA ANA -.\ Costa aMwers about Orange County's transit h1esa couple Whose four-yenr· system that could be called "Everything old son died Inst Aug. 23 when You Always Wanted to Know About a heavy auto repair vise fell Tran.sit but Were Too Confused to Ask ." on top of. him in a neighbot.·'s 'lbe flna nt'e and cost analysis ta sk garage sued the owntrK and force of the ·traMit CUAf.ri ct's t.'iti~ns' occupants of the nearby pro~ Advisory Commlnee Unveiled the Ust ert.y 'Ibursday for SI milllo'(t at a general meeting of the group in Named as defendants in the Anaheim Wednesday. Orange County Superior Court Task Force chainnan Leland Ollver action filed by 'Gerald B. and 88id !he questions and answers are those Jo Ann Dietz, 2474 Bristol St., most often asked by the gene ral public are Merrill E.. and Marge and should be · publicized to get the Swenson, ownerroHhe-i»me-disttictis-message across,~- at 2472 Bristol, and occupants Oliver said many different qucslions Joel Swenson, Phillip Thomas. have been asked but the major ones Steven Thomas and Richard were si ngled out fo r more . detailed Blngty. ansy;·ers. THE PLAINTIFFS state that lhe death of thei r son; Matthew Bernard Dietz, 4. was the clirect result of negligence by each defendant. They state that the Swenson home next door was attractive to children because. of tbe auto repair work carried out there and its bill iards table and no attempt \\'35 made to keep children away from t h e premi~. Questions and answers a~t COWlly transit planning include : Q. What is the chance the county's populatlon.,,will not grow to the 2.5 million figure the transit district predicts for 1990? i A. Population projections of the district are based on an adjustable range of from two to 2.5 million and the planning will respond to that range. Some funds could be saved if figures fall below that. Q. Was the recent survey of countians' attitudes toward transit valid? A. Th.is wa.s a stati!tical, valid survey based on a ran<l.<Jll sample ol 1,800 people. Gallup Poll uses only l,400 na· tionwlde. Q. What percentage ol the county's population will be within a five-block radius or the transit syslem of the future? A. Between 90 and 95 percent If the district has a saturatioh bus syste1n, high-speed corridors and door-to-destina· lion Dial·a·Ride. Q. What type of transit could people be expected to use most? ' A-;-20 percent of count-ians \vould _use. a high-speed mass transit system, ac- cording to survey. Figure Is usually only 10 percent for conventional transit. Q. Arc the estimated costs of the syste1n 001v envisio ned (about $2 billion by 1990 J in line with those for other systems? A. Cost estimates were developed by consultants using other systems as guides. Q. Can rarebox revenues be increased to improve the pay-as-you-go COflCCpt of transit? A. They could be but it is expected that patronage would decline as fares increased. thus rendering the Increase useless. Q. What happens If federal lundin.g .. is not available for transit? A. The district is c~rtain federal funds will be available in enough quantity to pay for at least 50 percent of the St billion ca pital <..'Qsts of 'the system. Jn the event it is nol , progress y;•ould merely be slower. Q. If the sales lax increase on November's ·ballot fails, v.·here would the district get funds for transit. ~· All other funding sources -proper- ty tax. f1.'Clcra\ grants etc. -would continue but progress on a system of the future would be much sloYiCr. Q. \Vould a combination of motor vehi- cle tax and gasoline tax deter the use of cars in the county and provide new revenue? A. It is hard to determine the effect such taxes \\'OU!d have but it will.Id not appear there would be substantial revenue collected. Q. \Vhat kind of syslen1 "·opld Southern California have if the sales tax passed in Orange County and failed in Los Angeles County { \rhich is posing a similar transit ballot measure). A. The total system \\'OUld develop more slowly, depending at first largely on regualr buses instead of advanced teclinology. • Prices Effective Satbrday, Sept. 28th~Sunday, Sept._.~9th, 1974 I . SAV~ 12• CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS "' lol'lg lasting, quick-sterling. Greer for the cod or hot weother. ng.79' SAVE 20% BRUSHED CHINO BOOTS Keep in step with our brushe d chino ·boots. We have this moc toe favorite in brushed split le ather, crepe soled. t1oys-l09-ll.Hto 12.H NOW 9.59 to I 0.39 Me n'• Hi1~ loots ••1· 16.99 NOW13.59 HAVE A COFFEE BREAK . . frt (o.-creomr •licious cherry chff•• coke ond cof• t ... Cofeterio. ' ' SAVE 4.00 SHOP LIGHT Ut ility-lite. Comp letely assembled, plug-in-type 48" complete with l'omps, 3 prong plug. 13. 99 . Reg. 17.99 SAVE 1:49 METAL FOOTLOCKER Many colors to choose from. Reg. 9.99 " :SAV·E 1.00 NYLON· MESH JERSEY Ava ilable-in gold & green. Sizes l, M, S. In sporting· .go<,>ds dept.. 4.99 SAVE 2.00 8" MENS BOOT Boot with dura ble vinyl upper. shank. Oil resistant outsole. 7.99 Reg. 9.99 • a.4A. PAM: 8eed'l 1t Oran;elhorpe • Open weekdays 10 to 9:30. Sund1ys 10 to 8 . C.:•Mtl: City Dr. at G1~en Grove Blvd. •()pen weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6. • SN«A AMA: 39QO &,, Bristol-No. Of So. Colst Plaza •Open weekdays 10 lo 9. SundayS 10 to 8. . ' It' - -,J '· . I •J ' muriei' ste vens takes the mystery out ol mousses, the sighs. oul ol scuffles, th e doldrums out . 1 ol dinner ... what's •. her sec ret? she ·cooks with love; ... the .... muriel stevens show ~COMMUNITY 3 -CABLEVISION New port Btach ·~ Monday, Wedntsd•v Sr Friday 7:00 to 7 :30 P.M. Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 to 10:30 A.Mi 6:00 to 6:30:P.M. SAVE76• BOOSTER SEAT Give your tot his own comfortable choir.- Colorful print vinyl. 1, .. .., •• 4.99 SAVE 1.00 MEN'S 5-PACK SOCK 88% cotton, 12°/o nylon crew sock. Shi1e. 2.99 ..cPemey , 123 \56 189 0 9 .....,...,.,.,;. -··-·--·--CHAAGE IT 11 The Treasury '· . with your JCPenney Charge Caird II you don't have a charge._.. · Jusl see how fast we can open up yqur n.'!W accoUnt. • • l ... .. .. • • ~ff OM. V PILOT Friday, S.ptemt>er 27, 1974 WBte~beds Now • 'Falnily Mfah:-• ., -. ,. -~ "' Over T he Counter HASO UofloCJ• SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -Waterbeds are shedding th~r far-out image and floating their v.•ay into the bedroom~ of middle America, manutacturen; say. · , But for .customers.who.expect.something more fr.om a waterbed than a good night's sleep, the industry still of{W} plenty of gimmicks, including a new canopy frame with overhead mirrors that retalls fo r $500. THE MlRRO R MODEL, plus a new watercrlb and hospital water bed, all were on display this week at the • Second ~nnual Waterbed Trade show here. tt w•s a chance for wholesalers to s how orr the T current state of what they say is a fast.growing, . SSO-million·a·year business. Prices ranged from $150· to $500 and most models came equipped with a heater .and rrame. Cranston _Urges Fr.rel Conswnption Cutback_ WASHINGTON tAPl "That should be our im· Sen. Alan Cranston. CD-mediate answer to the 300 Ca lift,) has called for mas· percent price 'rise in oil sive government action to from the Organization of cut fuel consumption as the Petroleum Exporting Coua. first step in controlling in-tries over the past year and ftation . the threat of still another l6 President Ford should percent' price hike next back: up his warning to January.".he said. oil-producing nations by Cranston presented a long \'exerting the full power list of recommendations for and persuasion of the dealing with the current federal government to cut economii-sitnalion. He cal· the annual rise in the rate of · led on the Admin1."itration to Juel consumption in the present Congress v.•ithin the United States by SO percent" next two weeks a coor- he said. dinated action program to ' . . i'LYTO ,.AND FROM L.A. ONAL AIRPOKr ............ . r.tcw: J1 t•ap1f1t1l'11c1 1t ............. _.a... ...... CW,--........ ' ii i __..... .. _.._ •• M M ............ _,· •••••• I ...... CWK ..... LH ........ c,., ....... o.a. ......... ......_ ... w Ll.0.\11!' lllllUVfi ,Ll FlllO 5:4SA 6:20A 101 Molu 6:15A 6:SOA 187 Tu We Th 6:25A 6:SOA 103 Mo 6:30A 1:05A 105 FrSaStl 1:00A 7:3SA 109 E11..Molu. 7:10A 7:35A 111 Molu 7:30A 8:0SA 119 Fr 7:AOA 8:0SA 117 MoSISU 7:AOA 8:1SA 193 TuWtTh 8:00A 1:3SA 123 Fr 8:15A 8:401\ 12S EJ:.FrSI t :30A 9:0SA 129 ex.Mo 8:«1A 9:0SA 131 Nto 9:30A !O:OSA TJS Ex. Fr 10:20A 10:55A 195 We 10.:JOA 10:55A 1l7 EJC.WeSa IO:lOA 11 :0SA 197 Sa. 11:lSA 12:10P 141 W.ThFtS. 11:..oA 12:0SP 1•l MoT11Su. 1Z;$0P t:ZSP 147 Dally 1::S5P 2:30P 1•9 Dally From Los Angeles '>TOP.;; 1,.E-o\\lli! lllllllVE f"Ll ~llLO ~10~ 1 6:3SA 7:00A 304 Mo Tu 0 1 7:00A 7:2SA m Fr 0 0 7:10A 7:3SA 310 Ex.Fr 0 1 7:1SA 7:SOA 312 Fr 1 1 7:4SA 8:10A 316 Ell:. Fr Sa 0 0 8:00A 8:25.6{318 Ex.Mo 0 1 8:1QA 8:3SA 322 Mo fl 0 8:SOA 9:25A 326 Tu We 1 , l :SOA 9:1SA 328 Mo Th Sa SU 0. 1 9:4SA 10:101\ 306 We 0 0 9:SSA 10:20A 330 ex, We Q I 11 :0SA 11 :30A 334 Diiiy 0 0 12:0SP 12:40P 338 OiiilY l t 1:10P 1:4SP ~O Daily 1 1 l :SSP 2:3QP ~2 Dally 1 0 3:'20P 3:SSP ~4 MoWesa 1 1 3:2SP 3:SOP ~6 TuTbFrSl.I ,•. 1 . A:15P •:SOP 3SO E.x.S& 0 t-..-:1SP 4;40P 352 S. o· 1 •:5SP 5:30P 356 TU 1 1 --S:lOP-l:•SP 390-Ex.--TuS.-1 ''The waterbcd imuge is derinitely changing -it's no -longer a fad,'' said Robert C. Miller, vice president and general manager of Safeway Products,· a Middletown. CD~n,.lirml !hot IJ1'k~• e)~~lr~~ic equipment, airplane de cers. and -since 1971 w.a terbed heaters.· snuggled on a "'alerbcd. ••We 're becoming Middle American. Wt're encroaching on u vast new market,'' said Bruce Matdonald...m ar.k~ti~g_ dH':~ctor, f~r ~~e w.hol~sale f!rm of Water and Air Eft!menls or Los Angeles, Wtilcli claims a 20 percent share of the national market with :;ales of just under SlOmillion last rear. ''AT 1',lRST, THE TVPJCAL waterbcd ad showed a young coupfe half-clad under a leopard skin," ~tiller said. "No\v it's something tor the whole family," lttiller said one million families bought waterbcds in 1973. Said Steve Lcgris, head of \Voodstock Furniture Atanufacturing Co . in Long Beach, Which makes the mirrored waterbed: "IT'S T llE NEW LOOK, the new concept. These things jack up your sex life-for sure-but it's not Just :.for newly,veds, it's older people who are getting into Safeway's brochure, entitled "The Waterbed : A Family Affair." features a cover photo of a mother and · father with three childi;en and the-family cat :tll them." · FINANCE control inrlation ••and stave off a full -scale recession." l~is suggestions included energy. conservation measures, hous ing as- sistance, easing o( thf Federal Reserve Board:\ tight money policy. boosting of ta:t revenues while granting tax relief to those in lower income brackets. National Safety Pane l 80 Investigations of Car Defects Under Way in U.S. Capitol News Service SACRAMENTO -There are more than 80 in- vestigations being conduc- ted by the National High· v.-·ay Traffic Safety Ad· ministration into alleged defects found on automobiles now touring th,e nation's highways and expressways. Owners have reported several instances of engine fires, for example, on five different foreign auto makes which, it is alleged. were caused by leaks in the pressurized fue l systems. . , According· to spokesmen 'from the U.S. Department of Transportation, these in· Edison Blames Cost on Fuels vestigations are' conducted promptly so all reports can be concluded \Vithin a 60· day period. An example are t\VO in· vestigations -one on a Toyota Land Cruiser "'here heater hoses ""ere repor· tedly too close to the gas tank, and another on the ~N HIGH GEAR) Jeepster Commando of American ritotors because of an alleged rear brake lockup causin g loss of vehicle conlrol. Jn addition to the study of fuel injection systems on ritcrcedes-Benz, Saa.b, Volvo, Porsche-Audi and Renault, investigations are being conducted into: · LOS ANGELES (A~ --Overloading of suspen- Southern California Edison sion systems on all travel Co. has blamed rising low· trailers; Sulfur fuel costs for an -Inadequate protection average 43 percent increase offered by motorc cle * in electricity rates between h I 1 y National Aeronautics and e me s; d . . . Junel973and J unel974. F .1 11 d Space A m1n1strat1on ~~-· .... ._ _ _ .· -· -a1 ure to. mee .oa (NASA) and th e U.S. E"ll 1 S'b ft ~ :re'S I ~entt :rt t.tl:tirrg·on 7-vanety-'Of ·Jack4 ·-Department ·-of· -'F-renspor customers pa1~ an 1ncr~~sc stands; talion (DOT) are doing a of 35 per~ent 1n ~lectnc!tY _ p 0 we r 5 teer in g joint study aimed at pos-rates~ while the hike for in-problems on '69-'73 Cadil-sible fuel savings through dust.rial customers wa~ 66 lacs. improved automotive percent. the company said. dynamics . MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS ~MERCEDES BENZ- Almost all makes and models of automobiles are- now being tested by Nl~TSA for one alleged defect or another -inspections covering from failing hood latches to jamming of car· buretor5. * The objective js to validate experimentally the reduction in air drag which can be achieved by add-on devices or minor desi11n I J c han ges in today's ·M· UTUAL FUNDS automobiles. ._ __________________ __. Sales • Service • Leasing · 21701,MAAGUEAITE PARKWAY 495--1700 MISSION VIEJO 131·1740 s-.... fwf. to • ....., Pt.wy ..... rtipt -Ma: flilrtt. General Motors is still having its problems \vith the Wankel •·rotary'' engine reports Bob Lund, Detroit editor of 1\{otor. the mechanics' trade journal. Ba1ikrupt Bids Filed In County Hew York -Fol DlllEYl'l.IS GltP' JOMN HANCOCK : JA•-v F 1.CIO 1,00 1-'119 11 a 1111 o Or~ fcl 1.4 I. &1'1111 FO lt .... 11.,1 lle>Ttl F •.GJ 4 • .0 lliiol -a1ked prl E Fcl J." l . GrwU• ' 31 •.JS S.IK Eo 1.1• S.JS ct1 on Mulua Or l.V '.1110. ~I s.ro t . S.trc;o G •.OJ •.n """'n juolt<S II Dl'yf 1..A 10.00 ... Kl'f'STONI!: KUDDllt ,.OS: U'le NASO nc.. SO lnc:m S.tl •· 0.1 61 16.tS 17.•2 l11lr l11w ,,12 '·12 TlllotnUy lrcl Cini '·'° J.11 Clill 112 1 .. ,, 11.tl S.lanc M.U 11.SS SotsMHnbtf U , 1tJt E&E Mw 2.Jl J.11 Qat M t.~ 1 11 (.om 6.lt 6.lt IOO A1k El4ilt Gt S.26 s.r C:..I Kl S.42· s .... *<al 16.1116.11 ....., Gw 3.11 J.•1 U TOM & 061 K2 l.SS :J.lt Lt• I.st J.M lldm Inc: J.tO 3.11 HOWAlt D: Cl.ill SI 11.ll U. lCl.lfllTY :<OS: ....,...,. lr!i t.11 J,JS a.t11 FO t .S. J.I 0.1 U t.ll t . Equilr J.lli t.ff MvlWt' l .ott 3.11 c;o..AI\ F 1.'M Cuti SJ •.SS '· ln¥fll ,_ .. S.• Aellle Fd t ,91 S.lJ Inc.mt •.~S S.1 Cll$1 Sol 2.0l 2 l.lltr1 ~ -.1' 4.11 ~,.,. In 10.JS 11.1$ !ipK;f F 4.1, 4. Apollo 1.ll 111 SILICTIED l'Dl: Atut11,. S.01 S.DJ Slc~ Fd t .Jt J. "'elw1 2 ... 2.1! Am SN 5.0. t.O. AGE Fd l .5' J.tS EDU; So 11.JS 11.J nkkf •.14 '·~ Opp Fd S.SJ t.tt 2!.0P 3:1SP 151 Dally •:OOP 4:25P 155 E•.llo •:05P 4:40P 1S7 Mo 1 6:00P 6 :2SP 151 ThFrsa 0 0 6:00P 6 :lSP l60 MoTuWe 1 'co· st~-d n11" The following persons • a a ~ia!..---~--11-h•ve-IHed-peW.ions.-lo Atl"•le .... J.11 ~Pk:{!' 7.tO I. flllr Gtll •.SJ S.01 5pl" Slv1 ,.DJ ,,CIJ AapM.E'----J'.62-LJl L.t..JO _L..1.. l-t.U-1.U•----Amc.tp f' 2.t9 l.U Enerqy -1.u---ca; Elk 10.M 11.:M ,., F t.Ol ,,If 4:55P S:711P 191 StJ 5:1lOP S:JSP 159 E•.SI 5;.0P 6:15P 161 Tu 5:55P 6:20P 16l Ex. TuSI 6!l5P 7:00P 167 Th FtS. 6:4SP 7:10P 169 MoTuWC!> 7:JOP 7:S5P 173 Th Fr sa 7:lSP 8 :\0P 175 MoTuWeSU 7!SSP 8:'20P 177 Th Fr l:XIP 8:S5P 181 E•.SU 8:30P t :OSP 199 Su l'f :20P 9:A5P 185 TuWt>.ThFr t :-45P IO:lOP 189 Su To Los AllCJeles '"""' , ...... • Ser"-9 DI_,._. 1 6:SOP 7:2SP 396 Su 1 0 6:SSP 7:20P 364 T_.hFrScl 0 1 6:SSP 7:30P 366 MoTuWe 1 1 7:'20P 7:4SP 370 Tl't Fr 0 0 7:SOP 1 :25P 386 MoTuSu 1 0 7:SSP 8:2QP 372 We Th Ft SI 0 0 1:3SP 9 :10P 398 Mo Tu Th 1 0 &:ASP 9:10P 376 We Fr SI 0 I, 9:00P. 9:3SP J78 Su 1 0 9:AOP 10:0SP 312 Tu SI 0 0 9:40P"10:15P 38• ~ThR'Su 1 -J 10!20P IO:•SP 388 Ex.StJSu 0 • I From Los .Angeles ,.;... .... . S-i19tDiwwwtt-J lE~VI! ll•111vt ~lt •RlO ~'TllPS ll"AV£ #IRR!VE flT ••EO ""' 6:00A •:?OA 101 Molu • 6:2QA 6:3SA JO? Mo • 6:30A 6:SOA 181 TuWeTh • 6:S5A 7:10A. 412 Fr • 6:40A 6:SSA 101 Mo • 7:00A 7:1SA JOI MoTu • 6:ASA 7 :OSA TOS Fr Sa 5'J 0 7:15A 7:JOA 312 Fr • 7:1SA 7:JSA 109 E•.Molu • 7:1SA 7:40A 314 MoSu • 7:20A ?:JS.A 115 Mo Tu • 8:001\ 8:15A 320 Mo • 7:45A l :OOA 121 MoSu • 8:2!1\ 8:40A 324 Mo • 7:4SA l :OSA 119 Fr • 8:50A 9:0SA 326 Tuwe • 7:SSA i :lSA 193 TuWc Tb • 10:20A lO:lSA 332 MoSu • t :OOA 8:1SA·i111 Sa • lO:'ZOA lO:lSA 41 Sa • l :ISA l :lSA 123 Fr • 11:2SA ll:IOA ll6 MoTuSu • 1:20A l :JSA 127 Mo • 12:0SP 12:20P 338 Daily • l :I SA 9:00A 13J Mo 0 1:10P 1:2SP 340 Dally • 1:4SA 9:0SA 129 EJ.Mo • 1:SSP 2: IOP 342 Q.JHy • 9:4SA IO :OSA \JS Ex. Fr • 3:20P 3:3SP 344 MoWeS. 0 IO:l SA 10 :S5A 19S We • 3:2S P 3:40P J.48 TuThFrSu • tlO:•OA lO:SSA ll' Mo5u 0 A:ISP 4:30P 350 E•.Sii 0 10:.SA ll:OSA 197 ~a • 4:SSP 5: IOP :JS. Tu • )!):.SOA 11 :OSA 203 l II Fr 0 S:1J)P 5:2SP 390 Ex. TuS. • 11:•SA 12 :00N 11s Morusu • 6:00P 6:1SP 3t.Cl Mo Tu We • 11:SOA 12 :10P 141 We111Fr$.I 0 6:0SP 6;20P 3'1 Tl\ Fr • 12:SOP. 1:05P 24S Dally • 6.SOP 7;0SP 396 Su ' ' 1:05P T:2SP 147 011ily 0 6:S5P 7:10P 366 MoTuWO 0 l.:IOP 2:30P 149 Daily 0 7:00P 7:1SP 368 lhFr •• 2:SSP 3:1SP ISi O.Uy • 7:SOP l :OSP 386 MoTuSU .0 3:4SP 4:00P 15l Ex.MoWeSa • 8:00P 8:1SP 374 we·Tt1Fr-•• 4:20P •:40P 157 Mo 0 8:3SP !l :SOP 391 MoTullt • 4:)0P J :OSP m We Th Fr 0 8:SOP 9:0SP ao Fr 0 5:1SP S:35P 1S9 Elf.SI • 9:00P 9:1SP J/a Su • 5:SSP 6:1SP 161 ~u • 9:~P 9:20P 4SO We 0 6:2SP 6:40P 165 l't Fr 0 9:20P 9:3SP .. 86 Mo Tu • 7i05P 7:20P 29S Ex.Sa Su 0 9:40P 9:SSP· 38• We Th Fr Su • 7:'20P 1:3SP 111 Tl'tFr • 7:SOP 1:10P 115 MoluWeSu • 8:20P" 8:3SP 179 WeTn Fr 0 1:•5P t :OSP 199 S11 ' 9:10P f :2SP 1&3 Fr • 9:20P 9·3SP 193 E•.S.511 • OtO'AaIO·FUl.UltTOM l t•vE ,. •• lvt f LT ,.(Q $lClf'S 7:AOA 7:SSA :z<IT Sa 0 10:30A 10:4SA ~J Th Fr 0 12:JOP 12:.aSP 245 o.llY 0 •:30P 4:4SP 29t We Th fr 0 6 ~45 P 7:00P 795 E•.SISu 0 9:00P 9:1SP 2'3 Ex.Si!l11 0 Fer ..........+iCNt Qftd l eHrVOtioftl C.i! Yow y,., .. 11'9"1-..- Goldoft Wtsl .Airlillts 979 ... 000 __ ~ ~ bankruptcy in Santa Ana Am Blrtll •.ts 10.loO F.tlrtld S.ll S IEX GftOUP':. lll•HLD GIP' : Am OW1 5.11 •. JS Fm 811•• s.• s. 41 l..t9r 10.SI 11 .W Gotntt J.loO old frie'nctJS• baCkwteth a FederalCourto . IANtl:EltS DATA D~ CALIP'OWNIA: ' INC.. :IOU fled Hiii A .... , Colli Mrs.&. : Ll•Dlllll•s ,,ss.110. as~•ll 111,,JOI, · new savings plan. ;,~l~::~~~~~~-:~:s ~ •i•1· l .10 l.51 fold Alh .S.OI Gtwtn 4.11 t .t Enlrpr J fl ..• AM I lttElS FIDELITY ~Vtll '~ 1t.4l Flott Fcl J,., •.. ~UNDS: ilOllP': le llllV ,,II t.M Hlrlior 6,C •.. Capt.al t .1S 4.S. 8"" dttl 1.M I.JS llC C.• '·°' '·'' L.9911 l. 4.M ... Inc.om 6.52 J,tl c.tll t .Glt.M I Pac:1F1111 S.119 •. , . i::•: . ' ~·· • ~ . -1 ' ' , ¥ • •. ;. . :.• .. '• i-·. ~.:· .. • . -:;-:··. • Tht Bmoy Bach. Just open nn ;iccount for a c:hikf. nnd he bccon1eoi a n1emhcr. ' Not only is it un easy wwy for you to gd children into 1hc ~vina hahit early, the Bunny Bunch account i=an bcsin ;1 regular mon1hly ~ving~ prosram 1hat rl'l:ike$ $Ure money I i~ available when 1hey grow up, For college, for travel, for 1hc:lr own financi:il ~urily. And for nOW. the kkl~ f.'-l a Bunny Bunch Ki1 (ult of (r~. inforfttativc ;i{Kf cduc:i1ional •gif11. includil'tl a bank 1o<I a. n1cn1hetthip c:1rtf. If )'OU have 1u1 v quei11;on111 j1ti'll c:nll ur tilOp hy the Bunny Dunch l-lt11dquar1e~ ar your k>c.111 Cot11il oflK:r. COASI :::i1::i·· : ,\ ~ COAST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OFFICES NEAREST YOUo LH Mt9h• Jlll'ln Otllc•: OIM ind ltill 1''~! t23.13SI • Wll ....... : 3933 Witthlre 81Vd. (•! Giallllfc;y Pt) !213) :148·12'$!1 Lt• MM"• Citic Ctnteri :M •lld Bto~oway (21:U SM·1102 • .... 11, DHtt: 119'0 Sovlh DeWlllW Of. f~l:JI :.&:l-!111~1 H•llyw9H: ·~ fl()llh Y111mo111 1~1;!) 662·3151 ..... 11.UA ...... , at H11lltlttg10ft C.llll!f 111•) 8t1·1Q41 ,_ ..... Cl1': ".)) v .. ~ e1vi:1. ff1j) et;?.111t -""':..,...: um wnu.111 &!Yd. 1~1!11' ~s 11&1• Oltittn througnou1 t;a11torn1a. slio yOVt 1JhOne dlf«JOIY-lor otf!QT tocatiohfi. . . ...... lnvitll'I S ... •.21 CM!tre ol.M ••· YL.ES: SHIAlllON ~OS· Soft.I •.\14.SJ Cvss..< MO ••• Gap Ow J.l9 1.1' AHrt 12n1.i1J slo.;t •.IS s.1• Dlfst '·" •.. Mlllu.1 t n t .n incom iin n·M Am Grlll · J."4 J.Jt EIWI 4.a ··· D .tiaa: 1"""11 ··11 ,·._. Am 1ns111 J.21 J.SI EWor 1.n l.61 Allll•I '·'' s.11 Sii Dun i• i• "'"lnVI.\ J.IJ 3.11 F"'"!' 10.37 l1.J3""" &us 2.JI '·" Sldt Fd •. ,, ... , ""'Mut •• n '·· f'l.troln r,11 , ... ,... d91t I.ft l .lD SIGMA 1'1.tNos·· VANCEMlryAnn,r•(llSlet'edl'll.lt'W,•11 AmNI Gr 1.61 1.7• S.~ F 2.60 J,M UTMl ltAN altD: (.tP !.fir t)I .iu 'ott1erCMl•ils•s<1ltOv•. AHtHDlt Jr«lll 13.JS 15. '&rot! fd 1.3* I .DI Inv 6·17 ,·,, SAVANT J•m•~ Jolln.· m.llCll!nery s.ll.,,tl\M'I, MSS C1rdin•I Aw1., Fo..mllln V•llf¥· Llflelilltl•f '4t,6't, IHelS $46,SOO, Atlf•H Pelier Ell Ion. GltOUP': FI NANCIAL &ro Inc J.15 I.SI · • ~= • tti ~:~~ ":,:0C:,!MS2:.t1 t.61 arts~~; '·'° IO.IJ ~~1tur !:~ t~ R.-v ID.i• 11.n Fin 11111 '·" t.14 ,-,.,., s.tr 4.'1 Sm1t11 a •.IS 6.IS ~Ir 2.tJ l.21 Fin Int 4.it •.it lllClp F S.lD S.11 ~ l!~ ~·: ~·~ 111111 11\V 4,IO t.26 V""t 1.45 J.tt M9H F 1.11 I.SJ SW!il I itt s':io W•Nan 1.12 1.02htFOVa 1.ll 1.'1'1 SSf'NCL· SwlnwnQ 1·n a'w. SAVANTllWMlrit,llo~wi••.•llOlhef :.~It" •.S2 '·" '~e11To1ts· MIT 1'.st l .:JOSo.r '" 1:si .:,. dtt•ils•s•Dov.. HOUGHTON · DIK Fiii iM 311 MIG '·" J.M~I•• 2.rs f.IJ WAltltENA09erOrland,t•IHn1M.1oQ .Flllld A i .rJ •.DS Grtll fd .:., t '.t2 MIO 10.1111 .11 IP lnO (,JI •.21 FW'lll I j fO •la IOKom 6 ID t .. MFO 1,9'1 I ... TATI IHD GIP': l•t11 St .. Se•l6".tcn.Ll•llllilil:1~1.2JS.as· Sl1111:k ,·,1 ,·n Slot~ F Sn s·IO MCO 9.00 ,, ... (.-, FCI 2.tt 1.11 Ml~lHt,R•l•rttEllloll. A• Sd 3·11 l ... IM Mul!I ''' 4:.,7 ks'" l.2t 1.2• Ohot••I J.JI 1.6, 6LC GU. .: .. r'.Jt 111'1 &tr ,:.o t .Wl . llltt 6 SJ t.U PrOQr\ 2.1' l.02 WAltltEN nn. ttey, publ1t ffl.tt>onS..ail 1.fb1Gn I 1l r l1 ltUM GIOl.I,.. Am J.46 J.11 1 Fr C.r l.DI I.Qt O!MrWl•ill.tS•bo..... ' .. ,,. 4.ll ,·,, lCIJ Fllllll •OJ • '"" 1.00 I.DO Fr tow;: •.st t.SC. DINEEN !(•Y F ... nCIS, tr ..... ~I· lor , l'Ja Cllwrtl! s1 .• Calla Mesa • Li.ciillllff $21.tll, ai~t1 1.1,000. Re""" ....... aowMAN J•rnu Pl!lllp, tlec;trldan, '-In K•t~Y Cl!'(.~. Hunllnlton It.tell . Lt.blllliel $l3,lJS, •1selt. $9,1~ Rtfff.,_ ....... .. -· I\'; 3·,. ,· .. '°' ,,.. ,·,, ••· J Fiii 6.l l 6.'IO al• Sir 27.,1 l'l.lS •· ·~ · ' ... I Fd I It I It Tl!4DMAN l'OS· Btac:n I t .U 6.11 Ollum •.Jt ••· u 8nG 5:,, ,:s. ""' 1"'3 2.10 2.1i 8'«0ll '·" "'" 25 Fllfllf t .20 ... '' •< S ~ •> ' •o 8'rtr.W 1.11 2.41 n Gr 3.JI .J.6t ·-t . IW ,. .to .'4 llolnfttll l.n l.12 NDIEllS F Gro 2.'6 ,, .. 1 ...... 1 ·" ·" Bost Fclrl t ID 1 32 ROI.IP'• " l.JS l .6' Ck•an ~.•1 .$.41 = ~:~ f: ~-::: • ~:i: 1~~ ~ ,::n 1!:J! ~1:C. ltD~2.r.°.\'.w CALVI N Pl.litDS · F Mtutl .a 11 ._.. I trs 1 ... 1 ... ~II S.42 J.•J 11u11 fd '·'' t.'3 F Spec:11 1:Jt '·'' ~'~c ,~f. •. ., l~oc:J'iour~.41 1.u , Cdn Fiii 1.2• '·°' s.ci F s." s." .., , ,,· , ,, •• ,. · , Olw Slit' 2.lol J.SJ llANK\..IN me: · · .,.w" 4 Ol .U 80WMAN Caro~ Sue, tioo11...i1t, lff Nailwel 6 IS 1 so itDOP'· Bond Sr l.11 •.24 Inc.om S '4 6 ti o1111r0t1•lls•s•bovr. ~'JI.,F~ i~fi,' t.: ... ,s: ~~~ ~:~ .. ' !,::; f!F~k i:il !:5 5~~ F !:B i~E FAUONIE s..m J., ttritral mll\IOlf', ...,, · · $11111:11 5" 4 .. l ll ~ G t :it ''' 2Jas J11•11'..Ja• war. L•111n• e.,.,11. &91Nlt'i"',u;'·30 '·" ·~1~;'. 5 l::; ;.;t Grwtll 2:1s ,;21 '"' c.o s:ID 1;» :~~l!lee~~Oll.•IWIS 1\0t W•ICMWrml,.., •=: -... ·" ~·IE~ ~:U f:; 1E':11:No1~:.= 11 '3 l= IE" ~:~ ':t~ Balntd 1.24 7.tl Ill Ltlq 7.Dt 7.1$ GrWlll 4:21 6:1' ~ CtGO !·1»5 ',·'°ot 'WALLSll JlldUll HtlM, wal!rqs, ttil Ind Fd 7.2• 1.'3 Fiii Ml dp S.M $.6' lntaet\ 12 It U '° " .. • Siii• St., COtl• Molt•. l.lablllllei •.m. E111r Gr 4.17 S,31 l'l.INDS INCP si• .:1t lo: .. 8::m::, )• '•' .... .tSMll~$991. Atltrtt Ellloll. IEql'j'' Pr l.1J 1.tl P: EA Mt 111 hi ·1 .t.l f'llcl Am '·· J.3l C°""" 5.98 6."s.a c..nt J tt UN!Off llltVICC VAl.IGMNAU1nWUH•m,Hte111Wn,ltU Grwtll 3,12 3.0 lll'IO<lt 4,tJ S.t1 U'lfll'lll f• . ., GltOUP : F1ol'16a SI,. H11•lll"91011 Btatl't. UMl!Htt.s lnc:om S.11 J.U tndus .tr 7.'6 I .JO on ,;,, ,:74 llrd s Iv 1.11 9.MI 521509 au1ts6'0tt0 f11fe•ffPllllPS Prov 111. 2.M 3,1$ Piiot S.42 s.n Ptrs lll.74 11 ,11 ""11 Inv t .U .a,fJ ' • • ' · Sottl 1.01 1,11 '-"'! J,,, 3.ts .., w1c1 , ... 1" un C.tot J .... 6.•• 1tDaE1tTS Ger•ld L1wr•1Kt, toot Mid v'""'lur 4.SJ l.t9 ES. P lt.11 ... (11\ft 1:11 1:u l>lll1111 In l .!W 10.43 d' -'""°' 801011111 Ori ... El TOl'O, (Mrt ,d 7.it I.JO II ~ 4.11 •.II I lvlr tt.,. n .,, UNITIEO 'UNDS: nil ,,.. tr, • CHA St II F.tim J.20 3.loO t It 6 ft At,1111'1 t .tl •.6J l.i1Dllll'4!1 •nd •11.tli not r•I dfle•rnlllrd, 90SfON: '" Ind 11 .M 11.9'1 ,.. l fill to'•t 11· .. lll'ld Fd •.• l.t9 A•ft•Ctl EIUo\I. Fllllll Biil •.s. •.99 rd 11.7• 11.71 WIH 10'.ll 10::111 (.ollt "'"' I .Dr 6.4~ Fron CP 2.n 3.11 MILTON GRP't ,.NMM l'O· Coll! fnt • ,, ,,,. Pat Dunn • r Gets it Done in Slltr 61 J.11 s.tl F-J.JI l.Ol Alm l'o 6.0i 6.62 •nc:om 1,9' '·'' !ipKI l.61 .a.al Grfrlll l.10 I.ts Op Flld 4" 1 ta !Klenc. 4.10 '·'' Oltm Fd 6.39 •.tt ll'ICom 4.tl $.OS ~ 8 t'.a 10'03 VtnQd 3,tr S.M --·-·-~~-·~~M~~~ Llltrty l.IJ l ,61 ti l.'t S.St 5.ff TC Sec: .:u i?t GvtS I ... ,,12 Mll'llt 2.10 1.30 '·" ••• '"""" t.71 J'.n SLll'• 'UNOS: !KIWI ft '·~ •.M 9& .JI •·• Al't '-10 4,41 Aol• f' f.H t.a.i 5<1111 5': 4,Jt t .'1 _.,,.._ 11.M 1f.M l" 2.•1 1.16 Ill! f'llllll 6.16 t .11 coc.ott1AL ..... '·'2 J.01 Ml 11' 1,. c.om s" 1.u '·°' 'UllDS; mp Gr S.U S,J• $11 .... 4'" I.LUI LIN• 1101: ~ 7.MI 7.17 l'IC Am 10.14 ll,SI M ,_, 1:16 4'$4 Val lfle j·N 4 70 l!tuilY 1,10 l,lt 11t 6o$1 4,,S S.U 1t C 6.59 ito VII Ill(. ,IS f.1) Flll'llll 7.sl 1,11 111111 FAm 1.n •.. L•••¥ Gil: • Liv Giii ~'O '·'' Grw1ll l.61 3.•s n199Gn 6,11 I.ti PU Fr"' I.II ..... kit l.'4 1.11 lntetn 7.IJ 1.23 Ill Ill""" 11.n It.It c.tt! . 210 ! It ANCI' - 1.61 I.Ill ;n111tn G "·'' •,91 lntlfl\ .:IO 7'.4l NDlltS: 1.11 1.11 lnw CO A ,.01 t .11 Piie F• ·~ J n ln.,.\I 4,91 l·" At WL TM lftv Guid 4.U t .41 f11t St l fl' VS Clm 4,15 ... Our UI Inv l,_,lt 1,1, n 'fte i 1i SOI<! t 1 4.tT A... .•1 .13 ...... Bos J.11 1'.iO IONllEll ,o, nort10 J,lt C .tl 1,05 lN¥EST Pion f.d 111 t IA 1111 1010 4,tt S · • E" 3,1• '·°' COUfolsEL P+Mr 11 ,:,, f., •r1tc1 1 1.44 1:u ervlce Co J.)4 3 ... Cio.tn'I 4.06 6.6' tlllld 1,H 1'16 l•ngGr Jtt J ... 6d 1.i4 1.11 C""I 111 1.01 2.70 LI GMO 141 ,.11 all$1 tr-t .JO 1,t• E f'd ).~ s~ C.tolt Sh J.tt 3... 1 -.,.,n .:ti s'n 1\11 M11 '·* t ,1, rd 6.47 ••• , IMViSTt;llOUP'; lllCI! 111ow•i . ~·Q •. u ,,a. Inv 6.SO I.GO IDS Qlll 3.31 Gr"J"'1" 1 JO T JO IL INOTOM tw 3.1'1 1:11 10$ NO 1,0I 3.1 lllUIR'I .. Jl lf't) It fl': rNIMf111 .S.t1 ,,I IOSPr 2.0I 2.2 Nw l l.t 1'10 t 'to l~p!~ 1).1111 .. 1 Cllrilrt C 1.1$ I .II MlllUll t.U l,}I Nw HOr •'.IJ 4'.11 ,.,..\I 1·5 5 .. SundaYs. . he OWi O.H A.lJ A,;1 Slotk U.30 U.31 • Fo 4 ll '" --·on ' ,,,) In t Cwn Olw 4114 A.52 "9i.e1 4.04 I. ovd Gt l• l 6 ... Tr11\I •· J.•) 0.11•' 1'l ... Y•• r>•t '·" ,, .. f»ri.d $11' 11 ,;'° We1o.1, .. ,1110.1~ O.vl.. 4,61 I ." liw "1!1 I.Cit .... PUTNAM Wli!lln 1.62 I.JI Oll.AWAlll IS Ii ~UNDS : • 'Mlmn lll.6t 9,)0 OlllOUll': Gtwlh 3,,, •.17 c.on...,, 10) 111 'Wlllfv $.It 1 '4 <•Ir r.)I 8.01 IOKom l .611 J.tJ Eit11llJ i.11 1'1; \I 11111 tll 11,l Ow F ,,JJ 7.lol _Th.I VI "1.,1 _ .. i Gffro '· 1 '•1 lld Gr 'rt 110 Otlt• 1 -It J.Oi 'Tl'M M ll.411 14, Orwlh 6;t1 I j ~ J W j•" d!Vffll 41.U "'·ls ltltl fnd li.O ... lf'l(Ol'I\ 1.M J,IO lttltr '·"" ,14 DAILY PILOT 10.lt 10,•2 JMW$ f'd U.IO 11, Vl\la , p 6 11 t.61 •<1Woft'rlOlllld. =II 2," J. 4 JP Gwtl't t .•1 1.1 111 .. ~l lM• 6,1) L-!..-----------------------'' 1...------------------------------------,---'J ... ___________ ,,, ~ I! ,, •JI 111 14.111•.i ........ I.II 10) l•Wll~a.••M• I l .. .. I .. • • ' I ·I , , . .. • S!p!!m!>t• 197• CA/LY PILOT ... NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Year's High-Lows Appear ~very Saturday- If u"'""' ,,... , • ....,,.._., vt• t00 ................ : .... 2l.6'1.f4t ~· llMl ltt•I ,.,..,, ... ,. t,0.0,00l hllo .. ,n 190 .,.,.,, ... ,,..,, l(tll",t!! """*"' 0•¥ •···•···•··•····· 11,'10,00I 1'U to N H> ................. J,Sl!Al',1.,-WWll. ........................ lt, .. l,too "n It Cltlt ., ........ ,,,,,, t1H;»t,t1t #ltl'IOI ... ,.,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,,,. IJ.M5JllD "n t. O.tt ..... ., •..• ,,.,, ~,t41,loM . I . • '" ' • ~ I : i ' .:.Q.._. ... ...; .. 11 li .Traders fn ·active : •I'~ ,,, -l !I ~ D~w Drop·s ~~~l . ·1· NEW YORK <UPI> -The ·atock rperket elciled llh1rply lower Thuraday In one of tile ·lllhlelt 1r1dln1 -•Ion• of lhe year on the New York Stock Exch•n~e. -Tiie Do ~ones lndu1trl1l avera1• lost u.rr po1nta to 637.98. . DKllnea led adv1nce1 by about a 3·to·I ndo 'Amons the 1,880 luue1 traded. Volume amounted to 9,060.000 shire· , ' about half the 17 ,620 ,000 share• traded Wed· lllldly. Many observers attributed the light . nrtly to the Yom Klppur obserV'!l\C•.--<tt wllldl many traders and investors aw~Y ... floolil w, Street. · ::r · · , ' Priet11 were lower In light trading 011 ,the Amfrl~an, Stock Exchange. .. , ,\',,. I • · 1 • ) I •• '• ' • ' . I " . . . • ' . IL...,.,f!l·llq&:DM:;;:;;,¥;1'~~l*OT~===-• ~·c. -F~•;::d:y::i.,;• SofCe;;:i::' ::::;m:::bot:;,2~7..,, 1:,:f.:,;74:., ' "" ,,i . . - • • --• , • ; • I . • , .. • • Patrol Ranks 0 pe"-1n 9 • • t "--~e;::~tt:z::-;.:-:_=---=-~ -... , ' ; .r.:1 • ~ -- • ·' . ' .. • ... -i.. " ' ,). :·;.t •• • .... ' • • !' ''• l • • . . • • ' ' • • ' ' ;.,'!(, • • ' . ., • . • .,, ... I . •• . , . ( • By ALLISON DEUR GHP A d R · •t • with Scoutin ~. as o ·' · °' ........ ~....... . · · CCJ emy ecru1. s t••d•r.h••s•v•nh•r ~. · , ~ ', . , . . to work with lndivldu ,.,u you're assisted by the Calll~c· · . · " Off, groups. ,. r f· "'"'Hi~hWay'_1>_a:trol next \\ifoter/·'-'·.,p,~·rst ; \~Jo· ··;;¥;.1,a" • .... rc·ers .. ' ............ CA'REER 'PtA'NNEb.., : Uait:offtcer dnv1rtg the bla~-~-, ~ ·. .Yr ~ I l 'lt;;;'l'I , J.1~o;s Alleri , a senlo ' , _ tijt~.Jnay.beawo~~o;. •> :-,..r1.~"' .~ .' : ,. ~ ,._ • ·t. · ~ 'crimin aljustieeat.UG· , "~l'orty women begin l&--weeks o planned ~ ca;eer i 1faining at tht Ctf P -academy in a1ency. ~me have been clerks (or ·have self·copfide·nce. self assuran-.,,c.mont since h8r j IQ. &ecr:amento ~t.Jo. Grad~ates or local ,police o~ the FBI· and seven ~-Byt , training bWlds that," she 'tligh school. .the COlU'Se wJJl 1 be1he first w~men have peace orr1cer status. asserted. · " The last eight uh · ,tQ..go orvpatrol, l\S''CHP Traffic Of-Women between S.(oot-6 and 6-"You can't be overly 1emotiooal b<ichelors de gree wilf ficers.. "' \ r~t:6, betwee.n 21 and. ~2 were and you must be able to hold your· bv '''rili ng a paper on T.he two·)'.ear $1 million ex-e!1g1ble . Phrs1cal .tests included self in tow in tight situations." ces at the CHP acade penmenta~ Program , is desi4ned sat-ups, running, grip strength and Professionalism is the key, she • The cadet v.•ho turn , ·~o test t~e feas~llity of emplo~!ng the lifting !lnd. pus_hing of ~eights. reels. ''You 're ;a patrol officer first, \\·ill be amo'ng the yo women for \.fatflc enforcement. Ms. Spadoni, Costa Mesa, placed ' a woman second.'' academy v.·hich she Amoni '121 'fin'alists selected sixth in the CHP testing. Although Miss Wil son, in her fpwth year \viii be "like boot cam , (rom ,1,~ apptieants wece•iseven she did n'bl accept th$ _Mad~"lt studyjng criminal justice al Ca l ni v." . Orange. Coun~t.worpen, rour ~ spot, sbe-Ceels. that women can ~I S{ite. FU1lert001,f)"lac·ed"32nd in~the A lon g ..... i l h h (' ... lheOrange90a,1~. , · goodp_atroloff1.cers. . teSting. studies. s he h as Wo 1~ey ar:e ~--;y,.4 ~padoni, Cost&,c ~e . SPf;¥\t .fJve years with the "For me, the interest in law en-securit y offit·er at "M&; .M~u~e~n Wilson, N~wport Wh1tt1er Police_ Department, 13. forcement has always'. been there. duringthc surnnl{'r . Beach: ~stie Al.len, Irvine, Dal,e. months.a~ t_hat time on,solo.patrol, r.ty grandfather was a marshal." llankl•d 261h uftr r th~ M'osher., ~':'n't1ngton .. Be~ch t befo~e ,1,<nn1i:ig th~ Orange County A pa,rt-ti.me employe of the ivas surpriscd to have d l>Qrothy W!ll1&_!1ls ,.Oran~e; J~ Shenrr s Office this y~ar. _ . Sheriff's Office, she believes, "the havin g La ken the Lest,, j .Dou~las, cypr_.ss, and Jacquehnt . r women who take on th e academy cxperie n«t' ... M~tiaP,ytS&JJ,ta Ana. .. ·. . ON PATROL -~--r---···-~willha.v.eto_~ a lot or guts, self-Sh r found lrh at · Accor~I ~.-.. \ t~e -CffP, ofthe146 ;. "l"'m not saying that p~trot.iS for · ·con~fdel)<;e arid an ability to, work situations. a rcm aleoftl a~ce~d. oneJ'l111rd had pnor ser.. every womaq. Patrol ·isn't for wil!tpeople." · an incident hct tcr. In~ v1c~ with s9!11e > law enfor.cement every man either. You have t~ She feels her-lifelong.association do 8 better job ... f dof\• ' and y,•omC'n \~·ill be ex , ~ ~· ,j •' ) die situntions in exac ' '-\Vay.'' her ftllcd ''>hto> lll'IJ. /' th1· ITil'll men han •• .. ·" Miss Allen hopes h el'r Lil Jaw enforcement, sp•d by a t e I c vision pr o't~ m on policewom en when ~ 1\•;is ,; , .. . I' .... j ' • • •• • " .. .. "" • • , f ... ' , .. )• .... • u 1t ~ ' ' .. • ... .... / '·l f ""''\".'I (" ~ ·: ,. _J:a· ... , ... • " • ~;~/ 'EducatiQITT Her M·issidn v Yeiltu re .. Fu If i.11 -... "',t" "'"it ., • ; I ' • 1ng ' t ~.,,.1-S·~~l's.+c.;"'~•:·: .,. ~ ~:"st JQ OLSON. ·, ". · '. Tirelessiy ·she has worked to get medical . · , .. t ,~,af.lo~ "lfl ~ ' care Cor the 1400 'children who attend Holy < :· Aft4!1'· '· I ' bdl:r.wjth Sis.li:J:.AmltL -Trinity· 1Schoo. I ,and ·instruments for the . . fri~, · . •·<:tu fie ' to· I · · ,it .l~.vi<iatioiN~iiti; (*~IQ :ll)eSis 'rs.or.' .grqwing~-iti.•~'.~~~-c;J>estra. • · , . f'~~~~. Margar;e :,or (c£~ all nun,s;"l/fj d 'gq_, i • '· TRADE SCHOOLS · , I ···~ hac~fD·\\i•ilrlnr bab s. { . ,·, •;t. . • "She encourages stuileriH and parents to ··' ._.., "ne fo~met·pefva sc~opl te~ller ~.in. · make.ilei;ns for the school 's gift shop and is · . ~ew~f~ Bei~h~o lalk aliollt Ket: ·~n .; , _ slrivingto s.ee.tradeschoolsestablished. ·' • /r.1faitl,"t1tb\t.8e· S1st£s of-St: M. , , ,.an ' • : Th e'arl.programs have i)er'haps been one ~, 1;J>iscbpaliad or<ler or \\\om:~ ci>tl· ._ • of Sisler Anne Marie's greatest loves fn yersafion r'a~i' ed 'f,a af~~ thu'i)rl: " · or · Haili. . , . . m ¥artha K1 efe;'s al"l;.i&it~e-~ ''The lack of oppprtuni,ty in'ar( and music ., ' For one t 1S1: ~i~ler ~ne llb~~""'5hes -·that's .what hua me the 'most in ,Haiti," • more pepp11!'irire aware !!f.4h• 1.6,01-dets !or \ ~ she explained. ' >' women ih t1!4,Epis!,opal'fbUrcti, ant' hen ·"You can't e<\iicate· ilst one side of a per· She wj~hes !!(ore 1J>le ould ~~ ~ _;· • • son." •, ;;;. _ "1--_ _, _ . ·~ ' '• f de,S as n y:6res on o1 fe, not a•T ~ea ' A'n American ,c,tayon c6mpaoy sent , , from lif .. ·lt ~ · ' · 7~ ~. "t ~ .. · crayops: music6J -fn$ru{llents have be~g , ~.~-:; • "P.Opl~ I{ y. u're a;misfit," sh4f .ex· located, and .now. lhe school sends,11~· · .. • / , pl1p1ied. ·:B bar not trile. Wheo,youljo(n, '' students \o. ~ music··camp every;y~u ab.a .;. / '1", .'.' ... 100·~. usuatl)l at lfheig totyouri>lp!lil'.. 1 has be.en .invited•to 'bring the orchesti'a!(o l i••·· >t' .. s Oj'k ... ... • __ .t " +-1 Tangle'Wood. ·. •. · • · \' 1: ... ~. r: , · ,/ · Sister'An ~Ilia said h r-fami!Y·-llit.!' In.addition;players·fromtb'e.Jloslpn'l!y.m~ .. ~ ~ / she was ',1qut,i1; w. en she nounCed.tilr~ :-1-pbonY.·'OOme t$>_.Wot:,.k'Witfl the-studentS o{tarl , (•p!,; " .. ~ / 1 "t•'l_tlonc.fo JOlri aft a silcc sfpl~~-8. • , indivil!ual basis.: ; . · . . •. ~· , ~; ~ysical 'ed\!catl 1\-ahd yslca!'lll .afly ', • ·~., She )las·gr'l_~t•hopesJ0~·the fledglin g o~·, , .· , , eacher , '! ' .• ~. > . ' ';i. •· t chestra. ''Pe,rti~ps 'it will be the nationctl .. ;t"",. t I 4", 1,~··~'Buti'.v,e;id9neforeand OAl''Cuft~ ,lnis ,, . sy.mpl1on:v.~orHaiti,"sh~mUs,ect: ' . · ,. :.:~~ · •.''. \ll~y;'' sbe<1Ii"i\I.;~: !'-rd· m p\'~~f ·h h~s : . ',.:'.:1 • ,She ·i;eah>.e.~ her asS1gtlment. ~ouJd ·~v _,.. · ·, ! be.~n.valu1a'61°i.{o Y.fam1ly ·~ ,,, J ,~ ,, • • '· Ctiahtea WlY l'flO.ment and· she wouTd Jl'ive 1 < 1 • 1.,., '. : The 'iih'xlnlali>I .. -,att.t>~r.'s !'1"1AI!~· • · ... 1 ·to•pack ·~r bqgs and leave:Haili;. but she / ; · , • <hoµS~ in·~:n;·og he•. ,1,tytO)~e .1h ' . doesn ·~ dwell.on this possibihly. ' •; . eollege, andul.ur ng \his ti . she-st ed; · • . LIFELINE ./' · • ', )thi'!kin.~ ~.eli\e~,,~ the ~r ;. • • . , ·,. , Iilstea<l; the lively sister tends lo her cor· . • T() tie.sUrei\: !S npf_iust <t\\J!~f'-.. r~~Pl>nd~nce \",ttie lifeli_ne of the·' school") • • ' )!avmg.}tved.'w1 lhe.siste sbli g as and keei>S lbinkmg of wtiatlo 90 next for the •. " Jar away ·Is ~h 'cobld ge . er ~e . ·' children' and• school. The,,mosl p~cssi~ i• pleled colleae. 1 : , · s m"11 need now. ·Sbc s iU, is for ·:t new , , , . But \he call ptrsisled, so h~ jol~h the mi meograph machine. ' 1 • :· lJ~ear old ordel and rliade er vowA, ,.i.t ·· .. . Si,$le( Anne Marie" ;tlso is an unofficia,i. I '., • I :. s~1:"1'. ~,:i!rm. :~ h.\' ·r:~J:;m.t.1 • ' ~. • .. lr~'~i~~~D! ~~~~~i!J:~1.'•• She salr ' onc,lflt.is~e'as.1f.ed in ler ofJttlfU!ile~L • ''Touristn jl~s surged,. bettls have been ' and wcce ._.> . -. · · . • . _ '!. ~ revam~T)lere.are llli"'8 happeoine tHaL · • ;for lbe'f&sl 2l·years sh!!. as work' in · 1 make ii-(i~ctllng focloorista ." · - .H'aili, h.i)llllJ! blllld· a school or tlie n:ll\ion ' • Slilr. the -counlty" ~~· problems, she-a!l· which haJ~n85'J>trcent illil cy·r•ie. ' m)tfoii. "There "is a small amount-or tillable '.!'hi s b.' ·me"'1\ ,raisirt ' tnc111,ey:tm· Jand and tho ·crops are ofl.en ruined. The lilcral!Y,6 o( noWl!ete, m dollenl nd " r roads ar"< poor,. Bu~ ·there is a sense of quart'ets ouilt up lo~he tho ands o d, / freedom and gaiely:the·pe(>ple can survl'nl and ha~ •1 vilion to gly I.he dri14'en , with-nothing, Ninety percent struggf4! !Or cultural !'earning as w 11 as beok.. ·' everypenny,though. ' knowledge. <Scc llAITI, Page BZ) • • • • ' .;~ •• -- - teenaecr.willbewithl IP. . lllGlll.V VISIBLE . "\Vomen officers v.•i visibl e at firs t," Spadoni, "but Crom perience in \\!hillier. public wi ll accept the ter the initial surprise. As evidence of th status or \1•omcn in cer;nenl she cited the women ·s roles irt the Police Denartment smaller l?Olice forces. Ms. Spadoni antici changes in t,he acbde unisex program· ,js "The academies are trainin g officers situatipn s the wa Y ,.~-~"' the!ll. \Vomen often ha · way of doing things/' According to Cl~ men and v.-·omen cade identical unifO'rms, i shirts. Regulations ba ··ov.er:the-0ars or. pa SL th Graduates o( the · ac " go 9n solo patrol in all di(ions, assist motorists i dminis!_e.rllrs,,t a~d to . .tiJns, .direct tra 1e ..... ;.. 't • .... 'cjes · '-'"-'" """': <f• ~ .• • t ' ~ _ ~p· '. . h~fat~ol flutjes; al .. ·~-'i·::'". ~ -....dete.cLing,...tolctn.-x •Y ~~;:.~; ·• ,,.. ·lQX)cate\f. drf\lers, aS§ la.,q enr.orce.mel'Jt'•o(f vestigation "i1 nd ·aQpr suspects, sub~_ping.~001 • combative. persb~-;mal durles of the patrol To equip.the ·o(fi~er •. they will be trained' i defense,. use or shotgµ gas and high sPecii tltivl Sister Anne Ma r.ie laments that in · flaiti there is a lack otoP,portunity ' in art and music. • 'You can 't educ.ate just one side of a person .' • • • -. \ • 8f OAILYPILOT Fru:iay. Sep1ember 27, 1974 ' ' Target' Missing A Point ....... ,.,- OEAR ANN LANDERS: Whal can a woman do when she is too sexy-looking·! Thut quettion might ~und runny-to most people, but it's no Joke to inc . l dress DOWN, nol up. Although I have a good figure 1 st .. y a .... ·ay from sweaters and knits and garn1l'nls that cling nnd are provocall\l' I don't O\•erdo the makeup and n1y hair is its natural color. \'et. I (';i 11 't C'Ven go to the gas station \V tlhout the attendant making a pass. The butcher flirts \Vith me. the. milkman ha ~ rnade improper ad· vances. Sevcr;1 l of my husband's business i.iSSOl'iatl'S have let me know tht')' arc "interested." l can't count the nun1bcr or husbands of good friends or mine who ha\'C asked me to h:J.\"t• <1n uffair. Ca n )"OU advise n1c on this problem?-· t:N\\'ILLl:\G 'f AHC;ET Df.1\R T1\K : '"ou DO have a problen1 , but u·~ not the way you look. lad}'. It 's th!' "'ay ~·ou TJO!\'K ~·ou loo k. l',•e said it before and I'll say II again. \\"omen Yl'ho insist that they are J.he innocent ,-ictims of frequent passes a re sending out little n1es- sages that thr y-are-available. It might be that the messages are Ann Landers .. . a:ubcon.sclous, but they are being tr1asm ltte d, n evertbeless, and tbat'1 why you are geUlng so many propositions. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Wh al would yo u s11y a bout a wife '<''hose husband smokes like a chimney - and she suys. "He's a big boy and he can s moke if he wants to. The decision is up to him , as long as his insurance is paid up." I can understand her statement about ru s bei ng u big boy. etc., but that reference to his insurance makes me sick. How do yo u feel a bout i t ? -L O IS JN NEW ROCHELLE DEAR W IS: Sorry, I'm with her. I • fa<!t, she may be rollo\\·lng my advice. 1 tell a ll \\'omen whose husbands s moke, drink or eat excessively to get orr their backs -that nobody ever •a1ged an ounce off a mate or got him to lake one drink or smoke one cigarette less by hounding him. .• .. I haveonoccaslon 5u~~ested.as "a__ usefuf alternative that they ask the dear man, from time to time, If hts Insurance (1 paid up. It'# a fat more ~rectlve approach tbaa n•1· ging. Moreover, women who llve with gluttons, booiers, and aJrothte addicts need an outlet, too. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Mv d umb "'ife kept her savings In aR old sock under the bed. The dog got hold or her "bank account'' )'eslef· day and chewed up some of il. There are sever al 10 and 20 dot. Jar bills tha t have large chunks out or them. Do we ha ve to tak' a cOm· plele loss"! \Vhat should we do with the damaged m oney? -h1R. DUMBBELL DEAR ft! R.: Take lhe damaged money to a ban,k. \'.OU will fecelve full reimbursem ent f4,1r any blll iJ )'OU ha\·e more than half of It. And whil e you're the re. have lfl r1. Dumbbell open a savings ~ccount. Money in a sock under the bed draws no Interest. DEAR A1'N LANDERS: I am not a teenager yet, but I y.·ill be in five months. I am "'ritin& to rou to ask \vhat m y brother and I should do. Our parents need a di\·orce. They have been m arried for 14 yeurs a nd ·as long as J can . remember they have been Cii:htlng. Sometimes I have to close the \\'indows so the peig hbors "'on't hear the names thev call each other. r.fom <!ries a lot Und Oad has u bad temper. They keep talking about divorce but they nc\·cr do anything about ll.-J\1y brother ao.d I \\'ol.lld be bett er off Ir Dad left --' because ·he makes u~ all nel'\'OUS . What should we du'! -DIG AND .\llTLE . DEAR B. AN D.L,! Show lhls let· ter tO )'O ur pa_renn~ a nd tell then1 yefu wrote It. Alfk tiem to please get sOme counseling. MfYbe they can ·learn to live logethb In peace. If ......... ~t, they should Uve apart. But they certainly should try to .!ia w~ their marriage If lt'11>0sslblc. Drugsi? I low much is tl)(i much'! ls pot OK? ls LSD too n1uch'! lf you're on dope or considering it, get Ann Landers' new bookl et. "Straight Dope on Drugs." 1''or each booklet ordered. send a dollar bill plus a long, S{'lf-addressed, stam ped t•nvelopc {20 cents postage) to 1\nn l~andcrs, P.O. Uo"' 3346. 222 \V. Dank Or., Chicaco, Ill. 606;l. Loser Gains With Dr. Pudge· By J OAN RIVERS readers reel gui lty!" For So m e u n k no"'n And. boy, those articles reason each year. magazine used to really work on me~ a nd ne\1tspaper editors sud · All they ·had to shaw was a denly decide their readers picture of a \hin girl. in a are getting fal. . bikini surrounded by men· "It's that t ime again !" and for the ne xt week I 'd thin editors shout to their' star,•e myself-and every reporters. '·Tim e to make time I'd start to \\'eaken, l 'd all those fatties out there as k myself ty.·o questions. . s\\·eat a little. So "'rile a One: Joan. if you and d evast a ti ng a rticle on . Rock lfudson were stranded ·dieting. on a lonely island together, ''Put in a made·up surve}' "·ou ld he approve of the on how no one lik es a fat y.·ay you toss peanuts down 'person and make sure to like a nervous a nteater ? mention how e ach extra TtA·o: \Vould t he anteater? pound takes a yea r off If the a bove didn't stop someone's life. Plaster it me from eating, then I'd all over page ope! Let's pull out m y mirror, st.are make a lot or chubby intoitand remindmyself: JOAN RIVERS for yea rs-u ntil l came across an article by a littler kno"·n Austrian. Dr. llans Pudge, "ho claimed that he had spent his entire life studying dieters and that the majority of then1 e\•en· , tually gained back every · pound they lost ! -One : In order to burn up Wh at upset Dr. Pudge the calories I'd consu med ·"·as that all his patients had by eating one p iece of' gone through torture. star· strawberry shortcake, I'd vation a nd exercising for have to ride a bike uphill fo r nothing. To make sure that three-quarters or an hour~ 'no patient of his would ever Two: llow horrible l 'd .again waste time doing thi s. look riding a bike with my . the doctor devi sed two basic thighs fl apping in the "'ind. Resistance Plans -"'hich I have adapted · as a "'aY of l\ly constant dieting a nd lire and whic h a rc lislL>d self-chastisement \\'ent on below: Resistance Pla n 1'"o. 1 t urn into a rabbit -in '"'!hi'ch Case. \\"Ould rabbits acrepl you as a n equal and would you be happy li\"ing in a hutch? Resistanct." P la n No. % (for those y.·ho try and lose "'eight through exercise): Remember, exercise is bad for the heart. so if you feel you must do something_ . stand in front or yo ur mirror. ""ith chins up. Extend your a rms no Y+•hcre ;ind slo\\•ly , sink to the fl oor . ' !pert a ining to dieting it·· Town Hall Serl.es L1"sted s•lf!l' Re mem ber, if all ' Once ther e, lie flat and clasp your ha nds behind you r head. 'l'ry to sit up. J ust try. It can 'l be done. so forget it. Then "·hile }·ou're do \\·n on t he floor . take a nap . It's good for yo ur spine . Steve Allen. Dr. ·s_ I. Stale College, will offer Hayakawa, J ohn Ciardi , views on Campus life and Nanc y D ickerson and life·ingeneral. ~Arlene Francis headline the r.tiss Dicke rson, the· First 1975 Town Hall season span-Lady of television news sored by the Assistance reporting, will offer insights League of Laguna Beach. into the Washington scene. Tickets still are available Dr. Ciardi, pi)e " literary for the seri~s Whi<!'b beiins ·critic '"·and winne r of the J a n. 27 in t h e Nigue l ·National Bo.ok Award in ·Theatre,South Laguna ;but Juve nile Lit era tur e , for 3.fternoo n performances "speaks lo all ages "'ithout only. condescension or prete n· se." . diets e ve ntua lly "'o n"t t elevision panelist a nd \\h·ork .. '"''hY s tlart? Besides, a th t ere is an o d wives' tale uTi~~~ts m ay be 0~8-ed· :~at states that if one fills b . . 111 , . ·him self up for \\'eeks on Y mai lin g checks to To"°i ·nothing but Carrots and }l all. P .O. Box 856, Laguna; "Celery he will e\'entuall Beach, CA. 92652. Cost of: ' Y the series is S30 . No in· d ivi du al ti cke t s ~re available. Proceeds will aid com- munity projects including Friendsh ip Club, Danny Davey's Doll Club and the ,Homemakers Service. \\"hen you wuke up later, yo u'll figure out some "'ay to get up off the floor. Es- pecially if it's near dinner time a nd yo u 're having nood les a nd pizza a nd pastry and .•• Three to 6et Read" • • • Final s peak 0 cr will be .----------------------"'------------, l\liss Francis, \Veil-known Presenting a luncheon fashion sho\v as a fun d-raising benefit are members of the \Vestm inst er-Fountain Valley Br anch of t he Ameri ca n Association of University \Vo men. The event \viii be presented at noon Sat urday , Oct. 5. in the Airpo rter Inn. Checking \\'hat ·s ne\Y for the party scene are (left to right ) 1\1 rs . -David H. Smith , 1\1rs. Kenn eth \Vyse and Le slie lfull111un . Dr. ~l ayaka \va, a uthor, ne\\'Spaper columnist and semanticist and for mer President of San r~rancisco -From Page Bl ... Haiti "'The people have come to realize that t he only hope for their children is in · education ." Horoscope: Leo Looks At Other Motives \Vhen u skcd about the possibility that her order \\"OU ld start \\'earing street clothes. Sister An ne l\Iarie. commented that t he habit is a "protection. a symbol or help ror others. ' •·\\'e are not anxious to n1odifr the h abit. Some have done it too fast. It stands for a \\'ilness and "·e arc a bit jealous or giving it up. \\"e are changing inu·ar· dly."' !)hl' also bc l ie ,·c s ,,·omen 's liberation has cause d some "·omen to ··Jose s ig h t or t he os- l'iibil ilics. ··1'n1 us free and (\l lrillcd as Ull\" \\'Oman v.-ould \\·ant to be.··· she {'Om· mcnted. 1\s ;.1 fina l "commcl't'ial"' Jor the ,,·ork in l~aiti. Sister Anne ~l aric ga\'e the ad - dress or the ~ift shop at t~e ~chool. \\"hic h offers hand ""Cl\'ing. oil painting. \\"OO<i· "·ork. b;1skc ts. dolls. dres~ ses. shir1 s . beads and je "·e l r~·. just I n case .14o meonc ,~·ants 10 get a cata locul' fn1· unusual shop· ping • Saturd a y, Septem be r 28 By SYDNEY O~I ARR ARI ES (J\fa.rc h 2\-April 19): T he learning ex· perience is e m phasized. Areas w~ich had been closed \\"ill no\v open. It remains onfY for you to en· ter. TAURUS !April 20·May 20): l n\•OJ\·ement is featured. Know it and don 't play games \vhere emotions are concerned. A1ember or · opposite sex has serious in- tentions. GEJ\llNI (i\l ay 21.June 20 J: One "'ho threatens is bluffing-you 1vitl ha\·c b uck i ng of those in author ity. Be selective. Choose quality. Don 't fear the unknown. You r intuitive )X)\\'ers wo rk O\"ertimc. CANCER <June 21 -July 22); What seemed out-of· reach no \V becomes a m\Jt- ter for practical ('On - sid~ration. Y-ou are given more responsibility-and material. You are in ~harge of personnel. LEO !July 23 ·Aug. 221: One who makes promises • ""'"''mar be obtaine1I fi;:-jjiiiiiii!Jii!~~iiiiiiiiiiiii writing 10 1101,· Trinit.1· STEAM ~hool. Box 857. Jlort ·~1u - J'rlnce.llail.i. CLEAN I Ff ELL'S STERY ..... w ... ...... lt D ...... ltT& C....Ms• l4Mllt • . CARPETS •Milt ""' • """°"tS.d fllfE ESTIMATE- JJ071-s.t'-fe o ... ,. 496-8290 has moti ve you mi,i::ht not recent da ys. Yo u m ake c1ppro\"c. ~est for you .lo c hanges a nd the re could examinestyle,n1ethoQs.ef·· e \•e n be a "t e m po rar y feels on future-and your change of scenery. - potenlial. . AQUARIUS <J a n. W-Feb. VIRGO (Aug . 23·Sept. 18 ): Money, bu dget. 22): \Vanting to start anew decision co nn ected with may not be enough-key is spe<!ial purchase....1.these are to check legal aspects and highli ghted. Your sense of tobeuwareof liens,claims. what is r ight surges to De independent but not ar• forefront. rogant. PISCES. (Feb. 19-r.1arc h 20): Cycle is such that you LIBRA I Sept. 23-0ct. 22): can ingratiate yoursel£ with Teach and learn-gain in· those who pull strings. Be' d i<!ated ir you share sure of what you really kno'<'•ledge. Youareonright want --before you asllfor tract but lack basic inf or-, it. mation. This "'ill be forth· coming from unorthodox IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR· source. 111DAY you a re creative, attractive to opposite sex, SCORPIO <Oct . 23 -Nov. stubborn and temperamen· 21): Shuke off s hackles. t al. By Oc t o be r , you r 1, J\·leans yo u arc permitting nrestyle changes. If single, 7 C yourself to be tied in marriage is upcoming in p °1;: emotional knots. Key is to 1975. R-"99• enlarge hor izo ns. .....,.. · -=======;-Ho ""' SAGITTARI US !Nov. 22·1 r Dec. 21): J udgment could al" ~·~,~,,,._ be clouded by \vhal appears· V to be a "barguin. '' In ac- tuality, you may be paying ~ ~ through the nose for a ~ ii· ' ~'7 #.'-J lu•ion. Be specific, frank ".._~<Ji.~"" and factual. ~r V . CAPRICORN !Dec. 22· Jan. 19): Conditions now .. re more flexible than in · -- A crn on·s SPORTSWEAR • • Antique S'- ·and Sale! Ditily thru thi4 Sunday. A great opportunity to pick up authentic antiQues 10 ad d cnarm to vour t'IOme decor. Also featuring old l&shion tintype photo portraits ot )'OU and vour lem.ly . Hunt1ng1on Center Mall 1 ,Beach alld Edinger a1 Tne San Diego Fwy. . come meet Mike Roy, fa mous gourmet chef Mike Roy, fa med chef and rad io and lelevi sion perso nality, will be in our Coo kshop lo prepare so me of his fa voriie recipes using Wear Ever alu minum cookware. He will also introd uce his new line of ki1 chen cho11ping bloc ks, all now slocked 1by May Co and ava ilab le fo r purchase. Be su re to be there and pick up some tried-and-lrue cooking hinl > and de leCl~ble recipes Io lake home with you. · <00k>hop 13 ' M ike Roy will be appearing: S6u!li Coos1 Plaza. Satcroay, Sept. 28 ati:30 p.m. ' , MAVCO JJ33 Bristol St. at Son Diego Freeway I • . .. . . < QUEENIE • By Phil lnterlandi -. ~· • \ • 0 .. 't-'l-7 "If you're going to use that th ing around the office, you ought to c111pty Your pockets first." Cooper Becan1e Le ty for Film 1·h:1t :IC'lor of yt·Sl(•ryear, GJ ry Cooper, was right· hantlcd. Bul he once pl<1}'ed the part of the great left· handed Yankee 1..ou Gehrig. Client 1vants to know how that was possible. Nothing to it . The film director reversed the club initials on Cooper's uniform, photogra phed him al third baSe intsead· or first, · then reversed the negatives. SPIDERS spin seven different kinds of silk ... IT JS a rare man who s e ears malch ... DID VOU KNOW cork comes rrom oak trees? . . • STUDIES s how whales, too. dream in their sleep ..• OLDEST of the mt'dicines is wine. ~ i\H}HF. TllAN A FOURTH of all divorces occur some- 11 111c during the first three years of marriage. So report the statisticians. Our Love and \\'ar man says what hap- pen:-. in lhis rhrec-year period ahnost invariably deter- mines "·flcther the marriage will be happy or other.wise. JACK LONDON That famous fellow or fiction Jack London was as- iignl'd to report the Russian-J apanese War from Korea. An official there lold him lhe townspeople wanted to see hi m. lie polished up a dand y litUe speech. The turnout was huge. But when he clin)jed up on the platform to t.aJlr to the crov.·d, the aforementioned official merely asked him to remove his false teel.h. ln some wonder· rn.ent London did so • ..-Tbe audf!ice cheered. They called for e~cores. So he put the ~h back, in his pOcket. and just stood there. takin: his false teieth out or h~ mouth and' putting them back in again, repeatedly. The applause Y.'tnl on for 11 long time . J~e neJe r did gi\·e a talk. RUG Q, "\Vhat are the chances my new oriental rug "·ill outlas t my n1ortgage?',' A. Supc~b. Expect the average oriental rug lo last fron1 30 to 60 yea rs. YOU ALSO CAN while away some time at stop lights bv thinking up ··antsers.'' An antser is one word which cOntains the three letters '°ant." For example: "A quick ~nl is in!tant:• '·A flowery ant is plant ." "A faraway ant is distDnt." ··A leftover an t is remnant." "A business Ml is merchant." •·An inclined ant is slant." Any othen? • NOT A BlRll in the .... ·orld has fev.·er neckbones than the gir.affe. Even the little English sparrow has 14. Credit the duck with 16. And the swan, 23. As you no doubt have read, thnt giraffe has only seven necklx>nes. Addres.! niail t.o L . M. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, New- port Bcc1c11. Ca. 92660. Recall Ordered Of Tea l(ettles WASlll NGTON (UPI) Thousands of electric kelUes, including two brands alrcat!:.r banned for use in Canada, ' are being recalled by the Food and Dr~ g Administration because they may c..·ause lead poisoning, t h c goven1ment says. The four brands affected in· I Official Se1i l c1·iced NORWALK (AP! Whittler's former city con- lroller has been sentenced to five yenrs to life In prison for k.illlng hls ex- tranged wife andbcf male lrlend. Oacar .Peacon, 42, was sentenced Wedn~ay by Superior Court J u d g e Rolph A. Biggerstaff. He plendcd guilty to two count.I or oecond-degrcc murder. S odra Poocon, 331 and Anthony Acosta. 30. who worked together at a rcstaurnnt, were shot to death early the n'lonring J( ~larch t3 ·at her home In Pfi>! Rlv~a. • elude Hamilton Beach keltles, model Nos. 351 and 354; Dom.i· nion Electric kettles. model Nos. 1630. 1635-.19 and !654-59: and Toast.master and Everhot brands. both manulactllred by J\fcGraw Edison Ltd . of Toron· lo. TIIE FD A INDICATED Th ursday the recall would in· votve up to 50,000 kettles or all four brands sold between 1970 a.nd 1974. But the agency sajd it did not ·anticipate a need to recall , any other nX>dels or brands a( this time. The_ lead poisoning hazard ex1sts primarily when new ketlJes are used for the first rew tlm ... tile FDA said. The danger is caused by a 90ft lead solder used on the lnsldc or <hem Iha! tends to dissolve Into the bOillng water whC?l lhe kettle is used. 1'he FDA sai<l .McGraw Edison Ltd. stopped oelllng kettles In "the Uniled Stntco six months go and I hat most or lh• kelU s Involved in Ihe • recalJ wer~robably Jn use. by coosum s. The Canadian kettles had been aelllng al n rate of 8 t 10,000 a year nnd befn llOld oaUonwldc at least ~ years. U/\IL 'I PILOl .... , .... ·~ Stabbing St1spect Sought Search. for Patty Hearst PUBLIC NOTICE 1:::--::_1•UflLIC NOTICE • -I \TATl.MINT OJ AIAHOONMll1t tUl'Elt/Olt COUltT 0' Tiff 011 UI• Of' fTAT• OJ CALIFOJINl.t. FOii FICTIT!OV\ IU~tl<IE\\ NA .... ,,. . THI C:COUNTY 011' QIANGE T"I I 111,,,..., t><"t>~"· l'I ,.. l Fruitless A-fter 8Months Hf •........ , !rol <r• ' I M I• ''''~'/ 1 , "" MOTICI OF MIAllllNQ OF AM<:ND l;O [~Pfllf PAO COM.P.tiN'f Pl.TITIOH f'Olt l'ltOIATIE OF Wlll !.•,~•'' ftl~d.. !o"'!i. f I• ANO CODICIL ANO FOR LETTERS C•lllD<"I• •1)~1 TESTAMENfl.llY ( Tiit f1Cl1l10I;\ 81111.,. \ J.14.., " " l llAUPPAUOE. N.11'. (UPI) -Pol ice tod ay searched for a stockjly buill Ol!ln tn his mill· sos in t'Qnnectlon wJlh lhe sttibbing death of the 16-year· old daughter or a wf!ll-to-do attonrey. \., CllllllJIJf Scltll«I ~IOI' ftfflu BERKELEY-Eight months after newspauer b e l re 11 Patricia Hearst ~as dragged from her apartn\ent by a little-known group ·ta 11 J n g itself the Symbionese Libera- tion Army : The body or polite Amy lgu- chl, 5-t'eet-2 and weighing •IOO pounds, was found Wednesday -The FBJ has Interviewed night not far from the~-more than 24,000 persons in lly's $100,000 home in • the vain effo_rt to flnd Ml~ Hearst. Firty agents are \Yark· ( ) Ing on the search In San Fran-J N SHORT .. , clsco. another 20 to 30 in Los Angeles, and the head of lhe FBI bureau in San Francisco boring Asharonken. She had been stabbed more than 40 limes in !he chcsl and shool· ders. Suffolk County police fo1md the body of the red-- l1aired, green-eyed honor stu- dent near the Long Island Lighting Company's North- portpower plant. • No CllOHfle NEW YORK (UPrt -Firs! National City Bank. the second lurgest in the nation. today held its prime interest rate nt 12 percent, resisting the trend t o 10"-·er loan prices begu n this week by some ma- jor banks. First National, w h i c h revie .... ·s its rale structure each Friday, announced its "base lending rate remains un· changed'' v.•ithout explaining lhe decision. \Valter \\'risron. chairn1an of the board. told sec u r i t~v analysts in Chicago Wed- nesday that the trend to lower rates was premalu re. e S till Jt1ile<I \VASl~INGTON (1\Pl Former Army Lt. Wi11iant L. Calley Jr. is remaining in prison while the Army de<:ides Ylhelhcr to appeal the reversal of his conviction for murder in the J\fy Lai massacre. Calley's release was blocked Thursday when a temporary stay v.•as granted by Chief Judge John R. Brown of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of AJ> peals. says the Hearst C3'se has tied up more agenls over a longer period oC time that he can recall. The FBI has distributed 11ew pictures o( Miss llearst and othe SLA members, Emily and \Villiam T. Harris. ac· companied by the liarriscs' new aliases. tbe FBI an- nouncl'CI in Sail Francisco this week. Mrs. Harris is shown wearing a \11ig. -THE FBI l!AS 110 evidence to suppo rt recent reports that Miss Hearst has returned to Berkeley after picking up with underground g r o u p s in Guatemala. -San Francisco po Ii c e sources say the y see no evidence of an SLA revival following the f\1ay 17 shoot--out in Los An geles in which six SLA members 11•ere slain - but add they are still unablt" to predict whether a similar abduction or outburst o f violence might or might not occur. -Qnly a few tips · come in each week lo the FBI, com· pared with an avalanche of "sightings'' from aroWld lhc U.S. and Central America after the f\1ay 17 shoot-out. -AT LEAST EIGUT and possibly as many as t""·o dozen authors are planning or ac· tually writing books on I.he SLA. ' UPI TtltPhOlll STILL A MYSTERY Patricia Hearst The list includes J o h n Lester, liearsf f a m i 1 y spokesman during the long ordeal; and h'Jiss liearst's fiance. Stephen \Veed. Y.'ho has bloen traveling around the U.S. searching for clues and understanding of what hap- pened to •·Patty." Other titles : "A Soci:il Si urly of California Life" b y Newsweek column ist Shana Alexander ; "In Search of a Sister,'" by Fred Soltysik, brother or slain SLA member '•J\1izn1oon" Soltysik; Donald Freid's an d Lake Hed!ey's ··Cinque the Slave," which portrays SLA leader Donald De Freeze as a police agent and a book by KQED-TV newswoman Marilyn Baker. coisTON \VESTBROOK, a pri:Jon instructor once on the SLA ··rut list," is plannin_g a book tilled •·The Nigger Who Came Too Close." There are even rel)Orts that Russel Little and Joseph Ra1niro. bo!h awai ting trial on charges in the murder or l•lttt of Elt?ABEtl'+ E llON(l. 1l•o 10 1oo~e ""•• hllJ<l .. 1 ~· .,_,., 11 ELIZABETH ELPlilCIC BONO. July 111. IY'4 " . 0 kl nd hool rt Ind NOTICE' IS HE11£9Y OIVEt.i HI•! !"tkff'~tk 8!..tt, ~~!• r 4•• · 0.C:e.tMd. I KEBCX F"'TERP!t+!( a a SC supe n c ent H. E. CHll;!STIANSEN ll•l lilK! 11tr••n (•\•'0""·1 "'J/ ,f llfarcus Fostl!r. will conlrlbule :'111 •:;:."~1~a~°r:i ::; .~~~~~: :: ui!~',1,~n11nn• "'"' cvlllkl<. 1 ~,, • """"Y• to a book by SLA •!'ITI· Ll!lf'' Tf11•m."•~rv 10 1110 r>ll1•hnn~•1 KEBFX rt.iTEPPRISE!"t ....__ f9ftfO'lte lo wl\Jc11 11 mtOf' ~· ""'".,' E ''" r o· Plllhlzcrs p1r1lcv11rt, 1no 1n•t 1~ 11,,.e and pl,•t "'~!ln'l !>, 1.,1 .. ,v·T•O..\ll• · ol t1e1rl"9 ~""' 1 ..... 1 mu llH•I '•t '"'' ''·•l<•"'>·f II<•" '''t•J • Meanwhile the often chnotic IOr O(tOl!tl I), \97(, ~! 9 l~ • "' Covpl~ I l••k ul O••""' Cc ' ., tn t~Q cQu(lroorn o! D~l)b!lmtnt t,ig ~tpT .. rnl>C'r )ol 1910 and difficul l...to-dcflne left-\vlng' ni ,aid cov•\· 11 100 c.v•t ''"'~'I ,.,_...,i Orlv1 W•1t, 11> hi Clly 01 \~1111 An~. Pu~ll•~~d Orar><1• c ... ,, D ,,,,,, I . 0111!(1 Sep11m1>er 11. It/( 1,1, ) "1nove1nent" or the San F'rJn· C•lllorn1,, 11(11i1~mtMr ,7. 3"1t Oc1<,t>4>• • " clsco Bay area continues to ~~~~~A~itf~ 51 JOHN, -f'Ul<I 1, ..... 1 l'Il''" debate whether the SLA n1em· •LAIS AND LOSKAMP A ... '' J .:. • " E. Mltnoli1 l lVd., Suitt 100 bers v.·ere heroes or fools -•ur!Nnk, C•IUornl• tU02 FICT I TIO'I~ llUSIHf•~ Atlorneyl ~" Pelillontr HAME STAfC,".\ENf Or a bJt O{ both, Put)tlslle<I Ora1111e CO<lll 011IY Polol, Tri<• I '' ·'"' ' ~ Seplember :l'O, 21. 21. 1914 Jl~l 14 llU!"' ., t.1any Bay area "movc1ncnt r1N•~ ·a. ro "''••s Pl"~ PUBLIC ~OTICI·: AGt1'.( y 0 " IR"{l"'L .--w people" are reluctant to talk o· • ~• -c11·1 !------S&N l"1•IPr1w.i " C I ""'ith reporters about the im-1 4°'14 c .,. • ~ , 0.1• .. I SL h d I SUPElllOR COURT 01= THE I ltli• 4')') Tc .. ~·~1 pact 0 A on t e ra ica STATE OF CALIFORHCI FOlil ( ... TH E COU NTY OF OlllNGI.. tr . h· , ' 1 scene. No. A112.o 'oor"""" ----·NOTICE OF HEIRl l\IG OF PETITION Bo!..> [ntr•,u FOR PROBATE OF HOLOG1i1A<>H1C1 ONE \Vl10 AGREED to an w1LL AND FOR L f; TT E ... • · I · , Bob flood TESTAMENTARY l ' ••• •··~ ·n~i·' ., ·.! In crv1ew "as . a E~ll(o Of JOHN CLAYTON COl<BCTf 111 coordinator for V i el n a m Oeceotwo. tov~•v ,., '~ M V t A ' t t"-\V NOTICE IS HERE.'lV !;IV(N lu,11 t .~. I~/~ e erans gains U1": ar· Mlt.iNIE CORBETT VEA~IF ~~· hlo•<I \Vluter Soldier Organization 11ereln • ~"1;M tor P10~~1·· ~1 ,r1 • '1 ,,C·~·", 0 , ' o 1, . HotOOr•plllc Will ~no lor "°"""''II "' ., I·• nt11 r O<' llhe VVA\V-\VSO). •toos IS a Lelle•~ Te.tam~nrarv to !I>~ p,•1,linn,r hi• fri end and former neinhbor rererenc:e to whkh is ,., .. 1~ It• t•'ll'•"'I e> p~rrlculotr•. ~nd 11>a1 Ille \'me '''"' p1n1~ 1'1 1BLI(' \tl ll("I. of Ramiro. 111 11e'r1"9 !he 4dme ,,~. 1•v<·n ~ ... 1 ''Th •h ! SLA lh' II for Octot:oer 5. )9/(, ~I ~ .1u .1.,, ·1 FIC TITI OUS !IU$INE~1 e \\ 0 e Ing rea Y Jn !hl' Cl!lltlloom ot D>.•p,,f'•"cn! N(I 11jAr.tE STAT l:MEN f hit nle hnrd and nladc n1e J of s~lu cov•t. 111 1110 civu. ce .. tHr '"~ 101111,,..,1111 pt'•scM 0,. 11 . .,, . Olive We11, In 1ne c.1y <;it 5, .. ,,, A~<1. ~~,. ,. tlunk, the husky veteran ca111orn1•. ' 0~_,..Ni~ a. oENN1', Pf"F'' •·II recalled over a ca!eterin lunch oated Sep!emt.ier 1~· 1911 ACt ~., 1 OF 11u,,.r1NC10~• nf . th 0 kl nd J b T . . w1tc..1AM E. s1 JOH N. i~1 .... t•t·~fh a•~a. "'" in *'v"i" in e a a o rauung couniv c1er1< LI h c" 9, •• 1 Center, ,~·here he is an audio ~1~K-!\~;hezc,~~d.AND REDM OND aA.1';, i::ni~·~ ... ·\ .tnc111n·•.1'..i · t hn ' I '' Loi A11gele1, Calltor11;, tooll •' 4 'h C.1,.n. r ·~ ' 1~111. VISUa lee IC an, Joe and T ,. UUI •1•·'101 , ..... ~wc:,c><1. ~ .. ,,1~ A·l~. ('"1111 l had so much in common A~•~rn•Y• tar: pelillener ,., ~~""""' ·' ''' " " 1·~ in our p 0 Ii tic s our Pull!ISl'!Pd Oran!le Ca•<I OJo•v ,,~·,'",','l!IW' •h.JrU&W i::n1 .. rr '.,, · • Sep•Pmbllr 1'0. 11. 17. 1~1' , L·ln ¥."!'IOI• background s. and our ex· f p, .. .,de•'' periences that I had to \\'Onder J'UBLIC NOTICE 1h·~ ,1.,1f.rne"' ~,., 111lfll "'" • ... heh I Id h f~•nli (llrL Of Or•l'lq-C.ur•/ \V t er \VOU ave gone a ~om I stoh,mbll• 1j, •~u in the same direction if I SUPEll!Oll COURT OF THE F"I', d STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~OR Pu11li1™'d 01,,,nut Ce•" D<llly r· ha goll en in with the sa1nc THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Sf!flltm~r 11, .111!1 O(IO<ier •. t> people," he said. NO. A-flJ)t \,,. ; I I NOTICe OF HEAJIJHG OP PETITJON Hood says the SLA left n1ix· FOR PROBATE oF WILL ANo FOR ed r I• LETTERS 0 F ADMINISTRATION ee 1ngs among 1nany in WITH WILL AHNEXEO lhe radical scene. The Eslate of NIEVES NAVARETTE PUBLIC NO'fJCE FICTITIOUS' IUSIN SS NAME STATEMENT 0ANIEL. Dec,ased. Shooting Of the Wi d e I y NOTICE IS HERESY GIV EN that Tne to1111wln9 PC"ri;O"'-It OQ1119 bl.Ir.on"' respected Dr Foster drew GENEVIEVE HEALEY has 111("<1 N!rt•n •1 JUST HAIR (f Iv s ;-;--~ ! ... • ' a pe!ltlon for Prob>lte ol Win ~nd " ormer 1 V' ~ ' mUCh Cr ltiCISm as a foo liSb lor l11uanC1! o! Lel\ers gl Adm•n,.1r .. i.o" SAIOOI, )QI~ Cot-' H!OIW•iY· Sn<1T"I t I. lh t Id lh wl!ll·the wrll annelled lo the pel1t•an~r Laa111>11, Co!llgrr>,o. 91~71 ac IC a cou SCI e nlOVe· rol~r('nc• !g wh1cti 11 mtio~ for tvr1~e· I Ectw,,rd H~c• •11, ,,~,6 "·~ler.I ' ment back , he said. 11art!cu1~,,. and tha• •~e ··n·• rnd pl/l(~I s~ .. Jua,1 c,,jl,llr•no, c..111, of heerl119 ttie 11ame 11~1 b~an ~el 1.,1 Tl,,~ bv$ln~1l ·~ crind1Kl11C1 hv October B, tt74, al 9 JO am, ,~ '"" (lurr-lnct•v•au,ll BUT LATER I nd raom of De~rtment No 3 {!! ~·••d <OUrl E:a""'"'11 110,kelt a e ency to et 700 Civic Cen!er :Jrlve '.'leJ1, Jn ltlt Tl!!~ sMlemen! W(I$ !llod wl•tl ti~ romanticize the SLA members City of Sllnla Ana. Celi!1!tnlo. Cou111y Ct,rll O! Or•n'Je Cov~1v h c. d ed I . k Oal~ September 11, 1974. ~ep!~mbl!r 1(. 191.1 as eroes Wuu ar 0 pie WILLIAM E. SI JOHN, Fll•I' up arms developed , he added. MRs. G~~~1J.i!JEk HEAC..E'I' s~~~~b~~~· ,?,··~~ ~~~. o~uv ii'1,' Yet aside from a few fading '" c1My1nne s1rt11 1~1• ".16?' 11 SLA f't' t'll I nd '""a Mll•a, CA ,,,,, gra 1 1 s 1 ou on some T11: 11111 S4S·l't' Berkeley walls. there are fe1v In pre per · 'bl · Put)tlsl!ed Or&f>Qe Coa•l Dally Ptlc r v1s1 e signs the SLA com-sep1tmt1er 20, 11. 17, 1914 :;~,2.,. srATEME NT OF AaANOON MENT OF USI! OF mands much attention in the PUBLIC NOTl(;E F1CT1T1ous aus1HESS N•MI movemenl lhese days The 1o11aw;no PC'f'H>O» Mve .1IMtllt'r" ·1 · tne uw ot lhe l1c11Uou1 ~neis ,....,,.., By contrast. a band of SLP·74HJ ~OLAR CHE ..... ICAL COMPll.NY !'911 SUPERIOR COURT OF Tl'4E ' ' oo·• .... , ' I• o PUBL IC NOTICE Calley was ordered freed Wednesday by U.S. District ·~ fugitives calling themselves STATE oF CAL1Fo11:rc1A 1=011 c~~~~nia tt?O'i · '""' • ' v• r. the "\Veather (;nder"round'' THE COUNTY OF OlltANGE Tiie f"lctlllou1 Su1lrie1s N•MI !'"tit••~·· Judge J. Robert Elliott of Columbus. Ga ., who ruled that Calley's righls to a fair trial were violated during his court· martial 31h years ago. e Bln•t i>11:::le ! ISTANBUL (UP I \ - Turkish n av a I authorities refused loday lo confirm or deny reports by the official Turkish Anatolian news agen· cy that a Soviet guided missile armed destroyer exploded and s.ank in the Black Sea two week s ago with all hands . The So\•iets have not disclos· cd the c<lmplement of one of the 4.300-ton Kashin class deslroyf'rs but a U.S. Navy vessel or comparable size and class \\'OOld carrv from 300 to 35!> met'J and officers. p ,ilot Logbook lt'"s a Moving Experience . . " . Ne. A .. lm to .u1ove wA1 tlLtd In Or.inge 1.eunl'I" ''" ~claims credit for more than HOTJCE OF HEARING OF PETJTIONI Marci! !I, t911. _bombint1c ..Since. 1970 and FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR IO:BEX ft.iTER PR ISE>, • '-nl!1or• ;" , &" . • LETTERS -TESTAMENTARY -€'..,DO<•llon. \1tl\..$kY~lt~ .i;has gamed new promin ence Ell•!• ot JOH N T. HOGAN. ak• F. 1rv1~. ca11torn1.t f'J107 . JOHN THOMAS HOGAN, JACK T. This 1>1nlnes• Wf.1-C°'ldlKlecl bV ' More than a few Bay Area HOGAN 1no JACK HOGAN, 01<1ase<1, corpor11tion. " 1 leftists predict an increase in NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN th~I KE8EX ENlEA .. IU'\f.$ . 8ettv J•ne Hooan tws lltN herein ii Esttier O'Connor SUCb bombtngS and Other petition for Probflll of Wiii lll'ld for Actlnt Sec:relerv·Treawre• sabotage Berkeley Poli,... have lf•v•Me of Litters T1s1J•1nen1 .. rr lit Thl1 sl•temenl w•s rJltd wit" !~!' · '"'" 1111 petlllOfllr, reter1,.,(1 to whkll ls CooJnlv Clerk OI Oralltil ·County a" taken the threat Seriously med' tor lurtller par11cul11rs, end lh&t $eptembllr 24. 1914 hl . 11111 time "l<I PIKe of h&a•i119 The !odm~ F•J\6 enoug to warn companies has blllln set !or oc1ober s. 191~. a1 Publl5hed O•eoq1 CO<!it 0111v Pi!or. and individuals who may be 9:3(1 •.m .. In tile courtroom ot Oeparr. s1011mbcr 21. and OC.tober •· !1, 1~. . mtnl No. J of said court, at 7t'D 1'74 360~ ·• of Santa Ana, Callfornl~. ! potenti al targets. Civic Cenrer Drive wesr, in ti\\' c;rv By DOUG FR ITZSCHE PUBLIC NOTICE D111d Sep1ember 11, 191•. 'IJI LLIAM E. SI JOHN, 9 "'131' PUBLIC NOTICE Of llM 01llr !"Hot Stall 1------1_·-.,.c,-,-----I County Clerk l\IOTICE TO Cll'EDITOl!S Adios Santa Ana Heights, cha-cha-cha. NOTICE TO CRE D>TO•• MESERVE, MUMPHER & HUGH!':S SU PERIOR COURT OF TH• H llo Co I •1 ha h h m s. H09t st. 3$1h FIGCH' e 8 a n esa, C -C a-C a. SUPERIOll COURT OF THE L'I Angeln. Calilornl• f0017 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOii You might call it •1.-"Still Recover1'ng From .• Back· STATE 01" CALll"ORl\llA P'OR Al1or111y1 fer: Peli!IOM<' THE COUNT'I OF ORANGE UR.: M. THE COUNTY OF ORANGe: Pul>Jlsh«I Orangll' Coal! O.illv Phor He. A·807t' ache, Moving One More Time Blues.'' The cha-cha"s No. A41m s~iem~ 20, 21, 21, 1974 3!43.74 Ei1~re at CLARA M. VALLA. OeceA·. 1 hes Est•te of JAMES E. CHUl!M. Oeceas· __ NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN itr 1"' were ore lrated by val ve tappels in !he old pickup ed. PUBLIC NO'l'ICE c~uor' of 111e al>O.,.. n11fnll'.:t d~~i. ~· with the gagging cooling system that valiantly strugg}ed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the In.it all pe<'Ml"I ~ .. vln; c1 .. 1m. ,.,, • ' credlrors ol TIM •bo'lf! 1>1~ .:t«edl1>f Ille Wld d«l!dffll df'I requ;•!'<I ro 1 I• back and forth an intenninabJe nUm• th.Iii all S-~I having clalMS •IJalmH SLP•74SIC 11\em, Wllll tM O<!Cl>Sl'V VOUt~O••· ber of times between houses. the Hid d«-n• •re required to /ile SUPERIOR COURT OF THE lhe ofllce of itic cter~ of •lie .it-o·ttr 01em. wllh Ille nec:esJ.llry voucriers. !n STATE OF CAC..IFORNIA FOii: enlilled cour l. or 10 J>•~en1 tr>tm. , . .,,,, A' family of four can amass_Dn the ollltl of ,.,,. clerk ol lhot •bOv• TNE COUNTY OF ORANGE Ille lllPCISSary Y!'UCl'le• • lo I h ~ · red'bl enlillec:t courr. or 10 pres.enr lhem. with Ho. A .. lUO ull'\C>r•lqne<:t at Ille oHict or t~ " dlC I e amount of possessions over the ne-cnsery voucner1. ro '"' II/\-NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION attcrnevs. JOHN A. GILLIGAt.i At.iD • 13 S11spects a period of years and ours is no ex· Oer1lgne'll at 1111 o!llce of hi$ attorney.. FOR . PROBATE OF WILL AHO DONA.LO M HOFF-'t\AN. Xk. W•ll~ LOVELi.., KING & CASE, 550 South C 0 D IC IL AND FOR LETTERS Slvd., Svite 110&. LO~ Angtlli. C•l!ID•r>•·• GUADALAJARA M ' ception. FIOWf'r Slr1et, Suite 910, Lot Angeln, TE5TAMEHTIRY 90010. which h t~t CllKe al bv ;n · e XI C 0 'J'he f . "-" h C1lllornla 90011, whlcll 11 '"' pla«o of Es11re cf EDITH E. PELLEGR•t.i, of Ille vn<11r1i11ne<1 In el! f1'I ''"' (UPI )_ Federal agents have re were our t\\'lll ~s, t ree 005111155 0, !he llOOlrtl;in-M in ,.11 mii-•I sa kr.own as eotTH PELLEGRIN, per1111n1"9 to 111e n11111 ot ~·d eil(~cwi 3 I I · ·u heavy chairs, two dining room tables ttr1 oerlalninv 10 !he ~"•'e of l.il!cf Oeceased. wit1>1n 11>ur mCN"!lhs 11t11r tllt t•~ 1 Captured 1 e lJst gueITJ as de<:l<le<ol, withil> !ovt moolll1 •lier Ille NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lllal pu~Ucallon Of 1n!1 notice. "'h:> admitted kidnaping the and a very unhappy cat in a· big 11rM oull1k11t1on al t1111 notice. EOWARO A, PELLEGRlt.i hai. 1Ucd oated At19u1t 30. 1~74 plywood bo w O•led Sep!embl• 17, 197,, herein ll pellHM far Probllte of Wiii GEORGE M. VALLA 1nd aged falher·in-la W Of J\.1exican X. PETEii. (HURM •nd Codkll •nd for issuance ot C..e!ler~ CATH ERINE DEIBEL President Lui s Echeverria lasl l"RITlSCHE Executor 01 riw w11t of Tes1emen1ery ta The oet1Hor>er. relerence E11e<:u1ors 01 the w111 or THE CREW f t ( h fi'te <lhavt n1mtd df(:l!de~I. 10 l\ohlch Js made ior lurfllcr oartlcul~ro. the abovtt named <lKl'denl month and atxlucting a U.S. O amJ eu r movers per ormed sue LOVELL, KING & CASE and thBt 1t>e lime and 11l11ce n1 nearing JOHN A. GILLI GAN 11.No diplomat Jast year, ~JeXiCBO packaging miracles .!:IS Stashing a fuJI bo1vl Of cat food 5SO SoUlh F"lowtr SI., Sulit 910 1111 .-10•ffle hllS been ~I for Oc!ol>f'r DONALD M. HOFFMAN · bo d I · Ln1 A1191l11, C•lll. toon a, 1914. at 9,30 e.m .. in the court•oom ll'S Wililllr1 S1~d., Sul!e llM police said today. In a x an ransportmg it without spi_lling a kernel. On Ttl : 111u IH·4411 of 01p•r1men1 No. 3 of said court. Le• An91111. C•Ufarnla too10 The lo men and three the other hand , a tuna casserole si milarlv packed proved Attorney• tor l!xecvtlll' Bt 100 Civic C•nter or1v1 wes1, In A1tonr11v1 +er E.1r,1cu1or1 . . • Pubtlil!\'d Ora1191 Coa1I 01llv Pllol Ille Cll'I' or Sania Ar>a, Cal!forn•B. Pubtllhed Oran1111 COJM 01111'1 "" • women confessed to abducting an 1nteresl1ng garnish to the rest of that box of kitchen seoitmblr 1'1l. 11. 0c1011er ,, n, 1,1, 0111d sep1emblr 11. 1974. seo11rn11er 6, 1J. 70. 17. 1~1' 83-year-old Jose Guadalupe paraphernalia. 11----;:;;;:::;-;:;-:::::=::::::-"-~-·'-'1 ~!,!;~A~,,;k St JOHN , Zuno ~lemandez at gunpoint Then there was Na1>oleon, a load \vith an idenlity PUBLIC NOTICE JAMEs L. RUBEL, JR . Probfe be. ked fr · f · Elba Jd-----~cc=---'-3432 v11 Oporto, Sit. 102 Aug. 28 as he rode in his m, mg pac O In a g ass Jar 10 a new . 11 ..oni --H•'flrP0'1 leach, cat1tor11r1 926611 11 fOI•• chauffeured limousine through Napoleon is a little too much of a name for our six·year· NOT ICE TD cREDITORS ~~!~1!:~ PrHtl-• su~~~·~ Tcfo~=~DJio~iE a Guadalajara slum. federal old to remember, so he is somelimes called \Vilbur and. ~~:TE:1g,• ,'.~~.•0T,,•1•, '••"'• PYblished oranoe CM•t oauy Piiat. STATE oF cALlFORNI• i:o11 OCCasionaJly Geo Ji d 'I ti !ho h the 'd .. Stplember :IO, 21, 21. 1914 ~·7l THE COUNTY 01" ORANGE agents said. • rge. oesn ma er, ug ' toa THE COU NTY o .. DRAHGI! Ne. All~~I doesn 't answer to anything. · 1110. A.J1111 PUBLIC NOTICE Estell! o1 GRACE c11ovER lff'RR•~ • I Aff E$!1lt_ ol WILLIAM ARTHUR SHAR PE, Oec~ll'd. p "''' ., In the midst of th.is melee. carpetlayers \\'Cre rii.ak"ing •llO kl!O'NI> " WILLIAM A. SHARPE, NOTICE 15 HeRE8Y 01\/"l:.N ., ' DALLAS. Tex. (AP \ an attempt to put the new rugs dov.'Tl. As a result , every· ~.",',"',,· ,, "''''' Gove" 1 5TATl!'MENT0,••5 o 0ANOONMl!NT cre.:111ors 01 the nl>l1W':' nf'i•,....,, hin nded ked ,. ,. o lhe U E F •II pe•IOll~ having cla•m• •q ·~~' • 1 Agriculture Secretary' Earl L. I g e up stac in the ya rd. c•edltors ol '"' abl!ve 1>amtc1 decedent FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME wia oeeectent are reav"ed i, 1.1" ,.., lh1t all person1 ha'<'1""1 claims 191li.t The toUowlng person1 have ablndoo>ed wl!h lllC' n«ei.s.i•v •ouch~•• '" .,,. Dul• says he w1'll not use SO 1111 aald dleed•nl are •e11ul•N ra 1111 1111 ..,., el lht' ficlitlous bu!lr>eH n~1111: '''''' ,1 ,._ ,,,,, ,1 ,_ •-·• ,.,, • 'IEWllERE IN here, Art V1·n-I, lhe Da1·ly P1'!01 ·s •--.,,. ''" 1 "" .... ..... " ho posed 11 ~ ,..,.,., " ne<:Ml&r~ VOUCllers, n J)( PROOUCTS, 11'15 Skyp.arl< Blvd,, court, Of lo pre\.lnt them, "'''" ire a road tent S ,W pro poJlce reporter, showed up to help. VinseJ. \Vhose \'Oice Ille olllce al the cler~ al Ille lbl!ve Svlle F, Irvine, Calilornia 92707 nec!!!«lf~ vouchllri, M Int' lll'!dnr; ,,.~ 1 by an aide to convince the en!lrted covrr. or la Prts•n• 1111m, with ltie Flt!lllouS" S11S,lnes1 t.iemt r1!errfd et '"' ofllte l)f ~,, allnn'tf'vt. LOVELL. , is as soft and sweet as a gravel truck "·ith a bad trans-"'' netess~rr voucl'>lr1. tc r h • 10 abOve wes rued •n Ora rig? coun1v on KING a. CASE. 5~0 5~.,,~ F1~-" s· p0blic thci:t food prices are mission on a 45 percent grade, ended up as a nursemaid. ~ndersl11oltd •• 1111 oftlct c1 1111 enor111y•, 0c1ooer J, tm. 910, Lo• Anqele•. c~iuorni~ '1()(11'1~. W·• L~ not U-•-arabJ~ht'gh LUNKETT AND PLUNKETT, '12 Ollve KEBEX. ENTER.PRISES, 1 7 9' S Is 1,,. ol•ct ot bU\l"'1St o! tile undlrtlon~d I'~ d d. h Tbe Cynical CO!J shopper proved to h<IVC nolhing in Av~nue, P. 0. Box 26f, Hunlln9ton Sky~r-Blvd.. Sullt F, lrvlllt ,/lll •II m~t1ft1 Pl!tla\n.r>o to Ille ,, , . Bu z sai urs ay t ere cominon with f\1ary Poppins. When he and the six-_vcar--old ~:~~11, 1C•llfornfe !l'Ul9, whl,11 11 tile C•lllorn11 n101 01. uld dtce<ieni, wioiln 1°"', '""" , 0 Pl S lo · mplement 11 a 1>u11ne11 ot !he una1r1l11nN T~Js 11u1lhes1 was (onctuclf<I or 1 l tt!r the 1,.,, puouc~llan 01 ""~ N:>u'" are n an 1 put their heads together, the malevolent genius resulting Jn eu manen oert•lnlnt,1 10 th• 1sta11 corporation. 0 l9d .sap1ern1Mtr 11 1,1~ lhe proposal revealed Wed-was amazing. ot lllld decl(lenr, within 11>ur m011!1\1 KEBEX ENTERPFUSE5 ' JOHN L HER,RrcK esd !I 'd the 'd arter thl Urst publ!ca!lon of lllli nn!lce. euner O'Connor Exec1,1t~ ct 1111 wlll ot n ay. e sai 1 ea, I was away loading the truck, bul eye•.11ilnesscs re--Oll9d S&i11tm11er J, 191' Actl11g secretarr·Tr•asyr~r ihe •b(lve ,,.,.,ea dl«Oon1 which called for a traveling ported someth1'ng l1'ke lh1's·. CHARLES WES LEY SHARPE Thi• italement Wet filed wllh l~e LOV&LL KIHG .. CASE how I I d. I Ektculor Of the Wiii ol County Clerk ol Oran!}!! Counly en SSO sauih Fl9wer Svl•I tlO S nc u ing mus c. prayer As the' pile of belongings In the front yurd backed '"' above nemld dlctderot Sep1ember 2~. tt74. Les An91111 CA 'to011 and sketches or early pioneer beh. d th I PLUNKETT AND PLUNKETT FlfflS Altu•ne'IS 1dr E•1 uler Jl·re, was "charactcri'stlcally" up Jn e carpel ayers, the area took on tile appear· •n ouv1 Ave.,'"· o. •er Hf P11b111nea Or•"9e caa11 o~uy p1101, Publ!5hetl oran.1i'ir cc.1\1 oeiiv Piii• MCe Of a swap m(lCt. NUnllntlon lllth, Celltornll t26•1 Septtrnbtr 21, •tld ()(!Ober 4, 11, 11. ~fPIOnlt)Cr 70 21 O(!O ~r , I!. l•H blown OUt 0( proporilOtl by T.t: 1114) I~ 1914 :U0..-1• • ' ' " .~)l.•.i the news media. ! Not letting an opportunitr slip away, the two "juve-At10Tlllv1 tor ir:~~"'''' niles" scrounged a couple o "for sale'' signs fron1 the s:..=i:i" ~;~~~ 11:o;i9s;, oeuv ~'~~;, e Pardotl Asked ex--owner s leftovers ln the garage and erected them al suPEIUOR cou.11TO F ~ 11 40921 the curb. PU8LJC NOTJCE STATE 01" CALIFORNIA FOR NOTIC& TO CRIOITORS WASHINGTON (UPI ) -THE COUNTY 01" OAANOE SUPC"I DR COURT OF fHI! • 40tSI No. A .. lut STA.Tl 01" CALIFORN IA llO+t Former While ltouse special ' THE PERPETRATORS lmmediattly escaped into the suP1R10• couRT o .. Twe NOTICE oP HEARING o'" PET1T10N TwE couNTY op oRAHGI I ~-i \" Col ' ! he STATE OF CAl..tP'ORHIA P:Oll l"Oftl PROBATE> OF" WILL AND FOR No. A ..... <.'Otmse uiar es '•. son, m bllck yard. Soon a crowd gal red and began r>eeking THE COUNTY OP ORANG& LETTERS TE$TAMENTAltY. E••ate ol ll:OGER OAl!'l'l. llAUfitHl jail fur obstruction of justice. over the merchandise. H•· A .. lw E1l&l1 of ARTHUR 0. Mc:BlillOE. JR. lllO l<n(loW .... ROCEA 0 VAUQHM. h k d P 'd t F rd I t NOTICI" 01" HliAIUNG OP PlTITIOfll •1<• A. 0 MtBll:IDE. ·~· ARTHUR JR. ~t•t.ed. as as e res1 en 0 or Wife immedintely became alarmed and began tum ng FOR P'ftlOIATli OP WrtL AND l"OA DARCY McB ll:IDE:, D«Nsltd. NOTICE rs HERESY c;1~EH ho I a pardon of his Watergate-down some very attractive-offers for our matched set L.ITTliRS TESTAMIHTARY NOTICE IS . H£1!ESV GIVEN ltl•I t<ed•lart Cl 1111 •lJOW "·~~ o.~ ' l ed I d Ellalt of MARY E. GAUTHIER, 1IM1 MAll:JORIE McBRIDE ANO CONRAD lhet BU PlfWfll IWV/ft.1 .U,ms _.,,. r rt at er me. of early-scrounge furniture. At least if someone ha kno¥rn •• MARY GAUTHIER. Dec•••· T. 11JORNL1e r.ave flied htf1111 a 111tlt1on\ '"' ...,;0 otctot"i ,.,. ,.. "~''•, "' 1 Colm's request was sent bought the stuff, ·J wouldn't have had to move ii inside. NOT1ce. 1s HeREllY GtVEH ,...,,, tor Praoat• ot w111 •f'>ll '°' 1•w1nc1 "'""" w1111 tl'le '*"••••"' _,.,., ,, JU LIUS W. FELDMAN 1W5 Ill~ hertln of Litter$ l1it1mrnt11r to the CG-9tli· the oflli;e ol IM c1~1~ ct I " ....,. t 10 the Justice Department, ~1eanwhiJe back _i,n the garage. the prtViOUS OV.1ner I PtllllO!I tar Pr*!I of Wiii md llone.-1 relerln<1! to which Is r7\td9 Wlllll.O cour! or IO ptt•rtt!I !-· ,. t11 ~·hlch wilt study It and make had staektd his bclonaings and "'as trying to get away tor l1tY1net ot L'"""' Tn11mtt111,., "" i\,.111tr 1>1<r11cw1•"' tn<t !~•t •ht '"" "'~·.-1•¥ YCllC'llt'', ,. . • • --mmendollon to the .,, . to tM pe1111-,.,...ft!(, " """'c" 11m. •hd Pl.ct ot 11eer1119 rne s•m• vncte••ltnt<I •' flit Ol"ftt ot ""° -t~• • .... ., ·while the getting wa~.-11 nt.oe for' 1w111er P1rfl(lll1rs. .,., '"' 11et11 _.., 1or-0<:io11er u. 1974 SCHOOU.NG .}.NO Jcw.>0L1 .. G -. White House. ford has said · ltr..lt ,._ n..,.. •oo p!.ce o• MarlAQ 11 f :)O e.m., 111 the covr11oom o1 Cl••fl'OOtl A.....,.,., """''~~~ .. n ~ , !IE U,.........__...~D lo be • th k"lch be II ca !flt urt1t "'" bN-11 HI '°" °''°"' Of.oartJ"ll'tl• No. J 01 Wl4 (turt. 11 C•Hrornl• mu wnitn ·• 1l'lt t • 811 pardons wiJI be on Qfl · i.j,ITt.Nc:. Ill e I en W A IC: SSC-U. lt1•, et t~JO e.m., In tllt eevriroom 700 Civic Cenler Orl"t Weil, In '"' lff oin,!"" 111 !ht llf'lltr\•ll"';t 11 I lnd1vidua1 OOsis. role..hit tM _00_.and, with a knowing smile, \l'Omed me to ot 0tpanm1n• No. i ot u10 court. cur c1 S•~'• An_., c:~u1orn1•. ....e'"'' .,,.,,.,,,,,11 1~ '"' "''1~ "' k ha 1 'I hll h n-"I .~ !ruck· -' 1'IJlll Civic C1111w Orlve W.11, In Otltd ~t!lmbtrA-.1'7• ,aid Ckicedl'f'I, wltn11> IOtlr !1'\('11110, ellff • "ST Bill, ma e a s~y-e..x1 w e. e was ring up II s O\O"u . tlll Cll'!' ol S.11t• AN, C1Ufor1>l1. WILllAM-11. Sf JottN, t~. l!rsl put!1{•tlcrt cl 11'!1, ~n-:---.., By midnight, work dragged to a halt The crew D•11!d S.MemDtr 2$. 111• ccun1v Cl••• 0~1ec1 $trltllfl"IW ' 1-11 Sl.gg.red ·-'nd 1'n a comblnat1'on or ••ha"St••on and in-WILLIAM •. St JONN. JOHN SON, .,04'H.LIE AND MERRITT TBRE:c..A VAUGl'I., WASlilNGTON (AP ) ...,..,... .. . C0\11111 Cltrt Al1orMV1 11 l'"• Adll'•nl,111111. •-nalo aclloo -0 bill Io duigence In brewed expert, ise. JUL1u1 w. tLD~AN. tNc. .-1s w11.~1 .. Bl'fd .• Me. 1te1. "' ,,,. ...... ., ,,. ~ ~· ""-' II d I t Im St. AMl'tw• Orin L,1 An.,..~ < ., \1f11f~ tot.w "~ ~~ -. .... re!tore standard time from One by one they drot'I""" to !he oor ~ nn craw ed o St•t •••(rt. c11n1n11a "1.. T••i tui1 ,,...,.1 s'"ttOoL11110 ••o scHOOL11to November th-•gfl Feb~~~ 1h-'r cars ,. · T•h 1111J tJl+m A1ter111y1 fer: c .. P11111Htn :i.,, ci"""" A....,. •voo ........ ,,. CJ • ' AllerN'I'\ 1-1 11tlll!Met-1111 '1,.. ,..,.. t , -·• tNiJ htis been postponed untll nc~ Ah , the Joys of home sweet home;. What a ctn::us. f'11t>1\s11e11 Oranot C••s1 01flv Pltat, Pu~1l1Pltd Dr•• C0rttt 01.1v p11o1 Alltr"PllY, r AdMintttn•m •&" ' ltPtltll'l'>tf V• a. end 0tto0er •. 1•1• ~-u. v . 11111 l,)ttcocr :i. 1'1• ,.,,.... 0i-c ... '"' l»'IY ,. 11" W=• }..._,.._ ... _..,..,..._.,..._ .... _ ... ..,. ...................................... , • "J&Jl:T• lifW• W. '*''LU. .. 11. lilA ~.&.14 •• PUBLIC NO'rfCI!: PUBLIC NOTICE 11UBLrc NOTICE . • ' • ' • I '. • 1 4: Dllll V PILOT Frl~, Stptemb« 27, 1974 Ex-hoxe1· Frameup? NEW YORK (AP ) -The two prlndl"'I prosecution wltn~s who identified former black boxing star !tub.in ''Hur· ricane" Car'U!r 4lS a murderer of three white men in a 1966 Paterson, N.J., bar slaylru( have admitttd perjury In the case. The New York Times said In today's editions . Carter and co-dcfend3Jlt John Artis received life sentences at their trial seven years ago 3lld are Imprisoned in New J ersey. "There); no doubt Carter was fram· ed," said Arthur 0 . Bradley, one of the recanting "''ilnesses, according to the Times. In statements made without each other's knowledge, Bradley and Alfred P. Belto said Pas.saic County detectives pressured the two white former convicts into committing perjury, the newspaper said. Then 23 years old, Bradley faced more than 80 years In prison on varioUs holdup charges but was paroled in 1970 after serving three years. Bello, quott'd as saying the police had promised to "take care ·or me" if he were arrested again, added lhal he had hoped by his testimony to collect .. reward. His courtroom identification or the defendants was a "grave mistake," the Times quoted Bello as saying. It said Bello was &erviag a nine-month burglary sentence in the Bergen County jail. WNEW-TV said the response of Carter, \\'ho , was a leading contender for the middleweight championship, was : "As loog !BS I'm in prison, my life is not worth two dead Dies." carter's lawyer, the Times reported, said be woulii seek a new trial for the de~ts. The five-year New Jersey statute of limitation for perjury lw expired. -* * * ~ PATERSON, N.J. (UPI) -A fonner asmstant Passaic County prosecutor has denied a newspaper report that pro- secu....., framed middleweight boxing continler Rubin "Hurricane" Carter and anotber man pow serving life sentences for (triple stiotgun lhurder in 1967. V~nt iE .• Hull Jr_ was asked if, as ~ New York Times reported today, the fi>rosecutor's office pressured two major pro9eCUflon witnes.ses into testi- fyinl' fallely lbal,carter and his one-lime spaq:int! partoer, John Artis, sbot lhree ~ in a Pa&erson, N.J., bar seven 10"'! .... . _..... - ".-,iu&ely..-," Hull said.. . tr:! ' ~yg~Back Ill Aiiitheim; Take on Twins The California Angels open their homestand finale tonight and thingll just have to look better. '!be Apge,ls suffered a 11>-1 drubbing Thursd ay by tlie Kansas City Royals. 1beir hat-in-hand return home features ~pines wilb Minnesota. ~ W as It might have looked !or the, 1Ail(l#a, things are now looking 't Atffiel• Slate .s.p,, .tP -., .... ,.at C.llfor11l1 7:i5 o.m. Seel!. 21Mi-ra11 C1Ufom!1 ':SS p.m. mighty fine for Kansas City's Hal tifcRae. He just may be a good candidate for baseball'$ comeback player of the year. McRae hit a not--too-impressive .234 in 1973, was benched often, and the Royals nUght ·11ave lislened clooely if any other club had shown interest in McRae last winter. He started to hit with authority the last few weeks of last year to break away !rom a .151 average. McRae not only picked up where he left off at the season's end a year ago but has done even better. He's hitting .309, filth among the American League's Top Ten, lead! loo league for designated hitters and Thursday night ~ &i\l1t. the second grand slam ""°".A!!I ~ .bis career in the Royals' 10.l flcr~Vtr the California Angels. lbR.uo1s 'l>last, his 15th of the cam-~ booSted the Royals into a 5-1 JMl·,oo came oil Chuck Dobson, 1-3. $eWe DuJby notched his 2'lnd victory qalnst 14 defealll and finished 5-0 ·apinst the. Angels. He allowed five hitl, ltruc.*: out eight and walked two. 'Bulby eave up the run in the first ionlnr on a siJigle by Monis Nettles, a ,.-bue, a grounder and a single by Bruce Bochte. ""I tboUgbt. tbis was one ol my better .......,_, .. said Busby. "No, my ftOolllUlr ~fllwaukec wasn 't my . I had more COOllllind a tllree-hlller Jn Boslon --from the first pitch Reds ·Win, hut Hopes Fade Pirates, Cards Locked in First Place Tie CINCINNATI (AP) -Hot-hilling Ken Griffey and pinch-hitter Merv Ret- tenmund belted doubles to key a five-run fifth-iming rally that carried the Cin- cinnati Reds to a 10-0 victory over the Houston Astros Thursday night. The victory was Cincinnati's 14th in 18 meetings with the Astros. Griffey, who bad 11 base hits in his la.st 19 &t bats heading into Thursday's game, Sl8PJJed a 6-6 tie with bis nu>- scoring double, hls fourth hit of the, night. Retterunund followed with a pinch- hit bases-loaded double to score two more runs. Starter Jack Billingham failed in his third bid to become the National League'.s. first 20-game wiMer. He was battered for JO hits in 3'12 innings, includ- ing Cesar Cedeno'• three-run homer in •the !bird. Cedeno's homer gave the Astros a 6-2 lead, but the Reds came back vdth eight runs in a three-inning span. Tom Hall, 2--1, picked up the victory. The loser .was Jim York, 2-2. ... NEW YORK -Al Oliver drove in five runs with a single and a pair or twe>run homers and Willie Stargell added a three-run1 blast, powering the Pittsburgh Pirates to an tl-5 victory over the New York Mets Thursday night and into a first-place tie with St. Louis in the National League East. The Cardinals, Idle Thursday, and the Pirates have identical 83-73 records and each team has six games remaining. Pittsburgh erupted for four rons in the first inning before Jerry Koosman, 14-11, couJd retire a batter. Rennie Sten- nett,, Manny Sanguillen and Oliver, who wound up with five hits, had successive singles for one run belore Stargell unloaded his 25th homer of the season into the right field seats. ... DETROIT -Bob i1ontgomery, who tied the game with a two-run homer in the ninth iMing, smacked a twe>run single in the loth, lifting the Boston Red Sox to a 5-3 victory over the Detroit Tigers Thursday night. Both of Montgomery's big hits came off Dotroit's relief ace, John Miller, 17-13. In the ninth, t1ontgomery followed Doug ·Griffin's leadoff single with his fourth homer of the season, tying the score 3-3. Then. in the toth, after Boston bad filled the bases on a walk, a hit batsman, a s a c r l f I c e and an intenlional walk to Griffin. hfootgomery rapped his de- cisive single to center. Ul"l Tflt_..... THE NY METS' DUFFY DYER SCORES AS PIRATES' MANNY SANGUILLEN IS LATE WITH TAG. For Golfer Casper Worst Slump of Career May Have Come to Halt NAPA, Calif. (AP) -Billy Casper, thusiastic gallery, managed a 70. fighting his way oot of the worst slump Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player of his 20-year career, biniied three holes and U. S. Open champ Hale Irwin Bre in a row on his way to a seven-under-par not competing in this late-~ason event 65 and the frrst-round lead Thursday in the cauromia wine country. in the $150,000 Kaiser International Open Of the leaders, Casper, Ziegler, Sifford golf tournament. and Armstrong all played the easier, "That's the .best opening round I've 6,619-yard, par,72 South course at the had in, oh, it seems like 100 years." Silverado Country Club. Henry, a ooe- the portly •. 43-y~r-old Ca:i:per .said. :'!t's time Georgia Tech placeklcker who has !he first time J ye ~n tn this po51bon been slumi>ridden since las t winning m a long, long lll\le. In 1969 and Walzel played the 6 81!1-yanl Johnny Miller, winner of seven tlt1es North 'course, also a .par 12.' They'll this year, and only 14,159 short of Ja~ swilch courses Frid>y and the last two Nicklaus' single-se~son moncy·wiri!iiDg rowxls will be over lhe North course. ' re<lOl'd, also had a first. Goodrich Back In Lakers Fold; Walton Debuts LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Lakers, with Gail Goodrich back, host the Portland Trail Blazers and Dill \Vallon in a National Basketball ~ialloo ~hlbition game tonight at the Forum. Goodrich ended his week-long holdout Thursday and reported to the Lakers training camp. The All -pro guard refused to comment on his efforts to renegotiate his contract, which reportedly earns him $150,00o a year. The Blazers-Lakers game is the second game of a doubleheader that opens with the Seattle SuperSonics going against the Golden State Warriors at 7. The game against the Lakers will he Wallon 's pro debul. 1 ; • .Ma\gi TWo · I Number for LA • ~ DIEGO (AP) -"'ll1atl1 wbal'S oo RTC•t about this club. we came right back," said Ron + Cey after his t~run double lit Ille 10th lrtnlq boQsted the Los Angelts Dodgers lo(-S-2 vlclory over the San Diego P3J and a step closer lo lhe Nallonal Le Wl!!t Ulle. The IJodl!ers victory I ered !heir pen- na~linchlng n.umber to any com- OK r..-Toftlght Chaftitel 11 at 7:25 binalion ot two Los Angeles victories or CinciMall defeats. 'Ibe Dodgers can clinch at least a tie for the tiUe tf they win here tonight and Cinctnnall loses. The Reds trail lo!! Angeles by four gamM and both teams have fl\'e games lo play. Los Angeles went into the ninth inning leading 2-1 but Dave Winfield connected on a fastball from Dodgers relief ace Mike f\farsball, 15-12. ror a solo home run, his 19th, and the score was tied 2-2. "That 's the tardest ball anyone has ever hit off ' me and the pitch was right where I wanted it," said MarshalJ. Dodgers manager Walt AJston said, "I though! Marshall's stuff was as good as it has been all season. I'm honest when l say fl.1ike hasn't been overwork- ed." The Dodgen came back In the loth with Jimmy Wynn getting a walk from loser Randy Jones, 8-22. Steve Garvey grounded out then Joe Ferguson was walked intentionally and Steve Yeager flied out . Cey then ripped a double orf the lert fi eld wall scoring Wynn and Ferguson and Bill Russell followed with a single to send home LOS AHOlllS SAN Clt£00 L.tcy, 7b Hlll!kln1, pll Mtrshttl, p lllldlner. II Wvr>n. d G1rvty, lb FtrOUIOn, C INCr1wfo<d, rl Mc:Mullft'I, ph YNgt>", c C1v, 2b Au11o1ll, q Aiu, p Moll, pit L0995, 7b •It r II rill •• r II rtll lOOOTol•n,rf 50 00 1 O 0 O Be<k~l.2b $ 0 1 0 IOOO Grvbb,cf 2000 5 0 1 0 CoCINrl, 1tt l 0 0 0 4210Wlnfleld,I! ,121 $ 0,1 I Dfhom111,:Jb '0 2 '0 ' 1 I 0 EHn.nd:, H 2 0 J 0 2 1 1 O McCovey,ph 1 O It o 1 0 I 0 Almon. II 0 0 0 0 1 O O O C•nlz1ro,c 1 D O D 4 I I 2 ICl'lld1ll,c 2 0 •I S O 2 1 Ftt'1Fbri. p 2 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 Lodclffr, ph I 0 0 0 lllOORJ-.,p 00 0 0 2 0 0 0H1<dy,p 0 00 0 Tu,.,.....ph 100 0 Toi.It Jf J I 4 Tot1l1 :I.I 2 7 I LOI Angt~I 000 CICIO 110 J-S San D1190 010 ODO 001 0-2 E-WV•"'• Bklefl, 0. n.om.t1. DP-los ~ 1. LOB-1..os Motln 10. $.tr> Oltg0 6. 2&--Crt. HR- Wlnflt ld (ltl. SB-£. H ....... lldr, Budll\ff'. Wynn, S-Gru!ICI, E. ~ ... ,,.~r. .. H • .. .. "' • • ' ' ' ~rsh•ll (W, 15-121 • ' ' I ' Frth lltn ' • ' ' , R. JOt"1 Cl. 1-llJ 2 2/] • • • • HlnlV '" ' ' 0 • T-2:SS. A-7,l't4. Sports in Brief •• • • ' ' 0 Cey. "We t ghl we had !hem In the ninth ruld then Mike gave up that homer. But Winfield hit It real well and you really can't do anything about that," Cey snid. ''But we came right back and got three more in the 10th," said Cey. "We've really got a super club." Garvey said. "We're In excellent posi- tion oow -.. , ca.n't wslt till Friday nlgbt." Emerson Falls To Ex-)Jall Boy ,..\t _Cow Palace SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -!Jelendlng champion Roy Eme-rson oC Newpo~ Beach Is out -beaten by an Austral.inn admirer who once served tlirn as a ball boy -and Jimmy Conno1'3 Is favored to move in as champion of the $100,(1()(1 International Open terutis tournament at the Cow Palace. "l never really got going." conceded Emerson, 37, after losing the sccond- round match Thursday to Ross Case 6-2, 6-2. "The other guy pla)·ed very well ." Case, 22, a curly-haired righthander with a strong forehand volley, said Emerson had been his idol. and it was a "great thrill" to beat him. Case said he once was a ball boy in a Davis Cup match Emermn played for Au.ma- lia in Brisbane. This was only the fourth tournament this year for Emerson and his game is rusty. He was seeded No. 8. Connors, No. 1 sel'd. ran his siring of victories to 14 match~ in a row since a default because of illness at Orange, N.J. He won a second-round match from John Yuill of South Africa 6-3, 6-3, whom he played for the first time Thursdoy. -·-a mv M•r11n Mil Ml-• E1ttSt. 1-1i. 1-1i. Biii Brown bttl Ptlrklo Corntlo. C~l111, 74, U .1-4. Rosi Case, A111tr1t11, bell ~av Emtl'IO!'h ,.,, •\u1n Stont, Au1tr1U•, bell J1lme Flllol. C~llt, '°2R~O. T1,,,.... bt1r l rlt n Gottlrllld. 7-4i, J..7, '"°j1mmv Cl)lll'l(n .,._, Jolwl Yul!!, S.OUITI Alrlc1, .. ], .. J. Ex-Indy Driver Dies; Stadium Fall Fatal INDIANAPOLIS -Harry Hurtz, who finished second in two Indianapolis 500- mile races and built ty,·o Ytinning cars, di~ Thursday at tlelhodist Hospit.'11 here. He was 78 . Hartz' career in racing began in the 1910s and ran all the v.·ay to the late 1960s when he retired as a United States Auto Club official. He v.·as the 19"& national driving champion elected to the Racing Hall in 1963. e Youth Killed and \vas of Fame BERKELEY -A 13-yca r-old boy wb> cut school with friends to play in ihe empty University of caUfornia £ootball stadium died today from injuries suf- fered when he fell 150 feet from a stadium ledge to the parking lot below. Authorities said James T<Xld of Berkeley had been playing "·ith four companions and thnt the youths entered lhe stadiwn without permission Wed· nesday. e C11rraK Doubtful Pal Curron, backup tight end of the U>s Angeles Rams , suffered muscle spasms in his back and may not be able to play at New England Sunday, the Rams said .Thursday. Curran , also a member of the Rams' special teams, hurt his back in practice \Vednesday. X-rays were n~ative. 1 If Curran can't participate, Terry Nelson moves up in support of starter Bob Klein against U)C Patriot.!, the Rams said. e Fire Romps ORt.ANDO, Fla. Veter a n quarterback Bob Davis calmly picked. apart the Chicago Fire pass defense u·ith long and shoTt tosses and kept the Florida Blazers on top of the World Football League's East Division Ytith a 29--0 victory Thursday night. The F'lorida defense put oo just as big a show for lhe national televisim audience and 16,679 Tangerine 8crn'I spectators by throttling the passing at- tack or Leo Hart. Hart ,,·ent most or the way at quarterback for Chicago when starter Virgil Carter, the league's top passer, couldtl't function with a pa.s&- ing hand injured in last v.'CCk's game. e J;untet' Advan~• DENVER -Sccond·seeded Nancy Richey Gunter, suffering a mental lapse -in the second 8el bul playing qui ckly and with authority , scored a 6-4, -H. 6-4 "'in O'\'er Marcie Louie Thursdav In the second round or the $50,000 Denvei- tennts tournament. In other singlc.'I matches. 17-year-old Kalhy Kuykendall broke her opponenl's !lervice iri the final games or both sets for a 7-5. 7-5 upset of seventh-seeded Leslie Hunt and Pam Tceguardcn scored a 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 \Vin over Martina 'Navratilova of Czechoelovakla. e England Leads LONDON -Roger Taylor and Johh Floyd scored singles victories in giving England a 2-0 lead over Iran Thuniday In European Zone eliminntions of the t9is f Davia Cup tennl'I competition. '}.. Because of the large number of com- peting naUona, lrials were begun ttlls year before the 1&74 title was setUed. _ Taylor beat Mansour BahramJ, 6-0, &-0, 6-2 and Floyd woi1 over A. Mandan! 6-1, 7-5, 6-2. UMSQ ~ITY .,.,.. •• ,11 .... Mf ii(#•d I I l f ftt.....,.lf 5 , 3 0 -~ 4 t 1 t Mdt-cllt $ I 2 4 - --l (•11 1 I Qflt.d 4 1 1 0 •••• Wlfll .... d,lf 1 100 • ••1•.Ma~.lt 2001 » JlflOlfr.H,19 S l42 He foor pulled the 13th gr..:n for a double bogey. "lt's the first time In my life1 the first time since I've been playing golf, that I've had a leglUmale !our·putt," said Miller. who missed £rom 2S feet, from lour feel, and from II Inches he binlled his last three holes for a 69. Top U.S. Gymnasts at ~aheim tt I t t 1 ~rf _I 2 .t O .. ttlllt$.J.2!1 J112 = J ••• ,....... ' • 1 0 1:1tM•ttlMJ,(' 4111 I( " t 'i I •vMt.P O O O 0 ...... . ... ~ . , : : ·~··· "'"" ~ 10f 000 000-I .. otl ~10 QllllMll 1, KlflH• City t. lOll- A. ~ C,lfr L Jt-CO-.J. L•hOUf• , :..: .idlM flfl. Sl-M. Htlll", lf'f• • fl It I• II IO L.L..t '"''2) ... '!'''' I t t O O ' t 0 • • ...., r'f!• a.If) t J I • '~ .! I ~ ................. ,_.~ __ ..... ' ( • • Gasper, winner ol !J\Ore than II million In his career and collector or 50 tour titles, held a one-stroke lead over LarTy Ziegler and longshot Bunky Henry, Ued at 66. Curtis Sifford and a patr of rookies, Bobbt Walzel and Wally Armslrong, fol· lowed al 67. Defending chomplon Ed Sneed had a 68 and PGA klnf Lee Trevino, follo"'ed by a mas..lv~. en- l • ' . Kyle Gayner of C4sla Mesa 'joins 11 Ii America 's leading !~male l)'ITlna!ts In competition at Ailahelm Convention Cenler tonighl, Saturday and Satunlay night. The dozen conte!tanls are ballllng !or 1b spots on the United Slates foam which will compete In World Games gymnasclcs next month In Bolga.rla. Tooigbl's show btgl111 at 7:30 with 9pllonal-routints In ~ I o u r ~enll-vaull, bealn, !ree e.terdae and u~even parallel hll,.,. Sitiii'ifay morning competltkm will be compulsory exercises and that begins nt to o'cloCk. Gayner, a 16-ye&M>ld junior at Estan- cia High, la ono or loo -Id's leading balnnce beam performers. Hut tean1 selection Jn hll!l«l on all-round ·llCOres. Gayner tied !or '5lxlh all-round In her most te<enl comp.tltion, the naU111al championsblps. h<ld In May. · She. has since drasUcally altmd ber roullncs on the bars, in the vault and . , . or tree exercise. , ' ;:/ -Per!onnlng at Anaheim ore lour "Having so m1ny new thing• d<tt I women who were on the U.S. Olympic put a little extra pret&Ute of me,'' team that ea med fourth ptace at Munich Gayner told Ille Dally Piiot. ' I ]lope two years ago. They Include Debbie I can hit everyihl?f, &ood 19'1 " lhal J£11, Roxanne P\erco, Nancy Theis ond I can make the team. • . Joan Moore RJce. Gayner admlls lflal making e tea And also ·competlllng at Anaheim Is Is Important because the ~..,,,. one or lhe bi:lght Mure prospecta, Deb- get the lnlernallonal compOUfton ti, bie Fike o! Cyp~esa. posure. and perhapo even mol'i! ln'1 Tickets are priced from 12-$5 for adults poi:tanUy, • lllOI' become )llter1 ~ • and range from II up !or children under and develop recognttlon by the jU<lgOJ. II. ,. ' I Tonight Eslancia lllgh's u p s t a rt Eagles and the Yountpln \'alley Barons ~llkle tonight in non-lcaKUe football a t Orange Coast College. Kickoff Is at 8 and coach Bruce Pickford's Bal"Cl's are · nine-point favorite• to out&COre Eslancia. Both teams boast eiplosive offenses. Fountain V a 11 e y moves in with quarterback Chris Dove, a JwUqr who already enjo)'S a reP\llation of a pure passer. Dove's targets Include wtde receiver Dan Jackson, In ad4 dition to tight end A1ike !\1c0ermott and halfbacks Dave Kruetzer and Vince Bienek. The running game is rut· chored by fullback Steve Thompson, a 195-pound lhrct.'" year starter. Pickford and Estancia coach Ken Kiefer have expressed in· terest in improving their pass- ing gamee in tonight's test and the Estancia eleven has the potential to equal Fountain Valley. J . . . .. The Eagles move behind quarterback Larry Hall. Two or his main receivers are Gary Confer and Buddy Lorton, D•HY PHet PllOto by Rict11n1 Klllllller allhough the multiple S)'>tem ___ D_A_N_A_H_IL_L_S_' _A_L BENAVIDEZ UNLOADS AGAINST DEFENSIVE PRESSURE OF PHIL SMITH 162) AND ROBERT BASS. employed by the E a g I e s Friday, September 27, 1974 DAIL V PILOT B lJ ·cdM, Harbor Square Off A giant portion ol the 1974 football season is at stake tonlght tor Newport Harbor llig!i's Sailors and Ille host Corona ~ ~far Sea Kings as the t"·o area rivals clash In non-league combat . Kickoff ~ 8 o'clock at New,>ort Harbor and the Sailors ol coach Bill Pizzica are 8~).polnt favorites to make it nine wins in a dozen tries In this serie.. 1be Tars are coming off a 17-0 triumph over Fullerton l\nile coach Dave Holland's Corona del Mar Sea Kings are trying to pick themsel,·es out of tbe dust from a 23-7 thumping at the hand of !\1ater Dei. Holland's cre\v will be trying to do It \\'ith v.·hat has become standard Corona de! !\tar \\-eapons--an oftcnse revolving around the dive series and a rollout quarterback, and a bulldog·like defense. Corona de! !\far likes to grind it out with staOO oyer tackle by !\\arty and i\tike Ferraro. And ~ the ne<d arises to go to the air. it has junior Gary Guisness at _,the -...11. He completed seven of 13 for 116 yards against ~tater Dfi. and several of his di.rts 9''("1'C dropped~. ' Ne"·port J1urbor counters with an even lllQl'C vcrs.~ile attack. The Sailors have ClF 440 champion Brian Theriot in the backfield at 1ailback and he's a threat to break the long gainer. And with Vinni& !\tulroy, Dave Simmons. Tom Bazacti5 and several others availabl~ a s rccirivers, quarterback Gordon Adams becomes e\·en more ,·aluable in the passing game. ~1ulroy seems lmt>0S5ible to defend with one·on·on e coverage in the secondarv and forces defenses to a 1 t e r strateJZV. NtWPOrl Harb« OfltnlO TE M1rk Slellf'l'"\On ll:T o~~e He!lrlcl'I ll:G ll:lck Jol'ln C Scoll Rtld LG Mart Wlhty L,. Jeff Starr SE Vln~it M11lrov OB Gordon Acitms FB Dan C1tr11rv TB Brian Tl'ltrlol FL Tom 8a1ac.t' Ntw,ort Hll"Mf DOf•~w OE Joe C111oren1 OG Pe10 McGc>w•n OG Dan Slr1in1 OE Jimmy HeUrlth LB-JDl'ln PhlOPI L9 S!tvt IUc~1•dlOfl C9 8r!1n W~!llord CB PM! Weil s 01vr Slmmon1 s Ron L1meflon MO<\ Buc~o ShiW (Of'lnt llltl MU Otl- "' ,~ ... '" ... ·~ ... "' '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' '" '" '" ·~ ... TE t!lrid GrMley UIO T Bot> 811um•ri 115 G Mark Maawtlt 114 C Rttott Tvckor 190 G M1rk OtMlll<t 110 T Tony ll:exitrom 190- Wll: Kovln Plfk 160 WR Rkll Mtbb 1J9 QB G1ry Gl.ll1no11 110 RB Mar,., Ferrtre 1.0 R9 Mlkt F.,r1ro 110 • ; makes almost anyone a poten· tial target. Kiefer likes to thrO\V a nun1ber of different forma- tions at the opposition. Estan- cia 's offense sputtered against i\larina last week. although the Eagles came through with a 7-' win. Gauchos Howe, Benavidez Sparkle Lag11nans, Rim Plav Crippled SC Tests Cypre ss c.-.MIM1r Del- DLM Rolf H1>$0n 100 OLM M1rk MIJIWfll 11• OLM Tony A:ox•l1om Ito OL.M 0•~• C11l1y 165 L9 s11vro Ktmtll• 11s " h11proved fu Polo In 27-0 Rout of Aztecs • Tonight . fl.like Faulkner won ui3t one with a 62-yard run with I :43 lert when he scooped up a fumble caused by At ark Deven. Saddlebaclt College water polo got off to a rugged start in ilS first season a year ago, but things could be reversed in 1974. Estancia likes to mix things up defensively, loo, a n d Pickford says the Eagles try to win "'ith confusion rather than execution. Coach nip Darr h a s recruited some top talent and the Gauchos are expected ti'> win quite a few more than they did last - ,Wfttal• V1Jley OffttlM SE 01n J1t k10tt T lob llKkbunt T Jlf"'Y Grundy c O.le ll:abtflSOll G T..,-ry kF!usltr T 1111 COWPtr TE Mike MC:O«mort 01 Chrl1 °""' H8 o. .... Kr .... IM!' HB Vince Ble!>et. F8 Slew ThomPliOll l"wnt1ln V1lley DtfeltM oe 0ourg Wilton OT Mlrl< Burke MG 8rur.:t a- DT Twrv Sclllltltr DE ,...,k Tucker LB Jtl'Tf' GnindY Ll!I l(e<11 Vomovld1 CB O.ve ICr~l'lllr C.I Wtrrtn T1vlor $ DIYI Morrl-1 $ KtvJt\ S...tl!O , Ell111cl1 OffeftM J!E Gilry Conttr JtT Slt..,. Will RG 0.1 J-C Britd Gm,, LG Fr.cl J-• LT Scan S1J1Mrl1nd Wit ludd1' Lor1on 01 L.1rry Hill HI Otn Gr1nll1 Fl Al Liddlt SI 0111 COilins 1!1l1Mll Dtft- L.E Piie!' Lueck LT Jolm W ....... wllr MG Mllrt Cll.,o!ltl'I RT Eddlt MnkS RE Fred NltllOIS LI "" 61tv1n LI Corky Wllldff LC Mlr'I! O.wn RC Bt..:I Thomas S Scoll Cmhow S Mike F111lklltf ·:: "' "' "' ... ... "' ,,. "' '" Only two lettermen are back-All-!\fi.ssion Conference Mlectees Scott Campbell and Gerry Silver-but they're being pushed hard for starting assignments. I Some ol the key freshmen ~= include Rob Kaltenbach ~~ (Servile). Jotm Sa at ho ff 110 (Foothill}, Malcolm aod Dun- :~: can Wilson (Sao Clemente). "' Fred Ridge, Hugh Hudson and :~ Jim Lyle (Mission Viejo), uo steve Marksbury ( C o s t a lH M~). Conley Ware rLaguna ~~ Btach ) and Claude l.ancirr.\·ay 210 (Kingston High, New )'ork). "' ... ·~ f,l •u "' "' "' ... '" "' "' "' ... ·~ "' '" Sadlli.tul<.k Wlltr "Dlo SchlHlllM Fri. Sit!., St-pt. 27.~ MIHIC>n Colllwtnee tou<ney 1Pa1<11!U<'). Tues., Or;!. l-Cypre-$' (l\Ome), 'c•il'l'I---Frl .. Oct. 4-Grol!~mo<ll fl!O.,.,.l. S•I .• Oct. S-.1 Plra!<t Tourrwy COCCJ. T11tL. Oct. t--EI Cimino ll'lomtJ. Fri., Oct. 11-1 l'aloon11r. S.I., Oct. 12.-1 Sa.rill Monk&. Fri .. Or;t. l&-Ch11toy (l'IOIT!e). s.tt .. Ocl. lf-t Santi AT'lil. Fri., Ocl. lS-,al Cllni5. S.t .. Oct. 16--&I P&iadena CC. Fri .• Nov. 1-Soul~Wlt$10rn (l!Omll • Sit .• Nov. 2.-111 Cenltos. Fri., Nov. t--11 San 81rn1rolno. Fri., Nov. 1S-R1ve:nldl (l'lamt). By ROGER CARLSON 01 1111 01Uy "Hot !!~ff Darryl Howe got a lethargic Dana Hilb J:llgh orrcnse in gear in the third quarterr Thunday night and t h e Dolphins went on to post an easy, 27--0, non-league football victory over Esperanza's Aztecs at San Clemente High. Howe, who was banged up in the first hall aqd saw limited action , broke open a tight struggle in the third quarter with a 34-yard sco~ scamper ol.f tackle., then came back to cap a 29--yard march wlth an eight-yard touchdown run "'ith 10:23 left in the game to glve coach Tony Lem's Dolphins room to spare. John Gill kicked his third PAT and it "'as 21-0 and lights out for Esperanza. A final TD was scored by Kerry Crabb from one yard out Hfter Vince Winningboff set lhings up with a 20-yard return or an iittereeption to the loser's two. Dana tlills held a somewhat precarious 7--0 lead at the hall thanks to a fi ve-yard TD pass from Al Benavidez to Arnulfo Malagoo. The score was set up by a 51-yard combo from Benavidez to Rick Browning. ' Leon was happy with his defense in defeat last week at Ontario and it v.·as the defense again that stood out-limiting Esperanza to six first dovms and 72 yards net. The deepest the visitors could penetrate was the Dana Hills 21 and that· was ended when Bruce Wanington broke through to pick off a. pitcOOut from quarterback M a-r k Whitley. Things appeared grlni at the outset for the DolphiDl .. Fiist il was 205-pound tackle Craig Fulladosa lin1ping off with a 1eg injury. Then Howe was flattened and left the game after only nine minutes of playing time. But both came back to spark the Dolphins in the third quarter and once Howe got rolling there seemed little chance for the in\'aders from Anaheim. Esperanza netted 12 yards in lhe second half and was burned by a ?XII" kicking game. 1 Other defensive standouts for Dana Hills included Gill, Joe Cameron, Browning and Ron Kosmala. Esperanza lost start i o g quarterback Paul Saucldo ear- ly in the first period to an injury. FINAL DEMO CLEARANCE Ill '72 DEMOS TO CHOOSE Baseball Standings FROM '72 COIOMA 4 DOOi ,,___,... ...... 1teM1111rt,, s1977 • '7J MAU 11 4 DOOi ............. ,, .... ~ ........ ·-s3277 • '74 YoLYO U4 ,_, P.&. P.&. '*·AMIN ~.'!!f!.-i. ... ".._ ..................... _ S6377 Al.SO llESE FAllUlOUS USBI CAR BUYS '7J COIOMA W AG0i4 ........ .-. ..... 1 ....... 1 '2877 '7J CILICA 4 .................. ,.., · s3377 . '73 Ml WAGOM """""*' ..................... ,.. .... ....... _. s3477 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlviskla w L Pct. Baltimore 85 71 .>15 New York 85 72 .>11 1 Boston 81 75 .519 Cleveland 75 81 .481 Milvi'aukec 75 82 .478 Detroit 71 85 .455 II' est Division Oakland 88 69 .561 Texas 81 74 .523 Minnesota 81 76 .516 Chicago 77 78 .497 Kansas City 76 81 .4&1 Angels 63 !H .401 GB \\ 4 10 101'1: 14 • 7 10 12 25 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division w L Pct. Pitlsburgh 83 73 .532 St. Louis 83 73 .532 Philadelphia 78 78 .500 Montreal 75 81 .481 ·New York 69 87 .442 Chicago 85 91 .417 \f~st Division Dodgers >19 58 .631 Cincinnati !l5 62 .605 At.lanta o• '" Tl .>11 Ho~n 78 1r. .500 San Francisco 71 86 .452 San Diego '8 JOO .367 Tll11r1e1tl'1 G•me1 Pltt1burgl'I 11 , New Yot S C!iw:ln11111 10. Hou11on 6 Lo& Anaele 5, S•n OltQO 2. 10 !n11!ng1 Qnly QW'l'le\ K lltdllltd GB 5 8 14 18 4 14 21)\\ 28 41 II TMt'l"I G•mn 51. Louis IGlbiOn 1•121 t i Chi<~ (Dotlor• HI Pltlllll!Mlh (R.euu 1$-\ll 11 New York (Mll1Kk 13·131 . Sin Fr1nclsco (9trr 13.,) 11 ClfltlnMll IG\1111fl 17·11/ • "11 lttMl>l'll• (Lonbofo 14-11) II MonlrMI llU1lr 1(1..1) L.• Anotlff 15'.iltOfl lt.f) •I Stn Dlt90 l$cilllner 1·11) Dnl'I' Oii/Mt Ktltdui.d s~•••-• Plthbuf11h 11 Ntw York SI. Lwh tl"<tlkl90 5•~ frtneltco 11 CJ!lc:l!Ntl Phll1dlhmlt 11 MOntrffl HoullOfl ti A!Utlll Lot """"' at "" Dltee ' • l OAMI! STl.TISTICS First downs rui.hlng Flrsl ctowni PIHlng Flril downl ~IMlliH To!1I llnl OO'llo'11$ Varos ru)lll"9 Y•rd1 ptnln; Y1rd1 losl N~I yarCIS gained Puntt/tvera;e dlst•nc• Pl'nll!lnlytrds Pl'l'lllltd FumblH/lumtllts lo!I Scor<t IY Qu1rt1n DH • • ' " m "' " "' "" '"' '" • ' ' ' • " " " " 11:1 '"' "' EiPOl'IRll 0 0 0 I)-0 ~1\1 HllLI o· 1 113-21 SIUCIOO Whllle't' Tot1l1 9tn~~IQ!,z Churc.hm Tot11, 90l;kt0 S111tlo:IO Wll111eoy ll:rlnsvold Stodoll T1>11l1 ".USING • ..,1n11 Ill pc-,,.. " 1 0 0 0 1J I I 10 14 1 l \(I 01111 Hiiis " ' ' 0 " ' IRVSHIMG ••r•nu 0 115 ' ' t lU tell Yt VI . " . 2 15 I ' • 30 ' 19 l ' " ' " .. ~ "' .... ·"' ·"' ·'" ... "" ... 3.2 "' ~-' "' "' '" Laguna Beach High School v.1.11 be hoping to improve its passing game v.·hen it hosts· Rim of the World High School tonight at 8. The Artists displayed an ef4 !ective ground game in their 2&-1 3 opening football win over C)-press, but coach Dennis Haryung v.-ould like to see his team develop mo r e balance, &tarting tonight. Btn1~ldtt -Crtbb DIM Hllll ' 11 10 Mike Serrano will be asked to put the ball in the air more after completing only one of eight pas.ses last week against Cypress. Laguna ap- pears to have an excellent running game with ...,...,iy 1.1 "t"'-"""' 12 7S 2 1• 2S l •·0 tailback John Carlson leading "' ,2.0 the way, but Haryung would ' 0 ' MtCuOocto Ch11rtt>lll Kosrntlt Tot1l1 5 1 11 ' ' . 39 111 2t ·£~ like to see more balance in 2..4 the att.ack before Soutil Coast Nutter Tops Cycle Field Steve Nutter will be seeking his second s traigtit scratch main event motorcycle victory at the Orange County Fairgrounds of Costa l\lesa lonight (8: 15). With Mike Bast rapidly on the mend and the U.S. nationals approaching, riders are getting in their final action before qualifying r o u n d s begin. Bast will return to action Saturday evening in Sacramc- to and promises that he will ride at Costa Mesa Oct. It when the qualifyi ng rounds move to the fairgrounds . Similar action ,.,.ill be staged 11.t Ventura, Irwindale and Bakersfield in addition to Sacramento and Costa Mesa. Tickets for the Mtionals are on sale now by rnail. Adult Uckets sell for $S and children for $3 with checks payable to lnlemationat Speedway, Inc.. P.O. Box 334, San Clemente, 92672. l • • League action starts. Serrano's aerials will be thrown to Jim Green, Scott Westgaard and Scott ROOertson . Haryung's big worry about tonight's game is lack of in- formation on Rim of the World. The Artists coach knows his opposition has ex- ce11ent receivers, but its pro- blem is getting the ball to them. Out to stop Rim of the World's passin~ attack will be a Laguna defense "'hich gave up 148 yards through the air in the Cypress game. Haryung is hooing for a better pass defense tonilrlrt and is coontinA: on halfbacks Robert "'oocl and Steve '--fodiano and safeties !\lickey Allen and Dave Knapp to gel Ille job done. l..,... lelcll Off- SE Jim G..en LT Joh" McCall LG Chrtl Kluit1bech C Mark John50n RG Pal M1yoc:k RT Jolln Wiiis RE scon Westgaard QB Mlkt Strrano FB Ko~ln Pillo TB Jo/Ill C1rlson FL Scott llotMr!IOll llllllll BoKlit Otllflll OE John MtCaH Ol John Wiiis MG John Kr1mtr DT 9 rad Emery OE Scolf WnlQt•rd L9 Joi! Johnson LB M1•k JohnlO!t CB ROMrt W-i CB Ste~r MOdl•no s M!tey Allen S 01ve Kn1pi:1 • ,\\LB Rhet! Tucker Ito L9 Br1d Gre•ll'I 160 CB Kent Enell llO San Clemente H j g h • s C9 s11ve M1row111 110 ll:ov 9111 Moor• l!O Tritons. somewhat battered s Rkh Ntct> 1ss with the loss of. two regular\-.;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ running backs, seek their se-1£,UE A ,14 DATSUN oood straight non-league foOt· ball ,;ctory.tonight as Cypress .. ''!="-~mo. High's Centurions invade the .COST A MISA DA TSUM SC campus. JMiHAllOllLYDo:o'"C.M. Kickoff is at 8 and the . 54CM4 IO Tritons of coach Allie Schaff[~;;;;;;;;~~~~~ are eight-p>int favor ites!- despite the loss oi Brian \Vood and Ron Wade. 'Ibe visitors are coming off a 26-13 lo!lS to Laguna Bea.eh· while San Clemente opened up the campaign with a 14-0 I II , Nl\y 1f you Ito·~ oqr,.,.-1 to 00 ll YOUR\Elf CALIF-OAfol.IA 0 1V0 11 C t C OUM'>l l \tale W ide \,.,,,,, SJJ.7740 win over Esperanza. liiiijijiiijiijii~iii!iiJ' A solid defense is the basis for San Clemente's favorite role, although the Tritons have a good offense which works around quarteri>ack T i m v1eisides. Vleisldes has Al Sandoval (135 jr.) and RaOOy Adams (155 """1 l I<> band off on rum!ng plays. Sandoval and Ad ams , despite starting the season in backup roles, should be el· fective behind the power blocking ol Tom Arons. Another change In the San Clemente offense is at right tackel where Larry Poocino (165) takes Tim Block's spot due to a neck injury. •LewwP.,....... ..... 0.-,..,..... •MtwC..hwyJerJY .... •l'Mw • .., _.. ...... Cootec:llM LeeM bptrt• el HARBOUR vw_,,_ Santa Ana Valley transfer Don Petersen will miss his second game due to gout. . A shaketJP In the 'l'rttons I========== secondary is also due with Glenn Dill, Vince Herman, Stan Mathis and Lance Berry slated I<> start. Cypress ruM the Houston veer with the emphasis on the outside. Pacing thls attack Is quarterback Mark Jackson. When You Buy a Bicycle go with the Raleigh Pros. There.,.. a 1ot ol blcycl91 on the mar- k•! 1nd they look pretty much alike to theuntr1lned.y1.0Ur eyes 111 tfliM!t. We can tell you and ahow you why one blcycle ii better lhan 1notner. We can tell yau which type la best 1u11ecl for your needs. WI allO hive speelat equipment. like the Raleigh Custom- Slrer:"' 1 sclenUllc tilting machine. He completed 10 ol 11 for 148 yanls against Laguna Beach and could be roore ef· fective if the ground game can run more smoothly with the alleviation of fumbles.. CofM In end'" us. We won'! give 16 you• bum 11eer on 1 bicycle. "' "' ... ·~ "' '" "' m '" "' ~~~WH -........... -~ CYQf WORKS Ltd. the most unbelievable sale of the year and the ORANGE.COUNTY SKI CLUB SWAP MEET Ne~ortTennis&.S 6110 W. COAST HWY • Ncw11or t Beach • 645-4060 • • ,. • I • • • • • • :· • B 6 MIL v PILOT Oile1·s, l-IWlliogton Beach 11 i i.: h Seboolphosts 1.1arina J-llgh School tonight at 8 o'clock in \Vhat figures to be a deftµlsive football g am e bel\\'een the district rivals. H.B's Oilers and the Vikings displayed very little orfense \Vhll e absorbing opening night defeats. Huntington managed only One touchdown against \Varren and despite the fact they moved the ball y,•cl\ all ni ght, the Vikes scored only once against Estancia. J-luntington won last year's game in a defensive struggle. 7-6. l\1arina's last triumph was a 14-7 decision in 1972. Oilers coach Roy Brummett \viii be hoping for an improved defensive effort tonight. Jic has a young defensive cre\v, but says its future is very bright and getting that first game over \vith should help. Brummett had his defense 'vorking on alignment and ad· justments all week. Friday, Stpttmbtr 27, 1974 Safety C reg Nilzkov.'ski. linebacker Toby Bon,\lcll and iniddle gua rd t.-1ark Duval \\'Iii be counted upon heavily to contain f\1arina. EL TORO'S CHARLES HICKS 142), JOE CARTA. The Vikings, meanu•hlle, \\!ill be trying to run. run. run against the Oilers' young defense. Behind the legs of Jim Rankin and ROn Ross. ~1arina picked up 266 yards on the ground against Estan· cia. The Vikes, however. turned the ball over seven times in that game ~·hich made the difference. El rf oro Eyes 1st Win 1\gai11st Gahr '.f onight Marina will be hoping to duplicate its groUJld game ef· fort, eliminate mistakes and improve its passing attack. Chris Hawn will be starf.ing at quarterback and Will be "throwing to tight end Bob Tiezzi and wide receiver Jim Wendell. Hll11th19t011 811Clt OlltMI T E Paul GalSma!'I RT &ob Simek ltG Sltve~oowney C DeMll L.Upptns LG C!;>rls IC~t LT Gera1d•tlo19s SE JOhn Polhlr Otl Miki D'AIMWl'ldra R& Loren Mltklln RB G1'1'9 Nllikow!kl FL Ty Torrttt Hllllflnt'tlf •••ch o.lemt E SleYI Oowrie~ T ICtlllt Olon!'lt NG M•rk OuY&I T Rlctwird Clapp 'E G~ ThONon L8 Joll<'I Nll550fl L8 TObY BOllweU M Jim Luc.as (8 Ty Torre• ca Lore" Micki!" S Greg Nlflkowsld M1rifll OtflflM TE 80b Tle1ll T 01!'1 Mttll.S G Forres! Pn11roah C Rick Steiner G 0111 Gurzl T Marl( Sc&YO se J!m Wel'dell OB C~r!s H~11 TB Jim R.ar>kl!'I FB Jim OeLuc• • FL. ROii Row. M1rf111 Dtftnw DE BOb Tltul OT 01,, M""'-$ MG Mark Vick DT _Mart. SUYO o e Mark Longn«ke<" LB J im Wtndt'll LB Dan Lacko 0 8 .,,_ Cr•fl D8 Manny Torres 08 Chris Hl!wn • 08 David SliMY "' "' "' "' "' "' '"' l10 ·~ "' "' "' ·~ "' ·~ "' "' "' "' '" '" '" "' '" '" "' >M "' ~· '" "' "' "' ARTESIA-El Toro High School will be seeking its fi rst vi ctory of the 1974 season tonight when the Chargers tangle with Gah r High of Cer- ritos on the Artesia High field in a non·league football outing. K.ickofr is at 7: 30. The Chargers of coach i rac Dl~ctlons lo Ar1nl• Tile school 1$ loc:a!ed •t UIOI! El$, Del Amo I" Arresl11. T'.ike Ille S.in Oll!<;lo Fretway nor!h 10 605, ~on~. OC1 the 60S lo 0.1 Amo Blvd. turnolf. E1sl on Del Amo to sc:llOOI. Moore 'viii be minus a couple of starters tonight afte r en- ding in a 14-14 deadlock with -Brea in last week's opener. Tony Lundy. ~ starter at offensive guard and defensive tackle. suffered a concussion and iS out of tonight's game. Jim Nelson. an offens ive tackle. suffered a broken wrist and is out for several weeks. The game with Gahr fi gures to be a wide-open affair with both teams using a basic rWl· ning game to augment a strong passing offense. E! Toro \Viii have fullback Chuck Van Liew as its chief ball carrying threat with,... tailback Brian tleaney also read y for yeoman duty. Van Lie\v carried 19 times for 117 yards against Brea. Gary Key does the passing and la st week put· the ball in the ai r 26 times. Gahr has a quarterback who BASEBALL BA TIING RANGE Off.Season Prices In Effect Now! . Fi•el frT-Bcill Plays for-S 1.00 Great for slow11itch & softboll 380 W. Wilson St., C.M. 646-3996 l)lns and throv.'s with equal abandon. Moore describes Jim Wilson ln this manner: "He runs like a halfback and he throws darts." In a 32-30 opening victory over ' BeUnov.·er, \Vilson ran for 75 yards and passed for 100. Moore is atte1npting to shore up the C h a r ge r s - defensive unit by using fey,·er players both ways tonight. El Tor& Oflt- TE Jell Gr- P.T M11rk OeLay RG Kelltt Mosby c Keith Jonas LG Tom Nleblas LT Par.eho C.1lllJ0 SE Joe Carli QB G.ry KtY FB Cttuck V1" Liew TB 8rl11n He•~ FL Ctyde 8lr<Flard l!I Tan Otfe~ RE Kerth Jones RT ICeltFI MO$bY MG Steve H''"°'lldll LT J1mu G1r!'ler LE O.~ Ricker LB ChLKk VI~ Liew Ll\..Jeff Green CB Joe C•rta C8 Scott &uf91lfordt S CMrltt Hlck1 S Miki Rult •u "' '" m '" "' '" '" "' '" m "' '" "' '" '" "' "' '" "' "' "' CIF Playoffs Increased The CIF 4-A and 3-A football playoffs have been doubled, effective this year following Thursday's CIF c o u n c i I meeting. Thus 32 berths will he available in each division as it is in basketball, affordi ng strong second and third place teams a shot at the elimina· tions. Also approved was the change of cross country rules to....1.hree._ miles rather than the customary two miles in league meets under mutual agreement. Track and field changes in- clude the !Ow hurdles distance from 180 yards to 330 yards. -3 7 .0 s .......... ,, • • MD Runs Wilfl . n ,, ~ ~ ' Sai))ts Crushed .... ......... ···········-~ ..... -• ' ' By DAVE ROMANO Of .... O.lly l"l .... , .. , Mater Del High School ga(n- ed 411 net yards and rolled up 26 first downs Thursday night to coast to an easy 37-0 win over 1>4nta An~ High SOhoot II! a (ootball game played at the Santa Ana Bowl. While the Monarchs were llterally ~ over the" Saints on offeruit!, Mater Del's defense wu holding haple ss Santa Ana to three first downs, 49 net yardS ·rushing- and only lour yards through the air. The Monarchs a v e r a ged nearly five yards eVerY carry and both the o(fensive line and the TUMing backs should get credit for the effort. The line opened huge holes all night, but the backs: were car- rying Santa Ana defenders an extra three or four yards after init ially bursting through the holes. Pat ]\.fcKeon, Jim Ridge, Dan Brown and Jim \Vlgmore led the 11.tonarchs' awesome attack on the ground. All four ran over santa Ana tacklers behind the precise blocking of Jolm LaGrandeur, Don \Vatters, John C h t at b a m, Baron Hunter and Eric Berg. Mater Dei's defense was just as impressive,,.. handling a Santa Ana offense \vhich had trouble doing everything. Led by linebacker B o b Macauley, tackle Berg and middl e guard Tom Lyle, the defensive unit kept giving the ball back to the offense. As a result, Mater Dei was able to run off 80 plays to onl y 34 for Santa Ana. Leading 30-<l, the Monarchs put in the second string in the fm al quarter and it put together a lS-play, 64-yard drive which WO! )UJt u Im- pressive as the firlt ~u.ntt•s effort. Wl£111ore opene!I the scorl111 for the Monareha Iii the ftrst period going 31 yardll alter two excelle!\t fakes. After a safety gave lfat;er Del a 9-0 lead, Wigmore hit Pat Prltil with a four-yard touchdown pass, making it 1&-0 at halftime. The ~tonarchs ma rched 83 yards in IS plays to take a 23-0 lead with Wlgmore golng over from one yard out for the TD. Dan Brown scored on two four-yard nms later in the half and Ge<irge McGowan was perfect on five extra points to close out the scoring. eAMe ITATllTICS MD FlrJt <kl'.vM rushing 21 Firs! dOWlll P'JSlng • Flr'I clowni pe!'l•lll" l Total tlrtt dOW'M 2' Y1rds ruslllno m Y1r1i1 pa.sing • t3 Y•rd1 losl 11 Ne! y1rd1 111111111 415 Pun1$l•Vtflgtl dlsll!\CI 1138 Penallln/y1rd$ pet11lllad 4/llJ Fumbl"1fuMbl•1 lo$1 2/0 sc-•r ow111rs •• ' • 1 3 " • " " "" 1/1! ,,. Miter Del 1 9 14 7-:J7 S1nt1 An,. 0 O o o-o •USMING M1l1r Del ... " " '" McKeon " .. ' .., Ridge " " ' .. J. w111mor• " " • .. Brown " ~ • .. Suggs ' " ' '·' M1ho!'I 3 " • '·' T. Wlgmore ' • ' '"' Tot•ls " "' " ••• S•nll A111 JOOH ' " 1 ••• ""'' • " • '·' Cr1nd1ll • • • '"' S1br1r01. ' " ' ., 8111 , ' • '·' ...... , ' • '·' Total1 " " " '·' 19ASSINci Ml f11.r Oel .. " ... " '" J. Wlgmoreo " • ' " ·"' T. Wlgmor1 3 , ' 11 J ·"" Total& " • • " .m 11nle Anl "~' • ' ' ·•. -~' L~o ' ' • • ·"' Tor.ls • , 1 • ·"' .4 nteaters to La1inch Cross Country Season UC Irvine's cross country ~tauricio Bardales (r..turphy), team launches the season Bryn Barnard (Long Beach), Saturday at the University of David Bern ste i n (Los Nevada (Las Vegas) \\'::ith Angeles), Scott Fier (Newport lreshmen-dominating t h e Beacb), Terry Fink ( E I roster. Modena), Dan h!adison (Villa Anteaters coach Len ?\filler Park). Sean Obar (Rim of has seven lettermen returning, the \VOrid ) and St e v e but four of the top seven . Tsudtiyarna (Canoga Park). runners could be freshmen. Bob T i 11 m an (Valencia), John ·Koningh (La Canadal, David Villarreal (Carson) and Steve Scott (Upland) all are strong candidates to make the top seven. The best of the lettennen are Preston Campbell, Doug Knapp and Ralph Staunton. Staunton is a senior while Campbell and Knapp are sophomores. Other lettermen i n c 1 u d e seniors John Ahern and Wayne Leeds, junior Bob Feist and sophomoce Ron Sickafoose. Other freshmen are Ed Ahlmeyer (San Bernardino), UC lrvlM Cf'ftl CeVllfrr Scflttfule Sii., Sept. 21 -11 Ntv"ll (Rtna). s11.. Oct. 5 -All.Cal m"t at uc D•vls. S1t., Oct. 12 -al S.n Dle90 5tlle. Silt., Oct. It -Frnno Slahl !home). Sit., Oc:t. U -UCLA, 0Celdent1I ., ucv.. Sit., Nov. 2 -11 a1o11 l11vt11tlon•I. Sil.. Nov. 16 -11 NCAA C~lege Dlvf510fl m"1. Missouri. All m"tt W11l n •I 10 1.m. Sports Calendar ~,,,.y (ltlf. 27) Foolblll-Coron1 di! Mir 11 NltWOOrt H1rbor, Cosl1 M.W 11 Mlulotl Vl1Jo. Fcunt11n V11ley vs Esll!ltl• 11 Or&llQ9 Ca.11 College, Ma11n1 II Hunlln~I!\ 8 e1eh Rim of ll\I World at L1gun1 8 e1ch. CY?fl5S at Sa" Cleme"!e (•It at I), El Toro YI G•hr It Arte•l1 High l1:JO). S•ttNay IStPI. 2111 Footblll-W1rren Y• EdlSOll •I H1,1,.. 11119ton 8•~cll, C•nYOfl YI UnlYtr1lty 11 MluJOfl Vi1lo (botti •I IJ, Otlf"!Clt Ca.11 College 11 LA H1rb0r, Ml. SAC v1 Goldtn West et Orana& Co1sl Coll191 (bot!I 11 7:30), S&ddl1blck VI S111 DitOO 11 B•lbol StM!hjm {1 :30). Cross country-UC lrYltie 11 Reno 110 1.m.l, Soull'lern Calltorn• Co1tt111, Cot! Stilt (Los Mg111s) 11 UCLA (11 •.m:J, Mlrl"1 11 Las Vet•• 1nYlt• tlon1I. Soc:cer-l9lol1 at Sotftlle!'n Ctllfor!'lll Coltt11e Ill 1.m.J. · W.1!er Polo-Orlf'llll Coa•l C0Ueg1, Golde!\ Wnl .11 Mt. SAC /11vlt1flof\1I, Slddlablck •I MlUIOfl C011terence tourney 11 P1!om1r, CoroM del Mpr, Cos!• Mflll l lld Newport H•rbor It An11helm IOUfnty, CCIII• NltSI " Ui Sernl fro1"$0Pll lour~, Eltandf1 L11111m• l9e1ch•EdlS011, ·Mlrln•· 1na - El Toro •I MIUIO!I Vlllo-U!llYeJslty tourn1Y. NIWl)orl H•rtior end Est•~!• 1: Sunny HU1t JV ind frosh-sOl)h tour!'ltY. 'Edison Incl S•n Clemenfe 1! lots1 Grand• lr1111t-to911 toutl'1ty. f JIN._ ' Long Beach Airport is an easy shot lrom -Orange County. And from there. it's easy going. Two round trips daily, M9nday lhrough Thursday and Saturday. Three on Fridays and Sundays. • Call your travel agent or PSA. They know lhe way. , PSA.1lwes..ya.t1 a Ifft. • 1 GALLON. Consider these advantages: J . There's a handle Qn It. Euyto carry,eaaytO pour. 2. Less chance of running out. • 3. It's a sensible way , to enjoy Jim Beam mid it cOS1s lesa per drink. __ .... -··· , I ' Sunset ,. fiord Footbgll FORECAST -.. __ .... _. .. .... . .. ···~··(·-·,_,. ...... . Bob Heussei' 'Plt1ld1 ... ~ ... PREDIC~: ,· Los~les •••••••••! 31 Hew EilC)land •••••••••• 2 I ' ~tuec M ... w iHs te flH ~ if ,.,,..ts ..... '""P• roW •"" w.l.td D1,.llW -...... , ..... llMy •• ~ .,...u..-~,.i-10. . 1 ' SUnday, September 2.9 KAHSASCfTY •••••• 20 HOUSTON •• ,,,. 6 C..'9~olf!CullllleWttn Fh!Oe111net -ll<fl9wln-NY ..._ Otiet5-nilo w•tll won OYllt Cloi'118fS. bul ..:C W0..1<1 .. ,n t•·~OM n~ .. .._ DALLAS .•• ,,, Jill MIW YOIJC GIANTS •••..• 14 ~lfl\111 IO Oanu to ta~• on ol~•~~m1nded CO.oop. New VM put on gooa il'Ow 19"•llil RedS1uns"' '8•'°n -"'" bu! ro.ild t~• ~~°"'"""•one. Pm'SIUIGH ••••••JI OAI LAHD •••••• 24 · • "Ae.Vlme rr.tCfl.oO be""'9el! OO-rtul AFC,. ...... n ba!Ue ...... n SIHIM' JOM Gil~•" and R .. dtl1s· ..:en Sii-. OooO! '""!•I •I !IC! Olllenr;tvt S>cJW! Ptll by ' MIHNE$0TA , ••••• 23 CHICAGO ••• , •• 7 \lllteswiM~t• lorst t>ome g~me by ~1o11ong S.M. CIVClgO 1oJrpl\led L-1n 009111< ... 111 GlllV H.,lt c»ong l)OOo;l IOtl •1 oe "''""¥~ ' ,,.....,..id:IDCOINflg41MI. ~ PHii.ADii.PHiS •••••· 20 IALTIMOllE •·•·•• IJ &gile_.. llioPecl delMa-.e netdle ""°wMkl 1go b1c.toe1nc1 Mid lo 3 000011. Coll'i wete ttlani.t<i ov S1acleo11 Bo1n n1111"""' '""""' .-it••··Prtolirby 1 GIHMIAY •••••• 17 Dm OIT •••.•• IJ -, co..fd lltl dOMCOll!fll bollwffll ~ olO NfC central foof; •• Wtlll 0 1!1 ~--;;o.nPiaieti..nd liootlV well sel "'"" JtJnv ru""'' .,,.,,..""'"' "'c • ....l~ ¥O'llt{llln'& • Qootll nod 10 011 ATUHJA •••••• 21 MI WOILH.NS •••••• II NFC WKl$m OtVISOOfl tfll.ICl't bol!-n Slinl$ Nell .. ~llll'llllO •Ml FlleOAI Bott Lei. 80111 mi Mll"°'1 ooe:rw .. ~ .. , llllJ"!~ I~~ .. ~.Swll$il~ b"'fllOOfllb-,5' MIAMI •••••• 24 SAM DllGO •••••• I J t11iah.lni:ll'l1:u::r•·~ Doll)f'Wt1$11-·I come IO)•le by 11111 ltml, ....,,111:1t1ett"' ,lllll, 0..f991'11 ""'Y N•o tl"Otfl 'lltl"'•V• "''"''" I ""'"9nt ..... •DO. ' ·, ST. LOUtS·., •• ,, 21 CLEVELAND ••.•.• 17 11 Owe can dtle"..e B•ownl IS •l>eV did fi0tet81111 Aed$ttllll. '"" un111u B•owns IMtl>f\11 iii.tit e-to'"" >'.t•l~tt 1111•01u~n l>Y Be-SJ .. ltoOIO<ltlll C..rd::l by•. IUFFALO •••••• 27 NEW \'Ol lC Jns •••••• 17 l"l'tlld SI~~ ~aine lor Btll:I. novf1 '"" 1 .kll$00Uld COnl-j.S tnl¥ doll W<!ll S.111. DUI '"''" ~ f"9'110t'S Nii ... ~ -,,,., llO•H llUI ~Cld-&.illl0b'l 10. CIMCIHHATI •••••• 2J DAM FlAMCISCO •••••• 2 1 A"e< IHI woelt s !lllme3. 1"'1 0119 i»" •f'lolt new 0111100t1. atM.lle Choliad on Ow11wa ~ '*'~ Wll"'llC<l F~ '°''m 'W"" .i llDlf'f'. COJIClllOt>INlfW•V· flenpatsl Monday, September 30 l>BolYEI, ,., ,, 17 WASHIHGTOH •••••• 16 • fllll ~ f'lll1<eo<oid be rtlftfllllClel!t ol hrs! one ttetwll!'I BOiis 111<1 R1.:ien Slt•"s no '°'1!lef lf)Vinc<llte •I llOl!IC' 10""' '"'n~ 8•~ "'"' PJllMOftO! 011 DY II/SI one. ~11>y 80111 !Wt!< R1oo:f<P~ alld Pl!nots oveo Oo1p111n~ dfdll I out ant lf'l)l;l>R!I on our 1•"5! we~ a •.-('<-. Hotoe•!l'I ·4fte< tN! Q.l~' o• ""' l!llll. ..... 91nt1 •'"' ,6QJ. HIGHLIGHTS lfor S.,t . .Zll f M& 1$, "lldtltta~l nine. r11a!l1 'HHlfl!Hll't 1b&uuse" 1 ,.,. one OllQUoOll we ft •$•"'1 or• "'°"'' Htt"' oo~ 0-1 '"" .,..,, •• ~• ,,11 3a)17 m:w.CQI~ lool~•ll <1~MtJ !NI ..,,. 011veo e..:!'I -£~tnc1 1<0Ull(l I"• CO<Jf""'' e • ..,...,.. "o ~"'"°"()I!< o• """ •N~ot.•· •~'"". allot-._" ll•eat !;llltl&f>QI!! 8111 llliln-1 lo """'every ~lill ll40Pl9 1n YillOUS IWll ol lhe ""'"'"" """ Pot"t" t••" ""' ''~"' 1, ''"' 11< O'llllit f9llOllOlle W<lll "°°'""' 0t wl'IO -"5 ··~-f!onl 1 ... \1 Plf!OCu<;ll i lotlM. ~ IH1j1I OOO!M f!Wn!llO"I' ""I to 1111 1 ~" -•"-I c UIUitll)' -~I ll!UI IWO ... ...,.s kif 1111n.. ro naooen -..., •11111e •o Piii><"" an 1ee11~1e llllY on '"" ""'~"'" •n<t .,.,.O"•u..,..1 01 °'11 ~ MlnYOt.,.,.. ~ ... e-0 ""'•-.oont PUOll!'IO•<f -·•o-H Cll ...... '. tn•!• l/'fl '"ll'll" 111 lne b«l<>f'<f ... , ..... "''"'~ --DI lor9cilS!WJ 1rxuc111. So.. t>e<:lt.rH ot ou• •~t ~'*Ii"'"' -•DK<.t! oeooNt -,..,., 4"°' 10""' '"•t !IW(luO" :;"'"'""' ~ i.m. we were "g111 on 227 -5. ,.'O"<I on 6\1, '"d 1""11 ...i•• 8 t~. o ... 11<""'!1-""'nt-" 180 • •od ..,,,~ nnt ~&111 r.M IVIOvtd '"'°Ille •I S001 1n out TOI> r-ntv ~nd on ~~re< 1"flllld Ooe<t•,,.,. !~ :; "'U "'~"a""' "'"·°'""I ~llllllMl 1Sl•.i11etl'IOff1fllklusa<l(IOln" He ....... ~$ •O•!Ol •ftll-!>l;olt"'•ntro .... '""'_...OJ '""Nt""'8• -· .... ~ ~!11!!"11 o;inineor~-•-• 1111ins1 MKalll!a ~--s. Nt*tt0...1nt1Mdiijian.-Wi2j...,..TTe.an..ll0"<1~1tteirwnta boO '"""~----.dlO•"'~"'°"- ,fl'e ln&n .... """lfl twPutdu• IW 29 p(JO<lt'L IP"ld 1'M!"WOIYe$ Wttl •"'O Wlef""•-"•YI' O"j "'ijltl~n fl~ IO .OIOn ""' WVOk IS OUf la"St ¥••• • •9!f11ltt HISOll n~1onn11 CN"'PIO<I. llla"""'• , ,,.. $oolw• t .. ~ .... Utan Smr .. .., '-. H(f'eY htldll-"" Wttll""" l\mfotSU lho:ty OICI WtUI Bl¥'0tlW11wM! ... "90. I~-00 on"°"°"' H°""'-0 °••""""' "'~ ..mindnlblll lfll Utes b"f J~ _.es Afllllll tnt~ Q.11,.,. -.... UO Sa1utd1y llllWOCll lllo!'IOlll 111d WH"'nelon Stale. TM ll•no ~I ''"<!"' ~ <elUlf'on<t l<t """'"'"' ~--""" lluge Wfll-::lfMklnl We ... OOClllllO Wlll'tncrlon Sl•lt on 11'8 """"'<'Cl II• ~' J>Oorlllo. r-•~&111. T••11 r ee11 .. un.--.it.And T1C1111"on•vc...1"" re.ulfl!Ml>lft8'•n ,,..., 2J ,.,.,.,.irqs 811< u • 0r oc. .. tnelolgllbr,.b"flldl nme. · I-OHIO STATE I-ARIZONA STATE 11-ILLINOIS 1&-..MISSISSIPPI STATE 17-MICH IGAN STATE 11-ARKANSAS 1!-FLO RI OA 2-HOTRE DAME 1-MICHIGAN 12-WISCONSIN i-GKLAHOMA &-TEXAS U-TENN ESSEE 4-ALAIAMA S-N£1RASKA 14-l .S.U. 5-GKLAHOMA STATE 111-TEJAS A ~ M 15-PENN STATE 20-NO. CAROLINA ST. s1tuw1-, Stpt 21 -Major CDll•c•s Soutllern s~~ •-1: Sul RO$S 31 ~l'llr•1 MethOChsl 23 Tarleton ' " 1' Air FCll'C• 26 Wyomin( 14 Nltllm1 42 V1ndert>111 6 AclPaltchitn 14 Wes tem caroliiv 7 Arizon• stat. 22: Mls:!IOU ri 7 Mzont 21 PM~ Mt•ico 2\1 AIQrtSH 23 Tu/SI 7 lo$ton COii•&• 24 Temple 21 Bowlinl G~n 21 Western Micl>i&•~ 17 C.I Poly (S.L.0·1 30 ,........, St.Ille l l Californl• 31 Army 7 C.ntr111 Michlpl'I 21 Oltyton ll Cincln,,.ti 20 Louisville lli Columbia 20 Uf•rette 19 <:omen 23 co1111a 20 Oltrtmoutlt 22: Massacllusetts 20 Duke u Vitllnl• I ~ £1st Carotina 34 Southern tlli11ois 1 Geoqi• T•ch 17 Clem50f'I 6 Geor&i• 22: SoulFI Carolina 17 HOiy Cross 20 H•rv•rd 10 Hous ton 34 V.P.I. 12 llllnoii 21 W1shington ~t.1te 1 Iowa St•te 21 BriRham Youn11 ll Klnus St.lite 21 Paclfic 12 l<IMli JJ florid• State i l<ent S t.le 20 Eastern Miclli~n I Klntuclt)' 29 lndl•n• 17 •Lel'lllh 21 Pennsy1van11 lS ~. a..ett l~ ~r~!' : M•r)'l•nd 27 Norut carolln1 20 Mlmpllis State 2.1 Cotorado Slit." 6 Miami, f l1. 27 T•mp1 14 Miami (Ollio} 3' M1rVl•ll 1 Mlctlipn Slife 21 u .C.LA 20 Mlcl'llpn 2S N!lvy 1 Minneaote 2t · r.c.u. · tl MlsslsnipPi Sllte 17 f'l01id1 ts MlsslSllPCM 21 ~~rn "'-i»issippi 1 -Netlfll ka 45 Nottllw•sterrt 0 New Ma11lco State 27 Arlinrton 15 No. CarotlM. St1te 22 Syracuse 6 NOfttl TUIS 16 Um•r 14 NortMrn Illinois 21 lndl•n• Sllte 16 Notre Dame 35 Purdue 6 Otlio St.ate 47 S.M.U. 7 Ohio U 21 ToledO 10 Okl•hom• Stlt. JO B111ot 7 OkJ•hOm• ,.a: Utlll Stile 1 ~ Utlh 6 """ ,,-._.. 24 low• 14 R'*'8 lsllntl 20 B">Wrl 14 Rlctimond 30 20 Tiie CH1del 107 ltulp!S Princeton Sen Oi890 Stile 27 u .T.E.P. 1 soutM:rn CltlifOfnla 24 Pittlt>uratt 17 St.Mord 2J Sin JOM Sllte 14 T•nnusee 21 AubUfn 10 TeQS " & M 35 Wiishlnaton 13 ,. .. , 2l Teus llCh 14 Vlllfl'IOW 17 ldlhO 13 V.M.I. 21 Davidson 7 West Vffl[nl• 20 Tul•ne 7 Wlcllll• ts w est Tens 14 Willl•m • M•IY 20 Furman ll Wisconsin 24 Colot•OO e Y•le 2S Connecticut ll OtMr G1m11 -South ind Southwest Te w1s Lutheran Troy W1shin1ton & l ee Western l<fnllp;:lty W•slern M1ry1tnd Wofford 29 Tri!'lity 211 Nicholls l• ~ntre •2 Austin Pfay 21 Bridgewazer 21 Gardne1-Webb ' • ' ' 20 other G1m11-East Allred Allt1heny American l!l!'I Amherst 8GWdOi!'I -Bucknell Cl•rion COiis\ Guard De11Wlf0 Fta!lklin ~ M•f~haU l!'ldi•na U lthace Middlebur1 Mlllersvlll~ Montela.i Mo11yl1n Mullle11be1i1 Nortlle11stern Slif>l?t!ry Ro..::k Thiel Vermo11t UniO!'I We\t Cucste• Willllr/lS 219 Albany State · 12 11 Hitllm r 24 N()f'Wicll ll 20 Spri11gf;etd 6 II Wore.ester Teelt 14 24 Maine 12 21 Centr•I Co11necticut l l 19 Colby 7 ll New Hamp~hire 7 32 Urs;!\u) f> 20 SFlippe!lsburg 11 27 .Cortland 1 JO Wesleyan 12 21 l<utllOWfl 0 Jl William Pate~n o 14 Oetaware Valley 7 2• Johns Hopkin$ 20 2J SrldRepOrt 13 28 Ed!nbO•O 14 20 Wash'to" & Jeff'son 14 2l 805\0!1 u 2(1 22 Tufts l • JS East Stroudsburg I> 21 Trinity J Oth er Games-Far West Boise State Jl Mont1n1 State 7 Col Lutll~ra!'I 20 Redlands 1 Cl'lico State 2S WiUametle 12 COl01acio Ccl;ilt~ 3J -MCf'tlef'!on 0 Divis 27 Santa Clara 22 Eastern New Me.11ico 21 SO\(lherl'I Colorado J~ E•stem Oregon IS Oregon Teen 1 Fllllefton 21 W1bl:!r 1~ Lewis a. Clark 23 Westtrn Washin&lo11 11 Linfield 19 Southern Oregofl 14 Los Anp!es 24 Heyw1rd JJ NeY•d• iRtno) J5 Portland St1te 6 Nortlltlrn Ariton• 22 ld1ho Stllte 14 Northlll'n C01or1do JO Color1do Mi11es 6 OretoA College 26 Central W11sni11K1on ll Puaet SOund 31 Pacific Lutheran I Riverside 311 Whittler 6 Sacr11mento 21 ·Cll Poly (Pomo!la) 20 S1n~f;r1ncllt0 State 2l Northrid«ie 21 Wl'lltworth 20 Dste1n Wa$hl!'lgton 10 Oilier G1mH -Midwest Ast11.nd 26 Central Stete, Ohio ll Austin 19 Ntbr1,k1 Wesley1n 1~ B11ctwln·W•llace 26 John Carroll ti B•ll Stltte 20 Altron 'I B1th1ny1_ W. Ve. 20 C11e·Reserve n Butn• YISUI 25 Wflll1m Pe!ln ll Defl•nee 2._ Findl•Y ll E. c.n1r11 Okal'loml 22 centtal Okl111oma 71 E•stern Ull"ol' IS SI. Joseph'• 1• Emoori• Sti le 20 Ctnlt•I Mi•M>U'i 10 F11rf1. 27 frankli11 1$ Fort Hays 22 Mi150u1! Soull'ltrt'l 17 Abil1ne Cllristi•n 21 f eK•s A • I IC friends 14 Soutl'lweiter11, k1ns11s i o\nlltlO Stat• 21 SW T•ll•s 10 Gl'OYI City 20 Ohio Wet1ev•n It c.~•n 28 Emory & Henry 6 Hillld•le 21 Northwood 14 CltteWbl ao Newt>l!rry 17 Illinois Stile 211 SW Mls•our! 1 Oltltt Stat. 21 11 NW Loulsl•n• t• iOW1 Wtsle~an 14 11Unol1 Collt(ll! II ta,..tern KentudcJ' E•st Tennessee 20 Mlllikln 31 Elmllor1t 1 tlo! 24 Guilford 0 Mlssoutl Veney 24 W1shburn 17 F..,ett.Ville 27 Sl\IYI' 7 Mt. Union 2l t>t•rleue lj flotldll A " M 21 No. C4rolin• A & T 16 ·Nottl'l Dlkot• State 22 Nortllorn IOW• ~ GNmblln1 22 Morpn Slate 14 Nortl'l O.ltolll (') Mornln1tl4e o ~n 23 Ark1nsas Tectt 1 N( Mlfisouri 26 MJS$OUi"I Wt.if!rl\ :oo Honrd P•Ynct ~ Ms ,,•,,,•,~11 V•ller 11-~~lo~='~ ¥~ ~11~k~~~· 21 JKkleln Stitt. _. ""I·---p . '4dlsonYlll• JO M1rtln 1 ..,. .... '"" "" •uw l~ \.Mr tOr! 13 SE L.our1llln1 10 o uaw• 2s B•kdr 'I Lou~nl Tech 27 ArkenSI$" s tile 14 1Pine 81\lff & l ll'IColn MM Hiii = ,~f:u~h. Ky. 10 == o."kot• r: b~:~~rl ·: == 1S ~·"" 1 SE. MlllOUl1 . 26 EVans ... 11111 lj Ml191stfalil Colftlll 21 Mohtleello '1 1".wfO( 19 Mlntl'lt.SlCI Monl!Md 2J Middle TenMSMe 21 \i1IP1rtl10 23 8ul11f ». -"""91 t l f lrtMSSff ~ 17 W"'tlnator. u 2J SOUl!'IWlt•l•rn, M11n111 1t _....._tl•n-24 lenoi ~M ch. 17 llUl\Olt Btl'KldlClirlli ii o:-•-1... t' Towson 11 1W9mm 1111n;tl .. ,. 28 Ml1w1Uke1 I bnOOlphoMICO!t 1• Cl•nv".. 1J ·wi11ram Jtwell 20 H1sllnn II =-hi 211 <:orlCOl'd • 1 1wintn1»11ra: 35 Muslilnaum 6 -·~~jll\'I"'' ·~3Yffl~: ~'1,~: .. ·.~ ,;:;.;~ ~ .. ., ... ~ ... r.:-~:.';;~s~ ~:;'··,;~:::a:: I .,:,...Jk•.• i '.'lora: .· 1110~1t ·o11 I ' f ., .... ""L'" ., ""-I ~ I 1 • 1' , Wide-Open 1 0ffense~ Gollide ·.at MV . . . . . ,, . , .-....... ; Mi.&IOll • Co.ta Jolin , 'Mutio's clu ilo r,.ied in, a li).? letl!oc•. But the ~leO high, SC "'litll"•, toot· No • .1' !lie CJF 2.-dlt-. 1'1W1taD1S., e(,, coich To m bull:,._., t ' i 'pi4y , ~ D!ablos, guided by ~ had a much lo14lher It -'6ido .opeli, d .. ~ .• q~ Dave Selunldl, loo lban.M~on Viejo. • ning' load fot tf>e f\1ustangs. Boll\ ooac6e.i have' e"°' pre!Sc(i displeasure with thC pl~y of ~~Ir teams last week, especially French. s&YJ French. , Dlab!OI (.'()C)Ch John ?tfurlo ashr hopes his terun can cut down on 1nistakes. at • o'clock at Ml,.lon )(le]o ri~.~leback, 42-19, with French lo oopefi&I' ol lllf!ll: Scliii!ldt. eompleling 8 o! 10 upgrading his passing ~tlack 11'• t1¥! ~rst me• t Ing =20! yards and three am has lnaerted junior Tim "We weren't pleased with our olfense or our defense and we')I have to lmpr()Ve against Mission Viejo. \V'e llgure to get a strong tes! because we know tileyire"l going .to throw the football,'' "We fun\bled five tlme&' tdSt Week and recovered four of them, so we feel lucky. \\'._e know Qista f\.lesa has good nlaterial, because it gave Foothil l a rough time and FooUlill gave us a bad thne in oor scrimmage. be\_,, ~ two CO!lll area • two of t b q m , Rooaoer lnt<i the 11"!1ing -Is, golpg · · brother Er1c. "•quarter4iack,pbolti0!1, nhead ol Mlulon Vl•Jo's Dbbloo got ~f'l>eanwhile, bad. pro. R.od Fisutl.1 , o!f to a roarl111 start last blemA ,'moving Its run-and-Full¥ Sieve Tereg\i, a wetlc, 'IO goed In fact coach giJoot'.~lense against · Foothill • \IS-pounder, carriC11 the ·run· . JC Prep ·water Polo Resitlts JUHIOtlt CDLLl!CI! lt0t• 111 Qu•rttt• '1 l l-1 s-l•b•ck s 1 6 4-16 S•cldllbl Ck scoring: K1U111b1ch s. C1m~ll 4, Lyl1 1, llldQI 1, G11Ue<lli'f, M. wn.,.,, o . WllMln. "'ISllON VlllJO •UNIVERStTY • TOUllHAMl!NT VARllTY Scor1 llv Q111rltr1 Ila~ .. , 0111-' Ml•\/Oll Vlt/O S 6 l 1-11 Ml,•lon Vltlo K..,lnQ: O~llak! '· Murphy l. 811111 l . Miiier 1, Mc:~•ll l . O'lttlllV 2, Cl;oodtll. VAltlll'Y Stort bJ Qu1r•••1 ~-E1l1nd1 0 3 I 1-J t1ullflllQIOO\ 8tltll 2 l l ~ 7 E1rtncl1 l(lltll!Q: L" J. Hunll,.1on 8e1c11 1t<'ll'ln11· cu1hm1n >. Anallln. Moonrt', W1lr, T•rlar. VAllSITY Scort bJ Qu1r11n 1'1clllt1 l I 1 ~IG ~-rln1 I ' ~ ~17 M1rln1 atorll'IQ: &ucknt't I, t:ek111r9 a. Golonl<I 2, Slorey ~ l•ifrfll. • MISSION Vll!JO VNIVEllllTV : TOURNAMENT "AltllTY sc ..... , 0111'111"1 !::l l11r11 Ol'fl-J L-.Qun• Stich 5 1 2 l-11 • El Toro l(Dl'lllQ : N1vllle •, S<111;d1l. LIQllfll 8ttCll KOflnQ: Mo.,1111 j, ·Jie,.,.ton It. J, Slmf'YlO<>• J, f'1ner1001, M •n<il1. "AlliLTT VAll$1TY • Seen llY Oll•rl•~ f~I Monle1 o o 1 1-l -'N,,,.oor1 ' , 1 >-t, " ~-00!1 Korlng: Alll> .. ltorl l. WhOlt 3 .. EkNr 2, A-IOfl l. MeGlnl1y 2, Go'IJ l, Oobrott, l=u1t1, Lippold. VAllSIT'I' $Cerl DJ W1Wr1M'' LI Quinl• U U I )-I th,1111!ng1on Be.tell l I l ~I Hun1lng10n t>ucn x•••1 WIJ"°"" 4, Al'l(lt11n t. Wllr. · JUNIOR VAltll'{Y Sctn by Chllr1tn l.1 QI/Inti 1 ' ' 1-t /HmUnij!IHI ''''" 1 I 0 )-fl ttunHll\l•on 811cll KOl'lllQ: 'o'voo11n · i. wi;ir1nv i. ThOmU, WHll•ms. • PllOll'l·SOf'tt ''°"' lty Q111r11n LI Quln\1 g I 0 1-, H""11111Qlon BIK ll ' 2 ' )-ll • 11111111ny10f\ &IKll KOfl"ll ~ ottti. J, • (Q11ll111p l, 81u•ll1n l, "-· Ou.rn· mbfl'ml n, BD*I. PltOIH·SOl'H " 1..01 AmlQOI 1 11 2 F-T•ln v111ay I a Q '"011nl1ln VIHIJ 1c0" <19: •h lil, s-• ltJ ~''"' .... ... , • l •vr>1 IM.c;h ~ I • S..-1• • 11nrltg0 0 o 0 0--0 LaQUN KWlflCI. StnlClll !•), W11'1(1fl • 1)), Wtll!lock !31, T. Grl!ICl11 111, 1'1!1fmen. FM. ' r·.-. .. .1 SPORTS X-countr~1 • Smnmaries For Al·ea VAllSITV' II T .... 1'41 lltl O•hr I. Arrlol1 CGI \Q:I•; 2. J'Urblt, D. (ETl lO:s.t: 3. 8utl'lltt tGl 11 :00: '· 01 Gl'fl(l! lGI 11 :111 5. Huftma~ lGl 11 :18: 6. Muni CG) 11:19: I. Roellawt IG1 11 ;.)(I: I. Torr11 lGI l ;l!; t. Sfftl!ll fG) 11 :": 10, WOCldwonll CO) 12:02) 11. Wiiie [GI 1':06: 12. MllOMv !ETl \l:OJJ ll. Fvrbtt , A. U:Q.t: 1(. Lt1"1 (ET) 1J:09. •1tOSH·SOl'M t!I Tere UOl 1211 Ol llr I. Scl!mldt (El > 11:3'; 2. Fallll (GI 11 :•1; 3. M1rllne1 {GI 11 :SJJ •. Beck•r (GJ 11 :5'; 5. fuztll IET) 11:)9; t. GlllOWIY tG) 12:otJ 7. 01.Y.enlo (ETt 12.UJ t . ltolleflt tETl 11:11; 9. PemtierlOfl (ETI 12:1'1 10 Oon)'ff (GI 12 :24. V•tltSITY EGI-(JO) UfJ WtthnhHfw L McConnell l!I 10:lt: 2. w11c11t IEI lO:ll; 3. Prlncir l\10 lO:IO; (. HOg1n tE I 10:16; S. Biollnl tl ) IQ:,7; 6. Slay fWJ 10:50; 7. Cll,. (W) IO:Sl; I. Fml'f!W tEl 10:.Uf 9, TOf!'lll lC !El 10:3': 10. Turf\l'f (WI 11;01; 11. erec:ktll (W) 11:07; 11. Arclnleg1 IE) ll:l~: \J, G••"'lln IWI 11 :3"1; 14. S.r"il-1 IWI U;:l'2. JUN101l "AtltSITY l o;-1111) 1:11) WIUITllMllr I. Arcliul11 (El 11011 1' 7. 5umm1rs IWI 11:,_: l. Mire1r1ltl (E) 11:44: •. v1narrmolrn !El ll :'l; S. II. VlrQln (E l 11:49; 6. lot<t n (W) n :S61 1. J....,....on (El ll:S'i •· •lldltMn !W) 11:0!: t. Harr (¥11'). l ?;QI; 10. Hollr (E) 11:09. FllOSH·)Ol'H EclbM WI tJll Wtitmlntttr i. SOkrr1 IEI n :M1 2. ICeffy 11!1 11;11; J. S•rnlk1 (Wl Jl :).I: I. ""'Uoy t EJ ll :lt1 S. Mlirlpg '(W) 11:"1 6. ArTOYO (WJ ll :d J 1. "lr<;lll (W) ll:SI; l. Wllftt IE) 11:5'1 t . MllllllV tW) ll:SJ; 10. 5IOYOl'fl (EJ 12 :0.. VAltllf'r Unlvtl'ity 1111 c_,.. 141) I. 01kkU1 (Ul 10:051 7. l r1nion 01) \O·,I· l ArtlOICI (U) IQ:XI; '· Kcivoi.:111() lO:lS; S. Flf'D(UI lQ:~; 6. snorptCl 10:.0: 7. 011cytUJ 10:"1 I. DelQldCllCI 10:)(); f , LonalU)I 10:,?; ro. Kc.1111• CJ IO:J7: 11. Pom ... O)'(U) 10·59· lL scn1utt1r(Cl 11:001 IJ, Minoo'.1c1 11 :23; 11. FOltw(CI 11 ::11. JUNIOlt "AltStTY Ulll ...... lyOtJ C1n.,...1a 1 I. 11!1lU/ 10;~1; 7. Mollrl119IUJ 11:06: J, PetfrtonCUI 11;07; ._ P-ICI 11·11· J. NkllC>llOlllCl 11 :121 6. O~ritnlUl 11 :13: 7. G•t:se(U ) 11:16: I Cl1rk{UJ n :n ; '· EnufltUJ 11:21; · 10. Fortstertc1 ·11 :1!. PllOSM·SOP'M Ulll-.JtylJ:JJ C11)'lfl(l6) I " • j Me-.'~ G~lf Thompson ~ins Big Canyon Title U. T. Thompson won the tl)en's club champiOnsw'p at Big Canyon Country Cluli With l:\t 72·hole score of 296 with runnerup Charles 1'-1cLaughlin po'sting a 300. · · Flight winners on a net ,basis included George Chelius, Ron Tucker, Robert Jones, Rod Thompson, W a I t e r Fromc, Roger Hughes, Donald Byers, Pete Welton and Dr. Mort Gherman. Dick Clark used a driver to score a hole·in-one on the 233-yard 15th hole on the final day or play . Sanla A11a golf association staged its monthly tournament at San Juan Hills Golf Co u r s e recently . \\'inners in A night included .E. Jacobi (61 ). F. Rossi {69) and R. H. Potts i 70). • In B. flight , the y.•inncrs in· elude S. Neweomb (651. G. Usry (681 and W. Puth (68 ). The c night victors included G. Rayburn ( 6 7 I • IV. Stephenson and E. Cronin 168). B. Bailey captured the D flight \Vith 70, foll owed by S. Pearson and E. Bradley at i3. Dr. Dick McCoy scored his 19tli Hole third hole-in-one at S<inta Ana Frank Fries, Jr. and Jerry Country Club recently, aceing )Visz were the individual win· the 17th hole with a three ners in the third ·annual iron to rover the 180 yards. Orange County 11ea rt Associa· f\1cCoy was playing in a lion ·invitational golf classic foursome that also included at rrvine Coast Country Club 1 ~aul Reiland, Dr. Job n recently. Cotti Mtu TE l(tflh Jo1191'1son l T G1rv Be1;m1 l G Terry ICohltnbe•t C M1rk Mullikin ltG Mark Ntb&klr ., m" lurntr llE n even. 09 Im RO!olll~r Ffl t1v• Trr .. ls T& W1yna V1rl11Q Fl.. M1rk Krikorian COii• M•W OE Tony M•rtln~z OT ll ltt< R&mhel OG Stan McC11y 06 Mlrk N-ktr OT ICrllll Da11m1n oe llObl" Bernard L& 8ruec Sharo La lllck Miller CB Mar~ Kenne<lv oa o~"" c.oooer S Roel Fl11111111 Olll!IM Mlu l&n \lltlO Ol!tnl• TE ll11n FrHCI LT Linc• Al·B1v11t1 LG M1rk Merwin C Gtlr Merrymd" ltG Jiff Evans RT Todd Stlum•~Y SE Wilbur G•&11orv OE! 01vt S'hmldt F9 M••k S11ren1001 Va Jahn Mont11omerv SB Eric Schmidt Minion Vi1lo Dtfente DE J t l! Evin~ OE Steve Henrv O\ Todd snunu~v o e.111 c .. 1111s MG M~rt Merwin l9 Jett A:ol•ltl lB G•I• Merrvma" CB Jett Hapo CB 1 n1J1 Ro.~ s 'r'~ AnClrew\ S WI bur Gr111orv ·~ ·~ "' '" "' ·~ "' •ro '" "' "' "' "' '" "' "' "' m •• "' ·~ ... Letdown Not Likel v • For GWC Abraham and Frank Green. But the big y,•inncr \\'as the Mt. San An tonio College's The ace was the nin~ this Jieart Association v.·ith 144 year at Santa Ana CC and players competing and con-3MI defeat at the hands of was ~fcCoy's third in the last tributing a net proceed or Pasadena last week hasn't three years. nea rly $12,00l to aid in the given Golden \!lest College II.II S purchase of a paramedic football mentor Ray Sha ckle. e q11al"e mobile unit. ford any signs Qf overconfi· Action in the men's club Fries, of Newport Bearh, ChamplO!l. ship at F 0 u n ta i n carded a gross score of 75 dence. "th 15 h oo· f The Rustlers host !\1t. SAC VaUey Mlle Square G.o J f "'' a a 1cap or a net f 60 t t the f. Id Saturday al 7:30 p.m. at CoorS< begm' s trus weekend. score o o op ie . \.,. t. · · I Orange Coast College in a It is a ?Z.hole affair for · ,.,.1sz, compe 1ng m a spec1n · · · · c II game which is traditionally the chamnionship flight and 1un1or compeht1on or co cge ,. If t be f' cd a high-SCQring affai r. 36 holes for other nJgh.ts. go earn mem rs, 1r a -ood 67 with a scratch handiCTlp "M.I . SAC played a g _ C'oata lfJesn• to win both gross ahd net gmne against Citri.1s c:not real· :r.ternbe~ 'Cf(;'U1e tnetJ't cfoo honors in that division. \Visz ly dkln·t perform that poor· at Costa Mesa·Golf andlCoun· 1~ a member of the UC Irvine ly in lhc Pasadena game,'' try Club will beWI p~y in go!( team. says Shackleford. "Three of tJie club championship ln the Otbcr net victor:. included the touchdowns scored against near future. ~ \Vendcll Bosley and Russ Ford them came on broken pla ys The top 11 handicap iOlfers with 61 and Tom Walker with when the P 8 sad en a I quarterback, who rlUls the 100 in the c ub wiU compete In 62. All are from Newport the championship flight in Beach. in 9.6, simply got away." The Mounties run a 5-2 Okie match play competition. In team play, Bob Com· defense and the unit shut off L B h magere. Frank Chilson, Dick Pasadena's basic attack, ac· a9t111a. eac ~lyers and Bob l\1attress card· cording to Shackleford. Golden Al Botelho was the A flight ed a best ball. SC<lre of 62 West is familiar with the winner in a tournament at 10 win first pl ace honors. defense since Jt utilizes the Lake Arrowhead Counlry Club In net action, Ma.rk Homer. same formation. recently by the men's · group Lou Turner; Tom \Valker and Despite the £act the of the Laguna Beacll goU Paul Smith carded a best ball Rustlers are corqing off a big association. • or 51 to win the title. win over Orange Coast . Other A night winners in-Three teams tied cit 54 wilh Shackleford doesn't figure his Prep Grid Summaries I. Fr•yMfC) 10:5': 7. 01r.::y(UJ l\:Ol; l. G1lv1n(U) 11:0$; '· Gi11CUI 11:\11 s. KllMrlC.l '1:t21 •• Fl•n· Oer1tUl ll:ll; 7. DtWOCIClvtUI 11:17: .f'\ i. ~UOP(CJ 11 :1'; t. Plkt{CI ll:p ; 'Uo. 8•rM1.IUI ~i~SITY eluded Bob Zeagler and H. m a l c h i n g s c o r e cards team will Jet down this week. M. Currey. determining the placement of ''We play ?.-1t. SAC almost In B flight. the winners in-. teams. Second went to Frank every time right after we've cludl'd Bob Borchers; Walter Fries, Jim Ruzecki~ Jim played Orange Coast and have Fraree and Walt Pulh . .,. '. Lockwood and Chick Higbie. a S.2-1 record against them," Jerry Brown , ·Bill P~alee Third· place went to George points out Shackleford. "The 'lll!SNMAN I<•• •r Q111r11n Codi M&1• 0 0 0 0-0 0 Ml1•lon Vlljo o o 1' -1' Mlu!on Vltlo !Ot/Clldow"1; OCl!O.T. • $pe1r. Convtrtlon: Spe.,. ~run). J'ltlSHMAN Scor• llr Q111r11r1 EIToro DOOi-i • G111r 4 6 I 0-70 EL Toro touchdown: Cr11~ Convvr· 1/on: Wlllf1trr (r11nJ. f'ltllHMAN S<-tr QWl'flt'I fa.ptran1a o I I G-11 011M1ttm1 oao o-o l'ltl:SHMAN kw• by Qw1r1w1 Ml"4" 011 • Q 1 ~l:) s ..,11 An• o 1 • 0-1~ Ml,.,. Def ~: H1jer1, G~t. Con....,.11on : Gongoltt !r1111J. Plll:INMAN ,,_ ty Qt11rt1n Sin Cltmtnll 16 I I Q.-.3l' S1v1nn1 0 0 Q 0-Q Sin Cl-nl• loutMOwn1: Kl11uy 1, lmn'lfl, ltubKto, Con~nklfl1: RUll°'IC~O ' (p&1591!, Horflff !run), MeEJroy (run). ' 'lll SM,,.,.-,N M1rln1 0 0 O 6-6 ~ Fountlln V1llel:' I I I 0--22 SC1r1 W g.,•rlttl ' M1rln• touchdown~ WUllOll. Founl1ln Vlllty ! o 11 c II do w n 1: Tl\ornl)l.on, w11~w. llObJ. conver1lon1: Nobflll {run), MlktlMin \p1s1). .. lll!li'IMAN sc-~ •••rt•n N...,pori I !I 0 6-11 CdM 0 00 6-6 NIWPOl'f louc:lldO\IM': &l'OWn '· Mis'" lllQIU, M1nc1t1. Conver1lot11: M1nclrl 2 (rulll). CorOfll dtl 'Nr toUc:l)dawn: Moor1. .. ltllMIAAN Sc-by Oulrtttl l'Ollftllln Vly 0 I 6 0--1• I0111ncl• o Q O 6-6 Founl1ln V•lllY IMrmw...: Glt11n1 2. Convtnlon: !mllll trun>. E1l•ncl1 loudldown: JtrlflkO. PltlSMMAN S<t!'t ltY CW.n.tt M•rlftl Q 0 0 6-t Huntl119ton Buell I o o 11-4 M1rln1 IOllC~~ U lflt, Huntington a...:n ~; GuttNn. J'llliNM•N Scor• W 0.rttn •f.dl90ll !Gr1111I I I 6 ._M warrtn o o o o-0 ElllllOll ~~: Cl!UrthwlfCI 1, Clfl'k-Can¥1r1lon: Cllrk rrunl. Mt r\fll llS) f llllllll• V•ll•Y U•l 1. \'o'1\1s (Ml lQ;Ul 7. P1lnl IM ) 10:?1: l. M1U1l1 (M) 10:1SJ 4 Pit" tMI lO:lS; S. N11h tMl 10;2'1 6. ACOl!ft {FVJ \0:)6; 7. ShPllr fM) 10:.13: I. GlllUfl (M) 10:•1 ; '· Cum. mln9s CM) 10:..ii; 10.• Tnlf•k• (F\'l 101•9; 11. SlrlckHn IFVl IO:S1J J2, Stnctlak (Fl/) 10:,711 11. Orchohk IFV) 11:tl7; ,,. S•rmll~!O (FV) ll:n JUl(IOrt "AllSITY • MlriNI (Ill POllnllln "•ll•Y Utl \, P11rct (Ml 10:45; ·2. SIG&n (Ml 10:.st; 1. HlflO•lck lMl 10:SJ: J,. KMIWIH !Ml 11:01; j , 0.nclrl (FY) 11:06; 6. Bayer IFV) 11 :U: 7. Nolen IFV) H:IJ; I. G1rd1 IMl 11:21; 9. Rine (FVl 11 :17: 10. Kolcll IMI and J\1el Vernoy captlll)<! top t.1ascbmeyer, Dkk QW rk, f\·1oc game is usually high·scoring, honors in C night. ! , Quirk and Bob Mattress. but I feel this year's contest Garret Fagan, Bill ';Bailey Fourth place went to Vic may see some e x c e 11 e n t and Jean Arro1milb. were the Barker, Web Ostberg, J\tac defensive play.'~ D flight victors. 1 ?t1cCarter and Pat Burrell. Defensive tackle J ohn In the least p(ltts i oom· Ray Stansbury of Newport Lauduski and I in e backer petition, . winners wcfe AJ Beach won the O'Neill tr~phy David 1'1c8elh both had good Botelho, H. 1\1. Curre'y and \\'sen his tee shot on lhe J9:0 games against Orange Coast Walter Frazee. Botellp and yard I.7th hole Stopped 66 and \viU be key at hletes in George Fowler tied for closest 1nches from the pin. Saturday's game. F1tOSH·$OPH to the 'pin on the sixlb hole1 -:::::;:;;:=:~;:==~;;;;:;;~~~~~;:=';;;~;:=;:;=::;;=i'5=;-1 1~,.,.~:r,~~~1 r:'ii~o.1~.ir,t J!~ and Bill Bailey tied w\t.h Ed U:ll. IM) 11:11; 1 e>eH1r11 !Ml ll:tvi Duerbeck on the ltth. 4, OuclGY IFV) 11:30: S. And«'°" TIJe • • Beach IMI 11 ::111 '· D. W•r-(M) 11:«11 LCllguna 7. Gon1w1y (Ml 11 :-31 I. M1,1tclllrt1 l------------!FV); J, M. warn.,. tM) 11:"'1 10. HOWltCI IMJ 11156. VAllllTY W.f.llt!I f.UJ "'""'°' M1111W UtJ I. 81~1T1k1r IWJ I0:2t: 1. JOl!Motl IWJ 10:3"1; 1. IC!"! !NI 10:171 .. 8 r1nt10n (W) 10:«11 , Erh (N) IO:A I 6. Fenold (WI 10:$6: 7, Fukumoto fNI 10:.st: •· l'•tton (NI ll:Ooll f, AUi-!NI 11:n 1 IQ. Flfnt1nCln (W) 11:311 11. L-•nc• IHI 11::01 12. PAllon (HJ 11 :S71 11, Gr11111W11d tWJ J1 ;)f1 1,, Artlltl !W) 1l:'5. J UlflOlf VAlt,Slf Y' N1wpor1 .OJI W11tan1 l•I 1. RobtrlJM (Nl 11:21; ,., AYrlio (NI 11:26: 1 Fabian (NI 11:31J .C. Ward Holl 11 :2"1 1 5. IClohJ IN)' lt!!ll 6. Cll(lk (NI ·lt:OS1 .7. Jurl1111k IN\ 12 :011 I. Holl'" (W) 12:0t1 f. L11ml11n (N) 1~;091 10. ':l•cbon (Nl 12:11 J'tltOSN·SOl'M • NtW,Or1 Clt ) Wtti.n1 146) 1, $1nkfnJ (NJ 11 :31: 1. MOtler IWJ 11:'3; :l McDonlld INJ 111'5: 4, 0 .• l'!1t (N) IT:d 1 $, D1vl11 IN) 1!:05; &. Douty .. uo 12:231 7, Ntw!rnk IN) t2:"J ... T. ,.,_,, fNI 13:011 •• a. Skin,,., (NI ll:'ll/ 10. Mlnlfl' (N) 1l:15. VAlttlT'f Nunn..,1111 '"<" (llJ (61) Orllllt Al'lli'fl CHI ! f:J<lr 2. McQuown (k'I t :l9; -3. W11'°'1 {Hll f:IOI '· 0."'1t.., (0) •:Jo11 5, Otlford /H8) I01o.I; &. 1&1ntton (M l ) 10:071 , HtrrllJ lHB) IO:Qtl I . 9owtn 101 IO:ot: t, T"9'N"Mn f01 10:1S1 10.. Trainor ~" 1D:111_ 11. TllY\ T ... •tcrtn. 10) 1 ''I ' 11. H.tMrl fOl IO::U1 11 ~ n 10) 10:4SI U. Walkllll. l<l~l:Ot, JU1U01t \l_Altl """' ...... a..<11 '"' ~ I, CllV•flO lHll IO:Q01 2. Kri !HI) lO:#/ :t, N11ru1I (01 It: t '· llf!ltt (I'll) lO:Jll, &. Nl'Ytllch 101 10!17; 6. 5tlOl'f Ct41l .10;~1 1. Pll'M'I io1 n:u1 •.1.i urti11.. 101 ll;.U} t; HtblrCI la 11;.»1 lo; W1k1PMfd IOI ll:JO. Ociober2'·0,l9?• Orange County's Only Fall Show; •• { ' . . Plan N"w to . Attend! YOU'LL SEE. , .Motor H~k & Campers 1 Shell' 1 Trailers 1 vans & Van Conversrons 1 Silt Boats I Catamarans • Skl 8oals • Motorcycles I Oft the ~oad Vetti- clrS • Camp(ng Equlpmltlt •and.1 hundreds ol 01ner Exctt~ Ex .. MANY NEW ~cr,;5j97s R(t:R'l:A.¥ TION VEHICLES & !OATS' TO BE ON DISPLAY FO~ tHt, FIRST· TIME! t • 'I' Pf<lAl ,_, mm:t· 'Ill( Mtl'fl . • [::&ua~~tt?e ~ ' You'll set the W0!1d F){Tlig,$ ~';t_ Winn WM~ the hlg" wtre .. !K~rl & Shelli In ttieli' e11clling hlQh·}lilr' motorcyclt .a ... .a 11\tjll,lo( '" 111 .. 1 , I ' ' tNOW MOUUI s • 11 P.M. " -,.·""'!· 11 ~';44 '°""*>'. -~i.,.,. . ' t ,Mltl•·'1,.o;.· ! ~ ill>*• II f~ will\ 1'... , < ....... ~ .. i;i ........... ~ r.""'--' Al&'il .... ...-. ................ ~ .......... ~- • c ( ( ( Friday, Stpttmber 27, 1974 DAJL'f PILOT 8 ~-"--'-~~..C..~~~~~~ Miller Tire Co. ~ SINCE 1920 ~.THINKING . l AllOUT <RADIAL TIRES? LOOK TO THE LEADER Then you'll have something to think about Like the smooth ride, the precise 1teering control, !he gas economy, the long tread life, the puncture protection, lhe ea:sy han· ·dllng, the fast starts, the short stDpl, the all-wealher traction, the ' depend abili ty. Michelin 'X' t he original slee\. , '\ Think radial belted radial offers you all ) th is plus one thing more. \ something you can't g~l with ' any other radial tire -over -· t a quarter century of proven ~~ \....,.; road performance. ~~ (i!i': Designed specioHy for domesti c cors. the Mi chelin 'X' offers sofe, dependoble driving . . . up to 10°/o gos sovings ... ond o ~·"'40 ,000 mile worronty. Come in today and we 'JI tell you the complete Michelin ~tory. You 'll be glad you did. 40,000 MILE WARRANTY ••• and "'"'Michelin's waronty for X Rodiol Highway Passenger Tire !.hown he<e cover~ treod life, normal rood hazards (e)(cluding repairable puncture~) ond defects in workman~hip om:! moteriol~ lor 40,000 n1iles, when tire is used on pa~~enger vehicles in 11or1nol 1crvice in conl1nen1ol Un1!ed Stoles, except Al aska. Credit or refund (al Michel<n'~ oplion) i~ equal lo c urrent ocluol selling price m.Jltiplies by percen!ogt: of worron1ed mileage nol run on lire. look to the leader MICHELIN Come in and we'll give you the good news. The Gas Savers ~ouse of lhe !owe<' rolling <e•"'o"ct of Michelin "X" rod.uh o•t• con_,tool b.o~ply tote•, y0u might ..,e1 '" lfll(I\ at. 10~-'>O"•"'il• -your prtie!lt IP' con1u"'91ion. Th.1 ""'°"" mo-e ""le• per ggllon of VoS· II • rnron• e~tro doll"" 1n your pod~. MICHELINX ' WHITEWALLS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I f cf.n 1 1.81 SIZE PRICE .4227 165x13 l75x 13 l 85 x 14 195 xl4 ... 4351 :50°4 .5334 .5939 .6547 .64•' .6995 1.98 I 2.29 I 2.53 205 x14 215 xl 4 205 x15 2 89 I 3.11 I-1.81 F .E.T. 2.97 I 165x13 -215 x15 225 xl 5 . , .. .7740 3.16 3.29 I 5POINT I BRAKE & FRONT END SPECIAL I ---------·COUPON-----------1 1 A $25.50 VALUE $· 95 :; I J. I NOW · 1. COMPLETE Front End Alignment the most Modern Equipment on 2. REPACK Front Bearings !Disc outer only) 3. ROTATE All Tires and Check Balance 4. ADJUST Brakes · 5. COMPLETE Safety Inspection .. • l• ' C fr ( ... --------EXPIRESNOV.2, 1974 _______ ,...,..._ ( c ( ., ' ' CALL FOR APPOINTMENT c ( ( ''WE'RE.BIG IN RADIALS'' < ( Auto & Truck • Foreign & Domestic: ( ( < c ( ( ~-~~~~ ~SANTAANA C 209BumSt. ~ (J·d & Bu>h) ~ 547-8201 .. < ORANGE C 1100 N. Tus tin l 1a.1. Ko,.11. &c.m •• 1 ~ 532-3383 COSTA MESA 1739 Superior Ave. I 17th & NOWJ'O") 642-3384 PLACENTIA 114 s. 8cctdford (So.olC._) 524-9 280 I --• •• I I. I I I •• I I I I I I I I ·l , J • •' ·, • 8 DAILY PILOT F'rlday, Stptembff 27, iq74 Weel~e•td Cole11da1· Alamitos Argo sy Starts Satm~day The Newport Ocean Sailing ---------.. . I • I ' --·eEBE'S ' Association (NOSA ) sponsors three major saillng evenls during the year. The largest and most widely knov,.n is I.he Newport Beach to Ensenada race which annually draws more than 500 sailing yachts for a 12S-mile jaWlt doy.•n the coast to Ensenada in early PRICED BIGHT May. But growing in stature and popularity is lhe Alamitos Bay Argosy scheduled this weekend \\•hich in recent years has brought out as many as JOO yachts for an O\'ernight party race to Long Beach. The race to . .\lamitos Bay BOATIN G starts Saturday from off the ALSO ON THE Io ca I Balboa Pier ror International yachting ca 1 end a r th is Offshore Rui c. r>crformance \l'eckend is the sixth race of Handicap Racing FI e ct . Dana Point Yacht Club's fl.tidget Ocean Racing J<'lect season-Jong s e r i e s for and Cruising Club of America Performance Handicap Racing rated yachts, plus a class of f<'leet yachts. The race is ocean racing multihulls. schcdull'd for Sunday. , Major event in the Los AFTER TllE finish at tho Angeles Harbor area this entrance to Alamitos Bay en· weekend is Cabrillo Beach trance the fleet rafts up at Yacht Club's IO-meter series Long Beach Yacht Club for for the Al Adams and Son a gala dinner party and dance Trophy. CBYC is the ' defen· at the LBYC clubhouse. ding club. On Sunday the fleet \V iii So u th c r n Ca I i fornia gather-off the Ala1nitos Bay · Yachting Association calcn- entrance jetty for a start dar: which will take them through Los Angeles·Long Beach the Lon g Beach Harbor en-ALAMlTOS BAY Y AC•IT trance and thence down the CLUB -Closing Day Regalta, coast to a finish off the all classes, Saturday, Sunday. NeWport Pier. LONG BEACH Y A C H T · The Argosy is the second CLUB -Long Point and moSt popular of the NOSA Return (Catalina I s l and evenis. The other is the 14-Series), IOR, PHRF., MORF, Mile Bank race in November. Saturday, Sunday. Hobie Cats' ~: . Title Race Comin g Up Coast Catamaran Associa- tlm bas scheduled the national championship regatta for the Hobie Cat·l6s for Oc:L 9-13 at Vacation Village San Diego. ~ event is co-sponsored by the Miller Brewing Co. CABRILLO BEACH YACHT CLUB-Fall Series, Sunday. Santa J\ionica Ba)' CALIFORNIA YACHT CLUB -Palos Verdes Race, lF'red Harris Series). JOR, 1.-tORF, PHRF, Saturday. MALIBU YACHT CLUB- Fall Series, multihull, Sunday. DEL REY YACHT CLUB- Sunday Skippers R a c e , keelboats, Sunday. KING HARBOR YACHT CLUB -Trans-peninsula race. Spinnaker Series. keel an d power boars, Sunday. NEWPORT-BALB01\ NEWPORT OCEA N SAIL- ING ASSOCIATIO N- Alamitos Bay Argosy, Satur· "Pacific Natura l"© PATIO COVER A fluke. We designed it to look very rustic and natural and hoped s ome b ody would like il. Hundreds sold! Folks say they like the back-lo-nalure look. Tanks folks . l O' 12' 14' 16 ' 18' 20 ' 8FT. 6000 7200 9400 9600 108°0 120°P JO FT. 7500 9000 105°0 120°0 135°0 150°0 12 FT. 9000 10900 12600 144°0 1 6 2 °0 180°0 I \ W ha t with prices going up we feel pretty clever getting them down on this fine Shop plywood. (Actually w e said we'd send the mill a ll the termites and -woodpeckers we find if the price didn't come down .) 3/8"x4x8 l /Z"x4x8 449 5s' I \ \ -\ \ I \ \ i \ I PEOf\...e .a.-sK.1 "W HATS A N.\CE C H l[~Et.J LIKE ._,.Ou 'Doi~(, I t..1 A P~E f._IC:.E" "'Tl41S~'' I 1 I I I ~ , I ' ' ' I I \ \ i \ \ I/ ! I \ ' ; I i I 1/4 INCB 4xan. _ _...LA"x4x8, __ 669 Wednesday, Oct. 9 has been set' aside for registration and qtia.Iifying races for skippers wbo have not quali fied. in previous regattas. day, Sunday. 1----::::;;;:;;:::r::;:::::------:;;:;::;---r--:;:::;;;;:::;:-----;;;;;;;;;:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;-;;;---f""-:'.:'.':-":'""--:-::"":---:::::::":::::::::::-:--i cP:A_ ~~i s.;i~.c ~ CAPITOL JOHNS MANVILLE JOHNS MANVILLE The following two days will see the 100 finalists in a two- d~ series to select the top so, skippers in the cham- piOl'l>hip flight. On the final day the top 50 will compete fat the title and the other 50 will compete in a con- solation series. day. SAN DIEGO METAL 90 LB; ROLL ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES SOUTHWESTERN YACHT BU ILDINGS Slill we don't ••• a ny CLUB -San Diego Ensenada bett er tha n IM. Heavy race, lOR. MORF , PHRF, Complele , set ii up minera l cool. choice of SD HF , S G F' F', S \V FF , on your 11lob or deck. traditiona l a nd more multihull, starts today: San l&tollotion . • 39.00 modern colors. (Like the Diego to Ensenada Predicted way w e lhrow thol word Log race, Saturday. ALUMINUM \ 'modern' a round.) SUnday, Oct. 13, has be e n set aside as a buffer day iri the event races are com- pleted on Saturday due to lack of wind or other reasons. MISSION BAY Y ACH T 10x7 ........... 1",00 10x7 ........... 1~9.00 $97 . CLUB -Skimmer Class IOxlO ........... 139.00 l OxlO .........•. 169.00 ROLL Invitational, Saturday, Sun-10xl2 •.......... 169.00 10xl 2 .......... 19 9 .00 he Hobie-14 nationals '>''ill ht held Oct. 23-27 at Key Bbcayne, Fla. t:oast al Weather J Sun, 1'10011, Tides FRIDAY day; Thistle Class Fall Invita- tional. Saturday, Sunday. NORTH AND INLA ND SANTA BARBARA YACHT CLUB -\Vilson Series, Saturday: One-Design triangle race, Saturday. SANTA BARBARA SAIL- ING CLUB -Goleta Picnic. Saturday. SAN FERNA NDO VALLEY SAILING CLUB -Fall Series, Sunday .. T ax Extended ~ high J:SD p.m. S.1 5'conc1 1ow 1:.s.1 p.m. 1.1 • SACRAMENTO (AP) -The ~ SATUROAY Bay Area Rapt"d Tran.sit J"llfllf hlgh 1:33 1.m. '·' ~1 low 1:1s 1.rn. o.• District's half-cent sales lax high· •:25 p.m. 5·2 was extended throuf.h Dec. 31. low 2:25 p.rn. t.J suNOAY 1977, by Gov. Rona d Reagan. ""'' 1110'11 •:52 '"·"'· 5·2 The Ren11blican governor said OW 2:.0 11,m, 0.7 f'M d hlvti 1:s1 p.m. s.1 he approved the two-year ex· low 2:!7 p.m. 1.0 t . of the BART Jncl s1111 rl11S.--..,.,....m. Sttl 6:'3 p.rn. CflSIOll sa ~ Moon rises 4:36 p.m. s.1s 3:211 •.m. tax "~th a great deal of reluctance.'' • ALCAN ALUMINUM AWNIN GS 36" 900 48 " 11°0 ~~ 60" 13°0 72" 15°0 WAT ER SOFTENER SALT Clean. dry 11011 . lor Jess than ha ll ol what you'd pa y. even a l the superma rket (who says anything is cheaper there nowadays). 88C SOLD. BAG STANLEY STUD FINDER Let Slo nley lind !he stud in a minute·(l lound them. a whole alack in a second). Magnet deal pOint1 to the hidden nail. 5 7 C STANLEY FRAMI RG SQUARE -· ma1le• cl'l119e .... \ t, 10 FOOT •AI N cunER Golvonited. sli pjoint, no soldering needed. Fittings reasona ble too. 1 4 ~GTH. lxl2 PECI Y CEDAR Gol lhe reol leeling of the West. Grcal !or homes. dens. s tore front , sandwich boxes. Jell's Wa ler ski. etc. • LONG TAPES Nice big numbers. flip hook on the end. relillable ii you run over it wilh the car, 50 Ft.· 100 Fl. 2•• 3•• And wha t else wo!Jld you drive wilh a hammer? AduoUy lhere ore hommefl for metal. bra111. lath. etc:. etc:. ~I'!!!'!!! STANLEY NAIL HAMMER 197 High raling. IS yeo:r guarantee. bu! that's only the minimum. Could oulla1t the mortgage (oh. oh he's dreaming again). Choice · oJ colors. 1597 100 FT.SQ. ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDEIS Lighl. but strong and sale. Rubber feet . double locking rungs. 14 Ft . 16 Ft . 20 Ft. 1777 19'' 29'' 6 FT. CEDAR CRAPESTAIES ti I told you each one was ·picked by hand wilh lovin9 co re. would anyone out there believe me? (You would? Umm rAO lly you're o rare one). FOUNDATION VERT COVERS Plo 11tic. non-rusting (everybody·lcnowthat, dummy!), Choice Of pollern1. Thia one .,1hatone.-3 9 C 24" STANLEY LEVEL I like a girl wtfo'1 really on lhe level (Bod. I know,. but I coWdn't re1i11t the pun). Scri bed for a 24 inch rule loo. ..... • • ........... , ........... ~ ... . ......... " ......................... . • Arts I Dining Ou Entertainment DAILY PILOT CI Friday, September 27, 1974 -.... ............ .......... . .. ..... -"!'~------~---..-....~--.-;;,;------····iijl·· .•.. ....., ... '--------------~ ·- ' CARTOONIST RUSSELL MYERS' CREATION, "BROOMHILDA" The Cartoon Show Mesan Exhibits Collection at UC Irvine "The Cartoon Sho\\'," an extensive collection of origin al comi c art, will be exhibited in the UC Irvi ne Art Gal· lery for a month beginning today. 'fhe exhibition, presented i n cooperation "'ith the Orange County Press Club, includes 220 works by 150 American cartoonists selected from the co llection of Jerome K. fl.1ullcr of Costa Mesa. flluller, art editor or Orange County Illustrated magazine, has gathered outi;landi ng examples or animation art, comi c strips and magazi ne car· bers y.•jJI unveil the shoY"ing prior to a public reception which begins at 7:30 o'clock to be hosted by the University \\'omen's Association of UC J. The Art Gallery "'ill be open for the cartoon event from noon to 5 p.m. daily excfpl Saturdays and J\londays through Oct. 27. Admissio n ii' free to the public. An illustrated, 28-page catalog published for the cartoon display con- tains commentary by l\1uller, Gallery Director l-lal Glicks1nan and v.·riter Ray Bradbury. pas! are Krazy Kat, Busler Brown, the Gumps, Betty Boop and Tailspin Tommy. . Past and present masters of the art of cartooning are represented in tht' sho"'· Cartoonists include Winsor Mc· Cay, Harles Addams. Fredericir 011· per . George l\Tel\1anus. AIE"ll Raymond. Ila! Foster, fl.1i lton Caniff, Ma x Fleischer, Charles SchuJz. Al Capp and others. :i .I t 1.G Oi:N~ -SC,\1/:-TJ.fo\lf \Ctrt \'<~C/\lr. IT ,\1~K~$ t.SAICN ~(DA ! -toon . som-e dul:ing-bad!:·lo.-J89S.-- VIEWE RS \\l lLL spot familiar car- toon characters such as Diel< Tracy, Buck Rogers. Li'I Abner, Bugs Bun· ny, Broom 1-lilda . l\1oon J\1ulnns. Blon- die, Batma n, Tarzan. Barney Google. Flash Gordon and the Wizard of Id. Amon~ the nostalgic names from the The exhibition "'ill include the work of Orange Cou nty cartoonists Frank and Phil lnterlandi. Virgil P<irlch. t'erd Johnson. l~oger Armstrong, Ed ~ofzi ge r, l\l ar\'in l\lyers and Don TObi n along \\'1th c-arloon·s by eastern artists like Al ~lerschfeld. Chon Day, Gahan \\lilson and many others. SKEEZIX RETURNS FROM WAR: SUNDAY.PAGE FROM NOV. 25 , 1945 l\IULLt:R SEES the comi c strip as :i "unique form or popular culture th~t has combined clements of ort and literature to create its O\Vn mean~ of expression Orange Co unty Press Club mem· Examples or animation art are in· eluded from the studio~ or \Valt Disney, Walter Lantz. UPA . Warner Brother~ and 1\1 G l\'f. "BRINGING UP FATHER" BY CARTOONIST GEORGE McMANUS "HOURGLASS" BY LESLIE HARDER COSTA MESAN JEROME K. MULLER AND ONE OF HIS FAVORITES • Mehta Looks Back on Summer, Forward to Season • • NEW YORK CAP) -It's a good thing the music business isn't j ust Jikc sports. says conductorZubln :a.1ehta. There's,no string across the end or a season like at the end or a race, so you can kn ow which American symphony .. won " that year. And there is no league r anking on games won •nd lcsl. . "Isn't it WOf\derful that we don 't have that! That al the end or a season an orchestra doesn't fire its mana"'ger and co nductor because a horn pl-yer dldn'tdo so well.'' If there were league rankings, liehta surely would not be worried nboul his job. The Los Angeles PhUharmonic wbereJiehta..has betn music director since 1962, plays to about 12,000 people every week and is 93 t'o 94 percent sold out. ahead or tiri\e on subscriptions. .. MEHTA SAYS, "II we have 300 tickets uilsold on a b3d night we are 11111 playing to more people lhan the orchestras in Lincoln Center, Ken· nedy Center. Cleveland and Chicago, wh'ich all are smaller halls......J. think only the New York Philharmonic has more subscriptions sold for the season than ours. \\'c arc doing very "'ell." Right now, the Los Angeles Philhar· monic is on a six·week tour in Europe, sponsored by the ft1ichael J, Connell foundation, Bank or America Foun- dation and Atlantic Richfield Foun- dation. "I think every orchestra needs to tour," Mehta says. ''Jn the end it is no different from violinist Jsnac Sterl'l, who has to tour. He cannot be In one area aU the time giving concerts: he would be suffocated. Basi<!ally it is lhe sa me lhlng. "\Ve.p.Jay one night in Vienna, ope in l40ndo4 the n~xt In Zurich. You fiave to be on yo ut toes. The orchestra comes back completely jelled . It Is a thing that usually happens al lhc end or • six-month season. This happens ' in six \Veeks on tour. The standards go higher. The more demande~ or a professional musician. the more or a tension he's under -the born prores- sional musician seems to excel under these cond itions.•· PERSONALLY, !\lchta is a·conduc· tor who seems to stick in the public's consciousness. lie was born in Bom- bay, India, in 1936, made a debut with the Viehna ·Philh armonic in 1959 I-le sometimes is called theatrical. fie says, "I just love music very much and i f m y love co mes out - sometimes my body mi ght move, God forbid. ''l don 't thipk it is really theatricality. Thank God' I'm not the onl y person \vho gets enthusiastic'on stage. Othcr,vise I 'd have to defend ntySe lf." whlct\.w8s so successrul that he "'as ABOUT GIVING interviews, he invited to conduct a number of says, "Publi city people think without Je3ding orchestras. lie made hi s them \\'e ,,·ill not be able to sell our ~1etr:opolitn n Opera conducting debut concerts. \\'·ell , tr people do not come In 1965 and is m usic director or the in New York when we play here and Israel Philharmonic as "'ell as the.. pack the house, m aybe "'e should not Los An geles. llis wife is a<!trcss be playing here. Nancy Kovack. .. ''I-low mu"Cil"'Propaganda Is nece:io· ~ne i'eferl!nce boo.k says, ~c~ta sary and ho\v mu<!h of the cult is ._bnng to ~~ra lh!._same clcctnfying ·,necessary ? It is nice for the public to personality and same scholarl y knO\V something about you. One has to thou 11 h at times highly pcrsonul "doitwllhtaste lthink." readings \h at ha\'e made him a sl g· • , ~fi ca nt ayn1phony conductor or our On the day oo "'hlch he 1~ talking, t9t\e." Mehta has st ayed up ,until 4 a.m. • l ' ' '' studying "Lohengrin," which he later conducted in a concert version in Rom e. lie has had two rehearsals, two auditions and is on his "'a'y to gel a rubdown a nd to an -1'ndi a n restaurant ror ·dinner. "That is a pretty good cross-section to my life." A1ehta conducted the last two weeks or the New York Philharmonic season. his debut with that orchestra. In 1968, when the orchestra was looking for a successor to Leonard Bernstein, Mehta took himselr out or the ra~e "·ith some remarks about the orchestra1s quality1 or lack of it. thnl the musicians dldn t like. But by 1974 that is being ignored by everybody. hlchta says. ''Wh en we .arc young \\'C make brash statements. People say I still dtt. "THERE IS a thin line tielween being frank and brash. And bct\\•ecn l:M!ing tact(ul and ralst. I don 't think I'm fal se. So metimes I'm lactful:Be t· \ \Vee n the two extremes, n al•'e brashness and ralsencss, lel's:say one has learned to live and let live.~· This past summer Mehta conduc.te'.d a new ~·ork by Peter.Maxwell Davit.ls with the New Philharmonia Orchestra in London, went to the Casals Festi\•al in Puerto Rico. opened t srael~s Schoenberg Year Centennial and con- ducted at the Saratoga, N,Y., Festi\:Jl and 1-lollywood Bowl. In the coming Los Angeles season, starting Oct. 24, the 10th anniver:i;al'lv of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion lil the A1usic Center, there will be a cop· temporary piece on every progfatn ex.cept thL one "'hlch is enUrtly Beethoven 's ''Ficfello.·· --Also in lhe fall. th<l lsra•I Pltllh monic tours the Uni ted Slatt?s. ducted by J\fchta and Dante:I ~ar • Im . And in 1975-7ti. fllehta s¥1s 1\ start conductin ~ more opera 1n Scala, ,,:here he hu5 ~n C!Onduc sl nce-1~2. und Berlin. · I ' ' . • - • • ·' ' ' I '-' I ' l ' . ' < • . . .., DAILY Pll.Oi ~ridav. September 27. 197• ' I .KPFK Sponsors . I • • 1 .Ice • i • ·' . '• WEEKEND EVE NT INCLUDES PARADE, LOBSTER BAKE AND CARNIVAL ·Lion's Club Bakes Lobster ·rhe Lubi;tl1r Bu kc, un an- nual event :11po nsorcd by the .Balboa Ba y l .. ions Club, ~gins tonight at Fashion ,lslwn~. NC 'A'port Center. ti.tor e than a ton of lobster 'is ex pected to he devoured dW'in g the three days of festivities, now in ils 25th year. , ·Lobster dinners , SS each, "o'i ll be sold beginning at 6 p .m. J.'riday and continue through Saturday and Sun- d ay. Proceed s from the \\'C ekcnd acti vities, in- cluding a carnival, parade and dra\\1ing, will go to the Services for the Blind, Jnc., a non-profit center servin i; blind people throughout Orunge County. r\long \vith the lobster dinners, visitors to the lob- ster bake may a lso par· ticipate in a carni.val, com· plete with rides, cotton cand y and hot dogs. 1\ Pt\lti\DE :.i t IO a.m. Saturcl;iy \vi ii include mar- l·hini.: huncls. c lowns, an- tique cars. fl oats , horses :nuJ local celebrities. A dra ,ving fo r a 1~7 5 Cc1dill ac and othe r prizes \\"ill be he ld at 8 p.m. Sun· day. 1'ickets are St. and n1ay be purchased at the lobster bake. The winner need not be present Sunday night. \\'hen the lobs ter bake was o rigina ll y st arted in 1949. it was held on the beach at Coron;.1 dcl l\lur, and \Va s s po n sor ed by seve ra l service :i nd church ~roups in ad<lilion to the Li9ns. 'rhe Li ons took it over and moved it to F<.1s hion Island four year s ago. At last year's e \ ent, 8,000 lobster dinners u•ere' sold . . . S~~lpt~re, Jewelry at TJB Gallery T JB GALLERY -1535 B Monrovia Ave., Newport Beach •. Steel sculpture, jewelry and banner by John AugSbur1er and Assoc., through Oct. 17. Hours: Wedne.Miay.-Saturday, noon·S p.m. or by appointment, 645-701i-. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEU~t -2211 IV .Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. RetropseCti\.'e or Lyn Foulkes will be featW'ed along with wall paintings by Gloria Kisch in the en'tr8qce gallery, through Oct. 20. Hours: Daily, noon ~4 p(m. I closed l\1onday) and Fridays, 6·9 p.m. P tRCEt.L ART GALLERY -Chai>man Colle ge Gallery, 333 N. Gl assell St. Ave .. Orange. Torana Art ·League's juried a fall show on exhibit throuth Oct. 12. . , . fi.OATING \VALL -1542 S. Coast llwy., Laguna Beach. .Recent paialings by Steven.Goldman. tx: IRVINE GALLER\' -· t:CI Fine. Arts Village. Oirtoon shO\V from the private coll.ect1on of J ~r<?me -Mul fi1Tncfi"~:-: ~oliti ~·al and popular comiC!S and..0;1g111:al .a\\'ings rot <111 1m ahon. through Ort. 27. Hours. Da11.v • f <'CPl !\londay .ind Saturd:.iy frotn noon to 5 p. nt . flUCKENTfiALER CULTU RAL CENTER .-12i!t W. alvern. fo"'Ull erton. Lithographs and tapest.nes by June 3ync,1international artist and film maker, through t. 6. I lours : Tuesday-Sunday, 1·5 p.m. C HALLIS GALLERIES -1390 S. "Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach. Recent watercolors by Phil Dike and glass ~c ulpiure by Elena Kavina-Canavi('r. through Sept. 29. llours: \Vednesday-Sunday, ll_a.m.·5 p.m . • ORJ\ 'GE ~OAST COLLEGE ·ART GALLERY -2701 Fatntlt ' Road. Costa ~1esa. \Vatercolors by 1'11lford Zor-ne~. rec\l!ient or the American WatercoloSociety's Medal of Honor a ncl proressor at Otis Art Insitute, Pasadena Schoo l of Fine Arts and Rex Brandt Summer School of Painting. v.•ill be on exhibit through Oct. 20. Hours : 1'1on· da~ay ,9 a.m .-2p.m. CAL STATE LONG BEAOI GALLE RY -610t E. 7th Sl.. Long Beach. l\1aria Poveka: American Potter \.Viii be on exhibi ~ through Oct. 27. The exhibition is an indepth look at the J?C?ltery oC l\1aria litartinez, a Tewa indian f~om San Ildefonso Pueblo in New Mexico, who is almost 90 years old. I~ours: A-1onday-Friday, 11 a.m .·3 p.m. and SLinday. 1·4 p.m. . BOWERS IttUSEUl\t -2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana . Precolumbian art of Mexico will be on exhibit through Dec. 1. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a .m.·5 p.m.: Sunday. 1·5p.m . and Wednesday and Thursday, 7 -9 p.m . ORANGE COAST COLLEGE LIBR ARY -2701 Fairview Road, Costa l\1esa. Quijiro tapestries, wool and cotton tapestries from the Mali Mali workshop in Venezuela, a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, will be o n exhibit through Oct. 6. BIRDS f;YE VIEW GALLERY -Lido Village, 3420 Yia Oporto .. Ne wport Beach. Recent works by Yaacov Agam . MARINERS LIBRARY -,-2005 Dover Drive, Newpart Beach. Oils by the art class of Helen Prothers. instructor in the Newport Beach Parks and Recreation Department s: ~·orks included are by Sharon DubrO\\'. Trudi Rogers. -Edith Reed. Jane l\1 cCrary and J a ne Behler. through September ' CORONA DEL 1'1AR LI BRARY -42tl i\Tarigold Avl•., Corona del Mar. Oils by Arthur D. Guy. Helen \Volfson, Dee Dee l\!asters and Virginia Cla rk. throu gh Septem ber. DESIGN GALLERY -Hand woven. \•c gelable dyed u·all hangings from Peru are on di splay in the gallery at 240 Neu'µort Center Dri ve, located in Design Plaza, ~·est of Fashion Island in Newpo rt Beach. Colorful and highly textured, the works u·ere c(eated by members of the Advcuc ko Indian tribe u•ho li ve about 100 miles north of Lima. Gallery hours are 10 a .m. through 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Opon till 9 Mon. -Fri. Set. till 6. Sun. till 5 Custom framing and mat cutting L'ACADEMIE )'i'I ART GALLERY AND FRAMING - IN SOUTH COAST VILLAGE ON THE TOP FLOOR OF THE MEACANTtt.E BLOG. iACK GLEl<N GALLERY -2831 E . Coast Hw y .. O,rona deJ Mar. African art and aculpture, the collection ot Herbert Baker. is on exhibit through OcL !!l. Hours: oail y. 11 u.m .-s p.m . r,;~~~;;::----~==~=~===~J;~=::::::;ii~r • O ctober 2-6,1974 · : ~1Covnty's ·Qiirr;Jllu Show ... · .~·Now to : ,Attend! l~s E~hf1i~~o~~::: ~ ~ · ~ersions t Sail t larnarans 1 Ski Boats 1 MoforcyctH • Off tl'le Road Vehi· dts t CampiP.9 Equipment and ~reds of ,lther Exciting E1t· . 1'ilbits. MANY NE\'IFOR 197SRECREA· Tl~ VEHICLES & BOATS TO lei ON IJISPLA Y FOR THE '\ ·F!flST TIMEI IHtlAl ,.,.y --IHI DARY! y..,11 ... ;,World FlntOUS Karl W!llrl Wilk higtiwlre ... Kar!' W.a In 'r exciting tligtl·wtre •cyclf'4cf. , .f:fhr lll fOf 111 "9111 ~"'~- .,. ! ii, I ' A Ht'<! Show Every W,eekl " ' . APPEARING OCT, 1-6 WILDER BROS. "6-0UNDS OF SUNSHINE" ENOS SEPT. 29 OCT. 8-13 tHE SlflDPIPERS ROSEMARY ClOOflEY CHMtf Of cockta!I reserv1tlon1 required. Seatings al 6:30 6 9:30 ·Cover charQt./No Minimum, ~-~ _C.J). MORGAN. GUITAR, CDNV£~SATION & CONVIVIALITY Tuel . lhN Sun. 9-1 :30 AM. 111nunu SEPT. 16-0CT. 5 · EREEW_AY Mon. thru Sal. 9-1 :30 AM COCKYAILS & ENTERTAINMENT Mon. thru Fri . 4-B::io PM Rnerv1tlon1: (213) 371·4055 or s42coiss Holiday Inn -Torrance / Free Valet Parking 21333 Hawthorne Blvd. fAcro~s !tom Del Amo Genier) \ . ( -- Ethnic Festival . Ba lal:1lkas und belly d un· l'Crs.•tarantl!ll as and tum- buritzas -'r a hiti, ~1c xico and the lla lk a ns wlU be us close as Pasadena whel;'I· KPFK's lntcrn utional Folk l)ancc l''estival and Elhnlc B:iiu ar con1 cs to th e Pasndena Center frorn noon until m idnightSundJy. Th e 4\h nnmlu I bcncfll for lis t e ne r -sponsored r 11dio will have costumed perfor· rnance grou1>s. folk dancing and instruction, live ur ... chestr.is, a l'olor!ul array or impor ts and c r a(t!J, a nd ethnic food . ,skating ti1n. Concer t In P a rk Sunday Adult admission is S2 and children under 12, SO cents. The Pasade nn Cent er is located at 300 E. Grccu St.. Pasadena. The benefi t Is being coor· 'dinate d a nd h osted by :r.tario Casella, 'vho has taught international folk dancing to young a nd old in ' ' . J the Southland for the past 12 • A akaUng date years. -from the . The Lagun a C~ncert Among the featur·ed pe r-fun of your first fall Cho r a le and th e Ballet formers are the Odrssa together. lee skating is a party -for J>ac ifi ca ·\\.'ill p e rfor m Bal8taika Orchestra. Olea two or two-hundred. tdus lc-o n-the·Grecn Sun· Tahitian Dancers. r~icsta • lceske.tihgdally. d;.iy, at the second con1· fttexicana Chavarria, the •Rent ice skates. n1unily concert to be held at Pecurka Gypsy Ba nd. ii.nd th A F, lk O h t 1 "-u v~-. s~plng Center the Laguna Niguel Regional e man o re cs rt · -.,...,. '"""' Park . Qaniel Valdez and or· Harbor and Adams, Costa Mil~ The e,·ent will begin at c~estra (·'Prim~ vcra") I l;;::;::;::;;;;;::;::;T;·•:;l.;(;7:t.4~);;9;79;;·;88;8;0;;;;;;;;;;::::J 2p.m. and is admission free; Will make a special guest! but SO cents will be charged _:•P~P"~•::.••::~~c:::~::.· _____ _!_ __________ .]_ _________ _ (or on-park parking. The progra m will include excerpts rrom "Carmina Burana" by the Chorale and "A Sunday in Vienna" dan· ced by the senior company of the ballet. A fantasy en· titl e d ''Flutt e r s and Creepel's" will be danced by the juni or troupe. Danc ers To Auditio ·rhc Ne'A•port Ballet Com· pa ny. under the direction or r.t ona f'ra nccs and R. Clin· ton Roth\vc ll , \vill have an open audilion Saturday at 2 p.m . at the official school or the company, the r.tona JoTances Ballet School, 2632 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. All male and remale dan- cers 13 years or age and older may audition even th o u g h ·the y m ay be stud ying at oth e r ballet schoo ls in the area. Female dancer s must be !itrong on pointe. The company Will perform "The Nutcracker" on Dec:"'2 1. • --~-~:;· -. I - \ TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m, AN tXClUSIVt CHANNEL SO ,.OGIAM ,.ESENTEO IN ASSOCIATION WITH . .r, . \' -3·~ . -· \1' , ~"I); { " ~ ... • ( ( I •• 'J 'ICfJ f• rf•ltl it• rf•N Members ol' the n1{)(le1·n danc e grou 1> l\1i1ll i J,ascoc Da nce 'l'hcatre Company take a 1>0sition. The company, based in 1-luntington llcai.:h o.ind gaining recognition for its chorcograrJhy, \\Iii! present two premieres when it performs al 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct . 5, in the Orange Coast Co llege. Auditorium. Tickets, at $3.50 and S2 for student , <;1re available at the door. Moulton Theater OpelJS 'Majgrity' I 1'ht•rc tS only nnc opening in Ii' c Lhcaler a Ion~ Lhc Or<ingc Co~1st this \\'t:ckentl . "1\ 1'lajori ty of Ont•" This is opl'ning week ror the fir!:it produelion or the I. a g u n a 1\1 o u I t o n Playhou:-,t•'s 51st sc>ason, \Vi th performances 'l'uC'sdnys through s~1lt1r· days until ()cl. 12 al the play hou~X'. foOli l .. aguna C<.111yon Huad, l~uguna l!e:ich. Re scr i·;.1tions <IU·l- 07·13. ··Nol l\O\\', l)otr ling" 1'his J!riti:-i h ~ex farce is p laying tt• full houst'!i Fridays ::ind S:1turdays :1t the ll untin gton l:!c;1ch Pl;.iyhousc, 2110 ;\J .iin S1 .. lluntington Bc;.ich. Curt;un x:~; rL·~cr \'a lions 812-;l·l21. ••\\'ill Sut:cf'SS S11oil Rot:k lluntl'r ?" Continuing t on i~ht and Saturtla\' at th•· \\'cstmin- !ilcr ('1;1n1nunil} 'l'hcatt:r, 7272 l\l<iph_. .1-\\ l'. \\'t•stmin- ster, is thi ~ t11n1l'd\' of llol· lyv.'ood dt·Vi It r.v \\'1 tii an 8 :30 t•urt<.nn He ~t·I'\ ;lliuns li9J- Hti21i. '"l'hl' ~inc l\' l)a\ .\lislrt•ss" Clu:;in.i;: 1lu1 1ti1 ~ \l 'l•t:kl'nd \\Ith fill al fll't'IOJ'lllilll('l'S lonighl ;1n<t Sa1,urd;1 ,v at l:l ::Jtl is thi" 1l1tl<lt·rn ('omed,\· by lhc S:.in ('ll•n1cnll' Co1n- n111n1t \· 'l'ht•atcr at the Cabriflo Pluyhou sl'. 202 .\rcnida C:tbrilln. San l ' le 111 t• n t l'. fi 1• ~ l' r \'at 1 ons ..i92·0·lG5. 1.95 ~ 3.55 STEAK N' LOBSTER 6.45 Destination: pert)aps ~he finest prime rib ever. At Victoria St.a.lion, a restaurant without compromise. Dine on superb prime rib or splendid steaks in the authentic alma· sphere of an English railway station, surrounded by railroad artifacts. The drinks are hearty and good. lhe experience one to make you return. Next stop: Victoria Stalion. 990 Dove Street~ .. Newport Sea.ch 762·0240 , .. • ":\l ame" St·basllan's \fest Dinner IJJ;1~·hou sc is µresenting this 1nusit:.il 'J'ucsd;_iys through Sun<lays at \':.trying curtain tin1cs at 1·10 1\\'t•nilla Pic·o. S;1n t'l('1nc nl c. R eser · \':Jlions ;,ind information •192·!:t<J50. .. ,·ou Kno"' I Ca n't llt•ar l rou l\'hen thc \\'ater's Running" The Costa i\'l l•s;1 ('1r1c Playhouse is \cuclinJ?: off its season v.•ith this rour part c111ncdy \vilh pcrforn1ant·t•s al 8:30 tonight ;.ind Saturday in the Comn1un ity Centt'r audit ori1in1 011 thl' Orange County Fairground s. R!'scr· \'ations 556-5300 o r 556·5391 . ··~orn1an , ls T hal l'ou'!" l'hc l r\'ine Co1nmunitv The;,i ter mo\ t•s to Uoldei1 \\lest Colle~e ;:1n ll inuuguarales it s fifth season \vith this con1edy ;,1bou t h omosC'xu:.ilit~·. opening next Friday fn r three \\·eekcnds or f'riclay- through-Sunq;.1y production. Hcser\· ;.it ions 557 . 7297. "The Rea l I nspector llound' Kicking ofr the S<'ason 1'01· South Coast R epC!rtory next S;.itu1·da v \\'ill be the count\' premil·i·c of t h is British s:itirc on m~·s tL·r~· pl:i~·s. performing 'l'ul'sd ays through Sunda~·~· for fi\'L' v.·ecks at the Third Stt'Jl 'rheater. 1827 l\'cv.·port Bl\'d., Costa !\les a . Reser· \'at ions 6.tfi· l3ti3. ;§Mr. C!Cbrtsttan's .Dining am.oJtgst l/t_t rtliu_pjflnt old sailing shi11s Lunchtonfrom 11:10 11.rrt. Ftalttrin$ Bu1int1sptrJOn's Buffet Dirrrrt-r Jrorr1 S :00 P·'"· with Today's Frtsl1 St.ajoods 5,,,,Jay Brun chjrotn 10:10 a.m. Fisht1, Mta11, Oy11tr Bar, Nottd Wint1, Altt and Spirits Enttrtainmtnt nightly Ftaturing Marlt Davidson Trio Tuts.-Sat. from 9:00 p.m. !Ir. <!!brtsttan's JSJ E. L'oast Highway Newport Buch Rtsm1ations (714) 675-SJZO • re . Catt 540-2475 Dinner Tables Are Reserved Far One Show Only There Will Be A Charge Of One Dollar Per Person Far Ackl'llional ShoY(s f: Friday. Septomber 27. 1974 OAll Y PILOT (';f • Japanese Delights Awaits The Discriminating Diner (11\l' nr thl• Sl't'rt•ts o(JapUlll'SC Ul'l is :-.i 1upl1l'l1y J n11t.I L'on1p l1.\,,.i ly. 'l'hl• 1>l<1t·1n.l! of ohjt-cts in pcrl't.•ct l'L•latiun In nlht'r iohj('l'ts is a S('tl :il' the.> Jap:Hll':O.l' lll'Ul 'I)' u t\\'iJ.\'S l'ii hibit. l ln1·1k ;1\\'a. ;in t•xciting n t•\\' .l:1pancs1• l'l':-HalU'ant i11 South (.'0;1:-:t \'illt·i;1•, Sa11t;1 ;\11:1. is .noexceptio111. llut 11 i1r1 k il\\' ;.1 h ;.1s gone ont' step/fur- lht·1'. It s dl•signcrs hiJ\'e incorpoiiitt•d lht· :-iiin plil·it,v of J up<1nl'se art \\'ith t.l 1no<lern \\'t•stern l>uilding and con1c up \\Ith an cxtranrdin:1ri l\' comfor- l;1hlt·tl111111g :-ilu<.ition. ' l '1>1H1 t·ntt·ring thl· restaur:1nt \\'<' in1n11·d1 ;llt·lr l't·lt at ho111e i n lhl• :-pac1ous but intin1alt• dining roon1 \\Jth 11 ~ dt•li ghtful \\'<l lerf<tll and soft J .i p.int'.'il' niu~it·. 'l'he \V<JllS \\'t~re soft lit ant.I h:ul pcrh:q1s a si ngle J:ip.inei'l' print 1111 \.:1.,t('l ll l displ<l,\'. 1\lthough thi: roo111 st·als n1any J>L·oplc thl'I'£' \\'as ;.1 t'i 'l•li Ilg" of tot al pri" at'r. l\ll'l 'll u .. ~ this ft'l'ling'. it nlll!;l ht• :-;ud. t'Ollll'~ fron1 the SL'l'\'ice it sl·lf. /\ lo\t•l.1· ,J;iparll'Sl' lad,\' in traditional dl'l''iS (':t111l' to i 11<1ui re if \1·e \\'antl·d ;.i drink or <ippl.'tizcr. F'ron1 that llllllll('I\\ 1he Sl'l'\'iCC \V;,iS quit·k. COi'· l'l'tl. but al\\'<1.vs courteous and cxll'll- dcd to plea st• us. On thl' r ctun1,mendation of ·r o1nnko. the gr.i<'inus. <'ongenial manager , \\'e nr<lercd the s pecial sashimi ap· pclizl'r. Speci;,i l d oesn't desC'ribe it; :-.pe<'t<1cu\;.ir n·ould be n1ore ap- propri att'. f''i\'c types of sashin1i \\'ere urraycd on trushed ice along \\'ilh crab legs a nd \'egel<.iblc~ cut into attracti,·c flowers. 1"he n1ost unusual sashi1ni \\·as :1 fi s h \\"hose fi lets had been rut into bi lc>-s1 ze lli cces, and ser\'ed on the fi sh itself. If ~·ou h<.ive el'er balked at the idea or eating l'U\\' rish, \\'hic h is \\·hat s;.1shimi is. yo u·11 change your m ind :.it l·lorika\\·a . 'f\ru s .iuces co1ne V.'ith the appetizer to fla\'or the fi sh. and a fork accon1 panies if you must h<1ve it. But do try chop stir ks. Somehow the fish t astcs belt er \V hen you do. 1\ l.OGIC1\L entree after su<'h a !.111nptunus sashimi fea st \vas the a s- sorted ten1pura. S5.25. 1'his included shrimp. fi sh <1 nd veget ables a ll delic<it t· ly fri cd in Ii ght crisp batter. Bcfor(' the dinner. a "ery g?<(: soup, Ou t 'n' About Norman Stanley s1Ur11ono. :.irri \·l'~ fol\o\\'l'd b~· a :;;1l:1rl nf 1n<.irinalt·d tucunlbel' iH1tl llll\' ~11rin1p . ' 'l'hl' Sl'l'Ond cnlree st•lection \\·as pl'<.t\l'll teriyaki. S6.75. 'l'ht• pr;1\1'1't -.. can1t• in a rich tl•ri\'aki sauce 1\hil·h <.1ddl•d pi<1u11nt'l' It; tht·ir 11;1turalt.r n1ild ch;.irat·tcr. \\'c \\'t•rc 11·n1pted b.1· the il'l' rr<':1111 antl this llippt·d our tut;.illy lJle:1 ~111g n1e;.il. 1\n1011g the 111 :.iny udditional menu st·leetion:-al'(' hot ;.ippt•liZl'l'S liki' ~·:1ki-hi!n1aguri !hakC'd t lams l. $2.9.J: kusk i·ag\· lfried shrin1µ. beef <.i nd rcj.!l·tal.Jll•~l. S2.i5: chicken k:1 r u-:.igt· ~n1arinalt•d lril'd chickl'nl. S2.25: ushio-jitate (clan1s stcun1ed in brfuh ;ind sake). S2.ti5; r:.iki·lori tg1'i'tlcd t hicken), Sl.!>.'i. C'OJ.D ,\PPE:T IZERS include sashin1i, of course. S2.95; shrin1p cockt;.iil, S2 .25: oys t<"rs on the half shell. S2 .95; rh('rrys tonc clatns on thP half sht!l l. S2.95.· ,\ mixed seafooll pl<.ite inci udl's oyst~rs. cherr~·stones. cr:ibhlL•at and shri nip. served \\'ilh a spcciul sauce. SJ.50. The l'ntret• lisl starts ,,·ith a !\°('\\' York steak teriyaki. Si.95. and goes through iso·yuki. a baked seafood con1bi nalion. S5.75: saln1on teriyaki. S.t.75: uo·suki. a Japanese bouillabais- se, S·l.75: lobster te n1pura. S7.25 .. Special items inchKlc t\\'O Imperia l Tok~'O dinne r s. One of these is the lob- l'll't' tern pur :i dinner consisting or beef kusi-teriyak i ,;1 nd lobster tcn1pura. S9. 1'he l-lorik:1\\·o.1 dinner consists ot' tempura. uo-suki and stt.>:.ik teriyaki. Both of these dinners include suinlono soup, salud. ri ce. green tea and des- sert. If you d esire tradilion:.i l s ukiy:i.ki, !lorik<1\1·a is prepared lo cook it at your table in the tradition:.il v.·al" Beef shabu·shabu is a lso cooked \\·hi le you watch and is h i~h ly fa\'ored. by .\nll'l'it;.in ton1111isseurs t11' J ;111:inl'~\· I n11d. 11 0 Rlf\.\\\ .. \ is di\iclrd into t\10 fl oor-... \\1lh the> forl'goun~ applying u Hl.1 to lhl' dn\\·n sta•r~ l'l'~lJttr.tnt. L'1>- ~t.ur,. i!i till' 'J't·ppun Ho111n, 1r \'r111 ha1·e ne1·t·r \\i\lll'!'~t·d tlu11 :-h!ll1°t1l :1rl. \'Oll 11\ll' it 11~ \t1llr,.t·ll' to 11.t\l'h .1 111.t~·ll't' tl'ppan thc.I' 111 aetion \'011 I\ dl .. ,t aro1111d a l;1rgl'. ~qua1·l• )..!t'dl. ;111d :.v•· 1·111ihing 11·orthy ol Ol~ 111 pit l'!illl Pl'! It 1 !111. 'l'hl' n1e11u tnr ll'Jl)Jall includ(·~ t'n11r · cht'frr£·nl :.tt·ak (Hnnt·rs :ind 01H· chil'kl'll dinnl'r .. \ll di shes ;ire St'l'\'l•d \\·ith ,.e!!t'lali ll·~. sala<l . rii:t• and grt·1•n tt·;1. \\·ith prices r:ingitlg frnn1 SU.SO ll1 SS .50. l 'Ol. '.\1 .\\" or der the-sun1P ;ip pet izt·r :-11pstai rs as do,1·11. and t hl'l'l' is a har 1111 holh l'lnnrs. J.'a\'nritl' :ind l'xo1ic clri11k ~ art• offL·red b~· IJoth. llorik;1\1·:i. ;dread,· :i h\·.1111rd iu .Japan. opened in Or.ange l;u\11\l~· last .-\pril. Siuct• tht•n it h;1s bl•t·on1t• a :-;~·no11~·n1 for gnotl. authenti<' J<.ipant'Sl' food here as \rell. l·Inrika\\·a is located in South Coast \'illagc tdi r~et ly opposite South Co;1!-l Plaza). 3800 S. Plaza Dri,·C'. Sant<.i ..\na. Rcser r ations at 557 ·253 1. \\'t'cktla\· food hours ar(' 11 :30 a .111 to 2 p.m. i·nr lune Ii . and fron1 5:30 tu 10:30 p.n1. fot' dinner. 1'hc hours IH1\·e hl'en t•xtendcd t'rnm 5:30 to 11p.n1.1111 1-~riday and 5 to 11 p.n1. on Saturda~· nights. Add to an outstanding \\'inc li st and 3 number or a\\'ard-\\·inning cockt;.ii\s still another plus in the lounge these nights at the Stuft Shirt, Ne1vport Beach. It 's the fine dii.nce music and entertainment provided by the Gene Del'alle Group. I I ! I I I I ~ ~ FOR THE FINEST IN FINING MONDA\'.thru THURSDAY SPECIALS dinners incliide soup or salad, choice of baked potato or n'ce Hawaiian RED SNAPPER •. __ ••. _ ........ _. MA HI MAHI .............. _. _ •. _ GRILLE D SEA BASS •.••••••••••• TOP SI RLOIN •••.••••••••••••••• NEW YORK STEAK •••••.•. , ••••• LOBSTER TAIL , _ .•• _ .•• _ •.•.• ,. ST EAK AND LOBST ER •••.•.•••.• 2.25 2.45 2 95 3.25 3.75 4.95 5.95 LUNCHEON also served daily until 4 p.m. 16278 Pacific Co•st Hwy •Huntington Bch. • 12131 592-1321 3901 E. Coast Hwy• N.wport Bch. • 1714) 675-0900 Fine Food and Spirits 0 Hours; Mon.-Fn . SAT. AND SUN. Lunch 11 -3 p.m. Breakfast/Lunch 10·5 p.m. Dinner 5-11:30 p.m. Dinner 5·11 :30 p.m. DOUILE SPIRITS 4 lo 6 P.M. I , /If" 'f'll'f' II f \ ·.,"i1• l'I' II l f fl I' j II f' f l'I '. Balboa Island ·-...... 675-9222 ~be ,tlapton~ l)laet LUNCHEON DINNER 11:30-2:30 6:00-10:0Qp.m. Prime Rib S2.50 Oiateaubriand . Special of the Day Sl.95 (For Two} $12196, 1-bJse $pecial1ies S 1.95 Prime Rib $3.95 Sandwiehes $1 .50-Sl.95 House Specialties $3.95 LowCalorie $1.95 FromlheBroiler $3.5045.95 For Your Drinking Pleasure: - Brookside Wines & Wine Cocktails 2831 BRISTOL ST .. COSTA MESA r O.OSED SUNDAY 549-9690 l-li ghest Quality Native ti1~xican Foods Week Doy•: 11:30 o.m. to 12 p.rr. Open 7 Days Fobulou~ VIC GARCIA F~ly or Coe~\ Palace ,_ Wed., Thi.l's., Fri .. Sot. Fri, and Sor. 11 :30 a.m. to 12:30 COCKTAILS 9093 E. ADANS, HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-7911 '=================-:.::=================· MICllSll FAMILY MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO t "YOUR BIG PARIY IS OUR BIG PLEASURE" • 296 E. 17th STREET• HILLGREN SQ. COSTA r,IESA PllON E 645'7626 '"COCKTAILS• ED-RYAN & ROSEMARY CARUSO TU ESDAY THRU SA TU RDA Y -9:00 I' .M •• 2:00 A.M. <Ntrigger Room-KONA LANES 2699 HARBOR, COSTA ~ESA S4s-1112 I '! • I, i I I j I I ' I' /. • .• " \ I \ i . . ,. I DAIL v PllOT Friday. September 27. 1974 ,, m1r1t to o,, Indians Pow Wow at Fairgro~ds "INN-COMPARABLE" Oining-Doncing -Entertoinmen I How Appeari1t9 Tim Morp Tue-. thn1 Sat. Sonday Niglll Gino LonII .. All.e e .. .,... JI 106 Cn•t Hwy .. So. L9CJ1tM .__.... ...... 4•t·2•'l -•••·22'1 I s•;p·r. z1.29 SEPT.27 l~l)l r\~ Sll()\\I • ·r he Nat10n<Jl • lnd1an Show \Viii t ake 1;lu{'t· todo.1y through S1111tl;1 ,\' :1t the Orange County 1'~<1ri~rounds in l'osta i\lcsa. 1'h(' event includes urts and ~===;;:=~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;~~~~~I t·r11fis l'>.:hibit~. dl•n1on~t l'ulions, rood boo ths, und authen· i HREAKl"i\ST lie Lri ba l rituals, t•crcn1oni;1\. soci:tl und \\'ar dances \\'ill RAGTl!\1 E CONCEJtT -Ragtime piuno concert will be presented by llers h and Montgomery, sponsored by UCI Committee for Arts . 'Event takes place at 8 p.m . Frid;1y, Sepl. 27, in Crawford lftall. Tickets, $4. 'J'llHO UG ll SEl'T. ?9 I U"l he pcrfurn1t·rl dully. 1\1l1111s~ion is $2 fo r udults; studl·nts, • ·' ·11 DISf\'Elt SI und thildrcn und1·r I~. fil.lc·(•nts. l•'Rt:i': ('OSC:l·:Jt 'fS -Open·<.iir prog1·n ms. ft>1.1turing th~ Bulll'l Folklorieo. n1urial'hi n1usic, lndi un. ScoU ish and Irish t\:111t·t·rs. tuke place from 2 to 4 p.nt. Sundays , in the Pluzu l'arl\, nl'ar Olvera Strct•t in l.ns .1\nJ.:l'lt·~. CIK.'KTA ll. s t;PT. 2!l·2!t D,\,~CJ~G RJ.l 't: A~GEJ.S Th« Navy·s forned prerlsion fli ght dc1no11:.1r:ition tt·u1n . th1· Rh1c..• Ani,tl•ls, \'.'i ll spotlight :1 I· "'·o·day 0111.:11 hou:-.t· :11 1 ht• ri.1 arine Corps Air St at ion Satur· fla y ;n1d Sund:1y. 'fh(· open house \\'ill include displays of Jct f1 gh tl·rs. IJomhc rs. pholo·J'C<'Ollnaiss anl·e, and rtlu<·li ll~ o.1nd l r:,1ll SJKJl'I. uirtruft. 'J'he air stalion gates \\ill Ju · upt·n to 1lu• puhli t from 11 ;1.m. to 4 p.m. both S<tlur·d:1.\' :ind S u11d;1y. 'l'l1l' Blue An i,:t•ls y.·ill give OllL' 1lcn1un.~trat1011 t•:1t•h day ut I p.n1. C,Airporter CJnn 'Hotel PRESENTS OUTSTANDING DINING & ENTERTAINMENT .. *.MEDITERRANEAN ROOM l 'llROUG ll Sf:PT. 29 OBSER \11\Tt>RV Sll()\V -"In Search or An ricnf Aslronomrrs" is lhe sht1\\. ;.it the Griffith Pi1rk Obscr- V<itory in Los An~eles. through Scpl. 29 . Sho.,.,·tin1c·s are 3, 7:30 :ind 9 p.n1 . \\lr<lnesday through t"rida,\· and !::JO, 3, 4:30 p.n1 . Saturduy and Sunday. 'l'h e obsl'r\'Ulory is located in Griffith park ut the north e nd of \'ern1ont A\'enuc. Information. 1 213 ) fi64 ·1191. FOR EXQUISITE CU ISINE-SERVICE DINNER SERVED FROM 5 PM LUNCH FROM 11 :30 AM CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH FROM 10 AM · 3 PM * Captain's Table Coffee Shop SERVING 24 HOURS * LOUNGE For Dancing & Enlertainmenl AFTUNOON faOM 5 PM NIGHTLY PaOM 8:30 with SHONA llSHOI TRIO "THE END RESULT" 187.00 MacARTHUR-NEWPORT (UPPOSITf THI AllPORT) 833-2770 ········••••1 R SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BUFFET BRUNCH CR A SS 10A.:~t:::M . • DINNER A DS Tl~~~I:~~~~J'~,f .,° CUISINE DANCI NG & ENTERTAI NMENT 7 NIGHTS A WEEK Banquet Facilities Lunch Mon.-Fri. • Dinner Sun .-Thur. 5 to 11 Fri.·Sat.5to12 • 18050 BROOKHURST l~of, ............ ~oflllleS-Dtitpfwy.I FOUNTAIN VALLEY Reservations963·6711 st:PT. 27·28 OCT. I (;\'~1NASTlfS 1'hc nation's top \\'On1en gymnast~ "'ill c·on1pclc f(lr the 1974 USA \Vorld Gan1es Finale l"r ida~· :ind S:1turday, Sept. 27-28. ut the Anaheim Con- \L·ntion ('t•nter . l 'o1n pul sory events :it lO u.ni . and op· tion:d ('\'Cl\1" :1l 7:30 p.nl. both da~·s. ltt•scrved sc:.1ls , arc·na lt•\'t'I, S5 11cr d:1y : loge scats. udults. S4 und· ynut hs. S2 :ind )'.:t'lll'r<1l adn1ission. <iclults, S2 and yo uths. $1. ln fo rn1a1ion. 635·5000. 1,S\'CllOLOG \' t'IL!US -Affiliated Psychological Con- sultants µresents l\\'O fi lnts for parents. '"l'hc Uri ghl Side," and .. J amie: 'l'he Story of u Sibling" ul 7: 30 p. nt. in the 'l'ustin Con1munity l-lospital Conference Roo n1, · 14662 Ne"'port Ave .. 1'ustin. A group diseussiOI\ y.•ill fol- low. Admission is frt'e. St<~PT. 27 oc:1:. 2·G 11Elt1\'l'I·: <;uhC'r natoriul eand idalcs 1-:clmund G Bru1\'tl . ('alifornia sc.·rrctary of statt', and llouston. I. Vhi urnov. s tate 1·011\rollcr, "•ill debate ··issues l"\clat1ni.; to Etlut'Z1tion .·· ~:1 l'lll is sµo nsort•d hy the Ut:l St ud~·nl Ar- f:ors offire C11n1 n11 ltcc on Lectures. It \.\'ill tuke pla~e al n•Mlll 1:riclav. St·pL i!.7. l)clayed telecast of debate 1\'11! bt• 111·t·:.l'nl t•d On K Ol' ~: ~ t'hannl'I 50 l l<'riday e vening. RECREATION SllO\V ~eor~e Colouris's Rrcreation, \'ehiclc a nd Boat ShO\\' \\'i ll take Jllace at the Ant1hl'in1 Stadium. E\•enl \\'ill have motor homes, \'ans. ramper:-i. boats, fnotor <'Y<-'ics, off road \'chicles a nd fun1ily enter- tainme nt .I-lours: \veekdays. 5-11 p.n1., Saturdays, noon· 11 p.m. and Sunda~·. noon -9 p.n1 . Admission, ad ul ts. 52, and children under I2free. ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING Sauce B1garde Wild Rice AMONG 20 SELECT DINNER ENTRIES Vt NA l-IARMEP DUO Enter1a1n1rg ofa Cocinila LUNCH 11 :30 A.M. TO 2 P.M. DINNER 5:00 P.M. TO 9:30 P.M. CATERING AND •ooo TO GO CLOSID Sl#CliA Y 113~ COSTA MIM. Featuring Old Sonora recipes of our t\lamac1ta since 1932 RESllV A TI()fjS S41·f207 THE PIZli FROM THE EAST HAS COME WEST! to . .@ '))o ~ll T-t-,...--..;.. lt9i11111 ,....., ,_ ••••......t LUNCH TUE.·FRI. 11 to 2 DINNER TUE.-FRI. 5 to 10 !:::...CoJ' I~ A FRl.-sAT. 5 to 11 • SUN. 5 lo 10 ~· CLOSID MONDA 'I' ri" ;· =-~~{,4'tJ~'iS _ . -~ ~ •. PARTYOROERS 548-3172 !:;: i .,J_ 2574 Hiwporl llYd., Colla MeM ; w11ars Up At !?7~C?J~ .9l~~ •SUNDAY BRUNCH on the Oeck -9:00 • 2:30 • CHUCK BEAUVAIS Colorlul Artist Doing Hts Thing Tuesday thru Friday 5 to 7 EHTEltT •tHMIHT HICi.HTLY OMIOFHIS PAINTINGS ~VINA.WAY IVHYDAY! ~Srox- hlftCll ·dlftftt< 1105 e1st k1lell1 ave. 1n1heim {7141 •l9·2H4 c,r;i.,,,. .. ·, "'"'' 11 ...... ,,., o-,..,.,, ... sTuff 3~1R[ ON BALBOA SAY, NEWPORT BEACH 7241 WEST COAST HIGHWAY ,...._ .... ....., ... -Coc~IM> """'- W:11c-rfront F:irorilc uf Old Wh:ilt"~. S:iilnr-. ' :uld Hobil' (:11 Ski)llX'"' ENTERT1\I N~I ENT Victorian Bat :it TllE BALBOA PAVJllj):-1 400 ~biJ1 Slrftl OCT.4 TRAVEL SERIES -Newport Harbor Kiwanis Foun· dation presents a travel and adventure series at 8 p.m. on Friday nithts in the Orange Coast College auditorium. 2701 Faitv.lew Road, Costa Mesa . Series tickets : $12.50 for adulls a nd $5 for students und sing le tickets. S2.50 for adults und St ror students. The -sc hedule : 'Dick Reddy , "Mark Twain In Italy," Oct. 4; Robin Wil· Iiams, "This Is Paris," Nov . 30 ; Ralph l''ranklin. .. Grecian ftolida)', '' Dec. 20 · Sheril_yn and Matthew Aten· tes , ''Hungary,'' Jan. 31, and Russ Potter, ''The Kingdom or the Netherlands," April 4. lnlormatlon 646·2163. OCT.5·6 BONSAI Slf0 \\1 -Orunge County Bonsai Soriety's 11th annual bonsui l')(hibil t1:1kes plare Saturda~·. Oct. 5, fro1n noon to 10 p.m . and Sunday, Ck•\. 6. from noon to~ p.m. al the Oru n~e County Bukkyo Kai, Dale Street and Ball Hoad, Anaheim . TJIROUGll OCT. 13 RUG CON<'E RTS -"I..os An~cles Dunce Currents." .il new series or Sunday afternoon rug concerts take place u the Grand Hull or the l\1usic Center's Pavilion. There i no rharge but admission is by reser\'ation only which i available by mail tinrlude self.addressed. stamped e1 \'Clope for return of ticket!;) by .,.,·riling "Rug Concerts. 135 N. Grand A\•e .. Los Angeles Ci\ 00012. The 01udit>nr v.·ill be sc;1ted informally on the rug. T.,.,·o dance cunt panics "'ill be presented each Sunday through Oct. 13. Sthedule : Fujumu Kansun1;1 ~ai and D:inc c. LA, Sept. 22 ; Bob Bonas l\lusic1.1l Duntc Comp:in~· and Curoli11:1 Russek and Company, Sepl. ztJ; Thl' l\l o\'ing Con1pany and·Col\egium Ars Antiquum. Ol'l. 6: uncl The Group und t.lorca Dance Spanish Da nce 'rhcatre, Oct. 13. ROMAN RESTAURANT Italian Family Cuisine Featuring Vral Pannlcjiana •Yul Mi'-tM SpatJhttti • Canellonf • M..acotti Eastff'lll Style T\lck.Cnnt Pi11a 3709 S. IRISTOtnd M..., ~ Dishes I t7t·62l5 (One Block North of Sears. Sooth Coasl Plaza TEMPLE GARDENS ()KNSSS Re1fe11ra11t RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~_,~-£ f calurini.: E:<oti1· 'l'mpiclll !>rinks luncheon & Din ner D1ily IHI ADAMS Cet N.,._I COSTA MISA S40-IU7 540-IUJ . --· AINI. I• h•• ....._ 1ZH1 llOOIHUllT IAt C••••••J 611°7011 1-jl' 1--ciiinese cuiSinel_ I /~ Oriental Cocktail Lounge I BAMBOO ,..,lucing Tcopicol Drink• I I TE'"'" ... ,.. "FOR MEALS I I ·ana-PREPAREOIVITll ' T• QPEH OA!LY 11 AM· 10.:IO PM I .... ,,Jf-'it PARTICL'LAR CAR•·· I I ~ ~ O.OSEO """'" ' ~ I mJ· -~ ,, .. ., .. n !r I 301 O Lefeyettt, Mewport leectl {Bayside on tne Lido Peninsula) ,I IL • 675-5111 I it ~ · I . . AT THE REUBEN E. LEE • 4 SHOWS NIGHTLY OCTOBER 1·2·3·4·5/8·9-10-11·12 . I Tbe fun place to eat and drink ' d Jumbo Fried e HILDRLN'S ~~" ~~~~ s;t~= A robust Po<lion ol tender. jui¢V. ctOoe meat indi- vidtJally broiled k> --.Served on OU' fresh-baked l')'I bun with CflSP .-fries. creamy oole slaw. and tangy Oid .. -.•1.ts served w ith lrench tries, !ne!; , 99 q eomy cole slaw. 12.es Jumbo r iiiSTiii11n1;---1 .:f'rankfurttr rumll A bro1led quar1er-pound, ~re bo!:tl frankfurter I 1 se-rvOO with crisp lrench Choici s!eak hrolk>cl lo your Ines ond our very special !OSie. SerVed wJ!hfrench relish. '1.30 frios;-and emp JOl'lWI 2'CJIOO with yoorchon ol tffeMt!'\U. -•3.ts • '5.9S 0 1--------~ l '---======""':'==~'l_------1 ~. i;f,.if. PJiONE ... 645-5550 PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES '-:....: -......!"~ST,.!J.Tl~~A.!!.ES~I HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE .OLD DAYS Now Mt 'n Ed's mobife ovens speed delicious pipins·hot piuas to your door In minutes. For prompt service phono 646-7136 . '(Newport Be~ch/Cotta Mt11·17th 1ndTP.11tin) ,....,~.,.... or 847·1214 (HunUnaton B11clt-Beach and Hitl). unday Brunch . Surprise the famil y in an exciting •. relaxing, tasty, an<l affordnble \\'R)'. Join us for brt111ch this Sunclay at TJ1e Velvet Turtle. Enjoy great dish~s like Eggs Benedict, On1lcttc Caruso, Filet of Sole, Prime Rib or "simply great scrambled eggs:· con11)limcntccl IJy fresh fruits tlr iced gazpacho, buttery s,,·cct rolls and n1uffins and Vcl\'el ·1·11rtlc smiles. (And If you happen to be a Ram's fan, from some of our locutions '~·c dri,·c you to the gumc and ))ack agai11 in time for co mplimentary snacks at the bar-round trip's just $2.25.) Join us soon. You'll flnd thut unforgettable Sundays begin at The Veiveb Turtle. Tire Fullerton (714) 871·93 401~L ua# ~~ ~ Newport Beach (714) 644-531~,.aiu ~ Turtle ,,\)."' .. "~-n '.T~n,, •tt-uu ~tG~~~ ~v~!~ .. ::~:13 LUNCH • DINNER OYSTER BAR COCKTAILS LATE SUPPER HAPn MOUi 4 t. 7 P.W. SUNDAY IRUHCH t :J0.4 NOW 01'114 FOi RIAl!FAST ,.....1 ............ w. -....-s.,i.21 ENTIRT AINMIHT NJGHTL Y IRANDIE IRANDON DUO T.O .. Sel. GIORGI FOSTP-S.. ond M ... OUTDOOR DINING PATIO 32802 COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA lllGUIL IAI c,. .. Vllloy ,_._,, JOIN SHANNA AHD THI ~BUMS Friday and Saturday ,_~no Dancing_Muslc 11'11 COY& • MO ~ tUM ................ a.-c:.J .. & Tori,... -UH:H. DI ..... eocn•n.s 673-9919 JIZI LC ......... w.,l ......... J11\ :ut&M9d.a .. I c....•--t • • • . . . .. , . . ' ' ' . . . ' • • 'Water's R~ning' ·Fun With Sex eaux 1'1·t11t.·11 Cuisit1c filVIERA l't£&TAUMNT IN SOUTH COAST VtLLAGE Restaurant Horikawa for gourmet Japanese dining Continental Cui1ine Cockt1tl1 'Strtnng L101clleon and U1uncr Mo11ct,111 thl't1u~h Sntur1fu11 Closed Sundays 0Horikawa w~ are 1oc..t te d n111d to the M•y Co 111 Soutl-t "°""""-"""' Al.i.o in Little 'Thkyo. Lo• Ani;.,Jcs, IM!ar ~h11it-CentPr. 12\aJ 680-9:'5S. Co.11,t Pl•ta lJJJ s C111t• MHO · • KENT GLENN 11BIG BAND 11 SUHDA Y, SEPTEMBER 29 From 3:30 to 7:30 p.111. HUNGRY JOE'S IJM006 Real Cantonese Food ••t here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 2ht Pl., Nowport BHch OIUolo J.95'0 o,.. TMt .t.t.INMI hllr 11.12-M . d4 ht .... J-... Proudly Presents A DIXIELAND JUBILEE W1th'The BACK BAY JAZZ BANq Friday & Saturday Niles • Aftw S , ... -e ....... Mtsk:• l>a..n I 1712 P1acontia -Costa Mesa -541-9203 . CMAIUS llOMSOH "COLD 'SWEAT'' ,... 1•111 ........ ·--, ........ -~wi..,· ,,_,,1-tM•/I "CANDY STRIPE . NURSES" hity71 IO s.t.ts-1-4-7·10 lntermissiOn Tom Titus "THE ,. SWINGING CHEERlfADERS" Doilyl:IS Si!f./S..2:11 5:J M :JO '"THArs IKTllTAINMINT CHTJJH&.Y IS" N.T. TIMI$ M Al SUPll ST Al C•1t Sltoww D.ity ••· S!lM:OO. ID: 15 s.t./S-. 12:30 r.ii.-.====='~,~~·~,,~0-1:00.10:15 ~ '•UJe THIA.TU ts CLOSID POI: UM001UMlo. WATCH FOi. TMI ....... Ol'ellll Ofl TMI M1W Cl• tALAMD TllPLD THU.Tai • ··•M.l~~"""'O' A GEOQGE_ rKJ'f Hll FlM lHf&TING "IOWi() D.WfJOJ./ONOtliOfrlfi l'llSlHWOf ... all it takes is a little Confidence. •WINNER 7 ACADEMY A WARDS• INCLUDING BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR 2ml .t WfSTllOOJC "LORDS OF FLA TBUSH" 2IHI .t CIHIMA Cf:HTll "CHRISTINA" TOGETHER > ··1·11 Uc Jtome ror 0H1!il· dln1in1sh ed :!IClf·cstecnl mas," the second offerini:. is µrobti bly the weakest Of the lot. although It tarries .s o m(· of the funni es t dialogue, mosl of which is toisscd oul by Barblira Van I-loll in u rin e charUC · lc rlzatio n of u modern mothl'I' n1 osl r-.:1tionul :ihout matters of the rl esh. ACADEMY AWA.lD WIMMER w..-..,..., THE GODFATHER htrtw9t2•5•1 rece ives a transfusion fro tn 1'"11ss 11 nw. And l\T<1r v ri.todiu no turns In a lhll' per . tormancc ~s the cool, prac· tical \\'1re . TllE 8 .. :ST IS !iUVC'd for l:ist \Y ith "l 'm 1-l crl >(.!rt:' u piece dealing \vith rcnu·1·n brunrcs of Io n ~ ago by a pair of senior c: it izeus 11 ho:-..c names. <.1nd. eut·h othc1''1', they h:t\'C difficult y retaining. G enc Be nedict and Margaret lloy~r httndlc this difficult exerciSl' .,.,.ith consummate skill and uo- dcrs lated effhrt. An imprt!ssi\·.c fucet uf l\tiss tambellini's direction "°"""MS_,,, WT CMANC• TO.I.ti "ltll . ~UTVMllOM Cl<-Oft·-.. ""JHE GODFATHER'" "' a;J".M. • tOllUS flA Mii ''"'""·OM.' --"l..UT OJntl 1111 ltOl !,.OfUJ~ .. , •1111111111111111111111r/ < ... MAS IA ROA IN MATINEE 11111111111111111111111•\ IVllTDAY 'Tll l :)O,,M. All SfATS s1.2s -OPEN SEASON SpKI .. Co.fl' ..... -· ..... A MAH CALLED HORSE --_,, MAILOM llANDO . THE GODFATHER ..... nw.1:00 ""·''' w .&s-2.s.1:10 ..... -. ... OPEN SEASON Co-f9 ... e ·AMAN CJ..UED HORSE "**** (tfl11""1 R111ngl "TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT:' -New York News ''@@@@@ (5 Camera Eyes-Highest AalingJ "STUPENDOUS" / \:.her skllll'ul us" vf minor ''nu \\'th•n lhc \V:.aler's Run t·haracters. givin~ lhcm u n1nl(" 1:!1 on l"lal(C tonl&hl t.IC'(initc idcnlit)I. Sherry un d Suturduy. and con· Scott in the opcnin~ seen· r ludes its three·weekend ~t nd Sorrell \Yu yne 1n the r.un R(IJl.l week In the Com · third scg n1t·nt c:1ch urt! at · rnunlly Rccr~a Uon Center lu"cd to m:1kc the most of .ntditorium on the Oran~ thel rulilitari a n roll!~. County F'air li(ro unds 111 I "\'ou Kno\Y I Ca n't 1-lcar t:osta l\tc~u. --.... -------·- ... being,,.. Mory., '"·o bel·on·anylfllnl J{UJS " ... ltappil, _ -"""'-..... """"' "'"""·. st.. Blot c;.ld -!SJ ............ IN HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER HARBOR BLVD . AT WILSON ST. COSTA . MESA 646·0573 2 MILES SOUTH OF SAN .DIEGO FWY •. PAC"IC DRIV•·IN SUl'SR SWA .. •••TS 1 • HARIOfl ILVQ.Driwe-ln -Sat.a lul'l.-1-to•- •OAANQI Drive-In 1 &2-,,1..s.1.1 11111.-ltmto•..,. r..9'.frM~tt ...... SUllllMI F•mily Fun! ~rolll•I ••r9•IM O•lore! , ......... . Son Oio•• , ..... y u ··--•t (k.) 962·2481 HARBOR BLVD Hoi-11"'- M" _,a_n DJllV(.IN . .. .. , . , PAULO DlllVI IN Sll·l271 .... ~II~~. So. ol Gotcltn a. .... ,, •••• , 5]4·6212 --OPEN SIASON "' ..... , __ MAN CALLID HOISi "' ,...,_,.,. _.._ UTnl FAUii & 1111 HAUT., . ON ANY SUNDAY "' -~ .... ....... -. unu fAUIS I Ill HAISY 01 ON ANY SUNDAY oo. ... .._ .... _,,_ l111ll fAUIS I Ill HWY., HIGH 'LA.INS DllFTll 111 TIN ""°"' MITSt (1 ,) QUEEN IOXll 111 (2.) JOICID JO JIOHT 111 (J.) LOIDS Of JLATIUSM 8'11 --GODFATHll !'I ,UIS e DWM IOSI LADY SINGS THI ILUIS 111 • I, .I I \ • , • • . ~ .. . -. . .. . . . ~ . . . . .. . . . .. . ('f; DAILY PILOT Ftiday. September 27, 1974 ' " 'Not Now Darli1ag' Actors Overcome Script By JACKIE II VMAN . Ol lllf Dtllr l"lltl $~N 'J'here's a point in the British comedy "Not Now ... Darling," playing through Saturday at the Huntington Beath J>Jayhouse, where the lead character com· pares the action to a tennis match. 'l Jndeed he might, 1 although not in the way the ~ authors intended. Because ';>,.. l IN ADDITION, there ;,ire a host of sterl.'<>lyped chetracters, especially the wo m e n -fo"'r u strated Secretary, Nubile 'J'opless Dancer, J ea lou s '\Vil'c-alrnusl all or Y.'hom eventually strhi dov.·n to The couple with the sn1al · lest parts, Colin Gulvcr and Pal P.·tullins as !\tr. and fl·Jrs. Frcncham, are consistently the runniest, probably because we really don't CX• peel any chaructc r de\•elop• mentfrom them. their undcrv.•car. And the SYLVIA LEE and Peter men arc ult predictably s.t ·All' l .. G'lb t . d lecherous. .i.tiC ts er as 1 e1 a~ 'fhcn there's a n ongoing .~1aude Bodley also .... turn 1n struggle with the British ac· fine performances, ~s do· cents which on ly Colin Lou Kosoy a nd J anel.Jillson Guiver \Vins. as. llarry and J anie l\lc· hanging up the phone the wrong v.•uy every tl me • 1'here are t\\'O secretancs in th e play Ql\d they probably have more s terotypes to oveteome than t hl' r e:st of the cast conlblncd. Sil fAMT ASTIC ..OYIUAGI DAWN" -.Acul --....... w -~ ~\.,'Jiil · !~, i the contest is beti,.,·cen the actors and the script. llappily for the ;.iudiencc. the actors \Yin, al least most of the time. It all makes you '"'oQder lt11chael. IL':s a tribute lo both Bclh Titus as Miss Tipdale and Lau ra Black as Sue Lawson that they manage lo emerge as real, empathetic human beings, na thanks to play\\'ri ghts Ray Cooney ;.ind John Chapman. \\1hy such an obviously fine group of actors and actres- ses got stuck with such a mediocre script. Despite ;.ill the problems, Denis Thomas as Arnold the audien,ce had a lot of fun Crouch has the pivotal role \\'ith ··Not NoY.', Darling" and manages to make it and if you enjoy tennis mat. funny despite a lot or un· chcs, you probably y,•iJl too. "GREAT GATSBY" l"ftfrOMJ c...ew..-. ....... 1 "•f';.-' ··-11191; M~mber s ·or tnc K a I' l ,W 'i n n '1,'.rQ upe \viii present thrilling free enter· taiJlment dai ly at ·G~or ge Co ul ori s' anbual Recreation, V~cl e and Boat Sh.ow Wednesday t ~r,o ugh Sunday, Oct, 2·6, at the Anahei m Stadiun\, ·~CASSIDY AHD TH1·SUMDAMCI KID" AM ':HIARnREAK KID" 1 .... 1 -"WHHE DOES ITHURT?" IRI ...... "11 CAH•IMI, -·-·--1MA1 n II M -,,_"""" --~- ~·*I , • ...,. , ... & lf!JI ....,._.,. . ...., it•• f ., ... ' ,. "'"""" J:».,,...11:21 .,........ . ....,.,_ .... ,, . ...,.., &LMMA19mft 1 1 ,..... ....... ..,...,.. ... --V-fffl .......... ·-- But it isn't easy. The script is trite, one of those haven't· 1-seen-tha t-berore situations with people pop- ping out of closets and husbands and wives turning up unexpectedly. Nevertheless , they man age to \vring some 1aughs out of it and the timing is quite good~ funny lines a nd a consistcn--==================-tly unhumorous bit or stage business whi~h has him Attention Jkier.) C Non-Jkier.) *B·· ... Everyone l~ited if. *: ffibl Oranqe Council ·--CtNFDD/llf 20 ~ • ''... ._ .... .i.:_, ·ctiiio111171 ~ . . ' ' . . .. -"WHUlDOIS IT)Mf"lll "'IHI GODFATH••&IJ & . -UDY SIMGS TMliu,115'" I' . I • • ARE-RELEASE ln<NI~ Paqeant C Dance At Newporter Inn '"PAf'tUOM" ....... ' TOM LAUGHLIN 'Atlllf.Jockill "BORN LOSERS" ,..,. "ELECTRA GLIDE IH BLUE" 1 .... 1 Saturday September 28, 1974. Dance to the music of THE TRIBE. Entertainm!Jlt by internationally known magici an Bob Brown. Tickeu available at door -$2.50. Fantastic Pfizes to be awarded -including complete ski packages to Bear Val ley, Heavenly Valley and Squaw Valley. Lif t tickets and lessons: Taos Ski Valley, SUn Valley, Park City, Jack$0n Hole, Hea~enly Valley, Kirkwood Ski Area, Goldmine, Snow Summit and Sunrise plus prizes from Ski shops, restaurants and amusement parks. Donations for prizes $1 .00. · MARINERS ID TAliE HOME . ORT BEACH Boat Works Boat building was at one time o booming business in Newport, especially during World War II. But with the property values rising out of sight, few boat builders remain near 1he'waterfront. The Boat Works pictured here ore owned by a Germon man, who established his bUslness in :-DuiJaJng custom yachts. Mariners Savings ls the oldest savings and Jpan In the Harbor Area, 'For more ttiGn 20 years we hov•. provided.our community with support for g'awth and payed can1is1thtly · high interest. COME TO MARINERS 'WE'RE YOUR ONLY HOMETOWN SAVINGS AND LOAN. Because of popular demand, we ore offering FREE exclusive prints af original il/ustration1 depicting fl!ewport Landmarks old and new. These ore illustrations never before offered I Visit us today and receive your own beautiful 11" x 14" prints and at the some time open a high interest savings account. BEEAN-FRBN~-11 This triangular building, loeated near the Newport Pi9r on Mcfadden, has been standing since thetUrn of the century. Its facade hos changed many times, but it and the rest of the oceanfront business district are some of the few places in Newport to withstand "progress." Progress con be unnec:e11ary sometimes. But wise planning and good decisi ons always prove to be · beneficial. At Mariners, we speclollte in giving you a pla11 to plan prafltably for the future. FOUNDED 1953 "'fOR nn·s SAKI .. ""THEOWL l THI PUSSYCAT'" "'LOIDS OfflATIUSH" IPGI "U1'THl&OODT1MISIOU'' 'UTrT II'" .,,.500FATHH"IRI "UDY SINGS THI a.UIS'" • Newport Harbor was at one time a commercial fishing port, but Its popularity as a recreation and resort area now attracts mill ions of tourists every year. The Harbor boasts more th_an 9,000 pleasurecroft and the waiting' list for boot moorings is reported to be more than 6 years long. There's no need to wait in line to receive the most for our savings dollar. Morini rs Savings is poyiiig the highest interest Possibl•. Open an account today! Harbor SCEM ~ (\ ~-"""'~ .f.'!4 I Restaurants often become landmarks. Newport Beach Is a carnival of unique restaurants and 1he Crab Cooker is no exception •. Un iqueneu means one·of·o·kind. Mariners knows that your needs ore unique. We ore proud of our In dividual , friendly service. It makes sa ving a pleasure. MARINERS SAVINGS AND -LOAN ASSOCIATION' ) ) (:lNe•,..tl::. , 1'ISTCIDP11DOVER•lml'PORTIE.\CB,CAUP.'*4!•(7l4)'4l""40GO(Mllodlk.J JO:UllAl'llDll DllVE • NEWPORTBE.\CB, CALIP.-· (7141..,._(~c-) JJ820SEALBEACH BOULEVARD. SEAL BEACH, cwr. «>740• (ll3) 598-7'lli 17o.IBVBllLY BOULEV,UO• LOS ANGELE;S, ~P. 9004I• (JIJ)657-4t41 ~ - ....... .DAltY~ LOG • ' ' Daily TV ... -., .. Fridoy Evening KOCE, CHANNEf. ·t.' .Orange CoUnty's Ulii'i' television lladoa, KOC'l·TV, has scheduled the following specl1l "'°"'~mi 1'1d1y. Detai led !jslJ111s of Channel !O's pro(r,•.!!'• ore lltlfed in the Daily l'lloi'sTV Weekeac h Siiqd~y • ' Friday, S.plembtr27, (P,M.I _ 1__ •:• """ Cfl,!lf .. Chllct1 MMt • It• a Tl"" T•-. M9!M1t °'"'-' ~ Clfttrtl IC~ "Al'I""'" -· ICI ''011t'~\ll!Wlll .... l1fo0t"t ... f:a ,...._tclt !Cf J:a TINl,,.._CJllt lCl "~\Olll· 1111-..e.111MIMltttW1ll- !"" 4tlt .._.~ .. OIM•:MlllK• ..___ ~--i .... °'"'"ICl"AnNllM" -....... trri ....... =···•Cf . • .=.: -'° t:tl .._ tc• f:tl .... tCl ' ., • -~,.. ~· USED.1973 ()f~i PLYMOUTH ~\ FURY Ill 2 DOOR HARDTOP .$ . . "''"'' ,. ··•···· :-"th, .............. ..-....... """" ......... ::;;:..,...w..,. -· - \ I • BRAND NEW 197 4 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE COUPE USED CAR SPECIALS: '73 DATSUN 2401 8 cylinder, 4 speed transmission, AM/FM radio, p0wer antenna, Rally wheels, air condiHoning. (1 44.JEPJ 54395 '70T-BIRD LANDAU 2 DOOR HARDTOP VS, automatic, radio, heater. power steerino-brakes·windows. white walls. air oondillonlng, vinyl top. AM /FM stereo. (658EORI 51495 '10 PLYMOUTH SA TEUITE 4 DOOR VS, automatic, radio, heater. power steering, white wall tires, air <Xlllditioningc-'1r1Ylto0c l~l!.LSI _ 5895 I I '72 PLYMOUTH DUSTH SPORT COUPE Power steering, radio, heater, etc. (466ESG) 51595 '69 PONTIAC GRAMD n1X V-8, automatic. power steering, power brakes, factory air concf1tioning, vinyl top, AM/FM, bucket seats, console, & ralleye whOels. (Yl/X291 J 51095 '68 PLYMOUTH FURY 4 DOOR VB, automatic. radio. heater. power steering, power brakes, white wau tires. 1356FIEl 5695 ' . BRAND NEW 1974 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 TON PICK UP TRUCK BRAND NEW 1975 INTERNATIONAL SCOUTS, . --· .. TRAVELALLS AND PICK UP TRUCKS- ON DISPLAY NOW! ·' J I • L , I I I I ~ I -' I I I l ' l ' ' i- i· ' ' • "' h~-· MUTT AND JEFF '!lllS IS °THE 11\IRD SUIT VCU RUINED OM ME! YOU 8UY ME A MEW SUIT! .;:..•r< "'.~l\\'1 1; FndfX , September 27, 1974 ' I ' by Wm. F: lrown mid Mel 'Ca11ot1 · --~- I CAME V!:il'i V!:RY, 'ierrf Cl.OSE 10 L~ll!N6' HIM 10PAY, PEARIE ! YOO PIP? HUM!•1so STRIPED SUIT/ HI' oNLYr:1p _ $35 fONE' 11\AT . . ~1\l{ 1'10;1 Gll1~ 1 Ev'E"' 82)(e UPIOIT~ 00 iUrlHtc> IN I-I.Se lifCJll!lllilT ! by Al Smith by Dale Hale · .. ..• ,. ' .. ur~ fl<Q,;: ·. PA>lcli/1'0. · · Tl~ F0e. 0/)(2. l'/l"d#J'J. v f ' CR).WJ./Nl;/0 ', --- ' .1 '\ . . ··---... ~, '· :. . /I •--: ~ ~ • .• : "t"' , • • • .,. l • .. • !•~~~ '$ ' . ··~1 · . ' . ' ..... .' "'-"' ..• «¥.II "'-"<" ~1'1.&,' . 'MM,!Nf • ., , ' ' ' i c..,.,...,.,.; .. ~,__, llmilillllll!ll L...J.;;;e:::::; ~~::§.!~~ ~l.l.."-. .11.....-1_; l NANCY ' I! -1-~·'lii-!if5H WINTER W.1115 HERE --· !:'" ~¢~; ' SEE MY FI RST SNOW- N ! I' ... ¥0·-.. --. ._ .. _ ... i:v"T.IJAT'S CR.DSSIDRD PUZZLE ACROSS 52 Grant Y11111day'1 Pu11l1 Sol11.cl: 1 Win•• 53 C1n1di"'n 0 11 A "'HOO ',~r 1 ~'~"c' 54 ~~f1.1 ... ~ph•nt [! grou.P e11cl1m1tion 10 Ann1polll 57 Arom1dc 11uden1 1 .,.....,111• I 14 Whlle pc:ipl1r 59 P1.1t on _tree , cloth•• 1 1& eomb1rd 61 "H1w1li1n I 16 Acr111 M1rit I 17 •••••••·· .. ' ' . I ~ I l I by Emie -B ushllliller_ i HAD IT MADE TO ORDER FOR YOU PEANUTS ----~ Joe Sportscar spent ten thousand dollars on a new twelve cylinder Eloquent. "You think more of that car than}'olldoofme," complained his wife. 1, JI ,i ... . . by ~haries M_. Schuh: ~--------.!. "All )W &er c1o Uiese . days," she said,"ls .wqx. El oquent ~" ' " ' I~ JUDGE PARKER r-c==i ,----.,.----....~--'---'--.,..,-, ·by HcirO!d"Le Dcitii R/61-\T! THE HOUSEMAN A& I ' · Y·E! •.. ANb A 60GD.-~ .. DID 'YOU ASK CARTER'S HOUSEMAN HOW LONG H15 eoss HAD eEEN DATING BE&E BLAIR? DICK Tl.ACY ! CLAIMS .~T Me HADN'T, · ,REMj:M&ER,_. 't;)M!! C~RTER MET DATED ANYOl"tE'J:l:tE . .' WASN'T SHE HER BACKSTAGE · SINCE MEETI NG-&5BE! A PROFES" AT A ·BROADWAY • ·DON'T IGNOW M.LH\U.D :l'OGO~ -' I . 'SIOHi'il. ·· MU61CAL'.! THEf1 . ~ ... • .·"DANCE,tl?', TAl..~EO HER INTO •. . . . ,, ·GOING TO "w::>Ri<. K>R ' ·HIM AS Ht5.PER.50HAl. : ' APPOlNTl<\i!NfS '. .~. ; "\ :6ECRET.till¥! . • . ' , ,• " . ' • ' " THEiGiRLS ~-===-~· ........ \ • • .. :..• .... . ·. ' ~ . . ' . • •'I .... .: iol1n :..:; -· ,. . , ' . .. • • .. . ' . " _, ... < ' .. " ' " " • • • • .. ' I " • • < , PUBIJC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PIJlllJC NOTICE WATta Uftlfl't Ofla.~fiON •ltul Y•r ..... .I• a '"' , s 1,21t.ol' 1'6<14,1.M ant.as I 12,Q>l l1S.t34 •.2J7 .,.. .. ......, •Ult.HS '...,.,, .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 f"rlda.r, Stpi.embtr 27, 1974 UAILV PJLOt D 3 The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS -. . ' You Can Sell-It, Find It , [ 642 •5678 ] One Call Service Trlide It With a Want Ad Fast Credit Approval Real Estate •••••••• 1000-2999 Rentals .•.••.• , , • 3000-4699 Busin.,s, Investment & finoncial ...•.•...• S000.5049 Announcell)tn!s, Ptrsonals, Merchandise ...••. 8000-8099 lost .& found .. , •.• 5050.5499 Boots & Marine Servt<es I Repairs ~··Equipment ...• ; ••. 9000-9099 Employment & Automobiles & other Preparation •.•••• 700().7199 Transportation •.•• 9100-9999 1002 General R.E. 1002 --Magnificent • cG..;;e..;n.-e-.n_l_R_._e_. ___ 1_00_~ 1 General R.E. ERRORS: Advertl,.ra - should check their eds OCEANFRONT REAL ESTATE dilly lo report errors 1 La Cuesta Assume 7°/o YA Imm o d I 1 t e I y. The DAIL y PILOT HSUMH litbillty for the · first Incorrect Insertion only. SALESPERSONS Delightful t\\'O 1tory :r bc.'<lro. om, 2 bath oceanfront home on a comer lot. Has u 2 B~ one bath rental uni! ari>und the corner. 0\\'Tler Need A New Outlook? will can')' linanclng with A Fresh Start? $40,000 dovm, $lfi9,500. Depressed? Iii Plac• 11·01nen, t·sperien1'l'<I ancl in- ........... 1e-rDp•r leS . ~ lions in our Cot'l1n.1 del l\lar D r am11tlc ]ll onieroy. Beautifully m a n I c u r ~ d ya 1· d s . Brenthlaldng ui- t c r Io r. U p g r a ded throug ho111 . ~1assive "adobe" hearth. Calhedral ce1lin.i.;. s:!'J9 monlh P.\YS AU.. 1-lurry call 8-12-253.l. Of'fN UL ll • IT 'S FIHl TO BE NICE/ • "1?1Quail ~ \\'e are i11tervie\1 i11g: nu~n and 1 I~ P t . e:x!J('iienn. l ro1· "'11 le~ po!;i· ~:::~~~iiiiii~~:; 1 ~~~~7~5~2:-~19~2~0~~~~ office. f.:arn a111l lea.ii\ i..n a I 1400 QUAM.SJ. NlWl'OJIT lllACH dellgh!ful a rn1o~pher1• or ~· General R.E. 1002 I antiqut>s and nau tiea 11 i!h "-''-'------OCEANFRONT he l pl u t, f'On1pa1lll\{' t~>-1 • THE REJlL ESTJlTERS Top BLUFFS . '> , • , 1 \\'Orke r s and indi\idunl ''::::=:~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!":':~j 1 Bch n1~., .. ba ths, c;h .• 1 C't broker aSl'ist;\nc<'. _: LOCATION •lyle 'W>lh beamed "'''"'"' YOU WILL NEVER llEAR I BOAT-CAMPER & loft. On R-2 lot: cou~~ A DISCOURAGING \\'ORO!~ 1 A. convert~ to d~plex. 0 _.e. Call Nigel for nppointnicnt TR ILER ;j>~f ~~~~.~li ade up. Pl ic-ti-t+-7:!11 Any1in1e Enjoy th.is sprawling l\f~a associated Cali: 673-3663 673-80S6 Eves. M.tll\• ' ' Vt•rde la1nity hon1c \Yith ill! gi;1nl spre11.<li11g peach tree, ('O\'l'l'l'<i p11.tlo and hear11ed I , . , celling famlly roon1. 3 ~~~~~~~~='~~ I ~tHH'IOils bcdrocnns l o o , BROKERS -REALTORS 7025 W Balboa t.71·]6£] ~ Re;ir yard bucks on cul-de-11lt1S In the Woods'' sac r~ady !or trailer gate l\1esa \Voocls that is . 4 years at·l-ess. $>12,950. ll'llQuail ~ liiiirlPlac. Prop•rti•• · . 752·1920 . 1400 OUAll Sf. NIWP'ORT llACH L ~ ~~\ ''"FUN 10"' NC" [ HowetlMS. l~1 ~~~~i ~~=:'.'. ne'" . squeaky clean, supe1· fJoor plan 3 BR con\t.•rlt'tf to exquisite inastet' suite plu.c; one. Spa.ni!;h decor \\ill appeal lo the in o st I discriminating. Ideal loca-1 1 ion n!';1r So. Coast Plaza. Call 5-16-2313 inunediately tirst time offered! Ol'£N TIL !J • IT'S FUN 10 BE NIC£• ~ * * * * William Elgin 3140 Dubl;n Costa Mesa You a.re the winner of 2 tlckP.ts to lhl" Recreation Vehic le & Boat Show Y DUPLEX COSTA Classification I 000-1098 MESA This beautiful duplex has p I L MablleHomn I~ nc\11 carpels & dra1>cs. ~ Three bedrooin and f\,·o ~-------~ bedroom units. Home & in· Cl1ssific11tion 1100 come. All ol this assumable \1 A loon. Listing No. 1212·1 Call 545-9491 {JI] Walker & Lee . Real Estate Cleu;ficel;o~ 1200-2999 THREE ON ONE LOT $39,950 full price. 1'1olivated seller has already purchas· ed other property. Herc i~ your chance to li'>·e in and collect rent from other 2 hones. Better hurry. Call 545-Sl91 ...._[ --··-_,J~ Cl•ssific•tion 1100 ... 3699 _ ! Apartments for Rent ] 9 0 Cl•ssific•tion~ 3700-3999 T I ...... I~ Walker & Lee Real Estate BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT Cl•ssificetion 4000-4b50 ~-·~_ ... _ ... _~II •I Clessification 5000 Ci~-_ ...... _ .. I~ . L r·::;:1ol~ A Clas1ific•tion 5300 I ....... ,. I~ S Classifi cation 5350-5499 S 1-..: ....... " I ~ I F I E Clas1ification 6000-6099 ~-'"'_, .. _,_.1on_~ll i• J c1.ssific•tion 7005 ~! _, ..... _,._ .. •_....l[IlJ Classific•tion 7000-7199 I~ 'c--c---:-:c::'. C/1ssific•tion 8000-8099 .__-~':"-~_"'"'--=.,..,ll\t I D Classification 9000-9099 I T"-''"'" ][i] -~ 6 Class tfication 9100-9499 r.,,.,. _ • ..,,.. .... _ ... _51'-:-:' ~JI "I Classification 9500.9999 One mil e to ocean. Ch3rming 3 bedroom, 2' be.th home. lieavy brick fireplace. Best buy in Newport Beach. Ask fol' No. 11721 Call S.15--9491 Walker & Lee Real Estate Newport island Deluxe Duplex 5BR Upper Unil, 3 BR Lo\\·er. Near p,1 Park & Beuch. Gd. Tcrn1s with A~umable Loen. $1:li.IXXl. By 01'.TlCr 6f;;rl665. ASSlnlE $25l pay n1 e n I. 7~2-;;, VA . POOL lfOr.IE! Great beach Joc3 tio11. LJ:>\V price is just $37 ,500. Call now 847-&UO Agt. OPEN I TO 5 418 Fernleaf Fri/Sat/Sun Delightful, Immaculate 2Br "·/1 Br rentul on comer. \Valk\vay to beach. Xlnt finnn. $92,:"100. D T Kingsbury Inc. RI tr. ti'i;,..{)l&I. 3 8 11 ON BIG LOT, \vlth central uir conditioning. ln prim!' location. Pr-Iced lo\v at $31,900. \\"ilh aAAun1nble VA loan. Call 556-2G60 BKR Dial Direct 642-4321 Call Collect · Sub1cribe to rhe newspaper thc:.t ~ covers your hometown best ... YOUI Hometown Dally Newspaper DAILY PILOT 4 2 $©\\~lA-!Gf..ifS " • 5 'Thal Intriguing Word Gam• with a ChucAI• ------fclltN •Y Cl.AT t. POUAN ------ o l!eorro"gt ler1e11 .of the lour s.crombted WOfdi be- low 10 form fOVf Mmple \lolOf'dJ.. I IT I· 0 I I i· A I I I· ( i v ,~ I I i • · · -Whit this ('Otlnttv needs is RIDICULOUS OFFERS WANTED Dramatic clecorator furnish· ed. 2 sto1·y picture book hon1e right oul of the pages of House a nd Hon1e nud Sunset. Sacrifice sale! nt l&.l.500. at thr Anaheim Stadium October 2-6 Pl!'asc call 6'l2-5678, ~xt 333 to claim your tkkcts. (North County toll free 11un1ber is 54G-12201 * * * * LIDO ISLE m~::i!~ Prap•rti•• · · 752-1920 1400 QUAil ST. NIW'<>«l llACH 40 FOO'f lot; quiet end or isle. 3 BR .. 2 ba. $S9.500 TRIPLEX, \.\'ati>11ronl, 3 BR. ea. Leasehold. $160,000 CORONA DEL MAR Balboa Oceanfront Custon1 duplex. ri.t a 11 y features. l\Iust see lo ap- preciate, $149,500. (},,·ner wUl-lin.tulce.--_ COAST PROPERTIES Duplex. Both \.\'ilh bay vie\\•! See It & you will buy it! $125,000 LIDO REALTY 117" 1,, 1 .. 1. '11 *073·7300 * 673-5410 • FRANCISC1'\N Founlain. HEART OF''. Beautifully cared for deluxe Corona deJ Mar .. Lqvely single story. A tantaslic buy home, close to beach, on at $52,950. HUl'l'Y _ tliis 1~~ lo!s. Owner will arrange much sough! after moclel financing. 0 f f e red at \\-on't last. Call 847--6010 $117,500 MESA VERDE--IV Agl. Ontu 2 'Story Exec Family Home "'21 \\•ith huge separate fa111ily ~ 1m + pool. David Bourke' a=-11 Rltr. >JG.99ao. CORBIN-MARTIN $31500. Open beam ceilings. Reeltori Cozy fireplace. Large fami- ly room. Big shade trtts.1 __ ~*::!,.~6_44_766_2.,..<*'-o-.~ Perfect starter home. Call ILLNESS forces 88\c of high llO\V to see. 847...fiOlO Agt. desert 3.96 acrci; nnd house. Oassified Adt Ct.II 642-5678 Also Calif. pines acre today! 968-1979 General R.I!. 1002 General R.E. macnab I Irvine realty -------- FINER HOMES Priced From $46, 950 to $535,000 THE HARBOR'S FINEST BAYFRONT LOCATION lllOl On the south (big bay) side o! Harbor Is- land. >year old main house \V/4 bedrooms & 51h baths + maid's room & bath over garage. New slip !or 65' + boat. Sandy beach. Hude master bedroom w/fireplace. $450,000. Appl. only. Tom Turner 642-8235. (Rll) PERSONALITY PLUSI Buttercup yello\v & 'vhite cottage duplex- So. of t11e higb,va}·-top corner Corona del Mar location w/view. $92,500. Lois Miller · 642-8235. (Rl2) THE BLUFFS-TREME,.iDOUS VIEW! 3 Bedroon1 home-£antastic location-pan~ ramie vie\V--On Aven ida Cerritos. $98,000. Tom Queeen 644-6200. (Rl3) A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE ! I111maculate Park Lido condorninium fac- ing pool & gardens. 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths, fireplace. $46,950. Bob Owens 642-8235'. (Rl4) HOME OR INVESTMENT? $59.500 is almost lot value for this 2 bedroom Bal6oa PeniJJSula cottage. Fantastic loea· Uon & growth potential. Clint Moses 642-8235. (RIS) "E" PLAN-THE Bl..\!.FfS , Wide greenbelt l~atlon I 3 Bedroom, 2~2 bath +family room w/fireplace. Communi- ty pool. $77.500. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235. (Rl6) CORONA DEL MAR ' .l.S,GCQ_ I 11t,'40 6 I 1G1l elrLI' '-· 7 less inventions, ind mote rqe. ~ -chania lo -those wc._1h... !HILSER 1r••dyh•"*· •·27 ..So~lh oLfligbway_ -U>edroom <:h•~ro•r, Cully furnished, c<>mes w/complelc<I & ap-- I • • • • • _ _ by f,Ulf.,g In l/lt mltsing wotd yOU dt'<'eloQ lrom _,..P No. 3 btolow, 8 Ii I I I' I O C0111plett 11\a d111drle qvo•ed PR:tNT NUMS~ll.£0 tfTtfRS t a tN THfSE SOU ARfS l) ~F,'.~,'. l£Tl!RSTO I I I I I I I I 5CRAM-LETS Answera In Claulflcttlon IOIO ' I I I I f,roved plans for 2nd unll. $72.500. Joyce Ed· und 642-8235. (Rl7) .New$>0ft Buth, C1lllotnle 1:1:113 • , ·1 I I l· I • ,, J)~:tL~D~~~LV;..;,Pl~L=Dl:____,,~..,,..-~F~r;ld•~l~.=St=Pl=•m~~~r~2;7~·;19::_:74 _,..,.,,_.~--:-=::,-;:---,.,r-;;-...-~~T.;;~;;:::-::::-r 1:0-;;;;;;'°;l;R:·:E;. ;;;;;;;;;IOOl=;Go;;;n;•;ra;;;R.;E;;·;;;;;;;;;;;l;00:;;211~G=•=nt;ra;l;R;·;E;. ;;;;;;;;;1002;_;;G;•;n•:r;a;I ;R;· E;.;;;;;;;;;;l;OOl;;l;G.no;;;;r~a•;I ;R.;~~· ~~;1~602~. ~Go~no~r~a~I ;R;.E;·~~~l;OOl;;-:Go:n;•;r;•l;R;·;E;. ;;;;;;;;;100:;2;;;;;G;•;"°;r:•;I ;R;.E;·;;;;;::;;;1;002;; General R. E. 1002 ** ** ** Heritage Collection JUST REDUCED · i~e d~!~1~!~0!.~~vel~!~c OC:A:~:T lay =~:~:~~:~A:ESA i!!.€~~:~!.. home & call us for app't. to see. There are SHshoro Drive Family home. 4 BR. lge. A ma! •• · · · 3 nlce sized bdrms. with attractive view Vacant lot. Seller will kitchen/family are a. $24,500 )· .declt. Note that it iS an easy walk to Big subordinate. Lge. fenced yd., nice Corona Beach. $99,500. .,,.--=~~~~7060---c=--I trees. quiet street MESA VERDE BEAUTY A SPECTACULAR HOME ANO INCOME A $38,500 CONDOMINIUM UNIT _ on Balboa Peninsula Point. • Un- it's nilly! Close to WestcliU shopping, near usual • Unlque • Neat • lnspiraUonal 4633 DORCH.EST. ER.. EASTBLUFF $41,950. 642·7491. Super clean 4 BR. home Huge fam./din. rm. V.A. REPD ~borp 3 Bednn with huge run1pus rm. PalOI Verdes fpk·, luiili la.ndlcnplng. the association pool , even the price is, not • Comfortable • Private • Spacious and far oil! 3 bdrm 3 bath New Orleans style cozy. 5 Bedrooms on a corner lot with 2 bed- ... CAMEO HIGHLAND~an elegant home N I ed o 4 Bd 2 b ths b Ut in a prestige location. 4 Bdrms., 21> baths, ew Y r ec. wners nns., a ; u family rm. & formal dining rm. The land-a n x i o u s! $70,500. dins , frplc. $32,~56.t'oo Priced righl ..• $38,900 townbouse with celery shade carpeting, love-room rental on separate lot. It's hard to de- Jy red brick firep lace and a spacious floor scribe this exciting and classic home. We scaping is outstanding. & there is a potting 640·8484. own payment. shed for the green thumber. $125,000. OPEN m SUN. 1·5. I.[! TWO HOUSES EASTSIDE plan. This is an adult condomiruwn. {so kids, \\'ant you to see it -we know you'll love it. bug oHI) Unlque-low price of S38.500. Now priced to sell, coll 540-1151. REALTORS • 4 Local Offices To Serve You UNIQUE HOMES, RH llon 546-5990 21SO MoH Verde Dr., Costa Mesa MESA VERDE J..,...,,..,. ..... ...,,...,,~~...,,~~~"""'"'!!:::.""i SHARP 3 BEDROOM + DEN. New carpets General R.E. 1002 General R.E . 1002 & paint. Garage converted to large bonus 2"5" 1\.-\ '"111c1 l\l·~.\('l l General R.E. 1002 Ganeral R.E. 1002 :! Btdrm ho1net1, clOR to S.A. Country Club & Golt CoW'IC. 7 r>rll.:l· 1~lut--ed $5000. to $43,500 . SEA CAPTAIN'S CASTLE Conunanding view of channel, jetty & cata- lina from ultra plush duplex above China Cove. Luxurious 3 BR--3 BA, 2 BR--2 BA nautical nifty. Terms!!! GRUBB & ELLIS Real E1tate • 675-7080 Gonor1I R.E . 1002 0-rol R.E. 1002 BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT Owner will finance this beautiful Cape Cod residence with income. Brick front patio overlooking sandy beach, bay and boats. Can be used as 4 bedroom home and 2 bedroom apt, 5 bedroom home and l bedrom apt, or. 7 bedroom borne. Open Houso Sat & Sun 1-5 PM 1'11 North lloyfront HARDESTY REALTORS 503 Park Ave., llolboo lsl1nd 675-2166 i:-==•~I :.:R.::E:... :..· __ 1:.:00::.:;.;;.2 Gonor1! R.E. 1002 room. 10-.4 Down and owner will carry 2nd trust deed. Priced only $41,500. C1ll 546-5880. COWGE PARK BEST LOCATION-close to shoppin~. 3 Bed- room, dining, fireplace, covered patio, park- like yard. Owner will help_ _finance. Show anytime. Vacant. Asking '311,750. Coll 540- 1151. $1940 DOWN . EASY DOWN PAYMENT affords you the opportunlty to discover all the benefits of home ownership. Ne~dy decor ated 3 Md- room, 2 bath in proven Costa l\fesa location. "Safely tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac. Change in owners plans necessitate quick sale. Priced below replacement cost at • low $38,750. Vacant, owner anxio us, call 546.SUO. KNOITT PINE LOADED WITH THE REAL THING-talk about prime Eastside loca tion, this is it! l Talk about size, you'll get lost in it!! Plus storage area for boat or campef. Now down to basic~ ... 3 bis bedrooms, 21> baths, and super lllrge family room. P.S. Very good financing available. Call 54()..1151 . COLLEGE PARK YOU'LL LOVE THIS 3 BEDROOM -2 bath with heavy shake roof, real hardwood floors, used brick fireplace, dining room and sepa- rate breakfast area. Take advantage of this 53Ao/o loan. Ow ner anxious, best oiler will HfAllV VE Al CALL 6 75 JOOO ANYTIME ---------- General R.E . 1002 General R.E. 1002 LIDO ISLE Like new 4 BR. & lge. family rm., 6 baths. Pier & float. 30 Ft. lot. $260,000. Bay view from 4 BR., 3 ha. single story home on 60 ft. Genoa lol $155,000. WATERFRONT LOTS 40X90 Ft. $250,000 30XI05 Ft. $165,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 ! Boy~1dt> Or111t.> N 8 075 616 1 Gener•I R.E. 1002 Gener1I R.E. 1002 BIG CANYON CUSTOM HOME -$265,000 C.C. View! Ne\Y 5 HR. beauty. Fine quality tbruotit. Lge. fam. rm. \\'/Y:et bar, DR. 2111 Sen Joaquin Hiiis Rood NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 Gener al R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 LOW INTEREST LOANS AVAILABLE FOR EST OLSEN "Abandoned Villa" Spanish-$38, 950 2 Story-Pool- Beach I~~=;;;; Newport Heights REALTORS, IN C. AN· Fonnal doubt.. door '"t"' • NOUNCED TODAY THEY to i;pacious living roon1 \\•ith ~ACRE 3 Fireplaces HAVE o BT A IN E o A floor to ceiling fireplace. 9:f21 1797 OrnnJ(e, c.r-.1. S.12-1771 DON'T WORRY . !'ilany homes are bought A l'IOld · 1hese days OOpite lhe tight ntoney 1narket. Wrap. around mongages, sales contracts, purchase money trust dc>ed11 & recorded ll'a~c/optlons are all inatru- nienllt that 1tre used to &VQld the rll'('d lor ne\V financing. If you are thlnklng about buying or seUing, let us ex· plain lhe relative merita of these techniques. HARBOR 3 Homes Plus Pool $79,500 $55,000 M SPITE9AL!ENTTH LORAOUNGllCOIT~1S-Formal dining is IK'rved by ,. huge garden view kitchen Rustic ch a rmer ''1ith AFFILIATION WITfl COLO. \\·ith b1·ealdast eating area. COM~ANY Located on de1ira.ble Elden Ave., Eastside, Of are these (31 2 bedroom home!! v.ilh fireplaces and plenty of room for 3 more homes. Call for particulars. character and w a rm t h . \VE L L B A N K E R , fo"il'sta party room y,•ilh REAL TORS Formal dining. Separate CERTlFIED l.IOR1'GAGE commanding view of Ju.<:h SJNCE 19-14 master suite. \Vel Bar. CO.. FOR GUARANTEED terra<·e in \\'l\lled courtyard. 673-4400 Separate utility room. 2 ~tORTGAGE LOANS AT A Swet>ping stairs to separate ""'.'~~~~~~~~! private patios. Premium COST TO THE BUYER master suite &: childrens _ \Vall and Door coverings FAR BELOW 1lJE GOING wing. Romeo & Julie! ABANDONED throughout. Call ~2313 MAR.KIT INTER Es T balcony. Hurry! 963-7881 . Today! RATES. ANY U.S. RESI-Ol'fNTILI • "'SFUNTOBE.NtCll BEACH GIANT High On A Hill take! Coll 546-5880. OPENnL 9 . IT'S FUN TO BE NIC£f DENT IS ELIGIBLE FOR [ I 'VALK TO BEACH. Ciant ! ~ THE LOANS WHICH HAV E 2 story. Huge bedrooms ' 1'·,· ·1 VERY LOW DO\VN plus unfinished area. 2211 Newport 11. PAYJ..IE.t-.:Ts. LOANS ARE Complete to suit yowwlt Costa Mesa AV,\ILABLE , FOR FUN-2-1 ft n\alitcr suit. 2 bath, 646•8811 DING IMMEDlATELY dining room. Bui lt ·ln,. OPEN HOUSE Oveliooks JUST LISTED I---------WHru: TIIE SUPPLY * BEST BUYS * Fireplace. Party pat 1 o. PANORAMIC LASTS. FOR M 0 RE Seperoie •aled area !or boo t Blue Pacific NEARLY NEW-upgraded 2 story with 5 Sun/Eves. 646.5155 Oc VIEW DETAlLS CALL &15--0303 Indian Wells Condo. S~.900 or camper. Need fa s t EAN BF.:r\\'EEN 9 A.M. & 8 P.lif. exchg for beach propen)·. possenion'? Rent till )"OW'S. Private and q u iet . bedrooms, 3 full baths, 3 car garage, brand Paooran1lc view of Pacific. ne'v wet bar, large fa mily ,rooin on quiet Courtyard entry. La ree cul-de-sac in Greenbrook. Area for boat or kitchen. Family r oom . camper.Seeth.isnowat$67,500. Call540-1151. ~A =~~~~ * EXCLUSIVE * CORONA DEL 7 DAYS A WEEK. 3 CR, E•'1•idc !36.900 .WUme low Interest loa". 3 BR, l\1t>sa VPrde $38,900 n_,,, ed t '" 500 Call MAR Assume 7°/o VA 2 Home• on a Lot $48,750 ;;;.~0962-;.\8;.~· . Loa Bed Q\\'fler an.xious, sub offers "the 'complete home" with n 4 room 7 Units Long Beach Safl,500 VIEW. Large bedroom.. r-------------"""l J C.overed patio. Priced at on-=,."" 1=:: .~.:;; $201 per Month ~21 FOREST OLSON 7 COLLINS ISLAND suite, huge game room, Assume 7% VA loan . OPEN SUN. 1-5 large kit c hen vtith Mon1hly payments. $201 per Now wider construction; microwave. a fish pond, month. 4 rrunily s I z e " '"""'" ERITAGE 3 bdrms. "-den;._,,3 b;aths_ patio decks 8 /1 vacuum. bedrooms. New paint and Acm.DWEUIAll"'"CO-• .. + poo.·der nn .. 4 Car off All ,__oil top or ·a hill at carpet thru-oul. Fantastic "'UI ....-nn1 llN!i!i'!!;!!!illllj~::::;:;;:;::::::;;;;:;::;::;;:;::::;;;i streel parking + dbl. the end oI a cuJ.-de-sac \\'ith location. \\'nlk lo beach, E , VIII 10:~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~I garage. on 100 ft. of private better than a 180" ocean park 1Uld schoofs. Price xecutive a 11. 1002 General R.E. IE bayfront. with pier. OUcred and hill view. Only $139,500 only $34,T.'l(). Don't wait. ~~~~~~~~~ Spiral Sta'1rcase 179'7 Grange: c.r-.1. 64z.1m "I~:.;;;;~:.:..;.:;:;_ _ _;,= at sioo,cro fee land. Call 644·7211. Call 963-6767. ~ UKEnew!,Vaultedceilin&s. LEASE option on tantasUc OCEAN VIEW OPENT1Lt •IF'SFUNTOSE N1CE1 N d A Little TLCI Presligearea.Treellnedcul- ...,..., Sparldlng pool HAS Lovely garden home bas 4 FROM LAGUNA , tryw"Y· Eloquent p<>rlor. .Ooen ipadoiu look. Triple Sol Vbta Atrlwn Model. EXECUTN'E VILLA ~ Buel e•-has I a pn·ce,' On.ly d ... a c . Spoctaculor E VERY TH I N G ! Just BedroolD5 and iiant !amil)I SPIRAL 1'-orn1al banquet r o o m • $49.!!60. HWTY. Call &17~ room_ Further lnlormatlon STAIRCASE Beaulilul 3 bedroom, 2 bath RE $39,500 tor this 3 bedroom, 0.efs gourmet k It c b' n. ,,... at847-0010Agt. homewithoutstanding ALTY Sel)Mll.le llesta room. '~-vi ~·-· ·-•-• VE 2 bath home near l\lesa 1002 Prestige area. Tree lined ocean ew. • ,..,, 1mmacUUM.e 315 Jl.tARlNE A Sweeping spiral staircase General R.E . 1002 Generel R..E. cul-de-sac. S"""'tacular en-home is only yean new BALBOA ISLAND FOURPLEX ~ Verde Country Club. New "'ilh upper balcony. i\.!assive 1 El,...... I and has a spacious 1850 * 67J..6900 * 3"2Bedroom . I balh. 1·3' TERRIFIC listing!! Hurry, be firs!!? t"in n1aster suites. Ex- Where else? And nolhing soulh ol Sea Ranch's boldness to compare it with. But !hen l does defy compalisoo. Deep courtyards, balconies and decks eve<)'Yo!1efe: spaciou• acconmxlaling residences for uncommoners. WocxJ sheathed, clipped eave, saltbox aichltecture. Defies desaipUon. must be walked about to be appreciated. Motor up Superkx Avenue from the Pac~ic Coast Highway lo eighl smashing model• From $53,000 and walh every penny and !hen some. Donl sniff at Newport Beach, either. You might get a lungftA tt kesh sea-borne ai1! .. L~~;""_-;;.~~nl pa0r 0'1· llCI· ft. A frplc and heam1"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bedroom -2 bath. Air con· COATS et.'Utlvc's 1ranser. Take ad· I kit •-t .... ...,. ..... u~ "'"""' BARGAIN ditioned near ftee\\'ay. Pric-& vantage, Cull now to see .. .,.., ..... .._.."luelroom. 1es ce"'••s ac-nt .... ,_ -.-1~ Price Reduction!! ~ gounne cuo::n, Aepara e Laguna. Value priced at VlE\V HOa.tE OS KISGS RD. ,,,,_.,,,.._.,_ fiesta room. Sweeping spiral ~'1.,500 BEAUTY ed right for $67,500. .,,......... 1 ~ - 11taircase with upper balrony -. Sharp, roomy, and sparkling. Corona del Mar Duplex ::~.J s:~~· ::!i r~~ ' WALLACE Ofl£N rll 0 . rr'S 11/N 10 Sf NICfl ~lassive twin master 11uites. Luxuriantly landscaped 4 \Vll..L LEASE 0 p TIO N · guest suite. Heated and REAL TORS ! ·~~~·1; ~1 Execullve'11 transfer. Take BR beauty. Iinmacuiately Charming cape Cod OOUse, filtered pool. Call 10 see -->'54!06 .. 4141-1 • I advantage. Call oow to.see cared for and in lovely tree· 2 bedrooms + den. And this! $118,500. lOptn Evenings) ' 1 }• j 842-2535. shaded neighborOOod. Fast nev.•, large bachelor unit. 4~ Kinas Rd. Nwpt Bell ~ -•-•••••- . $4l 450 Prired to sell at $77 :-n.J. --e I :::;;;;;::;;;;:;.;;:;;;;;;~: I OPENT1t l•tn)FtJN TO BEN1CE1 e e l"SCrow. • · ~7270 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 I **!\IE&\ DEL MAR•• ~ ~ OPEN SAT/SUN 1-4 1£. .Qualf l PETE BARRETT BLUFFS CONDO ByOrigOwnertlnd"'p rrch;1 3108 \\'e'1 Oceanlron_t Plac• -REALTY-WATER VIEW ll ! cntrJ Fint tim< oUe""1. Duplex ~•• 000 Just redecoraled for a rte\V 5BR, 3ba.. Waterfall, wk to ..,......,, · Prapwl:i•s · ·-·; 642-5200 67$.4060 buyer , 3 BR., 2~1 ba.. sells, OCC, 11hpg, 50 acre • · · • · · · 752-1920 park. \\'ooderful nclghbor-1'RED=~u~C~E~D~~l3000="", -..,a-~-1'1 :nro Gleneagles Te~ 14000UAILStNIWl'OITlfACH '.'.'""::-... --:'."-~--: ... -:"'.-::-... "'.-;-... --: ... -... ~'.! =e• ~i. v~t!n1°t 1l floOd. backs onto hlgh must sell thla 'fantastic 4 ~estem Terrain 963-78~·1 ..::==L:::U:;S:;.C::l::O::U,::S"'-'="' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,•I NEW & VIEW ready-fast possession. Own-school farm. 1145 &ilvadon! + family room· and .office e ' e POOL HOME J ust about rotnpleted _ home er wiU comlder lease with ~~·...,~.2,·~ .,!>79~. make ofr. borne. Super s p a c 1 o us th . .,__ . "1th 163 d-.. bay & ~an option to purchase. 1 .::~=""'"~°"'""'.!!:.---1 I r •t h room ''•c "'la.'.c Roon• For Daddy" \\'i sep. jacuzzi. UJ.l;: nng, ~e· ... ~ ......... B Ibo mas e sw e as ·.,, " A VA I-·-vie\\'. 3.500 Square Feet & C. f, Colesworthy a a Island 1006 closet and private balcony. • •• clean out the garage huge yard, roo~for boa~ SSUme WIUft extra large slorage room _;.=:.:..;;;:;:::;: __ ...:.:.:.:1 Best big home bu,y at .•. tum that junk into cash &. tlr. Plus 3 room, Approx S24,fi00. 8~2'1~. $224 1 · u Del" htlul REAL TORS 640-0020 ON 11fE $51,950! Call to see 847~0 with n Daily Pilot Ctassi.fied bath, fireplace, heavy shake per mJ. includes taxes & ins. Pus wme ce ar. ig ISLAND Agt. ad. can GU-5678. roof and family room. Lots Total price $.'*i,500. 4 Bed-. family home. Fee lot, 210 I·--------Del of space & privacy. Only 1,, ba 1 feel deep, $239,500 VA O OWN ightful new 4 BR home be Id rms, ,, , fp c, w/w cpts, • • N D "'ilh fireplace in master ""' ,... ...... .......,. .. ,. ............. . , .. :: •••••••• u.,. All ......... tWff Mfew .. _. ..................... .,~ .... ...... Im hltlrt'• hit, Pllet WANT ADS. r.tr.. ........ ,.. ....... ,., .... ., .. ,... ....... ,.. ...... ...__... ......... _ ... .....,, .... ...... -. HOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOMS 16511 Loire Circle, Huntington Beach 847-5015 $44,950 (Sat & Sun all day) 5 BEDROOMS 1145 Salvadore (Mesa de! Mar) CM 540-9850 $62,000 ofr (Fr/Sa/Sn 11),?) DUPLEXEStf.OR SALE 2lh'2 BR 1874 Fullerton-~lllt} 1cM 752-1700 ;. (Sat 1-5) 2 BR & 3 BR 4906 Neptune, Newport Beach · 833-3544 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 5 BR & 2 BR 428 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 675'$21 ( Everday 1(),5) HOME & INCOME -41s Fernleal, Corona del Mftr- 67~164 $92,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . 4 BR & 2 BR 709 North Bayfron~ Balboa Island 675-2866 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4! Pool Watorfront W1t1rfronl I Pool • 1 ~~ years new. Can 90 ne\\' paint. FERGUSON-HESTER This 3 yr. old Select property suite. \Vet bar . This homt subject to auuming 73-49'o Roy McCardle Realtor has 4'Bdrm!l., 2 Ba. a large is top quality con.~tnicHori loan at only S316• total per 1810 Newport Blvd., CM fam·tm & a heated filtered. \vith loads of c:.xtras. Priced "'°w· 89'1AL--03:11KER & LEE 548..7729 Realtors, Inc. Pool. The Owner is gunf' al $159.500. EST ATE 1401 Dove St Ste 220 &: 'vants it to sell fast at REALTY 64(r.1L."O Real Estate ---------., · ~=="-' -='-="-------"=-"'='-~= Newport Beach $49•995. Call quick. 55G-2GGO. Balboa Penln1u11 1007 General R.E. 1002 General R.E. ~ ,,---·~33l3-~9"'71_1 ___ c:;::;:SELECT ----------------Have 90methlng yvu want to I PROPERTIES AYRES sell? Oe.JSl!ied ads do it well • call NOW 642-5678. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~..,!!!!!!!~~ • • • • General R.E. 1002 :.en1ra t R.E. 1002 last 14 homes lmEI! HURRY -THESE LACUESTA BY THE SEA Homes Are Going Fast!! ff JOll .. IR tM ,...et for a n.w hom•-st• .... eol.._.lng CUSTOMIZED HOMES by .... Aynsa.Soos_ _ 1 ...... my frotn Harben & Mori""'- ...,tflslll"'J, Hrflng ond Orange Cot1oly a:1we1 altroctlon1. •3&4&51td.-s •Ucfoto 3000 ApproLsq. fl, •2a.Jcar-s -• Coacnte Drf•eways • Close lo frffwoys • C-ettittit to Mojar Shopp,"'9 ·-559,HO LA CUESTA IYTHI SEA Ayres Homes Sincel905 Models Al t.ooldmr st a. Ailoola. H.I. 9'*'2929 • 961· I JJI • 11 A.M. lo DUSK • ~ Coldwell Banke GREAT OCEAN VIEW! Relax on your terrace and enjoy the view. Custom decorated 4 bedroom + family room with high beam ceilings. 4lh Years ne\v. Asking $120,000. ·RARE BAYCREST OFFERING Assumable 6'!4 % loan. 5 Bedrooms, 3\', baths, family room, dining room, sunken Uvl ng room, pool with jacuzzi. Function with flair. Located on prestigious Antigua Way. $157,500. EASTBLUFF VALUE Freshly painted 4 bedroom home. Delight- ful patio and gardens for outdoor living. Only $69,900. Call now. 1974 HOME GARDEN TOUR 4 Bedroom . family home has everything. Formal dining room, family room, irresist- able p~tlos, warm decorator colors,. iior- geous garden, waterfall, pond and much more Special at $1681500r BAY FRONT JUST LISTED Exclusive little Balboa Island 4 bedroom family room home or could be 3 bedroom home plus one bedroom apartment. Pier and slip for large boat. $249,000. DIAL 6"-l f~ 2161 Sin Jooquln Hills Rd ., N.B, A COLDWELL BANKER CO. 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Coron• dtl Mor 1022 oc;EAN VIEW, . Cu Ito tn homo, «XII sq. n. m&.000. 1'~ee. 4/5 Bdrms. Fftm·nn, Rec-rm, Pool. Owner 675-5033 Xlnt ftntuM?lng \ • • Don't CaU Me Pick A Pair of A Duplex!! 4 Plex I'm a dell&bUlll 2BR •ud den T k ""' B th ownel'1' t "'Iii~. C(! with beRU· Q • Vft9 Of 0 tituJ privale R"toUhdl \\'ell located Cotto'\ Alet.(1 11p1. PLUS bldgl. CIOlle to ev'rythlng. A. channlng .lf.. ~ r.eqlitl "':ilh private y.u'd rurrently Jll'O- duclnlll'. m1mo. ALL /.Jn NIGLL ElAIL[Y Ii, AS51J[IATfS CHOCOLATE DUPLEX Jteu1 poten11t1 I • well maln· llliood • ~e<illent bt"t•fui ontl buth:r Pl'fllK'l'ty • 1 & 2 bednn units. $64,000 eat•h. Subm1t terms. Call 646-7171. USE YOUR VA Gorgeow; 4 bednn + famU)' t·xecutlvo home. Huge eW- dc-,qac lot Carpels, drapes, upgrad(!d thruout. RlcO brown carpet accenf!ii VlLLAGE REAJ... E.STATE thl• mu•"'lf1cent Coron11 d('I 557·8623 or 963-45bl .fi.f.ar duplex. Quiet 11trect. Close to tenn1rJ C0\1rb; and Dani Point 1026 pnrk. Pcek-a·boo view. Co.111--'-.:.:..;;_ ___ ~:;: 646--0555. Fantastic Coastline Vu .. . . " . . ' ' ..... . .. ,, \ \I J .I·:' HE \LI') A Bl AG ENTFRl'R!Sf <.;CO Cw.tom deluxe 300! twf fl hon1e. 1'1any, n1uny XLl'Us for gracious living & c11- ll'11jlining. 34000 St~t of !he Blue Lante1·n. Open I louse Sal & Sun 12-0. • • • Airport Realtors, 493-7145 Exclusive Listing . , NEW DUPLEXES Pool Home ocean view!!. ~.950-$93.900. 33931 ?-.laluga Dr. 9°/o Interest Agt. •oo-3431 Cnll 1.u1 tod:iy olJoul this E111bluff 1030 ' delightful 2 BR & 2 BA . pool homl' with I a r R c 2 ~R ~ndo spilt level, plaza, master suite on 00x100 ft. ? l~king park $47,000 own1·. lot, walking d istance lO 532-4~ or ~·9367 private beach ncce11&. 3 BR, 2 BA condo, plaui,, Only $69.~. ~.000. Owner 1 532-45-tJ or 838-9367 /'1n N/G[l IJAILEY &, ASSflCIAT£S Fountain VaJ)ey 1034 POOL-4 BR • UNIT$-UNITS! 10.8°/o SPENDABLE Magn ificent Off ice Building G.n1r1l $8;/lm UTIL pd Bt.chs ot bch. tdW 1hadttnta, Lquna $150 trrlL pd, &ml rear cot· tage, yd, ~110, Cclt\f • • SIM UTIL pd oceantront b111ch, f\dl kJtch, patio, N.B. $170 UTIL PD 1 Bdr, pvt J Strlkl11a HlQd.i;rn S D 1;1. 1'11 s h 1ncd Yd. chU(.ll~t J,.arunA 1 architl'Clute, 2 s I;. r I c 'il' $200 t)TJL pd occ8ntiobY 1 l' richly decoralM.l, & tll'~lgncd bdr, beaul. location ~S : lut multl-t.e:nant o<:cupancy. NU.VIEW RENTALS . Fine.st Santa Ana locallon 67s-4030 or 49-1-3248 : on EaBt 17th, near all • Ft·~wayi;, greut parktnu:. 8alb0a Island 3106 : Pcrlect ln\'Clltn1l.'nt f o r • owtwr I Ol'.'1.'.U)lAnt / nlanAge r. LtTI'LE I S~D. f 0 t • 0 w NE R \Vll...L CAltRY dlsc..Tlmlnatl"fi lt!Mflt. 2 : 80',: l.~t TD~ 19.400 aq ft stol')', airy IJht, 2 brjje,2 ' lra5111)le, nskltia $6P5,000. bn., fain. rm.. den, p. r RICK ALDERETTE din , rm., th door , ga<doo/patlo, • h ""ca,. Graduate Realtors fnslitute m·Ms1e1· bdrm., 40' ill\', ----"':'.0'-'~.:::::::9 ___ \ nlonlhly or winter. 6TS-82.15 COVINGTON ;~~~:-~:=k to ""'· , er. 4·PLEX $93,500 2 en. rrp1, l ..,. """"'. Just 3 yrs 1.>ld & 0111• or 1..:'1">-::1o:4::::83'-----== / OJyinitlon!:i fhil'~t 4 plex ,B::;.•Yr:•::h:.:•::•.:•:.• ___ ...;:.3.:.1 .:.1~2 1 !lf't'69! One • 3 Brlrm & '· thl'e<! 2 Bl.Ir. unit&. Owner will finance at !i'.{·. Pride or 01\'nership. Clo~e to major lihopping Cf'nl!'r. Call now 1714) 752-1700 ~NYElll\[j BAYSJ-IORES -Winier, 3 BR. 2 car gar, lovely pa.tiG. rl sh 1o1•shr. wa1her/dryer, Ca!! coUett (213) 793-1479. • Corona del Mar 3122 ' CORONA DEL MAR 2 Bcdroon1, Lanai, big pado. Top condition. Near beach. 5435.00. 9 n10nth lease. Includes gntdener. Cole ot Newj>Clrt Rltn 67.S.-5511 OCEANVU Condo, 3 br. 2 ~J ba., Ir., patk>, pool, ten· nis, $450 Jse. 532-5470 Laguna Beach 3141 · SPACIOUS Fam. home, .C br., fam. rm., 2 ba., 11 .. yd.. could furn. $400, 2M Calle Sonora, 493-5179 2 BR, gar, uU1; nr pier $185.. • 498-1273 * . ' SaUSun; lOlA Alameda UIJ S.nt1 An• Holghs 3112 BACH. sized houae, ild. utils. $110 per mo. 557-o81l7 HouH1 Unfurnished ' I • .. • 1' f DAILY l'llDT F...,,, S.p...-21, 1974 I l~g~~~==~~~~~~~n;l•~r~n~lshed~~~Kou~ ,., Unfurnoshed I co;;a;; Unfurn. Jru--A.Nrtments Furn. Aporlments Fllt'liiihOil Aporl-Ufthlii:: Ae-•1-• Unfwn. ~··•',!.'! U~furn. .. al \•' -3202 Huntl ....... _,, 3140 L .. ..,.. NlgllOI 3252 !AGUNA NIGUEL 2 BR 2 c.;;_; ~I Mer • i1ii Newport -'76' Cotti Mou 3124 Huntl~ -" -LW, lsl1 • 3156 • .:;.,: ba.,-'1!riookingbeau11tut10U DO w.a11:rRFRONT rn.EE Y Ji,.sr Fl\EB S£E now. l Br opt SJ!iQ. 2BR. 2 bA. Su Tenue """""'· ciubloouot 1enn~ Dt/Pt.EX, w1ntrr, 2br, lbl. *STEPS TO OCEAN* NO INFLATIONll CASA ell LINOA Lt ~ • •Prottt••' Setvice • F\am A utD pd. t blk COWi T~nhowle, oceu v\e'w, pv1 beacbn all Wcilitb avail. ups~. bonus nn & porch, netuxe 2000 -.. ft.1 3 br., Down IO earth ranch 1or $50. OFF S 1Dr., 3 B11 .. D .. 1\itrs, on ..u .t.NOLORDS*' 1l!WLY' 2 Br ,,._ $225. nnleo A patio. beach. $350 Water 6 pnlen ,....., 1 bo -.., pr, ))>.llo, 2 ba.. <1fo, pr., SUiikCk; t..a...iy livinll. ~h .-0 ,. ll'lth ,,,,. Ad 11""1'.. 413 Vlo ~ilo<>d. ,. _ Prple. )'an! I. poUO, gar. i<Mh. pool & clubboule. ind. for aradouo A haW.: no pets. l\ blk to ocean. fprpl. -.. wuhldry. which ..,. of our wdeu 417 Yorkto .. n. 118. A\'ali Oct 1. 151> 1n0. yrly. HemtfWett * M2 ,,. SEVERAL 3 Br, 2 Ba Security. Water.I: dtn pa.id IMD£ Phone Owntt 495-e J3.50tno. l6-G3S7 &bu.lien, \\lnl. $350. you •Ut to M~<e ln. " BAAND NEW. Avail Now. lw. Appnlml, 675-3$1 Clallb:nla'i i..upst ~ b.m1l,y OJ' ~ by owntr. $3SO per mo. 2 BR condo, l"'I Ba, den BACH apt furn. Sl.50 per $15--CTI ~ -3 S::. 2 Ba. Large Rooms 2 BR. Untum. From $20$. lJKi 3br, 2tla. bltin&, Crpbl, ·~talStrW::iel e SEE US FOR MORE leiue. &U-li5'7. w/1''Cl bar, pool 1 mi bc:h.. mo. lmmed. occupancy. WJPr.'TERarN'l'Al.3 . t-ln1ide /Outald1 Ample plltkina, encl. pr, drps.2car g~,Adlts.S400 1-:-,.,..-M,--:--""== A1.A .. R.,,..11l1 ... .64U38 Nt:\\t J ar. ~ aa. .. v.11Jk. to No rn~ ~ pell. im. Call m.m. Steps 10 Beach • Enll"rtalnment Areas • P\1 ou.Wde BBQ. 960-2907. ieue:. 675-3961 lalboll lllanct 3206 BRA."U> NEW d1Ji: duplex. beach • PoOl. t)'pl, teM1i mo. + dep~ 11unt. Beach. ROO-"tY 2 or 3 Br, 1 blk Lee tum Ocea. Yin' 2 Br Patk>e.. Ottpla.cc, omple ~M°".,=,."""v,.e~rd'•----;;3;;;1673"1 2 BR., ba ~ houR.. 3 Br, 2 bll, all bltna. lndry courU,_ Sec. ~· Avail 9tb-7Ul <lit .,_ O(.'ffll no Jdds/peb.. Air. apt.• ldea1 for, e»ople (JI' l clOlielll, * Puftin&. Pool i; '- P\'l bdm'.t"'Palio, comptty rm. cloled gar. W&lk to Jl).t Jil50 831-ltil or 49l-<Wi28 3 BR 2 ha CONOO oo El K~. 6~1'000 or n.2-0100. stnglu. "'25 '-\J& pd. lit Party Area. In an 2 BR., 2 bit. All <On· -~ lit bcb. Sll/:.ZJ..16th St. $333 L•k• F-ornt 3254 Niguel C.:OU Course, C01t11 Mew m4 & lW mo t-~anill& dep. ID com Par ab 1 e near-wnlenc6 fenced in patio. ~., ... ~':n_ -' ·mo. $150 sec. V.cant. Call -disbll1uher, aa.rbage dtsp, ~.!!~· PattilQ,n ,lor key. ~rylbt':' ~=-~ $m ,_lo,. ytariy. Jones • ~I 3207 Max oo Ray, 846-1311 ma. DEANE Garden borne, S bl', 2 car gar, $3.21 Ul-0074 eve. Q'IW""~ $225 · Rhf· &'JJ-6210 T\\'Osuptt 1ha.rp,3BR,2BA, 2 ha. lam nn, upgraded FOR lease Villa Pacific 2 Ambassodor Inn ·THE VENDOMD •HOME ATMOSPHERE OCE.\NFJibF.,,. Owmlna new cpts, d11>1, new paint crpl, dtia. Clbbse ~acil In-$lory, :.! Br Ir den. 2 Ba. OCEAN AND BAY V]liW lM5 Anaheim ~ O.::luxe 2 ~ 3 an. JWatf.J. Qfc. Gut 2 ha? hJn or Qllfurn. in I out. t2G5 & $285/mo. clud ~nnll. boa.Ung & frpl, dbl iar. $200. 494-ii638 BRAND NEW from 11,1n dedt. Steps lo Comer Center SL Co&ta Mua QS..M-.1,'C.Avt. 1i)6.W$L fnl). mo. )Tty kut. Avail ASk tor Be\' or Dale. NG a11.immmg. Phone ( 714 • aitcr 6 ot "-ee.keods. $34.SO & Up beach. OelWt:t; 3 bdr-2 bath. otUiXE' 2 BR.'2 fli: erpu, Ott. 7, dnl loc. 615-B11!2. lee:._~ lli"~nu. GOLF-U GUNA Ni GUEL SINGLE STUOIO APT :. '::'t ';:::"~~$35(! 1~ ftff The Beaten Path iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii drp&, bltJns. UC I ar • INcOn Illy 3214 4 BDRM. , ~ 1rp1 .. nl« Mou v ... .i. 3263 sm-2 BR 2 ba ("13) SPECIAL WEEKLY RAn:s app...,.te. m.mi ,.. .'1 11 -· · _ ON BEACH! l:~Jl<tl;~mo~-~N!o~~i..:w=-~1'4li0~~1 yrd., nr. aliop a; .• imme. oc-SUPER SllARP J bedroo Slt~l2 1714) 832-3272 2271 Harbor B!vd· AduJll N i::eu. BMcn S169 2int. Patio. % b1k. to u. •. cp'y. $29>.1702 Yuia>n. ()pen "~ A ail 0c"• " ~"'.· • • 3 BR. 2 Ba Cb>ta Costa Meaa ~r;."8<0 *STEPS TO OCE•N• · -0· :So peu:. Security de ........, Sal/Sun 1-S or Gra-4.569/ -· v ... .w. .......,, ~ * Luxurious shag carpets 2 BR Uni Fr ~ EWPORT · Avail Nov. 1. 6Tn>. n poat. 8A2-2671 "" ,.. • ...,.,-. "11>-ll51 .,.,., oew "-· ail bllna, $30 WE!k & UP Deluxe 2000 oq. n .. owner * Blt·lna Ind Olabwuher um. • -· PARK N , • Ag'I. pool., garage. 1265. 54>-52ro. apt. l br., 2 ba., de11, gar., * Lrg Pool k Gas BBQ'a l BR Ocelll Vlew $282 MENTS C•plstrlinolle•m 3211 NO Smog QUIET new "'"N rthach 3269 T-nhou .. Unfm 3525 •S6.50Nlflbtl<Up. .:;.;;irck, !rpL, dsh .. lhr.. IBDR>1$170. CeveredHeat-• ~. Sa· .. .!.::'an·~ APART scrubbed 3br Townboosc. wpo • Studio &-1 BR Apts. wuh/drv., abutters. Wint. 3 BDR~f Tcw.'fthou&e $250. ""' __.,,.,. " ....,_ lu.v LARGE f Bn.,. 3 BA, tam nn shag crptlng, pvt patio, BAYSIDE bach $1451$165 BRAND new TOWNHOUSE •*TV & Mi6d· SerYlce Avail . $33Cf_ &iHJn Gas & Waler Pd • Cara~ Recreation Rcom on tnw -r 1-...i;"".-.""' $400/mo. pooL $285 nlo. lse . 536-0687. i'ull ldlch lwn. util pd in Huntington Harbor, 2 BR. : SX'ud:e~~~t-~ $35-WK UP. 1 B<tt., 2 Ba. LA MANCHA APT.$. HUNTINGTON 1.uxl.IQ •partinenl llvlna ... • r496-i063 * CONDO 2 br .. ne1i." cloite LOVELY 2 Br. 2 tsa dplx th bet, frplc, ltont .I: back %f76 Newport mvd., CM & Bach. Color TV. maid ?'IS Sq>tt Pmce, CM. PACIFtC overlooking the wate-r. En-~rON del M..r 3222 to Hunt. 1-lbr., f!C· lac. $195 Near Hoag. bas gar. palio6. Pool, jacuni & 5fi.9Ta5 °' 66-3961 serv. pcJOI. THE MESA, 415 642-2001 joy $i3U,OUO health apa, 1 -Laun~. pvt. ~.;~~ill furn. CORNER house 2 Bl fl50. li3.Una. % blk shopping, walk 2 BR apt. ,.,......,...,.., ~•n""'"""• N. Ntt.'J>Ol'l BL. N . B . HACIENDA DE AIESA 711 OCEAN A\•e., H.B. .wim.nt.l.De "°°~.·.., 1' ~ledl $115 'lmL Pd 1 BDR, stv, 836-s.349 or~ Frplc, fhcd tor pel, in Hts lO beach. $350. Ca JI -.......... -----646-96.n. ln4) 536-1487 ~ COWU, -Mugi 0 -~drps, _patio M.--lficent Condition 4DJC 2 !k' -~~ 3 week da )' • 8 : l 0. 5 p\'t deck & entry. $170. 7XI ~~~------160 \V. Wlllon. ChL Ofc. open 10 &JHipm Daily Oi.qcle Ira.ill, lJUltllw, ahu£. $200 e liiai;lijl, 3 B"'R" 2 BA I f &inglH OK, !rq pel CIDl63f'rltm evea &: \o\'knds >~~h ,,.,§~· CM. llllcr 6 pm 2 BDR.1\1. 1 ba, steps lo BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS ~\"Jl..l.L<l.'l· v:ALTERS CO. LieOoard, mx.uet. Jtmlor 1'• ()f!Ulf. t CdM ' .' ge am rm. PRIVATE beach 2 Br d Ix <714}640-Ul6 ..,.,,.,.,... ba.Y I: ocean. F'rpjc. Patio, AdullJ -No Pets ·-from $224.50 monthly; a.l80 l • -~ frpl.' beamll, ~itp a:-::,;: ~· {;~~· $215. UUI pd, cp( 1:.· child p $2si.-ti10i1Ucello Twnhse. 3 EXTfu\ lge l & ,2 Br. $17.>. bbq. No pelL Yriy lse. $250. 10 minutei; to ocean. ~ l ~ ).bedroom plana and P"\J • • blk bch CdA.I · VIEW 3 Br, Sl'li>. ~e dttk lilt. 2BA. New cpts drps & $225. Redecorated, new 38th St.~ BR. S17S., Gu & \V,ter inc., LUXURY APTS lo-aocy town boll5n. Elt'C'· $215 • »ecluded & $3$-New 3 Br. 2 ba.. lg: Bute turn. Singlel fine •• paJnt. AR b.!l·ins. No pet: crpL Ideal for bachekn~ \VATERFRO!\'T 3 BR, firepl. Draperies, "'1 carpetS, g 8 5 • aic kitchen&. private·patiol unique 1 r hse, yd, deck, fncd yd, ""''/drJpes, 1st &: Al..A Rental1 642-8383 Ol\·n. Eve. &: wknds 6'13-4!126 adµlts. ll1J3 Oiurch ;,,is.9633 Du11lex. \\'lnlet or yrly. heat, gas stove, 3 i r Just belna completed, 1, 2, ur ba.h.:unJei, e&rpctm&, dra-~' 2 Ba,1rJ>lc, Jut ttnl, Adams/Beach F Dock avaU. 675-b169/774-43S4 ootlditlonirig, s w i m m i n I: &. 3 bedrooms. fireplaces. per1e». fM>tt:JTanean park-ltlld/pet-!ok area. appt ~591-Jl&l $175 1 BDR beach tuie, 11.mJ Duplexes urn 3550 1 BR, UUJ lnclcL Parl<lng pool, rec. room, washers some \\'Ith patkls o r u•co ,vlth e'tt:vators. Optional 4 , 2 BA.'~ ftpl, ~ yard, child/pet O"-space, adul~ only. $la'.I. mo. AP!' 1 -blOck from ' bMch, & dryers. balconies. GREAT LOCA· ,. lddl, pets •-e:lc.ome, Cd.'\! 4 BR. 2 be.. rea. Walk $225 OL\NNU front 2 Bdr, \Vll\'TER Oceanfront 3 Br, 644-4423 ocean view, l Br. $2'15. 1\'lo. 3 BR. 2 ba, lul'y crptd, TJON IN TI!E JJEACH F::~~d J:t"~:°~ NU-Vl~.W. RENTALS to schlJ, bch .& shopping. gar , boat slip avail Newport 2 Ba. i:nJ, Newport Beach. iE 2 Br turn. close to \V inter. 6ti-0268 beamed ceU liv rm w/bltn .AREA. Call 96().3221 or and San Joaquin Hills H.oad. 613=!qter ~. S315fmo. 963-3503 S2:"i0 2 BDR, trpl house, yard, &rl-9636 shopping. Adu.ltJ, no pets. S•n Clemente 3776 boohhelves + fpl, dsbwsbr, 83M133 ask for Ailene Gr Tdepbone (n4) &K-1000 CHIN A COVE 3 BR. 2 ba. garage, fncd patio, child/pet N. Hts. Duplexes Unfurn 3600 lnq. 179~1: Rochester, rear. dlsposall, bltn O\l"en &. range. Marlon. ror rt!ntal information ,.. yd. Pets & kkb OK. $255 $335 3 YDR, 2 Ba. frpl, patio, 1 BEDROOM Back Bay. FANTASTIC "'hitelol·ater Pvt patio, 1 car gar -,:::B=ED=R::.00_,-l-d~ei~,,,-,-.-Coo~~tlu ............................ ! m<>. Call 83S-80'73. gar. I hou.le ocdh NEW 2 BR in Capo Beach. Pool, Sl'i:J. 2455 Irvine. ~lgr. \'iew, btd pool, 2 BR. l w/storaa:e. t Yr o Id . Community alm~t ne"'" OCEANFRONT 3 Bit £: DEN, Cameo ,fllghlclt. . Pvt. heh. $5T:i ~g "or 415+:51-2960 2bt, 2be. .home. 2 lrplca, d/w. 2 car gar, & mare? South of Hlol')', ms per mo. CaH646~ Collect . nm, 2~' Ba, contemporary h9fiie. ft9.Uo, ga~ S.B-Q, pr, .J)ilf.:l qtm. ·Dlcyi. 644-MOO or SlH151/Eves, -· iiR, •2 "'1. 3 lrplc"s. $400 ,... ....... u.. Cali -· ~tH7-8583. - NE\\' SPANISH 3 br. 2 ba. rflJ-VIEW RENTALS Oen vu; prlv yd; trplc; Apt "A", 543-7416 BA. $285/mo inc water. 642-alll Bl '"• ' ho $21" <~ 4"" "'"" tns, re ... -o·• yoor own 2 Bil, ' ba, lw'n $400 WnLr. new dtps. I: shag cpl.5., 673-4030 or 494-l'J.Ja nr 1 pi;. · u • .uo-5107 EASTSlDE tge furn. 2 Br * · i»T'VtO• * or 968--4950 washer l. dryer, D\Y, pool S350 per mo. 89"Am . Apartments Furnished at poolside. Bltr\S. Adults, NICELY o!urn 2 &. 3 BR. 3 BR, 2 ba. fWly erptd, and clubhow.e. 2 Children .... ~iE'p25 iro·iate•g: .i BR 111 ba nev.·ly decor NE\VPORT BEAOI, truly no pets. $190. &12-9520 Oen vu. Y.'alk to bch & drps, beamed cclI )iv nn OK. $2'.!9. mo. Ask for Bev y,·/drps.' Nr 'Mall f.: &chlii: beautiful sellilli: -large B11lboa Island 3706 IBR Furn 135 ll•ln. $200-$2la/mo. 49"1·8460 Yi/bltn bookshelves + fpl. or D* 963--4567 • 2 Bit, 2 ba. WiDtet", '$23$ Bhone 89'1-'56&. 3BR, family room, poUShed s12i 2133 ·~e~· A1!:~~ Ap11rtments Unfurn. dshl\'Shr., disposal, bltn 2 Sl'ORY, 2 br .. condo., full io~~r-owi°L.er~ Irvine 324:4 Y~ ~ ~00 "!~'-NICELY fWTI bachelor. year 54S-3176. ~'·:r ~ra~f.tora~. Jf~; r°'st & clubr pri~~·· ~ab. 4 BR. Wll. house. Fan\. rm, Cole ol Newport Rlt:rs rowxl, 1 adh over 26. D•n11 Point 372' B•lbcN lal•nd 3806 old • Bst k>c. $'185/mG inc. ' or., n · · r · 2 bl. $550 lse or, lse/opl. * RENTALS * 67S.-l:iil 1 Nosiirnoker, no i.:tudent. $110 YEARLY. 2 Bdnns .. pri"a te "11.ter. 642-BOU or 968-4950 spe~.'g(2fa~· ~2~'°°~t. N5G, NEWPORT CREST 100, util pd. 213-.281-0365 BACHELOR. Clean. cable ...._nda. t -:..,.;. Villar-1 Univ Pk ------- -TV, ~1 mi to heh. SlOO Lanai; all eltt. _bl.tns., NEW 3 BDRM, 2 BATH Sat/Sun days. 2 BR. :l ba . ....u . ...,. ..- 2 BR., 1 bath ..... : ..... $315 ~G . Cape. ~ ~n Nl:.iVLY decorated delwce-inc ulll. ~11421 496--0195 garage. Broker 61-"•00 Spack>us house aize apta 11.'ilh 3 BLOCKS TO BE•CH 3 BR., 2 balhli .......... $350 quiel li_lreel m We5t~. Us-2b:. 11 :: ha. frplc. open gar, B IL--p I i enced ard. -1 dbl "' Villag~ 3. Uni\'. Pk. ed brick &: ba~ wlndo\o\·. ulil pd, Yrl~ le~. -$300 Huntintton iwch 3740 I a -eninsu II 3807 nrge f >' ...,t' c. 2· BR apt. ne1\'ly pablted, 3 BR., 71~ ha .•••••••• ,.1425 ·_I,~-· 3 ba.,)iGlXJ_ Month. _per nio. &~. Gi~-OCE!\NFRo·~ YEA gar' hil·.~· drpsoK' di!hallwashderl. new shag crpt, drps, !obi ~ BEAUT tum. apts $165 l.: , ''' R LY c w"'n or 8 LI t of claselli, garage. No pets. 3 BR., 21"1 be., bonus .... $450 _,_ BACHl:.LOR 2 rooms & bath, $175 Snani~h stvle bw'ldin' ,, 3BR, ~BA. fpl, crpts, dr~ bldg avail. No pets. ;tE· r-;o children. ~1711 Deane Hornes BLUFFS (.~, 3 Br, 2!:: no cooking, Util pd. Pruit-...... -J ... bltns· !BR fpl c~'" drp ~ ~"-n c•1 642 •= · pvt. e1 clcisetl gar, pool, • _ •. • ·r""'• !i, ""'a i;.......,,, • "· ~ • DOG n associa ted BRO K f '1 S -A£ tl.l l C"1-i ~ lCl~ W 8aln,,e •11 '•1J 4 BR., !am, 3 ba ....... $513 Ba. 11.i>lc, con11n. pool. i~. $1.55rno yrly Jse 67'"~7 sat ""· laundry, adlIB 17301 bltns, 67:r1536. CASA VICTORIA APTS '). : ~ . "'UN . The Terrace $400. Call Alary V 0 n alt 6 Keelson Lane I Llk West of YEARLY 2br, new ~t..~~ & Adults. I 2 " BR y.·/ patios !~C. 2 &' 3 lir. apt.· Cpt., •' Vista clel M15a 2 BR., 2 baths ........... $3iS Geldern, Hug Home s . Ba Ibo.I Peninsulll 3707 ~ · .' .:i ..-drjjl~ bltm.; clos.d"-'-pr. 3 BR .• 2 ba. •••••••. S400/42S ~ Be>.. GU Slater. 8-12·7848 ~ drps, ~love, retrig, F'rmn $169.50 No Pets • Frtom S1S5 to $2'l9 ,,.; block ADULT GARDEN HOAIES Greentree Homes 3 BR, 1•' """ rrnVdrps BA YFRONT FURN. large 1 Br $135 + c: gar, a ts, no pets, Pool, rec rm, elevators \Vest-'of Beach 842'...ro89 IRVINE AT MESA 2 BR 1 bath tt15 ·1 ...., -.. • ulil J blk fro bea h I $250, 673-6244. 673-82U Sec. gu1e. Gus & 1i.·u1cr pd _._ ' .t\ear Nev.1J(ll1: Blvd, Frwy • ........ .., stv. Married cpl. :..! ctu1dJ ~ Edgev.·•ter at Coronado. · m c • poo • 2 B 0 R 'I . 0 0 u-8 LE 525 Victoria, O-t. 6U-8970 WALK TO BEACH I & Irvine Indw;trial Coniplex Turtletock _ pet ok. SDl mo. 373 23rd 3 B e d r 0 0 m , 2 bath no children or pets. 201 10th " l. . 3 BR., 2 ba ..••..• $47;,w/gdnr Sl, NB (back Bay) tt-M:i-3J.~l fireplace. gar-Jge, laundry-, St. ~2746 GARAGE. !\ta.lure adullli. 1 FOUR SEASONS AP1'S 2.: & i ·.Br. l'rpt, <b'ps, 1 BR SU.. 2 BR $2J> Coll-e Park · .... h Logun• •-ach 37_..11 $250. 1537 11 i'tfirarnar. E\'es Snn .. k>us 2 st,,,..,. 2 Br. 1u ,'bltini~.a:ar. in 16th ~L· or Day & r\Jght Sel.'Urity, Pool ' ' ... -"V.'ESTCLIFF'" AREA prt\·ate ....,ac ' no pets, lop --.,....2740 ..--J r.> 200 lllll St HlIDt d J .~ "-· BI d -I BR., 2,s ba .•••••••••• $450 location, "'ttlk 10 shopping, .,,.,....~ Ba, p\!f. palk>, pool , conv. . 1 _ " 1~ on actru.i, • . ...a:. 1: · Park JI -J BRmed, 2 BA. iam.Ceilies Of library, $350. Also 3 Br, I BLK. lo Victoria Beach, OLDER 2 BR. YEARLY location. 1\o pets. $175. 'll5 &ti. 847·39'.>l y,·/Gyin,_. Billiatds, Color 3BR.,den,2ba •...•••• $415 Im_ OCt."llPY-ntury 1, 2BaS250. n -anvlew. 2BR, patio,~ inc· utils no child or Joann St 646-l<EO CHEZ ORO APrS TV. Ea. Apt. has 3 BR 2 baths $450 ~12'11 N I "•b' ~,, I I .._""' . '• ' 823-1 Atlanta dishw8.llhcr, teh'ig, shai: epl ., • .. •• ·•••• e son nu 1nson, Rltr n cc. Al utl. pd. inc. C'dble. pet. Ref's. 303 E. Bay f2U) & .• t' bal 4 BR., 21..!a 00. ••••••••••• $450 111E BLUFFS. 1 pot I es s, 200 Afain St, Balboa 61a.il120 No pets. Thro June 15. $300 439-7957/433-9175 1 Br Un!um $150 1.2 & 3 BR. Priv gar. pool Pv• pa 10 or COil)'. fil'.ARTER l BR dplx $ill.I. Garden ilomcs barely used; 4 BR., 3 ha., 2 BDRM shag cpl drps n10. 194-5408 01i.'ner 497-1711 YRLY 2 bdr. Stove. Nr. Lot1 of Wtins, pool, \\!8lk \V'llsher~ dryer. Cl~ I~ -• 545-48Sj • ' ~ple, no child or pet. 3 BR.1 2 ba .•••••••••••• $375 tam. borne, nr. pool. $560 carport,., washrm., "~ bik'. Agt. I.leach, shop!!. Adultsj no to shopping, 1is 1ni. beach. beach. 536--0336. f • NlCE 8f Jle\v bach 1175. , ~do Isle ~ Per mo. _&10-5560 Agent to bay or -bch. $250. mo. ll16 1 BLOCK TO Victor Hugo pets. $200. 6 7 s-4 7 2, 931 W. 19th St. 3 BLOCKS to-beach. 1rg 21.ir" PROMONTORY POINT ~I~, ~tri lor~~Ouw. J BR., 2 ~ • •· ·•" ••••. S!'i'.Xl TiiE BLUFFS spac. 4 Br., \Y. Balboa 613-4526. & Bch. 1 br. 1 ba. Close 613-1162. f>.'S.-0192 apt, J.'Old crpts, d r P s, APTS ·~ &ft 4 BR.Clt'L 552:7500· .$690 3 Ba t.'Ondo. N1· Jll?OI__. SriJDJO APT-:-Priv. beach, [ to dwnh~·n. Adult only,. no , 1 BLOCK to Bch, DML-ce LARGE '1 stol"V ?.lesa \tfnte 2 enclo5cd ~· lau~ tar. r.l Luxury Adult Apt1 ~p'Et.~$~~e.4-plx 1175 +<recn~Jt. Li;e, refs. $52.i non-amoker, $11~. mo. incld pets Avatl. 1011 $210 a 1110. l 2br, l !~ ba. trplc, Ask for .,, ~· _$195. Al~ .ipm ca1I 1''ro111 S3:"iO ' :ji;)ni. • VISION • 6-1<~82. utils. lsc. 497-1617 or 1>12~ Alary Ellen U~J.336. br, :.? ba, neu· cpts &-paint, 536-.J119 or 963-it!l 200 i>ro11wr1to1y Dr .• \\'e!it, ; ~e. ~}3· ~ e; $'150. 3 BR, 2 bll, Back Bay. Avail. 77!-9175 E t'FICIENCY Apt from $60. 21J..f62-327~ ~~;t ~otioSt!~ g~'-~1:.:~r: 2B~R, :~j, jGunto\•ll HB, Nt!\\'~ &ach. 67s-8000 I 11~-w -p:et or singles REALTY Oct. 1 to Mai:cb . 1. $31:i BAY VIJ.<;W, Beach, 1 Br v.~k 14th "-eek free). Pool, ON THE BAY, big Jux. apt. $173/nlO. Associated South "' 'r.;T""".t"¥ c e i li-n ~ s. t.l,xJelii. opt:n 9 to 6 BACK Bat if3 Br, 1% Ba Mo. wlth_gardener.•644-1001 $200. & $230., Ulil pd, ?\-1tud. Phone, Laundry ' wood beams, lrpt, patio. Coast Broken ~342.a : t 1C\:i''"S~. mo, ~i t t:;ANTli"TIC BA y FRONT "$300. stV/tef, Cli:D, 2 car, a red hill company WALK ~EACH 11icrfparking, adults. 303 E. Village Inn. 494-9436. 4 br. 2 ba. $550 6~Sn.9 e Tropical Pool e now Univ. Park Center, Irvine 3 BR.; $275/$375 yearly Edgewater (l l 871-2866 OC~FRON'I' l & 2 BR j 3 BR, 2 ba. frplc, ne\\', ~ 2 BR d bl E>.'TRA lrg 2 Br, 2 BA dlx 'Vl.t. VIC\V Ne~·port &;; Bi£. litUe,· iize &. pr.ice CaY\\·ood Realty 54!1r_l290 BA YFRONT 1 -BR, util pd, & 2 ~R STUDIO. Part. fw11. I ft to ocew1. \Vinter rental spiral' '-~!f~usi", • r e~lii poolside apt nr beach, 2'ari~l.\J2u s!::o~ctv~rfp =~t ', \fe got , em-Call UH 2 BR Cor>do , .•• $Z351_mo Lse BLUFFS Condo, J br.; Great SlS5 rno yr I)'_ No Av1ul. now! 536--032'1 $350. 67J.3T.>8 adults onl)', no pels. $16:>, ALA Rent11l1 642-8313 2 BR Condos ••••. $~ &: $27~ Local.. mini vu., S 5 5 0 chi 1 d re n Ip et s . 311 OCEANffiONT 1-2 BR & fireplace. refrtg, lge palk>, 536-8362 Terr. Pool. Se-c. Bldg. :l 3 Bft Condos ..... $265 & $21;, 644-260'1 Edge\\·ater. Upstairs. 2 Studk>ti. Part. turn. A\'ail ON TllE BAY·, big lux. apt. gas & y,·ater pd. 548-L16S $1.S.l l\IO 2 ht. 2 ha. P.a.ngl'. ~~ gll.t. Carey, 67~1, ~Q~, ~·pd1 Br, 3 Bft H.nnea • $300. $325, $335 now 536-0321 "'-ood beain¥. trpl., patio, 2 BR 1 Ba I n di.\' id u a I 0\.11, carpi. L Olild ok. No I f 1 • aca.nl, u • pet 3 BR Hmne-s _ $360,$315, $395 3BR, 2 ba, fm:d, Lido Sands, BALBOA INN · 4 br. 2 ba. S550 673-a719 house ne,,. shag ctpts, drps, peb. Call ~1~15, 2 & J UDR~l.S lle"·ly oaf. ". 4 BR Homes .• -.$335.$395, $425 Blk from heh. $42a. mo. POOL UTI.L PAID OCEANt'RONT 2 Br, !uni Coron• del Mir 3822 fncd. patio, I )'nt'd, beam det.'01111ed $250 & $350. mo. i ~ ~:. ~st: lite, k>ft. RAN* Cl551i ~.TY LRGCaJI 71B4-i·::~7998Co $100/:275 ~10. 675-8740 ga~~.ig!1'P~ ~~:io 4Si~31801&1 BLK •-2 Br ~~: D!rpElkd., garA. Ad5.17uJ1s.,!1_00. L .. un11 IHcl\ 31.Q !:~ •~-" 1241~ 45th St. 8<;"1 8UNCALO\V, a in g I e 1, . ·-"" u.u.it Ollo, part. \\'INTER brand new upper ..... · u•...-.;io~ • -w ocean, upper • Qt'I e11 \'e. -.,lUJ. WIDE ocean \iews. ~ OCJ'l"""U>o.IO .,.,tween ""a families, 2 Br, $190, gar, ~~TY furn.med, children100 430 p et s. unit. 3 Doon; to bch. 3 Br, 1 Newport Be11ch 3769 trpl1. patio • .,,.beam!;,-.n ~t LARGE 1 BR, trpl, cpb;, tG beach .i shopping. Acres ~days, or 87:Hl63l \\1tndl, • '1nc::d for k'ids. TUSTIN REALTY Im . occ~p .. a.;.-1 . ha. $300. (213> 695-4791. f:.ri_~ a . .,.....,....._,,.. drps, \\'alk-in closet, encl. of gardens, estate living. 61.r:r.sl a.nyU1nc. "°""9finder1 * '42·'900 * ... 51u * Newport Shorei 3272 3 BR, 2 oo. !rplc, new, 200 VIEW gar. All util pd. 1 adult, 'Pool & 1pa. Un u s ua 1 NEWPORT TOWERS o.>V 2 s.-.. newty dec'd., gar., \VANTED-Qu.ict bachelor for no pets $190 Yrl 645-4-tll rl Se OiNEJtS Unit, in lrlp1ex, WE HAVE RENTALS ft. to 0t.-ean. Yrly, $350. 100' to beach. \Vntr. $300, · · Y . P vaey. parate guest ON THE BAY · fJoo 2 B 2 Ba * ENJOY the Ocean (steps 673-3758 yl'ly. $3aO 548-1607 unique lbr apt. "'/ltplc, SllO. 1 BR duplex. Quiet house. 2 bdrm. Dish\vaa,her, l 2 Bil., 2 bA., 1w11. Slip avail. H-••te'' or .,~ Br, :i As y,:eli a1 a fine selection away), tenrili>. Olymp. pool YEARLY 3 h. Cl """ son1e ocean vu, $200 per court. N o n . s m 0 k e rs , dual oven!!. Al!tO huge 2 Br. $500 ~1oi vrl" lsc uuu ·"" of beautifuJ homes FOR & all Newport Shores 1. ean. ~ PLUSH 'Ck •anfront Apart-mo, ulil incld. 613--0797 . ·ed i No 2 Be apts Hi"h ·r J 3 • ~. 'eJ'Ctti'ic door opener, SALE! Let us solve your priva's. in 3 br: 2 ba. d1x. yds. frn1 bay '!nd ~· nlfnla. 3, 4 &: 5 Bdrm's. \VANTvn.r1 .. iet ba.chelor for marr1 coupe. Jtebl or -"b ce1 ings, 646-83 lti 6'12-$931 'driv 'petio: Iota of storage, houalng nef:di_ We're be-dplx., for onlv -~.a mo. $275. mo. 67l-9045 673-6055. \\1est Newport. Yearly. 6T;r ...... .,.... children 9'l2 W. l 7th, 548-0358 fOrmaJ dining rooni, fi~-ELE\'.ATOR building Gll t ')teat ¥1 shopping. 306 to serve ""'"'! ... on yrly. lse. &b-357J NEAR ocean 2 Br, S235. mo. 1404. unique lbr apt. \.\'/frpk:, * EUI GARDEN APfS phi.ti ~ ~;;.niany .~er anleni-bcttclL Pvt 00loon1es Pool ~er/ Avail ll/1174, JWY some ocean vu, $203 per Unfum. 2 BR apt in family n:~. to ~. mo. in· st•cw•t adult l"ving 'bill • i'l75. mo, Adults No pets, BOB PETTIT YEARLY 3 Br, 2 Ba, drps, incl. uUI. No pets. 507 E. \\t1LL sublet n1y lovely one 1no, util incld. 673--0797 secUan. PooL no ;pets._ 177 eluding utiUUe11. 1\ov.' deco-Bach.' ~·.2 BR. 1 5:5W' ru.:: ,err 1 tired pl REA,L.TOR cfl>(.I, lrpl, 2 car gar. Bltns. _Balboa Blvd,~ bdrm view apt Park ROOMY 2/3 B 1 blk E ~ rating, chok-e of l'Olors & A,·c &tl-2J66 1Mth~1!'. ~1264. coo e UF .. 1 t w 1 estP""kBank"'"~ldg1000. Club.,~c~;~~ blks b1.:h. $350. ENBRJOYS 250 au year baylront I ~e\\10 -po30rt. 644-2535. 8-11 a.m. no kids/pets~' !\lr. = $27.S 3BRSt.2•1;-~~--~3G45!rp-.I ~ .... ~~ ~ta I urc adults. ' Vl:~E"= .. ~. ----n vers ty ar ~ mo. V'tU"""o.rtV • • mo. Adults. No _ ..-: _ p.m. 61rr.IOO or fai.-0100. · • 1 1.111, a-c. ..~. ~•Y R ·le~ exec. S Br, 21JI DAY or NITE DUPLEX J br. 2 ba., f:rpl., pet.I;, 926 E. Balboa 67.:>-4533 YEARLY I I 3 ----b1··· In F'rlg. Ocean \'ie\\'. ........... _____ 2 Dr .. newly dec'd., pr., .....ru .. pa"~~nc~n y~e5 LARGE Well decorated 4 etc 1 " l,,~~k. ocean. $325 mo.· BAYFRONT bachelor. Enjoy br. 2 '~~w ·a:i .. u.~ID, N{Cfl !~a~j:1e$250.v~~o~~ ~~s~';fsm,~~ictoria, To OCEANFRONT -~~; .. t~bcf:t~ioo~ntr. S?AXJ. in;,r;i:-it6ii( Industrial com· BR, 2 ~~ ba T\VNHSE in yr Y. v-u-~I . a ll year. Ad u.Its. No pets. handcar.•1.'<1 furn. dshwshr., mo. 646--9:!09 2BR. 2KA. }'t!arly lea&e. 1 )>lex:. Call M. Reed, University Park. Cpf:S/drps, Slln Clemente • 3276 9'26 E. B;ilboa. 615-4533 nr. oce1H1 675-5085 ROOMY 2 or 3 Br, 1 blk APT AfGR (or 1,1-2 Pr, ltin. Set.'Ul'ity. 1 Pl•i\·ate beach. \'EAltL\' 2 b I'. nu , "50f..-4660i 2 trplc, cent~! air, inc use ---BAYFRONT 2 br apt. Pvt OCEANFRONT winter rerr dutie!f. $80. off rent: Pool, Pool. Lounge. Grune room. cpts/paint, 11.'lr/g;u·b. pd., ~''AN 'tE 0 : Re 11 ab 1 e, o~I, teruns crts & parks. DELUXE 2 Br, den, 3 Ba, heh, gar. Fully furn. Util tal, large 1, 2 & 3 BR. ~~· 6;~~~~1-0~· =~~~n'.1°sr~p~~er older !\lature adults, no pets. $~~ ~'i~~·· 1st & last. ~-&l:nO~ oouple 1 or $ 1110· 552-8490. 4 car aar. golf cori, ocean pd. $300 \Vlnter. 6T'"a..£47j, (714J615-4688 or 521-0988 La&una Lido Apt&. ck!an 2 tiedrmbome,crptg, NEW 4 BR. 2 BA. cpt&, view,frplc,bl~.f325.mo.8ACHELOR yearlf $125. YRLY 2 b l hse t heh UPPER Duplex, 2 br .. 1 LARGE !Br, clos!! to 31i:i5Coo.st Hwy.,So.l.aguna YEt\RLY 2 Br. 2 Ba, $tcn•e, ,.big. atl&ch '"'"'• d~, College ~ark home. 494-%.'139 t "· J inclds utU-g8r, Ocean view, $225 Yrt rL 3 b 0 2 ha. bas.,.:": a:ar1 ~1!'1ul41ts4•1 no0 dogs\ , schl!r;/shopping, b 1 tin s , £4! Newport Shores. 2 blks _. $425 mo 66-8916 0 Y ux r. ' _, b .,..., w , 1 ah la <'pt s /d rps. $150 nw. l·BDru.i. Xlil1· North end loc. oc-ean. S260. MS-8912 or S'lOO./mo. ~ 547-5841:. , r S J 613-2145 furn Gr unfurn. 675-5085 .2 BR. t ba. ,.....,t/drps stv i ~18--!M55. ' U•alk to town &. beach. 6i5-:«JOO ~T,_....,-1,·v••·. -main'•Pool, ,Y In "11" 3 BDR'f." 2 "·. w•shcr, ·~v . t ' BR 2 BA _, ' p led all • be ~""=-~-~~~-r.1"31: "• '"' .. ...._,, Park r-Isl 1no 3278 1' D<J ,,.,.., ~·in er ' -~!;~~·t loc. $230, Yearlu. 3-BR. t•,•,-'b&, lf-"ng ,~, ane "" 5 a.: amed EASI'BLUFF. Stwuung· 2 Br, 1 lge paUo/,,dbl closed gar. 4 BR \.1.1 ege . Honle. -P r dryer. i\lontl1ly, "·inter or $375. Also 3 BR, 2 Ba $335. ......,.---........., J . v• nn ttll"' w/w carp. &: dl'apet; •r citls ihpg .. _ '""' New $380. Pvt pool pnvgs. Nr. .,...arl" G'l5--0320 1,', blk to ocean. 675--8038 · dtnlni; rm. )'latlo, trplc, s•-· • ......... Ml'W'I p 2 Ba studio. Fr p I c. ·~ ·Ii • "" '"J' park &. 1ehool A\'ail now 1'--0R Rent, ne\v 4br, country J -J• Cost1 Mes.a 3824 cpt/drps. sundeck. gar, no w•e « • .,.u,g . ........, er 1Ciorgerow bay vle\v. Adults. <I::~:· 3 Ba. $350. TIS.0101 or eve fH0.1538 . at n1 o 8 phere. l'Ccreation 2 BR. LGE KI t ch e,n, OCEANFRONT APT. 1 br. pets, appt. 963-&120. month, incl all util. ' i"u peb. $320. 64tHIJ49 ~-L Be 3248 avail, yrd care & water Ba lcony, nr beach, shops. Wl~l~r ~ntul. $100 per n10. _1 BDH.i\f .apt, patio, <'lo~e LARGE 3 an, 2 Ba, crpf,;, f.flSSIO~REALTY .ro.&-Onl 2 Bi·, T~nhouse, Park l8R lloule w f e: a rage, •gun1 llCh Juri{. $32J, Don , Simpkin Utll lncld) $250. rno. 642-3519 utils. incld . 548-193ll to shopping. No pl' ts. drpfl, bit~; StSO. 7 8 1 To\VNHOUSE new 2 bi\ Lido area, b·plc, pool, newly Kl*Ciotl•. charming, quiet SUiO U'I1L pd. lge bacb full Realty 496-5101 or ~93-¥40 You don't neetl a gun to OCEANFRONT, best bee.ch, Mature .adull _?r cpl. $175. ·Shullmar, &il'"'5932 Gr ocean vie\v, walk to beach, .det.'Orat1.'<1, $285. mo. lse, .em~ed ·couple,, only, no kiH:h fndcd yd pet or child owner "Draw Fast" when you 3 br .. laundry., Wint. $300 All utll. me. &V--0991 645-4512 l!un. rm., wtbar.. cpts., 540-1266 or 644-5591 ~~t.I. $195. 64-1885 <1r v.·elcOme ~n 3 BR. Frplc, Brick. patio, place an ad in the DAILY yrlv $500 6"2-J837 aft. 6 pm. 2 BR. 1 ba. riewly decor. rlrps., frpl, tUe patios. $400. '1~7Ul 1585 Tustin Ave S175 Nic:E 1 Bdr in town, 2 car gar, nr beach & PILOT Want Ads! Call now 0CE NFRONT !5 hr 2ba. No child/pets. $3l> per mo. EM'TSIDE"C.lU. ~ tlu-l!M, 296 \Vave St., 847-48n BAYFRONT 3 Br, 2 Ba on mg¢'.{ tir .. 2 tit., + photo patio, carport + storage = $325,. mo. · ~. -M2--5678. frpl~ patio, winter . rentai 543-4691. 317 C.abrillo. ~ex l ~p1 bric~l, Cpfs~ ~ Bl,t --2 ba, frplc, OCEAN , m1f9.J.5~~10lx!h, w/pier 1 "illiii1l:;i~'d. patio, scp. $195 1 BDR No. End, big Classified Ad!i ...... 642--3678. $37j a nio. n4-4!H-790l ? BR DPLX d!U On! adul~t. Utl pe""t' ,, .... ~M!rr:'· 1 VIE\V., walk lG bl!a .. h $300 LIDO Wk8h ~ 00.t \V. 19th lncd yard, child/pet SPAct0US 4 Br, Z be. cpts. ~ ' 8 y,~no ' no. 1' .....-~ -2 SR 1 ha. VIE\V:-"'" .... 'alk Bayfront, lrg 3 Br, 51 ~ $250 2 BDR / 'ty vi •. · pel~ $21.0. + s75. ttll.ltld D11n11 PoM\t· 3826 to beaM $255 .mt ;r,:o,, 2 Ba. "'Iii furn, $550.010. ' ~ ~ ; , . ocean c1 ew ~pea. bltinL dbl glr. 1285 sec. &. clg dep. 646-4389 ~ ~ b"13-8S8G '3 R.. u•!IC familu rm. Jf-1 npt. Bltn.'i, garage n10. Call 645-3222 SEEK & FIND• ~ado'tionalJewellery -mR Ocean Vu frplc.' blk 7.==-:-..,--~-=--,~ ~ • , 2 ' vi II" S17{}-2br, 1 1,~ ba. pv poUo. 2 BR ocean ""' townbo11~<> • • .. s UNE'URN A 2 J , , double gar, $29:>. $275 BDR, lrp., ocean cw, 2 BR fi'p,,.I i! uni t sm .. hlld ok. no ·pe,., ~ has e•-~tlo•·~ .. ~ol'd~e n bch. ,..M,. g, stove. r-·tature • · pts, Br, 2 Ba l ' • Santa l sabPI, child/pet So. Laguna . ··re·,,..<: , cusom ... ·-.... J • .., ... couple N-" k \\"eslclifl area, small pet '\f.t~'gf·546-79-lj $315 2 BDR, trp_lc, h'onl Xlnur. S:l75. Leave-,nteSSttge C E C A N B RA P L I D 8 E O p L E N Joanne St. 545-3621 6.t 3. ~ntem to zt812 La, PfZ, $2.lu ~Imo ers, refs OK, call &Ji.-2152; 64S.SOOO, 1-;...t:;.:. -house, bltna, yard, patio 49&-l!75; -193-ll~ UPPER 2 BR, cpt/drp rnge , unfurn. Adults .. 49f;.:51.01 . . . DUPLEX 2br "f J Br, 2 1Ba. bltin11, crpt. $<100 UTIL pd. 3 Bdr, 2 Ba Hi•• Furn/Onfurn 3300 A A T 8 £ L E T E C A N E C K L A C E family only, no pets'. $150'.: Eist;bluff 3130 2 Br1 1 Ba, Oceanv1e~. blllns , , lba, garage, . ~ifil~ gar. lrg Ief)(_'ed frpl , beams, 60' deck M B R 0 C H P F C H E C C A A 0 R H C fall D Shallmar .• 54S-0358 deck, walk to bea~-r.!85. = o~s.M..'-W~e(f, $290. / • . wator !'!'· fireplace tf50 NEW. cusl4)m trllevet * * * * e DELUXE e ·, mo. "*2339 ~~""'"='"""7"'~~1 ' ~lands, 613-4838 3 Btlr, 2 Ba, frpl, view! Ch I .. Eli' A C A r F E G F T C r B ff L O C 0 A K QUIET secluded 2 Br, 2 Ba, 3 Sit, 2\la BA f --= 1 ' L119vn• Hills 3850 OCEANVIE\V 3' br., 3 ba.., t:AS1'5mE.' :Jlw'p, clean, 3 NU-VIEW RENTALS arts I bl1111, crpls. Pool, gar. lncld apt .Cf :· ==-"'-;.,,;;;;.;:_ _ _::= condo., wtbar./ frpl .. $$7!1 I 8R. 2 Iii\. rain rm, (pk:, ......, .. ,.,,nor 494-32.48 187 E . 21st St. 0 L D I A D N 8 0 T 1. adlts, no pets. 316 <v. Bay din apnc.blmaster , le, ciJTE 1 BR opt with ...... i... 9G-1C$1 I dble ~·. ....e... n10. "~11 ui...........w . Cost1 "-•• · STUN~ING 2 BR, 2 rm &: d praee.· Auto -•= .,.,~ _.,, •-..,... ~ QCE •'MVIEIV 1 b ,, '""' ,, & 'door opene?" a\'lill Pool '-"" ~.a.cw. OCEAN view, yeai:fy 2 Br, ,540-1151 1 Hor!tagt Jt.ulton. ''"', . r:. w,,g, Yoo are the wtnntr Of gnrden apt. Pool. rec rm1 Recreation area.' Adul~ 61 alt 6 ot Y.1tnds l Ba duple.-<, $275. mo. ltudki area. Swg. per-:in, 2 Ucktts to the lt C T T I T R 1 A L E T A H C $190 710 W 18th St C M ~ 644-6780 d &42-3639 I ~ fbr, 2baP.abulgl .s~,roi •· o"'. no pct1. $200 Incl. utila. RMreetlen Vthlcle . . • ·• . only, no pela. -LllfU"ll Ni9uel 3852 ' 81!· eve, 8311"2U1B i ' ·~~7986 ·& ao.1 •how A K ' B L c R Ar L I E ET p H A 2 BR ~~'t· ""i~ only, no • $322 • A MERRY Cl!RISTMAS ORLEANS CONDO. 2 br. 2 • a er. JI~ Ba Twnhse, kkl• 3g~~e~ ~.ea~e~~ YS~~: at tb~ T.E O a OE a Ur LC RE Ao A ~~·& cigdJ. ~und . 865 1~1:'~Ya6': NB Ftet rent mo. of Dec. Good ~~1::·,m~~'. ~~gar. 1 1-~ ~~ "'28$. lease ont\on 491·1001/524-0177 An1he~"\ St~lium R 8 t A A O B L It A M 2 BR. cp~ d~d fenced )'d. \VlLLJAl\f Wj\.L.TERS CO :r Jr w~:~be~ip T::~I~ 4 .BR .. 2 ha.; cllJlt, drpa, · • ed 3 bd SPACIOUS Laguna home. Plea1e cen ~~sin. CJtt 333 0 A. I L N a a I P E R ~~~~ • no pcti. Huntington Beaclt 3140 S:•J.140· pe.-n10. No !em. r=.' ~6~· Yearly \ • ~ deoorat r. lovel1 arwnd11, l. Br. $3CKI. to claim your tlckels. , ' New Irr dlx view 21:3 bdrm. """'°-,,""""'-:;-""':-=,-I Abololutely DO Pets-$250. mo. AgL ~ 960--1701 North Coun~oll fn~ I 0 p U N· I G 0 A G C 0 C I E>..'TRA Lrg deluxe 2 Br apts, 2 BR lnrge, pr, cpts/drPI, P.i bA. 2 pools, central rur SJ1>S. lo bch. 2 Bit, utll's ....... !'fr. 'YMCA. 67).-802.I 1 SO ,_,, """'tt. dr.pt:, bltim, No pet.a, convent.nt loc~$145. Non.ta. --"' lpl --i"' .... -t Dr J>t1. Son 'Wlr, nmv .... int. ~~ L•1ll.n• Hll • ' 32 number'h ~~ N B II( I L-g A • 0 c I p A A E o. iioo. <i-)181 Cali .... .,,.. 968-07U-'= -~N, . -· =~· . "l!riy ... $35(!. S48-1630 ';ii 6. JAS'.l'o.o.M., S Dr, l!S-:i * * "" (OU Clom V•iley Plcwy). I :=~-.-,=.....---""'"'h-1 fOlll. f'f"','I W' & '!!I>''" 38R ll1A >•tr @ta. di-ps 'JI' -g A R I N L A R O T C B p T I R L NM LARGE 3 Br. 2 Ba. n<ar IJlO, 2 BR, single 1tory, cpts. <n41400-1160 office. U no NeWpori Sllorft 3tti l ~ Of6:01•1 $280. mo. ~ 0 ; Condos Fum 1 )IOO OCC. 11pper:, crplS. drps, drp&, RJO, nrt pets, closed an.~r 4!-lGZ. , 111A1kJ. Br frplc, beam 89W.m P I 8 U L L 0 C A B C 0 0 D I 8 0 P R blfna 12"(l. 5"1--03:>0 garaae. 961-4522 • Tui. BEACH TENNIS GOLF DUPLEX 3 be. 2 ba., 2 , dJlp, pai!O:'"ilimiiJCOiiPl• L .,. flt.uet 3252 bAGUNA-NIGUE!r'J-BR 2 fi'STSID~ 2 Br, op~.-, 'LGE-1-BR; 3'tl>lki ~m .per........_No-1.. lrpi~, 2 Ji!!\io1r-~ibwshtr.. only. No pell. $2()0. SQ..1960 119" ;i . ba ovcrlOOldng beautiful goU IMiroctiO!b: Th• 11"'-w 1111:111 WllW ~·ror-.t gar, rclrlg, pool. $18S. ~tin. UU( pd. Stovt A new lrg dl"< vie.w 2&3 bdnn., lDllt. to beach. $l2S a mo. D ",.~ . 3226 3 ~R \ f d rd t'OUnt, qmi~. tcnnl1 '*'""""· .,, .,.., « ,._...1 lit._,...... AM .-di Adu1ts 673--0TJL refrl&. $J.9j, mo,;&1l-$950. -2~ Ba .. -' poo(j, central . +\Ulla. Yr. lae. 213-341·1~ 1 an .... nt ·• tnce YB '&ats.ge, beech all taellitk!i, fully JiMdHAMMllldMxllblluillowa: . -..i.=....;..---· --. al11 cond. tpl 2382-l San Clem•' 3176 , " ava.U 0Ct. l. $3151 Jea.se cqu!pped Water & ptd(!n AGRA PFfl CHATELAIN\'l POB 2 Br. 2 B3 $225., gas & 2 BR, 2 BJ\, $155. lllO. l7381 lUllhur1t ~ <Ott CJ'OWh · n e . I BU\JTU"UL. Home:, n r . optlo" .f!l54592/SU.C T1 Clil'C incl for 2ti1Cioul A BRACELET DIADEM tOCK!t ; \\.'8~r pct 114 E. 20th. Adult KolOOa, H.B. No peU. Valley Pkwy'.) 2 clilldttn FANTASTIC \\111tey.·ater 1 Dul llb Sch., ftpl;• dtck, PACESETTER flome 4 Br, happy llvinl $300. P)M:lne 8ROOCll EARRING NRCKLACI No pets. 5'8--01,37, ~. 961).1!!91 sm P.et conddertd, • (714l \'ie"'• hid pOOI. 2 BR, 1 BA. I ...... J Wa cpt f· $295 2 Ba. patfo. fncd yd. Love!)' OWDl!I' ~ CAMEO t'tBULA PICTORAL -2 BEDROOM 1 BR apt. gu It fttft: pd, '495-:-17GO omoe, u llO if'liWW • 493--0U7 • ..... __.1241 'YQ. can an 9, 8.'1· PALM SPftlNOS 2 Br 2 T-.mr. HMt• , .. ,. "A'" ; $1~ ~ll&kle G,-M. 0111\1. $150. ml), Cle.n! -.1&:;1&.... JBR, b, blllnl. cpu/dr'lpea, Don't &(vf ur, tllfl atUp! Ba, pools. tenn~ sauM... To OfdC"r ast)' or all of tl'lt t.-;pandtd '"Sttk .a.~Find"' boukt, 642.-8023 ~ts. no petJ. Ml..,.:._s ~=B;r=.=2;;:..,na.=--Condo~~ . ..:::Ool=t ~ =h~~1 Multi'-lmmed poH. "U.t" ft ln c aNlriM. Ship J11<.11;aia. Wttknd, wkly, numbin 1 thruusJ• 7, •nd 60 ctnti ro.-txh. makint thttb lfTIL'S pd, Sml l BR $153, 2 BDRM, ll» Ba. bltnl, ~. Count view, all extraa, 2 thtm Into "Cub" .•. RU C.Sf.$228 ' ID·9370. lo S1M;Jre Rl8u.llJI &G-5878. monthlJ'. (213)~7..()2)9 or :.1•ble to ''SHk & Find ," S11t•Tdqram Syndl"u1t. Mdm1 Nr So. ~st Ptua. &UoO«ll tP!i, drpa, be)oon,y. OQaed car Pl\ Call 8'l'9--lll>I 9am ~ thl"\I a Dally Pilot I dUIJnst ••....... SU.r.671 QaM1116d Ads .•. : .. 6-Ji.$78, 131-iSlO nm In Clfe or th~ ntWlplptr. . AdllJ, 00 pell ll"AJ'. No pets. 536-291.. lo ltpm, l79-t2IJ.I cla1l1Ded ad! I ) I ' • ·' a . 1, ,, ~· • -----F•ld.,, Stplflnb" 27, 1974 DAILY PILCT U 7 Apul..;.,, U:!l~m. !t''",. ,.,,to·,,..-;,.' ·.;., at;, .... R•ntel 4450 8u1ln1n Wonted 5010 Loll & Found 5300 C•mtnl/Concnt• 6019 Plumbing 71 Htlp W•nl • M& 1100 Htlp F 7 Iii r$0Cnt:~,.L . 5 •I ri lfJ f ·am a Cal-St4te tlni~ SHOPS suitable for YOlJNO P.fa.n wonts to buy rouND: Orange cat, m11.lc CUSTOl\I Concrete \Vork. L..R. OTIS PLVMBlNC _,.,n .,. ''3118 LotlO Beach 5lud>nt l I lloODtor.,: Melli Sculptor, G'"'1itlitti Rootc In COM •••arl"lf blue co If• r Remove, replace & ,.wing. Reot-ll & n.f)lln. WHter DELIYERY-SUNDA Y ONLY . 1--"-.,...-'----r-woil< tor tlle' Qelly PUot ~qua.riuin Store. located ln or NB atta. 6M·1687 w11101~ le belt. Cat Grlev-Replace a11phalt drive« Iii heat~-•. dl1ima.11, tum11cn, OF DAILY P ILOT TO CARRIENJN.bi~ P25 TPWNlfOUS:: 2 Ohr., ln Laguno Beach looking The rirall al TH E Mort Truat bMCla SOlS ilia: 548-7281 Save P.loner Now! 6t5-8512 d1h'A'hht11 &12-6263 MIC &: "°' 1 ~pool, bllna. w/ .. l)'lt., 111111. !or • <'001 r.!."' ocar hn• F'Ae"l'ORY,--05 30th, N.B. --• LOST male kltton, 4 mos. CEMENT A Block Worit B/A Compltle Plwnbini TORO, MISSION VIEJO-LAGUN ' 0 L pd. C&Lltves: 8»-$138 .. mcdlate tu u.re, ~'1,1.lfng to 6'J3..960611·5 LOANS UP TO IO% Part Slanu·-~ \vhllc long \Valls.. patkM>, sidewalk& Ser\'ii..-e Uc.~ AREA. REQU IRES THE USE OF NiLARGE! se.J a..cft ..J114 ~ up to S.¥,5 IJlO. 4M-Ot42. OR., R.C:altor, Antique Pealer, hair. a a leer ·Fat r v J ew etc. By hr. or Job. 646-6915 Save on Plumbim.g Repairs. STATION WAGON OR VAN. CONTAC'r MR. 1--------~-;-' PARK NEWPORT &\/exc, uomo & s"'1"'"· ,.,,R lst TD Loans "'""'23 CUsi'oMCEMENTwoRK , • .,. '"· cu.r . UARRYSEELY,330\VESTBAYSTR EET, LRC. lBR tb& + J1l!ll pr., will share 2 Sr, % Ba,· turn & den, 28A. An1ple parking. • FOUND: ht.nli· Aus1ralian PATIOS. DRIVES, \VAL.KS \\.'Orktna.nship, \\·at~r inalns, COSTA '1.ESA TELEPHONE ••• '321 FOR J,, blkt to~ ,bch. J.V,O P1o. "Pl. prefer F. $25 \\.'k or Prinu! loca.tlon. Fa.lrvlew & 2 d JD L Sht-ph('l'd 9/20. Call G-16--llSH Call Don 642---8514 !.ij>iP 1080 111g, timl 'job.11 "·elconJ(! APPOINTMENT. VU""I 213'592-5511/nl·~ • . ''" tor lite cleaning, Alter Wlllion, -alt. 5. n oa ns """ 3 pm. ·- Apfl· Furn/Unfum 3900 4 pin or wk.Uch ~42 • C.~f. S(oreh'ont &: O!tlcc + 1'~UND Co!Lie, 111ale. Tt-1· ~.~w:.'eno~r "~~~!c cat~:f ~ys PL'ul\1BJNG SERVICE An Equal Opportunity Emptoyer FEMALE \\'.ltbtjob & tilabili~ 15()0 ii(J ((fenced area. Totul low•st retes Or1n9• Co. t'Olor. Flea color. About 2 estimate &140687. Repalrs-lnstllllullons -i ~ ~ r CHOICI' lyl hto401hare I beft;1tl.. t.'Ondoi zr.:i0 ft~ llcavy foot tntftlc, S•ttler Mtg. Co. yrs. old H.B. 89441334. C?ntractor 6021 24 hr. :servic<:' 54s..8638 Hep Wanted, M&F 7100 _H;;';;;lp;;;;;W;;1;;;n;;t;;;ed;;;';;;Mi;;";;':1'';;;';oo;i1 LAKE 'F!lONT C w~ yr, '"!1°'!'!' mon' c=r. fWG.-OOOl; 646-!2'G 642·2171 545-0411 Found -Alghen Roofing 6082 B AB Y SI T TF.R-RelinWe • 1 LOCATIONS • Mi-9J33.0 · ~na area. CORONA DEL ~AR &!rYlni' Harbor a.t'l'!a 24 yrs. M&-9m GER\VICK & Son, Bldg Contr. rnu ture. 2 chikb'('n. 12 10 Conventloner Loan VERSA' LLB' YOU"G Smo.Jl ~atlo Khop/o ffice for l'"SOO I l 1 TD 1 """'if. LOS'!' LARG~. BJ• .. k lotog· A.<ld renlOd. St.,.llc Bl·ll4321 REPAIRS. all ~dypes.klleas. 5:30 J\1011 thru Fri. 011 0 Procei sint Clerk , '" man to share; 1 Ue 100 49T-1215 ""'• s · · ti .7.0:>" ... n ,_ ., 3 0011 MS--21iv F't·ee e111. L1c . ~ for tiiuu; Non·smokei· Ilcf:.; & , ___ •· houst'J \Vith san\e near ~ · ' -30 yrs. \VUI sell for $27,720 h<1iJ"ed cnl. Vic : \V11rnf!r & 1 vi . -• \\'nit. S3G-5roO anytin\c Ci\I &t5--4l.IG . 1-2~19~4 · Do11'11('y &/-Vh1ts UJ<.U• nt1S ON TIIE 1.hKE t \Vllrner &: Bol~a Chica Hi IJW!l'•!r.f•! R•ntel '500 Ron \Valier (7141 870-W00 l\fagnOl\a. 847-9919 aft :> pn1. Electrical 6031 Tiie 6091 B;~YSIT/~L;~.._,;) ·" :• ;u: ~k."~~1~1.~;:,io~/i'.:~ ~ · At S. utb. =Pliza. J, _B. 846--598l' aft"7')fnf ~ F · ' Annouricements 5100 FoUND~ Ouschund-·-bt'01\~n. ELECTRICL\N * o I d l 1 : :1 o a n1 ·w c e k d a y i; ct'.s.\'in~ Uackgro(init 'helpf'IJI. n.v..1 "-ca""llf"" Aq\1\l, Jtt:.• ri£LE-to l""'re 111~?. . ., NOW Ll.ASING mature ~1urd,y Pa r-k, J -'-"''' Jo"·. Servi""' 1'1ASONRY oil kinds. Special Brd0ld1uti;1 & t\!ltu11..,, 1r.n: I Prt'fernt1J,· ro_'l .... r. l.n pro. '"I: J~cilizt."'si>fcfucuiO.r1'8 ba'fV'pt Reiro nif~i'e: Hunlfngton Beach UCI SYMPHONY 1147~ c:il~~ Anyth;e-Anypla~~ on Pifexlean tile .• Pat~os. 963-.ITI3. t·esslng iOa.m 'lor Freddie Atrt, ~Lake wno1.:'t riia: Wev;tcliU, SU5 mo. ~ . NEW M-1 Appoints Oi$tingulshed FOUND: Shepherd 01 Is I 542-9829. _S~el\•art liloao~ry ,i')7 ~. BAB\'SITrErt ~cl~ ~1Rt'. Xln'l pl\)' &: fringe Fountalni' -·~; ?itJ1J\oh Do!Jai ult 1. . PORTUCESE CONDUCTOR w/collar & braid~ leash * AL\VAYS AVAILABLE CERAMIC TILE NE\V & hon1e , ullcms, your 'i·hllcl I benel!ts. O~.~~!Q)ril. .~. NEED l'efponsible 1tudent lo Ham~~A.1iie!ta~ St. *ALVARO CASSUT°* • HB nrea. 53&-1610 ELECT R 1 c * Free remodel. Free estimates. ivelcorue. Ph cvt·~. ::.-19. Call~lifr. Ruppe TolBI ·~"l.-ur.~. share 2 BR bse ,Capo Bch. · ..... 19-TO ESTABUSH estlnlates. Trouble calls day Sn1 jobs w~rome. 536-24..?fi 35.18 M9-32'2fl l.D\IUedhde Occuponcy 1110. utU Incl: nu-1 • -l\fa j or Perro rm in g T Soll ... _.. · ----J Equal Oppor. En1ployer DVL T 1 \ * 493:63!! eve. '* .... ~ ...... u·Q 1n ranee o a • · A S o~·-· O C nd )~ or night 586-9607 op _.,., Pern1anent sith.'r n cc de d o.--·, No Pell 11 IV A" TED ,. I d NEW M-l l4()0..2800 IQ ft Invites Co1_11munily Pla~rs '9r10N1ls f:t..ECTRICIAN-Lieense No. TOP SOIL * COJ\fPOST ?o.ton-l'hw·s J.j Fl'i :!·1 j CONVENTION llO:ii7ESS-E9 Bach;!;~: I, 2. ·& 3 lrfa. \\'o~:m to t thiCPpl:~nt shop&: 'offices. 208 3 phase to .1\udlt1ons. ~all 1111· 233108. Sn1all jobs, 11\8.int • l\tULCH • R"" ')\VociO .f~-632"1 uft_~11u1 J A 11 r a c Ii,, e,...,o u. t,g oi.ng I $17• / 112-C p Y.T trash Jerv xlnt loc mediately 833-6615. & repairs. 548-5203 CALL 581Hi930 BABYSJ'rTER for inf:u11 personality ;~fir h1le1"View rom " ,,.,.. mo. ' apt w same. a. mo. M. r:!.'p '-•n• 646-ii12: 644 2120 p I 5150 Personals 5350 Floors 6040 l'ues & Thu1·, ~ ;1111 tu 5 call Judy al 673-7763 • S~nl• a.. ', 5-16-9768 nr t> .u .,..,. • • Car oo Pn I "! , 11· 1 _,, ALE 29 ~ Caret' ~r ... :O-'orbes-Olvnr. i, int 10n1c. "'" ·.S-" 37 0 PIGJa Dr: "'l·nil~. or E:Xec.' 1il ale 1~ ·NEW .JNDUSI'RIAL SPACE RIVERSI«;ERD~~ OJMftf, *clau1 Ed!ards* CALL for ne1v 10\v prices in' lllJ I Ua k ~boa Island. 6'13-9033. Soulh Slinta Ana 654 W. 18th St. tiling. . COQl,(S BUSBQYS . 14-5$6.0466 " --lg. 3 br. % bn. "°""'· 2000-2008 Yale Stroel . 962..;oo:i new vinyl !U10foum & !loor ~-ii·ii .... iiiYii"""iiiii'iiiiiiiliiiiiiiill n . Secretary llOOJ\1!\L\TEtJ'.n~t~•lo. shr 160054~g[i~ UP [ Costa Mesa C. A. PAGE · MESA ~ 4BR house, w/2 others. Age I.oil Mid fOWld 1r J You are the "dnner of 27 Yrs in Costa ~le1:1a Job Wanted fmale 70SO Typing·& sho11thand 1·l'quil'eU , 20 ~ up. 1 house off ocean. LRC F1CE, u n t urn -':\ . l lic:keui ro the 642-2070 642-8535 , I GARDEN n!1 eves 64H216 Ol' 646-4011 ' sro1rm $9:i. Ne ..... p 0 r f Recre.ttion Vehicle PROFESSIONAL s u I've y UNITED I & HOSTESIES " REUBEN'S A :s Beach · -6300. & F 5300 & 8 t Sh Interviewer. All phases ex- , ' c REF~NED Lady to ~hare 1050 SQ. FT. 220-3 '-hase Lost ound oa ow ccpt Supc1·n1arketi.J1...... Call CALIFORNIA I · 2 · • ~ quiet 2BR' apt ' 1vlsanie. P at the Gardening 6045 & 3 Bdrnl!I., crptt, d~\-' llarbor·Trask area GG. $100 pwr.. ce, ht. water. Besl i;AUF. ANI~1AL CONTROL Ana heim Stadium 673-2413 BANK utll)lles P{lid. B I t I n· • mo. 63G-0974. CM.Joe. 673-1417 PJ\-1 Huntington Beach Shelter October 2.s *LAWN SERVICES* EXPEl:ttENCED p 1· iv ate Apvly 3.5\'r:iilly 1;:~ry\t'/'i:rlt~bie,R;,~1; MALE. straight, age 4() tp t'OSTA 1\-lcsa 3850 sq ft, 300 8321 Edi~n St. 536-6001 Pl~·ase f.:all 642•5678. est 333 Yard Cleanups nurse seeklni:; en1ploy1nen1 . Corporate Banking !,)Obi bt!l;f 00 share 2BR apt J1!5/rno amp elect., fenced yd. Back of Humane Society lo claim your tickets. Most areas. f.'Io\v & ed~ ·. R('[. Plcai;e call Laurie G roup ~~~~ AC:fti,;;1y, l'I~ peu: &tS-3761 or ~ ' Hertel Rlty. R.18-5449 • ANIP.tAI.: ASSIST ._ LEAGUE (North County toll free New I a 1v n s, sprinklers. 49$-13&1 251 E , Coast Hwy N•wporit, J\•ach £11u:1I Oppol'. Employer 2881 BriJtol. c.oi.ta Mesa, G•roges for Rent 4350 Storag• 4550 ne~~~~l\in~~~.ng~~ number Is S-10.l220J ll on1es/Apts/Com1nercial.1 ·J"ob-7-s~W~a-n~t~ed~,-=M.-&""F"7°'0'°'75 ~5-6700 * * * * Reas Rates. Pl'on1pt · est 4667 M1cArthur Blvd, Newport Beach COOK ~ UCj!JllC KEW 'ClllCIPI ! MIUll LU11J1E UY!,. I $lllMl PQI o\(Ufl,fO ANIMALS U.1POUNDED 534-3144 534-7187 STJ DENTS Avail. for l:>t, GARAGE ~{l. R ~N T, MINI.WAREHOUSE German !\h Hair Poinlcr. SPIRITUAL Rt:ADER tinie eniplynit. So. Ca/ii. C Rod O BALBOA PENJf>!. $25. Private, locked lndivWual lan/wht, F OJ»en IO A~I to 10 Pl\! EXP. Japanese Anierican College, Costa ~lesa, Ph: ontact unagan 673-214;> glorage units. Front s150 Chihpahua, Blk/t.an, male ;\llvlce on all matters. Gardener. Quality Complete 5.f5-ll78 EXT. 38 556.4380 Garage Space for lease, per mo lrllh Setter, red n\a.le 312 N. El Canilno Real Gardening Service. Bonsai .ioingle. SJ(I. month at 621 ALLSPACE Irish Seller, rod. female &tn Cle111ente1 1''or arll>t. Training. 5-18-9479 Help W11nted, M&F 7100 A11 E1,1uul Oppol'tunlty Jri1, CdM. Call 64G-48fiO u,.1970 Pooclle. grey niale Call 492.9034 492-9136 EUROPEAi~ GARDENER . . En1ploycr --v-Gre.v lfo1•nd, brindl,., mo le '"~'-. AREA Distnbutor "'anted, .,,~..,·,...,,,.~,.....,,....,. LARGE PART of a 2 Car 1 ... ..,. ...... 1!!!!'~ ........... el ..... La:ndSCRping·tree service 0 I I $800.· Collir Terrier, Bnv/11·ht. DIVOI<C"' ppor. o @e.n1 up o B t Op 1 ' gar,age, S2"'"•"'~ .• 9month. Lr•'K ·•oln "' reasonable, 642-5329, per mo p/t \Ve train. Call . eau y era or ,,...,.....,_..., "' " • (Plus Filing Fee1 63;)..1425 for lnte~ 63.9-.ot23 Ne1vlY dCcorated n}(l(Jcrn Hulipita l Expe1 .. pr c'r' d. 9: :l0-6pn1 ~laling schedule. EOE Apply in J>Cl'SOll , ~1rs, nu11l n11. Coctn i\I e s :1 !\le1norial Hos_pita\, 3 0 J Vi1·101·ia, C.l\t. COOK Appl~· Dick Churche!' Res· taurant, 2698 Ne11,·port Bl, C:\I . STORAGE UNITS St Bernard, b r 11• I 11· h l · Conipletely reliable 10\V Ed H A ' sbop. Take over folloi1·ii~. Office Rental 4400 A pe1-wnal, busine,.;s, recrca· lem;ile . 548-1053 J\ & ge. ome, pts. NB Ar..:11 . .>-JS-5212 £ves. COOh'.S, n1c11 tlr l\'On1e11. tional !!llora::e. l'ron1 $8. Poodle mixed, 1r h I It an• l'REG"AN'r•. & Ind. Tree Trlmtnlug and ASSEMBLER :>ia.-1025 Dkfst ei.:p. Top "·agei>, •Boch•lors .... ,1~.~ •2'1R&~ .,....,. $17~' kl5 ,;;.... _____ _ -female n Yard Cleanup. Jin1. 646-5631 C -··&.ta'Ad.ns 5'10·1800 ' • -1f9~;_~_.: ' 2 BR. iow11housc, frplc, , ; fl'Onl $%JO. 1 Hit, ft'OO\ $195. Pool, tennis, L'OnUnentfll breakfaSt, Se1uu:atc family • 9ectJon. Ooioe to Hhopping I:. fine: beach. ~261J _ li47.50 & UP Gigantic 1 6' 2 br. TI1ey a1· .. under priced & clean. Green \ay.·ns, t'Qv'd garages. Off st r.stklna. Adil11/no vetJ. ~ Fullc~on. Av~. 1 blk E . Of Newport..Ave, l blk S.1of a.y,--c ... ~ 64U09t --• ~ THE EXC111NG PAL'M MESA APTS. ~UNUTES TO NPT. SCH. &ch. 1 & 2 BR. trou\ S.157 Adults, No Pet.a. 1!i6l llfeR Or. (5 bl.ks trom Ne1\'potl Blvd.) . ~-* LA PARISIENNE * 2 Br rum &: un.fum. All elec· trlc. >1repla..>c. t,leated J?ool. ,\duJt1. S200 to S2r;0. 91!>-l2611 Across from golf course 20432 Santa Anra A\-e. E"RO~t $139. !i ml to beach 8EAUTrF1JL POLYJ\'ESlAi~ · 6 POO~. TEN!\'IS, PRIV. PATIO Gat'den Apb. SauM.i> jacuni, 2 car p r k'g. M&-1323 Huntington Beach Rooms 4000 WESTCLlrF BLDG NE.WPOHl UEACH , Jan1bol'ee f: Sa n Diego Ca ing. confidential t.'Ounsel· TRAINEES BEAUTY OPR needed. Busy Apply in per~n. ut•ro1\•'s Freeway. Lab, hlac~. mule in". & referral. Abortion. LA\\'N Service Res & Co1nn1 shop "·gun Bel• 1100 Hcstant·nnt: I'ico tur11-0U; CalJ 9J!Hllj(). Ra !l.11e1, mixed, b1'\v, !)1t1lc n1onthly n1aint, cleanups, Apply in person • ~ 11 • per S:in Cle nien1e ----~-----IPoodlc, bl:ic:k, niule adoption Sr kC!(lping. AP· hauling free est ~14:J ~~guarn. 494--27'20. 001.lBL;E car gar~.gc for Cocker rnixed. hlond. nialr CARE 642-4436 VOLT BOAT Service, c-.-,.,.,-.,1-,-rs COOK, expcr'd. Sund~s on. .iotoraKe._ Call CJ:> Ilea! Shep mixro, grt'y tan, m~le J'1ATURE 1\-JALE, intelligent, LNDSCP/GARDEN/i\1AINT Temporary Services n1echanic.s, pa.inters, ~xp, ly, 3-llPM. L 0 u il 1 an 11 • •It, ••• •l•~t Utale, :HS-1168. Tenicr n1ix, pup, v;·ht/sable. uffectionnte & understanding Sod, S1n·ink!ersi Cleanups, 3848 Catnpus Drive \1•a11ted foi· new Co. based Purchase, 21312 Del P'rado, 2CA. R GAR AGE STORAGE F · I I I T ' Soil ed. 642-333 646-4!100 5'" '1·11 · N o.. J • Dana Jlt. 493-8811 ult 4......, ••tc•ll•• •ffl•• • All-11·1:;: 1e.i; lo 1ear 1'0111 11m, ...-. ui cwport ueac 1, s.!nd ,. •. ., ' .... ' • ' .. c •• ".~ C.lll Mr How,11rl b-1 5 6101 OF'l<"ICE SP .ACE & Secretarial Services. Ex· peJienced/ProfessionaJ Jlc- erliled real estate brokers only. Prime Costa l\lesa location-deluxe _.Q!f!.c~;IJ;!r· t"Cntage lease. 1'1or add1ti0n· al Worn1<1tion -w r i t e Associated South Co a s I Brokers, P .Q. Bex 1595, Newpcn1 lleacl1. Ca. 92G63. W/ITERFf!ONT NEWPORT 8EACM' Executive offices 2 Or 3 Roon1 suite Vie1v of boats & watcr 1 Sniall oUi<:e SIW Bill Grundy l.lltr. 67Hl61 AND WORK SPACE. Cocl«!r n1ix riup. blond, n1alr 1ttl1"Jetive Utdy to j(I, Bill General Services 6046 (Acros.io fJ."Om o.c. Airport) replies to Clnssiiied ad No. COOT{: \Viii lra~il26 mo * &15-4373 * Dobie n1ix, bl'\l'/hlk. fernllJe 519-8597 evening~. i\1ajor i\1edicnl Plan 260, c/o Daily flilot P.O. stn11. GI Bill t tuition -R--1 ~1 W -t-ed 4600 Dobie mix, bn1•/blk, mall' J.~AL E T · I ti ' SECRETARY-Contract Ser· No\v Ava.liable Ho>i: 1560 Costa 1\h.•sa, C<1 assistance. Call A r ru y •n • s an Collie, tri-c.'Olol', n1ale ~ · state pranun~i 11 iv. \'Ices. Gen. OUice. Varied 11.1.626 Opponunitics, 64i)...1163. 'ANT ' . 2 bd · Shep mi.x, blk/\vht. n1alc 1!1-StructJOn. et'SOno tt~t~· 1· exp Legal: Notary bihngual \re have a con1plete package BO•T BUILDERS coor:--, s-=,·1er nton ••/exp, " " Bdtm ur 1111 S Be rd b , / ht SaJc5 or broker cxa.n1 2-3 (Spl GIG-7325 ... n. '" . plu.io ocl'antronr apt or 1 1 1 nia · r \\ w • 1vks. Ac:adcn1y S.1~ll!r.l. -----cc-cc:---;;=-;;:-1 of employee benefits. ~Ve Exper. assen1t1Jy' & piill Cook. shol'I ortj_el' dft.Yi>, hou.se ~mple "ith xlnl e1nae NEAT Typmg on ~t Ex-pay .top "'~gcs. ~11 office \i"Orkcrs needed for ~lsh11·asher rlayt.~ refere;it.-es Hen~nable & C1\TS 1 r.0 n e I Y • frustrated, pro-ecutive: Reasonable rates: &: 1ndustnal skills arc fillerglass boat t.'O. Apply )·car aroi;nd. C:~ll eves or !'h hair fl?n1rs1ic, black, l\f b!en1s? ~ Te I e p ~one Call Rick. at atS-1782 needed. in pen;on, COUNTER i-lelp Wllllted for ', ... ke-·•~ ""'"' "739 JTahb.v, tr1-color. n1a h.• C:ounschng Seivli.."<'. 64:>2222-"THINGS" by M~·. Gen'! Equal o 1• E I ye d1y cle11ning shop , F/time. ·~ °"",..,, f\(l"1f'S!ir i:li hair, black, l\t 2-'. h1 , ........... ppo · nlp 0 r Chpper Marine Corp. 18 s., over. 644-Q893 l _ B~1boo Cor"l.ia I del t\t;ir1 Tahhy sh h1_1ir, -~· female PREGNANT? Thinkins:; ~\bor· carp en l r Y • re Pairs, ASS 1S'l;AN1' MANAGER, 19.lll E. Ocl·itlentaJ. S.1_>._ Delivery ~ Stock . or , s rill(· _ PJtrosl Don1t'~iit· sh lu~1r, ralloo, F tion'.' Kno\I' all the facts plWliblng, elect., 642-5613 Trainees. Counter Girls. BO~T OPERATOR \V 1 l l Sonie duy &: night shlfts1 S165 .•• Oill "673-7-14;} u r flnn1r~1il· '': hflir. tortois". i-~ fh'!;t. Call LirE LlNE 2-1 .JD&R Cleaning Service f"ry Cook. o a)' s & ~'alJL S326. ·.mo 5tart. GI Can \.\1>l·k Into J/titl)E!I .6~1:> . !:;;i~n1ef"". ~Point. feniale hl's. 541·:152'1 ' Apr111ments for Re-Rent Grai·ey8 rd. Open Full & WU + tuil.iwl i.SSISWl(.-e. Person Y.•/rete.Jt llfqo.or ' b:i STUDF:~'TS 11·1th :.. In tt K1tten bl«ck, female .. ·r: 81G-8581 or 84&-M19 Part tfnie. Apply ' Jack in Call .Ami\,~ ·OP_l9'tunities. per. would blfrJpret'ifi'~-See ttfcrenct:s nN'cl 2-:l 1xJrn1. I :1 dofl1f'.~t i<· kittens. 1 mull'. VIOLET. \lino ·1 • J;J at-HauITn g 6051 tllC! Box. 38:> 17th St., C.J\f. 615-1163. ~-,.. · 'llnrold, 495 E. lW'. $1..:C'.?lt. ·~1ne : th N.D. 01· C.)1.12 female, br·1v I \Y h I. ~rac:tlve w/i:;d )ob, \\'l'>uld ASSISTANT B o O {..: K\ f; £ p ER DELIVERY r..r:\il. ,fOj! ....... .4..i 67.i-3246: erey/"'hl, 11·hite. li_!<c _to niect :..uk.~t·e nian * ~10\'ING ;\NO 1-IAULING '* / · W bi ~--·.r S~ Bachc)or apt. v;'ilh Sh hair .domeisti~. bl.ack 53-65 to date. 638-7G61 I. Locnl or distant S I MAPNA,GERd I f 1~~:1~Lj'.vak1!~1e%~ ~:lu~ :~~~u:; ~C. ~duifs 1:~~: yd'rd '!; parking. CJ\t area. DoMn1esttc sh h:in· kitten, blk, * PAL~t/card 1· cad er * 963.(i..l::i2 So • a e~ eop e ~ee et: or type 40 \\'.p.nt. Small olc. E(.'OllO le 1 car ,_.,.111red 540-4572 · A<l/rcducUon lOS::1 8<:11ch ·---. ---.-Apropos In Fashion Island. SJ:i--lJW ·, rn a ·-·• • =--~.·--Doniestic sh hflil' blk, f Bl. ~t:inton. 527-:!•IOO LOCAL n1ov1ng & hauling Call 'or 00111e in, 6-14-2652. · _ 21.~ hourt1 dally, no Mllicltlng l PERSON 11·ant.s 1 br apt. ;\SSORTED l\TTIENS & by student. Lrg: t1uck, reas.1--· B O O I\ 1..: t:: E p E R/Se<:'y. or coUl!c:Hn~ .• ~Veshnlnster. 1 or 2 blks to bch. Nov. PUPPIES RETIRED l~xcc. n1ect pclite &ii-y 531-l23j I ~TI'E~D. COl\tP. r cllable, Payro!J c:..pcr. Neal uppt!uJ'. 1-1.B. 01..,u. fffiS.l.2924 Jst. 675"-3118. JJ'." GONE & 'lY LITTLE lady, undt>,_r 40. 01 Housecleaning 6054 ~n 201.ds tlol c~l"e flor ,n~ello\\' Sul t.'On1n1e11:surate w/exp. I DELJVERY~M"A!:(""'~p~,-,-.-, ·I .~ " 549-97 1nva 1 ve-1n n ce ....,guna 5'1a-22a3 1• . E ' 1 " ' · d 11 ' **Corona del Mer** GIRL IS SAD. JJ is an --· 1 [}() c 49l-!Jlli4 · 1 P lime. ~r Y lT1orn e " [ l~ extra, extro soft Calico, LADY, slender. attractive, HOUSECLEANING BY -01,'-'~·-! BOYS & G f RLS of LA Times _tQ CM •. NB P.1yt~11lonaJ OUlcca . ~or rNncill • feniale cat, about a year .Fun loving, to jj, 5'j" .I.JO. RE I_, t ABLE' DEPE.~·. ATTENDANTS for sn1all The DAILY PlLO'l' '1as Areas. No cql'leet. Pitu ·~ Ret:.nil. Deluxe, alr 0000 .. . _ old. Lc'\.~l .ioecn "·earing a 120. To date. 646-4lll DABLE (;fRt:.. J\tin. 4 guest ho1ne. llPJ\l-7AJ\f routes open in coSi A have depend1'bJfl ca r , a1nple prkg, jan. 5et'V., udl pin)j: t.'O!lar \\•ith flea. ta~. i COSJ\1ETICS FACE LIFTe hours, $1 hr. 64!:r3024 alter _.shift. 646-6TI6. l\IESA COLLEGE PAftK &I 5!S-4.7j'.!. · • ~·~~~~~'Y ero~1~~ Business Oppor 5005 on East 18th St, Ci\f. ff Techniques froni VI en n a 12 * A MNTION * EAST ' & WEST COSTA D-E L-I ,,-E 1-! Y;;~;;,-;,_-;N,;,-. "'A"~'1 l, 1 -----~----1 yon ha1•e seen her PLEASE 5.i6-M69: (903J 385-8329 H 0 U S E KEEPER . . . MESA. 642-4321 Ne"·spaper rou~.i tt:1t1-<Pl· CN.·ner, S75-6900. 2855 E. BEER BAR, 40 Kegs, 100 cull 5'\S-944l Pro f essional, prefer Pensioners 2 days per Y.k. Equal Opporl. Employer l~·ti~. rn11"'t l~ve cti;r. $250 Coast llighy.•ay. C'1<'d bottle& ino. a + ~ year LOST POPCORN. 111 a I e monthly, \\·eekJy, no live-in.Good to.lust ha,\·c ;.;,1;,_N,o Sales. BOYS &. GIRLS n10+ 962·4633. OFFICE SPACE F 0 R J •-h \ k' J ~~ S..18-23U'J re B. o•.l-~ · ease, ll':'.AC area. • it ·1ng 11Hl'1'\'d blk. and 'llitile s.mc.. Md ft.,-.. '"" _ _ , AUTO Newspaper . Carriers. l\lin. DENTAL, AS Sl ST ANT, llENT. C.osta Mesa, Harbor 111.000. terms. }~or 11.ppt lu A11gora l'at. Nanie poprorn. 1 ~ Pi-10THER-daughtcr .team GIRL FRIDAY age. 10. U do lsle, Balboa deii:entlable, sh 4 r P." ex. at Adams. B eau t l f u 1-see .call. t,ca collar \Vith tag. Call S4 hour. 4 Hrs r..f1n. Perunsiula. Contact Mr. periencetl 11s re-Gept101tlsl- 1nodern. Afr. music, PACIFIC i\tary Shultz. 6T:>83.cl7. 211 Effie. 646-1078, 642-9681 Typing filing accurate &ckstrorr at the J?AlLY ussistant.. Take .chri~·or fni!~dg· ~c:I t~a~'fil. BUSINESS SALES -1151 St. N.B. Or call l\frs. Apeliance Repair 6004 EXPERIENCED, Dependble 'th ff ' PIWf· or call 6·:2 1321 ~~ bu!!)' family orlenttd P,r;ac· 5.;7-0136 or 642-0200. ~2 Ne\\-port Bt. Cl\I '\\'ilbur Sn1ith ORS-7990. liM APPLIANCE REPAIR lady ivill dean your hon1e. WI 1urt1, answer Jeavc apphcaUo:t. ~'=k="-•·20!'6Z-24~,_"-11'---~~=I 645-1770 833-1141 So. Bayfront Balboa Island. or apt. Reason. 636--0974. phone, etc.. Equal Oppor. Employer D E N T A L r c c aptionlat, 1501 WESTCLIFF OR. COCKT•I LS llANDS01'1'E RE\VARO. "'"c'a1hfrs·Drye~R,,ef,::!g. M 6070 Inrereb.lsledl 1"'·01:k o'" artuto-BOYS! Make mone•' '''orkil>g Laguna Beach. el)thusiastic, · ENJOY l.finl-Eslale Nwvt NEWPORT Financial Ct.ntcr I ... $:m RE\V-ARD for Return of Jack ~ asonry mo • e >us ness. ppo un· E /Sett Tr' ~ J\f . mature depllndable ex· '.Lt•sin,.. Off!--~n.ace S.12.000. lllOlllh gi'Oss REX. 1 " !!ra0 y cat 1v/blk Bab 1itt'ng 6008 lty ror advenccn1ent. Mvos 1 s.. IJ>S0 . 0 · 1?gtdic '"'l'ienc~I 'oreferJ-eti, '4 da'.Y ~l!s. Sepsludlo, bath. re.fiig. • ~....-p•ciFIC "'ti --1.. 1 * * * * CU.L J\iARSHA , ou.n a1n, 1sn.cya1 , .. ~ k 404 ·~·· . kitch p1v l"'"1 ""lio car CAIL ON·SlJIE l\lANAGEJ~ " Shipes. Looks Abysinnian. Fl Catalina + .. ,..,..ies & wee • ~ . JX>rl, baet • o~ frir? '.Prof. • .:.· ~(71""C4l""Gl.;:2;;-3;:i"1t"""'o;";,;;2·;;16.;-·-BUSI NESS SALES Lost end ot Aue: nr. Tustin Clll LD l'are. 0-3 yrs. l ch.lid, Bob ora 540·9640 prizes! l\tusl ~ ~vei· 1:.!. DENTAL RF.:CEP1'10NIST, lady needs resp. liCllll or 2002 Newpot't Bl, CJ\f & 16th St. NB. \\!earing full thne only. Lots ot TLC. 17112 Sandra Lee M Fisl S48--0260 1 1 1 11 retired ~-.. tlenian u.sst 1 A-IO. FREE R.Dl'1' 64S.1770 833-1141 fiP.n colla1·. Please cull H:B. !l68-7!l,j7 Huntington Beach UNIVERSIT·Y OLDS rs ier •at east · yrd~r. n 8 t 1 _.. No lca11e req. Dlx. olll<!i!s EJiie. 646-6555. COSTA l\1E~A BULLDOZER OPR \Vi l l phases of en mgm • maint. exclt pt·rent. Reis. adj. Alrporter Hotel. A/C, U ORE DAY & Night. fenced yard, You a.Pe the v.·lnner of • ' train. $32G lno start. GI Salary open.-Cd, ~ncUts, I ( $125. 64~ll9 am'a. full servlce11. From $145 l\lo. 9 ST FOUND long ha.ired golden l\ly bo1ne,· Loving-care, 2 tickets to the Auto Parts Bil~ + tuition as.i;istance. Some Sat !fl. H.B. 84~ 1 ', NICE room n1agntncent vu, Z171 DuPont, Roon1 8 Gross S2G.OOO. n1onth hlonde fe111ale, Cockapoo 642-5299 Recreation Vehicle · Call Arm o nt · RECEPTIONISl' ·,pvt bnt'1" balcol\,Y. S·tO. •833--3223 'Til.noon'*1 . PACIFIC type dog wearinag: ne\\' \VILL-BABYS I T 5 &BoatShow c~"'nter Man &15-1163 .. Y pportu ties, 0i.::1'~1s. El T.oro area, • , wk. Utll pd. 2500 seaview, DESK space avaJlable $5Q BUSINESS SAL ES ~l~~~~~te ~g~rScp~.l 19.Sc'!u'lc <la_vs/11·eed •1._1 f.lj 6 .70 ~14e9e k,. nt the Chrys)er •xperitnce CAKE DECORATOR exp'd .. Ill!!. open. Cdl\.t ~ n10. \Vlll provide furniture 2052 Newport Bl, 01 to identify G7i>-25.33. orona e " ar J""D Anaheim Stadiu m preferr ed Wanted. Apply The Cupcake 830-U30 BALBOh ISLAND. Quiet at $5. mo. An s w•t"ln g 645-1770 833-1141 1 lli\BYSITTING. ~1y hcnn<>. Oclober 2-6 All company benefits. A Mne Bakery, m E. 17th St, ni )EN1'AL Assistant, chatrad, t outside roo1n w/pvt e:n-1rrv1ce av&Uable. 1787 5 FOUND: Al~ian nia e .dog Day, night 11·kds. Big yard. Please call 642•5678, e:<t 333 career opportw1lty for right Cl\OI betwn 8am & 12 noon, 6 mo's exper. Benefltfl. trance & bath. rum Tef\1&, ~~ ~ • .:-:. Hun,i:m,ton • BOOK ShHOedP ! "v1Jcarge ,whitBe ~~~' _ha, tr ~~I Play1nalc!1. 642-4781. to claim your tickets. TIUlJl CASHIERS Some Sat, H.B. 8*-3.>W atudcnts pref. 673-6132. , cx:a .. T1. tu--.... . ~ Chvners plan!fl c ang . ;•-lust ~ · o 1..,., u,J o.:.I C 6015 (No11h County toll free See J\fartv HUise DOCTORS •SS.ISTAN~ j \VORKING gal \vUI be snug EXECUTIVE Suite ovtrlook; 1 e I l Ba 1 b oa ; s Ian d ~hard ott Hamilton • arpenter nwnber is 5:l0-l220J ATLAS CHRYSLER ~ '' , ., a iu.,,. in beaut. ~· in&: NcWJIOrt .Hat\>Or, '1,024. Boobhop. 17 Years in sanle -JJOO . . RE~IODEL., tHld-on, gar * * * * PLYMOUTH st Young lady (18·281 to \\'Ofk ~ latli:M sq fl, OUM!ft .to l ,]5()ft. location. Good truffle & FOUND !'!ml m1."ed Silky con\'ersion cust & new Are )'OU .at lea 18 yrs old, as doctors a " .!I t I t ;i n t I hol1')8 w/pooL :it/la ld AmJM~ free parfdYJg. Coast assumfl.ble lease. Tcn·ier. Female. Black with ' const 25yrs exp dra\v plnns \\'!Ll.1;~1S & S 0 NS, 2929 Harbor Blv<t. Costa Mesa bondable, neat in appear-recept. in health spa. No prlv ' SllO. 546'"'1 f Highway at N&il'(lOrt Blvd, NELDA GWSON, Realtor grny & lleige face, Adams , free ~st 60-3439 ' l\fa.sonry Lie. no 283046, 546-t!f.w ance, enjoy working w/peo-expei'. neeess. \Ve trnln'YoU1 . 'FURN. roon\, linen. \im, ~ · (714> rr .... 2898 rind )lagoolia, ll.B. 963-3621 • Brick. block & stone AUTO pie &; outside in ,the fresh Apply in perMl'I An_11 or eve, kltch prlvl, non "1K>lfll'!r. STEAK HOUSE ftftcr s or 9fi2-3800 daYs. *~ TYPES• 58&-63TI I · Mechan"rc nir? u Bo. we want to talk 2112 H11.rbl>r Blvd, Cl\I l lOOmo. Gl:.-s.!00, all ~m S5c PE"" SQ FT Big and ,mall p • • /P I 6073 mport to you aooot be;"" a cashier DISHWASHER "" ~ "' Cocktails Seats 399 FOUND: bog. feinale. EX-a1nf1n9 aper n.g -'O l-'6C-'""1=1"'7G<l ~=,....,==-I 16,17 WEST(LIFF-NB Gr $2?.000.. mo. Askin~ TREJ\tELY loving. Cock-a· 5.16-1648 for in one of our self serv. gru. USBOY LIVE /vT TttE BEACH. cpts, ~. A{,.C. l.ree p~ .•.• ~ $30 fXXh dn • poo t.ypl'. Honey colored. RE~fODELtNG. Pa I i o s , Get Ready D9ftt • stalions. We need several App&ly ~urf St , S1rtoln S25 & up u. wk. Gi3-044U util, 1o'-clnga.,Agt. 541·5032 PAC. IFIC llnrbor Viciv homes area. Decks, Room Additions, •CUSTOM ·PA'N'TING -f" ful l & p/tin1c people in1-l.~~P~IN~E~.;~KN~OT~~M~OT~EL~-::-l'fiµ'.~f~fc;;'-;"t'~;;';: Cabinets. 67l-IJ66 Mr Ryan I" to.lug( Jiave smog llcensc 1ncdi11.tcly in Cos ta l\.lesa. & 5930 \V. Coast ltwy, NB I D~t..UXE ?f.fice ~ & , con1-B~SINESS SALES 644-7787 f'tNCES i't: GATES EXTERIOR Specialist State Co111acl !Job Sevel'8011 1-Iunt Beach. 1'~or interview DONUT SHOP, A,M sbftt. · ~~C:ntUrJ, 1t,~~tfun~c':i rrtt~l ~.~ at't1_:'i.~~· : 2002 N"1wport Bl. CM FOB UN00D: on 1 Su00.1 Coay 1 \VE BUILD ,ft. lt£PAIR L1ce11~. No 2 5 4 9 31. 646•9303 call Barbara, (213) 925-0431. F/tinie. No exp nqc~s . .Ap. ~ 78.1 Cho..... . , .. "'""xi 645-1770 . 833.1141 nys res gae a s Bondt:!d. Liability Ina. Free D L I I CASHIERS-ply in pcl'l!On, Mt. Donut,, :·~:'~ ·: .. s;,::I .d.11. ;·~~ .. ~1'~,".Jri.;. "' . , 'P in• Pulour•. ll:'.~s~.~~~~I~ ';;:~~,:-;.~~ CARP;,,;:,~163~A~NTmG ~~1~ •• ;.~r.:,.·g~~uu,! .. ~~~ :d"sr''' HOSTESSES "~~j,~11~~c.~ONEY 1 Bluffs. NorMmoktt pnfd. "'RONA DEL l\L\Jt ' GrtOM Yr riei· 548-71tfi R.DtODEL ,i REPAIR Prices. 612-6005. AUTO Xlnt P11y & Fringe ' Aft S Qr";"\\itM.J Ml ... 19lll. ;so ~ ft upstalf1,· tor oUice M4'9netlc Siin1/Natl fo'OUND: Female puppy $7.00/hr. &16-3079 LOT MAN BeMfits R~1~erdel~:e';;:~~al ·~~~ noo-;\f JN NICE J-IOME ron \for lhO)l. Oil 0. ~w,,· erpt. Ref rig. Sales/Service wht/tnn, (beagle mb:) on Carpet Service 6016 35...... Experienced' P referred retired peraons 4: students. cn\ployed lady, reasonable .~Tt·~cljace~t ~pt. &IG.~J:I/ , liquor Store $61,500. 9(20 Vlr: East !'! ~tile PAINTING le repail", T;k; GM DEALER Apply In Person Need re.liable •cit.r. Jn Cl-1' Pnrio: Ave. 49;1~ eve.~ ~ • , ' • HOLLAND BUSINESS ~~ark. F.V. ~1020 JOl·ll'~'S Carpet & Upbot~tery 'l\'Ol'kma.nship r guar. Used cer exoerlence AIRPORTER INN &. NB. }fours 3-5:30pm I l ROOM . Furn. Pvt. enlry CDPr~:_ OatrJ.Tim.,. , .,lSll. ,:_ ~ · 6 4 S--i l 7 O SALES 54()..0008 FOUND: Puppy . 3 n1o's Drl Sh11mpoo, lSoU Re-~~~nge o my exp. CALL ~ift.AY HOTEL Wkda,V!I, C'fll'ly 'llm'1 Sat A , I A bath + garage!. 1itr. • ~· ' cp 'ii(~u\UMJ, old • Blktran Shep/Dane tardMl1. [)egrta.se,5'~ &: p A p ER HANGING I.: (Acron From 0 .C. Airport) Sun St()...3(ll'l; \VQO(iy , i , ~Cl· G-tO,.l«iO or MH003'. ~,;;~tr. f~~~-~-,. MEak~ICAN! FOOD mv.~.2nJuredSI H·BB~~v.;!~.;iow· ~1lln~!or b?c~~te~~ !h11~ paintinP 21 y~ Harbor 540-9640 ~ I ~:.: m.: u:PQ,L~llh Corona de\ ~far o~· 5))4~ Alkl~ ~td;.wi:~~. cnll ~~~ ~.a~c· ~:an ~11!\~~igSa~ ~~ ~ ~~ls. tum. no. l83281, AUTO c~:g~~~:~o Edi~!x;c ~~c-~fice. MHT~ or M5--3967 now avall .. 400 It 811 sq· PACIFIC Shepherd. About ll~ Yl"I· \Viii clerin llv1ng r:m .. dining MECHANIC Hoon Tues, \Ve<l, Thurs. l2 EdUCA.Uonal audlo\ll&ual co. ,,., ... I u~-'4150 ft., full service bldg. lr\\'ln BUSINE-SS SALES Name Lobo. :.52-3388. \\1e rni .• k hnll $1$. Any rm. ~~~F.Inpalnt-x'ter .• ·~ .. ~n•-;>,!1•,·. to 9PM . Sat & Sun s..6PJ\t. Lyctun\ Pt'Oduction. Inc. P. ""'9'1 nvme It. Irwin. Rtahora. 644-GtlJ • 3x;2 NeWport Bl. CM can'! keep hlrn. $7.SO, couch SIO. Ol6.lr $5. i'l.IC",..., "' uni u -Bugy shop. Po.ld vacatiort, ExpcricnC<'d. ~~.Bo~~· ~na-Beach. '•i.oVELY roomJ for el~Y 325 SQ ft, 2 oft.lees. l ba. 645-1770 , 133-.1141 FOUND :J mon1h olrl 15ynexp. lswhatoounts Refs.548-2'.5.9, 642-lSlJ ~llCC &:'inltorms . KERM RIMA 49+-07 47 1 Jndlts. Specltt.I ca.re, All Y.'tl!nut pA.neUng.• crptg, * RESTAURANT* AustrlllWn pupJl)', vi c not mtlhod. I do \\'Ol'k *W11Upaper'Hanger* O'll'l1 ~ ~frf.~1YA~ JlaNh\'11.rt, Inc. I 642.9718. $13.\ mcludes util. so 5 no Orlinge & 21.&t St .. Co111n myself. Good ref. 531..()101. c.. Rebko 646-2449 JU.:pA1Jt. 1747 Annhlt!ln s Harbor Bl, c.~t_. -m."'PEDl'C"JJcEi)"'FUn timP ' 1 R~al1 tt: pjtilre ~-. $\lperlor, N.B. ~ ~~~ ifn:r hotir~ P.'l('!;(l, fMt Snt. 646-3.t~. STEAM CLEANING * 1.0!-' DISCOUNT * A\·~. C. J\f. 642..:J.372 CASHlERS wanted, tu 11 i:.i.~1ei1~d;':~ \Vo1~-.i \Vear!. ... -.. F 300 SQ ft.. ~~· $95 · Owner retlrlng -FOUND: Blk-pooffie, n11Jlc. ~lave It Done 'Righi! ffomcg, \Vallpaperin.g & Painting ~ me, locm1IDU. 2950 Top pay, frlt\ie bencftlJ, ~ FEMALE slitlre w/wne 3 per mo. Call ~ ~ ~ • ~ ·$28 m:i Vk:. Ktnrtruma shopping oftlces. Call G46-4:t46 Free E.81. Call ~ Harbcrr Bl, Cl\1. Apply Sill-"ttmX>d&. 4 5 I Br ~p11c, c. 111. Sl(l\ + 679-3'700. RIVIERA' REAL TY Clr. 9/21 616--9'195 Ceilings 6018 QUi\LtTY Y.'Ork at UM! \ow(lllt AYON CLERK, pertMnent 2'1-30 hr. f'1111h:on I.stand. Ste Mr t'-' ~1--uUI. 5!:?f!6!::r _j-BANI\ or Coetl MMI lUua, -* 6iq-7007-* W.W-:-Small--tan n+it mnle price. \\'e__do ju!IL IL Ut:t1e w k. Pleasnn :urkb~ _1..,~_flli":a::'moi'-:--.::-;=c--I j ROOM~1ATE ncedt!d ol'rlce furnhtf'l~t. "Nic:.-c · p.1.11 T~niei'. "Uenjalnin". bit extra. K~.638-S4o:i OFFERS , cond. Good beuetlt1. ~pply FILE Cl&ERK , Penlnsul1t z Br .. lro u;i~: 'reee;j)t. area. S!tl. 55&-~. SANDWICH SHOP Jl.B. are1. 675-rr~. . ACOUSTIC CEILINGS p A 1 NT t N c [n1 .• Ext. E."\CITINO OPJ>cifi.fuNrrY In penoo only. The Potlel'Y Pm\\. t/llme. Numl'J'ic-al fil· \. c.i18~1 toUAM 6l"ri~ C.D.M. 2.400 \ltl. '1/P.C.11. "'11 Prico $1000. FOUND • yng kitteot • black BY CALCOUSTICS MouSllc c~!·~~i.. !'re< E<t. Shack 1212 S. Coast H•y, Ing ui busy 11 •.a oc Ii I '' R.El.JADIX mat& roOtn11'1ate A l\1c,/2nd fbW __ ~· n\O. CPIA~frr1 I: Y.:1,lle • talless. Sru1liago APPL~.' PAlN'l'EO C1.1U Jack ~JS.A. ~~~h~·o~:l\\~1i bRr:~.ecJ!:~ -~na Be:•,;,~~h...,.--..,.-.-Ol'S:'IUIWllM>li. ~fin 1 yn ex· to abate 1pt 1 Jtep1 to !i.B. or trade lor? 557~. IC Dr .. NB. 646-4312. GUARANTEED Piaster/Rtpillr 6077 lng pr~stl.lr AVON PRO. COl\fPANI.ON for cldt1:l'ly per. Xln 't "'Oririn1 ~ beach-vle\v, 112.l, ~29-SGOl Busln.11 Ret1lf 4450 B~SINESS SALES FOUND: Kitten. black le ~~lt l:'.:1-~ F.S'l'IMATES oucrs la lnte.rtstl1'J:, m-lkl!I ft.m. petJent in pvt. 2 br. ~ t..-o. tiene.fibl. Apply $00 \V-ANTED mrtture ·1trtl&ht , .IJOJ2 NJWPOrt ""Bjl'i'I wldte.; vlc-\VestcliU, .N.B. FREE GL.IT'l'ER PA'T'CH PLASTERING you 101-e ltltt:re.1th18' & leta apt. Rru .. boord & $300 per Ne-A'J)Ort Or Or, SW~ COO. t I mnle to II~ lae henle L.A n G.E sttld.icM\w!Rwm-145-lno 1141 6*-8670. 64.S.9UO AU types, free esUntaltl you brldi.:a tllll'llly 'b\ldget1,;:m:;o..~5<6-::;';;l335.:=:;oo;&lfl.:;;o9;,:m.;:;.· -c:r:=i-N~'B!l..~-°:..'J:phone::O:~-~· ~· ~· """'I ln 11. n. $150. mo.~ of.(tce. Wtst l£lb -·~ t • HtALnt FOOD STORE. Sutlerln.g a 11orage ctiais! l Call 54M825 gap. C•JI !W0-7l>tt l"at Profit ii attained when EnJOY nM>t'e cloMt IC)act • t ROOMMATJ: needed, duelex = Beach, 1~90 • 'Bf•thJfUl Country ~~. Sell no-tongtr n«'ded ltcml •WlLLARD Painting, N-;; ll11ve .:imething 1UU 'll'1ltlt tit )''OU 11ell through r-esu\t-pt~ telflria "don"t nete,JI" on cMnncl. tn NI\ f.100, .,... 'J~ • \\'t.ll-esWblllbul N c: w po J1 '"'lU1 11 Dllly Pilot Oulifkld 11cowi1ical t.~11, repRll'1' A &t:ll? C\u.l!IU~ ath do it "Litt" It In daqifled, Ship dna Dail)' Pilot Oaulf~ a pally fltlot ClanlOtd Ad. 6i'>-93ll or m;:,.;Q2 w.<\S.i SEU.S -.,.1~71 Bmtch. ~ Adi 642-56'71. tlf'Y"·uu. No 28103&. &ti-5715 \\1!\J • rail NOW &t>-5678. to SOOre Results! 612...a6'73. Ads. 6-l)..567S &.'12-61i1&. I ---~.,.--~~~ ~· ' ' I I ' . • Friday, Stpttmbfr 27, 1q74 0 8 DAILY PILOT Help W•ntecl, m&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 1100 Help Wanted~&F 7100 CamtrH & Equip. 1030 Fumlturt eosa I Halp W•nted, M&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 7100 Help W•nted, M&F 7100 Help W•ntecj, M&F 7100 HOSTESS/CASHIER Jewelry Store Mgr PBX Aniwtrl"ll S.rvlce S•IH R1pr111nt•tlve FACTORY WORKERS No t'Xptt. ~. Apply Jn Experietlj."ed, or will train. P/time da)'I or eves. Exper, (T 1 ) person >11)'<111)'~ Well known j<wtlry chain prel'd. EOE. ;!0-1962 !Acal dlV:,':,~"01 lnr;e Dellvery-S11nday Only R£VERE 11lde projretor, 25tnm & 'T!lnun "C" mount nlOVie. lens.ea. 67l-&.05 hW1IYA C'i3:J 2'~Fonnat 80 and 135 Lenses, fllten. shade. Sl!IO. 673-1195. MOVING fron1 la~ homt. l 10 tmall llpl. t Queen sofa ~ blue & ll\'O(:lldo stripe. x1ift cond. n oo. 1 Gold quilted llOfll 8', xln't !_'Ond. 1 s 19' 2 Gold cha h'S S45 ea. Clsco's Restaurant lit opcn111'> bollque In maJI. PersO!'lntl ~ounstlor natklnel t."OfPOrallon has 4 Day Work Week So Coast Viii~ S.A. ~twn like reiponslblllty. 11nmcd. opening 1n our ope;::ii· to be r 111 t d · ' \VrHc clttulfled At! No. 2fil. be ''ful r Sal .. ..., guarn. 1 h 40 Hn ~IOUSEKEEPEJt, perm., Dally Pilot P.O. Box 1560 auu oc. _,, Im 1ately or s ar p 11 ...... 111, for t.'tlnv;desclni; r~ .. , ... m' r 11 CY.Ill.% + comm + boau&. Exptt, lndlv1dulli interested in a OF DAILY PILOT TO CARRIERS. RE- QUIRES THE USE OF A LARGE STA- TION WAGON OR VAN. CONTACT MR. BENTON WILLIAMS. 330 WEST BAY STREET, COSTA MESA. TELEP.HONE 642.-4321 FOR APPOINTMENT. Cats 1035 1 tiJ pedestal oli! desk $150. 1 1 Tuble ~1nal' lop, "'!aln;J.I i legi, 4 <.·hairs $50. 546-17""'· Day or.nlk! Mil.LI. Cldt'l'IY'MndtcllfJpt'd man; ill ··""""lat'»'-.. ....,., . .,.~. prtl'd .. Coocl location. marketing ctatttr. AJiply In PeOiOn lo\'ely waterfront hon1e. LEGAL SECRETARY Jason Best Agency Ab!Uty to meet people, F'REE to good ' home. Gentle 1~ Maut Cr, Costa Mcau. I yr o Id ma 1 e ca t . eASSl-II' Kin&: or Qutoen si : 1-·c.otl. pt·lvttte !'Ill, hllth, gar With Utlg•Uon exp. Newport 17400 Brookhurst, F. Vly. willln¥ne" to "'Ork at all Edler lnduttrles, Inc. provick'tl.. A c h cc r f u I , Beach 'inanclaJ Center, 1.s:;";;;";;.e,;2.;;L' ... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i96U1'15ii;;;..;I levels, ambition & a clcnn· tl.01 J)ol.o&, N'OWPort .Betit•h hl•althy, good nu1nager \\•UI 644-4111 I • cut llPl,)C'.araJlt.'e required. Equal Oppor. £1npk>yer ha~e tirne to 11pa~, Driv~, LIQUOR CLERK PLANNER Rapid Adv1tnt.'tn1en1 Housebroken. ahoti httlr. Bedrooni set. Dining rm ! An Equal Opportunity Employer Knows name. &42·0536 aft 5. \\'/China cAblncts. 1-larculou , Help Wanted. M&F 7100 Help"Wanted, M&F 7100 PAJ\;1PER Your cat use or vel\lel !iOfas & Jovescnt1:1. l 1 ..................... "'!!'~!!!!1 l'CI s. $350. 1110. ti1rs. &UC), . I I( QuallfJetl FRONT/BACK OFC 12l3l 4!m--2210 • F/tlme eve,. Pc1m po111t on. 714/&t2-3'260 Bob llansen *SK'ys, Bookkeepers •ta.vo too many to list Lb Rclnden Al,<ency 4020 Birch St .. Sulte 1M Tlu'lcc weekly CAT'l'A-BOX J!Wc·tt·beds & ch!\lf'll. Usl'<l 1 WAITRESSES Service. Phone 67'""'217 10.-Olsplll)' only, WoSI Coo" : HOUSEKEEPER 2!•~.~l. Call AM only. SCHEDULER 1" PM Exper'd. \\'ant£'d in1m1•d. v i.J-ioi.>11 Teleprompter Cable TV Busy chlropractlc...Q.fc. llrs. Mature, dependable tor LVN 2624 \V. Coaiit Hwy LAYANS. Construction. 638-7941 : i'.:JCJ>er. Neat Appearance PF.RSI ANS & llIMA Apply SUrf & Sirloin C.FA lt!Klstered kittens. $50 KINGSIZE Bed, new •' 9-1, l-7,. Dr. Gary °"lure, remurant. 4 Hni dally. 6 to Jo" To plan, schedule t: Newport Beach, Ca 6tH300. 20-U \Ve11tclilf-Dr .. day 1,1,•k.. s;IOO_Mr.mo. Apply For X!:b !L'l.tl!lfoct n in our """-"inn.le production Equnl Or>nno' ErnnJo-r SUite 107, NB Jtooin 211. 505-30th St, Bal Atatf at Royalc Conv. l.foi;p. '""''u • ,.,..... • • .,, J.._ New,x>rt Beach 833-8190 Dial A Job nwass· m~ Cou H NB & ""5-8810 1,,,.tt~s. box 11prt111:11 & ~u W. I wy., up. u• .. k cd xtra \VAITER 2 \Vl-IITE fl"'"'. blue ,eyed frunie. Still pac Iii: • ........,_ firni. $1~-(\\'Orth $4?l} A 263 bt>J SNf. Call ph1uscs for lite manuf. of Front Desk Clerk Pcnln, N.8. S46-M50 bct'\\·n 8 & 4 for small plastic molded &. Exper'd. NCR a>O & PBX. JIOUSEKEEPING, lite, + appt. machined parts. Worit from SALES No Charge To You EstabliJhed 1965 Jo'ull Ume.,f'Xpe rience ser\1• &. 2 black darling kittens, Queen $1S5, llercukul comer 1 Ing Canton1.:.1: tood. ~5550-trained. 548-0079 IPOOP $160. usually home. Wanted Chember Mgr. Dogs 8040 inclds delivery IW-24.~ Apply Jk>n Brown's Motor care of dom. animals. exp.1 -'='""~=--=--I l;lueprints. Hotel, 31106 Co..'lst H\vy, So. nl'C. in care of horses, LVN, $33 per !iliitt. Send Resume To: TELEPHONE SECURITY OFFICER Exper pref'd. Sl!nd resumel-..;;.--------1 .;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;I to &x <l82, >"ounlaln Val· e PUPPY WORLD • MATIRESSES •• , Lo_guna. livt.'-ln, rel's. P.O. Box 1404, NUR.~ES Aide, r~J time. Oas~ified Ad No. 234 NB. 9'1663 2«15 Thurin, CM 642-3.im c/o Dally Pilot U you are capabe of earn· lng $300 + weekly, hard \\-orklng, & looking for u position "'hich oUen t.'Om- pa.ny benefit.a, fulure, x.1111 \\'Orklng eondltlons & job &tabilily, please ca.11 ley, Ca. Bull Terrier, Lab, \Velmara· FUN Job, part tinle. Sell 1 ,;-'="~""""""'==== MAINTENANCE MAN P.O.Box 1560 Playhollie Toys. {Party ll 0 USE K EE PER/Child I 'Costa Mesa. Ca 9'2626 WHO WANTS TO WORK? ncr. Bull dog" Pekingese. •,, MATIRESSES DRIVE A CAB' Chihuahuas, Tiny PoodlPs, Queen Full & Twin Sets Plan} CRr noces!'>. C11.1l care. lo1ature person . EJCportenced in electrica. Equal Oppor. Employer Gladys 830-2107 or 581--0547. Mission Viejo. P/1 Penn. plumbing, carpentry & 4-TPJ\;l daily. Lee, 66.788L related restaurant equip-I :-==~ Opportunity ror public rela· lions etc. ~lililary or Jaw e n f orcement backgrowxl CHOOSE your ho~. work Pit Bulls, Cockapoo. ~00 PRICED TO ?.fOVE NO\VI! for yoilrselt. be your own J\11XED PUPS Stud Service &16-SG86 & 833-962:5 *GARDENER* Be-yo'.a' own boss! Part or f/Ume~ Your O\m area. High lnoome. Guaranteed CUstomen, Earn N()W. Pay ater. !A+7117 or 534-3144 HOUSEKEEPER, mature: JmOcLotL. y ROGER, INC. POLICE depend. Full or p/t. Xln't '\\'age. Secure employment. l'lOO Gillette, h..-1~ RESERVE 1445 Supcrklr, NB 642"-2410 MAINTENANCE MAN llAJRDRESSER needed in Ftill tbne. Emphasis on boo! OFFICERS lge ne""' south Sa.n Clcn1cntc & dock carpentry. \Vrito N4IIONAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 997-4521 or 532-2432 boss. J\!en or \\'Omen. Can ~tost Breeds. Roller Canar· be atightJ.v bandlcap~ 1es, Repliles & Turtles. Open 1 Ne.I • Cltan Ap .... a.rance. Eve11. 531·5027. 7' green striped goj'a brarw Appry in Personnel Dept. r-1U • new never u s ed, 0011· J\fonday tnru FrlCfiyg:.11am. Vis., retired. Age 25 to · GREAT DANE-Beau. Brin-ll'lllflOl'B..l'Y design, Must sce, PACIFIC MUTUAL Supplement your inro1ne. die Bitch, Championship ~lust sucrirlc ut cost! $170. 700 Newport Center Dr .. N.B. Drive a c9.b 6 hra or n1ore A l.Jnes, 17 mos old. Showdog, Call Sandy week days nt an equal opportunity emp\y, day. Apply ln !Jel'SOn, has been shO\Yn .. 642-5665. 557-5770, C'Xt 446 salon. High con1mission. Classified Ad No. 252, Daily • 493-2362 aft 7:30 pn1 * P.ilor. P. o. Bo1' 1560, Costa GARDl.'"NING Route tor aaJe, HOUSEKEEPER, 1 child, _;M;;';'';";;· ;C;•;;';";";;;;;;;;;;;;;; I $2500 lnrJudea all equipment live in or out, salary + • & truck. 30 hr week. $970 room. 675-7295 S I -t gular police SALES Ycllo\Y Cab Co., 185 E. 16U1 BLACK LAB., Fem .. 5 mo.. ~10VING .OU"l' 0" STATF.: upp emen• 0 re Sharp Guy1 or Gols St C.Osta Mesa 1 \" f " " forCe. Se1vlce begins w/ . Sr. Architectural " · ' AKC, trainab e .. -.ants ove D<!COrutor d~lgncd custorn recruit school. After which Loo!?i:tg for a pcnn. 1/llme Draftsman WOMAN who needs $500 + & room, $65 675-8137 furn Is h Ing s. 1.< n1 p s, 4 hout's unpaid se1vlcc req'd position ln bou~ique sal.es. with shop detailing 0 f rno st. S:iles oriented. J\;ir. ENGLISH BULL DOG, fem. painting~. housC"hold itc1n11, pe1 '\\'C'ek. S·l.aQ per hour ~tus~ be ex-per d In !ugh cabinetrv & interior decoi· Lyons. 7141846-5155• iiii 1% yrs AKC. MUST SELL and 1nany misc. items. n10. ilk:on1c, call aft 5, ,:.::::::"'-:=.c='--~-HSKPR. pt time. Mature. MANAGER I dd,,. .... du t ,. e'. fnsh!Oll ntens Spol'IS\\'CU~ & J AAA' 96 or. a 101..... 1 looktng for a p 0 s It 1 on lo supervise &hop detailing $150 . .......-1 eve. ~673-8~~1,,r,;~-=-=='°'r-I 54S.3630. Senne invalid care. Npt. GARMENT CUTTER Bch. 675-7363 aft Itam TRAINEES U.~ufo~s furn. by c ty. 1,1,•/room to grow \Y/an ex-dept. Allred ~t. ~rdon 1 11~ l DACHSHUNDs-standard 4 BAR STOOLS f 1nal filing date Sept. 27th; panding business. If you're Designs, Inc. 250 Fischel', ~ V ARC. Shots & 1,1,•orming lncld. 2 years old for Wet.'lult mnnuf&Ctuttr. HOUSEKEEPER/ CM1PAN· Prefer experience or will ION to live.In 3 "'eekentls, I.rain. $2.50 hr. 5 day \\'k. for older lady. CdM 673-53311 : ~P~~ 1.fui ~ C~~. l2 noon HOUSEKEEPER live-In. Ori· .,1 ..iiiiiiiiliiiio._;;;;;..,;;;;;• I enta1, Jo)..llpino or? $350 mo. Full & p /tlme Intervl ewlng Now for Positions in Orange Co. Must be over 21, bondable & in good phyaica1 cond. Have car & telephone. Co to Tic Toe 11-farket nearest you or telephone our office!' .•• Apply Police Dept, 505 exper'd & need a great job, Costa Mesa. 54D-2860. I ~ lll4) 637-7347 $10 a piece Forest Ave, l.agwla Beaqh. call for appt. SER~CE Sta. Lube Man. I.__._. POODLE AKC, Toy, Coco, San Clemente POSITION open, Shipping & THE LOOK 644-6500 M~ed over ?5· Exper. ~:n;tl~q~u~e~·~=~:~eoo~:s l ~~Mal~c~, ~1~yr~.~-~ sho~t·~-~ !50-~~= 1 ~~·~"r'~-87~85~-\"~"~6~~"'"~*~~1 'I 55i-8607. Receiving, no exp neeess, SALES TRNE $800++ Utime days. Xln t pay. Ca1! 831-2797 COLORFUL Kapok •tufied will -•-Fl xl I ....... _ _. for appt. 645-1532. Arco 19th * * * * --~·-' '"m, suitable for urw1. e b •? o:>UR:UUle. Degree Business Adm. & Newport, c_r..t L-..&w:u tbl 646-1787 Weiss ~Ianulactur· Top National Com___pany Tom Foster I[ 1 den or llv rm, game ( GENER.AL. Inventory Clerks 3 Days. \Ve need you now. Irvine area. Call today! GENERAL 1 LABORERS I Immed. Assignmen,s. Tup $$$. Long or short tenn. C.11 540-4450. I NE1(ER A FEE AT TEMPO , TEMPO Temporary Help ' I GENERAL Office, L I f e Insurance Agency. nr OC ' Airport,. notd sharp girl I w/9ee)'1 skills. Neatness & ! accuracy a must Salary open. 833-2066 GENERAL OFFICE Reception.bl. Exper, Mature. I P/t. 51044. ··--~~~~~~~-) GIRL, FRIDAY Needed to pmplement j lftirlent ·'""lec'y a t a ff . ~ ... in a new field I ..,._energy-recovery. Salary oi)ea, liberal fringe benefits. Good typing skills req'd. Send reswne or call Robert H. Collins:, ·Pres. N.R.G.-Nu Fuel Co. 1602 Monrovia St, N.B. (TI4) 645-4211. GIRLS-GIRLS Easy fun job. Day or night. No. exwf· neoen. We train yod.~ YOO' must like people & be al Jeast 18. Apply INSPECTOR In.Process J\;lin. 6 nio's exper. in ln- Proce51i. All electronic in- spection. Must know color codes, blueprints , schematics. Xln't co . benefits includes 1 wks vacation alter 6 mo ' • . Christmas wk oU w/pay. Group ins. starts day ot hire, Many more. Doc11mentor Division Addrt$1ogroph Multlgroph 2921 S. Dalmler, S.A. Equal Oppor. Employer INVENTORY Conb'OI Clerk & Receptk:lnist, exp only. 7:~. lhr for lunch, good benefits. Contact M r s Johnson after 1:00, ~ Ing. WESTCLIFF SERVICE Station Salesman, ~22 Vista Grande I ffff to You \\'/-1 match chrs, good cond. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Personnel Agency C'Xper. preferred. Days & N I B h &tO-w.6 . " Ind . I 'lark III c ('\ICS. Full & p-time. Apply ewpor eac STEREO 6 FOOT SOLID "Lie. u •tr 111 , com· tn ellterl Shell Station, liU1 & lrvine, 'You are the wlnMr o( :iid~'yo:'=nden~; l&.Sl E.~r. S.A. N.B. R..:,•,i~kti!:n1\,~~iclt Free To You 8045 g:;~1~TI~Nsg~1N8~~ ~mall b~erage .business SALES PERSON SERVICE Sta. attendant -4 ClfAJRS, wm1 LEA} (TI4> ~7417 For lnfonnation into a growmg, Irvme-based $ p/timc eves. Expcr. only. & Boat Show BEAGLE/Terrier male pup-NQ MAR TABLE 541-5&1 l Br 0 k era g e.Development JHS0-$300. wk, .. ?'9, m~·uap Apply morns 2590 Newport at the py, 5 month.~. shots, 2 Twin bed sets white head-~t A NX GER ""rson tu Firm Prestige offices with om~ Duoect .,... es. \ 1 Blvd, C.~t. Anaheim Stadium housebroken, loves kids. · _, . h ~ ld,nt'y ..... ~,.· t""" B-kc< Train. Preler over 25, ,, •• .,.,,.,.. boards & footboa1us, rug TIC TOC SYSTEMS Equal Oppor. Employer replace person who ""'Oultl n ""'"""" cu •v SERVICE Sta. attendants. October 2-6 JotJ-,),)0" table, desk & chair. $100. not work 847-3045 tor nppt or Broker-Salesman Rela-Mattled & Car. 1'~ /ti 111 e c v es. Lit c Please call 642·5678, ext 333 FREE 3 yr otd Labrado~. s.tl>-7413 only tlonships ava.llq.ble. Write ElectrohL'.: Division m<'chanic:il prel'd. Apply to chilm your tlcket8. maJe, w/shots. Needs fam1· ..::.::._:.==~~---:I Brokers, P.O. Bcix 15107 San· Mr. MacDonald 494-1064 n1orns, 2590 Ne~rl Bl. ~1 {North County loll frl'C 11 w/yrd. Loves kids. SAC RI r l CE : l a n ~~~ ~e ~j~ge$~rf~~ ta Ana , Ca. 92705. Consolidated Foods Corp SERVICE Sta. Attendant nwnbci· Is 5r1().l220) 6T.f-3820 naughahyde. $150: wive.'~ r-..tr. RichanlA, 714184&-5455. R.E. Sell 20 acre retreat SALES, lND, Comm ., Po\ver Full & Part-Time * * * * BEAUTY Relit Spring & A~f/fli.1 conrh $180. Nevl'r Reep Bk property between L A & tools, cutting tools, shop 990 E. Coast Hwy, N.B. PUBLIC AUCTION mattn:ss, Gd. Con d., ust'd. 492-J:l;il MEDICAL al t., 35 P~: San Diego. Experienced or supplies, bearings, power SJ·IOP Instnictor. Excellent Baq:am GREAT SAVING~. 9· L'Orn-, exp'd. fem l', over ""' y 0 u n e. ambitious, trans, Growing t.'Ompany, l\MNY ITEMS OF FINE 4~298.i fortable sofA $50. 2 uphol K.110\v pegboard-system. Send motivaled .. Leads. u n-good opportunity for go get· for college student or semi· ESTATE JE\VELRY. ART ':!""'--:-.,-;c:-7· I gold ch.ilrs $35. t•ach. resuma; to: Classified ad limited income & future.1...::"o:.':.,· ;c64c;>-,.:755::;-"l°""'==.,.,---I retired man. Call Harbor o B J E c T s , ANTIQUES, 3 MALE Kittens, 1 black, 6-W-2369 No. 106, DRUy Pilot, P.O. Call for appL Mr Sharpe,1-SALESPERSON :J:M.sl!':l·s Club 642-8372, FINE FURN. ETC. PHONE 2 gray, 8 wks -CU-STO--M-,-,-,d~e~N~a~t ,-,-,"t Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 71~3-1514 Make $200.-$400. wk. Trade FOR INFO & BROCllURE. 546-5392 Birch dbl. hdboard., bltn. ..092626::-:::;==~~==~-I Real E.state Salesperson Show advertising ~ space, SMALL NOVEL TY CO. 64.>-~. \VIRE-H1\IR'D Tt'rr. dogs. lites & nite tbles. Asking MEDICAL FRONT WANT A CHANGE? some experience req . (7141 Needs .man over 25 for sh ip. RD. Oak tables. leaded 3 sims, watch-dog s. $75 s.1~958:! OFFICE ASSISTANT 85% Commission 543-0700, l'lfr. Tyler. ~!k"". 's~ivipe·n: ~~Pciol~en~~ shade~. oak chairs, chnklna 956-7778 de.ys ~7 eves. -.-,.o~VES~-E-A~T-k-So~!a~Cua~lo-n-,1 ASSISTANT $55. Licensing School SALESPERSON, ex P, d . 946 W. lTih St. Costa l\fesa. c11.biners. art glnss, tru70575!l. FLUFFY Tiger & sleek blk. madJ e \'ery gd. qua!, never Typing from dlctaphone a REALCO, REAL TORS Penn. job avail. in ftlOl'!t Apply 9-llam Tiffany'sBolldTreassures., frleod. 3 mos .. 956-m8 days ~. u.swtlly hm, 968-7910 I • billing 831. 2770 &·ach '' . t a n o n . 540-tim e\"es. must. nsurance "' 4!&18:K) or -diversified gift shop on Bal. 005--7802/53.6-5065 GER'I SJn:"'n COUCH, table/match. ~-. etc. for a ppL 833-1626. Real Estate Sales ls. Must show Initiative in I Sal 1 i LAB ~; · 1• -.Lr. T\'-<.'Olor & BJ\\', desk & ~M.tc DCOC'l"'Vr..ft\.IC'I GENERAL Office help need· F.arn 75 to 90%. Desk,1.~·~"~·~re~·~·~· ~673-~325:~3~J~oc~:: Te •phone es Orange County Antiques 1 yr., Fem., Y.-ell Trained other hshold items. 675-1436 ~1111"1~ rU\;JVl"lt'tLI.. ed p/tlme for m!grs rep. Phone, Ans. serv., Training C t M A 16,000 sq. ft. of anliques shots, 64()-{1633 BLUFF'S-Bll set lounge ccO\nrfS•~Y CaJJ 642·9937 betwn 4 & 5pm. 2 dynamic locations. Call , as a esa rea 83X E. 1st St., Santa A~11. FREE PUPPrES. ~: lrlsh · · · ..xor\Jl\w phi I Gjbilisco-Haciend11. Secy Jr. $590/$640 Open 7 rloys, 9 to 6 rl1uly Setter, a German Pointer. 1·ha!r: ass1'd. picCt'B: all SEE OUR l\tODELS F So SA Ml Work From like nC\\'! liflrg1lin11! 644-013-1 Orange Cty. Prof. Real Estate Inc. 542-5656. rec. · · · gr PORTABLE Parlour Pump 64~7397 SUNDAY LISTING h __ , i· REAL ESTATE \Vork for marl control mgr Your Home o 1 1 00 $500 l~"'-'7.'------.80-.50;;; AUCTION, l''Urnlture, Sept. Photograp er nt:=is igure ~ Wh Sh+ gdtyplng.Strong Top Commissions rgan,x~n37 , Furniture :ll'-Oct 7, Sora. Carpt>t, 488 E. 17th St. (at Irvine) CM models for publications. SALESPEOPLE. y not stable co. w/xln't benc-. 11 rtressl'r, Appl only, 67:>-&S83 Sult• 224 642·1470 Call: work ln the hottest areas, r 2 * ~73 * AUSTRIAN Pendulu1n \Vall Refrigerator, l\laplc dresser 772-3276 aft. 6PM lluntington Beach/Fountain its. AOOut yrs ex-per. EquaJ Oppor. Employer !-tanging clock. Chime Ii . \\'/mirror, sofa. coffee & FOR Snle, Solid Oak Tench· JANITORS, part lime evei;, 'i=~~••°'ru~L=TI""'o"pe~,~.~,.~,~. -:M::-u-,1 Valley? Let us train you. Free/Also Fee Jobs "'!!!!!!!!!'!!""!!!!!""""""""" l "S!!1~85~-_;:64~e5-48254~;-;='"'""-end tbles. bookcase. ef"l! LH-sk, 30" x 60" $130. openings In Santa Ana, .<.>U " Call Phil McNamee 963-4567 Angus Gordon Personnel :::: 2693 548-Mtl Orange & Fullerton. Good be experienced. . RPal Eta Agency 642-6720 TO\V Truck Driver. rxper. TIIURS/FRII SAT/SUN 6-16-~~~~=~~==~~~~~~~~! opportunity for perm. part ==""CaU""'..:642:;::,·;:5280"7--;;-= l ~Vj'"!jag~•~r=~~s~tle~. ~e::1.~333~E~·,.'~7~th~N~o~.,;15~, ~CM;.,.1 F/time. Top pay & h·inge 2130 ContinentaJ. 0..1 I ~ ~J t1me employment Apply al MUSICIANS Patogh . CoHee I< RESTAURANT HELP benefits. Apply G & \V 8 am to 6 pm 548-8006 1 ~ ln.82 Annstrong Ave SA bet Hou11e. UCI. Auditions Sept. Sa~dl~back ~f.fee Shop ln Sec'y, Sales Asst. Towing, 17th & Irvine, N.B. OAK CHINA CABINET. Perl •• , 4 le 5:30Pl\I, Phone Sf0-7813 29, l2PM to SPM. Student Mission Vie~ needs a Very sharp, n1ature young cond. A Real Beauty. $265 JOURNEYMAN Produc e CU.'. No. l ~~~~30for~~tene:~ secretary '\\'{70+ typing TYPIST $600 finn. 962-5:..'0'1 Oerk 1,1,nnted. Apply in Newripaper Carriers-· • "'·~ .~ IBM Selectric & ability to Bluechlp 00. needs yout• ELEGANT \\'ulnut antiq . person, lfi622 Beach Bl. BOYS & GIRLS Frl/SaUSUn 4 to l2.&l. edit &/or write letters. bl · ta! 1 • d" D~hwasher 11 a.m to 3 pm Figure aptitude & xln'l w/ capa e typing en o.: IC· armoire. Beaut. bc\leled H.B. 10 yrs & Older daily. Apply m penon. people. Journalism 0 r taphone exper. \Vork in Jt mlrrol". $275/ofr. 644.--0027. JUNIOR SALESMEN DAILY PILOT before 4 pm. En&lish majo< w/hvy ofc f8'cina.ting field w/klts ol ApplloncH 8010 I any altn or eve. 2930 W. . Coast Hwy, N.B. GRAVEYARD Shift mid--7-~=,.-=-===:l n.ight to 8 M l 3 Openings. t Jack in the Box, 1205 Baker St., Costa Mesa. A CONVDllCNT SKOPPINC ANO SfWIHG 0010£ FOR THE RESTAURANT background who Ii k e. ~ =esmJl)oo;0 FREE Age W.15. Eam t ~$40 per MANAGER pressure & hard \\'Ork \\'Ill 8 f KENMORE CAI. OH TttE GO. '''· I GRILL COOK For 1n ad }n Wom1n~s Warld C•li P'tVY 642·5671, ul. 330 I P/tlme needed lmmed. CAii 581.3232 ext "2148. Mission Viejo. GOLF STARTER WANTED, t 40 hr. 4 day week, Pref. _j semi-retired man. Reply to 1 Classified Ad No. m Dally week getting new clmOmera Has Routes Open Ne\V restaurant in Newport ~!~~2~u2re w/sa.ilboat ·1 Emplo~~~ ~ency· WASHERS & DRYERS for the DAILY PIIDT after Dana Point Beach. Young, aggressive, · · Costa J\;lesa 556-1100 Clearance ol 1973 Floor school and Saturdays. You !IOme experience required. SECRETARY 2706 A Harbor Blvd Suite 20'1 Models reduced to $j5, Th st· p t ! I must be out 1;f school by . c . tra B ch Unlimited earnings. 640--0502 Good typing & sh req'd, Con-Anahm 600 N Euclid 776-812U Portabie or but I t In ree rm ar s 3:00 pm and be able to work 3R1$ 00 ea RESIDENT Manager IJ081· tact Mr. Grimstad for appt Org 2 City Bl East 634-12'22 di8hwasher $139. Crnftsman ~ Fan to Crochet! I·' Pilot P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa 92626 flAIRDR.F.SSERS Asst. need· ed. Ken Templeton's, i I C811 64H857 Have you bee11 a BEELINE 1 hostess?.•Tr'Y It, you'll like • ute 'timi ·& Cree fashions. I eau 946-3183. , HElP \YANTED, perm. pit , employment. Ideal f or t reliable students. E v c s . Mo~Fri & Sat AM. Hrly I wages. Inside, w o r k . I 636-'1891. 892-2258. HOSTESS, PtrIME I Breakfast thru Lunch J>l.UE DOLPHIN ~ Via Lido, N.B. ! CLASSIFIED will sell it! "Dnuv Fii.Si" when )'OU Pn.oT Want Ads! Call now at least 3 days per week. No t"' lion available for 30 unit 673-3130. Imperial Savings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"''"'""" re c on di t Ione d power delivaies or collecting. S J C 'stf apt. building, near center & l.JJan Asso c lat ion , TYPIST, EXPER. l11wnmo1,1,·ers reduced 251J,,. Tl'anaportatlon prov l d ed. an 030 apl 300 of Laguna Beach. Couple Newport Beach. EOE. P/time, your home or my Freight damage compactor • C;JJ 968-481.2. f _, · p o Bo 6"~" $119.88, Color TVs reducl'd '!. '"" Prt; errL"'~·. Opportunity lo SECRETARY ofc. · · x ~. up 10 SJOO. At these 2 loca· ~ " Equal Opportunity Employer CALL Mr. Lowder cfJJO: ~;:::n~ w~k yo~ One girl Office. Knowledge Anaheim, Ca 92806· tions only! Sears, Roebuck f ( ' ' Joan Furraw 492-4420 wor · eg ' er a of payroll Light book· W1\ITRESS, tray & cocktail, ond Co. Adams at Magnolla, 1 , -':ot<O:.. ~ 1662 Palau Nolan Real Estate Inc. n4: keeping, tyjiing & general exp required, appoint call Hunting1on Beach 962-7781, ,, / Costa Mesa Newspaper Carriers: 494-9424 oUicc duties. ~o--585(). "84~2-_9060~~===---270 E. 17th St., Costa 1-Jesa, ffr;li} You ere Uie winner of S RN's SECRETARY-WAITRESS ~.-10-5090. 2 tickets to the GIRLS & BOY CCU'S BOOKKEEPER Coffee shop. Day & eves. FREIGHT DAMAGE SALE t r'-'~·, Recreation Vehicle 10 yrs & older * Position avail. for lull limo. Exper'd. Over Zt. l\o Phone New Flolpolnt Refrigerators, ~ • "ii \. & Boat Shaw Start immed. N.B. area. Call!>. Kona Lanes, 2699 \Vasher 5, Dryer", ti ~ J at the DAILY PILOT Fu11 p.time. 3·11 & 11·7 752--0240 Harbor Bl, CM DiahwaKhers, New Anah•im Stadium Excellent Benefits SECRETARY. Legal Trllinec Don't give up the ship! \Varranty. Credit. B of ,\, October 2-6 Good \.\'Orking conditions type 70 WPM, lite dictaUon. "List" it in classified, Ship 3623 \V. Warner, Santa Ana, Please call 642.5678. ext 333 Has routes open In COSTA MESA Start $450 mo. 831-0670 to Shore Results! 642-56i8. ...::"e"a,._r_,Ic::lar=.:ho:;r::.·..om=29'll=;o·~- to claim you< tickets. San Clemente Momoriol Hospitol Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help W•nrld, M&F 1100 KENMORE """"" & c .. (North County loll free 642~2734 EOE Dryer $50 each, Lady Ken· number ls 54().1220) more auto washer $85. Guar * * * * CALL Mr. Hyde ~ 1 & def, 54&-8612 49;!-4420 RN SALIS Rent WHhers/Dryers 6'2·4321 Di,..ctor-CoHect .......... -..... -..---'-""'-........ Ml!d-Surg. Wlit ll·7:30AM $2. Wk. Full malnt. shift, I/time. Xln't ben<::ts. AUTO SALES ' ' * 630-1202 * EOE. Contact l\1rs. Jeh&en, USED Frigidaire rehi1ij'.. $50. IJ " ' I '--. I ' I" ' ' ' • • • • • I •. P!'i ... ' .. Ii • ' ,; .... ;.. ' .ll I t • ii ' I a . · .. ·~.J •i ·· ~ '• ll l~H~e~lp~W~·~n~tld~, M~&~F~z.1ooiiiiiiiH~•~lp·W···n·t~ed,iiiM&iiiiFiii7iiiliijOO Costa MeKll M,e mo r I a I TRAI EE Green in color, good con· !l.~?J.t34aI, 301 Victoria, CM N ditlon. 675--{)2.18 ~·· -FREE PIOWP • Rers ' , ( I I• 1 I . ; . ELECTRONIC \• . ASSEMBLERS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED " IN SOLDERING & .ASSEMBLING OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS Phone Mr. Sosa (7141 833·9513 Weekdays 7:30AM • 4PM- IRYINE ELECTRONICS 2700 DuPont Ori••· lrvlno, CA 92664 An Equal Opportunily Employer ) ' i SALARY Appl's & Scrap Mct1:1I, R N SUPERVISOR . Call anytime 6'1"">-6258 ll PM 1': 7 AM DRYER & Mlove, elect. Like ' 4-4 0 work \Vee k · neiv, continuous clean. Mike J salary. Call tor appnt -='-"-~-----1 · Fri/Sat/SW\ orr. Top BONUS , offer. 968-6384 546-1966. Br Is to I Con-O'KEEFE &: Merritt electric NEWPORT v11.lescent. stove $150. Frigld11.Jre, Ice Personnel Agency -"'R="'N"'s"'u"'P"E=Rr.V~IS~O~R~1 CAR maker $400. 646-49:!0 Newport Buch 642.J870 F/Urue 11·1 for large SNF. NEAR NEW WASHER $35. Frl & Sat nlghta oil. Call p.s one of the le ading Buick Dealerships In D~ NEW FACTORY ~ betwn 9 & 3 for Orange County, we're ollering a Sales Training DL.X. Selll'll wshr, llke nu. Bnt.nch outlets jual opening ap~t. , Ptogn.m tlllt's second to none! S150: Older refrlg, run! gd In area netdJ tne following: RN 1/LVN'1 .l--":· Full or1..,. To toin. you muist be a yoyng, growth~ented $ol5: &6--9165 Z!p u-p •hlpel! natterJ. lt1gmt Trne $185 wk p/tlme. ~1Micali0ns. Mesa111m nWl or \llOman who's Interested in not juet a __ Prlnt•d Pa t•rp. 1114: $(>JVtn(!n (2) $.1 hr Ven:le O>nv. _ l:{~p_. 661 Slits "job", but a SALES CAREER, Bicycles ~~ WoDlen'• BIMI• ue 14 (al-ln<1h Salesmen 0~ Center SI, 01 MS-5585 kln!ly, YoU will have some sales experience• bu1t MUa 40-hacb hlp); as 140 Pref ovr 25, m&nied, car. RN & LVN/Wknd relief. l not necessarily In the automotive fleld. USED Rebuilt Bicycles llkr lr!Jlt, 41 blp): as (41bu•t.44 All benefl~. cnreer posiUori" Wknd or an. 466 }"la&-&hlp HoweYer.1"8 will to succeed and grow with our new. Approx ~ Ori&· prlc~. btl>: to (4.4 lxllt. •• blp): 42 •••1065 Rd NB "" -·· · 11 I rt t 10, 5, ~ spd1 A Stingr9.yl. (4 bu1t, 41 blp): 44 148 b1111t, ~~ , • • ~, OJn'C)lll1'I is BQUI Y mpo an · · 1 • Moto-c:rou equip. le Beach IO hip): 41 (50 bUtt, 62 hip); NURS E 5 A 1 0 Es L ROGER'S GARDENS °M'IMt In !raining, YoUll be on salary plus a 4~ (Iii ~t. k hip.) • • ~ company car and upan complalion of our Crulleri. Smd si.od for tiriri-P11lltth, Orderlies. Ctll Bctwn Samo • lrln Nfl'ed OfA , IPI Pl'OQl'll'l'J ycu wtll gr1auate to lhe salary a. bonua RECYCLED CYCLES A,442' ~I'll• ror 111rh p1Utr,\ 4pm1 548-~J. .. Mcsa V~~ Spr•y Op.retor I' ~nutronplen. &fso w. Coast Hwy, N:B. t«nnrt-c ... 1m1ll•nd1pecl1I ICOnv. lbp, wl Center St, To s~ the plant:J A tret?s 111 In lddlllon 10 our outstanding trelnl...,, P"""'ram, 845--8288 h1ndlln1: •therwi1e third· CM I •· A 1y In '·• '"• clUI ddlver,y wUI 11lle lhrtt or pes.... PP 11trwon we oUM a complete fringe benelit package RALEIGfI lOspd, Or~ nd ..,.. •• .,.mOff.S.lldt.oM1tl•n l'iJJIJ..C)E~ "l.!k prdcrlY.·7-3._ only at··· .... .1 10_ f_.udlnn hospitalization. life Insurance end p~-. 23" 1.~ old, It». Manin. m-thl~O.ily PU.ot. ExPt.r~o'r fi!ilinet,11. 1'11~ 2221-YairvlCW"Rd, c.a lll'ill ~-"• ~~ ~# P•ttf'm Dt~t .. 232 W111 19th Vr:rde O:inv. llo~pltal, 661 R.OOTE SALES To flll out an 1ppllcation and ~earn more about BICYCLES _ 1 boys Ir: 1 ~n1~.:'11tt~"ot'R~~~11~: ~11ter Sti Ot. Will Traln, Salary, C'-Om1n, how You c:an Join our leam, call Mr. J im \\'Oma.n's 3 ·~· Both aood SIZE •!Ht STYL! NUMBICK. NURSES AIDE All ah!~. Bonus. Vehicle Furn. All OWnberlaln. ._ .... u 322 ONt:f'RE£PATl'ERNol1011r ~ ~ -'·bf HB E Pd ~-b b & ooncHt...,n..,.... 't .. ..,co ton-•c .. -.on11lrf't>•I• .-~n u. lA:Jl'C!•"""· I!. • ' '.Jep, ' """"'""' • \IB BAUER BUICK !I'll CLE ·-~~ Conv H05p, 188'll Florldn lm'llory. llf<l'd, coverage, ITAI.JA CY tern lt1Jid• NEW SPRING· St, tlB 847·3515 Prolit Sha.re. Retire al S7. Op.I. J.-, Trt ..... Mfi I• ~~~a O~~ ~r~iMl\o:i1~r11~1~.~ PART TIME W•reh(ll"'" hel~ No Str:ko, Layo!h !?i yrs. I' 979•2500 " ~· ""' ,_,,,.,,,,.,. ... ,.. ..... '" l'Jl!t'derd. Irvine 1.ndu.,trla.I MS-3110, Mr. ":'Jdcer. T·9PM Cimer•s & Equip. I030 now. sr:w • KNIT"°°" •10• atta. muJt be d111M!nil1bl t1 Equa.J Op~. EmplQytr m/f MONDAY thN WIOHESOAY -bu1e1i..ut1paitttn1 ...... •t.a oft. SAIL LOFT hond .. ~ le POLAROID SX70, w/xtru, l111t1m.f•lh10nBook •.•. 11.eo & ACCUM'ltl!. Student . "''"''" ... IETWUH ' A.M. I 12 HOOM m + vuJue, Must ttll. ln6Ulnf.St!wln11 Boot .... SLOO EOE. 556-8100 cut Ung. Irvtot. • ----.. :::=::".=====:;:=a I °"'' ouor. 117!>-2031 Soll fllle llerN with • :itjlJ< ..,=,:_CIU;::,,-i~:::c;;:;f'=-.;:;;l 6-....;·_._____ · l'Uot ClQsln.d od. -0.aalli<d Adi Call ~5618 CI..As.m1EO •111 ooll hi I I, I I • , • 7496 Sb•'ll lovf' lolog: pl•ce1 lo tl1i~CO&J/ bright OlllMt! QUICKlf: 8QUAJt£8 In :S \•lyl~ colol"l •re th7 to rnem., i1~r1 to Xitnl Oroch1t ot kul1· 11nr 'wor1tet1. Pattern 74tll: jolnlni: ch1rt., tllrtttlon1, OOl.I t1llf'I 1-11, berf't Included. 71 CENTS ror e1rh p.tt4rn. Md 13 <'tnl1 (Of' 11rb P•ll.,.n ror rlnt-cl111tn1ll1nd IPttlfil h111dllna : Olh•r•I•• third· du& dtlive~ will tlllr:1 th~ Wfftl1 or m0tt. Send to AUr. Bruot1, JOS. the O.U1 Plloc Nted~•ft oe,i., Box tu, old ~" 5'.1tkla. N" Vortc H.'t. 10011. Prin' N•me, Ad: dm1, Zip, P1Jtem Numbtr. New ! ISO moat P•P•l1r tinllM ln~r ltT• Nffd!ttr•ll C1t11igl :4;11 cr11ta1 THR!E t"8d••!fnlhuild.'' .... '. lSc N-t St.,. +Knit Book .....fl11 811l(ITlaaueP11t1m •.•• 11..11 New! N~ltMintBooll .. 11 I'll N•w! r .,.er Croc:h~ 011 11:o0 ll11rp\11 ro<:l\fl 8otik •••. 11.00 l1111an1 Crothri Boc>t •••• 11.eo l~ntM1tr•meBt .•.. a1.eo INYnt Mon•18ook •... 11,00 Qmplti..Cll\ Bed..,,, .. 11.00 '"°''~~"'"' 'lJ .. " 00 lil'tl: ni-•ru.11.i ...... SOc ~ II IU.tl ...... .,30!!; MLalltUm Qull• 8oolt 11 , . , . .SOC' l&Qllitta rotTod11N .. ,, .,JOc llbdktfll•ltf) •• " •• ' .... • I I I I I ,, I\ - I ,'' _, -; ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' furnlturo ~ B A Y C rt E S T Reniod~i11g Sale, Top qual. Xlnt cfnd. Tho1nafvUJe klf'li auHG ~ , l>Cfl, ltaJJM-(N'OY, IOwteftl. Gluutop •Ide tbl. Qu.-en blk ' n11ug. htdeabetl, 4' dill. "Oierub" Fountain. Qist. arta n.ig, 6'x7%' "'001 "11llt lhllde1 of pink. l..iv rm -.·ull lan1p w/shade, ha n i In a , Gothic st,yle lamp. ~ HUGE FURNlTURE SALE Cleatlnr out co m p I" t c household furniture & 8.c· ccllliOrlei;, Antiques, flUlny collector item1. EverytbinK n1u11 go, Sat/Sun 9 lo 5. 1078 Sal,•ador. CM. ~·~·~·v~o~S~1l~•;·-:-:;:IOS5::'.i~·M:::;l•;<;•;ll~•;n•;•;•;•;;;;;;;;;JIQ80;;;;M;l;•;c•;l;l•;";'°:;"';;;;;;;BOB:;;0 1 ,P:..;.;l•~n~o~1~l.~Orv;;;..,~•~n~1~~~ Friday, SrpJ.tm~r 27. 1974 DAlLY PJLOT D 9 Motorcycles/ '-"'=i;i.:n".ilfr:'q-:'u':-.,:-'.1.-'-c~1a::,:;,1;::c-i9<15"orrA•u::t;::o:;1>wii,n:;ti-;td:;;-'-'--i9-590 801ts, Sail CAilAGE SAJ..E -Tupper-FREE SOi:CAT 1st placr boat 1974 wsrc, V'1te11, tkr..,•er-$, 1:rmck **PUBLIC FURNITURE AUCTION** Adult Orjan c181111 \V t•tern Regionals·un· sci, cake litand, liug~r & Estat.-Repossessions-Consignments Now llet.'t'pting recervatlon1t. <1efeated 1974 lienson~ \Vin· cn.-ant, nieln\ac 11tlt, while, * * * TQMJ ~ 7:30 PM * * * E.'or lnfonnOiUOO plc:1.ie call ncr PM;\ elUclency tl'la.la. r1tlnbow, c an n i 1·1 er &cl, Beaut for1nal \Valnut1 Che rry & other DR 642-2851 in Costa~!ieili, or S2lOO w/trailer. Terr Y · ChlNi !IOUP phues, m;ultt· I S I dd b k h h 963-6733 ln Fountain Valley. ~!l-2285. uon teles, ••h ,,.~, 1-'"•· sc s, erver, a er ac c rs, ulche s, . . -.z~ """ M h d /I I d k din Our ln¥tn.tctor requests that GARY 18, 18' I dest.K"n, f.anll· child te<.'Clrd player, kite.hen a og ressers w rg in rror, es s, • only those &lnc..-erely lnit.rclll· ly or racing fibe.ralaM chldrs, IYr>ewrit•r, 1wtn bed-ettes, coffee 1.lt end tbls. co1nmodes, 8ame <.-d ln learning to play Ult ttall!Jo<lt. C.'ompl includlna 11ll'ead, tall hlrd cage, Juice tbls, dressers, sofas, loveseats, rerlmers, Craan l>bl>Wd take advan· lrallcr.,. $J400. .... \\ru1 taiw &et, llley •usan, voli<.•Y oou, occ chrs, BR sets, Bi..1.nks. tage ' tl\Lt mie ouer. trndf· In. 673-1121 tether ball. chlld't1 roller Coast Music Service 1'1' INTERNATIONAL skat••, c.:wtaln stretclle~. SUPER STERE.OS, tvs, refrJgs, stvs, ,vash-lt E1\0Y TO SAlL. BEST na.lls, hedge cllppe~, l l~n1p, d I Sporting Goods ION FFER 2x4s, n1bcellitrx.'Ous. <..:oin-el's, ryers, amps, carpet, se'v mach. --o n1cncing Sal 1norn ~IJL Lots & lots of Estate n1 isc. Avon bottles, CAl\tPING tent $.59 nc1,•:, us-1'960-=""236""!"6.::7H<l:..::::::S0:-~-- 28th lO a.m. 172 F!Qwer St. corning ware, sml appli, ite1115 too numei·ous ed once $25. Gas lantern CAL 25, Immac. full ro(·c Cotita Melia 548·2009 to mention. Jtezns subi'ect to presale, BOA $7. New Ice chest $7. Oh1in~ & l'rulse. new satls, molor. •-n1ask $15. Jet Hns St:>. knot meter & many xtras, SATURDAY 9 to 9-Sun ti ~ A-laster Charge honored. Food avail. Snorkle $3. New spe<1.r gun 64&-9016 to 5. Twn be& w/tl"' new MASTERS AUCTION 883 w C. ---"°'------COMPI..EI'E Ant,_ Jor sale matt .t: sprga $50. Wht 2D7S" N $20. 54&-~740. 1 J\la · P-CAT, No. 400, .spin., Trlr. ~"t' -• dressing ltll w/lg mimir "12 ewport Blvd., Costa Mesa Costa :P.!esa. w/box, 3 trapezes, fast. !lli-blk n, dishes, shelves, TV, & skin + match!"" llprtutJ 646-8686 or 833-9625 30.00 SPORTER, gla~ in-$1225. Eves 6 7 5 -0 8 3 9 , e, etc. Evrythg. muil 110. l ·06 :1":'::'.'~::':.~""'"""""!::::::'~~"'!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ I I ed s Ith t Be G:I0-8737 Sat/Sun. 10 to 5 100 E. & curia ns $'15, ladlesi M I ~ ayb , m 6Xm0\ll! s, ar ~· ~~--~----Bay, Apt. Balboa Pen. clothes 10 IG 12. 25c and lsc:e laneous . 8080 Miscellaneous 80IO Cu master • s c !1 Pe . 23· PEARSON Electr·, sleeps up. A1uch more. 3022 Don· ---hnnd!"Orkcd $16.'i f Ir in • 1 4, xlnt cond, slip in Dana GARAGE SALE Sat/Sun. t~ nybrook Lane Cl\1 SCRAM LETS *' * * * 96S-152J bef. 6Pt-.t Point Marina, Best offer. '~~em;: 1~~;'urrb~~.0~~ APA'RT~ENT . & . Gnrugc • C. w. Forest suru-OOAllD 6' 2", i:d. 496-7868 ' camp'g. gee.r & C'lc. 2018 ~le llerc couch/lovcse!ll. ANSWERS 2421 VassaJ. Place l'Gnd. $55, Steuben li:ldlllc, Fl s ERG LA s s sabot. \Vin<l'A·ard Lu., NB vu1yl contmp chr, misc co, ta Mesa ZicgfL'iC'il pcrf. i.:are $295 l.1ahogany trim, d a c r 0 II hanging plants bahy crib 544-182!'1. sails. Xlnt condlfu>n. SZU BUNK iiCl, dbl. bed. lge. w a 5 her Id r'y e · ' You are the winner uf St R B BO!r 752-0417 "'" 6023 wood cupboard, picnic tbl . r' mtSc Adroll -Olive -Bilge -<! tickets to lhe ore, est., ar-;;, or """" •--U Si 'Llttl lten1S. Hut1')' !or Ba~alns! ! Relish -SERVICE R · V h " I -30' Ql,\NCE 3030, successful !!.~mhw;-aSe. "n.gebed' • d,e 1113 Apt C Florida. HB 96(}. \\lhat lbl!i country needs Iii ecreat1on e IC• DtSPLAY \Vlngs \\'/fillers. ~T racer, Balandra. F'uJI ~lid~ p;jecto~·. misc~p~v-lTll Jeu inventions, and inure & Boat Shaw n1ctal casing, 30"x60". Still r ace & cruise. S2G.OOO lng! 546--009'.? ~~GE Sale, Sat & Sun, mechanics !o SERVICE !llOlii' A h a.t !hSct d ' 1,',',0_"."_x. f>l4-24S5 or 640-1631 714-67"".HJ23.t or 714-003-398.) "vso \Vcstminster Place, C~1 'A·e nlrca·'y huve. na e1m a 1um '"' ESTATE SALE Fine fun "' LEIThlAN 12, xlnt cond. :: : 1·• VW part.is, mini bike, apt October 2-6 CASH REGISTER, Pool tbl., 'l rd t ·1 6-37., antique con1nl0des, sofa , t t t · t t Pt tt 642 ~8 333 soi s. ya nu er, ,,,_ ,;;, 51.b'I\l!S OVe,eecnca pug *SUPER SALE* case ca . ...,, ,ext 2draftbcerboxcs,so forth. or~7:r.! chaln, lamps. dbl bdrn1 set, wires, Old Ford parts, nil.<><: MONDAY SEPT JO lo cluiin your ticke1s. 596-1142 wrought Iron dlnelle 8Ct, tools, brosi; & b ron z c (North Coun1y toll free -"s===-----~~ I L.lOO 1·1 ·llO. 3029. Good oon- coffee !bl, 2321 Arbulul! nautical, rcblt shortlock, '56 TUESDAY OCT. I iiunihea· is a4Q..l220) waps 8096 dition. Sl!l>Cl. (Eal!lbluU), Sat 10-5. Olds, P.1ittiy xtrai;. , 10.5 * * * * S\VAP t.iE ET at CANYON Cull 6'12-U41. G•r•1• Sile I055 Scooters 91 SO 1931 FORD, l\i0<1£'l fl.. 74 SUZUKI l::verythlnl( cir!g; ncv.· ll\Ci<it't A t>llK. 33262 Pulo Aho: GT 550 D;mu Pl. 493·363:> nu-.· "30 prn. 1787429) Ree VehlclH Only $1295 T!lr<trh Jh11p11115 +t •ll"' '11 l .... 1 ............ """'"'' IV .. , ""1'> !AUi. 9530 LARGE Var I et Y. ski PUBLIC AUCTl0N * UP TO 1/2 OFF * * PLUSH CLUB l9-ta Laguna Cnnyon Boats, Slips/Docks 9070 S\\<-eaters, pants, jackets, 0 &:Jack Door A t ' R 1 Su! 9 2S 11 4 .f9!J-12S.~ 1971 Bultac.:o 100. 0\Vnc'r n1u.~1 'ti6 Chevy, Carryall, 4 "'heel blousa sew'g mac h i\IANY ITEA1S r FINE n rques CARPETING * r . --\VANTED: \\oll pay premiun1 I sacrifh.:c reducct\ lo $~.lj. drive, air, n u1io, hr.1tl'r. housei...;ld it;., m 11 _ &.; ES'fATE JE\VEL.RY, ART 1896 Harbor 'Blvd, C.M . Dccoraior has 196 yds of rust TV, Radio, HJ Fi St, 8098 for boot slip for 42, pii•r Sat &. Sun call ·19-1-15.::l. Sl200. or best offC'r. ~:!--til'.',ti ~tnrlgold, CdM, Fr:!. 9/5 0 B J EC TS ' ANTIQUES, ---plush <.·arpc•ing. Super buy!! "CIV~A\VA" PRICES•." boat NB area. Call (213) i1t'f'krlays before 10 uni t'.1111 Trucks • 9560 S'iS-5035 FINE 1-1.JRN. E.'TC. PHONE DREXEL. Dccl11ration coll r;.;i.~··.s/548-4654 r..-~ 796-2143. Collect, ~·kdays. _4"'!H'°-0384-,:--,-c--o,,..--,--c-~:..:.::;:::....,_...;. __ _ FOfl INFO & BROOJUltE, table $60: 2 rlliltch. end -'_ · , Speakers, tape recorder. ~~" 1""972 s g" · GREEN Couch, 8rn sl~pcr &\5-2200 tatJlcs $30 ea: stein C"''Slal I Musical lnstrum ts 8083 recording tape. Re c ord .?.O' SIDE lie, Lido Shopping lportstcr, I e)(tentiou, • '71 f'orcl l"2=10 utility bod~. IOf. oak d-k & c•-•-by ., t•·· 1 fro 10c "-a + I "' "'pl, s•~. ca1nc seal, s ssy bar, 16" Auto Trans, (95868Jj $219~, ' ""' , .. , .,. GARAGER, Stereo spkrs., tiCIV. for 12, 7:.1 pcs. $12.i; ~. --a llUtns & sing es m ..... u ~· 1 Items, ice skates, roller toots, ,,,,._ & el""l'I. ,,_ C..denzu, Sp"nish . $ 7, .· f E. NDE.R Sassman Iiea. d 10 $1!.49 each! 67:i.-8105 mG. Util pd. 673-2828; rear whWcel, pul .dbacks, $1800d • J{obu!ite\Ji i\1o1ors • •-1 1915 '""' ..... ,.. .. " Sol J .., t Xt t Co,,.,, ~~" '"'u 01· v.• consi er tra e. 18641 BC'ach I-twit Bch i;,,,a es, many rnore. plies, nu1ny household & 'As:o:t'cl. painlings $20-$00: _ it ,"'18 e. n .. rl\.l. v.·_ith 25" Color TV $150 ~~:;;:.-'-=~"-~~-~~-·I 5-19-1600 843-1255 Marlnen Dr. NB. &U-531'!1. .l(aJ'dcn Henis. Over h d , Snag area rug, new .:JxG, ~-ovci,. $l00.00 !um. CaJJ Call 5-18-6.529 l j '-4 Scat Hydro ski boat F.VERYBODYS fiourescenl lites. Sat/Sun 9 $W: .\II ilems xint eond . a-i9-w~ w/1rlr. 50 t.1PH. 70 hp. New TREASURES!! to a Ib'96 Oahu, t.1esa Verde Usually home. S40-4438 NE\Voo-co~nt~,-m-p-. °'B,.-a~I ~d -w~i-n DUAL 1218 Trntbl \\'-bass &. tuneup. $800. 642-4959 Group Garage Sale, FurTl, t.tOVING, must seU '.i:i° -W~NTED --A<Toson1c piano, ~1100. Used ca11ridge & dustcover. 4 c\\C''AN"°''T=E=o",=40-c.~cn~·""'"-"-""~1, ' palnUngs. Sat only. 191.5 K k' 90 p A I )'amahu 1''G·300 steel string mos. $125. 4~ slip or side tie, \\ill Tradewlnds. NB. awasa 1 '. ' .·• e ec TOP CAS DOLL~{ PAID •uitar, $150. Call 64>-0;)82 1-'C'..:::0::.:=:::...=:----1 guitar, 2-JOspd s, skis, beds, FOR YOUR J.C:\\IELI y sulrlease. 542-5673 days BAYSllORES, Queen bed, dresser, Elna sew. ~1ach_. \\',\TCHES, ART ()BJt.C:~s.' LUIJ\VIG Dnur: Sci., ~tu.st [ -~~!!'!.-1r~ ,e I Boats, Speed & Ski 90IO rtfri&, pottery, Nr new ~uch more. Sat 10-5, 312.> GOL.O, SILVt;Jt Sr.:HVICt;, sell. Con1p!l'te. Excel, cond, _ ..._..,...,,. . I(. ~p~~-1~5:t_ ~-Ci~z Lu1coln Way, C.M. ~~8'1&1 1'1Nl:: FUil!\/ & Al'o'1IQULS. b1&-0701'-o_~~o--c=== 1973 CARAVEL.LE 11' Ski FURNITUllE, a pphAll('es, 6'15-1200 !2J Sludent CLARINETS, General boat, 120 HP. many xtras, Dr. NB. mi5C. 2340 Elden, (.'J\I . Sat. S\LES't\"S . 1 Ulds, $60. Le Blanc, $75. ::.o=:.:;:'----~_..;. any reasonable otr, 675-5!tj9 RUMMAGE Sale, Sat Sept only 10-4. 5-18-7098 ' -: " '·~ Sa 111 I' es• Gd cond, 979-7761 or 644-4120 days 2Sth, 9-4, Market Bas\cl!t! _ Men s !C':11/\cr <."Otits, all -, --, SACR IJ<~ICE, Avon S-3 0 0 I ~~~~~~~~~~ I Parkin" Lot, 7742 Edinger, Horses I060 siz<'s. $:!0. necular $90. j ACCOH.£?10N for :sui<', llkc n1od. 6 n10 old. $600-1973 HB. .,American FI e J d \\'on1cn's lealhi.'r :s u 1• cl e nc "'· $250. . 91; hp Jolmson n1otor '~ Service. * QUARTER Horse Coll, coats, 111:111ts, short;o;, :sturts. Call 897-6568. ~· l213) 474-IDIS or (71·1J Transportation .:h l HODAKA, rigged for d\l'l. 2·71 FORD 1'~ 250 P.O. Vil. $3,j{). 1 SUZUl\l l17JCC, 3 spd. Pi B. 1 \v/Oatbcd ready for dirt. S 3 5 0, lun1bt'r 1'ack. Sh a r p ! 644-2405. Eves 640-1631. 837-J:'>.IS aft 5 Motor Home~, ~7 FORD=lc;l-=T~on~Pi~'"ckc-"-P· Sale/Rent 9160 Best ofJer. ------------1 f>48-S995, 531-2164 •YOU'VE TRIED THE OTHERS! NOW TRY US I DALES '52 C1-1r:vy T110 Ton Stake Bed. Ne1v tires, eng & brks. •$SOO* Call 53&-0876. 'G6 CliEVY P ickup, rU!t mo!Gr, net.>ds i i n i sh I n i: touches. s:~l-8969 aft Ii. No. I in C~lif. i\tU!-:il' Sl::LL 64 Ford 2111 CADILLACS LorgHI Seloctlon In Orange County Coupe D<>VtUe!l • ~dan I» Ville!! • F.I Donuklll • Con- V!r1ihlei0. Also niaey other st'le:ct C~dJlac Trade-In•. IMPORTED CARS 73 TR IUMPH SPITFIRE l.11 · :O.:o. 7031·l1'\V 71 SAAB SONNET I .It• No. 7$!;01..J 70 AUDI lOOLS 4L)r SD l.u· No , 440C~G 69 FIAT BSO SPIDER I.ii· No. R!!DJ-E1' l argest Selection of Used VW Vans & Campers In Orange County $AVE HUNDREDS Harbour V.W. JS711 Bca~·h Blvf!. Hunt. Brh. Sl:l-44.ti Alfa Romeo 9705 Alfa Romeo Berlina (dC'rtlOl Priced to Sell $4952 - T!lrad1 Jh11p1111!·1 .L.i. 1Xx.l '" ' ... ·~,_.. •• T" ~·· """'~ ';4< "~ "Diiet:tly act".lss h'QITI the BaJboa Bay Club" Sales • &!·vice 645-6406 '6~ ALFA Spyder. Low ml. ~upcr cond. Just tuned. sm:,_ iw~2342 Aud; 9707 6 mo old. $250. EnglL~ sad-liU'/. ofr. + GlliANT IC FENDER DeLuxe Rel'erll ...::6•:::·»1=<:.:< ___ ~~-~ I ~iiiiiiiiiiiii!!ii!iiiiiiii~· ~--~ Gla58, Olina, kitchen utensils, die & Bridle $100. 642-2200 YAJ{O S,.\LE. 98·1 011k St. an1 11ll!t<.•r & 1\lustang hUitar. ].I' Al..Ui\fJNUt.1 FISHING J 7 ,..A ~ks(;a:i!tttJ~~~· a~: Jewelry 8070 t:~I. 10 lu .! Sat/Sun. Xlnt i:.'On<l. 6-15-W07 BOAT. $16,j. Campers, Sale/ GG. WAN-TED-) °fENDER Vibrolu...: reve1'i> * 53&-5005 * 1 __ R_o_n_t _____ 9_12_0 Ov~r , _70 1<lo1or l-lo111es & Ton Flat bed dunip, $:J!Jj, ?<11ni s. Member of BBB ~ or offer. 642-.3047 H.econ1mended by So. Calif. -, -. -.. _ . BETTER THA.i'l NE\V 7l Auto Oub. TJ ~ OH.D f .!~. lo. nu .. n1~s1 1001..S \V \\'hilc Sed.an. Ask· Located at RcdhlU & SwJ sell, some Xtras. 673-9508 t ..,.,,.,... ..,~.,,-""""' GARAGE SALE u.-•--W NTED I a1np. $175. · AI..U?-.1 craft 12' boal & 7 2 0 "" 3213 ng ~·~· ~~-Juan in Tusun. Open 8 AM ~:.-( -"'~="-""-=~-- ucu5a .. ,,., A 6i5--$15 1,3 II.I>. Johnson $'!'JO. l' UNE Buggy or bike ~: A~~·~~ .. ~~e:.~ ror CASlf OOLLAR PAID TOP CASJJ OOW...\R PAID 1 Ofc Furn & Equip 8085 847--0937 ~Yr: \\~=pe:r o~~t ~i~: to 7 Pt.I, $-150 ·c.o FOH.D ,~ TON . cA:.:u:;:•.ctic.nc;·H=ea::.l.c.•,_Y ___ 9_7_09 Call 714-8~0 pickup, 6 cyl. stick. Splendid 5"S.3S4.1 1'-0R Y 0 UR JE\\'ELRY t-"Ult y 0 UH. Jl!:\\'t:LH~' · ~·. • ---· ~-AVON REDSEAL Inflatable. 557_2562 I ~.:::;:::;:_ ______ I \VATCHES ART OBJ ECTs' \\ATCHl::S, AP..T UHJr:l.·rs. 3M Dry Copier-209 10' boat. Lifesaver, rugged, ~--------- 01'' !he \\ 1orid? 12 fan1ilici;, <!OLD, SILVER s,El{VIC,I!:: ~~ .. 1:'·F~U-,RLN\'.l'.,.&'RANs·"l'll<QVUH:.ts_:. ;u;king :.,1.'lO. lllttk~ oiler. 1"UN! $325. 4~2180. Motorcycles/ 9150 17842 Winlerberry. F'01J111aln F JNE 1-"UJ?N & ANTIQUES. .,_, ... ~00 .. . Gestetner Duplicator 801t1, Marine "'Eq. 9030 Scooters Vly. 962-1636. Fri Sot . SWl. 645-2'100 "'..,."" ·---------' ruiK1ng :ii.LOO. ma.Ke ouer. TABL.ES. cocktail.. &_2 st.ep D I AMO N.D SoU1are: JJ..J \V~ QUIT. r.tr. \\'C'Clb, 67:.>-&:iOO anyt1n1c e \VANTED: Trailer for Kite 1971 PUH, 125 l\lOTOCROSS. end tbl1, c h err Y woo (I , Carat, Scars cert. Sells S3'18. OHJc,e eqtnpmenl;,-cl e.s Ii. Si-. . . sailboat,-& rover, ReUO»-Accessori,es a"w-ailable. Xl.111 leather top, }o'ine <.'Ond. $Ll(J. \VIII take $2"25. Cold chairs, p~~to1<>0.ER~ i\Le:~:R~ i~~enzaExe:,uti,ve able. 646-3612 cond. $350. 6.J0.5243 or sell sep. &W-64.'\2 I · nd S.15 962-5202 llAl"Ll LlL :'i ' t.'U ' .::· '73 KA\VASAKI 500 c .. Tuned li.~~~~"-;;:i0T;;;--;.;;;:._· [-~"~'~~-:..:':~~--~ .. Par1 tooli< elo:. ~ r1 S.ul 1ir11;e. Pd ~1600. Sac. $8:l0. Boat1, Power 9040 SAT/Sun 10.5. An Q.'>, n.Lm. Mi1cellaneou. 8080 Sun: li1H~· Sky Pal'k, Nn: 67:{-K3QO'--~~---exhaust, xlnt cond. hunt~p, ho u 1 eh 1 d A, Irvine. 979-7413 SECY chrl $8124 E.-..:ec swvl 22' CUSTOA1 diesel, sport I ~~~11co1000,:-•:;.,,40'"'"-"71co50'--- ilems. Heather Ln. NB SURFBOARDS, xlnt shape,· -1---. 1 "'!"' D'··· I'"' fish<.>r, tuna to'A·er, fighting "7-1 HONDA 500 like ne1v, • FAMILY GARAGE SALE ho)'!l Stingray Bike, Wst of· FA!\11L\: t-.1enibcrship, l\ll•sa i.:u-s .,..., ""• ....;; _..., up chair, rod holders, bait Only 2,000 mi. $1200 SAT/SUN 10 to! fers. 6ia-1780. 644--0587 Verde .Counll')'. Clb. Golf, ~11f~~~~ 867 \V l!l, C)l, IMk, outriggers, c ud d y 494-4293 984 Oak St CM 11wlmm1ng, tennis. $2100 T cabin \\'/hcrid, 111 a ·11 y I ~~=~=~=-~--1 ~~.=:;..,;=-"'·"""-'~= 1LTVING room <ll'a!X's, Pau.v trans lee. Box 1£6.:J, Sequim, NEV°Ai\1~fop Desk, 6 extras. ().12_3103. '73 R1CK?.1AN 125, Gd rond. GIANT i FAMILY GARAGE Berl:'. golf clubs. Call aftt>r \\'a:ih. !!.S.:~. Ph: l l i drws 30ldi0 $60 oo l2l3J I-'""""-"''-"""'----l\lany Xtras. $52;';. SALE. Sat/SUn 8 to 5. m 6 or 'A"knds 642-3033 ;!06/683-327'.! 4:il-~. Los 'Alam;tos. 25' Criss Craft, ca bill cruiser, 673-1933" 1.,cA,,:lhcrt=~Po,:l;:•cc=:, . .::°"~-~o-'· IB EE R TA p \\'IT II COa.tE !\tAKE AN OF"FER! rnahogany hual, divlng plat-'72 KAWASAKI i.lCI, Xlnt SAT & SUN, 28th & 29th, REFRIGERATOR. SlOO FLOURESCENT lights 8 ft. form, See to appreciate, · · \Vorkbench \l'/-1 drawers, OUice lype, $25. each. (4.). 81111111 cash clo\\'tl, take o\'et conditkln. $11XlO or offer '72 PACE ARROW 20'. Fully shapc~·c"'-~- equlpped. Lo1v mi I cs. '7'.! COURIER. Low n1ilcs. 49f>...5002 After 6 l\1any extras. Xlnt co nd. NEW 28' Titan, a/e, all 01476U. 64_5:_12;';7c. ---- extras, day 01· ""'eek. Call '74 D.ATSUN P.U. 1011· n1i les, after i pm wkdays 645-3370 J.aC'kn1an 1nags, \\'/wide RENT THE BEST '73 E~ lltl.'5.:..._S3l-2GJO tdlr.) 25' all Jux. extras. 1''n-e '12 J\1AZDA PU lZ6641TJ rr1ilcs. 979-9056 5 to 8PM. 18,000 ml. SHARP Trail•rs, Travel 9170 645-5700 ldlr.) , --· Ven1 9570 67 SCOTS!\IAN, l :i . slpa. 5.\--------- clcan, P'\J,1~;:'5 NEW 1975 Auto S.r. I. Parts 9400 Cf·lEVY en g i 11 c HJgh perfo1·n1nnce LT·l. Just re· built. 425 hp. J G R E a.57-6797. SURFER VANS On 11 Dodge Chassis Harbour V.W. Some rum., misc. 198Jl * 968-1486 * mise. ell'<'. motGrs, TV 675--0303. pa,ymenis, Call ~78 879-47111 or ~2845 1-=lex:::::i""°"::;.::::...::Ln:o·~HB=-~-· I NE\\' 40 GALLON GAS cabinet W/doors, tools, OB Pets 8087 MUST SELL . 20' '12 KA\\1ASAKI TJO. Lo mi's. '&·I VW BOD y PAR.TS, 18711 Beach Blvd. SAT Only--Oesk, wash r, \VATER lfEATER molor, patio umbrella base !··-· -movmg. Xin'l cond. Best offer. CaU camp ('([Uip, misc Items. 6-14-7968 ~ furniture and much more. FHEE Gcrnian Sheperd, all glass 327 inbrd Qv.·ens. Bill 645-2STI aft 5pni 5!> TP.3 pa'rts, hard top, or llunt. Bch. S.!2-4-13.5 :J.\6 Alva l.n, Costa l.1esa. GREY \VOOL CARPET, 10 ~1:hSl05 pup. fen1. & Wire hair Jo.,,; ~~i!r to r~.r ~kKi~ '73 KAU'ASAKI 250 sell comple1e car. 544-3'117 *~u~Jfly \7~1~tfit1: ~~ ou'll llnd it ln Claslified x 10' CENTER DESIGN. SACRll'lCl-:, 3pc co r 11 c r terrier. tern. 842-5634 o1fer. 494-9165; 493-0389 Xlnt. Cond. ST:JO or best of. I 'co!'!'A!!!!IP!'LETE~~!!!.7~3~s"',-""',!!!n!!,"',u'"c' [ couch, bed, ice b 0 x , Ad. Call 64J..S67R. l 6'1>0'169, 645-7152 s~11onnl, 2 couches & table, - - -fer . !JGfr-2573 ,~ 68 Austin-Healy Sprite N\'\V pninl, ne1v top, & xlnl ('t)ndltlon. fXP!\f41l!) Only $1995 illr<1rh Jh11p1111!i J.• IX'(. .~ "' ,..,_.' n ...... ~··· 1~--, c,4· '"'., "Direc tly across h"Om the Bnlbon Bay Cluh" S.1les • -Scrv:lct 645-6406 ' BMW 9712 Mmt. lltlUJ JOI BAVARIAN I&i [;~=================:;! Oleg Cussini cas h inc re SALE, BanlH1ns, Ducks , Tl' URl..IOiSEN Cab J n ='Oc'=-o='-c~~~~-1 eng., 19,000 mi $500; '6S VW cabinets, New carpeting, S{)()l'tscout, :.z -11. Kingsizc (;l'csl'. All kinds. 2612 Mesa er u is c r _ Complete 73 Puch 175, dirt bike, low engine $200.00: '61 V\V en-etc. Also has wide qoodyear Now In Stock bed, 640-l&i6 Dr, Backbuy. Conic Sat's. 1.1•/holding & bait tank 1nUcnge, $685. glne $'15.00: '59 transoxle, tires, US. ~ag rtms. leg , , , FIND !DUI NAME WIN TICKETS WDITB $4 ff's easy. Check the classified section STYLING chair $12~1. ~uuti· cinn chair $75. Antique <lt'!!k $50. HctC'ptionisl chau-$-10. ti73--0'.!lS 6' SUR~.r°"'rn,~A~ll~D~s=75-.~~~ .. ~.~, spoo.i bicycle $3.i. Both in ne\v cond11io11 !HS-5336 eves only . ________ , "•Jdesirab!C' slip. $4815. CalJ 1 673-722-1 $-?0.00. ;>14-3417. pipes, eng . m to:d m~h e '74 3.0 c.:; « 3.0 CSA P • & 0 •n 8090 fi.14-8702 -•1w ElNGINE Co . San· L'Ond. Scenic pal )Ob. • 200'l-2002A & 2002 TII 1anos rg s _e\'t•s · L 1973 HONDA TRAlL 70 " . . rvn_tt. Worth over $7000. ill take e •74 BAVARlAS 4 speed •PIANOS e OKGANS Reotals tr $5 1971 5a hp Bcarcat, 4 cyl, ~290. NE\V CONDITION drail, S200.: 394 Hcnit cngl~ ,$5500. or best ofter. Call • 174 BAVARIA!; Auto. 4 cycle, l\lonis controls, 54S-5.'D6 eves only $100. &18-148'1 ""'kda,ys aJt ti Ma-2444. e •74 3.0 s & SA's ~ck, Like ne\v $62.:1, '7-1 l·lONDA Elsioore, Xlnt. 6. 71 · CHATEAU E:m. l2 pass-• XL.NT LEASE PLANS • cond. $975 llECENTLY reblt 1970 van. Air, auto slCC?ring &: PERFECT BA Y B 0 AT 646-9632 1600cc V\V cng. $350. 1970 t249DJE) $2499 EXCELLENT. SE~VICE 18' Lyman. Xlnt C.ond. '74 cz 250. s spcC'd 1,·/Konis. VIV tr:1nsaxlc. ~. Both SUNSET FORD Carpeted, New cushions, Xlnt cond. 4 11105• old. $87:>. for _ssoo. 54'}--3917 ~ 6 pm:.. 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 5 year. 50,000 mile 'Varrnnty Sat: 'til 5:30, Sun, 12-S. CLASSIC Bay Launch, ex-'70 FW/STR, 1:.· can1per -·~ --·--Ffl -=• ' BOY S Ch~t of dra11rcrs, .solill oak, brnnd nc1\·. \v1th I.look cuse $100. Misc Indies size 5 clothes, Call iEi2:-05lO_ for 11acls'' listilMJ winners' )IGmes. If CABIN cruisc:r, tr a 11 (' r. n1utors & <ic{'('ss. I louse YOAJ/r ftOlfte' is OmOftCJ them, iusf c.ofl hold b"OOCls. 1oys. n1u1·h Ope1;1 Nights 'til 9 1..'0\·er. Call 673-1158. John SID-3648. Antiques & Classic 9520 Westn1i11ster 636-4010 I=:: I hrbr dept boat 1936 Chris 6 S700 /\JUST SELL this 1veekend. R . Sale .L01<1J Step Van, *Pianos & Grinds* M · 11 ff ~Jeeps · · 19,,, MERC •'IONTCLAlR parually converted 10 n1otor ~ t "··· Cr:ift. ust se • o er. 7t6 l''h St 11 B ..., " ...,., a &><u(,l\Vin • Cable· CttickertJig ~-"' · · · l-1.T. In Xlnt SHl\PE THRU-home .. Rcblt ~ 1evy e~g:'. 1 ~ ·, • l''scher • Kowai • Kimball '7:? lfond~ 350 CB $600. OUT. !\1ust see to apprl!ciate Ne.w 11rcs, pruned but nL~ds -.........i • Knnbc. t.1:-on & Ham",. 32' Criss Craft, T.S. recent 716 14th St. k;kin ""'2S 496-64 _ paint. Reing, stove & oven. 1 '--..L..----'-"'-'-""I l\\USS('tl • Soluner • Stern-SUI'\' Slll\-1 Ask $9:\1. l\tust Hunt ington Beach g"" · 15 i;1295. 557-3410 2Wl'l Ala1 gue1itC' Parkway 642·56 78, e;dension 3 3 3 between 9 I l='mo~"c;,· c.o1t1'1=. 35c." .::51co•'=":..· :..Fe:.. v'-. ~ BRIGGS and Stratton 21 11 Cl.Ill. and I p.m. We11 arrallCJe for you lo H.P. cng;n, ,., bu u t. \~8.,Y. Storey&. Clark . Win-sell by 10/In4. 644-5389 '7J HONDA 500, 4.000 mi'l!. 19;')7 J\1£TRO~LITAN reblt ,69 FORD Super Van 302. P.li~io1i Vi~jo er· Wurlitzer· Ywnaha 16' OIRJS Runabout, 6 cyl Grcnt cond. 1st $11'.00 takes. en._g, body frur, needs b_rake~ Rblt eng. Aprox. 20,(K)) nli. USE AVl::RY PWY EXIT. 1 l..a"•nmo"ct" or w;i-cru·t $30. pick up your twa tickets at the nearest t>t2-"',°'"·-=--,-~-,..-~ New SJ.UlClS i. ........ $.)95 Cnw:n. $900 with tl"aile1·. Call &i4--0294. SlJO/best olr 6'16-692S a n Custom int-exl. mags, etc. 131-3)40 • 495-t!M9 Usl!d lruru , . , • , ..... , , $!15 673-2757 a,fter 6 p.01. .68 \' Al\fAl{A 3!Xi Runs well. S $2500. 646--1519 offic•:~f the S BARD Hock RoostC'r . l Pepsi Colu boll\e rnuchinc, e!cctrlc,. 203-11 Sl\V Cypl'css $1. $.A. Hgts l"lay1 rs " •••• •..... ~ 8~~' OiALl..ENGER Run· $300. or best offer. 1936 CITRON Touring car,: ";"6) J."OR~D-""'E:;-c-0-0-0"°'17i -, -, . lira11da " ........... P:l:I about. Good condition $150. 6·12-1!58. 1%6 chassis. Nl'w eng .• J Nu n1otor, brks, tires, tape/ October 2-6, 197 4 Orange C9unty's Only Fall Show ••. YOU'LL SEE. , .Motor Homes & Campers t Shells t Trailers .t Vans & Van Conversions t Sail Boats t Catamarans t Ski Boats t Motorcycles t Off the Road Veh i· cles t Camp ing Equipment and hundreds of-olhe,r Exci~ing Ex- hibits . \Weekdays· Noon • 11 ~.(!'. Saturday • Noon • 9 P.M. Sunday WO~IAN'S 10 .. ~fu'<I $M. Cull'at '$50, GE' Port. 'fV UHF, $25. All good cond. 96(1-2690. 10' Ala skin cnmpcr, $600. \\•/63 Chevy %. $1350, 6.1 Toyota runs gd. $1 8 ~ . 841--0937 . ltCA Col01" TV. Xlnt $Ui. Elec. guitar & amp $60. 17''. Philco port. like nc11• J4.'i. 5'18-8232 NJo,;\V 8 J,lece set, i;tnin1css steel. waterlei>s cookware, lhlck cop. btm~. Guarn. 15 _,.,... tl9 So<-~79 F'o'f! fill du1. inexf). Dres.i;eii, 1ki P,'lnts, Ktt.n1tC' & 1ve1 i;uils., 1nisc. 499-176 1 Af.OVrNG S A L E , old Playboys, book$, Ip records, fhakc oUer, 962--0862 ---Nt•w 8 piece set, Watcrl es.'J copper l'(l11onu~. Gulll'nntced 15 ycnl'll, $29 557·2619 NE'M'L.E-CREEK h1ng s\7.1" bedsprettd. Gold, '''hire. :ull.I l:1'00l stripe. &tO.•. *ORGANS* 530-2922 ·73 YA!\f,\l!A 1001\lX, like mpg. Sl7.'.i0 or bst ofr. Fl\t FUiiy custo1niicd. l:kst Bald1o,ru1 ·Conn-Hanunond • 1-1' BOAT w/trailei', cover, nCI\'. $375_ _673-9·!03. ofter !HS-!IT.>5, Rmll Kawai· K1n1ball ·Lowrey· ~ hp l\lercUT)' molGr . $350 968-S".'O~ after 5:3U 48. Plymouth eoui;e, 6<.'yl, :-71 Gt.iC \\'indo\v v.u-;--p,5. l{odgcrs • Thon1a_s -Yamaha firm. 496--5200 stick all stock. rcbll cng, P.B. Auto $2600 ur bt.·st of-• \Vw-Uucr Gulbl'anscn • HONDA CL17J, \Viodshicld, nu clutch & th r Io u l fer 675-43"5 J\!:cn. Boats, Rent/Char. 9050 Crnsh bar. rack. Very bearing. $550. 586-5950. 1-'""-·.:'.."'.::"""''~--~9~5=90 Opligan ................ S150 clenn. f>·'8~90 1927 CHEV. Landau c• Autos W1nted Lo1~·rey Spinet ••••.••• $.195 26'BAYLINER "69 llONDA 90cc Scrambler "Needs restoring. $850.00 or \\lurlitzcr Sj.1lncl, new .• S-199 SARATOGA $185. '69 l{onda f.1ini 5:>cc best offer. 544-3-117 Ham1llOllJ A·100 , ...... save New Cruiser $125. Both xlnt 642-6820 7M~a-='=T'°F"1$1"""~Rosc-'-t"'Ol"~oo~. ~Run~s * WIN FREE * Ccmpletely equipt f or '72 YAl\fAHA lOO. xln't cond. great. \Vire \•:heels! Top & ORGAN LESSONS cflshore bo.1tlng & fishing. t.1any xtras. t.1ake oiler, ""·rt · 1, •-499-'t"' Cn11 640-8715 ... u an .. .,.u.uv. ~ . FULLERTON MUSIC $7 1>e1· hr If you qualify. Allio :-?·t-suzm··"r '"'soo=~x"'"~"t~--... CLASSIC ·rit-'63 s·ruoi::. 18191 E;uclld, Founlab1 Valley 20 & 24' boats. Call 615-8866. ur. "" ........ Cran-Tourisinio for restor- 1 557-4836 Cnlifomln Leisure 8 oat {!Ilion $966 or best ofter ing. &12-952'J Sun pin only, a.~"~b~·--~----_~_1_~00_11_~~3o==~-=-122 N. HRrbor, Fullerton --.-;;; outdoor sports lost 1 ta CALL OR COME IN 871-1805 Boats, Sail 9060 ·72 H.D. SPORTSfER Ex-f\ppe:nl1 Sell your equipment TO SEE US TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS lras, $1T~ FIJU,1 ~3518 with a Jov;-cost Daily Pi/of f'IELIJ'S l\'<ll't'house sail', <100 1:h~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~I pinllOl! & org;1ns, nCI\' & 32· P.C. Sloop DAC sails. U!K'd Spinets. g rand 1, $3000 or oner. ro9 Fernando • ~ pl•yen. Going ""' lo' N.B.(21318SS--07IO. STAR GA'ZER:-i<_,.p business. Rental \\'/Option l..100 14 CAPRI Model, hwy Br CLAY l. POLLANl---.---,-,--11 NEWPORT IMPORTS to bur. K:n,·nl. $1elnw11y, trlr, '74 plates. $5ro. CG.11 ~ "'~~'! Ji.. .,_ o.rr, Ac....,..1 G.Hd. X Sl'~.~~·:n_ Bnlrtw1n Chick c r ing, &12--0505 ~--5437. ~.h • A«•rtl;,., '• ,,., 5,.,,, Y' Q.)t.~ 3100 W. Coa.llt tt·wy., N.B. Yt11nah1t, Kimbnll, \Vur., f'tC'. ;-69-ISLAND 27., lnbd .. ~~·~' To dtvtloP l"lt1100' for So1urcfoy, oer. 11 • 642-9405 FIELD'S (714) 6.~2770 SiQ.13 ~wotthcorrnpondinglonumbtr• '"'&ol6-' -:-12072 Brookhurst St., r..u. eng, sips 5, ne o.i111, contp ofyourZodJocblrrhslon. 1.n.71 \VE P1\Y TOP DOLW\R DEMO SALE * 2-'73 Bavarias 4 Spcl + Auto * 1-'74 T;; * l-'73 J.O CSA * 1-'74 J.O CSA SAVE!' Crevier B.MW 20S \\I. 1st Stn.'<'t Santa Alia 835-3l7J ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST equlpt. $8600. 6'fG..5632. 1 bffllW )I~ ,, ....., 1 F'OR TOP USED CAJlS One: year old Lowrey Venu.• flD'DER SAS,.;;;---'Toi.. nOf '2'-'4ul FOREIGN 00Mr'.S'l'fC SALE•. ""ERVICE LE '0!NG o-an wilh Genie, 1£slle ... v• l.v~ ~!-" 63~"0 ' .. , •. , -~ ~ '" Llka nu, 2 mo. old, super --'4 €--. or CLASSICS OVERSEAS DELIVERY 1ricakers, builtin ta\)C hl•u 1400 61~ ~~., J~o..i,,. ~ .. ~,."' ~~~'41 " J'OUJ' <'tlT b !'xtra. t:IC'Arr ROY CARVER, lllC, ret'Ot'(f('.r, bench, m u 8 I c . v • 11-36 t•'• -SABOT d II o~ nd 15oo1n J1o..t e1~ sec us. lir11t . SKI boot!', Nord1co Pru. 11i:cc tnpcs only $1.500. C n 11 , ""'/ o Y· vvuu co · th 31~ uC1n~11, BAUElt .BUICK R.OU..S ROYCE BM\\I 11 f\t. Brand new, llt'\'t'l' !47-l!J20 tor •npt. to llC\'. $225, or be!ll offer. ,..,~, Jtv-lite.... ...,..... f'· •-Bl ~ ~· E 1~. St __ , M' 6 .... """" ---3823 10s.... .o r-101~ '""" ud'IJl.I'" ""· """ • CUI -y ,,.,.,, ~-1~o;i · NEW PRlU;JJ>S-212 Elec-J ----'"='~=o,,,.~--11 c-..s.. •t ., 11 To Cost:i l\lcsa .. 979-1i00 O.ta l\1esa e 546 .. ,. NEW Brunsw1ck pool 1nblc l('Ontc Turn\ble & Enip\re 24' COL.tJMBlA Challenger, l'l"!!!!!:e.!!'l :~~ :J~ ~l'!'! \VE BUY '72 BAVARiA 4~ x 9,' 1dnte top, itC01fell, cnrtrldift. $200. or ~t of-new motor & 5&il11, iood 1•" "'.,_" 1• "'-·w, n.IPORttO AU'l'OS ~ acc. incl, 9G3-G&l3 ltt. ~. llha ,4.95. 56J..6391 eve1 l'f:..... •s:; ~::.-" BEST PRICES PAIOI 4 spcl. Ai: Cond, Stereo, (132- Whltc shot IN' skate11, ailt(' PRIVATE PARTY \VAN'l'S CAL 20 1\ilh slJ.p. Loaded 1~-..,""" ~~ 11r-., l I l FJT) Sale. Priced_ 3 _, 11 ST.H.()JO 1"-.. -.. "°'"'~"'' DHn ow • mpo•ts 56199 ;,' ~'JU<.I rood ton. Sl2 • TO BUY PIANO FOn. with equipment. · 1• o.....·1 •• ro ".,v,~ F~'-'.,.--"'~ 11 r66 Ht rbor, c.~t. fi.1s.9;io: · 1142--4265. CA.Sil * S.17-!'H45 * cvt'ning1 .~weekends_~·--401ttt;t........,. !IOO. ........ BMW -'"" "..... .. _.. WE BUY USED CARS Crevier CARPORT -S45 \VURLtTZER Orp.n, ?.tdt l<\' liOBIE \l.'/lraller It 00.-.::. 22~ 51., 111""".., You rnove lt. 4100, 2 keyboard. nttds $1200. uo.x~ u etw llL..-oe1i, AND TRUCKS ~ \\'. 111 Sonta An11 ~ _niloorv.'Ork. $42584-1-1805 ~-....:Cttll 6-12-8129.'----~~ t::'" :;~ Coznc in for a rree app"&'•al &W-.'\\71 O'KEEFE & J.fcrr.il iAI SPl Plflntt, e.'(1.oellenl tlODIE 14 w/tr!r_ &: ~ze. ~~ It:' . :t?'e:::-to GROTH an.--yRoL.ET. ·~ ~t\\1 2QO'l ra~ 135. cook!l well. Bath condl!lon, $i5Q. Sall 10 Catalina, Like new. »t.._.. ~. u°"""" '.um 18211 0..-dl Bl.vd .... Hunl. Bcb CL.EA.'1 D."tR.AS ~ $15. 49-&-4627. 'r.l2-Q Many xtf'Q. ~. M2-4959 ~1~ ~~ =~ 147-6087 M9-3331 t\'t' 644~Tredny &...._ ll~;i~~i~~~~~~~~~~ 91" Gold "1<1ch $60. ~ PI AN o, Whttncy.KJm'•I. CAL 20, with spuinruc;;r; i!~~ll.lii:J!' ~~=·· ,~1'3\~·J:;:-::_--J:'\:.'.:,·::""::::!:..'~!iJ:::.!J I CASH FOR '71 B~IW 2lm. •I •peed, 9 •• I R ~0 "'' ll • ....-..N> """"" \81" ...... ·~fuu .. , \'OUR CAR ma-et rco w/ t•• x v OVA I.IP· J"'•.o.:<'I' Omit0le. Beaulllul Walnut. Newport .. p, ~· ~... "'"' , .... 1. 175-2333 -~IOOO=·c..•:::ro-:..::21:080::.· ---..,-1"-· ___ _:.673.=0696=-----Sfi-'lll'IO T p1..,.,~ ~-iOJO jdlr.1 \ I t ' -. ' ' I ' D J(J DAILY PILOT Friday, Stptemt>tr 27, 1974 25 TO CHOOSE FRO_M s91 ~ s91 ::..n. 4apeed. decor package. Mikado trim. stk. J1059. $l:t02.71 h .. tota c• price a-L fa & le. feeL Dlke1w4 ,,... price '' S445t Md. ta 6 le.. 1"I & ~ ................. ..,...,. .... ,_. ~UA.11.f..,.._ • MOM. THRU FRI. I AM TO I 0 PM • • SAT. I. SUtl. 9 AM TO 6 PM • 1972 l\1ERCEDES 220 Dcisel. 1 O\vner, air, auto, lo 1ni, new !Ires. Xlnt rond. $6000 firm. 979-5518. '65 ~1ZB, 190G-Automa!ic. Xlnt Cone!. 18 to 21 mpg. · Jaguar A Classic Car.$ 1895 , 962-7686' J AGUAR 1970, 2+2, Air, 1973 A1ERCEDES BENZ 450 rH CHEVROLET H..tloojtoll -h Auto, Power. Wire whls, SE. Take' over lse. pymts. I ;;:;:;;::=::=::=::=::==;~ Tan. Clean. 644-1526. 830-8095 MGB . , 549.3331 •n XKE Roadslcr 6 cyl '72 ~1ERCEDES 250c. SUN1 --------- conv., 18,000 mi, $4500. ROOF, sterro, cocoa brown, 836--0233; 831-&109 after 5 $8200 . 493-2797 494-2797 9738 I Mazda 9738 e Our RX·4 MAZDA is one of the truly fine cars distributed in our country today! A performance car with a high degree of ecoriomy. e MAZDA 's Rotary Engine has proven so reliable, it is warranted for 50,000 miles or 36 months, FREE! !Good on all new RX·2s, RX-ls, RX'4x, a~ rotary::engine trucks.I ' e A ccr free of smog problems: No c4'talytic converter! e We care enoUCJh to inYite you this weekend to driYe our car, sign up for the Mazda "Big DiscoYery Sweepstakes Drawing," and enjoy a "ft ee" lunch on_us! MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 645-5700 I 3 MGB-GT's 1967 -70 Yellow-Gold-Green All in Xlnt Condition "Directly across from the BaJboa Bay Club" Sales • Service 645-6406 Datsun LEASE OR IUY $68 Mo. '65 CHEV. El Camino._. ij>eed. S2l507. •975 '70 MAVERICK Auto .• vinyt top, sharp car. J86ANB '1199 '71 DATSUN 510 2 Or. Runs sharp. low rniles. 229CIB •1695 '71 DATSUN STA. WGN . 4 speed, air, real sharp. 209CFA '1895 '71 DATSUN P.U. Top Cat Shell. Tacoma wheels. 826181L I Brand New 197 4 SAAB 99LE Priced to S.11 $4384 (#7386) "'Directly across from lhe Balboa Bay Club" Sales . • Service 645-6406 LEASE OR IUY $74 Mo. '65 FORD LTD _. speed, sharp, runs eKcel- lent. o402FON •6ff '72 CHEV. Vega, Real sharp, A speed. Low, low mileage. 192FBR '15ff '71 TOYOTA P.U. Real sharp. 337°'T •1695 '73 DATSUN 610 _. spe'ed,. low, low mues, radial tlrel. 693HSY '24ff '72 240Z Wire wheels, air, 4 speed. Real smart. 190GIH •• T!h;arh .ihni11111!i f i!' 1><)( ,, ' • I •l>t~.i, "' ..... • "" • • •-4' '·"' ---.. . . '67 BAJA Bug, like new, modified en.g, new trans, many xtras. 556-31Z7 · '72 V\V 411 \V~on. Auto. Al\l/FM. Service records. $2775. 548-2687 '59 VW Bug. Good Transp. $500. 673-4164 1964 VW Convert • 406 El Modena, NB . . '68 W ' BOS, Al\t/FM radio, to.pe deck, crptd, mdlal tire, rebll tni-SDXI. ~Ult '72 Y!ILYO STATION WAGON OPEN SUNDAY 2 '66 Baja, '68 "1500 '""""· 12 Voll. '73 FLEETWOOO LUXURIOUS BROUGHAP.~ Factory Rir cond., f u 11 Volvo 9n2 po""·er. padded vinyl top, ;_;;.;.cc.-____ __;. full leather Interior, dual '74 VOLVO Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY OVERSEAS DEl..IVERY romlorl sea1.s. tilt &: telescopic steering, stert1. rioor locks, cruise contrt>I, light sentinel, remote trunk lock. totaJly equipped. Vf!r'Y low mileage &. the epitome of motoring. (099HFM J $6995 '71 Cpo. de Ville ' Fpclory air rond., -i wi I power, be1tutirul tapestry It. leather Interior, tilt ~ telescopic steering, stereO, door loeks, etc. • LO)¥ mile~ & clean. (168DDX' $3795 1 NEW '74 CAPRIS . DOZENS TO O!OOSE FROM!! '73 Seel. de VIiie Vinyl top, tapestry & lealbtf interior, full power, factotY air conditlonlng, ~miles. Excellent condi t ion . 1608.Jt."T) I $5395 I. -,19n EL DORADO Factory air condltioolng, fUn pm·er, vinyl !OD, f Ii 11 Jtather Interior, dual com- fort ~lla, Ult Ir: l<!ICAcoplc Nering, door lo<'~ cruite control. Totally equipped & aupe:r lt'lw nllles; (320-DJK) PRICED TO SELL (; ) • I ,;r:;:::;;;;:-:-----:=..-:,--....,..----='=...--,,-.,...,r---·=:--::,..-.,------.,,=,..,.,,------=,,,_.=..,-_;---F•lday, Soplfmi>lr 27. 1974 OAILY PILOT DJ l (1dllloc ;915 Cadillac 9915 Chlvro 11 9920 ontln1nta 9930 Ford 9940 Mustang 9952 Pinto 9;57 Pontl1c 99 Thundarblrd 1' 1913 .EL DORADO ' '73 CPE. De VILLE • jf * * * CONTINENTAL 1973 '72 LTD Sc1ulr<» 10 PM•., '74 MUSTl\NG ll 4 aJ)e<d, '12 PINTO Runabou<. Spl '72 Gron Prix '7'l T-BffiD Lllldau COOP''· GA LEf BMutiful hW'nt fii{'t111a "'Ith ~lni Florence LUXURIOUS 2 OR. COUP!:: ah·. rack, •harp! (No. 1451W 11,000 nilirs, w b 1 t e. paint. nwg11, very •hurp f'llctory air '-'<>nd!tlonl.ng, full lmrnacula lc (108HMA> $11!f.J Lttt than 1 ,000 miles yinyl. 1011 & SRl1dll· lt;1tht>r c .,,..,.5 M d Id ONLY 20,000 MILES S3399 f339KHZ) SJ099 {977DUZ) $2099' pov.·cr, vinyl lop, vinyl In· SUNSET PORQ seautlf\11 f\remlilt flnl'h 111ith interior, fnC'lory ~ilr t'OtKI., l"· ~~-1 r Exquisite Hnrvrst Cold with SUNSET FORD SUNSET FORD SUNSET FORD terior, Af.t/i-~r.1 Jfereo, auto ~ Carden Grove Blvd, ' cubriolut tqp. Fa¥A1~4thcr full PO\.\'l'r dunl 'comfort Laguna Niguel while vinyl top, 111u.tc:hlng 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 5440 Gru'den Grow Blvd. 5440 Carden Grove Blvd. tnl.flll., radk>, heater, v.·1w Weatmiru:ter ~lfl Jntertbr, ftlctdiY 'air' ~'lllld., scnO;~ lilt & telescopic You ltl'9 ilhc Winner of full leather interior. F11.clory \Vestmlnsttr ~10 We.tmiuste.r 636-4010 Wei1mtnster 640--IOlO tires, xf.1'{1 cleun & Wrp. '56 T·BIRO , fUll power, Ult & 1ele1<.11pic st.cer111g, stereo \\'Ith lal>!' 2 Uckets to the nlr )() f'ull 51 (917 EOK) steering, iJleroo inulllplox d&r locki>, rull;' e<1ulpp6(! Recreation Vehicle co1 . p1.nvcr, effi:l, '71 L TO Brougham MACH I-V6, Auto, Radlalll. '72 PJNJO . $3495 Near perf!!Ct bO!t'. CraiCn. with ta.po, cruise (.'Olitrol. &, ".bsolutely g 0 r g e 0 u 1 ! & BOit Show ~r l~k~iu,'!''n~tra:i~l'OI . POPULAR 4·0R. •CARDTOP deluxe int, p3/pb, lo ml. poUrt hole top, 8l,C::3 original door lock'ii, r-..g the xlrrui (698GlR I al the rt>al 1 • Cr e 8 rnpur 1 .~ rai.:IOl'Y air cond., f u 11 Must sell. 548--0708 aft 6. m es. White with nl(,'C btttck &PbcRi"~~ovWsi:'ITOO' $5895 An•:;;;,:~~~·~ium (88011}'Pls S'69s .. . .E~~rrl~:=~~rr ·~~i.:"l,~v:: ~~k STATION WAGON (;~~f::t.~,~J· .~~~~::.c::::: Pl~.<:11ll 642-567S, e>.;t 33.3 8 tr.ck 8tereo tape:. All the air, radia.1$, xlnt cond. 4·a1',~.!:-',.tn!"~~sslon., rn~, mileage, priv. party. $1,9"JO to ~ )'OUl' ticket.I. db:, xtras. I 368CUU) $1595. 645-3036 '-""w ..,. ... qo, roo ra!OL 494-1221 Vega 9974 (N'orfh O,W,ty toll tree (fil7l • I -'"-'=------ number is ~0.1220) -;70-MlJSTANG 6 cylinder, OPEN SUNDAY * * * * uulo, power steering, il"ffn $2477 (No. 14•165) $1999 '70 PONTIAC Brougham. 11 op~ $VN.f1\Y " OPEN SUNDAY ''i'l EL CAMINO. Autocnatic, OPEN SUNDAY SUNSET FORD La(I3'r~Blc~, I oa de d '72 VEG1\ GT Kammback ·~ CAO OeVW 31 ooo · CADILLACS pov.·er steering, brakes, air ~-'=::.:...-=.:==~= c.-.;...;....;., , 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 'f"V"" \\'agon. Mag whee Is. •• · •. • ong. -nd Belled "-cl an Corv1tt 993' -J) L SUNSET FORD · ml. Tan/white vinyl lop. L S I , '-'v • i.•.n::S, ' e e 't OPEN SUNDAY \\1estminster 6J6-.4010 8 '41t f.wi&• autonuttic trans.n11ukm,, air So alt L.k argest e echon BY!939) · · · Only $2695. 500 .-r: 5440 Garden Cro\'C Blvd. conditlonln.,., ( to 1 G w N) rry, no · 1 e UC\\' H d Ch le CORVETTES choice of 5 . 'i3 CALAXIE · Landau Oldsmobile T7.U \\'l'Stminater 63&410 $21S9 ... ;.. 642-0.119 ·~· In Orange County owar evro t 69 lhi'u 7-1, conlpletely coupe, air auto steering TOYOTA """" ~ ~ -~ ~ --SUNSET FORD • '67 CAD ·~ .. ,1• Viii" Coupe DeVllles • Scdun DoYe and QuaU SU. ~w·pped Ora•ge Couoitv 's lNo 12980J $2799 '70 OLDS CUTLASS Coov., .-AN-NO-UN-CIN-G .- . all Xirat It. ~;J..o.~Oeag~: ~VU\e~ • El Dorudos · Nr. MaeAi'thur, Jamtmree fi:iest ~lecti~i. PRICED SUNSET FORD auton\aUc' power steering, 5-l40 Garden Grove Blvd. xlnt cond. S950. 645-8457 Convel1 1bles. Also Many and Bnstol TO SELL. ~40 Carden Grove Blvd. brakes, Railey wflttls, wkle 1966 Harbor, C.~1. 646-9303 Oldsmoblle Sales and Service \Vestminster 63&4010 '· other select Cadillac Trade-Newport Beach 8J3..C005 H d Ch I t \Vestmlnster 636-4010 oval, rare mod~!. Mu.st see '73 PINTO. 4 speed. decor NO\v ln i-lunUngton Beach. '71 VEGA ~'Rg. Auto. R&ll. '•1969 COUPE DE VILLE* ins. · • • • • OWGf eyro 9 -(291BLQ).,,, Only$1695. group, ntedlum blue. (No. A''., CARS CLEARLY Nl'w lires. Clean. SIS.SS. Call PRI~ OF OWNERSHIP Dove and Quall sts. '69 LTD, ~rougham. air, Howard-ehevrolet-)_Sl999 DISCOUNT PlllCED 540-2165. ' OFR. 536-2.11.9 ·71 ~!bu .Chevy Conco Nr. l\tacArthur, Jamboree powcr •. engJustoverhlluled, Ilo"e and Qu•U ~-. SUNSET FORD BEACH OLDS-MAZDA 1 .,:=='---~~-J 'TI COUPE OE Vil.LE 2,._ ... ~ = 9 ~ni@r. Station \Yagon; itnd Bristol xlnt tu-es, low blue book. • ~ "~•o c-~ G Beach Blvd. just So. or '12 VJ-:GA f890EKR1 • N ti t "''· '!'l"""!. ---R;l:J.diO: }{~a&!r, Auto Trans. Ne~mnrt Beach 833--0555 640·0899 eves. Nr. MacArthur, Jainbol'ee .m . '"uen rove ~lvd. \\la.1,,ci· Low l\1Ues , CO:. i:isau:;: ~~'iist'it C.-~~f Air Cond, silver, 18'101..Sl -:.;~·~=~=:~co ---.72 FORD LTD 4 <I . 1 and Bristol Westminster 636-4-010 Ph s.t~ EH."i-:1700 (dlr.l I' ~~~~---~= "'ITRA, CTIVELY PRICED • • • • top / / ' /hr, \Finy Newport Beach 833-<655 '73 PINTO Rw1about. Lo\\' ~ 'Tl \rECA GT "'-n1back \n,, ... '"A N ~ · '73 c Spd Ai c d • P s, P w, P · acl ~:=:cs~='=-7-=7. ~ ·~ l~~u:l:•:•·~:•w===~9~8;0~0'1'.~~~;;;~~~ 'A1 $:1199 ' · Ol'Vette. ~ · r on · air. Vr:r-y gooct coil<.!. $2400. ·73 OLDS Vista Cruiser with miles, P~f·F?t1 Sten!<I, Lug· '73 pONTlAC Grund Prix. Auh 1, air {lOlGWNl $1999 e ANNOUNCING e •Groth Chevrolet e Dal'k?t1etaJ.licGreen,Rallye 644-&l?J sun roof "loaded" (No. gage Reck, Auto. S48-0071 Landnu Coupe, loaded . SUNSET FORD ', HU,NTI. NGTON Old•rnoblle "··'es and Se-·1"ce lnil RAS.ch ·~ . Hunt Sch \Vhet'ls. Radial Tires, Sharp ~. l""'l) "'99 Pl h 60 (969GNC) $4399 -:11n c-~ G Bl d .;)di •• ~ • Low l\1ileuge, only 25.000 '69 TORINO COBRA JET, 'IVJ _.. ymout 99 SUNSET FORD oTf'nJ ... uen rove v . · Now in HunUngton Beach. S47-Q'fe ' •. e e549-3l3l nuleage car, TllE PRIDE 428 cu tn lo 1n1\t:a"C $4399 \Vestminster 63&-4010 BEA . ' ALL CARS CLEARLY or 'f~lE BOULEVARD. Sacl'iflce, $9'h, 581-oo-t.1 .. ' SUNSET FORD ATLAS 5-140 Carden Grove Blvcl. CA DISCOUNT PIUCED f ~ ---~ ---...... I -wo Gard Grove Blvd \Vesln1i11s ler 636-1010 1 1642·•321 Director Collect BEACH OLDS.: ... 7 DA ·.-AN-NOU-NC-IN-G • (8'J9GVHI 16999 , '" . -.......-•:t';"'"· l'O"V"Ujo • Groth Chevrolet • Lincoln 9945 Westminster 63S-4010 Daily Pila~ Classified Ads r l'OVI ':.--( -.,.~ · Beach Blvd. Just So. ot Oldsmo~Ue Sales and <"A-·ice . Chrysler/Plymouth every .... , ~" lS:lll Beach Hunt Boh ua..r 1Fi1 !LIO~ ~ Ph\~~':!~ NowALL CARSHunUngtCLEARon BeLYach. 847-G'.l87 S49-l3'J l 1974 TOWN COUPE . '~~ Open Deily & Sun. '11110 PM Autoi, New 9800 Autos, New 911M'lft ~ i2J O'U-vu<;IOJ e e e e Only 2300 mi.. imni1tc. e ANNOUNCING e 2929 Harbor Bl\'d., 0 ""' . 11~7'16 -C-am_a_r_o ~99-17 BEDAISCOCH UONTLD~~ff;>DA &ICJ..S.'>26 Oldamoblle Sales and Service Costa Mesa lll/KJllt ~nvu. Cougar '933 Maverick 9947 NoAf..~nC~RSuntiC~~~~ach. 546· 1934 Beach mvd. just So. of EXP,A~•s10N '73 CAMARO So Shu; you Pbw~...... 'TI! COUGAR XR7 Landau '71 ~fAVERICK (Grabber. DISCOUNT PRICED '67BelvedereJI.2drhardtop, l'\R can't believe it! (405KYB) .,...~ coupe. Air. tilt, stereo Auto •' hr· ht ed BEACH OLDS.MAZDA V-8, P/S, A/C. xlnt cond. SAL ·~99 -C682 FFW) $3199 , ma . , ig r Se to E -SUNSET FORD M-ONT __ E_CARLO_S cbo'-of !018CCTl $2099 Beach Blvd. just So. of e appr, Orig owner, ~~ SUNSET FORD SUNSET FORD Womer moving. 84&-7077 5440 Ganlen Grove Blvd. 1 -n tbru 74, completely 5"i40 Garden Grove Blvd. 544 Ph 842-filiOO Ponti•c 9965 Weneedtrode-iris . \Vestn1lnster 636-1010 equipped. low lo mlle1, ex-1 =w"'"'-'m=ln_,,st,,_"'=-~~,.636-40-,---.-10 \Ves~~1~=~~n Grove ~10 ~~ --------- 842~66 ·1975 OLDS HERE NOW! 'IRVW ...... $999 Sla.\¥9.4CJd.(YS'o?641 '67PKXUP •• $1199 Drlclgj!" T.UL .... 1V351041 '/ROI.OS -• :. $12'19 18Coe ,,__..,. (ll07C8JI 71MAZDA .. $1499 41D(L,A6H.l5110VEt 710Pfl ••.. $1699 ~Qle ~ill7aOEBJ 71~!?9b~!!99 71CllMET.. $1899 G f Yfl,(11911f911M()<W1 71!~J.\?99 MAZDA • ROTARY TRUCK s79::. 36MON.O.E.L-OAC ...... Dtl•lfl' 71~~ieJ!Yi99 72TOYOTA .. $1999 ~E:*-ll»IGNJI 1972 SILVER Cam a r o, ceptlonAJ. units. Prlc.-ed to ·n COUGAR. Xln't cond. 'TI! PONTIAC Grand Prix. w/Ralley Sport pack. 48,000 sell. $11!15. Eves/v;knds 493-7901. Mercury ~ ci~Os~~E Loaded, mags, red mn... "'"' eond. $2,590. Howard Chevrolet Wkdays 89&-3457. '72 MERCURY M." t e g 0 GMC TRUCKS ('63GAC) 13399 833-2157 Dove and Quail Sts. Dodge 9935 coupe. 30'1 vs. Air, auto HONDA CARS SUNSET FORD Chevrolet 9920 Nr. l\1acArthur, Jan1boree --"'-"''-------sta>r (No. 13lJ.14) 5440 Garden Gro\•e Blvd. and Bm!DI '73 DODGE Swin .. r, Landau $ll99 UNIVERSITY OLDS w .. trninstor 636-4010 '73 CHEVELLE ESTATE Nc111port Beach 833-«>55 Coupe, black on black, air. SUNSET FORD 2850 Harbor Blvd. '71 FIREBIRD 30,00> ortg 'WAGON 9 Pa 11. !-~OR COMPLETE REPAIR (502GJT) $299'.J 5-YO Carden Grove Blvd. Costa Mesa 540.9540 ml. Like new. Asking $Z100 Automa1ic, p/s, brakes', \Vork on Corvalr & Corvalr SUNSET FORD \\'estminster 636-4010 or make oiler. 979-8019. air, luggage rack. E>.1ra Buggies, Call 536-0444 S.t40 Garden Grove Bl\•d. '6'1 MERC. Excellent '1~wo~~~s~ 1L·:~n~. e~C 1·"10'°"PO"NT1="A'"c'"'c"orta1"""i-n•-.°'ro=R. ~~~. <69'lJJ\V) • ' • • Only -C-H~E\l~Y~63-eo-.,"'vt'-,-327-. --I \\lelltminsler 636-40IO transportalion car. eves, 612-3984. Hardtop, air, nice (ZWA.548) H d h I $350. "13 CHARGER, SE', am/f.m, SlSO. ~8-6526 aft 6 prn. · I 2 doo $1799 OWar C evro et Ir nd fu"5 hocks '7l Della Roy" · r, SUNSET FORD 673-5260 a co " nu • s MERCURY 10 pass. Wagon, radial tires, vinyl top. Xlnt Dove and Quail Sts. Chrysler 9925 + ~xtras. Clean & sharp. 1967, P/S-P/B-A/C radio. cond. 645-7472. , 5440 Garden Gro\'e Blvd. NI'. MucArtlwr, Jan1borce 8'12-all7 ¥i2-9<H4 '"'"°'---~--.99.,5 .. 7 Westminster 6:«l-1010 --" D-'~•A1 F d -~" Pinto <UIU D.l"'W '70 CHRYSLER 300 pe. or ·~ 99 1--'--------1968 BONNEVILLE, a j 1'' Newport Beach 833--0a55 · coo :::'"".:-::--:::--;;::;:--:--1:M::;:us::l:'.'.'.a'.!ng!L ___ ~'..:S'.:2 t P/S X1n -• ss= Air. etc., blight red. (No. '72 PINTO <128EHLJ au o.. , t. C011u. 1a WANTED: '64 Impala SS. -11417) $1799 '7:l. Torino '"ag. FuJ! pwr, ·73 ?t1USI'ANG clean. xlnt. Jtcd Beauty! 54.5-4015 llUto, air, excel <:ond, ur SUNSET FORD ~~· roof.~k·sJ~1 '~9-~~· '-'Ond., air, FiM radio. etc. 1 &1'=°;.°"37;ooo'=~~~~c.(d~l'C'r.) '71 PONTIAC Ventura coupe. '6.l or '66 i\1aJibu $, auto, 5440 Carden G~ Blvd. es, ma s. · · · bc11t offer. 893-t);"& days, 'TI! PINTO Sta. \\lgn. Air, Stick \\'Ill\ 1 air (884EIU! air. call Sue 5-17-8984 or Westminster 636-1010 '66 RANCHERO i\1ag whls, 494·8338 eves. $189!J 6·~ -1 -~int tape deck xlnl radials, lo n1i ., $2200 Call S I .,.,....,....., Comet 9927 , ... w .~ ' ' '69 MUSTANG :1.02. Air. Good aft. 6 681·3108 UNSET FORD 'TI ~tALIBU, vinyl top, cond. 540-l346 cond. 75,00> mi. $1300 or =~=~~----Sf40 Garden Grove Blvd. JXl"·er/air. bkt s e a 1 s. "72 COl\fET Cpe. Ginger and '65 FORD Gnla"<ic for Mic best. 646-2'145. '73 PINTO Squire wag. 4 \Vestmlnster 636-4010 Sharp!! day 646-6393. eve while <No. 12884) $1999 $300 !l!. best offer. Call '69 · MUSTANG Fastback, speed, stereo, mags, '65 GTD Vi 4 pd ' 54S4896. SUNSET FORD 548-265, <517HOFl 12999 • • ' ·• 3•2 '· · ~ •· mag whls. 1st sr:io takes. SUNSET FORD , air, tapedeck. $500 '73 CAPP.ICE, 1 Owner, ulr, 5'40 Garden Grove Blvd. '69 FORD LTD 1382JDNI Phone 642-42?.0. 5-i40 Garden Grove Blvd. 546--0366 aJI po1\cr. am/tm stereo, Weslminster 636-4010 Real Clean! CLASS SELLS-642-5678 iWestmlnster 636-4010 vinyl ruor. beautiful con· Contlnent•I 9930 645-5700 (dlr.) clilion._ $3300. R37-9362. 1973 LTD 4 cir hard top. * 67 OJRVAIR * '70 COZ..'TINENTAL 4DR lull l)\\T, alr, vinyl top. Xlnl 1974 VEGA'S 10 0/. OVER l OFACTOIY INVOICE CO'T S 1 TO CHOOSE FROM $84 DOWN . PYMT. $84 :.,. J speed, radio, tinted glass, dlx. bumpers, wfliJ~. all$t.- stk. #1101. .~\; ; S3041.70 is the totol cosh price in(I, tox & lit'. 4ee£~ Defe rred pymt. prite is S4116 incl. to• & lie, fee1 & ca rrying charges lor 41 months on appro¥GI of your credit. A.P.lt 15.98'/o e MON. THRU FRI . 8 AM TO 10 PM e e SAT. & SUN. 9 AM TO 6 PM;e GROTH CHEVROLET 11211 Beach •lvd. f3.'l0 Landau, load<;d (053AZZ) cone!. $3050. 548-8732 Run.<i good. T:i2--0417, 546-0023 $2399 -===~'=""'2="-'=c-~ SUNS OR '71 RANCHERO, air, air ·~ El Camino, brakes, air ET F 0 shocks, radio, $1900 or ollet'. s~fa. Ures, J?/S, JIN"ds M40 Carden Grove Blvd. o~O'=c=""''=====c 1 paint. 968-4038 \Vestm1"SlM' 636-4010 '61 FORD SfATION WAGON Classified .•••.•••.. 642·5678 •Want -'t a low-pticed car! power, air, Xlnt cond. $650 ... a. Daily Pilot Oassifled Read todaTa Classified Ada:. 497-2326 General 9901 Gonor•I 9901 1 °"'Gon~.~,~.~I ----.990=1' '· Johnson · & S LINCOLN MERCURY has the '73 WV WtRBBIGWS HU. Mlgs, 19,780 mi~ (079e3P) '72COURIER W /WILDWOOD «;AJllER v.Ath crawl thru. (639FTG) 'GOLDEN TOUCH' We think serv.ice and dependability Hll cars··· :; 73 MAZDA .. Sl 9-W\ 73~;.::";;;~ '72 ~l!o~~J!. O'lfST s2999 s2199 s3199 What Do You Think? ,· ,. 'I I !i :i i I " I I I • llf.ll0.~11":.0-1 ·nvw ...... s2199 So!l.4lflll.•2llE0tl 72Bomxuda $2199 ........ Yll ..... 1511 u:: 'J1 71 Malibu •••• $2299 CC!t""Aw. aukt. Mml 11l1120Bh 72ManttCarloS2499 OIUAflY -tldl•9llllOSF1 1h.INe.. I CUTlASSES . lift Over at the OLD PRICES (85689S) '72 DATSUN 1600 • W/4SEASONS SIELL Mags. "'Red" '72 (67000U) WV "RAMED" Mags. fur lined Shell with reefer. (26326NJ •73· DATSUN 1600 . ' l/tMe. Ol'lty 17,171 miles. 1on26W) 17~ MA1.DA~60o SPORT ·="' 1 . . . · 174 OOURIER Jocltmln wnell1, side ptPtf. a.ee•-· ' '(.0151U) • $2699 s2199 s2999 . s2m s2499 s2799 s2M9 s3199 s2599 l Johnson & Son LINCOLN MERCURY HOME OF THE GOLDEN TOUCH NEW CARS PRESENTS THE 1975 MONARCH I I For the Perfect Time & Place -See Us Today rfome of the New Ca "Golden Touch" ) -1112 mL So. of .. 5111 DlfCJO __ , Hom• of the Now Cor "Golden Touch" Costa Mesa 540.5630 _,....,.,_c-11 ( • , . . I ' I " I I I . I j I I I!. ·STILL '69 DODGE ., Nt, power -,teering & tniles. WSW, vinyl roof. ·OXAO!ISI .• 5977 '69 TOYOTA COIOU.l ~67 COUGARs111· 7 Power steering & brakes. auto:. radio, -helter. tVC0563) '69 BUICK llY•IA Vinyl roof. racho, healer. auto., power steering a -CZOV4481 I 51577 . ( • ' : ' ........ ,... ... ........... .. . NY 74's TO CHMS;E FROM 1974 GMC JIMMY 4x4 350 ve. automatic, P.S., P.B .• lront·slabilizer, rear seat H.D. brakes, guages, AM radio. Hickey roll 7---ll--··.JkicW>tal9'.....ln · end uard,..._LOOf rac=.•· ""hu;;..b ---' oovers w/GI can hOlder, 10x1511 Firestone fires and .Jackman.wheels. (51 6~) ORANGE COllHTY No . 1 HONDA DEALER WARANCE SALE -HOLIDAY WHEELS RED-E-KAMP-CONTEMPO VAN .CONVERSIONS Brand New '7 4 2 D_R. COUPE 1#21s1003J ( I C.Ontempo Van Conversions 1974 GMC l/4 TOM VAN Factory air. 350. ·power steerin'g & brakes: au1oma11c. gauges with Contempo Daytona Corivers1on. Cust om Paint. (511 393) .$5677 1974 CFIEVY lL4 TON VAN Air coodit1001ng , 350. automatic. power steering & brakes ..Wh Contempo "GT" conversion. America's most elegant lawn & coootry car. ( 1826221 COMMEROAL TRUCKS 1974 ~MC 12' STEP V AM 3so va enginit'. power steering and oow9T brakes. loaded. 1502849) ' ss1:77 1974 GMC CE-51703 loaded. 16' wl:leel .base. 102 C.A. Allison 4 sl)eed. 350 oower steering, Clelu11e oaint. 9:001120 tires. (807786) . . • ' , • • ' COITINENTAL MARK IV FOR '75 • 'COUGAR XR·l FOR '15 MERCURY MARQUIS FOR '15 _ FREEAIR ~ • ._, "'I . •• ~~~ef";-;'.-. ~. ~'·"" _.!... • .,.C;OA1NDl:i,_IDtdNG- 1·'·. WITH EVERY NEW '7 4 ·. ' COMET IN OUR STOCK NO EXCEl'TIONSI MAKE YOlnt CHOiCI AND AIR · CONDITIONING WON'T .COST .YOU Oli!E CENTI " FREE AIR CONDITIONING . WITH EVERY NEW '7 4 "CAPRI IN· OUR BIG STOCK 1 . NO EXCEPTIONS !MAKE YOUR CHOICE AND AIR CONDITIONING WON'T COST YOU ONE CENTI STl+A GOOD SELECTION OF ·. BE · UTIFUL NEW '.:· MARK iY s -' ~o IE CLEARED OUT BEF<>iiE THE '7'S's ARRIVE. · Come ;n todoy 10<' wide choi<e of colOf's and opt;°"' at INiy unique savings. . ' .. ' , '( ONCE-A-YEAR DISCOUNTS! in one of Southern California's Lorgesl Lincoln-Mercury Inventories COME IN EARLY WHILE THE SELECTION JS FUU ! ' . ' Friday.September27, 1974 Al YPILOT DI ' • .· I MERCURY MONTEGO FOR '75 fl1Crt.t.m1•.11t ........ --.i..r ... ,... s2 ...... ~· c,..,., ........ -· --. ...... ---~ ·rn:r -......,,,..,,.., •• ........... \IJIO.loll 1911 COMET 1971 MERCUR Auto. fr~'misUon, radio, s1· 588 ~IS 2 dr. lit .. V.8,'0lltCMNtic trant •. $ . heater, tinted glou. loct. oor, ~ -, .. """:· brokft. POdio, 22 wsw;~inyt tap. (Ser. #7191 )• ~~ t:i'<~ roof, lii'INd ' ~ 4 dr., factory Air CO!ld .• ,_St_,,_ lrolrti. V..yl lop, Auto Tron., ltodio, Heat., 'WSW '60FTA RY s11 8 1913 TOYOTA 1913 COUGAR ; CELICA 2 dr. cpe. 4 ~yl., ou10 S2988 '2dr ConY'el'tibl• fQ(lory AirCond ' trans., AM/ FM rodo, heoter, P~ Stfft'ing, P-.. $A" E V/roof, mag.Nels, (471QNI<) :.'tO:M~1:':t~;72~ . . W\ 1911 T-BIRD . '"""" •• '""""""'""· ''"po-. $3088 outo. lron~miuiOf'I, radio, heater. WSW, vinyl top. looded with inros! (3'460Sl) _ 1913 CAP I 2600 2 "" ,,,.. 6 '"" aulomoli< $2.188 trans., powtH'" {diK) broke,, radio, heat.,., de<<>' (516JFC) . 1913 BUICK ~':'.:~ :..".:::.·:.·..:-..:.."::;;, $3188 heat..-•!• i;,1!1, ~/roof, 1/1'0~\ . ...+-i (_.. (M8G"lt) 1911 PLYMOUTH fUllY G!'Ofl cps. V-1. aw!o. '"'"'·• lad, oir $ ,,,.._ 1ttg., ,,,,,,. (di.cl ~"' rodio, . '-'~ w/w •;m, ''"""· who.I ,_ 1888 '(1'0.5Ctt) ' 1 ........ -,,, .. ,. IAT. l 1H-llOO .... , .. , ' . -· I \ -I J . ' . l I . . ' . I • / I • \ Fnday, September 27, 197• ~=-· . ? I~ lJ JI. \ \ ~/ * J \ ~ ~. II I . I ·'I ( I l • l . I I ~; I ;' I I CLOSE ••• '15 FORD • • \ ' I ' \ -.. . • CARS & TRIA 'K. _, .. Presenting . . . A ~w & Exciting FORD . ;. . ·1975 GRANADA SEE · THEM ALL __ . - ,, -' . • I .. ... DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU EFFICIENT USE OF SPACE, FUEL AND MONEY. . . . . 2'Y2A.CRES OF USED VEHICLES , • ... .. '73 '69 FIAT DATSUN SPIDER ~ 610Wag. 850-4 speed I ";1HGTl 53195 1al3AG01 5 I I 9 5 ~ ' '65 '70 i VOLKSWAGEN MAVERICK Gas Saver · 2 Dr.4) cyl Real Economy ~ ISAR764J $795 15•9HFI) 5 1 3 9 5 I •-'72 FORD '72 SCOUT 4 DR. 4x4 ' ,- V-S, Auto trans. Power Full-Cab- Vinyl Top · Auto.·Air (284ELAJ 5 1 6 9 5 (170EFNJ $ 3 9 9 5 '69 LINCOLN '71 DODGE COUPE VAl'C Luxury Special Loaded. Bub-Top Low Mt4es -camper (01 2BOEJ $ I 6 9 5 1863BNZJ 54 795 BACKEID BY OYER 53YEARSOF CONTINUOUS SERVICE YES WE HAVE '73 FORD VANS AND CAM· VAN PERS-VB-Auto.- ALSO A FORD Long Wheel Base (P1&55T) 53895 CLUB WAGON '74 DATSUN '71 FORD PU F250 4 spc.-Aux.-Tank. '!' T.·VB· Like New. Air-Camper (17062UJ $ 3 4 9 5 (18619H J $] 69 5 '72 '73 BMW . BAVARIA COURIER Low Miles Air AM/FM L"6w Miles Like New (75507VJ 5 I 9 9 5 <•11Hxz1 Look & $ee '71 '74 T BIRD -MUSTANG II Low Miles-loaded Plus Stereo Vinyl Roof. Radio. Must See Otance for Big Savings Here (320EXNJ $ 3 I 9 5 (989KZJJ $ $ $ $ AU SALES PRICES EFFECTIVE 72 HRS. AFTER PUBLICATION l f I ,. ' • NO''AS IS'' S4LESMADEI '72 'FORD •72 LTD GREMLIN 2 Or.-Radio Gas Saver Size Auto. Trans.-Air-Power Not Many Around . $ 1006EkUJ 2 5 9 5 (19<ELUJ 5 169 5 '72 DATSUN '7J 240Z MERCURY 6 cyl.-Air Comet 2 Dr AM/FM W1tti Tape Deck 6 Cyl-Aadio-Power (825FPN) 54 79 5 17250RCJ $ I 7 9 5 '72 '71 vw FORD CAMPER Country Squire Wagon Loaded Plus AM/FM/Tape Deck, 4 ""'ed'-AM /FM Looks New .• Immaculate 1078ELYJ 53495 c221200a90315299 5 '74 PINTO '73 FORD WAGON LTD 2.3 Liter Engine Brougham 4 Or. Few Miles Save That .Gas & $ Loaded and Double Sharp (577JESJ $2695 l•B!GWXJ 53695 ~~ -------' -~--THIODOU IOllNSSI, -· ~ IAUS llPf. MOUllt I .... ,.. -.-M., I ..... ,_ .. ol II_,. ..... ,,.... 111wa--.. 1 _.,.-., r .... ,.,....... P@ltt .., ... , .... , .... , ·• • • Sa n -Clemente ----,=,-..--~ -r Capisirano • EDITI O N . . .• VOL. ~7. NO. 270, 4 S&:TIONS, 40 PAGES . - • ' ,. ORANGE COUNTY,• CALIF-ORNIA. .. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 L 1974 Today's Ffnal N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS State R~tifies -tileme.nte Plan tO ·Open Be.ach- Members of the new San Onofre State Park Advbory Committee I e e r n e d Thursday that state parks commissioners have ratified !he advisory panel's demands that negotiations start once again on plan.a to open Trestles Beach -a no-man's land since Ric.bard Nixon moved In to La Casa Pacifica. The committee, meeting in its second session, made the issue of negotiations lta fll'St offlci.al act at an inaugural session late last month. Spokesmen for the Catlfomia Depart- ment of Parks ani:l Recre"aUOn said that negotiations with the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton now are a Certainty. The beach, long .consl<!Jrded to .k a prime surfing area, always has been closed to the public. For years, surfers have regarded entry there as a clla1lenge they are willing to try. _ Entry has been toughe1\ however, ·11lnce federal authorities declared it a security bufier zone related to protedlcp. of Nixon when he was in office. Sl¢ly before Nixon established the Western While lloust, stale 8nd military ~otlators seemeed close to agreement on a lease to Make tfie beach plitillc. And state parks officials insist that the inpression gained when the status of the beach shifted was !hat when the President left office, the door would open once again for talks to tum the beach public. • But spokesmen far the Corps allendlng Thursday's session saj.d that the ofllclal ~!icy at Pendlet.on ts that nothing bas cllanged in the sta'tus of Trestles. The advisory pone!, made up ol San Clementeans· as well as delq;ata from c<her communities In the Souf!tlanil, transacted ·several c<!>er key It.ems of bW:lness at the llel!lon: ' · The pone! approved a set of b)'laws and elected permanent officers. San Clemente vMerinarian Dr. Colden Boyle became chairman of the group, and Victor Richards of Topanga will be vice ehainnan. Secretary is Douglas Craig or Garden Grm·e. The group also established two key subcommittee. to launch studies on the proposal by the department to establish camping oa the blulffs above tbe Onofre surfing belch; another cOmmlttee will explore possible alternate sites for a new ~farine Corps enlisted man's beach club. The existing facility ror' enJisted Marines lies \\ithin the are·a covered by a lease to the state for recreation purposes. But military officials decline to relin- quish the old SpanislH!tyle buildfilg unless the state furnishes a nev.• one .dnewhere else. r.taster plans call (Or" conversion of the building into the state's first surfing museum. Cory Assials Oil Firms • For· Co.ast Grab~. Sucki ng Out t h e S e a Rows of plastic pipe with 20-foot wells dug every two feet wurk around the clock at edge of pit on site of San Onofre Nuclear Gener- ating Station. They keep sea water from filling a pit dug to depth below sea level. Dewatering effort is part of diverse and costiy proj- ects essential to construction of twin reactors downcoast of present unit. (Story and re lated picture on Page A3.) 'Cos mic Conscwusness' Taught at Saddlebac·k By JAN WORTH Of fM Dairy Piiot Sl•ff ~fonlque Shahrivar of Lake Forest has been a very pretty French girl , a Dutch man, a primitive human that lived underground, and one of Beethoven's lovers. But that's all behind her now. Those were her past lives, which she identified in a three-year intensive study of reincarnation and cosmic philosophy. And before she passes from this life, 8lie feels certain she will visit Easter Jsland, Australia, and the pyramids. She said she has experi~ the dienomenon or teleportation to the bedside of a friend, has somehow made bread appear from the sky, and believes that careful and scientifically learned cosmic comclousness could produce a race of superhumans. For the past eight years, Mrs. articulate. tbOUghtful voice (or parapsychology. Parapsychology, w hi ·ch technically means "beyond Psychology" or "similar to psychology," is a new name for the study of mental phenomena like clairvoyance, mental t e I e·p at h y, astrotravelling, and the-_.,..stitdy of human reincarnation. Every natural form bas the ability to commtmicate its feelings. to every ~ other ll!e form, Mrs. Sbahrivar_ explains. That is telepathy. "And if you become involved telePatbically, you tan com. municate with plants, animals, all forms of life," ·she said. ' ''These teachings are non-polil)cal and non-religious," Ms. Shahrivar said . "this is just science We're Studying. It's all --· (See MONIQUE, Page AZ) Pair Missing Search Launched For Ghost Ship M\)RRO BAY (l/J;'J) -The Cout . ~-Tel\df Jo,. -11 ·~ ~·~ GolN ~ 'lf•llll!I •In alt ...., . ~~t Waf~."9 ..... • for a Santa cM man and a ..Oman was en&"'4 -lines 1fierl out and bo '"oot "G~ ~ " "--• the billelW ..., · . --w !le '1.r-ll . ~ a.up ~· JVUml• ne oli.ly sign of Hfe aboerd was abandnned oil tbe -'fh"rldlJ willl a bllllll'Y. doe..ll·all!*est11"' oakl . • only a barking dog aboard. the ·Teddf Jo was owned by Robe!t When lbe Coast Guard di!covered the i. Man: of Santa Cruz, wbo apparently Pension Cuts Weighed by 2 Committees SACRAMENTO (AP)-Pnlential bonUJ checks amounting to more than $580,000 couJd go to eight state lawmakers on t .. ·o cruclal committees -unless those committees vote to wipe out the windfall. The members of the Senate and Assembly commitl<es will bold hearings , ~f~y and then vote on measares to repeal the up· to $5.7 mlllloo in early pensions for 61 legislators.-. Four out of the nine members or lhe Assembly Public Employes and REAGAN CHARGED WITH 'BONUS RIP.OFFS', SIG ry Pag. A5 Retirerhent Committee and four out of five members of the Senate Rules Com- mittee are in line !or the early pension checks wtucb these bills would wipe out. The Oood of 19 bills on pension matten will be considered at the bearings and then killed or referred to ~ir respective houses when the Legisl1ture comes-bact Monday to continue Ifs speclaJ ....ton. Sena!• President pro tein ,James It Mills (!>San Diego), wbo chairs the Rules Committee, is in .llne for. bonuses adding up to $142,4$3 by ·age 60 If the windfall Is not. rtpealed and If he ('!« PENSIONS, Pap A!) Iert Eureka tbia· month with a woman comp.anion, .known only as Janice, for a· fiilblng trtp dc>wn the cnut, the spokesman said. ' '!'he couple stopped at Fon! Bragg ~pt. IS and w~ last seen by a friend on another IWdng boat oo ·Sept. :n. Man' last log <!ltry was Satutday. Aloo loond aboard the abandoned craft were the couple'• belongings, Including a nightgown and Marx' walle~ and spoil· eel fish. Authorities said they helleved nO one had been on the boat In several .... -eeks. ~ San Juan Council Wei ghs General Plan Saturday 6 San Juan CapistraD:> city mmcllmen will. meet Saturday • ·to discuss tlle capistrano Valley General Plan. The public session "'ill take place at 9 a.m. in council chambers. . The · cooncll'• particular ""'cems C<t1ler ocl proposals for development of fiie Bear Brand llanch. Part of !he ranCh tiiuches the dly bolmllall .. and tbO rldceline1 above It from Osn Road to . the Holstein property above Del Oblspollood. • Shahrivar has pursued her interest In all these phenomena diligently, by reading as many books as she can find and oeeking out people with parapsycl)ological experiences. ~reenspan Sorry M~mbers ol the Planning ~ml.,ion endoroed a new lllllC!Odnt<iltl )l£0!J0Sal thJs -wl>ldt Wllltld prohibit deYtlop. lilent OD tJie rldgtllnes, but would permit I lrlhge .of bomeS along the city bonier. Commlssfi>Ders· did not give sjit<illc ap- J)roval to density proposals, fearing that IOnte ol tlie land -...Id be undevelopable and homes would be built In denae clusters. A bearing on the Bear Brand Ranch proposals will he held l,lcnlay at I : ::0 JUD. In the· Orange County PllMing Cdmrnlssion hearing room. Last year she ofrered to teach an adult educaUon course in telepathy, UFOs, and cosmic awareness for the Saddleback Valley Unified Schoo 1 District, and her course was a hit. Apologizes for Remark on Brokers WASJUNGTON (AP) A I an When he said that stockbrokers lllf· Greenspan , President Ford's ch I e.f fered the most proportionately beca111e -. Ne"' Supervi.89r Visits Cap~tr,allo Report Clai1ns Job Fn voriti s1n ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -The St. Louil Poat-Dispatch says that it·obtained a secret report showine that ,the General Services Administration improperly gave job preferences to persons referred by . powerful pollUcal ngur .. , In- cluding then Rep. Gerald R. Ford and Senate Republican minority leader Hugh Sco4t. . --,,,e report, kept ...,,..t llinoe ~In '17~.fJi! ~' and oxicltislve" evideoce. !Mt.GSA alllCiaJI ""'" fD '14*1tlll -ol Cl.vtl llervice rules In glling iJP.!!ClOl treo~ to -job-- riilerred by "nomJnally political figures, 11 the neWJP&per 1 1 I d Thurld'l)'. ·Tb< report allepdly quotes memoranda In wblcb GSA officials attempted to "help oot" Ford by llndlng a CllllSlructioD job for Emil Gaide of Grand RaPids, Mlcb. lloweve<, Gaide r<portedly turned dc>wn the jobs offered to him. Ford Raked As Economic Su1n1nitOpens By BELEN THOMAS WASHINGTON (UPI) --Pmldent Ford, ~ his lnllation illrriml~ e" pressed optinusm today that the natioo's wtJTuigness to sacrifice will · b e I p overcome the most eevere economic pro- blem since th!! Depression. But be was crllidzed imm<dlalely for dc>lng toq lit· Ue. Ford presided before II)() delegates and 700 IU<SIS In the vast ballroom of the Woshlngtoo Hilton Hotel at the «inference be called ol the nation's leaden lo-find anlutlooa _to lhe vezlng proj>lem of stmiiltaneOus Inflation and economic aluinp. Senate Democrallc leader M I k e Mamlleld ~ Howe opeaker earl Albert med the nccaloa to call for atroag and swtft action and to tell Ford that cuto In the budget-. -no matter bow deep -eould end op making !he situ•· tion -WOl'te, not better. The k>udest bunt of applause came when Mansfield tolemn1y called for man· datory controls on wages, prices, profits and rents. But Ford, as he has in the pest, rejeded that course. "( do not Intend · to ask for It," Ford said, noting. he had no legal aulhorlty from Con"'"5 to lmpooe controls. The second year of her cla.sscs began last week-with both an advanced and beginners class of students fascinated by telepathy and other mind~ver-mattcr disciplines. economic adviser has expressed n!gret of the dramatic deCline ln their earninc1 about his statement that stockbrokers durirc the recent •tock market droJ!i members of the audience booted and wffered most during tbe economic slump j .. red . · He said it was -"most unfortunate" thal -bullnesoes aJroady an raising pilcto in anticipation of an ultimate return. to controls. New Fifth District SUpm'lllOr 'llmilS Treuury Secretary William Simon said Rtley . will be lntrolluced to t)\e '"'"""" controls lead to "lnequiaes1 distortions, and inOallon . His remark was cr!Uclzed by IJbor of Ute dty of. San ~uan Co!>!strano hµdshlpo and scartil~''. and merely .... -. Urges Halt Of Leasing Resources SANTA MONICA (AP) -The chairman ol the Legislature's Joint Com- mittee on.Public..IlmtaJD. ~-the major oil. cc111111anjes it ·~ a "land grab'! Of. (ilblldy held o l I re- """"'"" off !he Southern caJifQnila cnu!. Miftii,J;l)'lltan. ~ c.ry ( D • Garden Grove), made the llatement at a hearing CllDducteil by the U.8. SWtt Oceari Policy Study Grnoip Jlf(tli Sm. John Tunney (J>.Calif.), as chalmtan. Cory, DemocraUc candidate foe llate controller, urged a halt of the propooed sale by !he federal government ol dt and gu lea,.. for of!sbore drilling 0n !he coastline. · He said any future olfshorO oil develop- ment lhould await ·the completion or the Coastal Zone Plan. ''The major di companies are con- ducting a land crab of publicly held oil resources In the Southern califomla borderland of. the Outer Cont~tal Shell," Cory told the hearing. ''.Thia oil reaource acquisllim Is being SAWHILL SEEKS RI FUNDS l'ROM REFINERS-Story, Pag. M conducted with the acqui....nce ol com- pliant atate and federal agencies wblch should, instead, be regulating the ... llviUes of the gianl di com]>anles In the public interest." Cory conceded that there la "" energy problem ol ..,,.rgency proportions but said, "'!be specter ol that e!ll'li•nCy Is being used to stampede us int.> continu- ing policies which crealed it -dispos- ing of the vast energy resoureea ol our C..tinental Shell <>n the Ill • ~sldered tenns which will leave fut~ SUppliea in the bnnds of the same seU-lnterested. highly manipulative group,ol ,major oil companies." He conteMed this 11t'Duld "Pennit en- vtromnenlal degradation that Is wholly uMecessary and that we ~ oo longer afford." Coory said that federal 1 11big boous" (See OIL, Page ~) «:eut • Weatller II will be sunny ior a brief while Saturday arter.noon, aocorJling 10 the weather service, otherwise mostly cloudy and drin!Y. Beach highs in the upper ~· rl,1ing to the mld·70s Inland. INSIDE TODAY Her students Include a teacher of parapsycholOIJ' from Chapman.. Collcg._ and a J>1!7Cboblology professor from UC Irvine. "I regret that that oomment was not leaders and spokesmen for wtllUe , as clear u It should have betn," organtzatlons at the anU-~ CIOD- 4to11ii a llledaJ mooll11· Oot. 3, ... l\laell~ lhe mults, nol the cau.es, of 1 'l1le colllh,,..,. trom Sao Juan. ~ lnllatloa. - 111-4' 9'm. IG JUlof" -· 'lCll illclllde ~ Wrilht Palman ( D. T ••. ) • Reading the junnu paPfrs and coll.e cti11g comic •trips is a ser~ ious bu.tineu for cartoon buff Jerome ~fuller. Part of tl1e 0,. ange Coast mmi'1 collection of origh1al.t it displa yed today 01i the covtr f!i!ge of tlie Week'-1Ji9,. er, a!ona with an article on'fiii gb1orbl11g hobbM-• - She says she has taught ~r students to lmprov their t<Jepalhio ablllti.s and to become one with nature. "lter classes have a real fo.llowlng,'' said Keith Sims, coordihator of adult education for the Saddleback Valley district. "Thttt1s a whole group ~·hO have been coming bacl< for the advanced _,. Mn. Shahrlvar, a native of tran who speaks nuent French and was educated ln ,Belgium, comes &Cf(JSS as an • Greenspan told the Se n a-t e .. H o u s e fertnce. ..... ... -- EC0110mlc Commlltee Thursday. He also said \be Admlnlstratkia's, anti· "I ihink-that-atatistlcally ll ... was...cor.r._.,fn01Jnalion ... elf~rL.must lndude.. belp for rect. All segments suffer seriously from the poor, and • tax cut !or 16w.-lncome inOation, Including !he weallhy. But I persons could be 0.. step. was not suggesting that sfoCkbrokers Greenspan said be o_.t ll!)I ""'"al suffered the most. Obvlous1y the poor tax cut that would reduce fedtral suffer the most.'' said Greenspan, revenues, but sald some relief for h»w·ID· chairman or the .President's Council of come peroons -"tbe casuallles ol 111- Eronomlc .Advisq,... fiailon" -might he worth COlllldertn(. Grwisrn mad• his original rommcnt A nduCtion for the poor would ltlve last wee during an anil-lnflatlon roo-to he off1et by tn booetl !or 10me feresice convened 'by the White !louse. other sector, he said. llayorlloy Bymet, City Manager Dooald cbafrman ti. !he House Banking · Com-o. Wel<tier and Jnlerlm Clll' ~ mlttee ura«t Ford to fin economic John O'SulllVBn• --.ciVlseNo leftOver f'iOm llieNl•on dayi. ..,,., ?U1JOH ol the meetJnc ~ to "The President needs to r•t rid of d]ICUSI matters of mutual lntel'tll," 11ld !he bol<lovel'I who have contributed to Weidner. a teries Of: economic mistU•,'' Pitman 1'plo will Include the Del •Obispo said. &1dle ,..itlcll w!U be wtd<!ltd dlJrillC Another OOllgrtlS!lllll1 Sam Stratton tbi a>I ~the Prima DeHclul !lun\11 (J>.N.Y.), llld the price of anl~reeze lite, ftie Clpiltnt\o V«lley gelleral plan d<moostrales the netd for controls. He and plans _for the South County animal said anWreeze 11 se!Unc for $2.!0 a shelter, he added. (See ECONOMY, P ... AZl • ' I • - J • I , • ;·A 2 DAILY PI LOT '· l l, ' " SC F'r«tay, September 27, 1974 . Fin.,1 Preparations .. Exc'A.vatihg machine scrapes finishi~g touches from porti?n of sa~d ·. stone site at San Onofre ·where twin nuclear reactors will be built, .,,_ makirig the area. world's largest nuclear generating complex. Grading of bluffs required shifting 2.3 million cubic yards of soil to carve out pads for reactors and generators. A~ong other preparat~ons are ~n .. stnlCtion of on-site concrete production plant and erection of bu1ld- fngS to 'house offices. First yard of concrete is set to be poured next 11 week, sp9~esrnen said. (See story, Page A3.)' · · S-0"000 Pay Cut .. , ·•' • I, ~ .,. " U'o spital Chief l)o1v11g~ade~ Heritage Unit 0~11 .. • To Members Applications are now being take~ for membership on .San Juan. Capistrano's first cultural heritage commission. An ordinance outlinging the ,purPQses and duties of the new co..,..~ion is currentlfbeing poJisilM"$Y.Ctty Attorney James Okar.aki, and It ls expected to be passed 81 W.odnesllay"s meeting o! the city council. The new advisory pavcl to the council will consist of seven members selected by city councilmen. Citizens of all ages are encouraged to apply, but cOiincninen have agreed that some members of the n~w commission should be long-time residents of the city. At a recent meeting of the council, Mrs. Marilyn Williams pointed out that some of the most qualified residenls might not even apply. . -"Many Of our eldest generation -of Capistrano residents are very mOdest and shy people,'' she said. "Mtiny ·of them still find it difficult to speak freely ' with strangers about 1natters which to them are ''family information." There • .. ,~ -:! DID UFOS HE.LP BU.l~D .l'YR,~ID5'T l:IA1:'5 ONE f OSSIBILTY IN UFOLOGY Monique Shahriv1r 'of Like .Fare1t·Bttlevt1 Thty Did -.Showa Mockup She Uses In Class ' -.• ' . . are some who even find it uncomrort9bJe F~U. Pdfle Al : .. to converse fully in English. Yet ttiese ?~:m!:n~:wc;ti rf~isrn~~J~i~::C. ~i M ONIQU~,~~J.J~·SES .~-~ -~ -need to ~kc an accura_te and detailed .. "" _ .... -•• · .... .. . report .for the city records ." based on scientific IOgic .'~[l(l _:_~mfijii ~-.. §.kt is a fii-m believer-in li~ein:ou,ter ~1rs. Williams said five of the seven sense. •.,. • • •!JPace. Lik~ ,AdaM!lki, she bellev~ aome members should be appointed from Jong-"It's very beautiful to study," She •• ·of ttJe visits frqg'l ,Ol)ler_ilfe-(orms have _!irpe rcsi9ents of the community wh.o said in an interview Wcdnesda;,i: in_..._ .'~'to try to l't'§m -~tb.at put natyral ~re in the best position to know who homti. "If n1ore people studied it '"~.--d • existence is In perilous · ~lance , and to interview and how best to trace hiivc a race of superhumans-and not that nuclear blasts could tip us over the information vital to ,the commissiOn. very long from now. , '' the.edge into environment~ annihilation. "The purpose of ihEi·· coinmtssiori 'is · " "Some people are like a stiql \Vithout One. of .the central points ·to t;lrs. ·to preserve the historical :ltid· Cultural a-rudder." she added. "Each perslln ~hahrivar .lS wha~,she ~s as our g~w- character of tbe city by protecting struc-is here for a purpose. And if YOO" ll'arn 111g necessity for gepet1c screening. lures and sites historically important. to understand life you understand this.'' ''The time will come when a committee A draft ordinance. written by a sj>e<:ial One of the authors Mrs. Shahrivar will screen, the' gene ~r'y of couples . committee designed to set uP .the pew asks her students to read is George who want to get married. U.~r genes commission, outlined specific ways to aren't good they should en1oy other "·, Adamski a Californian \\'ho claimed to , accomplish that purpose. have had' visits by people from Venus.. . people's children/' she ·sakl. The committee also found that : .,He wrbte several books, l\\10 of them When uked what made thal theory -Historical sites identified In the in collaboration with 'Vinston Churthill's different from the one used by the historical and archelogical element of son-in-law Desmond Leslie-. Nazis in Gennany, she added, "This the general plan should be included They include '"Inside the Space Ships~' has aothing at all in common with in an 9fficial inventory ear_marked for and ''Fifing Saucers Have Landed.·• that . bood genes don't de.pend on pre'servauon-. · h he J · h bl k -Stes , identified a·s h·a v 1• n g Adamski· cJainled;to hjiYe-made con-w et r you are ewis or ac or tact \\'ith men Crom Venus in 1952 in any other race. You can find good archeological or P a I e o n t o I o g i c a I Desert Center Ari zona and several tnore genes and bad genes in any race." .significance .were not deemed important limes ti'n'ough 1954. "If Our children start witb good genes, enough to reject plans of property 1 •·Most of my students are skeptical and then are taught philosophy and COS· O\\'ners. • · · ·· abo,ut ' UFOs when they first begin the mlc awareness and ~lepathy, that's hoW -The 1".Rios Area .should be placed· class," "Mrs. Shahrivar'. said. "But as \\'e will develop a super race," she in a historical preserve requiring si>eciaJ · We progress, they becohlc more in-added. · · pcnnits for alteration of structures. d -Injured Tru cker Makin g' Recovery Aft er Accident Sherman Bailey, the 38 -year·old trucke r gravely injured in the crash of bis rig earlier ·this week in San Clemente, was reported making steady improvement at San Clemente General HosPital. Nurses said · today that although the Gardena driver remained in a coma and under tniensive ca re , his condition appears to be improving gradually <ind the depth of his coma was lessening. Bailey was alone in the rig last Tues- day morning at dawn when it left the slow lane of the San Diego Free~r&y, tore out 200 feet o( guard rail Ln the El Camino Real bridge· and nearly \Ven t over t~ edge . The driver and large hunks of the truck's cab all toppled about ·10 fett to the pavement on El Camino. ---.!!. ;_\b i. ,I '1 ......---_ _ __ • --• ,_ ·! l ·SOIJth,.Coast .Community Hospjtal Administrator.Bernard Ca"rr ~ls given " fk 25/pereent cut, in pay -from $40,000 to '30,000 .a .. year -~r action o~ .tbe,, -A historical district should be defined : tereste . Before long, dlsea,,es would be wiped · · out. she predicted. The Victim suffered hea~ and internal injuries aud. has not yet regained con- sciousness. Bailey underwent abdo{llinal surgery on the day after the crash, hospital spokesmen said. board of directors Thursday. . . . . Carr volunteered the cut which according to board actJon will last unttl tbe "financial difficulty" of the nonprofit South Laguna hospital ends. 1 · '""• •"'"" squelched a behlQ~the-scenes '1!l<lve 1!J cuVCarr's salary f'!'-, .. ,~ ~r"-·~· 1 .. . 1 ther, to '25,IXK> a year. • . ' • · ·~ 'Iitforiiled sources :said a survey of 100-bed hospitals showed most ad· rhlDiSfratOrs receiving 8 salary of between $18t<>OO and ~,ooo a~ually. In 8dditioD to the salary carr also has use of a hospital vehicle. Ca 118.ITOWly survived 'an -attempt .lQ fire him-in ~u~y. The board re. ,<J-'5~~ ved direct financial-authority from tbe :admm1strator. ' The ·bci8rd took notice that Can-bad previously been donating 15 percent l -ot·tds salary to the hospital. l ~~--',.,--~~~~~~~~~~i,~~~~~~~~~ . I ' • • F ro1n Page AI so. ~t the ~!.of rules and r,~gulaijons Michael Parker. ls ·the ., Chaprl)..an .CilJl:lie awlied,,on a, 1'-'ijQ'lting ,basis.. "11< • f' jj/ · • 1 College admlnistra\ot wbo ••attends •Mrs. to other areas 0 .the cily. . ."'.'DH u u:ilar s Shahrivar's eta .... and teaches a class -Certain structures should be moved the in onto city property. · "JC d rJ; • :q Jll!!Ychic ,phe™?mena on , ter-term I ~.I. ' , ap1•· 1"0·ns1t • I for ~PmiL 1 •'1•·1, ~ ;, ! ... u,1fl'• -A, mll8e)l!!I or repository 'li" looal " . ~ ~n . '''"" '. "For most hlJ~ly eiJ.ua\l!!l ,.peoplc. artifacts sbOuld'. be located on c~ty pnr it's more difficult. to get in .toudl with perty. · ·• ·OAKLAND (AP) -A tranlifonner psychic phenomena," Parker said. "Our -A plan should be developed for •snafu shut down the nation's newest education is very slanted to , one part preservation of buildings and governmeir· transit svstem and stranded thousands of mind I d . • our . . ta an _ _P!1vate sources should .be,ex..; of commuters, including hundreds riding "Monique is very kllo\\·ledgeable in plol'ed--for funding. · ·• · Bay Area Rapid Transit trains under these things and is doing a good · thing San Francisco Bay. by teaching this class. \Ve need teaching BART officials said the 30-minute rush on all levels to open people's minds." hour mishap Thursday was the first Pointing to the recent research in to force total shutdown of service on parapsychology at Duke University, the 71-mile. $1 .6 billipn system. It wa~ Parker said, "l ~·t accept everything caused by a short circuit in a ~1onique says. But there is a lot of .· F ro111 Page AI ECONOMY ... _ Fr om Page A1 OIL ... leasing policies for offshore o.il leases eliminate competition by a small com· pany or group of companies. ·~ P.ENSIO NS WEIGI-I~~Q ••• gallon wholesale but from $6 to $12 at gas Stations even tb<iugh there is no Shortage of it. transformer. concrete evidence to suppcrt her. \Ve Homeward bound commuters zipping all ha\•e these .abilitie.s, to one degree through the newly opened BART tube or another." under the bay had to wait in their ·"There's a lot of nonsense and a He added: "Unless there is an effective and immediate congress i o n;a I in· tervention in the !easting process ... we will see the consummation o[ a land grab by the major con1panies on the CaJitomi;J Outer Continenta l Shelf \\'hich will for generations deprive our citizens of the real benefits of the resourc~ they own." • ~ • I. 'Jeaves .... ofttte by. early next year. The : annual bonus for Mills, _4.7.,__w~uld_ be $11;871. . The 14-year· veteran of the Legislature will .. Qe.._eJigibi.e for 00 percent of that lnnual check" -whether the bonuses 3re repealed · -if he serves through next year. · ,\ other Senate committee members and , .fheir w_tf':tntial bonuses are Sens. Clare B~(!Ueres), $33,686; Robert ~teve1".d~1* Angeles ), $20.350; and ~-~'.iimo!'.l!:h (D-Fresno), $81.401. .,. Sen . .Joeeph--Kennick, (D-Long Beach ), is eligible for an immediate pension :_ whenever he retires -because he lbas served .for more thp:n 15 years tand is overA · I ' The clM!lrlllAn of the Assembly com· ;mtttee;-Wadie -Deddeh, (0-Chula Visla), 16:M.lld receive annual checks of $6,124 l ""' R. c.i., Yi"'P!' ..,.,.,._~Mt"tW ·-.... ~ H. lool Rodlord P. Nol IAM0,1.11111 w.i.gir'9 Edllonl -tJ; CllMWt Offfc• .-.ios Ne.iii a Ccmwio Red over the next six years if he deCides to leave office this ye~r or _if .... the voters reject him at the whs -a total of $36.748. l • • •• Another committee member, Assemblyman Newton Russell, (R·Tu- jtmga), was rejected by the voters in the June primary and is eligible to start drawing annual checks . or $8,479 starting Jan. 1, for .a 13·year total of $1101231. Jf Assembly101oman March Fong loses the race for secretary of state in November, her Pension checks each year would add up to $48,998 over the nexl eight years, Wltil she ~aches age 60. She has said she will vote to wipe out her own .Qonus. Assemblyman Edwin Z'berg, (D- Sacramento), is already eligiblee for 92 percent or hi~ pension because o{ his 16 years service, but the pension bonus. provisions ~uJd put an extra $967 a year into his pocket.for each cit the next 12 years if he leaves ·office. _Th!! re1naining members or the Assembly oommittee 8re inCligible tor· the pension bonus beCause they were.- elected after the cutoff date of 1969 for the immediate pensions. They are : Assemblymen Ju 1 i an Dixon1 (D-Los Angeles), Paul Bannai, (a-Gardena), Doug Carter, (R-Stockton), Lawrence Kapiloff, (D-5an Diego) and Louis Pa!'"", (D-Daly City). Sylvia Porter. a newspaper columnist, complained that consumers-·had been left out of _ecQnomic ptarutiDg: She said that such things as setting aside vacant lots for community victory gardens to help householders cope with food prices would give Americans a sense of participation in the fight against in- flation. A common theme throughout the oratory was for tax relief for )XlOr and moderate income families to help them cope with inflation's burderls . Ford opened the meeting by declaring that the burdens of s~ting the American economy right i;nust be shared equally. "No group should be called upon to carry an wifair share ot the load," he said. But he expressed optimism that curtailment of the worst inflationary bout in many years ultimately woul~ be achieved. His chief ecOnomjc advi sers have estimated it will take 18 months, to thr~ years. "I have wilimited confidence Jn America,'' the President said. "The bat- tle against inflatioo will not be an. easy one. It will require sacri!Jce and common effort. It will require discipline, but we will win." Albert complained that the bemocratic Congress had been excluded from deciding the wrticipants and the agenda for the . series of 12 meetings which led to the t\.,.\H:lay summlt. Finanee H~va1np . -P-ilot ·strea111lines · S!Oc~ Pag~s: I The Daily Pilot begins a new and streamUlied system of reporting New -Ork-Stock Excbange..pi:ldes..aod-tranuctlons.Wday·---- Th<!' new listing contains aJI essential Jntqrmation regarding that •y's trading -name of stock, price/earning index, total sales, closing price and net change in price. Only feature omitted from the. previous listing will be high and low sales prices ror the day. 'The new !onnet was prompled by extended hours adopted by the NYSE. Erfcctive Tu0sday. Ihe mar<et will close ot I p.m. Calllornla time, one·b&lf - -hour later then present. · The Daily Piiot wiJI continue lo P\lbllsh a oomplele review of botll i'iYSE and American Slock Exchange weekly transactions each 5"1urday. This list- ing includes high·low figures for the year as well as the week. J trains until the trouble was repaired. lot of truth involved," he said. Henredon' s Famous 4 Centuries .. • t249. This excepfional hall console features two pullout shelves which are heat and alcohol resistant. Availa ble in either cloister er cogn~c-finish . On displQy ~6w at any of our three fine stores. Stop in sooo. ..... ..• • ' "DREXEL--H~RITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARl<-'l<ARASTAN-BAl<ER 7 --, -NEwPORT13E"ANT.·:--- "" _ _A ,., I llJ 1121 \\'.ESTC.LI>'>' on.. 64~2050 ·. I ea (l(Ut, -~'el#ellt, -111e_., :145 Nch~?i~~~,01r:f.~ ; ... o.~' WEllllDA YS .. SA TUl~A YS-9:00 lo S:JO l TORRANCE• 23848 HAWTHORNF. BLVD. (0W:n Fri. tll 9. Sun. 12·5:301 3'18·1219 I I I • ·-· Friday, September 27, 1974 CAIL Y P!CQT A f f . . • Friday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE HIW \'ti~ ~,!I -~~-;~':1 tr~:'J:rA.r .. ·~ ,1 .... -... 'i ('ldlit a.. Oil ""'1l .'ii ·-11 '. ~ ~2!.1w1 I I '•i:t; ai:%:~,~ t• 't 1·1·t: Afftfl Ill • 'I 'IT :ri,::~f 'j +.-! j ... .: l: :It:". • •• t~:~~:! ·~ 'l~~}l • •r.il: :? .. 1 1 '" .~ ••k,t:r . ii .. ... ~, -i :el!*,,,. 11 't:~~ . ;~.·~i'i 1! '~ :1~-·~ 'i'' " . "11 ~ •. 'i .. 1 ,,,,;. 11 "ii :ri .. J\ ~. .,j ,~1 ~,1·:·n ~ ~~J f~ ti ' ~l l1~:.;; ~~~ :1~. It j" I Ii:: ~ :r.: 1:~ I .. \ J,J:_..,\! T ... 1 •• A a. · .... ( .,. " •· . , e·1;1~.;.·ij ij·~.~: ·;" n ".~-.r.#pa • on · . 5.:a-.~ .! uS~E Newi!(lrl llea~h .b'ailed brij1cker c~. has moved Its offlces to larger quarters ":'!.~\'~ 1• '!• •1~:. "i Ii\ Ml' Dbver Or}\l,ll:, t111l~bulldlng. 1'h• <ommunl<1Uons company start In··· :~~[,,/~" 1 1 ! ,,, :-; c~ cfrotn'lilU.-.U•~O ll. dcslaner; Janine lrvln,.omce man•ger; tillan It£:.'.: ·1· I! t'l~_.c; Qlrdler , pUblle 1•1•11~!)11 ~lrector ; t~ydla ·Town•end, productlon llrafllc ~~,.~~: ''l ~7 ~ IJlllUl_1er:,flet S11'11ac~'-'1.mt1Ua dlrector;·Jon Sharnborg, account manager; iS!')r';, ... 'j t r,·;~ J.!!hn j..ope~. 11rtdlre<tor;allll R11y S~rb•cker . pretldcnt. • v;:l.-1.\: ., l 1~·~ ~ .., '4 ~r·~ ~~ 1! 1f t'-: ~~ • :~i1f'11 .~1 H Ill•·· l• G .. · .. ro .. · \vlnd Your Own ~~~;{~~1 .·an:!~r~ l!!t A(i.11 1,1211 • . 11:i.. l, AOl\fll ... I t~-\1 .1.' ' • "'~ 1 .... , 1 .,, .. ,-.lc.t<J_ ty G. ardem a HedD'e' ·on Jn-tlat ion ~=,·~~·"r,,::::-.::: e './ ' AlllHO'f .n_ II Ul I!'' II• • ··" ' "I -~ . " · • · · ' :=1:11 ·;,.11 :: )'~Vt, A r0Jl1'£1\ ' . IO' 1ard1ri'1 prol:luce In 6n~ .. :re : peas , beanx, cucum. :l'll'#:'t1~rt:: IS~ r· -;~ t 'J 11y you had th1: .. 1tuon, 11tlmated by B. H. bor1·,·tomatoe1 , polatoes, :~Hm11·5 .~ :: '!~:· ,\: ,.,,.llht,.to eudlt1Yade" y~1r · ~mpt1 o,nA. 1d11re1ctor of O~r-wltnterd1qua1h , beets, tar· =.1n1ifi·~ 'l ,I 17::: ;: ~ ll.,,.y1r 11r rt t., a "''"' or , nc ., a not'I· ro 1 an peppers. Af'\ t:f ·f. • ti ,zi.-"' 1ro.q1tl ·1111on 1nd If profl~oraanl11tlonba1edln Moreover, It you are an ::L..u'1i ·~ 1, ~.:..~ f 'ttldtd l OD pou n.dt of ~. B1uu1rhn1tot\: Vt., which iJ ac-acc:ompll1hed aardener and ::fzt f~ ~ ,~J ~1~1 = (: iq totl. tr tht "vera1e t ve Jy promotln'f' corn·~ plant 1econd crops tn th~ so ""'T'T r.• .. w ••n-~. lor 'Jlrtl•toe• '" )'OUI°' m u n I t 't.:. I I r d • n I n I Jl're:ent or 10 or your garden :1~=: s:t: : : ~ J;1, •. ~ ""'1Mietw•185Ctnll~. lhrou1ho'uttheU.S. .• ·whJCh becom1111s nvallable All'lt&t W\,, JtJ 111 ... "' '" • A I • "1 ,,.. " MIWtlr ,M .-) ,! •\• ... -•r It well m11.• n1lonwlde -drive tbr ~·for ·1uccesslve jlantln11 "Wl'''"S "11 11 ... 1 ~1 ·~ " • • """'''". 1 j I r~ '4 •been Ull1p11t1ummfr· ... tctory Gardens at the-ind Ir )(OU can an store the """'" .1 ' 1'-t-\1 '~"" th It d I u·· 1 t d """'-•~ .to ' ' 1•\•-.._ -nr-r1avln11on t1food commun )'an am y apprQ;pr a e t ypes an .. ,.,,,1111A•, ,,, 111•-\• ,__ to ••• le Ye ii lpontored by tbO t f d All'llM: .IO 6 '' "~ • lo 1...,-tlll't ".,, -amoun 1 o ~o uce, you AMP ,II(.» 1• to1 'f"-1h n; l1,l'1 11" y· ou man•1ed While ltouse . can tum can double your output """°"'P • ..o j ' "'• '-' 1°'.' I , ' .. .._,c, 111 -\.t lf lrqwilOO 11r1 of eorn , no ll s no news to you thut "'"''"c°'f J 1 1•1 1 .. bll elto~• In a 11mall horn• • . food pri ces are co ntlnulna :ri:~.,~:li' .~ '! !t"-11r1 • •rdtn. Al 10 cent1 an ear, to climb every month and ""''1' • ·1 1 n ... "' " M ,. ' . At•11t 1. 'IJ\ .. .. "OU ll•Vtd another 110 On oneys thus an y savin"S yo u ca n Aln1tt111 .20 I I ' • '-' h • • Allt<tll .JOii J lll 11\1-,\.• )'Ollr tqrn 1rvt1t. achieve by hom e gardenln1 M<.fll1( '·°' J u 11•-. •1• I, \'OU PLA NTED .Worth •re not to be shruggcd orr. =r1~.·~i: *l 11t:-.~ AMiii Ct IJ S !J 1 lo-" , "-lllC .JO J ).( 11 -~. C!ltC\lllJ,btr• undtr your corn hAT THE END or Aug!Jsl , :~.Olc'.o:~ :· ,j 1 11,: ~ W ,.Jped S.00 of t.herri, you , t e. New York Department At L corp ' u •~~ .... mlY,fil\1\re 1ived.,.,.inother oul _to_b;e-'a....1urpelsl nf1y_,or Consumer Af"falrs ~~r:s1Mri:'° j t::·.~· 110. y~u1re"' ~poundtqf ~tent antt•tnflatlon as~ll ·estlmated Its 38·1l em :~!,~1;;t 1~ n "'•-I W t11"'&1 . you 11vecfll51( an , ~1 conlum_e;~:i.ilflfylna (oref=~~ni1rketba1ker wa--s·13 per· :~:~;.~1f .~ rt 1i~:·~ 1vtr11e price for carrot.I at 1 ' r cent above the le\'el or a Ar1.i1r ·' • n l -• :sn\11 pound. · '"Lt l'llOMPSON NOT ontY. yea·r 110. Green peppers. :~t.il:~ l t1· / 1•: ~ : ,W...Q.ome.-~~eL.but he !l•o~ev.i; f1 'pa·~a'r\i1,_..11pl nach , ~::!,~11~;._. ,:~ J!:; l: Piil 1e11on, ate from il ·pfi8slze~"-thaf ,,.you ough1 to.. '°l•toes, dried hcans and ::~st;:.~ 't n~-'i.i alf throurr · tW. 1uml'\ef ·~ to ·if•\. back ~t deast 11>1 many o\her vegetables had "'"" c~ .•t 1 , • .,,,_ t. 'h .. <: h ' '· t' th' ' 'al d Th . "'"""' '·'° s I 11•1 . rnent tan noft 1veip1.1 •I e11 I amolln your soarc . ere 1s. as yet. no "•oCOrp1n1 j 1 111 •. :: --. • ., ,..,.., •xtra pro,.11/>e fo r. cash inviPstment id.the 1ar0 real reli er in slaht . "'v111111d .u n 10 • _ · · '!Jl'•f'# .. ~ .. ~~.. d •• I'" " d • As.A l id I •• 12' lilt ~. l~ Winter . -in your en, a.n1ddh1e1 a , l~!t11n . ~s might huve been an· ::~~G\::t; !! ::~+ t: r,.,•1er ;-Jn ct1ns . or lerms o e ara savll;:U or tic1pated under the"clrcum· ••Sp,-111.10 s 1 11t •... whtrtvfr -You eailly m1y eacb~1qu~re.foot of garde;n stances, a boom In preser-:l~:"',.1: ; ici: I~-.~~ , hav1 t1\ied more than l300. 1pact, tbf> rnost--vtJuable-vation of roods grown at :::i~!~' l.~: 1t t~ J:1,:1:: • Thl1l1thev1lueof a2S'+ home gi rden crops today home h•s developed -Atlll(Pl ltD . "sa••-'• , f di h AlllllCll ptt l .• J IM -II• ea ng: to a s ortage or "'"' corp,, " l\.o ... hom ' · l A.TO lllt .;o 1 11 I I•-'• e canning equ1pmen ,.~1 0 ,1 ,JCkl u s1 12t.-1 and a reported bl ack "1i11om1t11d• .. 1 !'•-., Avtt Corp I UJ '• fl Crop Gloom ' market In canning J;irs. A.wo ~wH .. u 11.16 •·It D S l~ Rlo d . . ' ::~,Pr':l:ii 11: ~~-r-1 •· . · A GALLUP.PO.LL onthe ""'1 111(.IQ l 11 •1•· '• . ry ~ne ' . 0 in.a 1ardenlp~·boom ,-due to be :::i,:,"'.: l .J: ,:!:::~: r •~I . A111tOll&G 11 H 111.1 o '• , · · • , , .. t ,publi1h1 In m.i~·October, Is -• •--,A. d F , "''Tc -k. Tc l"t expected lQ-eQhff'rm a ::'~ew".i~ ~' 1 ;):-. ·~ n ro8t . a· e · 0 · . dt•n:ialic uPiura•. tn group t::~d~ :~r ,f ~I 1~~1 ; :_: 1 • commy lty and. "-bme gar-a.111 01; ·"° • ' 1~ ... µ:• \! 11 Cp •!! t t I lo-Vi -• ~den1 no.u-'i?:-• 1a u11 + "" tJ""4 Pftff f~ttrnaUoA•l , beCIUSt. Q[ the t~mbf'fti:a • .... ' I °l.r'1~Jl 'j rtt°! ff~-'ii Tht be1n1 are black, the Impact ~or the freeze, the ltM•a 1t1t 11 11 11~ • ....i torn 11 .whllt and the drouthl and the floods ;-C · F• ~'11.';:·; 1 1J!:-·1; """'9ect1 are bleak for bOlh -.·hlch he e1tlmated ~ost In· 088 l · Irln. ,:::¥~wt'9J, t 11! 30~!. ~ •lorrme1 r1 and c9n10rner1. dl•n• ftirmert Mlt million !l••b0i1 .IOO .. , 10 ... 1-- ( 8'rct Cll .20 10 'I f l •-\o ·rAn early ro1t 11 the latest . In corn a-nd soybeans. · L . Off 1··~•1 1.110a 1 1J ••• -'" jbJt 'tO the n allOn '• • " ay1ng llliMl .10 l 1l U'''" I~ ::, rlcullur1l tconomi'.: •"The;.bean1ar:e bll!ck anV t:~'~,111J ·j i; i:t.~.;~ '' lhe"'corn 11 white " one In· · hlM:nL'.010 tJ1 1•1·-t.t mint cJ01e on tht heel1 of · • ·f • B••t•• L;1111 '°' 1.1.-t .mm. er drouaht 'dJ 4111na€ar'mer11ld . . · E } 11,w,ca .n11 1 111. 1t I ' •rt ""; .... •• ..,,.. ·mp oyes 9'1rll'IQ1 ,:n I flt II?•~ 1prinl flood ln1. and, whll' l~oweve ~. 10Veromcnl t:~;a',{7 , 10! l~ -i " e.-Jt'.111• differ on the e"tent 0iftculturaI c~rtt, while " =t.':ib ·!!It ll ;j!• t ~· of d.lm1te1 exucted by the ' admlttlnlC th'af the ne.tlOn'1 . Compuler Autom ullon ""'~M :;l • ,U • \: 11ltlt rovfid or ·tnali!volen1 , dro\11ht·depleted rorn and · Inc., I1·vtnc ·bs!!cd mlnlcom· "&:::~~~] ·~ ~& 1(11. ~: Wfl\h,r~ moil u1re:ed '1hJ\,..soy:be11 n crop1 · would be.PU\er manufacturer.1111id It eerc•:, ~ 9 1 :: ~: It wlll like 11, toll on · lutt~er cut ' by fh11 week''· hod l•Jd orr som ~ or Ito em-t.rn.i'\11 ii 11 •• lrotf ry\lrlct•-~ :.:. kliUng ••r:ly frost, i\iqilf· pldyeJ ln a mo\'C to reduce t~1~ ~~: ri ~~:. l; I r lUlded .thal early, orf·lhf' 6Vifth!ld: . =:,'8~M~-~ 1l1 ti.::~· . •CANMl'lG .COCllPAN\'·~ out! .,tflnalu Jl~ l!'l>l.I • A com pun y •pokeomun "::'Ir:'· .. ' m.~., ~~lilt-1n . MlnnHol•-•.41.a , d•m•a• to''"!'•·"'•~ ~·tli' slated that appr_oxlmotely l:~/:/ii' •1. ~ ~~-·r. '1tt1cf1 '" iwect ~n lfid lnfrJltC!a~--,. ' r;:-10 emp loy.e!! .were ter· t'.r',t..:.c -::-~ ., •• b••n• were likely to I.I; ·-7'f~_,__"!! t \'' ·"-. -rnlnat.d ·Within the PUil ri;111 ~l'!L! I '</I 2 ),:;'~ .. llP by about 5percent 11 A &Pdtu;_S~,\N •Pollt~e three we~ks, red,ucln1 the 11~)~1)~ 'l' :-·Ii: 1 re1ult of thi s iiroWlnL A1rlculture D•P•Atii.tM 1 ~jl:force tc;> about 400, M~ l1n L. • 1oi • ~ 111• . 1t•ton'1 (o m blnallnon o.,' economic r~fiarch ~ttvkit !hat tddltlonal lay~rfs v.·er. l!ffliat;,~ SI 1 1,1 u ... -'.l· badwtather, , iaJd radio ,and lelti\'ltldn lk1ly bec,usc ~r d11oppaln· i,..~!',ll · l 1~ .. ·~: llfdl1n1 GOY\ Olli .Bowt'n 'roport1 lhlt dom,oW• to corn Un1 orderratu. ,.i;, .ll I 111 ·I • T w••d•Y mO Ytd' to hfi\•e •Rnd 8'(,ybfln ct10'p1 miahi The 1pokc1m1h 1u1id th~a:::...1.::•1!j ·, I(~:-~ .ill.I• . t • • de ct 11 red i'n .r-run a1• hllh •• 30 Pet tllt outlook ror the1 flr!l <1utt,rtcr =:rew 1 n ! 'j l '~:. ~; ·••'19ili vr~I ~41•••l•r re1 I are unreilll~llc .~.. or (\1ca l 1975 WUll nol en· llG~r·"' .~1 ': i ''·· ~~ . • coutu11n1 •nd thul for tho m·'·l\.•. ·1·1 !l ' \ . ... , ' first time In thr<'c ye11r~ the :r.l ~ ~ ,! t: :it ~1 · d 1 D romµuny might es1w~·l llh: tt''1~10 '' •t; . D e-rops r1r11l·qllUl'lC'r prufll tu be 1r=;~1~· J~ ;:: 1 •• _ ~.. IU\l.'t1r thnn thut of tho prior r_,,_~oi"fl 1 1 1f::~ .'.! I d •1 D' • 1 21fl1 r•~·i1h 1 monu y undi;;r,:';~! 11h1:::; rt ic~(OT ips , --10 "conomlc un ccrtu•nl y \\'ere ,~.~~: ~ t 1: 1~:~ :: • '1 fll\•en "" two prlnrlpul ~~ !J j ''i 1 \: ·~ W '"HINGTU~ !UPll •... :, ·o~-tll·e 'index of ren•on• tor the ilo.,down In '":';.'t'!,. n ,' -'" 1 " " .,.... order rates. lA &addition, the 'c.!IO J I "Uln1 economic lndltalor1 ll•ellnt 1,2 percent If! ,\ l"Omp~ny hai tllhtened lti ,'ir.'1 4 l • ~:· Al!IUl~l 1 <:ommerce Dcpartm1nun1. . · customer credit Policy sub· ,.,\ii: I 1 ' , Tiit •~ hu tradlll0n1lir bt.., ute<I to !oren1l lhe · otantlolly ond · thl• I• '" 5:?;U : ~ 1 i:• dlftol nollht n1llon'1•<onqml•••li•Clyblllh11betn peeled lo ~·vr tho •hon-rl.~ .. ~ I !·; -.; l1149C1tl~nlln lh• pot·r••r1beuu11 ollnn•tlon. • term .rroct or d•i•Ylna ship. • :~: li I :; ·; "'T' lh~ •lthi (ndlt•lor• -nollable lnr A•lu•\ 'menlt to 1ome cu11omero," '",,,•, ~"•' ,,j '1'.·,· •" d1~l nt In July whllt lht llher, t•rr• 1howtd h ....., Id " , ll 1nar.ut1, lht Commol'ff tald. Qt<llnto ~N raponed t • • ..,.um on•• · ""l ''4 ~-·" •• IMlllO<:k prict1. bulldln1·P.rmll1. lndu•Ul•I ll'•l•rltl~ • : .. 1 • ' 'l'r: .'~ prfu1, unempl oy ment uqd ordtrt ror pltllt fnd 811,..llol• . l"":f.: j I ;, , t: ---tqulpm1nt.. . .J. ' .... 111...t.iifl' l!'I 11111 •. Ot'lli~°'1 At!-•1 ~~· 'l, ~' :i Inert•••• were ropartta In the e1t11orl1~, Q( lhe nu.1, \t ti,,,,,_ 1••ftl1 ;-rt -,iv, "'"1111.a 'I ' 1 t\flf'llt ~ork·\(•rfJk , nt~rorderi rur dtir',&la 1ftodt .ntd l:1'lltw~1:f~ .1!1.:::;; I~ :Zl'::J ~.)~I! l :: . :: ••t~lfit, MbOJ' t'Ollt ti,ttl(I, ~'"""~1' 1111' •1fi'I 1111 ':I.it''.'~\ 11•1 1;1 '• '• "' I .t -. ..... I I 11 l'fi. ~ 'r''f~{ r!.•1!r1~.,;t~..T!1 ~I~ Ji l h·' ~! rnmpo11il<" ""'" ''"" ""'" on • lf'f'ltr• ne nt ~ "" '"1 u .. , ~•"' 111 ~· .1o1i'T '" , ·~ •• Sint'(' late 19i0 \\'ilh th(I C)(('('eplion or n rf\V mon{hly d •II ltl•, t-l llf<' ttflt I" 'tk -Plid #b(Qcl lf' \\If ' ' •1l, !QI"' 111-111.rwPlt Y ••t•!-•P o< Cltlllf .. ~ ~ u • •• dips last ye:1 r and th1sycur. ,_,;w1,1.r>011 1,1 c~1111 "'V"ll\I''°" C•01F•i ._,. ,, l'' .. I I. fl! f · I ' fl9 l~lf.141YIOtl'ICI lwll wlltll"\U"ll 1w1l t,M0Pll"• Ii 1 Thc ;\ugusl{l'C1nc o O\\C1111'f'\'IS~ 1nrrcttsco · w.rr1111,. CJl/tt(..•Mll 11 ·• .. t I• J I . "·I rtuo "1'11• tlflt~ br r "oc:t-"'"a titf11~•<. -\I ) •) 1J 1, µCrccn " ti ~ • ""'''1"1' ot llftl' 111111 t•rlllf'lln orn-bt c..vrc, 1 0111 • ,,, , -..... "' ... "' ... ... ... .. -... ...... -· , , I (lllM! a,. ~ ' ,,f !Mil C.W °'t• ,.I ,,.,., Dolt 0. , ... 0-("t •·l !Mt\ ON CioQ, ,,l liioNl t-. t•1 rel !·~~~:~1'. l'':!:1~&,,.l, 11 :~:·~! ~~ i ~l ij,:::.~ E'~l .~ !i !k;'t ~~~~.~ .uri. !/;!:~ i£'tf,1 :i ~a ,J::; : f , Ht. 1. :r;r1,., I ,111 "' -t• t1 ~· r;· -...f1 L .ttr • ~ •••• -.r...1 1•1 1, ,.,.,,.....,.;; •• lJ: •• ~ ~j ••• ~ ~· ,,. .,., ... , ~~ •-·~·• 'I'"'· w ,tN(.,.f'1 . tl" • I ,. • ,... '"' ! '! ~ ,. .... ~. .,,... "'Tl' l F." • -~1.>I • ,, tt'<~ \lo ...... ·'" 'I I • "' ,,.,, ~;)( I ,, . . ~A ·i il ... ' .. II I ·... .! -.. Nik• ·'' 'l ~ , ........ """ , ... I I ,...,_ k '·~·I~ •111111 ·ft~ I It::·\: :~f:.!,6J !,'• '(t t ., I ~:: ~ l:'~c :# I 1: ~~1·~ ==-.1:: ii ., 1'111 •••• ,. ;::1~ II 'I a ... ·.,: '*'' '" 1.0 I •otfla • .-;''l ttl _.,, '' •• '1 .,. ~111'1 ,Jt OJ r· • '• .,,._..,= • 1 \t-\ii f10tf;i, 11 ~-'• • ··1r .n11 u• _j\, • .,.. ,_·1 I. "'I~ , •1· ......... • "' ..... ltc . , 11~1-'• j•llffll'tl' ~ ••• '• a . l:u_ • ,~ ,1~t:~ t ~:rntr...;· · 1 1t: it'· i: ~~1.:~ 111 : ~= t (~iv.~ 11 llt··1~ :«:::i-'·.141 ·· M ·, :·"' ,::.~,-~!1 ', tt.;: t: ' ~ • " I · ~. '• 1c1111 1 ''" 1, t.!'if.'' J J .. -n• ~WI .u tJ l.ilt 1-"' "-!G J·".. i 1 .,._ \1 j• •w.~ 1 Jt -'• " . ! ,. .. ''""! ' 1~· ,, "'~ ·~! • 1··-.... liilCJt•l .to• ' -~. "''° .... , '""-... •· u1. I •i. ,,~ •• 'ii I I lo .,. ,tlll•I ' ,, ff ~. ~~ Ill .. I, • l -w ii''I'·". 11 ll\o-.... ~k c. :M l\o• •• ,., 11, ... JJ ·-' M ' t ,,, • ,.,,""I ... ' I " ~. 'i!( ... ~ ~ ..... h 011H1 I ,.,,,_ ., ...,""' ... J 1 • • .. •••I Mutl.,.. I . " nt '·ij ' 10 1t1. 1, ,_.,111 M~. , t \.o •1 • f 11•1 .. 1 • 11 ''"''•·i "" ~I •1 ..... Ml .till ) 1• ,.,__.,. T••"t111,1t S ""t l1-• I'll. ' I I' lOk •, ""'"'• I 'l II•• \'I I 1111.• •• t ,,., ...... ,,~ ..... lfl4-......... 1 .... -J111-•• ''"''"''···I \ U~· '• 'W" 11i1·, ,, ,,., •• 1ci I !fl•·'• (lllllM1. '~-·""''0ttt.ts • ... tt.-·1-~l.N• .. ·~· •.. '••11"111 ... , L~··~·· ,,. ti ,, I ... ,,, ... 1• , 11,, •• t ,io1 . ,,,_.~ HttlMlmft .• ,. j"' ... ,.. "j' 1 iJ11-... '~ 10 • ,, • ·, lfl·i '-~ ,,.. .. ,1HuWM ftt1• J ~ 1111• 1.11 J 11 '' ,, •111H .M J n ~· i,. "'"" ,. t .. 11t..-\o ,_hit 1111 i; •t•· ·· '"' . f' If . 'l:\!l1.10 .. ; 1 \•• ~. 11$tll9!Gr• • " flll ~·· MIU,..60 .. 1 • w ,.._, • ' t' ; • '• tlloflllfl .• I 11 s'-'""'"'~ . ! ... 1, "• 1.20 I• ' • ' l'llt(tl .,i! , 1 ·~-• • ~I""''·* ' • I • \. Atwilfl I J0 11 Iii •1\• . " ,..._JW r 1 l •a. .. '. 11<•<•. • 1 I '•Fit 1111 ,,. \ 1 •'l · ~1 "l•t"-i •. , tl 11i. .. L: .......... 1,1M' 2 1.J.l• .... -....,., .M • io •• l"""~o .... s 1 •a-• '"f,' . 1 t I '·••'• F1tO$ \.~ i M 11•, lt 1111r,n" I fr Ti.t i; NU-ttfl • tll 111-" --· 1.tt 1 ilj 111, ... 1(Ofpl.IO1 11 1:p.. , '! t l1 ·1• ~!"0Ct+'t l '! lj • '1 OWi I IOI J 14~~" .... "'-t ~~.I? <I 1~1 1 • "" "91111 ff t~, .. 11,1-t 1 Tl*Mlt ,.0 I 3' ,...,_, • 'I " • 1•11 •"' ~•· w• > 1 , I""'' 1.>010 w t l•t"' HI MlllCl .tt 1 •sit• .. -'• Atr1 11t.:i. .. 1 1\, •• T!Oitr1t1 .1011, M ,, ..... t r NY I 10 I'• "'l'J111<1Ct 1 f''" 'j ""':t'·" I If 11--~ ~I HtM•ttll.JtU 21 JSl1-1" ""'ftllllf,.. • 10 '''• ... f l""' lll(f I Jt lJ"" " .... ~, JO 11, , . fl fhl M1} .. I Jjr lo IWlfll 1,,. • 1r '-t Nloll ... 11" S J' JI ... -.. l'll'yl11lllJ'•., U !I . 11.,...M ,JG . II tll • Ml '"*' Jlh 'I' PlctUkl. • I fl• ~1 ~.J t t I '•.,. ,._./TU C. ..... 1\1..,..,., AtYl'llMtl l I NO I 1-1·, l l ... 11•-. t 11 Ii'° '• I l •I> 11., • I , ,le141MI 1, f ) 11 · •• Ptl If J t1 \<t • ~.. Nil""" It I 1).1 1141-~ -.wow.-11·, , . t f "·· '1 1•-.-. M IJlo I • I I •'-lt l"illfllCp , I ,, '· !'ff lr\l'.M' • 1111 ... NClt(f n. 10I "1.·"· "'""'*·", " ·~· I leei11 ,.KllJ ll )\o • •I ~ II'° ', '111(1 ''! r, •h -_,, •tt Clftrln 11 jJ I'•-l'*tiltw111 . .a • ll 1·, -·, ll:ltlW Ct M J t 11', • '• ,_ "'J..,.. t t t , V Jt', ~. ''1r 1! ll\'o , , U lnH .• J 4 I },~-. l'ili!w ... 14'1 I t 'J,,-·, ltl(..,.., M • ti ,, ..... '• ltltOf IEcll • l• 0 i _Ce , 4 11 -\1 '~ I'' lt • '•II.I •~1·1111 1 , •• J I 'lot 'I • Nlw,., l.f( .11*1 I•'" ·1 "'""""' •I tJ I t-• '• Jr-c. .t6 I lti 11 ""'1'11 11 't U'o ti, II\ 11 t . I ) l ft .. I -.J J -Nflltlt 1.79 I II UI. • '11 RlftP·• 1.10 J • It ,, , f•tMlll' .M t 11' ·~ tl .to) II H •I\< !tti"llflC •110 ! l 'i . I• Jtmt1 ,,M • 11 t i•~ •1 Nt;~f l.11 I U 1111 .,. ltioCo-1"' loO 4 IQ I 1'11tlnl,4\tl ,, t i U, I 11 ,JO • J \~·" \o '•tMll ,IR , / f -\1 Jlllllt" ./0 4 I ~11• •t• Nf9Tf f36 • 16 lt\t • ~. lt~r.: • • IO 1 ••,\o l•llt'Lh ,l i I l • ' • ii •!'l'Cfl )I )\.o -'1F•Nk•I. I •1• .. ••Jt0'•11•1cl ,. II "'"°·"Nlwlllll ,:No l U l'o-l•Aj"Ad .11! •• Jn -'•Tfl'IOl•f'\Od I 4 ••'• nlMllC,'" • I l 'o , , ,,\N~I•~ n w I .,, .1t!jP!l111 ,ti! If ,. , w 11 ,,.,..!Ml l.tiO l •r 10 •• R vi-N 1 I •) • ~, 1•..,U"I I" I M JI\•• ' Pneum I • J U . '''"'~ p I, , 4 I Ito-4. ~ ... iq " JM • 1 l'iWf!lrltl ,._,, •. 1 IJ ·• '' ~IW ,'IO S I f~, , ·. lrn~wy 1,.-0 I 1 lltol • • 1111~1 '1111 . ! tl~t l" fil'M1,•cl• l \o-•'1 1 Cl'I. ,0 1!10i -NYSIG!,:raJ .SJ '6-t•· .. Ao9rhn l•• • ll~•-"' lr.,,l WAl•lf)"1 S\,-• :~(J:i ·~ J it;·~ =~'tiitt 1i ··t 11·4:: ~=·Tr~· !~ff· :!--: .: $:5i·i! :' ,!U ~~:,~ ~~~: !! 1i~: .~~ ffi~~1;·~:·: ,:! ::~: : -·1101 SI' • .. ,;rw11~<:J .. ~ '4 1,~-··'"'w11l 1 •• 1t -l"t Nl•INlt l1!'.··'10•l -I• ~.36) II, ..... ,,..,..,p11 ,. ,111-.-•. trlll II I 'l ' JI ... ,.""~ ... I •1·-"" j~·-,.. .. I I'""' ... Nit Ml•.-.. JI 11\lo -\1 .. 11' 1 ' IM M ... -.• fAE °' ii J ti '~ . >nf• l,IO 1 111 II~• . 'IW1~ .JO 5'0t .. J IJ 1. ii , I M9 • '• N~ l'Wl\llt I I •I I! .. · k •~ .. • SJ'" -'"' TrlCM'I t lit .• ti 16 -'• n•w.,., •1 !'' .,. fl•lllf'l ,141 ... 11· ... J 11111.11•·1 II, ......... ~J tfp .«11 ,... ll'.1t \lo 1.1111 "°to -~1• ft1Cll pf 1'1. 't•llo . I Mt .... 11 ll -" ~ltrNflt ,/ II 'e ,., ~ltO ii" 1""°+1 ltl•W•S S It SJ',1-•1 141<11 .'0 S It 'Olo-... T•I Stl,1N 1 I' J'•-;, 1•n1 .ut 1 , 1-t·-\.\ 1~1 v'"11 l 11 , -•-.Jo!w'l'J".-oi Ja''l"'-r1 Hoflll(pt ~., 111s ... 11'"'"·''' •1 •1·-·· Tr••P•c..oJ ~ , ...... ~G.1•141 •.U~1-'" fl"~"H ._. u·,, JllW!lv(.IO• '• ,,, Ht+'rlt l .U J 1s 1s1-<-l1 c110• J 10;1-\1 Trll'lll•l11 .1111 1 1!,_'--'• nG ~t '·" • 11 11 ... Ii 1 c.i 'I t 'j*•.'\~ Jolll'I w PM • 1 ,j . !;re! }1 NA C.t• .to • II l•l-o • .,_ ,., A .IO I 11 I J~, • • Trp1<111 .10. 6 t•I !J1-'• ·~·~• .. tllO "'••l'.;, 'I• • 10 \j, .lll'ILll'l . ..0 \ii 'II NAMlt12CI l ·01 1'1-~1 -1o .tOn ., Jtt.-~. Tl!Wlnl.12 ' l ... 1~-. I I~.~·!" .v.,1,....,, .• , ii'"' '(-i.llMILl,.O Jtl ,~ .. 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Tht Reserve Bank or New York -f~~·,1 'I"~ fi11 '~ ~1"111 : 111' 11~: ==·' " ~. ~ price or AQ!d 'rn!lle . has airc1td to take O\'er :intt 1 • " "'~'"" ~ .. ,.,~co .I • ' '" ''" Ool" optn'<l •l 11'S1'•n ~ ~".1•. -I f.' , .. I ~ '"~' f,' ~ ~ ~-' ·1 u ',~ i, nunc<'"ln Zl11~lch Mnd .. St4~, In llqul II.le. 1800 m\lllon in ,,; "'~· l.11~ 1• +I "" II J. 1 11 1•: 1 ~ ;:::zt1·• 'l '" t : lnndnn. l~th rt1\tt" "'tre U"' rf)rtltn fXChange cnmm1t t"'t"o · J 1Ji: i; ~·,-:; '!, ,I:.:: 1· •1 ~ '!!~... 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Mwntoii n 1 " •'• '1 '){9·, "0 1111 O ·o '"" 1·1·•1n1 fll<•l'tn" lh1• , ••• •h·.1n•c tr"n- -_..,,ol't/dil'lt lflll lltOI\ IJ M\'lnlfl .... ~,...,..(.wit+•!~ M) I 11 I•' 'l!Wt ltllo 1.,t ,.11 lll!t~ CNIH!ll 1111 A ltJ• E.1111.,fH )1' tJ )'•' '' 1,,.,ll'~f!tl •, I 11 o\l!l!'lll!Df .tll • 11 ~ '1 .. ,'t 0 .I ,. "" '''" "' ., '"l"t~•1n110 • If ll • '• 111w oo160, ll ,~ "' M1m•11QIOI) I '''• '· '1'hu1·sd<1,L E<llJG.t\l.all \ lt "" '• , M11rt1Col1'0' ~ 11 I•, .. I I , • • I • ' l t . . • I . ' I ----• Laguna Beadt Totlay's Final N.Y. Stocks· ED'IT ION VOL 67, NO. 270, '4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER'27, 197'4 TEN CENTS . . Laguna ~Chools Drop IT A Reading System Uy JACKIE HYMAN Of the D1llr P"9t Sh:H A teaching system by which Laguna Beach children have learned to read for the past seven ycari is being aban- doned. The Initial Teaching Alphabet (!TA), a 4Z.symbol Phonetic alphabet represen· ting all the sounds in the English language, was Urst implemetJted In 1967- 68, Robert Reeves. district assistance superintendent, explained. lTA will be replaced with one of several st.ate-approved reading systems which use the regular alphabet and newer phonetic systems, Dr. Reeves said. That's next year. This year most students wUI receive traditional alphabet teaching. No formal action was taken by school trustees to eliminclte JTA but they have verbally approved the change, Trustee J ane Boyd said. The board, however, will vote wh"n tt new reading system ls recommended by the district's Reading Adoption com- mit!~ probably in November. ·'They've been keeping us Wormed mcan"•hile," 1.trs. Boyd said. She said she believes the change was initiated by teaching staff, a point which Dr. Reeves confirmed. "!TA requires special staff training and commitment to work," he said. .. As our staff has changed, some ha ve not been as committed to ITA as originally." Among the problems of JTA are that it requires a transition to the regular English alphabet and poses problems for children who transfer, Dr. Reeves said. I Also he said newer phonetic systems ~illch have become available recently are considered superior to ITA. This year, the district's three elemen· tary schools are phasing out ITA in (See READING, Page AZ) Hospital Board Urging Doctors for · Directors Cory Raps SIO~OOO Pay Cut Oil Firm Hospital Cliief Douin graded 'Land Grab' SOuth Coast Community Hospital Administrator Bernard Carr ~s given a 25 percent cut in pay -from $40,CXXI to $30,000 a year -by action of the board of directors Thursday. . . . . Carr volunteered the cut which accordmg to board achon wdl last until the "financial difficulty" of the nonprofit South Laguna hospital ends. Th.e action squelched a behind·the-5(.-enes move to cut Carr's salary fur· ther, to $25,000 a year. . · Informed sources said a survey of 100-bed hospitals showed most ad- ministrators receiving a salary or between-$18,001. and~S21,00.l.annually. SANTA MONICA (AP) -The chainnan ol the 'Legislature's Joint Com- miUee on Public Domain ICJ!lay accused the major1 oll companies o{ conducting a "land grab" ol publicly held o i I re- sourcea oU the Southern California coast. In addition to the salary, Carr also has use of a hospital vehicle. Carr narrowly survived an attempt to fire him in J'~I)\ !l'be boar4. Je- cenuy Mmoved direct fmancial authority from the adititlU1tiator. .,... The ooa,.i took noUce that Carr had provi>usly been donating 15 peroent of b1J.salary10 the hospital. Assemblyman Kenneth Cory · ( D - Garden Grove). made the statement at a hearing conducted by the U.S. Senate Ocean Policy Study Group with Sen. John Ttinney (0-Calif.), as cha.innan. Cory, Democratic candidate for state controller, urged a halt of the proposed SAWHILL SEEKS REFUNDS' FROM REFINERS-Sto<y, Poge A4 sale by the federal goverMlent of oil and gas leases for o£fsbore drilling on the coastline. S. Coast Hospital Nixes Resignation of Schryver He said any future offshore oil develop- ment should await the completion of the coastal Zone Plan. "The major oil companies are con- ducting a lnnd grab of publicly held oil resources in the Southern California borderland or the Outer Contiflental SbeU," Cory told the hearing. . "This oil resource acquisition is being conducted with the acquiescence of com- pli ant state and federal agencies which should, instead, be regulating the ac- tivities of the giant oil companies in the public intere.'it ." Cory conceded that there is an energy p~lem of emergency proportions, but said, "The specter of that emergency is being used to stampede us into continu- ing policies which created it -dispos. iog of the vast energy resources of our Cootinental SbeU on tbe ill considered tenns which will leave future supplies 1n the Mods of the same seU·interested, highly manipulative group of major oil companies." He contended this would "permit en- vironmental degradation that is wholly unnecessary and that we can no longer afford." Cory said that federal "big bonu s" leasing policies for offshore oil leases (See OIL, Pago AZ) Directors of South Coast Community Hospi tal have refused . to accept the o£fered resignation of fellow board member Ruth Schryver. Jn doing so. Thursday, the board reversed a decision made by its own executive committee and engaged in a lengthy period of wrangling over the acceptance or non-acceptance of Mrs . Schryver's resignation. Board Member Robert Thatcher called the executive committee's action "un- fortunate, and improper and un- productive." Mrs. Schryver oCfered her resignation in an Aug. 29 letter to the board. The Emerald Bay resident is also president of the Assistance League. She later said she would return if the board wanted. 'nle board voted down a motion to accept the resignation by a ts accret ballot. Afembcrs or the boa.rd al.9o criticiied action of the executive committee in writing a letter to Mrs, Schryver in- forming her that the resignation would be accepted. The executive committee includes of· ficers of the ·h9ard including Arthur Briggs. president; John _D, ow n e r , Secretary; William lmhoft_, Vice presi· Debate Tonight • Flourno y, Bro,u1n 011. KOCE-TV The first televised debate between Democrat Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Republican Houston I. Flournoy in their campaign for gov- ernor wlll be broadcast tonight by KOCE Channel 50 at 7 o'clocl<. The 60·minute broadcast was to be taped at noo~ today during a confrontation between the candidates at UC Irvine. The confron· talion was expected to ~roduce tbe most specific proposals ol the campaign on educational tssues. . The unedited broadcast will be shown on only two stations, the Coast Community College District's Channel 50 and KPBS-TV, Channel 15, of Cal State, San Diego. The-San Diego broadcast will begln at 10 p.m. Both candidates have supported the concept of providing more -funds fo< poor scllool dlstricts to meet Inequities In educational-op- portunity cited by the California Supreme Court. But to date, nelth· er has made.or endorsed any specific proposal. Tbe debate was to be held in 1JCl's Crawford Hall before an audience of students and faculty. The moderator will be John C. Hoy, UC's vice chancellor for student affairs. The program format provides 'for a six-minute opening state- ment and three-mfnuto l'ebuttal by each candlliate and then the can· dldates' responses to written questions submitted by the audience. • dent; Harold Osborn, vice president; Thomas Thornton, vice president, and David Whiting, treasurer. Whiting said two meetings of the com- mittee had been held to consider the Schryver resignation. At the first meeting, \Vhiting said he received pennlssion from the com· mittce to request that 1.1rs. Schryver not resign. A second meeting was held -one to which \\'biting said he had a half hour's notice and v.·as not able to attend -and the executive committee action taken. The action by the board is the latest in a continuing series or battles betv.·een factions on the board , which first came to light with an altempetd firing of administrator Bernard Carr two months ago. Since then Board President Tristan (See HOSPITAL, Page AZ) * * * Hospital Given $25,000 From AIL"illiary Group The auxiliary or South Coast Com· munity Hospital turned over two checks totaling $25,000 lo the hospital board of directors Thursday. Helen C. Turner Pratt, chainnan of the Silver and Gold Chapter presented a check ror $20,000. Evelin Alleman,· gift shop chainnan, presented a check for $5,000. Board Prl!Jlident Arthur Briggs received the [\Ulds. The monies donated Thursday bring to $63,000 the amount given by the auxiliary to the hospital this year. The board of directors unanimously approved a resolutk>n "commending and thanking the au•lllary for all tbe wonderful · things it does for the hospital." . ___F jght Rocks School SAN DIEGO (AP) -k wild rock fight broke out Tburoday on the campus ol Moole Vista Hi(lh School 1MJUthea1t of San Diego because younger pupils tried to use a fawn usually reserved fo; seniors. say nuthoriUes. The ~I~ in Spring Valley drew shtriff's deputies and C.l~omla highway patrolmen, ~ilo llM'OStl'd a girt ·and nine boys . Possible Shakeup Signaled In moves that could mean a possible shakeup on the South Coast C:Ommunity Hospi taLlloa?d oL Directors,.-lbe bOa!d a\lthorized a nominating committee ~~,11!;;\Sl~ a :~4\1"• guarameemg r~l'll positions .... the boa'rd. • ... ~., .. The aotion followed a long and 1111gry meeting. The nominating committee was further charged ·with f i n d t n g replacements for three board members \\'ho have resigned in recent months. The oomntittee includes bo a r d members Harold Osborn, R ob e r t Thatcher, Thomas Thornton, and David Whiting. Aotion forming the nominating com· mlttee beaded.off an attempt by member Jim l\loniz lo nominate two doctors for board consideration at the meetiqg. Moniz was gaveled down by Board President Arthur Briggs when he insisted that his motion propo.sing brunedlate filling ol two of the vacant positions tooit priority over a later motion by Secretary John Do\\ner to fonn the comrnitt.ee. Downer and .Moniz engaged in an ex- tended shouting match during the meeting. ?ttoniz later appol.ogized to the board. Guaranteei ng doctors a seat on the board would involve a change to the hospital bylaws. The action, if recommended by the 1}9II\inating committee. would require a 'Vote of the community hospitaJ's mem- bership in January. In other action the board approved an increase in the semi-private room rates from $79 to $83 a day. It also initiated a study of possible buyers for its $1.6 million medical orfice bUilding. Both were moves to reduce the finan- dally troubled hospital's operating ex· penses. In addition. the board was in· formed ol personnel cutback&. Beaten Boy, 4, Dies DOWNEY (UPI) -A 4-yeBMlld boy died at a hospital today from injuries Re suffered in a beating three days ago and the mother's boyfriend, Daniel H~llton, was booked on suspicion Of murder. The boy, Steven -Andtew Trier, :was rushed by ambulance to Downey Community Hospital Wednesday when h1s mother. Patricia. 24, returned home from v..'Ork and found him on the bathroom floor. Lagu1ia Pilot Office Moving Local news and cla.ulfied ad- vertising operatlon1 of the Lasuna,. , Beach Dally Pilot will be rtlocated to oew olflcea at u• ~ Street Monday. ' • omce noun, 8 ~m7'lo,,,:m:- datly and , telephone numb(!< 194- 9466 rematn ,t~e same. , The n,.. office II localed al the corner ol Brooks and Gleaneyre Slre<U, the lntenectlon behind the Pottery ..shack. The bulkl11g · formetb' bo!iaed Nolan Re al Eltate. ol :(J!!l~.\11,~l'<.•,. / (1 l• ~ .. f\l .~. "'!' '." ·., .;~ f ~-... \ . ' ' \ (' ' ""' lf ' ,, ~·:ll;. i 4f. "''"' Ii At· I .. .l . {, • • I • Dlrllr l"llot llttt ..... JILLA HAf!RINGTON, 6, AND INITIAL TEACHING ALPHABET ITA Still Taught at Tap of the World School ,.Co~unty Plf!,nners Mull Moulton Ranch Project A public hearing on proposals whlch could bring 57,000 residents to the 9,700. acre Moulton Ranch by 1990 is scheduled for l :30 p.rh. Tuesday be!ore the Orange County Planning Commission. The meeting will be held io'the hearing room of the Engineering BWlding, 400 Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana. Searcl1 Pressed For Two Missing On 'Ghost Ship' MORRO BAY (UP!) -The Coast Guard today launched an air search for a Santa Cruz man aod a woman whose 45-foot "Ghost Ship" was found abandoned ofC the coast Thursday witb only a barking dog aboard. When tbe Cp~st Guard discovered the Jjshing boat Teddy Jo, all lbe boat's l' electronic eqWpment was on, the engine was engaged, fishing lines were out and the batteries were dead, The only sign of life aboard was a hungry dog, a spokesman said. The Teddy Jo was owned by Robert L. Marx of ·santa Cruz, who apparently left Eureka this month with a woman companion, known only as Janice, for a fishing trip down the coast, the spokesman said. The couple stopped at Ford Bragg Sept. 15 and were last see.n by a friend on another fishing boat on Sept. 22. JI.Ian.' last log entry was Saturday. Also found aboard the abandoned craft were the couple's belong!.ngs, including a nightgown and Mari:' \\.-aJlet, and spoU· ed fish. Authorities said they believed no one bad been on the boat in several Vt'eeks. Bt1rglars Collect $250 in Laguna Thieves netted $250 in each or t\\'O separate burglaries repOrted In L..1guna Beach Thursday. one Crom a rcslden(.~ and one from a cam·per. Mary Bio'tTlll' ol 119'1 Catalina S• lold pollct a !Ull·lengtb rabbit fur coat valll'id at $2.'iO disappeared from her rcsld~nt".e $0metlme-t>etwetn--5cptc---20 ond Sept . 26. Aloo rtporied was the theft of n !2'0 cast-Iron pot belly SIO\'e trom n cnm per shell 1 atop a pickup truck parl<e<I in !root of i950 SoQth Coast Highwa y. Thc OW'Dtr, Curtis Coleman, who lives at lbat ~1$, said lhc stOV< dl5"ppeared belwetn 9 p.m. Wednesdy and 3 p.m. Thuraday. The undeveloped ranch lies between Irvine. ~1ission Viejo, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Beach. · ,Monday's' meeting is a step toward an omnibus hearing set for Nov. 12 which will consider the third amendment to the Orange County General Plan. That amendment includes proposals calling for up to 16,250 new resideQts in North El Toro plus the massive Moulton Ranch plans. .The Moulton plan includes six parcels, two or which already have been recom- mended ror approval by the planning commission. Those two segmerfs, the 250-acre Chapman l»llege parcel and 1,327 acres O'A11ed by the Presley Company, wiD be considered !or final approval by the board of superviso rs at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. The other four segments inc.Jude 210 acres owned by Oscar Taylor: 1,112 acres owned by the Ivar H.ansons; 1,234 acres owned by Rockwell International and including the federal government's re<..'Cntly acquired "ziggurat" office bu.ilding; and the 5,564-acre L.F. Moulton Trust. If approved, the Moulton Ranch ca!Js for 13 elementa ry schools, tv..·o in- termediate schools, and one high school lo accommodate the estimated 18,100 new students the development could pro- duce. A total or .18,600 res idences are pro- (See MOULTON, Pago A!) Oruge C.ut Weather It will be sunny for a bric!f while Saturday afternoon , aCC<!rding to Ille weather service, otherwise mostly cloudy and drizzly. Beach highs in the upper 60s rising to the mid-70s inland. INSIDE TODAY Reading the fun11y papers and collecting condc strips is a !!er- ious business for ca1too1i buff Jerome lrlulle r. Part of tilt Or- ange COO$S nimi'' collection of originals is displayed today on t11e cover page of the Weeke11d· er, along u1ith an article on his absorbt11g J1obb11. .. ' • • • • • • ... diUerlnl ways. At Top ol the World 'school, cbildrta who began leal'lllll( ITA will comJ>1'te the if. .... th prolNJD IJul DOW·Rudtllll . • ~it ... the trldlllaaal olplllllol, Ali.ti , •HI-. ldlool llrinCINI. eiplalned. ~aitldnri -at ill· MiirrO School wUI be pbued Jato the tndlllana1 alphabet as "'°n as eacb cbUd la ready, Principal Wiiiiam Allen reported. \; .; _.,. ' 08ALLET PACIFICA LADY BUGS: PART OF SEPT. 29 MUSIC ON THE GREEN CAST ! ~~om Ltf.t, Sh1wn 01yw1lt of South L19un1, Laurie Mi Iler of Irvine, ind Kristi Stepheru of C1pistr1no Blach Newspaper Office Project c;:. --~ U~~~ed by La~a Boa1~d •.J ,,•.#• A request for a variance for a proposed ne~~ ..... office building on Canyon Acres Drive was denied Thuraday by ·\be Laguna Beacb Board ol Adjuatnients. . Board members aaid the bulleting at Jfl canyon .,iAcres Or, would be too 'big for itlJ0,000 square foot site. • The t-.ry builctlng, · with about 10,600 square feet of office space, would have"bOen· closer than permitted to an •'. ·' ~1!..L.":"l J ' ;;.,1· -' ~P .. eAl ,MOULTON ... '" .1ected on •-the picturesque , acreage. ·'Plans were produced for the six•property ·Owners ~y-Chapman, Phillips, Brandt, and Reddick; an Iriine planning firm. · ·-·Abo incl oded in the plan are ,seven · -. OOgbborhood commercial centers, two .VmaP-~l>uslnell§ par~ three golf r.ourscs., _ artd 3,000.a«:r:es of.natural open space. "Ill • .!ht. ~ bearings "" the p~ . which bave ~ held in tbe Saddleback ·Valley, Laguna Beach, and the coonty, ~'OP.(lOSition bas been most ~istent from \.'Laguna· ·Greenbelt, Inc., al nciiiprofit <afuelil'· group. dth!!r oppositign has materialized 'from the Environmental Coalition of Orange .(County. . "ll!iJCiliidll ay the plan will mean .aadiUOiiil-mog and water and noise ' -pollution. . R·l (resldenti.al z-one) and encroached into its r~ setback. In addition, plans rOr the building provided · for only 25 parking spaces, ·two short of city requirements. Applicant Vernon. Spitaleri, editor and publisher of the Laguna News-Post, said the variances were needed both because of the s·t e e p slope of the site and to preserve several large eucalyptus trees. The site is in an M·lA (light.zruipufac- turing) zone . In other action Thursday, 1 board members approved plans for a one-story house at 976 na Jµana St. which will encroach into Its rear setback, on the condition that any second story addition be brought back for board approval. Design review , of Three Arch Beach Heig}JtS houses was continued. ' e~:rcJiic .. ~C~J;tf~· ~r~gra111 .B~gi11;s ·In Laguna Beach Spiritual Research Associates o f Laguna Beach will open its fall-winter pti>gram with a. presentation and workp~ in psychic development tir day and Saturday. · --· ·! A major coinplication of the plan may ~ be that much of the uppe"r section of 1 i the pirceI Iii 'under the flight path from 4 the El Toro)!arine Corps Air Station. Doris Collins will give a public lecture and demonstration at 8 o'clock tonight. 'lbe workshops will be held starting at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Both presen·tations are at the Women's Club, 286 St. Ann's Drive, Lgauna Beach. •! Federal r~lations prohibit certain ~types of de.v.~lopment, including schools, >'undef.the "~CNEL" zone which covers f,pom0ns '?!: ~he ranch. CNEL :rtands t !cir CoDIJl!llllity Noiae Exposure Level. l 'Th.e centril feature of the ranch is ''.Aliao Creek, Wbieb bisects tbe randt. • Th~ creeE , winds three and a half miles "UU,,Ujjh the ranch from Laguna ~)!Ie~ at South Lagun;i. ~ From Page Al j; ..... '::. ~"'"i OIL .•. ' .i _...., .. • eHmkuRL"llOlllpetition by a small com· f:plny<llt::IJ'OQP of companies. · J He •ed :-.,_'Unless there is an effective and'iniMtditte congressional in· (ehentioirin ~the leasling process .•• ·we will see the consummation of a )'and gratrby-the major companies on .:U.. Calilo~ia Outer Cootlnental Shelf !Which ~ar generations deprive our ~ptizem: tOf lbe real -benefits of the $resources !heY own" t:~~~-'l';:;,.'~~~,~~~~-, ' ' I t "' Ot•"llll Conl o.111-Pllal, -,.""n ls -b«itd 1 ... '"-5,,,_ If ~ Oy !he OttnOe Cod Pu~~. 8-<•t• td4!0ll!I ... pUl;llos1'ld. loltonGl't ...._i. f ~· k.ir OO.ra Mn1. N8WPOl'I lluch. Holnllnalll" 9e1GNl'ou11o :l"'\~~ Beocll, WntfSl«lkt-ll'ICI ~~ ~ ft'SMI J\iM'I Qi~u.,., A ~ • .,..... .... ,,_..,.,,, .... it ~ s.l\mleyto ""' s..n. ....... 'tM.~ DUC*~ plan! 1191330"""' ..., S\'~,..... e.i. ....... t :t62t. Rober!N. Weed ,.,.l_,i atW1 Publitlllf . -~ JcrlR. C...t.y - Fund.I received. from the Collins preser1tations will be donated for the Honduras relief ef£ort. S p i r i tu a I Research Associates is coordinating a Laguna Beach campaign in behalt of the victims 'Of Hurricane Fifi in Central . America. Si Slaven, chainnan, said hand tools"",, canned food, powdered milk aQd clothing are urgently needed in the C04J1try where Fifi has left more than 9,000 dead and thousands homeless and facing starva. lion. The Laguna Beach groue will take the dpnated items to the · Honduran Counsulate in' Los Angeles for shipment to the Central American country. ·Money may also be donated. Further in formation is available by tailing Slaven, 199-2094. Bottleneck Hits llonduras S11pply TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (UPI) - Honduras sent emergency relief to newly discovered victims of Hurricane Fifi to. day, but officials warned of bottlenecks in shipping supplies to other starving and isolated refugees. "There are 1,500 people naked in Sonaguerra ,'1 Honduran press coordinator Jacobo Goldstein said. Sonoguerra is located in the remote Mosquitia region along H o n d u r a s 1 northeast coast, one or the hardest-bit areas. Concert Set 011 the Green In Lagu1ia The ~guna Concert Chorale and the Ballet P'acifica Company will perform for Music on the Green at 2 p.m. Sunday in Laguna Niguel Regional Park. Admission is free. Parking is SO cents at the regional county facility. The program is the second free cm- munity concert present.ed by Music on the Green, a Niguel citizens grou'p which organizes public entertainment for the area. Dancers from Ballet Pacifica will perform several dances including "Flut ... ters and Creepers" with members of the juniqr company. The Laguna-based group is headed by Lila Zali and is a semiprofessional baDet company. The Laguna Concert Chorale, a 70. voice choir, will sing rellglous music. The chorale was fonned in 1963 to provide background music for the . F~val o!. Arts Pageant of the Masters perlormances. ._ · Music on the Green membership is open. Next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 7 • at the Laguna,. Niguel Commooity · Center. For further in· formation; call Jorli CawtbOn, 49s.-0587. ·Indian Tribes {;onvene in l\1esa \ li'or Pow Wo1'7 . ' M.inbers ol more than 75 Indian tribes from across States will gather on the Orange County Falrg'rounds in Costa Mesa this weekend for the National 1ndian,.Day Show. Tribal rituals, ceremonial, social and war ·dances and Indian craft displays will highlight the three-<lay event that started today. The events, said Chief George Pierre of the Colville Confederate Tribes ol Washington state, will "take the audience back centuries in time when the American Indian proudly ruled the land that today is the United State~ Among the Indian crafts will be Dative rug weaving, beading, sign language, silver work-and leather goods, Cbiel Pierre said. "Helping my people belp themselves is what we do," be said. "Th.ls festival is an Indi;m self help program." The show will continue through 6 p.m. Sunday. -nckets -may-be purchased --at the fairground'gate. Cost is $2 for adults, St for students and 50 cents for children Wlder 12. Fr.om Pll§f! Al . HOSPITAL ... E. G. Krogius, and Board m • m be r William Haines resigned in protest. 'lbursday, the board also accepted the resignation of member David J. Phillips who left because of pressing business responsibilities. ".e. "'..-nae.w• ~"""" • .. Thomo->KeeW -v"fi.a!T'O~A Milpl"lllle M.,.,.1!11t"011g,r Finantie ·ueva111p ~H.~ Rido-<IP.Noa ~IAtll~E-- .... '49IN ltecltOffk.• 222 ~OIMI A-.-a Moiin9 ~~"-P.O. Bo-bM; 926 Pilot Streci11ili1ies Stock Pages .• - And at Aliso Scbool, ITA was phased out last year and is not being taught at all this year, said Priitcipal Lyle Procter. Dr~eevea said 1ie-doean~ believe- studeota mil auffer by having a year witboUt·a special readlnj: system. He .aakt children using the traditional alphB.bet -8.re· expected to read as well as the ITA studenta next year although ti;le IBtter may have an edge in creative writing. • .Tbe new system will be implemented nm September as soon as the textbooks ate available. Reeves said the new system, which will involve students in kindergarten t,hriiugb ~Bhlh l!l'lide, will cost between $7,ogo and $9,000 for new materials. He .said tbe ITA matertala may be ilolct or destroyed. . . · "?.understand there Is a school district interested in buflng the materials but we haven't looked into Utls yet." The ' ITA materials cost more than t)Je new .aystem ·will' but many of theJQ Jiay~ been in use over a seven year period, Reeves pointed out. • "Teaboolcs tend to become oboolete and the state adopts new ones about every four years anyway," be said. The new system may either be im· plemented at all grade levels •l once or phased In first In kindergarten and the primary gradea, adding a grade a year. The Reading Adoption Committee which will select the new system is headed by Albert Haven and includes about a dozen teachers at different grade levels. Haven said they have narrowed the field to five systems. "We want to buy a total system by one publisher, including the audio visuals which go ·with the 'textbooks," Haven · said. He explained that all the systems use the traditional alphabet with a phonetic approach. · He said criteria adopted by the com· mittee include the system's interest level, cost per student and scope and sequence of the lessons. "Also, to meet our approval a system must have several alternative methods of teaching," Haven said. ''.For u,stance, if the child didn't learn the subject, .the system J1lllSt give the I.ea.cber alternative methods to help h1m learn another way." ' Questioned about · parents' reactiOll: to ITA's demise, adminiStrators at the elementary schools said th_ey've had mix· ed. comment&. "Some parents are d Is a p po 1 n t ed because their" older kids have done well with ITA,"·Haven said. At El Morro Elementary, Rusty Barr, a resource teacher, said the transition from IT A to the traditional alphabet is going smoothly and bas won favorable reactions from parents. Procter said that all the parents he's talked to at Aliso Elementary are happy about the c~nge. •• . . "\ . ' .. CHJU)f!ll'l'S 11,()0K IS WRITTEN IN ITA Ph-ti< Alphiiltot la Being Droppod by Lagµna School• . .. . . ' . . Econ,pniy _·f.arley Opens -.,. • ~ ,o# -.... ·Witfi ·FoiJ~u rider · Fire • By BELEN THOMAS WASBING_TON (UPI). -,President Ford, cbairin~ his inflation summit, ex· pressed 'Oplinusm today that the nation's willingness to sacrifice will he 1 p overcome the most severe economic pro- blem since. the Depression. But he was criticixed immediately for doing too lit- tle. Ford ~ded before 800 ~elegates •ncl 700 guests In the vast . ballroom of the Washington Bilton Hotel at the conference he called of the nation's leaders to find · solutions to the vexing problem of similltaneous inOatiOn and economic slump. Senate DemocraUc leader M l k e 1"fansfi.eld and House speak~r Carl Albert used the occasion to call for strong and swift action and to tell Ford that cu~ in the budget -no matter how deep -oould end up malting the iltua- tion worse, not beUer. 1 • 1be loudest burst of applause came when Mansfield solemnly· caned for man· datory controls on wages, prices, profits • and rents. But Ford, as he bij in · the pas~ njectW that cout1e • "I do not ·Intend to uk, for' I~"· F'ord said, notbig be had oo legal authority from ConlllOSS to impooe emtrols. • He said 1it wu "mostnunfortunate'' tbit some businetM!I already· are' raising price.s in antklpation of an ·ultimate return to controls. Treasury Secretary William Simon said controls lead to "inequities, distortions, hardships and scarcities" and merely Bazaar, Sale Slated The Laguna Beach American Legion Auxiliary will have a bazaar and rum· mage 181e Wednesday and Thursday. Lunch will be served at the sale, which is scheduled from I i.m. tO 5 p.m. both days at the Legion Hall, 384 Legion St. . attack the results. not the causes, of inflation. Rep. \Vri~hr Pattuan { D ·T e x . ) , cMirman of tllC ·~louse Bunking Com- mittee,. urged -Ford to fire economic advis~rs left oVer fron1 the Nixon days. "TJ\e Pr:esident needS to get rid or the holdovers who ha ve contributed to a series of ecohomic mistakes," Patman said.·· ~ Another congressman, Sam Stratton ' {D-N.Y.), said the price of antifreeze demonstrat~. Jhe need for controls. He said antifreeze is selling for $2.50 a gallon · wbolesale but from 16 to $12 at gas sUtlions even though there is no shortage of it. Sylvia Porter, a newspaper columnist, complaibed that cimsumers had been left otit or i:iconomic planning. She said that such things as setting aside vacant lots for community victory gardens to help hou~lders cope wil!i food prices would give Americans· a sense of participation in the fight against • in· flatlort A common . theme tbroughlut the oratory was for tax relief for poor and moderate incoine fUruliet-tO help thein cc;pe ~i"tb liiflatiOn's bUrden,. ' .. , ,. . Rites ··Satiirda · . . .. -y For Agnes More Memorial services will be held Satur· day for longtime Laguna Beach resident Agnes M. iMo~e. who died Thursday. She was 76. Mrs. "More. a housewife, lived in Laguna Beach since 19'tl. Services will take place at 2 p.m. ' at' SI. Macy's Episcopal Churcb In La · Beacb. ~'vors indude a daughter, Mrs. Suzanne Moodie of Itllnois, a brother. J . G. H. Murray of Canada, four grandchl!dren and ooe great-grandchila:- Henredon ' s Fam.ous 4 Centuries ' ' . '" • . ~. This exceptional hall <:onsole .. featvre.s . two pullout shelves Which are heat and alcoh61 resistant. Available in either ·· cloister or cognac finish. . . .:· · On display now at any of our three "fine stores. Stop in' soon: \ .. .,_"""" ~-'--·F---..~ .... ~~~=~~· .... ....,..,.._, ~"".._.... 1rar6s. ..... ~•d Sflt~3DSNotlllllCll!linOFIMI The Dally Pilot begins a new and streamlined system of reporting New EXEL-HERITAG ~ENREDON-WOODMARK-flARASTAN-BAKER York'Stocl<-Etthange-prices and transactiona•today,,--'--------+f-1.~~~-:::!:~~~'==~:'.!.'.~~~:;_ - The new listing contains all essential inrormation regarcting that day:• NEWPORT BEACH ' trading -name of stock, prlce!earnlni index, total sales, closing prtc~ and 7t' ~ ·~ ~ , 1727 W~CUFF DR., 6'2·2050 net cbange In price. Only reature omltled lto'1) the previous listin8 wtll be l1A-, ... ~~ ... .,fl -I · LAGUNA BEACH • high and low sales prices for the day. I • -.. ~, ~, 34S NORTH COAST HWY" 41N·6$SI The new format was prompted by e•tended hours adopted by tbe NYSE. !II Erteetlve Tuesday, tho market will close al l p.m. C.lilornia UIN!, one-ball . •. I ORRANCE • bour later than present. WHllD TS &--SATUIDAYS '1tO .., _, H~WTHORNE BLVD. The Daily Pilot will continue to p!tbllsh a complete review ol both .NYSE A le., • .,--<Open Fn.,m.~•.12::t.30l and American Slock Exchange weekly transactions each Saturday. Thta Uat· Ing includes high-low figures lor ihe year as well as the week. : ... . ' • , ., ~. (\ " i ,• ,, ' , • , t . -·S-add·lehaek ' • EDITION VOL. 67, NO. 270, '4 SECTIONS, '40 PAGES • • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1974 Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Hearing Called on Va ·st Moult-on Ranch Plans A public hearing on proposals which could bring 57,000 residents to the 9,700- acre Moulton Ranch by 1990 i.!I scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday before the Qrange O>unty Planning Commis.si.on. The meeting will he held in lhe )!earing room ol the Engineering Buildlllg, 4-00 Qvic Center Drive, Santa Ana. The undeveloped ranch lies bctwcco Irvine, M"mion Viejo, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Beach. Mondal.'~ m~lng_ is, a step towaro SD omnjpus hejtri~ set fof !'fo•~ 'lJ I ' . .. . .... _ -·-.. ··~-. -. - v.·hich will (!()llSider the third amendment to the Orange C-ounty General Plan. 'l'hp.t amendment includes proposals calling for up to 16,250 new residents ln North El Toro plus the massive Moulton Ranch plans. 1be Moulton plan includes six parcels, two of which already have been recom- mended for' approval by the planning commission .. Those two segments, the 250-acre Chapman CO.liege parcel and 1,3'27 acres owned by the Presley company, will be considered {or final approval by the board of supervisors · at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. The other four segments include 210 acres owned by Oecar Taylor: l,112 acres owned by the Ivar HaUonsi ltZM acres owned by Rockwell Jntemational and includini the federal government's recently acquired ''ziggurat" 11rfice building; and lhe 5,5&1-acre L.F. Moulton Trust. Jr approved, the Moulton Ran ch calls for 13 elementary scbools, two · in- lennediate schools, and one high school to accommodate the estimated 18,190 new students the develoPmeut could pro- duce. A total of 18,600 residences are pro- jected on the picturesque acreage. Plans v.·ere produced for the six property owners by Chapman, Phillips, Brandt, and Reddick. an Irvine planniog firm. Also included in the plan are seven neighborhood commercial centers, two major business parks, three g91f courses, and 3,000 acres of natural open space . In the many hearings on the plan which have been held in the Saddleback Valley, Laguna Beach, and the county, opposition has been most persistenl from Laguna Greenbelt, Inc., a nonprofi t citizens' group. Other opposition has materialized from the Environmental Coalition of Orange County. Opponents say the plan v.•ill mean additional smog and v.•ater and noise pollution. A major complication of the plan may be that much of the upper section of lhe parcel i.s under the flight pa th from the El Toro ~-larine Corps Air Stalion. Federal regulations prohibit celtain types of development, including schools. under the "65 CNEL'' r.one which covers portions of !he ranch. CNEL 11tands for Con1munit y Noise Exposure Level. The central feature of the ranch is Aliso Creek, which bisects the ranch. The creek "'inds three and a h.11f n1iles through the ranch fro1n Laguna Jlills to lhe ocean al Sooth Laguna. Irvine Tax Tops Councilman Asks Spending Pro be -.:1 By DOUGLAS FRITZSCllE Df ltle DIHl' 1'11ot Sltff Tai: time has rolled around once again and Irvine ha s ~e dubious distinction of maintaining Its position as the most· taxed city in Orange County. With residents still recovering from dramatic assessment increases -up more than 50 percent in some areas -the news that tbe tax rate had dropped a liUle more than a penny h·vine Police per $100 assessed value provided no relief. Irvine's $12.2245. per $100 assessed value tax rate tops second place La Palma by more than a dollar and last place Laguna Beach by almost $3.50, or 39 percent. The owner of a $40,000 home in Irvine, a vaJue at the low end of the "typical" range, will be hit with a tax bill of $1.222.45 when they are mailed by the Report Cuti.ms J_ob F nvoritis1n Chano-eover e ST. LOUTS, Mo. (AP) -The DID UFOS HELP BUILD PY~~St ·1'li'AT'S ONE POSSl i1-Tt.W·111 UF~r Monique Shohrlvor of L.."l<o Foreot llolleft1 T hoy Did -Shows Mockup She Uiol ln Cius · ~ Shi otf-. Sf.., Louis fOllt·Dlsj>otch sa)'J' ~h;>t ; _· •• :·, •o...&· '.·. ' 0 · ' . ••-' . -it 'obtoioeil a secret reJ!Ol'( showlDg '"5tt that' the General Ser v 1 c es :.-Administri\ion improperly gave In less than a )'Ur Irvine's police job preferences to persons referred contract. with Costa Mesa will end and by powerful political figures, in- The Many Lives of Monique lhe city's department of public safety eluding then Rep . Gerald R. Ford will be in charge of law enforcement, and Senate Republican minority fire protection, animal control and leader Rugh Scott. emergency transportation. The report, kept secret since Paul Brady, who presently handles its completion by the Civil Service S1ie Teaches Cosmi c. Awareness at Saddleback • both the public safety and community Commisglon in 1913, cltes "clear services departments for Irvine, predicts and conclusive" evidence that GSA a smooth transition. officials were in apparent Violation By JAN WORTH Of .... Dlih' 1'11ol stiff Monique Shabrivar of Lake Forest has been a very pretty French girl, a· Dutch man, a primitive human that lived uoderground , and one at Beethoven's lovers. But that's all behind her now. . Those were her past lives, which she identified in a three-year intensive study of reincarnation and cosmic philosophy. , by telepathy and other mind-over·matter disciplines. Her st~ta Include a teache r of. parapsychology from Chapman College and a psychobiology pro£essor from UC Irvine. I She says she has tauaht her students to improve their telepathic abilities and to become one with nature . "Her classes ha ve a real folloWing," said Keith Sims, coordinator of adult education for the Saddleback Valley district. ·•There's a whole group who have been coming back for the advanced cOurses." Mrs. Shahrivar, a native of Iran v.·ho speaks fluent French and was educated in Belgium, comes-aCf?SS as an articulate, thoughlful voice r 0 r parapsychology. Parapsychology, which technically means ''beyond psychology" or "similar to psychology.'' is a nev.1 name for (See MONIQUE, Page A2) The search for a director or public or Civil Service rules in giving safety is nearly at an end, with an special treatment to job candidates original field of 152 applicants narrowed referred by "nominally political to six. figures," the newspaper s a i d The city council has authorized Thursday. purchase of a 600-square-foot commercial 'lb~ report allegedly quotes trailer for use as a temporary police memoranda in which GSA officials facility. attempted to "help out" ~rd_by The city also is ordering the hardware finding a construction job for Emil needed to go into the public safety Gaicle of Grand Rapids, ~1ich. business. However, Gaide reportedly turned A professional screening board com-dOwn the. jobs offered to him . posed of two city managers. a police chief and a personnel officer from other And before she passes from this life, she feels certain she will visit Easter Island, Australia. and the pyramids. She said she has exJ19ienced the pbenomeoon of teleportahon to the 1*1.side of a friend , has somehow made bread appear from the sky, and believes that careful and scientifically learned cosmic con.sciousness could prodµce a r•~ of superhumans. For the Past eight years, Mrs. Sbohrlvar has pursued her interest in an these phenomena diligently, by reading ~ many books as she can fln,d and seek.ing out people with Pfiapsychological experiences. Ford Raked for Rejecti11g Wage and Price Co11trol s cities will interview the six remaining applicants for the direttor of public safety position ?l.1onday. A special meeting of the city council has been called for Tuesday. In a closed- door session, the council will interview , the candidates for the job. City f\.1anager William \Voollett Jr. said he expects a selection to be made at the meeting. Search Pressed F 01· Two Missing On 'Ghost Ship' """'Last Year she Offered to teach an alilt education course in telepathy, UFOS, an<l cosmic awareness for the SaddlebaCk Valley Unified Sc boo I Di1trict, and her course was a hit. ;'tlie second year of her classes began l~t week-with both an advancl'd and ~inners class ol students fascinated By HELEN THOMAS WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Ford, chairing his inflation summit ex· pressed optlmtsm today-that the natlo;i1s willingness to sacrifice will b e 1 p overcome the most severe economic pro- blem since the Depression. But he was criticized immediately for doing too lit- tle. Ford presided before MIO delegates · and 700 guesta in the vast ballroom Debate Tonight Flournoy, Bro·wn on. KOCE-TV . The first televised debate between Democrat ·Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Republican Houston I. Flournoy in their campaign for gov- ernor will be broadcast tonight by KOCE Channel 50 at 7 o'clock. The 60·minute broadca st was to be taped at noon today during • confrontation between tho candidates at UC Irvine. The confron- tation was expected to ~roduce the most speci fic proposals or the campaign on educational issues. · •. The unedited broadca~t will be shown on onlyitwo stations, the Coast Community College District's Channel 50 -and KPBS-.TV Channel 1~. of Cal State, San Diego. The San Diego broadcast will __ • J>e&ln.al \Qp.m. _ • Both candiaates liave supported the concept ol providing more · JUnds for poor school districts to meet inequities in educational op- portunity cited by the California Supreme <;ourt. But to date, nelth· ·er bas made or endorsed any specific proposal. • The debate was to be held in UCl's Crawford Hall before an audience of students and faculty. The moderator will be John C. .• lloy, UC's vice chanceJlor Jor student al!a.iri;. . The program format provides for a six-minute opening stat .. ment and thrte-mlnute rebuttal by each candidate and then the can· dldates' responses to written questions subm~tted by the audience. I of the Washington Hilton Hotel at the conference he ca.tied of the nation 's leaders to find SQlutions to the vexing problem of simultaneous inflation and economic slump. Se.nat~ Democratic leader ~f i k e Mansfield and House speaker cart Albert used the occasion to call for strong and swift action and to tell Ford that cuts in the budget -no matter how deep -could end up making the situa· lion worse, not better. The loudest burst of applause came when Mansfield solemnly called for man- datory controls on wages, prices, profits and rents. But Ford, as he has in the past, rejected that course. "l do not intend to ask for it," Ford said, noting he had no legal authoril)' from Congress to impose ~ntrols, He said it was "most unfortunate" that some businesses already are raising prices in anticipation of an ultimate return to controls. "I would hope we would have a council appointment ready f~r ~confinnation at the meeting on Oct. ff, 1' he said. A composite description of the re- maining applicants. Woollett said, in- dicates that the city's future director of public safety will be relatively young. Candidates pnge in age from the early 30s to early 40s. Many have master's degrees and one fas a law degree. "All of them are more qualified than we required," \'.'oollett said. He described them a.s, "all family people with lots of talent, not only in Jaw enforcement, but in many cases involving other forms of operation and management. "All of them have worked closely with the communities they served and (See POLICE, Page A2) Library Planning Movies for Kid s , Treasury Secretary \Vllliam Simon said controls lead to "inequities, distortions, bardshlps and acarcitles" and mirely Films tor children are scheduled one attack the results, not the causes, or Saturday a rnonth this winter at the PJ.flatlon. A-fission Viejo Public Library, beginning Rop. Wright Pallnan ( D • T ex . ) , Saturday. chalnnan of lhe House Banking Com· Trish Melcher, children's librarian. mittee, urged Ford to fire economic said 111 children 5 And older are invited advisers left over from~the Nb:on.dafS.. .. -for~ the. J :Jo.....p.m. showing. -No.. Uckels. "The: President needs tO get rid of are required. Each program lasts one the holdover$ who have contributed to hour. a series of economic ml stakes," Patman Saturday's Lilm1 will be ~Coral said. Jungle," a 22 .. mlnute work by Jacques Another congressman, Sam Stratton Cousteau; and ''Bremcntown Mu,,icians," (~N.Y.). said the price of antilrec>e a 16 minute story about a donkey, dog. demoruttrate~ the need-for controls. He cat and rooster who decide to run 'llway sajd &Qtlfreero Is selling for $2.50 a from home. gallon wholesale bul from 16 to 112 Films are also set lor Oot. t9, Nov. tlL gas stations even though there is 23. and Dec. 21. The Oct. 19 fil!Ds (S .. ECONOMY, Page A21 wUI bu shown al 11 o.m. and 2 p.m. f MORRO BAY (UPI) -The Coast Guard today launched an air search for a Santa Cruz man and a woman whose 45-foot "Ghoot Ship" was found abandoned of[ the coast Thursday with only a barking dog aboard. \\'hen. the Coast Guard discovered the fislling boat Teddy Jo, all _the boat's electronic equipment was on, the engine was engaged, fishing lines were out and the batteries were dead. The onl y sign of life aboard was a hungry dog; a spokesman said. The Teddy Jo was owned by Robert L. Marx of Santa Cruz, who apparently left Eureka this month with a woman companion, known only as Janice, for a fishing trip down the coast, the spokesman said. The couple stopped at Ford Bragg Sept. 15 and were last seen by a friend on another fishing boat on Sept. 22. J\1ar11 last log entry was Saturday. Suspect Sought In Car Snieings . Orange County sheriff's orncers are oeeklng an unknown matksman _., Is using parkt'd cars in the Atisslon . Viejo nrea for target practice. Autol owned by Vernon H. Clemens, 35, of 2414t Valyenno Drive, and Stewart Cratus llelnby , 38. ol 24138 Valyermo 1<ere pierced Wednesdlly by bullets ol unknown callb<r. ll<putlea snld they believe lhe bullet. wert firl'd [ron1 a pa Ing car. Both parked vehicles were unoccupied at lhe lime of lhc incident. • Orange Comnty Tax Collector's office Ocl. 16. Councilman Henry Quigley was so aroused by the high tax rate faced by Irvine homeowners that he called for a staff investigation into what agen- cies are spending all that money. The city council Tuesday put off Quigley's request until the Oct. 29 meeting for discussion. Quigley pointed out that the city t8x !See TAXES, Page A!) Pension Cuts Weighed by ' 2 Committees SACRAMENTO (AP)-PotenUal bonus checks amountlng to more ~han $580,000 could go to eight state lawmakers on two crucial committees -unless those committees vote to wipe out the windfall. The members of the Senate and Assembly committees will bold hearings Monday and then vote on measures to repeal the µp to $S.7 million in early pensions for 61 legislators. Four out of the nine members or the Assembly Public Emf,Joye.s .and REAGAN CHARGED WITH 'BONUS RIPOFFS', Story Pogo AS Retirement Committee and four out of five members of the Senate Rules Com~ ntittee are In line for the early-penston checks which these bills would wipe out. The flood of 19 bills on pension matters will be considered at the bearings and then killed or referred to their respective houses when the Legislature comes back Monday to continue its special session. Senate President pro tern James R. Mills (0-San Diego), 'who chairs the Rules Committee, is in line for bonuses adding up to $142,453 by age 60 ii the windfall is not repealed and if he leaves office by early next year. The annual bonus for Mills, 47, would be $1 1,871. The 14-year veteran of the Legislature will be eligible for 90 percent of that annual check --whether the bonuses are repealed -if he serves through next. year. other Senate committee members and their potelntial ·bonuses are Sens. Clare Berryhill (R.C.res), $33,686: Robert (See PENSIONS, Page A2) Orange Coast Weather It will be SUMY for a brief while Saturday alternoon, according_ to the weather service, otherWfse mostly cloudy and drizzly. Beach highs in the upper 60s rising to the mtd-7118 inland. INSIDE TODAY Readbtg the /iit111y paper1 arid coll.rcti11g comic strir>s is a scr~ ious b11.sineu for car toor1 buff Jeron1e Aluller. Pare of the Or- a11ge Coast mml's colleciio1l of origit1als is disployed today 011 the cove r page of the \Veekelld· er, alo110 With on article on hts absorbb1g hobby. Al Ywr Stntlc• Ai l .. llM •• ~. M ... ~. II C•llftl'llll AJ Cl1ulflM Dl•U c-1c1 01 c ....... ,., oi Dtllfl Motlc.•1 "' .... '°''-' ltlH "' ,,lltll(t ,,, .. ,1 Hlrtte... at lllltfllllu• (f ·~ LtnMt't 11 Mii._. .U MOYltl C~6 • I A . .t. u.uLV PILOT IS Frlua)', Stpttmbtr 27, 1974 DD~e e-vamp ' ' Pilot .~trea111li1tes Stock Pages . ' Tl>e DaUy Piiot beglnJ a new and ltftO!lllOd sy ..... Ill rtporllq Now York'Stock Excbange prices and tranaactioao \Gda1. Crh. new lisllng oontains all essential '"""1hatloo rt1anll114 tbll do,y't trading -name of stock, prlce/eaming indu, klta1 aalu, doliDI price and ·net chanae In price. Only feature omitted from the prevlout llttln& will be high and low sales prices for the day. The new fonnat was prompted by extended bcnrrs adopted by the NYSE. Effective Tuesday, the market will close at 1 p.m. California Ume, one-half hour: later than present. The Daily Pilot will continue to publlth a complete review or bolh NYSE and American Stock Excbanp weellly tranaacllons each Saturday. This list· inl lhtludea hi1l>low figures for lhe year as well as lhe week . Mesa Woman ' Sentenced . ' In Slaying lly TOM BARLEY , el ftlt DlllY Plltt ll•tf COnvicted killer Helen Jeannine J\lay or C.OSta ifesa was sentenced today to one to 15 years in state prison for the slaying or a yoWlg jazz drummer who shared her l]orne at 1383 Shannon Lane. I Mrs. May, 45, listened calmly as Orange County ,'!uperlor QJurl Judge Walter E. ~mlth qreed to strike from her voluntary manslaughter conviction a use of ·fireanns provision that would have added another five years to her sentence. J.,dJ:e S'l\i!h ordered Mn. May's MiJ>. ment to lbe0 Frontera PriJon for Women with the added cooditlon that "lhe Department of Corrections has complete dlacrttloo lo rel.... he• when it coo- .. sk!era-lhet she is no longer a danger to pUbJJc.llfety." Defeose"attomoy Donald McCartin, ob- .vloualy. ,delighted wilh Judge Smith'• · cbanplff·heart on the weapons provI1lon and the juriat's 1ddlliooal comments, s.icl ho, h111 no lntenUoa or appealing ~! Mv'• convictlon. • The raven-haired widow was arreated · Jut J .... 11 at her bome lhortly after she pit a bullet tbr<Juih lhe head of musician Venice Hernando Willis, 23, • 'who died ,oo the dining room floor as · ,'police reached the home. , Mn. ~y U!stified that Wllll<, who bed Ignored several demands by her t.LMY.e_the home, aMounced his in- tenlioo ofrapll!g her. - <McCa1tln. argued in her de!enae lhat she was of "diminished capacity". He . ."said the condition was created 0by the Joss of her huaband, fonner Costa Mesa ·Fire Cl!l>I. Lawrence May, her mother, '.aed her sister in the few months before the DW1'du or· Willil. · Mfi: MB• broke down and wept on •t11e 'Wit.helil atand as abe ·recalled the . "<leath \ii. her eatranged husband from leukemia and her abule at the hands or Willis who allegedly put her over ~ ".h1I knee and spanked bet' with hil belt ; Gil -I occulona. lnd;.an Tribes Cott\rene in Mesa For~Pow Wo'\f ' . Member• ot more than 75 Indian Uibes from across States will gather · on the Orarige ' Counly Fatrgroundl in C<llta Mesa thls weekend for the NaUonal lndlan Day Show. Tribal rituals, ceremonial, social and war ~ and Indlan era!\ displays ., will' highlight lhe three-Oay event that started today. • 1be ~vents, aaid Chiel George Pi~ of the .i;.tville Confederate Tribes of .waahi• It.ate, will "take the audience back centurles in time wbe.n the Amerlcen" lndlan proudly ruled lhe Jaod ·-lhat"!Oday is lhe United States." A,mong the Indian crafts will be native :..Ui weav1n&, beadln&, sign language, --'.sllver work and leather a:<>Od!, Chief ·' Pl ..aJd. . • ~Pins my people help themselves ~ ia what we do/' he said. 11Thll fesUval -_ii Ill elf)tclp p!l)Jrrlm." • OIAMMCOAIT " DAILY PILOT Tn. Ora11119 COM1 Dlil'/' l'l!lil, ¥lin'l .-l'licll it CO .... Dlned!MN-~ll(lllll!litlledbi'lhe~ Coll! ""4lllt""'9 ~ ........ ediliofal .. ~. MOIMllY lfWOulll ffldl\t, tof c.otlt ..., f\1.-1 ... Hunl...,Oll lludl/,,..,,.. .-....,.~ ............. ~.nd ~ Mii ~ "*'elf . ~ .. .....,., ....... ,.., ..... "' tmc•~ ... ltll ~W .. ......... '°"'..., ~lllmll. mH. RobettN. W.-j ,.,...... ...... ~ Jo<I R."""' ... ,.... .... ~,,....... --- From Page Al MONIQUE ... the .study of mental pbm>mena like clairvoyance, mental t e I e p a th y • astrotravelllni;i:, and the study of human reincarnation. Every natur.al fonn has the ability lo communicate its feelln'ts to every other life form , h1rs. Shahrlvar explains. That ls telepathy. "And If you be<:ome involved telepathically. you can com- municate with plants, animals, all fomlS of llfe,'' she said. "These teachings are non-political and non-religious,'' Ms. Shahrtvar said. "This is just lclence we're studying. It's all based on scientific logic and common ~Die. "It's very beautiful to study," she said in an interview \Vednesday in her home. "If more people studied it we'd have a race of superhumans-and not very Iona: from now. "Some people are like a ship without a rudder," ahe added. "Each person is here for a purpose. And if you learn to undentand life you understand this." One of. the authors Mrs. Shahrivar asks her students to read is George Adamski, a Californian who clalmW lo have had vislt1 by people from Venus. He wrote several book1, two of them in collaboraUon with Winston Churchill's son-in-law Desmond Leslie. They include "Inside the Space Ships" and "Flying Saucen Have Landed." Adamski claJmed to have made con· tact with men from Venua in 1952 in Desert Center, Ariz.ona and several 1nore times through 1951. "~lost Of my students are skeptical about UF'OI wben they first begin the class," Mrs. Shahrivar said. "But as we progress, they become more in· terested, She is a finn believer io life in outer space. Like Adrumki, ahe believes some of _the visits from other llfe forms have beefl to try lQ warn us that our natural existence .ls. in perilous balance fl!ld tbat nuclear blasts coµJd tip us oVer lhe edge Into environmental annihUaUon. One or the central point. to Mrs. Shahrivar is what ahe sees as our grow· ing neceulty for "genetic screening," 0 Tbe time will come when a committee will acreen-the gene history of-couples who want to get married. U their genes aren't 1ood, lhey should enjoy other people's children," she said, When uked what mada lhat theory different from lhe one uted by the Nazis in Gennany, she added, "This bas nothing at all in common w i t h that. Good genes don 't depend on whether you are Jewish or black or any other race. You can find good genes iild-bad genes In any race." "If our children start with good genes, and then are taught philosophy and cqs- mic awareness and telepathy, lhat's how v.·e will develop a super race,•• she added. Before long, diseases v.·ould be wiped out. she predicted. hlichael Parker is the Chapman College administrator who attends Mrs. Sbahrivar'1 classes and teaches a claM in psychic phenomena on the inter-term !or Chapman. "For -t highly educated people, it's more dJfficuJt to get in touch With psychic phenomena," Parker said. "Our education is very slanted to one part of our mind. "MODiqqe is very kno\vledgeable in these things and Is doing a good thing by teaching thi1 cla.ss. We need teaching on_!ll ~vels to open people's mind's." Pointing to the recent research in par•l"Y<hology at Duke Unlver,ity, Parker sald, "I don't accept everything Monique says. But there is a lot of concrete evidence to support her. \Ve all have these ablHtles, to one degree ar another." "'nlere's a lot of nonsense and a lot of truth involved," he said. From Page Al PENSION ... Stove,,_; (a.Los Angeles ), $20,SIO: and George Zenovich (D-Fr~no), $81,401. Sen. Joseph Kennick, (0.Long Beach), ii ellglble for an immediate pension -whenever he -retires -because he bu ten'ed for more than 15 yean and ii ..... eo. 1be chairman of lhe Assembly com· ~\-mlttee, Wadie Deddeh, (D-Chula Vista), '""'! could receive annual checks of !i,124 C>o!!ooH.l.ooo Rlchod,.liol over lhe nest six yean If he decides ---..... Ulorl to leave oUice this year or if the voters -reject him al lhe polls -a Iota! of C0111MMl:p::)~ltr"'-I •'Ml 741 Oil Firm ' . iLandGrab' • SANTA MONICA (AP) -The chainnan of the Legislature's Joint Com- 1nittee on Publi c Domaln today accused the major oU ·companies of Conducting a "land 1rab" ol publicly held 0 11 re- IOU!'CeS off lhe Southel'1) Callfomla coast. Auemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D • Garden Grovel, made the statement at a hearing cOOducted by the U.S. Senate Ocean Policy Study Group with Sen. John Tunney (0.C.lif.I. 11 chaim)lln. Cory, Democratic candidate (or state controller. urged a halt or lho proposed SAWHILL SEEKS REFUNDS FROM REFINERS-Story, P1ge A4 sale by the federa~ govenunent of oil and gu leases for offshore drllUn1 on the coastline. He said any future offshore oil develop- ment should await the completion of the Coutal Zone Plan. "The major oil companies are con- ducting a land ·grab of publicly held oil resources in the Southern California borderland of the Outer Continer.'tal Shelf,:· ~ry told the hearin~: "This oil resource acqulsit1on ls being conducted with t.l?e acquiescence ·of com- pliant atate and federal asenciea which should, Instead, he regulating the ac- tivities of the giant oil comppies in the public interest." Cory coo~ed that there is an energy problem of emergency proportions but said, "The specter of that emergenCy is being used t.o stampede us into continu- ing policies which created It -dispos- ing of the vast energy resources of our Continental Shelf on the ill considered tenns which will leave future supplies in the hands of the same self-interested. highly manipulative group of major oil companies." He contended this "'ouJd "permit en· viromnental degradation that is wholly unnecessary and that we can no longer a(ford." Cory saJd that federal "big bonus" leaalng policies for otrsbore oil leases eliminate competition by a 1mall com- pany or group of companies. He added: "Unle~ there is an effective and immediate congressional in- tervention in the !easting process ... we will see the consummation of a land grab by the major companies on the California Outer Continental Shelf which will for generations deprive our citizens of the real benents of the resources they own." Fron• Page Al ECONOMY ... no 1hortage of it. Sylvia Porter, a newspaper columnist, complained that consumers had been leJt out of economic planning. She said that such thlilgs as setling aside vacant lots for commWlity victory gardens to help householders cope with food prices would give Americans a sense or parttclpaUoo In lhe fight against in· Oatioo. A commOn theme throughout the oratory was for tax relief for poor ~d moderate income families to help lhem-cope~witb inflation's burdens. Ford opened the meeting by declaring that lhe burdens of selling the American economy right must be shared equally. "No group should be called upon to carry an Wlfair share of the load," he said. But he expressed optimism that curtailment of the worst inOallonary bout in many years ultimately woUld be achieved. His cblef e<:anomic ad visers have estimated it will take 18 months to three years. "I have unlimited confidence In America," the President said. "The bat- tle against inflation will not be an easy one. It will require sacrifice and common effort. It will require discipline, but we will win." Alber! complained thal the Democratic Congre~ had been excluded from deciding lhe parUclpants and lhe agenda for the -serif5 of -U meeUngs which led to lhe tw<><fay summit. Manafiald lllld he was discouraged that the sessions have produced nothing but -words and theories which offer no relief to a nation bruised by rising prices and rislng unemployment "The public knows that JUtle has been done to halt the march ol lnflalloh ," he told Ford, who sat nearby puffing his pipe. Speaking !or lhe R<publlcan1, Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott (Ila. I, said Congress must take much blame if federal overspendln& has helped pump up .prices. "If we have overspent, Conaress has overspent," Scott said . 11lf we lack fiscal discipline, congress lacks fiscal disci- pline. ti A leadlnf Senate conservative, John Tower (R·Ter.), said that If lnnauon is not Controlled "we may lose· our enttre gystem of govemment and our Cree 90clety M we know It." ·\ Oktiy Ge1itle1f1;e11,, ·-~"'"'wpoithd'.U~llo---.-. . ·H.,J~·1Wn K:·~-"'crF'--1--'-:Anothe o-m-m It t~e e member,-star~a·s·tropo·'~ '" ,,._ '--Alle!llblyman Newton Ru,..n. (ft.Tu-• i U'UI Ull Junga), 1'H r<1.fectecl by lhe voten tn • T"'C'"' 171 41 '41·1121 !he June , prim•~ and Is ell•lblo to sA-• ·~NTO (AP) -Gather ~ur c:.a..H....Mf .... tfiltallt•42·H11 •,1 e VlV\J•'r:. ,1v start drawing aMual cltecks of 18,179 1aseropods, marshal your mollusks, S.Chau:Aa iAIDtpc l•ilk T ........ 4tJ,4421 ' 1tarttnr Jan. l, for a II-year total of ollther your snails Into place. The "cond fllO~L ' lhnual great "1Bil race Is set tonight ll Auemblywomen March Yong Jooe1 al a local pim parlor. lhe race !or lltCM!l•ry of 11110 In Since nrot prl,. ,.., ta the 1lowC11t Novm'ber, her pension check• each year miwler, the J-We1 lncludt 1 provision would add up to $4a,t9f over the ne.rt that all enUies must be alive at the elibt years, unttl lhe reo<hes oge 60. st•rl or the race. She has Slid 8he Will vote ta Wlpa lt'I also Vie(al to glue a 111111 to out her own bonus. the track. .. I • Italy BOtJml2' The Mission VioJo IDgh School C!ifmber Slqgero hope next' spring flnds them slnllv& on the steps ol St. Peter's BUUi11 in· Rome. 'Selected from an audition, the .choir bas the chance to be In an inter· natinnal festival if Ibey can raise '12,000. Front row: (lrom lell) Carole Adams, Debbie Wright, •A .. •> . ,, ... -.J • ·' Wep~ Y"-r, Elaine Amendola .. Middle row: Valnle Keigiecfy, Karie Beaver, Brian Hobbs. Jenny Bfspc: Kaml.Jlodeen. Back Row: Billie Sell<. Kevin Clewatt, Laydilf COiby, Steve Helfoer, Joanie SheitQn. Bar-' hara Arnold directs. · · " From Page Al '1rona ·page Al . POLICE ... · T1\XES ... Irvine to File Brief 'Mo1ida.·y· have had an outstanding relationship rate ol 33 cents la the second lowest wilh schools. youth and community Iii Petaluma ·case in ·the county and the .... for "municipal organizations." 1 As the process ot hiring the public type'r aerYl.ce1 l1 the lowest. safety director nears compleUon, Brady, Irvine city attomeya wlll rue 1 friend The "lariest aha" of the laxes pald who said the dual Job has required by Irvine residents goe1 to education, him lo spend about 60 percent of his of lhe court brief MccldiY In lhe .............. ta !lgurea provided by the · · bll saf '-·· -...... Petaluma Hno-__..k,, ,.a..,. which denies ................ .. tune working 10 pu c ety, lUQ ~· .,vn... -r county 1udftor'1 office. preparing for lhe tr8Nltion. that t1ml111 city srowlh vlOJatea lhe . OI a total 11.2133 tax rate for schools, The police f..-ce initially will Include rigbl to travel. 39 officers, a dlrect~r. a secretary and In the Petaluma caae. 1 federal court a· ,llftle ri\Ore than 70 cents a:oes to two coordinator positions. the Saddleback Community C.Ollege Wilh lhe recent addlUoq ..QL.Myera_I ruled lhat the city 45 · ~ ~h of .....District. new olflcers, lhe police substation which Siin Fianclaoo had vlo1il.iil Ilia! f!ghl •Trvtne llnlfied School Dlllric\ taxes sl111res a building with the. coanty fire • by reatrtcting development to 600 homes station in Town Center is overcrowd~. 1 year for five years. · total $5.112'1. ol which 46 cents pays The spac~ th~ new trailer will provide, 1 ine attorneys and officials em" for Slf).S million In hooded debt from \Voollett Slud , ts needed urgently. "\Ve rv a· $50 mffiion bond issue approved by need the space now. 1bey:1'e fallln1 phaalze that the dlfiereocu between voters in 19'72. over each other at the IUbstaUon." Irvine's and Petaluma'• arowth plans . The trailer is intended to be used outweigh the similarities. ' -A total of fl .5 mllllon In bonded debt by the city police for a maximum of The council, in a special .meeting in left over from th<! old San Joaquiil two years. August, decided to send the brief a~ Elementar.y and Tustin High School Merunvhile. Brady said he has asked a means of defending the underlying districts adds anoij\er $.3821 to the total. fO!' proJ)OSals for the department's com-idea of phased, r1ilher than random, Special county Department of. Educ• munlcatlons system from RCA-and growth. ----Uoo. services acrount for another alm0&t Motorola. and the cars and equipment The brief, said Thomas Clark Jr., 18 cents.. authorized for this year have been an attorney with the city's Rutan and ~lunicipal type services, Quigley said. ordered. Tucku law firm, avokl1 the particulars include city operati003, llbraries and !final selection of the radlo system of the ca&e. fire protect.Ion. The total 11.22 for those an~ a records keeping system will wait Both Petaluma and Irvine have point services, he said, is the k>west tn the for approval of the new director when systems based on one developed in county. he is hired. Ramapo, New York. The lrvtne lfStem O>wity fire service cost• almoet 40 Among the proposals for a radio hag no limit to developR)ent, but .requlres cen1s. The library district coe:ts 20 cents. sy11tem are a contract with Costa frtesa. developers to have a certaln nwnber The .dty tax rate has remained at starting a city radio system, Brady of pOlnts before they can build. 33 oenta, but Sii million ln -bonds for said. could cost from $86,000 to $100,000. !Points are gi.ven for ~e of bike trails and perks approved by voters In the current city budget. $100,000 is streets, sewers, drainage and other in June 1ps the rate 29 cents to 62 set aside for police expenditures. necesaary amenlUes. cents. Henredon' s Famous 4 Centuries ' ' • . . . ·'249. • --o"4~~~~ I This exceptional hall console features two pull6ut s~elves which are heat and alcohol resiilla'nt: Available in either cloister or cognac finish. On display now at any of our three-fine ttorea .. Stopin 100 .• . . DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER WHIDAYS • SA TUIDA YS t 100 le It JO I I NEWPORT BEACH• 172' W!STCLIPF D)l., f43·aollt). LAGUNA BEACH • 34! NORTH C0/\81' HWY .,. 4• .. ISSI TOFfRANCE • 23'Mt HAW1110ftNI! BLVD. <Ot><n l'r1. tit t. un . l2·l1101 :na.t:m • I • l • -, At ·DA IL\' PILOT E DI T ORIAL PAGE • lnve,s nient in S-af ety Mothers or many youngsters attending the new DeJ"Obispo Elementary School campus in San Juan CiipiStrano are so concerned about the trartic threat i to lbeir children that they have picketed to display 1 their concern. . i( : They are lightin~ to end hazards to their children · from traffic along DOI Obiipi> Road. 1 , : !he battle has gone on for months, and one Ir-; _ !l;~ry came when city councilmen agreed to in stall a ··.·, temporary signal to stop traffic on the niajor arterial · , highway leading to Dana Point Harbor. ,,·. r t •But near-misses, occurring as early as the > . ~htng day or school, indicated that the signal is not · ~· ad~uate. . _ ~ ... ., ::.-_,farents are demanding a crossin g guard to j.·l'i assure that small children tan cross the highway ·\; , aarely. ., . • And the demands seem to be meeting with ~ ·~., .resistance by city officials. :~>• ' Crossing guards at problem-signal areas in San • ",! '.Clemente •r. provided by the city, and the guards, { f , ~tly young mothe~ earn the minimum wage. ' SU rely such a plan in San Juan would not urrduly · , 1 atrain an)· budgets. ' f~ ~. Waste Treatment Funds ~ ... ~ .. .... \ ~ .. While the final dollar figure is still subject to ' 11 c hange, t he Aliso Water Management Agency <AWMA) is now firmly in line for between $10 million and $12 million in federal grants for construction of a regional waste water treatment system. The project would cost $26 million and serve the communities of Laguna Beach, South Laguna, ' .f ~nk A~dict ~qn't Kick . I The Habit ( .ARTHOPPE ) September I, 1175 Glotia N. Flays hon, a seemingly ~pe~table housewife, was convicted in 1 Federal Court today of buying a $1$.95 ~uckoo-clock plant holder. ___.Mrs. El_aysfu!n.~ Was arrested un · der the 1975 Unnecessary-P\irchases A~t, pa9Sed by Congress in J uly, as a ~yt desperate attempt to curb in- ·fiftiod. The ne\v law requires con- sumers lo prove that any .eoods they byy are needed for their "health, stfetttor well ·being." ~ t During the dramatic trial, Prosecutor Franklin F\lrter noted that Mr!. Flayshon was already on probation for purchasing a $12.95 set of six antique Lucite moustache cups and a $14.95 Stuffed Canada Goose Lamp Kit. · i..seated before you, ladies and gen· tlemen,' Furter told the jury, •·you see that 'Most selfish. th0411?:htless anti despicaWe or Americahs-a com· iiulslve.ibflyer. Or, as they are called these days, a 'junk junkie'." In her "defense. the sobbing three· time loser said only that she needed ltfe cuckoo.clock plant holder "to br:titlten fip the living room." The juey required just 17 minutes to rl· ch tlie guilty verdict . 1rs. Ftays hon was arrested after h hus~nd came home to find the ntN cuckoo-clock plant holder as well as· rt Ple41 scrawled in lipstick on the bathroom mirror: "Stop me before I b11y again!" '·~~ice )ound he r in the lmported Cb S~ction or a discount house. 'l"Sey fJI she was pale, trembling arid per iring: They said she begged them to allow her to buy "just one lit· tie $1.9~Zamboangan Rain Goddess'' Dear Gloomy Gus With teenage alcoholism on the rise, how can any brewing com- pany justify producing "near beer" -the drink that tastes and smells like beer and is sold to kids? What next -imitation gin and whiskey for thP kiddies? SL.W. C.IMfllr G .. '"""'*-•• ..... tiff ~ , ... , ........ •UMArily Nflt<l Ille ¥le_, ti llM .......... StMI ,_. ,.t ... ..... ~. G4",0ellyl"l19'1 befor.e they.J.ook her in_-a plea they_ of course refused. Under relentless questioning by Prosecutor Furter, Mrs. Fla)'.shon ad- mitted she ha"d violated th;! turns or her probation a nd tiad nOt Otily read ads in newspapers and m agazines. but watched a commerical on television_ "I had already gotten up to go wash my hands 18 times in 29 minutes," she tol4 the jury. ''So I just sat there telling myself. 'One teensy commercial won't hurt'.·· "But they s hO\\'ed this really adorable cuckoo.clock plant holder and this indescrib1i1ble craving came over me andl knew I just had·lo have a fix and .•• "Al this point she broke down in tears and couldn't go on. Following the verdict., Defense Al· torney Perry Elk made an impas· sioned plea for leni e nt~'· •·1 admit your honor, that my client is a junk junki e," he said dramatical· ly. "But let us r emember that she has been cOnditioned since infancy by a trillion dollars \\'Orth of advertising to become hooke d on this insatiable craving. _But Judge Hector !Hanging Hee) \Voolsey v.·as not impressed. "To see the defendant as simply a victim of her uni mpoverished environment." he said Sternly, "is bleeding-heart nonsense! To protect the economic safety or a ll decent citizens, this woman must be exposed for what.she is-an incurable junk addict." Laguna Niguel. -Irvine, El Toro-Lac una '11ills. and Mission Viejo. - De1>ending on ho\Y the grants are allocated among member agencies, local taxpayers may receive relief for up to 80 percent of the cost of ne\\' sewage treatment facilities. 1 However, It appears at rlrst glance that Lllguna Beach \viii be nefit most directly fron1 tht• grant s uhsidies. The g rant decisions reached in·Sacramento mark a stfp to\vard elimination or old and outdat~ct treatment plants produ~ing oc'ean discharges of se\va ge effluent \vhi ch does not meet 1>ollution standards. ' TI1e Halloween Proble m City officials and student leaders in San Clemente are hoping ttiat they can develop some sort of acti"vity on Halloween to end wh at has become ao annual uprising by unruly youths . · Last y~ar's melees at Shorecliffs and the Ri\•iera District were serious. Doze1ts of youths wer e arrested and property damage was significant. The plans came not from city councilmen. but fror:n student government leaders, who hope to organize an evening of films. live music and ottier activiti.es which they hope \Viii lure teenagers frilm their traditional romp with police. . 'l:C Resistance to organiz ed youth activities is to be predicted and \\'hatever program is devised, loca1 ~rouths must be convinced that attending an evening of film and music will be more enjoyable than pelting police and olde·r residents \Vith rocks and eggs and taking the consequences. 5 'Besides, the Communists spend more m oney to subvert democratically elected governments than we do!' Still l11fl11e11ce Policyn1oki11g Nixon Holdovers WASHINGTON -How lillle both [ :. ] th e subst a nee a nd style of .,_ policymak;n g ha ve changed al the EV ANS-NOV AK \\fh ite House is 'reflected by the ra"cl •--------.....,----' that the same economi st \\•ho "'rote . President Nixo n·s last eConomlc THIS CAN be partly explained by speec h expects to \\'rite President the lack of the usual transition pe riod ford 's speec h concluding h is bel\\'een Presidents. Moreover. there economic summit conference Sept. · ne\'er v.•as muf'h chance for -ap· 28. preciable change as long a s Gen. The speechwriter is economist Sid-Alexander Haig maintained th e old ney Jones. a major back!l.tage Nixon system as White House chief or policymaker nt the staff; v.•ith Haig lea\•ing this week, ad· Nixon \\!hite House ministration officials outside the \\'ho . r i"in a r rlS White House hope a new day v.•ill high If infl'uential da."'" for them . in pla·nnjng the Nevertheless. intimate ford ad· Ford economic visers are deeply disappointed about sumzilit. ~Vhat's the first six weeks at the Ford \Vhite more1 Jones has. no House. What follows is a samplin g of apologies ror the .recent incidents there which are I a s t N i x o n ,disturbingly similar to the prevailing econdmic speech pattern of the Nixon White •louse: in Los Ange les July 25 v.·hi ch ad,•ocated "the old ti me reli gion·· --that is. fiscal a nd n1onetary conser,•atism -and not much else. ' ALTHOUG H Nixon·s July spee,Ch Y.'as in itself a depressant on the economy. other government officials expect Jones to follov.· the same general script for f\lr. Ford . Apart from perpetuating Nl xonom1 cs. this shO\\'S that economic policy is still ITEM: The recent legislative mes· sage sent Congress by f\lr. Ford was prepared entirely by the Domestic Council. When one White I-louse aide bootlegged a copy to a cabinet mem · ber. angry Domestic Coun cil staffers launched an investigation to discover the "leak." 1tem: A doze n conservati\•e ~epublican Senators, led by Sen. Carl • Ill White House Curtis of Nebraska, some t\\'O "·eeks ago asked for a private session \Vith the President to discuss their com· plaints a bout ,,·hat they co nsider hi s left"•a rd drift. T he lack of any response to the Senators is the respo n· sibility not or Mr. Ford but of hi s staf. fers. For various strategic l'easons, they did not \Vant the Senators to see him now. ITE1'1: The Domestic Council staff has dominate d the pres ide ntial dec ision -m aking about the govern- ment 's new energy polic y machinery-a decisiOn crucial to both diplomatic and economic problerns. Th.e Domestic Council ·paper on the' subji;ct, submitted to ll-fr. Ford last week, \\'as tfeated as a top secret document 'tlot available to high gover· nment offic.ials outside the \Vhite House. Item: Rep. Albert Quie of fl.tin· nesota, a highly r~ga:rded Republican moderate. had argued unsuccessfully that President Nixon shou ld not veto funding of anti-poverty community action programs. When he renewed the argument with the Ford White l:fouse, Quie encountered exactly the same resistance and exactly the same arguments in reply. That was hardly surprising; he "'as talki ng to exactly the same Domesti c Council staffers. BUT Tll E aftermath of this last in· cident s hows th at. for all the si1nilarities bet"•een the !\ixon and Ford \Vhite I-louses, there are dif· fer ences u·hich hopefully "'ill be domina nt eventua ll y. Unable to make hi s point \\'ilh th e Domestic Council staff. Quie insisted on seeing the President himself. a fri end a nd ally for 16 yea rs. Quie got into the Oval Office, n1ade his pitch to l'dr. Ford and came a\\·ay conlinced there \\·ould be no \'Clo. The point is that Quie never v:ould have gotten c lo~e enough to Ni xon to contradict the s~aff. In contrast, close personal aides brought to the \Vhite House by J\.1r. Ford feel open aeCess y.•jlJ be the essence or his presidency. Once •laig leaves , they beHeve. P.tr. Ford's personal inclinations for a de· emphasized White House-staff will be translated into reality. Whatever happens in the post-i"laig \Vhite House. ho\\'e\•er. the last six \\'eeks cannot be v.·ashed av.•ay. At a time ~'hen Air. Ford's closest ad- visers felt cha nges in both the po li cies and procedures of the administration were im perative, the neu' President \\"·as unable to budge more t han slightly the monolithic Nixon system that he inherited. • . .. • ., being made in the \Vhite House rather than by Secretary of the Treasu ry William Simon. as once seemed probable. Such a pattern genera lly hold s trut• ' for all governm ent policymaking during President Ford·s first six weeks in office. Despite his genuine desire to decentrali ze pou·er a'vay from the White I-louse and back to cabinet·le\'el departments. little· has cha nged. Indeed , the Wllite House Domest ic Council under Nixon holdover Ken Co le, is more innuential tha n ever. No \\Pon(,ler, then. that Policies remain as they were. Incumbents'· AdvantJ,lges While the dire predictions of d0om made for in cum bents early this year v.·ere not borne out by the primary elections in California. there a re those \vho still think voter reaction to office holders' will be d i~a slrous lo many at the general election·. Their reasoning , although based primarily on the discontent of the public because of unemployment and ( EARL WATERS ) • day. The .other felloW must gain his knowledge .ftom the newspapers and the difference shows if they meet face lo face." AS FOR fund raising ror the cam- paign, Song says the incumbent not only has the advantage of knowing how and v.•here to get co ntributions, he has establis hed a record which ser· ves to reassure contributors that he is worthy of support. • ' Cost of Presidential Transition high costs of Jiving. goes deeper than that. They say that even though the public is angered by actions raising top go \'ernment officials' salaries v.•hile large segments of societv are unemployed and even those emplo.yed sink deeper and deeper into debt because of infl a tion and higher taxes., the offi ce holde rs might h ave v.·eathered the storm. But they feel th a t the accumulation of all of these things together "'ilh the But "'here there is no debate of Son g's contentions is his observation that. in add ition to his own abilities. the incumbent ··has a staff which is politically sophisticated''. ''\Vhilc other people have staffs, and almost any candidate can assemble a crew of ,·olunteer5, only an elected orficial has paid employes "'ho perform political tasks as part of their normal ". \VASHINGTON -It's going to cost the taxpayers well over Sl million a year to keep Richard Nixon in his ac- customed style. Rattling be hind the scenes for th is bountiful budget are two Nixon ap· pointees, Gene ral Ser\•ices Ad· ministrator Art Sampson and Budget Director Roy Ash. The day afte r-Nixon gave up tho Presidency and retired to San (JACK ANDERSON) sition money down to $393,000. This "'ould include a $60 ,000 pension and a $96 ,000 staff , which Nixon will con- tinue to draw for the rest of his life. Clemente in disgrace, Sampson fi e"•' Tll E GENE ROUS Sampson has out to California to also e)(e mpted Nixon from paying meet secretly with rent bn the government office space Nixon aides Ron he is using in California. Sampson Ziegler and Steve tried to tell us this me rely avoids Bull. They talked "double bookkeeping." But It also a bo u l a 11 th c provides Nixon with $100,000 ~'Orth of money it would free office space. "'hi ch ~·on 't have to take to set up the come outof his budget. former president In addition to all this. it \11ill cost the as a p r I "ate Secret Service at leaSt $622,000 a year citi~en. • to protect the former president. This TllEN' SAMPSON and Ash put their figure d oesn 't include anolher heads together and decided to request $3()0,000, "'hi ch is now spent to protect the royal sum of $850,000 for the tran· hi s estate at Key Biscayne. Fla. The sition. Routinely, President Ford sent bodyguards are expected to be with· their reque~l to Capitol Hill with his • dra"·n from Key Biscayne by the end blessing.'-of the year. • ThereWasanoutcryfrommcmbcrs Sampson also doesn't like to talk or Congress who complained this was abouJ.-the entourage which is now ser· too much money to JaVTsh on a vlJ1g-Nhrron at-S•n Clemente. At lees\. ,l)l'esident who had resigned to a\•oid 32 per11ons are working directly for impeachment and conviction. Ex~ept Nixon but ar~ paid br assorted tbver- for a timely pa rdon, they noted, Nixon nment agencies. Their H laries add up might ha\le wound tlp in prison where lo a whoppini $576,000. Because lhey his keep would have cost the tax· arc "on d(!t11il .'1 they can also collecl payers considerably less. $40 a day (or e"pen11e1. A subcomm1llee beaded by Rep. Tom Steed. D·Okl• .. has now recom-ON LOAN from tbe White House a mended slasbin& the $850,000 Iran-a salory ol $42,500, !or u~mple. Is !or- • I I mer press secretary Ron Ziegler. He bf91JC!1t along hi s favorite press as- siStant, prett_y Dianne Sav.·yer. who makes $21,000. Yet there is no press office at San Cle mente .. Nixon has gone into such complete seclusion that \\•iseacrcs have dubbed San Clemente "Elba West,'' yet the nonspeaking Nixo n is attended by speechwriter R.ay Price at, a $40,000 salary. A former Nixon attorney, A1ik e Sterlacci, is also on "temporary assi gnm ent '' at San Clemente. dra"•in g dov.·n 528,26.1 from the tax- payers. 1'he ex ·president 's loy al secretary, nose J\l ary \V ood!;. still coll ects her $36,000 paycheck from the Wh ite - 'You're In luck. It's bnn reduced/' •louse. Bnd Ste\•e Bull receives S34,000 utter disenchantment "'ilh those in of· Se ri ce, cause d by the Water gate as Nixon's chi ef errapd boy. ve n tra\'CStiCs, Is bound to be reflected in Other \Vh ite House e m.ployes are ~ lhe ballots cast in November. '·detailed" to Nix.o n. TllE DEFENSE Department has loaned him ai;iot her five . m e~. in · eluding three chauffeurs. Nixon s per- sonal maid and valet. mean\vhile. ha ve been pl aced quie tly on the Nationa l Parks S~rv icc payroll. And the Joya l Sampson has assigned· 11 mainte nance worker s Crom the General Services Arlminislration to keep the Nixon estates, in tip·lc:>p shape-. Congress has had so much diffi culty getting full infOrmation on the Nixon spendin g thal Sen. Jt>seph Montoya. D·N.1\1 .. has fired off a private letter .to lhe budget chief demanding ":• comprehensive und comple.te listing of ;ill federal personnel detailed to the former preside nt.'' t-'oolnotc :..-Sa1npson defended the Nixoo bud get as upproprlatc und neccssnry .1-fe contended.that the l~yn· don J ohnson transition h<Jd cost $541 .800. v.•hich didn't inc Judi;:: thC time • spcn\ cutaloguing the·Johnsoll pupers v.·hil el1c "'as till inofnce. Quote$' TllE REPUBLICANS kn ew ttiey \\'ere raced ~·ith hurdles because of Nixon's difficulties. But they took great heart v.•hen Nixon resigned. It almost looked like a new ballgame . Alas, it was to be shortlived and wjth i-~ord 's plunge; from dizzying heights of mom e ntar ~ popularitY. to a dnngcrous low. the Republicans are again on the defensive . Still, there are those who thipk that many voters "'·ill not limit their resentment caused by the letdov•n of the hopes they had placed in fo"'-ord, but v.•ill strike out <it all those In office. One who di sagrees with such assess- me nts is 'Senator Al Son.st. chairman of the Senate Judiciary Commiltee. Si nce he too must stand before \he \'Oters in November It muy be just a ·case of "'histling in the dark. Still. in a recent "nev.·slctter" to his district, Song discounts any conle11tlon tha t Jn. cumbents arc headed for trouble with strong arguments against such a pos· sibility, IN TllE !\10. T amazing candor he s1>ells out "'hY it Is :dmost Impossible foOerm n ilRllm bent. Pointing nu t that the \ncumbent h::is the advtintnge or campaig n experience. having :1\re._dy won at lesst one election, he cites the further edge ol being more ~o\vledgeablc al)<)u t the issur.s, "Even the s tupidest Incumbent is better prepared to debale th issues duties." - SON"G IS ~OT talking· about cam· paign staff ~ired ~·ith private funds. His referent!e is lo those payrolled with public funds·. • Enou2h said:" ,QR ANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wttd , Pullli>,,.,. Toma1 Kttvll , Editor •· Barbrci l(r1ib6ch fidllori41 Pogr E<Wor The editorl'lll page of the Daily Pilot seeks to lntorfi\ and stimulate readers by presentln1 on this page diverse commentary on topics of in· ttrest by syndicated columnb ts and cartoonists, by pro,·ldlng a fon.im for readers' views and by prt$ft1Unc: thi s newspa per's-opinions and ideas on <'urrent toptcs. The editort1t opinions or tht! Daily Pilot appear ooly in th• edltoria1--eolwnn & lhll toP of 1he ~age. Opi nions expressed by the colum nists and cartOOfllSU and lttter-v.·ri1ers are tbtir own and no endor•emenl of their views by the Dally Pilot should ht interred. F_riday, September 27, 19'74 Dr. fred G. lludson, foundcr-di rec· tor S.f'. AlcnhoJiJiJll Cli nic -'-'~l~o~ol is. ~·orse than drug~ bcc1iuse 1t 1s 1n·1 sldlous and an nrrcptcd llart or our society." hrf'uu.se be dealSti>Wllh them every '------------...J • ' • • ' r I r _, ( •• I I ' ' Frld11, S.pllmbtt 27, 1'74 OAlLY PllOT A s I 'Ripoff Bo1i11ses' -Babysittei· Arrested In Kidnap Reagan Pension Attacked THE NIKON SAN DIEGO (API -A babysltt.< w1lo allegedly kld- naped a Chu1111 Vista infant three 'A'eeks ago, saying she needed the child to claim her ru..band's inhcrilanco, Ml been arrested in n)uana, Mexico. Authorities said the baby ""'as found safe in Me,i:· icali. 100 ntjles 8\Vay. The 5-week-0ld b a by , Car n1 en it a Pollorena. ap- peared healthy and bright- eyed as she was reunited ( ; ) Ruling Made S tale Mayor Joseph L. Alioto .__ ---------" of San Francisco was Thunlday with her parentts, Jdln and Yolanda Polki<ena, at the Tijuana police stalloo. told again Thursday by district attorney he SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Assembly Speaker Leo T. :ri1ccarthy has c.harged that Gov. l\onald Reagan urged quick pawge of a legislative pension reform bill in an at· tempt to protect his o~n rclircment ''ripoff bonuses." 1be Democratic lawmaker Thurs:l.ay said constitutional officers, not just legislators, have "abused " the retirement system. "It ls time \Ve stop at- bonuses unavailable to any future governor o r cqn- stit.utional oUlcer," !\tcCarthy said. lie explained that Reagan's pension is computed at 40 per- cent or his salary, currently $49,100, but wouJd increase proportionally any time future govemora received a pay in-· crea~. Thit feature has been ellnilnated for anyone elected after 1972. "The blggeli ri po ((, however," ,J.1cCarthy declared, ''Is from the addition o( a cost-of·llvlng adjustment bas- ed on 1954. This increases Gov. Reagan's entitlement from 119,!40 to $36,230 im- mediately." McLennan Raps Quimb y tempting to blame each other SACRA'IENTO (UPI ) _[ A 1· 'hie ( $ u and clean up lhe entire system 1• sponsor of the pension repea l e 1gi or 10,1" a year _ in~luding the governor's freshman R c pub 1 i can as· bill, which bluntly told Quim-under the present system. If sjiecial pension bonuses he semblyman seeking to repeal by: the law is changed, he 'ft'ould seems 30 intent on pr~ the early pension benefits for ''If this bill is passed n I k ·· 1 notrecei\'ealeglslati\'e tecting," McCarthy said in 8 awma ers stj;ys a rettr1ng co -might be the jolt that will prepared statement. league will be hurt more by save your llfe. If things con· pension until age 60. l\ .. fcCa rthy and 0 th er his drinking problem than the tin1.1e for you as they now "1 feel like a person must Democrats Wednesday re-probable loss of his pension. are medlcaUy, I would expect feel when he is It.IC:!. to the jccted Republican efforts for Assemblyman Jonn P . your life expectancy to be gallows and ttJey are about immediate repeal of early Quimby, (D·San Bernardino), about two to three years. Your to drop the door," Quimby reliremC'nt benefits for some .a 12-year legislative veteran, problem ls not in your legs, lamented.Wednesday. lamt'Cluck legislators. The had complained that he will it's the motion in your right "I've shaped my whole life plan, which allows some have difficulty gctitng a job elbow." around the pension plan , . , HllCOM FZ-1-4 ton & cose .................. $621.7' *OHnMwlttt l .41tM&·c•w •.•••••••••••••• $121.76 MKIOIMAT B. with F2 .._ • c•1t ••••••• , • , •• $472.64 MllO(OIMAT wltll F2 5ttt1 & c•1t . , , .•..• , • , .•• SJJJ.50 HUNTINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY llUt M• St., H.l.--147-6411 er·l41·91H '"""'~c. ..... should "withdraw from any further negotia- tions or participation" in family's purchase of Pacific Far East ship. ping company be<:ause of "conflict of inter· A sketch of the babysitter drawn by a police artist and publlabed in Tijuana nempopors ... era1 days ago apparenlly led to the arrest d. Teodora Lopez DellorT<ll, ests." · said &la Dl"l!O Sheriff's Lt. ---------- Marlow Ratilllun. lawmakers ta retire during after losing his Assembly seat McLennan was dismayed I felt I've earned my retire· reapportionment years before in the primary e I e ct ion , that the Jetter had been made ment. I feel I'm getting the reaching age 60. couJd cost particularly because he is public but aclmowledged he short end of the stick." taxpayers millions of dollars. confined ta a whee lchair due was talking about a drinking Quimby r e s p o n d e d to!===================== to polio. problem end hoped his advice A1cLennan's letter by saying INSTEAD, committee hear-He released a Jetter from "might shake him up enough the Republican ' 'need 1 KIDS ings on the entire issue of Assemblyman Bob A1cLennan, to make him stop." psychiatric attention. 1 t' s LIKE TO ASK ANDY e P8rk Fouled lip She Admits Killing Man Over 'Rape' retirement for elected officials (R·Downey). tbe legislature's Quimby, 39, a former broad· justification on his part for were sctreduled for Monday. ."."n~l'.'_Y_JlP~hy~s~ic~ian~_:and~_!P~ri~me~_..'.".ca~st~er~,'....w~o~ul~d~im~m~ed~ia~te~l~y~be~~h~urt~ing!,'.a~lot~of~peop~~l~e.:"_J.:===================== In ordering the special 1_ LOS ANGELES (UPI) - 'lbe federal government bn>og!lt a !600.000 suit 'lburs- day agaiM! a company tjlat allegedly created a foulup in national p a r k reservations that will last for the rest ol the year. The Justice Department said the company !I o l d campsite! In national parks to more than one group at a time, creating conflicts, did not make prompt refunds to campers aoo refuses to give · the parlt service the money ; . and records needed t o stralghlea out the mess. The dvil suit was filed in U.S. District c.ourt against Park Reservations Systeros Inc., its U.... operators, and the ln!iuranoe Co. o( No r t h America d. Pemoylvanla, the compooy's tollely bolder. e M-•on Moved SACRAMENTO (AP) - Convicted mass murderer Olarles Manson has again been placed under t i g h t t -ty mtrlct!ONI after be tried to smuggle a leUe< out of prison, state officials say. Prison s\X>kesmen bad said early last w.ek ilia! Manson had been allowed greater freedo~ ol movement and grearer coo!act with oth<;r in- mates at U\e California Medical Facility at Vacaville, e Sollller KUhJll .. FT. ORD (APl -A soldier was smt or deeth here by MONTEREY (AP) -"I'm not sorry I did it, '.:..,_said Inez Garcia, admitting she killed a Soledad man but insistin g it was self defense . AcCU!ed of murder, Mrs.' Garcia testified in her own behalf Thursday In connection with the March 21 shooting d .. th of ~figuel Jimenez. ''YES I KILLED him be- cause he helped Luis Castillo rape me," Mrs. Garcia told a packed courtroom. "It's about thne It gets talked about, even kids get raped. now and no- body says an thing about it." Mrs. Garci{i, the w~e of a Soledad fiison inmate. claims that Jimenez and CaStulo a'!Sau!tro her and beat ~codefendant AlfTed Medrllno prior to the shdoting. She alsp said she received taunting phone calls following the rape. Deputy Dist. Alty. Arthur Braudrick claimS an argument among the four principals over alleged drug trafficking led to the shooting. ' The trial <Ontin\Je< Tuesday . session on retiremetnt reform in response to public demand over the pensions. Reagan urged that !he repeal be com· pleted in "a couple of hours" to hold down expenses of the session. McCarthy said the rush was de signed to prevent lawmakers from s t u d y i n g Reagan's retirement. The speaker vowed it would not work. The San ·Francisco lawmaker said Rea gan, 63, after "oo ly eight years or service," wlll leave office and draw an annual salary of $36,000. "He receives that amount only by lnvok.ing s p e. c I a 1 Candidate Cl1arged In Bribery ONTARIO CAP) -WIUlam McVittie, a Democratic can· di date for the st.ate Assembly, has been charged y:it h misde- meanor bribery because of allegations that deputy county registrars were paid 40 cents for each new r e gistered DEmocrat. a military policeman !tying ~--------~ McVitUe's voter registration drive coordinator, Ru b e n Lara. ~ias charged with the same violation Thunday. Both are to be arraigned today in Ontario P.1unicipal Court to make a drug arrest. an Army spokesman reported. The shooting occurre d Thuniday evening oubikle an enJisted men's club as the MP was investigating an alleged sale ol dangerous drup, !be spokesman said. The MP was ouspended from duty pending an investigation. 19 Solo11.s Get Bo11u s A three-week Jivestigation was rnade by the S a n Bernardino County Sheriff 's of[ice at the request of SACRAMENTO (AP) -Registrar \Villi am Clinton. 'The Nlneteen former sta te 40-cent bonuses were allegedly leglslators are receiving paid to deputy registrars early reUrement bonu~ recruited in the Ontario-Chino • u •-•I ,., d now and will apparcn!ly ..-U•• " 1 ... a.me continue to receive them area. · SACRAMEN~ UP even if the controver.!hd The standard practice is · · ;Jv ( I) "'T. tha t deputy registrurs are Jotm P. Vuka.!in Jr.. con-law is repeaJed in the paid 10 cents for each voter, troverslal member of the special legislative session regardless of party. _ Public Utilities O>mmi:;sion, Monday, the Los Angeles McVlttie, 36, is run n i 11 g was named to the Alameda Ti mes reported in its Fri· Coonty Su....-ior Court bench day editions . against Re rub Ii can Pete Y""'' • Vander Poe for the seat in Thtiraday by Gov· Ronald '----------' the newly Conned 6 5 1 h ~~g a n pre vious ly ,._}Ssembly District. nominated Vukasln, 46. ~ R<!publlcan, lo the Isl District Court of Appeal in san Fran- cisco. But following widespread protest of the nolnlnation, Reagan withdrew it in an unprecedented action. ' I U11its . .\. 'lvake After Quake ·r In Canyon ROl!RTC. nuon UC San Diego 'roftslOI' SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -A mlld eiirthquake near a nuclear power plant under construction has shaken two citizens groups into askirig the Atom ic Energy Commission to suspend construct.Ion until the Robert C. E11ioll rs the oulhor ol lhe firs! orhclt 1n The 1.8-pof1 rtbquakfl dangers are fully c.oir..es by ~spol)l!f Series being published 05 o public service evaluated. ~the Ooilv Pilot 'I1le two groups. the Seen.le EhlOft is o ltteroturt protessor ot UC Son Diego ond is o lellow of rhe~n Acodemy of Arts ond Sciences. ~relines P re • e r v a l ion The openu'\Q attic.le of the series "In Search of the Amtfieon 4 BIG REASONS ••• for buying this RCA XL-100. O Solid state reliability, D Black Matrix picture tube (RCA's finest ever) for sparkling bright, detailed pictures. The all new "Allen" Is a perfect example with Its 30,000-volt• chaasla and beauly 10 malch.; ·- Conserves energy tool Uses 24.5% leas power l O Automatic fine tuning convenience. O Superb styling and traditional RCA craftsmanship. than our comparable sets with tubes. RCA 1975 XL-100 prices $ start as low as 2 RCA Acculine portables. ' One big enough for the whole family, the other a bit more personal .. Both feature the Accullne "In-line'! picture tube system so popUlar in smaller sets, AccuMatlc IV, push button color control and RCA XL-100100% solid alato performance In outstanding, decorator doalgned cllblnetry. ' RCA's biggest screen, a great valu~. · Conserves energy I (Uses 48% less power than our comparable tube sets.) Preserves your budget tool And, RCA craftsmen bring you a striking Spanish style console featuring a massive platform base, overhanging top and decorallve filigree ••• It's all RCA. , Model GT ·708 ' -. I RCA· 17~AGONAL XL•100 ·- £on/erence ln Sant~ Barbara cncrn·· oppeors in Sur1doy's Dolly Pilot. ln ii, Elliott 1rocn the •.,-+-~!) the San Lw1 Obispo ~ly beginnings ol Amento, the ospiroloos of !he colonists and ,-!othmr1or Peactr;-iold-the -fl'K'~ls ond trwrrutiom tho1 hovt betn port of the - EC that further retoorch n:Jtlon's(p'owth. · .... {lhould be conducted on the Reoders of Cou"" by NewSj)Ope< 0<t<ln moy ol!O '°'" col"9e (flborc fault system within aedf for' their efforts by enrolling ot el!Mr UC Irvine (Y Orange o mlle1 of the plan I at Dlablo tm.1 Evening ~loge. yon ""1es by New"'°"" ore prepo•td by IX: Son o;,go undo< +--'--· gmts of lht Nofionol Endowmenl f(Y 1ne Hvmonllits and tht RA.II" ~FoundQlion. JfJ, Artidts will_., -ly on Sundoys int ht II"~· AV'TO-HOMIOWtflltS INSURANCE i" lfl4 H-h•'"""° COSTA MQ:A 1~ Ml-5154 {~ DAILY PILOT ' --DAILY 10-7 l •... ~L BROOKHIRSI SI SAT.10-1:10, SUM, 10-5 ...... e -OPlll MOM. THUR. I NI. 10.t HINlllllOI BIAGI 968-3329 r r ' ., • I -. " , I • . ~ BuniiDJ11on Beaeh -Foun1ai~ :Valley ' * * VOL 67, NO. 270" 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES - • .. ore ~,, ... ~ • ' . ..., ...... ti.ti ,....., NINI FIRIEMElll SAVE ONE OF MISS M\IFFln'S NINE LIVES C1pt. 11¥bn •. Mn. Shy Vw u-·-Cor ,_119!' . ~ Firemen Fetch Flustered Felii1e F1·om Flivver Huntington Beach firemen are ac. eustomed to pulling cats from trees, but they ¥.'ere svrprised today when a holt5ewife drove up to the Murdy Station and asked them to pull a cat from her car door. Inslead of sitting on her turrett, Ul' Miss :P.1uffett had crawled under the bood· of the car owned by :P.!rs. Saftdra Shy. 6<Ml2 Anacapa Drive. Before Mrs. Shy discovered the slighUy less-furry feline, she had been bounced around by the fan belt and had crawled between the fender hood and the driver's door .. "I didn't know she was in the car Until I got to the bank and my little boy heard her meow," said the woman. "'I couldn't get her out, so I decided the_ fire station was the best place to go." We didn't don't know if Lil' ?\liss Muffett has nine lives , but she did have nine firemen, iocluding t.,.,·o paramedics, working to free her. 'Cipt. John Bakken taid it only took . 15 minutes. but ftremen had to remove the car door to pull the cat free. According to a tag on ~r node not a city-Issued license -Miss Muffett lived with M. Sills at 51182 San SOUci Drive. She was slightly bruised after )>er trip, but otherwise In good sphits. After firemen put the door back on Mn. Shy's car, she thanked them and said, "My husband \\111 never believe this." 2 Tr e1nors Jolt }apa11 Shortly 11 ft er W ar11ing TOKYO (UPI) -Two sharp tremors rocked Japan today, causing skyscrapers to sway in downtown Tokyo, shortly after scientists warned a major earth- quake could hit the country at any time. The scientists issued their warning Thursday at a meetiilg of earthquake experts from the Japanese Meteorologi· cal Agency and Tokyo Unlver>ity. A few (J'linutes alter noon today, Tokyo was rocked by a quake whicb regiStered 4. on the Japanese scale o( 7.,.. Two and one-haH hours later, another quake, also measured at 4 hit Hokkaido, 500 miles north of Tokyo. No injuries or major damage was reported. Dehaie Tonight Flourno y, Bro·wn 0 11, KOCE-T V The first televised debate between Democrat Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Republican Houston I. Flournoy in their campaign for gov· ernor will be broadcast tonight by KOCE Channel 50 at 7 o'clock. The 60-minute broadcast was to be taped at noon today durin g a confrontation between the candidates at UC Irvine. The confron· talion was expected to produce the most specilic proposals o! the campaign on ed.ucaUonal iss ues. The unedited broadcast will be shown on only two stations, the Coast Community College Distikt's Channel 50 and KPBSTV, Channel 15, of Cal State, San Diego, The San Diego broadcast will .-begilul1Q_(!J1l. Both cand.ldates bav• upport~d.~he-i:oncept-of providing more fUnds for poor school districts to meet Inequities In educational oir f)Ortunily cited by the California Supreme Court. But to date, neilh· er has made or endorsed any specific proposal. · The debate was to be held in UCl's Crawford. Hall be!oro an audience of students and faculty. The moderator will be John C. l!'oy;;l)C's vice chancellor for •tudent afrairs. • The program !ormat provides for a six-minute openln~ state- ment and three·minute rebuttal by each candidate and then the can· dldates' responses to written questions submitted by the audience. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FR IDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1974 / -· I Long Trial For Beach Adven,turer SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The prosecutloa of "soldier ol. misfortune" Bobby Joe Keesee. 40, 'of Huntington Beach, charged v:itb kidnaping and killing American diplomat John S. Patterson in Mexico promises to be long and complicated. The government file on the cue has reached nine volumes and is still grow- ing, Steve Nelson, <.'hief of the U.S. Attorney's Criminal Division here, said Thursday. Hundreds of pages of statements from possible trial witnesses have been taken already, Nelson· told U.S. Magiotra~ Harry R. McCue In an omnibus hearing. Patt.rsoo, U.S. vke consul I n Hermosillo, disappeared from the con. sulate there March 22. His remains were found four months later In an arroyo sin miles northhst of the city. Keesee originally was iodiCted on charges of conspiracy to kidnap, in· terstate and foreign travel to prunote an unlawful activity and m a 1 1 i n g t hr e a t e n l n g commurllcations. The murder indictent was added 1lfter Pat· tersOn's remains.were found. reeze Neboa said~e discoYeir. that 11,~~· · · -"ana~~i -, .• defense, had "°!DPIEl<d: lie 'pro: ml.oed -tl>e ·--would .coatlnue lbe ~ ~~:.... ~ ~ • JIC!Cut .. coinWnded NellOll a n d K~'s attorney, John J. Cleary: ex· ecut1ve dlrector of the Federal Defen. ders' Office here, for their mutual coopt'!"ation, and he remanded the case lo U.S. Dlstrlct Judge I.eland Nielsen to set the dates for trial and hearing motloo.s. Attorneys for the two sides indicated they l\Wld need months to prepare for trial, suggesting an early 1975 startlng time. Indicatkm.. l\'el"e the trial would run severaJ weeks. Upon bi's arrest in June, Keesee was accused o( causing a letter to be delivered to the cmsulate In HermosilTo demanding $250,00> ransom for Pat· terson. No one else Was indicted with him. Keesee, an eighth grade dropout won public notice as a hero after ~lning the paratroops to fight In the KOttllll \\•ar. He won the Bronze star and the Pw,>Je Heart for an attempt to rescue (See KEESEE, Page i) 'f wo Valley Men Face Child l\'lolest Trial The former manager of a Fountain Valley Little League team and the team spoosor "·ere bound over to Orange CoUnty Superior court 1'1UJ"9:1ay on multiple charges of Child molesting. Judge Alan N. McKone of West Orang> Coonty municipal COUrt ordered team manager Gregory Woodard Greene, 24, fo face 28 charges of child molesting. Spon90r Edgar Herbert Mohan Jr., 45. was charged with six counts. Court officials said the formal com- plaints will be filed In Superior Court, Santa Ana, at 9 a.m. pct. 8. The pair sat through a lengthy preliminary hearing this week as rriany of the nine to 12-year-<>ld bovs Involved in the Incidents testified. The hearing was closed to the public. At the end of testimony, J~ McKone ruled that there \\'as sufficient evidence lo file charges in, Superior Court. ms decision doe• not mean the pair has been conv)oted. The charges stemmed from a week· long lnvesttgaUon by police in four cities. Thelr Inquiry started when a 1:1-yeaM>id Fountain Valley youth was found bat· tered and uncon!clous on the lawn o( tMlt'f '"1'9t Sf9ff ,,... -UP, UP, AND AWAY IN HUNTINGTON BEACH BALLOON For Marine View Sc·hool Kids, An A•ri1I Thrill Up~ Up~ and Away Balloo nist Captit'ates Kids Everyth ing was up in the air this morning at Marine View School in Hun- tington Beach. 1 • All 300 students and the entire teaching staff turned their heads skyward toward a giant red bot air balloon towering above the playground. • "J1d like one of those,i·· said one wide- eyed boy. . · . "Can 1 ride? I kno\t, my parents won't care," insisted ·~nother eager youngster. Cars traveling along .,Slater Avenue near the school stopped to watch and R eport Clai.ms Job F<1 voritis1n ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -The St. Louis Post·Dlspatc~ says that it obtained a secret report showing that the General Services Administration improperly gave job preferences to petsons referred by powerful political figures. in- cluding then Rep. Gerald R. Ford and Senate Republican minority leader Hugh Scott. parents from the neighborhood cut across yards to get a glance at the balloon. Al Schilleci, whoseson, Mike, is a seventh graCler at Marine View, took most of the teachers for a ride. "It was like sailing except up in the air," said Principal Terry Knapper, the first to take a ride. Schilleci, a commercial pilot, and three partners bought the baltQ'On 1fS a, hobby. "We gi've a few deJrJOnstratlons but it's mostly for fun ," said Schillecl. "It1s sO big," said one dimpled girl, who stood back a little way. Most of the children crowded close, taking a good look at the flaming mechanism that sends the balloon soaring. ~·can we help put it away?" several students asked at the end of the den1onstraUon. "Sure you can help,'' Schilleci grinned, giving some or them an extra lesson in how to get the hot air out. Crac kdo,vn Ne ts Three Officers -Huotington In~rcommunlty ll o a p I t.~ 1_ Au~. 2. The bovt lnvol...i ""° fro!" Fount.In Valley, Westmlnmr. Newport Beac!l and nunurrgton Beech.-&Jme were membera of the team Greene managed Ind Mohan SJ>Oll.'Ored in the Founllln Valle)' South Little League. Th e report, kept secret since its completion by th~ Civjl Service Commission in 197~\. cites. "clear and coach.isive"·evi~l)Ce that GSA ·"OfflclaIHoere-in amrent \>lolaUon. of CJvil Service nilcs ln giving special treatment to, job candidates referred by "nollUllally political figu ..... " tile new!pa'J)U""s a td Thuroday. GARY, Ind. (UP I) -Federal agenls. have · begun rounding up · 37 persons, including three Gary policemen and a court • derk. ln a major. narcotics crackdqwn aimed at •'The EamUy,'' a •-norcollcs-peddling png be IJ c_y • d respoosible for some 30 sh~ylngs. Mohan , formerly of Newport Beaoh, lives In Bu<na Parlt and sptllllOftd the t<am throug)l a Glllllen G.rovt mamlfao- twing flnn. Greene bas no knoWn ad· drea, police reported. Bond was let at ll0,000 for Greene •nd S&,000 for Mohan. '!be report allegedly quot .. memoranda In which GSA (l(flcials attempttd to ·11hclp oul'' Ford by finding 1 constl'\Jctkrt job for Emil Galde of Grand )l>pldS. ~~ch .• However, Galde rtportedly turned do111t the jobs orrered to him. J • All 37 of the suspects -28 of lhem members or associate members of "The family"Stteet-f•lil -"""' Indicted by a federal grand jury In South Bend for conspiracy to distribute and sell narcotics in hea\'ily PQPUlatcd Loke County. which abut• Chicago. ~ugh the arrests \\'ere -aimed solely at_narcotics, Gary ~ayor Richard G. · Halcber has said he. b<llevcs ~ lartllly to b< r~nsible fOf at least 30 drug· related s\aylngo tn two years. ' I I ' • Today's Flaal TEN CENTS • Se11. Tunney .. Mal{es Call At Hearing SANTA MONICA (AP) -Sen. Joho Tunney today called for a moratorium on orfshore oil leasing and drilling until state coastal commissions prepare en- vironmental impact plans. </We should not go ahead with the ' leasing program until the California Coastal Commission has made its report to the Legislature and the Legislature has ratified It," the California Democrat told a news conference prior to a public hearing at the Santa Monica Ovlc Audi- torium. Tunney chaired the hearing, conducted by the Senate's Naliooal Oce:tn Policy Study COmmittee. Of the Department of Interior's an· nouncement that it would be prepared to go ahead with leases on the oute r continental shelf in May 1975, Tunney said: "This in my mind is outrageous. It's almost as if the Interior Deportment recogrllzing tt)at Congress has demanded cooperation with local agencies, is mo- ving quickly before the state acts." ' The California Coastal Commission plan Is to b< submitted to the Legislature in 1975 and acted on by 1976. The purpose of the hearings is to detenntne whether the Interior Depart.. ment bas adequarely ~ ut1 Ind Iocal -maki with on! to offsbonl oil leases. ng-.... "I don 't 'site hoW we can have off.shore development wtthout .Ute and local cooperation," Tunney aatd, U'l'bey ail preclude pipe1inet from cominJ( ashore and refineries from being built which would force construction of notation rigs increasing the danger of oil spills ten· fold," Tunney said. Tunney said the Senate last week passed a bill which would establish a revie\v board which could ovemile state and local opposition to drilling but could ' also reverse Interior Dep a r t m e n t decisions to go ahead if it wu found to be environmentally harmful. He said the bill Is expe<Ud to pa& Lhe House early next year. In response to Federal Energy Chief John Sawhill'• charge that SOutbem (See DlllLUNG, P11e Al) Do\\' Index Hits 12-year Low • NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock mar- ket h.it a 12-year low today in light trad- ing on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors cootinued to show concern over inflatioo. (Tables, Page All). The Dow Jones industrial average was off 16.03 points to 625.95. The widely watched average lost more than 36 points in the previous £ive sessions. Declines led advances by,abou~ a 2·to-l margin among the 1,721 issues traded. Volume amounted to 12,230,000 shares, compared with 9,060,000 traded Thur• day. Prices were lO?.'er in moderate trado- lng on the American Stock Exchange. Orange • Weather It will be sunny for a brief while Saturday afternoon, a~rding to the weather service, otherwise mostly cloudy and drizzly. Beach highs in the upper 60s rising to the rnid·70s inland. INSIDE TODAY Reading the fu1iny i)apers and coll.ecting comlc strips is a ser· ious busittess for car~ti buff Jero"le Afulter. Part oJ €lie Or- ange Coast man's colle<:tion of ori.ginal1 Js displayed todau on the cover page of the \Veektnd.._ eµ_alona t1Jith arJ article on hia aosoiblng 1iobby. Al Ytv, SH'<lk• AJ •••ll11t .. L. M. .. ,... I t C•llt.,.W, AS Cl1Nllld 01•14 Cor!Mc.t Ot Crt1t-.i 01 O.•lfl l+.tlctt Al •dl•wltl l'Mt M l'l111N:t Al .. 11 Hwttc-II l11ttnnl111t11 CJ ,.. U.nftr.s IJ ...... .. M.... C>4 Mvtutl l'illlft Alt N1tlell1I .._. ....... . °"'"'" C.unty ..... . hHI• ., •• it.llftl'lllh ,,., "'""' Jllwtw "" s,.m '"' StMlt M1rlltt1 Al•tt T ... ¥!61U Ct T....,, (J4 W111fNt .114 W•Mcl Mtwt AC. .ll w....,..,. Cl.fl % DAILY PILOT H Friday, Septembtt 27, 1CJ74 ~ Finanee Reva111p Pilot Streanilines Stock Pages ~ Dolly Pllol btiiD• a -and 'ArumliMd systm o! reporting New Ydtf Sidi!!<' Exchalige prices and trllll!acllona 1..i.y. ·· tlle rlew listing contairuJ all essential infonnaUon rea•rdlQa that da,y's trading -name ot stock , price/eam~g index. total sales, cmlng price and net change in price. Only feature onutled from the previous llJt.lng wt11 be high and lQ.w sales prices for the day. The 11lw format was. prompted by eitended hours adopted by the NYSE. E!£ective Tuesday, the market will clole at 1 p:m. Calilomla Ume, one.bali hour later than present. .. .,.'.!he pally Pilot will continue to publish a complete review of both NYSE p.q,_~crfan Stock Exchange -~·eeldy transactions each saturday. This Ust- .iAkiic-•ldts high-low figures for the ytar as weU as the week. •• Bearings Monday : .8 Key Legislators Have .... . ... o·wn Pensions at Stake. .. Terrorists Kidnap U.S:. • Info Chief . • From Wire Servi ... SANTO DOMINGO, D 0 m I n I c a • Republic -Terrorists today lddnaped Barbara Hutchlaon, dlrector .of tho-U.S. Infonnation Service here . A local television commentator said the kidnapep· phoned him and said Ibey wa"!ed $1 mnnon in raq90m and freedom for all political prisoners in the Dominican Republic in exchange for her release. lt was tbe first kidnaping of a female U.S. governrnent official. Miss Hutchison, 47, was seized as she left her office, put in a yellow ' car and driven to the nearby Venezuelan consulate. The gunmen then broke into the building, taking Miss Hutchison with them • 'SACRAMENTO (AP)-Potential bonus checks amduntlng to more than $580,000 could go to eight state lawmakers on f•'O crUcial .committees -unless those comq4ttees vote to wipe out the windfall. Monday to continue !Is special session. Police Immediately cordoned ol! the Senate President pro tern James R. Mills (D-San Djego), who chairs lhe building. Rules Committee. iJ in line for bonmes O>mmandos seized at least seven other adding up to $142,45.1 by age 60 if hostages inside, diplomatic sources said. lhe wind/all is not repealed and If he The guerrilla leader, l!adames Mendes Ieawo 'office by early next year. The VargaJ, told UPI by telephone from annual bon111 for Mills, 471 would be the consulate that Miss Hutchison and Brace Yourself ' ... Margaret French, 11, ol.Ala.;eda displays new plastic braces, ctini$~t: e<j. to the teeth, which may make th~ "tin smile" o~solete. '!))~~elf . braces were introduced In San FranCJ.SCO at the Pacific Coast SOciety •. of Orthodontists. . . rfw. . members of the Senate and ~bly committees will bold hearings Monday and then vote on measures to· fepelll the up to $5.7 milllon in early pen!ions1or 61 legislators. Four out of the nine metnben of lhe , Assembly Public Employ es and 111,871. The 14-year veteran of the· Legislature the Venezuelan consul, _Jesus d e A • . Milk ~.!" ~~1·_1o~i::i:.~:t ~~:l ~:!~ :ar!'"m:='~ ,:\~ l"'ocal Dairv wruts · are repealed -if he serves through of January liberation movement. .-.-. J next mr. Mendes Vargas, who hijacked a com· ~-" . ,1i!ll~Al\I CHARGED WITH '•ONUS,,Jllf()FFS', Story Page AS Retirement '9.<>mmiltee and four out of Qve memb0f$ of the Senate Rules Com· mlttee are Jh line for the early pension checks wb\sJi these bills would wipe Other Senate committee members and H . 1970 'd s I c· . Rufi ' ~r·:k8!c!:':;)."s.;;~s:"'·~:~ ~~i~= ~ c:::.~1:t.~ ~~1i . upp y o. nt.1·act '.·. . · ... :ng _ ~ Stevens CR·Los Angeles), ""',3SO ; and the poli .. attack, it will be destroyed ·• • . : .,_ in the act." • .. ., . · · out. . '~Jlooll of 19 bills on pension matters w'nr'iie"CoiiSldered at lhe hearings wld tbell ~·"O referred to !heir respective ~ wlieJi .!he Legislature comes back \.: • • .li'roin Page Al KEESEE ... George Zcnovlch (D-Fresno), 181,401. He said that In addilion lo Hut<:bison ""'-I Sen. Joseph Kerµlick , (0-Long Beach), and de Gi-egorio, the guerrillas were 'Ille Orange County Counset'a ·Office tington Beach Union . Hltt2 ~"£l' is eligible for an immediate pension also boldirig the Venezuelan vice consul. ha s been asked to ~riJy that · a local Di.strlct'a tnllk mntract. . _· · :., : : ~ ..,,.1t -whenev er he retires -because be two secretari·es, and a Chinese, a dairy qualifies for a shJlre. 9(· the Hun~ Linda Mutroianni, distributor for has served for more than 15 years Japanese, and a Spaniard who apparently Roekvlew Dllrie&,: W&s toJd":iti'd ,'hii've and is over 60. d ·' In to I f · · I ·wan ett"U app Y or visas. 10 w11J't .. ~""'r tWo Wef:k.s before ltBnF. ' The chalnnan of the Asscmb y com· The kidnapers permitted Miss Hui· Sear I Pres'sed ~.,,..~ mittee, Wadie Deddeh, (D-Chula Vista), cbisori to answer the telephone , and , C l Ing if she'll get a milk supply contt.lct could receive annual checks of $6,114 in an interview with UPI from inside for Edison Hi8h School. · - over the next six years if he decides the consulate, she said she was tn good Foi· Two Missm' g Her father, Jay Mastroianni, is the to leave office this year or if the voters condition and there were no injuries. food caterer for HWltinaton Beac~ and reject him at the polls - a total or Asked if she bad any message for • Westminster High Schools. $36.718. the oolside, she replied, "No, nothing On 'Ghost Ship' The board cleCUled' to ask tbe ·oounir. Another committee .member, except lbat I am well ." .. coumel for heJp after trustees ~dn t a group of captured ,soldiers. Assemblyman Newton Russell , (R·Tu-Police and army olficials withdrew detennlne for certain that .~" In' 11111% he went AWOL from lhe junga), was rejected by the voters in personnel who surrendered lhe embassy MORRO BAY (UPIJ -'l'lle Coast has the $25.(IOO In assessed valua,lio!I ~ ('F~ ~uadluca in Arizona stole the June primary and is eligible to after de Gregorio told a . radio reporter Guard today launched ao . air aearch ~ ~ p~s.ing equip:nent: ~ ':. ~ a sm!u pl&n'.e and Dew to-Cuba.' Fidel .. s~. dra'!,ing ann!Jal checks of $8,479;_lll. c.Lta~kP-b9ne interview .l..h!L 1or-a Santa Cruz-man-and. a-woman -~ct, r~wred by distrk:t.rUle.. . .enl,'!I_ him asylwn and returned startmg Jan. 1, for a 13-year lotil of negotiatioos for the release or lbe . . ,, · .-''JCil 00r best gUdi !hit die~ 11o;"' ,i!J#'llJll!e<! States. $110,231. diplomats qiuld not slart as long as whose 45-!oot "Ghost· S\lip was found said Robert Martin, • .WIStant-.sype<iq. ·~ COnvlded or interstate If ¥seznblywoman March Fong los~s the troops Were Outside of the consulate. atiandoned off tM coasrThanday with ~'!.~e1;i:__ f~~ 1 bu~~~ 'lf4 ;~~1 ypn_'br ~ stoleq aircraft after the rac~ fo, secretary of state m De Gregorio ltlid the 1roup ol. com· bfil)I a biiting dog:'l.boanfa''1·l"'t1 • , ., o:K:1 f ....... claiming in tiial that he worked for November, her pension checks each year mandm weri arm«:d with explosives and When the Coast Guard discovered the . 'But Trustee Robert Knox said he still the f.entral Intelligence Agency and that woul,d add up to ffB,998 over the next mach!ne ·guns. Police sources ~ld the re fi'sbin ..... ,.1 Teddy' Jo aH tbe. boat's isi'l't cWarbon the matter.'\ ' .. ;,,' 'T Cory Raps • ' Qil_Firm • ~ • 'T • • ... ' • 'j 'Land Grab'j , . .... '· . J SANTA MONICA (AP ) The clilllrman' ol the Legislature's Joint Con>' m!tlce 0n Pubttc Domain today accuscil tilt major oil compa/I~ ol conducting a-"•iaiid-..,ab" of pubucly held o i I re- sollrce's olHhe Southern Celuomla COMl. Assemblyman Kennetb. Cory ( D • G~ .Grove), made the statement at a hearlntC!rducted by the U.S. Sena!• OCean . Polley Study Group wilh Sen. John Tunney (0-Callf.), as chairman. Cory, Democratic candidate for state controller, Urged a ha1t or lhe proposal SAWHILL SEEKS REFUNDS FROM REFINERS-Story, Pogo A4 ssle by Uie federal goverrunent of "!J m'!I gas teaacs for offshore ,drilling o~ the c:oasillne. I He s8Id any future of!sJiore oil develOR- mOJll sboiitd await the completion Ill the° Coastal Zone Plan. . ' "Tbe major oil companies are ·coii'. duM!ng a Illnil" grab · ot publicly held oti '-riaou?cii Jn .. lhe sOOthern Catuornla borderland • ol · the Ooler Conlineotol Shelf," Cory told t1¥ hearing. . "This oil resource acqulsltioo is belqg conducted wllh the acquiescence of "."'Ji· pliant state and'"federal agencies whiCb shcNld, • instead, be regu1ating the ac- tiviiltt: of the giant oil cOmpanies iD lhe. pqblic i~.'' . , CorY W<ICC4ed .tha t !here" an energy problem of emergency proportions. bUt said, "1be !pet'ter of that emerg~ ts being' uxd II> stampede us Into iilbtJno. Ing policies which .crealOd It -d~ Ing of ,!be vflSI eoergy .....,.,cc, ol Cl\!" Continental Shell on the ill ci>oslderid terms )Vhlch wlll leeve lutli'te supplle. In .the hmlds of the same self·intorested, highly.;rnanlpulaUve group ol major di companies.'' He cOntended thill wbuld 11pennlt en· vlronmental degradation !hat Is wholly unnecessary and that we can no k>n&er afford." Cory .said that federal "big bonUS:" leasing policies for offshore oil leasts: eJimlnate competition by a small com· pany or groop t:i companies. He added: "Unlell there Js an effectitc and immediate congressional In- tervention in lbe 1easting process ... we ".w!Jf ";aee'· the 'conswnmaUon of a land•trab by the major companies on the C.li!omia Outer Continental Sbelf w~ )'d1J for geaerailoos .. deprtve our citizens of the real benefits of tbe resources they own." the fUght was part of a cover for eight yem, until she re~ches age 60. . were 23 commandos In the group. g !:"" •:-· _,J. ~ .. -. .. .,,"'-,,,1111 ll'e· ha~e'il~/'we1-.i1a -~ 1 ~tu re operations. 'i:tio CIA !lenied ~ .has. '!lid she 'l'ill vole 19 wire Repcirts conflicted al to whelher ther< 'ttictfO~c 'equlpmefa ~il ""' ~ell~ 'Wltll It,'' be 'added. » • ' ;. · :· ·. Ok(t ,y (;'e·r·tiZ·elltCl'-t~;tlto 3nd Keesee spent "two yea'rs out~ _qwn bOnu.s.Ed " Z'be (D-were .four or five men mvolved· in the was engagro, fishln,I. Im~.·~~ out aDd 1be problem apparently-came abou~ ..., m.~1 11 · Asaemblyman win rg, kidn~ping. . , . . the batteries were dead. becau se Rockview and Jay Rock Sales, .. ,. · " "J • •, fm, he claimed to be among Sacramento), is alr<ady eligibtce !or 9Z . Mw Hutchison'· kidnapmg took place The only sign 01 tile ahoard was Inc., Mastroianni'• .food cater Ing 'CJ· *'"rt ' Gastropods ~li>:U£es tefeased by Palestinian guer· percent of h~ pension because of his 1n a suburban section of Santo Domingo. . •· businesll, operate from the sa!M~tion ;,IA.£ ifilas gJ11,~.~9?o' h.e chartered ~ plane 16 Y~8!8 service, but the pensJon bonus Th.ls was tl:lcl same area where several a hungry dog, a spokJ5111~ ~d. ~__. at 17575 Morg1µ1~I.ane. ~ •. ::: _. ill:i·ii..-ae forced the Pilot at gun· Jll'OVUIOllS .oouid put an mra l1M7 a years ago !eltists kidnijle(l-U .S. military T\;c TCddy Jo was GWned by l!Qt>e...... "ll's not lhe clear~st arningement SACRAMENTO (AP) -Galher your point to land him oil a North Vietnam year into ~ pocket for each of the next alt.ache Cot. Donald Crowley, 8! he drove L. ~1arx of 8anta Cruz, Wbo apparently in the wort , " Martin sakl, after gastropods, marshal your mollusks. i)Jeadr-~ -12 years if ~ .leaves ornce. to practice polo. left Eureka this month with a woman ownership of property was queslloned slither your snails into place. 1be: seeon<!. Keesee next turned up 00 a list The rematrun~ memtM;rs . of the Mias Hutchison returned to Santo Dom-. . r by an attome f9r anoth;er dairy. annual great lll8il race is set tonight f ll"isoners being released from North Assembly_ oomnutlee are inebglble for ingo in OctQber 1'12 after being pro-companion, kno¥i·n only ~s J~ntce, or t:JnUI the tfer is decided Friendly at a local pizza parlor. o ~ 1 ?.tarch 1973 Hi tri t ' the pension bonus because they were ·rooted to director of the U.S. lnfonnation a fishing tnp down ·the coast, the Quall II provide milk to both Since first prize goes to the slov.·cst Wi · D\t ~ ~ in~ 0 eltcted Jlfter the cutoff date of 1969 Service here~, She had ~n posted .to spokesman said. w · ster aDd Edison High Schools. crawler, the rule! include a provi.sion ~t ~bf ~ver has n ei: a · for tile tihmediate pensions. They are: the ~~~ . Republic as an 1n· The couple st.Opped at Ford Bragg her milk cdntractors· are Ed's Dairy , that all entries muat be alive at UM: ' Assemblymen Ju 11 8 n Dizilo, (D-Los formatiOn ofilcer ~the em:ty l~. . Sept. 15 and were last seen by a friend ¥.'b1ch supplies Fountain Valley and Hun-lit.art of the rice. f,6. _ _ J_ Ofi'' • } Angeles), PauJ Bannai, (R;Gardena), A tall woman with graying. harr, ~1iss on another fishing boat .on Sept. 22. tington Beach High and Cal-Va Dairy It's· also illegal to glue a snail .to augm.t; IIC18 Doug carter. (R.Stockton), Lawrence Hutchison speaks ~uent Spanish and has ~farx' last log el)try Was Saturday. for P..1arina. .. . the track.. t ~ ft KapilOff, (0-San Diego) and Louis a wide circle of fnends here. ''..:-.'.::..'.~:'.'.::.:...::::~==·::::. __ __:.::_;,:::_:,::c:.:.., ___ --: ___ -; _____ ,,_ ________ -;-- $ ~-~ T Jk Papan, (D-Daly City ). She was born in Delaware in 1926 \ ' ~ts Jaycee a and enlered government service wilh . ·- the State Department in 1952. When , -· Jack Paepke, former major league baseball pla)rel' and' coach and now a m~mber or the Galifomia Angels sppa kers bureau, wiU be featured From Page Al the U.S. Information Agency became DRILLING ... s,Cafil!r. at.th~ Huntington .Beach Jaycees Californians use a tot of oil but oppose <f.ilnet meeting Tuesday rugbt. offshore drilling, Tunney replied : Pe Jaycees will launch a new series of.I winter programs with a 7:30 p.m. · "Mr. Sawhill is wrong when he sug- ~Mr ...... Huntington Lanes. gests~ CalifQ.mia is trying to foi st its rP...,._ aati mce played one inning environmental problems on the rest of at' eacl JMjtion during a game for the country." ~ 'blil 'llMlyivood Stars of the Pacific . . C6aa&--1eague, will recount some of his Tunney called Sout~m California ~ past adventures in baseball and talk "environmentally fragile" area llnd said ~-~e~s organization. 50~,parts of the country such as Texas !Y'S-~ and program are and .., L99iiiana are eager to develop :£ ~bbc. No .!""""attona are ~· ·~ ~If resources. •aAHMCOilT HI DAILY PILOT JN OrW1G1 eo.11 o..i., "°'· -wllldt i. ,.._ · -"'""' ei. Ne-Pr-. ,. riubh•l'>lld llY 1119 0.-not c-i Putlllll\1"0 em..o.f!Y, ~· --.... pua!••-· Mof!OllY l~CM.gl\ frldiy, lot Colll Mnl. "'""°" Buell. H\lf!lll>Ql:Ofl 8eKlltf,,,,... llotl'I Y8'JW, LI"'"' 8Hctl. l!W'IW~ 91\d 8111 Clefrl...,11/Stn Jlilll 0.0ill••llll· A a<llQI* I~ ff1llo" ii ~ &ihlld.11'1 Incl 5.1,.. ..,... .. tl'iMllll' ........... .,.. ~ -:now.I <' 7 a:•t• MM&, Oi~lamle. '712t. ' ,. l JSC Suspect Quizzed LOS :oo£i.Es (APJ -Police are questlaqlng a 17-year-otd about lhe 'Unsolved Sept. 3 slayings on USC's Greek Row of a coed and her boyfriend. The youth whose Identity Is being withheld becau'.se he Is a juvenile, ls already accuaed ol kidnaplng one use coed. assaulting another with a knife and threatening a 52-year-old woman near the campus. independent from the State Department, she switched over, and handled various ass ignments in Latin America. Blowout . Cat1ses Headon Crash A tire blowout caused a headon c<>l· lision Thursday between a car driven by a Huntington Beach man and a city dump truck. · Alan Gerald Braga, 18, the dri ver of the car, was reported In fair CO!lditi.on today in the intensive care unit at Orange Counfy Medical Center. Braga of 16142 Par~ide St., Apt. 6, Huntington 'Beach was driving on Gothard Street ~ a curve &0uth of · Ellil Avenue In Hunlington Beach, police reported. The left front tire on bia car ble\v , out, police said, causing the car to careen out of cmtrol into a headon collision with a city dump truck~ driven · by Richard-Dean S<juibb, 38, or 16112 Giarc Lane. Squibb was not injured, police said. • I rhotroc» ICeH -Leisure World Residents -... ~ """""'"'°' ..... d •. Noll JI A.....,...,,.....f...,.. '"""""" I To Have Nostalgia Night . . Henredon's Fam·oos 4 Centuries " '249. . ' ,. .. Th is exceptional hall console . features .two pullout shelves which · are heat and alcohoi resistant. Available ·In ."eijher doister or cognac finish . . . f Wt .. Ol....,Owittedlor l i----1' ' -----1 --'-~entror teisun! World In Seal ceremonies, and each of the other stars will recount bis experience& a n d remWace about yesteryear. Jn addition, Arrey Ru ... u, the stir of radio's "Lucky strike Hlt Parade," will sing a medley of old sOngs; On display now a t any of our three-fine stores. Stop in soo~.:. . .... _,.,_, ....... • • 1•1~ ~ ~...ord Beach will find out what "The Shadow ~~P.O. eo. m. '™' Knows." aa well u the secrets of radio .,_......, and vaudeville stars o! the t920a and --'l'!:'!':a..a' m•111•AvtNt ---1-~ ·1, •< l c - , • .,,.-.m..,.....1Nrsr1"' 30& tordgbt during a spec. 11 110lta gi¥ ,......,..,,....,. »»1+11-'~ Night per! &eoo~--Nl!l'l~u~111tt1 onnance., The youngest person In the •udlence will be SS, according to Nancy Lewis, tpOkesman for the show's spon901', Home Savtnp and Loan Association. -"Bui they'll remamber 11111ng In front of the radio e.atlng popcorn,'' she added, noting l ,000 !ree Uc~ell for the I p.m. lhow have been dlstrlbuied. Harry von Zell will be master or ,. , ' - Other guests include vaudeville star Whitey Roberti and magician Chuck Jonea . .Radio greata Include Bret Mor· i-loon o! "The' Shadow," ~al'\'ll\ filler o! "The Whistler," Jay Stowart of lhe otlgina1 ,;Truth or Consiequencet'' and ''Let's llfake a Deal" and £Ua Stone or "Henry Aldrich." ,1 • • DAEXEL-HERITAOE-HENREOON-WOODMARK-KARA&TAN-BA~ER . . - ~ -. WIBDAYS & SATUIDA TS t :OO i. i:JO •• ,,. • NEWPORT BEACH• . 1721 W~TCUFI' D~.. 142.2050 LAGUNA BEACH ', 3U NORTH COAl>"r HWY.. '"'·11$$1 II ,, I Friday, Stpttmbt'r 27, 1CJ74 H DAILY PILDT 'A' .. • .. At Yo aif . Service . ' Ford Raked at Inflation Parley A S•nday, Monday, Wodntsda1 and Ftlday •·eature • ·• or lhe:D~1¥ fllot. . • • ... .. M ... Pick Good Denier DEAR PA'I': With all the new mobile Mmes .avail01ble today,. is: there any .,..ay to make sure one purchases the best "brand" currently on the market? Although we know we would prefer mobile home living now that our children }'lave grown, we_ want to make sure the coach we choose is a good buy and well built. • H.G., Homllqtoa Beach , A 1pokesmaa from ti.e Moblle Home Manufacturers AslOclatloa •dvlle1 tat tbe 1tlecUoa 1f a mobile IM:nae dealer ts as Important 1s selection of tbe eoacb itself. It 11 wlse te ask a dealer for ieferences ud check lai1 or bet buaiaeu nputatloa witb the Better Baslnes1 Bureau, your local bank or the OrM'lge 'eouaty Office of Consmner Allain. Tbe . ' -,Association wW assist la handlin& com· .plaints of mobile home owaen la cue -problems arise after pvc:Use. Write .to Virginia Clifton, MUMA, 1"51 Lee .lload, OlanUUy, Va. %0021. .Capt. Stickeu-Re allv • . - A'ftfi!! l'&Qlaes -- +-. ... • ~ • -~ .. ~ ..... . '· : :Qoct~;rs , Report -.... • Nixon 'Responds LONG BEACH, COHI. (111'1) -Two vucular ...,...... were called ln for comaltatloll la tbe ale of former Prell· delllt Nina ·bat k wu decided tllal there was ao _reat111 to cllaage tfle present treatmewl' al 'Ida pillebltl• with aaUcoag- al8Jat1, It Wll alllOUC6d this afternoon. LONG BEACH (UPI) -Ridulrd Nl1on's blood clots a~ "responding satisfactorily" to treatment, but he was reported responding with anger to moves cutting off post·presidentlal privileges and money .. Ni1on's treatment for phlebitis at Long Beach Memorial Hospital Is expected lo last at least through the eod ol next week, preventing N'u:on from at- tending the opening Tue9clay of the Watergate cover-up trial. He has been subpoenaed as a witness for both p~ secution and defenae. * * * Dim View Taken For Nixon Maid, Valet Expenses WASHINGTON (UPI) -11le ch4Jnnan of a Senate subcommittee says the government shouldn't pay for shining Richard Nixon's shoes. The dime-sized embolism in Ni1on's right lung -an area of blocked cireula- tlon caUJed by a blood clot from the phlebitis in bis left leg traveling through his veins to the lung -"is responding satisfactorily to a combined therapy of oral and intravaneous antiCOlg\llant," Dr. John Lungren said 'JbunJday. Lungren, Nixon1s persona.I physician, said the treatment "will be continued for a number d da)rs." An Adminiltration sou r c e in Washiiigton said, meanwhile, that Nixon ts in a "very irritable" mood because ol what he considers the "begrudging attitude" of Congress and other govern- ment agencies to deprive him of privileges, funds and amenities given other fonner presidents, who served out their tenns. "He feels everyone Js giving him a hard time," the source said after a Senate subcommittee Thursday voted to cut Nixon's "return to private life fuhd" by more than bait . Nixoo is upset at other movtS, the source said, and was particularly an- noyed that the Marine Corps only "grudgingly" allows him to play on the golf course at Camp Pendletoo, only a few minutes from his 'estate at San Clemente. Until he was hospitaliz- ed Monday, Nixon spent most of the time since his resignation Aug. 9 in seclusion at the former Western Whlte House. . * * * Greenspan 'Reg ret,s' Comment,s WASHINGTON (AP) A I an Greenspan, President Ford's ch i e f economic adviser has expressl'd regret about his statement that stockbrokers suffered most during the economic slump and inflation. _ "I regret that that comment W1iS not as clear as it should have been," Greenspan told the Sen'ate-House Economic Committee Thursday. "I think that statistically it was cor· rect. All segments suffer seriously from inflation, Jncluding the wealthy. But I • was not suggesting that stockb~ers suffered the most. Obviously the p o o r suffer the most." said Greenspan, chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Greenspan made· his original l'Omment last week during .&:n anti-inflation con- ference convened by the White House. When he said that stockbrokers suf- fered the most proportionately because of the dramatic decline in their earnings during the recent stock market drop, members of the audience hooted and jeered. His remark was critici1.ed by labor leaders and spokesmen for weUare organizations at the anti-inflation con- ference. He also said the Administration's anti- tnflation effort must include help for the poor, and a tax cut for low-income persons could be one step. Greenspan said he opposed any general tax cut that would reduce federal revenues, but said some relief for low-in-· come persons -"the casualties of in- flation" -might be worth considering. Judge Obeyed Too Literally ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -Judge Harold Banks had asked members of a Superior Court jury to wear their .orange ideo!ifylng ha<!ie,s at all times, but one juror appartnUy overdid it. When the juror amved In court without the badge. Judge Banks asked her where it was. 'jl left it on my pajamas," she replled meekly. Cou~ Overttrrns Ruling Against 1'orture-slayer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -. The U.S. Court of Appeals today ordered that convicted acid-killer Geza de Kaplany either be freed on a writ of habeas corpus or allowed to withdraw his guilty plea in the torture-slaying of his bride. De Kaplany was copvicted of the acid slaying of his beautiful wife and sen- tenced to life imprisonment in April 1963. She was slain in August 1962. The 2-1 decision overturned a U.S. District Court ruling which denied de Kaplany a federal habeas corpus writ. The lower court conducted a hearing to determine if failure of the state court to hold hearings. to determine his competency to stand trial deprived him of due process. The court said a quantity of evidence was before the state trial coW1 indicating that de Kaplany was seriously ill at the time of the trial. lt noted that He Cl1ooses . ~ _§acrif ice, No Co11trols By REI.EN THOMAS •• WASHINGTON (111'!J -Pr<~clenl Ford, chairing his inflation summit, ex- pressed optimism today that-the nation's willingness to sacrifice \ill .... he Ip overcome the most severe econonuc pro- blem since the Depression. But be was criticized immediately for doing too lit- tle. Ford presided before 800i delegates and 700 guests in the vast ballroom of the Washington Hilton Hotel at the conference he called of the nation's leaders to find solutions to the vexing problem of simultaneous Inflation and economic slump. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield and HOOse speaker Carl A1bert used the occasion to call for strong and swift action and to teJI Ford that cuts in the budget -no maUer bow deep -could end up making the &iua- tioA \l."Orse, not better. The loudest burst of applause. came when ~1ansfield solemn1y called for man- datory controls on wages , prices, profits and rents. But Ford, as he> bas in the past, rejected that course. "I do not intend to ask for it/' Ford said, noting he had no legal authority from Congress to impose controls. He said it was "most unfortunate" that some businesses already are raising prices in anticipation of an ultimate return to controls. Treasury Secretary William Simon said controls lead to "inequities, distortions, hardships and scarcities" and merely attack the results, not the causes, of inflation. · . DEAR PAT: A few weeks ago I saw ,an individual named "Captain Stickey" bn a television talk show. He represented himself as a modem-Oay . "Superman" ,figure -ready and willing to solve consumer problems. I bet my wife this is a joke and there ls no such person. can you find out where Capta.i.n Sticiey 'can be contacted, if be can? 'Ibe general goveiillnent subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee voted unanimously Tbunday to cut Nix· on's request for transitioo expenses from $850,000 lo $33),000. The House bas pro- posed cutting the expemea lo $.198,000. l<Mrs. Nixon, who is a daily visitor to his bedside, is being assessed of her husband's coOO.iUon at frequent in· tervals," Lungren said. his plea was preceded by a bizarre 1'ricycle Accident Olllburst in the courtroom; that he had been hospitalized earlier for mental il-Results in Lawsuit Jness and that he had attempted suici<i<. Rep. Wright Patman ( O ~Te x . ) ~ chairman of the House Banking Co~ mittee, urged Ford to fite economic advisers left over from the Nixon days. • J.M., Newport Beacll · Soutbef9 Califonla offers 111Detblag 'for everyoDe, '?ven Captaht Sttckey. -wr11e to him 1t zen wou1re Blvd., ""Lo• Angeles. .a-e Reme die s! DEJ\R . PAT: .M.y altempt . at ~leing • practloal by purcliasing vinyl µp!t<l!Stered furniture since I have small children 11as· hacl\flr!'<I!. 'fheY . baye111l'11'ked it up with a ball point pen and ·nothing I've tried has removed the stains. Plus •thal. all my attempt. al seetJng out .-ttain removal infonnation from every <toU.tte imaginable have failed. Do you .know of a solution? M.S., Ctl&a Mesa None of tbe lwdware ltOl'ft c I ided 11le chairman, ilen· Joseph Montoya (U.N.M .), said the subcommittee will inai!t that all ol Nlxon'a federally paid staff confme activities to "direct transl~ lion acts, rather than perform chores In the household ... This additton came after it was discovered that Nixon'• buUer was receiving fU,000 a year and bis mold ..ta,.OGO; •1~¥1!P·1~1 cwmunent ·lands :.... parl of '420,oOo In annual salarl., for the staff euttenlly at San Clemente. Solons Cut Own Tax LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Congressmen, afraid of voter anger if they gave themselves a pay raise in an inflation-burdened election year, have Instead loond a way lo Jnorease tlMlr Incomes by quietly cutting their own taxes, the Los Mieles 1 Times ~rlecf today, 11>< sloiy cUed a JlttJe."91Jced JO<iphole recenUj app<OV~ by the liouse Ways and Means Committee . Reagan . ~eqoie111 Orange l1ou11ty '.~agic' Fades -llad '°'Y product• 1pecillcoliJ ....., ler By Bil.J. STALL plause point! and gag lines Jn the 63- •removtng ball pohtt lak ltalu. Try atiag ,., ,..*"" Wrttw year-Old governor's address. rabbing alcohol on tbe stat. ad ii For more than e-igbt years. 8 SW"e-Ore They didn't clap at all at one obvious ·•U.t 4oesn't work, several Urdware point, when Reagan declared that State l&ores recommended .8111"1fiDI the staili formu1a for poUUcal magic was to put Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest had saved with any hair spray. Let Jt set for Ronald Reagan before a ~Republican the state enough-m·o-n·e y throutfh wise a lew mlolltel-..a ~ ~ .wttb ga~g in Oran&~ Cm!qtf.. investments to run. that office lor the toaP and water. If other readers know The audience would hang on every next 600 years . .,, a ball point pea ink stain removal word with the awe of a IQ..year-old That kind of line used to bring Ute ;product or saccessful b om em a d e visiting the · "Magic Kingdom'' of · house dOwn, particularly in Orange C!o.µn-~!metbod1 or· trtatme~ "'let me tnow Dianeylan<f.for the nm time . ty, whiCh piayed1 an instrumental role ·:'and tbe. lnlo.nnaUoa will be publl.Ued. .. But the fuutiial ~agne6sM was strlt-. in-booming Reagan for the govemorsbip :: ingly absent this week \\'hen Reagan eight years ago and re-electing him i(:on1pla h1t F orms in 1970. • •• ( ) '·One Orange Coonty officeholder, who .• DEAR PAT: I have a amipliinl about NEWS AN.41.YSIS ·oecllned lo be quoted by name, blamed ;!a television repalr dealer wlicb I would the mood on an accumulation of events J! like to address to the bCad of. the includlng Watergate, Richard Nixon's :?slate Bureau of Repair Ser,Yices. This made what may be his final' rriajor forced resignation and the pessimistic !would be SOll\.ewhat ,difficult since the political appeafance u governor in outlook for the fall election. :Jormer chief,' Donald Peacoct. his Orange County,..·u.e national syinhol ol "We're kind of going through the mo- :resigned. Who's in charge oow? I'd also GOP conservatisni. ~ ~ lions," be said. :Jike to know" how to ·request the "Ooe NearJy a third 'of the 900 seats set One state Republican leader who :Stop" complaint lorn\ you described up in .the DJ.ieyllnd Hotel ballroom imoW11 Reagan well olfered t b Is ;leveral months ago. were vacant, althaulb~ty Republican assessment: "It's because of Aug. 8." • c: LT., Fou.ataia Valley leaders said the dinner bad been a 'lbat was the day Nixon announced ;: William J. Hayea Jw·beetnppilaled -aelloul. be was resigning as Pre>ident. The ·lrt Interim cllief following .P..,..t'• · Many wbo bought the fJIJl)-a.plate transition ol the White House to Gerald :,.Slgnatlon. Reqaeot 1 "Obe Slop\".,..,. 'Uclets lor WedDeM!ay night jUll clidn't Ford virtually eliminated every hope :p1a1nt form by sending a ..u.--c0me, they said. Tlioot who did reacted Reagan might have bad of winning the f mped envelope to P.O.• BG %It, -villb nillted mtllUlllaam at na_tural •J> um presidential nomination. cramento, Calif. tl80t. Tld1 r.n.. tlltl · · common consumer complllat .-en. t. •• umen ore llked to lndlcale _ • Sun. day's ru· -01 Surveys Of these on tbe lower I~ aide Of the envelope. Tlte rorm tlMe •. wlll lie lorwarded anapened lo Ille ~ •tite agency for bandllng. • ' Pare n ts' Ll•fJllltt1 ' . . . • DEAR PAT; My .... I newly Ucemecl Clriver, occaslooally takes tlie lamlly ~ar out for the evening. Although I've loid him repeatedly never to lml the bf' to anyone else -and I don't think 1" would -whole retponolbUlty would 't be If he should Jet a friend drive r'1 an accident should occur? • E.R., CMta Meti : Peeple wbo owa avtos, btatl nd. • oircraft are Uable ror tbe Jlelllsul -., perml11tve" _.... ne llablllt)' <It limited to fll,lllt a..i '30,tot. lbe 111ate Bar -., Call!Orlla .. ,, doal la :C.1e1 similar lo tlte ooe. )'Oil prestat, ,e courts have l'.llltd you..1111tractloas. t<in•idercd "secret restrlcUoas," were oot effecOve. Parentld llahUlty alto oe- curs In cases where car keys are ~1av11leble" and the car 11 Uted by a minor (or any othtr person) ..-1th0at Ute "u:press" pCrmlt51(!1' Ql the parent. Easy acce,1 Indicates ' • I m pt • t d pumls!lon," especially ff tbe car 11 •sed tcta lonaJJy by a minor a..i tJie p•irart .,,...e.s al ... --llcenslng. I ::Practice of Sea Burials Among "Sunday's Best," e d I t o rs predicted today, will be these Dally Pilot leaturm: FUNERALS AT SEA-An organ12atlon called the Neptune SOciety Ja helpin« Oranio Co.,t families beat lhe high eost .of dying. Stall Wrltor Tom llarley (.Sunday's Best) looks Into the Jega11tits and other details of crematton and ash·1cattering ctremonics, Y"1U Section. WHAT QP '{HEY KNOW-<'.otm!Y Supervisor Ralph Diedrich reveals In a guest editorial !bat he and other supervisors haven't been able even lo llnd out wlla\ kind ol illlomlaUon 11 being filed by the Orange County lntem....., Unit, mudl lea how tbe Info II being pthend. 1111. -loot at the count)''• own "ClA«yie aovem· ffiellt agency Is scheduled for the Op Ed Page, HOW MUCH GAS-Nobody knows j\111 bow much natural ,.. lies beneath canada's Arctic fringes . but esUmates are that It Is considerable. A consortium of Canadian and Americlill companies wants to build a. gargantuan pipeline lo carry the gas lo homes In bolh countries'.' Chrl.!tlan Science Monitor .llell• Servloo artfde analyies the Impact of the -project both on th• land It ,..ulcl a... and the consumer · lt-would-s<rVe, YOU..sectlon.--, ' 25 REQ YEARS -The People's Republic ot China Is hearing lta 2Sth birthday aa a Community nation. Mao Tse-tung Ja nearing a Ume lor takln1 stock oC what he has accompllshed In hi• 80 years on earth. ~pondenJa lrom the wlr• service< put It Into penpectlve with otorles on both )llalniand incl the "otller'' Chinl, scheduled for SUnday'1 A Section. 'Ibe appeals court overturned the "The President needs to get rid of the holdovers who have contributed to a series of economic mistakes," Patman A Laguna Hills Leisure World resident decision of U.S. District Court Judge who states be suflered serious injuries William T. Sweigert. when be was knocked down by a tricycle The appellate court said a trial court said. · Another congressman, Sam Stratton ([).N.Y.), said the price ol antifree2e demonstratea the nee.ti for · controls:"'He said anmreeze G senll/(,·ltff1f.!i'·a gallon wbole'8le but lrom ·18 lo 112 at g~ •taliorulol eveo tboufb lljere I ~ no ahbrtage It. , . ridden by an elderly lady sued her is constitutionally forced to hold a bear· Thuniday for $300,000. Ing any time substantlal evidence Mc · Robert McKay Gibb, 7f9.B Avenlda pears that a criminal defendant Ja Jn. Majorca, Laguna Hills, names Airs. Nlna axnpetent to stand trial or to enter a L Whltebead aa defendant In bis Orange • guilty plea. ' County Superior Court iawSult. He Iden-Jt added that a defendant m\Jst have tifies Mrs. Whitehead as the operator a higher level of mental competency of a large tricycle which ran into him to· enter a plea of guilty than to stand on Avenida Majorca last May 6. trial. Sylvia Porter, a newspaper oOlUfrllllt, complained that consumera h8if: beeii left out ol economic planning. Slii!' Aid IULIS .Al! ,H!'! l'LAHT-HOW FOR SPRIH~ COLOR . ,. . 3 BIG SAVINGS! · •• • • For color variety in your garden he_re are three favorites MARIGOLDS, PANSIES or _ • .,.,,. 29~. PETUNIAS .... COLEUS Rt<J. 69' 39! . '" Last Chance! MEXICAN POTIERY CITRUS 1•AL S19UOl4 PLANTER MIX 2:--*· s12' ,.1 • Y20FF REDWOOD COMPOST WI-~;~ SJ49 a..sut Pl.AMT IU~IS HOW FOl SPllMG '• UNUN O.ULUS 3• ..._ DAFFODILS ~LSO Ate\ONE lWPS fllFFSIA CROCUS & MANY MORE ....... Ttilr_ ... ,,_,_ . , • -· ' > !f'4 OAl\.V PILOT Frl<f<1, S"t""b<r rl, 1974 Count1·v • OOWTRAILS DEPT. -Qinoidtt the city. of Newport Beach, tliat glamor mi4way locale along oor 40 miles of Or-•* Ooast. What kind of mental imago doii: the name call up? -, ~ Say ~ewport Beach and most folks In ~ ~· promptly think ol Newport H~-'.1h!,nk of Newport Harbor and yod ihink ol great white yachts, music drllting ..rt.sS dappled wa~ rel sails in the Stqet, murmering voices and liell; laughte. among tinkling glasses in tast.fully -">led yacht clubs. Good stu/tlike tbaL So it dOveloped that last nlglrt :iv•• the lime for the Commodore's Club of the 'Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce to bold its annual Everybody Gd.'i\cqallted•Nlght and Grand Gather- ing-Ewllt. THIS BASH IS deoigned yearly so the Cliamber can celebrate the start ol anodier season af1er all tbe tourists have gone' away. Fitting with the image of N~ Boadl; IW.d!Y of harbor, sea, beaches, vistlifllid llllllds, you j\'Ollld Mtlcipale tbla' g~ of the cl81) would be held on ~Pavilioo Ql>ee!l er s0me spadoos wlllte yacht. Or in ooe of the many lalteflJUy appolntal boat clubs. ~~ -you -fillJ\'O. But tt Olltrily"lrile, the <Jmmber leadenbip yeJW. "Y'all Come " and declattll Go-Wi!Mn ,IUgtitJ Tlwf' -coantry. They galiiaed lo get acqainted at a baclupot on1h 1"IDe Ranch known as Bommer C8DJlm-'11l!a: IOcallon maintain<d by the raDtftio"'i bis a cool!bouae. <Xll'Tll, •~ tables under troes, strings r~ .... -and a genuine, old--aqa,e Coualy dirt road. '1"0p MIGllT SUSPECT this was all • ~ Beach put.Jo until you start ~. ~ jlle place. 'l1le dirt road ·il:The-mts -are reelc Then you · . . blq bulls, standing side-by- • ~ "" ·fftlce, glariog al your "'e' ~ Jn Orange County," you mamble to )'OUl"lelf. "Naw, DJU8t be stuffed. 'l1le a.mber probibl{bom>wed 'ee S •• '( lelllJd Wu MuleunL" * : t!M .,;real caw wanders acraes ~~ ·--rolled loward ~beadJ-'"Ibal's a real mw.1 ' you exda:im out Jood. Now you're talking to youroell. " You finlln,:orrive and Bommer can- yon, -. imeed it is really Newport Get-Ac;qalnted Nigh!. A Dixieland band blaree . ._..,. Several bwxlred Newport folk• are _,..ag it up at the old oomt· . EVEN ABSEMllLYlllAN Bob Badham. the Newport Beach Republlean, bas aodoned spedal busineos upstate long eoollgh to Mte!ld. CitY Marine Safety IXrect« Bob Reed Is tbe<e in a oowboy bat F~ <Jiamb<r President Jack Vibert is on hand. So is Conner ?.1ayor Ed Hirth. So is newly decorated 20-year county en~e veter.in Ken Sampson. -of -· harl>ors and lllOlll ol our _, real estate. . P!ill Tozer, .....,. ol the alomneo- 1.iooed Pavilion Queen pleasure boat that isa~ being used for tllls affair, appeattll in a blue-denim outfit. Gary Burrill, the radioman, is circulating. Harry Bab- bitt, the -is also on hand. 80 BERE WAS Newport Beacll, the big """" of business, govemme!ll, in- dustry, mtertalnmenl and maritime operatioos, gathettll near a com! out in the backcountry, kicking dirt . And dearly, they -.. having a great time. All this probably prove thet no matter how glamoroos and oophistic:ited your home town may be, it's still fun every oow and then to go over the hill. NofJody Conaplaitied • Laura Ann Bode encountered no resistance wjien she wore this dress to class at the Univeralty of Nevada. But w~en she showed up for a dance at the Reno campus, police arrested her. At first she was booked for offensive conduct, but police couldn't find anyone who was · offended so they changed the charge to indecent exposure. ' ' P a"lestinian Guerrilla Front Quits. Arab . Group Confirmation Delayed Probe of Rocky's Fina.,,,ces 'Complicated' . WASHINGTON (UPI ) -An intensh'e lnvesilgatJon of Nelson A. Rockefeller's finances will apparently delay his con- , finnatioa as vice president until after election day. Senate nil.. oommitt.. cllalrman Howard Cannon (D-Nev.), erded public bearings n.sr.ctay. but said be was againlt the committee acting until-the Internal Revenue Service and Join t Taxation CommJttee make their report! -wblcb mmmittee: sources say will not be complete until afte< ~ tal<es ils October recess for elections. THE HOUSE his already lndical<!d It woold not act on the Rockefeller nominatica until after the elections, but the Seoate bad planned to complete its worit before tben. Cannon has asked the investigators to take a close look at Rockefeller's 19'70 tax retuma when be paid no federal Income taxee. Rockefeller •XJ>iained be paid oo fed<cal income tax because Sawhill Seeking $40 Million From Refiners WASHINGTON (UPI) -Federal Energy Administratar John C. Sawhill wants to reoover $40 million in windfall profit. from six major oil refiners became they used a loophole in FEA regulations to pass on higher "'8!s ta coosumers twice. Sawhill told a House Small Busines> subcopunlttee 1bur>day that he bad ordered the FEA t.o try to r e c o v e r the funds. He also said the agency had disallowed $29'l mllUon ln new claims from refiners trying to take advantage of the loophole. The oe><:alled "double dip" provlsioo, \\Titi.m into crude oil allocation rules during _ fuel shortages early this year, in effect let some companies count cmts twice in justifying higher prices. Initial estimates p I a c e d the a $S.4S mlllloo capltill gains tax that year WllS nearly three Umes his 'lnccme. CommlUee sources >aid the delay did not ~ecesoartly mean problem1. Cannon said Rockefeller woilld be recoiled if he \\'a! needed to explain any new evidence. "Thi s is S\Klh a complex.Jsaue ... thcre is-a lot more to hls finance.! than even we thought," be said. "It's Just taking time to do a thorough job." ROCKEFELLER WAS attacked In the final day ol the hearings by con- servatives, anti-abortionists and Com- 111unlots. A leader of the Attica prll\Oll rtot, Frank Smith, also cal led "Brother Big Black" and under indictment for murder and kidnaptag in the upri~ng. !old the committee Rockefeller was "directly responsible'• for the death of 43 persons because be ordettll an assault by · sharpshooting state troopers. .Whlle a number ol witnesses con- demned Rod<eleller's handling of Attica, lead•rs of two Black group> said be did the best he could uoder the circum- stances and when biJ record is taken as a whole, Rockefeller is qualified. Po1·no Pictt1re 'Jnst -Natura1', PORTLAND, Maine (UPI) -Cbele Graham. nlbbl ing on an orange after attending a court hearing, sa id she saw nothing obscene in "1'he De vil in ~tl.ss Jones." The 38-year-old actress, kno\\-11 pro- fessiortally as Georgina Spelvin, was free on $1 .000 per9'.>llal recognizance pending appeal of a case arising from her star· ring role in the movie. "I see nothing more obscene in "The Devil in fl.fiss Jones" than in the . "Hellstrom Chronicle.'' she said. "It merely deals with people instead ol In.sects -but in both pictures the aibject is natural functions." Se~ond .Co111ing? Mi niskirted Gal Says 'l 'rn Jes:us' WASHINGTON (AP) -A woman wearing a white blouse and a dark blue miniskirt brieOy interrupted Nelson A. RockefeDer's confmnaUon bearings Thursday by standing in the midst OC the audience and proclaiming that she was Jesus Christ "LET nus BE known : that I am J .. us Christ," she shouted while the Senate Rules Committee was hearing Rocke£eller testimony. As police started to escort the woman out, she crted. "Thank God, thank God. Get my purse." - A man, who turned out to be ber husband, tried lo block the aisle. Three Capitol policemen balf-carried him out of the hearing room. The Yl'Omlln, who identifjed herself as both Nancy Isabell Thompeon and fl.trs. Amos Heacock, said she was an ordained minister of the Aquarian Cooperative Church of Jesus Ollist and had come to proclaim Christ's return to earth. POLICE ESCORTED the man and Yl'Oman out of the building and said no charges would be filed. By United Press Intemallonal overcharges at close to $300 million, but S!whill said the six large refiners had "actually overcharged customers" general command and the Iraqi-backed only $40 millioo. Arab Uberi tion Front to quit. 1be Sawhill said five other companies also A short whHe later, the Rev. Ke~eth E. Lee president of the Washington Christian Action Council, took the witness stand to oppose Rockefeller. He · described the former governor as an adulterer, the first reference to Rocke- feller's divorce and remarriage in four days of bearings. A split in the ranks ot the Palestinian Guerrilla Movement ~ lbtealened today to widen; complicating even further U.S. peace efforts in the Middle East. Palestinian sources Jn Beirut said ·two .. l!lOre guen1111 ~ may 8000 quit · tbe administrative body ol the Arab GuOrrtlla Movemeot, followiag • the withilra""1 ol -~ Fi<iot for the Llbenitloo of Palestine, tile' - that made airplane h l J a c k I n g synonymous with guerrilla terrorism. THE FRONT TllUllSDAY annoonoed its withdrawal from the leadership of the Palestinian Li beration Organization, the acknowledged administrative body for all Palestinians. It said it was doing so because the PLO was pro-American and might lead to recognition o! the existence of I!l'ael. The PLO executive committee called an emergency meeting to discuss the withdrawal and tbreats by the PFL? Range rs Save __, Teton Hi ker MOOSE, Wyo. (AP) -An in- jured climber was rescued from the rugged Grand Teton Peak this morning after spending more tha n 60 hours on the mountain. Follo~ing the rescue, Harold Drake, 24, Of Des Moines, Iowa. WM taken to St. John's Hospital in Jackson. Drake wa> brought down from lhe mountain at approximately 5 a.m. by a 26-man rescue team Df National Park rangers. The rangers walked down the peak alt· er three at!-elJlpted helicopter evacuations were unsuccessful. eneral toinmand was respomible for took advantage o! the loophole to build a mmtlief ~ lerroristattaclnb"lsraeU up credits for PoOsiJil~ future _price in-·•n·-. crea.es. He said the FEA """1d audit • .._.,.. anothe< 20 firm> to see if they took The Rev. Lee also said, "I v.l>tlld like to disassociate myaelf from the v.mnan who stood and said she wu Jesus Christ. The Bible does not u y Ouiet wooJd come back in the form of a woman and certainly He woukl not be wear· ing a miniskirt.'' L e b a·o s e newopapers unanimously dOulie-dip prUils. iliiideiimed the .move by the extremist ~~iiiii~iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiii-=::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1' popu!ar '-' to withdraw from tb• PLO. EditOdahiliUcited it for tbe liming of "" aimcilncement and .. id it un-dermined 1nter-Palestioiill 1lllity. ' 'Fbe Pro-Libfan neW9paper M safir, which rejects a Middle East settlement, said the PFLP had tbe right to take the political stand it wished, hut its choice of timing to withdraw from the PLO executive committee was wrong, AL lJWA TOOK a similar line and said "every commando group should give the higher Palestiriian interest top priority." Beirut's largest circulation newspaper, An Nahar said the PFLP breakaway "pits serious cracks in the wall of Palestinian unity." · DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delive ry of the Daily Pilot is guaranteed Mo1utav·Frid11r II ~OOl'IOl h•vt',..,.,.. p;ope, b'I ~ XI p.m , "'" •rw:I Y(IUr COllY wit! be DfO"'ll'll •o yDU. C.i1~ •rf l•'!'tl ...,Iii 7:0Gp.m. '»turOilv •lld Su"°"Y' If 'JIOU 00 not rT<elw yo,,. tOPf by' •.m. ~turo.v. at I •·""· !tvrld•f. t•lt ...., • tOOr will be btouQPll la'°"'· c.i1, Ml! t.u.en unhl 10•.m. Telel)h(>ne~ NMll'IW.t~I HllllllnglOflk K ll ;indWelitm•nlittt ........... , .•••.. S..0.11lfl S..nC-"W.C<1oltl•-8P-11". S.11 Ju..., c..,,J~t•-. o-Po"\t. bl~ l•IJIJ .... l..JVU"ot N"luf'I , ...• , 'fl U l'O RlMIDDd lllHn FIBI 11'1 Blllll'V IMrlV TllOlllPSOO --MUii!' TlllOr ·~ Fine furnishings, fabrics. wall coverings 10 flt eve ry budget. compllmen1ary A master desi gn advice. at !he Truly an lnve11ors and col· Beverly Thompson ln le r· dlsappear- Jectors gallery~ Raymond nali onal -Car pcnng, ing craft or custom-m ade Hagen features the most vinyl, Ule In a compJc1e mens' cloth ing, Tony Botlc complete collection of home center. offers the finest In both Norman Rockwell prints Beverly's Table-Everv· fabrlcandquality.Cus1om- vou11 find. An Impressive thing imaginable for cas-designed and tailored collectton of Robert WOOd ual or eJeganl dining. clothing by Tony Bolte el- patntlng& plus Marc Beverly's Bedroom Bou· lows yo utotrulylookyour Chagall, Siqueiros, Marcel !Iqua -Truly-spectacular very best. Dy(, Whitaker, Locce and bed others make this a gallery cus iom accessories. that Investors and collet· tors most visit. Oriental rugs and artiracis:. Handmad e (Nomadic ) Crafts manship RI Its very finest and at prices easily affordable. Orie ntal throw rugs. Second ,floor. 25() Newp ort Center Drive, Suite 207,. =· Winter Storm Rolling In 81ddlllal/ RDllllllOll. lllC. Walking · through Frank Erle I Anni AlltlQUU Warren Imports' Deslgnm and Craftsmen are renowned for their "tn- tematlonal Theme". RMI· denllal and commercial lnlerlors, tumithlngs, ac .. cessorles, antiques, fine arts & glf11 tor dJ&erlmlna\• Ing tastes. • -Cold Front Crosses N. P lai1isTowc1rd Ohio Valley Temperaur es "''"~ ll•kHSIJtld " .. OOt:IOll " " l llff•lo .. " Cl\Mlollt " " ,,_ .. " C!nc:lt111•tl " .. Clew!arld " ~ P••i.• "' " ""'-u " O.rrolt .. " -" " HOl'IOlufu .. " ~w1 City .. .. l•'llllt .. " Ml•pN " " ,.,,_ " .. ~}!0111 .. II N OrlHM II N"" y~ " ~,,,., " ~ " " ... 11:= ~ ll ='. i:-;; .... ~ PorM , h l! ., .... " S1<r11nt11lt .. " ~~oull ll " r Lallt Cit~ l1 f rll'ldKI .. , .. lllt ... ., ''""" Ii II Wl tlll""lol'I (COO$tal weothtr Inf or- mdtion wUI bt fo•nd todag 1111 Page Bl) ~ --- Interior designers and lm· por1ers. Pat Giddings nnd Claire lloblnson Invite you to see a special exciting collecUon or rugs, an· llque s. accessories and contemporary furniture from around the world. We are experienced In bringing together the best in all periods and cultures. OM,,,,,."°""' tMontt ,OMr liMW. Coww 10 MS to fiM it! ferris Interiors ,...._ 1sa unique sensual experience. The plav of earthen textures -stone, leather. 1uede and warm woods -!J1d delicious colors proffer a visu al feast. Accessories abound -each chosen wHh an eye for the distlnc· tlve, the onEHlf •8·k Ind , Stop In for a cup of coffee and 11n enltghtenlna chat with our staU. ,._ A quaint hom&spun shop wllh 1he warmth, color and per1onallty ot one-of·a- klnd fumJshlnp and'acces- sorles for the home. Fea· tured are select antiques, trunts, chesta, mirro rs. clocks. tables, chairs and other collectable1 lnclud· Ing con1emporary, abstract and 1radlltonal fine art. 111'1-Oe1lgn Framing. Original 1raphlc1, wa1ercotor1, painttagl,JCUlptUtt. rop~ lepro tt 11 a new, expend· Once you have 1een~her ducuons, lighting and ac-- tn1 Reproduction· facility creat1on 1, you will ntver cessorfes. unique Idea• - conven.lently located In forget their Impact. II vou per1ona1tzed service . the Design Plaza section of have never seen her cne· Hom• and commercial in. Newport Centar. Our 11r-tlon1, you mu1t experlenca 1tallat1on1. U!e1ln1.tllnan· vtce1 ranae from photo re-. them atTat's. A wann w•I· cln1. Member. Southern produ ction to • complete com• win be weltlna for Callfornl• Art 01111[1 line of dr1ft1n1 1uppU11, you. A11oclarton. PMlllC CMtt Hll•"•t De1l&ILllJ1M.AJ.!rlJt( Newport Center ••• Wm of F11hlon J111nd. Take Newport Ctnter Drive Ind look 10 lhe sea. Nine fl•p In 1h1 1ky direct rou 10 pltnly o( fret p11kln1 and a lraly unique 1Jfoppln~ u:ptrtence. ·- • F~d11, S.ptr-27, 1974 DAILY PILOT J1 51 Babysitter 'Ripoff Boiauses' ' .............................. • ' Arrested In Kidnap SAN DIEGO (API -A babyallter wllo allegedly kid· naped a Chula Vista infant three weeks ago, saylng she neoded the child lo claim her husband's lljherltanc., bu been arrested In '11juana, Mexloo. Aulll>ritles ..U-the- baby was found sale In l\lex- ic.a.11, 100 miles away. 'nle 5-week-<1ld b a by , C a r m e n i t a PoUorena, ap- peared healthy and brlaht· eyed as she was reunTted ('---~t_a_t~ _ __,J ll1dl11g /llade Mayor Joseph L. Alioto of San Francisco was told again Thursday by Thuraday with her parenlls, district attorney he John and Yolanda Pollorena, should "withdraw from at the Tijuana police otatlon . ·any further negotia· Reagan Pension Attacked, THE Nll(QN SACRAMENTO (\!Pl) - Assembly Spej1ker Leo T. McCarthy has charged that Gov, Ronald Roagan urged quick passage of a legislative pension reform bill in an at· tempt to protect his own retirement "ripoff bonuaes." The Democratic lawmaker Thursday tald constitutional offlctn., not just legislators, have 11abused" the retirement system. "It 11 time we stop at· bonuses unavailable to any future governor o r con- stitutional -off~r." 1'1cCarthr said. lie explained that Reagan's penskin is computed at 40 per· cent of his salary, currently $19,100, but woitld Increase proportionally any Ume future govemora received a pay & crease. That feature has been eliminated for anyone elected arter 1972. "The biggest r i po f L hoWi!ver,'' P.1cCarthy declared, ''Is from the add ition of a cost-of-living adjustment bas- ed on 1954. 'this ncreases Gov. Reagan's entit1ement from $19,640 to $:16,230 Im· mediately." McLennan Raps Quimb y ~~~~li:n t~ ~~":itl:e~Y~~ SACRAMENTO !UPI ) - A sponsor of the penSK>n repeal eligible for $10,164 a year _ including the governor's freshman Rep u b 11 can as--bill , whiob bluntly told Qulm· under the present system. Jf special pension bonuses be semblyman seeking to repeal by : ... the law Is changed, he would seems 30 Intent on pr~ the early pension benefits for ''If this bill is passed it 1 k tlri I not receive a I e g is I at Ive tecting." hfcCarthy said in a awma ·ers says a re ng co· might be the )olt that wiU prepared statement. league will be hurt more by save your life. If things con-pension until age 60. f\;fcCarthy and 0 t h e r his drinking problem than the tinue for yo u as they now "I feel like a person must NICOtl f2 wftlt 1.4 .... & C•M •••••••••••••••••• ,,21.76 MlkOtl F1'M wiHrl 1.4 S.ttt & caw .....•.••...•• ,. SIJl.76 ..._ORMAT IL wltlt FJ .... , • c•M •••••.•••••. S472.64 -OAMAT -fZ leoa I. c•M ••••• , • , ...... SlJJ,50 Democrats Wednesday re-probable loss or his pension. are medically, I would expect feel when he is ted to the jccted Republican eUorts for A5.5emblyman John P . yo ur life expecta~y to be gallows and they are about immediate repeal of early Quimby, CO.San Bernardino ), about tv.·o to three years. Your to drop the door," Quimby retirement benefits tor some a 12-year legislatlve veteran, problem Is not In your legs. lamented \\'ednesday. lameduck legislators. The had complained that he wlll H's the motioQ in your right "I've shaped my whole life HUNTINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY A sketch ol the babysltte< lions or participation" crawn by a police artist and in family's purchase of pub 11 •he d in Tijuana Pacific Far East shlp- newJPBpera aeveral day• ago ping company because apparently led to the arrest of · "conflict of Inter· of -. Lopez !lOBomll, ests." clan , which .. allows some have difficulty gctltng a job elbow." around the pension plan ' . ' aw1nakers to retire during aft.er losing his Assembly seat McLennan was dismayed 1 felt I've earned my relire· llllt M• st .. H.l.-t47-641 I .-.142·tllt reapportionment years before in the primary e I e c 11 on , that the letter had been made ment. I feel I'm getting the ._ ______ .,.-........ ._iiili"'iii'"iii"ii~-------f rea~hing age 60, could coat pnrticularly because he ls public but acknowledged he short end of the Stick." .• saia Son Dleco Sheriffs Lt. --------- Marlow llllhbm ,taxpayers mUllons of dollars. confined to a wheelchair due was talking about a drinking Quimby r e s p o n d e d to!==================== to Polio. problem and hoped his advice MeLeMan's letter by saying INSTEAD, committee hear· He released a letter from "might shake h1m up enough the Republican ''needs KIDS tngs on the entire issue of Assemblyman Bob r.1cLeMan, to make him stop." Nnrdllatric attention. It's LJKE TO ASK ANDY retirement for elected officials ,.-~ were scheduled for ,.,londay. ~(R~·~Do-wn~c:"iy l~. ~the~~le~gi:_~_!al":ur~e~··~~Q~u~im::_,iby~, ~39~, ~a~form~~er~b~road~:_· ~ju~st~lfl~c'...:at'._lon~on~~h1~·s~pa~rt---ror.J:=================== e PMlc Foiile4 Up LOS ANGELES (\!Pl) - 'nie federal government broo(JX a JeOO,IX!l suit Thurs- day against a oompnny that aJJegedly created a foulup in nation.al park reservations that v.lil! last for the rest She Admits Killing Man Over 'Rape' Jn ordering the special 1 _ only physician and prime caster. would lmmedlat'.ely be hurting a lot of people." session on retlremetnt reform o< the year. . The J u s t i c e Department said the company s o I d camp.<11"" In ·nllllonal parks to more than one croup at a time. creating conflicUI, did not make prompt re!Wlds to camper1 and refuses to give the park service the money and records needed t o straighten oot the mess. The dvil suit w.., filed In U.S. District Court against Park Reservations System1 Inc., its thrte operaton, and the Insura~ Co. Of No r t h America of Pennsylvania , the company's !Rll'ety holder. e M•11•on /lfo ved SACRAMENTO (AP) - Convicted mam murderer <l>atiel Manaoa bu spin been placed under t 1 g h I i -Y reatrictlcu lft<r he tried lo •rnuute a Jelle< out . ! of'prleon, atate olflclals aay. : PrllOO sp<>kesmen had said . early last "'eek that Manaon had been allowed greater • freedom of movement _and ~ greater contact with other in- mates at the Call·fornla Medical Facility al Vacaville. e Soldier Kiiied FT. ORD (AP) - A aoldler : was shot to death here by MO~'TEREY (AP) -'Tm oot sorry I did it," said Inez Gareia, admltttng tlhe killed a Soledad man bUt Insisting it was self defense. Accuaed of murder, Mrs. Garcia testified. In her own behalf Thursday In connection with the MaTCh 21 '11oollng death of Miguel Jlmel'*'z. "YES I KILLED him be- cauae he helped Luls C8stillo rape me," Mrs. Garci..!' told a packed courtroom. "It11 about time it get& talked about, even lcidl get raped now and no- body says an thine al>oul II." Mrs. Garcia, the wife of a Soledad Prl!iOn lnmete. claims · that J lmenez and ea.ttllo asoaoltod her and beat codelendanl Alfred Modrano prior to the shooting. She also said she received taunting ,phone calls lolloWlnC-lhe rape. Deputy Pist. Atty, Arthur Braudrick claiml an argument tunODI{ the four prlnclpab over alleged drog lralflcklng led to 'tbe sMollng,' The trial continues Tuesday. in response to public demand over the pensions, Reagan urged that the repeal be e«n· pleted In "a couple of hours" to hold dov.-11 expenses of the se5.51on . McCart hy said the rush was desi g ned to prevent lawmakers from s t u d y in g Reagan's retirement. The speaker vowed tt would not work. The San Francieco lawmaker said Reagan, 63, after 110111y eight years of service," will leave office and draw an annual salary of ~.IXM>. "He receives that amount only by Invoking 1 p e c i a I 1 Candidate Charged In Bribery ONTARIO (AP)" -WJU!am McVlttle, a Democratic can· di date for the state Assembly, hill been charged 'Aith n1isde- meanor bribery because of allegatlOM that deputy county registrars were paid 40 cents for eac.h new registered Demxrat. a military p>llcemen trying .---~-----~ McViUie's voter registration drive ooon:Hnatm', Ruben Lara, was charged with the same violation Thursday. Beth are to be arraigned today in Ontario Municipal Court to make a drug arrest, an Anny. spokesman reported. The sOOotin& occurred 'Thursday evedng outside an enlisted men11 club as the MP was invest.lg1tlng an alloged oale of dangerous drugs, the spokesman oatd. The MP wao ouspended from duty pendlng an Investigation. 19 Solo1is Get Bo11us A three-week investigation "·as made by the S a n Bernardino County Sheriff's , SACRAMENTO (AP I _ office at the request of Nineteen former s ta t e Registrar William Clint.on. The 40-cent bonuses were allegedly legi1lators are receiving paid to deputy registrars early rttirement bonuses recruited in the Ontario-chino • Vu•-.. &n "' ed now · and ' will apparently .. ,..m . area. continue to receive them SACR.UtENTO (UPI ) -even if the oonttpversial The standard practice is John P. Vukaaln Jr., con-law Is repealed in the that deputy registrars are trovenlal member ot the special legislaUve session paki to cent.I for each voter, Public Utilities CommJsaJon, Monday, the l.()s Angeles regardlcM oi party. was named to the Alameda Times reported in its Fri-McVlttle, 36, i1 r u n n i n g c:ounty Superior Court befic.h day editions. against R er u b 11 c a n Pete """'·__.A Vender Poe for the seat in "~-Y by Gov. Ronald '-----------' the newly formed 6 51 h Reai!llL Reaaan prevlouslyi-----------""°'"-'-~~Y:....:D~~~tr~lc~t.----I nominatod Vulcasln, 48, a Republican, to the ls! District Court ol Appeal In San Fran· ci900, But following w!delj>reld protest of the nomination, Reaaan withdrew it in an unptecedented action. Units _I\ wake After Quake In Canyon SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) - A mild earthquake near a nuclear Power plant under conatructlon ha1 abaken two CltiJens groups Into HkinC the Atomic Energy Commilllon to suspend construct1on unUI the earthquake ' dan&ert ore fully , evaluated. The two .,..pt, the Scenic Shortlln11 P r• u r v a t ion + Conference In S.nta Barbara· and the ~_ldlll Obllpo l lfothero for Peace, told the AEC that further reieon:h , should be conducted on the ' orr1hore-1ault-1ystem 1'11hln 10 tnlle1 or llJe plant at Dlablo Canyon. • -~-~---1 1?fi .~.!.!!!r • INSURANCI 1914~ ... .....,. COSTA MIS4. 541-HM ' ' MJBTC.IUIOTT UC Son Diop"°'*"°' Rcber1 C. EHioll i1 1he oulhot of tht lint orticle 1n the 18-port Canes by Newspopo< s.nts btlng publiihtd OS 0 pubic seMce tr; the Dc:i'Y Pilot Elfiott b: o Uttrolurt p-ofesscr al UC Son Diego and is a fellow of the~ Academy of Artsond Scltnces. l1)t ~rig ort<lo of tho ,..;., "In Search of tho Ame<i<on (n(m .. ~s In Sundoy's Doily Pilot. In ii. Elliot! ln:ns tht wty tJwinnings ol America, lht ospiroliofls of the coionisls and rte o:hltvtmtnts ond tru1trotion1 ll'tol hovt bltfl port of the """""gow1n. · I Rooclors of'''""' by NewlfJOPfr ortkles may olio totruol"9e ""'""'·tho< tllort~l>I IM>!Ung ot either.UC INIM or Oronge C.O.t honing Col"9f. COJrMs by NtwlOOPtf ore prtpartd bf UC Son Diego under !1(Jll• of tht Notloiiol Endowmtnt for tho Humonltltt on<l tho Won foundotlon. Midis will opptal' Wllllly on Sunday1 In !t'it DAILY PILOT I ' • -. 4 BIG . REASONS ••• for buying thl1 RCA XL-100. O Solid state reliability. O Black Matrix picture tube (RCA's finest ever) for sparkling t>rlght, detailed pictures . The 111 new "Allen" 111 perfect example with Ila 30,00Cl-Yott• chllll1 and beauty to match. Conservee energy tool Utft 24.5% 1111 power O Automatic line tuning convenience. O Superb styling and traditional RCA craftsmanship. than our comparable Mis with tubes. · ·~ et iero bum current. RCA 1975 XL-100 prices $ start as low as ~•w 2Sll )( DIAGONAL L·100 2 RCA Acculine portables. One big enough for the whole lamily, the other a bit more peraonal. Both featurLthe Accu/ina "in .. lina" picture.tuba ayatem so poptllar In smaller sets, AccuMatlc IV, pu1h button color control and RCA XL·100 100% aolld stats performance in oulltsndlng, decor~tor. deaigntd cabinetry, RCA's biggest screen, a great value. ConM1 rve1energyl (U...48% 1-powerthanour comparable tube sets.) Preserves your budget tool And, RCA craftsmen bring y0111 striking Spenl1h style console featuring a massive platform base, overhanging top and decorative filigree, •• it's all RCA. Model OT·708 RCA· 17 ~AGONAL XL·100 , I 19046 BROOKHURST ST •. DAILY 10.7 SAT. I O.l:JO, SUN. 10.1 OPll4 MOM.. THUL • NL I O.t HUITllGTOI BEACH _ 968-3329 • " • ' -----· ' ... ' ,,~ ; ~YLY ·PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I •• • • New High Rise · Rules "' . After all the years of struggle. delays and ('O.ntrovcrsy. Lhe _ne\V high 1isc constructioq, rules adopted las t week by the Huntington Beach City Council are a bit disapp0lnting. Altho~gh the COijncil ·agreed lo delay artion lo ii:ive O\\'ners more time to study future dc\'elopn1cnt or Lheir prope rty. councilmen ucted wi se ly in making it clear they in lend to eliminate the eyesores. 1'o begin with, •tfley cove,r only industrial a nd commercial zones, The touchier issue of residential big~ rise is s till in the planning stage. •l•••, And the brief ordinance that was adopted, in the --'"· ll"ds of Planning Director Dick Harlow, only 'rhe gas stations v.•ould be ho rd lo convert to other business purposes and should be torn down. not left ins}ead to det e riorate as targets for vandals. 'fil e cit~· council seems t o realize that an eyesore is ,11reycsore. \\'hoever O\\'llS it. -· •·-accommod ales--'-~it. does-not_!!e.nc.o ur-agc '"- • roperly locat ed high rise. ·-F1eXi6le~Clucation- ': • , , Rather than allowing· the city the freedom to 1 _ review each indivi<lual plan and approve it or reject it ·-based on its own' m erits, the new ordinance __ at,ablis hes a few early restrictions, such as sideyard Enroument at Orange Coast a nd Qolden Wesl Colleges has jumped 22.7 percent over last year 's ~1ttendanc~ figures. • setbacks, '"hich may discourage developers from making lhc efforl. Only time will tell the true effect or the nC\\' mul li·story p la nning la'''s, but \\'ith <lo\vntov.:n redevelopment just around the corner. the city could have used ;1 rnore flexible planning t90I to help niold it . College officials point out that stude nts are taking smaller class loa ds than previously. It's still a good sign, thoukh, that so m any residents are taking advantage of community college offerings. ' t I The f~et that so many people are using thr colleges. even to lake one or l\\10 classes. is an indication Of the increasingly fine reputation of both schools. · • Still an Eyesore 1\1ernbers of the F'ounlain Valley City Council said they, were s urprised to learn recently that an unsightly gasoline station in their city. abandoned more tha n five years ago, no\v is owned by the Boy Two n~arby community colleges. in Cy press and Jo'ull erton. ho\v only a 13 percent increase this year, Hnd school officials admit that is an optimistic figure. An ac ive .summer recruitment program, plus a new sysler allowing flexible scheduling on the GWC and OCC ampuses, is one reason for the colleges' success. • I ; I I Scouts. • City officials learned of the Seoul O\vnership a~ they prepared for pablic hearings into demolition of that statJon at lle il Avenue and Bus hard Street and a ~i mil ar eyesor e at fleil Avenue and llarbor Boulevard. The fl xible scheduling has opened sections or classes cl$ed during early registration and has begun sections at earlier and later hpurs requiJed by some students. 1 Scout officials say they have no plans for the property. They acquired it late last year as a But a Still larger reason is \hat both institutions arc .reallYi fulfilling their obligation of providing superior p nd easily available ed ucation to the =m~r. H 'Besides, the Communists spend niore money to subvert democratically elected governments than we do!' ' donation. · )Urik Addict ' i I St~ll l11fl11e11ce Policy111akit1g Can't Kick 7.;~e Habit Dear Gloomy Gus N~xon Holdov.~rs • Ill White House Curtis of Ne braska , some l\\'O week s the s~me Do mesti c Council staffers. ago asked for a pri\'ate session \\'ilh BUT TllE aftermath of this last in- the President to di scuss their com· cident s hO\\'S that . for all the plaints about \\'hat they consider his similarities bet"·een the Nixon and leftward drift . The Jack of any Ford White liouses, there are dif· W ASHINGfON -How little both r: :ART HOPPE \Vjth teenage alcoholism on the the s ubst a n ce a nd s t y l e or rise. how can any brewing com· poli cy making have changed at the pany justify. producing "near White 1-1.ous~ is r eflected by the £act beer" -the drink that tastes that the sa~e economist \\'ho \\'!'Ole and smells like beer and is sold President Nixon 's last economic to kids? \Yhat next -imitation speech expects to \Vrite President ) f l SeftemberB,1175 ~ gin and \\•hiskeytor'thekiddies? Ford's speec h co ncluding hi s Olorl,a N. Flayshon , a seemin gly S.L.W. economic summit conference Sept. ctable houae~·ire, ~·as convicted GIMfllV G..,1c•-•MS••..,..1-..~w 28. 1 . . : •. ral Court today or buying a ,...,..,.,,.. .. .ec-+1yrw11Kt... The speec~\\•r1ter 1~ eco nomist Sid· ckoo·clockplantholder. :::ca:.:,.~1y~w,,_,.i n e~ J ones, a ma1or bac kst agl' rs~ayshon 39 was arrested un-pohcytpaker al t]].e . th 1 97ffinDectssal'Y Purchast?s belore..they_took..he r in - a plea they Nixon \\lhite H~use l.;P sed by Co,ngress in July, as a of course refqsed. ' ~ho 1r. em a i ~ s l d sperate attempt tb curb in-Under relentless questioning by ~1ghly influ,ent1al ·n · The new law requires con· Prosecutor Furter, Mrs. F1ayshon ad· 10 planni n ~ the th mitted she had viol~ed the lGO'S of Ford economic s e to prove at any goods\lhey ·her probation i nd Had not only~ read summ1·1t. "'har''s sa/etyorwell·being." ..... ; , ads in newspapers and magazines. more.~ones 4s no- { EVANS-NOV AK ) THIS CAN be partly explained by response to th e Senators is the respon· ft rences \\•hi ch hopefully \l:ill be the Jack of the usual transition period si bilily not of At r. Ford but of his staf. dominant e \•entually. Unable to bct1\·cen PresMents. l\1oreover. th ere fers. For \'arious strategic reasons. make his point "'ith the Don1eslic never \\•as much chance fo1· ap· t~l'Y did not ''"anl the Senators to see Council staff . Quie insisted on seeing precia ble change as long as Gen. h1n1 no\\. the President him self. a friend and Alexander ~jaig maintained the old ~ . all y ror l? yea.rs. Qui e got into the Nixon system as \Vhite House chief of ITEJ\I : ~he Domestic Council starf ... Oval orricc. made his pitch to ~Ir. staff: \\'ith J.laig leaving this \reek , ad-has dom 1na ted the presidential Ford and came a\\·ay con,·tn ccd th ere ministration officials outside the decision·making .about the govern· \\'Ould be no veto. \\'~ite Hou se hope a ne"' day \rill'-ment 's new e ner gy p"o li cy The point is that QUie ne\·er "·ould dawn for them. . . ~achine~-a decision c~uc1aJ to both hate gotte n close enoug h to Nixon to , ,Ne\•ertheless. 1nt1mate Ford ;id· diplomatic and econom1C' problems~tradict .the staff. In contrast close buY are needed for their "health, ~ • · j but watched a comm~·rtca l on J • f th pur#Ai the dramatic l'jil , ... t-·os"lon . .,#".-• . of!Po og1e~~. e equtor Fra'nklin Furler noted ~-.-..., a s·.~ iii 1 'O n Mrs':" f'layshon was already on "l had ·already gotten U:P · to _g_o atconom·ic; .. Sl>eech . ~'jS:US are deeply disappointed about · The Domestic Council paf>'::r on the personal aides brought to the 'White-t~e first six weeks at.the Ford ~\1hite subJect. submitte'd to J.tr. Ford last House by ~tr. Ford reel open access House. \Yh~t foll~ws 1s ~ sa~phng of ,v..·eek ,. ":.IJ5 lr,eat':d as a t.OP se,cret u•ill be the essence -of his presidenc)·. recen~. ittc1d~nts1 t~er~ •. w.h1ch . ~re d.O<'ument ~o~ ft:''.!l1lable to·h1a:h gover:· 6ne.e Haig leaves. they beUeve, ~tr. ... cUsturb1ngly s1"'!1ila.r tq~he ,pre,·a1hng nment off1c1afs bl.lt!td'if t1l e \\1hitc Fori:l's persona l i~c-linations for.a de·· pattern of the NtXon \Vhite.House: .., ,• Uoose. enil)hasited White H~ sttifl will be ation for purchasi ng a $12.95 set wash my hands 18 Limes in 29 in Los Anfeles •• : •. or.six inUque Lucite moustache cups rhinutes," she told t.Jle jury. "So l July 25 \Vhi ch advocated ··the old time and a 514.95 Sturred Canada Goose just sat there telling myself, 'One reli gio n .. -• t hat is. fiscal anO Lamp Kit. teensy commercial won't hurt'." monela'ry conservatism -and not "SNl~fore you, ladies and ge n· "But they s howed this r ea ll y muc h elsc. I/ . · adorable cuckoo·c loc k plant holder tletMn," rter told th e jury, "you nd h' . d ·b bl · ALTllO UG t Nixon's July s~cch a t 1s 1n escr1 a e craving came ,. ... seeil.hat~sl selfish, thoue:hUess anrl over me and 1 knew 1 just had lo have was in itse lf a depressant on the de.ca or Americans-a co m· f d ,, A . h b k economy. oth,er government of"'oco'als aixan .•. tthis po1nlse roe 11 pu~-e '*-r· Or, as th ey are called down in tears and co"\tldn't goon. expect J ones to folio\\' the same thelieda"s,a'i"unk junkie'." ge neral scfipt for '-Ir. ford. Apa•t .1 Following the verdict, Defense At· 1• • 11 her ~Jense, the s6bbing three· torney Perry Elk made an. impas· from perpetuating Nixonomics, this time loser: aid only that she needed sioned pl e'a for leniency. shoY•S that economic policy is still the cuckoo.clqc~ plant holder "to .. 1 admit your honor, that my client being made in the White House rather ~n UI th·e living room.•· is a junk junkie,., he said dramatical· than by Secr'elary of the Treasury 1»Jw)•"tequired just 17 minutes to ly . ''But Jet us remember that she has \Vill iam Simon. as once seemed _____r_eltl(Ul~~illy verdict. been-cenditioned since infancy by a probable. Mn. Flays bon was arrested a er trillion dollars "·orth of advertisin g to SuCh a pattlrn generallrhOl<ls\toe her husbaad came home to find the become hooked on this insatiable for all gove\-nment policymaking ne·w cuckO..Clock plant holder as well craving. during President Ford's (i rst six as a plea .. crawled in lipstick on the • But Judge llector (flangi ng liecl \Veeks in office. Despite his genuine bathroom mirror: "Slop me before I \Yool se)' was not impressed. "To see desire to decentralize Po"·er away buy again !.t' the defendant as simply a victim or from the White House· and back Lo P4:>1.ice found her in the Imported h~r uni mpoverished environment." cabinet-level departments, little ha s CuPio9 Sec!tiori or a di scount, house. he said sternly, His bleeding·heart changed. In1ee d, the \Vhite House They· s1id'"s he was pale, trembling nonsense! To protect the econom ic Domes ti c ouncil under Nixon aniper's~ng: They said she begged safety or all decent citiicns, this holdover Ke Cole, is more intluential thetn to allbw her to buy "just one lit-woman must be exposed for wh at she than ever. ~o wo nder, then. th at tli 1 J.95 Zamboangan Rain Goddess" rs .• an incurable junk addict." policies re mar as they were. '• I ~ ITE!\1: The recent legislati ve mes- sage sent Congress by ~lr. Ford \\·as prepared entirely by the Domestic Council. \Vhen one While House aide bootlegged a copy to a cabinet mem ·· bcr. angry Dom estic Council starrers launched an investigation to'lnsco\'c r the .. leak.·· Item : /\ dozen co nservati\·e Republican Senators. led by Sen. Carl Item: R~p . Albert Quie of~.Min · translated into reality, neso~a •. a hi ghly reg.ard~<l!t~P..ubliear:i __ \\lhatevei: happens in the post.J{aig· moderate: had a~gued unsuccessfully Wliite Hou·se, ho\\•ever, the last six that .President Nixon shou ld not veto weeks cannot be \vashed a"•ay. Al a run~1n g of anti-pover:ty community time \\'hen l\Ir. Ford's closest ad· action programs .. \'Yhen he renew.ed visers fell changes in bolh the pali cies the arg u~ent with the Ford Whit~ and procedures of the administration House, ~u1e eneountered exactly the.~ were imperative, the .new President same res1sl~nce and exactly the same w~s unable Lo budge more than argu"!l':nts In reply. Thal was hardly shghtly the monolithic Nixo n system s urpns1ng: he \\'as talking to exactly that he inherited. lncu~ihents' 1'-'1~4ntages . . ', . ) . \\'hile the dire predictions of dOorn ( :]· day. Th~ other rel low must gai n his n1ade for inc um bents early thi s year ! kriO\\'ledge from the ne"rs papers and were not borne out by the primary EARL WATERS thedifference showsiflhey mcetfacc elections in Ca li fornia, there are those · to face.•• who ·still think voter reaction to offi ce , ~ holders Will be disastrous lo many at hi gh costs or living, goes deeper than AS FOR fund raising for the ca m· the ge neral election. · that. They say that even though the paign, Song says the incumbent not Their reasoning: although· based public is angered by actions r aising only has the ad\•antage or knowing primarl)y on the discootent or the top gove rnment officials' salaries how a nd where to gel contributions, public because or unemployment and while la rge se~menls of society are he has established a record which ser· unemployed and even those emplo1ed ves to reassure contributors that he is sink ·deeper and deeper into debt worthy of support. • • ' . Cost of Presidential Transition because of inflation and higher taxes. But \\'here th ere is no debate ·or the offi ce holders mi g ht have Song 's contentions is his observation \\·eathered the storm. that, in addition to his O\\'n abilities . Bul they reel that the accumulation the incumbent "ha!\ a staff which is or all of these things together \\'ilh the politically SOJlhist 1catcd ' '. "Whil e utter disenchantment with those in of· other people have staffs. and al most fi ce, caused by th e \Vatergate anycandidatecanassembleacre"·or travesties, is bound lo be reflected in volunteers. only an elected orCicial thc ballotscasl inNovember. has paid employes who perform ·TllE REPUBLICANS knew t hey political tasks as part or th eir normal \VASlllNGTO N -IL's going lo cost the taxpayers "'ell over SI million a year to keep Richard Nixon "in his ac· customed style. Rattlin g behind the scenes ror this bountiful budget are two Nixon ap· pointees, General Services Ad · ministrator Art Sampson and Budget Director Roy Ash. The dn y after Nixon gave up the PresidencY and retired to San Clemente in disgrace, Sampson ne"· out to Ce1i£ornia to meet secretly with Nixon aides Ron Ziegler and Steve Bull. They t alked 3bout all the mone.)' it 'vould take to set up the tormer presidcnl .as a pri\•ate citizen. THEN SAMPSON and Ash put their heads together and decided to request tbe roy1J sum or $8501000 (or the tran· llil!On. Routinely, President Ford sent tllolr request to Capitol Hill with bis ~ng. -, There wa1 an outcry from members of Congress who complained this was l'----'""-cmuclLmon.cy lo lotlsll on a_ Jlriilklenl who had resigned to a\·oid hnpeacbmenl 3nd conviction. Except for a Umely pardon, they noted, Nixon mlcht Ila Ye "'ound up in prison where bis keop would hove «>lit the tax· PllY•rs con1ldera bly less, /< 1u11co1Dmlllte l10adod by-l«:p. Tom SI .... D·Okl1., h., now recom· .ended s!Uhlni Ille $850,000 tron· -• ' (JACK-ANDERSON) sition money do~·n to $393,000. This would include ·a $60,000 pe nsion and a $96,000 starf , which Nixon will con· linue to draw ror the rest or his life. TllE GENE RO US Sampson has oilso exempted Nixon from paying rent on the go vernment offi ce space he is using in Ca liforni a. Sampson tried to tell us this merely avoids "double bookkeeping.·· But it also provides Nixon with $,100,000 \\'Orth or free offi ce space. \Vhich \•,.on'L have tn come out or his budget. In addition to all this, it "'ill cost the Secret Service at least $622,000 a year to protect the former presidenL This fi gure does n 't include anolher $300,000. '"hich is now spe nt to protecL his estate at Key Bisco:iyne, f1a. The bodyguards are expected to be with· drawn from Key 81.scaync by the end of the year. -Sam~on also doesn't like to talk abo ut the entourage wh ich Is now ser- \·ing_Nixon at San Clemente. Al least 32 pe rsons are "'orklng"l hrealy ror Nixon buL are pnid by assorted gover- nment agcneics. Their salaries add up to a whopping $576,000. Because they are ··on detail.'' they cnn also collect. $10 a dloy for expenses. ON LOAN from the White !louse at a salary n[ 142.500, for example, ls for· II mer press secretary Ron Ziegler. ~l e brought along hi s-favorite press as- sistant, pretty Dianne Sawyer, who makes $21 ,ooO. Yet there is ·no press of rice at San Clemente. NixOn has gone into such complete sec lusion that wiseacres have dubbed San Clemente "Elba West," yet the nonspeaking Nixon is attended by speech\vriler R;ay Price a~ a $40.000 salary. A former Nixon attorney, Mike Sterlacci, is a lso on "temporary as signm-ent'' al San Clemente. drawing dO\\'n $28.263 fr om the tax· payers. The ex.president's Joyal secretary. Rose l\1 arl' \Vood s. still collects her 836.000 paycheck from the White • -··- 'You',. in luck. h .. ,,_,-"-di' I louse, a'.nd Steve Bull receives $34..000 as Nixon's chief errand. boy. Se.ve11 .other Wh ite House employes ate ''detailed'' to Nixon. TllE DEFENSE ~partmenl has \vere faced with hurdles because or duties." lda ned him another five men, in· Nixon 's difficulties. But they took eluding three chauffeurs. Nixon's per· great heart when Nixon resigned. 1r · SONG IS NOT talking about ca m· paign starr hired ·with pMvat e fund s. Flis rererei\ce is to lhose payrolled v.·ith public funds. sonal maid a nd valet, meanwhile, almost looked like a neW ballgame. h&ve be en pl acetl quietly on th!? _ Alas, it was to be shortlived-•nd.w,it.h National Park s Service payi:oll: And Ford's plun ge, from dizzying heights the loya l Sampson has assigned 11 of mom e ntary popularity to a, Enou~h said ? ,niai ntena nce workers from the dangerous 10,v1 the Republicans are . General Services Administration to again on t he tlefensive. Still, there are ,._,,... __ ..,...,. _______ _ keep the Nixon estates 'in' tip·top those who think that many voters will shape. '. not limit their resentment cai&sed b.y Congress has had so much difficulty the letdo"·n or th e hopes they had getting rull information on the Nixon placed in Ford, but \\'ill strike out at spending th11t Sen. Joseph Montoya. ..n those in oCfl cc. • D·N. 1\1 .. has fire d of( a private letter One who disagrees with such a~ss· Robert N. Wttd, Publiahn lo the bud get chlef demanding "a ments is Senator Al Soni(, chairman Tomo1Ktttrll,Ediior <.'Omprehensive and complete listing nf the Senate Judiciary Com mittee._ Bo.rbra Kreibich ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Qfallfcdcral personneldetailedtothe Since he too must stand berore the E~P"fltEdU.Or: former preside nt.•· voters in November It may be just 3' The editorial p11e ot the Daily Footnote : Sampson defended the case of wh i~llln g in the dark. Still, in a Pilot seeks to inform and M.imulate Nixon budget as appropriate and recent "ne\\'SlcttCr" to his district, readers by presenting on this paae neces~My . lie contended lhtt.the Lyn.· ~ng discou nts a ny contention th at in· diverse commentary q" topics ot in· don Johnson L"ra nsi tion had cost cum bent~ are headed for trouble with terat tiy syndic ated cohsmnists and 1541809 which·dkln'Hnclude.the-ti me _strong QrgumCnts ag~inst such a J>OS· cartoonists. by provldlnJ 1 foru111 · spc~t~8taloguln g the Johnson pa·pcrs 111\bi lil.)'. ~ for-reHer-1' wiew1-1nd bypretentiflS h'I t'll I offioce · . . . this ncw1papt.r'.~ opinions and.!du1 "'' 1 e ew1ss 1 n • IN THE MO~T. amazing candor he on current toplts. The edilortal ... _ 5pclls out why 1t is almost Impossible opinions of the Dally Pllot appeer "Quotes to<1orea t <Jn lncum hc nt. Polntlng oul--only in Oitl' ettlfoMal coJumn afthe ' Dr. Fred G. lludson, rounder·direc- lor s.'F. Alcoholism Clinic -"Al eohol ht worse than drugs because It is 1n· •ldious and an~C'C•f>led part'nl-ou soci~ty." that the tncum bent hus lhe advantag~ top of the pa_ge. OplnloNS expressed or campulgn experience, having by the columnisLN and can.ooniAta ;ilready Won al least ()ne election, he and letter writers arc ttM!lr oWn and cites the further ed~c or being more noendorumenLorthelrvlew.byttie knowledgeable about the ts.sue~. Daily Pllol1hould be lnfemd, ''E._vcn lhc .stupidest incumbent is better preparea tn debate the issu.. Friday, Septcmber27, 1!174 _ hecau•c he deul• with them eveey "-----------..J • • • • ! " • .. • . -· I _ .. , ~ ; VOL.•67, !'10. 170, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ----··--- • Today's Final N.Y. Stocks , , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1974 . . ~~ N TEN , CENTS 1CUry ~cCU.ses'Major Oil Firms of Land Grab SANTA MONICA (AP) -The . chalnnan.Ot.tl•e In!•l•t'!t!I'• Joint Com- .mlU.. Oii Public Domain 'today accused the major oil companles· of oonducting a "land grab" ol .publicly held o 11 ,.. pDl!rcel olf iii. Southern catilornla coast. Auemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D - Garden .. Grove), made the statement at a hesring Oimduct<il by the U.S. Sena!> Ocean Policy_ BtliilJ Group with Sen. John Tunney (0.C.l~.). as c~nnan. Cory, Democratic candidate for stale controller. urged a halt ol the propose' sale by the federal govenunent of oil and gas lease! for offshore drilling on the cosstllne. He said any future offshore oil develop.. ment should await the completion of ~the Coastal Zone Plan. ~ "11le major oll companies are con- ore , Debate Tonight • Flournoy, Bro1.v11 on. KOCE-TV The first televised debate between Democrat Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Republican Houston I. Flournoy in their campaign for gov- ernor will be broadcast tonight by KOCE Cha nnel 50 at 7 o'clock. The 60-mlnute broadcast was to be taped ·at noon today during a confrontation between the candidates at UC Irvine. The confron- tation was expected to.produce the most specific proposals of the campaign on educational issues. The unedited broadcast will be shown on only two stations, the CoaJt Community College District's Channel 50 and KPBS-TV, Chann~I 15, of Cal State, San Diego. The San Diego broadeast will begin at 10 p.m. . Both ,candidates have supported the conce,Pt of providing more funds for poor school distrjcts to meet inequities In educational op- , portunity cited by the California Supreme Court. But to date, neith- : er bu made or endorsed any specific proPoSll. • The debate wu to be held in Uct's Crawford Hall before an audlenet· of iltudents and faculty. The moderator will be Jobn C. Hoy, UC'a •·dwlftllor for student aftatn.• · · The program format provides for a· six-minute opening state- miiit an<t three-minute rebuttal by each candidate and then the can- dll!Met ""'1DI"' ·i, will* qutslloM ~ba!ltted. by the audience. . . Windfall Wlpeout? Committees Set Hearing • On Pension Cuts Monda)' SACRAJo!ENTO (AP)-Polenllal bonus ehecU amounting to more than ~000 Could go to eight state lawmakers on two crucial oommitlee1 -unless those committees vote to wipe out the wlndfatl . ' The members or U:le Senate and Aaoembly committees will hold hearings llooday and then vote on measures to repeal the up to IS. 7 million in early pensloos for 61 legislators. Four out of the nine members of ilie AuemblY Public Employes and , REAGAN CHARGED WITH ~us RIPOFFS'. Story Page A5 lletlrement COmmlttee and four ciut of ftte members of the Senate Rules Com· mlttee are in line for the early pension ~ which th.,.. b11ls would • wipe out. . ·The 11QQ!1 ol 19 bl111 on pension matters w!.U be• conlllder'ed al the hea1iiip anil iliin ldJliil ..r·re1em.i to their mpec!lve !*-Wilen Ille Legislature c:omes hick Mlnclay to continue its special aeuion. : Seoilte President pro tern James R. ldlDJ (!).San Diego), Who chairs the -·Committee, ls in line !Or bonuses adclln( up t4 ''142,453 'by age !O ii tbe wlndlall is not repealed and ii he Jeeveo office by early next year. The annual boiiY,, for MUls, 47, would be fll .. fll. The 14-year veteran of !be Legislature will be eligible for 90 percent of that armual check -whether the boolises ire repealed -· U he . aerves through '!Oil year. Other Senate committee members-and their potelntlal bonuses are Sens. Clare Berrylilll (IU:eres), $33,686; Robert Stevens (R·Los Angeles), $20,350: and George Zenovich (IH'resoo), $81,401. Sen. Joseph Kennick, CD-Long Beach), is eligible for an immediate pension -whenever he retires -because he has served for more than 15 years and Is over 60. The chairman of the Assembly com- mittee, Wadie Deddeh, (D-Olula Vista). could receive annual checks of $6,124 over the next six years U he decides to leave office this year or H the voten reject him at the pcills -a total of '$36,748. . Another comm it tee member, Assemblyman Newton Russell, (R-Tu- junga), was rejected by"' the 'voters in the June primary aOO is eligible to st.art drawing· annuitl checks of $8,479 starting Jan. 1, for a 13-y_ear-total of ,110,231. I If Assemblywoman ?iiarcb Fong loses ,the nee for secretary of state in November, her'pensloo checks each year would add up to $48,99i over the next eip! years, until sbe reaches age !O. She bu said She will vote to~ wipe out her own bonus. ~ _ l).ssemblyman ·Edwin Z'berg, (D- SaCTUneOlo), Is already eliglblee for 92 percent of bis pension ~use of his 18 years service, but the \tension boml! pr:ovislons could pul an extra 1967 a y0.r Joto hi,s pocUt for each ol lbe next lJ ,..,. U be leaves olfice. The remaining members of the (Seo PENSIONS, Page A!J :Finane~ Reva111p • • . -The Dafiy-PIJoi bellnl a new Md streamlin«l syatom ol reporth!c New • York St<M:k Exchanl!!Jlilces and transactions today. · . oew lisfll>g COfilii111 alJ-essenllfil llilbffifatlOi\ rtgan!lng-that diy's ' lradlng -llanli of llbck, )JHCe/earnlng Index. total sales closing price and net chanfl• In price. Only feature omilled from the previous ·11s11ng w111 be high and low aalt1 prices for the day . The new formal wu prompted by extended hours adopted by the NYSE. Effecllve Tuesd~y. the market will close at 1 p.m. C&llfomia lime, one.hall hour later than present._ The Dally Pilot Will conllnue lo pul>JISh a complefe review of both "NYSE and American Stock EICbange weekly Jransacllons each Salunlay. This list· Jng Inc~ bJch-low fllUre• !or the year as well u the week. - • ducting. a land grab of publicly held oil resources in the Southern California borderland of !be outer' Continental SAWHILL sEiiKs REFUNDS' FROM REFINERS-Story, P1ge A4 . . . Shelf," Cory told the hearing. "This oil resource acquisition is being oonducted with the acquiescence of com· pliant state and federal agencies which Terrorists l(idnap U.S. Info Chief From Wire Services SANTO DOA11NGO, D om i n I c a n Republic -Terrorists today kidnaped Barbara "Hutchison, dJrcctor of the U.S. Infonnation Service here. should, instead, be regulating the ac· UvitiH of the giant oil companies in the public interest.'' Cory conceded that there is an energy problem of emergency proportions. but said, "The specter of that emergency is being used to stampede us into continu· Jng policies 'Which created it -dispos-- ing of the vast energy resources of our Continental Shelf on the Ill coosidered terms which will leave future supplies in the bands of the sa me self-interested. highly manipulative group or major oil companies." He contended this v:ou1d ••permit en- vironmental degrada1ion that is v.·hol ly unn~ssary and that \\'e can no longer afford." Cory said that federal "big bonus'' leasing policies for offshore oil leases ellminate competition by a small com· reeze !lany or group of con1panies. He added : "Unless there is an effec tive and imrncdiale co ngre s s ional in· tervention in the !easting process ... \re "'ill sec the consumma1ion of a land grab by the major companies on the California Outer Continental SheH 11·hich \\'ill for generations deprive our l'ilizens uf the real benefits of the resources they 0\\1l ... Sen. T1111nev ., Makes Call SANTA MONICA (AP) -Sen. John Tunney today called for a moratorium on offshore oil leasing and drilling until slate coastal commissions prepare en- vironmental impact plans. "We should not go ahead with the leasing program until the California Coastal Commission has made Hs report to the Legislature and the Legislature ~s ratified it.,'' the Call!omia Democrat told a nC\\'S conference prior to a pubUc A local television commentator said the kl<fnapers j)hOjied him and sala they wan led $1 millioil' Jn ransom aod.Jzeedoin !or. ~ •poli~ ~rs' 'Ill •.the Dominican Republic in e:rchange fer her release. _ bearing at the 8anta___.¥oaica a.vie Audi· It waa 6" 111'11 kidnaplng of a iemale U.S. government oltictal. - Miss Hutchison, 47, was seized as she left he.r office, put in a yellow car and driven to the nearby Venezuelan consulate. lbe gunmen then brok e into · tbe building, laking Miss Hutdllson with them. Police immediately cordoned off the building . C.Omamndos seized at least 10 other host~es inside, diplomatic sources said. The guerrilla leader, Radames ~fendes Vargas, told UPI by telephone from the consulate that Ailss Hutchison and the Venezuelan consul , Jesus d e Gregorio, could be exchanged for ::SS prisoners who are n1embers of the 12th of January liberation movement. Mendes. Vargas, who hijacked a com· mercial plane to Havana in 1970, said, (See KIDNAP, Pag< A!) Lio11s Club 25th lobster Bake Opens Tonight- ·It's lobs ter time in Newport Beach again as the Balboa Bay Lions Club host the 25th annual lobster bake at Neiw-port Center begiMing at 6 o'clock tonight. ,, By the time the three-day celebration end! at 9 p.m. Sunday, more than one too oL lobsters at $5 a plate will have been' served to visitors and a 1975 Cfadillac auto given away. Additional story, Page C-2 today. Sandwiched between the lobster din- ners and the car g~veaway will be a 130-entry parade a{ 10 a.m. Saturday. ~ Dally ...... $tiff,.... VAN DRIVER TRAPPED IN NEWPORT AFTER ''SLIGHT BUMP' . Victim Freed by Newport PoJlco, Required Survery • Driver's Hand Mangled • As Van Flips in Newport \Vhat 'vitnesses described as a "slight bwnp" of a van by an auto in Newport Beach Thursday afternoon ended with the van sprawled on its side and its driver's hand badly mangled. Aft er being nicked by, the northbound auto as it traveled east on Balboa Boulevard at )8th Street, the van careen- ed out of control , flipped on its side and skidded 45 feet before crashing into the rear of a parked car. The plwnbing company van's driver, Jaitscn Singh, 31>. of \Vhittier, was trai>" ped inside the fallen vehicle until freed by Newport Beach police. Singh was taken to Hoag Hospital where he underwent emergency sUrgery. A hospital spokesman this morning said tus condition was good. Driver of the northbound auto that police said struck the van, Nancy Diestel, 26, of 1820 \V. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, was not injured. Nor was her car badly damaged In the 2:30 p.m. collision. She told police she did not see the van or hear a noise when the two vehicles collided. 'ii felt a slight bump and that wa s all," Mrs. Diestel told police. Ja%:: Druuamer Slaying - Costa Mesa's Helen May Receive s 1-15-year Term Featuring marching bands, clowns, novelties, antique cars and floats, the parade will start at the north end of Newport Centet and wind its way around the circle to the shopping center's By TO!'ll BARLEY said he has no Intention of appealing southeast entrance. ot t11e o111Y 1"1tot s•1tt Mrs. a.taY's conviction. Go.ing haod·in·hand with the whiff of Convicted killer Helen Jeannine l\1ay The raven·haired wido'.I.' was orrested lobster baking and the beat of marching of Costa ~fesa was sentenced today last June 11 at her home shottly after bands during the Lions' celebration will lo one to 15 years in state prison for she put a bullet through the head of be a midway carnival. the slaying of a young jazz drummer musician Venice Hernando 'Villis. • 2.1, Rides at tbe carnival will be in opera· who shared her home at 1383 Shannon who died on the dining room noor ns lion un til 9 o clock tonight ,and front Lane. , , .police reached the home. noon lo 9 p.m. SaUlr4~Y and S'undaY-Mrs. May, 45, listetie<J calmly " Mrs. May testlfind lhat Wlllis, who Entry to the carnival grounds IS fl'ee Orange County l)uperlor Court Judge had ignored sever.al dem~ by her but admission will be. charged for the \Valter E. Smith agreed to strrlCe ftom 'to leave lbe home, announced his in- rldis. her voluntary manslaughtee-convlcUon __ tenUdn of raping her. - Major winner ln the three-day lobsttt a use of firearms provision U\at. would McCactin argued In her de(enst that ba.k6 Is Orange Cwnty SerVlces for have added anolher five years to her she was or •1dimint,shed cap..icitv··. He , the Bllnd, loo. ' -==~se,,,ntencc. · said the condition Was created by the The Santa •· rvlce cen er or JiH!ge "SmTUi orilere<n "'· [R)"s-ship-rossor·nernusb9lid',-romiw-cos1~-M~• blind persons is seeking to Increase ment to the Frontera Prison for Women Jo~lre Capt. Lawrence ~lay. h~r mother , its programs for lhe sl&htless in minority with the adtJ,ed condition that "the 'and hc.r sister In the fe"" months oefore and disadvantaged · •""'' in Orange Department of Correc!IQns..has complete the mutdtr of Wlllls. I County, according to execuUve director dL~Uon Jo release her ·when tt con· Mrs. "May broke doWn and vtept on Jame.s Judge. slders that she is no longer a danger the 'Witness stand as she. recalled the Early (bis _week Balboa Bay Lions lo public safety." deatb of her estranged hushond from Club president Glenn O'Brico prai...-Defense attOrncy DonaJd McCartin, ob-lcUl<erllla and hfr abus. at !he hands community support given the lobster \'lously delighted \\'ith Judge. Smith's or ''1lllis who allegedly put her C\.'t'r bake. change of heart on the weapons provision his knee and spanked her wtth his belt IS.. LOIITTER, Pap At) nod the jurist's addltlooal comments, on several occasions. ' • I torfum. Tunney chaired the hearing, conducted by the Senate's National Ocean Polley Study Committee. Of the Department ol Interior's an· nowiceJnent that it would be prepared to go ahead with leases on the oliter continental shell in h-1ay 1975, Tunney said: "Tilis in my mind is outrageous. It's almost as if the Interior Department. recognizing that Co~ has demanded cooperation with local agencies, Is mo- ving quickly before the state acts." The Cali£ornia Coastal Commission plan is to be submitted to the Legislature in '1975 and acted on by 1976. The purpose of the hearin_gs is to detennine whether t~ Interior Depart- precl1'de PiJ?'lines from coming ashore and refineries from being built which would force construction of flotation rigs (See TUNNEY, Uage A%) Dow Index Hits 12-year Low • NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock mar- ket hit a 12-year low today in light trad- ing on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors continued to show concern over inflation. (Tables, Page All). The Dow Jones industrial average was off 16.0J points to 625.95. nie widely v.•atched average lost more than 36 points in the previous five sessions. Declines led advances by about a 2·1°"1 margin among the 1.721 issues traded. Volume amounted to 12,230,000 shares, compared with 9,060,000 traded Thurs- da y. Prices v.·ere IOYier in moderate trad- ing on the American Stock Exchange. OraDge Coast r Weather It will be sunny for a brief while Saturday afternoon, according to the '.l.'ea ther service, otherwise mostly cloudy and drizzly. Beach highs in the upper 60s rising to the mid·70s i11land. INSIDE TODA V Readi110 the f1011ty paf)(Jrs O'tld cotlecti11!} contic st.rips is a ser- ious busi?1css for cartoon buff Jerome /.fuller. Part of tl1e o,.. a11ge Coast nwnl's collettio11 of orlgl~1als Is displayed today ou tJ1e..coucr page of the \Veekend- er, olo•1u tvith aii article 011 l1i.1 absorbiug hobby. ' ' it.I Ytur lii'¥1Ct ;t. Solllllt fll ii"1il--,iird.-... ,.-J----l N1llOftll L. M. loyd Sl C1111wn11 AS c11u111tt1 01 .u COllll(I DJ (tftlwtFd O: 0.4111 Mtllttl .... l!dlll!l'lll f'H• M ,IN!ICI Al .. 11 "''tK-at ''""""".... ~ i.1111 l.alUn ., Mal!Ma A• MeoYI.. CM N1-.s M, IJ Drl"" ewrih .., .. , l"~lt •1-> ...,,llvr•lll'l cw Stl'lfl ;...,,... .t.11 Sport!. at.r llKM ....,.ef'I Al .. lt TaltvlW... Cl lfltllff• <M WI...... IM ••rtd "'-A4, II Wettr~ Cl ... - •A% DAiLY PllDT N Frld1y, S1plombff 21, 1974 .. 1 ' • • Briice Yourself Ul"I Ttlt~ ... ~ · ·Margaret-French, II, of Alameda displays new plastic braces, cemenl· ··-et1'to')the' teeth, which may·maKe the "tiri smile'.' obsolete. The new ·bl'lces me introduced in San Francisco al the Pacific Coast Society of ~hddontists. . . f!,eg·ional Coast Agency ""; ( .. To Reconsider Ekm~ll.t After takirlg a dose of legal medicine rrom their attorney, regional coastal com.missioners have voted to reconsider •· CGritrOllel'>iai coastal plan element de- feated &.!week ago. CommiSsioners agreed unanimously to devote u,. first half hour of this week's meeting in Long Beach -to a new look iil ~Jppeerance and design element. ,...-;:.) ·.r;::· Cofi've11e in l\Icsa . '. Fo1· P.o}v Wo1v '• . 1be element ·stalled before' the com~ misslon la~t week when members tangled over wbethtlr it should recommend highly specific or general planning policies for coasta.1 cities. At the end of the heated debate. the commlssion w0W1d up voting 5 to 3 to send the element to the state commisilbb without official approval. C-Onµrµssionen were told · this week by Robert _Keeler, deputy attorney general,, lbft v~ was invalid and . that the act seJUn~ ·up lbe agency specifically requires-that the comrnissloo adopt plan-• ning eJOl)leflts. · Keeler said lhe act requires that J11'.1Qt actiona 9(. the agency, such as approval of a plan elemenlr...require sev..en votes o( t~ l% comm~ !Of •PWRYaL Keeler said the . Q)IJ'l.'mi5'f00 ti8:d 'no Mam.be.rs ol more than 75 Indian tribes choict under the Jaw btlt to reconsider from across States will gather. on the last~week.11 action. s Orange County Fairground•· in Costa ~ the recommendations dnntained. Mesa this weekend for the National In Ille' r1!JJOl'.l1 piepoted by tho "1i<11al IF-ian Dax Show. commission a~I! are: • .. Tribal pt#s ceremonial social and -Gradual removal ol oil drlUing m ~~ ·aod Indian cr:.it displays lacilities in HW!tington Beach as well> ~gbt the three-day evenl that run out of crude oil. ~~ · -No n~w construction. except public i said Chief George Pierre • -·recreationaJ facilities, on the Irvine Com- ol the Colville Confederate Tribes of pany property between Corona del ~lar J\Ta8hington state, will "lake the audience and Laguna_ Beach. ~ack-' cent~ries in time when the -No hillside development on the ;.met~J.rJtian proudly J'Uled the land coastal mountains in Laguna Beach and t!Jat~;. the United States." South Laguna. ~ Amollg IJlf: Indian crarts will be native FoUowmg approval : by the regional rug weaving, beading, sign language, body, the eleme~t. will be seJ.ll on to Sliver work and leather goods Chief !he state com."'!1ssion . where its ~ost Pi rrf!tBJd . ' important prov1s1ons will be worked into l ·~Hlil. ing.;,.;y people help themselves a mast~r state co~stal plan. . . ;~ haf -~ " be uJd. "This festival The fmal plan will fa~ public hearings ~ w "!'t • ,, before the state comnu~lon, a secoo4 IS an Indian ~~ help. program. round of public hearings before the The sho~ ~ill continue through 6 p.m. regional commission. and finally "'ill Suncla~. TiCkets may ~ purchased al be sent to the state legislature for the fmrground gate. Cost L! $2 for adults, adoption into law in 1976 SJr, far students and 50 cents for children · under 12. " ' .\'I. "';.'" : Fro111 Page Al ' PENSION ... )"" ~m,blJ mmittee are inel}&ible for lht -pensila bonus because they were eiet'tetl.,,.;after-the cutoff date of 1969 for the immediate pensions. They are: AaseJil)llymen Ju I I a o Dixon, (D-Los AJlgeles); Paul Banoai, (R-Oardena), ~--Catllr1 (ft.Stockton), Lawrenc~ K~llo!f, 1 (0-San Dfegor and Louia P...,,, (D-Daly City). • I ' '111A._.COA.ST • DAILY PILOT T"" 0.l<'Qe Coasl DIMiy Nal . .i<;h ~ ~ ~ bt'*I !lie Nttwa~ lt~ed by'""°''"" coat. Publli.~·'111 ~-S.-1!1 ll!lllionl ~ 1111blill>M Mon<lrr' om ' FM-r. a CM!• "'""" NI-8ellCI>, 11... ...... °" k ldl/F....,.· IJ<ll v-.,, ~-vu ... --........... ~ ""' S... ~ .... Cloolr..rio. A ... fl'lllOl'llll ~ Ii Jllltll"""" $.llurWvs ,,,. ~ oa-... lhf •c111M llUbliolltn0 O!ai. ii It a30 W.M B1v5t'"1. !t'll Mtll. C.Nb!lla 9:818 St1·acl1an .l\.sks For Dismissal WASHINGTON (UPI) ' -With lhe Watergate cover-up trial only four days away, Conner White House aide Gordon C. Strachan today renewed repeated ef- forts to gain a dismissal of charges against him. John M. Bray, Strachan 's la\li'yer, fil'ed another motion in U.S. District Court .fOr disnliisal" on the same grounds he cited previously -that nationwide publicity surrounding his testimony under immunity at the _Senate Watergate hearings 14 months ago Precludes getting a 'fatr trial. Presiding Judge John J. Sirica took ho inunediate actioo...on the motion. U.S. Supreme Colirt Justice Wllllam ·J. Brennan Jr. denied wlthoul comment Thursday bids by t\li·o other defendants, former Attorney General John ]'t Mitchell and former White House chief ol staff H. R. Haldemln, for a delily. 'Ghost SJijp' ··~ ' Mys~e1·y: . • ··-~ • • ? -Two Bunted MORRO BAY (UPI) -The Coast Guard today launched an air search for a Santa Cruz man and a woman _whose_ 4.5-fqgl "Ghost Ship'' ... Was found abandoned ol! the coast Thursday with only a barking dog aboard. When tbe Coaat Guard discovered the fishing boat Teddy Jo, all the boat's electronic equipment "'as on. the engine was engaged, fishing lines were out and the batteries were dead. The only sign of life aboard was a hungry dog, a spokesman said. The Teddy Jo was owned by Robert ~ lt1arx of Santa Cruz, who apparently left Eureka thls month \\ith a woman companion, known only as Janice, for a fishing trip down the coast, , the spokesman said. The couple stopped at Ford ·Bragg Sept. 15 and were last seen by a friend on another fishing boat on Sept. 22. ~1arx' last log entry was Saturday . Also foWld aboard the abandoned craft were the couple's belongings, including a nightgown and ~1arx' wallet, and spoil· ed fish . Authorities said they · believed no one had been oo the boat in several days. Fron• Page Al KIDNAP ... "the building is completely mined. IC the police attack, it wm be destroyed in the aot. ·~ He said that in addition to Hutchisoli and de . Gregorio, the guerrillas were alto boldinl the Venezuelan vice consul. t"·o secretaries, and a Chinese, a Japanese, and a Spaniard who apparently wandered in to apply for visas. The kidnapers permitted Misa Hut· chison to answer the telephone, and in an htterview ll-ith UPI from inside the "COnSUlate, she said she was in good condition and there were no injuries. Asked ir she had any message for the outside, she replied, "No, nothing except that I am well." Police and army officials withdre.\v personnel who surrendered the · embaMy afte r de Gregorio toW a radio reporter in a taped telephone Interview lhal negotiations for the release of the <tiplomats couJd not "'Start as Jong as the troOps Were outside-of the consulate. ,pe qregorio aaid ~ '"!"P ol .~mandoS were armed with explosives and machine guns. Police sources said there were 23 commandos in lhe group. ~ports conflicted /II lo whether U)<:re were rour Or five men involved ' ift the kldn1plng. Mlis lliitchison's kidnaping look place in a suburban section of Santo Domingo. 'ThiS was the same area where several · years agb leftists kidnaped u.s: military attache Col. Donald Crowley, as he drove to practice polo. Miss Hutchison returned to Santo Dom- ingo in October 1972 after being pro· moted to director or the U.S. Information Service here. She had been posted to the Dominican Republic as an in- formation officer in the early 1960s. · A tall woman lYilh graying hair, \1iss Hutchison speaks fluent Spanish and has a v.'ide circle or friends here. She was born in Delaware in 1926 and entered govem~ent service with the State Department in 1952. When the U.S. Information Agency became independent from the State Department, she switched over, and handled variow assignments in Latin America. From Page Al I.OBSTER ... "\lle've always received tremendous support for Ute bake and judging from the reaction so far, particularly raffle ticket sales, this year will be no ex- ception," O'Brien said. The lions president went on to "com- mend'' those at Services for the Blind for "pitching in and helping so much" with preparations for the lobster bake. It was in 1949 that the first sponsored bake was held oo the beach at .Corona del Mar. · Until four years ago the lobster b~ke was sponsored by numerous service clubs and organizations. When the Balboa Bay Llono Club look over full sponsorship of lhe ·annual Charitable celebration, the site. was moY· ed to Newport Center to accommodate larger aowds and to provide a parade route. Irvine Will File Brief '-".,., 1114, °'11¥1' e... """"*l!ltlt (;Mi. """1 M-..... ,..,...._ ~lllJll• " ......, ""' bl ~ • ....,,._ .. ..,.....ii_ •v a.ellllf,, .... -..-" c.t. ~ ...... -ht.cr~ll)-Sl>OO ~> ll'r.,..f .. . t.UIQ -~Ol!lllllJ'll-l)OQ~M,, ' I 111 Petalun1a Growth Case lrvine ci!)I attorneys will file a friend of the court brief Monday in the Petaluma "no-growth" case whiCb denies Iha~ timing city growth violates the right IO travel. In the Petaluma ca1e1 a federal court . ' ruled tliilt the city 45 miles north or Son Francisco had violaled that right by restrict.Ing development to SOO.-tlomes a yt.ar for nvc )'ears. ' Irvine atlorneys and official> •m- ph1sloe that the differences bet•·een ll'Vtne.'s and Pelaluma's growth plans outweigh the si milarities. The council, In a special meeling in Augu<t , decided lo send the bdel 11 a means ol deleniling the underlying 'idea of phased, rather than random, growth. • The brle!,,-sald '!11omas Clark Jr.. an attorney with the city'• Rutan and Tucker law firm; avoids the particulars of lhe case. Both Petaluma and Jrvino have point systems bated on one developed in Ramapo, New York. h Jrvine systeM hillfl\o lflnlt toilcvolopmeot, but requlret developers IO have a certain number of polnls belort they can build . tPolnts are gtven for existence of streets, sewers! drainage and other necessary amen tics. • • • ·. ' She's Colne a ·J,mag W.-y ' ' ,!. -··· "'' 'r ....... ~· " I.1rs. Betty Ford, speaRing at .~ Cund-rafsing !Urich~ eon for Republican women, s;yd the country n~ed.S women's talent and it needs women to support it. Proceeds · fmin · the $100-a-plate luncheon in Chi· c3go wlU -gQ' to. 14 Republican women running for state oCCices. · 2· Little League Figures·· . . . ' Will Stand Moles,t Trial The former manager of a Fountain Valley Uttle League team and the team Sponsor were bowKI. over to Orange County Superior Court Thursday on multiple charges of child molesting. Judge Alan N. ~fcKone of West Orange County municipal COutt ordered team manager Gregory Woodard Greene, 24, to race 28 charges of child molesting. Sj>oru!Or Edgar Herbert Mohan Jr., 45, wa:s charged with six c,ounts. Court officials said the fonnal com- plaints \\1111 be filed In superior Court, ~nta Ana, at'9 a.m. °'--1. 8. The pair. sat through a lengthy 11rellmlnary, Jiearing thi$ week as many of Jhe pine to 12·year-<>ld boys involved in the incidents testified. The hearing "·as closed to the public. • At the tnd Of tesUmony, Judge 11-fcK.one ruled lhat there was sulficlent evidence to file chaiges .in Superior Court .. Hi~ degtsion ~~ not roJ!an .the P.~ir have. been convicted. . 2 Trruiors Jolt Japan Shortl.)· .... ! . " t ~ "t~·1.,• "'."" ·--" ... tilter W qr11,i1ig Chnv~z Touring .. • iTOfvQ (UPll' _; ~~ • •trell\H ·: 'ti'. " it1~ 't.' '" ' I ~ t ~ ~,, {6 r0ci<id Japan 10<iqy,,ca'!'inii ~kyscrawii r.-ur6pe _fd_'r-'.itid '. .. to sway in downtown Tokyo, shortly after scientists \Qlrned a major earth--R01i1E (UPI) --Cesar Chavez. head quake could hit. the countf)' at any... of the United Farm Workers of Atnettca, time. • .-~ . said here that within~~two yeat'I' large The · scientists issued' f • ir warning • California. grape and" ... lettuc.e gro*ers Thursda y al a m"eitin'g Of earthquake "·ill be forced to sign union oontr.iete. experts from the Japanese Meteorologi· Speaking Thursday at the RMne head- cal Agency and Tokyo University. quarters of the Pontifical Commission A few minutes after noon· W<Jay, Tokyo on Justice and Peace, Chavez said, "If was rocked by a quake which Tegistered this movement were going to be stopped 4 on the Japanese scale o,f 7. Two it wouki have had to be stopped 8, and one-half hours latef,: al'loUier quake, 10 years ago. If can't be stopped now.'' also mea sured at 4 hit Hokkaido, 500 Chavez is touring Eutope to enlist miles north of Tokyo. support £or his union's boycott of table No injuries or major damage was grapes and iceberg lettuce grown in reported. the United States. , Frotn P•ge Al 1'UNNEY ... ·~ increasing the danger of oil spills ten·. fold," Tunney said. - Tunney said the Senate last week. passed a bill which would establish a review board "'hich could overrule stat.e and local opposition to drilling but could 118o reverse Interior D e p a r t me n t decisions to IO ahead if it was found to be environmentally harmful. He Slid the btil is expected to pass the Housa early next year. In .responM to Federal Energy Chief John S.whill 's charge that Southern ment has adequately considered state and local decision making with regard to offshore oil leases. "I don 't aee bow we can have offshore development .without atate and local cooperation," ~ney &aitl. "They can CaJilorillans .,.; a IOI <ii oil but oppose orrsilott c1r1nm 'J'W{n< • lied : · "' . bill'' " y J'Oll!le< "l'lr. Slw i1 -wron1 ibeIJ be .. sug: gesm CalUornJa i1 trying to £oist its environmental problems on the rest of ••• try''--~ C0UR •• ~ •"' "' • .. JI• • Tupney called Southern California an "enyt~~enfally fragile" .Wea and said SOllMl . P&.N of Ui~ ~untry suCb as Tex~ arif l<>uiliena are •aaer to deveJop olfShore oU resources. l<'ight Rocks School SAN DIEGO (AP) -A wild rock fight broke out Thursday on the campus of Monte Vista High School IOl.ltheast of San Diego because younger pupil$ tried to use a lawn usually ~teserv~ for seniors, say authorities. 1be melee in Sprin~ Valley drew sheriff's deputiei and Cahfomia highway patrolmen, wbO arrested 1 girl and nine boys. · Henredon' s Famous 4-Centuries • ) ' ... • ' _,.. ........ '24t. . . . . . ... T,tit~_ e!C~ep}!!?nal 'hall ~l)lfo le featyre~ 11'./0 pullout shelves which . ~re lie.at :-and alc;ehol resistant. Avai lable in either dOister or-cognaC' finish. . .. "" . ,. ,.. ... , ""-' . On diSPlay now al a~y·of our thrQe ·floe sto,res. Stop fn soon.--. , -- - WIBDA YS l 5A TUIOAYS f:OO le l:JO • • NEWPORT BEACH• 1721 WESTCUFP DR., 642·JIOIO LAGUNA BEACH • 34.1NORTll00~1' HWY .. 4M-&!Ot I • TORAAffC-E • 2*' HAW'nl<>RNE BLVD. (Open Fri. lll 1, Swl . 12·S:301 :llf-127t ·' • ' . ' • I • ·.U . , ... "lAI LY. P I LOT t:Dl'l'O RIA~ PAGE_ " . · Loc31 Pressure Pays r- , ·Though ll may never reach the community whose' .. •ume it earries, a slimmed-down l'ersion.ot .the •<lorona de! Mar Freeway will be built lo link such tt:~fi.c-producers as South Coast Plain., Costa Mesa, Fa11b1on Island, Newport.Jleach, and lrv1ne. ;. '. ~ .. The city ha,s earmarked SJS,000 in eme1·genry ~Jµ~<!~ to yent the ref!egade ,wells . AS yet, there have been no substantial rcsl1lts. Oil seeping from underground in a densely populated area like west Newport Beuch rep1·esent • a lhreal to life a nd properly. The link is s hort, l .6 .miles .from the San Diego )'{eeway, down lo the intefchange with the Newport :rfteway and on to Campus Drjve. But it is vital. lls ••Mure construction was undoubtedly a part of th e '' ]lanotrg in the loeatjon· of the two shopping centers -and the campus _ ' ( ' • ' i , ' When it Is completed,'":-worlc will ~tart on the (!&change ln. a couple of weeks -the freeway will " be a credit lo the diligence of local agencies in -wbinlr.g approval of state funds. Were it not for the 1'bmor r aised by coast officials earlier this year that g9t the freeway reinstated into this year's budget, the freeway might never have left the drawing boards. . " The result would not have been a relief from traffic but an increase in congestion and consequently in fuel (.'Onsumption a nd pollution. . '· · · Ba~kyard Oil Woes It's been a lmost a year since oi l began oozing from a n abandoned \veil in west Newport Beach. · ·unrortunately, the .un\vanted mini·gusher \\•as 1· under a $40,000 house on 42nd Street. The house \Vas • destroyed and subsequent oil seepage has forced the ' J homeowner to bear the expense of having it pumped ' . , from hi s already-ruined property. I I Another abandoned well in the area recently l ~ began oozing oil. The most .recent underground : l Intruder is only five feel from a building and 10 feet , from a storm catch basin. I I 1 So f ar, a solution lo the vexing problem I apparently caused by subterranean press ures seems to have eluded those seeking it. • /IJ,nk Addict I Can't Kick The Habit : ART HOPPE ' Dear Gloomy Gus \llith teenage alcoholism on the rlse, how can any brewing com· pany justify producing "near beer" -the drink that tastes and smells like beer and is sold to kids? \Vhat next -imitation l f Sep(ember 8, 1915 gin end whiskey for the kiddies? Gldria N. Flayshon. a seemingly S.L.W. ?tspectable housewife. v.•as convicted Gi.e,.,rG••c·-•••-•...wt-~ i• Federal""Courl tOOay of buying a ,. .... ,,.,.. ... _.....u,,..1M1aoe views 91 UM •ws.,.... . ._, ,.... ,., $19.95 cuckoo·clock plant holde r. • _ .. ,. G'-•~ °""'' '"'* f Mri. Flayshon. 39, was arrested un-. · dtr the 1975 Unnecessary Purchases befo.re th~y took her IQ -a plea tb~y Mt pass~d by Congress in July. as ~ of course refused. . . , • last' desperate atfem pt to cbrb ,in· Undet ,relentless_ q~estion1nt-bll ·nation. The new la,w requires con· P~osecutor Fui:te~ • Mrs. F1ays~.adr sumers to prove that any goods they m1tt~ct shtt. had vJ_Qlate,it .the .terms o buy are needed ror 'thejr "health, her ~robatil>n...-04.had not only read ¥fetyorwell·being." . ads 1n. newspapers and ma_gaz1nes, During the draD""lic trial. but .w_a._tc~.e d .. a co m~erl_f.a l on Prosecutor Franklin Furteri noted rl1e!~fJb'l. odn .• ~1 ... :('.•. tt .tn to go that M~_ Flayshon was already ori f ' a a reaay go e~ .. -. ,probatiOnlor purchasing a $12.95 set.. w~sh m.r hands 18 t1!"ei> !~ 2~ ~a.ue Lucite moustache cupS ~unutes, she told. the )Ury. ~ ancfTI14.95 Stuffed Canada Goose JUSt sat there ~e1ling 1myse~~. One Lamp,Kit. t~!'SY commercial wont hu_rt . . ~· w aJmbefore you, ladies and gen· , But they showed this really tJ~tn, turter told the jury, .. you adora~le. CUCkO~·Clock pla~t holder that ost selfish. thou,ehtles.s antt and this tndescnbabl~ craving came ::Zptc le of Americans-a com· ov~r me and I knew~ JUS~ had to have Pulsive · yer. Or, as the~· are called .a fi x "';nd ••• ''At this po11nt she broke t!:da ,. 1.;· k···· down1ntea1"sandcouldntgoon. e'-_ YI, a JUD JUD ie · . Follo .... ·ing the verdict Defense Al· ,,er defense. the sobbing three· ' . . t lo~ said only that she needed tC?rney Perry El~ made .an 1mpa.s· ~e cuclU>o-clock plant holder •·to s1~ned pl ~a for leniency. . bri.ehten.,up the li\r ing room.·· . ·t. adm!t yo~r honor. _that my c!1ent . . . . . ts fl Junk JUnk1e.'' he said dramatical· ~)\e JUry r~qu1red ~ust 17 minutes to ly. ··But let us remember that she has r~ch'thecu11t y verdict. been conditioned since infancy by a Atrs. Ftays hon was arrest~ after trillion dollars \\'Orth of advertising to her husband came hom e to find the become hooked on this insatiable new cuckoo·clock plant holder as well .. · I I d . J' t ' k th Cl 3\ 1ng . as a Pea sc~aw ~ .. 1n 1ps tc on e Bu~t Judge 1-lector (lianging Heel bathroo!' 1~1rror. Stop me before l \Voolsey was not impressed . "To.see buy a~a1a . . the defend ant as simply a victim of ·P~hce lffo~nd her in_ the Imparted her unimpoverished environment,·• c»ios section o'f a · di scount hou.se. he said sternly. ··js bleeding-heart i;tte"y sa~ ~he was i>a!e, trembling nonsense! To protect the economic aDd pe\111i1r1ng. They sa1~.~he begg~d safety or al l d~cent citizens, this them tolillow her to buy JUSt one ht· woman must be exposed for what she tft $1.9~Zamboangan Rain Goddess·• is-an incurable junk addict." •• A vigoro.us effort should he made to find :ond implement a solution to •t problem \vhich is JlO\\: almost a ,vearold. Flexible Education Enrollment al Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges has jumped 22.7 percent over last year's attendance figures. College officials point out that students are laking smaller class loads than previously. It's still a good sign, though, that so many residents are t aking advantage of community college offerings. The fact that so many people are using the colleges. even to take one or tw o classes, is an indication of the increasingly fine reputation of both sthools . T\VO nearby community colleges, in Cypress and 1''ullerlon, show only a 13 percent in crease this year. and school officials admit that is~ optimistic fi gure . An active s ummer recruitment program, plus a new system allowing flexible scheduling on the G\\'C a nd OCC campuses~ is one reason for the colleges' success. The flexible scheduling has opened sections of classes closed during early registration and has begun sections at earlier and later hours required by some students. But a still larger reason Is· that both institutions are really fulfilling their obligation of providing superior and e asily available education to the com.munity. · N 'Besides, the Communists spend more m oney to subvert democratically elected governments tha n we do!' Sti ll l1tfltre11c e PolicyH1aki11g Nixon Holdovers White House \VASHJNGTON -HO\V little both the substance and sty l e of policymaking have changed at the \Vhite House is renected by the fact that the same economist who '''rote President Nixon's last economic speech expects to· write President fo'or d 's s peech concluding h is economic s ummit conference Sept. 28. The speech writer is economist Sid· ney J ones, a m ajor backs tage poli c'ymaker at the Nixon While I-louse who re main s highly inOuc_nJial in ~)annin g the Ford economic s um1ini"t~ ·\Vh a•'s - more. Jones has no apologies for th~ l ast Njxo,n economic S pe~ • in Los Angeles · • July 25 \\'hich advocated ··th~ old time:. religion '' -t ha t is. fi scal a nd monetar\' conservatism - and not much els-e . ALTHOUG H Nixon's July speech was in itselr a· depressant on the economy. other government offictals expect J ones t o follo\v the same general script for ~lr. Ford. Apart from perpetuating Nixonomics, this sho\•.'s that economic policy is still being made in the \Vhite I louse rather than by Secretary or the Treasury \Villinm Simon, as once seemed probable. Such a patte rn ge nerally holds tru<' fo r . al l govern ment policymaking during President Ford's -first six weeks in offi ce. Despite.his genuine . desire to decentralize po\\'er. au•ay from the \Vhitc llousc and back to cabinet·level departments. little has changed. fn deed, the White House Domestic Cou n cil under Nixon holdove r Ken Cole, is more innuential than ever. No wonder, then, that poli cies remain as they were. • EVANS.NOVAK ago asked for a pri1·ate session with BUT THE aft ermath or this last in· [ ] Curtis of Nebraska, some l\\'O \\'eeks the same Domestic Council starters. the President lo discuss thei r com· cident s hO\\'S that. for all the plaints about what they consider his similaritie~ bet\\'een the Nixon and lefl\\'ard drift. The lack of anv Ford \\-'bit e liouses, there are dif· THIS CAN be panly explained by r~s.P?nse to the Senators is the respori. ferences \\•hich hopefully will be the lack of the usual transition period s1b1 btr Qot of ?.tr. Ford but of his staf. dominant eve ntually. Unable to bet\\'een Presidents. 11-1oreo,·er, there fers. fo~or \'arious strategic reasons, make his point ,,·itb the Domestic never was muc h chance for ap-they did not \Va nt the Senators to see Cou ncil staff. Quie insisted 0 11 seeing preciable change as long as Gen. him now. the President himself. a friend and Alexander Haig maintained the old ally for 16 years. Quie got into the Nixon system as White House chi ef of ITEl\1 : The Domestic Council stafr 0\'<.1) Offic(!, made his pitch to filr. staff; with liaig leaving this "'eek, ad· has dominated the presidential f·ord and c1rme a\\·ay con,·inced there mini stration officials outside the decision.making about the go\'ern· ,,·ould be no ,·cto. White liouse hope a new day \\'Ill m en t 's n e \V energy pol 1 c y The pcllnt 1s th at Quie ne\·er \routd da\\'D fo! th!!!"· _ _ !';'a~~!_!!eri'::.a decision crucial to bolh ha,·e ,::otten close enough to Nixon to· 'Nevertheless, .in 1m a e Ford ad· ChPlom a11c and economic problems. contradit'f the s toff:-Irrcontrast clost' X~sers are deeply disappointed ubout The Domesti~ Council paper on the ~rson;1l aides brought to the \\1hite 111"e first six-weeks at.the ford ~hile •. sultl~et, s ubmitted to ~Mr: Ford last rHousc by Mr~ F,.p.rd feel open access House. \Yh~t foJl~ws L9 a sa~phng or weelC, "'as treat~d as-a t.op secret" ,,·Ill be t~e essence,of his presidenc~-. r~eent . 1n c1d~nt.s there which . ~re document '!o~ ava1l abl~ to high gover-Once l-fa1 g leaves. they believe, A1r. jdisturbln.gly s1n;i1lar ·to ~he prevailing nment orf1c1als .outside.. the \Vhitc f•ord 's personal inclinations for a de· pattern of the Nixon White House: I louse. • emphai;ized \Yhite'House staft will be ITEl\1: The recent legislative mes- sage sent Congress by l\1r.' Ford "'as prepared entirely by the Domestic Council. When one White House aide bootlegged a copy lo a cabinet menl· ber, angry Domestic Council staffers launched an investigation to discover the .. leak.'' Item: A doze n conservative Republican Senators, led by Sen. Carl Item: R~p . Albert Quie or !\Jin· translatedintoreality. nesota, a hi ghly regarded Republican ~ \\0 hatever happens in the post-Haig moderate, had argued w.nsuccessfully \\lhi te l.fouse, however, the last six. that .President ~ixon should not \'e:to ,,·eeks cannot be \\'ashed away. Al a fun~1ng of a nti.poverty community time when J\lr. Forcrs closest ad· act\on programs .. When he renew_ed \1isers £ell changes in both·the policies the· arg4ment with the Ford Whale and procedures of the administration House, Q_uie encountered exactly the ~·ere im perative, the .ne\v President same res1st~nce and exactly the same \¥as unable to budge more than argu~~nts 1n reply. Th!l-t was hardly slightly the monolithic Nixon system surpns1ng: he \\'as talking to exactly that he inherited. Incumbents' Advantages \Vh ile the dire predictions or doorp made for in c umbents early this year "'ere not borne out by the primary election s in Calirornia, there are those \\'ho sti!l think voter reaction to office holders will be di sastrous to many at the general electioh. Their reasoning, althdugh ~ased primarily on the discontent or the public because of unemployment and ( E ARL WATERS ) da)". The other fe1lo\\· must gain hi s knowledge from the newspapers and the difference sho\vs if they meet face lo fa ce.'' AS FOR fu nd raising for the cam· paign, Song says the incumbent not onl y has the advantage or knowing how and \vhere lo get contributions, he has established a record ~·hi ch ser· ves to rei ssure contributors that he is \\·orlhy of support . ~-'Cost of Presidential Transition high costs of living. goes deeper than that. They say that even though the public is angered by actions raisin g top government officials' salaries u'hile large segments of societv are une mployed a.nd even those employed sink deeper and deeper into d-ebt because or infl ation and hi gher laxes. t~e office hold ers might ha\'c \\1eathered the stolim . But they feel lhar the accumulation or all of these things togelher \\.'ith the utter disenc ha ntment \Vith those in of· ri ce. caused by the \Vatergatc travesties, is bound to be reflected in ' the ballots cast in November. But \\•here there is no debate 0£ Song 's contentions is his observation that. in add ition to his o"·n abilities. the incumbent "has a stuff which is politically sophistit:ated ''. ''\\'hil e other people have staffs, and almost any candidate can assemble a crev.· of ,·olunteers. only u.n elected official has paid e mploycs who perform ' "'WAS1t?NG10N -11·s going to cost the taxpa~·ers well O\'er SI million a . .Year to _k<'CP Richard Nixon in his ac· <'Ustomrd style. · (~~~C~ ANDERSON) Ratllln g behind the scenes for thi s bountiful budget <ire t\\'O Nixon ap· pointees. Ge neral Ser\'ices Ad · sition monev do\vn to $.193,000. T his ministrator Art Sampson and Budget \\'OUld include a $60,000 pension and a Uirector Roy Ash. $96,000 staf(~ which Nixon will con· The day after Nixon ga\•e up the tinue to draw for the rest of his life. Presid._enc)· and retired to San Clemente in tiisgrace, Sampson new-fHE <:l;NER-OUS Sampsorl has out to California to ulso exempted Nixon from paying meet secretly, \\•Ith rent on the government office space Nixon aides Ron he is using in California. Sampson Ziegler and Steve tried to tell Us this merely avoidS 'Bull. They t alked ··double bookkeeping.·· But It also about a 11 the provides NixOn with $100,000 worth or ~money ll would free office spnce. \\•hich \\'on't hllve lo take lo set up the come out or his budget. former p resident In addition to all this. IL will cost the .a $; a pr i v a .t. c Secret ServiCc at Jensl $622,000 a year ciliten. to protect t he former president. T his THENSAMPSONendAsh pullheir figure does n't include another ,h(!ads tosether a nd decided to reques~ S.100,000. \\•hich is now spent to protect the royal sum or $850,000 for the tr an· his estat<' At Key Biscayne, Fla. The- sition . RouUnel~·, President Ford sent 'bodyguardS are expected to be witl\- their request to Capitol lUll with .his· drawn from Ke y Biscayne by the entl blcssin&. of the year. There was a n outcry from member Sampson a lso doesn't like to talk <>l CongreH who comptuintd-this was about the-ent.our11:ge which 11 now ser- t10 muc h money to lavish on a ving Nixon at San Clemente. At least president who had resigned to uvoid 32 persons are workloa dlredly for i mpeachment and conviction. txcept Nixon but are paid by assorted aover~ for a timely pardon, they noted, Nixon nment .agencies. Thelr1Alarte1 add Up might have "'ound up In prison where to " Whopping $576,000. Because they Jail ketp would have co,,;l U1e t.ax· are "on dctall,'''they c•n also cotleel P17en considerably less. $40 a day for eitpcnses. · A subcomm ittee hc•dcd by Rep. Tom Steed, D-O kl• .. hos now rccom• ON LOAN from the While House al mended &!••bing-the-ll!.'AJ,000 tr8"• ..... 1 .. y or $4~ for cxamplt.•. ll ror- • mer press s·ecretary Ron Ziegler. ~fe brought aloog. his favorite press as~ sistant. pretty Dianne Sawyer, who makes $21,ooO. Yet there is no p_ress office at San Clemente. · Nixon has gone into such complete seclusion that wiseacres have dubbed San Clemente 10 Elba West." yet the nonspeakin g Nixon is attended by speechwritcr Ray Price a~ a $40,000 _salary. A foriner fiixon attorney, Mike Sterlacci, is alsOofi "'temporary assigilment '' itl S<1n Cleme nte. drawing do\vn $28,263 from the tax· payers. 1'he ex-president's loyal secretary. Rose ?llary \Vood s. still collects her S36.000 paychecl\ from lhr \Yhite ··- 'Youn In luck: h'6 been nducedl" House, and Steve Bull receives S34 ,000 as Nixon's chief errand boy. Seven .other White llouse employes are 6 'detailed '' to Nixo n, TllE DEFENSE Department has loaned him a nother five men. in~ eluding three chauffeurs. Nixor01>er· sonal maid and valet, mean,Vlile. have been pla c~d quietly on the National Parks Service payroll. And the loyal Sampson has .assigned 11 maintenance workers frqm the (,Jenera\ Services AdminiStration to keep the Nixon estates in tip-top shape, Congress h as had so muc h difficulty getting full information on-the NiXon ~pending that Sen. Joseph t.tonlt>ya. .D·N.ti l .• h;i s fired off a private lftter to the budget l'hief demanding ... a comprchensi\'e a nd complete listing or all federal pcrsonMcl detailed to lhe former president.•· Jo'oolnotc: Sumpson dctcnded thl' Nixon budJl:el as appropriate and necessary. J·le contended th'at the Lyn~ don Johnson transition had· cost $541,800. which didn't include the time spent cataloguing the Johnson papers while he was still ln offict>, Quotes Dr. Fred G. 11u·dsOn1 founder-direc~ lor S.fo'. A lcoholl~m Clinic • -.. Alcohol is \\'tu·ii;e th~n drugs because it is in- sidious and an accepted pari or our socitt.y :· TllE REPUBLICANS-J.::ne\\' t1ier-1>0li.ti~•:!-1.asks...as.patlo.t:.tbeiLllOmlJ! \Yer.e faced with hurdles because of duties. · · Nixon's Uirficulties. But they took great heart \\-·he n Nixon resigned . .lL almost looked like a new ballgame. Alas, it was to be shortlived and with Ford's plunge, from dizzying heights 11£ mome ntary popularity to a dangerous low, the Republicans are again on the defensive. Still, there are those who think that many voters will not limit their resentment caused by the letdown of the hopes. they had 1>laced in Ford. but \Vi ii strike:: out ~t :.ill those in office. One who djsagrees withs\ich assess. ments is Senator Al Song, chHirman • of the Sennte ~Judiciary Committee • Since he too mus t-stand berore the voters in November it may be just..a case or \\'hi stling in the dark. Still. in a recent •·neu·slctter" to his district, Song discounts a ny contention that In - cumbent~ are headed for trouble with strong arJ!:um ents against such a pos- ~ihilit y. JN Tll.E MOSLamazing candt>r he s pells out wh y it i~ alm~t lm1>0s!iilblc lo dcfe~lt •1n lncumbent.-Poinling out that the incumbent h~l~ the advanttiJ!e of campaign experience, havinJt }tlreud)' \Von :1t leust one ele:ction, he f;iles the fur.lh;cr edge or bc.inJLm.or.c li;oowlcdgcable abquttheissues. "'Even the slupldcst incumbent is helter p 1~parcd to deb~tc lhe issues SONG IS NOT talking ubout c.a m .. pui gn starr hir.ed' with,pri\•ate funds. J-lis reference' is. to those Payrolled \\'ilh public funds. . .../ EnouJ?h said?. ORANGE COAST· DAILY PILOT Robert N, W • PubWhtr Tomas ti , Editor ra Kreibich £diJ-Oricl Page Editor The editori11l page of tile Daily Pilot sffks to inform aod stimulate readers by presenting on this pace diverse com ment ary on topics of in· terest by"'syndicated eolu!llnists and cartoonists. by providing a forum for rea'den' views ~nd by pl'ti('flting thi s newspaper's opinions and idtas on currcnl top cs. The editorial opinions or ihe Dally Pilot appear only in the editorial column at the top of the paa;e. OPlnions exprtUed by the columnista: .and cartoonista •nd letter writers are their own and no endon1ement of their views by the D.:iUy Pilot should be Inferred. ~'riday, Septembcr27, 1974 llee>US<:. .. hc. ~e~lll wllh \h<nl..C\'.,-Y 1------------1 • ' I • • • -. ''1dlr· Stptttnblt 27, 1974 DAILY PILOT A 5 'R ipoff BontUes' • ~_ Baby~itte~· Arres ted In Kidnap Reagan Pension Attacked, THE NIKON ' SAN DIEGO (AP) -A babysltw woo allegedly kid- naped a Chtla Vista infant tllree weeks ago, saying she needed the child to clalnl her husbaOO's inheritance, has been ar.rest-Od in Tljuana1 M•>ioo. Authorities said the baby was found safe in Mex- lcaJi, too miles away. The 5-waek .. ld b ab y , Carmen i t a Pollorena, a~ peared healthy and brlgbt- eyed as she was reunited l ______ ) Ruling Made S tale Mayor Joseph L. Alioto ot San Francisco was told again Thursday by Thursday with her parentts, district attorney he SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Assembly Speaker Leo T. McCarthy has charged that Gov. Ronald Reagan urged quick passage of a legislative pension. refonn bill in an at- tempt to protect h.is ~0"11 retirement "rlpo(f bonuses." The Democratic lawmaker Thursday said constitutional officers, not just legislators; hJJve "abused" the retirement system. "It Is time v.·c stop at- bonuses unavailable to any future governor o r con· stltuUonal officer," McCarthy said. He explained that Reagon" pension is computed at 40 per· cent of his salary, currently $49,100, but would !ncrea,. proportionally any dme future governort recelved a pay Jn.. crease. That feature has been eliminated for anyone elected •!lei: 1m. "The blgg•st r I p q II , however," McCarthy declared, "b from the addition of a cost .. f.tivtng adjustment baa- ed on ltM. This l~eaaes Gov. Reagan's entitlement from $19,640 to $38,330 tm- mediatdy." *** *** *** McLenTWn Raps Quimby ~~~!~ tip~~r:u:~sy= SACRAMENTO (UPI ) -A sponsor of the pension ttptal ellitbte for $10,164 a year _ Including the governor's freshman Rep u b Ii can as· 6111, which bluntly told Quim· under the present system. If special pension bonuses be semt>lyman seeking. to repeal by: the law is changed, he would seems 80 intent on pre> the early pension benefits for "If this bill ls passed tt not receive 8 1 e g 1 5 1 a t 1 v e tecting" 1\.1,.,.ftrthy said ln a lawmakers says a retiri ng col· might be the jolt that will ' '~ I I be h norisioo until age 60. prepared slatement. eague wil urt more by save your life. It things con-I""' McCarthy and 0 t b e r bis drinking problem than the tinue for you as they now "I feel llke a person must •OMPJwllll 1.4 .... lc ..................... 5'21.7• ..COMPTM-l.4i-a-................ $111.76 -OIMAT a wllli PZ 1tM A coM ............ S~72.'4 -OIMATwllliF2i-lc-.............. UlJ.IO J<hn and Yolanda Pollotena. should "withdraw from at the Tijuana police st;itloo. any further negotia- A llkctdl of the babysitter lions or participation" awn tty a police artist and in family's purchase or p ub 111 he d tn Tijuana Pacific Far East ship- -pen aeverai daya >i<> ping compan y because ~ led to tbe arrest of "conflict of inter- Democrats \Vednesday re-probable loss of his pension. are medically, I would expect feel when he IS led to the jected Republican efforts for Assemblyman John P . your life expectancy to be gallows and l!ley are about im1nediatc repeal of early Quimby, (0.-San Bernardino), about two to three years. Your to drop the door," Quimby retirement benefits for some a 12-year legislative veteran, problem is not ln your legs, lamented \Vednesday. · lameduck legislators. Th e had complained that he will it 's t11e motion In your right "I've shaped my whole Ille HUNTINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY plan, which allows aome have difficulty getltng a job elbow." the lawmakers to retire during after losing his Assen1bly seat McLennan was dismayed arol fundtt I've pensiedon py~t·1,·:_ l111t M• St .. H~41'·641 I w 14Z-tllt rea pportl'onmeot y··-before · · e earn m ·~ ... ~"""" 8rlorioinl °'"'-' -....... ~ 1n the primary e I e ct ion . that the letter bad been made ment I feel I'm gett'•g '"· ._ _____ mmmmiiiiiiiiiii------1 reaching age ••, -uld cost · ui u..:: .• "" ....., particu1arly because he Is public but acknowledged he abort end of the stick." taxpayers millions of dollars. confined to a wheelchair due was talklng about a drinking Quimby r esponde d to!=====~·============== to polio. problem end hoped bis advice McLennan's letter by saying INSTEAD, committee hear-He released a letter from "might shake him up enough 'the Republican ''needs KIDS "-·'ht:l&ft Lopez DeBorreU, ests ... ~ said &In Dieso Sherill's Lt. ---------ings on the entire issue of A bl Bob to--• hi t " ....... 1 • LIKE TO ASK ANDY retirement for elected officials ssem yman McLennan, uUlAe m sop. ps, ....... atnc attention. I t 's • were scheduled for Monday. ~IR~-~Do-wn~ey~I~, ~the'.._'l~•lll~·s1_a_l't~ur~e~··__i:~Q~u'.:im:_b~y~, 39~, a~lorm~e~r~b~roa~d-,__!j~us~tl~fi~ca~ti~on~~on~h~i!s ~pa:.'..rt~l_oJr =================== --m • e p.,.Jc Fouled lip LOS ANGELES (UPI) - She Admits Killing Man Over 'Rape' In ordering the special 1 _ only physician and pMme caster, would lrhmedlately be hurting a lot of people.'" session on retiremetnt reform 1'bt federal g o vernment • ~ a M>01CKX> suit Thurs· ; day against ~ company that : • allegedly created a foulup in national p a r k reservations that will last for the rest ol the year. The J u s t i c e Department said the company s o t d campllltet in 1181lonai parka to tmre than one grou p at a time, creating confllcta, did not make prompt refunds to carrc>«a and refuses to glve I the porl< oervlce the nmey and records oeeded to atnllhlen out the mess. Tile I dvtt "'11 was· filed in U.S. lllotrlct OOurt against Park I Reoervations ilystellll Inc., tis • • tine operators, and the t lniUraDCe CO. of N o r t h I America of Pennsylvania, the COIJ'4)8QY'• surety hokier. • I e M .... on Moaied • SACRAMENTO (AP) - Oxrvfcted mass m u r d e r e r Oiarles Mamoo has again been plaoed under t t g h t ~-ty ~ctid a!te< be • fried to smuggle a letter out ; ol ,prlll01l., state offlclals say. ; Prism spokesmen bad sald ':' early Jut weelt that Manson .. · had been 8.llowcd greater freedom or movement and • grNter contact with other in· • matea at the Callfornia • Medical Facility at Vacaville. MONTEREY CAI') -"I'm mt sorry I did it," said lnei Garcia, admitting she killed a Soledad man but insisting it was self defense. Aco-1 ot murder, Mrs. Garcia testified in her own behalf Thursday in connection with the Marcil 21 ltloottng d\'"tl1 of Miguef Jimenez. in response t~ public demand over the pensions, Reagan urged that· the repeal be com· pleted in "a couple of hours" to hold down expenses of the session. f\1cCarthy said the rush was d esigne d. to prevent lawmakers from s tu dy i n g Reagan's retirement. The speaker vowed it would not work. The San Francisco lawmak er said Reagan, 63, after "only eight years of service," will leave office and draw an aMual salary of $36.000. "He receives that amot.mt only by invoking s p e c i a J 11YES I m.LED him be- cause he helped Luis Castillo rape me.," Mrs. Garcia told a packed coortroom. "It's about Candidate time it gets talked about, even kids get raped now and 111> Ch d body says anthing aboot it." arge Mrs. Garcia , the wife of • Soledad Pri9lll1 1nma1e. In B rihery claims that Jimenez and Caatillo assaulted bet and beat ONTARIO (AP) -WdHam codefendant Alfred Medrano McViUie. a Democratic can· prior to the shooting. stie also didate for the state Assembly, said she m:;el.ved taw;iting has been charged \\ith mlsde· ptxme calls following the rape . meanor bribery because of Deputy Dist. Atty. Arthur allegations that deputy county Braudrick claims an argument registrars were paid 40 cents among the four Jrinclpals over for each ~w r e g i s t e r e d alleged drug trafficking led Democrat. ~ e Se~ KlUefl to the sbJolir1!. McVittie's voter regi91ration The trial oontiooes Tuesday. d · ~~-tor R b $ "· ORQ (AP) -A soldier nve coorviua , u e n ... waa shot to death here by Lara. was charged with the • a military policeman trying ~--------~ same violation Thursday. Both ; to make a drug arrest, an J 9 S l are to be arraigned today in • Army 8POkesnan reported. · 0 OILS 0n · Munl r-.~ :· 'Ibe lbooting o ccurred ta.no cipal \,AIUI' ... 'Jbundly evelling outside an A three-week Jlvestigation • enlisted men's club as the Get BoltUS was made · by the s an ~~ MP was investigating an Bernardino Cowlty Sheriff's : alleged ll8le of dangerous office at the request o! : dntgl, the apokesman said. SACRAMENTO (AP ) -Regisirar William Clinton. The ; The MP was IJU!pended from Nineteen former s t a t e 40-<:ent bonuses were allegedly ~ duty pending an investigation. legislators are receiving paid to deputy registrars early retiremMt bonu~ recruited in the Ontario-Chino • Vulcasl11 J\'omed now and wilt apparenlly area. continue to receive them SACRAMENTO (UPI ) even i( the t'Ofltroversial 'fhe standard practice · is -that deputy registrars are · Joho P. Vukasln Jr., con-law is repealed in the paid 10 cents for each voter, troversial member o( the special legislative session regardless of party. Public UUllties Commission, Monday, the Los Angeles McVlttie, 36, is run n i n g was named to the Alameda Times reported in its Fri· ', County SUperlor Q1urt bench day editions. against Re p u b I i ca n Pete Van<ler Poe.I for the seat in 'lburoday by Gov. Rooald '----------' the newly formed 6 S t h ~g an pre v f 0 us J Y'l-----------A-'-ssemb:_.:..l.::.Y.:..D.:..is::.tr::.ic::.t.:... __ _ nominated Vulwin, 411, a · Republican, to the !st District • Court ot Appeal In San Fran- ~-, -But-to+l .. -w-1 n·g1----- • wld"'PI eod protest of tl1e nomination, Reagan withdrew it in an unprecedented action. ·Units Awake After Quake ~In Canyon SAN LUIS omSPO (AP) ~ -A mild earthquake near • nuclear power plant undir Ollllllructioo bas shaken two -dtizons gniupo Into asklnc the AkJollc Energy Commission to _., oomtructlon until the ~ dangera are fully ..alut<d. '!be two -the Scenic SbortUan Pres ervation Coalerex:e In Santa Barbara ..i the San Luis Obispo MolJtera for Poaoe, told Ille A!lC that furtlter rueon:lJ -be condacted on th• Gllabore r1ult .,.,.,,, wltbtn 10 miles of the plant at Dlahlo Cao.Yon. ~;~~~~ 1914 H...., ._ .. ,n COSTA MbA& Ml-HS4 • ' -C.WIOTT UC s.i Ologo P,.ln lOI' • Robert C. Elliott ts tht author of the lift! ortldt in the 18-port u...... hy ~ Serie> bling published °'. pubtk service hy the Doily Pilot . Elliott is o lileroturt professor ot UC Son DieQo orwJ is o fellow ol the Americon Academy of Ms ond Sciences. Tht opentng article of the :terits "In Seorth of tht Amerir.on tnom•· C4lPfOrS In Sunday's Doity Pilot. In it, Elliott from the eaty begmnitlgs of Americo, tne ospirotions of tht c:olonisls and the o:tiMments ond tr111lr1Jtiont thot l'loYt been port bf Ille nat"1'sg-owth. Reodets of WMS by Newspof)lr o<lidn moy alto oarn llllle9e aadl for thttr efforts by lffV'Olling ot t ither UC Irvine « Orange """briig Cot1i!9e. Uouiws by -ore prlplrod by UC San DitQo under """" of ttie Notionol fndawmtnt lor tho HumanillH ond ll'o Won Fo.."11otion. MOes wiU appeor Wlfltly on Sundoy1 in tht DAILY PILOT I. • 4 BIG REASONS ... for buying thl1 RCA XL-100 • D Solid state reliability. ' O Black Matrix picture tube (RCA's finest ever) for sparkling bright, detailed pictures. The all new "Allen" ls a perfecl example with 111 30,000.VOlt' chat1!1 and beauty to match • ConaervH energy too ~UHS 24.5% leU power than our comparable sets with tubes. D Automatic l ine tuning convenience. D Superb styling and traditional RCA craftsmanship. 0 Mea1ured It JefO bMm eyrrent. RCA 1975 XL-100 prices $ start as low as 2 RCA Acculine portables. One big enough 'tor the whole family, the other a bit more personal. Both feature the Acculine "in-line" picture tube system so pop!llar in smaller sets, AccuMatlc IV, push buttori cok>r control and RCA XL-100100% solid stale performance In outstanding, decorator dnlgned cabinetry. RCA's biggest screen, a great value. Conserve• energy! (Uses 48% less power then o~r comparable tube sets.) Preserves your budget too! ft..--Ana~RC;ll cra1tsmentmngyoira-1trlklng S1>anlsh-sty1e console featuring a m111iv1 platform base, overhanging top and decorati ve llllgree ... it's alt RCA. RCA· 17~AGONAL XL·100 . . DAILY 10.7 for llodol ET-355 19046 BROOl<HURST SI. SAT. I O.l:JO, SUM.· I 0.1 Ol'lll MOH. THU.. l 1111. IM HUlllllTOl IEAGI 968-3329 I < ' , I • . - Today's Finni N.Y. Stocks • YOL 67. NO. 270, 4 SECTIONS, ,40 PAGES . ~ . . - ORANGE' COUNTY,. CALIFORNIA ' 'FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1974 c TEN CENTS --· ,,_· e1ze • oman Debate Ton.ight Fwurnoy, Brown ori KOCE-TV Tbe fl!~ televised debate between Democrat Edmund 'G. Brown Jr. and Republican Houston I. Flournoy in their campaign for gov· emilr wfil be broadcast tonight by KOCE Channel 50 at 7 o'clock. The 60-minute broadcast was to be taped at noon today during a confrontation between the candidates at UC Ir.vine. The confron- tation was expected to produce the most specific proposals of the campaJ'gn on educational issues. The unedited broadcast will be shown on only two stations, the Coast Community . College District's -Channel 50 and KPBS.TV, Channel 15, of Cal State, San Diego. The San Diego broadcast will begin at 10 p.m. · • Both candidates have supported the concept of providing more ,. funds for poor-school districts to meet inequities in educational op- portunity cited by the California Supreme Court. But to date, neith· er has made or endorsed any specific proposal. The debate was to be held 'in UCl's Crawford Hall before an audience of students and faculty. The m<Xlerator will be John C. Hoy, UC's vice chancellor for student affairs. The program format provides for a six-minute opening state. ment and three-minute rebuttal by each candidate and then the can- didates' responses-to written questions submitfed by the audience. . . Windfall Wipeout? ' Committees Set Hem·ing _OnPen~ionCnts_Monday IA~ (Al'),-~! .... , .imoontinl~·,_. than ISI0,000 could ao to eight state lawmakenl on two crucial committees -onless tbooe committees \'Ole to wipe out the windfall . The members of the Senate and Assembly committw will hold bearings Monday 3Dd then vote on measures to rep<al lhe up to 15.7 million in early penskms ror 61 legislators. Four out of the nine membet;s of the Asaembly Pubttc Employes and REAGAN CHARGED WITH 'BONUS RIPOFFS', Story P1ge AS Retirement Committee and four out of flve memben of the Senate Rules Com- mittee are in Une for· the early pension checks whlch these bills would wipe ·out. The flood of..19 bllls on pension matters will be considered at the hearings and tbeo killed or rtifetTed to their respective houses wllen lhe Legislature COllM\S back Monday to continue its special session. Senate President pro tern James R. Milla (l}San Diego), who chairs the Indian Tribes · .. Convene in Mesa Rulao • • -faliil Una, !Ot.l>OnM adding~l!J,413 by age 60 if tbe windfall is not repealed and if be ltane olJlco by esrly nm year. The &Muat bomia '!or M.W.., 47, would be lli,!7l. . The 14-tear veteran of the Legislature will be eligible for 90 percent of that annual check. -whe:;ther the bonuses are repealed -if he serves through oext year. other Senate committee members and their potetntlal bonuses are Seru. Clare Berryhill (R-O!resl. • $33,686; Rob<:rl Stevens (R·Los Angeles), $20,350; and George Zeoovtch (().Fresno), 181.401. Sen. Jooeph Kennick, CD-Long Beach). is eligible for an immediate pension -whenever he retires -because be has served for more than 15 years and is over 60. 'The chairman of the Assembly com- mittee, Wadle Deddeh, (D-Chula Vista). could receive annual checks of $6,124 over the next six years i£ he decides to leave office this year or if the voters reject him at the polls -a total of $36,748. Another committee member, Assemblyman Newton Russell, (R-Tu- junga), was rejected by Ple voters in llie June primar,o and ~ eligj~le to start drawing annual checks rof $8,479 starting Ja.J). 1, for a 13-year total of l110,23t. U AssemblyWomJD March Fong loses the race for ·seq-etary of state in November, her pension checks each year would add Up} to 448,998 over ~ next Mesan Gets 1-15 Years 111 Slaying By TOM BARLEY Of ftl• D•llY ~li.t St1fl Convicted killer Helen Jeannine J\·lay of Costa i tesa \Y&s sentenced today to o~e to 1~ years in state prison for the slaying of a youn g jazz drummer who shared her home at 1383 Shannon Lane. Mrs. Atay, 45, listened calmly as Orange County Superior COurt Judge Walter E. Smith agreed to strike from her voluntary manslaughter conviction a use of firearms provision that would have added another five years to her sentence. Judge Smith ordered Mrs. May's ship- ment lo the Frontera Prison for Women with the added condition that "the Department of Corrections has complete discretion to release her when it con- siders that she is no longer a danger to public· safety." Defense attorney Donald McCartin, ob- viously delighted with Judge Sriiith's change of heart on the weapoos provision and the jurist's additional comments, sald ·ne l'fas n'o intention of appealing- ·l\lrs. ~ay's conviction. 'lliii .rivOIJ.bainld 1idil9w was ~ last June ·11 at lier lidofe sl!Ortly ~lier sht: ptit a bullet through tQe head or musician Venice Hernando Willis, 2.1, who die<t on the dining room !loor ns police reached the home. Mrs. May testified that \\1HUs, Y.'ho had ignored several demands by her to leave the home, announced hls in· tention of raping her. 1!-11cCartin argued in her defense that she was of ''diminished capacitv". He said the rondition was created by the loss of her husband, fonner Cbsta l\"lesa Fire Capt. Lawrence May, her mother, and her sister in the few months before the murder of Willis. Mrs. A1ay broke doY.'11 1 and \\·ept on the witness stand as she recalled the death of her estranged husband from leukemia and her abuse at the hands or Willis who aJlegedly put her ever hls knee and spanked her with his belt on several occaSions. Beaten Boy, 4. Dies DOWNEY (UPfl -A 4-year-old boy died at a hospital today from injuru·s he suffered in a bealing three days ago. and the mother's .boyfriend . Daniel Hamilton . was booked on suspicion of murder. The boy, Steven Andrew Trier. "'BS rushed by ambulance to Do~y Community Hospi tal Wednesday when his mother. Patricia. 24, returned home fron1 work and found him on the bathroomt floor. .;41-Y'., -J J91&tt .... •!". -- ~ . <1:'14',~ Fh~eme11 Fetch Fluste1'ed F eli11e From Flivver Huntington Beach firemen are ac- customed to pulllng cats from trees, but they were surprised today when a housewife drove up to the ~furdy Station and asked them to pull a cat from her car door. instead of silting on her tuffett. Lil' l\1iss f\;luffett had craY.1led under the hood or the car 01\-Tied by h-1rs. Sandra Shy, 6082 Anacaoa Drive. Before Mrs. Shy discovered the sli ghtly Jess-furry feline. she had been bounced around by the fan. belt and had crawled between the fender hood and the driver's door. "l didn 't kno1v she was in the car until I got to the bank and n'ly little boy heard her meow," said the woman. "I eoilldn't get her out, so I decided the fire station was the best place to go." We didn't don't know if Lil' h1iss f\.1uffett has nine lives, but she did have nine firemen, Including two paramedics, working to free her. Capt. John Bakken said it only took 15 minutes, but firemen had to remove the car door to puU the cat free . According to a tag on her neck - not a city-issued license -Miss Muffett livecl wi th AI: Sills at 5882 San Souci Drive. She was slightly bruised after her trip, but olherwise in good spirits. After firemen put the door back on f\.1rs. Shy's car. she thanked them and said. "My husband will never believe this." Two Little League Figures ·For Pow Wou' eight years,.until she reaclje, age 60 .. ,,. She has-111d she will vote to wt~ . . out her own bonus. .. j . --~M~.m~bers.otmore.llwL1ll_rk!ionJrj~ ... • •-mblyman...Edwln.c...Z'ber (D- lrom across States will gat~-~~nto), is already eligiblee for 92 Orani' County Fairgrounds in ~ta percent of his pension because of his Okay· Ge11tle1ne1i _ -W--ill~StancLMolestTrial ~ Mesa thla weekend for the National 16 years service, but the pension bonus Indian Day Show. provisions could put an extra $967 a Tribal ritua1s, ceremonial, social and year into his pocket for each of the next war dances and Indian crafl displays 12 year& il he leaves office: • Wilt highll&ht lhe three-day event \hat The remaining members of Ille slarted-~y. Assembly committee are ineligible for ·'lbe· events, said Chief George Pi~rre the pension bonus because they were of the Colville Confederate Tribes of. elected after the cutotf date of 1969 Washington state, will "take the audience for the immediate pensions. They are: back centuries in time "hen the ' Assemblymen Ju 11 an Dixon, (D-Los American lndian proodfy rultd the land Angeles), Paul Bannal, (R-Qardena), that today ls the United StateJ." Doug ,carter, <R·Stocltton), Lawrence , Among the Indian q'afts will be native KapilOU, (D-Sari Diego) and Louis l'Ji&. weaving, beading, sign language, Pawi, (D-Daty City). 1ilver work and lelj.ther goods, Chief Pierre said. "Helping my people . help themselves ts what we do, 11 he sajd. "This festival is an Indian self help program." 1be show '!'Ill conUnue through 6 p.m. ·Finan:~e ' Start Gastropods SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gather your gastropods, marshal your mollus ks. slither your snails into place. The second annual gre~t snail race is set tonight at a local pizza parlor. Since fir st prize goes to the slowest crawler, the rul es include a P.rovision that all entries must be alive1 at the start of the race. It's also illegal to glue a snail to the track. ' Reva111p SUnday. ncket3 may be, purchased at the fairgrWnd' 1ale. Cost is 12 !or adults, '' lorlllu,dents and 50 cents for children ~12. f'ilot Strecinilines Stock Poges ' .. • -~ . JJcath Su~}>tct lleld LONG BEACH (UPI) -A 22-year-old man, John Walker, was arrested here Thur9day In connectiOn wllh lhe killing <If a man , who staggered rrom an alley • with ·a bottet wound In his back to lei\ police he had Ileen robbed by three men. The victim, who was ml ldenUfltd, waa ts~en Thursday tn a poll<:< patrol •car lo St. Mary's HO!]Jltal where he dltd. I ----~ • 'lhe llflll' Pilot bqins a DOif and 1treamlined •Yll<m of reporting New York Stock Exchange prlcts and transacllons titlay. . The ..new listing con!alns all essential information regarding that d0:y 's trading -name of stock, price/earning Index. total sales. closblg price and net change in price. Only feature omitted from the previous listing will be high and low sales pr!Oes \°" lhe day . , · The -format -.prompt<li by extendecf hours adoptecf by the NYSE . ECfecUve Tue&day, the market will close at 1 p.m. Callfomia Ume, one.ball hour later than prestnt. The Otllly Pllol will l'OOlloue lo flllbltab a complett rayiew oLboth~ and American Stock E1cbango_ 'l\'etkJy transactions each Saturday. This llst· Ing lneludes high-low figures for lhe year as welt as ~ week. • • •. • The. former mana ger of a Fountain ValJey Llttle League team and the team SPoosor were bound over to Orange County Superior Court Thursday on multiple charges of child molesting. Judge Alan N. l\fcKone of West Orange County municipal Court ordered team manager Gregory Woodard Greene, 24, to face 28 charges or child molesting. Sponsor Edgar Herbert P.,lohan Jr., 4S, was charged y,ith siX counts. Court officials said the forma l com- plaints will be filed in Superior Court, ' l\Iadam Indicted In '1 esco Case I LOS ANGELES JUPp -~ madom who told federal lnve!ligalqra Mle ~nl shuttle Oigbts ot prosUlu~ to financi.er Robert Vesco in Cost.a Rica ha1 teen arraigned on charges ar pJsnping and pandering. • A. preliminary heacin l'fS set--Thurs- day for Oct. 18 f(Jt Alex l'iemln1, 40, also known as Betty Anderson.' She told federal inv'8Ugators tb.U she had sent ,women 00 special cba~r fiighJI, !a king' rood, taj>ed.tettvlsloa pti> grami. .... pons. ttqwn and o\t)q lui· urlcs to Vesco. a tugltlvc from U.S. charges Involving an alleged secret $200,000 Nixon campaign contribution. I . Santa ;.na, at 9 a.m. Oct. 8. The pair sat through a lengthy preliminary hearing this week as many or the nine lo 12-year-old boys involved in the incidents testified. The hcatjng was closed to the nubliC. At the end of testimony, Judge A1cKone ruled that there was sufficient eviden<:e to file charges in Superior Court. His decision does not mean the pair have been convicted. Chttt ,ez Tourin g Europe for Aid ROME (UPI ) -Cesar Chavez. head or the United Farm Workers of Americ:i, said here that within two years large C.Ol[O(llla grape and icltuce growers will lje lorC<d to sign un!on cllntra cts. Speaking Thursday at \hi Rome head· qlrlrters of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace. Ohavei sald, ·11r this moVement were gol11g to be stopped it would have had to be stopped 8, 10 years ago. 1\ cap't be slopped now." Chavei ls touriJ:lg Europe to enlist support (or· his unkJn's boycott of table grapes and Iceberg lettuce grown In the Unilecf Slates. Inf 01'n1atio11 Cl1ief Held 111 Co11sulate From 'Vire Ser\'i<•es SA~TO DO~I I NCO. IJ om in I ca n Republic -Terrorists tod11y kidnapt.'<I Barbara Hutchison. director •)f th<> U.S. Information Service here. A local television commenta tor said the kidn apers phoned him and said they wanted $1 million in ransom and frcedonl ror all political prisoners in the Dominican Republic in exchange for her release. It was the first kidna ping of a female U.S. government official. Miss Hutchison, 47. was seized ns she left her office, put in a yel101v car and driven to the nea rby Venezuelan consulate. The gunmen then broke into · the building, taking Miss Hutchison with them . Police immediately cordoned off the building. Comamndos seized at lea')t 10 other hostages inside, diplomatic sources said. The guerrilla leader, Radames Mendes Vargas, told UPI by telephone from the consulate that Miss Hutchison and the VenezueJan consul, Jesus de Gregorfo1 could be etthani:ed for SS prisoners who are me,mbers of the 121.h of January liberation movement. Mendes Vargas, who hijacked a com- mercial plane to Havana in 1970, said. "the bullding is completely mined. If the police attack, it will be destroyed in the act." He said that in addition to Hutchison and de Gregorio. the gue rrillas were also holding the Venezuelan vice consul, two secretaries, and a Chinese, a Japanese, and a Spaniard wllo apparently wandered in to apply for visas. The kid.napcrs permitted Miss l!ut· chi.son to answer the telephone, and in an intervie w with UPI fro m inside the consulate, she said she was in good condition and there were no injuries. Asked if she had any message for (See KIDNAP, Page AJI Do~' Index Hits 12-vear Low • NEW YORK (UPf) -The stock mar· ket hit a 12-year low today in li ght trad- ing on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors continued to show concern over inflation. (Tables, Page All). The Dow Jones industrial average was off 16.03 points to 625.95. The wk:lely Y.'8fched average lost more than 3S points in the previous five sessions. Declines led adv8ll(es by about a 2-to-l margin among the 1,721 issues traded. Volume amountOO to 12.2.30,000 shares, compared with 9.0GQ,000 traded Thurs- day .. Prices were lower In moderate trad· ing on the American St~k Exchange. Orange Ceast Weather It will be sunny for a brief while Saturday afternoon. according to the weal.her service, otherwise mostly cloudy and driu.ly. Beach hig hs in the upper 60s rising lo the mid-70s inland. INSIDE TODAY Reading tl1e funn11 papers and collecting comic strips is a ser· ious business jor cartoo1l buff Jerome Muller. Part of the Or· a11oe Coast n1an's collection of oriyin.als is displ4yed today ou tl1e cover page of tht \V'eekend· er. along with. ail attf.cte 01' hb abscrbi11g hobby. ,t.t Vwr S•'l'I<• AJ IMlllltl U l , M. hyd IJ C1llloml1 Al Cl1111tl..i Cll 14 Cmnlc1 D). Cr.11°"nl Di De11tr1 N111<•1 Al Sfllttlal ~lft .... fllMMI Al•H ...__ II! lllltn'lllllltt Ct .-. L.._ as M•Ul•o• "' MOWI" Ck M•lv•I fl'tllCb .tilt N11ie11•l """• '(,. ., Or•nM C:-.iflfY .tilof ,90,.. 11•! .,,,..,,.,." cw '''"'• l"f111er A11 '~· ... , StM~ M•ntm AlO·ll T .. "l.i.tfl C6 T•tw1 c..M w...... ... w.t1C Mt'Jn M, I.Ii W .. tllfllt C:H • I t Friday, Stpttmbtr 27, 1974 s,pJ!. Coast Area --.. Qil Firms Hit · I " fii 'Landj ·Gtah' ., SANTA 'M.ONICA <APJ -Th e chairman of·the Legisl1tture's Joint Com- n1ittee on Public Domain today accused th~ <>l1 companies or conducting a ''larld grab" of publicly held o i I re- sources off the Southern catlfornia ~1t. A,..mblyman KeMetil Cory ( D • Carden Grove), made · the statement at a nearing conducted by the U.S. Senat• Ocean ··Policy Study Group with Sen. John Tunney (0-Calif.), as chairman. Cory, DemOcratic candidate for state controller, urged a halt of the propose.11 sale by the federal ,government of oil and gas leases for offshore drilling on the' coastline. ·. ~~ ,Sa'ld a~ future offshore oil d:velop- roent , Sl)9uld' await the complet1on of Uii> t:9a.sl4!l,one Plan. ~:T.h~ .maJor oil companies are con- ducting a land gi'ab of publicly helcf Oil ~resOUi'ceS' in the Southern California bonruland ci the Outer Continentll -~;,, ···~ * * .. 'f 1'Wlev Asks r • •1-.. • Oil Drilling Moratorium SANTA 'l\IONICA (AP) -Sen. Jolin TuMey today called for a moratorium 9n, p£fshof~"'@ leasing and drilling until $Mite: ooastal commissiona prepare en· vironmental impact pJans. 4 • Shelf," Cory told the hearing, 11m s oil resource acquisition Is being conducted with the acquiescence of com· pliant state and fedefal 1tencies which should, instead, be regulating the ac- tivities of the giant oil companies in the public interest." Cory conceded that there is an energy problem or emergency proportions. but said, "The specter of that emergency is being used to stampede us into continu· SAWHILL SEEKS REFUNDS FROM REF,INERS-Story, P19e A~ ing policies which created it -dlspoo- ing of the vast energy resources of OW' Coollnental. Shelf on the ill considered tenns which will leave future supplies in the hand! of the same self-interested, highly manipulative group of major oil companies." He contended this would 0 pennlt en· viroomentil degradation that is wholly uMecessary and that we, ca·n no longer afford." Cory said that fed eral "big bonus" leasing policies for offshore oil 1eases elimiqate competition by a small com· pany or group of companies. He add~: "UnleSJ there is an effective and immediate congressional in· terventton in the leasting process . . . we will see the consummation of a land grab by the major comp&l\les .on the Calllomla Outer Continental'-She)f · which will for gene.rauons deprive Olilr citizens of the · rel! benefit& of the resources they own." · Lions Club 25th • 11•We ·• iboDM not go · ahead with the }~r~W.'6 D pg?am until the California ~ 1~mission bas made its report to the ·J:lgi~lature and the Legislature h~s i:aµtle•P~" the California Democrat Lobster Bake tW4 a JJ~:WS. conferent";e prior to a public bear.ing>.at the ·Santa Monica Civic Audi-~)' chaired the hearing, conducted OpellS Tonight ~Y the .. ~"'lle's Nationll Ocean Policy !l's lobster time •jij Newport ·Beach S(udy COmroittee, h B Ibo Ba Li Cl b 1l•ot the n:epar1ment of Interior's an· again as t e a a y ons · u host the 25th annual lobster bake at POl\\'~~eqt. that it would be-prepared Newport-center begliUiliig 'at I o•cfock lo ~ .~eaa_ wJth leases on the outer tonight. ~1.~fhll\l,·,Shelf ··in May 1975, Tunney By u;e time the three-day celebratiOn •~,!P,;Jf il{'\n_... mind is ou••,ageous ,, jt's ends at t p.m. ~4ay, mere than o~e " .N "I'\ ton of 1lob8t6s at •$5 1a plate wllf·~ave ain1ost as Jt the Interior Department, been served to visitors and a 1975 TeCOgniling that Congress has demanded Cad\ll8:c auto given aw~y. ~tional cooperation with local a;genciN, i1 mo-stqry, P;ige Q-1 1~y. 1 . ·ii' ving quicklX 1~ore 'the state acts."' Sandwiched betweeh the lobst~r . din-l!~e .,~Wnia Coastal Comtri1aslon ners and the car giveaway will be a QI~ i.oilo llj!.submilled to the Leglllature l:l(f.entry parade at 10 a.m. Saturday. in J.97a-aM. acted oo by 1976. Featuring marching bands, .. clowl)s, ~.wqeee of the. he.arjngs is -to novelties, antique cars and floats , the t~ether the Interior Depart-parade will start al the north end of ~elude pipelines from coming ashore Newport Center and wind its way aibl!Dd ~ refineries from being built which the circle to the shopPing center's ifould fon:e-..construction of flotation rigs southeast entrance. \lncrea.sin&· 1he .danger of oil spills ten-Going hand-In-hand with the whiff of foid;'"finneJ-. said. lobster baking and the beat o{ marching • Tuniiey..!fimd the Senate last week bands during the Lions' celebration ·will llassed a bill which would establish a be a midway carnival. ttevie}!~aM'<'which could overrule state .Rides at the carnival will be in opera- iQd :!Ofrt o~tlon to drllling but could t!On qritil 9: o clock tonlgilt and from !!fevey;g·· Interior D e Pa r t me n t noon to 9 p:m. Saturday and Sunday. sJalrrti> go 3head if it was found Entry to the carnival grounds is free be environmentally hannful. but admission will be charged for the 1 • .He" said the bijl' is expected to pass rides. . tbe-H6tl~ tiarly' next year. Major winner in the three-day IObster In res~se to Federal Energy Cbief bake is orange County Services for Jijhn sawlilD's charge that southern the Blind, Inc. rqent has adequately considered state 'lbe Santa Ana-hued service center for agd local decision making with regard blind persons is seeking to increase to1 of:Pb.ore oil leases. its programs for the sightless in minority ~"I don't-see how we can have s,iffshore and dlaadvantaged areal in orange development without state and local county, according to executive director cpoperatklQ.!' Tunney said. "They can James Judge. Clllfomlanalll;e a lot of oil but oppoae Early this week Bllboa Bay Lioos offshore \trtlllrtg, Tunney replied: Club president Glenit O'Brien praised ''Mr. Sawhill is . wrong when he sug-commUnity support given the lobster gests cantor«ia is trying to foist its bake. e.DVironmenfal problems on the rest of "We've ahyays ~elved tremendous the country." · support lor the bake and judging from >.'J"mntey tiffed Southern California an the ~ctton so far, phticularly raf!le "invironmentaJJy fragile" are~· and said ticket sales, this year will ~ no -ex· • • ' 'Ghost Ship'·'. ' • • • ' l\Jystery: • ' ( Two Hrtnted· ' ' . . MORRO BAY (iJPI) The Coast ' Guard tod~y laynched an air aearch (OT a Santa Cruz man and a .woman · whose 4S..foot "Ghost Ship" was found • abandoned off. iha coast ThiaradlJ, wttb • only li barlili'( do--g ~board. " -'· •When the CoQI Gltllll dllcovered the • flllling "°8t Tedily"Jo, ·an the boat's ~ electronic equipment 'Wll•Oll, the en&ine waa engaged, llaltlllg · lineo were oot and _, the betteriea were dead. Tbe only sign of life aboard was a hungry dog, a spokesman said. • Tile Teddy Jo was owned by Robert· L. Marx of Santa Cruz, who apparenUy left Eureka this month with a woman . . ·companion, known only as Janice, for J a fishlng trip down too eo11st. tile spokesman said. The couple stopped at Ford Bragg Sept. 15 and were last seen by a friend on another fishing boat oo Sep(. 22 .. Marx' last log entry "';lfis Saturday. • · She's C:o1iae a Lotag ll'uy .. Also found aboard the abandoned craft · were the couple's belongings, includinr' a nightgown and Marx' wallet, and swll· ed fish. Autborllles alld , lhOy. believed no one had been on the boat in several; daya. ... Proceeds from tho $100·•·plato luncheon ;n. Chi· cago will go· to 14 Republ)caD. worilen running for state offices. Mrs. ·Betty Ford, speaking at a Jund·raising lunch· eon for Republican women ,· ·said the country needs women~s talent and it netds wo'men to support it. ~---'-'----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Front Page Al KIDNAP .•. ..• .. -'. r• TONIGJIT NAT!OlfliJ, INDW'.1 DAY SHOW - Native atts ~and, cr"aftS, trib31 dances, Fairground•, "Noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sllnday. ·Adults.$2,'Students $1 , children under 12, 50 cents. COSTA MESA CIVIC PLA YHOUSE -"YoU Know I Can't Hear You \Vhen the w~~r·s , Running,'' c o_m mun i t·y Recreation Cenler,\Sept. 'l1 and 28, 8:30 p.m. Adm. $2. • FOOTBALL -.• Costa Mesa at Mission Vi~j_~_ 8 p.m. Estancl~-vs. F'ountai!t Valley at OOC sta<lium, B p.m. Newwrt Harbor vs. Corona del ~ar. ~vt<Json Field, 8 p.m.. · !>10T0R9¥CLE SP~EDJV,A y J!!Wlf.\~ -Falrgrq(lnds, 8:15 p.m. 0CC LECTURES -"Wonderful World of1.1~gan MQsic," O~iJle, f~~r \ectur;f, Science HS)\, 7:30 p1m. ~e t.a:St Enemy,"• Dr. Ricliard W. Doss lecturer, Science Lecture 1, 7:30 p.m. UCI CONCERT -Ragtime piano by Hersh and Montgomery, Crawford Hall. 8 p.m. Tickets $4. Information 833-6587. SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 -MARCH OF DIMES CAR NIVAL - Harbor Shopping Center, 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. RECREATION REGISTRATION - Dept: of Leisure Services registration for fall classes. Cornmunity .Recreation Center, 9 a.m .• t p.m. ESTANCIA ADOBE -State Historical Landmark. Adams and Mesa Verde Drive West, Sat. & Sun . 1·5 p.m. LIBRAl\Y FILM -Laurel & Hardy and others, Mesa Verde Library, 2 p.m. FOOTBAIJ.. -CX::C at LA Harbor, 7,30 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 UCI LECTURE -"Golden Age ol Radio," Science Lecture Hall, 7 p.m. lr,uine to File • Brief Mo1iday Iii Peialuina Case Driver's Hand -Mangl·ed . . . / -··-· As Van Flips in Newport . . \\fhat Vlitnesses described a.J 'a "sJiibt bump·• of a van by an auto in ·r;ewi)Ort Beach Thursday afternoon ended wit.ti the va n sprawled on its side and ils driver's hand badly mangled. After being nicked by the northbo.und auto as it traveled east on Balboa Boulevard at 18th Street, the van careen- ed out of control_,. nipped on 1ts aide and skidded 45 feet before crashing into the rear of a parked'~, The plumb~g Coinpaily van~s-anv~, Jaltsen Singh,_30 .. ,of Whittier, wu tra~ ped ·inside the fallen -vehicle until freed by Newport Beilch pOllce.' 'J. · ':• Beach, was. ~,..u\;ur~: f!or .was . her car badly ·damaged :lri ltie 2:30 p.m. collision. · · She told . police she did not see the van or hear a noise whe!l the two vehicles collided. "l ff!l t a slight bump and that wa:; all ,'' htrs. Diestel told police. Two Trem()rs Jolt Japan!S hvrtly-· . . . :ti fter War(!iilg·· · Singh ' ~'a_s taken t0 1 Ho3g Hospital \\'here h~ underwent ,em;gency surg~. TOKYO tUPI) -Two ~rp tre~ ,. .hckpna1 spot~' ,;1.;m;;,• 'Ulll ldl:ltei1 JapaW'W<!a1,,~.~i ~~~~~ his condition W8! 'gOOd. r.;r-r,-.:o 7,r to sway in doWntown Tokyo, sh0rt1y Driver of the northbouhd auto that after scientists warned a ma)or eatth- police said struck the van, Nancy Diest.eJ, quake could hit the country 'it: ioY 26, of l820 W. ~e~ !ront, Ne~~ time. ... . .. .. .. ,..,. . t. .,. ·~ ' • • M -The scientist,,· ffi uect their Warning Fil!hl Rocks. School Tilursday at a meeting of earthquake the outside, sha replied, "No, nothing. except that I am well." Police and army officials withdrew, per10llllel who sumndered the embassy· after de Gr~gotlo told a radio reporter in a• taped telephone interview that. negotiations fQ? th~ release of the. diplomata could not start as long as tlie troops were outalde of the 0001Ulale .• 0e Gregorio saJd tile crouP o1 oom- mandoi were armed with explosives and machi!le guns. Police sources said ~. were 23 commandos ln the group. R<ports conflicted as to whether thei. were lour or Ove men tnvolv«I in tbe1 kldnaping. ~ Mb! Hutchison's lddnaplng took pta"' jn a suburban section of. Santo Domingo~ This was the same area whel"e' several, years ago leftists kidnaped U.S. military attache Col. Donald Ciowley, as be drove to practice polo. Miss /lulchi"911 relumed to Santo Dom· ·1n101ir~m~ ift<r litlii pro. moted to di.rector of the U.S. WonnatiOQ. Service here . She had been posted tq · the Dominic~ Republic as an ~ formation omcer In the early 19IOB. A tall women with iraying· hllrollla Hulohtooo l(>OIU ftUODt Spaniah and bH a 'Wide ·oitrde· of frleMi here. ~ -born in ·Delaware In 1918 and ltllered «@Yemment service with the Stale• llepertment tit 19$2. When the U.S. Inlormetion Agency became independent from the Slaw Department, she swllched over, .and handled various assignments in Lalin America. v experts from the Japanese l!leteorologl- SAN DIEGO (AP) _ A wUd . rock cal, Agency and Tokyo Uruvetslty. Q k J C I b' figilt broke out Thursday on lhe campus A few minutes aner noon today, Tokyo 113 es l!r 0 Om 18 of Monte Vista High School southeast was rocked by a quake which registered of San Diego because younger pupils 4 on the J.apanese · scale·~ of 7. Two BOGOJ'A (UPI) -Two minor earth_. tried to use a lawn usually reserved and one-half hours"later:. another quake, quakes shook Colombia today wtthoul for se niors. say auth<irities. The ·melee also measured at .4 bit Hok.kaido, 500 causing damage. Authorities of t~ in Sprif!J. Valley drew sheriff's deputies miles north ·of Tokyo. Geophysical Institute of the Andes said and Calt.fornia highway patrolmen, ~Who No injuries or major · damage Was they had not yet located the center arre:.:s=t=ed:...::a~g~ir:.:l~an:::.:d:.:nine=:~bo:.:::o.ys=·-~-"--re~po_rt_ed_. __ ;_._...._ ___ '_·___; ___ o_f _the_~_m_b_Jon;_. _______ ...o I-.. ' ..... • Henredon' s Famous. 4 Centuries • • 1''t-.• • e partJ)>tlbe country IUd! as Texas ce~tion,'! O'Brien said. · 1--~----t.ouisiana-are--eager-to-develop~-Llofis ~prelic!ent-went;.on-to-!!c:0~--.1r.v:ine...city_atlorneys..wilL!ilu · . "'""' oucr<sour.,.. · mend" ' -at-Mees ·ror the Blind of tile , court brief Monday in the • r' 5''Y.f.~ ~--··· • • for "'J)itcftrbJ.:1h .ariil.1lelpin{ IO much" Petaluma "no-growth" case which denies ~ ' With'.preparalionslo1 Ute lobster bake.. that timing . city growth Violates the ! ... """"!· OIA-COAST ,. 'It ~· iri 1~ iluit the first sponsored right ,to trav.l. · · } I liake w!" held 1m the beach at' Cj>roria 1 I ' I '.,I :,JI {I del ~ · Jn. tile Petaluma case, a federal court 1 · UnUI 'iour yurs ago the lobster bake niled "that the city 45' miles nortil of \ ,._ 0..1111• eo.s1 o.11y Pilol. Wit~ w11kto II COii>" i.neo IP'lf ,..,...,~ ·~ ~ th9 Orvoue Coo,i ~'"' ~ s.pw.i. edit~.,. 111.ifHlt"«!. lilQl!day ~ frldlr, br C.0.1a M~ ... N~,.llOI! BellCI\ l"llJll!lfq:on 8Ucl!IFoun- 11111 v111.., Gt-9H:f\. lfvdlelSeddlfted< ~ "" "':IS.n .kl8ll C.pr,,1rano A ""'OI• •99'0"'• ll ~ Saturcan '"" s..n-~"'" n.. lflll ~"' Ill"" lrll 330 Well 6afSheet.'CO!t1 ~ a.~lofml. ~ was SPQDSOred i{y numerous aervjce San Francisco had violated that .rtght clubl and organizations. ' · · d el t I 500· h · when the ·Balboa Bay Llops Club took by restricijng ev opmen o omes over iull sponaorshlp of 'the annual ·a year for five years. · ' charfiable CelebratiP11, the ilte was mov· Irvine attorneys and officials em· ed tO NeW)Ort center to accommodate phasize tilal tile differences between larger cn>wds and to provide a parade Irvine's and Petaluma's grqw$h plans t outweigh the similarities. ~ e. The council, in a special meeting in August decided to send the bri ef as a means of defending the underlying idea of phased, rather than random, Crackdown Nets Three.Officers growth. . The brief said Thomas Clark Jr., an attorney 1 with the clty1s Rutan and 1\tcker law firm, avoids the particulars of the easel' , Both Petaluma and Irvine have potnl systems based on one developed . in Ramapo, New York. The lrvlne •Y•~m hes oo limit to deqelopment, but reqwres developere to have a certain number -.. I '" ,.:. • • . ' ' , . .. --' '249. This exceptional. hall ci>~sole ·feafures two pullout. sh~lves which are-hflal and afi:ohol resistant. Available m either cloister or cognac finish . • , 1 ~ ~· v -· ·on display now at any of our. three fine oreS: Stop in soon, . -• GARY, Ind. (UPI) -Federal aaents have begoo rounding up 37 persons, Including lhree Gary poltcemen and a ""'1'I ci<rk. In 1 major narcotics cractdown aimed at "The Famlly,'1 a narcol~ 1aric believed rtlllOOllbleJor iiime :ti! slayilliJ. All 3'I of the 1uopect> -~ of them membon or ollllOclate member& of '"!'Ile Family" -. gan1 :.... ,..._ Indicted by a federal grand jury ln Sooth Bend for. oonapiracy to dl$trlbule and sell narccttcs In ileal'lly populated La ke ColDlty, which abllts Cblcqo. of points before they clll b.'!Ud. _ . iPoints ere given tor exlirtenoe. 9f streets, sewers? drainage and 9t)ler ne@36jry amenities. OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOODMARIC""Kf'RA~~A"'!-;"AKER ' Though the arresls were aimed tiole y at narcotics, Cary M.tlyor Richard O. Haloiler bu said be beltevea the family to lie respoMlble f0r at !cut 30 drui· related sl1ylngs In two yeara. • The rlgh\ to travel provisions ll3ed in tile Petaluma decision, Clark said, do not apply to cit y growth policies. In prevlows cases where Ibo. rliJ1t to travel was ci ted , ha said, the Juues I-II-,-~ doalt wtth residency requ1remeni.t auch as the lengtil of time a person mu•t five 1n a piece befdre he could. vo\8' or receive welfare. f; -~--- WlllDAYSI SAt\lllOAYStiOttel:Jo ', •. NEWPORT BEACH • 1m WESTCLIFF DR.. 642·20!0 LAGUNA BEACH • 34S NOHTlt UIAST HWY., 4114-65$1 TORRANCE• 2Jl4t H~WTllOR!d! BLVD. <01><n Fri . Ul 9, Sun. 12-$:301 · J?•tm ' : \ I I J AS· , .. DA I L\' PILOT EDITQRIAL PAGF; .. • I ' • I l I I • I ' ' • I • ' .... . --.. Local Pres~ure Pays ..... h . . .J·noug 1l may never reach the community whose ., .. me it' carries, a slimmed down version of the E:orona del Mar Freeway will bo" built to link such trallic-producers as SOuth Coast Plaza, Costa ll)esa, N~hion 1.Sl!,~d 1 New110rt.lleach, and Irvine. llle link •• short, 1.6 miles from the San Diego f'reeway, down to the interchange with the Newport Krffway and on·to Campiis'Dr!ve. But it is vital. ·Its ·•flitwre construction was undoubtedly t part of the • Planning in the location' of the two shopping centers · ,apd the campus. . , . l · .-When ii is '.Corifpletea-.=-work ·.wm stat(~on the llllt.irchange in a couple of weeks -the freeway will be a credit to the diligence of-local agencies in winning approval of state funds. Were it not for the clamor raised by coast officials earlier this year th.it &nHhe freeway reinstated into this year's budget, the freeway might never have left the drawing boards . The resUlt would not have been a relief from traffic but an increase in congestion and consequently in fuel consumption and pollution. .... . . . ' : ··· ~Can't Be Too Soon ~ Few things are more unsightly than abandoned ~ gasoline stations. , . I Costa Mesa, for \Vhatever reason, has a plethora •of these vacant buildings . You've seen them - ' boarded up fronts bandaged here and there with ;1 posters urging a vote for this congressman or that proposition . l Costa Mesa will be losing· at least one -and possibly two -of these eyesores due to recent actions by the.city, planning commission and council. / Ha<bor Boulevard automobiiedeaiership. Despite some procedural problc111s. it appe;irs that a~proval will be forthcoming for renovation of a.not.her abandoned. gas station at the corner or B'a y Street and Newport Boulevard. These ·two applications may scl the pace for others lo do lhe same. We hope so. . Flexible Education ---Enrollment at Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges has jumped 22.7 percent over last year's attend1,1.nce figures. College officials point out that students are takin~ smaller class loads than previously. It's still a good sign, though. that so man y residents are taking advantage or con1munity college offerings. The fact that so many people are ttsin g the tolleges, even to lake one or two classes, is an indication of the increasingly fine reputation of both schools . 'J'\vo nearby community colleges. in Cypress and 1''ullerton, sho\v o·nl y a 1·3 percent increase this year. and sc hool officials admit that is an opt~mistic figure., An activ~ summer rec ruitment program, plus a ne\V system allowing flexible sc heduling on the G\VC and OCC cafUpuses, js .one reason for lhe colleges' success. The flexible sc hed uling has opened sections of. classes closed during early regis tration and has begun secti,ons at earlier and later hours required by so me students . • / Approval ha s been given for an auton1obile leasing office on an old gas station site ne xt door to (4 But a still larger reason is t·hat both institutions are ·really fulfilling their obligation of ' pro\'iding superior and easily available education to the comriiunity . c 'Besides the Communists spend more money to·subvert dem~ratically elected governments than we do!' )ifnk Addict f..an 't .Kick fil e Habit •• '. ~ ,, ART.HOPPE • Dear Gloomy Gus WASHINGTQN -How little oot~ With teenage alcoholism on the the s ubsta n ce and s·tyl e of rise, how ,can any brewing com-·policymaking have chariged a( ~he pany justify productng "near \Vhite' House is reflected by the. fa ct beer" -the drink that l¥les that the same· economist v.•ho v.·rote and smells Jike beer and is sold PrE:>si<lent Nixon"s lust economic to kids? What next -imitation speech expects to v.·rite President Septembtrl,1175 ginandwhiskey(orthekiddies? f"o rd's speech concludin g his Glor,ia N: Flayshon, a seemingly S.L.W: economic s ummit conference ScpL nt1pectable house\\'ife, was convicted G1M111,Gt11c1-t--....... ~.,. 28. jn.1Federal Court today or buying a r"'9n1llllN•?'•·srttyl'lftK1.., Th~speech\\'riler is economist Sid· .::J. •5-ws1tt1ie • ......,.s..c,_.,... 1 · b kt .,_.9Scuckoo-clockplantbolder. ,.. .. _, • .._, .... ._,l'ttlt ney ,ones. a maJOr ac s age IN.rs. Flayshon, 3!f, was arrested Un·. _ . policymake.r at the · d• the 1975 Unneeessary Purchases before th'ey took her in -a plea they Nixon White House Aft Wssed by COngress ill July as a of course refused~,·:\. . . . • "'' h !' r e m a i n S Jiit'-desperate -attemi)l. -to · curb Th -.Under ulentles&....ques~t~rung~by--~ighly in~h.rential Ott.ion. The new law requires con· P~osecutoi:.F...urter-. ~rs. Fl.~on;ild· in planning !he s\tners "to prove that any goods theY . milted she:~.ad--i'fa~ tJYt.M~s of _Fo.r d;....e.~o n.o m i.c .....,., d d f h h-"h'" 1 h her,probat1on a nol.Oiify read sumtpit ... ·WhaJ/S """7 .~re nee e ort e eat· ads in newspapers and magaiines more,Jonesha•no safely or well·belng. ·• b ' h , · t ' During the dram·atft trial, ul ·r'.•1..f e~ 8 com m r lCjl. on apologies for -I.he Prosecutor" Franklin Fur't'er1 hoted>~\ele1v~I\~ .,,·,.-,., l • ,. • · I a s it N ~ x on 1111, ~ Fl h , 1 d .;" ltld already golten up to go economic s)>eech t1itt at.;rs .. _ ays on ~as .area Y on washt 'nry hands'.18 tlnte't""ln ""29. -,..-'L A l :r~!~C:U!~ l'!,1'~~!%"~::~~9~:~. ~nu~es," m.~ told ~e ju!"Y. ·:'?<' n.1 ~~ly 4?~~vf1i:hc:d~~cat~ vthe old iinl~- afitf""'a $14 ,95 Stuffed Canada Goose JUSt sal there ~elll°lig ,myse~f._ 0 e religion ·· that is. fi scal and La K . teehsy commercial won thurt .' ~monetary conservalisn1 -and nol ,!"P it. . "But they showed this really muchelsE:> !;eat~~fore.y~u, ladi~s a?d.~~n · adorable cu.clcoo·c:lock plant holder tie.en, ~ ~ler ~old the JUr},. 10~ and this indescribable craving came AL'.l'llOUG ll Nixon's July speech seilllhet, oat selfish, thou2htless an over me and 1 knew 1 just had to ha\·e \\'as in itself a depressant on the ~cablt or Americans-a com· r· d .. At th . · t he b k economy, other government officials """ 0 th . 11 d a 1x an . • . lS po1n s ro e r ve llS7.e~., r, ~s .er .~re ca e downintearsandcouldn'lgoon. expect ·J ones to ollow the same ti!d~•f• JUDkJunk.1e., FollO\\'ing the verdict, Defense Al· general script for l\tr. Ford. t\part . ~r tfeferise. the sobbing three· torney Perry Elk made an impas· from perpetuating Nixonomics. thi s ti los~ aa1d on'ly that she needed . d 1 f 1 • sho"'S that economic poli:y is still thi cuc~ifo.cloct plant holder "to 51~~e P ~a or eniency. · being made in the While Jlouse rather ' St i ll l11flue 11ce Policy111ak i 11g ; . .... . E VANS-NOVAK . TlllS CAN be parUx. eXplained by the lack of the osual tr.ansilion period bet\•,.ecn Presidents. ft1oreover. there ne\'er \Vas much chance for ap· preciabl e change as long as Gen, Alexander Haig maintained the old · Nixon syslem as \Vhite House chief of staff; v.•ith Haig le aving this \\'eek, ad· ·ministration officials outSidE:> lhf: \\'hite ijpuse hope a new da.v "'ill da~nforthem, ~· , ,Nevertheless. intimate ,f-Ord ad-1·~eI~ 'ar.f. dee-ply di~t1J>pointed about the,'.fiJjsl 'i~_-wee~ii at. t!J4t·F'¥'(t ~bite Jlouse, What follows 1s: a 1ampllng of recent incidents ~heie y:hi ch are ~istur~ngly sirq:ilar.~g tli~ "pi:evailing P•ll~rll9f tile Nixo~ W)lij.e ltousc: · · . ~ .. . f " • • • ITE!\1: The recent li!gisl'ative mes· sage sent Congress by·~1r. Ford \\'as p(epared entirely by the Domesti c Council. When one White House aide bootlegged a copy to a cabinet mem· ber. angry Domestic Council staffers launched an investigation to discover he "leak ." Item : A ~do ze n conscr\"ati\·e ',Republican Senators. I~ by Sen. Carl • ID White House Curtis or Nebraska. some tv.·o v.·eeks ugo asked for a private session \\'ilh the President to discuss their com- plaints about \\'hat they consider his leftward drift . The lack of any response lo the Senators is the respon· sibi lity not or l\'I r . Ford but of his staf· fers. f'."or various strategic reasons, they did not \\'ant the Senators to see him no\v . the same Domestic Council st?.fCers . BUT TllE aftermath of this last in· cide nt s hows that, for a ll tbe . similarit ies bet\\•een the Nixon and Ford \Vhite l·louses, there arc di£· f~rences v.:hich hopefully will be dominant e ventually. Unable to make his point with the Domestic Counci l staff. Quic insisted on seeing the President himself, a Criend and ally for 16 years. Quie got into the ITElt1 : '!'he Domesti c Council staff Oval OfCice. made his pitch to Afr. has dominate d the presidential · Ford and came av.•ay convinced there decision.making about the govern· "·ould be no \•eto. ment 's new e nergy polic y Thepoinlis thatQuienever\\'Ot4_ld .machinery-a decision crucial t06otb have gotten close enou"gh to Ni:icon to diplomatic and economic ptoblems; contradict the staff. In contrast c!Ose The Domestic Co un ciJ pal;M;r on the personal aides i;'rou8:ht to4he 'white 'S.ubjk,J, submitted to: Mr. ~oro l.ast ..-itouse by Afr. Foid feet open Recess ~·~ck, was tre at~d as a t~p.. . .secr:et wiU be t~e essence of his pre"sidency.' document not <u<a1lable to hi gh gover· Once tla1g leaves, they believe, Mr. nmenl officials' OQtsfd'c the \\'hite Ford's personal inclinatioM for a de· ... nuse. .. · · ... · ;· · erriphasized While llouse staftwill be Item: Rep. Albert Quie of l\.!in· translated into reality. · ncsota, a highly regarded Republican \\lhatever happens in the. poStJiaig moderate, had argued unsuccessCully \\'hite House, ho,ve\.·er, the last six that .President ~ixon should not veto "':·eeks cannot be washed away. At a fundmg or anti-poverty; community time when l\1r. Ford's closest ad- actioh pr6grams: When he reftewed yis~rs ,felt changes in both the policies ~•he argument• with the Ford Wtiite and ptocedures or the administration House, Quie encountered exactly the were imperative, the·nclv President same resist~nce and exactly the same was unable to budge more than argu'!l~nls 1n r eply. Th~t was hardly slightly the monolithic l\1ixon .system surpr1s 1ng: he )Vas talking to exactly that.he inherited. r '"\. b t :tlh I.·. ,. I admit your honor, that my client h , ~n e .1v1n,room. . isa junkjunkic," he said dramatical· l an by Secretary of the Treasury u requ1red ~ust 17 minutes to ly. •<But let us remember that she has \Villi am Simon. as once seemed . relttr~ ullty verdict. been conditioned since infancy by a probable. 4 Inc11 _~hents' . Ad::vi;tnt J\ges •rs. y~hon was arrest~ af'ter trillion dollars 'vorth of advertising to Suell a pattern ge nerally holds \rue heP hus81u;id came home to find lhe beeome hooked on this insatiable for all governm ent policymaking ne• tucfftMrclock pl~nt ~l~er as \\'ell craving. during President Ford'S first six asi\ plla . crawl~d .. 1n hpst1ck on the But .J1:1dg'c ljec tor <Hanging Hee) week's in orfice. Despite his genuine batbroo~.~lrror. Stop me before I \Voolse:y was not.impressed. "To see desire to decentralize po\ver a.."·ay buy a~a1n. • Qle de rendant as simp!y a victim o[ from the White l~ouse and back to .l'obce #Jund her in, the Imported her unlmpo\•·erished environment," cabinet-level departments. little has Cu~ Se:iion of a discount hou.se. 'he said sternly, "is bleeding.heart changed. Indeed, the \Vhite House 'It?!Y~~a1 she was pa!e. trembling nonsense! To protect the fi!COnomic Domestic Council under Nixon ·iirif pert ng. 'l'bey sa1~. ~he begg~d , i;iafety of •all Qecent' citizens. this holdover K,.en Cole, is mOre influential them to, w hef"to. buy just one lit · woman must be c·xposed for ·what she than ever. No wonder. then. tha1 tie Sl.95 Za~boa ngan Rain Goddess" is-an incurable'junk addict." Policies remain as they \\'ere. • \;.:ill • . ... ~ . .. • ~ . • .... 1. , .. \Vh1 lc th e dire predictions of doom.; [ , v ] day.. The otbe?!-reuo.:-rnust gain his made ror incumbents-early.thiS year · knowledge from the newspapers and \\'ere nol borne out by the primary EARL WATERS-, the difference shO\\'S if they meet race elections in California, there are those .lo face.•• who still1lhink voter reaction to office '----~•.--------holders }'Yill be disastrous to many al high costs or living, goes deeper than AS FOR fund raising for the cam· ilhe ge neral election. . that. They say that even though the paign, Song says the incumbent not · only has the advantage of knowing Their reasoning, although based public is angered by actions raising how and where to get contributions, primaril)r on the discontent of the top government ofricials' s alaries he has established a record which ser· public bee a Use of unemploymeiit and while large segments or society are ves to reassure contributors that he is unemployed und even those employed !ii'ilk deeper and deeper into d.ebt worthy of support . Cost of Presidential Transition because of inflatiop. and higher laxes. But where there is no debate of I.he office holclers, mi ght have Song's contentions is his observation. \\'eathercd the storm. that, in addition to his O\l.'fl abilities. But they feel.that the accumulation the incumbent "has a staff which is or all of these things together \vith the politically sophi sticated". ''Whil e utter disenchantment with those in of· other people have staffs. and .almost (ice. ca used by the Watergate anycandidatecanasscmblcacrewof • • I -. -· . I .. '!._..,, WASHINGTON -It 's going to cost lhe taxpayers -"'ell over $1 million a . · ' ---~ear to keep Richard_N_i_xo_n_in_h_i_s _ar_·-+-=~=:=K,,,,.,A""'N-'-D=cE=R;;oS::..:0:..::.N cuS omeHSlYl-e.--- mer press secretary Ron Ziegler . He !louse. and Steve Bull receives S34,000 brought along hi s favorite press as-as Ni11:oti's chief ""tri-and boy. Seven sistant. pretty· Dianne Sa\\·yer, "'ho other White Hou..sc employes -ar c m·aires--$21,000. ·eHhcre-is-no pr~s-"detailed.u..to·Nixon~. ------ office at San Clemente. travesties, is bound to be renected in \'Olunteers, on ly an elected official the ballots cast in Ntivember. as....paid. e.mpJQl'c.s W})o_~.....,"-'"!----H political tasks as part or their normal Rattling behind the scenes for lhis bountiful budget are t\\'O Nixon ap· pointees. General Ser\'_ices Ad · ministrator Art Sampson and Budget Director Roy Ash. 'l'he day after Nixon gave up the Pre!liide,ncY and retired to San .Clemente in disgrace, Sampson new out to California to meet secretly with Nixon aides Ron Ziegler and Steve' B'ull. They talked about all the money il would take' to set up the former president .as a privat e: ritizen. THEN SAMPSON and Ash'put their head1 tofelher and decided to request the roya sum or $850,000 for the tran· •IUon. RouUnely, President Ford sent their requesl to Capitol Hill with his blelalaJ. There was an outcry from members al concress who complained this was too much money to lavish on a president wttb had resigned to avoid impeachmenl and conviction. EKcept ror a timely pardon. they noted, Nixon mlaht have wound up In prison where 'hls keep would have cost the tux- payera cons1derably less. A subcommittee headed by Rep. Tom Steed, D·Okl1., has now recom• mmded 1l11bin1 the $MO,OOO tnn· • • ·s1t1on money down lo S393,000. This v.·ould include 'a $60,000 pension and a $96.000 start. which Nixon will con· t_inue lo drhw for the rest or his life. Nixon has gone into such complete ~£!:clusion that wiseacres have dubbed San Clemente "Elba West," yel the nonspeaking Nixon is attended by speech\vriter Ray Price at a $40.000 salary. A roriner Nixon · attorney, : 1'HE GENEROUS ·Sampson has also exrmpted Nixon from paying rent on the government office space "he is using in C:tliCornia. Sampson tried lo tell us this merely a\·oids •·double bookkeeping.•· But it also provides Nixon with $100,000 worth of free office space. \\1hich won 't huve to come out of his budget. . Mike Sterlacci, is also on "temporary assignment·· at San Clen1cnte, drawing do\\·n S28,26.'l from ihe tu x· In nddition to all this. lt "'Ill cost thr Secrel Se..-vice at least $622,000 a year to protect the former president. This figure doesn 't include a nother $300,000, \vhich Is now spent to protett hia estate at Key Biscayne, Fia. :rhe · bodyguards are expected to be with· drawn from Key Biscayne by the end oft.he year: , Sam peon also doesn't' Uke to talk about lht entouraje which Is now ser,~ vi11g Nixon al San Clemente. At least 32 perSOIJ!.i a .re working directly for. Nixon buL are.paid by assorted go,·er nment agencies. Their salarie' add up to a whopping $576,000. Because they are "on detnil." they can also cplh:ct $40 a day ror expen~es1 ON LOAN rrom the White House at a salilO' 9fj42.500. for example, is (or, payers. · · The ex·presidcnt's loyal secretary. l\ose ~tary \\'oods, still collects her S36.000 paycheck from the \\rhil e -··- 'Youn in luck. It's bHn reduced/' • TJIE DEFENSE Department has lo&ned him another five men, in · eluding three chaurfeurs. Nixon's per· sona.J maid and valet, meanwhile. ha ve been placed quietly on the National Parks Service payroJI. And the lil y al Sampson has assigned 11 mainte nance vrorkers rrom the; General Services Administration to keep the Nixon estates ill tip-top shape . ~ . Congress has had:So murh difri culty gelling full information on the ~ixnn spending thut Sen. Joseph. Montoya, D·N.~1 .. has fired off a private--J~ttcr to the budget chier demanding "St comi>rehenslvc and complete listing Qf all federal personnel detailed to the former president.,. Footnote : Sampson deCcnded th~ Nixon budge l as appropriate and necessary. I-le contended thtt the ~yn don Johnson transition ha.d cost $541 ,80Q, ii.:tl~ch didn't Include thi ti'me spent c:~aloguin g the Johnson papers whllehewustill in ornce. • :Quo te s ' . . Dr .. t"red G. lfudson, rounder·direc· tor S. F. Alcoholis m Clinic~'' Alcohol i~ \\orse than drugs because it is in· sldious Ond 3n accepted part of our socie~ ... ( \ - · THE REPUBLICANS knew they \\ere faced wlth hurdles because or Nixo n's ~ifficulties . But they took great heart when Nixon resigned. It almost looked Ii.kc a new ballgame. Ala.'>, it was lo be shortlive~ and with Ford's plunge, from dizzying heights of ·momentary popula.rlty to a dangerous IO\\-', the ~pYblicans are again on the defensive. SUll. tilere are those \\'ho think that many voters wfll not limit their resentment caused by the lctdov.·n or~ the hopes they h:id placed in Ford, but 'vi ii strilCe_P.Ut at ~II those in office. One who disagrees "'ilh such assess· roents is Senator Al Sonp;, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Since h(! too m usl stand before the voters in No\'e mber it may be just a case or \\•hi!;lling in the dark. Still, in a recent .. nc"'s letter" to his district, Song discounts any contention lhatin .. cum bents arc headed for trouble with strong argume nts· against s\kh a pos· · s ibility. IN Tllfo; l'IOST amazing candor he spell~ out v.•hy il is almost impossible to dereut an inrumbcnt. Pointing out that tt\e incumbent has the advantage of c<1mpaign experience, having ulrcady won at least one election. he cites th e further-edge-or bcint;more knov.•ledgea blc about the Issues. "Even the stupidest incumbent is l:iclter prepared to dcbaJe the issues duties." SONG IS NOT trtlkfng about cam· paign starr hire"d with private funds. Jlis referenCC is to those payrolled with public tun~s. · · ' Enou~h said':' . ORA NG_!' COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wtl!d. Publi.Wr TomOJ Kttofl, EditM Barbra Krtibich EdUorlol Pagt Editor The editorial p11e ol t~ Dail1 Pilot seeks to inform and 1timulate readers by presentine on thls pace diverse COP\mentary on topics of in- terest by 1ynditated columnists and cartooni5l1, by providing a fonnn ror readers• views and by praenling this newspaper's opialom and idt• on c:urrenl toplrs. The editorial opinions of the Dally Pilot apPear onb' In the editorial column at lhe top of the page. Opinions exp~ by the tolumnislS and c1rtoonilts and letter Wriltrs are their owa aod no..endorsemqnt of th~lr views b.Y the DailY Pilot should be inferred- Friday. September 27, 1'74 bcc1tusc he deals with them every '------------.:.! ·- • . -. -•• I • DAILY PILOT A 5 'Ripoff B0t1uses' Babysitter Arrested ' In Kidnap Reagan P~nsion Attacked · THE NIKON SAN DIEGO (AP \ -A babysitter who all egedly 1cld· naped a Chu1a Vista infant three "'eeks ago, saying sbe needed the child to claim her husband's Inheritance, haa been arrested in Tijuana, f\.texico. AutOOriiies said ·the baby was found safe in Mex- icali, 100 miles away. 'The S.-week-0ld b a by , C.ar men It a Pollotena, a\)' peared healthy and brl~ht· eyed as she \Vas reunited ( State ) U,I T•'lllrllTt Ruling Jtlade Mayor ~oseph L. Alioto · of San Francisco was told again Thursday by Thursday with her parentts, district attorney he John and Yolanda PoUorena, should "withdraw from at the Tijuana police station . any further negotia- A, sketch of the babysiuer lions or participation" drawn by a police artist and in family's purchase of SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Assembly Speaker . Leo T. McCarthy has charged that Gov. Ronald Reagan urged quick passage of a legislative pension reform bill in an at· tempt to protect hJs own retirement "ripoff bonuses." The Democratic lawmaker Tburtday said constitutional bonuses unavailable 'to any tuture governor o r con. Slitulional officer," McCarthy said. He explained that Reagan's pension is 001nputed at 40 per- cent of his salary, currently $49.100, bu~ would increase ,proportionally any time future governors received 1 pay in-- crease. 'l'.hat feature has been eliminated for anyone elected after 1972. "The biU•st r I poll , however," McCarthf declared, "Is from the add1ti9n of a cost~f-living adjustment bas- ed on 1954. This increases Gov. Reagan's entitlement from 119,64-0 •.to $36,230 Im· mediately." officers, not just legislators. M L R' ..,, -::.-Q • b ~:;,~abused" the reuremen1 C e.nnan · ap-S Ulm___ -y "lt is time we stop at· _ ~~~~11:n tip~!~~y~~~ SACRAMENTO (UPI) -'A sponsor of the pen11on reJ>:f!al tligible for $10,164 a yelr _ including the governor's freshman Rep u b 1 i can as-bill , which bluntly to!d 'QWm· under the present system. If special pension bonuses he semblyman seeking to repeal by : the law is changed. he would seems so intent on prlr the early pension benertts for "If this blll is passed It not receive a I e g is I at iv e tecting ,'' McCarthy said 1n a lawmaken says a r~tlring col-might be . the jolt that will prepared statemen t. league will be hurt more by save your life. If thing.CJ con-perision until age 60. McCarthy and o t be r his drinking problem than the Unue for you 81 they now 0 r feel like a person must Democrats Wednesday re-probable loss of his pension. are medically, I would expect feel when he is led to the jected Republican efforts for Assemblyman John P . your life expectancy to be gallows and they are about immediate repeal of early Quimby, (0.San Bernardino ), about two to three years. Your to drop the door," Quimby retirement benefits for some a l2-year legislative veteran, problem is not in your legs, lamented Wednesday. lameduck legislators. The had complained that he "''ill lt'1 the motion in your right "I've shaped my whole life plan, which allows some have difficulty getitng a job elbow/• Ja ak •· eti d rin afte I · h' bl t around the pension plan ... wm ers .... r re u g r OSlng 1s Assem Y sea McLennan was dismayed I felt I've earned my retire- reapportionment years betore in the primary e I e.c t Ion . that the Jetter bad been made ' t I r 1 I' 11· •• reachln• age 60, could coet ' men . ee m ge mg w1e o particularly because he is public but ·acknowledged he short end 'of the stick.'' " ,, MIKOH FZ "'"" 1.4 Itel & COH •••••••••••••• , ••• 1$621.76 HIKOH FJM ..... 1.4 '"' & COM •••••••••••••••• SSJl.76 -OIMAT II. wlllt F2 .... 6 ••N ............ $472.'4 -OIMAT wlllt F2 lool • HM .......... ., ... SJJJ.U HUNTINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY . 11119 M• SI'\ H.l.-t47·141I.,141 .. llf 6 Pollll Slloilopi"ll °'"' .. pub 11 s he d in Tijuana Pacific Far East ship- newspapera several days ago ping company because appmnUy led to the arrest of 11confiict of inter·. of 'l'«>cDa Lopez DeBorreli, ests." said San Diego Sheriff's Lt. ---------Matlow_, taxpayers millions of dollara:. confined to a "'heelchair due was talking about a drinking Quimby r e s p o n d e d to INSTEAD, committee hear--to polio. problem and hoped his advice McLeMan's letter by saying I===================== ings _on the entire issue of He released a letter from "might shake hlm up enough the Republican ••ne ed s 1::KIDS retlrtment for elected officials, Assemblyman Bob McLennan .. to make him stop." psychiatric attention. I t • s were scheduled for Monday. (R·Downey !, the legislature's Quimby, 39, I fonner broad· justification on his part for LIKE TO ASK ANDY 1 e Park Fouled lip· LOS ANGELES (UPll - She Admits In ordering the special 1_on_l_Y_Ph_Y_•i_ci_an __ an_d_p_n_m_e_•_•s_t_er_, _w_ou_ld_lm_m_ed_ta_te_Iy_he __ h_uri_ln_g_a lot of people.'' session on retiremetnt refonn The federal aov,ernment, Kill~~g Man lnught a $600,000 suit Thurs-. J.ll day against a company that allegedly created a foolup in national p a r k reservations that will last for the rest ol the year. The J u st .f c e Department said tile '«llnPMY s o I d campsites in national parJm to more than one group at a time, creating conflicts, did not mpe prompt refunds to ca~ and reluses to give tile parl< service the )OO!ley and records needed to Blnllhlen oot tile mes~ The civli suit was filed .in U.S. District Court against Park Over 'Rape' MONTEREY (AP) -"I'm rd sorry I ~id it," said Inez Garcia, admlltlng she killed a Soledad man but fnolltlng · it was sell defense. Accused ol murder, Mrs. Gorda testified In her own behalf Thursday In connectloo with the March 21 tilooting d.ath of Miguel Jimenez. Reservation.I Systems Inc., its 11YES I KILLED him tie.- throe. operators, and the . cause he helped Luis Castillo Insuraooe Co. ol Nor t ht-,. M Garcl I America d Pennsylvania, the rape me, rs. a to d a curcianY's surety holder. packed courtroom. 11It'1 about time It gets talked aboot, even e Manson ltlo1'ed kids get raped now and no- SACRAMENTO (AP) _ body says anthlng about it." Oxmcted m111 murderer Mrs. Garcia, 'the wife of Cl!arl<t Manson hes again a Soledad Prison irunet~. ~ "°"' "filaceif,.--fJ,gb I' 'claims that JtmOnez "and security reslrictioos alter he Castfllo assaulted her and beat . tne4 to smuggle a letter out <t pri.,., stat. officials say. codefendant Allred . Medrll)o Pri!Oll spokesmen bad said pnor 1'l the shootmg. She also early last v.·eek that Manson said she received taunting had been allowed greater phone calls following the ra~. freedom ol movement and Deputy Dist. Atiy Arlhur greater contact with other in· . . · ' mates at the C a 11 f or n i a Braudr1ck chums an argwnent •. Medical Facility at Vacavllle. anmg the four principals over •. .alleged drug trafficking led -e Soldier KUlell .lo tile -Ing. I. FT. ORD (AP) -A 90ldier The trial cootlnues Tuesday. :; was shot 1'l death here by a military policeman trying ,..---------. to make a drug arrest, an Army spokesman reported. 19 Solons ·Get Bo1ius in response to public demand over the pensions, Reagan urged that the repeal be com- pleted In "a couple of hours" to hold down expenses of the sesskln. McCarthy said the rush was des igned to prevent lawmakers from s tu d y in g Rea gan's retirement. The speaker vowed it would not work. The San Fran cisco lawmaker said Reagan, 63, after "only eight years of service," will leave office and draw an &MU.al salary of $36,000, 11He receives that amotmt only by invoking s p e c i a I Candidate Charged ln Br~ry ON\ARIO (AP) -William r.1cViUie, a Democratic can· didate for the sUite Assembly, has been charged with n1isde· meanor bribery because of allegations that deputy county registrars were paid 40 cenu for each new registered Democrat. McV-ittie's voter registration drive ooonllriatO\', Ru be n Lara, was clutrged with the same violation Thursday. Both are to be arraigned today in Ontario Municipal Court A three-week investigation '.\·as made by the S a n Bernardino County Sheriff's The shooting o c.c u r red 'llmraday .-, outside an enJisted men11 ·club as 'the MP was invistigatlng an alleged sale of dangerous drugs, the spokesman said. The MP was ouspended from duty pending an investigation. SACRAMENTO (AP ) .:._ office at the request ol Nineteen fonner s t a t e Registrar William Clinton. The 4<kent bonuses were allegedly Jeglsl8tors are receiving paid to deputy registrars early retirement bonuses recruited in the Ontario-Chino · e Vukarin Named now and will apparently continue to recelve them area. SACRAMENTO (UPI) even if the controversial The standard practice is ~ -that deN•ty regi•trars are Jo~ p v·~-1n Jr ......... law is repealed ' in the t'-LU • ~ •• ......... paid 10 cents for each voter, troversiaJ member ot the special legislative. session regardless of party. Public Utilities O>mmisSJ'on Monday, the Los Angelei ' -McVittie, 36, Is running Was named to the Alameda Times reported m· 1"· Frt'-day editions. ~ against Rep u b 1 i ca n Pete Ccmity Superior Court bench Vander Poe! for Che seat in • 'l'lRtrs!ay by Gov. Ronald'----------' the newly fonned 6 5th ~(an p re v lo us J Y1--------~--A_s_semb __ 1y_D_i.t_ri_ct_. ---1 ~ nomina~ Vuka&ln, 48, a Republl-1'l the !st District -4 BIG REASONS .•. for buying thli RCA XL· 100. O Solid state reliability. D Black Matrix picture tube (RCA's flnesi ever) for sparkling bright, detailed pictures. The all new "Allen" la e part.ct example with Ila 30,00().yoJt ' chualt and beauty to match. Conoerves en~rgy tool Utea 24.8% leu power than our comparable oeta with tubes. 0 Automatic fine tuning convenience. D Superb styling and traditional RCA craftsmanship. •Mt 1tuttd at zero beam cuntf'll. RCA 1975 XL-100 prices $ start as low as RCA's biggest screen, a great value~ 'Model PT"'7i . SlaM optlonol extra · · f. Court <t AppeeJ in San Fran· • ...,,_..~"-·ciaco.-,.But-loJ.J.o..w..Ln.g., ____ _ Conservesenergyl (Uses48% leas power than our com~arable tube oett.) Preaeryee your budge\ tool And, RCA oraflameri bring you a 1tri1Ung Span ah atyle console featuring' mas1iv. platform base, overhanging top and decorative ffllgrOfl ... it'a ~ii RCA. wid_.,ad pr«est ol the llO!OOlalion, Reagan withdrew it In an llDfll"Cedented action. Units _,\wake • ·: After Quake In Canyon • SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -A mild earthquake near : .a nuclear power plant under conltruction has shaken two .. cltiaens groups into aaldng the i Atomic Energy Commission 1'l suspend construction unUI the eerthquake dangers are fully ~ evaluated. . • The two grooP., the Scenic st.>reU.. Pr11ervatlon Conference In Santa Barbara aiicl~tlie Silt-.JiU-Obla MOlhere for · Peace; l<lld We AEC that further rcsoarcb llhould be conducted on the ._ off.sbcn:e fault system within JO mile• of Ute plant at Dlllbio ean,... -·-------! RABBln " I llOllllTC.IUIOTT UC Ion Diop Prefeu« Rebert C. Elliott i5 the oufhor ol tl'lt first atliclt in the 18-port ~ by ~ Seri.es being publi&htd os a public service bylhtlloily Pi~I. . Elliott is o literature profnsor ot UC.Son Diego and is o fellow of the Atnericon kodemy,of Arts ond Sciences. . The opening ortiCle of the win "In Stotch of the American Crean" appeors in Sundoy's Doily Pilot. In it, Elliott ttom lhe ecr1y beginnings of America. the osplrotions of the colonials and the ~ts ond fruslrolioM thot hovt betn port of the ration's g-owth, Reoden of eour ... by Nowsl>OP" orticie, may olio eorn college adl fer lhelr tffortJ by enrolllng ot tither UC INirit or Orange C.X.t E....,;ng College. W... by ~ ore prepored by UC Son Diego u.-der gmts of tht Notional Endowment f0t tht Hul'ltM!tils oncl the Exxon foundation. Arlidtl will opplOf wttkly on Sunaoy1 in.the DAILY PILOT •• • .. . 2 RCA Acculine portables • Ono big enough for the whole family, the other a bit more personal. Both feature the Aecullne "ln·llne " picture tube system so popular in smaller sets, AccuMatic IV, pueh buttori color control and RCA X~·100100% solid state performance in outatanding, decorator datlgnad cabinetry. RCA· · 17.~AGONA_L XL·100 z • ... . 19046 BROOKHURST ST. DAILY 10.7 SAT. t0.5:30, SIJll, 10.1 OrtH MOit. THUR. & I'll!. IM HUllTlllGTOl IEA 968-3319- ·11 I -· --