HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-08 - Orange Coast Pilot'
• a1n Ill exas
' --
Newport Moorin·g
Fees Too Low~
Sa1 State Aides.
• * * * 10' * * *
VOi,., 67, HO, Ht,, 2 SECTIONS, 1t f'AG~S
Little Fire1nan
' i .
DllTY Plkll "110lt ff MHtrY kl'l'I
Brian f\towe, a kind~}gartner at Corona"'del Mar, tries ori. firef~ghting
equipm·ent with a little heir, from his friend, Newport ~~a~h fireman
Drake Muat. Firemen all a ong the -Oran ge Coast are v1s1t~ng schools
and conducting open house this week as part of annual Fire Pre~en-
tion \Veek observance. ~
Huntin_g to1i Puts Qff
Transl er Tax Action
Of IM b1uv PllOI Siii!
Huntin gton Beach city councilmeii.
rerused Monday ni@t to call ror a'n
expected special electioii March 4 on
the controversial real estate transfer
tax. On l'l split 4.-2 vote. councilmen decided
Instead to withhold any action until after
the Nov. s general clectJon. Councilmen
Don Shipley and Ted Bartlett opposed•
the del{ly.
JJc.nry Duke suggesteq the de l a y ,
" '
saying, "It won't hurt anyone's cUort
'to wait ·for a decision. If the people
vote against thC transfer t a x in
November. then we can hold an election
1 in April 1976." ~
lie found support from t.1ayor Al Coen
and councilwoman Harriett Wieder who
had missed the Sept. 16' meeting when
the council decided it wanted an early,
March 4 election.
Duke was the Jone dissenter on a
4+1 council vote Sept.. 16, when coun+
(Set TRANSFER, Paae Al)
' -
State Hits
Mooring Fee
Of fft• 01lly l>llOI 51111
An allegation that Newport Beach may
be ctarging illegally loW f~s for 715
offshore boat moorings will be on the
agenda when city and state officials
meet Oct. 24.
Purpose of the meeting requested by
Newport Beach City Manager Robert
Wynn is to review findings included
in a recent State Lands Division tidelands
And among those findings was an
auditor's suggestion that the yearly Sl.20
per vessel foot mooring rental violates
the gift clause of the state constitution.
Auditor Elaine Pheifer reported that
the city could gain $136,000 a year ad·
ditional revenue by increasing mooring
fees to $6 per vessel foot a year.
Before recommending a change in the
fee schedule, Wynn last week told City
Council the State Division of Tidelands
is preparing a fonnula for determining
the value of offshore moorings.
Wynn suggested that council wait for
development of the state form ula before
t.ackling' the sticky consideration of rais·
ing mooring fees.
Also to be discussed at the infonnal
Oct. 24 meeting is the auditor's finding
that rental paid to Newport lkach by
· Balboa Bay Club ·~ms low."
.!he report suggested that the club
site be appraised to determine its "fair
rental value."
However, Wynn pointed out in an ~c
companying ·report to the councilmen.
the ~year lease was negotiated in 1948
and in effect, would not reflect 1974
land values.
The auditor's suggestion that Newport
Beach submit a list of c a p i t a I im·
provements made from the inception
of the tidelands grant will also b e
discussed at the city-state meeting.
Wynn has suggested that copies of
a 1973 capital improvements report sub-
mitted. to the state legislature and La nds
Commission should serve the L and s
Division's purposes.
l\iotel Manager Slain
RUBIDOUX (AP) -Riverside sherif+
f's deputies issued an alert for Kenneth
Lee, 25, in the shotgun slayi'ng or the
manager at the motel where Lee lived.
A sheriff's spokesman said Monday that
Howard + Dye, 59, was found dead in
the motel after other residents reported
hearing a shot ~ previous night.
B ·allot De~ision
On Transfer Tax
'A' Female
Texas M1u•de 1"s
5 Bound, Gagged D i~. Jel{yll
Victims Stabbed Aiid Hyde'
FORT \\'ORTH. Tex. (UPI) -The
bound, gagged and nude bodies of three
young -.•:oinen and two 2·year-olds. all
slain with a huge butcher knife. \Vere
found today in an apartment on the
city's south side.
"The three ladies were a s s a u I t e d
criminally and in other ways." medical
examiner Dr. Feliks Gwozdz said.
Hon1icide division Lt. Oliu Ball said
there were signs of a terrific struggle.
While the women v.'ere nude, the children
were fully dressed, even to shoes. The
children were gagged but not bound.
All ·were stabbed nlany times and
a bloody butcher knife was left in a
front bedroom with three of the bodies.
1'v.'o of the women were identified
as sisters Laura and ~1artha McLendon .
The third woman was identified only
as "Linda." They ranged in age from
19 lo 24.
"Five brutally murdered people" was
the wa\' Ball described the crime.
The Children, a boy and a girl. were
the children of Laura ant: J\lartha
Ball sa id there \Vas no sign of a
forced entry into the aparlmenl and
that he had no suspects. The apartn1ent
was on the ground fioor.
"It's the v.·orst situation I've seen
in a long time," Dr. Gwo1.dz said.
The bodies were found by Alexandt'.'r
Small. stepfather of two of the women,
and by an uncle. They told police they
came to the apartrnent to take the
11·on1en to work and \\'hen they became
suspicious something v.•as l\Tong. broke
a window to get in.
The \\'Omen \\'Orkcd for a furniture
con1pany across the street front the
apartment house.
A neighbor \Vho lived across the hall
said he heard a "pounding" about I
a.m. Police said they were not called
until shortly before 8 a.fn.
Quints Born
Preniature, but They're. :Fine'
tuplets, four girls and qne boy. were
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all were doing fine.
Karen Rohrer. 28, gave birth to the
babies by Caesarian section beginning
Competition among Orange Co a s t
predictors or the outcomes of 30 \\'eekend
football games is becoming more intense
as the Daily Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo '74
enters its fourth week.
Weekly winners arc 3\\'arded Zenith
television and radio products y,·orth $130.
A c6lor television set goes to the overall
winner of the I0-1veck test of gridiron
forecasting skills.
To be tli~ible for the grand prize.
Pigskin Picker<X> entrants must .tflrst
win one of the weekly contests.
Details and an entry blank arc publish+
cd In the sports se<:tion of today's Daily
around 2:20 a.m. PDT doctors said.
Thev are her first born.
The childl'en , ranging in \1·eight fron1
hvo pounds 15 ounces to three pounds
nine ounces, "·ere in an intensive care
Dr. Arthur Kaskins. an obstetrician .
said ~1rs. Rohrer was under treal111cnt
for an inlertilit.y problem and had bcc-11
taking gonadotropin. ";hich he described
as a hormone drug associated previously
v;ith multiple births.
1-laskins said the quintuplets we· re
diagnosed Mondny, but doctors had been
expecting a multiple birth since the third
month or P.1rs. Rohrer's pregnancy.
The babies 1verl' due to have been
born Nov. 28. l·laskins said th('y needed
intensive care due to their \\'eight and
· The four girls ~'ere born first. but
the boy was the first to gt•! a name.
He is Russell Charles. nccording fo the
doctor. The girls havr yrt to!')(': named .
Haskins said II apfl('Jrs 1ht'.' children
developed from flve Sl'pnra1r ferl\lii('(f
eggs and share nQ more ~ent'lie 1natCrial
than brothers and sisters born under
n1ore usual circum~la ncc~. Haskins said
(See QUINTS, Poge i\21
Of I~• O.Hy Pil(ll Sllfl
LOS ANGELES -Convlcli;_d con-
spirators Eloise Popeil and Datt-Ayers
were denied a new trial here ~1onday
and sent to state prison for one to fh•e
yea rs for plotting the 1nurder of her
multimillionaire husband.
Superio r Court Judge ri1ark Braildlcr
accused the fonner Ne\Yport Beach resi-
dent during his sentenci ng comments of
being "a fe1nale Dr. Jekyll and ri1r. flydc
y,·ho was lovin,g and conside r«'l',e to her
family and friends. but somethin;: quit e
different \\'here her husband \Yas con·
cerned .
"She is vicious. cunning and deprnv·
ed." Juoge Brandl er added, com1nentin)'.?
that he had received "palhet1c and hc nrt
broken" lcHcrs from 15 persons. ~\nd the judge quo1cd several biblical
texts in further conden1nation of the
blonde defendant. among them lhc coin·
n1andmcnts "Thou shalt not kill '' "nd
"Thou shall not cornmit adultery.".
Judge Brandler ordered the maximum
tcrn1 for the convicted lovers after being
accused by defense attorney Robert
Gr('en or making "highly prejudicial er+
rors'' during the seven+week: trial and
!See POPEIL, Page A%)
Orange Coast
r\1ghl nnd morning Jo\v clouds
~ind sca !lered sprinkles through
\\1ednesday, according to the
11c:i1her service, 1Yith slightly
wann<'r skies. Possibilitv of son1e ~unshine in the afternoon \Vednes+
day. Hig hs of 67 at the beaches ris-
ing to mid+70s inland.
~/in/11 rile nert step for Hou··
nrd C'osell be as a cfoucer nnd
si11gf'.r? /le expects 10 do a little
of both if ABC qacs fh rouglL
wi!/1 pious to put Junr ill charge
of n variety sliow. Page 87.
Erm• lombe<ll llt
l . M. 1~111 ili10
C1IHorn!I Al
CllHlllU 11·12
Comlc1 IJ
CNIHWfrd Ill Oe1!~ NOll<tl ilif
Edl!orlll Pitt ~•
E"1 er111nm1n1 I•
l'lft.lnre Alt-11
Hy Otrctiw:r Al
HOrtKIPt II) 1n11rmt111on '' ili~n Lllllltt' Ill
i •
MOnt, trH AH
MtYlt s '' M"f\111 f'WMI' A\0 N1Uon1!
"''"'' A4, Ill Orano1 Cavntv Af
PtoPl<I 111·1
Soorll 114-5
SIM:k M1rk•lt A10-11
Tt""Y/lk:NI II•
Tl!eilerl' 116
W•tlhtr A4
Worlll NIWl Al, lt
• '
. '
Sl ___ Tllffd.lr, ~obtr 8, 1974
Rocky Gifts Could Reopen Probe-Mansfield
\\'ASJIJNGTON tl!Pll -Senale
Democratic leader "Uke ~lanslield sald
1ixtay dlsclosutcs or gifl!I mad~ by Vice
Pres I den l la I oomlnee Nelson A.
Hockefel/er 10 political associates •·could
y,eJI rt>0pen heatinQs" on his no1TUna1ton.
HOY.'C\'er, Senate Republican I ea de r
Jlu'h Scott said he has "seen nothing
\l'h.ich haJ Impaired the 1n1cgrity or
Cov. HockeftHler in any "'.l)' ...
Hockefcllcr. forml'r governor of Nev•
York, hJs ~id he 1nnde financial gifts
10 Henry A. Kissinger ln 1969 when
he -..·as an advi!tr to Rockefeller and
before joining the Nixon administration
and 10 L. Judson ~lorhouse. the former
Ntw York state Republican chai rman.
Rockefeller and his family have given
major contributions lo a number of
Rep,ublicans in CongreM wOO will vote
on his nornlna!lon. The New York Times
said today the most rtoecnt gift was
$15,000 to Sen. Jacob Javits {R·N.Y.),
two weeks ago.
In addition, there have been rtports
of a JS00,00> gilt to William J. Ronan,
chairman or tbe Port Aulborlly of New
York and New Jersey. and $100.000 to
Hugh l!-1orrow. RockereJler's press
"So far a1 I am able to ascertain
it's legitimate," Mansfield said. "But
tl1e fact that 11"11 publicited raises qu~
lions, yes indeed. And it could well
reopen hearings so far as Rockefeller
1.!i concerned."
The Senate Rul~ Committee has com-
pleted public hearings on Rockefeller's
nomlnallon and Is awaiting completion
or a )olnt report on bis income tax
filings by Congress' Joint Committee
of Internal Revenue Taxation and the
Internal Revenue Service.
Scolt, a member of the committee,
said the panel would meet Wednesday
on the nomination but that he had ''heard
not hing about reopening hearings. Ir ifs
v.·orth looking into, H "''iii."
The report.!! said a number of persons
throughout the N:ltlon h8d bttn glven
rontributions from the nominee or his
GaMe tt News Serv ice said t.torrow,
who has been Rockefellir's spokesman
for more than a decade, re=eived the
money after banks fqrec!o5ed a loan
he had ta ken out for three sons who
"'ere in college and two men1bcrs of
his family who suffered major illnesses.
One dled of cancer.
The ney.•s se:rvice also said Rockefeller
estabUSi.ed a tru.u of an unspeclf.led
am.ounl for R®cn R, ()oughlass, .. wbg
served as RockefeU cr's chief aide during
his last years as governor.
Doughlass succeeded Ronan , "'ho held
the post in the early y e a r s o(
Rockefeller's NeY: York adm inistration.
It has been learned that Rockefeller
asked Ronan to become his chier of
staff if be is confirmed as vice president.
R e port o•• EHergy Dat1iage 011 Antig1ia
·N uclear Plant West Indies Hit
Halt Demanded By Big Temblor
\\'ASlllXGTO~ (lJPl) -A report on
!he futur~ of the nali on 's nuclea r energy
policy c!l!led today fo r an immediate
h:ilt to the construction or nuclear power
plants for mora l and envi ronmental
The electric industry's estimates of
future pov.cr needs are exaggerated,
Reinecke Asks
Passport Buck
Cdlifornia U. Gov. Ed Reinecke,
who received a suspended 18-month
sentence last week for perjury,
asked in U.S. DistriQt Court today
tha t his passport be returned.
The pas spo rt was lifted
Jutomatically J ut )'27 when llein·
~eke was c on vic ted on one
count of lying under oath to lhc
Senate Judiciary Committee.
Reinecke resigned Wednesday as
lieutenant governor only minutes
before he "'as sentenced by U.S.
O i s t r i c l Judge Barringl9n D.
From Page Al
K.\NSF'ER ...
cilml'll fi rst decided to bow to public
pressure and hold an early special elec-
tion on the transfer lax.
J\fonday night, Councilwom an Norma
Gibbs switched hEr previO\l.!I vote tq
agree with Duke, Coen and Wieder on
delaying any action. Jerry fi.1atncy was
absenl Monday.
Duke pointed out that "after I h e
November election we still have until
December to call ror a March 4 elec·
The coofusion over election d a t es
stems from the creation of hvo separate
ballot issues rega rding the half-percent
tra Mfer tax.
City councilmen have placed their own
issue on the general election ballot for
l\'ov. 5. It, offers the voters a choice
beJv.·ee n Ille transfer tax. or a..coml:.ir.a-
alion of a monthly trash collection
rce and a one percent increase in lhe
utility tax.
It is purely an advisory measure,
not binding on the oouncil, but coon·
cllmen have pledged to follow the will
of tile voters.
ff voters prefer a garbage tax, the
transfer tax will be e\imlnatt'd, Coon ·
l'llmen promise.
'9ukc contends if !hat happens, the re
is no reason to hold a special fl.larch
4 election -combined with local school
board elections -which coul d cost the
city Sl8.000 to ~20.000.
r~~ O•...,.,. Co••t O.•!V pj1M, wn11 w,,;c11 I•
<11nlti1nocl !~ N••1·Pr•11, •1 P,,bl•Yle<I DV ! ... Of..,,q.ro Co•~• PuDh11\i'IQ Co~"f ~r•te
.ol•l-1 ••~ 1"Jbl1\flt0' -""•• ,,,,..,.,,, F"<Mv.
IU' Co1lt Mt~. N~•POrt 9".t< ... kuntll\QIM ~f'" Fourit~•" 11.1 .. v l.Aqo.""' &t.t<~. . ""'"'·~-·~· • ..., ~ a-1~1s." i""" C..~•11•1<'Q. A '•"Qlt •eq-• ..,1t1on '' -""""'"""" Sd•~·n~,, •"6 s.ur.u,... Tn• P'•n<•D.lt P.~''"''ncl g11n! ·~ ii :IOO ..,.~1 9.J¥•!•ttl, (;Qf.W.
Mo!W. C..li!Qtl'•• 'Ul•. -
Robert N. Weed p,,,,,,.,,, .nd ?vel•,,..,
Jack R. Cu rley
Ylct Prn•otfll • ..., GtM•~I Ml ... (Jllr
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Murphine
M.lrwq.np Ellllor
Ct}arles H. Loos Richard P. Nall
"'~'"''"' MifllQ!n; E!ll'°"
(,,.Mit\f U0 1•tt,1 BfvStr,•1
,...,jlO't Qea<;I\ 11.Jl N~wPOrt !IOultYllftl
l.<O'I""•~•<"' \116G-~r,st .. .,.,,.,,QIDl'li4.t<" 11•/\f;lotc;nllo;i,.v•rll ...... (Jtl"'•"tt. JO~ N;r1ft El Om!tlCl ll:lt•I
Ttlepho~ (714 ) M2-43Z1
Clasiitied Advertising '42-5'71
,....,,.....-c~ ,., •• ,\ouf,.of l..l-9'«1'1
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the report said, and the COUJltry's ex-
perience during the oil embargo show.!!
conservation and the sea rch for other
power sources are viable allcmativcs
to nuclear plant hazards.
The report was prepared by t h e
privately financed Center fo r Scil'flce
in the Public Interest, and v•rittcn by
\Villian1 H. 11-fillerd, doctorlll student in
The center is one of 127 members
of the National lnterveners, a collection
of public interest groups.
The grou ps said they would wo r k
through church organizations in an effort
to JX>inl • out moral and environmental
questions involved in unrestricted growth
of al.Omic facilities, and said they hoped
enough response could be built up lo
bring the issue before Con·gress in two
or three years.
"It is clear that the nation's current
policy of rapid ex pansion of the nudear
industry represents a bad decision." !he
year-long study concluded. "Because the
need for a high-groY..th rate in the clec-
tricaJ industry is seriously in question,
the unresolved safety and dis posal pro-
blems indicate as a minimal necessary
change in policy, a moratorium on the
construction of additional plants ...
"During the morato rium. completion
ol. safety testing programs plus ex-
perience with operating plants will
hopefully resol ve the safety questions, 11
Newport'5 EloiM Popeil
SAN J UAN, P.R. (UP I) -A severe
earthquake rocked the West Indies from
Guadeloupe through Puerto Rico today.
Most of the islands apparently escaped
severe damage but considerable property
damage was reported on Antigua.
Four persons were reported injured
on Antigua but tha-e were no immediate
reports of casualties elsewhere.
Ant igua police reported a D a n i s h
tourist. James Foghman, broke his arm
when he jumped from a hotel balcony
during the quake. Two W-Om en suffered
head injuries wben the walls of their
home collapsed and a local disc jockey
was seriously cut when he j um p e d
through a window in hl.s: radio studio. ·
The historic St. John's Cathedral and
several government bulldings w e r e
among property severely damaged.
Schools were closed for the day and
police pat rolled tbe streets to pr~ent
looting from damaged stores. ·
On the nearby island of St. Kitts.
two Angelican chirrches were reported
damaged by the quake, which according
to the U.S. Geodet ic Observatory here
registered 7 on the open-ended Richter
scale, the strongtst reported in t h e
Caribbean region for several years.
The observatory said the quake, which
occurred at 2:52 a.m. (PDT) apparently
"'as ceritered. between St. Kitts and
Guadeloupe, in the Leeward I s I a n d s
about 300 miles east of Puerto Rico .
The tremor was fel t throughout Puerto
Rico and the U.S. Virgi n Islands, but
no dam.age was reported.
On Antigua , police estimated damage
'\lioold run to million.!! of dollars. Fallen
utility poles blocked some road i. and
electric service was reported out in
some areas.
The parliament and court buildings
were damaged and today 's court session
was cancell«f. Pollce said the n e w
deepwater harbor was also s e v e r e I y
Gives Them Pain
JJ-larijuana Smokers llurt Soonest
, ..... -
it said. "During this lime aiso, ex·
pericnee with conservation efforts,
tec bnologies and success or failure in
Heart patients ain exercise onlv half
as long without feeling chest pains after
smoking a-marijuana-cigarette than
after smoking a tobacco cigarette, ac·
cording to the fmdings of a UC lrV'ine
time the men cou1d e1ercise witlnit
feelin!Lchest pains, he &aid.
_.. The average cl.ga retleCUl-Uie'"t1mc
~y 24 percent, be said. But 10 puUs
on. a marijuana cigarette reduced the
time by 48 Percent, he said.
She's a JH011ntie
rIS 1ne atXIB models the
"review order" uniform for
new women members of the
Royal Canadian Mounted PoUce
in Ottawa. It's the · uniform
likely to be seen on ParHament
Hill or at Government 11ouse.
lhe search for a permanent "'a s t e
disposal method will aUow our people
to ma ke a decision more in accord
"'ilh its moral responsibilities."
AC('()rding to the Atomic "'Energy Com·
mission. 45 nuclear po"·cr plants "·ere
licensed ID operate a, of June 30 ; 60
v.·ere under ronstruction: 105 far enou gh
into the planning stage that reactors
had been ordered, and 21 announced
but for which no reactor order had
been placed.
The report details problems involvt'd
"'ith tbe transpo rtation of n u c I e a r
materials. including waste, and the safe-
ly and security of the power plan ts
themselves. It concludes that Americans
have an obligation to future generations
in alJ pats of the world to be good
stewards of their planet.
The report ci tes a Rand Corp. study
in California \vhich predicted a 3 percent
grov.1 h rate in electrical capacity "'as
needed for that state, compared to in·
dustry projections of up lD 8 percent.
The study said the nation's demand
for electrical power during 1974 has
actually been held steady. proving that
conservation-minded policies and pub\lc
.,.,;llingness to reduce consumption can
tj. Babies Born Apart
fi.10RE LIA , Mexico (UPI) -~1aria
Dominguez. 20. gave birth to one
quadruplcl in her country vil lage Monday
and then traveled 16 miles into town
to have the other three. 'l'wo of the
children died a few hours later.
lar•hall Aide Dies
'Paul G. Horfma n, first adm in-
istrator of the hiarshal l Plan,
die~ at his New York home
early today at the age of 83.
A succfssful busincssn1an.
lloffn1 an turned to public serv-
ice after \Vorld \Var U.
Convictld Conspirator Ayers
From Page Al
Angina pectoris--cbest pa i n s ex-
perienced by b e a r t patient,s-are ex-
perienced during exercise atter smoking
either, according to UCI cardiologist
Dr. Wilbert S. Aroliow.
In studies published in m e d i c a I
journals, Aronow ba.!I described the erfect
of cigarette smoking on men wi th heart
problems who perform exercise.
Smo king a filtered, l o w·n icot in e
cigarette decreased by 13 percent the
Martha Seeking
$3,000 a Week
In both casei:,• t6.rtion ·mooorl:de caused
the paim. Whlle nic.otine is also known
as harm!uJ, his tests on marijuanc:i show
that lbe main ingredient, tetrahydro-
Canna binol (nlC) has a stronger effect
on increasing the pulse and blood pre!-
Because of the difierent amounts
used, Aronow sai d, cigarette and mari·
juana use cannot be equated .
While a heavy tobacco user may smoke
20 to 25 cigarettes a day, he said,
a marijuana user may onl y smoke three
or four joints in the same period, be
Parking Ticket
Charge Turns
To M olestatiQn
said. San Clemente. police working a case ''However, it is certainly safe t o of indecent exposure didn't even have
assume that the more cigarettes one to leave the stalion ti.1onday to make
smokes, of either kind , the more pro-an arrest.
nounced the effect on the pulse, blood lMtead, they found !heir suspect In·
or di splaying ''bias and prejudice" during NEW YORK (AP) -Martha li.Ii tchcll P r essure a n d - i n co ronary pa· quirin g at the front desk about a parking
the jury's deliberations. accompanied her attorney to s ta t e tients-angina pectoris," be said. ticket .
"You should disqualify yoursell from Supreme Court in Manhattan today, The case involved alleged o f re n s es
where she seeks temporary support of Frotn Page Al against a 14-year-old girl who told of· all post conviction proceedings," the $3,000 a week in her separation suit · ficers that she had been offered a ride
Laguna Beach attorney argued while against her husband, former Atty. Gen. QUINTS and after accepting. the driver exposed
Jud ge Brandle r glared at him from · John N. Mitchell. • • • himself and made advances toward hE>r.
the bench. Mrs. Mitchel l's attorney, R ic ha r d As soon as the police interview with
Green said he based that demand Creditor, also was prepared to argue such a situatioo is not unusual in muJtiple the victim had ended and sbe prep<1.red
for $35.000 counsel rees. births. to leave. a man walked in to inquire on Judge Brandler's stating during a He said attempts to negotiate a set-The father Charles, 33, Is a baker about a ticket.
private press conference in his chambers tlement with Mitchell "have not been for the A&P grocery chain. Both parentts She recognized him immediately as
before the final jury verdict was in 'lfru;;;;;itf;u;l.;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;re;B;a;l;ti;;;mo;re;n;a;t;lv;es;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;the;;;aliil;e~geiidiioiifiifeiiniideiiiriii, ~poiiliiiciiieiiisaiiiiiiidiii. iiiil that Mrs. Popci\, 49, was also guilty I ·
or conspiracy and was only cleared of
that charge by a legal technicanty ..
A jury ended the marat::on trial by
finding Mrs. Popeil and Ayers. 37, or
Santa Aaa. guilty of planning the killing
of kitchen gadget magnate Samuel
Popcil. 60, of Chicago with "hit man"
Robert Peeler, 34.
Ayers was additionally conv icted of
working out another murder scheme wi th
"hit man" Donald Reed. 4-9. Judge
Brand ler ruled today that he can serve
the two terms concurrently .
Lawyers for both defendants served
notices of appeal on Judge Brand ler
immed iately afte r their clients were
Judge Brandler refused to even con·
sider the possibllty of freeing the defen·
dants on bail pending the hearing ot
their appeal.
fie pointed out to the two defense
l<iwycrs that Ayers was a highl y qualified
pilot who could use Mrs. Popeil's
substanti al funds at any time to buy
An ai rcraft and ny the pair ·oul of
the country.
J udge Brandler ag~ with Deputy
District Attoreny Pete'r Bregman that
lbe jury "exei-clscd sound and mature
judgment" when it convicted both defen-
dants or sollcltl.og murder and cleared
the m of related conspiracy allegaUons.
California law does not provtde pt'()o
secution and punishment for the crime
of conspiracy to commit murder if the
killing is to be cirried out in another
Judge Brandller recalled Tuesday that
the convicted pair bad di5CU5Sed six
different ways in which Mn. Popell's
estranged husband could be cllmlnatt!'d.
Among them, he said, was tl19~1UI?·
gcstlon that both Popeil and hit
housekeeper be 11hot and dumped ln
the same bed In the millionaire's Chicago
''Branding keeps us all honest.
And the customer knows it.''
··Carpeting is a blind item.
For the consumer, few things are bought with so little knowledge, and with
so ll'IJCl1 trepidation.
Two different pieces of carpeting can look the same. feel the same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have, in fact, not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet after just six months ot use. one will look terrible and the other will look
like new.
How is the consumer. to know which is which?
Oddly enough, even price often .won 't tell her. So even buying expensive
C(lrll8ling Is no guarantee of quality.
The only thing th at protects the investment of the consumer. and the
reputation of th e honesl retailer. is selling the brand names that both know they
can trust."
This is why we don't private label carpeling at Alden's. When you . find
&af11llt!S~th the names changed on the labels, run over to Alden's fast.
After all, carpeting is one of life·s major inveslments. It shouldn't be gone
Into blind.
1663 Placentia A.Ye.
HOURS: M-lln T1owL.' lo S:lO -Fii.' lo' -SAT. ':30 lo 5
I -, •
t ....
"" rid
•• UC
\ ~-
Counti<lns F i111r1•es Re lease•I
Over 65 Nixon Employes
Ride Free ·Cost $841,800
Starting Nov. l. any Orange Countian
over the a~e of 65 v.i ll be able to
ride free on county transit district buses.
Transit directors endorsed a contract
wi th county government ~!onday to pro-
vide subsidized rides for 11enior ci tizens
at a cost not to ex-ceed $350.000 ror
the first six months ol experimental
All that remains is fina l approval
or the contract by the county Board
of Supervisors. "''hich originated the con-
cept or spending socia l revenue sharing
funds on :such a project.
Under te nns of the ctlntract, revenoe
sharing co ffers will tum over $175.000
to tbe transit distri ct for the first three
months o( operations, r
That sum covers the 25-eent bus fares
for all 116,000 senior citizens in the
county O\'er the qua rter year.
District General ~!anager G.J. "Pete"
Fielding said it is likely only about
20 perctnt of all seniors will rlde the
buses so any money left over will revert
back to the county.
"Once we ha\•e determined the level
of ridership. we will be able to figure
out more precise cost s to the county,"
Fielding said."
. When ti¥ cost of the program wa s
first computed, Fielding offered the
county an annual contract of $6 per
senior citizen. That v.oold be similar
tC! contracts the transit district has with
UC Irvine and other groups.
That v.·ori<ed oot to a maximum total
cost of about $700,000 per year or $350,000
for the first six months of operationS.
Supervisors endorsed the concept. for
six months. stipulating that It be review-
ed after three montM to determine
if the cost could be adjusted.
After approving the contract, transit
direct.on turned to a request by Fielding
to use some of the revenue from the
county to hire three new n1arketing
Fielding said the estimated $75,000
cost ol hiring !he new employes would
be v.·orth it because it V.'OUld be their
jobs to encourage senior citizens to take
advantage of the new program.
Pilot LOfioook
UPI TtltllMOff
Just Clowni119 Aro1111d
?i-1otorists out fo r a Sunday drive in Denver' did
double takes at this scene. The broken down car
belongs to Ernest F. Belhnan (left). a sal esman re-
turning home after entertaining children at Color-
ado Gene ral lios pital. The good samaritan is Shrine
clown \\/alter Kosciw. an engineer. Belln1an ran his
battery down trying to restart his car after running
out of gas.
Property Tax Bills D_ue
Collector to Send Out 459.00() 1Votices lVext Week
ot fllt DMly Plltt Stttl
Orange County Tax C.Ollector-Trea-
surer Robert Citron will put 459,000
property tax bills in the mail next week.
seeking payment of more than a half
a billion dollars.
The expected 197~75 total of IS 2 1,
million is nwre than $71 million higher
than last year, Citron sai d.
"When you add the tax bills o n
personal pro pe r ty, homeowners' ex·
~ em:ptions and business inventory ex-
emptions rebated to the county by the
state. this v.i.11 Iota! $603 million lhal
will be received by the county this
fiscal year from property taxes," Citron
'r eterans Club
.4.t Saddlebacl{
College Planned
Wh::it all this me;ins to the individual
homeowner \1ill vary widely from area
to area and even to different parts
of a given city. Citron noted.
··Thi s Is because although the assessor
has raised the assessed valuation by
an ave rage of 17.5 percent in the county,
the increases in different areas range
fron1 no increase to as high as 38
percent in Laguna Beach,." Citron said.
Orange County currently has 213 dif· -
ferent taxing agencies comprising I .fl50
different consolidated tax rates.
Leaving Yorn· H~art
In San F1·ancisco
An orientation meeting for a proposed
\•eterans club at Saddleback College has
been set for 5 p.m. Oct . 15 in room c.z.
·'There is an average of 13 taxing
agencleS pcr -cons:ohdaled aK r a e .
Citron said. '·For ins1ance. there are
5!1 different consolidated tax rates in
the city of Santa Ana alone."'
An individual 's tax bill is calculated
by multiplying Jhe total tax ra1e in
I~ area where lhc property is located
by the assessed Valuation.
\\1A$11 1NGTON (AP '1 -Sahuies for
the 64 federul c1nployes. excluding SLoeret
Service agen ts, assigned to lonll<'r Presi-
dent Nixon·s Sun Cletnente l'stat~ are
costing the fed('ral treasury an a\'erage
of $8~1.800 a year. Sen. Joseph ~I ~lon·
tosa \J)..~'.:O.l .1. says.
~lontoya. cuing figures pr0\'1d1'<1 b.v
~John ~larch. counselor lo P r 1· s id c Ii 1
ford . said ~lond.1y 1hnt Secret Ser\ ice
Girl Charo·ed ~
~lith M11rcl er
111 'Reve 11ge~
LONG BEAC!r (AP ) -;\ 19·~ear<ild
divorcee has been chari::ed with murdl'r
in the killing of one of two 1ncn she
accuse<! of kidnaping and raping her.
Delx>rah Kantaeng 1vas charged r..lon-
day v.·ith 01urdering Danny Allen. 21.
cf Santa Ana . Allen was killed by a
diotgun blast \\'h('11 he and Carl S
Tice. 21. also of Santa Ana. went 10
the Kanlaeng ho1ne Thursday night.
~frs. Kantaeng !old police !hat Allen
and another n1an kidnapcd her a! a
Cerritos sh:>pping c e Qa1 er \\'ednesda y.
1hen raped her al knifepoint and forced
hc'r lo gi\·e them her telephone nun1lx·r.
She !old police she received a call the
next day and agreed to see the calkilr.
\Vll'Cn Allen knocked. !\!rs. Kantaf'ng's
father opened the door and the y,·01nan
re:portedly fired a .410 shotgun blast
at Allen.
Police de tective Bob Aughlon s a i d
police believe Mrs. l\at'ltaeng lied about
the kidnap and "other issues." Aughton
declined to comment on \\•hether the
rape accusation v.·as among the "other
issues ."
Tice had been held for ·in ves!lgation
of rape and murder but was later releas-
ed .
;,Tice is not the person present when
the alleged rape occurred . He was an
in_noccnt party who appeared on the
day or the homicide," a spokesman
for !he attorney's office sitid.
The case has attracted the attenrion
of feminist rou . wJJo have said they
are prepare to come
rs. an aeng s
!\lrs l\antacng's aitorney. D a\' id
F1slunan. said his client was suffering
from ··epileptic amnesia'' in connec1ion
with a ··\·ery severe brain COIJCtlSSion"
she received in an automobile accident
three werks ago.
Of tllt Dtllr f'li.t Stiff
How I bought the Golden Gate Bridge and other tales of San Francisco. • • * hfV FRIEND, the Italian sugar salesman from l\tarin County, has a_S.year·
old who likes bubble gum. He Ukes its:> much he eats it.
Reggie Knight, new cam pus '/etcrnns·
representative, said the club is being
organized to a{'Quaint ·new stu d en t
veterans with educa tional opportunities
and to provide an atmosphere for mutua l
interaction and involvement.
The VA progra111 at Saddleback serves
more than-1350 students this qu.irter
Under the GI Bill, school·bound si ngle
veterans receive $220 per month for
full-time enrollment, up to a maximum
of 36 months of school attendance, or
a total of $7920. The month ly allowance
is increased for veterans "i th depen·
Def e1idcint Fell Asleep
Diiring Ra pe_-,W itness
ity friend took his boy to the market recently. ArMng other things, they
..-:::. bought some candy and some bubble gwn. When they got
back to the car, tbe boy began chewing the bubble gum.
"Don't W'Rllow it," cautiooed father.
A few minutes later, the boy asked if he could have ll
piece of candy.
'"What happened to your bubble gum," dad wanted to
"I ate it." was the answer.
"I thought I told you not to swallow the bubble gum,"
said father.
LOOS "I didn't swallow it, Daddy," said the boy, "I ate it."
A lengthy and frustrating semantical argument betv.-een father and son
"I think he"s going to be a lawyer," sighed dad, adding that his son is still
eating bubble gum whenever he gets the opportunity.
He seems to be all right. except for a slight tendency to swell up every
time he inhale'"," fa ther explained. • • • hfV FRIEND, the llalian sugar .salesman. and I arranged to meet in San
Francisco's r.1arina District. It was a near-perfect fall Sunday in the Day
Area -no fog , no wind and the temperature in the mid·70s.
We decided to go to a bar we knew at the end of Hyde Street near Fisher-
man's Wharf. We had frequ ented the place during our salad days in San Fran-
cisco and v.·e recalled that it bad a good view of the bay.
· We parked In the underground garage at the former cllocol ate factory,
but couldn 't find our way out. We climbed up and down several flights of
stairs and finally came upon some tourists in sbort sleeve shirts and cotton
dresses. They were waiting for an elevator.
"Do you folks know how to gel out of here7" .asked my friend , a native
San Francigcan. They did.
"Thank goodness," he quipped, "we've been in he.re for a week."
The tourists howled with delight.
"I had a suntan 'vhen I same in here," he continued.
The tourists laughed again. • • • THE BUENA Vista Ca(e hasn't changed much cr:er the years .:.. a new
coat of paint and some new faces on both sides Of the bar. There are more
touri sts nov.·. They drink 1rish corree on a v.·arm afternoon because Irish
cofftt is what the BV is noted for.
l\ly £riend and I sipped gin and t.onie and asked each other, "What ever
happened to?" We hadn't seen eac h other for 8 long time.
"The trouble with people nowadays/' my friend observed, "ls that they
don't have time for each other." • • • AS WE SAT there, two girls sauntered into the bar and ever)'One. turned
to look . One v.we a tight red T·shirt. She was bra~. The other v.·ore a b)ouse
. unbuttoned to the walst!·She also was braless.
l\fy friend and I agreed between ourselves that they l''Crt dreSllCd that way
because they othe rwise would attract liltle attention..
Ah, what discerning gentlemen were we. And perhaps 1 bit over the hlll.
Later. as my friend and I mo\'ed on to dinner, we noticed that two young
men in stylishly cut denims had engaged the girls i.n t"On versat;on, • • *
WE APPROACllED the loll gate on the San FrAnci.!ICO side Of the Golden
Gate Bridge as .... -e dro\'e toward f\-tarin County .
"What's the toll these da)'S?" J asked, reaching into my pocket for some
"Three dollars."' said my f.dend. slowing fo r the gate.
"Oh sure," I said, handing him a dollar bill.
lfe giggkd, stepped on tbe gas and sped througtt-the idle toll gate. t had
forgotten that tQey now collect the toll only from drivers on tht!lr v.·ay Into
the city. \Ve, of course, didn't have to pay any toll.
'"r'ou," laughed my rrie nd the Italian sugar salesman as he pocttled my
dollar, "have just bought the Golden Gate Bridge."
An additional feature allows vets
enrolled in college on a lull·lime basis
to be tutored. ·under the GI Bill, the
veterans ad m i n is tra t i on will pay
veterans up to $50 per month for a
malimum of $450 for ·tutorial assistance.
Details on enrollment. counseling and
fman cial assistance will be available
at the Oct. 15 meeting. ~1ore information
may be obtained by contacting the office
of veterans affairs, 831-9700 or 495-4950.
ext. 238.
Atay Takers'/
LAS \'EGAS f AP) -The defendant
\\'as raping her on the hood of a car
in the desert \\-'hen he fell asleep and
she escaped. a young Las V e g a s
housey,•iff testified on the first day of
the trial.
Derek Alvin f\-lt'Call, 21. of Los Angeles
is being tried in District Court o n
charges of rape, robbery and forcing
a "loman to perform an unnatural act.
The alleged victi1n testified i\londay-
thal a man entered her home July
20 through an unlocked sliding glass
door and kidnaped her in her car v.·hile
ht" l\\'O children slept in a nearby rootn.
. . •· . . • r,. ' • .-·
She told the jury that the man began
to snore \\'hile trying to rape her on
the hood or her car.
"The grip on my arms loosened and
I Sa\\' that he was asleep." she said.
She said she cased herself slowly off
the hood or the car and then ran naked
through the desert until she ca1ne to
.a house in North Las Vei;:as. · A m:in
ans1Yered I.he door and thre\\· a raincoat
from his closel over me:· she tes1i fied.
She told the jury lhat !he police ar-
rested ~1cCa11 later that night 1vhen
they found him still sleeping on the
car hood.
" .,,. '
n 1is old n1inin g building in l.ake City, Colo., ha.s
bee n pul on sale. The price~ 25.000. It was boUt
In late 1800's and ls ~.1tualed on 50 acre~ of 1n1n111,1:
pro1ec1ion at 1he S.an Clemenie home
\\';lS cos11ng $622.000 n year.
The yearly l'OSI of &!rret Serviet pl'O-
l('C!ion and or!wr personn<'I •~I ~ixon's
Key Bisca~11e. Fla. C"Ornptex 1s n1ore
lh1:111 S5(l().000. ~lon!O\la said.
The \\nil<' llou$C ffgu res \\'l•re pro vided
in response 10 a r('(JlK'St rron1 .\lonroya.
chairman of 1ht' S1>nate appropnarions
suhro1111111 !1l'<' -0n 1'rcasur.v, po s I a I
Sl'!"\ H:e and general go1'1•rnn1rn1
The• subcurnmillcc and f u 11 Ap-
propriations CommiUl'e rL'<iUt't'd t ht'
ongUla! request for funds !or 1he 1rans1·
non from the X1xon adrn1n istra1ion lo
the admin1strallon of Pr1·~1d\!11\ Ford
from $850 .000 to S200,000
Tht! · govcrnnlent also i:> :-p e n d i n g
money on sending docun1ents, including
material on foreign pohcv brit•fings. from
\Va shington lo S<in Clemente by jet.
!\lontOya said
\\'hitc I louse press. Sl01Tetary Ron
N~en said .\londa} negot1at1ons \\'C'rc
C'Olllinuing 11•11h '.'lixon over !he disposi-
tion ol :'\1xon·s p.ipers and tape
JJc_said talks resumed las! week after
SIX"C'l<l l \\'atergate prosecutor Le o n
Ja11orski ques11011ed rhe agreement an-
nounced \\'hen Ford pardoned Nixon .
The agret:rnl'nt ga1 c Nixon custody
of the nlalt·nal. but 11·ould have assured
&Ol'ernment access !O \he tapes for up
to fi\'e }cars. \\h('n r\1xon could destroy
rhern at 11itl. TIM!v 1rould be stored
at Lagun<i '.'iiguel ·
The Senate ,·otcd o\'er\\h<>lm1ngly last
1reck lo ;;\\·ard permanent custody or
the material to th<> govern ment
Listi ng the salaries and JObs of th.e
govemment emp!o~·es detailed to Nixon .
~lon1oya said ?8 persons direct ly con-
r.ccted ~th transi1ion "·ere being pald
at the total rate of $Ji5.800 'a year.
Amoog_mjlitary personnel on the
payroll. a ma il clerk is being pa i d
$12.000. fourteen Department of Defense
persorincl are attached to t he com·
munications nct\\'ork at tota l a n n u a I
salaries of $136.880. tv.·o Navy mess
stewards ar(' being paid a total of $22,560
a year. and 12 Coast Guardsmen are
being paid a total of $95,650 annually.
The General Sel'Vices Administration
employes. handling Nixon's papers in
\\'ashington. are being paid a total of
5122.745 annually. and .seven GS A
custodial persons at San Clemente are
lx>ing paid a total of 176.300 a year.
!\1onto ·a also said four GSA employes
at t e ~iSC~e-wert--being
, paid a total of $f>O.OOO a year.
Ffe said support sen 'ices at tht' 111·0
homes for the first 42 da ys since Nixon
left office had cost the g o v c r n m e n t
lrvi11e Ch emist's
.\erosol Theor,,
Faces Challenge
A UC Irvine researcher·s theory that
propellant gaS('S uS('(f in spray cans
can cut do\vn the earth's screen agai nst
harmful radiations has been challenged
by the industr~' producing !he chemical.
Dr. F. S· Rowland . a l:CI clle1 ni-,t .
recently released !he re s u l ! o; of Ins
v.•ork indicatin11: that fl uorocar00.1 ga~!'s
used to pressu rize aerosol cans can
produce a chain reaction depleting the
shield of ozone in the upper atmosphere
against radi ations 11·tuch can cause skin
cancer in humans and death in plants
The Aerosol Education Bureau. an In·
dustry group. said the ~ianufacturing
Chen1ists Association '';ill run industr~·
research into the possible effects ol
the gas.
"t.:nt.Mtthe first re sults of !he industr.\
research art:' ready . the available fact s
do no! rank as proof ! ha t th~·
fluorocarbon~ 1\"i!I lead lo 01l"1V' dtph~·
lion:· said Dr . Raymond L '.\lcCarthy .
i\lcCarlhy. tt·chnical rl1rrC"tor of th(':
freon produrts drpa rtn11•n1 J! F: 1 rln
Pont de i'.'emours and Company, a major
producer of !!'.(' proprl!ant ~as. said .
"All \l'C ha1·e 1101\' ;"tr(' a~sumpt ions.
"\\"ithout experimental er1denet?. i t
1rould be an in1ust1r.e 1f a ' r c v.•
rla1mS-\\'hich even the critics agree
are h~·JX)lhC'scs--11·er(' to be the basis
of regulator~· or con<:ulll<'r reaclion :·
Ro11•land con!cnds that the gas. "·hen
r<'!cascd in th<' troposphere, the tay('r
of air c'IQ.~est to th<' earth. 11•ill no1
react and ·stays in the air.
f.\·en1ua1t.r. hr said. the gas 1ri11 11ork
11~ 11.1) into thr .:;1rato:-pher1' 11herr
1hf' sun's r:1\'s break 1t do11·11 .1nd ~1art
n chain r(',1c11on
:\lcC<irth~· said !he results of n e 1\'
studies «"ill h1· diff1cul1 to t•\'~1luatr un1 1\
niort• is kno\111 about lhc l"h('1nistry
of rhc llflPt'r 111n1osphere und thr otunr
1ttycr H1· urgt'd niore high al!itud~ tf'l!I,
of the atmosphere
lf'/1 0'11 Car ,,
For t-lu! Co1cis?
1\:'\SB \Cl! \\'l'~I Gt'rmr.11v 1 !'t'! +
-A 24·year.old farmer dr:lftt'd
lnl•J 1ht ann} pro,·1'<1 his ro1nt
b' sho11 inJ: up for m1ht.1ry S<'nict'
at n b:1rr:1rk~ '"ith thr1'1' t"\l\\ s
A C'1>Urt tht1n t.1.\;1•n1p11"1 hun from
thr dr:.1ft. ruling hi~ d 1 ~ :1 b 1 e d
mother could net run 1hc1r rarm
and takl' c~1t·c or I ~ cov.:i and
:?O pig~ br hc~clf
. -' .. l
tf DAJLV PILOT TUHdaJ, Oclol>ff 8, 1974
Jus t • Butz Claims , Part .....
Ill New Grain Deal
"' '\'\
'"i·.. wit'h
Soak Prrhlic,
](i~l1 t l11flatio11 ' .
UPS & 00\\'t\S l)l':PT. - Ah, yes,
lhl.'rl•s good 11\'Y!S lo111p,ht 1n thl! grave
:;\ru~!llt• <1,!.:<11nsl 1nrlat1on, sag g i n g
t-t•onoiny llnd lhm-rlam dollars. folks.
()u r fL•tk•rul go\·cr111nl'nl <.1VP('nrs to have
forgot1t'n thr notion or extra gasoline
\011 t'nro1•0:. !he bad ne1vs. Thi s is
c:itled !h1• !\urr:ix. Sonlcti nies it is called
:1 surctu1 r~e.
\\'hah,•1·cr they call 1t. 1t n1ea ns you
ai·c ;1 likl•ly t'<1ndida1e to get socked
lll tht" pocketbook in order to save our
n:.ition fro1n the financial doldrums.
Presi dent rord is su~gcsting the surtax
as oiw ol st>~L·ral ways we might soh•e
UK" b:'lrl\e or the weakened economy.
No"· tn u11dcrsto1nd this, first vou have
lo kno" .,..h<it a surtax .is. i·n have
to :.idnu! I "'as a bit foggy on the
po1111 niy:self. So I looked ii up in my •
trus1y dit!lon:i ry.
IT Rt:c1TED: "Surta x: An extra or
a special charge assessed on certain
goods or accommodations or on a certain
class ot people. over and above the
tt0m1al rates.~'
Isn't lhat wonderful ? The dictionary.
ft develops, talks a hell or a lot plainer
than th e politicians. '
Roll that definition around a couple
of tunes. '·A spec ial ctrarge .• . oo a
certain l'iass or people . . O\'Cr· ahd
above the no rmal rates."
I n o t he r word s, th e Ford
Adn11n istralioo calculates to hel p the
l'l"Onon1y by selecting a certain cla ss
of folk s and taking more money awa y
froin them.
YOU CAN'T GET past a gasoline
pump or through a grocery st or e
checkout hnl.' 00'>'' \\"ilhout a bank loan.
So making you less solvent yet is a
solution '!
l"rom "'lrl' Services
\VASHINGTON -Agriculture secrf't:i ry
F.arl L. Ruli .:iccepla part of the btainl'
for an unexpe<.'led $500-nillllon g r a i n
order by the Soviet Union, but his bo5s
says he can keep his )ob.
Sen. Hcnrf !\!. Jackson ID·\\'ash.1.
hn"·eve r, wants to kno'>'' more and pl:1ns
to hold a hearing today on the grain
d('al. The deal w11s aborted ln!it "·eekt'nd
as the result of \Vhlte House pressure
on t\l.'O large grain companies.
JACXSON ACCUSED Butz of "gross
M!Olf!llANfAN $!A
mlsmanagem~nt" betause the Yl h l t e
llouse had not bten lnlonned earlier
of the sales. lie. asked that Butz resign.
''The Prestdent does not blame the
Agricu ltu re Dc-partment for this," White
House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said
i\looday. "On balance. he believes the-
department has dooe a good job. The
President believes A.tr. Butz should not
Secretary of State Henry A. Ki~inger
said earlier ~fonclay that burea ucratic
mi sunderstanding may ha:"e prompted
~-------. ?"'JI
Kissi,nger Tripi ·~SYRIA -0 ~
~ • ~ -L._ _ _..;;;. ___ ' s_,R A E ~:or',/.CT ... i
//tf 'I • • .. -0 •
0'.....:-~--75 MILIS
TH AVIV(;) AMMAN ~( ocT.'12 )•o .); E)
I '
: • ; JERUSAlfM
. 11·-'~I ~~•d ,. .. .,
Ul"I TtlepMlo
Kissitager Itinerary
Afte r ~1 r. Fo rd 's message toda y. it
is slifl uncertain who Congress 'A'ill select
.__ __ t<!..._~ ...:Jl!!it s~cia l class of ~le."
Lw:ky then1. -~
Secretary of State Henry Kissin'ger beads back to the Middle East
tonight to set up next stage in peace talks between Israel and Arab
states. He says he expects no concrete results or agreements -but
a cementing of the negotiating process. Ne\vsmap shows his fli ght
The c:-.:1ra tax n1ay. for example, glt
h1id on f'\E.'ry single person making more
thdn :ii7.fil0 a year . nr roughly $625
a 111un th or some\\hcrc nea r $157 a
(It". :is some congrc$Sional leaders ha\•e
~ug~csled . ii should only get laid on
!hose mak1n~ mo re thun $\S.!lOO or
ma~·bc S20.000 a year.
Tunney, Cranston Cite
Doubts on Sea Drilling
CO,'\GRESS. APPA R1':NTL\'. \~ill have
lht-111111 1 say on who ge ts soa.){e<I lo
.savt· the economy. What "'e realfv need
hl'rC' ts a rc:il · prorcssion al cro~omist
who c:1n explain to us ho"' taking money
.1v.:i~· frnn1 thr pcoplr and gil ing it
lo thr f'l"drrals is going to cure the
nation's n1onctarv'''>''oes.
Sonic expcrtS ·have timidly su,ggcsted
lha l federal spt•nd ing is the biggest in-
llationary fil.c\Or of a\\. So ll0\11 maybe
lhey'll h;il'e more of your cash to spend~
\\.ell. thnse or u." out here in the
trent·hcs of this econun1ic y,·ar are li kely
1n continue to ~ar <i lnl or talk about
.. rest raint. se!f-<li<-1pHne and sacrifiC'e.'·
\'!l'l'-1ng this F n rd Adminislrat!on
1·cnnon11c package. Se n. Ed \1•ard ~t Ken·
n1'<.ly. the Dl~mocra ! who isn 't running
!Ur 1>rN1dcnt. C<'llt-d l~ surtax notion
··,111 unfo r1 una1e SUf!J:lCstion. ··
lllS CO,\l)IE\'T SllO\\'ED rrn1Rrkable
rc~1r::11nl. l'rob11bly be-cause he isn't run·
1ung for an~ H1111g.
So far , 111 1·h'11 of 1he Ford economics.
:ill nf the ll<>m(l('r3rs st'<'ms to be 1·x·
1·rf'1S1ng r('mark ahlr rcstai nt. ;..1 i'.l y be
non•' of them arc running for anyt hing.
\l,1}be onr or !ll'O of them bcttrr
.;1 ilrt
\VASHING TON (AP) -Californ ia
senators John V. Tunney and A I a n
Crans1on were among 20 U.S. senators
'>''ho have urged Preside nt Ford I o
reconsider "hasty and ill-advised" plans
to lease 10 million acres of offshore
drilling rights in 1975.
Both Oregon S('natnrs -Republicans
~!ark Hatfield and Robert Packwood -
and a number of 'Other senators from
coastal states, including OOth of ~laine 's
senators and Sen. Edward Kennedy (I).
i\.1as.s. ), also signed their names.
''\Ve ha ve serious doubts about \he -TJZ TAYLOR'S
Elizabeth Taylor's 21-year-old s on .
tilichael \\1i!d1ng. has been fined about
Sl20 for growing marijuana at his remote
r~rmhousc retreat.
\Vildi ng and six companion s were ar-
rested in a police raid . The six others
\verc convicte<I of possessing a n d
cult ivating marijuana and also were fin-
oil and gas industries' financial and
technical ca pability to develop such a
large number of acres in a si ngle year,"
the senatnrs said in a letter to Ford .
The signers also included Sen ate
Interior subcommittee members Senate
lnlerior subcommill ee members ~'ho
questinned lhe decision of an Interior
Deparlment official "'ho ordered the
leasing scheduled next year.
Interior Department Undersecretary
Jared C. Caner on:lered the leasing
program and said it should include prime
tracts in the .Gulf or Alaska and North
Atlant ic. 'A'hich now have no offshore
Environmentalists have vigorously op-
posed the pro!XlSal.
The senators said Ca n er's memo on
the matter to the Bureau of L an d
P..lanagement amounted to a green light
for leasing drilling rights without rega rd
for environmental concerns.
Cart er ha s said the Departm ent will
abide by federal law requiri ng ge n·
vironmental impact statements before
any leases are negotiated.
In their letter. the senat ors said there
has been no proof that it is necessary
to develop the IO million acres nert
yea r.
Winds Whip S. Atlantic
J.,,,;,,, S 11.01v Fall .in Northe rn ,'lfinnesota Ove rnight
1·,. 1rr ,,t• ,.,, 111 •·e~
Mroll , ..
" • ,, ....... ' • ,,
' ··~"· ..
c~., '" ..
' "·~··" ~
t ,. •'I~-~ n '1t"•" '" '" ' l~ ' . ' • • ..
" "· " -" . ' ',., ~
"' " "
D!>H'tl'Y GI lht D1llJ Pilot
11 9U<lrtlllff4 -.. ,,.,... " -......... -:'"~ .... ';;. 0:.1:"' .. ":" ... -:: .:: , ,. . "'-,,. ............ """"' ",.... ..... _
-<.r( W t •••O. ........ ,,I< I ...... ,_,, u~ ... • • .,. ..,. '".,... •
,-. Ct!N n t IOll• .-.~ "1.1'. --... (-\• ·-· ..... ......
--•l il"""""'"l•ot"I -..... _. . ..... ..... ..... ..-~ ....... _,_
... J••• t...io ........ --· ... ,,, .... _~ ... ..., .... ....-
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'" JI " " " ,, • " " " ~
•, '•' • -;-.......
..... ' .... c..oc o .
\) ... ;-~~
lO••"Glll l -. N' 3000 ,. ~
" ,.
" .. " .. ~ .,
n ..
J. •
the Russians LO seek larger ordtrs or
IJ. s. grain lhan they might have
otherwise. ~ ·
"I believe that a strong possibility
exiN that we may have misled the
Soviet Union as to what ~·e thought
we could deliver over a period ol time,"
Kissinger said.
Stung by a near repeat of the 1972
Soviet wheat fiasco, t h e Agriculture
Department revealed a hastily draOA·n·up
voluntary system designed to keep track
of major grain sales to foreign countries.
Following a "ja.,..•boning" session at
the White House, the companies --Gon-
tinental Grain Co. ot New York and
Cook fndustritS of tl1emphls, Tenn . -
agreed to postpone their sales.
BU1"Z SA.ID PRIOR Agri c ulture
Department approval 'Aili now 00 re-
quired ·ror large export sales.
The companies said ?i-1onday t h e y
cleared the sales in advance with the
Agriculture Department, but Butz said
he did not know about it until after the
fact. But~ said he will rely on the good
faith tf the grain exporters .to keep
the department informed about v.1lat
Marshals Called
To South Boston
BOSTON (UPI\ -l\tayor Kevin H.
\Vhite called today for ·at least 125
federal nlarshals to be sent lo racially
troubled South Boston to help protect
children and to implement a c o u r t
ordered plan to integra te public schools
by busing.
The motion was filed "''ilh the clerk
of the U.S. District Court in .Boston
by assist.ant city corporation counsel
Kevin P..ialoney.
order in 90 percent of the city, wi th
the on1y exception being South Boston .
"Th.ls communication, however, is to
apprise the court of the volatile situation
that now exis1s in the other 10 percent
of our city, and to inform the court
that the city is unable to continue to
maintain both public safe1y and im-
plementation of the court order in this
one single area," White said.
they are selling, to wtKmn and in wtw.
quantities. ..
Thi system b not dl'sign<d to put
:i damper on the export ·market ror
u .s. rorm goods, he said, nor ill it
intt>nded to single out 11ny one country
for lo'>''et export shipn1cnts.
~1EANWIUL£', Rli:P. Neal Smith (0..
rown). has called ror the resignation
or Bulz. saying the cireu1nst ances sur·
rounding the cancell ation or the grain
sale was nnly one In a ''series of in-
credible bungles by Butz."
1'fore Arrests
In Book Figlit
Three 1romen were arrested today.
bringing to 21 the number of
persons arrested in t\\'O days in
the latest wave or demonstrations
against new school I ext book s .
Protestprs have vowed to "fight
until death if necessary" to keep
the books out of classrooms.
Police said the women were ar·
rested at a school bus yard in
the Quincy area near here for
violating a court order against In-
terfering with school operations.
IT CALLED ON Judge \V. Arthur
G<irrity "to enter an order requiring
that not less tlmn 25 marshals be
assigned to the South Boston district."
Attached to the motiorr .. ~·as a five
page letter to Garrity from White detail-
ing the racial vin_!wce in South Boston
and expl aininj vohy federal assistance
'>''as needed.
Ho11se Panel Ol(s SaVings
Account Tax Exemptions
recommendation. Earlier, black children v.·ere kept out
of South Bost.on schools by city officials
and police. strengthening earlier l'e'ports
tha t white and NAACP leaders \\'OU!d
· call for fcd.eral-;marsbals lo be sent
to Boston.
Thomas 1. Atkins. Prtsident of the
Boston brand! of the NAACP. also v.•as
expect ed to seek an appearance before '
Garrity toda y.
\VASHINGTON' (UPll -T'he House
Ways and P..1eans Committee voted today
to · exempt from taxation the first $500
of each taxpayer's savings aC<:OUnt in·
terest. .
The action, which v.·as strorigly opposed
• tiji a spokesman for the Treasury Depart·
menl, came only hours before President
Forti was to present his econo1nic pro-
gram to Congress.
The bill , approved 11 to 6, is: de!igned
to aid the housing industry by attracting
funds to the institutions that make
mortgage loans. It would affect interest
from savin gs and loan banks, com·~
mercial banks, credit unions and mutual
savings banks.
The exemption ~·ould applf to tbe
first $100 of interest on an individual
tax return and the first $1,000 of a
joint relurn. The committee staff and
the Treasury Department estimated it
\.\llUld·cut-taxes by $1 8 billion-a-year
IN HIS LETTER to GRrrity, White
said poli<'e have been able to maintain
public safety and lnlplement the court
Rep. Herman T. Schneebeli (R-Pa .),
ranking GOP member of the tax·writing
panel, said fotlo.,..i ng the vnte that Ford's
proposals v;ouJd not include any slmilai
~:!if:( . presents/ FOURTH ANNUA_L _ _ l;jif l
< ..... if FIESTA de COSTA MESA -~ ... "-~
Friday • Saturday • Sunday
OCTOBER 11, 12, 13; 197 4
Costa Mesa Park • • • West 18th Street and Park Avenue
Including 6 Kiddle Rides
"}/tiJJ CcJt4 }/teJ4 Queen CcnteJt"
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • GRAND· PRIZE • • • • •• • 1974 FORD PINT() • • • • • • 2 DOOR SEDAN • • • • $2,636.00 VALUE • • • • •
5 to 10:30 p.m.. . , • , ••• Can.r.ol Aidft, G1ft10,., Feod anti (._hibitt.
7:00 p.m •.•.. , . , ••••• , , ••••• , , loc.i Bh10 Gr"' Mwff: G•OUtll
... IS P·"'-, ••••••••.•.•••••••• , F11"-Coughlin 8oy1' Chorus
9:30 p,m, •••..•. , •••.•• , .••.. , ••• o. ... ino lor A flbjor Pfii. w;,.,.. rMn.t btl Pf'Wftl
Clt"iw•I Rid"-o • .,,.. Ind Booths Of'"' 1111 10,30 p.11'1.
f I .Ill .. ,,,,, •• ,•••,.•••,,,.,,,,, •• , •• ,,,, .81~1ep..,l(le
10 •.m. · 10:30 p,111 ••••••• C1,..1hlt1 Aldoli. G11MS, Food, E•hlbltf
• IO;lO o ............ Aoy1I Cou•t • Ki&ho l(l"I ll'id OllHn Co"lflll
ll;IS p.m .••• , ••••••..• , • Oranvo C-1 Collotf' Jti1i E<11omble
12:30 p.m., •••.• , .•••• , •....• , .••••. , • 0P9""'1 C.•1monlfl
12:40 p.m,., •• ·.·.Of..,.. C-1 Colfeto .larr EnMlr4'1t, GOnlinl>ld
l :lO p.m •• ,.,.,., ....•• ,,, ....••••..• Oat..itly Joo-.
3:00 p.m ••.• , •• ,,,.,,., •. Coti. MoM H'9h khool S"91 BMd
$!00 p.m., ..•.•.•• ,., ....•.•.... ,, •• ArlM Hitbos o-,.
7,og p.m ••••..• , •••• , N_,orl H¥bor Hifh School State 8.IO'>d
9,30 p,fl'l. •••••• , , •••• , ••••••• , •• o. ... ..., for A M•lor Prii.
Win ... r m""I be p!l-1
t'OOfl • 10!30 p.m, ••. , .• , C.nn.11 AodM. a..,..,, food & E.dl1bit.
t ,00 ....... ' .. ':.'' .•. '.' ... ''' ................ life"""'"
.. ~oo P·"'· . ' ' ... '' . ' . ' ....... M,. C11111 ~ o ...... <:on11111 !o~OO •·"'· • , ••••• I.__,.,. • ...,,.,..,., H•llc09tet Rul" tchild<ffll
7.00 •·"'· •.• ,.,, ••• ,,,car-•• MM H.,11 ScNol so" land
I lOp ............................. hp1 .. i(•••te,..,...11, ....
t ;JO p,m. , •.• 0.Mtflt for A Major l"•iro: ,.,,.....,. ''""'ti-P•-nl
l>fM ... IOf' G<ll>d '•lrot 117<1 fatd p;,.111 l ·Doot Seda ·
WI ..... , nood "°' bo P"_,,I
IO;lO p,111.,,.,., •• Fi11111 .. Co.t.1Mfto clovl. M11chot G<1e1M! -
Coull!"• V•H••fl• ol "'"'~" l'llMI No. J5JI
"'"""" 111 C•tv"'ll~• COit.i M•u Oollrnlth Clull C111h lHu l'lt,11 S.:1111111 W,.lllhtt f1001IMI Cool• M•u J>PCC•• M.lv .. nit ot C0•\1 Mno Hof111 Son• 111 lllty A. P. c;;.,tnlnl Loci,. Ho. ZIN Zonia Clu" o• H•wPo•I H1•"0' Ne"'pofl H1roor V't M101'• Clutt
Off"" Cou"ll' 11.i•llo< """ LAtll 5"lc,.1uk1 A-. COIH M ... !Ot•O .. Ho. 111~1 Bell Sltm• , .. !,XI R~o ,, Cll1pltr
A ..... 1 .... ,. .. ,d ""'""'" fl:u1ncl1 Hoti. S<:ltllOll 1:.c ....... Clull ol COUI M•u
Onnt• Cou l can.,. 5111 .... 1 Gon•"-"' .IOO'I O•ut~l•<I Ho. lll Jall" DIUlftllto Ho. I, 1
80)' Scout Troop No. •••• Co•U MOM 0<1ft1e COHI Uon'1 CIUll c11•11 M•u cnamlM• al co ... ,...,...., 11141 ...... .,. otll•'I
Boys and girls . 8 to 18
For Boys ind Girti 3, 4, 5. ind 6 y11r1 old
to tellct King. Ouetn, Ptinct, Prlnctss
and si1. Dukes ind six Duchen11,
Sunday, Oct. 13
5:00 p,m.
..Courtesy of California Federal Savlngi
OCTOBER 11·12·11 1914
COSTA Ml'SA ,AllM;' Wl:Sf i e1H Sf, .. 'AlllC "'Vt;,
111is DISCOUNT C•rfli-111 Ridt Coopon Mtitltt
holdfr ro purt:/111116 11t SHOW Of SHOWS ticA•t boodls
OM 1ick1t good fat 40c: 01 50e: • l<IOOY OR MAJOR AIDE
Two ticktu good for lttv 60c: · SPECTACULAR RIO£
SDr>nsOlttJ by COit• o\.~il Ch1J111bllr of C"'"""'"" -
Bonut CG11pon -$AV£
20 cenu ot 60 etntt 01 Sl.00
j -
TutsdJy , OetOOH 8, 1974 DAILY PILOT A 5
May · Have
Been Shot
Brown, Flournoy on TV as Race Tightens.:
of the century~ld skeletons
dug up near the Sacramento
River may have been shot,
says a scientist studying the
potential 19th century ma"
"We have one possible
v.'Ound, a hole through the
pelvis. As far as 1 can tell
1t is a bullet wound," an·
thropologist Peter Schultz said
in an Interview Monday.
Schultz said the bones att!
, (.___s_t_at_e _ __,)
80 to 100 years old . He noted
that lhc area had a population
or about 10,000 C h I n e s e
wor~ers, and that there arc
atories of mass slayings of
e Strike E11d Due
ttntative settlement ha s been
reached between s t r i k i n g
mechanics and the Southern
Calirornia Rapid Tr ans; t
Dist rict, but striking: b u s
drivers \Vere still negotiating,
a state offici al said.
The agreement \vilh t h c
Amalgan1 ated Transit Union ,
representing 7 2 8 mechanics.
was subject to approval by
the union membership. state
conciliator Thomas V i t a i c h
said at a news conference
late Monday. Proposed con-
tract t.enns were not disclos-
e Slrlke Blocked
New CUP Cltlef
Dante Lanza, 53, 24·
year veteran of Cali·
rornia l{ighway Patrol,
has been named com·
missioner in place of
Walter Pudinski, 47,
who quit Monday to
take a zone ct1mman·
der's post.
LOS ANGELES (A?) -The I. showed that Flournoy m:'iln·
governor's race Is getting talned his 36 percent support
tighter, the Ind e pend ent fro1n the August poll, taken
tl!Uomla Poll reporttd today the "'eek Richard ~t. NixOl'I
as the two c a n d I d a t e s resigned as President.
prepared to meet for their Brown's percentage slipped
third, crucial debete or . lhe'1rom 50 percent. The number
campaign . ( The 00.minute of undecided increued from
debate will , be b,roadcast at 12 percent to 16 peroent.
8:30 p.m. on KCET-Oiannel J\1inority party candidates
23.De) Ed und G dropped from two to one per· mocrat m , cent.
Brown's Jr.'s August lead of 14 percentage pointa over Among the Democrats poll·
Republlcan H 0 us t 0 n 1. 00 . 71 percent favored Brown,
Flournoy hes narrowed to II. 15 percent favored f!oumoY
Pollster J\lervln Field said the and 14 we~e undectl~ed. Of
current margin now shows the Republicans po ed. 68
Brown favored among those percenl favored F1oumoy, 16 percent went to Bro\vn and sampled by 47 to 38 percent. 16 percent "'ere undecided.
TODAY'S DEBATE ~·as the To win, Flournoy must re-lain •·much more than 75 per· only one or their 5ehedule of cent of the GOP vote." and
six to be televised statewide. 20 to 2.5 percent of the
It came just four ~·eeks to
the day before Californ ia
voters choose a successor to
retiring Gov. Ronald Reagan.
Field's survey, s amp Ing
1,089 prospecUve voters during
the period Sept, 28 • Oct.
Democratic vote as well. Field
said. He did this in 1966 and
1970 victories as state con-
troller, but "his present rates
of support are well below
these critical levels," rield
$96,000 Laetrile
Networl{ Cl1arged
SAN DIEGO (AP) -A ing $96,000 since last Decem-
Gcrman chemist is among six ber for shipping: Laelrile 10
persons indicted for alleged "'Tumer. . . . The cancer pet1ents paid $S0 consp~racy to sell the drug a bottle for Laetrile. J{ayes
Laetrile as a cure for cancer said -$38 more than the
in the United States. Japan, price Turner allegedly paid
the Philippines Australia and ·to Plnoci. Privitera was ac·
New Zealand. ' .. ~u~ of charging $10 per in-Jection.
The chemist was identified as Eli von Pinoci, 50, of ,,__,.,. __ ,,..""'_,...,.. __ .,. __ ,...,._,,..,.._,
Munich. president or S i d u s
Pharmaceutical House. ln c.
a threatened 6 a.m. strike
by railroad engineers in six
Western states <iiUtinst
Southern Pacific has b e c n blocked by a temp 0 r a r y TllE OTl-IERS indicted also
restraining order. on a single felony count of
Martin Milner
U.S. District C.ourt Judge conspiracy were identified as
George Harris issued the 10-Phillis Blanche Disney, S9. of
day order-Monday against the North ~lollywood, Dr. James Brotherhood o f Locomotive
Started Early
Engineers and urged b 0 t h Robert P r i v i t e r s . 33. of
sides to attempt to negoliate Covina, Carroll Ruth Leslie, Q: There'1 a credit in a IH7 "LlJe with Father" rum c.._... for an actor named l\1artln Milner. Could he be the same l1~r dl.spute over radio-con · JO, or West Covina: \Vlnifred
lied I · If l as of Heer Pete Malloy on "Adam·l%?"-Ar1bar Reinitz, tro ocomot1ves. n o Agnes Davis, 47, and William
resolved, he sch e d u I e d a David Turner, 46, both 0 f Brooklyn.
A Brown spokt3man,
Davk!. J enst.11, said the poll
''lndicates tt\at things are
holding firm and that the
Flournoy campaign has not
ignlt~ any ti.xcltement among
A Flournoy spokt!mM,
Peter Kaye, said, "Frankly,
1 feel very encouraged" by
the poll ~sult1. He said It
was taken when reaction to
the Ford pardon ~as !till
strong. In addition. Brown has
been "out urly with extensive
television commercials, and
ours have not yet run."'
Both candidates had been
confident that the new p:ill
v.·ould show them gaining in
relative support. t'lournoy had
contended that the August poll
was taken at the worst possi·
ble llme for a Republican can·
The Republican state con-
troller has conter.ded that the
more exposure the two can-
didates got , the be t t e r
Flournoy would do.
demand as many fnce-t~face
meetings v.ith Bro\\11 that he
can g<'l. "''Ith the broadest
possible television coverage.
cooslclered partibilarly im·
portant to Flournoy in view
of the new poll results.
Also, it is during the final
month or the cnmpaign !.hat
voters traditionally begin to
pay more attention to the can·
didates and "'hat they are
Today's oonfrontatlon waii
at the Los Angeles Convention
Center where the candidates
\\·ere to field questions fronl
representatives of a dozen
civic action groups.
Under th e ground rules.
each candidate at today's
debate v.·as entitled to a six·
minute.opening statement and
a three-minute rebuttal to be
fol\owed by questions from
members of the panel.
The panel included repre-
as the greater Los i\ngti:les \\1nmen, League of WCIOW(
Urben Co11lit10n, American Voters. To~'Tl 11all and tlxf ,
Association of Univ e r s 11 y llispanic CouncU.
Fish Fry
.. 1~179
All you con eat!
Every Wed. & Fri.
Our golden lish
h\lels . With
tangy tartar
sauce. Texas·
size !rench
f1 1es and creamy
colo slaw.
0,... Deity• 11 A.M.
W. U..CoM of Wllll'tlrr
2750 HwtMM-ll•d.
2200 N. Harbcw ll•d.
20515 H1wftlot'111 l l•d.
llis strategy hall been to sentatives of such groupst----------------------
Protests Planned
In Rape Slayi1ig
Feminists here are planning
a natioo'"wide intest O"olt:r the
murder convictioo of 1 n e z
Carcia. found g u i I t y or
shooting the man she ' said
helped to rape her.
Twenty angry young women
Monday jammed into the of-
fice d lawyer Charles Gmy
to announce the protests,
decision be reversed," added
Nancy-Todd of the Feminist
Women's Health Center. "No
v.i>man should be tried and
convicted for defending her
l\.trs.;Garcia; 30, freely ad·
mitt e d' shooting 21-year-old
1'1iguel Jimenez, saying he
helped another man rape her
last March. She was coovicted
last Friday of second-degree
murder and could be sen·
tenccd rrom five years to life
in prison.
She said from the stand lhat
she killed Jim<'nez moments
after the rape Y•ith a rifle.
Garry, wbo defended Mrs.
• H•l,. •••"'1 ·-·· ....... , • ~,. .. ,... • _,f'OC;
•fl.J1 l ••ll~I
OVE.ll 300,000 G•AOUATES
Tit KlflKl Of lOIOllOlf-toNJ
... _'""""' • uu •I.ft ......... ,_ .... l.UllA•MI' • •UD•~· • •1-• Ull•"'tut-• ,.o._u-. -.. l a. • a..no.••i.., ... ,,. • UJllM.m• JOit
"""'' ••4llf-LI •S.W .. ••~t '--------' .... uu I ... !4... • ... YORlll
WEDPIE50"Y. 0t1-1 9 7 lOp m , o-!ll lON l"'N LAGU"'A o-!!ll!'I
zm~ l• P;u Ao.~ Ills. .. 0..,.. fwy I
IHUASO!l.Y. OclOO!'t 10 J •O<I I lO p m RQYA L !N"' ul 5!1Nlli liN"
1&00£ •ttS• lltioo• w.o•s...1•"111~•¥1
fAl~Y.~ 11 1JO P"' LE 8AFIO"' HOTEL al ltUfN" P•AK
1615 C"""•o1 Avo , .. &tlte• 9"-0 f
\Vork stoppages and
demonstrations "on e v e r y
campus and in every city"
""1)1 be held Oct. 21 , the day
J\·lrs. Garcia is scheduled for
sentencing, sa id Stacey Fulton
of the Inez Garcia Defense
"Women all over the world
are demanding t ii. a t the Garcia, called the conviction 1 L!::===================:.J a "miscarriage of justice." 11
further_beari~ll Oct. 16._~C.hula...Yista..____ A: Yes. Thal's good detective work. Marty was only -oho"'""W?i'eif he made his acting l!e1:itfttra-statUe graae--· e Drunke11 Driver The indicbnents returned by school play. Shortly after finishing "Life With Father,"
the San Diego County grand he was stricken \\ith polio. Bedridden for one year, he
SACRAMENTO ( AP ) -jury also named the Davis finally reeovered and \\'as able to resume his career.
Sacramento County Supervisor woman on two misdemeanor Robust enough to do a t\.\·o-year hltcb in tbe Army, he
Ted Sheedy pleaded guilty to counts of selling and deli ver-filmed "The Long Grey Line" while still in uniform. The
drunken driving 1\1 o n d a Y • ing a drug alleged to be a stars were Tyrone Poi·•:er and Maureen O'Hara. Born in
saying he wanted to be treated cure for cancer. Turner wu Detroit, the red-haired, green-eyed six-footer is a USC
like any other citizen. charged on one rount of the alumnus. He's 'been \\'ed to the same wife, Judy Jones,
After the plea, additional same misdemeanor. for 17 years -co-producing four offspring, Amy, Molly,
charges of reek I es.. d r I v i n g Stuart and Andrew. The family Jives on a 24-acre ranch
and engaging in a speed e<>n· IN DISCLOSING th c in-near Fallbrook -90 miles from his regular motor patrol
test were dropped. dictments J\1onday, Deputy beat as Officer J\1alloy or the LA polJce department.
Dist. Atty. Cliarles Hayes said e Jntnate Dies Pinoci was accl.l.5ed of rcceiv·
San QuenUn prison i n m a t e
Arturo M. Sanchez, ;i burglar
from San Bernardino County ,
died Monday from s t a b
wounds received in a c e I I
block September 26.
Prison officials said there
was no motive established for
the stllbblng:, the 61st at the
facility this y e a r . Officials
al!IO have no suspects.
e CU11 Aides Fired
daughter of Oakland's vice
mayor and the son of a city
COWlCilman were fired by the
city government M o n d a y
because of a city charter pro-
vision against nepoti sm.
City Manager Cecil Riley
ordered the temiinations on
the advice of city attorney
David Self.
e /lla1109er Quits ·
ball Moore says he will retire
Dec. 13 u city manager of
San Diego. Moore, SS, said
he and his wife Mary want
to travel. He ·worked 20 years
for the city and fonnerl y v.·as
budget direct.or and assistant
to the city manager.
Granny, 60,
Also Held
In Death
SAN JOSE (AP) -Police
have atTested a 60-year-old
grandmother i n coMection
wilh the slarvatlon-death of
h e r 2 Y.i: -m o nt!H>ld grand·
Hele n Saunders, who claim-
ed the decomposed body of
her granddaughter. Elizabeth
·Hernandez, over the \\•eekend.
\vas atTested Monday and
booked on investigation o f
manslaughter, child abuse and
child neglect.
Mrs. Saunders lived at the
same San Jose address with
the child's parents. Severo
Hernandez, 37. and his com·
mon·law-wi!e, Ros e Salinas.
Hernandez and Salinas were
booked last week r o r in·
vestlgation of the same
They are being held in lieu
of 12$,000 bood. ·
The Sanla Clara County
Coroner's office ruled Friday
the baby's death was "caused
by dehydration and malnutri·
lion due to starva tion.
"This was a homicide. a
neglected child," a coroner's
official said.
The body was taken to a
funeral home and services are
pending. A judge has denied
the mother's request to altend
the child's funeral.
Quake Shakes
Q: Yoo hardly ever read or be•r about Barbie Bentou
anymore. Did she get tired being the unofficial Mn. Ha1ll
Hefner for so long and marry someone else?-Betsy Quinn,
Columbus, Ohio.
A: No. Barbie's round a way to have her cake and
eat it too, by coneenlrating on her country and l\'eStem
music. Recently she sang at a radio station birthday bash
'Glad You Asked That'
by Marllyt! and HyGanlner
with stars Conway Twitty, Wanda Jackson, Don Glb!ion
and other big league C&W stars. ..,. • Q: How much good has Buck Owens done wit.b bJ1
annual celeb golf and tennis tournament?-l\frs. Edmund
Rose, Baltimore.
A: Through proceeds and personal donations, the star
·of "Hee-Haw" has enriched a new ctnter for cancer
treatment, (the Kem Radiation Oncology Center in Bakers-
field) to the tune of $250,000. And that's no laughing matter.
Q: Did Gretta Garbo ever come out of her shell long
enough to actually be Interviewed on the alr?-Constance
O'B., Lubbock, Tex.
A. Yes, once. Jimmy Fidler (Hollywood 's counterpart
of Broadway's Walter Winchell) got Garbo to sit still for a
very brief interview on his popular network radio program.
Q: ls ft true that Anthony Quinn and the late Carole
Lombard once planned to get married but be 1tood. her
up on lhe altar?-Ken C., San f\lateo, Cal.
A: Tony's relationship with Carole never developed
that far. Once she asked him for a date. But when the
time came. he had only seven dollars in the pockets of
his patched pants.' "I couldn't see myself taking the
fabulous Lombard to a cafeteria -so I never showed up
fo r our date. About a week later, as I was walking across
the Paramount lot,' l heard a blast of obscene language
whlch started: 'You s.o.b. -I've never been stood up
before. YoU little -'." However, when Quin told her lhe
whole story, tears \.\'Clled up in her eyes.
Q: I'm constantly amazed at some ol the elusive and
important guests that Merv GrUfbt gets on bis show. For
example. bow did he get Elvis Preiley's ex, Priscilla, to
appear?-l\1r. and l\.frt, Smythe, Des l\lotnes.
A: Very easily, grins Griffin. "We simply called her
and asked her to be a guest and she said she'd love it.''
Send your qt1estio11s to liy Gardner. "Glad You
Asked That," cart of Lhis newspaper. P.O. Bo:t 1560,
Co.sta /tf11a., 92826. Marilyn and H11 Gardner toiU an·
_.wtr °' many </UestimC! oa lMJ/ can in their co lumn,
but the volume of mail 1"ake.s personal repUe.s im--
posslbte. ·
L ailblazer. Tie-dye
look pancsuir studded in
rhinestones. To shine on,
day or nighc. Sbirt jackc.'t
and pull-on p;ints. Froth
Spectator. Jn textured
polyester knit. Blue or
toast. Sizes 1'0-18, S30
Californ iennc Dresses
SANTA ANA, 547·7211 • SOUTH COAST PLAZA. 556·061 I
CA~IARILLO fUPl l -At~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... mode.rate earthquake s h o o k •111: .W'OOt«.V c.AAHe' TM!.
PtfGHONCl fllA.WMILE. !;' ..
Sunday is
W\ the 1.J.ilijijli1ll
the caasttlne north of Lo s
Angeles P.tonday evening, bul
appartntly did no s e r i o u s
dama ge.
The tremor rattled southern
Ventura County and sparsely
inhabited beache~ In nort hern
Los Angeles County at 5:56
Outrigger Room-KONA LANES 269'1 HARBOR, cosrA MESA s..s.1112
• • ••
. 46
1).\11. Q•I LttT •~DIT ORI AL PAGE
Di$closure Loophole
111 .1 n t ,. 1 ·,,1111t \ ~j l\ l'' nn1L·n1 ·, 111p ,1<ln1u11:-itr:1l111'-..
j,, t \\1·1·!.. l1l1·d t111 ;Jt!t'l;d tli:-.t'IO:-.ll l'l' dot'tU11L'l lt!'>
HI.I !Id. i1' fl Ii I '' ,!11 ' 1 · Jt "111 ).'.01 1' fllll)l 'Ill 1'1 \\ "
l.!\lfl!.! ll)J 111 Ila· l··!tt•I' of t1ll' l:t\I . !ht• II\(•
'ii'' 111 -.01 .. \1hu'v 111 11illtlll'd \\UJ'lh 1:-i Ill !ht•
n11d11 111dh11n •lidl.11 r.1n1.:1•. d\'l'l.11·1,.·d :1l! 1n:1.1Qr
l11ild1n Ill !L .. d 1• ... t:11l' .111el 111\l':-O ll))(.'ll\s '!'ht• IOl iJ I
\.11111· 11\\·,il··d1oi lhi· p111J l11· ;1hout ~115,uuo .
'I hi' ..,\,1\v l.111 lb.it 11·•1nit1·tl \ht· d1:-t\•,~u rt•:-i lelt ,1
hi [u11pli•d·· JI it 'lllll1'd1111l.1l h;1\1hvolfit·1:il :-.tall'il a
1 1ll1<1i!.11 h1dd111 ~'l "l\11r1ht:\1111uo1n·r11or1 · 11 ... :1t·tt1a l
t ·' t1 I .rl11j• II .1 no! ~1~·t1l11·d
...,1q111\1"111 H.ilph IJ11'<lr11·h \I ho !H 11111nl!t:-. ;1 g o
,i, 1 l.111 II hi" 11 .. 111! .ii 111urt· 1h.1n S:J 11nlllo11 d1.-.c·lo:-.l'd
1iotld111. · II"' 111 ,I\ 11«1"1 ~70,IMMI
'-.1q .. 11 t '" IL il pll 4 'J,1rk. 11ot .i r1 ('h lllJll, 111-.r lo:-.t•d
Iii· ,., ~1.11111 11 .111d \11...1h1·1 n1 hunlL'. ;ind ~dsu t·hO'>l' tn
[i,1 ' 1 r 111 h1· h.i -. r1 ·1·t·1· cd 111 !ht• p:1:-.I .1l'ar.
\\li1:1 1111 :<J••pli11lv 1 .. 1·1111r1nou:-.. !h<· d1:-.tlo:.t1rt·~
d1d I fl ' ,\ L\1 1•1!1•d ltltll'\ 1111\
1111 ·1 h~t1·d i-.unp<irllt':-.. 1:11111 d1·11·l111unt•nt ..; ;1111 1
hl h1! 11111 .J111.-n1 .. !u·ld· h.1 lop ottu·1a J ... \\ho 1·11ttld
"'1•,1111 1\.11 }h· 111 .J \1tJ-,1tiun ln do :-.u1n~·lh1ng !';1\Ul"Jblc
!qJ Ill' I <llll'I') ii• Ill \lh1c·h lh1·1 h<Jll' i.lll inlt•f"t'.'ll.
Hospital Confusion
t J1".1t1~·· 1"<111n1 .1· ... l't11h;iltll'd l'on1prchL"ns11e
fl P.11111 l'l.111n111g (..'uuntil i:-; ll',1cllng <J 1rdd g;1n1c of
. !{ 111)..; d l"ll ll 11/J t ht• fl)'l il·" II il h ht JS pit al ht•ds.
\ohud1 . t':>.l.'l'Jll perh;q1s thl' COll ll ttl "s kl'.Y
nltll'J al..;, l"l'illl\" !-t.:(.'nlS ]q ll!ldt.:r:-.t;.111d \I h:.1t the
llu,,pil.d liL·d s1 tu:1lhtll l~ 1t1 thl' l'.tlllttly.
(l1h· 11 1·l·I.. !lit• tount·it is fl;dling out ~1 t lhl'
h11..,p1t.tls b1·l·:iu,,1· or st'rious 01·t'rbedding. 'l'he next
11l't·I.. 11-, n't·111btr-; turn around and say some
ho~p11 ;t1 .. 111:1~ h t· .ihll· ln add t•\"Cll rnort• bl'ds bcc<iusc
of a c:h a n~c in s late and fl:dcr;d Ian·~. ~:\"e ll J)L'Op lc 11·ho .:Ire sincerely try ing lo
undcrs t11nd 1.h t.= problt·ms arc il·ll hopelessly conrused
by the pl:.1 nnin ~ counc il 's nuJandcrings.
It is C'lcar th;.it many hos pili.dS in the county <i re
t·on1pcting fur a n1arkct that just isn"t there.
It is in c:utnbenl upon oft'iciills of this pJ;inning
i,:ruu p to ~:.tplain fully, in understandable l<inguilcc.
just \\'hat k ind of proble ms the county's liospitals ar('
Taxes Lead the Way
I f you have the irpprcss ion that you r tax 1>111 1s
g ro\1·in~ even faster than your ~rocery bill, you're
ri ght . f''igu rcs fron1 the Ul'parlnicnl of Con1rn e r(·c
pro\" it .
l~Jsl )'Ci.If ' Allll'l'icans paid a total o r SJ96 bill ion in
ledcral. stal e and local taxes. 1'h:.il adds up to Sl ,881
for every man, 111nman and c hi I cl in I he country .
Du r ing the s a1ne period, Americans spent $179
billion for food: Sll6 billion .for housing; and $81
billion fo r elpthlng.
· 'J'h;.it :..19ds up to S3i6 billion-or $20 billion less
than the tot<1 I tax bill.
'l'hc govern111cnt statist ic:; further s ho1v that
11hilc total taxes in the U.S .. hi.Ive rise n 117 percent
si nec 19ti5. \\'a ges •tnd salaries \Vent up only 93 percen t
in the sa 1n e ncr iod .
.So \Vhil C:. th e l'Ost or Jood. clothing and s helter is
indeed out or s ight, the nation's tax tab is mo vi ng
ahei.Jd at an C\'en faster rate.
1\nd pres un1ably. us inflation continues to
int·reasc the price of just a bout e\"Crything, hence the
amount of sales Jnd other taxes collc.ct.cd, the \'icious
c:irc:lc 11•ill continue. At least unless someone figur es
out a \\'<IY to put on the brakes.
Census B11reo11 Measures the Bright Side
In Dakota Race
Never Had It So Good?
:Jo lo \ l
J\1.v Dad. a l11·ays said he 'd
1 ather h:.ivc a r1C'h man' in office
tha n a ·poOr ma n. bcC'ause the
rirh man isn"t as :1pt to t:.ik~ a
bribe hce:.iuse hr doesn't n('c<I
the mone.v !
Gl"""'Y G<1s to1t11t1tn11 ••t '"°""""ab' rt•ff" • ~Clo ftG! Of(tU•rily rtlle<I IM Wit ... o1 4ho
\\'1\SlllNG'fON -Soml·limes it is
no! a bad idea to count blessings and
1hi s is :.i n especia lly good time for
those \\'ho u1·l' de pressed by the stall.'
nflhc nation <1nrl lhe 11·01·Jd.
llc·rc ;u·e a fc·11':
Real ramily inco1nc, after inflalion.
has dnubll'd in :.i
s:cn<.·r:.i lion.
Educa l ionat
I {' ,. e I s h :.i v c '>i1!J-"~ ;).~.~~~ ~e!WI lOw.• ptt "".,.\II Gloomy Gws, soa l'l'd.
'!! oil>' l'l'!l ' l'\ -111.·1·11·11 · ~ ;1r Sf!)J;it111· ;1nd L-----------------J·-s-6 i-a I ;1 n d 11nt· \u\o•r ~1'i,:~f11st
,1n111hcr \\1 :,-~· ri:r,
•h11n ~ nothin&·· ll'I
•lt•••tl llt'l1 J!l ut;/)O
\Olt_•t, lrllt'l'\l('\\l'll
1n This ... rn J'i1l
Th~~1\f "'· -) a·11.~ckof11 ... ..:·1 h:.11(•.t 1.•eo no mit «On .~1· b.~·~\·~pt·l"! for l "hur"ft.l'-'"· ·• ;i ditions fnr blacks
;.t·11 1ll• ;11111 \!li2 :'\i;..011 11itl'I" tnld c lt f h;.ivc i11p r o1·cd
1· .is! 1' rn So urlc•··
l).1 \...(11 .1 1 un1
rlllltHI.\ h•1·f !!1111!'
11pt1n11 .. 111··· n1t•r lhl" 1u111r1· 11u11
. \Ir Fo1•1t 1-i 111 1111• \\ l\111• lloll"l'
~oiuth ll,1\...••l.1 1-. 1!1•· h;1l lii•g rou11d
111'\\\\ l "fl ~I II (1 \'Hl'~t· .\!1 •!;1>\l"!'ll, fh••
11 ,,1,,1 11. !1 .1\•••l IH""11l1·1111 ;d 11<>n1111ft·
11111 1..,11111 .111d \ li'\11,11111\,tl li1·1'01. ... ,
l"h n.r-.nv•-. 111 .. ll 1•111 1hl1t«111 1111111•1ll'!ll
lul !ht· :-111.llt' !1 1 ... l'ill" llll .1 .. 111·1· 11f
1n!~·1 fl';11 1111" 1!11· t11tu1T lh.il \J c
i;11\l'l'll. 11••1 I hor .. tl1'"'· llPll hold~
1111,d \1 1<.L-. Ii\• • ".1\ll1,1!11l111:,: l•.,1d
lll·l;fl\ f:ll' 11. 11 .. 11: ... 11 .. 1 ;1ll'l" (,It
'lo' l.Jlllllf \lo• 1 ,,I !i,lo' .tr<'
•I • " 1 , r .1 1 1 I 1 1• ', + r 1 , 11 .1 I.' 1 •1 1
• .. 1. 1111•111• ·l•I• Id •h .. 111 II )oil(•' .. 1
• .j 11d I Ii. I"" [•I I•• 111 111 \I 111\ th•
)1<\11t !t\11-.. 1,11('1-. 11h11 H.'J1•1·!1•i\ \\i
l 1j1\I !ll., llf't""ldf•lll ),IJ h11J Ill hi' 111\!l
! H hi._ I'' I<< 111.1:.:P IU>llll' .ti<' 1111
I ... " t .. h•lll 1 .. )'l''"t'! 11' tlu·n Ill
111•-I 1t•!l•··'•'ll.1!\" t1111h.d ltl-tl IH
... lo '.[ ll,'!111!1,dh t\Ul\"jl))\" lt "J"
""'I I 11r. 'LHll <'rtl' !II '·lll'I ii
lo I! 'II 1 I \ '111 I 1 I I' l.11 ti'
u' ··1J,•1·;n1..,1· h1· µ;111· up ,1 In\. for Ju~ rue y 0 rnore sh;1rply than
t·1111ntr.1 11111 !h~·1 .. 111u1ldn1 hall·ll"ll'<I at any lime since
101•11t h1111 1q1 nil th1, i11.·11!·~1;1l." Shi · i-. !ht' t.:rn aneipulion Proclamation. \••t111 µ,tnr~l(«;o,1·rn Automat;C \\"ork has bee n hurnanized beyond
11 history's fondest dream.
lncidcnl"e f)f po1·crt~· hu s lx•cn cut in
h:dr. Cltll' 11111'1'1 I\"\\-. Hl ;l l'tJITlllllllllll lh<il
n1:11l·h1·<I -;1:111·11111!· 1!1i:! n·,1111 .. '11·1t 1,.
lh1-. l'O!l('hl ~!l'Hl \l('{;lll l'1"!l 'S )!)ii
l.i 111p;11 g n 1" a rn1rnu· 1111;1:,:P <)f hi."
19i2 <tisa :-.ler. Like Nixon in 19i2, !\l<"
1;111·t·rn 1s f;ir frurn univC'rsa ll v
p1i1111k1r. But Ilk'" .\lt·l.111"l'!'l1 \11n y1•;1r.:;:
.1L:o. 'rh111·:-11L·s~ ;1~ oJ 1nd;1,1· 1~ "irnply
11011·1'1•1lih!(' :1.-. .1 l . S St·n:1tnt•
\ :\ll O ll l._I':· \~;.1-:11 1n 11.1h e rl 1 .•\man I kno1t'. 11ho ha s bt·en !he•
h;'".".1·.r;i.! J! I"·' 1"_1 ·:I. ~ ho~·~n.'"~' :-:. en ';1~i.·1'l'C'UI i l"l' offiet'r of a lnrgc 1.:on1 pun~· .~ rt 1011l h111 ,1 k1_<l .\\h,1t ~.. ~·,hr 111 .,11 y yea r s. i s being
lh.11 qu.dil~ h1n1 tn1 11~~ ':. '. t: · <' ··;1uton1;llit·a ll y" rttired in ;i fc1\' 1·.1111 l .11. 1• \ h1' f'h.i n1·1• . 1 hat " 11 ha1 '' ceks. 11 hcn hl' r<.·uches the aAe of fi5.
n_11llui11" of \Otl'r:-. .~anl about . l\lc · ll is ni y prl·flil'l ion 1hat hr n1a~· (,n\l'r~' prt·:-1<l 1·11tJ.d .nnh1t1on s ··aul omatic:.iltv· 1tic before he
11111 p1.1 h r1o ·rl rC':1chcs the a gc Or 70.
\l111t·1111•1 nut' di\tlt 1orlour .. 111·11.·\
111 1h1" 1·11n)n1unit~· of 1.11111 i.:avt· ~le.
l;o\t•rn lu ~h 111:11·!.:..; ror ha1·1ng .. h.':tl"
lh·d !10111111-.1111-.1.11.1•, .. i11 l~li2 Tho:-c
Ont• of the {"l"Ul'le .... 1 fca\url'S or
n1odcrn soC'ic1y i" the compulsory
retirement of n1l'n 11·ho arc still
t'nl•rgl'tic and healthy. It :-.t'l'tns un
nett'ssa ry to point out that m:1ny or
1hl' 1\·orld"s grea1e st 1·rt'ati1·e ~enHISl'S
ha\"e done thc itbcsl 11·ork aft('r Iii
Social and cconomit• indcpcndt'nC'c
of 11·omen h;is reac hed unpreC'cdcnted
Foreca s t dis•1Slct·s. like the
po1>u tation cxplni.ioo. havl' self
1tcsl rul'lC'd .
\\"l1Jo:n1-: 001-:s ;ill 1hat pap con1e
from "! R ighi nul nf th(' L". S. Ccn:-;11s
llt1r(•uu . from 1\'hl {'h il 11"as extraC'ted
b y B en J . \Vattenb crg. a
ll l• 111 o r r a t i C' a J I y . o r i c n l e cl
fll·mog r;q1ht•1', 11·ho h<1 ~ 11·1ittcn a book
1111<.•d "The Heal ,\mericu," nnl rnr·
rl'.,J>OtHlini.: in ;in:• rcsp<.·ct 10 the
rhetoric of f;.ulure and gui ll 11·hi('h is
!h1· enn1 mon acadl·mic parlancc-
1'hi s ;.di 11·<.·nt on during the terriblt•
IOO'J's ;i nd i.s C'ontinuing through the
1970's. \\lalte nhl·rg finds from th('
l'olun1inous ('l'nsus rcport .s sup.
plcmentcrl b ~ 1-.1~! libruries of
st:.iti.stieal inl'ormation from pn~atl·
:uid instituti11nal sourel'S.
SO \\"l l E ~ 11·c d<.«11 in numhcrs Ill'
:ire not so bad nrr. It is or'llv 11·hen 11·c
h,1·1X1thcsize in 11·01"cls cm:.intlting frurrl
\'OIJ..!lll' yearnings in the hum<in soul
that "'e find oursl•lves so \aek1ni.:
\\"attenberg e\'C'n ai.:ret·s \1•ith thl' t:ill'
llenry Luce that this is lhl' A1ncrir11n
ti·ntury. and by implic:1tion v.ith lhe
tale Bcnry \V allacc that it is the t•en·
tury of the common man. 1'he l'Onl ·
moo man neve r h ad it so J.:OOd. Bui. of
eour.~c. having 1! ~n i:-; not i.:ood
Be n \\"a\lcnheri:: is a tertificd
libe ral 11·hosc id1:;1s gro111 out. of the
J\rllai E. Stc\·i.:nson. Jluhcrt ll un1 ·
phrl'!y. l.ynl\on Johnson schools of
politil·a l humanism :1n1I populis m.
Lately he h:.is been ke'epin g political
l'nmpany "'ilh ll cnry (Scoo1))
.J;1rkson. \\'ho caml' up the same 1vay .
;ind he h~ bC'1.·n assoriatcd 1t·Hh
Ilic hard )I. Sc :.i m rnun. forn1l'r head or
lhe Census Bur('au. :.ind a literary
co llabnr 3tor. The,.\· ~ire cheerful
liberals. meas uring pro~res.s in con·
1·cntional terms. 11raying for mort·.
;u1d 11 holly clisr:u~ted 11 ith the nl'll'
;ind 11·an1ng J.ertis m Qf lll'<l ·>\l a r:.:i:-.t
<loi.:1na .
;\ Fl''.\\" V t:;\RS ago they came up
\lith the idea that the duminatin~
t'lc·C'toratc 1\·as unpoor. 11nhl :1C'k. nnd
un1ounc. 11h i<·h \\·cn l acain;.l
pr1•\"ai11 11 g l)n liliral lh1.•o ri1·s and
prol'ed to be dr;nna!irally ll"Ul' 1n the
1972 t'l('1.:\ion . Gnl'ortunall'IY this
lruisn1 led lo snn1c mi scnntl'ptions
:1hour-l\1iddle 1\mC'ricn :inrl the Si lenl
J\la,iorit y. regarded ;is thl' 1.:ore of ;i
mol"eml'nl 11·hieh the 1'\ixnnil l'S 1ro1dd
t·on1·r rt into ;1 ··.'\e11· l\lajorily" b.1
ruthll'ss ml'an .... 'fhis attempt \1·:1s :i
dis:.is\(' r
'fhe rnakin gs ;ire lhl're. nt·1·1·r·
lhl•less. for tht• only kind of J>Olitiral
s11li \\·hIT·h mc;in:' muth in Amt'rit•a
()'.'\: O:'\f: SIDE ilf(' thOSI' 11ho tlunk
lht• ('011nlry has done prt•lt y \\C ll in
.~pile of its l ruuhlcs. 1'hl'v 11 anl to
rl·forn1 social refnrn1 ~1111 prir.l'
trudition;.il values . Flash points arc
anl nC'sl,\'. :.ihortion . 1w:lr1n"t).-Cl"imc ,
taxt•s , 1nfl:.ition. businc.'
()n the olhC'r si1le :ire fhftsl~\\ n~
lhink lhl• countr.v should tia1'l' Tt9{1c · •
mul'h hl·\\L·r I hroui;h :11h·:1nl'C'd0 (1fn~
ccpts on son1t• of the :.ibol'c is~ucs
issues 11ith n1orp popu list. <:galital'i11n
;i nd hllm:1nist c nlph;isis, and 11H h ad·
ded costs de fr;i yed from !h1• expcn~l'
nf national defl'nsC' .
'l'he \Vattenberg thesis ~is more
,1grct•able lo thC' lraditionalist ~ro11p:-
11hich n1orC' readily acl'L•pl the eost.s of
·n<.1tiona l dctensl· as dtf1nl'd i11th1•1·111"
rl·nt Pt·n lagon philo.;oph_v. and ur1·
mnre <·ritieal nf soc·ial 11elfarr
p1'ogram.s "l'hcy :.ilso agr('c 111t h \\"at
tt·nbt.11·g that inC'rl•:.1:-.1ng enme 1s lhc
outst;uul in~ cxeeption ln pro,t;rc:-s in
thl' <ll·cades of I hl' fills and 7us
In spite of the ruin of the ~ixon :.id ·
n1inistr:1t inn. the 1najo1"i\.1• may 1'1i11
he on the traditiun;1Ji!)l s ide. and this
is "'h:.il gi\"CS 1~rl':-.iltcn1 For1I his op-
/J()rtunity to be r lcct1.•d lo !ht.: prt·.~ulen·
'.\ , , I, • I
.... \l '
' d " 11 ·•I l11·ri1 II) I ht•
I •!our, 11,·1 11lip 1nl!•d lu1
f( 'I
\\ !" ! '
\, I " " '
11''1 \I, ( ;111 < 1 11
111, I h,• h111t·h1·r
•11\\tn~ In 1·-.:prc:-.:-an opininn '>alil l\lr ·
1;,11 t•1n ··1:-ha1·k on lhl' r1 1ih1 lra('k
n1111 ' l11,J n1 ;1ri::i nnf 2.i ti1ti
1"h11-. \J1·1;01t·1·11 r;11l ,dnH1 .. 1 1;.111 I
.d11·.1d ,,f 'l"hul'"ll\' . .;:-Ill \l1!l'I' j)t'l'f~l'lf
11011 •>I \11 .. · ;1 h1\1t .1 11> i.:yl 1h1nµs c\11111·
It \tas in thcst• laler 1·(•:1 1·s 1h;1t
\.oclhc t•o n1pletc(I his r'a ust. thal
\'t•J'di to1npnsed his finrst operas.
!hat i\lieht l;u1g(•lo painted his n10~1
notahlc pitlurC's. 'l"ht.: firld of srtent'l'
and inl"Cll!ion h;1 s n1;1ny r·oinpar;1hli•
Battle's Goal Doubtful
!! i 1t
! 11111· "•'
lt11 Ill
... 111.1 ·i·
' ' ,.
' t t I ; '11 ' I 11 I fi1, 11 tl11 '
I" Ill -.1\ I 1•;11·· 1!1 .I
I! ' LI ' 11' , ol 1t 1· IJ\" 111 !,!
>1111 \ 1\ I 11.1111 Ill {:.)•:-;.
,1 ·.,,,,I I(, 1o111iht.,111
I I I , I L I, ' I 1 P I, 1 \,.. '
I o1 I 1, I' du1 1 •
1 II \\ 1( h 1111•
I d 'i I ti l' 'I !I
'" ll••tl. Ill
I 'I )I• I" I•
• .1 Ill
1111 ;11 \Ill I II.., •·\\' ,, _.11'
11 • 111,11 i,.1t1 o>I ~:! .. '"
' " '• '
•11 I" l'I •I \lu
\ 1·1 \le
I ' I 11, .. 1 !II''' Ill
u1 il1v ~t·11;1lv In 111111n1ll·1«11L'gor1
1111·-.1•r11n L: .1 .,lt<•tl g 0llal 1,~nnl 1ll'fc;n:-<'
(hr! 'l'ho1·,,1H'"" 1 •nll·r~L' 111·<'r :'.Ir
~ ;r11·f'rn
Jtut l\,ll ltoll;t I dl'IL'll'I' '" ... ,di\ tl1 :-1;11ll
.•~ .i par;1nl•llllll 1 .. :-111• 111 th1., l";1rn
l'.11!!11 Tl11•11• l' 01\ll 111\t' l'\:>Ht'" llH·
i't'<n1 n1111 . ;ind 1'1·1·-.1111•11! Fo1•d ..,
,d1t1J11 111 ... 111p in!l.11 1011 :1111l rt'1·1•-.:-11 111
Fnr \Ir
1111111111 :: 11111 Bot rnr \lrl;1lll'l"ll. it ... ui:-
~· ~1~ 1ht• c.d.1111111 ot l!li::! I" h1•h1n d
111 111 'f lt.ii !" dlh' Ill 11'1 "'t\l;il l p;11'l In
1111· 1111•\p1•r11•1111· "'hi' 11;ir ht•r11 111.1r
1'"111 Ill ll1t• '11h]l•t•1 tlj ;1 llltlll't'
' .. 1 '111f11
Fate of the Fa m i ly
~~~~~~~~~~~--------• 111+
" t I • "t II · r 1 •
I .1111il\
' " •t: 1111
t I 1"1
I '111 I h• L+··l l•.1•! 11 1n
, : I , "II I('\\ I \ I I [I'~ Jj1
\"•II !11 l,.h1• l·!':ll'IU1t•1I
\l1l.i.p.l. !!i ll~ l'.+111•t h.i1·~ ..
! !.o I !! 1'1 111 1''" !llll•t'I
.11111 .1. 11'111111• J\•''"' "! !11.l ....
111,.,\111 111 tll.''" 1tH·11 .1 nrl
" \\"11\.·!1 p11I ,,11:1 lh11,11t11 'lit
lhH11 ,1 • !l1• '!'I .1,.11 •1!1\h«!ht't
.. 111h..-..n1·111 1 •\I •l , .. t,1~11r\1\• ··
J"'\1'1'111111' )Ill< 1 t.u t !h1• '''\\.II~
"\ I t•h1ld .... I I I I•" '''"l"l,•1hll\ .•
... , 1 1.1\ "••r1.1·1 .11111 .1111 hn1 11! .,,.1 r1 ;1\
1 lh1•r hn•il..,,, I)• \ 111111. !llhli·l11•11I.. h<'I
l.ol! ... t \\11rk Iii ,Iii \\I I ,,, •I'\ l'I ,11 11111'
I 1111.: i1L11' .. \tn11· I·\\,, l.11111\1 .1 d\lll;..
i"•l!lot11P1\ !J 11 • '"11\l''i.!11 .1111( II•
1+1>•1 111 .. 11 11' ''"'It'd II' fnun
.\ ·!1111 1• I, U, 11111 111.1\ I ••111\1 11h ...... -
OU. \Ill \I, 1l1~••1 .. •1 Uh "ll"l'n·•
lh• ;!lid 111'.I~ !H' ! Ill lht• 1,111111 \
11'!111111• •• 1pd Ill+· 111ol.11t1111 11 I"'
' '
11l111·h h,111" t'\11 l1 l'd lnr lh11-.t• :.i:-l)l'Cls
11\l1(•h -,t•t•111 11\('un1 pat1lllt• 11ilh
n1111h•rn lilt·. Shi' unal1 r1·:-lht• fnrt't''
11h1t'h h;111· 1'll':ll 1,d i1nprt•('t•df't1l{'d.
nt11•11 u\t11!1·r;1 hll' P1"l'"'lll"t•:-on till'
111·1,i.:111;.I 1·011<"\'Jt\11111 of 11h<1t :.i f.1n1il\
._/Jnuld hl'. ;ind 'hl' n1,1kl·:-an unpaS.
.. ,n111•1\ pl1•.1 fn1· !ht• 11•<;lnra!io11 or th('
\1 .11 n1t h. undrr .. t .1nth11~. l;H'! .. ind
ti 11 .. 1 tha1 h.1\ {' <l l"':llll'll':1n•rlfro1n onlv
l!"l 11\.\ll\ htlll\('... .
\ p1 ."1,ll.t ..,!'\1·!1 ;1ri::ut•ct anti
ll11 +1011i;hl\ rt•:-1';1rt'hc1I IM'lol;. 1'hr
I r:111ur\•t\ 1-':1 1nil~ j, ,, tr1 hu!t' !fl th1·
1 1.111·111 ~. ~r .1n1lp ,1r1·11rs. a11d rh1hlrf'n
1h.1t l)r. Y1111n )! 1ntt't'' it'11ell 'rh1'11'
1.1111, h('\.l 1ld<'\'O\£>nl . i;lrt•nRtl1 , ond
'"•''1"':11. 1•loq11f'nll~ in th1 •,1• p;l t.:l"l . .Jc> 1\ ~N I k1f .<ll! l·:i''-I %C)
I:<\ Tii i~ p11l}l1e.' n11nd . arl1:-1., arc•
sup1>0scd ln rl1t• ~·•iung hut ;icl uall~.
l'l"t>:11i\"C n1tn lrtlci to -1i1·(! Jonizt•r than
u!hrrs. 'l'hC' pol'L thl' p;11n1er, thc 1·0 111
po.st'r nt'l'l'r "'retire." In anv l'C<1l
.sen:.t' of 1111• 11·or1I. but kl·Cp \\·ork1ng
unt i 11 he da,\· of I hl' i r rll•:t1 h.
\\"1lh f(•1v l'Xl'Cptions (s11ch as ~l (11.;1rl or l\1·;1t s. 11 ho ~l'l't• 11 r;n·kcd
11i1h l'arl1· illness I. lht• treative artist
p:1~:-;e:~ 11110 olcl :1gc \l"ith lc:-;.s of a
11rcnch lh;1n lhc 111:1111\1ho is corn1K'I·
l1•1i 10 \1·itlull-.11v from his life 11·ork
\1'hl'lht1r or not he \\':ints to.
(.'onsidl'I' ;1 1 tandotn a f('I\' of lhl'
11·nrlrl's n111;1 t'lllilll'll\ 11Titcrs ;1lJ nf
11 ho1n \11·re 11ork111:::: :1t lOIJ speed 1:ind
i.om1• 11·i1h in1·r1.·ased JXll\'l'l"S) 11hl'11
dc:11)1 t11l lhen1 do1t·n.
11 ,\\\"r ll t)lt\'I~: l1:11t t110 hooks
i.:r11ni.: · "J)r (; r·in1sh:111·c·s Scerl•1 "
:1111t '"'l'hl• ll111liv11r Ho1n:1 n('e ." Co nrad
11 ;1s 111lol1·l·tl in \hi' n1idrll c or nnr nr
his n1osl pron1isinA nn1·t·ls, "SuSJ){'ll
:-t·." \I hf'n h<' rhC'rl.
S1r1.1.•nsnn·s "\\'1•1r of ll1.1rn11:-.l(ln "
hrl'nks flff in thc \'crv miflillf' nf a sC'n·
lt'nt•t•, 11 rllt('ll 011 llil' n1orning of hi:i
s1•i111re :1nrt..ctc:i1 h. Sir \\':11!1•r Scolt
11!.'J.!an ·"rhl' Sll'):.t' ol ~lalta ·· :1 fc1\•
111•cki. hef11r~ he died.
Cll A Rl.tlTTJ.: HR ONTE h:id
roui;:hl'rl out •· f.n1 rn n. ·· r laubt.•rt lefl ;1
rruj.! n1ent of ··Hou\ a 1·d l'l Pf'rueht'I . ·'
Strnclh:il ~:11 l' us the heizin11111jl 11r
"L;uni;i " lh> ~I ;11111:1ssant. ll1•nr,\'
.l:1nl1's . \\'1lk 1c ('nlhn1'. <ill pa~iit'<I
;n1a~ 11·~iil~ 111 ~C'l C'(lfllplclrrl hooki; 10
th<·1r puhl1.~ht'I":-'f'h is 1~ lhe 11 <1.v a
n1<1 n n1u:-t l11'l' h1 1"1; life -"auton1:i lil'"
l't'ln·cnlt•lll i~ fnr aulnma!ons. nol fol'
huni:1n bt•in.'?s 11 ho n1a y bi,1 l'lffffinf!
lh1•1r !'llW:-l hnul':s ;it (i.),
Both Senators J\Jer1·yn J)ymally , a
Democrat . :l nll .John !!arme r . a
ll ep11 bl ie:.in. :1rl· ca n11laig nin r:
n1ii,:htily for the offiC'c of Lieutenant
(;ovcrnor In sonic \\"ays their ('am.
p;ti gn is O\'l'rs ha1lo11·ing' the efforts nr
Hl'p11hlic:1n lloustnn I Flournoy and
Dcn1ocral Edmund(;. Bro11'11. Jr .. in
lhcir rucc for gO\'ernor.
l 'h('re is ;in irnny in !he fal'l lhal lhl'
least ;.ii.;n1f1 ra n1
:-.lall'11·ide nffirc to
bl' f i I 1 t• 11 h v
e l ectio11 11 ou l (I
dr a11 morf'
attenlion !hall lht•
mos t importanl
For 1 h(· offi ce nr
I.I . c:n1·{'1·nor is
snn1cth ing of an
nna1•h ronisn1 . Son1(• statcs do ·nol
h;iv11 s ueh a j1)h. II is a posl 11·herc
1hl· primary f11nt•linn. as fo rn1 cr
<;01·<·rno1· Frientl \\', Hil·h~•rtl~on on rr
dcsrrihc<I 1!. ··1s ln prl•sidC' O\'t't' lhe
"t'n;1!C' an1! t•ar h n1nr11i11~ inquire
!lt11if"itn11s\~· afll·r th(' health or !h\'
go\·ernnr "
HUT Tll E presiding O\'er th(' S<inatc
it.scl r has become an outmoded
pro\"is lon, ~l <iny y('ars :lJ:O the
Scnalf.' .s1 rip~rl I he Lt. GO\". or any
:1utho1·11} O\'('r lhal bo<ly ;ind 11•hilc the
prf•.s('nt ron~l it ulion 1l:'lY!< he is the
""President or the Scn:itc" it doci1n't
n)(';111 a lhini:. lie docsn·t c1·l'n hnvr a
1·ot<· l'\c•(•r)t\n ~ In lhe ca!':e of n tic. al l
10 n11'n1bC'rs having \'Oted. That i~
S.-.nH•lh111 r,.: 1\1hlrh 1·a1·cly hapJ)('ns ex·
<'C'PllnJ: by co ntriv<incc to cn1hr1rr11i1s
lhl' I.I (ih\'. 1>0liliC'all y. In l'C'C('l\l
sc:1rs 11 hns bceomc unit1ue to sec tlic
Lt r.nv !lresirlini: vrn for :1 rcw
1111nu1cs 111111 he is :;chlom pri:scnL
·durln.a sr~ll'lns .
So, the rea I i 111 port11nre or thC' orfir•·
is thal he is ;1 standhy lo succeed the
p;ovcrnor in the evt'nl of a \"i.lt'ancy by
d ea th or re1'ig nal io n. 1\nd that
provision roulrl <•asily be chani::ed lo
provide th:.it the line of succession be
thal of the Presid ent Pro 1"<'m of the
Senate fo llo11·cd by th e Spc:iker. Both
of these arc c lc<.·tcd by their rcsrct'·
live hou!ies.
RY S0f 1\TL1't: thl' lt•gislalurc has
gi1·('n the Lt. C~o'" so1ne rhorc~. n1ost
of 11·hi('h a rc of little importance.
l.ike11·isc lhc ~O\"l'l'nor dream!S up
SOlllC {'fl'tllldS lo keep hin1 OCCllpit.'d
and nut f)f his hu1r. l~th are c11 rcfu l to
a\"oid giving th<f offi ce uny real
111uthority 11•hich could be used tu
po lit ical advant·11i.;e. '!'hey usually
vie11• hi n1 as lhc kind of a receiver viho
11·ould p;r:.i h ihc h:dl ;ind run in lhc
11'ron g direclion.
Pcrh111)S 1vha1 n1ukcs lhe present
ruc1• rnore inierc:'(tinJt, aside from the
u11fortu r111te tliffil'u l!it.'S lhc recent in ·
<.•umhcnl, t-:d RC'i ncckc. has found
him!lclf in. is thc s ll'iking differences
helw('e n lhc l\\'O 1nain contenders.
Un like f'\ournoy anrl Bm\\10 \vho arc
l,\i l'ing flVCr~· :l l)IJ('ar;n\C'C in their
st:inds of ht•in_g the llobscy T"•ln::t,
Dymnlly and llarmcr ure studies in
T llEV ARf: ns cllfrcrcnt In lhcir
view!) >1s lhc colnr or thCir !ik in s .
Oymnll y is a hlark. f\ native. or
Trinlt1act. he graduated fro1n collcJ,:c
1n Los Ani::1•les where he no1v u,·cs.
t-:IC'Clcd to 'the Senate In t!)('.,() artcr
rour ycnrs In l hc A!lsc mhly. hv
betun'c lhe rlrst and only bl:1ck ever
to scr\'C In lhi.l l aui,:usl body. A~ u
IX-mncrdt he is an oltra lihcrul. l ie
rru~rides for "nc.oul c nrowra n1s ". s uo·
1)(1rts labor 100 1lercenl, oppos{'s !ht·
death pr na lty u od favor~ relaxu! ion of
drug la11·x.
II.armer i.-; the. cxt1·en1 c op1>usitc. /\
n:.it1 1·(' of S:.i ll Luke City, he ~radua ted
from ~h e IJniveris ity of L"t:1h and tlo w
pr:1ct1ces l;iw in (;lt•nd;1lc. An ('Ider of
the i\lori:non Church. he is a hi ghly
mor;i11sl1e non drinkin~ non s moker_
lie is ;1n ultra ronser\'ati\"e, strong on
1:111· :ind order , ;,ind a C'rusad('r aJ,::.iinsl pornography.
Sinre no 1.1 , C:ov. has been able to
use 1.hat ornrc as a sprinJ.:board for
l'lecllon to <i higher ofrice In the 1)as1
50 ye_:irs. the c;.1n1 paign is only impor
tant 10 thal lhe 1vi nnt r might bccomP
i,!Overnor if the n<.•xt governor dies or
\"aeatcs the office before his l.etn1 1s
Robert N. \\leed, Publisher
Thoma., KtevH, F:dir or
Darbord-Kre1bit:ll .
Editorial Page Edilor
The edhorial page of thl' Daily
'Pilot !iffks to inform and stimulate
readers b1t' presentlne: on this page
di\.CNi(' commentary on loPlC's Of in·
terest by S)'n11ic11ted C'<llumnlsts and
cartoonists. by providing a for1i1m
ror readers' \•lel''S and by preM>ntlna
lhis newspaper's opinions and Ideas
on current topic11. The edhorltil
opinions of the Daily Pilot appe111r
only in the eclitorial rolumn at the
IOp of the page. Opinion! expressed
by the rolumnist11 and c1u1oonls1s
and l('ttcr writrrs are their own and
no cndors~ment of their vie~ by lhc
Daily Pilot should be Inferred.'
Tucsdo:v. October 8, 1974
. -•
Younge1· Sh1·ugs Off Oil F1·aud 01a1·ge
SACRA!\1ENTO (AP) -Al-both Jnvest<>Mi In a partnership oCficer. plaint against thtf li rm . in·
ty. Ge n. Evelle J, Younger known as ".:I.e. Oil Co. 1965, But the Bee said that voJved, alleging fraud In·
Ignored cotnplainls about one of four partnerships ron-Bernard Karmen, 60. from volvlng up to $30 million .
possible fraud in an oil drilling solidated into a firm known Sepulved.1 In Ille San 1'~ernando Younger had this comrrK'nt
investment program in \\'hich &11 Petroleum 2000. Valle y. has filed an affida\•lt on Karn1en's staten1ent : "I'm
he had a personal inlel'f:st, A Burke firm kno\\'ll as with, federal court in San AOt saying he's lying, I thi nk
the Sacramento Bee reports. GeoTek served as the general Francis co C(lntrndictlng hi s memorv is faulty ."
The incident occurred five pnrtner for other oil drilling Youngcr's s t a l c inc n ts · Younger· said Knrmcn mn~
years ago \\•h.ile Younger '"as partnership ventures similar Karn1en said he compla ined have approached him -0nce al
Los Angeles County district lo the ones Karmen and lo Younger in a telephone con·-the Los Angeles Athlelic C!ub
attorney, another investor in . Younger invested in. B.it versation five years ago that to con1piain that his in·
the program contended In con-Geo'fek was not specifically be suspected the oi l and gas vestments were not paying off.
tradictlon to Youn g er · s Involved in 1965 program explorelion operations \Vere But Younger said the 1ntJn
statements, the Bee said Mon-Younger and Kannen invested fraudulent. who talked · to hin1 al that
d · lt f' t t p ·n Lime ''made no refereence IQ ay. in. v.·as 1rs se u 1 TllE U.S. SECURITIES and 1969 fraud or illegal activit y. 1 got YOUNGER llAD a $16,500 · Exchange Commission (SEC 1 110 phone call. I got no j
interest in the pro g r a Ill TH E AT T 0 RN E Y since has filed a civil com-Ct1mplaint."
operated by Sa n Francisco GENERAL has denied in the•----------------------busi nessml.ln John P. Burke past that he ever received
and st ill holds 1,633 shares any complaint while district
in the firm thnt took over allomey , a job he held until
the drilling partnerships. 1971 or &inet: then J'> the
Karmen and Younger were state's top law enforcement
'"" .... ..,~ ... -·-~-...
"You need o good
sponkinQ ."
"You need o good
Attorney Citing
Pilate's Guilt
TROYES, France (AP ) -
One of France's foremost at.
torneys and legal historians
has asked a district court to
fix the bla me for the crucifix-
ion of Jesus on Pontius Pilate,
the Roman governor of Judea,
and thereby absolve the
J ewish people of collective
Judi cial sources said r-.1on-
day the case w a s un-
precedented in French le gal
Pension Cut
Bi.ll Gets
Renga11 'X'
00\VNEY fUPI \ -Gov.
Ronald Reagan ha s signed into
law tbe pension reform bill.
ncting that it wot.t!d reduce
his own pension .,"substan-
tially'' but would also save
the public ,;millions -0 r
dollars'' 1n future legis lators'
The Governor signed 1!1e bill
~1onday during a fund-rai sing
luncheon for f r es hm a n
Assemblyman Bob McLennan
who sponsored pension repea l
during the regular legisla!ivc
session .
The issue was taken away
from McLennan during a later
special session and w as
sponsored b y Democratic
Assemblyman Bob \Vilson who
\vas not invitro to attend the
signing ceremony. lfe did not
attend despite ea r Ii er
statements that he \VOuld try
to be there..
The pension refonn bill
severs early re tir e men t
bonuses for l am edu cit
legislators. Heaga n ·s pension
will be slicccl fron1 about
$.12,000 annually to just under
The early retirement plan
would have perm i tt e d
legislators wit h four or more
yea rs Service to c o 11 e ct
pensions in1 m e diat e ly,
regardless of age., if they
leave office in such a reap-
portionment year as this.
hi~tory -and probablv in
1he legal history of any other
modern state.
before Judge Pierre Bon·
douaire in his libel suit !I.gains!
the Rev. Georges de Nantes.
leader of an ul traconservative
splinter group in the French
Catholic Church. Bondouaire
adjourned the hearing until
Oct. 21, after hearing Jsorni's
De Na ntes was presen{ in
the packed courtroom but did
not speak. ·His defense is to
be presented at the next hear-
a book lsorni publ ished in 1967
ent itled "The True Trial of
Jesus." On the basis or legal
and historical research. Isomi
n1aintained that Jesus was
condemned and crucified
under Roman law as an alleg-
ed leader of the guerrilla war
aga'inst the Roman occupation,
and not because he claimed
to be the son of God.
In an article published seven
years later, de Nantes at-
tacked lsorni and the book.
He accused Isorni of "falsi-
fying lhe New Testament" to
clear the Jews of their "guilt'' in the death of Christ.
Quiz Tried
Presiden t Ford plans to makC
a significant change in the
for1na t of his next news ron·
fcrence, a spokesman says.
Ford will a 11 o w r a c h
reporter he recognizes to ask
·an initial question, then follo\v up with arlother that is
dlreclly related.
The spokesman said l\fonday
that newsmen who want to
pose follow-up questitlns would
simply re1nain on their feet
and be recognized a second
time. 11eretofore. newsmen
generally have been limited
to one question.
Hubb)· Puts Price
J' alue 'on S poiise
l)ALLAS (U PI ) -The value of a wife has been set
at $251),000 by a Dallas man att~mpting to roll~ $1
million from her lover in an alienation of affect.Ions suit. r
The suit also asks $750,000 in punitive damages ~
cause the wife'11 lover Is driving the plalntlf('s car and
living in his house with his 'WTf'e. •
. . ' .. , .•... •· ..
Warning , The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigaretle Smoking Is Oangerous-10 Your·Hea lrh
flllOM 1:a ~hion lsh1nd
Nc""·port Ueach
. . •
lu•\da . Oc1obtr 8, 19!~ _____ oA_l_LV_P_ll_D_T~A~~
' '
. _,.,
'T" .
. ii.. rv .; Saturday's News Quiz
i! & DAILY PILOT Tundq, Octobfr 8, J~74
Dome of the Tan PUBLIC N<mCE PUBIJC N<11'1CE PUWCNOTICE ...,.,_
.~udists Froli c at Tlteir O·w1i · Beacli
•eT ,•utttflll Nt'TICI TO CMTl.ACTOll •UHIU .. COU•T °" TMe ,..,_ tM&llT CAW ........ llM NIA ... Net:0 As--et Tiit tel~ w111 •• .. "'Ml"'" ktlotl 0 111r1c1 1 •t:WP~ToMts• '::rc:''*W':roa.,..• r'" H l UNl,110 liMMI.. OISTJllC1 lttCAllOO'S AUTO SAl.Ofol, ~ Ettl 114 Dtildt Ml-11 :00 _.doc), 1,m, Ofl ... AIM!t CAUi• Slnier Glen Campbell, 1"" 51'"'· c-11 Mnl. c1. ttf2rf fflf 1'"' ,,.,. • 0c1...,.. ,.,., •ot• TO sHow
• ropout from high Por11N AM ft-t. .utll DtM llt1•, P'l.a ti 114 fl~lpt: Ull' f't1ce11ffl l'H CHAM• CW NAM!!_ flt:
N1111oorl '-•<"-Ct. n..0 ;.,~-, .... 1MW, et.Ut.1111 Ill """ Mtttar fll IM AitPlk....,... • • h I . Ark I lhl• .111111...... It ~teof .,, l fl .. ,.1.a I • I fl 111 • c ,, I 111 "''""' SUSAN JO'l'('I OStollN. '""'"'°•" SAN DIEGO (APl _ 11 may SAW ANOTHER, o Id er discriminatory to .make sc 00 tn ansas, s IMJ¥1otu11. M .., 1Hr1 "'" H c • CJ.•,t NTltY w.1tGlln . 'OSac>JtN And '""'o " ,,__ it I ' m th•' che•ts •olna to lecture on Oor1!hol A. llOW . SEllVl(e TO OllT•tCT OWNIO r11G-VIC Klll! os•o•N be SUO\Vlng in Denv(lr or man : 11ni su ge !I in your wo en t'Over oar & • Tl'll• tt•tt!'ltfll .... , 111" """" 1111 l"l1tTie:s· Tiit 1,..11c111_. of SUSAN JOVCE drtzzllnt1 in Boston. but In San "'BY and YoU get more sun \\'hen l'nen do not ha<t~ to, music and show busi· c-•v (""' ., °''"" c-.tv an ,.,,(, , •• ~. 11'1 1111 F1111 l•fl' ,.,,(11111. os•okN, •~•ON MARG•lT ot•o•N. • ~-thl I as llttl bit 1•-~mm1'ttee ••ys. ness at University of <ktow " 1t74 _....._.... Cflll •-ia11M~1• ,,.,, ""'''''" •114 SANOttA v 1c:xrir osaOJtN. Diego on most wttkcnds l1n;:1e s way. "' a . e '"" '"' -•.ma1 Hor1cE 1 Mi11t: v orv1N 111a1 ,,.1,..,. Mvl11t "'" 111.0 '" c°"''' 1""
.re ••-····-•, of bo. tk..rs _ shocked lo sre all these nJked Lomac , who keeps h Is Cal1£omia at Riverside. 1"\1•11•11M °'.,..,. C*" oinv '11e1, 1111 •~ _..... kflMI Ohtrl<t el' 11 1.;..,1,. fro,,, 11i. ..,r1e1ttt1t ..,,, ' U~IU In.: OCtoNf' I. 1$, n. tt, 1t74 ~14 Oflflt9 (Olo'flty, C-41!«1111, lctlfll bV SUSAN JOYCE 0$10.-N, SHAltON I m~ of 1•-m stark naked mrn and women at first, but re•ulo1io· n red 11· fcJ,;uard ___________ _J,1--IPiiiii.!cNim:ci:"·--I•"" '"'°"'11 "' Owtrrll,. '"rtl, MAllCJ1tn O$•OkN tftd u.Mt>111.A ""' '"' " PUBUC NOTICB ~ rtftl'rMI IW '' "0l1Tt.IC1'", VICICIE OSIOllN. ~•W tlltd 111 ., , -frolicking on Black '11 Beadl: you get used . to it pretty trunks oo, agrees l the Wiii '•""" ..., to. M ,... kot" '"•"' Jlll<•ll~•1,,. Nt ""'' ....,,, .. 1 1be 900-foot stn:tch of !ht quick .,, t,•;bole beach strip should be ,IC'TITtOVI lUSlllllll Tiit ....... tfll'll 11"'•· '"""' .... ,., .. t hl I• 5USAN JOYCE' COL(.lii.AN.'
ed Ir th \Vhile most nude bathers are r ud ba h' ....... 1 ITATl•lttT ""' ~ ,,, • '*"'-' ,. thl IMV9 IMAftO MA•Gll.l!T COLEMAN. ll'llll beach. seclud om t optn or n e t mg. TM t.ilowllll .,.,....,. .,.. "'"" ,...i.n. I.ANO.A v1c1t1E c0t.eMAN. 1
Prestl·.,·0us •·Jk 1 n s t ,. 1 u t e i·oung and a mav.rity male, '"'-• r """.,.., 1u ll«t """ • ,....., "' ..,,. •i.c• Nowi THt:1tE1t01t1. 1t h "'"t.11 1
ti .:><! i" liK'rt'l arc ·very ev1 JOMN'S ftACIMO C'l'C\.f:t t.TO ldtt!ltlit.I W.W. -1111111 ..... """ ......... ..,,. ''~"" tNI Ill,_....,~ above by a stttp. sta!rless there are a\80 many fam ilie11 }lassl~" on the beach because ttJJ """°" th'd.. com ;;...t;.,., "1MtdY f'M4 .ttut -' "" .... '""'"'"" "' .. ., """"' ,.. '""'''
In h been d si" ted and elderly men e1ntotn11 t1U• "''" fllf'll llld """" ww. '"" ClllVft 1" °"'"""'"' , ""' cl 11, as e ,.na • of lhe nudlty, he said in nn J-AAl<ll•tl c.i~ '°" s. tMr1 win 11it • Pt.•~ ,.....1, ... """ ,..,, ,,, ........... w . "'" tt 1o:eo "swimsuit optional zone." Frans Guepin; a leader of interview. but it is "one of 1.1t11t 1UVd., Newport ... d'I. ta1lflWflf1,., Mtll wt ., 1111 Muflltflh,1, tt •·"'-.-(1«• .t .. ~ ••'>' '' MWw ~ '2660 .....,.,.,.. tlll l'IMfl Ill .... ...... llfl Wiiy thl tPD1lc1li.tl for (llll"lt tf 'M Mtt "YOU 'L'IOST run out of the Nude Beaches Committee, the most dangerous areas for c,..,.... WIYM lnfff'· ,.1 w. ••Y .,..11,..,. " t•rt 11"' tM &141 .. n1,.1 tl'ltlllt "°' 111 ,....,,.... • " said sunbathing nnd sw1·mmm' g t ~1 ·1 1 So them s1. Cot11 Mt11 cai1w. "'" •llt. 11 11 fVrtMr trdlfM 111tt • «r11 sand hcrt 80metlmes -wt \lo·a er a\_~ VI Y n u n.11 1111t1111t1 11 ~,.., •r • 1tm1t1111 t tcti Md """' contw"' •llf "' « ttilt .,llt!' w 11~bll1111d 111 "" o.11v
have 6,000 _ !.OOO ~pie a shoukl naturally bC done nak· . California" because of rip cur·IP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~~~~ii;iii;i~~~~~l"rtMt•11t11. Ntl'Oll•IVI,. tt11 C'91'11r.ct HC111Mnt1. 1"r1tt, • ,.,...,_.,.r of...,.,.., c1rcv111lol\. v• r-ed b l "th ho . h t Johll C•IFctM1 Eld! 1111 MMll ... 1«'11'1'1 .. ,.... rw IM'lflttf '" Mid Coullfl'. II '-' &r>tl
d .. 'd Jo"·• •t , -mne u ose W v.·1s o rents. '"'"'' S/IWtf' , tM M(V!'ltv ,.,.,rM ,.. '"' ,,,. ct111r1c1 '"" ,...., ftf' tour i11«m•w wtlb ay. S8! Ill ". ....... Thl• et1!8""tfll -flltd wit"' ""'~fl'ltflh •1'1111 .., ,,.. li.t ., ,,........ jHlot 11 lllt d•I• Of ••It' llffrlfll. Jr., one of (\1·0 weekend BESIDES nESClJES, thEi couniv c1 ... ~ DI Ortl'l§e COUl'll't' eri 111i.c.itr1eior1. -D•i.d oc1 a. 1t1~ r -" t h be tlr I Sepll'l!IOI• 3~. tt14 Tiii OIST•tel r~ tM to ,. .... Hio:. OOMENICHIHI, H egua1us n I e 11 U u 'I li'ttle tv.·o Black's Beach lifeguards LAWRENCE M SHEAR MD 11n•n r11«t 111y .,, 111 Mdol w I• w1lv• JvtllfottMSW-rklfCourt beach. WQS Q aJSO _,......,.t )OW·fl~~ planes • I • • f>~t>tl$hed Otll'lllt Cc.tsf 01l1Y PUot, Ml'I' lttet'Alll'\llts If" hll«INlll!• lfl "=:· N. 'TMO«MTOM
l . r I ... ,_. OCJeobtl' 1 ••• 1J, ,,, 1'14 '6n·1• l fll' llld5 ~ '" thl l!6dl119. A 'I' •• Ltw After years Q in orma to lhe Federal . !B ti on Gener1I Practice •nd Internal Medicine T111 0tsT1t1cr ""' ~tnM t11t MM2 '"" 1 ....... s1111w •
nudity at sev eral local beachts shocked at f1'rst Administration : take care of nueuc NO'ITCE """" JnV•lllllt ,.,. °' ,... """ WftTll>!llllW. C1llf. "'" .. WI~ IR 1111 l«1lllt I" Which IM T"•,,.., ~n4) .,,....,, and a 197'2 CaUfornia Supr~me accidents from a g l i d er -----------•·~ b t• "' Pl"'°'""' w .. t~ Aftw.r•'I' .., Poirttn-
Cour d · · hold' 1Jd h ,.l<TITtoUI lVllMIU u 1ft 1>r 'Jiii of -km11n neod9l'I !e PUbll'"ed O••-Col!! 01nt 1"ll1t. t ecis1on up mg n e b t t d launching pad above t e Announce•the ()penino of Hla Office 111A1111 tTATIM•HT ,_..,,1 "" t"eflt••<•. Thts• '""" •r• oc1o1:11r a. 15, 2'. "· 1t,4 37.u.1• swimming Al secluded spots, U yo U g e use beach; rtSCUe perSOnS Strand· 'fl'll fotlowl"' ,..._ -dolftt 111,otl" ... °" flll I I IU7 l"l1elnll1 A~lftUI, (Oflll .:_::_:::c.::-=:-=::-:::-::==;----
DI C. r -·---t u: M-. e.-intv ..._ tt111IMd en ""'Ult'· P\JBUC i;onCE 1he San ego 1ty .....,...""' cd in the cliffs and minister Tl'tt llACltHOIJSI AP.TL, 1.us .., c.-y " "'-rt ... 111e11 11o1 '*'.-, ----~·-===-=:=--•••-' an onl!nance that t · tty · k 1 lo ~ -• f t r ha !uplfler ........ """'"°" 1..u.. c.. 11 "" 111t .ii.. 1 • .--.. 01tpre qu1c ..... n~s 0 ou~-s pe WHU1m T. lltdlflll. t 20t2 TM f\!rWl!flf ICl!oGule" .,_. t'l..-.1 tUl"lltOl:CttJll:Tf"""J
became effective June 19. Jt • •-...i-'-exha••'~ after t"Air , 3620 S. Mdol St.., Sllitt IOJ CtJo!Urlfll U... HvllfllllflOfl IMctl. C•. ,..o-t Is ~ ""'°"' • wtrkl"I ••v St'Al'I o' eli.~1,0• IA" ........... l31.3 ~"""' ·~ . A--1....1 --L.... c. MllW, llO Mlvt er .. II ,,,,., 111 ._.... 1"' r•tt tor l'lolhl~ THI CO'.'Mn;:_.o..,rr OltAlllG• allowtd nudity on a 9(11).foot journeys to Ute beach. .W Ton. ... C...,, M ... ~11 _...,..... .---. COar• ,..,_, c1. IN -",,.. .,-. 11,,.11 .,. 11 llflt -. ....i1 °" ,..,.mOll
section of Blatk's and banned Lomae, like many others in s..t. -Ttih ~ •• cWlll\ld..r'"' • ..,,,.,,: 11m1.,. -.MH. *ro'S1,.r'..,,9;\•'Mo"wn.L ... Ho FO• it elsewhere. wear bathing sutts should be II ti San PlrfMnl!Jf;1_ T 1todllltl tt •11111 " ,,,,.,......, ""'" 111e cOll-t.1TT11t.s T11tTAMINT..,1t'I"
Some homeowners at the ex· allowed to." Ol~rs simply say t~~:. Yn:r:;erv:ud~~Y at c Thi~ "c~~~ ~,... c:!~ : ~:,~~ ,,:: ;:.:".:: ~~~c1!: "'r111•• "' ll:01£1tr ir1.oeN. Oi(ff ..
--•ve La Jolla Farm s it feels '""'at to swim naked .~~bfr 1) m• ll!lftt' riim, 1• "" ""' tns tt.tfl "" No r1ce tS ~e11r1v GIVEN mit ~..,. • &-~ , , Black's Beach is here to stay. ...., • · ''"" uld 11111tlfl1C1 r1i. 111 111 -""""'JEAN 11:. Bet.PEN "" fl lld 111re1" development above the beach and promotes a better tan. As for hi.!t own reaction. For Appoi'ntments, Call 540-4350. Put11t111M or ..... '-' o.11y r1111, t1n11!f'Y'"I w, 11o1m 1" 1111 ix1<vnon. pe1111on 111r ,roe.i. e1 wi11 •~"
I ined bo k' S.alfl!'lbtr 11, t~ 111\d (lieteMr 1, t, el tlW (onfrict. fw !uu•r.c. of t.1rter1 T1tf1me~t1rv comp a 8 U\ par mg pro-11fE comlflTEE, formed the handsome bachelor says: 1tl4 3.U1.74 HO bl<l<ler ml'I' w!!_~niw Ills b\<! IOI' 10 fhl jilll!ll_.. ''"'lflCI re Wll!ch blems and property values, )HIT "You get rather t'nured to the e d s t ... _.. I A ..... ,_ I --IOd 01 ter1Y·l'!W {UI doil'f1 •lier r, mid• lor tur!l'rlr t11rlklll•"· •nd ·n June ,., orgaru·z,·ng a venlnga an 1 u y rnen s ve1-.-. PUBLIC NOnCE ~ 1111e 1e1 1et 1n1 open1no of bld1. ...,, '"' ume '"" •1te• of ,...,1no •··t legal1'ring nude bathing at 1 • nudity r doo 't even check • "l""nt bOfld 1rw:1 • ptr1orm1...;1 '" ,. ,... .., -0<•-~ de! f I 'led d · ~ ... w IJ be rl<'!u!rt(/ prlw ~ •~ecut!on lf\I 1"1ml ' ""
just one of the Southern ense or peop e ct un er out the girls anymore." ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijil ,.ICTIT.OVS 1u111111ss :t""'t111 ccntra,1 Th• p.1ymen1 tl«HI tt. ''''· •1 •=30 '·""•
1" ,... cw•"ooi;' California city's beaches gain· the ordinance banning nudity jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MAM• ITATIMIMT 1n1u l)e '" tM "''"" sei f6rt11 Jn ~ ~·~~re"' c~i.," o~ve .. ~Hf.(lllr1.;
ed W'de ··ppo~. outside Black's. Only 900 feet '.'-' followlnt Ptl'totl It doing tMlness 1n1 COl!lrl(I docum•nls. the,, ... DI S..nlil ........ Cll!f1rni1. ,, .,.. •• 11. C,O..ernlng llc•rd '' '1
of the l,250 feet or Black's s PAGH ETTI DINNER cunea OF CAt.IFOR.M••· 4lt av°"'""" ttarvt'f Fl~lltr o.1.c1~~~··~ ~ Jefl"' "£F WE DON'T do ·.h1's, Beach proper,·, "sw1·-·u1·1 o~ •,o,•NITSHTI ' CUlfWOod, Ir•. Cllllw~1• t'J'2l ,.ur,h1~lr>0 .....,., c-· .... Cl••k" .,.., r CUTTElt L~SIHG COMl"AHV, 4060 l"ubll~ed Orallfe CNst 0111'1' l"llot. Tll.IMAtin-""11t•NI(, we'll be confronted with peo-tiona1 ," and the adjoining t.•..,,... Ctt!Veri lwt•v••d, s1111111 City, oc1.-1, 1. 1t1• wo.u STaouo a' •o•••n
le bel ·~offended at all the •• ~ st t h bo ' t•-QU•LtTY ' C•llfomt• '1'°' AITWM11 ....... P n" -au.i re c es a u •u.= "' TPI!• 111n1n1.ss 11 ~*' }''>' • 611 11u1r1 Oii'>'• ''""'' s" .. 1tl4 beaches of the city," said miles in· to Torrey Pi-Slate INCLUDING! SOUP 01 SALAD, llCH MIAT SAUCI A GAIUC CHllSI IOU. c.111or1111 cor1Mr1tten. PUBUC NonC'E' t.• ..,_ c.ufllntll M14 ·~"' CUTT.Ell t.E:A.SIHG COM,..ANY Q t'1h-lt!S) u1.snt M'aYor Pete Wilson, a Parle to the north a n d -CHILD 1y: w. 8 . o..rv. L•GAL NOTICI A""9'flrflo fWl. ~ 1 Tooderate Republican, in SU~ University of California pro-ADULTS ~-I UNDll 12 TMll ~:~ flltl wllll .... ".-0.T••U. ".,,,.. -"""''";"', ~m4""" °"" :k~i4 ~oftheordinance. pertytotbesouth. ~ · $ .50 """""'c1tn t11,,. °'91'111 c111nt v ~.J:."*:L 1.:.;..c..._c.'_c'_~·-==c--
Propontnts of lbe nude 'Ibe committee wants the $ 8 5 . . lllfl Soi>ltlllt>lr .. " ,., .. , HOTICI! 1$ Htltll V. OIVIM tlllt PUBIJC NO'nCE
beadJ, incl\ldlng hundr<ds of nude areas extended "' tile ·; ·~) n .. f!~_,0,.11~" -. ~::'I~::-°'>= r,itoi.: =...'~~ ~.~"'-_,"=J--,-P~l<TmOUt==,,-,~, .. =,.= .. ~,:---tndividuala as wen as the 1· ~1 -·t c'te nude ,.. -"' tt14 ,....,4 County. Clll+.rfll .. wfft r9C9lw ..... •AMI IT.\TIMIMT po ICC pa1.111 .,........, J -------------tlll<I• "' lo 11 :00 .A.M.. on TM 23rd 1"" Ji'llewlnf ,.,._. ore dOt"I American Civil L i b e r ti e s bathers outside the 900-foot <111Y " Ottoblf _. tM "net o1 wld blnlflfl• ••: Union and the Stxual Freedom PUBUC NO'l1CE 5eh0ol D111r1c1, 11t.111C1 11 11.u 1"i.c1n111 N(AT-M..CLIAM MAINTINANCE.•7n area. '-------------JAven1,11, Cwll °"""' C1t1i.1111, 11 Whld'I .AWftld• CohnolllOt .$In ~. C1, League, argued they enjoyed The commi ttee also wants ,.1<Tmou• 1u11w111 1!m• .. ,;s ·alcft win "' P'l"lc•v esi111111 92,12 wimming an d sunbathing h · I S L O y lllAM•·ITATIM•MT .,.Id•••• i.: 011$ MtCov. 711 """'ld1 Colum!lll. 'naked and that th1's should "Garbage Beach." anot er OVER 6 TONS OF SPAGHEn 0 D M NTHL '"' ........ ...... ... '""' "'"""" ''""-··co. ~on luded S D' g n-acb .... ""'"'" ._, .,. .,~ m • 0o '" O«M .. ~< "'"" """• nl '"""' Co,om~, Se<' an le O ~ ....,.-$&0 ENTElll"ltl!E'!, 2"'1 N•CU1m1, wit~ . C'r.:111111111, lntlr!Kll""I I nd Sl'I Cltmtntt, C1. '1112 be legal on relatively isolated ed by nude bathers in the ll ,•30 AM TO 9 PM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Ol'lN 7 DATS M1111on Vlolo Clilf t2Us S111Clhct llon1 whicll ,,. -°"'Ill• Thi• bVl'""111~ucteo111V •oen••I beache! like Black's. I ud be h 4 'M TO 10 PM si...,.., G. WoitroM, 1U.h H1cu1rne, '" Tl'le affk• Of tM Pu•c"-lno Aotnt 111rrn.rstoi .. past, a egal n e ac · NT ANA I M1i,1on vi,1.,, c111t. 116n. al ,.Id Sclt!lei 0111rlt1. 11i1 f'11can111 0110 8 . Mteov "I like the freedom of it," SA A ITRY OUR TAKE OUT DEPT' COSTA MESA G--oe •. W..•rom. 2"41 NltCCOma. AYtnue, C~I• Mtr.., CtllfOHlll . This Clllemeo>I WH !UK With 1111 said a retired Marine stroUing TOPLESS BATHING should • 421Int17rh Stfffl MfHlon viera. C•llt. f2'7J. "" blclder m•y wl!Pld••• 1111 bld ror counry Citrk of Or•~• Ccwnty on
be allowed •' • all ~~1....-jOJ So. tNrttlr 81 McfOIWtft '41-IO>O Th!1 tMlne11 Ito Glllfldur;t.s by t ·-•l 1 -ltld of lhltl'f (:II) ""' 11ter s.ttmlilll' 11, m•. naked down the beach one • ~ 139 2211 OPfN fOl ""Neu 111rtnll'll!l1!. t11e tt1l'I ..i "" IM_CIPCWllnt n.rM. -· """1" ""·-~. Jt -·~·1·e ~·~ 1-1..., -• ~ I'll ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!~ J. s1Mtt G. """"'...,, Ttot ,.,.,.,, .i """'11"" e1 "'* Ntow'JIOfl· l"\lblttnld' 0 """" c°"' o.ny Piiot. 11.lK.lllUUUo ~use .. ,... .. ~ ~ "!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!! TM• 1111-.t -fli.f w1t!I "'* ,,,._ Unltltlf khDd Olllrkt '8511'Y. CkTOMr •• IJ, :n, "· ltl• 37!M-1• ---------------.,,--------~:-~ C-"'f (lerk e1 Or.,,.. (""'""' 111 1111 rlotlt '* r.iect 1ny "" ttr bhl1. I----~~.,-,===---..,.., lo&. lt14. Wld ""' MC-'11'1' acce,t """ "'"'11:11 PUBUC ~cE
Grand 0 ening
First Federa Savings
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First Federal Savings, one of Southern California's srrongest
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To celebrate our Grand Opening, we're offering delightful
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Family Mtdical Encyclopedia
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This coupon mutt be pttKnted. Limit: one pet
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basis. Hurry ••• aupplics are limited. p '------------------~· _______ ] ----------------------------·------
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,4'111 bid, 9"d le .-lfl ·~~ ll'llorrnttllt er 1'1Vll
'""""""" Ol'll'llll CMf'I °""1 Pllol 1~11y IR MIY bid ,,_..,., l ---c,cJCcm=,...:::::o-=1c.u~s,.= ... =---Sltlt9!n'*" )4, Incl Oc:toOor '· .. ,,, NeW1'0tl:T·M£SA u HI pt. 0 •••• lTAH••NT lt'14 3*-T' SCHOOt. Dlsl•IC'T If Of'....,. C.....-ity, Collf«f'lil TM fdlcrwil'll Pl'--dolnl
PUBLIC NOTICE I Y oorolh'f w ... wy '"'""' bl/l.lnHt '" f>l.fth11lflll AoMlt T.G.l. (T•ANl Gfl.OOP TOOltSI,
----------trMt-sity ~.,... .... -lh!S..-m-1,,,ll'ttf---
PICTIT'HXIS II/Sinn l'iNllMct O,.,._ CCl9fl o.41'1' ,.U_, C.tlfornll '27'01
!CAMI STAnM•lllT ,_, Otlltltr 1, .. It?• "'11·7' J-s. K1r1,,,, 17'lJ ~ .. 111.
Tiii ~lowln!I' l*'IOM .... ..... '"""" cat11'*"4t n.u iiu.i=s:.'i~E Tit.AWL "1tot1UCT& PUBUC NOTICE av.:,:.:,.:.~ 1,~'f~.'~'
IMC., 17'71 SkVJOlrk Clrcle. lrvt"'• Cllll, Thlt bull-11 ~ 11V 1"
":7-11 M. Smit!!. !1'0 llfll1 IMINI, I uni IMl't!d\111,
C..111 M-. Cillt. t.MS7 ltOTICI l'O'C•eot'T'Oltt ~ F-<11 !. l(.fl'-
l"Plllll• Sllvtr, '10 S11'1f1 IMllifl, ('di IU ..... IOlt eovf:T 0• TMI lhl1 sllllmlnt -111111 "11111 tlla M .. , C1llf. mv. STATI Of' c.u.1•ot1•IA ,Ol Covnhl' , .. rt el °""" CMllY D"
ll'111 lllltlflttl ll cor'ldvc:fld .., I (l!r• TM• COVlllTY ., MAN91 '"'"""''*" '°' m 4 porltlon. • .. ....,. "7t.!t
Sun1h!F1t Tr•vof l'rodvcl•, lfK. Stllft ., 11.UTM J, tttSSLEk, M llt'*9 or.• e.-0.11¥ ,llol, ftOblrt M. Smltll, f>r11. o.tnted. °""""" 1. I, IS, :12, 1974 )6oM·1•
Thlto "''"""'" w .. fllld wltPI !tit HOTICI! 18 MEftl!IY GIY(lll f9 tl'lt J--'-----------aMllVI e1 tti. ,.....,.. _... dKldtnt C onCE CllO.lll1Y Clfl'k or Orll'IOI COUf'llY '" n11t 111 ,...._. Mvtllt d 1lril• 1t11nrt PUDLI N
StPtembfl' lt, 1974. "" ..if ~ 1111 r•rllll ti llll ---~~=~===---'21MI ....,,,, wttlt tM MC:'IMlf'Y """'1dllrl. I~ •tCTITtoUS IUSIMlll P!.rtlllll!td or.,... COltl Dl11V ,.llot. IM .tllC. el' !tit cletll ef 1111 ·-lllAM• JTATIMl#T i.1111m&11r 24 111111 Odc:CW 1, I, l.J. ..,rlHtll ~. w f9 ,.r-t """"' '#1111 Thi tor~.. ........... ..-. cloll'll'
1f14 '1l6-J4 llll MCIMl'V ~ "' tll l Mlfll1S n :
PIJlllJC NonCE ltlfWtn!Oned ti 1111 of!k:9 el' "" tttw~ Mii:. ..-Ol"ER.ltES. 114 Collmt. Gll:l!:Hli:ll.G. a&:ltNHAllO, wt:ISS ANO 911-llllnd, C1lltortt!1 fHoiN -------~~=~= ltAll.MA. 1M Clll'llVrY ,.,. rni. !vltt Moen; 1t111 F41tftftv Tri/II, n• ee1n..,.,
nATIMSWT OP wrntOaAWM. PlOM 1111. La .......... c.11,.,,. fOOU, W'llltl'I ltltDI 111 ..... Clltlorlllt nMa' P1Jl111111tStlll" Of'lb.TI... UllOll i. 1111 pl~ flf """"-' of 1M ..,,,_ .. ,,,... G. ltObltt v.,.... tm I. 61119
•ICTtrlOVS 1vs1•1n ....... lft '" ll'ltlllf'I "'"""" ... ,. "" 11t111 COi ............ Afle!Witfl. Ct."'°' Tiit 101t1w1nt ,.,_ ,_ .... tldlWfl of MW ~. w1ttilft fM l'l'ICWltM Thlt IMI,_ 11 Clfldllttlll by I ~
" 1 ..,...,, pel'l'fllr fr9l'll "" ,..,,,....,...., •!Mr "" "'" ,.,.,.1c111et1 of IN• Mllu. ll*r""1'tlllllo .,m1111 uncltr JM fldltleul ~t l)lted ... 111\151 2" rt7A. •. Mt«w A. Htll
fl 1 lfl I o t I SLAM D V l \.. LI< 0 E JACQVl:LINE llo\. CAltM!'f TrVJ-MA•C HA\..I.
l"llOflEll:TleS ., N41n P.Kltk: Coltt elllCllfrl•""" WI!$ rAMtLY 'tltUST
H.,.,,,...y, 5Ul'ltll lt1d\, (1111. to7C. 111 11111 ....... """""' -...nt Th!1 '""""'"' w" "'"" '11'1111 tht Thi fktttlou1 b\ltl-_,. ,,.._, •1t.l1tttil•t. tll ..... O. ~ Cllrlt of Orlfllt <-TV Of!
for ""' flll'lnlnlllll w" tllM on Jun. w•1s1 AllO UlMA OCletlll' 3, lt74 3. 1n• 1n ""CWfltV e1 ~. .~ 1• ClflttrT ,..,,. 1111,_~ "" ,..mo Fllll ,.,.11'11 1rd l.ddrlll of tti1 ""'-Lii -..... C"""""• -'1.rbllshld ~ COHt O.lly l"llol, Wllhdl'.-lng: o\Mrlll'f'I fW IQC:9trlll Odobtr I, IS. 22, it, 11"7• 31»-1• JOl'lll It. Mlf11n, 3':12 Dtllwood St .• l"\ltllltflllll Orlilllt Clftt Oii¥ J>llot,1-------------
LOI AltmlfOI, Clllf. to1'10 lfoltmW t4 .. Ottroblf '· .. 15. -PUBLIC N<mCE Si11'*': Jotin It, .Mtrtl11 i'1• '26&·74
"119 ..... ~,..., ~I IMYlnn .,. l"'utllltftld Ot..... CN1' t>.ily Pllol, tKf9f: 'C NO'l'I,._ Mo!~...,. ... 11...,, ""' !hi I Oll"d *"l'l!Dlf' 17, 24. tnd Odollw 1, t , ~ !JSKA '-'G If T el '"" FOVflfllfl V1UW'f ""'~''--o===-=-====-~-~''.'.'l------,,. .... ;;:::-:-:-:----1.kflcJf.ll Ol•"kt ot 0r ... c....my. -Clflfllm/., wlll ~ ...... Miii VJI PUBUC NOTICE lllO'nCI Te Ct.ltff'Ot.I te 2:00 It."'-en "" ~Y"IMnl dly IUl"•t.IOm COUllT OP TMI f1f OC.._, lt?4 9t 1111 ollkl el 1lld ,ICTl'THWS IUSlllllll STlTI O" CALl•O..MtA rCMl K"'9I flth'kl ~ •1Jt1lnlMll
NAM• STATIMl"1'~ l'MI ~ ... OllMtel tt wMcll 11-Mid lll(lt ,.qi 11it ~
lM fDiloWlllf Pll'1ll'lt lf"I doi!ll k ......,... .... :::J for t11e -CPllN el DM 111111-••: £"9fe If llU. IOHl\I CASTaO. "" 1vt1 t .. lie f\rftlllfllf In Kconl11\Cfl
TOVCH Oii" CLASS eotrru•ES. kllowrl II l lt.L J. t AITltO. O..:..IM. Wlttl N«lfklllon• -M fllw '" "" l.i.CI M~ ~~..::.~""-· C.._ NOTICE II HEllEIT GtvEM_ .. tflt P'l"tllltl• .i.11t1t,,..rot of lflt f'Ollfll•ifl
V\cfllr,. Lii ....,...,_,.. II ctMlllOl'I el lllo ""9W ~ ~Ktloll' dlttrkf Mvl'flblr On1 Aw.1 -~ la. SllWllO!r. c-111, toM0 lllet 11$ ,........ ilnllll ~ms ... tflJt L UM, corMr Ill T1lblrt ~ l.M, 1"21 $H Ctf!YOl'I Clrd1, lllf 111d dlf:9d .... .,.. rt11Ulrfd 10 flll .NI Str..i, FW!lhllt Vtlll'f, ~ INCi'!. c.111. '2M IM!TI, """" ttit ~_.,. -..cflll'•. lfl CtHflWfttl ma, Tiiis ""h"'• II COl'ICIUdtd "V • fl"tl'll thl offl~• f/f n.. <lerlt tf tltl IDll'f'I av OlllO!ll. 0,-THI! 10.-.JtO "°""'""""' • ontttltll l;'OUf'f, II' .. ~ """'· .-Ith '01" 11. U I T I I! FOUl'fTAIH Vlcterl1 t." Mon1'llm lflt nec•Uoll'¥ ~. lo n.. ...,.. V.At.t.EV SCHOOL OIS'TlttCT Thi• et•""""" ... tiled w1tti ,,,. wilgfllll ,, ,.,. ottlc• et '*' •"-~· ".,"' Ackll'f, Clef'( 11 t111 ae1...i c-tv (11t11 "' OrlllOt Cov"ty on HIXON A. L AHGE. JUS , • ( 1 f I c l"utlll$Mll Ori• c_, Oalty ••ot. OCIOOtl' 12, lt7•. l oultvlf"do l'flll'ltll'lrten ,..,., C1llforlllt Ckleblr t, 1$. 1'74 STS/11·7•
nn14 fOUS. Whldt 19 ""' plll(t ef l1111ir1111 J -------------l"vbll$Md Or•"" C...t Otll'f l"llot, of ll!t \IMlr1i)tftloll lfl tll f!'latttl'I Ill'·
Slpltmber 17, 14. Ind Ck!Ollitr I, t, ti!l!lllf to tM "'' .. el' Mkl dlct'dlf'll, PUBLIC N011CE
lt14 3'46-14 wl!Pllfl kM" "'°"""' llf'ltf IM llftl ,...Mk.,1------cc=~----
llon el' 1111• "°''°'· ..,. PUBUCNonCE PltMI ,..,.,,oir :It. tt74. aUret:tOlt COVll1' w Tlfl
LVCY C.. U.SfltO JTAT• OP C""lf'OINlA "Oil
I •n ~ ... ,...,' :-_ .. ..:-" (ff TM• COUll1'T W MAii .. IVl"llllCMt COUaT OP TMI Ma. A41• ITATI Of' (At.ll"OttllllA •Ofl NIJl:ttrl A. LMffol JIOTICa W ttLU.I,.. Of' .. ITl'tfOll
TMI COVlllTT Of' "AJtOI Jfll l"octlle _...... flOlt f>•09.t.TI! Ofi WIU AlllO l'Oll.
"" A .. 1X1 N.......... ""'-c.. ttl.P LIT'Tlltl ThTNlllN'rA•Y lllOl1C9 OP Mu.atM OP P•TmOM TA~) ....... _.. E111 .. ol ELLA loOL.AKO. tk1 ELLA
,Oil f>ll.OIATI Of' "1t.I. AMO "Ot. "-·-•· 11 11:. I OUo.NO, Ills Et.LA 11.VAH, OloNMd.
LITTl•s TISTNlllllTA•Y l:I:~ )''= ="...,Ot:" I '11:• HOTICI IS H!'ltl•'I" GIVIN th•t Etllll, el t.A\,tttliTTA L U Clt.L I '.;.1,7_; It~ J, ._,.. PIH fllld ,,.,..,,
EVANS, "" k~ " t.Atlll:ITfA L. 1t 4 1 Jlltillolt fw "'*'' tf Wiii 11\d EVAHS, 0.C..Md, on-Ill' ltl\llflt't of Lett-Tllllflllfll1ry
NOTICE IS HEltEIY OIVIN 11111 PUBLIC N "° lo "" "'""""' rlflr9ntl .. wtrldt LN 9.rt Stlctll 11111 fllld l!ffltlfl t I• midi IOI' rVf'fl'llf pertlclll.,... t n.I """'°" tot ,.l'Olllt1 of W11$ lltd for t t.l"•H611 lhll lllt' II-t nd pll(I ot llllrlng IUll~ of Lettw!t Tnlllfllll'\ ... y ,., "' TMI su•••toa COUltT o.. '"" llfTlt 111$ Miii ... fer ()(ltobtr tilt lllfll1-P'9f1111n<I '9 wtilcPI I• THI STA.Tl Of' CM.IHfl!lllA 15, 1t74. 11 t :)O •·m.. Ill tlOI <"OUftNOM
midi tor f~Mllfr 11Mtlc\ll1t1. Md Illa! 114 11.110 •ot: 'flll COVMTY If ir"''"""' Ne. I el 11i. c.11'!. "" tllfll flld lllae• of llffflf!O tlll Oii OtU"" 11 Civic Cll'\ltf on.... w-. in
tlmtl 1111 btffl Mt lot OciOMr IS. Illa. MUIU , ti. C ty (II $1nt1 AM. Cllllffim11.
lt14 -' 9:31 a.m., 111 ttie ~r-Oll:Ollt 1'0 tMOW CAVIi Dll.O S""tfl'!blr ~7. 'mt.
of Clep,trtm'"t No. I el Mid c«lfl, ,,..lc.116" ff ltOllllT KOt•ukH WILl.IAM &. It JON .. • , 7'00 Civic ~ Ol'IY9 W.t. In KEt.Lev , .. c...,,,. " Nlfl'lfl (_,.., Clerk
t11t City ell!al'tlt Afll, C1llf1Wftt1, WH!lt£A.. ll:Ol!:t.T K O'i l U a N 1toel•T M. 9ALl.tvAJI
Olttd SttttmOlr 11, 1t74 K!Lt.£Y, ,..tttlOfllr, I "''" -t1 1 ... .._... Mllti It .. s.lft .. WILUAM I. tt JOM"" .,...,, el' , ....... tllef '" .... lcff11111 llfltl MMt. (9111. fl1lt
(.....,.;y Citr• Wtlll 1t19 Glltll. " tf'llt c-t tor 11'1 TWI Int) Mf ......
MTl•S & 'AcKIOtt .,..,, cnt""fll Nlltl"*"• ,.!I'll frtm AltWller twi ~
"'.....,.,, c....., 0rt .... '""nu ltotl kT icOE•u•N lll!U.IY, •• 1"u1111""" °''"" c... DlllY ,.,iot, M...,.t hlcll. Clllf, tM4I •01E•T f'OMD I Ckfotllt I, t, t. lrtA M ·1•
Tiil ln41 .... II IT IS Ofl:tll!ltlO ll'llt· 11! ~J ----=:=~,,-,c-c==---A~ll...,-;_r'I "".,• ,.....~-°'1... ,.,1o1 1mt .... ttd 1,. "" _... Oflt1f!lll '"'"'r PUBIJC Nones ~..-... ~ ._.., " ' •Pllf•r btlOl't 11111 C-' Ill N"""""' OCICl!Mr '• 1." ,..,. u, 1t74, 11 10:00 •. ,,,,, 1n ~ CCWIT'oom l ---c,=JCcm=iou=1o-=•c.us~,.=.o11~--
M °'"'"""" J el tfle ~ 9"11111d NA.Ml tt'AllMIMT Cwrt. 100 (IY!c CM!tlt Drive w .. 1. TM fllMWlflt l'tf'Mll ..... llvlffttu !----~--------Sll'l'll Afll, tttlfWfll1, 91111 "*" u.iw, ...
fllCTtflOVl lVSIMlll lt any. Wlr'I' tlll IJllllklllOl'I kw Cll9fllt . OJ ALM ... Mllt.A \.TO. elld 121 A\..
Tht ff/&=· s:::•llT #flt ofl~ ==ltllt°'~·~O ttltl I ~~,!11:/~EAt!r.G. ~lJ l<n&IT A'llflll••
111111,.._ 111 l'1' COllY Oii !Mt .......... •llw C-bl JIM MAlllHO mw.2°1HC. 119fo.
TMf '41"MAt.T ... OTECT'Ol$, '312 flUtlll""" In flit> Ollty l"I~, I ""'"per "'lrty CMV, tflC.1, 13;0 M1l11 ttrt11,
W1m.. Aw . N-. f , Hul"lrll'll'IM 911K1'1. el ftfl""ll clrcutttleft JWlnt.. In lllo Alllln'tbr•· C.llfor1!11. C.. '2'41 GO¥nhl' el OflflPI, Sii .. of (•Hlornll. t1ib tMnl"'l' It <Dl'ldlll:ltd tw e Mii llld'#ln. t3l2 Worrttf' _.,.,_,, erw:t • ....-tat f'fllr IU<ctt•l'ft Wiik.i C1illOl'lll1 c.,,.,1tlon.
Ne.£, Hvnfl""°" a.Id\ Cll. t2"1 prior lo ,,_ flft 141 !If' lltlfl,. tltl JIM MA~INO IMl'OltTS, INC.
Mf(Mtt ltclllll, 2Sn EINfl ~ ...... llPOllt•lk¥1, ,.,,..,IY (flllV INC,
Gott• Mltl. c.i. 01ttd ""' tm d•v ., ..,tt111bft. t y: s. J1111"" """"'
T"h llVllMlt I• eonouctM t'I' • ,..,.r•I '"" porttldlftt t11rlltlN/'illlo ,.ltAHIC. 00MfNl(HIN1 Tlllt ttlltm.fftl "' t!IN wfllt tto1
MldlHI ftl(l'lttl J ...... IJll !lilt S,,_.Nrr C"°" C-l'f Cllf'll tf °'"'" CoY!lty 1111
Mf4 l11<1w111 JAMlt L. li:liltlL. '"· ..,._._. " lf7•.
r111, '"'-111 ••• tllld w1111 ""' A"'"'" " u. cu.atta awo "'"" CMi'Y Cll•ll el Ol'lflff-C...,,..... M Mn VII -.,,. • -~ tM. htho n, '-'•mOll' lt. tt7•· ,.,..,.,. ... ,11, (loll,....... hMI lttrft ....,,...,.._ (ltlHftllt f'I• ""* T ......... 1 m•I 11Mtn ,,_ ,Ybll,i.! 0r•l'10• t Mlt OIH, ,flot, A"""" fW ............ l"llMllfltd Qttfltl (...i Diiiy •ltotJ ""'""""' t•. tftll Ot ...... \1 .. 11. P'vllll•llll Or•• '-" Ol\lf ,.,, ... , .... ,... 11, ti, .,,,. ~ \. .. ''V' W'1"14 Ot!t• 1, L 15. tt. lf1' .. N • n1• Mf.1•
KO ' "· " " "· "' ...
" "" "' G• co . .. Cc1t '" Juli '~ ' "
F 01· tl1e Record
NAPA (AP ) -Dwlghl II.
Atnrny. 86, a former presi-
dent CJl the American Medical
A~ation, died lwlooday. •re
was AMA president in 1956
and had an active mcdlcal
practice for 57 years.
!MOLA, Italy (AP ) ->he
Stlgoani, 67, considered a
classic meuo -soprano cele-
·brated for th~ riclmcss and
fullness of her vo' -:e. died
Sa turday. She periormcd at
the principal opera houses in
Europe. the United States and
South America u n t i I retire-
ment in 1957.
LAI VEGAS. N~. -t.'terrl•o•. llc1nH1 15•~<1 her1 lncl~de : lo:UJAWt.KY-TAMEl -Stpt 6., Stanley RlliMrt, 11, 16, ind C11olyr> Lorr1101, 2t, IXltll ol CO•I• Mtll. PL OUGH-PRUDHONT -Sf!!t. 6, Jamt• A.. 21, •nd t1nd1 l\lll1on. 21. both ot San Cl1monl1. MYERS·8ENNETT -S•lll. 6, Dlvld Ptu1, 21, ol Co•!• Mn•. end Dltn1 Clevgtr 37, ol N1...._1 8t1ctr. HILL.CHURCH -Sl!lll. 6, Urven Cllt•l•s, 20, ol S•nll Ana, and R110ni11 G•Ylt, 17, Of Cosll Mt51. COX-SCHEIDER -S•11I. ,, llrltn It.. 26 .and Jlfllt M., J(I, 1»111 of (01h Mn1. STANLY-PRAKASH -St11t. 1, 8&rr"f Jull11•, 31, ol Huntl1111ton 8t1Cll, •nd Cor•rOt1 AIY1r Pld10n, 33, or LOI. A1191l11. PROV.'TEN·UTTERllACI( -St~I 7
Corono de! Mor
Co!.lo Me~o -·-
l 1CBro.Jd"'1'· Cc.r.:i /.1e~
0'4?91:,0 -·-DILDAY BROTHERS
1791 1 Se0<h Blvd.
Huntington Beo(h 842·7771
Cri..•lft Jr , 11. DI S..11 Cl-i.. ~";!.,.~ttnltt Fruoct1.. It, ot Ol r...,,
ICUERLElt<HltliTIE -Hopi 1 Hobart w11111m. $1, •l>d Ooro111.,. '11:11111'. 41, boll'I OI Hi;nll~IOl'I •tM:I\.
HUMPHltEY·BltV$0 N -Se11I I ROl:Jt'rt, lt, anc!lt holld.. G. U • tioot~ OI (Ololl M~t ' '
PRESTON·EA.,TON -S-iit t .. Jlll)e$
E., 4l. ol C~r1 Mes.a, ~nd MIO!lt .. 311, o• 1111bcwt.
Wl2LKER·MA IUNICO -5tot, 7, Erk • L,, J.I, ol A1111MI,.., 11'4 LV!'llt Loy. ~,. DI Hun!lngton 8tM:ll NEL~ON·POPE -s.11'1, 1, SltvlHl Norrl1, 22, ol A11111e1m, 1nc1 N111cv K1y, 21, ot Ntwl'Ofl 8tM:I\.
WELOON·CftAWFCRD -Stot. I, J-V., SI, o! W111mrn11er, t!ld Mllllt l 1>el!le. 4.S, of lllilnl Porl<.
JoflnM!l'I lio, 24. ol F~ltttton. ll>d S~Uln Jttn, 3', o! N.._I Btt<l'I. 5MlTl1.CULVEll -Sepl, 9, lio'<lard
Cha•lt1, Jr, 24, 1nd Shella Dl•t"C· 211. llO!h o• Cos!t Mtu.
llELBER·5TOJllE -S.111. 9. Fr-J1~1. l!. OI LOllO BtM:h, ind Lindi Ann, 21, ol Wt$1mlnslt1'. CURRAN ·FOltREST -Sl'pl. 10, RIC,,.•<! ltfflMll\, 11, end M•r!0t1 C., 7], boll! ol S•n JIHln C•l>istr•no.
MOO'IE-il.AOEIC -s.iit. 11, Emorv W•y,..,, 4 . al New;>orl Se.en, •nd P1l•icl1 M•rv. U, of C0514 Mffl, B08ADILLA·HOOAN -~p!. II, S11v..ior Al-. lJ.. of uoun• lit•'"'' Incl LClfna Lff 11. ol Oe<I• Point. FREY-TURRENTINE -$"1)!. 11, l-'· av Euo.n1, ll, •nd Linda K1y, n, bolll ol H11nll1111ton 8e•cll. HALL·HOUSE -Sec>t. nu. ill:ov C•rl, 13, •NI Sherr11 Lynne 11, 00111 of Sin Cl1m"'t1. PA.RTRIOGE-CLARIC -S~I. 11, Frink R .. 511, ol Ger.an Grove, I nd ~nlrlal Ann .'It, ol Huntlng!on 8NCh. SCHM OT·8ROWN -$ei:lt. 13. St4nl1y s.. ~1. •nd cvn11111 o., u, 1>o111 of San C1e,,,..,11. lllJClt l lN.COWOEN -Slot. 13, ken• neth Hefr, lO, of ·w.,1m1ns1er. 1nd
M•r"f C . 11. ot HunUn9lon 8tMl'I. PAA tSEAU·HARVEY -Sept. lJ, Mlcl'l811 Leo, 1~. ol S•r>l1 Ar>a, 11'1d l trbotrl J .. n. 17, of Co.11 Mesa. MURRAY-FAGAN -Sept. 1], 01nl•I ~ll,c';.!~g· 0,2~05 :indMe!,.,~<1,,..llne TaylOf',
BEARD·MORITZ -SeP•. !4, GeorQe ~;,., tfto.l!· M~~-cnerv1 LH, ;1.1,
LAWLOR·TAE TTER -Sept. U, Jolin Ltorn. s~. 1nd Oor• Le1n1, ~o. bot11' of HuMln9ton 81acn GROTJAN·PAULSEN S~pl. U , R-rr LeRoY, )6, •!"IC! Glorl1 JuM, 3J, l>Olh ol Wnlmln>ltr. DARILEK·PEACOC:K -~pf. U, Robtrl Anthony, 11, ol S•n Antonio,
l•~•s, 1nd KelllfHn S., 21, ot Cos.ta • M1~1. GtULIAN'l'.El.NESS -Sep!. U, DIMV ~1:;: 161.1,of o~e~:ni~:_e, and Cindy
MIDQ LETON SLEATER -~ I• John M., ll, ol Wt<.tmiosler, · 1..d Pllvld• L, •l. o1 Sall La~e C!ly, Utah. HARRISON-PEARSON -Sept. l •, Ch!lflts B•ant. :;,, and Leno.-• J1nke, Jli, 00111 of 1-i"r>Hnvton Be1en. GIBflONS.LEE -Sic>!. U, Rooerl,
40. 1M J1nll!1 AllHn, 33, botll of COii• Mt••· · WJLSON·PISAll:SK I -S8111. 1,, G1 rrv J•mn. 21. or S1nt1 An• 1,ni:t KalhlHn Anne, 72, of Costa Mr.1. lSAKSON·WR IGHT -S-, 1•, St~111 Edwll"I, 31, and Glod• DH, l!I, ~ or W11!m!11•l'1', ISOM·8110Wl\I -Sept. U , Jffry A .•
'1, of """'1th. Arl?,. Ind Joa11 Arl-,3, of Ho•r>linQI"" ll•lcll. Fl\CCINTO-BAECHEL -S11>t. 14. J1me• Mlc111et, 28, of Nrwoorl 8t8cll, '"" L!nd1. 26, of Clllc•oo. Ill.
Couple Sue
Over Biting
SANTA ANA -A Hunting·
ton Beach oouple have 3ued
their neighbors for $4,000 in
damages in Orange ::Ounly
Superior Court action that ac-
cuses the defendant'.;; dog of
attacking their chllrlren ·and
other area residents.
J. L. and Linda Cummings
name Rudy and Nancy Ciani,
16691 Phelps Lane, as dcfe:id-
nnts and identify the coupl e
as the owners of "Bruno'',
the German Shepherd dog
which allegedly made the at-
The plaintiffs claim that
their daughter. Laurie, 5. \Yas
knocked to the sidewalk and
bitten by th e animal: On
another oceasioo , they fu rt her
allege. the animal had to be
held at bay \vilh a steel rod
~·hen ii prepared to attack.
It is alleged in an action
that seeks an i njunction
against the Cian.is that their
failure to rem<ive the dog's
droppings from thejr property
has crea ted an odor that is
discernible throughout t h c
neighborhood .
Fii·m Sued
' . ,, ~·
T utS(lay, Octobfr 8, 1974 .. DAILY PILOP 9
$2.15 Million Contract U.N. Unit
Manpower Program Set Up To Open
In County By WIUJAM SCllREffiER
OI Ille Ollif)' f'iltl sr.tt
SANTA ANA -The Orange
County Manpower Commission
has signed contracts worth
$2.15 tnillion ..l'\th eight cities,
!he county and six pri\1ate
concerns to provide .special
progr8ms for 6,000 disad·
vantagcd coun tians.
The commission. a ant-
sortlum al the coun ty and its
largest cities~ i8 responsible
for doling out pooled social
re\·cnue sharing funds that
come to the county from
federal coffers.
The special programs to be
funded Ylilh the money arc
due to start opera tions this
month. according lo l ;m-
mission executive director Bob
THEY WU.L include an
adull v.·ork-cxperience pro-
gram. youth dc\•clo pmcnt pro-
grams, special pllot programs
and job placement.
Elght·dJttet't':nt public agen-
cies wtU be allocated a total
of $834 .400 to sponsor various
adult progrnms.
Such programs pr o v I d e
public service jobs, on-lhc-}ob
training and trans:it1on to non-
subsidil<!d e mplo yment.
Nelson said.
Countv government and the
city or San ta Ana will sponsor
j obs for minority Yeterans.
''TIIE VETS involved in
the program V.'ill "'Ork 20
hours a v.·eek and attend t'ol-
lege part·timt In a ~related
field," NeF said.
A separate program planned
by the cities or l!unti n11 ton
Beach and Santa Ana 111H
Two County Brokers
Indicted on Fraud RaiJ
provide ~rl·time "·ork-ex· Nrighborhood Youth Corps us·
perience )Obs for about 60 Ing 5a1ne of the re\enue 5har·
senior citizens 10 assist ill mg funds. SAl\'TA Ai\A-C<>rcmonlr!I:
establishing senior e1nplo}· F'Jvc speehtl µdot proJtrams and n rc'<.·c ption murklng !he
n1tnt. r e creation ir I and Jui.i·c also befn plaMed for opcnir\R or larger nc\v quartef'i
cultural actiYitie.s, Ne 1 son pilrt of the available funcls or the Unill'<I Nations A.;;socia:
said. lion 's Orange Coun1y ehap<er
The city of La llabra will Nl=:t1'0N SAJO h\O of the 01re scheduled soon. '
operate a program serving progr;Hns \\'ill be deYotrd to Doors of !he facility at 2428 n bout 16 disadvan1 agcd training and cmp!o)incnt pro-N. Grand Ave .. in tl1c Grovc-
residents and addi tion:i.t pro-granls for cx-eonvicts. mont Square C.enter ~·i ll for·
grams for a total of 36 fX'OPI<' "0J1C of thl'Se is Projt>et 1nally open Sunday. 01.!I. %7,
"'it! be set up by Orange and Corne-back and is sponsored according to U.N. A.'™><."ialion
Huntmgton Beach. hy the t-oun1 y a.~ a ineans officials.
to train and plfle1~ 32 inrnates Hours ot the r~ceP'l(lll al tht:
•·SIX OPERAT(lltS \\'1 1: from the C'Ountl' industrial nev" U.N. Association CentCF
run Youth D e v e Io p 111 <' n l f11r1n into the skill tr:irle>s, ·· 11ill be 2 10 5 p.n1 . \l'ilh cham·
Programs totaling $594.300 l\'l'lson said pag& !o be srrved by volun-
\l'hii."h \\'ill ser\'{' 617 dtStld· Another pro~r:in1 for ex~f· !!'tr "'orkers and th(' p~1blic i•
van1aged you I h s curren t!\' ll'ndl'rs 11·\11 bt' S<'I up 1n thr 1n\'l!e<f
enrolled i'n school." '.'\t•lso;1 prh·.itc scetor. pro1id1n!: JObs Thi' U.N. Associatin:i ,·O?nll•rs
said. In industry for about 45 l)L'O-nrt' st:1ffed by \•ol utlh'l"r ~·ork-
"Thesc programs ar e p,,le. Nelson !;:'lid ~rs 11nrl l':Jrry a variei.v t1r gift
designed to provide "'ork ex-ilem.; from foreign nn~icns,
perience and career guidance lN' TllE PILOT pr(ILr·1•n phi thE' trarli1iona l UNICE P
h I .11 . 1 category. :'\Plson ~a11l. funds Chri•tin.·•s cards. t a \'II assist young pcop e ·II b 1 1 r ' . d ' . he \\"I c spc.'111 nn )(' p or ProccE'd!; fron1 .1•--.-sales 1n e\'e1op1ng t ir career \\"C lfare ni 0 I he r s . disad· '"-'M: · potential," he added. :ire used to benefit programs \·antui;ed sn1al1 children, han· of lhe UNICE F' branch. name-
Santa Ana "'ill sponsor the dic:ipped coun lians and II' nutrftiooal and educational biggest youth progra1n, in-\'Cterans.
\'OVling 150 youngsters. Ot her . _A tot;'ll of nlorc lh;'ln $20~.~ ~;;71~rr~~ for needy foreign
cities. including lluntlngtru.t \\"111 be i:;pcnl by the c1t1es ------------
Beach. Garden Grove. Orange. of La Habra and liuntington
Seal Beach and Tusti n \\'ill Beat h 10 l';Slablish ourtreach. _ PUBLIC NOTJCF:
From \\'ire Services pur c ha se d proper I y sponsor smaller progran1s. rec:·uitn1c11t and placcrnent SL P·'o1tt•
L~•s ANGELES ........ themselves but filled out FHA scr1 icrs for the disad1·an1agcd suPE•10• cou11 r oo: cAL1 Fo11N1A.' ~ '"" t TJIE CIT'' OF La Hnbr:i i ~ couwrv oF oRANCI! Orange Coun ty real estate or VA oan guarantre np-111 inure than half the county's 100 r1v1c c~n11, 0.1 .... """· plica tions in the names of readying a youth progran1 th::it t·it.l'>'. s1n1a ~na, c1111om11 brokers, \Yho allegedly bought ·11 t20 1 SUUMO"IS homes for as little as $IOO others qualifi ed for such loans. .,..., serve youn~ f'COJ1 ~ cAsE NUM•ER JUPH I~ h ,~, In othc' 'nstan~. lhc from eight county cities. 1n-"1•!"•111 GAIL t BAUflt; t'•1~1111•111, to .JUll, ave been i.u .... cted • ""~ 1 d. F 11 B A,,,.,,,.,. ... ~, R~Nov J &AUER
b red I d . . broke ... \\"OU!d a 11 e •, d 1 _" (' u 1ng u er1on . u c n ;1 N M W ro 1i.., !Ht•nc!~,,t· "' r1~1r cornplll!rtt Y a era gran Jury 1n ,., " ~ Park 8 c 1 ow any ear "~• """" ~1e<1 &1 1ne :>181,,,111 a~•1~,,
a crackdo"TI on fraud in the misrepresent the finant'ia l ' rea, Y Pr P. 5 s · " vcv. 11 ~ov w1111 10 aer.e...:i 11111 11w1wn.
•federally-insured housing in- status of prospective buyers ,~almba.L. \d\'estnlinstcr ;i 11 d FALSE TEETH ~'Z.0~~·,,.11~t~!:;110;;! ~...:;1~1:;
dust"" in Sout hern Cal ifor nia. .so lhe.y could qualify for Flf,\ or a m a. w· h c I !or • wrHten or Ol'll ~•nv. It • . , VA . Spcci I g r 140 It More om ort Ju••ke Co.irn wit,.111-ll U•Y• .... ~ 'J'hey Were tv.·o of 10 brokers Of aSSJstaflce. a pro ranlS Or TMy krtOW 1 denture 1dhHiYe CIA 1"11 IUmrnon1 II served twt rov. named in an indictment. )'oungstcrs in the cities of help. PASTt:t:TH" Powdtt clvn Otne•wi ... Y.,,,, 1klaun w1t1 be Wtrea -.A ......_ C st l\f N Be h denlurM 1 lon1er. firml'r, 1tt1ditt· er> •t>Pllc•tlon "'1 '"" l'l•lnllll 111d ""' ••n: v1 ange County pair are 0 a 1 esa, ewpon at , hold. You lH"lmort.nimlortable ..• court 111•Y tnttr • I~ •llli""I'
Charles Berg of Santa Ana Judges Get Fountain Valley. St ant on . ,,1 mMe na111r•1ly. Why ,,.·ony1 Get you tor 1111 ~¥ or otMr ren1r
and Wililam Edwards Barker Anaheim and 1nost of the uni n-f.:~~!!u:;:~~~[ftt~h~~ '4';;,.~':: ~:i,"' i:0"'!';~n'n,. ..ntc• .,
of Fullerton. who rervu-tedl y corporatcd areas \\'ill be 1i1I 10 health. 511 ,our dent11~ .,.,, ..... .....,, 1" t111i .,,.tt.,, Y'Oll t1taw1• ~· p .. .. _,,.,,i1y .. 11111 .,._ ,ttMl111,
did business as Entel'nrise ay B.oost s p 0 n s 0 red b .v l h c rqWArl7. II "ft} .. l"~Y " f!I ...... t!mt. • y • • Dlted J1tftf 7t. llU
Investments. 11;,;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..:0;;!!io;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;-··1 WILLIA~ e. SI JOHN. Cl9 o1c The indictment a cc u s ed c•o~ .. ~v&\~:;~~: •• ~~""'P'°"· ~ty
Berg and Barker of purchas-Orange Count y's judges arc BRUSH BLOWER 1-N~·1~ "'"1" s1• .... 1. ~'"'• •ot
ing single family dwellings taking home fatter pay checks and ~;;;t :;,~;:~;"1orn1• ''111
244 Redondo A-..e.
lon9 8eoch (~1 3)438·114~
M': !':.O.ULEY-1108Ell:TSON -s~~t.
1'. Micha~!. 73, and Svtan..e t o~!se 7S. bl>lh of H~nllnglon Beacll. SPOll:CICH·HOUIC -Sept. lS. Jol>n Nlcn111. JJ, ~nd LTnd• Arlftle, t2, llo!ll of Wl'1!mh .. tar. FLETCHER·FA.IR8ANKS -St>PI. H. Orllr> It , l5, of Eklln, Ill.. and Oo19m1r ROM~ 27, of H111"1tlnv!0tt Be1ell.
Dentli Notices
.from persons "'ho had this week, thanks to a SC I SSOR STYLE s All~r""vt fer '"111"';11
defaulted-on federally-insured statewide salary boost that _ c:i·:,11,~ •· 'i'~1 1~;'11 0111r :;~~ . F 01' Ma1·c loans and then renting the puts Ca lifornia judges serond
property without nt a k in g only to New York in the pay HOW TO DO THEM STEP BY STEP PfJHLlC NOTlCE 1---·-McCORMICK LAGUNA
1795 log1Jno Canyon Rd.
494-94 15
Ahol.tl•Oll mongage payments. a prac-scale league. Anyone can care for a Brush a Blower hair s!yle. or our CASH re known ·t k. other curl coa•1ng fuss·free. tull func tional SCISSOR
E1e1....,r c11h o1 corOt1a <1e1 M•r. o.1e 1 .e as equi Y s •m-The cost o! living boost STYLES which are as easy to do as 1us1 shamooo1 Our lamp
ot 11ca1n, 0c1o0er 1, 197•. Servk1s pen • Jl\lng. . . . raises salaries of 31 Superior cuts. linger tumble cuts. c+ir11n9 1n;tn cuts. wash towel dry, ~~iya:V~cr11c V!1w M...-1111 P• r k SANTA ANA -Lloyd S of 1lic . indictment 1 ts t S Court judg f $37 615 1 brustr 'n !luff cuts or s•mcle wash and wea1 cuts are SCIS· -l·----,,,.-,i;-~''°"----11 DO~N~--LondQn was S.Y.CS1.J9r_$159~nsc Investments e;i . rom ·. 0 _ SOB.ED...a1L1~Lyoucse11....:.I.vh:.s-Good.Jor aey age_
McCORMICK i~ lii~Df.t'fi::n=~ 06.:1~~'. Thursday for a llegedly rcfus-having been in operation (ron1~40l,S'l2hc · Munictpal fcourr~g605es any hair. No teasing. no 10Hers. n? 01ns no POLLUTING
MISSION MORTUARY /:.:!.,,~"'J~~ J:nl~La ""1,n~'.'~~~;~ ing to pay up on a policy ,August, 1970 to December in county go rom ..,.., HAIR SPRAYS. ALSO:
28832 Col"l'llno Copi.)lrof'IO NaMv P11e1os. Memor 11 --~1e~ w111 taken out by a horse owner 1973. During that lime. the to S37.6lS. HO sn PftMAMEMT w•vts. YOU MAT NtVH WA.HT
Son Juon(op1111ono :1 ~ c~=~~~.:!.~1 ~i11cc~ whose thoroughbred mare was U.S. Atlorncy's office all eges, Tho same cost of living in-TO StT YOUl H.1.111 A<i>AIN.
495 1116 ~:,n:~r~ J,~,ec.::;...::.,. 81111·1Mtrvto""" in foal to racing great Native Enterprise l n v cs t m e n t s crease raises the salary of JOSEPH'S SCISSOR STYLING
-• -c1ro11roe 'E. p!i~'.N?~•idel"lr "' cm.ti Dancer. bought some homes for as the Chief Ju !'l t Ic e o I l '1 e
M111. D•te o1 C1Nt1t Oc!Obll' " 1Vlt. Owner John J. fltcNaughton little as $100 to $300. California Supreme Court !O PACIFIC YllW
MEMORIAL PARK Sur~ov...i l>Y ~' '""'• J11 ntt ~ Pier...,; I -• h' ~ ~he ·rn1·ct U Iha • daug1v1r .. ,.,,r.1 0.1.ney , 1Jye c <um.s Kl IS v1ange County • I I ment a eged t '1154,841 from $51,15.i ll is
'""n11e111tdrrn. Rourv Tllffday a.oo PM Superior Court aci;on that other real estate brokers Who associate 1'ustices go fro•n and Ma•> Wedr>nalY !l:OO Alo/., boll'I '
Chapel 11 St Jo11n The sap"'' c11urc ... Inter· Lloyd's owes him $50.000 on v.•ere accused of fraud oflen $48,1~7 to $51,615. mini. GOO<! ~hepM1d C•metery, dlnK1@<1 3500 Poc1f1c View Dr1\lf!
Newport Be0<n. Coitlornoo
644.2;'00 -·-PllK FAMILY
l)Y l!l•lll·8fr!lfron Coll• Mes• Morlu1rY. a policy he took out in Au gus t WALK!'• r'~~s. JJa;:/:i'k:/: vJ:i'::,t.· Alf: ,!'.y/:;n w!9a753 1~nhfi0ie81h. is mare. "Satin." by hi• l)l lernel gr1noparen!5, Mr. & Mr•. W.H, W•l ke r; 111ate rn•t J\.fcNaughton States lhal thc grar>dfl.ilrtnt•, Mr. & Mrs. loiu•lalll• ol Minion v1e10. c a Man of !he Anqel•, policy was designed lo protect t:oo AM We<111eS<1ay, st, KillJn'' ce1not1c hi·m 1-r the mare abo~ed. He Cnun:n, Mission Viejo. lnlarm•nt, . ''' Aactnilon Ctmttery. M.:Cormlc~ Minion Stales that She did ·SO after
7801 Bolso A~, Wei!m1niler
Mortuary, Saft J~:Hir~llr•l\Q. olrKtor.. she was moved f r o m Wll ll•m J Winier, reJldftll of 8alllo• •11ar.<1. 0111 or 0.1111 oc101>er s, 191'. California to Kentucky for the
Lovlnq hus~•llO of Htl~ Lcvl•t W1n1•r: birth Of her foal and that _ . ..:. t>tlo~..i te1n1r of Joan E. Noble al"ld
627 Main Sr.
Wiiiiam J. Wint ..... Jr; tfve 0•1ndchlldrt11. tested to th e miscarriage. R011ry Wf'<!MM11y 1;JQ PM, Coron1
<!cl M•r Cl>lpel. Mais Thursday t :OO i\1cNaughton States that the AM, Our Lady Quffr> Of Angers. Inter I f m•nt JH"I••"· Holy C•ou CMM!tery. va ue o the foal, if it had Hunringron 8e0<h
536-65J9 l•tlr·Btr/er°" Ceroni 0.1 M•r. directors 50_,1-.. ed, would have heen at tr> lle11 11 !lower1. mell'•<ir+•I COt1Tr!bu1lorti • ~ • may ~ maM to TM A111erlc:•n Htarl least 1100,000. '===================--===='~·~·~~lo~<l<~M~·~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
It Is nol a simple lask for a patient to reach and maintain "lean
weight"forlife .Flrst the palient musl have an honesldesire lo cure his prob-
lem ... then accept ~ofessional guidance from trained Medical Doclo!s.
Llndora's unique 10-week treatment and training program wlH
teach patients how to r'1'JCh and maintain their"lean weighf' for life. A safe
and practical plan. wllh HCG lrealments. proper nutritional diel, and con-
tinual emollonal support. NeW audio and sub-liminal visual aids are used
to molivale lhe patient. The enlire P<ogram Is under the strict supervision
al Medical Doctors, speclallsls in Berlalric Medicine.
Undoro OJnlcs ore owned onc:t administered by ..
Medtcol Doctors tho! rs,strlct their practice lo Berlotrlcs.
All Oinlc Peisonnel ore licensed by the State of Collfomla.
Call tor lntormallon Monday, lhN Friday a "'-M. to 6 P. M.
. 719-7103 347-5647 426-6549 796-2614 '952-3438
Otlblfl..Von or,t w,1,..,.vtct01Y KB Prol111lon1I c.oe~ .. "'••e11 ,.,.,Ml!Dr>ll I "'1· Mlld•C•I er~. llldp. 89nll t l"'J. Bl6g.
121-4513 623-1655 . 924-5741 365-1138 597-0371 Fran•H11 .. OtnOlll V1tley C.uotM M11•l0r> LOI "'"Ill MMIC•l l lft. t.1-41<•1 Ctl\11r P10!11111iflal 1160. MlldiC1I 8104, M1doc•I C.11!11
179-9236 462-0883 870-9501 886-4781 717-1250
H-MI"' Mvlt &111 COll:l; AllO'llhlld MHlc.+
MMtlcll C.111t1 Mt dlc1I C.ft'let Mlld!c.11 I , Mecl!C•I lhtg. ... ..
Philosophy • IS:c
It's a changing world ••• for we have
only to look around us lo see a variety
of new and different interests
born of today's lifestyles.
And just as people's interests
and desires change, so must we a t Pacific.
View vary our methods of providing
memorial and interment ser vices to
ac.commodate these changes.
For example, we receive many
requests to provide cemetery services
only. From others the request is solely
for the u se oF our mortuary. Or just
graveside rites. Or the use of our chapel.
Or cremation and burial at sea. And just
as often the request is for a complete
m emorial service which involves the
facilities of our mortua ry, chapel and
Whatever the case. the service
provided is exactly a s requested by
either the deceas ed befo re death or
by the person responsible for final
And in all cases ii is the right
service, because \Ye at Pacific View
Mem orial Park and Mortuary r.an provide
any or all of the services desired.
To find out more about Pacific
Vie\Y and the savings that result from
pre-need arrangements. call Mr. Ward
at 644-2700, He'll arrange for professional
counseling in your own home and
supply you with a valuable es ta te
planning packet absolutely free.
Huntington Beoc~
tS64 HCMtiHOll •¥t.
Fullen on
lOS M. Harbor ll>'d.
I .l..M. lo Io r.M .• s.t. I 5'!11.' lo s r .M.
538-2395 557-1193 645-3740 534-2051 694-1029
T .... l11·C~:r"''~ Mtf• \lt•dt PKt P'ol•sJIOflll ~.,. H•ltcrtll PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK g MORTUARY
' I P101HMon lhto. Prolf•••Olltl OldO. l(lf , Pro!1111on•1 lldp. Mtdlt 1I l lOf,
SAN DIEGO CHUlA VISTA ClAIREMONT 3500 Pacifi c View Drive, Newport Be1ch. C:illfomia 92663 I Arca 7141 64<1·2700
• 583-1932 420-9510 560-1464
Alv11..00 l1& rou11~ ,1,.,., ftf,J Mtll!e1I
Me<11t11I Ctnlll' $1111• O•P CtMtf
J •
NQ1'1rE 1'0 C•"'011'011~ SUPERIOI! CDUaT 01' TH ~ S1'A1'E no: CALl.-Ol!H!A "D• ... THE COUNTY OF ORANGI! .,. A.JllU -, E1tatr OI RUllY 1 M VE lllf. •~i' _ ~UllY-l EAE.SA...W.u.ClKU.L...D""~··.;.;;---1 . . NOTICE IS HERE!IY GIVE N lo ,,,. credilOl"J '' I~ •IXIYe <11me<1 dlCed..,,!'
t1111 •II Pl!'1om h•vfn9 cl1tm1 1galt1:;(
1114! w.ld d~-1 ••• •llNl•ed 10 111, !Mm, w!t1' !ht nt1:tHI,.., YOl/C ... '1, (" IM Qllke ol II'>! cl••~ OI II'>! it:IOYO
enlill...i court, or lo o•t<tnt Htem. wfl'I
11'1• "~'''•~'" vo•,..~fr• •n lllf 11,.: drrs!qned •t t1'• ~11;r• cl !\tr 1ttornf¥; 0 .o.ut A. Hl\NNA 811 Oo~f· Orfvt, ~fW1>0<"t Bt•<"· C•!ifgrnl1 92660 y,.,.;,. I•• in• olact of ltvli~•" or tn~ unaer1io~d Ir> Ill m1tttr1 i>erta•n•no to ti'>! e,t11e
o+ ukll de<:1111...i. "Hnln 1011• ll'IOMlll 1fler lhl firs! Pl.lbll(Allon ~· 11'1• not!ct. •
J).iled Seo!embe• 30 19U llEATRt CE I WETlEL.
E•e<:~lrl• ot the l'."11! l"1 T"~ ~"""' ntmfll Mceclenl PAUL A, HANWA
rfl Dover OrlYI. SY•I• u N1wport 8tl<h, C:11110t"i1 IHll Tll. {7UI •O·UO Ar1M'll'Y '1>t E•tc11lr!I P~1>ll1/lfd O•lll!le Cillis! Dtny Pnal Q(1ot>tr 1, I. lS. 21. 191~ l6o!J·7t
11JPERIOll COURT DF .:AL1FOR-;;;::: COUHTY'OF ORANGE Ol!DER TD SHOW CAUSIE FOR CHANCE OF NAMe CASE NU MllER AIUOl tn 1111 M1Ue• ot Int Ai>i>Hcallon ol l!CIOb"f fai l Cllll"ldllr For (hJ"fl'-0 ot Nfll1f
BOl!by Ettl Ch.lr>dftr 1'181 li(M a l)t!l•1iOll In this <olKI lo• ar> oraer ~liOW•"Q relillo"'!r •o cll•nOf h•I n1me lr°"I Bobby E1rl C,,.ndl•r to RCIOerl E1rt
C~•nol ....
II i• he<'•IW orlkt!<I '"'' ~II IM!•Son$ In..,~''"" in ~ m111..,. •~'l•d 81>Ptllt l>elore this <G\.<tl In Dllll•lment N~
J at 700 CiYI• C1r>11r Drive Weit, Senl1 An•. C1!llor"l1, "" Nov 5. U7t.
~t 10:00 o'(IDC"-1 m, •na r1'en •nd rr-e :.now cal/ie, 11 a~v lnty /11¥1.
w~Y 1~•d pelll l"" for ch1nge ol n1m1 •l'l<>llld not bt 911~!ed I! ii l"'!f1e• ord••fd tho• a copY ot !n!, orOer lo sllow call'• bt o!lbll~ I" O.a"ce Coast Dally Pi•ot. 1 o•WJp1aer ol Qtneral d"vl•t•on, publi\llt<I I" tnll coun!v 41 lei" .,,,,e 1 w••~ for l<>uf '""''tculive M'l!i'.i prior lo ow dny ot '~'d nearing. Dated Sel)t•111ber 21. 191• FQ4NO:: DOMENICHl~/I Jyo9e ol t"• ~Ul)~r-:r Cou•I eo~Dy Eul c111"011r
Pt!iliitntr In Pl'll P1r JU·C Vldorlt Co1t1 M••I, Ctlit. 'Ull Pu1>ll1/'lfd O•a"ge Co111 l<~oly PllaL O<;ro~· 1, &. is. n. ltl~ .M1 tt
~ ,.ICTITIOUS sus•111;,, NAME STATC:MENf T/W following Pl/lO!I 11 dol"'J 1>111ltlfts' .. PACl"IC INOU$T lllES. 101~ AYtwt
C."c!t. Co•td f.'t11. C• ~16ll Y111t•nt 0 >U<•.1. It)\ Av~n c;•ctt. Co 11 •:~,. c.1,1 tlil!l~
!~·\ ~11.,nts' " cOf"711CtM l>v ~"
•n<l•Y1d~ll ... . ... ~. 11111 11a11ment •·IS tHra ".1n '"" CouMy Cle•i ,,, Ot•"Oe CQu"IY dll $tPltmbtr a. 1•n l'nUi Pul:ll•"~~ D••All~ Cot\! Oa•IY Pllol, S1·0•01111>er 1•, 1nd Octco>e• •, ~. II 1~'' .:r.Hl-1•
.. -~.
-, -
IO·B ·
·' ,•
I LJvt.dilV Qc!ODt;l 8 191-4
By Phil lnlerlandi
~.......e.' 0: ~ .• '''""' ,,.,~ ... 1 .. •1-.'• ..... io ... ~ ...... ,.,,,.
"A great evcning 1
radio pager
---·---$17.00 a month total cost
d •. no epout on
credit approval
'el 'gauc ho' and one 'el
....... "",._., .... h ""'•<IL<I .. "' ,_.,, ""' °'~"'' CoCo"' J.1<•·•,,_
-.&;. t~···Jt -~''"''"
'.~'> l"'N>'' I ... .i .e •~ •~ • "•O'"'•tr•·v ~~• ''" ••¥•C• ... J•·~-""'•·I'""' ~ ~0..111 (.9'..,
oA.;..»"' ........ 4'0. ''"' -'"° l''"'· ... ~·•I'"'!'.,.., COll'IHit ~·-DAVID SIL VER
171 41 7Sl·042S
'75 ·Cost
By $100
Dt:THOI T 1u r11 -
1\m1~r 1t :1n ~l ot ors Corp,
:innount•('d pr1t"<' inrretist«;;
tor 1t:-. 1975 model:-. '''Ould
exc·cccl e:1rtic r t eutalfrc
prict s by S.100.
1'hc s matl('st of the. m:Jjor l·.s auto m:1kc·r:) !-.ldd J)ril"i·
tug:.. \\41l1ld c:1r1·y pr1et..•s
nf'11 rl} S400 h1 i:hcr th:l n
t o1 np;1r:1blc 197·1 mod('IS
t:IJCCIL \'t N O\'. Jj ,
TllE PRICJ::S "c r1· 1n line
i,1·1th ea rlier ir1 c·rc·a~c s
iinn(JUJl('('d b,\" the Big Thr(•C
of GL·ne ra l i\l otors Corp ..
!"t)r1I ~lnlor ('o . aud
C;hry:i lCr Coro.
In another dC'\'e lo1l1nc11t.
c·ar makers rcr;dled more
lh<•n 30.000 a ~sembly line
\1·o rkers laid off earlier
i)('eause of strikct:. al ti,1·0
k1·y supply-plan!~.
Bu t Chrysler laid off9.300
"orkcrs at its s uburba n
ll amtramck J ssc mb1 y
plan1 for ont-\\'Cck bcC':iui;e
of a lark qf cata lytic
'l'he A~fC pri ce increase
avera ged $38·1. or 9.9
11e rC'cnt , but in addition.
prices on selected option.-.
\V("nt up $15 on a l\'cighted
;i ,·e rnge basis.
T •I E 0 \1 E R ,\L.I~ S399
inrrcasc con1parcd \\'ilh
S·l50 by Gi\I . S·l1 5 ·h~
Chrys ler and $407 by Ford,
f)l's pilc the higher prl<"cs.
,\i\JC 11·ill ~tilt h<.tvc the
Qu~ens Costly
Bees Sliort Sttpply • tfl
F::\S1' 1 .. -\:\S l ~t:. ~li th. (l 'l:>I l -~O\\ thc rt:"s
;1 bt.·C' ~hort.i g<·
"ll1·c~ ha' c ht.'l'll c111itl' har{t to kl't." ~~ud F~.c·.
:\l~1r l in . t he :O.fic ll iga n Stut e l·ni ver~it y C'll·
(}uC'C n be('s that cost Sl .50 l('.ss than ''''o y('ars
-t ago 110\V cost 5 o r $6 and a !\vu-po und p<i tkas:c or
l~s h"s tripled in price to $18. .
A STEF.P ll\'Cll f:1\SE in ! he urice l>f honev as
a suhstitutc for ~ugnr. 110\\' selli ng in i\1i chigan
fo r Sl .97 pc I' 1)()u ncl. has cu used many bl·Ckccpcrs
t o kct:p the ir 01,·n bet·s. ,,
l!ecause bees ~11·c nol na!i,·r to !\1i c hi gan, the
slutc··s 5.000 bcckcrp<.:rs in1port them from thr
soi1th. l~ul kecpt!rs the re a re usin g th<'ir queens
to produce· nl OJ'C honey.
CJ:XI-: r10 l 'ND 0 1'' llOXE\', he said, represents
lht' li fe 1\ urk of 256 1\·orklng bees.
l~ut ~d1nost .a s in1por1.ant. l\'l.irtin !'aid. 1s the
''ork of bc·es in pollinating such t"rops as <ipp les
:.1ncl cherries.
3 Department Stores
Cited for Price Fix
\V ASl-II!'\GTON 'UPI) -
A fl·dcral gra nd jury has
indict ed three prestigious
J'\e"· York departme nt
s tores -.-Sakt:. Fifth A\"entw ,
Urrgdo rf Goo dn1 a n and
l.lon\\"il Teller -on ch<.1rges
V1iit Meets
ol' conspiring to l'ix pl'ices of
\\'Omen's clothing.
,\tlornc.\ Ge neral \\lilliam
B Sa x l>c :.aid lhc
ind1£·tm e nt :irftl <.1
rompan1on rivil s uit of the
.Ju s tit•t· l)epart m ent
t·ha r ging the defendants
and l \\'O of their officers
\l'ith \'iolating the Sh<>rman
1\ntilrus t A~~ \\'Cre fi led in
U.S . district cou rt i n
. .-
Q,•er The Counter
HA50 Uslillgs .. ' -·· ,,. Tka 11uol.oll011"> Ol•h'I liel l • 1', I ...i • •~ ~·~·by 1n. N.o-i;l!QIU"' !1,I !11 l ·~~ti Oho ,._ 1"" 0 tlin d !~J ~'fHlf110fl 01 !?9lt Cn\'.I )~. • '•'"!' .. '.~~·~, ~II 10•0 ti~ U e \(t,..ltT"'° (J~Ji.1-. D«..t•I ,,..sv .0 1 J\1
.,, bo<J\ 1.tl\I llltl ~ l)oltr ~n ••• ~ Mt1!1111 ,,1, 1''• Ro,K~I II ] .... S Dy o .. r tPW• Olwwl<I\ n l. UY> ~•tl'llll !!', I" llull $tov I l\O u11lftlo!• IM..o~•\ 10 ie:~" (,1 ) ~l. Mervyn ••', /'. Stl'lolrt• 11 U \\ Cubcrnator111I C'<.indidatt~ . .c.n oo·-e• .01 .. .. .IOll\ 11 . 11 ""'t'' r• 111. 11• ~-1 tn •· 1~·. -CL.t\l>t•ft yi. {)8 )ti tt. ~It< { \ • ktll lllft llt JW Edmund G. l\ro\1 n. Jr •• and 11-.1 1~ ~ .. ~ Mil.., 11~ 11, ,, koltu. c. ''• 11~
II • I c"I , d ,_IM o\01 l"l:lllClf o10'• ll~•Mim-ltt JI !otolpp>. H I~..., I•"• ouslon ... ourno}. an .,., ... 1 ,....,_""· ,,...,, 0....111 o 1 2 .,.,.\.o••" io ,, SH wr1c1 ••· st,
f\rlhur "Red" ~t otlC!y will _..~ ,:.:a 1;.""".!:. l::n.!.c.1 1~~ ,; :O:,.'C: ~ .• 1i~~.',dl ,;1-1 ,! '
he key SJ)C t1kcrs _:1l .the 12th ~~~ tlhMI ~~s Ni.: ·:~ ::~. =: .:; n .. H'l, =y~ 'iv. 1J!:
Annual t:conom1c Outlook 1Hous11u1ots E1 P•w •'• 1 "°'.,.." 1~1 J I• Sho<t w l" '
COnfC!rCnee Oct. 24 al the AHO~~~TIEi 1:..::" ;: r·=t..~cp "t:.:·~,.=~ .l: ~:
An\lhcinl Convention O:n· o.iow. '·il~'~>.11 ~::w di ,n: ,111 •• ~::" ~ ~~ !~' ~wl.1 1~ 1~~. ~'• tcr A1ulftnt '"' tqv S&L ' ~ • .....,, S:...1!11 ,,, j l• c:n.,c;~ 0 ' • n•. :1 . "4•n<• ~ 11, l\.o E.~n A 1110..:. n .v~I 0.1• s~ nd ~ 1)-"• u~ .. ~ ournoy :ind RrO\\"O \\'111 M ·Mk•o ''• • ._ l! • .,tu '" 1·1 11 MllUmt 1•. ''"!.i>K"'" 1v. t • J I ' d' Id I A0¥nt (fl I 11 E~l,;1<p I~ lt"4 Ntl Cftvst •'"J ll•tSCltlOtl H •~I 101~ pres(' n t t 1c r 1 n 11· ua ""'' 1.1. i<1•, 11 ~ .. 1. t,.. u~ '"" Nt1 lif>h ,, • .,, !>l.ln..:11 1 10 100~ 1·iC\\'~ on ·•()utlook forAlu e.1 H'tl~"F•11on£t 1,~.ui.N1Mc1IC• l • su111te+' 1,•,,,,',,111', AlltO lfl( •'· /~, ftrm II• ~~-.,,Nl\Mft Sv !O II S\<1111 !Im !975".l\1otlev.n11nlcdoneofA1i.OJGtv '' 1 r..,m c..-'''1 '••1 NtP~1t"1 ,.1 s1.S1~N .-.11 Sl• '" Anu~rica 's .. ·1·\\·el1·e l\lastcr :J::J ~ ,;~.~ lfi ; ~:,i:.tttt.." :\; J't; ~'" : t !. , ~:!: ... ~·5 1·~ :~:
S I ·· · h · f Al llfd Ttt ,,,. ai. r~1 ao~tn •'• 1oi.·. "'" i:o ,,, s ~i•~ T~< 1 • •lli ::i es n1en ' IS(' airman 0 Am·~· 1~. 1'• bl C•P•ll I I 1J NJll,ll c. ,,. IO''t S\•Wtl Clo ts II the board of "Parade" the Am £•11• .. ~.,,.~ht Ml\~C "'' ''h ~i<old 1 .. 1 • ~· r1 1,~, •,. · t.m f•fll1 I I , ht l •F•" 10~. n ~it!Kft A I '• t•, »""!'• Cp -. 11;1lional Sunday maga1.ine. ""' Fi..11> u .., u 1• he urii .. t 1s•. 16 ifl>"ft s •'• ••• t •uv c•o l''t !'lo r h . Am f u•" 1'• J f-1w IS'• '•" Norchtr 11 •, 111. T.omp•• 111, 211• l\los t. not<'d or i s""' Vtre 9 ti."""'•' ei ''• •'•Noftn Kq tt'• 10 '•V'"' w n , .. 1J
•tatemcnt that "11olh1·n., ""'1n•"' 11'• '' • •• ...,i. £1 • 6~'"'"' N1G S'• •'·• '"""'"' 1~,-',',. " e • Ml.'°'~ S'-• •'• '·'-"'-1,. """ o•tll Cp tl~ '°"' 1111..,. ·• h,p....,..ns until someone sells Am ft~¥ s', •I· F·-•c u·~ n ,.,. D• Xl~e J1h tin'ol oc. s1~ 6 I'~ ' • Am Wttd S" t"• ~101 HIE .... I t.in tc t'':' I''< lowtt Ml I 11 1
:-.omething" l\lotley lifted "ft""'" u•, 1•'-. Fullt• ~ ''l "· "'' Loi ''"' '" TrMM:o 1•, 6 , , , .' f · APtMO 14c. n •_:. C...lt L<J S'o }'\t il•Y M I0\1 II'• hn Octn ll't 11\' Pa r a d e rom a Cll"· A~ 1 .. cp •9,, 10» ~tew '' , .. , •~• 1o "'' 10~·1 11 v. T .. 1n 01' 1si.o "•
culation of 2.2 million to 19 ~~: .. M1~ 1\ ~ 1~;-. g;1<:.,,~ 1 ~~; 1~~.: ~~i1 ~~ t~ i~"i~~r !~~ t;:
n1i llion. and from adver-•..,,10.. •• ,,,,(.l'IA~•oP u u f',ob11 er 1i 1o 1•'•°"' C•Pt 1·1 ,,. . . I r . . "'~ COl<i s ~~· Gtn Bind 1J IS P.o<<M t1I 41 ) l.irllon Sill 10'"• 11'.o t1s111g sa es o $2 m illion lo Au G\ t1 ••· 101. c.n ouoe '°"" •1\lo P.oc: c..m l••i ,,,., LHt r enc u n •1 ."'I m ·,11 ·,on ' AU Slttl Ml'• lJ (; Ent•VY 9h •••P..: t um n· .. •0'1 V ..... •• '" si. ·~· .;;l<)J. • 41-.cl Oc.i I'• t Gen ~tlo'I P,,,...tt O 11.,, 19 U$.~ ll ti
0 . d d r the S..td AIO J\, ,"' 111 \IS """' 11 .... 101. II~~ vs,,_ t 1a11t 10'• rga n1 ze un c lWi•o wr s s~•Grol srw~ I'\ ,, ...... h, c'" 111 11.Ur>iv l'tt 101• 111, theme ''Outlook 75-A B.ll<ff Rt 1•-. 1:i.G11bt<1 " t1i 1t°"~'"' s. 1n.11 1'>v~M HO 1'• 2'• ' , !Wlt.tt "'" Ith It<'> Gold SFd II " P• Eft!rp 11\o 11 ... V<t!Kt Sii 1'' 1W l·lealthv Economy 1n a e..1<1.wn L /\'o H\C.hm ~ 1 l"~n1 oo ·~•t.i.v.on OTk u u
Q I. 'E · t" th 861h Mii 11 IJ (,rOPft 5ot l\t lf•Ptl HIH ol ' V.tn Sh<-t '."1 11• ua 1ty nv1ronmen , eat.•"' 1111 11 ~ n c..., Toi ,,, ,,.:.,...,01 .. )J s•1,vit10t1 i.1 1 r,-
conff'rence i,1•ill als o present ::::1 F~ a~ :n: ~{ 1~r~~ !!~ :t :::"::Bd Jl>\ Jl~~ ~r'1..: Ji. f~!
five a dditiona l speakers S.v!'"n ''• '"'HM.~ C1> ''· 1o••Picont• w • •~, •Le~ ,.,. 11. . ~km (p 4\o ~'•l ~""" EW )~, •V1 Poll NtP II'• 191> W.il"' NC. .... •1~ 1\'ho \\'Ill address the ;iltcn· ~"11, L' 10~ 1n . H.omlt er '"• 10 "'"' Mt ,,, •·~ W••mn 1 ' •• U t h f ", t ~II l..ilb 11 211•H.iln iqlll I llOPf09re\ l\• J~•~A l'~ 4'h uees o n e l\e mos 'bl! co 1 19,..-.,pe, R '" •t~P$N c~· no ,~,w.r•2!Rw1 a~:. •''i
rrueial problc1n s racing t.~d.!1~ ;rn H ~~mFI r~ f.,.Pu:;ct~ ,i;; ,~.,~:n1:: ~ ~· Orange County. 111k1-11 Pw 11•11 1s ..... .,, f 10'; 111~ n c.. ,.,., 1v, w, KV~ 11•. n•~
0 81o<k Dg ~h \'!\ Ht•ttl ( I , ... R1lM Cp ,,., s•. W5lmr (I lO'• ll '•k Sponsore d by range afl.tcn s • ''' ..,,t>t co 12 13 R~'t"' w.tt,, F.s .,,,~ u"
C Ch be r C OMA Cp 'I'!· '""' Hlftft EL 15 ,, ' 16' ,., w.u-I n•:. ni. ounty am r o om· -evns u "11 "°°""" 1o•;i 11 R.,,mo; 1 t w11!.n H J s i~. mcrce \\'ilh the cooperation llaMm" 1ov. 10•• 11o""1 co 11 11vt 111tM P.ilc 1 ,.,....,.,...~ !iir .,.,, •'> Booth Np IS>\ 11'11 Hun1 Mt9 Ill, t•:. fletoll Eq 111 11 .. \Mnl PkT )~0 I'• of board of supc r\•isors and Brtt1to 1 •• u H,111 c ,,, 11; 1110 e1~ n 1s·~wi11t Pt1 1• u>.
BrlN.\ In 10,,. tO\• H1•litt C ''• 10ck ~fl Univ ... ,, t'' WC*! tlll If>\ n 1"J !'1-lcrehants and l\lul)ufac-&o.Mh F llt l '\ IMS 1ft1n1 l"• l'··Aeioub '• 11~ 11>,Wotfd ~¥ Sh •'-
l I · t · th fll'oo;k G~ U'i. ll'h I-W1• 16!. 11\o Ill• Pl1\ •I 1'-'MiQhl W f'• '~;, UrOrS J SSOC\a 1011, C Brown Ar !•• l ll'llb Nud l'k JI\ Revn .. II 10 111> Vtllo F•I ,,,., 70\:0
dlJ·day-meet ing iS ex.pee· t::e:: .!~~ !~t :~r.~L.b 1:.~ r \Riwil Ml 11 11' Z!OM Utll 101> 11'.•
ted to dra1\' 750 pe rsons, ac· &..•ftP s1 11. J1. 111w1 C•P .21 21 OTC JO 'lo•I At'tiue . C "f e.n1" M n JJ '"""1 En s•. •'~ " cording lo Robert \V. h -c..1wt ~v .a•11 J1111 1 .. 1m1 °" 111, 111 ... sai:oc:t r d I · flh-h <:am Iron TI .. 11>1 """" S '~~nnOtl O.s or ,c i:urmano cc am-ClmT•g 11·~11 1 .. 8kwA J•; ,,_,c;.1coco
her board a nd president of ""'°" M1 10~ 11 \\ •~1f1\i• 1•i J u111" N .. ia • , C:aym.iln l ~I 2 tnl•!.I (p tl• t\\ 11.iln~ OtQ.ilft Air California. CnMIQ RI ,., 10 I.aloe VIII ,, •• 11·~ PtM Liit Co
lo11·cst-priced U.S.-buill ca r The l ntC'rnntiona 1· in its subcompact Cr<'mlin
. k h (eA VIPS I" ......... , &Co ,.,... i '\ , E:•P•tn llOTll Tl~ E indiC'tment Tic els for l e e\'ent may c.o .. 1,., o • '''• """~ lh tJ, o;1 SM1e cp
and the suit charged the be purC'hascd at 525 each by ~~ c'i!: l. ;:~ ~ i~ .~:: ,:~; ,...,:°:,~!.
co mpanies bc "an fixin" sendin" a check to Orange i:iw<>t co J"' J•,,Jo\l~ft M 11 111.Kl•i" a., .. <ii $2.798 -or s317 aboi·c the '.\larkcling ~\si.oc iation of 197~ \'ersion and St Ix-Joi\· Orange County 11•ill hold its
Che\'rOlet 's 1975 \'c ga . monthly luncheon mN?ting
Fol·d 's subcompact Pinto \\'cdncsdity at the Jolly
c:irrics a bas e pri cf' of Roger Inn. 6-10 \Vest Katclla in ,\nahcin1 beginning at ~-835· 11 :30 :1.m .
The r eC'::i ll of auto Luncheon fl'e is S3 .50 ror
11·orke r s rollo11·c d a n1cmbers and $5 .50 for
onc-11•eek shutdo\\'ll of truck guE·sts. J>Je:ise m.:ike rcscr ·
and car assembly lines. \'at ions by phoning the l~I :\
G~T . t he i;:iant of the :H 171-IJ635-616Q.
induslry. said 2.400 \\"Ol"k('rS \\'illiam D. L:lu('f . di rec.
•il Lordsto,\·n. Oh to. and tor of inlc rn:1tional compcn.
:?.soo,,·orkers at a Chcvrolc·t :..ation a nd (•mployi:e
trutk plan! at Flint. ~licli..' reloca!ion of the Fluor Cor-rcturned to \\"Ork .\l ond a.1· poration \1"ill discuss som('
<> to · <> ' O'lem Cp I I K.illwr St II'"' 11' relail prices of '~·omen's Count\" Chamber of Com·°" Bt 1r n l't s1 K••v.• c Jta Jb N.t.!>O Vol-101Nv '·'"·"°°" · 8 k r Owi\ !.1'1 ,, t' K• .... n c ~· ··~ _....,,, .. , ready·IO·\\·ear clothing by m erce ; 40 1 an o a-c.p;• 1t!.':I K1Mntk '"' 1o...r;""11s
adopting uniform mark-up America To"·c~. The £it:f; S;,f~8: :~ ~~ ~~~ ,;1, 1t"·~~ 1111
lists. beginning in the late One Cily IJ?ule\·ard \Vest; g:f"1v~l :l;:; ::~ ~~,.:~ f.'! 1~.,, Gainen and lo1en. 1960s and con t inui n g Orange,Cahf.92668.Checkso••• Ml Ke, o.,., 1 1v, GAIN~R~
ho Id b d bl •Ml .. JP, Ke"'l Fb 10~ 11 1\ 1 o\c!Yift M<!dl>cl 1'1• ""VP SJ.I through the present. s u e mac paya e toc1e,,.p1o. 10'" 11\·i Ktr c~1 1•,, 1 1s.:«1r11 o"'" ,,,,. ,~ u11 ~.s
The dere ,\,1 1,nts '\'ere the chamber c~v Tr1v l" • Kt~\t tn1 ''' 10'\ '""''CIO!< Co•P t .. ·~ vo ll.3 -· Oow Crp ' •'• KMS lllO lit l '• t 8"k1Stc LI .IS f'li + l~o VP Jl.J listed ~!S Sak ~~~ Co .. \\"hich Reser vations may be c-ub 1 1 Kn•~ v1 ''110>, i w~1M10 1v .Sid i·~· 1~ VI' 11.0 ,_ft 0 u II~~ K"Ulll Cp s·~ • 6 Peftnloll 011~ ,.,. • ll-16 VP IJ.t uses the Sn ks Fift h Avenue requested for table of 10. Coo;.ic u ,..., "' KOQtt P• .,. s•. 1 !Kip·~-Eqpt ,,,, ,,, VP n.1
d · · C · CDIW;'f" R• ''• J'• K•utQt• •'• 1\:. tT~e,,.no Eltct l"I• I'• VP 11 .1 t r:1d~ n;.i n1e, <1n , its \'ICC orporatlOtl!'i may sponsor a comm Ct 11 11 Ku"m El 11, 1 t •1-0c" .,1 J'"o• ,; Up 11 .•
P '
. "S ,· ·d e n t , B a r r i e 20-placc s tudent Lale at. a cm1 sn .. ;i ,. "'' t.ilC"=d $1 11 11o 10 •0NR1E ,_.,,.. .11t. '• up l'O.o .:... Cool NIGi Tl'Ho 111~ tlllCISt ••• s~~ II o;.mt:ll'ld .s<oh l • \~ Up 10.0
So mlne rfie ld ; Be rg dorf ~pc<:ial rate or SSO. Tickets ~;;"'~:CO '!·:. 'f!t ~=-~"" i;1~ :~~:i~~· sR:~~ 1!.o ! ~}-~:--18'.3-
f;oodm a n. l ne . and its include luncheon and all CPI•""' s s1., t•w1t• c 10·~ 11 u St" w,,.10 inc. .011+ "" VP 11.1 . . I . f th . r Con<\ Fc1 10'·~ II"' t •• , 6oy s• ••• 11 !.coiw tr>c:orp •• '• Up 11.S <''iec·ut1\·c \"IC(' pre:-.1<cnt. ~e s!'1o n s . ur er 1n or·eonnc;en 13•,i1i.~ Pl s·, )1,,.1w; tn1t•11all JI\•\'> Ull 11.t
L1' n n <1 rd 11 :1 n k i n . a l).d m:.ition m ay be obi ained by ~"~ ii~~ J~~~ tl!...0"';1', l:~ i~-. , 0;, S1111e c,,,p1.os1E~~. 1, Ott 11.1
c ~·n(•f.co,l nc.,of '.'\:1shviltl-. <·ailing the ch;1mberofficec0to~co 36'h lt''>lt1><11c1,1 1·~ 1:.1co,..,,tt1, 11.0 . •'· , 011 11.2 -(Ol~I UI • •• 'loet•I~ 16 ,~,. J l(r•I05 Inc l':. . '. 011 IJ] 1'('11 11 . \1·hi t h o perates <it (1 14 l 639·6·160 '"""n1 • •'•l0ftt 5ta• •'•.a• •Mtruyc; ... 11 i': '• Olt 110
11,~llil!.Y'IAL------l-I-(."hrysler :.a id ii f('l:;1lled of the monetary ;ind non H~i}{t-\\'"O'rk C'T !I i n,-t-n ,,-,m~-tt . '--0 "-I"""' 0 (-
De1ro1t area :ind across th(' reloratiT)g L' .S personnt'I
""'O\\'_J.l)"n ll.,,-_ ·--,--,.---;:;-----------·19'.Cra•~ Co t•, 10 lOl"QV l-b i Colobolrl< Cm~ t;, '• Oii II.I ~ t..UJ-~. ~-E-1 't Ol'-11.~---l·----j
'f h1• I' I 1· i 1 ,-, U 1 I \\ h I(' h c 5':~1 "f'r.1:1 I~', ,:,~ ~~'%,~0 1~,., '!v. ~ ~.c~rp.•Ob ~:: . :~ g:: rn:g
bordg r in \\' ind~or, (Jnt into fo1~\g_n 111 :-t rl\ ct ;i r\'ii::.
How to make your money
for every last cent it can ear11.
J\O.'" lO·C"f't ur to ft'"l:
in tf'rt'!'l \\'I: Ii out t~·1nir u p
,-our n1onP\". lc1·c!'t ns htll(' a~ $5.U<IO 11; ~hort.·I C'rn1
lfo\\. to in'"l'Sl for lonir·
tern1 )'.!T011'th \\'ith blue
(·h"1p :;tocks. If you can
~l'CU t'HI>'~. ;1!l 11H1l n rinA"in ------
tlH1 next I~ n1011th ~. ~n1nr
•--.+'---11·ait for J:l'O\\'\h-and
! (lon't n1l1id takinj(" :.i
:;t'.'.nsib!e dc)'.!"t'CC of risk-
thi~ (·oulrl hel11 to build
('apital for the future. Go\'t'fl\111£.>lll j!llar:intL'<'d.
t!O'\' t• • \!( t l;n\ t•rn111Pn l •
c:1111r:1n!i'o'rl lthllfll(' fn.'1111
111\•··l'll• n1 ~ 1n:1t11111n: 111
your weapon I Ho" to get up to s.;<:0 ;n
~ eu1Tcnt di\·idend s fro1n
11oJ.!.···l"•·ar-. n ..... ,11 -~ eon1n1011 !-tock~.,\ ch:oinel' 11 ~tr<.I \\"( 1rki11~ invcsttllClllS for '.·:1pit ~1l _J::"ro1~'lh. 1011. if J'n ·.1•111 \ I ,q,, 11111 1•, ;1 11,J
1,1111.), p.ii'1d ;1 ' 1 .. :•' '. f• h · ·d.. d ._ )'tJUn·1v11!1ni;:-tp!nkC'a
\1lf11111111\l l"I •'·1 lll"ll1. (Ir .II l:.:lrllC OlOncy i" bu:-.int>~,.man 's rbkto~etit.
,;,: l.11111 I ( < ·+ .")" I ll'H. I
111 'flo\1' toget 8'/( to ICKr in ·I l'C~ula r in<'on1c \\'ilh the llo1\\" \(l I.'"•'! ,;r;. 1•1 ~t; '"
I••, 111th 11\\!llh 11 .. 11 h .. nd-
1 •ll" fk ·opl.-11·1t h 1;1\;ihl1·
l1l<'i>ll\1' 11\·t·t'~~.i.•o(ho !"I ______..
.. 1 ··orf)Orat<· bond,. of i;o1ne ---4-_ of .-\n1criC'a's lenrlin~
lt con1 panir :r<. A v:u ·il'IY of yl":ir. 1111~ 1~ 111 .. , •i111\,,J, 111
,,f ~· 1 .. 1~ !" 11'1·111.
~1 11·,1nH 1ni 1n\1·-tn1• 111
abt i11t ~.-..0ll•l.
. '
l due dati's and C"on1pnni('s
\\• tochOO!!C from. i\linin111n1
Ii. invci;tn1ent: $1,000 or Jess. _.,,.
Mail to Merrill Lynch today!
St~ below for M~nill Lynch Dffice nearesl you.
I ,, . )'1~. I w11nl f') kn(l.,.. how I ran n11kl! 11\Y money fl~ht for ev~r)l \llit
trnt 11 r•n ·~~n Rueh mf' ,, ~Oil>" of your repor\, "CHOOSE \'OUR
\\ t;A I'();\, ll ~rd.work•nt 1n\'l'JI n1(:nll for hard-e1rnf.d mone»."
I II•.,.., I ~~~~~ ... ~-----~ ..
RuM'l"t• l'tif/11<.• I
I .... t ,)\•·----Zip I
~·l\'f' 11nn1• 111111 offkr 11tld1 tl• Cl( A t roun1
l 111
\1o'1 t1ll I 1n111 rt1>H>1T1•·r< f ·•·.1~.
I'. ~ .. I. ~ ,
Nf;\\'PORT J:t·· \Cl! 1·.01 Uirrh St .. CJlilorn1eD.'OOO, (il4l 5-10-8121
( I ,,
nan1ed onl,1 Ill (' three Ol_n,n_ute r D••tDrq s s•.Mld C.•~ 11'0 11> 'lllM!IP<:l,110 7 •,Olf •1 > f ,.., ¥ Ofla IO!I i•~ S~o Mel. illtty JO; 1 '10 Mich~~!~J .71 1'! •r Oll' •.I (·orPQr ;.ifion~ ~1:-. ue enclants. °"""" "'' 01, 1• Ml i.'~1 ,,,., 1S" 11 Mo .. •n O•o1 1~ 11,. '• or1 •.•
:lSk('d for a pc rn1 :1nenl Hikes To" Id ~f:~ f: ,:~: ]i:~ =~i;itFf1 1~i: 1l1 a ~~'!'0~!(o.'~ J.. :.~ g: ::; ini'un ction 1>rohihitin<> the °'"'; 1n11 1H lv, "'"''-Tw on IJ 1• 1.u.11 Mr11)11le 2'··-'• 011 l.l • h ' O..!u•~ ( 1tT:. J~ M ... , Kv ,, ,. u (ft¥1fOC!~noi In J •.• Oii-1.1 t h r e (' ro mp:inil'S fron1 Ana e1m -hascd Califor· o;.m o s 1•,, • Mt Cmtk JS'•l•~·.t1 M.i1; .... 1~_.,_ J ~··, ?.!-.!.·'
engap:ing in µri te fi xing or nia Compute r Products Inc. '
01her >rhr mos that l"iolaJe •nnounced an 8 percent in-1 MUTUAL.FU. NDS·. ,. antitrust h1\\"S. erease in lease pri ces, a 10
percent inerease in purt'h· TJI E C01'1P1\NI ES also ;ise priees and a n 8 pc rcenl ., ____ '!" __ ..., ____________ ,.
'"ere c harged \\'ilh inducing increase in maintenance
clothing mr1nufact11rers 10 rates for an end·user disk
use uniform priC(' li.-;ts as and tape memdry products,
their s ug gc'sted retail .l'ffective immedia tclyon all
pril'e.!.. new orders.
L. !ti. Boyd
No Rest Stops
On Queen Train
Recently told you tha t Queen \'ictoria or England
rcquirccl\.the coal on her pri\'ate train to be
\\'hitc\\·ashcd bcrorc she thought il rit fo r burning in
hf'r personal locomotive. NO\\' a client \\·rites: "She
also permitt('d but one res troom on the train and that
in her pri,·ate car. act essihle to herse lf a lone. The
train al.\rays ran nonstop. of co1Jrse. an~o c.re\\•man
\ras n uthor i1.ed to lcal'c hi s post aboard. D('ep
bitterness rcsu!t (•d."' It I~ a matter
of rPcord, 100. th:1t :11 s tate funC".'
lions. publi c :1p1lC arances, royal
IH111q11c1s, \1·h:1tc,·er. \1ir toria ,,·as
never seCn 10 look heh ind \\'hen s he
sat do\1·n. f\li gh1y s ure of hcrsf.'IL
thal queen.
Am asked \\'halsort of fis herman
nhvays carrie s a ti re iron. Thars
the fe llo'v \\•ho div<'S for abalone •..
01\E OUT of cvl'ry JO c hei,1·crs of
gum s ays tht> main purpose is to cut back on the
s moking . . IT'S :'<i"OT gcner all y understood that the
tY\~\\lriter \\"!JS indeed invented be fore the fountain
pen , .. Tiit: STARGAZERS contend il "s the Aries girl
,,·ho"s most 1\1\ely tn retain her youthful looks the
lon~es t . ··A Jt."DGf:,"sald l·l.L. l\lentkl'n, "is a law
studc.nt \1 ho m<irks his o~·n c.'.;an1ination pa1lCrs ...
O~F: Of' Tll F. rcJlula tion)) or th~ nld \V eli s t'arco
Comp:i n ~· s t ipula te that. firm \\'OUld nol take
rc!'ipons i hilit ~· for "any los:-. or damage hy fire. the acts
nf C.od or Indians or of any other publi<' enemies o! the
,sovcrn mf'nt.·
<) •.. \VhJ t"s lhl' mnst comn1on fault among golrcrs?·•
,\, "Thi• ovrrs1\'in J?," $i3:'f'S Arnold Palmer. t:ven
th1)ugh :1 controllC'd :-.wini; may get you no n1orc than
200 yards. he s a ys\ il \\'ill keep the ball in p!Ry nine
tin1es out of 10 or better. and that's what makes (or a
dt>c<:nt score . KC!l'l p that in mind.
-C• IC.t6 10.16~· P Gwtn 6.U 1.10 Vii.II f 1..111 6.11 ti E t.n •.11 ...,,,., F"d 11.oa u .oo Yor.ilQ •.ll '·'' REYl'VS GRP "''" ll,0 1l,ll Reiff¥ F 1.00 1.00 D>r. °ltt l,t• t.H JOllN Nit.NCOCll : Re"''' F •.01 t.ll E111y Fd l.Oll J.1'11 Snd I'd !lkll U.:M Soaltt Eq S.11 S,6S Or'j'l Lv t.16 10.11 °'"'"' 1.11 f.St S.Oltco G l.tcl •.l• Ory! tA 10.01 ... SIQIW1 S.1'1 6.2'1 KUOOIER F05: Ml<td~J • !Ip 111<.m s.•I 1.s•1KIEYSTOH1E : "'" In~ 9.ts •. 6S Otlolltr 1. 1t1t :i.o c~nt ~.u 1.0. c...11 81 16,1111.11 El"'•nc. 10 ... 10.1• 9i. AWt El E MU 1.JS 1.,S C.nt 6, IS.U 11.SO CD<fo ~-111~•.•··t •dm Gw Ju l.1) E•Qlt Gt s.n ~.II CUii 5' •. s. I.II S,..•I s.n IS.11
.lam Int 1.'6 J.U EA10tt & '~I Kl l.IO S.tl Stoel t l-"' J.11 ~ Ins •·" 1.J'I WAJIO: (Ult K1 l.16 J.11'.) SIE(VRlfT f05: Mv•w• J,IO J.n Mn ftt 6.J:I •.fl CUii i.1 n.u IJ.ll EQuoly J.ll J.•• ""'"" ,, I.IS S.10 Gwin " s.n 6.lS Cull !.f •.OI •.• ! lnV't\1 t.U t.91 ""'"" In 10.1• II.II 11'11.fm' .... S.01 c ... 1 Sl I.JI' •. ., vu ... r •.tl •·M lltuturt •-H '·" Soec.U r I 11 1.11 (II!.! S4 1.01 1.10 SELECTED FOS : ACE Fd l.tl l.U Sit-fd t.SS 1." ~lo f.SI 1.IS ""' Slit t.9S •.tS ,lolll.Ule ._., •. 'IO£D!£ Sp 11.1111 .n "°''" 1.M 1.1' °"'I'd s.,I !..Sl ~p': t~ l.~s~f.~ ~1 !:~~ •:~~::_i<,~G.n !:~tit ~1~1'1 ::~, :::~
Am 0.,..~ S./, ,,lJLMf!;y l.Jt l.Jt l.f'>crmtk I.I! !.1eSen1ry F t.h 'l.6l Am EetlY i.tt l.SO ...... d s 10 s.•• 0 EOit 10.lS n.01 SNAlllEHLD GJIP : AM IEKPRE$$ Im S,,.t s.~• S.6•lEl "GJIOV': CD<fo\I 1.st FVHOS: feO 1111, SOI ... (p tedr •.fl tit.SJ En1•P< ],1S .,. CIP!il 1.M '·" Ft0£Ll fV Co<wth •.n •.SO ftel Fd 111> ·-· 1nr.om 6.S? 1.13 llOVP: Re\Hll t.2'10.IS Hlll>r 6.IH •.• l"•~tm S.I~ 6.11 8nd ~II l.J6llfoe ln hr t.11 t.t9 lt'J<ll L •.J) •••
[,pf(! •.10 t.fl (.ipl.ill 1.3' ·rw. C.op f.ot •.ti Pett Fo S.Ool •.• Sloe• t.6l S.O. (.on!•.il 00M1S SHEAJl!>ON f05: Am Crtn J.f? l.lt Cv s~ TLES: ...,,.,.., 17.16 IJ.tl Mn lh\On J.1a J.11 On1 (.ID ov 1.U 1.U lncom l•.1t IS.61 Am"lft"!ol l.11 l .11 1:.-. Mu!tial 9.f? 9.•l '" ..... 1 '·" 1.1• Am Mui $ ... 6.SI Evtri.t 110 Al•: ~ O...iln t.61 '-•I .. mNt G• 1,60 1.1' """° A!lllat I.II S.11 Si~ f"O 6.JI •.'1 AH(MOlll Pl>f'1ln Am ~ 1.U J.•S SIGMA FVNOS: GROUP: S.it:!'n F 7 . .0 1 ... end oeto '·" t.ll (.ilp Slit 111 f.U
C..Wll! • JI '·"" lrt'fld n.•I u.n \lfNER,.N •RO: l!W 6.~ '·"" 1n1om s.s&-1.11 FIJOllH(IAl °'"" Fd 1.n '·" ft\! ~-"' 6.}4 Rt"'•¥ 1g 1111.lS PJIOGJIAM5 : 8.o Int •1.6• • . .a 'ft<lt... •.ll •.•s Solttl• J,9) J 11 fm 0-,,,, 1 SI 8'o US f.tJ ID,t) ~.t~ 6 •.ll 61'? f'fld l!W •If S It r-111 tnd 1.60 $$ (0: SB l&c,.r I.SS I.!! W~ N1!1 1,1) 1.11 Fin In<. •.•t Freem SIS 6.19 GtnF I.IS 9.Sl Al.<t;l.I, F •.• '·'' V£nl 2.U ?.ti lfldp f s.n S.ll !.w•I In• •.IS s.1• I.XE l\lfd Va 6.'1 1,5'6 MIU I' I.II I.I! Sw Inv G l.:M l •I lfOVGMfC)N : F111$t MASS FHCL : So¥•'" 1 . .0 I ll
fund A l.r.I 4.0l lNVEStOAS: MIT /.)6 IOf~U•.1 1.10 1.10 •-•••~-N~u••• ••••-~u••'' !.Iott f.!1 f.tJ C,,111 Fd 1.fS t.19 'MIO t.tl 10.11 StAt E IND GR P: ""' S<i JI) l.11 ln<Om 6.00 •. Sii MFD 1.M I.JI (0"' Fd 1.1' l.or llLC C.111 6.S3 1.U !.toe• F S.J~ S.19 MCO t.Oto t.'IO 0•¥1!\ll l.1'1 l.& 8aD'JOn 6 ... 6.16 t~t Mu!U 6.ft 6.49 Mooi.is tv 1.U l.?J Pr09''1 1.66 J.'I S.O~rCK. t,)S t.11 Flrn &er 6.11 ... Ill" 6,'lt •.U SI Fr Cit" 1.•I 1 ... Siyrt 9r J.11 l ... FOJllJM GROUP: MIO Am l.ll l.61 ~I fr lnc 6.SJ I.It S..il<nHI •.01 •.01 Kiii flld '·•• ... v M 100 1.00 !flt Sir ?l,J111.61 8'.il<Ol'I ·l.&1 6.13 101 fllll I.IS ... ,.COr1y Fd 6.H 6.1' $fEAOMl.H f0$: 8t...,,, 2.JI 2..o1 ~-6,)6 I Id t .S 1.61 it.m 11111 t.10 1.19 ilonmtk l.JI J.U JS ''lfld 4.11 ... ! Br!G S.11 6 ll A\'oO FO .'I• ... Soi.! fdfl 6.'8 l.lO FOft Gt l.11 J,S8 If fd S.U I.Gt ifl¥1!SI ,'IQ .'lO e.-· 1.n l.'tt FOUIOIOIEJl5 MIF C..11 J.:ll 1.S1 Ott.., S ... !.tt, 8'"""' I.JI I.JI VP : 91 J.11 l.11 STEIN ROE FOS: CA'-YTH fUNOi : c;.,wlh ].St l.t'J MuOm '" I.II 1.U 8.tlilnC. n.tl 1'.•t 8'111 fd I.SI t.l& llll:om l.t.I •.II Slot,, lt.11 U,14 (lpoll )."ll S.H. ~ Ft 1.14 t.01 F Mturl S.'10 •.ti II "' 1.19 l.•t SIO<:k 1.,1 1.11 ();¥ Snr 1. IJ !.lo! F Spetol I.JI •.Cll l!IOu •. II 6.tl IS 6JIOV,.: ~\'Mt t.11 1.•1 F°"'14 F S.11 }.1• iltT SIEC fDS: en.in .ii.GO 1.lt NY Ytll I.II l.U FJIAHKLIN Boll.me S.91 6.fl lnton\ S.t( 6.Si cc. Fund 6.19 •.• , ROV"' 9oM ~· J,1• •.n ""1tn;I s ... S.K c:c. ln'F &.A? I.JI ONT( •.6J S.Ol Dlvton t u 2.11 fet~n1 .0.:Jt t.11
(<Ill P11v 9)8/ GW!ll Sr •.1s 1.66 Pre! SI• •.i.J •.•s 'If~ F S.IS 6.:Jt g:: sr.:v t~ ~jj C~~~ ::~: til ~~T!>r ~:n ~:?t l~c..~ t·ll ::~ ~n~~~:No ~!:I~ i:~ t~ mNG t~': '·°' ;:: E~ t~ ~·~: 11.""f .tit .'4 RtEq\y 1.1\ 1.'KI Eq.,;ry IO.l<!ll.1'11tt!ICG 1,11 1:11 l.illntd 1.01 l.ltf~I UE41 6.11 1.lJ c.. .. 111 ''Kl 6.41 Cl 1t:J 310 : 11nc1 ~d 1.11 I.It ro Ml. o0 s.11 .s.61 IMCIO'll 11.r. u.'!l ·11t0 s;u s'1s . Eqly C,, l.'1 S.1. l'U'NOS INCP r.ldt tll 111.11 IUftd S.U l:u , tqly Pi' t.IJ I.It GROVP r N!'.:,lo Mt S.11 .S.12 llftlOH StJIVICE
fnd l.m •.i. S,11 Comff\ S.tl t.11 u Ct n! J.11 ... JIOUP: ~I" !:ll !:ti ~f'· ~11 t~ N.w11E.~ ,!:il,f~ ~1~ tll !:~
'!.pftt 1.a. 1.16 ~ .. ! l.11 J.tot~ .. wro 1,st 1.)11 Of'! 1" •st10.11
'Vt<lt... '·'' •.'IGtS· p 11.0t .. ,NiCl!lii ., ... l.HUIOTEO iu1to's · OWr\ I'd .,.U•l.:M 1'-c t.61 4,61 Ne!ol 1¥1• lf.JI 11.:No A<cum I.IS •.si CHASE Ill f:"Am J,lf l.•~ 1.11 •. J enoiJP 1.ll •.•• 90SfDN: t.irll! lflll II.SI 11-11 Kttl Id 10.IO 10.olO COl'll QW' \,t) 6 •t Ffld lie\ '10 l,t? Cio.t ,O 11.1, 1',~ W!H 10.11 10,J (Of'lf I t.61 1:11 'f:"fflfl Cp J.00 l.ll HAMllTOH GllP: P"EHHM ,0; !flt 1.11 1.t6 M••g~--~-N~~--~ ~I J.10 •.O• c;.,wth 3.~ l ,l)I Oii F,,., 1,ll t.11 Vll!>Qd l.JI l,Si Cntm rd 6.IJ 6.IG lntom ·•.12 •.t i Motly 8 t.6' 10.01 d SvcF t ,JJ 4 3J CHA MHG FOS ; mrl Giii t..ll 6./J 1iOM F 3,1, Ml I Gii .S.11 1:u "l•llt'IV :I.OS ,,,J..-.•• l.w !.11 ).11 TC Ste I.IQ •:llV •Fl rvHOSf M.tnl'll 1,0J J.t! l .4' ...... ,Mn! t.lt S.t ,._. F 1.4 2 11 XM F t .\O 4.ll l'tt•!ot .IO ... P"" Rev f.11 f,)I NI F"" 6.U .:10 · 5.tnu !>(> t.11 •.tei "°'"'' "·" n.u Pl}IM ~ 111 II > tom~'-1.n '•• CDLOH!ll,. lmpol CO 1.:ll t.tl ptm Ml 1.,1 1.1 YI.LUE llHIE FO°s-fUll05 : Imp & \.11 1.6& ....... ~ t. t t I v.i lM l.lt 41' • (Ol'l"'r 1,U 111 Irie Am 10,1111 SS f'MWI Fil t.ll I, Vat Inc. J.I\ ~:u 'l11>U1l1 1,11 l.tl llK 8&11 t.tl I ·~"'*"• L •.lt& I.It l.tw c.!11 l. .. t..lol : r..no 1.SI •• 2f Ind fAm l.JJ .. PILGRIM QP: Vat 5oc. l,'6 2.U • Grwfl'I J,IJ l.h lft»ooft t OJ • )I PH I rm I.... ·', '!'11.N(( lfW.onl l.M 1.1' In 1.,._,1 IS.SO le ... C..lat I ... J.11 it.HOERS!
1\SOTllF:R Chinf'Sf' proverb goes: "Jr a m an
rcC'c:h·(·s no .c ucst ~ at horn!?, he'll meet h?w hosts
abro<1d." Erribrnldcr thal on your nest sa mple r. my
"""lur I.~ 1." l"vtrn (; t '1 l,tl' ffW.-IMI I.I ln,..s• 1'16 S,ll -..C..-C.-lrl'I I.II Co A 11 ... -+,tt -Pl'9 F~.lt-1, ·<n too!'l-•"1"r-.t~ CDMMOHWLTM lft~ Guot •.f6 I I& PIN.... I.)! l.lJ ~ll 1,19 ··~
(if.Sf.Ill ~ l\ll Al\·s real nam(' \\la !I Tcmu.iin
1nl.'nning irn11sn1ilh
Tit F. ~o~~ 01 \\ nn1 n ~ril~nli\ts !Ui<:v.•lsc t~nd to
brrhml· ~r 1 l•n t1s l i. Ru t lhc clau~hlc r:<1 nf 1\·omc'n
scientist1-:dn1r1~t rnvari ubl~· J::n into rliffertnt r urcer.;.
Or !'Ou rl't f'nl .~1u1t.\· -.hf11\I'\ Ca n rnu C!l>plain Iha!?
1r·s .\ s 1l'i1r1.t: n1c(liroi 1 r:ic1
lh<lt'I ~I S CrO\\" HJl knock kncM.
Lhnl fa r n1orr ~I ris
tJIVSY; 1nv tllll•t 1.,, ... Plfl l•t hi I•! Yn.dtblt t n 1.11 A .. e .Pl ,ft I~· Boo, 1.30 '·" PIOHEEll FO: Von! "'ICI 1,91 <'. 1.04 l.11 1NV1!ST PiOI'! f g 1.n t.•t V••l('d ! 11• t".)4 Como qr l.lt l.'1 COVNSll PoOM " I 10 /,/~ v.1n1 (;t l Ml ) . .0
C.Omri Cp ~.JI J.•l !!N>I"' '·'l t.•~ l'l.imd I.GI I.It W~l!!ot Qf f,01 •·1· C0mP BO I.SJ I.It 11111 I~ I.ti 2.1! PLI C.flO t7t t.0\ ~VI MU 1.16 t , S c-I'll , .. ,.'fl """ sn l.11 1.•I f'LI ltft •II I ... Wtln<i itO 6 1! •. , C-•d 6 II I 11 IHVl!Sf OROUP: 'lll•t• ROWl j· Wl!Ll.INGTOH
(On\ l!W 1...11 I IS IOS c.tn l '9 .. Ci!''"!JI 11 I.II GM)!),.; Crl\lrl 0"' l ti J II IM 'lO l.O~ t if Ill<._,, t °' t 01 l>llior 13 OJ U,tl COr>MI lft \ll )~ 10\PI' 1.11 ;n t4w l•4 I.Oii I 1 .. ,, I ll ~n
COftlrr c 1.1• .. ,, ""'!WI ''' I DI """ "°~ 'tl • •1 u.:..:r '·" ,:., C*l'I O.!I •.II LI'> .... Kl 1j *IJO'l "'O ~'ll fOI t hy\ ... 11' C-..fl Oiv t Ol t t0 S...IH,I t.OJ I W Provd GI S 16 ):16 ...... 1\1? 9:,1 10)~ °''~ '·" !I •~"" ,.., • n , /1 "'"" "" 1.11 •-~ wtt"" '·~ 1.211 0..v I " f ,..... II•\ ~.01 t.i ) PUfJllM W'ilmn I 11 •.n OELA lltl i t: 'UH Ci: W1....,f S 11 'M G«Ov,.: C.w111 J'' •JJ t o"-..' ,., l.•t~ Ind '·" 1:u "' .. ··1 11' IO'I ·~.... .t it 3,U £~h r)t •. ti w..ito""' ~,.\.Ill.
>• ,.t) l,Jt lt\\ VI J.W. ••• C...cwq •1}101 WIK-. ,_., ,_..,,.. II~ '' l.Ol f•\I !ifl II.Ill U I? Corwlll • 14 l l111.f!:r l.i) t.<.iai l \INJh l1.1J f1.11 \It!1'10 U.1411.11 In(-~·tt ,~/l""fl~. ~
ftl U J,,. l .B IV'f .. Vl'd 4.lt •.II tll'lti;I \.l , I W!ll•.ol~, •
" " " I
" "
" ~
" It ,,
' ti
n s
f' ,,
"' "' S<
7 t.
"' ('·
I" I)
I" ,,.
•IJ :n ..
F .,,.
4-wheel Drive 'In'
Chrysler Sees Upsurge in Truck Sales
01 1~• 0•11~ Polot!UU
'fhe sale of four wheel
drive \chicles should ac-
count for more than 20 per
cent of the light duty truck
market by l!l80, according
to Robert Loomis general
manager of truck sales,
Chrysler Corporation
1he 1ncreas 1ng popularity
or these vehicles will cause
"--.amarket in crease to 675,000
units by the e nd or the
decade, Loomis said The
higher capacl •l units, those
1n the 6,000 to 10,000 pound
gross \chicle category, w1tl
shov• the grei.ltcsl pc1cc n
luge increase
llF. 8 \SE D 111 s ro1crast
on the \ c1 so l tlit' offe 1cd bv
four \\het•I d111 L' 11tr soual
use of thtsc \l hiclcs r,1thcr
lh i.!_ll JU:il CO!ll llle.J C.ia l ap
phcat1on, .111d :.i t1 ~nd by
buvc1s lo 11u1 chase these
units as pct~scnge r car sub
' \V e VC
see n the
four ''heel 1---drrrc-:re g-..
mC'nt gro~ o m
000 r ' I 1 0
u n 1 t s 1 n
196i to .111
ant1r11>at ed
cal cn da1
year sale or 405 ooo vehi cles
1n 1974," Loomis said
' The purchase of four
\\heel drives by U S con
sumers accounts for almost
85 percent or the 550,000
units sold \VOrld wide
duri ng the 1974 model
year," he noted
LOOJ\-llS ALSO reviewed
the industry trend lov•a rd a
prefe rence for full·t1me
four \vheel drive syste ms.
O\et the convent1onal 4\\ID
\Vllh lock ing hubs
This s}slem elim1n:.ite~
the nccJ for ,1 dt1 \cr to
Jca\c the veh icle lo lock or
unlock the front hubs, '
Loom is said
!'pr example, a ll Dod~e
W series Po\ve r \Vagon
pickup models for 1975 are
equipped with Chr}sler s
full time, four wheC'I dr1\~
system as standard equip·
Gear D1v1s~on p1ongc1 eel the
development and procluc·
lion of this s vstcm The
Ch rysler built transfer case
was used on alntost 70 per.
cent of all full t1m<' four
\vhce l d"r1 ve vehicles
produced during th e 1975
model ~ea 1 The Chr}'slet
unit 1s offe red by Chevrolet,
G~lC, Ford and Dodge • COST 1\ 1\1 ESA 'S I lat bor
Doule1,;ard of Cars dealer
assoc1at1on has e lected nev.
officers for 1975 and sclec
led Theodore Robins. Jr of
Robins Ford as prcsulcnl
Also e lected to ne'v terms
v.ere Di ck Johnson, J ohnson
&"Son Lincoln ?ifcrcury,
'1ce·pres 1denl and Dick
Nabers, N<1bc rs Cadillac as
secretary lre;,isurcr Pur
pose of the ,1ssoc1ation I~ lo
promote de alers :inll the
City •
C II It VS I. I' It C.: fl It
POR\111)\ h1 sn1t 1 ~t·dlhc
Ch1ysli.11 Pl ymout h ch v 1~1011
and Dodge dL\ is1on into its
ne'v US Auton1ot1\c !')'nlcs
ch v1s1on
'!'he l \\O dea le r g'IOUPS
\\tll rcn1.11n ... cp;.11ate .ind
truck and sc r\ t ee
opciat1ons a te unaffected
Advert1s1ng, d1 str1but1on
and sales promotion \\Cf<'
tra1rzed1 n-i9tt-nnct::il!'io
Air Cal Seeking
Ge ne r a l
managct of
the n e\i•
d1v 1s1o n 1s
H. D /\l e
L:.iug hlin
OC\\ Jy c lcc
led ctJr
PC)] ate vice
McLAUGNllN pres ident
Flights at Tahoe
He "111 be responsible for
all r ar sale act1v1t1C's of all
Dod ge a nd Ch rysle r
Hc1>01 t1n g to ~r cL::iughhn
\\Jll b(• r I~ ll.1 zt•l1 oth l\hll Six \\es lcrn co n1mut<'1
<11thnl s 1nclud1ng \11
C.11tforn1 1 of \c\1po 1t
Jlt';ich -.11 c JOtkt'} 1ng fo1
state ;,ippro\ al lo scr\C
South Lake I ;,ihoc
llC'ar111g s Qn t he C<1111crs'
• 1pp!1(';il1ons fo1 the <:cr,1ce
continue ;it I ake 1 .ihoc
toda\ befo1c tht• (,1h forn1:.i
l'ubh c L t1llt1c s Co1nn11s
s1on lt1s cx1>e{le<tto1tntkr
a 1tcc1 s 1on on the ,1p
phc,1 t1011~l',lll\ lll:\l\C ll
\CCOH OI\£. T() a starr
1epo1t tn the ron1n11,~1on,
the lSSllC IS \\lll !ht l 1\tt
( .<h fo1111,1 Ot \I <'"1< 111 f'flrll
111 ult1 I' 1eit 1c :-!011th\\lsl
\11 hnc-; ... 11011111 ht• .111 11dr rl
t IOU1l CCt\1f1(' Il l 11\J 1hc
.S0u!h11kt 1 ,Lh0l ..,11\!ll
l hL' pnpul11 .. i..1 1t..,01 t
and .1cton1n101:l.1t 1ons' l'l'tl·
1Ct fn1 j!.1n1bk1~ 11l .llhni.:
f tlJ St.llt llnc JU "t 111 ... Ldt:
~t'\,lfl I tlflll I'< ~t:l\t'cl bv
llohcl.L\ 1\11hnt " 'fht: PL C
SI 1ff 1C'plltl s,1 1d that
<lcrnand has .L!I 011 n to the
1x1111l \\ hc11 t \1 o .111 lint's .11 c
11rtdtd to"<''' t' 1 he n1 ('.I
'I ht• st.1 ff J t JlfH I tontrn
ded th !1 t•1tht'I \11 C1l1fnt ·
111.1 or !'~A t on ic! St'T\C' the
S.1n I 1 ;Jt1t'l'<C0 S11t1lh I ikl·
1 .1hoe 10111<' but th.it nnl\
T'SA h 1d ~11ff1 c11•nt {.1p 1r1I\
tn h 11ulh• lhgh1 ll nr 1).!1n:it1ng
ltl Sotl1 hl I 11 l\l] I f1l11l l.l
IOH ·r11\r 1t•1 ... n11. lhc
('t111lllll~S1Cl1l h IS It 4 il111 111t 11
tied ps \ ht t t • l1 Ft<. d fo1 t hi.)
South t .. 1k<' I 1h1i<• 1 r>11f(I
'l'hP st llf 1lll n supp111ff'fl
I'S,\~ ]11111 111 USl' 11ot111$t
7:!7 Jlt ilt'l\1 (1(.' Q\C'I \11
( ,11Lfo1111.1 .., p111po1;,J1 f(ll
l.Ockhl•('tl 1.lt•t \11 !lit ·
f ~fjl t•1 1ck J)l\t,., i\tt
{',1hfo1111 1 ~ 111,11I.r t111i:: \ 1rl'
Jll t'"iclrnl ,11111 '' ., \ 111
IJ1ud11·eh l . 1 'tr1111'C' \IC•
111'1'itHl1•nt :ind t11'.L'<Utl'!
t!' .. t1!1rct on lhl• cnn111,1n\ !Ill
~111plu .111nn I 1-:1 \\ • (•k I ht•\
,lit' i''lll'Clt'tt 111 lt•..,llf\ ltl
::;u b~i·qut·nt h1 ,111n ~,. tlu"4
°"~f'l'\,: Ill I .1k1• f.1hnt• Ill
Noti•n1h\•1 1\ I "" ,\n_i:11h "
~ind 111 lllCl'lllht'I .1( !"Ill
llORl'RT ·11uhH1~ .1rr.111:-t
111 111.1~1·1 f111
the :\('1tpo1t Beach based
1;i1r1e1 sai d fo i ec.1 st~
p1ed1tl that 26 000 IX'r::;on:<>
\\Ould fl\ f1 om 01anj..(c
Counf\ to !S!'lulh L,1ke 1 ahCK.'
Ill \Ill'\ t'l sa 'I h.1t \\Oll lrl
h11ng 1n S720 000 during lht•
f1 rst \car of ope rat 1011 h:1sed
on .1 S29 f;i rc -about Sl :ii
lt2s~ th.in the fate to Las
\ cgas
Ol ht,1 f':i.1 1 tcrs that hJ.\C
:i.pphed fo r the South L.1kc
T :i.hoc r o ute :ire t\1r
l'\c\ ~da, lloll d:iy ,\1rhnt:s,
\l:i.1111 A\1:.illon and Rain
1\1i l1nrs
IJCl'll 11 • n1cd
sale~ n1.111 ,1 gc i
di\ 1~1011
J.,:C llt'I I[
1)f I ht
Firnt Mo\1es
llo}le En g1nC'cr1n~ Co1p
has 1110\ccl their co1 por.1lc
stnfr into nc \v facd1t1es .l!
1501 Qu :lll St reet Nr 1vpo1 !
Beach The corpgulc staff
"as forn1crly hctuscd 111
lca ~cd fac1t1t1es 111 11 vine
Accountants Hear
Lecture in A1iaheim
Rnhctt ll .1lf t <'1l1f 1cd
public .1ccount.1nl .1nd hr.id
of Rnl>c1t II 1[f Personnel
Inc s1nrc I!l.JS
\Viii speak o n "Accounting
En1 c 1 g 1n j!
1\gc nrtes
Firm Now
In Newport
Pi11f c<:s10 11' .t~ lhl'
\\'~tlnc~1l.1y llll'l'llng nf lhe
Or.1 ngc Countv rh 1plcr -
N.111011.1\ A ~soc 1,1L1011 of
Acco untant s a t th e
D1sne\ land I foll' I
James !\1 Vanelli
~oc10 cconom1c ch rector of
N •\ \. s 1 , s 1 r , 1 r 1 s .1
g r:idu;lte of Ne\1• 'York
l "n1\cr<:1t} •• 1 n1 cml)('r of
,\n11•r1r.111 l n s !l\\J l l' of
C C I t I f I f' d I' LI b It C
i\rco11nt :i 111 s i\ \ \ 111d
1'\,\!IOl't.t! ~:111 pll'l\nlf'll l
1\<:'0flC I lt I Oil
!IC' ts ll'<l td 111 \\ho s
l "nl htane f'hLsC ,'I.:_ \\IH1 111 1'111 ,111 t 1• 111d
l~otnp,111 \ 111 r sou1hl•111 l ndu ~\1 \ tnd Iii ul .., .1
( ,1 1 1 t 0 n 1 1 • h 11s 1' rt ~1 ott1r1 r h 1111 r1r pt 1 .. 01111( I
,Jd\c1 ti s 1n ~. publi c .1~1t1 (1t s In tl1i' l.'1 111~r1
l l'[,1 11011 ~ .1111! 1n.11kel111 g St 1lt s. C 1n .1d 1 .1nrt
f111n . h .1:s n1ovlcl 1!s l-ngl.1n d
ht•.1 1lqu 11 lc 1 s f1on1 No ho s t <nck t .1 11 ho1n
l'ulll'tlon to NC\\()O lt hrg111s .1t 5 10 p rn \\1 lh
t't nil 1 1h11nc1 ~<'I' r <I 1\ 7 10 l'or
lt'"('I\ 1tinn ~ nr ft11 lhrr In 11 s nr\\ loc.11ion on the 1nf111111,1t11>11 t'n11t .1ll II 11 old
tnth floor nl 6110 NC\1 po1l Jo'ngel .1l (71 1\ 8:11, :12..!h
((•ntr1 L111\c 1n Nr\\port.'o-------------
Bt•,tch the lOn1p,1n' s
IJl f'\Clll np(•i .1t 1011 s
c n c1 1111p .1~s n\l'r ti 30!1
<:.q1u11 t• f,•et \\ 11 h opt101t.,. on
.111 .Hlllil1 nn .1I 7 oou "qu111•
fee t 11r nfllC't' sp,lrt•
t'Ol h1 Ill{' ("h,l .. l' .~
Con1p,1n\ h.1-. 111rtt',1"t(I
f1on1 f;' In 1..! P\ ! "(Ol\li (llll 111J.!
\ht•\(' 11 fj I!\ I ft1\I S('t\ l(t'
ron1rnu111ru11nn -. t11n1
~l'l\ltl )!' .20 ll ,t l UH1 ti ,1nt1
111lt•111,1 I1011.1 I clll'llls.
111 • ... 11'\ '" lull 01v1n1 -.rY. -. ..
.Mn""l""l"''CH""''"'Mllnlll r l IAlll!u< , ,.,,. 1111 PA a !'"" •""' lo l l'l•n~M
"".W<ii ...... ,.l~d """''""' 1111 fl<'CIA!f I Qt"'"'"..,, .... IOI!\ ¥<Al "0 t<-l)u! ... •~I<
!el '"'n "'"' 111>1 ' IQ! Annu•l •Ah 1~"' 1!11C' n•vl(Wl'<I 11>1 (I• O I/lo\"" <Al• t
rJ.,<ll"!ll'fT'•l\f'<I hi fl•• C~tt n>1<1'•
""'" tn 1QU I•! /\"f ""l "'>I•• Pot!! t"ltrl IQ!i/lll .. n••YPhr•~<'""'"'llOO
frot1An IA!•&!< !• I < 01ut Al {I '" llu!o""'
l•I ~· l<vl<l<-n<\ l.,, ~ ,.n,n 1 "'"' 1"1) .. -",'"I' r " •Ail(! In" 11nc• Ill A .. ,,.. Al A
""1lhnte "' llN •n ... ~ r••non11•.,..,1•""'ll•
!llv amo """ ''"'"'' 11 "'"'llh 1 ~'"'"~' hQllr• (AIO 1111 \•lG I>' •<I
Closing Prices
Oelobef 1974 OAtlYPILOT
"" 't ,Im) OM
I I ---
• t \fodo °""
•' " I" " I".,,_,,
' ' I, ... I 1 I
I I~ / P
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T••l r, 1 ru • 1JI IH• • • f.t_,.f, I 16 ) IU ll • ._
r~'-"'' 10 h1 tG I 11 •, r~· ''f I•> 211 t 1 •1'•
looA>lllU1 ~JI I~••~
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f1'0IJOOttlQ 61 I
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Uo,\( '""~ I St oi .. • UM!Tt \I •• ,,,
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UO I .).olt•ll M J >-<o u..c-c .... II! • ,,. Jt •• ' ..
UflOIC1111 l 1 •O l • u~1>4<'ll<l 1US•'•• • lJP«<~•I I Ylll<•~• lJflOOOO!~ 10 O ,1 71• * h
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Un l•O<l~ Cll ' 11 ''-'" ' IJ~•At .. } 1 11 1o
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U'>< •f-E ~ ' II• • , • U LF!n< ""If, < ~ • •
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Big Hit
Welby Episode Sch .edttled to Go On MESA VERDE
By JAY SllARUUTT fearing 1hc reaction o r mental illness. marriage. a crurmtier sex ti~ · GEMERAL MEETING
NE \V YORK (AP ) -Unless classma tes if \\'Ord gets out. AS 111E OOP puts it, or both ... Technically, we call ELECTION OF OFFICERS
ARC 1nakes 8 last-minute The boy later ls hospitalized "There's nothing hornQ.oiexual mohiml••staor.'~ophile, a child WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 1 7:30 P.M.
chunge, a "liiarcus \VelbY" and surgery is req uired. about this. It's a case of "" OOL Police are called in. The violent child molestation.'' He All is resolved in due COln'5e ADAMS SCH episode sharpl y criticized by .1 • he ho · uetf'("t1ve on the case and the says I person w COmJl\lts \.\.'ith a cop-out finale and the Dr. JoM w. HicoU, s,.H"lftf•Mltnt homosexual groups and re-ood ch · II · B i: doctor rtpeateclly mnkc su cr1f'1?5 usua y 1s .. a guy usual kindly Welby blather. s~ on "SCHOOL TAX"
jcctcd by at least four A C the point ABC offers in with severe mental and en» It's a show you can afford
affiliates goes on the air defense of the show -that tionnl problems." to miss, unless you 're really CANDIDATES FOi STATE ASSEMILYMEM
Top 1 cs s bars n111y be ' old
hut' in C11liromia. bul bare-t
chesled young "'on1en are
c3us!ng quit e a slir in this
small northern India na co1n-
toniJ::ht as scheduled. IChr;n-homosexuality isn't involved, "He's often m ar r i,e d , curious or a hard-core bla ther HA VE IEEM IMVITED nel 7, 10 p.rn.). and only a Corm of seve re middle-aged , with a crummy tan L_ _____ .;_.;.;:..:.::.;_.;_~.;_ ____ __,
Entitled "The Outrage," it'i-----------------------------------------------
Donuld Schultz. 31. is the
o wn c;.. 1n 11 n a g t> r of the
Brasst>ric, a restunrant·lavcm
on the outskirts of •he c:il.\'.
llE llAS BEEN in business
·· abotJt !hrl'e years and started Ul"I T1t.p11ot1
the top 1 es s ··experiment" .~frieketa
about a mont h ago. •
r\ot long ahern•ard . ~hl' Terence Ca rd i n a l
Rochcstt•r Sentinl'I ,,.,. as Cooke, archbishop of
swamped "'ith letters ro-New York, has con·
testing the topless dancing. tracted malaria foUow-
Schultz thi nks Roch.es ter is ing recent trip to \\lest
the srnallcst comn1un1ty ever . . . to 1ry 1his t)'pc Or en· Africa to v1s1t drought-
tertain1nen1. stricken sutrSahar·a re-
fJ\'C nights :1 \VCC:k, t1vo gion.
girls provided by an 'In-~-------
dianapolis :1gcnt dance topless
fron1 -I p.1n. to 2 :a.m. \V ith
• a lwo-hour break for supper.
reason for the supper break
is si mp!e.
"\\'e like to let the men
go home for di nner and come
back -otherwise. they might
oot go home at all," he says.
Bob Hope
Goes .i\11ead
On Ho1~se
is about the sexual assault
on a teen-age boy by his male
science teacher during a field
trip, and concerns \Vclby's ef-
forts to help the youth
overcome the traumatic ex-
tional Gay Task Force con-
tend the show "·ill reinforce
old stereotypes of homosex-
uals and play upon the fears
of parenls al a time \vhen
homosexual righ ts legi slation
is pending in 20 cities.
ABC contends the one-hour
program doesn't deal with a
homosexual !cacher, b u t
rather "'ith a "pedophile," a
person 1\•ho has erotic desires
ror children of either sex.
One 22-yea r-old housc\\•ife
aod mother doesn't like the
topless dancing even i !
husbands do come home for
dinner. She said in a leller
to the Sen tinel that the City
Council should "get this stop-
ped Ix-fore it g o c s a n y
Officials at the National
Associ,1t1on of Broadcasters'
Code Authorit~ office , which
has program and commercial
guidelines it a s k s N A B
PAL:\1 SPRINGS (AP) members to uphold. have
further." '
City officials say entertainer • vie\l'ed the show and found
Bob flope is reviewing two it acceptable.
'archi tectural outlines f 0 r
rebuilding his massive home ABC SAYS 111E program
here which was destroyed by \\'as fed to 185 stalioru via
fire in July, 1973. closed-circuit line on Sept. 2t
The stations rejectin~ 1t are Conslruct ion \.\.'as slill under \VCVB. Boston : \\lf'\"I. :•hiJa-
\\'ay on the domed, g~·m· d h YN · Y·~ A•'OTllER '"Oma n has nasium-sized structure when elp ia : \Vil · Spring flelil, ""' '' ., l\Tass .. and KATC .in La fayette, suggested that if the. !Jord -!he fire hit and City ~1anager La:-·
intended people to be nude Don Blubaugh had as ked Ho1Jc and drunk he \\'outd have \\'hat_ he planned to do \vith It's a small defection com-
111adc them that \\'ay to start rhe site. v,.·hich sits atop a pa red to 1\\·o famous naps
\l'ilh. hill south of the cil y. in 1973. \1•hen CBS aff'iliates
refused to air "Sticks and
The council has yet to act An insurance settlement Bones,'' a bil ler an ti "·ar
againsl the tavern, and Fulton ove r the fire is pending. drama, and 39 affiliate-; re·
CoUnty Prosecutor J ames 0. Architects estimate !he new jected a "~faude" reru n in·
Wells said he received no home will cost nearly $4 vol ving abortion. .
fonnal complaints. million.
Ra1•e Complaint Against
Young Bo)1 Tl1rown 011t
- A dC"linqucncy pe tition
charging a 13-year-<ild boy
\1i th ra pe has been C:ismisscd
becau se of a century-old rul ing
that boys under age 15 arc
incapable of rape.
Judge Gordon Ci c n try
dismissed the comp I a in t.
\1·hich cha rged lhe youth \\0ilh
sccond-<lcgrce r a p c . Con-
,·!ction l\'Ould have carrieti
a mandatory life sentence.
In 1864 the North Carolina
Supre1nc Court dismissed rape
charges against a 14-year-old,
citing ··physical impotency'' in
youths of that age.
In the recent ca~e. police
sa id the youth allegedly broke
into a Greensboro house
before dawn Sept. 15 and
raped a 12·year--0ld girl who
\\·as visiting a friend .
About tonignt's \Vclby saga:
The teacher's :jexual assault
on the teen-ager isn't depicted,
and the show in general
doesn 't strike me as tasteless,
offensi ve or sensationalized.
ltis just poorty-written and
awkwardly acted.
distraught lad waking up at
home , covered with bruises
on his neck and ar n1s. Afier
he leaves for school. his
mot her. a divorcee. find s
blood in his bed and on his
pajama s.
She eventua lly gel s him ex-
ami ned by \Velby, who finds
t!le boy has been sex~1:ill.v
assaulted. even though the kid
refuses to say it happened .
So·called experts have many answers
as to how you can protect yourself from
th e rav ag es of inflation . The market.
Sil ver. Land . Art. Possib ly even gold.
Remembe r the sto ries abo ut cattle , oi l
and orchard s? Wh ile the ir fi gures
and logic are oft en dazzling , th ere are two
subjects th ey never menti on: Availability
and saf ety. What could be of greater
importance to you than the ability to
convert your investment into cash
on th e exact day you want to do so,
and the protec tion of your capital?
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Nobody said it was going to be easy.
The men who signed the
Declaration of Independence
kJ:iew the he avy responsibilities that
came with independence. Each one was aware of1he ct.angers ana·
hardships that lay ahead, as they
signed. It was not a time for
sunshine patriots then. It is not a
time fdr sunshine patriots now.
Democracy has never been,
and never will be, an easy form of
government to live under, bccal\Se
it is a government o[ the people~
As such, it makes eac h of us
responsible for the way the
government works. If a crisis
develops, if the system falters, each
of us shares in !he blame.
In times like this, the role of
the newspaper becomes even more
important to ~dCmocratiC -
process. If is itot our ·job to just
rCport the news. We must reveal
everyt!fing you need to know to
understind the news. It is not our
job to make judgments for you.
We must give you all the facts you
need to make the right judgments
for yourself. As responsible
. journalists) we.have an obligation to
inform you-fully, accurately and
honestly. As responsible citizens,
you have an obligation to use
that information.·
Our country was born in a time .
of crisis. We have lived throug_h __ _
cliiigcrously troubled times
throughout. our his1ory. If the
democratic system fails, it will not
be a crisis tha1 kills it. It will be
the ignorance and apathy of the
people. As Thomas Paine said,
•'Those who expect to reap the
blessings of freedom must undcr&o
the fatigue of supporting it!'
Protect yourself against inflation by in vest ing
for high return with safety. At Mutual er Savings your funds are insured to
$20 ,000 by an agency of the Un ited
States Governmen t. We have man y in vest·
ment and savings plan s. You can earn as
high as 7.79% per annum when interest
is compounded daily at 7Y,% on a $1 ,000
certificate issued for a term of four years.
(Federal regulations require a substantia l
penalty if funds are withdrawn before
c9mpletion of the term). Come in .
Talk to a Mutual Savings consultant.
No pie ·in·the-sky promises, Just the facts.
Get the most you can from what you have.
Wiiham M, Kull,
SAVINGS ~ .._r~ ,
i THE BIG M . . . .
Manager Corona del Mar: 2867 East Coast Hlghway/675·5010
•• Mental Laziness
May Trigger Aging
01 T~t Diiiy P1lol SI.Mt .
\\.'hen you're feeling had, say it's
because .vou ·re getting old .
And yo.u'll be givi ng your body in·
structions. •
'!'he body \\ill become old and
your face v:ill sho11· it. ac<.•ording to
Dr. Arthur I.. Uicll, ;.i psyctmlogi:..L
le<:turinJ! on \'ital Js!)ucs 'l'hal Con·
ccr~ You at 0l'ungc Coa!'>t Collci.:<.•.
In his third of four lcc\urcs. titled
''The Foolish Stcr<.•otypes of Age,"
he charged, "\\'c speciali ze, ro1n -
partmcntalizc. segmenta1i zc life to
our own misfortune."
A person uses stereotypes
because o{ .. mental laziness'' and
inabilil.v to di scri m inatc, he said.
"\Ve say 'Young people arc like
that' because \vc'rc too lazy lo
n1ect certain young pcopl€," Dr.
Bict7. said.
Uut then he listed some or tpclr
differe nces: s ome arc happy,
others s tressed ; some arc \'Cry
outgoing, othl·rs l'Xl'CC'dingly l'(•se r··
"~d ; so1pc IO\'e lo read and study,
other~ prefe r lo \1•ork "'ilh their
hands; some arc dominanl. other:<
submissive; some arc 1m<i~inut1\'C.
others <1rcn 't _ ••
"A human being is not thus :1nd
s.o.'' the lecturer a sserted. ··,\
human being is in constant inler<ic-
tion with his culture."
And just as the culture is· cohi-
plex, he said, a person is complex
so ''the mome nt you gencrahzt•,
youtcl\alic," ·
l.Allf:l.S 1.11\llT "'
Such labels, he s.-ii d, limit a per·
son's relallons hi1) ll'ith others but tl
iflas the s ame effeC'l on the self.
\Vh en a pcr~on at:cl'pl :-1 a
Sli:fl•Otype. a :. "n1iddlc <.1gl•" nr
"OTd agt'." they llctoml' 1t. l'\'t'll
11 ht·u lh<·y :.1 rt· unt'on1fortablt' 11 ith
11. he said .
"Life 1:-. a t'lfl'I~· :uul thert· 1~ nn
markt•d :-.e paratl(Hl bct11·t·e11 unt•
age or a not her.·'
A J><'rson , hi' rxplaincd. rune! ion:.
al four leve l ~ of cx,perientC'·
emotional. inlt·llectual, biological
;.u1d soc i a I.
In any of these, Dr. Bictz saii..1. a
'It is an effort
for the community
' to meet its
own needs, solve
its own problems.
As Jong as there
' are people, someone
will nef)d help.
prrson may be roungcr :1t 60 th'.:tn
lie \1·as at 40.
'•So long as your thoughts and
your :t<'lions :ire s~·n<'hronizcd,
y1111'r\• runclionlng 11 cll ," he ex-
. 11l;il11ed
Although' i.:r :1nting" \that somt~
l>t'11pll' h:tl'l' physical 11rbhlc1ni;, th("
1is1 c hu\.,J.l•~l sait\ a J!l'l·at lll·:i l ol
lll'i'\'OlLSlll'SS IS ··s1n1ply H n1alt1,_•r uf
111.•11pll· who dn not kn1111· 11·h;it tln·r
11 .1111 Ill do or 11 hy lhl',I 11 ant to c\u · ,, .
I le dl'fined a dl·prcssl•d 1X"r.-on a"
"lhl' or~anisn1 11·h1ch \\Ofkh
111lhout 1n:-.lruction!->."
'!'he \.\1cll fun ct ionini:: indil'idunl.
Dr. Uictz said . ''thinks nnd act~
Social Work's Way of Life
01111• o.u, Piiot Sl•ll
. Nina La Rosa kno1\'S about prob-
iem people.
-She gre\v up in a ncighhorhood
d e nse l y populated 1\·ith im·
migrants -Ge rma ns, flJhans Jnd
RussiJn ;ind Polish Jc11·s.
There "'Cl'C problems. :is there
allv<i ys arc \\'hen lhere arc too
many people. not enough space or
money; but there was al~o a sense
~fcom1nunity .
At 17 she began to \\'Ork as a
\·oluntcer 1n the neighborhood com-
n111nity house. the same place ·
\\'here s he had allenttcd preschool.
J\tiss La Rosa has been a social
\\'orker ever s i nee.
'Vhen she retired this fall ::is
easC\\·ork supervisor for Children's
llon1e So<·1c1.v of Orange County,
she bccan1e ht1n1an resources
d irector for l he tlC\11 office of United
Crus ade op('ning in lluntinglon
Jkach, ·
()ne night c<ich \\'Cek she tc:1chcs
reading for I he Laubach l.itrracy
progr;1m and is :1 lay mcn11x'r of
the Huntini.;ton Reach comn1illcc
oflheSa\\'ation Army.
.. ,.ou ha\·C' to like people, "she
t>xplains, ··:di kinds of people, and
J do mean all kinds."
She is on<" of those rarC" people
\1·ho tJn say they enjoyed e\·ery job
they had ; 11·ho can ~o hack to ;1 scl·
tin~ of many ye:1 rs before :ind find
'Vhcn you're a sori:il \\'ork<'r, you
l1a \'C l.o li\'C' 11·i1h the r('.:Jlilalion
!hat you r;1n 't help <'\'cryonc. every
1imc. sht· ~:lid . But rherc \\'ere
n1<1ny l'C\Vards lo h('r\1·ork. ~
Aft er ~rilclu:i!inJ? fron1 Teacher's
CollcRe in he r n~ti\·c Kansas Cit y,
fl1o .. ~i nd rarninR' 11 1nasters in
group \vork adn1inistr:1t ion at
Geor ge \Villiants Collc~c. in
Chi<'a go. sh<' \\'Ol'kerl fi\'C yt"ars in a
sct1lcn1cnt house there, in the early
"'rcrh11ps the ~real<"sl rrv•nrd
from !hose (':1rly ~·l'ars \\';ls of·
f(•rin g ran11n11i:: l'Xll\'l'i<'nces for ur-
h,111 kifls. \V e slartc cl ,·e r~· smnll ror
t h1·l'(' <la~·!! u .. 111~ a c:1n1p loaned 11!;
.. Snm(' dr the rhildr<"n had nC\'<'r
))('('n Olll of I h('\r nclphhorhooct. onl
of lhc city cn\·lrnnnu•nt. ~1any
\\'C'rc sraretl to rle;tth 111 lhc coun·
t~y. nt first."
You have to realize, she cm·
phasized, that these \Vere neigh·
borhoods where Boy Seoul troops
\\'ere fcv.•, and many child ren
thought Scouting "'as for sissil's.
In Chicago, aided b.y free passes,
children \\1Cre expo:.cd to drama
through children's theatre pcr-
"Slum kids ha1·e a trcn1endous
sense of drama. \Ve found a young
man \l'ho could \\'Ork l\'ilh the
children in presenting plays and it
was fnntastic for lhc thildren."
· \\'orking near North Chicago and
on the South Side. in a Sal\·alion
Arn1y settle mcnt house, she rec a \Is
people \\'ho \Votdd fill the place
during clinic hours.
"They came lo keep \\'arm. anrt
lo ha\'t" someone to talk to. \Vhen
clinic hours \ver(• over. thcy·cl ,11:0 .
\Ve never bothered them. i\ftcr all.
helping people \Vas the reason fo r
us being there."
1\nd. during the \.\'ar, shr remem-
bers the "doorkey c hildren"
lite rally \\•ore their door keys
a round their necks. "\Ve had
preschool for youn~cr rhildren a nd
after school progran1s for the older-
ones, because ort en both parents
\\·ould \\'Ork in the \Y ar industries.''
from Ch icap:o s he came to
Albuquerque to \\'Ork in ?i1artinez
TO\\'n, thc l\1 cxican-1\1ncrican com·
munity. There, too. she introduced
streC'l kids lo can1ping cx1>erien·
One slrecl gang taken 111> to the
mountains lost a bil. of their
bravado 1\·h cn out of lhcirO\\'n tcr·
ritory and could not last the three
days in the 1voods.
"ll look a\vay the ir ahility' to
bully the other chitdrl'n. tt 1nadc
different boys out of lhcn1,"
tn New ~f@xico. shr \YOrk cd first
al a boarding school opcratt'd hy
the Presbyterian \hurch for moun·
ta in children. so 1 hey rould attt•nrl
hi gh school. t.atc r. She \\'orkcd in
J.;1s Crn('<'S f('lr the s t;1tc 's Child
-\\'elfarc Strvlt·c~~ aflcr e:irnin~ <l
muslt!rs In soci:ll \\'ork ft·o m USC.
In 19fil. ~he ,ioin£>d C"hilrlrcn's
llomc Society, coming to Orange
Count~' in l~i-1.
One incident 8i:.inc1s out in her
"\rC' hail quill~ a bi! of trnuhl<'
\\'ilh street g;1 ngs \vho'fl lhr<':ili>n ·
lo t:i}tc o\·cr !he Sl'lll~'111rnl hon;;l.,
i\ favorite trit·k \1 as to pl.1(·r :1 :-.11C'k
1hrn11gh !111· h:1nlll es nf lhc l:1rgc
douhlc dnor.-. :11!he1·11t r:i111..·1•.
"()nc lin1c I :-.pottf'tl :i hoy :1hout,.
to blnr k ~hr door~ so 1\(' couldn't
}{Cl out. I i;C'arcd t11n1 and son11•ho\\I
!he pl;itc J),li!SS \\'indO\\'S i;hallerctl.
I only ~o t tiny cuts but he ran
"St•\·cral n1onths L.itl•r he carnc
hark lo apoln~i1(' :inrl said th~ 1n-
ricll'nt 1nad1• 11110 1·c·a h1t• thl.'
dam;1¢c he cnultl h,11·(" rlone. It tur·
lll'cl hinl :iro1ind.''
Thal , ~hr :-.;1id. l'an he lhr.
rr11ar1I. \!\:-.f'l' :1 rhllcl "h;t\ 1111! ht'l'll
lourhe<I hi' a \1·nrl-.l'r 11r ;1 r 111111.-.l•h1r
lx·!,!1n to find h1n1.,1·IL •
The hri ghl1·~l ~pots in thn'''
\'t'ars. s h1· i;.11<1. c~1 n1e In f111d111 ~
h<Jt~lt':ii ror ~1u•1·i;d rhil•ll'tll .
!'\he 1·rnl<-'n1\Jcrs n1n.o;;t, fin<lin ,!! :i
f:in1.tv for a hoy \1 ilh rerrhra l
p.11,~· :ind for :i h.iy \I 11 h f'n1nlion;d
p1•ohh·1n' 'l'ht• st:tff h1•l11l'd him
H1\1 :1rrl :1 ll•ll'Ol>tl lift• "\l'ilh
p:1t 1<'11t·•· :1 111! :1 I.ii nf ]O\'t•."
.111 11 n!'l-.1n ~ \\ 11h ~·01111r; 11nn1,1r.
n1·rl p1T i.:n:111! 1vomf'n, :-o h(• found
l'l'\\a1d ... 111ll1·lpini::1hrm 1hrough a
:-.ennus purl nf I.heir h\'('s.
"\Vht'll [ fir~I hci:tun in tht' field,
lhrr~· 11'a~ 11fll ' lhu .,;1ption of 11hor·
t1 nn. or kc •'111n g the chilli, th:it
thcr1• ts today.•·
,\ ncl , l.hl'rC "·as I he joy of ~rrinj:! a
rouplP I\ ho flt"S l)(•ratcl~· \\·anted
chi ldt e n I a~ 1 ni:t I h<'• r rh1lcl hotl1('.
lh·r l.1ll'"' r hall<"ng1• cnmcs full
rirrl1•, :t'"<'<!~in~ eomn1uni1y·
nt•t•d'. f 1n1llnJ.: 11·a \'.-. lo hel11.
.. It i~ :i n t•ffo1t to let the rnrn·
n1111111 r rnrel 11 .;; 011•n lll'C<I~. 111th111
11 .. 011 n hnu ntl.1 r1t1h,"
llr 1· 0\111 i;:oa l is lo kcl"p hclJ)in~
:1s l('ln~ as .U1crc :.ire pc-01,te 11 ith
'A human being is n_ot
'thus antt ·so , but in
constant interaction with
his environment.'
••. knov.·s what he \Yants and docs
.... If son1cone s.1ys i;ornt'I hinJ! aboul
;1 p('r~on is 1\•ondt'r(ul. he ex·
pl:unl·d. that pl'r:-ion s hould be able
to r l'PI ~', .. ,.otr'rc s ayi ng that "You arc nl11•ays fu11rtioning
: well at any age if you take the r1~k
to act." bccau::-1.! 11 's true." ·
._And the lecturer urgC'<cl (•arh
listener to be different "Octausc
fir also urged his lisivnl·rs to li\·e
fnr lh1· futurr. 10 ront111uc IP:irnini::.·
111 takt• ,ru~ponsih1h1 1· fo1· thc m -
:-.1:lvl's <.ind l'1 tc· n1nin1)p\ irnistie. ) OU :1 rt', )'Cl U kllO\\', •
·"rhl'r(,.S nt•\'t•r be<:'n on(' l1kP
\till. 1'hl'l't! lh'll'I' \\'ill be MllOthl·t·
One ltke you 0111.:·~ l'nough ...
t\L.I) be llH· ... i.1.·k n1~11·kct "'ill !l'O ~10,111 all tll\· 11.1.'" he .;;aid . bul
\uu'rc a tll11<·t1n111ng hun1an being
;1i111 you'rl' J.!"1n~ tn n1akc the ad ·
jll"il lll\'lll~.
r\ 1X"r:.on should ha1•e rf's1lil·nl't'
"1f .1·au t·a n bl' riJ.:hl. if ynu l'.Ul
IJ1· 1\ rong;-1f you l'.an ad.ipt \tJ ne1,·
l ll'ClUllsl;t nl'l'S. i\lthoui.:h p1·opll· ,hould approach
life 1\1\h .-.•Hlll' 1lis don1 and
kno11 lcdJ!C, ht· :-.>11<1 the import'ant·
part 1s to "n1ovc 1n trrms of lune·
tion, not in terms of calendar and
t'h ronoloi;y , '
"If ,yo u're ali'e and fun<'tion1n~
\\·ell. <i1>art fron1 Sll.'rcotyp..:•s, ~ou
mu:-.t be sure that you hal'e a good
.-.clf-in1age," he continued ..
eop e
,.,. .... ,,oct ...... J, ,tll ...... ,
Caution's Better
_Than Being Sorry
. •
Of.AR ANN LANDERS: In m y opinion the advice you
j!:l\'t' ··Numb .. (the mother\.\1howa\kcd in on her 17-year-old
1laughtcr and her boyfriend and c~ug ht them in the acl) was
the· 1nr:i:-it sound and pructical answer I've eVer read in your
eolun1n. (I'm 17 and have been a n Ann Landers ran for five ·.}'cars.)
)"ou advised !hat mother to sec to it that her daughter had
an a1)pointment \\•ith a dol1or lo discuss which birth control
method \\'O uld be best for her.
Ann Landers
You \\'Cnl on and \Yarned the mother against forbidding
the girl from sccin,I.( the boy. You said it would create worse
problems. You then made an astute comment : "A teenage
girl who has experienced sexual intercourse is not about Lo
stop just beca~c her mother o r Ann Landers tells her to.''
Your conclusion, that the il'nportanl thing was to make
sure the girl didn't gel pregnant, was practical and
realislie. ·
l'n1 sure pl any mothers who read that column \ve re upset
by your ans\vcr, but I can tell you, Ann Landers, that C\'Cry
girl in our c la ss \\''1S applauding you.
Not all high school girls are sleeping with their
hoyfricnds, and you made it c lear you \l'Cren't in any sense
of the \\'Ord condoning it.
Bui for those \Yho arc, there is no v.·ay they can get their
virginily hack, so the best thing is tr:i protert thcmselvl'S
aga inst loui;ln~.Ull a few lives -namely, a guy \l'hn doesn't
,\1·nnt to ,i.:ct n1arricd, :.i i.:irl who ma~· he p:-.ycholo.e:it'Hllv
sc:1 r1!l'<I for life hy an abortion ;_ind a child horn to a couple Or
kids 11·ho really don't \1·;1 nt it. i\11huugh I s peak for
thous;:1nds. :-.ign me -A SEN!Oll t\T CI-:I\"fH1\L I It(; 11
OE1)R S f<:i\'.J(lR: Thank you for that nice letter. I rt'ccivl'd
·-an unt'XllCclcd numtier of honqucts from tri:na ~c rs. both
boys and girls, and surprisin~ly fl'v.' stink "'t'Cds 1ron1
parcnlS. The long-discussed generation gap is beginning to
DEAR Al'\N l,ANDF.R~: ,,.ou've spokC'n out nn behalf of
supermarket chcck·out gi rls, ll'lcphone operators and 1X>st
officr clcrks, nil in !hf' 1;1~1 fe"· months.
\V1ll you pl('~•:-.l' :-.ay a 1\ord to lhc hrothcN=. sist.cn;, :1unts.
11nclcs. t•o11.-.1n!o. parents and in·la\1 s or ,1·omcn 11·ho arc
n1:1rr1cd lo ph~·.-.1c1an:-. in training?
'r hi s lellf'r 1' 1\ r1t1C'n by fou r 1l'i\'eS \1 ho nrcrl h<:'lr>. \Ve
a\'cra~1· f11(• r:dls P<'I' \\'t'l'k from rcl:'ltiv1•.o:. 11hn11·oultl like
"th<' 1lo1·tnr" In 11lra:-.1• rlrop in to lt oorn ~!Oand scc ho1\' )lr.s,
Ncighhor':-. ('nu .. 1111" gcttin~alonf:!,
\\'hat tilt• fan1ily doCs n 't re:ili 7.I' i ::; !hat the
ph~·siri :1ii.1111r:dn1ng ls so busy \11ith h1 .;; <111•11 .s irk palil'nl~
lhal tn 01•d4•1' to r11 :1kc •·sncial ""all~ he h:•s lo 1;11·c up his
mr:1 I 'i ITI(" 01' !TI IS~ :I lf'<'\ ll re.
\Vhcn nur 11 u .... h:1 n't:-. :ire "on ta 1 r• \\'C dnn ·l !i('C th r m for 4R
hours 111 a !'>trc lth. ·rhcy work hard, :.ind lhc hours arc
'l'ou \\'oul dn'I hrlif'\'(' how many rrl:ili\'f'" hn\'C them
pa~cd at tin· t10 .. p1l11~ llJ make ~rcl·1:il r<'quc~t~. 11h 1ch
i11rlu1IC'. nf t'()lll'~\'. 11 h:1t to do ahout lh(' hah\''s cou~h ur a
Si!itCr·in-J1111r''i h:1ngna1I. "l"hanks (Or )'!IUr .ht•!p, 1\nn. -'
Hl !FF,\l.fJ, ~ Y.
l>•:A R Ill.FF: llrr1"~ thr lrtt~r-!\'nu• \\ h~· don •t you v.·l\'t'S
\\'ho ha,·r th<' rrohlen1 1n:ikr cori<'s of thi" rolun1n :ind "<'nd
thrn1 to lhr 111·1111lr \1 ho nu~hl to ~et. ii ·.• I.;; tht•rr no cnrl to the
num her or A rlfK' r" 1\ ho ":i nl tnc to do their rli rly \\'Ork?:!!
Thrrr is a hi~ 1hffrrcnre hrl\~<'cn ro11! :1 nd cnnl. Anl'I
I .:111drr~ s hn11 " ,\·o u hn\\' In play 11 cool "'ii hout frec~.1n~
peoplr nut 1n her hook lt•I, '1'<'enaAC Sex · • ·r1·n \\I :il's to Cool
It," N.•1HI :-Ml 1·t·nl~ in roin and 11 lnn,t::, sC'lf.aildrtS1'C?d,
i-l:im1"1Cd Cn\'Clope l(l Ann l.111111.~r.,, P ~). r\ft'< 1400, Elgin,
111 •• miio.
DAllYPJLOT Tuesda~ OclObltl, 197(
Makes Point
SPOKANE, \V:P.h. !lJl'IJ
-Pt.'.it1· Pdgr11n h~1s bt·t·n
punt·hrtl in the 1.1tr. thrown
in u JU1I u:. :1 \':t~l'unl ;ind
fjj Cl·J tl.i•,11 1\ in :J ~tl O\\"
i:.torn1. bul he r l"Xpt:riL·nc·e:.
f;\'t•r the p:•~l qu:irler·ct'll·
l ury huvc llll·rcly :.trt ng·
thencll hl·r rl·:.ol\•c to · hfJor
ll" .1rounct !he 1·nt11llry ovrr
:incl a\ l·r, 1>rr:i r h1ng Jl\\Ll"<'.
~ot 111:.iny kn1)\\ ht•r rt·iJ I
r1.in1t-. She quit 11lf•·nng 11,
ur lit•r-:1.:t·. 111 l:J"J;j \\hl'n-.t1L'
h•lt 1.,.., ,\nc•·lt·-; lo l>l·g1n
ht·r r1111c t Ji •ll rnt·'
··t"n1 ;i IHIJ.:l"ltll.·• l'c:t<·e
Ol(ertd, h1·1· :.ll•t•l·hlut• t·\t·s
.illncd n~hl at \ht· 11:.tcrlL."1".
··P coJ•lt• 1;1IJ rnt• a
crus:11!1·r , but IH~t11rit·;iJI_\" . .i
("1'11 ... Hrlcr 1 ... ~Olllt•!!!lL' II ho
t ried i., f.ir1·t• :.on1t·l!11ng on
.:.urrH'IHlC' t'lst..• .. \ pdi.:r11n.i g1·
j.., a gt·nl!e iourn1·y . 'l'lit·r·c·s
110 kl nd OJ I I( ilt•llt"l'."
.E:.:.1·rll1 all.v. Pt·:1cc·.., 1ni..,.
:-ion j.., thrt:cfold. v•alk1n~
around lh1..· l'rnt L·d St att·~.
:.pt•:1llt ng. :ind 1'orrL'!-o1Jl"n-
tlln g \\Ith 11("\\' :ind old
'l'l'll ~t.':1r:. ;1gu. !ihe eon1 -
p]('ft•d h('r f1r:-.t i.;o.d of25.UIJ()
ll llll'" of \1alkin~. ShC' slrip·
f.H..'d 1.·ounting the n11k':. :ilt.:1·
th:1 t, but h:.t:. continued
.a loot.
5hc rarr1l'S no mon('y,
t·;i ts only \1'hi!n food is of-
fe red, and olhtr\\'ise f:ists.
llcca use of her ehosl'n
lifL'Slylc. s he \\"aS arl'estcd
once u s u v.a g rant in
Ar1 z.ona .
t ht,~I in '1tie fu ce hy a ll"f'll·
:1.,:l·r '"lor no upp:i rt·llt
l'l'<t..,on." und in Arizonn
<1 l.1ou t 10 years ai;:o :-he \\ a::i
t'aught in a !')llo\\ :.torrn.
"I tuld God I thnu11ht I
h:HI ::io1nc journ<'y l<'ft in m<'
ond I think lit· ;q.,:rl·e<l. ·•
PeaC't" :-.a1tl "'ilh a smile.
J'('a ce has cris:.cro~sed
lhc n;;tion •1 t!oten or more
t irnes ··un f oul and 1111
faith,". as ::.hl' put:. 1t , :in<l
ha" <.irn blcd thl"OU!l h a ll 10
p1 fl\1ne1·~ of C;..11a d:1.
She IS (·;1 ~i Jy l"l'C'Og·
~hl• "'t•ars a :.ort o r
h•)1!1t•rna dc t-;i rpcnlcr's
;q1n1n, '' h1th has hl'r name
1111 the front 111 t hrt·e-inth
hloel.. lclll'l"S, ;uul tht• \\Onl~
"':!5.t~JO 1nilts un lnot Jur
J.1C.i1·e," on I hl' b;1 ck ..
:\ p:iir of IJlu<.> !i kl p;u11..;
~lun.\ •1·1th uge, :i nd a p;11r of , ,.
b:1t ll'red ll'nnis s hu1·s.1n;1kL· 11
UIJ hcr \\'Orldy pos::ic:.:.tons. .~...-· •
Pea ee said the IC't1111 s 1/
~hqo•.., ;i re goo<l for ;1hnur. •
1.::.1i1J rn ilt•s. A11d on a l1ni~
\1alk bc\\\'C'Cll shoe s torl'~.
~hC' llllL'~ hC'r runn('rs \\ l!h
Jlll't·~·s ol old in11cr!ubc "!ti
kt0l'Jl lhc lllOi!>IUl'e Ol!I."
l'l·atl· f eels !>ht• i:-. a
C1tiz.l'n of the \1orld. l'\Cn
though she has n(•\·er n1•ult•
1l 01 f the continent.
··1 1v<1nt to s tay here and ...
preach peace beeau:.e I fL'l'l
this countr\· is \'t'I"~' influC'n· .•
tial in the i-est of the \\'Orld. "-
\\"here \\"C tul"n to a IX'ltt•r
life. the rC's t of the \\'orld is
;.ipt to follo11'.
··rn1 no1v . trying to J!t·t
people to think. ah<n.11 the
f:.i('t that inner pl'aC'C IS pus-
:.ihle. '' Pt>;1c<' sairl . .
\\"ilh that , an!~ ;1 n1C'nlL~n
th:.it ~he \IJnlcd lo he ti\
,. ' ~~ -•
~ • ~
,. -.. ,.,
• ' • ~ • v ~ -, • • ' ""'"'*-~ J .•• .
.. ""fhe police insi~h·d that
if l \\a:. a pl'eacht·r . J ::ihouhl
ha \·e a d;:norn1 nation. I tnltl
tht.'nl I h:id •~ rL·li ~1nus ;1t·
l itudt• trnv:ir1Js pt•ople <1nrl
an obedienr :1tt1lud e
to\V:lrrls Cod," l\'aL·t· rt·cal-
lccl. "Sot he) let rnL· go.''
In California ilbout eight
:years ago, rc,tce 'vas uun-
-~:l:J'-by .January. Peare
Pi!grin1 left the ~ary1e _11:.iy
:-.he :.irrvivcd, Y>ulk1ng :.incl
:)n1ili11g. --. Fall Activities
. '
· .
' /
-$2.34 for Your Thoughts
Loafers Reiect Penny
nv 1-:lt'.\l ,\ ISt)!\IHF.CK
\\liul1· ..,1t~i11g al. lh1• brL•:ik·
fa:-.l t uiJIL' ) t•S l1..·r<l:.i y, a
:.hiuv oh\l'f't in the car1)('l l'au~hl 1n:; eyL'.
"\~'h:it 1!\ that '!" I uskcd
rnlson. .
,.It.; kitkC'd il wi.th his fool.
"/\ penny," he sa td and kept
\l';1Jk111 g.
J\1y tlau g htcr ea 1TIC
throu g h :.i nd I s ai"d,
•··rtierc's a penny in the car·
pet," :ind -s he said , ··So
\\ hcJ:. lht: hC';ivy tippl•r?"
\\'hen n1 y younger son
ranll· br I '!'>:t id , ·· 111· y. real'h
!111\1'11 an<l pn.·k up that llCn·
· .. That ·~ not n1y joh," he
:-.aid , ··Lt·l the S\\'eC'!IL'I' do it. ..
"So thi." i:-. \vh:it \\'C have
• (•01nt· to," I :)a id, ;1ddrt•:.sing
thl' group. ·
··Arc ,ou going Ill ll•ll us
the sturY of tio1v G r:inddad
li\'Cd on :.i f ar1n :111<l \\·:is So
1;eo r tht.y 1.:ouhln'I _Jfford
l 'hriSli'u us :ind \\'h t.'11 ht•I
reached in hi s s tocking, .:ill
·he found was <l bri g ht. ne w,
:;hi11y penny ;.ind he was
choked up al l yt•u r ·!
Because ir you arc, I have to
go to n1y locke r before
·, AT
class." , "A BRIGliT. Slll NY.
Ignoring hin1 I continued, NE\V PENNY!'' they yelled
"When your grnndfuther in unison.
was a litile boy and lived on "It y,·as a bright, s hiny.
;i farm they \Ve re so poor new penny." I said simpl.y,
they eouldn'l afford Chrls_t· "und it b!'ought ttnrs to his
m:is but they hung their eyes." . ,.
slo<'kini.:s up anyway ... " · "fh:1 l s urprises you?
··And \Yh c n he got up mumbled n1y d a ughter,
tht•rc \\'a~ ;1 bri~ht , shiny, "t•d huvc been hysterical."
l)l'nny. ri ghl?" intc rruptt.'tl "II ave you :ill bc:<'ome so
niy <lau ghtl'r. · crass about n1 oncy lh:it you
··Aod "'hen he cot up no longe r belie \•e that a
Christm:is morning ,·• I con· man is never so tall as when
t inucd slowl.v, "Hi~slocking 'he stoops lo pick up a pcn-
lookl'd e m1>ty until he saw 1ny'!"
son1clhin g sticking in the .. \Vherc did )'OU re ad
.toe. L>o yuu have uny idcu that '!"
1vhatit\vasi'" "On a T-s hirt at lbc
beach," I saicl. •
"Dul a 11e11ny dor5"!1't buy
tinylhing uuy JllUl'l'," they
"A pl1n11,v is onc-tcut!1 of a
di1nc," I counseled \VJsclt,
"A hundred of thcrn "'Ill
make a \\'hole doil<H'. \Vhy a
ix•nny used to t:ikl! _a\vay ~he
te:ll'S of u s rnall thtld, l.Jr111g:
you good luck fo r a ye;11·.
decorate your lo:ifcrs , and
be the heginning of all YOUl"
dreams." ,
l\tv son looked a l !us 1val·
ch, '"l-l<'y, ~f om. if you \\'ant
to borl'O\\' ;1 couple or burks
till the end of the 1\•cek, \Yhy
did.n't you say so'!" ·
I \VUS slill sitting at lht.!
t a ble 1vhcn ru y husb;ind·
1valked in anti threw <lO\\'ll •
the coin, "A penny tor youl·
thoughts," he s aid.
"'l'h ·1t's un in~ultin~ of·
re·r," '1 s ;i id. "Al today's
prices, they'll cost you
' Your Horoscope Tomorrow
Virgo: Stay Wary
WEDNESDAY LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. revise, to perfeci, to trim.
OCTOBER g 22): llunch is in picture and. fat. Be realistic. • ~ -·it flas hes true. -Means you.
BySYDNE)'0!\1ARR -'y,•ill get along with profes·.-----====:-
ARIE°S {l\1arch 21-April ;sional su~erior, you will
l9): You may be rebellious. ~prove a J>OlEl.a nd you could
Th·e s tatus <JUO becomes . ~cl promoted.
heavy, burdensome. Give
you r s c JC room f pr SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.
change-let family member 21): You are here, there and
know that you do have life of. llpparently everywhere as
II" Nl>J 11 Y""' llo•f oqrtt-d lo
·oo ll YOURSELF ""
Stal~ Widoo s~,.,~~
Sll-77 40
yourowntolive. . social activity aCcelerates.1.:======-----
You receive privileged in-1 .,.,."'UFFELL.'S TAURUS (April 20-May formation-but take time to
20): Do plenty of lislen;~g . vcdfy ;1. .UPHOLSTERY las l'Clattvl's make p10·
vocative state ments. l\tain· SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-
it a i~ b_:.i l a~cc. hu mor.· Dec. 21): Your work wt-llYwW.t · ..... ~ PENNIE GLASGOW -IPaticncc, dipll!macy no~ methods proced-ut es could ~:ire your real <1l_l1cs. come under scrutiny: 1'here . lt2Z ...-.. 11•4.
• is no need for fear, s hyness. · eo.._ Me-s41.ozst .. -Accentuated Betrothal · :"'~E~!·~~,.<~~~~ ;~;.J~~~ ~~;"~;,:~~,';~~~'b:;~;~i:. ~---~ 0 J',;\. :;ee1ng \\'hat JS, not \vh:•l you pose ~~ . ired \\"ant to sec. Be realistic." ' i· . ,.. Devea Avoid any t c~dcncy Ct\PRICORN (Dec. 22-\ . 3 Full Strvlc1
Mesons Celebrate
50-Year Marriage
!\Ir. 111 rl \Ir'<. 111·1111i..,
Ii : .. n l!t•,111 (\,..,!;i \IP,.I,
11, ., lu•tU•l11 I un l hl'll .'~Hh
11• ,1,1111_ .1r111 11t•r,.1r\ \\l!h.i
·1111·11-1• 1uh11f'1' hu!ll·t
/,,. '1 d hi lh1 II I hddt\'!1
)fq,P, l\('l• \II f{ql>tl\
1· ll!lllllll' fli .111.:1· \Ii ....
''"'' ilol \\'. !'.11111 .1111! \Ji ~,
11, h·u 111·.1 11. l·,, .... 1.1 \11 ,~;J.
. 1nrt nl'nnis Ht':ln .Jr. i\!1s°.
.. inn \ 1i:-1n
Thei r -::ie 1·en ~ra nd ·
r·hildrt·n :ind four ~rt•,11 ·
;:r.1nfll"h1lcl rl'n 11 el'L' ;11nong
\l.irr11'1l in P ,111h u:--ka .
I li..L• , 1 hP C•luplt h:t\ l ' h\ I'd
111 tht• l l.1rb1~r ,\r1·a .:.111ct•
1 ~ 11 :.'
Peter A. Holman, Ph.D.
Licensed Psycholog ist
announces the establishmen t
of Private Practice Offices
for Individual, Couples,
and Divorce Counseling
at 6!:IJ Newport Cent er Drive,
Suite 265 Newport Beach
Telephone 640-5?85
, .John P a llC'rson, de puty
county counsel fo 1· Orang'c
Count"y. \\•ill ~pl'ak for the
Oran ge Co unty ·rr1a l
Lawyers Assoc·iatio!l \\"e?··
ncsday, Ot t. 9, at 7 p.tn. in
De pt. 3 of Lhc Oran ge
Coun t :--Su peri o r Court.
Santa 1\na.
has ~en ._pla~nedr~o~~'-._,..._,~ -1.Qwa.rdsselL.dcc.epl!On.-·J an.-191:-You maCle com-· r. Locations 1n
lystil'k-Kre,\C · . ·• mitmcnl )n pas t, almost '· Huntin ton Beach for _B p.JTI . Sa~urday . <;.c~.. . l'l·11111c l.1)u lilJ!>go1v and • CANCER_ (June 21 -July_ for •ol.ten, \Yhich is due to g I~. 111 the llunt1ni,;ton lk.1~h HobL•rt :-itt·ph l·n Hubel; 22 ): Cycle IS Sul'h lhal_you . g C. . 1 nv 0111 es ~ PRESCRIPTIONS
hotnc of the Clare nce 1'.n.. ., en 1 0 r s a 1 <:a I Po 1 y , mrike moves. assertions ~~~r~t~v~ ·effort pai1nC'r •'!'.!~~~:"'.,!!..•,::TIM
!ringers. l'ornona. :i re pl :.inn1n g lo and r cs u I ls CO m c . t • ' P!'eKri"i9fll
n1a rr\"111 thcfall .. flf175. ·c1ui c kly: ~l e r e ad y -mac. Gifted Ill
Stars. Bars
An 11ricn\;1 tion n1 cL•tin:;!
for ~1ngh: \\ on1t•n interc!>ted
ill :1 ss i.~tin~ \Vith panics l'or
111i!itarv pC'rso1111t•l ar(' in-
vited 'to ;111 oricnlation
met.1!111.i,: al 7 p.rn . 'l'hur-
sday, Oct. 10, in the C.Ll ifor·
nia F<'dcral Saving.., and
Loan building, Costa :\J esa.
The t:l11.ab(•l h Cady Stan·
ton Chap1t•r of the '.\:1llf1n;d
Organi1at1on fnl" \VunlL'll ·
\\·ill m eet ;it 7·:1n p.n1 \\'ed-
nesda\'. (Jct. !Jin the Fuller·
ton sa.\'1n gs building, Fou11-
t<1in V;dlt·y.
Or. 1-:l':i St·hn1dlC'r-H;.i111 -
man, :-,1j1·ial :.e1f'n1·c t•nn-
s ult;111t . 1\ 111 kl'~·nn!~· thP
\'\V'(t\ fall 1·1111fCl'L'nCc ~t'l
for Frid:i;,, (Jr·t. 11. in lhl'
Sild<tleba1·k 11111 . S:int:i ,\na.
'!"he ro11ft"rvnce lht·rnc
\\'ill bf' ~l l·l ;1111nrpho~1 :.
-~1 0\'Cll).! {)\l l ol !111•
H11t -En11·rg111 g l nt•1 lhi.:
11\'0Jllt• It> .Hid 1 t·luh..,
The r1111f1•r1·tl•"t' 11 II! 1)('~111
:i i~ a .111 ;ind th1..·r1..· ,.., a S?CI
rf'gl:-.lration fee, 11 hu·h 111-
f'ludcs lunt·h ;111d d1nlll'I",
Mystick Krewe
Ur . Leo nuscagl1a,
Uni\'cr s ity of Southern.
(.'alifornia , \viii k(·}note
f:irted Ill. the an1111al Olfll·
f(·rcnt·c sponsorl'd by the
Orange Cnunty Couneil for
l~iftC"d E<lucalion and the
<:ifted Ch ildren 's As·
soci:ition of Orange County.
'fhe event is planned for
Saturda y, Ol'l. 12, fr9m 8
;1.tn. t o 4 p .m. in Los
1\111i gos lligh School, Foun-
l:un \'alley.
\\"ork s hnps and a ction
latr.rfor parents and profc.-:;.
s1nnals are geared lo !>Uh·
jt·~·t interes t and gr:idc
SAi .
/\ salad bul'fe t lunt•hron
\I il l open tt.Lt: f:ill season for
tht· Orange Count y ~\t11n1·
n;l(' Chapter of Sigma Alpha
Jnra · at 1 p .m. Saturday,
I ll'l. 12.
Lila Parris h of f-'ull crton
\1 i 11 host I he n1en1 bcrs of I he.
professional music frater·
Tri Delta
,\ garage sa te y,•ill lx.•gin
fall activities for ITl<'tnbers
nf \\"estern Orange County
Dt•Ua Delta Delta Ah1n11111e.
~!rs .. J. T\li C'hac l l\lc·
i\"u lt \''S ll untini.:ton Ucach hon1~ 1vill bf' the s il c of the
10 a .m. 5:1ic S;tturday, lk:l.
A Ill' ln-C:1rn:i1 1on party 12 .
Flnt Thrtt Edltloll1
Liniled Edit;ons • Each Plale
is Numbered
Retai ling for
• Royal Blue
on 'While
china wil h
lelleri ng Ofher •
1972 States
Mission Delores Available
1973 at this
Yosemite Falls low. low Price.
1974 Slate Capital 7y, inch
'"Gtt•t fOf' Ct.riihll" Gi•""t""' diameter
"Gitor•flttflt Dtl•"7 ltfor. Cliri1-.t"
'' .00 Ptf" Platt All Tftree Y tors
.t.dd 75' ptr plalt $)5.00
fo,. me1ilin9 costs. Posloqt Paid
'.'Olf•l..:'l.,..c; ...... ...._.
Srlld cllrck or Monty Ordtr Todoy to:
HDllidoy Orpt. O·IH
I I.' W W.•··~""1<<11 _,,,.,.,,
1 "' , "!""" '"''""" •A,/1
' N -.... iv s " r th c i r don't pdor1sc n1ore thau AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ;ii. 1:trte
eon1ing l•vent \va :-; :.innoun· l.EO (July 23.Aug. 22): health an<l employment, 111 st11 Slrttt ........ .Su.4sts
cng~gernent and lhc forth-you ca n c l\'Cr. 18): JJa sic issues. including ~ t:RIGGIST"
ccd IJv hl'r n1othcr, i\lr:-.. . I · · hl I 11 clo ,·n"'lC \l'h"'l '"""'"
H•-11.,ron H•rMwr .. '""°"" , · \'ou gain spec1a 1ns1g s. t'n< _o m .. . " ... ·' .... '1!'1",k,1 l' {j lasgo1v of <·nrona , Areas \\'htch had been hid-promised may have u hook, arw111111n1 & H•mlll~ ';;It ;,
1 :i r. de n could 01>cn for you. Ad·· acatC'h, a dri.l\vback. ~ ~--~ -Ac:;--#_; · J\li~s {il :.i~g11\\', also lhc dau~hlcr of the late !\Ir. vancen1cnt is made if you
i{Ob l'rl (;l :1sgow. i s ;i :11'C dealing \Yith ''real'"
.:radu:it.c of Corona dcl J\lur people.
I liE:h School .
VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept.
22 ): Be r~ady to dump those
\l'ho use you :ind give
PISCfo~S (Feb: .. 19·1\1arch
2()): Some cold w ater is apt
to splash on some of your
hopes, wishes. Key no\v is to llt•r fi:1nce·s parC'nts <.ire
i\Ir. und 1\1 rs. Il nbcrt I·'.
Rubel Jr. nf J.:1 .Jolla. lie is
a gr;1du;1te of Van Nuy..,
lligh School and :.i rnC'mhcr
of the .univcrsi ty·s S\\ 1111
nothing in return. Accent is -~~~~~~~;;~~=I on ;1ssociation which has
n1a<le )'OU \VCary -aod ""-f .._
· shnuld n1 akc you \\'ary. -~
Whistle Wor·ks
SE."1T1'1.1': (A P > --
\Vhisllcs ha\'c l<1ken on :i
ne w ~ignirit':in ce •II c;rt'l'k
Ro"' ne ar the Uni\'crsity of
\Vas hington.
J\l ii r y Ha yburn, house
presid ent of Alph;1 Phi
sororily, says ;Jlumnae C(l!1·
cerned for the safet y of
1·0C'~s ha ve donalc d
1\•h1sllcs lo the sorority.
'rhe rnove was prompted
hv lhe disappea rance of s~vc n young \\'Omen in the
Paeifif' :\'orth1\'l'St rlut·in~
the pas t year. 'l'v.·n \Vere
fron1 th t.? University or
\V:.is hini.;ton.
'\..-ORR J,
· 1/ia·ne"J w.ddint lnyif•lion• I[~ •"' AnnourtC:elMnt~ ---HOUDAY PARTY
CHRISTMAS CARDS --····-·· ....... 11111 tllS1 ll"llW~I
CHiii Ill I ll ·Cll VI
Jo/lg Time
alt'> dl 0 .CJ
FROM 4 P.M .
ol partkipoting Del Tocoi
oll O•cr lhe 6outhlond
• -•
TUdday. Oc100er 8. 1974 CAil Y PILOT 8:J
MIXED SIMGLES liy Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson DOOLEY'S WORLD by Roqer Bradfield
6ooMoe.: IT">
11M£ G1NC£
'(ou SAID
t,ti(J LOVED Me ...
61~E \loU ,....__,
5'\ID \l)U
CHANCE 1l> sruov ... u.er SH( Ol<UMto or IJEING
;;;1 --::::::=~~MA:l<l'l•f.D ...
J •
ill,;° Et£i/A1'0R Of . ·
A~ EVER'/ f\.00"!
by Tom K. Ryan
I 1)iO(x;H'f HE AAH ' ~sHU1 UP!
r:or< 'T'HS'
t.AS"f 1'tM6-. MR. P.AL..Y ...
'Y'OLJ CAf>,,1."f"
L..1Fe 1"H l f>,,IK /f>,,IG
SOf>,,l·OF ·A ·GUloJ .1
H~ G01" AVVA.Y
. r •• ,,_
-~ ...... ,.._.
1 Steep
~!. oa.,ot 1he
41 Make• I.tit 6 Oiplomecv
10 Wish down !il Swoid handle
52 Makes a go!t
G{i; l $(0T S~lllB
14 Rernb1a,.,dr
l l u 0 [
1!. 1/640ot a
•' ~.I SmJlle• In sore
!>8 Sc£pters
s.ouare m1lr. pov~•
16 Highway strip ~9 Goddcs• ot
17 AttOI - . dl":ord
Flyr>n 61 SouthE•n U.S .
18 ExiMed C•lv
19 Thls:Sp;ir,.,h 61 · ·· hle
20 Sawbuck Obscssio"
22Hidcs 6J"'Choc., STYL ( IR(Al SLY
24 F•enchma" A.meric~n
26 Mos1 humo.,>t 10 Peuod~ of 1est 37 food
prolouiid 64 Oft .the cull 11 Use101'1oavail recep!aclt
27 Orn11mc,,1al 65 So1cadshav 12 Sweetens the 39 Cer111in1v
columii 66 S1o11on pot 40 Leh
31 Not o1he1wise 67 S11uctu•es 13 C1uclperso1"1 42 Ripped
soecilled: made by birds 21 f1-ed mode 43 Animal te,,der
Abbi., OOWN 23 Early autos 44 Commotio"'
32 Anorv 1 SenM.I 2!J F1ult 46 Sesame p13n1
3J f i"e sh<iweis 2 Commaiid 10 27 Smoking 47 So11ilboal'1
JS P.S.T.plus 1dog insuument
one hour 3 Oe~1ve 28 Goll clvb
38 G111e ueadily 4 l e,,gthen 29 Rende1ed
J9 Ice c111m S Allow hog lat
to,,coctions publit•tion of JO Midway
40 H1viflg l'\O 6 flap o" a devices
wealth g&1men1 34 Mo1hc1 of
41 Souridarv 1 Makes" ISHt
42 Radio 1ece1ver holc·in·one JS T cmpora1y
aswmbtv 8 Sy"cm or Mate ol mind
48 Eat awav
49 Relil'lqurshed
SO lo"g iiarrow
SJ Agricuhu1~!
~5 S<lhs·
Ml Send lonh
·• 43 Money:Sla"g bellet 36 Alone.on
44 ln lavo1 ol 9 Dime: 2 words ~l•Oll
51 Tta5M: Slal'l(I
60 Un!linchinA
' ' , ' • ' ·<.~ ' I • ,.,, " " " " .. j,< " 1.. ,,
" ,.,, " " r -.:
" " ,~ " 1J
I Y:' '
;· ·:!" " " " .
' ll " )0 ,, . " ,,. " . I > '
JI -· JJ " ;.! " " "
" J9 ' •0
" ., . " . .. ;, ,, ..
' . ' " .. •• " • " . .,, " ,, " . " " .. "
I " " " .. r ., ,, ..
" " "
by Tom Batiuck
i.-fOUPlf>,,11 .1
by Dale Hale
-----~-WHY NOT<--
'(OJ T.;:'K \\.,. f'l.l.\!011.1~5 ..i..".~5 .. E)
INlO T..!E: R1V£f1:,
.:~.l..(LIE &';.JW;.i ?
by Emie Bushmiller
I"!" :.1~157 ~VE B::fN : 8Vi
AA.l.i'6C .1.1: C.l.N GET T.J 1T
Ti-IE fT-'R.~ !'RAl."1 ...
t.tNOEl<'~fAND WM&N
Of:" C.OIAJl7E, KIO.'
,-YDV1 /jtLL.V .• !
l fEl.L "rt>~ ! DON'T
PE1r~ONAL.11Y ...
T ow•o ro POLICE LAB,,...,
by Charles M. Schuli
t'Ll 8C:T 8£Eil-OVE.'ll NEVER
A."li'THING LU<E T/41? :
by Mefl
T ... I? LfllVE,; A
LOT TO 81!
DE?i~ED.· ..
-; if ..
* * 8 21 ,,.,
Ml'l<, .. lf!/llf .
' by Chester ~auld
'· " ~· • ,,
• ,~' •
• l
' I ..
I ' i
' ' '
I .
80 0 ·
, Q .
by Ro9er Bollen
ONl</ IF </00
Pll0"11S£ NOT
TO QocrE f-.'lE !
"Oh dear. no\> I.nit\ h;.i1 l' \lop~d 'lrl'tchi n~ lo lit n1l'~··
! 111
i 1 1! '.I i
·~Rl4~1 ... ~
• NEXT Ti.¥< '!!XI Go TO lllE
FiXIT ~ 16'.JT ~ElHI~'
FOR ')'O(J."
' ••
ff.I OAJL V PILO I T uti~ay, Octodiir 8. I 974 '
·Fight Fans
Fans; Fight
At Garden
NE\\' ''ORK L:nhitppy P<1r11s<ins
in a rru111d nl' ~.•10:! ut t\l :1d1:-nh Squ;1r1·
(l.1rd1:n') Fe ll Fururn IJ!tcrcd th~
hflllini.: ring 111th g l:1'>~ .111d l'li:urs
'fhcn :1 JU 111111 1111· p1.1)h1tq;·:.i11d
~hv 1 v1g 'l·11t t le lin)i..t· oiu1
· 't'ti1 .. h11H! uf t h1 u~ 1:1n 't h1:lp
ho:..int.: .. ,,1HI f lll!tll'I h1·:11 ~11 ('IJ;hl
1·h:11n 11 1·'10111 1'.1111·1 .... 11. :1 l.,,i,1(· ·r,·
c 111n 111 1·11t.1t11r !111 t h1· F o111111·, .tl'l u.11
m .11 n 1·11•1H ·' 1 11\or1 h1 F .1u,l11
J\1>d 1 1glll' l 111 l· r I l .11 •iii! \\ 1•si•Jl1. J r
~ubo1dy 11 ,,, r1•pu1'1'·1J 111 1urcd 111 the
n1 .. J1•1• \.\ hh·h 1·1 uplt·d :1ftcr 111•ltcr-
11 t•n:.hl J u'>lll'1' (l rl1z of l'ucrto Hl(,_'1.l
J.:.il ll t:d J '!J ilt S l}..•l'()Un1I dt:t'l!'>IOll
;1g:1111 "t (:11..,to 11 1.'rnundvl o f the
Oorn 1111l·an Hc 11 ubht
• 'f \I ,., •••• ,.
NE\\' '\'ORK -·rhc Amrriran
Hr·o,1dl'..i.,11n g Cu. annountl·tl '.\l•Jnda\·
11 v.:111 lclt•\ 1su 1111\lon;dl.v %1t11rda,\ 'i.
South\l'l'" I l 'onfr rc nl·c: eollri.:c fnnl ha I I
game bet11ccn T CX<l lJ 1\&'.\T UIH.l 'fl.'Xili.
'l'cl'h. lt"'s To11gl1 (JH Everuoue
. . '
e H11d fft~p11f11fi1t11
\\'L' I' PER 'I' 1\ L. Germany A
rt'~1dent of th 1.., Htiin1·l:tnd city, in·
rul'l..ilt•d 0\l'I' lh~· \\'upf)C.•rtal S0l"('CI"
tcan1's string of deteats, has asked a
civil court In proh1h1t thl' cluh fro1n
using the name of hi., hon1cto11 n
l;11i1·l·rs 1t v ol .\ri1.una chcl'l'lc;.idl•r J,isa ltehbein reflects her concern l'<1rly in 1\rizona 's
\\'i!h '!'ex.ls! ~_:1 Pa!-iOI Saturc\a.v night. It \\'asn't r(•ally that tough. Arizonn \VOil. -~2-13 . football gam e
"The ('Jub's th·fl-<1ts t·au:-;c har111 10
the reputation of \\o'up1~:rtaL " he :-.u1d
in ~is complaint
Lack of Super Recognition
• Rig ltf Out
!\l11numuleuna. l'('I,,\'-; prum1~ing
frc~hman linebacker. \I 111 mis., the
197-' season 11•ith ;1 pinthed 1H~r1 C' in
his nc·ck, Bruin:. CiJal'h ll1ek" \'1·rn1c>1I
said '.\londay .
Fails to Bother A's' Bando
··tt 11·11.<1 delf'rminerl Fr3nk ~hould
!'li1y n1n of roothall unttl sPrini,: pr;1t··
t1 cc nrxt .\·ear,•· \'l'rmeil i;aid. "!1 1..,
condit1fln \\ill he re.evaluated then."
H,\L'l'l'.\IOH £ <A P) 1'hl' Oaklilnd
,\'s are in lQ\\•n to rneel the Baltimore
fJriolrs in the third ganlc of the
Amt•r1e1.111 League playoff:-., so \\'h;1t
heltl'r t 11nt' to dis(·u:-.s third basrmcn''
Thl' l\IO tC'ams pr11bahl.'· h:11e lht' be!\\
in ba :-l'hall
\\'hf'nCVl'l' 1 hl' ~hJctl 11f th1' best
rn:ijor !('ague third baseman comes
up, the con1·erso.1tion inevitably turns
to the Orioles' Brook!; R'oblnson. But
ho11• •1hout Salvatore Leonard Rando
f:\'Cll Robins o n. pcrlH1ps 111 the
t1\·ilight of a s pcct11rular career. is <.i
member of the Ba ndo F<1n Club.
~l a numaleuna. a plavcr \'crmeil ~o.1id had a good chan(·c io he a thrCt'·
time All -1\111('r1ean, ll':ts injured in the
Bruins· opener <t!!aJn!>l Tennessee.
1"cnncsscc. 2 Tea111s May Fold
• Cru1t·ds (/p
·r1JLA~,\ U1·~p1tl' delayed con·
struction and c·nn11lCtition frnm. L" S
tr:1cks thi s !'>11n1n1er. rebuilt ,\gua
(.";11iente is a1cr:.igin{! 5300,000 at the
Players Lower Boom
mutucl betting \1'indo,1s. () w • h • W-F-l "l'he ("rO\\'d ;l\'l'l"iJ gc . ..; ;~bout !!L._000 nn --_ n-_.._.,_ e ring----
Saturdays ;ind Suncra~s. ii bout the I;£~
:-.an1e :1s ht~forl' f1rl' dei;lrO\'ed lhC'
thOl'(JUAhhrcd pl:int 111 1971 · Racin l!
rc:-.umed la'i t '.\l ;1y. hut !ht• offH·1a l
openin~ is set ll·n1al1\'l•l.' fo r lalc
f)Cl'C 1n be r
• \'••~ftr~e R.-t111p .-.
i\11\DRID Fout·th-seeded !lie
N:1stasc of Rornania he:it Roger
Dol'.·des \rc11 , Hhodesia. 6·1, fi -3 in the
first round of the 1\elia tennis lour·
nament i\l onday.
In other matches. se\·cnth·secded
Tom Okker. llotland. defeated Ni('ola
Spe;1r. Yu gosla\'ia. 6·3. 6-4: Salvador
Cabeza of Spain oustl'd 10th-seeded
\'ij:iy Amritraj of India 2-fi, 7·5. 6-3,
<1nd Antonio 1\lunos of Spain
elin1inatcd 12th-s et·dcd Brian Gott-
fried.; -5. J.fi. !l-.1
• .... .<;. ,..,, i" ,, .. ,,
SA;.; 01 EGO '!"he Japancsfl men ·s
na\lonal voll cyb:tll tcam scored a 3-1
\'JC!or~· !n i:;a in t hC"1 rt h1 rd \\ in in a ro\1•
o,·c·r lhc li.S . 1'l•am that upset them
~1 ght monlhs :1go .
In the m.'.llch 'londay night. a
tuneup for !he \l'Orld litle g.'.lmcs in
i\lex1co start1n ~ this 11·cckend, the
./;ipanesc \1 on 15-8, 15· 13. 12-15 and 15-<.
Inflation i~ on I he \'l•r)!e of s:.ic k 1ng
l\10 \\lorld Football LC'ague fran-
chise~ hut the Ill'\\/ 1>rofl•ss ional root-
ball in to\111 . tllnui:h battcr£.'d and
stigh11y cll·flatcd. 1s ~till hoping an in·
jl'ct ion or fresh funds v.·i\I fill it up
Sµo rt 1s rt•t•ognilt>d as a business,
business is recognized as 'far fro m
boontin)! and !hl' \\'FL rccognizl's it
must do soml't h in~ about \\1•0 of it s
biggesl-li:.ibilitics -the ,Jacksonville
Sharks and lhe Dt·trolt \\/heels.
WFL comm issioner Gary Davi~
son. \l'ho pushl•d inrant hockey and
basketb:ill leagues out into the v.·orld
in lcss-trnublecl f1n:1ncia1 times, finds
t\1·0 of his football 1·tubs on the brink
of financia I e xtc rrn i nation !oday.
"PresC'nt 01\·ners hip has been
unahte to meet f1n ;,1ncial obligalions
for several 11 ccks ;ind the league can
no longer c;t1·ry the tl'am's operation
and player eontr:it·ts unless rinancial
support ('()n1cs forth in the l\\'O eitics, ··
Da\·idson s aid
As a result, lhc \\'Fl. annount:cd
r.tonday that !his 1\eek's g:.imcs in-
\-ol\'ing the. DctrtHl \\'heels and the
Ven11eil Ln11ds Foe
UCLA Ready for Cards
Despite .Winless Mark ·
IJ lS .\\'(:El.ES! \P f "l'he St:111·
r11r1t (',11·d1n.il .., ;tl't' \I 111lt·-..; Ill 19i I. hut
lh••\ 111111 ·1 r:itrh ll1ck \"l'rm~·1I b~ sur-
·ru1·1111l).'. t hC' t.1 hl1•<: on the Southern
t,.111rnrn 1.1 F1>1Hh;1 ll \\'r1 tC'r~ .\ ..
:-111·1.1!10 11 ;\l n1nl.t,1. 1hl' f 1 r:-l ·~c.1 r
L(I .. \ 1·11:ic h rornn11•nl1•d
( 'o:irh .J a1·I. ('hr1s\1:1n:-.c·n of St:.in ·
f,11·d h:1 .. u~t·d thrl'e snphnn1ore quar-
terback ~
\'t-rn1t•1 I rt•r11 ... t•d l•l ('1·;,tluatc lhcn1
puhl1{·I.\'. "I ha1·c my op1n1011s bul l'rn
l\Ol 20111i.: 10 ll·I a n.\Otl('t•lsc know\.\ hat
thcyarc."he";iul ..
Jack:-;onl'il\c Sharks ha1c been posl-
poncd. Their s cheduled opponents,
the Florida Ul;izers and ('hicago Fire
11·ill sr1uare off \\'cdnl'Sday instead.
"BitinJ? the bullet isn ·t~nattracti\'c
allern:.iti\'c for the players on the ·
Sharks and \Vhccls \1·ho stand to he
put up for gra bs in a draft later in the
«·el.!k if some Santa Claus-type l'ar-
r.ving ba~s of money doc:-;n't hit the
ci ties of Detroit and J acksonville in
the nf'xt counle of days .
'l'hcsc playf'rS are understandably
. bitter.
"E\'crything 11'as handled 1>00rly,"
s;1id the \\'ht"els' Jesse !\li ms. "It .iusl
1\·asn't prnfe:;sion:1I.''
"I've got a 9-ycar-otd brothC'r v.·ho
enuld C'Oal'h betler lhan Dao
Boisturc. ·· said Chuck Collins. the
\\'heels' punter. ·''I' here \\'ere sci' en or
eight games \\'C s hould h:.l\'C 1von, but'
\1 ('didn't because of bad coarhini,.:. ··
l "hen Collins lo"·cred th!.' boom on
!he n\11ners. 32 Detroitl•rs ..-.·ho filed a
~-5 million bankruptcy petition &.•pt.
2·1. #
They "'lhot u ght they'd be mil-
lionaires O\'ernighl, thought they'd be
able to brag to their friends about
bt:1ng ov.·ntrs of a footb:.i ll team,'' Col-
lins said. ,\nd there's more dirty laun-
dry that has surfaced rcrently.
Detroit pl:iyers have told stories or
having to bring their own t.o"·els to
practicl'. of IH1 \·ing to l}cj? :idhesive
t apl' fro n1 a ph~1r1nareutiral
sal<"sman and of not beinJ! ;1ble to gc(
pral'tire uniforms back' rron1 the
"'Sh:u·111~ !nod and rPnt is the only
11a y to SUI'\ l\'e hl'rc."' said 11uartcr-
hack Rubba W,rehc, "ho addl'd lhat
:1t one IK)lllt paychC"rks \1erc three
\ll'l'ks behind srhcdule
"'N111rt .1·-C'i~ht percent of the guys
;1 ro 111al'ried and all they"\'C he-en gl't·
lin g is lies ;ind notice.~ Iha! lheir
hou:-C's or their furniture arc going tn
hl' r<"t'IOSs e.,scd. · · said Collin!'...
"Da y-in and day-out," says Robin·
son. "Bando is the guy who docs it for
tf1c 1\'s.''
Oakland manager Alvin Dark
refused to be drawn into the debate.
Dark 1von 't C\'Cll talk about Bando's
"There ;i re so many players on this
learn !the ,\'s) v.·ho are being con·
011 TY W<'d11e•da11
('lu11111Pl -I"' f I
sidcrcd for !\lost Valuable Playe r in
the American league that I don 't want
to insinuate that one player is more
\'Hlu:.iblc than the oth(•r,"' Dark ex-
"All my players have diffe rent
dut il'S and they're all valuablt! in dir-
fcrcnt v.·ays. ··the manager says in his
he~t broken field st.l'le.
i\laybc Rando has hecn lost in the
uproar that constanlly s..-.·irls about
s ueh as Reggie J :.ickson, Jim ''Cat-
fish" ll unter, Ken 1-loltzman, Bill Nor-
th. \'ida Blue, and of course, the most
controversial man in baseball, A's
ownerCh;trlcy Finley.
Pe rhaps B:.indo's worst advertiser
is himself. llc's a peacenH1ker not a
hell raiser. lle's a leader in the quiet
sense. ~
'!'he 30-,vea r-old Bando insists he's
nol upset by the comparative l:ick of
recognition. ''It used to upset n1e, but
not a nyn1orc. '' he pcr-sists.
Heart Attack
Hits Choo Choo
CllAPEI. 1-l l LL, N .C. C1\PI -
Charlie "Choo Choo" Justi<;e, a two-
timc t\1J.,\mcrican football playe r at
the l..:nil'ers ity of North Ca rolina. was
reported in satisfactory condition
l\1onday after s uffering 1'.'hat doctors
·described as a mild heart attack
Sa turday.
,Justice. who operates an insurance
:igc ney in Greensboro. v.·as stricken
during lhc Pittsburgh-North Cal'olina
i,.:a n1c :Jl Chapel llill .
1\ ~11okcs m<in al North Carolina
~Ten1orial llospita l said Justice \\'as in
the intens ive c:ire unit. hut \l'<'.IS in
good spirits.
Arter a hrilliant high school ca reef'
;lt As heville , Justice 11·on. All-
,\n1rri C;•n honors as ;i tailback for
~orlh Carnlin:.i in 1948·4~1 n the sum·
1ner of 1950 he led the College All ·
st;1rs to a 17·7 l'ictorv ove r the rh·~n1 -
pion Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago
and v.·as narncd the game's most
\·aluablc player. lie wt'nt on to 1>lay
briefly 11·ith the \Vm.,h~~I! Redskins
of the National Fo • ague.
Alston Won't
Think ut
World Series
snve somebody for the \\'orld Scl'ies.
you may not get there," said manager
\Valtcr Alston before his Los Angeles
Dodgers look on the Pilts bul'gh
Pirates tod<.1~' in the third game of
their National League (·ham1Jionship
So even though lhe Dodgers ...,·ere
playing before 56.QOO in their _home
stadium a nd holdi.ng a 2-0 lead 111 the
best-of-five series, Alston v.·ouldn't
look ahc:.id.
"You v.•orry about the \Vnrld Series
\\'hen you get there," said the dean of
fJ11 'I'\' M1.:•d11t•sdoy
('hr1111wl If at f 2 ::111
1nanager.'>. \\'hO has piloted V.'Orld
charnpionship Dodger teams in 1955.
1959. I91iJ and 1965.
llis 01>po.'\ing s ~i1>1"1Cr. Danny l\l ur·
l:iugh of the Pirutcs. \\'ho \\'as to
eelebr:1te his 57\h birthday tit the
playoff ~um('. readily adn1its his
team had ils buck to the wall on ar-
rival in Los An geles.
The Pirates had lost 3-0 and 5·2 in
their home park.
"There's no tomorrow rur us if we
don't v.·in toduy," he said in relating
the obvious. "I 1nade my decision to
go l'.'ilh Bruce Kison pitching because
he has thrown v.·cll for us down the
~l urtaugh rhose a right·h~ndcd hit·
ling lineup \Vilh Bob Robertson and.
Rirhic Zisk starting at fi rst base and
the outfield respccti vcly.
Alston changed his lii"lcuµ to insert
Wil lie Cra,\•fo r d, a left-handed hittc1·.
in right field and ,Joe Ferguson cat-
Kison, :i 6-foOl-4 righl·hander. tcr·
med the game, "The most im1>0rtant
I've ever started1" llis southpa\v pit-
rhing opponent. Doug Rau. felt the
same .
Bolh un.--: youngstc1":S. allhouj:h the
2.1.yea r·old Ki son gained a_cl'l?im in
1971 "'hen he pitched 6 1/3 111111ngs 111
relier against Baltimore in the rourth
\\'orld Series gurnc. whil'h s(Juurcd
the ball le that the Piratt·S "'ent on t<.>
v.·in in SC'\'t"ll J,!ame:s.
·f<ison was 9·8 during the regular
!Season and Rau 13-11. Each wa5 ham·
pered by a blister on the middle f_ing~r
·of his throwing hand a\ one point 1n
the season. Both say there's no
problem now. •
'rhis Game No. 3 of the champion·
ship series was announced a sel lou~on
!\londay guarantecin~ a crowd of
One big sur1>rise V.'ilS a rain storm
l\fonday \\"hi ch limited the teams'
\1·orkouts. Sinre coining \Vest from
Brook lyn in 1958. the Dodgers huvc
h<1d only one l'egular season gonl{'
postponed by rain ~ in 19ti7.
"I had never seen roin ou( here, ..
cornn1enled !\lurtaugh. "l\1aybC' a Iii -
tie mist in the mornings."
Although it has been rumored that
l\furtau g h \\'il l announce h i s
retirement from managing arter t his
season, he said. "I have not made
comments on retiring. I usually make
an nnnouncement at the end of the
season on v.'hat I am going lo do."
!\lurtaugh retired from managing
the Pirates rollowing the 1971 season.
but returned on Sept. 6, 1973. Tic has
led the Bucs,to tv.•o \Vo1·ld Series titles
-in 1960and 1971.
Catcher.Manny S<inguillen and out
fielder \Villie Stargell paced the
Pi rates hitters through the first t \1·0
NL playoff games, with averages
of .375 :ind .4:!9. Bu t the overall Pitt·
:-;!Jurgh batting average was only .188.
On the other hand, the Dodgers
\Vere hitting .288 as a team \Vith Ron
Cey at .500 ....:.. including four hits Sun·
day -Steve Garvey and Bill RuSSl'll
al .333. and Bi ll Buckner at .300.
UPI 1tttpl'IQto
"!'fl hkl' tn ,1,i.. \ 1111, \I h('tl 11-.1<; the
l:J<;.t r11n 1· ''•11 -.,1\1 .1 S1:1 nf11 r<t IC'a nl
ronu· 11110 t ht· l'flll-.1•11111 .uul nol 11l,1y
\1 1•11" J1 '., hl'l'll q ut lv ;i lt•11 ,ll':•I'' ..
·r111· n.:!-t (",1rd1n.11.., .ind 1ht' 2 1 l
l 't L \ 1!1•11111" np1•11 !lu• 1'.1r111t' ~ L'on·
l.i •11 ·n1·1 .,1·.1•.i)n S.t1111'tl.1\. ni::ht 111
.\lo 111(11'1 ,ll 1· .. 11-.1•11111
llo\\'e11•r, ht· said fi1· 1101ddn 'l la~c
t 'h ri ~ 1 i au·~ t' 11 ·., "1111rnae h. .. \\ h ich
dnesn'l nl l':l ll 1'111 righl :ind he 's
\I rOn!:. \\'e h.t\'(' !1111 good flll .'.l rler·
ha t ks ;it l"CI. \. h111 I l"K·h 1·1P \'nu 1·;1n
just l!t'! 111111 r1·.ul.\ 111 pl.iv · .c h<"
111 111 th1,.· ,1 nl) :u1d c·11.11·h 1h1· h1·l l 0111 of
h1111 .
"'\'ou 'r(' suppost•d to go out on the
l1rld and play hard ... said g11;.1rd .\like
\\'ilson .. But ho\1 can \'OU \I' hen \'Olli'
pen;nnal ll(t•is f:1lling a'parl." •
Fran l\l orHteo. 1he ,).font -:! soil'
0\1111•r nf 1 ht• Sh;.i rks. h;ul tus business
roo ts 111 four l't·ntr:il Florid:1
l.1horal oric ~. h111 his foolb;dl ex-
l)f'l'l!llt•nt ha:-. h1•e11 a f:iih11"e sof:1r
Dolphins Lead From Wire
\\'1"r1• t.il.111 L: th1· ;q1pr11.11·h 1n till·
sr.1nl•llrt ~.1 tll\' "" 1t 11 .. tt 1l' f!:1n11· "'
!h1· ,,•.11 \\·1··1··· 11nl C+ll..1ni.: abo ut th1'
H1)~C Bu I\ I or .1111 !Inn r..: hk1· 1 hi :; \\\• re
JU"! t .1 II. I !I)! ,I ht •It! 11!.1 I l!lC s1 !I nlnrd ..
\'1•1 tll l'd 1.., .1 1nr1n1•r Stanforfl a ..
~1 .. t.1 nt c11,u h :1., I\ i•ll ;1 ... 1 h 11'1lll't' .iule
,t\ ! l'I..\ ;11111 11 1th tht• l.o!I 1\llt:l·lc.;
·r h1•\ ·,.,, ,~, 1•r\ h11 ;1., i.:on d a<>
lhl•1 '1l' ht·1·n n\C'r !hr l:i.,t thr("f' cit'
foui 11•.1r.;, .ind frt1111 :1 tl1•f('n"\\(' stan-
1l1M11111 . !ho•\ 1·;111 pl.1y 11 1th ,1n ~l)Od) 111
lhC't'llllllfl'\ .
~t.111f,-1rd Jn.,! In Sll n .Jn"C' S!:i l('. I hen
'11·111 on !n 11111 lh{'197'2 llo'le Bo..-.1
1'111 ... ~ 1'.11 1 hl'\ \11·rt' llr1 t h1 ~.1n .lo~•'.
2J 21 ·rh .. 1lt•r ... 11 ... \1P1 ... 1 ~,1 111..,t 1'1·11n
St.I!(', 111111•11" .111it \l u h1.i;:.111
., 1111 l.111111 rh.1 1 lh•"'• !'-t.111f11rd l.:111<.
h,1\1' :1 1\;1\ of O:t'll1ni;: n·.trh 10 pl.1\
tho~t· (nolh.111 i:.11n1•" th.11 .111• 11'.ill\
1n1pt11 t;11\1 \'l'r mt•1l rnnllntu·d \1111
11111 ran \lrl t h:ll !ht•\ 1h1nl. lht 1'.11 .ll
O[)('ll!'I" I ~ ,I lt'I\ llll1Nl1'1,1nt J.:,•1111' Ill
lht•n1 "
"l'rn 110\ :-.111.it'! <·1111111.!11 !t1 t'f){L<"h
1hrt'\' quti1·tcrh;1C'k._.· \"1•f'ttll'1I quip
\l1.·;11111!11 1l•. \t•f'Tll(•d ~•t1d thC" 111 s h-Fo ti all R t"
hllll t' fOl'lll.'.111011 . \rh1<•h ht' srr:ipp{'(! :is 1, 0 ) a tngs
l'(I. \'s h;i~l l'. nff~~n ... t• Ill f.1 \'or or thl'
\'c<·r·T 11 hl·n hl' :-.111'<'\'\'ttC'd i'!.'IJIX'r
l<nd).'.1·1·, l.1 -.:I l)t•f'1'ntl1t·r. 1.., hat•k as
pa1t nt lht• Hru111 :-I' :i tlucl.
l 'Cl,,\ 11:-ecl it in S:11urrl<1y niJ,:ht 's 27·
11 11rl111·1 at lilah h1.·C'at1-"C 1lcfenscs
h.1<1 h<'t';1 01 rr·s h1f1 1nJ,! lo stop !he
lln11n., 111 s hort ,·:+rda~t· s1t 11:it1ons -
<hrl.1!111.l: the> 1\:l} 1\1.' \1 1H1ttl run the
h.d l ..
H1• -.:ntl 11 ui 't'<s lhf" Bruins a
'rh.111.i.:1· 11f 11:1rC'" nfl1·n~r that 1:-.
· \ t'I \jll llCh •t It ft'l'l' nl tn dC"fC'nsr '·
ll'T. \ 1~ 111 II" i 'M',f !lh\<!ICa l t'•l1l
d1!U)fl <111{'(' !ht• "t.llf nf th{' ~\'!!.,Oil,
r.·rn11·1l ~.lid . h1•r.111 .... · .11 I 'l;ih h1· 11 as
.1hl\' 111 hnl1I nut ttr 1111111 !hi· pl,1\ 111
'llt'h · han ~t·d up" pt.1,\t'I'" :1~ !11·f1·n
.. 1\1• t.1cl.l1• t'ht'! Fr,1,1t·r. nu~1·i.:11,1 1d
~:rt',!,! -.:01J 11•\•1, !1n1•h.1rl.t•r '1'1·r1 v
r.111111111 .11111 h.tt'I.. 1-:111111· \.1•·1.,
IN!"'' UnotN\ P•I'" l'l!•tfl.ll•QN,I DC.li!ll OI {"'°(lwo\
IOD IO riw1or lQ.l!tQO lOOll!All ••toncu ... 11'. -lot!"!('""'
T"--A\'61'1 •11'(1 P•~\• f9' t_,h COl!f'9t ltotlMI!
llOll, """' •~•'fll f<"CO<<I II\ lllfM!~.
1 (lllio S"•t (• 01 1,1•• 11 HO C••o. St O·Ol lH 1 0•111\o .... !JOl 1,11• 11 A!1ton• l'.01 l:i
J A1""".,.,. !•01 t)A 1J Nl \.tOlllll\ U·l l 111
M•Cl'.•!lolll UOI t9J U "•••nw\ !l ll U )
NtO••"ll !) t I t&I 11 '"'"" SI"'" I) 11 ·' ~ Noh• o ...... u n -lflS 11 '~"" A&M (}II • I u~ 11 t1 1)1 11 If•~• I)!! 11 ~ •1""""' u 01 1u '* ••11 sr n 11 si
• 1~ • .,, IN~ llOIJ •II Jt ~J""" Ill! l•
Ill ~vou•n (10) )t )"XI M•A''"· O UO n 10
t'llhf•\ "!fl V•ll~ •OI•\. lo .ll>n •l~~ft1X't11•il' (l'n•·,jl"· !l!•nno\. M~••l•n(I, M•~m· OI I !OllO•.
M"I'"'" N~ft~ {~"II'~~ Ot<!~J'O~m~ MAI~. ,/1111,
l•ro•plf, l!~~' •\M lv•M"·· U(l A
Namath 's Conieback Falls Short, 21-17
~ll A!\.11 IA l•J --ll ubf'rt. filnn. an un-
~ung spcrdster in !\lian1i's stnble of
1horou~hhrt•cl runners. romped 41
,vn rds ror ;1 touchdov.·n n1idwa )
through th(' fourth £.'(juart('r :ind the
Dolphins hC'hl nff a second-hair Nel'.•
''ork rally ror ::i 21-17 \'ictory in thf'
!\fonday ni g ht National f''ootbatl
Lcai:uc gam.c .
Ginn, wh~e 98-yard ki ckofr return
ror a tourhdo"·n in the lhird period
had been nulliricrl b}1 a i"lipping
penalty, ht'l!Wd the Dolphins '4'in I heir
21st straight home ,:::;iine and offset a
pa~sini: ~hO\\' pul nn by the JC'ls' .J~
Namath in the second half.
1'ht Jels v.•crc behind 14·0 at the
, hulf. hu1 N:1m:11h fll't'tl lh<'m up aft er
intcrmi:o111lon. romplr·tinJt 10 or his 25
11as~C':'li in lhr flnal 1v.•oqu:1rtC'rs for t!)I)
~ 11 rrls 11nrl I \l'n I nurh1lo\1•n!>.
1\nd gin1p,\ lrg),lc•<I Hroadw:iy Joe
tlirh!'I r1uil until hn "'aS itilCl'CC(lt£.'d in
lhc v.•;.1nini:1 seconds h;y .li1kc Seott. lh
!ili:iml saf1.•1y ..-.·hn h;11I c·arlicr slolcn
tJlll' of Namath 's p;issf'~ and hattcd an
c;irlil'r .ll•l rn11 rrh.
Ginn ·.~ hurst dO\\'n lhc righ t siclt•
rah;l·d lhc llolphins ' lcad to 21 -10 1v1lh
8:59 lcft und proved lo he lhc decisive
tout hdown In the nutionally l('levi:.cd
contest. .,,
lht• !\1i :.imt 48 <J!ld \hi.' ,/l•l s \Vf•fc (Ol'l'Cd
lo punt,
Narnath rccel\•t.:d s till another
chance v.·lth 1; 13 to play and took thr.
.lets rrom their ,12 to Minmi's 40
only to have Scot kill the drive whh 19
seconds le ft . \Vith ::ibout si~ n1inutes to go,
N;11nath spo tted Rich Ca~t cr
streaking acros~ lhc field . Although
the big Jets tight end l'.'as surrounded
by four Do!phin dcfcr.dcrs, Namuth
picked him out and Caster raced the
rest of the wny do1vn the ~ldeline!'I for
a touchdo"'n. 1'hc pai;i. piny C'Overed ~ I h I . i '"' lllOW1I\ "" yarc s, t c oni:e~t scoring_ strike In A11.,,,.,.,,"u
Namuth's pro cnrl'Cr "''""' r•'"' --•,.•1or•,n ,,,O\ nobhy ll01\•field lacked on~ra ,,,_,
pninl und lh ~ .lei~ lr~llC4'121 ·11 . Then ~,l.i., . .....,,
lhq rt1iumi flefcrHH' 'A'1.1nt to 1vork to ''11w11o,,~~·1h
kcC'p Na nlath frnm lcudin~ hi~ lc:im 1No11110UAL L1.Aol"1ts
AU\H!NG No .. Ve,,,,Al9jl"\ ll l•. ""'•""•· lo11nothcr lourhdnv.•n. c~""" ,_~~l. cut-. 11.0 . i;i"" • •.
N '° k (h •· 11 h k • ~E(t:I VIN G Ntw '!'tu• H199111\ lit ( .. 1t•• ('\\' t OI' ~nt 1~ 1hl ' n(' 11i:a1n 3.111, O•r•~m J'' Ml.1m1 , 'l ... n1~, •·•'· M.iMicft 1~·ilh four m inul!•s In'"· hut N;1m11 th •~1• "'*"f," l' .. \)INr, N"w To•> Nd1tllll"' I/ Jt l I. hud I h fC(' ~I l'U ighl lncornplt•! ion:oi rr'fl!"l """"' Ml•m<. Cotlt•I' ti U O. I~
' • T11rsd<'Y. Ottobrr 8, 1974 DAILY PI LOT ft 5
. ' Prep Gridders of the Week Gals 1-2
Cd~I Offense
t:slancla Offense
,... Mater Dei Offense
Cdl\t Defe.nse
Esloncla Defense
l\tarlna ~fense
San Clemente Defense
' '
f .
Costa l\fesa Ofrense
FV Offense
l\1ission Viejo Qlfeme
Costa l\fesa Defense
FV Defense
J\fntcr Del Defense
Ua,lverslty Defense
Dana HUis Offense
118 Offense
Newport Offense-
Dana Hills Defense
llunUngton Beach Defense ........, ___ ..,_._
Edison Offense
Laguna Offense
San Clemente Offense
Edison Defense
Laguna Defense
l\1lsslon Viejo Defense Newport Defense ~~~_:__~~~~~
r\rea Grid Summaries
I t -1tY Qlwlr1tn
LD11r1 0 0 o D-0 M..,.ln1 0 7 0 ~7
M1rl111 iou(tldOwn· R e II" I k ' r. C011v1r1l1111: Su•ton 1-ft-)
St -~ Olltrt.n
Mti.r Dtl 0 I 0 t-1• Uk9WDOCl~lt0 ~1 ,,..t... Otl rwcflOe-.t: Gori1~1", Oarnl1191191. c-.i-: T1ylw lrvnl, Got111tn !1N11I.
Sew• "' Q111rt1n 01n1 Hlll1 6 0 0 G-6 ,... • 0 0 1._22
01n1 Hiii• to!Jcllctown : HOW9.
S(Ol'I 111 Q111rt1n1
~ltrOel O 6 O ~'
lt'twOOO JV1 0 6 6 1--lCi M:lltr Del louchdOW!I! Wlllll fl'IA.
Jl,llOOll VAllSITY
,,.,, 111 Olltrltn
vm~ P~r~ o " o 1s-11
E"1nc.l1 0 0 0 D-0 tzs··------------------w I IASEIALl..-441T-BASEBALLS •
EJ Toro Offense
rilarina Offense
Uni verslty-Offense
El Toro Defense
Crid Poll
.. 01, Ser-I, ltKOllll Poi11t1
1 $1, P1ul Cl°'I 195
7. "'"'""'lm !J..01 113 J. S..vllo (1.0.ll 163
4, 8l11>op Am11 !3.(1) 116
5. Sou!h Hlll1 tJ..01 U
•. ~ter o.i {]..(I) 11
7 l.oyol1 CJ.al 60
I. Lor. Altos 12·11 J6
t. Reot1nos fl·U JS
10. P11M Vorllfl !J..01 2• ,..
1: Monrovil (:J..Cl 051 lfl
2. Col!Dl'I Cl-Cl (4) 179
In Grid
Joycc Scott or ll untington
~ach came up "'Ith only five
losers and ty,·o ties to "in
th!! v.·eckly Dally Pilot Pigskin
Pickeroo football game guess-
ing contest .
Judges today noted 11\'0 er·
rors in !his y,·eck's Pirke:oo
pro games -Clevehuvl <LI
Ne1\' England and \Vashin~
ton at Philadelphia· Those
~ames. slated later in tho..' sea-
son • .,~:ill be excluded .
She u•ins a black and v:hite
portable television sci frorn -
sponsoring ABC Co I o r
Television stores of Hun-
tington Beach. The next t1ro
Y.inners were deter mined \'ia
the tie breaker aflrr a
massive tie ror s r con d
'resulted . each in the deadlock
having missed six games.
Carol Reed of Fountain
Valley made it a 1-2 finish
for the distaff side while Steve
Hinton of HWltington Beach
placed third.
Eighteen entrants v:ere tied
for second before the !ie
breaker system broke up Lhc
Only three of the top 19
finishers correctly t :i b bed
Duke over Purdue and all
three of the prile "'inners
"'ere r ight on the money in
Cincy's pro football U\l5Cl uf
\Vashington. And only three
of the leading 19 'vcre able
to prognosticate \VcslminstC r
High·s upset of Nc~·port
This Yleck's pickeroo entry
blanks appear in toclay's and
\\1ednesday's edition's of the
D~ily Pilot.
Prep Po1o
VAltUTY Scorl lly Qu1r1en
BolH Grinde 0 I 0 1-2
Huntington Beacfl 1 • 1 '-13
Hunllnf!IOll Belch KO<lnQ; M~~ l ; All4tnn l, ••vtor 2. Joll11~Dr1 1: Cus11m1n. Wtir,
Sctre Dy Qlllr1•r1
BolsOI Grinde o o o 0-o
Hy.ntlngton 8HCh S I I 5-19
Hunllng!Ol'I lltlKll i.corlnq , Bou '· Coulliui> 7, Rlcll1rd....,, Parlr.tr.
l"ltOSH·SO,.H Sc"'t Dy Ovlrtt rl llolSI Grll'lde I 0 0 1-1
-unoion BudlJ_J_.l~
Hun•IP19ton lle«h KO<lng· 81ustl111
!, OIOttr 3. Ok-"°", Rt~nold.
Trov k 01'• 111 a~11·~ i -J
l..l')IJ'llB lleB<h 3 J • '-14 l.avun• Buw:n ..:orlno: Mor!OO'I •. Benson J, Wnlllock 1. Anderl.oft 2.
.. 610aolv'99~-• ,-;.;a_ou.
1145 HAllOl ll VD,. C.M.
. 540.6410
radio pager ---·---$17.00 a lll!lllth total cost
no dept11t on
credit approval
l. Trov CJ.0) 142 835-3305
•. Temple CtlV !l.01 121\~~~~~~~~~~~~1 5. S1nt1 Ar>11 V1ll•Y {2.0.l) (1) 1111:
'· Sin M1rlno U.(IJ 100 7. Mornh•gsld• IJ..01 75
1. t.om...x. !l.Ol •2 ~. P1clflt~ ll.(I\ 29
10. Burroug~s (8urb1n~l n
>·A I. El Oor1do {J.(I) (11) 197
2. Rlo Mt~I (3.(IJ !ll 171 J. MllSlon Vlt!o (2·1) 136
l . R"""l~nd (1.1) 115
~. UnoY ... lllV (].(lj 107
6 P1l'Tld1l~ (1.0.1) 103
1. A111tlOlll V1llty U·ll 8J
I . .a.r11ng1on CJ.(11 15
f, G1rr IJ.(I) S(l
10. BO!llll ll.Ol 70
GIOTl4 CHl:Y. ll:A~IHG
s 124°0 .. o. :'.Ml MO °"8n End ~en11
,,... CIJ'WI ...., ....... -""""~
1 11 11 _...__._c~
IU..ull . t -t·llll
. ..__,..,_...
•Mo 0o-rrr-t
•Htw C• l"lf"Y 2 or l Y•r1 •Thfw.,,..., _.. Ml1'1 ...
Contact IM
Lta,. bpuh at '
18711 INCh I• .
tVrtinqtOft ltooch
842-405 ..
0,.. 1 0.,, ....:bt.·, •. ,
w .&-S..•-'
al participbting Del To;os
all ove r lhe Souit>lond
DOH'T DISCARD THOSE . , -I I Nit 21' ................ pttl4,.... I w • ..,. ..... ett.M .... ,,,., .. •4141•. ,,....,. si-.. I w ..... ,.... lO INlt si,oo ANTHONY'S SHOI SllVICl
WIN _7'P."" TV
w..kty Pigtkin Pickeroo '74 winne" will be ...._..
d.d pri1n by ABC Co4or T ele'lli1ion of Huntington
leach. fint place winnen wlll reui'll• a $91.11
z.nith 12-inch, diagonal measure, black and whrte
portabie l•levi1ion ul. Setortd place winnen 999 • $16.95 Zenith table mod.I rodio artd third ,.._
prisn ore Zenith "billfo4d'' pocket portable rHies
~ $12.95 each. AU ptiies ore volued ocuwdint1
to nmnvfodurer's 1u91l'"tff retail ptita.
£ntrin may_ be deposited unlil Thursday •fl~
at the A.IC Color T•'-viston Pigskin ,;di;-'74
h111dq Mlrten °'"al Doily Pilot offices in Hunti~ten 8-ch, N.wpart leclch, Colta Mncl, Laguna Ii-ch ·
or San cl-nle.
w..ltly winnen will be notified by moil anrd fMf
pidl up their pri 1n o t
A.IC Color Tel•vision 19046 aroo.hun1 11..,d.
Huntin9ton leach
Watch for this Pigskin Pickeroo '74 play•N femi .act.. W'ffk in th• DailT Pilot spo"• 1ection. Clrt._
the team you think wil win in .. ch pairin9 lft tM
list of 30 gamet artd Mrtd in th• 11loyer'1 fOml en-
try blank or a reasonabl• fac:simil•. Then -tch the
Daily Pilat sports pagn for each -e•k's litt of th... w1,_.,,
l4J the conclU1ion of-th• ·10-w•ell nm~tltJen,
j~ will in'f'ite-fiNt ~ winn... to try f'w the Miail grand priz•; a Z.nith color t.._laion. The
' 16-inch, diaganal m.owre tobl• model -.... Ml 11
'Wllwd at $291.11. It 9"' to the PigMin ~ '74 contnlont who bfft pr.diets the outc.ome af
Mlectlld pcvf.istonal football 9omn the wffk•ncl foll.M~ the cloq of regulor plckeroo contnt.
ToJ!L•l!9J)I• for th!_.g_rand ~1•,1JOU ha...,. le win -One ~ tMWiili:ly Pig1kin p·.c1i_e;oo-74~
petjtlans. a.low ar• tM n.iln, the list ef .. .,....
Gnd entry blank. Good ludc.
1. ~ .... _,., ........ M&.w •• ,.. ....... , ..............
.. --, ... _."'· ..... ,_ .... '-'"""'"';. tMfloooeol • -
--9wpfi-.N 1 .. m.. -... ......_ ;,. ..............
i. t.ilii.to j ...... i,... n-wMch .,.., _........ wMI ..
"'•••llfiM .
2. s...1 it ... f'IOS«JN PK:llHOO, '7•, S,... D1,..111 ••I, P.O.
lei I.MO, c..t. Mo.., CA. '2•2• .
J. ONy w -.... ,... ,..,_ ,.....,itt.11 _., WMll. Cso:lelle 111
--..i...I ..... '-"· oHicWe _, ~ ...... ~ -""' ........ , .. , . ........_ ... "'"' .. ..--... .... _,
....... ify ....,. "fldil~ _ .. ""''"" ...... 4~.
0.0.-.. of , ........... !hi. ptlott -· ... ....,,... .. ,..... ..., ... _ .. ,.. .... .
............ _. ... ,.., .... "'"' _, ...... '"-n......, ........
""'"'.,. ""'41--1 ta the Doily l'ilM effl~ lry 6 P.M. n-.. ....
l . ,..,icli-ti"I ........ ..... "*' ........... ..... hitt "'-"
................ their i--4iciM '-ill" --"""'"-I• -· •· Tll lllAUI II.AN~ MUST IE FIUlD IN OI INtlT "Y010.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : ENTRY BLANK E • • • • • • • •
....... -c.., '----------Zip•----,.__ ______ _
• • • • • • • • • • • • Circle lllOIM you think will win thil weft's ...,.... :
Rams at Gl'fftl lay
Cleveland at Hew IEllC)bld
WashlllCJfon at l'hlladelphla
Oklahoma at Texas
Stanford at UCLA
USC at Washington Stm
Texas Tlch at Texas A&M
Mis-I at Nebraska
Tulane at Air Force
Princeton at Dartmouth
Tennessee at LSU
Michi9an State at Michi9an
· Illinois at Purdue
LA Southwest ot Golden West
El Comino at OrallCJe Coast
Arizona Western at Saddleback
LB Wilson at Mater Dei
Loara at Fountain Valley
San Clemente at Volencicr
Huntington Beach at Ke1111edy
El Dorado at El Toro
Costa Mesa at MCIC)nolia
University at Esperanza
Brea ot Lo9una Beoch
'Wes tern at Marina
Estancia at Tustin
Torrey Pines· at Mission Viejo
Canyon at Dano Hills
Newport Harbor at Edison
Villa Park at Corona del Mar
Tll IREAKE• -My gue1s on the total number
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • of polnt1 uorff In all JO game1 b ----
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • .
: l'i'flkirt l'ic:ltrroo i1 a rtqular ft ohlt9 of tti. !
• HAllOI IASllALL IATTIMG IAMGl ltO W. Wiit••·• •WISfCLIJJPlAlA•LIDO•JA,HIONllU.ND•COl:OHADtLMAR •s· C.M~••k• ....... hrkd .. FASMOH SQUARl ISANTA AMAi SOUTH COAST ¥11.u.•• .,. . ·-----------------•25~ ·----... -----------------·' : Oalty Pilot iports section eQc:h Mondoy, Tritttd.y !
: ordWrdM:sdoy. : • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·••••••e••.:
• I
,. .. ')n; DAILY PILOT Tuelday,Octol>tir8, 1974 : ,.. ...
' ' •• '' 'I •
1 ABC' 17) 8:30 -"llil 1~1 dy ." )'vettc J\limicux
!>.l ~11·s In :1 'J'V movie ~he "'l'Otc her~e lf as a
l'lliturcd, L'le~a nt \\'on1a n \\'ho doubles as a hired l
<l!'o~<Jss in . Jn::ieph C'u n1panclla, Clu Gulagc r and I
Keenan \Vynn arc l'caturcd. :
!\BC (I) 10:00 -1.,oli cc Story. Tony l..o Bianco
;,111d non !\·terctlith arc batk again in this episode,
· pursuin g a su;,ivc bank robber. Larry Jl ci gn1an is
·fcuturt:d. '
CJJS 12) 11 :JO -"Cannon." This 1970 "pilot
11 rno\'il' for the ::i uccessful ·rv series sta rs \Villi am
('onr;.1d :ind \'cr 3 ~T i les.
-. ,)
PDCll mmm••., 1.U.WIUli.ll'lillll 1ttw1
\!>) lon11111
W111r1 MJ LIM?
P1rt1llst ftlllllJ .........
.lwm.i C.1111df She'# "", ... Eltdrlc C..!llRJ .,...,_
,:JO I"~ ... l lffl Sii .. ,.,, Ctllfittr .... , ·1 CD De•r'1 Clloict Tiit Pitnetn --
is lhe ciwtr 101 tl'MI r11! occup1tion
W now c1n't qult-1 su«ttdul
lllff11 tS.SISSin. m Mt" Criltil SHw m P.litQI c..tid1tts !Of CiO'ltl·
flOI' (90) Edmund G. Brown J1.,
Democratic 1ube1n1to1l1I undld11e
ind Houston floumo1. Republk:1n
t1ndld1\t. ~ti In a dtba!t taped
at tlMI LA Coll~tntion Centlf.
9:00 I)1'1i CD Cl) HI. I ii 'i 't·O
When the State Stn1te crime u11's
limousine tlptode$ with 11llin1 force,
MtG111ttl ~$1$ ll1ndwritin1 1n1lyi.is
111d psri;hi1lry lo find the twisted
mind re59oni.ible. W1lli1m Windom
f Uttll.
€I) l..11 Cr111dt1 AMI dtl Rock
1:00 ~Q)News.10:00
I L-LKJ "'"' I' m"""''"""' Wtr1r1ldl
TM 111 Vlllq .
Cff}w1tcllll11 • ~~ loft11111'
I n.11 Stt11••
I) @ (I) Cl) l1111W, Jentl '"Odd
Man lolef' An inlric:llt plot
h1tchtd bJ lhrte c1r·pool memblrs
lo ltij«k $JDO,OOO ol 1n llld111·
t1i1t cornptny's lund1 used In i11idt
dt1ls Jot$ 1wry whtn lhe '°uritr
ol tilt rnonei is 1ccidtnl11!1 killed
in lhe otherwise s11tttul~I robbery.
• A~COPSHOW '"'~$25,000 ,,.,. .. 14 -~ . , ~ Q.1 tJ HollJWOICI Squ11t1
likl, Tilr 1l1M1« Q @ CIJ ®J (0 Polict Story "~
Rai•bM SwllllM "'Ovtr St~en" World fu ll of Hurt" Paul Bur~ and
!17' (1) Tt Te• tfle lnrtli HMq·Wibon s1at.
MK111. s "°"': 1c1 (2111) .,1111 ~ m m """'
VI " (dri) '6l-£1il1l>elh T1ylor, iJ Tk hW ORIS !·~~~~:.:::.. ;,~;~;:~~~;fA~:;~
AA11111I WlfW tllouth injured i nd dtprnsed will
-• ..
'Tunnel' Will Replace '6 .Rms' for Mesa
About :i ll t htH1l' lll'iXhJl"
lions or "6 H1ns 1l 1v \'u"'
di'>\:U!.!it'd 111 t tu~ :-.p;.ttC' l.1-.t
v.•eek l·rutch unc .
·rhc Co!.l:1 ri11:sa C1vl<:
Pl ayhouse, \I ht<"h \\'Otild
hav1,• 01..cncd its "G Hms'' on
the :.:.i n1c \\'cckl•nd as the
\\'est1n i11 stl'r \'cr:.ion ra1 ·
!:>Cd il s curl:i in , has t hangcd
its 1nind. ln:.lCJHl. dircl'tor
Puli Tu1n l.icllini "Lil stugc u ·
re\'i v;il of Lhc co medy '"fun·
ncl ofLuvt'.''
Although lt 's an oldlr,
"'l'unne l of Love" \\•1!1 bf!
brand lle\V to must l'0<1stal
lhcalcrgol·rs s inl'l' 1t hu~n·1
t:K·c n produel·d locally in
more than a 1l('('a(jC'. It':. :in
a d ull t·omed y ;.ihout a
COUjllC \\'hO\"U-lricd Ill ~·-un
to 111·odurc :in offspring :inct
fin a ll y turn tu :idojl\11111,
"'ith surpris111i.: rl':.ul ts
Ti\Kf:'\'G Tll •: prin<'.ipul
roles in the Co:.ta ~tcsa
!>.hO\\' "'ill be Jlclcnc Briggs
and lt ich11rd J\1 t ;.o;a l!ey.
Su pportinl!; ro l~s \\•ill be
h:indlt·tf hv Kris ll ag<•n. Sue
P ~ll cg r i ni , i\nnabe ll c
Quigley and :i nuthcr part
ye t lo be tust.
Since the ('ivic Playhouse
\\'as set back ;1 "'eek in it s
unsucc t ss fut a ttL·n111t to
l'ast "6 Rn1s." the or1cning
date of ··Tun~el of Love"
\\ill be posl1>0ncd from Nov.
I to cilhl'r Nov. 8 or 15, UC·
Tom Titus
:ind t"'·o f l'OITI commuruty
theater gr oups. 'rhe pro
houses in opcr :l1 ion are
South Coa.'>t Hl·pc1·tory <.ind
Sehusli un's \\'est Dinner
l'layh()u:.e. both rcsu1ning
th<.·i r shO\\'S tonight unt.I run··
ning lhrough Sunday, "•hilc
1hl· lr\'i tl e Co mmunity
·'l'hc at c r il nd Lil g un a
;\l ou l to n Pl ay house
reprr~c nt the rommunity
f)la~Cl'li .
1\l SCR, ···rhe Real ln·
spl'ctor ll ound " Ito be
vi si t e d to n i g ht a n d
revie\\'Cd Thu rsda y) s"•ings
into its Sl'COnd \\'CCk \\1ilh
John·David Ke ller at the
dire c torial hcl1n .
Shakes pearean actor A!ich-
:ie l Kee nan fro n1 San
Oiegq_'s Old Globe 'fhcJter
~ ,_,__,;,;.; __
heads a cust or company
vi:tcrans including Richard
Doyle, l.c:sli c Jones. l~al
Landon Jr. and Don ·ruche.
Curtain time is 8 o'clock
for "Inspector ll ound " al
the 'fhird Step 'fheiller. 1827'
NC\\"\>Ort Bl,,d ., Costa !\lcsa.
Rcscr\'a tions 646· 1363.
, ,\·r sE BA-t;TIAN'S,
":\l ;i,mc .. is carry ing on
des1>ite the loss of a C'ilst
n1 c..m b e.r l a_ li v .c. lo ... x. t
... Oii • ,..... .....,
W~ Mat. I PM $1.00
f MACON 11 · ·
COUNTy_f. LINE~ --· a.. ..........
Pcrlorfl"l3n ces are i;?i\'E'n
'<i.t 8:30 nightly ul t he plush
p\ay hu u~e. 1\06 Lag.una
Cunyun n o :id , LaG un u
lk il<"h. Resc r\•utfons 494·
\\•ith ~1 il·haol C:.irnah:1n and
llram\rc ll \'ounJ: 1n top sup-\.IOt'ti n~ roll•s 111111 J oUnnl'
\Vo\colt and Ann l.upv cou1·
!JlC'ting t he q uintl'I.
spirited a"·uy du1·ing Sutur·
doiy 's ·JX'rrorn1:i nl'l', Doris
Allen ploi}s the titl e rule,
"'ilh ttf ar1l' ri1oncl'll. Bh1n·
eht' f!fi ckclson. Jot• r ll'tChl'r
and Putr 1ck \.ung topping
the support i n ~ e;.i s t .
· I) Inner is served iut huu1· T 11 E: I RVIN f'; Com ·
und a h;i lf b<:fore l'llt1a in,-munil.Y Thcutl•r is hc"ding
"'hict"a :vu 1·ics during the Into .11~ second \\'Cckcnd
\veck <1t the playhouse, 140 with the nC\V cornedy "Nor·.
Avenida Pico, San Clemen· inan, ls ·rtiat ''ou?" at the
te. Reservations 492·0050. new IC'r home 011 the golden
Curta i n t i 1nl~S thi s
,,,~·ckc nd a rc s ·30 Friday
:tnd S:1lurd;1y e\'erl iJlgs i.lnd
7:30 on Sund;i y ut the 1\l"
tor"s Pluy bo x 'l'hc:1ter on
the Gold1~n . \Vest Colh.•&1
<.'t1n1pus <ofC lire (;othar1.
Strcrt pnrking lot) in Hun·
t ingt o n Uc:i c·h. Reser·
,·;1tions 557-7297. ' \\'INDING U P a three·
week engagement at the
Lil guna l\1oulton Playhouse
\\'ith performar\ces tonight
through S;i,turday is "A
l\'lajority or One.'' under the
direction of ti-tary Eastman
Rigney. Vivi enne ritaloy
and Jack Binge rt head Ilic
c~t(Qr the co ni c_dy·dri.l ma..._
••• . "BILl,!,J_ACK"
hK .... My1itry
lirt L-••tff
\Vl•st College can1p11s. Ber·
nic Sin1on hcuds the cus~
-----·· WEST COAST PllMIHI lest FonlCJll Play Of TM Year
Colffdy Alt'ord
('Ord ing to flliss ·rambellini .11------------H ..... ::,•:0-:,~:•:":S:O:Y:L:E:HT::G:R:E:E:N:':' ~c c.:~"' MATINEE IVl•TDottiY 'fll 2\)01>.M .
AtlMAIS No pcrfo rrnancc \Vi ii be
SC'h c dulcd o n No v . 22
bcciJ USC of c onflict ing
sc hedules "'ilh the city"s
recreation de partment.
* ON STAG•: this <i.•cck arc
four local producl ions -
l\\'O profcs~ional offerings
-"lltlll riMlllU•I
, ... ,O!el --.. CL.ill GAIL!·
"2001 SPACE ODYSSEY" ....
''\.ET IT iE"
"DEATH WISH" • •• "SltlrtCO" IRI
...... ~ .. ~-·~·/ 1:51
lrGI· lrGI l :lS-7:25
.,.. __ __ ......,.,,._
"'SERPIC0" 111
Llttlf: a11tllt not rtvt1I !ht n1rne of his 1t1Kkt1
lo Df. Welby. 1--~,>-,--l:lfl!I ttZl (lJ ())CIA 11tr'1'1Ml,,j _ _;;..,,..,,,;--,.;_----f.:;;,_
'-~ • M1dtnf'1 sd1«1l 1ni1nm1nt lo write ED Sap of Westen M111 .. Ch1ist b
Of""lHfl•f RISTS. MON . .fll. Ol>IN A:IS •SAT. a SUN. OHN 6:00 '·M.
,,.. about !tit man he rnosl 1dmue1 sets Boin" The slOfJ of the •1Rdu11111 (l oft 1 t1111n 1tKllon in lht [lln~ ol the Hebrt•I lrorn tl'le titnt ol
.-,• . -
• • •
~. ilibr1h1rn 111d tilt b11th of fflOflo-a~m Ma111·ll "Te1rn· tlteism throu1h lhe desert lOiourn
....urt" Ollicm Milloy and lletd bf· ol MOH1.
com e suspicious 11111tn lht 11rnt wit·
ntss -tllll !ht same I0\11 lr11ek show IO:JO 1...,..-tt Mtenlure
II!_ 1t \wo different tnllic 1ttid«nts. • 1111 ;'..'.,,_ e 1r1w11: 1CJ'i211t) .,_. " u. ':""_, ~" (llo1) '65 -YiMtnt f'flct. U CM!ld Crita .... tf Ciwcllt Ntdln T1patlat
(Qj(j))(t}a> K...., 1hJ'll:OOl)QQfI)mG)th•I
'.'11.D.T.C." Ricllit's. 1e1du~ip abil· C~ [!) ®) &J Q"} @ fte•t
1!y 1 •• ,ut lo 1 llJ!nt lts1 •Mn ht Int ti Croucltt
11 ~t 111 ch1111 or th• hi1h scllool · 6 NTl'O
R.D.T.C. unit fJ Mowlt: "Tiit hitklS Tt111"
I 0.lftr'J CHkl (dr1) '59-John Sa1on, Sandri ~e.
Tiii Y1r1lnl111 I Mlllloll: l•ptulbll C1r1illl f!!Jf1_t Cllltry Mtvlt: CC) CZllf) *Dt1,.1alt I CJ)!*' Cunt
Mlnioll" (ld'I) '&4--G1rm1n Cobos. Wild Wild Well fD l1111nt. '"Home rrorn Home" Alltu!
P1rt II. (~ (j)) W1~le4: Otld 11 lllvt m El Jukle (I) Mnlt: ''C•rH• ol the MHll" ll:JO 0 IJ1l (3) Ci) CIS Liit Mcrvit: (C)
(mwsJ 'JI-John P.,nt. "C.R101" (d11) '70-W~liam Con·
l ·lll E)@ (l) (I) M"A"S"H The Ill· nd. Y111 Milu.
' lire MASH ltam ol surreons IKtl 2~,~@} ~s JtflnllJ CarMll ~ t~h1usliflJ 41·holl_r1 In the o~r·1 O fr1tturld ~,;..
at1n1 room, 1nd 1rn1dsl !ht 'lllst· @ MO\'ie: "Miuilll Ju111r" (dfl)
t 1iCks ind the ftlhlJ, they tMh '44-JaniS Cirttf Jil!l Binnon.
Je1111 .$11mtlh1n1 n•• about lht 0 (~ (i)J Cil 'm Wide W•i" (jefi, (i) ®J m NIC Tllltld•J MJsttry ••tady ~lie(' (R) Btrb1r1
MllM: (CJ (90) "'Wtltrt HM All reldon ind Robert Powtll st11.
tM ,..,.. IOMtr (wsp) '74 -~ Wandertlflt
P1ltr Gr1¥1s. Yer111 Bloom. Ct Oflf Acdoll Cllktllf
O'H1n1M Ir., ll1!hlet11 Q11inl1n, IZ:OO It) MO'rill: .. Men WitlloVI ~mts"
lo'N:~111 J1mes WtJttd. l min ind (mys) 'l5-F1td M1tMurr1y .
fiit l1mil)' l•Chl IOI $Urffl.1t 1!ttr a m MOY!t: "tkr Twel¥e Me~" (aim)
dtadly v1ru1 produced b, 1 m11!er· 'S4 -Greer C1rso11 Robert Ryan.
lo111 r1d11tion eaplotion kiU1 moU ED lurtttr Proolini "Whilt the
ol tht pt0pl1 on 11rth. Cars Aw1y ..... C!J Milt Oou1l11 Shaw
D ABC Tuesday Movie IZ:JO ED YGli lo• Het1th
*Yvette Mimieux stars l :OO S dQ)TomonllW
as THE HIT LADY I (i)Q)@ Nm
And she never misses 1:45 o Movie: "Alone lh• lir1t1 Divide ..
Q l<l' {l.J) mm ~IC lund•r (•ts) '51 -Kirk D<iu11as, Yh1m11
Mt'lie: (CJ 190) "Hit lid(" {du) M110. W1!1e1 Brt11n1n.
'74-Ywne M1rn1eur, Dick Rim~ I Z:OO m All·Nirftt Show: "Doublt Ult,"
.IOu ph Camp1nell1. Cl11 Gul11e1, "De1llrr Cilrw tt T1rtl"
lltnn1n Wr~n YveUe Mirnitu1 1!11s1 11 an el111nl. cultu red woman l:IO Q Mo'tit: "Tiit l rtln" (SCi·fi) ·~
owholt fob IS 1 p1ofeUIOllll artis1 -Petti Jlfl [Jck, ~tit Heywood.
'4&--Claiidette Col!>lft. John l'hynt.
W ednesday 0on Dl!Foie.
l :JO O (CJ "Si11ct"ly Y111n" (mus) ·55
DAYTIME MOVIES --ti11tr1te, .lolnr1t Oru. DototllJ M1lo11t .•
l :JO il]l "Tht Slt11dtr T111t1d" (lusp) '66
1:10 0 "lldy f10111 ~nl11<ky'° (d11 ) 'J9 -Sidney Poitit1, Annt B1nt1aft.
! llt n Dre• Ceo1111 Rall. tj} (JJ (C) "llo11" (dr1J '611 -
9:00 O HSeven An1rJ MeRH fdn \ '55-li1labeth T1r1of, fll(hud Bunon.
R,,it\Olld M1~t¥. Dtnn1s Wta¥t1, l :OO (J)"llldrbc11d lllt Piral•" {MY)
ltfhey Hu~\er, Otbr' P1111I. '!12-Roblln Newton, til'td1 Darnell. l:JO 0 "Stllnl'lt 1n l Tr•l11" (m)'S)
1&:00 0 "RYn, P1rcho, Run" (d11l '66--'51-firley Gr1n1er, Robert W1!~u.
G'r'(, li'~r"ll: [tga AndtrKin. ,75i'"' Ruth Rom1n.
!.Ye ("''\) ~l-Gt~t Au1 ry Island! l)1 "Iii lrNlklSI ol 1931" (com)
ot lost Saul1" (dra) 'Jl-Btl1 LU· 'JS-Bob Hope, w. C. fields. ri™. Ch,r\11 l•u1hlon 0 (Cl "P•I lotJ" (mut) '57 -
12:00 m "D•ncin1.L~f'' (rnuq 'll -: Frink Sin1t". Rill H1yworth. Kim kl•~ Gl'"~cd. ~ltd Aslairt. Cl11ll Novik.
G1b!t 4:00 11!1 (]J ''Conflid 11 Wln11" (com)
1:00 S "Wit"°" R1urulltn1" {com) '53 -llit ron Moore, John G111Mln.
KOCE, rtlA~N•:t. 50
()ran.Ill' Cnunl \'0!' UllF t <>IC\'i si~n s t:i tion,
KO('F. 1·\'. h:is "sr h!"duled the fo lln"''in g spc<'ia l
prO/.!r3m~ tod:i)~ lll'l;l1lcd li:ilinQ.$ or Cha nn('I SO's
pro~r:imil rtl'(' rarricd in the O;iily Pilot's 'fV !f.1cck
ea<"h ~unrt3y
II 00 !tc'INI 01\!0ICI "If•\ 1(1
I) It P 1"~'-•llf ((.\ l "'ll-M!No
I M (-m111111, ft l 'I'"' 1111,.., !C.I ··l--1 ......... (.,,.,,,..,. .
'11 ''"'' 11 O••• •C.I "(,,ci. t·
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"JUG48HAUT" 1'4i1
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Of MIMr" 111
Specill Prlct 12:30 lo 2:00 p.l!'I.
lt xcept Sun. & Holidfy1I 115
0 .0 . FRWY !CITY DR. EX.I
-..Gt4 PUtHS Dll"tR" Ill
"CAIAIET'' l,Cil
"SH"CO" tal
'"n4I GIEAT GA T51Y"
..,,. ,AIALUI Yll W" Ill
"CAI lfl" IP'Cil
.::Sllf'tCO" Ill
Specl.I Prict 10: 15 1,1!'1.-1:00 p.m.
ltxct¢ Sun. & Holid1.,.sl
SOYl.EKT D9ity: 1:45
OUTRT s-drt: t·S:J0.9 '~S..,:3:45-7:15-10:45
~so ..... .
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'"''" ,, Al .. RT l ~UDGT
SMOW St.UtS At 1t00 P.M. • UHOt'.I 1'l.fl.tl •.
&Ull" ltl'NOlOS IN
l!Mt\ WIOHUOl1' OCI. t ~:llill:il,lj~i!i!U~~ ... ~~ l I H IUl(IC
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ftUS t Al 'ACJHO
snPICO Ill
w..., ...... ..........., .. ,_w...,..
, .................. w,,.
A ..... t. ali-!RI
Boy Pies
In Train
From Wi re Services
NEW YORK -Passengers,
who watched helplessly as a
fast moving t r a i n squeezed
two boys against a subway
platform ~1onday, tilted a 56-
ton car ta free the youths.
One victim, a IZ-ye3r-olcl ho;.<.
died .today in surgery and his
8-year-old companion was in
critical condition.
A second rush-hour I r a i n
Monday narrovdy missed a
sister of one of the boys,
(1NSHORT ... )
but lhe girl turned back and
was pulled to safety by a
"In less than anolher second
they would have made it,''
said police officer John Nilsen
who spotted the youths run-
ning across six tracks at a
Harlem station.
A Singing Cosell?
He .Mav ll andle J' ar ie ty Sliotv
llO\\'ilrd Cosell, the grcalt.>sl
deadpan since Buster Keaton,
may be singing and d11ncins
his way into you r Hvlng roorn
wilh his own varieJy show
series on ABC nexr January.
"I WOfl't be another F.d
Sullivan," said Cosen. who
confirn1ed the possibi!it v of
the show in a conversStion
in his office at ABC. "lie \\•as
just a pointer. I'm going 10
have to have a show from
every avenue or life. Sure.
there v.'ill be the basic
vaudeville acts."
"~Ian they love to hate" for
his ii-reverent slyle o f
sportcastlng. said ABC was
e:4peeted 10 wrlfp up the show
in the near fu tu re.
Cosell 's :-;how, which would
be aired live from New.· York,
might slip nicely into ;,The
Sonny Comedy Revue" s\ol
on Sunday night if that pro-
i:iram Is canceled. Cosell ae-
peared on the first ''Sonny '
show and ~as nwre im·
prcssive than the host.
"I enjoy doing en·
tertainment," said Cosen, puf·
'Re11oisso11ce Lady'
Rosali11d Russell
~Wins New Award
From \Vire Se rvices
llailed as "'an incredible
Renai~nCe lady," actress
Ros:i lind Russell has been
given the third Na t io n a l
Artists' Award of the
American National Theatre
and Academy.
At an elegant, tented party
intBel Air, ll-1iss Russell was
praised by ANTA chairman
of the board, the president
of the Denver Post. Donald
Seaweli. as ''a great lady who
to play with your wonderful
orchestra here." Newman. 30,
told an enthusiastic cro""·d at
Atlanta's Symphony Hall. •·r
appreciate them having me
and I apologize for them haV·
ing to get so dressed up."
Newma n wore jeans. despite
the concert's billing as a black
tie affair. ll-1ost of the youthful
audience also wore jeans,
although there was a fair
sprinkli ng of fur-clad matrons
and gentlemen in black ties.
fin@: ay,·ay at a big Don Diego
r:lgar. "I'd like to do more
in. the future.'' I
COSELL SAlO )IE: \\:Oulrl I
like to have his boss, Roone
Arledge, the president or ABC
Sports, handle his show,
"l want Roone with me,"
said Cosen. putting bis feet
atop his :desk. "He's the best
producer of llve stulf in the
C<lllntrv. But it's up to AUC.''
Arledge, whose contract in·
eludes some entertainment
shows, is handling the. up-
coming live. Frank Sinatra
conce.rt on Sunday night.
Cosell, taking anothetJ"Jff on his cigar, was ask If
be still wanted to run for
the U.S. Senate lrom New
'York. l:le admitted he would,
lf he could get the Democr atic
nomination and the nod from
his y,•i!e.
in enoimh ba~les," he said.
';and she doesn't like the
rigors of a campaign, lhe filth,
the name calling."
Asked why he wanted to
leave his successful broad-
casting career for politics,
Cosell said candidly, "I want
to do something meaningful
before I die."
Did this mean that Coo;ell
did not find sportcasting
"\Veil," he said, "1 don 't
think sports has any in·
tellectual challenge for me.
But, I've met some great peo-
ple who have influenced my
life, my thinking -Vince
Lombardi, Jackie .Robinson.
Branch Ri ckey to name a
has given so much to the .,, ,
theater of the wo rld." Former Israeli Foreign Af+ COSELL's"'COl\1l\1EN T w:ls
It was a sentiJr!ental evening interrupted by his secretary.
with ftliss Russell b e i n g ( J She wanted to know if he
saluted by figures of her past. PEOPLE · Y.'OU!d attend a luncheon.
including Geo rge Cukor, who • "Gall Frank Gifford and ask
directed her in her first film ~----------' if he's going." comedy, "The Women." The secretary r eturn s fairs Minister Abba Eban Others paying tribute .to the moments later. Gifford can't
actress y,·erc entertainers o slipped and fell from a make It.
r11cM:111, Octotwr 8, 1974_
The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast
You Can 5~11 It , Find It, [ 642 • 5678 J Trl!ide It With a Want Ad . '
One Call Service
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ERRORS: Advert1 ser1 ;-;.,.;======= j
1hould check their ad~ BEST BUV ll
d•llY & report errors t Harbor View Home1
Imm• d I a t • 1 Y· The Bcauti, 3 UR .. 2 bn. •·c11nncl
DAILY PILOT a1sumes J\lodel.'' Prof<'1;s. dt•t·o r .
ll1blllty for tM first Offcl't'd at $72.500
Incorrect lnMrtlon CAMEO SHORES
only. Lovt ly Pacific vleu.·: l~t'. '.\
1 ~---... -----•I bd1·n1 .. 2 001h hornt. S1JC(·I· 1• idly offrn:d 111 Sll4.000.
General R.E. 1002
Walk To The Beach
In Corona dC>I Mar. Pri1ne
South or High"•ay, 2
bedroom house \\"ith a cozy fireplace. On an oven-::ized
lot "'1th good add-on poten-
tial. Only $69,500.
Enjoy Baycrest
Large J Bed1w m, fem rm,
w I ROl';'!eQU!I ne\v pool.
Lovely cul·de-sac street,
sho\\•i; like a model. Seeing
Is a niust. $89.500.
Real pride of O\\'TK'I'Ship~ Tv.·o
1400 sq. ft. 3-bedroom units
at end of handson1e cul-de-
sac. Buy no1\' • Enjoy ap-
precial:on · Sell one later
for profit! Each can be !'.Old
se parately. Call No"'!
OPEN Tll !I • ms FUN ro BE NICE!
Corona <lei 1\1111·. l..o\•rly hon1r, close 10 tie:ich, on t
11: lots. <m·ne1· 11'ill 11rra.ni.:<'
fiM ni·ing. 0 Ir c r ~I tl1
Tt11• 011nl'r 11:1n!s 11 r11!1t lilllf'
alld \\'It.I. CARR\' THE I~•
Only $~1.:m"
('I' l\ &14· ?211
Realtor1 OVERLOOKING °':;:nl II · ITS fUNTOBE NfCr•l
* -7662 * l' '~~~IEe ~~,fl~~~ I . ~® If ~i11;11.
BA YSHORES P:1n(lro1 n1°· \ l•'ll' Of p •l'Hw. I ~-~~·~'~-~-~~~-~·~-~-~"-~"~! Cou1·1~·11rd r11trv. L 11 r ~ e Newport Beach kl11·h1•n. F'an11Jy 1· o o 111 I
A beautlrully. lastl'fully d1•i'()-llUGE: 1.1\'ING R 0 () 7'1 OPEN HOUSE rated, charn1ing. 11•;i 1·n1 \\'IT!I A BRf'.,\TH TAK IN (;
honic 1vith nowPrlng \'lnt's Vlf-:\\'. u,~c bt.>rlt'O'"l!llll. I Gracious living & en· ar!nrning roof & patio. Coni· I Covert>_d P_nuo. erir1•d a1 on· terraining R.· a g:real In·
pll'le "'ilh lovelv ~uesr housr I ly 569,!"l:JO. Ownr·1· 11·111 vrs1n1rnt nt Big Canyon
1 .. rear_ just i-eady for lhe f1nan<'C'. C11ll 1,1 M'•' 963--{Jiiii . Country Clu~ .• ~s J
kids, gue :s or Gronclma. ( oPEN TIL g, rt~ 1vn re flF N1Cr 1 l"'l'lroo1n, l8xJ2 liv rn1. dln-
1V.'O car gar ~ fen('(>d _ fn [ [ ln~ roor11, dhlc we! bot,
p:.rking for 2 mor<' cllr!'.. or ® • tnarbl!.' n1asle~1.bath. 9"-'llPl"
bool & can1r.·r. PrirM a1 , \\Ill carry 1:1t 9·,'?"· SUi0,00'.I. '"A 950 cash 10 loon 011 · 1 ()1· lraM: optJOn SllXXI.
..,.,. • . 1 monthl)'. ntraC't or lea!le' opllQn. \ :19 Ru<' Gmoi:I Vallee
11 I.Quail l °"'" Evory Day M Place . JUST REDUCED A~k a1 e-a1e for directions
Pra t . A ''''"acul" homo a»d i~ VOGEL & BABBITT pw l•S come """ -°" Balboa Pool"-. 752-1920 ~ 1•00 QUAil ST. NJWflOll tJl,t.CH ._.sula Poinl. • UniquC> • 1 644-6056 N "at ·e· 1nspiralion.:il • Ma9nificent Co111fortable O Priva1e • 1 · Sµac·ious and rozy. 5 Bed· ~p-· --R--d--.---fl La Cuesta rm!<. on a corner iot 11·i111 21 rice e uct1on o
bedroon1 rental on scparote · Lovely Harbor lot. !l's hard to describ!' 1his I;
1~ Assume 7°/o VA Dramati c r.-tonre1'Cy.
, Bea utifully ma nicure d
l •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yards. Breathlaklng in·
•1f2•/e LOAN te r lo r . Upgraded
exciring and classic hon1e. View Hills Home
\Ve want you lo see it. \\'e
kno"· you'll love iL Now
priced lo sell, call 540-1151. throu ghout . l\1assive
\Vl!h $50,000. do\~·n, Sho' 1ing '"adobe'" hearth. Cathedral
center in Costa i\'Iesa. ceiling $239/month PAYS
Annual gross $24,384. Full ALL. Hurry cell 842-2535.
Price $150,000. finn. pPEN TIL g • ITS fUN ro 8E NICE•
•<• REALTORS e Ford Protest
President Ford has opened a
1-----.JHOOth:lmli driyc to ~'3l1Lo.U
erosion of Republican strength
in Congress bv warnin)l: that
two strong parties are essen-
tial as the ''twin pillars of
Jack A I b e r t s 0 n , Jean speaker's podium at Rockford , "Tell 'em I can't make it
Stapleton . Lee Bowman. Janet Ill. He was slightly shaken, either," replied Cosell. "I'll
Blair, Jack Benny; and Henry bwt un injured. go to IWlch vrith John
Fond a and Edie Adams. The fall C11f1e after Eban Macke)'!" (~fackey is a
completed a speech a 1 former all-pro end).
aoother--PUU--lrom-his-cigar 1---f+
and "''as asked if he thought 0
sports was essentially an anti·
* Sen.+George l\lcGovern ([)..
S.Q,J h~J..RCnLrn.oce _lhag
$1.3 million -neatl)' six times
as much as his GOP OQQOrlent
-in. his· bid fOr re.election
lo a third term.
Rockford College in \Yhirh he
urged the United States and
-.:nt1erol=tonsum1ng nations to
make themselves independent
of the major oil producers.
He took one step too far
and fell off the podium .
intellectual pursuit.
SrNCE 19-\4
Beautiful Westcliff
\\"ell-nwi in1ai11t>d.-Atkttl--
cupied. Lo\·ely landscaping. Patio. 3 B<'diwm. 1:1.. ba.
\\'alk lo :\larillf'rs library
and \\'estc\Hf shopping. Xlnl
fin11nring a1·11il. $61,9.j().
646-3928 Eves: 548-2426
01\·nrrs l11t1 e movNt ER!lt. llon1e is l'l'Arl)' to nlO\'C into.
I.mids of char1n & privacy .
\1icw of ocean. Corner lot
,,·ilh,. lm't'ly yards. Great
loc111lon ~ 3 bedrooms -2
haths and family iwn1 •
Just reduced to $78,000. Call
OPE~ Tit ~ • rt"$ FUN 70 BE NICE/
Ford tame to northrrn Ver·
mont on ~fonday night to
salute retiring Sen. George D.
Aiken and to plug for the
election of the sta te
Republican slate.
Public records obtained by
UPI show McGovern. the 1972
Democratic presidential can-
dida te, spent $552.711 in his
re-election Cffort last year. His
three campaign committees
had $212 ,872 on hand in Janu·
* Soviet Communist party
leader Leonid I. Brezhn ev will
fly to France on Dec. 5 for
a two-day "working visit"
with French President Valery
Giscard d'Estalng, the Soviet
news agency Tass says.
"Sports is no longer what
it once was. This is a factor T
that is not understood by
many people in sports com-
munication. JI enters every
avenue of life -law .
economics, sociology. It is
anti-intellectual just to care
about who wins or loses the
game.'" Hundreds of Uni versity of
Vermont demonstrators, some
shouting "Ja1I. Nixon" and
others raising p I a ca rd s
reading "Pardon the In·
nocent" surged through police
lines and toward th e
President's limousine as it ar·
rived at the back door of
the campus gymnasium.
McGovern had 10 con·
tributions of $1,000 or mo re.
The largest was a $3.000 gift
from Dagmar Edwards, a
freelance writer in South
Devon , England. Smaller con·
lributions included $500 from
singer Barbra Streisand, and
$250 from actor Dennis "'eav·
Irvine Extension
"4ctit,ities Listed
e Greek Cabh1el
ATHENS -Premier
Const an t ine Caramanlis'
cabinet resigned today t o
make way for a caretaker
government to oversee
Greece's parliamentary elec·
tions Nov. 17, the first after
a seven-year m i I i t a r y die·
· tatonhip.
"Greek ministers who will
rontest the elections, with the
exception of fore ign minister
George Ma vros and defen se
m i niste r Evangelos A ve roff,
have submitted their resl~a·
tlon." government spokesman
Pana yolis Lambrias said.
e 3 Curl>•
Chief John C. Sa\\'hill said
today three ways being con·
sidered to curb petroleum use
in America are a horsepower
tax on automobiles, volu ntary
self-control. and import duties
on oil and oil products.
1lle ji!overnment'" attitude
toward n onautomohile
petroleum use also will have
a big impact on coal, Sawhill
said in a speech prepared for
the Ame rican l\Uning Congress
in Las Vegas but released
In 'washington.
• T11llllR
QUEBl::C CITY. Que. -
Three-month-old Sillmese '"'in
girls were s u cce!tslul l y
sept1rated ltisl week at the
University of Lnva l Hospital.
It was announ<!cd ~1onday.
A statement f r o m the
University said the twins. y,•ho
were not identified <'It tht re-
quest of their family . were.
Jn • • v e r y satisfactory" con·
The twkls, born lo st June.
wt:re }olned •t the base of
thelr spine. e 8011 S lah1
* Tennessee Ernie Ford and
his Opryland troupe wound up
a four-day tour in Leningrad
with high praise from lhe
city's music critics. Tass
"The spectators \varmly"
greeted the ensemble which
ended its guest performance
in the city on the Neva River."
the Soviet news agency said.
"Leningrad music crilics
hi gh ly pra ised th e
performance of the Afr\.erican
musicians. especially of Ernie
Ford and Sandy Bernet," Tass
The following activities are
scheduled by the UC Irvine
Extension program for parts
of October. Classes earlier in
the month have been published
"h ln<l"•~uu ... mu 1n •• r~cdun Pr..::· !lcal tor Sfl:Ondarv S!...U.nl17." ROMrl
Mtlyler, Ed.D., 1uperln!enOent ol
1cl'IOOJ1, Clear CrH~ Scl\a(>I Dl•!rict. ldallO Sprlngl. Colo. Par1 "!if a lecture
•~r!H, "'f.u1uri11lc lnlt•diKlplindry .:.urrlculum arKJ r ... chlnsi Str&1egie•."' 1.10 p.m , Room 100, Social Science
111111. s:n1111 admission, S6.SO.
"M~xlm!1lno O~ucHont." Ml~hael
C~t11llan50n, LL.8., e!tornev, NewPOrl e1ac~; Denn!' S. Klarin, J.O .• lax
de11artmenr, Mes~. fl.<111no1 & CcmpJny.
Parl of 1 lecture .•erles, "Selectlnq
and lmpktmtnllflll •n E!t~cll11e Tax f'lan," 1-•~ 11.m., koorn 118. Hum,nll!eJ
Mall. Single adml,!ion, u.~a.
THUllSOAY, OCT. ;1 "Loctl Gov1rnment 11 Manager of * __.J.tnd U11 and Growlh P•tr•rn•," Or. ~ C.orwln R. Moclnt. pro!essor o1 cnv
Jazz vib raharpist LI one I ~~t ~r:i:"1~1:):"~!r"re1.~~v!~r~c,::!i
Hampton y,•as released from GovMnftWftrs .•. How ,.,, T 11 e v . , llesPOflllff111 to Ntw Urgencies?." 1·10 hft. Sinai llosp1tal in New p.m., J11•v Auembly lloom. Tltlrd
Y k I r lloor. o{"flll9 coun1v t;OU!'!IMIUH, 10Q Or a ler a Stay 0 more Civic Cenler Ori"' W•s!, 5anlt AM. than three weeks. FM: Natt-crtalt, 1•01 cr ... 11. u s.
llampton. 62, underwent an "Ut11111J1Q r1m1 Et1K11w1v.'' 1sec. 01. Howard Wiison, prt sl<ltnl, operation lo slop internal Adrnlnls1rat1119 llewarch Assocl•!~. Inc. ,t, l'llfl-11"" 1tmln"r. t ::io ".., .• t :JO bleeding. 11.m.; Del Mar Room, t!Oli.S.V inn He sai'd he expected to 1101e1. 3111 a .i11o1 sr., coot" M0!1•·
Ff><"· \'O lnt''••~I ttlH m1!'1'li1b, his career in a few tunch '"" IWl•klng. SATUllOAY, IXT. 11
• Singer~omposer R .a n d y
Ney,·man debuted his new
albu m, "Good Old Boys." "'Ith
the backing of the 87-picce
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
"It 's a great honor for me
"The 11111111'1• of Ct!llornla."" Anlll F.ld~l'°'1. M.A .. l n s trutl O{, llntllrnoolap". CV.,r~s (oll""'i and
Lowell J. &11!'1, Pll.O .. •noclJ~ pro-re .. or, "'ntllrtlpoloov. C•llfnr~i• S/'" Unh•"1'1sly 1! Hevw"r<l_ Flr~! o " ltc!ur• Ind flt'" •nd lltld !rla urlfs.
t :30 a.m.-!i:JD nm.1 1:30-l :JO 11-ITI ..
iinof'!I 24. Sod"! Srlence L•O. Fee:
Nori.credll, Sl3; Cr.on, m .
"'S"les Sa"11n"•.'' J••lts A. Marl"•• LL.II. A ont-tlav seminar, S"<llon
r, '''Ill nm ·l ·'Wt n.m , S~v'""'"'· G·•'!d Ho"t, No. I Hol1t Way, An•h~lm. Fte: 1111. tncl"flei ,1a11 mtterlall. !unch 1nd Pftr~lno.
"lmpr1ro11no Supervisory s k ! 11 s , • •
How1rd Wl l 1on. president,
AOmlnl1!r111..-. lltHlrdl AHOCl1te1,
Inc, ,t, --11 .. v lffl'llnar, ''JO • ..,, · •:30 p,m ., Gold lloom. M111 COf'I'>.
mon1. ,. ... l'O, !1>Ch10e1 lun<.h. ~·-•no Incl Cl-ti ITllllrlal1,
"'Pro!ll·S!Wlrlno arid Ptl'l1lon Pia"'
lor IM Smalt and Mf<ll\lft'l·S!Jt<I
Corporation,"" 5,nford flrl<•ner, LL.II,.
•!lornrt. A -.cl•¥ v..,lnar. t :JO
'·"' • 1;.JO p,..,_, Room 174. Comouter Sclenu: lld<J. fff: MO. Includes lun<.11
'"" P1tkl119,
DE:STREHAN. 1-a. -A I~
ycaMld while boy was sbot ~·
'"Tl!f Vtbln E"vt-1,'• Dontld
,t,, M~Le111, Pllt>. l\ll•t1n 1
•llflf•lrtltnrlefll. Ed~allontl ~le""
Or1nor COllfllV otlllrlt<'11111 Of lldll<I· lion 1n0 director. l'ltllll"f M••ll'O<I
Llbor•!DrV P•otrll'lti E.rl ~1.
Pll D .• ptotfMor. BlelOQY. C01lllor11l1
51111 u111 .... ri11, ,, NOMlll'I.. P1rt ot -•UIOO tnll tl11d 1rlp, "Frorn
llW OJiotf' S..t IO llW 0.lt•t." t
"·"' -" flOl>n l 1:)0 . t p,"I\., ll'*" uc. s11111t111\ll Malt. llM : s.sa.
lnehlllK 111bfloQrlP!lv. to d alh A!I he headed home r •. I x~
from 1ehool '~1th his parents • .-:~· .. ~_.·~~!;;~, . · • •;:..
afte_r ofnc1t1.ls bad closed the .... ·~. ·'1' ... ~~;:-,,;; ;. __ ,,i?.t~
s<:hool In an effort to stop • ·
racial violence.
SATVllEIAT 111• SUNO,t,'r, OCT. 11
Intl IJ "Ollln Marr~." Mtrt!t LIUwt!I.
M,A,, 1~/1\.C,', l"\'f(h olOOV. C~I·
!IOl"11l<11 "'" POlrteci'tnl( Vl).!Yerslly, .,,.. ""°"''' L•o.,..11. • 1111.0.,
profess.or. Sociology, USC. ,t, wnkellll
"wltlhol) hY coua1e1. 9 a.m. · 12
nCIDfl; l·S:la 11.m.. Quarlerdeck Room. B1looa Bav rtub, 1121 w,
Coa•I J-tl9llw1y, NcWpar1 Be1cll. FH:
NM1-Ctedil, \Q, per lllJ'"""' CrKIU.
Ull. per lllJ•son. irctudn !unc:llton1
S•!ura1r and Suhder; collee. lt1.
4nd 1101 chocot4te brea-1.
"'The Golacn ADS ol ~..:!lo," f1Pl'8kff lo be annnuncl!d). Per1 ot 1 l"ci•"e
1nd film series. 1 -10 p.m •• Sclenc1
Ltdurl Hell. S!,,.,!e a~ml11lon, S3.5C,
"Q11>al1ll · The Secrel WlMJorn o1 11111 We•!ern Mysll!rle•,'" Or. ,t,1111
01vle•, dlr«:tor and cllaicmen, bo"d
or dl•Klofl, Builder• of Ady!um. P•rt
of a ltctu•e serln, ''Tiie Oc-
<u!t. , .AllJ)rOfld>es lor R•lttlf19 to 1 WiOer llealltv.'' 1 . 10 11.m .• Room
111. Humanllll!'S Hall. Sln9!e 8dmln1on, u.
"ln.dus!rlet Pt-Ties.'' ll11111rt .,t,.
Severson, dlreclor ol llnanc1. P1clllc
Lignllng Division, 011nn Prontrlleo
Corpgr•tlon, Sanra Ana. P1rl or !ect11re ~rlel, "Commerd11 11111 lnve,rm•nt
Pt09fr11es:• 1 • 9:30 11.m., Room
1Q1, Phy1lc11 S.Cler>ett &1111;1. ~ln9le aamlsslor., '6.SO.
''T"' Changlnq Arn!'•k1n Mag11lr.e'
Whar Wl11 A111tace rl?"" Roland WolMlev. 11rofeuor, 5rrlc\IH Unlversl·
Iv, A.u!l>orhy on tho: Amerlc1n
Magali,,.. Par! 0( I teclur• 1ert11,
"New Ol~tl-lor l'rtt-LIM'e
Wrllers," 1 10 p.m., Room 101.
Pnvi.ical Selene• 11111!1. FH; N<;'!!-crf'dll,
\<ll: Credi!, ua. 511>111"' ..:1m1111or., ts.so.
, "'Tne TeatMr as a Pubtk s"'"'"'
Under Collectl..-. BarQ'1lnlng In !hi:
Fulvre." Rauol T1lthl:I, M A.,, Pl''ll-lle~I. Calilornl1 F~r1r1on of
Teachl:rs, ,t,,F.T .. llFL..(;IO. P1rt or
I ledure serlti.. "F vlurlatl c lnterdiscipl1n1rv Cvrtlcwlu.., 1 n d
Te1chl119 Str•le91tn:• 7 -10 11 m ..
Room HIO. Sode! Science 11111. S!nolt 1<1mluion, u..so.
"Ttx Plann!ng for 1111 Butlne11," Michael Chr!stl1n1on, LL.& .. tltnrnev.
Newpgrl Beach: ~nnl' ~. Kltr!n,
JO .. ta• deoftr!mt'1t, Mou, Adam•
&. Com111nv. Part o1 1 ledurt wrlet.
"Selectln~ a»d lmpl1ITl4tnllnq 111 lil-
fe<:live Tt• Plan," 1 • 10 P·'"" Room 17t. +<urnenlllfS 11111, Sl!19t1
admi1dcn, w.so.
''Trtiltmtnt ol Oi•bt!H.'" llObtrt
.C. Com~. M.D.. Olt'l<ltlllt d1ftn,
(1lnlc1C pro"'no• o! ~ur91ry, C1t1tornl1
(olle!!t ct Me<llclnt, UCI Ptr! t.1
a 11revr11T1, "'(11r'ren! O...-.IOPmtntl
In Pfllrmt<olooY," 7;30 -10:)0 n.m.,
AOOl'n 101, Phrslc•I kltnc• lllllO • sin.
OCT. IL H 1114 29
~T11Cfl!llO U"lltll Sllltl Hl\lor'V
T11>0\lllll folll Musk.'" Kenn -ll111rv M<N~I. folk 1T1111lc conw01n1._ " I
ll'lr!lf-lllY taclvtt P••larm111 c 1
~""°"' l'r1d11, 1 • 10 II m.; 511111'·
lltY. I 1.m. • 1 -· I • • P.lfl.I Svndat, I t .m • U ,_, I • J "°''"" R-It), tl11tnii ll'1r11, Hi.fl
$cl'wd. ""' uo, +nc.k>ot1 -fNltr1•11.
"Or•mt 11"4 S.11.'' Marv Jo WOl'ldun,
l!d,0 ,, ltsotlt!• proltlMlt el lllYCI•
llon. CalUornlt 5111' Unhtt rtl1'¥ a•
Lonq 8Hth. ,t, UC lrvlM E~lnttlof,
ihr..-d"v wo•-•holl· Fr1111y, s -to pm.: Stl\lrdfy, t a.m. · J p.m.,
t -t p,I!\.; 'Uf!d1y, t I m. • 1
p.m.. M111110vr!IOM ltflOm, Dkktr1en
k~oat 10011 9,,,...,.n, &1.. lutnt
Pt!k, ,tt; \<!,, IMludtl poirklf19, (dOtl
nOI fn<.1111'1• lun,hJ. •
Just redecorated for a new
buyer. 3 BR., 2~1 ba.,
formal dining, fa I r l y
sparkles thruout. Vacant &
ready-fast possession. O\\'Jl·
er will consider \ease with
option to purchase.
C. F. Colesworthy
REAL TORS 64&-0020
De\u."e 2 Br .. 2 ha .• S11·edish
frplcs., sundecks or patios: ;, unils r urn . , 011 3 Bf'droom OY.'T'ter'5 unil "'i lh
water/sumn1cr; one uni!, firepla ce &: 2 baths plus
ycal'ly, unrw·n. Good T'f'n1al t"·o 2 bedroom uniL'I. Patios,
his1ory. Call for dc1ails. cop)X'r plun\bing &: good Priced nt $350.000. rental areu. Ex c e 1 I en t
Call: 673-3663 642-22".>3 Eves. I ~~~~~~~~~~~ I i(lve11tmt!nt at $69.500
?OlS W 811lb11c 1>7l-l66l
Newport Hei9hts
3 Fireploces
RealtOr1, Inc.
EXCL. Baycrest, NB. Atl r11c-i ----------1.ive J bdnn home, 2bas. Din. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
rm, brft area. Covered
patio. Large landscaped lot.
Rustic charmer 1\'ilh rhar·
nc1rr nnd 11·111Tnlh. Fo1·mal
dining. St'paral<' mas I er
l'Uitt>. \\'ct 001·. Separate
1401 Dove St .. Ste. 220
Newport Beach
• l\tove-in condition! Only
S79,900. &12-2393
LIKE NE"'! Soaring vaulted
('('ilings. Open spaciousness.
Triple garage. Big spark·
ling pool. tituch more! Call nO\\' to see. 847-6010 Agt.
It's a reasan
to read the
Dally Pi lot's
page every
T-~e lin J s1rec1, gre;il for
children. Larg<' ya rd "'i!h
CO\"ered palio & BBQ. Trail-
.er/Boal entranCt' & stora~.
Only $39.900.
l Optn Evenings)
util!ty moni. 2 private patjos , ----------1 Prt'rniuni 11·al1 and floor CORNER SPLENDOR
1'1'1\'f'rings throughout. Call You'll IO\'C the \1·ide open
,-,16-2:113 today'.· fe<!ling of this Costa tilesu
0PfN frt9 • rrsFUNTOBfNICt• hornl'. 3 Jlugc bc<lroon1s, 2
r"~I baths. 2 brick fif't' .. laCt's. ~c:~ lt~ailg'lj ~:~~~ m;,~ ,;:""~i:·~~~
everything. A lerrific value.
This ~·~·liar 4 Bdnn. 2 Ba
is 1ruty a fixer. But i1 's
prircd "-'llY i><'lo1r n1arkf'I 11\
$3!:',990. The owner lias i:on••
call for full details. 546-5880.
St n<'ed s fl quick s;1ll' Call REDUCED $3000! l\lust ser COLLEGE PARK fi.'>6·2660 ran!astl<· •I ... ramily room .-. p1iva l<: olfir<'. Glgru1!ic RARE 4 BEDROOM c;;.SELECT 1nas!er sui1e has !'001\l·Size
Us<'d brick ri1-Ppl1tr<', SUpC'r I T PROPERTIES I t•l(•SC! (\lld hig b<llrony. covered patio nnrt park lik(' , 1-\ ·~t bi& hl'l1n<' buy 111 5:>1.950
aln1ospher('. P1·lcC'(! 10 !<.C!I ~ _ Call X17·fi010 Agt.
at $4~.!150. Crdl 6·16·7171. I General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002
'CJhuaslrgSeaylt' f ~.·_"' .. _"' "" '0_" •<" ;;;=,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 THE REiil
Large, Quulity construc!cd
~I Coldwell Banke :
-~t 'f':;. " -~· '• . . -.:.•,,.
WHEN fantily honie on cul·d~·snc Heavy shake roof. rusric ex-
terior. Three bedroom~. twn
PLACING bolh5, fan1ily Nl0n1 and
heated pool. $57,500.
3.§9 ~Tira Loma, Cos1a ~lcsa
A WANT AD Call &12-1060 for appt
'I I -c=""P·ri"_,ip•I' Only __
ASSUJ\1F: $2.")4 Iola I 11n) llll'l\I. IN THE 71~·; V1\. POOi. 1101\IE:
Bf'sl Hun!lni.:ton Brn1•h buy
!h S37,:iOO! C:,_an, !-hllfll 1t nrf
ORANGE reody lo "''' C';oll '"'w 8~7-6010 Agt .
$.11.500. Qp1•n ll{'11n1 11•i!ing~.
CC'7Y firci:!A(·('. ran1ily 1 .. 1.
Bl,1: llh;UIP 'l'l'l'll Jllll'l'OUl!d·
In ,. l'\•rf('t"I ~111rtt·1· hnnu•,
Cnll OO\\'. f!li-6010 1\i;:1
De~ie-11('(! ror ('01l1f"fl :1nrl
11>n\'l•nlt•n(,-, St.1111•rhly 1 on·
~lrucll'.'d. l-:nrh unit l111s
th1w beilroo•n~ plus 11 foin1 ·
Uy n101n . l\Jndrrn lntr hl'l'I!!.
C't'Tilrlll \81'UUJll ~)Jlll'll\<t,
lt/\fPty ll~hllniz: 11t{-C'11ll u~
for m(l r e inlorm11.11on.
oPEN tit 8 • ITS ~(-"'I'? !IE ...... fl
! SZi.!!00! A• ~umr 711';. lrn111. Full par111C'nl s1:,,1 1)('r r11n
rlrnn and ~h11111 T\111 11tnT)I.
C&ll now !fl~ ~47·tlfll0 ,,~ ·-
Elegant Corona del !\lar Estate. 5 bedrooms,
7 baths. _pool. 'ic''' of islands & harbor. 1\
mountain setting by the sea. Call today.
Build equity in sharp corner duplex \\•hile
relaxing in honi1s roon1s o\·er garage. :,citing
price include:-; ranges. rcf1·igerat.01·s. \rash-
er & drye r in laundry roo1n. Jlriced to sel l
;iL S9:i,OOO.
l:lig ('an~·on 4 bcdroo n1 hotne \\'ilh fa1nily
roon1 and sunken convcr~ation nren . Large
terrac.:ed lot . \\1th pl;in). for pool. Decorated
in sunn:.-· earth tone~ 175.900.
1\ssu1n ablc 631•,, loan. 5 Bedroon1s . 31":!:
balhs. rcuniry roon1 . dini nJ!: roon1, sunken
living roon1. pool '''ith .Jacuzzi. F'unclion
\\ 1lh fl air. l.ocated on prestigious r\nti~ua
II ay. 5157.500.
ll11i,·crs1ty Park fu\'orite' 3 l:ledroo1ns. 2
baths. forn1al d i n in~ roo n1. Cathedral celling
111 llY1ng roon1, l~o' ~ly CO\ ercd patib .• ~ear
park & pools. S55,900.
DI AL ~4-1766
2161 Son Joaquin Hills Rd., N.B.
" ,1
B :J DAILY PJLOr T11tWJY Octobtr 8 1'114 -----------~~---,.,=-=--.,..,;--;---;;;;;:;-:=---------------~~--------:-"7:,....,:':'.".C:-:-----;1iilo44 -~--I R • 1002 Gon ral R E 1002 Bolboa l1l1nd 1'°'6 lrvlne 1044 Irvine r• .i. 1002General R. e~ 1002 I ;G:·;;··;';•;;l:R:·:E:. ===100=2:::G:•;·-:·':•:I :R:. E;·===llJ-0;:;2 Gytera .c.. • • • ;:_ _ _;.':..;UU
Valley Realty Present3 ... Balboa Bay Properties * -~ s .. J!tt:b<E~;t,~
£0MM£RCIA~ BUILDING PLUS! OCEANFRONT I DOV.SR SHORES , I Just like lhc current recruiling·ad for Uie 1" "''O::;',;~"k~:i:i;\""
Seashore Drive Panora1111c Vie\\'. lviin branch or the Navy kllO\VIl as the U.S.!\1.C., 1673-ltit>I .t-.:\'l!nln&s>
A great little bulJding in c.o.r.t. \\'ith a 1000 ' l Vacant lot Seller \\'ill \\ells cust. bit. S BR.,J Valley Realty needs •·a few good men" or Ba lboa Peninsuli 1007
store. or 3 sn1oller uui:s ,\ND an upstairs s ubordinate~ /lg.I.!. f1:11n , rm., formal ,.,,omen! Call either of our t \VO local offices
ow ners apartment or 3 sn1aller units. In 675-iOGO d 1n1 n g ,~, courtyard ;ind a s k ror forn1tr Navy 1nan1 lla l, or form-
great condition. $107,500. and O\\ner \\ill ___ I pool. $135,000 . &12-7491.i ~r to.·larinc, Charlie. (~la1",vrotc this ad, by PF.N I :\'SL' I_,<\-~·1 \Ft:
Deli ghlful 2 BR, 2 BA Townhouse . coi:npiele
\vHh secluded patio. St'eps to pool , Jacuzzi
and tennis. Easy to buy at $43,750. c"'rry a giant l.!.t T.D. E F the "'ay).
TI11" 2 Ur, I ll{i 1lollho11$t'
1)()to(\s TLC .. l, blk fron1
Qei'Un. XJnl fl'llllll ur1·a. f tl'
land. R·2. Take nd\'ant:ige
~·. Prlnclplri; only.
Call 675·7225 Super clean 4 Bl<. home is only a few blks. from •
lluge fa1n.1(1in. rn1. thi s spacious 3 HR, derl
Ne'"IY te<iec. Q\\1nors l~ fa in . rm. ho1l'lc v.•/2
Linda Isle Waterfront
Lovely 5 Bit .. 3 bath CUSIOOl home.
courtyard. Pier & slip. '$225.000.
Custom Spanish Home
5 BR. 5 ba .. art studio. Elevator. Pool. 7000
sq. It. Ramp & float. $450,000.
70 Linda Isle D rive
Prime 45 It. lagoon lot -$150,000
For inforn1ation on All J.lo1nes & Lots Call
341 Bay\1de Or1vl:.' N B 6 75 · 6161
New s plit-level 5 Blt hon1c with den, DR &
huge rumpus r111 . Big Cyn C.C. Vie w. $325,000
2111 Sa n Joa quin Hills
I ;G:::•::•;.;•::'.:•:..I ;.;R::;. E:::·:_ _ _:l.:00:::2-G8ner_•_I R ~ E . 1002
Bachelor Pad
Corona del Mar
With Pool
a n x I o u s: $70,500. l frplcs. S34,000. Lo \V
640·8484. dU\\'ll. f>S&.8800.
4 Local Offices 'l'o Serve Yo u
General R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002
lnnnaculate & shalJl! 3 Bdrms., 2 baths,
\\'ith frplc . -!· lovely, large 2 bdrm. unit with
hue ocean \'ie\v. Xlnt Corona del l\lar loca-
tion. c lose to beach & shopping . Price jusl
reduced to $114.950-exceptional buy!!
2211 NewpQ!"t II.
Costd Mesa 646-8811
Reil Estate 615·1080
6•12"1~11. Cos ta Meia 1024 1 Huntington Be1ch 1040 Balboa Pen1n,ula -
Lg. 4 Br .. dl'n; I blk f(J bay 2 Br, ~ Ba i;;ingle level. N~v R
· Try 25".k dn .• bal. 8% Orle11ns Townhouse \\'1th POOL 4 B Open Sal/Sun 1·5. S97,50ll 1vood burning f Ir c p I a c e, •
424 Belvue Lane 61.r4600 agl i;:1trdt"'n plltio, central gtu1
OCEANFRONT Duplex. xf. heating, cn!,!lOSrd gara~~·
cond. $149,500. Onr. w/fin. JlO?! & club ho~e. r\o Coast Propcrlies 673-5410 children under 16. So~th $39,900
Eai-t Costa !\tcsa, bordering
T't"''JlOl'I. 1 bh:X"k fron1
\\lc:Uclill Shopping Center. ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:::;:;:::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1,:~~~~~~~.;;;;c"I Othl'r units listed front 1020 S::'.l,000. lo $<11,000. Asking :.:~-'!.:------'---1 $36.530. By owner. L1111rl
Sound lnipogsible! It's not!
This has to be the bes
JX>Ol home you'll flnd In
ttw beach area u n d e r
$40,000. NE\V PAINT &
PAJU<,~•, ineluded. 1741 Tustin, No. FOOTBALL YARD 20C. 17141 ::HS-5696 tmAL'l"Dlm t>
Roon1 lo pnss. kick & sc."in1· B 842 7461
n1agP This 3 Hr hous~ar Park Your oat I :=:=:=~=· ::=:=:=~1 535,500. It's a natll1"81. Call Nicely eppoin!ed 3 brl:m.,
c.;s Re111 Estate, 5'13-1.168. :? bat~ hotne on an 0\1.'!rs1.:ed See Th1"s Now.' t-'=-""=~~~~~-·I lo! w11h roon1 fo1· your boat.
$3.J.750. OPEN HOUSE, Tue8· Includes bu i It-ins & Jkauriful 3 bedroom, hog<
rrL 2·6 pm. 2Z23 Avalon St. 1· t Co t ''" irep at-e. vere< pa ..,. (aniilv room. l~ bath, bct1\'een \Vllson & Avot•edo $4. 900:-Call !W().1720 ~
IN MESA VERDE ·-C.J .S. Real Estate, 518-1168 a, · -p1'0 fesslonally draped and
_ ~ ) !and~caped, close to ocean, The UNIQUE Features Of This Home Are: Corona del Mar 1022 TARBElL. schools & frt'c1vays. Just rc-
Jt's an impressive New England two story. duct"'d $34.900
Dornier v.·indO\\'S, brick exterior with fresh-~ I'
I)' pa inted trim, a 20 x 40 pool and a cute
fl __ 2955 Harbor Blvd ,62·4471 ( •,,',',, • 546-8103 pool house. Inside, there are parq~et oors -,
(Quarry tile in the kitchen), a~thenllc beams, NEWPORT BACK BAY 1.,..,..,...,...,...,.,.....,,..I
used bric k fireplace and darling wallpapers. OPEN TODAY Lal'g(', Quality constructed -2 BLKSfO BEACH
· , d I l family home o n " ,, It has 5 bedroon1s. fortnal d1n1ng an ts o-• t·ul·dc·Sll<'. fteavy shake MARINERS COVE
cated adjacent to the golf .course. Presented 319 Poinsettia . a very roof, Pu.~llc exterior. Three 1 Year Old
at $105,000. spacious 3 bed100111 "Old bt>Oroon1s, two baths, fan1ily Private gate gual'dl'<I com·
UNIQUE HOMES, Realtors, 54~5990 Corona" college \Vilh fn.n1ily rootn · and heated pool. n1uni1y -2 blks to 11and.
2850 Mesa Verde Or., Costa Mesa· room, liviug roon1 and giant $57,500. . Thick Champagne· cR.rpet ,..,,..,,..;,;;,;..;;,;;;,;,;;;;;'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"'l""""""'!'~ kitchen. $92,500. 389 l\UNl Lonu1. Costa J.1esa thru out! Swe eping
I 1002 G.n.'.I R .E . 1~2 2 Call ~12-_1060 for app~ staircase lo J.Ia.ster .. patio Genera R.E. vv • Principals Only kitchen, pass thril &
.:;;cc.;.: .... _.;.:;;_____ 31~ Orchid · "Old .Cororn:t's" NE\\'PORT RIVIERA t't'ramil' counter, c&ndelltc Big Canyon Fast Occupancy finest large family home. Upgraded 4 Bt .. 2~1 Ba con-dine! r-.todel homr color
E bluff 3. 4, or 5 bedroom based do F cil incl . Pool keyed draperies & wall Magnificent-ast on YOUR use oI, rooms. bililard ~~. putti~ green: coverings. $37.500. Terms to One Of A Kind Call us Pbout 1his extra neat $139,500. · lounge & much more. Enjoy ·suit! Bk:r. 962-5.-ill
3 br family room home in ], t."Ountry club living at a Hunt. Harbour Superby c!et'om1cd and lrind· Easrbluff \\'ilh large park F' · 1 b "Id'"'" · 1ov.•, lov.' price
1llage Re al Esta te
&<'aped 4 bedroom hornc si1· lik(' vard and possibl~ hon, me com~~cia . 111 1""' 1~ MlLLER REALTY BY OWNER 3 BR, 2 1~ I aa ., ~ Sun/Eves. ua!C'd \\'ith vic11• of BIG t11:1.i1Cr s1oragc access. greal ('01\~ltl~ wtth the un~· 642-4811 ba. Townhouse, Boa t Slip UGI 64~S8S5 CANYON are11. & F'nshion Quic't occupancy a: :J sh0r1 que l.'Ofltb111auon of ~ retail' 1----""-"'"-----inc. 80';~ finan av a 11. Place • Islilnd. 1'"0llr.1ER ~IOOEL 'w desired 0 \1•ner i1·ill store :ind a spnc1ous 2 * A$Ul\;1E $16,100 1'11A 7'/:, S67.000. Call 846-1;>14 Properlies · :-.. 110:\IE 1vi1h larb>e activities ~;;a finance :it· only $64,950. bedroon1 apartment _above. 2 BR townh;ou.se-M~sa Verde. 1 c:::c::o'--".==:..:o::..:. __
752·1920 ..., MESA VERDE 1wn1 sC'paruted fron1 resi· Call 644-7211 $107,500 und 01vner will car· front unit, patio, pool. .l;rv;i;;•;;•:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;044;;;I
1400 QUAll!>T. Nl\Nl'ORT llACH rit'IH:C'. !'<'(·iuded OU\llOOr ll\'· -. . I)' the T.O. $29.500. O\\'C 2nd. 8.13-8974 •
HILLSIDE in~ urea \\'JTII PUTTING elln•, . Cail 675-7'125 Eastbluff 1030 ''Abandoned ckEJ::N Oricn1a1 J;ai·dl'n, Villa•• TRI-LEVEL \'11':\V DP.CK & gu.~ field I , , 3 BR. 2 BA condo, plaza,
Just. try to dupl icate th.is lire pit. ~lain residence fca. $!'Jtl,OOO. Owne1· Spanish-$38,950 01w. Pt'C'Slige con1munity. tu1'Cs a eonvl'rsH lion 11·(·11 in Back Bay 1004 5:::.1·4.);13 or 838·9367
Quiet trl'C·lincd st r c et. 1hc li\•in~ 1'00111. Forrnal din· 1 .::;:.:::_;~,_ ___ ,.c_;..:..;1 El Toro 1032 2 Story·Pool~Beach Gracious entry r0 broad liv· in~ room. fon1ily 1-on1. CUST0!\1 POOL BY O\VNERl.!~~~~~~~~~.I;::;..;~'.:;:::;:::;::~::;::-'-=
Fnnnal doubt" d'}(lr ..,11rry inl: 1"00n1 'rarmed by l:1undry se"•ing roon1, large Beaut 3BR 2BA Univ. n1ocl. Don't Call Me SUPERSHARP! 10 i.p...-icious Jivin~ roor11 wilh "r ,, ck 1 l n g f i r rplace. n111~!cr sulre. Two li1·cplaccs, Prime Joe. Lg pario & d~k. 3 BR. 2 BA
Assumable 7V2°/o Loan
R£'al value In this 4 bdrm.·
fa.rrilly room home wiU1 3 car
~arage. It's upgraded lhru·
out. ai.l' t·ond iliooed, humidJ·
lied and y,·ai!ing lo go at
CALL SS2·7500
flnor 10 •'t'ilini:: :i··i ill:ur. Spacious formal dining Kilchcn is fully 1•quippcd Vie"'· Prof Jdscpd, jacuzzi. A Duplexll J.'amily room
C d · roorn. Garden viC\lo' kitchen. "'1rh all lhe 1n01lcrn an1eni· ta 11trlun1, Ro1nllll ba, cpts. •• Dri\'C by 22732 JubiJo. El Seauliful prir!\· nf 11'\'nl'rship all us about this csirnblc ~'urnu1I rlining is ~cr\·rJ l;y ,.
C 'I. hi nd 2 b 2b Larue se=rate family room lirs. Call 673·!!550 for np. dr"". cath ccil. Only STJ.500. I'm a delightful 2BR and den To11'.I arwl see for ""urscH •VISION• 3 bedroom "l tmth. ro1·1nal llrona 1g a s r a huge gard<'n \'il'11· kltchcr • ., r• 1·-• J~ l l ·th I \,\>\th \\'l'I bar and fireplace. pointmcnt. O""'n 2 to 6. Prin lln!y. ov.ners 1 ·s1C: ... ce with beau-'ll'i:lo'l l..$43,SQO \\'ill hUY.l:lomc dinina room. hll<>(' 20 x 20 poo 10n1r 11·1 , .... _ .. ~·~•;;.,.'t-;·~·~'";,,;:h•~•;;;nkfasl eatir•.: i\N':i. ··~="---~ r -nru1 -I nd I REALTY -~ ~ ,._.,,.,;,i.f.-"""' :. · Cily .Yiew-from-back. Be!'!. -;:;;,,., .. -0,,. -s ,.--., .,,,,, 181nl ASpen-~~=6629 pnv1:1 e grou s fea1ure:i bit-ins, Osh\Vshr n L--.W-'lyo-fUOl1~you QI'-jOUH6-pt'J s Vl'l'Xiiif\ii"l'IT C'O!ll· .,...... " u .. <V ...... u
al •A" 950. Call &16-1171. 1 n anc1n~ arrang~ments. ''''" in \\·aHcd c."'11r1.v11r1. A charming JF ttntal \\•Ith ... ~ ..... Ed
d 'I · schoolsandcon1m un11y ~ ., PL S Wt'll-Lited ki.tchon. !obi•. or y,·hnl('vl'r. Priced Rrcess an very SIK'Cla n>,111di11!: \'i<'.'". of lurh Ir:• [~ Cl 1-• •d ooo ~ d I · · .. facil\tiC'S. Call a.l&-2313. ' • , , · l,~•;ss;';'~;;·;"~·';;;;· ·~·~··~·~:;;;:;;;;;;'°·1 . , "-all-to-y,•all carpeting. rps
a rC"d hill company
Univ. Park Center, Irvine
....,, $69,:,00 5,,.-,,,,," ·,··1''''' •. ,·.·"'',,-, .. OKHTIL9 •ff'SFUN10BENTC£1 • & trplc. ,, .... , tuuny! more -~---~~~--1 C I ~~ .. ~ ..,.. , , r prh:ate yard ~urrcnUy pro-Bio·. Call ('11 41 586-3138. Canva•• of-Color• OPE#Tff.t• rrs M 10 BE N/C[I al 61-1-7'211 111,1..,\cr sui1r & ,.hiJ-i,. ·•i'<: ·~· ' CLASSIFlED duCln" 225fmo . ' • AL'L' Founta<·n Volley 1034 J tl h' J 1 2'1 ,., ' ' em "ill!;. P.on1•'o s, .i.11 j t bal· · · HOURS n ie rnnr . u.~ , yea . ' · II "'' .,,, ' E oifl. 3 bdJ111:1. 2 balhll, brick
. I . 1, II I ',' , · '0~"11~."0,,11~1",yr~r::;ro•~ .. ~._,, <1
1 _, REAL ESTAJ on a g('nerotL<J 47x118 lot in BUILDER REPO flreolact'. Electric built·ins.
-,. • -> u.. """"' ~~~--:!~:::::: Advertisers may place th(' bei.' south-of-hwy Joca-Provid('8 you with execllent ('('ntral air <'Onditionlng. !~~~~~~~~~~ , · l i their ads by telephone lion. $89.500 firm financing on this like Mw, Gorgeowi yards! $48,500.
General R.E. 1002 G•n•rat R.E. 1007 '81· 82' x 140' VAC L01 SALESPERSONS B:~onad~Y t~~5F~ctfy'11· Call 644·72ll n1ainten11.nce free residence Call 644·S7:i0
I· Newp0ft ere,d
wJe,~ ~ _'.J@tL ure, rut
urrJu:lliTure, frwk
The cl!ppPd eavr, shing1r'd root sal\bol(
::;:y!e done entirety 1n \l/ood. wood, ...,,.ood wi~
turn you on. Of Clft But. ~ ;1:ec111cul<i1 h1lltw
1u•Nnhor111·~ ut1trl)" unh\..·' :ny oth• r ~.
1Jelfl1\:d ,1!JUvr• :11, r··~.t 1 J l.,f•V.1 "1n Bt>.11"h.
:.110\..• your P~'o'l 11•', v;t11.· ri.Jlll 1n lcr 1
lt•1\Ut•>l11 -.tr· ti 1·•rr>uql1 1r r : .1 1 q 11, :rt
t•··un.~r·••?.1.t1 1,.,1rcrri1' 'l' ~
j :l, .. 1!11('~ flr •t'' lil '.!l'Y l••• 1 l~lt~ C/,1L10!1Sf1C''>!i.
) i.1\1•: u!llu•..:r't I•·• ·11r'lr:·; ·1r11 r lh•' urrr1• 1n WT1•[)
, 1,I y111H rh••f-. t,r~,k /11 S53,000 ,1n() 111,
\" 11 r1ntt.1 klv•· !111• ,ilr h1t"(llJfi' anrj
..... r.111111•1 tin.! I• l')rH f\;, .•1piirt ll•'1, I
I r.;i\t HltJM\'l'•Y lo SllP' fl{}/ iJtld ~·.x:ond ~.·
I!' :I llj Jn '111 .1 :_!· _,. .-,_;! • __ P
I t0 r 1
~ "~"" ,..,, ''' "r ·.~,...,~, •1· 1•
' \
, ,• 8 to noon Saturday M.lm with large bedroon1s, 2 [ 1 1 ,_. ,' ~ $24,500. Need A New Outlook? baths, & bonus roo1n. f"or TARDQL.
-· 2 HOMES ON A LOT A F h S ? COSTA MESA ·OFFICE I ~ ooly $29.500 yoo'd "'"" ~ C D M H So res tart 330 w. Bay 1 , taken look. 897--0.121 : ' ' as me E/SIDE $43 500 Dep<essed? 642·567& , WALKER & LEE N Ce Duple es • \\'e 11.l'e intervir11lng men and H y 0 I k d REAL ESTATI:.~ I x • • • MESA VERDE 3 BR 11·omcn. f'Xpcr!Cn('('(! and in-NE\VPORT BEACH ave OU ver DO e , ......................... ..
\\'C think !his is one of the rx1K'rien1· · frr snlr~ posi· 3333 Ne\vporl Blvd. . Big As All Outdoors
nicl."8t. It's on a quiet street. $37,900. tio11s In our Coronr1 rlcl r.Ji:.r 642·56'18 thj~ opportun11y lo ow.n this , .. ,~ 4 Bdnn Home w/hoge
ll ln1s occ1i n and canyon offi"t'. E;\l'll rind ll'"l'n ln a II I l h I •-' ~ •• · ..... · I d ·11 h NPT BCH 4 PLEX ' " HUNTINGTO~ BEACH roa Y o\'e Y onic .~l uo '-"' Bonus roon1. count"" style \'IC\l'S, rlnlSlC \\"I I I (' • dpJirrhtfu) ;)tn1usph!'rf' or l • } I'' bl kt I •pl<'• ., r · I ·r ·" 1' .. 17875 Beach Blvd. 0.11 Y ~. oc .s rorn n. · kitchen, dining rn1, lgC' in..,st muter10 s. 1 s ii JC'll'<' · $115 000 ;i111iqUl'S :ind n;n111ea 11·l1h t1on Po1~t in Col':)na dC't ""lio. TEXAS SIZE cul de Bur dnn·1 !is1en lo 1111. Sec • h ,. t p I u 1. ""'''P'• nhlt.• l1"l-I 540-1220 •. 1 , Th I It 2 , ho r• II C II '·~a··· ... ~ :• ar · is u , •8 ory nie 11ae lot. Brealhing •pace for for ll>ltr:>e : ,. """ :J.-x>. Ontu work c r s ini<l indh·:dunl LAGUNA BEACH I $142 °-0 1< yo r ... 1~ yours o~ ,:llAI u the enliN:' fa mily. $49,500. broker nssis laru'<'. m Forest Ave. t.>rst nei,:or1ablc of~cr! O~n The Real Estate F air C•" VI •().O • '"" , ........ 01 ,.IUI
HEAI ;ry
BLST I .OCATION -close lo
shopping. 3 lx>rlroon1s. r\i11·
inc. fircplar(', CO\'crcd p;Hio.
p;1rk·l1kt> y!lrd. O\\·nrr 11·1 11
h"lfl r1nant'C', Shrn\· 1111,\ linio'.
\'ai·:inl. 1\~kini; S3S,7j(), C.dl
,",II~\ 1:11-
YOU \\'11.L NF:\'f:R JIF.,\R 494-9466 Sunday for your Lnspcl·llon 839 'l33 53'2551 21 A IJJSCOURJ.GING \VOHD! ! lroln 1 lo ~ -o:· call our -v or goo ~ Call Nip:cl for r:.ppcintment SAN CLEi\IENTE oHice to~ during !he v.·cek ~ 11 644-7~11 Anylinw 30.5 N. El camtno Real 675-8600 ;-tuntlngton 6••ch 1040 1797 Orange, C.~I .
-ASSUME 8 +1/2 °/o
$182 PER MO .
.... I ~,~~ ____ I
d i•' ""' 540-1220 RI.ALTY Lovely 4 bcdrm, step clown
CLASSIFIED 11-----D--1 ~1~1-I liv rm, wtmodern fplc.
DEADLINES I Am A up ex.. 1'"11.m. rm. & country kit-
DC'adline for copy&: k i!ls I'm 11·cll locnted in old chen. AAA lnndsrap\ng,
is 5:30 p.m. the day be~ Coron11. del r-.·IHr, \Vi1h a hu,g<' mv patio \VfBBQ.
fore publication, except chHrniing 2 br. & dC'n home Adu!~ O<'cupied . Only
GOO Nev.·por1 Cenlcr Drive
Laguna Beach 1048
Very Serious S•ll•r
T"·o story Colonial. Ocean
1·iew, Palatial. 4. BR & tam.
rn1.. 71/2 BA., 30' livlnr;:
rm with stone fireplace, all
bltn.<;, dshv.·shr, ceramic Ille
& indoof-outdoor carpeting.
Shag carpeting and custom
drapes thruout. Huge patio.
oversized yerd, d o u b 1 e .
garage. $71,950. Terms.
CALL 640-86'12
$1S2 111'r n1onlh. A~::11n1c
!jl ./, F'HA l<'l11n. 2 ~1ory
h'•lll•'. J\lr:<. f'le;u1 lives here.
P1•11·!' inC'hHJt•s '" :i sh f' r,
dry1•r ,t· n 1rrig<'rutor. Dike
10 h1'rl1'h, Tfl~r.l pr11·(' for
1his IO'Nlll'hf111lc S:!·l,j()Q. Call
tVllV 963-lii!i7,
You'll lo\'r rhi~ 3 IX'droom.
2 halh "'i1h hcuvy shake
l'OOf. l'Pn l h;1rrh1'tl0d flml'll,
u.'.ed h1i1•k lirl'r>lacC'. dlnlni;: 1
l'flfllll 1111<! ~Cplll'l\1r' hl'C':1kf11~t I
/1rPr1. ·r.1k1• :1rlv11nr11gr Of l his
;1"1'; lflnn. (}.1·n(•r anxiuus,I
h!'st offer \1•ill hike! fl'l6-!"i/!8U
ft>r Sunday & ?.1onday in front and 11 SUPER l Br. $13,500. Broker, 8·12-7411,
Editions when deadline ren.r unit. Ney,• carpet in F;vcs: 91'i8-13n. l:~~!~~~~~~!I is Saturday. 12 noon. dC'n nnd fresh J~inl and nc\\' COVINGTON
CLASSIFIED c111-pet in new unit ..
ERllOHS: Advertisers at t'ro.~ Firm. Call us for ror lr1formntion & localion SIMPLICITY•'•
<t11t• \11th h<irrh1o<ll'l tlOl'l1"S
,!',: [ll"<'plat'I'. Eusls1d(' Coi>tu
,\lf'S<I. l'hl~ in. S lfi,~1(1().
Roy McCardle Realtor
1810 Newport Blvd., CM
OPfN Tit g • /1 S FUN TO BE Ii/Cf'
('l11~s1f1('1! ......... , 612·5G'ill
General R.E. 1002 P.n'lral R.E .
macnab I irvine
University f'nrk in i>opular Village I. Lo ve-
ly llit' immaculate 3 be droon1 (';11111}r idge. Ex-
CC!llc11t Joc;i1ion . Lois ~l iller 642-8235. {S54)
Ne\v pier & sli p! Comfortable 5 bedroom. 4
bath, family roo1n w /\\'Ct bnr J1on1e. $300,000.
Dona Chichester 642·82!15, (SS{I)
Prime NeY•porl Beach 3 bedroom-private
b::ickynrd '' auto. sprinklers -gar. door
opener, $69.000. Joyce Edlund 642·8235. (555)
'ho"ld "h••k the•·r , .. _ a sho\\•1ng. contact -"' " .... ""' At irs best. in this tas1cfully
daily &: report errors ~ KASABIAN designed. 3 lxlrn1. home. ~,.v ... HERITAGE
. • REALTORS imn1ediatcly. THE ~~ Re•I Estate 962-6644 Saualed ln a heavily \\'OOd·
DAILY PJLOT assumes 111~~~·~-~~~~~~1-~~;~~~:::--ed ncigh!xirhood. This ·is oni• liability for the first In· ' • nf those fine ('Xrunples of
correct insertion only. La Cuesta Granda nature & man com· TURTLEROCK
C11ar1ning I BR. 2':r RA.
hillside hon1f'. This hnn1 e
is 1n1maculi1lc ond \\ait1n~
lnl' ,\OU to PllJOY t:ar•·fl'ee I
lr\·i n~ In lr1·inr's fln£'1-I
plnnn('rl Pon1111 unity. \'ou
O\l'tl lhl' h.111rJ Pnt.'t'd to
1110\'C Ill $69.900.
CAl\'CELLATIONS: \-nu \\'ILL-LOVE I\'! Ne"· 3200 sq It. plimentlng e;,ch olhf'r. Soon
\Vhcn kllJing an. ad be un11sU<1 I dup'cx. 1 5 BR. lo be completed. $79,500.
fiure to make a r~ord 3 ba house & 1-2 BR. 2 of el!t~ ~ine. 4 .'lfm lllrge
l_...Quail l Iii I Place ' Properties I
752-1920 ""' 1400 QIJAll SI. NIWPORT llACH
•1f the KILL NUMBER ba . \Vood panclill}(', stuincd bedroom~ _plu.<1 ooin;is room.
given you by your ad glass. t'rplc's. Bench f"nol · pl_us _hi nuly room. Agent
taker as r«eipt of your hr l d g e I b I k. •I 2 s,,.,,""',;;,4~'1~36;,.,"l!'~~~!!!!'!!!!
c11nccll11.tion. This kill Cold('n1'od, 01\'ner/Builder.I! TAKE OVER
number must be pre· 675-6921 Open •J(}.SPr.f.
srnt<'d by the advertiser 1100 .::::Nc'~T~J~od~g~•::::..hy_::.lh~,~ .• ~,~ .. ~,,~.,-,! Gove rnment Loa~s
in case of a dispute. See !he kitchen. lnni rrn, 3 I.. ·I BDRr.1 tion_ies ~n all
CANCELLATION OR & yrd, of !hill 3hr, 21~ ba, lll'ett!(. No q ua ! t f y .1 n g.
COHHECTION Of.' NEW SllORECLJFI<"S hornc. 80"~ $10,000. lo S.15.0QO. 1s all
AD BEFORE RUNNING: loan nvHil. 315 Drifllvood you n~ed. for more in-
Evrry effort is made to Rtf, CD!\1, $92.500, 0\111er fonn~llon, c:ill BI\ R ·
l:il! or eorrt:'ct a new ad 675-3'11:»1 s.17__:3j!H
that has bt:'cn ordered, WITH LUCK A GOOD BUY TODAY Assume 7 1/i 0 10 VA but we cannot guaran· ff k th" 11 tee to do so until the ad your 0 er niny tn c 1~ $37,500.
L $223 P h l & 2 BR duph.•x on a New c:irpel!!. 11('\\' dr-.t)'J('s, oan er has appeared In t e •10·. lot. Ownf'_r·s In u hu11')' just painted, 3 Br, 1~~ Ba. Mo. Vacant-pa~r. -\\111 even fu1ancc. Prime close to schools & shops. Dl~1'E-A-UNE ADS : I01:;111irm ~ $86,000 Agt 8!13-Sr>J3 Near · Beach These ada are strictly Deni,;on As!IOrinr('s 673-7311
TrC'e lined Cul-de-$nc·. Priv· cn.~h In advance by mail OCEAN VIEW, Cu! tom TAKE OVER
ar" ent1')'. J\fnn1mn1h Jh·lng or at any one of our of-home, 4000 sq. ft. Sl55.000. G°bVERNMENT LOAN
room. St'!pltrlllc mHKslve fices. NO phone orders. ~·«'. '115 Fklrms, •'nm·rm, 3 & 4 BR homCA In all
ftunlly room \\'lrh •'l'I~ flrt--: Oea41Jne: 3 p.m. Friday; RE"!-·nn, Pool. 0 w n er areas. No quaHfylng. For
11l.1Cl'. Cou1111y kil <"hcn. Se-Costa Mesa office 12 67;,;5033 Xlnt llnanclng mOt'e Information call BKR., noon -all branch of-P11ra1e fon1111I dinP. GIANT fices. I BR HOUSE ..-•/frpl. on R·2i..:846-:;::;337:=:"~=~-~--~17.E lll·dmonui. COMPl~E· lot, 507 Acacia. Prln. only. FREE LIST
TELY H.EUE.:CORATED. 60' TJ~E DAfl.'~ Pll~OT re-SfiG.00'.I. 675-8109 by appl, U.S. GOVERN J.i ENT
\'E:RANI>,\ \\'1th nJ111~h· scn>e1 the right to clns· only. R.EPO'S In OT'llnge Count_v. ;;~ES ~i;:J11,1~"~~iou~I~~ -slfy, edit. censor or re-Costa Met• 1024 Some low-down. 80mc lixer-fuse an,v advertlsMient. -, uppers. Bier. 842-7486 \\tller1•ll. •·An\I SIZF:o 11nd tn ('hflni;:r tta rates ~U!\l/\Rl..E v I
!JOO Glcnn~yrc S1.
\l!J.1-9-173 549--0316
A large fnmlly home nn the
cx'.~an side o! the hwy. fi
Bd11n11.. ran1lly rn1. y,•ith
frplc. & \\'Cl blir: for111nl
dlnini:: 1•111., walk tu bench.
l!'s E1n1'rHld Bay's bt>st
buy at $139,500
JJOJ N. co&st ll"'Y·· La.gunu
Laguna Beach
By Owner
2 Houses on One Lot-8
Parking Sl)tlcts-Fenced
Back Yd-1''ruit Tn-cs-2
Blka lo Ocean. S'l!i,000 !lnan·
elnri avail. Principles tln\y.
P.O.Ooi< 194. LB. 9'18.;2.
Comfortable 3 bcdroo1n home \\'/light & airy
kitchen. S ecluded covered patio. ~lO\'C·in
condition! \\'alter King 644-6200. (S64) YARD. ,\OOncloned ti nd rra· j l n>~u lntlons v.'lthnut 6'1> AS! ' A oan. Xlm loon wino costs
I cty for )OU. llur'ry 011 thh1 prior nolice. l ~r. 2 OO, huge yrd, belt 'avl\.ll to qual buyer. 4BR
1J 122!'13.) J nctJ,h~. call C11iil. 2BA, cul.de.sac.. \'' ' r. ' nrnv! 11 · · "CLASSIFIED . "aq;t. ~2l \Vam,r.f1'.l iltt10lia.. 644-.ooo1
• Call 4!»-8t70 *
Prln1e location. \'lt.'W, 2BR,
21~ UA. fill llppllnnce•.
rl('C(lrnlor f1.11•n\11hcd. 8'-riou11:
81.'lh.•r-f'irst lln1e offered.
Only $69.500. lCMllll. RED
640-8672 or '199-4271
•OD.:ANt'ROfllT I\ 5 Unit
901 Oo'ttr 0rl¥t 642•1235 1644 MKAl'lh11r 644•6200
~l>'F~HTILO ·;:UNTO'!'!f~/1
MAILING ADDRESS "White l.1ephanl!f' o.Jtt.. ~'::""~':,,· ==~==,.-
1 11~~:\:I ~--P •. c-~-·_,!_·_;_1,_~"56-0_._· --'l-":~~."m='~11n~,~~·~r'=,~·c~' ._:_~_.~_s~_'._._Tu_"'_';'.', "'"~~~s~T~Loa~u=~~· 1~0~100~c~o~,~~~?=0~1~,,,=-m . _i!!!!!~~!! 92626 them 1hr11 n DnUy Pllol beech. $2,400 down. Pull
cla.s1\lled ad! price, $23,900. Bkr. R12--'1•186
., .. e LAG~NI\ BEACH e 15% On Finan AvaU
$197,500 O\vncr. 536--0321
•• •
t19un1 811ch 1048 New Port Beach 1;;1Pt~i:::o:;;:rir:;;:;r:::,z.r;:;:;_s
Tutsday, Oclobft 8, 1,74 OAJL.Y PILOT IJ 9
1098 1 Income Property 2600 1 ;ncom• Propeity 2600 1 HouMa Furnlshtd Houses Onf1,1rnl1 td HouM1 n urnlshtd ownhou11 Unfm 3n5
I --I Lido Opportunilyl HUGE LOT EASTSI DE UNITS 1 1+l+•+• I G•ntr•I 3102 Founltln V1li•y 3234 Newe?rt Buch 3269 SECUIUTY """· ! ... l\I G~°'t;~sq:w~1:1,· n'rf~(A~~ PoolUS£' ,t~R!;\ BQA! , f :NANCING! f SEL1EN~TE~~~E~li1HT ! For 11rn1 . PMl·rr \'t1.l'hl. j2 s .. 3 nn. Nr Park & HARBO R VIEW HOME :~1IN~~:, ~~·xi: ~·ni'r ivill i•nn t 0 . JUI en. ; \Jl)('r ~ Br, , . " , •
51ttptl •I, nil clreu'k' g11U~·. i1)1.f rou1'M'.. 2 Ba, hllln~.1 I L.\(;. llJ,,I\ l'\u \\'()rid 38 R qu•itltl ti b r Sll5"YIXX1 3 Bii, l)"r nu, th n plu. fAmlh I 1111u• Eu~t111f.e Duplr'(. f.'I· FOR YOURSELF rc>f/!~i.cr. Ooatlng a.pl
2' r11r i:ur. J\'.c\\'. No ch1ltlrtn. 3 BR . 2 Un. S•1i5. 'lJI \ 111 • ii! S2fl> char~ln uyw t 1' 'I l roon1, 3 Ctll" 1:11r11i~. formal I N'llt'rll l11111ni:·lni.:. \V 11. LI'. f'IXER UPPE:R Slngle pha fj('tt11~ 10 l'>:<'lusiv~ 5-IG..Jl29. i;l('J>J &\I'll)' from P·1rk 836.irr:', ~fli.6JO'pffi & :kcnds. 9 • •r ron I dining; room Aszt 8-l~-'1371 CARH\" SEl.f'' ~Her h.-l p . . -y hi Cl b C':n.11 812 '""" · F' · .. __ , s ' ' ' .1,1: • ln the l~rt of Soulh Lal(Una. l-Rd11n. rondo. $ G 9. 51.1 o, -· _ : ·' -flrinnt'<' 1,.lll l\\\'S LO .. \~ l11nuly re111drnn>, ~ hOnie IH' u · · ''OUW H"'ntlngton hach 3240 :..it•n1. SCuvu · Y.'lmintng Du lexes Unfurn 3600
New cus101n. Octiin \'iew. 0Y.'nt:r "111 runs Id l' r , ~-... <'Oi~TS'. Sl0,500 hu)h: OOU· ~-r<-rllill. A~111111f' 1"0 V:\. Balboa l&l•nd 3106 . ., _ Pool & ltec. aren. 1--•------
41:e. 3 bdnn., 1111 b{uh 1·u111. lett.~/oplion. I I~ H 1. B llf:PHECIATIO:\' :o;ub1n!• vu oo .... n_ P?Yj · 11 TI\O ~111111'r &hArp, .. BH. 2 U,\, . , , , * STEPS TO RF.:ACll * tom h0111e, ready for O(."t'UP. Newport Short& .... ....._ Jiiii' j Cn:h1r cxt1•rior. Lu r i;: r • TR I · P 1. EX y,•lth JtAU' blO<.'lc lo b'\y, 3 Dr, 11c11.· cp11. drps, ne~· pain! H • C'. r,\ "'J·0 1t. ~'?:-Oil ;'~Y. Trn1•nhouSt'. :? + l)(>n, r ,le.
oncy! Jltl!J !gr. llvln1t & 2 Bdrma.-& den; 111Jni:le \'UUlh.'d •'<'llini,:~ li\·ln" S·I 11~1u1nable 63i'~ ~'A Lonn. 2 ~·: frpl, 1 CU f:Rrl\ie. In & OUl. !265 & ~Im?· ltEAl.TOl<.:.f,l>t'~ELOI f'.lt.~ tilt! Oi-rk, Bll·ins, $275. ily
tan11ly rooms l\'llh bea1ned i;tory: y,•nJk lll b,. II ch . l>('flr.-10n1J. I l r" P In t· es. \ rry lo'v 00-."n \\'Ith 1pc11o1· 673 ,3 Ask fnr n~ v or 0,1.le. No tJ~--0 1~('. .)219 Ri\·t r, Apt. A.
c.-ell. & frplc. LJ:e. y•rd. $50,llOO. Owner wlll cttrry. Mobile Homtt l'r!1·atf" putio!I & l'ntl')'fl. -i &bll'. . • Balboa Ptnin1ul1 31 07 .!~_96J-lj67 LEASE-IT NEW !\t•\\'Jl0f1 Bench. :..JS-85.12.
room for pool. i\lului·r na· Back Bay f l·ar .:nral(t. Dchr-.:e unHs.1 • 4·PLE.X 1vllh asi;umablc SHARP 3 Br Homr. &11.med With Ocean Vie w -A -t F 1 heel
tlve trees. Short walk to NI"\\' -t bdrm .. rau11Jy +din-or &•It llOO Bortaln priced. $72,500: T~ 7'1 ~'A l~n. Good low i·ac· BAYFRONT Plt'r, float. :, t'l!Uin.: & fTr.lc In tum r u1. Cn·l•t k11chc11111, J uit .. :1 bA., ._P•r ments urns
beach. NO FINANCING lnQ" rn1. 2 Frpk'S. Profess. APT size nlobile honie in iec, ca.II ';;"' ~71 41 TJ2;7~· anr) &!'!: "· Br. 4 Ba, \\'inter or yearly, Lt: pv1 Y( • 2 l'llr i:inr fin:pluee, wet l)llr, tt"nnis, Balboa Island 3106 PltOBLE~IS lfERE, 10';~ decor. Pool, n1any cxll·as. d II k !he tmy. OPENTI~'' 'S UN ro 8E IC e PRE!ITIGIOUS l-f. B. 4-, 673-:-039 11·/nllty llCCl'M, SJ:IO mo. jvt•u1.1.i, ~1\'in1nurl.J;, ,. 1 r . ?.
DOWN HANDLES: l\IAKES $119.500. 0 u par on ~ fl Pl~le,. xlnt hti·t>lllment f~i· • I Mar 3122 838-0ZY.l aft 6 pn1. l. i':JlL()OKING N~:'.\'Jl<1H1' \\'INTER I Br. $'100. 1no. n·
TJ·IJS AN XLNT BUY AT 518•750' 5-10-361'.! I 0"nei/nccupanl. lf(,lll n.ll t • Coron• dt 3 B" c~"oo l'••llo 1·-1· ot•ACI '' 1'0"''n' $400 "'111111 ..... I""• • 0 lo• 2 U!U '·· c m • l I p t 1600 Wit' rtulUN.'11 & pnv ynl'<l --" .u.~ ' ' 'I''. • ~. •v ' -~-. "~·. • . JIU· $87.500 Su5n1l! all 'trndes. o m re• rp Y ! 01111cr \\•Ill considl'~ con'. Hltn .. , 11alkabll' 10 IX"at'h. Cnll 6-l:J..:6 1~7 No kids t'lr pc!· 6T:=r36U
Dlrel'.tlons: 11·11 1ch for 11igns O'WNER WILL __ trnt:t t1nll'. CORONA DEL !\!AR l'l'.a~1· $'290. ('11
!1 Collec1, _Nc11'JlC)1'!_.S°J"(>s_!_~tl'nltY _ Bilboa Peninsula 3707 on Coost •l"'Y·) 2 Bedmo1n, Lanai, big pntio. 21.l·.!-19-2-W9 art. 6 n1 Bl UffS i'Ql:ldo 3 Br 21 11 ·--------~-
•· "--FINAL CLOSl!OUT CARRY 11;,-;. Luxury Un1"ts ', JADE REALTY 'ro~ condition. Near bear!!, L\ltGE 2 br. house iv/gar. H~1 . irpit", l~1n1n1. ·pool. BA't' VIE\\', Be11.ch, 1' ~r ~ * ?.IOn~JLS * ~I\' x IO:i' lot 011 Nc11·port 943·7805 S435.00. 9 mont~ ll':i~ •. · $!7.l \'acanl, ill-'<> 3 tw. honie $-KXI. Cull l\flllj' Von s~...,. ,.., S'J.50., uiu pd. ·•U ~·.1oo. ~Q11;w1'l,1~.c ~\\~r~\: ,1 unilll, 3 rxrra bdrnu;, 2 full Tiro .\·p1e:<tM, xlnt E1ui! ! 11(1Vdes fg~ene~ Ritt s S1~ singles OK. C~t. Agt. Gt:>ldr•rn, llug II o n1 c !'>. pier/pi1rk lnc;. 11dult!I. 303 E. '~~,NE~\' HO?.IES * \lill ,,,~, Cull for in· IJOlhs. dinln" roo111. El!rh C..~'l!ila ~lesn 10(•ntion, \\'nlk o c o67'"ss'J>011 _l-'t'~·. 9i~:'.O i 6I0-4ffi0 -~:rll{f'\\;1 1rr~1.'.....;_~'!!:..2116G __ -,,. ·" F1nanci11g a\'ail. ·~ ., 1 "·· · \ 111 · r -2 ,_ py -"-"-"-"----~~-"-·'-'°_' I HARBOR VIEW fqnnnliqn, PRE ST I G E: uni! /\ntt flrt'plR('('. I: p1u lo ,, i;,,.,pp1ng. 1 50 c in-EXlX'LITIVi': 4 R(lrm, lgl' , . . . 1 , EL\'t'F'RONT '" apt t ______ --.-=--_ _ _ llO~l•:S &1;,....GiH6 pl s storiu:;e nrea. $1570 n10. veslnlC'rll (or lx'gl11ner in-r('c rn1, crpt~ & drps. Avoil ~l.\\PORT , Bk:AOI. tru ~ bell, (:rtr. t.;tll l)d. SSOO
HOMES ~1·0~. \\'111 consi(lf'r trnJe. i·l!Stor~. Uo11'1 wull. Cf1ll Laguna Be•cl'I 3148 ~·11·.1. S4i;1. n10. 96.1-7878 benut lful selling . large \\ln h·.-. Sj.)Q yrly. 67:,.64n
Skylin• O •. •~•·•IJ L. B-n Co. Condomin ium• I Oi\ncl' ve1 .... i\nxk\us! 1101r !or n1ore !nlol'malion. Rkr :\BH, h11nily roont. poh~ht'<I -0 -F 1 & y 1 ' ....., "' • ., fo sale 1700_ ' MILLER REALTY · 11'00<! floors, bC'am (.'t'iti ngs. cean r on ear Y NN•, ocean VIC\\', ···am•d ,,._,,.Port Sh·111··1d r: 675.8600 E~TERALD BAY NO ~ ........... "UIET nrw \It'll ,. ' I "7. 00 I .• I • llP. 2 °· "'' vo.: ~ "" " .. 612~Ull\ )100,, .... 1, lwni'•h·" o• ""· ... _,.""' 1:1rs ..t>tl~ ~ .1, n111 • ,· ·' •. ,,.... 1n!l, ccllings, lots of 1\-ood 1u\tt 1Ney,•porl Beach 833-0780 1·---------VISl•N .... IC'U • M'rublll'd Jbr To1<.nho>u~r. <:ole of Nev.'))011 Rltrs fl·pli• & ')i\tlo. 675-T;il:l..
glass, 3 bedrn1, 3 bo, 3 NEWPORT SHORES LEASE OR SALE I I Lots for s•lt 2200 !~~~:. 3be~~h 2 '~~'. CM.~~ shag l'111lln(i, pvr ni•I~>. 67$.SSll STt lOIO AP'r .. fll'~,,-, ~,,-,,~,h-.'
fplCli, pool table size den, Co J I •t • • •:ry 67, 'lG9 pool. $2.._~ lllO. 11>(•, :i36-06bi $\7;1. lllU. int:. Utll!t. '04-9175
gourn1et kitchen. $145,500. mp f'te Y redone 3 bdnll. CIOlie to \\'eslcllff. 3 Beclrooni ! n 11tr• ,...1.0 LOT. S lo•·! 1 .. -. .,..... LARGE 3 br, :? lx1 llon1c, ,~,·oo, 4 b•, 3 I••, l•n' "' 673-til{9'.I / Owner \\'ill sell on land con· + bonus roon1. new carpels I -000 1~'"'' •' .... '"''""'" L Ch H v ' -!--~-=~~~~-·! tract at 8%. and paint. BBQ, walk .to adult Condo. 4:1, . .,.,..,, J·:.\:->rsJl'lt:: SR C (. Cho!Ce 10<.'atlon, Huntington agunb arm ou1e1 nr. brh. Cs>'~-. rrpl., blln~.. rn1 .. rhn. n11 .. pool. snun;,, J:\Y 1111:' Bf'ACl:I
Ultra Super
2 BR & den, 2 bath, ocean
and view, $51,:iOQ. Assun1·
able 1':0 lo .• n. J1nn1ed. occ.
An1crlcan J{omc ltealto1·
494-7513 or 494-1001
" 875 N. Const 1-hvy
2 STORY, 2 Br. 11'/occan·
view, lg . .11undeck & 2 car·
ports. $i12,000. 963-4814 ~
Lagun• Niguel 1052
OCEAN VU lO\\nhon1es, 2
or 3 BH, $19.300 -ST.i,000 • $64,500 "'ill buy thi' lovely
upgraded g11rden ho n1 e
w/alrium. 2 BR, den, • BUY lhi11 outstanding 4 BR
ocean vu on L'OnTrar.l 11·/
$10,000 dn. Move in tomor·
Enjoy The Good Life
Coll 493-2313
In this ncw cu::;toni bu ill
3 BR 2 ba hon1c; quality
stand11 oul a11 you entt'r thi11
benutiful home 1vl!h bean1ed
C<"iling & expan11i\'e living
area ~ 01\'rlel' \\•ill lease op-
tion $119.ocx5
49-\.1@36 .t9'J.1397
Thi• 4 bcdrm has over 2300
sq. ft . \\Tapped in lllU('CO &
slumpstonc, 2 cov. pal.IOI!,
3 car gar. Panoramic view!
\\'lrulmlll nol Included!
Red Ca~t. Realtors
Benutlful condo on Nlgu.l's
Golf Coul'!IC, 2 OH., :.! Ba
UP!JCI', S2iXXI + ~:;;ll] 'I
monlh. $41.000 full price.
M itsion Viejo 1067
4BR. 2ba. 1 SlOl'Y w/lrplc,
l~rge rear ylU'd, assume 7%
VA , SJ0.5939
beach. pool & le n n 1 s pc. nionth. S.'lO//l'l'edlt. By ,';!:\'. HOUS E.YAs~ul"lC f\1, \: ~ach. Zoned bus I n es s. 1 Br. SlSG-2 Bn. $195. SJ?:; n)O. i\v&ll. no"·· 9&1.i1.·.o ja.1·11111. 11'!1nls. Prof · Jhr furn. swO n~. 1ncldlng
f11cilities. Q\\•ner has bought owner. After 5 P!'.I 642·222'5. l'11lll. :'\o luttn free~. ;J~.(l(lO. Prolcsslonal or o l f ice i.. Salaried & Estahllshed NE\\' CONDO 2 Br. Plu!lh det.'1t".1lt'\I. t:xtras. Close lo uul vrl\' rf'f~ 64-,..5714
t'lt' home. Call for appt. DlTPLL"X-70.,Jliii' 1<•1 . \\'1il $21,000 each. T F.: R f.1 S. No ,.rc~~~;17~hi~ren Ot'<'Ot'. Nr. H~nt. l!br., bkr. bi.·h:_!!.~'lil or 61:1-6177 oc~AN,~i'E\V ·' 1 · br.. $l'i5 6-16-7711 BY 0\\ner, x.lnt buyJ beau! .'it'll on conrrurt. $36.500. 11-rite: KANPAK. 1993 Kiht'I ~46·31ilS Tilt HLUF F'S.Sp o 1 1.~ Ii s. s1·,•,. Y'ly. •tdoltit only· ... ,,
WALKER & LEE UPb'T'ad<!d Ahl'IO Villa Con· I Cl'I' v \• .. I "·' K.h I ,, ' 11• r N I B h 3169 L 1 --·· • llR ., "· " don1lnium, l\.tl,;sion Vle1·0, I ~ ,\ ~ .-_11ra~11. 'l•ll1"1" ........ , J c . i au1, -\\'a 1 _!!!POr tac VAC 4 BR 2 Bl!, i11· Shopi; 1&rt" Y u..._ ... ; ,, " ,, '!''\,·; J)t"'ti;, utils_ incl. 9G8-3SSG
REAL ESTATE n~suntable 71.~-;.;, FHA loan, 1 ,.11,n-; fo,r ~ unlls. 1-hu 1.1 1111 01• Pll. M.S.bi9· "~ '· !IC'hl & pk ~t11grio!in & hir11. hon1f', 1tr. 1)0(11. S5-alc"='--==d;-.ol~M~==3722 N H . 1070 Jb' l'l b" pool & "l"b"·'''" tltfi; on!'. s,:m,;n H·".l ROOi\ol ..-on 2:1 UNfTS ATTRACTIVE and con· Arlams. 532:i: n;o, 963-6l2'2 _£'.£~1_10. &l~ii.)OO_Ag~11t __ Corona • ar ewport eights . , ._., .. "" ... 0 IA 1 <lS-864" vi.>nlent 1 bdr. on 1vater. fac. $.10,500. 830--2.10.1 -"'~r g · ... _.
En~rsidc C.~I. S 1 70 :~ 00. $325 nio. Dot , 11./hro slips. 3 Br, 2 Ha. erp!. drp~. •\)'.;NU,\L l.~asc, t!ulpt•11 1l("11 .
This Newport Heig-ht!I honle
has the ll'Orks. Beam t'f'il-
in~s. paneling, firC'plaee,
ne\\· l'.arpCI. BUT It nc>ecls
SCJnic yard Y."O"rk. !-It'l'C's
your chkn<.-e IO 1urn your
tin1e Into n1oney. Bring your
in1agination! It's only Ul,actO
Call &l&-0555. •
,, , ......... ~ ...... .
\ \JJ,~:'
Newport Shores 1072
Oupl.xes/ Units I THE DUPLEX Tl'rms. Agf'ut. 6'6-3'.!;i;> $27a 11•/o ilock pr iv, hltins ditth11•nsh<'r l\<'11 !\ :t Br .t· " Iii'. ·I l'iil' i:ar, H,\Cll unit. \1· I k It t' h ,. o ,
R h F 67:>-TI56. d•'j\ 1;0 pPis.. $29j. ~7-811f1 • 5lsl S: N~·plu~~· ~21 ::1 h1.'lo11• 11\i;h\\ny, ~wirrunu1w for sale 1800 I al 337~9-.• Jt·aifll' I>r. Dern;; 1 ant •&, arms, I , 3•44 !143--83&1 or (_l3 \ ~~3.!'..!__ pnol. 431111 O:ihlln, $200!'!'0·
. . , Pfilnl. !)IX'n house for your1 ~.~ve~----2700 4 BH, 2 BA be.ach house, rv1ne 1. \VALK TO BEAC\I t\lfl.-j:?1J ,
OCI::ANF RO!\T. Rcducf'd to I ln.~Jlf'<"1lon Gtl Sunday 0.:L i t\'inter $350: Yr round $-.1.00 ; :1 RR.; s21:it38.l, yl'arl~ FUHN-BACH Apt, ruilablc $1~.000. 2•2BR, \V. Nrt. ti. 12·G S.100. Pl'.:R AC.'Rf': (213J791-l.l77 or &lj..-7573 * RENTALS * (''''"10\.\ Rl·11.l1v :t-l~l :t!IO f 1 I I Ill pd Buycrst ·nns.&.l;).772leve/ :i l-l-07G0Bkl'. · · · Qr , 1•rps, rrps, u .
\l'kl'nds. • SS9,9!19 X1 n1 40 acres.. Rolling trtt stud· \VIN"TER \'Ular: 1, Unl\". Pk l81t, ~ 1111, rnm rn1, Ip~ $130. mo. 49-1-7463 \~·ooosY . DUPLEXF.• 716 ~~vill~~nd x!n~ca~unt~: k: 2 N~~ l~'t-~ir-1~·. ~-Is., 2 BR;! 1 bath '""" " .. s:::t5 2 car g~, nr be~. S-l:iO BA(1-IEl.OR. n·frig, rio stovl', \ illage 3. Univ. Pk. n10. lse. 6j.r-J6.49 all ti pn1. refs l'f''(. r>o p<'ts. SIL. n10, Jasn1inl', Cd~!. &iu llx·n· 4 UNITS fishing. Good BC(.'t'.~111. Good Houses Unfurnished 3 Bn., 21i 00 ........... $~253-RR !nm rm ? "--\•d 675-.~109
tlbn, income $625. 493-0761. 11·8ter rlght1. Trlr Ok. Idel\I Deiuie J1otill!S · , · -""· ~ ..... 1 .,;c==c,...----~=I
\\:ebb ltealiy ln1·e51ment if you ha\'" e inveiil or retiremf'nt. $2500. Gentr•I 3202 4 BR., fAm. 3 bit ....... $:i75-patio,. ,~.1:71-2 , & sch\. S:l9J Costa Mesa .l.724.
Income Propeny 2000 SJ0.000. cai;h, othf'r propt'rty <lo\\·n. $139. mo. Pril· 011•ner The Tcrn:u_'o! i;;';"~'"~·=~~i··:::-:-:-o;;;;; \;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;-;;\
UI> 10 $120,M a.gt 847·4442 i~ Box 1761. Oro\'lllt', Ca 1 BR house Nev:port $150. 2 BR., 2 bnth.~ .......... $3i:i Newport Shore& nn A b 'd I
v:aJk be 1..n l BR., 2 i,a ......... $400t.i25 m assa or nn tc> ach guna Greentree Homes STEPS TO OCF..\~. 3 hr., BRAND NEW F'OliFt·5 unit :1pt bldg under I NE\V 1st class 40 Ac. n1-oc.
l'firlslruction for sail'. Cl~· g_rovc. f>l)ed rd!, top loco·
10 inajor shopping center. hon. l~o dn. + l year 1~1 yr \\Tile-0ff $14:\1. Call I fl. pd. mt. & Int. only 2 ~30.z:;~o r 59?.fJCllO ~Ti;. X1nt lax Y.Tite-off.
;> • Q '~ Si500. oc. Stout & Assoc.
Beal'h $225. Kids pets. 2 BR, l bilth ...•... $315 2 be.., delu..'Ce duplex. Tf'1u11 s, $"SO & U
Fenced 2 Br Coslll. !'.lesa TurUerock Olympic pool & ~lori.>. S~~:i -· P
Sl:icl 2 Br. 2 Ba T·house 4 BR .. 2~;. baths ....... $.:;o yrly. lse.,&12-3573 SINGLE STUDIO APT
$17.l., Ne\\'J)Orl Beach. Also 4 Bit,::! bnth! ......... $173 Sant• Ana 3280 Sl'JiCIAL \\""EEKLY RATES
2 BR Huntinglon Beach, J BR.,2bR .... : .. S41J\\•/cr.lnr _ _ __ _, '-"lTI ·JJ rorbor Bh'fl. Ten freshly painted units. I
All 2 bcdroon1~. Earn.~ $1700
-Ii NEW LISTING * n10. gross. ruH price only
2-Sty, A-Frame. Nc1v corp., $130,000! CaJ'I. rate ju~\
very clean· 3 BR. din. I under 11 %. E)jjcellcnt locn-a.reB. 2 p~tios. w81k to tion. SELLER A.'IXIOU_S!
betith, pools & tennis. T11kc advantage of rare in·
s;>:;,000 vc1tlnenl bargain. Call now
C 0 VIN GT 0 N """"-;,,;;~°"·-,----,,-"" 4-PLEX $93,500 MATURE50 A< . .,..,.,,..30
J~-;I 3 ,·rs old & one of
CovingtOn·s finest •l plex
urrast One • 3 Bdrtn &
lhrL'I.' 2 Bdr. units. 01\'nl'r
"'ill finance at 9'i0. Pride
or 011.•nf'rship. dose to
n1ajor shopping cent:!!'. Call
Mii' 1714 , T"a2·1700
ac. U\'OC. +20 ac. lemons.
Good prod. rl'C. $60,000
home, pool + wknd home.
111 city SU.OIXl ac. 1ernu1.
Doug Priest. Stout &. Asaoc.
ITI4 )747--5.~i0
kids, pctis. singles OK. Agt. College Park _ 3 Hr. l 'i ba, 2 Stry Tnh~l'.I C11stE1 i\lesn &r>-4!WO
Ftt. 979·8430 4 BR., 2~~ ba ........... $·150 Pool. Patio, 2 car gar. S2':l:l1""~"'!'~!-~~~~"i LANDLORDS! Park 11 11·/M!C dcp. Avail tl0\1'.' $30 WEEK & UP
l BR., 2 boll" .......... $,50 ...,_.t.!6 e $£.:< "'•" & Up.
Y.'.e Specialize in Newpor : Garden llon1es .• University Park 3294 • Stur.lio & 1, BR Apts, &ach • Corona de! lilar • 3 Blt. 2 bn ............. $.!8:1 e TV & ~tiud Scrl'il'l' A\•all.
& Laauna. Our RentaJ Ser· Lido Isle _ 3 J3lt 2 BA, arriuni, dbl gar. • Phone Sel'l'icc -Htd. pool
vice is FREE to You! Try J BR., ~ b.;. ••••••••••••• 5~ On b'l'l!enbelt nr adlt ponl. e ChUdren k Pel Section CAY:~12':oE~LTY j~Iil\I S1~~~~·~•VIEW;076 !'1 j! ;~
See forever from I h i s . -
talented 4 BR + bonus r1n.
home. Plenty of extras!
5"1.500 -=GEM-
120-F Tuslin Ave., N.B.
REALTORS 6~-4623
S•n Juan Cpstrn. 1078
~BR, 2ba, or 2BR + lrg
bonllS mt, Hillside view,
Gl\'ner \\ill {inancc. $45,900.
831·0251 .
South Lagun• • 1086
Beautiful country 11tyle 3 BR
h ... me nestled on lrg. lot sur-
rounded by n1ll1ly mature
u-ees, steps lo priv. benctJ,
tennis co urlll, & ,park
494.8().\!(i 499-1397
Ho\'e son1cthlng you want lo
seU? Classified ads do ti
Ytell • call NOW 642·5678.
(3 Tri-Plexes)
6 hlks II-om be:lch, 2!$ yrs
old. Xlnl financing. \Vill sell
indi\'ldunlly or all.
Paul W. Brumfield •
& Assoc.
642-8~lfi0 or M!i-1081 el'c
COMPLETELY renovated
snd pnuitt"'d! Earns $610 m0.
Pe11cct cul de sac location.
3 bedroom, 2·2 bedroont &
l·l bedroom. Exchnna:e or
sell. U11graded thru-oul.
Hurry.Call (714) 752·1700 111;1
fhc raste1! <Iraw 111 tfK' W.est
... a Daily Pllo1 Cl·~~lfieo
YEARLY 3 bdrm. 200 yds
to h."IY and ocean. \Valk
to bus, marl<et, 11hopi;:, and
pier. 673-00.15 673-m>5
NN"u·~iv'w1E' W RENTALS 4 Bil .. 2 ba ............. ~90 Avail tlO\\' $385 iuo Ph 2376 New·port Blvd,, Ct.I CALL 5S2-7SOO 552.30911~7500 . . 548-9T:iS or~
673·4030 or -l94-~ • VISION • H&es Furn/lJnfurn 3300 EASTSIDI:-: 1 Br. ivalk·in BAotELOR duplex S95. All clo~t, cpts, rlrp11, bl1ns.
ulil pd, singles 1o1-elcomc NEWPORT Swcdi~h rrj)lc. l adult. Util
PVT home, bach&.t.r. $100. REALTY pd. Siii(). &12-1960 '
all ulil pd. Furnished. a red hill conipa.ny SHORES Lge Fully Furn 2 Br ~ ..
• j
Prime lnconu! Property * 12 Unil.!l, 4-Plcxl's
Spani1h Srylf'
*New .19 Units
~ KIDS, pers \\·!~conie,. 2 Br), ~U~n~"~·.~P~a~<~k~C~!~"~'~";·~l~'~'~in~t:'jut~ bQwc.....ll'.a1k Bltns~~·. ·d~. pool • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-i::iiii -PVl hoole.-tl •a.-Av~ now to bf'ach and shone. IP'>C"-, _AIDrs.~ perJ.$190. 6.f2-95:!~ Homefinder1 * 642-9900 .--~......, ---
F , h 2 BR Condo .... $g,/mo Ue Unlurliliihed. EXIRA lg~· 1 & 2 Br, SIG:>.
•72 Unil.11-Ncw Orlean:o;
All units appro:dntatcly
mile 10 Pacific ocean.
By Owner, 2 Bdnn, 1 btirh
condo Ir. J-lunlington Beach,
11·cll decorared, pool. IJun·
dry Iacililies, exterior main·
era:.·e provided, low monr:.:y
AS90C. fees, Ideol Invest·
n1£>nt. Full Price $24,5«1.
B,1lanl'c on 1st Trust DN!d
S16,750. \Viii Explflre many
t:realive \vuys of finuncing-.
\\'ill rent back !ron1 you !or
several months if desir·
able. Call S47·309j,
HoUMS urn1s eel $$LANDLORDS$$ 2BRCondos ..•.. S265"-S275 WATERFRONT .t: 519;i. Rl'ri C'C'Orntcd. nf'lv
310"' \\'e servic-e all Ike b~ach 3 BP. Condol ..... $265 "-$2i5 . t·rpl. ldf'al !or hlt rtirlon;,
0.ntral 1. are.a & inland Orange Co. 3 llR H 1111es . pa;!, ~. $l35 SpotlC'SS and spacwus-3 bed· adults. 1993 01urch ;,.;S-00::3
----------Jluntlngton to Laguna 3 BR Hoines $3&1 $315 $395 room 1ov.·nhou.se. Boat slip. • I p I • I
$8.\/IJj lITTL pd, bachs nt i'llEE 00 YOU • BR Homti.: .$335'.S395'. St'l;j J•urniture optional $595. • T r op1ca 00
bl'h, ideal i;tudenls. Lngi.m11 CALL. US OR CO~tE B'' RANCH REALTY CHANNEL REEF 1 B;R. PHllo. Gu &. Walf'r
$\JO trrlL pd, sm rear cot· ALA Rtnt•I• 642~383 * 551·2000 * · paid. 548-U68 !i:tgc. Yd, Jlntio, Corona dcl RANOi REALTY 8".!lt location on the bay In Trailer tor rrnt, no ""IS or
r-.lnr FJlEE f"ltEE * x.&.6800 * c •. o.lo~I. FGla_nt1·-! .'!,.droom childl't'n, adult11 ;n I y -
$200. UTIL pd, oc<!anf.ronl e i1rofc1sional Service e TUSTIN REALTY t. nc · umis """· ll'JV'-' 548-1383
L lxl,, """' '"'' "'•""" *LANDLORDS* • 83~5lll • CHINA COVE LG 2 9, I""'· """ " $230. 2 BDR. otellll/clty Homeflnders.* 642·9900 WE HAVE RENTALS r.lost unlqt:e sixit in C.D.i\f. shopping. Adui1s. no [)('L.,,
view upt \\'/gar. l..aguna CaJllornia's Largest As \\'1!11 ns a fine ge\ecllon 2 lx'dmom cottage on lhe Jnq. 1791-l. Rocht'stcr. renr.
NU·VIEW RENTALS e Rental Service!• of beautiful h<lmM FOR sand. Furnished. Couples $12:5 to $155, l & 2 br. rrh.,;., 673-'11YJO or 494-3248 ''RENTERS! I" SALE! Let us solve your on!)'. $275. n1at. adults only. 645-4~,
VACANT 1 Br $130. Hun· hou11lng needs. We're here LITTLE ISLAND 132 \V. \Vll&0n.
tington Beach. Singles OK You Get All The Hou1e1 to IK'l'l'C vou! h 374 Neiv"'-rt 1150. house. Occn11• availahle lor rent in OUR so• PETTIT .--3 bedroom luxury homf'. on Huntington B•ac 0 .,,.. BULLETIN UPDATED 3 D E. Ha)front. Co1npletf'ly
f,-ont houst Laguna B::ii.ch times/week. REAL1i?R k Bid furnlshe<I . 40' slip also nva.il-BEAUT furn. npts $16.".i &
S22:i. \\'a\k to "-"aler Balho.1, Homtfinders * '42-9900 First \\'estem an g. able $S50 5175 Spani.~h !'llyle bu.ildtn1e,
1 Br + loft. UUI. pd. Agl. Uni\'t>tslty Park 5j2-7000 p' OIN. SETTIA pvt. cnclO!!led g<ir.. po.11,
Fee. 979-8430 132 Cabrillo, C.~l. DAY or NITE saunn. laundry, ndlt~ 17301
B•lbo. lsl•nd 3206 LARGE \Vell ckororn1l'd 4 Charnli11g cottage. Old brick, Keelson L:tn!' 1 blk \\'eMI
You maf use the handy order form printed below to furnish us with copy for your ad. REDECORATED 2 Br. Priv
patio, yearly, $290. 556-6610
dllyll, 67s-3008 Evt'll.
BR. 21.; bR 1'\'NllSJ:: in rirep!a(."e, 3 bt'drooms, fain· of Bca('h nff Sla!f'r . .,;42-7848
University Park. Cpl~/df'Jl~. ily~ni. gren!_kitcht'll; t;n. l\1EN, sn1n lt bench hotl'I,
2 frplc, cenrrnl air, inl' use l~~tshed. S Ii.>, furnished R.oorn~ $21.50 v.•l'ek. Apt1 fleose nore rhol the bottom portion of th'e coupon may be dip ped and affixed lo your enwlaps.
10Ving you lhe time to write our correct address.
If you need more room for your me,.qge, just prinl or lype ii on another sheet of paper and mall fl.
You maf place your ad by phone, if you wish. Just diol (714) 642°5678.
2 --.
$7. I 5
~ lor •••••••••• dO)'I, t.gin.ning •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.
Om.if!Ullon •••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••. -••••• ' •••• ' •••••••
f'bnt ,, ••.••••.•...•..•••.•..••.••••••....•..•.••....•.•••••.•••
Addtm ••••••••••••••••••..•••.•.••••..•.•••...••••.•••••••• , ••• °" ............................... ' . . fhot. ••••.•••.•.•••..•••••.•
• 7 ..
1MS -----
$1 .SO $13.00 $22.4.$
$10 .31 $16 .IS $21. 75
$12.26 $19.30 $35.05
.... o1'y Cf'9 word 1111 ...
spcKe obo¥e. llldlld1 yow
oddr• ot l)hoftl ""'"'bof', TN
fM cl your od it Cl .... ...
• " .. liifll Oii l'fhldl ... bl
..ord cl ,.our od 11 wr!ttlfl.
~ $2.00 1Jtrct if 'fOlt des.Ito
"'" of DAll'f PILOT. loa
w.4Ct with mled r.pu ...
,, .. ,,ClllllllCClllllllll••••1111111111,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, .. ,.,..,.,,c11111111•••••••••c•1•••••••••••·
""'a. """" -, .. (.M ,..... ~
Orange Caast Dally Piiot
lox 1560
Costa Mna, Calif. 9Z6Z6
Cfaulflff Dept.
Balboa Peninsula
ol pool. te-nnis <:rls & pa1·ks. $525. Call GTa-722; $9:l/1no . i>.16-71Y.i6
3207 S·l25 mo. f>.il.S4!11l. Laguna Beach .. ····~·'"'''""'"' "'''"' 3748 I----------6BR, 4ba. t!rpted. drped,
BAY VIE\V, 2 BR, l Ba, Tle"-'IY lndscpd, sprinklers,
plwrh shag, dr:i.oes, gar, yd. a:il--0767 ROOl\1S. SfUDIOS \ \J ,LE"\.
-1h blk to Bay, 1 blk to l 7'"'-=~--,---c="'I & l·BDR..\I. AP'TS. HE \I]') beach. ~. yrly. 963-5353 LaguM Be•ch 3248 \\'inter rentals. $100 To S?;O
Corona del M•r --3222 $175 NICE I BdJ', bltn1, &c"~~n~~Ouse
cpts,/drps, carport, nr bch Condos Furn 34<IO
E·Z LTVL~G. Spacious park $230. 2 OP. ocean/view :1pL OCEANFRON'r I & 2 BR
like grounds. 3 BR. 3 Ba Bltns. gnrngc. PAL.\! SPRn\GS 2 Br. 2 & 2 Bil STI.1010. P art. furn.
Townhouse. Lge secluded $273. 2 Bl)R. frpll', O<"t;'an Bn, pools, tennis. saunas. A1·11!1. noY.•! 5.1&-0321
patio, poo l , dishwasher, view. Child/pc!. So. l..3guna jaru1.zis. \\'erknd. \1•kly, OC f':AN VIE\\' 2 BR S::IOO
walk·ln pantry, n cw I Y $.11:1 CHAHl\11~G 2 lidr, frplc mon!hly. (213):>'17--0209 01· J RR $2'I..). ADULTS, NO ~~sJ~~cd. S 3 j O · n10. home. y~I. patio.~~-end. -~~S70 PF.TS 494-.~4.~7 e·"""'·-=~I -'-''-:;~~==~~-·1 $4-00. U11L prl, ·• Udr. 2 cor-;OO 2 BR 2 hro •alllO Newport Beach 3769
FOR RENTALS ~· lrplc, .be~n;s. 60' deck ai·nll unrur111 01•f'rlook1n01 -~-------
... any size, please col l l '-'JO LOYl::L' J ~. dr.n + l.AGUi\'A NIGUl·:l. GOLF \\'INTl'.:H RENTAIA'\
Rosemary Sictz .. shc i s fam tm, scp dlni.ni: i·m , COtH~E Ov•nl'r •lf\~.l."'6 Slcris to Beach
heading our rental dC>pt. frJ?IC. Obl ~arngc. 1·1c11· ,1 liH 2 B \ \\'r <;! ~lnl' Lg£> furn Ocl'Rn View 2 Ur
Bay & Beach Riiy 67:>-:'.00J $17.:i 3 BDR, fplc, pool l10111r. ~1 , · ~' '·1 ,,.· -'"'":.7 : f•~I lrlcnl lor ~'Ouplc or '.! ll<'flu! v\£>\\' .. 1i.:un:i ,.\gue. " ""j 01 .
'LOVELY 3 lxltin, :ii~ bath Ni.J VIEW RENTALS .12:i-1732 s glcs. $32:1 UIU pd. lsl
nl'\1' pain!, l'l'tJ!S, d1'h1i·hr, • " C d f J42S k last n10 -~ll'anlu::: dl'p. garage. S37j lease. Bai·bril __ 6'Gl-t0.10 -2.f ·19-1-32·1~ -on o1 Un urn. Ci.II r>.lr. Pattison for kl'y.
AgC'nf. 67J.8.)50 , OCEANrRONT POOL DELl'XE 2 Br. To11·nhouS<'. _&l2-J698.
;1 BR. VACANT IJOuse, NC>v.' niodCl'f! housc, 4 Heir;"· So. Co.i.st \lillAg<-/U't'U. Com-FURN l . 81', Ii:,~ (I\'. room.
singles OK $235. Also lg, 3 00.th. 1t1nuia-roon1, WI plt'TC'ly air rondllion . r-;e\\· hltn!'>, n11:l' pario. Cl(l!';I" lo
2 br .. gar. $11.j HB, Agt. "~· ~l:i~ti ,t,,; rock. ON <'llfJW'ls t.· dra(l('s. J'Qt-11 & ilC'uch. $1/\.). n10. Open 111
ff'C 979-8430 T,Hl: \\~\TE~. SL?OO. nio. l'nbiina pii\'. Bcdrooni bal· J~IK' 1;1. lfl13. 121 4:'11h ~1 .•
$350 \'EARLY Duplex, 3br, 'tr~)· ~-06~;i . l'l:rtl)', 2 cl\J' c-arni:;e, crlt'IO:-:t•I \\l'~t Ncu·~rt. C';1ll ~]·1~ .... ~
2ba, frpl,., dbl gar, bl!inll, OCJ'.:,\.~~ ltO)'.;T. 11~1\:. d!nlng p11110. No 11.·u1cr hills nr IJCLWt'l'n ~ G.· a. h1.t-l:l'J1
2-00 rm, fu.:_:plaCT', .IO • hl'1ng J!l'il"-' to cut. S'lR>. n10. nn) t1111c patio, pc!s? &I 18 rn1. ~l•.>. :\to. '-early. 01111cr :146-63."'12 l-$-l'">-~l-r_"_'-.1-,.-1 -1-3,-h-... ~,-R~,-.1
Cost• Mesa 3224 49-1-00L1 NJ.:\r llh,'h 1;1',. Cnn<ln. in .~ B11.·h rolnr T\'. 1n11if'I
f•1,111 IE'" · I 2 ,_, Laguna Niauel 3252 f;;in Clcn1. 3 Ur. ~ li:t. frp\. 1-f'r1 1~··!. !'Ill:: \li':SA. H.J • . • ·"'· sing ~. or, :It. '-' '" "'l'I Bl " U
k' I & oc• 11"-. , . . . , , nil R.ppl, N'C'tl.tl\1)('11. 111111: •'· ·,·'"'1 1"-' , .~ ·
I{ s . pell• "· o.), fllCd ~~HA:\[l Nl-.\\ l3f'Ai\UTI~ li L !11 Pll'r & l"W:h .. ~ \':'Ir ('(11"ol . 6 11>-!~i.111
yfl . C:ar. 3 ~'" 2. t>a. Coun1ry Clull pk:: .. 11·/stor. 714 ":i.1.~-6.'i11 r1N "111._.-,-,.-;,-,.,-,,~1-,,-,..-,,~1-,,, l~E1' \\'t'k'Omc 2 Br. pv1 hon1c. i;ct g \\ 11lk tn t~•1\('h, (JO(iL ,1r 71•1 , l!l2-.-.:2ii0 l'lll:.!h·s. r11 1111 $1:!~• Tl!E
$190. fncd yd, g:ira.:c. & te11111s . ~C' Gu,ords. lo\\ ,-.1,--1--.-11-,1 ,-, -1,-,1. ,,,1, ··ri>ll'' IOJ ,1 l·",\i\llLY n{'(!(l<'fl, '2 Br SIS:1, ni:o1nt. r.ni·il"n~. Crpl. , .,•. ~·1rRr ." , -.: .11. • .. l •. ..:: .. · 1 l"'
fncd yd, rlplx, stv/rf'f rn;onv l'.\lra~. $·!50 inclurll·~ ~1·r11,·, lt!'l1nJ?,·; r1n
1 i;::11 1·,11::.;~1 _>_id~ ~·~,'ti),, .
Homefinde rs * 642·9900 ill11·s·. R'.l1 -14i1 nr ·1!13-0;2'1 1""'11 n, P"" · .' 1· 11•1~· ~.i. J r~1t .ip1 ,1\·nl\ fo 1·n1J)l yd _ ---------ti 1l1 .. \du!1 , -n.1 1~ 1~.1 111.11, yl'I) ..:t('rrs to heh. 2:Br. Cpl, no pets or 11inglf'tt. 4 ~It. fenced rd .. frplc. •'42-~3 _ si7o ~ uui 6'i::.-26T7.
&>c mngr. Apt A, 980 \V spru1kler11, IA'A5l" $.1;10. nl(). 3 Liil .. , h C"'tvl 1.1 1 -.~-c""-~c"~--,,......I 17th St. C.,f, X3l-:.."09'!1 nr 491-:\4~1~ . • :i .u. "-nrl · Srl'll!O npl, Ot·f':i u vil'\\. _ --· ,----~1!:'\11'1 Golf ('t1u1·~1·,1 \\in1•TtJrif'ul'l1 . LARGE 2 Br. hon1r, C1·p1 , :\ RR. ~ DE!'\. 2 bn. frpl. dish11•a.stw-r, i:nrhu;::c d l"JI ~ lli";-:l\ilJ
s!v., ttf. f'er.C'Cd yd. Ger. u111. rn1 . C'pl!drp. S350 a 2 cnr !::'/Ir, $~ ~11-~~17 1 , ----1
Adullll $190 67:).18'17. mo. 49;"r-rr.!8 eves & 'A'knd. ~ w ' .. \\ \\ l!lf•'r ~ Ull. ;: BA
C Ml · v· · 3•67 - . -s:.1-:-i Al"° 3 en. 2 ea t \1.'i. NI E 2 Br house. \\'/gnr, 1s1on 1e10 I. 2 .~ 3 nu t'flllfh1~ \dUH~ I J hlk 111 l)f'<'ll ll. 61~
fncd yd, Prefer middle age, only. Huntln21on B ch ·I-. --· . $170. bit & la~t . 646-1223 3 BR, 2 Ba. Fan1 lly mi, $200/SV.J. 9b~-:!9.il u r 1 ~~1,\LI. H.1rhrlnr. u111 [W1,
2 BR GAR I .~ d P11110, GN'al vien•! 4 Rf'I:. !'lfl.1·~ I hlk ON-;111, pool. $130. nlQ. . .. sm 1 .......... y , t1ro R.in.21~ -1.~'."? l no children, 5.m ~t Of\. crrurf'!I, ' IJ,\(111'.:LOH, n.·1r11;:.. n n ,l '-·~=°"'=~""°=--o·I
cpl. drps .• $100 ~1500 Newport Belch 3269 1ilo1'l'. r.-1~ N"q. :-..o pcti. I" ,\1 Fl:FRflNT 3 DR. ftttr.1.
o.n. Point 3226 -~1'.!.:i 11\(1 r.i:l-.•ltY• !}!1t>l1·\ \\IJlll'r 01' yr')' Lt:,\~l-:. lk-au1 Con.Jo. 1 T --h-U 1--35;;5 11rM ·k .i1;11I G;}.ll169m4-<1:i.'t.1 "" 1· 1• 1· ·1 own ouse n rn "' ! --f Bl'.~UT. l!o1nf' nr. Dann Iii °"'.ml. 11111~rui. ·'"" n• 1 '·1 -·---• )-"'fl l'::i TO HE1\r ll 1t ~h .. frpl. de\'k. bhns. cpt'i.t.
J 1·"·1· n~S.\...-02'l.lt l!J L\ 'll ", .. , l 'tl\\ ;\lifll ""· J Hr. 1 h.1 ~ 1:;,, \\ in ll"r
S:?9l lse. <l!Ud213 t,RG JBr 2ba, fnn1 mt. dln . ~11 JI if\11111,1:1"" ll°'tW...·, 2 llR._ Iii:.' :li~:l E\'f'!<. ~UR-Lf.:Asi:::--4 aH. 2 H,\, ""!· rlhl R"ar. No JM!I~. $3i.1 l 'i hA, f111!1'. U'l'.1111 ~· 1.1 .. i.lo-..;Tin·· l'f';i\nl-.-1-,~-.
I fn1vl yri, cll'>fll" to .~hN"J'I, 1-*'l()...\~~ ~>n_flnly. __ 11.111<1:0. I'•••!. ln1·ur11 ,\I \\1ntf'1· Sli.1 ... ullls.
n1lle to n1nrina. ·11)fi-1W J.0\'•::,,-lhu·h.-.r lllsihlnn11' "111111 •• '• hll. ~hr•1111111.: 1~1.1 1.. 67:'",....~1
El T 3232 4 BB .. f!\111. 1in . :!':· hri I•• i:lt'.~<h. \\l(,j;,~11 ~-;n.;, S Cl ct---3~7~7~6
i oro srn :'>-1<•/h\•"'" .\i,:1 fiD·Z!!J ''1 11c~.1p11 t'11•,: t.· y.·knf'I~ an emen e I :iBR 2Bi\, llt'\\'I)' dl'<"1I Bltn~. m:tiFf>; f'fliyi•'· 6 B<lrn,, iO\liflil·l'.'ln ."lp11l'lo11!t 1 Ult cln!ll" IO ~I"·
ldii•'JWI. S3."1i" n10 1 .. 1 & 111.~1 Jm11\~d. M ·11rr1t'•')'. ~;) Sl>ll 1cllr !1rn1s 1t•1111 .a D:ll\) J,...,.l'h. VJ~;\\'. !loO PE:l'S l 11216 Grn)"lton riSG.:ir.tl i~-14::0 or 4!H .fillit Pflot Cliu,ilil"li n.d. M2-667A $210 mer fl'"ml-<1"H7frt
• ,_
• -. -----•
• O ,OAn.Y ,.ILOT Tutsday, Octobtr 8, 1974 T ·_J ,.,-....-------,;;;;;
Apartments nf~'.!!:._ J A,.,rtmtnlJ Unfurn. Apt;rtments Unfurn. J. Apartments Unfu~. Rooms • 4000 Off1U Rent1I 4400 Lott &. fou.nd 5300 ... Ma'4)nry 6070
P,1l'-o1 111.nd 3.106 1 Cost• Mtisa 3124 L19un1 8eiKh Ja•a I Newport Bt1ch 3869 ROO.\l k BATII, 'p\1. tn· DELUXE aUk.'t' ~ (;()tn-CU.Ir. ANIMAL· CONTROL I ......... -1~ \\'1LUAr.IS ' s~. ,.. , tr~. turn. TV. no kll .,. mt~I spn~ l\':tn. no11•. ~ llW'lllng1on Bel\cb Shelter W f.tSJiCW)' I.le. ~ •
Ni.\\' · 01,\Jt\lLr\'Ci · 1.IVE·' llACJt:!\l),\ Ot; Al.ES.\ \\1DE ocean \1ew5, CloM> L~fl'lt.\' .\plll, 2 Br, 2 ~68 l nr. 22rnJ Ir: lrvlr*-. \\'oril:'a. Cho\Ct t.a~w Niguel It Ult l::dlliloo SI. ~l · Brl,ck. block ~ I to D c
,\BLE j IGO \\'. \\'i!i'lOo. C.M. t0 btacll 1:., 1.00ppinll'.. Ai;tti I \\>'.•h'llff rtrt'ft. 1111\ii.ll pct man only. S90 ptt mo. rtllat'°n VlCJo •~ Xln1 Bal'lc of t111m11nt $o(:lt1y i.:~::::.,::;.no.,..,~,,,...,."""==I
' IBR-38,\ " 3Br..2B:t. -Bl:AU'l'l1'1JL GllOIJNDS Of ~n·~ ('•UltC ll\'l.lt.,:. I ~I\ . .:all 61.:l·'.!13'.!: 6-l)r.906(}; !>1~3993 .. f\I')' 8eoefS, 831-1..01 g..:; Ai"l:l:\fAL ASSIST. LEAGUE Appll•nc• Repair 6004 BRICK BLOCK & STO~E.
f\°tltr IJ.ai)1ront. 0 w n er Aduha -No Pel$ Pool k spa. Un u" u:• I U.\ YfROr-;T 3 Br, 2 a.., on ftOOY AVi\Jl. 10 ,. llln;. COM OFTJCF.S 150' • GllO'. adoption. spayln; and OA'l\lls 6: pnt)oa, Q. U al
10 mlnutt' ti) oct .. n. ~e privacy. Separate i; u"' t I m;iln bay, P\1 bch. \\•/pier OU'litian i:irJ. PV1. bath 4 Pt~. alr, cpli, d~. musk. m:uler\na: blfonn. 96().ZXlO. APPLIANCE \\'Ot"km&nShlp. lie & bonded
YE:ARt.Y, 2 Bfl .. rr1,·. pa Uo. ! & "! Br .. I l~ -Sli5., l\OIJ11c. 2 bd.rn1. Ulsh\\'il-lle'I". 9n..19J5: 611 .... 5111 kit. prt ... 11i1. ~ a mo. l"lt\'alor. C. Ma 111er9. ANL.\IALS U\U>QUNDED REPAIR M7-6563
Ali t'I«. bltn6. Gar~e •. BR Sl9().1111h l atlo $19.), dual O\'Crul. AllilO huac l Ur, • • ., 49-l-88:iS4 I O\'l'N'/rltr 673--4120 Sbf1lherd mixed, tan, male ,\VaWrs· ()ryt"J"&o-Hebig. 1..::=B~ri~<~ko..,B~l~oc-;-k~&°'·S"t-on_•_I
BROKE.R 6,a-61'00 Gfl.11 I.: \r11.1cr inc ., 2 BM. upt3. 11.lih ··~ilin.;~. <Xf-.\.'\I v1eii·, ytarly_ ·Br. -. • ' ' Austh1hep, lri, female Call Jack~~-'Gt)-S266
._1._ _ p 1 Orl6Ptrk's. clU'{K'ts, & as !or1nt1l d.inln' roon1, 11rr-1 I f!~ dup.lex, .,~"-nio. I Rc;>or.ts. : ~k up, Wlth 8us1ne1s Rent.11 4450 Cocker, ml"~-black, fe1\\ule \\'ASllt:tlS, t>R\.~RS. DISC!· . . ~ .,_ enln1u I 3807 heul. i:',il& .ato\'C. al r place & lltlU\)' 01htr uu1~·1u· 6~1-ti iW d:ll!i . .6·l2.36l9 C\'e. kHchen. .. · 'Ak ~p •Pl. . . · ~crrk-r/~b. blk/¥-·h1. fCnU1.le \VASHER S, DISPOSALS Pa1nting/Paper1nt .073
SUPER oup• EX condltionUi;. '\\' i mn1 t I\:; 1ie1. S36S. 10 $600. 1no. In· ~l"P ~.lt Pli~', ~e1>:u-l'T" I 0/. ' 548-9755 or 64~ . CO:\f~lER~L Sek 0 f, Ice Shep/Cothei, u1, mule IJo~N~fL~Y~.J·~·&~:;s~•sc'.'.'.::::1~~~~~~~~:?.?;
l BR, 2 BA. fll,lllo, l'rpl(', & dryers. rtttlnt. Choirc _of color~ "" _!x·h, $'..lSO. yrty 673-5760 i2~ ~ .uP, ~ 11·k. 613"·0140 7:;c Pl"r Sq. r·i. 0 ltith Setter, red, male f31by1ltt ln9
"' 1 pool, rtt. room, w&Shetl' rludlng u!U iri<'J. No1\' rk'eO·I for mnture mil•. I blk to \ Lt::t; /\T 1111-.: B~i\01, 1 jf:i~ 1~\ i.arun:r~Jo(T. Do:<1k, bro'ol.·n. n1ale 6008 CUSTOM PAINTING
~bo~. o~~~ ~fu; ·~~~~ Off Jbe Beaten Path ~:riGt t.J at u re adult~. OCEANVJ~W ! br., J oo.. PINE KNOT ~IOTE;L Nol•n Real 1-.:state ~.st?.t St lltmAl'd. brn•/\\'ht. n1aie CIULD cau n1>· bvniu. Bri:1 ~'-~~~. ~~;~';;,t. i!~~
962--8721 . 1-ondo .• \\~r1'09' ~rpl, I R.,,,.,, to •h•r• 4300 c.M. Storefron~ & OUlce + ~.~.,.e ~bc ... ,,.~,",~.·,·."n°,~.':'.0 .i; lunch. l,01~ or TLC. t-\lil'· ed. Llabillty Ins. Free: Color l·BDlt~I. Xlnl No11h end ]()I•. ...,,.. .. .vvi 1 ........ 1· ,.,., · ""' ... "-' "' ,.... L·~ 1 t BEAUT. ba_vfront condo&. 2 Adu.It• • No Pets \Valk 'to tov.•n ~ beach. 2 f"~:\tALES to aae 30 need· !~·811 rT en .. ~ o.teil. To~l Poodle, llJ'lri<:ol, fl'm3lt' \'ll!'WJ AdentS . ...,.~9.,.,.f.l Co111>ultln.g & .,,..L ma es.
BR.. 2 ~bl!. S1ipi1 avail. • Luxurious 1'hag carpets Panclt'd walls & bcanifd Newport Helghtt 3·970 ed to II.hr. 4 bl', i.,1r11. lg. ~750 ft Ilea~ too~ ltiittic, Lab ntb.:ed, bh1('k, n1ale BABYSITTING in my H!mie lxiw Cornpetilive .Prlcn.
Cov'd. purkin1. aecurily * Bll·lru In('! Dfiilh\v1ulher t:eil, v.•(iv <'arp. & <lr:\pcs: dupb:, \~ blk 10 ocean & C l. 646-6961, 64&-!246 Shep/Lab, bik/'ol.'hl, ten1a.lt! fenced yttrd & ttfcreno:.:e¥: Gt?-.G(l(}l
tltvaror'S & pool. $GjO TO 111 J..rg 11001 & Gu BBQ's .sto\"t & rtfrit:. sroo. Pi:r 2 BR. I ha, cpl&., paito, b~·. NB, call Gary or Joe SPACE AVAIL for lease in Great Dane, b~'ll, mil.le C~I area. Phone 6-12--0384 'l•---------
S!KX> )Tly. Art. 6'JS.-1060 l & t BrR~I $1T.>-Sl9a rnonfh, ln(:I. alt uril £Ill". etc. Adults, M pet~. 6~!>-Mi&S Board'ol.'D.lk Shop·g. Ctr. at l{ound, bMvn, male C 6015 p INT & V .sh '""''"
\"ilL y 2 bdr. Sl<'\'t. Nr., Gti.."1 & \\'itter Pd • Garn;;e ?ltlSSlON REALT\' 491·0731 Ye3 riy. 548-6300. Sfo;EKJNG progressive 1.-nl to I llwit llbr. Call: 8~2366 -Ger/~tp, blk/bl"IY, ma.le arpenter ~'m \\'~:~~~-~~~o;~
btar·h. lihops. Adul1~. no LA MANCHA APTS. fSO',? HAVEN PLACI:: share 2br hse at bch. t sroRE·nr N•pt Post Office. It1sh Setter, red, n1alc • furn etc. :;31-8393 or
pets. $200. 6 7 5-~ 1 7 2, 178 S..'Ott Pl~·e. C.).J. Laguna Niguel 3152 :'.! br., F'rpl., $'.!10. an1 a film prodUL'tr ~ )TS & Greyhound depot. 587 Sq. l_.ab 111lx~ upulp, blk/11hl, f H~.i\l?D,EL_. ADD-fJN. G.\R 5ll~I~ btfore 8:30 ain
61'-IJ61. l &12-:!l!Oi or Gtj.6318 493-0::19 &: travel a lol No :otrill~s. {t. $t:i> ~lo. /\gt 6-16-~ll-l 1Sht-p1>upp1e, bl.,k1erm, lc11111ie CO:'\Vt:f<SU:~N Custo1n & after 7 pm
S Cl 3876 673-20U Spaniel, blal'.I., male rww cons!. 2,j yn; t:'\ip. DraW'I,.'°"',-'~=·--,--~=~ 1 BLOCK to Sch. Dl"luxe NE\V C,\RPt:T . .;, r res h ,\ l\IERRY CllRISl',\IAS In emente 2'15 SQ Fl. Ofe, iitorage, bu!, CATS pWM tree clit. 6l~i::9 >nor·. pai.uler. honClll V.'Ol'k.
2br, l '1 b3. lrplc, ~k [Or Pain!, 2 br. I ))a, l'lcan Free Tent n10. Of De\;. Good R 0 O'M ~f A 'l'E \\'8.nled: etc. P-c1.cilic Csl fi'ol.)', QU[. '--'· I n I 1 c x I tree Mery Ellen 714-8~3336. I & quicl, c:u·. 11·/laundry lor 2 \\·eek$ only. Tl'nnis CO:\IPLETELY l"f'decorated. F'cnialc. C.Ollt'it 11tudt'nt Call 67:1-20i>1. Sh. ·~ed domestic, orange, C ;\ R p ENT Ry. i\l astl'r e'.•S. 11 -. ;i.m..2759 , ~8 · h' l -' f &. !Olf be h' ·1 2 BR._2 DA : quif!I neighlxlr· .... & 1 1' + ~ kittens. . C 1· aftsman-renl-Odetin~ ti ~h.tn:nate. Ke ls. ' • I .:u~. ll<'u.i or iivr~·i::-. ~ nu•ni rb 1P uvai · hood, v. ftlkini distance 1o ~~5!....,,,uc neat · c ean. Industrial Rental 4500 Sh hair don1l'st1c, tr1, fl"male finish 11ork guaranteed. ti-l l-J9l3 OCEANFRONT YRL Y tuupli!. _AtJults. lll'.l ptts. \\tr. s211r5340 per ·"'~· /'\? l<·a~r.. h' 1 ~'Id •-In" .......,..,......, Sh hair don1e-stic, ~Ltcn, rn"•' EST"L\TES 4c~3••.l p=,~\~l""''=~~,,.~G'"'&-re-~""'·,.~,-,,:i;~-=I
3 Br 2 Ba be f I pd. $1.\J a n1<>., Isl l lasL New lrg db: V>e11 2&:1 btlnn, e1('1')1 Ing. ~~11 o .... J;,;,, 1T CT T bi.. f I L.i:.. ,.., -:Tr....,.. ••••:_:.,,.,, ,.-T!,'.'· • ' nms. rp. S:Ju l'.l n''". ll"f'. t:asi Wth . :.!'.~ ba, 2 poolro, e('ntral air ~9'2·0801; $0011: 492-4i95 A RA IVE UCJ Student. NOW LEASING a v_Ji l'ma. ~ , ('USTO).I carpcnlr)', bltrS, \1'ork~ ... ..,.;p guar. OAC
dtiob\\hr, g1u-age, pal Io Si .. &r"·l:'S-1. Hl'f's. R""'d. to.nd, !pl, 2'.i'i21 Hillhursl Dr. S•""<'JOUS 2 BR <:lost" to sbo'""". need!! rmmate. i;ha re 'ol.111 H•-11·rw; •-och S;b hair clon~esbo, blk/'ol.hl, f nic nae£,-v.•all <:overings, ~.d"~!a~ ot nl,Y exp. ~ _,__ !Off Cro\\·n Valll'y Pln\yl, ,... ..,, be $85. a nio. Aft. 5P~f ..... -Flame Pt Sit1JT1l"se, mall', otc. Call aft er 6 pm. ~1006
QtAR.\flNG t br. t ba, MEDITERRANEAN (114)4~1760 ouice, if no ::r~~i~ PE..'TS, Peml. &t l-99-14 N W M-1 y;ht/oranl:'.e !l6S-{).t;5 l-*C'iW~liilpa_pe_r~Hc:-•ng-e-r"*c-I
bl'amcd ('(!U. Roman tub., VILLAGE ans11'C'r 499-162'.,). 3886 SHARE moderate home ttnl ~ Sq .. Ft. 4 IJP Sh hair donieslic, grcy/y.•ht, SJtl/'<OGLING, Orilinary & C R~O 6-16-24-19
pl?.. Single only. 61:'-jlSl '1 &odrooni ~.~1 3 Br, 2 Ba, Condo, Golf South L.19un1 ::e i~~ch:J": r:-'t'sc87 Hamli'j.ift~land St. C!lialt!. lri. female dc1."0rarlve, sidewalls. i:;. X TERI 0 R PAINTING. ~u~1t"re1r~ ~IX':,~~~~~: ~ ~=~~s.t: Oen S2:i> ~:~~b:'ii 8~.r~a~~ F"OR RENT: t Br. apt,. wknds. ~~1. 543-720S. Assorted Pupplc:; & Kittens 61-9309 i\ft. a Lic"d, Jns'd, ~-,~Tern>J.
Non.ts. Yrl.v. S225. 613·16".:.J 2 ll1•f!'ro.IOOJn111To~~Jio6•1".'d S3-"0 1. 6pm, 879-!l::.iol drpg., carpt'g., stv/l'ef, Fl:.~I1\LE or n1ale ta lihare * COSTA MESA * FOUND; 10/j, near Sltltet•/ CUSTOtll carpentry ot :ill Richard. 9'19-· yt me. ,... · _ ar.....,, , deck, ocean '1civ. 1-tatlll'e a.pl. SL.'13 In<:\. utils. 36th Golden\\'l"SI, fem11le wtde1· lypcs, cablnetR & quahty • HY~ DISCOUNT *
Capistrano Beach 3818
costa -~Jcsa (ill) 5Ji-SO_)(J_ Lido Isle 3~6 adult$, no pets or children, St. NB. Bn1t:e \\'inter 9 300AJni011t neiv t.-t-1. l )T, tri t'Olor clog, \\'caring COIK'l't'tt'. 962--1961-\Vallpupering & Painlin;:r; -t2~ incl. uli1s. 499-286;) 9 l ~· fl. $16j, ?.fO. .,.._,__ E rt a 11 .,. ~·o DELUXE cuslom rluplr:"; 2 CASA VICTORIA APTS LIDO WATERFRONT a.Ql.-5 .p.m. 673-331 64~2361 • Uea 1:0Uar. She c1-a'ol.·ls! Rl:::l\10DELING, Pa 1 i o s, r•~-.: ;t; • l iJ,>U"'\1.....,
BR, 2 ll.\. Ol·n i·irw i1·/:<11n· ,\dul!i>, . ~'. :.: BR 11· patio,; 3 B . 3 G; IM Apts Furn/Unfurn 3900 PARK NE\VPOnT r.t/exc. r.f·l BLOG. 2600 sq. ft. Plenty 8·1Z.97J7 Dc..:k~. H.00111 Additions, PAPBRHANGING & pain·
deck. Adult!': only. Jfl6.u;;j(j :Fro1n SIG&.:JO ;.;o Pets \\'nf~·r. 41;ri.·ia L~~tNSou~~ 11,il! t;hri.re 2 br. 2 ba, fur11. of pari..ing, 786 ,V. 20th WST. new sofa e,ushiou, Cabin~ts,6'i3-lt66r.lr ltyaii ti11e. :l l )'l's Harbor ar~:··
C d I M . Ja2·21 Pool. i'('I: l'n\ .• eJ \'\'lltOl'S Avuil Oct I. $37:> ino. yrly. ALA R.ENTALS apt. pr<'fer r. $~. \l'k, Aft Costa Mf'Sa. &i2-4610 Nell'JlOrt F't">I'}' l!et. S1\ ~llNOR llO:ifE REP.\IR -~~furn, uo 183281, 642~ ... 56
orona e ar &-c. i;ate. Gas & y,•ater pd lse. Appntnit. 67~ZJ.ll wi \llfcw 111 IN S1 •~1CE I P~I or 1vknds. 6-»--0742 f1"11'>' & SD 1"1"11y, Gold, Plun1b1ng, car p e n l r Y, tsl C.1.AS.5 E>:tJinl Paintin<>. ~ Victoria, C,\f. 6-IZ-8910 \\'ANTED n1ature straight SAi'liTA ANA nC\\· ?i.l·l. in-Lrown beige stripe, H.eY.~rtJ.' ccran1ic lilt. f>K>--;;.)60 Paperhanging. Air I e s~'S CONTh~rPORAR\' 110:\1£, ~\V uRrEI> ,\PTS Meu Verde 3863 f fiil · n1nle to share lge home ~u~~:;1 J~i~~~ :sq 556-7699 I FBJl\CE.:SIGATES <'tt., Sp1'a)', (2.l yrs exp) 979-:>29~
J br, 2·~ ba. patio, gas J BR & t Blt 1v/loft. ftplc, • HOr.U: ,\T~IOSPHERE • l ."°,•,~s •. •.s in 1-f.B. $150. mo. 96'.!·S6&!J LOSI': mack ?Ital~ Cockapoo. • Hu!ld Repair Patios 6075
8-8-Q. ~ar. pttrt fu n1. Dayic cpls, drps, pool. jacuzzi, Dctuxe 2 & J BR. RenlaJ Of..:. __ ---r• WORKING gal to sha.re love-Stor•ge 4550 Vic. Orange & Del i\ta1··i -=--''~~~-~16J7~~·~··~'"~1~u~~··'-,=,1 ;;;;;;:::-~-;:'-::;;-;;
6-14-(i·IOO 01' 6ll}.Oi6i/J:;l't>:I! ('n•' :11r. AU util pa.id. No 3()9j l\tace A\'c. ~IG-l03t NfWPOltT "IAY, C.M. 642 .. 1:313 1y 3 BR home. $150. lncld CM. Reward. 6 4 6- 3 ~61 , Carpet Service '4J16 BRICK, Tll.E. OR CON·
&14-GIOI. ~ l>i'.?IS • .$lf».$22.') 4-6 P:'ll, 393 D . UXE l 2 O · uti1s. 642-7319 642-9107 CR1':1'E J>ahoS, q U a I .
SHARP I Bclr. t bJih' apt. llantilton, 6"5-4-lll dEL . BR, ba, crplii, B1A100.1'1S·/u't'iln~g. as low as >!ALE, ,, •• ~ •i• ~-:. .... MINl·WAREHOUSE LOST; Black c 0 c k a p 0 0 • JOl!N'S Carpet&. U~lstery ~~or~1anship, lie & lxlndcd. ~"-d"' 1 t rps, t.:·1ns, enc. g11r. • .,.., • 'O"' -'" Prl lock-• . . LJ Sh (Soil R ,.,,..,,., ,. .. irt a ..,1 s on Y • no Pt's. ALL £LEC. Ctpts, Drps, ~ Sl80/mo. No oets. ~7.:;460 SINGLE & Students, nici:' 1 60 shtll'e 2 BR apt. $150/mo. vale, t:\I individual male, 1\·hite collar, \j,'flite r1 ampoo, e-1""'-""'"",_--,,---.,.= >
·1!.sh paln1•.6,~~llcarpet. patig, c7,~:,, 1. ~;~o r:hU_d 2 BR 2 ba ~ .. ---> .., .. .,,..u.· -BR'S, $Hl5. up. 64.)-3761 or &l&-4336 storagt: units. Fron1 fl.50 spot on ches.!.; .. ~~i:7Garlield 1ii1rd1 ".,,n,~ . ._J?egregh•-!!',,"& 1•0 Plaster/R .. lr 6077 ""''mo. ag ..,...,,. or pcls. ~· ~......... " · .... ,.._~ .. , ..-• CLEA!N , ~--.• ,~ u"l per mo. &. Bushard. ;;iuvuJ a ,.,r .,,1 '"''"" • -b :Z ha h $22;> 11.tonth, yearly. .,.-'""'" ._ ~.. ..., t"E?llALE roommate needed. ALLSPACE , m4iute bleach for white PATCH PLASTERING DUPLEX 3 r. ' , porr , E.1stbluff 3130 Jones Realty 6'13-62lO pd, l BR, $15.). $150. mo. BalbOa Island. f'OUND: Poddle l\t~ yeroc ca.J'pt?ts. Save yoor mo~y Afl types, !ree estinlates
patio, gar., no pets, •.; blk a..osE JN, t:.C.?lt. 2 BR & Terri, 675-TI39 960-1970 area_ female. Poi1!1\C . ID •by sa\·ing me e.~tra tnps. Call 5to-68Zl
10 bch. SZ'l'j unfur., $32,j • DE'UXE e Newport Bea<h 3869 Pool. $16.l. nit't. 1-UtALE rooinate needed. ~u1~ Phone t:wnrngs WW clcun living rm .. diningl=--.i.=~~=_,=
furn. &l!T-0387 "' ~!TILE House."! BR., Gar, Call 8 am 10 11 ani LINK 5&-1'98.S nn .. & hn.ll $15. Any-rm. Plumbing 6078
NICE 2 br duplex, ava.11 Oct 3 BR. :1,1J BA apt for lease. sm pet & child SW. * 61:>-9196 • STORAGE UNITS t.tONE'r' rOWX'i on Balboa $7.50, couch SIO. Chair .$5.l'--'----"-----
1. "26 Acacta. $:.150. n10 to lncld spnc. master suite, OCEANFRONT N.li. Lol'ely 2 BR & 1-"am rm A p-;n;onal, businesi;.. recrea· l~and. Swnmertimc. ~den-15 yrs exp. is 'ol.'hat counts l ... R. ans p Lu ri.t B 1 NG
mo. 6f6.-S309 din l'm & dbl garai;e. Auto 3 BR_, 2 ~ Yrty $M1 area. n1usl see. $195. Gar-se.• ~r Ren,t 4350 tional storage. From $8. O:r a,!!lo_unt and contamcr. oot me~n!. I, ~ 'ol.'ork Remodels & Repairs. \Vater
COnoNAdel ~Jar '.! 61-. I ;:;re~=r :i~'.· ~ul~ 2 Bn, 2 ba, furn $·100 \Vntr. M..:'llOST l'\e\" '.! BR T0'1'1l· GARAGE SPACE F'or rent. Jamboree & San Diego Free-61a-291.> ;)-7 p.m. myself. liuud ref. 531--0101. h ~·a. e r s, d Is pO$ Is .
Ba, irplc, patio. So of hwy. only, no petii. 1 82 RB,R1• 002 "'.',,'.!"ins~~· .~:OOnter \~~~i.~ ~~r J:ria $i!'~ch. '.! 6Z1 Iris CD?il. ca J l ,~., y. Call 979-0150 }"QUNO-\\-'hile cat. or.11\GC Ceilings 6018 flU1laces, dshv.'shn &12-6..163 i2i5. [>·17----09'l3;-t9&-1961 e $322 e .. " """ "'' 6~ eves STORAGE s J1) tail & -0rangc on top of head. 1\1/C & BIA Complete
RC J~fY ~ or 3 Bl", l blk 865 Amigos \Vay. 1':""6 STEPS TO BEACH J ~~N~~l:~-2 BR + fam SINGLE a.r Garage nr 12!h . Avocado sr.a~s!~x r.fe;: Long liair. Vic: Sw1tn Ana Plumbing Service Li c.
ocean, oo kids/pt>ts. i\lt'. l\Iannged by 2 BR, 2 ba, wintt>r, S225 rn1 Condo. S275. St &: Balboa Blvd. $30 n10. &l:>-5TI4 A\!e. & Irvine. 646-7638. ACOUSTIC CEILINGS 1~'~"'~'~'--------
Kelly. 6T.l-4:W or 752--0100._ \\'ILLlAi'I \VALT.t:RS CO :? BR, 2 ba. \\'Inter, S2'J~ LU::.01JRIOUS, 3 BR home, 6T:ri876 ev<'il. Rentals Want-~ _,,1_,.,. t"OUND dog. Black and beltre. BY CA'OUSTICS R/\YS PLUl\IBING $.ERVICB 3 BR, 2 ba, v.i111er $27:> .u -" R · I oJla · Costa Mew 3824 Huntington Be•ch 3840 CORONA DEL MAR Frplc. $295. Irvine \\'ANTED: Garage space for remaJe C.'ockp,poo. B l ack J\PPl.1£D, p,\INTED cpairs-nst uons --TOO r.IAN~TO LJST CAU. park'g. Vic. 41th & \\tA1'ERF-RON!t' -1 bl'.,-UIJ-c.-oUai: ... ,.M,JJ.tOn_ @d omru:e.. GUAl{A~'.f'EE;D-2·1 hr. l';l'rviCt> f>.13-8638
LARGE 2 BR Slij. Single LUXURY APTS r,sbaR, ~I house,. F/anl. rm, ALA Rentals 6424383 Seashore. NB, 615-3823 flU1l. apt. on N\Vpt .• Lido C..\t. 6-16·3192 and 6"5-7831 F'RLE; BS'J'li\l1\1'ES Roofing 6012
. story, beam, clng, crpt, · .,..,.,.., se or se 'W1• or Bal. I~le. Re 1 i a b 1 e FND: Turquoise S 11 v er i>l<EE GLITTER
drps, bltns, r--u-pol't. Jnfan· J ust being completed, f. 2, NEWPORT CRE'ST CHOICE Offic• Rental 4400 non-i;.moker. Call aft. Bracelet Vic: s a re way ~ 01''F' \\'1111 THIS AD REPAIRS, aJI typeii. Reas.
Ink. W-19 \Vallatt. &10-9243 &. 3 bedrooms, fireplacei:;, 2 BR, 2 ba. Condo. SJZ> LAKE FRONT 7:30P:'ll 997-5574 parlO.ng lot Lagwia Call to 645·9180 F'l'Ct' est. Lic'd. Ask for
or 646-8882 !llln1e with patios or COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS identify 494-ln ti . \Vatt. SJG-.50'10 anytime
e Tropie.11 Pool • ~~~~n~~ G¥i~T =~{ VERSAILLES ~ LO~T orange & "'hitc male •ACOUS'.flC/\L * Teiivi1ion Repair 6090 2sp:~ ~~a~· ~~1j ~}~ ~for~~~ ~: f'mneial I~ ~~; aJ~1~ bl~~~~ar ~;~ ·~~~~1: ~.:n::.;, r~firt TV R.EP.AlR ~ 11---1-~ttlrigrlge-puoo, -:\'Tanen Al~~~; Plata. ll<!W3ttl S:V-1977 1Cem•Rf7Concrefi 6019 Ror;cE~ h"ht:~?NIES
·gas&: water pd. ~IS-116!1 , · · r, Buso'noot Oppor •~s Ln'ST· \' . C M -T -121 I lattnlla, C~t DOG RUN Pool .. Acapulco Aqua Bat """ ..,. . 11:. • • • iv o * 1)'12.11-29 *' 3 BR. 2 BA. quieL Adu\1 ! & Jacuzzi. Spectacular 8 •••t•tl1',e • tie• • _..II pood}e11. lfy,hlte. J/bl.ack. CUS'I'O~I CE:r.-tENT \\'OR_K ' ' ~a-
owr 10. Condo Con1plex. Spac. 2 Br. apt. Cpt., dr;m.. Acre Lake 'ol.'/Towering WANTED Jw\~·ard. 003-i633 PATIOS, DRIVES, w,\LKS Tile 6091
•" -"-te~·. S. E. C. >I. bl~~"". clooed .a:ar. From ill' t ~-~C~•~ll~Do~n~..,._!!::'8'~14'-,.._ !;;;::;;-;::;;;;-:;;;:--;;:;;:::::;::-;:;;--IWI '"' .. 1ll ..... s:· " block \\ I or n-b 1-'ountains • ~~ 1'.t' ion Dollar ?ilan, 'll.'Oman or couple (""' FOUND: Corona del \\lar,1~ . · 1 blk ot ·-' rest.a.uranl.i ~-.•J. "l'J e ~Ile . v· ta D I .. _ Cl G -ol ,,... CE)ffi~ '\'ork, any k!J')d CERAN.lC TILE Works kit ._0 ~or ·-it= l!'.12-oo.tl •· IS e mesa ubhouse, ym, Sa.una, Orange &. L.A. Counlieii. Black Lab, 4. n10. d. ...e. • • ' bali.. en'~ . h ' ., .na-~ '7V' "" G EN o Total Secur!':V Dcrorating , x per i enc e 613-5.i29 Commercial, residential, .... ,~.,. 11 \IT. ,Par~
""GE BACll. ~--,,. k,·,,' WALK TO BEACH . ADJRUVLINTE AAVERD• ATH>l E\.'",·s 1mn·-••'•t•' ·ac· e"panM• h l f ' b t . . l.lc & bonded 636--1().;j rep1ur. } rce Est. 49-t-213.; ~ ..,,.., "' ""' " ~., 0 FF I CE Sp ACE & e P u.._ u not ncce:!.'18ry. LOST male k1Uen, Pllrt Si· -' . 5-1:>0-187 exL 21l
&: bath. Utils &: applia~s 11, 2 & 3 Br, erpt, drp!, Near Ncv•port Blvd, 1'i"lvy ADULTS Seci.~taiial Services. Ex· Company ~111 !rain. Annual amese v:hlte long hair. Ba& CE?\tE.NT Work o{ all kinds. CERAftflC TILE NE\ & ·furn Enclo!i'd 1nr. I adult, I bll1n~. gar. Z2l lGlb SL or & II-vine Industrial C»mplcx So'""-' No Pcls income potential $20.000 to cr·Fa!n1cw :>4:Hi123 Reasonahl<', free -ei:tlnra1es.' , V
no pe.... · per mo. 'J ., h 8'1-.,...:7·• .. l BR S190. 2 BR. $2::0. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Br's. licensed real estalf! brokers !J, • nia im·estnient LOST: ,\methytt;t rtn.,. in gold C -6021 811 ;...i...-1velcomc. 536-2·126 I · '" 1160 3' 3120:> J ·u1 St lluntimton •• ., ' Pe r i l'. n cc d I Professional 1,. 000 s u · · · Call 638-3325 rcn1odel. Free es1.1ma1es.
Hamilton, CM &~11 .,(' · 1·"".1 Rec Bldg ,v/~. Uilliatlk, I $175 necessary for equipmt>nl. .. t ctor ~ .,_,... rom per mo. only. Prin1e Costa Mesa C,.,11 ,11,, ~---•i COLL .. .,.., sct'g. Cdl\f aren 2 n1on's, ~" r• T-•-'I 60921 '*' EU.f GARDE.."i APT;:; Cllt::7. ORO API'S Color T.V; Pool & Jacuzzi. Santo Ani loc-otion-dt'lux~ off i c e S· " .....u-,..,. ..,....., Rf\VARD 644-8606 -r ~ •~•·-. 2 BR apt in (amlly s:.?3-1 Atlan. la Security Putrol. Refri<· ilK'. bet\\·ecn lOAr.I & 3P~f. l\lon· " KITCHEN & bath remodel· l .,, ...... n percentage lease. ,J'or ad· Blk • ... 2 TOP &ect)on. Pool. no pets. 171 J.'.! &: 3 BR. Pr1v Gat., pool, • s-1;,..1Sa:) • 3700 PIGza Dr. ditlon!ll Jnforniation _ 'ol.Titt' day llu-ou:h F'riday at (li0'2) LOST: F"em ... · ~·· • inli additions, allerations, 11. SOIL * 00:\!POST•r
E.22ndSt.,C.M.&l:l-364:i. \1·:ishcr, d11rcr. Close to PARK NEWPORT ~\ssocialcd South Coa st 957-9231... yns. ans. to D-O·G RE· glassslidingdoorsinstallt'<l •l\£ULCJf * RED\VOOl>• I
APT MG'Rtor 14-2 Br. r.Hn.' .~cii. :~. APARTMENTS 7l4-SS6-0466 ...Brokers, P.O. Box 1:,ro, * RESTAURANT* \\'i\RD 64CKl$2:i ~ Con.95su; :1!1!1'. ~ Call 586"6930 J
duties. SSO. -0H rem. Pool.' LGB 1 BR, 3 btks from Bachelor 1 or 2 Bedroonis Nc\\jiort Beach, Ca. 9266.'.1'. A~ust gross SIO,iOO FOUND--Black male cal. Icnibt>r Blili 2-.1 I Schools & .
Adlls. no pets. Prc1cr o:dcr , oi:can. Util pd. Slo\'e & and Townhouses .r:f'~lh~~ _ WATER-FRONT Seats 110. Dinner hour on!y J3?lsa (Ive. · ~ach Bh·d., CBlt\\'ICK &Son, BJd:; Conti. Instruction 70051
:ii.-oman. 642--9520 retrig. $19:i. mo. 331-99,j(), fl'. $224.50 Open ~6 Daily ..V.IM.d/1.Jt"-''~ NEWPORT BEACH 01.17K'r rc:tirlng \\estrrunste'l'. 89ti-t144. Add n ·n\Od. St. lie Bl·I14'J21
EASTSIOt:.: c.:-.1. Lar;:e du· I t."x fi0h.: lB•·. 2Ba dis Spa Pool• Tennis OCIJlllC HCW COMCEPT! I Execulive (){fices $28,000 1''0Ut-OD dog. 01 on Orangt'. 673-60l\, :>-1~2170 PIANO LESSONS
pltt 1 Br, brick frpt, cpt,., I r'°'As1dc apt nr beoch, ~dults Aci.'t>KS lrom .f"asbion Island .-.. AOlllJ L.UlSIDEUVlllC 2 Or 3 Rooni :fuitc RIVI ERA .REAL TY Sm white and brov.'f! female Electric el 6032 Beginners, lntem1edlate-s
d:rps, utU !. S-W. 1no. 1 only. no pe!s. SIG:>, 5::0-S::o2. atJamborttonSanJoequin i SMAU.PlTSACanto , \"ieiv -0r boats & \\'ater * 642-7007 * mbc &l2-9Zl'1 or 646-6301 1:i2-f323
adult, no pe1s. 11i~-1~0 12: en, cpts, drps, no fee. H.ills Road. I ' l Sn1all office $16,j LIQUOR STORES F"OUND: Trish Setter puppy ELECT~l~IAN * 0 .l d;l '~!!!!!!!!!ll!!ll!~~~
DELUXE mr.. trpi• ~1/\v, s1:io. mo. Ask !or Bev. or 17141 644-1900 •Boche ors ! Bill Grundy Rltr. male. ~lB lligh School. 4 Jobs-7'C\~' J~. Sen:ice
dbl gar, crpt:::~ & d~.I Dale. 003--4567 •181,281 ' 675-6161 s?~·J~·~~· ~-n10.old.~. . ~:~. ~\11yun1e-Anyptace., JI ill
close 10 city h~ll . t c.lic,;cs 2Rr.. 2ba. 1 chi lrf. oo ,.... •..• • PROMONTORY POINT •2 BR & o.n ' ' · nvcn ory >~UNO \\'hit k t t Eo ... p•it.
close by 529-[..:J I 7iGt Slater. !\ear Bcarh APTS rom -•s "" HO'LAND BUSINESS Female 19th and Irvine J...<:A.'"' ..... -.. l•;;;;;iiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiilim , .. ~ F $175 \**CoronadelMer~ others ·v : e 1 e,n . E'"-lCLJ\N-Li-·"" No. .
Bl -• 6 • ., ·117 1 ·.,,.., l'rofcssional Ofticcs and/or "' · • 2'l3WS. Small jobs, maiutll CHILDREN OK ,.,,., $1 :>. s .... J ' 962--6.:12 . Luxury Adult Apts Me50V.rde f:ast & Adams n.~l ail. Deluxe, air c."Ond:: &a.l:1170 , &\LES :HQ-0008 ~"1ea collar. &~. & repairs. 548-5203 Job W.1nted, Mele 7025
Lge 2 Br $170; 3 Br l"i 11'1:\LAC 1 UR . 2~; Elks lrom ~·ron1 S3:JO ample prkg jan scrv uU• ORYC'EANERS F O~D: St. Bernard, male, F . 60JI ;._.;_;.;,__"'-;.;.;;;.;.:__c:.:.:
Ba $190. Duplex &: 4-plex. &h. &c n1ngr. Apl F. 400 2IXl Promontory Ur., \V"SI , 540·1800 pd. J00..2000:, llWy fro~lage " -short·~. Vic: \Vest OiU encing Experienced cook, can CO\.-er
l pools. crpts, drp.o;, &12-Qi.S'.! ilh St. H~ 536-2..?57. i'\c\\pu1·t Beach. 67>8000 & 2nd nr. RD.les irom .4.'I'. a~~n~t·~~~'-~~· ;~::: Plaza, N.B. /7 548-82-lS. NO job 100 small or large all station&. l!uropean train· 2BR.-~dnpes.-at0Ye& 12 Bit. enc/ooed ~e. Adlts ;<.Jodels open 9 to G MESA Q\\-ner, SiU-6000. 285;) E. aft iml dn paymt. Agt.
Chain link our specialty ed. 642-2291.
rdri;: No pets. 9t'C &. c~11n Ko pets. Siij ~ Coast lligh'ol.'ay, Cd?.! S9::!~j388/So;G.O.i8ti PyTamld Fence 5-18-91E! Lie Job Wanted, fmele 1050 doe~ !"•"ri· mi Jame11 St Apt. l 9G0-2Si1 j _f',\.'\"f,\~ltC ll.A.Y }"110:-.IT GARDEN OITJ£l:: SPACB 1" 0 R I 1['1 ----'---'---'-..!!:... ~ ~ 1~· j llU(;l; :'\L1r Zb,-, 21.>a. ~ :,111-. Apt. \.·le\\! Ne'ol.'JlOrt &. Rl-..1\T. Costa ?.fesa. IJarbor Bus.li'l••S Oppor SOOS Pe~lfs • Gardening 6045 NEED hl"lp v.·/your monthly
2 Bk ::.;(urn G;1rtlrn ,\pt~. I 2 p;.li<JS + '.! bal, Oc\•,1nvie1v I Ca!alina J'ronl e\.·cry room. APTS at Adl:lllts. B ca u t I fu 1-BEAT INF'ATION . . statcmcnls? I t·an handle
frp](', ~l\V, pr1v rm.tio .. ~:)JO. ~~i;, n10 302 6th SI J:l/S--1761. 2 Br, 2 Ba. Boat slip avail. 2 k J Bdrms .. crpts, drps, modern. Air, n1u11 l c, "' · *LAWN SERVICE5* &II your Acct.s/ltec. .indj ~r. Irvine Indu~1ri:.I arc,1 S210. nl u, 2 Br,!~~ B.:i, all TctT. P£X>l. Sc.::. Bldg .. :! utilities paid. B l ti ns . janitorial, Clas.1 A. \Valkcr BUILD A FUTURE PerJonals S3SO Yard Cleanups A.eels/Payable with fast ~ll _ .:•l,-.c. nr Jllintin,;ton Center. Car gar. Carey, 61:>-85Jl, l:iundry fa cilities. R e t:, & Lee Bldg. Ct1ll Gene Hill, Nobody has lo tell you "'h8t i\Iost areas. ~lOl'o' & ed~:. pick-up and dt>ll\"e1y. l.1'0111
\Gl01 ;\/:;la':!a Wne, 612-7~ I0-.1 room \\'/pool tuble, :;::o.m a.17-0136 or 6~t.-0200. Inflation has done to yOur TllE FAr.f JL,~ OF' Nciv I a"' n s sprinklers 1ny home. l\lrs. \\·at~n
C 1 d f rred ir h 1 3 BP. 1 il bl t roon1. saun;i. pool. bbq. JSOI WESTCLI FF OR. f1tmily·s bu)l~ng pol'.·er, but \t1JLLl/\l\f B. RONQUILLO •1 om e s/Apts/Comn1cn:lal:1 ~•~·~'·~29~8~1.,.---~~~~: P s, rps, . 0 . a :a · :! BP.. $lj0 Per n1-0, Close •• :.. a. ' !n~. cp "· al'l!ll. Adulta oiily. no pets. here·~ a way around if. \Ve · h L J • Ca:Jl w~da)s 10. 30 lo 1.30, t1> shopping & beilch. dl"fls, 11undeck. ;'\ c \\' l !r' NE\\'PORT Pinancial C1.nter oner you an exclusive pro-\l'Ls c.s. 0 cxprc~ I 1e1r Heas Rates. Pl'on1pt : ·E'S! l\I1\TUH~ "'on111n lookiJ1g ror
"'·""""' 1 H,.llonon·.ic.~. lll-.T. G;'.>-6700 painted. cloBc to beach. ~1~1~-,ooBrlstol. Costa ?ilesa, Leasing Office Sp.ice gram featuring: the ne\\' pop gratilludc for the syrnpathy 534-3144 534-7187 pcrn1anent live·tn, <·hlld E'~ • L •-1 2 " t Year round lease $323 mo "~ C t I l 1-• ~ •-1 & kln<lncsi> sho"''" dunng . cart" It housekecpin,,. llal'e ·• • "·" rg""' 1f'i'e ur ap ~.I Hunt Harbour 3842 . · · · ALL ON·Sl'rE i\'f,\NAGER op 10 "'"'s, SU,;n as; ,,.,c their time of sorroiv Our EXP. Ja_panest' American ,.,,1..;,.;.., 6,1<t·•o.• ·~· crµts, drps, bltin~. t\u iwls, · _ Can 881-tSjS b!'hrccn 8 & (7141 642-3lll ext 246. stew, spaghetti & meatballs, special appreciation to the Gardener. Quality Con1plete '" "' '""'" v-...,.._
Sl!IO. &11>-1181 BEAtrrIFUL 2 br., 2 ba. ;;: 6i"'->::J291;1ll;·tin1e. 121 ~th _ . _ 1 l\IO. FREE Rl::.'NT macaroni &. cheese. All na-Kids & Teachers of Esi:an· Gardening Service. Bonsai \Viii care for Elderly person
SHARP, 2 5tory, 2 bedroom,! Condo. on the \rater, bltn. St.. \\est · Cllport rS 'k.'W' No lease req. Dtx. oUicts tionelty advertistd brands. cia Jligh School Training. MS-9119 in my holTH!. Pr!. room &
1 bath, c:rpts, l"tc. Large I stv., W/D, garb. disp. It $360. Bl::~\lJT. lt:e-I BR liav-'ll J adj. t1irportce Hotel. A!C. \\'e isct up )"Our Hot Food $63. E X p ):; RT J a pa n e s e bath. &l5-9l40
.. ·~ 1185 mo., 494-879S d~h1v.~hr. Boat slip a\'ail. Vu-apl .. pool, boot slip a,·1, ''"r• ,.... " ~ 11" >l Vending ma chin~ 8 in c·--c 1 TYPING-hon E ""' J,., ... s ""'scrv1ce11. &•vm ..., o. lndu!lrial, commerelaJ, and DIVORCE .... uell('r! ompere y11.rd my ie. xten·
LARGE ·te'n 2 Br Call tor appt. 213+243-4716 310 Fernando, No. 102 Nr · · · ·.. 1 2171 DuPon• Room 8 CPI, Fil' F 1 ,, ... n .... "lean upo •-.. e•• ,,,., •--1an'al b ·•kgro .. -• I: np11er. i 11 ' .,I,. -1011 f' Cros I ... & FUn Zone I " retail operations. You simp-u. mg ee , ''""'• ... ' u-.. " "'' ~"'" ... "'"' Cpts. rtCril;:, r:ift2'.e. ,\dult;i or "+-• ~ . crry s~;;.. ·-.. · 2 DR. Tov.Tlhouse, frplc, •833-3223 'Til noon • ly collecl !he n\oncy. Fact. C.Ompletely reliable M8-2G61. Please call '962-1218
O\'tr 35. S13S. 548--2·107 Laguna Beach 3848 See i\fgr, 5•:>-l520 61.>-8:>.jl from $250. t BR, tron1 Sli5. EXl.""CUTIVE $\rile <1Verlook· "-e gUarantee that )OO will :>f8-10Ci3 LA"'N Service Res & Con1m IF you're we.ary of inrom·
:z BR DUPI ;-: dlt nl . -YEARLY 2 Br, :! ~. Pool, tennis. continental ing Ncv.'J)Orl Harbor. 102~ collect al least lOo/o over PREGNMJ? monthly ntaint. cleanups, pelcnt office help, try n1e. . • .. ' 11-· 5 n ) '' TOWNllOUSE new 2 br. Nev.-Shores. '.! bl:ks b uk! Se t ! il fl Ot•--t t '"" n I th fi Ca · h "'t I l °" -42 'E 'd 6''3140 no pets, S210. + S 1 • .> .. r.~fui..-1 I O<••a n 1 iey.•, \valk 10 beaeh, OC'e~;;:'' • S260. ~&-89l2 or re· ast. para e an1 )' sq · nc• n o ,J.N • your n1-estrnent e II'St 1n;;:. confidential cou11M!l· a"' ng ree ff '"~' xp . 11r • ~. & clg dfop. 610-4-4~ -I lam. rm., "1ber., ....,I!,, G7,)..J.G(l'.I set.'tlon. Clore to ;shopping Ample fl'('(! perking. Coast year !assuming )'OU rallow ing & referral. Alxlrtion, t.NDSCP/G;\RDBN/l\IAINT H•lp Wanted M&F 7100
, .. ....... & fine beach. 644-2611 Highy.·ay at ll'cv.-1>0r1 Dlvd. oor direction), -0r v.·c bey adoption ,t. kt'eping. AP· Seid, Sprinklers, aeanu""', ' "..._~, .. lt 1n cla~rlf!cd. Ship drps., frpl, 1111•-palios. »'.O. l'>'\RL\' RENT IL ·> BR 642-4&1 1 OO"k tl•e 111aA .. ines. If )-u C·'"" 6·1"4'36 So•'l ·•, "A"-""~I .,, __ ~ to Shore Reaulls~ 6~'.!-5678. 2!!4. 296 Wave St., 8-17-4871 ~• ' ' ' -' u'1 d "'' · · u .·.nu "' ~ "'u ,,...-.....,, ~ 2 Ba, Drapes. Crp!s. Gnr, THE EXOTING DESK space avaUable $jQ '" <'\'DIP. a minunum of FE).lALE shipn1atc sough! EUROPEAt~ G!~ROENE'R ANCIENT MARINER
That Intrigu ing Word Gomo with o Chuckle
H~ •r CUT I, '°llAN
0 l"""fO!OO' l.t!en cf 1~9
four """"blM ....ord1 h•
IQw to le""' IOI/' llro1p:, ~i
I 11 I I I
I 1
.! I I I I '
I ' N A GM E I .
I 1 • I I -The.re'~ ,,::i•k,,g '1\o~ fU1i1e ffl,,, •dvice, t'~d1Uy tdvlce
0,, how IO -V/01Ti'1'l. ,..,
SOPLEG Io ,,.,..., .. ,.,,, .. '"""' I I I 11 I' ty I lll!•y '" •h• i""".;."':I ""°'J ~ "·•l.3o lb."! ~ ~4;·Mle-,--
F'rplc. 1~ Blk Bay & Beach. PALM MESA APTS. nio. Wiii ....,...,;de fumiluro 10 hour.: per \1:cck. ~"' "ill f u ..... -t r· · •·~ ,--51-•·-·· .·~w ,-· ~,. to but'ld ,.,_ or sa .,.,,.. i.'Ur ina Cnn$e Lai>dscapin;:-t:rec servi.1.'t ~.1.1.>. n\O. i;r •·1 '.\IINUTES TO t-;'PJ'. BCH. at $5. nio. A n s w e r I n g: "'"' .. ,. "'" t A J i\ I " ,,.,...., ,,," ---" bl 8 de""nden~ for )'OU and 0 ca I> u c 0 • • r reasonable, &JZ...,,.,~ ~ll.?5 Cumnlly Tak\1111: E~LCVIJVE posh, 3 Cr. 21 ~ Llach. t & 2 BR. froin $1;)7 5CZ"Y:ioe av<t.Ua c •• 11 7 S ,... 1 re tum/alrlare provided. G I S · &., frplc, patio, pool, $31,;., Adult11. No Pet!. Beach Bh-d., Hunlinatoo your C3mi)y, \\'h le taking Cti11 Paul. 67.)-1811 Hm. 3. enerl erviceJ 6046 Application!. F'or
nw. Lri; .'.! Sr, '.! Ba. fr-pie,, 1)61 l\tesa Dr. Beach. 642--1321. 1he hilt> <>ut of in1la.tion.
........ I. Sa'.i. n\o. 64:'--001:? ___ • {J bl.ks rro!n Ne,\\'J>Ort Blvd.I 5•-PER SQ FT-?<.Un. $3915.3! ()oi,rn, tcnns ,~ -,, ~ available. Call Toll Free
B.\Yf1t0NT-Bxcllin;: vlc11·, MG-~ I' 1617 WESTCLIFF-NB t.a'O--13:3-102.'\ or 1\Titc
I 11Ze eleqont -' nr. '.! l~i. * LA PARISIENNE * CJ)r:s. drps, AIC. frc-e pkg., C.A.B. Enterprises. 1793:)
"'ood bean:ui. fprl, pal!I) 2 llr furn All "le<1ric f<'lre. util 10' cln<N A"t "•!!·"""" •Sky Pa.rk elrcle, Jrvfne,
I .~iJ...Sn9 . ., 1 11: .• ~"'-11~a1ed Poot. Adull:s. 1 UP 1~ 800 ~;f~·0, :r·n~ .:;"C C;i.lifomla 9'r.117.
\\ ESTCLTF'f '"' br .. I i 00. $1JO. & up. or rl"nt in Ne\\'JlOft f'Jnanclal Mort, Trutf Deeds 5035
t1vnhc.u.,e. $260 a mo. Adults 919-1268 Center r I ex J b 1 e lea~c.
only, oo ~ts. 11~8 Bedford Aeros~ l'rom golf coursg &1-1-1860 LOANS UP TO 10%
Ln. :>fS-7,)3.1' 20-IS:? Santa An!\ Ave. ' 1 J
2 Br 'TOl\'tlhOUtt, P11.rk I.kio n1or.1 $139. '~ ml to be3ch ~ ::·· l: 2~ '::1h""' ept st D Loans
kl'ta. irplc, pool, n<:11·ly BEAUTIFUL P<?L\'NESIAN drps, zt1 pka: areit. S&i. mo.
I d=rat .... S".8> mo. "'" '6 POOLS, TENNlS. PRIV. C.ll.?.lr. n ..... ~,..,,., 2nd TD Loans 1 :,.l()..t.'16 or 6'-l·Xf.11 PATIO Garden i\pt-.;. Sauna& 1 -~~~~-~~~-
""" 'N"'lEll'' b ,_ • jac:uni, 2 car prk'i· COSTA. ~IE&\ D\\~. ..,.,,(JO, 11' • r,. """· ;. 846-l:l23 tlunt;....,...,n Beach $150. N™Y d~ec. r~c 1" ba Condo.. rt"(.. \Y/O, 0 ••-r, __ ._ __ 1 &"'
I Wf\\', d~., poof. $350 per J BR J-"Urn/unfurn, yrty. util I .,;-~·"""~=;"'-' ="-7'"--~mo. ~79 pd, $210. mo. N~"l>Ort AVAIL. Share ht.~. otficts
:i en. t.. Bik rr0m Ocean. B<'nch. 6TJ.i219 evn. ~l,~nw party. ?\'B,
Ai-ai l 11/l. 210 Ctd:lr. S2Zi. Rooms 4000 1-'"'-""''-------
:..t.5-7290 l2:i SC: fl, l <lffitts. 1 ba.
~11ARP 1 BR, ocean :z blkl. NICE roon1 magnifj('C'_nt \"U, All \\'Rlnut pen~llnz It cr"\11.
I./ rl,, no c-hildtr11 or p<:!I-O\M'lk1;. hbr. lz O<'f'Sn. 533. SlJS lnc!ude! ulll. l03
tin. yrly. &~ . v.·k &>av1ew. Cd~f • Superior. N.8. MS·2635
\\'ATER~"RONT /\pl. l Br, ron I or 2 J)('Opte, nten 300 SQ ff , cf'J'lt./dn>fl. $9!1
'J 8" \'rJy lea.sc. $-tij. mo. I or ~mt-n. f~11,;"t\l'n pr!\•, ptr mo. Ca.JI G464 2tll Clr
1 s~ 01n.side ?<"Io;;.. j48..41&1, '"'67"''~""'=·------
lowest rat•• Oran9• Co .
$oltltr Mft. Co.
'4'1·2171 S4Uftt
Sf'n.i~ lfarb:rr a?'I" .. 24 )TS.
15 '/. RETUR~
SebOnf'd 2nd. m .s12. Pay~
SfOO m(), All d~ Oct 197;;,
Sc-U for S:?G.000. P\1 Pty.
Box 182 Cotta r.tesa 92627.
Announcements 5100
DISHWASHERS REAL Estate Trainlnll'.. Jndiv. 'TillNGS" by l\10011e. Gen'!
instruction. Per11ona\ :i.rtn. carpentry, 1'f'pnini, plum· Sale!! or broker cxan1 2-3 bing, elc~T., 612·561:J /\ppi)' In, Pcr80n 3-l Pr.1
1l'ks. Acad(!n1y 548-1192. IPAJNTJNG-Steam Cleaning ~\I/. Coast llwy., N.8.
1•ru;C:::NANT? Thinking Atxir-l\Iulntenance-<l!:'1ulinz • 0 E < -• lioh? Knoll• {111 the farts Scott );16-1'0l9, anytime Ai~~ N ntcre~t'-" 1n hf:h f.lrst. Coll LTl-'E LINE 4 2-1 t~n111~ for procclaln nu1l s'i'
hn 5-ll·ri\22 · ' H•ufing 6051 ltere-1s l'tlW' oPpor. For /' · more inJo. Call ,_1;1.gl'•
VIOLET, \\'ldow, M at· •a.tOVINC 1\NV ~IAULlNG• ~fogl(:. Costa Me isa,
lracti\-e ""'gd job, \1'0Uld Looa l or distant 64~9056.
like to meet sincere man 963'-64~ s~ ~ to date. 638-?66! LOCAL mOYlng & hsuling ASSEMBlER
•COSMETICS FACE L!f'!'e by stud•n< Li'g lnl<k. toas. TRAINEES Techniqoes from VI" n n a BalT)' 5JJ.12:J5
l:i6-0-169; C903l ~ Heating & Air Cond 6053 AllPb' tn peflOn
• Palm/Card ~adrr +
Ar''Rcducdon 10831 Beach Bl, GRAffAf,f BROS. *1Wl VOLT
Sta.nton. 527.J.106 1-'urnnce f'('f'Kncenit, 1•tall Tempor•ry Services
T I u50 hctltn. gullcr &. dMi 38lS Campus Drl\"e rive ~ gpouu:. pt-e.we11ti0n fu1·na.~ 5-f&--1741 ~SE.o'IADA F'1.JN eus .. ~htck. Call Gery lot $2. (ACl'OA• from o.c. Airport}
Nov. 8, 9, lOth. L\1/Ntv.-port tll5i..-ount ~lajor ~led~! Plan
J'ri 4 P~I. m. Sun 6 )lf,f MCIHnlnt 60S4 Now i\11ulable .
Round tr1pkbus, ~'O nlahtll . I In llo!tl $43. per· fJf!1M1011 EXCEi.LENT HOUJeCleo.ninS \Vt hA•c n complete P.tCke.~
O/IA't'up. coclnall 1111ny: dont' by lady "'/txptr. De--of <'mplo)"~ lx!11rf1ta:. \\"e
,.,,. ~TI\1'11, Ahopplni;. Con· ((>Pl'l<I., 0\\-'ll lfllM, Si?-:631 ~:cy 1 '0~ ';:i8!.'tt. All otrlrt
Dtlly Touni s.1~ 1\rt. DOn't '1\'t up, the Ship! d; Utt al •kills 1rc \pARt< N,.11rort .2 Br. l bi, LRf.. ROO,\!, p\11. I~ &-en• U,\.\1' ol CO}llt1 tllc'n. Plaaa I PIANO LESSONS
I '°"'il&:.ard irit1.1·, Avail Nov If')'. C.:0.1. i\laturt pcri!Qn, otf ic ~ fumi,hf!d. Nice Be;tl'lnt:rv, Jnt('f'nledlttl<'* SCRAM-LETS Answers In Cl111ific•tion 1080 ~ ~ 6" .. ~ S<OO "' -1 • •a~ ·~·~"!JOO • 7"" 1~ -------------------1 .,.,,, · r · n-wv•. a rno. orw0»;1 nicep .. llftill. -· Wv-.. • • ••• _
-~p.,'f ··w 111• h In clM!iUied. Shlp ":..u .. ,' Op • Sell Idle lttmll , ••••• &u.-561~ to $Tore Reill.lit•! 64.'.!"'5678. ""' "-' por. Eniploytt
I .. ,
ii, _,. T1.1tldl)', OctObtr B, 1~74 DAILV PU.Of • AH
-tlu:.:i1p::liwT.a;;;nt.1.:dd'.", MMi&iF'11'11oruoilHi::•:;:lp:;WW7on::t:::•d"'.'M:;&°'F'""'71"'oo""""'°"H'"•l,..p"'W''•-n"'to-d'",""M"&"F"'7"1"'00 H~o~lp~w-.-n-1..i~. M,.,;,i~F"'7~100"_,..-,.,H"'•l""p°"'W"•-n""t-•d'","'J;i;"&"F'7"'1"'dO;;;:;H:;•lr::p-;;W;;,o:::n:::t..i:'.l'", "M"&"F'°'1"'i"'oo"H=e1""p""'w~.-n-.t..i=.-::M;;&rFF 7100Heij)W;ntad, M&F 7100 Dogs · /
D•llvery-Sunday Only SALESLADY • PUPPY WOR~D • a1
The Dally f>iJot has an opening in the c'ircu-
lation de~art_1neut for a beginner to n1nnage
a smal.1 di str1cl of boys and girls, delivering,
c:ollect1ng and selling newspapers. Full time.
per1nanent positions \Vith regular rab;es and
full fringes including personal use of com-
pany auto. Appl,y in person to r,1Uan Leav itt
Daily Pilot. 330 \Vest Bay &lreet, Costa l\1esa'.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Heiji"Wante d, M&F 7100 1 Help Wanted, M&F 7100
11·ainl'e. counll•r ).!1rl11, frv N°f'1\'Sfll\pt'r Carriers. J\11n.
l'ooks, l'Venlnt:), {:rf1\t' ya1·d age 10. Lido Isle, Balbou
:.hill, op(.'ll ruH & 1>111·1 t1 1~~~ Pl'nJnsula. contact tilr.
i\pply .J:\_:k ~11 th" l3o"\ .:.>:,i I Backstrorr at lhc DAILY ~i~L ~!\I. _ _ J'iLOT or call 6:2 l3Zl &
ASST MANAGERS lt•ttvt· ap!'hcatio:i.
Dul' ti'.> our pr<'~ent r.111i1t Equal Oppor. Employer
1•xpansion proi.;r:uu 1~1· or<' CASHIER, & Hostess, exp
sC'ck111g !'rlC'l'gCll1· .t· AJ.:· Jk·cess, apply in pcrsoh
i.:rt•ss1v1• )'CIUllg" IX'(JPll' \1ho Nn. 59 Fa.'iltion tsl'Jld, Ne\\'·
\\'\Sh 10 1>Nbl c:...~ 111uekly. f)Url CcnleL\ NB
tllln. :.; )'J'S EIU'Opcan train·
ing. Send ~Um!' lo P.O.
Box 1606, Laguna Beach, Ca
Jf you prove lo bt:' stublc>,
dC'flieatcd .~· possess th<'
;.1 b!lity to h!~d :-\.'! 11·cH as
10 nioll\':th' JlCOpll', your
Julurc is \\'Ith us. J\lan<igc.
rn<'n f expi·i" is tles1rub!t". hU1 not nt"CC'S!S. :'\ln't srilary I----------
.~. l'O. pu1rt hcnC'11ti-' p1\1tl1
:.harlng 1n1·1:111!\'t'. /\pply
lK'h1•n t::lO & 4::Ul[Hil d;11ly, CLERK TYPIST
Jlambur~1·r lla111\<'I, 1.ll.i . Adun1s Cus!u J\\l·~a. S.•i• E 1 C' r ll'OllLl' 11111.nufat•tur~r
Jl,lr. 11<;;.!•'n. Nu phont• i·;•lls
1 11ei'(li> :iccurnh' typist. 60
rilca~c 11.p.n1. ---. · ... Ell·,·rr11· tyJ>('\1Titer, riling
ArfLNUAN I ,. <''!icr. for I d1ver:,1fi("d duties. grHvl'ya1·d shi ft. Gooid pu). I
frlngc bC'llf'fh o;. /\pp!y Shell Call For Appl.
Slntion, 1000 il'\'Ul<', N R. [Jldustrial Relullons
( 714 ) 494-9401
0111· llE"IV l>Ophio;;lfcnh.,I. 11<1·
Laguna Beach
1 1 o na I l y adv c rt is t' •I Equal OpJXJr. Employer
lragi•anC<'. \\hat J ~ood I·---------· I
W iii Tr11ln -Enlistment -Bring Ad
Law Enforcement (958)
Cook (94BJ
Leather l!cpalr (43A)
'rruckcr (64C
Offset J->ressman (83F)
Draftsman (SIA)
Boal Operator (SIB)
Radio Intelligence (98G )
Steel Worker (5IC)
!Uustrator (81E)
Amphibian Opr (61D)
Boat l!epai r (61F)
Costa Mesa, S4l W. 19th St., 64S·T 163
Join the people \Yho've joined the Army
An Equal Opportunity Employer
~"' -p·~ tlm•· No°''" *TEMPO * Bull THrl<r1..l.ab, ;1 r ..... ,,.. cu• \Ye1m11.rancr, Bull QOKI, Slh. ;1 lngg or Sundu.y. Apply In lluskry, Chi.huo.huu, TlnY
J)t'NOn. No phone 1·1111~. Needs You Now1 Puodl('1 . Pit Buu'~ .. , 9 till lZ nuon. ~Ill fll1-.:;1 . • • D S1at'··nt'rs. no E. l71h "'' 1 * F ile Clerks Cockapoo. 100 M 1 XE · "' PUPS S1ud Service Moat • C!\t, * Secretary Jr & Sr Hrt'f'ds. Roll~r Cana.t'itl5, '(
5'1.lt·!I. * Typists Heptil1-s & Turtle11. 0~1
LADIES * Accounts Clt r ks Ev"1>. 5:/1-50'!7 :?
Pnr-t 1ln1<: joba. full timt' \'oor thn1• il> v11luablt' lnvt'!I! ALASKAN
pay, .,.,vrk 9 houn cnrn It \\-l~f'ly \\'/hiah hourly MALEMUTE ~-=--~o~===~~_,.,,--,....,.-.,.,,,-;'-='I $1i7.80 wr..-tk, .,.,'Ork IS l)l)Ur~ n1lt'll, C"Jj &\ml)'. ~~4'10 tttlp Wanted, M&F 7100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ram Sl 35.fi0 .,.,·~k. Ablolu!ly N~~\.EB A ~r;..: ,\T TI~l\!PO ft>u1. l:l \\'kl AKC l'l"gill.
I I '~· ~36 T r Vi'""-' 1·rns, to rlp:bt J:lll.rty.1~ ~ MASSEUR PRlNTER/PRESS~tAi'\. ilO 1'1\'Htr11l"n .~• <'nlpo, en ifiorary lll'lp .,, ~1~:,.'-~-;,t
Fllimc for men'11 ipa. l\tu11t J\1wll have rxp oper11ting SAL ES PERSON ·r 0 -St B d p I I Apollo pree. $2J:i/hr 1u ror i!ll(W.'1'(11>n1 s&ll'li. No rx· \\' ""<'ll m n ri n" r u d • e rna r upp 's
IX' llc'd. Apply Tues, l''rl stn11. Call for appt. 493-fllZ2 JK'r. ll('l~)j. \\'ill truln n~ht rh1ldri:•n, lookln~ .for din..o.c· Al<C 54~ 3
AJl.'satboa Ba~ Club PRINTING Pres~ opcort11or l;e.i'$0n .• Co.ll 1-1&-:1901 bt'twn !<'r vi hOu!>e ni.iinll'nllnN.' SHJ.:Y TERlllElt Puppi•·~ "',!'.'oly, xlnt \vorkil"• cond, _!:30 ,'\: .1._ ~--~~-·1 :ind t·hlld scuhl11n('t'. 1'-1u ... r /\l\C ti i•k1; 5/)1'(\li.•ij", i 12:.!l \Y. Co.ut lwy, N.U. ~· '*' -~ pd help ket>11 Our houi«-nc:1t !'>:ICJrl(.ss. udorui)le, ~8377 1 MECHANIC 67 2133 days, 551-561!1 evt?s.. 1'1\Lt:S\\'Oi\IAN, t'X for ex· iuul cle11n, kl~<! Jilku\nl'd _ -j
· IS I t·luM11• won1en'!) ll!JJ>at'f'I ktX'C'S und pla.y ~uml'!I, $·45 :\1lNIATURESc:hlll\LJ J:e . Foreign Car. 642-5133 Promot1ona a e s ~hnp. GT.{~5\JO for :1p. 10 ;,; :io, ~ dll)'ll :. wk. Own Pu11~. Al\C. G w«•kJii ol<l, :•
t.1CMT tme 21-30 $150 wk ~ Conunis.<ilon. 28 Hni 0 poiin1m<'nt lran!'ii &l:r-1:!~,:; ;1ft 6pn1• _l.tivu~e. ~31~!'1916 I
gUam st. College prl'd fi1r. ~':!tll.a~::~~~~0'0~r:.nTI: SF..,\i\ISTR~:s.5ES, expel $: fYl'IST, E".,P1':lt IP.1~11 sE·rr~~lt nur~. S.IO. •
Help Wanted# M&F 7100 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 1 .,R~l=ch=•~"'-'~·=n~4~1~1146-"""'~',,,....,. 646-1?3?-tor lnrcrvil'\\', 1.rainees. 0111·'-' C:: ,u r r !' 11 P/llm i• )Uiir bvni•' or m\• 11 /~h•1ts. St.l' ~Inth<'t' & .,i
JACK IN TH"C' BOX. immed. f..10TEL nJ.altl .,.,'<lrk. Neat, ---_!)altmakcl"l'I, C~I. 6-t:?-.~--nl\· .. l'. O. Box G:l!.~. f111h·~·'~· ~"~"~'=l~ti. _____ 1 Fllght Office 0 Pe 11 1 n g ;"" 9 PM-mldnite. energelil' \.\'Oman. Uu:una I ·---------·l ~EC!tl..l;\J{Y-CAL ~"11.IDAY An1M1cin1 r 1 ~/Z'l.Oti I Acc~~:t~!~h C~erk ~::r s~~t!~~sa.12os 1 N~ee=E=;=~=h~,R=:.~"'~m~"~;,-'~~~~~:;,"=.,.7. ~10 QUALITY ~:~::~~f·g,~.,~~1~1 f~~r-iti~~1~'.:: W ArTR£ssES i j[l I
Orange Co. Airport distribute Chrlstm&!I pro. 11011~1 ahlhty. 1'ho cnn lypc Exper. Nt'at AprearanN! Ft1!e to.YO\! S
:;:5-4300, ~xt 40 JANITORS ducts. 1''ulllplt. ~1r. Lcvl CONTROL liO 10 6.i \\'1-'i<.1 .tt tak1• dl1·1 11 Or O\t•I' ~1 Bobbil' Bolton NEEDED: EIGHT GOOD 816-5455. tllu.•t hr nbl~ 10 l\Ol'k ""'<'II Apply f;urf &· Sirloin 1
1',LOML d 1 f QUALITY PERSONNEL 11/proplr & hundh• dr1 1HI 5.'lJO \\'. Co:l~l Hil)'., :-IB F T Y 804j I es g~, e.xp Sor for full .t,, part time work Nt·..,·spaper Carr1cn: Rt'QUim exper. in QC, !Ifill. pt'Ol.'cdurl'i;. Exp. nQ1 rl('t'. \ii 110, \\',,\Nni .. ·ro. 11'.0RK"T ree o ou ;1 -FTD •'= T1',: s P 111 an at a modem facility in SJC. . work setups, 11 r i l 1 n g H \I ill'}i. ,'\: 1iu1rk to lt'11 n1.
Oczncn!t'. ~92·7123 g.5, Good e GIRLS & BOYS in11pec-t 1on procedures ,'\: Approx. S.)51) JK'r n1n. '?~.!Vt: A LAE. t'llEE to i;:ood hom•'. mixed ,
YLO\\'ER SHOP Yotu1~ ll w~11~~an, 8 hrs 10 yrs & older related d1x:umenlation. Ex· 640-1<110 CHOOSI• your hours, .,.,·ork TC'rTil'I' ft'm. ll "'kli 11kf. '
nian n1!Cded. \VIJI ll"itin 2) !\!aids. 4-5 hrs per. 11•/electro mechanicnl l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;l l1lr yuurscH, he_• )'uur o.,.,n ;,:i:.!-&>IJ) ,•1 right person. Xln 't op. 31 Janitors, 4.6 hrs devices desirable. SECRET .•RY \Joss. l\:C'n or 11onicn. Canl C:c==-,,-~---.,--:-:-J
portunlty. Call 673-fi62'!. Call 91~3652 DAILY PJLQT STACOSWITCH, INC. "' bl' ghi;htly hruitlirnp~~ KJTI'EXS. l!l1.IY. 11.ii:er j -1139 Baker, Cos'ri ~lt'S.1. ADVE"YISING Neut . Cll'an A11p•:-nra."ll"t' s11·1pc~. ~'.,L Sianicsc, 9 FOOD service. Full or part JANATOHIAL. Part lime '"'-' ~• Vts., retlrl'd. Ai.:c 25 10 70, 11 ks. ,it&-539. _
Hme. GRILL COOK S , ''°'· Ex""ricw~.o only. H a5 routes onan in 549-3CHI 1-\re ""U a not'h nbo1•c> the s 1 1 • soi·• & CJ IAll' 0 ,.~ "''"""' .--Equal Oppor. Enlployrr ,,~ upp t"l1U'!ll .vnur 11romc. " : " .... r 1w. &~~l~~s.P~Efv~,~~~~~~ ~IS-7'687. San Clemente ~~:, J~S1 l~~~~-et!~~·HI ~~·~(I ~~~~·ea~~~~; hri~ 11r :i;;,~ ~~~7 II d s reco1•cruit:. 1
ES. Xlnt oppon11111Ty fnt" JUNIOR SALESMEN REAL ESTAn; BROKERS tion. then you're our lo(lfl. \'rllow Calo ro., !SSE. 16th Furniture BOSO
house,1 il'es & m'1thrr~ \\ho CALL Mr. Hyde , . Li c. • • Industrial, com· Must . havc good sho11hand , St . lostri ~les:i.. :;..:;c:_;;.:.::..... ____ ..c..;1
arc interl'.'stl.'d in 11·orklng A 1"15 E •-140 492-4420 · I ·d · I & typing sklllll . Send rrc;ume I ;;;;;;;;; ...... ;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! 1 ·• gc .,.. . arn .µv-per 111erc111, rt'SI ('ntla, con· 10 Cta•••lfi ri" ad no. 193 c•/o 11 SJ)),\N'S ;1nt1que ovfl~:i l , limilc>d or exlC'ndcd huuts, 1veek getting new cu!'tomers NEW FACTORY soHdate >'Our indc™'nd<'nl or ... "'"' $$1' .. S h · ff h te tufted both J\lon. thru F"ri. .. -Daily Pilot, P. 0. Box 1560 .j>ff ,. IHI', 0 w 1 ( ' I for the DAILY PILOT after Branch outlets just openlni; smnll b1vkcragc business Costa J\lesa. Ca 92626 \\'ork in rJ('g<inl Fashion fvr s1u:;:;4 I und Ioo~I '1
Apply at: SC'hool and Saturdays. You in are11 fl('cds the following: into a ~1.i:ing, Jrvifl('·bascd l.~land O\'erlook1n"" Pacific <ll'HP''fl<'S, nU white $35.: I University o I CaHfcmio, must be out l.f school by Brok,. r a gc-Dcl'clopn1ent 0 .. 1\ntlllUC mtrron-d dinl ' Irvine, gnte .... •ay Comn10ns J,00 pm a·" be ablo to "~•k ~lgml Trne $185 wk ~· ........ ,. 11· 'th ('t'nn. Tirtd of drivin11; , .. 1,1,. l"P 1-•. ·. d"ftl-'' ' "" "" "--·men 121 r'>' '-~ .r~lm~. ,-,..,. ig<'. 0 ices "'i Sec'y/Bo'·L•'ngual m<I"' t· "o"· h d "' " '"" '0 .... I Bid:;., (ood service office. t l 3 d k N """•• .., iu t t Assoc d B k .... '' .-. '"· 0 r e $2.i.: 1h-..1UJ1"' ann ~.: ~.i-7'.londay or Tuesday :ku~~es ay:rper:J:cling~ Salesmen Open ~rcn ~~ker-Sal~=~an ~el~ Free! li1usl spe~ Spani~h 11/ynur pr('S('n\ Ju\J'.' Cart'(>r ~
g A.l\J. to 11 :30 A . .l\I, or Transportation provided. Pref ovr 25. married,1citr. tionships available. \\'rite nu~ntl)'! \Vork ~n pleasant o&ppor .. 1to1r indiv. \\/typing ~;~1 ST.>.: ;ind m1xt¥1-I
1:30 P.M. to 3 P.t.L c 11 !J6&.4Sl2. All benefit~. career t'IOS lions. Broken, P .O. Box 15107 office w/<.'O~nial people. g<'n o l' <''>lJl.'r. -_M_ · ~-~----1 * GARDENER * .
Be yo·.:.r o""'" boss! Part or
f/tlme. Your own area.
High Income. Guaranteed
Cuslomen. Earn Now. Pay
SJ4-7187 or SJ4-3144
I 494-1065 Santa Ana, Ca. 92~,. Also Fee Posllions. AAMES 1000/o F REE KINGSIZE Bro, ne w. Equal Opportunity Emp oyer '"" t box · &
LIC Med Tech P.~:. &: .,.,·eek REAL ESJ'ATE ~~~o~ B~t ~g;n~,r:/ Emplo~~~~ ~~enry f;~11n~ttll pnc~~xtra
ends, full lime & part time E x p e rienced/Pro~l'SS~on~I-Sui~c 2lJ.. roo Uqi ~ Costa l\1esa j.jG.\100 hri11. StT.i. \worth St!;itr
Pacifica Hospital, 842--06U Broken Only. Y..lamtain 1n-1..,,.,.~·~..,~""'~"".,."' 27J6 IIllrbor Hive!. !'tut(' 207 1Ju1. ... ·n S15.·1. llcrr..'Ulon con1ci-::!
ext 2TI Mr&. Cray. de1_>enden~ status m dcluxel~ SEC RETARY ·Anahm 600 N Euclid 7'~2fl 1,'l'Oup $160. Usually hOo:iA;.
LIQUOR STORE CLERK of!iCC'll Wlth compet e n I . . Org 2 City Bl East 6::.1-12:2 _iildds rteli\'c>ry Krl-248:8 : • secreu1ry. Percentage lease. Good typing skills desirable,
1inte lo llet'Om1· nn AVON ----------
San Clemente. Exp only. For additional intormalion-Pleasant nc11· N ~ w p u r t MATI.RESSES. : Rct oec. CaU owner .-._:.... f Xl 't & "Tit<'-Associated South ocacn o e. • n . pay Yacht Salesm an • .,. _.,.
492-3717. Coast Brokers, P.O. Box bcnt•lits. }{nub, Bc1ry. J.'roSt MATIRESSES 1-t J:;P R !:::) I:: N T 1\ TIVE.
l'11ll ~~11)...704'1
13ABYSJ1-l'Ell \1111111!.t, ·11v
hon1c or yours. 5 Days 11k.
7:30-!>Pi\1. Oka Sehl n~<t;~·
BABYSl'ITER 1\·11.nlfd. Mon·
Thurii ?i·S. 'till XfnU!'I. 2 girls.
ln1nif'dla!c opcnrngs fo~ in·
dividuals \\•/knowledge of
10 kry ndding machin~. No
lyplng. l\lu!:t like ""'Orking
.For Appl. .-Contact
Carol Smith
Avco Financial Service
Equal Oppor. Employer
ln1mcd. Asslg:11ments. Top
S$$. Long or 11hort term.
Call 5404450. .
TEMPO Temporary Help
LVN, $33 per shift. 1595 Nev.,pOrt &ach Ca & Assoc., 1401 Qu1ul, N.B. Barry \\lood Yachts, 3000 \\'. • • • ' [
NURSES Aide. 1',ltime. 92663 ' ' 833-0070 Coast Hwy., N<" .... rport Beal·h Qul!l!ll, run & Tv.'ln Set:/ I
:?Cr55 Thurin. CM. 642-3505 S B 6-IS.9696 PRICED TO MOVE ~O\YIT HEAL ESTATE * ec'ys, OOKkeepers &l&-5686 & &3-9625 •
Machine Shol' Help SALESPEOPLE. \Vhy no 1 1-la,ve roo n1any to list
Person capable of running work in tho;? hollest areas, Lil. Reinders Agency lf§J ·
& .setting up standard NEWPORT Huntington Bcach/Fow1!ain 40::0 Birch St., Suite 104 Mtn:h.llndln ~ CiREE:N V<'lvet C?UCh if.
machine toots, La t h e ll , Per1onnel Agency , alley~ Let u s 1rain· you. New;rurt Beach 83.'Hlt90 ---_ V " Ubl lllatt & boxsvrtngi";Sf!t
mills, drills etc. Must be Newport Beach 642.J870 C~ll Phil McNamee OOJ.4567 Dial A Job 833-08SS Dbl hcd n\t>lal .liPrln~ Up. <'xpcr. & have good refs. Village Real Estate , 5Plil-7PJ\1, 10PM.-7A1\t Qt' Good wages + benefits. To · No Charge To· You Antiques 8005 \1'kndll . Call MG-O-f.il. ~ apply Call Mr. Stevens, NICE OLD LADY (95) needs Real Esta te Salesperson Established l965
housekeeping live in,
642_7391. Crown ?klanu!ac-llve·in help in mobile home, WANT A CHANGE? 1\LL OAK-Roll top desk, I¥=AUTiruL comer .a:roupo i
18-23 turing Co. 5 days a wee!:. Car necess, 85'1~ Commission drc~rs. buffet. 642-3143 677 1ng, 2 bedlcuuches. mapi_!
COOK Arc You 1'"'rc€ To Trnvel Non·~molrer, Call daughter, $5.5. Licensi-'!8 School * SEC'Y EXEC. Plumer. C~I. table. &16-l35G • ~lary rux"Ortiing to exp. \Yi l h sha rp Group MAID WANTED 673-2734 REALCO, REAL TORS Editorial & sales ollke. Appliance 8010 11SO FA & Love&eat e very •
BARMAJO ------;
No E.xpcr. Day Nile
Shill Avall. c~i11n11·.
2233 W. 1st St.
Santa Ana 547.0473
\\'1th follo,1·lng for only Bel·
n1onl Taka. a e4u!ppcd 11h1.)p
In r\.B. !U"('i.\. &st f'<'Jlli[I.
B c ;1 u t l f u 11 y modern. 54~5212 or t:ves ~1025.·
PER. HEQ"D. J\luiu IK'
clean wC'lrker w I good
rccord. No Ln~t:'r ,;! !
Blackie'1 Boot yard, N.B.
Pn>fcr no sludents. Exper. Throughout U.S.A-lncluding DON QUL'COTE J\.10TEL 49S-lB30.or..m-mo--Educ.1100Ml-audiovlsual . I _ gd qual-.-f.IUSWfl\,nWle, ne~ ~
preril., llul wiIJTriTin. Apply Ha11·aii, Pucrlo Rico &: 2100 NWptBh{d-,--O.! G42-2G70 NURSING Real Estat~les Lyceum Production, Inc. rREIGJ-iT OA.l\1ACE SALE~· usually lml., ~7919 ·· 1
hci .... ·t>en 7:31H:30 11·111· f-tcturn? N1J l'Xpc:r. necess. ~1AID wanted. Bayc r e st SADDLEBACK Dynamic N • te:im \.\'ith P .O. Box 1226. Laguna Ne\.\' HotpOint Refrigerators. LIKE NEW. Roll top d~ I· llumh~r llamil'I, l545 .,.,,/2 wk cxp<"nsc p.,id ?<i1otcl, Newport Beach. proven trac: record. 75 to Beach, Ca. 926.12. \Va.~hers, Dryers, Dish -$400. Hidc-a.-Qcd, pet~
Adams, cr.r. Ask for .r.1r. training program. A 11 646-3265 COMMUNITY 90'/() com . ions. Person 494--0147 . washers, New .... 'ilITa.nty. cood. $300. &IO--OTI7 • \ ..!.!.a~i·n. lransp. furn. ll1U!lt be neat. t.lAID-HOTEL., Part-Time. .lO training for new -Credit, BofA. 3623 W LARGE EXECUTIVE DESK !
COOKS, •ll('n or-\"'1:llncn: l'fLo;;y 10 convt'r.se with & Da)'!I. Call for ap,POintment. HOJ"PlfAL icensees. Call Ha<.ienda SERVICE Sta. Salesman &. \\'al'TK'r Santa Ana, neur rn. 1 •
Hkf111 C'Xp. Top .... ·ages.' able In lenv<' lmmed. For 673-8800 1 Real Estate 963-8316 or Ju be man. Top p:iy & fringe. Jl<1rhor. 979-29'21 lOIBl Stonyl:ltook or., HB • • l Apply in persoa. Carro\.\-"S personal inlcrview See ~Uss \Ye llave The Fo lo""·ing 542-5656. benelits. Ex"pcr. 1nllll prcf'd.
lteslaurant: Pico 1urn-0U; Sands. fl.Ton, Tues & \\'ed. MAIDS. no experience Openi°"'' ....._ J-'ull or p/t. Shell, 17th & Rl'.:BL7 · KNimore Model 70 BLACK Mi:l.t¥>iB:ny Roll Top I
.,.,,1 Clemente 81 th· ""d<lle"·•k '"''· 1r_,,,. necess. F/time. Apply 2080 eOR Supervisor J{ECEPT. <.'OnvaJescent, hosp. lrv·n N 8 \\'ashCl', $&i. Speed Queeh dM!k Veiiy 'go&<!· Cond.
"3>.. ' V<1 •.><h.. """ Newport Bl. O f Ex.per. rcq'd. 1 '-'· · · g;110 dr)'&f ~. C .. E Cop-6Ta-izl5 • -·~ .~I COOKS, inen or \\Omen, E. lsl St. &in!a A.nil, l-Iead Nurse \\'13-5 yrs &fZ..80.14 SERVICE Sia. I s 1 and perlOJK' \\asher SSS. Gullr ~ ~ c-o...,.-~.'°""'""""'I
hkfasl exp. Top wages. Ap.l ~SJ5.3~·'->3~1~1~U~A->_t~-O•P.,>0t,..,~-MAITRE 'd Supervisory experience ----------1 salesmen, expe1. Neat ap-& del 546·~72 u bl bed & tra.nie'$Sll. I
ply in person. Carrow's GIRLS-GIRLS 1-lOST for Ne .... 'POrt Beach e1cu Charge Nurse RETAIL SALES pcaring. Days. Apply Union LAVENDER Roll rim lub, No!~;,!..,.so!a fiJ!-~
Hcstaurant; 1~il'U turn-oil; Easy fun job. Day or night. Restaurant Preferably with Third Shift Station Go Iden west & niatching pedestal sink. & c·;;-::;:.co'7'~'i:'·,.,_~,,..,-;:""::rH 81111 Clemrnte No. cxJJ('r. ncccsll. \Ye train Handlebar n1oustache. ~·J ust eCentral Supply Tech Permanent full time position McFadden, \\'cslminstcr. commode. SlSO. Gas stove Flfi:tN lw~ · bed!; ~
CUSTODIAN. lmmd opening, you. You muRt like people ·be able to work eves. Should Previous exper. in Central available at the Fashion SERVICE l'taL attend., ru n $'.IS, 673--7827 carpeting, TV,~.pot.s iii;~ .. :~
hosp exp preferred. San & be at least 18. Apply have a pleasant personality Supply. Rotating Shifts. Jsland Store ~( Th.e R~ or .... _.,,., lin1C'. Exp. prel'd. -3300 Marcus NB -
I I & be able to mix well with ALSO RniJoon Ltd fine childrCl'.I s .. -2 Yl'Ul' old washer & dryer, • Clemente General Hosp ta, llny attn or eve. 2930 W. ~ " Chevron Station. 3000 ''"· Westinghouse, xi n:" Garage Sale .1~7~ll~1~4~!1&-"-"U=Z.~2='='~' ~"~'=~c I Coast Hwy. N.B. pebpie. Call Gordon GeUond. Stal( Opcning11 on 2nd & 3rd appaltl .. ~lust be able to Fnirvlew, C~1 ·• ::-{213) 273-1440 Mon lhru r .1 Sh>'f'-fo• e•pe•'d work nights & y,•eekends. S p INTER ronrl $200. 640-0468 or DAY 1-IELP ""'anted. r.tai11r. GIRL FRIDAY 9 to s. .... ' " ' Call Barbara at 644-8!ll!I. PRAY A 836-3.S9G Sto\1Cs, Re&fp, ··w8~ ~1am-l pm. Day Help. all 1'·pin"'. filing, Jile book-RN's, LVN's & Aides For rllspl•Y co No pro-D 0 S-" -,
I 'ft A I M--11 ,-., MAINTAJNANCE MAN, part · Rent Wa shers/ D'yers t')'C'rs, ct "• • · • s 11 s. PP Y • tJJVOB. rs, k-P'""· 142' to •"'"· •---------•I rlu•11·on , .. ,,., E•pe• P""l'd 0 " l · (Cot •"1hl""" '" ·~ " ...... , lime, for ""inting & minor Excellent benefits & wort.1~~ RN'• ... ~ · " •· ·~ · 12. \Vk. f ull main\. _,_,..;r rvmc_ lX'r .,1 1w . 700 \\'. Coast Hwy, N.B. T•k•l• Nu-." •y, 780 Bak•• •· -~ C•ll «"7'J80 -,, ... , ' re,.,.;...,, t.iESA J\'IOTEL, conditions .,.,, '"'~~=,,--* ~ '""" * GARAG" ~'LE • ' hf'forc SPM. SI. Ci\I No phone ce.lls. .... -g '' CCU'S ~ .,.,;r.....," I), .,... ~ "If---V-• "'-DENTAL. Rereptionisl, cxpl-'"-''OGO-l°"R°'L-'.OF°'R"l"O°'A"Y'7--646-9681 Apply Personnel Office * STOCK CLERK =F=R~fG~1=0-A=mE R<'f1ig·freC'zer. _FRlDAY & SATURDAY-...
Bookk<:e""'n f''/C' to s750 ,\, l' 11 l h us i as m a re MAINTENANCE man, full 23561 Pa.seo De Valencia Expcr'd in all phases of Good tond. $60. <1701 COURT~D. ·c~,
Prod Co;rol J\:IRr lu $ISK niusts. Also EiOme chairsidc for G<-ncral office duties & time. Inside & outside \vork. Laguna. ltill11 Full p-time. J.11 & lJ.7 stoc:k1ng & kilting in R Call 675--1632 Household Good• .
I I II · 1 ll•ht c ..... ,,o•k 20 h-pe• M•Donald•. "~79-,1. -~ Equal Opper. Employer mlf .._.._,,oll•nl Be"'"'' manuf. co. Call Nick CTI 5 Yrs PC Hrd E:xper. abi ·• a 1: m rng1ng pos1 10n " •JVU=-' ' "' ' .. ....,.,_ """"" ......,,_ u c "~" '"ll FREE PICKUP-Ref's • . · ~:xec. Sec•l'<'l1t•'Y S8JO in a new practice in Jlli, 1 ~·~·k~. ~Ca~ll""677J.~2356~·~·=-,,= Beach Blvd. Hunt . Beach. Good Y.'Orking conditions ~-~· -~~--·----1\pp\'s &. Scrap Metal, llOU:sl-.nOLD SALr:;. n!f ...
Loan Shipping Clerk is.t8-."l9ot! dRANDi\tA NEEDED. Child Nu Rs Es A 1 o Es &. COSTA MESA SfOCK l'\1an or 11·oman Call anytime 6r:>--5?"~ \,\;!~hrr, st~.~u1p.-_;J2"r i\-lort ~agC" cxper. !('I $800 DENTAL:o...~n-.. -,-,ct.~!o-,~.-u-sy care fQSr 5 mon. oldC..n10ur MANAGER Ortierlies. Call Bet .... ·n 8am-Me morial Hospital 1"1'elmc.~~~\othru ~FJi. LrK -AL-,-t-OST--New \\'hite--cE ~L~ .. l~~l'~:· .~~~~c .. H>l ;..
AIP AIR T.H. IYll'' to $~.JO I o(C. 1\l ll•ast 1 yr expcr. home, · I.a'". er. <31U&ry 4pm, 548-~. ~fcsa Verde 642·2734 EOE ,:o_· 84· 7u~~I re. ' n age N.'frigerator. $180. ca 11 P'""· Ir.ts "ot ntl"~~ ..
!..<:gal Scc)'/Prohah• 1u$T."i(I SGOO niin. Very good open. 499-1787 Conv. 11osp, fi61 Center St, """'· -....,., · 496--0967 "" ·
Bkkpr/Mott 8;u1klni.: In $700 tx:nf'fits. Son1c Sais. H.B. lIELP \Vunled night shift TRAINEES CM ----------1STOCK Broker 1v ant f' rt . -, · T\\.·o uphlrt! chrs.,J.ir C9f{ic;
RcL-cp1/S<·cre1ary to SG~l(l l X4G-3J40._7-~==~=c 3:30-12. Food preQAJ'nllon, NURSES Aides, days, P~t's. In!ereistC'd 1n earning Xll'a C.E .. 11.5 cu. ft., coppertone tbl, !)' l'OU<.il, &J!Sn· larr :&: ltec:~ptllitc IYJX' .S550 -DENf AL ASSISTANT -cxpl'r. helpful but not nee. 1 Yr exper. prc('d. \\'ill RN income. Full or p/timc. No ~1·~~9 like new $100. C'\'<'s64::t-3137. .t
Mcda:nl B<.'k Of<' In ~5()(]f F'ull & I)n rt lln\I', Specialty Langlois F'toten Foods, Full & p/tlme train. X1nt wage & bcnc. limit. Ph: 63~1'.!3 .....:.. REFRIGERATOR. G. E ,
IU·ntal A~cnl $43.1'1 r'Onlm ofhces. Exp. prcfeiTCCI. 497-1741. I nt erviewing Now for /\ceepting upplicatlons al 1\-led·Surg. unit U·7:30Al\-1 liiiiiiiiiii-..-._.iiii0iiii'IV~RY CLEAN e I e '-'tr i c S20. Cost"O hichair, $:i. \Vlij
l"'"NE PERSONNEL fi.ll-0583 HOSTESS/CASHIER Posllions In Orange Co. 14~5 superior, N.B. shift , f/time. Xln't bc11• :s. Telephone SaleS stove, f'Mg. brand. $70. frplc s1·1'Cen, tin. 496-~18' . ''-'' =~~~~-=-~-21 Ex A h1ust be over 21, boodable & I--="-==-'""""'""-EOE. Conlact r.lrs. Jensen, Phonr 493--79·13 afte. r 7 pm. J-ewel•:X 8· n.:n SERYICESll'.AGENCY oi-:NTAl, Recept/Secrcll1"'" Over · ma!ure. per. P.. OFFICE HELP • 1 -~·•
18li E.:. J7t:1 (:ii JrvlncJ Cl\!
Suite 224 642-1470
* BOOKKE EPER * ~·J ust be cxpd \\'/all phn!ICS
o[ otri~ bookkrc>p1n:;, llCrtn.
position. run or p;ir! time,
good )jalary -+. IJ(•neflts,
Newport Beach 1.1re;1, \\'rile
Classillt'tl arl no 31:.? l'/IJ 0 11-
ly Pilot, P 0 Box Jj6(),
Cosla lilcsa CnlH ~.l626
BKKPR F/C to $650
Non 1niokf'r/Thru T.B.
l"'~1n;onnt•I Agency
fl\1(1rk Ill C1•n1t•r1
1651 J::. EdlnRC'I', S.J\.
•0 1 H b H 1 1 I" good ph=lcal cond. Have Costa l\lcsa l\l em or i a I Costa Mesa A•ea Cameras & equip. 8030 ~ f/11,ll''. X'l"I '"I & ~,,cfll•. p y am Ul'ger ain c , ,,~ 12 I 1· d-" f ' ~ ~ ~ c• f car & telephone. Go to Tic at 1es nee •:u or ten1por· 1-lospital, 301 \1ictoria, C!\! ~ W • "all SIS-'"~"°. l:J.15 Atlftn1s Av<', ,.I a I 1 ANTED .._ .,.,.,., 2 30 Sec M H Toe Jlo.1arket nearest )'OU or ary rrut I me promotion 642-27".A Work From :'-IJKON YTN. so i\lM. IA • '~ :;
DENTAL RECEPTIONIS"l' :, pni. • r. ag~ J clephone our offices. . . t\'ork for Lnguna lllUs Mllion I •---------•I Your Home Jens. $350. Vlv;1tar !Kl-230 TOP CASH JJOLLAR"PIC!.D .•
EXPERIENCED 5-18-884~ llOUS l:.:CLEANING (TI4) ~7417 Inn (lclcphone campaign!. Ml\-1, zoom. New $12~. FOR YO Ut< J~\\IEI~k~,
oocf ORS ASSISTANT J-{ouse\\•ivf'lol 2:1 & over for For Information i\Just have nl c11s11nl phone RN & LVN /\l/knd relic(. l Top Commissions ~l -T;i.S8. \VA1'01ES, /\HT OBJ'ECT8,
domestic cleaning. Janice's TIC TOC SYSTEMS voic.1.'. no experience neces· \\'knd or all. -166 Flagship * :.,')8..7311 * C S GOLD, SILV£P.. SERVW~ Youn" I ally (lS-281 to \\'Ork Raggedy Anne 67~ .., 12 25 • h + Rd NB &12 ""'4 E I o c• I e ts 803 ! I R o ·.-;:;:t o I-==~-~~~~~--i;o1,,.. . , pe. our . · · · ·""" · qua ppor. ~.nip oyer ·NE FU N & ,\J'\11,.V~'i as doctors assistant/ II OUSE KEEP!NG-"••l Equal Oppor, Employer Hours avaUable 9-1, 1·5, or RN f"I 1. e knd 1· f "'I"-·"""" I '. I ealth ' N " , l1.1 im or \I' re ic. PAl';lPER You' ''' ur•. <r ·--'-~,w~-~-=--~-'-'.;._I rrC(•p. n i .p:1. u supervisor. 3-11 Pm: MANAGEMENT 5-9 Apply Thur & 1''riday Cnnv. hosp. I wknd or n11.1~T~E~L-L~E=R=T~R~A~I N=E~E~ Thri ..... i1---kl" CATTA-BO~X ROLEX i1 ;1tch·P""'"' .. n.. • .-l'XPfr. necess. \VP train you. ,,.1ho~. p -. p ·-. Sa 0 0 ,0,-,.,., o"IY ,·0 pe-· 6,,, ,,,..A ~~ ~... " .. ..., • .,,. .. --::,
A I I f 111 ... ~ ...... " '"""· i.v,,...,~. "rirvl1~.Phone 67"'""'L7 l'erpctual,1l;i _;ld ">•>'. PP Y n (l('rson a In or eve. Clemente General lfospltal: OPPORTUNITY J\.1r J ones fron! dC"sk. 25205 Part Tin1e Somr• c x p C' r ..,,. .,,....,.., " 21-12 Jlarbor Blvd, C~t 1711) 496-1122 ext 22·1 L.t Paz. Laguna Hiiis. No ROUT~ SALES • preferred.' "but not man: Tum your goll clubs into Superl1,1t1v~ . Cl~1'1~11·1cr:
DR IVER HOUSEKEEPER . Co•oo:-"· Preler mature woman C:ZS Phone Calls Plf'asc. \\'ill Traln, Salary, Comm, datorv. f'or \ntcrvlc11•, con-,, slc>tl'U. S1•ll ther.1 11•1Ll. 0!f. ~rt\herl. l~t..: .\'\cbbl.'IJ .,.. to 451 to "lake charge" I~===~~~~=~ Bonu.<r. Vehicle Furn. 1\ll t.·ct •tr. "'~rgu•m•. 5-l9-9l·ll. I u Dall _v Pilot Clas..c;ifled A.1 G~ ban1I. 6F>·OO.?t ",., Wanlt-d for part time posi-,·,,, for 13 ._-old girl. Live & a86ume general managt-· OFFICE MANAGER E•p Pd E•"b bu• & " " .-~ f kcl "' "' · · ..,.. · · · \\le ure un l.'{jUal oppol'. onrl use !he money for a Livestock BD7-5 lion. A ternoonSa wee ~· in. Mldrive. Ref's. 673-5918 men! for out of town 01vner. GIRL FRIDAY-Briqht and terMtory. i\Ied. COl'eragc, f'ITIJlloyl!r. stereo! Call 612-51i78 Today.I----------'
& early A.r.f. l. & · aft 6 Pl\1. No selling. No secretarial. energetic \Yith capability. to Profit Shue. Retln.> at 57. 1:-.!0lA'.lo' s 11 v Cr !Uhl!
Should have Olli· pick·UP Just a good solid 5% day learn. Vi'e 11.·llt !rain. The No Str'.ke. La_yoUs 75 )TS. n••cidaii'. c·,ir:tl 1 el I irh
or van, for de 1very of· INSPECTOR week. \\1i\I train. Salary ·Red Balloon Lid. Call :\Ir. 549-3110, r.Jr. Tuc:ker; 7·9P:\1 S~fK & fl ND!' Types or ll1:<'kl:i•·<', 1,.,111, ~ 1 l°t>n
1KJ.,.,•spapers to ca r r I e r !I. open. Inten.ieY.-s Sat .. Ocl Reynold~. !WG-OJJ 1 for apni . Equal Oppor. Employer m/f Anti ue C ha ir! 1,1;,nt•·r. ,,.1 l"r .. \Ju,t .. rn, Cont11et S1eve, at Thf' 12, 3400 Irvine A1•e, Newport _, -
Hcgistcr, 12!i0 Logan, Costa ln·Process Beach. Copy Center of OFFICE GIRL Prr, 1ilr R U C O H R A G 0 H E p p L W H I T E I ~~l·!l< _____ ~. ~l••sa. M0-300G ~!In. 6 mo'!i cxpcr. in In· i =l~tv!=""~·-------typing. Good w/llgurco;;, Sales Representative Machincry 80T8 DRIV.~E~R~--Pro!.'C'ss. All eJc>t·lronic in· Y..lr. Lutzker 830~73j(J (Trainee) L L E R C R 0 MW 0 !l T R A f" K 0 L r ----'-----
R Fi e PAflT II I I I ·11 ('I{ \I· f.:\1.\\ f.l<trli11I . .:.;111 !J' BOO KKEEPE :\ltr:1eth-'<' fe111alc. r.tusl hRV<' ~pcelion. Mui;rt know color UFAC me <.'Oun er J:: r · 11·1 Lori1r rtivio;;ion ot lari,:4• Bo JI TA R T If E G Lo a NA cc A .. MAN I j A l I ! . ~ I \HI '-ICl!H! ,\<.; !11"1\ I) (j 2-l.Dass a \\i;ck for N.B. rlriv;·r~li('.5 0ay.,.,•k.Apply <'ode!!, blu<'print!I, • rnn. PPY n IX'l'"Cin ° natinnal rorporiltion ha~ 1 Relll1y Ma11njf('1ncnt Ofc. in pen;on, Co~la J\Iesa car llt'hcm11Uc11. Xln'I co, One Tlour !\lartlni7.ing. 2'100 opcrtln~ 10 he f i 11 e d M C M Y 0 R K E C R 0 U H C R R R N K \ ' 1 •' \J.11 !1 1 1:'· l• 1'1
8080 llrs flc.'slhle. 61:,-1260. \Va~h. 20:i9 l-larbo1· Blvd, {}('ncl\1 !1: ln<'lu(le!I: 1 wks TURING l l/11'hor Blvd., CJ\l in1111rdinlc>ly lo!' sh11r11 Misc:ellaneOui
B ookkeeping/Gen Ofc CCl~ta !\!es,"~·=~~~~ \'ilCflllOll fl flcr (i mn' !I. PE."RSON w/kl'IO\\•IMgc (1[ indil'irlual lnlCl'l'~IC'd In II 0 u ~ p Q M HR RT q Tl 0 a 0 T 0 cc
J-::1.1.::crilONIC Techniclai1 for QiL1shnaJJ \Vk off \.\'/pay. p;lstry dough for frozen food n1t1rketl nl?" enrrer C K N I -R 0 U 'I U ~I I C E A H I M A A 1· · CJ:,\~~f-;lL\~ l•tblc ~111..,~
Ncwc"° .. ,"11 ~1:1~1~[,Jh:s. audln & , IC'loo ser.11ctng. Group Ins. slftrt!I day of ENGi NEER plant. Langlois t~ r o i: c n J\bitlly to mttt PMP!f'. 0 o-·• 0 C 0 0 _.,8 H p 11 1 R H W S 0 • 11111 lt.111<1 toot.. l.llf\.\~'I', • ~·.~~~--• Must be f·imfliur \v/VTR. hire. 'Mony n101't'. Foods, 497-l74L 11·nll~n~s lo \\'Ork 1\1 al! "" 'I' • •lds S· 1 nd~. 6tr71(,9. t----=s~ovs 1·an1cr.1!1 & ccrv cq ulp. Documentor te\'CIK, a1nbUion & l\ f'il•nn· ···o·~ MA 0., B" a c p s N. l R EH A .. !.\\f:\, Tlll \tCttri·l~~r
or mnnr. Stt0r &. field servll.'C. cur :1ppear;_1n1'<' requin-d. t-r11 I-' 11.,1, nt'";u' n('\1. $1
GIRLS Xlnr 5{1.Ju.ry ror right pcr~n. Division To 111 ke products from de-sign PLANNER Rapid Advanctnitnt A C R w BA &~AOL It G K I BA I. I 1<: ~ • 1.'-1111.. ,
0 FO\\'lt•r Assoc.iatci; 547.S9QJ Add h enginl't'ring Into production, If Quall I\('(! L' 1 ! .. 1 1-1,1 ' :r P a par Routes 'pen ''OE ressograp prote<:ling ha.sic d esi gn 714/642·3260 Bob lhln~n L T K H 0 8 N H ER A CE R K Ii' L II D .-.: · ·"" · · 11'" ·'l~r No.
In Loguna Beoch in Multigraph ruirnrnctcl"!I .,.,·hi1e maklna SCHEDULER 2·4P>l J•O ;-. • ..,,\, 111'\Jl'rf~L -$\;ll ER CED '
-U · .... d •· f H 0 R N H D M W C L N K 0 R 0 V I S ·o I l·i ~< ' · Many Locat ions. E.'G' • IEN u lime 29Z1 S. l)ntmlt'r, S.A. c~hange!I reef """ manu ac· Telepromo!er Cdblc ·iv
Ca ll M r. La m bert !!Alf'sl:-(ly, \Vom1n's \Vear. Equnl OpJ)Or. Employer ture &bilily or small tlec-:2624 \\',Cho:<! ll"'Y y Av c 8 L H o E T 8 8 0 c ft y AK A I '\l'l·:ltT l '.t11J1•t lnst•IJ•
61"'J't Top pay, fl'ing~-... ~nc!its; I•---------tro-nwchnnicnl 1z5tn1bllts. To plun, scht"doll" .t· Nf'ivport B~rirh , r 11 y,,,,r~/111·111: r(·ra.lr, n;•i•.v '"'"' • Apl)l)I Silv<!n1~. <I .J maintaining intended cost., NJOn1inatc pr o cl u c ! Ion E ... , O !'..: J P 0 0 A I I C A C M I D A L K K S R L 1 ~'' •\pt·~ f.l{j'~l!J_l ' F."1131 Op1JOr. t;n1nloyer L·"!i. h.'on '·lanJ. <'... i\Ir .. -• ...... ul •-~q"";' ppor. mp 01'1'r ~
-'!-BOYS &-GIRLS--\\:i11111m•.,, o7'."" IRVINE UNIFIED qE;peull~d sci"""n" tw;:l l~~e; phasca for lite miinuf. of RC C A T C R p O N C H K T RA G 0 II 111-:'it t1·:r"1C.1:--. D1:1. r1n. sc
S OOL DISTRICT " small p\Mtk-moldrd St ,,, t•ic• .• ~1 1~1 ,f'f 1~t'!Qiiq
The J)AJl~Y PILOT !l1t!1 EXrERIENCED \.\'allreucs. CH documentation, work lltitinn 1naehlned parts. \\'111·k ln.1rn SALE S g K N E R I H S A C NA Lo O A Ly G 1 11.--nt,'.1 \\,~\.:i nti Thuni. rnul~ open 111 to~.\ Apply in pc1~n. Carro"'"' Al'l'l'r'p;"R'e's•s•Mll<AotNlon/s r llr: l'lelt\p!I, tooll design. hP""1 blucr•rtnl,. ;\f;1n 01' .... 'Ornan, p/limt• for I \\L•1.L·"sr1C.",.<-. 1t1J
?.!£SA, COLLEGE PARK & He!lla1trtu11: 620 Piro: SC ducHon inf' 1 r OU f" Sl"nd R~un1c To · tt•lf'f)lwlne :!'Bir!';. 1 !! -'1 O l1t•Nf1io1111 Tht >iW•• •-~-lt16ow •Ppa!' r-·~. l'"i!t'I" li~!h~'r" ~11 ,.,....1.~4>(! EAST & \VF.ST COST1' F AR OUT GRAPHICS ARTIST ~hon•in~. c:Gll! f'('l(fucr lon&. Clruuiifitd Ad No 2.'H hrs/1\k. llnurly r.:111• '1 l!Ktwvd, 11,, down,.., dU.OMlly In tl!t pude. FiM •<lt 1 l . ~,.;··
MESA. 642-4J2l E-Z MO .... 'EY i-::icpt'r Jll't'ftrred Mrehanienl eupneering or clo Dlllly Pllfll ln~n\l\'c Plcniitlnt rt~~·' hlddNI Ml'lltand tiio11t i. .. tMwn: ~ !~1 1•11' f'.1•r _',I;_._ ~
J::qual OptM>r. F.mplo~ ,-.r -··r ·•r"·:",,,,..;111if"~. APPL':!' TO: lnt tustrflll l!nglnee.rl.ng pr P.Q,Box J36(1 voice & pcnton.'1111)" mU\l ~a~\~RACK ::f:J,~~~H~TE ~i:~~~=~("K .1-1.\i,.; l\J:\G UiWC' SU. L;-d
,. JV• ~ .,... 2941 Alton Ave. cqulvAl<'nt ..-s~ntl:tl, CO!ll1\ ~lean, C11 !r..!1>'26 t::t1r'f'r. hr)pful. but 1\lll CROMWILLIAH HOGAKTH M01 1 ~0A80r.T : I ~nrf '~"lld 11/f1n $1~. llein1
A DAR OF' Pf:rHOL!::Ui\-1 J-)lrn S\00 + + per v.·cck Equrtl 0 11rior. EmplQl'tr 1r111n. ('~In ~ll~n loc31inn. FARTHINGALE LADOER·RACK YORJUIHIR £ h'o.ll 'htot $~1. !i.l,'(.,..:t~ll:~ 1 JF.Ll~V ll)l"h1•r1 h• I £01· par1·l1mc 9..i1n•l(l1n or Ir vine, 92705 549·3041 Phrln<' ~7~5662;'10.-n..--I L-----..!~~::;,!!,!~~!'.!.----~·:._~;~ 1.~ \\rl~·r uAi H-Qu••r. ''• thread• of rlnitrrnoll Polish lpm-Qp111 or 5pm-9:3Qpm in EquAI 0P!)Clr. Emp)()yrr -T1t1MfTo•tT1'"orifoou
'"" glue bottlel wtll k('(!p romlnrlabll' :i,packlus ofri<'fl /~ .................. "'!:'.... Equal Oppar, Employer Yoo don't ntf'tl a run to SALESPE RSON To ordn 11 ol tho dod .. c-_ ... ._ .. F' ,, L .,A1._ \\-;i!M' Sfk\!< Snin.11. Sllli
h I ~ ""II h h o~u .. ..._w Fa•t" when _,, •'loko> l'lf' • 100. "k, T-•<f•• any or • •1p1n .,... .. • in.u INUu , r.~1~ ... , ~; i1 trr ti pm. UMJ lkl1 from sllck!nt(. Try nel'O!l!I: I C' llll't'C uvrn .:>el n1111.ll.)l1 1na Wit 11. ...u)' ... ,.. ..~ " .. " bt 2 h h • _ .. eo ' h k h •· ='==~I '-' Dalt)' PIJo1 Classlffed Ad Orllnftt County 1\irport. J-'t»' POot-" Clu$lt\cd Ad ls R llllve wll!IU' wear ,vvu hliVC plflcc an ad In !he DAILY :-:lll(r.1' adv"rti&-in~ & i;pn('f', nwn " 1 MUC "" """' ctn ti or •tc ' ma inlf c-ec... 1 \HC f· -HOXED TRI-"•~
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lll'JmttlhlllH· _K_,~Y~'-"~·-----·--,,:--1•all 642-5678! ft Daily Pilot Oaa1Ulcd 1\d! -&12-'.B Ml-0700, ~Ir. 'T'yh•r. l•tten In C.rt of thll MWIPIPI'· _ J_ \n1ho•r \"•'?)'('I:.»~·
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·72 Y,\!\tAl{A 250 SJX'cial interior, air cond,
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THA!LE~R~~fo-,~,~,~,,-,-cc-y-c~lc, ,)Wif11 slant 6 engine, wired
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hored pt1r\ed. nc1v lires, & l!:l0-59.'lq
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~:J !·l!l2'C) A/1", 1\/C. lo 1111. consider
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ol ~"lnf'h rvuull 1·lllow ; •lo 13 '';'\ HONDA SI'-!.lO. Nl'\\', )'.\rns. tksl oHcr. 9!'i.'!-'.lS82
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1!1 ( F.NTS fnr earh pR\t~rn: 197•1 SliZUKT r.T 550. Pcrf~r n111sl SC'I!. :136-412.J
A<kl :is teril~ ror ~Jlrh P~Hrn1 condition. $1300. Call a fter ~ FOR O:o;;c,---.~,~,,-,-30~27
f<M'f1f"l\\•tla~~m11!~nrt sper13l , • ~ • • "'-' • .• h~ntlhn•; othrrw1)t t1'11rd-·' p.nl. ;>"16-291·1 llblt ('Ilg. APl'OX. 20,000 m1. <"l•~f n,11 ... "ry will l ~k" ihrtt 1971 PUll, 125 i\:IOTOCRO~S. Cui;ron1 lnt:f''<t. 1nags, clc. W\."fk~ ot mon'. Send 111 Ahr~ Ae~·cssoties <ivallaOlc Xlnl $2500. &IS-lacllio_ __ == llroolt&. 10s. tllt Daily Pilot. · · • · ' -• -NN'flleerafl.1>,•pc , »iJA ui.1,0lrl -~1d. S.1.'10. 640.52.13 Auto Leasing 9580
(,,'1\('l~fl St11t1on, Nt w York , •-1 ''\'l'l'A !~'IX B•0 nd l NY 10011 l'nnt Namt. Ad· 1N , ' 1' ""' hll ' '. "' WE BUY USED CARS d~.Zip. PJ1tttrf!Numbfr 1 •\'-Never usl'(I. $7j(l. Bob I ,..,~,. .. LSO nl(l•I popuJ~r at li1.,..1003 ANO TRUCKS
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20,000 mi. Xlnt Cond. $2950 {
orr. Pvt PY 551-2036.
Plymouth 9960
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.. . . . _._
.San Cle1nenie
Capistrano EDITION
VOL"67, NO. 281, 2 SECTIONS, 24 P,o\.GES
.Nixon Taxes Up
But Property.,Hik.e. Beloiv Average
Although property in San Clemente
o~ the average. increased.ju tM:abfe
value by almost 23 percent this year,
one major -property owner apparently
got a break on his tax bill this week.
Richard Nixon, owner or prime coastal
property in the southerly portion of
the city, has a rise or about 12 percent
on fus tax bill, (Related Story, Page .o\.3).
Orange CoWlty 'I'ax Collector Robert
Cilron said that the former president'•
tax 'bill rose by $1 ,338 in the latest
billing and that brings the full amount
that Nixon must PiY-on his estate to
Last year, \\!hen the former chief ex-
ecutive was still battling his critics from
the White 'House, controversy raged over
the a,ss~nt of h is Spanish-styled
estate occupying a b1ufftop known as
Cotton's Point.
Demands for reassessment surged at
tbe county and state level, with the
chief protagonist in Orange County being
Supervisor Robert Battin.
The moves -dubbed po 1itica11 y
motivated by some officials, resulted
in some intense neW legwork 1 y
assessors but never yielded a significant
increase in the taxes for the parcel.
.CoUnty officials gave no specific reason
for the ·current Nixon rate of incniase
being less than the over-all average
throughout the city.
'Politi~lly UfJti-vated'
Norris Assails Younger
On Riley's-Appointment~
Orange County Supervisor Tho m a s Norris said if he becomes California's
Riley 's appointment was po I i t i c a 11 Y attorney general he will t.ake immediate
.. .
o ·
Stru·ts 'Hot'
Incidents ranging from a double fatal
automobile accident to a shooting in
San Juan Capistrano kept deputies of
the Orange County Sheriff's Department
busy last week-their first in a new
south county substation in L a g u n a
Lt. Walter Fath, commanding ofli<:i!r
for the new facility, said the transition
of 48 field d!!pt1ties and 21 patrol cars
from the sheriff's headquarters in Santa
-Ana proceeded "quite smoothly."
"We had a very active week and
we were surprised how many people
came in. The community seems to be
well aware that we have opened."
The emergency number for the Sher· ·
i!l'~memeru "'-'!i!L834-31ltl!l. '!'his_
is the main offi<:i! in Santa Ana and
the switchboard will connect the caller
directly to the local station.
.. i ~SCHOOL 5·6
San Juan
MISSION VllW H.5, l(ONl--:J
Alls.ADES SCHOOi. tc·$
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks-
. Secessio11
Ac1·es Eyed
01 Ille 01l1r PllOI Still
Trustees ol the Capistrano Unified
School District agreed !\-tonday to hold
an initial study session with their coun-
terparts in the Saddleback Valley to e11:·
plore the transfer of 6,000 acres of CUSD
territory to the other entity.
But despite a g r ee ment on a
preliminary session next Mond ay at Vie-
jo Elementary School, the CUSD Board
appeared suspicious. primarily about the
funding for the report presented them
by a parent study group.
Leading the concern aboot the rman·
cing and leadership behind the project
conducted by Mission Viejo residents,
Trustee Bob 11urst -said' that the com·
mittee should be repaved to disclose
the funding or the project which started
last February.
The report points out the advantages
and disadvantages of shifting control
of the territory in southeasterly Mission
Viejo.JronLlhe. CUSD.J.o-the..Saddleback
Valley Unified School District.
Preliminary reports show that the
CUSD should reap about $2.8 million
for its interest in the area just north
of San Juan Gapistrano and east or
tbe San Diego Freeway. rnOOvated and ~tLorney ~I Evelle action to step up the investigation "if c--~ . .o.u.ag eL....,deliberately_ml.SlDt.e~ed~--i--,.•-~•-•. _, _ t California law to make it po s s i b I e , . :~·"' ~ ..... ~ 1:u;.v iunnerp-re s1 u e ~
If 834-3000 is a toll call. Fath said
residents should . dial operator in an
emergency and ask for the sheriff. They
--wnrbe'connectedimmediately, he·said:;----
"We have to have it open and honest
thes~ d<jys._an_d J.Ve stiould .ha e_a.J.'Oo~'?-'-·---11
plete detailing of the expenses of this Younger's Democratic opponent charged R1chanl Nixon s a 11 e g e d rol.e m
today. Watergate-related crimes in Qalifomia.
"If. .l~am .elected I-will .take .legal N~_saj£1 _there is ~~ evi~~~ _
action to insure that Riley's t.enn ends lo augeilt tliat Nr"ion JmeW of arid
on Dec 31 1974" candidate William -may have helped to plaJ:\_ the burglary
Norris fold ' new~en at an Anahelin ol Dr. Lewis FieJdiiig's 'Beverly fills
Press conference ~ office. Or. Fielding was Daniel "Pen-
. • · -. tagon Papers" Ell-g's psychiatrist
"The appointment that enabled . hi.m "I would also order an immediate
to serve a f~rther,. two years 1 s investigation into the bugging of Doaald outrag~us ~nd 11Jegal: . Nixon's telephone," Norris said. He said
Noms said the Riley appointment, the former president's brother a
made by Gov. Ronald Reagan after Newport Beach resident was the t~et r~lected Supervisor Ronald Caspers (Ste NORRIS, P~ge AZ)
was lost at sea last June, "clearly
shows Reagan's determination to be a
force in California politics after he has
left the govemor1s mansion.
"Younger was his co..<:onspirator in
an appointment that defied the wishes
of Fifth District voters," Norris said.
"And I also charge Younger with ac·
ting illegally when he gave the opinion
that .. (fooner lieutenant governor Ed)
Reinecke could stay in office ·after con-
viction and until bis ·sentencing." .
Norris said he Was backed by Orange
County counsel Adrian Kuyper arxi the
office of c.allfarnia'.s legislative co_unsel
in his opinion that Riley is illegally
occupying the Fifth District post, and
should be unseated on Dec. 31.
"This is political cronyism in action,"
Norris said. "The next two.year tenn
for this ortice should have been filled
by the next governor or by popular
vote but certainly not by Reagan."
Competition amoog Orange Co a s t
predictors of the outcomes of 30 weeke nd
football games is becoming more intense
as the Dally Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo '74
enters itJ fourth week.
Weekly winners are awarded 7.enith
television and radio products worth $130.
A color television_set goes to the overall
winner of the 10-week test of gridiron
forecasting skills.
To be eligi ble for the grand prize,
Pigski n Pickeroo entrants must first
win one of the weekly contests.
Details and an entry blank are publish-
ed in the sports section of today's Daily
Datui Hills Sqtuul ..
• The businesS number for the sheriff's
department from 8 a.m. to S p.m. daily
is 831~9250;-- . -.,
Services available from lbe new omce
inculde civt6an fingerprinting, bicycle
and gun registfation, clearance letters
for visas and immigration, and a bail
posting service.
Arrested persons still are booked into
the Santa Ana headquarters, Fath said.
He said in the firsl three days or
operation last week, the south county
substation handled 40 percent of the
department's activity countywide.
The only problem encountered so far
has been that people can't find the
"Our new sign hasn't arrived, so
people have trouble finding us," he sa id.
"We're on the northweSl side of the
The office is located in the South
Orange County Regional Civic Center.
30143 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna
It serves all unincorporated areas from
I r v i n e to San Clemente-including
Mission Viejo, Lake Forest. El Toro,
Laguna Hills, Gapistrano Beach, and
South Laguna.
In addition to the 48 deputies, the
substation has five investigators, five
sergeants, and three clerics.
When Ifs time lo cheer £or Dana Hills HJgh varsity
team, this group will lead . Seated in loreground is
team inascot Kim Koch. Behind her is Joo Jiarris
who supports pyramid made up by Karol Sense, far
lell. Karen Mulvaney. Klt Allm gham, Cindy Scho·
field and Patti Buswell. ·
l • .
w.-s SCHOOL K•6
'et '#
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S1ddleblck, Capo Boards to Meet Monday on Complex Matter
Viejo School District
Gets-Study by Trustees
A controversial proposal which could
place all of ~fission Viejo in one school
district after months of complain~ from
residents got off the grOl.Dld Monday.
Trustees of the Saddleback V a 11 e y
Unified Sct.:>ol District received without
comment a report from a study group
recommending annexation of a 5,000-acre
parcel of Mission Viejo.
The section of land is part of th e
Capistrano Unified School Di s tr i ct .
Parents in the CUSD portion have com-
plained that their children ha ve to ride
lhe bus too far to upper level CUSD
schools when SVUSD schools are closer.
A meeting to discuss the proposal
with the Capistra no Unified Schoo I
District is set for Oct. 14 at Viejo
Elementary School in the CUSD portion
of ~lission Viejo.
The report is the result of a six-month
study by a group of parents from the
Capistrano district. The a n n e x a t i o n
\vou\d coot the Sa ddlehack district an
estimated $2.8 million.
Viejo School and Castille Elementary
School are the only completed schools
project and the funding behind l t •••
v,ihether it \Vas a group of individuals,,
or a private firm." said Hurst.
Despite tpe curiosity over the backing
~ of the project -initiated first through
parent contacts with t h e Saddleback
board -the CUSD trustees agreed that
because of the complexity of the
secession issue. n~gotiations should start
as soon as possible.
The initial study session \Viii be public
and '"'iii start at 7:30 p.m. in the
multipurpose room ar Viejo.
The basic format of th e meeting is
for the presentation of the concepts
in the report to both boards at the
same time. Presumably, d is cussion
"'ould lake place on the next phases
of the negotiations.
The matter focuses on the aSserted
remoteness of the long peninsul ar strip
in the 'CUSD where parents rel ate strong-
ly to the Saddleback community, but
their children attend schools in other
Spo~~s~1 for t'1!:":study group said
that 1n1t1al straw polls of residents in
lhe affected area Sho\vt'd a strong feeling
that secession should be further explored.
~Vithin the area proposed for merger
w11h the Sadd leback dislric1 there is
one . permanent school, Viejo. p 1 u s
Castille School, \vhich has been a
porta ble campus during construction of
the permanent facility. •
The dis! rict also owns a 44-acre hi gh
school site in the affected area and
planning will begin fo r construction
there, as \\'ell .
Trustee George \Vhi!c, serving as
board President in the absence due to
illness of San Clemente's Gordon
~~terson, . stre.sscd that he believes the
JOlnt session ts premature.
!See CUSD, Page A%)
<Jnints Reported
.All Doing Fin.e
111 Baltimore
in the affected acreage, although there •
is a des ignated high school site. Orange Coast
BALTIMORE. Md. (AP ) -Quin·
tuplets, four girls and one boy. were
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all were doing fine.
Karen Rohrer, 28, gave birth to the
babies by Cae&irian section beginning
around 2:20 a.m. POT doctors said.
They are her first born.
The ehildren, ranging in~ weight fron1
two .pounds JS ounces to lhrte pounds
nine ounces, were in an ihtenslVe care
Dr. Arthur Kaskins, an obstetrician.
l\aid Mrs. Rohrer \vas under tre,atment
for an infertility problem and hmi 1*en
taking gonadotropin, which he. described
a.111 a hormone drug associated previously
with multiple births.
Haskins said the quintuplets w e r e
diagnosed Monda y, bu t doctor!' had been
expecting a multiple birth since the third
month of Mrs. Rohrer's pregnancy.
The babies were doe to have been
born Nov. 28. Jl askins said they needed
In tensive care due to their weight and
The four g\rls were born first. but
the boy was the first to get a name.
Jfc Is Russell Charles, according to the
doctor. TOO girls have yet to be named . ,
The commltteC found that two-thirds
of the territory is developed. including
the ~fission Viejo Count ry Club. ~lission
Community Hospita l. S ad d I e b a c K
College. and ~largucrile R-e c r e at i on
Housing developments of the acreage
include i>+1ission Riftge. and Granada.
!\tadrid, Coronado. New Barcelona and
Casta del Sol neighbor'1oods.
The report said though the Saddleback
district would have to pay about $2.3
million for the three school silcs. il \\Wld
also gain the-assessed valuation fron1
·the area. About 10.500 students ultimate-
ly Y..'Ollld go to the Saddleback district
from the annexed portion.
}'ord Rips Aid Cut
\VASHlNGTON (AP) -President Ford
today criUcir,ed the latC!lt flousc V\'ltc
to cut off military aid to Turkey as
a rcckles.'l and misguided action lhat
"will mean the indefinite postponement
of meaningful ncgotiafjqni;" to 3eUle •
the (yprus dispute. 'l'he Hon~c !\londay
added to--a-re!CO!ution contmu1n-foreign
aid programs an a1ncndn1cn' banning
aid to Turkey until the President certifie.'I
thn l. "subsuintial progress" has been
made toward a Cyprus Agrt.>ement.
Night and nioming lo\v clouds
and scattered sprinkles through
\Vednesday, according to the
we:-itht:r service, "'ith slightly
\\'armer skies. Possibility of some
sunshine in the afternoon \Yednes-
day. Highs of 67 at lhe bc11ches ris·
.ing to tnid·ZOs.lnland~ ~-
~fight 'rile ne.tt :itep for Hou,-..
arcl Coselt be as a da11cer and
singer? 1-IP expects to do a litflt1-
of. botli If 1\BC goes through
1t1tl1 plan~ to pu.t ll irn in charge
of a variety shotlJ. Pilge 87.
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_!_\ 2 _DAILY PILOT ___ s_c _____ 1_ ... _ .. _.,c_•_°'..,'r"-''_a_. _19_74
Rtalitags C:mafliet
Border Checks
Still at Issue
The box score In the inle!l<;c courl
battles lo kce11 chct·kpohits II ~·! I ii~
Border Patrol's San Onofl·c rondblOL:k
Parents Seeking;
Cro ssin g Gu arcl
For Busy Route
Parent s concerned about the safety
of their children crossing a busy art('rial
high~·ay in San Juan Ca pistra no \lill
t;1ke thei r pleas fo r a crossing guard
10 the cit~'s traffic and transportation
committee tonight.
The com1ni!ll!(' 01eets a t 7:30 p. in.
in the public "'orks office <It ci ty hall.
Parents 1vant the city to lure someone
to assist cllildren across the street at
the intersection or Del Obispo and De.I
Avian. The corner ha s a temporary
traffic signal lo aid children attending
Del Obispo School and ~1arro f'orster
Junior High, but parents believe it is
The situation is serious enough that
school district officials have allOY.'ed
younger children. who might llO\ yet
be able to read the word s "v.·alk" and
"don't walk ." to be bused lo the north
side of Del Obispo.
A permanent and more visible signal
\\ill be installed by the city at that
intersection in February. Even so, many
parents believe a crossing guard i s
neces.sary ·to assist children during the
early months of sc:hool until they learn
how lo cross with a signal.
Parents are. by law, forbidden lo assist -! children other than their OY.'Tl without
• specific authorization . San Clemente,
• which also is ln the Capistrano Unified
School District, has a few c r o s s i n g
guards at busy streets. They ~re
supervised and trained by the police
Other topics to be considered at the
--meeting-include a crossing aide for Del
Obispo near the Christian School. further
consideration of the closure of Calle
Resplendor in the Casitas Capist_rano
lract and discussion of traffic signal
plans for Paseo Adelanto and Del Obispo.
open -shOY.'S a tie score in San Oiego
The latest court n11ing -one adverse
to a histGric blanket y.·arrant for the
patrol -brings to 2 to 2 the score
in challeng es lodged In U.S. District
The lates t ruling amounted to a con·
de1nna tion of warrants which have been
issued regularly to the palrol allo"·ing
agents to stop at y.•ill any car with~n
:i specific geographical area.
District Court Judge F.dward J .
Sch"'artz sa id he believes the warrants
to be unconstitutional and that they
coostitute "a dragnet."
But at the U.S. Attamey's offices
in San Diego. the interpretation ls that
because t"·o other area judges have
rUled in fa vor of the warrants, the
magistrate issuing the documents f~els
justlUC!d in renewing them as they ex·
pi re.
The key appears to be in a decision
which \Viii come later thls year when
the 9th Circuit Court of Appaels hears its
first case related to the warrants.
James F\.fcyers, head of the U.S. Al·
torney's appellate division. said that until
a ruling comes rrom that higher court.
the roodblock at Onofre and ano•.~t>r
at Oak Grove will continue on the pattern
set over lhe past several months.
Repeated court challenges to t h e
Border Patol procedures at the
permanent roadblock threatened lo close
down the traditional operation by the
agent to stem ret'Qnt rates of illcgitl
immigration from Mexico.
"The magistrate, who is at a lesser
level than a district' judge, feels tliat
he is justified in renewing the warrants,
because he has concurrence from two
judges above him.
"The fact that two othc judges disagree
does not change the situation," Meyers
4 Babies Born A.part
?.10RELIA, h1exico (UPI) -Maria_
Dominguez, 20. gave birth to o n e
quadruplet in her country village ~1onday
and lhen traveled 16 miles into town
to have the other three. Two of the
children died a few hours later.
Appointmen t Critic Norri$
From Page Al
of criminal actions that should be taken
before a grand jury.
Norris said other California crimes
that should be investigated for Nixon's
possible involvement in them included
the payment of hush money to convicted
Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt and
the pending perjury trial of former Nixon
aide John Ehrlichman.
"Very little, if anythlng, is being done
in all these matters," Norri~ said. "I
would make them a top priority if
I were attorney general."
From Page Al
CUSD ...
Reacting to the complexity of the
issue, Whlte Insisted that the report
only scratches the surface of the matter.
"There are still immense issues to
consider such as budgeting, pupil and
teacher loads and other factors," he
The legal procedures for secession are
complex as well.
First. a-petition for-secession of tcr--
ritory would have -to be submilled to
tbe County Superintendent of Schools
and would either have to be signed
by a majority of trustees from each
district. or by 25 percent of the regis.
tered voters in the affected area.
Th · p • Then the Cotmty Committee on School -~ve~ e -BID ~-[);strict0rganita•ioo would-ha .. ,• study I ~ m the matter, conduct hearings_ and submit
a report aod recommendations to the
Marijuana S1nokers llurt Soonest
Heart patients can exercise onlv hat£
as long without feeling chest pains after
smoking a marijuana cigarette l ha n
after smoking a tobacco cigarette, ac·
cording to the findings of a UC Irvine
Angina pcctoris-chesl p a i n s ex·
perienced by heart patients-are ex·
perienced during exercise after smoking
either. according to UC I card1ologist.
Dr. \Vilbert S. Aronow.
juana use cannot be equated.
While a heavy tobacco wer may smoke
20 to 25 cigarettes a day, he said,
a marijuana user may only smoke three
or four joints in the same period, he
"However, it is certainly safe to
assume thal the more cigaretles one
smokes, of either kind, the more pro-
nounced the effect on the pulse, blood
pres s ure and-in coronary pa-
tients-angina pectoris," he said.
county school board.
That board, wh1Ch apparently holds
the key to the issue, could either adopt
the plan, reject it , or scheduJe elections.
The board also has the discretion to
determine if the election should be held
throughout the two districts involved,
or only in the area involved in the
boundary shuffle.
Jf either of the schciot districts of·
ficia\ly opposes the shift, then the matter
automatically would go to a public vote
throughout the entire school district. fil-
ing the official opposition.
Simple majority votes are the rule
in all of the official stages. In studies published in m e d i c a l
journa)s, Arooow has described the effect
ol cigarette smoking on men with heart
problems who perform exercise.
Smoking a filtered, Io w-n i co Ii n e
cigarette decreased by 13 percent the
time the men could exercise v.'ithout
feeling chest pains. he said.
Eloise P opeil, Ayers
The average cigarette cut the time
by 24 percent, he said. But 10 puffs
on a marijuana cigarette reduced the
time by 48 percent. he said.
In both cases, carbon monoxide caused
the paill!I. \Vhilc nicotine is also known
as harmful . his tests on marijuana show
that the main ingred ient . lelrahydro-
cannabinol (Tl!C) has a stronger effect
on increasing the pulse and blood pres·
Because of the different amounts
used, Aronow said. cigarette and mari·
T ..... °'"""~ Co•" O~·I• l>;lol ""''" •Nell I~ lO"'b•....0 In. "'~"'' Pt~'· •I i>Ubl"IWll I>• 1 ... °'"'"""" (o••t Publl\l>onQ ComoA~• !ool!Pol<•le Kl•,.on< "'e e>ul>l••nKI "'"°"""' l"'<>UQI> F,,,,.,,
for C.0•1• M>••. '<••Por1 llekll,, """''nQlon
6""'"''"""'••n V•ll~• UOllf\4' llekh,
lrwoM !o.>M••l>M.~ AO'IG !Ml" Oem>tnte~~ J"'ll
C•Cl•~tl•" A «nQ!O ••II•~' •G•loon '' ~1>01\11.., !>,otytd~•\ •"d ............ n ... ll"•Nop.>!
po.ftl•V'•"q ci••fll ''•I >00 ""''ta.¥ !>l•f~. CmUI
MfW. C•••lo•~•~ t/61t.
Robert N. Weed
P•• .. !lfn! .,.., PY~·-r
J ac k R. Curi ev
li•tt "'""'°'"'•""Gil!...,,., ~ ... 9'lr
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Murphine
M<IMGl"'V Editor
Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall
"'°.,.uni Moll><IG•l'IQ Ell<lDIJ.
San Cle.mente Office
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Other Offices
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Coo'fl'\41'tl, 1•1•. 0•11191 (N \I J'uflllY,I"' ~'· f'fO f'OtW\ \10<~. lllll\1••110"\,, ..,11or111 ,...11,, Of •a•"",_.,,...,.u ""'''" ""'' -Ito>-~ .. WllllHI -·"1 _ ... 1_ ~
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clfttlMU-U .00 ...... t~ly
Sent to State Prison
OI tlle Dell~ Piiot 51•11
LOS ANGELES -Convicted con·
spirators Eloise Popeil and Dan Ayers
were denied a new trial here ~1onday
and sent to state prison for •)ne to fiye
years for plotting the murder of her
multimillionaire husband .
Superior Court Judge Mark Brandler
accused the former Nev.'port Beach resi-
dent during his sentencing comments of
being ·•a female Dr. Jekyll and Fl.fr. Hyde
\vho was loving and considera•.e lo her
family and friends, but somethin~ quite
different ·where her husband was con·
"She is viciotLc;, cunning and dcprav·
ccl." Ju<i ge Brandler added, commenting
that he had received "pathetic and heart
broken·• letters from 15 persons.
And the judge quoted several biblical
texts in further condemnation of the
blonde defendant. among them the com·
mandment s "Thou shall not kill" and
"Thou shall not commit adultery.''
Judge Brandler ordered the maximum
term for the convicted lovers after being
accused by defense attorney Robert
Green of making "highly prejudicial er·
rors" during the sevell-week tri1:1\ and
of displa ying "bias and prejudice" during
lhf' l!_1ry.:s deliberations.
"Vou ShoURI. diSquaHfy your self from
all post conviction procet!din gs." 1 he
Laguna Beach attorney argued while
.Jud~c Brand ler glared at hitn from
the bench.
Green said he based that demand
on Judge Brandler's stating during a
private press conference in his chambers
be.fore tbe final jury verdict was in
th:it ~1rs. Popeil. 49. was al so gullty
of coospiracy and was only cleared ol
th at charge by a legal lechnicalily.
A jury ended the marat!~n lrial by
finding l\1rs. Po~ll and Ayers. 37. of
Santa Aaa. guilty of p\Bnning the kllllng
or kitchen gadget magn ate Somuel
Popcll. 60, or Chicago with "bit m<in"
Rob<>rt Peeler, 34.
Ayers was additionall y convicted or
work ing out anolht!r nturdcr scheme wi th
"hit mnn" Donald Reed. 49. Judge
Brandler ruled today that he can serve
the two terms concurrently.
Lawyers for both defendants served
notices of appeal on Judge Brandler
immediately after their clients were
Judge Brandler refused. to even con·
sider the possiblity of freeing the defen·
dant s on bail pending the hearing of
their appeal.
lie pointed out to the two defense
lawyers that Ayers was a highly qualified
pilot who could use Mrs. Popeil's
substantial funds at any time to buy
an aircrafl and fly the pair out of
the country.
Parking Ticket
Cltarge Turns
To Molestation
San Clemente police~ working a case
of indecent exposure didn't even have
to leave the station l\1onday tG make
an arrest.
Instead, they found_ their suspect. in-
quiring at the front desk about a parking
The case involved Rlleged o I f en s e s
against a 14-year-old girl who told of·
Ileen that she had been offered a ride
Md alter accepting, the driver exposed
himself and made advances toward hrr.
As SOOl'I as the police interview with
lhe victim had ended and she prepvM
to leave. a man walked in to inquire
about a ticket.
She reccgnized him immediately as
the alleged oUtnder. police said.
And after obt11ining__a telephone war-
rant from 11 municipal court judge, pallce
fUTt;Sted RuMcll Charles Cahoon, 33,
a visitor rrom Alaska.
Cahoon posted $500 bail •a short time
later e.nd faces • court appearance later
this month on charges oC indecP.nt t!.l·
. '
Coast Wain
Not Even
The £lrst ralmtorm or the season drop-
ped small amounts or water along the
Orange Coast Monday, causing some
traffic tie-.ups and dampening homeward
bound school children.
The rain. however, was v Ir tu a 11 y
unmeasurable. The Harbor Patrol in
Newport Beach said only ' ' t r a c e ' '
amounts of rain fell ?i-·Jonday and the
same reading u'as made Tuesday morn·
Along the coast, several traffic ac-
cidents Y.'ere caused by the slick streets
in Huntington Beach and a few traffic
snarls were reported on the freeways
. this morning, according to the Calilornia
llighway Patrol.
Other rain me asurements included .04
inches in Santa Ana and .02 inches
at Santiago Peak.
San Clemente had no rain Monday,
with only light drizzles this morning.
About six spinouts and crashes tiC!d
up Orange County freeways following
Monday's shower. according to Jerry
Maxwell of the California H i g h w a y
Patrol. Traffic this morning was near
A single power outage, a£fecting only
a half dozen customers, was experienced
in SilveradG Canyon about 1 a.m. today,
according to the Edison Company.
The National Weather Service predicts
continued nigh'r' and morning low clouds
with scattered sprinkles through \Vednes·
After..Doon skies al times should be
Temperatures along the coast should
range to 62, dropping lo the mid·50s
On the bright side of the rain, the
Air Pollution Control District predicts
little or no smog in the damp skies.
Singing, Acting
Classes Plann_ed
The South Coast Oioral and Light
Opera Association will sponsor classes
in singing, acting and dancing r or
musical theater starting later this month.
Professional Instructors will conduct
classes for youngsters and adults, and
registration fo_r the cq_urses will be he_!d
at the San Clemente Beach Club Thurs-
day from 2 to 6 p.m.
Class schedules will be announced alter
registration Is completed, said associa·
tioo leader Ruth Yielding.
lnfonnatlon about the program is
available by calling 492-1065.
Bovs Club Sets •
Football Signups
Registration has1opened at the South
Coast Area Boys Club for a flag football
S¥50n for youngsters between the ages
o( 9 through 14.
Club director Mike Brady said two
ag;e groups will be set among members
of the club -one serving 8, 9 and
10, the other for youngsters 11 through
14 years old.
Tbe younger group \\ill play Saturday
afternoons at the club and the older
ones will play football on Wednesday
and Friday evenings at the I i g h t e d
athletic field next to the clubhouse.
All boys hl the activity must be
members of the club and a $1 fee
per youngster entitles the registrant to
all club activities. Specific information
Is available at the club, 4 9 2 • O 3 7 6 .
UPI Ttltfl/IOttl
Li9lat1ai1i9 C:n11ses Bla%e
Oil storage tanks, hit by lightning during the first ra!n of. the se~son ,
go up in flames at the Exxon oil refinery near Valencia. Eight uwts of
Los Angeles County fought $200,000 blaze.
$12 Million Sewag~ Pipe
Plru1 Stalled in Meeting
Of flll O.Uy PllOI sr111
-Procedural problems b!OC'ked--action
Monday by the regional coastal com-
mission on a request to construct a
large sewer outfall off lhe Dana Poinl
The rC.Q.uest for thC Sl2 million pipe
that woUld deliver treated sewage to
ocean waters two miles off Dana I!arbor
was-made by-the Southeastern Regional
Reclamation Authority (SERRA ), com·
posed of south Orange County sanitary
and water districts.
Corilinlssioifers were· tOld by Robert
Keeler. the commission's legal couruel.
they could not act on the p r o p o s a I
Lefty Scissors
For President
Sue Alpert of Sanla Ana is sen·
ding Presiderit Ford a left-handed
gift so he can operate properly
at ribbon.cutting ceremonies.
Mrs. Alpert was intereslid lo
Jeam that the President is left
handed . Mrs. Alpert operates a
mail order business called The Left
!!anded Complement. She
specializes in Hems for Jefl·handers
like pens, vegetable p e e I e r s ,
mustache cups. fishing reels and
other paraphernalia.
She said she sent President ford
a pair of left-handed scissors for
his ribbon-cuttiiigs.
As for herself, ~1rs. Alpert is
right handed.
because they had no s l a f f recom·
n1endation . The rules and regulations
or lli'e commlsSiOn, h-e saJd, rCCjuire a
re<."Ommendalion be made before action
is taken.
Repeated attempts by Commlssioner
Loui s Nowell of Long Beach to elicit
a recommendation from the staff failed .
The commission's executive director,
~1elvin-Carpenter.-refused-lo -make a -
recommendation pending more study.
Commissioners agreed to again take up
the matter Oct. 21. Carpenter is expected
to make-an official recommendation at
that meeting.
During the public hearing on the ap.
plication. SERRA officials supported the
new out.fall while a leader of an Orange
County environmental group urged the
permit request be denied.
Commiss ioners were told that
regardless of its decision, the matter
would be appealed to the state coastal
commission by the losing side.
Alex Bowie, an attorney representing
SERRA, said the authority is under
a 1nandat'e from the state Water Quality
Control Board to stop using the existing
outfall of Dana Point by Jan. l, 1976.
Denni!i O'Leary, a consulting engineer.
said the existing outfall is "nin}sy"
and is undesirable because il discharges
sewage close to Doheny State Beach
Park and the harbor.
It was revealed by Doo Martinson,
another consultant, that even if a 11
necessary approvals are given SERRA
for the project, the new outfall will
not be in use until July 1976, six roonths
after the state deadline.
Dale Soorrd of t h e Environmental
Coalition of Orange County said the
outfall was designed to serve too many
people in the south ·county region .
''Branding . keeps us all honest.
And the customer knows it.'' ~~=:· ..
"Carpeting is a blind ttem. ' . ' . For the consumer, few things are bought with so httle knowledge, and wrth
s:> rruch trepidation. · .
Two different pieces of carpeting can look lhe same, feel lhe same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have, in fact, not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet alter just six months of use, one will look terrible and the other will look
like MW. _
How is the consumer to know wh ich is wh ich?
Oddly enough, even price often won't tell her. So even buying expensive
C8tl)eting is no guarantee of quality.
The only thing that protects the investment of the consumer, and the
reputation of the honest' retailer, is selling the brand names that both know they
can trust."
This is why we don't private label carpeting at Alden's. When YO.!J find
samples with tne·nan\es cfianged on the labels, run over to Alden·s fast.
Alter all, carpeting Is one of life's maJor investments. It shouldn't be gone
into blind.
. . ·· .. "
1663 Place~a AYt •
HOU•S: Moo.llnn.r... tto 5:lO~F•I, 9 tot-SAT,. 9:l01o 5
, .. • • •
' ' 11
' . •
iU!!d!y. October a, 1074 DAtl '( PILO T 11 I I
'Plenty of 'Goo.dies' Tuesday's
Repla~e Alcoa Foil
Producls come und go in
the Amcr11::1n 1narket1)lacc, ~nc.l you somct11ncs uc~d a
score t·.ird to tell \\ho the
pla)crs are.
One company that's vir·
tua lly dro1>ping out or the
supermarket 1s Al ooa, our
Jar gest a lu minum
producer. Dy the Cllcl o( this
year Alcoa will no longer be
mak1n"("ro11 wraps. lt,s cal ·
hng 1t a day on Alcoa \Vrup
and \\lcar·E\'cr aluminum
foil. And tl \\'Ill no longer
sup1>l y this p1oduct to
superm<1rkcy chains for
sate under their O\vn labels.
ALCOA SAID IT ca n rind
be tter end uses for its
aluminum, places \\'here tl
can get higher profit
mar gins . Although it's lOI)
dog 1n lhe industry. selling
largely to other companies,
Alcoa has never been too
s uccessful talk lng to the
uvera ge consume r.
Reynolds ~T e t a l s holds
more than 50 percent of the
foil market, more tha n
double Alcoa's share.
Pitts burgh-based Alcoa,
one of the mainstays of the
!tlellon economic empU-e .
\VJll nO\V have e ve n Jess
reason to t;dk to you ft y.•111
save a Jot of money on
A~OTllER C0!\1 PAN\' in
retrccit from a market ts
Plh1ladelph1a 's Scott Paper
l 's phas ing out its s 10'
million paper and plaSlic
cup oper ations. It seems
that fey,· consu mers pay
much a tte ntion to brand
names 1n buying paper
-Coosolidatt:d (;igur.
\vhlch hus 25 Jltrccut of lhc
cigar n1<.1rk el "'ith sul·h
hrunds a~ ri1uricl. Dulch
J\l<.istcr~ and El Produ('to. 1s
1ntro{Jt1cing ti 110\V hrund
called Cupitun de Tucros
-RAl.STON PlJRI;\:,\,
\\hlch doesn 't niukc tolJaC t·u
1,1roducls tit's our h.1ri.;e:H
11ct food n1 :1n ufa1·turl•r),
rla:-; ~· IH."W l'h dd I ell ':, (t'l l :1 I,
t ' l'c<.i k ics. Pres \\ l'l'lt' 11c tl
t111d packed with v11a rnins.
'!'he Chcckcrhoard Squar'c
Company has a lso nlO\cd
into h.alf Of I he Un 1tcd Slate:;
\Vlth Pok crns. a
noncarhonatcll fruit diink
pal'kcd in a plas lli.: pouch.
Yes, <.i 1>0uch . 'fhc ri:ason
it 's called Pokemt>. 1s thJt
~OU i:ict ;it t he PICl'IOUS
drink by 1nerc1ng the pouch
\vhosc fHJCka gc ti nd four \11th a str;.1w .
shapes \Vere de signed by NO\\' \VITll \\'I NNt:Rs
mt!n 's fashio n llcs1gne r hkc these, \Vho ne(•ds 1\lf.'<h1
John \Veitz. To go with his \Vrap and Scott pap(·r cups'!
]Uffill s uits. COfltr.1~! 1t1',.t.01 Art1e11, r. ... 1
'ohn S. Grirrith, Jr .. preside nt or Far \Vest
Financial Corp., has appointed J ames D. Murphy
pres ident or State Mutual Savings and Loan
Assoc1at1on, Far West F1nanc1al's principal operating
subsidia ry.
Griffith, a lso president of State lt1utual Savings, will
continue as board chairman
* Pal.I llelJCr of llunt1n{llon nCach
has been ruimcd 1>roduct spc<:iuhsl
fo r air and power systems for
Ducommun ~t etals and Supply Co.
of Los Angeles.
lie formerly was a s peci al
i:cpresenlative for.Stanley Air 'IooL-
Company and lS a ten.year veteran
in the metalworking industry.
* cups. Scott \Vi ii continue to Ray Schultz has joined Martin
make to1 lct pa per. John llealy and Associates as e:<ecut1 ve vice pr cstdent
Don 't tlunk. though, that in cha rge of corporate managen1ent consuH 1ng.
t he nC\\ pioduct s tream has The f1nanc1a l and management consulting firm 1s
dried up. \\'lu le t\l~Q<L i!.lld ,h~~red I!' .santa ~na.
Scull arc r c t irio~ thc~c *
"ar 11ors f1 om combat, look · Pacific 1'1 utual Life Insurance ('om1lany has n.1mcd
at \\ h •• t 's coming ) our l\'.JY two Ora nge County men to ne\v 1 ice president posts.
f1on1 other 1magin<1ll\'e South Lagunan ~larvin E. Drew has bee n elected
producer:, vice president of cqwty seeur1t1es and Santa Ana
·-R. J . Jte)'nol<ls. our resident 'ohn T. Chapple has been elected vice
largest ciga rette produce r, president of mortgage loans
1s br1ng1ng into Oklahoma _ rc\V-JOmed the Newport Beach-based-f1l'm in-1960
Ci1y-:i nc\V bra.11d c~llcd and Chapple Joined in 1955.
.1\lorc that -gel this -
Jll\CS you "more than SO *
percent nlore purrs than any Steve S. Popovich has been appointed senior vice
.. other on the market." !\tore president of enginccr1ng a nd progra m developme nl at
I!> a penc1l·ttun Clgarclle Ca llfoi:nia Computer ProducL'i, In~ 1n Anaheim.
\\r.ipped 111 burnish·colorcd lie was previously director of cng1nccr1ng at the
paper. and jt 1s 120 mm Valley 1'.,orge d1v1s1on of Computer Peripherals, Inc.
lon g. or lO Percent longer · lie and his family h\ e tn Tuslui.
th<.111 such 100 mm brands as * .
Jk>nson & llerlges ~Iore \\'ill Theodore Robins, charrman or
scll ,1l the same price as the .. the board of directors for Bank of
100 mrn brands, prompting Costa Mf'sa, has annnunded the
Rt:ynolds to i ssue this e lection of J ames D. ·Ray tq, the
J)at11ot1c mess age: board.
"\\'t: FF.t:L Tll.,\T, at a
time when the consumer 1s
faced cl i,1Llv \\Ith 1is 1ng
prices, ~l ot'e \vi ii he a
\\Clcome relief It offers.
more for the consumer at
rcgul.11 pr1rcs
Th.it's the \Vay !n fight
inflation. right? Never
1n1ncl about lung cancer.
He is preside nt or .James Ray
Construction Co .• ind \Viii succeed
Jack Curley on the board.
• * Bob Sands has been appointed
assistant vi ce president of Los
Angeles F ederal Savings.
lie is manager o f the Ne\vport Beach office. Prior lo
Sands' appo1ntmcnl. he served as savings su~rv1sor
for the association's dO\\'nlo\vn office 111 Los Angeles.
* Lido Is le res ident Don P almquist has been
promoted to vice president <1nd general m.1nagcr of
the ne,v\y formed international d1\ 1s1o n of Allee Corp.
C..-olll I Ml \ 1•11 IOI• '"
Sdr> "" ~.!:c '~ ! ~ ·:~--:: ''"""1 0.. 0., Cror•(l.1111<1 .. J .... _~
-1o A-CllrtH41o to • 31 !Jl;-'> Allbor1t. 1 )J 9 4~ U h I ~ C6fti-r,i Pl 1 • 10 14.. , •
A(l ln..Jll.O t 1$ la , 1, CMIW•I IO ' tt \'• , ,
A(n,.Cl•w I • 1S I ',• \• c:..i.:N&l Yl S 11 ,..,_ h
AdmDf Old ~ 1J 11, , (~or< IOQ S ti 11>•, -...
Adl•PIJOol ti •\o-\.o C.i .. h!Ml l1 l\t U n • I'>
AaM.rlh\lOlO S l•• 'oC.vCam C1> I 9'11 1'•"" "«11'1 lllll nltl •l.o• '•C B S 1,.1 ll H .. '4
Aa•lft• XIII , Ml I• C 8 SPt•• I .. S "'" • .. A<t• .. u 10.• no 11 .. •,cc 1 t0tP. u "•. A,.!ll~ll Pl7 t 1' ,, '• V<oCI> 11\' 1 "• A~""'~ Co I ) ) ,, '• Ca!I"""' lllll) i1t1 ''"'' ll~nu.on 70 • •7 I -· ,_, C.1-P "' > •I., A.rl••o !n(ll I IJ 1 c..ntu I~ 10 lO I&] J)o \'\ 4.,p,~,lCIQU Ill ll"• '• ~ ... !l I !oil I , lo ""'""' '° s 11 111.-'· C...t+rJG I /1 • 11 11'• 1. A J l""W1l<1 I• l 'o , ~IHl l lol) • U 11 , '> M.,_li10 ' ll•'o•'•t..nlllpl l l1 1100 .. ,,11,
Al•C..,1 1111 I t '•O>ill'Sl to/J/t .... • Al•l'~lllt 110 14 ol ~l•E1 !t t 11 II •
Al•P p1 't• t lO I) I C.t\M ..... I JI I I ll" , \•
AlaU>.t ln1\! • •9 •lo-'• (tf>t$\lo' 1 I~ I , .. 11 ........ Alb!1,1n1 60 s I U '•-1. c..>115!)1 Ml I Ml 11•,., ~ ~· Albtu lCIC. l611 t9 11,, •, Canlltl Ill I M 16'•• 4
Alb<r11n SO I t 10'• , CetroC.O<p.,I J 11 11'•
Alt fnAI 1 'lO • 4t U ' o C.-1.,.ld ·'° ~ 13 111 • \,
AlcoSlll ,olCI) JS ''• •,WIN \111 <1Go11U -•1 Alton lb 1')11 ll li\1.11, ~1~111•1.0 11'~-"'
A1e .... 11111 •u 2· •. (11111111 110. 11 u ,.1.
Alll.On 1lf<I 1 M • , '• Ownl'!oSP llO 6 llt I '• \1 411eqC:p 11)(1 , 11 1'. t •o 0...tC l'•(I 1 If I) o-h
A1tot.ua' 60 l lt i l•. • • °"'"' NY I s 3' I~ • Al!Q l..c!~I J 10 )I)•,• O>hFnct n . JO f 1 • '" Allo Pw I 11 • lQl in •••• °"'""""I IO s ]II 76'•-·~ Al~Gfll .0 l 10 S • '• Ch>Mq 110!! 1 lJJ •'•-~ Alhrt!Cft I'> S 111 11'• + 1, O>e!l>e• olQ,o 1 S .....
AlldMin S.t ' 4 U 1> • 0>e"'"!rf1 I } •t 11 .. -"-Alll«!Po-00 I 4 S U'•• •• LJ>rnNY JM S ff ll •I
Alll9t!Stl '14 • 11 I/\,~ I. 0.1Cp 1M < t l•V.-~,
AlhM St pl I UOO lit • °""Pd I!< I) • ll • 1"' AllO Supmkt 11' lt 1\'\ + • OW'\lle 4 IG S lit •O!o I h
lllh1 Cn• l1 s 17< 9 • CNElll )0 6 l 10>•"
AlltgMA ,SO i ti •'• • Ou Mrh• (p l 71 I ... Alp/la Pt 12 l S i <o• '• {JllMol(p pl , ! tlo
A!(Q.> 1 3' a II•~ !llo 110 °' ~-1 • /9 10 -~ AmolSUQ J• I 9t 21 • -'• Oii Roe• hi •• 16 9 \o-.. AMA): I tS I JIO JI'., '• O! ql<I NW 1 th -lo AIMX~rs•._ 1 '11 •• °""' F 3' t u J• ...... ~' .so ~ 1S •••• '• Ov·• '"''' . l "' • Anw."'c 1• • 11 l 4 . Ovo.C:r 1111( •• I ,.__ ...,,
"'""'•t l l'O 3 u u • • '• O...ama 10 4 U ••~ '• Ami-le\ lOg 3 1<111 1110 • Owaml Ill J . I !1(1 ~ \1
Al-l\\pl J\r So •1 •I'• Ownl• l lO 8 lll 11'o-'• AmAl<FI •1 ! i•9 J'o. ' <nr1•ler .., !I 1''1-... AmA.,lir~1 ?1 7~l 6'•-'• CJ M!QO 6111 •1 l 4-'•
Am l!I•-10 10 1•, • C1 111!1 61n . U J••+ \'o
AB<•'IO)\o o /I )G,, Con 8flll'6 6 S 11/oo to Aml!I•<~ tel. 12 16'•-1. o ne... IW I •'fl IS • I'> °"" 811111 J) < 16 ! •. l, ConG fl! 9 lO •• 110 •J -I
An>C..,1100 111•'<1 ~. conep1 1 ... •JO n .t.c.n 111 1~ ••• l 19 .. -•, ConMrl•!'ll 6 11.f 11 -1>o
A CtoM\ 1\1\, 9 Ila+ •• (IT Fon l 10 • ., ll~-.. "'°"'" 1 10 1 n u ·,, . cot>Co<p 1111 'uee 21""-'19 AmCyanl J 6 2~1 II••-'' CnSr•l"°'l ! 111 3111+,..
Am0 .. 111 !0 ll 3 I '•, ~. CoUMtQ "Id 1 J l'h-Vi
AOo"Ttl S1 I 111 1H•-'• C.uS<l7110o! 1 'Kl • _,,,
AntO.,.!'l•t 11 3 •• '• Crty lnY WI l 11• •\\+Vo AOutol .... ll 10 -'o (olylnYwU •• U \&•It•
AmEl<Pw 2 • :W. 161•, •, Ct•• Inv pl l .. 11 11-k, ""
AFmu, uo 1 11 •I•, '• 01• !.IOftt :i. ''-• v. AF•nSy~ •01S 1• s·-~ ,, CIMt E I.IQ s .q 11 -" 4C.B0161i<I , IS 11 ,. '• 0..«0.1 SO 1 ll 10•, .. \•
AC... In\ Ml I 18J I ,.•, CLCAm 20 l '' l"" AGnp!l,IO !61 16 \.o-'• 0.¥0111..cl I 11 Sl''<+l'-AmH<u~• Ml < 21 t --t, 0.v E• 2 IO I 6l 211,. • '!o Amliam .Mil\ 10!• ll\,, •a Clt•Elll I 16 •• lllO b6 -I
AHt>n1tpjl 1111 ,1 ClevEpll .O ,1J11l61 -I
AmHo\p JO 11 21)4 l1',, '• CIGfv&Pll 8 110 1'4 + '/, Amlnv\I 10 9 )~, _ C1on:,.Co !1 I Sit , .. _ >.;
AMoao<l,11 t l1 J\.o . OUtltP SO 6 ll• •'•-"" A Med•(O•P ! I! 1 Clue!!P pl I •. I I\>+ ..
AmMol.IOa I 11!1 •lo-o, (.Ml lftv Cp 4 70 9V•-\lo
Pl.mNC...' !.f • ~ .. 21'•· II• OU..Fn 2'111 •• 'Kl 4j., •. Am Sttl\n<JI I Jh, lo CHA or I ID • 61 ,.,._ • V.
Am Snop 68 11 16 I CHAlnr; IOI., 11 tft •
A1ni•••tl•\"> )-tU 1e•'i-°1·"t OIA 1,,_,..--;,-111 -1"7o/'to.
A.m S1t1<1 ao ' ~s 9 -\o C:NALot 110 •. •S t fl+ ...,
A.m'illlp! 41• .• 11 <10 -'" Cois.c !.I G• l IOl.l (''i •• Am~~r11 .n 1 •9 ,.,,. • .,.. C4SGlll 1 19 , • ' '-""' A.mS!O.IMll 101• -1. CslSGp/11.1 . J 1~ ... 111
A.ml&.TllO i llll 111>.+ lo Coc.c:.orJ.lllJISt t•\o +J;, Aml&.Tpl• •• n Oii•+ t. Coca8oH IO I •11 •~•I\
AT7ptA l..... 112 le ... -~ CPl<lwll• :WO • 1 ,._,. I\
AT7pt8l I• 169 l'~•-'• Clll«oln 0. St 1!'1 ••
AmW11r l>l J la 6~tt "-Cllloale I' U 19 11 -'Ao AWal•o! 1 •. :SO 11 ~ I• car&A•k S6 ! ]\ sv •• v.
'"'lflS1 11)(> 16 1 '• '• Colh~ Food I JS l t ~' Amtlc~ 80 11 10'•-" C<>I ~nn .JO I SO 1''~ • AM~ In !?< 116 11" ', c.<>lonS! 110 \ 11 111•-'• "'""~ ao • ,., 10•,, •• Co11 1...,.,. 1 1 110 n.., .......
4MP1n( l J16 21>1II'•-1, Colttnit I'• •. l 42>..• '• Nr!1><0P ,j>Q ) ( /•._,_ '• Col G6..lJll 6 ll LC......i. ........... ..--Cp r-q~ f , , '• C.olG!. pf S~ ,, I <9• > • \' 1
Am\t••1 10 4 •I ,lO •• •• Clll Po<tyrtt ~ 11•~ '• Al1o•o!'l6S I <1 .1 O:ilS OI> l'lo 1 '>1 11 •'I. A"'11~0 l llO S S ])>, •~ ColwM I 11~ 1 I.I )(, • ..., /lm1~1 In 10 S n / , , 1, °""° E 1 !I:! ' 108 l)••· ...
An111:Qn /Cid • 158 1;• CmE pt 110 I 1J>...-I'> t,nt nHc1oa s n 11 1, '• Ct>m!ol• 120 9 21 Jo>, .. ~.
AnctC•(lfy I • JI 16 > t >0 (DnlSI pl 'Kl ll ll'" ~ >> AnQt'l/(a 11 6 1 )'' • em..Ed 1 JO I 111'1 ?PU • AAwC Co •• s •I 11 •--I< ComE:alN" 1 •• J 11•1,,• \;, A.ootC:!le( SO \ 3 10 , CwEdllf l.<12 •• It IS\~ -'lo
A1><1>0.I ''·· ' l 't-lo ~O!:;:i ·j ~l 1;~: = Aile<O (0<1> ,. )4 I'•~ ~. APL (0•1> • 11 61•• o1 (...0.ll>f172. 6 16,,,-"4r ~-MQWI -t.-1+......,_ C--.SM-1-•-... -1>--* ARA ~-I fli 10 )1 !< • l '• CllmD<rlf k1 14 1• 1V. , ,
.a.•c.i•N H S '• O'lo• '• ~'!.t'~ ~ ·• : I:~:~ :;~~'~n;~ I ,j 1;~~-.'' (111'11\M! Ito I 11 1'V.+I
At•1!llO' I) I 6 , '• ~( Ml S I 11 ....
"''" PS I,. &J 1:1•, • 1, Con Ea OCI l 3"° •l• ..
MO 8f'll ..i i• • '" , On\EO II' • , , I 11 ••• Arlt~ I 70 t 1s ''"''"" ConsEd pl S •• t ll'1 •
Ar!fft 1'11!0.-, 1> 1"" • ·~ ConEif.:' •tS • llG JO -'" A<mao.o Co • lB o <~-1o On\ II 1.JS S 4)• \l'h ,. Yo Armeo~ 160 • /I 19_,.,. ... Con Ft 10 9 t "'-•
A•mpf 210 . \1 ~~!> .. \\ ~!.,!1f ~ ;lt ~~:~_:_:,; :;::i~t~ ~ rl l• (onPpl 41•, 1)1) ll'~-lh
Aro(Orafn I S ~ 111•-\• CMP pf •'1 • 11111 36 ,
Atvonlnd 11 n 1:; 1~~ • 1~ ~~: : ;1 ·. 1~ ~V.+ °'? ~Or~·~~ .j SI 16 .. -\, l:i."".';:'l~ · 1 1~1 Sf.::1:.: S.E,1~ ~ 3:~ :r ·~\. ~~1:; '~ 1:~:: ~
AhCO l )Sd ~ 11 t.,.·,, (onll(.Ql..cl • 1111<"•-1
A!1(1VEI 1 , 6 '8 1J 1 • I> Cnl1Cpf2''> • ( 11''>
Atll'l><ht 1'> 11 lJ1 16 I lu~ z~~ ·5 ,: ~!~; ~
Alll< pl 180" llB Sil'• .. (lll llP I f!10 I tO 11~ •
AILAch Of! J I IJl"'-l'il> CUlllll l )Ila J .. j ~ \, :~;·1~Co<",g1; ~~!::,· .... Con! 1n,..\t 1J111JJ-J.l2
Aul 0.1 10a IS Sl l•'• •• ~:tJ.?, ~ ~B :i.:~: ~ ~. '~','-·,· '~~ i,,,,_·;. Cont•lllTPl I 161 11 '•-,,. WO Qrp ., (ott!rl Cl,J1d Jin 1]'•• ·~ """o '" w" . w 11 ,. eon....,,, 1 6 a 1~'•-'• ••<o pl J10 IU '°'' ... Ctxll<Un 26'0 ) Jo J. \~ !~i~ ~ 1~ !~ 1~-4'. 1 ,~ Coopln 1Go1 s n 11"'·'''
......... , , .. 10 11)'11 72 • ~<pi ll~:: 1! J::::•,,
.6.lltc O•i.\G u 11 12•1 •• Coopr,.~ Ml 4 ll 1 , •,
-II 1-CooJ>Tot I'• • II -" Sal).!.WU Ill 6 162 11 >-'o CJ!pel!"CI Ml ! I 91\ .. o, =~1n 'TO~ ~ ~::,.· ... Cocollol\-,!I 1 Ill 1q,_., tt:r&~' ~ •: ml :i:: :; ~l~ :~~ ~ 1•f :!~ ~ ~
l!.l!IG.Js , ... ~ 209 1 1·.~ ·~ = ':~ ~ 1i ~ .. = 'r~l~ ;l ;~:·,:: ~p(:81 .. ,i3~: !; :~:~:1 ••
8-jr"pf(, , ,,.,,_ •• g:,~i1:g ! 1g: ':~= ~
llnO:N'f 1l'O 12•!'1-\o (..,...,.166 S SS 15 + '<;
89'1k "• •• • 3.S '"' • Cronlp I( Ill I I.I l f't-.... l!<W1ll lnt1.! l S l>I ll • -. C-H 10 I • >1 •
-If tlu1! doesn 't tu1n you
on. constcle r \\'hat U.S.
Tobacco Co. is testing. ll
has cle\clnpl'd Good Luck
Sak-Pak, \Vh1ch is tobarco
packec11n ,1 porous pouch. ll
\\01ks like a tea hag You
put 1t 111 ~our mouth a!td
suck on it. \\'e k 1d you not.
I-l e was {ormcrly--v1rc pre:>i:1dcnt of rnarkel1n~ fnr tht.:
sound products d1v1s1on of Allee and has been with the
Anaheim-based firm for ten }cars. ·
llAollO•I 80d • 9 \t'lo,. 1.. Clown c.or11 11Mll 1J:i.;.-w.
fl."d CR .. • ',' ~ '~""; (~ Ctwn Z1 I 110 j 114 lll,• • .. -!!¥net! "", • CTS C.. \0 J 77 1'~-'I• Bnl< In 40 J 1 6~• + "" (UlllQ.w> 'II S JI S"•-">
-Another company,
l ll•lmc P roducts, IS n1ov1ng
into t'!\'C Ct l LCS this f,Ll l \Vlth
a n on tob.1cto c1gart.•ltc
n1:idc from J l'OCOa
* George \'osatka has resigned ;15 president of \'arian
flata ~t achines. Va1 ian 's computer operations
hcaclquartored in I 1 v111e
f>r. l>o nald Duncan, rcccntl~ named prc!oi 1denl ot
the 1nformat1on systems group," 111 ser ve as president
or the opcrut1on
Direct or Collect
to subscribe to the
YOUR Hometown Community Newspaper
B.olf1 MI 111 S 9 111'1-'• c....iM ... i <J 11~-''
!laleY-\ pl I 2 n .. · ·~ C..rlnc 'IOd 12 q•,, "
E\dlltl'IO '° J !_!l, ,',""' ~·. (.., .. , lOcl Jt , ... _ o. S..U,.;nl Ml 10 ..,. (Ul!t<H I Ml I JI • "' S..lller L II 1• 1)8 lt'•. ', ('(<IOCI\ I... n II' -'• e.....,•C!I JI 21 I ' ' '-. ("f'IN'\I\ 1,.0 I 11 1•11 . '• Sed>ir'IQ". JI 6 30 11\'o ~ •• ---0 o-llP•t Fd' n 1 lll u:i.. .. ~ o.imon Cl> 6 112 ,..,,_ 1;
!lo<-mn SO 10 Jl 11 +I"' O.nRlvr Mt l 61 I • ..,. ll>KIO"O olQ IS 51 1J"'~ I> 0..n•Cl lllq I 11 to\.r . «
l!Pt<.hAr ..0 • l2 ll'o • 0~ oart !n 00q • •• \1
Ro•t r lnc!IA ' ISO II -"" Oortlnd pl ~ u '"•-•;
lle!co Pe! So • l t 11•1~"" O.t>tGenr411J '' IJ'l,-l, !leldPn 110 S 11 1]<~-"" 0.ytO 1 11 l 1J 11 -\,
flioltlQ,.. lOc! 6 1 6'"' \\ O.•hnln 1)1 . lll l't • '•
Sci! +< .. 1 114 • •D ll\:0-"" O.vtcni-r .o • 11 1•,-'•• i!o>!l"' Co t • I 11 oa,PLI T" 6 ., 11
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Knigl'I! N .JJ 9 11 19..,. •• NrtSo pl I Ml • , 711',• • • ")fir 1~ l 11 l'--lo U...Ttl wtl • I' 11 "+I I•
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l(I"« In to • 10 6"9 Qt(KI Peltl z no ··~-~. Soerlrte:•C .HI 3 l J l4 .. "'" Vil all ""11 119 .. I ~ C-0<<'<1P1 pl••• I 36'/l.+ I ;,..-_..., Ml 4 11 l•i-'• usr1:E 1'I I " .. : I •t.;
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Ubl.on 10'1 S 1>•-111 P.,;c;,s11!11 S 110 1 1'~ ''I~· lnll 6 I l'•t .... -WW-
L.gq M1 1•,, 1 n 1sr,, Pac c;.., ru son l l1-l·W ~~ Corpn 10 391 1.., l'l•tn Co 10 b 99 17 , • ~. Loll~ Eh 1 23 'lU S>l<-'• P..: l •o 1 "8 I J! II'• · So»ln < l'.let1 I 1 )0 • W•tnpl I 10 , )• ,
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LU!onll\7' I. Xiii I •• '• P.,; l•n IO ( l ···-l't Sown pf I to l IO. '• W~llMu• 60 l !~ ' Lol!n <•~ll 1 21 1'111.,.Wftlll 11 lo• ~11!1>. Ill ' 111 ll •~ • WolM.!•1 1010 ~ 11
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Lllplll"-I 51 .... •I Pfflttt .JO JI'"• ~1 Ml ' 11 11'~-'" W.o•hloll IO I 0 ~. lOf'IQI pl 8 S ISO h • 1'1 PullGI • IS ,.,_ '" Sco.l!lllo! OCkl t JOI I"• '• W.o\h "I '• J 1 \\
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LV<•fS.\lig I 10 I •• 'o ~...,,,., l lO t i !o<IY•DI> il>ll 111 II••'• ::::.:~~i'I (.~ I
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M.ot AftF --;~Mio, • ., :::·1·::..E\ 1J ': 11~ ::':: :-: ~~· 1iw . ·~ ~~ • 1:. ~~~~;;, i ~. • : , ' " Z!~e"'lllJI) ! ~ ;::· :: =:1::p1plsJ · ~ l&":: :~ ~:~ :2 ~ J ~~;:: ';;,;·i :":;~ ~ ~~~<111 ,IJ ~ 1~: 1:<, :: ~:~r,, 1:; g l ~~'• ~:::-:,:• :!l ) .. :: I!',.'• :,-,,~:~~I:; :/
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Mdlla•y(G I. I/ "'•t \, f'twolp Q l l'(I 5 ~-:JO,. .. Sl/klfl c'<1/0 ~ II •O·• ~·:-ri:.·i ~; 1 ~1'. j1
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MAPCO '6 I! 21• 16l, t .. A>EI Ill I ID , 111111 \I • '~ S"'"IYV 11Q \ ?~ 10
Mdtlll\On M Ir ~·., .. PnEI pl I JO • 110 ll •I ~"'°~'• it ! • 1180 10
k "••b I ,1 .,.,,, ..
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' ' Mil• 0 11 1 ta\ 1~1 l9"'. lo rt.El Ill Jiil . Jl.0 ll'' • '~ !.!O!I" M> 1<1 ;, 1$ J•., M.lfC~rln(I . JU 1s•1-' Pnol'!oubl~ s I II''• SloP~!iMlll . I\ II
MlfCQr pl 1 • l \ J I'< -" Plwl!l>M<I llll 11 ~71 'I.I•! I• ~I~"'' f\•(I 1 , h I\ '' f,::;:,~.~· I ' ' ' ,.
Ma••""' •O • 16 I • 'o l'nol•1n1n tit i' l• 1 • !.lt'°"ll'r ~~ ) 11 o • •
MarMKlllO ) 11 11'>• •, Plwl tn<lorl . IO~·• <.IUCl!lW l1) l 'IU•-'o Moo•u>nl q 0 IJ ll 'o -lo Pl'MIPl'I I IO I 1•1 l~ • I• Sli>""pl 11(1 •• ~ 11 • •, Milr~n \tOI< 1l JI l'nolVH •O.. I )I I >. '• ......... ~N> I , '•
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M.!Koe-P le 10 JS 10'• Pllf'oro IOq I } •l • Surl\lt!Wl ~ s "" ti
Ma-.11c s• ~ 118 ,,,._,., PIU""" flOr.l I •!06,, '• •• S.-ttp! J I " M.o>'>eY 60!I . 11 II' -·· Piii~ +<ul a .. 11 •. s..-., ... ,,.. too,, II • ' M'>Cpl !llo!., Ill••\, Pl .... II~ ... <!\ S I fo '• !>upO.I + .. 11 l,1 • ·• '
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Big Hit
ROCIJE..i;;TER . Ind· (.\Pl -
T op le ss bnrs may be ow
hat in Calirorni.:>. hut bart"
t•hested young wo1nen are
CJ.using quite a stir in this
smnll not1hem Indiana com·
Donald S<•huttz. 31, is the
owne r·1nanagcr of the
Brasserie, a rrstua rant-tavem
on the outskirts of 1tie eit~·.
HE HAS BEE:--1 in business
abou1 three years and started
lhc lop I es s "experin1cnt''
<1h!?ut a n1on1h ago.
r\ot long after\\•ard. !he
Rocht>sler Sentinel wa s
Sl'-1amped ~·ilh letters pro-
testing the lopless dancing.
Schultz lhinks Rochester is
the smallest community ever
to try this type Or en·
tertainmcnt. .J
Fh·e nights a \1'etk, l\,.o
girls provided by an In.
dianapolis agent dance topless
from 4 p.m. to 2 :i.1n. l\'ilh a tv.«rhour break for suppe r.
reason for the supper break
is si1nple.
"\\'e like to Jet the me:i
go home for dinner and con1e
back -otherv•ise. they might
not go home at all," he says.
One 22-year-old house"'ife
and mother doesn't like the
topless dancing even i ~
husba nds do come home foi-
dinner. She said in a letter
to the Sentinel that the City
Gouncil should "get this ~top
ped before it go ~s a ny
lurther." -
YET ANOTHER v.'Oman has
suggested that Ir the f.ord
intended people to be nude
and dr:wl): he ll'OOld have
made tht!'m that way to start
The council has yet to 3Cl
against the tavern. and Fulton
County Prosecutor James 0.
\Veils said he received no
formal t'Omplaints ..
Tutsda.J, Octobff 8, 1974
.t;1 ricket1
1'ercnce Ca rd i n a J
Cooke, archbishop of
New York, has con-
tracted malaria foltow-
ing recent Lrip to \Vest
Africa to visit drought-
stricken sub-Sahara re-
Bob Hope
Goes _i\11ead
011 House
City officials say entertainer
Bob I/ope is rcvif?wing t\\'O
architectu ral outlines for
rebuilding his massive hon1c
here v.'hich \\'as destroyed by
fire in July, 1973. '
Construction was still undl!r
":ay on the domi!d. gym-
nasium-sized structure when
the fire hit and City 1'.tanage r
Don Blubaugh had asked 1-loµc
\\'hal he planned to do with
the site, \\tlich sits atop a
hill south of the city.
An insurance settlement
over the fire is pending.
Architects estimate the new
home will cost nearly $4
·Welby Episode Scheduled to Go On
By J~Y SJIARDUTI' fearing the reaction of mental illness. marriage, a cnmvnler sex life
NE\V YORK (APl -Unles., classmates if "'ord gets out. AS THE COP puts It, or both ... Technically, we cal I
ABC makes a last,mlnutc The boy later is hospitalized ''There's nothing hon'looexual him a pedophile, a child
d · · ed bo this It' se ol moleslor."
cha~'-a ·~1areu.s \Yelby" an SW'gery 1s req uir . a ut . s a ca
Police are called In. The vlolenrth11CI molestiltton." 1fe -Aii-fS reso1ved1n~ course
episode sharply criticized by detective on 1he case and the says the person wOO conunits with a cop-out fina le and the
homoselual groups and re: Rood doctor re.pealeclly make such crimes usually ts "a guy usual kindly Welby blather
jected by· at leasl four ABC the poim ABC offers in with severe mental and emo-. It's a show vou can afford
affiliates goes on the air defense of the show -that tional problems." to miss, unleSs you're really
tonight as scheduled. (CW.n· homosexuality isn't involved, "He's often married , curious or a hard-core blathe
nel 7, 10 p.m.). and only a fonn of severe middle-aged, with a crullTlly fan Entitled "The Outrage," it
___________________________ _
is about lhc sexual a~ult
on a leen,age boy by his male
science teacher during a fie ld
trip, and concerns Welby's ef-
forts to help the youth
overcome the traumatic ex·
tional Gay 'l'ask Force con·
lend the show will reinforce
old stereotypes of homosex·
uals· and pJay upon the fears
of parents at a time when
homosexual rights legislation
is pending in 20 cities.
ABC contends the one-hour
progran1 doesn't deal with a
homosexual teacher, bu I
rather with a "pedophile," a
person \\'ho has erotic desires
for children of either sex.
Officials at the National
Association of Broadcasters'
Code Authority office, which
has program and commercial
guidelines it asks NA B
members to uphold. have
vie1\'ed the show and found
it acceptable.
ABC SAYS THE progrnm
\VBS fed to" 185 station:> \'ia
closed-circuit line ·on Stpt. 2-1.
The stations rejectin<;'l: 11 are
\VCVB, Boston ; \YP\"I, ?hila-
delphia; \1{HYN, Springfield,
~lass., and KATC in L..afay~tr.,
La .
Dr. Joh W. Nicol. 5'.V'WHdtnt
SpHlil"'t °" "SCHOOL TAX"
It's a small defection com-
pared to tv.'O famous naps
in 1973, 1vhen CBS affi liates
refused lo air "Sticks and
Bones," a bitter anthvar
drama, and 39 .aftillnh.•s re·
jected <t""""l\faudc" reron ln-
~lving abort.ion.
Nobody said it was going to be eas~
About tonignt's \Velby saga :
Rape Co1nplaint Against
Young-Bo)' Thrown 0 11t
The teacher's sexual assault
on the teen,.ager isn't depicted.
and the show in general
doesn't strike me as tasteless.
offensive or-sensationalized.
It's just poorly written and
awkwardly acted .
distraught lad waking• up at
home, covered 11.ith bruises
on his neck and arms. After
he le.aves for school, his
molher, a divorcee. finds
blood in his bed and on his
The men who signed the develops, if the system falters, each you have an obligation to use
Declaration of Independence of us shares in the blame. rhat information.
knew the heavy responsibilities that In times like this, the role of Our country was born in a time
came-with·independence:-Each-onc-thc--newspaper·bccomes even morc-of--crisis;-Wc-have lived· through-
was aware of the dangers and important to the democratic dangerously troubled times
hardships that lay ahead, as they process. It is not our job to just throughout our history. If the
signed. It was not a time for report the news. We must reveal democratic system fai!s, it wi!I not GREENSBORO, N. C. (AP)
- A delinquency petition
charging a 13-year-old boy
\vilh rape has been dismissed
because of a cenlury-<ild rtrlin~
that boys under age JS arc
incapable or rape.
Judge Gordon Gen I r y
dismissed the com p 1 a i n t .
"'·hich charged the youth 1vi1h
second-degree r a p e , Con·
v!ction "·ould have carried
a mandatory life sentence.
Jn 1864 the North Carolina
Supreme Court dism issed rape
charges agains1 a 14--year-old,
citing "physical impotency" in
youths of that age.
In the recent ca3e. tx>licc
said the youth .allegedly broke
in lo a Greensboro house
before dawn Sept. IS and
raped a 12,year-old girl who
\\'as visiting a friend.
She eventuallv gets him ex-
amined by \Velby, who findc;
the boy has been sex:!all.v
assaulted, even though the kid
refuses to say it happened,
So-called experts have many answers
as to how you cal(l protect yourself from
the ravage ~ of inflation. The market.
Silver. Land . Art. Possibly even gold.
Remem ber the stories about cattle , oil
and orchards? While the ir figure s
and log ic are often dazzling , there are two
subjects they never mention: Availability .
an d safety. What could be of greater
importance to you than the abil ity to
convert your investment into cash
on the exact day y9u want to do so,
and the protect io n of your capital?
It's better to be safe than sorry .
sunshine patriots then, It is not a everything you oeea to know-to De a ·crisiS ~thit killS-it, It will be -
time for sunshine patriots now, understand the news. It is not our the ignorance and apathy of the
Democracy has never been, job to make judgments for you, people, As Thomas Paine said,
and never will be, an easy form of We must give you all the facts you "Those who expect to reap the
government to live under, because need to make the right judgments , blessings of freedom must undergo
jr is a government of the peo ple, for yourself. As responsible the fatigue of supporting it!1
As such, it makes each of us journalists, we have an obligation to
responsible for the way the inform you-fully, accurately and
government works. lf a crisis honestly. As responsible citizens, DAILY PILOT
Protect yourself against inflation by investing
for high retu rn with safety. At Mutual
Savings your funds are insured to
$20,000 by an agency of the Un ited
States Government. We have many invest-
ment and savings plans. You can ear n as
high as 7.79 % per annum when interest
is compounded daily at 7!1'-ti on a $1,000
certificate issued for a term of four years.
(Federal regulations require a substantial
penalty ii funds are withdrawn before
completion of the term). Come in.
Talk to a Mutual Savings consultant.
No pie-in-the-sky promises. Just the facts .
Get the most you can from what you have.
~ ... ~~ '
ii THE em M
•l'IO IOan aMOClttlon
Wilham M, Kull.
Manager -Coronadel Mar: 2867 East Coast Highway/675-$010
• . I
' I
' )7
' I
' bil
Today's Final
Laguna Beat!h
N.Y. Stocks
a una
Nixon Taxes Up Road Plan
But Property Hi1ce Beloiv Average Scratched
Although property in San emen e White Bouse, controversy-l'aged o=----------------
on the average increased in taxable
value by almost 23 percent this year,
one major property owner apparently
got a break on his tax bill this week.
Richard Nixon, owner or prime coastal
property in the southerly . portion of
the city, has a rise or about 12 percent
on his tax bill. (Related Story, Page Al).
Orange County Tax Collector Robert
Citron said that the former president's
tax bill rose by $1 ,338 in the latest
billing and that brings the full amount
that Nixon must pay on bis estate to
Last year, when the fonner chief ex·
ecutive was still ba.Uling bis critics ftom
the assessment of h i s Spanish·styled
estate occupying a blufftop known as
Cotton's Point.
Demands for _ _reassessment surged at
the county and state level , with the
chief protagonist in Orange CountY. being
Supervisor Robert Battin.
The moves-dubbed po Ii ti ca 11 y
motivated by some officials, resulted
in some intense new legwork by
assessors but never relded a significant
increase in the taxes f6r the parcel.
County officials gave no specific reason
for the -current Ni100. rate ol increase
being less than the over.all average
throughout the city.
•Politically Motivated'
Norris Assails Youn9er
From Map
A controversial road sectiop. planned
between Laguna Beach's Top of the
\Vorld. and Arch Beach Heights com-
munities h;\s been erased from the city's
map of proposed major thoroughfares.
The road , an extension of Alta Laguna
Boulevard in Top ol the World, was
deleted by'the Laguna Beach cit y council
at its last meeting. It also scrubbed
a proposed linking of C.oast Highway
at Boat Canyon with Campus Drive
in Irvine. r
The council's action does not bar con-
struct.ion of a residential street as an
extensioo:-Of. Alli_ Laguna,__nor does it __
prevent the county from putting in a
roadway on its territory along the· hilltop
The city-county boundary runs along
a ridgeline between the two residential
areas. _oil Riley's_A.pp_0intment "' Currently there is no link. between
the two, an isolation WhiCh bas caused
city police and fire· chiefs, the school
-arid water districts to support a roadway. Or_ange Q>unly Supervisor Thom a s
Riley's appointment wasp o I l tic a 11 y
motivated and Attorney General Evelle
V o u n g e r deliberately misinterpeted
california-law--tnnake-tt-p cts·ri-b-1-e -. -
Younger's Oe.mocraUc opponent charged
"If I am elected I will take legal
action to insure-.lhat Riley's term-ends
on Dec. 31, 1974," candidate William
Norris told newsmen at an Anaheqtl
pres.s conference.
''The appointment that enabled him
to serve a further two years i s
outrageous and illegal ."
Norris said the Riley appointment,
made by Gov. Ronald Reagan after
rHlected supervisor Ronald ca s per~
W3! tost at Sea last June, "clearly_
shows Reagan's detennination to be a
force in California politics after he has
left the governor's mansion.
"Younger was · his co-conspirator in
an appointment that defied the wishes
of Fifth District voters," Norris said.
"And I also charge Younger with ac-
ting illegally when he! gave the opinion
that (former lieutenant governor Ed)
Reinecke could stay in office after con-
viction and until his sentencing."
Norris said he was backed by Orange
County counsel Adrian Kuyper and the
office of California's legislative counsel
in his opinion that Riley is illegally
oCcupying the Fifth District JX>S1. and
should be unseated on Dec. 31.
"This is politic.al cronyism in action,"
Norris said. "The next !~year tenn
for this office should have been filled
by ·the next governor or by popular
vote but certainly not by Reagan."
Norris said if he becomes caurornia's
attorney ge neral he will take immediate
action to step up the investigation "if
there is one" into former p r e s I d e n t
Richard· Nixon's a I I e g e d role in
Watergate-related crimes in California.
Norris said there ls strong evidence
to suggest that Nixon knew of and
may have helped to plan the burglary
of Dr. Lewis F~lding's Beverly Hills
Night and morning low clouds
and scattered sprinkles through
Wednesday, according to t h e
weather service, with slightly
warmer skies. Possibility of some
Sunshine in the afternoon Wednes.
day. Highs of 67 at the t>eaches riJ..-
ing to mid-70s Inland.
lfight the -next step for Hof.Do
ard CoseU be aa a dancer and
ringer? He e.tpecU to do a U&tle
.. of both 1f ABC goes 'hroMgh
with plans to put him tn charge
of a variety show. Page 87.
111'111'11 9--.0 .••
L. M. 1..,1111 Alt
Clft~ Al
Cl•ulfllllll 11·11 CIN!lk.1 ll
Cr.1sw«111 •J
DNlll Ntflc11 At
llllllltwl1I ,,_ "' •11t1rtll111M!ll ..
Ml!lt'I' Trtl • All ""'"* 16 MftMI J0flllll Alt
H1t!INI H..-. A4. 17 °'""" c_.,, At '"'It 114 ,,.,,, ....
11«' Mlrilm. A1•11 Ttlt'lhltl -M
Appointment Critic Norris
office. Dr. Fielding was Daniel "Pen-
tagon Papers" Ellsberg's psychiatrist.
"f-would also order an immediate
investigation into the bugging of Donald
Nixon's telephone," Norris said. He said
the former president's broth e r , a
Newport Beach resident, was the target
(See NORRIS, Page· A2)
'Ille Top of the World fire station
was constructed in its location years
ago when the linkJng of the two com-
munities.by road was first proposed.
Howevel', later-residents-of-the-area
became alarmed at the threat of high
speed traffic through their neighbor·
hoods, and environmentalists rtecric<l the
large amount of hillside' leveling needed
to -put tn~lht ·road:-
They were successful in getting the
city council ·to withhold financing of
the road construction, action m o s t
thought killed it
However, the extension remained on
the city's map or arterial streets and
land development plans including those
of the 31 ,000 population Moulton Ranch
behind Laguna were drawn up and in
part based on the extension. Some plans
called for the road to conned Coast
Highway and El Toro R-Oad with a
four-lane thoroughfare.
The council's action now strands an
Island of development called Moulton
Meadows near Arch Beach H e i g h t s .
which would have lo use the three
narrow winding roads leading to the
Bo1ub Truck Crashes
PRINCE:TON , \V. Va. (UPI) -There
was no explosion, hut four-lane U. S.
460 was blocked for several hours today
when a truck loaded with 800-cases
of classified explosives collided with a
car about seven miles east of this
southern West Virginia town . None of
the four people involved in th.e accident
su[fered serious injury. police said.
Dataa Hills Squad •" • '
s us en e
J11st Sa111plin9
Seco11d Pan·
'Sc oldell'
• 0 1 lht 01111 "''-' Siii! The Laguna Beach Police Department
has suspend~d l"o detec.."tiVC'S a n d
r<'primand<>d t\1·0 other officers in con-
nection v."ith a shooting .incident at the
cuv hall annex a month ag<l.
Police Chief Frank Schopen, City
• ~tanager Al Theal and ~tay<Jr Roy Hohn
declined to identify the officers involved.
The -Official statement released by the
• depa rtment said:
"On advice or the city allomey, in
the inte rests of good cmploye-employer
' rclalions, and in the inte rest of the
ability of the Laguna Beach. police of·
ficer~ to function properly as police.
officel'S' in the h1ture. the department
res{)e'.Ctful\y decline! lo --idenlify t~
officers. Appropriate disciplina ry action
has bc('fl taken by the d epa r t me n l
relative to the unprofessional conduct
of the officers."
No further statement v.•as made.
There v.·as no explanalion of wh~t
conduct led to the suspensions a n d
Gunplay at the Glcnneyre Street annex
\rhich hoUses police detectives and the
recreation department took place al
about 3:30 a.m. Sept. 6.
A bullet smashed a plate glass window
in the building. and ricocheted through.
the offices and smashed a ~t fixture
Football player Stan Kimball. 15. samples 6paghetti in anticipation
of the Laguna Beach High· School's PTA dinner Friday. 1'he dinner
will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. It will cost $2
for aduJts and $1 for children under 12.
Former Laguna Beacfi narcotics of-
ficer John Saporito, employed at tile
time by the Tustin force, was fittd
in connection \vilh the lnd~t after
fi rst denying involvement,· then con·
fessing after ballistics tests traced the
spent bullet to h.is gun.
Another Tustin officer, Frank. Lopel,
was given a 20-day suspension without
pay. '
The tv.·o Laguna Beac h. police ofncers
v.·ere suspended for 10 and eight days.
Laguna's Muset1n1 of Art
Collects $1 0,000 G1·a11t
A $10.000 grant from the U.S. ~1otors
Foundation has been a1varded to th (?
Laguna Beach ~iuscum of Art to remodel
its upstairs gallery.
In addition. the museum has received
a $200 grant from 1he LoS Alamitos
Charity Foundation for its general fund
and a pledge by i\ir. iind i\1rs. Pierre
Poisson. muscu1n patrons, of appliances
for the remodeling of ilie kitchen. -
"\Ve 've applied to a lot of roundatio"hs.
and somelimes you're a winner , · '
Thomas Enman, museum director, com-
Ennl3n said he has applied to the
James Irvine Foundation for a $3,800
grant to underwrite an :irt history lecture
sereis for Lagunii Beach sixth graders.
The grant 1rould cover transportation,
slides and slide equipment and other
costs, Enman said.
The lecture srrics. v.·hich began lasl
\\·eek. v.·HJ cove r art history from the
Renaissance to modem times. It i s
taught by Louise Peterson of Laguna
Niguel. assisted by Gladys Brang and
Kay Wilson, niuseu1n educational council
members. and members · of lhe Ebe!l
Club under the direction or Helen !\inner.
F or(l 'V elco1ncs
Poli:sh Lcadf!r
\VASHI NGTON rAP l -Pr<'sident F'ord
gave a full ceremonia l \\'elcon1e today
to Poland's Commun1~t par1y I c ::id er ·
Edv.•ard Gierek on his fit.sit: visit to
the United States.
F'ord told the 61·~'<'ar-old fonner coal
miner he v.·as look1n~ forv.·ard to l'"l:-
ch.anging views on thl' problems o r
energy as v.·cll as the "h1~hl'Sl pnor11 y ..
issue or peace in the v.·orld.
Gierck r<'plit'd that his ,·isit mnrkcd
''another reaffimiation of international
Competition among Orange C n a s t
predictors of the oult'Omc·s or 30 v:cekend
football games i:-bcromin g m-0re inten&'
as the 0.1ily Pilot P1gsk1 n Pickeroo '74
enters i1s fourth week.
\Vceklv v.inners arc av.•ardcd 7.enilh
le\evisiOn and radio produrt~ \\"Orth $130.
A color tclt•\•1slon S<'t gOfS !{I the O\'erall
v.inner of thr 10.\\·eek tcsl of Rridiron
rorcCQBting skill~.
To be cligil>le for the Rrand prizr.
Pigskin P1ck£'rOO en!ranl!i mu!it nrst
win one of tne v.·eckly conte!ilS .
The punishment can be appealed to
the city board or the city rowici l.
Laguna Beach officials refused to
elaborate on v.'haL co n s t i t u t e d
"unauthorized condu ct" by the Laguna
policemen except to say none was in·
volved in the shooting.
However, it has been learned that
food and garbage where thrown Jt-the
annex building that night. The food v.·as
of the same type served at a police
association family picnic the n i g h I
Gunfire v.'as heard by an officer on
patrol at about 3:30 a. m. ln vesllgating
the shots, he stopped a ca r driven by
Lopez v.·ith Saporito as a rider.
The next day, a recrealton deparlmenl
rniploye found the damage. Laguna
Beach detectives lodged a report on
th~ official tog as "informat ion" anQ
did not include a narrative of the in-
cident , an action con trary to usual prac·
Chief Schopcn said that the listing
\1'3S not a proper one and said it should
\Ste POLICE, Page Ml
!Jolin Satisfied
TT'ith Police
Chief's Action
Laguna Beach ~tayor Roy Hol m said
toda'' he is satisfied with the action s
1ak<'n by the Laguna Beach Po I ire
[)('partm{'nt in connection with the
shooting at the city h.all ann<'x .
~londar. ~1ayor .Holm had referred
to the secrecy surrounding the incident
ao; "n1onkey business.··
The n1avor. CouncHnian Jon Brand,
City ~lana"gcr Al Theal and Police Chief
Frank Schopcn met ~londay nighl for
an hour and a half to discuss the in-
"Since this occurred Sept. 6. 1 had
a~sumcd that il had all been known
<ind the events unravelled \vhcn in fnct
the report was not completed until the
fir~ of October.
"I v.•as erroneous in my belief I ~1on
d3y 1 that v.·e had been k.ept in the
dark ," the mayor said.
If(' called the report a "1horough·ln-
\'CS\t gatiof1t' and said that appropriate
:iclion had been taken by the Laguna
Jk>.1ch force in suspending two officer,
v.·ithout pay and reprimanding t w o
The mayor. as all other city officials.
declined to state v.hat coratituted the
.. unau1borlzed conduct" by the officers. fllu-Alf""11 ti'!' Oerllll11tr Al .._Kffl It
lnltnl'llMlolll I•
Tlltlltrl .,
W••llltr A• W ... 11111 MtWI A4, 17
A11t1 Llflillltl'I 11
\Vhcn it's time to cheer for Dana llill s J~igh varsify
team, this group will lead. Seated in foreground is
team mascot Khn Koch. Behind her ls Joe Jiarris
who suppor pyramid made up ~y Karol Sense. far
Jell. Ktrim Mulvaney. Kil Allingham , Cind y Scho-
field and Pa Ii Buswell .
Details :ind an rnlry blank ;\re publish.-
Cd In the sports St.'Clion of loclny's Daily
"I'd like to make sutt that the public
knov.·s th.at neither one was invo\vccl
1n the shootin g,'' ~1ayt.r 1-lolm said. ,
• • •
~· I ,
_Ll 2 DAILY PI LOT LB Tutsd3y, Oetobtt 8, 1974
--=~:~--.====-==--~~. Coast Rai11 --.
Noi Eve11
Lefty Scissors
For Preside nt
Sue Alpert of Santa Ana Is sen-
ding Prtsidcnt Ford n ieft·honded
gift so he can operate properly
at ribbon-cutting ceremonlff.
Mrs. AJpert \\'IS tntemte:d to
learn that the Presldmt Is left
handed. Mrs. Alpert operates a
Sherif rs
Starts 'Hot'
mad order business called The Left
The first ra lns1orm or the srason drop-Handed c 0 111 p1 e m e n t • She Incidents ranging from a double fabl
peel ~rnall amounts of w::iter along the specializes in iten1s for left-hande rs automobi,le accident to a shooting Jn
Orange Cons t fi·londay, ca using some like pt>ns, vegetable Pl' e 1e r 5 • San Juan Capistrano kept deputies or
d n1ustac~ cups. fi shing rl'Cls and traffic llt•·ups and d:un1>ening h011'lc~·ar the Orange County Sheriff's n-."rtment other paraphernalia. ...ui-
bound :iChool children. She said she sent President ford busy last week-their first in a new
The rain, hov.~vt'r, \\'3.'I v i r I u a 11 Y a pair of left-handed scissors for so1.Jtll county substation. In Lag un a
unmeasur;lblt. The Harbor Patrel In his ribbon-cuttings. Niguel.
Nc"'port BPaC'h said only ' ' tr n c e' ' As for herself, hfrs. Alpert is Lt . Waltet Fath, commanding offlcu right handed. :1mow\ls or rain fell .\1onday .ind the for the new facility, sai d the transition
s..1 mc read1n1; \1as m;itle 'l'Ul'sd:iy n1or11· of 48 field deputies and 21 patrol cars
ins from the sheriff's headquarters in Santa
Aloilc: the coa~I. SC\'eral lraf{ic ac· Dr \f·1tinll workers Ana proceeded "quite smoothly."
C'1dN1ts \Vere caused by 1he slick slreels .,.l "\\1e had a very active week and
in llunl1ngton Beach :ind n few lraffic we were surprised how many people
sn.1rls "·ere reported on the tree,vays Walk Off Jobs came in. The community seems to be this morning, acC\lrding to the C<ilifornia High.,..•ay Patrol . well aware that we have opened."
Oilier ra in 1neasurements Included .M J•i· Neiv Di'sp l•te The emergency number for the Sher.
inches · ia Santa Ana and .02 inc~ '' ' ' " Jff's Deparement is still 834-3000. Thi s
31s~~1~1:~n~~l~k.h.1t1 no rain ritonday, In a dispute which could shut down Is the main office in Santa Ana and
\\'ith onl Ii t drizzles this morning. 1nuch of California's building industry, the switchboard will ~ the caller m----'"A~bof-"'u"'1Ls'li,""'s"'p•"n"ou"'1"s"a"n;-cc0',:oo,:;;,~es~'l~1c~a~-,71JOU""'1's;c,,ooo=""d~cyw=caT.11'"i~ns"1"'a1~1ers'=';,1hi"O=u~1~!10li°"r-direetly-t<Hhe-loeal-stttt·
up Orange County frcc1vays fol!ov.•ing the state walked off their jobs hfonday. l~ 834-3000 ~ a toll call, Fath said
Monday·s shov.•cr, according lo Jerry The first sanctioned drywall strike residents should dial operato~ In an ~laxv.·ell o{ the California H i g h w a Y in 20 years follows a wildcat Orange em. ergency and ask for t.he shenU. Th. ey Patrol. Trnffic this morning ~·as near II be 1~1 edi I be d normal. County drywall strike last month. "~11 connec ,..,.. mm ate Y • sai ·
A single pov.1er outage, arfecting only Drywall workers , who fall under the The buslnes."1 number for the sherif~'s
a half dozen customers, was experienced jurisdiction of the carpenters unions, ~epartment from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
u1 Silverado Canyon about I a.m. today, .are seeking an addilion of $3.75 in wages IS 831-9250.
aecording to the Edison Company. and fringe benefits to their present $ll.43 Services available from the new office
The National Weather Service predicts s......_ lnculde civilian fingerprinting, bicycle
continued night and morning low clouds an uuw. ~1th scattered sprinkles through Wednes-Ray ~tills of Irvine, prestdent of the and gun registratioo., Clearance letters
day. • California Drywall c.ontractors Associa-ror visas and iml!'.!gration, and a bail
Afternoon skies at times should be lion, said negotiations on a new contract posting service. -
sunoy. J broke down because of union insistence Arrested persons atill are booked into
Temperatures along the coast should the Santa Ana headquarters, Fath sakl.
to 62 d · th ·d 50 on a clause setting special piecework range • roppi.ng to e mi • s He saJd In the Qrst tine days of lonighl. rates in particularl y difficult jobs.
• On the bright side of the rain, the The Orange County walkout began last operation last week, the aouth county
_... Air Pollution Conlrol Districl predicts \\-l!ek, before drywall , workers in. other substation handled 40 percent of the
little or no smog in the damp skies. areas of the state began to strike. department's activity countywli!e.
Charles Trenta, secretary of l h e The only problem encountered 50 far
Parent Classes
Set for Laguna
Carpenters District Council of Orange has been th at people can't !ind the CoWlty, said \\-'Ork on many jobs will
continue becaUSe contractors have signed door.
interim agreements with the striking .. Our new sign hasn't arrived, so
union. people have trouble finding us," he satd.
Under the a&!:eements, workers are "We're on the northwest side of the
pai<I the oemanaed-settlement Wltll-a-billldlng."-
Classes In parent effectiveness will new contract is signed. The office is located in the South
be offered by psychologist J.ean B. Smith The drywall contract expired In Orange County Regional Civic Center,
beginning Thursday in Laguna Beach. August, but was extended 60 days for 30143 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna
The eight-session course in what h1rs. renewed negotiations. The deadline pass-Niguel.
Smith describes as "a common sense ed Oct. I. It serves all unincorporated areu from
system for the settlement of C\lnOicU According to a drywall contractors' 1 r v i n e to San Clemente-Including
between parents and youngstersu will-spokesman, the differences be t we en Mission Viejo;-Lake·-Forest, El Toro
meet weekly for three hours at 3125 union and management are negotiable Laguna Hills, Capistrano Beach, and
Alla Laguna Bl\'d. and can be settled. South Laguna.
C.ost of the course is ~ for ~ne Tr~t~, ho~ ever . said no new In addition W the 48 deputies, the
parenl. $100 for t\li'O. Further 1nfonnat1on ba rgrunmg sessions ha ve been set. substation has five tnvestfgatora five
is available by calling Mrs. Smith at The strike reached statewide scale se rgeants, and thrtt clerks. '
832·9012. ~1onday, the day before ' ' N a t I o n a I
Thieves Loot Laguna
I-Jome for Sl ,670 Loss
A Laguna Beach man lost $1 ,670 worth
of property ~londay in the latest of
a wave of burgla ries plaguing the city.
~lichacl Taurie llo of 190 Canyon Acres
Dr. told policc 1 that burglars had made
off with camera and stereo equ.ipment,
clothing anO other items some time
bot\\'ee.Jl 6 p.m. Sunday and 4:30 p.m.
Monday. Entrance was gained by remov-
ing the screen from a bedroom window,
then prying the \11indow open .
Coed Jogger Di es
autopsy has been scheduled to determine
the cause of 'death of an 18-year-<>ld
Cal Poly freshman coed who collapsed
and died while jogging on the school
track. Janet Penfold. Northridge, col-
lapsed duri ng a volu n1ary jogging session
in a physical fi llll'SS clas; ~li>nday.
Tiit O••"'J' (0.11 O•+IV Piiot. ,..!~ w~•lll 11
<l)mbll><:d Ille Ne•\·P•tl\, I\ Pl>I>'•~ by 1""
Or11>q0e Co•~I P"bhill•"9 CO"'ll~llY. "'""'•te e<11t•on~ M~ P<lbl•""'" M0•1<i.y lhf°""1" "'"'"'" "" Qat.o ~ ... Ne,..!)Or1 &.acn. "'""l•nQIM
8".1(11,F-!otlll V•lley UQl><W 6eo1<n,
l<•inefSldd'lellfCI '"" S.n 0.,,. .. ,, '§.In J,..n
C.O"lr•no. A '-'~' <e<i•-1 t clihM '~
pu<'l\H S..lurd•Y• ...,,, S"r<l•n. T~e prof\{l~I
DVbfltfl>tw:t pl1<1I " •I JOO W.~1 !Wy 51f"I, Ci»tl ""'1"1. C..r1loflll1 '1•16.
Robert N. Weed
Prt~lotM •nd Publl,,,,.,
Jllck R. Curley
\"Cl P•tt•!lo.fl, Ind Cil~ll Mif ... Otf'
Thom as Keevn
Thomas A. MurphlrH?
IM~•qlllQ Ellllor
Cha rles H. Loos Richard P. Nall '""'l~n\ wn1q•1pq EdhOI''
Laguna Beach Offlct
l\k{,1tnn11r•\I lil••h""' •«1··~· "' o. Oo• ...... '11JI
Other Offices '°''' ""'•• uo Wf1t a., '\llfi'f ,,.,..Clllft 8'1tn in1 ,,.,.,.,.,,, ~v.,..,
liu111.,191ooi 811:•<11 11111 11eac1111oui., .. d
' W1 CJ•,,..~i. lOf N1r111 El ~11'111 At.i
leleptlont (7141 '42-Cllt
Classified Advtrllsing 642-S671
Laguna Btach All Oepa1'1mtnt1:
Telephone 494-9466
C.0Y"Vl\I, 1•1~. 0••• Cot" P11tllllfl!11t (A'"'"""' 1'il ... .., \!80'1". IMll\!•11-, "°'"'It( ,...Ult"' ld.-.r1••"*1h hl<l'11 _,
bf IYCl•QQll"f1l "'''"°"' •l*l.i °'""'lolon of UCtrrlfll'I OwM•,
S-CO"ll , ···~ '"""QI' 111td tt 0.1• Allll\I, C..!1fo•..+A. '~0\Crtllhor> llV t 1H1't lo) Qll ...,.,,,.1,, b~ fl\I I M Ill -!NJ; 111illt¥V
<1"•1111<1(-U 00 lllO"tlll•
Construction Mobilizatkin Day" in which
construction workers across the country
are protesting the financial pinch facing
the construction industry and its high
level of unemploymerit.
Qua1£e Meeting
.4.t Saddleback
\\1hal Y:ould happep to your home
if an earthquake struck? llow close
are you to a fault?
'These and related questions are the
topic for the Oct. 16 meeting of the
Saddlebaclc Area Coordinaling Council
Ri ck 1.1unson, engineering geologist ror
Orange County, .,.,;11 speak . He will detail
informatlo n from a recent seismic study
produced by the Orange County Building
and Safety Department.
Everyone in the Saddleback Valley
communily is invited . a SACC spokesman
said, The meeting is set for 7:30 p.m.
in the community room of Peoples Fed·
era! Savings and Loan, Saddleback
Plaza, El Toro Road .
l{eacl ing of Poetry
' Sc hccl ulccl in Laguna,
Rolx>rt Peters, a professo r of English
at UC lr\'1ne and a noted Southern
California poet , will read his poetry
in l.aguna Beach Thursday.
The reading will begin at 8 p.m.
at the Fahrenheit 451 Bookstore, 509
South Coast lfighway. There is no charge
for admission but donations of $2 will
be accepted.
From Page Al
have been "malicious mischief." He said
the listing was made aft.er it w a s
determ ined pc:>lice officers were involved
afl(i aft er an fnvestigation WB!I initiated.
The chief said the log had been ror-
rected to reflect this. He said the in·
vestlgation and events surrounding the
incident were proper~y kept confidential
and would be so treated in the future
.if similar circumstances arose.
From Page Al
NORRIS ... -of criminal actions that should be taken
before a grand jury.
Norris-said other California crimes
that should be investigated for Nixon's
possible involvement in them included
the payment of hush money to convicted
\Vatcrgate conspi rator Howard Hunt and
the pending perjury trial of fonner Nixon
ai de John Ehrlichman.
''Very little. if. a0ything. is being done
in all lht!se matters," Norris said. "l
would make them a top priority if
I were auorney general.''
4 Babies Born A.part
MORELIA, Mexico (UPI) -Maria
Dominguez, 20, gave birth . to o n e
quadruplet in her country village Monday
and then traveled 16 miles into town
to have the other three. Two ol tbe
children died a few how-s later.
Gives The111 Pain
.~farijuana Smohers Ilurt Soonest
Heart patients can exerci~ onlv half
as long '~·ithout feeling che~t pains after
smok.Jng 3 mnriju:tna cigarelle th a n
after smoking a tobacco cigarette , ac-
cording to the !lndlngs of a UC Irvine
Angina pectoris-ehest pa i n s ei·
perienced by h e a r l patlents-are ex-
perienced during exercise after smo~:ing
either, according lo UCI cardiologist
Dr. \Vilberl S. Aronow.
In slud les publi!hed In m c d I c ll 1
journals, Aronow has described the effect
of cigarette smoking on men with heart
problems who perf()rtn excoclse.
Smoking a filtered , Io w • n I c o t In e
cigarette decre&sed by 13 pcrtent the
lim~ the men could exert:lse without
feeling chest pAin!I. he said .
The average cigarette cut the time
by 24 percent. he snld. But 10 puff~
on a marijuana cigarette reduced the
tlmci by 48 percent, he said.
In both cases, carbon monoxide caused
the pains. While nicotine Is also known
as harmful, bis testa on marijuana show
that the main in&redlent, tetrahydro-
caMabinol (THC) has a stronger effect
on lncrtaslng tho pulse and blood P"'"'
sure .
Because or the different amounts
u1ed, Aronow said, cigarette and marl-
juMI use cannot be eqllatfd. ..
While a be1vy tobacco user may smoke
20 to 21 cli&l'<ltet • day. he 11ld,
a marijuana user may only 1moke Une
()r four joints in the same period , he
''llGwever. it ls certainly safe .to
assume that the more cigarettes one
smokes, of either kind, the more pro-
nounced the effe<":t on the pulse, blood
pre ss ure a n d -I n co ronary pa·
tlcnts-angina pcctoris1" he snid.
Convicted Con1pir1tor Ayers
11111• ~lief srau l"Mto•
Newport's Eloise Popeil
Dana Point
Sewage Bid:
Of I ... Dally ~Itel Slllf
Procedural problems blocked action
fl.1onday by the regional coast.al com-
ntlssion on a request to construct a
large sewer outfall off the Dana Point
The request for the $12 million pipe
that would de.liver treated sewage to
ocean \Vaters two miles off Dana Harbor
was made by the Southcastcm Regional
Rec:lamaUon Authority iSERllA J. com·
posed of south Orange County sanitary
and water districts. _
Commissioners \Vere told by Robert
Keeler. the commission's lega1 COUDiCI.
they could not act on the p r o po s a I
because they had no s t a f f recom-
mendation. The rules and regulations
of the commission. he Said, require a ,
recommendation be made before action
is taken,
Repeated attempts by Commissioner
Eloise P opeil, A ye rs
Sent to State Prison
.J.oois.....Nowell of IMg Beacb-to.-.Ucl<-----o---
a recommendation from the staff failed.
Of 1119 Dally ~lltt Stiff
LOS ANGELES -Convicted con-
spirators Eloise Popeil and Dan Ayers
were denied a new trial here Monday
and sent to state prison for one to five.
Cory Claims He
Didn't Get Filnd
Frpm Lawrence
years for plotting the murder of ber
multimillionaire husband. ,.,.... )
Superior Court Judge Mark Brandler
accused the former Newport Beach resi-
dent during bis sentencing comments of
being "a female Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
\\•ho was loving and considerate lo her
family and friends. but something quite
different where her husband was con-
"She is vicious, cuMing and deprav-
ed," Judge Brandler added , corrunenUng
that he had received "pathetic and heart
,broken" letters from IS persons..
And the judge quoted several biblical
texts in further condemnation of the
blonde defendant , among them the com·
mandments ''Thou shalt not kill" and
"Thou shall not commit adultery."
The commission's executive director,
Melvin Carpenter, ~refused to make a
recorrunendation pending more study.
CommJssioners agreed to again take up
the matter Oct . 21. Carpenter is expected
to make an official recommendation at
that meeting.
During the public hearing on the ap-
plication, SERRA officials suppi>rt.ed the
new outfall while a leader of an Orange
County environmental group urged the
permit request be denied.
• Commiss ion e r s were told lhat
regardless of its decision, the matter
would be appµled to the state coastal
commission by the losing side.
Alex Bowie, an attorney representing
SERRA, said Lhe authority is under
. a mandate from tbe state Water Quality
Control Board to stop using the existing
outfall-of'Uana Point Jly Jan. 1, ·1976.
Dennis O'Leary, a consulting engineer.
said the existing outfall is "flimsy"
and is undesirable because it discharges
sewage close to Doheny State Beach
J>ark and the harbor.,
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Hotel executive
~f. Larry La\vrence says he gave $300
in cash to Assemblyman Ken Cory (P..
Garden Grovei ior the Democratic can·
didate's primary campaign for sta te con-
troller, but Cory denies it, the San
Diego Evenlng'Tr\bune·sald t.oday.
Lawrenct, formerly the Democratic
Party's Southern CaU fornia chairman,
said in an interview that he personally
gave the money to Cory at Cory's re-
Judge Brandler ordered the maximum
term for the convicted lovers arter beln
accus y e ense a orney rt
Green of making "highly prejudicial er-
rors'' during the seven-week trial and
of displaying "bias and prejudice" during
the jury's dellberaUons.
It was revealed by Don Martinson,
another consultant, that even if a 11
necessary appro a s are given SERR"A:---..-~--o11
Despite his former position in high
council• of ,the Democratic P a r t y ,
Lawrence is Supporting R e p u b I i ca n
Houston I. Flournoy for governor· Uris year. _
The Cory gift was declared by
Lawrence in a campaign statement file4_
under oath and penalty of perjury last
Friday, the newspaper said. But It said
Cory's campaign statements -also filed
tmder oath -do not show the con-
Cory wo n the Democratic nomlnation.
ln an interview, he denied ever asking
Lawrence !or money or receiving cash
from him.
Lawrence said the money was given
to CorY be s i d e the pool at the
home of Robert Slegel, where the
Democratic Slate Cent r a I Committee
was sponaoring a reception for C.Ory.
Lawrenee said Cory asked him for
money for hi.s campaign but did not
want a check. He said he reached into
his pocket and gave Cory "between
$300 and $400 in cash.''
"I did not ask Larry for money,"
Cory said, whlle recalling that they
met. "l ean envision $300 getUng-lost
in the campaign somewhere, but t don1l
recall any money changing hands."
Cory's acceptance of more t h a n
$500,000 from two contributors in Orange
County has been-turned into a campaign
issue by his Republican opp one. n t,
Assemblyman William T. Bagley, (R·San
Rafael ).
"You should dJsqualify yourseU from
all post .conviction proceedings," the
Laguna Beach attorney argued whlle
Judge Brandler glared at him from
the bench.
Green said he based that 1iemand
on Judge Brandler's stating during a
private press conference In his chambers
before the final jury verdict was in
that Mrs. Popeil, 49, was alio guilty
of conspiracy and was only cleared ol
that charge by a legal te<":hnicallty.
A jury ended the maratt.on trial by
find ing Mrs. Popell and Ayers, 'n, of
Santa Aaa, guilty of planning the killing
of kitchen gadget magnate Samuel
Popeil, 60, of Chicago with "hit man"
Robert Peeler, 34.
Ayers was additlonally convicted of
v:ork.lng out another murder scheme wit h
"hit man" Donald Reed , 49. Judge
Brandler ruled today that he can serve
the two tenns concurrently.
Lawyers for both defendanl!I served
notices of appeal on Judge Brandler
immediately after U1eir clients were
Judge Brandler refused to even t'On·
sider the possiblity of freeing the defen·
dants on bail pending the hearing of
their appeal.
He pointed out to the two defense
lawyers that Ayers was a highly qualified.
pilot who could use Mrs. Popeil's
substantial funds at any lime lo buy
an aircraft and fly the pair out of
the country.
for the. prqjeet. the new outfall will
not ·be in use until July 1976, six month,,
after the state deadline.
Dale Secord of th e Environmental
Coalition of Orange County said the
outfall was designed. to serve too many
people-in t.be..3outh county region.
There are now about 70,IMXI residents
within the bo1mds of SERRA. The outfall
has been designed to serve an eventual
po~tiOll of 359,000 persons. Secord
said the pipe should be sized to ler\'e
an eventual population of 169,000.
Laguna Building
Permits Reflect
September Dr<_>p
Twenty -nine building permits vafued
at $284,034 were issued at the Laguna
Beach Department of Planning an d
Development in September.
'Ille number and value of permits
refiectJ a drop from the same month
in 1973, when 45 pennit.s valued at
$1.255,488 were Lssuecl
Building for the year, however, still
reflects an increase over-la st.year.
So far, 472 permits \'altsed at $8.8
million have been issued this year. Jn
the first nine months of 1973, .fU permits
valued at $8.'l.million weft issued.
September's permits were for five
single family homes, live wa11s and
fooces, and a number of alterations and
additions to buildings.
''Branding keeps us all honest ..
And the customer knows it.''
"Carpeting is a blind Item.
For the consumer. few things are bought with eo little knowledge, and with
so mJCh trepidation.
Two different pieces of carpeting can look the hme. feel the same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have, In fact,· not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet alter Just six monlhs of use, one will look terrlble and the other will look
like new.
How is the consumer to know wh ich Is which?
Oddly enough, even price often won 't tell her. So even buying expensive
carpeting Is no guarantee of quality.
The only thing that protects the Investment of the consumer. and the
reputation of lhe honest retailer, Is selling the brand names that both know they
can trust."
Thia Is why we don't private label cerpetlng at Alden's. When you find ·
~es with the ·names changed on the labels. run over to Alden's fast.
After all, carpeting Is one of life's maJor Investments. It shouldn't be gone
Into blind.
1663 Placentia A•e.
HOUIS: M-"'"''"""" t lo l:JD-HI, t lot-SAT. t:JO lo 5
to ho
ni te
' •
Saddlehaek Today's Final
N.Y. Stooks
' 0 . nnex 0 u e
Test Class
Minute1nan Launched
Strategic Air r.ommand combat crews
successfully launched a !.finuteman II
intercontinenta1 ballistic missile fl.1onday
night as part of a series of operational
test laWlCheS.
Night and morning low clouds
and scattered sprlnkles through
Wednesday, according to the
\\'ealher service, with slightly
"'-armer skit\s. Possibility of some
sunshine in the aftemoon-wectnes-
day. lllghs of 01 at the beacllcs r.is-
ing to mld-70s Inland.
~light tht nt%t step for Ho1.0-
ard CoJefl be o.!l"a da11cer and
singer? He e:pt1ct.1 to do a little
of botl~ if ABC goes through
with pla:m to put ILim hl charge
of a oorietv show. Page B7. ,
Back to School
Nig11ts Slated
Dm·ing the Week
Back-~School night, a chance for
"'p8rents to see what happens at their
children's sc!Jools. begins U.Ugllt at 7,30
p.m. at Del Cerro School in ltlission
For the next three weeks, back-to-
school night programs are scheduled
in each of the schools of the Sadd1eback
Valley Unified District e1cept El Toro
IDgh School, ajiere oonstruction prob-
lems caused a postpouemrnt untll De-
cember. Wednesday, open house is scheduled
at Unda Vista School at 7 p.m. and
Ollvewood School at 7:30 p.m.
The rest ol the schedule'
-Thursday, Montevideo School, 7:30
p.m. Glen Yenno and Lomarena Schools,
7 p.m.
~ 15: Cordillera School, 7:30 p.m.
-Oct. 16: Aliso School, Tr ab u co
·School,both·el-7'00 po •
-Oct. m De Portola SChool, 7,30
--Oct. 23: Esperama School, 7 p.m.
-Oct. 24: Los ·A liso s Intennediate
School, 1:30 p.m.; La Paz IntermedJate
School, 7 p.m.
--Oct. 29 , Mis&on Viejo lllgh School,
7:30 p.m.
-Oct. 30, S!lverado High School, 7
Se Joaquin E1ementary School, which
is now meeting In three other elementary
schools unUI Its Laguna Hills facility
Is completed, "ill hOld open house ac-
cording to tho schedule ol the scilool'
the dilld Is attending.
Thus the San Joaquln students at san-
Uago School wilt have open house Oct.
9; Glen Yermo School, Oct. 10; and
Altl!O School, Oct. t6. •
~tort information on the baclc·to-at:hool
nlgblS Is available by calling tbe IJ>o
dlvldual sdlools.
Post Office
Set to Open
Ma1isfield Says
Rocky Hearing·s
May Be Reopened
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield said
today disclosures of gifts made by Vice
Presi den tial nominee Nelson A.
Roclcefeller to political associates "could
well reopen hearings" on his nominaiton.
However, Senate Republican I e ad e r
llugh Scott said he has "seen nothlng
\l.'hlch has impaired tbe integl"ity or
Gov. Rockefeller in any way."
Rockefeller, former governor of New
York, has said he made financial gifts
to Henry A. Kissinger in 1969 when
he was an adviser to Rockefeller and
before joining the Ni1on administration
and to L. Judson 1'forhouse, the former
New York state Republican chairman.
Rockefeller and his family have given
major contributions to a number of
Republicans in Congres.1 who will vote
on his nomination. The New York Times
said today the most recent gift was
$15,000 to Seo. Jacob Javits (R·N.Y~),
two weeks ago.
In addition, there have been reports
of a $550,000 gift to William J. Ronan,
chairman of the Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey, and $100,000 to
Hugh h1orrow, Rockefeller's press
secretary. Ronan confirmed the gift today.
"So far as 1 am able to ascertain
it's legitimate," t.lansfield said. "But
(See ROCKY, Page Al)
Competition among Orange Coast
predictors of the outcome! of 30 weekend
football games Is becoming more intense
as the Daily Pilot Pigskin Plckeroo '74
enters fts fourth week.
Weekly winners are awarded ~ith
televl!:ion and radio prodl.K'tJ worth $130.
A color television tel pa to the overall
WlMer Of the 10..week· test O( gridiron
foretutlllg lkllls.
To be eligible for tho erlllld prize.
Plgskln Plckeroo entrants must first
wln one ol the "'eekly contests.
Details and an entry blank are publish-
ed tn tbe •Porli ..ctlon.ol today'• Dolly
SAN JUAN SCHOOL K•S ""°""° San Juan Capistrano SCHOOl K·6"°1Mi.__~IJ__
SCttOOl K·6
OU~ so.oat K-6
qet 4~
Saddleback, Capo 80.1rds to Mfft Mond•y on Complex Matter
Irvine Compa11y Sets 8th.
Session on Coastal La11cl
The Irvine Company 's composite plan
for developing its I0.00().acre coast a I
lands will be unveiled at the eighth
meeting oC the Irvine C.Ompany -P..lulli·
Agency Planning Program (TICJ\1AP)
The vast acreage lies between Corona
de! ?<.far and Laguna Bcadl and extends
inland to the San Joaquin Hills ridge
line. .
Frequently described as the company's
most valuable parcel, the land includes
a 3.5-mile stretch of beach and 1,500
canyon acres intended as the site for
a regional park.
Because of the need for approval of
the plan by a number of public agencies
and the resistance the company may
meet rrom some private groups, TIC·
MAP was formed to informally air the
plans ahe.ad of public hearings.
Meetings are attended by represen·
tatives of the COMtal comm I sslo n .
c.alifornia Department of Parks and
Beaches, Califomla Department of
Transportation, Orange County govern-
ment and the. cities of Laguna Beach,
Ne\vport Beach aM Irvine.
Additionally, the Environmental Coall·
lion of Oran~ County, the Planning
2nd COOservafffinU!ague and the Sierra
Club have sent representatives to the
Si1 plans for development o( the area
'\\'ere discussed at the group's June 26
meeting. As the plans were described
by lrvine Company P I a n n e r Don
\..ameron, each was criticized as to its
A total open space concept "'as written
off as too expensive and because no
agency has offered to buy !he whole
4 Bal>ies Born Apart
fl.IORELIA, ~1e.xieo (UPI) -Maria
Dominguez, 20, g1n·e birth to o n c
quadrople.l ln her country village P.londay
ard then traveled 18 miles Into town
to ha\"e Ille othtr three. 'IV.-o of the
chlldren died a rcw hours later.
Developing the area as a self-wntained
community \\'SS described as impractical
and an additional drawback y,·as the
expense of maintaining private beaches.
A suggestion that the area become
an "elite estate suburban area" y,·as
judged not in the public interest.
A balanced coastal coaununily plan.
mi1ing residential and com nl er c i a I
development of the area, called for a
higher density than the company y,•nnted,
the planner said.
Another altemati\"e, establishing ty,·o
communities with one on the coast and
another inland. y,·ould put too much
traffic on Pacific Coast Highy,,av.
The "romantic appeal" of ihe si:tlh
plan, a "unique destination resort" \Vas
also unacceptabl• because the-> "site is
nice , but not spectacular." Can1eron also
said Uierc ·would not be sufficient de-
mand for the minimum S.000 hotel rooms
such a development v:ould require.
T'ne company has called the n1eeting
Wednesday to describe R ne\v plan .,.,,hich
\l.'OUld combine the better elements o{
all six alternatives into a single plan
it hopes will be acceptable to the groups
represented in TIC~fAP.
Irvine Council
,1._..~l eet T el,erised
lrvine's city council v.•111 star
in a Commw1Jty Cablevision broad·
cast of its proceedings tonight.
The AAow v.'ill be carried li\"e
to subscriber~ of the cab 1 e
television St..'\llon on Channel 3.
The meeting >Ai l! brgln at 6:30
ueffi:S for di8CUSAion include the
Irvine COmpany's application for
zone rh:'inges to develop the 2,058-
acrc I r v In e lrwtuslrlal Complex·
&ast and Ille Irvine Center regional
shopping area.
Get Stt1dy
A controversial proposal Yihich could
place all or P.1ission Viejo in one school
district after months of complaints from
residents got off the ground Monday.
Trustees of the Saddleback V a 11 e y
Unified School District recei\•ed \\'ilhout
comment a report £rorn a study group
recommending anne xation of a 5,000-acre
parcel of ~fission Viejo.
The section of land is part of the
Capistrano Unified School Dis tr i cl.
Parents in the CUSD portion have oom-
plained that their chlldren have to ride
the bus too far lo upper level CUSD
schools when SVUSD schools are closer.
!\" mttting to disc.uss Jhe... pro~al
with the Capistrano Unified Schoo I
DiSl.rict is set for Oct. Joi at Viejo
Elementary School in the CUSO portion
of P..-lission Viejo.
TI1e report is the re sult of a six-month
study by a group of parents Crom the
Capistrano district. The a n n ex a t ion
would cost 1he Saddleback district
es 1mated $2.8 million.
\1iejo School and Castille Elen1entary
School are the only comp leted schoo~
in the affected acreage, although there
is a designated high school site.
Th e commiUee found that two-thlrd.,
of .Ute territory is _ d_eveloped, including
the t.1ission Viejo Country Club. ~fission
Community Hospital. Sad d I e b a c It.
College. and l\1arguerite Rec re a ti on
Housing dC\'elopments of the acreage
include l\lission Ridge, and Granada,
lifadrid. Coronado, Xew Barcelona and
Casta del Sot neighborhoods.
The report said though the Saddleback
district would have to pay about $2.8
1nillion for !he three school sites. tt would
also gain the assessed vaJuation from
the area. About 10,500 students ultimate-
ly y,·ould go to the Saddleback district
from the annexed portion.
* ·.~
CVSD to llold
Secession Study
With Saddleback
01 lh• O.ily P(lol Still
Trustees of the C8pistrano Unified
School District agreed Monday to hold
an initial study session with their coun-
ler'jiarts in the Sadd!eback Valley to ex·
plore the transfer of 6.000 acres of CUSO
territory to the other entity.
But despite agreement on a
preliminary session next l\londay at Vie·
jo E!e1nentary School. the CUSD Board
appeared suspicious. primarily about the
funding for the report presented them
by a pa rent sludy group.
Leading the concern about the fi~an
cing and leadership behind the pro1cct
conducted by t.1ission Viejo residents,
Trustee Bob Hurst said that the co1n·
mittee should be repaved lo disclose
the fundini:: of the project which stnned
last February.
The report points out the advantages
and disadvantages of shifting control
of the t~rritory in southeasterly f\1ission
Viejo from the CUSD to the Saddlebaclc
Valley t;nificd School District.
Preliminary reports show !hat the
CVSD should reap about $2.8 million
for its interest in the area just north
of San Juan Capistrano and east of
thf' San Diego F'ree\\'<l)'.
"\\'e ha\'e to have it open and honest
llwse day s. and >A'e should have a com·
plrte detailing of the expenses of this
project and the. funding behind i t ...
\\'hcther it \\'as a group of individuals,
or a pri\•ate firm." said Hurst.
Despite the curi()Sity O\'Cl" the backing
or the project -initiated first lllrough
1)arent cont11cts with the S:.ddleback
bollrd -the CUSD lruslcl'S agreed thllt
because of the complexity of the
secession issue, nego1iations shoula start
as soon as possible.
The inlllal study session y,·ill bi.' public
and will SIJl rt ,at 7:30 p.m. in I he
muHipurposc'"l"OOm at Viejo.
The basic form at of the meeting is
for the presentation or the concepts
in the re.port to both boards at the
same time. Presumably, d i s cuss io n
would take place on the next phases
of the negotiations.
The malter focuses on the a5SCrt~
re1notcnes.<1 of the'. toni:: peninsular strip
In lhe CUSD ~here parenls relate strong;.
ly 10 the Saddleback comnlunily, but lSee cuso, r::ige .\ti
. \ ..
' '
Convicted Conspirator Ayers
T11tSd.lJ, Octobtr 8, 1974
Llally l'ilel SllH l'IMftt
Newport's EloiH Popeil
Coasi Rain
. Not Even
. .
The first rainstorm or the season drop-
ped small amounts of water along the
Orange Coast f\-fonday, causing 54'.lme
traffic tic-ups and dampening homev.·ard
bowKi school children.
The ra in, ho"·ever, was v I r t u a 11 y
unrneasurable. The Harbor Patrol in
Newport Beach said only • ' t r a c e ' •
amounts or rain fell f\1onday and the
s.1me reading u·as made Tuesday morn-
Along the coast. several traffic ac-
cidents \\'ere caused by the slick streets
in Huntington Beach and a fe\I.' traffic
.snarls \\'ere reported on the freeways
th is morning, according to the Cali(ornia
lligh1vay Patrol. .
Eloise Popeil,-Ayers
Other rain measurements included .CM
incheLi.o Santa Ana and ,02--lnches ,,
at Santiago Peak.
San Clemente had no rain ?o.tonday,
with only·light drizzles this morning.
Sent to State Prison
About six spinouts and crashes tied
up Orange County freeways following
Monday's showerL acco_rding to Jerry
Maxwell of the California H i g h w a y 0.ll'f l'llOI Stiff ......
Ci 1"9 ~U, l'llol Siii!
LOS ANGELES -Convicted con·
spirators Eloise Popeil and Dan Ayers
11•ere denied a new trial here l\.tooday
and sent to state prison for 11ne to five
years for plotting lhe fnurder ot her
multimillionaire husband.
-Superkir C.ourt Judlf(e l\.tark BrA11dlcr
accused the former Newport Beach resi-
dent during his sentencing comments or
being '!a-female Dr. Jekyll and Ji.tr. tlyde
who was loving and conskleraie lo her
famJly and friends, bul something quite
leisure World
Patrol. Traffic this morning was near nonnal. -Scopiiig It Out
different "'here her husband ivas con-A single po\ver outage, affecting only
cerned. a half dozen customers, was '!Xperienced
"She is vicious. cunning and dcprav-in Silverado Canyon about t a.m. today,
ed," Ju<ige. Brandler added . commenting according to the Edison Company.
that he had received "pathetic and heart The National Weather Service predicts
as Keith shows SELF teacher John Goodman how
the device operates. The equipment was jointly
purchased by the district and the company.
Stan Keilh of Techtroni"t demonstrates an oscillo-
scope presented to the Irvine Secondary Education
Learnjng Facilitator alternative high school. Dave
\Veathers, also of Techtronix1 (standing) looks on
broken" letters from 15 persons. continued night and morning low clouds
-And lheiudse quoted several biblical v.·ith ~_lli!red sp:rinkJes l_b}_ougb Wednes-day.
texts in further condemnation of the Afternoon skies at times should be
blonde defendant, among them the com-sunny.
mandments .. Thou shalt not kill" and Temperatures along the coast should
"Thou shall not commit adultery." range to 62, dropping to the mid-SOs tonight.
Left y Scissors
For President Judge Brandler ordered the maximum On the bright side or the rain, the
term for the convicted lovers after being Air Pollution Control District predicts sue Alpert or Santa Ana iS sen·
accused by defense attorney Robert little or no smog in the damp 'skies. ding President Ford a left-handed
Green of making "highly prejudicial er· gift so he can operate properly
. rors·· during the seven-week trial and at ribbon-cutting ceremonies.
ot displaying "bias and prejudice" during Frona Page Al Mrs. Alpert was interested to
the jury's deliberations. learn that the President is left
·-From Page Al
CUSD • • •
their children attend .schools in other
Niguel Sheriff
Sul>station Kept
Busy 1st Week . Spoke!lrtlen for the stlJ'dy group said
that initial straw polls of residents in
the affected area showed a strong feeling auJ:~::: r:c~~:~/~:: ~:!~n;~t:~
that secession should be further explored. San Juan Capistrano kept deputies of wi~:ith:e t~d~~::a~~o~i:i~oru::;g~; the Orange County Sheriff's Department
-~bu,,,,,st__<la~s~t~w~·ee,,._k_::~the""'i~r~f~int,.,~in'-"a~n~e~w ___ 110 __ -j -one-permanent-sehool;-Viejo;-p-J-u-s-south county substation in Laguna
"You should disqualify yourself from NORRJS handed. Mrs. Alpert operates a o_urs_e__J~~l!CL_;a~ll.J!po~s~t~co~n~v~ic~ti~on~· ,;/';!roc~e<d~m~· ~s~",.!!lh~ec___:-~~~~~~c!_.:•!._<•!._<•c_ ____ j-~m~a~il order business called The Left --~J'llll.L-1' guna eac a orney ar \\' ile llanded Co m p e m e n t . She
Castille School , which has been a Niguel.
portable campus during coostruction of u . Walter Fath. commanding officer
lhe permanent facility. for the rlew facility, said the transition
Judge Brandler glared at him from "And I also charge Younger with ac-specializes in items tor left-handers In,.tead of L~1ke the bench. ling illegally wnen he gave the opinion like pens, vegetable pee i e r s.
-Green said he based that demand that (former lieutenant governor Ed) mustache cups. fishing reels and
Leisure World residents may gel a
new nine-hole golf course instead of
a man-made lake. according to Robert·
E. Rosenwald , president ol the Rossmoor
Corporation. .
Initiated afte~· Rwneroos requests fron1
residents for m11re golf fa cilfties, a study
into the change in plans will begin
this "'eek.
Rosenwald said the new golf course
would be direclly southeast of the nearly
completed twin 14-story Ro ss moor
Towocs. The site could accommodate
a 32 par executive course which
Rossmoor spokesmen said could .b e
designed for "leisurely, yet challenging
Also planned tor the complex \vould
be a starter house, putting green, six
tennis courts and ample parking.
''Throughout the last 10 years o t
dc\'elop ing our Leisure W or 1 d com·
munity, golf has ~n a major at-
lraclion.'' Rosen"·a!d said.
"Even thou gh the original I 8 ·ho I e
course was augmented by a nine-hole
course of our existing total of 'll holes.
"·e feel thfre mav be a need to provide
.still additional facilities .''
A Rossmoor spokesman said t h c
change in cost. if any. of 1he alternate
land use has not yet been determined.
She said more acreage \\'Ould be needed
for the golf course than the Jake.
A series of t"·o and three-story con·
dotniniums had been proposed around the
perimeter of the Jake .
Changing the plans wou!cl me an
eliminating the rwo-slory structures,
more than doubling the amount of open
spaCt.>: a spokesman said.
,....., 0•""91' (~II DA ii. Pilol, ""'" wl\1(1\ Is
<O•Tlll""" ·~ Ne-·Pr••S. h -·-lly ·~ 0r~n9" (~d" P\lt>l••l"nQ '°""'..,,. ~oe•••e
.cl•llOt'\ f•• P<i1114~MO. """"°"'' tl'lfOo.1(111 Frlelotf,
lot (o•t• -\.oll. Ne,..Por1 llC'oKll, t+untl"91ot1 lltk~ 'o""td•" Y•llfV UQV11• Elf.Kii,
t•v1.,..·!>i>lldltb..ck •M ~ Otmtntt/S.n J,,..n
C..Pt~ltfllO .t. ,\1n<11t r~1011•I ~1llon I\
OOtll•W<I ~11ur6~•S •"d Sur+<WIV'\. The P'lntlp.lt
P<illh\h•"'l 11'""1 ,, •' .)00 Wi'~I ti.r St•etl. tol.11 ~W. C.••IO•"'• ~lo,&.
Robert N Weed
P•U•OO!~I •"" P111!loY>er
Jack R. Curle y
V•ce p,..,.,.,.,,,, • ..., G.net•I MIMQer
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Murphine
-"•Q•llQ E<ltlot
Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall
.Al "ll.11! M.,1.0Q•lllj l:.dl\or\
(0<.1' M"~~ IJQ Wt \! 8•• ~llrtl N••l>O>I Be""" llll ~.,..-1 &oulf'<l~d ,.,q .. · .. A··• • 1111ooc,,. • ..,.., .. s,
"'""' "'QI"" llet·Ch I 1911 ~fl 8':tvl ••O Soon Clt,,..nt• JOI N<>rtn fil ""''"O 11,,.i
Telephont (714) 642-4321
Cl•ssltled Advertising 642·S678
S.n Clemente All ~partments :
Telephone 492-4420
C.OOW'l'•'l'!I. 1•11 O<tn"lt' C.0..\1 P\lhll•rl•rlQ
toroil'!'"f NII n•*' \l"lt...., 111"'1'..,'"''· fOj!<Wlfl l!'lltlf'r n• •n•tn•.....,.nt\ ,,.,.,., .,.,.,
b01 •<PtG<f\l(l'd *1tllo11t loe'l:10f P't•""Uo0n 01 l<!D•<otitlll _ ....
~""'Ill~ CIA" pnt .. .,. Ol•d ., c ... i. ..... w. C•l"~'"'' S11~"1t1loro &r '"'"11' 1-:J 00 mofl1rll• bt fl'l"!f ~4 00 1!1!11''111,; lft!l1!Mf
Oil•Un•t>On' 'j.i 00 "'onl~ly
on Judge Brandler's stating during a Reinecke could stay in office after con· other paraphernalia.
private press conference in his chambers viction and until his sentencing." She said she sent President Ford The district also owns a 44-acre high of 48 field deputies and 21 patrol cars
before the final jury verdict was in Norris said he was backed by Orange a pair of left-handed scissors for
that ~trs. Popeil.---49r was-also guilty ~ty co~! _Ar!rlan Kuyper and the his ribbon-cuttings.
school site in tbe affected area and from the sheriff's headquarters in Santa
planning will begin for construction Ana-proceeded "quite-smOolhly."
of conspiracy and "'as only cleared of office of California"s legislative counsel As for herself, Pt1rs. AJPii'tis
that charge by a legal technicality. in his opinion that Riley is illegally right handed. there, as welt. - -"We had a very active week and
A jury ended the mar,pthon trial by occupying the Fifth District post and ¥hould be unseated on Dec. 31. , finding fo.trs: Popeil and Ayers, 'YI. or "This is political cronyism in action,"
Santa Ana, guilty of planning the killing Norris said. "The next t~·o-year term
of kitchen gadget magnate Samuel for this office Should have been filled
Popeil. 60. of Chicago Ylith "hit man " by the next governor or by popular
Robert Peeler, 34. vote but certainly not by Reagan."
Ayers was additionally convicted or Norris said if he becomes Cslifornia's
v.·orkin g out another n1urder scheme "'ith attorney general he will take immediate "hit man" Donald R~. 49. Judge . Brandler ruled today that he can serve action to step up the investigation i.ir there is one" into former p r eside n t the two terms concurrently. Richard Nixon's a 11 e g e d role in
Lawyers for both defendants served Watergate-related crimes in Calirorn ia.
notices of appeal on Judge Brandler Norris said there is strong evidence
intmediately after their clients were to suggest that Nixon knew of and sentenced. ha h may ve elped to plan tbe burglary Judge Brandler refused lo e\'en con-of Dr. Lewis Fielding's Beverly Hills
sider the possiblity of freeing the defen-office. Dr. Fielding was Daniel "Pen·
dants on bail pending the hearing of tagon Papers'• Ellsberg's psychiatrist.
their appeal. "I would also order an immediate
He pointed out to the two defense investigation into the bugging of Donald
lawyers th at Ayers was a highly qualified Nixon·s telephorle." Norris said. He said
pilot y.·ho could use Jl<lrs. Popeil's the former president's brother , a
su bstantial funds at any time to buy Newport Beach resident, was the target
an aircra ft and fly lhe pair out of of criminal actions that dloold be taken
the country. before a grand jury. Judge Brandler agreed with Deputy
Districl Attoreny Peter Bregman that Norris said other California crimes
the jury .. exercised SOW'ld and mature that should be investigated fo!' Nixon's
judgment" v.·hen it convicted OOth defen· possible involvement in them included
dants of soliciting murder and cleared the payment of hush money to convicted
them of related coospiracy allegations. \\'atergate conspirator Howard Hunt and
California law does not provide pro-the pending perjury tria1 of former Nixon
secution and punishment for the crime aide John Ehrlicbman.
of conspiracy to commi t murder if the
killing is to be carrjed out in another
Judge Brandlier recalled Tuesday that
the convicted pair had discussed six
different \\'ays in which l\.1rs. Popei!'s
est.ranged husband could be eliminated.
Among them , he said, was the sug·
geslion that both Popeil and his
housekeeper be shot and dumped in
the sa n1e bed in the millionaire's Chicago
Thr aim of the defendants. it was
successfully alleged . was to make
P0Pf1rs S9 million fortune available to
f\l rs. Popeil who believed she would
get little or nothing from his e:;tate
rrom Chicago divorce cow1.
Fro1n Page Al
the fact that ifs publicized ra~ ques-
tions, yes indeed. And it could well
reopen hearings so far as Rockefell er
is concerned.''
The Senate Rules Committee has com·
pleled public hearings on Rockefeller 's
nomination and is awaiting completion
of a joint report on his income tax
filings by Congress' Joint Committee
of Internal Revenue Taxation and U1e
Internal Revenue Service.
Gives Them Pain
-~'la rijua11.a S rnoh ers llurt Soones~
!leart paUents can exercise onlv half
as long \\'1thQu1 feeling chest pains after
smoking a n1arijuana cigarette th a n
after smoking a lobacco cigarette, ac·
cord ing to the findings of a UC Irvine
Angin:i pectori5-<.'hest p a i n s ex-
perienced by h e a r t patients-are ex-
perienced during exercise afler smo~.ing
rither. according lo UCI cardiologist
Dr. "iilbctt S. Aronov.'.
In ~tudtes published ln med i e 11 I
journaLc;, Aronow bas cle5cribed·the effect
of cigarette sn1o king on men with heart
problems who perfonn t.xc.-tise.
Smoking a filtered, low ·n i co 11 n e
c1garcltc d~rcascd by 13 percent the
lime the men could e>:e'"clse without
r{'('hng chest pains, he liBid.
The average cigarette cut the lime
by 24 pt'rcenl. be said. But lO puff~
on a marijunn11 cigar ttc reduced the
time by 48 percent, he said.
In both cases, carbon monoxide caused
the pains. While nicotine is also known
as harmiul, ·rus tests on marijuana sbow
that the main ingredient, tetrahydro-
cannabinol (TifC) has a stronger effect
oo increasing the pulse and blood pres·
Because of the different amounts
used, Aronow said. cigarette and mari·
Juana use cannot be equated.
While a heavy tobacco user may smoke
20 to 25 ci garettes a day, he sajd,
11 marijuana user may only smoke three
or four joints in the same period, he
"i.fov.·cver, ii is certainly sate to
assume that the more cigarettes one
smokes, of either kind, the more pro-
nounced the effect on the pulse, blood
prcs!iure and-in coronary pa·
tlcnts-angina pcctoris." he said.
<Ju ints Reported
All Doing Fine
In Baltimore
BALTIMORE. Md. (AP) -Quin-
tuplets, four girls and one boy, were
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all were doing fine.
Karen Rohrer, 2.8, gave birth to the
babies by Caesarian section beginning
around 2:20 a.m. PDT doctors said.
They are her first born.
The children, ranging "in weight from
two pounds 15 ounces to three pounds
nine ounces, were in an intensive care
Dr. Arthur Kaskins, an obstetrician,
said Mrs. Rohrer was under treatment
for an infertility problem and had been
taking gonadotropin, which he described
as a hormone drug associated previously
with multi.pie births.
Trustee George White. serving a s
board President in lhe absence due to we "'ere surprised how many people
illness or San Clemente's Gordon came in. The to11tmunily seems to be
Peterson, stressed that he believes the well aware mat we have opcr.dl.."
joint sessioo is premature. The emergency number for the· Shcr-
Reacting to the complexity of the ifl's Deparement is stlll 834-3000. This
issue, White insisted that the report is the main office in Santa Ana and
only scratches the surface of the matter. the switchboard will coMect the caller
''There are still immense issues to directly to lhe local ~ation.
consider such as badgeting, pupil and If &3~ is a toll call, Fath said
teacher loads and other factors ," he residents should dia1 operator in an
said. emergency and ask for the sheriff. They
The legal procedures for secession are will be connected immedlately, he said.
complex as well. The business number for the sheriffs
First, a petition for secession of ter-department from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally
ritory would have to be submitted to is 831-9250.
the County Superintendent of Schools Services available from the new of!lce
and would either have to be signed inculde civilian fingerprintini;, bicycle
by a majority of trustees from each and gun registration, clearance letters
district, or by %5 percent of the regls-ror visas and immigration, and a ball
tered voters in the affected area. posting service.
Then the County Committee on School Arrested persons still are booked Into
District Organization would have to !ludy the Santa Ana headquarters. Fath said.
the matter, conduct hearings and submit tie said In the first three days of
a report and recommendations to the oper.alion last week, the south county
e;ounty school board. substation handled 40 percent of the
That board, which apparently holds department's activity countywide.
the key to the issue, could either adopt The only problem encountered so far
the plan, reject it, or schedule elections. has been that people can't find the
The board also has the discretion to door.
determine if the election should be held "Our new sign hasn't arrived, so
throughout the ty.·o distri cts involved, people have trouble finding us," he said.
or only in the area involved in the "We're on the northwest side of the
boW'Jdary shuffle. buildi ng."
''Branding keeps us all honest.
-And the customer knows •t ,, l •
"Carpeti ng is a blind item ..
For the consumer, few things are bought with so little knowledge, and with so truel1 trepidation.
Two different pieces of carpeting can look the same, feel the same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have, in fact. not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet after just six months of use. one will look terrible and the other will look
like new.
How is the consu mer to know which is which?
Oddly· enough, even pric0 often won't tell her. So even buying expensive
carpeting is no guarantee of quality.
The only th ing that protects the investment of the consumer, and the
reputation of the honest retailer, Is selling the brand names that both know they
can trust."
This is wh y we don't private label carpeting at Alden's. When yqu find
sa11"4lies wilh the names changed on the labels. run over to Alden's fa st.
After all, carpeting is one of life's major investments. It shouldnl be gone
into blind. 1
1 i
• •
1663 Placentia A.Ye.
HOURS: Moo. t1nn.n., t to S:lO-FRI, t tot-SAT, t :lO to 5
• '
Bu_ntington Bea~h
Fountain ·Valley
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
Born iii
BALTl"!ORE. Md. (AP) -Quin·
tuplets, four girls and one boy, were
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all were doing fine.
Karen Rohrer, 28, gave birth to the
babies by Caesarian section beginning
around 2:20 a.m. PDT doctors said.
They are her first born.
The children, ranging in vte!,ght (rom .
f\vo pounds 15 ounces to three pounds -
nine ounces, were in an intensive care
Dr. Arthur Kaskins, an obstetrician .
said lit rs. Rohrer was under treatment.
for *'1nfertility problem and had been
taking gonadotropin, which he described
Ex-Premier Sato
a x
Ford Calls
For Tax
WASHINGTON (AP) -President Ford
announced a broad new anti·inflatiorl pro-
gram this afternoon that includes higher
taxes for many Americans, a public se~
ice employment program and energy
conservation measures to reduce oil im-
In his address to a joint ~on of Con·
gress, Ford sai d his proposals 'vert a
"grand design" for restraining inflation.
The measures outlined by the Pres1·
dent include:
-A 5' percent surtax on income taxes
for income levels above $15,000 for fain ·
Hies and $7,500 for individuals.
-A program lo create publ ic service
jobs for the jobless when unemployment
exceeds 6 percent of the labor force.
Spending y.·ould range from $500 n1illion
to S2.2 billion, depending on thi! severity
Split Vote
01 ,,,. oau~ l"lt.r 11•11
Huntington Beach c i t y councilmen
refused l\loriday night to can for an
expected special election P.1arch 4 on
the controversial .r.eal estate transfer
On a split 4-2 vote. councilmen decided
instead to v.'ithhold any actKin until after
the !fo_v. 5 general election. Councilmen
Don Shipley and Ted Bartlett opposed
the delay.
Henry Duke suggested the de 1 a y .
saying. "It "on·t hurt anyone 's effort-. -
10 "'ail for a decision . If 1he people
vote · against the traii.sfcr t a x in
November, then we can hold an electiOn
in April 1976."
He found support from J\1ayor Al Coen
and councilwoman •larriett \Vit'der \\'ho
had mis~ the Sept. 16 meeting \\'hen
the council decided it wanted an early, i---,·~•,,.•-;ho;;;rm=or-ne,,d"'ru"'g°'a_s_soc_i_at_ed~pr_eVI_·o_u_sl-'"y-...a._'.,{.,2"'0.1-.,.A:a..'l&<,V.Urded
w1 mu ip e 1 s.
of unemplovment.
-Expandettunemploymcntbenctits-for------.,.---1 i:'-----..c.,.;...~_.:.:.:._ _ _,.J:al'dl-4-eJeet-i-00.~·c_ _______ _,
Duke \1·as the lone dissenter on a
' !
Haskins said the quintuplets w e r e
diagnosed Monday, but doctors had been Nobel Peace. expecting-a multiple birth since the third I
month of J\lrs. Rohrer's pregnancy.
The babies were due to have been
lxirn Nov. 28. Haskins said they needed
intensive care due to their wei_ght and prema urllY. ----
The four girls were born first, but
the boy was the first to gel a name.
He is RusseU Charles, according to !be
doctor. The girls b.\lve yet to be named.
HaskiM' said it ttpPtars the children
developed from nve separate fertillzed
eggs and share no more genetic materia l
than brothers and sisters born under
more usual circumstances. Haskins said
such a situation is not unusual in multiple
The falher Charles, 33, is a baker
for the A&P grocery chain. Both parentts
are Baltimore natives.
Judg e Sets Date
For Trial in
Death of Fetus
A man charged wilh murder after
he allegedly struck a pregnant Fountain
Valley woman ia the abdomen and caused
her to abort pleaded innocent today
in Orange County Superior Court.
Judge Everett W. Dickey ordered
Lorenzo Villareal De La Rosa , 2 3,
Garden Grove, to face trial Dec. 9
on charges of murder and assault. De
Ln Rosa is held in county jail with
bail set at $100,000.
Judge Dickey refused to lower that
bail figure today, but set Oct. 18 as
the date he will reviev;r the bail set.
in municipal court.
De La Rosa is accused or causing
the death or an eight-month fetus last
July 10 when he punched his estranged
common law wife. Connie Berber, 20,
during an ar11:ument at her parent's home
in Fountain Valley.
Vet Pensions B.acked
Prize HQ11ors
From Wire Senilces
OSLO. Norway -The Nobel Peace
Prize for 1974 was awarded today to
former Japanes Prime Minister Elsaku
SatQ and the ·U.N. high commissioner
for South-West Af rica, Sean P.1acBride
of Ireland.
The award was announced by the
Nobel committee of the Norw e g i an
The citation said "Sato has .•. advo-
cated that Japan should not acquire her
O\\TI nuclear v.•eapons." MacBride's cita-
tion said "is awarded the priu in recog-
nition of his efforts during many years to
strengthen and protect human rights all
over the V.'Orid."
Sooth-West Africa is a territory under
the control of South Africa which the
United Nations has repeatedly declared
should be granted independence. _South-
\Vest Africa, known in IJle United Nations
as Nambia, was a onetime Germany
Director Tim Greve . 0£ lhe N o be 1
Institute, in announcing the award, said
"about 50·• candidates had been
nominated for the 1974 Peace Prize,
which is worth $124,000.
The amOWJt will be shared equally
between Sato and MacBride, both of
whom are expected here for the award
ceremony Dec. 10 -the anniversary
of the death of Allred Nobel, Swedish
ipventor of dynamite who donated the
prize fund.
The announcement by the Norwegian
committee came as a surprise. It ha1
not been expected today.
Sato had twice been elected by the
Japanese liberal Democrats be {ore
present !Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
took over.
MacBride, iO, was the founder of the
Nationalist Clanna Poblachta party in
Ireland in 1946.
(See NOBEL, Page All
persons whose other unemployment
compensation has been exhausted or who
are ineligi ble for such compensation.
- A 5 percent surcharge on corpo rate
income taxes, which would raise an es-
ti mated $2.l billion in revenue.
-A $3 billion program to .9Ubsidize
finance about 100,000 new homes.
-Various mandatory and voluntary
energy conservation measures to reduce
imports of oil by one million barrels per
day by the. end o.f next year
-An increase in the investment tax
credit to 10 percent, up from 7 percenl
for most businesses and 4 percent for
-A request to Congress to ;:;el a 197~
budi::et spending ceiling of $.100 billion .
The President did not announce any in-
creases in gasoline taxes , nor did he pro·
pose any tax relief programs for low·
income families.
But he said his administration will r.up-
port ta~·relief proopsals already before
Congress that his advisers contend \\.'Ould
provide relief totaling $1.4 billion for per·
sons with income below $15.000.
The surtax for both individuals and
corporations, which \\'OUld have to· be
approved by Congress. would be for the
1975 calendar year only.
Ruled out for the time being. also was
gasoline rationing. which has been con·
sidered by the Administration.
But one source in the energy field said .
either higher gasoline taxes or rationing
could he proposed sometime after the
November elecikms if the other energy
conservalion measures proved inade-
"The President is not foreclosing any
options in the energy area." this source
1'crrorisn1 Continues
Maria Estela (Isabel) Peron, made a
fresh call today for an end to te rrorism
in Argentina , but police sources reported
a double kldnaping and the discovery
of a bullet-ridden corpse. Police sai d
they found a man's nude body, wit h
nlultiple wounds in the head and body
from various caliber bullets, near the •
international airport outside Bu e n.o s
Aires today.
\VASlflNGTON (AP} -The Senate
passed Jegisl:ilion Monday to increase
by 12 percent peJlsion payments for
veterans and survivors. Jt aiso would
raise by $400 the annual income limita-
tions, making it $3,000 for s i n g I c
pensioners and $4,200 for thMe wilh
dependents. ·
Jaycees Plan to Co11tinue
Red Ball Safety Pr9gram
Competition among Orange C o a s t
predictors of the outcomes of 30 weekend
football games is becoming more tntense
as the Daily Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo '74
enters its fourth week.
Weekly v.inners are awarded Zenith
television and radio products v.·orth $130.
A color television set goes to the overall
winner of the IO-week test of gridiron
forecasting skills.
To be eligible for the grand prize.
Pigskin Pickeroo ent rants must first
y.•in one of the weekly contests.
De.tails and 11n entry blank 11re publish-
ed in the sports .section ot today's Dally
, Fountain Valley JayOOes ·said today
they plan w coollnoe 1helr Red Ball
fire safety program, while cautioning
residenls not to take on a false sense
of security about Its effectivenes,,.
Their statement wu prepared jointly
with city officials after a hastily called
meeting ?ttonday lo discuss some fire
and palice reservations concerning the
program. Under "Operation Red Ball," Jaycee
\.'ol.Wlteers plan to c a n v a s 11 city
neighborhoods passing out red stickers
to be put on Lhe .... 1ndows of room!
,.,,here children, the handicapped or the
elderly sleep. •
But in the clty statement issued toda y,
the fire offlclaJs said they have a se t
of "standard operating procedures" used
during fires or similar emergencies.
"Because o! this, the presence or
absence of a Red Ball sticker on the
window .•. will have little or no bearing
•. .,"said the statement prepared by Fire
Chief l\tickey Lav.'SO!'I. Police C h i e f
Marvin Fortin, City 'Pofanager Jam es
Neal and acting Jaycee president Hans
Tietz. .
Cify fire and palice officials earlier
had expressed an additional concern lhat
such stickers could be used by vandals
or burglars to pinpoint the location of
children or handicapped, but that issue
wasn't dealt with In today's statement
"Although the spirit of community
service in which this project has bctn
undertaken is oommcnclabte," he city
officials said, "residents wbo particpate
In the program shou]d be fully aware
that it Is not an officially sanctioned
Fountain Valley Fire Depanment pro-
Liglat1ai1111 Ctftises Bla::e
Oil s~o.rage tanks. hit by lightning during the first rain of the season,
go uf1 1n f1~1nes a1 the Exxon oll refinery nea r Valencia. Eight units of
Los 1\ngclcs County fought S200.000 blaze. ---------
CQastal Age11cy Co11siclers
Ht1nti11gto11 Tow11 Lots
The TOY.'n Lot section of Huntington
Beach \\'as the ·subject of a lengthy
hea ring l\londay night before the regional
coastal commissio n.
Following more than three hours of
discussion on the area. the commission
decided lo continue the hearing to Oct.
Commissioners c311ed_ the special hear-
ing on the Town Lots area after learning
tha t more than 40 requests for fourplex·
es, triplexes and dupl exes have been
submitted by developers.
The area is bounded by Pacific Coast
Highway. Ninth Street. Palm Avenue
and Golden West Street.
Staff planners recommended the com-
mission place most of the Tn1"n Lots
area in a "planning reserve" and halt.
permit approval s pending completion of
a specific development plan for the area.
The commission did not act on the
Instead, mem bers agreed that its staff
should explore in more depth problems
facing the area and repOrt back Oct.
lit Traffic and population impacts arr
two areas of roncem the staff will
The Town Lots area has been the
s~bjcct of st udies by the city of Hun-
tington Beach. but no specific develop-
ment plan has been adopted.
Its problems date back to !he earlv
1900s when visionary planners created
Lefty Scissors ,
For President
Sue Alpert of Santa Ana is sen·
ding President Ford a left·handed
gift so he can operate properly
at ribbon-cutting ceremonies.
P.trs. Alpert was interested to
learn that the President is left
handed . 111rs. Alpert operates a
mail order business called The Ceft
Manded Com pl eme nt . She
specializes in llcms for left·'handers
like pens, vcget:i hle p e e I e r s .
1nustache cups, fishing reels and
other paraphernalia .
She said she Sf!:nl Pre~dcnt Ford
~ pair oJ lefl·hondeci scissors fo r
his ribbon-cuttings.
As for hc.>rself, 11Trs. Alpert is
right handed.
a subdivision knO\lll as Paci fic City.
Those plans fell by the wayside when
oil V.'as discovered in the area in I.he
'"""· Since then. !he To\\'TI Lots h as
deve10ped into a mix of a pa rt me n t
houses, oil 11'ells and' vacant land and
tocla.v is considered !he biggest planning
headache io Hungtington Beach.
Sel'vice Tonig ht
For Dr. Sheehan,
Lo11 g time Dentis t
A funeral mass for Dr. Philip Edmund
Sheehan, 78, a pioneer Hun tington Beach
dentist. y.•i\l be read at 7:30 tonight
at Saints Simon and Jude Church in
Huntington Beach.
Dr. Sheehan, who practiced dentistry
for 42 years. died Oct. 3 after an illness
of several weeks.
A private burial scrviet" "·ill be held
\Vednesday at Calvary Ccmeterv in Los
An geles. ·
A native.> of Colorado. Dr. Sheehan
came lo Hun lington Beach 1n 1926 iind
helped charier bolh 1he Gan:l('n Gro1•c
and Huntington Beach Bot::iry Clubs and
\11as active in that organization .
Jn addition. he \va s an active member
of Sainls Simon and Jude Parish. 10th
Street and Orange A\'enue. serving for
many years as a church ushe r.
Survivors include his \Yifc of !he home
al 742 !\:lain St.: a ~n . Na\'Y Lt. Cmdr.
John P. Sheehan, stationed in the South
Pacific: and a sister, Anna Roth of
La l\lirada.
The famil y suggests donations mav
be made to the Orange County Cancir
l\fotc l ~la u uge r Sla in
RUfllOOUX ( AP)-Rh·erside sheriff's
deputies Issued an alert for Kenneth
Lee. 25, in the lihotgun slaying or the
m;Jnager at the motel \\'here Lee:: lived,
A AAeriff's spokes1nan Yid ~1onday that
llov.'tlrd Dye, 59, wRs found d(lad in
lh~ motel aft (lr otlier rcsldtnl\ reported
hearing a shol tho prev ious nlghl.
j •/
4.·1 council vote Sept. 16. when coun-
cilmen first decided to bow to public
pressure and hold an early special ele<:·
lion on the transfer tax.
l\londay night. CounciJy.·oman Nonna
Gibbs sw!tched h€-i' -previous vote to
agree v.·ith Duke. Coen and Wieder on
delaying any action . Jerry 1'.latney was
absent l\tooday.
Duke poi nted out thal "after t he
November election v.·e still have unlit
December to call for a ?itarch 4 elec-
The confusion over election dat e s
stems from ihe creation of t1\'0 separate
ballot issues regarding the half-percent
tra nsfer tax.
City councilmen have placed their own
issue on tht general eleclion ballot for
Nov. 5. It offers the voters a choice
between the transfer tax, or a con1t.ir.:i-
at1on of a month ly trash rol!erlion
fee and a one percent increase in the
utility tax.
It is purely an ad visory mea&:ure,
not binding on the council. but coun·
cilmen have pledged to follow the Y.'ilt
of the voters.
If \'oters prefer a garbage tu, lhe
transfer tax "'ill be eliminated, Coun-
1See TRANSFER, Page Al)
N~\V YORK j~Pl l -While awail ing
details of PreS1dent Ford 's economic
program. investors sal on the sidelines
as prices drifted in a mixed paltern in
nioderate trading on the NC'W York Stock
Exchange today. (Tables, Page Al J l.
~he Dow Jones Industrial A\'crage.
1\·.hich snapped an 11-.session losing streak
"'1th a 2.3-point gain l\1onday, lost 5.01
points to 602.5.
Advances led declines. 895 to 431,
among the 1.752 issues traded.
The \'Olume amounted to 15.4 million
shares. compared \~·ith 15.000,000 traded
Orange Coast
Night and morning low clouds
and scattered sprinkles through
\Vednesday, according to the
y.·eather service, y.·ith slighUy
\\·armer ski_es. Possibility of some
sunshine in the afternoon \Vedncs-
day. Highs of 67 at the beaches' ris-,
ing to mid·70s inla nd. '
1\light Ilic tlext step for llou;·
ard. Gosei! be as a dancer and
striger? Ile expects to do o. little
of. both if ABC ooe1 through
101th plans to put him in charge
of a uariety show. Page 81.
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• •
' ' H Tutsda~, Ottobtr 8'; 1974 ;I 2 DAILY Pll~ ---
City Coun~il Stung by Bil~ on Office Re.vamp
C~y <X>llllCilmen agreed Mooday nlgbl
lo apend C9,S34 to refw:b'lsb a Main
Slreet office 111•hich 111·i1t serve as head·
quarters for the do111·nto111·n llunti.nb'ion
Bta<.-h rcdcvelopn1ent project ·
But they expressed anger and frustra-
Uoc1 111·hen they learned most ot 1M!
TI'IOlle)l they \li'ert: uuthorit.ing had already
bt.-Cn S~llt
.. \'ou're asking us to ru tify an ;iction
you 've alr(';1dy taken," ~layor Al C0t•n
complainf'd 10 the cily staff. "~ty f.'()n-
rrrtl Is not Jl!Sl th<' cost, but >n'hut
allrrnatlves would lwve ~n availoble
lO US.
"We knew thtre 'A'OUld be reJ>l irs,
but all of a :sudderi we get a $2U,000
bill . It coukl ha ve betn handled la a
different wey."
COuncllwoman llarriett Wieder naked
'"·hy the redevelopment ofrlce "'asn't
housed Jn rlly hall to save the city
about S20,000.
•·VTN (an Irvine engineering flnnl
suggested the need for downtown identUy
with this projct•t , '' replied VI n cc
Moorhouse. the ci1y staff member who
i.'S coordinating the redevelopment study
with VTN.
"You're invCfiting in 1hls community
ror lhe ,. nut tbret to 15 ye a r s.•'
Moorllouae later added. "We must lden-
Uly with the .people o/ that area Ito
win their support). lf you're going to
tetk $36-$40 mltHon Jn lnvestmenta, you
can't sell Hout or a to.cent can."
''Let's not c ont In u e \Vlth thlll
d I s c ussion," suggested Councilwoman
Normn Gibbs. ''It just gets more em-
Councllmen agreed 5 to 0 to ap1>rove
the rund.~. with 1-.trs. \\'iede r a~taJnlng
a1ld Jerry ~latney cibsent.
The orfice in question ts expected
to opt11 later this week at 220 ~laiD
St-. in tho downtown area. It was once
the headquarters (or t b e lluntin&ton
Btacb Ja)'Cffl and is owned by the
Most of the rtlurbbhlng coots. abou t
$20,000, Involved remodeling for private
offices and bringing the restrooms and
olher facili ties up to the building code.
II will house planners rrom VT N ,
1'1oorhousc and other city staff members
invo lved with downtown redeiveh>pmenl
proposals. •
VTN is spending Its own Ume and
money to create aco mp r e hen s i v e
redevelopment plan for a 3 5 O -a c r e
downtown arta wtUdJ str~hel from Beoch Boulev&l<I lo 'Ninth Slt«t, and
lro1n lhc oeean to Oranie and Atlanta
So far, the city's main commitment
has been the tJme spent by t.loorhouse
and the mooey spent on the office at
220 Main St
Councilman Ted Bartlett sugge!ted the
$29.000 was nothing considering "the hun-
dreds o.f. thousands of dollars w?'ve spent
on studies that went down the drain."
The downtown office will be open to
lhe public.and will be used In meetings
with downtown property o~ners a n d
merchants, aod for conferences with
potenU&l Investors, a c co rd I n I to
Wblle VTN bas ga thtred considerable
data on the potential for h o I e I s ,
restaurants, shops, ciod rcsidentiaJ con·
struction in the study area, t.foorhouse
says a specific rcdevolpment rlan has
not been worked out , and wil depend
on what the do\\•ntown people want.
Huntington Beach Is not obligated to
accept any redevelopment plan, but the
city bas agreed to cooperate with VTN
· and downtown property owners o n
redevelopment studies.
!llai11te11ance Facto1· Gave ~ory
$300 Cash
Capsule Council Actio1i Arsonists
Council Sera ps
Bike Trail Plan -Exec1itive
}fere In caj)S'\lle Corm are tbe major actions taken Monday night by the
Huntington Beach City Council.
TRANSFER TAX: Decided not to calJ for a special e1ecfkm March 4 unut
after they see the result of the Nov. 5 general election.
DOWNTOWN: Reluctantly agreed to authoriz the use of $29,534 to re-
turbish a downtown offJce~as-a ·planning headquarters for downtown redevelop-
Sought in
A proposed $76.000 Jx>achfront bicycle
trail \\'as SC'ratchcd by 11untington Beac h
city councilmen .. \londay nigh t until !ht>
public 1111'rks department can determine
ho111· much it will cost to maintain it.
The proposed trail \\-'OUld have stretch-
rd 3.2 miles along the Huntington State
Beach fence, from Brookhurst Street
10 Beach Boulevard.
It would ha\·e been the connecting
li nk for a bi cycle trail froin the Santa
Ana lUver to Bolsa Chica State Beach.
But councilmen abruptly dropped it
from the agenda when they were told
it might cos t the city from $15.000 to
$18,000 a year to sweep the sand from
menL -
"We just don't ha\•e any infonnation SAN DIEGO (AP ) -Hotel executive BIKE TRAIL: Refused to approve a $76,000 bike trail along Pacific O>ast Huntington Beach fire investigafQrs 10.
M. Larry Lawrence says he gave $300 l·lighway -from Brookhurst Street to Beach Boulevard -until the city staff day were seeking persons who may on the operating cost of this." com-can determine how much it will c06t to maintain it plained Couocil\\'Oman Harriet' Wieder, in cash to Assemblymap Ken Cory (D-have set two trash fires Monday night
noting the city is already in budget Garden Grove ) for the Democratic can· EA RTIIQUAKES: Adopted a seismic safety element for the city's general and possibly nine within the same
troubles because of projeets which cost didate's primary campaign for state con-plan which oullines earthquake potential and provides guidelines for con-neighborhood in the past month.
a lot to maintain. !roller, but Cory denies it. the San struction. Fire Captain Roger Hosmer said the
Councilman Hen"' Duke '"'anted a time Diego Evening Tribwie said today. blazes Monday were in a dumpster .,, mc11 RISE: Gave fmal approval to a high rise ordinance which esta~ !inti! set, asking the staff to report Lawrence, formerly the Democratic Jishes guideline! for buildings more than three stories tall in commercial behind Haven View School, 16081 Waikiki
back within two weeks on talks with Party's Southern california chairman, and industrial zones. Lane, at 7:45 p.m. and another about
state .parks officials to see if something sa.id in an interview that he personally an hour later in a trash can behind
could be done to cut the ctearung· cost gave the money to Cory at Cory's re-ECONOlifY : Formally established a seven-member economic adyisory an apartment house al 4862 Kona Drive.
est commission. on the trail. qu · Hosmer said both blazes were brought
Mayor Al Coen , however, suggested Despite his former position Tu h1gh ZONE CHANGE: Refll8ed to change 10.8 acres of commercial land on lhe quickly under control by firemen, and
the council forget any lime limit as councils or the Democratic Pa r t Y. no rtheast corner of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue to ruldenUal town-there v.·as no damage.
"being useless'' when dealihg with the Lawrence is supporting R ep u b I i can house zoning. -There has been no damage In the
state. Houston I. Flournoy for goternor this '' -nine fires, he explained, adding all were
He moved to drop tlle item · from year. . confined to a trash container or an. D--"~zz· W ~ ke --the agenda-until-th1'-city •taff can come The eory· gift was oectared by B h I T ---OIJftl ne1d-----------·+--• ry·wa or rs back with specific """"'" Oil bow the Lawrence In a campaign statement filed -Ute ery= D exas--Hosmer saJd officen heUeve the fires
trail might be built with cheape r under oath and penalty of perjury last may have been set by the same person.
W lk Off J b maintenance costs. His motioo won 4·2 Fridal, the newspaper said. But it said h w 2 T He said it is doubtful they are related
The planned trail would be an asphalt under oath -do not show the con-past two months across the city along a 0 s with Duke and Ted Bartlett opposed. Cory s campaign statements-also filed T ree omen, ots to a series of five car fires in the
I N · D • slri p 12-feet wide. It would be wide tribtJtion. Gloucester Lane.
ll e1,V lSplttC enough for a city street sweeper to Cory won the Democratic nomination. ----------------,;-;Fit" emo~stiU-&r•-investigaling-tho6e --.. m------------~------c,,l:;;ean;;·~~-=~·~~~-~~-~~~1na~a"n'-"la .. 1erview,-he-denied--everuktng«·-· ------------blares, the last of which was Sept.
In a dispute whi~ couJd shut down
much of California's building industry,
about 5,000 drywall installers throughout
the slate walked off their jobs .Monday.
The first sanctioned drywall strike
in 20 years follows a wildcat Orange
C.ounty drywall strike last month.
Drywall workers,who fall -under the
jurisdiction of the carpenters unions,
are seeking an addition of $3.75 in wages
and fringe benefits to their present $11.43
:II\ hour.
Ray ?itills of In•ille, president of the
Californi a Drywall Contractors Associa-
tion. said negotiations on a new contract
broke down because of union insislenoe
on ... clause setting special piecework
rates in particularly difricult jobs.
The Orange County walkoul began last
\\'eek, before drywall workers in othe r
.oreas of the state began to strike.
Charles Trenta, secretary of t h e
Carpenters District Council of Orange
County, said \vork on many jobs will
continue because contractors have signed
interim agreements 'A'ith the striking
Under the agreements. '"'orkcrs are
paid the demanded settlement until a
new contract is signed .
The drywall contract expired i n
August. but \Vas extended 60 days for
renewed negotiations .. The deadline pass-
ed Ocl. I.
According to a dry111'3\l contractors•
spokesman, the differences b e t W e c n
union and management are negotiable
and can be seuled.
Trcnta, however, said no new
bargaining sessions have been set.
The strike reached :state1111idc scale ~fonday, lhe day befnre ••Na t ion a I ~
Construction ~1obili1..ation Day" in whidi
construction \\-·orkers across the country
are protesting the fina ncial pinch facing
the construction industry and its hlgti
level of unemployment.
1,.. 0•611~ Co.t•~ Dll~Y P,1(11, ..,!II ,..hicPI 11 •~mbo"''lo t.,. "-•w<;·I>•~},, l} pub!ls~ by tl>e °'""II" l:o•.i r~bl0>ll1n9 0>rt'()8n• Sft>•••le "'111•""~ "'" p.,n1 .. 11•<:1. MGna~v tllnl"llll Fri.Uy,
''" Ce•!• ..., • ...,, N~wPOr1 &~II. lfullll"Q!Oft
l\oiM"'"°""'"''" V•lley. L.<19uN Be.Kl\,
''""" O,..c"'"b"(I ~n(I :,.in Ot-nt,ts.n Joun t.on•·l•~l\e. " \o"lll~ rtg•O"~I f'Cllhon "
P<.J~"l~"G .,..tur<:I••• •nd ~ulWl~y\ 1,. P.+nt/1NI
llUDh l\•M •l•nt •\ Al J\lO 'NI!~! &t~ 5\'TWI. ""-14> Mtw. C•••tornl• ''h1~.
Rober! N. Weed
l"tn•-1 '"" f>llbt·~
Jack R. Curley
'llo<t ,.,.~\!Otnt •"<i C'.el'e<.tt ~f1t91r
Thomas Kee vil
Thomds A, Murphinc ,,..,...q,nq EOllOO"
Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall
&~" '!""'\ M-01\•QU"J Ea. tftf• ,
Terry Coville _,, o. ... oe ,.,,.,,,, fotw
Hunt inqton Beach Offlc~
t1e11 llo!-11<11 llau~vttc ,...,,,NI Ackl• .. , P 0. Iii>• r.G, t1'oll
Other Ottices L.cu~• ll>'•l" 11a. r. .. -~,~ \r,
CO\l•ll'ltw UON,118..v '..11,_.,t N~•ll'll"! ~*(II llll t.j•,.l)Ol'l l'loui.v~'lf ~•n ci.n''""' m No rt~ t_t CAm+1111 lllt•t
Telophont f714) 642·4321
Classified Ad"ertlslng 642-5671
'"ll"'"'°"'11°'~C-1v~1.., 540-1220
Qnl'•"'l'\I, •tu 0••1191' CM\I 11'1>1111.,.iflt ca.-.1Mn1 -.o, "'""' ,JIOt'...,, tl+ll\l•tl•-. tl!l•IO<oAI "'•Tift tr •ct"'rt'"""""'I -1\ft .... ,
(JO .-.lt'OOl>Cf4 W1 l"'Oo1\ HIK•.t! r-r""'"°" ~ ,..,,.,.,,,a_•_
Y<'orwt '''' ~11•00' M •ll It tao\lt W l.t, ~11•o•n1e ~""''°" b'! c,.,.., u DO "'°"''~'• bw r.<111 .,. to 1!1-0f"l~!f ; '"''''"' ctt11,11-91,""' n oo:i "'on'"t~
to !e!~ bi::i~ h8~t:~=bli17 ~a:; ~;re~~-for money or receiving cash Bound, Gagged, S lai1i !:irel~g fr:e~J~ orc:~lyw=rTri~
officials expected it to be built and Lawrence said the money was given while -they were parked outside homes.
open for bicyclists by February. Now,, to Cory b es j de the pool at the
the timing is Wlcertain. hofl\e of Robert Siegel, where th e FORT WORTH, Tex. I UPI) -The Total cost of the trail was estimated Democratic State C e n t r a I Co mmittee
at $76,520 with most of the money coming was sponsoring a reception for Cory. bound, gagged and nude bodies o! three
from state and reQcraJ sources.Jbe Lewrence--said-Cory-asked him ror-young-WM'ten-Ancltwo 2-yeaf..OldS, all
"Five brutally murdered people" was
the way Ball described the crime.
The ainaren, i OOy -and a girl, were
thC childr:en of Laura antl Martha
Roper _Successor
May Be Selected city's share -not counting the annual m r h1 · b t did cleaning bill -would have been $14,658 oney or s campaign u not slain with a huge butcher knife, were
from its bikeway funds. want a check. He said he reached into found today in an apartment on the hls pocket and gave Cory "be tween . . · The trail presents a cleaning problem $300 and $400 in cash." city's south side.
because of sand from the state beach "I did not ask Larry for money," "The three ladies were ass au It e d
drifting across it. Co "d hil tli Iha Councilmen suggested the city staff ry sat • w e reca ng t they · criminally and in other v;ays," medical
determine if there is any way the state met. ''I can envision $300 getting lost examiner Dr. Feliks G"·ozdi said.
bl k th d d ·1 k in the campaign somewhere, but 1 don't Hom;c1"de dlv1"s1·on Lt . 011·u Ball said can oc e san ri ts to eep the recall any money changing hands."
trail clear and cut cleaning costs. Cory's acceptance of more 1 h 8 n there were signs . or a terrific struggle.
New Meatball
Champ Croivried
f\E\V ORLEANS (U PI) -The ltalian-
American Marching Club announced to-
day that its new world champion meat-
ball eater deYoured 20 three . o u n cc
regulation meatballs in 15 minutes.
The champion is Mike Palmisano of
Gretna. La., "''ho achieved the record
at a competition in City Parle
Palmisano was awarded a trophy con-
sisting of a metal figure of man holding
a giant meatball over his head.
Flu Shots Clinic
111 Huntington
$500,000 from two contributor3 in Orange \Vhile the women were nude, I.he children
County bas been turned into a campaign were fu lly dressed, even to shoes. The
issue by his Rep\Jbllcan o p po n e n t child d Assemblyman William T. Bagley, (R·Sa~ · ren were gagged but not boun .
Rafael ). All were stabbed many times and
a bloody but.i:her knife was left in a
Three Mangled
By Freight Train
DURHAM (AP) -Railroad officials
have found the badly mangled bodies
of three men who were apparently hil
by a freight train.
Bulle County sheriff's deputies said
J\tonday the men were apparently cross-
ing Butte Creek on a narrow treslle
Sunday night when a Southern Pacific
train caught lhem part way across.
They said it probably would be several
days before the men are identified. None
o( lhe victims carried identification.
Front 1•age Al
front bedroom with three of the bodies.
Two of the women were identified
as sisters Laura and Martha McLendon.
The third. woman was identified only
as "Linda." They ranged in age from
19 to 24.
Fro1n. Page Al
TR.i\NSFER ...
cilmen promise.
Duke cootends If that ba~pens, there
is no reason to hold a special March
4 election -combined with local school
board elections -which could cost the
city $18,000 to $20,000.
Bali said there was no sign of a
torted entry into the apartment and
that he had no suspects. The apartment
was on I.be ground 'fioor.
i•Jl's the worst situation I've ~ _
in a long time," Dr. Gwozdz said.
Valley Chaniber _
Seeks 'Citizens'
The FOlllrtaln Valley Cliamber of Com-
merce Is now seeking candidates for
this year's "Citizen of tbe Year" award.
Tile award is giveri annually to so-
meone who has co ntributed to the bet·
tcnnent of the community, accor.iing
to chambe r offida1s.
Nomi nees must belorig to one or more
civic organizaJ.lons and be a resident
of Fountain Valley. Candidates may be
nominated either by an individual or
an organization.
The deadline for nominations Is Nov.
10, and tbe Citlz.en of the Year will
be honored at a Dec. JO banquet .
Nominatio n forms are available at the
chamber office, 17940 Magnolia St . ,
Fountain Valley.
At Meet Tonight
An interim superintendent rot the Hun-
tington Beach Union High School District
Is expected to be named tonight at
a 7:30 school board meeting at Marina
High School.
Superintendent Jack Roper, who has:
held the post the past four yean; will
leave Friday to assume a similar position
with the Fremont Union High School
District in Northern California.
Board President Ron Shenkman said
many well.qualified person! have applied
for the position bere, but It may be
several weeks before a decision is made
and the person i5 on duty,
Teachers al90 are expected lo renew
their request tonight to be included as
ad_yi¥>rs in the final screening of ap-
But Shenkman said he and most other
board members consider the matter clos-
ed. Trustee Dennis Mangers said he
would favor allowing teachers and other
groups lo be lnclud~ In that final phase.
Roper wu saluted by the district'll
PTA Council at a Monday luncheon.
In addition, he was honored at a r~nt
dinner given by district educators and
other area residents.
Tiie Soroptimist Club of ~Iuntington
Beach Will sponsor a flu shot clinic
from 5 p,m to 8 p.m. \Vednesday in
the Lake Park clubhouse at Lake and
12th stre<>ts.
This yea r the clinic is open to residen ts
of all ages. In past years the shots
were primarily given to senior citizens.
NOBEL ... t'Branding keeps us all honest.
The cost of n nu sho t is $3. Anyooe
who comes \Vcdncsday can get a shot.
'I11£'re is no pri or registration.
The ,von1en's service club has purchas-
ed enough vaccine for 500 shots Wed·
nesday. A second clinic will be held
Nov. 6 Last year about 500 shots were
given, but 1nore people are expected
thls ycur.
In Its most controversial selection in
hi story, the 1973 peace pri1.e was award-
ed lo Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss-
inger and North Vietnam 's Le Due Tho
for their negotiations to end the war
In Vietnam.
Tho, a member of North Vietnam's
politburo, announced he would not accept
the award because "peace has not been
established in South Vietnam." He hinted
that he might accept it once peace
\\'as acco1nplished.
' -And the customer knows it.'' ""' Fram: W. Hartmann ~--.-... .. ..... , ... ~
"C8rpeting is a blind item.
For the consumer, few things are bought with so llttle knowledge, and with
so much trepidation.
Two different pieces of carpeting can look the same. feel the same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have, in fact, not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Gives Them Pain
Yet after just six months of use. one will look terrible and the other will took
like new.
How is the consumer to know which is which?
Oddly enough, even price often won't tell her. So even buying expensive
Mari juaua S111oh--.e rs II urt Soo11est
llcart patients t!a n exercise ontv ha ir
AS IMg Wi thout feeling chest pains afler
smoking a nlarijuana cigarette Iha n
after ~moking a tobacco clgarcttt, ac-
cordi ng to the findings of a UC Irvine
Angina J>('Cloris-chcst pa I n s rx-
perlcnetd by he a r I P8lients-are ex·
perienced during e1crci~e alter smo~lng
either. according to UCI cardlologl$t
Dr. Wilbert S. Aronow.
In studies publlshtd in m e d i c a I
journal-'. Aronow has described the effect
or cigarette. smoking on men wlih heart
probfenu '"'ho perform exe .. cist.
Smoking a fllll!red, low ~nleotlne
cigarett decreased by 13 percent the
limt the mc.n could exe!'Cise v.•ilhoul
feeling chest pains. he !llld.
The averMlle clgrtrettc cut 1he tilTW'
by 2~ l)ert ent, he said. Bat 10 pul(11
11n n marijuana cig;ireue reduced Oie
lime by 48 percent, he said.
In both ca~. ca rbon monoxide caused
the p..<tlns. While nicotine Is a190 known
as harmful. his tests on marijuMa show
that tOe main Ingredient, letrah)'t:ro-
caMablnol (THC) has a stranger effect
on increasing the pulse And blood ~res· :;ure.
Because of the differe:nt amounts
ui;cd, Aronow said, ctgl\rettc and marl·
Juana use cannot be equaled.
While a heary tobacco uur may smoke
20 to 25 cigarettes a day. he said,
i:i marijuana user ma}' only smoke threoc
or Jour j()ints in the same perlocl, he
"llowever, ii is certainly safe Io
assume thal the more cigarettes one
smokes. or either kind, the more pro-
nounced the c!f ect on lbc pul.sc, blood
pres:;ure a nd -in coron11rypa-
Uent&-:ingin<1 pectorls.," he said.
I '
carpeting Is no guarantee of quality. ·
The only thing that protects the Investment of the consumer. and the
reputation of the honest relJliler. Is selling the brand names that both. know they can trust." · •
This is why we don't private label carpeting at Alden·s. When you fi Qd
samples with the names changed on the labels, run over to Alden's fast.
After all, carpeting Is one of life's mtJor Investments. It shoutdnl be gone
into blind.
1663 Plactnlia AYe.
HOUlS:W-lln ........ tlo l:JD-1'11. tlot-SAT. t:JDlo 5
' -. .
,-l • 4 -• • . ~ ... ---....
-· Tursday, Octobu 8. 1974 H DAI LY PILOT i\ :J
Rocky Gifts Co~ld .Reopen Probe-Mans£ ield
Democratic leader l\11kt l\1ansfield so.Id
today dlsclosure1; of gifts made by Viee
Pr esi dential nominee Nelson A.
Rockefeller to political assoclates "could
~·ell reopen hearing~" on his oominalton.
HO\\'C\'er. Senate Hepublican I ea d.e r
1-Jugh Scott So'.ljd he has "wen nothing
v.'hich has · impaired the int?grity or
Gov. 1iockefeller in any way."
Rockefeller. foriner governor of New·
York, has said he rnade financial gifts
to lleruy A. Kissinger in 1969 when
he ~'as an adviser to R,oc:kefeller and
before joining the Nixon administration
and to L.. Judson ~torhouse, the former
New York state Republican chairman.
Rockefeller and hls fa1nily have given
major contributions to a nwnbtr of
Republicans in Congress who will \'Ole
on .his nomination. The New York Times
said t.ciday the nlost reeenl gift, was
$15,000 to Sen. Jacob Javits (R·N.Y.l.
two \\'eeks &go.
ln addition, tbtre bilve betn report&
o( a $5$0,000 gift to William J, Ronan .
chainnan of the Port Authority of New
''ork and New Jersey, and $100.000 to
Hugh Atorrow. Rockefeller's pre ss
secretary. Ronan confirmed the gift
··So far as I am able to ascertain
irs legitimate," ritansfield said. ··eut
tl.e fact that it's publicitl'd rajses ques·
tions, yes indeed. And it could well
reopen hearings so far llS Rockeft!ler
is concerned."
The Senate Rules Commiliee has com·
plett-d public hearings on Rockefeller 's
nomination and Is av.·aitin& completlon
of a .ioijt report on his i~mc t.:ix
filings b} Congress' Joint Committee
of Internal Revenue Taxation and the
Internal Revenue Service.
Scott, a mc1nbe.r or the comn1i11ec.
said !he panel \\'OUld meet \Vcdnesday
on the nonilnation bu(Ulat he had "he1.1rd
Report Calls for
Pilot Logbook
-Leavi11g You~ Heart
l11 Sa11 F1·a11cisco
CU 111• 01Uy Piiot Sl1!1
How I bought the Golden Gate Bridge and other tales of San Francisco. * • •
J\1Y ~RIEND. the Italian ~uga~ salesman from P..farin County, has a S-year·
old who h~es bubble C.UJll. He ltkes it so much he eats it.
A1y friend took his boy to the market recently. Among other things, they
· bought some c.andy and some bubble gum. \Vhen they got _
baC'k to the car, the boy began chewing the bubble gum.
"Don't swallow it," cauti~ed father.
A few minutes later. the boy asked if he could ha\•e a
piece of candy.
"What"happened·to-your bubble gum," dad wanted to
"I ate it.,!!.was the anS\\·er.
"1 thought I tokt you not to swallow the bubble gum,"
said father.
"I didn't swallow it, Daddy." said the boy, "I ate it."
frustrating semantical argument between father and son A lengthy and
!ollo"·ed. "I think he's going to be a lawyer," sighed dad, adding that his son is still
.. ,. Ptto••
Over65 I
' Ride _Free
Starling ~ov. I . any Orange Countian
. over the age of G5 "1iill !).., able to
ride free on couniy transit distriC't buses.
Transit directors e1'1dorscd a contract
with county government r-.tonday to pro-
-vide subsidiied rides for senlor citizeni'
at a cost not to exceed $350,000 -for
the first six months ot experimental
All that remains is final approval
pf the contract by the county ~ard
of Supervisors. which originated the con.
cept of spending social revenue sharing
funds on such a project.
L'nder tenns or I.he contract, re\·enue
sharing coffers will tum over ·$175.000 .
ltlnrshall Aide Dies to the transit district for the first three
months of operations.
Paul G. Hoffman. first admin· ';I'hat sum covers the 25'cent bus fares
nothing about rt0penlng ht>arlni;&. If h's
\\'or1h looking into, it \\·ill."
The reports said a number of pers<Jns
ll1roughoul the n<ition h<id bl'cn gi' en
contributions fro1n th1;· nomU1ee or his
fa1nily . ·
Gannett Ney,·:; Sc>r\·ice said 4\lorro\\'.
\l'ho has been Rockt-fellcr's ~pokt>$11nn
fo r n1ore thtin :i decade. recch·('(! the
money after banks forcclosc-d .. lo:in
he had 1r1ken ou1 for t hrr~ sons \\'ho
\1·cre in colll'gt> and two nll•1nber~ of
his fan1ily "'ho 5Uff('ied major illness(.'!.
The nev.·s srrvlt~ also said RockeftUer
established o trust of an unspecified
tunount for Ttobcrl R. Doughlass. who
s"r1·ed as Hockefeller's chief aide during
his last yel'trS :is governor.
Dough!ass succeeded Hotlan . who OOJd
the post in the early y ca rs of
Hockt'fcllcr's Ne\v York admtnistration
JI has be<>n !t"arncd that Rockefeller
.1skfld Honan 10 beconie his chlef of
sloff if ht' 1s eonf1 rn1cd a.s v1cc president.
Halt _
Too Higl1
\l'ASHl~GTO~ fl'PI\ -A report on
1he future of 1he na tion's nucl<>ar energy
policy called toda y for an hnmediate
halt 10 !he construction of nuclear power
planrs for nioral a n d cn\·ironmentaJ
reasons .
The e!ecl rie industry'.:; (~timates or
fulure po11·<'r needs nrr-c_.xaggcraled .
the report said, and the country·s ex·
perience during the oil embat-go show's
conservation and the .searC'b for-other
pov.·<>r soµrres are ~'iable alternatives
lo nuclear plant hazards. •
The report \1'as prepare<l by t h t
privately financed Center for Science _
in the Public Intere st. and written by
\\'illiam H. 4\tillerd. doctoral student in
phys ics .
The center is one of 127 m('mbe:rs
of ~he National ln!erveners. a collection
of public inte rest groups.
. '
l+--,1--'"''mg..bubble-gum.».'.hene.ver be gets th ·
He seems to be all right. except fo r a slight tendency to swell up every
time he inhales,'' father explained.
istralor of the Marshall P-'l.iiaii"c-· ----Ofii:ori;;;ia21i~1"16c;.000~00sf0eoorui':·o'oor-oc'Oi°"li"""'ns'--'"'.n'-"1h,,ec___ died at h~ome county over t e quarter year.
-;::.__:c.'4,c,__ The groups said they 11·ouJd \\'or k
.. ..,.~~ lllrorrgtfefiurch organizations 1n an e.ffOi-· --•
early today at the age of 83. District General r..tanager G.J. "Pete" * • • 1\ successful businessman, Fielding said it is likely only about
!\fY FRIEND, the Italian sugar salesman, and 1 arranged to meet in San
Francisco's Marina District. It was a near-perfect fall Sunday in the Bay
Area -no fog, no \Vind and the temperature in the mid-70s.
Hoffman turned to public serv-20 percent of all seniors will ride the
ice after \Vorld War II. buses so any money left over will revert
back to the county.
\Ve decided to go to a bar y.·c· knew at the eod of Hyde Street. near Fisher-
man's Wharf-.-\Ve had frequented the place during our-salad daysJn San.Fran·
cisco and wt recalled that it had a good vitw of the bay.
We parked in the underground garage at the former chocolate factor y,
but couldn't find our way out \Ye climbed up and down ~veral Oights of
stairs and finally came upon s<ime tourists in sOOrt sleeve shirts and cotton
dresses. They were \Vaiting for an elevalor.
"Do you Jolks kno,.., hOw to get out of here?" asked my friend, a native
San Franciscan. They did.
"Thank goodness,'' he quipped, "we've been in here !or a week."
The tourists howled \\!ith delighL
)~r!rst Stor1n
~-Of Seaso11
Soal{s Coast. "I had a suntan \\.'hen I came in here,·· he continued.
The tourlsls laughed again. * • * Tiie first rainstorm of the season dro~
THE BUENA Vista Cafe hasn't changed much over the years -a new ped small amounts of water along the
coa.f of paint and some new faces · on-bolh_si~ _tlle_bar. Tb~tt an; .TTl9re Or..ange Coast Monday, causing some
tourists now. They drink Irish coffee on a warm afternoon because Irish coffee is \\'hat the: BV is noted for. ,,. traffic tie·ups and dampening homeward
My friend and I sipped gin and tonk and asked each other, "What ever bound school children.
happened to?" \Ve hadn't seen each other for a Jong time. The rain, however.' was vi r I u a 11 y
"The trouble with people nowadays," my friend observed, "is that they umneas~ble. The Harbor Patrol in
don't have time for each other." Nev......,..rt Beach said only •·trace•• ... * • I""
AS WE SAT there. t\\'O girls sauntered into the bar and everyone turned amounts of rain fell r..tonday and the
to look. One wore a light red T-shirt. She was braless. The other wore a blouse same reading was made Tuesday mom·
~ unbuttoned to the wai st. She also was braless. ing.
1\fy friend and I agreed between our.se lves that they were dressed that way Alon_g tbe coast, several traffic ac·
t);ecause th-ev-otherWIS"e-\\·ould attract-little-attention. -
Ah , whiit discerning gentlemen were we. And perhaps a bit over the hill. cidents "''ere caused by the slick streets
Later, as my friend and I moved on to dinner, we noticed that t'NO young in Huntington Beach 'and a few traffic
men in stylishly cut de,nims had engaged the girls in conversation. snarls were reported on the freeWays * .. • . \VE APPROACllED I~ loll gate on the San Francisco side of the Golden this morning, according to the California
Gale Bridge--as v.·e--drove-roward Mnrin County. Highway Patrol.
"\Vhat's the toll these days?" I asked, reaching into my pocket for some Other rain measurements included .04
money. inches in Santa Ana and .02 inches
"Three dollars." said my friend, slowing for the gate. at Santiago Peak.
"Oh sure," I sa id, handing him a dollar bill. · lie giggled, stepped on the gas and sped through the idle toll gate. t had L~~an Clemente had no rain r-.tonday.
forgotten that they no\v 'collect the toll onJy from drivers on their way into with only light driziles this morning_
the city. \Ve, or course, didn·t have tD pay any toll. About six sploouts and crashes tied
"You ," laughed my friend the Jtalian sugar salesman as he pocketed my up Orange County freeways follov.·ing
dollar, "have just bought the Golden Gate Bridge." Monday's shower. according fo Jerry
Maxv.·ell of the California H i g h w a y
Patrol. Traffic this morning was near
Two Laguna Policemen
Suspended in Gunplc1.y
A sing1e power outage. affecting only
a half dozen customers. was experienced
ir Silverado Canyon about 1 a.m. today,
according to the Edison Company.
The National \\'eather Servtce predicts
continued night and rooming low clouds
u·itb scattered sprinkles through Wednes·
Afternoon skies at times should be
01 the Oil!~ 1"1111 S1'1f
in the building. and ricocheted through
the offices and smashe~f a ligl1t fixture..
Temperatures along the coast should
range to 62. dropping to the n1id-f){)s
tonight. The Laguna .Beach Police Deparlment
has suspended h•o detecti\'es a n d
reprimanded (\\'O other o{ficers in con·
nection \vith a shooting incident at the
city hall annex a rnonf.h ago.
On the bright side of the ra in. the
Air Pollution Control District predicts
little or no smog in the damp skies.
"Once \\·e have determined the level
of ridership. "1'C will be able to figure
out more precise costs to the county,"
fielding said.
\\'hen the cost of the program \\·a s
fi rst computed. Fielding offered the
county an annual contract of S6 per
.-;enior citiien. That ·would be similur
to contracts the transit district bas with
UC Irvine and other groups.
That \\'Orked out to a maximwn total
cost of about $700.000 per year or 5350.000
for the first six months of operations.
. Supervisors endorsed the concept for
SJx months. sti pulating that it be reviey,·.
ed ~fteLJhr~ moi:Lhs_ to-determine.
if the cost could be adjusted.
After approving the contract, transit
directors turned to a request by F'ieldjng
to use some or !he revenue from the
county tD hire three new marketing
Fielding said the estimated $75.000
cost of hiring I.he new employes would
be: worth it because it would be their
jobs to encourage senlor citizens to take
advantage of the new progran1 .
llijacker Throttled
T~IPEI <UPI)·-Aii apparently
d<>r:mged Chinese armed with a gasoline
bomb and a knife i\tonday made an
unsuccessful attempl to hi j a r k a
domestic passenger plane to C h i n a .
airline officials .said .
Rei1iecke Asks
Passport Back
\VASltlNGTON (APl -Fonner
California Lt. ('l(lv. Ed Reinecke.
who received a suspended JS.month
sentence last week for per jury.
asked in U.S. District Court today
that his paMPort be returned.
The p a s S-p o rt "·as lifteJ
automj\ticaUy July 27 when Rein·
~ke \\'as convict e ot on o:-ic
cow1t of lying under oath to the
Senate Judiciary Comn1ittcc.
Reinecke r<'Signed \\'ednesday as
lieutenant go,·ernor only ni inutc s
':>C'f<fre he \\'a~ sentenced hy r.~.
O is 1 r i ct Judge BarriOfl'll1 O.
. , .... : r.., " to point out moral and environmental
. ·::x. . .. · •. · .r ;...,.~· questions in\'oh;<'d in u11res1rictcd gro\\1h .... "'\ • ·~i"I ,,.._ f -~i.,._ i. / ~ -~;'"' • • "" , .;f"• o atomic fac ilities. and said they hoped
_ ""'·. . YI" . enough response could be built up to
""·, · : ... bring 1he issue before Congress in two
or three years.
-~ .:.
UPI TtllPllOlt
SJ1e's a 1llo1111tie
• Christine Shaikin models th e
''review order" unifonn for
new won1en n1embers of the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
in Ottawa. It's the uniforn1
likely to be seen on Parliament
Hill or at Government House.
AIJege,d Victin1
Of Rape Cl1arged
111 Mnn's Dea tl1
LONG BEACll ·{AP) -A 19-year~ld
divo rcee has been ch~ed with murder in the killing of one f t\I'() men she
ae<:used of kid naping a raping her.
Deborah Kantaeng s C'hargcd ~ton·
da y \1•ith murdering Danny A)len, 21.
of S.1nta Ana. Allen \Vas killed by :l
shotgun blast when be and Carl S.
Ti<>e. 21, also of Santa Ana . y.·ent to
the Kanta<>ng hoin<' Thursday night.
~frs. Kantaeng told police that Allen
and another nian kiclnaped her at 11
Cerritoo shopping cente r Y.lcdne.sda y,
then raped her at knifepoint and forced
her w give ttien1 her telephone number.
She told police she rece i\"<'d a cat\ the
next day and agrero to sec the caller.
\\'hen Allen knocked, to.-1rs. Kantaeng's
father open<'d lh(' door and the u•oman
reportedly fired a AIO shotgun bias~
at Allen.
Police det ecti\·e BQb r\uglllon . ~a i.d
police believe ~'lrs. Kantaeng lied about
the kidnap and .. other issues." Aughton
declined to comment on ..,,·he1her the
rape accusation \\"as an1ong the "other
Tice hnd bet>11 held for inYes1lgatinn
of rape 11nd niurd('r but was later releJS·
ed .
"Tice is not the l)t'rson present \1'h<'n
the all eged rape occurred. He \\"<IS an
inn()C('nt party \\"hO appea rt:'d on th<'
rl:iv of rhe · ho111icid c," ll spoke~n1nn
tor th<' attorney'.~ Office said .
"I! is clear lh:it the nation·s current.
i)Olicy or iapid expansion of lhe-iiiic1ear
indu stry rC'prcsenls a bad de<"ision." the
year.long study concluded. "Because the
need for a high-groy.•th rat<> in the elec·
tric.al industl}" is seriously in question.
the unr~lved !lnfety and disposal pro--
blems indicate as a minirnal necessaM'
C'hange in riolicy. n n1ora1orium on I~
construclion of additiona l plnnts , ..
"During the moratoriui n. co1npletion
of safety test ing program.~ plus ex·
perience u•ith operaling plants: will
hopefully resolvl' the safety questions:·
it said. "During th is lime aiso. ex·
-perience v.ilh · conservatiorr-·effons.
research and dev~lopmenl on alternative
tei:;hnologies and suC'Cess or failure in
the search for a permanenl u· a s t e
disposal method y,i!J allo\v our people
to make a decision rnore in accord
"ith its moral responsibilities."
According to lhe Alon1 ic £nergy Com·
mission, 45 nuclear po"·er plants v.·ere
licensed lo operate a~ of June 30; 60
;rere under constniclion : 105 far enough
into lhc planning sr:ige that re:1ctors
had been ordered, and 2 i announced
but for 1rhich no reactor order had
be<>n plact'd.
The report dcta!ls prob)C'ms involved
\\·ith the transpor1a1irm of nuclear
niaterials. including \1·aste. and the safe·
I,\' and securil y of the pou·er plant s
!hemseh·l's. It coneludes lhal An1ericans
ha\'C :ln obliga1ion to future genC'rations
in all pats of the "''Orld to be good
SlC'\1 ards of the ir plane!.
The report cites a Hand Corp. study
in Califon1ia \\'hich predicted a 3 pcrC'enl
gro\\1h rate in electrical capacity \\1as
needed for that state. C"ompa red to in·
duSllJ' projections Of lip to 8 percent. .
The s1udy said thC' n:.ition's demand
for electrical JX>wer during 197~ has
actua lly been held steady. provi ng that
conser\'ation-n1inded polt('ics and public
v.-il!i ngness to reduce consumption can
il!a rt.ha Mitchell
,Jslt.~ for ,'/fi3 .000 ;
If ' eekl,y Suppo rt
Police Chief F'rank Schopf>n. City
1\fanagcr Al Thcal and f\.lltyor Roy Ilolm
declined to identify !he o(ficers JnvOl\•cd.
The official statement released by the
department said :
"On advice of the city attorney, In
the interests of good employe-en1ployer
relations, and in the interest of the
ability of the Laguna Beach police of.
ricers to function properly as police
officers in the future. the department
respecllully declines to identify these
officers. Appropriate di sciplinary action
has been taken by _the d c pa rlm en t
relative to the unprofessional conduct
of the officers."
~o.nner Laguna Beach narcotics of·
ficer John Saporito. employed at the
time by the Tustin force. \\'as fired
in connection u~th the incident after
first denying involvement,_ l.ben con-
fessing after ballistics tests traced the
spent bullet to his gun. •
Another Tustin officer, Frank Lopez.
was gi, ... en a 2().(lay suspension without
Property Tax Bills Due
\E\\' YOHK lt\P 1 -~lartha Nitc~lt.
f\t'<'ktng S.lllt..)~:,ll't't'k ll'n1porary support
pa,1Tl'l(·nts frorn h<>r hu.c;band, has been
fort:t-d ro do thinp,1> r;he shouldn ·t because
shr i.~ pi nC"hcd for money. her lawyer
~Uld toda~·. '
~l <H<' ~uprl.'n1e C-0ur1 JuS1ice iltanue1
f.on1i>1. re~1•r\'f'd dE't'i!don on the motion
for trniporary a\irnony pre!lented by the
l:111·~·er. H1thard Creditor.
No further statement was mride.
There \\'Bi> no C~pJa113tlon of \\'hllt
rondur1 ted to 1he su!lpcnsions and
Cunpl:iy {II the Glcnn<':yre Streel annex
,~·htch hou~s pohC'e detteth·cs nnd the
recreaticin dt!p<1rt111ent took plact at
about :'1 :30 a.1Y1. Sep!. 6
A bUllct sn1pshed a pl.ate gJas.s wtnd.0,1•
The two Laguna Beach police offk:ers
were suspended for 10 and eight days.
The punishment can bt appealed to
the city board or the city council. '
Lag\Dla Beach ~officials refused to
elaborat.e on \\'hat cons t iJ u t e d
''u.n8utborized conduct" by the Laguna
policemen except to say none was in·
\'O)Ved In the Shooting, ,
lfO\\'t\'er, it has been lean1ed that
food and gnrbage "'hert thrown at the
annex building tbat night. Tht food wn!i
of the same type served ::il a police
asooclo.tion family picnic the n I g ht
Gunfire was heard by an offiC\lr on
ptitrol at about 3:30 a. m, lnve&tign1ing
I.he shots, he stopped a ctr dri,•cn by
Lopci wlth ~porito as a rider,
Collector to Se n<l Out 459.000 Notices Next, Weeh '
Orange County Ta1' Collector-Trca·
surer ftobert Citron will put 459.000
property tax bills in the m8il next ,.,.eek.
see.king payment of more than a ha.JI
a hillion dollars.
The e:JptCtcd 1974r75 total ol $. s 2 1
milllon ,Is niort than S71 million higher
thtlll lr1st year, Cilroo sa'.id.
''\\1\en you add the tax bills o n
ricrsonal prop c r I y. hooieo"il<'rs' C.J·
cmptlons and buslntss lnvtntory ex-
emption.~ rebated to the C'OU\\t~ by lhc
st.ite. tt'M wUl total $603 1nillion th.il
wtll be received by the coun1y thi s
fisca l year from propert y ln:»cs." Citron
\\llat a!I this n'ltans to the ind hid11nl
homeowner \\ill V'l'U')' widt"ly from 11rea
to 3rea and even to dirierent paMi
or 11. gi\'en city. Citron noted.
"This i!> because althouSh the a 'JSl'SSor
ha$ roiS<'d the as~cr;Std \'alua1lnn hy
an Average of 17.S percent In lhr rounly,
!he incr.l.'asts in dlff~ent .'.lrrns rongc
"from no incr ea1:1e 10 ris, ~lgh as 33
. I
percent In t..1guna Bea<'h." Chron s.1id
Orange Cliunty currently hA~ 21.1 dlf·
ft'r(lnt taxing :1g(lncit>s co1npni>tn~ l.550
different consolidnt.t'd t.1x rrrtr~.
"There 1s an ;l\'C'r:tgr (If 1~ taxing
agencies \)l:r ronso!irlated t.ax r a t e • ' •
Citron said. "f'or in~tanc(', there 3r('
59 dlft<>rcnt consolicl:ued t:ix rnh.'!i in
the cit:-or Sant:l ,\nn alone ...
An individu.11's t:ix b1ll is c1.1Jcul:it1-d
hy n1uhiply1ng the total lllx rAt!' 111
the are~ \rherc th!' properl v i~ loc~tcd.
by the. llsses....ed vahutll<ln
:-.1r.-. ,\1itchel1 h{ls 11u('d for separation
from her hu$b~nd. fornier U.S. Ally.
f.<>n John ~. i\lllc.h<>ll. charging abarr
C'rrrlitor sa:ld ~In ~lltcheU vtas: facing
a d1rP.:• ~iruation nnd '~·:-is "901.rrg things
uhich are not in her best b11erest ..
1n ordt•r to suppcrt herself.
"She ha~ n1ade some money for pubUc
nppenrnnccs," Crrdltor stud. "She v1as
forced !o do so. particularly in \iew
of the high cost or living."
The law~·er ga\'c no other $J>et"if1cs.
~l nn:ii1 Stogal. r('prcs<'nthlg 4\1itchell.
1·1ld the judg<' lhat 3 p..1}nlCllt \\'lU
!)(' n1ude to ~lrs \lilC'hcll "90 thai
tl\~ problcn1 of u'Qs:isten..;e y,•jll ix'. :ldc~
•pl.1tvl\ l'Q\ u cd ••
• 4 DAILY PILOT lutsda:t. Ottobtf 8, 1974
--.. -
Jus t ~ Coasting ,~ J Butz Claims Part in New Grain Deal
.. ~';::. ~:·. '\~
I ··,(~ . 'ii<.} wUh
·~'-·. T om ' arphine
Soak PuhJi c,
Fi~l1t l11flatio11
' UPS & DO\V~S Dt-:PT. -Ah, yes.
l ht!re'~ good Ot'\\S lo11if.!ht in the grave
struggle against inn11tion. saggi n g
rconomy and nim-nnm dollars. folks.
Our fedt•rn l government appears to hAve
rorgottcn the notion of extra gasoline
No11· m mcs th<' bad news. This is
called the surtax . Sometimes it is called
a surchargC'.
From \\'ire Sen•lces
WASHIJl;CTON -Agrlcullure Sttrttary
Earl L... Butz acctpts pan of the bhune
for an unexpected $$00-mllllon gr a I n
order by the Soviet Union, bul his boss
says he can k~p h.ls job.
Sen. Henry ri.t. Jatkson ([).Wash.),
ho"·ever. \\'ant!I to k11ow more and plans
10 hold a hearing today on the grain
deal. The deal was aborted last "·ee kend
as the result of \Vhite House pressure
on t\"0 large grain con1piinies.
JACKSOS ACCUSED Butz of "gross
mismanageme nt" because the W h i t e
!louse had not been informed earlier
of the sales. He asked lhat Butz resign.
"The President does not blamt the
Agriculture Department for this.'' White
House Press S..."'Cretary !loo Nessen said
J\·londay. "On balance, he believes ihe
department has done a good job. The
President believes Mr. Butz should not
Secretary of Stale Henry A. Kissinger
snld earlltr ti.londay that bureaucratic
niisundcrstanding n1ay have pron1ptcd
""'"J," fJ .---------, -;;;~ASCUS
'--K_i_s_s_in_g_e_r_T_r_i P_.J fl, s1~~:.~ 1
-• l
" • ... ;
• •
ISRAEL~Qr //t ('I .
\\lhatcvC'r thev call ih. il mJ:aJlS }'®___ _
arc a likely candidatC' to gC"t socked
.# 1ocT.'12°1:o A e
·-~ JERUSAU M , ... in the pocketbook in order lo save our
nali on from the financial doldrums.
President F'ord is suggesting the su rtax
'-as one of se1·erill \\"<IYS \\'C might solve
the battle of the "'eakencd economy.
Now to understand this, fir st you have
to l<no1v 1\•hat a surtax is. I'll have
to admit I 1,1,•as s bit foggy on · the
poin t myself. So I looked it up in my
&rusty dictionary.
IT -RECITED : "Surtax : An extra or
a special charge assessed on certain
goods or accommodations or on a certain
class of people, over and above the
oormal rates."
Isn't that 11'onderful? Th e dictionary,
it develops, talks a hell of a lot plainer
than the politicians.
Roll that definition around a couple
ol tin'les. "A special charge . . on a
certain cl ass of people over and
above the normal rates .. ,
I n other word s , the F'ord
Administration calculates to help the
economy by selt.'eting a <'erlain class
ol folk s and taking more money a\\'ay
·rrom them.
YOU CA'N=r GET past a gasoline
pump or through a grocery s t o r e
checkout line now "'lthoul a bank loan.
So making you less solvent yet is a
After Mr. Ford 's message today, ii
is still uncertain "'ho Congress v.ill select
to be "that special class of people."
Lucky them.
Tbe extra lax may. for example, gel
laid on e\"ery single person making more
than S7.500 a yea r. or roughly $625
a month o"' some\\'here near $157 a
Or. as somf' congressional leaders ha1•e
suggested . it should onl y get laid on
tbose making more than $15.000 or
maybe $20.000 a year.
CO~GRESS, APPAREri.'TLY, \Viii have
lhe final say on who gets soaked to
save the economy. What we really need
here is a real professional economist
who can explain to us how taking money
a y,·ay from the people and giving it
to the Federals is going ta cur:,e the
nation's-monetary woes.
Some experts ha \'e timidly suggested
thal federal spending is the bi ggest in-
flationary factor of all. So now maybe
they'll have more of your cash to spend?
\\1e1J, those of us out here in the
trenches of this economic \.\'ar are likely
to continue to hrar a lot of talk about
··resl raint. sclf-dicipline and sacrifice.''
Viey.•ing this Ford Administration
economic package. Sen. Ed\vard tit Ken-
nedy. the Democrat who isn't running
for president. called the surtax notion
··an unfortun ate suggest ion."
HIS C0.\1i\IE1'"'T SHOWED remarkable
r1':-trilint. Probably bc<:ause he isn'l run-
ning for an~'1 hing.
So far . 111 view of the Ford economics.
all of !he IX!inocrats Sl*'ms to be ex-
creising rrmarkable rest;iint. !\1 a y be
none of lhe1n are running for aeything.
1\laybc one or l\\'O of them better
II•-''.!, De•d ." .S••
Si na i
Penln•u la
,OllleL.I ITO'S AT
ALQlftlA 6 llOftOCCO
11,0ftt: RITVftNINQ
0-~M~,~,~ .. ~-7S
K-inhrger lti11erary-
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger heads back to the 1-liddle East
tonight to set up next stage in peace talks between Israel and Arab
states. He says he expects no concrete resul ts or agreements -but
a c.'l!:menting of the negotiating process. Newsmap shows his fli ght
schedule. ·
Tunney, Cranst9n Cite
Doubts on Sea Drilling
\\'ASH'INGTON (A?) -CaUfomia
senators John V. Tunney and 1\ 1 a n
Cranston v.•ere among 20 U.S. senators
"'ho have urged President Ford t o
reconsider "hasty and ill-advised" plans
to lease 10 million acres of offshore
drilling rights in 1975.
Both Oregon senators -Republicans
T\fark Hatfield and Robert Packwood -
and a number of other senators from
coastul states. induding both of ti.1aine's
senators and ~n. Edward Kennedy ([).
Mass. I. also signed their names.
"We hal'e serious doubts about the
Elizabeth Taylor's 21-yenr-old s on .
T\1ichael Wilding. has been fined about
$120 for growing marijuana at his remote
farmhouse retreat.
\Vilding and six companions \\-·ere ar-
rested in a police raid. The six others
v.·ere convicted of possessing a n d
cultivating marijuana and also "'·ere rin-
ed . ..
oil and gas industries' financial-and
technical capability to develop such a
large numbe r of acres in a single year,"
the senators said in a letter to Ford.
The signers also included S e n a t e
Interior subcommittee members Senate
Interior subcommittee members who
questioned the decision of an Interior
Department official who ordered the
leasing scheduled next year.
Interior Department Undersecrelary
Jared C. Carter ordered the leasing
program and said it should include prime
tracts in the Gulf of Alaska and North
Aflantic, which now have no offshore
Envi ronmentalists have vig°'ously op-
posed the proposal.
The senators said Carter's memo on
the mailer to the Bureau of L a n d
i\tanagement amounted to a green light
for leasing drilling rights without regard
for environmental concems.
Carter has said the Department will
abidr by federal law requiring gen·
vironmcntal impact statements before
any leases are negotiated.
In their letter. the senators said there
has been no proof that it is necessary
to develop the 10 million acres next
YC'at .
Winds Whip S. Atlantic
l~aiu , Sno·w Fall • N orthern ,tfin11 e.~ota Overnig ht Ul
Te111pf!t"nl it res
1-1,, .. '~ ., • " "' "~·· .. fl" ., ,r,e<a ,,
n~H~~ " rv"•'"' • '"~••'c••• • '~"10)0 " r '"~'~""w ~ ( '•Vtl .. ~d " O•n11• " 0,1,a.r ll ''"'"0 !•elt~• .. 1<0.,.,tvlu " l~!ll•~•CXllll " l(.on\ti C:ll~ • tg~1~ffl:' • ~ , •• , .... 1 " '"'"'•v•e! "
Gtlitrtff tf tlit D•ilJ filol
IS tU•al!ttd _.,..,.....,, .. _ .. __ _
-· "" 1.• f.M.., Ulll ... --.,. ........... .-.c-. ....... _
It# ....
_.., ... """"' "'" .. ""-.... .,, ., ............ , ... , .....
-... ""' -• "911 ............ . .,.. CHI .,, -.-. tt .,.._ ,,_ _ _.,..,.,,-...... ~ __ .......,...,,"~ ... ... . .......... -'•
.... ~u,.-11 ........ ...
tt • " ~ " " " " " ~ " " " " " " • " " •
V'l W\ Al"'-• 1 01()(<\~1 •
!he Russians to seek larger ord'rs ot
lJ. S. grain than lhey might have
otherwise. 4"
•·I believe· that a strong possibility
exist& 1hat we may have misled the
Sovlut Union as to wha( we thought
we could deliver over a perlod ol time:·
KlsNnger said.
Stuni:: by a near repeat of the 19(2
Soviet wheat fiasco, t h e Agriculture
Department revealed a hastily drawn-up
voluntary system designed to keep !:rack
or,major grain sale!! to forf'ign coontries.
Follo\\·ing a "ja\\·boni,rlg" session at
the \Vhite llouse, the companies -Con-
tinental Grain Co. of New York and
Cook lndu$trles of Memphis. Tenn. -
agreed to postpone their Mies.
Btm SAID PRIOR Ag r i cul l urc
Departm~t approval \\111 now be re-
quired for Jnrge export sales.
The companies said Mooday t h e 'I
cleared the sales in advance with the
Agriculture Department. but Butz 5'lid
he did not know about ll until after the
Butz said he will rely on the good
faith or the grain exporters to keep
the departtneni informed about v.·hat
they are selling, to \•:horn and in wba1
The system is not designed to put
a damper on the export market ror
U.S. farm goods, he said. nor is il
Intended to single out any one country
for 101,1,·er export ship111cnts.
fl.tf.AN\V llU.E, REP. Neal Smith (0.
fO\\'al. has calletl for the resl~nall(ln
of Uutz. saying lh<' ci rcun1stitnces sur-
row1dlng the cancellation of the grain
sale \\1as only one in a "scri~ or in-
credi ble bungles by Butz."
Marshals Called ~lore A rrests
In Book _Figlit
To South Boston CHARLESTON . \V Va. (UPI) -
Three 111omen were arrested today.
bringing to 21 the number of
persons arrested in l\\·o days in
the latest wave of dtmonstrations
against new school l e x t b o o k s .
Protesters have \'O\vt'CI to "fight
until dealh if necessary" to keep
th e books out of cl<lssrooms.
BOSTON (U PI) -Mayor Kevin H.
\\1hite called today for at least t25
federal ma rshals to be sent to racially
troubled South lk>stQll to help JIDt~l
children and to im plement a c o u r t
ordered plan to Integrate public schools
by busing.
The motion "'as filed wilh the clerk
of 1he U.S. District Court in Boston
by assislanl city corporation counsel
Kevin b.1aloney.
l'T CALLE D ON Judge W. Arthur
Garrity "to enter an order requiring
that not less than 25 marshals be
assigned to the South Boston district."
Attached to the motion was a five
page letter to Garrity £r.om. White.detail-
ing the racial violence in South Boston
and explaining why federal assistance
was needed. _
Earlier, black children \\'ere kept out
of South Boston schools by city officials
and police, strengthening earlier reports
that white and NAACP leaders woUld
call for federal marshals lo be Sent
to 8o!l;IOf1.
·· Thoml'ts T. Alkins. President of the
Boston branch of tile NAACP, also \vas
expected to seek an appearance before
Garrity today.
order in 90 percent of the cily, with
the only exception being South·Boston.
'·This communication, howev er. is to
!!J~Rrise the court_ of the volatile situation
that l'IOW exis1s In the other 10 percent
of our city, and to inform the court
that the city is unable lo continue to
maintain both public sarety and int·
plemenlation of the court order in this
one si ngle area, .. \Vhite sold.
-Police said lhc-v.·omcn were ar· ·
rcstrd at a school bus yard in
Lhe Quincy arC'a near here for
violating a rourl order against in-
terfering 1l'ith school operations.
House Pa11el Ol(s Savii1g s
Accou11t Tax Exemptions
\\1ASHINGTON <UP I) -The House recommendation.
Ways and Means Committee voted today The bill, <rpproved 11 to 6, is designed
to exempt from taxation the first $500 to aid the housing industry by at~cting
of each taxpayer's savings account in-funds to the institutions that ma k e
terest. mortgage loans. It v.·ould affect interest
The action . which was strongly oppOsed ·· fro rri savings and loa n ba n ks, com-
by a spokesman for the Treasury Dcp:irt-mercial banks. credit unions and mutua l
men!. came only hours before President savings banks.
F'ord was to present .his ec;onomic pro-TI1e exemption v•ould apply to the
gran1 to Congress. first $100 or interest on an individual
Rep. Herman T. Schneebeli (R-Pa . ). lax return and the first $1,000 or a
IN HIS LETTER to Garrity. White ranking GOP me111ber or the tax-wrilinR joint return. The committee staff and
said police hnve-becn~blrlo--main1-ain--panel;-said-following-thervote-that-Forctis-the--Ti'easury--Elepartment estimated ii'-------ttt
public safety and implement the court propo sals would not include any similar \\"ould cut taxes by Sl.8 billion a year. /
(f J p cesents./-F...oURT.ff-ANNUAL---({ ,
·~ ... "ff! FIE ST A ti e C 0 ST A MES A \~ ....... ~·
Friday • Saturday • Sunday
OCTOBER 11, 12, 13, 197 4
Costa Mesa Park • ~ • West 18th Street and Park Avenue
Including f5 Kiddle Rides
"//CiJJ CcJt11 //teJ11 Queen CcnteJt "
······················•**• : GRAND -PRIZE !
• •
• • • • • 2 DOOR SEDAN :
$2,636.00 VALUE • • •
v ····~····················· SCHEDULE OF · EVENTS
5 ... 10::KJ p.m •••.. •• - -c ... ,,~·· Ridts, GMM•, f ood Ind E1hibit1
7:00 p.m .•••••.• ,, ••• , , ••.• , , , Loc.11181.,. G•-Mvsic Group
... IS p.m., , . , , . _,., _, , , , •• __ •• Ftti...-Ce>uthhn Bays' Chona
Sl::KJ p.m .•.••....• , . , , • , .•...•. , . Dr-int fOf A Mljor ,rite
Winne< mu11 bt p!'Kt<ll
C..nh1l Aiclft, G•"* Ind 800)1/ls OP*fl 1•11 10:30 p.m.
9 '·"'·-·, "," ..... ~ ...... ·: ···;· ..... ,, , ,8icydt1 P., .. 10 '·"'· · 10.30 p.~ • c .. 11n11I Aidts, G.mes, food, E.11h!b111
IO·JO t.m... . . . Ao,•I CIW•1 · K•ddlf Kif>g ind Ou...-. Conltl'lll
12:15p.m, •. , •.•••.•.• 0 111'194Colr$I CClll..,J1irE16trnble
12:JOp.m, ••••.•.•..••...••.•.•••..•. Op1nm,C...monin
12:40 p.m .•. _ .• , ,o.,.,.. C-t COl!et9 Jiu EnM,,.W,wnlin....,
1 :JO p.m. . . . . • .•. -.......•..•.•••••• Oo•o1h, Joo • .._..
3;00 P-'"· . . . . ... , • CQoS11 Mtl'Sll Higl! Scllool S1t11 8'nd
5;00 p.m. -. . . ..•.. __ .. , .. , ••.• , ••• A•ltt Higbel: D11tl:9"
7:00 P·'"· --.•. , •..•• N-par1 HIO'bof High School Su~ .. nd
9·JO p.m. -. . ..•.•..• ' .••• ' .. °'-int IOllA M•/Of rriui
Win'""' must be p•tlHftl •
noon -10:30 11.m, , , • , , • , Cif.W.11 R1dts, Ga,.,_,, Food & (~hoblu
2:00 II·'"· .... -~ , . , , . , . , , , .......... , Voung Ltlt Si .... "
t :OO P·'"· -.•• - --•• -•• , . , . , , . Mi• Co111 Mu.ir OuHn Conffit
!t·OO p .m, • • • . • 9 d,_,.., *'""""' H1lic')pf,. Rtdn !dllld11nl
1.00 '·"'·. , ...•••..•• Co•-dtl Mar Hoth SChool 511ts S.lld
I .JO p.M .•••..• , .•....•..... ,,,,., .i.PI" Kau 1t Fitdtt111eft
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CH~• V•t.u••• of Eo,.ifn W•u Nol l'5l5 l<flttlll• ol Cotvml"" • Cotlt Mo .. OPll..,IUt C•vll
Coll• M•oa Hlfll Sc.llool Wte•t11nt Boost•" Cotti Me,. J•"fct•• ""'""•"I• ol Co1u ~ ... Noflll '5on1 ol ••••"t' A. I'. <>l•n"'"' Lodt• No. 21 '4 Zonu Clull or Nt woon l<HOor
llf•w11or1 loll tODt V't "'"""' Clvll o ...... covnl"t' tUtOOt AUi L•t•• Sft•ttillel Allft.
Cotti "'''" Moo .. nro. 1•'57
81u S.tm• '"'·JU Rho Pi Ch•ol•• Amorlun f'ittd s. .. 1ot (£•bnc1• loliojll School)
l!'•cll•ntr CIVD DI Co•U M•u
O••"f' C01ll cou.,e Stv<11n1 Go•l•nm1nl Joo·, O•Vtllltt1 No. l1 l
JOO"< 01"1111 .. > NO. 1 ~7 Boy 'S<OVI T•ooo No ••••• Co111 "'''" Ot1n11 co1u Uon'• cruo Coou M•,. c111mkr ol Cqmmerct ind ...... , 0111 ...
Boys and girls -8 to 18
For Boy1 ind Girls 3, 4, 5, i nd 6 ye1rs old
to select King, Queen, Prine., Princen
and six Dukes and s.ik Duchesses.
Sunday, Oct. 13
5:00 p.m .
Co urtesy of California Federal Sa11ings
l'l•STA de COSTA M •SA
OCTOBER 11-12·13. 191•
CO'!Jl MC:I A '""~ WtST 111" St.•'""'~ AVI.
Th;s DISCOUNT c..,,,;....i Rl(ff Coupon 111r•d11
holtfw. to purrh1ur 1t SHOW OF SHOWS ticklt bootlr1
Ont 11ckt1 tood f0t 40c or 50c • KIDDY OR MAJOR RI DE
Two ticltth good lor any 60c -SPECTACULA A AID¥
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Bon .. n Co1.1pon -SAVE
20 cenu or 60 e111n or SLOO
~' j ..
sl w
' •
VOL 67, NO. 281, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES
or s or ew ,
State Hits
Newp ort's
Mooring Fee
Of 1tM D•ll'f' Pllol SllU
An allegation that Newport Beach may
be charging illegally low fees for 715
offshore boat moorings will be on the
agenda when city and state officials
meet Oct. 24.
Purpose of the meeting requested by
Newport Beach City ~1anager Robert
\Vynn is to review findings included
in a recent State Lands Division tidelands
And among those findings was an
auditor's suggestion that the yearly $1.20
· per vessel foot mooring rental violates
the gift clause of the state constitution.
Auditor Elaine Pheifer reported that
DlllY Jiit.i 51111 l"llel•
Appointment Critic Norris
the city could gain $136,000 a year ad-s , '
dilional revenue by increasing mooring '-u nervisor s
f---ft>o.-to·$fJ-pervcssel foot-a·year. F
Before recommending a change in the ,4
fee schedule, WyM last week told City f-.l ppoin tmen t
Council the State Divi~on of Tidelands •
is Pf":paring a. formula for determining
Irvine Pla11
To .Come Up
At Hearing
The lrvlne Company's composite plan
for developing its IOJXlO-acre coa s t a I
lands will be Wlveiled at the eighth
meeting of the Irvine Company ~1ulti
Agency Planning Program (TICMAP )
• Wednesday.
The vast acreag~ lies between Corona
del Mar and Laguna Beach and extends
inland to the San Joaquin Hills ridge
Frequently described as the company's
most valuable parcel . the land includes
a 3.5-mile stretch of beach and 1,500
canyon acres intended as the site for
a regional park.
Because of the need for approval of
the plan by a number of public agencies
and the resistance the company may
meet from some private groups. TIC-
~1AP was fonned to informally air the
plans ahead of public 'hearings.
Meetings are attended by represen ·
tattves ·or the "COastal comm i s-s ion , •
California Department of Parks a n d
Beaches, California ·o e pa r t m e n t O{
Transportation, Orange Coonty govern·
ment and the cities of Laguna Beach,
Newport Beach and Irvine.
Additionally, lhe Environmental Coali-1--.,.'h,,e Y!v•m1"'-'llo11:i~:~~.t~ ~rru:e-~l ... /.nde,r Eir.e
development of the state fonnula before --tion of Orange-County;-the---J>lanning-
and Conservation League and the Sierra
Club have sent representatives to the
tackling the sticky consideration of rais-
ing mooring fees.
Also to be discussed at the informal
Oct. 24 meeting is the auditor's finding
that rental paid to Newport Beach by
Balboa Bay Club "seems low."
Orange County Supervisor Thom a s
Riley's appointment 1":s Politically
motivated and AU.Orney General Evelle
Yo u n g e r deliberately misinterpeted
Ca1ifomia law to make it po s s i b 1 e ,
Younger's Democratic opponent charged
The report suggested that the club
site be appraised lo dctemtine its "fair
rental value."
However, \Vynn pointed out in an ac·
companying report to the councilmen,
the 50-year lease was negotiated in 1948
and in effect, Would not reflect 1974
land values.
The auditor's sUggestion that Newport
Beach submit a list of c a p i t a I im·
,.provements made from the inception
of the tidelands grant will also be
discu~ at the city-state meeting.
Wynn has suggested that copies o(
a 1973 capital improvements report sub-
mitted to the state legislature and Lands
Commission shou1d serve the L a D d s
Division's purposes.
Groins Approved
B)' Coast Panel
Improvements to protect the Newport
Beach li£eguard facility from damaging
waves were approved Monday b y
regional coastal commissioners meeting
in tong Beach.
Plans submitted by the city of Newport
Beach call for $18,000 in wooden groins
and a concrete revetment to halt erosion
of the beach during high tides.
According to oommission planner Bob
Joseph, the new groins will help stabilize
beach area in front of lhe station that
was severely eroded dllring s t or m s
earlier this year.
Blue's T,vo-hitter
Beats Birds, 1-0
"If I am elected I will take legal
action to insure that Riley's tenn ends
on Dec. 31, 1974," candidate William
Norris told newsmen_ at an Anaheim
press conference.
"The appointment that enabled him
to serve a further two years i s
outrageous and illegal.,.
Norris said the Riley appointment.
made by Gov. Ronald Reagan after
rMlected Supervisor Ronald C a s p e r s
'v.'ll!I Jost at sea last Jtme, "cl.early
shows Reagan's~ determination to be a
force in California politics after he has
left the governor's mansion.
"Younger was his co-conspirator in
an appointment that defied the wishes
of Fifth District voters," Norris said.
"And I also charge Younger with ac-
ting illegally when he gave the opinion
that (former lieutenant governor Ed)
Reinecke could stay in office after con·
victk>n and until his .sentencing."
Norris safd he was ~acked by Orange
Coonty counsel Adrian Kuyper and the
office of California's legislative counsel
in his opinion that Riley i~ Illegally
occupying the Fifth District posl and
should be umieated on Dec. 31.
"This is political cronyism in action,"
Norris said. "The next two-year term
for this office should have been filled
by the next governor or by popular
vote but certainly not by Reagan."
Norris said if he becomes California's
attorney general be will take •immediate
action lo step up the investigation "if
• there is one" into former p r e s i d e n t
Richard Nixon's a 11 e g e d role in
\Vatergate-related crimes in California.
Norris said there is strong evidence
to suggest that Nixon knew of and
may have helped to ptan me Dtlrg\ary
of Dr. Lewis Fielding's Beverly Hills ·
olfice. Dr. Fielding was Daniel "Pen-
(See NORRlS, Page A%)
Six plans for development of the area
were discussed al the group's June 26
meeting. AS" the plans were described
by Irvine Company P I a n n e r Don
Cameron, each \.\'as criticized as to its
A total open space concept was written
orr as too expensive and because no
agency has offered to buy the whole
tract. .
Developing the area as a selfoi:ontained
community was described as impractical
and an additional drawback was the
ex pense of maintaining private beaches.
A suggestion that the area become
an "elite estate suburban area" was
judged not in the public interest.
A balanced coastal community plan,
mixing resldential and c o ,m m e r c i a I
development of the area, called for a
higher density than the company wanted,
the planner said. .
Another alternative, establishing two
communities with one on the coast and
(See COASTAL, Page Alf
Lefty Scissors
For President
Sue Alpert of Santa Ana is sen·
ding President Ford a left-handed
gift so he can operate properly
at ribbon-cutting ceremonies.
Mrs. Alpert was interested to
learn that the President is left
handed . 11-1rs. Alpert oper ~'cs a
mail order business called The Left
}landed Complement . She
specializes in items for left-handers
like pens, vegetable p e e I e r s .
mustache cups, fishing reels and
other paraphernalia.
She said she sent President Ford
a pair of lefl·handed scissors for
his ribbon-cuttin gs.
As for herself, lifrs. Alpert is
right handed.
• -
-... -
Dlil~ Polo! Phoro t>y Hll1r1 KIYI
Suiall Fry Firel1an1a
Brian li1o,ve, a kindergartner at Corona de! J\'lar. tries on firef~ghting
equipment with a little help from his friend. Newport ~~a~h fireman
Drake ~1uat. Firemen .all along the Orange Coast are v 1 s 1!~ng schools
and conducting open house lhis week as part of annual Fire Preven-
tion Week observance.
Quints Bo1·11 i11 Baltii11(Jl'e
-"'ill Reported Doi11g f"'ine
BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) -Quin·
tupl cts, four girls and one boy. v.·ere
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all were doing fine .
Karen Rohrci. 28. gave birth tn the
babies by Caesarian section beginning
around 2:2{1 a.m. PDT doctors said.
They arc her first born ,
The children, ranging in v.·eight fron1
tl\'O pounds 15 ounces lo three pounds
nine ounces, were in an intensive care
nursery .
Dr. Arthur Kaskin~. an obstetrician ,
said J\1 rs. Rohrer \1·as under treatntent
for an infertility problem and had Ix-en
taking go nadolropin. \\'hich he descrilx-d
as a hormone drug associated previously
v.•ith multipl e births.
Haskins said thc quinlupl£"1s v• ere
diagnosed i\londay. but doctors had been
expecting a multiple birth since the lh1rd
month of i\irs. Rohrer 's pregnnnc}'
The babies v.•erf' due to ha\'e be('n
born Nov. 28. l1t1ski11s s..11d they needc'<I
intensive care due to their \\'Ci&ht and
prematurity. BALTIMORE (APl -Lefthnnder Vida
Blue fired a brilliant tv.'0-hitter and Sal
Bando's fourtb-iMing home run gave
Oakland a 1-0 victory over Baltimore in
the third game of baseDall's American
League playoUs this afternoon.
The victory gave the A's a 2-l edge in
the best-of-five series.
Newport Bike Safety Plans Laid
O&kland will try and clinch a third
straight AL title in the fourth game
Wednesday with Jim "Catfish" Hunter
opposing Ba!Umore'a Mike Cuellar. •
2 ,il/en Arrested
Eor Pot Flight
PAL."1 Sf1PJNGS (UPI) -Two men
wcrr 2rresh'<I and nearly <} ion or marl·
juaoa \Yas icl)ed aboard :. •twin engine
aircraft ~lo"•'~) while the cran was
1e.[oeli It
U.S. custOrr'S agents n,.ti!1ed Soulhcrn
Califo:-n:& :i1r facllltic.'I that radar had
track1..'<l the plane flying north acrois
the international border from ?.1exlco.
Bicycle safety got in high gear Monday reflectors, etc., which comm 11 tee
night in Newport~Beach when students members hope to purchase from local
and commWlity members put their heads dealers at wholesale prices.
together and came up wil.h a lengthy -Talks by Newport Beach traffic of.
list of new safety ideas. ficers on police procedures in dealing
Meeting together under the auspices with Jaw-breaking bicyclists.
of the Citizens Advisory Committee on -P..talntenance clinics to teach roadside
Bike Ways, the bicycle safety enthusiasts repairs.
ouUined new programs for the ~Ing -sesslons which hope to • ' s c a r e · '
year. bicy~llsts Into following safety rules,
Atost. prominent among the new Ideas Including DhOtOrraphJ of bad oicyclc
is the scheduling of at least 11''0 school aecldents ind ta1ka by docton who have
assemblies at each junior and 5enior ""'treaU!d bicycle accident Victims.
high school in NewpQrt Beach. lnchJded Jn llddltron to these aaemblies. which
at the assemblies v.-ould be: will be attended by all students at I.in-
-Bike licensing. coin and Ensign junior high schools
-The sale of low"°51. bicycle safety and Newport Harbor and Corona del
equipment, such as headlights, re 11 r ti.far high sc.bools, each 9Chool w 111
prepare Its own safely booklet.
Students' ideas for these pamphlets
will be returned to the bicycle committee
in December and v.ill then be put into
final fonn for each school. according
to f\.tary Blake, chainvoman of the com·
One safety program that wilt begin
almost Immediately will help rommluee
members determine the loc.1t1on of
hatardous riding Arrlls.
Forms nov.• bein~ designed soon will
be distributed at each M:hool in Newport
BOOch, Including elementary schooli>.
1'lcy 'Will be placed in a centrnl l~a·
tion, ond each student who has any
type of bicycJe nccldcnt, regardless of
Its acverity, wHI be urged to fill out
a form deS('rlb1ns the co nditions of the
~1rs. Blake s!lid c:ommittrc members
v.ill evaluate thf' forms and look for
patterns)()( danirerous arens.
"If \IC sec ,1 pllttcm develon1111? in .1
ctrtal nt1rl'a. v.·e'l\ kno11• som<'t h!n~ h:i s
10 be done lhcre," said the ch1'in~vnlnn
of the clly council-<ll)pointed i:iroup
The com1n11tre is nlso planning 10
spon.."Or l\\O supe!'\·1.sed bike rides •his
ye:ir. 11hh po~<tibly a hol dop: bnkc
organl7.cd tor b1cyC'lisls v.hen !hey r~a('h
lhe destinnooo
Next 1nPeting of 1hc p:roup \l'ill be
Oct. Z2. 1\•hen studt!nls v•ill agaln mttl
v.•i1h comnl1llt>r me1nbers to c::>nllnue
p\;1nnin~ the nc"' progra1ns ~In;, Rlakc
emphasized !he meeting is open lo
:inyant' interested. •
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
·Preside11t -
Gives Pla11
To Co11gress
\VASlll:--.'GTON (AP) -President Ford
announced a broad new anti-inflation pro-
gram this afternoon that includes higher
taxes for many Americans, a publ ic se:;.•.
ice employment progran1 and ener&Y
conservation measur~s to reduce oil im·
In his address lo a joint session of Con-
gress. Ford said his p;oposals 11·ere a
"grand design" for restrai ning inllation.
The measures outlined by the Prest·
dent include:
-A 5 percent surlax on Income taxes
for income lcl'els above $l5,000 for fam-
ilies and $7,500 for individuals.
• -A program to create publi~ ser\~ce
jobs for the jobless 1\•hen unem ployment
exceeds 6 percent of the labor force.
Spending would range from $500 n1illion
to S2.2 billion. depending on th~ severity
of unemptovment.
-Expanded unemployment benefits fol"
persons whose other unemployment
compensation has been exhausted or."w:;;:;ho'---1 ..
are 1ne 1g1 e for sucfi compensalKln.
-A 5 percent surcharge on corporate
income taxes, ...,·hicb \\·ould raise an es·
limated S2J billion in revenue.
-A $.'! billion program to subsidize
mortgage interest payments and to
fi nance about 100,000 new homes.
-Various-mandatory and-\IOlunlary
energy conservation measures to reduce
imports of oil by one million barrels per
day by I~ end o! next year
-An increaS'! in the Investment tax
credit to 10 perCent, up from 7 percent
for most busini sses and 4 percent for
-A request ti> Congre!l.'I to set a 1975
budget spending ceiling of $300 billion.
The President did not announce any in·
creases in gasoline taxes, nor diet he pro-
pose any tax relief programs for lo~··
income families.
But he said his administration wilt sup-
port tax-relief proopsals already before
Congress !hat his advisers contend would
provicle relief totaling $1.4 billion for per-
sons ~itil income below $15,000.
The surtax for both indi viduals and
corporations. '"hich \VOuld ha1·e to be
apprO\'ed by Conji!;ress. would be for the
1975 calendar year only.
Ruled out for the time being. also was
gasoline rationing. v.·hich has been con-
sidered by the Administration.
NE\V YORK (UPI) -\Vhile a\vaiting
details of President Ford's economic
program, investors sat on the sidelines
as prices drifted in a mixed pattern in
ntoderate trading on the Nev.• York Stock
Exchange loday. (Tables. Page All ).
The Do"' Jones Industrial Average,
11·hich snapped an 11-session losing streak
'vith a 23-point gain i\tonday, lost 5.01
points lo 602.5.
Advances led declines, 895 to 431 ,
among the 1.752 issues traded.
The volume amounted to 15.4 million
shares. compared 11·i1h 15,000,000 lraded
Orange Coast
Nighl and morning low clouds
and scattered sprinkles through
\Vednesday, according to t h e
\1·eather service, with slightly
\1·armer skies. Possibility of some
sunshine in the afternoon \Vednes-
day. Highs of 67 at the beaches ris-
ing to nlid-70s inland.
1\tiglit tl1e 11<'Xt step for lfour
ord CoselL be as a da1u:er a1ld
.~i11oer? He expects to do a lLttle
of both if ABC goes through·
u;ith plans to put l1im. in charae
o/ a t1tlrie!y show. Pagt 81.
Etm1 l""lledt 12
L . M.. ltY• Alt
C1liknti. Al
C:l•nll~ 11.11
Comlc1 I J , ... , .... .,,, .,
0.1lb Ntrlc.-i At
E1U1t1l1t P•tt "' '-"'"'llllllftfftl .,
Hy OINll'IW AJ "-"'" ., l1111rw1111~11 ••
""" Ll11d1t1• .,
,,,,.lltY Tt• A11 ,,,,. .. lff .,
Mvlv•I l'vllcl1 Al• "•'*'•I ....... •4, 11 °"'"" CWll!r At ,...... .,.,
SMrt1 l•-t
Stw-M••-tll All·ll
Tt .. Yltlfll t t
Tt.Hl.n ll
Wt.illff At
Wtri4 flll'WI A'-11
"!"ig11re s R e l e a sed f'rona Pqe Al
Nixon Employes
·Cost $841,800
CO,\STAL, ..
another inland, would put too much
ln!.ffic on Pac.ltic Coast lllghWay.
The "romantic appeal" ti 1he sixth
plan, a "unlclue dtsU.nation resort" was
1130 unacceplable becaU.te the ~·rite is'
nice, but not ~eular." Clmeroo allJO •
said !here would not be su!Oclent de-
mand for the minimum 5,000 hotel rooms
such a de11elopmenl "'0t1ld require.
Gave. Cory
$300 Cash
\IJASlfJJ\'GTON (1\P) SDloiries tor
lht· 64 fL'dt:'r<.11 t'lllPl<lyt'S, ex<'luding Secret
i"l'rvicc agents. assigned to forn1er Prcsi·
<lC'11I Nixon's ~illl Clt1rnc11tc estatt• are
rusting the rederal treasury an average
of $341,800 a year, Sc11 . Joseph 1\-1. J\1on-
toya 1 0.N.~1.l. says.
~lontoya, citing hgures provided by
John ~1arC'h, counselor 10 Pre s i d(' n t
J•'ord, sald ~lond.'.iy thal Secret Service
protcrtlon :11 lhl· San Clcmcnle honlt'
\1=is t'Usting 5622.000 a yea r.
The con1pany has ca lled the meeting
rion from the Nixon adminlstratlon to \\'cdnesday to describe a new plan which SAN DIEGO (AP) -llotel exe.cut111c
the administr.11lion of President rord \YOU]d eornbinc the better elenicnts of hi. Lnrry La\\'rence says he gave $300 ull six alternatJves Into a single pla11 from $850.000 to $200,000. it hopes will be acceptrtble to the groups In cash to Ms<>mblyman Ken Cory (0.
The go\'ernm cnt also is s pend I n g represented Jn TICMAP. Garden Grove) ror the Democratic can·
nwney on se nding documents. lc.&lodlng dldate·-prhnary c:imj)llign for state con-
u1<1t(·rial on foreign policy briefings, frorn !roller, bul C.ory denies h. lhe San
\\'11shlng1on to San Cll'mente by jet , FrOtll Page A L Diego E11enlng 1'ribune said today.
1\lon1oya said. Lawrence, formerly the Democratic
\\'hile !louse press Sl't'rctary R 0 n N 0 Rfil S Party 's Southern California chairman,
:'liesscn ~tlid 1\londay negotiations 'A'ere .... • • • said In an interview that he personally
<'Onlinuing with Nixon over the disposi· tagon Papers" Ellsberg's psychiatrist. ca11e the money to Cory at Cory's re-
llon of .~ixon's papers and tape ··r would also order an immediate quest.
Women ,2
Tots Slni1i
f'ORT WORTH, Tex. tUPI) -The
bound, gagged and nude bodies of three
YOlUlg won1en and two 2·year-olds. all
slain with a huge butcher knife. wel't'
found today in an iiparlmcnt on !he
city's south side.
"The three ladies were a s s a u l t c d
crhnlnally and in other ways,'· n1cdlcal
examiner Dr. Feliks Gwozdz saicl .
Homicide division Lt. Oliu .Ball said
there were signs of a terrific struggle.
While the women were nude, the children
"'ere fully dressed, even to shoes. The
children were gagged but oot bound .
1'11(' y<>:irly cost of Secret Service prtr
lrt:llon nnd other personnel at Nixon's
t\1•y RJSt·ayne, Fla. complc.:t is more
than $500.000, ~1ontoy11 s:ud. recordings. investigation into the bugging of Donald Despite his former position in high
Nixon's telephone," Norris said . He said ""uncil £ the n _ u· p t He said talks resumed last week after '-V s o l..lt!mocra c a r y •
..,, P11tr. AU were stabbed many limes and
·rhc \\'hue House figurPs "'rrc pro\'ided
In response to a request from i\lontoya,
1·ha1r1nan or the Senate appropriations
subro1nmittee on Treasury, post a 1
scrvlct• and gt•ncral government.
the former president's b r o t h e r , a La I special \l/atergate prosecutor L e o n Ne1•.'port Beach resident, was the target wrence s supporting R e p u b I i c a n
NOBEL PRIZE WINNER -a bloody butcher knife was left in a
Ex·Pr•mi•r S.to front bedroom with three of the bodies.
The subc:o1nmlt1l'e ::ind r u J I Ap-
propriations Co1nn1ittcc reduced t he
original request for funds for the transi·
S trike Cctlled
By Dry1.vall
Jaworski questioned the agreement an-of criminal actions that should be taken Houston I. Flournoy lor governor lhis
~ ~c nounced w n Ford pardoned Nixon. before a grand jury. The Cory gift wa s declared by
The agreement ga11e Nixon custody Norris said other California crimes Lawrence in a campaign statement filed
of the material, but would have assured that should be investigated for Nixon's under oath and penalty of perjury last
government access to the tapes for up possible involvement iii them included Friday, the newspaper said . But it said
to fire years, when Nixon could destroy the payment or hush money to convicted Cory's can1paign statements -also fllc<i
then1 at Yiill. They would be stored Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt and wider oath -do n()t show the con·
al Lagtmn Niguel. '\ the pending perjury trial of fonncr Nixon tribution.
The Senate voted 011erwhelmlngly last aide John Ehrlichman. Cory y.•on the Democratic nomination.
y.·eek to award pennanent custody of "Very little, if anything; is being done In an lntervie"" he denied ever asking
the material to the go11ernment. in all these matters,'' Norri s said ... 1 La,11rence for 1noney or receiving cash Listing the salaries and jobs ol the 1 from him. ~.
1 d "'OU d make them a top priority if governn1ent empoyes eta.iled to Nixon, 1 were attorney general" Lawrence said th~ money was given
T 'tvo A tvarded
Nobel Peace
Prize Ho11ors
From Wire Services l\·lontoya said 18 persons directly con-to Cory beside the pool at the
nected with transition were being paid home of Robert Siegel, where the OSLO, Norway -The Nobel Peace
at the total rate of $375,800 a year. Democratic &ate Cent r a I Commlttee Prize for 1974 was awarded today to
Among militar)' personnel on t h e II'Vlli• e Chenu• St' i.;: was sponsoring a reception for Cory. former Japanes Prime Minister Eisaku payroll, a mai~ clerk is being pa Id o · Lawrence said Cory asked him for Sato and the -U.N. high commissioner
1n a di-,.e which could shut down $12.000, fourteen Department of Defense money for his campaign but did not ......... personnel. are _attached to the com-..l } Th '"'ant a check. lie said he reached into for South-Wm Africa, Sean "facBride
much o( Califomla's building industry, municatioos network at total an nu a I .~efOSO eOI'\.t his pocket and gave Cory ''between of rreland.
about 5,000 drywall installers throughout salaries of $136,880, two Navy mess .,, $300 and $400in cash." T~ _award . was announced by the
the state walked off their jobs Monday. stewards are being paid a total of $22,560 F Ch ll "I did not ask Larry for money ," Nobel committee of the N 0 r we g i an
The first sanclloned drywall strike a year, and 12 Coast Guardsmen are 3CCS . 3 enge COit said, while recalling that they porliament.
in 20 years follows a wildcat orange be.ing p;:1;id a total or $95,650 annually. met. "1 can envision $300 gett; .. ,. lost The Gene I Se · Ad · 1str t' · he · ...... '6 The citation said "Sato has ... adVl>-Cowity drywall strike last inonth. ra rvices nun · a ion A· UC Irvine tesearcher's theory that in t campaign somewhere, but I don't ~, .. u wo•kers. who [all under the employes, handling Nixon's pa.pets in.'1 • recall any money changing hands." cated that Japan should not acquire her u" \\' h' g1 be' · propellant gases used 1n spray cans · jurisdiction of t~ carpenters unions, as in on, are mg paid a total of Cory's acceptance or more than o..m nuclear 11.·eapons." J\1acBride's cita-
are secKing an oiddltion or $3.75 in wages $!22,745 aMually, and seven GS A can cut down the earth's screen against $500,000 from two contributors in Orange tion said "is ay.•arded lhe prize in recog.
and fringe benefits lo their priisent $11.43 custodial persons at San Clemente are harmful radiations has been challenged County hils been turned into a campaign nition of his efforts during many years lo
an hour. being paid a total of $76,300 a year. by the industry producinrr the chemical. issue by his Republican opp one n I , Montoya also said fou GSA lo ., A bl w·iu strengthen and prolect human rights a!l Ray J\1ills 91 lrvine, president of the . r emp res Or. F. S· Rowland, a UCI chenlist, ssem yman I am T. Bagley, (R-San California Drywall Contractors Associa· at _the Key Biscayne home were being Rafael). over the y.·orld."
Two of lhe women were identified
as sisters Laura and Marth~ A1clendon.
The third woman was identified only
as "Linda.'' They ranged in age from
19 to 24,--
··Five brutally murdered people" \Vas
the way Ball descrlbt;d the crime.
The children, a boy and a girl. were
the children or Laura anc: Martha
Mc Lendon.
Ball said there w~s no sign of a
forced entry into the apartment and
that he had no suspects. The apartment
was on the ground fioor.
"It's the Wol'l5t situation J'11e seen
in a long time," Dr. Gwozdz sakl.
Earthquake flits
West Indies: No ,
Deaths Reported
SAN JUAN, P.R. (UPI) -A severe
earthquake rocked the West Indies rrom
Guadeloupe through Puerto Rico today.
lion, said negotiations on a new contract paid a ~al of $50,000 a rear. recently released the res u Its of his South-West Africa is a territory unde r l---ibro.ke-down-1Jccause-of-unlonlns1stellc~-&aid-auf>RO~rvtces at-the two worHndlcatlng tharftuorocarbon gas<>s· -------.irre COfitt'O"fOISom~f?rc5""'Wl'llCTi the
on a ciause setting special piecework homes .for the first 42 days since Nixon used to pressurize aerosol cans can B mh• T} t United Nations has repeatedly declared
~lost of t'he islands apparently escaped
se.v.er:e.da.mase-bukonsidei:a.bl&-property ------1
damage was reported on Antigua.
rates in particularly difficult jobs. lelt office had cost the g 0 v er nm en t produce a chain reaction depleting the · 0 Ing lfC3 sOOuJd be granted independence. South-
The Orange County y.·alkout began last $4t5,ooo. shield of ozone in the upper atmosphere West Africa, known in the United Nations
'4'eek, before dryy.·all y.·orkers in other } C t N t as Nambia, was a onetime Germany areas of the state began to strike. against radiations which can cause skin ll Ollll )' -0 colony.
Charles Trcnta, secretary of the Three Man O' Jed cancer in humans and death in plants. Director Tim GreVe of the Nobel
Carpenters District Council of Orange ~ The Aerosol-Eciucation Bureau, an in· L • k d t Ot} Institute. in announclng the award, said
. County, said work on many jobs will F dustry group, said the ?o.Ianufactw'ing ID e 0 1e1-s "about 50" can d id ates had been
continue because contractors have signed By re1· aht Tram· nominated for the 1974 Peace Prize, interim agreements with the striking b Chemists Association will nm industry Anahei m police ha11e totally ~iscounted which is 'A"Orth $124,900.
union. researdl into the possible effects of any connection between a bolJlb threat The amount will be shared equally
Under lhc agreements. y.·orkers arc DURHMr (AP) -Railrood officials the gas. between Sato and MacBrlde, both of
paid the demanded settlement until a ha11e found the badly mangled bodies "Until the first results of the industry at the Sheraton Inn hotel Monday and \~·oom are expected here for the award
new conlracl is signed. of three men who were apparently hit research are ready, the available facts two actual blasts at other Sher at on ceremony Dec. 10 -the anni11ersary
The drywall conlract expired i n by a freight train. do not rank as proof t h a t the hotels. of the death of Alfred Nobel, S\\•edish
August, but was extended 60 days for Butte County sheriff's deputies said fluorocarbons will lead to ozo ne deple-'·First of all. we didn't have an ex· inventor or dynamite who donated the
rcney.·ed negotiations. The deadline pass-i\.1onday the men were apparently cross-lion,'' said Dr. Raymond L. McCarthy. ptosion," commented police Lt. Robert prize fund .
ed Oct. 1. ing Butte Creek on a narrow trestle McCarthy, technical director of the Zipple. The announcement by the Norwegian
Accordin g to a drylA'ali contractors' Sunday night when a Southern Pacific freon products department of E.I. du H .d k 11 b ed committee. came as a surprise. It had spokesman, the d.iff(.'renccs between train caught them part way across. Pont de Nemours and Company, a major e sai an apparent cran ca as not been expected today.
union and management are negotiable They said it probably would be several producer of the propellant gas •. said, on two She raton bombings in Los Angeles Sato had h\·ice been elected by the
and can be setllcd. days before the men are identified, None "All we have now are assumptions. was received at 9:45 a.m., sending ·Japanese liberal Democralll be r o r e
Trenta. how e v c r, said no new of the victims carried idenllficatlon. "Without exPefimental evidence, It Anaheim police and firemen swanning pr~ent !Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
bargaining sessions ha\'e bee.n set. \\'ould Pe an injustice if a I e w lh rough the building. took over. T~ t ·k .. , d t t ·d 1 cla·m wh· b tbe ·1· By JO a.m .. a suspicious bag had MacBride, 70, was the founder of the s r1 e reaWJe s a ew1 c sea e I s-tc even cr1 ics agree been discovered In a second floor ladies' J\·londay, the day before •·Nation a I AJ h G mb} are hypotheses-were to be the basis Nationalist Clanna Poblachta party in Construction Mobiliiation Day" in which • •3 8 ers of regulatory or consumer reaction." rest room and a bomb squad was assign· Ireland in 1946.
cons1ruction workers across the country Ro"·land contends that the gas, "'hen ed 10 gingerly examine it behind 3 In i~ most conlroversial selection in
are protesting the financial pinch fa cing v 1·s1·t Casm· OS released in the troposphere. the layer steel shield, using remote control metal history, the 1973 peace prize was award.
the construction industry nnd illl h!gJ1 of ai r closest to the earth, y.·ill not claws. ed to Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss·
level of unemployment. react and stays in the air. Occupants had been evacuated and inger and North Vietnam's Le Due Tho
NICE, France IUPI) -A group or Eventually, he said, the gas will "'ork news crew!! were on the scene, including for their negotiations to end the war
rich Arab high-rollers with an entourage its way into the stratosphere where a radio reporter y.•bo in the excitement in Vietnam.
of beauliful 'A1>men descended on the the sun's rays break ii down and start and confusion went on the air to report Tho, a member of North Vietnam's a chain reaction. the bomb had exploded. politburo, announced he would not accept casinos of the French Riviera and "'on He retracted It 'th· t the d ~.... h J\lcCarthy said the results of ne w Y.'t in momen s. awar UC>,;duse "peace as not been
$1.9 million in a series of i n t c n s e. studies will be difficult to eval uate until Bomb disposal team personnel opened established in South Vietnam." He hinted
nightlong roulette sessions late this sum· more is known about the chemistry the ominous bag and discovered only that he might accept it once peace
mer. "We\·e never seen anything like of the upper atmosphere and lhe ozone an item of femin ine hygiene. v.•as accomplished.
this before," a casino statr member layer. He urged more high altitude tests The crisis was canceled, the Sheraton Kissinger accepted his award and said,
said. of the atmosphere. Inn guests rctumro to lheir rooms and "Nothing that has happened to me in
Officials at the Palm Beach casino everything returned to some semblance public life has mo11ed me more than
al Cannes and the l\·lonle Carlo casino of normal for Anaheim police. this award."
Terror isn1 Continues
Four persons were reported injured
on Antigua but there y.·ere no immediate
reports of casualties elsewhere.
Antigua police reported a D a n I s h
tourist, James Fogbrnan, broke his ann
when he iwnped from a hotel balcony
during the quake. ~'O women suffered
head injuries "'hen the walls of their
home collapsed and a local disc jockey
was seriously cut when he j u m p e d
through a window in his radio studio.
The historic St. John's Cathedral and
several government buildings w e r e
among property severely damaged.
Schools were closed for the day and
police patrolled the streets to prevent
looting from damaged stores.
On the nearby island of St. Kitts,
two Angelican churches were reported
damaged by the quake, which according
to the U.S. Geodetic Observatory bere
registered 7 on the open-e nded Richter
scale, ODe of lhe four most mt.ease quakes
in the area in 400 yea rs.
The observatory .said the quake, which
occurred at 2:52 a.m. (PDT) apparently
was centered between St. Kitts and
Guadeloupe, in the Leeward Is I a n d J
about 300 miles east of Puerto Rico.
The tremor was felt throughout Puerto
Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, bu t
no damage was reported.
On Antigua, police estimated damage
Y..'Ouid run to millions of dol\ar.i. Falle n
utility poles blocked some roads and
electric service was reported out In
some areas.
The parliament and court buildings
\\'ere damaged and today's court session
was cancelled. Police said th e new
deepwater harbor was also s e 11 er e I y
BUENOS AIRES (U PI ) -President
.\taria-.Estela (Isabel / Peron, made a
fresh call today for an end to terrorism
1n Argentina. but police sources reported
.a double kidnaping and the disco11ery
of a bullet·ridden corpse. Police said
they found a man's nude body, with
rnultiple wounds in the head and body
from various caliber bullets. near the
1nternatlonal airport outside Buenos
Aires today.
said several "personnlities" fro1n Saudi
1\rabia and the Persian Gulf emirat(.'S
played heavily in their establishments
over the past few months.
New Jl1eatball
Cha1np Croivn ed ''Branding keeps lis all honest.
l\fotel Manage r Slain
RUBIDOUX (AP)-Ri11erside sheriff's
deputies issued an alert for Kenneth
Lee. 25. in the shotgun slaying of the
manager at the motel y.·here U!e lived .
A sheriff's spokesman said ~tonday that.
llov.·ard Dye, 59, y.·as round dead in
the motel after other residents reported
hearing a shot the prc11 ious night.
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -The 1talian-
American f\.1arching Club announced ~
day that its new world champion meat.
bn11 eater de11oured 20 three-ounce
regulation meatballs in 15 minutes.
And the customer knows it.''
l"e or...,oe c .... 11 o~,,, PllOI, ... ,,. """'~" ''
lomll"><'" ,,,.. "'•-·"'.,,'· i\ pU(!I•""" II•""' ()< .... QI! (JH\! ""'ll'""'"q l;O,,.,.nf. Scl!Htrdi.
...,,,_\ "'" 111>l>•oSl><'d. r.<ord•v 1,,....,~ (fl(:ljy,
1..,. Co•lt M<>W f'O~wPOt l 8"Kft. H..,l..,qlon
tw ... ~.i:o..nt••n v11,... Uqu,.. 8'"""· ,,.,,..,woci t-~ ""°...., Cl-"1t•S.n Ju.I" • C..0"1'f"O .. '"'•Qlt •t<l-1 f<l•l•Otl •\
1><10!•\llPG !.~lM'"~•l •na Wf>l!dn. TM "'""''P~I wbl•~"'' p1.,,1 It ft J>OO 'Ne\I twv !.••«!. (;.:>ll• Mt.w. C.!tl6•ft•• 112•1•.
Jack R. Curie v
\'lc•Prt\lctenl tlld Ge-41 Ma..,.9'1"
Thomas Keevil
1t1omasA. Mur'oh ine
Chnrl~!. H. Loos Richa rd P, Nall
AH1ll1~1,,_."4Q!119 EOl!Ol'l
L. Peter Krleq
f.lt •l'Ort 8'K!I t •IY Eoll""'
Newport 81act1 Office
UU NtwPO•l S.lllt•.,a .... Ill~ Acld•t~~; P 0 &:I• IU), ,,.._,
other Offices
CMl1 Mew :uo .,,..,, 1141 Sir-I'
L•q~n.t!k~n 11 .. V''•">t••t !.t,
H~l'llllPt'Olt S.1<.h Ht 1J &t«~ lloult...,.d s.. cw_,,..,., NOr111 e1 c.mini;o ~.i
Telephone (714) 642-4321
Classilied Advertising 642·S'78
°""!"'1. ltH, Or.t!IOll (onl P1St1il1f!l~ (omp11n, "'° nt.., ,IOI' ... , llklj.trMIOM.
911!tlll'lll ""'"'' ., .,, ... .,,\-110 .. ,., .. l!WI'
tof rtprod11<..t wl!llO~I· '""''<ti Pl'frNM\orl of t•tft"'' .-.r,
S.Cond tl1U °""lfqot P9111 111 tos1• Ntt-1.1,
o n1.,111a. W~ffpllon lrf ,.,"'' ,_, OG "'°"'fllf.' tlJ Miii M (Jj) mon\'lltJ; mUll«J
dlltll""llon\" QOINllll~''
The champion is f.1ike Palmisano of
Gretna, La .. who achieved the record
at a competition in City Park.
Palmisano "'as awarded a trophy con-
sisting of a metal figure of man holding
a giant meatball 011er his head .
Gives Them Pain
.~1arij1.1c111n S ni o1•e rs llurt Soonest
lfea rt p.i!lents can exercise onlv halt
as long withou t feeling chest pains after
smoking a marijuana cigarette th a n
after smoking a tobacco cigarette. ac.
con:ling to the findings of a UC Irvine
resea rcher.
Angina pectori~hest p a i n s ex·
perienced by h e a r t patientrare ex-
perienced during exercise alter smo'.:ing
either. according to UCI cardiologtst
Dr. \Yilbtrt S. Aron0w .
In studies published in m e d 1 c a I
joomals. Aronow has described the ,etrl!cl
of cigarttte smoking on men wlth heart
problems Y.'ho perform exe•cise.
Smoking a filtered . I ow-n I cot In e
cigarette decreased by 13 percent the
lime the men could exe!'Cise without f~llng chest pains, he saJd.
The average cigarellc cut the time
by 24 'percent, he said. Dul 10 puffs
on a marijuana cigarette reduced the
lime by 48 percent, he said.
Jn both cases, carbon monoxide caused
the rmins. While nlcotlne is also known
as harmful , his tests on marijuana show
that the main ingredient , letrah)(to-
cannabinol (THC) has a stronger effect
on increasing the pulse and blood .pres·
sure .
!Jecaul;C ot the diHerenl amounts
· used , Aronow Mid, cigarette and marl·
juana use cannot be equated.
\\1hilc a heavy tobacco user may smoke
20 10 25 cigartttes a day, he said,
a marijuana wcr may only smoke. three
or four. joints in the same period, he
"ltowe11l't, ll is certainly safe to
ll$$Ume that the more cigarettes one
s1nokes. of either kind. the more p~
nouneed the eff~t on the pulse, blood
pr essure and-in co ron:lrypa·
tlcnts-tinp:!na pectoris," he said.
.. Carpeting is a blind item.
For the consumer. few things are bought with so little knowledge, and with
so much trepidat ion.
Two differnnt pieces of carpeting can look the same. feel the same, claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and .have, in fact. not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet atter just six months of use, one will look terrible and the other will look
like new.
How is th e consumer to know wh ich is which?
Oddly enough, even price often won•t tell her. So even buying expensive
carpeting is no guarantee of quality.
The only thing that protects the Investment of the consumer. and the
reputation of the honest retailer, Is selling the brand names that both know they
can trust."
This is wh y we don't private label carpeting tit Alden·s. When you find
samples with the names changed on the labels, run over to Alden's fest.
After all, carpeting is one of life·s maJor Investments. It shouldn·t be gone
into blind.
1663 Placentia A•e.
HOUlS: M-tin l'llln. t to 5:30-Fll., t let -SAT• t :JO to 5
l •
VOL. 67, NO. 281, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES
Youtlger Hit
Candidate Raps
Riley Selgction
Orange County Supervisor T h o m a s
Riley's appointment was po1itically
motivated and Attorney Guieral Evelle
Y o u n g e r deliberately misinterpeted
California Jaw ti> make it po s s i b 1 e ,
Younger's Democratic opponent charged
"If J am elected T ·Win take legal
action to insure that Riley 's terl'l'l ends
on Dec. 31 , 1974," candiil.ate William
Norris told newsmen at an Anaheim
press conference.
''The appointment that enabled him
to serve a further two yeaJ.s is
outrageous and illegal."
Norris said the Riley appointment.
made by Gov. Ronald Reagan after
re-elected Supervisor Ronald C a s p e r s
• •
s or ew
was Jost at sea last June, "clearly
0,.,,---<h< wa-Reagan!i-detennination--1'>-..,.._,,_-
force in California politics after he has 0•111' l'lltf 11111 ""''•
Appointment Critic Norris
Quintuplets, 4
Girls and 1 Boy,
Reported ~Fi1ie'
BALTIMORE. Md. !AP) -Quin-
tuplets, rour girls and one boy, were
born prematurely at University Hospital
early today and doctors reported that
all w.~re doing fine..
Karen ~hrer, 28, gave birth to the
babies by Caesarian section beginning
around 2:20 a.m. PDT doctors said.
They are her first born.
The children, ranging in weight from
two pounds 15 ounces to ·three pounds
nine ounces, were in an inlE!!lsive care
Or. Arthur KaSR'ins, an obstetrician,
said lttrs. Rohrer was Wlder treatment
tor an infertility problem and had been
taking gonadotropin, which he described
as a hormone drug associated previously
with multiple births.
Haskins said the quintuplets were
diagnosed Monday, but doctors had been
expecling a inulliple birth since the third
month of Mrs. Rohrer's pregnancy.
The babies wen~ due to have been
born Nov. 28. Haskins said they needed
intensive care due lo their weight and
The four girls were born first, bul
the boy was the first to get a name.
He is Ru ssell Charles, according lo the
doctor . The girls have yet to be named.
Haskins said it appears the children
developed from five separate fertilized
eggs anq share no more genetic material
than brothers and sisters born under
more usual circumstances. HaskiOJ said
such a situation is not unusual in multiple
" births.
The father Charles, 33, is a baker
for tile A&P grocery chain. Both parentts
are Baltimore natives.
Competition amoog Orange C o a s t
predlctC>rs of the outcome3 of 30 weekend
football games is becorning more lnteMe
as the Daily Pilot Pigskin Picket'()() '74
enters its fourth week.
\Veekly winners are awarded Zenith
reicvlsion and radiC> prOOucts worth $130.
A color televlslO"n 9Ct goes to the overall
winner or the 10-week test Of gridiron
forecistlng skills.
To be eligible for the grand ' priie.
Pigskin Pickeroo entr&nts must first
win one of the y.·eelCIY contc.sts.
Oclails Bnd an entry blank are publlsh--
.ct In the sporu section of lodoy's Dally
' ~·
left the governor's mansion.
"Younger was his eo<onspiralor in
an appointment that defied the wishes
of Fifth District voters," Norris said.
"And I also charge Younger with ac-
ting illega1\y when he gave the opini-On
tllir (feinner lieutenant governor Ed)
Reinecke could stay in off!~ after con-
viction and until bis sentencing."
Norris said he was backed by Orange
County -COWl5el-Adrian Kuyper and the
office of Califomla's legislative counsel
in his opinion that Riley is illegally
oceupying the Fifth District post and
should be unseated on Dec. 31.
"This is political cronyism in action,"
Norris said. "The next two-y_ear term
for this o£fice should have been filled
by the next governor or by popular
vote but certainly not b~Reagan."
Norris-said ii he becomes Galifornia's
attorney general he will take immediate
action to step up the in"vestigation "if
there is one" into fonner p r e s i d e n t
Richard Nixon's a 11 e g e d role in
Watergate-related crimes in California.
Norris said there is strong evidence
to suggest that Nixon knew of and
may have helped to plan the burglary
of Dr. Lewis Fielding's Beverly Hiil ls
office. Dr. Fielding was Daniel "Pen-
tagon Papers" Ellsberg's psychiatrist.
"I would also order an immediate
investigation inlo the bugging of Donald
Nixon's telephone," Norris said. He said
the form er president's b r o t h e r , a
Newport Beach resident, was the target
of criminal actions that should be taken
before a grand jury.
!See NORRIS, Page A%i
Blue's Two-hitter
Beats Birds, 1-0
BALTIMORE (AP) -Lefthander Vida
Blue fired a brilliant two-hitter and Sal
Bando's fourth-inning home run gave
Oakland a 1-0 victory over f!altimore in
the third game of baseball's American
League playoffs this afternoon.
The victory gave the A's a 2·1 edge in
the best-of-five series.
Qakland y.illl try and clinch a third
straight AL title in the fourth game
\Vednesday with Jim "Gatrish" Hunter
opposing Baltimore's Mike Cuellar.
Recyclittg Project
\Vorkmen dig up gasoline storage tanks at aban-
doned Costa Mesa service station that is being re·
cycled for use as a party supply rent.al business.
City required removal of tanks-as part of--recycting
at Bay Street and NewPort Boulevard. Canopies
that once covered gasoline pun1ps also were re-
moved. -•
Japanese, lrisl1 tea(le1•s
Given Nohel Peace P1·ize
From Wire Services
OSLO, Norway -The Nobel Peace
Prize for 1974 v•as awarded today to
former Japanese Prime J\.1inister Eisaku
Sato and the U.N. high commissioner
for South-West Africa, Sean J\.1acBride
of lreljlnd.
The award was annolUlCed by the
Nobel committee of the N o r w e g i a n
The citation said "Sato has ..• advo-
cated that Japan should not acquire her
own nuclear \\'eapons." rvtacBride's cita-
tion said "is awarded the prize in recog-
nition of his efforts during many yea rs to
strengthen and protect human rights all
over the v•orld. ·•
South-West Africa is a territory under
the control of South Africa which the
United Nations has repeatedly declared
should be granted independence. South·
West Africa , kno\vn in the United Nations
as Nambia, was a onetime Germany
Director Tim Greve of the N ob e I
Institute, in announcing the a1vard , said
"about 50" can didat es had been
nominated for the 1974 Peace Prize ,
which is worth $124,000.
The amount will be shared equally
between SatG and l\·lacBride. both or
whom are expected here for the av.•ard
ceremony Dec. 10 -the alfniversary
of the death of Alfred Nobel . S11•edish
inventor of dynamite who donated the
prize fund .
The announcement by the Norwegi an
1 •. ,. \ •
AP Photl
Ex-Premier Sato
tommiltec · can1e as a surprise. It had
not bee!\ expected today.
Sato had t1vice been elected by the
Japanese liberal Dcmocra\s b cf ore
!See NOBEL, Page ,\%)
Dr y1u <Lll Workers ..... ,
Jr' a lk Off .Jobs
I 11 1'1e1.11 Dispnte
In a dispute 1vhich could shut dOY.'tl
much of California's buildilig industry.
about 5,000 drywall installers throughout
the state ll.'alkcd off their jobs l\1onday.
The first sanctioned dryv.·a!I strike
in 20 years follows a wildca t Orange
County dry,vall strike last month.
Drywall workers, v.·ho fall under the
jurisdiction of the carpenters unions,
are seeking an addition of $3.75 in "''ages
and fringe benefits to their present $11.43
an hour .
Ray !\'!ills of Irvi ne. president of the
California Drywall Contractors Associa-
tion. said negotiations on a new contract
broke dov.n because of union insistence
on a clause setting special piecey,·ork
rates in particularly difficult jobs .
The Orange County v.·alkout began last
\\'eek, before drywall workers in other
areas of the' state began to strike.
Charles Trenta, secretary of the
Carpenters District Council of Orange
County, said work on many jobs will
continue be.Cause contractors have signed
interim agreements with the striking
Under the agreements, workers arc
paid the demanded settlement until a
new conlracl is signed.
The drywall contract expired i n
August, but was extended 60 da ys for
renewed negoliallon s. The deadline pass-
ed Oct. 1 ..
According t() a dryv.·all contractors'
spokesman, the differences bet w cc n
union and managen1ent arc negotiable
and can be settled.
Trenla, ho\\.' c ye r . said no ne1\.'
bargaining sessions ha l'e been set.
Mesa Fire Probe Continues The strike reached statev.·idc scale
~1Gnday. the day bcfor(' · · N a t i o n a I
Construction Mobiliiation Day" in "'hich
const ruction workers across the country
<1re protesting the financial pinch facing
the co71struclion industry and its high
level or unemployment. T·wo Victims of Blaze Rerriain Uni<lentifiecl
Investigation conUnued today Into the
cause of a Coma l\1esa apartment rLre
Sunday that killed two yoq me~and
critically burned a thlrd who leaped
from a a second story window to escape
the names.
Coroner:.S deputies w e r e comparing
dental charts from health records ot
~wo men tOOy believe to be the. victims
Who _)>urned to death In the 3:30 a.m.
The bodies were charred beyond tt00g-
"We're "''Orklng on that today and
v.·e may havei a positive Identification
by late lhis afternoon," sakl a coroner's
office spokesman.
Richard A. St. John and a frieoo ,
Rlchard Arthur. are belle\·td to be the
victims who perished in the 3:30 a.m.
fire at 2253 Fountain \Vay East.
Nursing supervisors at Orange County
~tedical Center said the third occupant
of the apartment, \Villiam D. \Vilcox,
19. remains Jn critical condition.
lie was admitted to the bum tJnlt,
seared over aboU? 75 percent of his
body by the flame$ which broke out
in the apartment he and St. John rt':ntl'd.
Fire Department Battalion Ch I e f
Robert McClelland J n d investigators
relumed to the gutted westslde apart-
ment Mooday to search for clues to
the blaz.e's origin, but apparently found
lie said Investigators are reasonably
c<':rtain It ignited aomehow In 1 h c
:downstairs liv_ing &ection or the apart-
men! located in a complex of four-unit
buildings just off \Vest Wilson Street.
Characteristics of the fire could in·
dicate it v.·as started by a cigarette.
but Chief li1cClclland said due to the
severe destruction and death of · 1"'0
potential witnesses, this may never be
Wilcox told investigators his roommate
and a fricn~ had gone to a football
game and he we:nl to bed after drinking
90lJ\e beer and watching television Satur-
day nietit.
He $Did he was a11.·akened about 3:30
a.m. by smoke filling his bt>droom and
tlie sound or screruns coming from his
..roommate's adjaefl\t upstairs quarters.
lleat drove \\1ilcox b.1ck from rescue
(See INFERNO, Page At)
S1>ot~ A vailahlc
In Drill Team
Glrls 9 lo 15 years old may still
sign up for the H<'<'·Ettcs, the pa rade
drill team of the Costa ~tcsa Leisure
Services Department.
Rcc-Ett~ n1cet 1'ue:sd:iys from 4 to
5 p.m. in the Community Recroolion
Center at tht': v.est gate of the Orange
County Fairgrounds.
Si~c;ups at the class m~trngs 1\·ill
continue at nex1 v.·eck's and the folloll.·ing
\VL't':k's meetings.
rce Is $4 fC>r the series of 10 c.lasscs.
Further inrormation maybe obtained
by conl.nctlng Leisure Ser\'lcts, ~5300.
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
Gives Plan
To Congress
\\'ASHINGTON (AP) -Pre.si<le:-it Ford
announced a broad new anti·tnnation pro-
~am this aftemoon that Includes higher
·taxes for many Americans, a public se:\'-
ice employment program and energy
conservation measurus to reduL'C nil im·
ports. (Related editorial, Page A6.)
In his address to a joint session of Con·
~ress. Ford said hls p.-oposals 1vere a
"grand design" fo r restraining inflation,_
The measures outlined by the Presi-
dent include :
-A 5 percent surtax on income taxes
ror income levels above sl~.000 for fam-
ilies and $7,500 for individuals.
-A program lo creak' pub\!.-Sl'rvice
jobs for the jobless \\'hen unemployment
exceeds 6 percent of the labor force.
Spending y,•ould range from $500 nlillion
to $2.2 billion. depending on th•! severit:t
of unemplovment.
-Exp3nded unemployment benefil! for
compensation has been exhausted or who
are ineligible for such compensation.
- A 5 percent surcharge on corporate
income taxes. ll'hich v.'Ould raise an es-
timated fz .I billion in revenue.
-A s:J billion program to subsidize
mortgage interest payments and to
finance about 100,000 new homes.
-Various mandatory and voluntary
energy conservation measures to reduce
imports of oil by one million barrels per
day by the end of neitl year
-An increase in the investment tax
credit to 10 percent, up from 7 percent
for most businesses and 4 percent for
-A request to Congress to\ $et a 197S
budr<:et spending ceiling of $300 bill ion .
'I'Oe President did not announce any in·
creases in gasoline taxes, nor did he pnr
pose any tax relief programs for Jov.·-
income families.
But he said his administ ration will su~
port tax-relief proopsals already before
Congress that his advisers contend would
provide relief totaling $1.4 billion for per-
sons with income below $15,000.
The surtax for both individuals and
COrJXlrations, 1,vhich v.'Ould ha ve to be
approved by Congress, would be for the
1975 calendar year -only.
Ruled out for the .time being, also \\.'as
~See ECONO:\IY, Page A%)
NE\\! YORK (UP I) -While awaiting
details or President Ford 's economic
program. investors sat on the sidelines
as prices drifted in a mixed pallem in
n1oderate trading on the New York Stock
Exchange today. lTablcs, Page Alt ).
The Do1v Jones Industrial Average,
which snapped an I !·session losing streak
with a 23-point gain J\.tonday, lost 5.01
points to 60'2.5.
Advances led declines, 895 to 431,
among the 1.752 issues traded.
The \'Olume amounted to 15.4 million
shares. compared v.·11h 15,000,000 traded
Orange Cout
Night and morning low clouds
and scattered sprinkles through
\Vednesday, according to t h e
1\·eather service, <A'ilh slightly
v.·armer skies. Possibility of some
sunshine ~· the afternoon Wednes-
da y. High o1 67 at the beaches ris-.
ing to nu 70s inland.
lit lght tltc 'Ir.rt step /or How-
ard CoselL be as a dancer ond
si11ger? l~e ei::pecl.t to do a little
of both if ABC goes tlirougli
with plans to put l1in1. in clwrgc
of a variety show. Page. 81.
Ir"'• ltmllffk I'
L. M. IOytl All
(1Hfel'1d1 A}
(IH11tiecl 1 7·11
(9"tk1 IJ c............ lJ °""' Nelleet .... IOl!tffll l'ltt l6
lllierta!Ptl!'ltlll II
'°lft<ll-Alf.11 Hy GI .... _ AJ
IPtlfffl'tlUiePI 11
Atlfl L•Mtr1 ti
MeM'I' Tl'99 AU Me•les .,
Mlll .. t l'YMI Alt
"'"'' A4. lJ °'"'" (1M1Ptl1 .... ,,_,, 11·1
,,...... l+S
Stec-M1f111tl A\f.11
Tti.¥11i0ol .11
ThMlft'J 11
WNI..... At
w ...... "''"" At. •t
R~gular mcctln&.. Costa f\tcsa a1y Coun· -
cil chtlmbcrs. 7:30 p.111
"BE;lllNO 1"111:: 111~.<\DLINJ::S -Dr.
r.iles T. HrOY.11 lt'{'!urcr. OCC Foru1n,
i:30 p .111.
-South Coast Repertory 1 hen t c r.
1tiroogh Sun. 8 p.n1 .
UCI LECTURES -• • \Vo n1 en 's
l'orum," noon1 140 Social Scienct.> Lab.
7 p.m. ".'\e~v DircctiOO!I for Frce-L:lncc
\Vr iters," Hoo1n JOI Phystral Science
J31dg. 7 p.m "L.'lnclmarks of Art ," Rooru
178 llun1an1L1es llait, 7 p.01.
'\'EDNESDAY, OCl'OBER 9 occ LECTURE -"\/ital fs.<;Ul'S lhat
Conc~m You ." Dr. Arthur L. Bictz lee·
turt•r, Aud itorium 7:30 p.n1.
-. .
Fig11res Released
Nixon Employes
Cost $841,800
\VASH INGTON (APl -l::a\aries for
the 64 !ederal cn1ploycs. exC'luding Secrl'l
Service agents, assi~ncd to forffil'r Prt!Si·
dent Nixon's Sa n Clcnic ntl' l'State · are
costing the fcdcrul treasury an average
of $84 1,800 a yea r, Sen. Joseph M. ~1on·
toya <D-N .1>1.1. s;.iys.
r-.lontoya . citing figures provided by
John March. counselor to Pres i den l
r~ord, said r..·londay 1h~St.~ret Service
protection at the San leinentc home
\\'as costing $622.000 a yc<i ...
The yearly cost or ~cret Service pro-
tectio n and other personnel at Nixon 's
Key Biscayne. Fla. complex is more
lhan $500.000. Alontoya said.
The White Hou se figures were provided
in response to a request from /l.1ontoya,
chairman of the Senate appropriations
su bcommittee on Treasury, post a I
service and general govemment.
\Vhite House press secretary Ron
Nl'ssc11 said r.londny 1u~gotiations were
con1 Jnu ing "'!th Nixon ovl:'r the disposi·
tion of Nixon's lXJJ)l'rs and tape
Ile said 1alks resumed ltlst week after
special \Vatergatc pro secutor Leon
Ja"·orski questioned the agree(Ilent an·
nounced when rord pard<>ned ~ixon.
1'hc agreement gave Nixon ('US tody
or the n1at('rial, but would ha\'e assured
gO\'('rnincnl ac<'ess to the taJ>(.'S for up
lo fi\'c years, v.•hen Nixon could destroy
lhen1 al \\'ill. They \\'Ould be stored
at Laguna Niguel.
The Senate voted overwhelmingly la st
v.·eek to award pennanent custody of
the material to the government.
IMlllJ ~1111 11111 ...... ,.
Parallel Parking
UC! Lf~CTUH.ES -"Selecting and
l mplemeriting ao Effective Tax Plan,"
Ro<Mn 178 11umanitics Flall, 7 p.m.
"World of Pliints," Hoo1n ~ Physical
Scil'TICC Bldg., 7 p.m:
RoberL Schmitz lecturer, Raleigh Hills
llospi!al. 1507 E. 161h Street. Newwrt
Be;1ch. 6:15 r.rn. Info rmation 64!).5707.
The subcomnlittee and f u 11 Ap-
propri;ttions Committee reduced t he
original request for funds for Lhe trnnsi·
tion from the Nixon administration to
the administration of President Ford
from $850,000 to $200,000.
Listing the salaries and jobs of the
government emplO)'e5-dfta1Ied to Nixon,
a1ontoya said 18 persons directly co~
nected with transition were being paid
at the total rate of $375,800 a year.
Among military persoMel on the
payroll, a mail clerk is being paid
SJ2,000, fourteen Department of Defense
personnel are attached to t h e com·
muniea tions netv.'ork at total a n n u a I
Costa Mesa Fireman Mark Brown hoses down gaso·
line leaking from upended pickup truck which slid
to a stop on College Avenue at Victoria Street this
n1orning. Driver Janice E. Coburn, 33. of 409 \V.
Bay St., was n1aking a turn when a wheel hit the
curb and truck tipped over. 1i1otorist was uninjured
and truck was only slightly damaged, according to
traffic officers.
Cor y Oaims He
Didn't Get Fund
From Lawi·ence
The government also is s p e n d i n g
money on sending documents, including
material on foreign -es>licy briefings, from
\Vashington to San Clemenle by jet,
~lontoya said.
salaries of $136,880, two Navy mess
stewards are being paid a total of $22,560
a year, and 12 Coast Guardsmen are
being paid a total of $95,650 annually.
Teen Pedestria11
Aids Cvclist
Butchery In Texas
f'ro1n Page Al
The General Services Administration
employes, handling Nixon's papers in
\Vashington."are being paid a total of
$122:745 annually, and seven G SA
custodial persons at San Clemente are
011 Slick Road
Three Women, 2 Tots
ECONOMY •.. SAN DIEGO (AP) -Hotel executive being paid a total of $78,300 a year.
!ii. Larry Lawrence says he gave $300 ~1ontoya also said four GSA employes A teen.aged pedestrian ran to the
gasoline rationing, v.•hich has been con-al the Key Biscayne home were being aid of an injured motorcyclist on a
in cash 10 Assemblyman Ken Cory (0. sidered by the Administration. paid a total of $50,000 a year. mist-slicked Costa Mes.ii street Monday
Bound, Gagged, Slai1i
Gar&n Grove ) for the Democratic can· But one source in the energy field said He said SUPfM>rt services at the two evening, pulling him to safety out of
didate•s primary campaign torsrare-con--eitlle:r_: higbef gasoline taxes·or-n.tioning • homes for Pw.lirs1 42 Q!ys since Nixon vie·way or he.a~ traffic. FORT WORTH, Tex. (UPI) -The
troller. but c.ory denies it, the ·san_ coutd oe proposed sometime after the left office had cost tbe.g o ve r nm1 n t .. _ -'"~ G~ torbett. 21 .. oe:::-&1s ~ w_. bound. gaggoo anct nude bodies or three
Di.ego Evenlng Tribune said today. November elections Jf the other energy $415,000. !8th st .. \Yas treated for a fractured shin young women and two 2·year~lds, all
Lawrence, rormerly the Democratic cooSe~ation measures proved inade-bone and head lacerations at Costa Mesa slain v.·ith a huge butcher knife, were
Party's Southern California chairman, quate. J\temorial llospital and released. fo und today in an apartment on the
said in an interview that he personally "The President is not forec losing any Eai·tllquakc Jl·.·.ls Investigators sa id Corbett had passed city's south side. gave the money to Cory at Cory's re-options in t.he energy area," this source one car on Ne~·port Boulevard at Fair ''The three ladies were a ss au 1 t e d
"Five brutally murderl!d people" was
the way Ball described the crime.
The children, a ''boy and· a girl. were
the children of Laura an<; Martha
Bali said there was no sign o! a
forced entry into the apartment and 7
that he had oo suspects. The·apa rtm_e_n_t ____ ~---<
v.·as on the ground fioor.
quest. said. Drive and was starting a low-speed criminally and in other ways," medical
t----,,:Des=:'oii'Cte,oihi"'·s""'f"'onn,,,er""~po;os;ritr..io~nr.inc.'hii'gh~----------------Wl-e·,"'t J:ndJ·e~.,·, 1 .\.T .Lio. left tum when hit by an oncoming car. examiner Dr. Feliks Gwozdz said. counc· s ol the DemocraUc Party , -,., ~ :-t· ~~·u,-~-·oo=ug~1·~ctm-;-2r,-0r-302.'3J{tlly'~---IH<lomieide-divlslon-Lt.--Oliu-Ball-&aid
Lawrence is supporting Re p u ~ l i can Tots E llCOltraged brookc Lane, told police he had no titne there v.·ere signs of a terrific struggle.
Houston I. Flournoy for governor this " D J R d to stop before the collision. \\'hilc lhe women were nude, the children
year. Caf l S epot•le Mark Owens. 14. of 2363 Carlton Place. were fully dressed, even to shoes. The
The Cory gift was declared b Y To Seek Spots said he saw the accident while walking children v.·ere gagged but not bound.
"Ifs the worst situation J've seen
in a long Ume," Dr. Gwozdz said.
Lawrence in a campaiga statement filed SAN JUAN, P.R. (UPll - A severe along the road shoulder and ran to Alt bbed . d
under oath and penalty o! perjury last earthquake rocked the West Indies from help Corbett and his motorcycle out were sta many times an
The bodies were found by Alexander
Small, 'step!alher of two of the women,
and by an uncle. They told police they
came to the apartment to take the
"·omen to work and when lliey Deea me
sus picious something was wrong, broke
a window to get in.
Friday, the newspaper said . But it said flt .Royal Court Guadeloupe through Puerto Rico today. o! the tra!fic. a bloody butcher knife was left in a Cory 's campaign statemeats -also filed Alost of the islands-apparently-escaped front bedroom with three of the bodies.
under oath -do not show the con-.., Tv.·o of the womt:n Were identified severe damage but considerable property
tribution. Costa i·tesa youngsters 3 to 6 years damage was reported on Antigua. E b• J J7 • d as sisters Laura and Martha. ~fcle.ndon.
Cory ~·on the Democratic nomin!tt ion. old are being sought as contestants in rour persons were reported injured . xcep ona ~l s The third woman was identified only The women worked for a furniture
company across the street from the
apartment house.
lil an intU'lliew, he denied ever as.king fhe TffiY Tof!I """Royal 'Court Contest in on Antimu1 but there were oo immediate "Lind " The ed · f La\\'rencc for money or receiving cash the u......,..ming Fiesta de Costa Mesa . · t>'T C p k T • as a. Y rang in age rom
from hl·m· . r-u reports~ casualties elsewhere. .·,,en ar -rip 19 to 24. Entries for the titles of king, queen , Antigua police reported a Dani sh
Lawrence said the money was given prince. princess. dukes and duchesses tourist. James Foghman, broke his arm
to Cory bes Id c the pool at the arc being accepted at the Costa i\1esa h h · """ r h t t b 1 Exceptional children and young adults
A neighbor who lived across the hall
said he heard a "pounding" about l
a.m. Police said they were not called
until shortly be!orc 8 a.m. home of Robert Siegel, where the Chamber of Commerce, 583 W. 19th ~· en e JUm~ rom a 0 e a cony from Costa Mesa will travel to Bluebi rd Democratic State Ce n l r a I O:>mmittee during the quake. Tv.•o women suffered f'rom Page Al
Was Sponsorln" a r-pti·on for eo~. St. .11 h h ba d 1 d head injuries when the "'alls of their Park in Laguna Beach Saturday as part
b """ 'J En trants ,,.. gal er at t c n s an h II sed nd 1 I d" · k of a e-0ntinuing program of the Costa La"Tenee said Cory asked him for at Costa 1\1esa City Park al 10 a.m. ome co_ apt • ahe "'"h _isc JOC eyd Mesa Leisure Services Department. NOBEL ...
money for his campaign but did not Oct. 12 for judging. \Vinncrs will be ~h·as schrious.ndy cut. whi n d~ J ~ d~ p e The trip will feature arts and crafts
want a check. Ife said he reached into announced at 10:30 a.m. t roug a wi ow 111 s ra 10 s u 10· present !Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka Coastal Panel
_.\pproves Units
his pocket and gave Cory "between Contestanls will be i"udged on poise, The h:storie SL John.b's.ICadi thedral and and games.
$300 and 1400 in cash." al"! turat d several government u1 ngs we r c Exceptional children , including the took over. person t y. na ness an appcar311ce. g rt se t damaged blind, deaf, educationally handica pped MacBride, 70, was the !ouncler oC the "I did not ask Larry !or money," All ent•anlS will r""eive ribbons and amon prope Y vcre Y · '' Schools •·ere closed for the day --·• and mentally reatardcd, are invited to N 1· 1· t Cl Pobl ~·-rt · Cory said, while recalling that they "inners will be a\\•arded trophies and dliu a 1ona ts anna a\;l-pa Y in met. "I can envision $300 getting lost gifts. police patrolled the streets to prevent join tile excursion . Ireland in 1946.
in the campaign somewhere, but 1 don·t looting from damaged· stores. The bus to Laguna Beach '~ill depart In its most controversial selection in A 17·unit Costa Mesa condominium
recall any money changing hands." On the nearby island of St. Kitts. lhc Community Recreation Center at history, the 1973 peace prize was award· complex with a view of Upper Newport
Cory's acceptance of nlOrc than ·j,}d . h S k '"'0 Angelican churches were reported the west gate of Orange County ed. to Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss· Bay was approved unanimously t-.1.ooday
$500,000 from two contributors in Orange _I-\. i·1r, pea "S damaged by the quake, Y.1hich according Fairgrounds at 9:15 a.m. and return inger and North Vietnam 's Le Due Tho by the regional coastal commission.
r.ounty has been 1urned Into a campaign to the U.S. Geodetic Observatory here at 3: 15 p.m. fot their negotiations to end the war The $416,000 project will be built on
issue by his Republican 0 pp 0 n e 11 1, T M C f C registered 7 on the ope n-ended Richter Further information on the outing may in Vietnam. LS acres of land at 2449 N. Tustin
Assemblyman \Vil\iam T. Bagley, ~R-San 0 _ Cffi 0 . scalhc, ooe or. th4e00fou r most intense quakes 5heervi~~.aintleedparbtmeny e1a,11!~5300the. Leisure Tho, a member of North Vietnam ·s Ave .. on the city's east side.
Rnfaell. m t c area tn years. ..... ,,,,,.,. politburo, announced he wouJd not aocept Commission staff planner Bob Joseph
f'ro111 Page Al
attempts. so he dove through a window
into the concrete patio below and v.·as
dragged to safety by v.·itnesses who
splashed his burning clothes wilh water
standing in a guttter.
t ,.,,. Or•nQt Cow\! 011ty Pitol, ... in •nldl !\
"°"'°'~., , ......... , "'"''· ,, po.ibj 1\l'lrd by ii..
Otlf>Q"" C<>t•I Putll1\tll<1q (D"'!><ln• !.tp,o•~le ~<l1Uon<o IT~ l'tll>h..,,.!l MO""IY 1 .... °"""' FfldlY,
l6r (.o\11 MtW, Newl>O•I 9"it<ft. 1-1 .... ,....,. ... a-.. n /Fo...-11-<'1 Vtll~• UI°""" lle.c:I\,
1 .. n~ S..!ldl•blo:~ Ind S.fl C.•~~nl~ S.n JUOlfl
<11>·,!••no " ''""''~ •M.....,.1 ..,,,,_ '' -"••Md ~11 .. 01" 1nd S""""•' ln• P'"tr•clt>•I OU!Jj•"'•n; pill'! I' II JOO !fflr\t S., ~!fttl, c;q,11
Mt-'MI, C.lilOf1'11 '1t1•,
Jack R. Curter,. " \/lee P!'t\!O.nt ,..., G.~11 ~°"
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Mur!)hlnc
IMM,1111 Editor
Ctiarles H. Loos Richard P. Nall
"•""1111 Ml,..Oll'IQ EllllOt)
cost~ MlY Oflic•
»O ~\I It¥ SI,... M41111,.o •oo .. u: PO. lo• tMO,nw
Other Off ices ...... ,,.,., &e .. 11 JUl ...... ,,.,., ll&WvMtf \.l'!Uf'WlleolC'I llkC, .. __ '?~(
.,01'1tt"OJIOll ""~" ,,,,, liro.c.~ .,.,_...,.
SMI °'"""'"11: lD1 P+OF1!1 El CMnltlD Ill.al
Telephone (7141 642.&32.1 Cl~ssiflH Adv•rllsing 641·5'71
Qoiyf~t. 1•14, Otlfll.. Coast l'lltlll\1'11"'
c.om-r. Ho 1111.,1 ""'"'· IHll«•~•en\, edltorill r!'lllltr or "'"''li.tmtrol' .,.,,,,., -· IM. ... Of9Guc:H wllMut tfl"(llll ..,.rr11u1c111 91
C:OOY!lql\t OWl'lft,
Si<(ln(j (lilt po'ltl!1t cwikl II CO\lt #l!N,
Ct1lf0flll';1. S11M(•1P'!hlfll b¥ c•1W U 00 "*"""'; tv mill 1<1.00 l!\Ofllt!llf'; fllll!IM't'
tleffl ... liDfll' U DOm1111\Pl!Y
Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich. chancellor of
UC Irvin e, will be the guest speaker
Oct. 15 at the Costa Alesa Chamber
of Commerce membership luncheon .
Aldrich \1ill d i s c u s s "lnter;iclion
Bel\l•ccn the University and the O:>m·
The luncheon v>ill include installation
of officers and directors for the up-
coming ye;ir.
The noon luncheon at the Costa .Mesa
Golf and Country Club, 1701 Golf Course
Dri ve, ~'iii be preceded by a social
hour at I a.m.
Tickets, a $5 each. may be reserved
by ~Titing the chantbcr, 583 W. 19th
l\lolel ~laua gc1· Sla in
RUBJOOUX (AP)-Hiverside sheriff's
d~ties issued an alert for Kenneth
Lee. 25. in the shotgun slaying of the
manager at the motel \\'here Lee 11,·cd .
A sheriff's spokcstnan said ).londay that
Howard Dye, 59, \vas found dead 1n
the motel after other residents reported
hearing a shot the previous night
The observatory said the quake. which the award because "peace has oot been said the development would be consistent
occurred al 2:52 a.m. (PDT ) apparently established in South Vietnam." He hinted with the residential neighborhood.
'''as centered between St. Kitts and Vel Pe11 sions Backe(] that he might accept it once peace The Ol).ly condition placed on the pro--
Guadeloupe. in the Leeward Is I ands v.·as accomplished. jcct was that plans be submitted to
about 300 miles east of Puerto Rico. \\IASlll NG TON (AP) -The Senate Kissinger accepted his award and said, the Santa Ana Region Water Quality
The tremor v.·as felt throughout Puerto passed \cgislntion ~Ionday to increase "Nothing that has happened to me in Control Board since it will be built
Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, but by 12 percent pension payments for public life has n10ved me more than in an area Lhat contributes water runoff
no dama ge was reported. veterans and sur vivors.. this award." to Upper Newport Bay.
On Antigua, police estimated damage 'liiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;iiiiii;;;iiiiii;;;im;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii would run to millions of dollars. Fallen I
utility poles blocked some roads and
electric service was reported out in
some areas.
f'rom Page Al
Norris said other C<llifomia crimes
that should be investigated for Nixon's
possible involvement in them included
the pa yment of hush money to e-0nvicted
\\'atergate conspirato r Howard Hunt and
the pending perjury trial or fonner Nixon
aide John Ehrlichn1an .
"\lf'ry little. if anything, is being done
in all these n1atlcrs.'' Norri :; said , "I
~·ould make them a top priority if
I were attorney general."
''Branding keeps us all honest.
And the customer knows it.'' bf Fn.nk W. HartmaM
°""*"'Ol lladc 11111111(1 --T--eo.no.n,.
"Carpeting is a blind item.
For the consumer. few things are bought with so little knowledge, and with
so rruch trepidation.
Two different pieces of carpeling can look the same, feel the same. claim to
be made of the same kinds of materials, and have. in fact. not one single
difference that the consumer can perceive.
Yet after just six months of use, one will look terrible and the other wlll look
like new.
How is the consumer to know which is which?
Oddly enough, even price often won't tell her. So even buying expensive
carpeting is no guarantee of quality.
Nixon Taxes Up The only thing that protects the investment of the consumer. and the
reputation of the honest retailer. is selling the brand names that both kn·ow they
can trust." ·
This is why we don't private label carpeting at Alden's. When you find
samples with the names changed on the labels. run over to Alden's fast.
But Property llilie Beloiv Average
Although property in San Clf'mente
on Lbe average increased in tnxablc
value by Blmost 23 ptl'CCnt this year .
one m:i.jor property 01,1.11cr r1pparently
got a break on his tax bill this ~·eek.
Richard Nixon , ~'TlCr of prime co.n:o;tal
property In the :southerly portion of
the ciiy. has a rise or about 12 percent
on his tax bill. <Related Story. P:ige .\l 1,
Orange County 'tnx Coll~tor Robert
Citron said that the former president s
tax blll rose by Sl.338 in the latest
b!l\Jng and that brings the full :imount
that Nixon mutt pay~ his estate to
Last year. when the former chief ex·
etutive ~·as still battling his crlllcs from
the \Vhite llDuse, conlro\'Crsy raged over
the assessment of h I s Spanish·styled
e.<rtatc occupying a blufUop known as
Cotton'!! Point.
Demand§ for-reassessment surged at
the county and state level, v..ith the
chlrf protagonist in Orange County btlng
Superv\90r Robert Battin.
The moves -dubbed po I I l lea 11 y
mo!lvnted hy some officials, rcsuJtcd
in some intense new legwork b y
assessors but never yielded a significant
increase in !he taxes !or the parcel.
County officials gave no specific rcafiOn
for the current Nixon rate of incren sc
be ing lc!'il! than the over.au &\ .. eragc
throughout the ('it}'.
After all, carpeting Is one of life's major Investments. II shouldn't be gone
Into blind.
1663 Placentia ATe.
• 646·4838
HOURS:Mot."'"'111ws., tto 1:10-NI. t tot-SAT. t :JO!f> 5
I ' •