HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-13 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • .. -· ru e • ~ ---. --· -- DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * FRIDA"Y AFTERNOON, DECEMB E R 13, 1974 'lot.. '1 •.. o. Ml, 4 SE.CTI OHS, .. PAG£S • crease .. Mesa's Beach 'Nudist AfJuitted by ludge • • • \ • • • . Boat Blast l,tocks Lido Apartments Drug Ro1u1d11p Mesa Detectives .Net 32 -Suspects By A RTIW R R. VINSEL oi .. n.11,~s~ A sweep through Costa !\1esa by tea ms of narcotics detectives Thurs- day and today has netted 32 among 42 suspected on-the-street drug dealers. many or them students at two high schools. The age amon g those arrested so far ranges from 14 to JS. accordin g to poli ce and ineludes one diminutive adult, 18, \11ho gave his occupation as race-horse jockey. Arrest warrants naming most or the arrestees and others still on the streets \Vere issued following a four- month investigation. · Vice and Narcotics Detail Detective Sgt. Gene "Mother" Norden said Lo· Naked Mesa Sunbather Acquitted Orange County's nude beachgoers may have been given a green light to pu1 it togethe r in the altogether. Beachgoers who round going rough in the burr in recent months were vindicated late Thursday when South Orange County municipal court Judge .Joh.n A. Griffin round Charles An· derson of Costa Mesa not guilty of multiple charges filed when he sun· bathed in the nude at South Laguna's 9th Street Beach. Anderson, 27. was round not guilty on charges of lewd conduct and dis· turbing the peace after defense al· lorney Bill Sheffield successfully argued that his client had disturbed no one a nd no sexual intent when he exposed his enlire body lo the sun. Anderson ia unc more than 100 nude beacbgoers who have been arrested by sherifr's offict:rs in recent months on su,ch charges. - liis acquittal. Sheffield said today, may effectively bar the sheriff from any further arrests of that type. J udge Griffin's ruling may also mean the end of the county ordinance whl.ch Andertlon \vas suid to bavc \'iol~ted, Sheflield said. Property ov,,ner Willard Cain had earlier argued fo r the prosecution tuat nude bcachgoing near his cliff top home on South Coast l-U ghway had re· ached Lile pointthal he could no longer invite his a:randchildrcn to the house. cain is by rar the most C'Onstant caller to the sheriff's ofnce in all such lnsta-ncts or nudltylln the beach. Sh.efficld s uccess!Wly argued that the o·Nfinunce under which Anderson also was prosecuted pertained more to nude nnd semi-nude entertainment than naked sunbathing on the beach. "I look on this as a test case," the defense attorney said. "And I very rnuc.h rcaret lbal many orJhc people who 1have been similarly arrested on these charge~ decided to plead guilty rather thun take the issue~to trial as Mr.Andffaondlcl." , • ~- • . day it was coordinated with the Orange County Narcotics Task Force and aimed at cutting campus drug use. 1- ··only a few of the drug buys were conducted on loca l high school cam· pusei; .... "heex;...Jained. Some parallels exist to a recent mass Los Angeles County drug· dealing roundup in wli'ich 226 students from among 20 high schools were taken into custody. Fourteen more a rrests arc ex · pected . No officers were actuall y enroll ed al Cost a Mesa or Estancia hi gh schools to investigate the alleged drug traffi cking, -A•hich he said mainly in· volved marijuana. hashish. cocaine and a mpheta mine stimulant tablets. He said some undercover agents were active on campus, but posed as old· ha ngers-on or dropout students during the four.month probe. .. We've found the trend tends to be more one of selling lo close friends or persons they know well," said Sgt. Norden. ~le suggested this may in· dicate a growing rear of sell ing Lo police agents, due to many arrests in the past 18 months. By this morning the tally of those in custody included 25 juveni les -~·II but five of whom were booked into Juvenil e Ii all on charges of drug sales -and seven adults. The five juveniles released to their parents were arrested incidentally to the main thrust of the drug roundup, according to Sgt. Norden. They are charged with only possession. not sales. • Adult arrestees captured during the sweep , which was suspended at 10 p.m ., pending resumption today, in · elude : -~ta nuel Brf'VO Galeana, 35, or 2151 Harbor Blvd., charged with sales of hashish oil and marijuana. IRvestigators said Galean:i lives in a rear room at his plaee of business. but that others present de nied knowledge of him, so the raid team re· turned two hours la ter":"' "He was standing out front "'ith his suitcase ready to ·boogie'," Sgt. 'Norden alleged of the suspcct's.rap • <See NARCOTICS, Page A2) IS J UD OE. A RAT? . HE BARS 'MIC KEY' NEW.BRAUNFELS. Tex . (UPll - Dis trict J udge Robert Pf eufl<!r has rl'· jetted a bid by~ackers of Mickey MOU&e (4)f\ave the1t'votes cou.nr n the Comal Count.y judge's race. Pfeuffer overruled a motion for a recount of wrile·in votes to include those cast for the rodent. Precinct oCCiclals argued that l\ti ckey Mouse was not a bona ride • candidate because he had not resided in Comal County Cor six months before the ele<:tion. PfcufCcr upheld the contention on the mouse's re· sldency. • • Be Feareth ·Not James t\. Staqley peers at himself in broken mirror. LegendHh<1s it that broken mirrors and days like today -f<"'riday the thirteenth - should be shunned because uf the bad luck th ey brin~. But Stanley \\·elcon1cs an~·thin g lo'~ do \\·ith thirtt•en. ·ro find out \\'hy. SC'C page 3. Gro11d J11111 l11dictu1e11ts V a'llerga Conj ident Of Fraud Case Flop Bv TO!'t1 BARLEY •ot tt.I o.lly Piiot S&.tff Orange County ~ssessor J ack Vallerga today announced that he has no intenti011-0£Suspending or taking any ty pe of disciplinary action against seven employes accused in a Grand Jury indictment. Vallctga emerged from a 2·1·hour ~ec l~i.on .to H'!~de~n any s~~!\..~~tjo9 as "quite 1nappropr1ate at this lime. "As of now they have simply been r hargcd," ·Vallerga said. "I un· derstand that the Grand Jury in· vestigalion is continuing and I see no reason to interfere with their duties at this early stage. "I have every confidence in the system.'' Vallerga said. "And I h;1ve every confidence that these char,ll'.es are goi ng to be thrown out at ri later stage of the game .. , All seven <!mployes and two former assessor's aides who arc now retired 1,1,•ill be arraigned later today in Superior Court on charges or grand theft, submitting false .claims and \•W>lating govemmc01todes ... ,.__ .. It is alleged that the nine drew coun· ty money in 1970 for lime actually spent in working ror what eventually was the election ot then county as· ses!Or Andrew J , Hinshaw to the 40th District Congressional seat. The Republican legislator today coolinucd to refuse to return frequent calls made to him tn Washinglon by the 01;1.ily Pilot. • ll ins haw's i;ccrelary s aid the Congressm an was in the J.lousc voting and "'Ill not ~'available to the press until later today. Later, Hinshaw told the Daily Pilot in a tclephorle con\'ersation t hat he is .. making no comment at this time on the advice of my attorney.'' I-le said wou ld speak with his at· lorq,t;y . a gain lflii afternoon to dc· tcrmrnc ir·somc explanation of hi s role in the issue could be made. V.allorga today confirmed that he and J-linsha\V appearl'd (){>for(> the (~rand .J ury during a fi\·c.month in· \'CStigation that put <19 \vitnesse$ befo re the investigative pane l. The assessor also confirmed that hc- declined to testify before the CrandJ Jury -again like Hinshaw -bul . csee ASSESSOR, Page A2) 'First Monday' Late A rrival . . . CONCORD. N.1-1. i ;\P) - There may ben'me5!<111otc for the .Postal S<!rviceor the GOP in the delivery of the Rcpublicnn Na· tional Committee's monlhly mngatine. The Dece mber issue of "F1rsl l\T o nday '' arri,·ed ut Nev.· llump§h\r<! destinations on the second Thursday or the month. E x por.t e r s Hike Cost of Crude By .3 P e r cent VIENI\'A 1CPl)-Thc"•orld 's ma· JOr oil exporting nations decided lo· day to inc rease the price of C'rude oil by 31 ctnts a harrcl -3 percent -on Jan. J"; Iran's Interior J\Tin1 stC'r J amshouz('j?ar said. .. The selling price of 011 \\·111 be SI0.46 a barrel effective Jan. I," 1\1nouzcgar said after a l\\'O·da\' mect1n J? of the Org anizatio n or Petroleum Exporting Countries 10PEC 1. The nC\\' pl'ICC' 'A'ill be frozC'n for lhl' first nine months of I !175. he sanl. The present a\'eragc selling: pricC' of crude oil IS SI0.15 a 42·Aallon barrel, oil industry officials said. It "'a s · not immediatel y clear "'hether this would mea•:in incrC'asc in the price of gasoline hecau~e or lhl' complicated oil pricing and roy:1\ty system "'hich determine oil prit'es. l~a rry Goldstein, ii New \'ork 011 consultant. said the action by OPEC may not be an increase at all si nce St0.46 is the market price established last month by Saudi 1\rabia, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. The action by OPEC, hr said , 1s "'nothing more lh;1n :i c:onfirm:H1on that this is the market price for ('\'er· ybody," ' But. he s aid, oil c-ompan1cs had been paying nn average of $10.lli a barrel for that oil O\\'ncd bv the .t\rab nations and that owned bY th1• com· panics. The !;t"l price or Si0.46 (or nU OPEC oil. Goldstein s11ld . n1eans "an i. increase u1 cost to the compantl'S or 10 Cl'nlt;-tl b:ilrrel." r tSe.,.OJL. PaQc 1\2) • Fire Guts Cruiser; None Hurt By AL!\JONLOCIV\81-:\· ..._E.Otw A boat explosion rocked the Lido North apartment complex on Li~o Peninsula with the force of a soni c boom Thursday night. The concussion and fire caused damage lo bo;.1ts in ad· jacent slips. Gutted by the explosion and fire was a 35·foot cabin cruiser belonging to David Hreha, 19162 Constellalion Lane. Huntington Beach. The boat had been berthed at the nlarina, 6..13 LidQ Park Drive. Y.llh a "for sale '' sign on it. Cause of the explosion was not 1m .mediately known. at'cording to Jamei. Upton. inspector for lhe '.'l'e"•port Beach Fire Department. Occupants or boats in nearb~· sli~ \\'e re shaken up by the force of the ex· plosion, but no one "·as injured. Severely damaged by concussion and heat "·as the SJ.foot Gli~sando. :i converted military \1esscl O\vncd b~ :\.1ark Armist1:1d Y•hich "·as in the ,11i 1acent s hp. Damal!e to the Glissando \vases ti n1 :.1 ted at Sl ,soo t\ Tahiti ketch on ~he oppo~1te s idi: tJf the burned boat "'as backl'd into lhe bay by her o"•ne rs, :\Tr . ;,tnd i\lr.'). Ton' Steele \1·ho \\'ere ahoard another bo;.1~ about three s lips a"a~· I! "';is not in1 · mcdiatc!.v dl'tcrmincd it the ketch CSf'c Bl.1\ST, 1•ag;r :\~) OranJ.(l!' Cttast \\'t•;tlht•r ;\loslly sunny S:.iturday with lo.cal gusty winds at times. l-l1 ghs of 70 a1 thl' ll<-Mches re'. aching 7fi inland. acrording to the 'A'Cath£'r ser11cc Lov.·s tonight 42 to 50, I NSIDE TODAY Tht' fantasu uor/d <!{ 01sn1•yland cr1nib1nes u111/1 1/ie Yu /etrd1· season to product> the trad1tun1al ' F'a11tas.11 011 JJn radl'" ot fil<' Anol1P1rti land of 1nakt1 belil'l'e. It 's 0/1111 picture~ ori lhl' \\'eckt'nderCuv..·r. C I I 11tlt•X •t Ywr Sttwl<• ., -···· t't·• 1Nti11t .. -NI'""'' ... 1...~ ... vt .. HtliloNI Ht "\ .. C.olil.,ft•• .. o.~c-1, .. , .. 11 Clflsi'li..I Ol·U -· ll·J c_ .. , " --11·1 '""'"'"" " s..;, "'-'''" ... DNUl"l ... I(" ... ltltwh'9!1 " lti...ntl~ ... .. TMllH• , .. r-•-• , .. _,.., .. ,_ .... ., .. u WWlfH""' .. --" --, .. ... ,_ .. • I • Al OAILVPILOT s ir:rtcs.v.o.c.mbet13.197A - • 'Bo1nbshell' Ailing .. B e tty Hzttto11 S11ff'erittg 'Bre akdou,n ' PROVIOE:"ICE. R I . ·1UPI 1-Betty Hutton , I hl· '"llh)n<lt• l~o1nb:ihcll " o( Sl.ai.?l' .ind tit'rl'1 n \1 ho :.u rl:1l'ed a ... a COl)k in ,, 1·hur1·h rt·i.:tory last spring ::tfll'r ''J ll .1l1dt·l'111~ ht•r prr sonal Wtalth. h.1:. bt•1•n ht1.,p1t.1h 1.t'd fur a "'r omµlt·t•' c r111111on;1 I hrl'al..dn .... n." Tht• Ht·\ ,J,uo..:11 JJ;..n11hunol...'it ,\n thony ·, ('ln1r1·h 1n l'1Jrt:.rnoul7i !'1.11d l\11~~ llull••n. 5J. \1,1~ cvrurn1tl1·<l .1t Buller llu:.J1H.i! .1 11:.)l'h!Jtflt t..1e1li\~ byh1·1 v..,~1·h1 .• i11,1 "She , bt·1·11 111 ~llll't' th1· ht-ginning ot Lht• 11t·t·k I i;:ut•,, lht·.1 thJrarterlll' 1t ,,,. 111n111!1·1t· t•mu t1 ona l hreakd1n1 n.' !ht• prn::.t .... ud. .-\ hu:.µ11 ... d .i!J(Jl.t·::."o nl;;n ~•ud ""t' don't ha1·e anyone by thal n1ame here .ind v.t> duri't 1h1ulgt• :in} information on our pa111·11t::. loth1: prl'~S ;.i.nyway :· ~liss lluttun. Jcudin.1: l;;dy of 19-lOs Jnd 1950s mo11 cs <ind broadway musicals , took O\'er coolong at St. An· t.h(Jn ,y'_s Rt·rtory in Febr uary and con- .Pill for Me11 'Successful' 111 Lab Tests LONDOK 1UPI> -1\ birth control pill !or m en that produces no loss in sex appetite has been successfully 1ested bv two Australian biochemists. a 8r1t1sh ~c1ence magazine reported today . l'\ature i\lag..11.1nc sa1t.I the pill used in the contrOlll'd t'XJ>e r1ment 11as a rombination or a remoll• hormone. t•strogen, and tht• male hormone an- drogen already m;.irketed as a cure ror bone disorders. The report said men testing the drug s topped producing sperm after nine to 15 "·eeks "'ilhout any \'\sible :side effects excepl for slight nausea at the start of the program. Sp-·m cell~ returned after use of the p111 "'aS :ilopped The magazine said there \l.'as no known loss of desire on the part of the nltn being tt'sted. Several m:ile birth ronlrol pills have been produced before, but in each case usage has been accom- panied by a sharp decline in sexual de- s ire and the adoption of ~ome female ~huracterislics. The two Australian scientists. Or. ''f"rte-d to.Catholicism FJ.ther Pt•tcr :'\.fa)i(Ull"t'. the P~-~tor . 1nt't ht-r at a t ime Y.'ht•n · she" a~ hurl deeply, had gunt• through over $9 mil11nn. fame \irld fortune t1nd ('Vf'r· ~ th111 g t'li'oe," as he tlc~crihet! 1t al the llmt" \\1lrd 1•f ht•r actJ \ttit•s JI lh•• .... m:i!I, rur.11 thllfl'h brought J heJ\'\' \!Jhnnt• or ffiJll frunl 1~:n11h.• \\ho /"t'mt·n1hcrt•d her p~rf1Jr1n.111ccs, ll.1mdton ~.11d '"She go1 35.0011 to J7 .ooo le tters c;1 ~1· Is. \\"he n she \~ould lie fee ling \\t•l l. sht> y,ould \I'\' :ind an~\1 t•r them but the bulk rt·m.lins untoucht•d \\'hen \\'Ord of hel' ..ir r1\·a J 111 Portsmouth 11!'.0l out lust Easte r. ~fiss llutton 1\ as bubbling o\·cr 1~1th t'S> press ions of JOY "lt 's a miracle 1hat J'rn alJ 1·e," ~he said, adding it had been prcci:ded by a time 1n "'hich she '"didn't y,·ant to Jive.•· • • - ~~h(' admitted lh<ll lhe transition "a~ d1ffu:ult. ··Sorne days 1 cry ..ind Sa)' 'This JUSl "·on·1 \\'Ork. It v.·on·1 \\'Ork.' Rut they say ·oon'L cry Beuy. ,·our eyera.shes \\ 11! C'oOl(' of(' " !l.1rnllton ~u1d ht' did not expl'Ct hl•r to r~·turn to l\1rt~n1outh . "because I don 1 think ~he c...11"1 function here. l lhini.. 11 ·:. ... on1t'lh1ng 1\ ithin ht>r~('J f.'" ~hl· "a~ hu:.p1t..1lilt'd l\1·ire :HnC'(' her ;1rr1\·~1. once for a medical checkup . l...1 ... 1 spring and for ~houlder s urgery three months ago. Sht' restlondcd 1\·.i rmly to the rece1J· lion from to"nsfolk ;;nd !iome arl'om- pJ111ed her on a bus lr1 p lo ~e"· \"ork C1lv last June for a tribute paid by old fr1t:nds 1n the ('/ltc rt a1nment business. ~l iss ll utton starred in such films as "Annie Gel \"vur c;un," "The Greatest Shov•on £..irth"' and ··11 appy Go Lucky." AIR FORCE WIG TRIAL' ENDS IN SENTENC~ """-· Sgt. Jerome Verdi Given Bad Conduct Discharge ' Tfmi1ig lssaie NARCOTICS .• • qarent plans for a hasty departure for other parts. -"He had even sold hts car- already," lhe in\·esUaator !urlher charged. Watergate Jury -Larry l'it art Pantel, 18, reported· Jy a jock•y. of 291l..J•c•randa Ave., booked on a "'arrant charging sales or cocaine and mlll"ijuana . -Bryan1 Edward Stimpson, 21. ()f 3036 Fillmore Way, booked on a Y.'l:r· ran1 chareint saJes or bas h.ish ud marijuana. -John Luy,·rence Webber, 21, of 525 \1ictoria St., booked on a warrant charging sales of hashish. -Roy ?.1il~•Fernstrom. 18, of 916 ~tagellan Drive. booked on a y,·arrant charging sates of marijuana. -Donald 1-1. \Vheeler, 18, of 2656 Orange Ave .. booked on a \\'&T· rant charging sales of LSD and marijuana. -Craig Sinclair Walker, 18, of 4 Kialoa Court. Newport Beach. The other ndults captured are Costa l\les ans. No incidents were reported during the roundups. m06t of which occurred at the suspects' homes, said Sgt. Norden, except for one involving ao irate mother who objected to the routi ne finge rprinting of h er dau_llhter. Investigators say the alleged drug purchases all involved relative ly . li mited quantities of contraband, s uch as S.S and SlO plastic baggies of am- phetamine pills, containing 35 to 40 each. ·'These people are just .Street de· a \ers." Sgt. Nord0i\ 8dde·d. "The operation doesn't begin to match the magnitude of the Irvine roundup last spring.'' * * * San Clemente Agents Seize Drug Suspects Zeroes ~ .. •;WASHINGTON (UPJ) -The exact i1 me whe n jticbard K,leipdii:=aat playett sol( ancthls·wife qllit deaning het kltcben cabinets to havo;.luocb on SatUrda,y. June lT, 197%, emerged A.ta vital lssue toda.Y•t lhe Watergate®v- er•up trial. · • ~ • • SUch seemlllfly trivial events were • lht he•rt otlhe defen~o( RoberLC. M.ardian, a sometime San Clemente.- resident, as be seeks to convince I.he jury he had no part in trying to hush up the scandal. Five agents or then President Nix· on's re-election campaign had been arrested at Democratic hendquartcrs at 2 a .m . and the prosecution charges th at Kl eindienst, then attorne.}, general, received an urgent message· later that day vrhile playing golf at Burning Tree Country Club. The message Jsked him to release the' burglars !romjail. Tbe request allegedly originated with defendant John M. t.1itchell, then Nixon's campaign m anager ;.ind now a cover-up derendant, and y,•as rC'· Jayed by 1'1ardian on the telephone to \Vatergale mastermind G. Gordon Liddy. \\•ho in turn rushed to the colin- try elub to give it to KlcindiensL afardian. o former assistant :it· tomey general and Nixon campaign operative. was v.·ith the campaign high oommand in California at the time. Ile oontends that because of the time dif- ference. he rould not possibly ha\•e called Washington in advance of Lid- dy's trip to Burning Tree about noon Washington time. 1'1 ard1an contends instead that Lid- dy, one of the masterminds of the bug· ging, undertook the mission on his oy,·n. Kleindienst"s "'if(', l\-targaret. 1\•as called to the stand to testify about re- ceiving what she called "a curious . call" from Liddy shortly after noon San <;leme~te narcotics agents and that day. s tate 1nvest1gators arrested four ''He said he y,•as callingo11 b{'half or ;ipartme nt dwellers late Thursday on ..... the Committee to Re-elect the Presi- charges r elated to a small-scale dent, for l\tr . 1ilitchcll." 1'1rs. Klein-hcroi~sa les ca:se . dienst said. "lie said it \1·:.i:.;; \'Cry Officers had plan~ed to serve a sensili \'e and urgent matter ond S2,500 wa~rai:it char.mg sa~es of the needed to cont::iet my husband im- clrug on Kevin Patrick Smith. 20, of mediately." 226 La Palo~~· She s.aid shC' rcn1embered the call After arr1v1ng at the apartment, came bet"''cen noon and 12:30 p.m. agent s found three more. persons ~l EDT because she had been c/eanini.: the residence allegedly involved tn her kitchen cabinets and took .. break heroin.activity.. to h.ave lunch. _Besides Smith, agen,ts booked The prosecution contends that Lid- on Goll . . \vas ~l av i ng golf und &nl! lh~n catl.ed the pro 'i;hop ;lt the clul.I lo tutye _!11m pa~cd, ~ Uut s he t•()nt't·dl'd on tross · exan1in utfpn th:1t no 0111' a\ J.he pro shop r~menibers talking wt th her that day anti no :iUCb message ever was re· layed to .her hus band. S~e al~o uckno"'ledgl'd her clo!.e fr1endih!P with Mardlan and admitted &hp did not remember the Urning of Lidd_y's €-all uNil a{t~r talking with Mard1an about il :.tfler he \\'ilS rndlcted last ltlarch . Kl !'indit!n,.l tei.ti ftl'd Thursd_ay · i.ilJOul Ute 1 i:iil fro1n Lidd)'. recelllng he \I a:. ha1·111i.: lunrh sometime after JlllUll rullU\\ in).! a golf lnUl'TIU IUent. f 'rtJ111 1•ngf'" AJ BLAST .•. \1'as cl!nn :1gcd. l\lr. ;t1 nd l\1rs. K.C. Dawson \\'Crl' ~1bo11 rd their 42·foot Y;1nkec ketC'h l"'O slip:; a1vay \\'hen the i'Xplo~~ion OC · curred. '!'hey c;;llcd the I·1re ond llarbor departments ond attempted lo quell the flan1es "'ilh fire ext- inp;uishers . Prompt :Jct ion in knocking down the rire v.·as credited lo Upton and four other Nc"•port Beach firemen w~o \\'ere attending a retirement party in an apartment \Y.'O buildingli awa)'. Thev rushed to scene and fought the fire ·"·ith two garden h()s.es aod three fire exlinguishc rs until equ ipmenl <1o r· r1\'l'd. 1'hc other off.duty f1remt'n on the :'.ICt'Oe \\'{'((' B11I j\;ol\;ir, fire m:ir5hal ; l>ick \\'righ·t. training officer; Jim Bet'd. exec-ut)\'I.' officer. and Art i\torgan. public inforniat ion officer. 'fhey hiid the fi re under control by the time equipment arrived. Residents of nearby apartments s:iid the explosion s hoo k th e neighborhood \l'ith the force or a sonic boom . AEC Dump Hit By 3 States P.fil'hael arid Dr. ~taxine Briggs of l\felbourne·s A.lfred •lospital, s<11d no ~uch developments occurred in their cxp"eriment . according t o th e m~gazine. . 'Wigged.' Sergeant Giveu AF Sentence ?.~1chae\a Arm l\'y, 18: Kathleen_ A. dy called her about I p.m . or I : 15 p.m Bickmore, 24, and John Robert Smith. and that he got to Burning Tree aboul 2.t. Those three arrest.ees were IJ:ooked 1 :30 p.m . to 1 :45 e.m . -late enough to on cha~ges o( possessu:in of heroin and have r eceived a 10 a.m. PDT caU narcot1cspataphernaha. from -Catirornia . It ha s been The case stemmed from ~Ueged established earlier in the trial th at small purchases of the drug "."'h1ch Un· l\-tardian and other campaign officials ~ der cover agents had made In recent learned o( the burglary about 10 a .m . weeks. PDT. S,\LT L1\K£ CITY 1cr11 -The three \\lestern states that may end up "'ilh the Atomic Energy Com - mission's nuclear garbage dump a re unanimous in their criticism or the groundwork ror the facil ity. Idaho, Nevnda a nd \V.11.shinglon representatives appeared at an AEC public hearing Th ursday lo register objections to a draft en\•itonmental impact statement on setting up a tem · porary nuclear waste storage facility. tn the test. four of the five men stopped producing s perm "'ilhin nine y,·e:_cks. The fifth stopped in 15 \veeks of treatment. At the end of lhe test. the magazine said, it V. as 15 v.•eeks before any of the me'n began producing s perm again and nine to 10 months before sperm production was back t.o normal . Monthly Tour Of Upper Bay Set Saturday The Friends of Lppcr '.\""ev.·port Bay \\'ill conduct their mon thly guided tour of the up~r bay Saturday morn· ing. Those \\ho join thC' free tour "'111 ~1wnd .in hour and \\:ilk about a mile <tlong the ba~ shore. ~topp1n& at eight ~talion:. ;ilong the 11ay to hear brief lectures on features of the upper bay . Tht• tour':. st;in1ng point is al the north".:-~ t cvrner of thr 1 nlt'rsccll on of Hack Ray .ind E~s tbluff drl\CS Group lour:. 1\ i!l Je,J1·e from I here at v..1ry1ng 1 nlt'r' .11 ~ bt•t \1 t't'n 9 :ind 11 n nl -ORANGE CO AST • DAILY PILOT r~O< .. rqt CN•! O.••· P•lol .......... , ..... ..... f>·-IP'W"'t••·""H\ •\0.,~•-l>•L ... 0.- C->1•1 0....0•.,.~ Ce""'•r• ~"""•ltfd•t-- """''"""' ""O"Cll'I' tlV_.. ~ ..... y to< to.tot """' .... _l &e .... ""M "'I'll" Qof<!' ~-· ..... ....... ....... s • .,.,, ...... "•"'' .,.., ._.. e. .... ,,..,. .. (0•1• • \o-4 .. ff'<j.-1 ..,,,_ ,, -·-o S•t~•a•,.""" ~·• r,.. "''nl•N I l).>OI•"'•"' o .... 1 " •1 >XI "ttt S.y Sl•-1 '°'" """"' , .......... '1•1't Rot>ert N. Weed P.t \·D0•1 a....i P-,,..., Jack. R. Curley V '' P!-n•dt"I f....i c.r ................ . Thom as l<t>e'o'd [Oplf>' Thomas A M vrph1ne Ml'l•Q "Q [6,t"' (harlt>s H Loos R1chdrd P Nall Offices l ....... ~ •• l><l .. •••S.·~···" ""'"I'<>''~···" jJJ)"'•--"6o"••l•O l•Q ..... &tf<• .... a ........ .,.!.11HI """'""''"!loo•·~ '" '"'"'"-" ... a ~'fot<•V• ·f• lUll<uP•tl\- " W" 0 .. qo ~ ......... Telepf'lo.,. 1714) "42..t.l21 Cl•ssifitd Ad..,erlising ..C2·W71 ~•Oil••-• \ff llf• ~Ol~lf 511 -6310 ,.,_.w .. c··--.ctS-0430 ._-°"'""'Cow-ff C--t.ti S40-1120 c..e.-... 1. ,.,, O·•~v '""'~ .... .,. "'"' ~· ... fl.... ....... . ....... .i .... . ........... -""' .... ., ...... ~1, 1w .......... , • ,...,"°""" .,,,. •• '""'''1 ,,.,,...,_ o• t •Y(ltf!l O• .... I ~ .... <I••• ..... " "~ •• 0~• """" c.1-• !.-'"",... ..,, .• ,,,.. u oa -"'Ill• .• , -· ~ 06 -""'· .,,,11,.., #U-l>M\ u °'"' ... 1111. SAN ANTONIO. Tex. i'HPl ) -The Air Force's first ··y,·ig trial" has ended with the sentencing of a de· corated sergeant to a bad conduct dis- charge, reduction in rank to airman basic and a fine ofS300. Sgt . Jerome \'crd i . 29 . of Philadelphia, received the punish- ment from a court -martial at Lackland AFB Thursda" on his con- \"iction (or disobeying ail ordr r to re- move his shon·ha1 r y,·1g .a nd get a haircut . \"erdi ne\·e r denied he v.·ore the Y.'ig and refused lo get a hairrut as ordered. "J'\·e tried to be honest." \'l'rd1 told the court·martial .. .-\ lot of my men asked "·hat you can do about this. I roun!>eled my men ;ibout their hair l"d rather sec them \\"1\h hai r O\'Cr tht'ir e.irs than sbckrd do11·n or grea:.t'd do11 n to conf11r n1 l l 1 m1 l1t..1ry regu!alJ(Hl:. • ""I '\'e 1r1ed al! thl'.' ll1g,d .1cl1on-.. hut 10 no a1·atl . lfb<ild n1en can \\ear 11i ~~ .ind ·"·omen. \\ho r..in \1·c::ir 1hr1r hi:!H' do11. n to thl'1r butt!', ar(' .11\0\\ed to \\ 1'<1!' 11·1gs. y,·h.v C'an't C\"l'r~ body"''' Yt•rdi :-a id he \\'Ort• the 1\i~ for t110 ~ l'Jr~ before superior.; dis co vC'r('d Jl ..ind ordered h1n1 to remo\e 1t and rut l-'ro1r1 Pugf• t I OIL ... The earllrr 1ncrt•ascs 1mpn<.C'd un · d..itC'r.i.lly b~· Sauch Arab1.1. Abu Dh abi ..lnd QatJr h.1d a\rt•.id) tw .. 'n pJs~cd on b\ the oil t'ompan1es 1hrou,1!h tht.'1r distributors nnd the l.ilc:.L .1et1on niay n•>t me.in h1).!ht'r pric .. •:;, for con- ~umrrs. he ~aid r\5kl·d i! ~.1:.0\inc .lnd hon\\' ht'uhng'. 11d price~ "ou\J ~o llil ,\rnouzcgar ~;od. ·Th..il dept•nd~ nn ho\\ much the 1)11 compon1t•s can ...1 b,11rh fron1 1hc1r profit:-." Ir.Jn, he i:..iid. prl•µ<>.~l•<I lin11tin1; oil ron1 pln~ pt1.1f1ts h.1 .)il <'l·nt .... 1 barrt•I. Prt>~ent otl com}Jan~ p1'0(tt:. ;.irl'.' about -;;. C't·nt:; J barrel. OP£l' ofi 1 l'tnl1> said. 1'hl· increa~I.' of 31 re111 ... 111 lhe sell in)! pr1rc or a b..11'rt•I n( nil 11 as dec1d€'d Ii\ n11n1,ter$ of tht· 13 OPEC nation~ n1t>t•l1n11, 111 a \"1enna h(1lel follov.111j,! t1\o bomb 1)1rl·o1tS as;!J1nst OPF;C hl·adquarter!' l)PEC d td a1,ay Y.1th the po~trd price s~~tem v.hich m.i 111tJ1ned ..1rt1f1c1all~ h1p.h priC'e~. in fJ,·or of the unlfied s~ stem AmouzeJrar $aid OPF.C had bt•t•n forced 10 1ncre.i.:.c tht price of 011 because three member~ Saudi ~\rab1a . AbU Dh .ib1 and Qalar rd L!ietl their pnt·es at .i mel'llnl! 1n Abu Dh.;b1 IJSt month "\\'(' h;ul t~'O chotlt'S either lo f!O h.icl.. 10 lhl $(.ptembtr price s)'ste1n , Jnd !ht) v.oul<J mran the thrC\' 1\rab mC'mb('r> re\·e~int: their decision. \\hirh-thc~ ~()U\d not do, or .idopl 1hr 1\bu Dhabi pr1ct." ht~ ita•d his long hair underneath. llis civilian attornev, Gerald G()Jdstein, said he would :ippeal the conviction and sen- tence to a higher military court. J\1 aj. Gen. John P . Flynn. the highest ranked American prisoner of wa r in North \'ietnam and the officer who o rdered \'erdi to remove the wig in the first place, automatically will rev1ev.· the bad conduct discharge. f )\'nn. commander of the Air Force Traiiiint: Center at Lackland, indicat- ed before the rourt-ma rtial began he belie\'ed courts-martial dealt too le· n1ently y,·ith grooming offenses. Ftvnn. a Clc\eland nati\·e. \\'ill be dC'o:-o.rated in J eeremony at Lackl and toda\" \\1th the Air Force Cro~s. Dist - inguished Ser\·1rc ~Tedal and Bronze St<1r for \'a!or during more than five ~c.irs or capt1v11~ 111 llano1 1\·here hi s pl.Jne \1 ,1 ~ ~hut do\1 n \·t·rd1 hold.., t1,1u Purple Jlearts. <t Hrunle St;ir ...1nd se ,·eral other rnd1t.1 rr l'Jl:Jl1on:. for bravery during lhe \"ll'tnam \\'31" '1"1n d1 ... ;;ppointcd in the BCD! had l"ondu ct d1srhorge J.'" Verdi said "fhursday . "If l"d kno"·n I ,,·as goi ng 111 gl't thnt. I \1ould ha\"e taken a dis· charg(' instead or going to trt<il. '' Surprise testimony from a doctor al the fi\'C·d av tri:il sho\ved Verdi had a ~c;1r on h1~·1emple 11h1rh \1ould not be ru1ered unll'SS he \\o\r(' a \\lg. His a t• torne~·s ;1rgued \1erd1 y,·as justified by 1n 1litary r egula tions alJoy,·in,c ~crv1remen to "ear "tgs lo cover phy!'IC.11 d1,.f1g uremenls . ).laJ Da1·1d Lockman. acting chief of derm atology at the \\'1\ford ~fall Air For re Jfosp1tal \\'h('re Verdi serves as a mectiral tC'rhn1c1an, 1cst1fied Verdi h.1d J one·•nrh long. ha\f.inch y,·ide :'.ICa r nn his lt>ft temple -one of mOrC' than 40 :.h ri:tpnel "ounds he received 1n \'1t•ln;Jm. Tht• dortor said \"erdi's hai r, "re - g,1rdl ess of the style. \1·ould nol Co\"e-r the 1,1 ound " Mick Taylor Quits 'Stones ' ~tl.~IC!I , Germany (UPl1 - Guitarist :i.t i<'k Taylor is quitting 1h(' Ralltng Stones rock group, ~lick Jagger, the band's leader. s?ud toda~·- J agRer said Tarlor lS leaving the group after 51 J )'ears fl>r "a c hange or scene." T ay lor • 11. anls the opportunity to trrout ~o me nr\\' init1at1\'('~ \\.'h1 le 14·e art all !iOrry hC' 1~ .coing, "t' "'•sh him great SUCC('SS, ··he said. Ta~ lor Joined t.he group in 1969 to replace Brian J ones, who wa$ found dead In his s v.1mming pool. Burglar Rifles House at Base Oran ge County Sheriff's officers arc investigating the theft or je"·elry. a radio and cash with a total value of 5735 from one of the base homes at the El Toro ?ii arine Corps Air Station. ?.trs. Kleindienst said she remem· be red telling Li.~dy t_ha_t her husband T·wo Officers Round Up ,30 Clemente Cows Avenida Vaquero-a San Cle mente street named for the ?ilex1ran cow· boy-gave San Clemente police a Idaho offi cials say they want no part of the dump. Nevada is wary, but interested. and \V ashington is recep· live. Texas, which is not even under consideration. is skeptical .. MAC Smokers Jlote Together Deputies said thie\·es smas hed the front door lock to gain entry to the Na mar •lousing home of jet mechanic James Lay,·rence Robertson, 19, while he y,·as absent on duty. chance to try their hand at the cov.· Jeannt• Gagnebin. one of the business Thursday af\ernoon. membC'rs of the i\hssion \'iejo Residents along the roadv.ay lead· ~lunici pa l Advisory Council ing along the edge of the Fors ter ( ~I ACJ just couldn't v.·in. Ranch called officers after noticing ·•f think the first order of bu:ii· 30 head of beef gathering ~long the ness of this ttlAC .should be to f'rf•H• Page .it l ASSESSOR. • • street. IJ;.1n smoking in the council Sgt. Cr aig Steckler and Patrolman chambers.'" she said at a "'ork Rusty Ri ce ser\'Cd as herdsmen for :i session 1'hursd<iy in tht' t'Oun - slrcssea that his attitude was dirt.ated short lime. chasing the ste<·rs back ell '~ offic;: on La Paz lload. on the ad\'1Ce of his la"'ycr, John through a hole 1n the fence. then they Sh(' y,·a~ \'OIL'<i doy,·n. four to Cahill. \\·aited ·for professionals from the o ne . '!'hen her colleagues "f"rom what 1 kno1\', there is simply ranch to takeover. Ji..athleen Kelly , John Nobl e, Cul no s ubs t a nce to these chorges." OfCicers said that when they ar· NC'Vl'. :Jntl Hichartl Lowcock _ \."allerga said. '"And, like I sa_id, I rived, the herd was JUSt starting lo lit ri;.::.irc ttl'S <1nd the meeting h avt: every confi d e n ce in the move toward the expensive residen-wl'nton. sys \em . . . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliil~iiia 1i"ii';•;•;· iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii;:;iliiiiii;;~iiiiiiiii;;~~~~ii~~ii-~~ JUSTIN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECfTIOM OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AMD CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STOP IM MOW. OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOODMAAK--KARASTAN-BAKEA WUllDAYS .. SATUIDAYS •:oo lo 5:)0 ' I NEWPORT BEAGH • 1'7'!1 Y.'t;sTCLl ... t" Dlt, '4Z·:OSO LAGUNA BEACH • J.t.\ Nllll'l'll Ul.\~'r It\\'\" •• ~~~I , TORRANCE• 2..1fl-49 llAWTHORN~: BLVD tllpt·n t•n 111 If. ~uo 12 S :)JJ :r.11. l:t?!t •• • l I a l c 0 I . t s I r ' £ ~ ·w@llil ir ®@rrwo©@ AStinda)', ftl enday, \\'ednl"Sday and Friday f'eaturt' Of the Daily Pilot GO( u prob/tm? Tl1er1 wnte Pat Du111r. Pal will cut rrd lope, gel the .. answers and ac- lion you need lo solve lnequit~s in ~1overnn1c11t and h1isi11ess. A1 u1/ yuur C/Ut'~·t1ans to Put Uurin l AI Yo11r Service. / Orange Coast l)ai/y P1/f)t. P.O. /JuJ" 1561!. Costa 1 i\1eso. CA 9262G, /11clude your Ji ,,,J lelepl1one 11un1/>t'r. Q Reser 1'allo11 Re fund DEAR PAT: Prior to our family's summer \'aCation in the East, I had confirmed reserv:itions al the Sheraton Norlh ·Adam s in 1'-1assarhusetts for June 7.9 made through the Sheraton reservation service. When I a rr ived, I .... ·as told the rate was $4 more per day than the re- servation service had quoted because it was a "busy weekend." I also was required lo pay in advance. Can I get a refund for the extra charge? G.G., Garden Grove Barbara J . Mellin, n1 anager or guest relations ror the Sheraton Corp., reports that you have been r~funded the c12, "which represents an over- charge" to you. A member or t he American llotel and Motel Assoc:ia- tion ez.plalned that unless your hotel reser vation and rate is connrmed in writing, the amount may change. She reports that payment in advance or at least one night's stay Is not uncom- mon. The national he'adquarters or the Association is at 888Seventh Ave., New York, N.Y. 10019, "·ith branches in every state. /llew Mizer SeHI DEAR PAT: I bought a •tamilton Beach mixer two yearS ago and it's had to be repaired four times, only on· ce under warra nty. Each time the gears had to be aligned and replaced. I never m ix anything more coarse than cake mixe:s, and now it just broke again while l was beating egg V.'hiles. The tlioughl of another SIO or ~15 re- pai r is just too much ! .... \1.C., Costa Mesa Lillie Woolard, a customer relations correspondent for Hamilton Beach, apologized for your inconvenience. A new model mixer motor wi th beaters is being shipped to you at no charge. Help on Wednesdo11s DEAR PAT: I tried to phone the South Orange County number for the Department of Consumer Affairs lo save myself a Loll chari:e on a call to Santa Ana. The phone rang off the wall. but no one answered. Ha\'e they closed this offi ce? K.H., San Juan Capistrano No , but its ope ration Is limited to Wednesdays only. Call 495-1650 any Wednesday a nd you will be given as· slslance. Will& aHd Estates Ol:AR PAT: The library books on wills and estates all conclude by sug- gesting that the reader consult an at- torney. The minimum fee schedule for attorneys I contacted was S50 per hour. I can't afford this rate and v.·ould like to know where I could rind an attorney who would handle this type of work for less. Or better still. can you locate :i useful reference' book on this topic av ail able at the library'.' K.P., Ne"'POrt Beach The names and subsequent legal services of attorneys specializing in •·Ills and estates in you r area can be obtained by ca l lln~ the Lawyers Reference Sf'rvice of Oran,ll:e County at 5-17·6381. Thffiltlal consultation fee is $10 for 30 minutes and SZ<l for one hour. Additional fees would be based on tht' services you require. One easy- lo·undersland re fe rf'nce hook availa· ble al Newpor t Beach and other coun · ly libraries is lilied, "Settling and Saft'guardln,i:: Estates in California Without An Attornf'y," hy Clive tlinckley. This manual, written for .the layman. includes eomplt'te in· structions and blank standard lt>gal forms. It also <'I n be ordered by wri t- ing lo Cli\'e Hinckley, 106 E. Sunset Dr. Sout h, Redlands, Ca. 9"J73. K No w h1g Good S11r11p DEAR PAT: I rercntlyord('rcd and reeeived a S9.90 half.gallon or maple syrup from the Green ~fountain Sugar House in Ludlo~'. Vt. It has been "'alered down so mueh that it isn't even sweet enough to qualiry a~ a syrup. It has the consistency of "'atcr and practically no maple flavor. Can anything be done about this appar('nt gyp? l •. B., Garden Grove Da\:id ll arlo"·· brad or Green 1'1oun- tain Sugar llouse, say!i you apparent· ly are not fa n1 lllar with fine quality syrup. He explalnefl that the top grade of pure Vermonl_S)'rup, ·:Fan<"y,'' has a mild navor and li ght color. The next lo•·esl grades, "1\" and "8,1' indlcalf' progresslvel)' stronger fla\·or and darker color. llarlo"' added th al frf'sh syrup turns stron1er 1nd darker bteause or baclerlal af:tlon. The state of Vermont ha ~ laws govtrnlng mlnlmun1 thlf:kness (weight) or ma· pie syrup. Kettle Gnl Orange Coast Coll ege coed Cathy Gliksman of Costa l\Iesu donned miniskirt for s tint us Salvation Army kettle \\'Orker at South Coast [JJaz;..i und lul~I' had second thoughts about it. "It 's cold out here,'' she observed. \rishing, perhaps, that kettle \\'as a rC'al one. ~ewport Businessman Just Loves Those 13s lly ARTllUR K. \'INSEL m1i.o,11, l'•lo• sutt F'rid<iy the 13th v.'ou\d seem to be an ide<1l day to st;1y ;.1w:iy from such pl<ices as a glass compan.v, but James A. Stanley reported to his · shop :is usual. Stanley considers Frida.v the 13th ;1 Ju('ky day. for it is his b1rthd.iy, which falls on a Frid;,iy every four ye;,irs or so. And the eo·o1rncr of llarbor Glass Company. in business at 222 21st Sl., Newport Beach. considers 13 his lucky number. !·le has, in f<icl. literal!\' made a hobby of the observation .ind coJICc- tion of the number 13. .. I've got a lol or IJs." says the glazier wilh a bit of his n:it1ve \\'est Virginia drav.'l. Th(' impressi11e list of phcnon1cna in\•olv1ng the number 13 in the life alid times of James A. Stanley includes the follov;ing exan1plcs: -lfis p:ircnl<> marrif'd in 19!J ;ind lus father, J.:imcs \V , St<inley and his v11fl· Bett y J , St:inley all h11ve 13 letters in their names. -His sister was born on Ocl. 13 :ind the f an1 il y hils produ c(•d IJ grandchildren. -Back on ~larch t:l. 1!!·13, Stauley arriv('d in Ca\\"fornia . -l-lis firm. larlx1r Glass Co., has 13 letters in the tit le and the n1:.iilin g ud- dress is P .0. Box 1382. Ncv.·port Rt'IJC'h . -lie com mutes pret·isclv IJ.2 miles from home to work and b~1c.k . 11 hile his SoC'ia l SC'curity Card number. 284·28·80-18 adds up to 39. or 13 three times. :ino !\l rs. ~tanJe~· 1vent to Europe last t\-l<1y and toured I3 countries. l it~ and ~trs. Stanlev \Vent to Europe last Mav a nd toured 13 coun-tries. · IJ1 s /\. n1eric.in Express Card nurnber is 13141 ·2il and his firm did SI 13,057 .68 in gross business for the fisc;,il yc;ir, he discovered this "'eek 11·htlc doing some accounting. .. And bC'forc I left \Vest Virginia, I \~·orked for a chemical com pany th;it h:1d 13 letters in its name and mv clock nli1nbe r v.·~ts V-13P20. Anll ·, \\"l•nt to \\'ork through Plant Gate 13," he explains. St:1nlt•Y turned up another lurky 13 'fhursday 11·hen he \\"Cnt to \\'rite out p;1y(•h(•cks for himself and his p:irtner for their Friday lhe 13th payday. lits 11as 11ritten on company check 13.113 1n the old ledger they'\"e been usin g during lhci1· 2i years in bust· · lll'SS ··1 l"o uldn'l belit•vc 1t," he re. n1:.irkecl But z S t ay in ~ O n? GHii.Ni) RAPIDS, f>.1ich . (AP) l\gricullure Sccret:il'y I-::irl L. Butz says he does not CXJ>CCI to be replaced ll('Xl month in a cabinet shakf'up. At a nt·ws conferente Thursdav, Butz said although he is 65, '"It 's a ·young G5. Christmas Shopping Previewed on Sunday Christmas shoppin~ sea:.nn hits it s pe:ik along the Orange> Coa~l O\"t•r !he upcoming \VC'ckencl and Sunrlay·s Dai · l.v Pilot has several tips for holiday gift hunters. plus some other seasonal offC'rings. Among ··sunda.v·s l3t'st,'" look for lhl'Sl': CllRIS1'~I~\S LIGl!'l'S-,Ju st IH1\\' much '"juice·· does 11take10 run a sir· ini: or t\VO of multi.colored bulbs for the season·.• [);1ily l'ilol Staff \\'ritc·1· John Valterz<i has the ;.1nsv.·cr. alonJ.( \\'ith somr comments on ho\\' lo \vrini:t thl' most s pirit out nf each k1I01\'all ! YOU ScC'tion leadoff :irticlc. TOY TRENOS-\\'hat kind of lo~·s arc big this year. ho\~' loshOIJ for them <ind how to check them for s:.ifety arC' nil includ<'d 1n <1 nothrr timt'ly st(lr)' :-1cheduled for the leadofr pagC' or the YOU Section · Tl·IE P;\\\.N DROKERS -In ~p1te or the suffering cconom)·. most lotal pawn shops donl seem to be doin~ badly. Staff \\!ritcr Alan D1rkin takes a look al the hol'k shop bu:;1ncss, scheduled for ;·ou Sect ion. TllS1"()HY Hl':Pr:ATS -An item SUNDAY SPEC IAL taken from a June 30, 1924. nt•1\sp<1pl'r, a t.·oupl(' of freCla nc(' l")lit1cal ubsl'r1crs noted, could h:1ve be('n 11 ritt('11 ye~terd:l,\' .. John !\lonahan :i ncl Allan Ra11Jand say the pos1!1on .. ol' the Den1ocrats :ind Hcpuhllc;:1ni> ar(' ee>rily similar to !he t1n1e period befort' lh(' '2'J market crash. On the Editorial Pai:tes . \\'1\TEftG t\l'E \\1 ~11STLE lll.O\VER -The :iC"curity guard "'ho l11.scO \'e rl'd lht· hurglary that has become nne of America 's biggest· f'\·er pnli11cal scand;lls i!' a d1s- iltu:-.1onl'ct man. lhs ~•ory is scht.>dulcd ror .. ,, ··Sec lion Sunday. RATTI,~~ or Bt:DGET An 1\!i· soc1ated Press reporter, R1t:hord T. Pienc1ak. lost !us prr!\onal hattlc \\'1th the f~1mi1~ bu(l~cl 111 ;\o\·emb(ll' and tells. in a litory \\i\h h~hl lOut'.'h. just \\'here he <ind his \\'\'t'cv.·cnt v.•rong. Friday. December 13. 1974 1 DAILY PILOT A3 ' orts 'to Expand' Air Cal Ch ief P redicts More Growth Uy 1'tJ:\I U,\RI ... :\' Of 1 ... 0 .. 1, P1IM Sl•ff A1rµort cxpun.suin 1n (l!',1ngc (;4JUnt~· is as inl."\'ll <1bli.' as cu1U11tul'd eeunom1c und popul :1t100 ,1.t r1iv.'1h 111 this mushroon11n~ urt•a. 1\1r Cal ifornia presid1·nt 11olx•rt Clifford 111ld local l:J\\')'l'rS Frid;,iy . "'Sut·h cxp:111:.u111 1 .. nt'l'l':.sary tor our t•co non1u· :.urv11 al.'' Clifford tnld tht• Or:lll/4L' C11unt) U.1r ,\i~Ol'talton . ··'rh~ pul.Jl!r h11s II• 1·e:i!i1c th<'ll '\"!." c:in't du it 1hl fl·t"1•ntl~ .uni \1'1• can't liv1:v.ithoutit ' Clifrord \10Jrnl·1l th.1! .in inrrc.ising- lv tr:1n1n1td l)r:ini.::l· l'ount y Airport "'Ill soon bC' 1nsufftt'1e111 f1>r lh1• coun· tv's <11r tr:ivc l rct1u1rcml·nts :ind pre· ditlcd th:it the lc\'Cl 1\111bereached1n 1v.·o or thrC'c years 11·ht·n lhl· facil1ty handles thrl'l' n11ll1011 passcngC'rs a \'c:ir -double it~ prl):-.1•11\ capat1ty. . But he rt·fused to prcd~C't1~\ hith of three suggcstL'tl s1t1·s f_1, ·1 oro, Los ,\l<1m1los or ChinQ lldls · should be used to hundlc lhL' O\erno"· or take over fro m Orange C11unty Airport. ··~1 y t•om11any e;1 n only offer technical advit·c on the 1n1plcml'nla· llon of a ehoscn fat·1litr." he said. '"\lie can not take ;1 stand on the best sil e for a ne v.· a1 l"(.lOrL · · Clifrord re<iSSltJ'(•d questioners that "Oran~c County cnuld ncvt·r bc1.:on1(· anolhcr Los Ani::eles lntt.>rnation<il Airport and Newport Beach 1.:an never become anolh('r l1laya d('! Hey.,. And the t\ir California chief urged those .. invol\·ed in public clamor" 10 Boy Facing D e ath P enalty FORT PIERCE. Fla. (AP) -A 15·\'C;ir·old bov con\'icted as an adult in ·the first·dC_gr(•e murder of a 12· year·OfilSTf=ffaces ixecution bY e1ec- trocution. 'fhe l.le:ith sentence for George. Thomas \1asil "·as recommended Thursd:iy by <i l 2·mcmber Circuit Court jury. Judge \Valla re Sample ac- cepted the reC'on1mendation. Vasil v.·as aceused or the Sept. 14 strangulation of Pamela Vassar. A courtroom observer said the F'orl Pierce. youth di splayed no emotions <IS the sentence v.·as rc:.id . rt·l:ogn11l' th.it thi• .11rl·raft 1nUu:ilf\ hus 1:1kl'll ~Larll :.!1 uh•, 1n l'Ul\1ng Ll1· nOtl!(' lt:\l'I' that h.1\l' l'l':-.Ul1l·<l 'u1 n1:1ssivc l<111:iu11 .. .<\I lhll1 ptlllll. a 11h·rnb1 •r of h1 :-; ;,iu- du~ncc uri,:ctl l'hrful'd 111 rel·oi.:n11f' th:.it "l.ugun:. lli!I .. r1 ·:-.Hlt·n1s ;n·1· already ~t·l!u1i.: :1ll lh1• p l;inl'S 11'f' t':111 stani..1 over tllH' h~1n11·-: .111d 111· rl11n't "':.int :i nr ni.11·1· · Cllfforli :1s:-.ur1·d 1h1· li1·t'l..lvr lh.Jl :'Jlrcr:itt th:11\11!t-llC' Uiil'd tJll ffi.s :1irfiul' 11•1thin thl· lll''l lr11 .11•ar .. 11111 hl' 01Jl•rat1n~ un1k•r :.uh~1 :1nt1all~ r1· dUCC'd ilOl;»l' t..'lllL.~SLUU [1•1 l'I ' 'fhey 11 Ill .i!:-.u lit• .utl11·r1ng lo llli.:hl p:ittcrns .ind 01h1•r 111nt11:ll11 1• 111 1111 -. Shall /ll ot Ihm Pulltzt>r prize \\'inning colum- nist !\like J{o\"ko savs he has d eclined a ll€public.an in1 it<i· .t ion to run ag;.linst llich <Jrcl J. Dalt>y next year in Chic3go. COP il'adc rs lack a cand iclatc ~ind Ho,,·ko is a registered Oemorr;:1t . of :ur ~t·l'\'1C°l' lh.1t \\Ill remo\'l' mun~ pub!il' ubJt'l'liOll.!> to then· d;.dl~ Pl't• :-.f'l"ll't• 111 th1.: :-.ki1::-. .d.)tl\ t" Orant;l" Couu - t\·, h(' s,11d · "'l'hl'l't' 1s ;1 nt•1·LI lor us urul thttt n<:l'd h.t~ tu lit· mt•t ," Cllff11rd ~~tid ... It \1111 bl' IJl·lter fur :ill eonet•rned ir \\'e t·.1n i:;t·t tugL"ther and discus:. hkl' rt•- ;.1:-.11n;1l>l t• pt·oplt·. ho" tht• n1·t·1 J l'..1n lit· 111t•I .ind hoth s1dt'~ lt•!l sut1~fh'd '''.\uhnd~ l .u·t·:-. tv ll\'t' lll'\1 dou1• lo .1 St'IHXrrTiJll 1norf' \h,1n ht• \\':inf:-f1) li\'l' ;.!O:-,c to ·,111 a1r1>ot1 ' l'l1r1 11rd :-.:11d '"llut IJt_'Op ll· l-ome (n ;lt:C't'PI :'>Ut'h C'i)P dit1un~ of li1c 11ht·11 Lt 1 ... 111.;lle t•lt•;1r to 1lu•n1th at1h1•\'!lff'd1•;d1ng 111th lht· 1n t•1 11 ab!t· ;111U tht· nctt·~~.1r.1 '· Coastal Study • Meet Delayed Until J an. 15 /\ me1·t111)'.t uf :!~publ ic .i11ll µn1 .1t1· l:roup::; on thl' lr1111e C111np.1n.1 ':-, dt• \'('lop1nl't'll pl;,in:-fur it~ J1l.UOU to:1s1al ;H·r1~:., 1n1t1alb ~el for llt"\t \.I C't'k. h:is bf't'n re:-.rhL·dulL•fl fur .Jan. 1.'l 'l'hl.' Uela1· .• 1et·ord1n).! lP 1.az•ry :'ll onre. tht• Con)pany 's eo11rd111:1tor of 1'ht· lrl"illL' CL)m11.1nr :\1ul11 ·Agenr~ Planning J'l'og r:im. 1:. lo g11·r nthC'r fl'lll"CSClllalJ\'l'S \Jin(' to l"l'\'Je\I' an cv:1 luat1nn of ho\\ the comp4ny 1n trnds to n)eL'I tht• goats and po!l("1cs uf thi' 'ar1ous groups. ~lore than :ioo separate con('crns of the ~rou µs \\'t•re addressed 1 n t ht• com· p;,in,\ ·s \ ers1on of ho\~' it 1s mt•ctinl! their go;,ils. Gas Tax Hikr As ke d \\'ASlll'.\CTO:\'. IL'PI) -C:lllinl!' :1utomoblles the prime c ~1usf' of lht• t'ocrgy shortagC', Sen. Ed\\·ard \\'. Brooke proposed today lhat gasolin(• taxes be raised 20 cents a gallon and cars be taxed according to their \\'Ci g hl . 1'11"e i\la ss:1c h usetts llepublican said he would introduce legislation to impose the tuxes and also <1bolish the federal aid high\l:ay trust fund used to finance 90 percent of 111- tC'rstatc high\\'ay construction, ---------OPEN SUNDAY ·l2·s-------..... OUR FAMOUS GUARANTEE IS IN EFFECT DURING THIS SALE ., WORTH OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, REGARDLESS OF, PROFIT CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS DAILY I 0-9 SATURDAY I 0·6 SUNDAY 12-5 MANY ITEMS IN OUR BAND INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT AT 1971 PRICES LAY-AWAY TILL CHRISTMAS NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED . ..... M_u_s_1cA ....... L~ST::-::O--:-CK ....... 1N~G _sr_uF_FE_Rs __ __;:3~5'-¢--'I ~I ...---SUPER SPECIAL---. CLOSEOUT on famo us ~'-</ SYNTHESIZER COST and BELOW COS T Also Extended Bank Terms •COSTA MESA • FOUNTAIN VALLEY I 83 9 NEWPORT BLVD. at ~ ll•tl Mct!Ofl PHONE 646-0"27 I ( Cont~r of lrookhurst & T ol~ri o .. e l*ll So. of lroolchurJt Offro.,. of S. Dit"90 Frwy. PH ON E 963·6733 ' I fltOM IACH TO RO<;•f, l r New Waves In County RICKY ·rJCK\' PflLITIX: \\'c \'(' got lroublr r1J,!ht here in (lriingc Coun· ly. Our Grand Jurv ha ... 1nd1ctcd n111t• emplo~c:. of the ;.1!':-.l':-.-.ur':-. ."ll<iff on ch;.rgl':. ol i.:rand theh . tun:.ptrar), ."lubm1ss1on or rul:>l' t•l;um."l and g(l\' ernml•nt code \•10\;1t1on ... All this 1:. lll'l'llY l1c:1 \'~ !-11H·c these <ire "''hat get charactl·riLed ~1s fclot1v r<ips in the lav. cnforcen1cnt lrJCit: · ·rhc allegal1ons h:.irken buck to 1972 ""'hen theD ·Orange County ,\s.-.cs:.or Andre\\.' J . llinsh:IY.' v.·a:. can111-.1i,;nin~ in the Rcpu~hcan Primary in his cl- fort to unseal thcn-Congrc:.sn1:.in John G. Schmitz. So now the Grand J ury':. indtr:I mcnts allege thal the nine iJ:.Sessol' ct ides worked on llinshaw·s suctes:.ful primary camp:u~n iilld submitted fa lse overtime and vac<i!ion claims (or the tim e thus spent polititking. \\'ll ETll EK OR SOT the charges hold any water "'hatSOC\'er "·ill of <.-ourse be determined in the courts. The allegations. hO\l.'C\'Cr, do hit the t>Ub\ic at a time "'hen it is still suffer- 1 ng a monumental \\';1tl•r j.!alt· hango,·er. ThU:S lhe "·hole bu::. inc::.!> sends nc\.•: "'aves of shock and di :.may across Orange County Most unfortunate 1s that as of lht:. \Vriting , nothing has been heard from the l)"'O central rigures in the a ffair. the' af-0rementioned Congressman llinf~!f:'W ind his successor and for me~· cJUer Olide at the county seat. ASsJ:S ' ~c J!ick Vallerga. Thi! i'lgbl now you ha\·e only th(' charf~ ,io 'j u<Ji:e and any defense of thd activ1t\es ~ilhln the assessor's of· . fi~e duri_ng ~ are left tto your own speculat1on...., DO YOU 8lJPPOSE there "'as any political activity by those \\'ithln tht· assessorS"n"Officc during llinshaw ·~ 1972Pd1ll arycampai~n '! . Youjustknowtherewas You know that some of llinsha\\ ·s aides were certainly out there on the campaign trail tryi ng to ~ive a polillcal boost "to the boss.·· The thin, questioned line. then. becomes one of were these boosts be· - 1ng given to the boss or: the employe's own time or while he or she \\'as sup- posed to be doing the business of cou n- ty ROvernment'.' A11d that line can be thin. Toikt' thl' phOuc call th:il t'omr-s 1n lo' the us · seuqr's uffict•. 1\n oiidc r1ns"ers. Cobnty busi9ess ccts tran~:icted ·rhen Lhc oiide adds "S:.iv. by thl' "'a\' Georee1 I sure ho~ ynti'll ~l\'C And) )'ourvo einthe eleclion. Has the county phone thut' t)\•t'n used for an illegal polilic.111 purpO:o.t•'' " \YUEN TIG: PK ESIDE~'T of the United S(alpflies off in Air Force One to make~• speech, is it personal pol it its or aovernme'Gl business'! Was a doputy assessor's ovt•rt11nl' t"ause.d b)' the \\urk.load or his offtce or his politicking for hi.s boss'.' Indeed, it may come down lo a thin litt1e tine which \\'11\ now apparently be troUed out and \valkcd bC'fore tht couru of Orange County. Clearly, politics thest> duys is a <'h1ncy sort or game. Vietnan;t Fighting SAIGO'.'f, South Victnan1 i;\f'1 1 leavy fighttng l'ru1ned today near the provincial cnpital of ·ray 1'\inh 60 miles north\\est of Sl:liJ'On :i s Com · munist·led rorcc~ pushed tht'1r :.tl'I' 11cd lll) offcnsi\"i.' into .1 set·ond '''t•(•k. mil11ary sources said !)f'ta lls front the battle sc~nc "'l'rc ~\..1·tchv . l)ul 'ources said the fighting \\.J:. cOntJnu 1ng .il m1daflcrnoon I. \S \ EGAS f l,. Pl 1 Thrre 011 rll h Suud1 Arabi:1n pr1nct'S losl SJ m11l 1un u tn .. \\ l't"hcnd ~.irnblln~ :.prl'c J""i,:1s1nu 1nJn.;~1,:r ::.aid toda) The) S,J,\(' lip:-. of "'''"~w , . "In rn\ 21 )'\'J.\''> ~-rl· I 'c ;){'\'I\ .,1 \(It of big SPl'Odl'r:s IJut I \c nL·\·t~r :-.ccn un ,ont" spt'nd mone!Jttnd ~:imhle on the order of the Arabs," said ~1orr1c J:.at·~('r . <·,1 ~Ul0 m ;1n1.1 ~~·r of th£· :\IC::\\ Gr:i.nd llolcl 1\r.,1bs loaded "Llh oil dollur:, h11 \.'C bct•ontt• u rt·guli1r lt•Jture of casino ltfl• hl"r(·, he :..ucl. but ;ilthou1-th thc~· tr:.al·c l" 1th huge relinues, lht>)' kee.p out o! :;1gh1 L) :-.I 1ck an~ Iv thi· .:•xch.1.!/I' l' ··high rullcr' · clubs, TllE 'l'llRf;E S1\l'l.l l /\ltAlllASS 1ns1sted for securit) reasons on gambl- ing (Inly 1n the <:rund llutcl's i\l('tro C.:lub, ~·h1ch 1s restricted to those \\'ho have ;i heh' uf l"l'('d1t of :.it lt'l1Sl SIO,i.IO(J E\l'n llH•rt• .. J,1(•gcr :-a1t.l, "E;1th pr1nCl' ""dkcd into the Aletro Club "'ilh lhret• 1-!U:.I rd:. 111 front , thrt•t· i;:uci rcls bch1 nd und onC' on r<1ch sHlt'. 'rtic \r.dit:111, pl:iC't'll b1,:t!> vf S:.!O.t~>O or more :.it a timC', he said. pl:i yi nc roull·tte. ('l'.il>'· h!,it l.J:tC'k :ind U:ict"O.Jr;i1. In fac t. the 1\rabs are responsible ror the .Utii1111vn or h<Ll'l'Jl'etl IV th1 • gan1w. Ill thu ;\ltill'O Club. 'I ht•fc \1 ,,., rHJ t<il>ll' for lhl· ,::!l 1n r 11hcn they arri\'t•d, but "lhcy "·unt£>d to µlay bJl't· .. 1.11 . .l.n•l!t'I' ~.1H.1, pu;)ing J prvblcm 111 muvinc one of 1he lar"-e \ Otll i tin I ("ff? t 'n1\f'rs1l,\ of('h1c~1go Prt•sident .t;d;.\·urd II. J.C\'i 1\·ilJ be nominut t·d ;1 s .o\tlorncv G{•nf'r <il to sll<'· reed \\'illian1 B. Sa.'l;bC". \\'hite !louse sources sav . Saxbe ,rc- :-.ignecl toda.v to become am b<i.ssador to India. • 11111 1•11tie11t .l\ttur Rlthard Burton ret"entl\ .spent SC\'t'r<J I ~~1ys at S\\·is.s clinic for treatment of an un- di sclosed condition. !-le ,,·us kno,,·n to be upset o\·er ad\"erse l'l·action t o his rC"cent \\'ritten ol- t:1ck on \\'inston Churchill as u CO\\ Jrd and killer. ~~ .,.,,,,_%> Strips Again 'Tired' Fanne Fox Back on Stage CASSELBE:RR\'. Fla IU PJ t Stripper fannc Foxe missed he; (1r;)1 show .at the Clu b Juana Thursday night, apparl'ntly iUfft<rtnJ! from ttle fatigue of -.nearly morrung arrest fvr indecent explhure But '.\li:.i. f'vxe. billed as the ·Tidal u~s1n Uornbshtll" l.X'cau:;;(' or :an tnct dent io\Ol\'1ni.: Hep, \\'db1.1r ~!ills. s tmwtd up on lime for ht'r tinu.1 t""u act s ''She \\'Cl~ JU:<l tired. I ~uess." t'X · plained '.\I 1kt' rintl·r. o"·ner or thi: Club J uana. "·ho \\'as arrl'stcd tilong "1th ;\I 1s~ f"oxt• after she al!egedl~· ap· peared bottomless during the final act ofthl' \\'edncsdav ni ght show. :0.11ss Foxe beCamc str1pdom·s lng · • Birds A re Back On Rice Trees 11ous·rox tUPI i 'l'ht:' h1 rds Jrc buc k at Riel" L"n1 \·er~1lv. For ~t;'\'C'r.1! "tnlcrS, thous:ind:-. of t'O"'b1r<l:io h;1 \c n1<1de the campu~· numerous lrees their roo:-it. causing the espectt•d prnhl(•ms ll op111~ t.1 tind a w:1ytodl·aJ "1th tht' Jnnual fea\herl'd ons!i..1ught. Dr Dan Johnson has !)een perfecting :.a scit·n· t1fic met ho~ of cuunting the l)lrds by the droppin gs they ·ica\'l' lit''" lt>urned <it least one thing "l'\'l' nt•\'C'f rc;1lly hecn ;,i ClU! nu1 :-sl·ur uf bird droppinJ!S before. .Johnson s.11d ·But on uur boards \\C t1nd b r1 gh1 ptnpll' dro11p1n),!:. lx.·Ju\1ful grct'ns. Ju\'l'h bl'll\l.ll:-o Thl'\ tuok llkeafasc1nat1ngn1ural ·· · ge.st na~e o.\•ernig~t after shc_jumped from ':\t 11ls car into \\'as h1ngton's ttJal basin last October. She upped her price from S3,800 to 515.000 a week oiftl'r :it ills appeared ~·ith her on stage LI\ Boston. lier manager. Jerry Brandt, denied that she appeared bottomless and said the arrest "embarrassed her be cause of her children.·· l'o\ite quoted J\liss Foxe. "·hose real name 1s Annabel Battistella. <ts saying "I. m not going ... "'hen she \\'as arrested They said she grabbed ;i µost and said "I don ·1 \\'ant m~· piclures taken. \Vail until lhe photog raphers are gone." Orfire rs ignored her request Pinter \\'<IS charged \\'Ith "promo- llOn of an indecent sho1\' hy a live pt"rson before an audience" and she "·as ehi:iJ,tged \\i lh "indecent exposure. of sexutl organs by going n;1ked in a public or pri\·ate place.·· Seminole County Sheriff's deputies lranslall'd that <is "dancing bottom· less... l, "Th•1t's not true." ar11.ued Brandt ··\\'hat the police neglected to say was lhat she v•as \1t•aring a full length negligt'e from the floor tn her neck She \l.'aS covered. beitC\'C me " lie said she "has been wearing that same negligee for four vears now and she 's never been ;,irresled for \~·e~ring 1t beforC' .. .• \fter !he tidal basin 1n c1dcnt :llld l\lills· :1ppearance in Boston, the .-\rkansas Democrat Jost much of his pulH1cal PO\\'Cr. !\·!ills "'as recently hospitali1.ed at the Bethesda Navar llospn;il suffering from exhaustion. Northern U.S. Freezing ~···-·· "11l""'11•11 ., .... ,, ... c .•• l..•\"l'OI' ......... ~., ... \/••• ""'if>N•ll(ll<' Oje•Otl•..,, Nrw'O'OI ' _.,.,. .. , ... °" 14f'om• en. ~-p,.1,,.\p<• ..... ""'·-'"'"' _ .... --.. Po<ll•'"ll O•t ...... (lly ·-~"'""'"·· .. • • " • " • ~ ~ " .. " " ,, " " " • " ., " .. » n • A ~ • " .. .. .. l .S. S111111110 r11 .. , ..... CnllforHln ~-·"· ........ i...,.,"'"" t,...OUO"' _ ~\10<\\ 01 ~WI ... '" t•lllllrl'•• !OCMf • ........ , tklft "'~'" ,_, • ..., , ..... -___ L..:. ~"~'""'''""'"..,_ llGlioO 'l:'T1 Tiw wl'ldt"'o•rd_,....!?ll'tr"""'llw l11a'1•! ( • .,,_, -"""' ""'-lflftt.. 11111 .,.rt,.tfnt 01ttny "'9 •l•ll llO¥f'l'tl 1'-1 ... CCWlll l"" A .... l•• ~ 11!1 ~Of'"" •lftlh, •fld •fl't I,.. CN\11"'" .... , l-lfl l1t9 uw 111t• .,,, .,..,u, -nw WN!flff .,cto,.11•• +<t ll0'1-11 !-I ,.i.,,.,..M!f , Po<I"'' I-• •tio.lt ""-'-""""' ... ¥11\1"°'1'" 1\11"9\'-""''"''l#f\ ""''" f M11jM flM In 1-tll""n ,,, • f MfY'f •~O• w•r"'"ll "''" ltW!°d IOf a.ttl'(I .J ... 1N~$NOW """"' ........ ~·OIOWf l~ llOW ,, 1,. ..... .. ~11 L•ltr (1ty • St<> ......... lo(. ,, 1r•Tllt: • w ... 111""" " ll ~ .. •"<t/j.,.,."'""' _,,,,,., '"'llY<ln J\ "'~"'(II 1"" ~·n.,.•e ~~ t ~··~~I-"• .. ''""'!"'ll<><•t<•t~•"tG•N"l••...,'«lf• '1 •l'Clf!ot,j! t•1v•I on In I(• IDOl·"O"•" • ... 1~ ••t• """ 01 t\<1•!llt<t\ U14'11 ~ • ,,._ 1'0"" 1"" 11•011 "' \:~A•i., S,.t...-O.Oy \llOUld , •l•rr> •P.11~-1 .. tl'ol P.,;ilt< NOfl"-'1 bf,..•, '1 ffOt• IP'1'41<1l'dlllqll ••• af ,~ .. !l'f ~K•ifl f)or'w tt>t INM t ot -r ... 'llll'Y •1lld1 Ill-·-· l'OIOJ,...il•\ "'~' IOf•C•" lotll'• ""'y' -•'W1•f\ p..t l'IO\I< •I ll"'P1 0-to.. , .. ,,,,.,.,..I It\! .. ••flttltd l"lft"'..,,ilY!Mi:illdif'e "°" '°t• .... '"llO '""""" $M! ~l'lll"lt (1•!t "'••A l ~91 !lot• •IOAQ t"r ••Illy\ ~ W!Mo""'t " I ''l"'I l'Q (l•!Jltr ol•tl'l'l ~.OI" .. ••~ - ' 11 • in 1.-bles from lhe publli cas1nol6 floors below. "\\"t "·ere read)' to charter a hehropter or hurl ropes over the side or the . roor. ··he said, but !il'lally managed to "take the root out or an elevator'' to hoist the t11ble . _;'TIP: 1'1 \' GOO. OJD THEY lip!·· said a seC'urit)' guard at the Metro Club. ''Tney iil\.'e"thelnaid.s S50 each.'' A female photographer &aid she was lipped $200. "Nothing like t.h1s eve.r happened before.'' she said. J~eger said that other ""''ealthy Arabs ha\'e been n ying into Las Vegb:s.on their private jets the past several weeks. One Arab has been flyiog ln here on a regular bai;is. He gambles all over to"''"· •. he alone dropped $1 million one night recently. He beat us loo. One night he won $200 ,000." A l\1etro Club guard said the Arabians' security men wer~ "-'4,iscreetly armed,'' wbcn nsked about rumors among hotel workers some qf therp h,d sub· 11111chine guns. ''I' JAEGER DESCRIB&D-IUOST OF'-the Arabs as ••younger .roeQTin their 30s \ and 40s, well educated in English and American uni\·erslties. tine gentlemen, 1·ery ea!ly to get along with.'' • Gaz a Roundup . X-rated Show To· Get Rated ._ VERNON, Conn~ (UPlJ -Tb~ owqer of three mo,•ie lhealen in Vernon says he will recomider his pian for live sex 1bDv.·s l! th~re is enougb opPoldtiorl from the public in general, and not jWll.!.rOm cburC'h group$. • Wlttlam ElHott. owner or the Rockl'ille Ginl!rna 1. 2, a nd 3, said Thursday most persons at the two theaters ~·hlch now ehow X-rated mo\'ies ravor the live, unsimtilaled sex shows. Elliolt labeled .the l :"!-00 • persons \\•ho signed a pet1t100 '' against the :\ex shOws presented Lo -the town c_ou.nt:U ~ St. Bernard's Parish council • "radical group.'' Arab Guerrilla Suspects Held Joi11# Teon1 f-~ormer Atty. Gen. Elliot I .. Richardson \\'ill join ford ad- ministration soon. according to the Boston Globe. Th e appoint- n1ent to an unspecified job is not cxpectcd to be in the cnbinet or in Ford's r('organlzed \\'hitc l·louse!'t<iff . Woman Guilty • In Kidnaping By the Associated Press Israeli security forces seized about 25 Arab guerrill a s uspects in the Gaza Strip today, including a judge accused of leading Al Fatah terrorists in the occupied zone, the tsraeli command said. Q\•er southern Lebanon. an · tiaircraft gunners fired at Israeli jets, dril'ing them off t}le coast of Sidon and· Tyre four times. Lebanese military sources said. !\o hits "'ere reported. TllE ACTION CAl\IE hours after Israeli artillery bombarded the Lebanese city of Nabatiyeh in re\alia · lion for guerrilla rocketing of the Israeli tO\\'n of Safad, and less than 24 hours after an Israeli air raid on Palestinian camps on lhe edge of Beirul. "Security forces detained a Falah terrorist netY1ork ." an Israeli com- munique said. "The detainees in- cluded the Falah commander of the Gaz:J Slrip, Judge Khaled el Qabra .'' Also seized "'ere senior aides of the guerrilla command in Gaza, Khan 'r"unis and Rafah in the Sinai Desert and documenl!i "which contained li sts of recruits and instruCUons for the ex· ecution of terrorist acts." the com- munique said. It said the detainees \~·ere sus1>eCI C'd of "a number of terrorist acts." in elwling bombing a hus inside Israel 10 months ago. In. Tel Aviv. Israeli Foreien '.\tinister Vigal Allon told ncY.•smen On' :.ind Jhe chances l'or resuming lsrae11· Arab contacts follo~'ing the Arab sun1 mit iR J\lorocco, ""'hich had ap- 11ca.red to deadlock diplomatic pro·, grcss, "I believe that an opening for further negotiations does exist, pro- vided the other side is prepare.d to "'ork to..,.· a rd a partial agreemen~ to be achieved by mutual concessions," Allon said. "Both sides must be pre· pared tor concession, geographic a nd political, and the other side must un- dertake to refrain from acts of "·ar. '' Textbook Meet Ends · In Fighting CHARLES1'0N. Y.1.Va. lUPI) -A flurry of fists and sho\'ing marred the close of the l\ana\\·ha County board of Education meeting 1'hursday night, another incident in the long· simmering textbooks dispute. The fracas erupted when some members of the audience filling the meeting room jumped on board of Qf Ex-husha~d O'SKALOQS;\, lov,ra IAPI -A jury has found Belly Carney guilty of kid· naping her former husband. his relurn from \\'ashington that his · ( J talks witil President Ford \\'ere so useful. ··t~at e\'en the most skeptical IN SH 0 RT lsr.elo will nol be oble lo "ilici.e · • them." -- r\ l\1ahaska County District Cou1·1 jury of eight \\'Omen and four nien dt· liberated four hours Thrusday before reaching the verdict. Judge i\1 ichael Enich sel sentencing for Dec. 30 <1.nd ordered a presentence invcsttgation. r-.1rs. Carney. "'ho remained free on bond. s howed no emotion as the verdict "'as read. She was charged \\'ith kidnaping Dr Robert Carney on ?.Iay 15. Dr. Carney testified that his former \\"ife lured him to her home. telling him that the couple's two children had gifts for him. She allegedly forced him to remain at her home O\'ernight. shot him in the hand and thigh and forced him to ac- company her to Jlann:ibal, ~to .. "·here he escaped from the car in a parking lot . r<.lrs. Carney testified in her dcrense that in a struggle in her home. her ex husband \Yas drag~ing her into the kitchen ""hen he said. "l'l'e been shot." She lesl ified she had a pistol in her robe pocket. but did not know h~r husb:.and had been shot In earlier tcsti mon}, l\lrs. Carne~ began \\'CCping on the \\'ilness stand l\'hl'n she recounted her discussion \\'ith Carney of how he should tell thl' couple's t1\·o daughters he "·as plan· n1ng to marry another "''oman . AlfKANSAS GETS fJNY TEMBLOR LITTLI-.: ROCK , Ark . IUPIJ -The Xr1t1onal \\leather Service today re· ported a small earthquake occurred l'hursda~· ni ght cen1ered bet\\'een l'1ne Bluff and Stuttga11. The magnitude of the quake "'as J J on the Richter scale. tht· 11·eather ser\'JC'e said Therr "'ere nodamagc rc1}()rts ALLOi\ TOLD ne"•smen the lalk:-. dealt \\'ith U.S. aid and arms supplies. Ford Indicates He'll Accept Tapes Decision \\' ASHINGTO~ (UPI ) -President Ford has indicated he will accept the \l'ill of Congress to nullify his agree- ment granting former president Richard !\{. Nixon custod\' of his Dre- sidential tapes and papers at the iug- gurat in Laguna l\'iguel. Y.'hite llouse officials said Thursdav th_at _although Ford \\•ould go along \\'tth It. he had not decided "'hcther to sl gn the legisl<1.tion or simply permit it to become law "'ithout his signature. Nixon's attorney, Jack JI.tiller . met with \\'hite I-louse aides Thursday and apparently argued strongly for a veto of the bilL lie told reporters the legislation is "clearl y unconslitu· tionaL" Some \\lhite I-louse lawyers belie\·e the legislation was pnssed too quickly and encompasses too much. It "'ould even co\·e r Nixon 's dictabclts. on u•hich he recorded his most intimate thoughts ·rhe legis lation 1\'ould nullify a Sept. 7 agreement that l-'ord signed \\'ith the Gener:.al Services Administr11tion say- ing that the tapes and papers were '.\'ixon's property and he could dispose of them after five years of joint custody \~·ith the govertuuent. L'ndt!r the legislation Nixon slill u·ould have access to his papers. but \IOU!d not be avo\.\·ed to remove them from government custody. Aussie Arrests 42 Skinny-dippers Nabbed S)'DNEY, Australia fAI')-··1 yelled lo .11 friend to bring me my cos- 1u1nc ··said the 11~ked S\\'immer. ''Before he could reach me, a policcm.-n b:a~~~! oul und soud I "as under arresl and told me to get into the speed· . lie " :is one of 42 nudJ'its stale police arrested Thursday afternOon in a m1l1t ary.s1ylt' amphibious operation al Lady Jane Beach in Sydney llarb<>r. As the poUce launch Nemesis patrolled offshore with a police runaboul. 15 policewomen and detectives in bathlna suits a nd ca5ual <'lothe:i. moYed along the bench among the sunbuthefs making arrests . Po\lee lo-...'er~ 1add~r' from . :surroundini; currs onto the bea~h to t>\ :icuate the_ nudist,. Arter dressing. 34 or the nudiSl$ were taken to a police ~t e.tio_n. Th~ other eight \\'ere taken aboaJd t.he Nemesis to a \\'harr, then dr1\'en 1n pc;ihce vans to tht station. 1\ senio_r detecliye of the vice squad said tht rnld "'as made "follow· 1ng complaints rectt\'Cd of 1>erverslon being carried on In dayllght hours th~re ." , education member F . Douglas Stump and superintendent Kenneth Un· der"·ood und other board members who inter\·cned. No one "·as seriously injured, and no one \\'as arrested. Opponents of the textbooks, mostly parents. ha\'C branded the books anti· God . on -American and fi~th_y_._ H<>C'kt>I TPSIS 1\IOSCO\V (AP> -The So\·iet Union ::innounced today that a new series of rocket tests in the l'acific Ocean had been ''successfully accomplished'' ahead of schedule. Th~ tests \\'ere announced ofc. II and 1t was said then that ships and P.lanes should remain outside de - signated areas from Dec. 12·30. Burma Riot RANGOON ft.;P I I -Burme5e mililary tribunals today jailed 35 persons ;,,c cused of rioting a nd destroying public property in bloody protests against lhe burial of former U.N. Secretary Ge neral U Thant. . Soldiers with rines and automatic weapons guarded key government bui ldings and major roads throughout Rangoon. but some degree of calm re· lurned to the riol·torn capital. · J<>bs Bills \\I ASH INGTO:--J (UPI) -1'he I louse and Senate e:icb passed m"lti-billion dollar programs Thursday to provide public service jobs for the un· e mployed and special benefits for persons out of work· "'ho are not cov· ered by unemployment insur ance. The llouse also passed and sent to the Senate 314-2 a bill extending WJ· C!'l_Ployment insuranc&:bcnefils an ad-d~ll_onal 13 weeks form&\ Americans, g1\•1ng them a Cull year of benefits. Telephones """' Oronat Couotv Altos .. "2~1 ~t liuntington Btoch ond w..i . ITILftSltr ...... ,,,, S.0-1220 Sal Clemente, C,opistrR 8eoch. Sal Juoo Utp;11rono, DonaJ:o!O! South l-logu.,. N;p .WS:.- J Fr!C!!Y. Oecember 13, 1974 . DAILY PILOT A$ Man Rohs Navy Base No Body Fomad Slayings 3ChargeA,.::==:f!, .. ===~==~=:::::::::~ Exchange Wife Murdered; Man Convicted Unrelated LOS ANGELES IAP) -Police investi gators reported Thursday that viewini: an episode-of In Grisly Slaying , ... 253 SwissATmy knife MOUNTAIN VIEW CAP> --A lone gunman robbed a Navy Exchange employe at the fwtoffelt f'ield Naval Air Station and escaped \~1ilh :;ome $15,000 in cash and cheeks, et Navy spokesman said. The Exchange worker had.collected the day's re· ceipls from outlying ex- changes on the base Thurs· ( State ) SAC::RAi\IE!\i'O fUPI) - Attorney General Evel\c J . Younger has declined to Ci le suit oigainsL rormer As· sembly Speaker Bob 1\-Joret· ti accusing him of violating campaign disclosure laws. People 's Lobby , a political activist group, charged last month that ?i.1oretti failed to properly report campaign contribu· tions and expenditures dur· ing his unsuccessful bid for the D e mocratic gubernatorial nomination. The group asked Younger to file s uit to force compliance with the di5closure law . Younger Th"Ursday said an investigation by his office into the charges found "no v.•illful, knowing, or grossly negligent violations" or the law to warrant a 5uit. Ari C-hallrnged SACRAl\olENTO (UPI ) - California b.aokcrs and a Jegisl;:itor have gone to court in an attempt to block implementation or ii lob· byist-control provision of the newly .:narted State Politicitl He form Act. They insist that lhe law col.lid require public di s· closure of the most minute fiOancial transaction of a state employe, orticial, or legislator and even mem- bers or their families. The California Bankers Association asked Superior Court Thursday to either declare the challenged sec- tion illegal or delay its im· plementation. --. ' ; ; MERCED CAP) -A C.n- lra Costa County gardener convicted Thursday of murdering his estranged wife whose bOOy never was found admitted hours earlier that she is dead, the prosecutor said. Timothy Bennett, 26, of Concord was convicted of first-degree murder in one of the state's-rew such gutlty verdicts on record where a body never was located. l\lary Jo Bennett, 23, dis· appeared without a trace after leaving work at the Pacific Telephone Co. here on Oct. 18. 1972. BENNETT 1'1ET with her mother. Ida !\lay Kempel \Vednesday night after the jury deliberations began, Dep. Di s t. Atty. Robert Quall told newsmen after the verdiC't. Quall quoted Bennett· as telling his mother-in-law : "If it's any consolation to you, Mary Jo died a sudden School Restructure Ordered by Court S1\CRAi\l Ei\10 (UPI) - The State Board of Educa· tion turned to financing again today in an attempt to deal with a court-ordered restrUC'luring \•ihich could cost billions or dollars. Board members con· sidered a Sl.4 billion pro· posal to equalize !:he amount or money public sc hool students receive in poor and'rich districts. The state's current school financine svstt!in was ruled unconstitutional by a Los Angeles Superior Court because of the educational lax rate disparities that re- sult. With in flation taken into consideration it C'ould cost an additional S2 billion lo selection or millions of dollars worth or textbooks for California schools. FOR ENEttGY-SAYIHG FASHION CONSCIOUS SWEATERS bring the system in com· WUTCUff ru.u pliance with the court order ""••''"•'•-••"•'"'•~-· -.... by the 1980 deadline. The · financing system relics!-----------"""'! heavily on property taxes. Thursday, the board adopted a tough conflict-of· inte r est rule covering persons involved in the OLLECTOR'S Art Plied By Inmate fOf' the ........ ioded giflor SELSIS' POCKET MAGNIFIER llleclllKt.'1 ... _ ...... 2D • JO poww SAN QUENTIN !UPI) - Inm ates at San Quentin s39s State Prison have been .,.,-4 warned there is 8 COUn· n · ............... terfeiter among them. 0 ,._SO'••• gl Tickets for photographic IYH:nHIMCi-fOI service in the visiting room, ~ STAMPS .A.MD sold ror two packs of m CCMHCOU1CT01s ciga~ettes._ are fake, prison n · SO. COAST officials said. ~ The warning, published i~ 0 VILLAGE vised inmates .. aga1ns ,...._ 556.6840 " 0 :11111 z m :11111 the San Quentin News .. a~,. SANTA AHA purchasing picture ticke .. for cigarettes. until the p;_e :'!icORNER--sent problem 1s resolved. ~ . . . . • • FRE$H eur eHR1$TMA~ TREE~ WILL ARRIVE AT LLOYDS WEEKLY .. .. •• .. • • • • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. DECEM8ER 2nd THRU DECEMBER 2111 '"HOLD BACK IHFLA TIOH'' -Use Mooey Sa•;ng C""f'O"• -FRESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE D ... fir • Scatcll Pint rs.lltitll SNtrH 0..,.. Fif N"lt Fif • Wl9ltl Fir sw.r.,., CUSTOM FLOCKING . ' FIRE PROOFING ·- 2 LOTS TO SERVE YOU • STTl.L ""' TO Pl.AlloT llULBS • • .. '· l GREEN CUT OR Ll\lf. CHIUSTMAI tAEf.l S-IOS olt _ ... _ ...... _ VQlD .. flf.A 1?111/14 ~-- 1 CUSTOM F~DCKlD CHRll1M4S TRf.E S.... ''" oll _,.,.,,._ .. ,.._ YOIO .. FTElll 1?1•1114 ~-- " HlnEO COl.Ofl 'lANT1 s,.,. '" olf _ .... ,,. ...... .,,_ ,.,,..,, -'91nMftl• -...... VOID •FllR 11/J~J< CM/I ... ~ ea. ... ALL l'l..AHT MATEllllAL loo "8tll , .... _, .... _,,_ ,_,...,, . . _...,., __ _ VOID .. fTIR Ut•M --- " ' > ~ ..... , • . .. .. .. .. -- .. .. •• .. Police Slory" has not SACRA!o.IENTO CAP } - and painless death.'' . provided any clues to Three m en are charged 1n the murders of . three connection \vith what of- BENNETT ALSO tried to ·Skid Row dereli<'ts. ficers call one of Sacramcn· commit suicide twice by The in\·esl iga tors to County 's most grisly hanging and slashing his watched a rerun of the sluyings in recent years. wrists Wednesday night, Nov . 26 episode of the Chief Deputy Sheriff Quall said. NBC television show, ~lerbc rt Anderson sa id He also admitted to Quall '11hiC'h involved the slay. T hursday ... This is Lhe nlOSt picking up a \\'Oman across ingofrivcdt•reli cts. heinous crime in \Yhich I from the telephone com· Lt. Charles Kilgo, who huve been in\'olvcd 1n the pctny and driving south to heads the investigation, sberiffs department." ~--- -s·aid the only rc·J:i---a n ove rpass n ear TllE V I C 'fl~I was Ch h·11 Q ti dd d tionship between the TV owe 1 a , ua a e · redheaded i\lark V. Rait~i-. B t ·d th t h he show and lhe slayings is ennet sa1 a w en ,,-, "'ho wa" last seen 1'\ov. d •1 d 1r h that all the vi ctirns were .. ., returne to 1• erce . " e 25. 1973. lfis headless body had killed her, the person he derelicts. was found noating in the had been v.•ith was not with~----------Sacramenlo River in ;\lay. him as far as being alive,'\ 19i-I , after apparently being Quallsaid. 3 c • ' s tuf£ed into a we ightl'd These revelations were OllVJCfS garbage can. ltis head is kept from the jury which belie\'l'd to have been de· deliberated less than two E T li vered tn someone in days . Sentencing i s SC8pe ry O;iklantl as proof he had scheduled Jan. 2. been slain on a .. ,·ontract,,. D • d offirerssaid. JSCOVere Anderson s ;iid \'ictor George Pryor. 24. of 3115 Crandall \\lay, \\'aS arrested ~ The one.and. only .E:ve.ry man Jove.s this roos't popular J>O!:k•t companion . Scissors. nai[ file, sharp blsd•, tweezers, ivory toothpick. T HE PROSECUTION presented circumstantial evidence placing Bennett in the"area near the lime or hi s wife's disappearance. Ben· nett said he had a memory lapse for two hours during that period, which was shortly after he had been in· vo\..,ed in a minor traffic ac· cident. FO~SOM <U PIJ .-Three last \\'eek and chari::cd \\•ith c~n_v 1 ct~ ~rom Southern being an accessory lo the Cal_1forn1~ attempted. to ~~t disposal of Hailer's body. ~heir \\'3) ou.L of the. max· Thursday. officers se rvl•d ";;:::::::::;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::::::::::::::; 11num seCu~1ly section_ of murder \\'arrants on Daniel 11 Folsom Prison by. using Carl f'isk, Jl. also knou'n as h_a~ksaw blades .• prison of· Blosser. \\•ho is now in What's a Pooka? Ask Andy hc1alsreport~lhursday. Folsom Prison on a later The defense argued two hours was insufficient time for Bennett to have abduct· ed, murdered and buried his wife, then plant notes the prosecution claimed he forced her to write. Th~ three include. a nl an voluntary n1•1n slaughter Andy is a Pooka (an elf who answers con\'!Cled of _murd~r1ng four conviction, and 1-farry Otto Ca I 1 for n 1 a h 1 g h wa y Daigh, 35, also kno .. vn as questions). He does his elfing in a patrolmen and ~nother ~en· ··Fat Jack:· \\'ho is in c~lumn every Saturday on the family tenccd for s tealing gun~ in a Cierra Con servation Center 1971 plot to free convicted on con..,iction of illegal poge of the Daily Pilot. mass-murderer Charles possession of firearms by!'--------------------• J\1anson. an exconvict. ______ _,_ ___________________ _ ' ' • "How come my · electric blll ls so hlgh? And wfive been using less." We know your electric bill is higher. A lot higher-even though you're con - serving electricity. Why? Primarily because of the increased co& of oil. It's our job to provide the electricity you, your family and your job require. And we must do so in a manner that meets all air pollution control regulations. This means burning foreign, low-sulfur oil in Edison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments. and it more than tripled in lhe last 18 monlhs. 11 COllld go even higher. Sin!&JMl!l!!Y. JJm . .lb!: increasing aiilS of oil and lheadditional am:iunts webave had 10 buy.m..ICS~ for alrmst 903 of the iraease in Y.WC •lcctric bills. • So \Ve won't always be so dependent on foreign oil, \\'e·re spending millions of dollars building coal and nudear plants. We are also researching new ways to genera1e electricity-without foreign oil. Geothennal power. Solar JJO"''cr. Fuel ce!IS. Fast breeder reactors. Nuclear fusion. Research is oost!y, but it "'"11 al so help to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment arc expensive, too. and in 1i74 will aa:oo.nt for about 20% of our capital expenditures. In the pasl six years, S325 million were required lo be spent for such projects. 11 looks like we Wi1l have to spend another $450 million for environmental purposes within the next four-year pericxl. On top of all this. inflation is eating into our budget -as it is yours. The rost of constructing new plants is 10 times higher 1han it \\'as a fe\v years ago. and borro\\'· ing rosts have more than doubled. Your electric bill will reflect these rising oosts. \Vhat can you do to hold down your bill? Budget your use of electricity Y•isely. For \11ays to do this. send for our free booklet. Write: "Conservation:· Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, ---l"'E CA 91770. :::J~ Southern California Edison rt1ake every kilo"'iatt rount. '· ' • . . ' • . • • • • ~ l • l • • • ' • • ! • t I ' ' . • ' • • ' • A6 ·.DAI LV PILOT E DITORIAL .PAGE .. Serving Education Sou1h CO:.t:!i>l residents have 3n oppcrtunity lo du ~mcth1ng constructive ;.ibout 1;:1luc:Jtion-by running lor a pos.itionon lhe 1chool board. t .. our o( lht: seven position:;: in the Caplstr.ino Unified district CJ.rid l"'O of the ri\'l' positions 10 the l,01~una Ucach Un1C1cd diotrict \\'ill bu up for election _\fart h 1 ·rru::.tl'e5 sel d1 . trlct policy 1n all c.1rc<.1 ;). includin g hudi.:l·t1n g, new classes tind progr:.1n,s . ;.ind ncgot ia lions \\ 1\h ll';-tchers. Ser\ 1ng 011 .1 school bQurd 1nvoJ\'e:; ::.pcndin;.! Jl lc:ust t \\'O 1·vl•n1ngs i..I month :it meetings. hl o."t tru~tce ' Jl"t"I sC-r\'l' on suhcommiltees ur related hoards und h<l\'t· il spct·ial ure..i of rPs 1)()n~ihd1ty . ~uch ~s keepin~ tr;1ck of related s tall· le~1:-lat1on. Conrt:rnc<l rL•s 1dcnt:-. hJVC until J;1n. :1 to re~isler , ;il no c:o::.l . \\1 th th~· lJrJngt· Count y Hc;.:13Lr0tr 01 Voters. Wise Election Delay Lag'una fie11rh school trustees )>hO\\'ed good wdgment in turning do\l.'11 a chance tu '-'<.ill <J tux override election for next J\.1arch. lt would be espcciaUy tontroversial at a time when the economy is slamming taxpayers from all side s. 1\nd although educational programs may be pared, a financial projection Shows the district c11n squeeze through one more year with its permitted bud gel. Then, if trustees must <t5k for an O\•erride clertion. they "·ill have gained credibility by not C'rying ''\Yolf! '' too~oon. College · Satellites \Vh en llobcrt Lombar(li took the reins ali supur1n· lendent of Saddlebuck Cnlle~e three months ;.tgo. ht: µrom ised imn1ediatt! action to srl up sutcllite cam· puscs in surroundin~ c:o1n n1un1t1c•,.; lie kept his \\'Ord. !)Lart1ng nC'xl month. <·lus~e!\ \\'Ill be held 1n Tu:.ti n. lr\·ine. Laguna Beuth. Dan~• l'oint. and San Clement('. Laguna Reach is governed by state legislation \l.'hich r estricts increases in expenditure per pupil to ~ ri::lte far short of holding even against innation, unles5 voters approve an override. In all. 137 rh\sses "'ill be held a\vay from the col· leg(' 's 1\t iss1on \'iejo campus. 1'he ne \\' set uv \\'i 11 al lo,,· stutlenls to register. buy textbooks and go Lo ~c hool \\'it hout ever having lo travel to ?tlission Viejo. /" College official s predict the satellite campuses \Viii be :.o popular that the normal fall to winter qua rter enrollment drop-off \\•ill not occur this yeur. However , trustees pointed out that lhc s tate legis lature ls considering ne\\' 1<1. ..... 'S \\'hich would :-..upcrsede local election res ults. :\lso, the Ma rch election \vould coincide with a school trustee election , raisi ng the passibility that the override "'·ould become a politica l issue tied to <'andidatcs_ 'Lovelock ' Match Can 't 'Wedlock ' (SYDNEY HARRIS) In rer,ly iO a randrim query or mi ne t0me t mf UIJQ-"Whal name should we 1ppl\' to the rn any couples today who 11-e 'llvln{il together thou1h not marrled ?"-l have received a num· ~r of both palatable und ribald SUK:· ac111ion1, Two or the most frequent were "cohabs." and "lovelotk" in· :ilead of ."wedlock ." Interestingly enoufh. one of the rea1on1. modern younc people ob· ject to the term "wedlock" Is the im plication th lilt the toupl e is manacled or handcuffed toaether In the ln1tltutlon of matrimony. Th ey re· stnt. the Id ea of being "locked" together by 1 l aw, _,BlJT T111S 11 ll ml1rc11.dlng of the old An1lo-S1111on word : ''w<?dlock '' meant "marria1e pledge," i;ind the ,urnx "k>ck" had not.hln& al i;ill to dn v.·llh handcuffing people together. (It h1 like lhe word "11wet"theart." .. ·here the "heart" part haA nothlns to do with that organ o( the body, but w<is origtnall y "11v•eelard." in the !'amc form as .. coward" and "dotard.'') Tlme and custom shape and di11lort v.·orda, and lh'-'n the words thcm.11elve1 ,become a kind cl tyranny, M> that -.·e respond to the di!1tortlon rather than to the basic mtuning. Indeed, the very word "tyranny" ls ~ perfect exiampte or •·hat huppens to a v.·ord throughout history. The earll('llt "tyra11!1" In ancient Greece wert! simply 11bttolu1t ruler~ or monarchs . ....,ith no ln1pliration or cruelty. Both Periclc1 and P1~lslrutu1 Dear Gloomy Gus FUnny the Nixons on $400,000 a yc111r Cliln't afford to keep their rose bushei. On less than $10.000 I've managed to keep mine.' Feedi ng the 1oul Is more Important than h11vin1 maids to ....,.all on you . J.V. ••ere "tyrants," but they were model ruler!I of "'l.<1dom and tolerance. Gradually, however, the word began to a111ume its later connotation of bar· shne11 and oppre111ion, and utterly lost it1 primal neutral meaning. .. ,OR C OUPLf~S t o lt ve in "lovclock" rather thnn "wed\otk" suaeest1 they ha,,e pledaed their love-but what value l11uch 11. pledgt, ii il can be wlthdra....,·n al the whim or either, with no luting sense of rom· mltment? The ....,-ord "pledge" it1elf mean1 a ·•guar1tntee'' -but a auaran· tee 11 empty If you are not willing to make good on It. ll ls my feeling thal wc have not )''el, a1 a species. arrived ut any finully !lalls ractory form of man.woman relations. The traditional form ol matrimony i11 too filled with rigidities. injustices, llf'd · inconsi1tencle1; yel. the ne"' "cohab?I" have merely ex- changed one set of dlfOcullies for another. for v.·ithoul a deep 1c n1e of permanence and commitment the living.fabric ls too rracile to 1u1tain II. family. TllE NVB o( the problem i1 that lhe human infant, unlike all others. needs ycurs of ~table development before il is ready to cope w1th !ti phy1ical and social Cn\'ironment. \\'ithout children, marriage mi"ht be unnecessary; with thildren. it may be a necessary evil. capable of being ameliorated, but nol clim iti.1tcd from th\! toeial structure. A mid-year enrollment increase \l.'ou ld bl· a tell · ing sign. It \\'Ould 1nean the co llege finally has round ;_1 n anS\\·er to a problem it has faced since the dis trict \Y<JS formed: the relative ioolation of the l\lission Vie- JO c<impus fron1 man~· of the communities it servt!li. 'I said take two of these aspirin and come back to see me next year!' s GOP Surv i vors A lie nate d Ford Absence Offends Governors ST. LOUIS -Unfairly or not, the ,.-----------. thimbleful of Republican g;overnor1 ( J and governora-elect who 1urvlved the EV ANS-NOV AK bemocratlc Jandlllde of Nov. :; were outraged that President Ford could ._ __________ _., not make a brief appearance at their midwlnter conference here l11t week atler his Iona journey to the Far Ea1t. Indeed, intensive negotiations had 1tarted In mid·November with low· level White llou1e aides to arrange a visit by Mr. Ford that would lend Pre1ldenti1J en- d or s e rri en l to party·rebulldln1 e f forts . Vet , de1plte repeated telephone eall1 to the White ltou1e by host GOV . Christopher Bond of Ml1aourl, pre· 1idential alde1 ln1i1led Mr. Ford could not •pare a couple of hourt. Con· tact watt never made with Dean Burch. t.tr. Ford's pollllcal adviser until his re1!1n1tlon last week, who took no Interest In the aovemors' ap· peal. But it scarcely mltigatt'd disap· polntment with ?ttr. Ford. One go\•- ernor, reelected Jul month by a huge majority while other Republican can· didates In ht1 slate were los in1. told us : "This would have been the perfert place for Jerry Ford lo come and show hia Interest, with I.h e few of us v.·ho wo n, In trying to re\'ive his party." TllE GOVERNORS' unhappiness with Mr. Ford goes beyond re,•ivtng the Republican party. They believe he i1 1pendlng 1i.r loo much time on forel1n travel al a tlme or deepening rece11lon and aeneral economic crisis al home. The Pre1ident'1 WIN - Whip Inflation Now -public relations campalan 11 ridiculed as outdated in the face cJ national uneniployment expected lo approach ei1ht percent next1ummer. Gov. Willlam J.tilliken of t.ttchi gan. ar1uln1J that "mere rhetoric cannot 1ave our free ·enterpri&e 1ystcm ," came here handing out lapel buttons of ·his o""'n contradicting the White House WI N pins. f-lis pins say BAC - Buy 1 Car. Afilliken 's reelertion by 114 ,000 votes agains t multiple adversity ln lhe depression·threatened automobile state was a stunning offset to his party's national disaster. but not a single Wh ite f-louse political aid has bothered lo call him for a post·elcction analysis . WORSE YET. ~l ilhken's rareful/y ronsidered economic proa:ram i;e nt to Afr. f'ord In a letter one \\'eek before the election has never been ansv.•ered. lie proposed u blend of tax reform. \'aslly more public ser,·ice employ- ment. extended unemployment com- pensation und public v.•orks. But Atllllken's proposals wtre not con - aldered Important enough to warrant a reply. Mo1t t'rilicism or !\.I r. Ford and "'hat one governor called hi1 "Nixon ho ldover'' ad min istration was private. But New Hampshire's Gov. Ateldrlm Thomson. the anti-tax tru1ade r who is indisputably · the moiil con11er,·ative or all Republican ' go\·ernors. felt no &uc h scruple&~ He delivered a n angry statement to what he ca lled the ··c101etful'' of Republican !Urvi\·ors (titting around the hu ge horseshoe conference table with embarrassln&lY wide space• between them) attarking Mr. Ford for "not caring enoue}\" about the future of the Republlran party "to help u1 set the course for the long climb back ." AN llOUR spent \l.'ilh the go\1ernor1 b)· Jerry Ford v.·ould scarcely make a dent on the staga:ering polltlcsl pro· blems or hls defeated party. There was no such false hope here. "The GOP has a pinhead for a base and we're kidding ou~elve» if we think It can be turned around In anything like two or three years,'' ~flchlgan stale chairman \Villlam P.lrLaughlin told "" But that handful or Republican gov- ernors v.1ho survl\'ed last month would have been a good plaee to start. The fact that the Pres ident and his political st~ff didn't see il th1t v.•ay made a bad situation worse, alienat- ing lht eovernors at a time &fr. Ford need.&e\·er.)'poislbleally, .. TlllS non·appearance by a Presi· dent who was 1harply criticized for traveling to real estate conventions In Las Ve1a1 added to the funereal gloc)m at the governors' conference. Even before they learned he would not appear, the governors were grumbl· inJ over lifr . Ford's performance as both party chi cl' and national leader. . The Right to Bear Arms Thei r aggravation did not peak until word 1pread that even William Seld· man, the highest \\'bite Hou1e aide scheduled to meet the a:overnor1, waa going to back out on hls scheduled ap- pearance~ With tempers rising among the gov · ernors. White 11ouse aide Jame1 Falk, ~tr. f'ord'a chief liaison with the gov· ernors, rushed to a pay phone here with an SOS to the White House. Th11.t firmed up Seldman's appearance and alao brouaht Falk'1 boss, Domeslic Council chief Ken Cole , lo the se11\on. To the Editor: I have retelved some lllerature from The Citlzens Committee for the Ri&ht to Keep and Bear Arm1. Their letter urges me to write m~' local new1p11per "to protest the a ntl·&un dl1tortlon1 of the news media." Contrary to their ....,.lsh, I am y,·ritln.g you to support federal effort to get. rid of handauns except for the· possible nee-da of peraons v.·ho may li\'e In areas r emote fron1 la"· enforcement aaencies. ( MA ILBOX ) Lelttr1 fror11 reader.~ ore welco1ne. r\or· molly. u rurrs $houid conwy IMtr mes· 1ogt81n JOO wordt or lt•i11. Tht> r(gl1t ~on· dfn11t' /r!lers to /1! spoce or tllmlnatt lll>tl ls reSerct>d. All lerrcri: 1nusr include 11ig· no.tuft' and malling oddre11 but 1'0m11 tt!CH/ be 1c1t/Jlteld (H'l rl'quest if .~uf/iet~nl rrason 1~ oppare11/ l1oelr!J wtll 1iof be publzsht>d person. the real threat of rejection is' ever pre1ent. Thi• tends to make UI silent sieves, dumb and dormant. The course offered at OCC on perwnal and human awareness wa1 for me a n experience of 1ome maanltude. It v.•as a heavy cl11s and so explained at the be1innin1 of the semester. As the cl1&1 progre1sed. J become more circumspect in my· o utloo k and actions as my shortcoming.11 became more ob\'IOUs. Tax Relief Just an Illusion TIIE EASE wlth which pc.-ople ma~ atqulre handgun• tontrlbutes to their unlav.•ful u1 e. Domestic argu ments many times are "settled" v.•lth a handgun in a family's possC'Ssion. I believe that the "right to bt>tir arms" may have been important in the early days of the gro\\1h ot this nation. but nol today. The lives of too many people are endangered . ~l ore strict la"' enforcement "·ould not have pr('\'Cntcd the killing o( Bobby Kenoedy, !'II arl in Luther King, nor thC' nttempt on George \\-'all.:ice·s lilC'. although handguns alone \\'ere nol used in all cases. including the killin g of President Kennedy. misforlune that fo\101A•in g each cycle, real or otherv.·isC', may lead us. TllERF. ARE m11;ny examples or abuse. such as \\'itne:1sing l\\'O, three and four price ch ana:es on food mark et ·m e r c handise, t learl y indicating increases not \\';1rr11ntcd for merchandise acquired ut \o....,1er prices. THIS \\'AS follo....,•ed by a true feeling or love for some of my classmates v.·hich at best is di fricult to express. There also o<:<"urred Ceeling1 o1 resentment, anger, frustration and jealousy. When an instructor ""'ith IS years leachin& experie nce atte mpts to conve)· rflethods of communication in thi! 11en1itlve area, there will be criticiam. If we hope to progress beyond the convenatlonal le,·el or "Ho....,· arc You~ ... "I am fine," then clastcs au ch u thi1 must continue. By now 1l must be cryst<.il clear to ( J \hose v.·ho must fa ce up to proper\)· '·" payments. that the rcl••f pro-EAR L w ATERS mised again and a,l!"aln by the _ ~ U-i:1slature is but an illusion. '------------" Despite the increased aid gi\'C'n to ly obvlous that !here can be no IO<'al governmC'nts. and the schools, hom('o....,·nC'r relief \\'lthout a freez:t on u:-~tht' stalt• and federal ~o,·crnments, both tax rates and assessed values. despite the freeze on tax rates im · Forlhc statelotontinue topourfunds posed on local govtmments at the in -into local governments as a means to ~LSIC'nte o( Governor Reagan. the tax relie\•ing local property taxes. bills are hi,!! her than e,·er. .~11hout first shutting the door tight on This erosion of homrov.Tier nroner· both rail's and \'alues, actompllshes tv ta x rellr(, in· nothini: extepting to rncoura~e more 1ended by the state · SPfnding on the part or local offi cials. ~ubsidii.ed l':\emp· And. encouragement ia the la11t t1ons and the gov· thln1 they need. The appetite for e rno r ';; frl'eic. , ~ ~ 1<;pcnding exhibited by local govern· conies about s1mp· men!!!, especially the sthools is in· ty hy intrea11iniz · I~ satiable. 1 be a~ s <':;;; s e d tn their ital to tax and spend, spend \ a\uation~. It ls a and tax. and tax iand &pend. oae ia re· sub,·rr510n of the minded or the lemmings. The1e small intent of the !late rodent!, nalive to lhe Arctic, are and feder;1l gov· poss6ttd of a congenital desire for t>rn n1 en t s t o brlni rel ie f 10 self destruction. They, too, have an In· homeov.n(·rs For Californ1•ns thi& Is &atiable a 1lvetite . They lncrelilse 1he M!tond time that the f'Xt'mption enormously 1n nun1berS. exhausting upproach to relu1r for hornt'Ov.·ntrs thtlr food supptlts. They move 11te&di- hls IH.'en compltttly erodPd 1n short ly arros1 tht" toun1ry1\de. re111rdle111 ord('r tiy local IO\'emmtnUI The first 'of all obstacle5. committin1 deva1ta· of 5750 \\·as wlpN out within tv.·o t1on in their line of march. Always ad· y<'ars. Tht .:o\·ernor them IOU&ht ::in ''ancing 1n the same ceneral direction increase t.o $1iSO and attempted tn they ullimattly reach the sea where pt"e,·ent the eroding of this by a rreete they plunge in a nd drown. on tax rates. · fOR EV •~S thC hardest he:.ds in the LeJ:iSlaturc it should OO"-' be stark· I Ol't'F. CANNOT t'hange nature but 1axat1on is a political being, not a treature of nature. It can be changed. The high property taxes cannot be excused by stating the assessor must increase the ,·aluatioos because of state law. Th111t y,•ould not matter i(, on the rite or valuations. the tax r ate went do""'" accordingly. But it doesn't go do....,•n: despite the millions in addi· tional revenues from state and federal sourres. Local offi cials just don't st>em lo know how to stop spending. THE Fi\LLA.C\' of the present systen1 of home taxation is adjusting to rurrent nl arket values tven though there 11 no intent 10 sell. One buys a home at $10.000, spends his life paying for It. only to find he Is now living in a •homt \'alued at S40,000 'which Is beyond his means becauae of taxes. It '• 1till the 1ame home and it Isn't ap- propriate lo be taxed out of it on 1uch a basis. A11emblyman Gene Chappie. a farmer, Is one who hu reeotnlted the injustice. Ht! is proposing lcil•lation .,1;h\ch would freeze assesr.M home value1. While the dctoils or hi• pro- poeal hll\'fn't been pC'rlt'Ctfd, the aim is to treat homes ror 14·hat they are, Just homes Jnd not 1pecula.tlve l1nd purt ha11e1. Property tax-et would re· main constant until such Ume 11 • home Is told . 11, al that time a profit has been realized on the salt, taxts \l.'Ould then be assessed on the i;ale. 11 CA1{TER ~le DONALD ,,,,,,,,.,,,,, 'ic•t i 111!f To the Editor: Now Is very much the right time for all good cltlaens to tome to 1he aid of their purcha1ing pov.·er and each other. There is no si ngle v.·ay or magic answeri to live \\'ilhin our me1.n1 and have the means required to II \'(', atcordint lo varying standards. ECONOMIC predictions are up and down-le1vln1 us to believe that up-and·down may very "'ell ~ the cycle confronting us. Betw een the c)'cle or life and death are many cytlc11 of «onomic naturt tha t re ll efot genuine s horl · aae1 /o\!er1uppl y -a!i are included many cyclt-s of con- trived a nd /or tc>nt.rolled 1hortage1 /ovtr1upply. "'e, the innocent ''ict.im!i, must consider :and decid ~ ....,.hlch is which-or suffer the outr11en1.15 • Daily P i lo t readers s hould rontributc id eas or observations o( ""'ays and means to help U5 all stay . "'ithin our means, Chri1tm111 Club accounts. longtime ra\'orltes of banks and tellers. sure]\' deserve to be comp:.ired with othe.r v.·ays of saving (or btotler interest returns. Let 's hear It in favor of ....,·e. the peoplt. to aet the mO!lt from our mone)' under torrent •nd predictablC' ups and downs. 1\RT WEISS~1 ,\N ''""of ll11 •lilllf1 To the Editor As 11 graduate of Oran~e Coa1t ColleMe and form er student or Lee Br3dley's Psychology t lO rlass. I find myself rt'plyin@: to an artitle in the Dally Piiot of Dec. S IN AN AGE of hostilll.y perpctrt1.tcd by the hi gh to1t of ~ugar, oil. muslng about Wat ergate and r ead ing ot\\'Spapers. any tonstruct.ive classin human tommunlr111tlon <Jn a Ont"·to-one balli!I or group level is beneficial. To touch or not to touch. Eath man's aeparate thoicc. \low'! A word, panlomine or a light hand. In any attempt al encountering another .. Fronl a n o ld er a nd nl ore experienred stud ent. CllUCK FIELD ORA NGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N , l\lttd,PubU1hfr Thoma! Kltvll. Editor Rnrbar-a Krdbkll, fd11onal PO{lf ~dttor The editorial p11e of th• Daily Pilot Sl'l'k5 to in rorm ind 1Umulate reader& br 1)re1entln1 on lhlt Ptle dh·ersc commentar~ on topics of tn• terest by syndic1ted eolumnltts and cartoonists. by provldln1 a forum for readers' vl•w1 and by Pl'tMnltfll this newspaper'• opinions 1...S kt ... on eurrent topics. The editcr\al opinKN\I bl tM i>•il» Pi lot appear onl)' in the cdiloria I C'Olumn 11t the top or the pa1e. Oplni0t'l1 cxpmted by the colurn nls11 i nd tar100tlilti and ltt1-r ••riterl art their own and no tndonemcnl of lh~llr vteq b)I lh t Dall)' Pilot 11\ould be Interred. Friday. DecembOr 13, 1974 • ___..., ' DAILY PILOT f17 .,~~,~~.!.;_Carter Leaves, Battling for Image .. ' . . .. Re bozo Angers Group · KEY RISCi\\"NE. 1',ia. rU PI J -Key Bisc;.iyne resi- dents, angered by v.·hat they consider is a rcque!:>l for "specia l pri\'ileges" by Bebe Rebozo and Richard Nixon, are up in arn1s aealnst a petition to make Bay Lane u private road. "Why should he have this special pr ivi le ge~" asked Toni Reinhardt defi antly. "Everybody else would lik e to have lhl•ir streelli made private, too.'' ' MRS. REl~ll ,\RDT is head i n g a group of neighbors \\'ho intend to re- gister their oppo-;1tion to Rebozo's request v.hen lhl' matter comes up htfore the Dade County Com mission Tuesd:.i .v. The petition. filed b)• the former president's close friend, asks that Bay Lane -v.·bich fronl.S the former president's villa -be dlclared priv;ite once the S!'cret Set\'i<'e l'Cm rt\'C'S security lalC'r th is month. Rebozo and S<'veral other Bay Lant homCO\\ ners. in· eluding Ni xon , s igned tht> petition. !\IRS. REISllARDT s:iid about 200 members o( the Key Bisc ayne Property Taxpayers Association, Inc., voted unanimously this week to oppose the pcti· lion. If ll;iy Lanl' is closed, ~rs. Rcinh ;i rdt sa id , several Key Biscayne re6i- dents would be for ced to take detoorli t(J get to their homes. Requests from other pro- perty °"'ntrs to niake mads ar()und their homes pri\•ate have been rejected. "~1 aybe v.·e should secede from the nation and blov.· up the bridge that leads here," said ~lrs. Reinhardt. ATLANTA, Ca. CAP) - Durlnc hi• te11ure as GeQrli• COYemor, Jimmy Carter. who entered lbe Democralie presldenU•I race Thursday, reorganbed the slate IOYernmen:l and gave blackJ a creater voice. But he leaves ol'fkre J an. 14 battling: the image lhal hr is unpopular in bis own state, and some prominent Georgians openly stolf at his pr.esidential ambitions. THE st-VEAlt-OLD peanut farmer from Plains in southwest Georgia could tW>t seek a consecutive term as governor under Georgia N.UlF. lathe j NEWS reorganizalion -the t'rea· tion ol a m1s1i,·e Depart· meot of Hum an ResOW'ces di5peniing weJfare and J1 e1lth Jervices from a single department. The dep;irtment was op. pos~d from the oulSC't hy maJor officials io the formerly 5eparate depMt- m ents of healt h and law, --Carteris a gr aduateofthe A..., Na\'al Academy al An· •••• 'S napolis and a former seni()r ...._.. officer on lhe atomic s ub-,_.,,.,......_ ... ~ marine Seawolf. J!is '-''6"' father's death in 1953 took .. ,,0111.- him back to the pea nut ... .=.c... farm and eventually into .1.1-. • f Ul·llll community a fairs, two ''=======::'.===~ terms in the state Senate t and finally the gO\'etnor's office. lie and hi s v.·i f e, Rusal y nn, ha ve four children: Jack, 27, Chip. 24, Jeff. 22 and Am y. 7. · Carter stressed business- like planning during his four·yearterm. lllS 1'1AJOR accomplish· nient was a n over·all re· organization of stale gO\'· ernment, reducing more th.in' 300 agencies, depart- mentJ: and bureaus to just over 20. The program re· duced o'·erlappiog services and provided for cen- tralized state purchasing . ~l u ch of Carter's 5up- posed unpopularity was caused by a single aspect ol Relaxing Of Pot Law Eyed DAVIS t AP l --Davis l'i ty Attorney \\lilliam Ov.·en is under instructions to rind out v.·hat the cit1· can do if ;1nything to reduct• the penalty ror possession of marijuana Ov.·cn recei\•ed thC' in slr'uctions on a 4-1 vote i0f the Davif; Clty..Co.uncil late \\'cdncsday. The co uncilmaD v.·ho made the propo5al. UC Davi s lav.· s tudent Bob lllack. said he feels the cur- rent strict L1v.·s arc "out of line 1o1.·lth r eal ii.\'.·- St :t tc lav.' permits the judge to prosecute cases of marijuana possession <1s either misdem tanors or felonies. The Davis action followed that o f Berkeley, v.·hich pas~ed an ordinance to liberali1.e marijuana Ja,11. But the California at· tom ey gener:il ruled that m:irijuan:i lav.·s are. in the 1lomain of the statC' and !lOl :iffected by city ordin.a11ces. RAaam ' nkyeort)i•ea HARIOR FAMILY HEALTH CLlll lilFT CEITIFICATE ~ ..... --··11or -·-1 -·~ ... --... ... _.. C..0.- 541-2004 DO YOU SLEEP WB.l? One ol the ftnl sig ns of i mpend ing poor tiealtb is poor sleep Sleep is a net·e ssa r y requiremwt of lht' body lo replt•nillh tM •lreogt.b and res tore and repair lilt' ravages of the day's 11rtiviti~ of your body If you are rKlless at night ~ gd up fttling tjred io lbe morning -tllU indi('ates that you did not .al'quire .a rdre5Md sle('p Oh , the'e is DO doabt that worria; and fntst,.attons of the day rob you or some 1leep, but penistent poor sleep may bave lerious l'Oflltde.ralioni. SleepinJ.! tahlet!i qu iet the nerves tempor:!rily -but do nothinJ! ronstruc ti,•e to correct the ca use Man)' of . our patients thought they J were s leeping ~·ell bef«e ;,idjus tment s But since h~v i ni: Chiropral'tie l'are, they now rt'alize wh at a GOOD NIGHT SLEEP really provide& u they awnlte fully refreshed, full of pep and energy to meet the d;,,y 's events in good form. Dr. Partain, D.C. M ........ OfllC1'1 hl'ftlie Wostblulf Village Center NEWPORT BEACH 640-6410 Public ~-AUCTION FIUDAV, SATURDAY. SUNDAY at I P.M. (~7 ·1p.m.I Bargains on Fin e Crysral. Sterling Silver. Pnrcelains. Oriental Objects d'Art, Paint ings. J ewelry, Antiques. Bronzes, FtJmiture. S elect Indian TurquoCH ... s 1.000.000 INVENTORY From Estates. Coun,, Out-01-Pa\llf\, C ustoms Seizures. e tc. VISrrORSI Co•e-"see -fwaan AIJCnON .-kl FREE ADMISSION! ... across the street f rom ll'W?n of the Southlancf s 1nost elegant worerfronJ ratauron1s! HOURS Inspection & Private Sales 10 -5 Daily 1 -5 Saturday & Sunday Closed Wednesday & Thursday MJC110N5 HELD £VEJIV RIDAY, Mnm>AY, llJllDAY "'IP .JI. USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD, MASTER CHARGE. PERSONAL CHECK OR CASH 2542 WMC C:0... fflslliw.,, ~ .. .., ... C·*om'e 92669 (714) '4~2He WE BVV FOR CASH OR SEU. Olf CO#MIQIOlf ~TAIESOR511fGL£,,_ '4·elfare, and has continued to produce lrf:l•lall•e eon· niets since its ereati~ in im. However, federal offidals praise the "umbrella IP· proach•• to soci1I lel'Yitt&" and hold It up u a modeNor other states. CARTER NAMED three Wacb in the ts.member board th at govern lhe Dep,artment of Hum an Resources, and for the flfst time named a black to the prestigious Board o f Regents. whiC'h operates the s tatt 's public un - J u~r Flowers • iversiliH and colleses. lie a!s() named bl1cks lo the st1t~ Bo1rd of Pardons and T'aroln, and lntreued lbt level ol blaC'k t mplO)'menl intubf?cecutive posts. 111 lhr lecislalure. be foucht uruu(.c.~sfulJ>· for louth C'onaumer protection l1w1, but passed 1 measure to preserve scenic and his· toric sites. He 1Jso pressed touch environmental pro-. lection J1ws. Ma ny of his probltms stemmed from Lester P.1ad- dox, who s urrendered the governor 's office In 1970 on· ly to bel'Ome lieutenant i:ov · Sm.sbourg Clw>tilly Buttercup LaSul• Holiday hostesses deserve Vera 8-piece luncheon secs SlO 8rc:ilc.fut or brunch JCl'V(' beautifully on tibr:un inugin2tive \'en designs. ii pcim con on napkins. ti sol Kl color polyester /r.ayon plxe mau :ire permanent pros ~·ith pn.c· 101 soil re1e:isc finish. Wild Flower in green. Spruce in grC'Cn or br09o•n, Shado\\• Fern in green or bro\11n, Pt'.\$.1flt Sfripc in golJ, rcJ, ocange or brown. ~fari~ in bl ue and Sun Circle io blue or brown Find a !a\'Otite Dining Acassorics Shop MO!llby duu Sot•rday, 10:00 a.m. ro 9:.lO p.m. Sunday, 11 :00 a.m. ro 6:00 p.m. ernor and the preskling of· firer of the stale SenJte. llADDOX'S FREQUENT attacks on Cartrr and his pro1rams undoubte dly helped fostf'r Carter's im- 1.&e of unpo 1>ularit y, although • t alldox . himself, '°'51 a r"urn bid to the gov· ernor's office this ye;ir. Carter v.·as describ('d by one statr official us being ··s• .1bborn a~ a south Georgia turtle. lie "'·on't RO a rou nd things ,'' iuid Secretary of Sta te Bt'n Fortson. "lie just keeps pushing, pushing, pushing.·• ~t '\• . ~ . if I ( i • ..J/, ~~· ~ . \ ~ '. • ' ,.1 j I .-~ l Say it with "Just Flowers" fine bone china by Mikasa 19 • 9 5 ;-pit-cc plJcc setring Country~ide bl0550mS on putt wbi~ add a~ ddiacy to every meal. Soft mwrd Bowen aie even on the bous, so that rhU boar china is very right foe this year 's Olriirma.S gifWag_ Dilltltt, cup and saucer. 3·pc. xttiog foe, 19.95 Crnm/sugar, 14• plantt, or 4 mugs, n., 35.50 9" sm'ing bowl, 19.50 Sn of 4 5a.Jad plates, S25 Cofftt sen·er, 49.50 CovCrcd cmerok for, 155 Dinio& Accasori<'S ~ Savings on· 24-piece sets of Jovel y Gorham sterling silver 27% to 42% Reductions Enjoy distinc[ivc dining for ye:irs to comt . Each 24-piecc set has S each place forks, piacc koiv(), and 8 tt'UpOOOS. Invest: oow at :a fl~ 1avinp. Chantilly, 24·pica-K't. Regularly $652, 8475 Durrcrcup, 2·1·picce set. Regularly $708, 847;) Strubour.i;. 24·piece sn. Rcgulacly $708, $475 1~ Scal1, ~1aiici, 24-pirc:c set. R.eg. $818. S47S Sivc 2~'i' on individual pl:icc pieces. Example: Ciuncilly ubd fork. lkgubrly 2850, 2 1.28 01anti!Jy burrer 'pteadcr. leg. 16.)0, 12.38 Dining AcctSSOrit'I ~\. i ,. "t'"·' .. ~-_.'\, ' Bul!ocJ.;, n1.1 /\n.1, I Fa.'ih1on Square-, 2800 N . f\bin SlrC'C'f, SJnra Ana, ~47· 72 (l llullu.k's ~..1u1h Coa~r Plaza.. SJn Oil'go Frtc\\·;iy at Bristol, Cose~ Mesa.. ~56-061 t • ' • . I • t ••• A l DAILY PILOT Friday. Oectmbtr 13, 1974 EPA, to Speed Inquiry of Ae rosol Peril WAS•llNGTO!'\ tUPIJ ·- The EnvironmentLJI Protec· lion A1:ent•y said 11 .... •ill quickly C~Pand rcsearrh to ,it'lcrm1nl' if i!US<'S fr1:n1 11eroso1 .~pr .. ys and vlht'r product:. ur1· dl·.!itr<>yiug the ~arth '.!i protl'ctj\'t: ;1t - mosphcric :.lucld :ind. 1f .'>O, to find :.u1Js11tull'S for them "\\'c rct'O(.:nize th:it 1f tht· f)f'ediction:. of somt· scien- tific 1nvt'stii::ators ure ror. reel, \'f'ry little lin1e rt.·· m a 1 n ' t, l' f o r 1• I h P U.S. Siiit Seeking cmergcnl't' or a serious global health problem." f:PA deputy Administrator John H Qu<1rlcs Jr said ·rhursday. (~l.JARLES !HAI>£ the statement in u letter sub- mittcd on the set·ond day or " congr€'ssional invt'Stijla· 110 0 into lh l' potential h:iz:ird. Scientists told tht• panl'I \\'cdne:.day that l11c ozone luycr l.!i lhinnini? voith the accompan,\·ing possib11i1y of a 1naJor 1n (•rcase in skin tancer :.is more of thl' sun.'s ultr:a\'tnlet r:i\'S re:ich t·arth · IE . . v1ct1011 A Du Pont ufrit'1al pro- mL!'>C·d the !louse i.ubeom· 1n 1lll't.' Thursd:1 v that thl' ftrm v.uuld sto,; rn :111ufat• turing fluorocarbon' g:ist•s 1f tht·~· "'t.'re µro1·ed to lie· in . JllfiOu!> lo ht·alt Ii Ql:AR l.f~S S:\10 hi s ;jgt:nl·y's t•xpandcd t•ffor1 to look at th(' ozone problem ('oulcl v.·ell tak(_· in c.o,;ccss of 1 .... u Y<':trs bcforC' enough <1ut:,tion:. :ire ;1ns11•crcd to 11:irr:1nt ;ietion. SAN DIEGO tAl-'J · 1'he "'ifc of financi er C. Arnholt S mith has live d for l•I months in :i pcnlhc1use suilt· of the ·Westgutc llotrl ...,,ithout paying S2.500 mon· lhly rent. a £eder:il suit .!i:iys 1n <1sking her eviction. The com plaint ""'a!'> riled hy the Fcder;d Dt:p11s1 t Ins urance· Corp . ;iud Dperator!'> of the Lit le Amcric<i \\'es t ~att.'. con· s1dered onc of lhe (·ountry·:. most fashinnablc hoteli. . .\LTJ-IOUG ll Tiii-: !'>Ill\ i.ays ~trs. Smith ent{·red in· to a "purportt•d " ll':1!e ajlrecment Ort. 15, 1~73. 11 t•l:dms no rcnl has been paid and the O...,'nl'rS belie\ t '.\!rs, Smith nc"cr intcndC'd tu pay the rent. The f'DJC said it :igreed to coll ect rent due on thc luxury suite before last .Jul v I. when the do"'nto .... ·n hot~I v.·as sold by \\lestgult'· ~a lifornia Corp . to ('.e11ifornia LiUlc America ('o ' TllR EJ: 0 1\ l 'S before the rental agrcument .... as :1r- ranged. s ays the suit. tht' Smith·own~4 Un it ed Stalt>S Coiled S\alcs J'\ationul B.unk ...,,as"' declared insol· \·ent. Smith is a former chairman also of Westgate. The $2,500 is far bl!lo...,, thc fair rental •alue or the 19th· floor su ite a nd hencc California Little America is not bound by it. thl! suit said 10 asking tJllat ~1 rs . Smith he cvicted. \ Smith. who faces trial in .January o n charges of con- spiracy and misapplication or bank funds. has sta,ycd in hi s La .Jolla home . Anoth('r fcdt.>r;1I offil'1al. Lloy1! H. Tep1--1cr, associate l'Omn1issiunl'r of the Food ;ind Drug Admin1stratin11 , :il:in told thl' !louse com. 1nercl' su heon1 n1 it tee th:1t it ""'ould be onl' to 1 .... ·o 1·cars hcfurl' propt:r rcudings of the ozont• layer 10 to 40 miles :1bove the t·arth's sur. face cun be made. Testimony .... ·as also pre· :,cnted Thursdav from the \'ution a l H~·s ources Defense Council which sui,:· gl!stl'd that legislation un· dt·r considcr:Jtion h•~ c."<· p:indcd to prohibit th!' 1n a n u f il c t u r e o f nuorocarhon gases nol only in the L'nited Stutes but also by U.S. o"·ncd eorporations all)'\\'herc in thc v. orld. Tiii:: GROUP said only :ibout half the ~ases surh as Freon are made in the Unit· ed States. A researeher for Du Pont. the country's largest m:1nufactu rcr of F'reon, said rcst•:irch :1t this stugc is purely speculati\'e <ind unprO\'CO. But . Ravmond I. ~lcCarth y said. the thre<il no...,· i s (ln ly ''purel y speculative .. ...,,ith i:lbsolutc- 1 y no expe rim e ntal C'\'idcnce to prove it 1HcCA RTll\' IS produ('ls technical manager for Du Pont. •t e sai d u "com· prl!hensive experimt.'nlal program shoultf. be initiated lo clctcrn1ine .... ·hether lhe hypolht>sizcd rl•actions in f<.1tl t'ou Id take ol <ice ... TV Commercials' 'Idiocy' Flayed TUCSON',. Ariz. (U Pl 1 The nation's consumcrs ar e being brain...,·a s hcd b\' tclt'vision commercials o.f "nauseating, intelligcnl'e insultin~. armpit quality" v.·hieh big busi ness feels is necessary to promote their products, the µresident of 1he National Consumt'r.!i League has charged ht•rt'. Esther Pet<'rson, a forml!r ofJicial for con· Food Iten1 Admission A <·a nnecl·fnod item \\'111 be the admission at a Satur- day party for the Indian Guides or the lluntin~ton Hea<'h rount:iin Valle'' \·~IC:\. . The food \I ill hr rnllc>c!Nl hy St. Bona1·t·nlt1re C;1thoht' Church foc distribution Lo needy f:imilies The part~ 1o1•dl be from I 10 4 p.ni. :1t r:dison lli,:?h School in llunting:ton Beach. . ' sumers affairs in Prc>s1dent Johnson's administration anrl currentl y '\·ice pre:,1- clcnt f(lr Giant F'oods. Inc. of \\'ashin,l!l(lll, f>.C .. told the second national Symposiu111 on Consumer l\lovemcnt \\'t'dnesday night : "The impact of televi sion con1mcrcials 1,·ith their \'ast outlay of monc~· has not mi't their responsibilit.v In the 1\mcrir;in consumcr, by presenting f:.il se and ,·:1stly rnis leadin.c corn· mcrt•ials from tnilt•t paper. .... ·hirh is claimed to he s uper soft . to deorl ranls. wa sh po...,·d er. bath soap, h:iir spray and othcr product". "Their irliotic porlrayals art> all rlesi~ned to mak<' the <'nosumer buy one partirular produrt \\'ithoot tcllinJ.! them that practic<il· ly all si mil ar 11roduct.s are the same because the\' ;ire competitive and ha ve tO be. "The! quality s tandards of the goods we are offered lo buy . ...,·hen ..... e can afford them. arc often standards "'C find unacceptable ...,·hen ...,.c havr no alternati\'cS to accept." Sale on Tap Funds to Aid Shelter The Anima l Ass1stnnct> League "'iii hold its ann11;_1l gar age sale I his ...,·cckt•nd. with proceeds going to 1m · pro\'(' fa ci lities a l lhe Huntington Beach an.imol sheller. The :;ale v.·ill be from 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. F;iday, ·Saturday .ind Sunrlny at 102JJt Kukut Drive in Hunt· ington Deitch, o ff Brookhurst Street betv.•een Vorklown-and Garril!ld Avenues. Clotltfng, furniture, plants. books and records '>''ill be offered for sale, and literature about the league ...,.Ill be distributed. ThoSe \\'i~hing io don>1te items may telephone 540·0533 or 644·8851. \ ------- QUEENIE By Phil Jnlerlandi Wounded Youth .Se.eks Damages C:. .. .,. ! ,.,,,. .. ~·•'~"• i..' ltl• ~ oo!J '"~" , • .,.,.,, An l8·yl'ar·o ld youth shot by fountain \'allt•y pohct• during u market rol)l.wr\' has riled thrf'e clJli ms o( S2 °5 millio n each aguinst the Cilil!S of J.'ount ain \'aJIC~ anrl \\1cstm1n s t cr 11 nd Ur;1ni:c ('ounty llo\\ard D . Stc1\J rt of Hue n;1 Park e luims ht• l\l.I'> .... ork1ng as ari und(•rCO\'er narcotits agent for \\'C'stminslt'r polit't'. "'hen tht· rnhh('r~' occurred llt; SA ii) llE llppcd off \\'1·slnl1n..,l<·r police ;ihout th!' holdup. then nolice th1•re notift('d F nunt:nn \':1Jle~ author1t1 cs t' o u n I a 1 n \' a J J (' y Jl:itrolmcn 1\·crc "a11in~ 1n· '\dC'lh<'i Eli'1t•n m;irlicl . at 1054.l Sl:itt•r Ave , v.ht·n pohct• s:ud Sit'" JI'!. James II '.\\nrrt!'>tlll. I~. :ind :i Ji· \'t•nr·old ju1 cn1l1• simulated .1 \\C:ll)On <Hld took <1bout SU~l fronl lhl' ch·rli Fount:u n Vallt·} pol1ec ~<J1d th<'.1' fired at lht• thrl'C a s 1he} fl"d rrom the market. Pollet• .!itlld thl')' 11dn·1 tire untll the trio dj.,. :>beyed orders to hall. Hut Stewa rt contends police didn't order thern to halt. but fired instead. Stc...,arl n1a1 file suit in SupC'r 1or Courl to coll ('{t the dan1ai:e c laim . It includes S2.5 million for medical ex· 1>eni;cs· and Jost .... ·ages and S300 fqr damagt.' LO his car fro'm police fire . \!lestniinster po lice could \\'hile ~lor'rison wnd the ju\'enilt' "·ere charged with robber~'. Slt.'"'art was noe. STE\\' ART SUFFERl-;0 · oot be reac hed for l'omment he;1d und arm 1\•ound s. ubout Ste\\'art's in \·Ol\'t" 1\·h1le ~torrison suffered a n1erll 111 tht· incident or for gunshot \\'Ollnd in lht' hc;id. conflrm:ition of his joh as The juv~nil e \\'as oot in· an undf'rrovl'r agcnl. 1ured. Fount:un \1:1\ll'y officers I Clvll Grumbling ... Gloomy Gus 1 in lhe • DAILY PILOT Later. polirc said. thc1 t•onfirn1ed. hov.ever, lhat found the ml.'n had s lmulal· -;;,;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::::::::;;;;;;::::;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ed a gun and \\'Cl'C arn1cd nnly ...,,ith knives. Officer~ also o;J1d tht·y "may have kno11n'' an un- rlt•r('O\'er a gt'nt 1\ as in- \'O I\ ed somehov. in the rnb- bt·r~·. but didn't knov.• for sure he \I as in th(' 111a rkctur 1\h1ch one ht· 11 ,1!' \\'ESTl\11'.\STEll .\.'\I} Fount<.1in \':Ll lP1 r1'll'l'lcd ~hC' insurance cl~in1 Count\' ifficra\s could nnt bt' re·. ;1chc·d. CONGRATULATIONS AMELIA'S ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW RESTAURANT IN NEWPORT BEACH 11 Has Been Our Pn1J1lege To Pro111de Your 1ntenor Plant Decor SUNSHINE INN CUSTOM INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PlANT DECOR CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Choose lrom our huge )Olly green stock ol lres~ut trees. Pnars do not Include WOOd stal'ld · Western Douglas Firs: 3 fool - 4 foot ...................... Just z.tt 5 fool -6 toot ... _ .................... Just l .9' 7foot-8foot ...................... Just4.99 Scatch Pines: 4 foot -5 foot ..... 51h foot -7 foot . 7 ioot-8 foot .......... . . ...... Just 7.99 . ..... Just 10.99 . ....... Just 1 l.99 or cnoose from many other popular types. Just load 'um ui: and bring tt'te Sp1nt o1 Christmas into your home. SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE 29.99 . 49.99 34.99 29.99 19.99 1109 .... M Youotllf-41't!M• on.,, .. .,,,,,,_. .. ,!•" ~~ in• ,,, "'' 4.49 lJ I~ "·' ~ •' Fief H .r...1· • Oelu•e si.~ ... · 1!111 ""'"'"'II '"'">lr,..;to"" 0 "h"' •n;~<•'~'.l ~ hV "' ·'"' I ou •">P w'N• ...... ,.. "'' J~ "· , .. s~11»•· bh~ ··lllh~~ t~, ..... "'"'""' l ... ,~ °'-""to•i "~" "• '"''"' ~·' ,. . , .. ,, ....... ~ .· .. -·:·• '· ' ".,, .. ,,,,, ,,..,,,,,.,, .. 1109 7~.99. , •a•llDlt-4 0••• r. ,a,• ·"~" 11~ ' ~ .. ) 6.99 I I<• ' " 2.99 Ll¥1 Chrl1lm11s Polns•tU1s. Bnyn1en your hcmm or 9'"" fo 11 y1ll U•dl wur1 I Oto !0<yOltli'1 Christm11 01n1m1nl5, l •n..ll '>,••<l t;OlQr 1 2 per bo' ot Onl t;Otor . -- --. 29.97 M•r\'1 Of Wom1n'1 Goll s11n1r S•t. 7 Poece~ ~I ton!. an<l 2 ~VOOd5 £Perrey 111 451 ,,, • • 12.97 AJ1y Goll C1rt AD1ust:11>1t ll,1\1 brackets. Ugh1wllll<l'tl !or easy fol~g. easv !old•no. and st1.1rdy 1ut>ulat ccn~1r.,chon Sale Prices Effective Sat. & Sun. Only! 10.97 Ajly Goll 81g. All Wl'ilttl"!r v<nyl 3 Se<:!l(.l(1 c~1b a111olll!< v.-•lh 'l sode ~>D ooc~e1s Ont' 1ust noh1 IOf shoes and flllt'IW1!31 5/$1 C1ndl11 ... one inch hlQf1 tJse lo brtghlen ano NJrrn ~uur r1ome " 99e Gol~ •r>d SU¥try C.1Nnd1. F111me 1no !Jtn.sn prool l·Ply g11rland +s .l' wide buy by 4' long Great do!!Cora!1ng •dea 2.99 20 Mlnl1t11r• No&•11•v Ll11h11. St!lect 1rom a t>O• of gold, cLeai O! multl·Colol' 3.99 35-Llt• Ouldoor Light• !Mum COIOf Duibs) IUEHA PARK: Beach at Oran~ethoroe • Ooen weekdays 9:30 to 10. Sundavs 10 lo 10 ORAllGE: City Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd. •Open weekdays 9:30 to 9:30. Sundays 10 io 9·30 SAKTA AHA: 3900 So. Bristol-No. of So. Coast Plaza• Open weekdays 9:30to10 . .Sundays 10 to 10. • -, .. •• •• ,. f. -· • . .. ... •• .. " .. • I I I ! l J • l . ' I ' ' ' ' I I .. ' • ' . -. HUr-ITlt-IGTOlol BEACH FOUNT Allol VALLEY ---SC HWINN CVCLERV j l PA&TI A~I 111¥1(1 fOI All llAlllt J 1707 1 MAGNOLIA FOUNTAIN VA.LllEY ... ,.,..,>.s,.lt>• BICYCLE .. li1cychng I.~ Your l\c~ Tn Fun, fo'ltness & f'ricnd~h1~" 646-7706 420 E. I 7tti St., Costo Mesa SALES & SERVICE • -... 9.49 '' ' "r ' "•Hi"•< • I ,. , , ,., r• !J'" Ir ,,·,:I•.•' 1 m · 60 1 \\ d ,s----~ 25.00 . ' ' 545-0377 / i ' ... .: ' , ( \ . . 4.ao ~ ~'.~~~:~~Q, Girls' knee h ighs Cabtt 1111cn1ng Orlori• ;u:ryhc nrlon blend. A gr.tal bur. Slt•l.J..Ji', L A11o•t•d color1. HAVI A CO ff EE IRfA~ ,., .. ···-· •...... Reg. r..oo Men"• s not! .1 ~ort"d t;1•1•.v n.1111.'•n~ Sl•ew•011s1 Shirl. PonukH fi .. ~,,, ir .1r•J 'H'9 )1~•· o·,llll"Cl ckJ:n ot e<1~Y cat( polycs1er ~r>d e.'.ltt0<1 olonds 5.60 Fl•g. 7.00. Mtn·s Long Slee~• Dr•tS Shirl. O•ford O_IO!M !lil!:i. care .E21YB51Cr at\Cl CO!tOl1 bffin(Js vCPemey lf 3 t~I I ll 0 I ·---· . .. ·Mercy F lig'1t Copte r He lps Surgeo11s Officials a t a Long Beach hospital have credit<'CI a 17-minute Nev.·port Beach helicopter m ercy fl ight dur- ing last \\'eek 's rainstorm \\.'1th helping to save the life of a 63-year-old wom an. Aboa rd the copter pil oted by officer ~hnstcad Wcclnesda~' morning was a n1echa nical h ea rt JHICt'r needed in a surgery at Ulng Beac h ~1 t•morial llospital. OFFICE R DOt :G )1orton arted as Olm stcud's nh- scrver during the hurried flight to Long Beach from Orang_e County Airport Local news . Every~. I n the l •t1 1\j ~l !•l i through r ainy 11 k1es made y,•orse by u cloud ceiling of only JOO feet . Accordi.:.i to F ritz.i Cohn or the hospit a l's clinical physiology d eparlm£>nt. the heart pacer Was called for hy a d octo r p e rforming open.heart sur ger y on a pa· lient. O l.~I S T E AO rt1portl'd thl' pacer \1 a!'! dc- l 1 \' c r c ti lo t ht• pol ice helicopter ba~t' ;1t ClrangC' Coun.ty Airpor t by it s niun uf:i<·turcr. It "'-'~ u:-.cd 10 r(•pl ace a te1nporary p;1ee r 1ns tallt•d in t h1, p;1ht·nr \.\h1lr t ht• thnppt•r \1;is 1n night The polir£> heli roplcr pilot crediled ground ·ronlroll<'<l rada r bolh in O range Coun· t.' ancl 1n thl· Lon i.; Bl':1ch a rea y,•1th a ··big assist " 1n the mercy fl ight. R e (•a11r1t H1i 1111t>r Sen. !\l il ton '"oung. <J?- \" 0 .) C'!lle rged as vi<·tor <1\·l'r Orn1otrat \\°illiun1 <:u.\' in Xorth D~1 kola Senate r:ll'<' fn ll o\ving f•o1npletion of :1 rProu111 \\"t•dnesd;1 _\' ni g ht ,.nung h;ul l l l .l li \Oil·:-. Guy 11:J.!1:11 HOODS are UP and IN 3/369 Mtn"s T·shirl \\lf·tecuHQf' ~ ... y,·,1, ..,.,. .tn 811c! 3G 40 l /l .69 Brief 30-40 1.29 Men'• Cushion Sole Hosiery. so OtlOn f>t •v1•c ;.o•, Strf!kh N,1 .r '"·nlOI<,;• Cl 11•.•el' le.< Q, . ._..,his 1V1·l .· . '/;;:~ if ._/ . ' '. I ! Ii ' ." ( . . i 12.20 ·~ 14.00. Wom•n"s Hood•d Sw••!••. 1 oo acry•c 1>0~d 110 1or>·1 ~1""'£ ~"lSI 1enqtn w<ln t·P Trent Ava•klllle 1n n ... vy. n'1:,1 (lrcen Jnd rose S M L 6 .40 Aeg.11 .00. Wotn1n'1 Hop11e~ Je•ns. VJestern ~t~l<nQ Bol! IOOpS !ly boot Mm.:h>ne W11sri11ble cot1on As~eok!l":s SAVE 12.20 Aeg.14.00. Women'• Hoodtd sw .. t•r. 100'1. acrylic cable stitch with bl;!ron tr011l Selecl born a w "1e a~menl ot colors peach reo onk rose. wllrle Of f"llSI Qlei'n 7.00 Women'5 Hooded Swe•tar 7~ , Poly· 2;•, Ac•yl•t M~!'.~·n•· \Vo:;n Sl1Jrp 51"1<10"~ ril J1••.,f11U (.;retn blue or ldn Wotnens' C1rdig1n Sw••1tr v. !11 Tut>eot T dn~ TOO M" or M~ICh Your Own Swl"Mlt" $111 C.!!d•ri~n o.. 00 TuOl.·orT.in~loD .;oo • , ....... .,. <•• ....... ... , ...... . IUEMA PARK: Beach at Oranaethorpe •Open weekdays 9:30 to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 ORAHcaE: City Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd.• Ooen weekdays 9:30 lo 9:30 Sundays 10 10 9·30. SANTA .A.HA: 3900 So. Bristol-No. of So. Coast Plaza •Open weekdays 9:30 to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 ' . '""' -.- I I ·lday. December 13, 1974 PAIL Y Pt LC> I I ' .., ~ nddle boc k Contract { 'i ~edesign -Cos ~ :1 ~ 11-...I • ·f S·1 uarks Meetin.g . Con~ider l tion of a cop· trart c.1 m e ndm e 11l th at \i•ould pro\I id c two Sc.1nt3 Ana nrc h1te el s $377,000 to iedesign tYi d l!uildings pro- pos ed r or '. o;;:i ddlf•baek College has h~ en l ablcd by tht• board or l ru\ ;! l'CS. . The action, i\ n n1cd1 atel.v rolloy,·cd by :.in c xec ~tivc s ess ion o n I lle suhJert. brou~ht s pet•u lat1 0. 'l that the :.1 rchit£>cts ' e xisti ~~ ~on­ tract with the dist.r , ·rt is tn jeopardy. 801\RD PRESI D E!\T Patrick Bac kus o f L lana Point conr1rn1cd that the t•ontrat·t of lloht•rt lli\ 'l>c :ind George Ra nd ell ..., as l fit• lopie of the ~errl'l St'!<>SIOtl. ·"rhcr c 1s somt• cont·crn,' said Ba r kus 11 ht•n :1sk1-d a bo ut l hl' r .. l a t 1nnsh1p betYi·ccn tht• architects and the hoar d ··\\'e"l"c lll'Cdcd to t ake a took at it."' N Trus tees o rd e r ed r e - d l'sign or the proposed mus ic-arts a nd physical l'du c a I io n · g y n1 n asi un1s com plexes in .an econon1 y 1\10\r!' RANDELi, i\l'\D 'Jlipp1· then prl'senlt'd to !hi"' board ;.i rt•vis{'d l'Ontrac t s ho\vinµ, it "ould £'0~1 $230,000 to re· <k-sii::n the n1usit··:irts eon1 plex and S1•17.000 lo rl'\\'Ork p l a n ~ for t hl• ph ys ical t•dut•;.i Ii o n .g y m n a s ium f:icilit.v . ll1ppe and Randell ~o ra r h:1 \'c been paid n1orc than !'13~.000 for y,•ork on plan~ t11r thl' l\\O bu ild1 n!!' prior " 11, 1 ht• dt·l"lhlOll hv I r uhlt.'Ch t n r1·dc~1gn . Sn ipe r T e rm. The two ar ehilct•L-; y,•erc in itia ll y unavail<1blP for con1ment on the hla lus or their eontr:it l \\ith lhc di~· I ril't. Othe r trustees contacted \\"OUld no! p ublic ly com LOS ANG t~LES {UPI ) orn1 a n Keele, 18, l'emplc t v. 11·;:1s sent to· t h e • "i.rorniil Yout h Authorily an indeterminate t crn1 C i Ca• fo r for t. E l I't. J anua he snipe r slay ing of an lonte tee n .a ger last ,, . mc nt on the n1 ;1tlc r. otht'I ~-­ th:.in Lo <"onfirn1 the contract Y.'aS d 1~c u ss£'d at the ex- eculi ve ses~1t)n lll PPf: ASD Rand e ll ~·ere hired by the district in fl.lay fo\loy,•ing the firing or the a r c h ilcc t ura l firm Ro be r t L fl\~·rev ;ind As· sociates. Bolh ·llipJ>(' and Randell y,·ere cn1p\oyL'<i by 1..0 .... ·rcr in the past. T heir origin al contr act called for coniplcrion or plans fnr pe-rniancnt build· ings at the 200·:icrc ~l is!lion \liejo ca mpus. 1· .... ·o struc· lures, housing t h£> library, science a nd 1n athematics divisions. ha\·e been com· pletcd . Other classes are he ld in re locata ble struc- ture's. 'What wo"uld y~i. · Ilk• to talk about?" \n OJ.t l •• hinnrd th 8hM r (~"""'· I ~,.i.-, .• ,.,1.hr• \I.to • lJ•·•lh WH!r •Kr !hri""""(,.,A1 ..... ~ l•o<lli•Choh h i"d What Is a Girl Like Rhoda Doing In an "Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookbook "? ·• .J 'i FAMILY WEEKLY"s cover subJect tt11s v.·eek is Valerie HJrper. star of the new and success ful CBS series. ''Rl1oda. ·· Sl1e has a lot to say on the subject of food and dieting, and she even shares tv:o of tier , favont~ recipes· Barbecued Chicken an d a calorie· p1nch1ng salad But R!1oda ·s keeping strange com· pany: her tlloroughly modern rec!pes are nestled in an old.fashioned Currier ilnd Ives Christmas Cookbook section especially prepared by FOod Editor Marilyn Hansen. Look for witty city-girl Rhoda, plus good old trad1t1onal country tnmm1ngs -a fascinating Christmas"melange I ' By Bruce Cation: Man's Death Sentence for Man: Our Belief in Our Own Creations V'<ell known autnor Bruce Canon writ es this wet'~ !or FAM 1 LY \VEE KL Y on !he p1ob· lern of man·s en lightenment ;incl his fasc1nat1on with ma chines. Re calling his own per spec.live of the First World \\'Jr. the lors t war 1n which machines played the ove(- whelm1ng role, when he was .1 youth 1n M1ch1ga n. he gives lhought to the dt!emma Wf h;:ive creatt'd 1n a technic ian's world . All ('0111in;; Sun~~,-w·Ub Che . ' ' ' .. ' -- ) , A I(! DAJL y PILQT '·Deaths -. Ehewliere • LOS A.~G El.ES IUPI) - ServiOt.'i were $chedu.l<.<d \o· d;,y for actor Paul Richards, 50, lx'st kno .... ·n for h11; portr1t)'•I of Or. ~1cK.inley 1'hompson in the lelev1i kln scru!S '' 8re-.lc1ng Pomt .. -.bout 10 yt:4.wrs ago. Htchardi died of cillncer Tuesday. lie appt:arcd in many lclcvi:.1on "'"e:itcrns. 1nclud 1ng '·r.unsmokc," "Rawhldl'." .. J-luve Gun, Will Travel '' lind "&n•nia. · T\'LEf{, ·rex . tUPIJ -A 115 -ycur-ll ld '4-11n1an. UaughLcr of u :ilavc and mli.O\' times ..i i.!tc at - i:ru.ndmothcr <.1nd ~rcat · ~reat -1:randmother, d1t·d \\'f'dnesday after a short 11\- nc.-ss . Mrs. Celia Roberson Blatk w11s bom Sept 10. 1859, in Smith County. 1'ex. ALTAOE:'\;\ l liPIJ - Rosary will bt• recited 1on1 s ht for r l·tirt.<d Los Angeles Su1><'r1or Court Judge llarold F. Collins, 72. v.'ho died 'fucsda.v of an :.111· parent hcurl i.illul'k. BURE Judge r AU FOUNDER c. R. Engebretsen T1 ,·io Given f .lear-anee Of Charges, LOS ANGELES fAl'J - Reed lladlt•y , 63, rud10' s "Red Rider" of the 19' {Is and l;.iltr i.i ll'it'\'ISIOZl SIU/ 'in the series "Racket Squ dd'' ilnd "f'ubltt Dl·lt>n d ~r ." died \\'('ducsd;i y or 11 ' ,1c~rt. attack. ~.\.'<'!',•\ 1\,'11\ • T1~·0 doc· 101·.s ;u1d a chirop1':1ctor in1 lhctcd U.y Lha Gr;iniJ Jury o n muJ11ple ~rand theft und, ('Otl.'iJHl"<i CY alll'g<itLun.s were elaarud or all charges 1'hursd<iy ;it lhc midway rnul'k of th1.t1r Oran~c Coun- !.v Supur1or Court t1·1al. JuJge .luhn L. Flynn Jr. grant{'d the n1ullon fu r d1S· mis;,al ftll·d by l<i"]"ers ror J)r s. 11 :.irry Hudolph ,\h;IEiOOn, ·&l , or Yorba Lir. ia and Wilhan1 J . Guitlwaj, 47. of Santa An<i anU Or. Paul L. Black. GJ. un .<\n:Jlwm charupractor ai; the pro, ::.ecut1on cloi.cll tL'i Cas(I .1~<11nst the lflu. SA:\ DIEGO flJ' Pl) - Funera l 1>e rvices "'ill he held Saturda)' for I) r. Ed"·in Vincent ,\s key, iif ,, former president of the American Ml'd1 cal ;\ssoeu ation, \.\ho died "1cdnesday . -Al\RON.Ohi o!Al'l -Dr . K arl ArnsLI ·in, lf7 , onu of lhc "·orld ':t . aulhorttieson lighter·thar i·air a ircraft, died Thur.' .day at Akron General 1 .l edicul Ct'nter whe re he b ad been a pall nl since De, -. 2. Dea th l\ollrP-' ~TeNn>tf e~n·• Gt rt•ua• ~·~n•"" ~·•ift• "'"" 1~9 01111~,. 9,~-•Mlll-1.11t11 QI""" Bl•d .. tl"ftl '"q'"""'°"'" C• ... 1-n11 141TCl'!CO(IC J-.~ [ Ho!<f!COU, •t-ot ~ &.•<ft r ·•t• GI -DM-• II, ltU, S.,,-,.j~... I bY ft•1 \.Oft, ()ofu1<1 J. H1IC"'<0<~ DI P•ltll 1 1.,0.., EHMft, ~·· --Ou<ll .. r ot A•Oo""o B•.oc1>. C•: five q,_ .l>ilOren •"<I 1-0,..ot-<i••flO<ft•IOr•n. Strtlll JU ••II bf hfl<I Qr•V.,.I .... II 00 l>M ~ ,.,, P•c•Uc Vie"' Memor;•I P••>. r<w -· Be•cft, , •• O>fOCIM oy PK1h< v ,. "'Nl••u•rY O'lllll!N ' ~•Ot J o ·s ... ,, ...... -.1 o1 Coron• d.l N •• 0 110 or cit•'" ~•"'Of• !J. 1'7• ~ _.,;q, P•n01no, P.o<•lic \11•"' ..... .....,,., •• ' P•rlt..Nl•lulry, "•·"'1111" S..o;r., C• llEAG CKllAtES E. 6f•q, •f'fio.nt o! 771 A, .. W ..... M•10f<f . Lf9""• t<1Ut, (A. 06'-0ll de•I" 0.c•"'"'" •II 1•1• s..,,.,....., "' l'M wile Mold•tO brO!t>Prl • .,lbf'1 ot C.Cvlw.Ct _.,.1•u•otOu.P¥0.111-or.-- ~••vi111 ... ,. twld IOOIY, P'rhl1y, Oereft'Mr 1101 •t I ~00 J'Mo AK- ,,..,.,.,,, l!I Tooo,. C.•. l't•.,li<. v .... "'•mwi.111u•--r'* .. "'•· IUlllM. "r'*too "l•k, r ....... d __ I a. .. 11. C•. !ot.,YI<•• IM-Nlt"9, P•<•llC \111 .... NO•l••r. f>tl-1 &MclL \TIOl.111 LY••.,. M; SllM" <fli-..M OI ~I> l <1q-. 0•1• of ~ 0..-1t. "''· Su•••-by -..._...... •• 'llo. P.-r.C•• l>nn 01.,<U...,. ....,...., ~i. A•1 L111My; l i•e OJr•nO<.ftU!lt~; -bi'1Uwr, l!HM "'°'"""'· ..... ~ -..... -··· Cr•·•~ _ ..... ,.,.,..,2;00PM. Petrhc. Voe • M•,.....111 P•••. ""--' e...clL M<C°"""'"' L-&Ntll-1-row ... "'"· ... ~. "'"''• G. 8•••-i.. '"'....,.. of 1MH C•1•-•n Ori..., Clll'_Olol_, C.. 0.... °'""'•"'Ott-!l,lth.~•-b'l'l>ff ""'" A••-0. lliw ..... 1-or-•"".,... 01••!·0••....,.n"o ._,,,_...,, .. ,u bf hf!<I )f.\~t01y, Oftttrl>t• l~!ft •I l OD PM, P.K•hc v,,.., (n•l>I'' ll~v S•u<~ it. """"" Olt•t.i•"t l""'""'•n! P•<•!>< Vi•,. ,....,,...,fl P•,. "'""'°'1 Be..:n, P..:1l1c V~"'"'°"'"'' d••t(,Of\ BALTZ-BERGEROM FUMERAL HOME Cotono d~I M -.ir ~a,10 MC .• u -·- 67J.9450 6~0 i~i4 lfLL UOADW4Y MOITUAIY I '+ ..,, !,. ,, •,1 'J l <,4, J!,.j -·-McCORMICK LAGUNA BfACH MORTUARY I /11::, lO>}vno Conyon Rd. Judgtt F lyn n nlatlc it t·ltiar 111 his ruling that lhe tlln:1t1 l<iwyurs had no c11se to tl1Jfund. ·rhe indictnient or the trio follo~vt:d <10 investigation by th\l districl attorney's o(fice during which P•litints treal· c<l al lhc c\lslrOOn Clinic al· lt.:gl;Jdl ~· Uc scribud costly l l"l'~1l1n1·11ts prrscr1bcd for lilen1 J::. ""ab::.olulcly '>.Q.rlb· \e::.S ... Au&onetics Receives Contract ANAHEJ~f -Rock\\'Cll InternationaJ's ;\utonctics grouP. in Anahcnn has re· ceivqd a major new federal c.-ontract which ofCiciuls S,liy ~vi1l1 hav.e a sulbtanli ul im· pact on·e<iunty employment rolls. 'Dhe announ cement by fcde11al oCfic ia ls thut the Anaheim-ba!ied plunt ...,·ill do more thun S5S million in new work on the ~linutcman Ill missile system wali greeted ""'ith enthusiasm by /\ulooet.ics officials. The contract call s for the construction of guidance c11uipment and other ground·supporl electronic geHrforthe ballistic missile. n11ssih.•. The latest contract calls for revis ions 10 lines of oqu.ipmont which lhc firm has buil l be fore the sys1cn1 . Autonetics is lhe base firm· fo1· Ulc Rockwell group's en-I lire eleclron1c.s opcra!ion; ::ind the ,\nahcim ft1C'11ily ha~ a11 on1pJoye t'O::>lCI" of about- l !AUO v•urk crs. Seal Beaeh Suit Told -·-McCottMIC'K MISSION MOllTUAA.f :i38J~ C.om.r>o C'>P•~lfon.:> .) , .. )IJ '" ( •i: ··~~, 19,, i '/11 -·-PACIFIC Vll:W MEMORIAL PARK S,\~T:\ . .\N,\ -,\ ""Omlln . \~·ho cla irns she \.\OJ S at- IJC'k\.·d .ind bcall'll by {\\O S{•:1\ BCJ t"h po l1 t"e m e n 1\'1thou1 reason or pro,·oca· I ivn has sued thcn1 and the ('1tv n f se~tl Beach fo1· S750.ooo 1n da1na.1;cs . 1!100 Poc.i.c Vt"w DHvt "-•N(l.:irr d<KI''' C\ILle>tNQ r, :4 • l()J -·-llllK fAMILY CC>tONIAL. fUNIRAL HOM£ /801 60!10 A~t. Wt\tM1111l~f Ii )J.J~}.> -·- SMITHS' MOllTUARY Hu"'·"'1"0>" fl.-x~ j.ib--O~JV \ ' \lrs . .l ncqucline S1n gcr s lates in h1.•r Urangl' County Supt•r1or Court action thal offi ccrs J ~1n1t's S\\•t"nson and ··Doc One·· grabbed her and be;il her \\"1th fl nslli ight:-or n1gh1 s tiCk.) lust \l ;H'l'h 17 at lht~ in· tursef'tion of \l.Lin !Jlld l-:lt.'1> Inc ~treels. .\lrs. S1n~1.·r elu1m~ :,he \\',1~ dcta1nod 1n <i c11.r und la11.·r 1n ;i bu:\ fnr three hours .il the t.'nd of "'h1 ch oonf1nt1 · tncnl s he "·as rc\ca!;ed. She states she v. JS not arrested und was nC\'t'r churued. He Talks-to Ki&: About Law Air Cops Absorbed SANTA ANA -Orange County Airport police ha\'C • WBS'tMINSl'Bll -"n.. jud3tt wbo llllks lO luf.ls" 1n- 1und.s to Ii vo up to h11;: nicknttmu throt.l&h ttw Wet1.t 01'\UO&Q f!O UfllY Judge.s Sneaker 's Uur ea.u hiJ brou~hL 1nlD b"1n.: th.ts -k. o((lclaJly beeo absorbed by tttorrd, to v1 siJ h11th. Schwls bl.IL m -.oy of their cl~sc..,. T ho pt>o plt> associat'-lie hOl)(!S the burel:lu will the county Sberirr·s and servtct." club:; LO µro· classcli. judlleS \\'ilh the pohc(', with rommun1calc a clearer pu:· Df-partment. . nlotc thatunderst<lodt ng So!bcburcaueVolvod. a bad experience they had lure.. The ai rport sec urity JwJge · Eo¥,d>rttts1tn. who .. , ain concerned, as arc in traffic court, "'ith wh=.it To request a Judge from forcet bad be~n operating gained a ropu&.a.uou for U1s· the other JlHl1;Cl, about the they sec on t.ulevision or the s peakers burellu, in· as • s e Par ale I 3 w rt.ijltilll. hiJ scktluJe tu titlk 1rnpressio11 n1os t of the "'llh t11 ~h/y controversial tcrested persons can ('all enfor.ccmcnt unit under the with kiids le>urlnt: t~ court noriulutlon is ~e!tJnJ; about articles in the.-ne1vi1papers, Judge Engebcetsen at the colhmand of the county b.u.ild,ing 1n W&lOl1ll~l c r , tbc Juw, ''he said. he said. courthouse. 896·7111. Airport Depurtmcnt. sou.d tt1111 c.a,me up "'1\h lh~ ,....--------------------------------, But last month, county id('a for a spcakl'r's bure~iu superviaori decided to Munic1pvl Jl¥.ige Ii.ago~ R. Kngebr-c.lffQ, who an· now.n(..-.:;d the formuti~ oC lb@ :spt1uku~ bureau. 'J"un;. day, :ia1d ht:! anQ ,IJw °'~ JUdA;oti ho~ t.htu.r oow com· mitmcnt will httJp young J>eoplu gain a better un- dt>r slanding or wh1;1.t COl.lirl.S ;ire and whu judge::. arc. bureau artcr 1alk1nJ.: "'1th tonso lid ate u ll l aw tusl7·year"()Jddaughter. "t enforcement activities He visited hel""class, thcu EK FIND c:ontrolled by county \V·rote other hi gh ~t'tlool SE & is the new game that's driving crossword governrnent . schooli;, as k in"' 1£ tlu.·y nuts nutty (nuttier?). It can be sought and found every day Airport officials say the would. like him to sn...o.llk. lie switch v.·on't mean much ... in the classified section of the DAILY PILOT. h r · d · ·dua l re<>eived Jn ov~rwhchn111~ c ange or 1n 1v1 Tht! judg~s hotve volWl· 1·e:spou:1~ -lti tugh sc:hOois members of the airport's wanted him tu visit not ooo 24-man forre. We cerrv a.complete tine of live BOUGHS, ~ WREA.THS. and GARLANDS ... and beautiful Christmas ORNAMENTS aCld DECORATIONS ! , "'""" ChriltmO~ Candle~ BAYl!l!KftY and CRANBl!llRY candles 3x6 l.49 • 3x 9 199 ~ ' 4 4 • .. -."' x 2.49 F11I your holiday home w11h frag1ance. HOURS: 9 A.M.-9 P.M. TIL CHRISTMAS YORBA LINDA 5780 la Palma at Imperial Hwy. 996-3111 ANAHEIM 11 23 N. Euclid at La Palma 635-8161 TUSTIN 1050 Edinger at Newport Frwy. 838-9000 MISSION VIEJO 28112 Camino Capistrano Exit Avery Pkwy. oft Interstate 5 495-6200 CHRISTMAS TREE i.OTS HUNTINGTON BEACH Gothard Avenua, South of Edinger DIAMOND BAR Intersection of Pomona 1 & Orange Freeways nurseryland Fights the high cost of CHRISTMAS with FRESH-CUT TREES -------OON'lp~~~:~T ou; AT '73 PRl 'CES CHRISTMAS GIFT · C£1tTIFICATES ! regular retail sto1es only Jtoneware Pott Glazed stonewara POIS, w1th saucer PLANTED for i'd~y99 2.49 Value WE HAVE A TREE FO,R EVERYONE! with the largest selection· of SIZES and VARl'ETIES IN ORANGE COUNTY 6 FT. DOUGLAS FIR from Ceramic Giftware 3.96 ea. 3.99 • REG. 7 .95 LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES 6 Ft. sh..,.ed ALEPPO PINES in 7 gallon containen • Now14.95 Many sill"'. and vane1ies in I ~o~~~;;., 6 55 FROM • SALE (. ~. --~·POINSETTIAS FREE WOODEN f.if;;:,!t,'M,~, STAND WITH EVERY f{/~~~)f\!~f-1 ~ FANTASTIC IMPORT CLOSE-OUT SPECIALS CHRISTMAS TREE ! ~. )'. '' ~1~-, i~ ~ 4 "POT HOURS 9AM-9PM VALUES TO $10. IRANIAN COPPER )\):,. ' ~is 99 ANTIQUES ~ . , -,, • ""-~- 0 './.. POINSETTIAS • , 1 Many different Si6U$ OFF ,, ' FREE GIFT WIAI' OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK urier garden centerJ SALE DECEMBER llTH THAU DECEMBER 18TH MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND. ® ge ,. by 's !y ng w he ly ly to w s ,. e h I 's I l ~ " l' • l l· • 1. ~ 1 r :-, . •• " • l • .. .. .. • • • • • ! l ! ' • • I I· : . .. f .. .. t • .. • .. .. • •· .. .. •• •• • .. .. : ' .. • • • • • • • Coast Juvenile Center Opens Operations B1 WILLIAM SCJIRIEBER · aa:encies in toaslul Orange t.:SSENTIA LL v, county emp!Oyt>l>. Co11st11l ATSC director5 Police ci\n decide to refl•r ••~'lttt"'" County , citin1 budai:t super\•lsor!I Wednesday Superv1sort. ultachL'<! tv.o alread{, have secured a young -pcrhlips hrst The privately-funded A:i-crunches,declinedtopickit gave HJ>prov11J to the sla -conditions to their .11.1>· grants rom the Newport time offender to the Friday. O.Cember 13. 1974 DAIL y PILOT A J I Paul E. Klueter. Rel. D . ~. Marriage, family & Child Counselor .......... nit offic:e to LI Paz Med~ ' 0.nllll BldQ.-&litt 217 20302 LI Paz Rd. Million Viejo, c.llf0tnia For 1nf0t'malk>n Of IDPQlnfmtnl, Clll ~60-4090 Of &3&-1080 sessment and Treatment up. The federal grant runs tlonlng of' county Probation proval. A report on the cen-•11rbor Junior Leaaue, and center for counsellnH v.·1th Cenler ot Coastttl Orange out at the end of the year. Department psyrhologlsls ter's work must go to th e t1uor Foundation and from his or her famil y, llsl! of the County began opcration1 County supervison tdso and deputy probation of-county 's nine.member several Individuals. center's ser,·ice is \'olun· 1-=~~~----------------Thursday uft(!rwlnninathe declined to fund lhe coun· ficers in !he flrlvately-Juvenile: Juslit·c Study ~tary , but police retain THE JM blesalns of Oranile County ty\l.·lde program at the end fund ed center. co rn m i t t t· e . A n rl T ll E ATSC program jufisdiction In each case GOU MET Reclpe1 to add dining ple11ure SupervlKor1. of the three-year pilot pro· Under a eontr<Jc t with the supt•rv1sors "'urned they stems from the belief that a <tOd, should the fumily re· ~ while IUbtractlng c•loriel. The center, located near gram.Theyarewaitingfor county, the privalt' group \1nuldnotn1ak1·upthcslack high percentage o r fus e to cooper<itr. ran \ the corner of Bristol Street the results of a juvenile backing the center plan.~ to "hould th(• rrnt1•r 's prl\'Ulc youngsters run ufou l of the choose to st' n d th(' "'~~ r;---Wedneiday 11nd Rc~hlll Avenue, ts u justleesystem study before pick up the tab for th l' backcrs failtoc"mcu11\1cith law initlully because of youngster to Ju\·cnilt.• llall In the DAILY PILOT counseling and referral deciding which programs to 11perut inn , in t'ludin~ the cnouE:h money to keep it go-.'\ome problem rooted in the 11nd. thus , throu,ich lht• service for juvenile offe11 •• ,.::ru::•::d::_i::•::lh::•::._l.:u::lu::r:.•:_· ____ .::'_:"~'_:":.:':..:_; ':_' :.' _::"::_r_:'_:":_":_::" .:_' .:.' _:'::""::.' __________ r:::•:::m:::i.::l' ... " _______ __.:i::" ... ".:.'":::i.:.!e~J::":_':::'i.:."_' .:s~:_'_'_'"_' __ L ________________ ~~--ders and their families. ltr works with y oun~ lawbreakcrN refei:red to It by police In Costa A1esa .Irvine and Nc\l.'port Beach. ' Police cu n call upon the ser\'ices of the center as an ,altei;nativc to sending yo un g offend e r s t o Juvenile II a IL ACTION WEDNESDAY by the county Board of Supervisors capped a year- long effort by a group of pri vate citizens in the three Orange Coast com munlties to retain ajuVenile diversion program operated under a fed eral grant by the county Probation Department for lhe past th ree years . . Juvenile oulhoritles, in- cluding police an d judges, have <tppl<J ud ed the coun· lyw ide progran1 , but publie 2 Ecology Bills Lost By Hosmer U.S. Rep . Cr11ig llo~mcr, the Republican lame-duck whose district includes part of the north Orange Coast, has lost t\l.·o bullies In Walihlngton, D.C., this week on a pair of bil111 related to environmentnl control11. A new federal strip nlln· In~ control bill that Hosmer testl ried against this \•:eek at committee hearinili has been sent r or a vote to th e full Hou1e with orders that no parliam e nt ary challenge1 can be lodied- Jlosmer testified against the legislation that "'·ould impose levies or a quarter per ton for underground coal and 35 cents for strip· mined coal. The money v.·ould pay for resloratlon of areas already ravaged by the !ilrip qi.ining pra_ctii;c _ HO SME R ST RESSED that the Ford Admin.i1tra· li on plans to veto the legis lation if it passes . On another ri-ont'. an a't - te mp t by lloiJm er to filibq stcr against a. bill cr:i· dorsed by conservationists concerned about new dams on the Snake River failed as v.·cll . Hosmer lit ou t aialni;t proponents of th e llclls Ca - nyon National Recreation ,i\rea control leg isl ation . lie :iccused fellow mcm· bers of the !louse Interior Com mittee of r11i lroiiding the legi slatio n th:it "'ould ban construction or a hydrQ('lectrlc dam on the Snake River . The mea:ture also is op- posed by th e electrical utili- ty industry. \\hi ch . insists that the h)·dro.:·lcc tr1 c dam is needed to meet pov.'cr nccdli in thl} r\orth"·cst. Se11. Bo11d At College • ~-ORANGE -Jullan Rand, ; .. a lonatime civil righli ; leader from the South \Vho t ' recently \\'a!i elccll'd to the • .. • : .. . ' •' 1. .. • •• • .. .. .. .. .. Georgia State S<'nalt'. "·ill be lhe guest lecturer Sunday at 8 p.m . in Chapman College's l\l cn1ori al Ila JI. Ticket information is available by calling the col· legc cullur;il events office al 633-8821 . t • Court Nixes t ' • r i Convictions ; I • • • • ! • I • • i • • SAN t'RAi'\CJSCO IAPl -The California Supreme CoorL has rcruscd to over- turn 12 co nt empt nf---couFI~ conviclions im posed on at· torney Rich:1rd ll a,,-1,: dur- ing hi s defe nse of mass murderer Juan Corona in 1972. The rourt denied without comment \V edncsdoty llawk's petition for 3 henr: in& on a Sept. 27 State Court. of Appeal ruling which up- held 12 of 14 contempt con· ,;ictlons . Hl"i'k wal scnlcnrcd lo 54 days in jail Rnd fined a total -oc aa.200 h111l t'ebru11ry by Solano Coun1 y Superior Court Judge Rl chnrd Pat· ton. • • • ••• • .. ...... .. . .. Now that we've got your interest ... Effccti\'c December 23. Crocker will pay 7 1/~~;, annual in lcrest on de po~its of S 1,000 or n1orc if you leave it 1,1:itll us for 6 years. Qf COUrSc, you ca n J]\vays Withdr3\V you r money on non-n cgotiabh: certificates before the 6 years are up if you 1,v;i nt to. But federal banki ng regulations require sub~lJnt ial penalties for ccr- lain early withdr.awals. Ncgotiablt certificate~ must be lefJ for the full 6 years . Still, a bank-guaranteed 7 ~1'";-return r~ir the next ~yea rs. plus FDIC Insurance up to $40,000, IS a prctty·good deal these do ys. So. 1f you want to save for the future, do ii w11h u ... We can make it pay off. $ CROCKER BADH •. -· \. ) f'lon Ii 11 ~I f•i(•l..:ef s Law. School Dean Was a Pimp LOS ANGELES <UPIJ - An investigating committee of the State Bar has hettrd how a lawyer disbarred for pimpin~ became a law srhool dean. "A horror story ," it \.\'3S called by George ~lillsinger, -of the baH board of"~gov· l'rnors. The tes timony •·shocked a ll of us ,'' said John Gorfinke:I. con sultant to the Committee or Bar Ex· aminers. Bobbi ~lendenhall ; but the school's students are in trouble. Del.oach "is the· first lime, but I fear there n1ay be others like it." victlon should not be etemul rondemnition. f\feel he h11s given hi gh quality edue<1 · tion.'' ALTllOUG ll T lt E 45 slu-JOllN LA \\'SOl'li. a slu· t dents hav~ paid tuition, the dent at the Los Angeles The homl own rent on class r ooms and campus of the same school. newsp1per tor 111 teachers." salaries have not came to DeLoach's defense. ,... ..... 1 been-pa1dr-t1nd--the-sehool --saying .. 1h·e s-choot-has-sur:---tfte Oranv-_.. - h;.is ~o registrar or cr!minal \'ived on the dedicat.ion of II the i1t1IQa!I1Q law instructor. she said. ti1r. DeLoach. I feel his eon · • - "The students feel aban· r,;::::::==============;:::=~:::; done d . we don 't know Q . ta whet her we are go;ng to re-w I' G A 1· l.·J 111_· 11_' o S· I ,,: llTl ?. cei\'e any t'redits for thi!I · « ' semester. \\'e feel "'·e have TtlE C0~1 1UITT •:F. "'as been wronged. rilisled," she 2301 W. latboa mvd.. Newport le«h 675-1410 hearing testimony on its s~id Sk• Sale Starts Dec 15 thru 23 I · · Go.rf1"nkel s·•1"d th • case of I · pro1ws a lo set m1n1mum r;:~~~~~-~~·;:;;~~~~~~~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;:;;~ ~tand;1rd s , b y la~·. for pri\ratt>, unaccredited la"' school~. Such schools prepare J.(raduates to pass the State Bar exam. If they pass, they arc entitled to practice l a~·. re~ardless of the lack o f accreditation of the school. Students at th e Ocean Uni\'ersit y College of La"' in San Jose testified that. at one point. the school was headed by David DeLoach. "'ho had been disbarred after a conviction for pimp· uP•T•l.,IHI'* ing and pandering. He has since resig ned, said student FRESH-CUT AND LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES Striking 1·n1 plo,\ t"' ~•1 Bul'ing-\·L·rtnJ l'n. 111 f-~cl ­ d~-,1nn1·. 1':1 . p;1tr11l Dt•l;1\\1-1re Hi, er 10 keep b;1 f;.!1·-. lrt1n1 1·ro:-.:-.1ng pi cket lint·:-;ind bringing :-.upplit:.., lu t1rn1 'l'hl' t:nitcd .-\utn \\'orkers strike 1s in its fourth \\·eek at the plant, <ind hHs h alted :1ss('n1bly of hC'li('opters. lrolleys ;,ind elevated trai n:-. :1t the plant. Choir Set At School ..•. 10% OFF Irvine Council Not Too Excited The H untington Beach 1-ligh School choir "'ill•pre- sent a Christmas concert Tuesday at 7 :30 p.m. in the auditorium or the McGaugh Intermediate School in Seal Beach. BIG SELECTION $5.00 UP JAPANESE BONSAI IWllCll ~· .. 9 Hiii By Low-cost Housing Fund Share The program "'iii feature :.i n experiment in choralo- THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE THE UNUSUAL UNl9UE GIFT OF YEAR·ROUND LASTING BEAUTY ••• OUR SELECTION WAS NEVER GREATER! By DOl'GLAS f'RITZSCllE Irvin(' ci ty c11untilmen 14-;int :1ddi· tional lt'gal ;1 dvic·c· b(:fOrl' deciding "hether tu JOU\ (Jr<1n gL· County go\'- ernmt-nt Jn Sl'('k1n g feder:1I housing funds They a lso :irt• \1ondL·r111g \1·hethcr the SI0.000 lo S40.000 they n1ight <ic- quire for !ht· t•1ty under the 1974 !Jous· ing and Comn1 un1t ,1· l)c1C'lu1>n1ent 1\ct °'""·ould be ~·orth th e t•fiort "THAT \\'O.\'T 1•1c·n bu1 one hou se in lr1·ine ." obser\'Cd C;ounciJm;1n Robert \\t•:-t :iftcr hearing a prcsenta Chri stia11ity '011 the Rise' BRt'SSF:LS !C PI I ErangC'list Billy Gr:1ham s<1ys more people -l'S peC"iall y young peop\1• are turnin~ to Chris· tianity than eve r heforl'. "l .hc 1·uuth of ou r 11orld h;1s tried l'\·C'r ything . ·· ht· tnld a ne"·s fonrt·rr nc·l" "Tht·y·vt• tried dru~s but lhe.v'1 c round no pt'a('e in tht·rn . \O\.\' \ht')' are lurnin!! to~·arrls philosoph ~'. the oecult and thou~:ind ~ arC' turnin g to\.('":irds Christ 1anil~ .. tion b~· Hted Flory, the county's :o.cnior housini? planner. :-:oting that the county by ilself can- not claim a population large enough to {lll<llif.1· ror federal housi ng funds. Flory suggested that Irvine, along 1\·i1h other !in1a ller l'itics. join the euunly in applying tu 1ht• !)eparlntl'nl of I-lousing and L'rban Dt·velopn1 ent for the n1oney Irvine 's first.year share "·ould be t)eL\\"ecn SI0,000 and S.10.000. he said Indi cating they viewed that amount a~ mere {'r umbs from <111 S8.'1 billion feder;d housing pie. fr\'ine eoun· t i!m en asked Flory \\h<it they "'uuld use tht' n1one~· for llE SA ID costs of housing·related items such as ~c\\er connections. amenities to nc~· tracts. or a ne"· hou sing pl:1n <'Ould be n1et \\•ith the money Councilmen. a pparl'ntly consciou:- of the attention focu sed on thl' new ci· l\' in conne{'tion "·ith its lack of low or rTioderate-{'OS I housing , failed UJ}()n the cit" attorney for a rc.,ort to be de· li vered in lhl' coming "·eeks The city's own study has in dicated mvst people cn1ployed in Irvine can't afford to li ve there and the stale Al · torncy General's I-lousing '!'ask Foret.' h;is hinted a1 le.c al action if l r\'inc fail s to meet it s 01\•n gn;1ls for ;1ttra<'I ing housing th::it \\'Ould bl' ;.i\·a1l;iblc tn all income level~ • FLOR \. (',\l 'T IO:\'f:O the t•oune1I that a dt·cision o n 11·hcther [r\'1nc "·ill join h:.ind s "·1th the county must bt' 40 310 50%~ OFF ALL ITEMS BonkAmericord and Master Charge Accepted graphy, movement set to made befort:! the mid-Janu:iry de· music . as v.• e 11 as TAKATA AND adline for the federal grant applica-performances by the high lion. 'school's J.larmonaircs. • w., lllSI .. A Fi.at NU , 5' E KQI And he asserted that th(' city could Ticket s are available ra11d wl 1111 A RY FARM ~ lend it s population to the grant effort fr.om the music office at the ..,..._ ~ . u u •l- and still not commit it self to IO\\"COSl school . 536·2514. The price is • &pert J.,_,., ... h')""l·nge"dc ·,,·ors "•••••• ..,,.,, 11oaaa...strtttlull'fto flttStat1°"1 -§~"- u ., " a · SI for adults and so cents fo r 0111risto1 a1 hli...-COSTA MlSA I 1 The :.a lternatives. he S<tid. are lo do students. T he re will be no MoMNy Senk• 546·0724 • nothing and see Irvine's share of the r~ch~a~r;G;•:f~o;r~ch~;~td~r;e;":u~n;d~e;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ monty }!O else14·here. or for the city to ~eek ii (ed er a l gr;.int of its O\\'ll fron1 <l IO. S-18 milliun_clliic:retionary fund. Deputies Nab Pair for Swim In Hot Springs Or•1ngl' Cow11y Sheriff's <:epulies made their first arrest in the ne1YIY· cre<it<'d Ronald Cas pers Hcgional Park near San Juan Capistr;ino this v.·cpk v.•hcn t"·o men "'ere cited for tres passing. unla\\·ful swimming and bC'in.c in possession of alcohol in a cou n· ty p;1rk Dc puti('s said Eric Russell Giroux, 18 . of 85-0 Tem1)Je llill s Drive, Laguna Bt~ach :i nd llobin 'fhomas Ranger 20 of 31611 rlorenct.' St South Laguna . 1\·ere booked after they V.'ere spolted sv.·imm1ng in v.·hat used to bl> known as the San Juan Hot Spring:-. Off1{'ers said furthC'I 1nvesl1gat1on sho1\'ed both men to be 1n possession of alcohol YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF MONEY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTIN ! Pre-Christmas SAVINGS JCPenney 24 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONLY USE YOUR JCPENNEY CHARGE CARD RADIOS ELECTRONIC AND ACCESSORIES TRANSCEIVERS 130 Only AM Pocket Radio ORIG. NOW 45 Only Stereo Head Phones ORIG. NOW 2" Dynamic Speaker 2.88 Adiustoble Heod Bond 7.,00 Earphone and Jock 4.95 Cush ;on Type Ear Cups 13.95 18 Only AM-FM Pode! Radio 7 Only Stereo Headphone 3" Speaker 14.88 Slide Type Volume Control 23.00 Earphone Jock 21.95 10 Feet Coil Cad 29.95 4 Only Fight Band Portoble Radio 13 Only Extension Spedlers 0 Solid State Receiver 59.88 lndoorutdoor AC-DC Current 89.95 4" Speaker Cone 29.95 23.00 16 Only Three Bond Portable Radio 14 Only Extension Speakers 3V2' Speaker 22.88 One 5Vi' Woofer AC-DC Operotioo 29.95 One 4" Tweeter 31.95 23.00 24 Only AM-FM Table Radio .• 13 Only Extension Speakers 4" Speaker 17.88 Two 6" Woofers Woodgrain Finish 19.95 Two 3" Tweeters 69.95 59.88 26 Only AM-FM/Weather Digttol Oock 20 Only T.V. Carts Instant Weather 36.88 Walnut Finish Shelf (Push Button 44.95 Tubular Steel legs 10.95 8.88 4 Only AM-FM-FMX Stereo Radio 23 Only T.V. Stond Stereo lndicotor Ught 64.88 White Only Headphone Jock 79.95 Pedestal Type 22.95 14.88 PORT ABLE AUDIO EQUIPMENT 3' Only DC Novelty Cauette Recorder Bui1 t·in Coodensa-Microphone 24 88 Earphone Jock 29.95 , 40 Only 3 Pc . Ste<eo Phonograph 29.95 3V2" Speol<ers Seporote up to 8 ft. 24 88 Separate Control Eoch Speaker • 24 Only Cassette Recorder -AM-FM Radio 10 Only Mono 8 Tnxlt Player JAMAICA ROO,M Built-in M~rop~one 64 88 4" Dynamic Speaker 79.95 • AC-DC Operation 24 8 Ploys 8 T rock Topes 34.95 • 8 } ' ,. .. 1--+1_,,99.__..onl~C,Oc.Cassott:e.e.1<Rececoorde'°"'''-J 11.'J:)-___ 1 Automatic Recording Control 34 88 Built.in Condensa Microphone • .. .. . 15 Only AC-DC De luxe Recorder AC.DC Ca 8ottery Operation 3'/\" Dynamic Speaker ~9.9~ 45 Only Two Spttd Phonograph 33 and 45 R.P .M· Sopphi~ Needle . NOW 47.88 19.99 20 .Jlnly_DC_Cassette.R:ecordete-------i----1 3" Speaker DC Operotioo 24.95 19.88 8 Only I. Pc. Auto Stt reo Phono 4 Woy Sound. Four 4" 79.95 64 88 Speaker~ Three Speed 01onger • 4 Only 8 Tnick Player/AM -FM Radio Two 4" Speakers Headphone Jock 149.95 99 • 99 Store H-. 10 ILlft. lo .9:30 p.WI. M.,._ thrv Sol. 10 ..... to 6 P'"'· Stllldoy I ' • • F'iday. December 13, 1974 CAIL y PILOT A I 3 . \ That's Breaks Of the Game ~13 Indicted· In StaFs' Oil Scheme Legjslators' Pay--Who's to Say? SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -A pollCeml~ who broke a leg play- 1ng on a depa rtment all·star ·softball team hits been denied disability leave by the city ,.1\el.Wtftent-Boar<t:---- The board refused to grant the benefits to patrolman Donald Schneider. 35, who had .to mi ss two m6nths' 'A'Ork aner being in,, jured while playing against an FBI team at South LakC Tahoe 'last August Chie f Donald Scott argued that the sofU>all game played <in im(>Ortant rol e in building staff morale. Boy, 3, Spends Week Alone - Mother Killed DETROIT tAP> A 3·year-oJd ch ild spent a week alone in his home with the body of his slain mother, police say. 1 The police forced ~heir way into the house and found the boy alone with his mother's body. Office r s were summoned by a neighbor whq s aw young Jack Jones peering from a window in the home. The neighlior said il occured to her than that his mother h1:1 d not been s~n for a \VCek . Police fo rced open the front door and found J ack, dirty and hungry, but apparently in1reasonably good health. Vanella Maxine Jones,"26, was lyin g on a bed with her hnnds and feet bound and with two stab \\"Ounds in thP neck. Police said she hod been dead ror about a week. Empty cereal boxes 'A"Cre found in the house. and police s;iid th ey believe Jack ate the cereal and dra nk from the kitche n fauct.>t during hi s 'A'eek without :iupcr\"ision. The unidentified neighbor took the child to her home to feed and bathe him. "The poor tyke was so hungry and dirty. But he is so youn g he really doesn't know what was going on . He just st ayed quiet -like \\.'hit e he \Yas · in my house.'' the neighbor said. LOS ANGELES CUPll -Robert$. Trippet, a prominent Tulsa. Okla. at- t~r_n~y, ~-nd 12 persons havt:_ been in· d1cteOtiy a reaeral gr d Jury In a masiive stock fraud scheme in which many celebrities, including Jack Benny and Barbra Streisand, were allegedly swindled. A federal gra nd jury returned the indictment Thursday In the court or U.S. District Judge Irving Ifill In the case which involved alleged misuse or $130 million in a gon-cxistent oil cx - ploralion scheme. THE U.S. ATTORNEY'S office said that there was a "domino'' errect in whi ch big name investors were al- tracled by the fact that other promi· nent persons also had put hundreds of thousands · of doll ars into tl1 e Home· Stake Production Company during a period or nine years. T rip p et was president a nd chairman or the board oC llome·Stake. Others in,(jicted 'A'erc f"rank E . Sims. senior vice prc.-sidcnt of llome· Stake, Tulsa; l~arry I.. Fitzgerald, ex· ecutive vice president fo r sa les. Tuls a: Elmer l\1 . Kunkel. the com- pany's treasurer·controllcr. Tulsa; Kent f.1 . Klineman, a New York City attorn ey an·d (orrner 1>artner in Dryfuss and Co.: J ohn.T. Lenior, vice !'resident and accountant, Tulsa. ALSO, TJl01'1AS A. l~andrith, at· torney and director of l-lomc-Stakc, ·rulsa; David C. Davies, vice prcsi· dent and petroleu m engineer , Tulsa; Larry A. !\t artin, chief evaluation engineer. Danville, Calif.; F. Conrad Greer. vice president and general manager, Santa Maria, Cali f.; ~orman C. Cross Jr., certifi ed public acco·untant , Tulsa; Richard A. Ganong, petroleum engineer and geologist , Bakersfield, Calif.; a nd llerbert R. Smith, vice president and petroleum engineer of 1-lome-Stake. Tuls a. Singer Andy Willi ams was the big. gesl celebrity loser listed. 'A"ith an in - vestment•or 8538,000. Others listed in· eluded Liza Minnelli. \Valter Malhau, Phyllis Diller and J onathon \Vinters. The investors included J. \V. Good · man, a financier who \\•rote "The Moo ey Game" under the name ''Ad a m Smith.'' Harry J . Volk, president of the Union Bank or Los Angeles, and Russell \V . !\TcF'all, presid ent of \\lestern Cn ion Co rp. • SACRAa.tENTO (A P I -Bigger pay cheeks are justified for CaliJornie 's lawmakers. legislative leaders suy, but an independent comfniss ion shou ld decide just how big the pay hikes should be. -'4-think-any· decision we-would make "'ould necessarily be suspect," said Senate President pro tem James !\fills. Most legislative leaders join !\f ills in advocating stripping the Legisl~ture or the power to set its o'A'n pay and handing it over to an outside group. Such a move wou ld <ivoid the voter indignation that hus erupted when the lawmakers have given themselves past pay boosts, they :i<i y "I TJllNK THE public 'A"Ould go along with an independent board set- ting salaries," added !\tills, "'ho in· troduced an unsuccessfu l bill Inst year to turn the power over to s uch a board. 3 Firms Face Charges Over Cattle Buying LOS ANGELES !AP1 The U.S Depar tment of Ag riculture ha s charged three Southern California tirms 'A'ith using unfair business prac- tices and restricting competition in cattle buying. Depa,rt ment s pokesmen. in an· nouncing the aC'tion . said the firms m ay have \'iolated the Federal Packers and Stockyards ,\ct. The firms named "·ere Atlas P:i r k· ing Co . and Ideal P aC'king Co .. both of Vernon. and the Chino V<illey !\le:i l Packing Co .. doin ~ bus iness as D:fi ryli1nd !\!cat Packers in Chino 'l'hc formal complain! said the threi: fi rms failed lo compete atti\'t>ly \~·ilh one another and took turns bu y in~ cat tie at the Corona Livestock Auction in Coron<i If the charges are u1>hcld at a t:c<i r ing the firms could be p._accd under "rease·and·desist" orders deparl- ment s pokesmen said An offi cia l' of Dairyland said the firm h a ~ a lready replied to the charges Currently, ( . .'al1forn1a lawmakers earn $21 ,120 a }Car -plus living ex - penses. a stal('·IPa sed car. gasolint> credit c11rds. a generous pens ion plan and other benefits The reason u~u;11ly given for a s1:1hir~· hlkl";s1nf!:irttin -~ "I ttunk lherl' should bl' an. 1n- creost,'' 5llid fl1ill s "lt 'Should about renect th e cost or living increa~es in thtl la.st t'!ght re:..r rs ' ''T lfE \\'O R S T PLACE to economize is on the salaries or your decision milkers ·· if you want clean government, the San Die go Democr::it added A bill to raise la" makers' salaries in Januar y failed 1n lasl year·s session. l "nder tht• current Constit u- tion, lawmakers cannot get a salary increasr until 197fi Assemhly Speaker Leo i\lcCarthy agreed \\ it h !'\!ii is .., "·ould lik e to :-.re a commission The~1 're iu Book totally remo\"l•d from the Leg1 slaturt' all the hassle and the <'harges and su in charge or establishin~ salaries and forth.'' benefit s," said the S<in Francisco Democrul ASSE1'18L\'IUAN Robert l\lcLen· -nan t R·DO"'ney ), "'ho lrd the fight BUT !lLC1lRTH\' AOD F:D thttt llJ::tinst spt>chrl Tcnpportionm e nt 1!1'A'makers deserve more than a cos t· pensions last year. s ays an indepen ol-livintrn'Crease. dent wage·setling body might help. "I have no hesitn:ti'on 1n saying that "I! \\Ould a llay _suspicio~. _Whether .:i. member of the Ll•g1slalur(! should .:i.ny 1ncrC'a~e that 1~ \'Otcd IS Justified. be receivini: l'A'icc :1s much salary as ii still brings them under suspicion," is now paid,·· he s <iid . "'hec ause the he s::iid. ··11 \\"Ou ld t ake the onus off th~· decisions Tnactc by rncmbers of the Lc~h;lat url' " . Legislature url' of such Pnor1nous Ass1:mblyn1<111 l\l1k c Cullen has 1n · signiJicance to 21 million people.'' trodut'ed a C'onsl1tut1on;1I amendment Assemb l yn1an Bo h lll've rly , to comµle t c 1)' Ch<Jtl!;C the w1.1) minority floor leader, said he 'Aasn't h.>11:ishlli\•e sala r1 r~ <.ire set -.. undA~l{· s ur<' a pay raise could be passed this bit> them at lhesameliml'. . rnming year. hut th;.it he could sup-tlis bill \\'Ould lil· _ la"\'O"Utl.ep' port creation of a pay con1mission. sa laries 10 thos e paid appelJ alt' "I \1·ould not b<' opt1m1stic ::1bout a JUd~es . n O\\" about $45.000 a year. hl' pay incr('asc bill." saicl the GOP sa1d. ,\nd II ~outd also v.·ipe out tht• representati ve fron1 ~lanh a ttan pensionbenefits thecauseofama- Reach. "I can ~upport an outside com-JOr uproar ;ind a special session la~ mi ssion nf som(.• sort 1l gl·t s rid or ~c<ir . UPI Tt11p~Olt "Tll E Pl"BLI C A PPROVED 516,000 salar)' in 1967 ."' s;.iid the Long Ut>arh Democ rat . "\1lhilc nonlj· grll'Ultural salaries in California have kt•pt up \11th inflation. the current h~g1..,Jators' salary is $14 ,000 in 1967 dollars .. Cullen._., l'S l1matc of the buyinl! po11t·r (i f l'Urrent lrgislative s:ilnl"ll'1:; is apprnxin1;1tl·l~· eorrect .. :i ince thl° national ens! of l11·1n):l index ha~ jun1pl·d about 53 pcrct>nl in eigh1 )"l';l!S. ,.\neither (·onstituuonal amendmenl that 11ill prQbably be. introduced \\"ould ~t.>1 UI) the indrpt•ndenL eom· n11ssion ~1 ills i!nd J\lcCarthy talk about. sa\·s .;\sscmblyman f;d1\"Ut Z'berg ID-Sacramento ). Such amendments -if passC'd b\ the Legislature --1\·ould ha\'C to be :1ppro1 ed by the voters in June, 1976. TV Set Stolen At Dana Point Burglar:i \\·ho pried open the front Uoor \\'hilc the occupant 'A'as absent carried off <i color television set fron1 a Dana Point home this "·eek. Carolin(' and .John T·'. Kennedy Jr. are listed in 89th"1!dition of :\"e\\' 't'or k Social R cg istC'r for first time as jun iors under names of their stepfather <ind mothC'r \Ir und ~!rs. AristotlE' Onass is. !\1<:1gnifiC'd ,·je\v sho\1 s lht'i r n ~11ne~ Sheriffs deputies said office clerk i\lary Irene Ushman, 27, of 25601 Charro St., V.'aS a\\·av at 'A"Ork '>1.'hen the thieves broke inio the premises Her set "·as is valut•d at S200. RC~SNEW RELIABLES l ,_, ........... . -··· ... h • .............. . . ............... . ......... . , ..... , ... 1:·;.~-.:.':::. ~rl~~cr~l.C·~~·-~·~···-·-1 "'" """"" ....... "" ........... ,, ... ''"'"'"" .. ..... :Ill ·-~·· y .. g ·- GET A FREE 1975 APPOINTMENT CAUNDAR Your 1975 Appaintment Calendar is waiting IOI' you at Fullerton Savings. It has many features you'll come to love. For tns1ance, it starts with December 1974 and goes lhrough January 1976-that's real planning . . . you see seven days at a glance ... there's lots of room !Of notes ... pages fold back forfulure reference- ... you'll find inlereslin g Almanac information on the back ol each page ... you can hang it on the wall or stand it up ... and !here's even a place to put a pencil. It's really a handy calendar ... and it's yours free , .. at Fullerton Savings and Loan Association ... . where you always find the highest interest in lhe nation on insured savings, accounts now insured to $40 ,000, and many tree, convenient services. Come In and pick • your free calendar. ·FULLERTON SAYINGS 1FASTB[(JFFCEN TERf81.-STBtttFP-OR::illEWPORIBE"p;(; BARRY GOLDWATER ·SPEAKS OUT in the -- DAILY PILOT E:t.c1t1ng new models. exciting new features, e11c111ng new values' Biggest choice cl XL·lOO sc reen sizes ever Bea! the crowas and see em now. GS702 • XL-100 100% Solid Stote Choui1 t Super AtcuColor Block· rnotril Picture Tl.Ce t 15'" Dio;oriol Meowre Sa ... • Per"K! Crome Shadow I Mo~ • 12 Plug !ti (•f(u1 t Mod.I" t 5 (Ol!lpll!tf Te1ted lnle- ~oted CirC1,1ih • Lighted C~onnel lndicoton OVENS --0 ~5199 KEY FEATURES • 15" OiogoMI Meosure Picture. • RCA's Accul•ne picture tube syuem. 1~§§~~§~~i~~· tn1tont picture and sound. r • RCA '1 puih·button AccuMotic IV color control that brings color, tint, brightness ond conlrost w1th1n o normal ronge. • Automolic Fine Tuning eleclronicolly pinpoinl1 correct picture signol. w • RCA'1 70.posi!ion UHF tuner l • Lighted channel ind1cator1. I • 100°~ solid state cho11i1 ~~~~~~'.:~~~~~~· Eleven plug .• n ~ccuCircu1 t' modules for convenient l.('r~1cn19 . • Five 1ntegro!ed circ1i>h replace mony heot.:1 prod1icing ports. • Contemporary molded cob.net. • ES 354 Gaffers & Sattler COOK TOPS DISHWASHERS i ~! VISIT OUR BUILT-IN CENTER AND SAYE! • 36"1121" • 4 Colors lo choos.e fr om • 1 Hour clock & timer • ~ Color1 • Tempered gloss • 3 Giont ond 2 Standard Bumeri • lih.Up and Removoble Top • Removable Griddle • formed Burner Sowt1 • 4 Cycle • Duol Action Detergent Oispertftr • Duol Spray Arm • Porcelain Eroiile1 Chamber • Removo ble Door S.011 • Overflow Protection • New tool doOfs ---· s2ogss ' ADD 5 .00 FOR COLOR FREE DE' IVERY -EASY TERMS -SE HABLA ESPANOL LIN-BROOK HARDWARE ~.. .. 17200 BROOKHURST . . ;;:,LIN·MOO.(',j : FOUNTAIN -VALLEY ~m;a ---....... .. • AW PNLYPILOf Pl "Kt.IC SOTICF. I Ll'•tUl'll IUl'I! 11110 111 COUlllY OF 1'MI lf&fl! 01' C.&L 1,0IJll& FOii fllf COUNT ., 01'0111.INC. N• .t.·111,. hOf!CI OF lll&lt11t1; 0 ' l'll:t1t10N ~ l'lllDaAtl O• ""•LL ANO f.0111 \.(T , .. , ,,,, ... ,..,,., ... ., E•l•lt •I "'"""' t' 11000 ... 11 0 Pnt• ... N()f!(E I\ t<f Wfl! r GIVfN 1.,,.1 IM)( "' DOf< .... •·••d ...... " • pol•l>Qll IO< ,..flNH Of \llO•ll tnO IQ< IOW•N;t <>I l J!I••\ '-•....-1a1i.. Pl'rn,~-·~··"•H><• to ....,oc~ ,, ..,_ •t• '~"~'' ""'"""'"''· -1Nol 1""\lm• tnQ "l•t • ~• t.o-•••~ tl'lf .. ,.... M\ -n WI fot o.<tmt>o t 11 ill• •It )G • "' , '" \"4 t WIUOI; ... ftl 0tO.rtMI~! .... l ~! W•f (O..tl, •I llXJ (•••< (r "lt' Of+..,W~I. '"lfot(•l•Ol ~lf J.n• C.•I!'°""~ O..it00.( ..... !"•) ·~·· 'flr lLLIA"' I! \I JOHN. c.,..,.,y Clot> MAIW OON "9.11 'llt. NA'I& 111 11• Ml,SION v1r JO, t •i ••OlllM!Af?t.I~ ...... , ·-y11 • .,,,.., 1>~0111-0 ••"0:• (O••I O•••v ""'~! ~....C.r•,1,IJ,ltl< U)\/i 5UPF 111011 COURT Of l .. l STAT( 0 '(AllFOll .. IA 'TM[ CO\J NfYOJ OllAltG( PUBLIC NOTICE IUJll i'tOTICI! TOCll IO!fotll SUl'flllfOI COUii f 0 ,.fHf: 1t•'fl 0, CALl'O•NIA l'OA 1111" cou"'" oll' o•"'""' llt A·111lt [tU~ol lf (NN f!lM J C.000,Dl'oe:ttV'll NOJ1(£ I) M(ll [fl,. C.IV[N 10 1Plf' (ffOllOf\ ti IM t !»•t ..__ eK-ftl 1 ... 1 •I' l)oltOI\\ .... ,"II ( l•l"'' ... , ... I IN' .. ,,_ u•.ltftl ••! '""''"o to loi. 1i.m. "''"' 1.,. -·-'· ·-"'''·'", ... "''"•Of ..... <"'"' "' !".! •!'JO'"! '{!'1•11oct (j'M•t,. ... Ill l!f.t»'ll IN'm, ••I" IM ... (t •)•• 1 •<>IK!'le'I, 1G IPlt ... ,,.,,,....., ti '"' Ollo(t ol ~ '"°'"'"• Tl<()M,t,~L l 0 110, IU11 P•W'OOtV•IOll(.1• ~·I• I ii. L.-0" ... 1<111\, C&H!Orn.• '1tU, """<II " '"" Pl.Wt OI '"'"""" DI ,,,.. un· o."19N'd oft '" m.iltn Pt•l•lno""' •o t"' ~WI~ ol W•d -f<ffftl, •llMll ,_ .._tllt .ollt• '"" '"~I p.,bl!(•loon Of 1111t"llll<t . 0.!tdl>t(Oll'>l•"t. U lo. ~f ~SI EN G-0-00. E "''"'"' Ollll~W•ll otlht •bO•t n•m•<1<1ecf'OtM. fNOMl.S l ,lOllO 11111 Pt"•" V•~_.,,.., 111 ltq ..... Noll>, C•tol • .-.,, T ti• !I lt l HI •lJ4e •nM11ty...,f•uootrl• ~ .. r.1,,,..4 O•t Mlf ("o•\I 0•11~ Polo!, Or(•..,c.•t. U, 10, II, !tit .. )of 7' Pl KLIC N(tTICF. Nt • ttOtt flCl lT!OUSIU\!NfSS MOflCI Of Nl•llNG 01' Pf:flllOff NAMf Sl•TE,,.fNT FO• '101All 0, WILi. AjlO D ,011 t .. IOllO••h<IC.<_,,,.,.aoo.,.1""""" 1.llflft' O• ADMINIST••TtOjlO ., WllN-fNl·Wll,1.ANNtlll'O h <E DO(, ~..OW, 111 A lb-w•1. £·1 .. 1• Cl VI l>A f01/ff ~I "' WI ~II <~8••tll,Ca ~01 0-.••""d """•'0 L Dot"""'. 100< ~•'""'"St . N01 1(/ !" l 'I I/f l·" C,!VI N !••·1 ~-.U""•flC•(fl (• tt.11 t• .. l>llV llAV.YO•·r· ..... ~It. JI/ "~I ,,,..., 00f>410 ... ll•own, IOOol ll:•1'11t !>!. "'"'"'" • f~ '''""' u~ ""'"-•If 'Ill ~"" ~flO '"' L•1,,... Ii~•(" (• "1611 ''"'""'• 11• l •tl•" ._ Antt """'"' ftl• "'''" '"'' 1111>• "'" '' <ond\1(1'<J 0t • -·.i ,.,. . ..,,,, •••• • II ·~"" t• !•!oOll<"r '"h•<fftC• p.tol~• •"1~ ,~ ... ft·<"••l'~O· •~•h~••••l'.kl•t•co•~" .... a /io(ft•rdL O<Wocon tf>.\1 ·~· '"' • "''d "'"'.I>! .......... ,.......... l ft•> ,, .. ,.,,, ... , ..... ,,~ .. ,,~ t~ '°""" "'' 11<•11 1.i 1er C'lo•C•·n•Lo, Jl ,~,. ,., • JO Cle1• 010 <411,,e C"""1, onDlumb!r • •W/4 •or ,~ '"' '"'"'""-"""' ti.,..,,,.,,~"' >lo J ftttn .,, .... a.a,,., .11oor •• ,, r, .• ,_, r>"" w·~t . P~ah"••a 0••<1<1t , .... 1 D•lly P1101. '"'"" (<l«>l \••l•Ar_. I •ldo'"'" °'"<f"'ll'" !l.10, 11, 19/t 4"'°"14 0dlt0 O••~n t~' 10 ,.,, Wll LIAl.'f SIJOMN, (_.,,.,,. C.f0RG£ l llOllO Pl'BLJ(' l'\OTJCJ-; -Hoard W et ~Stuff Bottled Water Next Scarce Goo d?. 8}' Ml L TOS fitOSKO\\'JTZ ll 's to<l bad th.:.it more: of u! c11.n 't pl-:.~· this ,;upply· und•lJ\·ma nd ~arnc . It 's one of the hottt.>!\l t/un~s going the:-.e days. Sup1>1y <u1d demand, as you know. 1s one or the eard111al l<.1ws of ccuoorn1cs. I! sa y~ . vcrv sun ply that. "'tl<'n the lil'rn:111d for-a pr<J· duct 1s grtall'r ttu.1 11 th(' ~U/.I · pl)'. the p r1 C(' 11f that Jtcm gul'S up C.:011 \'l'f"el y, \.\'ht·n the de1na nd !JJ:X:rs off, the pr1,·e:, gocs do"n lt' s ;11\ 't•ry nl·;1\ Money Tree knows how many t·li ng- p e u c he s ~av e bee n d estroyed by Ci.ilifornia gro"'t'rs to keep the supply dO\l.'n ? E gg p rodu l.'e r s i n C<.ill ro rn ia are currently producing about 430,000 l·a ses a "'eek. But stale t·on· IF \'OU ARE ;\ producer, :,umption has been running you c.111 :.el' how lhl' ~amc al only400,000cascs a "'ct.-k. must I.le 11li1 \"Cd You hare tu So the Sla te agricul tural de - hrnit the :.upply of .\our pro-p<1 rlment is allo"·1ng the duct In that \\,1.\' ~uu i·an produC-e rs to take 5 percent g('l a hi ghe r prir·I.' uf their eggs ofr the market J\!u ny p eo pl e \\'t'fl' ~ndputthemintoa spcc1al nausl·atcd rl·l'(•ntly al 1he pool for po ssible sales nver - p1 t'turcs of f;1 rmer.-; In th"ll" .1;cas . In 1h1s 1~·ay they hope ~l idwest killi ng ca!\"l'S i.l nd lo d r1vt>the pr1ces up 5ccnls buryi11 g t hem . But t hf•y nr8 cents a dozen. "'e re JU!'il play111g tills :.UP· ply ·and -dcmancl ga1nl'. They \\"Crc purposely rC'dUC· ini.: the sup pl y so lhal price :; TllE GA1'1E: IS becoming s11 popular that it's being pl ayed on a global scale . Caracas last month to dis· c u ss how th('y could withhol(\20 percent or their new corPce crop from the world markets, thereby kil· inc the price of the remain· ing suppJy, The lo"•ly consumer is the demand purl or this equa- tion. \Vhut can you do? The alternatives seeni to be t\\o'O: boycott products when prices escalate shurply or become a hoarder . ''ou would have been \'Cry smart if t"'O years ago you had s tocked up on gll so line. a ssuming you owned a tank car. And you \\·ould have been ve r y s mart if you had stocked up on sugar e arly this year . ' On Board Robert -l·l. Finch , formerly U .S . Secretary of 1-lealth , Education and \Ve lfare and lieutena nt gov· ernor of Ca lifornia. has BUT TllAT'S ancient his· been e lect e d to the tor y. 'fhc question is: \\'hat boa rd of directo rs of should you start hoarding Re public Corp., in Los,, no\\'? And I have th e Angeles. ansv.·cr: water. _:_:..:::_:_:..:_:.. _______ ~ Joe Horn Ano<ntr••L•* l "°"""" ~ I• 1 Pl•" \u<t• 10\ L•ow~•H·~~tl C.•h>o•"'•~•'' l tl 111•f•••·ot1I \\·ould r i;;e . ~u ,.1111~~~6:,7;~0FfHE Aml·riea n farmer:-; <i r c, 'fhe government of Chile has i.tnnounced the closing of one of its majo r copper m ine s fo r s ix months. 'fhrcc other co ppcr·producinl': countr ies -Peru, Zaire anti Zamhia -also promised to cut their exports by 10 per· cent. 'fhe a im: to bolster copper prices .. 'l'hc water supply of :\'cw Orleans has been found to t·ontain 66 organic chemicals. some of them possibly hazardous. "That discovery has pronlpted the Environmental Protection a gency lo launch 0.1 na· ti on,1•ide study "lo de· !ermine the concentration and potential effects of cer· tai n organic chcnlicals in drinking \\'ater.'' H eads Up R ealtors Stllff OF C•LlfOtltNlll FOii uld h;u1cls id thi!'i game. 1·~i ~· 'TN( COU"lfY OfOll•ltG[ A!Wnor !Of Pt!ohOftl'• PuDh>~~<I (••'G' ("'°II (1 ,,,,, Polo! No •·mn ts \\'hy v.•t• h;1i;c prit.'e SUI» °"(trrr•n 11 IJ 19 191' •~!II NOTICE OF N(AlllffG Of ,fTITIOlt ports ~ntl t·rop quotas. \Vh o FOii PllOIAT£ OF WIL~ ANO FOii Lil· I--------~~------. lf II~ TE ~TAl.'E NTAltY Pt.:81.IC ,\"OTICf: SU Pl ••011 cou•1 0'111r $TATf DI' t•lt fOllfflA l'Oll fllf COUltl V Of Ol•HGl. . .. ...... ,,., ltOTl(I O• Ml •llljlO(O Of PfTITIOH ,0. '1101lTI" Of' WILi. AMO FOii LEnCllS T f ST A"1\I."' fl ft Y tlO,.D W •tY[ 0 1 E11•1t •I E ~T .. £11 M. lllCl<EV. O.Ctt..a foi OT1Cf 1S l<[llf lV C.I V(N lft.e JA#[1 W. Jl lCME,. fl•S lo ltd llf<t•n •POI< !kw> !or PrOO.H O! Woll •na IO< •llWlll~ Of L•H•ri Tt>1•,.,t nt•r1 lo '"' POhtooner i-••I-I r.itren<t 10 -..""'°~ !\ - "" lwrlfltt ~•h<vltt\, •M INT I/le '"'"" -o-a..:t ........ nQ '""' ........... -~ ""' ""Otc-00• Jl, "'"· ••• '° ...... , ·~ .... "''"'"'om Of O•""''m•"! 'No. J OI YIO courl, '1 11111 C••I< Ctntt• O•l•t ~>I, Ni !flt (lit ol S.O"t• A,,., Ct l 1lorn11, 0.1..:1Otctmoor •1. ,.,, '#11.1.IAM I!, SI JOMM, ,_,,, .... ttO•lttf I.. MUM,Mllf TS •-...11tLtw •I 0.Tff Otl•t 5Wllt Jl .....,....,.MC~,C1lltooral•U* ltl~ 1114)Ml-U!t __ ,te.:Pt1Ult11t< Pwt>ll1~•a O•e<10t (Ot ll Ot•lr Pilot, Ot<tmoor U, I•, l'CI. 1'1• tS'.f0.14 Pt.:BLJC ~OT ICt: 1 IJUI MOl!CI 10 Clll:Ol10t1$ Otr•Ulll( TtlAll$f'Etl 1'°"1.61114111 u.c.c.1 Miiiet II ""'"11'1 Q••tt to tM Cl'9<1il00 Of JAllHI M. t.•rlt . TrtnsttrO<, wholt 11161M1.1 tO<ttHI h )101 E. 11111 SI •• ~l• """· c-1, ol O••llO'. ~1'9• ot Ctl""'"''· -·""''"-'""-"'tit-lo E.M-T. INC., T••n•ltrtt, -_,..,.., -ftll h 66l Mt!o•C• t lrtle , 1111"' S..lwg1, (111111ly ol lllwt•ildt, ~l•lt Of c.11 ......... fflt 11'-•ly lo oo 1r111tiH•t<1 l• lac1t«1 11 Jal f . Cot•I "''G~•t1. '°""""Cit! M¥. C-'Y ol O•.....,.. ~l•tt ot C•ll,.,,,lllt ~kl pt-<1Y ll CltK<IH<! In -ti H " •n 110e1 ~ •rtdt. ll•tu••• . .oui-1 -~will ol I.,.! llt11tur•"t Dlnlnnl 1,_ft I\ TM (~Ill Pt~PI'•. tnO loo:tltO ti Jl'Cll E. (N II "'"''·· (O•OfOI lttl M1r, Cow\11 ol Ot-.~!t1ttl Ctlilo•n••· Tht Dult lftnlltr •Ill D!1 <l>M<imm.l!t<Hlr or tlie• lflt 11111 lttt Of Dt<.moor, IUt 11 10~00 A.M. •t C.ro•tr Ei<to• Corp., lllCO: lr~IM lllwd., lw1lln, Co .. n11 ol 0.t"ll'. !oltltolCtlUol"I•. !.ol ltf •• know~ lo I~• 1rtft11HH •II borllntH ........ tnO tOd<t>MI uwel 0• l r .... lor"' IOI t"' tft•ff rtl" lt.C J>t•I, •rt• .,_ O.ltd Novtf'IOt• lt. Ulf. f .M.l .tNC M•rloL•lll, f rtnilt•H 0--rlK,_ ,,O,k11n lwtt.. ~U ...... 11 tJMO -'*' a.'""9w.., EK,..fft.HUl·O PllOll•MG Or•no• co•U o.c .... w 11, ,,,, P UBLIC NOTICE PUILIC HE,t,1'11N<".S W1l L llE "ELOIY TH( COSTA MES• PL•t.iNINC. CO"' MlUION AT THI Ctl ,. M•LL, 11 F.e.111 Dll lVE, CO~TA Mf~A. CALl~OflNI.-., tr I JI), ..... H I\_,, •I paUl~ll! ll>Ht.olll!t "" ,,_.w, O.CtmOtr ll. 1•1•. tlt9"t<ll11<1 t ... lollo..,!rw;i •Plll•<l1""'1 I. ""4141< Ht1•il'Q 10 d!1<un tht D<•rt f:,,. wl.-"1tl l"'N<1 lltpar1 '"'!ht i;.,,,..,., llttn A-llllmefll NO, GP·U.OO·•. lo<•t~ -M VICIMI• ~!IHI , f\Ottfl o1 H-lllOl'I SI., -•••I at Vlctotl• !i<ftOOI, ~,. """""· Ui. '""" •o• •"It ,.,.dl"m ~1lh ,.,,,,..... tlotl It 091't Jnau.i,., nt !QllbO•-11,...,. "'"d" •"""'ea1umOtflil~I ttllClt~1••1 [,tale ct WILllAN G. HO.e.Cll:, a...: ...... ., N0f1 (£ IS HE llEBV (;!VEN !Mt RUTH £ NOA(>'. 11•~ """ ~fon a peloli"" lot P1~1t o• w .i1 ;>"" 1or ,.,,,_. ot L•tt•<> lwll•ll'r•I••• 10 t,.. petll-. •~l••tn<t lo ,...,..,~ •• ll'dClt lcr l..rtht• P¥1lc1111n . - 1111>1 ,,..1 ...... """ l>l..C• °' """\nol!'le ....... r... ,,.. • ., ""' IOI C\ff-N'<' JI, 1•1'. •t t ;JC! d "', on ""' ,.,..,.,_,..Of°""'""'""' No l ol '4•0<o""• II 100(1~.c Cent•• 0.lvt Wti-!. .n tn.-C 11 t ot ~•~t• "'""· C•htorno•. Odil'<! Df"<•'T'"'' 10 lill Wlll.IAM [.SI JOMff. (OU<1ly(l•r- ""IElYllt l',(OHfjlO $Ul1f UQ IA"'ll: OFC.-.LtFORNlll •LOG. t01CIVICCEH1fllOll W. SANTll AN•, t•LtFOllNI• ftlOI (IUI U'·l lll "'""'"'V lot: Ptl•l- PullllU1"a 0 ••"9" CN!I Dally "•IOI. Cle<:•"'"'' 17, 1J, 19, 191• H •l 1• PUBLIC NOTICE 5LP-lt1•1 SUPf: 111011 COUR10fTME. STATf 01' C.ALIPOllNIA FOii lHf COUNT1 O'FDJl •MC.E No.•-noM ' MQllCf OF Mt.•1tlMG Of PEl!TIOll ,Ott ,ftOl•TE Of WILL 11110 FOii Ll:TT(flS TESTAMffffAll V f '!.J\• o! .J O,..N C l!L '!'510 Nf , 0.<•.J'>M NOfl(E 15 l<fll(""ll V C.l .. f;N l~~I l LOYOS BAN.-OF (.O.LIFOllNI .. , !or••,.•· I• Flll!>T V>E51 E'RN ll..O.NI( •HO TllUST COl.'Pl>NV h.J• !llf'(I ""'~'""' po!loloOll I°' P•OO..I• o1 Woll .J"'I W ••......W:CP ..r Lrllt" l,_._.,nl-'fV lo ,,...""'''-'·,.,..,,..,..,., "''"'" " "'"°" for Jurt~• .,....11<!>1.J,., •nd 1111>1 !flt 11"'t Mid plMt <>I"""""" I~ Wtf'P "'"' tootn W'I lo• Or(•"''*' ll. 1'1•, 11 • lO •·"'·· lfl ,.,.. C!'u•tr_. ol ~"".,,.,..,.'No. l ol i>'•a cou•1, •l 100 (owi< Cenltt Ct""'' 0""" Wt•l. 111 IM C>h ol $•fll• "'"'"• C•l•!o<n•.J Ooi•<I 0.,<t,.b•" 10 1'1• WILL IA'1' f . SI JOMN. Ccun1vC•••~ CLllUDf f . YOUltG JUWEST lNlllO ST UNl A"'""'· C.•\.IFOllMIA'17tl tlltJ tJ~MI• •l\o,,,.y tor: P•llli_.. Put>!"~"<t 0••"~ Co1" OdHY P1!01. l'JooCP'T'flOf 12. 1J. 19, 1~1' l~l·I< Pl:BLIC NOTICE MOT ICE Of' TllU511"1"5 SALE .... """ On J111111ty l t , lttS, ti n :Dll A.M, Oll•MGE co•ST fl"IA"ICIAL COllll. t! dUIY .-lnltd Truilff ,.,..,., -pUnut.n! ltO.OOI ft\lll tlKOl'Otd FtlJt....., 1t, Hit. •• l"'"-Ito. 1u11, in-~ 11on, ptge 1110, 1 o1on1ci.1 tltKorlh In tr... otllttOfl/le c-11 lltcoratr ol Ort n<1• Cout11, •. 1.1•1• ot C .. 1lor•t1. WILl ~E LL AT PUBLIC ,t,UC'TJOM 10 MIGHES1 B!OPER FOii ~ Cpeoy•blt ti Umt ol wit In l-'vl _, ol !flt unlttd Sl•t.Sl tt l1'lt ''""' ent•tnet lo !ht '#tUmlnottr Clr,o "'•ll, l20I: W.11mlft11tt Blvd., Wtilml,..t..,, c.lllan\Mo otl! <19"1. llUt Ind ontt,.11 ,.,., .. .,...IO - ......,. .. .,,by 11 ~nclu t110 °""°' T!\151 !n lfM """""'1Y .n ... 1..a In .,;., ,_If -SC.II OH<rlD!ldt$ LOI ,,. Of T•tc! Ht. un. In Ille Cl1' ol Co\11 ~'Ml. •~per "'"P ••<..,-1116-; !oO, P19t1 l2 IO lo IMhll(Vt Of M!Kt ll_,.. ,,,__in tllt oltltt "' '"' , ..... ,, llt<otClt• ol wklC-ty. Tiit 1lrHI KdrHI •nit -Cl>"'"- OKIQrllt!lon, 11 l ftf, al !flt ••ti P.--1Y °"''ID!l<I toovt "1111•P<1•ltdtooo· 1•1• ftlttt l l ........ w., """ Mt'MI. (llllf0tnlt ff'io ..,_<'\QM<! l •W\\ft d1K'-111"4 ... , ll•blllly i.., lftf lfl(OHt(!fttll <>! lllt '''"' .-i•••• •M cl"'• ccmf'IOl't Otst_ll..,, 11 ..,f, -n lltttlft. 1. Pu611c Httr1ng tot Cosr. Mot ... Pl..,.,1"11 !>tla ••It •!II be ,., • .,,, Du1 ••!P>0<1I c.......,1.,IOl't. n 1 •" Ot1vt . c ... 11 ~''·CA, ,0..,,.nt °" ••u•ntv. ••P••" or '"''"ltoa· to<1>111!0o<lllt11"ft<'••I Pl•n-1on•....,•1u1hl0f ••<1ttd ln11 1111t , pc••••••on, o r \ht' ..-flv bo•ltt tta by W~•ll••• •••ncot, ""'u"'b••"(t\. to P•Y '"' ••mooning '"" Sl•Ht, "'""'0•1• Avtn"'· •n<I 1•m ~. s ..... 01 lllt ftCl•l•l ~tu•t<I ., Yid ~~rttl, Co\lt Me••. (elUo<fl••. "Ofta<.1ffu\\,10 ... 11 i l,1?.C.11, w1!ll oftl•ff•I l. Gtnt •.i P+t n "'"''"a"''"' NO mer .... •I P•O•IM<I on •••0 ""''") Od· GP·l~·"· to, lflf Co"I "''" Pl•M •'"I •tnetl ·,,..,, yn<l.,1fttl"'"''ofw•aC>ttaot C-lu kw>. 11 f '" D•"•· Co1\t """"'(A, Tnn.I, '!tti, (.,.,lltt •na t•Ptf!WI o1 1ht 10 '"'"""'' PtOPOH<I •"'•nd,.,.nh •o '"" f""ltt •11<1 of lflt t•vlll <•••lt<I by w lO -••1 pl•ll °" !ht P•ODt•1Y IOWtl> Cl V<(· 0..0 of lrU10l. lotl• St'"'· no•1~ o! M•"'"l<I" ~I , •n<I ••'1 Tiit -•lclt•r wna.t• w1<1 Det<I ot ,-,...., el VIC\O<lt 5'<111>1>!, C.01\e Mt \.>, <:II. from l>pftlol0<e t•Ku!..:I t llCI oth•t•t<I to tt.. lo• tllCI _,,lurn a."''" ••i la.nll•I to l1'11't wnd•l'llgnt<I • •rilltn Dt (l•••tlon ol '"""''''· ne•g~too•~-commt•«•I •"" l)t(wn Incl °'"'·•nit'"' S.1<1 , -• w.iu ... ,.,.,,1.,...c1111sily •t 110tntl•I -k• o1 0.llu!I '"" E lt<tlon IG Sort!. ,.,,. • ··-P•lltoOl't No " 1'·4"1"" 11:...... ........ .• 1-0 (IWH'd WIO "lo!lcl ol Dtl ... u •ti,,. _,...,t Vo~• .. •• O'""""'· P O Bo• end f!Kt""' 10 s.tll le D!I .... ....,..., in !flt •1'1'1. 0..~'•""· Ct llf0<n1t , ro ,...,.. IN' <-IT-••IM •••l pt-rly i•IO<at..,. IO'l•"O (l•ultot•l•O" al pl lltl\ IO<•I"" I" 0 11111.!C.E (011 ~1 J IN•NCl"'L lllt •tCIAoly 00 Vot\0<11 Sit H I ...a IM !>tntt CORP '"t Po•f' 1f'"'"~ l>Ou~ll~•·~• ''" ,,...,1a i.,..!tt OH<••llH ,now poo1n'°" afl hit If\ lflt "'..,. s.t...rr•"'°"1:1•t•ull, rt+f>Q Dtpt ) l•O'" RIW 1na ll•W IO 1'0 LO T<11l~Ol!l<tf HI IC•H I. 0 1<1 llO·LO ll ........ ~. 111w 10 ''1U7JI P0.""0 llt .. tc•t •L (1 lo PO.LO ti.I llubl"f'll!<I 0 ••"9• Cot 1I 0.llY Polo! 1<tt•I. 11ow 10 PO-LO I! I IC'"''· Ml to Ot<tm~r 11. u .1•. 1t/• •SU·"I PO-l0 Cl•""" 11\<1 ""' ta PO.MD 111 ------- .ot•n ! I> ~-l+•f °"("••l>Ol't ""' """"I)• ,.....,P••t>t •n"'°"""'"1••t •1luttor l'l RI.I(' l\O"fl('I•: ~.Iller-Ptl•tt"" 1> r< •I '"' 11>1 CO\U -----,,! e un• ~w Pl•n"•~Q (9"""'''""" 11 r.,, O• CIH!t ""fWI, (II, to "/Oft• PtO!l'"•h IOCtl"CI \Oooltfl t f >ltf"llll>fl ~t .. •1, Wt \! Cl (Oft•Oll °''""· NM"I" ol !ft• col, '""'ti''°"' Ml 10 POii-MD (p11,,n•a Ot••lo1>"""'I r.<'°"" NOTIC.f: OF !NlE,,,TIOH f0Cllf ... 1f: SEC.Ull ITV lltffllf~f 1\t<o."OI -•111 u .c .c .1 11"·~1""' ot""h l A ""111•••• """•'.. HOTIC £ ""''ttlY <ll•t" 1o !flt Cr~t1o" I'°" o1 tft>l'"""'tM&I >'l'Pt t\ .... ~ \lt'fft 1,,. GI ( "' 1 INC • Pt CIO•, .,,,_ "'"'""\' )•••Hortllf"propO\oflatcl•Ort 'dO•fi' r, •tl M11o•t • Cir<!•, 1>•1"' , z-(u •pt•Ofl Pt'""" >40 lE 1t·!OI, <;c!flftQI, Counh cl ll!vt•«~. ~t~lf ot IOt Lvtlltt W•Ht ", l)Jo H••f»r\ P.1va., (1lllorn•~. l~t! ~ IO(Utoh '"'•'•'!II ~fll>W! c..i. "''''· C•I", ,0, "''"'"''"" t<t c""· 10 i... cr••l•<:t n~ oonlor 1nt1 0'"''"° 10 tthKI HH,., •oct att.c• ••d "'•""'"'i , ...,,, \.J•"''~ "" E••••. !>•cw,.a Pt•\~ •no1.t .. ••!•lint "'~I•• •• ,,, I ...... -~ ... Co.it I 11\j\O ..... .o<)do't<\ •S 1101 E ,,.~St ~ .. ,. Mo:W, Ctlltc•nl1, Jn • Cl'~"" •n•. t tlll , CO\lnl1 o• O<tn<lf. ~1•11 Of • f""" f "'"' ""• · ,,. ·' •rt JI ''I~' (tlltc<'ft<t IM f~ ... t '~'"'''" i r·, ~ ·~ \11fl••• '""' ptOpff\Y Ill wfll(h l~t"'''Y '<1r••! f<••I• N •·~. Cthl<""''" -<•• ~;ii'lll l)t (•t•l•d ll,•"-'tl,111 1 .... f""'"'l"'°"'l '"'"'"''"'!""•rr ·"''"a ••• /,,,.,,,,•"<I tQUIP"''"'· •u•n•'"'' '""I '""~"'" 1u r •"•"""'I '"' ,,,,,.1,...,,....,"' "'""""1'11'0' 0-0tn•(G•••l"ll-"•- -·I•"" ., ••<o'•I·•• I"'••>"'"' r~> "~ ·~~ 1o<.11.a et ntl f: Cot1! H•'·· C-• 0.1 \(rw-i •Pl,~ p 11-•..-c.o•.., i"'Cl•••1•"'° Ml•, coo.int~ o• O••n11t. Sltll OI c1111or ... -.I ,....., IN•hO •'I JoO Vo<tr«•~ ,,.,.,.! Ct.!<>I" ...., bu,,,... ... ..., .. ,.."' )101 E (Mil l<wy ;1 1'•0#0 r~··· ,........, M t ......... C.•hlornlt . 1 ... £ (MILii t. 1-[J<t Dl'Oll ~rmll ~ l £ I•'°"· PfJll'[ll tor Mlllor> 0•••0 llt l1y, ~ Sto\ ,,....,_! T1W 11tt•t'-"ld \l'<"""'',.._"""w'1l bo 0.l•t·S...ltt '. N••PO•I ........ ""· "" ,.,......,..,.,.ltd .... o• ""' !flt 111n O.v •t Pffmll~ IO w~ •\Plltll!C conu t* ... ,,., OK...,r.tr, t'IO " !O 00 "' M •I Gr-•1 ,~ ... t •tnt "1 (Onc••lt W"G•• (4••••0 li.C'VW c...-o . llO!n l<Wlflt 1'11.0, t"'''" ,.,...,,,, t nd 11 "'ooflly 11111 II cc1••c"1r Ct ll,,,•n•• .,tlO rHK<•l llOfl ol ll'•y-111, 1 <v<lillf't lOPt uwdt•tvl't(l l~_., .. .,., (Jie(-l 1r1 111 llJ-C'1-. 1w1t..:I 11 »t Ptu1t1tO'IOI !toll 11r 11 •~ow~ II ,,.. S...:u•..a l'•rtf ,.!! ·-.(t"•Ml'Wl,(•lllt•nlt llo.tllM•I ........ ,•Ml"""'"""' -!)y ,,.. I For hft\lltt '""'"'•II ... Of\ ttw ""° .. • ~ tor '"' thro• y•t" I•\! ""\! or• .. •t ll-,, i.~pl'llN 1»-U•~ .. t•U A\ 11• SA"'(. ~· llf tJll P1tnnlno OtNf~ lloom S£C.UllfOP~ffT'I' -.11 r.ir0!1w CMll"°t ..... CA1110t,,.1 J • ..,.,.,. c .. 1. c ro•1 ~v r \1o r1,..,~,N~ Oni•••C.c .... carp rn"'"'"'""' r .o •••Mn (C c•••~r.c~ .... -f111ttr1.~1t~i.o..o Wl!P•-l Dvrtn. S.ct11MJ AltJO. R. 0fl•t• 1nctOl••cl~r<1I ''•llOllftO '"'"'Mt. MIJ7.o Latin America's coffee· exporting ~untri es don 't v.:ant to be left out of the game. They got together in TAX PROBLEM S? hy Ow Corporetioa wittl Tai Lo1s of SJ0,000 appro1i111C!ffty. HO Of.ITS ~lllde• 1..-ioa ••r CW. M....._t.hlp Cal 121ll 7114055 t·S P-"'- You can see what 's com· ing. Bottled water s ales . even prior to this announce- ment. had been moving up sharply and some bi g com· panics -Foremost, Coca- Cola. Nestle -a re into it. TllE DEi'lr\ND IS no\v likely to s k,\'rocket. And that means. of course, that the price of the supply ""ill head for the str<itosphere. So sa\'e money -buy v.•ater 'Ii.ow! Ford T ells Of Layoffs DETROIT IUPJ ) -The Ford 1\1oto r Co. will add another 1.950 "'orkers l\fon- day to its gro"·ng list of hour~ ly employes on indefinite layoffs because of sluggish Joe •lorn has been named preside nt of lhe l~aguna Beach Board of Reallors. Ht> v.·as installed a t <l breakfast meeting at the El Nigue l Country Club this v.ieek to honor awa rd "'In· ne rs and install ncv.• or. ricers. 11\STALLf.D, IN addition lo Horn . \Ver e Pi.l ~1r v in Bro"'"· first \'iCe·president; Rick Halzcr, second vlce - presidenl ; and Phy lli s Doolittle , s ecretary. treasurer. Named to the board of directors "'ere David Pearce. Coby Flynn. Craig Corbett and Donna Mondor. The top a\v ard, Rcallor of !he Ye;ir, was awarded lo Donna l\londor. The Realtor-Associate Award we nt to 1-larry Bithell of Lingo Jl e al Estate, Inc. new car sales and huge in· JA1~ YEATS of Lag una 1\'I ISSIO-N l(EJO I M.P OJ{TS ventoriesorunsoldautos. Niguel Realty Co . won two -MERCEDES BENZ -The layoffs will bring the awards. as Top Sales man of No. 2 auto maker·s list of in· 1\tultiple Listings Sold and .'iales •Service • Lea sing derinite layoffs to 18,950 for Top Dollar Volume of 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY "'orkers in the "·eek before P.1ultiple listings Sold and 495-1700 MISSION VIEJO 831-1740 Christmas." An additional Closed . Sa.I~ hoy . .,, A.•ttY-ftwy. tdt. ri~ .... Mcu-qwotritt 13.950 \\.'ill be off for lhatone Don B eckc n ha ug h o r "'l!~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~~w~e~e~k~··--------·I Laguna Niguel Realty Co. ;; , "'as honored as Top Listor of l\1ultiple Li stings Sold and Closed. ti If your Keogh plan isn't earning 10% ••• mail this coupon today! • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; Ptease send me complete facts o n your Keogh Retirement Plan 11 witl1 1 0"~ interest. I I I Name I I Address I I I I City Zi p I = I-lave a representative call for an appointment. I I MAIL TO: Newport Equity Funds I I 620 Newport Center Drive I I .-Newport Beach, CA. 92660 I ···········••J••··········· Self Pn1ployed ind1v1duals can now set aside up to 57500 a year 111 a Keogl1 Retirement Plan that's tax·frcc until retirement. And, through Newport Equity Funds you earn 1 a~~ interest. Banks and savi ngs institutions o f fer earnings of 5 to 7 .5 percent. But. at today's inflation ra te you can't keep nace. Newport Equity Funds, through its successful investment in prime Orange County investment trust deeds, consistently return· 10%. For the complete facts on safe Keo gh Plan investment with no fees, lull liquidity and earnings of 10%, act now! Pla ns started this month are retroactive for al l or 1974. • Newport Equity'Funds Avco Financial Tower 620 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA. 92660 FOR INVESTMENT APPOINTMENT CALL 644-6962 Sa n D iego Utility Plan Told San Diego Gas and Elec· tric Company will con· tribute S253.000 to Orange County projects for undcr- grounding Ol'erhead elec- trical lines in 1975. The ('[ectricat company serves Sa n Clemente and San Juan Capistrano and a southern po rtion or unin- corpora t c d county t e r - ritory. San Cleme nte "'i ll receive $89 .2 70 : Sa n Ju a n Capistr a no \viii receive S35,l80 and thc county \vill get S12ll ,650 for undcr - grouncling projects. l"unds ar t• a llocated on the basis of lhc number of electric customers in ench service territory. 111.!lllilltd O•t"O• (OI SI Dtll~ fll•oi l P~bll,,...d Or'"°' (Ot ll 0.111 11'11eo1 Oo<tll'I ... ,,. ,.,. -~·/; ! °"''"""'"'· ,.,. ~ " "--------------------------------------------11 Confirmed Ex·a stro n uut \Vil liam 1\. Ander s h:Js been con· firmod-· by voice vote and \Y ithout dcb3te. lo be a m e mbe r or the new Nu clear Regul a tory Commission in a Scnote vot l' thi s wee k in Washin gton. i \ I -· Over The Counter IWDU51iog1 MUTUAL FUN DS "ltw Yo•--Fol· ,_11111 1, • list ol bid 11111 liked prl-,.. on Mwlu.tl F-e5 l!UO!td Oy IN NASO Inc. tK•I E l.ll 1.3' G."'t~ 4.SI •. '!ieh'<o (; 3.IS ,,M llEV~VS COii, Sill"tt •.OJ •.S $CU00lft ,OS: Orv! f<J l.9~ 1.10 ltEYSfOME: lnlr lllV !0.:10 10.l'D Eqly Fd 2.'lt J.)O Cusl 81 1l.M 11.~ Miit ll•i 10.01 10.01 Ory! LT 10.l l 11.n C..SI II' 11.'6 11.a. Blltne 10.IS 10.IS Dl'yf I.A 10.00 Cwst 84 6.52 I. 14 Com 6 16 6 16 s,, '"""' s."' •'.M ''"'' 1(1 s . .-'·" ~·• u:ss is:ss 11Non!l•T ltd Ct"I 6.lS 1 . ..0 (Wit l(l J.11 4.112 1.•¥ l l~ 4 II Otct ... 111• •"• ",','• &E Mw 2.eo ,_.j(I ,..,., Sl ll.ts u.2• l(UftlT'I' fiDS: • IQI• G• J.12 J.61 (wt\ ~' 6.JI 1.U £<!1111'1 2 . ..0 l.11 •dm Gw J.10 J.SI •TOH & C.irst '!>3 4.ll ~.lt lnvtol t,M S.lJ Mm In< 2.1' J.OI OWAllO: Gltil Se 2.M l ,,t U!l•t F 1.•S •.II M<n In' 1.11 1.U S..ln Fo 6 ... 1.41 Apallo 1.U 2.tJ l!L•Cft:O l'OS: Advlwr J.)I J,&S Gwlh F t .lS l.12 Poltrl 2.11 2.31 "'"' Sii• S.1' S.16 """""' Flt 4.tl S.tl 111(..... •.n s.311 ll:nltk• .... •.Sol Opp Fd S."6 J ... •~1 ... In 11.lt 11.H SoiKll F 4.1) t .!oO l(M• GI~ 1.n •.11 ~ Shri 10.40 10.'0 Afulurt t.IJ •.IS Sick Fd I.II 1.fS Lllcllll<k S.l)ot J.SI 1 .... 1 660 1.11 AGE Fd J.lt J.M EDIE Sp 11.JJ II.JS LD Edlt 10.11 11. try F t:"9 t.16 All~lltt l.11 1.n Egrtl GI 1.06 I .It I.till GltOIJr: A•El4lD (Oft" : Allll\I Fd 1.11 I.WI fl/un l<t t.St ... Cp LllOI' t ... 11.0 tomol ) /1 Atnc.ICI F J.ts 3.21 ffltri'' 1 . .0 t . .O Grwtn •.Cl'f 4.l (111rpr J·u """ l lrtl> t.lt 10.1& Ftlrl d S.11 1.<J 1111•'<11 t .Jl 10, Fiii Fd J001 """Ovri J.tt 6 Sol F"' '"'' 6.10 6.!0 LI .. 1~1¥ t .11 S,, M-t"n ...... E01Y 3 '' J:s1 f'\Of.l.•T'I' Unc Cop •.OI •. L-l I. 1:'3 """EXll'lllSS Gft0U': LOOMIS Pto;t Fd S .. fUltOS: 8llCI' CltO 1.02 '-"SAYLES: •A•M>M P:os: Ol>!tl •.:n 4.12 C..11111 6 .... 1.0I ColP 0Y 1.6t ~ IJ 11 14 JS lncom •.n 1.:M '"""' '·" ••• M .. 1 ... 1 10.)0 10. •ncom 1i11 11·u l11v1\"' J •• 6.•J Cv S!i!K J.ll ••. L.0110 A•I: ln,,..l 6:'6 1:t1 ~I 4.10 t 41 Qly Inc I.Oii Atfl!tl 5.0I .S. 0.111 It 16 10 It $lo<-•.M J.JJ Diii t .M Am 8U10 J.JO l .• Slclr Fa .... . "'"' Grl~ 1.:w ''~ Eue• '"' .. llllCI c1tr. l.OI •· tr.MA ruWos• """IM!n J.H J.t5 EVft$1 l .U I .ff LUlHl••N ••o: Cep Slit .,. ~ .. "'"' ln••I 3 M J,Jlo F-1G.'° 11.'1 llr~ 1.)1 I. In• .. Pl i lll Am M"I •.1• 6.M l>wrlln I ... 1.11 Bro 1 ... l .S f <i1 •oo .. ,. AmNt G• 1.51 1.ll ~ltm I' l .S• 2.ll I • s 10.01 IG.t VMlur i» in AN(NOll l•-..... H .JTMM CO: "ml~ a 1"1s 1"1s G•OUll': f'INANC1Al F .... m S.t! 6. se l&(;r 1·,, ,.,. c;r.1~ •.M $.JC ll'ltOGltAMS: lftCIP F S.15 t.I !.ol Gt-nf 1"s. .... 1 ... om s.\t •.u F111 o~n J.6S J.•s ....,u " '·" '·' t 1.... i11 s"16 ........ 10.U 11 ... 1 Fin IP'ld J.IJ 1.ll MASS ""'Cl.: s. tnw (; J .• l "•s ~·· '·'° J.IB f in !fl( '·" •. ,. MIT '-" •.• *'Ill J0 tcl 1·.s f'ncl lllv .... S.JCI v ... 1 ).611 ,, .. MIG 1.11 l.• !>Pt<tr• ,-,, 1··· Wt Niii 1.11 I.'° UtFd VI 1.:1 7.lt MIO 10.SI 11.S Si.P lnD ... . "'""'" f •.31 t .lt fll5f MFO t.01 t 1lSTAlE •1to" Gtt•:· Altf IMVESfOltS: MCO l.tJ t .I (om Fd 1.tl J.111 MOUCOMfOM: 01K Fa 1.•• l.nMltoti lw 1.lt 1.1 0 ... ,11 l" Jlt F""° A J.13 1.16 Gr11' Fd l.IO S.16 ~I~• •. !t 6.1 Pr1t11rl 11l J.tl fund fl S.IO 6.JCI IM""' S.tJ •.so Mid "'"' l .4' J.l-.,1 Fr Gr 3'19 1"11 Stoc• A.S6 .... Stoel F s.se 6.01 "'°""'' M 1.00 1.005, Fr '"" ....... . BLC: Glh 6.'IO I .St Ill Mul!I 6.ll t .•1 /klny f'O I.~ l.~Sltlt Sir 11'1111"10 B•"'°" 1.41 1.0 fl'LNtG ll:ftGElt: MSI Fd ••.16 9.!~STEAOMAN " ,o'S· B•1rc>c 4 ... t .11 Flt"' II 6.IO Ml\ 8nG 6.0I t.~ -'"' Incl ) 01 l oi 11•1•• gr l.61 l .01 100 Fncl t.ll M•F Fd S.61 6.1<1 AHO Fd ·,, "•1 llt..:11 HI 6.)6 t.Jt 101 Fncl 6.n ... MIF Gro 1.:i. 1.S ln~ttl 1"00 ,·oo a.econ 1.:n 1.:tt ,.,,,. G• J.:M l .ts _,.., om1111: o.1.,, s"n s·n a..··~~r l.•S t ... f'OUMOl•S ·-· 11.6J 11.t ITll!IW •OE ·,,os· IO F "'"' u.os 1S.)6 GftOUP: C.rwlll J,$1 J. ll1!t11( 1).1' u:Jt llln<ltl• l .:M J.tJ G .... 11' J.10 •.OI \tom 1,10 I.I CtfliU s"u J JS 8011 Fon t.11 1.u 1nc11m •.n 10, Mui Sl>rJ u.re n.1 Slot-1•90 1•90 lrown 1.DI 1.U I' MUHi t.01 6. Mull f1' l.ll 1.1 1$ CllOU,_. ' l rnllni /.)0 1.10 f ~II l .l l t ,11 N1\ '""" 1.11 6.1 ~Th i; I) 'g CAI.VIM fl'UNOS: "-'4 F S.¥1 S. "'-''SEC l'OS: Inc°"' ,·It '" a~u Fa •-SS t .llo fJl.AMlll.IM 811111(. '·'' t .3 Smm\1 s:" ,·,, Can FO l,6t I.ti GftOUP: 8-Sr l .IS l .I lt<llnl t Jt s'N Oh Sl>l" J.:Ho I.ti OHlC •.St s. OlwlOn t ... ,,, ~, F •.•• 1"u N&IWd 1.11 1.IS C.wtt! S,, A.ti t.•l p"" 5111 t.ll I. T ..... G .:If t::Ho "IV Vtn I.II I.• "' IMll'I 1.•J l.!16 IMom l.U •.I T-' CG fund t.11 I.IS USGWS t •JIO.U Sloe•~ S.00 S. 1:00oiittl0011D CG lncF 1.)0 1.1' Utill119 l ,O. l . Grwl!I l.IJ 4.J T•tn 4!1 "6ot .. ,.. """,,.,,, •s.16tS.lt ll:tt (op '·" 5.t NEW ING'-": Tr1w1 (q ,·.s •.•• Ctn! 5"' 1 ... •.11 II• (qty 1.• l.QJ f:..,rtv H.611 n. 1-H .:.. .: ... (Ml lnw t.D I.It F-1 1.!Eq I.II ·1.11 G<wlh •.U 6. 10tfo CG t.• IM CMAN"lllG fd Ml dP $ ... 5 ... lf'tCom ll.IW U.11 IOI ft (I 1 ti it1 FUNDS: rUN0$ IMCr Melt 10.01 10. II f'llll ,-2, "'-.to .tt OftOVP: NEA Mt 6.31 •. Unlllftl 5"1' s" 8'1Mct I.II f.11 C8mfr'I 6,4 1. """Ctlll J,,. J, UNf\lftd ,·Ml S00J 8tlCI Fd 1.•1 1.10 lfl!HC !.Sl 6.ot1"ltuwtlt 6.CM •• UNION s1ttV1cE· fqlyGf" s.11 S.M lr<du•lr 1.M 1.llHewlo!t t.lS10.11Glt0U"' Eotl Pr 1.11 J.Ot PUOI s.11 6.lll-ptn; 10.M "·· a.o~ I~ ISJ , Flld -''" ,,IS J . ..S Gii"'! :l.M 3.tt"""' Wkl 1.tl 1.61 "I 1 I " .:M .... ,_~ l.11 J.W GE S-p n.•t ... lfflchlli • OS 1.0 u:1 c.: ;.:~ :::: ·~~.. s.l l 1.11 Citft Ste •.•1 •.•J1Mn1 hlr n .Jt n , Uftlon "In , 11 ''" P!"flw '" J,OJ l .J1 Gth FA"' I" J.JIOrMGI l.'l 6,S ~ll•O . · !oottl 1.11 1.11 Grlh 11111 12.1:1 n .1 0 Mtll Id 10" 11 ... Actllln f'VNOS r '/1111wr 4.ll "J.J)G<lt•d 11.)J!l.S One Wiii 110111.07 en.i Fd t:: ;·: (l\A'1 Fd I.SS 1.u M•MILTOM co•P: °"'EMNM f'O : Conl II"' . CH .. SI FUft<I '·"' 3.1 Alfl'I flt 6,H •.M Cont fM l ,:lf 6 ... •oslON: Grwtft 1.11 '·' Op Fnc1 •.u s.oi lfl<otrt 1.01 I.It ,,., lies •.SI .... •nc-•.U s. _, 8 ··~ •. ' !Kltno: ··~ '· ~ l'r"" CP l .01 l-33 Mlrl Ctlh 6.'M l. l irnt F l.li l.6! V•llDcl ;· i· $11Tr 91 S.10 J.51 Mt<t LW 4.112 '· OT( Ste; '·" t .65 Uld Swcf .'6 ·" $QKI J,¥1 ~-3' ~ 4." .•• l'artml t,M S.01 U!>AA t• ;·~ ;·~ C"'m Fd •.•1 1,Jl Htlllvl .It ... Poul Rev •.o ~-"us Chi$ 9,, tu (NA MNO FOii Hortct 12.tl u. P911.Ul F J.ll l .11 VSl.111'1 ,uNos·. \.ll:lrly l .lG J.:n l"'Pfl Co 6,V I.I Ptlln Mt 1.01 1.0\ ... , , ''' ·, •• """'M 1.17 J.11 lmpOr S.tt S.11"'""' !.Q "-" .... • .... :k~,. •.11 s.1 inc ""' 10.u 11. eeui. l'cl 4.Js •.n ~F~t: :· .. " •,·", COl.OMIAI. ll't<. lllot.t •.tll 5.S "'-1• C 1.)t 1.1 • .1S ,llNOS! 0111 FAll'I I.SJ ... "llGftlM Or: \IAl.UE l.IMI ,011 . c.n .. , l .V •. ,. IA~ I.Oii '· Pil '"" I .ts t ,u Vol LM l .tf l .tl EQ1111w ,_,, 1.9' 111 1n11t1t u.n 11. C•IA• ~.11 1.11 Vol '"" s.11 J.•i Flwld l.St t .10 111\'ffn G 4,tt '• Int:"" L12 1,)1 \.tv Gtll J .. 1 1.'6 ..... j·" A.U '"' CQ A t .11' t.t Pllt Fd ._ .. S.01 Vol * 1.11 1 ... tl'tC-.ti 1,11 lllV Gllld •.61 t.61 ,..,_ S! 1.IJ 1,13 AM(I Vtftlur 1.11 I.I I '"' lftlll( 1.n '·' Piii tr"t h l IU . lllOl•S· C-.... G t.IM l .IM lllV 8o$ 1,61 I '10lllE• •Oi 11•'°"1 "SJ! 1-M Columb t... . .. IMVIST •16ft I'd l .o!J t 21 vt C-• COMIAOM'#l.TK ~NSf.L ll'Mlnr II 6.11 1.J.J )Mi:! !·!:: J.1' TftVSl: ~ S.15 t. ~ I.I' I.ti -•. ,, "41 .11 .11 CApit 1w '·" 1.1 Pll G•O 1.n '-" :1111.., !·n,1 '·" ( , 05 1. ,. CMl!l "' ,.,. J Pll 1,,, ...... ., • .. !~ IE I'" I.to •.:Id IM1111!$T Gl!OU~: l"lllCI llto."l"l ~G! t~ J .. 11 c,. l.4t J.ta IOS (fl'o i.&:I ... ~ 1.M l.,. 111$1 r i lJ -8d •.U l .10 IM MO j.CI l.t ll'tC"" t .. t .q • ..,, J. t'lll •.U l'tl s.•t •.It IO'!iflf J.1t 1· '"' Et• I •• t-• .._.. ,.• ,·,, I.~ C-.•cl S.tt s.tt Mwl:Wll "' '·' '"' .... '·" • " R... • ... , c-law • Ml , tlO s•• U.)11 ''·· ..... H •.11 '.JI fLl.IMGlOlll °""'OW !~ l.lt 5'1*1 I •• t.O l'Nft GI S.Q S.ti lltOu,., CMMt I• , ) ... Vw Ply , ... S. ""'°' \IP l.Jl 6.1! E1..... 1l.2t 14.Q (Mojry ( • 'IQ '"" -~ '·" ~-PVf ..... M lwtt 'lt I" l=:il °""" ........ Is I: ,U,.OS; "'-r 1:11 :n Olw .t ft .t.lt CNt11o •.02 '· ~, l .ll t .M Tri" 1.Jf 1.~ It\ 1..)0 . 11'!1:°'"1 ).M 4.1 (Qll\lY t.11 &.l't wt1.iy M.IF 11,0I Ot•i.q •.l.i •.~ f rt;\ VI J.• ., 6"tt t .. tO." wt\"" I ... 1411 Dl~'i'JA•I l~t Sh U,l l •t• Or<tftt I.,. >.~ W'lt""' t.H t:n GltOUP: l\ttl Fllll 17,,, 1 1 ll'l(MI 6.90' l.M '#1ndV '·I' l o.c.ir I.St I.JS'""' Flll'lcl •.n '·i ,,.. __ , ),ft ••• 1t lflO '· 1 I. Ollw , 6.IO l.Q JP Gwfll t tS I, I \lltli ,. •• &:! l,!l Ill ().r t.11 I, 0.llt t 1.it 1,C'I J-,.. "" ... v.... • .• I '·" ll<Dl'I\ 119 ' :tS 0 .•2 ,.,,.,,..,JI 1.t.ll II.I ""'"',, I.Oii '· i.t ,:,. ,:,, (f °' 1.n JOH .. 14AlllCOCC~ fl-. f' '-" •·O •-cllt'°"""'· t U IO,S.S W ,, ll.ll It. ~ (Q S." ),)) -W611Mtlt, • • • • ASSEMBLYMANBILLGREEN(D·LOSANGELES)OUTLINES FUEL PLAN Astronaut Scott Carpenter (Right) Heads Up Non·protU Firm 'Trash Into Gas' Plants Could Be Set by 1977 , SACRAMENTO WPl l A plant lo convert solid waste into automobile fuel could be operating on a full time basts 1n California by 1977 , accordi ng to as - semblyman 8111 Greene, fD Los Angeles). Appearing at a news con - ference Tu esday with former astronaut Scott Ca rpenter, Gree ne said Jiuch a n 'Operation would lead to lower gasoline prices. Greene satd the plant would be mu c h l ake Seattle's proposed $56 m1ll1on facihty to convert garbage and oth er solid waste into methanol fuel. 1i1ethanol, which could be product..>d for about 30 cents a gallon, can be used as a gasoline add1t1v e or used sole ly to power internal combustion engines, such as the Germans did during World War II. Carpenter IS president of the no n -pr o fit Edict Corporati on, which h as been co ntr ac t e d by Greene's select committee on manpower development to conduct a $1 1 million four-yea r s t udy on the reas1b1ilty of producing fuel from waste materials "If we get a full comm!· ment we could develop a fully oper ahonal plant in two )cars," Greene s1ud, adding that four California c1 t1 e s we r e already "aboard " "Producllon and use of methanol as an automobile fuel supplement "•ill reduce prices, eliminate our depen - dence on foreign 011 and s ub s tanti a ll y r educe automotive air pollut1on," Greene said I-le also said 1t could im- prove car m ileage by to percent, save urban govern mcnts about $2 b1l11on a year and create thousands or new Jobs 1n a new private industry. Nutrition Comparison Aids in Food Purchase By SYLVIA PORTER Q Whlch of these ranned soup s 1s the most nu t ritious · (a) turkey noodle, (b) onion; ·(c) l ent1 l -to mato, (d ) Manhattan-sty le clam chowder? A. Le ntil-tomato is 12 times as nutritious as onion soup -and therefore 12 times the bargain if the price for each can 1s the ::>.a me. Lentil-tomato is nearly seven times as nutr1t1ous as turkey noodle ::>oup and ftve time as v1tamin-mlner a I-protein packed as Manhattan clam chowder. Q. WHICH OF THESE vege tables is the best nutr1t1onally: (al frozen collard greens; lb} frozen green beans; (c) celery: <d > canned carrots"' A. Frozen collard greens are twice as nutritious as canned carrots, five times as nutritious as cut green beans and 18 times as nutr1t1ous as an equi valent amount of celery Q. Which of these fruits has the most nutr1t1on value? (a) cantaloupe, (b) strawberries, (c) plum . (d) pear? A. A se rv ing of l'antaloupe contiuns twice the nutrition that a helping of strawberries contains. fiv e times as much A.,,.r1.,a11 JO Most A.,thlt• ;.A Money's ~~-..,Worth - nutrition al value as a pear and nine t1m es as much as a plum. 1 These sam plings from the "Food Scorecard" recently" published by the Center for Scien ce 1n the Public Inter est (a condensed vers ion of th e earli er ''Nutrition Scoreboard Your Gu ide t o Better Eating"), underline one or the least known but surely most important food saving rules you have today. Spec1f1ca lly, t hat among the hundreds of '"how to sa ve '' rules I have subm1tted to you 1n the past. "the nutr1t1onal return" on you r rood dollar well may be the most valuable of all ~ although few· have any concept of 1t. RV C HOO SING lent1l-tomato soup. you can get a whopping 12 times the food value that you can gel from an equal amount or onion soup Or by selecting coll ard greens over frozen green beans. you'll get !1ve times the food bargain, 1n terms of the actual benefit or the food to you Or by buying cantaloupe instead of plums, you'll get nine times the nutr1t1onal return for each dollar you spend on each fruit. The sco ring system, explains CSPI d irector P..11chael Jacobson, involves ''plus" p oint s for the amounts of protein, key v1 ta m1n s a nd miner als, starch and fiber , naturally occu rrin g s u ga r a nd un saturat ed fat (from vegetables. oils, nuts, fish and marga rine) Foods gel minus pcnnts for sugar and corn syrup added by the manufacturer and for saturated fats (e g • those found 1n meals and dairy products) Minus points also are given when fat becomes more than 20 percent of the food's weight a ft er removal of a ll moisture To illustrate the system, here's how a hamburger scores. Protein 20. Carbohydrate O. V1tam1ns 19. Minerals 81 Subtotal. 47 . Fat -13; Total, Plus 34 And here's how o ne popular candy bar scores Protein 3. Carbohydrate. natural, 3. Add ed sugar and corn syrup -48 , Fat -4, Vitamins 7, J\f1nerals 6, Total, l\l1nus 33. Copyrlghl ""Flt Id E11te•prlws,.1nc Thursday's Closing Prices NEW YORK , December •• 197• OAILYPILOT STOCK EXCHANGE -' .. Pound Plu119P< .. '" ' .. .. ' .. .. .. '· 1.0'.'JDO'.'l 1l"PI 1 1'hc pound ~terl· tR!i. once lhe kl'.'ystnnt' of the "orld monet.lr~ f.\3h~m. rlungecl a,'la1n to· da\ lll llS IO\\l'lH lt•\'t•I! Ill history, rcflc.;11n~ llr1t.11n s grJ\e Cf'ono1n1c l"r1 ... 1s 1 ht• pnund ft•ll a_i::a1nst otht•r \\Orld f'tll r1·n<'ll'" ll.'t•oinC',d.1' 11 f1rr thl• \mt'I U'an E\xon {'nmp.1n\ tonr1 r1ne1I S,111d1 i\rah1a \\Ould no 1on5:cr .ll'Ccpt lhr !iterl1nr.,>or,.,1I pa) menlt- • I • - , • Al 6 DAIL y PILOT ANIMALogic11,»., _ ~I .A.LWA:<~ S:((IA fO 8£ 01'1 fltE \ull.000 SIDE OF 'fHE DOOR : " Chinese Food Recalled Y.'AS lllXGTO!\'. (AP ) - About 9,500 largt' cans of ChineSl' \'egetables have been ord ered recalled by the Food and Drug Ad· mi nis tr<1 t ion because of possible health hazards re- . suiting fr om underprocess· ing . No injuries or deaths have been reported. but the und erprocessing may allow th e gr owth of micro- organism s that could be harmful, the FDA said. The cans o f bamboo shoots, bean s prouts and mixed vegeta bles were pro· duCed by lhe Great China Fo o d Products Co , Chicago, last Ap ril and ~l ay in 19-ounce and six-pound. six·ounce cans and labeled under 41 different names The FOA said the cans should be returned to the .supplier and not be opened The FDA s aid the cans normally would have been purchased by institutions .suc h as hos pitals and restaurants. The,brands being retalled are A'.ljim , China Beauty, Code. 'Davis. Derne hl , Dynasty. Edwards. Eml · ing. FS\\I, Frosty Acres. Good Year. 1-lolteb Black and llo lleb Red . Island Bea uty, JFB. JFC, Kohls, Lasco, Lee , Lil Brave. l....one Star, Af a i ling. Al icsel. A1ilwaukee , Mo narch. Natural. Nifda, Nugget. Parade, J>ark, Peg, Peg Blue , Pegler. Railton, Red & White, Richelieu. Sexton Red. Simon, Sunday Din · ner, Tappan and Vanity. Ritualistic Cattle Kill Cets Probe DENVER tU PI J -Anof- ficial of the American 11umane Association says the recent deaths of nine Col ora d o ca tt l e in "ritualis tic-style killings'' v.·ere part of a series of such incidents being perpetrated across the country by mem· bers of a m~·sterious cult. R. T. Phillips, AllA ex- ecutive director , said it was believed "cull s are involved in th e bizarre slayings." I-le s:1id the association v.·as of· fering S500 re.,.•ards for ar· rests and convictions of the killers. Phillips said eight cattle ··wcre slain 1n 11 days near Glen1,1,·ood Sp rings. Colo., .. and a ninth . a 1.100-pound llcreford co"" v.•as killed, drained of hlood and had its sexual organs and one car cut off near \IJ ray, Colo. "In /'\£>bra ska 's Platte County, it "'as reported 41 such crimes occurred in the past month ... he said. Phillips said the latest re· ports of sucti slaughter came fron1 ~linnesot a, \\.'here nun1erous cattle v.·ere slain a nd mulilaled for no apparl'nl reason. Tr io Get Probation NE\\' \"OR.K (i\P l - ~uspendcd se ntences v.•ere gi\'en to l\\.'O sons of noted ney, s pa per fig ures and a friend, v.•ho admitted consp1r· ing last April to sell co- caine to a man Y.'ho turned nu t to be a feder al :igenl. US. Di strict Court Judge 1'homa s P. Gr1eso1 suspended five· year sentences and riecreed fi\'e years of probation. along v.1th sleady "'ork or study, for Barry Considine. 32, !!on of columnist Bob Con s 1d1ne. Kerry A. Kotl nlar, 20 . .son of.the !ale Dorothy Killgallcn J lld thr late Richard l\ollmar. and .Jonathan ('ohen . 21. :1 ~tudent. ' • Friday, December 13, 1974 19 mg. "tar". 1.3 mg. J'l•toune a~. Pfr cigarene. FTC Repon OCT. "14. ' • - • \ .. • Warning, The Surgeon Gen~ral Has Oeternli~ed. ~-~-......:.!:.._-+:_.:....=-_.....,...,.._-J.-1 hat Eigirene-Smoking ls-Dangerous 10 Your.liealt~.,...,.o;--- ' • I • • • • ,~~·~~~-~~~--~-c:o .......... ,........,. .... ..,., • ... ' ... . • HAIDtiAJ Pat Witcher, a 'lineman ' for the phone company, adjusts a sign of the times cautioning • AUTHlllZEO PERSONNEL ONLY th at women are wdrking in the area . · THINK SAFEn • BEAAlllD E RSOlll , Editor F roci.y, Oftt,,.Otr I I * HARD HATS ON NEW PEG By LAURIE KASPER Oftlleo.ily l"ilol StaH Pat \Vi tcher was busy at work one day when a .woman walked up, looked in her face and said, "I've never seen one or those before.,, Although she 's bee n one of the telephone compaiiy's "lin emen" for a year now. she still surpri,o;e:; and is talked about by lhose men and women who see her at work. About hal f of the wo men she meels are shocked and dismayed by her. ·They ask, ''What have we come to?'' But t he other half are ··more liberat· ed" and more favorable, she said . As for the men. about a half dozen have been "downright nasty.'' · "She's had to put up with a lot of- abllse and a lot of kidding," confirmed her super visor. Don Lasley. Bul ?.1 iss \Vitcher said most or lhe men she meets, plumbers. electricians and construction workers in the new housing tracts where she does much of her work, are very nice. ''They're real morale boosters." SIDE BEN El'IT An unexpected side beneflt or the job is that she gels asked for dates by these men about two or~three times a week. Although she doesn't always accepL them . she said, "It's nice." She began with Pacific Telephone as a long distance operator and moved up to being a n office clerk before accept· ing the company's offer to train women fort he outside· ·men's jobs.'' She sta rled as a splicer. ··1 got it very rough," she admitted. "It was not hing against me. I was just a woman." Because of this, she became a li neman, a job which Lasley described as much more physical. There are only three female linemen for the company in the county. "'This has been a real tough one for the gals." sai d a company spokesperson. This year, about a dozen won1en have s tarted out to be linemen but switched to different jobs when they found it was more difficult tha n t hey anticipated, he explained. Miss Witcher recalls a woma n in her pole-climbing class falling and break- ing her back. Some other women in lb_tt classquil, she said. <The company spokesperson said they now have a lraining device Y•hich helps men a nd .. ~•omen get.up and down · the poles without the fear or falling .) DIGS DITCHES Since he r crew works in an area where most of the utilities are bein g put und ergroWld , she often has to d ig di tches and put in a heavy concrete box which protects the cable connections toa person's house. She also has to pull 3,000 lo 4,000 feet of cable which can weigh as much as three quartersof a pound per foot. A lot of the guys just put it over their shoulde rs and pull it easily. she said. ··1 have to use my whole body .·I have to learn how to use leverage.'' Women employes of the phone company who now don hard hats for their job s are Judy Kumfer (left) and Pat Witch er . ' Judy l\umler, a spli cer who also "·orks in the Saddlebac:;~ Valley are:i. belie ves her job is harder for women beca use they haven'l learned the lo.i:ic by tinkering \\.'1th cars and other machines a:. youngsters. Bu t she said this can be learned \\·it h the help of a p;iticnt foreman \\'h1ch both of th e \\'On1en cited as a prim:iry requi re ment ror v.omen's success in their jobs. Miss Kumlt•r 's most negative reac· lions have come from her boyfriend. "I mak'e more money than he does." 'l'hc men she \\•orks with were "kind of cold '' at first. ··1 had lo prove myself lo them before they "·ould even talk to me Now thev s ho"' her the easy. "smart'' waYofdoing things. After IO months on the job. she ad mi ts, · · 1 still have a "'hole lot to \ear'!;·· , EXCIT ING D:\ \' She applied for the job ..wjlen she heard the co mpany was hiring women. "When they said. 'all right,' it \\'as the most exciting day in my li fe .·• She had been running a punch pres:. machine in a fact'Ory but "I wanted to be outside more than anything.·· Both of the wom en describe their \\'Ork as heavy, hard and dirty. 1'hey recommend it to other \\'Omen \\'ilh a warning. "You hal'C to really want it," said l\1iss Kumler )ilss \\'11chcr . \\·ho belli.'\'t'!> "being J woman con1c~ f1r~t ;Jnd hncn1;in second ." sa 11.I. .. , ·ou ha\ e to ha \'C gut' and dt'lcrm in at ion to ~ta,\· out herl'. ·' Both an homt• from the Job tired <ind \\'Ith :.it·hing muscles but they \\On't ad· m1t th1stothemen. "I \\'OUid nc,·cr tell them." said )ilss Kumler, "if they asked n1c I 11ould deny ii ··1 feel that I ha1c to do better than the men b'-'rausc I feel I have to pr0\'1• somethini.:. .. Because you're :.i \\'Om;in, you h;ivc lo ma ke tha t extra effort because you know you'renotasstrongasaman ·· Agreed :\·t iss \\'iteher, "It's like 1.·.n1 proving it to them as \\'Cll as myself. But neilher \\'Ill qutt 1t \\'i l\i ngl~. )l1s:. \\'1tc·her s;iid she \1ouldn't i:o back inside "unless l'nl forced to ·• ,\nd iF this happened. sh1.· ;idded. "I think J 'd go buggy ... But she is looking ahead and think - ing of another job wi th the company. Since she's been th e focus of much of the company's pubhc1ty . and enjoyed it. she thinks she·d likC' 10 get into pu bli c relations in the future. )liss l\um!cr also hope:. to move up i nthc rompan~. .. \Vith this \\.'Omen's liberation.thin g. lhcy're earrying it r1::.1lly far ;ind they're µromoting .people withoul cause ... she said. "I'd \\'ant to go up the ranks just like lhe guys." ··Show Him Fair Way 1.JJEAR ANN LANDE RS: Well, here's one you've never had before : How do you tell a charming, dignified, elderly m an who has been playing golf nearly every day al a private club tor the past to yea1·s <or longer ) that he is supposed to be a member or pay daily greens fees'! As ne w If' Clectcd ciub offieers we reviewed the list of paid·up mem- ber ships and discovered to our astonishment that this distinguished old gentleman. who is JJractical\y' a fi)(tu re around the place, is not a m~mber, nor has he ever been one! Apparently everyone assumed he was a member and no one bolhered to question his right to play here. I-le must owe the club thousands or dollars by this time. \Vhol do "'e do n o w ? -Q UANDARY I N HARTFOR D DEA R HEART: ll'hat is lhe elderly, ~harm ing, distinguished "rixturc's" n a1ncl1I status? Is he on Social Sttartt1. loaded. or what'! This ought lo be taken Into consideration. \ Ann Landers _, Ir the gentleman is well ·heeled, he should be asked to join or pay daily greens recs. If he's a man of modest means, you could be s weet and give him a n honorary lifetime mem· bership. DEAR ANN LAN DERS: Is the re such a thing as an "unwritten code'' for h iring baby-sitters? I hope you will settle something by suggesting a few moral guidelines. !!ere is what happened to me. \Vhen good friends asked ror the name or a reliable sitter J was always happy lo help them out. But what about a neighbor who saw two of my sitters in the yard playing with my children? This woman ca.me ovtr, tOOJc,fieir names and tclepllone numbers and • now "'hen I call they aren't aVa ilable because they a re sitting fo r l·IER. Am I mistaken to consider this unethical? -SNOOKERED AN DtllAD DEAR SNOOKS: Your neighbor should have asked YOU for the names or the sitte rs and Rf)t gone directly to lhe m . Once a friend or neigh.bor ha s the na me of a sitter, ho\\·ever, I kno\\' of no \\'ay lo prevent that person from pre -e m ptln g yo u exce pt b y esUblis hlng a standing date -say, every Friday or S1turday night -and payln1 the girl whether she sits or not. ft occur111 to me that your neighbor r annoL be using BOTll girls she gra~bed wh t'n your back was turned. Ir she bas one tled up, why not t'lll the othe r? - • -... ,.; • B% DAILY PILOT •• :f<: ·Breakfast Won't Be .. ~ • Ho Hum ;. ,. <Jld Saini :\1t l\ t ">..,lll'~ • .1 'Pct"1.il 1ll\1l;d1un t o F I \ n n :1 n II \\'h11nt·~ · 1 ~:11-:hn ;1r1d .l.i:.Hn .\rnt·lt llJ th€.' s .• n1 a ·~ HreLLl\l.is l 7.3U·11 ;1.111 . 1n the Ctiltagc re~luuranl. l.;1 gun<1 l~t·;1ch . :\Ion· 11,,.\. lJL·t i1;. ·rhc : .lu11 1ur \\'11nl :1n ':-. Cluh ol Lugun<-i ~ lkach ;tl:-.u 'iffcr~ :1 : vi s it 111 S;1nl~1 ·:-. ~" \Vvrk :-.hop in the_ ('nn g_rt·,r..atiunal ~·····ch11rtrtrr01)l1rl·hmt1 5 t:enl lo :S l f • .\Lft~ for ~1 o m ~· n d D i.J d . 1-'roc:ecds \\"lit go to Operation S<inta Claus, Orang(' Coun- ty Probation Dept 5TO NE.~ ]:OSTER .. Horoscope: Gemini .,~-fR~tO ·~~~ ~INN .. ·: 6~·252:'.l · 105 ~I~ Sf· MllOI\· Jiri A Vcmon'S SPORTSWEAR '""""""" 716MaurotAo.e. o75-\90A SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 By SY D!\'1':"\' O!'tl..\RR A.RI ES (~tarch 21-Apnl 19): Accent is on business, the ability to c han ge \\"ithoul being disloyal. One \\ho has aulhonly \\'ants to see you in social sense. T1\URUS, IApril 20-1\fay 2<11 : Good lunar aspect coin· ~~::::::::::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cides now \\'ith ability to w~c Alt T1iOSt G'Ya? 2101 W. B~boa ~Yd., Mewport IMC:h 675·8410 Ski Sale Starts Dec . 15 thru 23 Holiday Fests perceive future trend:>. You can find ways lo implement plans. GE~lll\:I (!\·lay 21-Junc 20!: If you ask questions. you gain enlighlenmcnt . Don't be emharrasscd if money is involvt·d. \'ou do have right to know. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Play waiting game. Let others have first crack , - What's Sew Funny? Keeping I em • 1n Stifches By JOAN RIVERS What 1' cannot uw the own w1ndo\v treatment." _most <or is jt lhe best?) are "\\'hut's to sew?" I asked, -Do you remtmber when-...buttonholes, 1tppe·rs and for to me;-there'n>nlyi>n~­ flollywood starlets used ft> snaps. Tb is definitely way to treat a window- come on TV a nd coo. "JI J creates a problem, as leave it dirty. JOAN RIVERS -cansew,youcansew'"!' anythinglsewhasnoexit! "J'I! a~~lt s~~ing by/~~f- Well. recently J found out When they say "Sew your hand 1s d1f!1cult, Harriet. we only heard half of their way into pretty Ca shion," I t Wef!l on, "but at least_ tr~ speech. What they really have to add, ''and rip your us 1 n_ g Your sew 1 n ~ 'hie wit out sewing?" said was: "If I can sew you wayout !" machir.e." ''Easy.'' I smiled. cansew ... butlcan•t'se\v tlty talent is knots. No "A.rcyoucraiy?"lsaid "Whenever •anythin g rips \lo'orthadarn!" matter how I try. ever-''The way 1 drive.~ I'lljusttakeilandputitln Now, that makes more ything I touch gets tangled wouldn't dare come that my sewing box .. , and sense. When )'OU look like up. which is why I should close to. a needle going that v.•ait." those girls did with their make it big in macrame. fast. with me at the con-"For what?" asked Har- 38-24 -36 figures. "'-'ho needs IBut how many places can ' trols." riet. to know how to sew? Only you wear a macrame hang-"Well, how do you plan to · "'For nature to heal the homely girls. Take Betsy ing?) Therefore. every time Jet away for the rest of your tear.'" RMs. \Vith her looks, she I sew, I spend one hour lrY·r---------=--r---------- needed a hobby. \\!hat else ing to read the directions Ir----------~ was she going to do on a and then two· hours l3:king THAT SHIRT SHE .. ------., I 18K CJWNS I Saturday night? knots out of my thread. Al CANT YE Because I didn't "'a nt to this rate. I can turn a jiffy LI be thought of as homely, I pattern into a project that WITHOUT never sewed and I liked will carry me into-and it that .... ·ay. 'rhen I golmar-through-old age . I 18K ITALIAN HORN I I I riedandmyvalueschanged Aside from se"·ing as orices did likewise. something from scratch. l One da:t, I read an article. think the lowest form of that promised that se.,.,·ing sewing is mendihg. There "'·ould save me from S2 to are things in my Se\1·ing SlO on ever y Item I made. basket \llith styles elating I rushed out, bought a back so far, the local his- machine, a cabinet, pinking torical society has pro- i;he:lrs. patterns. pins. claimed my basket a "time needles, material and capsule." thrt>ad and started leachJn,'.! ;\1y perfect-nei g hbor, myself Thal wa s t hree ~larriel, who sews her own -~·co:irs ago . and to this curtains. drapes, and C\'en d<.iy, I s till can't sel'.'. the ric-r ac: on her v.·hile I really shouldn't have anklets. \vent into shock been surprised, as it \\'liS \':hen she found out l can't clear even 1vhen I 1\•as in se11·. s ixth grade that I "'-'as "Don't dwell on past meant to be a comedienne, failures," she said to me. not a seamstress. because ''Think of the satisfaction my sewin2 was such a joke. you'd get out of se.,.,•ing your Enlightened --you d o best as coun· terpuiicher. ti leans don't be discouraged by initial re- fusal . LEO !July 23-Aug. 221 : Those who make big pro- mises arc not likely to carry through on them. Know it and adopt conservative course. \'IRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 221 : Your desires are fulfilled. Key is to kno1i,r \~·hat you are asking for - don't request more than you <:an handle. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Yo u get some straight :1ns\1ers -and that's all to the good . Don't atlempt to hang on to outmoded situa- tion. THINK Jto.in In~ WISTCLIFf: PU.IA ,,.·--~- I I I I I I I I I I •• A.H. WEINERT •• FINE JEW'ELS I 3Z Fashion lS!and I I NewPOrt Beach I 64'·2040 .a.------~ SPECIAL PU-CHllSTMAS SALi! TUR9UOISE JEWELRY ,,,.,,.., N_.._O.C ...... 11 ~ SKYSTOHE ,,, J17M .......... I.._. " I 0:00 AM • 1:00 PM C.4U67J.Ollt SEE ttAHDMADE ORIENTAL RUGS at ASIAN ENTERPRISE in Design Plaza • 250 Bldg., 2nd Floor Donald F McDermott Jr .. owner TELEPHONE 644-8881 FASHION ISL.i.ND • NEWPORT CENTER MOVING SALE TROPITONE FURNITURE CO. Clubs Plan Parties S AGITTARIUS CNov . 22-Dcc. 211: Lunar em- phasis is on money and hol'.' it gels that \Yay. \'ou shou ld review budget -and gain co-operation from family member. C.\PRICORN !Dec. 22- .Jan. 19 ): Assert yourself; maintain positive attitude. Take initiative -welcome nc 1\• sta rts. challenges. "frust your own judgment. Man\llacturer of au,oiHty ooo! & DlliO turnlture is movirig lo 1.11rger auartej's and therefore deilres to cllspose of merchandise il'I varying sels and individuel piece\. TROPI TONE furniture is welded hea~v gawe tubular alu minum al'lll pOwdtrt:od coaled in one of 18 color,. Tht' ch11irs and c1'1l1St:o lounge~ us.e vinyl slr.tps and the 1at11e tops are m.tde of !Ougl'I acryl<c. Wish her a Lady Seiko Christina&. A -H . WEINERT J·'inl, jc\.,.·e]s Ji FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH 6-44-2040 NO ZW580M-17J. ytllo .. !Oil. s•li~l~s• stee! !>at•. ;>l! <1·,•I, rT!I!-•e11111~! H•1<llft• tr~'1~1, •<l1u~!•ble bracele1 1 120 00 FOOD PRICES ARE RISING OUT-Of.SIGHT! CEHTAUR TRADING CO. IS HOLDING AN OPEN HOUSE fo r Soulh Coast residents who are concerned aboul run away food prices -SeP hO\Y much space a one years total food supply takes ro store -Learn: how you can cut your foOd budget by as much a::. 50° o. -Taste: a va riety of nutritious and wholesome freei:e-dned and dehydrated natural foods. -Where: Centaur Trading Co. 900 Glenneyre St.. Suite P Laguna Beach, Ga. 92651 -Wllefl: Solurdoy & Su.day, Dec. 14111 & I Sth 11 ...... s,....o.ty FOi '4.111140 IHfOIMATlON. CAU Ol WllTI: [·IJ' f:) WALTER FLOOD le' , -p..soUTN COAST DISTRllUTOR jl ' ilW) ~-17141494-1066 • i 'Y oJ 114 ....... 7hyll l ' ·_· AARP _ A Fountain Valley chapter of lhe 1\merican As· s ociation of HC'tircd Persons. Inc . has been formed. Its first meeting 1\·111 take place at l p.m. Tuesday , Dec. 17, in l\lurdv Communit1· Ct'ntcr - Eugene l-1. l-lilc Sr., state dtrector, will introduce the steering committee, includ- ing Elsie llii;hf1eld, chairman . .1;1n1 cs Do~·!c, Sophie Bates nnd Bt'rnard Zahm . Teachers The California HC'lir1'd T eachers' As_.;0t'1 a1 ion. Or;inge Coull\\" Central Dt1·1s ion , will ·th' C'Tlll'r ta1ned b y lh t• S1crr.1 Elementary School Choir al 1:30 p.m . Tuesday. Dec. 17. Jn the Orange County Farm Bureau, Orange. Carol fest Choirs from 15 Orange County high schools will participate in the fourth an- nua l Carolfest at Park Nev.1port Apar.tments, Ne"'"·port Beach, Tuesday. Dec . 17. The ensembles are com- peting for cash pri·les up to SJ.SO. Judges will bC' mem- bers of the Irvi ne !\Taster Chorale. rcprcsenl•ltivcs or the UC ! music faculty and choir directors from the count~·. Auxiliary .\l arllyn Richardson of No N .. d lo go lo Cucumun9a or Wherever ••. NOW IH HUNTINGTON BEACH ALEX HAIR FASHION 962-8860 '046 Adom5 lcontft'" of Magrtolio) The beauty Salon you can recommend to relalives and friends with pride and confidence. "Excellence without Extrav09ance" ~ Laguna Beach has been in- stalled president of the Orange County \\'omen's Architectural League. Scaled "'ith her during ceremonies in the Balboa Bay Club were Susan Corum, vice president : Gayle Jones. secretary, and Donna 1-larris . treasurer. BPW l·luntington Beach Busi· ness and Professional Women's Club members "'ill meet for a party in the home of Lucille Allaire, 1-funtington Beach, at 7 p.m. tlfonday, Dec 16. Special guest ""i ll be Dawn Ohlen- dotff of Golden We st College, the club 's scholarship winner. ,\QUA RIUS fJan. 20-Fcb. 181: \\'hat occurs is likely to be quiet and behind the scenes. Be a1vare of subtle nuances. Someone is trying to tell you something. PISCES <Feb. 19-~tarch 201: Actcnt is on 1-vhat to do now that you have rt>cci1·ed g:ree n light. Hcqucst is fulfill ed. IC today is your birthday you are dynamic, capable or expressing yourst:lf Jn 1ncaningfu\ n1anncr. a ~ood lraveler and excellent :it ai ding other 1i to rcsolvl' their problems. Swiu Offie•r'• Shirl made oJ 100% hand woven cotton. Has so mony lea.lureJ we can't de5Cnbe it. See ii for ....yourMlf . Price $22.50. See our olh&'I' band llAIOCAMDll!CAJID NUTOl'otlAllGt . Westeliff Pl&ae 1028 lrviJl.e, Newport Bei1ch, CaUJornl.t 92&!0, Ph•e 642-7061 Ll FURNITURE Will BE SOLD, AS IS, AT SOo/, Off R!TAll PRICES. APPROXIMATE CHAIRS $30 to $SO PRICES CHAISE LOUNGES $60-$100 TABLES $17·$105 CASH ONLY AU SALIS FIMAL l<o ,,._ or tt•<hl c .. a. I~• 1',.M.,• "'u\I ~ , ... n •1 \,.. 11...e al -~-.., - DATl:SATU•DAY,DEC.14, 1974 TIME: 9 G.fll.·Hooi! ADO•ESS; 176ZZ Anmfronq, ir.IM ..,___ ............. -1.-....... _.,,_, __ '" ...,._. J. tifM • a.,-_J kb to _..,. l. aifM • --. to 11lU - SEE A COOKING DEMONSTRATION GE MICROWAVE OVEN SA TU RDA Y, DEC. 14 FREE 14 PIECE COOKWARE SET With pwrchaw af this G! Mierowa•• O••" AT OUR COSTA MESA STORE 411 E.171hSI. FROM I 0 A.M.·2 P.M. IY GE HOME ECONOMIST HOW ONLY .. I I U'I Ttlefol!Mt Changing Directions Going around in circles simply \\'as not enough travel for Dorothy Lee, so the Oakland woman hung up her roller skates and quit derby competition to · become an airline stewardess. She is the reigning Miss Airlines International. Ward Parties Sponsors Needed !\J.:i ny of the r lients at Fairview Slate I Iospita l can't go home for Christmas. So. \rith the help of the community, Christmas spirit is brought to them throug h holiday parties in the \\'ards. Volunteer · ~cr vices director Enid Lathrop has issued a t<tll for groups to sponsor these events from 2to7p.m . \\lards h ave 30 to 50 clients \\'ilh differing problen1s. All that is required of sponsors is 10 prO\"ide r efr eshments. some light enter - tai nment or music: and decorations to set the mood . Groups in the past have con· tributcd s mall gif ts. Anyone interested in such an acti vi ty. or playing Santa for a party. can contact l\Irs. Lathrop ctl 545·9331, Ext. 483. Warning Danger Days Ahead SACRAMENTO -Atty. Gen. E ve lle Younger has suggested that parents of children who will be out of school for the holidays keep an eye on th eir youngsters. Noting that the period between now and New Year's Day are danger days in terms of crime, he relat- January Date s~et Calva ry Chapel, Santa Ana will be the setting for the Jan. 18 nuptials linking Linda Fleischm an of Santa Ana Height s and Michael C. \Vhitney of Santa Ana. Their e ngagement has been announced by her parents, !\Tr. and l\1rs. G. \V. F l eisc hm an Jr . o f t~ullerton. \Vhitney is the son of the Chester I'll. Wh itneys, resi- dents of fl.1 as:;achusetts. FOR THE LOVELY PA.LE POIHTEUE SWU.TEI THINK JUlln In~ WISTCUffl Pl.Al.A .,. ............. - UFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ...... , .. w ... lt.letl lt21H ....... 11~4. Cett1 MIM-S41-015t ed that every resident or the state , particularly children. can become victims of crim e. The attorney general re- marked that during the Christmas vacalion period. school districts and recrea· tion agencies plan pro- grams for children, and he encouraged parents to have th eir children participate. "This will ensure that yo ung ste r s have a wholesom e vacat ion and stay out of trouble," he said. On another m alter - hitc hhiking ~· he pointed out that it is always u dangerous undertaking for the hitchh iker and the driver. "The anticipalion is lh<il many more young peo· pie y,·ill be thumbing rides noy,· that Christmas vaca· Lion is nearly here." ''ounger ur ged parcnls to C'aution their C'hili:lren not to hitch rides. and said the safest way to travel is with someone you know -never \\'ith a stri:l nl!e r. • . -- REVLON INTIMATE TEAR DROP SPRAY Intimate, one of the world's great fra· grances. Beautiful l eardrop spray bottle. Nt. wt. 21/• oz. 400 JOVAN MUSK OIL Absorbed by the skin and activated by body warmth. Creates your own natural fragrance. 1h ti. oz. 500 Three of your favorite travel size colognes from Faberge. Each bot· tie is 112 ti. oz. 4so DANA SCHICK SPRAY HOT LATHER COLOGNE MACHINE Try one of these Piping hot \alher famous Dana colognes ... sultry -in seconds. Tabu, sparkling Includes machine Ambush or Twenty and two refill Carats. Nt. wt. 3 oz. cartridges.1300) 400 l 199 PRINCE MATCHABELLI SPRAY MIST For the woman on the go, a spray mist ot her lavorite cologne ... Wind Song, Golden Autumn, Beloved or Prophecy. 5 5 O Nt. wt. 3.6 oz. COTY SWEET EARTH FANTASTIC SOFT CAT FRAGRANCES WITH LIQUID She. favorite fragrances BUBBLE BATH , from the famous Sweet Earth compacts Beauty bath in an or spray mist collec· elegantly designed lion. Nt. wt. 2 oz . sculptufed cat ligure. 275 119 IUENA PARK: Beach at Orangethorpe •Open weekdays O'llANGE: City Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd. • Open weekd S.lHT.l A.HA.: 3900 So. Bristol-No. of So. Coast Plaza - " • GILLETIE'S MAX FOR MEN 650 watts of power . lor fa st hair drying. Two speed settings. Two attachment s; a brush for control, a comb tor styling. 1999 ENGLISH LEATHER GIFT SET 4 oz. bottles ol English Leather's famous after shave and cologne. A gift lhat conveys good taste. 700_ :30 to 10 Sundays 10 to 10. CAIL Y PILOT 83 OLD SPICE TRAVEL GIFT SET Travel size plastic con· tainers of Old Spice after shave and stick deodorant. DEVIL'S POTION AFTER SHAVE LOTION 1s1 BRUT MEN'S LOTION The after shave Brut is lor the man lotion for develish who Is sure of men. He'll love it himself .•• a bold and so will you. dashing scent. 411. oz. 3.2 fl. oz. 199 700 . ' MENNEN 4 PIECE VARIETY GIFT SET Sampler bo!lles of Mennen after shave, col· ogne, Burnished Leather after shave and Wild Moss after shave. 1112 ti. oz. bottles. BRUT "33" GIFT SET Tailored to a man's taste, super gift set ol 7 fl. oz. splash on lotion and nt. wl. 7 oz. deodorant spray. 3s9 249 CANOE AFTER SltAVE LOTION Rich in emollients for so ftening and soothing the skin. Famous canoe aroma. 311/1611. oz. 400 JCPemey 1~3 •~5 1IS 0 I -·--·-·-- 9:30 to 9:30. Sundays 10 to 9:30. pen weekdays 9:30 to to. Sundays 10 to to i B4 DAIL V PILOT Fndl)'. December 13, 1174 Harbor Entries Sign for Race With deadline for entries in the-blennl•I Marina dtl- Rey to Puerto Vallarta race set for Jan . .'.l. the sponsor· 1ng Del Rey Yacht Oubre· ports a doien paid entries to <l<Jte with prospecls ot ttbout '30 mur ... Tht: race gets un· dcr "'ll~ f\·b 1 St\L'r,11 loc . .d boats ore among the 44 ~ppltcanu:, according to Commodore Ira Braz ll<Jy and R on Kapl a n co-cho1rman of th~ 1.12~-m ile rutc. Local boats preparing lor thf' rart· ;i re ~lark John !i un !I \\'1ndward p a s !I a ~ e ' n 0 _h Oeaui:h nn1p'!' Dorothy U, llob L)'n<:h:. Sirius II. George "fouloy ':. A1ncr11·:1 Jaric It. and Bob Grant's Robo.n-•• Ragtime. the s2.root sloop o"ned by the Long Beach Y11rht Ctub syndicate of BUI Pasquini. Bill White and Stan r-tiller, Is expected to make the race and thus !let up a rematch for the battle for fir s t to finis h "'1th Windward P11s saae. Ragt i me beat \VP to Honolulu in 1973 by four minutes. Hagtime started an the '1913 PV roce but was forced 1iut v:hen sh<' started taking un wa ter 1n hravy 'A.'cather tK?fori' the race "·as 24 hours old, Sl!vtral other boats .... ·ere knocked ou t or the 1973 race by ge::ir failure~ or dis· rna~t1n~. \\1('('kt•nd Calendar Holiday Classic Opens Saturday ~c .... p<1rl 11 urhor \'~1tht ("lub'~ unnuul Chr1stma!> re- ~utlu . ~chedult·d Saturday <ind Su nday, Dec 1·1·15 will 1.1·!nd up thl· rrgatt:.i JCilr Jn '.\"t'"'J)Orl Beach. ln\'1tat\ons have been !'irnt out to seven small boat t•Jasscs v.·hich 1\'\ll be sn iling <1ul!-.1de courses and nine kce lb out and hig h· p e rro rn1:1nce dinghy classes scheduled tu s:.dl on outside cour!iC S Inside classes list<'d in the invitation arc Lido 14 ;\and B. Laser A and B and Sabot A. 1~ :1ntl C. Outside classes !is lt:d are Pl·IHF, Rhode s-3 3 1 Etchc lls·22, Soling. Star, Shields, Ludcrs·16. 470 and Yachtsman In Back Of Firm Finn. Inside classes will sail three races Saturday and t"'o on Su nd ay and outside 1·l:isses "'ill sail t\l.'O races Saturday and one on Sun· day. SO uth e rn Calif o rnia 'lachting Association calen- dar; :'\e...,·port-B:ilboa NE\VPORT !!ARBOR YACHT CLUB -Ch ristmas Re gatta. all c lasses, S;itur - day. Sunday. Lns Ansclcs·Long Be<1t h CA BR I LLO 'BEACH \'r\Cl-lT CLCB -First rate, Winter Series, all tlJSSC'S, Sunday. Santa ~Ionica Bay Kl"G HARBOR YACHT CLt:B -Christmas Regal· tu, keel boats, Saturday. · North and Inland SA NTA BARBARA '"ACllT Cl.VB -Scholastic Series. Saturday, Sundcly. Boating Maps Now Available Do wn East Yatht:;, Inc., the Harbor Area's newest boat building firm, holds the distinction of being a yachtsmen's yacht building co mpany . A series of guide maps lt "'aS founded by an ac· .showing California's many t ivc yachlsnlan and funded boating facilities 1s now bv so m<.· of the area's le<1d-available from the State itig yachtsmen. Division or Navigation and Bob Poo le, president and Ocean Development. founder. "'as formerly with The reference maps show Columbia Yachts and has lhe state's boating access tong been lnvol\·ed in yacht areas, including launth1ng racing through his affi lia-:-;iles a nd marinas. In addi· tion with Bahia Corinthian lion each booklet contains Yacht Club. The new Down sev~ral basic safety prac· East Yachts, ho"·ever. are tices and certain boating re· being built primarily ror gulations. cruisin ~. "These guides provide an Thl' list of ~tocJ.:holders excellent referente to the anti fina ncial backers of t housands of launching DO\\·n East reads like a sites marinas and resort \\'ho's v.'ho ol Joc;iJ yarh11ng. a rea~ in California,"' said ·rho:.c involved financially Frank Torkelson, acting \\'l!h the ill'"' compi1ny in· director of DrioOD. ''They rhide Chuck lil!man. Rod are designed for use by all L1f1pold , D:1ve Cuckler, boaters, from the offshore .John \'irt11£>, Ted ~l unroe, cruising sailor to the lake 1\111 Hann1n)!, J:.>on A,,·res fisherman." he added. Jr . Onn S1l1sbury, Burton The booklets are divided ,.;ilc. ~J orrie Kirk . It \V. i nlo t hr ee areas -~laplc. \V . G Paul. Hill ~orthern, Ce nt~a l and Shippii:ig Lanes Planned In an effort to prevent mannt pollutioa and U.e loss or life and r,roperty caused by 1hip coll slons off the Southern California coast. the Coast Quurd Is e5 tab\ishing ··shipping h1nes" in the San Pedro Channel. Slmilar to a. divided highv.•ay used by automobiles, the shipping . h1nes are pl'lrt of a T'raff\c Separation Scheme (TS$) which will become effective Jan.1, 1975. The !\hipping lanes "'ill be an extension of the TSS "'hich has been in existence 5ince 1969 in the western ap- pro a ches t o Lo s A ngeles/Long Bea t h llarbor-from-the -50ulh-~ir\d vessels leaving there on southbound courses. JS ADDITION lo the ship- ping lonts. the new TSS v.•i\I hpvc ii precautionory zone '''hose houndary "'·Ill run from Point F'C'rmin to Hunt- ington Beuch a t :1 rtistante of five rnilcs oft the Los Angeles /Lon-'! £le a c h !!arbor brt:1 k wati,:r. This precautionary tone will ti c the pre!lcnt TSS into the harbor -.pproach and new southern Ja nes, and serves as a "'arning that vessels may be approaching from many directions and thut extreme caution should be used while navigating in the arcil . At their juhction "'ith the preca·utionary zone. the ncv.• shipping· lanes will be one mile wide. At their southern end. 19 miles dis· tant mid"•ay belwttn the so uthe rn tip o f Santa Catalina Island ond Dana Poinl, their width increases -. . -. LM. Boyd Burglar Looks -In 3 ~laces- A burel•r of tenathy expei-lence contends the three places a householder Is most likely to leave a key are: 1. Under the doormat. 2. Over the door jamb. 3. ln a flower pol. Or did you suspect as much? This felon says he never took time to check more than these three hiding places tor rear neighbor:s might lake 1lot~. lf he were the homeowner, he saysr he 1.1,·o uld not hide the key ns clo5e to the door as Possibl e, but r ather as rar away from It as not too inconvenient Checkroom attendants at moi;t all the nation's race tracks get considerably bigger tips right after the seventh race than after the eighth or the ninth~ Losc1·s stirk around to the end , but "'inners go curly, FAMOUS MEN Q. ''\Vh st did these fa mous men have in to"'!mon? J ohn Paul Jones, Ulysses S. Grant and Wtnston Churchil l.'' i\. Each was six inches taller than Napoleon Bonaparte '"ho was S·foot-1. \Vhat else they had in com· mon \va.s that U1ing called drive. Q. "110\\' f 1\ST do those South America n s9Jdlcr ants march?". i\. Takes them about three and a half hours to CO\"er a mile, romp· ing and stomping and chomping up everything as they go. Q. "HOW OLD lS the average tar in lhis country? I-low about the average truck'!·· A. Car, 5.6yc<11·s. Truck, 7.G yc;1rs. SURVEYS repeatedly pro\'e the vegetable in this country is the turnip. SILOGRA~I S least 1>0pular A test called a silogrum is \\'hat the research scientists use to measure a person's aptitude \\ilh \\'ords. lttorc spccifitally, a person's ability to relate known words with unknown words. This knack of memory is highly desirable in fields or chemistry, medici ne and law. Scholars at the Hom an Engineer- ing l.abo;alory in Boston chctke:d out numerous girls and boys v.'ilh sllograms. The OOy s remembered 27 ,,..,·ords out or 80, average. The girls, 35 out of 80. Upshots : Girl.s a re heller suited lh<111 boys to become chemi5 ts, doctors, lav.'yers. SO '\'OU THOUGllT the United States was tops 1n television:' No, lhere are 401 TV sets for e\er~· 1.000 Swedes, onl y 399 for every 1.000 U.S. citizens. l'ltan for man, the S\vedes read more ney,·spapers, t29. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE HOTICI Ol'PUILl(NIAllNO llPOllTMI (ITV COl.IMCIL O,TNI ti TV 01' POUMTA1N 'IA~l.V "IOTICE 15 t<EA E8V GtVl!H tJW1 Oil Tu.MltY. 0.ttmbe< II, "lj, ttt·~P.NI. I" Ille Council Cll~be<. 10H0 Sltlt< Awe-. F-l•ln V•ll•y, (1lllor~11. INCl!l Cour>f.11 wUI llO!dt publlc: !'let• l"90M 1N fol-lnQ. IESOLUTIOlt NO. 1JSJ -A AESOLUT!O"I 01' Tl-I E CITV (O\JNCILOF TME CITY Of FOUNTAI N VALL£Y. CAllFOIU<I,., 0€(\.All\NC. 11~ INTEN· TION TO VA CAT£ A ST ll EF T E.ASEM£N1 KP.i()WN AS LOS ALAMOS STREET, 5El· TING Tl'>£ TIME ANO PLACE FOR PU I LIC t<EAA ING TH(R(O N, AN O ,llOVIO!NC. FOR THE PERFORMANCE 01' "LLA(TS JlfOUIRl'O RY LAW. l'MM OfJl•ll>Q IO 1t~t1!w on •~-or In l>P' pn!tlol'l to 11111 P'-5•• .. 1u be II'""'"' <IP" portl,l~lly lo 0$ to. II h,1fl""< lntO<rtWI-!I SUPEll 1011 (0U•TOF TllE IJJZ dflltt(I, YOU ,..., Ult111tl IM Public WO.~~ STATEO,C•i.IFOllNIAl'O• Otfw,rtmtnl !"'llZ·f'li ). fl-IE COUNTY OF ORANG[ l'ICTITIOU5 BUSINESS ("I fY COU N(lt-OF Tl;fC!TY Nt, A·l1 .. l NAME STATEMENT EY 011 DE• TO SHOW (AU~E. FOR Tntl<lllow;ni;i PttMltl i•Odnt.llN\.l""'SI\' 01' FOUNTAIN VAl L CNANGI! 01' NAME VNITEO AUTO PARTS, 1'07~1 Cool•! Evtl'/TIG•>;PO In lllt Mtll•• "' 11\t AP,1>h(&t1cm 0 H1Qj'lw1y,NtWP01'S..><;ll,Cllrlllf"'d Ofl)Ut,CI Cl<'•~ I PU ' MAllYESTEL FOllO SCHUELE, Fo ORIGIN AL PARTS SUPPLY CO S!Ale P11bl o\MO Or1n<;1t Co••I 0•• Y o • Cll•n'lf ot Hime. of tntO•llO•tllon : C1lilornl1. l?iJ 0 S.Oum ~-·•· lJ, '"' -·ll Tne •POllc tllon of MA RVESTEL FOR L01•1. Ananr lm, C11ito•nl1 P UBl IC NOTICE SCHUELE !Of <flln;eof n•rnt. n•vl"!lbft T11l1 C>ullM\i h t~Ouclta bY dn In·,------·--------to~ on Cet11rl, Mid ol dPPll'•nQ l•ornwid• dlvlo.11. 1· pll(lllo~ \l>tl MARY ESTEL FOR ORIGINALP,.RT~SUPPLYCO. NOTICETOC•EOITOllS ~;;~~~~ ~!',''~'!~: ·:~,~·~z::;:~ :;:i~:;,~~n s~~~~~~~~~.~~~~iA1;0E11 MARVESTEl FORO l(AT2, GlllANO, ANO PAL.AIU: TKE COUNTY OFOllANGE How. IMrtlOle, II It ti.r~by oro.red -•ttvrMyt I-lo. A·IU}I ~'"'<lfll. 11\al 111 Pf''°"' •nlf,..tlf<l In .-10 '1MWU\lllrt h~kW•r~, Slllltllt E•l1tecl JOSE PH 5. 0AV!5, l>ecttwd. m•lte< do IPPtl< ~ .... 1ll•i Cou n '" ..... rtyMUlt,ClllH•ral•ttllJ NOTICE •S MERE8Y GIVE N tot~ OoNrl,.,,.nl l ~Ille 1111 <MY ol Oect<nl:ltr n111 \ltl<lrntnl w11 Ulfll wl tll tlll Co!inty cr~!lor1 ol lt>t •bo•f ,.,,...a *c....,! In.., t•N •t 10·00 o'clot -A.NI . o! ..aod a•r ~ Ci.r-OIOr1nge Coun1y.,..OUobe•1'1. 1'74. "I Pl'•>Dn• n•.,nv ct•lm• IQ.ti""' IM"'" $11<1w c•u•e ..,Y luCll •PPlic•l•on tor ctltnllf FJIJ14 Ottedonl •r~ •~oullld to Ille !lllm, wot" Int OI n1me •llOuldno\ tit g•t1l\•P Pi.lbl\:i.lled Or•nQI C.OeU 0.11, Pilot, NOY Mt"'~'• vo1"N!". on ine othce 011111! <ltr~ 11 ,, ,.,,,,.., orOtred 11111 • <OPr o1 u111 22 29 1,.., l)e(.•. 11. 191• •JOl•l4 of I"" """"" •Mt.toed toun . .,.. lo "',''-nl " · owm wotn ,.,.. <ll!«•u••r •outl'lru. • ll>O' ""''" To 511ow C•YM be l)YOl<>lle<I lft UW ll'IOtil>-d Cltl OIY•d /,I, 0...>I, A!\0< .... Y Or•nllf(Nll OAtLl' PILOT tnew-rof PUBLIC NOTICE tt L"w •I 114'1 51,111 Sltttt S...lt MOn•c• oener11 Clrc11l1t10". prlntHI ln "'" co...,1r. CtU!a•"'• 90401, whlcn 11 u~ ir-91:• of 11<$1'. !,~:::!.1!~~:,:e~!~~/:;,J~:.:<tH"1' SL~·l47tt ntu ot tt>t unOkt>lgntO in 111 ""'11•'1 Pl'•· O.IHI 1111> u1n dfJ tl No.,....-. 1'1• $UPlll1011 (OUllTOl'CALll"OltNIA I""!"'} lo tM •>Ill• ol ..aoa dtct<lfnl, 101tnon Fr Ml~ Ooll'll nltninl . COVNTl'OFOllAMGIE '°"' ""'"'"' ol!Wrl .... 11••1 p<>(llltlll""ol lllh J11<:19t 01 wlcl Su!Mt<i"' °""" lilt. AtJftJ ..... •(f LESTE 11, MANLl!l' ANO LElllL 01101111 TOSHOWCAUSI 01tfd NO•tm~r )0, 1'74 WALLACE J. M• NLEY t" " l• Ootwl• Kt'I Nor1111n,. Mino• 11, ALAN(. CALL to 1111 miles. Separating i'Q· ... ..,....,,.....,....,,.....,....,.,...,..,..,...,..,..,.,,...,..,._.., bound and outbound lanes ~ f'CI f:lll WllllwlSlrttl lfoA¥JK1yJ>tillllsn,.., P1•ffl1,lor0>6"9flll E•e<u\or of 111' W1ilol Ptitdt•t, (1Ult<lfl• f1101 IN1'"". lllt •tl0•1 ,_.m.10 at<tOttll Tf'I: IU·tlH; 611·11·4' WHEREAS, M••• K1y P"HllP\,i>ttll..,..., O•VIO M. ou••T An.rMJ ler AppH<lnl 11 IN mot.,., OI .tp(lllc1nt, Lt °""""' 111J 11"" SIOI" Sl•lll will be a two·mile wide separation or buffer zone. 1fl.<1T1ALLY, participa· lion in the TSS \V iii be volun - tary, but upon the adoption of the new International Rules of the Road, vessels will be required lo comply with the provisions of the rules pertaining to such lanes as part or interna- tionally adopted Traffic Separation Schemes. Mercury's New Boat Unveiled l\lercury Marine has launched itself into another dimension of pleasure boat· Ing with the unveillng or a 375·horsepower marine jct drive. Th e ~terCru iser Jet 400 is a complete package, includ- ing engine, pump and in · stallation components. The engine is developed for installation in 16 through 22 -foot jet-typ e boats. ~l ertury engineers say the ~1 erCruiser Jet package is capable of speeds up to 70 mil es per hour. Magazine Guilty In Libel Battle· TALLAILASSEE, F1a. and convincing evidence of (AP r -The .Florida the negligence in certain Supreme Courl has ruled · segments of the news media that Time, Inc. libeled in gathering news ," the Mary Alice Firestone and court said. must pay her $100,000 for re· "A careful examination porting that s he was or the fin al decree prior to divorced from millionaire publication wou ld have Russell A. Firestone on clearly demonstrated that grounds of adultery. the divorce had been grant· The 4-2 opinion said the ed on the grounds of cx- divorce was granted on treme cruelty, and thus the grounds of mental cruelty, wife would have been saved although there was con. the humiliation of being ac- siderable test imony of pro-t used or adultery in a na- miscuity in the div.Orte tionwide magazine," the trial. court said. "The trial court, although "FURTHERMORE, this stating that e nough erroneous r~portlng is clea.r testimony had been In· Insurance Payment 'trodueed to make Dr . Freud's hair curl, specifically stated in the final judgment that the court was inclined to dis. count much of the testimony as unreliable." P\il)ll,,.td Ori"<;it CO.Oll Ofl\J PllOI, Nev, Hllr"11n, I Pt•Jofl w..otr 11 Jt•~ol "Of, N' SlllU "'-~•t•. (tlilotlflt 'IOfOI 1J.19, •"" O.c. •• u. HI• jJ14·1• llletlt pS1111on wl1f\lfll' Cle<• MlllltCovrtlor Ttll ltUf m-n5• I ....... dt. tn....,l119t1>Pllttnl't-lrom w AllWMJ ... E•t,wlor PUBLIC NOTICE OonN K•y NO""'" 10 lt Oo!>tl• Kil P\11111~4 Ort"llt Co1~t Dair, PllOI , NO~. Plllnfn; n. l't,1no Do< o. 11. 1•1• •JI)'• !T ISO"OERED\lltltllpe,_lnlt<HI• -------------NOTICE TO Cll £0tTOllS SUPfltlOll COU RT OF THE ST ATf. OP CALll'OllNIA fOlt THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE ......... , ... E1t1(e of NELLE SALMANS o.AlY, °'''',,..., NOT1CE t~ MEREE!V (,IVEN to ll'lt c.-.alllH'l or t~e 1Dove n~med otctotn1 111.i tt! llfrl""S ll~vonq <l11rn• ~l"'I U!t WHI «:-~1 l rt ftGM .. ld to llt<l lfllm. Wit~ tl>f nKt11•r1 VOIKllers, In '"'offlctof U. ci+r of Ult. tbo.,.. tntlllt(I cowrl. "' to ptt!.eft !1Mm, wot" t.,._ ntctt_,. ~ .. to ~rllll"tO 11 •» ~ s1,.1, ~.o. Bo IJH. NtwPO•I 8•t(h, Clt!lornl• qlWO, wnl<n Is tflt p11<e 01 bllll11t" of 1 """''''""'°In •!I m•ttt•I 1>1n11n1no ru trit esl11e al Wld clftfdenl, wolfUn lollr JllOl\lhl. •Her lfll llrtl PvOll<lllOflO! 111 .. nol o(e. O•llcl No•tmbtr n. 1q1• LIU11n Otl vGto~'ltr Aomln!1trl l•I • al the i;'!~le at t11e 1oovt Nmta dtt•""nt KU-WITZ, MUlt'#llZ ANO REMER UOlJ1141 lltHl P. 0. lo• 1Jlf IWWl>Hl httll, C1lllRt~1••l ... AllOtMY• lor Aclmlftl11r•trl• ltl: H iil UJ·KH P\ibl llfllld Ortnll't Coa~1 0.<!y f'llol, Nov 2l,1'1,lnd0.< .•. IJ, 191• 4111·1• PUBLIC NOTICE td otllfle 1bcv .. n11111c1 m•lltf -·· tlffllfl p u BLIC NOTICE lll11(our11110;00 A,M .. on Jl,,...<J It, lflJ, In tllt <ounfoom ol O•P1tlmtr1t '" 71lC Clvl< (.enter Orl ... Wf1\, Stntt Aftl, Or-Cowl· NOTICa INVITINO llOS '" C.hlor11i1, Ind ll'IOW tlll!.4', Ir-· -'IJ Notkt It l'le<tOY ....... ll'lll tl'll! llo.frd II INP1lilloflfortll•~Ol ... mt showldnotlll Trvstee1 Of tl>t (OMt t.ommunl1Y Col~ 9'"'lf<I· Dilltlc:t ol O<t"Ot C-'1. Cllllornl1, w\\I ll ISFURlHERO RDf llEOU\ttlCOC>Jof """'I"' •••ltd 11141 .. IO 11 ,ao •. m .. -11111 "'~'lo,,.,,,.,, <IYMo be l)Ubll-wll" Illy, Jlnu••Y •. 1'11, •~ 1111! P\fr <fl.nl"O Or-Coa•t 01ily Polot. 1 """SPollle• Ill 0.111. °' ,..,4 '°""°' Oiol•lcl lottltd 11 llto .....,,,1 <i•<11l1U°" ptl..iea in Or,.. Co..n--ms A'tlnu., C~ MIW, (Milotn~. It !Y. Callfo<nl1, DflCf • •Hl !or lour WC· -"time wid bid!; wotl bt publldJOPrflf<I (f'S\lvt-1prl!lf 16llltff.,MllO<hfffl"'11 -•ttdtor· °"""t>ellllon. MICRO!.C0P(5 O..ted·Ott.1, 19'•. All 1>ldt '"to bO' on «Cllfo.tnc• wit" 11141 F-RANK 00,..EN\(MINI ln~lrwC-lion\ 1"4 Ctondll'°"" -5.pe(Hi(•· JU<lqeol11141$u~rlor Cowrt lion• wlll<" tro -on to~ -m1y be lJ.WOl'flCEOl"•O&E llTE,l(f.ILLY \.l!<Yf"ed In •ne Olll(e ol ll'lt P\o<tlW"f>li 1•tCtft1w..., p,,. E111 .,,..n101 u.a..:nooloi•lr>t1. Slollf 11«1 EK11 bo<1der """"' tUllfTIOI wl•ll "" bid I lll ,.t>ttltl, (.I liltr11i1 toa.1 c 1i;r.11r'1 (llt(k, ttth11-(lll!tk. or llidcltr's illll HJ.J"6 bQrld m-p,oy•!>le 1911'10lclff of!Plt C..11 Publl'1•e<! Or1n9t Cc11I OtilV P•lol, Co...munn, (Oll tQ* Oltt•ltl llDlltd OI ~•mtoe• •. 13. 'lG.JI. ~"· USl·I• T•U1'"' in •n .... _,. ""'"-'llvt ••. ------' ttnt U'-) of 11\e\umtioa••t-<l'lketll.ll CE 1111 DIOde• will enter ontoilll! propolfd C..... PU 8 LIC NOTI lrltl II tN .. ,,,. i. ...... 11111 to 111 .... '"Ille -------:,-.,,-,.... ,_of f1Uur1 to-· lmG -II Cllfll•KI, ... lllt """""d1oltflt c11K11wll1 M!orlll11<1.or NOTICE TOCllEDITOllS lt1 11\t (a>e of 1 ~. t11t lull 1Um '""''°' ~UPE lllOR COUllTOl"lllf will be lllfltl!td to \lld!.<-dl11ric:1. Sl•TEOFtALll'OllNIAFOR No biddor m1y ,.,1fll!taw 111\ &id lDf I THE (0UNTV OF OllA NGE oerlQI ol torly·li •e l•!il Cl.lyl llltr IM 4.110 Nt .A-11114 1ot1lorl,..._n111g1~. E\1 11• ol RUTH ADA ELIZABE Ji; Tiit Bo••O 1! Tru11111 ......... ,, Ill• MA OOE RY, l>etttMd. ~IWl1f9'!' "' ••leClil>q MIJ .. 111111 bids or IO NOTICE 15 H £II E&Y GIVEN lo Ill• wt•'4 iny lrtf9"llrllle• or lnlorm.Utlft on ete<11tcr1 011111 •OO-e named orc~IK'nt 1n11 .,iy bid or In Int bodd•nQ. 111 P""'"' nav\119 <l•ill'llo a<oJaln•I !ht >1111 Signed • 1-!0RMANE WA1SON dlltldtnt 1re rtdulrtd lo lilt ""'"'· w11n !!'le Stttr. 8oarttof TNtlM\ "''''"'Y VOlltl'let\. ln tfl<IOll!ttOI tllt <II" ()pfn: J1n •.\ti, -11.ao1.m. of Int tbc•t entlllfll '""''· °' to O•tltr•I Pulllltl>td O•~ Cw'I 01Uy P!11t. tlltr ... wllll 1fltM(l111'YV.OIKM•l, IOlllewn Oettm•• 6, ll. t•H -~" dtrtlUl>ld ti ll'lt oil o<t Ol 11•1 •ltorntJ, GEN£ C. ~PROUL, UOl• p,,,,..,, lloultviro. PUBLICNOTJCE NarwtlO., Cllllornl1 ~SO. w111c11 1i11>e Pltef ot bullntts ot tflll wncllr\itl'lt'd In 111 m,l!ltn ••llln1ng to \tie t\ltlt ol \l>O dt<~Oenl ,!CT IT IOUS IUSIMiSS l-IAMl!STATl!MINT w11";" '""' "'""'~' 1!1tr t11t 11,,.1 11Ullllc1oon 1.,. 1000 .. ,l>ll ~""" ;,_""' ""'""''' 1 \ · !'IRS. FIRESTONE'S Ol!llo1not1<i. IMPllO'llEMEN'l'S WEST, 4111 E. 11th O.l td Novtm~r ?•, 1•1• < ., , ''''' 1961 d'.vo•ce settle ment p·o· s1ree1, Co••~"'•~•. •1t om• Premature , 1 lllC,..AllD 5PROUL ~lt<R HubiftOt•,410'IOor<lltllttAold. Vided her $1.2 million in E•tcvtarott ... '1•"11 C0<0t11~I Mt•.C.rllW'ftl1'!7'7'! -DENVER (UPI ) -The alimony from the grandson SLP·JO•> 0'1""~1:1<lvenincoa.<tdtnt T"'' ou""'" 1~ conouct•a,,., '"in- r F T • c SUl'Elt!Oll COU•TOFTHE GINEC.Sl'I UL ~·v•dwll. U.S. 10th Circuit Court of o irestone ire o. ST•ll'O'CAL1Fo111-11A FOR 111>4 "1-•r•iv•. T"''\1111mtn1wr;111«1 w1111111tc .... n•v I h V round.• Ha•vey F1'•es••nc •••CO""'o•o•ANGf ""'w••~.cJlu.•o•~~ ·c1e••ot0•1nge Coun•v""QK•f'fll:lt•l.1'11 Pl"BLIC NOTICE Appea s said t e eterans • • • "' • tASr tto.1o1otl• re1: 11u1"'·"'' J •-• Administration was pre· payable in monthly install-NOT1c£o,sa1.EOl'llE1ot. •11or ... ,ier1E ••cwt« Pu1>1oi"•d O••n~ eo.,1 o.u, P••o•. matu•e when 1·t awuded a men ts of $2,500 each. J\o1rs. PllOPEllTY ATF1uv1TESAlE P~1>1l1Md O••"~ '°"11 o .. i, P.1<11. Nov OKt..,., • ., JO 11 1t1• ..... ,. ' In tl>t Mtllt• ol 1t11! EiltlP ot JO•N tmllt!'H,tl'ICI Ot<tmber6, ll, JC, ltl• ll'A-1• I ' ' ' ' $10,000 life insurance claim Firestone, 38. was married PHVt is Ba11 Ell, Ot<e-.i. 1-----P LIBLIC NOTICE Hobinson. Roger Turnl'r, Southern C.aliforrua . Ste,·e Chcst>bro <1nd D:1ve _::::::::.::::.:c;____:_:..:.;:,;,;_:_ _______________ _ \\'<'l>stcr. · Nf'aring Port I'\.\ \~I..\ CIT,. ! l'PJ ~ - 'l!H· (;o lden ll1nde I{. l'•·1o\1r,t or Sir Franr1~ llf,1kt' 'i f:ltTlllUS flaJ,:~h~I) \h,11 ni.1de one of !he firs t r11untl !hl' ''orld ~·0~;1gi•:; 1n llll' 16th c(·ntury, ha!> bl'C'n tn11('rl 1hrough the Panan1a ·c_·,1n.tl on .t. ,·oyagl' to San Fr:uu·i:.L'O • •• ( 011astul M;tontl11•r ">-r 1~ .. f lOv<t\ '"" 10<1! ll'HI ,,.,,,,...,n. •"II , t~< ,,., .. •tf,lll+e hlOft <!OuO• HXltJ ~·11 ~11 .... 11. LIQM v•fl~O'" '""'di TOI~ "'Olft<llq "" <~Ill nofl~w"" MI<!•• •"O'!• •~" ,,,.,,_ •ntll,,,.iQM MLQh\\~ ..... ~·""wto .. (Ollltl I•"'~''~'"'"' •II! ••~Ot ""1-•ft \0 l~d t• lftifn(I l"l'f"'rl lUtfl ,.tll •l"'O' ""'"'"'" 46 ~NI~ t"'" •11•1 lf"'Clt' 1•u•~ .. o!I Ot II Sun, Moo11, TidP< THE FAMILY <JRCUS By Bil Keane "" ....... ~" ••• , ...... 1o ••. , ... to a \~roman who killed her this month to Kentucky coal NOTICE is HE11eev (,1vEN 1tidtono• PUBLIC NOTICE l . J h Ash .. 1t1er J•~"•'~ 1. tt1S, tlw u~rtlonect, '------~;;:;-------husband. execu 1ve o n e.. l'F>EO .J SPECO:"'E"~"· ,,, E~~.,..,.. ot r The court ordered the After t he Time article on .,,.. ~1111• "' JO•N P~vl1s t1A1i:E11 . .,.. •s>1..s lh d. d <t•lf'O,wo!l\e!l ltPtow•'•"'lelot""n'qll<>tt NOTICI TOCIEOITOl!S federal agency to tum over e 1vorce appeare , a ,,., bl<:!ll<'•, '"b••<! ,0 '°""'"''" .... 1>r ti. suPl!111011cou11roi<THE a like amount to the man's Palm Beach County Circuit •"°"" ~"''"•a Su?tt<o• court, .. 11 11>p "aM. ST"' E oi< CAllF01tN1,. "°" C t . ded M title, lnte,.11 •!Id t\lllt 11 ,,.,. """' o11'1tt TK E COUNH OJ' OllAN~E children by a previous mar-l?ur Jury awar 1:5· N1,A·ttsi1 r'·age. "'ho were 11·sted as f1r estone $100 ,000 .1n °'1"'1"°"11"''1'"1·1111''"°'"1"n111>e 1:.111101ELS1t:S.ILUDON,0t(11s.c1. " ft\tt.Mol,by-1•1191\0!l•w orotflt .... I•, NOTICE J$ HERE:llV GIVEN to th~ contfngent beneficiaries. . dam~ges: but the Florida :"'~'-:.i:~i;-:, 't:i!"1i'~"ot a:!:':.:: '1':~,: <•f<I•'"'' ni ,.,. ti..~• named Ot<•51'nt 1~~' The dispute arose from a 4th C1rcu1t Court of Appe;ils lit 11111 ,,,1,1n ,,,1 prol>frtt lb(1t.d In tnt •n P1•5<>n111t~1n; ~1•1"" 1gt!n•t 111.' '''° decl·51·0n by the VA to award overturned the ii; ward. c1unly 01 O••"''· s11t1 01 0111orn11. tltf.t0t111 ••• rt~ulrto1011i.1t>tm ..... 1n ""' dlfK•!-111011-1· ""'''"''' ~OU<lle•I, In 111toH!o;tollMClt•• lhe Nat•'onal Service Llfe , The Supreme Court or-, · 111 '"' 11111w• .111111td court, or to P'"Mnl d ed h I Loi No ••O! •«1No.)6.4f,t1Pff ll'IP """' w Ill ll'lt ••t•:tt-Y ..... e1 .. f'I to .... Insurance policy proceeds e,r t e appea s c~rt to r11:oroH<1 111eott~1n.Pave1 .. 11,1nc11111~o1 """';,1~11,0 81 ,.,, 0111(. o1 ,110,"'''· to Rebecca Glass, whose r. e1nstate the dam ages. say-"'11e"1'"'0"1 "'•P1·1~1111ot11(•ort11tc....,.. s1 u~GES & w•oN Ei::t. •1t e. e,......, .. ., .... h h J ( d th 1J •t(Ofdtf OI \tHI COll ft ty : Glenel.llf, Ciolo•nlt 91 10), Wlli<I> I\ 1r. husband Elliott Glass was 1ng l at te ury oun e ''""l•tt to; cvr rtnt 11•11. co••n1~11. Pl«•o'b"""''\olt11tunde'11;QMd 1"•'• shot to death Aprll 9, 1967. amou.nt r easona b!e art er co11•1110111, ,.,ir1c110"1. ••'0••1110111. mtt1e<• """''n,11111a 1i..eitit1o1 s..14<1t(1· She Was 11.s ted as the examin ing the article. and •1t~h. •1011u 01 "'''· .... ,,,."" • 0en1, "'"'"" 11t11r mOl'ltm. 11tt• '"" ,.,,, tf'ICMm-1nttiol •ttllfOI. Pl>llt•<•han o! 1~•1 notott. O..tta NOl'tmtlf• primary beneficiary and thol false ly acc us1nc .a e;a1oro!l•rt••~1 .... ,1e<111)<1hf11•ooe<1y ~ 191, thechl.ldreno!hi·s ri'rolm"r·· "''O man o f adultery is "na"'"''~'11 "'11Hnqanct"'~¥lltdtll~•eo · ·ALBEATAE.LOHMAN ., " lo tflf ollot~ of JA .. f~ f , WHElMOOIE E•ecwtllfollfltWlll rlage. c.-rolyn J . and Ken· libelous. A"'O .15SOCIATES. Suitt,,, 6111~ Of el~ttlD ... "'""°"'"°"'' neth •·1don Gl ass, •verecon• A,,..,,.. 10"'''· '"' ciiv. 0••11••· 1Tu11c£1&w•oN1.R r. C•llltxnl1, .lt10<,,.VI !$""" l 1Klll .... O< 41•E ..... dWI' tingent benefi ciaries. Prexy Named .,.,.ybot ht~ !n ·~-eUlttO! 1111 c~n:a1IP>t GltMll1t,C•.tltti . Al h h h VA . SiJPHIO• Cou•I •t ""¥ 11.,.. •l'~I Ille 11<11 AttlrMJ•ltt llt~lllW t oug t e was OU111k:1Uon ~1 '"'~<!Of•(' 1N1 "'tw• t,.. Publ•\lltel or•ftt' '"'' Otlt¥ F>11o1. NOv-notified by officia ls In Tar· "'••~01n..,81• . ,_,,..•nt101c•~botf't.1J,10.i.1• m1.i. h TPffl'I •t'll <OllC!il_, O! Ilk" Cftl'l lft • rant County, Tex.tat the SAN DIEGO <U PI )' -tawt..i ll'on•ve11"'\.lflll.fd1t-..,,T,•e1. wom:ln had been indicted. it Merk H. Curtis, presidento( "'""·Ofl"••t lfWl•ndm.1!nitt11fl<•••-••'· PUBLIC NOTICE I ded h Id be ~nd P••ft"lu1"l Oii !~w!~ft(t ~<tl!Pl•llle 10 cone u s e \vou not Scri pps College, hcis been '"" ,.,,.,,.\., .. ~.11 bt Pto•..iea n o111>e 1-----,,---,o»c,cn-----• .,114 brou I ht to trial and elected presi dent of the AS· •• OI ••fordiflt Ill (Of'l~ylft(f. TM e•. MOl:JCl TOClllOITO!tS NOTICE TOCllf:DtTOllS PUBLIC NOTICE a"·arded her the money. sociation of Inde pendent ..,.i.,.uOt1oitlti. ..... -...,a1ui"wi'..-«, suPaJ11011cou11ro•tM1: suPE1t1011.cou11ro,TH E Sh I d th t C C II d ntf1l•l•Pf.-llfl-ny1'llf""'"'1""111111CY STl.TIOl'CALll'OtlNIAl'Olt STATli0f (ALll'O•N1Al'011 So<o""low l 1'~FT' $..co"" "'a" t II p"' ~,.TUllCA'f r,,~! IOW 1111•,.. " " e rec eve e paymen ali(ornla 0 eges an :'~1-::::~~,~:·:-~:~:..:.";1~~!..":; TMICOUNTYOfOllANOI TNE COVNTYOFOllANGE d I, Feb. 2tt 1968, rour months Universities. Curtis s ue. «i•r.1r ... 11,uon,1,,Sou1T1tHo c11.1tx..i-. Mt.A·tt• . 111•.A .. ,.,. "Oh, boy! There's my mognel • and my goo o before sne "'a~ convicted of teeds Robert J . \Vert, presi· ,,...,, .. "'"''"1"cll!"''btdi•t-...-1hu1. 01 llltTc11e11 L. lAUC+iN, 1.1111• 01 JuHH H. wosr. 1110 'ioo"'" .... d b bl d .. d I h r ·~ rtltr•td II., \U)I Ntt'll<• l•"'· l-lvnt· Otc••t.1<1 .IOHNHENllV vosr.o.u-racer ••. on my es! mar e, on • • • mur er wt ou t m a 1te. dent of Miiis Coilege. ~llCl•tt•"·'-''lq<,,... NOlicr 1s M&:Aeav G1v1N 10 •nt NOTICE is +<l.liEev GIVEN 10 IJ'lf • I •<>!nrqll S.-•~"Cf l• .. s.<ono 111q" 'f' "'ION """ ~•01' ~ ... ,~""'"'"' V.Gfl(t n•Q11 ....... • Dl""' 10 -~ .... SVNOAY J ~I ' ,., • 1l•"' '.llP "'· " h o f'I'. "'"""'II '°'"'·"'"4'10"' M0on"•PI• .CA,.. MIO' 010"' ·GfOTH CHEY. LIAS'"G '15 MOHTt CARLO s 124°0,,. !JS V ()(ooo"f"tl~•• .. ,_. .,..., ..... 11-!"-1'"'''''" fH:OTW CHIYllOL11' 1m1 .._._ -•""'c• 10 .... r.u .. 1111 ' ( " •• " '·' .. .. .. lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1FF;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~ OATl!O \ O.t.n>bt••, l'1• C'9dllor\ of llot ••w na,,.,.d dKt(lt!nt tll~1 ,...,.IO'"'fl Ulf •-Nfnl!d ctw~t Ill•! ,rMJ.tPtC-~1'1!'-•11 l>'l•MI~· lltwl11t Clllml •01lnM Ille \~l'cl •If ~''°"' ........ <\ (Iii""'_,,.,,, llW "''° f •tt111ore11,,,.fllll•OI cit!:_,., •••'N1t11lr•c1 to11i.11\tf!\, wlt11 111t 111tc1..,.1 •rt <941w!rt<1 to hist....,., w+<ll lllt allmu J111n'll•llJll .... t1 0.Ct•Wil fll(hWfJVflu(,..f.,llltllt911kto11Nt~r-11tt"'\.Alt\o-Mor\.W11'111 .. lltl .. 11>tt~•· .. OICK 14lRYMOll'S IEST Ski FILM" WwOfflc.Mtl " t111 ~oo ... •~'"toci c-i, or "'o-•"'n' 91 "" •t1cve 1n111'" c-.. or 10 ,..... .... 1 "MOU "''TAI"" HIGH'1 ~ JM1l'l.W .. l 1/11108J 11111AlSOCtAlES """'·•lift'"' fltct_,Y '411C""'~· to lllt '"'''" wo\11 u111 "'"'"""' wutl'Cn, 10 1,.. rl .... ,ANJI 11. WMITMOlll ,, "'*'"9f'KI •I 11\t 9111tt ol Ill' 1Hor"''• llftcllnltntd ti tllol i..., lltlCft ot JOtiH S. S.l\t "' fttO'""'S L. LOllO, tU11-Pe"° tit Vtlt"• BYltN(~, J•,. )01 NOnll Girl•tld A"""""· AT ..,..,Alftttlc:• l-<I•, Wt• )13. l''"'"' ~1u~. Catltwft+•t)tn. lo• !OJI, •1ft•mtr1. c.i1111rn.1•1•, "'1'l•l~ ""EW:PORT HARBOR HIGH Till ............. c.. '111fCtty Wllkn It t!" ti«:• el ~-1•1111 -1,n•tW.KttllMIJl""'°'"""'lclltrtlf'••n " .. _ o,. Ct!Ulr'll .. .,.._ lllftl•tMO ofl dll "'''""' 09t'ttlftl""Q le lllt tll """II••\ ott!•t""" tot I/oil ttt~ OI "'" 111~,e ... 11 "4-IODO ~•W Ol 1d•d Otc.O.nl. wltll•ft 111\11 n.onlflt ..._,O.n1, wllnon '°"' fl'llllllft, tlll!' lllt lot11 SUN DEC 15 ,.tte.,..¥tftrl•thllO< •ttt•tllttl•'1011llllc•lloflollh1,no11c1 !lllbl"(lllllfllll ln•\<"el.C•. $2696 ~11111!11'11d O•IMllf COi~! O•H~ P1IOI 0.1t0Novembe1)t,1•IJ O•IOC!Nn ... "'11tr)t,ltl• !I • 0.Ct"'titrl) IJ I' ltlt 041·/J ..\AMl$11!•L JOHNS IY1111(£$,Jlll. 7:00 111.M. & 9 p.m. ' l!••twl,,,..,lf't'Mtl l..Cwtllf"'llll'wtn• r-·-ollllt1MwM,..f-.C1,,...,t t ... •-."..-d~....,, $2.50 ADVANCE AT •*•-6 Clo1Jng """""·'••• "''"'·"""·"· I 1t J.O.. -Utt I , ...... V1lt~fll, ""lttll • N. G••lltlfA .... , ··-10.JI SKI MART. HEWrotn' & 18.MONT SHORES DICK MILLER MOTORS Stocki, ~~w1~:i1r.~.f~' '?w :!~U:'::i~:~1::111••1"' Sl.DO.t.TOOOC 1Jo w.w.,._.,.s..,....,s-..,.. 1s1.2111 j •am1 day fresh A,....,..,.,,.,,,,1,1.. ,.11 ... .,.,1~, ....... , .. ,.ri ~el1V1•0 Ora11 .. CM\! Otil• ~11o1 l<itl¥ Puol"""° O••fl<I!' (111'1 o.iu, "''"' .,,,. 'm~t•lf,~(tmi,.<f11J,l0,ltil • ..,.,, ~ •r>OOtt' !) lQ !"' Uik-14 -. , Friday. December 13, 197• DAILY PILOT Bti Hoosiers Are No. I :-Phelps Power F allure Shocks1 King~ BOSTON (AP) -Coach Bob llockey L-eague, ran into a tough Pulford kept his Los Angeles Kings In Boston-defense. a r:losed locker room for 45 minutes On their first four power plays, with --- after an 8·1 shellacking by the Boston at least a one·man advantage on the _Bruins Thursday n'ight. ice, the Kings bad no shots on net. DOutilTA , he-had'"them writinti: on -Nonc..--'ln their fifth try, they the blackboard a couple of hundred managed_ twO.-liut: on Uielr sixth, re· times or more: "On a power pluy we verted to form and again had no shots will shool the puck at the net. On a on net. INDIANAPOLIS -Notre Dame c.oach D.igger Phelps &ays Indiana's basketball team is No. 1 in the country -bar none. '_'I've got UCLA next ~·eek," Phelps said, "<1nd I 'm going to tell coach Johnny Wooden, 'They'll kick your Canny iinylime, anywhere'." - Phelps was duly Impressed with the Hoosiers' 94 ·84 victory over the 11th· rank ed Irish Wednesday night. Despite Indiana 's No. 3 ranking, behind North Carolina State and UCLA . he told Indiana coach Bob Knight, "You're No. l " A lhleles A rresled \\'EST lAfAYETIE, Ind. -Two Purdue University athletes were among nine persos n arrested \\'edneS· day ni ght in a drug raid at a campus' residence ha ll, police said. ' All nine ~·ere charged with visiting o <:ommon nuisance, police said. Substonccs believed to be marijuana l!.nd hashish "'<:re found outside a room at Owen llall. Rodgers Slg11s ATLANTA -Pepper Rodgers became the firs l head rootball coach in Georgia Tech history to receive a conlr<ict ·rhursday, signing a three· year pact. Jlrevious T ech football coaches operated on a year·to-year basis with a verbal undc rst:inding with the Tech Athleti c Associ <i tion's Board of Trustees Rodge rs, '>l·ho in his first season at his alma m:iter , brought the Yellow J ackets to a 6·5 record and a 34 -14 triumph over archril'al Georgia, said the l:iCtion "'as "m ost unexpected aod much ~prcc i:itcd " • Run1lr.-:-A dcances l\TELBOt:R:'l:E -Raul Ramirez of ~lcxico crushed llarold Solomon 6-1. G·l in a m utch that lasted only 40 minutes today and advanced to the semifinals of the Grand Prix Masters Tournam ent power play~ ... " Jn fact, it was on a Los Angeles l~ls Kings who had lost only tw o power play that the Bruins picked up previous ga es this season -had a key goal in the second period, a won or tied 11 straight on the road -Gregg Sheppard shot ffom the left cir· ~nd are nip and tuck with Montreal cle after he took the puck from Frank for the Division 3 lead in the National St. ~1arseille. . Thal followed first period goals by Ktn Hodii:e a nd Phil Esp-0slto and gave the Bruins a 3·0 edge. Bobby Orr made it 4·0 about nine minutes later -u wicked sla p shot that Bruins' goalie Ross Brooks thou11ht-'--'wal going..lo \\0.ind.....up in Braintree (15 miles away).'' The View rrom the Boston net "Y.'as a p leasure," Brooks s aid later, although 'tle los t his shutout on an un · assisted SQ.foot lob from Gene Carr that broke off his stick and into the net. Jn the third, Da\•e Forbes beat Cary ~lurylu11d Bolls UPIT~to BOSTON GOALIE ROSS BROOKS (30) DEFLECTS SHOT BY BOB NEVIN THURSDAY NIGHT. COLLEGE PARK , l\Td . Freshman Chris Patton scored 23 po1nls and senior Tom Roy (ossed in a carcrr·high 19 in leading fifth ·ranked !\!:.tr} land to a 113 -49 baskrtball rout O\ e r De PauY" Thursday night. ll was the fifth consecutive victory for the unbeaten Terps, and the 64· point ,·ictory ma rgin y,·as the largest 1n l'>laryl:ind hislory. Just as they did in their last ga me :i gainst Georgetown, the Terps hit 00 percent of their shots in the first half 11·hile rolling up a 62-22 lead. All nine !llaryland players \\'ho performed 1n the first half scored baskets. • S11t1ff' q11i1s Sox Cl-ll CAGO -Veteran third baseman Ron Santo, who last year de- m anded the Chicago Cubs trade him to the ChicaRo \\lhite Sox . Thursday i1u it thC' Sox "aftrr my most frustrat- ing sc~•~on ·· Santo. J·I. :.i nn ounced at a ne~·s t'On · rcrt·net• he "'as retiring from basebol! C\'t n tho~gh he still has a season left in a t 11 0.~·ea r pact reportC'dly calling for more th<in Sl00,000 yearly. Bttu·I i11 Sn11 Dit•go? 1.0 '.':G BEACll -The Pacific Coast t\thlelic Assol'iation Council \'Oted Thursd:iy t o s upport a proposed Carn:it1 on BO\\'I 1iost·se:i:;on football ~amr in San Diego v.ith the league's ch;1mp1on ;ind :.i school from another l'Ollf('J'enc1• 47-vt>ar-old Pro • Lakers Get Goodrich For Tonight INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Los Angeles Lakers, welcoming back All · Pro guard Gail Goodrich arter a nine· game abs ence. seek their fifth straight homecourt victory tonight 'against the Seattle SuperSonics. The Lakers, well-rested s ince their last outing: Sund:iy's 107-102 victory over Phoeni'x, also try to put l'ictories back·lo-back for Qnl y the second lime this season . E1·en ~·ith Goodrich sidelined with an ankle injury. the Lakcrs y,·on four or the nine games he missed, and "·ound up with a :;.5 split of the toughest p a rt of their 1974-75 schedule-IO games in 13 days. Goodrich and hi s 21.3-pcr-game searing average r ejoin a team that has an 11-15 record. the worst in the National Bas ketball Association Pacific Di\'ision. but only percentage points behind fourth-place Portland. Los Angeles travels lo Portland to n1eet the Trail Blazers on national television Sunday. Super.Bowl Last Stop For Ageless Blanda? OAKLA~D 1>\P l -George Blanda i:; ne:i r the t•nd of his sil\'l'r an- ni\'t'rsary year in profcssiorial root - ball and. as al\l.•a ys.1s looking ahead. "Tl sounds like they made up an :i\\·ar tl just for m e. No one else has ''l'l'r sta\'L'd around this long," the Oakland· B aiders' placekic ker joked Thursd:iv about lhc latest honor to come hiS 11 :iy -the Pro Footba\1 1-lall of F;;i rne 197-11\1 an of the Year A"•ard. runs the club, decides he doesn't want me back, then th{' decision "·ill be made for m e.·· Blanda l'X plaincd. Da\'h;, th e Raiders' manag ing general partner, says about the same lhing. Against Terps Tennessee May Use New Offensive Plan .\'l E/'>1 PJ-fIS <AP> -Coach Bill Bal· tie has settled on Tennessee's game plan against Maryland in the Liberty Bo"·l, but he's not saying whether it "'ill feature a more conventional of- fensive attack or something he dreamed up in recent days. Something like the "Liberty forma· li on?" he was asked Thursday. "~lar)'land might see it," Battle s:iid. "But we might have another one for them ." Conjecture :i bout the Vols' offensive stratt•gy for the ri.1onday night g:imc has been heightened because of Bat- tle 's introduction of the "Liberty formation" in a victory over Ken· lucky in the next-to-last game or the regular season. Born out of a discussion by I he coaching staff over coffe{', the forma - t ion is charal'trrized by an un· balanced line -both tackles are set on one side of the center -with the three setbacks lining up in an "I" one pace over from the quarterback on th{' strong side . , 'rhc formation is designed to add blocking po"•er to the attack. Like any coach, Battle declined to say \vhat he has decide~n for ~laryland , but added "We m· ht call it th(' 'Liberty Bell' if w do use s omc thinJ:: different." as "he con· sidcrcd names tor any possible new rormation. '.\laryland coach Jerry Claiborne has said his team is preparing for any e \'entuality, and that this made it tough for his lOth·ranked Terrapins as they get ready . "I hope something·s tough for them," Battle said. "They have a great team that can do a lot or things y,·ell." Tennessee goes into the nationally televised game y,•ith a 6-3·2 record. ~lar~·Jand is 8·3. The Terrapins de· layed their arrival in ~temphis until this afternoon, but the Vols camt! to to"·n on \Vednesday to goto y,•ork. depend on how \\'Cll '>l l' block ~d tackle." One or the challenges lO th e \'(,]S, Battle s<.1id , is to mo\·c the ball :.igai ns t the Terp dcfcnsr . Ed\\'&rds on a 10 footer from the ri&ht side. Bobby Schmautz lifted 1n a re· bound to make it 6·1, and veteran Johnny Buc)'k shO\\'ed the King& 'IA'hat to do 1o1tith a po\\'er 1ilay -1n f11 ct. "1th 1~·0 of them. "Both wt>nt to the-top corne r," -i Olid the Bruins captain, "the first one to the short side and the second to the far side." Pulford hadn't much comment after the game, but did say, "That's as good as I 'vc seen the Bruins play in two or thre e seasons.'' "A good solid i:•1me all around ," said Boston coach Don Cherry. Twins Won't Offer Pact 1To Kille1· BLOOr-.11:'\:GTON, ~!i n n. <A P 1 \1eteran s lugger llarmon Killeb"rC"11' said Thursday he Y.'as "shockt·d " to learn !hat l\linncsot:i T11·1ns President Cal\·in Griffith \\'Ould not offer him a pla ye r ·~ c on tr:i ct f or th e 1975 Ameriean League baseb:ill season. "J guess that's the onl~· "'ay to ex- press my reaction," said Kille brew, :i veter:i n ot' 16 major ]{':ii::ue seasons \\'1th the 'f l'.in:. and olcl \\'ash1 ngton Senator s. Killebre1v met "·1th Gr1ff1th \\'ed- nesd;.1y to di~<·u ss his fu ture :ind anoth t'r session 1s scheduled Fr1d av. Griffith ~aid he offerl'd Killcbi-e11 three options ror next ~ea r and nonl' included returni ng as an acti1e pl ayer. Ktl lebr"" could ht·coml· a coach '>l'Jth the 'f'>l'ins. m:inagc !ht• T'>l•ins' Pacific Coast League farm team or be released to make hi~ oy,·n deal '>l'ith anotht1r rn:iJOr il'ague team, Gr;ffith said "It is n't very probable he 11 111 be back al!houg h l 11 on't say th at's absolu tely defi nite," Griffi th said after the mectini.: f\illebre\1•, \\ho 11·it] turn 39 next June, n1;1de it pla in ho:-11•ants to con- tinue as an act11·c player. "I bel ieve I c:i n pl .i y another t~·o years. The !\'o. I thing I still 1vant to rto is play 11·ith the T\\·ins next season.·· he s aid. Killebrc1v, \\'ho is fifth in baseball's <.1ll -t1me home run derby y,•ith 559 homers, added : "I still feel I can con- tri bute." L' scd m :iinly as a des ignated hitter, he a ppe;1rcd in 123 games and batted .222 last season ~'ith 13 homt• runs. I-J c has a lifetime batting a1·erage of 260. Killebrew i.:nderl'.'Cnt knee s urgery :n mid-1973, hilling only fi ve home l'uns th:i t ~ e~1 r . lie drove in more th;.in JOO runs in nine of 13 Sl1:1sons bct\1•een 1959 ;i nd 1971, and had 25 or more home runs 13 se:isons during his c:ireer , !!is peak of 49 home rs came in !9fi.l and '''a ~ e<1ualh'<l 1n Hl69. f\i1\cbrc11· has \\'On or shured sci t•n home run titles and \\'On the American Lea g ue's i\'l ost Valuable Player i\\1·ard in 1969 11·hen he also led the le:iguc l'.'ith 140 . Uflt fele.~lo "George and I talk it O\·er after <'ach season. \\'hen it's time for him to qui t. he'll kno1\' it and I'll knoy,• ii.'' D:ivis said. Dal'is pickC'd up Blanda on "'aive rs in 1967 after the Houston Oilers cut loose the. man they con· sidered fini shed at age •10 Blanda has been laughing al the calendar ever since. "\\'e feel we'\'e got a good. sound game plan to use against Maryland," Battle said. "How effeCti\'e it is \\'ill CHRIS EVERT AND JIMMIE CONNORS END WEDDING PLA NS. Griffin ' -Will Set E xample !'l'.:\\'\'ORK (APJ -Arch1e Griffin . Ohio Stat1's rt>corrl ·setting runnintc back. forniall y rcceivc-d the lleisman Troph) 1'hursday n1t;ht and promised to s1·t :1n l'x;lmple fur the )·oulh of Amt•r ic.i . "If tod~1~ '1> ytiung 11ropl e look up to the I l1'1.,tn;u1 Tr1)phy \\inner like I d1d, I promise tod() t.'\'l•rythllli,l in my powe r to lie th<· J.(l'l'att'st example." the 5· fob!. 9, 184 pound ()h10 St ate Jun ior told more th:.in 1.000 pcrsnn~ <1t the r1nnu:.i l S.SO· :1-pl ;;lt· l lt'1 ~n1 an dJnnl'r Grtlf1r1 \\.1 ..... 1 runa11 :n 11inner last "t'l'k tor th1: lil•1s rn.a n Troph y, 3\.1 ::irded .1nnoally by the OoY.Titown ,i\thlrtic ('Jul> of '\t'" \'ork to "the out- ~t and111,I! 1;olll;'l!e football p\.1yer in the L'nlll'dS!.tlt'S . JI!.; \ Ol l'l' l'hul-cd 111th emotinn, (;rjfftn ":.tid ht' m11\IO 111 hfc IS "the 1hre1' Dl'> dr:.1r1 . dvdtculi on and de- t{'rmin:11Lcin . · 1nst1llcd 1c h1n1 by his l'Oach u1 iun1or l11l!h schooL ··1 111s h l kn c-11 :1 11ay to divide th1~ troph~ \111h ··11·1·.1 other member of the tt·an1. · hc :.aid ··it bcloni.;s 111 1·1 er~iinl'. n•ll Jll .... I to nll'. f\o one kno11 :. ht•lll'r th J n I do that tl1e llei ~rnan Trophy is a t1·:1m a~·a rd 1\ hack il> onh· a), good :I), the line thal hlnl'k.., 1n front or h 1 m." C,r1ff1n ('l't"dited his.parents. J :Jnlt~s :ind '.\l :ir~ar('t G riffin of Columbo~. Ohio. 11 ith tc:iching him r ight fr~m 11rong a nd 111th niaking him re alize "the in1porrJ nce of a 1:ood home." And ht• ),.11d Ohio State coach \\'oody llayes taught h1 1n "th;i t you can al'>la.1s bl' JUSt a li ttle bit better th;.in ~ou th1nk~oucan." Griffin reeci\'cd :i telegran1 con· t a ining "hc..,t \\ i!.he.;" rrom "a '.\lich1g:in f;.in " -President Ge rald R. Ford . "'ho ca ptaine d the 1934 l 'ni1·r·rsi ty 11f '.\I ithig:in learn . Sportsc<1stcr Tom lfarmon. the 1940 ll eil!man 111 nncr a rid Thursday nig ht 's fl·;iturcd s pe:i ker . compart•d "·inning th(' ll eism:i n 11·1th being dubbed :.i knight in England or \\'in- ning the "mcd:.i! of v:ilor'' in this counl ry An d G riffi n he;i rd him s e lf dc!lcr ibed -as "one of the 1ruly great Aml·ricans today" by l'X-tetimm:.itc John Hicks. runnerup for the 19i3 lle1:.m:in and cu rrt'ntl\' an offensei\'e gu<1 rd "1th the Xew \'o.rk Giants of the '.\;.ition<il f oot ball League J ok ingly. !licks said, "\'ou don't kno1\ ho" I feel because l "'as re~ pnns1ble lor 2,000 of those yards." In three st•asons. Griffin has rushed for 4.004 ~ ;ird:.. :i Big Ten Cbnferenre rl'cord. T hi~ o;;e<ison, he gained 1,620 _1 ard'. mor e than a ny other major col- ll'gt• b;.ick Trojans Test Undefeated Nevada Five The l)erfect records of at leasl three maJor \\'est Co:i~t basketball teams - Oregon St a tt', \\'ashin g to n and Nevada-Reno a rc on the li ne for seriou), tests th is "'eekend. \\'ashin~ton·s lluskies (3-01 tr<1vel to La11-rencc. Kan , to meet Temple, 2·1 tonight 1n t ht• J ;iyha11k Classic . and the \\inner 11 Lil tangle "ith either ninth·r anked Kan:.as or •Fordham Saturd<iy night ~e,·a d a·R eno. 3 0 . is 11 t the Uni\'er5ity ur Southern California toni,!!hl. m eeting a T rojans tea m ranked ~o Ii in the natinn aft l'r thrt:t' runa11,1~ 1r1umph:-Southern Cal · . ., fastbr(•ak offen~(' 1s .1vt·r;i~1 ng JU:! points a game Oregon St:itf'. ~ 5-0 Bl':J I er~ have thr hir:gest challenJ'{•. a S;.iturday night chi te ;.i\ n:1tio nalty l•)p·ranked 1\orth ('arol1n;1 !"t;ilt'. [lsc11hl'l'l' !•1n1ch1. :i.o Oregon. rankl•tl :'\u l!i. l1 11~t~ \'evada-1.;1), \'eg:i~. I I :tflf•r 1't1<•<;d;i1 nig ht's 85-f!IJ <lPf~at at l7th -r:i nkt1d ·Arizona. (JC O;i\ 1~ i' ;ii S;inta Cl,1ra H;1ylnr al L(•), An;.c<'l •·" S\<.ilt·. l lay";1rcl Slate :it P ac1f1t'. S:ni F r;1nt·1..,<'o State ;1l Frl'sn11 State. Hr1~ham \'oun~ at San Fr:inc1),co :.ind 1h1· Au i>lrali an !\'ti · tion;t!' .it Pl'J!l)l'rll1 TI(' Besides Ort·i?on Statl•'s trip to !\' l'. St:itc, Saturd;1\ nighl's :-.ehedule )i a, St;infflrd . i ·O at :'l:evada Renn, Rr1J!ha rn You n~ .1\ Sc•1!1h· St '.\\<1ry '.') al f'rt•..,nn St<ilt·. Beu••' ~tate a! F1ill1·1·tnn S!at1'. B.c\ lor :11 l.OnJ! Rc·ac h St:.i h' lluffalo Star(' at l..11.., An gel!'' S!:ilt S;1n D1e~11 Sl at~· ,,t H1r1• ilntl .\ nrth });1 h nt a ~tat 1· :11 Soon .l\l'l' ~t;1l l' S{'C'nnrt r;.1nk~·d l'fLA .1 O_ l" t:1k1n :.: t11n1• 0/1 for f1n.d P\:'.1111..,, rt•111rn1n,1t tn tictuin l)l·1· 211 h1 h11~!1ng \lcmph1.., St.itc· -·- The Jl all of Fame tiled Blanda 's rr- cord :.!5·yca r playing career 11'hich has produ ced 26 ,881 yards and 235 touchdo"·ns passing. 320 field goals and 1~910 points going into Saturday night"s season finale ugainst Dallas. ·Th" •11-ye:ir-ofa Blanda will r{'ceive thl' ;J1vard In ccfemonies before the D{'c . 21 Nation¥! Football League J)layoff gam~ here agaJnst Miami. A \'irlory O\'er the Dolphins would make the Ha1d crs heavy favorites to go on :ind cl<.1im the NFL UUe Jan. 12 yi the Sup('r Ro~·I. "•le111 in good s hape for a man his age," says Davis, ·14. "But to be honest. I don't think he's in great shape. He's just a gre:it athlete. And he's a winner. That's why I got him." Blanda was never more of a winner than during theJ..970 S..~~011, when his passing ond kicking brought the Raiders from behind game arter game. His 1970 awards included bi!ing voted The Associated Press Athlete of the Year. Evert, Connors United-Tennis Only "J a nuat'Y 12 will bi! graduation cl a\." Bl and:1 said. but added he \vas spC;iklng only about this season . Sp('c ulallon on the possible retire· m cn l o f Olinda is an annual Deccmbt'r off·the·field i;nme. with ont popuh1r theor y·saylng ht''S just "'llil inji? to 50 out on a Super Bowl championship. "No. the Super Bowl wouldn~t h·av.- uny thln~ to do with it. The way I !'ttl no~. 1 '11 be bict nest yeac if l 'm 1n,·1tcd back. If Al Davls. the man "'ho Blanda still considers himse1f a quarterback 11nd throws in priictice. l>ut hasn't passed in a league game since 1972 and knows he may ne\·er get another chance. •le's made nine or 14 !ield goal a t. tempts this season, with all or his m is· ses from 35 yards or longer. Aiming at tti~""JOat posls which \\'ere moved back this year, ht's ml~r;ed lWCI extra point kicks a fter entering the season with a streak of 105 consecutl\•e succesises. • ~EW YORK (AP)·-Chris EVert joi ned her former riance, Jimmy Con- nors, today In the throne room of Am erican tcnnls nnd reiterated that separate roads lie ahead for the king and queen or the game. Ther e were no congratulatory phone calls exchanged when the t"·o \\Cre dr signated as No. 1 in the na· 1ional rankings this week by the U.S. Lay,•n Tennis Association, ''There are no plans for a wedding, '1 the 19-)·ear·old Chris said from her home in Florida after being lnrormed s he had re placed Billie Jean King at the top of the women's Hst. • Connors had been designated best of the men. breaking last year 'i; t ie \\'ith Stan Smith, earlier In the v. eek. It marks the fi rst time either has been No. 1 and sheds some lighl on lhe mutual decision O( the ty,·o you ng Stars to ca II off a s cheduled fall "M'edding. "\Ve a re both nearing the peak of· our careers.'' Chris said. "It is an im· portant per iod for both or us and a chanre for us to m ake the most of it 1 intend to conc entrate on my tennis. I om !lure Jim m y does also. "I don 't know y,•hen Yre \l.1ou td have seen car h ot her. \\'e "ill be on lhe ro;1d . p\a,\'1n$l diff('rent c 1rcu1t~. \\'r reah zc-ho"' foolish 1t \\OU ld ha\·c been to go thruugh 11 ith the \ll·dchng .11 1h1 '- time "\\'e m1 i;iht hil\'e lonkcd h:irk :.lncl said to our:selve~. '\\'hy didn't \\l' "'ait'1 " So the bloom 1s nrf for 1111· cnurt :5"·ectheart5 "'ho thr11lt'd ~allcrtl'" \\Ith their h and-hold1ni: romanrr from Sydney to San F'ranci,co thi' ~<'al' end led lhr \.lillt l ;it th\• \\1imhledon Ball after ::Ol'.Prp1np: the s1np:lt>'.'l't1tle~. Chri~ no lonAe r 1~ "'('ar1nt> .Jimm y·~ ~ngag(•menl r1n11: on !he tlurd f1n,i;C'r 11r h\•r left hand Tht• !11'0 no lons:cr run -- up ''·1~~t'r1n~ ph.oni:• tulls \\ith tran:i· t<inUnt•rH;i1Jnd1n1t·rnattona! l'HllS. \\'t h.1\ 1' "''.,I r1n~:-. on \':•('h othc·r '' l'hr1 'aut ··11 h1nk "e11ill1J<1th bc100 hu~~ pl.i~ 1ni: ll1nn1 ... to '>I OITY <Jboul tht: othl•r <'hr1 .. \I hi· 1, ni ne d:ly~ :1'>l;1y from h1·r 2nth t>1rthda' <'ndl·d lhc long rt'· 1,en of th<' 31 11•ar-olrt King in thl• 1\nm 1·n·, r;111 k1n~~ Kine had been l\'o I f.1r lhl· )J.1<1! (o ur ~1..ar' and Sc \·1:n tune' 'l'1Cl' l q+;~ Th<' F!urirl.1 b;u kcour l autom:ilon 11.id ;i 'r11 .. ;it111n;.1l ,1 :i'(ll\. \I 1nn1nK,l5 1.111111;11ntnt, ;111'1 nncl' put11n; IO~~lh(•f .1 .,l l'ln ~ Of 56 tllntch \'IC· -.... • .. Bfl. OAILYPILOT Sailors Battle Wilson The No. I SL-ed.cd U>ng Bt>ach Wil son Bruins, v.·hose starting t·enter is on· ly 5·11 , ;ire s till favored to de feat the tall N(!wport !!arbor IJ1~h S11ilo rs in lonight 's t·han1pions hlp gam e or the 4Hlh annual •1u n11ni:ton Beach basket· ball tourna ment. Thi· Sailors and Bruins will up orf <Jt s·:w <ind will be preceded b y a third place ~41.mc belW('t!n Edison i.illd \ll arrl·n J\ 7. ll oth g:..rtuis :ire ill 1 lu.nlln~ton BParh lligh Ne wport will Ix· trying Jor its fourlh l'harnp1on:-.h1p in this tournanlcnt and 1ts first :-.1nce 1969. Uatc 11:..~cv 's S ailor s h J \'C a definite he1ghl adva ntag•· o~·cr the Hrulns but i<Jck \Vll son's quickness. The key 10 t on ig ht 's J:amc. however , may not bt• Newport's h <'ight or \\'ii· son'squieknc:.s .. . . . ' . . . Friday.Oec.mbtrt:l.1974 FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S Bill MILLER (22) MOVES OUT AGAINST JEFF DENSMORE (11). Tritons Make Final8' On Dunham Heroi~ .. By ROGE R CARLSON Ot OW OtllW 1>1lel Sltff San Clemente. !hanks to he-d<-fens~ve and offens ive ex ploils or 6· l sophomore ror,vard Tim Dunham. vies for the championship of the eighth annual San Cleinente Kiwan i s lnvit a ti o n a \ bas ketba l l to urna m ent tonight against Costa ~lcsa. T ipoff is s lated for 8 fol lnwi.ni: a S o 'rlock s kirmish for cons<llalion honors b('tw!'en Pacifica •i nd ~lission Viejo and <i 6 :30 _tiff for third place betv.•een Fountain Valley and Rubidoux . Coach Stan De!\.laggio's San Cltmente T·ritons !\.loments la ter It <¥as fought off Fountain Valley Ounha,~ st~aling the ball for the honors and Dunham and going 1n for a layup, was the k_ey figure a!tec the and \vhen he v.·j S fouled on ty,·o had battled to a ·46·all the play he hi~ the fre~e standorr with 4 : 34 left in the th~ow to make 1t a thret> · point play <.ind a lhree.polnt ISl'IUe. · h 32 d Fountain Valley 's Dave <1.cl vante1ge wit secon s Rohde, who scored 15 in a left. \osingcause.hit a bank sh<lt Fount:iin Vu l lcy was v.•ith 3:30 to go und Bill playing for one last sl}ol Mi ll er gave t h e losing "'hen Dunham knifed Baron s a three.point lhroughtost<'allhc balland cushion v.·ith a free throw a lthough !I.lark 1'11ity hell v.·ith I :32 left. pared the margin with a Then San Clemente went pair of free throws for Foup· to "·ork as Scott Severs hit a lain \'alley \\•ith 21 seeori'ds free throw, then Dunham li:-ft . it" as all but over. h it t\\'(I free throv.•s to tic it One last chance for F'oun- at 49. lain Vallev came with 15 Mustangs Ramble; seconds io AO , but th~· ·Barons foulecl Dave Taylor, \\ho hit both free thro\\'S to make it 54 ·51 . Coach Da'''-' HrO\\'n 's R• F ] 51 3 ~ountain \'alley fi\'e had Ip a Cons .4 ·.the edge. for the most pao·t. ' 1 due mainly to the tough By DONALD K EY Of •IWI O•llr Pllol Jltff pl :1 y of for" a rds Rusty S;.1u ndcrs ;ind ~litchell. WJth 5:04lO AO . d f ' Then Bvers h it from in But the press :1 n 20 rl'1' · ' ·d thrO\\'l> '''ere too 1nuch for s ide and outs i {• <1ntt Fount·1in Va lley to cont rnd v.•hen Curt i-l :t nson artdcd a th . ' d th, Ba rons arc rc-good pcrc('ntagt• s hot "1 '111 c . , , !\1esa had a 49 _.l7 <i dvantage legated to :1 thi rd P.lac( with2:59 \eft . ' gu~t· tonight <1gain s t All that was left for the Rubidoux . !\1ustangs "'as to run out the F-l•l•V•ll•¥ 1~1 clock, and they d id it Miii>• 1• ~ 1flf5 ~ It may be how'th<' Sailors reacl to an expected Br~1 ins !'it<.111. 1'he SOJJ!Ors pl:..y a zone defense s1m1JOJr t o Edison's and \Vilson had guards R1 ch<.1rd H1vcra <ind G<iry f\.1ulder pas:-.inA the ball back ;1nd forth for mosl of the first half. \\1ilson de·---------------------------------------------- Cos ta fl.1 esa Hlgh ·s ~1usta n gs are in tonight's ehampion s hip fina l s a~ai n s l San Cl ement e following thei r r esounding, 51-43 . tr iu mph over Rubidoux Thucjday night in th e eig h th annua l San Clemente Kiwa nis basket· ball tournament . against Rubidou x·s half· F1dcr..r o o 1 o effective press. 2..-J 1 1 • l~ltlll l J l • featl·d Edison . 49·40. <ifu:r lc~din g 20·12 :.it halftime in their semifinals clash. .. I'm ROing lo have to !'-tress patience,'' says llagcy. ··Edison v.·as taking ::;hots they n<lrm;illy v.·oukl not take ·· But 1-lagcy hopes he !.'.an prevent the Bruins from stalling. ••'fhe only lime they can s ta ll is wh!J n th e y get ahead,·· he Sa.YI. "'So our first j?Oal is to stuy ahead.'' Sea Kings Trip Lions With 2nd Half Surge HyEOBURGA RT Ol -01Uy,llol~t.1n The Cor<lna del ~1 ar Sea Kings' second half punch failed on Tucsd:iy night againsl Edi son but it knocked the Westminster Lions ri~ht out of the 461h annual 1-luntinf;!:ton llL';ic h bas ketball tournan1cnt Thursda)' nlght. Trailin~ 48·46 'w\'ilh 7 :11 left to play, the Sea Kings scored 12 straight points in four minult·s and crushed the Lions. 62·50, in the con solation semfinals at llunt· ington Beach High. ·r11e Sea Kings ;1ppcar<'d on !he verge of losing due lo some poor outside shooting and to \\1estmins ter 's Linn \\'il son. the Lions· version of North" C:.t r ol in a State 's Oa\·id Thom1>son Wil!!on w:.i s dci;t royi ng the Sea Kingi-: ins ide. taking high lob p<1sscs from.J!uartl_ Tony Engcd al :.ind storing one layup •t ft l'r :1n<lthcr. lie scored all of his 24 points in the first three <1uarters. 1>·6 sophomore ccnler Alex Rh1tk. :1 top pros pect v.ho ;1tso rebo u nde d 111·e ll Seconds later, ,c:uard Paul Allderson s tole a Lions' p;i ss and drove for ;1 layup. pulling the Se<i Kings ahe;id 50-48. Then , gu;ird Chris Baker and An<!erson each hit l\\'O fr ee throws and Anilcrson scored on a re,·ersc layup l'!ilh 3:45 lcft. And with 3:0\ re maining , Baker sank l\\'O more free throv.·s anti lhl' Rut the Lion!' resorted to Sea Kin gs "'t·re ahead. playground tacticS after the 58·48. Diahlos In 64-57 Triumph Considered 11 0 underdog. ('Oach Larry Sunderman's Cnsta t.1 esa quintet took Rubidoux apart in the third <1ua rte r as the latter's :-.h oo tin ~ went s our throughout the second half. Rubidoux shoote rs could only click on six of 38 al· tl'mpts from the field in the second half after taking a !\l1 ss1on \'iejo l li g h ·~ 28·27 1ead . Jn a !I l\1esa shooters con·. v11~ a a 2 o necled on 22 of 49 fr<'m the Mll<htll • 1 l 1a field and ne,·t•r trailed in =\ ~ : ! u the seconcl half a [ll'r B ~crs !.I-•• 5 a 1 10 Tol•i. :n t XI SJ (\\•ho t·lsel pumped in a ~ftcJe .... •1tiw1 bucket to makl' it 29-ZM. •• 11 "' * Rubidoux·s offenst• v.as :t:;o0n ~ 0 ~ ~ hurl "·h en gu:.i r d Brian °"""""' ) 3 l u ~loore bccamt· saddled \Vith ~';':~~ ~ ! ~ :! three foul s early. l(ttot• • , 1 11 ~Jcsa \\'i.IS behind mm;! of Toltll 11 JO ll '.!" !t<:-•woiwnen the first half ~ but ni:-ver b~· F-t••ft"l111,, 1t 11 n 11 -53 more than four poinl"i It !.inC1•,....,1e 11 ,. is 11-l-I \\as tied eight t imes in that spun befor e lhl' !l.tesans put thin g~ togeth er in the Pro Scores i;econd half. Dia blos are \,\In.I! fo r tht' Hut ti.l esa unleashed Dan· con~o lalion champinns h1p ny Byers in the second hair today •ti 5 o·rto<•k 1n tht• :ind he consistently bumcd t•1gh1h annual S;in Ch•n1cnlt• Hubidoux from inside and Ki"·;.u1is basketball tourna· outsiOt> -\l?ith short shots fr offo . "b und l ......... ,,,, l'ltlleQllll kttttltl.11"''-1 .... rnent u~1:11n:-.t, P :icifil'<J n " .,ns1ve r,. o s o - -eu!!•10 ll•.P1ou1iC>1111J 16 r t t1 " pt •o folio" ing it s ('01ne·fr"lm · ·1100 crs. 1 tS . 1 . 11 -', •, •, ,• ~:,:~1~~~C:·~~~~;~~~ ... .-~1os bl'hind 64·57 victory O\'t•r e scorcc poi n s tn a Rk~•ctwi ........ 1c1ft t t 1k•tNll Au oc..i1011 EJs1norcThursd>l\ for tht.' \\'inners ancl got 14 of !:~:'-~ ~ , s•.Lo.i1~111o.u1111t1 It look('d lik•~ t·u· Tl "'"·' fu> thos e 1n the la s t l\\'O B'ftto 1 1 o 11 s.n.o.nionialll,S.nDl'1!o" .. Jowpl'llOn 7 O 1 Nl\Loo\11 MK l"Y Ll l- ('0:J{'h P;1t Boberts' Di:.t bl os p{'riod.s ti.111.o11 3 7 1 NT R•~"'·W•l.fll1>01on •.h• 1111h only G 27 le ft 1n 1he Rubidoux \\'l'Ol do\\·n for Miiier J o 1 • Pnn1<Mtp1111• . .t•on ... .0110 h · d h TD1111 n 1 11 s1 MOl!lrHI J. Plns0«r11n l. '"' J:<im(' and F:lsinor(' atop. I e count m1 way l rough s.c-"Y°"•"••• ~1.t .... 11•,Det•aUJ 53·•1i lhe fourth riuarter ;1 fte r CosttMev n is 111 1,,___s1 6o$• .... 1.L.., .. ngt1e11 If Sailors· gua rcb; Dave Becker <.ind Marty Fl'ducia art• as SU<'<'CSsful ;it running the fa st bre ak as they v.·ere in t he second hnlf against \Varren, Nev:port has 0.1 chance. And if they :ire una· blc to run the fa:;t break, Becker a nd Fcducia ha\·c the ability to effective ly p<t sS ins ide . \Vhc re 6·S forward Mall Sp;inglcr <1ntl 6·9 renter Dave &•ymour s hould score over Wilson's 5·11 reptcr Joe Stinson. ' Coron a cl e l ~l e1 r and Se rvile will clash at 5:30 tonight for the consolation title. Sea Kings bpgan r allying in The Lion~ kept the Sc>:.i lhe fourth quarter. .-Kings confused in the firs! .,air. using an alternating .corona del l'll ar lied 1t zone and mah·to·man de II, 'lh' · t4337 RYOi°""• 1• n l 17-..:i V111<0\lft•S,8uttllol But J11n 111r St1•1e Sj\\\(·r pu 1n12tov.·1 1ns1xu -11 ... w1~n,s.c1nt0<fti•l ignlll'd" la11• su r~e \\ith a 1~:::::::;;;:;;;;;:::;;;:;;;=;;;;;;===============;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;====. \l.'lth 7: 10 left on a layup hy fense Thc Sea K in~s had problems. hitting only t\1-'0 fnur-footr r a n1t n1oment:-. l:llt·r 1t 11 as Da,·e Zui.:g chip· ping in from 20 h.•f't llo v.'c ver, the Bruins have a pulcnt weapon in 6·1 forw:.trd Neal 1\rnold. who scored 20 :.igain:-.l Edison. Servite Thumps Dolphins, Eagles Drop Cage Tiffs of 12 s hots in the s.rcond <1uartcr But it v.•as \V cstm1nster v.hich became rattl~d later. turning it over ~i x limes 111 the fourth quartt'r nod tak· Ing crazy outside i;hots . Sa"'Yl'T. 11•ho scorC'd 23 1n all . hit an 1•111:h1-foot turn:1round bunk .;.hot ;ind I hen str1!e 1hl' ball :ind put in :.inotht•r to ,l!I\ e his m:.tlL'S a 55·.'i3 lead v. 1th :1· 52 Lo go It w;1s tied n1omentaril~. Wf UmiftJI ... !Ml then Kell y Cox came 11p •P "'ith his 21s t point 10 gi \'l' 1: lh1· J)iablos the lead for 0 good Oil City Dana !·!ills 1-ligh dropped a 77.75 d ecision to Bolsa Gr<inde l-ligh in the Aztec In v itation a l Bask etbal l Tournament and Estancia 1-ligh lost a 66-63 verdict to Garden Grove 1-ligh in the Gar d e n Grove tourney By FRANK KF.1.LEY Of lilt 0.11, r 1 .. 1 si.H Just a couple of weeks Thursday night. ago, Servile ·~ Turk Dana Hill s Hi g h 's Schonert s uffered a col· Dolphins lost at the buzzr r 'lapsed Jung playing foot-v.·he n Bo l sa Grande 's ball. Handso me Roundtrel' But it "'as the fluntington scor ed a contro\•ersia l Beach 1-li t:h ba s ketba ll bucke t . The Do lph ins tea m th at coU\d ha rdly thought the s core came breathe Thursd1 y niRht as after !he buzze r, but it was Sch(lncrt s core d se"cn ruled good. points in the final two Estancia's Eagles minutes. managed only six points in As a result. the Servile · the third period a nd Garden Friars \\·on lhi;consolalion Grove took advant<1geofthe sem1f1n ::i ls of tht' 46th an· l'l ituation to pull out to a nu al Huntington Rrach 47·40 lead a ft er three bas ketball 1ourn;1mcnt. qua rters . The hosts lhcn fiZ·SI o,·e r Elmt·r Combs· held off Estancia in the final Oilers. . Q\lar tcr. Servile "·ill nuw m ct'l Estancia t :i kes on Sunny Coron;1 del /\lar for the con· !Iii ls tonig ht <1l 6:30 at :.olat1un championship ~1t Garden Grove lli ~h and 5:30 tnni ght . f·funt1ngton O;ina ll il ls nlO\'l'S into the Ht>ach t'>t'limin:1 tcd. losers br:..r kt•! ;it 7 "'ith ;_i But the Oih·rs g;1\'e the p.anll.' .11.::.i 1ns l the Long fans at lluntington Beach r~earh ~lillika!1 Junior. 111 J:h some rxcilinJ! mo· \ar~il.valLos Am1 gos lil ~h. mr nt., 1n \hf' fourth (1uartcr. · Ste\'e R ipple sc:o~ed .23 cutt1nA Ser\'1te ·s lead frQm points, Henry l\l 1k1e111•1c2 50 42 '' ith fi vr 1n1nu1es left and John \\'i\J ette each con- to 51·1\9 v.1th 2 .. 11 re main· tr1buted 13 ;ind Andy llof· 111,e -rman had 11 as four Dana Bui th•• Friars ~1:1r 6·5 !!ills pl:iy<"r s ~corrd in dou· forv.ard llt•n111:; Smith hil ble fi gure:;. but it v.·asn'I !ht' f1r<;I of :1 ont"On·one ;ind enough. )!r.1 hb1·d tht• rebound 011 lh1· The Dolph in.-. lied the rn1~~1·d frt>!' thro\\' j!;unc at 75 on a field ,l!oal by 1;uard t\11kC' .\ndl•rson Hipple v.·i1h i5 !'econd:;; left. lh<"n hit t" n fr1•r thrO\\'!' but Bolsa Granite v.·on it v.1th 2 0!} left 111 pul ~\:r,·1tc afte r lakin,e: th<' hall out of further ~head 53· 1'.I. bounds with :.even sCconds Thr11 Sehonerl \1rnt to remaining. \1•nrk Ill' m :irlc h i~ first l)f .Jim !\leCloskey paced l hrf'f' steals and \\':1:-f(1ul t>d Estantia "'ifh 22 ;11'l·mpttn,1! a lay up. rl't"<tllt wfrtte'"R::tY IJ r i'!1lTll id 13 and onC' of t\\O frt•c' lhro\1:-lie .John l\'.i:;;bet collected II for !-tole the ball ~<'C(1nd . .; later the Eagles. ;incl rlro\ l' fnl' ;i ~c11r1n;.- l.1.' ur CIF Football Thl' 01lrr ... :it:1,rcl <·\o:;;.1· mtl'l 11f th~· \\ ;1~ th .. nlo..:o; lu r T~111tM'•~;otl 1•x,.rp1111 n;1 I pt•r (1 rm:1nr1·" •A Jrom .;uh~ l.;1 rr\' T;.11!1· rJ3 \f"'"-' , · I ......,,~ "'"" l•I·" ~· w~·• or•-• !'Qllll"l Jnd J ohn :'\.1·1J 011. l•J>.i ~s v~1~·•~'~'...i.""' ~' _,_ l\c<<oll1 l>v• llo.-il..wlttJl.M Ct" lt""91ft GtUll'llft H~Htft .. tt•<• 0 11 " . • • ' ' r.~~Con~Of' , .. " "' 5, .... 1 ....... """ ,IM ...... P • • I 0 -0-" Ill.ell "'-\,.111!1 .,.. Vl>IW' l II i..IJl "'~\tl.Mlowl,(OllOP1 l l10)ri 1 I lll""f*lll.1\ 1 1 f & Nt\11 "'•"..! ,_ 1•11t Totllt • ' " • ~ • ..... ,n,..11 0 I ' Ro••j O•t !f·1 !J •\ lw••CWQlll Q 1 I ,., -Ml\~I (t .)1 11 N I ...... ,t.nt""lo l I 11 ~lltit 1.nltleflt Vl lltT (t ·JJ o/S, p.fll t 11 " t .. J.\l ~l lfMUICl•Hlfll k"' '' 0~1ntr1 1 A u n IS 1• 11 (llt....,_,,,, 11 11 16 1t 11 r>1"0 1'1011'-•11)11•1 1'Pl>l"''t~l~ s. ... 11, ...... !lllO!Oft lldl i 'li'la•cl•USJ ., ti "' lp 1-i•~t.ell 1 •11 Ort!!I ~ ) 7 13 McCIOl~t1 1 I • 11 Nl\Ot1 ~ 1 I 11 8l1<P10n l l J I \llllo.lctwlc~ o 1 ,.,1.11 11 ,. 11 w !ocfl1 lioy Gll•ri•~ , Ett1nclt 7• I 6 ll--6l , G6rMft Gro•t 70 !I t• I._.. lloppl• M1•oe•l<1 Wlll•ti. --· H•U\ltcl Bf""' TOii>!\ Ot U_MUI\ !1,, ,, ' .. ' . • ' , ' ' ' ' ' . I> n S<:fl• by Ow•.t•n ' " DIN Mllll 1• 21 16 11-IS 11-11 Solw G•-" 14 ~ ,, "~ ... ' ' ' .. W•l- E~al ROOl,llt\ .'ol•k"!" ,.,. SchlfW!lt • Ror•"~ e.,..,. ~ ' . ' ' . ' ' .. ' . ' . ' • ; The 6·5 Sa\v~·er stole the o f•n suing in -bo unds pass by ~ Elsinore and scored again J •to~ive ~lission VieJoa59-55 lol•ll c •• .,., oei 1111, rn;• 11 i. 'JO lc:1d \\-ith 2 · 33 lef1 ..... c"''~' 811<• Fr1•1 ~~ Rowen a.no-·~ IOI~/•(•• ttn,itp 1 • ~ 10 0 0 1 0 • l 1l . ' ' 0 , • , 0 1 0 ' 1 0 I 1 ' . ' ' ,, 11111967 sc.,1 by Ow•flt r1 WO'llrrr1n1te• o 11 1l • -'JO Cof-dtlM•, 1• ll li 11 -U "' "-IN"'' Ht1tr119 W••~• TOl•i. MIHllll Vltje 11.4) 19 np11p ' ' ' ' ' . \(I • 1J .. ' ' . . ' ' . 11 10 ~ ... W, Ool•rHn ' " ' • ' • • " . ""'"'"" 1/1910 '~ 11 • ElllOKWt 11 11 II Bl.AO\ \ltl\ll l' BLlNDlD (,At-.ADtAN\'IH>'SXYSJ PROCf llAPORlEOS'T'e\914 HtUSl.(IN INl..,HARIFOt!D co•,11 ' CAMP7BAGS ,......... v '\ . ARE BETTER THAN ''NORTH FACE'' - FEATURES . Type Down UHCI State of Col if. Roling Amount of diffefential tut (To prevent delofting) Minimum Temp. Type Conslruclion loh Waterproof Stuff lag Storage Cose Written Lifetime Guarantee Contour Baffles to Maintain Loft Type Zipper PRICE COMPARE "CAMP 7 NORTH CO." 31 ol. #550 Goose 1 02. disploces 550 cubic cenlimeten. ol oir JO" .5 S!ont well 7-8" y., serial /:J in bog Coil $114.50 "NORTH FACE CH4MOIS." 2 lb. 2 oz. ,,,90 Goo~ l oz. d1sploces 490 cubic centimeters of oir (less loft) , .. .5 Slonl woll 7-8" No No No Coil $120.00 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 2600W. Coast Hwy. 5332W. 2nd St. NEWPORT BEACH LONG BEACH (714) 642-8335 (213) 439-7667 I - ' ' • • ' ' Friday. Dec•mber 13. 1974 DAILY PILOT • #7 Area Fives in Action Checking Bncs Go Into SemisBucs, GW . "'The Marino High Vikings two games due lo two In· )larinatournament. Banquet ' ' ' . ' ' ' At Chaffey ~jll be 1.rying to put things eligible playe~s .. The v~es . Despite the rough time in By 11~!".!~~U!~D\ to the P1ratts. i;i:d1v1dual honors for th~ together tonight at 8 v.·hen thcnloslalhr1lhng59-S1dt-· the tourney, M1rlna aot · b Using a pas~1ng g~mc to I irate~ .. l\dam.~ had 16 o they 'tiost ~he Ka tell a tfigh cision to Long Beach Poly in solid perform ances from R J A tenacious ranee Coast run down th e clork at thi !. hi!. total ~0,'ht! rirst hulf. Knights 1n a non·lcugue overtime in what would Rich Brannin&, Bob Loener, esu ts College .b•sketba_ll team point. the Pirates' GHr) Thf' Pirates hit al a 53.1 Oasketllallitame. ha ve beep Wl e cham· MattCookandKt:vl.nLand· batt~e~ its way into the Sey.roourw~sfouled andhc pl'rrcntage figure In the Oran~e Coast College bat· tit's Pasadena Clty College at \2:50 and Golrien \\'tst tangleli with San Diego role$.\!. at 4: 10 In !he opening round of the annual Chaffey ('olleJ,:L' basketball tourna- n1cnt \\'rdnC'sd:iy. .Jnot.hcrnon-leagueaction pionshipgame. • crar. Cbuck Va n Liew wa s sem1f1n als of the Pi-til es madegoodonbathattcmpts o~cnuiJ: half :ind for the tonight , E l Toro High The Vikes will try and Unlversity wlllbe looklng named mos t val uable Eaton_ tournament Thurs· \\'ilh St"\'Cn seC'Onds on lht: jl.imt'.43 1·. t,r.ave1s to Los .Alamitos s t art all ,.o_v.er tonlsht Cos:-ili third-straight win player Oi1De'lootballteam day ni 1ht wilh;-a-7l.$7 "'1. c OCklo ):.t''1• OCC :i four , 1~.tor.nO\C'rS, ~he Pi~:ll~~ ,J-Dgti anti Oiilversily High against a Katella team against Canyon. The Tro-l tory ov.e r .thl! Pl: ~om~ p0intbulg1·. t:3'~ ~ht ~allu~~eventimc~I hostsCanyon il ig hlngam wh'chd sn't ar t be 1· ns have been pa ed in Thursday nght at the El College1un\orvars1ty 1nac int.u:h h.1lffo1 atot:ilof\ . es t oe appe o . a . c Toro High fall sports Uononlhewinner'scourt. Todd Collins :ind !\lnr~ 10 1:1 f or Pt . Lon111 '-. vrc reached the finals of the tourney lastyenr. losing toS:.i n Oiegn ~1esa, 74 -73 . start1~gat8. . as strong as past squads• sco ring by _carl.os awardsbanquet. OrangeCoastwillfaceEJ Adamseachhitl8poinL"ifor ~rusudt•rs . /\inc of tht' 1:1 ".Marina h.ad a touch time coached by Tom Danley. Cervantes and Jim White. Skip Neville was named Camino at 9 tonight in the • th , , nd h· I( • ,,, the 1.1ar1na -\\'~st minster The Knights Jost ~o OOth El Toro high d ~feated the most outstanding water champio nshi p b racket h~~:v::.' 1 :;cco '1 • ,.'l'ptJor ~a m en t l a st wet_k Newport Harbo~ H1~h and Warre n , 74 -63. ln the polo player and D ave while Sa ddleback faced lht• !\lanker. the tallest m:in I I ere :.irt· lhe pairings: .,when tt was rorccd to forfeit Westminster fJ1gh 1n the ~f ar in u Tourna menl. Furbee was selected the Chapman junior va rsity at 3 · G WC Bids on the QCC sauad at 7-0. r~n most valuable cross coun· in consolation action. into c:irly foul trouble, pi cl. · Men's Golf ·'. Irvine Coast Hosts Pro-Am lrvin'c Coast Country Club will be the silt' or the Little .Crosb~· pro-am tou rnament Jan. 24-25 f1ccordinr:: to the PGA tourn:imc11t players '~ivision schedule for 1975. :, The Los Angeles Open ~iii be stal!cd ;it Riviera Country Club Feb. 20-23, the last d ate on the \Vest Coast instead of the first :is "'as the case before last . Year. Big Conyo11 It was a two low balls of foursome competition for the men 's club al Big Ca- nyon Country Club. Ben Rizzotto, Bill Hanen, 1:arry ~Iartin and Of!\1·ey Tackaberry fired a 124 for first place. A tic resulted for second Yiilh Bob Lambert, Walter Farrell, Richard Smith and Hunter Kerk on one squad. On the other w e r e ll arry Carlton, l\1 a rtin, 1'ackaberry and Hanen Y.'ith both groups fir- ing 126. .fn a seniors C\·cnt on a partner's better ball scor - ing bnsls. Toby Olso n und Erb Schurtcr fired a 62 for top honors. Second place went to I.eek :\-1 crrltt ;ind Bill J'.1cGee at 63 with Frank Buckn er and .o\rt Co\~an th irdat64. Costa Mesa Thr annual toys for tots at P~airvic\I.' State llospital ~·i ll •• r,e· staged at Costa r.t esa ; Col( and Country Club Dec. • 21-22 . Golfers contribute a toy of S3 or more in value and re· ceive a lowered green fee of ... St for play that weekend Seodlff Club are expected to join a tour of Spain and Portugal in April on a two-week golf- ing expedition. The tour \\'ill includt• three days at the Palacio Course in Estoril. thr.eC' d<iys play at Pcnina Golf Course in Faro and a \\'eek ;it J\l arab('l]a y,·it h pl11y at Atalaya. Guadtilmin:i and Los J\foncros courses. for fu rther information, cont<1ct club pro ~1 ax Bayha or call 556-2880. 19th Hole Jerry Wisz, the Southern wCalifornia Intercollegiate go lf champion from UC Irvine. has been invited to pa rticipate in the second l;.S.-Japan s tudent s goodwill golf matches al Corona 1''ational Golf Club Dec.18-19. A total of 18 player.. will compete for each side in the 36-hole competition with the 15 low scores couting each dav to determine a team C'hampion. Tony Campregher of Cal State <Long Beach) and a former Marina High School star.~is also on the li st of U .S. players invited to participate. Beach Run 7·Milt !>111 tkfrl111te a1101 II• 11• An~ ... ;w:,..,, Hollhy I- '"" 1. Lt R.T. o·arien (O<•n~l .,.tit. CICll. II, S.v-((,1roen C•-) 41:._ l. lllldl l lOlvm ("9CltfllOlc-I ~:Jll. Mftllk"-' 1. TM'Y ~ I~ Hlglll ,.,~, ICourw record) 1 JoM ,l•lell ISC HIQl'I) Q :01 l. 11.1i.n ar-n (SC MIOlll u:n • Morvln l •wil !!Mon J•llft CIC>lslt-! S 0...ny "1111 !SC Hlglll. •·Sieve Sltumlkt< l:KMlgn). Mater Dei Falls, 66-59 BASSETT-Arcadia l-ligh exploded for 26 points in the fourth period to overtake !\tater Dci Hi gh and record a 66·59 triumph over the r.tonarchs in the Bishop Amat Basketball Tourna- ment, handing !\·l ater Dei jtg first loss of the season. The !\lonarchs \1·ill pla~· either Has sett ll i~h or \Yorkman l·ligh at5today. !\l ater Dci took :i 45-40 le~1d into the final qu:.irtC'r, hut Arc:1d ia took t he boarrts ;:iway from the '.\l onarchs .ind started to hit from out· sid e to stage the comeback . 8•1\ttvu """ Hl\I ·-Scllult.I E(clto. lll<lf,...n -··-, ... M.tlH0.1 llt l " . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' " kHt •r 0Nr1~ ' ' ' • • " u 16 II 11 II . " ' . ' . ' . . " ' " ' ' ' ' lS St Coed Play co•OVOllEY•ALL USV•A "•LLOWSH Ill TOURNAMENT Or•l'IOI Coostlltl. P11ytrs.11_., ,,..._ or1noe co.11a.r. o.r111, 11.s. 11.1. Mltlet'I Ovoiott lief. Orl<l!lf (.Dalt, 11-•, 11·1 0••"9'1 c ... 11a.1. Pitre•, n -z, 1J..11 . FUlLlllTOH ROIJNO llOBIN Or~ (0111 AA def. Fulltr1CWI AA, IS.I), 11·!1, 0rln!lf (O.,I AA 1111. Fulttr'IOrl ,t,. IS.I. 15'1. - 0rlr>Dt Col\I AA Oii. 011"91 COl\t A. IS..,, ..... Orif191 (~I A Will •ltll FUli.t\Oll AA. .._IS,lM. Otff91 COHt A 1111. Full•rton .t,. IS.I, IS.II. Fl111t re111!": 1. Or1nqe c ... 11 AA; 1. Or11no-c ... u A: l. Fulltrlon AA , • F1111trlOflA COEO•OW\.INC. Or111 .. CW1l 11'1lt•Ull Mlt1 CMll,I ..... -._..., .. Kllftl.Ot1n .. C-l,lo1. Prep Soccer VARSITY .,_;..gtM 8NClll. lft 11~1. """"tlnolOI\ 1i.1tl\!o(orl119: 8111>C,utl'"MI 1 IC•ll"tc<>l.StMC k. JUHIOllYllllSITV Hunll"'fl•n 11 .. tol. t••""'"'" t +H1111!ng111n lt1c ~ tco'1ng: tctn •c hntla~• 1. Oooe• lti91'tori. try runner. For coach Herb Livsey's inf: up his third "''ilh 3:16 Special a-:=lwinners : occ Pirates, it was a case For Trophy left in the rirst hal(. l ie h:1d V•rlltv-MoSI V•l.,•blt: C-k V«t Of patience and holding lhe! four 1£'~S than five m1nUt l''i -.. ..... ; likl\t 1•u0Lf11kl!\A•: _." Gtf"'. upp e r h a n d on l h l' into the :.tcond half, "·as L;,..,....,. .,, 111e v-· ic.i111.-,; n... Golden West Collc.ce Is 1n 0i ,,.. ve1r: c1111r..-1 l'lkks; cwcMs scoreboard most of the way rl'$ted for a sp.:11, then ,.,,..,.11'61''"~•-..... even thoughthe marginwas second place in the came back \\'ilh OCC 1n .,, .. ,;1"'-"''" Ou!\\~, '""•i..: small. Southern California Con-front by one, 49·48. "°1' N•v•u•: <••<lies A••r•: RObM \Vith Steve r.1 a nk er on the ference iron man standings \Vhcn he fouled out al 3:52 t.r,~-Soo"-A,O(lttClulu...oL,..·c-1i. bench via five personal after completion of four fall 10 pla)'. the Pirates were 1n Wlltn'.tn; Co.tMSA.....,,: W.._ ~lor Sports c ..... ~ fou ls late in the action, Pt. · front hy rive, 65-60. v11rs111-t.1os1 ,,,,._, o.w Furttt; Loma narrowed a seven· East LA is the leader \\·ith CH•fff 'f TOURNlil#lHT -..... .,, .. " __ ~ 'l(!ar> fli•~"ldf'"'.L1¥.olf<• " 111 r un~•lo""' l"lt'nl!•"' 1) \0 Or ,U•M(~•lw\ P.t~ 1 'Ill (l!•U\Y• f'••llll • l~ f~IM~ V t\I ... ,t\.,•i~ ..... l"ro••n"i;>'<lw• r•r ..... ne I A' >JI ~•l"w• ~--­~ 10 c~~"~··• ,,, ...... Pfl< T~w"'"""'"-"" • 'O • •• r OKl!'ft -I'" .,.,. -· ... r.,,..,....,..,.fl r_,,.. .. II 111 NI ~lf·!.""BH" ___ •• 0(( p, .......... _r_ . ._ .. 11 ,0 Ctllu•·f"••I t • Ill'"' • """"t ln~•lllMll : lfS FllHll; t.lq'il ..... 0r .... c-..11 UI) A ·ti df th p · t I 26~ pf '-l'•v•r•o<1~1•v11•1n-~=: 1<• "-"'tienor1; c.,w111: o.w po1n ea or e 1ra1 "rt n 2. eorn... ~ ~ • , 11 ' 10 r"n"•• 1 A ... r.,.,. -· ... Ma~k Drazba wasdnam('-~j:y~t 69"67 with 1 :43 e to Other schools :ind their :.:i;;i!ici_ ; ~ , '! '•;·~~'""('>~~";;::::;; .,.,_ .,. .,, captain and outstan ing o • An ,·I legal screen brought point totals: Cypres.1;1 191 ~. w • .,,, 1 1 , ~ 's"'r '\.In fl~'"·••oi ...... -f · ) f the JAH 00 18¥.t R' II d Mri .,~,. ~~c . .,1,,.n w ... 1sr.,•-w •1 ........ ensive P ayer, o r an OCC turnover with 53 • ar r • 10 on ° $11,...::;.. , o a C"•o·,,.. ..... 1-r 1<•,...,,.,.,..,_ sophomore team at lhe second s remaining but ~ 17''.!, Santa At onica lfil~. Ile"""' 0 0 o 1 Jo ''"M' r .11 1" .. i .... ~, v Mater Oei High Frosh·Soph three-second l:inc violation l.os AnJteles CC 15 i.lnd LA ~~'::~' ,! ,~ ,~ 11 "·;•;;,'."~~1:.,~:~~;"'~:'::,, "'"""' ,. footba I l banquet h e ld with 39 seconds gave it back Southwest 2. ..11n; .... ;Or•"911 c.,.51,11.3o1, "' 111""" c;1en11•1• .. ,..,..,, Thurs da y night in the r';:.::;,,;;,;c.c:.:.:.::.c:::c::::.-:=:c-""-~-::::--:::::-~~-:::-:-;:::;--;-~:-:--::--;:::::::;:;:~--;-;;;--::;~:-::-:::-:;,-;;::::o:=--;:-:; sc~~~fi1~;,ard wi nners• • ~~~~-%i(~JW~£\\\"·~~1/~ti~!;:/JJ.~~>!Ji•£(:; S<'.>l)llo"'are-Capt"!", s.,·~1 OtfeRM..., '~ Pl.tytr: ,,.llr-Or111bl; C.t1111ln: ""•" I E RS ."'1 M6('.11uley; flffl O.f_I.,.. Pl•.,..., ICHll ·~ ~-··-M~~ .~~~~ .. -·~=. Frr-ti,,.an-C:~l.tin, ee\! OllW-\lvt ~~ Plavtr: 01v111 CoOfWllO'S; llf'sl Offt,.,IW! l'l .. nr: Bob il#• .. 1111<1'; lie~! Oflfl'Slvt, P! • .,..,: Din ll•fll'Wf\; Btsl Lllll!ll".tn: JoM Topi, ~~r!~~~1~ti~w~:r.~:i:~ l-r1 YOU DESERVE MORE -.FOR YOUR MONEY ~.) player Thursday night at ~ ~~o~=~~u~~lls Hi gh water • THAN JUST A RECEIPT ~ Special award winners: ·~ ·~ -~---% I V~!u~bl•· Ti,,. M.tll; 11#<15I '"'"'"""" ***•*•********""*_*"*A•••R**E*A**L**s**K··,·s**H**o"*p**"********""********** ••·• ,,.;,. c '"le• i.11 .. n1. en.... c ... 11.00. Jun111t V1rslty -Capt1ln And, .... il11St ti : ,,.Oii \l.tlu111>1e · !.l•ve S••-"Yei . N ost I""""""": Jefl Munl••. 10f'y p-•11 Frll\ll-Sopi. (,.ot1111, ~I VMu,.ble· Duff M<.C:.,1111; Mo\I l"'J>tl>W<:I: R~ 1 ~ll'P\lln. V•nce """11QOfl'!!rv. Mike Fuentes was na med ntos t valuable player Thursday night al the Marina High sophomore footba ll awards banquet. Special award winners: il#Ost ¥1lu11>lf: ""lkf Fuent1': c:o- C•11t•in1: Sllnwn N'ellatley, lton v allHCll"ll: l'.'OU lfT'Pr'QW'(I " Js!f__W-s; OUl\t11nd\n9 Oelen,1-... Pl•rer: '01v1 1¥-ert1, Al Tr~; Oo.rU•-111<1 Offensive Pllye<";S..n ""-11.111111. Joe Kol ar was named captain a nd most valuable runner Thursday night at the Costa l\1 esa 1-ligh cross country awards banquet. Special award winners: "'"''11,-C.tpt1lr1: J"' W:ollt: il#Oll Valu.ollle: J.,. ll11l1r · ""°"' '"'~: B•l•n T110"'11:.on : ~t lnSC)lr11~: "-...... ,;.,50ll. Jun ior Vl r •llT-C111t11ln' 1C1vln t;.;in~r ; ""~I va1..-..· °"""' 5"-lll\; ti~ U"prll¥l'd: Jotw1 (IY .......... : 11#011 lft'S11i•.ilon11c loKS~"'"· Frosll·Sol>ll-(•ot.tl": Ti"' P.,!er<;t"I'; 11#1111 V1lu~blf: Riii i'C"ollr; .... <>ti In .. pro~: ~(oll Sclle!d; lv'u.1 '""'1 .. u.,.. .. 1. Hos experienced SKIERS to help you, not rip-off commissioned salesmen . The gear you need to make your va cation one to remember, not a nitemare of binding malfunction from improper instal lation or gloves that ore cold, goggles that fqg, poles that break, or skis that don't ski! If you agree, then we're with you! . **************************************************************** -REAL SERVICE - • When you buy skis from vs yov get Hotwo• fOf'" the whole season -free. oo limits ~ just ~ ywr receipt. • We use lhe l\eW'et.I proven bindirog testing mochirie CJYOiloble. ·~ • "The Hydn1n 3000" -We ~i.. Y~' boo•·biod;ng & ,,; ;••o o rnmplo" ''"em' ~ I.·····:-;;~-;~;;~·~·~~~·~~·;~·~·~·~~~~~;~·:·····~ ~. '*1 "K2Shorts"1974 Model. ............. $13988 ~ .. Tl"' Pelervn The Jonathon Livingston"------------------------~~=~----~ *2 "K2 Bermuda Shorts" 197 4 Model . _. _ •. $16988 ~ *3 "Fischer Class 101" Skis _ . _ .... _ . __ . $12488 Scacliff seagull tourna1ncnt y,•i\1 lake place this weekend a t Hunt ington Scacti ff Country Club. Me•a ¥erde Approximately 20 mem- : bers of ~l cs:i Ve rde Country ~·Wrestling ~·Results VlrlllJ Mlu L ... Vl•i• Ul I llt l Y111tK11 • •s-SNi.n~• (M) "'""•O lofoft.• 11 : -ldl-TYM\!V)plnl'fCIMllci,.U :O' • 111 -Aoi.ello !M) P•l'neO ,,,_,u..,1lcll ., .... : l:Kt -Mor•O,.. l '-'-l 11•nntd Ol·~•l l l , IJI -lD11m1$ (V! a•Ch11111eo ..-,..,,..n, .,. • lll-H••t11t lYlpinn..aT.ty1or,l i.. , 1:1! -"--'\\II l)otiS111t1.a Mcc:..nr.tl, ~· l•I -Cibl>I !Ill plnn•a H•n~w, l :«I J~ -Eli•ftl• fl,Ol 111nnea Mrl~us.• •1 , 1~ -l'llllV ~¥) 0t(i\111ne<1GrHr, lf•• • 1n -Mtr..,1n (M ) ae<l•I-Erick,.,.., )• , 1'1 -CMMlll• (Ml cite!~ Crul, ,,. ; H .. 1 -llull\Uh~ (Ml plnneo Snow<l•n, ... ;Oii Jvnfo• Y1t\lh MIUl•ft Ylfj11 llll Ill) Vlltn<I' : •s -~Pofltnk.t <1tcl\•ot1ea H1r1 ... 1cn, '" 10l -Alt1u•lf !MI won by IMle1r Ill !>ltDU• (M! Oecl\IOnea IUnQ, S-1 : IXl -Ca111 lM) CltCll•lltlta v ...... nt, !·O , Ill MtiwlnlM\0tc111onea1..ucio,t-S • lD -Nt()Orl !M) a.c11111,..a Flottl, S-1 , i:11 -8rockml1'1M)llfCll-Norme, ,,. u s -Bl~ ...... !t.11 dlclslont<IGiDlfS, .. l '1Si-Fl•cf(M)11tchlon•<>S1'11'tr ... } • IH-t.1 ..... Mttl!MlwonD1-·1 • 4J,-S,..IU.lV)plnntO!>tium .. l , "8 ttt-M•rl•ntr !VJ Otc•1lon+a Frff'll, l·l tl•l -Adlm1 IV I "'"" br IO<ltlt ,,.. ••. s.IJfl • MIUIMVll .. (4]) CJl)V-111 : .•I -£K••5e01 CV) did-0!4· ..,., ... , 10J (lt)llk (Ml won Dy lorlt1! ·, Ill -Fot1ot (Ml IMC•"""r<I Lln<lmll111, I·• •JO -!ltMltY (V!l)lnn•ll E•I"'•, 1 ~ • 111 .,,~a1tc k•on !Ml lM'Cl\iOf'lftl ,IMl-,4-J •D-, .... n IM)pl•ntd E•DI•, 1 u ( lll -Llnll,,.ull! IVI pl~n~d Pe-n, !:SI • MS ~wlllf IM I 0t<hl11nfd Unllmulh, ~,15• -AnOrt1lik !Ml d•(IUGn•a j;prm•n,l·l • JU -Wlllefftl !11'11 plnntd Ar.ii, ;l) ui-Ci••~ (Ml Wa<1 ll1l0tfe!I Tfl-Cr""'' !Ml .. anbv lor111! ~•! -w11+1c• !¥1 won l>v 1omtll r110S1<-!oOl'M Ftun.,ln Y•llfY 1111 (41! l'MlllCI lS.-l!o~~•tF¥•n1~"""(•\,0lli 1•<11 Ill-"'""' 1rv•""' ~'"''Ii 111 '1'-M•rclorfl'lO•!C Kl'Ol'dY,f-0. • j;oo.-O•ll"•nlP )l)l""fd('ol-t «1. \ ri-w .. ~c .,,,,.a~ t Pl "'"""° t'~tt. t '' JJ-PU!~t• !Pl cit'(. f'.-rt•lo, 1-0 ,. !>ll1w IFVI Ut<IOlo.f(M ... J )n-Tolot•• !Pl Mt."'*°""· ... 1 1\4-"•10"'1" IP1 (ffo( Sfrtll!, '1•l. •'-'· C'tll•l~lllP!rr-.-dV'"Ol'ld I,. 11s-P•ltt•on ll'Vf .i""""" C-.t,,.Jlbl'!l, ' .. M1-C-111~tP1 n•i ('ot-.,....,1 1 t'"1·-Iii•• rP! wnnrv~I • 1<110,11-SOl'tl •• ""' c. ...... 101140 P"-.,.1•¥•11•' Y,.. f'(IJl.tw i F VI Ol'L l'r!"rkt, 1•0. J.ol-l •1'" ur1 Ult:\ !If(. Wlll•'r, I S 11 Sfo•rblltttMI UICldlr<: IC-• ..... E: "l.rGIH'I 1.-vi ..... 11,r•~I. l;'I M•llJFVI ..... f'Wloll,•1 ;J-1•,<>••l!l(;!(W "'°"'lt,!0 t'f-... ,..+non !l'VIOIP( IJ''""'"· 1i.1 J'S.. BO"~• IFVIJ!l""lllll•llll<H, I S1. ...... s ... l1~1rv1(!t0( 'otNnUe• 10-.. ,.,_Now•• 1r.v~ !ll'C \f"'I M *~"''°" ( ,,,,, ...... ll'f for"(! 1•1~ t'~• ..... (fl v l """tlv •o-i.11 ,...,.,_Jon•~ ''t11 -l>r•/\ttflt ' Sunset Ford Football FORECAST • Bob Heusser l'raldtot. -Ford PREDICTS: SATURDAY, DEC. 14 Los Angeles • • • . .. • . 17 Buffalo • • • . • • • • • . • . 16 L.A. ALL THE WAY! Saturday, December 14 fmstUIGH .••... 20 CIHCIHHATI ...... 17 St ....... IOO!o 71'0fftl C..11•1'1(1 !rcwn i\orq911.,~• • .,1..,.,n "'-lnfWl\lrnboul.PilltOuttl' ~ 111~1""" M>Oll' !>I lar Ill "' -• "' A'C Ctntn1 MIHHESOTA ••.••• 24 IAHSASCITT ...... 14 0.1!1 ...,..i Y.t"'OI. t3•7, In SUllll .,_ 1v ..,.........,., 11ro. ,,,.._ nv1rrr blllll ~ -ono --k• OCIOd O-todoM out 7' ..,.._ M1nne11oll D1 10. OAILAHD •.•.•• 27 DALLAS , ..... 24 ~ ,,,.. .. IOuQllMI IUio-Ir! !Mgoll _.,.AFC w .. ~n-noi.t ., "--' t.cll 1'1'11. o ... ~ ..,,__ fO Cltkllind.. °"'" Pidl "' ,.;n s.ioer ..,... .... Sunday, December 15 LOS AHG&l.S .••••• 17 IUFFALO .••• , • 16 GfW;~llllOfl W-M,CWMt~--o1,....~ArCEw1-l.tigtilbl __ tlr\IQl9le_"-~ ..,_ H 81M loM, M-1 Qllllla ... .,.._ WASHSNGTOM ....• , 21 CHICAGO ,, ..... 10 h~ "'9 llM -~ D~ Oll"9ol -lol 60Jnl Win Mlll.-...i l!'UI.....,."' P'•~"""' .,,-,-,. "--'""""'Dir boll ~-D'lll. HOUSTOH ...... 21 Cl!Y!lAND , ••••• 20 •-11..,no<tll ~"'" llfl+" !ft _,,., f'0.1, Dul dOlll -11·• "-1n .. •-HOutlon "'*' -IOl'I .. ~ tl11Cl9 blO•M•l'IQ ol -....itt_D'I_ .. ~ ltll..lDB.nftA ..••.• 21 • omofT ...... 11 E""°"~(.,_.11111..._. "'..inr..no '-ll:lt-..,._. UoN"ll DtlfllllDll.~ .,.2.pg1111-*1fs. ""'Ol""'-G'!l•-ltlll wjj! ....... ~ ,._ lot 7~ GIHN IAY ...... 24 ATU.NTA ••• , •• 7 F*'°"' ""ilMIDf:IOt9 Olll fiMlll-.. ClirWM 9'1'Flllilld1&A-.i'o _. It.cl<~ 11'1' 11., llQlrl...,. ~..,,.. lor __ llillel .,NFC~CMl!Ofl. MIAMI ...... ti NlW EHGU.HD ...... 24 WillN _l,..... IO blAftlirldM elQllll'lil'llO-el?4 --Pelnolt.,..... "'-'-IClk.144~ ~-oriflby blr 111 ... ~,,,,..,., . SAN flUHCISCO ,, •••• 27 HIW OILIAHS •. ,,,, JI '""dioped""'""-1'•11,M ......... ol_.._...._ .... ~ ...... _..-_..,......._""'*'b"-,._,, 1111'11'CW-..i. ~ st.LOUtS •••••• 20 IALTIMOlt ...... 14 L..i 1111111"" '-' ..... c:o.._,_.,. llf _ _.... ...... a..to .... _ _,,,.n..,_ . b,11......._ .... 19" .._.--~ 5440 CAllOOI CIWE llW. · WESTMINSTO .WIFORMIA lord 111111u·1110 * 4 Krystal Glass Skis .................... $8888 -Geze Sid. Bdgs. included - PACKAGES #1·2·3 INCLUDE I (M3 &33) YOUR CHOIC~44~~) . ~ *"MARKER" OR ''SALOMON" BINDINGS ~~::~~.:.7.'~"..:.::'::..":::,··-J!. ~. *2 PAIRS or "ALLSOP" POLES ................... , ..... nNm~'"'"~.... ~ .,'1 *A SEASON s FREE HOT WAX -limiOO••ui~•hopyomoffiptt ·:;; ~.~.:~~~!~.~~~~!!!~~.~~~~~.~.~~~.~!~~~~ ..... :·:=.:=::~ .. @'. ~ Q .:~. FUSALP TH~.~~MES THA~O~IAKE SKllN'~" HAPPEN .. ,... i'i ·., ROFFEE DEMETRE BONNA. ROSSIGNOt MAIKElt ANBA GEltllY ALPHA THE SKI MOLNAR " • EDELWEISS ALPINE -DESIGNS ROTIAFEllA HEXCEt WIGWAM ;.• HEAD MOSSANT SCOTT ICNEISSL VAUltNET GRANDOE COLMAR NOllDICA DYNASTAR CHOUINAllO CONROY SKYR ALLSOP KRYSTAL FISCHER MEDICO OBERM EYER SALOMON BAllRECRAFTEllS & HOT GEAR ALLEN-A SPAOEMAN A & T MANY ~ TllSSI PUMPKIN NEVADA HANSON MORE •• MEISTElt CE BE GEZE 1..1.NGE ·.• • INNSIRUCK SUNDOWNER " ·~*************•••••••••**********************"*********"*********·~ ~ SUPER RENTAL SHOP .. ~ FUIUR1M6-MORDICA BOOTS, Kl SKIS, SPADEMIJI DR SALOMON BIMDlllGS -WE ll!E RESIDATIOMS! ""'-• ,,i ,..., {a.**************************************•***********"***********••··~ ~ ..... !~.~,.~~~~~.~~~!!.~!~~:.~!!.~~.~~.~~.~~~~.~~.~~.:'~.~.~ ... ~~ ~ .,,. CROSS COUNTRY SPEC/AUS TS* The lor-ge111eleclion of X-C 911or fn So. Col if. + X-C Sltl School for novice or ex~. ,,~7' .ill *****************"*****************"***************************••,N1 • \~! SHOP BY PHONE tors OF ·t(} THIS COUPON GOOD FOR FREE '\'\ OR COME IN ONE $250 HOT WAX PA~KING ;·;) H We're1 AIAnways DURING DECEMBER 1974 OP(E"N° •Kl"o"A1 YS ~:1, appy o swer HAPPY SKI MART THERE•l I'~ Your Questions HOUD.A.YS SK! SHOP fQllYOUJtCONVfNlfNCt ~ ' . Mon.-FM.10·• Sol.IM Svft. 12-$ 5332 E. 2nd St. LONG BEACH (213) 439-7667 ,. {)\i ~ ;~.~ Vr ~· '"'i' ~ ... .,., ' ~~ .. -'J 642-83_37 ~~~r.--}~'f. .. (j~_' - ,• -<" 88 OAILY PILOT Friday, Oecetnb« 13, 1974 Alamitos Racing 'Entries Cage Results For Area Preps .Lagunans ' Drop Til~ -I · SAN FllA'NCl'SC= Sacred Heart High bit\" open a close game in lhe third period Thursday night. "-......... "'"" .... ~' 0.-, TPMll l'tM. l'lnt ..... tl:d,.•. .aa-. .. •w•ac-.P•~•• -... Mltto<K r1ttT •11Ca -l5f yWdS, t-.ift. •1~.Pw11••• . ~IM.Mtl llt ............ Jlf ITrt-l Ut ""'-'"""'"' co...,...1 11• Mt.~Dl<k lWtllOlll lit ~lc.t.lortl '" AIMlllOlS.lt.loMfll) llt a..,.. llotfllsl 11t "* ... ~ flC°"tMI Ill lolitMIT""r lMy1t1) 111 liet•T.......,,l lC1tr!n1I 111 AIMl .... M Mtwt'loclfl(IC"'"""/ ArtoJIMIW. 1(1911sM) '" '" U:CONO •ACI" .-«It ,..,,._ J 'If.¥ Md\. (111"11"9. l'ur1e 1.J400. o.lmo119 Pfltt11Q,OllO. 81«• 8,Mhtr IM1rll J\UllO•vA•,IT't 'Mlflcl C .. l IUI ,_UHIY.U.r \.-!JI F 11160•1110 Coflfl1t11 <41 F ll•l t40!....., Slowe!\ !U I C (I ) TklQIJ Wr ltl c. 10 a.tr,.. .-,i.1 c. 1u~-~ ,_lotlft \ltlkJ Kori"' Wll6i ... Mt, MM .. r-t,Fordt. halhlrN. l'-11111 Y111e1, JI.II. JUMIO•YAllSITY 9"1m'21t1tr tftl Ull • .._ .,.,_kl 111 F Ill~ Hktc•• Ill F IHI ....,_ ......._ltl c llllGamo• !oi.tlotd !II G IOI Wlll.._. a. ... 11 01 G CIJ~ 1: .... k9flflt ...... 11 ... _,_ tt, """''-: ""11 ... W..l•f n.1 .. loOPMOMOlll L.,.......1 .. 1 UOM ... ,_,.HMW Mtot1•1e 111 , 1111 ar-11 I.IOI ttl F Ill a.- IE a-It I C llJlc..rOflltrll 0..1,101 c. !ti~ ~IOI G 11on ......... "'"'port H11bor ~or1<10 11111: Sltwco ... 'ICt'll•. ..... tt ....... : lffwpO(ll"ltt_, ..... I) Telbo'rl 111, N••• 1"111 t , ,.." .. '-I. Tre- jo. •·'""•I 4, P0.11,ool• 1, lt•ll~ 7. <-.i111, l'lllUIMAN ,~ 'llllt1 Ull IU) ,Miiici Meta Ull F \........., IH 1,..MIPJ !II F llllftert Ill ~""' Hl c JClllnMn UU s,i.....,11oi c. Pt .. ru1 SNMll !O C. SlfWolttr 10 Sf.wlftQ-; FY-ToblMI, E......,1t. IC .... ~ 1, WtlM :I,. Oot-l. WfttltlM I.~•''· ~hf ..... ,_llill .... , .. ,, .... l'-*M11¥11"1'11t) IUI leta&~ . IN<~ !II F Al ... ftl l"HIU-1 Clt l F (...tJ ltl HolfM' t i C Mtlfl 411 5.ilnOl'I Cll G ~ Cll Tollt1HI G Ali...Cfl !i(Ol"ll\'ll •ubl: FV-~111111 J, E"""°'t I, lttitt 1, !Ml:kf'l'ltft •, Wttt-S. ~ .. S-..-'1tkl I, G'"<11ttl t. Hlll'U-. F .... nt11,.VtlltY.J1•tt. "lll!IHMAH ll TIN CMI t:UI Ltl Altflll ... Molnwi; !H F UI b t.-.sl ti) F UJI (In -and-went on lo record a 63,53 basketball win over Laguna Beach High, putting ·a damper on the Artists trip to the Bay Area. . Laguna Be3e:h jumps : back into action tonight here when it takes on St, Ignatius High at 8:30.· Artists coach Jerry Fair , will be hoping for ~ better effort in tonight's contest . T ... ""-IWtlkt•I fl-1'911 ltoc kl! 4 Tn•s-1 T.,.r 8.Jel IM11t1) "' "' "' '" '" '" •1tt:IMlllllM .. 1-rUtl C llOlltirid "We played very poorly against Sacred l~eart.": says Fair. "We didn't hustle · and it took advantage of it· and finally blew us out in ~ the final period. We hope to · do better thise.vening_. '' 1.l,,.,...IUl!'*llll•w.-rtM..-!ol•llli<l'lelmCll , G 10l$mifl19 w_.-nu J OJI Birr Kr114t 101 c. ltic.tllfonl Slltlltol• llC .. 19flll Miu"'-lrillfltl IAO.irl 0.,,,.1111 F 1Zl$mill'I El Toro scorlftg IWIU : Gtor11<1 •. lllWtJWI tlll C II) "9tt;.,.gl!I ltlllhtrTWll•. Laguna Beach trailed arter the rirst period 18·17 1 and fell behind at halftime, 1 34-29. Sacred Heart opened up a 49-39 lead after three periods and outscored the Artists in the final quarter, 19·14, to secure the win. TMl•D •.t1Cll -t lOJltft..l--& •CltJml"IJ. Pw'M 11t0t.. (l.....,.Pfltt GI .. ,, Cf) G IJl-t~lt" Mtlftl-· l J T..-oll-U .. ~UI G llJf~lotl<OI ' " . -c..ttorAc11 /8tr1•1l E.,..,,wonotr !1"1t•~•11~011I .... 111.Jldy IHtrO ~oocw•S-tfW••-• Tl•ll Tr~.-(llC"'Vfll I T-'I Gw, IT•ttwrel C'Dltlll'19tl '" "' "' '" '" '" •• ""'-' Mtrtiot l'Ol"ll\'ll lubl: l'ltf.tttl .. VtlflCU• J, Allm•" !, M1r .... ll 1. l"l•lltllftt;)l·]1. fl 1.,,1 IUI !0 1 lMoll-- £1 Toro .co""'" "'••t .,Ill Kl. rMr~• J C Wrestling :;; ~ Wetl f:UI i1i1 5tfti. ..,_.., 119 111-Cltf'l'ltnlt !SI J O.c. 01>1MS, .. I. 116 1-wu1i. 1c;w1 plnM4WlllOPl.J:10. 111 1)1.-l•H l(;WIHtdM-•Wll.ol-4. 172 MJ-lltl l(;WIWOllltylofltU. 11' 150-1. Her-I IGW• WOIO ltYforlt•I. lU t!il-Fl!l~I" ISll pl-d ll:•l~olo. l:U. 111 1u-i>wn1 .... 11/GWl •oftll,lorltlt. 111-G ..... ,,.._, tGW) wMllylortelt. .Ht 1._8~!GW l -Oylorltll. Hvy.-Mttc.111 /Si l plftnldGr¥11, 1:1<1. ••nM •ACf -lSOrtrck. Jl'fft~& -. Cl1lm1 .... ~ i!IOO. Cltlmll>g PriC.t Mt.SAC !:JU Cll )GtMltfOWIU 111--0..MS !(;W) OtC. Fr•iJo. $-1. IH-5'"11~ ISACJ plnMd Wllll1,0:*I. llf TM-IC...,11 CU.Cl <;Mt. Atll, }.I. -· "'·llllrul1tlc (81ntcsl FIY"'9Davlcl 1 .. .,9'011 l".•lrt "-1111 tlMu..MI llt.Jtdd l"'-9tl 1110<.ttl To Mt IC•~•I C:--lr F1u1om lH•rtJ ...._,, t." T-ILipflaf'l'IJ .. .........., How CNIC-m\IS) #ooCAry Slltrtoc-trtllltd .,,,,., l U IQ-C,.., ...... 11 !SACI <Mt . OllUtlO. 1"1 172 151>-I. Ktrnt-1 IGWI <MC .~''"· \}.I 1n HI-Mount !U.C!plnn.,.1Ver,...,J.'6. 111 161-Jlll!.eft !S#IC l pin Md Puftol'MI•, ]•JO. ,19 in-~,..,... 1s ... c1 p1n,,ed c;. MtN1tllde1. 172 '''°" 112 l'I0-8U0ge"f(;Wl pll!M4,,,,_.l :l0. M~y.-NlcftOls !(;WI Otc. F11nt;l111. ll·L Mln"lt ltllCf-t00y1rits. s,__ .. W · Cl•lml"I. Puo. •1100. (ltlm.lfll Prlu .... ""·· Pttt t'Ntl~l!'fl 172 Field Hocke y GlllS FlflOHOClffT V"'l>SITT ""~, .......... I, l'•'-110. U •l!,,..•n\lcr i<Oflna• H.,.k~. JUN!OllV•ISITY WH1flllMl9r 1, 1!11.iM;.,I. w~.,,..,,.,,~, \(Otina• ,.._,na. F>t111· <••\tO.,no Jt'11n VolJISITV Huntoft•lon llta<fl •. "''""'10. H1111U119t0ft IMo.o<:" $U>l'll\'ll: Slr<K .... 1, Mk llllt, 0.1•,Morlll. \tllltS. JUNIOllY•lt~ITV "''""' J. l'ullt!...,..., S.a.:1' 1. "'~""~ ICOflfW:J" C'ul•i 1. Hunll"!'tOll et..:""o"ra: (1""'"""· "'"'"~'''" NrwPoti N•rborJ, ~,,..;,....,.,_ N .. ..,.f'O' Hiri)()f l.<0<!na f"<..,,,VJ. JU,.10PV"'lf51TY ..... "°'' l'•rbo< '· ....,.,, ... IMltrO. 1<~-..1,.,,l .. .Jrt!O< -.coronq O"llti!ly v•llSITV .. Pwpor1 l'l•b•>r•. F~n V•Htwt. NP-..parl ..... ~. >CO<orlCI' l'ot•pei1rlt• J, f flO.Jy 1. 01-.011, FH'<'1l•t JUl'lOllV"'llSITV "'••OO•l H••IHH" J. -i..1 .. v111tvl. Nr,.oorl t-••l)()r KM1no: Par,,., 1-.J•• ronalOft. Angel11s Leag11e Champions Coach Jim Frost's ~1ater Dei ~1onare:hs "-'On the Angelus League cross country championship. Kneeling (from left) -Joe Oo\vling, Mike Borland. Kevin O'Hara. Johh llerold. Standing-Mark Norris, Bill St. John. Manuel Gallegos, Frost. u.-i .. ~lllll ~ • .... • ' -' ' ~ .. ' ' , ...... ' ' . ..... ' ' ..... ' • --• • . ....... ' • , ... H " ktN .,~n i...,....atadl " n ~ ... ......... " " " .. .. ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' • ' ' " n ,...., ..... Golden W est Cagers Play SAN DIEGO-Golden West College's basketball team bids for its fifth vie· tory in. six games tonight when the Rustlers take on San Diego Mesa College, here. at 8 o'clock. Coach Dick Stricklin's Rustlers then have a Satur- day night date with Southwestern College in Chula Vista . Wit 111 11os1 cvtar 2301 W. lalboo ••cl. Newport loach 675-1410 Ski Sale Starts Dec. 15 ·thru 23 •OJ11T.,.11r !P101I I" Sfltd'I' l,..••U !Trt•~wrtl 111 ai-o-.1M .. ~"'""'I 11t .. ,w11 c11ic ca1 .. ~11 1n Ml,i., l"rolt<! IWtUOlll llt Miller Tire Co. N;fefrt!n Ul-11 172 Ttw1y.t1$u•orlse !ll ltl'l•r<h> i1t C..rl9Slt161t /SlttuUI 11• """'"''lou (Ht rO 11t StYINTM t ACI -tOO y~. J .,.., .ift C. lf9. AlklWIMf, l'IW)I MGm, TJtt ~ ... 111 ••• lllW,..._lfl IWt rtl 110 Ok Ptl GO 11Cftl9"11 120 Ottt'I~ llrttlWttl Al's.t.UM !M,IH) GrtyO-trlNk -1t1w1I GIMl-llldlitl D~hiOIM.,, !llk l'lt<1UI f i,..Cllkt tt.iPMml llOMTtl ltACI": -lso,1n:11.JY1t1okll. Al ........ t. PurM Us.DO. Luc•w Pll I•• I P"91) llt C..(Mftf>low<1Go {Wlrdl 11' f'ltHloll:ulor ll•n•U 172 ~"'-lAdllrl lit YkloryC!lttot lLIP"1ml 172 5111111 .... Gclld (Htrtl 1" .J«lt<Mtlol8roolt1l 121 TiftyCJ1¥111tt.INk-mvs) 11' ,,.. ......... .-,,, •• , .. ,.1 tit W-.Wllcll /Orefffl llt Al1t l~ Ot<l•OJt1 tW1<dl llt ~ P1Alslltd(IC1119"!I I~ ltlMTM I ACI -«It ,erlh.3.,--I ... Clt!ml"IJ. C1lll.·llt•d. P""se 51100. Ckllmfftv prltt UQOCI. Ntr ........... 1.1c1roou1 ""·"•1 ....... 1 4~) ...... CNk--l ~. IMdDf °"''"' flC ... 1$1 E~hltl'lotl ll•_,I f'gl'l llOCltl tCrtt0trl loMeMole IWl ll!trl 111' '" '" "' ill Cilldy'I Jtl (-<ill ltt 9UWllt!llf>"tm> llt CMuyltocUl(ltkll1rd1.J Ill Wrestling Action Set Estancia High is hosting the Century-Empire League wrestling tourna- ment which started today 11nd will continue until 6 p.m. Saturday. The tourney will be a round -robin af£air with each v•r,.stl er from the Cen- tury League going up against an opponent from the Empire circ:uit. Thus, earh v•restler will have eight matches during the two days. All the schools from the Century League will be represented with the exrep. tion of Santa Ana whir h \li'ill be replaced by Loara. \\1cstminster will replace Huntington Beach as a representative from the Empire League. T h<'r e will be e ig ht matches goi ng on at one time in the tournament. whirh includes 32 teams (junior varsity wrestlers will be competing also) and about 300 wrestlers. Last year the meet was composed or wrestlers rrom the Sunset and Irvine Leagues. \Vestlninster v.·on the Sunset competition and El ;\l odena captured the Jr,·in<' title. Both squads will bf' favorites this yenr. along with Corona del !'11ar , Loara and Estancia. One of the top wrestlers in the tournament will be Paul \Vilson or El l\1odena, who wrestl es in the 145-pound class. He was second in the stale tournament last year. Surfing l'.-ltilll Vtltl' Ull (Ml ~!<tr .,~ .. 11· Jpll Jft~"-!FYI )II • .H!!'on R"'I (¥'1 JI. o.~"l' ("-!'1'1 " .. p"' P~W l l•lf'OSlofl !,Vl 21, ,,...,. Poot>#\ IF"VI J:I, P""dw \'...,....._,., "°'11' ""II 3, f(lft" f lt!\ /l'Vl JI. fPHW ,._,O~P lf'VI J7. PO!lft L ivlM!.1(111 l'I. +<ul I f'Oll .leflf'•lf'ft ~F\/'1 J1. Piii N • ., .. ,,., !FVI ~· 8\IC!!IYflltd~ltw t'I 111 Yta!S-P•ICI>'"•• ,..\ ~ OC!ft Pt!erifl' !FYI ~. N'f'' Pt1"\ (ll'V1 7t -· I_ (,. c Ct 2--UlxlS · • MA.IORIRAND IWTL s1995.,,, jCOU.t.MfiA) GENERAL WWTL s19ss .. ,. ,~, l-15Sx1 3 DUNLOP SP&8BW s23ss. , .... ''""' 1--GR70.14 FIRESTONE BELTED RWL s14ss . """ CCOSTAMISAI 2-14a7CHlV. DISH MAG 2-l<ta6CHIV. CHROME c . ~'El ffi < SINCE 1920 [] n 2~70x 14 _ KELLY CHARGER RWL "BLEllS" s1995·=. ,,.._, 4-l78xlS MAJOR IRAllDS TL s19ss.,,, ,.,.._, ~16Sx13 SUMITOMO T.T.ll st 995 .. , ... 1-a2Sxl4 IRIHESTOllE SKYWAY WW TL ORANGE STORE 4-Uo.14 GRAND PRIX 1-4170.15 FIRESTOllE YT STEEL "ILEll" s2195. '·""' -·-1,_175x13 IR108ESTOllE RADIAL WW TL s2995"""' 3-G6Chc14 4-165x14 l-ffR10x14 12-11Sxi3 I LEllAIS VELOCE RADIAL UMANS RADIAL IRIHESTOllE . 1wL RWL 1wrL !'II.Ell~~ RADIAL ww n I s1 ~.~1 .... s19~.;.'""' s2,J:,.,,. s21~........ s2r~.:.in"' 1 .,. _____ ""' All TIRES-.0.RE SUaJECTTO PRIOR SALE AND PRICED AS "EACH". OFFER ENDS 12/31 /14 SANTA ANA COSTA MESA . I 209 Bush St. (3rd & "'"'l 1739 Superior Ave. (171" & Newpon) I 547·8201 642·3384 o ORANGE · 1Cf> 4 11 00 N. Tustin 1a.1. Ka1tllo & Com"') 532-3383 LAGUNA BEACH 482 Ocean Ave. (Acron'""" City HaR) 494°6666 PLACENTIA -· I 114,S.~(So.olOfQpmonl I 524-9280 .• ~-------·-------------------• DEC. 7-12 SKIS . • • • .. ATOMIC ATTRACTION : 444 Salomon Singings Allsop Poles regular price 1189.95 ATOMIC WORLD CUP 555 Salomon Bindings regular price S329.95 ATOMIC ATOMIC regular price 1289.95 CLOTHES HOT GEAR FOR KIDS complete outllts & singles 15% OFF SHAMANAN '· for Men and Women ... •. l 0% OFF EXCLUSIVE i.er-.c:-, Htt fabuflMll ... of HENRl-CHARUS COLSEHET C.....M-t,.._.....,...,. --. clotlies • *' 11 \ • --.. Montie• ......... Htn1, DJHder, TOllk. ..._. •<>MrM,'lf.wt ...... ............. ._ ..... We ecctpt I of A a Mdw. ........ ~10.t'W....,. , ... _ -12·5 S.., HEUGAHAUS SPECIALTY SKI SHOPS TwoLoc lllw; ......_ .. ,,._ ......... liltLaeh•-t•"-1 (71 4l .,,.Jtoo COSTA MISA. 46l-1711 SL 171 41,4Ml1S . . ' • • . . . '---"'· ( .. ·- ' • • ' -------------- . 'Tis the Season In Orange County Mil es of holly a nd hemlock and a 60- fool Christmas tree v.•ill trim Di s- neyland's 20th holiday season begin- ning Saturday, Dec. 21 . Besides the greenery will be parades. st age shows and the hig hlight or the Anaheim fan- tasy world 's festi vities, "F'anlasy on Parade." Th e make-believe \vorld or Disney combines with the Yuletide season through J an. 4 in this li ght · hearted pageant. Scenes \\"i ll be dis- played from Walt Disney films such as "Fantasia," "Pinocchio." "J\1ary Pop- pins." "SnO\\' \Vhite ." and "Robin J·lood." More than 500 performers will p a rticipate in the l\1ain Street Promenade. Accompanying Santa's eight reindeer \\'iii be Donald Duck , Cinde rella and Dumbo. among other Di s neyland inhabitants. The true meaning of Christmas \Viii be the focu s of the Candlelig ht Caroling Ceremony Saturday and Sunday evenings, Dec. 21 and 22. !\lotion picture star Cary Grant <l e ft ) wil l narrate ''The First Christmas" during the ceremony at 6 o'clock both nights:-Performances of "Fantasy on Parade" \Viii be at 2 and 9 p.m. Dec. 21-23 and Dec. 26-29. and at 2 p.m . only Dec. 24. 25. 31. and Jan. 1. E\'ent ng musical e ntertainment \Viii be provided by l~cs Brov;n and His Band or RenO\\'TI Dec. 21 through Dec. 23 and Bobby Shcr"'ood and orchestra Dec. 26 th rou g h Dec . 30 . D aytime entertainn1cnt \\·ill be the !\c\\· Christ~' !\linstrels Dec. 21 -2.1 and Dec . 26-30. Disn·eyland Invested ' . • With Yule T • .g / • Arts I Dining Out Entertainment_ Holiday hours at Disneyland in Anaheim are 9 a.m. to midnight Dec . 21·23. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec . 24. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Christmas Day. and 9 a.m. to midnight Dec. 26·30. · • • oAJL v PILOT ·c 1 ·Friday, December 13, 1974 • • • I ct 01'1LY PILOT fuday, December 13, 11174 Despite Shorteo111i11gs. 'Nutcracker' a Hit -. '• OllMO•llJl'tlMii." ~ n~e ~:~~~11::~i~(i£'~1?h~ Nutcra cker " in Laguna Reach made a hit with its • 11udiencc des1)ite some noticeable ~h ortcomings . It succ('eded primarily because of several fine performonres, some ap. p ea l i ng children <ind Tchaiko~'s ky 's delightful n1usic. The star of the evening \\'IS Louise Frazier as the Sugar Plum f>""airy. flll ss f>~razier, a fine dancer, has an exqui site stage pr<'Sence that li ghts up the the:.iter. Another fin e performance was jili\·en by Kathy Jo Kahn as the lead gingerl!-nt1p, Miss T<:whn is a \'Jbrantly cnergetir d~nct•r v.ho never broke her rharactrtilation. Of the three outstanding n1ale performers, one wa s in n nondancing role and tv.·o doubled in s mall comic parts. Douglas Hce.ve ~s th e ~toryteller showed <1 pro· fessional narc and Ch:irlcs Colgan and Glenn Smith provided both exretl('nt ttn1· ing and skillful acting in !~eir small roles Dee Dee Bychak as younR Clara has promise both as an .11.rtress and a dancer. She managed tQ s_urvive '4Qme clum.sy duets v.•ilh R~lph Schneid er. ""'ho looked un su re of himself, probably \•:it h ROod rc.>ason. An1ong the other dancers ,.•ho contributed to the even· ing's s uct'ess was Li sa Roberts on, who showed cOnsiderable poise as the Snow Queen despite being plopped do11.·n rutht'r hard se,·c•ral tin1es by partner Hoger Faubel. 'Good performances v:ere also given by Terri Bychak. Sandra Rasmussen. ~lolly Lynch. Kris ti Stephens and Loui s Carver. and by Roger ·Faubel in the Spanish -,===================== d:inrc. j \'irtor flt oreno, v.•ho LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART "COLLECTOR'S CATCH" SALE • SILENT ART & ANTIQUE AUCTION OPENING BIDS -DEC. 16 CLOSING BIDS -DEC. 22 • ARTIST BOOTHS -FLEA MARKETS • JEWELRY • Featuring such artists as Robert Frame. Roger Kuntz, Alexander Nepate, Ray Jacob, Norman Abby, Andy Wing, Corila Kent and Barbara Jones. • SALE HOURS: 11 A.M. ·4:30 P.M. DAILY LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART 307 CLIFF DR. LAGUNA BEACH 494-6531 1'lil~ l'd lht· Nutt'r acker I Prince somewhat heavily, larked fl ow in his dancing. Ballet is strenuous exercise ' but that fart should never be apparent t o the au· dience. ,-Simil ar problems affect- ed several other dancers. espeeialty the men, who tended t.o lose their poise after exec utin g diffj . c-ult Sll'ps. 'fhc production v.'as also handicapped by the choreo- graphy, which fa iled to use innovative and striking mo,·ements to s how off the dancers' exp e rtise and mask their areas of inex- perience. 'Theater' At Newport Osmond Concert ' Set in Anaheim MAURICE ALLARD Will CONDUCT UC IRVINE CHORUS IN 'MESSIAH' UCI to Present ewe Jazz Hand~I 'Messiah.' Ensemble To Debut presentation of "~lotels For Th e C hr istmas Season'' by Francis Poulenc. Tickets may be obtained at the door prior to the concert. Pacific Pops Co ncert At 8 Golden West College's Jazz Ensemble and Studio Symphony will debut Sunday in "Sunshower," a concert of jazz, pop. movie theme and commercial music. The free concert will begi n at 4 p.m . in the community theater on the ca mpus in 1-lunlington Beach. The pr ogram wi ll fe-ature the first performance of .. Aurora," a major jazz work for orchestra written by Don Harper, 22, a graduate of Marina 1-ligh School and Golden West College. Local news. In the DAILY PILOT .· ,.·· ,,.· ... : ... .,., .. · ..... ·• : . ,' ' . . " . .. -: . . . . ' .. ' . . : ·. ~ : .• •., · . .. ,. • The Osmonds will malte their first South.e.rn California concert appearance In two years, Saturday a rternoon, J an. 11 at I p.m. at Anaheim Stadium, under the auspicC's or the Boys Club or Garden Grove. The concert, presented b y KEZY radio in association with the Boys Club of Garden Grove. will launch "Around the World with The Osmonds," a six·week globe·circling t'oncert tour that finds the singing.dancing family departing for Eurape the. following day . The Osmonds tour takes them to Germany, Denmark , Sv.1 eden, England . Scotland, Belgium. Holland, Finland, Switzerland and France . Th e rain -or .s hine Anaheim cont'ert is the Osmonds first local pl aydate sin·cc th e ir dyOamic SRO concert in '73, also in Anaheim. Tickets can be obtained a l the Anaheim Stadium box office and all mutual outlets. Ne\NPORT SL.VD. • , . and we11 poke and Pffk into all !he liUle ahops and rm ourwlves right up with the Spi01 or Christmai., .• It's in the heart ~~~t~J~:ol~Old Newport 's " \ " • • . ~'-.. . .. . · ....... , ' •, . • ~.:::.. ·-..· . ... ~· ·. •. ·~:· .... · .. . . . ... ···..:: -• • • .. ·· .. I .... . . · .............. . .... " · ... .... ·· .. ... , ........... -"-.,, ' .. ,\ ' .. -.. " •, .~.. . .... --· "·" ·-·..:a.. Discover that distinctive gift! Treat yourself to the relaxed atmosphere of $outh Coast Village. Explore over 60 unique shops and boutiques. Choose from 10 inte rnational resuuran1s. Open 10 to 9:30 daily. Sunday 11 to 6. t •· • e I r n l I ·Yule Plays, Parties, • • Times/Places Events Fill Calendar TllROUGJI DEC. 15 BALLET CONCERT -Tehaikovsky"s "The Nut· cracker,'' a Christmas favorite, will again be presented by Ballet Pacifica in the Laguna ti1ouhon Playhouse'. 1'ickets are $4 for adults and $3 for children and students. Rcservulions, <194·ll<lR hl·twcen 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Performances will bci,:1r1 at.2:30 and 7 p.m. Sci lurdays and Sundays and ol 7 p.m. Frida vs . l'crformunce dates arc Nov. 30. Dec . l , 6, 7, 13, 14 :.ind 15. TllROUGll DEC. 25 .. STAR OJ.' HETlll.EllE:f\l" '-Reuben 11. Fleet Space 1'he<1trc , Ba lboa Park, S<io Diego. presents "Star of ilelhlchcm," show features sky set up exactly as it "·as night of Christ 's birth ineluding the "star" pointing to Bethlehem. Adm1ssi£1n , S2 for adults and $1.5-0 under 17. Shows: f\1onday-F'rid<iy, I. 2:30, 4, 7:30 and ~:30 p.m : Saturdays and holidays, 10:30 and 11 :30 a .m . 1.2.3,4,7:30 <ind 8:30 p.m. and Sund;iys, 1,2,3,4,5,7:30 and 8:30 p.m . DEC.13-11 l\11\STElt <.:JIOR l\LF. l 'hc fr\·ine Alaster Chorale <ind Orchestra begins its seventh season with "Christmas With the Master Chorale'' at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Satur·. day, Dec . 13-14. Sponsored by the Orange County Choral Associ ation, the concert will include Bach's "~l agnifi cat" and Shaw-Bennett's "The ~1 any ~foods or Christmas." It wil l be presented in the First Baptist Church of Santa Ana, 1010 W. 17th SL, Santa Ana . Tickets, $5-3.50 and students, $1.50. Inlormation, 548-6049 or 833-2277. DF.C. IJ-26 CllRISTJ\o1AS 'rREE Li\Nl: -The 20th annual Christmas 'J'ree Lune event takcs"pJacc along Daisy Avenue in Long Beach . Daisv Avenue features lighted Christmas trees, contcmpor;iry <1nd rt·hg1ous r:lisphiys, Sanf<i's \\'Ork- shop, choral grouiJS sing ni ghtly . Parade with bands, rtoa\s, drill teams and equestrian units wi!J tukc place :1t 7:30p.m.on Friday, l)cc.13. , DEC. 13-26 FLOATING CllRISTi\-1 1\S TREES -Christmas lree li ghts, on floating trees in Alamitos Bay, Long Beach, vnll be turned on at dusk. Ott. 13-22 "SILENT NIGi-iT. LONELY NIGllT ''-Robert Anderson's tender Christmas drama opens limited two-week engagement tonight at Golden West College as the second production of the Irvine Community Theater's new SC'aso n. Performances in Actor's Playbox Theater, off Gothard Street parking lot at the Golden West cam pus in Huntington Beach, are scheduled for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 13-15 and 20-22. Curtain at 8:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturd ays, 7:30 p.m. on Sundays. For reservations, 557.7297_ THE .PRIME RIB THAT MADE MR. MIKE FAMOUS IN BALBOA IS NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL ORANGE COUNTY DINERS MR. MIKE'S PRIME RIB ...•...••.•••• $5.50 TOP SIRLOIN STEADK ..•.•••.... ." •. 6.SO AIALOHE STEAK •••••••••••••••••• 6.SO LOBSTER •.•••••.••..•.•••••••••••• a.so STEAK & LOBSTER •••••••.•••••••••• a.so Includes Soup and Salad Dance a,ncl be Entertained in the CONQUISTADOR LOUNGE llLL McCWRE l DEllE WILSON Tue. lhru Sat. ROMURIAM M ondays only 9:00 p.m. Excellent Banquet Facilities Contact: Miss Charli Burton 2 I 0 I E. EDINGER IAI Newport Fwy.I ,,,_ 835-2577 Crlt!J~~tt /l,'t111 y,~r·1 [11t M·ilh ~ f riti1·r J;'"''' "' &b B"r•• R.l.'11.,.,r~""· A..,fJ lfr<JMdi1tt•·Mr1 111t•f dtW M•I// ~i1/htr'N>"1tr/ ""' f rtt•Jl:y !.r olfi1b ht~rtb 111 "•i011prr .. 1/ IM/ld•y /•rr, Coorli•,.o•o ,..,,,,,,,,..,.r,,f ""' ,,...rl 'I' f • 1 •ro (•OM ~ti tor p. JN, 11 .... 1 .. -·· , .............. ,. ..... r .. 11 -1or ,._ .... -. Newport Se"ch )7F:1.1hion Isl:1nd 644-20)0 Det. l:I . Jan. I! ••SWEETE NUTCRACKER ... ' -Ruby ~1illsap stars in this play adaptation of Alexander Dumas' "Nutcracker Suite," a holiday offering at the 1nner City Cultural Center's Main Auditorium, 1308 S. New Hampshire Ave., Los Angeles. An actress and dancer wi th television credits on "The Bill Cosby Show ," "The Andy Williams Show" and others. she was reatured with Beah Richards in the Inner City Cultural Center's .. f'I. Black Woman Speaks." DEC.J•I P.IUS IC f'O R TllE JIOLIDAYS -Los Angell·s Philharmonic Orchestra presents '"Andre Kostelanetz : ~1usic !or the llolidays" at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, in the Los Angeles ~lusic Center Pavilion. Tickets. $3-8. DEC. 14 Sll\'Glf\'G Clllt1ST1\IAS TREE -A 130-voice a eappella rhoir performs on behalf of 1'.larin es Toys for Tots cam- pa11-:n on a huge. lighted platform forming a tree in Forc!>l Lawn f\lemorial·Park C~ press. DEC.14 S''~IPll ONIC CllORALt: -Richard Kuykendall ...,·tll direct the Orange Coast l'olleSe Community Symphonic Chorale in a ho liday coneert <it 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. in the OCC auditorium, 2701 F'airvie"' Road. Costa .ftlcsa Admission, $1 .50 for adults and $1 for children. DEC. 14-15 BOAT PARADE -'l'hc 29th annual Parade of Lighted Boats ti.lkes pluce along the canals of Naples a nd Alamitos Bay. I.ong Ucat'h al 6 p.m. Saturday and Sun - duy, Dee. 14-15. Dee. 16 TB.J M-A·TREE SKATING PARTY-One Christmas tree ornament pays admission to Ice Capades Chalet Skating School, 2701 llarbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, for holid ay trim·a·tree party l'ilonday from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Ornaments will be used to rl-~'>rate the school's tree . Fashion show during party will feature skating and tennis togs. Public invited. Dec. 19 GUITAR ENSEMBLE -Orange Coast College music department will present the ensemble in concert at noon Thursday (Dec. 19) in the college's l'i1usic Studio I. Show, open to the publir and free, will include selechons by Vill a-Lobos, Darr, Granados and lbert. Dec. 19 ADDEO BETllLEllEI\1 STAR SHOW -Tessmann Planetarium, Santa Ana College, has added another show to its already doubled holiday schedule for the popular .program, "The Star of Bethlehem." The added P!IESENTS OUTSTANDING DINING & ENTERTAINMENT .. * MEDITERRANEAN ROOM FOR EXQUISITE CUISINE-S ERVICE DINNER SERVED FROM 5 PM LUNCH FROM 11 :30 AM CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH FROM 10 AM · 3 PM * Captain's Table Coffee Shop SERVING 24 HOURS * LOUNGE For Dancing & Entertainment AFJIRNOON FROM S PM NIGHTLY FROM 1:30 with SHONA BISHOP TllO "THE END IESUL f " 18700 MacARTHUR-NEWPORT (OPPOSITE THI AIRPORT) 833-2770 4'1'1-2626 496-5773 LUNCH• DINNER OYSTER BAR COCKTAILS LATE SUPPER HA,,l HOUI 4 l'O 7 P .M. SUHDA Y IRUHCH ,:30-4 MOW OPEN FOR BREAKFAST From 7:00 a.m. Mon. thru Sat. Entertainment In the lounge BRANDIE BRANDOM DUO Tuesday thr'0U9h Sohn-day OUTDOOR DIHIHG PATIO 32a02 COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA NIGUEL IA! Crow11 Voll~y Porllwoyl RESTAURANT SnM" • l'fHNtttk Pfttfll In ow ~ludtd, lntl'"1llt rtltllUl9ttt , 11roD Oii Ilk"""' Olltflootfltl. JPllflHffl /l/lkt ond '"' lullt rolll1t1 fetr.y1 btyottd -Tllt11, rt/ox {11 tlft lourtft -~ yo11 C." triioY q11l'1 eott,,,..tioft or "'111tt 10 tmhnlNflblt ,,.,lie. Makt SHtIUf yow IP'tiM {Jlort -'" 1111ro ft• nt111111u drl,.,, btJ1 o tltouand mlltt from 11ft lfurry.up world ~ of ruto-nt "'""" 3000 PALM AVE. 4 HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ (714) 536.Sa66 J performance is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Thur5d:.y, Dec.19. For reservalions. phone835·3000. o~c:. 19.20.22 COI\'CERT Los Ang('les Philharmonic Orchestra und the Los An geles l\tastl·r Chorale \\'ill perform in conccr1 in th<' Los Angeles ~lusic Center Pavilion. Performance .... :ire 8·30 p.m. l 'hursday and Frtda.v, Oct'. 19 ·20, and 3 IJ.m . .Sundav. Ot'l'. 22. Proaram : •·'l'hc Rach ('hristma:-. Canl;lla." Str<1\"1nsky 's '"Sy n11>ho11y of Psa\01-"'" ;.1ncl ~lozart "s "~la ~s 1nC-f\tinor." DEC. 20 FILl\I SERIES -Golden West Collel!e ·74 . 75 film !>cr1c!\ presents '"Blue \\'atl•r. \\'~it t> Ul'at h," tonight ' "'CIO<.'k"·ork Orange," Dec. 20 . In F11ru1n 2, t"·o sho""!i, 4 p.m. and 8 pm. Admission SJ.SO or 50 cents v.·ith anv stu· dent body card. · Dec. 22 YULE SING-Second Church of Christ, Scientist. 3100 Pacific Vi ew Dri ve, Corona del ~1ar . invites lhe public to 4 p.m. Yule sing on Sunday, Dec 22. No adm1S!>10n chargl'. OEl'.:!1 -~:? "TllE Nt:TCR..\CKER" /\('\\port 11:-illet A ~~O('t<1\1on \1111 prt•scnt Tchaiko\~k~"s ··The ~uttrac kc1"' i.tl 8 p.1n . S ... turday. Der. 21. and 2:30 p n1 . Sund<iv. Dec. 22 'l'he pcrfor1nanl'c v.·lll fc ... ture H. Clinton Hoth\\C'll and Sarah Loon11s, d1reeted hy :\Iona FranC'eS . }{e ~er\"ations fur adult s 8,17·5·108 or 612·~068. Titkcl:. <ire a\·ailahlC'. ut S3 ~(I and $2 fnr children, :.it Coast J\lus1t :.ind P;;cifu.: StL'rl!u in Co~l<.t f\·Jesa. 'Silent Nigl1t' to Open ''Silent Night, Lonely Night" Opening toni ght for a limited two-weekend run is Ib is Irvine Community Theater drama, playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30, Sundays at 7:30 in the Actor's Play box Theater at Golden Wes t Col lege . Reservations 557·7297 . ''That C h ampionship Season" South Coas t Repertory's powerful production of a · prize-winning drama con· tinues nightly (except ~1on· day ) at 8 o'clock v.·ith Sun· day matinees at 3 o'clock at the Third Step Theater. 1827 Nev.•port Bl vd., Costa f\tesa. Reservatinns 646-1363. "Cabaret" Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse is staging this musical about the rise of the Third Reich Tuesdays through Sund ays at 14 0 Avenida Pico, Sa n Clemente. Rese rv ations 492 -9950. SWEET JUBAL IS BACK Wed. thru Sat. VIRGIL BECKHAM Sun.·Mon.-Tue. Come Aboard our Reoutlitted Ancient Marin er 2607 W. Cood Hwy., Mewport leoc.k LOBSTER REEF DIMMER SPECIALS STEAK & LOBSTER ....•.......•••...•••..• $6.95 CRAB DIMMER • . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . 5.95 SEAFOOD PLATTER ID~ Fr!C'dl •. ,,., .•••..•. 4.25 SH"YifMJ A WtcM Vcriefy of ....._ ........ lfUlfH SANDWICH SHllMr COCKTAIL RSH SAHDWICH RSH .A.HD CH1rs HOT IE£F- PASTIAMI DIP T·IOHE STU.II" SHRIM r CREOLE OpH Daily 11 :00 AM lo 1:00 PM Fri.&. Sol. lo 10:00 pni • Sundo'( 4 lo I PM Your Favorite Seafoods Flown In Fresn 1473 S. MAIN ST. Corner or Edinger and Main In Safeway Snopp1ng Cen1er SANTA AHA a3S-62a2 O•oty "i.IMlf" ~ SUSAN METCALF WITH NAUTICAL OBJECTS Sig1i of the Crab Slio1vs Nautical Art DINNER DANCE -8 P.M. Marine Restaurant & Empire Room A New Ye1r's [ve Party you 'll nevu lor di~ner. tllo•ce ol lob~!er or roasr Newl~~~l,'"1rmet O! beef C~am 1 11 om · 11agne. avois. dancmi. evei\'lhm&! $45 00 Ill• <owpl• l"'tl>0•1\ ' • (!U & l rtlU•!I '"'i"~t<ll 81 Rn••n 1<on1 644•1700 j; 533 The Lido Lounge N.CltlG 10 L\'I[ MUSIC cOCJl.1,l,tlS ' {),l, g 3\1 P.h\. f ,l,VORS fOR ,l,l l $3.00 ····-to-<' (M i l t - • ' • I • . . . .. . . , . . . . ; . . . . . . . . ~ • .. • ~ .,j Hi ghest Quality Native l\l exican t~oo<ls Wee~ Day': 11 )0 om ro 12 P"" Fn.ord Sa1 11)00,.,,•012)) Open 7 Days · VIC GARCIA fCIN"leriy of Co.WJJ'' PoioC• """""" . T,,.. rho.., Sor .. COCK T~ILS 9093 E. ADAM~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-791 1 C.f OAIL y PILOT Chorale Readies Premiere NewpOrt Institute-of the Arts will present the Orange County Chamber Chorale In its premiere con· cert tonight at 8 o'clock at Red Hill Lutheran Church, 13200 Red Hill, Tustin. The 26-voice Chorale, un· der the baton of John Catanzaro, will present "St. t.1 atthew's Passion" by lleinrich Schuetz and the "Choral Passion, Opus 7" by llugo Distler. Lyric tenor Robert Gray will sing the role ot the ev angelist in "St. Mal · the\\·'s Passion.'' Other featured soloists are Don fl:! artin or Fountain Valley, Steve Fraider . Anaheim . and Jacqueline Hoselt o( Ney,· port BeaCh. eaul' f,·eu '''' Cuisine it~~ Lunch .J 1 :30 tu 2 Dinner From 6 Closed Sun. & ,\fr111. 711 ~r. Cltilr, Ce1t• Mw111 i7141 540-3641 -- Frld•y. Otcember 1 S. 1974 CHORALE CONDUCTOR John.C1l1nzaro Donation tickets are S2 for adults and $1 for stu- dents. Tickets are available hy calling the Institute of the Arts at 675-2643, by writ· ing to 2411 Coast Highway, Corona de! t.1ar, Ca. 92625, or at the door prior to the concert. . UlM ...... · ~-·-*"'oio.... ..... ,...-s Tu ff 3~ IR[ ,ON IAlfllOA IAV. NfWl'OltT IEA"ctt n~l WEST COAST Hl HWAV OANCINO NIGtff\ Y 10 TMI Hf1NISMING fOUCMH ........ ; .. GfNI Ol YAUI 1..., ... ahoot• (J.71<1) ~S1 s-i.y Gnl..,.,.l~ - ·~~ MONDAY thru THURSDAY SPECIALS ~Friday ancl!Sr 0•1rdaY. until 6 P.~f.). dlnnerli include soup or t lad, baked potato o'r rice· RED SN.APPER . . . . • . . . . .. . .. . . . . 2.26 MAH I MAH I ............ , . , • . .. . 2.45 Nostalgia· Thrives Among 'Old' Balboa Inn Fans Only old -timer• are likely to remember the Balboa Inn when lt wu a pl1y1round for Hollywood film(olkt during the '301 and '40s. Jn those days. the Inn was a lively place filled with celebrities, parties and good times. Nearby, th e interurban Pacific Electric "Big Red Car" unloaded less affluent fun·seekers from Los Angeles Out 'n' About ·Norman Stanley who were anticipaUni: a sunny , weekend on Balboa's beautiful you with a humerOus ·newspaper beaches. These people sought cheaper which, opened up, be<:ome.s the menu. accommodations in the area but for There are nine full diMers all in an the "big night on the town" they dined ltalian vein, on this atricUy 0 puta bill at the Inn, hoping to ogle some screen of fare. ' idol in the n~sh . Since our excellent IP.lithetti The red car is gone forever but the selections seemed to be Balboa Inn is once again the scene of representative of the whole lot, it's rriends dining and drinking together. probably best to let your personal The Spaghetti Syndicate is a colorful preference lead you to the final new restaurant on the premises that choice. Leading off, thouih, i1 a aood makes It all possible. recommendation -the Don's special, 12.50, 49 yards or spaghetU in meat THOSE OF you who remember the sauce. old days will find the refurbished Inn ~fushroom mania, $2.50, is a welco me scene of noStalgia. Those spaghetti in mushroom sauce; Vito 's who never had a glimpse of blend, $2.60, is a subtle mixture of yesteryear will probably have even meat and mushroom sauce; the more fun. garden delight, $2.10, features Bill and Dan Madden are the two spaghetti with fresh vegetables. The savvy brothers masterminding the clam up, as you might Imagine, offers operation. Several years ago they spaghetti with a flavorful clam sauce, opened their first Spaghetti Syndicate $2.70. in the Santa Barbara suburb or The combination plate, $2.80, is a Goleta. union of any two or the entrees noted The interior of the Spaghetti above. Or there's the ravioli (beef)' Syndicate is patterned after a 1920s retreat, $2.40 ; haU and half, spaghetti speakeasy. It is dimly lit, and the and ravioli, $2.50; spaghetti and walls are lined with high-backed meatballs, $2.90. booths (you didn't want ~o be seen in a speakeasy). ALL DINNERS include a crisp Ragtime music comes out or the salad, with choice of dressing, or a speaker system except for Friday, bowl of minestrone soup. and· a choice Saturday and Sunday evenings when of French bread or garlic toast. a piano ,player'holds forth live music Two special salads are available if from the 20's from 7:30. Decorative you can resist the Spaghetti highlights include a marvelous Syndicate's pasta. Choose from the collection or old photographs and the chef's salad, $1 .90, or Sicilian salad Rube Goldberg-like paraphernalia _ which contains s liced mushrooms, complete with the tub itself -to malce cheese, peperoncini and an ingredient bathtub gin. billed as "a little extra from the Don.'' WAITRESSES ARE dressed as There are also two sandwiches on meatball, each tabbed at $1.45. J;Joth are excellent topped with plrme1an cheese. If you bring the kiddies, a child's portion of spaghettl iaonly $1.2'. Beverages include four house wines and a var.iety of beers. There~ al&o a selection~f-after dinner, desaert wines. Dinner hours a.re 5 to 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 5 to 11 p.m .. Friday and Saturday. No credit ('ards accepted. Reservations at 675-2620. I The Spaghetti Syndicate ls located in the Balboa Inn at the end of the inner corridor. The addr.esa 11 105 Main Street, at the foot of the Balboa Pier. ~~~~~~~~ I\'s offi('ial.· Newport's first "An· cient City" restaurant will open next week in Koll Center Newport. "An- cient City" is the English translation for Koto, the name of California MTK Corporation's new Sl.2 million restaurant. · ·Our advance word has it that Kolo is designed not only to reneet the Japanese culture and food , but will feature an int«national menu of Japanese, American. Polynesian and Chinese dishes. Hoping to provide customers with a wide variety of foods. It is located just off MacArthur Boulevard on Von Karam Avenue, the single story restaurant wlll seat200. Kolo~ will offer several different dining settinli:s: the intimate sushi· bar, featuring Japanese style fresh fish ; the teppan yaki room, where meals will be-cooked to order on iron grills. let Us Help You With Your Holiday Party Plans! We offer Sputtering hot GRILLED SEA BASS .... , • .. .. . . . 2.95 TOP SIRLOIN...... . . . . . . • . .. .. . 3.25 NEW YORK STEAK.............. 3.75 nappers and will courteously present the menu, hot Italian sausage oi:_ hot r~~~~=====-=r Real cantonese Food PIIIA HORS D'OEUVRES LOBSTER TAIL ........... ,,.... 4.95 Delivered to your door -or free banquet facilities STEAK ANO LOBSTER . , . . . . . . . . . 5.95 LUNCHEON 8'so nMd daily until 4 p.m. COSTA MESA 646-7136 HUHTIMGTON IEACH f; )';QI E Coc:ni t-tw.; •C~del ii.ot • (71 •1 b7~~ 847• I 2 I 4 ~l lb278Pocoloc: Cool!Hro.i: • ~irqOl'likh. • (213)592 1311 r---~------;iJ)uu'renoctootittd,Clip.UiiSciJupon~·~.~-~~--~-~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~,~~~~~~~~~~~ I ·-SrOi-: · Whycook l : when you c.an get l .i a4trge pizza ! : for $3.99? :, I I I rou\·e bt:e11 out shopping All day. You'rr tired, I I }Our fel'!l hur1 Hrnl it"s .dnu1~1 1l1nner tiine. I I \\lh,1t <lo you tlo? Cliff thh L'Oupon P.nd take I I it .1n<l )U11r fa1nily tu your 11.:arest ~tr:i.w I I ~ I Lit l'lllll l'al.1c..•. You"ll ~ct .u1Y ldrgc I I , pi1.1,1-h1µ f'unu~h for J f.unil)' of I I 8 four-for 1u't $3.00. And )OU e .111 ~f'I I I 2 one ~f'L"-'i.11ly-priL~'tl piu.1 for c.1d1 I I .:; coupon you ha\·e. Ut>c:iuse aftt:"r I I "8 ~lioppini; for ;ii\ tho..c C:hristrnll( I I U pr~·St'tlh, you Uc?>Cn c .i littli~ I I prc:;ent, too. I I I I Nobody makes I I plz:a like "'e do. .AM 1 I • • I I 32095 Camino Capistrano I I San Juan Capistrano 496·0051 I ~.!!!-~~~:...""!...~~~ --------------------___ .... MICllSll FAMILY MEXICAN RESTAURANT llOS !iilSI kaleH• iilY!. •naheim (714] 639·2994 IN SOUTl"l COAST VILLAGE Reitaunml Horikawa forgounnet Japanese . dining· F.:njo)I Jor>a.,..... food •I illl m,1thent11; t.o..t. in our be•utif..,I MW l ... O·lPvt>I f\'J\1ur•11t 11Crou fmm South c .... 1 Pl1a.1 Shopp1n~C'rn~ .... c,,.i.. !'.!..,... Gr3C"iuu• •hn1ni room. or• la !<•ppan (fwd ~,.11.,J •I your t"bletop). 01,.,n f111 lun<"h and dinner. F"or d1nn1•r ,,... f\Rlil!n•· (OU) 5.'>7 Z'>Jf !l800 Muth Pia~• Dri~e. S•nta An• @Hor ikawa """'""--Al"" in I .ill le Thkyo. IA.Ill Angd~s. nrar :O.lu•><' Cent<>r. ('.!J :1,,IJ80.!J:l.'15, OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO -"YOUR BIG PARJY IS OUR BIG PLEASURE" e 296 E . 17th STREET• lllLLGHEN SQ. COSTA MESA PHONE 645-1626 COCKTAILS • •• ' BEAT INFLATION SPECIAL 2 FOR I WITH THIS AD Two E"nlrees For The P~1ce oJ One Daily Sundav thru Thurstlu v 5:00to.7·00 P.M. • Dinner seroed nightly /rom 5:00p.m , Entertamment Nightly RUTHIE LEWIS 1'111rwFrL.•s.t."'Ptt °FiJl1rs, Af r.lls, OyJttr Bar, NoJtri fVintJ, AltJ and Spirits fir. (!lqriatian'a ,.,A- 1s1 E. CoaJt Highu1.iy • Nt'111port Bt11(Jt . I ' Rt'$trvu1io11J (114) 675-5310 ~ ... FOR STEAK DINNER s2.2s .. ~teak'r DinMr ~iols ,... HM"td with c.nsp 9retn salad. c.ho1c.e of dr.iailMJ, hot f)Wllc bttod, frt.nc:h fries or rice-piloff. •• Monday lhrv Thursday MONDAYS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK TUESDAYS STEAK·A·808 TERIY AKI WIDNESDAYS PETITE FILET MIGNON THURSDAYS STEAK 'N MUSHROOMS ' DINNER BY CANDLELITE • IH HUNTINGTON II.ACM, ~74 ....... A•e ... 4MIOI • -· IT -.IU 1M lttl ...._,. W'°"""'9 Cltnll •IN GAIDIH GIOVE. 1461 Go ..... Gro•• aa...SJ0-7140 • lfT'fl'llM .... ~ I MA"'"°41' •TUnl SUPERB ST~S ••t here or ••k• home STA& CHINESE CASINO "' .. 111 2ht Pl., Newport Booch ORlolo :J.9560 • 0,.. D9lty 12 MMpte 10-.JO-M .Mi ht. 'Ml IZ;JO Ap-"'41 Evt"f T........, Htte TheD,-c GENO IANZI FIOM Mtwport't Afry Wnf IH ALISO CAHYOH 311 Ol Comt Hwy. SOUTH LAGUNA ••..notioM 4t9-266l ~ ;;_--cilmese-cuiSinel l /?Jf...... Oriental Cocktail Lounge I l BAMBOO Feo<oriog TrnP"'I Dnoks . I I TEllRl.CE "FOR MEALS I jl PREPAREDWJTH .:¥;:_ ~ ,PARTICU LAR CA RE ' ll l "f\-'i J OPE~D ... lll 11 AM -10lOl"M I ~ mt -i "~.'.:::::~:· ¥i-I I ll .;, UY ; ~1 I I ~-~ I PHONE ... 645-5550 I - - -.-_Ja.'J~~TI~ ~A.!l_ES!-: ~~.#.·'• ,·~·~-* ~'•. FOR CHR ISTMAS THIS YEAR .'.. ~··· GIVE YOUR ~'RIENDS • · A NIGHT ON THE TOWN ' • AT • "iJ f!7~C?Jaw~ .r?Jld~ ~· Y. WATERFRONT ATMOSPHEA.E _& ~ MARVELOUS FPQO ,.,,., • GAEATENTEATAINMENT ,'; • J tilfT CElTIFtCATES ~ • AVAIU.ILI .iJ, SIO ·UO•SJO t• f. 30 I 0 L.eftlyette, .....,.... h.c.11 ~ . ..., "' • (Bayside on t/'le Lido Pen1nsulaJ 675•5777 • .~.,,~~~$~.~ TEMPLE GARDENS . QJl1'U;S:S Re•t•urant ED~RYAN & _"ROSiMA-iY-CA-RUSO RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~ ... '\•Ji• lunch•on & Oinnor Doily llOO ADAMS f .. H•tMf) COSTA MISA 540·1tJ7 540·1'2> I ~'TUESDAYTHRU SA'l'URDA Y -9:00 P.M •• 2:00 A.Iii. <MriggerRoom-~ONA LANES 2699.HAReOR, cosrA MESA s.s.11 12 roo.tu rln;: Exotl1· 'l'm11lnl ftrlnka Ali4. , • ..,.. .,...,,. 12201 llOOIHUl.$T IAt Cllep!M9J •llo7020 . • ~ I - A Trip South·' to See Star of East STAINED GLASS NATIVITY SCENE FROM LA JOLLA St. James-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church.Window I I I EXCLUSIVE OUNGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT 70 MM. Steriophonic. Sound ...,,,, .. ,. w ... .,. 1:00' 1:00""" $......,I s-t.y: 12:10, 4:41, t:OO SOUTH COAST l'l.AV.-#1 s. oi.,. fwy ... Srl1tll • • • 14 .. 2711 • I By TOM McCANN .... Otllyl"I•"-" Christmas is a time machine trip to the Holy Land ot 2,000 years ago and a chance to gaze at the star· filled skies over Bethlehem as they were seen by .. shepherds, watchingtheir·nocks by night.'' . But that's not all there is to a captivating presenta- tion called ''The Star or Bethlehem'' that is on now and will continue at a five· or eight-s hov.··a·day clip through the holiday season al the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater In Son Diego's Qalboa Park. The rest or the program includes a lingerlne look at "llre-sl:r:ed" projections, in brilliant color. of some of the world's most beautirul stained glass windows, a collection of the best in Christmas music that en- velops the audience through the theater's surround- sound system and a \'ery special movie. Actually, the movie, an 18-minu.te Academy Award winner called "To Be Alive," is a com pletely ·separate pre!entation and easily could stand on its own rather than to pad out the elapsed time or the "Star" s how double bill. A LITT~E OVERPO\VERING at time$ in_tti~ space theater·s relatively s mall , dome-s haped auditorium, the wide-screen movie (actuallv three screehs and , at times, three separate picture's> sells its joy or living theme quite readily. The film, shot in various locations in Africa. Italy . and the United States, maybe even oversells its theme. But it is a bright, jubilant Christmas package of children and young people enjoying life. Adults (and children tool probably will find the package a pleasing extra "gift"' "'hen they attend the "Star" show. But the real event for anyone who spends the a\I. too-brief 40 minutes or so that the total presentation takes is that time machine trip back throug h space · and lime to marvel with the ancient \•:ise men over the &tar that slood over Bethlehem. Using a modern kind or a "miracle.'' the digital computer, and a starball capable of projecting 10,000 11tars through as many optical lenses and mirrors, the "priests" of the Fleet theater produce the sky that was looked upon by those wise men -the Zoroastrian priests or ancient Persia. WITH SONG, NARRATION and slides projected on the theater's dome. the technical staff follows the script of production chief Joseph Harrington to un· ra\'el the mystery or what the star might have been and. "·ith special care as to historical accuracy, when it appeared in the heavens over the l\liddle East. A comet, a dying star's s uper nova blazing over the Judean hills, th~ coojunction or several heavenly bodies? The star might have been any or these -or all of them -the audience learns. There is one more possibility that is laid before the· audience before it's through looking at the Jarger- than-lire panoramas and other special efrects of artist Vic Costanzo. That possibility is that the star "'as exactly what the scriptures Indicate -it was -a miracle to signal the birth of the Son of God, the Messiah. p,_.._ Pro•• TMJiO A-• N.V. 0..'111 Cnla A••O "THAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON" ,, ,,_ Mt"' A~~_, D<lllltl'll ~·-Tom TI!uo, o.ily "llol • 1• -I"" ........ ,_ .... ..,_GI0'-<>1111"'"11 -·"""' "'°"' Seti. CllO.,.,,. ,..~ --c... -h. ·,...o.,. a..i11Y .... L.4 t-. T•tdey tins ' r 1:00,..... Sl't.CIAL SUNDAY · ANAL TWO WIU:S MATltitllS • J:OO P.M. <(J'f/,fcH1th Coast RepPrtor_v ~ """"""-""'"''·'"-. WAJ,T Dl.'iNllY....... · 13'. ROlllH CRUSOE./. • ·~ llS.N. ' ~ h~~'~ ... ,.,AHHY HILL" tf there are some who aren't ready for that messaa:e in the group you "d be traveling to San Dic10 with. there is an alternative diversion ror them .. Suggest a happy 40-minute visit to the Science Center's exhibit area. "'hich is. In reality, a big playpen ror both. adults and children. It's crammed • "-'Ith gadgets that impart knowledge of scientific prin- ciple through game-like displays visitors are en· couraged to enjoy -stric~ly hands-on. TllE SPACE TllEATER is located inside the Science Center. Finding the building is easy for Orange Coast area tra\'l'lers. Take the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 5) ull the "-'&Y into downtown San Diego and watch ror Balboa Park ("Zoo/Museums") signs to direct )'OU. The Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater is on the eastern edge or Balboa Park, sur· rounded by lots of Cree parking. . "Star of Bethlehem" perCormances Saturday will be at 10:30 and 11 :30 a.m. :ind at 1. 2. 3. 4. 7 :30 and 8:30 p.m . Sunday schedule will be the same for the af- ternoon but with rirst performance al noon . ·Starting h-tonday and continuing through the school holidays (until Jan. SJ the weekday schedule will be the same as Saturday's. Admission for 10:30 and 11 :30 u.m. sho"'s only is Sl.75 ror adults and $1.25 for everyone 17 and under. For all other shows, aduhs, $2: 17 and und er , $1.50. Grioup discounts a nd special senior citizen prices are available. f Phone 714·238· l 168.) Admission to Science Center only is 50 cents ror adults and 2~ cents for children; adn1ission to the center is in cluded in all tickets for the space theater, t;;IHEMA I FAMILY PROGRAM ................ ...... iw.. loTftl~ ... ........ COSWOf'OllTAN 8-· .. 1 PERFOIMIMCES OMLI en•1 DE.~~~ i~~ 0~~ ~!!~~~E ,..._ '1UeilT" ., "An 1nor111ou1 ~ltl"-E11I W1l1on C1MEMA II "Y•~•· Cur (~U) HHd lh1 hlliOottd ~o.otdl oft~• '1l1c1, "h"• 1~11rutut TWO GREAT 1nt~rl1ln11~ ol the c1ntu<1 II.I'! ~110 bffori, 1~~/;';AMK'~~·Rii;· Tom~~ MUSICAL HITS 1ME ITAN ra••E• 11N;(RS ··cAMELOT" Debut Rouchell Frederick of lluntington Beach, left. makes her a c ting debut in the Golden \\'est CollC'ge production of .. llia\valha." She ap pears with Dougl;.is <>"Connor or \Veslmins trr \vho plays an Indian bra\'l'. 1'he family enter t:tinment play can be SC'cn tonight a nd Satur· day. Performance is at 8 p.n1 each night. MOVIE RATINOS FOR~ANO WUNO PEOPLE 1~ .......,, ..... """' .......... _,,, ,......,.~""'"--~-"''' .. ,_"' ....... ., ,,,.., ,_,.._ ~1 santa ' arrives thurs., dee. 19th with T~u!I, Sun l Nond11 hu I\ l1l0 11111 I 41tt "'"'I "'l'f •tlY candy canes for the kiddies! He Tiie BOB FLORENCE Orchtstr1 ® •o .. , Ii.NI " AMllTIO M1hn111 Sil l Sun, Ore. 1' 1t 2;JO I '",..,,,,. .,.," Ii.SO 5.SO ,,w J.so rri 100 su Evu, ''OLIVER'' is surrounded DI'· 21 & 21 / $1.SO 6.50 ,.~o 4 50._ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N1111 Y1u'1 £~•I uo.oo 1 oo 6.oo 5.00. w ... .._1: .. , ~ .• ... 1 ......... ...., by twenty-<>ne TICllTS I! Mull' Cl~ltr. 111 MU!Ull .,..., h f Au•till: P1c.ric !tirta. 6l1 s. Hill. o..c..,....s..w.7:JO ,_,.,.,<O .. ·~ s OPSO .'' •• '.' _N_ ...... M............ I ft d 1.c 1 • ,, r..1u-.1ccr:-..11ER s.t./S... handcra e for totat•U!•a•· O """""', ; .. ,,,. 2 00 & 7 JO p ., li,;'~";";"'~-'~"~"!!!J!.!!:u"~~~v~1L~1~o~N;::!~===' ==' ==-=·==:!===--=====~! 1 wares and f MUSIC CENHR PRESINIAltONS -~, . unusual gifts. ~\ Come see Lido s~~E~;~W~ Village ' ~': Santa. and shop in the n:iost Unique Shopping Arcade Join the • TOYS FOR TOTS CHRISTMAS CARAVAN SllNDA Y, DECEMBER 15 II Lt"Ot ·r R;cllorr/'1 Markt t parking lot at 5:30 p. tn. t ? EAIU.Y AND SEE THE HOLIDAY-r., \l'EDCAMPERSANDMOTORHOMES 'lN DISPLAY FROM 3 to 5 p.m. --FUE-ENTEIT Al!l\111 Tit~ Vi/tor Jr••· Pa,.10"'/"'t fe .. h·• S-1•. J....,.._ A r wi lloll4•• tilH - ' ror A.II A&n F riduys S to 9 p. '"· Sat. & Su11 Noor1 to5 p. ,,1. THE OOESSA FILE. THESTOR!IS TRUE. THE ENDING Will STARTLE YOU. ·IC*~ IOM"'Lu\·1-.i -• GEORGE C. SCO'IT. .MIKE NICHOLS ... THE DAY i\l DOLPHIN NC> __ • _ _. , .... ,_,.._ ~ . 'I , . JIO!ol 1'Ht IUt -- --HEAR--~ .._ .... wnppm. '"'w toy Newport Beach ~ lwtMU.S.MartMRfstr,, Glrl •---~~ TOYS FOR TOTS ""-vuts WATCH FOR THE Chriatmu Carolina CARAVAN BETWEEN D•llrthrouah Dec:. 23 5:JOand l:i:JOp.m .• ~.15 4,,,, m M -U'""""'(}ll.' TtuYtland USA · ·• oa.· on11n. On B1lbu.I Pcnin11,1t1 and Lido hk. 7 to 9 p.m., frl. Irvine A'c. between 15th and Bristol, l to 4 p.ro., Sat. A: Sun . Brhtol 10 MacArthur, then on Un1ven1l)/Jcffrey to Barr1nca. IT'S SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST AND THE F NI ST. UTllEYlllJIS ~THE l.OllGEST YARD" ... !RI "SLITHER" J•lftfl c-s.it, I(~ IRI ",..,._., ........ RICHARD M~~~IN BURTON •THE KLANSMAN" STl.IOIO ,.Vil.,., HI. "fllllll. 1"l l l.f.lof" ~ ............... .. ~ ........ lot ..... . "-~IC!tr. -c"llltl• ... -...... . ~ .... --, .. . -"""'"'-"' , .. __ .. .. ~ ...... -.. ...... ... __ -nus- W4.llfRM4TIH4U "THE LAUGHING ..... _.~ ......... _ r""' _<_ ....... . Co11•u.,.09194141 POLICEMAN" ..A cross between Love Story and Last Tango In Parisi" --·----...... . TeA..W -'\(( •<l" ....... ~ ~11t~tot~ ~:~·.:,, } ,.~~11Q'A . '"°""' .... "' ~'"°""'"'"°"' . -IHl:"HOu~n-·· ... •• HAT VANISHED' IN JMI "'1'CMCOC• Tl&lllflOll "~ "DOH'T LOOK IH THE 14SlMENT" IRI Two of Tiu C.urur • • • ' • • j ~ OAllYPILOT TV DAILY LOG "' Friday Evening DCC£M8CR ll 11·• k-Olllrk1 N1•I1(1 11·tt 'Mii"' C-CCI'"" """<'<vw .. M ""' -I .,.. •tHlllll t.,... .... - -I M . tlll 'l(-1 l<(IH lloPMJ, ..-.;! I ll'" ... lrJIM<-1 •.It '"* Ollll(l ~lltC lll\l l!\F"'" 1.d f llM ft Dr•• CCI ·•111,IClt,.,...,,flCI , ... c--ilY of Llvl11t ,._. ICI ··0n ... tott.m1" 1.• llfCtnlC.,..,..,, 1(1 f:• YllllA ... rt !Cl J,• • 11"'1 Tt Or.• NI"''" O.w• ~ ((I "IJl-tl '"° A&.o\t\OI t1'1t I 0 " C/>llt t• ... 11'1 l l\ll """' '°'""l~I l•IK-W 1·• W-H !Cl "111t I••"'°''"-~N1•0f" ••• '""' CM11t .. ,....... -II: ... .. Saturday Morning D£C£M8ER 14 ....... c.n-1 !Cl "l'"'Pff-•VI' ~ -Kloh ... tf'fl:OV•M I:• itl9(flr1((-IN•Y IC I Ir• ,.,._11,..I C() •~• '""" ClWll\ " Cll111to '°"''"' '" -C.rl...., !(I ""lmpr1\VOf'•I"' Ml,rp( -ltll \1000 !fittOV•M t·• W11tl!'1 •-111 (C ) '"" W•• 111 .,_c; •• ,. .. t·• llfl!M U.. L111" ICI "'I\""" P•U\ ,..,..._rt\111 11• '-'t•Ulft CC! •·• "',_ t1 or ..... N1111Ho o. ... ...,. -CCI ''UMllllCl l"011\'llOI !!lo I 0 (~llt , .... Ito •llO'tl<'"t IOP""~' t•'"ovrv I• lt .. telM1 '"'1•1t1 !Cl .. _,,,. .. 9;11 ,lrlfilt t.IM !() (Ml/l\ollJ .. . . ' • • . .. . 'Butterfly', Flies High ,, By JACKIE H\'MAN OI .. 0•1 ... l'IMI Mlfl 'Superb slngln g, aC'tln1 and C'onductin.: blend !o~e th er in l'u ctini's "~tadame Butterny," one ot the Ne.w York City Opera's last Los Angeles productions this year -and l'Crtainly one of the best. \\'alker did well ilS Suzuk i despite a voict mru;red by ~·Ide vibrato. - The only glaring naw re· s purn a kiss from her sulttd from director Frank hw:band and stalk offstage Cors8ro's penchant for In· llkt a· shrew, which she troducint: mraninglcss and isn't. distracting bits of staRe A great deal can be ac- business. complished by t.aking a _ .... "' ... _ _ -......::t<_ .. __ ' The oper:i is a particular fa\'oritl.' of everi many non- \ipcrn-buffs, \\'ho hold their bre.ith-\l.'afting ror the in- comparable aria "Un Bel I)i." They were not disap- pointed. Conductor Christopher Keene kept the music soar· ing without drowning out the ingtni, and the entire production benefited rro1n an 1m aginativt' and 1:1 p· pcillimg s et b y Lloyd E\'ans. Corsaro likes to ptay f~h-took-at,cl11ss1c~~ks..-. around with s hurning P<-'<>-as Franco Zeffe relh and pie <ind things in "-'ays the Peter Brooks havf' de· librettodoesn'tcallfor,and monstraled . Cors aro, it just doesn't work. ho"".eve_r, apparently 1.icks . ,... There is nothing gained lhe1nst1net. ••ftUCKLEDERRY In addition, the excellent Jl.&htin.g by ll a ns Son- dheimer made effective use o f s uc h techniques as backlighting to heighten. mood . by having E uropeans .al Nevertheless, the minor FINN'' Butterfly's wedding. nor by annoyance o r «?orsaro's having her menage face a blun~ers was eas1I~ forgot-IYIS NOM 1 s creen during the humming t~n tn the s pl~nd1d ~mo-CONT. SUM. MOM z Soprano Patricia Ci:aig as r.tada me Butterfly has a big. J:lorious voice perfeetly sui,!ed for the role. She is allo a moving actress. chorus. nor by having Kt.1te t1onal 11nd m~s1cal heights J~========== of the production. s .. 101s1 rnntra lto Uc·r' I .Jrn:-.l·n Smih·y \\ill bl' nnl' nf rou r '>Ol o1~t 1; \\'htn !he Soulhl'rn Ca li forni a ~lnrn1on Choir clcli\·cr::; ll S ;:i nn ua l J)('rfo rmancc· of ll an<lrl's ''1\lcssiah" \\'t·dnc·scl;iv , l)t·c. 18, in !he 1.os ;\.n,!:!C'les ~1usic Centc:r l)a\'illon. Gaetano Scano as B. F. Pinkerton a lso scor ed lriumphs both \'Oca lly and dramatically. Scano is that rare bird, a sexy tenor, and he makes Butterfly's devo- tion completely understan- dable. David Clatworthy, a baritone "-'ith a resounding voice, \\"as exC'e llent a s Sharpless and Sandra Film Entries Sought En1 rirs <ire no"· being nr· C'cpll'd ror the 1975 Young Prople's Film f{'Sli\'al pre· scntcd by KCE1'. Channt•I :!8. ;.ind th~ Uni\·ersity of Southern C;.i liforn1a Dcpart- 1nent of Ci ne ma. F'1lmmakers born after Jan. I , 1956 and before J an. I . 1969 are C'li g ibl e. OC'a dline is Jan. 15, 1975. The annu al festi\'al u•il l again be d 1\'tdl'd into three di visions: kindergartcn·6lh i:radC'. 7th-9t h, a nd 10th· 12th. The film s ran be silent or sound. rolOr or black and \\'hite, <.ind 8. super 8 or tlimm, Entry blanks :.ire a\·allil· hie b~· \\'r:t ing to \'oung People's Film f'"esti val, KCET. 4400 Sunsl·I Dri\'l', Los Angeles, Calif. 90027. Christmas Sounds on Air Waves ~·crog and gr uel . Re naissa nce foods fo r sha rk. or feast . magicians, jugglers. mimes, mystics, minstrels, jes ters and con· tinuous entertainment dally Turning on Scott Manchester from noon to midnighl. "So '------------------~ an n ou n ces KPFK 's - •SUIFl46 HLM RSTIYAL• ntlS Wlltc - "SALT WATER WINE" ' .. _"'' _w.c .. n. ..... .-... .......... .. ....... _ ..... __ ..... _ .. PUIS J IHSMIY CLASSICS Perl• I tt: 7:JO • t-.JO,.... BeSSUMDAY.DEC. IS ........... "H AROLD MAUDE" • Jec•Miclloho. ll's traditional for mosl stations to engage in some kind of Christmas promo· lion or a nother . One is KGIL, which is busily in- natin i;:: Christmas stockings \'ia its idea or inviting listeners to take a number between o ne and nine. Payoffs range from $12.SOto $500. December folio in heralding its a nnual "'l\t errie Christmas Faire and Coun- try Crafts 11.tarket," to be held Dec. 18·23 at the Hollywood Palladium. highlights of Glenn's radio remotes and the music of lhe Army Air Force Band. generated an enthusiastic Fer-o.. • ., · d "OtlNATOWN" (R) r espon se rrom para e r.tost list eners or th:it sta- tion 's "am ateur night," hos ted by Ken Griffin from 8 to 11 p.m. on Thursday nights. generally turn down his grand prize, howe\•er. Seems th ere ;iren't t oo many int erested in being dropped off at a gas station on J.'rida y afte rnoon to s pen d a wee k e nd in Lakeview Tl'rrace. \'iewers throu g hout the: I~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~ Southland. ~ Admissio n is $2.25 £or adults and 50 cents gets each kiddie i nto th e fes tivities, including 100 costumed a rtisa ns a nd thousands of h andcrafted gifts. ALSO SUNOi\ \', Jim Lodd <KLOS·Fr.1 ) will play host to another top rock star on hi s .. Sunday Stereo Special'' at 8: JO p.m ., "-'hich he airs every other Sunday KritPC personalities pro- bably have participated in more Christmas parades than other; are justifi ably proud or their "K~1PC Toy ~f enageri e " illuminated, amplified Cloat. which has The publi c has been highly responsive to KBIG- Ftit and KBRT-AM 's Sun- day public service series, "Insight," according to a station sit0kesperson. who also informed me that host Carl Bailey will soon broad· cast a series ot "Insight" in- terviews from Avalon. The series airs at 7:30 a.m . on KBIG and is repeat- ed at4·t5 p.m . on KBRT. 2 THEATRE FIRST RUN EXCLUSIVE! BUT TllAT doesn't pre· vent them from participat· ing in !he "competition." \vith some or the would·be \\'inn ers coming down to Kt>n 's show to try out. Wit- ness the ge ntl emen rcccnlly v•ho ga,,e a go at being disc jockeys and played three of the "v.·orst records., anyone had e\'cr heard. KCSN (88 .5 F M) will pre- sent a tribute to one of the most popular bandleaders or the 1940s -Glenn Miller -on its weekly "Spotlight on a Star" series Sunday al 7 p . m . , w it h writer · J1•111r':"~~r.iit'LF.~'ll produ cer David Schwartz •••• -.1T,J'fllLI handling the hosUng chores.p l~.l The special will include usT TO on ro .. VILLA TELESCOPES "JN ASTRONOMICAL OPTICS FOR 15 YEARS" ''THE GAMILER" IRI "OPEH SEASOH" lurt R~ynolds in "THE lOHGEST TARD" I RI "AMIRICAH GU.RTTI" "PAPER CHASE" ll'GI "DR.ZHIVAGO" IPGI "A THOUSAHD ClOWHS" "'HOUSE THAT Y AMISHED'" 111 "DOM'T LOOK IN THE IASEMfMJ'" "UST HOUSE OM TMLIFT' "GIOOYE TUIE" 111 "WHHE DOIS IT HURTT' "SLEff'El""IAHAtu.S•lll "fYElnHIHG YOU ALWAYS WAWTIDTOIHOWAIOUTSlr "TOM SA WYEl. IG-1 ·-HucKUIEllY FDIM"' IGI IPGI "'DOH"T TUIH THE OTI-B: CHHI'" $250 WEDDING FOR SIDD 1ncluoes all ol lhe l0Uow1ng Rehearsal UP lo 75 gue5tS receotton lac1lll1es m'"" Personahzed Ceremony by THE REVEREND ROGER TAYLOR WALi(! Cen1!1cate may be ourcnased at theChaoe1 28 14 L11f11y(lne, Newoor1 Beach 673-5230 HIWl'<Mf 'WY. f'O HAllOI COSTAMUA "THE TOWERING INFERNO" STEYl Mt91JllM •'AUL MIWMAH Fii., DEC. 20 "MAM WITH THE GOLDEN GUM" °'' fCWPOl,f '"" Af u.nUA ON Nlnt<I AWi. ALL HIW JAMIS IOHD Fii., DEC. 20 "FREEBIE AND THE BEAM" JAMES C.u.N • AU.N.AllUM "FRONT PAGE" JA CK lEMMOM-WALTQ MATil4AU CAlot. IUIHm H I., OEC. 20 "PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE" l'AUL wtLLIAMS-WIO~ DIC.II .. ISLAND AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD" WALT DISNEY'S HIWIST & llST H:l.,DIC • .20 CHt.llfOtl HISfOtt GlOIGf llHttlD1 ••••HIV.Cl ... E DWAl!OS !l\111\<l\llH : ' . . " ! ... ..... u ...... . -'~,,, ... "'~'3 , .•.. . . . . . -. . .. . . . ' ~ l ' ' ' .. "EARTHQUAt<E" llf SIMWl•0'1l"D i" 1:··~"$•=·;-~·~·~·;·~·:"~ How! HAIL TO it HIS TOM• AYA ~AIDHll GIOIMfllHttlDT THtlU i , .. "If~ ... XMAS :.~: ... .,•:.: ... •••" .. ·;; .. _ ........... -...... . "BEAUTIFUL PEOPlE" Sf"A•TS OIC.21 (IM(HA WlSf w ............ l•J·•••l llfSfOI. ,.,,,"'"' I. - ~ rnE BEU.Y-LAUGH! ........ u. .. -2.i o.MWlll•• ---,_ _ I °""" ..... "The HIARTlllAK ICID' UNIQUE BEAUTIFUL OUTRAGEOUS ELEGANT GIFTS FOR MEN Automotive Miniatures. Fitted Tool Cases, Pachinko Ptlachines, Back.ga mmon Sets, Quality Pub Mirrors, Fantastic Kite Seleclinn Swiss Army Knives, And much more. ~ ~ IS MHARTHUfl SQl/Allf: IMI oovr: STllEr.t. I/NIT M N~Wl'ORf Bf:ACH. CA A6!l.I PHONt:fl-11MJ "BENJI"& "DIGBY"(~) 0...1.oot! lhru fr) ~)II pm s.r /Suft /Holl 11 :JO MOl'l l..,u fl>un OO.f-111~ ..,.uoott MY ILOOf'll• "Wt8I DOIS rr HUl'Tr "T~SAWYH" "HUCILUHIY ffHM" "'*~••9'111t¥11•0f ... MCDI' ~···· Op•·o l),,,1., I J 10 p '" COMING F CHRISTMAS AT THESE PACIFIC THEAnRS MURDER ON THE OfUfNT Ul'MS& --... -. .. Al ll'acfto GODFATHER n -· ... -·lo!ff.<.11 ---... -.. RQ991' Moor• MAN WrTH QOLOfN OUN ...... "'"'""'·'·-.. ....__,. ___ ,. -·-· TOWERING INffRNO -.. -.. -.,. ---·· Mantii.11/le,.._ FRONT ll'AQ! ______ ,.. WeHD'-Y'• 1$UNDATTHE TOP Of TH£ WORLD ... ___ _ -·--·· ---_ .... ----Jemnc- fltEE~E a THf HAN PACll"IC TH•ATR•& DlllY•·IN IUNA SWA" MlmTS MAfl80R 8LVD. Drl•·l111 S-p Motet • ,,,,,,.. s.,. s ... aS.....·•-•o•- ORAlllGI Df"i-·ln 1 &J• M.S111.&S-.-•-10 •- l'Nlfr11S.W,111 ........ 11 ...... Familr Fun! ll'•ofitel ••1e•I•• 0.1 .... 1 ~ .......... . _ ......... t ,,,.,111 W.•• ""• .. _ ...... Si.t• Co"''" '~l-1071 S.011 "'" .. -... ... so ... c ..... . ,~. 1011 ""°""'''"' .. _ .. '"'• ·-~ lffltol-~$-)JI } lflfHf' ANO IJNCINSOlfOt PARDON MY llOOPIR • DOH1 NIH fHt ont1• CMllK CAil. y Pll.OT Cl MIXED SINGLES by 'Wm. F. Brawn and Mel Casson ,-------="°"' ~\I. ~~tJoiP. l W/5H J HAO A DOOLEY 'S WORLD ·: ,.. _____ _, rr Al.I. sru!fliD \.IJHGll MG COMl'IJMmrliD HSI ON. 'IHii SOU!' Sl!li UlfJ" Oii '!MG Sfl:llE f'oR tllM... MOW COUU> THAT' S!llRf" -ANVfklNG ? by R09er Bradfield 'f\JR>IS our TUMBLEWEEDS 1-IMPIP 1-ltARD1 JUST 11f'CALJSE l'M NOT WEARING MY l'ONNeT POeSN"f MMN l'M NOTlllE CHIEF! [lli:l'ii'i?ill ~'ilifil,~ i:lfllliii'/l,I<: \ ,, RGMENTS NANCY ... BUT i'M GLAD T O flU.tli/Z MMle Of' lllAT FAWIC ! l WUNNER . < WHV I t WU:tN"f ! j ~ORN l'~E " . f A CHEEF? '. oJ ; • byTom K. Ryon OH, I SUl'l'OSE 1'lERE WAS A SCHNOOK SHOll'l!\GE 1tlAT AAV. by Tom Batiuck IF I HAD j'(\(,l CHIHUAHUA, I'D 00 j'(\(,l XAVIER CU&AT IMPRESSION R:lR <,tl(,J FOLK.5! by Dale-Hale by &nie Bushmiller IT MUS T FEEL GOOD TO BE BACK IN HARNESS AGAIN, EH ? , ' ·HESAID IT WAS'lllii 6'S!' SM~'I> E'i'ER,,.,,..,. DR. SMOCK A 'f''f' e N 'f'I 0"'. PR. &..AJ.JCEi P6Vlt-16 .' THe MOUN'f' RUSHMORe AR'f' COMMl'f''f'ee IS HERe "ro MAKE A Pt..A:S,-i!!R CAS'f' OF 'f'HA 'f' t..OVet..Y HeAi:> OF YOURS .' DD DODOO DDDOOODOOO oDoooooCioo DODO DODO 0000 0000 ·-~ .... ,. ... ,..._ ...... -, ... ;: ...... ; .... --· GORDO ANIMAL CRACKERS HE<; •• \OHE'RE ARE </OOGOING? ~WAs JUST SOAKIN' . 'IHE PO'!' e ' ... by Gus Arriola l COUNT 25. MY ARrrHMETJc's AWFUL ; 700 ... by Ro9er Bol~ri Ll:T1S J OST SA</ T.<!! SPIRIT I~ NIQYIN<S Ml!! • HCLLO, OSWALD ··· I HEAR Y(lUVE BEEN SICK··· SEE .YOU'~E ,; BE'FTER ;• 1----~ , _____ _, .. ~· TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Replllf 9•1men1$ 5 en.;, back "" 10 01ne1 14 lndeed·lrish 15 W•H lndlff island 16 ,G1me •n•m•I 17 Fm• 1howe• 18 Au1hon1•tive 01der1 20 E•cuse5 22 Alphllbet term1n1101 23 •· ..... for love"" 24 Vaulted rool-wi5e 26 Toand ·· 27 Rende•fld unyielding JO Armoyed J4 Ap11hy 35 Mo11I oblig•tion Jtl Popular cruile "" 37 Milit1ry M1Uld 38 Neighbor ol Ou•bec 40 W•ll p.,t 41 lrilh n1me o•eli1t 42 Red '· chalcedony 43 Tr" 45 lmp111aion· '""' •11 Mumbln 48 Fo1 19 Dye 50 Spoke mlKh: 2w01d1 53 Mr. Gershwin 54 Mother-of· pea ti 58 Cololful 61 M od11111ly "" .,f2 Mike 1r1ct•ble 63 H111vy cords 64 Slow journey 65 Swedlth coins Yesterday's Puzrkl Solved: 66 R1sl11ing 11 Son of Leah 39 Soark 5t•tam action 12 Aop11r to 40 D1aws aw1v «17 Impertinence: e•ist 42 Gem lnlormal 13 G•elic 44 Harrow's rival DOWN li1nguage 46 Feminine 1 Humid 19 linger ga1ments 2 Seed 21 Pe!lormalone 47 Comp11inlf 1ppendage 25 Fabled st& 49 ··-·de chine 3 "Abie's l11di c1111ur11 SO Tu1ning: .. u~ .• lllful: 2wOldS 5 Oejec11d 6 Che1ished 1 Enticed 8 A1bu1y11 W Decisively Preli• import1nt 51 Armldlllo 27 Pe1pte.: 52 OesignlliO!l 28 Of 1 color 53 1m1ge 29 Healh genu5 55 Gazelle 30 Vand1! 56 Certain de1111 Jl MoYem 57 Venisotl de tree $0\lrces 9 Toueh: P11li11 32 Ouck 59 •·• L1nk1: 10 Repone1'1 33 En111nces Ceylon boll 3S Accomp~5hed 60 "Hush!" ' . ,. ~··. PEANUTS !: (i1~ y "- JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH l(t~LY sc~co~ ~LAelO~ .AlrT"HIAlt1 YOIA'R'f OIA~ ~NQ1..t1g1NG fEPOJrfE/l- 60 OWT" ANO AS.( A PR'OVOCA:l'JVE ......,,..,,,::..._, QIAE'iTION. l2'IGHT1 CHIEF ! . <Oo'lb~~1 ·t• (;;~ I •"011. DICK TRACY M<. Glr1MM1S, 00 YOU KNOW .JW'5T MOW FAT AND sr..oPPY' YOlA .AR'E ? by Chorles M. Schulz· (,,II (I / 1 I 1 \__ by Mell ~EIC"tOLA~l."'1 AR'Tj.jUJr, WHCN Wll..l. YOtA LEA IZN THC FJNC OJFFE.ft::ENCf e~TW!EN "~OVOCATll/E • ANO ''lNF1.AfllATING0? ,, \,, .. '" •, '1 ,, .. -'"'-.. by,Chester Gould BRAIN BLACl(.JACKED 'THE <;oP. I TRIED TO HIM. TkAT'S IT! • THE GIRLS f 'lhc 1r11ut-lc With C..:hrl'lma' I' I'm al ... ;1)' cone: long before,, i!o." DENNIS THE MENACE . • • • ' ' . . . . . Q DAILYPILOT Fr ld!y.Oecember13, 117-4 Holiday Art ORANGE "COAST COLLEGE ART GA LLE RY -2701 Fairview Road . Costa ~iesa . Abstract drawings by f\11c::ba_eLM illa.ng.. former OCC art student and ('Ur.rent sludcnl al UC lr\•ine, through Dt'c. zo. flou rs : ?.1onday. f'rida.y. 9a.m.-2p 01 . . FULLERTON COLLEGE LIBRARV -321 E . Chapman i\ve .• Fulle rton . An C'xhtbil from the t'ullerton Collegt: .t\l'l Collcrtion containing the "'orks of Reg\nald lwfarsh, l..CQnard Blisk1n. Claire Steinberg. Nathan Oliviera. Florence. Arnold a nd oth.ers...Jlour11 : Mondays- Thursd<i)'S, 8 ;,,m.-10 p.m .• l"ridays, 8 a.m.·'1 pm. and Saturdays. 10 a nl.·4 p.m. Ct.Vot; ZULCll ORIGINALS ._ 3800 E. Coast 1.-fwy .• Corona dcl !\1ar. lw1.arine and landscapes by At"eX Dzigurskl, through December. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE LIBRARY -2101 t 'airview Road, Costa lwfesa. Photography exhibit by Orange Coast College student, Don Corman. ilours: ~tondily·Friday, 7:30 a.m.·10 p.m. and weekends , 10 a ,m.-Sp.JTI . NEWPORT BEACIJ CITY HALL -3300 Nev.•port Blvd.1 Newport Beach. Oils and watercolors by Alan Elliston 1\dams of Newport Beach.j MUIRH.t:AD GALLERIES -3333 S . Bristol St., South Coast Pltfza, Costa Mesa. Lithographs by Chagall and Braque a nd graphics and art work from Thailand and India. Hours: Monday-Friday, -10 a.m.·9 p.m ., Saturday~ 10a.m .·6p.m . a nd Sundaynoon·Sp.m . UC IRVINE GAU.ERV-Fine Arts Village on Campus. New works by Los Angeles artists Peter Alexander and Channa Davi&l~orowitz on exhibit. Alexandef 's 24 pieces represent three ye.,,rs of work based on images of sunsets while Horowitz's "New Work in Time and Space" is very large a nd inlric<1te charts: Hours: Daily except lw1onday a nd Saturday, noon-5 p.m. J. P~UL.~EnV MUSEUM -~7985 Pacific Coast Hwy., Mahbu: The Sple_ndors of An cient Rome," featuring 52 engravings of ancient Roman architecture by 17th cen- tury Italian artist Giacomo Lauro, on limited exhibil. Reservations, (213 ) 459-2306. CIIALLIS GALLERIES -1390 S. Coast Hv.·y., Lagun<i Beach. Recent paintings by f\:Iort Solberg and y.·atercolors by Frank ~I . Hamilton, through Dec. 29. !·lours: \\lednesday through Sunday, 11 a .m.-5 p.m. ELECTRIC GALLERY -328 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach. G raphics by Dan Staple and Ron Edwards. Hours : By ap- poi ntment, 494 ·2020. Gt\l~•:R1•: LIDO -2811 Villa \Va y, Cannery \1i0age, Ucc. 14. I lours: 10 a.m. · 5 p.m., daily except l\tonday. OESIG1" GALLERY -240 Ne\\'port Center Dri\'e, Design Center, Newport Beach. Abstract watercolors by Da rrell Ebert. Golden West College professor. liours: Daily, IO a .m .·6 p.m. and Sundays, 1-5 p.m . DO\YSF.Y J\I USEUM OF ART -Furman Park. 10419 S. Rives A vc., OO\\'ney. "Women Painters of the West," through J an.12, 1975. •lours: Daily, 1-5.p.m .; closed Mon· day. . S,\DDLE BACK COJ\li'IUNITY HOSPITAL -2356 1 Pasco de Valencia, Lagu na Hills. Oil paintings by Ethel Reith. C,\L STATt: f'ULLERTON LIBRARY -Di splay of graphic arts and popular· culture including movi e posters, comic books, paper dolls a nd valentines, throogh December. liours: Monday-Thursday. 7:45 a .m .·9:4S p.m.; Fridays, 7:45 a .m.4:45 p.m . and Saturdays, 9 <.1.m.-4 :4Sp.m. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ~ 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa t.tesa. Oil paintings by Clay Ca mpbell. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN -500 Newport Center Dr., Ne\\'PQrt Beach. Oil paintings by Charles Oorsa. MESA VERDE LIBRARY -2969 Mesa Verde Drive East, Cost a r-.1esa. China painting by Beth Gibbons and holiday eraft.s by Donna Friebertsbauser. T RAN SAMERICA TITLE COMPANY -170 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. Oi l paintings by VerQnica Loewe. COLLECTOR'S atOJCE -1366 N. Coast. H\vy., Laguna Beach. Oil paintings by Leon Barnard. through Jan. 4, 1975. Hours: Wednesday through Sunday from IO a.m. to Sp.m . ORANGE COAST COLLEGE LIBRARY -2701 1-~airY iew Road. Costa l\tesa. Fifty photographs by three ''"omen -Deidre Engle, Wendy Shames a nd Susan !\lcCarty·, members of Arthur Taussig's advanced photo· graphy course. I lours: J\·1onday-Friday, 7 :30a.m .-IOp.m. NEWPORT llARBOR ART J\IUSEUM -2211 \V . Balboa BIYd .. Newport Beach. Modern and contemporary . sculpture borrowed exclusively from priYate collections on the Orange Coast. Exhibit , ~·hich continues through ,J;1 n. 19. includes the 1,1;orks of Rodin, Renoir. !\faillol. O\dC'nburg:. J\t oore Delap. and others. In the entrance GallC'ry. blo\vn glass works by Loren Chapman and h:.indcrafted clothing by Duffy and Carol King, through .J:1n . I. •:\·F."S ART GA i.LERi ES-South Coast Village, 3840 S .. Pla7.a Dri\'C, Santa Ana . J\t ctal sculpture by Russell Rarnes. throu~h December: Village Fair. lt56 S. Coast ll'>''V .. Lai::una Beach. j!raphic collection by Gilpin and m1Xed collages by J\targic Shurman, through December. SAl\'.TOR-r\ G1\Ll,E R\' -207 N. Broadway St .. Santa 1\na. ltt'cent frl'c form !iculpture by Bob Cunningham. Orange Coa!il Collcg1~ art professor, and acr}'li cs and dra\\·1n.i:~ by Luther Broome and Ace 1'hayer. I It's Holiday Magic Time at Knott's ·.f There is magir in the air oil Knott's Be rry Farm: Sant a C l au s . haYing J already arriYed at Knoll's. has brought with him all of the holiday magic that. spells out season's greet· in~s from the Knott family. I The magical Santa spirit spread s th rou~htout the farm. rrom the p arkin~ are:a across from Virginia"s Girt Shop ~·here Santa has set up r esidence, to the: John Way11e Thtatre where Knott's a nnual h oliday season stage show: "The l\1agic of Christmas," will be entert<iining audiencts. Ever sinct: Santa arrived at Knotrs Berry F11rm In b is rei ndeer -pulled • stagecoach, he has been keeping business hours in his igloo every day from noon to 8:30 p.m . Available for pictures While he in- te-rvie\\1S youngsters, Santa offers both advice and gifts to his guests. As an added attraction, P.1rs . Santa Cll'IUS helps out her husband on Saturdays and Sundays. Santa will be al Knott's until Dec. 24. when at 6 p.m.' he taktt off to visit children around the world. Kn o ll 's ~tagi r of Chri s tmas Sh o"' begins Saturd ay and Sunday, featuring maste:r magician Chuck Jones on stage at~l, 4 and 8 p.m . Saturday and at 3, Sand 7 p.m . on Sunday. . . . ~ . • • Sales. on at Colleges Galleries / Exhibits SANTA ANA COLLEGE -SaJe of student·made cer<1mics will be held at Santa Ana College Art Gallery after 1he l .000 pieces-att·eKhibited-Atonday through Thursday or next week <Dec. 16·19). Works include pots, stoneware, vases, planters, etc .. all at prices fixed by the individual artists. ~lours are to a .m. to 5 p.m. and 6 to 10 p.m. Free admission'. MUCKENTHALER CULTURAL CENTER -The "Olde Country lloliday Faire" offers an ex hibition and sale of unusual hand-c rafted items by 65 California artisl6. Gallery hours at 1201 W. Ma lvern, Fullerton. are 10 a.m. to s p.m., Tuesday through All the socke11 in a neat melol box. With S-1 ratchet. (Neola. are you reading this? No smart remarks now! 16 PC. Yz" DBIYE SOCKET SET 24aa Sunday. Faire continues through Dec. 22. Admission b free. GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE -·Work of emerging iflists-wu 1 be available-lor .. purcbue.by the aeneral pllblic durin~ Christmas Student Art Fair 'n the college gallery Tuesday and Wednesday (Dec. 17 and 18). Works include prints. drawings, craft items , ceramics and weaving. Gallery wUJ be oPen Tuesday from noon to 6 p.m. and Wednesday from noon to 8 p.m . Free admission. HELEN RICtlARDS S'.fUDJO -New .show entiUe<f1 "Samplings -A Preview of Good Things to Com e, 'Opens Sunday 'through J an. 31, al the itudio at 376 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Show opens with 1 1 to 4 p.m. reception for its 15 artists ~residtnts of Orange, l.o$-Angeles and R~icte coynties who \\'Ork<'h ~ny media): Public invited. ·SEQUOIA WINE VILLAGE -Major arts and crafts sbOw takes over outdoor patio area at 3300 W. Coast Highway (adjacent toJhe Arches)!, f~om 9 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. Saturday a Sunday. Palntings, nower arrangements , metal sculpture. ma.frame, ~read dough, Christmas wreaths and o1 d·fas b1oned .. Photography.will be featured. · Of the many good deals· at Shorty's • BLAlil &. DECIEB SANDEi Coyle will 9et one of these lot her husband. we hope. It sure saves the elbow grease. I !;4" DUAL INSULATED DBILL At this p ric:e you shouldn't e ven ask if ii ha1 a cord (it does). A while.it- last1 deaL (ond dealers. we ne•er sell you a batch.) 48 PC. SOCKET WBENCB &. MAGNETIC SCBEWDBIYEB SET POP BIYET TOOL 21 PC. !4" '!''' , . "'1111n \ I,,,, I t1 -'? ~~Q DBIYE SOCKET SET 14 PC. COMBINATION WBENCR AND MAGNETIC ... ,. .. f SCBEWDBIYEB • IV.A SET13aa ~~~ ' 39aa 197 Hand and ratc~I driver with extensions and universal swivel head. 1488 g w .. nches.114'"•hru3t 4'".S•= SK Magna Driver with• bits. Sockets and wrenches, SK Magna driver. SK ratchet. Metal hip roof box. No room here. Boxed for giving. tell you more next week. a 26" , JUMBO GIFT I ~WIAPBOLL f:!!! 77c f Justlhelhingtowropall lhe presenls up with. EYen the one you give yourseli 1ha t says. '"From an Unknown Admirer··. CELLOPHANE TAPE 7 c .. 'h"xl SOO " Beals spit. chewing gum. or band-aids to seal your packages. BATTERY CBABGEBS 3AMP 999 SAMP 1499 lOAMP 1999 Ni ce to keep lhe old lank up in lop power, for all types ol wet ceU baUeries. MAHOGANY KIDDY BOCIEB 797 We make Jell sit in lhis in the corner when he Jor9els to come in aod do his work. S o cute. GOLD CBOWN CHANDELIER 54aa A hone y from Wilshire. Gold tini1h, lot ol lillle hangy-down things. You won't hang this out in thti garage. - 12" DEWALT RADIAL ABM SAW WITH CABINET 227°0 Big 12 inch bJade cuts full 4 inch deep. Dewalt motor is totally •AcioMd to ke•p out dust, deYelops 21 /4 H.P. Aulomolic broke, utility cabinel lnchided. IOCllELL 9" BOMECBAFT SAW ( 99~!. OUT This devil w:ill rev up lo 11/2 HP. rip and bevel adjustment acal••· thermal overload protection. sell-aligning rip Jenee. KIDDY TOY CREST 1497 ......... BAB STOOL 1 ~.'.' 2~o? Great place lo hide lhe body iJ you·re the butler who did it in 1he murder mystery. Otherwise. use it for toys. 1l1a1ta rt, next year you can get the bar. and the FIVE LIGHT CHANDELIER year alter. the booze. 3997 The right size for the averaqe dining room. Can't you jusl sff the family eolil\9 their Mo:cOonalds under lbia eleg,nl thiDq? LAMP SHADES 2 67 YOUR CHOICE Burlap. cone. dnd la bric shades. Choice ol colors. This deal wos a sleol. don'l know if we'll get more a l this price. MILi STOOL 9 .7c How many of you people out there know how to milk a cow? I do and I come from Detroit. 12 LIGHT CBANDELIEB 99~7 Welo•e itwhenpeopt.. come In and &ay. "Gorsh, ypu •hould see w~l ao<ind·to wanta lor this Ughl in thtir pl•c•" A lol of liihl for lb• ~ckt. 'I • • I 97A5.ELL·OUTI · SELECTIONS LIMITED. But if the car you have bee·n looking for is here, it's discounted to the lowest · price we have ever offered! Choose from Mark IV, Continental, Mercury, Montego, Cougar, and Comet models. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT Whitewall bltd . t ires, radio , body $ mouldings, tinted gloss, dl x. wheel rims, etc. . 92 (5 l 2867j. The all new car with the Mercedes look tha t sell s for thousands of.dollars less. OVER 40.BRAND NEW 1975 LINCOLN CONTINENTALS AVAILABLE OFF OF WINDOW STICKER ALL MODELS_, COLORS ETC . • NEVER BEFORE SAVINGS LIKE THIS! See Santa Ana Lincoln·Mercury's Exclusive, Customized 1975 Continental O~era Coupe Today. Southern California's Most Distinctive Luxury Automobile. . NOW! LEASE A PRE-DRIVEN LUXURY CAR! EXAMPLE SAVINGS M1llc31v$153 ~~wH WITH FULL LUXURY EQUIP. 12 MO, GOLD CREST WARRANTY INCLUDED IN MONTHLY TERMS ALMOST 20 TO CHOOSE FROM Show Room Fresh Mark IY 's and Lincoln Continentals at a Fraction of What to Pay far Such Luxury! FREE AM-FM MULTI SPEAKER STEREO RADIO WITH EVERY NEW CAPRI AND COMET WE SELL THIS WEEKEND COMET CAPRI AMERICA'S ECONOMY SPORTS OR FAMILY CAR THE SEXY GAS SAVER FROM EUROPE NO EXCEPTIONS! OVER 50 CAPRIS AND COMETS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . ·• ANNUAL IN\'ENTORY REDUCTION SALE ' Over $250,000 worth Of immaculate used ears! All must be cleared! We will ' .shoW ~ 111\t.t.O.W kelle.y lilve ~k price·on ·your·choice·of·these advertised .. ".. caftl Jutf add $1 .00 and drive yours Home Today! 1 Fi2and~g to fit your Individual Needs .. 1973 LINCOLN MK IV 1973 COUGAR '} dr., hardtop, full power, AM -FM stereo, auto. Irons, fociory air, vinyl roof, tilt wheel (060HNW) 2 dr,, hord1op, auto. Irons, fc><;1ory a" power brok~. Y1nyl roof (437GOO) pow. steering, , ' # s1°0 OVER LOW Kelley Blue Book s1 oo OVER LOW Kelley Blue Book 1974 LINCOLN MK IV 1 dr., hordtop, full power, AM -FM-slereo, oulo. trans .• foctoryoir, ... inyl roof, 111! wheel (706FTB) 11 I ' jljl :mm 2 dr., hardtop, 4 spd. lron1., power broke~, bud1el seot1 (830JUC) 1973 FORD T-BIRD ') dr., hardtop, fvll power, AM-FM-stereo, auto Irons , loctory air, vinyl roof, tilt wheel (704JFW) ir.n-=_, 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 dr .. fvlt power AM-FM-s tereo, auto. Iron\., factory 0 1r • vinyl roof. tilt wheel (488LAM) {: s1oo OVER LOW Kelley Blue Book s100 OVER LOW Kelley Blue Book 1972 CADILLAC ELDORADO 2 dr .. conYertible. full power, AM-fM-dereo, auto. Irons .. locto oir, tilt whttl (785FYR) I I I I I SERVICE DEPARTMENT . 'AND · • PARTS DEPARJMENT \ OPEN MON . Thru FRI. 1:30 A.M. -6:00 P.M . SAT. a.s P.M. • 1973 BUICK CENTURY LUXUS 4 dr., u:don, auto. Iron\., foctory oir pow. iteeriog. power brakes, Yinyl roof, (648GNL) 11 1 , 0111 mlllll! Ir.Tl~_, • 1301 NO. TUSTIN, SANTA . ANA MON· FRI 7130. 10 SAT. 8:30°8:00 SUN. 10·7 usEo cARS-541-0511 •• ,,., •. .\11111·.-eiaf t-\'••u•· Busi .,lt~ss"": . NEW CARS -547-0Sl 1 -- D2 DAILY PILOT F 110.y. December 13, 197 4 Bachelor Hunts Wife Ti red of Olcl Wqys, He Ad vertises ~I ADISll:\ \\1~ il'Pl1 A 31 ) t'dt old b.H hl·lor h.i:o. Htl"d of !he s1ngl<·..-clutls, bJJ~ dnd J .. n<'t-11 •• 11':) 11nd ill'C'ldl·d to l11 ke J n1orc d1r("C l ~1 ~prod<'h t<1 flnd1n1: a .1 ift' llt· )'.pt•nt S175 07 for 11l•..,.\>papc.-r ad~ and I\> ;1c cept1ni; application\> frum prospeel\\ c hr1dc!' · It :-. nnt a JOkt· <tl all, the \~1fe·~f'ck1 nl! h,1cht•IC1r v.hn "i sh erl rn rl•rn.1111 :int•Tl ~ ffillU). ~.ud '.1Thl'rl' shuuld""'Oe some n1ort! •on\en1ent v.·ay. rnor~ .,.ff1('1t•nt "'U) of seeing peo· pl~ th-at you hke than JU1>1t tdk1ng potlork at bar~. danct' halls lnd things hkc th..it," he siud. SO ll t: PLACED ll·bY·4· 11\\'h ads L!ns "eek rn '' ad1son 's t 11.0 Ot'"'\>pape r~. llut from the looks of the ad ',·1'11 seml'nl. it appt>ars he I\> seeking the perfect \.•,:1fe. · Are you lirtd OI 11Cn91ng around bars looking /or a mattt'" htt a11q in rhe od. 1·/am "Do you re/UM lo selrle /or someone who un't what you u.t111I even I hough ht a~ari to be the only auallable one around? Good for you.1 "ff you have lhe altnbute! hsled bt!low ond you hkt' what you read about me, I want to mtet you ·· I THE PICK OF Punch I ' Tll EN llE SET forth the quallfirat1ons. The prOSpt'C· tive bride, he said, must be between the ages of 23 and 28 and should nol have been married befor<'. "Why aren't you messing around?" Wild Scene She should have at leasl a four·year degree from a na· Ilona! un11·ersity 1n either .icrount1ng. phystcal or medical sciences. lav.', his· tory or library sciences. It says he would prefer career J,?1rl rarni ng at least $9,000 ..innually. She shouldn't be laller than 5·fect .5 and should not Yi clg h m o re than 115 pounds. She must be a non· smokt>r . infrec1uent drinker. fru g al , aggre.ss i ve , slud1ou:s. a late sleeper who prefers ;.i hou se t e rn · µerature of nol more than 65 dcgret>s. COSCERSING religion , he calls for an agnGStic or member of any major de· nomination . Politically, the prospective bride should be a moder ale Democrat or in· depcndenl. And her na· C1ona l origin should be U.S. Rock Group ~~;~~:~"European. British . The ad also describes the prosperti\'C bridegroom as t·· a man v.·ith three college U •1 d b R ds dcgrt:!CS. an agnostic v.'ho nal e y e >lands 5-feet·IO inches tall and v.·eighs 160 pounds. It said he is healthy. and From \\'ire Services Politely, patiently, the opening night l'\loscow au· dienre sat through the first three numbers of the l.L S. City Center Jaffrey Ballet. Then lhe six ·man rock group "The \l rgetables," v. hi ch ;1 ttom pan1 e~ Geral d ,\rpino's ··Trinity" rock ballet. began \.\'arming up during the third inter\'al and the first nighters lo:.! their decorum. Seores of persons. mostl) young, rushed to the barrier of the orcheslra p1 t and a1>· plaudcd \.\'ildly a s the ,\mericans. most long· haired and dressed 1n blue jeans, beat out the ir sounds through the staid i\1osrov.· Operatta Theater. • Presidt nt Ford bes1n11 C'd th(' natinn ·s hl i!hC ~t m11itarv 3\\'ard tht· \\leda\ of llof\Or -10 111·0 \ 0 1etnan1 Army vetera ns and delt\"t.'red a prayer that V ie tn.im v.ould be r\mer 1c:.i·~ ··tasl \1ar .. At ceremonies 1n lhe Ea~t Roo m . Ford honored Army \\'a rrant Offirrr Louis R. Rocco, 36. of Albuquerque, ;..:.'lex . and Slaff Sj!l. Jon R . Ca 1aiani, 31. h1,rn in Royston. England and a re· sident of Sc1n Francisco, both of v.·hom 1\rre ~r1erel.\" \I OUnded 1n .1rt1 011 • lfousf' Repuhhc.1 0 Leader J ohn Rhodes of Ar11ona Y.1 \I undergo surger:--tod.c~ tn rl'mo1·e a sn1Jll tumor frflm ht:> 1·ocal {'Ords. hi:-. pr(',_s :-reretar :--said Rh odes c·n tc·rrd ~thl"\ llosp1fa ! 111 \\'as htn ~l (~ll Thursday and 11·as e xpL·~I L·d to be rrlea.;;,ed fron1 lhL' ho.,µ1t a l :-i,11urd,1\ Tht.' O\ll'r..it1r1n J.' no! 1111 u-;u.ll rnr 1nrh11d11.11, \lh<l n1,1kc r-.:tf'n:.i1c puhll l' ~p('l'C bC'. thl' ~C t'rl·t.ir~ ~.ud • \ f1'd1•r.ll appeal~ r1•t1rl. 1n order tu ht'lp pur~1.· rhl' ..:n1·r r n1n1.·n1 (If ·n~ p;1,t 1J\\ leS !llH!S\, . un.1111n1ou:o.)\ urht'ld iht' rnn\1t"t1un 111 .l:imrs \\'. '.\lrl'ord .Ir. fn r 1h1· \rat1'rf:Jll' brr.1~ 111 ..inJ 1 t,.:.:1n)!. ll'l .J :>t'~l ;l!":ll l' 1;] llfl!llU:•n. Ii" l. S C1f'l'llll C1111rl Pl \p )!•',.]' fnr' !hl' 1)1:-!l"lCI 11f i"nlu mb1..i upheld lhl' ('On· 1t·m11t !-1.•ntrnrr of bui.:)i1nj! <•'I ,p1 r.1t.1r G. Gordon Lid· ii\ f(\f fat\1 11g to tl'~t1fy tll IOl'f' thr l!rJr1'l 1ury 01\Xlut lht· brc..ik·tn 1.;\lu11111i.; h1'> l '11\'JtllOTl Chauv inist S1 ve et Dies CO NCORD !l l'l l Goodb)' G1ngrrbrr.ulml'Cl 1'hnsc a~r·olrl holir\.1 \ '1-< 1tor s Y.t'nt the-"!!) nf ch;urmen. spo~e'>m<'n .1 nd other male chau\ if\1'1 relic., 31 tile llnlbrook S(tiool Chr1s1m a11 Fair Children ~t the> f1:1 1r alt> nn i;i ngl'rbrt'atlml·n lnc:tead th('1r molhert, proper ly 1n· !)t ruct('d b'· ,; !>C:hool bulletin . 1e r\·cd up "~1ngerb rt>11d l)('rs<in'I " 1 ( ) "v.•illing to negotiate a rter t"·o yea rs of marriage for PEOPLE not more t h a n tw o children." '-----------' Those interested were in· :\1cCord , security chief structed to send resumes to for President ~1xon's 1972 Route 2. Box 46A, Jefferson, campaign, and Liddy, \\'is .. 53549. counsel to the campaign finance committee. \l'ere rnnvirted of the \\latergate bugging Jan. 30, 1973. and both appealed. • T ll E AO APPEARS un· emotional and businesslike. And perhaps that busi· nesslike attitude is the basis far the sto.ry of love lost that X1 g ht c lub hypnotis t lies behindthead. Rona ld Danl.e. onre mar· He said in an interview ried to ~rlress L a n a th at he had never been Turner, will be senlenc~ l'ngaged but had fallen de· nextyear1:1nlessanewtr1al ·eply 1n Jove wi th h is 1s sought 1n hi s attempted childhood sweetheart. murder ca~e: a court "She liked me, she N?ally spokesman.sa1d1nTucson_. liked me," he said. "But I Judge A1 1.ce ~ruma n \1'111 finally derided it would be hold a m1tigal1~n hearing best for her not to marry me Jan. 1.-. after y.•h1rh she "111 Jx>c;1use of her particular dcr1d t' v.·hen Dant e v.·111 be personality. sentenced. the spokesman "She had a peculiar pre· saal. ference," he said. "She "'as Dante ."'aS accused of tr;i-" a nut on France and French 1nj! lo hire someone tv kill thin~s. So I ad\"ised her lo !\t ir hael Dean ~f La Jo!\a, j?O 10 franee, marry a Calif. But he hired an un · Frenchman. d('rco\·e r agent posing as a ··So s he llid."' "hit man." ' • So\·uz 16 cos monaut s An a lOly Filipchenko and :\ikolai Rukavishn ikol' ha\·e been av.·ardrd the Order of Lenin for the !'crond lime each. arrord· 1n~ to T J3S. The a1\ard -Hus:.i<t ·o:- hi g he !'\ h onor -y.·a" he3tn11 rd on the pair as 11 ell • 1s 3 gnld star for the "suc · ressfu! arron1phshment" of the .:.pare m1:>s1on and "for roura.ee a nd heroism." tht• !Vl\"ii.'t ne\1 .s agency said . • l'rimt' 7\linist('r t>ie rre El· Jint l Trudeau of Canada. ha!> .1 nc·11· ~~tl .f\I)!) \1 mousine '' llh .11 nH>r pl,11111;!. bullet proor \\IJl(lll\\3 .11\(I \\1 0 l1·ll•jlh(ll11':- Thc ,il\er·gray Cadill ac rt'p!;1Cl'.s .l .s1nular blark .1111n m\1hd1• thal 1\11\ be u~<'d J~ .1 spJre and for tounni.: chenitJril's such. as British !<I\ .di\ lL ~ nnt my idea. dri\"ing thr vu.:h Ille \\."1t h an ,1r1n11re1I (;tcMy -hkr :.i \Jn\.. that I lend lo 1hL' qu1't'n \1 hen she ron1e<>. · ·rrudt•au •ompla1ncd 1lur111g .1 rl'C1'nl sp1.•cch 111 AlbertJ Chris t1nas Story Set To Mu sic ".Sin$?, :\"'oel." a c'hrislmas ~tory srt to mus1r. v.111 be presented Der 15, 16 and 19 at the Capistrano \lallE'y Christian ~rhool:- ,Jo1n1ni; th<' 200 mr mbcr school choir ~·ill be the adu lt choir of th e C'ap1!>trano \0a llt'Y Aa pll~t Chu rch . Re \' \\'ater t~a lkenberry v. il l direct the production Perfo r mances a re at 5:30 pm. l)E>r 15 and at 7 JO pm 0 1.'r 16 and 19. Free tirktots arr ava1lable at the !CC'hoot o ffice, 32032 Del Obispo 111 San Juon or call Rev . F'a l kenbr rry at .t!r,l 11'140 Activist Minister Kills Sell L0:\00:'\ (l.iPI) -The Re\. ;\nlhony l·lart·Synnot beile \"ed 1n carryin'g out the Lord's \1 ii! his 0\1·n "·ay. It \\ J~ .1 b11 murh for the Churt"h of r:ngland. Father llart·SJ1nnot. 57, 1hough1 he \Vas only "doing unto other:;;" "'hen he fi lled hi' t'hurch provided home \11th lormcr ron\·1rts. drug ;1dd1('t.~. hon1eless families <ind other lost soul s. Tift: CllL'RCll sold the bu1\d1ng out from under hi m and rrfusrd lo prol'1de him \\Ith another, fearing that ti. too. 11 o uld become a re· fu!!c for the UO\\ n a nd out. l'ndaunted. he took to :.lel'p1ng o n \he altar of his paris h. SI. Stephens at St. ,\\bans. north or London. 1!1s v1s Ll s to strip shows i;pon~ored l:l~ a local soccer (.'lub raisrd more than a few ('\'l'bro\1 s. So dtd his attacks oi1 ;nd to the church from ··ungrateful foreigners." \\IL\T OR E\\'e1•cn more incl1 gn.1\1t1n "'as hi s ;.1d · \'Ora cy of mercy kdhng. l·le ;.1nnounred I.hat one of his aunts killed her mother, 1vho had tcrm1nnl cancer. Another . he sai d. killed two elderly person:. suffering in a nursinll home. Friends remembered him 53y1ng. "If e1·cr I reached the st;igr "·here I needed putti n~ out or my misery. I don't think l "ould hesitate to do 11 mY !:ICif, 1f I had the means. T H E POLI CE h•d lo forre thtlr way Into SL Stephens. There, on the noor. they round him dt.1d. CorOnl'r .lames O\.towa)' testified ill the Inquest lhat he had t aken his own lift "ilh an o,·crdoseor sleepinc pills l~e left no note . I • • 30 seconds . 't ISO . -· .enough. .. ) At a time when people ore demanding more in- f()Tllotive advertising, television and radio commercials ore getting shorter . The trend is to 30 second spots. Or ti me for ol:xlut 50 words. Tha t's not · enough time to tell everything con- sumers want to know these days: prices, colors, guaran- tees, where to find it, what .it's made of and so much· rrore. Instead, advertise where you can tell a complete story without being a "fa st talker." In the Daily Pilot. In a newspaper advert isement you can give the full details -in 30 seconds the overage reader con ob- &rb 250 words. That's five times as much information as con be gained by spending on equ ivalent amount of ti me watching telev ision or listening to the radio. And, newspapers let o consumer pause to evaluate, re-read and even clip your ad as a reminder. Newspapers always hove been the hardest 'M'.lt'king medium. • We think the future looks better than ever. We ore ' the • ,.,._ -Tho Bla&ttt Mllbtplooo on tho O<qe Coast ·-· FrKSay. December t3, t97.C OAll V PILOT D3 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ... _ ,., •. ~11W ~ ......... ---. .. -. -... ,.. ~~!!~.~~.~~~ .... : .. ~.:!!!.~~~.~~ ....... /~~~!.~.~~~ ....... 1~=.:'t~-~~~ ....... : --..... ........ You Can Sell It, And It, [ 642 5678 J One Coll Service Fast Credit Approval -·-........ ···-"" G1•1 al I .E. I 002Ge•raf R.£. I 002 GeMral R.l. I 0.02Gc...:ral l..E.. I 001 i-',...., fmt.~ T rode It With a Want Ad • -·-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• """'""'~ .__ , _ _._ .... - Hous•s For Sal• !Houses For Sole BEWARE OF THIS AD ERRORS ~· Advertiser$ sh.ould check their ads dally & report errors lmmedlot'tly. The DAILY PILOT ossume1. liability fo,. the fint in-. correct insrriion only. ·······················1!··················,··· :~~:!: ...... !~.~~ .. ~ .......... !~!!! :~:=:!~·~ ...... !~~~~~~~~·~ ...... !~.~~ .b ce au se it t a lk s about WATF.RFRO NT property. (Ouplex ror $84 ,000 a nd a 3 Bdrm. fixer uppe r ror S!JS,000.). And. you never kno\V '"hen a fi sh \\'ill con1e up and bite (h e cn<t ,-,r yo ur pi er or s liJ>. But, call anyway, you'll be J>lcascd you did . t<EWPORT HEIGl<TS Houses For Sol e ••••••••••••••••••••••• General R.E. I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Formal + Family l .Cl\'t'I ~ !'X£•C-Ull\t• h nrr>t• in prin'l' loc·nt101i. Offt'r" !orm:d h\'1ni: und tli111nl! .is "'l'll <is inforwal f;11l'i· l .v r oom . Cozv honierP akc r kitchl·n' Lar)!e rorn1·r lnl ;\lurh mnr~. f)nlv ~1 !l!ltl. C'11ll 847-6010 to Sc<' A,e1 4('AH(;AHA<:E fu:;tolT' bit. 3 bdrn• , 2 bath Ne,1·port Jib~. honit.· nn hie lot : has \\.\O dbl. ~<1r •1~es. Hoon1 for r111· \'('hi(•l1•s ' \1' irt>d fol' •• \j,'Orkshop or <'0111•1•rt Ont> hl <1 supt'r rc<·. ruon• • A GOOD Bl 'Y AT P4"i,OOO ••••• OPE .. SU ... 12·5 ONE BLOCK TO BLUE PACIFIC SS 1.950 l 'niqur Ne" 1"111 Hl'a•·h homt.' orre rs ~lll'h spc1·iaf realurt.'S II~ Opt•n h1•:J1!1 t•ei lin ~s. pr1\al1• front cour!~·arrl . ll'l'XH'l•n Hie floors. Prt•:-..tic1• l<11·:11ion. C~11 1 R47-fi01010M'1 ' 1\~1 SPECIAL! l.:1nj.: "i1f' \il'<ll'Oilll'" llu.c1• f;;n•ilv roor11 h as h{'a ni t'l•ihncs, har S \\'f'1ti sh f1 rt•pl;1t'l' l'le ~ant <it't'nr .ru~t S-1 9,900! (';ii! Rl7 tilllf! J\)IL A DAB OF l'VTl/fll.Ft.\1 .11-"Ll.Y upph1.·cl 111 thf' thrt•ads nf flnJ.?t·rnad polis h ;ind cl11C' hottle.., \l'i11 k!'!'P tht• ht!~ frorr :.lickin g. Tr\' ;i \)all' Pilnt ('la s~1f1e1 t Ad lo h11~·. ~t·ll or r1•nl soil'~'· lhinJ! ASSUME 7°1,.v.A. F'i1n t<1.;;ti<" pool horl't'. Full p:1~·1n<'nls :'!275 !)('r rl'Ollth ~C"'l \'rlE'Cf/fi.11~·11 . E'l(tra lu r .cf'. hetlroorr..,, f"arril_,, r norn. Call 847-fiOJO to St'e. J\~1. _ __:_...:.__ P t;BLIC NOT ICt-: NOTICt:OF INTl:NTION TO•NGAGE IN TMI! \ALEOI" ALCOHOL I( lt:Vl!ltAGES To~ llMoy Conc•rn. SubJec:I lo l•t. ... M.• of IM llC9"M epplled lo•, noll<• h 111rebv OI"•" 111•1 lllt 11..,,.rt.lg11et1 propcutt 10 ~II olcOlooll< bowf ... I ol IM pr1..,lM$. OHUlbtct ·~ fol'-t~ 111S B•••• Cono Mno, C.. P"''"'"' I• '"'" l"ltnllot1, lllt ....,.rl~ ll •t>C>l,l"C 10 '"* C.O.r1,....,I ol Ak.otoollc hvtt*9f Co"l•Ol IOt iuuont• ot '" olcot>ollc bf-Vt••oe l•<O""" fllf ,_ pr..,..1 ... 01'6llowt.: "W 'O..U.LE9f:f:R Geore-11-dtn ROll81NS P11blhMll o •• ,,,. Ca•\I o.iuv Pllol OiKirmbtr U, !ti( USl·I~ l1 UBLIC :\OTICE llJI STATEMENT OF AllANDONMENT OP U\E OP PICTITIOU\ IU\INt:\\ NAME Tr. IOll-lllQ !Nft.Otl "''·-I ... uwotlM tlc\IUOYS !Wt.IMt.l twn'W UNI TEO AUTO PARTS •I 2901 We" CNt.I Highway, Newporl lltoi;ll, C•tllort1I• Tht liclllout. bu''""'' ""',.,. ,,.terrea 111 _.., ••s Ulfll on OectmDet 1•. 1~10 '"Ille Countvol Or•n~ NEWPORT a.uTO Pll.llTS, !NC s1 .. 1e ol lntorpa,-el!on C4111orn1~ T11l1 bll)• ntt'I w•' conllu< led by "t&r p0r •· Hon.. Nt,..llO•I Aulo P;.rh, !<><. KATZ, GRANOF AND PALARZ AllorrMJI tlOO Wll1lllft a11wl••••ll, Su•I• HO .. ,,..,1, Hllh, c111111rn!' ton? Tlll1 •l,temenl wa• ll1eo ,..,in 11>1' Counr1· Cltrk ol O••ngot Counlv on O~t<>ber l~. 197' F101H Pub111he<1 Or•ngt Coast ~•IJ Polot, No~ U,2t Ind Ot't ~ 1), 1¥1• •J01 T• Pl"IJLl{" l\'()Tl('E SLP-7,121 SU PERIOR COUJITOFTHE STATE OF CALI !"ORN IA FOJI TNE COUNTY OF ORANG£ AOOITtONALNo. A-IO!J1 NOTICE OF HEfoRING OF PETITIOl'I FOR PROa1oTE OF WILL ANO FOR LET TERS TESTAMENTARY, OR FOR LET TEA\ OF AOMINl\TRATION IH THE ALTERNATIVE E1l•Tt ol RAFAEl CENTARQ VEG.A, •ho•-•t RAFAEL VEGA,0.Ct-. NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN 11111 RE FUGIO VEGA 11111 lllttl lleretn • Ptlil ion !or Prob•tt of WUI .J"ll !or Lelle•• Tt•l.,ntnll•V, 11• lo• LUl~•'I or A11moni'llr•· lion In •11t Al1trn11o•t, rt lertn<• to ... nocll '' ~tor lw'111e• Pl•t>Cul•'>. -111111 th<' II,,_ •nd l>l•tt Ill llt•rln11 Ille ,,.,.,.Ila\ to.en "I'°' ~(•mbtr \I, 191•, .. tt 001 m ,•n l"" courtroom· ot Oep11 r1 mcn1 No J ol ..,Id cou'1, 111100 Cl.,lc Ctn!e• Orove W~t In Ille CltyolS.nt• "'"•· Ce••tornl11 D•I"" Otctmbtr 7, 1•1~ W!LLIAME SIJOllN, Counly Cler~ ltONALO H. PltENNER lt~I 11!,H F11ur1ll\I., Sit 11 1 \111t.-Anl, Cll• l11•nl1 9\110\ l•I. Hl4) Ht-U1J AnotrMJIO,: PtUlfoMr PubU$lltll Or1nQt (Olt! 01+1~ PHo1 Oecotmbe• 6, I, lJ. 191' PUBLICNCITICE FICTITIOUS I U5lNESS NAM E \TATMENT U69 7• TN lllllowl111j1 P'"°"' ••t IX>Ol'IQ ~IMll ••: HOUSli OF A TIT LAN, Jl)O W. VllfflCol, Futler1on, C•llfornl• Oonolld C. E•Hon. Ito. S1ntl'll'), S1n11 AM. C•lltotnl• tJIOlo R...OJ H0Uln$1'1t •ll, lJ!>I W. Orlf'lll", API. No. H, 9,,."1 P•rk, C•lil11rnf1 Tllll IMillnt11 It conlluc!td b'I •-«•I ~r1rMrt.lllp. Don.Ill(. E•t.lo" Thl1 sl•ltn>tnl ""''!lied w\111 ll'll! COlmlv Clerk DI Or11111t Ccunly on O.<embl!r '1, "''· "'"' Publlllltd Ot1n11t Co•1I 0111y Pollll , 0tc ll, JO, 27, ltl• •nd J•"· 3, UIS -.S0).7• PUBLIC' NOTl('t:: ·----SLP·l41J• NOTICE TO CR 11! DI TORS SUPl!RIO• COUJltOf'THE \TATE Of' CALIFORNIA FOR THE t()UNTT Ol"ORA1'fG'E N•. A-tltll) l.11•11 of RD8ERl J OE RO~ERT !S, Dtt:tlSl'd NOTtCl lS l>IFRf'llY (;IVfN !o !M <•Mlllo.1 !If !Fie•""~" ""mt<l <IO'<Hli'"' 111•1 I'll Pt•-ll 11•"1"0 clolm1 •11•ln•I I""''"'"' d!Ktdttlt ••• <l'Qlllftd !O 1111 ............ 1111111t l'lf<ttMrv orou<Mr&, I" lllt ofllc1ol I"' (!<fr~ el ll'lt llM"f ~nl!t!.-1 <ou•I or to Pfftl'nl '"'""· wltll o~ ~<•1w•J •outllr<\. 1111"'" \MdtrtleMd•I lllo! LI"" otflct DIJO$EPH J .JONESl .. I. JOSll!Pl-I POt..!NC'A, 1UJ Wl!ST 01. YMPt<: llLYI)., LOS AHOELE!o, CAl:lf'Ol'INIA '0015, -..Ilk "' 11 "" ~· ol IM.1Mt1 114 IM w"°'"ll rMd In 1141 """'""'" Pf<'lllr.ll'IQ IO 1111 t ll•I• ol ••Ill OMtdlftt. wltr.lt1 fO\lr ...ontl'I' •lltr 11\t II•~ llYhl l( 11 IOI! Olllllll'OllCI, Dlt!MDK.,,1tl• !ONMI( 011;: 11:0.ll'Rll!l ElC £CU'T ll111 ol •11• WH I ol l~ 1b0v1 n1met1 llM"°"""! JOS•PN J. JDN•SI I !.. JD\E .. H P'OLIHlll 1WW•STOL VMPIC ILVO l.Ofi ANOl!l•I, CALIPOltNtA ·--Att_,,., l•fCUTAI,._ f'llbUtllH Or•no1 Co1U 01llJ PllOI. Dt<•mi.t 6, 1J, ~.tr,"'• ~)ot I~ p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 "Meed Help" 0\\'nC'r boupht nc1,1•~( • ..;,l'. 1rust sell this lovC"lv ;1 h<'droorn. :! b;1th plus frt'l' rorn• J)oo\ Jusl 1H.1inte<t in :1n out. i".)l!rtl Jarµt• lo t for ~a rdcn 1.1 n d !rtlll€'1". 7r. V.1\ loan 1·;1n h1.' ns~un•cd. nv.·n1•1's \.\ill help fin :1n1·1·. '!"t)tal p:1~" mt"nls 5286 OO. l'<1ll to Sl'l' YG3 li7ti7. EASTSIDE * Balboa Bay Properties * We have something ror cvt·ry bod)'! R entals homes • inves tme nts . C>11l tod.ay • the money you snvf? muy lie your ov.-n . 675-7060 HARD TO R .. D l\lcsu Verde 2·sty, '1 BR . ram . r rn ., 3 ba . l...ovel y yard. quiet street. SCi0 ,500. 642-149 1 • H...tinqton leach Huge fiackyard 4 BR ., 2 baths. XJnt t e rm s $31,500. 556·8800 DUPLEX 3 & 2 Bdrn1. units. Goo<l r ental a rc<-1. C',,o5ita Mesa. Good finant•i ng. $49,500. 640-R•1R-I REALTORS ~I.oral Off1t·es To Ser\'e You WESLE Y N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS s ince 19 46 $27,500. GOLF COURSE YIEW-$265,000 .Just lis!ed. Clos<' tn 17th G lamor ous NEW 5 BR Big Cyn Slrt·C't and Ne1,1·1)()rt shop-1:ustom home Inviting entry, great ping . !loor plan. Lgc. Fl{ with wet bar \l':i rn' a n1l in\'ilin i:? • r~rl1,1·ooct 1•x1er1 or :inrl sunny kitchen, formal DR. 41).? baths. 110011 panclin)! insi1IC'. 3-Car Gar 1-2 he(lrooms. sc11:i ra h• 2111 San Jaoquin Hills Ropd a:1r:q.!l'-Zon111)! ulln"~ NEWPORT CEMTER, H.B. 644·4910 1· r ;1 ft. ph nt o "r ;i nt iqt1£' I"'"'"'"'"'"'"""""""',;,,"'"'"'"'""',;,;,,;;,,;;,, shnp. G .... ral R.E. I 002GeoerafR.E. I 00 WE .. OW HAYE REl'TAL SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SIX BOATS UP TO 25 FT. JACOBS REAL TY 67S.6670 2919 ... wport Blvd., S,,;t• 6 cor. of lOth. General R.E. I 002"Genc:rat R.E. luO.l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &date @ 190 Newport Center Or. CAREFREE LIVING Fashion Island is thC' k('yY.'Ord for lhis 3 RR Coun1ry home fl'lust !'it'<' it to a ppreciate the s ales priC'c of $51.!JSO. NEWPORT BEACH Lin.: 640-1120 SAMT A AMA Lirti:'833·3 I 58 GmerolR.E. I 002 G..,...al R.E. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lJllWQuail ~ liiiiilPlac• · Prap•rti•• - ··············································l C olleoe Park EXECUTIVE POOL HOME 7.52•1920 1400 OUAll ST. NIWl'Oll llACM ., . .. . lnlt•rl'!'I s11h1eC'I In :ts "Ull'<l hle G I loan nn th•~ l11•:1u \1ful 4 hr. family ronrr-. 1\1 C'Sil \ll'rclf' hon'<' ll 11~f' pnn\ s1~r-d lot plu~ "';1n" 1•'1(t r:1s N1·1,1· h'"'t'r 1nh'rl'Sl r ;.1!1.-s for \'1\ & File\ fin;ineini.:. Welker & Lee- Real Estate 545-9491 A REAL ESTATE This. is u t r aditional 5 bedroom, with s pac ious r ooms. a country kitchen, Cape Cod exterior , a play room in the attic <-Jnd a big Sycamore in the rront. This est<-J l e also has a lar ge YICTORl.AN ' pool and an 80' x l()(f lot. /\t $87,500 it ,,·1c·1' 11111 fla1·or eh;irn' IS a real estate. 1111 ;i 1"1" 111 oltl C(lr11n;1 itrl UNIQUE HOMES Redtors 546-5990 ;\l;1r r II(' Ill llS 11rarinu.~ 2850 Me-sa .. Verde Dri•e Costa Mesa , 1 t ti' 11 ., p h 1 • !' • • . s l' I' I h ~· I'"""""~"""""""'"'"'"'"""""""""""""""",.;"" 111•,.;1n ln)fl' hel'L'. ;1n1I hcf' :1hJr \111•n111;.o 1h1· h1·:u'ht•s General R.E. I 002 Generol R.E. I 002 flt"arhv. (',111 fr,r n•on· rll' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 0°',: Down \\';ilk !O ~hoppin)!. f:nod finani_.i n c ;t\·ai1:1hlr on !hi~ 3 hc<lr'll1n·. 2 h;Lth hnrrr l.:+r )!l' li1•ing ronn• \.\ 1ri rl'plal'<'. hltns_ patio 1.a r ~f' fr ui t t rees + )!:1 rde n. 646 l92R V\'f'S:55i.i-8674 Lachenmyer !'parklin )! pool in 1•t1lc r tainf'r's rl r1•an> vard. <I .f. F 1\ 1\1 I I . Y ll 0 0 ~1 Fn rn>a l 1lininJ!. l'riv~11t• pool :u·rl'ss from n'a~l('r suit('. l l\t ill'ale rlcr or Musi s1•c ! 847-fiOIO A~t Executive Spanish 2 Story ASSUME 7o;, VA 1 .. ---------•I Lush J?arrlen. 2 story 1•11-1• ___ try. Sunken purlor. l)ld Real tar \\'orld b r irk ht•arth. Everybody Info fnrn>al hanriu1·t roorr. 11r gourrT'ct 's µ:J llC'y . l\1a n'· The Pool molh fiest:1 J'O(!IT'. 1'"'iSt· ing sta irC'<iSl'. lk 1]('onit><I 2 Bedroom h a lly,·a~·. sepa r ;itt• ... 1·f r h i ldr ens V.lll )!. 5 ~ear Wesfc I f <'nnr1rous h('llroon's <1 \\'C''ll ll R(J la!('r nn lhe h;!!hs. f;icanti(' n•aster lar!!f' prh :ilr pnlio. En-s uit ti. Si;1l;1ra1e \';inlty t<•rt :1inini:? t!' a f'lllC'h in a r p:1. fill . y,·r.111 :1 roun(I this )!r;11'ir111s 1'10\lf'.JN part.v 11a t in 11·it h firt• !;111~ 1;75 -Hl(ill PETE BARRETT -REALTY- ~ "'t:J'eafttf n•ad1• :telnb<' t\l ur\'el at rin g, 1\!'su n'l' 7'( \'1\ tht• ll'aster suill'. Th<· n•nnth. 01,1·n1•r n'usl J!O )!Ourn'f't kitr hen. f"in1I t :ikC' ;11t\'anta g(', Call t:;,4tate @ Jlliiii.j thl' S r Afl(ll 'SNt-:.S..l:i o tnt;_i l p:1_,·wt•nl ~150 p1•r 6lZ.S100 675-4060 190 Newport Fashion ol1l rror1·1':1ll64fi 1111. R-12-2535. Ce nter Dr. . Island ()l'!Nm'l ·o1 ~1uNro ~1 11"1· oP1N1119 ·ni•uNro 111 ,..-c1, NEWPORT E~~~t~~~.~!~~~~~r!:~y ['411H$1tl [a1n*111- HEIGHTS 1\ll ne\V construction \\'ith buill in~ and 1--------~1 '!'hi." f'hnrn'ing h1.·u rf't•rl bea m ceilin gs. One 3 13 1~. one 2 l~R . NEW PRIV.ATEBEAC,.. ... SI( 5.0!JO . 11·11 h nrt•;i n 1·il'11· an fl ht•o.;\ 1·1.:d1nµ ~ h1•d roon1 :111rl ON T,..E ~.ARkET ~urf in ~n. (';ilil 4Rll. 1l1·nh11 n'eh:1s HEWPORTBEACHLine-:640-1120 Tll l·i'Lt-:X In f'x1·1•!1('nl 21 J\A . l":i ni rm 11 ll'h;1r 11t'11 l':1 rp1·tln)'.! tl11·11C111 t. SANTA AMA Line: 833-31 58 ;_i 1·r:1 l"~•f'h uni! hos 2 hr· n 1 I " r · I. I! . l 11 I fH'a l~d Ill the IT'(l'<t ftt·· 1----------~----------+h1·d ff!O!l'S. ?I C'par;1 t 1• II 'flrl'Pl:i("{'. l'll!'l!ISl'(I "1r1·d parl r•f ;.."l·1111nrt General R.E. 1002 eneral R.E . 1002 p;1t1ns. 1111it·t ~lrl'a. hut patio !\S~11 rn:1hlt•f111;1nr•. l!t•1phts. ln'll'l'di:itt' OC'· 1·10~1· 1r1 sh11p11tn" ()nh.· 1f1" :11 ci llrae11 1·1· r,.,,,, l'I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ,_ i-11p;111cv ·1rrp :1f't'. t11n Po radi'se "onor If I Hod A Hommer ~1 .~.1H,1 pl us ::>nit 11 n11nrr. l \p~t h:i1ho.;. l :1r ~1· lot ;ind ;ill !"'"! 6 hi1,1· in arl'a. Sll.°i ,01)0 1h1.•lrin'll'Hl":-. 4 BR 2 S 44-7270 .. -tory I'd Buy This Cnll r;n t ·11 11 & v1.11 ~ ol'!"IQuail ~ iii IPlac• Pool Beach Fixer Upper n<':11 Fs tah'. C7:i 111>10 "' $33,900 \"1111 1111! C'ni•J.' lh1s 1•nt'. Prap•rti•• 752-1920 1100 QUAllSl, NIWl'OIT l l ACM F n t' ll' :• 1 1• 11 ! r, 1 r, 1 .. ratt·d 11C';1r t7th Strel'l llll ''l i\T\('lii·in~roon· \\'1•s t<·l1ff s hnp1)1n i;> ·un F nr ni;t l tlin•· llu~l' hill!<' 11 2 Int 'l'h1s ;1,i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 J.?~ri!t•n \tl'\\ kili·he>n . 11't•d ro(l!l'2h:11hh<111>1•1 -.:ar A H1'1 ~Tlf' npt•n l'l1Hr" !'ll':d ;11 S2!1 f1511 I t•l's J!O """"('" •'tl fli tj(jt;H.4<f REAtTORS BALBOA PE .. l .. SULA 7 unil s 011 2 loL~ Sh•ps to b(';t<"h. <~r1•:1l ~u1T'1l'rr rentnls S \7!1 .501l S1•:1,h11r1• R(',d Estutr. 1;;r, f,l«)I\ Call l>·Hi il71 S\\('t'fl 10 St'f'il l':t l l' IT';tsll'r ~Ul lt• + Ol'!'l ll/'l •l!l l!•N !r'IH"l l' lltl(l~l -.:11<•fl rart1 rn1Jn' l"W _Ur:\ ~ ~ 1h;d 01••rlo11ks 11:dl!•d ~~c~11,'11.i'~.\1n ~;. 'l11r1~1 : f1&1t«J .• :jffi.,U1 I WALK TOBE.AC,.. ,.,.url \lU'<I lh11T1 fflrthis II UL FrnH' th•~ 1·on1ph'h'I~· l't'· l'Xt'PPl11111:1l II,\ 11(;,\\;-.,' r r Q ppe d ilnnl' :1 hrtr1n h1111•1• 111t11 •':di :w.:1 iRRI U hn1111:<r•)or1' 1ii•11r:1rpt'\" Cl<'ri.r1,9,,1 1u'•1011 1, p .t.-11.11n1 ~1!l !lf"4,. \\';ilk1•r [~ ~ For Xmas .~ 1 1•1« ll1•:d F :;l ;tll' . . &lti 7.,,11 _, lt111•rinr i\('"ll!nt•rs nv.11 ---hon'<'. 1\ ~1)(111~~ :1 hr in Build 0 DreolT't-fome '----------·I "n,111 1·-in '' 1·nn rh11 011 l,:•r j!t' Int ,11ith \1·h1t<'f' Pn1u•lll•1t ~-Jl.ip1.'J'l'<tthr11 11 :1 t c•r \ 11•\1 l,:1~\l!lll * EXCLUSIVES* nut :->11p1•r 1':1rp1•t111 g- '.'\i 11 11el 11111' t ·n1t.-•r r•n11 1 rnl{'l\l '" l 1•nn1!' ~;<1.r~v1 ·r!'rll'" BALBO.A ISLAND 1·l11h. pool .1rul ... hnppui)! 67 S-8600anytifl"~ t';dl S:1n1;1 C!.111:-;it COZY LITTLE ri;:1 RS.~u •VISION• ISLAt<D 2 Stnr1 :l lt<trn1 hnrnl' 11 REALTY ~743 F l'-.1 111,1 1 {'orflna 1tC'I ~1:1r Rent, lease /option or S•ll! l Rl'clrnon• :! h ath. l.!1 ~ rurd S295 Pl'r ""' -+ dl' pc1s1ts In lflll f:ardcn Oro\'(' 1nr:1t111n f-111\ 1.111 J)f":ll!oof'ri ~31.000 Ir ~· la11:H 11ff p;1t1n. 11l11s trc 2 bclrn• ;qit fl\ rr .:n r :11:!<' . .i billhrnoms. Pr1C'l'd lo:-<•11 Sl 2S.MO. PE•LTY 'J'"fl ,., ... ,,.,.,,,,..,1 [Wlfi$H:tl BIG CO .. DO 2 slnrv 4 nn . 3 H\ \\'I rC1rT"n"Url1 t1 pnol ~ p~rkhke 1Jr;1und" rutl prtrf' ~:ll .!\00 11 a~!'ll0'11 hh• S2~ AOn l"I I' h•:tn C;tl\ !'UI\\ 55ti 2fli~) Mew listinq foron;i OC'l i\lar 1lupl('X T11n ..,in)!ll' 1111ils f'afh h:ts i.I f1rf'pla1·1• · l'O!llll'r pl111r hinc thrun11t ronf2 \t•:•r" old a hltl<' )!('fl' fnr 0111\ ~7;1 :iuo l';dl C7:1 R5f,11 <Jlli"lhV •'' 1 .. >; '"''·I [~IR!H:I MODOWM 4 +POOL 111'<:1 .1rr :1 Trr>•' lined ~tr1•1•\ Ht 'C;F COHi\'F:H I (IT H•·.1ut1f11l l y l:t:1d,1·:1pr•d l/l•flll' f<lr 11<1\T& Tl!i\I[ VII fn1.1 1•nlr1 1:ra1·1n11 ... !1\tlll:' rt1<111• \I 1lh VI.I Kl!! 1'4) (.'1-'ll IX<; FlllFl'l.AfF F:1n II.\" din•' K!Tl'llF~ {lfo' 1'01'1<111 HO\\'," JUrY'· hn hPdrnnlt'<r:. S l',\HKl.l"l:t. 1'1101. S1•llt•r 1 r•rv llll\1!111" !la\~ ,11hlT'1I 1\~Y ·rFH'.\1S Full prL<'<' nnh <-1:?.!150' Jl11rr1 ,·i111'l 11•~• Cull nn11 In ~l'l' 111" 2-°il<'i ·~1. I• 1( ._ •H ,_ ! ['6 IE!U1' SF ~.I idle ilC'rr>s \\'tl h 11 . ~ --·-•••11JI SC OTT REAL TY 5J6.7Sl3 ;\1,·, \I \ 111 '\FA \'F II \I H<l1\ ISi -'''' • 673-6900 . «;:SEL ECT TPROPERTIES Oa1l\ P1h1I l'l:;is._.qf11'1I <1d r----------i-c:;;;;:;;;;;,;~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;-1 1'•12 ". ·7" ('I • ·r· I \ ( l'J l,(JT \\',•onl 'd"'. "'' " ;1.~<r:1 H'f t !11\.12 .'\I':';>! " ~ no\j, f\42 !lfl7A . . - ustom luxury Hillside Mesa Verde Tr11f,\' 11n1ri1u•' Fune· t1nnal. s tr1k1nc <h•,1µn Fl1·pan1 hon'I..' 1<hosC' !'t:Jt C"m~·nt ·~ "~1u·1·1·s~" <;r;1nd l'n l r~·.1i1·1ni: r0(1n' :1nrl forn'.d 1l1111nµ. Tr111• rnuntr1. pool 1·11•11 . kill h1•n 11 tth ~p;u·11 111~ t 11n•ll\ 1•;1t1nl.' .1r1•.1 :->1'p;ir;1t.• flt"'la fun r11tir1' urit•l\l!•rt I" c\1•l11xe [1<11•1 F \t't'l1>'n! p 1'11 ;11·1 He1lr1111n• s I 1H1v.·n 3 ur \l :1~lt'r "111 11' rlf'h~htful. Ile thf' f11't'1 Ill ~l'l' It ... ~u ll !'l<lfi-231 :I, Of'IN r" • rr H.l"I ' 'Pl N f • THE REii' ESTATERS anyon View $36,900 ll11Tbor :'lrc·i1 h\1ni: :.it i1'!! bf'!!l ~uprrh 1-i•1,,n111n11,- f,1f'i lit11•s. IJ!lo•p1r S~1.<' 11'1101 (;r1•1.•11 h•'I'"-.,'\11h'n d1rl 101·;11 rnn ('h.1rn11n i.: f'nlrv It• 1•h1•1•1v l1\·1ni: TOCIO' \I II h ... 1.ur1·:1s(' anrt flrf'))l;11•1• 1";111•111 f11n tf•('tm np1•u 1" \f'r\ [lrl\';1\(' c.1rolr·n !1(•11n Sp:1r1n11 ... l'1'dl'f"ll1'' i·:dl .'.>-16 231:1 LOCATION! LOCATION! COl .. EI OCEA .. FIO .. T DUPLEX, 3 and 2 bedroom -~1ak e offer $159,000. COR .. ER CHA .... EL FRO .. T DREAM HOUSE. 2 bdrms. rlen, pier & slip. ]">riced right SI 15,000. CORO .. A DEL MAR SOMETHl .. G DIFFEREl'T. 2 bdrm . 2 b:1th units. 11 8 frontage on-1Jaysi'de Or .. hoth y.•ith bay vit•\.\'S and .<.iln1ost n<''" <t l Yl'st c rd<.iys price Sl25,000. SOMETHING SPECIAL -2 bdrm. 2 bath home on full ll -2 lot, reduced $62,900, VIS I 0 N 6 7S.B600 '"'ylim• • •-21-1:1 f : C s t . llv.·y., REAL TV Coron• drl Mar Great Value !! :i Hf'dronrr>s 21 " h.i!hs.:? stor1· hon•1• 111 cot"! lora- t in i1 clnl1· S.S li 9 50 (lr1gin :t l nv.·nl'r l'irs t ti"'l' nff('rc•rl App rn~ 2:.lfM'l ~r1 fl nf li1·1ni;. r"C'"' paint in:;1rlr und out S('(• this f1nt' hl·fnrr 1t 1s c11 n1· CORONA DEL MAR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY t-'njnv I ht' hnli1t:1ys In 101•1' l1ull'(' 1,11\h J s pat·111u' up,,t;1ir.., h1'drrM\!l'"-· ll:1sk in lht• 11:1rn11h or th(• \\li ntt•r rnorr> + bnnus rr•:>n' :ind C I A N 'I' P (l 0 I. E\'t'ry1hi11~ in :ind out h as lirt'n d on e prt) fcssinnallv . l 'pi,•raclrcl p ;q >c r ;1n 'd l)a nC'llinµ. P lu s h f':t rpl•!s <1nd rlrap1•' C'r~·~t ;il l'han· delif'r S l.u nds (·;111in.i:. SU!)<'rh \' A lu;1n :IS· COATS ·s11n>:ihl<' at Sl~.oo per IT'Onth total. Tos('E.' n>u<·h & n'ort• r .ill 1)6~-6767 WA.LUCE Ol'fNlll9·•lSllJNIOf.fNI((' 1o:.~6£~s !lllR*'lli\I GIMODOWM $200 TOTAL Moves You In!! P res t iac ;1 r <':i ~t-:AH Hl-:ACll. Lush l;1nds1';1 p- in)!. Sr('l 11d1«t f'nl ry 1\lassi\'<' hrir k fir<·place> <'ounlr~· k it <·ht·n 7 SllAf)Jo: TREf'S. F:ilT'il v d i n i n g 4 ).!t'nernu·s ht>1lr11<1rr>.~. llu121• rnverrd patio. (h1·n£'r n•usl J.!il, tuk<' a rt l'an t i.lt!C' e;dl !W2 2:i:l:i Ol'f'I lol ~•II~ IUN /!J iii ,.,1,f' [qalijAiHil 3 Bed Rm . + Den $34,950 Th1~ hO!T'l' 1!. :1nxinus to hi..' snld. 1\ s its o n a h11? lot in <"n~t ;1 1'1t'S:t 11uicl arc;1 , l11c kil<'h<'n. don'! n'iS~ llH.~ \'ah11'1 ll F:I) C'1\ll P1"1', HF.\I T(>HS 5-1!i-Mliln Horse Ranch '.! Af'Uf:S 2.500 Sq. ft . Air f'n nrlitinnt'cl horrc \.\'/\\'l't h:1 r r:1n'l' r1111rri : tihr;1r~· tf11•n and r11rrr>1J I 11inin12 rn1).n' Rca utih1! 1'•1ueslr1a.n prorert~. 1·orn pl rha1n hnk renred 1ril h 8 s t;1 lls ;i nd 2 hox stalls t ;1Ck room. ;1 uto. v. a terr.rs. ~-2 auto. ft•erl ~t11r<1gl' bins 4 Fenred pastures . aulosprinklcrs !.. lgP t·h i1•k t•n hous e. l'hnn<' 11111,1• fnr :i ppoinl- O'{'nt Act•nt fi;lfi-:1255. 4 BDRl-'·GI TER ... S The kids 1·;_in bil:'v('\t' to l hl' hc;11·h f ro,;, this spacious fan'•I ~· hornc. ;\l a turl'. ~t·lll<'d a rt·a \.\ilh lo t s or l rt'l'S I..· 11ret·n1•ry rl.-,se to ~hop­ fllllt! &· ~1·hoot~. Sf'ller 1,1·i\1 pa\' pninL..; fnr GI 01· Fil,\ s~lt'. \\'alkl'r &·LE•£'. TI1•:il f''stalt' 6~6 7711 ()p{'l1 ('\ t·-- I 002G......,I R.E. 1002 LUSK HARBOR VIEW R<·st buy in popular S<:irtdpipcr n1od el. 4 hedroon1s, f:1mi!.v roon1. 21 :.o bath.-;, buill·in b<•r . 2 firl·plal'cs. Sec it lod:iv S9').500. . . $40.000. BA YFROl'T REDUCTION Fabulous ,-i<.•,v· of bay ~·nd n1ount ains from lo\'cly 4 hedroo m hon1c ~itu;1I C'd on 2 :Ml ' lots. C.~1 rflcn . pi er. ;Jlld float. s:tnd y hC'ac h on :.1dtli1i on:1 l lols. , :ms .noo Ot<CE I .. A LIFETIME ;1 '1.·ry s11ccial hon1c ran be yours. You \vii i enjoy 5 bcdroon1s. i baths, de n. gour m('l kitt'hl'n. excit ing grounds. pool. a nd privall' beach. !\~ountain pines gently fi lt i•r you r \'ICW or lhc blue JJarifi('. See this gracio us reside n('C today. $272,000. S .. UG BAYSHORES Pol C'nti:il~y o n ~· of t h~ mosl l'XCiting prn p l·rtt f's 1n 1h1 s trc:1s u r t·d t·on1n1 ur11ty :J hl«lrooms, 2 baths. IO\.\'t'r 1ng ·bt\aml·d ceiling!=>. ''ou don't havr Lo h1,_• r ich to huv this ont• _ .. Just s m;U't . $75,000. · BIG CAHYO .. -BORDEAUX New 3 bedroom condo on POOi si 7.cd lot. !\l any up g r ades inc ludinA decorator colo rs. On private cul-de-sac :,trcet. 1\ir condilioning, CorninJ,! cook t op. et c. Sl24,500. Suhmil ,,·ill }('~1!-.e Option. DIAL 644-1766 2161 Son Joaquin HiUs Rd., M.1. A COLDWELL BA .. KER CO. D4 DAii. Y PILOT Fnd•y, O•cember 13, 197• Housei Fw Solr House• for Sal• Houttt For Sol1 HoulH For Sol~ IHouM• For ~al• S-(...Wmon1• •vi• HO¥t•• For w. Houte• for sa1. -oa••• For sa1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t;;······i;;~···io6t.;;:;····a;;;;;··io4; NEw·cusTo~;~;s;;;nv. •••••••··~··•••••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Coita Me-ia t 024 untln,ton ltoch 1040 lludAtgton leach 104(1 •••~•••••••••••••J••••~•••••••••••••• gp..nlsb, tile root. 3 br. a. ~-1 I 002G----' R E I 002 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ba frpl• r•< "" •·d · ............ · -----• • G 1 1002······················· · v~LLEY R"'~''TY · · · ... · · · •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hera Hon,.ymoon Cott• GROW IT! • A s;M~ bar, cp\;d. has ocean &- ••••••••••••••••••••••• T ti VAl BYTHESfA ~ ·-coiy home locited On PRESE"-"'S canyon view. LJt. lot * * * * * * Heritage Collection DECORATOR'S FINALE LIGHT. CHEERFUL, TASTEFUL adjecti v es can't desc ribe this moJttrpitc:t. Lido IJll', near c lubhouse. s treet to strada. J Bt."<lroorn & den. 4 baths, SUPER says it a ll !! Sorry, appointment only. Sl35.000 Cull 540.1151 DUPLEX LOVELY OWNER 'S UHIT with 3 bedrooms. 2 bath:;, famil ~• room . country kiLC'ht•n, forn1al dining. fireplace. double gar<.1ge & muth more. Apartment h~1s l bedroom. 1 bath. a lso with gc.tragc and fireplace. lldeal for mothtr·ift.low). ()\vncr moving norlh, mu:;l sell ! Offt>rt:'d ;,1t $59,500. Call 546-5880 NEAR THE BAY HOT OM IT -BUT VERY, VERY CLOSE! t:xclusive Balboa Peninsula Point. 2 Bedroom. d en, and 2 b ;:1ths . Charming knotty pine living roon1. Na111e your terms! Own"' will ht-Ip fi•once. Priced for quick ~;.d e at $75,000 . Call 540-11 SI . BA YCREST'S BEST $15,000 -QUALITY BEST, custom pool home -fe;.1turing :J O\'crsized bedrooms. large wood p;,1nelcd den. beautiful formal dining, 2 fireplaces, 3 baths . loads of storage. Atriun1 entrance and 0\1ersizcd garage. Home ctnttrS around lovely poof oreo. ~1 uny , many custom feutures. VA TEH~1S AVA ILABLE. Call for com ple t e details. 546°5880. ALL TERMS -FHA/VA SPACIOUS COUNTRY KITCHEN ;) Bedroom . d en, ramily room & 2 baths. Completely carpeted. Close to South Coa:;t Plaza. Only 3 ye<.i rs n ew. Low down or no down. Pull priC'~ 539,500. Call 540·1 151 . TUCKED AWAY IM A QUIET CORNER OF COSTA MESA lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath with beautiful carpets, ne\v paint, and dark room. Home must be sold no"'· You name the term1! FHA , VA OR ? Call soon, won't last ! 546·5880. . , . . j· ry ew0,. oon f'osy .E tar~tr boml/' lar11t'-('Ul-de--t:t<' !Ctt , r'!ll w /~vl. drive. $6$,$00. A~Sl ~TAHL.E A VA Lo f\A RGAIN PRC•..:o ! '. 3 featurinl! a sunny, lflin1-Beach Cottages! 1406 Calle Alcar.ar. Open . d fllA~OAJ\11,. t Hl ~t~~~m~p ,::r:idC::t 4 n.i!-! HR 's, <'ountr~ fll rm Also additional 1. 30t> 33rd St. is a dump, but it has 1-looseSun .~•~•·-'---- .in 0¥-ner is"" 1nl! · kitchen "'/bltn<1' 2 \1an1-roon1 rorboutorcurnpcr O"'S OF POTENTIAL 2" • b ettrry 21111 Trust Deed. la•llroolfl, 2-0.it::?.l bonui; tv bC)th~. R·imbitng rear 3 Hedrm 1 ~ · b $1 de~ L ... . . · -vr:-2 a . Son J•an 1\1:0 stor~· modt'I rond rrr . t•nt'lO:st'd 1i:1t.lo & ,:urd :and d~uble paral!e kit & Oru•r; ~a:rram sleeping porch, dirung room and Capl1trono 1011· "'jth 1wo.bt'drool1.!s~ t"· pool <1 ~·11.l'r .~nxious for Ond ! Only $33.500. rn-;.'Al'liUtncloanor.F llA ~ALUABLE R -2 LOT. Try $48,000 ; ••••••••••••••••••••••• bJ:tth.~. fully i:,11.rpf'ted SSJ.OOS. C".ill i\o" · Rkr 96:?-5511 or VA lcrm:i. A~king S49 950. "'YERL~-~. ~--:ind llrapf'd. f;.nclosed CEf'ITURY21 -------R 805 ·' -• -----....-..--~·ard :rn·d ~ar&.ir corf\. 645_/221 Pric• R•dYCe-d! -Jade.=.._~!_lt_r9•.J_:~ 2. 1122-M1ranral' is art ilclora15JC A~L GR~ENIB.T ll'unlt1· pool and pl 3Y· _ 0¥.·nc.r anxious. Ideal REDWOOD 2 br. cottage with fft'lm aculate ramily J,!rounil for thildrc~, _Ex· ~lfg:\ VFRryt-: . \1a<'ant bcal·h \oration and a"· ~T~LE l'ro,m lx'~r~. Pto· separate dining room and utility home, 3 BR 's, faft'lily <'t>ll rnt faf'l"il )" ~1,·i n.:. A11sun'eb~• \A lu;•n j!rc:ll assomtiblc loan. fess101u~I h1ndscap1ni:, 4 rooms. Two story potential. 1'ry room. la rite enclosed lo<·a tt·d at r.tcf;1ddtn 3108Sumutra .. 31ir.~L:1, \\'hydon 't ~·outrvth(tse4 bdrrt'. S62.000. Hunt. S'~S OOO 'th · I d d buck yti rd. assume VA an.1! llarbnr ror Only <'On'pl rcfurh1:.ht•d Hl & bedrooms on rOr size'! ~~968_--_:1~06. " • W l . nOm~na OWO an Joan, owner anxlOU!w\U S:.>ti.7.SO Call 839·2332 or nut ~11 (·pt ~.~ pn_110. S49 .90o \'illai;:11 Re:il contra.ct of sale; asking $68,500. ronsider tr,nde for horse r~1:? lrMl~! for fur:ther in · sprnld r,; Open l·ri S;!I '· E~1:<1e 962 ·2456 or Irvine 1044 '7S.72lS property 1n San Juan !(itrrat1on ~un S.15 .H!\O 531·5800 't il 10 P~l . Capi~trano . Offered al ----~ -••••••-•-•••-•••••,•-•-•_,•-••-M~ EXECUTIVE HOME '932 11'<l•o><><I. 4 hr. 2 "'" ASSU "'ABLE VILLAGE FAIR Corj.'t'OiJ " 1i0() S<l ft fp \(•, ~up 1•rh 1·ond ' ,.., COLlEGEPARK REALTY horn(" 1+ yrl' old -10 ·),;z.'i· Lt1n:u. hu,i,!l' c .. v p11t10 FHA Loans VA Sp:u·ious 4 hdrm .. :l bath. ,9 7•11 11 1!-' 1)001. J fl both~. fam Q11i~·k nccup,\' S.17 900. Lar)!e farT11lv 'ro0m "'ilt1 ---±'-•- rlT'. hilhard rli' \\ h:-1r. 3 Coste Jwfrsa Realty ,for inforn1ation & !oca· "t.>t bar. forilial dining, 2 1·:1 ri:ar 011r'IC'r\\illhi>lp So'nc• 1958 lionoftht'se homt<!',('On· ¥-'illk -in 1·1oSf'ts a nd IOBO r " II \""' I •••••••••••••••••••••• 1n:-tr11·~· ~7!1 .!Kl<l \tt '" bBton~· lfit"s roomyou ~ssu"•i•BLEFH'LO'N o,'.15 >'\!•Iii l'll f'<1'lGL' •548·7711 " "" n n 0 ' KASA BIA.... llf'l"d , ~f'I' this one priced 11(11\1 ES .\f1 Ii prl' (';11l!'J,)7.ir.11 f"'ll '""" ""0 ond 0"·11er is "'illing to Cou •• T-RY SIO_E_ 1r ,' •• 0.1 ··-.... Real Estote9_~!-6644 lll CALL .552-7500 ('<Jrrv 2nd trust deed. .... pi,4 ...... ... Laquno Beoch I 048 ...e.~..-leach I 069 T¥-·o · storv model condo LAKE FOREST l\1•:1 ut1ftd hvn'1· 111th t·<·n Charmin~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:_....:: "·ith two "bedrooms, two I STORY t rn I :11 r 1·on1t 1111111' 1, , . . 0RAl\1ATIC 0 1(; CAN''t'ON 4 BR, 3 Ba. bath!!. Fully earpeted • • 5 D<lrl'l"'s .. :l B:l , unique Ice ,·icw ,·ot. 5159,500. an., .. rape · Fl'·''''"'''· :1 hill'"'"··· 2 his exc1t1ni? t'at edr;1I VISION • • d Enclosed 7 °, luTEREST 1 th r t • br'1'· <'eilin •. 3 b£>droorT' home, d d C .... ia ~. ll!l'H ·' rr... 1 '"' near park andOC'f'ilr'll!.'ith <i n,enilics-plush carpel-l\lovinl:!. Must sell . ''ar an paraj!c. om-l\Y Cl\\''.'\I<;R. fleflu tiful firl•plu1·t· l"nelos<·d REALTY inl!. l ~t> !iv .. rr111c. O•"ner.S40-"""" tr-unity pool and play. 111 " "fooll l>>l h· Sh·" l I r assurT'able 710.-; lnan " <JU".JO d r h'ld E , 11 . ~ 1 s. , ,1,.. p:1 1u. 11;1111· ec i::ir•nh· ,l!nurf'l"f't kit.. r.,".;L bar. -----J!roun ore 1 r('n. X· orrils.lnul tin~. ~1.-1 ,-, io> ,,,,,,lition ' shnuldexeiteyou. ldeid ARedHillBt•:1lt1• ll t ( ·1v J'ov'>n< BRO. :i blks to >eaeh. \'i-WATERFRO"'T ce en :lf'l"J. . di~h\1';1l'h 1•r c:or,!?eous ~l'.:.!J()O l'n ll5·10 172tl 11.H. location. Only l'niv .ParkCt•ntrr. r c•>•.SIJt .. •-. ., located at J\.TcFadden I'''' <I ,, L· rcc ,, 18.750. O"·ner iin1iious. lr11ine .,.,., d H r J c·11~ ' \"HI ·s . a CllAH!\11NGCONDO. WO"'DER :in arbor or on Y \'~Po'l'tl ;1('~re~11 tt• p:otio I -Bal ) 531-5800 nr %2-245G f"'ll 526150 c u 8392332 or & 11 a 1k11 a y s :1 n 'I RIMl'ORS I .m.Dlii..... A~en.!.:~i!._!~~~~1.:::___:,:_:_,~,..-"""-~-"""-•-"""-~-"""""""""~ J~~1~~i.c (~l~a~~o~i;~1.~ej Spacious. sparkling. and (;42'.1000 f~r rurlher in· sprinhh,r:-l1 's :1 ri~:AI. ,.011.4 RR I ACL'F'"'fA L B h I048 lldrm,,·.<"cn.21rftlc'<,· (l S P<'C'~:t('u!:tr C'ANA~ formation. HAR(; 'J /'\ at ~4·1.00U . r. · · -" · aquna eoc " -" FROl'\T 5 bedroom faIT'I· ----------- ' --l ,., r,.,(m,·1 l\1dl N'r • • illIT'ilSlPrSuilcL<inrm .. I h . . d b"I H ~; 5'.l!ill 'i·[nC'i !Ju lsnnl\' 2!1.'i5 11 :1 rhorlll1·tl ri<irflrld & Ne.,.,·land. ,1,1: ••• ••• ••••••••••••••• dsh1.vhr. ii·ashl·r-<ir\'<'I'. Y omeors"·1n~nng/a · 0 If Oft'les l Ss49•o 20•' d HOME &IMCOME rt•fri".tl6lti•'.dbl ,ari1µ•. l.O\\', low price at ForSol• 1100 Waterfront Home PLUS 1974 TAX SHELTER Prf'paifl intf'rt>sl and point$ :i C'C'f'Ptable for 1914 closing on lu11urious l.1nd:i lslt< hon1e. Sp('r· l;J ('.\1\;1r nn· !ht'-"'a\t•r pr1·~llJ!t' flon'e> 1,·ith dot'k for :I bo;1t s i'·; interest lu;1n Pri<'ed unllt•r 8200 '(l(IO Workino t<o'on's Terms \'/\ f1n;lrH'irl!! Jll'(ti labl~ on thi ~ n·ar velf•ns 4 htlrni. 2 b:ilh holl'e, re· ad~· fnr iIT'fl"'M iate O<" eupan~· Buill·in ran)!l°'I'& Q\'(•n. <'np1)f'r plllrT'hin,I!. (•n<·loi>t'd patio n':Jkes a 1-'re:it p;1rt1· rnorr . SJ.1.950. Call 510 li2fl t"an . . ., . ' n. .. .. ' s1~ uoo o 1 s12 ooo (l"ner 962_9793. It's a \\'e ll located 564.500 d '· · d n Y · .,1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ------------duplex. "'ith oce:in 1·ie'4·: r•CEAN'FRO"T O\\'fl lln O\\'ner ""'' , , " ,,,, .. r,·0,0,.,.,, "' In'" 1972 24 X 60 \\ ESTWINO 2 bdrms. eaeh~Sho"·inp a f b I N h t S • • " Chrl.stmas G1"ft ·n II O\IS Ort ('n( an· 8"· iilterest. h1.'. Vi.k in)!, a"·nings. ,erossof$5J0pernionth. dy ('ol"('. Older s t o r~· sk1rt1ngs. porches. Th. b' · I Li ve in on(' & let tenant boo" R 3 n r is rare Cort' 1nat1on o "4 drn'... a. rplc lands.r11pe'L All setup if!_ pool. jacuzzi and 3 ~;hlfie",·i~Jho.!-h,.n' J'1a0•1•,n:,en, ,'.',· rlns 1 Bdrw .. den puest I 1Quail ~· beaqliful San Juan Capo. bedroorT's, 4 blot·ks from '"" .. house. Lve level lot. Pl rt It pa k 493--8280 oeerin in pre s ti ~e hearh . See today! 0\1ner assist financing. ace a':.._ _ _!_· ____ _ neighborhood !Y'akes this S69.000. 5275.(){l(l. P1aperti•s · '" erPetery /Loh/' · ;1 !'.up re fl" e f""' i I y 0 \EAf\'F'ROf\'T 7.5l•ltlO Crypts 1500 Ch ristmas J!ift. 5.S4.900 .• Jl:t:~?fii:Bll'© ~an Clen•entc: in the 1°'°°·~·~~~.!~ 1 •U.<t( •••••••••••••••••••••• C;ill 'Iii 10 Pl\1 . Villil,ec r.n':'O>=-.n-n'(Y1 ·llivif'ra. Sea level. Fnjo.1· Liquidation-~--F EW' s·~· Rea l Estate 962-2456 or ~Q.}Uuu surf fro"' 11·in«o"· \1·all Ae-1· tC-Vl_ · ay ---____ 499·2800 11 ,, rn' & beautiful 011·ner "'ill ronsiderl'on-Vie"' Terrace. 4 lots. All f!Ji -Sfl~-·_ _ ____ rourt,·:ircl 3 B<lrn'!' .. 2 ~r:1::1 . 1~"71~0"~· bflan~e four at 8375 ('a. or 2 at LAGUNA ROYALE H;1 . )1e;in" eeil. hu ~u 1" ,; " O<J (Upex, '~ ~95 ea. Call 646-6994 [~] l,P ,Quail ~ . :!955 lfarhor 111,·ct ASSUME Ft-fA LOAM liiii Plac• S27 .5oo ta S28,000 Prapfftiea 3 BEOROO,.,. 3 Condo 's t<ike your 7S2·1920 FREEDO" uo E 1·hoitc all 3 bdrm. l 1 ·• ba, ' ... -·••••· ••w--•••<• ~ ~ M d · ..... , ........ 1· o 1· e r e pa t 1 o s . Open Hou:-e 1'hurs thru !rpl1· '· t64.s-. hlk . tn ba\'. 2 nR, l ha .. c\'es. . "'' S7!L500 . 1l:i lboa beach ---------Sat 10 to Spn'. StOJJ B.v-PFG ALLEJ\' N . J H bo \l.'alk In . F:xelusivt> Apt. RFAJ.1'0R 494·7578 J(Jt~tl'!J'· 'A lb~. 1.0.;:~2 R. '[(. oti at ~fr OcPan Frnt. 3BR . balh. 1095 N. Coast. La~una .. <en. a .. · · es erT'e ar~'. or Beautiful Sundeck . 24 hr -----------Balboa Point4 DR., den. both. 646 -6276 or ------------\R~12 \\'orkshnp or \,;in't' <'iuhhouse. pools. Buy ·1 Boon'. ~:12.950. or :111. ,eood rental area. CENTURY 21 675•8600 ..,yti,.. !\'eat a:; u pin A, t"·icl' as 642-1771 nict>'. /I re:il l'O n · VISIQ"i don)i niuIT' bu\· in onr of;.--------•I • I'll• our f3 s les1· jl ro¥-·inj? -REAL TY """· "''"'n• ""'BEAUTY A....,D ln;1n (•an be assurf't•1L ..,. ••• 2743 E ('st H"''" 53·1.!'J\'(J THE BEST! Corn-n:i del l\la·r .1 Jll!. f:11l' rn1. 21 .. b:1ths. LAGU"'A HILLS NEW se<'uril v, pool. 2 ~ar FOR \\fOTl-lrROR DAD 2ba. $94.500. 538 -6612. spares. 'F'or sale at Fan-C'CEAtlVIEW J\lar~hallRealty COmnt.'fciol ____ _ 2 BR C 675·4600 t:1sl!C'. Price. 31423 So. o-op ~pt, n'aint ·='----1 PrOptrty 1'00 Pn<'1f1<' Coast H"'Y· Apt only S39.21. PneeS32.SOO. BIG CANYON 4 Br. FR.••••••••••••••••••••••• 7P, 499-3083. _ca_H for de-~a lt~r.:..~4.:-~--I~ vu lot. xtras. l~t clrs, S,.,..AlL CO,.,..liAILDG _t~I~ _!10 rs. in,·ited. J-1 AR I\! ING storybook ·Sl59,500. Bsl buy. O"·n 3 Sep. Units 557,500. • Wt41TEW.ATERVIEW (·o t l a!!e ne~~ he:ie h . G40-'!._09JI:.___ o .... ·ncr "·ill cnrrv fi rsl cathedral et•1hnJ!, pool. TD · 180 deµree l1nobstructed NE f' F . H r-.:A L TOR . NEWPORT HEIGt-fTS Rov "cC-.'.--a~. hit'"' hill<'. S:1l t Creek 4~-9318 4 Br. d('n , briek fplc . ,.. _.._.. ITT" t•a('. Rest Joe . on ----------l arJ!e l o t . Choir<" 1810 Me-wport llvd. O'.'\ Tl-IF. ti1ARl\F.T. Ex-l\1ona;<'h Ra~· 1'l'~r_<1re . Logun0Hi9uel 1052 NewportBearh\CK'alion. c;....-. ritinl! Oce<inaire horre." 3AR . JB,\. !':1th C'('l] s. l.r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Needs some TLC. Ov.·ner 548 77~9 ~-,",,',' ,',~h0c01>1ildAr~.~ .. ,·',-',:,'b"l'c.( dr. den &: ti! hr ~tll faee anxious. J\.t<11>:e:orrer-. ----::-=-_ ~ _ ~.;,_ ____ _ ERITAGE REALTORS "· ~ -.db1 . .frplc l.rJ.' lot v.ilh fruit fi<'arinl-' trel's r-.·r. 21 So Cn:1l<tPl:iz11 Sh11p')! G111eral R.E. I 002 GtMral R.E. 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• HO ... E ~ Ctr ~5~.f,nO n.,.,·nrr llkr . ., ... ncean.Pool \\'/scl'.patio. 11 .. ~ SporfinqReolEitcrte 9.500 SO. Jo~ .. exrel. ~ I I s.15.s~oo. 70'.0".·:s,:,,•,IA·''·~;t<'l~o.· ,",~1 0\4·nr. "'/Carr~· at xlnt ...-J+dfAt,, '11. r 933.3544 COfl"'rr . property. less C ORBIN .... ARTIH Reoltors • 644·7662. $34 950 ,, " r a t ~. $J 89.000. Ciill ----------than S2.75 per sq. ft. on 1 ury hofl"'<', Prieed to sel1i GRl'BB & ELLIS Heal SPF.C IA LIZJNG JN NEWPORT St-f0RE5 rt'ain h"·v.1 blk. tobeal'h S.>'\LE BY 0\\1\'.f:R at 548.750. n-01·1,i n before _!~~l_!._!'1~-=._~000 LAGUNA NIGUEi~ a t c r fro nl . 4 B H . in Carlsbad. F;xlst'f· ren· .,. b h t 11· · t Christll'as. ! I :~•c<' n r 00(. ·su t> VI F.W PROPERTIES Redul'ed to 869.500 ta niore than pays axes. ~ l"'CO ... E , llrre's a ,l!reat "'~·'" 111 h('ii t inrlntion. Bf';111tiful 1hr,2 bath plus like ne11 2 hr. :? hath Bill. ChoH'C l'osta hlesn lot'il\IOn of· f1•red at S58.000 Rri n,e \'our Offers. ~OR . 2 RA. }lrd"·d floors ~1 5800 962-2456. F l • Ch . I U"'IYERSITYP ·RK -. . I lncom~arable SEA TERRACE ·Sty. A· Frame: 3bdrrT'S,, enn(' '"' • r1s ensen ~ -A,<.<oo-cH.9'. loan ,_..,_rr._,..,. llc'lt ors 714 7292301 ,,. Private Guarded Area like nl'~· ! SS.'i.000 .. • • • $45.000. Pl'rfi:ct st:1rter t-4olf .Ac:rr w /V u \1·ith S6.000 do"·n or ?~? lJf1lf.J'.(_4_im:llliEl[\1 3 RedroorT' ol'l"e loc;i t«d Larj!e duplex: 3 BH . l'at'h _C'_'.lr~s~a_d :_S'.~'..----. h 0 IT' r · " ~ P ;i r Io us ~5' S(IO oi(l('r 3Br 185 Please t·all 548·2961i -----·----on <'UI de o:: H' 10 in ·urc E G "f uoo·1 <.99.500 ln,·I. ''"" h1lr1P:o-.2h~1ths.l~e .liv-"..·,-.-0· 8 , 0·,,6·5751 -----.. --~-.. s njoyThe oodl1e CAYWOOOREAL,,TY IO'"' N.N.N.retum.ISyr . ' • h I l Xl '·' e~n r .. 'llP .,.. ., !\SSll!\IF' \'/\ ~-p/l'f'O 11r1,·a<'~. a1\unng ~can c~l 493·2513 1 A A A l t in!' rn 1111 rp <'. . nt ______ ~---_ . c • • &· "'hit <' .,.,·;iter ,.1e"" --· "-'-_c_ccc__c_ __ 1 east.'. . . . ena n . S('("Ufil~' !.· very pri1·atc a~--p • 3 BR . 2 Bu. ht•a1111ful cor· 2 Stor1, Glenmar -* 548· 1290 * S167.fi40. Terrrs. pre paid 11111111 -t-n1nwla I 007 ner lot. nc;1 r South C'o:ist Hoo"" for pool. Very 11·ell COND01t1 11\'lUMS ----interest. Close-this year .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S h o 1> p i n f! ~1 r" ;_1 S47 ,0 O. Ab t'""'s t·<irt•d for hnrT'l'-~2.500. lr\'atk out your door ont SI 12.500 S11llil·an bkr 540--4429 C.f. ColeSWOfth'i' Liauidation Solt 0\\·ncr ltil!l'nt . 549-8.198 Fee simple. s BR or4 + beautiful El Ni~uel coun Buys Kinj?s Road. 4hr, ---~----- Jl F ,, L'l'(lBS 640-0020 Owner .... ~11 consi(lcr con-ASsr i\lf. ;.-_-:!Br . 2 h~i den. stone fr1)lr. erpts try Club. ~inin ):!. fafl"ily &· lrg Ii\'· Condo"'inlu'"' Walk~r & Lee 1r;•el.lO',rlo11.11,bab1n1·t· hnrre 111 1\le>sa \ler<lc· tcss than2yrold.CoIT'-O\•('rlookslakeandroun-inj? rm+ pool. Ir~ forsale 1700 l·---------1 s1 .r;: RalbQ:i <lupJrx. •-· "'... · ..,.1 patio par<· froll' $49.WO' up. tai n. \l.'as a model-JBR ~/d,.r,.oo, .. ~. 0&··~n'•'h,o55ve7'.7~~~ •••••,.••••••••••••••••• ---~ -· ----blk tci hlil". 2 RR , 1 ha .. ';i,. .. rr:. <'ni·er~,. · ll.,.,·nr l H.E . i-:i lesn'<l fl. 2BA. n•any upgrades. " "' " """" I 002 ~ .... ,al R.E. I 002 <:;79 500 B· Ibo· b , h Ir~ ~ .11 cl. Open s.it /Sun ~3·82 15 or 968·7811 0'4·ner "'ill sell. le:1se o (Ir 642·46-03 A't!cnt ASSl'J.1 A 81.E FHA LOAN Rt·al f.s1 :1t~· 545.9491 GeMral R.E. >1 • • • · •1 '1 e.ie I · s . 3 2 2 1 1}:1 kot ;1 . • -- - -----1 · ---· --------and 0¥-ner is "'illinE!' to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cnttaj!e. 1·• blk.' to bay: 2 flf!I-:l!l~I\ PRICED $4 ,500, Lt:SS elase/opu oNn:SSt.9001 R. earry 2nd trust deed. macnah / irvlne realty FINER HOMES FROM $37,000 to $775,000 HEW LISTING! Harbor Vie w :Homes 4 bedroom Palermo "''/pool . l\'larv elou s wallpapers & shag carpeting. Vie'v from 2nd-story. S99.500 fee. Joyce Edlund 642-8235. I CJ ll "'INVEST WEST" Lg. R-2 lot \\·/space for triplex unit that could carr y itself. Thro\\1 in an exi:-ting 2 bl'droom hotnl' & yO\l have the b est $37.000 p:.1 c:k<:1 gP in t o\vn ! 1-:mn1et i\l cKunc 644 -6200 , (Cl2\ SOMETHING SPECIAL -$94,500 Spanish courty;1r<.I enlry plus g r acious blend or <~xc·itingly di fferenl f<'atures . Sec lud ed. private. excellent loc ::1tion in Irv ine Terrace. Ken ll artlC'y 642 ·8235. ((13) NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW. One·Of ·a ·kind 3 bedroom y,•/fireplace . Baj' & Ocean VIEW above a beaut ifu l pri\'atr park . S82,500 f<'e l ~1nd . Ilarbara Aun e 642·8235. (Cl4) LIDO ISLA"'O CHARMER. Superb hay vii'\\'! ·sing le ·s tory . 3 bedroom. 2 h;ith hon1c "-''s paciou s rooms. 60' lot plus 3·Cttr gura,:!t'. Lly appt .. 14;),000 , c~1th\' Sch,veickcrt 642·82:15. !Cl51 . 5 IEDROOM -POOL HOME. Super ntertAinment hbme near park & schools. 5-0' long pool. family room y.·/~·arrn brick fireplace & wet bar. Joyce Edlund 64.2.:8235. (Clfi) JlR , den. I ba .. 549.500. -a9una 1gue lty. BIG CA"'YO..._. T"·o s torv model condo Ralboa Point 4 BR ., den, El Toro 1032 THAM MEW MODELS OPEN SUH • .1·5 ., f"'ll "'ilh two bedroort's, two 2ba. 594.500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA Ct; ESTA DORADO 325, 339 and 351 496-4040 . ex Owner baths. Flilly cafpetcd r.1;irshal\Realty ('(lt"i\"TR\'~I OE <'tin be 3 BR & Bonus C IB 0 • -----and draped. Erirlosed ____ 62_5·4~---1 'F' 'ClRF'ST roon' or 6 Bd'."'s . rafl"'-rescrn ay n•e MewportBeoch ' 1069 Beauti ul eustom home ~·a rd. and garaj!e. Coll'· .A1lKY 0. ~\'"'"E.li rm .. formal din-rm. <'UI· No rth La·µu na oceanside ••••••••••••••••••••••• on nlaJ?nifieent «Orner. fl'Un ity pool and play. " rte , "lot Aot 968 4456 of h'\'\'. 3 n""' hooo~es 111'1· ' secl1odcd lot Opc•n on CopistronoB~och 1018 llc:iutiful .tBB . 2 f1dl _ _.:~~-.:....=_·_·_-___ drrrOnstru~·tion.2"'storvS trolEWP.ORTHEIGHTS lh 'd & · ~round for children. F.x· l h Sh . 1 ree~1 es ·01·erlookinp: celleut farnilv. livina . ••••••••••••••••••••••• int s. · al! (';trp<'t ~. MUST SEL tr,rtitio1ntl ,·or1·ho'1ectore. 4 Br. den. brie>k fp <·. "II ••oooo · • LI .. ,..o course. ~ · · in Loca ted at l\1t'Fadden ~F\\'3hr.2'~baholl'eon hlt ins. cl1 .~h"'"sher. , 4 Rdrfl"'s .. 3 baths. ex· l a r~e lot . Cho\ce \andst•a pinµ,heatedpool and J~arbor for onl,v the hli1ffs 01·erlookinl! C: or I! e o u"' r 11 !> ton' RC':iuuful 2400sq. ft . pool eel lent or·C'an vie"·s. '" Newport Beach loeat1on . "'/\\'aterfall , h1nai, <·ov. 1he ot'ran. 1'\111 carpel-1\rape:o. 1.ar~<' exposed hn-i• 3 lledr-. 2 b'lh. blo<'k to bt•:_1ch. (.)uality Needs :o;ome TLC . 0¥-·ner · S26.750. C'all 839-2332 or l . ... ,, ... p1:1t10 & te rra<'l"S. ll~avy "42·1060 for further in·. Ing, hltns. trash COll'fl<lt.'· a I! gr<' I.! :1 I e P :1 '" onl,,,S49.950. Ei:tsy t"rn's. (.'<oo;t ras includt' 1niero :inxinu:<;. ~lakt•offer ~hake roof. 0~1t<loor h(!ht-forrration tor. J.!•u·;u!e dror opener. '' 11 I k 11 11 "s ~1 n <I SCOTT REALTY Ovrns. tr;.ish !'OrT'p:1clor:<. Sparlinq R•ol Estate 1ng. & Sllr1nklers on ----------- Ill'(' fa c·il, pvt il rea . ~prinkh•r:; f!'s ;i HE,,!. 536 _7533 f'(IJO:<;ed hean'Prl <'<'ii · , 93·3.3544 tilners. 4 Hdrn'. 4 bath ADJ to Ne"'Porl. 3 BR . S78.flOll. (';111493-55.'l:l. 11·\RC,_.\ 1:-,-:•! ::;~,LOOI'), ______ lllJ'S . C':irp('llni:t lhruotH . -------hnus'' i ~ ~ror'ly dec:or;,t. enr1. 2 ear 11:ara~e. sp,1; .1f1.-10 J>r1n c·111:i1sc.------.. -· r · t t " C F lif'p. I t · II prn l'~f;J lln;! :Jllv · USfOm 0 eX Cl \4'1l .l!Orj.!eOUS Ac\ults. S42,500. Chi.Tier. 2~'E \\1 rrSTfl'.\11 ~tnrr nnl1' Sf:1pl'i! sprinklers . s .. h 4 1 I 11·a1\pape r &: (';1 rpctl5. 646-5SU'J J hof'l"('S.3hr.~hi,l.frl1lr&· -Rancho la·cuesta 5132 .500 l o $137 .500 . p.'lnl S .·P ex .. f.!C' Te;1kf\oorinkitchen.air ------------ rpt'd. l!n!h on II! lo ts. Fountain Volley I 034 lf'as.eholrt 11-'e<' inlert•sl r:l~t~~, cb~~i~:~'l~~~s·0~ conditioned. ile,eermer & FOH sale b)' O\\'ner. 600 E. roon• for hoat. (tl 1400sq ••••••••••••••••••••••• $,53.250. T;ike O\"er Fil.'\ avail :.ihle). NE\\'POHT BEACJ.f. ,intt'r<'on• systen' thru-l)cea nfront no. 2-E. fL S-li .SM, 12 f 1500 -~(I. ft..••-!"'------•11 oa n . rAl o '' e i n i m ..,ONA RCt' BAY. prii·•d ri•hl. al ,115.000 out. l.;irJ!<" ll'aster suite nalboa $75 .000. Terms S4R,."oOO 3·1182 & J.1192 \"la fl"'t>diatrTy. Nrar school Bd d ' I /2 · · II C ll 8"3 3212 \'cl "'· TinhtShoesHurt 4 rrT's .. for.Tl'al n11n J! Cenlury 2 I conipcte .,.,. on1:11 n:i ~· opt•n. a " -__ _ ,-., p:irk. li br3 ry :ind bikl' r I d · d t · d •· --------So dot'~ 1i1·i n,., in :1 srT';1ll ·1 roon•. ami v room . 6 21771 <'s i.l'.!ne 5 aint' ""F'l)R''ALF.orl•a· .. e.3br. "' trai . c,'"."'''''·n-nrr'c"ed ,,,. 4 -,,.,,l•d 0 1.,, ... ,.,,dnws ., . "'" hou:<•• llhl'n \Ot1rf:1mih· '''·' " ' ' '" " · " ' 2ha.S49.500or~mo.. )C orona del Mor I 022 · t ""UO. r · rr:it11rP trt>rs. fine &ean -------LarJ.'l' n'irrored clrt>ssinj!. is nr,c1· ...... sq . t. on SunselsSupr•-lk · d •··st bloll plazo I 1 1·iC'\\' ~· Pri\"'l• 111101 '"" rnor'I'. "a 111 Ct' ar "'" · •• L'u"x'"u'"R'v"'o'u"'P"L·E·x··· nne !e\·e!!! Gracious Ii\"-,,Ill .. B· \ & ' 3 1·5.1'.!·4543 in,e room \l't"'ood burn-~Igil !UEJl;.;ffi.r;l :1r\''1 ~135.000. ·•.' · ocean ''niw. rlns<'t. Gi~anli<' tiled & ------------. , -··--·-----LAGU .. 1IT.. Bdrn1s., 2 baths: <.'<ln)· mi1.·rorcd. rornan buth 1-omePro....._ 2000 ., 51,10.00'I • in~ f1replaft>. ramily 962·4471 (¥::)546·8103 ,.. ~ pll•tt•ly re!T'ode\ed. f'ee 1 y I ·-r-••r room. 2nrt f11IC' .. dinin' ~pac1nu~ 2 Hclrn• .. 2 hath ~· Jlll'.u1.z1. ~ry ar~e ••••••••••••••••••••••• I B\' P\\',\'.t'R _ 1;.14.flflJ_!) land. 569.500. Ol\lH'r 11•ill den \I' /11'ass1,·e stone _ ronrT' Super hi" lot -----~ ---h()ttse 11800 !'q. fl .I hiµh · · r· · ··--------• • t · <1ss1st1n 1nanc1n g. !r'repl,, ce <>vcrlook o'n •' ' EsloleBuo'I""·-\\'/bo:itQrlrailcratr~ss! ZJ A 8 k d npl'n )C':t!Tl t'l'iltn}?s. I ~ • I I ere ac yar I t I co1·. patio '4' /dbl ~ns BBQ .. 4 .nr,t.'e >t•rh·Ol•IT'S. !'t•f' ar~<' Oll ( oor :treas. U ln+ernational l h1sln1\u~· Call II'• L'1nancin, r11r l<ist !\CC\udedpool-sizE'd Yard. .& F'rplc. r.lust see toap· 10 NITS,C.~. l is pr<'~l'nlly t akin~ re-TheRealEstotefoir 't4•i\' ,.hOrT'l'S in<·ludin/.! l'_ri1.·a lt' :irt•a. l)ceBn precia t e! Price at Prime rental area ~·ith 1 srr1·ations on thrir 11<'" 8:19.613:\ S:lf;.z.'iSl huil<ler's niodc\. Priced l"lf'\\ "':.Ilk to ht><.iCh . 5189,500. for quick sell. moderate rents. Will ex· I rondon'iniums Canvnn at Silff.f!SO . to 563.950 .. Sl1 2.5<10 . FOUR GAR.AGES· 644-9400 change or sell. Crf'sl l':!'t;,ites.1ocatcclnt lluildt>r's su<'rifi<'<". his SKYLINE DRtVE ,,'4·ith ('leetric doorl•---------•\ PyramidE•chmNJon 10!'~ \'Ollr j;'<i in on 3.4., 3 Hdrm s . plu s den . om-rwrsonapal'<::\!.Jl C'! t ors8 -1 6J the eorn1·r of 1';1rifl<' ~ ·• It R all 33 7 i Vie 1' n rii·c & ne11·7i .•: \',\IOANS7.00(tto Hf•<lr4\om in presti!!iousfnrll'nl dinini.> room . "'1thfhisJhdrm11 ~6iiffiBACK -BA-Y-~u:i tom l lll a rA rl h ur l"ll 1'11 111 :iss\nr>•'. <:;2f!!l 11.1·1pt. :l hr. C.reen V<11ley . C<1ll A~entl 1·;istefully de<'oratcrl. nt~11·lv de!'orated home in honies. 2 rerrain: 4RR. 1 ('nrnna dC'l 111;,ir . ~t;irt inl! 21 · ba., faw rw. E1·cs. cl:i~· or nill' 'til 10 Prit. Pri l'a<'~· & Sl'('lli s ion, Np!.' Hts. Luxuriant 4BA. fart' tf'l". din rw ,~~""""""!"!""""~~~~ 11! ii;1;1; 9iHI Pf~NE t..,2 4... 5800 . h t .1 l . pl"n\'•n•. "enced l'"rd H,'•.z('I No\\'ak Bkr 222, 4 · ·· · "" -·"'" 962·2-15f\or531· , "·11 Jet111 11 ll c it ~· . " r " 4 t~'l'f• 11 C'I 1 &IO rwno : --------1 , . .,.,•itn or<'hidhousc&·fruit Y.1nd11·nrd Lane. NB .• ~ .,,,.xn ·"· oc. 0 \\' N f. B -D l' r I.EX . ~ol·e:1n sicl1• of h"vl 512 Bt>~on i:t . l"p<'n sufi 12 .. 1 S79 .~00 ,.,.l.:I t714) 54•1·1!Ml9 f(JRONA l(IGHLAKDS IS F'OR SALF l'ln11 "'" tia1·(' part (\r 11 C)~·n !h1 sS11n 12 30-•I 30 •1zi:c 111ornini? C'ti)' ~1.~,00 •lliC'11hrill(ITt•rr ~.1.~~~1 Uni•~rsity Realty :i1~q f~ ~~ ~'~-~·~r . .,10 osto >-4t10 1024 ......... , ..••.••...... As1uft'le 71/· ft-I.A Loon Tl\tal pa)'1'1"ent S2Qj. 4 OR . 2 Ra . l!&roJfe \l.'('<l ~it1(' (_'n1'ttl l\'1"'" 011 nC>r /f\roker. ~ . ..,.~ 3BR, OWNER. Sll,500 10· d.,.·n. Fr1·t'll Ol1' llc>me_ Sec 1000 Arbor. ,,, t:'~ & ""'k('nf1:1 M8·2G42 orn.,.•ner 213·449-3628 ---------'--------~;;::;;:-eOli!illl .,.. cnnyon Vlt'"':S, l 0 ll . &'8 500 645-3920 12'/28r & 2/lBr, 7-W loso C.~"'O ~,,( _ f)-C ~C:.• Sll!l.500 . recs. r u pn{'(>~ · · -----may ren-alnwf20'tdn. ~~ l.'"U rf). ~ P({..-:;1 \'ol!el Co. Henltors. fALOVEAFF.AIRI Yea~erReaJty 5.56-6171 Thof fntriguing Word Gome with o Chuckle ~ 548.934~---is inevitable ~'hen you ---•~;.." .. , CU.f .. r Ou.t.N an1·· VAC ... ...,. SN' th iii b11ndwf'l"e Bluffs 12 ~EW APTS. ~ "'r-1 •·E'' plan overlooking •• Only ~-4 s le!\. Superdlx C'orncr : 3 Bil .. nC\\'ly re· pnrk "'ith n !'UJ>Cr un· npts 1n cbo1rt H.B. 1(1('. NAO·l(Y 1. €) ~~,:~~\(, IEll(i~ 10 ! I I I I I I SCRAM·LETS Alttwen' ift Cla1siflcotiot1101 O ,;,...... clone. Marint·r5 School . obstrut·l·l'd ''i('\\' of lhc Xlnt tax sbelter. Rltr. 110SN.Coo.,1Hwy.,lu9vrio Ll!e. lo1 f'l!A fVA. $51,000 ~1 Q u n t a in ii . TbJs UP ·~~-----~4=~1_77_ _ -GEM· p:ratled 2350 s<1. (t , 3 Nl-:\\' Dl'PLEXES, Dana 120·F'TustinA''<' .. N.B. tJitrm. !am·r1r>. 21 .. bath Pt, Prom 168,950. :Q931 llfo:Al.TOHS 642-462 i•ilft unit ha~ xlras too P.1 al&Jl& Dr .• -496-3431 "'E OF Tl<E BEST BUYS II" SOUTH LAGU"'A 2 RR "s • 2 UA's, frptc. llr~an \•ir""" 2 c••r ~:ir. L.i1nR11·orthy <lcsiµn , ask· In~ SG2,500. ···-·I ~ VILLAGE FAIR REALTY <49'6753 I l lMI S• C.... H•r. ~, .... _ ----~ null'('rous to mt>ntion. AJ1ent. FA "'TASTIC VIEu.1 Com ~·&sceforyoursclr, - " ..-OP>:N lfOL'SF:Sl'N 1-S H A R B 0 R V IE W u< "40 Vieto Grundc. lo we81i.BJHI 21\ HO~ES Nr"•1>0rt Bea<'h or eall You'll love the pri\•acy o ror appt. __ IMCOMI HOMES thia luxurloui_-4 BR. 2 ~a .SELECT . NE"' TR I PL.'EXES ' horn~ wh'lpac1ous fnrt11ly PROPERT ES. SSS.950 Btautlf'ul J Er. 2 room. forft'lal dlnin11 . I Ba, owner's unit, frplc. ronm & nice patio. pvt yard. 2-2 Bi a;iu, N11turol ·sur~oundin• S01tClemente 107• 2675 Elden A\-e, (Otar plu!I ea!l)i tt'O\ntananee. ••••••••••••••••• • ~tesa Or). Cogta Mesa, OiSl'O''er thi!I Just ll!ited •• ••• i'.itcn\540-1151 • $.hn"·plnce . Only 534.9SO. LEASE/OPTION . R.C. TAYLOR CO. S495. MO. NF.w • unit. 2 blocks tn Reattors /Dt-•elopen 1101 Do,•e St. 'Suite.JOO N~y,·port Rench 1~-- IJ i,11 (It•. \'ll., \1·1~·. Nu . bcot·h. Great buy, Jood 4Rr. :i <'ar J!Gr . Only l:rlt "-'ril(l·orr. lnN)mf $82.950. I.!! 101. StO.OOOdn , $1200 mo. Ptfany xt,..s.· Onr, !114) 675 7414 53G-tS7(1 , .. I '" lnc om• Prop~ 2000 lndu$frlol / Hous•• Unfumb.h~ tto.n Unft1,..Js1Md Hot1M1 Unfurftlsh.cl Komti U•tw...ldwd ••••••••••••••••••••.•• , rt 2100 --···· -·------·---··-- ; OAl.L. V PILOT ' rope y •••••••••••••••••··~··•••••••••••••••,.•••• • -~-e ,...._,.. ~69-part..ubf..ra Apa' , ~ VA DUP,LEX •••••:••••••••••••••••• en•ral 3:02 Co1taMe10 31241....,ln:t 3244 ._:!:':: .... _••-• ••-••••••••••-••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••• ·;;,;;;;:;;;;;i;ii'i~· _ ...... Extre0tely 1harp 3'DR , MOO SQ. 1'"1'. t10.l1.1tl.sl'. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••ot• ••••••••• •••••••••·•-•••••••••!I RR 2li~ 2 Wk.I to Bcb a. a...ct. 37.40 8r&a.d Nt!,..•-Cloee lo 2BA and 2BR 1BA ~au-Ph , 4 Ufl'P l>""'t-Nr 0C _ \l ' ' ' .1-...1 l704 tv . llf'a . '.hajj: c t• al 111011 , R ii? ht RI L v I BB ho'ue:~ SI~ 1969 CONDO Z br. ~ bf;. P• a, l l!H . 2~~ ba . Lar;rt bootllt Pools/T.ennia. s:n3" ll"Oor lalMo 1--••••••••••~••••••••• Schoots. 3 HR. Z._., BA, l.h. . \YI' A lrp ' 979-8.Sla ' ,., oon$ c'o .1 ., pool, udll~. nf . ¥.'t•1H<·ll! rno . Nr. C"omlr'unity pool. Lse Opuon. 644-al6?. ··--••••••----·· LOW WHICLY rtbl P"Jltt, bll·lnll, frltk'. r u 0 ~ r -----.•·ar a; 111 e5a shop'(!. SZ7.5. 1142-5~ S400.!l.52-0S79 • ... --. --nR sac-Yrl S275 Call Flf!U Lohmae, Btr eondl1\on1n1l.VAap.Llf 1 2200 548-9303. d!l5'1-4ll&4cvc---------Cl .io,AN38R.2Da.t'Ofl'm .p Y llATlS &'D20l4I prai11:1I in proresii o i or tot' -----y .• -.---.._: TUHTl.EROCJ(3br,2~. rovt. f.a~lit\M. Chiktren .J 8.B .• v.;.-f ·bR~.e's.iles ~·"°'°'C"-""·------ S4.5,9SO, • ••••••••••••••••••••••• LANDLORDS' ~2ZS ~10 . _n i1~t 2 br, ran• rn, & AtTiun'. $415. n.k. Aw.-iil Jan J, ~, ~-<!f!?_son. ~Ir. ~-Z89tl l:t7 YotldolW9~ OAlaJDGEYllilA NEWPORT HEIGHTS , • . • vr 111ar .. patio. no pet:s. per n•o . 64'4·32"4U o r pt1no-.m -;1111 _p, · • ...._ J'07 hBI d v~··-3Br ?Ba bll.nl chlldren J I IQ II 11tlbv630R-2.Roon1fur \\e S111.•cia.lt1.e in F.astside,. 6•1S--Jft.oc M2·179a. -·-----, --" !.\,etK" w .at ...-........ on • · · · UD ~ -'ZiJ uiiits SlSOOOO A~enl Nt~·po·rt. Beurh • Cl;)rona 639-4538 ------3 & 4 BR .. ~~arly. ~ear -•••••••••-•••••• . 5li::IR1 I --W'f'·l-teme! Sf?~. SS& Plac• &16-3255 · ' · r1el Mor • & L111tuni.. Our ------·---~I O \' F. I N 8 '' beach. S365T~. 'EANl'.HONT4 Br. SJ11.5 • STUDI~ & I aa~ Cttster-. Prap...tl.. --· ------RtntliJ Ser\'ll't! Ii 1-~REE BR . rpt . no pets or CH-RIS11A1AS. (":.ywoodH~all." S.18-1290 ulilincl."·interreulaJ. •Fullkiteh.en lllVACY + 2 !r. ! Ba, 7s2-1t20 l'HOtitOTOllY na:--Lot. to You! Tty Nu•Vle\\'! sin,: IN. See 1"1.1{ r . Apt. A. t !';tor~· 48R. !Wuuliful -----, --Call 613-4124. •!teated pool l!•r, patio & yard. ms. UOOQUA1~''·NIWl'Otl ''"'" fint's t lot'. \\'ill Sl"il MU .. VIEWREWT•LS 980\\1.17th St .. ('J\·T l.andsC'aped.TUrtl~Rock6l't:ST 1:10\JSE.bn~h·--;:;;-: b . II •Lau.ndryt~cililics Noprts.846--4414 -~----11·/limull do~·n payfl'ent 6 7 3·4030or494-3248 ________ , VtewHom e.2~Ua.nH . 11_vt, ent~~nr~. a ·LAA: .... "-Z r, purtta Y •f"rceutillties TRIPLEX or tradl' for house or --------·---I~~P.1AC 3 Br. 2 Da. Mtt~ Pool, l'p~radt!d. l\'r UCI-, ~urn. A\all. &10-6897 Cum d., iar. fn:'lc. s::rs: . Free linens * • •GAIDEtfAP'TS • , R 2 Lat. 213-218-991i6 FJl F.F. ., .. REE \ erde. ~pill. drl) r;, bltns. l 'HS. Elem School. Uu.s ,ifl . GPfif "'0· Lewsc Feq d. Cu.IL • T\' & n•aid sen'. avail. •••POOL ASSUMABLE VA f .flAN. ------•Profeij!l\(U'ull Servi«'• . frpl, patio. No l'W'f$, $l.1S. I Inc 833~1354 . L1nd:i 93!;-ttHJ • Bur.R.Qu• Uafurn. :! Br' •Pl in lami-Covered privoteputios. LOTS · mo.546-9205 "' ·---2.BH.1 1 ~na.rencedyar<1.-.---, .. o~·nt•r' ~ un11 -v.•ith • • *LANDLORDS • ~-~-------.--PRt?riE Green be-It close to all schools ~&OCP:~NPRONT4Bl".SJBS •Phooc:;er\'Jce lysect'°n.Crpll&$J:&, firQPla<"t> All tv.o BDR!'ll '\&I .6.. .._,.,.IC.ft .,.0.,..•f~• BR, 2b<1 . ful\v '"'Pl d. -i-T""•nh,t' .. nev.'. ? br, 2 ba.I shop·~. 548 -68."i8 utll 1ncl. wlnterttalal. ..:_1:_ rrilt' to ocean No pttlli. S4.!-36U unit.;. -Xlnt l\'o . Cost ~~D..L50J#' 642-9900 F'n<'.d Bwrk Yd. CorLot. Terr·1ct>-C::irdiff !'llctl .. -----Callfl73-..T.?4. Bt'.AU'r I Br furn . .a-· PTS Unfu-'-· ......... 2 11r· •t · I '"'"' Y.'epavTopDollar!orre· Clo!';f' to Schf1;. ~'6 . · 3 .,.,..., J BR. I ~ BA. Nl"''POrt --------.,..... ,.,UlUl.,.. " e:=;a OC'. $54.......... l'i<lt'ntial lots-lo"-er In-California's 1.Dr~t'St 548,3750, -~!· r!c. '.}!_ -4~~-~hores walk to belt. Call BALBOA I..,. Sl6S & SI75 Spanish style 5195. UUI pd. pool, lndry l'Orflt't1reupre(errf'd •RentalSer\·ice!• --------NF\\' Dt~ERFIJ<:Lll f\45-9108 aflPripmon t Br ap1s , f'qulppcd bu1ldini:. pvt. l'nclo.scd faeit.rpts,drps.dshwb.r, l!'IQuall ~ R.C,,TAYLOR -,.~NToN~cONoo 11n; 31RR1".!815\A , lg. nS~f~CTm. H~n'l'. 3 br .. 2• .. bu. wl't· \1kdu~s. k1~l·ttens . l 'n.lquf' 1n1· ~ur .• -~t·-~·1'730·au1n~.~i~-~.·.· elosed •ar. Nopcl. -Plac-· w · BR rp ·"""" · ,.,.., · ti f le •·· blk to pool --------\V1ntf'r rate:o1 by v.·k o ur~ · uu ""' n.a:~ 1.:1 Hacienda U<1rbor APlS -C OMPAHY Windel?'er~ "!· ~ · PROPF.HTIES ~ ~-~ &u',·:'11.~~zi .· Nr . .:-1ttop'g. ,\.'llAR f\OR VIE\V f!0!'.1 f·~. 010, 675_!'1·l0 ·Lane: 1 blk \\l~t of Beach 839-7of76,. __ _ Prap..-ll•• ' 11'.-ba. 8lt1n:'I, d1shv.shr. -----. . Portoflno 4 hr 3 ba . Nr ~--------offSt'".iter.8'12-7&\H -----·-. 752•1920 Re-altor1/Dt•rlop.rs p:itio, dbl i:ar. pool. S:?853BR ."2 Ba,fa1l'r1n.s.tonl' -~hb;.:._5~_1:_-2727 prlrk~&s~hl .t~mpool. -:------EXTHA lri; 2 Br. 2 Sa. "'°° ou•1i11. 'owftOllt 11..cM I IOI Dove St Suite 190 n'o. Call .536--<1::£? C\"l'S & frplc, quit•t & ('Onrven1ent. 5 6 0 0 / ~ 0 1 n r 1 u.d", Cosha fri.tn.a ln4 ADULT GAltDEH •f'f Crpts. drps. bltns. no _G_R_E_ •T-1:,-VEST"E ... ,.. _!'_!\\port Ht'~~h ~CH_60_ \\ k~.!:_ _____ 2459 NfrSt'. S28:i . 1!105) VJE MAYE ltfttlf ALS )l'ardent-r.: 1\44-7866 or ••-•••••••-••-•••••' t Bil' fun:1. Sl4S/n>0. l!ool pc-ts . 830 Center St. ,.. "" ,.. ""' 967 -1021 '" S40·S<ll.5. C 'd Oro Nr . Lake Park. 103512th 646-11111 30units A11211r,1 ~,sa. BIGCAl'IYOt>I ALA :RENTALS -----------/!.s w~nas afint"St--ieC'tion QSQ e st. 536.7447 aft 5 &---- frplc 12 yr!I nld, I o~· 1.arl!,C 1?01( rourse lot on HACK Bay 4, Rr. 3 Ba_. 2 ur l\puutiful homes FOR ON Tl-IE V.'l\1'fll.' lgr· 2 ALI,. U'T'rLITIES P'AID wknds. Eastslde lqieo 28r, vac:inC'y .\\'ill~clloncon· 8th Fa1r"'·ay ~·ith wtwtew.iUl"'HrvlCI , s lorv deluxl'. 3 M !\11ra S1\l.P'.!l.etus&:ilvl':-'Our stv. 4 bedrrT'. :Iba. Compwrcbt•fQN.'youren.t ----.--\\'IW,bllns,rtfriJ,pool, tract Print•iplr·s only, ~au tiful\'it'"'' Lorria.S475.n10. Flealtor. bou:.in g n<•cd s , "'e're "'a~tC'r~uitew/fplc .pool .Custon1 desiAnetl -Fl1HN .. Bachelor. [rpl('. S17!l. Adults, no pet.5 . S-t40,000 fi44 -0146 f iC~ :"'5 115 642_~~----·--berl'lo servcy:uu' &-IC'nni.s' Priv, ~495 . l"eaturing: _ d6h...,·hr.jacuzz1.(·3rport. 642·9520. Sparlln83a3R ... ~~11 Estate C-om-;,-.;c-i;. Lot-;-• l•U ou!ts. 4 BR. t•r: ba, rrpts. bltins, f'>45 -08.'.16 •Spacious lcitrhen wilb in· ~· bl ... k 6fr7~n; beal'h. st65. - --------- ~ 0 1 ·• ·1 J ..._. -, •. ----.-----direct li(!'.htlng. ~:._ _·:,;JQ···----BEAC ... llLVD. NIW~IT & U Y,C.M. Ut·UU r,as s1 .. e. 11va1 · '8n. ~u . NF.:\\ PORT Shot"f'S. rent "5t'puratedin'l( area ·- BLOCK To B<ACM S265 Tl'onthly. M8 ~680. or ll'ase. 4 br .. 2000 sq. ft. •llom•·l•'k• "lo••"c L-• leach o:-Pri1T'eC -4cornerlot .... ·ith · ----------. .... & -,-·· 135 ft . Fronta.ce. on\\' 1 ~ HF:~\CH ha!.'h~ Si IS/SISO 2 BR . n r hus & sh..-~ping. _ .... ~ S.1~.:.:>18=~~---•l'ri\•ate patios •••••••••••·•••••••••••• l\"t>\\', cleluxe 4-plex. 217 2'lnd ~t llunf, P.e:irh. 5125 .000 fu ll pri 1·t'. R.li--3957 3741 mile south of S::-in Dlej!o Ilcl!ghtful -uulpd frple. drps. partial~ San Cl e.nte 3276 •Closed ~aragc~·/slorage APT .• 1 BR . View , gar. fr" v I N PROVEN COZY 1 Rr dp\,. Sl65 furn.962-6435or6t5-fll.23 · eft'I .. r.1ar blt•pullrran Suils !il!L work'g. person ~ \RF\ F. t m & Sti'/ref.h:isj!ar:iJ!e,nov.· --------·---••••••••••••-••••••••• •Kinl!sizcBdrm.s o\·er '3Cl. S200 ulil. pd. ;)ric;;, for ~t~i.;k s~~t'.s , PAINT we I br dplx Sl.'.10 EAS1'SI Of-~ 2 br. w/j.!ar. NJ<:\\r CONDO. 3 hr. 2~~ •Pool ..:.. Burheques -sur· .494-l!M.I rtMECREEk O\F.o\N Vil-'\\'. f'\:(>\l.'JXlrt •COSTAMESA "·1 uti!Sl45.Pt•tok 256 Santa· Js11b•?I. S250 ba . ~e~a.nvi_e w /Dana roundcdw /plllllhlndticpg -_.-:--~-LIVESUP Rl'ach 2 houses·· R' SF.F no~·! 2 BrhseS175 mo. ·642 -:-26.39 or l.lovds B:inkHldJ,!. llbr.·SC p1e r.i car 1Zar., A.dulls -Nopets EffiCIENCY apt rrom TO ITS NAME lot 1\'!'Y.' paint. drp'd. GrC'a \ frontage on bu.sy l\'uC&D .c;.it&child.~ar S.16-7945 l'ni\'t'·r~it~Park .lrv1ne dt•ck. pvt. putios. pool. lRDRP.fFum.~lS. $171 IT'O. S60. Y•k . l:ftd. t•pt'tl F in:1nl'ing avail strel'I next to shoppinl! l'l\"IQUE 2 br hse 5225 ----------.(!.Olf. S300. 540-4083 or 2 RDRMJo,um~S. ·pool. mail. phone, lttun·OvttSOOlal.ltree&andlD Sl35.000.213·G96·5880 c enl!'r . Good Ni<"e,·ard.doublej!ar:t j!e'l'WOJiOMES,4B:Jl,2 Ba , Days 552_:__70~0_E ¥et 496_0969 ; 3f\!>WY/il 642:1971 d r~'. VILLAGE INN. streamsw1tb .waterf~ ------"''--I nl'il!hb;lhrhoO<I. 3300 Sq. ON ba~·. nu decor 2 Br ·2 B f"rplc.s. en<"l.d yard, -----_. ___ . _.!°" -494_94.JG rreate a rcla~1ng1N!Wnc: FOURPLEX Pt. ror er. Submit your Slip avail. frpl S400yrly ?.1esa Verde area. · REt>ITALS t-touws fltn!Khed Or NICI': L Br <fplx. Quil'l. - --for your SJMW!IOUS new il- Comer lol : i:,reat rental terms.Owneraru:ious. fi'A!'l11L\'4-l>lex.3br5225 3BR.11,..Ba.en<"lcJ yard., ~. . 1 ••. ' , hod 3300 S•P -b,· J,!arages .Newportleocla 3769 or2-bedroo.m apa.rtment. R C TAYLOR Co d 8 I l •n1vl'rs1tv >·1r Unfurms · · F $190 f' " <trea' Clos<' to f\\•ys .. all • , • Bltns ldrv nu decor E:ists1 e 54 -44' I . · · • ~ EIT'plov<'d adult over 35 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rom . u rn •• ure :imenitif's. SR7,500 Reoltors/De.,...1--llOP-1 Ev ·.,·Br. 2 R;1 S315 -----.-----, 4 BH · 21;" Bu'· · • · · 5 ••••• •••••••••••••••••• No pet.S. 543-10'21 · DYNA!rl IC lr ocen.n!ront avai lable. Orfic.e opeo ~·., bltns.P /\V .kids&pet El":aro . 3232 1h_cTl"rrarl' r. • -----3br 2ba. ·rfv.$400.,..o .. 9 :~0 _to 6 :00, ZSDO IIOIDo\·eSt.Suitet90 FRU1Ttrees38r.&F.R.••••••••••••••••••••-· ZBR..;Ha •.. S3.501:l7.1 1-'orber Y1e-........ ~IY'es da~ fi46~7ioa. oi.11ht Fa1rv1ew Rd,, _Costa !'~~':!._~raeh 752·M6CI S325. Kids & pct, s1ngl<'S NE\\' 3 Br. 2 Ra rond@. 38R. ~Ha· · · S395t425 :I bcr1roorr~. 2 h;1ths • 673:2586 !'1.fna. PhoneMS-230D. BUILD,\BLE· I.OJ' in RIG ones 4 Br. 1''.R .• 2 Pool , A.IC. drp.s. lsr.e De~neHome~ farrily roon' atS43Sfrro, tffrFurn SJ6.'>------------. ======; Arch Beach 1-leighls. 'aa. ;111 xtras.2 FPs.2car patio. Att. 2 car garati:ec JBR. 2r_Bu · ·-· : · 5450 or :i berlroorrs • vit•\\· &· Lots of blt~s. ~· wal.k I.AS HRISASAPTS * 2 BR , t Ba ~rs• Verde T\\'0-5 ·1 apt blrl . La f!una Beach. DIAL J'ilanytorhoost'fl'Oll' S29S.831 -0109 '>BR \\F;.i\nu~Squarc fu r ni s hed ;.ii SS25IJT>o, to s h opp1 n j!. ""' m1 . 5Sl5'Ri\·.:;rAve 642-2551 Si75. Adlt5. no pets. der t·o~s~~:LC'l1on fnr~a~~-R EAi.TY. 493-1153 All sizes & price:; ------" ' ;rr I ~' k' 5::!75 Jo.\'('l! Fdlund 642-11235. bcucb. 931 W. 19thSt. 11:1f'vator bldg oo beoyh. C~'2"~f'~:_:L_!!~-8974 _ Clos(' to major shop1>in~ ------------Al• Rentols 642-838_! • l 3 OR . 2 ~~~ c. ~ .. 5435 cc·~sl • 548-0492 1&2 BR. Pvt balt~l~. ~ BR APT. Kick OK. No c·enter. l ~I ~·r v.-ritt'·Olf •NC ... O CARRILLO -----:-----;--~-Het1ngtonleocf\ 3240 , Grl"entrecJ-lolT'es PtoCatu1ot1YttScriltt' ,htd ~oo l . Sec-u1 1t~. pets.Sl75/MO. Sl4ft.T . Call 536·2570 or LOT B~. 2 Ba_. s_18.5 .. N:;,\rr •••••••••••••••• ........ 5 BR. 3 B!l .• , . , • S490 4 l){'rlroo1_rs. 41.:. h:11h_s ~ -------_A~1_1~t~-120 Albert. CM S46-S996 592-5010. 2.75 :tC'res Sl9.000646·S751 Beach. v;.ie:int. ~ r 3 BR , 2 B~. fr1>lc, lr!i! 2 BR, 1 ,~ Ba, .... 5.'JOO !>l!udy. F1nP st l0t'at1nn. Fl,RN. apts. l)!e I BrSl..65. 52'9.95 \\'f\ UP 1 Bdr. 2 Ra ----------.--- -----; ----TrP('S. \\'ater avail. ~?J1~e Sl60. 2Cij\ab~~csf. yard. bit-ins. 5296/roo. CAU 552·7500 f 1>rn ';tnfurn. Appt. Pnl~. LdC'a I' for bachelors . " Bach. Color TV. rt'oid NICE 2 BR . upst.llu'fi. 1 FOR SALE New LuKul')·-----------1 s. l>C'ts .. r. 1 t> 0 Barbara.963-6'7:t•, 1 lion Sht-rrr ~n &t2-8'!35. o\dlts 1993 Church se I Til.E ~1f~SA OOb" '°"'C'\('OIT'l', no pcl5. \\'att'rfronl triplex "'"' ONE OF• Klt>ID beach l-f_unt1ngton BeaC'h -------·-'---J rC!ll 54s.OOJ:i I'\'. poo · , rt Bivd 5175·. TT'u.968-1155 ,.it'w of Ne\\'f'IOr1 J-lrbr. J l'nobs truc ted Oce_an Sl85. S1nJ!les ok. Agt. 3 BR . rottai:l': l~i>. ~ant. •VISION• l r•Plv 3 h<'tN'"' . -· -:.:::..:is1 Ne~po ---------- bdrrr·s. 2 b;iths. 2 unAts \'ie\1· Frnt Lot . 76' wide Fcl', 776-7330 nr. shops. S2SO P.f.'r mai I~ ., '.i u 1 i f u I I v l BR . Furn. 2 lrit closets.------------1TRACTJV·E I BR.aha,: ~·ith <lL-n /librarY &: dbl in L:1J?:una Shores .81b--l-I d 1206 Nofee."~i:!.6'1.S--~roo:__ REALTY land~c:iped -!tu nken Queen size bed, priv.Sr7S.IBR .lblktobcoich. C"rpt s. b ltns. dr,p r;. fircp!arcs. Sep. laundry sg5,000 a oa son • p:ot io·firt"pit-irrrrC'di;.ite dre!:!~ing rm. extra lrit. Parkin!!. 6 rronth lea!le. adults/no Pt'lS-Sl40.1971 f;1c 's .. bllns & trash corr-J27·488R 499-3695 • •• •• • • •• •• ••••••• ••••• HUGE POCll. p~i; s~s.t i 0 11 . S4 50 1 n· I\, roo fl' s, en c l. ~a r ''"I 213~96-6880 '.''all ace. 646-0l76. pactor. 60' pier & slip. -----------2 RR . House. New <"pt'nJ'?. 4 Bt'droom .1~~ batth. xlnt Al~t~~.1t'~r~~~~~iv 1 ,-n~e ~i1thrll 1>*4·6..?00. stora~e. Adults only. no -.----------------------Askin.e S\80.()()(). ft.l ake or-ountain, Destri, Clo~e to Bcarh. S275 location. inclds c~~·' IC:!OI pets. · STEPSTOOCl':Al\' 170 ft.10 , 2 br. Iba. r-pts. fC'r. Call: Pairs. Bell at Rt"sort 2400 Yearl.v. Call Cathy at cfrps; lots nr cl.i ?t"~tnt Ir vin~ BeC"con Bov 2035 Fullerton, C.l\f. 3 ~drrr , :! Ba. !335. rr>0 ~~~.: ~;n!p~~~lilii~:: 1133-9182. •••••••••••••••••••••• 675-3331 around pool. 'fa<r a.nt. ------_ 3 1 1 f· .1 -----------W1nlerle•se.m-ao.18 M .. , 5 -c 1 1 --~----, ----------542.5. Pt"I' mo .. !\sk for , . 1e1roolT' ,irrl .\ rOfllT' LGEFUtl~YFURN2BR . -----------_!IP -.... -1..., oupc-no VA ASSUMABLE 4·PLEX l'E .. l\l'fJFLTL 3 b_r. BAY \7IF\VDuplex.4br. Kt'ith,962-4471. , TtJR'l!l~ERorkZBr.2 ~,1..ri1111n~ ;1 rl'~ horrt•,. ~-BltTis. w /w. tJrps . pool.\\'ATt:RFRONT 38R . pct~---------- 1\l:iTr'Oth. ~lounta1n ba. hltns. cpts, ~<ir:i,ee . ---------d~n_.din,r.,..._r~.1.3 miL.u 1·11r 1!:1r ;i,~t> Pr11ate adlts no pc-ts. SIOO. frpl. s undel•k. rr~.hoa1-:-- choh•t. AdJ to J!Ondola & Steps to bav. 213-117-7688 f:XTRA sharp. vi to :ant. I blv1ne lndu~tr•al. C~!~, hearhes No pt.•ls 1\1 ad 542.9520. dock. Yearly or Winter. •".'. I l-2 BR,-Sl&O.-Sl.85. lifti;.S-15.000.&12-76.10. ----·-----BR. i w, ba, 2 cur ~ar. dorp § l'i"lo or l st '111175 Sll50 n•o Dona --------Ph :675·6169ori74--43M Aclj . lo shop,:. pool._no --------*'**+* Patio &famrfl'.!425.~r l7b1J833-IS57.Nopl!IS Chi<"hi'-'>lt:r 6428235 'l'DOO ;1pts. Decorator --------:---->-pets . 1887 Monrovia. Only 5 years old v.ith lo~· -.LAKE ARROWHEAD CHOICE TPO. 962-4471 ilS k to ,.,-K-F-Tf~ R:\cEt-;--. -Pk tC l2l furn Water & p~ 1xl. t'TtllTIES pa1d. lbr. 5140 _&1~-~~-------7r; I03n O\\·ner \\tll \\'atl.;SOOfl.tothelake Kf'ith , .,· · ruv _ l ~ltiO.ncrTT'o.G46-5JJO nionth .Callt'arl~·rriom- 1 • carry 2nll TD 11nd con· frorr this idclillv IOC'ated SOUT ... I.A YFROtrr'T __ .:...-----·-_ NC\\' _b r. _2ba frplc. rstm --L - -------infl!I l)T" M 'f"S . 6'73-?I5J £Ll XE 2 &c 3 BR . f'rplc. i;i der cxrhilnge. lligh l o t nl'ilr ex£1uslve 3 BR .2 BALo"·erDuplex V.l\CANT,lstory (.'ttl'ltiJ?e del".Zpat10s,&»-634.~-5 lBr rl."dt'C t't1lpd.--------:----' 2Ba.adults .S2Z>.&$315. !'pt'ndable. Humilt:.r. Will sell or Furnorl'nfurn Condo.?BR.newcpts-& ---Pool AdtoJts 'SorTy , noPAN?RAP.1 1C Vie .. · of n~r Hbr & Bsker . 1 trade.forOran1teCounty CLARK SOMMERS paint. 2 Car t:·n<"ld l 1 1leocb 324 pets 'lookYoull T.1kt' Ne\\port Bay'. Balboa 5.,7-'!!~---·---J .Quail ~ prop. or trust fleed!>l. Call Realtors. 675~4000 f!ilral!C, xlnt con~. S?'l'S. ·-···~··•••••~ .. ·•••h Candantinitlft'S it '' nay Club luxunous Curn. Pcrrtr...-Plam nov.·. R.C. TAYLOR Co. ptor rrio. 962·44'11 unk fo ,EASE : ln Aten Bene 1800"a11ace 645--0805 3 Br 3 Ba. terr.a~e pen. Pro --.&.1.. 752·0~f\{I __ _!_~:! ~--·Keith. Hc~g~ts. :!BB . zi,.. ~u. Unfurnished 3425 ---: ---. ----thouse apt Avn_1l. i;ub-Surraundinas Pm--~20 -~--·--·--Balboa Peninsula 3207 ----·-·-butlt1ns . Wall to ... au •••••••••••••••••••••••BACHELOR apt utu ~· lt>a:.e thru April 1976. Of.Ll'XF 1. 2"3Br Apts .. 1.00 QUAil it. MIWl'OI: 11ACH Ranchc-s FonrtS ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND ne"'·· delu:te Con-cptn'G-2 Decks. Fn(''d Hl'NTINGTON Ba.v No. 2. crpt!! drps P\'l patio $1650. IT'O BBC ll.1efl'· Pvt Pa!i05 -11td Pool • ---------G ' ' 2700 ~F.\I! DI ll & Apt rto. 3 Bedroom. sauna. yd S3 5 O per mo . ad ult liv in,::. 2 br. !itov~. _laund. "' s hopptn(!., S124 bet:sh1p necl.'ssary Con-Nr Shop'J! _Adib Only T-R IP LEX ro•rs · h; 2,._ ~a 3~~e FJcc k.lt poo I. Cu storr ~hag 497..-2121. refr1~. ~·a.sher &dryer. 85_! ~· _l!t!!_ St, 642-3453 _ tac1 833-8880, ext 1se ~arthrioue A.Ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' · · · · · carpets. &· drapot!ries. W/W t ' S2SO mo on ..,.lcda~s ,.. ... $54 950 ."Ol1r-iD tnl'omc-pot~ntial 2 r~ ~ar. "-'· Hay A\'e. Vcrv desirable oret. ?¥.-,St75 LGE t Br. garage, lsc. PC:%1 ~ clubho~e .1 BR $135 '"irt11. no pets, ---·-- -------1777Santa Anoi\we.'Cfl.f Prime Cost ~ ft.lcsa nrf'fl \\'ith .t:ix s_av 1n j!S _67}_~~~:__ ____ .:__ Car ira r a~e. 2 v.,w:.-~d.srnpetok .No.~nd. Opc>nl-3.968-2290. ad _ults 5 48 3176 or sanes...... 17~6 ~1~!'._A_P.!_1!3 ___ 646-~ .-. . ben()f1ts. Citrus & CaronadrlMor 3222 private enclosed patios. S18Sl'TTLpdsem1furn1 ----------548-~~.:____ ••••••••••••••••••••-• .._ "d •--".1t,h C'Overed patio )or nvoca1lo ~rO\'l'S rangin.I.! 846-5437 aft6 PM . +den. patio, So. LaJ?. l\t TSSTON VieJo bra nd SJQ ~~K & UP 11;asttl r •-..-'91" C'u(h 2 bedroom .unft. in sl7.e rrorri JO to 250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 S220/S250 S . I '> B new 2br. ll.~ bo, ~tio, . .,..t:;-.; 2 RR wnrte"'•eter view & \\'tv.· cpl drps. bit ins. r~1 repl11rt' 1n ~\\Tl<'r s un-aC'rt':'i. Qualified farminJt 2 RR. SIT': dC'n. 2 ha .. bltn. l,IJ loI:{flliW•li ~ . iolpls e\era -ate. attch J!llr. pool, •16.IO Ni!>!ht "l'p pool 5225 plus deposit. "'·a lk In rloset. f!.81'. ~cl IL Start youi lnlf'Stfl'ent eofl'panif's presently do· kit .. d 1sh\\·shr,: .frpl. 962·4471(r.::5°546·f S2.50 Charming l Br frpl 11'0, 494 -860CI _ •Studto & I BH Apts Call ~~48___! _ -_ patio $225 mo. 145 Lis• prof!,ramt\O"'· in' the <rove care. Call cpt s. drp s: patio &-·· --· hsi' ----------•TV&Mai~Sez:vAi.•a1 I .. __._ ..... Utif•,._ La . .C~T .645---&i!l8 7 33 322 ''3~o •Phone Serv1('e-Htd Y-"" ------------1 IQ II ~ r 1418 -l jl:1ra e. · · . -. -S26S 2 Br 2 Ba oct'an vu pool ••••••••·•-••••••--60 1110 2 8 d UG A:-_.01,-----3-0-00 _512.!JHC!lfD __ fi7S-57_ 3BR_. 1rg. eov'd pat io tn l'hilcl.asn'ail!)l'l. Towrthousc / Se ·.·to~· .... 7· 83 s'h·o"'li:~r ri>D· ',.· Plac• IC'm prime are ·1 D•ays ,0 A 3525 •Children&Pet ct1on ·' ~ Pro rti , •••••••••••••••••••••••28R.2BA .frpl.J!.ir.clost l47-3584 (A t'• E:\'~'5aft !\of.AN \ Tll ERSAV IL Unfunt •SS.offweeksn:'nt~·la d lalltoolsland 3806 645-4512 P~2 _19~• · Hous•s Furnished to b('h. furn . a\'1:111. S320. S: 968 _8927 l~\\~t'r l.. ~U-VlEW RBrlf ALS ••••••··~ •••••••••••••• 23761\:c"·port Blvd, C!\-1 ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ------ -------'~""'QIJAllit.MIWl'Otl 11AC1>1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IT'0.673 -3315 ------------673-4030or494-3248 Hll NTl:'llC.TON Rea<"h . S48 ·9755or645-3967 LARCF. 2 Hr d<"n . 2 ba. l\.TF.SA DFL~TAftAPTS -G I 3102 -------3 Br. 21 -Ba. S225. 998 El -----enrra ----• --CONDO 2 br. l·I arbor • 1'1<' 2 Br 2 Bil. cnrl f!ar. ---------frpl Y."ork•nl? J!lrll>. 1171,.. TRIPLEX ••••••••••••••••••••••• SSO. OFF I ST ... 0 . II eig ht s S225 mo Blue LaCJOon Villas pool. sauna & Jacuz7.1. El. Puff'fo Mesa Diafl'ond. 675_3288 CaTT'ino.:.~"..:.&_!5_1 ___ _ WIDEOCEAt>IVIEWS 2Hr.l Aa .frpl<".l!'araje. ?13-869-S9:r7 2&3 Rr Jux condos, Club f-l s c nr a ll ' I &21.:DROOMS -----------BDRi\'1nlr1plex,sep.by MESA VERDE · S295 .673-2925:675-2024 ------------Of't'anrront COIT'm un1ty M46-7308 . . '" BA[.BOA ISLAND. larj!c PR'D'•0 ,. Ovcrlook1nlo! the sea & ----------BRAND Ne~· 3 br.21oa. lj.!.. (S wimm in~ PQOI, t(nni.s --------·---No children. no~ls 1 BR Apt. S200. mo. :Ask ~~_.-, .. "':i sph~r . drNyer · ll ~hls or LaJ!Un:i Bearh. Ncv.•lv cl<"coratt'd. l AR frplc , cus t. decor'd • Lob court .) Seasorial & 1·rly 2AR . N B 21.i..ba. wet bar. Pool& Rtor.reabon• for Stevrl 213--434-2623 nuu -Up. nva('y. cw O\VNERSlllP Estate !lvinl!' .. Garden~. Ihn. ·pvl p11tio, quiet loc of ~·oodr. wnllpaper·. D"i.r· lt":is<'s. S425 mo up. Call frplc 2 e_a r uar laund _ _!:~_M~e._l~A\·e .. C.~_.!.__ -----.----shag. Calhedrul C'.ln{!s. pool & JH~·uzz1. Close to ooo•~ Atat·ia. S225 l'r< ror S350 mo. 1nc·J. yd. Nt>;tl\'anrll'rZicl. f:i r partial Ol'ean vu. PIO 1 \AGE f 1 8olboa~en1nsula 3807 S200. n·o. !>t.8-llS8 or • 1 \JNT1" -:i hdrm hearh .~~r~t·2Bdrm~.2 Open Sa l /S11n . t -~ IT':iint .. \\'lr, tr.as h. TF.011 V.o\NDLlNGCO. -~w.~~_!22.'i --11'1" P~tio •• asr~n.~yQur~~t ······················· 55.!=~~---·---\l"/frptr.prh-:ilt'P:Jtios &· b11 th .. d1n1n~r(J!)rn .H1 ~h 5"8-4957. Sharp~ ~1u s t Se-e ! 171•1l499-2050or83J..5440 ~-1 · t 2234 A<X'E'ANFROJ\"TYearlv 1 BR 2 Il'A ~ drps garal!,eS \\"il l :'IC'.11 or {'X· lr'(' 11.1 nh!! :'I. D.~'.~t ..... ·.·,' c·--.-0-.. :-·,--:;-I--,, ---:· 962-0458 e\'t'S. -LEISE -, •• ·--, l'-A s-,--: DuptexM Urtfwn 3600 Ru~,.~'rs "Dr pe nn-. Enj?lt'nook: \\'f'lb~r. bllns", t'hilfl. o~PJ~t OK.: ehan~c urni~ In.It!! · "' .. · 0 . ''.' ."r. · ar · -----------' : > • pat ••••••••••••••·••••••••• ..!:---------balrony, cpts. drps. &\'ai lJ:u1.1 .SS'l ~"ll80 ~latu~C' adults. \\tnter nf'v.er, ~pill 1\tlCI t BR NEAR bearh. 5br. 2h.:1 . Apt Furn or Unfurn. Dl'PLEX So. of h·\\'V, NIC!'." I&" Br trailers for hi! rt. G7S-l5.;16 -----· ----- • 10 UN IT -xi nl rental !i~ason qr month. M50 to plus flini,nc. 1'00IT' hoTr'; faw rm. coTPpl fent'cd. ~undet"X , pool,?,:?:irsp~. nf')(l 10 ... rhool. Cdi' 'renl Laundry racil. --~~!!"~0 · -4SEASO!\'SAPTS are;1 \\'ill sell or C'X· Sf;(X) rri.onthly. Cowplcte-1\ LP IN t, AT ft.1 0 S no p~t!>l. S395 per tT"O .. 2•1 ~~ N-~ard. 31·123 S. JBH 2 ba Ne"'' Xlnt ll\'llil. 6;12_1:,•f.S Pf:NTNSl'LJ\ na;.-vil'~·1 2 stor~-. 2 Br. 1"· Ba. prt (·h:1n,I!'(• ly rurn1.~h~rl..:. 49"1-465.1_. _ Pl-IJ<:R E-hrll\'Y bc~Tr'~ _!!i-~~ -----_ _ Pacl[1c (o;.ist H,~·y LB nbrh(I. Tll o triooi· Jsr Ref ----:--upt. 2br. pvt pulio. s:m pntio, J)()Ol. nu pt!ts. ~185. l te Huqhts Reoltor \'Ar A NT 2 Rr mobile ha rcl v.·.o _o ll, fl 70 r 1 n .!'!.CONDO 4 hr, !1245. mo.. I apt 7!•! 5650 per ryio Call 6 9 ill -7 ,12 2 A rt 6 . Dana P'0tnt 3726 ..!".!>1'."..!.l-'..:. ~5~c!~ _ _!~_:!onnn . 6'16-'IJ50 833-1355 499-1731 1 . B C.ARDio l'\ \IF\\,g~ra,: B kh 1 ;\d 490-lotl3forr1ebils:. IH.\---4~2.1 •••••••••••••••••-•••• ------------Sl·l5.Costa l'i"e.sa.l r. pluspn rkin .c.~mon nr .. roo urs-, arl"'s.---------____ .:__ ____ .___ . . Capittranoleactt3818 _AR GE aRr . 2 ba. Pr'.m• u•w--' •••o bike to beach SI25. Hunt-thl" R•"ltoc , .... ,~3 /\.\':111. nov.'. Sho"A'tl after-t~on lease ncv.' builders rd\! 3 RR 3 .......... 1h of RR . 1 Ba. pnv patio, cpl ldrnc:. bltins. !190 rro. "" ,.._' . . \\" lk ~-._... ' ...., .,.. . & h pt """I L I 2000,, ' ' 0 "' '"" C I $195 •••••••••••••-••••••-"" SPECTACULAR 1n1tlon Bt>aeh a 10 -·-----------noons l'\'l'!". ~· ap . 11'<-uo: arge over hv.\• ni rr p.:it•o l'rpts &· omp ete . n10 . 7!17Shahrl"'llr.s.5l-S93Zif v.· a tc r bar tie I or unit. 3Rr .3h11 . ntv.•. s.ns Call : P.1 r . Crow 494 ~2 sq f\ \ 3 BR. 2 BA non-e drp" N<1 pet ~ s;38,i; vrlv 496-59811 3 OR · 2 BA · h1tni<, dQh"·hr · no ans 645-4512. BACK BAY VIEW S\22 r-il'v.·por!. Bl';ich. 3Hr .3ha.hnatslip.S475 3 BR. 2 8 _;: d~ple;.~ ya.rd. Tri-levf"1 falT'il.v &1 d1ninr. ·non V ~·r~nklin · ~~l~;N--;;-t'I I" -. ~a ~hrr 1dr ~·l't . r!'an --- - - ------ fl 11nit :o; + lii rj?C pool -all 1\.c l. Ftt", 776-7330 4Br,3ba.pool.M95 8230 rrio arl"'JS !lcean &· 1,;;inyr,n l!("'iltnr f.73-2:2'>'> Sl"'5 1 · u 1 ·• inr.n. ~~-~~5~-~•-":!_2-ltM. _, Dttl 'J'S. no pt'ls. 2 Bt, 2 hcdrOOrl'~-no \"llC'rtn· ---1-------:ll~r.3ha .IT't11'li<"r!T'.~1)5 ('al l f1,l2-S7!"~f \"IC"'' •I hal'('Oll(CS. bit-In -• · • --__ :: • .fl'O. 961 l'ncl . j!lir8J!l'. $17-0, ('it'$. 7.oninJ? mny permit !8!. to S\50 llT!Lpcl lla<:h 4Hr \'ie\1·.tcnni~.S625 ___________ kitehen. frplc & "'l'l b<ir 2 BJ.f 21 na Crpl:;. Drps. _____ 4_...:._ 300 __ 3822 644 -08'78nr5lll-7m2 2n<tditionritunitsonhu,i:e "l)ls La ,:11nu,Cor.1lclP.L 4ArChin3COl'('.~50 BEOROOJ\1 h•J<:l4.50 ~ci 2 car i;:arae:l' M95tmo [lo;h \\Sr f r plC' G <ir . Coronadel..,.CW' ------------ lo I. l.O\I' rents now shov. S 711 UTIL·rxt I Br vard 3Hr Poo1. loveh'Sl200 f\ 2 Balhs Sv.in"•l'l'in-¥. Ph d;i}:s . 9i9-"Tn t!\'C~ 772.R Joann C.l'ot S!Sll. "l\l;1ke fl('f)rr for Dnd-••••••••••••••••••••··~ PAC10l'S 2 Tir apt pn~ili\'t' ~·;1 :'1 h f\O\I' l'hi\d/pcl ,L<tl!'.una 675·7?25 pool lll r PC' p;"Jlio, 1115 & .. ·knd~«44 -11.'157 rJ'O A\'all Jan 1 . 1ly", .. l·iean out the SFF.1'(1RELl £\lt: \\'SUndeC'k .2'ndOoor.pvt •heforc \"<IC'anc~· & main· Sl85 t 1TIL pd semi furn 1 !)f"r rronlh ~14 _ r.i oo ~;1ra)!r ... turn that junk 2,2 br. 1 ha, S270&·s:?90 .. 3 l· i;!:OOfl \'U. I hlk ln•inc- tenlnce l Tax shelter & • """·patio, So. La~una ONL \'" Ll-'.'FT . New<! & 3 -- ----· --11110 ('lill"h \\ ith .n On llv hr. 2 ha. S3Z!i. A 11 A''f.", °NIJ C'htldren/pell. ap1)rt-~·l~t 1nn. ,\11n11_<1 I t>IU-VIEW RENTALS . Tht Reol E1toh I~ B r 11 t' I u ' ,. <" 11 11 l "PPf'R 4 Br dl'I duplex. I Pllol C1ass1fied Ad. Cull "'/JaraJ!e " recttnU.v re-_839= tJ~- J.!ross St8.~fi0. should I~· 67:1-4030or4,'M-:rl48 __ 8_.'l__9.:_6~ll5.'l6·2!'i~l2_ __ •lon•in1•11:r's . $iK"t.'lilC'lll_llr blk b('a1·h !"pt !'ihor1•11 (;.\2 .Sfi7R. dt•curnlt'd. 644·G800 or s•soFF ere.use_ S1:1bn11l prc·pa1d ------()\'uan V1t'""'·; 11l'l'r \lit·· Lf;e S35U ~.u;.--11)3.1 fW4 .7:l2f> # inlr rl·~t-Exl'hanl!C'. Ask· BolbaoPt"ninwl"a 3107 FIREPLACF.-4bfod rm.:? torio1 R..-:ieh fr1)m ~ --------------------t~MONTTIHF.:l\'T '"'only 5175000 llKR · hnt·h . C'rplJ! & drap4::s· "9-1 17'!5 FF!\-1\I F. I 11 1'&:2 BEDROOP.1S .,. ,, ' ························c ......... 3224 0.\\'.bltns.coveredpati.o.. SEEK&FIND'! fa-.WOllM!ll .•1.,t1ny. Jr.rriy c•~·GR•u•o• ~1-ss5 i FOR RENT (}er, JS-June ,... n•C'l' l:tndspjt. $315 . 11'0 -"iauel 3252 ho!T't'. (l \•t•rlook;nJ: ,~,.. ,.ro~ ~ i6 l lnits, F t11l1•rton ror 1.5. 2 B ff f'urn. v.• I patio & • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••••• • •••• l\"o ft•cs. 963-4567 00 3-178G ~~·-D T N H K p A Iii T E p W E p E I R lJ C N1•\\'fl0rt na~·. Jl\1 f'lll 400 /\1erTill1ar \\'ay. CM' ~a le or trade for buSi· )!n rRJ!e.. ~50. Open houst> 4 AR , 2 AA C~~l){) .. ('~C'12 n~k for ltc1· or 031£>.. •••••••••••••••••••••• lrflpiC'al flrl l H'I, i-undct•k. 979-J9t t De('. I 5. I I .4. 322 rH r. )!a r, sv.·1m Prl\" l,ll.s. . ·. ------:--f~I -~ . .\ S1j:1V-l 4 Br. 2 lit S I A I IT E \" y KE & K. I I+. CM M Jflcu1i1. l:iund pri\'I. r:trc ------ nl'.'$S !SS:J.OO(I 1 ' 11uity. ,\l""'o"o Pl. Halbo;i , patio. 5300. fl'O 6'12-7221 \\Al.I\ 1o bf'arh. n1111l Hll . It\' rm &di1un~ ar1•a . .. a By LO. y W I CRT£"• U 1 " I . f1nrt . Cati 1H)\1' f(lr l:<I rno AKRIOGF. YIU.A 3 br. i\73-3890. tllorninflli. and •:> " ----------C'Olld .. 4 bf.'dr"', "l' bath. F.,ro1I'' rm, frpl. built • '' ~ l rt't' rt•nl. f\73 ·21,:l or 2 IJ:1, hltns. r hlldren f'\'enin11~-Penin. -------P.1ESA North 3 br, 2 ba, fille~ <.'Pts & drps. bllns. ia~. 1•;ir1Jeta. drap111 . o u O o Ls:!.-A NI o \J ~IE l. a. L w R L 54fl ·l4 5 '1 Ca nS\\'l'rJnJ! ~·eleort't.'. !2?5. 858 orano del Mar .,, 122 "l'I /drps, bltns, S3 15. fruit tr~·c.-s. ~.'i. u 1111or1th . '""''cd & sprinklers, 2 A ;. a. 8 N 1 1 H 1111 0 8 w w,., LC l"i 0 L ~l'r1·lr1•I C"enter. 645-9219 6Units-~esa "' Ll'ase. 642 -1292 d;lys, NOf«t'S f\o;kfor ·Jl>t>vor cur J:!lr<J l(l'. lmm r1(· ------------------$87 500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 5!i7-0190eves. PRl1'%~ 4~7.!"163·11'18£, !.1.~/n10. fsl. last & cl1· fl" RI ! NB ll cc M 0 D L 0 R r. TA FAJ\'TASTIC 3 hr. 2 h3 J\'F\\'I.'' decor'd. 2 br. t ' .FA~E -28 R House. ----------- - ----· ---ptll8it 4!r.l :!S-44. nuplcx. epts 1dr11s. enrl. 1.ut.11ardt>napt.f'n<'I par. T\i·n 3 unit hulhtin~~ -COIT'!llctcl\' rum or un-Eattsidr Los 3 Br. l.f \~1': 4 Hr , farn /'lffl", nu - --· -It P. I T '"" ~ 114 A ti c 8 1 1. L " Y T N R :i r . \\'I D. 5375. ll'fl, ""kids or do,:!11. S.lllO. md, P.rimt'3Coii~a ~t~a locSo.11· furn. nc~ ly de<"., frplc, n r \\' e 11 1('11 f ( 11; 1 h pni nr . crpt~. <'O\'. p.ati>o. 1101 ·::;r 5. br M 24.ll I l.os y I o s O T "" R N E o •~ o C D ~ I\ o o fiif, r,7 .13 __ ·-___ Jl-lfi _-:;'129 llon minut.-s 10 · ca r hnl!l' dlspn8nl . Pool lr<'e . L~e b!O. Aµt nr.Hui;hu rd&Yo1·•.to\\n Serranu5 St. 5400 mo , - \n:Jst Plaza., 10.~F, t•;ip "·;1she.r /dr,ver, i.:arup,c . 646-3255 S320 n'o. 96,3-1711 or l.1•r1~t1 4f.M -9721 MN KA LS 0 LR W 0 SR N I T F. K ~ S PACIOUS $110 1 ·RR duplex, Quiel I rate + 10 .<I'··"'= SJ)l'nda· C:ill ·HY.J 25'46 forappl. ------546 .. 78x1 . -AH u M" t; M" N NAN Ht: 1 I O O l. AK AL ... OSTt>IEW \11•ry !!li fe f'OUrt . ('ouple, h1l" Quiet rul flt' 11nr -------RENT ts(•/O_ption. !'llesa ---------MisttoftYl•U. 3267 3 1tdroom•,2 bolh•. Nnn-i-n·okf'r1< only. no <:ro:s.o; $1005 11t1r n1onth ~ HI! C'Utf' cott:\gt'S'.IOOIY'O. Verde :i Tir, z n.i. hrunfl D<>L FOR STUl)E~s ·-R t; (' n ,. I II .-' " £ ft K ,. H R L H F. 11cts 96R '' \\'t111 J7lh • · Rf '""' '"'"' ••••••••••••••••••·••••• Sooth fH;ahway fl urry <':llltopre\'l('W lo .Jun(' 15: (', 3210 nt!wplushrrpt lt.frel'i hl y 4RH,4h•.536·el'l74 Nl>~W ON Tl-IE <:OJ.f" RE£KNATUARTC)~!it:Tt:Nlt 0 . ~411-03.."8 1714\752-1700 sf' av I f'\\' n ea 1t0 r palnlt'd, irrrriuc. thruout. IA~Ol rnth'l'S<Hl l .an.e Sl20/'MO. INVESTMENT orvls!ON· 1..\2 2Z22 Hugt" trC'r!I & frplr. ~"JO t-OttRSt". l<'or ll'l•~t·. :i s RR L ll 0 0 u t I s A 0 c ~"' ll ft D RA,.&· n t:Al'll LARGE 3 Ar. :z }la, Jlll't I l!~!l!'!'I .,'!.-"'-,:.-· · 3124 .!"~:.-c~~'"'·"'•-•sz• ~~~'•c·,~~;:!''~',;~:. ;~,;~;:~,·.:,,33~bar3:1~:;i1·;,n;~ : ; : ~:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~:::: ~ .'!.F!'T~T''--~~ .-,~ ~;·~~: c;~:11·~~~·:;':':~: _ 1 ~~.!t~ ... ••••••••••••••-••••••• °""'"· sC'hool &· ~~-s. tr Farrille!I 1>nl~" "° peu. ----___ l0ll:50 2 Jlr P,tnbilthOIT"t. A''F S l'Afl<'. \\'J.IFN S.150permo.O\l,'l•,r l7t•t) 28H .l\'ti:""'Condo.R"'1 r;,J:!e. r11-..11~""6Mn.w--u.ito11t1ta•·•~._.,., 21':i\tfo'_ ~h~~c~r~~.lr~~~ rl f'ft :'i<'. S2i'i ,f'rro . I J U•'ITS • Aclt111 "' only. No pet•. ~TCl\'IN\. b\' v,-r11npln~ 842-3741. di\lde<thnlh-v:init.v.<"pt. ::;:;_~i:;.::·.t'!.i!n!~~IM,., ,,,.,._. t.75--.~.Hkr. o t'f' . '"'" 646-4.123 fli:'ihCs ond Other fra~il<"-_____ ..,____ Si~ 11111 R7:l 4736 1 In t'n~lll !'11e~• v.upMJ -----ile!T'll ln \\il~h (•lnths. A Cl'E~TA F.x1~·. 4 br. rlrp11 . r:lttf:H.'. -0'\\', 4 \~Toe. •vcat .,;R1.1.t:M .• 111.,111• & rh:_rv--,, 1111 JAR &Jll !'lo11' ~· r('ft'flil, 3 700 1 h L 3186 ( 1 .A... ...,. .. .,,._ 1,'J(J.fi.<!00 ' ff .\ffftY:i.TOftf! ('1 '1Ulli MI Li.Al' ~ ..... -~100 11tr rf'O 1\dulls only: r.rn!l11 S2 . \'('fi r~, Sout oouna IO\\l'I~ and oth<>r Hntn11 rp C', ""'"" """"-·~· or R\ttTO:"I QIUM.1.10.so:"I !"llOtrr1"'c"1.1 ;ipl , '"lnl ~·ontl i\o f)('I~ Xlnt rin11nr1n1t ~179.500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• You lltl IT'l'lrt• l'PU<"l' in 962-~SIJ.'J l BH 2 Ra homt" t':lh' kit nt.ltSl!o\Jt01' llAYP .-.:~1"'" s:?Oll fi7.'i-f>4.S!I cplP No J'f'I ~ rV<"S aft Sl.'11s horl'1 Rf'<!I Y.lltatc. PAIV'"l't-' Hrh. Of'f'lln· lhl'~nra61c antl <'IO$\l.'l ~h~ BR . frp-I-, 0-.-~,· .• -1-;:-1 ftpl;_ A C", fnnf yd Nr T---. odrt l' ..... ".' " 51lrri~·l:t 9531 biS "-"'"' , '' Ill ·11 . th •-· • .._ ,.-•-... ,.. I ._.... T.,.,.,,..,n.,f\f•ll,.ft ., ~·uut'l>oll<• .,R t< 1" f I '"""'' \!t i\ 2 hr. \\' "'· drpJ., 11.t n.r 11 <' 11err11 \\t n tn bt.'h. no pet.1. 1.m mo. L;I ..-tt1 .. tr .ert:'t' '"';' ~ . ..11 . r11 <' c.1r;1cr tJ\nc: F 2 l{H, l\'n Pt>ts. ('l;t :8i1 irtrrl 1\il! Phone frrl ~:!MS. :\23~ Slttn· D1llyPil()ll'la.sslf1cd Ad. s4S -5004.:!l~Jt ;:i.nakoa n"4l .·D'iil"~ .\~1 . ..-1)S!l-.. ~'Hllh<•r ,'t· 1tr~or, blOO !'1707R:t \\' \\.ilson.· 642-567~ tod11~ I lnj:l011 n.-1 s l•I 4·11R <.,till &42-567M tn ----• ===L·~·~n~··_-_._ .... __ ... ~·~1---.l..::'.'.::'..:2~'.::::~::.:::~::..:-~-------L·~1-·'_'_··~"=--==-=-=-=-l._=.;;.::"'~'~':"~-~-:.::-===- •· . / • • " , ffl R tal 4400 olften Lost & Fo•od 5300 DI DAIL YPILOT Fr\dsy, Dec•mtt.r 13, tt74 •wt•lltt Uwtw.. .A--'-ents Fftlhc>d Roo"'s 1 4000 0 c• fft 0 _...__.._ 5005 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ r-••n• · • •••••••••••••••••••••• rr-••.,...•r I .,_,M4.,, U...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• or UwfuntlWd 3900 •••••••••••• ·••••••••••• _ • •••••••••••••••••••••• LOST B &:-\\' dalmiatlon . .... t•ahUnfuna. ~UttfwL•• ,,t•••••••••••••••••••••••H.----'l.ach 31,9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ll\1EATTf--1£flEAt'll, 55 PEA SOFT malt,,·lt. r.aunaHilb. ••y,¥••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • -.,..,._.., ~.5&· p:i 1 \il:.61341·10 1617\\!ESTCL.lfF-NB RGE O \\1 .t.ftD ' H I• I I h JI" ~Oftlt'Odt 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• £1fY-:;A.."\'.-.~-iL.""' • u · E GT ~ COC"T ll' LOlTNGE fot LA ,. ' C I"' 3814 uri.1n9 1>n eac ., .... EWPORTSMOST XL~ltsrutuu1 Plfl'EI\ 'f)T~l(Yf ~L A .541 . ..,,_ "' ~ 4 0293 • Ot o eto ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" ~ '"' --------sale. Ne~· port Bl'ac.'h ---, ••••,••••••••••••••••••• FT 2ttK ,!-R11.~:l)IT'ft;-l l:\'R-: Sp•ctoc..torY~ llCttlltltlWC111Cl,l! PRl\'ATE Roon1 ln0Et.l1XE2roomotn"~ area. FOUND. ChildspttScrip. 11.\t,I F~ll\f'l ~)IFS,\ •0MLY2L~ * tUa.!1'1.5.1007'.?llOtikiM. 1.uxury ba)•rront apart· ~ UUULW.SIOlUYl"' Ne~·por t t :ch. home. CoronwdclflTar $125fllo,· 646 -2061 tion g l as.1es, blu e Ji()\\.\\ 11:.un. (' \I l lr;1nd nl',.... lu~nnow; 3 b ~litr No." 84G--sr2'23. mt>nt llvlnJ:, Hoot slips at i w..w ""*'""1° Call ; &42-9 1172 aft . 6P~1 Re"lonomics, Bkr' ----~ fran1e& ~-M2S lll• .. ultlul C:rvunrl"I lri~lr~ •11ts Ht1.\'f'e\'l'r·-------~. , , ~·wrdoor .\\'wlkto11hops, •lothe•t _o.-_k_en_d,_. ·-67.5-6700 "-FFIL.l •TE --'-\IJult:-'Oo l'l'I~ ythin ~i n<'l'Jt.frpJ<'.lll\\',3 BR , 3 Ra , fJ,f'l.lXI' rt>s l:i ur:int,. tht-atre, •I 11,2ft -----,. "!" f"OUNO : Small Black 10 m lnutt-~ tu t"li'l':J n. i:nrh r1 isp . en<'l 'd ~:i.oo 16972Hoisk1m. fl1 J:?r. Ot't>nn. A fc,...· clc.:ant. •21R & O.n G•1tHo,.,,.. 4150 MEWPOITIUCH 5\,250 Ca&h puts you In do1. male.*•lwhite..on t:i~ 1 ,\":! ttr-+tttt ~l'IS , pauos. in~lvidu~I util. _N_o·:'•_S.16·9lp _ _ vcr)' private. z..bcproom. From St1S ·S48.S ••••••••••• •••••••••••• Offiee 1:1pact:. 'includln~ ~uslness. :o ,ur--; i:to chest, Viu. Stna-.eSt.('~1 2 1111 ~l tlo ~·ith l'uti roo m 11 w f ,...·.11 1 ,c r ,&,---vREf<' n""ltNT AI. 2-·b~ith unit!\ w-it-h M9 'J.d.I , ..... _ t.OVf:l~Y ,hl'ime In ('?if, rece-ptlonistservitts:On own•-1. ~ uur •' '6f.ti-9t.ir5 -• -s1:.-i~. c;::.s A· \r .. 11·r 1111·. ~~~;~~<.;:~ t:~rh''~~kr:· ~f<'R \'.-NE\\' upt is . spbf1ous ~err;t·l"S. ~·~ '° s~o-ii'~o __..s near 11th &• Sant• Anu. ~!Y~·r7t:J):£_7~'oocoast ~~~t~!~r· ar:nd~~=d~ FOt'N D . WATClT at 'Dr:.1p .. r1f':s carJ>(ll.s. 1=i1• < 16 •. • ;' :s :l\'i.lil. 1n Hunt. B<'h, \\'alk su t>rra nl'::in •toir llt&r : \VIII pro,· I de rooni & exposition operation rot Corona del· P,far 1Ugh 1Jc11l, £U!i ~1 0,c. utr ~·flfHlt &·, i.chool:s . (hildr_tn ~ :! blks . to lht' O<'ran Inf(. i\ll ~dult./ull st'l"UM · ------board for ~. retired ~ 0 S T A !'11 E; S A ll•ht mr •. l.Ofll! hours 3 &-hoot Parklrtrt lot, NOY tioninl'!. i.111n111•1111= IJC)Ol . 1.1(11 Urh;i\cd pcl..'i 01-:. 305_ 171 h JI n 536--4?:50 I)' bu1ld1nS!. New rarpet, · nta An<1 $1~ to $13.5. pit>. 548-4«6", 00 'TO"~' rtt roon•. \\U ... ht'r ... £· Ask._for J ohn Suundl.!rs · ~....:....~---f1rsiws, huil!·ins. deror. · Speria l Sln1:1 1e Apts. -----· \VN .,,.. days per month. poten· 24th.675~34""'=-----~ryl'rs. •.1fl11'f'" 9r.o :!017 • Anil W '4LK TO IE'4Ct-I L!:!l-lSl:~ rron1 MOO Pl'r rro. (i41ragcs inc I'd. Nr. shop· Vocation a·t"Mtd• 4Z50 1 5 36 150 0· Nhevdty ~e64'·2• q~~ ,'.,1.•,,!.-.~,".•,. '••"-inll.k·,.0~",.10>: F'jUNl)~;·Lat!un_., r.iut:s. Sl:•r\' ~•12 1701 1 11 1 · 111.1J67:t-19tl."i ping & transportation· !!_f: !! er. -.....,.. vu "" ... 1 "1 ----1 1 (':.il•t u nt'>'· 4 unit (71'115·11·tl321 '•••••••••••·••••••••••••--'":'" dividual need apply. l I.a .1'.'ar. & "outon. 2 BR . 1.'t1I pa!d l'lntJr1·n lQ"'nhousC"ll RENT or I T ~~7. AB I I" n I G BE AR .D.~1 . 2.4~1 sq ft S625 tl"O. Absolute proof Ill finl in· fl1ale ·Aired ate 'dGS. call \''elcom<' 1'\'0 JIC'lS C'r11t~. I & :! llH ;1pls nr surl ~I.'" Bl'Y. t'ireplttt"t'S, bltln~. ""'••port ay owen Sleeps 12 . ~ ! frplcs .. rolo; 24 11 P.C.R. & P.1<'12nd nr 1 er\' i e w . Ca 11 ~tr .581::!!1_.!>~IO .' . . ~~~~ii I ~i'~ i~ 4 ~1~~1 I J!~;;o ~:f.\'::i-;·s.;;11t~~S200 up. ~i~c~~~~1:,~: l!aral1CS 2 3 ~ 0 Fern~!!_~ St .• "4.8. TV. pool l~ ft .. 548-3446 or i:'~dc rent for! 557...,.3062 11.-impton OrllngE' (714) FOUND: l.arge malt lon.e. 6-12-73&1 ---S:tti-2570 tl J\'fo'lJRN Apts. 2 Or. 2bti ~~..:_G~~ ~ ---.-.!_____ .543-934 1. Los Angeles haired black cat.·Be·ach ---\\'t-s tc:lifr aren, srnall J'l{'l NEW 12131 <lfj6-377S, Lon!? Blvd and Indianapolis. LA RGE :J hr. 2 ha. t•111·J'1I. p:it10. 11r . ()('{' .. <·ri1 ~. drp s. !Jltns ~1~5 557 -0350 . l235. \\'11lk to HE'ach. Sp&<' CJ K . <'a 11 fi4 2 . 21 52 : e e Rentals to~t ;hare 4300 B~ai'h 1:?13) 434-7512. San llB. 536~1 . • · · Brand . NC'\\ 1.2 ~ 3 ~r f'IOIH.lr ne1.1· 2UR. Blhns. 64.5-0060 ••••••••• •·••••••••••••• ~£~!}!!_56.5-6075 -----!>ttJlt'r tll1lt1'('e l'rplc 11, 11 a 11 F ,. <' r ,. thin I!• YOU'LL IEGUD ROOit'• .... '4TES FOUND. 'l'n.i Schriauzer. dsh,...•hrs. c·n~·I. J!ttrni::es 96tl 141·1 · HLUFto'S, lgc modem 2 YOU w AJTED! •••• ..... -... °""" STEREO STORE Nr. C.atl"pus '.&.Culver. 1:.17 llunlln,i!ton St o ---·----Rr. 2 Ba 1"''/pool. cn>t!I , Jntro<lut:ting new bseh \\'tin t e d to s har e ==:":!".!.:. ldea1Cfl1 Location. lrvine.C'all552-9'7.59. Sl45 -2 Ur ·l-plt'.'l.,l'P'·' ('Ull1'68·6HU•l vra:Jt;..!l(l08 _~BH. ~loh1h• flofl"e op· drps, abundant bltns & ond 1 bd rm apl.s "'ell beautiru l 2 bedroo,,, GoodWill&ln\·enlory ::-0 -U-N:-0-.-.1.lk /'ta·n rnl;!,r~·fr .f:1 n'll\'nu1w.:t " po!11h1 st:..t ~· bcu<'h .. S200 s tor:i,ee. frplc, 2 <'l.lr 1A'Ort h seei n~. Herined fu rnished or unfurnished 6.&5'-2449. ,. . n 7~·11Sh:Jlin'!l r. WALKTOBE.ACH _!"_!_.l··~--=-~'Ml~_G.f£-~~-J.!ar aJ!t>.S200.mo.sublet. vet afroradable •Great upl s at Oak,...•oo d . --------Dach s hund pupp y. 5·1K .(~L~ 1. 2 & J Br . trpt. drps. 640-4781 Aft 6p m ·· hf \Cll " 1 • Th<"re's : it .000.000. in -lusirtell Wont•d 5010 Female. 'J\alserJr. High ---hl t1\:.,J!:ir.2'.!lllithSt.o ! RR npt. 17-121 Keelson ____ ...:... . . . ( ·' . hend~ironmden rel·r ea tic1n rsl'ilities . •••"•••••• .. •••••••••••• Schoolare:i.645-8715. ·· ~15thSt 1188-17·3957 Lunt'. ~160 fl"onth 4 de-CLF.1\Nlor2HrSIGSS185. ur~is e an un · ComplilT'"!ntary tennis OFFICESP.ACEM.I. • · ---=---- MARINA PACIFIC VILLAS llc~ncf N1•\\' f'11~h11'I• 1\1,t:i B:.ich· t RA.:! UH f)fi\'€' b\· 1110 \llr1tl1·1a Aln101"1t '10 Hunlin.ctou llearti •OP t-:N S \1"SVt\'. • 6·15·6177 -· -----JM'Sil Adults, no pell<I. 2421 E. · furnished. lessons. 8 unday brunt'h. \\'estcliff Or. On<" O"an TRAVEL AGENCY P 0 l l N I) : BI k f T 8 n KE\\' 1.:! &· 3 Hr :ipls. 1.2 &· ----, --- -----16th ND . 646·1HOI. • $18 5 fo $215 Sport:i; II• urna'ments . A orrit•e SGS/mo. Call Gene ·Seek' ji!. es t a bl is he d Do berm an Pln~cher l- 21 , Il a . frplt·s.· ~a r .. SAt-IT.6. S SPECl.AL ------rulltiwe :.t t-ti\'itics dire<'-l~ill.642-0200 O •e Cl y "e C'Y GE'rtl". S h e p , •p\lp , 1•·•1''"·· <11•1•." r,o rnn. l<.I -onth fri.'f''. ~10\'e in 646 -8453 ran~ · al;' ~ • P('terson· ~chool area. ... -.,..,. ... .. t('lr,...•ho p lan!>p.orties&-----s t ar red wlexp d ··· • • • • • • &·!JU~' r<'nl arter HoHdti)'S PARK ME WP ORT DBO's. \Ii 'e'll e\'en h<'IP O~FlCE IN A HA~N · · · ·' 118 ' 1\'E\\' di'.'lu)(t-2·Hr. 11 /2 b:.1 on ~·l'n r lease~ SJOO. mo. APART~EMTS you rin<f a roon•rrate. Un 1que -Cha r m 1n_1?-~~:f~~'1':dro':?!!~·g~~1~it~~~ LOS~;-,\p-;i~ ToY poi:J. s111d10.l'tilpd.~.R'O ~·11rµt"flus.tirr111dOE",....lux· ~ Sorry.no oneunc\cr 21& l de~I ror Creat~ve t1on . C:i ll or write die . Childrens Pet. 423 2-0th St. No FCC" ur~· 3 br · Ocean apt~. on thr boy no pets. M odels open dai· ~r1vo<d~s. T"·o lrg1ofcfi<'es ~·/detai ls : fllr. Le\'y, 320 RE\\' ARD S46·2313 or Toh1n Propt>rty !\lji!O"l l·h1\'~L''''r~·th1nJ?, inel',1t . Luxury :iparttl"ent Ji,•ing ~e p ... J\, .. ttl15 Iv 10 to 1. See our l:irrer fnc: u in~ use &o R on· · E. Alton , Santa Ana, 64')_0115 .. · • X-10 1 3 1_1_.:~n Ft·t>. _ \\<tSlft"l'J tlr~·cr in your o'·e rlookinl? the w:iter. -~o·••:t I'~ 8d in the .. <tpartll'ent set'· ~renC'e o~ni ecep· 92707,714--540-4155 ---=---".I~<.:'· ;0· ··F'.IA' · ._, b•. ""' . 0\1·11 util roon'. C'hildren Enjoy s750,000 health ~ ... ~ tion t1on Areu .. t:arpe.t~ : Air ---------FOllND: 1\ pprox· 1 wk -,,.,.--------" 1~ &i;tr p('ts OK Ask for SP'-''"'il'T'R'in•pools.7 · , c:on.d ._:1 11 u~1 l1t1 es . WANTTOIUY a••· Shorthalred ~·hite "•DIT••R•~Eau fr1JI ~. \\'!\\'<·pt .. drps J h •· d II 1433SupereorATenue J tt 1 s Sl7' ,.._. ..,. "',.. "',.. 0 n ~•111 n t'r.I onie : li.,hted le nnis <'ourts. 0 1\K\\'()()O GARDEN an oriu er\',l('t'S. · IEERIAR <'at .C.~l .546-1377. V LL G "" ll \\'. p:..tio. children OK 9GO 2077 A · St'r .. Mew-~leoch ... PTS mo bas is Call ----1 A ...-~I~ & 846 ~17 -ns ''· plus miles of bicycle t""' ~r> <'a . · frotl"O\\'ner.Call -------I Be-druon1 !:Hnl '-··•up. ;:· S42-17nt -----trails. puttinJl, s hu f· 16'th at Irvine ___!'4J'=~~:_ 752-178.1Pr1\'Jllt>pur1\' FOU N 1): Ladie s 2Rcdr'oorn&·Ot'n S2·12 ON BEACHI rlchoarf1 .croquct.Junior tif2-88170 80SQFT StOO . 1 -------· PrE'scription ·readi ng NE\\' T,...·nhousC'. pen-------· ·-------1 · . · nio. inc .1 t t glasses. Pashion Bouti-2 ~dr0<1tt1 i1 S:.~it1 • thousc 2 br. I ha pool. nr. J's rrom 5224.SO wonthly: ---=-NEEi> 2 ,,4 ,!'In" ates shr 4 br util. Boat &' bay ouL<>ide n•.es men • tiue. Sat Aftn 333 £, llth 2B.-droon•'fo\\•nhsl'S325 2HR l 'nfurnFr~7 lflJr Boat s toraJ?e . also I an~l 2-bedroolT' ESA dplxinfli'lf.~l lOftl"Olst&-your door~_!l-6600 __ Opportunity 5015 S t , Cos ta 1-fesa . 2400 lf;irborBl,·d. IRR0l'<':ln\'it>"-'S282 adults S27S 5'10-5630 plans :ind 2·story to,...•n last,. s::~ idep.Lvmess, ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi.15-83'22. ~.!.."'J~c.sa _!_7141 S.'i7·~ Co\'f'rf'd l'arkine Larj?t' E)CI 23. 8:30 /flPl\I ho u s.e s. f. I e c t r i c. GA ROE.._. 642_7~ usln•ss ~ental 4450 DIA..,.0"4DS ~-------- Heatc>d Pool &iunas and -----·-------kitchens. pri,·a te patios 1"'111 -------------•••••••••••••••••••••• n· h 1. . 1~l'ND · Mi."ed D:ilnia-2 BR Apl Fnccl \'cl ' J:ar. 1 -· ' L I h 39• 0, b•l•oni•s. car-nt>lin•. PTS -11! est qua 1tv at invest· '.-" ,1· 1 F 11 . Child & rc:t en;;'' Blk to Herretth on Roon' OCJUftO eoc ., .. • .. 't" A . ROOl\11'1." .TE \\'ant ed, Cffl s Cl~ . t1on 1• a(' u gro,...n · H f" gf •••••••••••••••••••••• draperies. Subterranean •. . r le°" ,er 21 toshr 4 er on e ment pricl's. Ca ll for v· ·118 oo:? 13J2 · Shp 'n~. 351 R t\,·ocado. Uft lft Oft •OCE,\N \'J>'.\"• pa rk.in" \\'ilh.elt>\"ato.rs. 1. 2 & 3 Adrtl"s., crpts, bema · ,..._· f ·, IOOO sqft uppt.<714)833·2003 -~__:__:____: __ -:_ __ . __ _ ~~~2_:-:U~~··--Pac"1f"1c 11\R Adul~.S225 Opl 1on~I IJ"il!d S('l"\'l_re. dres . utili_ti.es P..a.id. s[:i1 .~~\;.~~~~~~~~~~~· ·StoreorOffice ~---=-------FOU~D : Fern 'a l e 2607 Solana \\'ai· Lagun· . Just north of Fas h1on Blt1ns, lauodr) f:1c1h.lies. ------------on El Camino.Re:il ~ortGaaes, Tnnt Sa(l"'ored ~lain/i\l<'Fad-C Ji SA y IC TOR I Ji 711 OC'EA N A\'e . 11 0 ---~ Island at .lalT'boree and Rec . room 1A'lpool table, '''ORKII" (i Girl to share 2 f:)(l'ellC'nl parking De~ds 5035 d e · n S A APTS t7 14 l 536·1·'87 SOVTll LAG UJl:A. t bloc S:1n JoaQuin Hills Road J!Yfl" ~oom . s~una, pool. BH. 2 b.;i apt. NB area. 492-9764 492-7333 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5~1 ·8690 1960·2618. Adults l.2.3 BH ,.... \ialios Of<· opc>n \Oam·6Prfl from bearh, l Br. Sl75 Telephone 1714 I (>44-1900 Adults only. no pets. 2881 SI30 mo -!--util. 64.5·8&13 ------:--.---------------- t'tnn' S\69.50 1:\o Pet,; !>ai l\' Br, $275. j 11 S:W·l673 ... _ fn~_re~~l ~lfO!_R':lli~ -Bristol. Costa" l\les:i . aft 6or \l.'k 'flds. HO P S Suitable for LOANS up to 80% fo'Ol 'ND : Larj?e. fel'T'ale, Pool.ret•rn1 .. i'l~·1·ntors \\'l LI . 11\ri.l \\'ALT ERS ---~-751-1415 ------Bookstore l\1eta l brov.·n&\l.·hitedog.Lov-- Se-c . p;o l\' c;:.,s &· \\'<lll'r co Nnrlh <'rid . 2 lllks fro I.I DO L l 1 XU RY 2b r . --~----· T\\'O Rr I ba fum. !\lust &u.lptor. t'lC. Located In I st TD Loons-91/.,0/,. able and PE'nlie ~·/bm"'n pd bt':ich & \li<'lor Hu~o·s frplt• lr,l' patio mod. $1 5 0 & UP "·ork 40·51 ) yrs SIOO. Prt'. The !\T :ill at the f'AC· 2nd TD Loons nose & e~·es. FouM nr. 52.'i \'ir1or1 :1.(''.\l .1i428970 l ·BR . r an j!e rerriJ!. ·hltin kitch . closets e/d. 1A'otl"an "' ho,..."Orksnites. TORY. 425 .30th .St. NB . Lo"·c>st ratesOrangeCo. ~1 ac:A rthur & f1 o,...•er. ----I. 2. & 3 llF:DHOOJ\1S AT cpts /drps \l.'ood panel 'S37~. ~7~·~35_? _ _ _ _ _ _ I & 2 BDRMS _s~~2~o_, __ ----~~.!_1 -5. Sattler Mta. Co. S.A. Had collar. oo ta~s. Sl-'A('l f)l '~ 3 hr. i ha. TllE Bf-'ACH Pets and in,e.openbc:imceil 1 RR 2Bn bltns.2<'ar Crpts drps.'sto\•e.&1GIR LNl!ededtoshr.4brPRI J\f E R E 1"A JL 6:12-2_171 545·0811 Cal_l_.5~.:_Jti_l~---­ l''Or ct' d u ; r h 1·a I . <'hil<lrcn at('epted. 5185· !\lo. inC'I a ll util Art isti j'.!a raj!E' cpls drps. refrif!, Furn . av-ail. Ot'eanfror 1l hotl"e in NB. LOCATION Ser v111g 1'!3rbor area 24 FOl'ND: \\'ell trained. 11r- <pt.s ldrps. A1>t.20'il S02l~J. :imonlhandup.Call sturlio 1"''/skylite. range •clu lts te"S" Also2Br. G'""n 1:11.1·ns. <o'.ered C:.125 -,·•. util inC'I . Do,...•nlo\-\·n C!\1. Appro>_)'_cs_. ----------f · ,. k h. TN Real Estatt'Fair refrig Sl65 !\to incl al " -"" "" k " " el't1onate 1or 8 ire I blk . \\'es t of bcaeh off ,\sklo,c·.•p·nKidd utll Studiorental.2 blks I'"' ba 2 t'ar ,earai;!e. ~araJ(es. offslreet par·· 64_G=!!J33 --------SOCIO Sq Ft. MS-J.iOI or A~••menh/ Terrier. fen". dot! .. -''it'. S I a t e r . I 7 391 · · 1\ • · hlln~ cpts drµs frp\C'. 1ni: Adu Its. no pets. 2020 -. [\'es. 548 --3270.. Lake t.: l 'lic<1 . Hun\. Sch. f'f't'l:<nn,R4:! 11311!1 839-6133 from beaC'h . nr Potter~ I.ease C;in pa rtial !~· f'ullE'rton A\'e ( 1 blk E. WCIC)fti orlewt 4350 -----Penonal1/ CallSJfi-6658 Shack &: ~'il.la,l!e . Fair furn 675·3967 or Ne\1·port A\·e.'fb1k So. •••••••-·••••••••,.•••• ORE nr Ne,...-port Post Lo1t & Found -..... -----rr.--Hll1\XD nc·.1 '.! !11'. 2 R11 SISO i\lo incl all ut1I --~ ----- -1 R • l 642 8600 OfC' & GrC'vhound depot. FOl•N·D· c .. , •• 0· c,0,., I '·I d t t •1 ·· · R tl · 4>I 073I O 11\. -· •RAGE'i'l e·n1°! Sto,.ge · ••••••••••••••••••••••• · , .. ~ 4pef; . .,111 s. ·"1\\'lr._ HH llt'ar lluntinJ?lon 1>1ss1on en) · l\l)l fLTS 2 BR J"· bu .----=---" :"' 0 N·' · 587 i;q ft.SISO tl"O. A,t!t. B\\'d in GG Mondav I I I I I. ~ - -----~--.. · >-• • .,. or \\'orKi :hop. e1A•port . . . ... . :111n1 r.\' ;1(·t ·rnrp llarhour Adults ~10 S1n~le Slory I Hilo. µ_ar. 2 RR . 2 Ba . S230mo .. 1 ~11 . Hts 5-4S-4!>5.ll · 646=~1~-------Aflf : ~T ale Irish ~ller ~2 10 . S:I:!.> r.1r s1111!i1• '' 2 C:ill K46·4300 OCEAMFRONT frplr ~250 1665 lr,·1ne 1 Ba. Sl75. 169721-l~kins. ..:.... --. :.---~ AnftOunc~menfs 5 I 00 dOI? \\'Ith no ide~fica · frpll·i; .. 'Or lh1n tingtn11 2 BR R. 1 1 A\'e. C!\1 642·0239. ~I J!r .. No . 4 R46:-9223. . 1oX20 Pllf VATE. loc:ked . US Y C 0 ST A ••••••••••••••••••••••• tion . Call 968-.))25 ll a rl•o tir 1\'o 11(•l s . l\'t:\\' fl(·lu xf' 2 UH I'·· .. 2 1\;~·ear y ease.--, -----·-· ~---:-sta.mo.4 •)6 22ndSt.llun· ~ESA -------·--o-- 8\6-ifl\01.rf!.W. !'11~~1 !1:1 Stu11in 1\1lhltns S:..>f.tl S<"eur1ty l nvateBeach.3 Rl11l) 2 ba l.ux~1r~· 3 HR . 3 Ba.·D.t.LUXF. t' 1 'f\ •aC'h.900-l8S9 H .OST. RE"'ARJl~ LO\'.a · '· -' pt'r'IT'lt •12:12{)t hSt "II", Pool Lo11n 12 e G:im \\'nterfront apt 1A'/ \'l('\1· $290.16972 1lrn;k1ns .t\1~r.._1.!!l!....0n ~-!:------PI'! I ~IF: STORE appy ble f<'n";d(' red Golden FXTl! \ 1..,,. i Hr.:.! lli•. dl x II H !I il ti 1111! ~ or roon' !\l<1turl' adults n of Nc1rporl llrhr A\·ail. l\'.o. 4. R4G-9223 . · SJNG Lf: t ar:ij!e for rc>nt. LOCATION Retri\'. Si\l't:r chokl' P~1l:.idl' Ujllllr lx·;ic·!i . 11-lG 49;'1M llt'IS ,...·Ith den/li brary&: 2 -----~--S30monij,1.Coshir.les:.i C:ood?iTon"&Popare.:1. t•h ain . \'i c . .'19th &· <111\t:.;. Sorry nu fll'I S SH\.<, -;11755 Cooi s t J-l\\'Y . So. rirt>plares Rllns. sep. t-IEWPORT VILLAGE 6 A2·3645 21fi0 . sq. ft. '>'ilh Bl\·d. Bi" rthday Ne'''~'!·_C~~-5:Jf>-R3112 \CASAdeUHDA L<lj?Ull:t laundrv fal'·s & trash ---------fronta1?C . PricedlOsa\'C .. -•• ,. $50. OFF corrpaCtor C:i~I ! · i\T rs . \\'ill ha\'e j~isl 3 re,...:1 &·2 SIKGLF..' l"a_r J!arllJ!l'. nr ~· o u rT' on e y. R . C . \\'O Brn Ouber1T1oin5 . 2 fll)R JI!. nf'ar 5 Pointio. With This Ad ll<"alhn'i:in at ·515.7442 or bdrm apts O\"•ilabll' on a 12th & lill l iboa B.1. S2S tl"O. TA Yl_.O_R_C_0 ._752-0460 \" i <' : Su n f I 01"'' er & nt·1\J\· 1>:ii n1cd ·I pit•'< -67 60l d 675 7876 M ' f · · RE\\"i\RD .:"1-.:q~~ ~.'~ _!ti~_ ~12 n H;~~ ~or~l~;~:__:'~J\'ll ii Sl75rro I l'B \\' /util ~--..:'!!~B~!! 111 833.9182' ~~~~ i ~o.mri ef}r;'~ :~re~~ ev~i ~ .: _1 _ a_r_s:_ ---Industrial Aental 4500 om· s.a~ 1 r~62~'~~ 5.&5-7300. . 2•I KS ll h -1 S I No l'' 2 Bit Unfurn S250mo2Bl1 ,...·/util's XEA RL'l'-1 Br at Beach, abso l ute!\' reQu)·re'd'. ,. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----·------.·to c .oniii .t. Frum .... ,..,, Ample park S210mo2BH 2ba.Dna .Pt. \l'c>st Ne,...·port~l75. R'O. •d 1 . 1 ; . DOUBL J . GarllJ!.e. S35. R>'NT·600sq "<ioo Vonni'e LOST : Silky Terrier . Bl! \l.,l(rplt· & c-nt•. ,1!1lr. -.~ Pl R 1 " u ts on \ th · · n · \I I Rlk /T ·1 .!''.£Pt.·ts. 536_ 97"J.l in~. t>n('I ,l!ar outside _ucc _ca_ t)·~494:!i_!»_ -_s.1s-15~~r494 -2852 SI 75 & UP rron ~.1 *'Y-5754 2944 Randolph. Ci\1. ii:: If •. t.r~ ~·~:~rs~ Cllfo'ZORO:\P'l'S l!BQ .5J6-l!l2.5 ~issionVie-jo. 3867 ~BR.stepstosand.SJOOa Furni s titid '&: un -----~ ------___ !i?.!!-5116 ___ And RE\\'ARl1. i25-7513 Or 8234 ,\llantH I _...:::~"'"~i:'.;:;:~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• r:nonth Property House. furnished. Tennis courts: Office fb ttMal .,.400 · + COST ,6. ._,.ESA * 727-083Ck l.:!&·3 BR . Pr iv ,:u1', J)()()l. j. ...i1.ia ''"' · I. fl V EI. Y n t'"' rondo . ..?42-3850· Clyss:'ns too' \~'ollei~f1.1~ ••••••••-<1 ·•••• • •••• ••••• 1300 & 1750 sq fl P'1 ofc.. ROL fOt' !'\ p ~ -(' a li(·o kittt'; \1·asher. itr\'l•r Clo:-;(• to /\.'[ f&O dsh11·hr.pool. ON THE BEACH . B:ich. ~i:l~rd~~Pcr:,ne~opnian~.'110 •I flTO. f<'REE RENT • plentyofparkinj?. -------fetl"ale. \'it·. ISth~Santa bc:ut'h.SJG-·OJ:l(I .ca r S25011T'O m -3092 SinJ!le S145 The Second _.1 5000 rt lgvd 5300 s a<'rl'!. of rus tic at -Koleai>e" req. Dlx .offi<'es · sq · ·. · Lo1t&Fotllld A_!!~~~.~~-6172 __ ewportleach 3869 6~~~i'~03 ~TcFadQen Pl. IT'Osphere ·J-luJ!e pri\'ate adJ Ai rporter Jl otel. 6.000 sqrt spnn.klerc:d ••••••••••••••••••••••• !f='----••••••••••••••••••••••• ----p11110<. . A!C. futl ser\'iC'es. Froni 24 .ooos~ ft. spnnklercd, FOl'ND : C.erm-. Shep. P~nonals 5350 2UR ?R11 50\'ardsfron' t.t'oVEOl'ICf\LY' S145fl.1o. <'~ndlv ide., ferrule puppy. Vil'.••••••••••••••••••••••• Dano Point ••••••••••••••••••••••• PA1\'flRA'.\llC OC~"i\NI -==='---OCEA"4FR0tft bcaC'h Gara~•e c:pt~ yr. N('\l.'porti''r,...·y 2171011Pont,RoorT'8' C.RohertNattrcss.Rltr. S h'ool i n J? Hanj?e b~ RF.ALF.STATE \'IE\\'.Li;!3 Rrdu1Jlc x.21f 2 BR 2ba turn S400 l\'l~e-~~1:-_20_18 __ at Baker.St _•!U_-j;~2~_.'!i_l noon_~, CosJ313!.£sa_ 979-6571 Go l de n \\'es t Pk TRAINING _:1~3::~557or~496_2.11.1 rlrp~ ilis h\i;ishei dbl 3876 ______ :___ Desk spa;r.e available_SSO StoraQ~ 4550 --=---...'.-----lndi\'. in struction . Ii\' rn' S310. mo i\dlts 2 RH Dl'PLEX cpt:i;,I ,...·int 557 0075 848 821)3aft 4 2BR 2ba \11nlerS300 SonCl~m~nte PRACT ICAi.LY ne'>'' mo .. \\ 111 pro \•1Qt'•••••••••••••••••••#••• FOl'ND · Shepherd fl"ix Personal'alln. Sales or ()('f.A'.\' Vie"' I br. bltns. rar c_:•r \\'tt~h~~&·d~·~r IAYFROMl ••••••••••••••••••••••• B·lbo p ·. 1 1 furn1tu1·e at SS. mo. 1 FeR'tile lndianapoli brok~r t'llam 2·~ "'ks. refrij!.J!ar.trash.\·"·tr. ~nk61 .~\P S~JO · 38R.2ba ,unLS475yrly LGF 2 Br 2 Ba . \'i£'\\', '1 3 eninsuare.nla Ans1.1·('1ri ng Sl'r \'il'e Ll ... K andBeac:h,lfB.536-7998. ~\c::Hl~0::\~·~·_!.19'1 __ rd Adull:i-. no 1x·ts s11 ~ ---STEPS TO BEACH decks.dsh,...·hr.2c:ar,ear. rt~r~'. ~:rA~~'.1~~rl ~rS4~~ a\·ailabl•e .. 1781S Beach '' STORAGE':JHITS -----·--~IC II 0 1 1 S 1 ill 0 4 !.13 -251 7 1> r 2 RH apl. !.· 2 Mr stutlio. 3 BH. 2 ba. funl. S275yrl~ S250. 494 ·23:!9. "'inter S350 + Utif's. Call Blvd. H11 lflt1ngton Beach. Pe rson~I business or FOl1ND ''ounj! flfa1c Pup ' • . -, ' I\ 1 5 !>15-4604 fo r<'('ll :.i 1r hcat. l'nrl 3BR.lba,rurn.~·ntr -----------673_5410 64 2-<1 32'1 .. reC'reat1onal stora~e . py. Golden Ion(!'. hair. AR'e~icas 1=1 dru~ pro· · h h c•,., ,,.,,.... ""'50 Aportme-nts Fumisht'd -·-------·-From SS. Jatl"bor~ Fl'd <'Oll ar. ViC': 23rd & ~!err · If ~·ou ~ 50rt'l'fflne l •RCF I h I ~:tr ~r t' · ... ,.,-""°"· "" DELUl!EOFACES 1n \'Ol r f R'1l d ..... ' r.(·p1s.crps, 41\\.1\h CORONADEL..,.AR orUnfurnished3900 San Die~o f\l·y ', Irvine.!'\B.646-i069. . i a y 1ner s :;t\·•rr1~. S\GO ll'O Yrly _ -••••••••••••••••••••••• ...,.. AIRPOIRTLOCATION 979_0150 --;-,-:--~ . . ht'lp, c:al l the CARF 4!1ti-705~ :1ft fiP).1 ,\·11\r V11rn S· l '11r. I b1k ·IHR unf.hotise.rum, TllEEXCITIN.'G re -...v Patio s u!ite from Sl25. -----F?.lND. Blk /\\ht.K1tten ._U~~!.!.4_:_4!-J_:...J~!_:_ __ \\ktirl!t fron' hl';iC'h. pool. n rm .. :!ba .~500 lse rr I tl"O. Inc 1..AI£'.. ~rp~s. STOP HERE! \1c . Oce.a n Blvd .&· •rfELPCELF.BR,\Tf:• ------chilclr('n. nn pels. S135 + or lse fnpt. PAL>if >ifESA AP'TS. '' l~'.:f..!., drps, al~ ut1l & 1an1tonal Need an l':"l:tra stora!!e ...!J..!~.21.!~~~834ll _ •A BIRTJf D,\Y PARTY ~~ ~~ ite_IT'_'.'._· _frl~~7_!1 t 'Tit .. ~~o 2i~_:_ ·---2 ~~~~OR~Ci1~~Tly flT IN l1T ES TO NPT . ser\'. • 'f'~o Le:ise Rcq . • <'loset' Room? Garage? FOt'N·o 1 Girls 10 Spe«f • 2RR .2 ha .eondos.525 . RCTI. CORONADELJ\IAR lflTonth l•ree~ent .. . or???. Yo~ _need ALL Bicvc:le. \lie:! ln•ineTer· For JOE the Bartender Apootuie-nh hrftishHf Apcw hnc:nh Fwnilhtd or Unfurnished 3900 or Ultfvrnl1hed 3900 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Distinctive Adult Apartments ·Tennill ('ou rli; -Nile 1,hrit • He1·rc•ation Pa\•llion • Hilliards/Fir1•11idc:: l.011 nti:e~ • llHQ'r- • Prl,·atc 1'11tinfl)et'ki< • T1'1r1k/t)nk fo'urnitur1• J'k~~. ,\\·ailab\(' Fur111!>ln1cl H11rhtolrtr frum ~:.!O.j r l~~lrm. 1rnn1 S:!l.lll :: Bronn l'i i!u1h trom S:.'f~-, • Pnol. JH.cuz:r.I, S11u n8 • Flrt'filitlc Lo11n.c(•i; • Ext•rcit1f! Hoom • t:xf'itinJt Floor Plan,; • IW1un Cellinti:!O ( Sr•POn f'•v Sooth to l\Aklfr, RI •t P•\ll•rtntJ Co"'•ERCl'L Rach.1.&2BR.frot1"Sl75 2 Br Townhouse. frplc:, 20825 ~ E .Bnstol.NB . SPACE ~11n1 Storage. race CD~! 673_4305 At Carole's Cocktail ,...,... "' Adults. No Pets from $250. I Dr: from $195. ~·;57.1010 ' f'rorn 57.50. --~---·------tounp:e. o rfiresuite.Npt.$250 1561 1\-lt>saOr. Pool.tennis.continental-;--.-.-----.-----Hunt.Beach 961)..197 LOST: RE\VARD forre· 810 V.'. !Uth St . Cl\I . (5 1~\k s .rroll' Ne,...·port breakrasl. Some ocean & NE\\ Plu! ·h Off!ce Blclp'. 2: Garden Grove . 636·8214 turn of Je,l!a l papers in Listen to the Alusi<' of a associated BROKERS A£ A t fORS zo:<."" 8alboo 61• )661 Blvd \ Catalina views. Separate ~o 6 Rn 1 RSuite~" c.on-;-,--1 ;,-_..___. 4600 broy,·n 4•·~ X 11 envelope sensational j!roup. Time: ____ s.16.:.:~---family section. CI05e to erl'_n<'e "'· • E'IO:"I: en ct 5 on~ "·ith natl"e St'llinj!er on 7'30pll' rotl"e&r.n·ova shopping & fine beaC'h ·_copi e r . Near O.C . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ou t s ide Lost in N·. ,· F & ,-.J: Cl.F:AN 1 or2 i\rSJ65Sl8S. · Airport g 33-:l>IO. · . d . : . . ·Ile o un · .xt·1te · \d II I 24'1 E 644·2611. ----·-------51\TALI~ Apt. ,wan.led 1n 01A nt o 1An Laj!una tl"ent. , u s. no JX' ~. -. · B h I' , • Nc,...·p&rt area 1n_ ex· eat .4 -4138 --------------~~~...:...G~~l~I. 1501 ¥ii. e~t~hffE;'.r. '.chanJ!e for paintin~ & --------.-----SPIRITll1\LHE.o\DER OWNHOUSE OAKWOOD t-lewpo.rt Financ1al 1 maint. by exper. Scan· LOST fl'ate In.sh Setter. OpenlOA1\ltolOPA1 2 llr. ~Ha -1-den. \-\'alkin SPACIOl'S 1&2 Bdrrr· ' C ntff I dina\·ian painter . 49 yrs thrC'e years. \'If: Bolsa & Advice on all IT'atltrs. · If J apts. Sha ~ c:rpt. pool. r old 642-5449 Ed,...·ards.C:ill ll93-1261 3l2N. El Camino Heal ~lo~.e~~-P;~:c~. ~a·d ~~: f G HTS ouldoor bhQs . Enjo~· lhe Leo1i~ ~ ?,ffic• Spoce --------:,,.. -Fot!NQ-;,~;;-Sha~ S~nClen1ente, for Appl. lf'ai:_C'loplioi_:i ~IG-:._~-I , ,cood adult H\'e at the Call on-I 31t e l\1ana!!er TIO':JSF. or apt, Ne"·.port ff' ale 110'1! ,..../tan collar. _!'~I_!_ 492.=~_!-t_ ~!!-9136 WEST 8/4 y 18 -~'!..!.~~! :.3-!.~~~1~ l lt'1~hts. Prt'f. partu1lly \\'hlte on C'hest & 2 front MEED ..,.USIC -Di'~l.l 'X 1·: 3 hr. 2 ha. steps INFLATION 131 f:. 18t h ("ost n 1\tc~:i. r urn . U nd e r $200. pa\\'s. ~1esft \'erde al'ell. 1n \\':J tl'r. Ne~· shn ~. l"' _______ im! OFFIC• FOR LE.ASE 548=!7~ -Costa 1\-lesa. 5S(H:rl68 FO:ll: YOUR frpl<·. bltns. Or\\'. S32S ic ------~----t-lollday P.ty? yrly i\\';iil. no'>'". :o.orr)' The prlct' of ev<'r)'lhing lBR furn or ? Senior Pritl"e N~"·port Bl\•d . lusiMss / LOST: remalc cat. blac:k CALL no pet s . 209 .11st ~t . is I! o In 11 u 11 . N O\I' C'ilizcn pref. 134.'t Q.t'can & localion. I.deal ror·rrany . ln'f'ett /Fhtmte• Y.'/SOR'e oran,l!e st~eaks. SECOND Nature 213 -869 5985 l'\'f:S . O:ik"-ood Garden Apl :s hav nr Lido 4· shopping. purposes. Next to ~ea\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vic . El Toro, Rockfield & 846 .1677 !1 44 -li!tl<I cl a y s. helps ~·ou fiJ!.htinflation 67:i·05'19 Estate 01~fi c:c>. Lots of luiln~sl Rid!J?eroute Streets.------------ 714 -675-22·t1 ,...·knds, b~· nrferin!! an exC'lusi\'e --· ----parking. 11\vail Jan tst. . Re\l.'Prd. :>86-5950 PR 1:-:GNAN'n'r =~-I •·No Hf'nl llai se qotnl 4000 Call ·\\'. E . Lachmn"~er, Opportunrty .SOOS ----------Carin (!'.. <'O nfidential SfFPS lo Rf'<11 'h, Ir!! 2 Gu:1r;1nlt'c''. \1.'~··••••••••••••••••••••• Re:iltor . R46 ·3928 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• CALlfo'.ANJl\fAt c:ouni;e linp & rclcrral . "R . J! a r . Ye 3 r I ~· i;!ua rantet' th111 ''°'tr refit ROOl\IS S2t'l ,....k up. '''ilh _E~es ;_!i'!£)._ti..\~2,7 . CONTROT4 Abortion. adoPtion & 5275111'0 . \\'Ill f11rni!i h. ,...·ill not be raised for I kl1~1i'enS30.~·kupapt . FORSAl.E liunt. BeaehShelter keepin g. '673--6640 full year and you still S48 -975.5or64 3967 20 ' f 'ER FT. *WIG 5uop * 8311 E<lisonStS.16-GSSI APCA Rl-:642-1436 ~ -----------hn ve the flexihilit\' of -..., Bal'k'ofllutl"aneSoci<"ty ----------- •L/i PJJRISIEM"4E "'onth·IT'onth orcupiinr\·Plll,FNTRY &BA.At·4000Sq n, EnlireDtdi. Dl'E:TO lTEALTI~ AN l ~lALASSIST 1 1\TAl<;:E l\To iof air>e 1&2 Dr. unfum. All clcc· Plu!I vou !:!Cl a tot morC tracslef'P rlT'. Pref. quiet C 1\1 8 3 3 -2 6 I 6 & l\1AKF. ANOF'PER, LEAGUE pothanirrnp:s. rust. IT"~e. F'I t 11 t ... . . ' · I f SIOO 642-4091 . !OO WEST 'IARIPOSA ·-~• lri<'. rP.p :l<'I'. ea<"' ror your money at etl"p . CR'. . mo. ----·--•• Arloptlon.Sp.ayinJ!& reas.ealors . .-r-"U'l3S pool. Adults. !165. Oak,...•ood, includln!! 51 Res . 646 -8502. bus . • SAN C"LEfl.fENTE Neuterinf! lnforlT". -------,-- 979-1268 n"illion. in r crreation _833-!!?'!P!e~~---Leas18".~-New "92-2SS2Dus, · 900.2900 A<'ros~ fro fl" 11olf COl1r5<' f:it'ilities, a full time At'· . R f 'I + 493·7962 Rt"&. Anim als Impounded .$777VEGAS 20432SantaAnaA\'e ti\'lties Director ,...·ho Qu iet m ature ad111t tC.~1 e GI JrlshSeltcr,femRed -------~---plans pnrtie11 .. RB()'s, N~. bus-SS.5-SIOO/Kll Of·'' f1RE\VOOD Business. 2.5 Cocke r rfliX. ma l f Ca•loo r,~+ ••Only SIO•• 64$-66$4 a10N.oSAT. M E W P O R Trlp!I & more! •'rec Sufi· prl\', 556-00S8!557-3Cl(12 lflCeS yrs. e11tablished. Xlnt red/\l.:hl ISLAND da~· Brun<'h. _See P!!!__ From 35c ff. <'licnteh.•. Good location Irish Setter. re"" R~ Cul,. 2BH llousl' \\'ith .'·ard. fl;r P:•rk. ll..'i)' & n<'h. Xln1 Cond. 'l'rl)-'. !300.:.~7~~4"'9,... '7'>-7- LARG E 3 BR. 2 ba, Up ~tn irt: Duple". Frplc, <'lot1e to Lido ~bOpll . no ptls Yrly Jse $300. 675·4'127 Rn . 2 BA . 1 house frorT' Bt·h. D1\\'. t'Pt ldn>. 'l'rl~·, $300. f'urn. ;l\'Uil. 7201 Sra.s hore Dr. 64&-Al 14 . · 11O1\1 i-; A''' A Y from Dr~nl1 ne1i1i <"Otnmcrc>lal U6-2887 TerT\~· ft'tlle. beiJ!e ~nj!le~ I &r 2 bed{~"')i ll«i?rne! Lt: pvt. home. com pie"! 1;;panlsh style. ---------Pood f' rflix fen" Grey ---------thurn-.,.11n~ml.lt · ;i ut1lp<l.k1tch4.·lndr~·.p1entyofP p rkin~.FrolT' TWONEW GerniSheph n1a!l' DIVORCE <:ex ras . ,. oc.e Ii open pr lv'J!s. 2 ml Goldl'1l 336 · It 1 1400 fl blk/t:tin dally ~o tn 1. &1rry, no \\'e s t Coll. F'em3lt' sq. ~· i I racl1iu:'or Shopp ing Centers Shepmlxn'•lcblk/t3n ' 0Nt.YS65. pets or C'hildr4.'n. 842 3285 more· . ~, ' c.' ies · T <' r r J La b IT' '11 c bk Compltlely j!'uar1oteed. -=-~--Drop C'e1hn.ga. R~st'd blk/•·ht -~73-$7113 Oakwood Garden Apartments LAGl1NA Nlpuel mo.sh~ lif!~tlnfl'. All · condllloncd. Gtrm Sher, ferr blk lbm br suite in P'1 horT'fl. Mp. Prirl't 1~~11~ · jus.t .orr op4!nlnfl, J97S. Ney,·port Shep rrlx cni Inn Tre,-el 5410 f"nt. b:i. queen sr. bed(lr~t":oy , t o(>d\·l~ibibty. BeaC'h f lr \•lne area . CAT'S ••••••••••••••••"l'tt•••· 5100.195-4729 i ~1i 5sion Vt-ejo·EI Toro Q'l' A f L p LA CE Shthrn"afebmtwht 'Drlvin" to ('hlca'""' Jan -----Arca Call to prev\e~' PROP".RT • ~ OoR'shthr ferT'•"'· twht f> ,.... - --01~A•-d _. 17141752-17 00. ... JES. Call ~0-15th, need ridtr~oshr "'"-''· econt~u roolT' ~llkc ~lurra\' 752-1920 $hthrrraleor:in11C •P n< ., d I I lrW'll Ind 19th lfl pri\'ale home locatt:d fNVESTMEN: r DMSION Ore\'CI. 644-13.is Doti" nialt. lri t' fl t V ftlf . &45"0650 !rt rholrt loc.. Cos ta ·------Dorri fcrr ,rytwht ~!!!!· ....,... a.-. s.. :Ol<'~tl. S30 ~'k. Kit prt\·p:s. ~ 1 la1111lfled ads S<'ll blJ! Doti" IT' ale JryfY.'ht \\'ILL Orl,•e your Car or .-'\i/uJt~flrth ;'lo l>.>t.1< 'l"ou"ll find it in tht' 1eth»lrvit!* ~lttlr or female 4 ' ltf!tl"!. J1 rrall llCR'I or Co1T"Damfem.tr1 &hare rl(I~ to N.Y.i or _:::::=======~=======~.J~Cl:'.:"~"~'.~fi~Cd~!!.~·-~C~a~ll~~::;.~'-·~'5f.7=~~~j· L_:_~~'.::.fl:'..'.1~70~--.J:"':':~:::!l6.lfi==· ::::;:========::=: . J!f!\' itetl" .&42·S61tl Ecil\, 175·63:!1. • I « I ··~••••••••••••••••·•••• ••••••••••"'•••••••••••• Ft"'ale 7050 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• W-d · h•tl :5450Haulh19 6011 obWar1ttd/ W-"4:1 7100 WClft'teod 7100HetpWCJlllffif 710\lt;; Fr1day,uecen11,H:11 ·~.1:r1 .. • ;-, Apphonc•s · IOtO Doctt ICMO AflAtt-fl BOl1NOt Dr\\·~&-• . . ····~···•••••••••••••• DE,Ll\1 1-:nv part or PAnT-TI~tF. JOB, Ear· SEAMSTRESS tF--• 7100 •••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••"····· Aharettoxpen!:IE'$1 .Ltav l\.fO\ING IA!fl.!lF.\\'01'1A'NSeeks f ftin"t.S2Pfrhrpuam+ ly morn. hrs. 53 hr. 1''ull tin"t' 11trn"&ntnt •••••••••••••••••••••• s ERRY'S K9 ALL 14th . tat k e (Ji rt•~. [.()('al '1 t:~n~ ~~net" ~\'e·I~· C'hlld rare, lilt' rnu~. Apply 31$ E. Jrd T 1 r kl' l T o t u Ii n g , pc SI l li>n for rrfln' & \\'011.1 fN 2~ & O\'Cr. for R•nt Wathtn/Drytn H ' 88 EEDS '' 49.i-394J _ _J_ ----=-~----1 ~t~e e~'~'(~·rl~~ ~:-UI 813-:_3'1~~!1k for Rick. ~·omens bouU!tl~-1'1u!lt tiol1 ~ee lt'an1n 11:; Call S2Wet•k. t'ull Maint. lloardlnp.&CroonfinJ s-lc•Dlrt:c'--~!OVIt\'G . llaullnp., ·"f,&16-1484 . DENTAL: ~xpcr'd front PART /Full Time Job· ha\'l' t'xper. Coll for In Janll'e~ ll Ui!i!t-d,\ Anns. •tiJ9-12D2• Pick11p&Oelivtry -.,,.., -.... 1 Garaii,e. Clean Ufl, Reha ----'rl Denlftl Insur. expt'r. Sii i('!!. Small !hop. Arter-trr\•iew 11p1\l, fi!_ -6~ ----Poodle Puppy Sa le •••••••••••••••••••••••bit'. ra s t . tier\'ICl'. IOl'SEf'LEANl'Nr.-~oodpay.548-8844. noon!l'.679-22SODrt.~. THE LOOK J\\"(l:0.1t'Nimf1'1'Cl.tort1s-Auc:Non 1015 ---~6·~---96.3-6C~2 D11s1 . c osta l'\lesa & ----------l ·1.1 t d ct ru11 1••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~yilffiWCI 600I -.. ~,~~;,.jncj · 6os4' Z1:-~1~s0 r 1 are a s · D~~f:r~,1~~~ ~6o~-PERSON ""illinJ? to "~rk ----'~~--6SOO _r:t. ~~ -1~;;.~s. 511~-~ H_ UG_ E l~~~:=t·:u~pt~.P A~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ----. --C 08'1l>-ll~ I I o --ho ''<'t>-•.•Ct·, t 1· ..-..1 -"~ •• old . Grea\ for •••••u'l..t•••••••••·••••• 11 r~ "" o rt-p l!lt'f' ·nc .. · -, ,~ a trat' t\._-1 .,.,,~ ct:!~D~0~~~~1F~·~li HOUSE OFClfj>oi Help Want•d 7100 r;E";;A°7_-Office ~IJ?r . v.oulrln 'l . Call John ~3\es11t>r~on . r(-q'd for or1 : All Day Sale C'hlj_stfl'_3!_~~-0724 __ t'&reforv'ourrhildrcnin C':irpet11 . V.'indo"•s .••••••••••••••••••••••• ?l1ission \7i('jo/EI Toro 642=-~36~-SECRETARY I :,:,~\;.;,~nr~~t~m,~jf llAPrlNESS j115 :1 htr hoO''e. Full or part Floors: l 'phols. Ste:•"' ALAR~ f'xp. 4 yrs n"in. $70() to Phor-macftlfical I" 11 O•er SO PaMeh of KVES l~OND PllPPY ror timt' basis. S<IS-9097 or C'll'~n1ng . Reg. Ser,· INSTALLATION start. P .O. f.l(lx 444, El PowderGrfndn' Sh"8oal·ruratc>.plusl\'I'· \ll'rsonii ity e~sl'nl•a storogt C'hris tlT'oi s . AKC rel'. 839-2332 A,·ail642-6824 Al,·o'""·.._•dS"l-mu" Toro,Col.!126:Kl.Re1ihes iniz55"·.p.nl.C.QO<tmuth Ct1l1 549-~t2_l Comblneo from 4 Chan"p . line, SJOO . _____ ,------~--,. .. , ......... F'ilirric .. rrln~cs . ~lust br k"ll hookk • Cornpan•'•• 71·1 c2a-6805 l .... T.:_---D di t d Cl • Hurbor urea. Hoodable, ''On Fidcntl<1l. n!'st. Apply in person on-s 1 s, some l'C!'fltnc Antiques 80051 " ulla.r• 6010 t cat eon .. •"':' n•·per'<I . Top money .---------~ I '' \t' d Th , •. h e lpful . Nl·al ar •• • 1 8ALDOATRANs·· i ----------\\' D h '"" ,,. ,,...,-,,... "~ t " "" c urs n ••••••••••••••• • •••• · ('>'ll•1•N She•he-• Pup • e OE\"C!'r)"t1n.i:• 642_3490 ~tt \, ~er.;, &Afll , .• · • · pt':i.rancc. pllL-;out jloln~ f'f;n&STOHAGE • ,. " .'' ru · ···········~············ Rt>rs.frttt-St.646-28.19 -----"'/bookkccpin~expalso. 8Al\l -!IA~t . J)('l"ll()llUhl,\". l'l!fo'.CllHIST!\1ASSAI ... '., 2. LACUNA BEACl-t pHs .. hl ack W/brown CUSTOMWORK ------A/P bl p C·ill 642 1580 for ap LinwilcoLobs Antiques. C'hina.Cllx·k!>. VAN&f TOJ'tAC fo: _n>:i:_k2_n~.S355Sl -239S Pallos ·~Onl'rett" , NEED llOl1SECLFAN-. aya e enot1. ~intlT'en't . 2148NetA·portBh·d Appl,·111 \ry!"t;d , ""urnlturl', !loll " Roomadd. 645-0015 ING HELP ?? Clean \11th exper. fnr lr\'lll<'----------C'o.o;ta l\.les:t Pcrsonnt"llk'pl top ill'sks. rritn~· j.!ift 3.l-lARflOR!\.IOVING&AK<.~SJLKYTerriermole ----"alls, floo~s. ·in<t~ws. bo<ilm;inuf.HeuV)'"·ork FOODSl!RVICE ---l\1onthru!-'n9-41aw 1tcll'!i. Goorl d1sl"oun1 s. STG . _ pupp~·. s ired Au st .. Carpt-nler 601S l'lt'. Hcas nrt's, Next lo3d. Call 979-2880 ext SUPERVISOR P1;ino PACIFIC ~UTUAL llou~corStuart ,J26~l:un 4. UNITED Al\.I VAN & Amt"ric:in Champ. Day •·•-••••••••••••••••••• day st'rY. e. For .free ~:____ St !hint Ri·h STG R3..,-4884,:ift.6494-4.17l F. t 53fi 3888 lloi;pit11l t>xper. pr'e -Keyboard nlayer"·antt'd 700Nl'\\'l10rtC't'nll'r[)r AUCTION RE?l,ODEL,&lldd~. 1!3r -!...:._ _ _:-_ ------..,~ AREA Dis tributor \\'ant-h·rred. 11 :30f\~l In 8P:\1. for "ork\"nf! quartet. Nt•1,1·port BC'al'h I.JI A 1'1 o ~I) .le1,1·t>l r y ~ ;\ V f: a dog r or ~v. cu,st. new t'onst. H 0 l ' S \;_:1c LE AN l ]": G erl. Over 21 . OJ)por to EOE. Xln 't bt•n~fits . Pny ~lu !lt bl' able-to sinJ.!. E<1ual Oppnr En,ployt•r Louis XVI Sctll't' &· C'hr~. U""CLAIMED C'hr;stmas. Small dogs, 25 yrs exp. free e st. thoroughly done-by the c-ar,n up I~ S800 pet" 11'0. 1·omn1ens11~ate ""c.xpt:r, b:il'k-up. ('aJIH46-l677. ____ ______ 1-· r "" ;i sh s 1 ,1 11 fl . l""'I 1J!C dOJ!S. puppit>S & adult ~]41_9_. _______ d H\" or an,· O<.'<'<is4ion. plt1ml'. \\e train. Call & edul·:.1t1on , Contal't ----·--S R "l'll J!e,,·001t lan,11 . STORAGE docs.675-2S33,534-3228 ... R E?lf ODELTNG • , \\" ri-cr. 543-2:J13 639=.4!!~._ l\lns. D1.1nlar. C~t;i '.\1e!(a ECU ITY 1)(1rcel:i ln \)i<·turt·s. 32 ru' * * or 4!:14 -4853 • ------------, . . J\!t'mor1al folos111tal . 301 PRIORSERVICE UndtrcoverAgt rr,·s t:.il , !1'11\'er. t'Ul SU~DAY,DECIS ----i'A.TJOCOVE,RS. ''AR!l Clea" t'p&'T'''h A1'1'ENDAt\'.T. exp. for 1,,.,10,,·,.c0, .. 1 .. ,1,,.,, R 1. d 1. d · I c• I . :\F'Cll1\N puppies. !\.f /F . CABINETS GARAGES d hr Good .. Jt't ~Te l'h . 1-ll'licoptt'r etr.c l)O ll"<'n1anor t'· rr~·i;t11 . ~r porcr 1.un 10•.M.-•LLD•Y ,.,,1 0"''ofth-·e·· .•. ' , l·l"to lo'o". Depe"dable '"·"ey s I l. pay. ---~~--'· ,.. ,.. ,.. .. ... .. , .. 'I G I 833 212• " " F b I S ~lech ('pl O\'Cr 2. Rase tett1\'l' tu \\flrl( un -r lo('k ._ l'ar1en bu!>IS ,\, .,_,81 Al.l 'ONA\'E. . _...!:_~~.:....--=---"---St'r\".Call Renean)'t.in"e r1n )!l' t'lll'.A~py hell FoodSe-r•ice d r <. otil'all,\"fTl8 rkcdbea\tlK'6 , St 1 10001 NH l'a\' ~62.!lo Haq S8fi.10.1 ert·n\"t•r :1t n111 nu . mnr1· 5~i .11:n * IRVl~E * lor ('hri stn•as. Call 1o1AS'f\ER Craftsrr<1n 64~-3650 . _y_ion, -~--~ Super•. Relief .\l ;;rried ~1 28 .10. The f:H·1l11v , SC'nll r('sunie to " ~cializ~nl! in remodt'l· uot;;(L[~~ad.'". Al'~·{) CA RR I E R . l los pitn l expt>r. ll rl'· 1\l ari nt>s "":1 nt a FC\\ «lasi;1.ricc1 ;1d nn 281 cio l "P Tn 40' Of'fo'.,\nti Off S.A. f'wy. at Hcd 5."17 liSR!i IOJ! & fin ish "'Ork. Lol'al d er l•nd . refs. C:i.ll Rt>i!ISICr Ne"·s. nel'd de-ferred . 32 Hours "'kly. Good Forrnl'r !\.larines to Dail\" Pilot . P. 0 . Bo~ ques .:i ~ F'ramc>ct \\"!l et llill. So. 2 mi. to Allon, COCi\APOO ITt-.:RR I F.:R rc-r. rre e est. \Vork &12_5299 . pend3ble C'3 r. \\'t'f'kd3~·s. Scht·dult' to br arranged. R c -f' n 11 s t Ca 11 1560. C'osl ;1 !\les;o ta Life Prints . 1101.AXO'S. left. lloust'hold furn., Puiipil'i;. 8 "·k old IT'ale!>. guamt. 499-3105 ---_:..._ ____ --2-4, "'e.fkl'nds, early 2 Oays 1>:30A!\1-3P!\f . 2 54M 5847 1968-9171 92fi2f. 3.'¥15 E l'oast ll\\y, Crl;\I Per _son a I e fret' t s . ~l u l·:i. SSi ,1217 ----------. 2 fi\"DtTSTR IOllS 'A'On"en A ~I . 2 Pos itions open. Du\"S 11 :30-8P~1 . EOE. -----675-2·178 Appliances. Office furn. -• ----Your:i~ C'a_rpenll'r. Pat10 have daily openin.l!S. Call C!\.1 ~" Ne, 540-3006 P a·y r om m ens u r a t..e REAL EST ATE-Brokl'rs * Secys, General Ofc. t)le cabinets. Antiques. ~1.\ LE Hect Doberman. rover s 1,rood decks 1 • d 1·on or Assoriales' 2 ''cars1 < .• ,,ltl'oS7"". Ht"!\11\IEL t"iuurinrs &• Color & B/W TV ''· .\·n·,or old . Good \l'ilh " .·' af t 6, 536-404!} &· \\roody \\" cxpcr '"' (' llt'<I I . . "' ._:'" l"Ollerlors plall'S. ltlc•~J l " fcnres. lo"· rail's, quahl)' ,,49-~'8 · ------('onlat•t f\1 rs . Dunlap. art.1\"l' l'XpPr1.enl'l' rc-1 \IA "\Y OPE1~!N(;~ Stereos . S ,, wing rhi1dre11 525. 5<1~2-1 1 o;v..i C'hri!(trf';1s "ifls. l'r\" ''''·"· _ -----"'ork673-3658/John -----~------.AUTO C'osl ~1 !\1 ei;;a !\lemori.il <1u1r('fl /profess1onal ap-1 l.i1 1!1:1ndl'rS A).!t"nt·.\" 5Sl-O·llB.'" 1'1achines .. GolfSet. Bar c;~tS;~l~e--60i 6 Carpet/Uphol Clecminc:t MEC~At«llC Hospilul. 301 \'ictoria. pro:1l·h 1•ssl..'ntial. J":e1,1·i' .1020 H1r1·h St . Sui tt.' l!M & St oo Is 1 oo · s of Basset• .,.ound Puppies · Steafl"' or Shampoo. Av rJ! Stl';•d,\• job. Good pa~·-Co~tu !l.1 f'~a. _ _ _ __ ~i~port C'l'n\l'r 1C"K.''.llion ~ :\°{>U\lflrl He:1ch IOJ·IUOO FOB !'AL f:: Ant it]tll' Barrels, Boxes, Trunks, Ch. Sired. AKC" Rea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roofl' SIO. Home S32 l'11 . B1•tiremt'nt pro_!!ram . I rivati·. ilc>lu:<e off~('('s-, ""'o CharqeTa You <'IOt·k ('O ll ('<'l1on. \\;J ll. L ugg a i:: e with Great Christmas Gift. CARPETS & Lino by Ed Ed"·ard's llomt' Clean-fo. bcnt'fits Paid \"acs. GRE.t.T f1111~· s~a rft>d l\l;1xunu n'1 r .-.1;1hlis,hrd 196.'i n•1111Uc. &· r.. V:Jlhcr & Br1l·-a·llrac . China, Coll 961·5921 al a fiS \'in12s . Rernn. in.c St>r1·iee, 552-7!'197. Pleasanl \\"Orkin~ t•onds OPPORTUNITY t'Om m 1 ~s 1011 a;ranJ!l'· othi•r anti<p•t'!>. l.ikl' nl'\I Glass. 1'1 ist'ellancous. ·------- shall. .. for vans 'S2 .. SOyd ------------Appl~· ln.Person. &e ~1r S;l lt>s lafl.1· ('\"l'nin!!S & ll'ent. C.111 5•15-8"i2-I SF.R\"IC fo: STATU)]": At· refriJ'!l'rator. '"·in. 22 ft. t'tc. ~1 UCH P.1 ORE! Free To You 8045 Rtla;.o . .&J9-Sfl3,q li!i4osonry 6070 Loftis. Tt•rry Buick 122 \l"t'ekl'nd" ln.i;;idt' Salt'li. tt>ndunt. full tirrt•. F.:<· ire Tl'akcr. Tl'us1 stt to TER!\.IS: Cash, certified ••••••••••••••••••••••• -,--fc---c~--·•••••••••••••••••••••• 5th SI, II .A. '."\allon11lclC!' J £'1,1~e\r;.o Co. m Associated :JX'r. :'\.-;it ;q>pt.'arant'e &· apprl'eiatl'. 112 8th St. cks.only. rRFf. to ri.i:ht farnily, ro arpet . Ina \\'I LLl .~!\.1S & s 006 ---4fl8-1 2:lf•or492·4~1 SOUJHCQAST hanrl1,1ritin.c . 9-5 or H.B. \\'hse.Ph.714 /5.\().3880 3mooldpupp~·-'"Sheph. FlaorCart'& ~ta s onrv l.ic 283046 AVON 3-mulni.cht. Apply at --------E.C."ED"JENklHS 1. Collie a ll s hots. Wl"daws Brick . block, ston"t'. AN ITOR li\L part limf'. 5 ~1•,r()I( Brokers 25!lU t\t•:1·1>~r"l Hh·d. C ./'.1. GRAND OPF.NING. R:H'k R:l9 75~~ Dut ch ~1.ainl Ser.v . 586 -6371 Trlrt1YourChristn'as nii:-hts ;i \\"k. fi :SO--JO :JO. -& Ruin Aml'ril·an , Auctioneer 2131789·4688 ,.-'' ------- 537-1508 ----.----:---":-Tree With Extra SS. l"f'usl he· ho11clable &· (•:1: II !·:A I. EST,\ TE people ·SER\'IC'E Sta; sales fl'an PriTPiti1·c·. COllntr~· Store FTIF F TO CQjxl hoiT>e. 1 t :· ------------BR ICK Bl .OCI\ & STO!'\ F. pd. Ovc<r 20, 5-m-5'i87 \\ ;i 11 I (' c1 . I 0 p I" 0 m ·!· ,\-_lllll<" IT'3n . ~op P'!Y &• I terrs &: olrl &•••n, Coun-Bicycles • 8020 ·''r old L3b 'Shep. l'f'USl J 0 HJ\"• S Carp ft & 1~·:111s &•palill!'i. Sle\l·arl Ynu Tl'nkt> representin).' ni i s ~ 1 o n ~. SC~O TT fr1n).'l' bC'n.t•fLl s; f xp. ters. S;tl. 10afl'. Z7Y7 t'.a~t ••••e•••••••••••••••••• nnd hofl't' by this wknd! l 'pholstery, Ori Sh;ifl'-~1a~onr y l.iC' 2905!17 thr "ortd"s larj!t'SI ros-Janitorial llE1\l.1"\' ,\· ln\"l'Slll'l'ntl !l'a_n prl'fh•ll.I foullho:· Coast lf"·.\·, l'D!l.1 CIHI " 1ns1 ... -...·,ct r 'tl'ine 5'15-618i. n't•\i('s &· tniletrit>s run' Foreman t'o 5:Jii i 5'.J:I ll t1rrc· S t> . 17t .,.. 645-0430 ' ........ "~ • --- . --.---poo. fSoil Retardanl~.l 557-6563 Sh & '"ii . _ 1,,,0 , •. ,.ll ----------h1kl .sc ldon1 nrldC'n.pd.COC"'APO<> Ptopp>CS. ti DeJ.'reasers &·:ill l'Olor -.. --. pan .\' ' pii· ' "~ .\'cl'tl roren1;111 for Jar).!£' " bri)lhtent"rs &· 10 n•inul B~IC0 I\. Sto.ne. \ r1~eer~. be:i. ut i fu I l!ifts. <'Os· Ol'I\" hldJ! in 1'1ission Vif'· ·REAL ESTATE 1 -•· -. ----L 0 l ' r S I (' A R T S l 5 0 · ;i ~ k 1 n I! S I 00 · \\"ttks rrec lo~d hofl't. blt'aOh for ,-our "·hill' ftr{plaees. planlt'rS . mt>til'S .je\1elry l'tl'. in jo GflO<I ":tl!es rrinf!t' '.\"C'ii·porl Acal'h s ub T~-LFl'l_IONE C1\l.LF:RS FTCl11NGS !} frolT' 5'15 8129 _ 675-5702 •"rpot•. 5·,,., ,.00, _c 11 ;1 ·'-:io ~·r s exp rour s par<' linit' !\lc('t t"'nofils Ch""reforall-·,1.,,., .. ,0 ,, 1 2 ,.,.,\.,,1.,._.e,k J f-1\R~ Chr1 s trf'a s Persona l Coll. ~1int .SCll\t'I""'"' Hl"'>"s' XI 1 -----" I h f ' "" " s .. ""·.' ·1 ll'on<''"-Houst"\\"i\·es-.. ,, h S k C . 1 ~'~ " •• • ' n F'R-E !-. Puppit..'S, Darlin.(! -on••"'' ,.,,.,·0 • -, , •.. 893 31-13 111.'0P c .. a\c untoo v:1n<"l'Tl'l'nl Call for n I < 1,,,. • t'flf11Tl' · out · ·mo e. on -' 197t Sl'IN"RAY & "' .... " ( 11540 i°tHI ;iiv .1!: · · Studt>nt.;-R1•tired '''ork h"t .. th 537 41!ll i·onu · · 1• · rrix-brt>t'd.Swal\.8 'A·ks . !ra 1tips: \~"i l_I rle:in li\"·Paintinq/Popf'finq6073 :i . I --appt l 7141!'197-!l350. C'nl l .J i fl' \\'h l'atJcyj1 in 1111r "orr1re o~ vour _r I a .o <'..!!.._ ---Fair Lady :O.lodel . 645-3785 Ill .II rfl' .. d1n1n12 rm .. & ••••••••···-··•••••••••• f\ ,\ ll )'S ITT E fl Lit l' fi45 2fi~ _ _ __ hon'c> n•ornings-l'\"C!'iiin.cs r.tAI\ E o fft>r. p\I party -~2=~'.!..8 af.!_ S_::KJ £.~· __ ------------- h11ll S!5. ,\n~· r~. $7.50 ,.. . , l ho11 ~ek1>j! !\lon thr11 t'ri . JUNIOR SALESMEN H!\""" 1 or hoth. t'~i ll ir.!3-630.'i or has 4 pos ter bed. Spo1nish ~IATCHINC., l·I" !II . TO pOOfl homl· l~·r Reaple. couch SlO. C'h1.11r S.'i. 1 .•lO ' Ol_S(Ol ~~·. !I 5 :l st·hl n.11c children. f"0!1'c•toouroffi1·e at7908 chcst. c:ir,·cd rOSl'\l"ood · , . '· ts . crs. n•alc.ncutered.all shots. vrs exp. is . "·hnl ('OUlllS". \\;11lp;q1l•r1n ~~\·Pn1nt1ng ti,lti ti70!i A.i!l' 10-15 Enrn S20-~0 * CCU'S \\"t"s t rr 1 n strr Bl\·<t . blul' \"l'l \"Ct <·hair. Oz ~h1te 10 sp<l.2Tl'~ns .nld. loVt>S<"hildren833-3893 not method. I do \IOrk frl'l'l':.1.l'~tlt536·05•18 " per \\Cf'k )!l'ttinJ! n•'\I Off" B'" F .1 315 F B Ibo lorhoth.752-1672 ------- 1, G t r Bl\llYSIT1"F.H li1"t>·in l"US t o n1crs fo r tht' llnt:1tin.c Shift~·St:ind by \\"estfl'inster. ll·e·· ranraoi · ·· 11 a -----KITTl'.:NS for Christlras. ;;trii~1 . qoc re ·sT.-\T~" lif"_ 7T~22 hon1le<t. i: hilt; l\'oth1'r \"Ork!! 11,\11. \" PILOT <ifte r tin'l' Diffl•rential Pil~'. hel""C?l'n 9a!1' & noon or _n~·d. B~l~_!.675-28.1.1 _ JO s peed A!\.IF F.o~·s and 6 "·ks old. 4 fl!. I F. All -----------p:ll ntin.I! int •t'XI 15 yrs l!r<t\t'ycl ~hirt F-.;1•hg for s<"hnol :fnd ~<iturd ays Exrcll enthcncfit.o;. 5rrr~·8prr . Applionc•s 8010 J?ir ls Bi("yrlcs. Nl'\'t>r rolors .540-2h''i!l C'.'·11·na• 6018 lcl(·al refs frtt ei,t lli11 '''''''' &· 1,,,1 ,·,, 10,.,,,,. Vou must bl' outofst'hi!OI Cool.·oc• '''' Jon-.·•n·. usecl S75 t•a .546·5243 - --- --------I 0 38 TFI f'Pllfl:"\F Ht'r't>P · ••••••••••••••••••••••~ \l''·d,· l'l 'l'Plf".S. '·'otl>er G, . ••••••••••••••••••••••• I enn. 642 .2_ • I I I" I""' h,· 3·00 p -'"d l>e "bl• C 0 5 T A ME 5 A " s. . .a ,..nn;i 1on1e ·:JI "'"'"' . · .... " linni!(I for bu:-\ 11ffic.-t>. •REC"Of':"O \\';1i;hl'r:.'----·----Shepherd. l\1ixed br£'e<'I. ACO('STIC'AL Cl'ilini:s. P:\l"\TJ:\"f: intt•r &: l'Xler. an~·tirre to \\Ork :i.t lt>ri !!Ol ::t day~ ,...ernoriol Hospital Tl'inifl'un• \\'a.cc.35 hr fl('r Dr ~·l' r s Dr.h l\"h r s . l 'SEO R('bUtll BiC.\'f les F o •1 Gd H fl('r ""t•t•k No delivt>rie-s 3 · ... " · orre. applied '!r p:ii1_1tffl . \~"all H e~i1t &· a1.\t l'i, G<·1;1 ·1 R,\B\"S ITTVH \\'anted : 0 r f 0 11 c·c 1 in .I! 301 Victoria,C.,.. ""<'l'k Phone494-7~ Cuarl.dlv-rd. 5-lG-5218 llr Hkt> n<.'\\ !\pprox 1 ~ Ori!! &15 &'lS::t te;-;i,ur )! .. 1nter1o_r 11';11nti rrpt111:.~.r~l'-l'SI Oli \'t•\ioott Srhl ;irf'a. Tr n n!<pnrtatinn prn 642•2734 EOE MJ!"l-7620. prit'l'.10.5.3SJX'(>ds&·St-------- paint J?". low r:itc~.nu:ih · i5l·Of;!C4t'\"l'S f~16-.'J10G , .. ,,,,, loc 1,1 rnon 4.9 ,·r .. 1 1 C 119,,,012 FRf'l ('l l-T--ll\~l -\G -,. in p r;1 ,v.-.. /'.11)\fl -rross t'RFF' Collie/Shep. pups. I I I '· < \"Ht'( :i ·" .,.., TELLER · • '1•' ' -,,,,,,·,,-,"1 ·'· llo.·•e·h .' .... ,old . 55'--··~ or y guaran l'C! \lflf1' ,. olol II••.'''' \l'"d''".· ,.,;,,, · ... ~' ·· " """" .lo, UISCOl'N'l"• "_, , Er1t1;1I ()1>1lnrtun 11,,· PART-TIME SAIF c· · .... ~,_,,,,73 fr e.c-c> ~ I i n' ;; t es . 1 , . . • • • rlusl.'r~ .,,., 714_64l,.:...!if:l3t• \\"iollSJJ perin_!!&·J :i1nt1n .c honi o·or n'it1l'.83'i~"'.114~1 Fn•ployl'r SA ll .'l"O !\" c ". 11 o I 1> o 1 n t RECYCLED CYCLES ---- --· · Frcrcs\i Clill5.'lf'. 05-1,11 t<Afl•t~lll.\l.'·,,,,1,,1 ,\op. Hran!"h 1~rc st'l'k-" I blln· R"'friJ.!l·r11tors. ""ashers. 11• C 11 NII rOCKAPO(l Terrier pu1>· " ~-"r. 1:\Tt 'RF. :O.!/\.\' Rondahll' A NEW 1t ;11ll1• ,\· c1l'IH'tldablt' l)r\·1.'rS. 111 ~h 1,1•ashers . &15-0 · o;i:st ""Y pit>~. black. rf':Jll's' & C•nt•nt /Concrete601,9 ,\ r n t.,r:!i!f "'Pf"i.i\"n~ l'Xt Ir ;ii 1 h<' l\ NO'l'TV i\ t •. to "ork in Hrt' i?nllery, LOCATIO..,. Tellrr 10 1,1·1>rk '.\lon & S;tl f':"c\\ \I arrant~· Crcilit. 645 -8288 fcfl'ales. ••••••••••••••••:···~·· i;i.:L. flj)~i l ' ~'fl ran ~1 25 ,H ;i rbor Bl\"d. C'.!\.l . ~titch i n.i: . .framinp. pack· &· F time for \'HC;•t1on rt'· Bof ''· 3623 \\". \\"arner. SAi\',.A ·s Cominf!. 2.r · 54t>--19b7 J.F,O!(fTF C'ONCHETF" \1·11rk .1~-G~'·· -l'oll jj.16.-90_.IO _ -----1n,.4!:t4 -2_081 ___ l1t•f t:x1>oc1irl·f"d s t A tit ---· ---------. :.in :i na. nt•:ir ar JOr. pirl"s b~'l'i!'le \\"/ baskl't. E--!.I. -8050 INC <'Ont·rete stai;ripin~. • , C'onl:tcl Jin• Park !.179-'..'921 ·----_ G--" Nn ""'•'''· 752_1~. rv9"n11urt <:Obblestont•, brick lill'Plaste lftep,cw 6077 BOOKKEEPER 1F.[>I CA I. Assl"s l:1nl fil·I 72S.S u·~--,..~ ---"""' ...•......•••••••..•••. lpalios . dri't'"'a~-" ctrl ••••••••••-.~~l-'•••••••• Full tin'<' Hl•al F.~tatc <:arrliolo.cy intern:il i W esterrtfrderal ""llJHl.POOI. r.:1s nr.vcr Pl'Cll-IOsp 1.o\ustrian lllOE·A-Bf'.D.l•'ke n;. .... 640-434!1 Tl'('(til'inl' in lluntini:ton .;. _,.n. S25 ~1 1 \\" h S35 · ~ -__ -.---'" l',\T(.l !Pl.ASTFRl\"C~ Prop ~lnjl mnt ~hr In Aearh Fronloffire,i·iih -!".'.,_)-~:-'l.l Sa•inos • · •t.\" a].! as er . · racerl Br;1nd nc"·· rid-''"ebster Gold,Sl2S. ("~1ENT &· BllX'k \\"ork A ll T lipes F r<'l" starl Ask for \'er:i. li!!hl b<1t•k offi<•e. E.~-:~::..,..~-=-:'""" :!744t'.Cnast Jh,·~· 5~6·867~--_d~~~r~.~~-5846 546 --6919 \''alls. p;1tios, si1le\\"lk.~ r stiri.•:itr!IO Tohinllltylnc.8'16-l371 n.o•r icncr rc11"fl and re--.:: \ Cnronadcl ~lnr \\"lllRl.POOL \\"as ht'r A· ----=~--., fall 540-(&i ,,~ -,. 10 f' I lO~pt>ed n•3ns hicyrlc.l'X· SOLID Birl.'h bedr rr set £'\(· B.1·br nriob BOY!'flRGIRl .S ferenl"es !\.l11sthea\·aila-qu11 J>por .. n•poyer Gas Dr,·cr Sl!iO. Ken· C'<'llcntrondition "·/full sz t'anopy bed. --__ G!6.:.6915 ~ --Plu,,,blnq 6078 A~<' 10 14 for DA I LY ~; 8~~To~~\~1~f1 ~· Call ~~.~~ &·6c~l?I. ~\~~ii~~~ SG5. ~ -- -_:!~-:_400.1._. -LrJ.! dresser/nilt'stand. 81\Cl<l-I OE Gra~inr & ••••••••••••••••••••••• P ll.()T routes in Satna . -·----· ---- ----d S.100 83:1 3040 979-783G \na he\\\"<'l'nSc11crstrofl' f.1 Er-.:' S 1 0 s p ce · __ .:. -~.-.:-__ ....;. ___ _ Trenc:hu1J,! Ser Construe-LR OTIS PLl'MBli'"(, 1 1 s' II · •1 ,,· . , ._,ED IC AL RECEP· *TEMPO*. FR IGIDAITif "'asbt"r & 0 >10 .. to<leC'an_ e 560. Men's SOl'A foe '"''· a foot.,,. l ·,o" ct-,·,n-••P ,,.,,,,,,,, "<'n•nd•I,, ; "•P"''' .,. .. un o"·p1 an1 a1n"' "'-'EW,ORT <I e 'I Lo·k,. "'"' pd " ~· " " ~ "' ., .. t <: II '' s d TIOHIST "" r~· r ... Cl'. ' ' -·1. SC'hw. ·inn .3. s · sas. · ·ell•ot •·oodo't•'oo stoo. ru l dirt. tust !'1.>rnt•nt \l"a tt'r h l'aters dis -t'o"·c• a r n'" er 1. . d 0 1 ·-s 963 ''"I r 6 • 1642 1:121 x per1l'n ce n ,. PersonnelAoency -~-··--....:~·-~'-~.:..-\\omen s 26 Seh\\'1nn Ph 536_7902 \\'Ork .642-851'10on 11osHIS furn -.ncl's dis· :i '· T" ·b · · Meeds You Mow! Crui~cr 525. 20·· Girl's --·--------------------h\\·a~hcrs 642_6253 l\l 'C" F qua l Q pp n 1 r:1n :i1c r1 1nj! :i 1'.'u s.t . 2192l\fa rt in.Ste255 \\"JI.I .. bu~· ~-our rc>frl l!'. or bikeSlO. 54R_7466 ~ACK i\Cl-IE ~ Buy hC!'r a CF.!\.1Er\T \\'ORK of ;1 11 &· B'i\ Complett' Pl urrh-____ ~n·rlo~·c-1 .:... __ ~~.";:d Open tnJ.;' · Jr,·i nt>. Ca9266-1 Receptionists appliant·cs run or no. ----------Nia~ra r hair. like ne"·· kEi,"1d0.!_~,e:.sonable. Frt>e ;~ ~cr,·icc:...l .ic. ~~4 CA SHIER 2i> AirJ~~:1 ~1:~f!;:z:;,d,. Typists 5-18 -0433 . 675-5258 2 BIKES : {11 2·1'; _!!iris $20. "· priC'e. has heat/ 3 ..... ~EDIC.AL ASST. 752-033 I Secretaries ~\"fllR-l .P0·0-1 .-::-,,"h"' -& fl\ lOsp 24" boys 865. ,·ibrators. 847-2636 ·--_c_ot_l 638 __ .J32.I ___ Re,,,odel/Ropair 6081 r o r fa ::; t mo\' 1 n .I! " ... 1 ,., . ., 0 , ... 557 .,.7 __ ------_ --rl'Sl aurant ~lust bt' ex -F.xpt>r"d front ofctha f"k Account Cites f!as dr~·cr . !'65 &· ~85 · "' ~ . .,.,., · 6032 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f f c 11 , -:--. , --:--1· Ros<' Oamask Sofa. Et•ctrlcal per'd. 5 Ni les a \\'el'k. AP· o C' or ncuroloJ,!i~t . 11 OH BOARD Repros \•Or ks perfct·l or Tl'one~· 10 S I o ~c;~ill'inn \ 3 rs1t~·-~ood cund . 540 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ot'ALITY \\"ork , He~ .. 2.'i plv .. !Mth Aero Squadron 847 8567. ··.Jl•anirSi~ro "' Choo~t·vottrO\inhours. bal'k.54!}-8500 !'loyJ;;. 21 , orrinp_c. Gr! "·l"--""""'c ELECT" ICIA N-· 10• .. ,0.r... .\,!.s <'X I>-L1J::CA' l&R"r"'RJloCbl~· BCs t:iurarit. 3180 Air"' a." -,,-G,IT 1 --,1-.40 ~.-.,--.... ' d °"" 6"3 01"1 ~----" ~--~-~----" .. ~" '' . '''' " "" '"HobinF!~1nkin" 1';1r.t -t i 1f'e.as~i).!11Tl'C'nt~ ... , •. ~,IOlll' \t'A ".ll Efl . ron .'!'<>''-' -"" · ice s. \\·cC!\T ' -··-· " .~ I 'G SF1' I 'd no. 233108. Sfl'all Jobs. Lic.6-12-1770Cal1Ken.1-'--·-----~-.c uarn .,t. !\Ir. nichards. ··:i.1 imil.l'\f'11nn"' a\tt1l:\11ll'.Cr111 r .. 10.41:-,o Sj!\ r\'<·le t1'ulit sell.S50. DI~!'\• . ~o 1 It& · Z2 'S •"f.'\""".ll olf'F".I' 0·,.:_,.:1 •ff~c"·I0-?02'. Gl,HL.!' JO. ~pd ye ll.0 "' -·.•hoo.dcoplt'•f Tbl&ti man -r epairs. }r c:irl'. CLAIMS CLERK F'11lll'rllrush,&.1fi-5455. '' r. ,,.,.,."" " \ st XI t '" cx p .548-5203 ------------------:\T 1'F~1PO · · arsit.v -l'111·•nn_ · n Chr~ Xlnt co nd G--~----6-0-~-5 Roofina 6082 Ei.:pl'r \l'll"ornm"l lines. !\lOT!-~l.1\IAIO.p 1timr SALES Tl'IT'p0Tt•n•110ra r~·P ·~lp\\"lllfll.POOL D1 s h cone\ :;:r.or.4i ir,s~--751 · 05·18 -•·n••• huilclin" ('ontractors. A •>t,·Co•1 'I to o h t> I 1 -U'IC" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... 11 . .~ a" {'Sa ' Al'llOl'O' h .,. \\a~ er {' ti'((' ('II • c & T~'Pl..'fi0.d 1rl aph. 320'11 bo Ill c 11 " ;1~ l"IOSl\nns -----. 000. 1 XI •125 Gn"eros J:J"' Hnll:i\la\· !i('{l\1·/nf'"" •••••••••••••••••••••••JC' ROOF S,19-4066 Hoof-A.A~ES I 000/r FREE ' .i ar r . . OJX'n for h1 j!h-f:1librc !<:J· TFX1\S t)IL ("Oi\!P \\'.)" ~;~29j-Or( top. -111 :-. Equipment 8030 1nn('r:-.pr.c i-t•alt 549.50. !\TEX IC'":N 111_1!-ne\\" &• rero\·er. Fret' Burl'auof i'\F.:f.DFI) Hrnnc>c. rl'm. to lcs Pt'r sonnel ~lui;t Ix· needs 1ll•pt·n1l:1 bll' fl'an -· · · ••••e•••••••••••••••••• Call ·1fl8 -1839 GARD£l"FR l'Stimatc.Lie&lnsured. F.O"'plo>.·men\AJ!enr"." care for rli sa hll'd ah1e tn start 1n,m('d. "ho can \\ork \\'ilhoulG F Stn\l'\\ l!.!r)!l.'O\'t•n P!llKE 'S La"·n Ya rd · -· ------'I th" 0 t I :'\10\'I E C,\'.\IEHA. Super Z706UarhorBl.Slt'.207 \\"Orl'a n. pt>rn1. fi d;i~~ "us .,\"(' IM"l( rl' s ~Ul>l'r\ 1-;ion in la•:ie h nn11 st!'\r;1).'t' iu"f'a Xiii! R. ill'<i1lll<'ll 2(J()p..._, (1 9, f\lain\. Cleao-ups TrecRf:PAIR5. <\II t~·pes . Costa:'\1es11 556-1100 8an1 -lprn '"" ~u n Appl~·lnPl'rsonpnty ;u·t•a .c·o11LHC'l (·u~tc•wc·rs tf•!ld .Sllltl.~·l!l·:..'\)J(J HI i".l)(tlll. Fint•st made Trifl'. FrceEst.548-2049. llf'a~. ------Con•1>le te 1·art' apt , APROPOS Ai!•' u111n1por!:ont . hut , . . -. :ii , IH'\\ pr"lt"C' :'270. 9am-6prf' Frct'est.l.ic"d.Asktor Of\.IP AN ION!'l·llP and personal 1•rrun1ls &· To1\•n&·fnuntryNo.27 n•a1urit y is.\\"(' trni n, \\ .. rst111J.;'hou s ; HL'!rll! :-1.lllF l'rnj. S:•"".'"l'r ·~----:f:lJTIQrf:~-\\"all.S::to-~..!'1!1.~i~e \i j!ht l'flokin µ for 5emi-mktnp. !\"o 1iftine 1h1:1rct Or:on).'e Air illall fo'. i-:. Jl il"k . l·ros1 !rt'('. (L)Jl1~rtnn1'. :ill n•ri,nlt• 1,011,_ 6031l GARDFNF.R ROOFING Tl'Obile arthritic \l'Ofl'an h ~cc l n ~. 64 2 0!!7 1 for <Acros~fronil\u\1(lr~s) P rl's South\\'l'SIL•rn l!lc·u ·1 ~·1 .'J,\"r '.'l:!O ,iirti• tr:i\· Xlnt '.'«IO. Land s rapin)!l tree DcJl('ndableandGoodl"o in <'xl·hanJ.!e fnr FREF' nppt. "Al.FSi\IFX P1'lrole11m . fol . \\'orth .. ~;.91M2 . ....,.. \l ll\'11·' <':in11•r;1 lfin'lm . ser\'i{'('r!'asonablt>. .Contr.fees646-Ul29 rooir> !ii pri\·atc h:ith l NEW FACTORY PIC ST TE Tl'x Pllll.C<) FttZR <"Jl(••d 7t·1,, \lo\·1k(111. fl 4 ... 6 ' ,_.5329_685-l42.'i -------------anrl hnard. Serki nJ!. ·A· A . XI d 5 1.-<·t• 1,1,.,1,01,,. 11.,1 · h I t 8 h I Ad I II b \\'Ar\0"Tl"I) 1.:ul\ tor \\P.,.' , nl !'On . I e11 ti " • •~ ----------sewinqg. spr1 .c t _,. 11nf1'30 ore-riinf outt>IS)ttslopcn· n tr:1 \'l' .. ust · <' _5 bt f R.fi .,~ lf'nst'1' ~1 00 5.ix 51ij,°I GAJlDF.N /l'llAINT /· . sid t i11 !'un ('i\y. Ph : in11 in arl'a needs the f;iTl'ih;•r,1·ithoneoftht' llou ~cho ld f',1r o• &· ~'·'"'1' :-. or 1 ' <"·1 LNOSCP Soll . Alterations 6084 1·6'16 2•11•1 :askfor~1r. rollo"·in.c · follo"·inf! ~l a\c!IO : Al~1., SUPl'r\"i!>inntilH\•r •1ld .,\PT Siii' \\";i!<hl'r ,i;.•lx~-. fll"S('lt J>rrssTl';r n Sprinklers. l':Jeanups. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hos!' i\!j!m l Trnl' Sl85 1,1·k Alsk .. l\r•k .. c.·nnn , Ari;~. :1pprox hr~ 7"30 In 9 Or\(•r \ \'fold. f)('rte1·1, •".l mf'ra . rl'("\•nt n\"t•r- h:1 ul . holrl«r~. 11 ide :1nµI<· HF..~l' Furn. '."\tls luxury horr(' '.\Ted leak T;1 j\1·;1n in·p1 ~ n~ &·nu fi:!S ~7 \Ii P\'T f'T)" '11 'ST S ELi. nn.'''ri -'"F \r 111nr: .\ !IF.fl. ~l lfo~\S, l.lJ\"I·. SF ·\TS. Il l H,\f"K CllH. Cl) V F F F & F ,. D T\BI F!'. l.A'.\1 1':" \tl "S1' S,\('lllFICt-· FOii F.\ST ~\I I'' Pl.1-"'o\Sl' C'.\l l.flfill 211<1 Soilc~.642-3331 .646-4908 ROOFIMG C0'1l~A:--;Jo~-r -~·· St•r\ml'n i2J SJhr C'o\ .. J)l'I . Fl:i., Ga .. lfl .. \\1. 2 tn 4 f'~I." 5 1l:i ~·s. ~t :irkni ~ rark int'lrt ~:-7----:----.-· J)f'pl'ndabll'andGoodNo 1 • • • or.sl'Tl'llll· S:tll'SIT'C•n Open 111 l nrl ., L;i . !\fe-. 011n 1tran" "'110 n•n 5-lfi !l21:J LA\\r.: renovalions. )Rr<I Conlr f('('S&4G-OR..."!I \"a lid n'an l"\o hard Pref fl\·r 25. n'arrit>d. i\la ~~-!\1it'h .. :\lo . 1!4•!1;1hl •· ap[ll 1 f'an t ~ cleanups. lit<> haulin _!!.---.:...-~ ____ :,_ __ "·ork. Gt•\ lunch. help l'rll'. All hl'nt>(it.~. Ctlret'r i\tont .. !\"f'\" .. N II .. N J . fi75 :1:u;1(.'d'.\1 r C F \\"lii rlpnnl ~cir lt·n~. rnll f1 hn bat·k, \'\· c;llFF"\ 1-";1 rl ~ .\tT'i:r 1ra:< l'On•pkl.S215. -.ofa. &lO X ii!'! 1•onUtli(ln. •H(lf 1-"X II i;i ncx "'(l\"il· "Nt"wf)o rt . Crl~t·-aren . Television Repair 60'90 ""/lc!l br:1re. 3-4 hrs 15 posi lion ~. x y . Clhio. Tx .. 11tnh 11,111 , 11 •. 1,.1., .. 1.011.11n L·~ l'.l'frll! ~ln1 .1·nnd .. ,i'i5 6-16·46J6,. ' 1l:i\'li . ~l.25 hr.5·15-5247 494 1065 I' \' 11. h " \\ h .. 10112 li21 -------~-······················· . -------• n .. l'r ' :1s . OJ DHI\"\·" \{".\II' u-. t•I" •• ~ • ._ JAPA ~ESE Gardener. Rl'Dl 'ST,\r,sER\'ICF. ("OOK nel'dt'rl f tin'e for -. , ~ \\"vu · \\'c tr :1 111 · ORnl lllY , l"lf'rd t ()n !':;.ll·sn•"n ran 11,:i kc C!IOflSF ,\'1111r hourS.:'\1 .\\"T ,\Ci \\"us h··r S: 1•:1n•er:i. S\1·itar lC'rlSt'!>. I/fl.I' ,·our Santa rtl;1:\ :'.12.'"i 5.101\402 ;1fti•r 1ht' holld;iy~ \1it h " Fxp. \Vkl v f.laint . F'orpersonnlizf'ld ser,·ic~ conv.1Josp.X1ntbenefits, ', • .tx ·. · .. 11 ork for \nun:1•lf, Ii.• 11!'\'\•r l'~('d Xlnt Cond Clea naps. Tiet & Shrub on rolor or bl ark&· 'l''hitf'. $!d pa~·-Prt'f. exper. hut ~a 1 ~s~~ l' ~.I &l~o~~ a I · ~10 .000 Isl n•o. s1 rai~h1 ,·our 0" n ho"" \ll'n or s;,(J C:l-.h hoth f\.l I Trin>.Freee~t.548-9-183 C'all646-2450 1,1•ill 1rr1in . Co nt aet~"1·'· e"'•' 12 · ~ ~;~~h ~,~'.~1 ~~·r<t~le{'~ 11o11'('n ('an"•' ~h t:ht1' :in•nr•'\•'~ ------S-----------------fll'Vc>rl,· \\lanor1310Vic-1or 2 LAl>ll.-S 18 28\"r"' 11., hand11:;11'tlt'd "\£'<•! LA\\'N ERVICl'.'1 Tile 60,1 · ('\I -1 '· · · pt>nSl'!I t o ·i re:.. .' PS . toria, · 642 -o__ .... ·--pcrninnt>nt r:infh \\Ork · · ("lt·;on 1\ppC'••r;1nr1• \"t<..c;,\s l)l~'"l'H &· \1 ;1,\t;11? \1li\'(J1 ."I".\ ~I! T llMl, hk•• 11('\I' ll 11n1•\ll ('ll ;1vh"lrllh:1n:1 r :!20 n., .. h • C';''"" 1'~~-~ Ii":".'\ ~.'l!l:I 1;111 1;:•0 I CLEi\J\'11 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . I ~lodern C'attll" n a nl'h. furn i.~h \(':i.il!> tradt r<'tircrl . 1\i!1'21°1toifl S11p \\"a!!Ohl•r :'lllOhu~~hn\h F~0r_?~Pt t & De~;~7 C'ER A i\11C TILE l\'E\\' &· ~<:;~ nld~ I~:~ R 9 ~j~ ~ ni' So. OrC'J!on. Roo1,.. &: ~~~~~(.,,T!~~~ n~7r ~~11~ ~111,~ 111t•n'tnt .\ 11111· 1111 011'1' li:Ui 211-10 Ooqs ~~'""' · reTPodcl frel' ·• ·· · • · 110 · I• s I · t nr1\'t•11cah 1;hr~·•r11••1t"f -------. · . . 3:pn•. ~Ion -Fri . Appl;o.· in •1.r1 "'' • 3 :i r). n -makin~ ft Ill• lhl" 1),1 1~ \ll!\l!B \I ll1·fncl'r·1tnr ••••••••••••••••••••••e 8040 GttteralStr•ICel 6046 estilT'ates . SO' Jobs pE"r son · A~T t-IONY 'S ll'rl"ie"•l)cr.17-l!l.Tiep-l ;t il;iy. Apph· in pi·r~on .' lbl 1 ' '. tS.\':j(1' nnc: 1\h1•rli1•11e1' l"1.1-.:-. ,,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• _j'f'l!:.Orf'!·l~-2·12!1 __ [) E .I. I . ~1 A. ID. l 7881 ly : t~n~t>ifi~fl nd 21i9. Dni-c.~;111n ~~~t1rl"I ~~~l;~~:~~lc> ~;.~·~~~· rrn l·11·-1~! .1,i'IH F ~ -~<«; ~c~.01111;~~ ~ s;,lj ~;~ ~t;11·t \l\·11 .l .111 ><Th ~ ~ l·l;\NDYf\l i\N, Pointinp.. Top Soll 60'2 ~k~·park Bh·d. Suite A. ~ P,.110,1.1 1 _ _.o .Cl\ox ~~~'°26· 714 1543-!134 1 ' • ·· 0" "' 1~· 51,11 071'12. 1''1 '" lr\1!\1 .111•·1, C I . T'I p rf1!1 lr\·int' m-os-o ~ os '1 t>s ,•. a. ""'" '•••••••••-.'i~i: 1\~2" , arpen r;.o. 1 e, ~ ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---· ---'---(In clude phonf" n'o. for cc m TI ri mw 1· i'\Fi\ n i\'F.\\' :1 ctr. lll'frl ~ (:"It· ~lo;.~· Bri;.k . •TopSoil •Compm;t • COl'NTF.R GIRLS&· <'O ntut'I \o r C1'11 Salc!I Sec' lo!800 11 il·e makt>r. tA a!>h{'r ~SHFITll-" 1'1 l'l'I F'~ A~1.'·~<'-·77~2e .. anyl in,I! • ri1 ulc'1 • Red"'OOd • , Cook~. !"'otrt & rull time. _¥1-1 !l."13-2214 art .7 pn'I. C.l'n1 !)fr. 65 "pm to Sf.OC rlr\'rr Ca 11 557-lfIT'J !Tn\ C'fll ht• 1. n•;i1•'~ Sl!lll -"t.-.:.':¥'---r--+--CALL$86·00:ll Arrily 1n pt>rson. ht"'" t\fypunchOpr ~50 • R('.111' lor C"hn .. 11r;1 ~•w on p.vo1.1sr1>:0 --------• T"""-"'" '"°' PART-TIME 1RVINE PERSONNEL SCRAM-LETS .,, "" \t'Rll'.ERS lr >'ou '" "" Emplayn>ent & _u~"."'!t.H..c !L __ EXPERIE .. 'C. ED cc°'"CES5-,,..E CY 1'NSWERS ispt•~~ on "'abllshed '••porot;oo 7000 COL'XT~R c· I t ' ,... -''"'-' '. ,,..._, N A ~·rite!" ,-ou ne~d our ' r Ir ' Pr inie lt..IQTE TELLER 4811 1' 17111 IAI lr\·1nt>I IRIS.II Scttl·r 1'11p<. \t\f' Ch:111•1• 1 1111•" •i \1k , C'h1·1~to•a-. 1'\C' .... dc11 \\Ill tiohl s•~ 1'!:1~ •11R.'i tlelp. \\'e .cfrer read\nJ?. ••••••••••••••••~••••••for tlr\' r lrant•r,i , l""'I Su11l"22·1 -<"~t :i !\l es:i d'tl d '., .. • Schools • E;1~tbluff Clr11ners. 2547 I Coll 6•2-1•7• e 1 n1 an ft iqiun ° O' fn!!ithli1Cr 1)r N B "' ~.~ your ta.\llita~:ln1L"t!1rt"' Instruction 7005 644_ 0032 ' · UNITED coUfomio ~ p~sn::&r ;i11 "'ell ;is p.NKt ""·ntJnp •••••••••.-••••••••••••• • ------bantc SALES SECRETARY servlct"sand"Q1ic:I0\1nthl' rt•,o l es·,~ COl.'Pi.F. \\'ant ed tor d f J O .. ' ........ l'<'r so n ;1blt'. mature . oo . l 0 11 m 8 flv Coll l'lolC!' Sl\1dt-nt .. qtl ~ou!lck('t>plnp , l'1)(lki.nt:. 6 Monarch BoyPIG'la ~·o un g . !!c>lr !!Otart«r to publ i s her . CAL 11·.,,,, ·,s"·LS23 or tn attrartl\'e Plam Spr· 75'·'177 ' " \ Id r. South Loquno h n n d 1 e p h n n (' s , ...:.:.!L-..:.----.l...-~fi-4478. nt~ re!I f"nre . .ar· cn~orr t•r.ot, l'nrr1-sp for . ---------den1n jl o plus. not e11sen· HCllflitcJ • 6051 JobWant•d.~de7025 ti:i\. Gooci Sll\;iry , roo,m . ('onH1C'IJoy('t'~lllls \\:ltl'rfront ~:ill'~ nfr •••••'••••••••••••••••• bonrd. h"nlth \nit.~"'"· 171414'96-1273 ~luslt~pt'70ph1-.1111I B~·I L~ • I &h I t<'Sldt>nt ou·ner. E x· AnEqu:il ""r<-rr" ~n .. ,,. .. NEW,ORT P...-.tAgH<Y M•wport l••ch 642-3170 ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• " "'' "'-t t I I ·1 ,,,_ """'Alo n"O" nt nu irtJ! t"L1\SS A Dri\'t'r. IMkln~ 1 •-r 0 I': 1 mnr punC'IU!111("1 ~hn by 1tfldent. ~rp t~k. rl': for v.•ork in \\'1."l!t con st pt>r enC'e \>" r(' trtnt'cS to Pf\Or\ un11 y ~mp o~·er ,. r!I h l' ;1 \ ~· of" h:i <' k' i '11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1s. Qarry 8" 201! ,,,0 .• 4._87..... bt! ,-arlfied. Repl\' -------. . ·. ~1-.UU , l • • " "---!!!--Cla!l&l flt<il -t\d no. 21:i. Clessllh::d uds sell b\lt .&?round 1'n ~').'14• " ,ln't ---C'la :i iil rl<'d Ad• C;i ll Doily Pilot . r . fl. box Item~. i m'll ltctn:ii or Fu t ure l'ht•n•· \11n. Y11u 'll fln1! H 1nr1ai-sli1l'fl ~'!led "1'1111tl~ _ ~A!·Ml78 f"" H~7#1 h1<lr.vt \MIO, roiu 11 \I e;o;ri. 92'\24! _nn)' ~tem f,I'.' -~I Ari f"'n 11 fl·12 5bil ' • --·-- Balsa m -Golnp, Annoy -Banana ANGL.JNC. U'sal\\·aysbecntrue that SllFPll l"f!ll l'l"l'S. full a man enjoy11 (ighihg a.nd br1'ft. 7 111.-. nld ~10 CJ a woman ANGL.ING. fW2 !1051. r,1:.! •·141 1T•ll• how 10 plant It 1o r how to fix It Saturd•p ln th• Llaioo \I'""· Cluhu:ihu~ Tin\ l'<l(')(llf' ... , Prk1n 1•~l" Pi! n ull" Hull Tl'rMl'r" C'oc·l.1q\f1n l'<1n•er;1111nn. I ah~. c; Sh1•11 \ft\c>r Jo;s kin'o 1011 \11~1-'l) Pl 'P~ St 1111 "''r\ h t' Tl'fl:l-1 hrN"d'-2~2'. \\'(lc;.I li lh .JI F n1r\ If'\\ ~ \ tl!•l'"n r\f'\\ r rP~·u \"ibrator-/ ht'.lh'r rt'rlint>r ('hair. r' h:1r~';H!'I .it !'1 00 Rarf'\y u ~t"'d :; HJ 2279 a fter, .iP \1 J l ~l:'\1 F F\TERT1\IN · \1 F:"\1" (."en!rr. 820. Ne"· J:nld eou c-h ~75 . Gold rh;11t & 01 ton1<1n S-10. F 11·(' fl r\ c>r S.15. 91'.3· 7756 l.(1NG -.1ni!h' bed sel • "1\h frame. ll'edium tlrrT' (')<;!"l'llent . $40 . m;; 1;100 \\'EOG t:\\'OOD slo,·c. •t bu rncr:s & .11 rill top, ~ l.r~ "'H'lf! chair. ,eolcl ,\· 1.1 rn {'lit Pill' \'CIVM., S.."iO \\"rQut:hl iron p.roup. •I pee;. $;50 R nirr l\OOnk hallc>r~· Up('ratC!'d n•o1!1 1·:i111r1•a & Rell & lln1\·rll prn1 . ~t'i ~7!_~ 3 Pf C'ur\'C'd S«llonnl :\Int \ond 8('(' tro ;;11 • prf'1·1nll', Os t oCr . S-tl! S07!"1 J'tlltTAnl.F; hromr llroft Hrcr nar. 6 f\3~k IK't:r l'OSI 71 ' 831 9090 . :\81 2 :lO'!I Q rt fi 11Rf'~"\; 1:1 C'o/"f•'f'Tobk> \ o t Crl C'Ol)ll. ~I nt I :!7?•2 \. • 011 OAILV PILOT •S()f,\ & l.O\'i'S(.,1t • l'.'!itll' rnadt'. i.:d riui1I nt·~·l'r U51'd. U!>Uli~ly hnl , 968·7910 ORIENT AL RUC>S \hri~tn\h!i~o lr 20to:'JO•; Offou 1\"t-1' Huµ:- !-il!All '~Sll A ll 2030~. f\1:iin.SA ~7-1:!12 r.nnrl rr>rl~··. l11JT1p ~. hl>Ul>l'h<1j{\ llt'fT'l". l'll' ~ .. t &o Sun" JO to !i 175, 11 r 1 11 r \\ o ci d r \' . oos-2337 For an Ad In WOtMn's World Call Suo 642·5678, Ext. 330 A Happy Time Printed Pattern ' ' ., . ' . : ' . ' ' 11' i iii ' " ' ' ffi .. ' •'. 9476 SIZES 101:.20¥1 "" 1lf..,;_ 11f .. -r- Lacy Crochet ... -"'' - Mitc:rll on t ou• 8080 MJ><:ootl .. l<.,••••CMll 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l1c~llantOU1 Wartted 9530 9560 .4uto1 Wanted 9590 J.uto1, lmpOrt•d !Autos, lmporttd Autot, Imported Autoi, Imported Autot, lmport•d ~ Fri.day. December 13, 197-i DAILY PtL.OT pB ••••••••••••••·••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • ••• •••••• Aut I orted " H R F' M d I 9HO h 9750 T 9765 Awto" lmpori•d Awloi, lmporied o1. "'P \liEPAYTOPOOLLAR a omto 9705 1ot 9725 tree e1 .-ra °'"'c e oyota ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t'OR TOP l1$F.DCARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••·••••••••••,••••••• •••••••-•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• _..._ 9770 o11s 9770 V ... --t770 f'OREIGN,l>OMF.STI C LPJIA Roml'o '69 'li9PORSClll.o-:911S'f'1trjta ~twoqen wagta w-~- CLASSll'S s d 11 5 · 1:a.gr,;w.,. Low low leo~ s 5 d p p ·71 COHC)'.'I:,\ 1 dr Jutn •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• If you~~a r t1't:xtr11 clean ~~·tn~~'. Xini cor:£i~~f .... J '6b.. NEW '75 ~_:_~~~-61~flp r ty .-1r ' . i3 •\'\r Th1nl!" 4 "IM'~>rl, I.AJA BUG I •70 YWIUG :ite us firsl lil70-0821 . --------'tf1t1 &S..">\1 r.H~10 hl'Olll'I" 79'.tJ f.S P,\llT~ «73-701\f F.xet•llcnl cond. ~t.,., BAUER BUICK -------l ·MERCEDES '73 POHSClll': 914 . 01p , •• • ~ s.21•7 !'.l1i1~1. radlal11. p111nt , 2925 I-I bor Hl · t Au•tl•H•ol•y ,709 ORAM GE COUNTY'S J>e-aronrl' !lroup, urr fm 11:1~.1 I 111 n1v f oronu ~t a .fvr i\:"\ l.f.\\'l S \!OL\'O '72 \'\\' 41 l ,;t11tion 111111011 brak~s & ih,oc~. \\lood CostaM ar 97~( .,500 •••••••• ,, •••••••••••• HEWlST&UAGEST Only$160pe-rmo. s tert>o, lo miles. Ol :JO\ \\<111 IHllul~ II ~\1r 1''.1n:I lfl flG Jlarbor \ l\! Fxrt•llt•nt ('ond1tu)11 l'll 1>antl 1nler1or "'!«>co ___ ,__!!,!•_ -~ • 1 • ..., Opcnc>ncllc>asf'. Klras M000.9G2-2'.rlo rootr,1ck 1 1~5GX ,\1K.'7~.1 o4n 9.11~1 tru' ~1ui.t set·'675-0093 fT'lll~ 5-0.000-fT'i's $!350 TOP DOLLAR '56A l1STIN1-IEAl.Y IMMEDIATE 240 01~s:1r0~~)St:dan '7 3 -~ 0 R s-cHE-911 5-l40~;u,,"r1~·~Tr.~~~~hi.J l!r10 ,.,,. lll'G 111 m1 1·11 71 \'\\ t028HEV 1 Cull6"S-90."'~'----PAID 552-8729evts& .... ·knd:. DELIVERY J" SI T~us . I .,.. tt. (att. \l.\·~•min";~·i-~ .tuto ,.,lnrl S1.200 S-l 'l'l-:R llLG£ ·r.~ V...\\' CA~PER a .. ~ __ 833-_!Z!l~<!_~ ,\ LI. 111 () !) p--_Jm -emonS 81 r. 1" ff'DJ!S, Al\1 /J?fll -ii12 :!-1~1 iW5 570(• ___ 11!,!' \\'f'~l pha li 11 67000mi . nev. J,..MEDJATELY ""I ''"" lmri orts -"t"llil' •ilver. v.· full .. '!O 1'0YOTA !'tut1on t1n:s &· br:.ike:;. S2,l!IS l"W 9712 '" ' , '"" " "7 \'W lll'S ti FOR ALL Dick .. ~'tll•r "otors lc>ather blk inlr. Loatl£•1I \\';n:on X Int cone! !\Tu.,\ h • i·nn•p r<' 1 t iO l)l ':0.: ... Jlt 'Gr.Y StrC'<'I K33-87:w.I FOREIG •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.... ,.. 13 tQuall much wore . Sl2.80 ll ,,.11 immcll ~:tli5 Jf;.()(ll'n~ Rap1clotlrool1' ,__. .,, \'\\' F'A-STBAC" Gd NCARS 120 \\ \\'iJ rntr at So f\'.e1•:11orl ~«1rh 794 _375:iart &pm fill 01,18 v. fr:1m cul nu· ~\~t1 ·n1 lll1nnl·r \1 / lop & t•ur n. CALLORCOtwiEIH ~ af\, :'>1 ;1111 833-8300 ---11('.~11 ,\• c1utv tn l pun1p. tJJn), lt')'-1han 7. ('nn<L Beblt enj!., R/H. TOSEEUS ~ ~ S:1nluAn;1 557-213:! Saab 9760 '74 ·rOYf)T A SH~. r.ic11nl-.;, ~l.5{10 ... $$th1 n>1lt·:. :o;10~1S ~!IG8 Bllt:1 SltOtl 642 -8750 day!>. f;ntrrfrnml\lacArthu1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• At.1 1 F~1\Ul'l".1111mu1• ;ulf>4~ 01Gn 1llr i7\l l H'.l.1~lJOO 64·1 7:!32c1e~ NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coast ~I~')".. N.D ____ G_i2..:_!J;ct~OO~-- CADILLACS Lar~est SrlKtion in o ·ranqe County Coupe D<'VillE$ -&>thin Df'\'1llt"S - E I Doru<l os Con \'t>rt ibl l':.. Also 111;:iny olhf'r ,;1•lt•1·t C'adillar Trad€'· in!> Oranqe Ceut+y's Oldest Sales -Ser vice'.--1.easins · 9742 WE BUY IMPORTS Top Dollar f or Anl' !lo1iJkeor !lofodt•I. · Q,·erseas Dcli\•ery Roy Carvor, Inc. Rolls ll oyre B!\IW Jaguar JIM PANOS MAZDA 2001 S. r.1 anchesler . 234 E. 17th SL Cost;i l\\C's:i ~6·4444 B.'\l \\'-BAVAlllA 1972.1 ;i (', maJ,?s. stic-k. 86.250. 494-a38.5 Anaheim 636·6000 '73 B:O.I \\'. 3.0s. air. --------- -Am /F'm slerro. leather. Cash Money Paid 0 a ·'' s 8 3 3 -1 3 6 I FOR 'i'Ot 1 R J llNK CA H _!~~ '\'.!~.d~ 838-7445. <'<1 I I r~12.4930 TOP Ooll<.1r pi!id for Bf\TW'!i <ind a ll olher Im· ported Ci<rS. 72 3 .0 CSA P o l :iris \\•il h blue leilther. elt>rtrie sunroof .. - 1 OV.'nl'r. 9&1r, BY '58 !\11.1\. C'orn pl('te ear p;1rts only \all ht-for<' _uPr>.1 r.re1?. &1U 2768 _ SUPER '73 XJ6 '70 O PE_L r.·r :-.1.nt eond. NOW OPEN Marquis Motors •TOYOTA• •SAi.ES •SE!l \'ICF •l .EASI NC •X lll'\T l 'SED \,\RS r o n<I . SJ.000 6\f, ~!i'll ;1f\ 7P:-01 . \•knd .. Trlun'tph 9767 ........................ '1.fl\'\\' llt'f; run~i:rt'J\ 1 :11~1 Fnl! nib Pi<•nl S750 1:1;! :1;1;7 '~:.' Sl'l•FJI llel•tl 1• Sunrnul H JCl1:1I:-(:oncl r onct S200!1 El'e :i :,;i l t:j:J~! S1 .551• hrni Su1Jo..'r Bttlh· ,1 ('Ond. J(l m1 radlal:. f\75 -!R!l21673 -4256 'i2 \'\\' Ht'C l (t11n1·r. '72 \'\I.' l'unel \1:1n. 18.oro .1·1~1 lt•.i11111; c·o11ntr\' ,.,,. 'iO S<)HI\ n1·v. 0.1111\ n11. 11~1' 111:\\ SJOOO cir l'rtl t•d to 'l'll S2000 t1 r1•-. Xlrll 101ut Sl:)(JO 11r 111.·~t ofr E\'e &· 11kcnds 4!U 2:!0.:> olf \!u:.I .. ell C!Ul('k 002 71!97 ~S'" ~'):i~ 1004 \'\\',()rt ~ c·ond .• µr l ··~ •~·' 1111 .. rinr n1·1•1t~ mlonr AYlos Used '1900 Autos Used 'l•OO 1•nc 1•orl. <:fl llrt'" &:••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• hr :• k <·.. 2.;4 1 I' I dl' n .• iiiiiiliiiiiilmiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiilmiiilmiiiiiil'I Hnu~1· t' C;\1 !1971 ,\'\\' Sl ·p1:n l\t•1·1li', t'Kt l·I 1·und :i;t.i{)(J ;1(1 nP\1 !1~ii 8!171 J)O:"\'T Gi\'l' up th'-' Ship' "Lt~\" lt 1n 1•1:1ss1f11«I TWO 1973 240Z COUPES 4 sp trans , AM/FM racllo. air cond .. mag wheels. lo miles (562JDA & 539GR8 ). Your cho,ce $4995.00 '6 3 Triumph Spitfire Sh1p tu Shor'-' lt<'su!lto • 1971 MERCEDES BENZ 2805E 3.5 VS COUPE S275 f>.l~ 2fi25 612·5117X Fiat 9725 Fiat 9725 28802 :'>larj!Ul'r •t<'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This llm1 le d proauchon vehicle 1n cond1t1on and fully eQu1pped. ( !42CFUJ P :1r k\1·:!y m 1:.!l'10n \'1ejo R3 1·2MO 4U5-1210 1!1;'2 C011C'LI.,\ 1200. 4 Spd Spotl1•;.s, R iii.Quad Sterc•o. 51 4.'iO. 548--14318 , The biggest selling car in Europe $10,950.00 1971 l"ERCEDES BENZ 280SE 3.5 VB CONVERTIBLE A mint condition-collectors automobile. Beautiful silver color and parchment lftalhef 1nter1or You must see to appreciate. (004431) 1972 MERCEDES BENZ 450SL CPE/RDSTR. S1tver color with red interior. (001265) A 0 "0""" $I 0,450.00 :\lint Cond Xtrr.s 1·10 1blk S l l'rl'O lap1-., frT'. 7 4 3.0S :'>l:.ik1•(1ffl'r ,",.\ti ·175:! l'O n1prt>ro11d .¥:!-712'l _ '75 TOYOTAS 208 \\'. l ~1 Slrt't'l Crevier BMW TWO 1973 MERCEDES BENZ 450SL CPE/RDSTRS. Sanlit !\n;1 BJ..').3171 Elf'r tr ie s unroof blue• J!n:t Op<'l Ct lspd R II. \on1t' 1n Tl·st rlri\e & 'M'ith national leather . Jensen 9732 '.\1 <•1!S Sharp <s.itl-lll'X\ Ru~" 6000m11c>s 0641.JR ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.159!l Holiday Savinqs Crevier BMW Jr: N s F: )'; II E !\I. E Y SUNSET FORD on Reft'laininq '74'1 20H Vi.'.Ist Street R<lstr '73 12.000 n1ilcs . ~4,IOGardC'nGrn\'f'RI\«[ 1.EASl1'G 1l\·;1;'1abh.• on G I 970 I Santa Ana 83.'i·317J v.·h1l(', xlnt c-ond Best \\'t•stwinsll'r f.36 4010 .111 mnd<"I:. ene-ra --.--------·nfr cla~·s fl35 2511 ext ----' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Capri '1715 250. nit es 640 6427 Porsche 9750 Autos, Imported ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2999 + ' T & L DICK MILLER MOTORS One has red color w1lh parchment interior, Ott1er 1s silver w1lh blue intenor (009338 & 01 11 07) See and drive these beautiful automobiles. Your choice at $1 1.950.00 L 0 TU S EUROPA ~;;~-;;~·;;;;·;;:,~·:;r~ Maid;--9738 ;;;·;·;~~··;·~~;~~·~~ .:OM le.wiA SPECIAL gd l'are. Xtr11 set n<'~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• r>.1ctallir Sill'f'r Xlnl ~ 197~. Ai:ri tF'm 8 tr<1ck . rad ia l s S2795 /ofr.72RX <! c21 1r.~1s 1 ('o ntl s 4500 Call ~ TOYOTA 120W.WarneratMain,SarttoAna ma~s .• 1ompf!, Brand 645-746!!. Sl!.\JIP' 645 6128 557-2132 Mmry <>"-',,. e#Md ~a•a'-111 T1h ... 1•1 171416U..JJJ2 WALTER'S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 6634 'ladi.ana -RJ•erside M...., 0.., '11 .. t,.. i.i. .......... ~I-, Ott 11 • ..-·~··......,_ ~ ... l\'.ev.·. Take O\'('f 1casC'. -----645 ·5700 rl lr . ---1966 Har bor C /,\ 6~6 9JOJ 111 !'l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 497-3060. 'i2(',\l'lll 2000 cr,l)<'Cor ·;o P0B S("llF: !ll •l ·ti. ' -1: -J,!rp. A1C. auto. J!cl 1·ond. 731\1a1.cl;1 \\'J!n •~124 l A~l 'FJ\·I .'llfMJOnii SS.OOIJ . ..&01, u•w 98001 u 9800 •. ~,, u•w 9800 •-•-i, ... ew •IOG 1973 Only 2r..ooo mi . S2400 . ll<lTAH'i' 213 696 -RRfi7 Ul ,.. Autos, new AUlu ,.. AlllU " RJS -2200 {'X 338 days ! 64S·:'i71Ml 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................................................................. . MASERATI 673 1813 i:_'·~s._ _ !1!4 '73 Sil1f'r niags ar· Mercedes8enz '1740 rr<'anct' µr o11p . FJ\1 C.old v.'/l<in . ~hO\.\'ruon1 72CA Plll (OJ5FT\V ) Strrl'iJ. ~ls~umC' ll'<iSl' <'Undition -only 10.000 2600S<"ri cs ••••••••••••••••••••••• """IV' . ., d B Si50 rno or bu~· """""· miles. 51'(' at ROAi) &: Hecl &SllARP' ""erce es enz 4!~-5055or49'1-ffifi7 R A L I. F Y E . I ti 0 9 645-5700 dlr WE BUY & SELL P owona Ave. C.:.!\I . ---- (Week dav.~ & Sut. um.l '73C'APRI \16.autotrani;. LEASE & SERVICE <>r <'•ill ·646-3244 or s unroo f. Afll !FJ\1 tapf'. CallUsforaquote '73 !1111' POllSC'llf: v. I Less th:1n 16.000 at·tual miles. 5 s rld .. Ar>.1 /F'f\1 st<'rl'o.air. he;tut. grn. 'M'/ elk l<'n lh <'r int . t752G \\'X): 1llr. C7 14 l R33·9300 &16-2745. A!lk for t.lcmo. Decor j!rp .. xlnt conrl. ---------F'irm. SJ.JOO. 9f\2-273.1 '64 SllNBF.Ar>.T 1\lpine. ---- ne\.\·ene. top. Goodt•ond. Datsun '1720 House of Imports 523-7250 6·1ti·65K8 or 642·!110'.! ••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• - WHY PAY RETAIL Ch .. ck Thes• Prices Aqainst Whole•ale '73 SAAB 99E 2D5D f'act.\\'arr ~ K!\1A $2995 '72 PINTO SQUIRE Aul o-.-\·\ 378f"Vi.'(; $2295 '71 l"AZDA CPE 4 Spd A C 842EOll $1495 '74 P lnto-Waqon Aul o-F';1t't· \Vurr 42\JSB $2895 '71 PORSCHE914 5 Spd -Rl•ri 410M'\' $3995 '73LUVP'U !\fa µ 's 33731T $2295 '72 COURIER P·U 1.ikt' ne"'' Afl1 ·F':'>I 257G ll' $1995 '69 FIAT 150 5pyder Original -Zl1 ~1458 $1595 '71 OPElGT Au lo . Sil \P('r fl()'jOJ E $2399 '73 l"GB RDSTR 1·1 Top -like nl'\.\' ?77G~IO $3995 HARBOUR YOLKSWA~EN 842-4435 18711 IEACHBLVD. HYntin~tOft ltoch ----Sell ktltJte ~ 642·~8 WILL BUY YOUR DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN PAID FOR OH NOT. \\' I L I. P !\ 'I' T 0 P l)Ql.L1\H (',\I.I. Kl':NT 1\l.l.F'!\'.540-f».1 2. 1973 DATSl'!\ 240Z J\la J!s, ;1ir. p\'t pt~· ~l.000 !ltiH 507 1 aft 81'!\t •l>ATSt'l\:• • P ICKl 'P• \\'ii h C :.i"' pt>r Shell . R;ulio Jle;1ter fiood ~as n'i l e;1 J.!r on \'Ollr v.eC'kencl outinJ,?s 96082T Rl'STF.O T0 ~li6R. C. l 'ST A f'~()N 11 1\"COl.N ,,1F:RCl 'AY 16HOO B£>arh Bl\·d .. 11 .H. 842·884'1 '7:l !\I AllK Ill pkup .. rl'd 11 /\1·hitt' i;trip~. tonn!'illl ('\'f . ll'al!s. \1·id<' n1·a\s, air c·o nrl .. ra1lin. br:iu11ru1 1·oncl. 52 .695. :,4.1-3:J:l!l '72 -1200 CoupC', nulo trans. ,\ r('. AL\! r:idio. 1600 lo n•i'i;, Xlnt rnnci . J!li.S s:1\'<'r. 30 IT'pJ!, ~arrifiee SIS75 . Bill =H.!.~~ ~4.~:: .. ~1~---­ ' 74 fll'IT S l 'N 260Z. ,\J\l /f''L\I stereo t a pt' <leek. A IC. 6.000 mi \l'ft on v.·arranl~'-S800. &- TOP. !i4!i-7435 'i2'H OATSllN P.l ' (':ill Pnt. ;'10 . 5prl'. 536 -4471 '71 510 2 OOOH Sedan. l'Xr t'ond. SllOO private par- ~~~~3~~----- 1!173 240Z 4 SIJtl stereo tape. ll'llJ.!S. Ilk~ nev.' t973C.SOl S499!l. 5UN5ETFORD 5440 Ga rden Gro\·e Bl\'d. \\'('stlT'ins1er 636--4010 ·70 Datsun Piek t1p. ll'3!ZS . Gell' To1l l'<lff'pt'r shell, :ot lnt ro nd . Sl050. 4!'15=6.'i~ ____ .. __ _ '73 240Z. Air, ninJ.?S, a11 l o m :1t\(., v.·hitt' , Sh:.irp 29K niill"K. Dis· trPss ital<' h.v pri ply. ~800 ra~h. No t rudes. 644 -70~ Rat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIAT ·72 124 Spyrle!', Al\1 I Fl\1' mas:s. xlnt. c-ond .. Sl.000. 831-2005 aft. ~Pl\1 ---------FI AT~ CONVERT. 'f>R. Gd ('on1I. 30 rT'fH!. St'l75. 640 6763 f.42 -r.M'711f't ~ You dnn'1 n<'ed 3 p;un to "Ora"'' f"a111" v.hi·n )'OU pl:1rf' ;1n :ir11n tht [)A ILV Pll.O'f Want Adi'!! C1ll now 642·5G18 CASH BACK FOR CHRISTMAS? YES! Example: IF YOUR RADE IN HAS $500 EQUITY, WE WILL GIVE YOU AT LEAST $100 CASH BACK FOR CHRISTMAS. IF IT HAS $750 EQUITY WE WILL GIVE YOU $200 CASH BACK. IF YOU HAVE A $1000 EQUITY WE WILL GIVE YOU $300 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. THIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE ON ANY OF SUNSET FORDS NEW, USED CARS OR TRUCKS. SEE SUNSET FORD FOR A FANTASTIC DEAL PLUS CASH BACK FOR CHRISTMAS . • Mu•I Present thl• ad at time of purcha ... CAPTAIN STICKY AND JOHN CUSTAFSON SAY KNOTS TO INFLATION with these B.US.T.*speclals: BRAND NEW 4 spd. pc>WeT front dl•k brakn. Styled Steel Wheels, HI Fle• . color keyed bumper•. Steel r•dl11l tires. Hve position bucket 1974 FORD REC. VEHICLE · Bubble top, loa.ded with V·8 Automatic. P/ S. P/8, radio. heater. Ice bo•. sink, stove (gas). Custom table & seets. SleeJJ6 8 people. Leu then 2.500 miles. Beautiful unit for only 383 lFM $5686. SPECIAL FORD SURFER VAN with V-8. aulomallc, P/S. P/8. air conditioning, 11urferpack. Carpeting & wood paneling, Mag Wheels. Rite miles. 12277K. 1971 TOYOTA COROl!LA $3596. 2 door. 4 spd, radio. heater. real pretty littJe car. Plenty of miles 10 the gallon. 526 DZP. $1396. BUSTED TO $1196. 1971 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE 10 pass. wagon. wtth V-8, automatic, roof rack. P/S. P/8 . ah conditioning, AM /FM 5leTeo. pt>weT windows & seats. Runs s.,,.,,.,.n,_ S 1996. BUSTED TO S 1796. 1970 DATSUN TRUCK WITH CAMPER 4 spd. radio, heater. air conditioning. Real good condition. 96082T $1696. SEE TIIE STICKY MOBILE NOW ON DISPIAY. ; : Free ~0.000 mile or 5 year wunnty. seats, full instrumentation. body side mouldings. Many 74 Capri's to choose from. 1970 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK DI loaded with goodies. A real fine driving car. You have to&ee It to believe it. 636 HST $3526. BUSTED TO $3326. 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK IV l.e'is than 17 ,000 miles. The mark of excellence. This fine c 111 has every available oplion on It. Showroom fresh. Come drive this car a1 a real bargain price. 976 KYN S6786. BUSTED TO $6586. 1970 MERCURY MARQUIS 4 door. loaded with equipment. Real fine h1mily c111. Drive '"'' oneforno1, Sl886. BUSTED TO $1686. ~1 CCL 1971 FORD PINTO RUNABOUT Pn!tty little car. Yellow with black Interior. atllomatlc. air conditioning, radio, healer, m&g wheel1. Rhe miles on this beou<y.SZ<GNK $2126. BUSTED TO $1926. 1972 FORD PINTO RUNABOUT "ith low mlln. white with blue lntl'flOf. Ane car for a teenager. Drlve it you11 li~e It. 57~ EJB S2226. BUSTED TO $2026. 1973 FORD PINTO RUNABOUT 4 !'>pd. radio. heater. le!is than 27 .000 miles. See this one 101 '"''' $2486. BUSTED TO $2286. sso HON 1974 PINTO RUNABOUT 4 spd. radio , healer. with less than 10,000 mllH. RPal cherry CM . Year end Speclal. 850 KBR. $2868. BUSTED TO $2668. 'Buy U.S. Today • MERCURY· fforfte o/ the ~11g" 16800 BEACH BOULEVARD ffUNTINGTON BEACH Beach Boulevard ju8t north of Warner 842·8844 • . • -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ ················· ...... ······················· ............................................. , ............................................. . f)f0 DAILY PILOT ' F'ttd•y December 11 1974 .Ailtos. lmport.-d Autos, Imported Autos, Imp arfod AMC 9905 l•ick 991 O Cadillac 9915 Ch••ral•I 992 Ford 9940 Plymouth · 9960 ............................................................ ······················· ··········.············ ························ ···1················~··· ........................ •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• Volksw•n 9770 Vol6iswo9en 97 10 "ol't'O 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •s••••••••••••••••••• TI VW C':i m1>t'r, 4 'iJ)l"t'rl •••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 10· AlfRASSADOR. a uto. 7J Buick LTll CA'DILLAC COHt4aL 1973 FORD l1AVERICK P is . 111r , rruiM.• rontrol, 4 l>R full J>O'••er & fll<' CHEVROLET · 2·DOOR SEDAN .. SJ supt•r C"lt'an $950 ~·II ior' :nr. 11nyl rooliil'.!14 Oran~e Countr'li l:1rJ!t'St SALES&SERVICE 6CyHndert250t'idengine ATLAS A~f r11d10 . ne\I fJalnt. 7' \'\\' ('u111••rt,' \1l•ry >id '7 1 \'fl!\,, :? dr. umtfrr". 'pd· )!Orj.!f'OUS f l'Ci , rt.'f'hn1n11 :. t!IV. Offer rin:in POI rt f\4~-il.'iti 1r1n1 rhily 27,000 m1h• selrrllon. !968's·l9i4 ':. 2828 H ~II d At.l Radio Chry•l•r fl'IY-lh Open Daily & Sun. 'tll 10 PM tl14'0ti47 Oi>en Every Day a .. ._ 'f • Cr u i s e . O . n.1 at i TERRY BUICK CO>"'TA MESA 'l'ransmi5'iOO · 90AZSJ $2ll77 1·ond1t inn SI JI'() r:11\L;1I,, I •Of'AN l.E\\'1$ \'()J.\'(l l!l'I :r713 1·ur.~!i + \ ---111 ~t·ft \,, ~· 1~66 ll»rbor c .~l Hl.l' .. : '611 V\\', rt-hu ,___ 6•16 9:.13 f'nr.,4·ht• cn111n,·, lo 11 fl7."i HI 11'1 '7:1 lfClRNET llatehback Air + xtras 14ft.1, sih·rr hluc: S.1375. 642---4052 afl 5th &V.'Li lnut 536•. 546·1200 C'61or ·White I n ,. !'ltileag~62.SOO lun111u:100 ~ach ·73 MONTE CARLO. 141'11.: L" 076KDD 2929 II arbor Bl\•d, Costa r.f~a -Pvt ply. 'iinyl top, air1, f i«nse 546-1934 Cadillac 9915 C II P. ax be ~een at DAIL -------'-~-'--'65 V\\' Camper. \',•ry 111,tl•a).!l'. nl'" p.1111\, v. 1th 75 v ma .:~. 'un roof . h ' ' OLVOS 1·lr1111 , n1usl :-;ell. 597' J<1rkers. 011t :i l r111d 1 "' llOWA T SPECIAL y Savings! oos• From! is od at ti~ 01r to our fo,. our 1av· LEASlllG & '72 Gr-~1·n -l---~-=----1 <'o nd, PV.', $3550. a PILOT loy<> pa<k ......, 0"11 ,•••··~·····~··••...-•·~••• 1967 Sedan f)eVillc. Full 640-5840. . emp · '61 PLY!'l10l1Ttl Satelitl'. rir"'. •11>11 J!f1511 \'a111c JOU!>ol i.c ...,.1;.w--111 " 25 000 miles. ,. 731'1.0<><.AllR IOLF~T power, leather. Private -in .e: lot .. 330 West Ba y Air, rull pv.•r, xlnt ('Ofld. ---Holida Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Hrw 9800 24 to Ch • l'QUIPPl'<I 1nt'lud1ng fttet Du Ill en m L scats, ful p:trly. $800. &t2· l l5S. •1973 C"!EV.• Street, C'osl a P.1~a, P.ton· Aft 4 call 642-54()1j; air. 457 t'TE pv.-r , fal't rur. till \l•hl ----•VEGA \\AGON• day throul!h Friday. Ask ------~~~--••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Presrnt th $1595 s tt"reo, door lurks. 72ELDO \\'ith lt'ss th:in 29,00 for business ofri ce.70 PLYl\T.Satellite1''ord 1975 CHEVROLETS PRICED AT 1 0% OVER 0 INVOICE COST I NO GIMMICKS I /o40MTE CARLOS • CHEVELLES I YOUR CHOICE I VEGAS ALL MEW MOMZAS IMPALAS • CAPRICES I THEY'RE MARKED I NOVAS• CAMAROS I LOOI FOR THE VEHICLES I MAllllED 1 O"-ova 1/2 & 'I• TOH TRUCKS Oprn Mon. thru Fri. 'Til 9 PM s-tay "Til 6 PM GROTH CHEVROLET 1121 I lroch llYd. Huntinc)fon leach 847-6087 . 549-3331 . af purch salt-smen incts offer. 0 v E R S E A S SPEC IA LI ST - D 0 2nrtlemiA VOLVO IYNI tl•nhor ( M h~h Yl01 -- VO LVO E11ecuti., e Cor Sale 1•1' A· ( '0tlnr:-. O!'ot• rrnn' .it :\ln-.1 .\l t11I 11 l o r ho TREM SA EllDOUS VltlGS i''x;1 m "'" 112 .\uton1:i lir "/;11r , P"\' t'r !>olt~'r'ITI I!. & I:!) nnl I' 5249 :-.lt·rt·o l".'•1 s l~lj 1 & 7 5 \'<ll.\'<Vs 111 .., I 01· k IMME DIATE VERY DELI • BUY o r LEASE r>1rt•C'I fr orl' l'lt'<it~r. I ~=(.\'\'()]. \'f) E COUllTY OLVO FXCl.l 'SI\ ORAllG v f'ruiSl'. 101:.illy l.'</Uippcd. Vinyl top, full P\\'r fact. miles. f 'int> running co ~·4321 Cpe, 383 en~. Auto (756 Ji''XiSfi295. air.tillv.·hl.amtfn1 ,pv.•r ith plenty of .j!a ..,2 TORIN'0 2 t · lransm . All'.-p/b, p/s. w • 1r.ai r.p/S. s.i 000 1T11's Bes t door lot' ks, Clt•. Super e~onomy. P~elty .. vcllo\I p /\I.". slereo, 24,000 ll"iles, o(r/' ll' ust sell . 89..-774•1 clean. !621EJB) 55295. \l'llh bl ark 1ntenor. 8'1 $2300. 54s.:...16M645--0860 . ft 2 ' i-IYB BUSTEOTOS2446. ------_!_ Pm.,:___ _ GUSTAr.:;GN '70 LTD;\i.'AGON,radhils. '72 SATELLITB' P IS." NalMn Cadntac u..oa ............. ~c.-...... 540-9100 Nabers Cadillac :ttoO--..~ .•. .;., ......... LINCOLN!'l1ERCURY A!\T /fol\1. jtd . cond . P /B, air, vinyl top, -74 SEoAN J)E VILLF: 15800 Beach Blvd., H.B. Sl.100..:.~~_!350 but'ket seats, auto. 4 spd. __ ----Vinyl top, lthr uph. full -----842-8844 ' '68 LTD. WAGON . j!d trans . S IT' VS . new 1140-11100 JUST ARRIVED pv.r. fa cl. air. tilt .... hJ , 7JCPEDEV1LLE 72 Nova. vs. auto tran.<; cond .. 5400. radials.jtr\.n"ileal!c.pvl. an1/fm !>lt'rl'fi, p\IT cloo Vin yl top full pwr. fat'\ power s lcerin~. AP.1 492-9Zl6 · pty_8'.!_2,:-2_1~---- '7 I Sportabouf l ork!'. ell', lo n1i air. tilt \.\'hi. stt'reo radio, like brand ~cw ~r.1MAC -:73 Grand~ '70 PLY. 4 o r . new Wanftft 17.SSKSPJ $6995. :im lfm . door locks, etc. ITIUSL see to appreciate T . ... r radials Shocks lb IT'i , ~-·· .1 . ·~~I I Look s & runs like ne~· G32ESD sz377 or1 no "a~on. am/ m 'r · 00 • ~~~ rqu 5 •P 1 1 9 .ro 95 . rc:i nll'f' .......,· •. • 0 = ... ·!·,,__. , SJ 195. (873CXW> •DEAN LE WI S I !\1 st i:-reo . A IC. radials. -~~'!!_f_.:r_6_I3-24 -: =:::-PORTS _,o..!:,1!_~~~~2-l~-'70 Fl'R't' Ill. 4DR. C'll•:tn. 1966 Harbor C.M '7 ! TORJJ-;O \l.·ag. P/B Air eon<l. Alli . i\uto ----~6·s:JXJ P IS. air. 44!'11 ~1500. _543='!:!.'.!.! ____ -\fard S.Lee Nabers CadmOc :1.00 ......... s--d..C<;.-.. 04 Amoric'1!n Motors nl ~.111.~816 1214 So. M<1 in St. Sunra Ana 13C'Ol'PE OE VILLE V1n~·1 top, lthr uph, rull P" r. fi:1t·l . .:1ir. till v.·hl . am l frn !>l<'rl•O, c·ruist.· rontrol . t'1C'. E:\\ra Cle:i n ! ( OtiSl-10C J S4!ll5. Buick -9910'&;~~~ rl ....................... ?(£ 1!113 CF!'\1'llHY Ll 1Xt'S 27'? ~.c: dr, l!/11. v.·ht ~1de\\;ills .. ---~-....!_....!­ ~-i:,1~~. 55~ ·1221 Bill or _ 1.1 EJ.f)O COJ\'VEH1' ·73 Huirk H1\'11•ra I flual t·11m f. S<'al s. full J)l\'r , raet air, tilt v.·hl. stcrl'o. erui.>;l' tot:illy equipped 1508.ISR) 57995. f'ull IJO V.'l'r. air. f;()'40' lrim \ln~·\roof. Sro1 1~·ss.! 29.000 mile rar 27J l:JL" l 540-9100 . 72SEDAN DEVILLE Vinyl top. leather uph .. full P\.\'r fael air, tiltwhl, slcreo ;.1m/fn1, ele.el<'. f007EAFl S3895. '73 Chev Laguna. liar ~ash:..!1~·.Pty.S36·03HI Pontiac 9965 top <·1>e VS, 4 sp•cd ·········k 9947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• po"·e r s teering ,... ~ Vinylroor. l\l agwh eels ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUY or LEASE · Al\1 /FM stcrro. Strat 70DUNE HVGGYStreet 1975Astrc bucket seats. low miles Hunnt'r. w/ top & rur· 524189 925KLE la ins, lt>ss tti ;1n 7 .ooo or if you prefrr le:ise ul •DE/\NLE\VIS miles. S\0!15. <868BHEl 577.51 perR!o. 19 66 ll arbor C .1\1 ~Hr.:._l_!}~)E~·9300 +T&l.36n,o.Oi''.L. 646 -9303 DA \'E ROSS PONTIAC ----------j ~rrcury 9950 2480 llarbor Til\'d. 1963 Cl!EVY IJ. ~oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cost a l\lcsa5'16·8017 -----1 transportation car. S27 .• 1970 MJ>:Rct'H\'• ___ ------ '66 SEDAN DeVille, ful orbl'Sl-offer.645-9388. •J\1..\ROl'tS• ·71 FIRF:BO. forni. 350. 4 Jl"'r, <im /fm stereo, \'Cry -,-----. bes f i:d l'ond. 63.000 mi. 74 Chev. E l Camino lo\I Lo3dCd v.·ith Cquipll'ent. spd.sterl'ola}X'. lo r. f.44 -f"1 2l mi., cust. int. Gem to Good lookin!! c11-r. J>~or on-days 547 ·7103 C\'('/\\'knd shell . cassette dt't' lySl768 341 CCL 640·4842 PS/PB /Ac/RH .. 000 GLTSTAF'SOJ\' --;------------ : 2025S. ~ I Anaheim TERRY BUICK l:un·ht.•stt•r 51h &: \\'alnul i50·201 I 5,'Jf,.,;.)M ll11nllni?lon Hc:u·h ChrYr'O~t 9920 Aft. 4Pr.1 642_7183 LI NCO LN P,I ERCt iRY 65 GTO. no ext ra Sll'O~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----t••~ B•••h Bl d 11 B 8350 or best offer. i\lU!>l uouu ~ v ·· · · 11 9-9-14-1 '72 f\lONTF. CARLO, ·53 CHEVY, 76.000 orig 842·8844 ~~..:..· 1 __ !_ ___ _ !'o il \"('r ,,· /\1•h1te \'inyl top. miles. SIOO. :-----------1968 Fl RF. Bl RD. ''<'rv lf•I Sedan .,.,. !>ollpl'r c·Jean. Air. auto, Call 54o--0374 71 :COft.1 ET fit'yl, 27 .000 (']('an. pl!', plh, iJ /C. Sl250 1;,000 11rtu;il Turn 1·our coif l'luh" into a • '69 COl1 Pf. D V. most p li. p 1s, S2995. slnt ni 1 , . a I c • hr and nu or br~t offer. 831 _1916 . '74 \'01. \'O " \.{·<;:' th:1n 1t1 0. h1•;1 t1·r. strreo S<'ll them \11th iJ i.:tras New l ire!'.~ m11f· 1·nnd r.i1n 8226 '72 Mova Radial s, SI S95 /ofr ____ ---- rF:\1 sll'r('o. Dail,1• 1'1101 Cla!'os1f1('fl Ad fler :\('l'Pl innHI ,·ond -----31 .000 actu:il miles _fi7]=?iJ~~'~---1965 Pontia(' ~.or best ;i nrl NE\\'~ and use the mnnl'~ for a 2nd l r1·in(' Trrr11cr 'li9 l!\lPAl.1\. Nds 2 Ot'\.\' f S695dlr. (il•l l slt'r<'u' t'all f·l2 ·5678 TO· ny, nt'r At'~t off1•r tir<'s {;11 bu.v at $500. automatic trans. powc ~ustona 9952 ° fer. slecrin!!, air condition 645·95.19 ____ da~· _ _'.'7:1 3270 &H\1.1011n~.49'1-~ ing.l\Tustst'e ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------.---- rrllc•!'o, ra ;i 11 I o . \ :\! I. i I.; {' Br · t81)4f\F~J g 8.'l..1·!'1300 --- ~.'. ~:.": • • • • • • • ! ~.~~ ~~~·. ~:.V: • • • • • • • ! ~-~~/~~.~~·. ~.e.V: 41800A.utos,Mrw 9800 utos,Hrw 9800Autos,M~w 980~ Orif?. owner. 9720 nii. passenf,!e r. a te. r /h. ~ '72 Ml'STANGGRAND E '68 CATALJN,\ \\"agon . 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••·••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ racinl! oranj:?e/brn vinyl .5~~_:_~2!l .~-~2__- Gf:T OUll. DISCOUNT •II.ICES OM A MUGf: Sf:LfCTIOtl Of 1975 CHRYKHS AHO •LYMOUT'HS 14' ......,.. O¥tt -octv.I pric• from ~ toctory pwh y011 hi .,_ lro11d ...... "v-tk or Chrytffr fr-. AIM1 Cilrylltt/~iwouth. •CfU.U ••ctolJ IH~OICl Ol•PlAJlD OH WIHOSHl!LD ATLAS SHVICE DEPARTMENT welcomes _. Chry..,_ Corpor-ation •ehicles requirln9 ser't'ice ond warranty worti 1~ss of wh~ car wa• ,...-chm:ed. We honor Most« Chor9e, BriAIMr'icord, American &press, Ccrte llonche ond Dinvs Chob. '72 OLDS ROY ALE COUPE '73 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 ......... ..... ....... ... .. ........... l'o>• .. ......... ·· ····52295 ···"~--~~-s2395 -.......... •''·"l' '.:~.:--'""' ...... ...- '74 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4 DR . '73 PLYMOUTH SEBRING .. ........ · ·-· 53295 ~ ..... ~ ....... _, 5 2495 -................ ,. .... .., .. ,... ,.., ~""'"' "'"' "' • .,. ..... '""" .•.• ,.-. r>•~ 11-•"ll ....... bo-• ..... t•a !li?M/QI '7 4 PLY MOUTH SATELLITE CUSTOM4 -DR l'v-o !~• '• ''' $ •" P•>••• "'" I •<·• ,,. ..... '"" '"' ..... '""' !~··· '73 PLYMOUTH SPORT HUGE SELECTION OF THE All NEW 1975 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS, TRAVELALLS AND SCOUTS. LOADED WITH: Air Conditioning, automatic,' stereo, tilt wheel, power steering, Auto·cruise. Roof rack, wsw tires, custom interior. [Qisc:itoo top. R & ll. air t"?nd .. 73 FIREHIRD 1'i0. 27000 .Super lari::-e Oval ltrl'S. n"i Air. \'t'r\' l']can. b\1c~et seats, auto trans. s.ioOo. !181 ·2281. (;73.9143 PS/PH . other extras . ------------ Like ne\I•, S3850. 675·5887. '68 POr\Tl,\C BOnneville ::;4-ML·S-TAN-~2 2 c-1 St. \\'ag. Air .. pv.T, !!d . • ,, + .ooc l'O O(I . l o n 11. $700. "''· 4 cyl. ll::is pis. ::i /r. 644_5965 Sunroof. only 7:LSO mi. e."<· ani 1rm rad. 646-6588 or ___ _:.__:....7 --,--.-- t'ilinJ! burnt. ora~~ _64_2=~0?.:. ______ Veao 9974 v.'/matehing \'lnyl int. .,,,.,,MUSTANG ,,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• air. but'ket seals 4 s "": •· .-ore_st Gr. , ? , . tr:ins. radial tires. spo l.1kc.: ne~·. 302 ~np1ne. I 7_ GT HATlHH,\CK. \\'heels, etr. This v. O\.\·ncr.52.000m1.-SJ595. t•lean , J!d .• rubber, b •• ,,1, •omb o"oe ·536-015.1. A~1 /F~l .l\1ceh\~·.sound . .. , .· -----------Askinj!:Sl.950 968-~2 econom~ \IJth super slyl· 1m4 l\1ustan~ Ghia 2 Dr. ----------- inp ! ( F.4R387) Sal 3.000 ll'iles. like. ney,·' 7 2 "r A G 0 N , Pr1t'ed. C370KBDI 53699. Auto EXCELLl?NT ?ilus l Nabers Cadillac R.ll. sat'ririee.51750.&12-2792 '1400 ~ Bh<I. C...tu,..,.., . SUllSETFORD ;-G't'H--h-b_k _f . S440GardenGroveBlvd. 74 ate? ac, atn1r. 54()-9100 "'estrf'inste 636·40 l0 4 spd . 1~1100. dii)t.s --___ .!._ 586~0. ('\'C,494-6405 1973 Chev. ·-,-,-00-,-.-c-,-,1-10 19691\Tust.anf! !"l.'r. V8 auto 1972 \lega (;~T~w;;; \XIV.'er and air t009GWZ) H.H. P .S. brif,!ht oran!!e. Auto .. H . II ., Air . 53499. a sharpy 1804PLl l Slm9 flOJC.\\'N l. SIOO!I. SUllSETFORD SUllSETFORD. SUllSETFORD 5440 Garden Gro\'e B!Vd. 544o Garden Grove Blvd. 5440 Garden Gro\'e Bl\'d. 636-401 \\'est~~~~l6-40JO \\'estrr>inster 636.4010 '69CHEV. El Camino '67. l\l ('STANG 289· auto. ;vrc:A GT-1623PV.x1 Private party a.i r.,PS; f\1any xtras. STATION\\.AGON 646-3113 ta~.v s rar, clran. S975. fi.IS·5i00 rllr __,_____ &12--0138 .. . ---------- 1!'167 Cl!EVY Super Sport.-,--.-.------ii VF.GA Cp('. 17i4C."<:U) in good eond. v.·ith a /c O dsft'lob1lr • · 41955 t\utomatir S650. 645-2642548-91H6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi45-5700 rHr Sale!'landSen·i<'e· ---------.65 EL CAl\11NO 327, 4 SELL idle ~!ems \.\'ith a· spd, dented rear fender, OLQiStrr.4081LE . · Daily Pilot CJassified ad. other "·iSe gd eond. S800. G ... C" TRUCKS. ._.::64::2c.:·56:::7::8'------- 673---0849 HO ... DA CARS· 1-Aulos UHCI 9900 ontinental 9930 University Olds ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2850 Ha rbor Blvd.· •1970 CONTINENTAL• Cos~~~~~~G-9640 •i\T~RK llI•. '73 Cl'T . SVP. XtNT load~d v.·1!h. gooches. A CONO. loaded,· fm /st. realf1nedr1\'.1ng:car .. You low tT' i (es. S33SO, have to see ll lo behe\' 892-12'19 It. 6361TST Rl'STFD T ----------- S.1326. '69 01.DS 40R· Delta 88. Gt.STAFroN Ill'. radio, heater. )?ood LINCOLN i\1F.RCl1R\' c·ond . 548-1686 art .6:30 16800Re:il·h Blvd.,lt.B. Pi\!. 842·8844 ______ ..... __ _ -----1'66 OLDS. Pri. pty:Ne\\' '74CO~TINENTAL ~lark brak es. 1)/S. P /B. IV. Ahsolutt'ly JO-,.dr.d . fac /ui r. only S400. Ruv or tak(' over h•asl'. 962-1844 Da\·s (213)923·4540. eves ----------- <714 )644·596.'i. . · '70 Cl'T LASS Supreme 2 -----dr. h:1rdlp. a /e, all re· '67 Conlinental. radials, cords. \'er y J!d C'ond. 4<lr, lo fT'i. ~tT'Op. l:ipes. 51675. pvt ply. d 546·1410, Ele.aant.5995. 846 -88.52. e 546-1700 -------------------- ('()NTINENTAL rt.lark '7t OLDS DELT1\ 88. <i IV. all xtras plus n"OOn DR. i-lrdtp. radials. i.:lnt r oof, t'ab:iret top . eond .Sl200.t'al\642·4834 . 'diarf'ond fire l!Old . IOi\I ------~­ IT'i. A beauty. $10.900. 1 3 0 L D ~ \' I .s T A firtT'. 640-0437 CR l ISER ------------3·seat waJ!on. totally 9932 ('Quipped, Int'. r1111 pv.·r . filt'l. air, tilt "·hi, roof r;ick. ete, o_nly 16.594 rf'i. on this eleJ!anl famil,v auto. !930J f'O) Sale Pric('d •73 CORVETTE. 350<'u in. L82. 4 sp, a /r . Cra1?rr mags \\' radial~. S6700. C ;1 ll aft. 6 pn• . .:~=~090!!.!-4739. Nabers Cadillac: 9933 ?~~t.1-d, C.,.,.tuMe ... 540•9100 1974 :XR7, P IS. P /B. ------------ \\' JS /\i.1 radi:ils. Fl\1 '68 OLDS 98 Luxury s t e r eo. 846-8095 or s edan. full P"''r., air. 898-3584 AflT /Fl\1. vi n yl ton. --.,..----:--·--644 -528 1 Dodar 9935 .~---S ------ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. OLnS:."~"~unsb'°"",·r"' . lrC's. """' or st o er 69 OOOG E St.\V:i11on. 9Gft-0690 !'o/d:ri body \.\"Ork . 83.'iO ---__ :..... ____ _ -~~9~fi!aft8pm . _Pinta 9957 '70 QJIALLENGER, aulo, ••••••••••••••••••••••• nir, stereo. small 8, im· •1974 PlN'TQo • mac. S16SO. 494-9638 4 spd. runabout with'°"'' ------10'4' miles._Radlo. 1972 DODGJ>~ Coll, auto, lft'nter. Cute car (or all"/fm tape, xlnl l'Ond. ceena ,l.!er, 850 KBP ~lake offer afl 6960-27 Bl'STEO TOSZT.M Gl1STAFSON 9940 LINCOLN J\fERCl'RY 16800 Beat'h fi\\>d .. l-1.B. '69 FOHO 1.1'0 Counlr~· 842·8844 SquirC' .. full oow..cr . --------- pcrff"rt rond. $1200. 1974 Pinto sqvire \l't\y, Ou·ner 64<1·0!i88 Auto . R .11 . Rark . ---·--_;_ ___ 1275Jf\.TV) $2999 7fl T.TD. -l!d-;..Qt,([ ,.fnyl' SUHSETFORD lop, nu rar11:-il s. SIOOO 54400itrdenOrovuBlvd. fir"'. Only 213-5.l"J2-s.l!i9 Wei1tmln1tcr 636-4010 ........................ *SPECIALS* Of the Week '66 T·Bird (RUJ327) 5599 '69 Chev . IMPALA (XRT613J '68 Ooel (752At5) '67 Malibu Chevy (UVG6751 '65 El Camino (T t 7330) 70 "loverick 6 Cyl ., 3 speed , 1866.BLPJ. s1099 - 75 OMEGA WE'RE CELEBRATING WITH THE BIGGEST ANNIVERSARY SALE BRAND NEW 75 CUTLASS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Turbo Hydramat1 c transmission, fully factory eouipoed . Seri al N o . (1052121 IN OUR I 0 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ORANGE COUNTY! Tinted windows. power disc /'/.,_ brakes. turbo hydra ma 11 c ·~===~~-o4'--;.Jllll-"""-.... 1ransm1ss1on. white wall s. 350 Jigl-... va engine. deluxe wh eel. '" r~ -~r,'\""111 dose s. Serial No. {1605841 -U Z ----U IMMEDIATE $ DELIVERY BRAND NEW 75 STARFIRE The above photograph shows only a fraction of our inventory of new 1975 Oldsmobiles. Extra units shipped to us from the factory · specifically for our I 0th Anniversary Sale include just about every model, color, and equipment package you could possibly be looking for: 75 GMC Pickup ~~------ IMMEDIATE DELlVERY Ti nted windows, power steeriflg . radio . turbo hydramatic transmi ssion. white wall tires. Serial No. (103215) Forget window stickers! Just add our tremendous Anniversary Sale Savings to the substantially increased trade-in value of your present car and •.. DRIVE YOUR NEW OLDS HOME TODAY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DOWN ' •;,Ton 4 WHEEL DRIVE. 350 VS . power steering & brakes. C78 x 15 tires. 4 speed. AM radio, hvy. shocks. spnngs. aux. fuel tank. guages. Serial No. (503033) Auto., air. vinyl top. till wheel, power wind ow s, power steering. (VHD621l. 5910 '71 PONTIAC CATALINA Air cond., power steenng. white walls, au1omat1c. {827FP0l 70 FORD LTD Air cond., automatic, power steering & brakes. WSW. (344CTJJ 51210 z~~~~~~~.!f 51610 side wall l1res. ( 766KElJ '69 AUSTIN America 5510 WEARE NO. 1, IN THE WEST AND IN THE TOP FIVE NAJION WIDE IN HONDA SALES AND SERVICE! ) / •' / ///' • • -. 1 '70 OLDS VISTA CRUISER Power seats-windows. roof n1ci(. 1111 wheel, stereo. etc. (245706) ALMOST 100 NEW HONDAS IN STOCK! Our consistently Low Volume Prices, Comfortable terms, and a c o,mplete service fac i lity devoted exclusively to economy cars are three big reasons you should visit the leader before you buy anywhere! '69 CADILLAC Full power, factory air condi1ioning, vinyl lop, WSW tires. (290493) Y.~ .. ~::~:1::.: 5191 heater. (11972L) TRY TO ~~~-/" MATCH ~ ~'°r4 THESE SAVINGS!~~~·/ BRAND NEW 1974 _,. ,- HONDA 2 DOOR COUPE • 516J77DOWN 56J7 7MONTH For 48 fvlo inc Tax & Lie Del Pymt Pr1c.1> S3•20 73 APR 13 51°4 {SBA21508J~J I ' • , ' l PINTO '}_ DOOR sedan. Inc. oil vinyl bucker seots, disc brakes, 2000 cc eng. 4 speed transmission, front & f.. rear bumper guards, Deluxe AM • radio & much more! (Slock • .-#2183. Ser.#6416 ) oNLY s2475 • BRANDNEW '75 ~ LTD 4 Door Ind. 351 V-8 eng., WSW !ires. reor bumper guards. air cond., selectoire, dual reor ~kers. AM rodio, left side remote mirror. l1gh1 group. wheel covers & more. (S1k .ff235 , Ser.ff2534 ) SAVE $1000 MAVERICK 4 OR . SEDAN, ind. steel.belted, rodool tores, 250 CID IV 6 cylinder er'lg1ne, wlid stole 1gn11ion. r.elecl·\ho h cruo\e-o-motic, wide o~ol RWL tire\, Iron! & reor bumper guord~. l1n1ed glo~\ & more. (Srk. R20224) ONLY$3169 BRAND NEW '75 MUSTANG II HT incl. 2.3 liter IV 4 cyl. eng., pin stripes, steel rodiol tires, pwr. sir., pwr. front disc brakes, front ond rear bumper guords, AM radio, tinted gloss. {S1_k. #166) BRAND NEW '74 GRANADA PINTO WGN. Incl. 250 6 cylinder engine, body 2 DOOR WAGON, incf. oll vinyl bucket side/deck lid striping, select shift seot1, fold down reor se01, cor90 & poss. cruise-o-motic, space saver tire, reor corpeling, reor quorter flipper windows , 4 speed troosmiuion, 2300 cc white wall !ires, deluxe bumper engine, front & reor bumper guords, group, AM radio & more. (?tk. mirror group & more! Stk. Ffl757. Ser . #144) f:l4\66 ONLY $4Q98 ONLY $2699 BRAND NEW '75 BRAND NEW '74 MAV~RICK COURIER 2 DR. SED. ;ncl. 250 CID IV 6 cyl .. ECONOMY PICKUP . Inc. 104.3 in. selec l·shifl , cruise-o-mot ic, wheelbase, 1800 cc engine, white monuol fr.oot d isc brOkes, front & sidewall tires, 4 spd. transmission, inside hood release, delu~e tool kil, 60 amp reor bumper guards, AM radio, bollery, H.O. oherno!Of, orm rests & tinted gloss & more. (Stk. #26 l) OlOl'e! (5tk .#T2569, Ser.#6099) . . BRANDNEW .'75 BRAND NEW '74 THUNDERBIRD MUSTANG It . 2 DOOR HARDTOP incl. "inyl roof. Hardtop. Incl. 5teel radials leothel'" trim, duol e1thoust, steel belled (WSW), front DISC Brks., all ,;nyl rodiol WSW tires, convel'lience group, bucket septs, tachometer, wheel power seot (6-woy driver only), lighr covers, cul pile cpts., AM radio, gr01,1p, power lock group. deluxe wheel tinted gloss & more! (.Stk .#2455, covers & more. (Stoel.. #136) Ser.#1720) SAVE $7269 ONLY $3145 ' . s1500 BRAND NEW '75 BRAND NEW '75 Fl 04 'PICK-UP f 250 I STYLESIDE P.U. V2 Ton. Incl. metallic fin ish, speciol striping, 5000 GVW pkg., • 3/4 Ton. Incl. window wo'shers, gouge pkg., AM radio, tie down speciol fuel system emmis. cont., hook s & mare! (Stk.#T344, sect belts, vinyl sects & more! Ser.#4542) (Stk.#T346, s .... /16525) ONLY S4l96 .ONLY $3750 ONLY$345Q ONLY$2l45 ONLY$3595 ONLY$3l95 · IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . - '75 Fl 00 & F250 PICKU • j • AT BIG DISCOUNTS ; TRADE IN SELL OUT· EVERY USED CAR DISCOUNTED TO MONEY SAVING BUYS • '73 MAVERICK '74 VESPA .. LUX UR Y MODEL SCOOTER •• .. :\ Power. 01r cond1 1ionir1g few Miles (992GJN) !7H5943) $2777 $299 '73 PINTO '68 DODGE '68 BUICK • 2 DR. HARDTOP SKYLARK RUNABOUT · Au10. trans .. fact. oir cond., power 2 Dr. Hardtop, auto. Irons., factory air, Nice economy cor. steerir1g . power brokt>s, vinyl roof. pow. steering, power brokes, vinyl roof. I (B27HPB) (WPK4L2) (VZV089) $2222 $899 $1188 '72 DODGE • '73 FORD '72 FORD MAXI SURFER VAN F 25 0 PICKUP TORINO Jes• drive ir Now• 4 speed irons .. power steering, 4 Dr. Auto. trans .. pow. sreerir1g, (53819N) air conditioning. (065985) power brakes, vinyl roof. (312GFO) $2750 $3299 $2199 " '72 CAPR I '71 FORD '70 FORD 2 DOOR F250PICKUP FALCON 'The Soe•y European" WITH CAMPER (850A5V) 1019EfW) (1 6619H) $1777 ~ $2499 $899 '73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER low miles, oir condi1ioning . (339H0N ) $26'66 '71 DODGE CAMPER VAN CONVERSION (28769G) $2999 '73 FORD GRAN TORI NO 3 5eot Wagon. Aulo. Irons., foci. oir, pow. steering, powt'I" b<"okes. roof rock, low miles. (706HGO) $3695 '74MUSTANG , ' I ' FIREBIRD 2000R Auto. Irons., factory air, pow. steering, few miles. power brokes. Or1ly 8000 miles. (989 KZJ) (766KJE) $3199 $4444 '71 FORD '71 CHEV • COUNTRY SQUIRE Station wagon, Auto. Irons., foclOfY air, VEGA pow. steering, powet brakes, roof rock. (Pl768) (224HGE) $2295 $999 . '73 PINTO '72 FORD , WAGON COURIER P.U. Air conditioning, 4 ipeed trom.. 4 speed Irons., hos gem lop. (849H5U) (68573U) $2199 $1999 '71 T·BIRD '69 FORD 2 DOOR f-500 loodod. STAKE 800Y...tith power lift gate, (962CJ5) V-8, 4 speed, low miles. (33.464C) $2799 $2995 @J1 _____ ... ., ---m• TMIODOll TMIOIOH I Ol lNS SI . , ·ltOftNI JI. - SAll l Dt•f. NCMHIS1 I_ .. ,_ .... .ftl.J I -·· IN" .... , 10 .... ,_ .... •Alfi tlll/KI MOUi t: 1 Mt.f P"I ~ 1 ~···I"" ,....__,,., •Al fl DfPT. Otf~YI I Ht·1 ,.,.-~· \ ... ·' .... •• l I ' 7 ·- . , • taguna/South Coast - -I ·- Today's Fi11al N.Y. Stoeks r VOL. 67, NO. 347, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES · ORll,NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA · FRIDAY, DECEMB~3, 1974 TEN CENTS Nude CleOred •• Beaches Now Open? Orange County's nude beachgoers may have been given a green light to put it together in the altogether. Beachgoers who found going rough in the buff in recent months v.·ere vindicated late Thursday when South Orange County municipal court Judge John A. Griffin round Charles An· derson of Costa A1esa not guilty of multiple charges filed when he sun· bathed in the nude at South Laguna's 9th Street Beach. Anderson, Z7, was found not guilty on charges of lewd conduct and dis- turbing the peace after defense at- torney Bill Sheffield successfully· argued that his client had disturbed no one and no sexual intent when he exposed his entire body to the sun. Anderson is one more than 100 nude beachgoers who have been a rrested by sheriffs ofricers in recent months on such charges. His acquittal. Sheffield said today, may effectively bar the sheriff from any further arrests of that type. Judge Griffin's ruling may also mean the end or the county ordin;.1nce votuch Anderson \\.lS s<1id to h<1vc violated, Sheffield :.aid Prope1·ty owner \V11l::ird Cain had <>arlier argued for !he prosl~('ution that nude beach going near his cliff lop home on South C<Jast llighv.1ay had re· ached the point thal he coul~no longer in,·ite hi s grandchildren to the house. Cain is by far thi.: nloi.t l'.Ollstant '.caller to the shC'rlffs nfficc in all s uth instances of nudity on the hea{'h. Shf'ffield succes::.full y argued th at the ord111an('C under \\'hich Anderson also was prosecuted pcrta1nC'd more to nude and scmi·nude entertainment th<in nu t..cd s u.11bath111g nn lht.· beach. .. I look 1)n this as ;i test {'aSt.'." lhe dl.'ft'nSt.' ;1ttortll·y said ··And I ,-cry n1uch regret that many of tht• pt•ople who have b<"cn ::.i mllarly arrc:,lt.'t.I on these chargt•-. dt.'cidt•d to plead ~uilt '" r .itht•r than lakt• the issue tu trial a3' '.\I r And l'.fSl)ll did " ssessor a s ar es 31-eeut Hike Export Nations Up Cost of Oil VIENNA (UPI)-Thc \i.·orld's ma- jor oil exporting nations decided to- day to increase the price of crude oil by 31 cents a barrel -3 percent -on J an. l, I ran 's Interior fl.·l inister J amshouz.cg<1r said. No Accord For Irvine Plans Seen The Irvine Company's efforts to please everybody with its plans for • development of 10,000 acres between Corona del l\1ar and Laguna--Beach are destined to be unsuccessfu1 , com- pany planner Larry Moore told a luncheon gathering Thursday, But when the company responds to 22 groups who have t<1ken part in plan- ning the company's coastal sector, most of nearly 300 concerns will be satis£ie'd , he said. Speaking to nearly 150 members of the Orange County Coast Association at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Newport Beach l\1oore and Irvine Company President Ray mond \Vatson detailed the history of The Irvine Company ~1ulti-Agency Plan- ning Program <TlCl\1AP). Composed of 22 public and private groups. the planning body is an Irvine Company effort to head off possible confrontations on its plans for the I0.000 acres which may come up dur- ing hearings before the coastal com- mission or the Orange County Plan· ning Commission. ··There is no ideal solution. That plan can't be drawn." said l\Ioorc. "No matter what we come up with, there is going to be_ some group or agency oOt there th3t disagrees with us." Co mpany plans for the area include a 1,345-acre state park. homes for about 50.000 residents and two major resort areas. The parkland sale, ""hich \vas to be completed later this month, has been blocked by <1 preliminary injunction obtained by Joan Irvine Smith, who controls 22 percent ot the company 's stock. She contended that the $7.6 million price on the 3.5 miles or beach and bluff and t , 100 ~cres in Moro Canyon intended for the park was too low. In a ddition to the parkland. l\Ioore said, other land in the ~rea designated as open space is still in question. So far, no agency has offered to buy it, he said, and none has offered to maintain (See TIC1'1AP, Page A?l Two Officers Round Up 30 Clemente Cows Avenida Vaquero-a San Clemente street named for the J\.texican cow· boy-gave San Clemente police a chance to try their hand at the cow business Thursday afternoon. Residents along the roadway lead· ing aloni:; the l'dge oC the Forster Ranch called officers after noticing 30 head or beef gathering along the street. . Sgt. Craig Steckler and Patrolman Rusty Rice served as herdsmen for a short time. chasing the stel'rs back through a hole In the fence, then they wailed for professionals from the ranch to takeover. Officers 5aid that when they :ir · rived, the herd WO'lS just i1tarting to move toward the ex11cnsivc rcslden· tial area. I ··The selling price of oil will be Sl0.46 a barrel effective Jan. 1," Amouzegar said after a two-day meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries <OPEC). .. The.new price will be frozen for Lhe J1rst n1 ne months of 1975, he said . The present average selling price of crude oil is Sl0.15 a 42-gallon barrel. oi l industry officials said. It was not immediately c lear whether this would mean an increase in the'price of gasoline because of the complicated oil pricing and royalty system which determine oil prices. He Fenreth Not Larry Goldstein. a New York oil consultant, said the action by OPEC may not be an increase at all since Sl0.46 is the market price establistted last month by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi aod Qatar. James A. Stanley peers at himbelf in broken mirror. Le$"end has it that broken mirrors and days like tCKlay--IJJ>iday _the thirteenth · should be ::;hunn ed because or the bad luck !hey bring. IluL Stttnley \Velcomcs anything to. do with thirteen. 1'o find out why, see page 3. The action by OPEC, he said, is '"hothing · mllre than a confirmation that this is the market price for ever- ybody." . But. he said, oil companies had been paying an average of Sl0.36 a barrel foe that oil owned by the Arab nations and that owned by the com: panies. The set price or Sl0.46 for a ll OPEC oil. Goldstein said. means ··an increase in·j:ost to the companies of 10 ceJlts a bari;el. ·· . The earlier increases imposed un- ilaterally by Saudi Arabia. Abu Dhabi and Qatar had already been passed on by the oil companies through their distributors and the latest action may not mean higher prices for con- sumers. he said. Asked if gasoline and home heating oil prices would go up. Amouz.ega r said : "Tttat depends on how much the oil companies can absorb from their profits." Iran, he said, proposed limiting oil company profits to 50 cents a barrel. Present oil company profits a re a bout 75 cents a barrel. OPEC officials said . The increase of 31 cents in the sell ing price of a barrel or oil was decided by ministers of the 13 OPEC nations meeting in a Vienna hotel following two bomb t}lreals ::igainst OPEC headquarters. OPEC did away with the posted price system which maintained <See OIL, Page A2) .· Charges in Assault On Lagunan Dropped Criminal charges against a Los Angeles n1an accused or attacking a woman in Laguna Beach have been dismissed . .. ,Judge Blair Barnette of South Orange County ~lunicipal Court dis- missed the a ssault and battery · charges against Charles \V. Roberts. 32, after a jury failed to reach a \•erdict \Vednesday. Roberts v.•as arrested in Laguna Beach Oct. 19 along V.'ilh another man. Franklin R. r>.1altman . 27, after a policeman said he sa\v a man argue ,~1i th a woman and attempt to pull her inlo a car. The men \\"ere booked on suspicion of attempted kidnap and assault \\'1th intent to commit rape. Dormitory Blaze \\11La11 NGTON. Del. (AP) -An early morning fire in a dormitory at Brandy,vinc College sent at lea~L 14 students and one fireman to area hospitals for treatment of injuries. llowevcr. the Orange County Dis- trict Attorney's office refused to file charges against l\'laltman ·and filed only a misd('meanor charge or assault and battery against Roberts. Chemical Firms Get Big Fines NE\VARK, '.'1 .• 1. <APJ -Eight of the nation ·s l;.ir~est chemical firms. including E . I. duPont de Xcmours. \.~1ere handed fin es ranging up to S50.000 today on price fix in~ charges. DuPont and tttc Verona Corp. "·ere fined 550,000, the maximuin under c·urrent ant itrust l<1\.\'S hv ll.S. Dis· tricl Judge ta\\'rence A 0 • \\ih1pple. The other fines \Vere : Alli ed Chemical Co.~: An1 crican Cyanan1id BASF-\Vyandottc. all $43.500:· CIBA- Gei~y and GAi·' Corp .. S.15.000. and Crompton & Knowles Coro .. ~0,000 ,, .. Trees of Christr11<1s Firs t graders :11 Lngunn Bearh·s El :\Tol'ro School sing "fl1y Christmus Tree" durin g scbool's a nnua l Chrlstma~ llrOi;tram . Several hundre<l family 1ncmbers a nd other Christmus program rans turned out for thC' Thursd.1 ~ evening musicale. f'irs1 ~radl•rs \\·ere dre:-.sc.·d as Christmas 1rrt•s to h1•l p lhi.'m get 1n the modd ror Uicir µcrformancc. • Directors Back Administration Of Hospital The Soulh Coast Commun ity llospital board of directors Thursday approved a unanimous resolution of s upport for the hospital administra- tion. Board at•\ ion came at a n1ceting at \\'hich it \\'as told the hospital earned a 512.000 profit during No\'cmber. a significant {'Ontrast to pre\'ious opera - tion when the r:1cility was running hCa \•ily in the red. 1"he hospital board also a ppro"ed the appointment of Gerald Gilm;.in as hospital controller. Gilman has been serving as interim t•ontrollcr for sever:.il months as an employc of con- sult::inls llcrman Smi th and As- ~oc1a!C's. Ap1>oinln1cnl to the S2i .5i.IO a year JOh 1seffectivcJan.1. The bo;i rd action \\";JS taken \\·ith ne\v hoard members l)r. 1'. J). r.l:i urn. Dr. Peter Bramwell and Berl I\ am pert in attendance. 1·hc hospital IXJard C'Stabli::.hcd the date for the annual n1cmbcrship meeting as Jan. 23. Lose Choppers? Call the Police Somebody in La~una Beach is kee1>· ing a stiff upper lip and for good r\" dSOll. Lagun;:i Bl'ach policl' todJ\' arr holdin.i:: a set of false·tl:'Clh Upper~ fou nd Thur::.dr1y by lifeguards :.ilonl-! Rlurhircl C.anyon Hoad nc;1r BluC'b1rd l';lrk. Officers s:ud the lcC'th appear 10 hC'lon~ to a \\'Oman bcca us~· of lhe11 s mall size. The ov.•ncr nl;1y claim th1~ cho1)pe rs at lhc La guna Beach Pul1cP station. ' .San .f ua11. Meet Set .for C USD Capistrano l 'n1ficd School 01:.triet .-. tra\'chn.: school board mcet1ni:,,;; v. 11\ s1t111 at San .Juan Elcmt'ntar)' Schi}{ll in San Juan C<1p1strann ~1 on<i11~. Th<' n11•et1ni:, of the board o( lrt1StCt''i \.\•\II l>(l ~l n "' 7 .30 p.m. The ~cllool ts located on lhe corner or t-:1 c·am1no llC'a l and S1>r1np; Strccl The IJoard hopes to srttll• nn ,1 p('rman(•nl IQC"1t1on ;1 t r>.lont'la\ " rnl'Cting. The Scrru school audi1 or1l11n was ab;1ndoncd bC'cau11<' the budding has been declared uns:.1fc, Indicted Aides Not Suspended Or<1n ge County :\ssc ::.sur J..1ck \1allerg<1 today announced that he has no intention of suspending or taking any type of disciplinary action ;.1gainst seven emp\oycs accust.•d in " Grand Jury indittment . Vallerga ernerged fron1 a 24 -hour seclusion to condemn any such ac1 ion ·as "quite inappropriate at this timc. .. As of now they ha\'C simply been charged:· \'allerga said. ··1 un· derstand that the Grand Jury 1n. \·cstigation is e.ontinuing and l sec no . reason to interfere with their dulie:. at this c<irly sta~e. ··1 ha\·c C\t.'rV confidence in lhe sy~1.em." \'alleri;a said ... And I h<l \'C every confidence tttat these charges arc going to be thrO\.\'n out at a later stage or the game " All se\'en employes and two lorme1· assessor's aides \iiho are no1,1.• retired v.·ill be <1rraigned later today 111 Superior Court on charges of grand theft, submitting raise claims :.ind violating government codes. It is alleged that the nine drc"· coun. ty money in 1970 for time actu<11ly spent in workinit for what eventually \\"as the election of then county as- sessor 1\ndrew J. 1-linshav.• to 1hc '10th District Congressional scat. Ttte Hepublican \e·gislator today continued to refuse lo return·frcqucnt calls made to him in \Vashington by the Daily Pilot. M1n sha "··s !-tt'C re larv s aid the Congressm :.in "'as in the ltouse \'Oll n,I.!: and will not be available to thf' press until later toda~·. Later, llinsha\V told the Daily Pilot in a lelephone COll\'ersation that he 1s .. making no <.'Om ment at this time ori (Sec ASSESSOR, Page A2l S2,055 i11 Goods Stole n in Lai;.,'ll11a Foi;ccd t•ntr.\· 111111 tbt' hon11· Qr Lacunan Donal<l Fur rn::iee1on1 . 425 Seav1ew St.. ncltC'd a burglar 52 .055 \\'Orth of propert.v 1nc lud1n~ ('amcra gear. <.1 r ifle, ~!crt·u 1•qu 1prnC'11t, JC\1·clry :ind ca~h Thur . .,d;.i,\ Ora~~oast \\ t•••• l1c•r ~los t !~ !'unny Sa turda ~ v. 1th local gust~ 111nds at times lhghs of 70 Jl !he bt•aches rt• :u;hing iG 1nl,111d. t1{'cordini.: lu 1he \\·eathc·r :-t•r\'ice . L•>v.~ tonight .t2 to 50 l:\SllU: 1'011.\ \' Tllr larlfasq world o/ 011>11c11lanrl rvnitnn1·.~ 1r11h 11!1• Yulo·llc/•· s1•a.\rnr /o pruducl" 1111· 1rwJ111orir1/ ~·an/a.\:/ 011 f'aradt' '01 1/1c :\rialieirn land u/ makl' b•'l1cr<' /1 .~ Hll nt pH:lurt·-~ o111 Ille l\ll'Ck(•1rdt'r C•ll f'r. CJ ·······~ AIYtu•Seni(t ., -..... Cl·I _,.., .. -... ,, ...... ... t...,.. •• ,. •• M•lleNI l<JWI •• Olt!OrR,. •• Ort-CK~\~ l II 11 c1t ... ,,... 01.11 -· 11·1 CwnH'l " -. ... c~ • ..-" S-Ct Ma•••t• ... Oe.illMttk H "' ffllYtl-C• ft•-Wll'• .. •• , ........ '" t:-1-1 '" .......... •• ...... ~. Alf II ... w ...... •• ·--" WMl•-· Cl·• """'l•-" .. • AZ CAIL\' PILOT L/SC Frid• . O.C•mbet 13, 1974 "Capo Man -. Filesi Bid For CUSD E. C:. "'rl'd" Kopp, :.i ('.1p1:-.truno 8 e:1ch bulldtn~ cont r;1ct/Jr. I'!> !h t· fourth µerson to 111ck up 1nqn•r!'t to run fo r the C..:uµ1~t runt1 L'n1f1i.:cl ~chool board in ~l a rch . liut he ~~u d lotl uy he 1.sn't surt> he'll fil e. Ill' 1·xola1ncd he thoui.?ht he w;1s in lhc tru stt'e area no\~' represented by Gcor~c Whit<·. \11ho is not seeking re· clct tion, but ··it 1urnct.I out J live on lhl' \\'font.: ~ 1dl· of the strt·el. ·' Jnstc Jtl, 1f he files. Kopp \\lll rind hi mse lf p1ttt·U a~11ln::.t 1n t·umbcnt \IJ 1lha n1 1--:nqu1sl, ~ho has ulrt·ady :.i n· n11unced he will :-t.'t·k reelect 1un. t\op11. 40 . has h\t•d in the area 20 )c<.i rs and h;,s two !><ins 111 Capistrano schools. lit· is .i m1•mhcr nf the S.1 n Juan Cap1:.r r:1no lto1.1ry C..:lt1b. "l'n1 q uite 1ntcrc:.ted 111 the schuo l sysl£'m ." he .,,11d as hi~ reason for cun~1dt·f'1n~ ru11n1n1.: SQ lur. 111 .1dd1t1on 1•1 En11u1st. 1n · i:um li~·n t llr Ed \\'<1 r1J \\'l'stbcr~ a nd nl'\Vl:Onlcr 1; "Ito~:." Hu:.kamp have .ninuun<.'cd they "•di run , each in :i1·p11 r.ite d1str1t·ts. Bo<.1rcl President Gortlon Peterson h1.1s s;iid he ~·111 oot run agai n. Four 11f the scvt·n hoa rd positions will be up l<Jr elecll on ~1 arc h <l. 'rhL· de<adlinc fur t•and1 datcs to fill' \\'l lh the ()range County Hcgistrur of Voters in J<.1n. J. No c.andidates have yel fi led in the nei ghboring Laguna Beach Unifi ed School District, ln \\hich two of fi\'e posilions wil l be up for elcclion. San Clemente Agents Seize Drug Susp ects San Clemente narcotics a gents :.i nd :;tale investigators a rrested four apartm ent dwellers late Thursday on cha rges rela ted to a s ma ll ·scalc heroin sales case.' Officers had plan ned to serve a $2,500 warrant charging sales of the drug on Ke\·in Patrick Smith, 20, of 226 La i~a toma . After ar riving al the apartment, agents found three more persons a l the residence allegedl y involved in he roin acti vity. Besides Smith, a gents booked Michaela Ann Ivy, 18 ; Kathleen 1\. Bickmore. 24 , and John Robert Smith, U . Those three arrestees "''ere booked on charges of possession of heroin and narcotie11 paraphernalia . The case stemmed from alleged s mall pu rehbses of the drug which un· - dcreover agents had made in recent weeks. Lag.una Niguel 'Driver Held On Drug Couu"t A Laguna Niguel man initiall y hall· ed by California H.1ghway patrolmen :.incr an n l l e~etl violation traffic viola- tion \l:as turnl'<i O\'er to Orange Coun-. ty Sherlfr's officers Thu rsday ni ght and jailed on drug charges after niari- ju:.ina alleged!~ 11•as found in his car. Deputies booked Jeffrey ~lit•hael Pintar, 23. of 24915 La Vela !toad on charges or possessin g m:1r11uana and possessing narco li es para1lhern alia after sea rching h1s veh ic le nt'ar the inler!'ieclion of Pac1f1r Coast I Ii ~h\1·a y and Cro"'n Vatlt'y l'ark"·ay Ex-co ns S o u ~ht BF.'."'TO;.;", K,\', 1t·r1 i i\uthur111cs ranned oul over a n1 ;1ssive \1·outlc<l area l'ast of hl're today 111 an atten1pt to flu sh out t11·0 <1rn1cd cx-con\·1c!s who took .:1 15·.\'t';ir·nld 1vaitress fr<1m a restaurant ;11 gun po int 'r hu rsday n1l!ht ORANGE COAST LISC DAILY PILOT r.,. O••nQll C.o•" ()oily Pol<H .,t., '"''""'" rorn t><-.i1 ... 111~ ... Prtu ••P~t>l•V>fOb'/!""°'""~ eo.u P\IDI•"' •"Q to..,p•n• !Ko~"'.,~ ...,,1,,,... ••~ pybhV'l#O Mona•• '"'""Q" fn!l.I• ,.,. eo-•~ .,..,., .,,,.._, l>f'•cn """'•nQlon ""''"'n r,,..,. '"'" \1•11••· '""'"'· '>•oa•r~<• \l•I"• """ ~QUN fk..,,.. <,ou1n (o•'1 A ••"'I•• .,q,.....,1 ..,,..., •J ""Dj''"~o .,.!u•O•••""" s..r.r.,, ,.,.. ""'"''""' P""'''"'"'I p14nt " •I lOO '-w•1 llool Sltttl, tolt• M• •• (•>1•b• ••• t1•1& Robert N. Weed Pr~""""l •ncl Pu~,.,,., JdCk R. Cur ley \1°•• "'"' ""'"' •t><I Gon•••l IN""QI'' Thomas Keev1I £a.ro• Thomd~ A Mu rphine """'""~•ftQ l<l•!Ot Cha rles H Loo~ Rithdrd P. Na ll ••••" ••! "'•n~g·,,q lO•!Ot; Lilg una Beil ch Office 111\&C.lr""""' , ..... "'••io•o '"'"'"" P o "4• ""1), •1•11 Other Otl1cn C.CKI•..,..•• ))llW•" ll••'>!•t<"1 N••-t S.ot<• llll N••fl')rl i!<>ul•••td "'""!•nQ1"" e. .... 11111 "'•" lllo..lt•••d :i..oG•t~<• \l•ttf, :·.101~.1P•1lto.a •1<;,,onO•t~''''"••1 Ttl•phOM 111 4) M2-4J21 Cl.asslfit<I Advertisi ng M2-S67 1 lilquna Beach All Dtp,Jrtmtnts: T•Jeohont 4'4·•41111 •cm S..n ("-~" 4'S·06JO CM>"''"''· ''" O•tnll" t••" "'Ill•'"'"° r..i.--n; -.o .,,,., •lo<•• ,o~"•l­ "'ll••Ot•t! _,,,, • oHl•••l·,..-11 -·••n _, DO "'II'"~·•..., .... t'>Q~I •PR••' lllf''""'''"" OI COP•'"ll''! ew ... • ~OllCI 'It" 1•>1tt "" M•O •I ~!· ,_..,. "'""'"'" "'"«''~!·Ml "' ,., .... , u (Ill -N~ B~ "'"'' \-0 00 "'ont~I ' '"'"'"'' __ , .... ,._ \l 00 '""~'"'' 0 •>11 Pllft1 ~1 .. u P~Mo 'CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBOD Y• Irvine Company's Moore f'rom Pt1ge A I TICMAP ••. it even iflhe land was a gift . Regarding the planni d open space, ~loore said , "The Irvi ne Company can do other things with these ca- nyons a nd will insist on being able to do things wi th these canyons unless some wor kable solution is arrived al." The coastal commission or county planners cannot simply confiscate the land or deny lhe company the right to use it, he said . · Other problems in planning the area, Moo re said, inClude transporta· t ion. Pacific Coast ~l ighwa y is . already overloaded. he said. and the cities of Ne wport Beach and Laguna Beach can be expected to oppose a plan which \Vi ii mean more traffic through their jurisdictions. The highway is the onl y access to the property at this lime. Company plans, however. show two roads lead- ing northea st into Irvi ne and an add i· tional access 1vhich could be provided if the Corona dcl Mar Freeway \1·as to be extended south. AMPH'S Chie f Quitting Post BUl{NETT, \Vis. tA P) -John Bul- terbrodt says he has resigned as pre· sident of f\ssociatcd i\.1ilk Produ cers , . Inc., the dairy·cooper;ll ive cn ught up in a recent campaign contribution scandal. • Butterbrodt confirmed al hi s hrJ mc here Thursday night that he and i\~t ­ P I General l\'l anager George t'\lehren o r San An tonio, Tex ., left t he coope rative fo!to"·ing H decision to de· centralize the orga nization. Bot h Butterbrodt a nd i\1ehern have been und er investi gatio n by the \Vater gatc s pecial prosecutor's office in connection "'llh illegal camp;11gn donations made by Al\I PI. "'hic h has pleaded gu ilty to making donations to both Democrati c and Republican can- didates. r\:\IPI "'as fined the 1nax· imum 535.000. OIL ... tutiH,·1ally tugh prices. in fa1·or ul the Ulll fied S.\'SI ('Ill :\mouz('gar sai<l Ol't:r had hccn fnr{'~d to 1ntrcaiie the price o! oil bt·t·a use thrt't' n1e1nbC'r~ Saudi ,.\rab1 :.i. i\hu Oh:1b1 a nd i.)Jl,tr raised th<'ir prii.:('~ at .1 1ncC'l1 ng in :\bu Dhabi last month. .. \\·e h:'lcl \\\fl rhn1ct•s -t•11hrr In ~o hack to !ht• S1·plt·n1l)('r prll't' sys1t·1n, and this \\nuld 1ncan lhl' three Aral> members l't.'\('rs 1ni.: lht'ir df'c1sion, \\ h1c h Oil·~· \\'(111ld not cln. or adopt the Abu Dh.1hi pric("''h1.·sa1d . "\Ve adoplt•d th(' AllU IJ/HLl)I Jlrl t'l', not ·' p1·r111.\ n1orl' "'\:'OU (' ;.1 n 'l h,I\ (' I \\'O prLt't'S from 1 he san1c oil 1ron1 lh<' s:i mc spot (:\\1 ddlc E.ist l," ASSE SSOR . • • thr ad1·1ct• of my ;11!or11l'~·" lit• su1d \lllUld :-IJ('.lk \\1th hi:-:11- h)l'Jlt'\' a1,:11111 1111~ ,111 1·rnoo11 In cll'- tt·rmln(' 1f :-01111• f'xpl;11u111on of 111 .. role in the 1s.s uc-could he m11dt• \'.ilk·r~;I 11xl.1y t'onfir rnl·d th.11 ht• .ind fll n~h ;1 \\ a111>e.1r1·d hl'fOl'l' the tfr:tnct J u1·y duru1i;r a f1\'C nlonth 111 1t•:-t1gal1on 1h.1t put ·l!l ~1lnc1>!'lt'S ht'fo rt• the 111,•t·s11~.1t11·1• 1>.1n(•I. ThC' ass<'ssor also confi r med th.it hC' dcellned to lf'sl1f, before the Grand. Jury -again likc ll1nsha" bul stres!>e•d that ht~ :ttlttui.le ""as d1ct:ill'd on the adl'ice or his law}£'r, Juhn l·ahill · · Frnrn 11 h.11 I k no\1 , t hl'rc 1s s1m pl v no sub:-t.1nrc lo tllt'Sf' t'h ar~l':;,' \'alle ri:~· .... nd. "1\nd, ILkt? I said. I h ave ('\'L'r1 co n f1de nct? in the system." • Reinstate 3Firemen, I ' Unit Asks The La guna Beach Junior Woman's Club is urging the Laguna Beach City Council to reconsider the layoff or three city fi remen <ind to consider provid i ng e n1e rgency ambulanre ser vice thl'ough the fire depal'lment. In a letter to the council, l\la ry Green, president or the organization, <.'ited the actions of other cities in establis hing municipal e mergency services th rough the fire departmcnl. ·'\Ve "'ant to sec emergency service impro1·ed in Laguna. The retention of the three firemen to be laid off would solve l"'O problems. "\\'e urge you lo reconsider your ortg1na l negative stand . Consider the ~·elf are of the people in our com muni- ty," fl>l rs. Green~·rote. 1'he t"·o problt·ms ~trs. Green re· fer rcd to are tho:.c or en1c rgency lrans porlHl io n and I(}\\' departmc·nt strt'n&t h for major b\al.C!'.>. Lagun;:i Beach fire trucks no"' roll" "'ith l"'O and thrt•e·m nn crC'ws. ·r hrcc fire m a n pos it ions '11ere d ropped and three men fi red "'hen the polic e departme n! took over central radio disputching for a ll public s:ifc ly agencies. Top Volleyball Teams Compete In L~guna Test A men's volleyball tournament will be held sta rting at 10 a.m. Saturday in Lhe boys' gym of Laguna Beach Hi gh School. . Thirteen teams from t hroughout Southern California are expected to compete. Team meinbers include All Americans and nationally r anked volleyball players. Loca l teams are "Rolf's" which in- cludes players ?d att Albade, Oz Sim- mons, Casey Armstrong and Cliff Am stea n, and ''Stottlemye rs" wi th top -- team members Gary Fisette, Buddy Cox ,and Mark Dawson. t "'This will be the firs l six·man volleyball tournament of importance e ver held here. It will give the local fans something to watch and perhaps see the Olympic stars of tomorrow," Jan Gregory, tournament director, said. The tournament cha mpions hip game is expected to start al 8 p.m . The public is welcome to attend. O the r t eams sc h e dule d lo pa rticipate a re Cal State Fullerton, Ca l State Los Angeles, Dana Point Outrigger s. the West LA Volleyball Club, the Patriots of San Gabriel, The llitmen from Lakewood, Edwards Air Force Base team, U.S. Marine Cor11s Sant a Ana Air Station team. Hayes Appoints Proxy for Post On Coast Panel Lo$ Angeles Co1Jnty Super \'isor James Hayes -\\'hose membership on the South Coast Regional com- mission has eaten deeply into his sched ule -oow has appoin ted a pro- xy to help him oul. l layes, Y.'ho was elected to chair the county bo ard of supervisors recently.' named a top aide to serve as an alternate on the coastal com mission. The subaltern, Barna Sza bo. \1·ould serve on the panel in his boss' absence. 11.:iyes recently quit his post on the power ful state coastal commission, compla ining that it affected his schedule too harshly. ,.\t the regional level, llayes often has had lo leave sessions before ad- journme nt a nd befo re selccling Szabo, he ordered his secretary to monitor the session in his absence. Laguna Land Map R e jected By Planners A proposed land use poli cy map races :i n uncertain fate after Laguna Beach Planning Co mmissioners Tues· day turned down motio ns to accept, po stpone or reject it. The m ap, "'hich depicts the already adopted land use element of the city's general plan. will be sent to the city council "'ith the indication that com- missioners did not accept it, George Loga n. city attornt'y, said . Comm issioner John l\l cDo"·ell in - troduced t he n1otion to postpone ap- proval of the map, saying It ~·ou ld <1u ickly become obsolete. His motion "·as defeated 4-1. School Ski Clu b Schedu les Mo"ie The San Cleml'ntc lfigh School ~k1 Club ~·i l l s pon!lor a ski movie. · \\'inter People." toni ght at 7 and 9 o'cl(l(':k in 1 he school 's little theater . Adm1ss1on is S2.2S and will benefit club oi ct1v11Je11. • l Christ111asti111e Special Dana l lills l·Ligh School dra m a stude nts rehear s e scene fro n1 upcoming product ion of "\Vinnie the JJooh'' to be s taged !11on· Uay at 7 :~0 .at the school and next Tuesday, \Vednesday. Th urs - day and I· rtday at 7:30 p.m . at the Laguna l·lills Mall. Sta rs nf pl ay includ e Ta mi Veard a s Eyore (center), l\1ichele \\line~ ;.i~ Pooh (left) and Linda Broth\vCIJ as Piglet . Ad mis:>ion to tht· special sho\v for children is free. SCAG Leaders Ready To Fight New Agency Elected officials \Vho serve as de· legates to the powerful Southe rn Ca lifo rn ia Association of Govern- ments SCAG are gearing up to fi ght s tate proposals to create a n·ew s uper agencr _to adminster t:alirornia's· ' One-way St.-eet D e cision Firm For Cl e mente coasta l development. In a scs~ion in l...os Angeles Thurs· day, the SCAG executive comn11llcc has agreed to call a meeting of in· terested cities within l he coastal set·· tor of th e Southla nd in order to coordin a te a possible battle again!.l a new elem ent to the sta te coastal plan that would set up the superagency. 1'he Powers, Funding and Go,·ern· ment e lement of the coastal land-use plan sets up the frame"·ork for a nc"'. state pane l that "·ould rule on a\I changes "'ithin five m iles of the shoreline. The pre sent system of regional commissions affects changes only "'ithin 1.000 yards of t hesea. Town Hall Unit Hits 3 Issues By PAllELA HALLAN 1M 1M 0..Hr l"i191$t.lft An outs poke n £roup v.•hich has followed closely the progress of lhe San Juan Capistrano Genera l plan will la unch a pe li tlon drive this wee kend lo protes t City Council stands on three issues. The Town 11all Associ:.ition, "'hose mcrnbers helped forn1ulatc the cit izens' poli cies "'hich beca n1e guidelines for the plan's del'elopment. ' disagree "'ith recent council decisions on the t reatment of agriculture, con1 · mercial centers a nd roadways. .. This is not an emotional issue." said president Barbara Da vies during a press conference Thursday ah er· noon. "\V e've·read the plan pagc·by- page. \Ve 've \vorked ver y hard." !ll rs. Davies said that unlik e the council, her group fa\'Ors the desig na- tion of permanent agriculture in the plan. She maintains that a resid ential designation for the property 11·ou!d preclude any serious attempt to lllilifl· l ain agricul ture. 'rhe council\ has proposed a re- sidential designation ror 200 acres t'al'mar ked for agricultural preserva- tion until a study can be done to de- termine if permanent agriculture is feasibl e. t.Irs. Davies said her group also dis- agrees \•:ith council intent to de·· sig:n;:i te 10 acres fo r neighbo rhood shopping centers. She belie1·es they ~ould be four to eight acres and should be built to serve neighborhood needs, not those of people outside the ci ty. · The third point of contention is the size of major high"'ays. To"'" Ital! believes the high"•ays should ul - timately be no more than fou r lanes \Vide. :\ majority of the council now favors planning for six la nes. "\Ve thought the plan "'as to l;e de· signed to retain the qu alities "'e no"' enj o.y," s aid t.'I rs. Davies. •·\Ve believe the general public supports us." To\\'n Jlall members will circulate the petition outside of Von 's ?itarkel from 9 a .in. to 5 p .m. on ~turda y and Sunday. ftt rs. Dovies also urged resi· dents "'ho s upport her group's vie\1's to call or write a councilman before \Vednesday·s council meeting. Reeve 's Ranch Proposal Gets Another Delay San C le mente pla nning com · missione r s agreed Wednesday to another d elay on a recommendation on master-plan revisions for the ma· jor propos als to develop the 1,055-acre Reeve's l{anch. . Co mmis s ione r s a j:!:reed t h at bec<iu se an env ironme ntal impact statement had been submitted late Tuesday, there \\'as not enough time fo r the staff and commission mem- bers to eva luate the large :1 moun t o( data. Further cons ideration of the pro- J>OSals by J ohn D. Lusk of New port Beach wi!\ come in t\\'O \\'eeks, the c:omrnission agreed. Once the planners rinish "'il h t he total master. plan for a pla nned com - munity on the former cattle spread. the c it~· council "'ill consider final a p. proval s. San Cle mente traffic and parking comm issio ners decided Thursdav to stand by their recommendatior1 to make Ave nida San Gabr iel and A\'en1da San Pabloone-way. Cit y councilmen had requested that commi ... sioners come up "'ith another solution to the traffic and safe ty pro· blems in the area adjacent lo the municipal golf course. The Po"·e rs. Funding and Govern- ment element "'ould expand land.use cont rol to the enti re fil'e·mile plan-Ge neral I ~ kup ning area set up by the passage of the Ll'"i' Coastal lnitial1ve. S1\N QU E:'\'TIN, Ca li f. (t:Pl) -A Regional coastal commission:i ;ire general lockup was clamped on San 1 lo""·cve r, con1n1 issionC'rs said they consulted a numbe r of homeowners before making the decision l<isl month and sti ll hE!Jicve their recommenda- tion represents the desires of res t- . dents. respons ible for draft,ng elem ent ~ to Quentin inmates Thursday follo"'ing the total pl an fo r the a rca. a racial confro nt ation bet "'een blacks and Chicanos. Prison spokesman flil t And South Coas t Comm 1 ~s1u n Nyberg said a sho"' of fo rce with ex · 1\-l embcr :.i nd SCi\G delegate ll alph tra a rmed ~uards broke up a mass Diedrich was outspoken :ibout the confrontation between 400 inmatt:s in conlroversial plan clement. the main prison yard . ~~~~iiiiiiOOiiiii~ JIJSTIM TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AND CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. '· STOP IN NOW. ' • OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER WEEKDAYS & SATV•DATS 9:00 lo 5:30 ; • NEWPORT BEACH • I'" "' f'.:STCLI rr OR • ti4Z·20.S0 L AGUNA BEACH • :US NI 1111'11 ~CJ,\ST llY.'\., •11H liMI TORRANCE • 2:1fi.49 llAWTIIORNF. BLV D <flp1•11 Fr1 111 •1. Sun 12 ~ :1tH Toll 127'1 ( I I I ) I I I • I I l I I I • ,.. . .. ·'Retrofit' Homes To Save on Fuel ltySYLVlA PORTER _",n-==-----.. ~"'-and ..be-.-patd up on hi& ga~ One or th e lea.st expensive bill Arter a 20 percent down d r M , payment of the cost of an simplest v.ays or you, Oney S retrofitting , the customer a homeowner, to control • )our heating costs in this ,,.. Worth may decide either to pay orr \. -the balance \V1lh1n 90 days era or oppressively hi gh V interest tree or pay in 36 fuel costs 1s through home "retrofitting · _ or the in monthly 1nstallments with litallaUon of ceiling insula an interest charge or one across the board approx percent on the unpaid mon t1on weather str1pp1ng and 1mat1on By do1ng the thly balance caulking retrof1tllng your:;elf, for in And this almost surely 'ftlll be umong President t ord s proposals \I.hen he delivers hi s energy pro gram to Congress next month TJIE PROGRAM will not he mandatory -but 1l 1s among the 1n cent1ve mea!ures urged bv the I cdcral En e rgy Ad m1n1strat1on to induce you to cul back on your con sumpt1on or energy and s1mullaneously curb your fu el bills In sue months these have risen 17 pe1cent for gas and electr1c1tv and 22 percent for fuel 011 and co al Yet , or the 70 m11\1on homes 1n the US, 20 mil hon are inadequately insulated If your house was built before 1940 -and 41 per- cent of all houses were - )Ours probably 1s among them By spending only $200 to retrofit your home, the FEA estimates you will save an average of S1W. a year 1n fuel costs and thus, 1n about 26 months, your savings will have paid for your invest ment And the S200 1s an New Fares For State Jets Told SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The State Public Ut1ht1es Comm1ss1on has established new permanent air fares w1th1n Cahfom1a, some higher and some lower than previous farts Its action came 1n a final order covering apphcat1ons by Pac1f1c Southwest Airlines (PSA), Air California, Western A 1rl1nes and Untted Airlines dating back to Oe tober, 1913 A number of interim tn· creases had been granted since the or1g1nal fthngs to offset increased fuel costs, the last a fou r percent boost on Sept 4 Under the order. PSA will get a 1 4 percent increase which with previous inler1m boosts 1s expected to pro duce revenue amounting to $17 S mlihon The new fart!s also will include reductions for flights bet\lieen Fresno and Los Angeles a nd between Fre:sno and San Diego · Air California doefl not get a fare increase under the latest order but v. as granted increases Sept 4 which now are permanent United and Western, v.hose California passenger operations have been con ducted at a loss, now may increase fares to match PSA and Air California rares on comparable rou tes stance, you can cut your 1n 111al ou tlay in half lor more than hillf ) As o ne 11lustrat1on a l-11dwcst owner of a two story ho use built berore 1940 Cwhen the Feder.i i !lousing Adm1n1st1 alion had no 1n sulat1on standards ror 1n sured mortgage homes) saved about SS4 a year with the 1nstallat1on of Just six inches of ce1hng 1nsulat1on 1 his do 1t yoursel!er spent $100 on matenals, recouped hi s inve st ment 1n 18 months TO ENCOURAGE you to invest 1n such thermal 1m· provements, the FEA pro poses that you be given a tax credit of 25 percent of the cost of your materials and 1n s t a llat1on Your credit could be hm1ted to $200 per taxpayer and you would have to act w1th 1n a spec1f1ed time period The cost to the federal govern menl would approach $500 m1Jllon but the potential energy saving would be 250 000 barrels of 011 per day by 1980 The FEA also 1s propos· 1ng that the Admin11trallon 1n1hate a S60 m1lhon pro· gra m to fund ut1!1t1es !through state utility com· missions) that offer Joans to hom eowners for retrofit ting A financing program of this sort already has been 1n operation in Mi chigan for slightly over a )'ear To quahfy a customer must own his <or her) ov.n home IN A RELATED \enture, lh e FEA 1s t estin g tn several c1l1es a program called 'l'rOJeCt Conserve'" -under which part1c1pants fill out a quest1onna1re stat 1ng th eir present heating and cooltng costs house. d1mens1ons and insulation devices Then a computer analyzes the energy ef!J ctcncy of the home, m akes rccommcndaltons for 1m· provcments and 1cst1mates their cost as well as e\ en tual saving 1n fuel bills The computer service IS now free If 1t goes nationwide, vou 11 probablv have to pay a processing fee of a few dollars But what 1f you re poor and the cost of any home improvement scheme 1s out of your reach" For you, the FEA proposes a federally funded plan to upgrade your estimated 5 nulhon homes This program would be modeled after the succssful home w1nter1zat1on pro gram piloted last winter 1n Maine THE GOVERNMENT would provide $100 per hom e for 1nsulat1on malertals , volunteer groups would do the 1n stallahons The cost or this one s hot operation $500 m1ll1on The resulting sav 1ngs 1n 011 imports $550 m1\hon a year · ProJect Independence'' 1s being translated by deep ly concerned c1t1zens into realistic money and energy saving measures Ford Sees No Wa y To Drop Car Costs DETROlT CUPI)' _ prof1tpercaralready1sless than Sl50 and 1nflat1on 1s Ow1ndl1ng profits and driving up costs at the rate chmb1ng costs make a S200 o!S35 a month to $400 auto price cut sug Edwin J Mullane, a Ford gestcd by a dealers' group dealer 1n Bergenfield, N J . "1nco nce1vable Ford and president of the Ford Motor Co vice president Dealers Alliance, said Weil.- John B Naughton satd nesda) that Ford was beinli! Thursday noncompet1t1ve by holding Naughton, Ford vice pre to its 1975 model prices 1n s1denl for sales, said Ford's the race of a steep sales slump He said a price cut could pr0\!1de priming to New Chief A t Unite d CHICAGO ( UP!l - Edward E Carlson Thurs da} was named bo ard chairman of United Airlines and Richard J Ferris pres1 dent of the airline Ferris 38, was asSO<'litited with Western International Hotels a s ubsidiary of UAL, In c , until 1971 when he became president or the airline's Food Services D1vls1on Carlson has been United s president since December. 1970, after more than 30 :i.ears 1n the hotel industry start the economy moving ~lullane said that since dealers ha\e virtually no control over price and pro duct1o n 'I pray they f Ford ) break out of their nonrompet1t1ve 1n trans1gence and try a price t>xper1m ent 1n the market place " Ford boosted prices bv 5407 at the 1ntroduct1on of the 1975 models and boosted the price another $75 on Nov IS by making some op lions standard equipment and raising freight and an t1freeze charges Three days later 1t cut Sl50 from the price of its cheapest rar -the tv.o door subcompact Pinto -by knocking $66 off the base price a nd subshtut 1ng cheaper tires Business Unit Sees Exchange Fi rm Gets Weak Times Ahead WASHINGTON IAP> - The Business Council on Thursday forecast n s1gnin cant Improvement In the rate or nlflation dunng the next s1" months but said the economy will continue its weak performance The council whose n1em hers Include about 100 or the nation's top torporate ex eNtlves, was slightly more optimistic about the un employment picture In 1975 than the Ford &dflllnistra tion has bten tt said unemployment is expected lo reach 6 8 per. Cl'nt to 7 ptrcenl In the second and third quarters of ne xt year, while oid · m1nlstratlon economists ha\c said the JObless rate ma)' ao over 7 percent The counc11 held its quarterly meeting htre this week President Ford ad dressed the groui. Wednes d:iy night telling the. busi· nns leaders hi s admlnistra Lion would have new economic programs to pro· pose t o Congress nrxt mnnth The council predict~ that ,tht nations economic output as measured by the Gross National Product will be down one percent for all of 1975 but It said economic growth .!ihould resume after midyear tt siud that capital !ipend 1ng although declining somewhat , '1s holding up relat1\: ely v. ell compared v.1th p as t periods or economi(' contraction " With respect to 1nnation the council said the rate or price Increase s hould dechne to about 6 percent In the fin al quarte r of next )ear, about half or the cur· rent rate "A cltar s hirt rrom a seller's to a buyer's market appears to have gathered momentum 1n the past month or "o -shortages are eas ing and delivery limes are shortening,'' it !81d. Slaying-Term -LOS ANGELES <UP!) - Lavelle Keith, 21 , was sen· tenced to prison for ure for killing 11 resta,urant owner during a robbery last spr· mg SE C D elay LAS VEGAS (UPI) - James Ra) Houston owner and founder of the Western Pac1f1c Gold and Silver Ex change has been granted a delay on a Federal Court hearing to determine 1f his firm should be barred permanently from doing interstate business The hearing, scheduled Thursday will now be con· ducted Jan 30 ~1eanwh1le, a temporary restraining or· der Issued ag~lnst Western Pacific Nov 29 will remain in effect Attorn eys for the Securities and Exchange Commission and attorneys tor •rouston Wednesday agreed to the di:lay on the hearing U S District Judge Roger Foley signed the necessary papers The temporary r estrain 1ng order prevents the I.as Vegas based s llvtr com'· pan) which had more than 70 bran'c h o ffi ces throughou t the United States. from doing business interstate Friday's Closing Price• NEW YORK Fn<t•y December 13 !97A DAIL V PILOT A I$ STOCK f EXCHANGE ... A&P O~c1s1on S1\;-.: ~R\:'\CIS () 11\P1 ,\ frderJl tourl )t1d~1.: \\(llll Cll ll('r A&P ~torr .. 111 cl!\{'~\ ll .. tll or 31 llf llS 32 .. t11rt ,hv1 .. 111n .. Ill 1•rt \<:nl 11 from fut urt' 1\l t't!JI lr»1 T1"' 11f rll'1rl ;lnd l\hfllt"Cilt• h('t fprU'l'" l h1t1f l," l)1,l11<I Jlld11c Olli tr J ( ultr lolil 11t n1 n1.:1 lo<;rph ~l Allotu on 1hur"d J\ lh 11 .. urh J m1J\t \\3~ .11mtd a1 nv•no1)(llr1,1Uon rather than prlil'll'<lOg \ 1111 \ 1., ... L .Jan 25 D\\:lrdcd S32 7 mil hon HI d 1 n1,1~f':-·•RS HISI A~P IQ "l'~'n ll\<"5tO<'k ~ro,,.,11 s hnldu1J1 the 1:11nl toocl rha1n had' 1olate<l antitrust l,1""' h) 1llt'1 . .illy f1x1ng meat prices Dollar Drops liHlSSE!S ll Pl l The US 1loll,1r 111!>.t i;round 1~r1da\ 1111 mo<;! tore1~n c'rh,1n~e ma1 kf'I~, t:Vcn dro11 pin g !ra1 t1o hJ\l\ Jn v.alut• 1n Londou tu thr hl•lr.ii.;ut•rcd pound l'l tl1rllna f ht J1r1 t IC 11f ~nliJ I\ t•n1 UP, • A 16 DAil y PILOT ANIMALogic1$ ~.....,. • 1 A~WAYS S(fi.\ lb SE. OM f liE. lllRONi6 SIOf. Of 'T'HE DOOR ~ " Chinese Food Recalled \\'ASlllNGTON (AP1 - About 9,500 large cans or Chinese vcget :1blcs ha"e bt'en ordered r('catled by the Food and Drug Ad · ministrati o n becaus e or possible health hazards re- . ~ulting from undcrproccss- 1ni.:. No 1nJurics or deaths ha ve been reported. but the undcrprocessing may allow the gr o '°"'lh of mic ro - organis m s that could be harmful . lhe FDA said. The cans of bamboo shoots, bean sprouts and mixed vegetables y,•ere pro- duced by the Great China Food Product s Co . Chicago, last April and r.1ay in 19-ounce and six -pound, six-ounce cans and labeled under 41 different names The FDA said ~ the cans should bl' returned to the supplier and not be opened The FDA s aid the cans normally would have been purchased by in~titutions s uch a!I hos pi t a ls and restaurants. The br ands being recalled are Aljim, China Beauty, Code . 'Dav i s . Dcr nehl. Dynasty. Edwards. Eml- ing , FSW. Frosty Acres, Good Year, Holl eb Black and l·lollc b Red , Island Be.!ut)·. JFB . JFC, Kohls, l.asco, Lee. Lil Bra\'C, Lone Sta r , !\failing, l\f iesel, P.lilwaukec . 1'-1onareh, Natural . Nifda , Nugget, Parade, Park , Peg, Peg Blue. Pegler, nail ton. Red & White, Richelieu. Sexton Red, Simon, Sunday Din- ner. Tappan and Vanity Ritualistic Cattle Ki/f Gets Probe Df:N\1 ER fU PI l -An of- fi cial of th e Aml'rican llumane 1\ssociat1on says the rt'<'ent de;iths of nine C o l o rado ca ttle in ''rilualist1c-style killings" were part of a series of such incidl'nts being perpetrated across thl' country b y mrm- bE'rs of a n1ysterious cull. R. T. Phillips, Al-IA ex-- C<'u li\•e d irector, s aid it "'as believed ··cults arc involved in the bizarre slayings." lie said the assoc iation "·as of- frring S500 re"·ards for ar- rests and con\•ictions of the killers Phillips said ci~ht catlle ""•ere sl<J in in 11 days near Glcn"·ood Springs, Colo.," and a ninth, a l ,IOO·pound llcreford cnw, was ki lled, drained of blood and had its sexu;1I organ5 and one car cut orr near \fray. Colo. "Jn !\'C'b r Jsk:1's Platte Cou nty. it "'<IS reportC'd 44 such cri mC's occurred in the past month." he said. Phillips s:ud the latest re· ports 11( s ul'"h s laughter ca n1 e fron1 ~11nne sota . "'here num<·rous ea tlle were sl:11n and niutilatcd for no apparent reason. Trio Ge t Prob a tio1i :\'E\\' rnR K tAPI Su ... pcndt•d Sl'Tl\('nC't'S "ere J;;l\t"n lo t"o sons of no te<! n e\1 sp:lper fig ures and a friend. "ho adm111ed ronsp1r· 1ng las! 1\pr1l to Sl'll ro- cainc lo J m:1n "ho turned nut !11 he a federal a~cnl US. 01 str1ct Court .Judge Th om.1.., P . Gricsa suspended ri\'f.'- ) car ~c nlcnccs and rtecreed five 'e:irs of probation. a!Ong "1th steady "Ork or o;tudy, for Rarr) rons1d1nl'. 32. son uf ('olumn1st Rob CQns1cl1nf', K4'rry A. Kollm ar. 20 . son of.the late Dorot hy Kil\gallen and the late Richard Kollmar. and Jonathan Cohen, 21, a s tudent. Frtdey. Deeember 13, 1t7• ' • 19 mg. "ia(, l3 mg. rucoli/ll av. per c,ogarene. FTC Ropo11 OCT. 74, -Warning , The Surgeon General Has neiermined ' ' TharCigarene Smoking Is OangeiOtJS 10-Your-Healtb.- • .. ,. l \, ··~ \. J • r - I 7 I I \ • • Saddleback ,. ' .. •• T odav''s t n nt ~ N. \'. S tocks VOL. 67, NO . 347 , 4 S ECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAL IFO RNI A FRIDAY, DE CEMB ER 13, 1974 TEN CENTS Viejo P ·etition Hits· Castille Trailers A petition signt."<1 by more than 100 residents or l\1ission Viejo will be pre· sented to trustees or the Capistrano Unified School District ~1onday. ask· ing them to remove portable classrooms from tht! Castille School ~ite. The petition, to be submitted at 7:30 p.m. at San Juan School. asks that the temporary classrooms be taken off the site "no later than July or 1975 ... A permanent school is currently un- der constfUCtion and school district ofricials predict that it will be com· pleted in '•larch. The· problem . however, is that the enrollment pro- jected for the school is more than the campus can handle, according to Joe Wimer, director or administrati\•e services. The portables referred to by the petitioners rorm a ''temporary school" built by the t.1ission Viejo Company oo a park site which the dis· trict leases. One year is left on the three·)'ear lease. The school district pays Sl a year rental. \Vimer said the length of time the temporary sc.hool ...,•ill be needed y.•ill be determined by ho .... · quickly the area served by lhe school develops. "1'he 1>0rlablt• elassrooms in their present location presenl an eyesore and y.•e understood the y would be rl" moved as tht· ne\\' school Y.'JS con1- pleted, ''states the petition . • ssessor en1es Tot Death Termed 'Murder' Jabbing 1..1n 1:1ccusLng finger towards Jennifer Elizal>eth Dabney, a furious De puty Distri ct Attorney Pat Brian condemned the El Toro woman late Thursday as ''the sadistic killer of a helpless ba by. "This w1:1s a classic case of murder by torture." Brian snarled as he de· manded a verdict of first-degree murde r against ~1rs. Dabney, 24. Brian reminded Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae ""ho Y.1ill rule i\1onday on y.·hether the degree of murder to be charged against i\trs Dabney is first or second. that she beat both or her eight· month ·old twin boys during the months b'efore Robert died last Junel. BriaQ said l\1rs . Dabney had ad· milted subjecting the child.to a "24· hour orgy or torture'' before the baby died in Childrens l-lospital in Orange of massive head injuries. Brian said l\1rs. Dabney repeatedly adm itted in a taped conversation played back to the jury earlier Thurs· day that she had subjected baby Robert to a severe beating. "She then dropped him race and belly dOY.'n in lhrec·inches of water in the bathtub. left him like that for three minutes and then gave him another severe beating when she thought he might still be alive," Brian said. . . Brian also reminded Judge Lae or l'il rs. Dabney·s own admission that she broke the arm of the other baby, John, by tY.'isling it behind Lhe child's back. The angry Brian then rocused on her husband. l\larinc Corps Sgt. Den- ni s Eugene Dabney. 24. and vigorous- 1 y defended the charges of 'manslaughter filed against the serviceman in the same trial. "If ever there was a case v;here a man should get the severest possible penalty for his criminal ina<'tion. it is this one,'' Brian s houted while Dabney looked down at the counsel ta- ble. Brian reminded Judge Lae that I See DABNEY, P age A?> Orange Coast Wt.aaCht•r· l'ilostly sunny Saturday with local gusty \Vinds at times. Highs of 70 al the beaches re- aching 76 inland, according to the \\'("'.11her service . Lows tonight 421 0SO. --- I NS IDE TODAY The jautasy wor~ o/ Disneyland combines u.•it/1 the Yuletide season lo produce Liit traditiQnal "Fantasy on Parade" al I/re Anaheim land of make believe 11 ·s all in pictures on tlle WeekendfrCover. C-1. Ind"" AIYtur S.t~l<I A1 itwll"~ •• LM.atJI .4 cal~• At (lft.m.. 01-12 c-1<1 C1 -" Dtt91 Jiltti<"' A tt t:~I, ... "'' .......... ~ ...... , cs .. ,_., ,,, .. n ............. tJ -~ ., • _.... (f.• ,..._.,,_. AH ""'*""..... •. 0r._.c.-t~ At•n ........ 114 -... $tlltll Mat~tu A IJ T ... .-i C. -, .. ....... •4 Wlrtill N_. At ........ C:l.f • lie Feareth Not James A. Stanley peers at himself in broken mirror. Legend has it that broken mirrors and clays like today -Friday the thirteent h - Should be shunned bCC l:l.USC o( the bad luck they bring. But Stanley \\'elcomes anything to do \vith thirteen . To find ouL \\'hY. see page 3. Oil Exporting Nations False Fire Hike Crude Price 3% Alarm Cites VI ENNA (UPI) -The y.·orld's ma - jor oil exporting nations decided to· day to increase the price of crude oil by 31 cents a barrel -3 percent -on Jan. 1. Iran's Interior "1'inis ter Jamsbouzcgar said. "The selling price of oii will be $10.46 a barrel. efrective Jan. 1," Amouzegar said after a two-day meeting or the Organization or Petroleum Exporting Countries WPECl. The new prie'e will be rrozen for the first nine months of 1975. he said. The present average selling price of crude oil is $10.15 a 42·ga llon barrel. oil industry officials said. It was not immediately <'lear whether this Y.'0uld mean an increase in the price of gasoline because of the complicated oil. pricing and royalty' system which determine oil prices. J.arry Goldstein. a New York oil consultant. said the action by OPEC may not be an increase at all since Sl0.46 is the market price established last month by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. The action by OPEC, he said, is "nothing more than a confirmation that this is the market price for ever· ybody," But, he said, oil companies had been ·paying an average of $10.36 a barrel for that oil owned by the Arab nations and that owned by the com· panics. The set price of $10.46 for all OPEC oil, Goldstein said, means "an increase in cost lo the companies of 10 cents a barrel.'' The earlier increases imposed un- ilaterally by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dha bi and Qatar had already been passed on by the oil companies through their distriLutors and the latest action may not mean higher prices for con- sumers, he said. Asked if gasoline and home heating oil prices \\'OU!d go up, Amouzegar said: "That depends on how much the oil companies can absorb from their profits." Iran, he said, proposed limiting oil company proffts to 50 cents a barrel. Present oil conipany profits are about 75 cents a barrel, OPEC officials said. The increase of 31 cents in the sell· ing price or a barrel of oil was decided by ministers of the 13 OPEC nations meeting in a \'ienna hotel following l\\'O bomb tjlreats against OPEC headquarters. OPEC did a"'°·ay with the J>OStl'd price system which maintained artificially high prices, in favor of the unified system. Amouzegar said OPEC had i,c~n rorced to increase the price of oil because three members -Saudi Arabia , Abu Dhabi and Qatar - raised their prices at a meeting in Abu Dhabi last month. •·we had two choices -either to go back to the September pri<'e system. and this would mean the three Arab members reversing their decision. which they would not do, or adopt the Abu Dhabi price," he said. " Transients 'fy.•o transients alleged by Orange County Sheriff's deputies to be responsible £or sending five Orange County fire engines roaring to a non- existent fire in hi gh-rise to\\'ers in Laguna 1-lills have been cited for the offense. Deputies said i\iichael J . Preston. 18. and Mack Baker Pendroy, 2·1. have been charged y.·ith turning in a false fire alarm . Th~y y.•crc arrested \Ved- nesday. · It is alleged that the two men ble\v s moke from their cigarettes into the -.s moke detector placed by county fi re authorities in the Ross moor To\\·ers al J..,aguna Hills Leisure \Vocld. Deputies said the resulting alarm led authorities to dis patch five fi re engines in the belief that a blaze or major propo1t ions \Vas ravaging the area. LA File Branded LOS ANGELES <UP I I -The "Alpha File" -a secret report kept by poli ce on •·hoodlum"type·· Juveniles in south Los Angeles -wa!t branded 1·hursday by the American Civil Liberties Union as a "clear racist inte nt to intimidate the black comrnunity." The ;\CLU riled a class aclion s uit demanding that the Los Angeles Police Departmrnt destrov the file. Mesa Node Cleared Cou11ty Judge Tosses Out Lewd Conduct Charge Orange County's nude bcachgoers may have been given a _&r_een light to put it together in the altogether. Beachgoers who found going-rough in the buff in ,recent months ~·ere vindicated late Thursday when South Orarige County municipal court Judge John A. GrifRn round Charles An· derson of CoSta Mesa not guilty or multiple charges filed w~n he sun· bathed In the nude at South Laguna's 9th Street Beach. Ailderson. Z1. was found not guilty on charges or le\\•d conduct and dis· turbing the peace after dcfeMe 111 - torney Bill Shefrield successfully~ argued that his client had disturbed no one end no sexual' intent when he ' invite his grandchildren to the hou~('. Cain is by far th~ m ost constant caller to the sherifrs of ri ce in a II such instances of nudity on the beach. Sheffield sucressfully argued thal the ordinance under y.·hich Anderson also "'as prosecuted pertained more to nude and scmi·nudc entertainment than n;1ked sunbathing on the bearh. ··1 1nnk on this us a test caSe.'' the defense O\Ltorn<'Y s aid. '01\r\cl I \'t•ry much regret th11t many or the pco[)I\" who ht1ve bern ~imi\~rly arrested on thc11c char~cs decided to plcr1d gullly ra\hcr th:.in tnkc lhe issue to tri~I us Mr. Andl!rsonUid." " "'\V e. as local residents. havl' ex- ix•rienccd dLff1culties ranii1ng from noise pollut1on to the \o:-,s nf :ip11rel•1:1· lion Ln the \'Jlut• of our hon1e:-i. \\'e ft'l'I 1hc in{'Oll\'('tlLl'nCc \\';IS 110rth the y.•:.i tt for the permanent s1ructure to bt• to1npl etcd. 1101\·e\'l'r. nov1 that !ht' date near:-i. "e want to t>C' reassured that thcv \I Lii be r'l'n1oved and lhc :-,1lc returned to LIS rorn1er !'ilate. '' ar Indicted Aides Not ;i_ Suspended 8 \· TO't BARl~E\' "01 1i. 0.Ur l'llol St•tt Orang~ County Assessor J ack Vallerga today announced that he has no intention of suspending or taking any type o f disciplinary action against seven employcs accused in a Grand Jury indictment. Vallerga emerged from a 24·hour seclusion to condemn any such action as "quite inappropriate at this time. "As of noY.' they have simply been charged," Vallerga said. ''I un· derStand that the Grand Jury in- vestigation is continuing and I sec no reason to interfere with their duties at this e arly stage. .. 1 have every confida.'lce in lhe system," Vallerga said . ··And I have every confidence that these charges are going to 'be thrown out al a lat.er stage of the game.'· All seven employes and two former assessor's aides who are now retired will be arraigned late r today in Superior Cou1t on charges of grand theft . submitting false clai1ns and violating government codes. It is alleged that the nine dre\\' coun· ty money in 1970 for time actually s pent in \\'orking for Y.'hat eventually was the election of then county as- sessor Andrew J. Hjnshay.• to the 40th District Congressional seat .. The Republican legislator today con tinued.to refuse to return frequent calls made to him in \Vashington by the Daily l'ilot. l·linshaw 's secrC'tary said thC' Congressman was in the !louse \'Otin g and \\'ill not be a,·ailab\e to the press until later toclu y. Later. l-linshay.• told the Dail y Pilot 1n a telephone conversation lhat he is "making no co~ment at this time on the advice of my attorney.'' I-l e said \\'Ould speak \\'ith his al . torney a gain this afternoon 111 df'- termine if some expl:1nation of his role in the issue could be made. \1a ll crga today conf1rmed that hC' and llinsha\1• appeared before the Grand .Jury during il fi,·c.mon th in · \'estigalion that put -l!l "·1tnc:-iscs before the in vcstigati\'e panl·l. The assessor also confirmed that hl" declined to testify before the Gruncl Jury -a ,1?a1n like 1-lins haw -bul stressed that his attitude was chctalC'd on the advice of his la'>'·ycr. John Cahill. "From \\'hat I know. there is simply no s ubs t a nce to these charges," Vallerga s aid. "And, like I said. I ha\'e e v ery confidence 111 the system.·· Burg lar Rifles Hoztse at Base Orange County Shl'riff'.., offlerr:- <1rc 1nvcs ll guting the I heft of jl'l\'f'lr_,. :1 radio :incl c~1s h Y.'1th a total \·;.t!Ul' (11 Si35 from one of the hase hnrnes 111 I he El Toro 1\1 arin(' Corps Air Station Ocputics said thieves !'mashl'<l the front door lock-to gain cnlry 10 !ht' Na mar I lousing home of jet mech.1nu· James La\vrencc llo~rtson, 19, v. h1h• h(' ";1 s ;1 bscnt on dul y Many Mines Cl08e ClfARLESTON. \V.\'.:i . t,\P I Pickel1n'g mint" CUrl.';truct1on "orkt•\ ... c\nst•d virtunlly all coal mint's 1n west1'rn Pcnnsylvanin and ii fc"' 111 \V('st V1r~1n1<1 ('3rly tod:l)'. as nrJ:.11\1.1 lions r1•!tun•u .. '<I In \V:1~hinRIOn tor a nune construclion Y.ork1•rs <·f'ln lr.11 t 1:: ... ~mat cs t:>y com1J;1ny olf1e111l ... 111 d\talet.I l hrtl aboul 22 ,000 1n1 nt·1·~ \\.t'• l' 1tll<' 111 \\'<'Stt•rn 1't·nns~lv11n1 a .;ind a !'1n ull l'r number in centra l We~t \'1r · Rln1u •. lllhr r 1tl'ms on 1he agcnd.1. held n' er ! ron1 tht· pr1•\ iuus "el'!.. 111t·l1.1d1·: _\ .1n11 ng 01 lhl· th1 rd hij.:h srh~ ~ol 111 :oiJl:o:<H lll \'H'ltl -D1 ~l·11~;,11 )n 01 " 11C'rn1,111cnt h11·a· 11on lor \ht· 1h:-ilr11.:1 vtl lec, y.·h1ch th ~ st•houl bn.t1·d "ant ... 10 rc1nu\l' 1ron1 St•r1·:i Schoul 111 C:.ip1.;1 r:1110 Ucach Cun,1dt·ra11on 11f an ;tquatt l':. pn 1· itr;-.i rn at th ... · high school ll•\·el es J I ~.1w ""°' s1111 ,~ VINDICATION SEEN A ssessor Vallerga Missio11 Viejo Council Ma.ps Its Procedures \'cllo"' pa1n1 v.·as stilt drying on lhc \\'alls Thursday Ul new offices as tht- !\Iission V'iejo i\lunicipal Ad1•isory Council met lor its first wurk sess1011 'rhc coun cil met to re\'iC\\' proposed by la" s for its operation ;\ fo ur·:ind·:i-ha\f page documcnl outlining 1ncet1ng clays a nd times procedural points. purposes and fun c. tions \\'Ill b£' consLdC'rcd for :1dopt1011 at 10 ;\.m . s~1t urd ay Jn a puhli t· me~t 1ng of tht' couned The m t•et 1111-! 11 ill bt· 111 \ht! multipur pose roo tn (if ~11 ... ,,ion \'L\'JO llii::h School Public C(H11m cnt \\I ll he 1nv11cll on thl· propo:.t•d hy\ay..., 1n1·lud1ng !111· f0Jly.·011·1ng tt en1 ... -.'\ re,l!ulJr n1c·t'lllll.! d ;~tl' .fur UH! <'OUrH:il o!' i 30 JI n1 on thl' !it'l'ond ~Iond a~ of thl' monlh -F;lt•t•\1on \lf otf1 ct.-r.., :ind proposed ;1nnu<1! organ1la\t1111:1l n1t't•t111g d:.11 e:i. -Purpo"\';; •11Ht ft11H:t1on;; of the panel -:\l cthod:-ot f1\11ng \';1(·anc1t· .... The counl'll :ilso LS cxpe<'led to l'OH· s1d t:-r :ippl1<".11Luns f1)r a part -t1m ~ clerk_ Tell er Murdered CJIJ C,\(i{1 (l'Pl l A ~n:11 1t teller 1n a :-,..1uth S1dv curreifcy c\ l'hangl· \\'ll:-. k11l1·d ·rhursda.v 11 h('n .• man r nlf'rt'd !he hudd1nJ;! l\'llh 1\\·o <'an!' cif ~.1:-.11!1nc. appJ ren11 ~ :i1Jrt·1ul the liquul :1rn1111d th1· offi ce. a nd lhc:n Sl'l a m;1tch 10 11. police !ttlld :\ 1Ja1 r of t'XJ)l•1:-1ons 11111111\t"d , 1..11 1111 ;.: E.:.1£•111· IJa\ £•npn1 ! ~I . .i ll•ller ,,·h11 \I a::. ,1h111\' 1n lhl' t''l:('h.111;.:t• 11 ht•n lhl' 1nc1d1•nt happt'nl·d, pol1 C'l' ... a ~1 I MAC Sn1 o kers Vo t e Toge tlie r .h·.t nnl' (;,1¢nf'b1n ont· of the me1nbr r ... nf the !\li.,s1011 \'i.:Jo i\\11n1c1\•.1i Ad\l~Q r v c·oun<'i l I ~\AC I JllSI rouldti'I Y.0in ·11h1nl. lh1•f1rs111rdcr nfhu:-.1 nt'"" of lh i.., ;\li\C :ihnuhl I~ \\) b,111 ... n,ol..1nl( in 1h1• r ou11l'1 I t h:imbt>r ..... " ... 111:• !i:lld ul a '>'Ork ..,r..,,1on 1'hur ... da\ 111 thl' 1'oun t·1I l'> offLC't' on L;i Paz Hnud "hi• 11 ;1~ 1nlt'il doY.n luur '" • •., I h1•11 ht•r colll·,1xuP.., l~._.111\\ l'll Ki •ll~ .• lnhn Noh!\'. C:1I :-.;l'\t', ;1 11d llL(·hurd Lo...,r111·!.; li t t'1~a 1'(•l1cs .inti lht• n1 (·i.·\1n i: \\ ~·111 011 ' AZ OAILVPtlOT SB fllday. December 13, 1914 · · Golf Ga1ne Critical ·Tinie of Round Key to Mardian Defense \\'.AS111:\G1'UX llJPIJ The 1.;x:ict tzml· \\. hl'n H1 t·harll Kll'1ndlt•fll!ol 111.i~ t•tl i.:11 lf :uld h1 .... "1ft· ljUll t:h:tinin~ lier kit t hl·n t.1h1nl·I~ to h,n·c lunch 011 ~a\Ul'!\:1~, J uni \';'. \:.Ii:!. 1•0\t•1·~cd a~ .1 \'llal 1.~l!o Ul' tul1:1~ ;1! lhc \\'alcr~:1t l' cov- er-up trial at the heart of the defense or Kobert l.:. i\t ardian, a ~metime San Clemente resident. as he seeks to convince the Jury he hud no part in 1ry1nJ: to hush up the s tandal. at ! a.m. and the prosecution charges th a~ Kleindienst, then attor ney 11eneral, received an urgent message l:itt•r thrit day while pl;1ying golf at Burning 1'rce Country Club. 'I'he rru.:~sagc asked him lo release the burg!urS from jail. Such \t'l·mini.!lY 1r1\.1;1 I C\'t•nts U't•rt• Fi\'l' <igents or then Prt·~ident Nix - on's re-election t·ampa1cn had been arrested ut Democratic hl':Ul<1uurtcrs ~ 1'hl .. rcr1ucst <illegedl)' originated ~----------------------------. "11h dl'fendanl John M. 1\1itchell. then Bullet Stays Operatio11 f'or Evidence N ixecL t-. J::\\' ''{!l!I\ IA P l -1\ ~1:1ll' Supren1c Courl justice hu~ turned doY. n . 1 r1·q111 ...,, IJ~· lJUCl·ns :1ulhor1111·~ lo rurce a man lo undergo sur~ll'a\ rl· lllu\,_il 111 .1 llull1 ·I fo1 · lk•:-.:-.1bll' l'\ 1den~ 1n the murder or a l)()lite l1eull'· nlHLI .J u.-.\u·c 'l'h<•tnas S J\grcstu ru ti:d Thursda~· that In forl'f' John Smith. :!(i 1u ;.:n thr11u~h thc-opcrat1on "'ould be un constitu11onal and "ofrcnsive to lair pla) .111d tll'tt•nl'.V and !ht• Arnerican ..,.·ay uf ltfe " lit· ,i\:-o ~•ud th;1t l't1n11\':li 11f the bullet "'1.'0uld "t•onstitute a m:ijor in lru-.11111 111111 lhl' lx•dy 111 1hl' l'l·~rond('nt th:.it ...,.uu!d 111vol\'l' tr:1u111.1 :ind p,1\1\ :J.i\\[ <! pn~!o.d1h,; l'L!o.k 11f \lfl'." Smith \1 ,_j..., ;1rrl·Stcd Junl' 20 11•hcn he ~ou~ht mcd1eal att<'ntion for :1 lu•l!cl 1111u11d qt 111~ ll·ft :-ht1tddl'r shortly after Lt. llt·nry Schm1t·mann \\'as :-h111 dt·atl 1111 .1 fJ1H.:l·ns street lll·ar his home. Octcet1vcs theori1.cd thal he 11 :1~ ;it•cuslcd by an armed rob her \.Vhile on his \\':ly to 1vork at poJi('c hc<Jd- 11u .irter~- liecausc Schmiemann fired one shot from his revolver before he died, :1ulhor1lies behe1·e he mi ght ha\'e 11·ounded his assailant. Betty Hutton Suffers 'Total Breakdown' PROVIDEl\'CE. R.I. <U PI>-Belly llulton. the "Blonde Bombshell" of stage and screen who surfaced as a cook in a church rectory lasl spring after squundering he r per sonal wealth , hu.s been hospitalized for a ··completeemotional breakdo1,1.•n. ·· The Rev. James l·lamilton of Sl. An - thony's Church in Portsmouth said !\1iss Hutton. 5J, was committed at .Butler Hospit:tl, .a psychiatric facilit y, by her psychiatrist. "Shc·s bt>en in since lhe begin ning of the week. 1 gut>SS they characterize it as (•ompletc e motional breakdown ,•' thl' priest said. A hospital spokeswoman said "1,1.·e don't have anyone by th at name here and we don'l divulge any information on our pati ents to the press anyway.'' i\1iss Huttoo, leading lady of 1940s a nd 1950s mo\.'ies and broadwa Y musicals, took o\.·er cooking at St. An- lhony:s Rectory in February and con· 500 Students Eye Catalina Dance Cruise About 500 El Toro lligh Schoo! stu· dcn1 s arc expcl'ted lo turn out in formal holiday regalia Saturday for the annual Christmas Formal dance aboard a Catalina cruise boal in Long Beach Harbor The C\'CO I is set for !I p.m. Lt\'e mus1<' 11·i t1 be provided by t1,1.·o local bands .::ipon sorl'd by the Ju~h ~(·hool 's G1rls League Club. the evening \\'Ill be hi ghl1ght.._·d by t•ro"·ni ng the Christmal' Belll~ and four princesses Ten senior girls ha\'e been nominal· c<l for the LOP hnnor. Fi\C Juniors and fi11~· sophomorl·s art• competing fur prinecss. . l'l;om1nees for Chri.:-tmas queen arl' n.-arcn B.1rtll·U . Ul·hhie Cash, Debbie C!lfforrt. Kl'rsti l)an1elson, 1'1;ina Fatula!1l'. Di:1 nl' llnrn, l\'..ithy Jry.•in, Laurie K.d.1p~ki . .Sue J'\unnery and De111sl' ~('hilll'r 'rhe 1\·1nn1·r \1111 be c!L·rted by those a\li>nd1nj! lhl' ball ORANGE COAST ~e · DAILY PILOT l"f 0f..,QI' {o.t\I 01•1• Poiot ...,tft,.-,.<ft i\ "''"' °'_, ....... 9'\ "''" "P..l>l•VW<ll .. l ... Or•"'l"' W\1 f'Vbl•""'"Q {o"""•"• ~ .. l~f'<lol+Dl'I>•,. ,__ ...... ...,, •• '"'""Of\ ''•Iii•. lo< ( ... ,. /ll<lo .... , "'4!•111<1 ft,•• fl. HyMJl'QIDl'I .... a(ll/f.-· '•"' ,...,,., ••••"I .,,,da .. ~co "''"'• • ..., ~ &tatll """'" C..a•t ii. ""'I" "'!'-I ...,..,,.,,llOJOl,"'•'f\atu'<la"_..,...,.,.., ,,.. ~ ,,..,,. e..111 .,.,.,q p1~~1 o at lXI W!!•I S.r .....-ft'. l'l\11 ,,.,,... Cahlo•n••"7•1-. Robe r! N, Wef'd p,.,,.,,_ol ""° Publ"IW• Jack R. Curley .............. ,.."' """ ......... 1 ........ gr. Thoma~ Keevi l lO•lor Thoma<. A. Murph1ne "'"''•I Q•nq ( d•!OI' Char le~ H Loo~ Richard P, Nall .. ,.,,,,nl AA•n•q,to(l ["""'' Saddleback ValleyOlfice 'l-101 ll P~/ ~OM! •I ... ~ 0+<"00 ~,"f.,IY Other Ottlces 1.:0\" ""'"" 'i'<t\< !If, ~l'""I , .... 11(1., II<'•·~ " ..... !)& .. ,.,,,,. •••• o "U•!·<IOt!lf'fv•' '• 1"•<11-1••••0 I f'I""" h•I· • t'k U,._,,, \lt""t Ttlepho~ 17141 M2"'l21 •• Classified Adver11sing "42·S671 ~l•b.to;I Valtoyl\tf""'()th(I Sl1 ·6l10 ' •• ,., \.t" c .. -~" 4•S·G6l0 ('l!lf'...,I, ''" Or•noo (°"II Pulll•l>'l•ftQ (.o<olp...., "'° """' \lllo'•... '''"'1•11·""1. 911,, ...... !NH•• O• .,Y•fl>\f''""lt\ "°'"'" ..... "" UO~U(f'd •U'Olu! •Pl'( •• ""'"''"-o• lOfl"•qM a...,., !,o(.,.lt (lfU llGl!tO" IM•O •I CO\!a /# .. (.,91'1a<"'• ~!;""~''""' '~ <•""' u O'l ~lltr. ttt 11>1an ,,. oo """"'~''· """'..,, onti ... liofl.I U 00 "'°"!My \'erted to Catholicism. f'ather Pel,,. 1\laguirt', the paslor, mt'\ her al rlihle \Vhen "she 1,1.·as hurt deeply, hacl gone through over S9 million, fame and rortune and ever· rthing e lse," as he described it at lhc time. .\\lord of her activities al the small. rural church brought a heavy volun1c of mail from people who remen1bcred her performances, ~lamilton said. "She got 35,00CJ to :J7,000 letters easi- ly. \Vh en she would be reeling well. she would try and answer !hem but the bulk remains untouched.'' \Vhen word of her ar ri\1al in Portsmouth got out last Easter. J\t iss Hutton was bubbling over with ex - pressions of joy. "It's a miracle that I'm a li ve," s he said, adding it had been preceded by a time in which .she "didn't want 1o li\"e.'·· She admitted that the transition \Vas difficult. '·Some days I cry and say 'This j ust won't work. It u·on'l work.' But they say 'Don't cry Betty. Your eyelashes will come off'." llamilton said he did not expect her to return to Portsmouth. "because I don't think she can function here. I think it's something within herself." She was hospitalized t"•ice si nce her - arrival. once fo r a medical che('kup last spring and for shoulder surgery three months ago. She responded "'armly lo the reccp· lion from lo\\'nsfol k and some accom- panied her on a hus trip to New York Citv last June for a tribute paid by old friends in the entertainment business. ~t iss HultoO starred in such films as ''!\nnie Get Your Gun ," "The Greatest ShoY.' on Earth'' and ''1-lappy Go Lucky '' Senate Okays Ford's Choice Of E11ergy Aide \\' ASJ-II NGTON (,\Pl -The St·no:ilc today rejected confl lcl of intercsts charges and C'onfirmed Presi dent Ford's choiC'e of a former Exxon of· firia! as assistunt administrator of the }'ecler al Energy J\dmi nistr:nion. The nomination of Melvin A. Conant. to be assistiinl administ rat(lr for in· ternationa l energy aff.iirs \\·as a11· proved 55 to 35. Conant had come under fire from Senate Democrats for acceptanC'e of a S90.000 Se \'erance paymen! from Exx- on after ser\'1ng for 10 years as 1ls senio r gove rnment relations counselor for Europe, the 1\lidd\e East and ,\s ia. "\\'hy docs lhis admuuc;tration al\\·ays havp to look lo lht• industry that is to be rejJul;ited for the man to regulate it "'!·· Sen. John 0 P<1storc ( D- H I.). asked St'n. l'lifford !Jansen !H·\Vyo.l, responded by praising "\.he \V1sdon1 of calling upon people \\'ho know somc\h111g ;.1boul the (energy) pro- blem :tnd something about. the in - dustry wc arc tr~·ing to regulale.'' The move to reject Conant "'as led b~· Sen. 1-loy.·ard ~I. t.1etzenbaum (D- Ohio ), ..,.·ho pou11cd out that an Exxon official testified during• Senate In· terior Conlmittce hearings on the nomination that Conant would havl' rt~cei1·<'rl no seve rance pay if he had 1nd1catt'd ll1 sa~rce1ncnt \1ilh Esto on pOILC1i'~ General LOckup SAN QUENTIN. Calif, !UPI) -A J!t'n('ral locku11 wa!I clamped on Sa n Quent in inmatrs Thursda)' tollow1n~ a racial confrontation between blacks and Chic.:inos Prison spoke!ii man Ull l Nybcri:t su1d a show or force with ex· tra armed gu<irds broke up ::. m uss <'Onfrontallon between 400 Inmates in th" main vriS<1n yard Nixr1n 's t•a mpaign manager and now a cover -up defendant, and was re- layed by 1\fardian on the telephone to \\1:11eri!ale m astermind G. Gordon Liddy. ~·ho in turn rushed to the coun- try elub lo give it to Kleindienst. 1\lardian. a former assistant at- torney general and Nixon campaign operative, was with I.he campaign high comn1 and in California at the lime. lie conlcnds that beeause or the lime dif- ference. he could not possibly have t1.11led \\'ashington in advance of Lid- dy's trip lo Burning Tree about noon \Vashington lime. i\lardian contends instead that Lid · dy. one of the masterminds of the bug- ging. undertook th(> mission on his O\\.'ll. Kleindil•nsrs wife, t.1argarct, "'as c;.illed to the stand lo testify about re- ceiving \.11hat she called "a curious <.'a ll '. from Liddy shortly after noon that day. ··11e said he was calling on behall or the Comm ittee to Re·elect the Presi- dent. for Mr. ~1itchell." Mrs. Klein· dicnst said . "I-le said it was a very sensitive and urgent matter and nec>ded to contact my hus band im· mediately.'' She said she remembered the call came between noon and 12:30 p.m. EDT because she had been cleaning . her kitchen cabinets and took a break to have lunch. The prosecution contends that Lid- dy called her about 1 p.m. or 1: 15 p.m . and that he got to Burning Tree about l :30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. -late enough to have rece ived a 10 a.m. PDT call from Ca liforni a. It h as been established earlier in the tria l that Mardian and other campaign officials learned of the burglary about 10 a .m . PDT. l\.1rs. Kleindienst said she remem- bered telling Liddy that her husband u•as playing golr and she then called lhe pro shop at the club to have him paged. But s he conceded on cross· ex.amination that no one at the pro shop remembers talking with her that day and no such message ever u'as re- laved to he r husband. She a lso ac.knowledged her close rriendship wilh ~1 ardian and admitted she did not remember the timing or Liddy's call until after talking with t.1ardian about it after he was indic\ed last t.larch. Kleindienst t estifi e d Thursday aboul the. \'isit from Liddy, recalling he \.\.'as having lunch sometime after noon following a golf tournament. Inouye Panel Pleads Guilty \\'ASHI NGTON (UPI) -A 1974 campaign committee for Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D·Hawaii), a member of the Senatl' \Vatergate committee, 1>leadt>d guilty through an attorney l.o· day to failing to report a contribution· which it received. U.S . District Court Judge George Hart Jr. said the violation by the com- mittee known as "DKI for '74.'' \\•.as technical and suspended sentence. The maximum penalty for the misde- meanor is a $1,000fine . Assista nt \\'atergate prosecutor 'fhomas l\t cRridc said the committee failed lo report either the receipt or the r etu r n of S5.650 from the Ameri('an Shipbuilding Co. in the summer of 1973. ,\merican Shipbuilding is head('d by George l\f . Steinbrenner 111, co·owner of the New York Yankees, who pleaded guilty in August to one count of conspiracy. f 'roni Page A I DABNEY ... Dabney came home on the day of the beating, nave the unconscious Robl'rl mouth·to·mouth resuscitation and then went lo bed for the night alter ap· p:irenlly reH lizi ng that he could do no more for !he child. Robert Dabnc>y died next day after doctors \•a1nly struggled to revive the d\'inl! 1nf<1nt 'l'h e Jury triDI \viii resume in Judge Lac'$ courtroom at 9:115 a .m. l\londaY. IS JUDGE A RAT? HE BARS 'MICKEY' NE\V BRAUNFELS. Tex. <UPI) - 01strict Judie Robert Preuffer has re· Jt'Ct('d ii b!d by backers of ~I iCkt'y ~1ouse \o have their \'Oles count in the Comal County judge's race. rreurfer overruled a motion for a recount of write·in votes to include lh°"e cast for the rodent . Precinct officials a rgued that ~tlckey Mouse 1,1.•as not a bona Cide candidate because he had not resided in Co mal County for six month!5 b(!forc th<" election. Pfeuff<"r upheld Lhe contention on the mouse's re· 'iidcncy. 0.H' l"li.t l"llotl bf Tltty (f-wHN- PLAINCLOTHES OFFICER STANDS WATCH WITH SHOTGUN Police Scour Neighborhood, Round Up Fountain Valley Bandits Young El Toro Trio Arrested ii:t Holdup By KATHY CLANCY • O! .. o.llJ "'I« Miff description given by witnesses. As lhe patrol car approached, Sweany ran behind a block wall , u•here the officer Three El Toro teenagers were ar· captured him a moment later. Both rested by Fountain Valley police Sweany and the juvenile were arrest· Thursday afternoon in connection ed without incident. with a pre-noon market holdup that The girl rted from the market lo ;,1 ended in gunfire. 0:igh boring apartment complex Police reported one or the three said where the trio had left a car borrowed they chose .a Fountain Valley marke from Sweany's father. Police said she because "there isn't too many pigs )n drove through the area for some time, f'ounta in Valley." I searching ror her companions, then Booked into Orange County Jail on returned home. :1n armed robbery charge was Layne In the meantime, the two boys told Sweany, 18, of 22906 Leo Lane, El police her name and address. :ind of- Toro. llis 17-year-old girlfriend was ficers were waiting at. her home in El released in custody of her mother, Toro when she arrived. 'vhile a 17-ycar-old boy was taken to Officers said none of tlfe three had Juvenile l·la\I . any of the n1oney al\cgl'dly taken in The two boys entered the Stop N Go the heist or the gun believed used , but market at Bushard Street and Clover they were searching the neighborhood Avenue at Il a.m .. police reported, toclayforboth. lea,•ing the girl as lookout at a phone A youthful u·1tncss at the robbery booth outside. scene told reporters she u'as in a Police said Sweany allegedly point· telephone booth outside when the trio cd a gun at the store owner. Leonard r an past. Gordon. while his companion opened When Gordon yelletl ··freeze," she the cash register, taking an un· said she ran across the street and hid dcrtermined amount of cash. behind a car During the caper, the juvenile also "Then some lady runs up and s ays , allegedly struck Gordon on the head "there's one·:· she s:i id , and the ''with some hard object,'' leaving a u•omanpointcdherouttoGordon. gash that required four stitches to "And he came out u·1th a gun and close. pointed it at me and he looked pretty The trio then ned. as Gordon chased mad." the girl recalll'd them, firing several shots and yelling Then s he said she quickly cx- ··freezc" as they ran. 11e missed all plained, "I'm not one or then1. I don't three. know anything." A patrolman spotted the two boys The market reportedly has been three hours later, walking down a robbed l\1•ice in the past year, four sidewalk a block from the market. times s ince it u•as purchast'd by Pill for Men 'Successful' In Lab Tests LONDON (UPI) -A birth control pill for men that produces no loss in sex appetite has bt~en ~uccessfully tested by two Australian biochemists. a British science 1nugJzine reported today. Nature Magazine said the pill used in the controlled C:'l.)>erfn1ent w<is a <"Ombination of a fe1nale hormooc, estrogen, and the male horn1onc an- drogen a lready n1>1rkelcd as a cure for bone disorders. The report said men testing th(' drug stopped produ('ing sperm after nine to 15 weeks "''ithout any visible side effects except for slight ntt useu at th e start of the program. Sp. -m cells returned after use or the p1H w.as stopped . The magazine said there was no known loss or desire on the part of lht• men being tested . Several male birth control pills have been produced berorc, but in each case usage has tx>en :1cco n1 pani ed by a sharp declin<" in SCJ!"Ual de- sire and the adoption of some female characterislil'S. The l\vo Australian scientists. Ur. Michael and Dr. J\1axine Brig,;:s ot J.telbourne's Alfred J-los pital. said no such developments occurred in their experiment , according 1.0 th e magazine. In th e test, four of the five men stopped produci ng sperm \Vithin nine weeks. The fifth stopped in 15 weeks of lreatm.cnt. 1\t th e end of the test, the magazine said, it was 15 weeks before any or the men began producing sperm again and nine to 10 months before spern1 production u•as back to normal. , San Jua11 Meet Set for CUSD Capistrano Unified Schoor District's tra.,.eling school board meetings wi ll stop at San Juan Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano Monday. The m eeting of the board of trustees will begin a l 7:30 p.m. The school is located on the corner of El Camino Real a nd Spring Street. The board hopes to settle on a perm a nent location at ~tonda y's meeting. The Serra school auditorium was abandoned because the building has been declared unsafe. More Rains Seen By The Associated Press The series or rapidly moving \\'eak storm fronts that have brought light rain to Northern California will con- tinue through Saturday. The National Weather Service said the next storm will .pelt the north coast tonight a nd provide a ch ance o f s howers southward to Monte r ey und Sacramento through Sa turday. Mick Taylor Quits 'Stones' l\I UNICH, Germany <UPI > - Guitarist rw1 ick Taylor is quitting the Rolling Stones rock group, 1\1ick Jagger, the band's leader, said today. Jagger said Taylor is leaving the group alter 51".I years for "a chan ge of scene." T aylor ··wants the opportunity to try out some new initi<itives. \Yhile v.·c <Jre all sorry he is going, we wish hin1 great s uccess." he said. Taylor joined'lhe group in 1969 lo repla ce Brian Jones. who was found d ead in hi s swim ming pool. JloJice said the pair matched the Gordon. iiii;;;:;;iiiio;;;;;~ii~iiii~ii~:iiiiiiii::i~iii~~~ JUSTIN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AND CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVRV: STOP IN NOW. DREXEL-HERIT AGE-HENREDON-WOOOMARK-KARAST AN-BAKER WEEKDAYS & SATUlDAYS 9:00 lo 5:30 ' NEWPORT BEACH• J7"l7 "''l::STCLlf~' UR., 642·20M LAGU NA BEACH • 34!i Nt 111'1'11 t'l)i\ST II"'\",. ~ r.MI TORRANCE• 23649 Ht\WTIIORNt: Kl.VO 1t11ic:11 fn 11111. Sun 12 $.'kn 31H llW ) A6 DAI LY PILOT E DIT ORIAL PAGE , Stick to the Issues The terms or all trustees in both the Irvine and Saddleba ck V alley Unified SClioOI nisli-icts are ending in March. Following lhe Ma r ch 4 election, trustees "'ill be ~l~ted on st aggered terms. meaning th~ present poss1bil1ty or a complete board turnover is unique. This offers citizens of both districts a chance to change educational direction, a challenge that could pr~uce both good and bad results. The possibility of a complete turnover could attract unpleasant and destructive political turmoil, or it could draw out constructive debate on vital issues. In the Irvine district, charges are likely to bt! level~~ at present trustees by those favoring more trad1t1onal o r fundarnental education . Issues probably will be in the realm of the cost of edu<.:ation and "liberal'' ed uc ational practices. In the Saddleback di strict. political debate seems to be moving in a more p<.•rsonal vein -\\'ith some ch,a~ges in the air a_boul .th e performance of Supt. \V11J1 am Zogg and b1ck er1n g among present board members and their respective fan clubs. _ l·lowev~r the campaigns proceed, they should be built on sohd educational issues. and not pelty gripes. The opportunity ut hand is to let the campaign be a rorum for educationci.I gr owth -and not to enhance egos. Two-tie r Gover nn1ent Irvine Citv Council discussions of a l\vo-tier form Of charter Cit~1 go\·crnmcnt ha\'e subtly mO\'Cd from the theory to the implementation stage. The most recent ·meeting focused on ho\\' a hierarchal system of \'illage council s and '-' city\ride council could be put into motion. The systen1, in '''hi ch th e \'illage councils' relati on to the central city council '''ould .approximate that of st ates to the 'Lovelock' Can't Match .'Wedlock ' Dear Gloomy Gus ( SYDNEY. HARRIS J In reply to a random query or mine some time agr>-"\\fbat name should we apply lo the many couples tO(h1y who are li v i 11~ together though not married?"-1 have received a nu m- ber of both palatable and ribuld sug- gestions. Two of the mosl frequent were "coha b:t." Funny the ~ixons on 5400,000 a , year can't afford to keep their rose bushes. On less than Sl0,000 I've n111nagcd to keep mine. Feeding th e sou l is more important than having maids to \\"&it on you_ J.V. Gloom, GW\ (Ommttll • ••t iMb.-..UICI lly rfllk'I "'"""" tlOI lllCIU••llr rtll•ct IM w;,.,...., '"' .,. .. ,.,.,..,. $1fl<I yowr pol 11ttve 10 (;I_,,, G<.11. O•ily PilOI. federal s_o,·crnment. seems lo h:.Jve received gen<'ral support of counci11'nembers. But the change in city go\·ernment form 1 ~ hampered by existing state laws. ?l-1any or th C' PO\\'Cl'S Lh c council \vants delegated to a more local levl'I C'annot be dispersed under the ci ly's presC'nl gt·n cral law statu s. A suggested interim sol ution \VOuld set up the \'i llage counC'ils in an ad\'isory role until !l t :.it c: 13\\S ca n be changL•d. It \\'ould seem I hat if the ad\'tsory role \\';1s cl..-.arl.v ~escribed as a transition provision. such a half measure could pl'Oviclc a \\<trmup period for th1' loc al bodies and a sn1ooth chttngc if state la\\'S can he redrafted to sui t lr\'in~·s desires. College Satellites \\'hen J{obert l.01nbard1 look till· l'l'Ln::. a:-. :,llpl.'r1n 1endent of S~1clclh.•IJ;.1 l·k Col!l'gl' th ree 1nonth-, ago. he promi se(! in11nccliatc a cl11 in to :-.('t up :,;1l1:ll1tc c;1/l\ puses in SlJ rround ing con1111 unit ics llc kept his \\"Ord. Starl ing 11c ~l 1nunt h. 1.:la:-.:0.L':o. ''ill be held i 11 'l'u$t in. lr\·ine, Lagun..1 Uc<Jch. 0 Jn.i 11oint :.ind .Sun ClementL'. In a!I. 1:.rr c lasses '' 111 bl' held ~''' ay f ro1n the t'Ol - lt'gc's i\lission \'iejo campus. 'fhc nC\\ s t:! up \\'Ill allo\v ::.tudents lo register. bu y le.xtbooks ~1n<I ~o to school \Vithout C\'CI' ha\·ing tot ra \"Cl to ~1 iss ion Vii:.'jo. College offi ci<ils predict the s atellite C'anlpu~e~ \rill be s o popul:.ir th:.it lhc normal fall t o \\'llll ('r quarter enrollment drop·off \rill not occur this ~'e ar. 1\ mid·yC'<:tr enrollment inc rease ,,·01ild he ;1 IL·ll- ing sign, I t \\'Outd m~an the ('Ollcgc fin:.dly has l<1und ~n :.ins,,·~r to a problen1 it has faced s ince the distriC'L \Vas formt cl: the r elative isolation of the ~1i ss ion Vie - jo campus from many of the con1munit ics it scr,·es. 'I said take two of these aspirin and come back to see me next year!' SB GOP S urc i vors A l ie1111 ied ' Ford Absence Offends Gove1-nors ST. LOUIS -Un!ai'rly or not. the thimbleful of R.;>ublican governors1 [ ) a nd governors-elect who survived the EVANS -NOV AK Democratic landslide of Nov. 5 were outraged that President Ford could '-------------~ not make a brief appearance at their mid .... ·inter conference here last v.·eek after his long journey to the f'ar Easl. Indeed, intensive negotiations had started in mid-November with low· But it scarcely mitigated di~ •P- pointment u·ith i\fr. Ford. One gov - ernor, reelected last month by a huge majority while other Republican can- didates in his state were losing. told us: '"This \\'Ould have been the perfect place for J erry Ford to con1e :.ind shO\\' his interest. v.•ith the fe\.\' of u~ u·ho \YOn. in t r.ving to revive his party " came hert> handing out lapel buttons of "his own contradicting the \\'hite. House WI N pins. !Lis pins say DA C - nuv :1 Car. ~l illiken "s ree lection IJ v 114,000 votes against mull~ple adVersity in the deprcssion·threatened ;.iutomobile s tate v.·as a stunning offset to his party's national db.aster. but not ;i single White I-louse political aid has bothered to call him for :1 post-election a nalysis. gO\'e rnors. !cit no such s cruples. He delivered an angry statement to \\'hat hl· called the ··e losctful '' ot" Republican survi\'ors (sitting around the huge horseshoe conferenc~ tabl~ with embarrassingly wide s paces bet\veen the1n) attacking f\.tr. 1'·ord for ··not caring enough" about the future of 1he Republican party "to hl•lp us set the Course for the long cli111b back.·· i\N llO UR spenl \1•ith the go,•crnors by .Jerry Ford ,1·ou lcl scarcely make a dent on the stagg ering polilical pro- blems of his defeatl•d party. There and "lovelock" in- stead or ."y,·edlock ... y,·ere •·tyrants:· but they v.·ere model rule rs or ,,·isdom and tol~rance. Gradually, however, the ~·ord IJegan to assume its later connotation of har- shness and 01>pression, and utterly lost it.5 prim al neutral meaning. level Y.'hite llouse aides lo arrange a vis it by Mr. Ford that would lend Pres identi al en- dor se m e nt t o party.re buildin g effort s . \'et , despite repeated telephone calls to the White I-lou se · b y h ost Gov . TllE GOVERNORS' unhappiness \.\"ith !\1r. Ford goes beyond reviving the Republican party. They believe he. is spending far ,i(oo much ti me on foreign lr:i vel at a time of deepening recession and general economic crisis al home. The President's \VIN - \\'hi p lilflation Now -public r elations campaign is ridiculed as. outdated in" the face of national unemployment expected to approach eight percent next summer. \\'ORSI>; \'ET, f>.l illiken·s c:irefully considered economii:-prograQl sent to i\Jr. Ford in a letter one week before the election has never brc-n answered. lie proposed a blend of tax reform, vas tl y more pul.Jlic service employ- ment. cxtcnde<l unrn1ployn1cnt com- pensation o.ind public works. Bul f\.1i\likcn"s propo~&ls \Vere not con- sidered impo11ant enough lo warrant a reply. ""'U!'i no s uch false hope he re. ··1'he_ -, GOP has a pinhead for ;.i base and .'I Inte r es tin g l y enough, one of the reasons m odern young people ob· ject to the t erm ··wedlock" is the implication th a t th e coupl e i s mariacled or handcuffed together in the institution of matrimony. They re· .:sent the idea o f being "locked" together by a law. BUT THIS is a m isr('ading of the old Anglo-Saxon "''ord : ".~·edlock" meant "marriage pledge:· and the suffix "lock" had nothing at a ll to dn wilh handcuffing people together . (IL is like the word "sweetheart,'" where the "'heart'' part hJs nothing to do with that organ of the body, but v.•as originally "su·eetard," in the same form as "coward'' and ''dotard.'') • Time and custom shape a nd distort words, and then the words themselves ,become a kind of tyranny, so that \Ve respond to the distortion rathe r than to the basic meaning. Indeed, the very word "tyranny"' is a perfect example or what happens to a v.·orci!Ut"oughout history. The earliest ••tyrants" in anci('nl Greece wer e simply absolute rulers o r monarchs. with no implication or cruell y. Both Pericles and Pisistratus FO il COU PLES lo li ve 1n ··10,·elock" rather than "y,•edlock"" suggests thc·y have pledged their love-but u•hat value is such a pledge. if it can b" withdra,,TI at the \\•him of either, v.:ith no lasting sense of com- mitment'? The word "pledge" itself mea ns a "guarantee" -but a guaran- tee is empty if you are not ""illi ng to make good on iL It is my feeling that \\"l' have not yet. as a species. arri\'Cd at any rinully sati:'factory /orn1 or man-woman relations. 'fhe tl"aditional form or matrimon~· is too filled wi th rigidities. injustices. and inconsistencies ; xct the ne'v "eohah~·· have n1erel.v cx- <'h.anged one set of difficullics for another, for v.·ithout a deep sense of permanence und commitment the Living-fabric is too fragile lo suslain a family. TltE NUB of the problem is that the human inf:int. unlike all others, need-. years of stable dCvelopment before it is ready to cope v.·ith its physic:1I and social en\•ironment. \Vithout childrl'n. marriage might be unnecessa ry; \\'ith child ren, it m av be a necessary C\'il , capable of being ameliorated, but ool eliminated fro1n thl' social structure Christopher Bond of ~1issouri , pre- sidential aides insisted l\tr. Ford could not spare a couple of hours. Con - tact Y.'aS never made v.·ith Dean Burch, f>.tr. Ford's political adviser until his resignation last week. who took no interest in the go\'ernors' ap- peal. THIS non-appearance by <i Presi- dent \\·ho v.·as sharply criticized for traveling to real estate conventions in Las Vegas added to the funereal gloom at the governors' conference Even before they learned he would not appear, the governors were grumbl- ing over Mr. 1''ord's performance as both party chief and national leader. Their aggravation did not peak until Word spread that even \\'illiam Seid- man. the highest White I-louse aide scheduled to meet the governors. was goi ng to back out on his scheduled ap· pe;i.rance. With t em pers rising among the gov- ernors, \Vh ite }-louse aide James Falk , !ilr. 1-'ord's chief liaison Y.'ith the gov· ernors, rushed to a pay phone he re wi th an SOS to the White I-louse. That fi rmed up S(lidman·s appearance an<I ;.1lso brought Falk"s boss. Domesti c Council chic( Ke.n Cole, to the session. Tax Relief Just an Illusio n By no\v it must be ('rystal clear to those who must face up to property tax payments, that the relief pro- mised ag ain and again by the Legislature is but an illusion. . Despite the increased aid given to local gO\'Crnments, and the schools. by the state and fed eral go\·ernments. despite the freeze on tax rates im· posed on local novemmcnts at the in- sistence or Gove rnor Reagan. the tax bills are hi gher thnn ever. This erosion or homeowner oroncr- ty tax relief, in - t~nded by the state subsidized exemp- tions and t he 'gov- f"rn o r 's free ze, <'Orne:; about simn· 1:-· by Increasing the a!isesse d \·al uation!i. It is a subversion of the inltnt of lht' s tatt• and feder~11 ~ov- t'tn mt!nt s t o brin ll relief t o homeowners. For Californians this is the second tim(' thllt the exemption approach to reli ef for hotn('()v.·ners ha!'i bt'en compl etely eroded ln i.hort ord('r by local governments. The first nf $750 \V3S wiped out within tv.-o , years. The governor then souaht nn 1nerca~e to $1750 and attempted to prevent the eroding or this by a (reeie °"tax rates.• FOR EVEN the hardest heads in the Legislature it should nov.• lie stark· [.,__E_A_R_L_w_A_T_E_R_s_) \y obvious thal there can be no homl'O\\'ner relief \\'ithout a frcez~ on both tax rates and assessed values. For the state to continue to pour funds ~nto local govern ment-. as 11 means to relievi n g l ocH I property l ;1xes , without first shutt ing the doo1-tili(hl on both rates and values. accomplishe:-; nothing excepting to encouraue more spending on the part of local officiuls. And, encouragement is the last thing they need. The appetite for spending exhibited by local ~ovcrn­ ments. espl~Cin ll y the schools is in· satiabl e. In their zeal to tax and spend, spend und tax, and lw.x and spend, one Is re- minded or the lemmings. These sm:-ill rodent!!, native to the Arctic, art' p<>Ssessed of a ron11enital desire for self destruction, They, too, have an in· autiable :'lppetlte. They Increase enormously In numbers, exhausting their food supplies. They move steadi- ly across the countr)'l'iide. r4!gardltss of all obstacles. committing devasta· lion in their line or march. Alw1tys 111d- vaneing In the same general direction they ultimately r(lach the l'ieit where they plunge in a nd drov.'Jl, ONE CANNOT change nature but taxation is a polillcal being, not a creature or nature. It can be changer!. 1'he high property taxrs cunnol bl' excused by stating the assessor mu~l increase the v.iluations becaust• C)f stale law. That would not matter if, on the rise of valuations, the lax rate \\"(•nt do""'" accordingly . nut it does n't no down. despite the millions 1n addi tional rcvenu.::s from sl~1te ;.ind feclcr~1I sources l.ocal officials just dun "\ seem to kno""· ho""' to stop spf"nding. Tiit: f"ALl .Af'\' of the prl''f'nt :5.ystcm of homt' taxe1lion is adJustinf,! to current mark r t values even thou~h there i~ no intc.•nt to sell. <>ne buys 11 home at SI0 ,000, spends tus hfr 11ayin~ for it, only lo find he is now \ivinJZ in a home va lu"d a l S40 .o00 \lo1h1 <'h is beyond his m('ans !)ec:1usc or tai.:es. It 's st ill the snn1c home and 1t isn't np- propriall' lo hL' taxed out of it on su"h n basis. . 1\ssrmblym "1n c:e ne Chappu,., a fa rmer, is on(' v.•ho has recoi;nizcd th1· injustice. l·lc is proposi ng lf"gislntion "'hic h would rrecze a"scssN.I home values. While? the details of his pro- po..i;;al ha\'e n 't bc·('n pcrfectrd, thi! aill1 is to treal homes for ""h at they arc. Jus t homes and not ~!l<'culntivc lnnd purrhn!lcs. Property taxes would re- main constant until such time ni< a home is sold •• Ir. at 11,at tinle a profit has be<'n r r ahzt•d on thi= ~ale. taii:('S \\·ould then be us,.ess.-d 11n the i1all' • Gov. \Vi lliam i\1illiken of Michigan . arguing that "mere rhetor ic cannot save our free enterprise system,"' i\tost criticism or i\l r. Ford :ind \.\'hat one governor called his ··Nixon holdover '' a dministration w as private. But New l·lampshirc's Gov. l\1 eldrim Thomson, the anti-tax crusader who is indis putably the most conser\'alive of a ll l{epublican ""'l'0 t'e kidding ourscl,·es if v.·e think it t·an be turned around in anything li ke l\\'O or three yeal"s," i\lichigan state chairm<1n \\'i!liam ~lcLaughlin told us l\ut that handful of Republican gov - e rnors v.•ho sur\'lved last month \\'Ould have been a good place lo start. 'fhe fact tho.it the President and his political staff didn't see it that way made a bad situation v.·orse, alienat- ing the governors at a Lim{' i\tr. Ford needs evc ry possible all y. . The Right to Bear Arms To the Editor- I ha\•e received some literature from The Citizens Commill€'C for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Their letter urges me to v.•rit e m.v local n ewspaper "to protest the anti-gun distortions of the ncu·s media." Contrary to their v.·ish. I um 11·riting you to support federal effort to gel rid of ha ndguns except for the , possible needs of persons \\'ho may liv(I in areas remote from law enforcement agencies. TllE EASE v.•ith which pt·nplL· m a~ ;icquire handguns contributes to lht·ir unlawful use. Do111estic argumC'nt s many times are "setlled" u·ith <i handgun in a ramily's possession. I believe that the ··ri~hl to lw:ir arms" may have be4.!n in1µortan1 111 the early days of the i;.ro\.\·th or tlu:-. nation, but not today. 'l'he lives of too 111 ;uly people arc t'nd~inJ?t:rl'd. r..1 orl' strit·t law enforr·cn1en1 \\'ould not ha \e pr('\'entt•d the killin ~ of Bobhv Kcnn1.:dy, r-.t art in I .uthcr l\in,g. nor the 1Jttempt on f:corgt• \\'all ace's life. althoui:!h ha nd gun:; a1 onc \1 Cr€' nol u:-.ed 1n alt cases, inrhuhni.: the k1llini;: uf Prt's1dent KL·nnl'd\' l..'All"i"EI"! ~t c OONALO •~1ric•t1l1 trr•• To the F.ditor \"our r£>ccnt ed1tur1al rt·Rard1ni;: tht· preservation of a!(riculture in lrv1 nP ~ays that the council ~hould make no decision on tht> pha s1n~ of N e ~· 'Culver VIiiage until it has conscious ly <ind deliberately dctC'rmined v.·hal roll' agriculture y, ill play in lrvlne·:- h1tur(I. It seems to me that tht· cooncil has dt>lerminl'd that lhr rr \\"iU 00 some ;1j:?ricullur1• 1n lrvull' .~ futurt' 'l'hl· Quotes "For those ronv1ctcd. th(' stigma of cr1m1nallty may clo:-e som{' doors ur economic opportunity . ;~nd for some of the m . these lav.s ma~· ('lose the doors of a jail cell." -llr. Robert L. DuPont, head, of the \\'hitt" llou~e Special Action O!fu~t~ for Drusi Abuse l'revcnt 111n in sayinJt mar1Ju<1.na ust•rs shquld not bt~treatcd as criminals. [,,_ __ M_A_I L_B_o_x _ __.J Let/l'TS }r(nn T!!Orl<'rs ore iuell'fl rne . fl.or· 71101/11 . /J.'fllers s/!(111/d COIH.1£'11 l/1e1r nlf'S· soge.~ ni JIJll word.~ 11 r /cs.~ The ng/11 to c(ir1- d1·11.~e /e 11er:s rn fit spacl' vr 1•/l1111ua1c Iztw>L t.~ rescrz:cd All lrller., mu.~r include ~y- 11a1 ure and n1a1llnP" riddri.>.~.~ but narnex 111ay ht• 1rrlhhc/d 1111 n·r1111'sl 1/ s111fic1e'1I r.,1111n11 1~ opp<1r.-ul /'oe/n/ t1"1/J nnt h•' 111il1/4s /1r·1J questions are· ll ow and hov.• to pay for 11 '' muc·h, ~ht'rl', IS Tlt1\T rcg<ird, I fet·I that 1l '1oe~n ·1 belon~ in the Villa~e of New Cu lver s urrounded hy industrial and res idential deve\opm<•nt in tht" most ('01\~ested part of our nc\v city, Clear- ,''· if """l' mo\'1.' forv.ard v.·ilh th<· Villa~t.'. 1t v.ill be ;1 con!.l'JOUS and d<' liberate <l ecision to pul :1griculturc somcv.·here ('lse lnl'idcntally, l 'vl' ;.1\s11 11ut forth .1 plan for the 1H·q111sihon fin:ine1ng of person, tht: real 1 hreat of rejection is e,·cr present. This tends to make us silent sie\'es. dumb and dormant. The course offered al OCC on personal and human av.·areness \lo'DS for m e a n expt·riencc of some n1agnitude. It \\'as a heavy class and so explained at the beginning of the semester. As the clasi:; prog ressed, I b('comc mort· t>ircumspt•ct in my outlook and :it'linn s as my shortcoming!' became more obvious TlllS W:\S lvllov.\·d b) ;.i true IL'1'\ing of lov<· for ~om1· of my ("la~s m~11t·~ \.\hiC'h al bC'~l is difficult to expr rss. Thl·re also O<'t'urrcd fcelingi; or resentment. :in ger , fru stration and jeah.lUS). \\'hen an 1nstrur tor \\'Ith 15 years \('a chin~ <'XPl'r1(:ll('1' :1tlc mpts to convey mrthods or <'Ornmunication in this sensit1\'e area, there v.·dl be crit icis m. If "'t' hope tn progress ht•yond the convcrs<1 t1ona l level of ··11 0""' are You·1 _ • ··1 am fi ne. ·then t' lasses such a:. this mu~t i:-ont1nue. F rom ~n old t>r an1I morp 1•sp1·r1 rnced :iludent l,"I It 'f'I\ Fl El.11 lhc ag ritu ltu r:il !::ind. No one else has ~--------------, con1e up v.•1t h ;inothcr plan except ror ones that· v.·ould t'Ost the taxpayl·r~ tremC'ndous ~urns :\11n1~ v.•on·1 t'osl the taxpayers and I challl·ni:l' anyvn1• to find ti n:iw 111 !he plan (you ha\·(' rcporlt•d 1t 1n your llCY.'Spapt"r ) llENHY QUl(;l.1':) City Counr iln1:111 lfW of llo.•lilil!J ·ro the Ed it or As a )?radu:ttl' llr Oran ~l' ( ·0:1:-.t f'olles:l' :ind formC'r :stu1l€'nt of Lt·c Bradll•y's l'sycholOllY llU l'l:\SS I f111d myself r1·pl yin i:: to .:1n :irt1 t'll' 1n lhl' ()11ily P1!11l of l)l'l' ~ IN i\S J\G E or h o~t1 llt:-!)t.•r'J1f·1r.11<"d h~ !he hi J,:h cosl nf ~ugar. ni l. mus1ni: a bo ut \\'a 1 e r ~.1 l1' :1nrl rc:1d1ni! n(•\\ spapcrs, an:-<'onstrul't1 \"l' l'la"-~ in hum a n cv 1n mun1 ct.1 t1 on on u ooc-to one ha~1 s or J.irou11 lt•\'l'I is bcllt'rie~:\I To IOUl'h IJ1 1101 to luu(•l\ F.ach nian·s sep arate chou•e. 110""'"' A \\'Ord . 1>t1ntom1nl' <ir :i h ~ht h:ind In ~ny :ittf'mpt ti t f'ncounter1 n~ ano1ht·r ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT lluhr rr \ ll't>ed, Pubhsh1•r Tl11111111s >il't'l!ll /o;d1for Bil r Ila rn K re1b1cl1 f.' !l!fnnol l'aqi• 1';d.J tur 'lhc> t1tll••ri.1I pa~c> of lhc Vo.11h 1'1101 '-t'l""'' 111 1nfnrm au~! ~t 1 m1,1L1!.1• l""->tl• r~ l.1 µr\•,1•nl 11111 on lh1f. p:.i,:o• 11 111·t~•' lo1nn11•utar\ un l~)1CS 1)( 1n l1·r··~t h1 -~ruhe.1tt>d t'C>lumn1st~ anrl 1 .11·11"1!\l~T ~. h) pro11d\11g Cl (oru nl hlr 1·, ,,d, t' 11t•\\s antl h1 prescntini:: 1111, 111'\\'l'apC'r"s op1n1ons and 1de11~ "" rurio·nt l ll PI<'~ The tditorial 0111n1vn~ u! lht· 11.it l~ P1lri1 a11Jl('1tr 1•nl1 1n th• t•llt•lrtJ I C"oh1mn "' lhc 1011 <.ii tl1t' pJ ~t tJ~1n1oo.s txprcsscd h~ 1h<' t·olumn1~1 ~ .ind l'J.rtnon1~1~ .1ruJ lc11c-r "1 nrr' :1 rr thc1ro"'" and n<' tonttot~cn1en1 nf th1•ir \'H'" ~ by the J1;1l1) f'dot ~huuld hl' 1nf1•rrcd. ' 'I .. ' Frk!ay, DtcP\btr 13, 1974 · DAIL'VPILOT AS Man Rohs No f,lody Found Slayings Unrelated 3Charge . In .Grisly Slaying Navy Base Exchange Wife Murdered; Man Convicted LOS ANGELES CAI')- -PoUce invest.lgator2' reported Thursday that viewing an episode or ..,.253 Swiss Army knife • l\JOUNT1\t;.;: Vlf;\\' f,\l•l -A lon e gu111nru1 rohbed :.i Navy Exch~ingc cnl1)lO)'(' <1 t lhe P.loffett Field N:.i vul Au· Station nnrl l''('.llll'll \\•i1h some SIS,000 in l';1:-.h ;111d checks, a i\;.ivy :ipcikc:-rn:.i.n said. The F:xl·h ;ill~c "'urkt·r hod collet·lc1 I lhc tl..iy's re ceipts fro1n outl.v 111g CX· changes on the hasc 'l'hurs- r-.tERCED CAP) -A Con· tra Costa County gurd~ncr co nvict e d 'fhursday or murde ring his estranged "''ife whose body never was fo und admitted hours earlier that she is dead, the prosecutor said. ( St l J Ul'IT~t-loo .._ ___ a_e___ Doubl<' Poy Timolhy Bennett, 26, of Concord was convicted of first-degree murder in one of the state's few such guilty verdicts on record v.•hcrc a body never v.•as located . ~·l ary J o Bcnnt)tl, 23. dis· appeared "'ithout a trace after lea\'ing y,·ork at the P;icific 'fclephonc Co. here on Oct. 18, 1972. day evening :u1tl "·as aboul '.\1 o n t <.•r t: y C o u n l Y to deposi t the monl'y at lhc Shr·r iff .latk Oave nporl night wi ndow or the main \\ill "rctirl'·• Dec 30 ~ t:Xchangc building "'hell he.: for ~i.-: tl;.i ,\'S -bt:forl' \\'<i s arrostctJ by a 1n;.111 h(•in ~ S\\'Orn in for nt•\\' wearing ..1 t:1n jackcl and fou/'-\'l«lr tL·rin. ~o ht.' IJ1·and1 ~h1n g a lrir,.:c-ca\l\i('1' C ~c n ·<·o llcct S2 . ..11!0 :.t JJi s lol . .s a i d J o hn I Shacklctnn, i\'.a \'V 1nf11rn1:1 · m 0 nth ~ <i I ;.1 I" Y ~1 n l BENNETT ~t ET with her mother , Ida ~Jay Kempel \\'cdn{'sday night after the jury <tclib('ra tions began, Dcp, I>is t . Atty. Robert Quall told nc"•.sml'n after the .verdict tionoffict:r. · ~J .50<J ~1 m onth pl'n~ion Quall quotc<l Bennett· <i s telling his mother-in-la"': ··1f it's an v consolation to \OU. ~lary Jo died a sudden 'rhe ~unman took 13 u ndt.'r th t' :-t<.tt e's money l.Ja i;s frorn the m.in l'uhlic Emplo,\'l" RL•tirc- und rlcd on foot through n1c:11t s~ -,tern very dense fog, Sh.-ickl1:ton ----------- said. o .... ;"""'"'!I' SA.\' JOS E IU Pl l -'.\!rs. Charlotte Lange held ht·r fragile I.laught er Jolene, the he althiest Cif her thrct.' sur· vi\•ing !i_CX tuplcts. in he r arms rOr the fi rst time Thursday. J olene is doin~ v.·cll :it Valley i\ledical Centl'r v.·ithout respiratory support v.·hile her '"'O surviving brothers , Brian and Jasnn , are in serious condition with continuing deterioration of their res piratory systl'nl . .Sui1 o .. r11t1 .. d SACRA:\I E!\i'O !U PI ! Attorney General Ev ... lle J . Younger has declined to file s uit a g ainst former As· seml.lly Speaker Bob !\Iorcl· ti accusing him of violating campaign discloli ure laws. Prople 's Lohb y, a politi('al activist group , cl,larged J;ist month that ~loretti fa iled to properly report campaig-n contribu· tions and expenditures dur- ing his unsuccessful bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. 'rhe group asked ''ounger to file suit to force compliant·e ""ith the disclosure !av.·. Younger Thursday said iln invesligalion by his office into the ch:1rgcs found "no \\'i\lful. kno\\·ing, or grossly nei:ligcnt \'iolations" of lht• law to \\'arrant a suit. ,\r1 Ch<1ll<'t1!J"d S,\CH.1\ '.\I ENTO I UPI I C;i\ifornia bankers :11111 a Jcgli;la tor have go ne lo court 111 an ;1ttCmpt to block impleml'ntation of a loh- hyist·contro\ provision of , the ncy,·lv l'nac1t'd State Political lil'form Al'\ They ins ist that the la\~· cou ld require 1n1 h1Lt• dis· c·lu~urt• of lht• mo:-t m111ut c (inanc1a\ tr.1 ns.ictinn of <1 stat{' cmployt·, offi cial. nr legislator and l'\'ell mcm· bers of thei r familil'S. The California Bank er~ Association asked Superior Court Thursdav to {'ith cr declare the ch:ii lcn!?ecl sec- tion illega l ur dt•Ja y 1ls in1- µl eme nt a1 ion. School Restructure Ordered by Court 51\CRA.\t E);TO ( UPJ J - The Stale Board of Educa· l io n turned to f1nan"c1ng again today in an attempt to deal with a rourt·ordcrcd restructuring Y•hich could cost billions of dollars. selectio n of millions o r dollars worth of textbooks for California schools. Board m embe rs con - ~idl'red a Sl..J billion pro· pos .:il t o e c1ualize the <1mount of money public school students receive in poor and rich districts, The state's current school financin~ s vstem was ruled unconstitutional by a Los An geles Superior Court bcc<1usc of the educational tax rate disparities that re- sult. \Vith inflation taken into consideration it could t'OSt a n additional $2 billion to bring the system in com- pli<ince 11.•ith the court order by the 1980 deadline. The FOR ENERGY·SAYIHG FASHION CONSCIOUS SWEATERS THINK JEDJo tnhA WtSTCUff PU.U 1 ... -............. fina nc ing syste m relics !------------. hea\·il y on property taxes. Thurs day, !he board adopted a tough conflicl·of· i nle r ei;t r u le co,·ering pe rso ns involved in the OLLECTOR'~ Art Plied By Inmate for the budcjdoftllndtd 9ifttr SELSIS' POCKET MAGNIFIER Tiie col9cter'1 t.Torit.fri.-d 10 mcl lO '°"""' 5,\'.'J l}UENTIN (UPI) - lnma tC'S at San Quentin s395 Sta te Prison have been , bo•~ \\·arned there is a coun· n· IMllilerdtn..Wtu tcrfeiteramong thcm. 0 ,a..so·.......,, Tickets for photographic E'f'YYTHING FOR .service in the visiting room. r-STAMPS AND so ld for t wo packs_ of ;;; COIHCOUECTOIS c•A.are ttes., are f:ike. prison n SO. COAST offtc 1a\s s aid. -4 Thew a.-nong.publishedi~ 0 VILLAGE \'1sed inmates a~a1ns · · 556-6840 n 0 ;11111 z m ;11111 the San Quentin ~.c\\·~· ad~ '9:JI SANTA AHA purchas1ng pi cture t icket" .. for cigarette~ untll the P.~e ~-'CORNER--J s('nt problem 1s rcso\\'Cd ~ : :• . . : :• FRE$H eur eHR1$TMA$ TREE~ WI LL ARRIVE AT LLOYDS WEEKLY .. .. .. .. t"'tW.<it<l"tW"'tll"l<l"tw"'tW"'""'',j,..tWI · Of>EN 1 DAYS A WEEK -8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. I OECEMBER 2nd THRU OECEMBER 21n 1-tW.<itW"l<l"-l<l"tll•tW ... l<l .. IW"'U"'t<llltWlllMIWlt "HOLD BACK IMFLATIOM" ,-U•e Mooey So•i"'J c..,poo• -FRESH CUT TREES AVAILAILE- Dau1lal Flt • Scotdl Pint Ph11t.tion Shund D1111lu Fir N1blt Fir • Whitl Fir Silwlf Tips CUSTOM FLOCK ING FIRE PROOFING !l OllEEN CUT OR Ll\I[ CHFllSfl!IAS TFl[ES S....O 10'\ olf -··~ .......... ._ 'IOIO A,f[A 1111111• C.0.-CM'I' (USlOM ,lOCICEO CHFllSlMAS lFIEE S.W IS~ all -'"""'""'"''-VOID A'l£A 1111111• c..~ ••d °''• .. .. .. .. . '-======~· ,.-.. 2 LOTS TO SERVE YOU • . .s Ill I , j\tl 10 Pl ,\ \ f 1n:1 ""' POTTED COtOA •U.NTS s.,., '''all _ • .,,, ......... -11>._ -~ -'~;. -•1-YOID Al Tl" IJ'<ll/16 ~-- AlL '~AJfT MAlEllllAl 1~ -,,..,_,.., __ ,, .... s.... '°' tlll ....,..._ __ _ ¥OID ~' 1111 11'»'1' .. __ • > " •••• 11 X LDT 1 L0f I X f lLOYOt •H.t••l.ot• ' I > .. .. .. .. • ' and pain less death.'' BE1'NETT ALSO tried to commil s uicide twice by hanging and slashing_ his wrists \Vednesday night, Quall said. ~le also admitted to Quall pickin g up a 1,•:oman across from the telephone com- puny and clri1,•ing south to an ov e rp ass near Cho"'chilla , Quall added. "Pol.ice Stor~has ,not ... -SACRAMENTO (Al>) - provided any clues to Three men are charged in th~ murders _or . three cOnnection with whal of· Skid Ro~ de reh~ts. ficers calt one of Sacra men· The 1nvestlgators to County's mos\. grisly watched a rerun or the slayings in recent years. Nov. 26 ep~S?<fe of the Chief Deputy Sheriff NB.€ ~c lev1 s1on sho\v, J-lerberl Anderson said ~h1ch •_nvolved .the lil3Y· Thursday, ··This is the most 1ng of rive derelicts. heinous crime in which I Lt. Charles Kilgo, \11ho have been involved in the he~dli the investigation, sheriff's department." s.a1d .the only rela · Tll E Vl CT l !\1 wa s t1onsh1p between the TV · . show and the slayings is r~dh eaded !\Jar~ V. Ra1tcr, that all the victims "'ere 2<>, who was lai;t seen Nov. derelicts. 25, 1973. His hea~les~ body Be nnett.said that "'hen he returned to l\lerced. "If he had killed her. the person he had been \\'ith "'as not with '-----------~ was found floating 1n the Sacramento Rive r in f\Iay, 1914. after apparently being s tuffed into a weighted garbage can. ~lis head is !relieved to have been de· livered to someone in Oakland a s proof he had been slain on a ··contract," him as far as being alive," Quall said. These re\•elations were kept from the jury which deliberated less than t"·o day s. Sentencing i s scheduled Jan. 2. 3 Convicts' Escape Try D • d officers said. lSCOVere Ander>on S3icl Victor George Pryor. 24, of 3115 Crandall \Vay, was arrested '' ' ~ The omand only.Cvery man lovci.s this most popular )lO!:kcrl comJl<!nion .Scissor s. n~il file, sha rp blade., tweuers, 111ory toothpick. . @)(f:o@@)!@@ 44 tW*:lft illlnd,nftllPOl'lOll'll.-644·507'0 • T ll E PROSECUTIO N presented circumstanlial l'\'idence placing Bennett in the· area near the time of his \Vife's disappearance. Ben- nett said he had a n1emory l:.ipse for tY.'O hours during that period, '4'hich wai; s hortly after he had been in · \'Olved in a minor traffic ac· cir.lent. FO~SOM (UPI) -Three last week and charged '''ith con_v1ct~ from Southern being an accessory to the Cal_1forn1a attempted to cut disposal of Railer's body. ~p:::;::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::===:::=::; !heir way ou.t of the. max· Thursday. officers served 1mum sccu~1ty section. of murder warrants on Daniel Folsom Prison by. us ing Carl Fisk, 31. also known as h.a~ksaw blades. prison of· Blosser. who is no\v in f1c1als report~ Thursday. r~olsom Prison on a later What's a Pooka? Ask Andy Andy is a Pooko (an elf who answers questions). He does his elfing in a column every Saturday on the family page of the Daily Pilot. 1"he defense argued tY.'o hours \\'as insufficient time for Bennett to have abduct· cd, murdered and buried his "'ife, then plant notes the prosec.ytion claimed he forced her to write. Th~ three include. a man voluntary m;inslaughter conv~ctcd of.murd~r1ng four conviction, and llarry Otto Cal1forn1a highway Daigh, 35. also known as patrolmenand~nother ~en-'"Fat Jack," ,.,.ho is in tenced for steahng gun~ in a Cierra Conservation Center 1971 plot to free convicted on conviction or illegal mass·murderer Charle s possession or firearms by Manson. anexconvict,. _____ _J·----------------------- • I • "How come my · electric bill ls so hlgh? ' And wfive been using less." \Ve know your electric bill is higher. A lot hlgher-even though you're con- serving eJectricity. Why? Prinlarily because of the increased c.ost of oil. lfs our job to provide the electricity you, your family and your job require. And we must do so in a manner that meets all air pollution OJOtrol regulations. This means burning foreign, low-sulfur oil in Edison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments, and it more than tripled in <he last 18 months. It could go even higher. Sioo:JallllillJ', .lm . .lhe. increasing cmts of oil and the additional amountswehavthadto biiy..aru:i:s~ for ainat ~ of lhe inaras<..in YJllll'. electric bills. ' \ So we won't always be so dependent on foreign oil, we're spending millions of dollars building cool and nuclear plants • We are also researching new ways to generate electricity-without foreign oil. Geo<hennal power. Solar power. Fuel cells. Fast breeder reactors. Noclear fusion. Research is oostly, but it will also help <o reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment are expensive, too, and in 1974 will acxoont for about 203 of our capital expenditures. In the past six years, $325 million were required to be spent for such projects. It looks like we will have <o spend another $450 million for environmentll-plll'j)05<S wi<hin the next four·year period. On top of all this. inflation is eating into our budget -as it is yours. The oost of oonslruding new plants is 10 times higher than it was a few Years ago, and borrow- ing oosts have lmre than doubled. Your electric bill will reflect <hese rising aists. What can you do <o hold down your bill? Budget your use of electrici<y wisely. For ways to do this. send for our free booklet Write: "Conservation;' Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, ,.,.L-E CA 91770. ;:::,-- Southern California Edison Make every kilowatt count. I ' 7 .. - ' IrVute Today's Finni N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67, NO . 347, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 13, 1974 TEN CENTS ' • e Moves Closer to Urban Study By DO UGLASFRITZSCllE Ottllll Diil' Pile! Sc.ti lrvineeouncil members v.·ill hold in· dividual interviews v.•ith tv.•o consul· tant Orms to deeide v.•hich v.•ill draft a plan detailing the future appearance of the city. The city :Jn<l the lrvint> Company pla n to s plit the costs or a $50,000 urban design study. The study has been praised as a way to assure an al· lraclive 1 rvine oflhe future. It has a lsa been condemned as a waste or tax money . T h e m ain det r actor has been rorm er Irvine councilm a n Ray Quigley who has called the study a "riooff" at two recent council sessions. Council members. ho1,1 C\'er, de· cided they liked the idea o( having such a s tudy at the Aug. 27 m eeting and asked for proposals from consul- tants Sept. 17. No fi nal decisian has been made on whether the study will actually be m'ade, Mayor Gabrielle Pryor told Ray Quigley at this \11eek ·s council session. But the rormer councilman con· tended that a decision to award the study to one or L\l'O consultant firms has been made without any discussion on the me rits of the study. • The city's share of the study would amount to $25,000, wtiich Ray Quigley charged was "just another method or spending money to get the city com· ~ed to going along with the Irvine Company's urban design pl an " 1'he urban plan is described 1n a seve-n-~a g~c city planning department repo rt . C.:1 l y Planning Director \\lilliam Li vingstone ackno'A'iedges that the area or urban design is loaded "'ith ··buz7. "·ords." and one part of such a study v•ould be a gloss ary con- tainin~ defin1ti(lns of such terms as s trcets tapc. \'illagescape. scam. fabr ic. nodC' and other 11\annlng term s. At {'Ouncil meetings, the Dl<.10 has • been described as a det:1iled studv of all the minutiae \\'h1ch, 11•hcn · a1. semblcd, form thl' c11y·s upp<'arance. The plan 1\·ould include descriptions of almost anythLnJ:( comrnon\y seen on city strects. Fire plugs. bus benches, signs, fences. \•egetallon, the course • •f sidev.• a \k s and the shape of terrain. lr \'ine Company offi cia l:., primarily planner Don Cameron. have pressed the cily to takC' part in the study. \\lithoul city participation, Cameron said, the comuany 11robably v.·ould not finance tht' o:tudv alonl" 1:corgt· h.uriiko. a for1nl'r lr\·1n~ Cu n1pa ny pl.1nnt•r nov.• with the· Sas;.1k1. \\':ilker. Hob~:rts r onsultanl firm, has bl'en l'On~1dC'rcd thl' to1> con lend<'r fvr th1· ~tt1d' .. 'f \\O fi rn1 s arc ll'0 fl in the running for a"·:i rd of tht hid Jn adchtion to Kurilko'i; firm, \\'al1a tt>. ;\fr l-l ar g, l{obl'rts and Todd a re heing con s ide red to perfnl'm th .. ::.\ udy, Counr ilm;i n lll'nry Cl uigley pro· miscd a dt'!:til t•1t <li~cu~sion of th!' sludy·ut i he ('oun:·1 I's J un. 7 ml'cting ssessor en1es es ' Tut Death Termed 'Murder' Jabbing an accusing finger towards J ennifer Elizabeth Dabney. a furious Deputy District Attorney Pat Brian condemned the El Toro woman late Thursday as "the sadistic killer of a helpless baby. ··This \\'as a classic case of murder by torture,'' Brian Sl\a rled as he de· manded a verdict of first-degree murder against r.1rs . Dabney, 24. Brian reminded Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae who will rule J\fonday on whether the degree of murder to be chargt_d against ·t.frs. Dabney is firs t or second, that she beat both of her eight· month -old twin boys during the months before Robert died l ast June l. Brian said l\.-1rs. Dabney had ad- mitted subjecting the child to a "24· hour orgy or torture" before the baby died in Childrens llospital in Orange of massive head injuries. Bria n said l\.-1rs. Dabney repeatedly admitted in a taped conversation played back to the jury earlier Thurs· day th at s he had subjected baby Robert to a severe beating. ··She then dropped him face and belly down in three inches or water in the ba thtub. left him like that ror three minutes and then gave him another severe beating when she thought he might still be alive,·· Brian said. Brian also reminded Judge Lae or t.trs. Dabney:s own admission that she broke the arm or the other baby. John, by twisting it behind the child's back. The angry Brian then rocused on# her husband. Marine Corps Sgt. Den· nis Eugene Dabney, 24, and vigorous· l y defended th e c h arges ar manslaughter filed aga inst the serviceman in the same trial . "If eve r there was a case where a man s hould get the severest possible penally for his criminal inaction . it is (See DABNEY. Page i\2) Orange . Coast Wl.'alhl'r Mostly sunny Saturday with local gusty winds at limes. Hi ghs of 70 al the beaches re- aching 76 inland. according to the weat hn r service . Lows tonigbt4'.! to 5ll. --- INSIDE 'fODi\ \' The fanta sy u:orld of Disneyland c:ombinet with the Yuletide .tea.son to produce the traditioMl ''Fanta.ty ifn Parade" at the 1\ooheiin lond of make believe. /l 's ull in piclurea on Ott Weekender Cover. C·I. l 11clt"-X AtY_S.,...1ct .. _ .. , .. -.. -·-•• L,M, .. 1t .. "'"'""'"-' .. -.. °'""c-ty ,,,..11 "" .... Ol•U -... ...... " --. .. -" ._,llMAeb ... --" •• T--" 1:...n.t, ... .. -CM CJMN'-9111 CM -.. -· A\4-11 ' W.WN..,.. .. --.. Wn•e •u , .. .. .._.. " lie Feareth Not Indicted Aides Not Suspended 8 ~T9~ .. ~~~~~y Orange Cou nty Assessor Jack Vallerga today announced that he has no intention of suspending or taking any type of disciplinary action against seven employes accused in a Grand Jul'y indictment. Va\lerga emerged from a 2-t-hour seclusion to condemn any suc h action as "quite inappropriate al this time. "As of nov.• they have simply been charged ," Vallerga said, "l un · der5t,and that the Grand Jury in- vestigation is continuing and I see no reason ta interfere v.•ilh their duties at this early stage. J ames A. Stanle y peers at himself in broken mirror. Legend has it that broken mirrors und d ays like today -Friday the t hirteenth - should be shunned bec:.iu se of the had lurk they bring. But Stanley \VC\comes a n ythin ~ to do \Vilh thirteen. ·ro find out \\'hy , see-page 3. "I ha ve every confidence in the system," Vallerga said. ",\nd I have every confidence that these charges . are going to be thrown out at a later stage of the game." All seven employes and tv.·o fo rmer assessor's aides who arc now retired will be a rraigned later today in Superior Caurt on charges or grand the(t, submitting false claims and violating government codes. Oil Exporting Nations 2nd College Hike Crude Price 3o/o Gets Airing VIENNA lUPI) -The world's ma- jor oil exporting nations decided to· day to increase the price or crude oil by· 31 cents a barrel -3 percent -on Jan. 1. Ira n's Interior Minister J amshouzegar said. "The selling price or oil will be SI0.46 a barrel effective J an. I." Amouzegar s aid after a two·day meetin g of the Organization o r Petroleum Exporting Countries !OPEC!. • The new price v,.·i\I be frozen for the first nine months of 1975, he said. · The present ave rage selling price of crude oil is SIO.lS a 42-ga\lon barrel, oil industry officials said. It was not immedia tely clear whether this would mean an increase in the price of gasoline because of the complicated oil. pricing and royalty system which determine oil prices. Larry Goldstein, a New York oil · consultant, said the action by OPEC may not be an increase at alt s ince $10.46 is the market price established last month by Saudi Arabia, Abu Ollabi and Qat..1r. The action by OPEC. he .said. is "nothing more than a confirmation that this is the market price for ever- ybody." But, he said . oil companies had been paying an average on[ Sl0.36 a barrel for that oil owned by the Arab nations and that owned by the com· panics. The set price of Sl0.46 for all OPEC oil, Goldstein said , means "an increase in cost to the companies of 10 cents a barrel." The earlier increases imposed un· ilatera\ly by Saudi Arabia. Abu Dh abi and Qatar had already been ·passed on by the oil companies through their distributors and the latest action may not m ean higher prices for con- sumers. he said. Asked if gasoline and home heat ing oil prices would go up, Amou1.cgar said: •·Thal depends on hov.' much the oil companies can absorll from their profits.·· Iran, he said. proposed limiting oil company profits to SO cents a barrel. Present oil company profits ;:ire abouL 75 cents a barrel. OPEC officials said. · The increase or 31 ce~tt in the sell · ing erice of il:IBITCfOToil was decided by minist ers or tbe 13 OPEC nations meeting in a Vienna hotel .follow ing: two bomb t.}lreats against OPEC headqua rters. OPEC did away with the posted price system \\·hich maintained a rtificially high prices. in favor or the unified system. Amouzegar said OPEC ~ad bC'cn forced to increase the price of 0 11 because three mem be.rs -Sautli <See OIL, Page A21 By P la1i1iers • Pl ans ror lrvine·s second higher education campus will be aired bcrore the planning commission i\londay night. Bui due lo environmental report de· lays, no action is expected on a condi · lional use permit requested by Christ College . The I 15·acrc Lutheran coll ege is proposed for a bO\Vl ·shaprd area 1~ lhe hilly terrain in the northv.•csl part of the Turtle Rock are:1. The site is s outhe a st of the intersec tion ol Univers ity a nd Cul ver drives. No ro:1ds lead to the sit e' nO\\'. but co ll e~e officials hopl' to hold ;1 groundbreaking and begin gradin~ the s ite early next year , according to college secretar y E\'e Carter. lf the building pl:Jns arc not held up, she said. classes al Christ College \\'111 open in September of 197 6. A total of 18 buildings are planned for the ca mpus, to be built over tht• next 16 ycars. 'fflc fim buildings, l\1rs. C:irter said. v.•ill include :1 library and classroom facility, call ed the Educa tional Rt~sources Center . and on campus hou:;ing These build1nf:;· a c('ordinj'.! to college plans, \11il allo"' the campus <See COLLEGE, Page A2l Mesa Nude Cleared " County Judge Toss es Out L ewd Co11duct Cliarge Orange County's nude beachgocrs may have been give:n a green light to put it together In the altagether, Beachgoers who round going rough ln the buff in ree:ent months were vindicated tale 'thursday when South Orange County municipal rourt Judge John A. Gri(fin found Charles An· dcrsop or Costa r.tesa not guilty of multiple: charge!; flied when he sun· bathed In the nude at South Laguna's 9th Street Beach. Anderson. Z7. was found not Ftullty on chorgl's or lewd conduct and dis· turblng the peace artcr defense at- torney Biii Sheffield successfully· argued tha~ hi~ e:llent had dl~turbed no one and no ~cxual intent when he •I t-xposed his entire body lo the sun . Anderson is one more than 100 nude beachgoers \vho have been arrested by she riffs officers in recent month!' on such charges . 11is acquittal, Sheffield said today, may effectively bar the sheriff from any further arrests of that type. Judee Griffin's r uling may also mean the e nd of the county ordinance which Anderson was said to ha \'C violated . Sheffield !iaid , Properl y ov.11er Willard Caln h ad earlier argued for the proseCulion that nude bcachgoing near hiJ1; cliff top home on South Coast Highway had re· ached the point thtlt he could no longer • invit e his grandchildren to the housl' Cain is by fa r lhe most constant calle r to the sheriff's office in an sul·h instances of nudity on the beach . ShcCf1eld success fully argued th:ll the ordinance under which Anderson al!'O wa!I prosetuted pertained morf' to nude "nil semi-nude entt'rtainn1ent than n;1kcd s unbathing on the beach. .., look on this as a tC'sl casr:· the defense attorn\'y suirt. "And I \ <'rY much rc i;:ret that many or the \H•op!t• who havl' been similarly arre~tcd 011 tt1ese charge:\ decided to plead gudt.v r»thcr thal\ lake the issue to trial a~ Mr. Anderson did.'' • It is alleged that the nine drew coun ty money in 1970 (or time actuall y spent in working for what eventually v.•as the election of then county as· sessor Andrew J . Hinshaw to the 40th District Congressional scat. __ _ The RepOblican legislator today continued to reruse to r eturn frequent calls made to him in \Vashington h;.' the Daily Pilot. l·lins ha\\'0 S secr e t a ry said the Congressman v.·as in the !louse ,·nting and \Viii not he available to the press until l:ite r today. Later. llinshaw told the Daily Pilot in a telephone conversation that he i~ "making no com men! at this time on the advice of n1y :tltorncy." lie said \\'Ot1ld s peak \\'1th his at- torney a_gain this after noon to de · terminl' if some expl:1n;1lian of hi~ role in lht• issue could he made. Val ll·r~a today confirmed that ht• :ind ll insha\\' ap11tared bt.'fore the (irand .Jury durin~ a five·monlh in · vesli!!alion that put •19 "'itnesses bc (ore thf' inv es t1 ~al1\1 c pane l. l 'hc assessor also confirmed 1hat ht" declined to lcsl1f~· before the Grandi Jury :i gain like Jlin!.haw -hut stressed that hi s attitude v.·as d1ct:i.l·<I. on lhe ad vice of his lav.·vcr, J ohn Cahill . ··rrQn1 \\1h:,t I knO\\', there 1s~1m pl y no s ubst a::l·e to these charge•,,'' V:i.1\erg a s aid. ",\nd. hkc I ~ai<t . 1 have e vcr.v conf1rlen cc in th1· syi;\c m." Mick Taylor Quits 'Stones' l\.1 UNICll . Germany 1 lilll ) Guitarist l\.1ick Taylor 1s qui ttin~ th~ Rolling Stones rock ~roup, l\.11.ck Jagger, the band '!i lcadt•r, said today. Ja JI~er Jliaid Taylor i~ 11:3\'ln i;t the group after s 1; yr a rs for "a c hang e o C sce nC' " Ta••lor "wants lhL opportunity 10 tr\· out some ne w in1t1at1\'cs. \\'h1 IC V.l' arc a II !lorry hf' 1s go1 nj::, v. t• "ish h1 n1 i::,rea t ~ucccss," hf's:11r1 l 'aylor Joined the iin1up 111 J!)f,!I to replace Hrian J one~. \\hn "<i' fo und dead In his ~v.'1n1n1in µ pooL 0.Hf ,.llot SYolt l'Ml9 VINDICATION SEEN Assessor Vallerga No Accord For Irvine Plans Seen The lr\'ine Company's efforts to please ever ~·hady v.·ith its plans for dC\'e\opme nl or 10.000 acres between Corona del ~l ar and Laguna Beach a rc destined to be unsuccessfu l. com - p:Jny planner Larr~· i\loore told a luncheon gathering Thursday. Rut "'hen the company rl·sponds to 22 groups \\'ho ha ve takt.1n p:Jrt in plan· n1ng the company's coa~a\ sector. 1'nost or nearJ v 300 concern~ will ht· salisfied . he ~;i1r1 Speak in ~ {(1 nearly 150 member!. nf the Oran,i<:t" County Coast Assot iation :tt the Ba h1 <1 Cnrinth1an Yac ht Club in Nc .... ·port Bl·ach J\·loorc and lr\'ine Co mp<in .v Presid e nt Ha y m ond \\':Jtson df't<1 il cd the history of Tht· lr\'ine Company i\l ult i·Agcncy Plan· ning Pro~r am i 'flC~t,\P l Composed of 22 public and private groups. the planning ho<l y is an Irvine Company effort to hl'ad off possible cnnfronlatlons on its plans (or thr 10.000 ac res v.·h1 ch may come up dur· ing he:Jrings before the coa!lt'al com- nussion or the Orange County Plan- ning Co mmission. 'The r~· is no td eal solution. That plan can 't be clrav.·n."' said ~toore .. ~o n1 a tt{'r v.·hat \\e romc up \\'ith. there 1s going lo he some group or ac.l:nry out lhert' tha1 cli sagrees \\'ith "' 1S1•1· 1·1c :-i1 ,\P. ragr ,\2) Irvine Works Off ice Supply Purchas e Deal Thl' Ir' 1ne s<'hpol dtstncl i!-1 thr chE':lp!'<:l off1re supply .storr a'·11ila bll' .. ind cit.v ~u,·crnmt.'.nl pl ans lo take :Hh ant.ii.:c of 25 to JO 1>erccnt sav1nt?.S on tht~ i..uppltes necdt'd to produce il~ rc.1m" nf p a ~l'v.ork l 'nrl{'r ~· ('OOpC'r:iliv(' purcha s~ .1~rC'cn1t·nt , th1• city plans lo buy about ':'5 rnmmon olf1t'C' ~u pply 1\C'ms fron1 lh•' 11istr1r1 \\ ,1rehous<: C1!y pap('r\\<ll'k <1.dde:d to di!.lrl(:t p.1111·1 \1 """ n11 .. 1n..., large dls lric l 1"1111 h.1··" .ind r1·~111lini.: lov.1 pri('t':. on t',Jl'h lll'nl It ~a l'l'al bar '1,ain. accordJn.g to the cn y's purc hat>ii n~ aAcnt. Eva G:tlindo. • • • r • ' I A2 DAILY PILOT "Newport Explosion -Guts Boat H) 1\l.~l(JNl..OCK.4.HE\' .... 1 .... 1! .. 1 ... A boat i:oxplt1:.1u11 rtll·ked th1· l.1Uo , ~orth .apartmfnt cornplcx on l.1do Peni nsula .,.,1th the torcl· of u s(1111<: boom Thursd:1v n1,eht.1'ht· ront·uss11Jn • 1 nd I 1 rt• (' :111s1·d tli.un ;1~c ltJ bu at::. 111 ud J·l<'cnl ::.lip.~ (iuttt.·d h.1 1h(· t·xplo::.1on and f1rt' 1,1,a:. a 35·ffl11l l"Jh1n cru1::.er beJonl(1n11 to O.i\•11.J llrt•h,1, 19162 Con:.tellat1011 l...inc . llunlLn).!tou Ut·ach. 1'hc bo<it had b~'l'll ht·rrf11.•1l .11 lhl' m<1rina, fi3:! Lido l'ari.. J)ri\c, 111th a ''fur :.all'" :O:ti;!non 11 Cau:.c uf the 1·:>.p)u11100 Y,';iS 1101 Lm mediately l..11011.n . <1ccord1ng lO Jaincs Upton. 1n:.11trtor for the :'\cy,·1>0rt Beach F1rt• Dcp..irtmt·nt Occup:1nl11 of hoals 1n nearby :.lip:. ivt·re sh:•kci1 u11 b~ the fortl' of the C}. plos1on, but n(10nl· "·as inJurcd. Scvcrl'ly J.1m:1~cd by concussion ;.ind hl'at. \\"a~ lhl' 63-foot Glissando.;.; convcrtc<.I n11llt;.;ry \"c1>SCI O\\.'ned hy \\l;irk Armisla<.I y,·hich \\·as in the ad- 1acent slip. Ourn;u~c to the Glissando \v;is estirn atcd <tt SI ,500. A Tahiti ketch on the op1)(ls1te side of lhe burned boat "·as batkcd into the hay by her o"'Til'rs, ~Jr <Jlld ~trs . ·ron1 Steele who \\.'Crc ahourd :inother l)o;1l about three slips a"·ay. l l \\•as not 1n1- medi::ilt'ly determined if the ketch was damaged. ~Ir. and ~1rs. K.C. Dawson "·ere <1board their42-root Yankee ketch tY.'O s lips a"•ay \Vhcn the explosion oc- curred. They callt'CI the Fire and llarbor departme nts and attempted to quell the flames with fire ext- inguishers. From PngeAl COLLEGE ... tooDt!"n i'11976 with 440 students. ·Additional housin_B. a mechanical facility. a gym, a (ine arts center, =-i uditorium , bookstore,. an interna- t ional center, a g r aduate center, science lecture hall, chapel and addi- 1.ional classroom buildings will be built in later years. . T he coll ege, l\lrs. Carter said, is preparine to launch a rund·raising drlve to help finance campus con- s1.rt1ction. Most or the financing needed for the first buildings has been provided by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Requests for funding, she said, vdll go out to "anyone y,·ho·wants lo sup- port a great college w ith an evangelical Ohristian approach." According to lr\'ine Planning Direc- tor William Livingstone, en-<lronmen- taJ impact reports on the campus are being r eviSed to reflecJ. the comments uf agencies which have reviewed the documeol. - No action muy be taken on the-co l- lcg_e·s application until the planning com mission accepts a fina l l'nviron- mental impact report. Li,·ingstone recommended that commission consideration of the pl~_ns be contlnu(·d un1il Ja n. 20. Monthly Tour Of Uppe.r Bay Set Saturday The Friends of Upper :-.le~·port Bay \\'Ill ronduct their monthly guided lour of the upper bay Saturday morn- ing. lhosc "'ho JOtn I he free tour will svend an hour and "'alk about a mile along the bay shore. slopping at eight stations along 1lll! 1\'Jy to hear brief lectures on fca!Ul'l'S of the upper bay. 'fhc.· tour·s i;tart1ng point is :it the north \\'l'St eorner of 1 hC' intersection of 8;1ck Ba\" and Eastbluffdri\"('S. Grou1l tours v.·1il leo.1\'(• fr11n1 tht:'rc at ,·urying int er1,1a !s hel \\"CCn !land 11 a . nl. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT r .... a..,..,. c ... 11 O••I• p,,"" ""'" "''"'" '1"''" bo""CI t!W N,..., P•t" '' pul)I"""° b• '"" ()f.,,90 Cb.11! Publlll'onq Compon~ ~•••l•«l•lu>"' ••• -·--""•• in•ouQn F"IM" '"' Colt• ~ .... Nf•-t S.M~ H""l•ft(!IM lio'MI' ~-'•'n Y•I••· ....... ·~<l<ll•bM • Y•"•• .na lAQurll flo!1<n .,.,YI" (<>•'1 A \•~'• '""1> ...... I ...,,hon • Pvbl ... M !>.!Y<t!••• -5..-.i ... 1.,.. P'•"<.-1 PUbh\ft'"<I Pl•nt '' .. W..r 8 •• ~ttl!!!(, U>1.l• ~ ... C•·••o•n•• '"l&i~ Robert N Weed p.,,,o.M ~na Pvb!•""' Jack R Curley v.,, p,.., . .,.,.t '"n c,., .... ,., ...,.,..~, Triom<1~ Ke e11d f b•'''' Ttlomil <; A Murpn1ne M.1 n•<1,nQ E<l•t"' Charle5 H Loo~ R1cndrd P. Na ll '""'•"' M•••'l•ftQ (<r+I~•\ Offices C.,,1!• _,. ))Cl W•\I fjt, ~ ..... , 0 .. 1, Pilot s.,11 P~o•~ 'CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBOOY' Irvine Company's Moore TICMAP ... Company plans for lhl' :irc<J include :i 1,3-IS·acre state park, honics for :ihout 50 ,000 residents and '"'O major resort areas. Thi; parkl:ind sale, "1h1 ch \\:IS to he complctt·d later lh1s month, has been blocked by a preliminary injunction obtained by Joan lr\'ine Smith, "'ho controls 22 percent of the company's· stock. She contended that the $7.6 million price on the 3.5 miles of beach and bluff and 1,100 acres in J\·loro Canyon intended for the park "·as too !oy,• In addition to the parkland. ~1oorc said, other land in the area dl•si gnated as open space is still in question. So far, no agency has offered to buy it. he . said, and none has offered tu maintain" it even if the land \\.'as a ~ift. Regarding the planned open sp:ice, ~toore said, "The lr11inc Company can do other things v.·ith these Ca · nyons and "'ill insist on being <1b\e to do things with these c~nyons unless some voorkable solution 1s arrived al." The coaslal commission or county planners cannot si mply confiscate th!! land or deny the company the right to use it, he said. O!her problems in planning the area. '.\Toore said. include tra nsportu - tion . Pacific Co<Jsl 11ighway is already O\'crloaded . he said, ;.ind the cities of :\ewpqrt Beach and Laguna Beach can be expected to oppose :i plan which \\'Ill n1ea n more traffic through their jurisdictions. The highv.•uy is the only <Jccess to the property at this tinli!. Company plans. ho"·e\'er. s ho'v t"·o roads lead- ing northeast. into lr\'inc and an addi· tional access \\'hich could be provided ifthe Corona del l\lar Free\\'llY \Vas to be extended south. f 'ro111 Prrgf! .'1. I OIL ... Arabia. r\hu Dhabi and Qatar - raised their price-. at a meeling in :\bu Dh abi la;.t n1onth ··\Ve had l\\u choicf';. l'1lhcr lo go hack to the Scp!t•mhcr 1111t·e system, ~ind this \\Olil<l m\-;111 lhc 1hrce Arab 1nen1hf'rs l"l'\t'r.~111~ !h1>1r d('cis1on. \1"h1ch !hry \\"OU!d nnl dn, rJr atlopL lht: ,\bu f)habi pri('(•.'" ht•:.<.11d "\\'e adopted the 1\bll llhal)t pr1ct·. not a penn.v n1ort• ''\'nu can I h;n·e\\\oprici:s frnn1 thl' same oil i ron1 the ;.amc spn! ( \!11.ldlL" East 1 ... DABNEY ... 1hi ~ nnl'. · Hrian s houlrd 1\hil1• l>alJney looki>d du\\ ti al th\· coun:.t•I ta ble. Br1:in rt·rn1ndt•d .JuJgt· L.11.· lh.1t D:ibnt'\ (','ll)'h• h<Hlll" 1111 thl' da\ OI the hC':ltini:. ),!J\l' lh\' lltH'Otl;.llUUS 0 Robert rnoulh to n1outh r1><.,t1;.1·11.11ion and then 11t•l\l lt1 h1:d fnrlh1• n1 i.t h! ,1llC'r .1p p;u·t·ntJ~· r1·ahL111g th,1t he t·(1uld do no rnorl' tor \ht' rhild Rnbt•11 l):ibni.:\" dll•d n1·xt 1l a\· aflt'I' docrnr.; \;uni)' ~in 1gi:;ll"'d to rc.•vi,e the (]\lilt.' 1111.1111 ·rh~· 1 111'~ tn.il \1111 r1· ... un11· in .Jucl g1,.• L:it··, L•llll'll'1 "-Hll ,1! '.I ~j a nl ;\londa\ AEC Dun1p Hit By 3 States SALT l .. \"E ('1·ry 11..iP l l Thl' ~ ... _, k•(" Jill ..... _, ""'~"••'0 YQun•8••<1' 1 1ifl C.,...,...,,.~,,_, Hvnl"''l!M fl••t ft ti•ll S.•<I' lk>!Jt•~··~ S-!tMt~ 11•11"• lU01 t• P•1 AQ.., •l!><>,.O•t~o ~•tt.,tv Tel•phoM (714) M?-4321 ClolSSl fifCll Advertising MZ·S671 ~-t v•n• • ,. • ..,. °'"'' thre(' \\'eS;tt•rn !'latC's !hat may £'nd u1> \\'1th the :\t n n11 t· En t-rgy {'om mission's nuCIC':ir J::.1r b;1~l' dump :ire unc1n1mous in lhf'1 r ( r1tfc1sm of 1he groundi\ork for th\· f.u•11Lty Sl1 ·6310 ''•"" !a.6n c1 .. -n1r 49S-06l0 ((._,.,.., t.i• O••nQ• C.0••' ""°'·""'"1 (~"'P•'' lolt "''"' •100'"' '"'"!'~"""' M•IOt•• .... !l•t 6t d<I•••!•-~" ,,..,,,., tn~• ""° ,..l>•OG..C:"{I "'11\G~I \llt'\•t• 1"""'•"<-'I 61 •OOJ"'ll''~"'"'' 'l"(-"'"' flll'ltQ>" N•~ -' '"''f M~~ (6;f0.,~t ~..OKPD'·o<' l>V .,.,., '1 '9 ..,.,,.,, ey "'r' \•Oil '"Gft!•l'f l'l•to!t•r .,.,....,.....t U011mt>t1!~•• Idaho. :--.·e,:id.t .i nd \\''llsh1ngton rt'IJr(':Sentat1\f's apJ•t:'nred at an AEC puo11c he<1r1n i.t Thur-.d11)· to rl'g1ster obJt>C'tton~ 111 ,1 dr.1i1 ('ll\'lrt>nmt·nl • .t impact ... tatr nit'nt on ;.r!tin,,; Ull :1 t('m f)C)rar.v n11t·h·dr \\ .i -.h· -.1or11~t' /'nr L111 ,. Jdahn riff1r1;1I• ~.1 \" lh!') \l:tnt no rartofthedurnp \t•\'ad;i l!l"'<it"y. but 1nlt'rE's1ed. jjf\jj \\ ai;h1 ll>ilOrl I~ rt·C~J) fl \(.' 1'l'.x<i s. \\h1rh 1:--not t•\·cn und~'r cons1dt·r.111on 1~ 'hl·JH1c:il Actress Suffers • I PROVIOENCE. Rl.'<UPll -Belly /lutton. the "Blond(' Bombshell .. of :.tugt• and screen \llho .$urfaccd a!i a ~·ook in a {'hurch rt>etory last spring :iftcr squandering her personal v.·l·alth. has been hospitalizl'd for :i "'t·ompletc emotional breakdO\\'n. ·· 1'he Rt'\". James l·lami\ton l)fSt. An · thony's Church in Portsmouth :.aid .\li;.s llutton. 53, was committed at Butlrr llosp1tal, a psychiatric facility, b) her p!iy ('h1:Jtrist. . . ··shl··s bt't·n in sinee thl' beginning of thP .,.,.eek. I guess they characteriz1· 11 a:. complete emotional brea kdoy,• n,' · the priest said. A. hospital spokeswoman said "we don't have anyone by that name here and YiC don 't divulge any information on our patients to the press anyway.'' .\Tiss llutton. leading lady of 1940s and 1950s movies and broadv.•ay musicals. took over cooking at St. An- thony's Rector y in February and con- \'erted to Catholicism. -~':1ther Peter l\1:iguire. the pastor, 1net her at ;i time \\.'hen "she was hurt deeply. had gone through over $9 million, fame...and fortune and ever- ything e lse," as he descriibcd it at the time. ' \Vord of her aetivities at the sm:.111. rural church brought a heavy volume of mail from people who remembered her performances. Hamilton said. "She got 35,000 to 37.000 letters easi- ly \Vhcn she \VOuld be feeling v.•ell, s he \VOUld try <:ind answer them but lhe bulk remains untouched." \Vhcn "'ord of her arriva l in Portsmouth got out last Easter, l\ti ss llutton was bubbling over with ex- pressions or joy. "It's a miracle that I'm alive," she said, adding it had been preceded by a liple in which .she '"didn't wa.nt to live." She admitted that the t ransition \Vas difficult. "Some days I cry and say 'This just \\'On't work. It won't work.' But they say ·Don't cry Betty. You r eyelashes \\'ill come off'." f 11 amilton said he did not expect her to return lo Portsmouth, "because I don't think she can (unction here. I think it's something within herself.'' She \vas hospitalized twice since her arriv:il, once for a medical checkup last spring and ror shoulder surgery three months ago. She res ponded warmly to t he recep- tion from tov.·nsfolk and some accom- panied her on a bus trip to New York City last June for a tribute paid by old friends in the entertainment business. l\1iss Hutton starred in such films as "Annie Get Your G-un ," "The Greatest Show on ~arth " and "Happy Go Lucky." Men Get Birth Pill With No Lack of Desire LONDON !UPI ) -A birth control pill for men that produces no loss in sex appetite has been successfully !<'Sled by two Australian biochemists, a Rritish science magazine reported today. Nature i\lagllzine said the pill used 1n the controlled experiment ""'as a combination of a female hormone. estrogen. and the male hormone an· drogen already marketed as a cure for bone disorders. The report said men testing the drug stopped producing sperm after nine to 15 1vecks \\.'i!hout any visible side effects except for slight nausea al the start of the program . Sp' n1 cells returned after use of the run was stQQ11ed. '!'he magazine said there ""·as ·no knO\\'ll loss of desire on the part of the rnen being tested. Se\"t'ral male birth control pills have been produced before, but in each case usage has heen acconl· 11anicd by a sharp de<' line in sexual tie· si re and the adoption of some female characteristics. Thi.' l'A'O Australian scientists. Dr. '.\lichael and Dr. l\1axine Briggs of i\l elbourne's Alfred l·lospital, said no ~uch de \•elopmenl<; occurred in their t>x periment, according to the maga7.ine In the test. four of the five men stopped producin1t sperm \vithin nine 1\"eeks. The fifth stopped in 15 y,•eeks of treatment . Al the end or the test. the m:iga7.ine ;.;ud. it 1,·as 15 \\.'CCks before any of the 1nen began producing sperm again ;ind nine lo 10 months before sperm production \vas back to normal. MAC Sniokers Vote Together Jeann<' Gagnebin. one of the mernbers of the ~Jission Vlcjo ;\lunici pal Advisory Council 1 ~!1\C l justcouldn'! "i n. "I think the fir~t ord('rl)f bu!':i-· nC?ss o( this l\1AC should be to han smoking in the rouncil chambers:· she said 3t a "''Ork ~ess1on Thursday in the coun- r1rs office on La l'az Road. She was \'Otf'd down. four to nn(' ·r h f'n ht·r "Ollf'ague~ Kathle('n l\t•Jly , John Noble. Cal N1;ve. and H1 chard Lowcock - ht l'J~:ircltes and the meelinR \\'COi on . \ Starting Early \Vith Uni ve rsity High Sc hool student Ron Nichols, Step~anie F'itzgerald, 2, begins the long road to greatness as a painter. Painting is one of the activities at University fli gh School's pre. school program. Nichols takes home economics te ache r ~race Day·s class designed to teacb high school students how to teach toddlers. Police Roundup Nets • c 32 on Drug Charges By 1\RTllUR R. VINSEL OltM O.ilyPl'°'S .. ff • A sweep through Costa l\tesa by learns of narcotics detectives Thurs· day and loday has netted 32 a mong 42 suspected on-the-street drug dealers, m:iny of them students at t"·o hi gh schools. 1'hc age <imong those <1 rreslcd so far r:inges from 14 lo 35. according to police and includes one diminutive adult, 18. "'ho ga\·e his occupation as race-horse jockey. Arrest "'arrants naming most or the arrestees ;i nd others still on the streets \\'Cre issued following a four- month investi gation. Vice and Narcotics Detail Detecti\'e Sgt. Gene .. l\Tother" Norden said to- day tl \\'as coordinat ed with the Or~n gl• County Narcotics Task,forre and ain1ed at culling campus drug use. "Only a fc"' of the drug buys \vere conducted on local hi gh school cam- puses. , . .''he explained. Some parHllels exist lo a recent mass Los Angeles County clrug- dealing roundup in which 226 students from among 20 high schools \1·erc taken into custody. Fourteen more arrests :ire ex· peeled. No officers were actu:il\y enrolled at Costa ltfesa or Estancia high schools to investigate the alleged drug trafficking, which he said mainly in - vol\'ed m a rijuana, hashi sh, cocaine and amphetamine stimulant tablets. He said some undcrco\1er agents v.·ere active on campus, but posed as old hangers-on or dropout students during the four-month probe. "'\\le've found the trend tends to be more one of selling to close friends or persons lhey know well," said Sgt. Norden. He suggested this may in- dicate a growing rear or selling to police agents, due lo many arrests 111 the past 18 months. JUSTIN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS A~D CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIAiE DELIVERY. STOP IN NOW. OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENRE DON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER Mardian Defense: Timing \VAS lllNGTON (UPI ) -The exact tin1e when Ri c hard Kleindie nst played golf and his wife quit cleaning her kitchen cabinets lo have lunch oq Saturday, June 17. 1972, emerged as u vital issue today at the \Yatcrgate cov- er-up trial . Such seemingly trivial events were at the heart of the del"ensc of Hobert C. l\1ardian. a sometime San Clemente resident, as he seeks to convince the jury he had no pa1t in trying lo hush up the scandal. Five agents of then President Nix · on's re-election campaign had ~en arrested at Democratic headquarters at 2 a.m . .ind the prosecution charges th.at Kleindienst, then attorney general, received an urgent message later that day while playing golf at Burning Tree Country Club. The message asked him to release the burglars from jail. The request allegedly originated with defendant John ~I. l\1itchell , then Nixon's campaign manager and now a cover-up defendant , and was re- layed by M ardian on the telephone to \V atergate n1 aslcrmind G. Gordon Liddy. v.•ho in turn rushed to the coun- try club to give it to Klei ndienst. ?!Tardian, a fo rmer assistant al· lorney general and Nixon campa!gn operative, was with the campaign high command in California at the time. He contends that because of the time dif· fcrencc. he could not possibly ha\'e called \Va shington in advance of Lid- dy 's trip to Burning Tree about noon \Vashington time . Mard1an contends instead that Lid· dv, one of the masterminds of the bug- ging, unde rtook the mission on hi s o~·n. Kleindiensrs \\'ife, ?11argarct, "'as called to the stand to testify about r e- ceiving what she called "a curious call " from Llddy shortly after noon tha t day. ··~te Said he was calling on behalf or the Committee to Re-elect the Presi· dent. for Mr. Mitchell," l\trs. Klein- -diens t said. ··11e 1said it was a very sensiti\'e a nl:I. urgent matter a nd needed to contact m y husba nd im- mediately.'' She said she remembered the cal~ came bet"•een noon and 12:30 p.m. EDT because she had been cleaning her kitchen cabinets and took a break to have lunch. The prosecution contends that Lid- dy called her about 1 p.m. or 1: 15 p.m. ui1d that he got to Burning Tree about l :30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. -late enough to have received a 10 a.m. PDT call from California. I t ha s been established earlier in the trial that l\fardian and other campaign officia ls learned of the burglary about 10 a.m. PDT. 11-frs. Kl<'indienst said she remem· ber ed telling Liddy that her husband wa's playing golf and she then called !he pro shop at the ·club to have him paged . But s h e conceded on cross- examinlition that no one al the pro shop r emembers talking with her tllat day and no such message ever was, re· la.yed to her hus band. She a lso acknowled ged her close friendship \\.'ith' Mardian and admitted s he did not remember the timing of Liddy's call until after talking with 11-1ardian about it after he was indicted las t March. Kleindienst tes tifi ed Thursday a bout the \'iSit from Liddy, recalling he was having lunch sometime after noon following a golf tournament. More Rains Seen By The Assocl1ted Press The series of rapidly moving weak storm fronts that have brought light rain to Northern California ~·i ll con- tinue through Saturday. The National \Vaathc r Service sa4d the next storm "'ill pelt the north coast tonight and provide a c hance o r s howers southward t o Mo nte r ey and Sacramento through Saturday. :---- NEWPORT BEACH • 17l7 "'!':Sl'CIJFP Olt . G42-2050 ' WEEK DA TS & SATURDAYS 9:00 to 5:30 ' LAGUNA BEACH • :J•!tNll/ITl ll'(IASTll\\'\", 4:146M\ TORR ANCE • 2.1&49 llAWTllORNf': Bl .Vt>, 1f)p1•n Fn t1f!:l.Suu 12·~ :!01 37H·l27!t I .· · Du••tinlt_t~n Beach F•ntain Valle~ -· EOIT-10N - -- Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks • VOL. ~7, NO. 347, 4 SECTION.S, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY., DECEMBER 13, 1974 TEN CENTS School ·seats Attract 9 Candidates By PATl'Y BURN En ..... :. !Q~J 9f..12 ~teeships, two each in the oi .. ~t't~SUH Ocean ~iew,· Fountain Valley, Seal Only nin.e persons so fa r tave riled Beach. Westminster, lluntington for cand1dacy or takert out t~e Beach City and Huntington Beach necessary papers 4> run for trustee 1n High School Districts. six West Orange County school di s· \Villiam ··sill'' Armstrong, 20522 tricts, the county registrar of voters Pierl'iew Lane, 1-luntington Beach, is ~aid Thursday. the rirst to file for a position on the An election !\larch 5 will decide a high s chool di ~trict 's governing board. Incumbent Helen Ditte, 8762 Night· lngale A \•e ., Fountain Val ley, however. has taken out papers a nd in- dicated her intent to run. Dennis !\1angers is l~e other hi gh school board me mber up for reelection. In the Huntington Beach City (elerr:ientary) School District, Donald A. !\1acAllister. 1121 Park St .. Hunt· ington Beach, haslakenout papers. City schools incumbents \\'hO~C" terms exp•rt· in J\l arch are Or\'11\e 1-lanson and Louis Dallarb, Both pl an to run a)!a1n 1'he l \\'O Fountain \'~llC')' School Di slrict 1ncuml>C'll.I S both ha\'C take n out papers and 1nll'nd lo rile l'an • ssessor en1es Mflrket Holdup Valley Officers Seize 3 Youths By KATllY CLANCY OI tM 0.il¥ Pllol ~II Three El Toro teenage rs were ar· rested by Fountain Valley poli ce Thursday afternoon in connection with a prc·noon market holdup that Crude Price Hiked 3o/c " lnttell'Hl'gtlttn¥~:"·" ... Police reported one of the three said they chose a Fountain Valley market because "there isn't too many pigs in Fountain Valley." Booked into Oran'ge County Jail on an arm'ed robbery charge was Layne Sweany. 18 , of 22906 Leo Lane , El Toro. His 17-year-old girlfriend was ·released in custody or .her mother, while a 17-year-old boy was taken to ·Juvenile Hall. The two boys entered the Stop N Go market at Bushard Street and Clover Avenue al· 11 a.m,, police reported, By Ex po rte rs ::,~n;u~fdf'.' .. lookout.,. phone Police said Sweany allegedly point- VIENNA (UPI ) -The world's m a-ed a gun at the store owner, Leonard jor oil exporting nations decided to· Gordon, while his companion opened day to increase the price ol crude oil the cash register. taking an UR· by 31 cents a barrel -3 percent -on dertermined amount of cash. Jan. 1, Iran's Interior l\t inister During the caper, the juvenile also Jamshouzcgarsaid . allegedly struck Gordon on the head "The selling price of oi l will be "with some hard object," leaving a SI0.46 a barrel e£fective Jan. I," gash that required four stitches to Amouzegar said after a two·day close. meeti ng of the Organization of The trio then·fled, as Gordon chased Petrole um Exp'lrting Co untries t he m. firing several s hots a nd yelling CO PECl . "freeze" as Lhey ran. He missed all The new price will be frozen for the three. .lirst ninemonthsof1975,hesaid, . A patrolman spotted the two boys The present average selling price of _three hours later, walking down a crude oil is SI0.15 a 42·gallon barrel, sidewalk a block from the market. oil industry officials said, Police said the pair matched the Il was not immediately clear description given by witnesses. As the whelher this \\'Ould mean an increase patrol car approached, Sweany ra n in the price of gasoline because of the behind a block wall. where the officer complicated oil pricing and royalty captured him a moment later. Both system \\'hich determine oil prices. . Sweany and the juvenile were arrest· Larry Goldstein. a Ne"' York 01 1 ed without incident. consultant . said the action by OPEC The girl fled from the market to a may not be an increase at all ~ince neii hboring apartment complex Sl0.46 is the market price establis hed v.:here the trio had left a car borrowed last month by Saudi Arabia, Abu from Sweany's rather. Police said she Dhabi and Qata r. drove through the area for so me time. The action by OPEC. he . said .. is searching for her companions, then "nothing more than a conf1rmat1on returned home. that this is the markel price for ever-In the meantime, the lwo boys told ybody.'' police her name and address, and of· Bul. he said, oil companies had ri cers were wailing al her home in E l bee n payin g an average of Sl0.36 a Toro \\•hen she arrived. CSee OIL. Page 1\2) Officers said none of the three h~d • any of the money allegedly taken 1n Orange . Coast Mostly sunny Saturday with loeal g us ty winds at limes. Highs of 70 al the beaches re· aching 76 inland. according to the weather service. Lows tonight 42 to 50. INSIDE TODAY The Janlosy t00rld of Disneyland comlnnes wjth the Yuleflde season lo produce t~e lraditionat "F'anlasy on Parade" al the Aooheim !and o/ make believe. JJ's all in pkfures on lhe \Veekender Cover.C·J. lndC'X AIY-S.nkt .t.I M9..tiK tl4 ........ I• MlltMI '"'"" A 14 LM. .. \'II "' .. at-..1 ~I •• Ct4...,.,. AS Ot .... c.-tf A1•11 0.Mlfffil D1·12 ....... •l·l C9fllk1 (' ~ IM 09uWW11 tr !Pie• ""'1ttt1 A1f O...NMk fl •1t T......iMM Ct 1.itlritl '* At' ............ CM 1"""-1""'1•1 CM ........ At ,__. .t.lf.\J ...... ..., ,.. ""9W... 11 Wwllftlillf (1•1 .-...~ II the· heist or the gun believed used, but they y,·ere searching the neighborhood today for both. A youthful witness al the robbery scene told reporters s he was in a telephone booth outside when the trio ' ran past When Gordon yelled "freeze.'' !'ihe said she ran across the streel and hid behind a car. "Then some lady runs up and says, 'there's one'," s he said, a nd the woman pointed her out to Gordon. · -''And he came out with a gun and Pointed it al me and he looked pretty mad.'' the girl recalled. Then she said she quickly ex- plained. "I'm not one of them. I don't know anything." The market reportedly has been robbed twice in the past year, four times since it was purchased by Gordon. Chemical Firms Get Big Fines NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -Ei~ht of the nation's largest chemical firms, including E . I. duPont de Nemours, were handed fines ranging up lo $50,000 today on priee fixing charges. Du Pont and the Verona Corp. were rined $50,000. the mv:lmum under current anlitrusl laws, by U.S. Dis· trict Judge Lawrence A. Whipple. The other fines· were; Allied Chemical Co .. Affierican Cyanamid BASF-Wyandotte, all $43.500 ; CIBA· Geigy and GAF Corp., $4$,000, and • Crompton& KnowlesCoro.,$40,000 , •.• O•lty PllOI Photo ~f Ttn"y Ct•illP PLAINCLOTHES OFFICER STANDS WATCH WITH SHOTGUN Police Scour Neighborhood, Round Up Fountain Valley Bandits County to Take Over_ Harbour Patrol Duty By TERRY COVILLE OI"" O.lty Pilol 5hll A written agr eeme nt fo r the transfer of Huntington Harbour patrol duties from fluntington Beach to Orange County should be approved by both agencies next week. The seven-page document is on ~fonday night's city council agenda and will go berore county s upervisors on Tuesday. City Administrator Dave Rowland s said he expects the county lo take over the harbor patrol duties \Vednes- day if both agencies sign the agree· ment. "I think this agreement is very l'ia tis factory." Rowlands_ said today. "We may actually get better service rrom lhe county because they ha\'c n 24-hour 1>alrot. Our patrols only work lwoshi£ts.'' The transfer is expected to save city DOW OFF A.GAIN; TRADE SLVGG ISH NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market turned downward today in 11 slow and uninepired 5C'5Sion on Wall tTables. pageA151 . The Dow-Joll<'s average o( 30 in- dustrials lost 4.46 points \o 591.91 , and losers outpactd gainers by about 9 lo 5 on the New York Stock Exchange. Analysts ascribed lhe market'!i weakness and stuggishne5s to the genera Uy din'i ecooomic outlook . · • ta xpayers about SI00.000 ri n this year's budget and a little more than $200.000 annually after that. The Orange County Oepartmt>nl of !-!arbors. Beacht•:; and Parks \\•ill pick up the patrol of lluntington !!arbour cha nnels with little additio nal ex· pense. according lo county officials. "Our city laxpayers already pay 5900.000 a .vcar lo that district ." llo\\'lands said. refcrru1g to the ('Oun - tv tax for harhors. beaches and p<irk~ .:It seems silly to have th<' duplita· lion.·· \Vhen the transf('r of patrol duhcs Y.'a s f i r s t s ugge s t e d , Vinc e J\toorho usc. the city's director of harl:>ors and bl'achcs, complained thl~ county eould not provide the samt: qua lily of service as th<' city. Rowlands, ho\\·ever , b<'lievcs t he y,•ritten agreement guarantees hi gh c1uality service and ou tlines the duties to be performed by county personnel. II speci£ic~ that the county \\'ill en· tSee llARBOUR, Page A2J Proceeds to Go To Singing Tolll' Proceeds from a cr>1 rt show ::intl rummag e sale Sriturduy at Five Points Shopping Ct>ntcr y,·111 help send lluntington Beach lliAh School stu· d('nl.s on a singing tour of North<'rn California ti nd Orcf'on. The sale is the first 1>rojecl or the nc"•ly formed Choral lioosters Club, a ~roup or pa rents of chor<il students. didacy. They arc Karen AC'kley. 17303 Ash St .. and Fred \'o~s. 18578 Cot· tony,·ood SL, both in Fount.1in Valley Ocean V1l·y,··~ 1ncun1ht•nt s H.ilph Bauer and Hohcrl Ztnn).!rabe hav(' said thev ''ill 11111 !'.leek re\·lccllon. 'l'h·· onl~' pt'fson to hit• to fill their !.hot•s ,._ i\l arilyn H ol){'rts. 8tj2 Ula~ luck Dr1 , .•. Jlunt1nRton Beat·h. ' • Indicted Aides Not Suspended Orange County Asst'ssor Jack Vallerga loday announced 1hat he has no iritcntion of suspending or taking . any Ly1Je o r di sciplinary action ;i gninst seven cmployc:. accused in ;1 Grand Jury indictment \'allc rga cn1crAcd from a 2-l·hour seclusion to l'Ondcmn any such action as "quite inappropr1ute at this lime. .. As of now they haVt' simpl y been cha rJ:,!ed ." Vallergu said. "l_.·un · derstand that the Grand J ury in· vestigation is ronlinuing and I see no reason to inter£ ere "'ith their duties at this early stage. "I ha\'e every confidence in the system," Vallcrga said. "And I have every conridence tha\ these charges are going lo be thrown out at a later stageofthe ~amc.'' All SC\'ell cmploycs and l\\'O former 01ssessor's aides who are now retired will be arraignt.·d later today 'in Superior Court on charges ~f grand theft, submitting fa lse claims and . violating go \'crnmcnl codes. It is a 1 legcd that the nine drew coun· ty money in 1970 for time :Jctually spent in v.·orking for what eventually was the election of then county as· sessor Andrev.• J, llinshav.· to the 40th Oistricl Congressional seat. The Republican le~islator today continued to refuse to return frequent calls made lu him in \Vashington by the Daily Pilot. ll insha \\"i. sec retary said lhc Congress man was 10 the !louse voting and ""'ill not he a\'ailable to the press until later todij.\'. LatL'r . Jli nslHJ\\' told !ht• Daily Pilot in a telephone conversation that he il'i "makin~ no commcnl at lhts time on the advice or my attornl'.\', ·· Me saitl \VOuld speak wi1h his at.· torn<'y again thi s ;1f!crnoon to de· lerminc 1r son1e cxpl:.1nati11n of hil'i role in the issue could he nlade. VallC'rga loday confirmc·d th:1t he ;ind ll insh<l\V appeared befort' th<' (;rand .Jury liur1n1Z a fi\'e·n1onlh in· \'Csligation that put 48 \Vitncsses ll eforc the i nvl'.'~tiga ti\'C panel. The assessor also confirmt'd that hC' declined lo testify before the G randi Jury -again hkc llinshaw -but stressed th at hi s attitude y,·as dictated on the advice of his lay,·ycr, .John Cahill. ··From y,·hat I know, there is simpl~· no substance lo these charges," \1:1llcrga s<1 id. ''And , like I said. I ha\'c eve r y confide nce in the !'.l}'slen1 " Robot Visitor Proves to Be Kidnap Victim \\'hen Santa came to a Fount ain Valley home Thursday ni ght, the fa mily call ed the cops. And J-~ountain Valley po\ire \\'P re glad they did, because the San la u•as a 5.root mechanical Kris Kr1n~lc ''kid· nap e d '' Thursday from the Crossroads Restaurant al Brookhur:'.!l Street a nd Talbert Avf.'n ucs Today, Santa is ~ark 1n the restaurant foyer, \\t\lrrini: and \\hll7 · in$t a.s he wavf..>S to the clienlelt' A restaurant emµlo~·c said lhc Fount ain Valley family ..,, ho tlJ~· rovered the jorly fellow. callf'd pohrl' and said , "•ley, lhcrf''s a Santa in nly frontyard." Th<' mechanical model was t ;ikfn sometime early this mornin~ . S('al 8\':tth 1ncumbt·nt" Huth l .. Catkins. 229 13th St .. and Llu)d J. P.il · tcrson. 122:!0 Cre~t\ 1c"' 1\\'l', both u' Sea 1 Bt'at•h. ha\ e flied. lf"-:i In \\'es 1m111~t('r nnl y Dc11l'Y Li' R o~· \\'it('!_;. l-16<! I \'~In Burt.'n SI \1 id\\·:1 \'Ci t ~ , ha:-t.Jlo..\'11 uul !Jij p~·r~ Th\· d\·,illliul· 1or 111tni.: 1 .... 1.111 :1 ;1!;. 11 111 es O•H• .. ~lot Stitl -• VINDICATION SEEN Assessor Vallerga ' Girl Stabbed On Refusing $1 Change .tr.. youth stabbed a :!O·year·old \\'Oman in a downtown llunlingtoo Beach phone booth Thµrsday aflc!' she refused him change for a doll a r, police said today. The "·ound inflicted \\o'as minor. and l\lrs. Karen De\\'. a downtown Hunt- ington Beach resident. did not require immediate medical attention. accord- ing to police. '.\Ir<;. Oc\1 had hel'n talking on the phont' in a booth at '.\l;iin Street a nd Orange ,.\ve nue about 5.30 p.m. \1 hen the suspect fir-.t <tflproached hr-r . Police !'><lid he asked tor chan;;c for a tloll;ir anti s ht• ga\'c 1t tn him. lie marle a telephone call in an adJa· cent phone booth. Then. police said, he asked 1\1 rs. De\\' if !'.>he had change for anotherdnllar.Shes;.iid no . ·-'.\I rs. DC\\ told 1>ol1ct.' th<' 1na n pu shed the door of tht· phiine booth open ::ind ~t;1 hhed her /\police :-.e<1rch of the area fad<'d t11 turn llll the ~USJ}('t'I. Valley Plaza Site for Toys founta111 \'alley Plaza. 18]2()1 B~ookhurst St . Yi1ll be a drop·off point this \\<'~kl•ntl for donal1nns to th1• , ;\farioc. Corps To.'T-6 for Tol!O prriJ!;rern Sales rrl)m a crafts b.1zaar also u1l1 benefit the char1t\. '.\l artne-. from ·El 1'nro 1\1r Slallon have arr;in.e.cll inr live C'Oll'rt~unmt•nt. and .1 \'i~it hy Sanl J. nn Suncla \ frl)n1 l2l114pn1 · Mick Taylor Quits 'Ston,es' ~1 U:'\IC ll . Germany tliPl l Gu1t :i ris1 ;\tick Taylor i::; quittin~ thl' llolhng Ston<'s mt·k J::rou 1>. ;\l1ck Jap:J!,cr, the band ·~ h•adcr .S aid toda\ Ja,l?J?,('r' ~aid Ta~ lor 15 lt':t\'1n~ tht' group <iftl'r ~··~ \(';_1r~ for ",1 C"han ~~ of .. sctnt: ·· Taylor "\\'ants the op1>0r1un11 y lo try out some n('Yi 1n1hall\<'S \\'h1le Yi't' arc all ~orry h<' 1s go1 nJ?, v.(' "'i~h him ,llr('.1t !'>U<'{'l'SS.' he ~aid 1·1:1ylor J01nt..>d the ,llroup in 1969 to rtplare Brian .lnne~.'whCI wa:i; f'flund dead •n his !\\\•imm\nf.!. pool . 1 ' A2 DAilYP1LOT H /F Frioay,Oecemt>e113.1974 , Pl1111 ·tt'it hdr1111·11 Residents Win Complex Fight A group or Fount<un \'!!Jl('y und Westminster rc:-.idl·nt:-. hus "'on ;i b.!tt · lie to h<'rl<I oil •• pro1)1'.)st>d 50-at"re ('On11ncrci;_d <•lld 1ncJu~!ri;.il prvJt•ct 111 their ne1i::hhorh111.J1l SCAG Chiefs Will Oppose New Agency Ell'clcd ofnci<1l s "'1\11 "l'r\ c as dl .. )egatc::i to thl: 1><1 \\l•rful Suutht·rn t:<ll1fornia A::,"Ol·i:..t1on of (iovcrn· n.cnls SC1\G a/'l' gt·ar111g up lo fight st.a\{' pro1>v.:.<t ls tt'.1 l·rt·..itf· .1 n1:" sup('r JgellJ:y lu <.1dm1n :-.tl'r C:diforni<i 's coastal tle\'l·lopmt·11 t In <t st'ss1011 1n l.,os Angeles Thurs· day, the SCAG executive l'ommittee has agreed to t'all a 1nccttng of in · tercsled tities v.·ithin the coastal sec· tor o( lht· Sou1hl:1nd in order to coordinate a p11ssiblc br1ltl C' a,l.!ain~t a nev.• clC'mtnt. to the 11tale coastal plan that would set up the superagent"y. The Powers, F'und inJ( and Govern· mcnt e lement of the co<1stal land·usc plan sets up the fr<1me"'ork for a ne\\' :state panel that \vould rule on all changes within fi ve miles o( the shoreline. The present syste m of r egiona l commissions affe cts changes onl y within l ,OOOyardsofthe~ea. The Powers, Funding and Govern· menl element would expand l<\nd-use control to the entire fi ve·mile pl an· ning area set up by the passage of the Coast al lnitiati\'e. Regiona l coastal commissions are responsible for dr afting elements to the total plan for the area. And South Coast Co 1nmission "r.tembcr and SCAG delegate Ralph Diedrich was out s poken about the controversial plan clement. "There is ~oing to be some strong l<ingu age in there u.nd it's going to cause some proble ms ," the com· missioner and Orange County Supervisor told fellow members of the SC1\G Executive Committee. i.. The g reatest concern about the plans for the successor agency on coastal land use is the total Joss of k>cal control O\'Cr the destiny of the Sla te coastline. -r Iliedric.h said that if citr and county l{f1c;i,als lr'I! cont"erncd a"t>0ut the de· lrth"6f control in the ne"'' s\•stem- and thC' co ncf'rn alread)· i;,, .,..:elling- lhen the tim e is right to band together and effect major changes in the pro· ·posed planning element. ~ J:}. J:}. /Jayes Appoints Pr_oxy for Post On Coast Pariel ' Los Aneeles Co unty Superv iso r .lames Hayes -"'·hose membership on the South Coast Regional com· mi ssion has cnten deeply into hi s schedule -no"'' has appointed a pro· x'i to help hi n1 out. tlayes. \1 ho "'""s elC'ctcd to chair the county board of ~upcr\·isors recently, named a top :udc to serve as an alt ernate on the coastal commisston 'The su ba ltern, Aarna Szabo, "'ould ser\•con the panel in his boss' absence. llaycs recently quit his past on lhl' po~·crful state co:istal commission, l'omplain1n,I.! lh;it it affected his schedul e too harshl.v Al the regional lf'\'C'l. !!ayes often ha;;: had to lea\"C Sessions before aJ. JO Urnment and be fore sele cting Si:a bo. ht· o:-de rC'd his secretary to rnonllor thC' :.t•:::s1on in his absence. ORANGE COAST "' DAILY PILOT But City Adm1ni::itrator Hobert lluntley said toda)' that doesn 't necessarily mean thf' l:1nd v.'111 be de· ve lopt'"d for homt•11 Golden West E4 uity Propt·rtu:s, Inc .. this week v.·ithdre"' 1t~ site plun for the industrial comple.'< and un · nounctd plans to 11~k the area l>t.• r(" c:ont·d for houses Jl untlcy cxph11nt•il. l10\1l·\\'l". lhal 1n the past the cit\· h.1~ con~iclcrf'd !ht• SO·acrt• parct·I .,,.., 11du:d.1li.' for 111 dustri<i\ developml'llt b'-•CaU~l' Of Ill creased taxes dcrivt·d fr11m t hat ust·. Ile said he didn't knov.• if the Plan ning Commission and City Counr1I would appro\'c a request to rezone 11 residential. Golden We s1·s industri<il projt•t•I 11·as lo ha\'e bt>l'll lncatt·d 111 \Vest minster just >icross the Fountain Vi:.\ley cily border at the southwe~t corner of l\tagnolla Strecl and Ed· inger Avenue. About 200 Westminster and foun· t ai n Valley residents crowded intu Cl· ty hall l\1onday ni ght for a hearini:: on the project 's site plan. but Rich urd Stenton. v ice president of (;olden \\'est, announcC'd he \\las "ithd1'i1v.·Jng the proposa l. In a letter to th11 l'h~nning Co n1 mission . he li,;ted ··a subslanti:.d amount of protest" from residents :1s the reason . lie added .. in the neal" future" he 1vould ask that the land bt· rezoned for homes. ;\ m onth ago more th an 200 Foun- tain Valley and \\restminstcr rc::i1 - dents picketed the proposed industrl;d site. and they gathered more than 1.000 names on a petition opposing the project. The si t e plan earlier h<id been ap· pro\·ed by !he Planning Commission and 11·as before the Cjty Council. \\'hcu l! "'as sent back to planning. because city officials had used las t ye;;1r·s county assessment roles ralhcr than current rol es in notifying neighboring property o"'ners. As a result. 30 residents of 220 in· volvcd, "''ere not notifi ed. f'rom Page A I OIL ... barrel for that oil ov.•ned by the Arab nations and that owned by the com· panies. The set price of SI0.46 for alt OPEC oil. Goldstein said, means ·'an increase in cost to the companies of 10 cents a barrel.'' The earlier increases imposed un· ilaterally by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dh abi and Qatar h ad already been passed on by the oil companies through their distributors and the latest action may not mean hi gher pril'es fo r con - sume rs. he said. Asked if gasoline and home heating oil prices would go up. Amouzcg:i r said: ''Thal depends on hov.· much the oil companies can absorb from their . profits." Iran. he said. proposed limiting oi l company profi ts to SO cents a barrel. Present oi l company profits are about 75 eents a barrel, OP EC officials said. The increase of J I cents in the sell· ing price of a barrel of oil \1•as decided by minjsters of the 13 OPEC na tions meeting in a Vienna hotel follov.·in~ tv.·o bomb t,ti rcats against OPEC headquarters. OPEC did av.·ay v.·ith the posted pric e s~·stem \l'hi ch maintain€'d artificially high prices. in favor of th e unified system. Amouzci?ar said OPEC had bcC'n forced to increase the price nf oil because thri:c membl'rs S::iud1 r\ral.lia. ,\bu Dhabi ;ind Qatar raised their prices at a meeting in t\hu Dh abi last n1onth . ··\\'e had t\\O choices ~ cithl'r t11 ~o back to the September price systt•rn. and this v.'ould nlenn the thrct> ,\rah 1nembers rcvcrsin~ !hei r drcis1on. \11h1ch they "·ou ld not do, or adopt llH• ,\!Ju Dha bi price," he :-.:url. ·'\\'e ndoptctJ thl' ,\bu Uhabi pr1Cl'. not a penny mor(•. · ··y uu can ·t have t\1·0 prices from t hr same oil from the same spot (;\l iddh: East)," Tax Hike Sought :_MdreJi-r4 lie Fe11 retl1 Not .l a 1n1.:s :\ St;inlt·y Pl'CI":-. ;1\ l11n1 11clf in broken n11rror J,(•gt·ntl h~ts 11 lhal broken n1iri·o rs and d:1~·:-. l1kl' loda.v -~·rida y the 1.h1rlcenth - should be shunned beca use or th e bad luck they bring. But Stanley \Vl:!lcomes a nything to do with thirteen. To find out \\·hy. see pa ge 3. Exact Time 'Vital · Issue' Trivial Eve11ts Noted in Mardian Defense \\'1\Sll l'.'\{;'J'()'.',' rUPll -The t'Xal"I ti me \\'hen Riehard Kleindienst played golf and his v.·ife quit cleaninJ;: her kitchen cabinets to ha\'C lunch on S;iturday, June 17, 1972, emerged as a vital issue today al the \Vatergate cov - Cr·up trial. Such seemingly tri vial events "''ere at the heart of thede!enseor Ho,bert C. l\lardian. a sometime San Clemente resident, as he seeks to con\•inec the jury he had no part in trying to hush up the scandal. Ft\"e agents of then Presid ent !\'ix· on's re-election campaign had been arrrsted at Democratic headquarters at 2 a .m . and the prosecution chargrs that Kleindienst, then attorney general, received an urgent message later tha t day while pla.Yi ng golf at Burning Tree Country Club. The message asked him to release the burglars from jail. The req,uest allegedly originated with defendant J ohn 1\1 . Mitchell , then i'\ixon's campaign m anager and now !.I cover·up defendant, and was re · layed by J\1 ardian on the telephone to \Vatergate mastermind G. Gordon Liddy. who in turn rushed lo the coun·· try club to give it to Kleindienst. • · l\1ardian. a former assistant at· torney general and Nixon campaign operative, was with the campaign high command in California al the time. He contends that because or the time dif· ference. he could not possibly ha\'e called \l.'a s hington in advance of Lid- dy's trip to Burning Tree about noon \\lashington time. l\1ard1an contends instead that Lid- dy, one of the masterminds of the bug· g1ng, undertook the mission on his ow n. Kleindienst 's wife, Margaret, was called to the stand to testify about re· ceiving what she called "a curious call'' from Liddy s hortly alter noon that day. "He said he was calling on behalf of the Committee. to Re·eleet the Presi· dent, for r.-tr. ?t1itchell," Mrs. Klein· Men's Birth Control Pill Held Successful LONDON (UPl) -A birth ~ontrol Clrogen already marketed as a cure pill for men that produces no loss in for bone disorders. sex e1ppetite has been successfully The report said men testing the tested by two Australian biochemists. druJ;l: stopped _producing sperm alter a British science magazine reported nine to 15 weeks without any v~sible today. tside effects except for slight nausea at N:iturc J\1agazine said the pill used the start of the program. . in the controlled experiment v.•as a Sperm cells returned after use of combination of a female hormone.·· the pill was stopped. estrogen, and the male hormone an, ·The magazine said there. ·was no known loss of desire on the part of the Four Bicycles To Be Given Fund Winners Four bicycles will be gi\•e n away Saturday to lhe top fund-raisers dur· ing last sum m cr·s Bike·a·Thon, s1>0nsorcd by the lluntington Beach· Fountain Valley Yi\1CA. The event brought in more th~i n S.l.fiOO to be used in renovating the Y i\lCA 's new headquarters. Bik<• "''inners are: For fi\'C to eight ~(':.ir olcl::,. HerbiC' Becher, 6551 \V <1tt St., \\'estminster, and Bobby Frahm , 17•152 !\l eer Circle. Hunt1n2ton Beach: nine lo 14 year olds, Bobhy·s brolh<'r. (iary, and in th(' adult a ge bracket , D1l'k \\'ilhurof6.J32 Flint Drivl'. ll unL~ ington Beaeh. The hicyclcs, as \Veil as bike <tC'· cessories given as second and third prizes. v.·ere donated by the Bicycll' Baron, 1590 1 Golden \Vest Street, Hu n. linglon Beach men being tested. ' Several male birth control pills have been produced before, but in each case usage has been accom- panied by a sharp decline in sexual de· sire a nd the adoption of some female characteristics. The two Australian scientists, Dr. ~·1i chael and Dr. J\laxine Briggs of l\1elbourne's Alfred Hospital, said no sueh developments occurred in their expe riment, accordi ng to the magazine . In the te"st, four of the five men stopped producing sperm within nine "·eeks. The fifth stopped in 15 weeks or treatme nt. Al the end of the test, the magazine said , it was 15 weeks before any of the men bega n producing sperm again and nine to 10 months before sperm production was back to normal. dienst said. "ltc said it wa s a ve rv sensitive and urgent matter and needed to contact my husband im· mediate ly." She said she remembered the call came bet"'·een noon and 12:30 p.m. EDT because she had been cleaning her kitchen cabinets and took a break to have lunch. The prosecution contends that Lid- dy called her about l p.m. or l : 15 p.m . and that he got to Burning Tree about 1:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. -late enough to have received a 10 a .m. PDT call from Ca lifornia. It h as been established earlier in the trial that · lt'lardian and other campaign officials learned of the burglary about 10 a.m . ·PDT. h1rs. Kleindienst said she remem- _bered telling Liddy that her hus band was playing golf and she then called the pro shop at the club to have hiln paged. But she concede d on cross· examination that no one at the pro s hop remembers talking \Vith her th at day and no such message ever was re- layed to her hus band. She also acknowledged her close friendship with h1ardian and admitted she did not remember the liming of Liddy's call until after talking "''ith fl1ardia n about it after he was indicted last · March. f'rom Page A I HARBOUR. • • force · all navigational laws, handle water·oriented firefighting duties and keep the channels clear for naviga-· lion. One of the key clements the city ob· tained is an ;igreement to a llow coun- ty officers to be trained by the Hunt· ington Beach Fire Department. The city has agreed lo keep one s mall boat to clea n out rubbish periodically from some of the s mall inlets and dock areas. Huntington Beach will mai ntain control of issuing permits for any land -connected structures, but the county "'ill have the last word on dredging or channel work. The agreement also lists speciric standards for response times to fire calls. emergency medical runs aQS! other special operations -an agree· ment which city personnel wanted. It also lists several other minor areas of service standards city personnel hiJd rec1uestcd . Vot~rs in lhe 1'~ount ai n Valley : School District v.•i\t be asked fl1arch 4 to approve a tax increase or 67.4 eents instead or the 75 cents once 111 :.inned. planned. As sistant Superintendent Charles \\loodfin explained the lo\ver tax \\'as the result or a projected 10 percent in· crease expected next yee1r in assessed valuation. The tax measure \1·as des1cnl•d to provide $975.000 in new re ven ul" \\'oodfin explained. Based on this , year's assessed value. 75 cents "'ould be necessary. but with an e.'\pccted 10 percent increase next year, the 67 . .J cenf.S will produce the needed re· venue. The tax hike will C'OSt the ow ner or a SS0.000 home $84 .25 a year. The dis· trict's current tax rate is $2.80 p£·r SlOO or assessed valuation. \\'oodfin said the measure v.·ould in · crease district expenditure per slu· dent fron1 $825 a year to S906. \Voodfin also .explained that both the $2.80 tax rate and 67.4·Cent over· ride probably \Viii be reduced •each year 11e said that under provisions of Senate Bill 90, the state school l'inant · ing measure, voters \\·ould not be ap· proving an actual tax rate. but rather a dollar revenue amount. As assessed 1·;;1tuation increases. al .. about 10 pe rcent a yt'ar in f''ounla1n Valley. the local rate "'ould drop, \\loodfin said. The largest portion of the new re· ,·enue. $767 ,000, ~·ould go for salaries, benefits. and relieving large classes. An additional $11W,000 would be · used for guidance and counseling, S90.000. for educationally harfdicapped pro· grams and SlJ,000 for speech pro· gran1s. • Group to Give ·Findings 01i Overcrowding The Citizens Committee for Belter Schools Saturday "·ill compile its re· commendations on coping with over- crowding in the 1-luntington Beach Union High 'school District. The committee v.·111 meet at 9 a .m . in the city count'il chambers at llunt- ington Beach Civic Center. The h igh school district board of trustees has asked the committee ror its advice on O\'ercrov.·ding. now that the tax override, which both support· ed, failed at the polls. The committee hopes to hear from many people in the community, in· eluding those "'ho opposed t}Je ta x override, before finalizing its recon1 - mendations to the school board. ac- cording to committee chairman and city council member llarrie~t Wieder. . Market Clerk Shoots Himself In Accident A clerk going ofr duty at a Hunt· ington Beach convenience market to· day pulled a gun from under the counter, put it in his v.•aistband and s hot himself in the leg. Police said Vincent Calli. 57. of \\'estminster v.·as about to leave the 7-Eleven store at Warner Avenue and I\'e "'iand Street "'·hen the accident oc· curred at about 7:30 a .m. Paramedics took Calli lo 11unt· i ng ton lntercommunit y J·lospital where he recC'ivcd treatment before being transferred lo the Veteran's Ad· hlinistration Hospital in Long Beach. Ce11li told ~lunlington emerge nty room staff the gun wa s a .22 caliber. The bullet lodged in his thigh. lM 0<•-C.•11 OeolJ Po lot wi!"•"''"" ,....,. bo"'tl 1N IWW"I Pre"," p.,,1)4",,..i 1W !N0<0<\9f Co11t P\obUllU"Q (cm~•"• ~r•l•H•h.,,,1 •"' P<llM•-· ""°l>Cl•V ln•,,.,Qfl ft•Golf . lot (.oU• -,.. .... WPoll 8-ot<" Munlltw;ll<Jl'I llf-A<"'F°""• laofl Yti~Y. !<Y<fl• ~A<Jtll•N<' V••l•T • .., l.4QUt>e a.. .. ,. S.Outh t o•<I A 1>nQI• ••QioNI ed~-11 ""!ll••"t'd S..!u•G•vl -So.n0••1 T"4' D'•IC•p.i.i ,..111,.111no ol~n1 " '"' JOO Yrtiell ky !>lrttl. (o,.t.t MtW, (.,olO•fl•• '11•1-. Nude Bather Cleared JUSTIN TIME FOR Robe rt N. Weed "'H•drn! 1..a -·-~ Jack R. Curley \I•! O p,.,,.,.nt .... """"'"' MOMQl'f Tnomas Keevil [a<tO• Thomas f\ Murphinc .... ~.~·flQ [0""' CP'la rle ~ H. LOO'> Rich~rd P. Natl """11n1 "" '~IQ•flQ l OHO'I • Terry Covi lle Wf'I Or•fl~ (O\<O!J E<lol"" Huntington Be<ict'I Office 111116*•' n lloult•••O "'-11/ftQ •""It•\' P 0 !lo• 71C .-iw~ OlhClr Offices Lf9""1 l!t'"'I"" !lh C.lt""'fv•f ~t .. I tolW _ .. 1)0 WO\I 11.t• ~olrHI Ho-'1 l#Kft llll "'r"oon """''°...,.d ~ltbl!C l V•ll•> !Otl! LI P1l lhl611 •is.no .. "~'""'"' Telephone (714) Mt..Cl21 Classlfltd Ad11ert1 sl n9 M 2·S671 fro"' "llJ;t~Or1no-(Ou~••<--•,., S40·1220 (N.,.lqil'Ot ltl• O<tnO'" Cti-o\I Pi.o00 •"'•"4 (.ol'll°'6f\• Ne n•,..I oor,... "'"'"•'1 __ 4'Clol0t•l l ... ti.••• •avtt!•W-fl!• .,...,~ ,..., "' ••oroet..i:t-0 .,,,.,.wt IPK•tl P"'""'"<I'°' •' (Clf•"""'-· tor<-cl•n P0\1191' Pt•O •I ("'I• Mrw Carlllt<'fl.. Wfn("IHOll II• ,.,,.,, UOO .._..Illy; tJ -·· lo! 00 -1!'111. flll"l .. f .. 1l•IWll-U.00 -'"'' · • -Beaches Now Open? Oran)!<' (.'oun1y·s nutlt• hcachgOC'r:. n1.1~ ha\ e hct>n ~iven a green light 111 put it together in th e .:iltogether. Ueachgocrs who found goin,I.! rou.(!h in 1 he buff HI ri'cC'nl month!'! v.•crc \'indicated late ·rhu rsday when South Orange County municipnl cour1 Jud~e John 1\. G r1ff1n fnu nd Charles An· der~on of Costa l\lesa not gui lty of multiple charges filed "'hen he sun· bti thrd in thr nude al South Lugun:l's 9th Street Beach. And rson. 27. was round not .1tuilty on charges of le"·d conduct and dis· 1urb1ng the l)('aC'c after defense at lorney Bill SheCfil.'ld successfully argued lhat h11!> rtienl had disturbed no one and no srxual intent when h1· exposed hi s entire body to tht s un. AnderM>n 1s one more than 100 nude bcachp;oers "'ho have btcn nrrtstcd by sheriff's officers in recent months on such ch:irges lfts acquillal, Sheffield said today. may e ffectively bar the sh«!rlft from any fu rt hC'r arrests of ttiat type. .Jurli:t' <;rifrin's ruling may a lso rn1•a n the end of the county ordinanec 11 h1 ch Anderson \\1as said lo huvc v1<1lated. Sheffield said. Property o"'ner \Villard Cain h ad rarlil'r argued ror the prosecution that nude beachgoing near his cli ff top hoo1c on South Coast Higllway had re· uched the point that he could no longer invite his grandchildren to I he hous~. Cain is by fnr the most constant r:iller to the sheriff's orfic<' in all such 1n:.tanccs of nudity on the beach. Shrffield sucee.'isfull y tirgucd that lht• ordinance under 'Ah1ch Andc r~on :i l-;o "es prosecuted pertained more to nudt> and semi -nude entertainment than ntlked sunbathing on the beach ·1 look on this as a lC!SI case," Lht> defense attorney said. "And I vrry much re~ret th;it man}' of the p<.'Opl c who ha\e been similarly arrested on lhe:se ch ar~es decided to plead ~uilly rathl'r than tnke the issut to trial as l\tr. Anderson did.'' CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AND CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STOP IN HOW. ·' DAEXEL-HEAITAGE-HENREOON-W000MARK-KARASTAN-8AKER .. I WUkDA YS & SATURDAYS ':00 lo 5:30 NEWPORT BEACH• 1711 \.\'fo;STCl.lfo'f.' DH , "42·2'0.W LA GUNA BEACH • l4.'> Nl ll!Tll l'(ll\Sl' li\\I\', •l!f4 ~I TORRANCE • 23649 llAM'llORNJo: BLVU !f)1>t•n 1''n tilif,Sun 12l J(H 11'M·l279 • ! .DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE School Leadership If eve r \vest Orani:?C colfnty schoolifhail u. ncca for leadership and directi on it is no\v. Times cry !'or talent un<l dedication to be ~1ppli ed to 1nulti·l<l.ycrccl t•ducutional probll!rn s. · ~ - The tlunlington Beach Union Iligh School District has 5,000 1nore students than it~ campus~s \\'C rc built to hold . . l~coplc.of Fountiiin Vi.1IIC.v. \\'ho v.·ant out .of that d1str1ct. are s wimming in a se~1 of red tape and uncertainty. Fountain Valley and Westminster School di s Lricts arc asking voters for tax increases of 61 and 87 cents to content teachers and balance budgets. Unific<.ition looms everywhere, as docs all -ou t verbal warf3rc among districts like Ocee1n \1icv; <ind l·funtington Beach which might be n1 cr~l'd dcs1>itc vastly diffe r ent educational philosophies. It is Ob\•ious thut goud h.'a.clers hip i~ essential in :-.eemingly forc\·(·r·troublcd times of the Sl'hool '''orhl. \Ve hope those \Vho CJn provide t h1:1t gu1<.11ng lighl a nd fee l the citizen's oblig ... tion to l'Olltrihutc t1) th~ C'ommunity "·ill meet the registrar of voters' J an. 3 deadline and fil e their candidacy for 12 trusteeships to be open in six area school dis tricl'i. Practical Drean1 f)n the surfac(', •• request IJv 1 he t•it v nr I lunt- inglun l~c :.i c.:h for Sl.7 million to blii!d a 2.ooO -c ;1r p<1rk - 1ng lot ncx l to .the San Diego FreC\\'rtv ~ounds 11 1\l' :.i l;ir.retth cd boondoggle. · 1onf'~. but al:ro t.o tlO\\'nlO\VI'\ l.o~ Angelt•s, l,os Angeles International A irport, and lhc Irvine 1ndl1Slri<il con1 - plcx. If lfnkccl by monorail t o u. be.-ichfronl 1nonor.11l :-.ystc1n , it \\'Ou lcl scrv(• in the sum1n er .;1 ~ an C'Xcelle nt 1>u rk -:.i nd· ri(.]c s~·stcn1 for tourists to I he loc:.i ! bc(l.C he:-;, <.il'cording tv l'ublic \Vorks Directo r Bill llartgc , ll a rlgt.• ;.idmits t bc projt.'C:l is .. jusl ;_i drc an1 " :ti. present i.illd cloc:-; no1 st.a1\d ;1 \'cry good thane<.• of ;it 11·;1(.'l Jn~ the feder:1l runds this year. liul it n1:.i y ht• .1 tlrL';.i n1 \\'Ol'lh pur.'iuing Good Exa1nple ~l :.irgc S<·hneid<.•r . .i l·'ounla1n \';11lC'y huu:-.c\\d t· ..1<:t 1vc 111 m<iny co1111nunll.\' projects. ,,·;is a ,,·1s1· c hoice for !he fir~\ ;1nnuul C1\lZ('l1 of the 't'l'ilt' 1\\\i1tCI prcscnlt'<I b,\' the r·ount<1 in \':.tlil'Y Ch:.imbL•r of ('0111 1nt·rc1·. l 'ht.• rnothc r ul four s;iid :-.h1.: dl'C'tdC'cl tu gel 111 volve<.J" :.it the suggc:-.t1on of her hu~ba ncl ;1ft1·r 1111· f;irnily rilU\'l'd lo l·'ounlain \'all<•.\' 12 .\'l'i1rs ii~•).,\:-. lhe ('JIY grl'I\', ~o <lid l\lrs. SC'hnc1der·s con1n1un1ty 1n \'olvt"mcnl . She is SL'l'\'i ng this yc•ar ~is president of lhL' l·'olJn lain \':.ille~ School Oistr1t·t ':. S upe rintendent l>art'nt Counl'il. is ;icl1ve 111 thl' 'l'an1ura School 1"'1'0 . I~it tl1· l ... L·ague. as l\'t.111 as i11 her rhurch and in ci,·il' g ro u p~ I n prcsc11tlng lh l~ a\var<I Tuesday nig ht , 1:r._.11 Hola:rsnn, chumbc r president. pointe d out that C\'l'll lo b e no minated for till' a\Vard \\<I S ~1 11 honor. and \ht• st·l cction l'omn11tt ee had a difficult t<.1sk ~ l~ut scr<.itch :.i little deeper and you find lhL· pro· 1cc:t has some far-real'hing. rather th~1n f<.ir·fet c-hcd . possibilities . 'l'hc city \V<.ints to bu\' 3::! <.1 Cl't?!=i nortll or llunting t on Center 1o st.:r \'e aS ;.i .. multl-mod;1I lra ns port.ation cente r ." The· locution is good for 1nass 1rans 1t -by bus. 1·uil. n1onorail , car pool, l'l t -nut , only to local shopping ttnll'rs. beaches and industl'ial \\le offer our congratulations to l\.1rs. Schncich•r S he cxcn1plifies the ideal citizen or ;1 prin1aril\' r1· s idc~tial comn:unit.''· \1,ihich places hli!h en1phas-is on quality cduc.al 1on. a spirit of communitv coopcrt1l ion ;.ind enriched family living. - 'I said take two of these aspirin and come back to see me next year!' 'Lovelock' Can't Match 'Wedlock' (SYDNEY HARRIS J In reply iO a random query of mine 1some time ago-"Whal name should we appl~· to the many couples today who are living together though not married?"-) have received a num- ber or both palatable and ribald sug- ~cstions. Two or the n1os t frequcnl v.•ere ''cohabs •· and "lovelock " i'n- 1Slead of ·''wedlock.'• fnterestingl y enough, one of the reasons modern , young people ob- ject t'o· the term "wedlO<!k" is the 'implication that 'the couple i s manacled or h andcuffed together in the institution of matrimony. They re- sent the idea or being "locked" together by a law, BUT TlllS is a misreading of the old Angl<1-Saxon word : "wedlock" meant "marriage pledge," and tlie suffix ''lock" had nothing al all to do with handcuffing people together. (It is like the word "sweetheart." where the "heart" part hus nothing to do with that'organ of the body, but v.'as originally "!P.•oeelard." in the same form as "coward" and "dotard.") · Time and custom s hape a nd distort words, and lhen the words themselves become a kind or tyranny, so that ..... e respond to the distortion rather than to the basic meaning. Indeed, the very word "tyranny" is a perfect example of whal happens to a word throughoul history: The earliest "tyrants" ill ancient Greece were simply absolult! rulers or monarchs, wi lh no implication of cruelty. Both Pericles and l)isistratus Dear Gloo1ny Gus Funny lhc Nixons on 5400,000 a year can 't <•fford to keep their rose bu shes. On less than $10,000 I've managed to keep mine. Feeding th e s ou l is more important lh<1n h<J\'inj!, maids lo \\'ail on you. .IV. GIOOmy <;.,,.. <•mmtMI ~·• i ull<nilled by <toHlttJ. -""11ot llt<•u•nlJ •tllKI IM Yit~ "Ille llltW"fYPff. SUMI Jour pt! pee.e 10 G'OMIJ (No o.u, Pilot. • were "tyrants," but they v.·cre model rulers of v.•i,..dom and tolerance. Gradually, ho.,.,•ever. the word b('gan to assume its later connotation of har· shness a nd oppression. and utterly losl its primal neutral meanin g. FOR COU Pl~l-:S to Ji ve i n "lovelock" rather than .. wedlotk'. suggests they have pledged their love-but what value is s uch a pledgC', if it can be withdrawn al the whim of either. with no lasting sense of co m- mitment'! The word "pledge" itself means a "guarantee"-but a guaran- tee is empty if you ate not willing to make good on i1. It is m y'feelingthat we have not yet. as a spec ies, arrived al any finally satis factorv for1n of m an-v.·oman relations. i 'he traditional form of matrimony is too fi lled with rigidities. injustices . and ineonsistencies: ycl the nC\\' "cohabs" ha ve mcrelv ex - changed one set or difficullieS for . another. fo r v.•ithoul a deep sense of permanence and co mmitment tht' living-fabric is loo fragile to s ust:11n J1 family. THE NUB or the problem is that lhe hum3n inranl, unlike all others. need~ years of stable development. before il is ready to cope with its phys ical and social environment. Withoul childre n. marriage might be unnecessary; with children, it. may be a necessary eV il . capable of being ameliorated. but not eliminated rron1 the social structurc. H GOP Survivors Alienated Ford Absence Offends Governors ST. LOUIS -Unfairly or not. the ,.------------, thimbleful of Republican governors •[ J and governors-elect who survived the EVANS-NOV AK De mocratic landsl ide of Nov. 5 v.·e re outr·aged that President Ford could '------------~ not make a brief appearance at their midwinte r conference here last v.•eek after his long journey lo the Far East. Indeed, intensive negotiations had s tarted in mid-November with low· level White House aides to arrange a \'isit by !\fr. Ford that would lend Presidential e n - dor s em e nt to party -rebuilding efforts . Yet , despite repeated telephone calls to the \Vhitc Hou se by h o s t Gov . Christopher Bond or !\1issouri. pre· sidential aides insisted !\1r. Ford could not spare a couple or hours. Con· l act was never made \\'ith Dean Burch. !\1r. Ford's political adviser until his resignation last \\'eek. who took no interest in the governors' a p- peal. Bul it scarcely mitigated tli sap· poinlmenl 'A'ith !\tr. Ford. One go\'- ernor, reelected last month by a huge majority while othl'r Republican can· didates in his state were losing. told us : "This \.\'Ould have been the perfecL place for Jerry Ford to come and :;how his interest, V.'ith the fe\\' or us v.·ho won. in trying lo 'revive his party ," THE GOVERNORS' unhappiness Ylilh ~1r. Ford goes beyond reviving the Republican party. The~· believe he is s pending far too much lime on foreign travel at a time or deepening recession and general economie crisis at home. The Pr~sident's \VIN · \Vhip Inflation ~ov.· -public relations campaign is ridiculed as outdated in the face of national unemployment expected to approach eight percent next summer. · Gov. William l\1i1l iken of l\tic hi gan. arguin g that "mere rhetoric cannot suve our free enterprise system ." came he re handing out lapel buttons of hi s O<A'n c()ntradicling the. \Vhitc H-0usc \VI N pins Ill s pins say BA C - Buy a Car. Millikcn ·s reelection hy 114 .000 \'Otes againsl mulliple adversitv in the depression·thrcat('nl'd automObile stale v.•a s ;1 stunning offset to his party's nat ional disaster, but not a single White !louse political aid has bothered to c::i ll him fo r a post-eleclion <Jnalysis \\'ORSF. ''E.I. !\lillikcn·s carefully consulercd economil' program sent to ~I r. Ford in a letter one v.·eck before the election has nevcr been answered. 1-fe proposed a blend of lax reform , \'astly more public service em ploy- ment. extended unemployment com· p('nsation a nd public \.\'orks. But '.\lilliken's proposals were nol con· sidered important enough to "·arrant a reply. - ~1ost criticism of r..1r. Ford and "'hat one go\'ernor called his "Nixon hold o,•er ·· administ r ation was private. But New l'iampshirc's Go\'. l\l eldrim Tho mson. the a nti-ta~ crusader who is ind isptitably the most conscrvalive of all Republican governors. fe lt no such ~cru plcs I le de\i\•ercd ;,in angry stat1.1mcnt to .,.,,hat ht! called the ··clos etful '' of Re pu blican survi\·ors ts1tting ;1round the huge horseshoe conference table v.•ith embarrassi ngly .... ·idc s paces between themJ attacking l\1r. Ford for "not cari.rig enough" about the futu re of the Republican party "to help us set the course for the long climb back ... AN llOU R spent v.·ilb the go\•ernors by J e rry Ford v.·ould scarcely make a dent on the staggering political pro- blems of his defeated party. There \\'as no s uch false hope here ... 1'he GOP has " pinhead for a base anti .,.,.c're kidding oursel\'CS if \.\'C' think it can be turilcd around in <inything likt> ,.,.,,o or three years," Atichi gan slatl' chairman '\'illiam !\lcL<JughlLn told us. Rut that handful of llepubhean go,. l'rnors \\'ho survi\'('tl last month would havl! been a good place lo start. The f:.ict that th(' President a nd his political starf didn't see it that \.\·n y madl' a bad s ituation 'A'Orse. alienat- ing the governors at a time ~lr. f'ord needs every possible ally. TlllS non·appcarancc by a Presi- dent who was sharply criticized for traveling to real estate conventions in Las Vegas added lo the fune real gloom at the go\'ernors' conferenct·. Even before they learned he .,.,·ould not appear. the go\·ernors \\'ere grumbl- ing over l\'Ir . Ford's performance as both party chief and national leader. The Right to Bear Arms Their aggravation did not peak until .,.,·ord spread that even \\lilliam Seid - man. the hi ghest \\'hite !louse aide scheduled to meet the governors. \.\'as going to back out on his seheduled ap- pearance. \Vith tempers rising among the go,·· ernors, \Vhite llousc aide James Falk, Mr. Ford's chiCf liaison with the gov· ernors. rushed to a pay phone her(• with an SOS to the Wh ite llousc. That firmed up Seidman's appearance and also brought Falk·s boss. Domeslll' Cou ncil chief Ken ~. lo the session. · To the Editor : I have rccCi \'~d some literature from The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear ;\rm!i Their Jetter urges me to \\ r1t\' n1~ local ne\\'Spa per "lo protest thl· anti-gun distortions of the nC\\'S media." Contrary to their \\'\Sh , r anl .,.,·ritin~ you to support federal effort to get rid of handj,luns except for the• possible nt'cds or persons \\ hn ma,v live 10 are as remote fr om l;,i11 enforcement agencies. ( MAILBOX ) Letters fro1n rcarlcr~ an· u·elco1nl'. 1\nr ruu//11, 11 ri11•r.~ .~/1011/d eo11vey l'1l'1r n1e~ sor;cs 111 300 worrls nr /11.~~. Thi• right ro con- dense letters lo /11sp11c·t·11r el111Huate libel r.~ reserz;l.'d. All /pt/er.~ ,nust 1nclt1de s1g· nature and 1na1/lnq tuldre.t.~ but na rnl's nia11 be u;1tl1/tl•ld (Jrl Tt'(/Ut'SI I/ ,QU.ftlC/1'111 rrl1.~11n /\ appa1cnl. l'vc1n1 tl;i/I 11or ti~ p11/Jl1::;ilt•d ~ person. the real threat of rejection is e\'er present. This tends to n1ake us silent sie\'es. dumb and dormant. The course offered at OCC on per90nal and human av.·arcn('SS .,.,·as for me an ex perience of s ome magnitude>. ll \\as a hea\'y class and so e . ..:plainl'Q at the beginning of the semester. r\s the class pro.c:resscd. I become n1orc circumspect in my nutlook a nd ac t io n s as n1y shortcomings became more Ob\'ious. Tax Relief Just an Illusion THE EASE .,.,,ith \.\'h1ch pc.'nple m;1:- :icq uire hnndguns contributes to lht·1r unlawful use. Domestic ;irgumcnts rnany tinlt'S are .. Sl'tt letl" \.\'ilh a handgun 1n ;,i f:1 n1ity's possc~slon I beliC\'<' th :1t the· "ri~ht lo bt•ar ;1r1n~·· ma~· h ~1Vl" been 1n1r>ortant 1n !he l'ar!v rl:1 \'s nf thc ~ro\\lh of lh1 :-. 11;1l1on, but nfit todri v. Tht' lives of tn11 n1an~· people-a rc c.nd;ln,:!l'rC'd. :\lnrc stricl 1:1.,.,· cnforCl'rlll'll\ \loulrl nnt h;J\'l' pre\ l'll1C'd lht• kill in.I!. 11f U<ibhy Kenn edr. :0.l :tr\ul Luth1·r King,. nor the :11t cm pt on <:t•or~c \\';11l<1t'E''s liff'. ;dthough h ,1nd ~11ns ulont' l\'t'rC' not us1•d 1n ;II \ <·ao;:t•s . int lud1nA Hu• k'illin,e of P residc111\ Kt•nncd,\ hls ticket. The result \\'as that I re· fused to pay the extra dollar e\'en thou~h I could ha\'t' afforded it. I simply relt that it v. as not just for us to have lo pay it. TlllS \\'AS fol101\C'<I h.1 a true re1•ling o f IO\'C for ~1)ml' of n1y class n1at e~ 11 hi ch :it bt•st is d1f r1c ult lo cx press. There ll )SO OCl'Urrcd feclin~s of resentment. anl,!er. frustration and jealousy. \\'hen an instru{'tor \1•ilh 15 yc<J rS leaching expcri('nt'(' attempts to con\·ev methods or commonication in Lhis Srnsili\'e ;1rea, thrrc v.·111 be criticism . If <A C hop(' to progrcss bevond the conversational lt•vel of "l-io.,.,· arc You ~ .. , "\am fine. 'then \:'lasses such as this mu!il con! 1nut~ By now it must be crystal ch~ar to !hose who must race up to property tax payments. that the relier pro- mised again and again by the Legislature is but a n illusion . Despite the increased aid given to local governments. and the schools, by the slate and federal governments. despite the freeze on tax rates im- posed on local governments at I.he in- sistence or Governor Reagan, the lax bills are higher than ever. This erosion of homeowner oror>er· ly t:tx r elief, in· tended by the stale subsidized exemp- tiOns and the gov· e rnor 's freeze, .comes about simp· ly by increasln·g the :1~sessed valuations . It is a subversiofl of the intent of the state and federa l gbv· ernmenl!-1 t o bring reli e f to homeownt'rs. Jo~or Calitorrllans this is the second time that the exemption approach to relief for homeowners .has been completely eroded in short or<lcr by l~al governments. The first or $750 was wiped out within t .... ·o yl!ars. The governor th~ SOURht an increa~e to $1750 and attempted to prevcn{ the erodinR of this by a freeze on tax rates. · -FOR EVEN the hardest head5 in the'Leg'\ilalurc it should now be stark- [ EARL WATERS ) ly obvious that there can be no homeowner relier wilhoul a freeze on both tax rates and assessed \'alues. f'or the state to continue to pour £unds into local governments as a means to relieving local property laxes. without first s hutting the door linht on both rates and values, accomplishes nothing excepting to encourage more spending on the part or local officials. And. encouragement is lhc lasl thing they need. The appetite for spending exhibited by local govern- ments. especially the :;chools is in- satiable. In their zeal to tax and spend, spend and tax, and tax <ind spend. one is re- minded or the lemmings. These small rodents, n:itive to the Arctic, are possessed 0£ a congenital desi re for self destruction. They, too. have an In - satiable appetite. They increase enormously in numbers. exhausting their rood supplies. They move steadi- ly across the countryside, regardless of all obst acles. committing devasta· tion in their line of march. Always ad· \·ancing in the same general direction they ultimately reach the sea where the)' plunee in and dro\\11. ONE CANNOT chanJte nature but tax'!lion is a political ~in~. not a creature of nature. ltcan be changed The hi gh property taxes eannol bt• <'Xcu sed by slating the assessor must increase the valualions beca us e or state law. That would not matter iL on the rise or valuations. the tax rate .,.,·enl dov.'n accordingly. But 1tdoesn'1 go dov.·n. despite the millions in addi· tional revenues from state and federal sources. l.ocal offi cials just don't seem to know hov.' to !ilop spendin~ Tllf. F 1\l.LACl' or the prrsent s vstem or home taxation is adjus t1nl! tO current market values even thoui;!h there Is no int ent to sell. One buys a home at $10,000. s pe nds his life paying ror II, on ly to find' he is no"' li,•ing in a home valued at $40 ,000 .,.,.hich is beyond his means because or taxes. It's still tht same home and it isn't. ap- propriate to be taxed out of it on 5uch a basis. , Assemblyman C.en c Chappie. a farmer. is one <A'ho has recognized th!! injustice. He 1s proposing legislatton •hich would freeze assessed home \•alues. While the details or his pro· posal ha\'en'l been perfected, the ain1 Is to treat hom<'S for v.•hat they arc, just hom<'s and not speculative land purchases. rropcrty l:lXCS would re· main constant unti l such time as a home is sold . tr, at that time a profit has been realized on the sale. lnxcs .... ·ould then be assessC'd on the i;ale l'r\U'l'EH .\l t llO~AL I> ... ,.;,, ... ,, ·r o thl' Editor I .,.,·ould like to relate a m111or inci- dent that happened to me and my 13-ycat·olcl son v.•hen .,.,.c .,.,·ent lo a basketball game at Atarina 1-ligh Srhool in 11.untington neach. The in - cident n1adc me un~ry. and In spill' of the fact that I know better. I felt anger toward all sc hool a d· mi nistr:t\Ot!I, even those who had nothing to do with what happened. MY SON v.·as rcfusC'd ~dmittance to the game for the !itUd('nt pr1cC! b<'rausc we could not provr that he v.·as m:-· son. We had nol bcC'n asked tor idenllf1t'::ition al a ~ame earlier in the v.'eek. I don 't norn1 a1ly earry his birth ce rtificnt e "'1th mt. The a\•eratit' 13 year.old docs not ha\'C :i dr1\er's license or draft card ltc has a sol'ial ~et'urity C'ard but doesn'1 c:arry ii lie didn't evt>n have a wallet wilh him because I was goinR to bu.y The reason that l am rclatin~ lhis i~ that I think it is the exact opposite or .,.,·hat I have noticed is happening in. n1an~· places. People are begin· ning to he nicer to one :1nothl'T I at· tribute this to the tleprCS!oiOn and the fart that people :ire fearing for their Jobs. They probt1bl.v 1>erccive that a lot of people arC' in trouble und there 1s no nt·cd to add to their problems \\•ithout reason . \.\'hat hurts me person;il\~ is th:it I .,.,·;11 nC\'Cr a.1?ain feel so kindly 10-A'a rd th~· fin l' l\!arina l h~h ~chool. and <1 \1 lx'<'ause snmr 1•mployc \l'<iS onl~ doing his dut,\' as It \\'as !if'I fnrth fn r hin1. K E"NETll L. PERRY ·'!I'' of llo•lllll!f 1'othl' Editor As a ~ra duat t• or Orang,• Coast \nll cge an(! forn1 rr ~tudent of Lt•f' Hradl~~··s P sychol oR." 110 rla~s."I f1nd n1ysclf rcpl~·in~ In un orl1Cll' 111 1h 1.1 Dt1il)' Pilot or rJ f'c !> 11" 1\1\' 1\G l~ of host1!11y pcrpetralt•tl hy the hq~h eost of su~ar, oil nlus1n1:: about \\'a l erJ,:alt' Hntl rt•.1d1n i;! nr.,.,·!5 paprrs, any constr11cll\'C' rla:-\ 111 human comm unl ca l1 on un J onr·tO one basil! or Rrou1> lf.'\ t'I 1s bcnrfici:11. To touch nr not to tourh. C:al'h man's separate choirr !low' I\ <A Ord. pantominc or a liRhl hand In any iHtcmpt at cncountcrulR ::inolhf'r Fr om an o!rlt·r ;ind n1ore ex pC'r ience<l studt'lll l'lll'CK Fl !::LD ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Rn/1frl \' \\'rrd. Publt.oil}t•r Tl11011as f\t•r111/. f;rl1tdr Borhora 1'ire1br<'li . F:dlt1lrltJI f'09f f;rl1lor ih•· l'i11tun td raii:t• nf th<· Oa1l~' P1!(1I ~f't•ks tn 111form ••nd ~tlmulall· rL•:ldrr" b,1 pr\·~t·nhn!l on thl' pai;1· d11•·r~ .. l'nn1mc•nt:1r1 on toplr ... of 1n 1ert•,! h1:-1 n rl11·:H~·d1·otumn1sts .ind 1 .1rlr"1ni~l; 1>1 \)fU\1c11n.: a forum 1 .. r r•»•lh'! ~ 111•11 ~ and 1>.1 prt'~\'nt1n~ 1111~ nf'\1,.p.qli'r :. 01nn1ons, .1ni1 idea~ un 1·u11{•n1 h\pH'<; Tht' t•d11(1nul 11p1n 1un~ f•f th•' 0J1h P1lu! apf'll.'<'' on!~ in th!' t'J11una.l l'Oh1n1n :11 !h1• h•I-' or tht• p.i~t' Op1n1on::i. t'"Prt·1-~t'IJ I\\ th!' c!llumn1•l'i Anrl f':1r1non.,.l!oo llnd lt>tt<"r 11n1rr:s ;ire th('1r n11n and nn • .,m.,r:.f'nf<'nt nr 1h('1r \'l\!'4• by the Dail) Pilot :s;hould ~ 1nfC'rl"l'd f'ridny, DecembC-r 13.19i.t . ' DAIL v Ptl;OT AG Man Rohs No Body Foanad Slay ings Unrelated 3Charge . - Navy Base Exchange Wife Murdered; Man Convicted LOS ANGELES IAP) -Police investigators reported 1'hursday that viewing a n episode o( In Grisly "'253 SwissArmy knife ' • Slaying l\TOU:-\1'AI'.'\ \'IE\\' 1,\PJ -A lone gunrn~n robbct.I a l'\avy t:xchani;c L'mployc :•l the '.'\toftctt f>'il·ld '.'\11\1<1l Au· ~ Station uncl (';;Caped \\'ith some S15.000 111 C":1sh an1I checks, ;,1 l\:1\y :.pokt·:.n1;1n ~ S<11d. : •l The Ex c han~c \\'nrkcr •'':· ha~ collected the 1..li1y ·:s re· , !t; ce1pls from outlyini: l'\· ·~:.: changes on the ba:'>e 'l'hurs-~r·r.i • ( ) gjb Sta te Do11111 .. Pa!J d~,-,,-.-,.-.-n-in-.-,-.,d-"-.,-,-,-bo~ut \I 11111t•r1· ~· (' o u n l .v lo deposit the mont·y :it the Shl·r1ff .J 11ck f>:1\'t•n1x1rt night w1ndoY.' of lhl:' 1n:i1n \I ill "l'L·tirc ~' f)t•(' 3f) exchani::e hu1ldin i:: "'hen he For ..,1, 11;1\'S hcforc ""'as :1ct·ostcd by a m;.in bl•in !.! "'\ur·n in for ne\v wearing ;,i tan Ja('ket .ind four·\e;ir tt·rn1 . ~o he brandis tnng a larJ:t:·tailhcr c ~in 'eollect S2 .40fl ;1 pi s tol , :.;.iid .J ohn d Shackleton. '.'\a\·y inform-.. Ill on th s ;1 I ;1 r Y ~t n tionofficcr.'' S i .Sll(J a n1onth p~·ns 1nn Th•e gunm :in took lJ under the .s t~1tC''s money bugs frtim lhc n1;.in i'llhlic l::mploy l' Rctir~­ ;,ind fl ed on fuot through rnL·nt S.\ ... 1en1 very dense fog, Sh-.cklt·ton -----------said. ~1ERCEI) (1\P) -A Con· tra Co.Sia County gardener COO\'il'ICd 'fhursday or murdC'r1ng his estranged \\•1fc \.\.'hose body nc\·er was found ad milted hou r s earlier th :lt she is dead, the prosl'CUlor sriill. 1'1mothy Bennett, 26, of Concord was convicted of f1r st·dcgrt•c murder in one of the state's fc"' such guilty \'Crdicts on record "'here a body never \\'as located, ~tary .Jo Bcnnt•tt. 23, dis· appcarl·d Yl'ilhout :i tr:1cc after lea\ ing \\'Ork at the Pacific 1'l•l('phunc Co. ht>rc On Oct It!. l!fi2 B E~:'\t-:T1' :\I ET 11·ith her niother, Ida '.\1riy l\empcl \rt·dnesday ni~hl after the Jury deliberations began, Ocp. !)i s l . ,\tty. Robert Quall told ncy.·smcn after the verdict. Qual l quoted Bennett· us telling hi s mother·in-la\1•: "If it's any consolation lo \OU, !\lary Jo died a sudden f111e 'llc~11llh!1· SAN JOSE lCPll .\Ir~ Cha rlotte Langl' held ht·r fragile daughter Jolene, thl' healthiest of her three SUr · viving sextuplets. in ht·r arms for the first time School Restructure 'fhursday. J olene is doini:: \\'l'il al Valley hl cdical Center \\'ithout respiratory support V.'hile her two s ur\•iving brothers, Brian anti J ason. are in serious condiUon wilh continuing deterioration of their respirutory system. S1d1 Df'rlhu•d SACRA'.\TE:\'TO !GPl l - Attorney Gl·ncral Evcllc J . You nger has declined to file s uit a gainst former As · sembly Speaker Bob fl.'lorel· ti accusing him of violating campaign di sclosure laws. Pc>ople 's L obby, a political activist group. charged last month th:1t '.\loretli fail ed to pr"'QCrly report campaign contfThu· lions and expenditures dur· ing his unsuccessful bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. 1'he group asked 'Younger to file suit to force rompliance y.·ith the disclosurl' la\\'. ''ounger Thursday said an investigation by his office into thl' charges found "no y.·illful. kno"·ing. or grossly negligent ,·1nlallons" of the liiw to \\'arr~1nt a suit. 11 .. 1 C'f111llf't1ged S,\CR,\,\1E:\'TO !CP!l - Californ1a b:inkcrs an<I a ll'gislator have gone to {'OUrt in an ;it\l'mpt t.n block 1n1plcn1ent:1t ion of a loll b\'isl·control prnvisi1Jn of ttit• ne"·ly en•1tlcd Slate Political Heform:\ct. They in!i isl that the l;i1v could require public dis· closure uf the must minute f1nanc1al transactto'h llf a ~late t•mplo)e, official. or legis lator and t•\·t•n n1 cm· bcrs of lhl•ir families The California Hankers ,\ssociat1011 asked !'iu1n•rior Cour1 'fhursday to l'Llh<1r dccl:lrl' the l'haltC'ngl'd see· t1un illegal or delay 1ls inl· _ pll'mcntallon. . Ordered by Court S1\CRA)-1ENTO (UPI ) - The State Bo;.in.J of Educ;.i - tion turned to financing again today in an attempt to deal y.•ith a court-ordered restructuring ""'hich could cost bill ions of dollars. selection of millions of dollars worth of tl'xtbooks for California schools. Board members con- sidered a Sl.4 billion pro· posa l to cquulizc the amount of money public school students receive in poor ;.ind rich di stricts. The state's current school financin.e svstem was ruled unconstitutional by a Los ;\ngeles Superior Court because of the educational tax rate di:sparities thal re- sult. \\'ith inflation taken into consideration it could cost an additional S2 billion to bring the system in com· pliance \\'ith the court order by the 1980 deadline. The FOR EHERGY·SAVIHG FASHIOll CONSCIOUS SWEATERS THINK JEOJo tnM WISTCUff PLAZA ,,. ....................... financing system relics f------------"°' hea"ilY on property taxes. Thurs day, the board adopted a tough conflict·of- i ntcrest rule CO\'i!r1 ng persons invo lved in the COLLECTOR'S Art Plied By Inmate for the budget-minded 9lfter SELSIS' POCKET MAGNIFIER ' n. coAlclor"• t .. orihfriftd 20•lOpow"' S:\'.\' QUE~TI~ tUPl l - inmates at San Quentin $J9S ..... St ale Prison ha\·e been \\'arncd there is a coun-n· 1-.il °""" edd tu tcrfeiter among them. 0 ,... SO''-clilMJI Tickets for photographic IYO:'t'THIMG FOi service in the visiting room. r-STAM'5 .AND so ld for two packs. of ;;; COIHCOWCTOIS cij!.arettes. are rake, prison n · SO. COAST off1c1als saul -4 'fhe \\·arn1ng. pubiLshed inl 0 VILLAGE tht• S,1n Quentin Kl'\\ili, ad1 ::ID SANTA AMA vised inmates "aga1ns1 · -556~6840 purchas ing picture ticket. " for t'•)lareltes until the P.~c l"!-CORNER--' sent problem LS resol\·cd '--. . . . :• : n 0 :1111 z m :1111 ' .. FRE~H eur eHRl~TMA~ TREE~ WILL ARRIVE AT LLOYDS WEEKLY .. .. ~~~-..,'"t<lll'W•l~AUjll<tllf,;..llNI • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. DECEMBER 211d THAU DECEMBER 2111 .. "HOLD BACK IMFLA TIOM"' -Use Money Savi119 Coupons .. .. -FRESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE ! Dou1lll Fif • Scotch Pine G11tEPr1 cvr 011 llVE CHRISTMAS TAEES Pl1ntltioft ShN11d Do111la Fir """"'~"'' -·"'-'"''",_ Noble Fir • WhiU f ir YOIO "rT[A ·~ 18 I• Ca-" .. 6C..·~ SiNlf Till' ---.. .. CUSTOM FLOCKING I ! CUSTOM 'LCX:IC(D CHAISfMAS TAEl FIRE PROOFING ! ~ 15, au ................ .,.,_ .. \IOID AFTER 1 ~HI/I• I c,.,~-~~· .... • 2 LOTS ~ l'OTTEO COlOR l'LANTS s..,. '5"' "'' TO SERVE _..i,., ........ _ M~"" -"'"-"'' -Aioi .. YOU VQOO 41T(A l1/1lf1' c...~-1> .... .. ~ All '1.ANT MATflllAl lft Mdt. "Lin ClrlristNI Tr•" in stock , .... -1.,i.-1 .... .. Slw Mii "" -·""---VOID "'fllll 11ilD>14 ........ " .. t ii I ' I I \II > , .. • ... y ,, .,_,,,, __ "' X ~~~y\" ,.tJ•U II" ........... •o· , x a r1 \' r ' lll'lll~ • .. " • ' : :• : . • .. • .. Police Story" has not SACRAME.i."ITO CAP) - an.d.J>alnless death." pi·o,•1dcd any clu~ to Three men ar(' charged in the murders of .three connection "'ith what of· BENNETT ALSO tried to Skid Row derelicts. ricers call one of Sacra men· commit su icide t\Vice by ' 1'he inves tigators to County 's most Grisly h. "'ulched a rerun of the I · · t 1·s hanging and slashing 1s s ay1ngs 1n recen yea ... \\'rists \\lednesday ni ght, No\'. 26 episode of the Chief Deputy Sheriff Quall said. NBC t elovision shO\\', l-lerbert Anderson said J~e also admitted to Quall \\'hich involved the slay· 'l'hursday. "This is the most picking up a \\'Oman ;1cross ingofrivcderelicts. heinous c rime in \vhich I from the telephone. com-LL Chn rles Kilgo, "'ho have been invol\'ed in the pany ;,ind dri,•ing south to heads the in\'esligation, sheriff's departn1ent:" snid the only rela -:1 n overpas s near Tll E V I C Tl1'1 '''as Cho\\'Chilla, Quall added. tionship between the TV redheaded ~·I ark V. Hailer, ·d h h h show and the slayings is Bennett sa1 t at''' en e .'5, who "'as last seen Nov . ' d If h that all the viclims "·ere returricd to 1•lerce , ·· c .'5. 1973. ilis headless body 11 d h h h derelicts. had ki e er. t e person e \\'as founit floating in lhe httd been \\'tl-h "'as not with L----------' Sacramento Ri\'cr in l\·tay. him as far as being alive," 197,l, afler upparcntly being Quall said 3 C • l ' stuffed into a \\·eighted These revelations \\'£>re ODVIC S garbage can. !Lis head is kept from the jury "'hLch believed to have been de· deliberated less than l\\'O E T livered to someone in dav s. Sentencing i s SC8pe r y Oakland as proof he had 5chedulcdJan.2 been slain on a "contr::ict," D • d officers snid. JSCOVere Anderson said Victor Georgf' Pryor. 2-1, of 3115 ~ The one and. only .Every man loves this most popularJ>O!:krl com pa n ion. Scissors, nail file, sharp blade, tweuers, ivory toothpick. ' ' T ll E PROSF.CU TION presentl'd circumstantial C>vidcnce placing Bennett in the' area near the time of his \\'ifc 's disap1X'<1l';1nl'C. Den- nett said he had a memory la11sc for l\\'O hours during lhul period. '"hich \\•as ~hortl y <-1fler he h<-1d been in - \Ol\'eli in a n11nor trafric ac· r1th:nt. ~ . Crand;11! \Vay, \\'.~Is arrested F O~SOl\1 (UPI) -Three last \\'eek and charged \\'ilh co n.v1c t ~ f rom Southern being an accessol'y to the Cal.1forn1a attempted to cut disposal of Huiter's body. ~he ir \\'ay o~t of the. max · Thursdav. officers Sl'r\'ed ";::;::;:;;:;;:;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::; '!Tlu~ secu:1ty ...,scct10~. o~ murder \\'~r rants on Daniel I Folsom Prison by. using Carl Fisk. 31. alsokno\\.·n as h.a~ksa\V blades~ prison of. Blosser. \\ho is nu\\' in f1c 1 alsrepo rt~d1hursday. f'olsoin Pri:son on a Jalt!r What's a Pooka? Ask Andy Andy is a Pooka (an elf who answers ·rhe defense :1 rgued l\\'O hours \\·as insufficient time !'or Bennett to have abduct· l'tl. murdered and buried his y.•ife, then plant notes the prosecution claimed he forced her to write. Th~ three 1nr.lude. a man voluntal'y mans laughter conv!ctcd of.murd?r1ng four con,•iction. anll Jlai·ry Otto c.al1for~1a h1 g hw.ay Daigh, 35. also kno"'." ~s palrolmc n and~nother~en· ''fat Ja ck.'' \\'ho is 1n tenced for stcahng gun~ 1n a Cierra Conservation Center 1971 plot to free convicted on conviction of illegal mass·murdcrer Charles possession of firearms by questions). He does his elfing in a ' column every Saturday on the family page of the Dally Pilot. ~l anson . an excon_yict.~~----J---------------------- ' -~t:J-¥0\"i ' .; ' .,> "'"'' ! • "i ;\-.-; • ~Hov: come my · eledrlc bill ls so high? And wfive been using less." \Ve kno\v your electric bill is higher. A lot higher-even though you're am· servi ng electricity. Why? Primarily because of the increased Cost of oil. It's our job to provide the electricity you, your family and your job reqlrire. And we must do so in a m:mner that meets aJI air pollution oontrol regulations. This means burning foreign, low· Sulfur oil in Edison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments, and it more than tripled in the last 18 months. It rould go even higher. filoo:)i!lli!ilfY, lJ!12..!bt inami._ng !:!!Sis of oil and the additional amounts~y.mm~ . ~t.JlO'll of Ille iml:ilscin YJllll: .electric bills. So we won't always be so dependent on foreign oil, \\'e're spending millions of dollars building roal and nuclear plants. \Ve are aJso researching new ways to generate electricity-without foreign oil. Geothennal power. Solar power. Fuel cells. Fast breeder reactors. Nuclear fusion. Research is costly, but it will also help to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment are expensive, too, and in 1974 will acmunt for about 203 of our capital expendilttres. In the past six years, $325 million "-'ere required lo be spent for such projects. It look$ like we will have to spend another $450 million for envin>nmenW purposes within the next four.year period. • On top of all !his, inflation is eating into our budget-as it is yours. The a:>st of oonstructing new plants is IO times higher than it was a (ew Years ago, and borrow· ing costs have more than doubled. Your electric bill will reflect lhesc rising <XlSlS. What can you do to hold down your bill? Budget your use of electricity wisely. For ways 10 do this, send for our free bookleL Write: "Conservation;· Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, ~E CA 91770. ::I._ Southern California Edison Make every kilowatt CXlllnL An Ea~I 0Dl)O(tun!ly Etnoloyer • 7 I I I ' I ' I I ( • • .O.range Coast ' Today's Final N. Y. Stocks VO!-;. 67, NO. 347, 4 SECTl<?NS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1974 · N /C TEN CENTS Nude Cleared •• Beaches Now Open? Orange County's nude beachgoers may have been give n a green light lo put it together in the altogether. Heachgoers ~'ho round going rough in the burr in recent months were vindicated late Thursday when South Orange County municipal court Judge John A. Griffin found Charles An· derson of Costa Mesa not guilty or multiple charges filed when he sun · bathed in the nude at South L3guna·s 9th Street Beach. Anderson, Z7, was found not guilty on char~es or lewd conduct and dis- turbing the peace after defense <tl· torney Bill Sheffield successfully argued that his client had disturbed no one a nd no sextial intent when he exposed his entire body to the sun. Anderson is one more than 100 nude beachgoers v.•ho have been arrested by sheriff's officers in recent months on s.ucQ churges. ~hs acquittal, Sheffield said today, may el£ectivcly bar the !theriff from any further arres1s of that type. Judge Gr1Ffirf'~ ruling may ulso mean the end of tht' enunty ordinunrr \vhich Andl'r;:,un v.as said to ha\'C \'iolated. Sheffield sa1J Propert y ov.•nt'r \\'illard Cu111 had earlier argued for the pro~ecution that nude bcachgoing near his cliff top home un South Coast llighway had l't•- • ssessor en1es Newport Explosion Guts Boat By ALJ\-10NLOCKABEY ....i,..f:fiWr A boat explosion rocked the Lido North apartment complex on Lido Peninsul a with the force of a sonic boom Thursday night. The concussion and fire caused damage to boats in ad- jacent slips. Gutted by th<' explosion and fire was a 35-foot cabin cruiser belonging to David Hreha. 19162 Constellation Lane. lluntington Beach. The boat had been berthed at the marina, 633 Lido Park Drive, with a "for sale" sign on it. Cause of the explosion was not im- mediately known , according to James Upton, ins pector for the Newport Beach Fire Department. OccupanlS or boats in nearby slips v.•ere shaken up by the (orce of the ex- plosion, but no one was injured. Severely damaged by concussion and heat wa$ th'163·foot Glissando, ca converted mllltary Ves5el owned by ?i.1ark Armistad which was in the ad· (See BLAST, Page AZ ) • He Fenretli Not James A. Stanley peers at himself in broken mil't·or. Legend has it that broken n1irrors and days like toda y -f~riday the thirteenth ....., O.il' Polo\ Pnoto "'Lee P••M should be shunned because of the bad luc:k they bring. But Stanley welcomes anything tu lo \Yi th ·thirteen. To find out wh y. see page 3. ached the point that hl' could no lonj::c r invite his grandchildren to the hoUSt' Cain 1h by far thl· rnos\ constar11 caller to the shcr1ff's offic·l' in 1111 such instances of nudity on the be ach Sheffield succt•ssfull r argued thJt the orllin.ince under v.·h1ch Ander~on also was prosecuted pcrt<.iined mort' ar Indicted Aides Not Suspended BvTOi\1 B.<\RLEY 'Ot""' O.il' Pi IOI Slfll Orange County ,\sscssor Jack Vallerga today announced that he has no intention or suspL·nding or taking any t ype of disciplinary act.ion against seven employes al'cused in a Grand Jury indictment. V:tllerga emerged fron1 a 2.J·hour ~eel us ion to condcnin any sueh ac1 ion ·as "quite inappropri;,ite <l l this time ··As of no\v thl'Y have sunply been <.·barged," Vallerg:a said. "I un - derstand lh:lt the Grand Jury in· \'estig::ition is continuing and I see no reason to interfere "'ilh their duties at this early stage. "I have every confidence in the system ," Vallerga said. "And I have every confidence that these charges are goin g to be thrown out at a latl.'r stage of the gam<'.'' All seven employes and two former assessor's ;.iides who are now retired \viii be arraigned later today in Superior Court on charges of grand theft. s ybmitting false claims and violating government codes . 10 nuth· .111d ~t•m1-11udc t'nt('rtainment than nak1·d htuillathini;: on the beach ' 1 J11ok on thi s -a:S a tL·st l'ilSt>." thl' dl•ft·n~1· <lltonu•y soli d ··,\nd I ver;. 111ut·h rt'J.:l'l'I that man~ of tht· peoplt• \\ho h..1\t' bv{'n !'illndarly arrested on lhl'~e ch.1rgl'!'i dt·c1dt•d to plead guilt~ r.1\h(•f 1han takt• the issue tu triul ;i:; i\l r :\ndcrson dtd ·· es Diii' Pilot 51111 Pllll• VINDICATION SEEN Assessor Vallerga Costa lt1Iesa Hits Delays • I DOW OFF AGA I N: TRADE SLUGG ISH Irvine Ca~ Gets Input N arco Raids F 22 0 · · Sweep Mesa; The~?.~pany s effort> .~ganizations 32 Arrested It. is alleged that the nine drew coun- t.v money in 1970 for time aclua\J.\' spent in v.•orking for what e\'entually \\'as the election of then county a~­ ·sessor Andre\V J . Hinsha\v to the 40th District Co ngressional seal. In Park Buys NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market turned downward today in a slow and uninspired session on Wall <Tables. pageA15/. The Dow Jones avera,i::e or 30 in- dustrials lost 3.60 points to 592.77, and losers outpaced gainers by about 9 to 5 on the New York Stock Exchange .• An alyst s ascribed the market's v.•eakness and sluggishness to the generall y dim economic outlook. LA File Branded LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The "Alpha File" -a secret report kept by police on "hoodlum "type" juveniles in south Los Angeles -was br%.nded Thursday by the American Civil L iberties Union as a ;'clear racist intent to intimidate the black comm unity." The ACLU filed a class aclion suit demandini that the Los An geles Police Department destrov the ril e. · I • C.:0;1st \t1t•;1•l1t•r l\lostly sunny Saturday wilh local gust y \vinds at times. Highs of 70 at the beaches re· aching 76 inland, according to the v.·e ather service. Lows tonight 42 to 50. I NSIDE TOD/\ Y T/1e fantasy ·toorld of Disneyland co1nbi11e1 wilh llie Yu/e lide season lo produce the traditional "Fantasy on Parode" al the Anaheim ~nd of tnal\·i' believe. /l's all in piclurts Otl llw \\leekender Couer. C·J. AIYtllt 1oor,rc1 AJ ....... .. l.M. .. rf •• C..~ Al CllumN Dl·U c-lc1 Cl ~,....,. C7· DtdlM .. l(K Alt lfl""-•'• ... f""""._•I CM ,,\Mlk. ..., .. 1' ....-..C.• II AlllllL....,. 11 • -Ill ,, .• Mo•l•lll"-1 AH N11i...1N .. 1 At Or .... C-ty ... , .. 11 1'M11i1 11·S s.-ta. • ... ·5'Kk~tllttl AU Ttltwl"'°' Ct "'"4tn CH .,......, At ...... """' .... WHki ... I (1 .. ) please everybody with its plans for development of 10.000 acres bet\11een Corona de! l\lar and Laguna Beach are destined to be unsuccessful, com- pany pla nner Larry Moore told a luncheon gathering Thursday. But when the company responds lo 22 groups who have taken part in plan- ning the C'ompany's coastal sector, most or 'ITearly 300 concerns "'ill be satisfied, he said. Speaking to nearly 150 members of the Orange County Coast Association at the Bahia Corinthian )'achtClub in Newport Beach Moore and Irvine Com pany President Raymond \Vatson detailed the hi story of The Irvine Company !\1ulli -1\gency Plan- ning Program (T!Cl\·IAP). Composed of 22 public and private groups, the planning body is an Irvine Company e ffoit to head off possible confrontations on its plans for the 10,000 acres which may come up dur- ing heari ngs before the coastal com - ntission or the Orange County Plan· ning Commission. "There is no ideal solution. That plan can't be .drawn," said l\1oore. "No matter v.•hat we come up with. "there is going to be some groUJ) or agency out there that disagrees with U5 ." Company plans for the area include a 1.345-acre state park, homes for about 50.000 residents and t\vo major resort areas. The parkland sale, which \\'as tQ be completed !cater this month. has been blocked by a prelimin ary injunction obtained by Joan Irvine Smith. \\•ho controls 22 percent of the company's stock. She cont ended that the $7 .6 million price on the 3.5 miles or beach and bluff and t .100 acres in l\t oro Canyon intended for the park was too lo"'· In addition to the parkland. 1\loori:- said, other land in the area design:it<'d as open space is still in question. So rar. no agency has offered to buy it, he said, and none has offered to maintain it even if the landwps a gift. Regarding the planned open spacl'. Moore said , "The Irvine Company can do oth('r things "'Ith these ca- nyons and will insist on being able to do things \Vllh these canyons unless some \\'orkable solution Is arrived al." The coastal .commission or cou nty planner!! C'annot simply confisc::ite the land or deny the company the right to use it, be rsaid. Other problems 1n planning th e area. l\loore said. include transport:i· lion . Pa rlfi(' ('oa:;t 1-li ghway is already ovcrloa<ltd. he !laid. and I~ cities of Nt\l.'l)Ort Uc\jch and l.Bguna 0.01, PH•• Slill P~ll• 'CAN 'T PLEASE EVERYBODY' Irvine Company's Moore Beach cun be expected to oppose a plan which will mean more traffit· th rough their jurisdiclions. The highway is lhe only aecess to the property ut this lim<'. Con1pany plans. however, show tv.·o roads lead - ing norlheast into Irvine and an adch - tional access which could be providt~<I if the Corona del l\lar Frce\vay \vas to be cstcnded south. More Rains Seen U~· The AS:'iOCiatcd Press The series or ra1)idl'Y moving weak storm fronts that have brought \ighl. rt1in to Northern Calltornia \\ill con- tinue throu,Rh Saturday. The N11lionil \V eathL•r Ser\'lcc said the next storm \\'1\1 prll the north coast tonight and 1>roviclL' a ·chancc of s h ov.crs south" ur d to i\lonterey a nd Sacrum(!nto through Saturday .. By ARTJIUR R. Vl:"\SEL <H 1ti1 O'ilY Piiot Jli" ,\ sv.•cep Ulrough Cot:ta :\lesa by teams of narcotics detectives Thurs- day and today has netted 32 among 42 suspected on· the-street drug dealers. manv of them students al l\l.'O high scho01 s . The age an1ong those arrested so far rangC's from 1·1 to 35. al'tording lo police anti includl'S one diminuti\•e adult. IR. \\'ho ga\·c· his occupation us race·horse JOCkL·y Arrest v.· arrant:; nan11ng most of the ;;1rrestees :ind others still on the streets \\·ere issued following a fqur· month investigation . \:ice and 1"\arcotics DPtail Detective Sgl. Geni:-"!\!other·· t\ordcn said to- day it "'a s t•oord1natecl v.·itb lhe Orange County l\arcotics Task Forl'l' and aimed al cutttn~ c:1mpus drug use. "Only a fc\v of the drug. bu~·s v.·l•rc conducted on local hi gh school cam· puses ...... he explained. Some l)U'rallels exist lo a recent n1ass Los 1\ngelcs Cou nty clru.1(- dcaling roundup in v.·hieh 226 students fron1 among 20 high school s \\'ere taken into custody. Fourteen more arrests are ex· peeled. , No officers \\'ere ae1 u!.tlly enrolled al Costa 1\·l cs~1 or F.:stanria hig'h schools to investigate the alleged drug traffickini;!, v.·hirh he said mainly in - \'Ol\·ed mariju;_1na. hHslush. cocaine and amphetamine st1n1ulant tablets. lie said son1e undercover agents were active on c~1mpus. but posed as old hangl'rs-on or dropoul students during the rour-month probe. "\Ve'\'e found lhc trend tends to be more one of selling to close friend s or persons I hey knn\v \~·c I l." said S~t. Norden. lie suggcst('d this may in - dicate a grov.•ing fc~1r of selling to police agents. due lo many arre~ts tn the past 18 months. By this m\lrn1ng the tally or thOSl' Ir\ custodr included 25 juveniles -:11 1 but five of \\'horn 1\'CI'(' booked in!o Ju\·enile II all on charges or drug sales -and se\•en adults The fi\'C juveniles released to 1heir parents were arrested incidentally to the main thrusl of lhl' drug roundup, ·according lo Sgt. Noi'den. They are charged with only possession . not :;ales. Adult arr~stoes c:iplurcd during lhi:- S\\'eep. \\'hich was :-usµcnded ut 10 p.m .. pcndln~ rcs unlpt1on today, in· tlud(' · -!\1 1\nuel BrJ\'O G~lj!ana, 35, 0£2151 (See N1\RCOTI CS, Page A?> • The Republican legislator today continued to refuse to return frequent calls m:idc to him in \\'ashington by the Daily Pilot. !linshav.··s se cretary s aid the Congressman v.'as in the !·louse voting ::ind \'iill not be available to the press until laler today. Later. llinshav.: told the Dai Iv Pilot in a telephone con\"ersation th.it he is '·making no comment at this time on the advice of my attornC'y. He said \\·oufd speak \\'ith hi s :1t torney again this afternoon tu clL·- <Sec ASSESSOH, Page ,\2) Exporters Hike Cost of Crude By ,3 Percent \'IE:\'\,\ c UPI I -The v.orld's n1.1 JOr oil exporting nallC1ns dt•(•idt'CI 111- dJy to increase the price or crud(• oil h.v 31 ct•nt s a b.::irrcl --3 pcrct'nl -011 .Jun. I . Iran's Interior ~lini stcr Jo1mshouzegar s<.1id. •'The !'Jelling pri<'C' of oi l \~·111 b<• SIO . .J(i a hal'/'CI effl'Ctl\'C Jan. 1," r\mouzeg-ar. said at'ti:-r ;i t\\o-d 11 y n1eetin g of the l>ri.;:1nizut1un uf l'ctrolt>um Exporting Cotn1tri1·" !OPEC~. . The ne1\ price v.·ill IX' frozen fol' l ht~ f1 r~t nine months of 1975. hC'said The prrscnt ;1\·era~c srllln1: pr1ccol crude oil lh SI0.\5 a 42 ·,C:allon h:irrt·I. oil induslry officials s aid It \vas not 1mmt>dia1elv rh•.ir \\ht•thcr lh1s "·ould nica n an inrrea~c ByALANDIRKIN . CM tlw 0.lly Pii.t 511lt F'tftccn months after Costa ~l esa voters approved a $3 .9 million park bond issue for acquisition and d._.. \'e\opment of 70 acres of parks. the ci - ty has purchased 42 acres . It appe.irs that the city Will fall ahout 10 acres short of the announced goal or 70 acres v.:hcn all purchases arr complctl'. Director or Leisure Services Keith \";::i n J-lolt toda~· agreed that the city is behind schedule in acquisition and that the cit~· 11·ill be able to buy fe\ver ;1crcs than pl:inncd. "I didn 't ;.ippr{'ciatC' the amoun1 or nit•ctings ;.ind arguing over prices that \\ ould he in\'olvecl . ·• \1 an l~olt said. .-\II of the park sit<'s acquired so far \\ere school silt's. \\h1ch the cit\" lJuught froni lhc '.\E'\\'llOr!-!\l es:1 lnlfit·tl School D1str1ct . \o priv;-itt· Jl!'Ol)<'l'l .v h.is yl't bt>en purt·ha~t·d . \'an llolt rC'µorted that nC'~ot1ation~ ;trl' under\\ .1y or appraisals arc l>eing rn;ule (Ill ;inotht'/' 15 lo 20 acrt's ot pr1\·.ite !:_i nd. ·r hc ;:innount•ed largc1 lnr that t:alL·gors of acquisition \~·as 2S. .!('I'{' .... ·\\'t· \\ill ('rid up \11th fc\1er acres,'' \';1n llolt ;i C'kno\1\edgt•d. pointing out lh:.it \;ind J)riccs had risen. 11e said .... nme of lhc parcels the city had planned to hu.v \\'e re solrl c;vcn before the bond l'lt'clion \\·as passed 1n Sep. \ember. lfJi3 Joan \largo\. ont• of the citizen learlers for the bo11d •~s ue. today said thnt she cons idered the progress ··b:ircl_\ sall sfartot') " "\V (' a re :.orry 1\ has not gone faster. hut \\'t' arc not ~url' it could havi:-gone \.1 :-.ter, ., sht' udde<l. \Ir:;. 1\1arM.OI said thal she un· d('r<:.lood lhc city had sold the park hnnd:; and v.;1s collecting interc!it l S('C P.\Rl\S. Page 1\21 in the prire of gasoline because or the ,, ton1µhcatt>d oil pricing-and royalt.\ ~ystcm \\"hi ch determine oil prices. Monthly Tour Of Upper Bay Set Saturday L;Jrry Goldstein. a i\'e"' Yorf... nil eonsultan!. said the act1011 ll~ Orr:c. tnay nol he an increase 111 !ill s1nt't' SIO . .J6 1s the.· market price ~·st<1blish1·d last month by Saudi Arabia, ,\Ln1 l)hab1 and Qatal'. 'fht• action by Q.Pf~C. he, ~:1i1t. i~ "nothing more than n confirm:ition that this is the market pru·c for e\'Ct'• ybody ... Bui . he said , 011 comp:.inu•s h;HI been Pa.''111'1. an ;;iveragc of SIO 36 ,1 hnrrcl for thut oil ov.•ned by the t\rah nations :ind th:lt t)\~·ncd b\' the co111 pnoies. The ~ct price of sio .. 1r1 for all OPEC 011. Goldstein s;ud. 1n('anh ".in ~ncrc<1sc tn crnr.t.to the ron1p.1n1es of 10 rc·nts a ba rrcl." 't'hc t>llrlicr inc1·cast•s 1n)po:-ed un (~OIL, Page A'l Thl· Frtl•nlls of Upper :'\c\.\'port Rdv \1 il l ronilu1·1 tht·1r monthly gu1dl•d tou1 ul lh1 • UfliX'I' bay Saturdoy morn HI)..' 'fh1)~1' \\ho Jinn the rrcc tour \1 ill ~pvn1I ,iu h(lur :.111rl \1>;t\I\ about a mil<' ;1lfl n,.: thL' hay shorl'. slopping a1 c1i:::h1 ~lt1l1 nn" alQn~ lhL· \\a\' to hear br1l'I lt•r111r1'" 11n re.1tur1•:o; of ihe upper ha~ 1'ht' 111ur·)!, ~t•1rt111~ Jlolnt \~ at Ill•' 11or1 h\1 f'hl corn1•r of thl' 1ntcrscctl11n of ll11tk Hu\ :_i nd 1-.:astblurfdrives.Group h1ur ::-"il! l('avt frvm there at \'Ory 1n~ 1nll'1'va 1~ bet "'l'('l\0 and 11 il.m . DAJLY PtLOT N C Ftiday. o.otmt>tr 13, 1914 (#le aning Up Or;_i n g(' County h a rbo r p a trolmen ret rieve flotsam rron1 r\c\\'port 1-Iar bo r \vater s fr om deck or U.S. Army a mphibious vehicle. Harbor depa rtment borrowed the ve hicle from an Ocea nside reserve unit for bay cleanup follow- ing recent storm. A department spokesman said the major Portion of the cleanup \\'a s lo \vind up today. TONJGllT '·GOOSPELL" -Ne v.·port llarbor Hi gh Sc hool drama, Auditoriu m, Dee. 13, 14. 8 p.m . '.THA T C Ii A ~IP I 0 N S II IP SEASON " -South Coast Repertory Theater, thru Sun. 8 p.m. Also Sun . 3 p.m . SATURDAY, DECEM8 ER 14 ESTA NCIA ADOBE -State llis- loric<:1l Landmark, Ada ms and Mesa Vt!rde Drive \Vest, Sal. & Sun. 1·5 p.m . OCC LUAU -Horticulture Dept. schola rs hip fWld benefit , Horticulture Bldg. 2 p.m . Adm. $.1. ORA1'GE COAST COMM UN ITY svr.tPllONIC CHORALE. -o c c Auditorium , 8 p .m . Adults $1 .50, children $1 . SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 CHRISTMAS ORGAN RECITAL - Or. Justin Colyar, OCC Profe,SSOr of i\tusic. AudiLorium, 8 p.m. Free. Retired Judge Harold Collins Funeral Held Ci.i~holic funeral rites were held Tlf\ll'tl!ay ahd, today for relired Los Angeles Courity Superior Court Judge lfarold Jo'. Collins. a summertime Balboa Isla nd resident "'ho died Tues· day. ';\'he veteran jurist. 721 had main- ta1ped-a Jlarbor Area retrfft £or 20 years a nd bad many friends and re· Jat.ives locally, but lived ;:it 81 0 Rubio St., Altadena. Gr:Jvesid~ rllcs y,·ere held today at ltesurrection Cemetery, South San Gabriel, follov.·ing Rosary Thursday at St. Elizabeth's Church in Altadena. His legjslative and law caree r began in 1927 when he was admitted to the California Bar. but a(lcr seven yc¥rs ia a,rivate practice he became a special itssistant to the U.S. Attor ney General's office in Los Angeles. lie left a~ai n (or private practice in 1944 , and 18 years later Gov. Ed mund G. "Pat" Brov.•n appointed hi m to lhe bench where he served 10 years -be fore retiring . . Judge Collins most recently v.·as ap- pointed hearing officer for the Los Angeles County Civil Scr\'icc Com· mission by the board of supervisors <1nd held it until his death. Sur\•1vors include hi s v.·1fc Julia: ~ons Thomas, of Pasadena~ a nd Charles. 0£ 1't'mplc City; daughters Julia of Altadena and !\lrs. Clare i\l ar· qua rdt. of Sierr3 i\ladrt'. plus nine grandchildren, three brothers and 1J1 ree sisters ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT llW o.~ Coall O.•I• Po IOI, .. 1n -<ft " com. -llW N•W\·PtH • ... pUbll\heOby lht 0. ..... C-1"1 l>\bo\ltlflll C<>rnp•n• S.O.W1tttldll-M• IOUlll">IW<I """nil•>' lftto119ft Frldool•. IO< C,0,!t ~.'"'"'""'Botten, """'I""'°" ~ft/F°""" 111n Vtn•r. ll•lftt. ~•Oll•tC..<l Vt llf v .,.., u ...,.. ~.,,,~ .. , .. (l>tll .. ting!• ··~-! ~''°"' 1, puDllr.Nd S•l11rdt VI -!tun<Hro, f '-prlA(IW lllUlll•lll•"Q 11t1n1 It f! lOCI ._It 84r S"""'· tmi. IM .... (t i ll1t•1tl t '16.l'lo Robert N. Weed Prfll-AI l lw:I P!;DI- J ack R. Curl@V "''' .,.~•nt '""Gt-•! Ml.,.Ot, Tho m as K@@v11 Thomas A. Murohlne ..,.,,,Q•"Q EOol.,.. Ct\arle'> H. Loo<:. Richard P Nall .,. .. ,r.,.1 M.o<>ttr•f'4fr•t<W• Oftic@s (.O\\f M••• )JO Wt•! l'l•v ~1'f<1 -!>0'1 Gt•< n lllJ Nt\OllOrl -lf·~•d 1..tQ"nl a.ten. 1 lM ~''' Slf .. 1 1-l""''~<llfl" ~''" 11111 k•<" &t>Y•t•or<I S-lllC..<• Vtllt• l\1tl Ul Ptl -... $tft o .. .,.. f,.., ... , T•l•phone 17141642-4321 (1,11sslf it'd Advertising M2-5'71 \.l<!OlolH<\ VtlWy NO-Oll•<t Sl1 ·6310 • rOl'I< Soon C!t.,,.nlt 4tS·06lO eo.vr•Ol'll 1tlt at'"" (N •• ltulllt,,.1110 ~· ,.. .. ,,., "'""" "'"ll•thQlflt .... 111 ,..."''or ·~''"'''"''•nh '-'•'" ""'' ~ rt ... -td ••INl .. I l(loO(•tl pot .... \-ti ( ... 19ftl ........ ~tM <llU _ .... N •O ti C,0,lt """"°· (.ltlnl""' ~ .. ,.... bf ....... ll 00 INf'fftlt , ., ... , •• "'00 _, ,,.,,.,, .. ~ .n•-•""' p IO "'°"''"t• Tinti11g lss 11e Watergate Jury Zeroes on Golf \\IASHI NGTON (U PI J -The exact t ime whe n ll icha rd Kl eindiens t played golf 3nd his wife quit t'leaning her kitchen cabinets 10 have lunch on Saturd<!y, June 17, 1972, emerged as a vital issue today at the Watergate cov. er-up tria I. Such seemingly trivial events were · at the hea rtof thedefensc of kobert C. Mardia n, a sometime San Cle mente resident . as he seeks to convince the jury he had no part in trying to hush up the scandal. Five agents of then, President Nix- . on's re·election campaig n had been arrested at Democratic headquarters at 2 a .m . and the prosecution charges F'rom Page A l PARKS •.. "but that was not the purpose o(the vote. The intent was to de velop pa rks." P.frs . ~largo! said that the citizens committee v.•as aware that acquiring private property would be the hardest step. "We knew there would be a lot of dickering,'· she said. or the S3.9 million approved by \'Olers , $2.6 million was (or acquisi· lion and Sl.3 rhillion for development. Van Holt reparted that so rar, $1,470,000 had been spent on acquisi- tiOn .ind $300,000 committed for de- veloPment. 0( the delays, Van Holt said that he ~ expected to have the schoo l properties in ~larch . but did not gain them until July be.cause of the length of the nt!gotiations. Van Holl painted out lhat although these lands v.·ere already in the public domain. they would have been sold to priva te developers if the city had not acted. As ror land that is presently private, the leisure services director said that negotiations on prices a re under wa y on the three parcels, and appraisals have begun on two other sites. "On the last tv.·o sites. the ov.•ners said our appraisal was low and they art' now having their OVt'n done," Van I loll-said ... !l's a long process." Van 1-l ol !. said that in some in- sla nct'S owners h<id sold out be fore the c-ity could even begin negoliations. "'Also if a privale owner doesn't wan t to sell to the cit)' all "'f' can do is con- demn lhc propt'rl)'. but "'C havt' been trying to a\"oitl that."' Van llo!t cx- pl.iined. \1an llolt noted !hat the city has l1t.•cn tryi ng tn rnainta1n th e ('r1tcria of locating parks v.ithin ""alking dis· tanrc of all homes in a neighborhood ;111<1Joc-;1!1ng i11\t'S th;1t arc v1~il>le. l'he rnin1 mum p11rk si1.c lh£' city likC's to consider is 2 5 ~1crc" but thesl' art· "'get t 1 ng harcll·r tu f1 nd. · · that K!&indiens t, then attorney general,...,.eceived an urgent message· later that day while playing golf at Burning Tree Country Club. The message asked him to release the burglars Crom jail. The request allegedly originated \vi th defendant John M. P..fitcbell , then Nixon's campaign manager and now a cover-up defendant, and was re- la yed by Mardian on the telephone to \Yatergate mastermind G. Gordon Liddy, who in turn rushed to the coun· try club to give it to Kleindienst. ~lardi a n . a former assistant at· torney general and Nixon campaign operative, was with the campaign high command in California at the lime. He contends that because of the time dif- ference, he could not possibly have called Washington in advance of Lid· dy's trip to Burning Tree about noon Washington time. · F'rom Page A I NARCOTICS. • lla rbo r Blvd., charged with sales of hashish oil and marijuana. Investigators said Galeana lives in a rear room at his place or bus iness, but t ha t others present d e nied knowledge or him , so the raid team re- turned two hours later. "He was standing out front with his suitca~e ready to ·ooogle' ," S gt. Norden alleged'm' the Suspect's ap· parent plans for a hasty departure for other pa rts . -"He had even sold his car· <ilready," the investigator further charged . -Larry l\lark Pante!, 18, reported· ly a jockey, of 2913 Jacaranda Ave., booked on a warrant charging sales or <.'oc aine and marijuana. -Bryan Edward Slimpson, 21. of 3036 F illmore Way, booked on a war· rant charging sales of hashish and marijuana. • -John Lawrence \Vebber, 21 , or 525 Victoria St., booked on a warrant chargin g sales of hashish. -Roy !1.1iles Fernslrom, 18, or 916 l\1 agella n Drive, booked on a war rant charging sa les of marijuana . -Don3ld ll. Wh~eler, 18, of 2656 Orange 1\ ve., booked on a wa r· rant c ha r ging sales of LSD and marijuana. -Craig Sinclair Walker. 18, of 4 Kialoa Court, Newport Beach .. The othe r adults captured a rc Costa !\t csans. :">io incidents were reported during the roundups, most of whi ch ot'curred al the suspects' homes, said Sgt. Norden, except for one involving an irate mother who objected to the r out ine fingerp r intin g of her daughter. Andy Kirk Succumbs After Long Illness \l.'1\11am ··Andy "' Kirk. longtin1e re· :iident of l:J alboa, died Thursday night at Long Beach !\1e1norial f-l osp1t;a\ :1fter a lonp: 1\tness :\Ir. K1rk \\'as ~dm1t1rd lo the ho:-.pital th~· d:1y aft('r Th:tnksgi\'ing after sufft'rint: a ~tr/Jkl'. lit' never rc- g;iint'd consciouhness. An al'id yachts man. ~1 r Kirk . 76, ("omc to !ht• Ne"''IX)rl art·a in the early \!)30s and pu rchased his prl'sent homt' at 1208 E. Balboa Hlvd. lie joi ned t\ewport f-l arbor Yacht Club in 1937 and started sailing small hoats. tie later became involved in offshore rac. inc as a crcv.man on some or the best kno"'·n yat:"hl.5 on the \\'est Coast. lie ~ailed in three Transp'ac races on the famed :O.lorn1ng Star when it v.·us ov.·ned by his frit>nd , the late R1ch:1 rd Hheem llc Hlso crewed on lht• 67 ·foot ya"'I Chuba.~C'o v.·ith the l:11i' \Yilli3 nl Slev.•art :ind v.•1th the la le Jl umphrey Bogart on !ht"' 50-foot yav.•I ~antan11 1 lie once s11il~<l the ruJ,lged f"a!l tnct ract' off J::nglhnd y,•1th llenry DuPont in a ·16 ft PCC stoop 1\lr K1rk's o .... ·n boat. which he ram· p:ur.:ned locall~ fo r n1an)' ytars. Yl3S an Island Clipper named Frolic. lo rt· cent yea rs he dC\'Oted his yachtinj:l ac· 11\·11 y 10 his 1>0v.·erboal. Bu cc a nccr. lie was widely known in yachting circles throughout the world and \Vas ,1 chnrlE'r member of the \Ves tern con· t 1ngent of the prestigious Cruising Club of Amcrira. Until his illness nearly tv.·o years .1 ~0. !\Ir. Kirk was active in civic af- fairs. In the 1930s he was a ppointed to the Newport Beach Ci ty Council to fill :in unexpired term by the late l\.fa yor Clyan lia\I . Alt.hough he has always maintained the Balboa Peninsula home on the hayfront. !\-t r. Kirk and his wife, Dorothy, had spent much of thei r time recently at a r anch they owned al 17005 Santiago Canyon Rd. Mr . Kirk was the last of the in- clependcnt oil producers. lie was the founder and presiden t o r th e California Southern Oil Co. until he sold out to a major oil company nnd retired. In uddilion to his 'A'idow, Dorothy, P.lr Kirk leave!'i a son, \\lil\iam A. Jr. of Los Angeles : a daughter. f\lrs. Clary c Ka t herine) St aaf, Newport Btach: a roster-dauJZhter. Mri. Grace Gaylord of Reno: six ji!'.randchildren, :.1nd four grcul·~rand<"h1idren. Funeral services arc pending with P:•cific View 1t1ortuary. ' 1>111, .. llol .. 11o1 ... , c..., Gr111't'lllt NEIGHBORS CHECK OUT REMAINS OF BURNED-OUT CRUISER AT LIDO PENINSULA DOCK Blaat and Fire Wreck Cr1fti Off-duty Firemen at Ne arby Party Douse Flames ~~~~~~~~~~~- Communications Gap Claimed l'ronr Page A I BLA ST : .. -.iacent s lip. Dama2e to the Glissando was estimated at Sl,500. On Energy Issue A Tahiti ketch on the opposite side or the burned boat was backed into the bay by hero\11ners, l\lr. and !\frs. Tom Steele who were aboard another boat about three slips away. It was not im· mediately determined if the ketch was damaged. The American people are not Cully aware or .. the magnitude and serious- ness" oC the energy crisis, a Newport Beach business executive said in a speech this week. Phillip J . Stevens, president of Ultrasystems, Inc., went on to call for government to take the necessary ac- tions to close the energy. communica- tions gap. Stevens' remarks were made at a luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Corona del Mar. Optimistically, he said the U.S. has the science and technology resources available to solve the energy pro· blems. Howeve r, Stevens added, those re· sources must be "wisely directed, strongly supported and directed by proper government leadership. Stevens predicted that the energy crisis will mean changes in the na- tion's life styles that have already begun, such a s reducing the highway speed limit toss miles per hour. It will also mean expanded effort to extract synthetie> gas from coal, the growth of conservation oriented in- dustries and offshore oil drilling, ac. cording to the Newport Beach busi- nessman. Stevens concluded his luncheon talk by expressing his ··great confidence" in the ability 0£ the American people to "solve s uch monumental pro- blems" as the nation's energy n~eds. F'rom Page A l ASSESSOR. • • tcrmine if some explanation of his role in the issue could be made. Vallerga today confirmed that he and Hin.shaw appeared before the Grand Jury during a five-month in- vestigation that put 49 witnesses "before the investig ative panel. The assessor also confirmed that he declined to testify before the Grand J ury -again like Hinshaw -but sl ressed that his attitude was dictated on the advice of his lawyer, John c;;aruu. ··From what I know, there is simply no s ubs tance to these charges," Vall erga said. "And, like 1 said , I h a ve e v e ry confid e n ce in the system.'' iiiiiiiii~ Mr. and ritrs. K.C. Da"·son were aboard their 42·foot Yankee ketch tv.·o slips away when the explosion OC· curred . They called the Fire and Harbor departments and attt"mpted to que ll th e flames with fire ext- inguishers. F'r om Page A I OIL ... ilateral1y by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dha bi and Qatar had already been passed on by the oil companies through their distributors and the latest aclion may not m ean higher prices for con- sumers, he said. Asked if gasoline and home heating oil prices would llO up. 1\mouzegar said : "That depends on how much the oil co mpa nies can absorb from t heir . profits." Iran, he said, proposed Limiting oil company profiL'i to SO cents a ba rrel. Present oi l company profits are about 75 cents a ba rrel, OPEC orficials said . The increase of 31 cents in the st'll- ing price or a barrel of oil wa s decided by ministers of the 13 OPEC nut ions nleeting in a Vienna hotel following two bomb t,tlreats against OPEC headquarters. OPEC did away "'ith the posted price syste m which mai nt ained artificially hi gh prices. in fa\'o r or the unified syste m. 1Amouzegar said OPEC had been forced to increase the price of oil because three members -Saudi Arabia. Abu Dhabi a nd Qatar - raised their prices <it a. meetlng in Abu Dhabi last month. "'\Ve had two choices -either lo go back to the Seplember price system, and this v.·ould mean the three Arab members reversing their decision, which they v.·ould not do , or adopt the Abu Dh a bi price." he said. '"We <idopted the Abu Uhub1 price. not a penny morc>. ''You can't ha\'C tVt·o prices rrom the same oil from the suine spot t!\liddl e East)," JUSTIN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LAR~E SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AND CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STOP IN NOW. DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER SCAGPanel Readies Fight On Land Use Elected officials v.'hO serve as de- legates to the po,verfui Southern California AsSot'iatjon of Govern· ments SCAG are gearing up to fight state proposals to create a n@w super agen cy to adminster California's coastal development . In a session in Los Angeles Thurs· day, the SCAG executive committee has agreed to call a meeting or in- terested cities within the coastal sec- tor of the Southland in order to coordinate a possible battle against a new element to the state coastal plan that wou Id set up the superagency. The Powers. Funding and Govern- ment element of the coastal land.use pla n sets up the framev.·ork for a new state panel that would rule on all changes within fi ve miles of the shoreline. The pre sent system of regiooal commissions affects changes only within 1,000 yards of the sea. The Powers, FW\ding 8nd Go\'ern- ment element would expand h:nd-use control to the entire five-mile plan- ning area set up by the passage of the Coastal IniJiative. Regional coastal commissions arc · responsible ror drafting elements to the tota l plan for the area. And South Coast Commission fll ember and SCAG delegate Ralph bicdrich was outspoken about the controversial plan element. "There is going to be some Slrong language in there and it's going to cause some probl ems.'' the· com· mi ssioner and 05ange County Super\'isor told fellov.· members of the SCAG Executive Committee. The g reatest concern about the plans for the successor agenc)' on coastal land use is the total loss or local control over the destiny o( the state coastline. Diedrich said that if city and county offi cials are"concerned .about the de- arth of control in the new system- and the concern already is well ing- then the time is right to band together and effect major changes in the pro- posed planning element. The form ative meeting has not yet been set for a possible mobilization of opposition. But the committee for SCAG sug. gestt'd that some sort,of consensus should be ready in time for its next session on Jan. 9. NEWPORT BEACH • 1121 ""·1~s1·ci.1rF on . "'42·20~ WEEMDAYS & SATURDAYS t :OO lo S:JD LAGUNA BEACH • J.I!) 1"!>11'1'11 l:(JAS'/' II\\."\'. ·I~ li~I TORRANCE • 2:J64!1 HAW'TIIORNF. Bl.V O 1f>11irn t'n 111 ~1.Sun 12~ JU1 37M·l27!1 • .. ·A S .DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Food Han Before it · udopt'S a proposed -unirorm rood handling ordinance, the Newport Beach City Council ordered the ordinance's "summary closing " se<:tion changed. Under the uniform ordinance, county hea lth inspectors have the right to immediately close eating establishments where conditions exist that constitute ··an immediate and s ubstantJaJ hazard" to publir health. There's nothing new a bout tha t section of the code. Twenty-three of Orange Countv's 26 cities. including Newport Beach, ha ve opCratcd under summary closing provisionJor the past 22 yca1·s. l·lowcver, under Newport Beach 's r evised proposal, h ea lth inspectors can only order the offending establishment closed. fts operator is free to keep the res taurant open at "his O\vn peril'' until a ··court of competentjurisdiction''·ordcrs it closed. It w as at the p_roddin_g of a handful of restaurant O\Vners th at the council ordered the change made in the p roposed ordinance. The owners argued that\lesting closing po\YCr in health inspect.ors could lea d to abuses and threaten due process rights. That's a s trong a rgument. llowcvcr, health department records don't support it. In the pas t two years. ror example, countywide there have been only two eating places forcibly closed. Descriptions of conditions in those t\vo eateries at the time of their forced closures are appalling. In the sam e two-Year pe riod. according to health de par tment officials, an unkno\vn number of restaurants have voluntarily closed temporarily rather than face the stigma of a forced closing~ I 1 'Lovelock' Dear Gloomy Gus I ! Can't Match ' ' ·'Wedlock' : ( SYDNEY HARRIS.) .. 1 ln reply iO a random query of mine some time ago-··What name should we apply to the many couples today who are living together though not married?"-( have received a num- ber of both palatable and ribald sug- gestions. Two of the most frequent were ••cohabs," and "lovcloc k" in - stead or ... wedlock ... Intere stingl y enough . one of the reasons m odern younr. people ob· ject 10 the term "wedlock'' is t he impli<'atlon that the couple is manacled or handcuffed together in 1 the institution of matrimony. They re- $ent t he idea of being ·'locked" together by a law, BUT THIS is a misreading of the old Anglo·Saxon word : "wedlock" meant ··marriage pledge," and the suffix "loc.'k" had nothing at all to do with handcuffing people together. Ill is like (he wori;I "sweetheart ." where the "heart" part has 11othing to do with that organ of the body. but was originally "sy:ectard." in the saml!' form as ··coward" and ·'dotard.") Time and custom shnpe and distort words. and tbcn the words themselves become a kind of tyranny, so that 'A'e respo nd to the distortion rather than lO the basic meaning. Indeed, the very word "tyranny" is a perfect example of what happens to a word throughout history. The earliest •·tyrants·• in ancient Greece were simply absolute rulers or monarchs. with no Implication of cruelty, Both Pericles and Pisistratus Funny the Nixons on .S.100,000 a year can't afford to keep thei r rose bushes. On Jess than $10.000, 1·ve managed t.o keep mine. Feedin g th e so ul is more important than having maids to 'A'ait on you. J .V. GIMnl• Ci•n (t1nmer.t1 are\11llmlllt0 o,., tt-r\. -•HI ,..cenarilT rtl!1cl 1111 wi.~ ol Ille 111•1pa~r. S.<111 '~"' ''' "'""' Ciioomy Ci11•. 0.Uy Pilat. were "'tyrants." but they were model rulers of wisdom and tolera nce. Gradually, however, the word begun lo assume its latel' connotation of har- s hness and oppression, and utterly lost ils primal neutral meaninh- FO K COUP LES to live in ··1ovelock" rather than ··wedlock" s uggests they ha ve pledged their love-but 'A'hat value is such a pledge, if it can be withdrawn at the whim of either, with no lasting sense of com- mitment? Thc word "pledge" itself mea.ps a ''guarantee'' -but a guaran- tee rs empty if you are not willing to makegoodon h. It is my feeling that we have not yet. as a s pecies. arrived at any finally satisfactory form or man-woman relations. The traditional form of matrimony is too filled wi1h rigidities, injustices, and inconsistencies: yet the new ··cohabs'' ha,·e merely ex· changed one set of diffi culties for another. for without a deep sense of permanence .and commitment the Jiving-fabric is too fragile to sustain a family, TH E NU 8 of the problem is that the human infant, Wllike a ll others, needs years of stable development before it is ready to cope with its physical and social environment. Without children, marriage might I><' unnecessary; with children, it may be a necessary evil, capable or be ing ameliorated, but not eliminated fron1 the soc.ial structure. • gLaws The owners of those restaurants obviously felt it \Vas in t.heir best interest as well as 1 he public's. to close dov.•n until "an immediate and substantial -hniard" to public health was ended. Therefore, it is apparent that the summary closing power vested in health inspectors .serves th_c public interest. And lhc Ne\\'pOrt Beach C~ty <;:ouncil should give it more thought before dropping 1l fron1 the city's proposed food h:indling ordinance. Cable TV Ser vice The Newport Beach city council this \veek gavt· one of the city 's two cable television companies until Februury to prove it is capable of providing service called fo r in its franchise. The 1'V firm, Telepron1ptcr of Newport Beach. has failed to meet tv.:o requirements called for in its C'Ontract \vith the city . F irst . the company has failed to de liver cahll· ser vice in t wO m ajor sections of the city. T eleprompter has also failed in its commitment to furnis h cable servi ce to some public buildings as it agreed to do. '·, Surprisingly. the company's slo\vncss in meeting its service obligations appa rently have not dr<.1wn o reaction from the public it seeks to ser ve. Consequently, the council V.'8S right in g iving the company until Febru.ary lo spe ll Dut its plan for meeting its contractual obligations. • But that certainly is s uffic ient time for 1'eleprompter lo produce what it hus pledged to produce. Jr it can't, the city has no course other than cancelling the contr::ict. 'I said take two of these aspirin and come back to see me next y ear!' N GOP Surviv ors A lienated Ford Absence Offends Governors ST. 1.0UIS -Unfairly or nol. the thimbleful of Republican governors and governors-elect who survived the Democratic land.slid e of Nov. S were outraged that President Ford could not make a brief appearance at lhe1r midwinter conference here last week after his long journey to the Far East. Indeed, intensive negotiations had started in mid-No°VemOer with low - level White House aides lo arrange a visit by ~1 r. Ford that would lend Presidenlial en- dor se m e nt lo party-r ebuilding ef(orts . Y et. despite repeated telephone calls to the White House by h o s t Gov . Christopher Bond of Missouri, pre- sidential aides insisted P,.1r . Ford could not spare a couple of hours. Con- tact was neve r made with Dean Burch. Afr. Ford's political adviser until his resignation last week, who took no interes t in the governors' ap- peal. THIS non-appearance by a Presi - dent who was sharply criticized for traveling to real estate conventions In Las Vegas added to the runerc<1I gloom at the governors' conrerenct>. Even before Lhey learned he would not appear, the governors were grumbl- in g over A1r. f~ord's performance as both party chief and national leader . Their aggravation did not peak until ,...,•ord spread that even \V illiam Seid- man, the highest White flouse aide scheduled to meet the governors, 'A'as going to back out on his scheduled ap- pearance.• With te mpers rising among the gov - ernors. White I-louse aide James Falk. Mr. Ford's chief liaison with the gov· ernors, rushed to a pay phone here with an SOS to the \Vhite House. Thal firmed up Seidman's appearance and also brought Falk0s boss. Domestic Council chi ef Ken Cole. lo the session. ( EVANS-NOVAK ) But it scatccly mitigated disap- . pointment with Mr. 1'~ord. One gov ernor, reelected last month by a huge majority while other Republican can- didates in his state were lo:Sing, told us: •'This would have been the perfect place for Jerry Ford to come and show his interest . with the fev.· of us who v.·on, in trying lo revive hts party." TJI E GOVERNORS' unhappiness with t.·Ir. F'ord goes beyond re\'iving the Republican party. They believe he 1s spending far too much lime on foreign travel at a time of deepcnin!l recession and general economit crisis at home. 'fhe President 's \\'IN - Whip Inflation Now -public relations campaign is ridiculed as outdated in · the face of national unemployme nt expected to approach eight ~rcenl next summer. Gov. William Milliken of ~lichigan. arguing that ··mere rhetoric cannot save our free enterprise system."' cam~ he re handln~ out lapel buttons of his own contradicting the \\'hite I-louse \\'lN pins. llis pins say IJA C - BuvaCar. ~filliken ·s reelection by 114 ,000 \'Otes again:.! multiple adversi1y in the depression-threatened automobile s tate was :1 stunning offset lo his party's national disaster. but not a single \\'hite 11ouse political aid has bothered to tall him ror a post-election analysis. \VORSE \'ET, l\·IJllikC'n '." carefully considered economic program sent to t.fr. ford in a letter one v.·l'ek before the election h3s ncv~r been answered. He proposed a blend of tux reform. \'astly more public service en1ploy· ment. extended unemployment com- pensation and public "'Orks. But !\'lilliken·!> proposals Wl"l'e not con- sidered important enough to \\.'arrant a reply. l\.\ost criticism of \\·tr Ford and what one governor ca!icd his ··Nixon holdover " administrat io n was pri\'ate. But New Hampshi re's Gov. Me\drim Thomson. the anti-tax crusader v.•ho is indisputably the most conservative of all Republic.an ~ovc ruor:,, felt no such i.cru plcs. lie d~li\•ered an ;.111gry statement to ...,·hut he called the .. clos!'tfu l " of llepublica11 survivors (sitting around the huge horseshoe conference lable with embarrassingly \\'ide spaces bct\l.·een lhemJ attacking l\t r. 1''ord for ··not c;:1ring enough" ubout the fut ure of th(' Republican party ··to help us set the course for lhe long climb back ·· AN llOU R spent \Vilh the governors by Jerry ford '.l.·ould scarcely make a dent on lht• staggering political pro- blems of his defeated party. There was no such false hope here. ··The GOP has a pinhead for a base and v.·e·re kidd ing ourselves if we think it l'an be turned around in unythin g lik(' t.,, .. o or thre(' years," l\tichigan slatl' chairman \\filliam l!.lcLaughlin told us But tbot handful of Republican gO\ - ernors \\.'ho survived last month v.•ould have been a good place to start. The fact that the President and hi s political staff didn't see il that way made a bad situation worse. alienat- in g the governors al :1 time l\tr. Ford needs e\'ery possible ally. The Right to Bear Arms To the Editor: 1 have received some literature from The Citizens Co n1mitt ee for lhf• Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Their letter urf(es me to write m~ local ne...,•s paper "to protest the anti-gun distortions of the news media.·· Contrary lo their 'A'ish. I :1m "'riling you to support federal effort to get rid of handguns except for the· p<>ssible needs of persons who may li\'e in areas re mote from la\\' enforce mentagcncies. ( MAILBOX J /..eltcrs /rout rt•orlt•rN or(' u1elco,11e l\'o r- 111u//y , u•ritcr.~ s/1011/rl ronirey //11.>1r 1111"S ~ages 1n 30IJ uuird.~ (/r Its.~ The right lo con- dense /elters ro fit .~po.ce or t'l1r11inah' hbt>I 1s reserved. All /clfcrs must include $lg· noturf' and ·1r1fi iling oddres.11 but names l)lOU /)(' lllil/llicld 011 rl'('jtl•'s! 1! .~llJ/IC11''1t rca.~on 1s <1ppar('rll. P111:try ti1Jl not bt- pub/1~l1ed person. the real threat of rejection e,·er presC'nl. :Thi s tends to make U!> silent sie.,·es. dumb and dormant. The coursl' offered al OCC on personal and human a'A·areness v.·as for me an C'X perience of some magnitud('. It "·as a hca\'y class and so explained at the begi nning of lhe semester. As the class progressed. I becon1e more circumspl.>C't in my· ou tlook and action s a s my shortcoming:. beran1e morl' ob\'ious Tax Relief· Just an Illusion TllE EA.St-; 'A'ilh \lt'hich people may acquir e handguns contributes to their unla'A'ful use. Domestic arguments n1a11y times ar1· "S(·tUe<l'' "'ith ;1 hand}:(un in a family's possession. I believe th;;il the .. r1j!ht lo bt':1r arms•· tnay havl· been in1portant in the l'arly days of the i.:ro'.lth of this nation. hut not today. The li\'es or too m;.1ny p('oplc arl' t>ndangerC'CI. ~lore strict la'.1.' {'nfor L~·ment v.•ou/d 1101 ha\e prevcnll'd !he killing nf Bobby Kl:!nnedv , t.t ;i rtin Lui her King. nor the ;11tempi on George \\':i llael''s !if('. although h<indguns alune "·ere no! usC'd in al l cases. includ1n~ lhc killing of President Krnned~· mi~forlune that follo'A·1ng each cy<:lc. real or other ..... •isc. may lead us . Tll ERE A.HI-: m:1n y examples of :ibusC', such as "·itncssing two. three and four price t:h an~es on food marke t merrhandis e, clearl y indicaling increasl's not \\.'arrantcd for mcrchanctisl' acquired at lower pri(•e:. Tii i~ \\',\S follO\\('cl hy a !rue fel•lini: or \O\'(' for :,om!' uf my cl assmat<'S \\·hi ch at best is diffieull 10 cxpr('sS. There also occurrC'd feelings of resentment . angt•r, frustration :ind JC<llO uSY \\.hen an in strul·tor \\ilh 15 }ears teaching c\: prricnce attempts to C'On\'t'Y mt•thods or con1munication in lhis ll!'nsiti\·e area. there "''iii be critlrism . If ..,.,.l' hope to progress bevond lht.> con\'C'rsation;:il lc.ve\ fJf ··Ho"' are )'ou" "I am fine.'' ttil'n classes such .as this mu:.t continue By now it must be crystal clear to those who must face up to property tax payments, that the relief pro- mised again and again by the L<>gislature is but an illusion. Despite the increased aid given to local governments. and the schools, by the stale and federal governments, despite the freeze on tax rates im- posed on local governments at the ln· sislence of Governor Reagan, ttie tax bills are higher than ever. This erosion of homeowner prooer· ty tax r elief, in - tended by the state subsidized exemp· Uons and the gov- e rnor 's freeze, . comes about simp- ly by increasing ~ the assesse d valuations. It is a subversion ot the intent or the slat!!: • and fede ral gov· e rnmen}s t o bring relier Lo homet'>"''n<'r!'I. f~or Californians this ls the second t ime that the exemption ' approach to relief for homco...,•ners bas bten <'Ompletely eroded in short order by Joeal governments. The rirsl of $750 wa~ wiped out w.lthln two rears. The covernor then sought on increase to SI 750 and attempted to prevent the eroding of this by a freeze • on tax rates. . 'FOR .6Vf>:N· the hardest heads in theLe(isla\ure it should now be stark· . . [ EARL WATERS ) ly obvious that there can be no homeowner relief without a freeze on bolh lax rates and assessed values. f or the state to continue to pour funds into local governments as a means to r elieving local property taxes, \11ithout first shutting Lhe door tight on ·both rates and values, accomplishes nothing excepting to C!ncourage more spending on the part of local officials. And. encouragement is the last thing they need. The appetite for s pending e~hibitcd by local govern· ments. especially the schools is in- s atiable. ln their 7.eal to tall and spend. spend and tax, and tax and spend. one is re- minded of the lemmings. These sm all rodents, native to the Arctic. are possessed of a congenital desire for' self destruction. They, too. have an In· satiable appetite. They in<'rease enormously in numbers, exhau!'iling their food supplies. They move steadi- ly across the countryside, regardless or all obstacles, committing devasta- tion in their line of march. Always ad· vanelng in the same general direction they ultimately reach the sea where tht)' plunge In and drown. ONE CANNOT ehan~e nature but taxation ls a political being, not a creature or nature. It can be changed ' · Th(" hi,5!;h property taxes cannot be c:otcuscd by stating the assessor mus1 increase the valuations because of slate law. That would not matter if, on the rise of valuations. the tax rate went dov.'n accordingly. But it doesn't go do'A·n. despite the millions in addi- tional revenues from state and federal sources. Local offici als just don 't seem to know how to stop s pending. TllE F1\LI.A.t:V of the present system nr ho1n e taxation is adjusting lo current mark('t values e\'en though there is no intent to sell . One buys a home at $10,000, spends his life paying for it, only to find he is now li ving in a home valued at $40.000 which is beyond his means because or taxes. It's still the same home and it isn·t ap- propriate to he taxed out o( It on such a basis. Asscmbl}-·n1an Gene Chappie, a farmer, is one who has reco11:nized the injusliC'e. lie Is proposing legislation "·hich "'ould frecie asseSlied home values. \Yhlle the details of his pro· posal haven't bl'l'n perfected, the ain1 Is to treat homes for what they are. just homes and not speculative land purchases. Property laxes would rti· main constant until such 'time as 1 home is sold. If, :it that time a profit hWi been realized on the sale, taxes would then be assessed on the sale. CARTt<:R ~ii: DONALD ,,.,,.,( ••• ,,. \ i('lilll.\: Tot he Editor; No'A' is very much the right time for all good citizens to com,~ to the aid or their purchasing powt•r and each other. There is no sini;tll' \I. :i.y or magic answers to live within our nle<in s and have the means required to ll"c. according to varying standards •~CONOl'!tlC predil'llons ;;irt:' up and dov>'n -leav1ng us to beliC\'e tha~ up.and-do .... ·n may very '.l.i.'IJ he the cycle confrontin~ us. Hetween th e cycle of life :ind d('ath arc many cycles of erononur nature that r l!flec1 gt'nu int> s hort - ~ g s/o versuppl y as are included nl any cycles of con- t r i ,· e rl and /or con trol led short a Rf'~ toversupply. \\1r . the inno<'ent ,fcfim~. must cons ider and decide ...,,hith is ~·hi ch-or s uffer thts outrageou5 Dail~· P1lot rl'~1dcrs s hould tonlributc idras or observations or \\'ays and means to help us all stn)· v.·ithu1 our nlcans. Christmas Cluh at•counts. tonj!timc ra~·or1tcs of banks a.nrl tellers. surely deserve to be cornpared v.·ith other \\'ays of savinJ?: for better interest returns. Let 's ht>ar 1t in favor Of Wl', the people, to i;:et the mo.st from our 1noney under current and predictable ups and dov.•ns. i\HTWEISSl\I1\N 1l!J<' of 1111.<tilil!I To the Editur As a graduatl' uf Or:inge Coast l'olll"~c and forn1cr stu!,'lent of l.t·~ Oracl l cy·~ PsyC'hOIO(!Y 110 cl~ss. I f1n<l my!lclf repl ying to an artlc\C' in the> Daily Pilot or Dec 5 JS AN AGI-: of host11Lty p<'rpetralcd b)• the high cost of sugar. oil . n1usinE! about \\'atcri.:alt' iJn<l. ret1di11~ ne"spa.pl'rS. any con:,trucl1\'(' class in human· c<1mnlunlcotion on a onc·lO·onc basis or group level 1s benef1clal. To touch or not to touch Each man·, separate choice. !low? 1\ word. pa!'ltomine or a li ght h;ind In any attempt at encountering another f'rom nn n ldt•r <10 11 nlurc cx1'>Cricnctd student CllL'CK t'IELD ORANGE COA.ST DAILY PILOT llnbfrt \' \Vt>ed , t>ubl1.$hi•r Tllnnias Kt'l'Ull, Edilor /JnrM ra Krt·11>1ch. 1-.'drtnriol JJagt> ~d1tor Tht' , ct111111JI Pill!~· or tht:' O;u ly 1 P1ln1 :.1·1·1.~ It• 111for 111 and ~timul11tr n·,1cl1•r·, h1 pil·~enting on this 11<11:(' 1l111 r ,,, ('nn1111••111 .• r1 on 1op1r' or in · lt'rt•,J Ill ~} 11d1 • .11 eel C!llumn1,t:i; :1nrl f,1n,,1•n1~1-111 pro11d1n,11. ;1 fllru1n tur ,-, .11!1 ·1 • \ n 1• ~ and b~ pri'~t'nl 1ng 1h1' 11••11-p.1p('1 '0111n1()n) ;,1nd 1dt>a~ on 1 .. r1 r:111 h•)\11, Thi' t'l11tor1sl op1n1C1n~ nf 1h1' 11111[\ P1!111 tipfl('Jr 11nly 1n U11· 1•(htC1rHd eolumn :.it tht' \t1\1 flf th1• µ;qtt'. 0111n1!Jf\!l t!:..prt's~t'd b) th\• rolun1 n1~t.s and C'11rloont~ts and h·U1•r 11 r1ll'rs ttr<' 1h(>1r o .... n and no<'ndor~4'm~nt l'.lf 1h~1r \·1ew5 by the Dail~ Pilol .,hould be Inferred. Friday, !Jc<:embcr 13. 19H Man Robs NavyJlase Exchange ' No Body Fou11d Wife Mur~red; Man Convicted Slayings 'Unrelated 3Charge In.Grisly Slaying • Frict.y, Oec9mber 13. 1'74 · OAILYPILOT 71 $ •253 Swir.sArfny knife ' LOS ANGELES <AP! -Police investigators reported Thursday that viewing an episode or "Police. Stor,y" has not provided any clues to the murders or . three Skid Row derelicts. Sl\CRAM ENTO !AP) - Three me n are charged in <'Onnection \lo'ilh \i.'hat or- .Jicets_call_one oC Sac.r.amco· t o County 's most grisly slayings in recent years .. -- J\IOIJ~T1\I X VIF:\\' IAPl • A_ )OOC' 5:U!)00;1 n_rohbctW!- ;.,l3 yy Exchani;:c cmpJOyL' i.ll 1hl' \foffc lt r1 eld Nnv::al Air Station 1111d £-SCllJ>cd ''1th ~ornl' SIS,000 In t·ash and cht·ck:i. :.i Nuvy i.1)(lkl.!:.rn;1n ~aid. 'fhc t:x ch:ini::c \1'0rkt·r had colll·clcd lhl· d.1y 's 1·c· , .~ reipts rrom outtyin~ ex · : 1;!.• changes on lhc hallC 'l'hurs-I · ( Sta te J :~1tbl<' Pa11 "'""-· day evening and v.'i.IS .ilx•ut \Jon I(' r l' y (' o LI n t Y to depos it the 1nont·y i.ll lhl• ShPr1ff .J;-1(·k fJavt'nport night 1,•:1ntlow <if the main 11111 .. r etire" Dl·('. 30 exchange bu1ld1ng Y.'hcn h'"· f11r "I\ dn1·:-i bt"fnrc was uccos1cd hv ;i m.111 h(:in:.: ..,110r'n 1n ftir ne11· 1vt'tl.r1ng .1 tan Jiickcl :111CI f<iur \t·;n' lt·rh1 . so ht_· branrhshing a lo1ri.:c·l'<.il1ht·r t ;in tullC'r l S2.-i00 ~1 l)istol . s;.1 1d J ohn mqnth :-.a l ;.ir .v ~ind Sh<1rklcton, l\.1v v inl orm:.i - lion orficcr. · "1.500 ,1 month pC'nsion The gu nm ;11\ tur1k 13 un<!t·r thL· ~t:.i t C''s money b;,1gs frc1111 lhc m:1n Publ1e r:mployt' Rctirc- and fl rd on f111)I throui:h rll l'lll S_\ ~tt·m . very dense foi.:. Shat1\ll·lon ----------- said. l\I ERCED l;\PJ -A Con- tra Costa Counly gardener nn vtf-·!ed Thur-sday---o murderin g lh1 s estranged v.•ife whose body ne ver "'as fo und udmilted hours earlier thut she is dead, the prosecutor said. . Timothy Bennett. 2£, ol Concord was convicted of fi rst-degree murder in one or the slate's few such guilty verdicts on record v.·here a body never \\'as located. Jlol ary J o Bennett , 23, dis· appeared \•iithout a trace aft er leaving \\'Ork at the Pac1fu.· Tl'll'phonc Co. here on Oct. 18, 1972 BF.N~ETT ;\lF.T "'1th her mother. Id a !\lay Kempt:! \\lednl•sday night ::ifler the 1ury dehberallons began. ·Dl!p . Di s t. ;\ti,\'. Tl obf"rt Qu all told nc"·s men ufter the \'l'fdlCI. <)u:ill quoted Bennett· as tcllin;.: his mother-i n-law: .. If it's :.1ny consolation to vou, :'llary J o died :.i sudden ,, ..... ,, .. ,.,11.!1 ' SAN JOSE <U PI I :ioJrs. Charlotte Li.In ge held her fragile daughter .Jolene, the healthiest of her three .sur- viving sextupll·ls. in her a rms for the firs t time Thursday. School Restructure Ordered by Court Jolene is doing \\'ell ill Valley l\lcd1cal <.:enter \\.'ithout respiratory support \1:hile he r l\lo'O s urviving brothers. Br1:.1n and Jason. are in serious condition \l:ith rontinuing deterioration of their res pi r:.1lory system. SACR . .\~I EXTO IL'PI 1 - The Slate Board of Educa· tion turn~d to financi ng agai n today in an <Jttempt to deal \\'ith a court-ordered reslrueturing "'hich could cost billions of dollars. selection of m11\1on s of dollars worth of textbooks for California schools. .'i11lf Dt'rlirtt•d SACl~1\:\IE ~TO !liPll Altornl'y General ~:velle J. Younger has declined lo file s uit ag<:1i nst former A:-1 - scmbly Speaker Bob ~l orel · ti accusing him of violating campaign d isclosure laws. Hoard m e mbers con- ~idcred a SI.~ billion pro· pos::il to c<1ual1z.e the amount of money p ublic school students receive in poor and rich districts. The state 's current school financ inl? svstem was ruled unconstitutional by a Los ,\ngeles Superior Court because of the educati onal tax rate disparities that rc- sulL \Vith inflation taken into consideration it could cost an additional S2 billion lo bring the system in com- pliance "'il h the court order by the 1980 deadline. The FOR ENERGT-SATIMG FASHION CONSCIOUS SWEATERS THINK JE.OJo tnhQ WUTCUff PUli .,..._ . ..._._ Pe o pl e's Lobb y, a politiC'a l a<'livist group , charged last n1onlh that ~loretli failed to pr~C'rly report can1 paign contr1bu· tions and expenditures dur- ing his unsuccessful bid ~or th e D emoc r a ti c gu bernatorial nomination. The group asked \'ounger lo fill' suit to force compli:.1ncc \\'1th the disclosure la"' Youni.:cr Thursday said an 1n\'est1i;;:1t1on by his office 11110 1hc cho.ir,l!es fou nd "no \\lllfu l, kno\11ng. or grossly negligent \'1 ol ation~" of lhe law to "'a rrant a suit. financing syste m relics f------------.i heavily on property taxes. ,1c•f ChcrllP11g<'d S1\CH.·\:\IE~·ro CU PI J - California bankers and a legislator h;1vc gone to court in i.l ll attempt to block 1mplemc11tation of a lob· bvisl-conl rol provision of lli1.· nc\1·lv enacted Stale t='ohtical Reform .-\ct. 1'h~y insist that the h11v rould require public dis - closure nf lht• n1ust minute f1n:.1nc1al 1r.111s;.1ct11)1\ of a ~la te t•m plo~ e. off1c1al. (lr ll'gislatur ;111d t'\·cn n1cn1 - hl'r~ or I h<'ll' fa mi llt•s. Thursd :.1y, the bo:.1rd :1doptcd a tough connict-of- 1nterest ru le covering \)Crsons invol,·cd in the Art Plied By Inmate OLLECToR:s for thr ~-miftde-d CJifter SELSIS' POCKET MAGNIFIER n. col!Ktor's ... __ 20•l Opoww SAN QUENTlN <U PI) - Inmates at San Que ntin $395 State }lrison have been bci•ftl \lo'arned there is a COUil· n · l..il--. Md I•• tcrfeiter among them. Q ,_ 50' ._....,, Tickets for photographic lVHTTHIHCi FOi service in the visiting room, r-STAM..S AHD so ld for l\VO pa cks_ of ~ COIHCOWCTOIS ('Lj!arcttes. :.1rc fake, prison n · so. COAST officials :said -t V The w"rnmg. publ»hcd ·~ Q ILLAGE 1·1scd inmates ":.iga1 n:s · · 556·6840 n 0 ~ z m ~ '!'he Ci.1l1fornia B.inl<.l•r.., \..,:'.>Ol'l,1t1un ;i~kt•t.l Sup1.·r1oir l'ourl 1·1iur~da1· lu c1lhl·r de<'l.1rt• the <'h.1ilengl~c1 Sl't'· lion illl'g•ll or delay its 1111· _ 11l1.•n1l'nta!1~n thc San ()uenltn ~c"·s. ad 1 .. ,_, SA.HT.A. AHA. put C'h.1~1ng picturr t1ckel "' for e1garcttes_ until the P,~e ~:CORNER--~ sent problem 1s rcsol\•cd. '-- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. : . ' fRf$H-CUT eHR1$TMA$ TREE$ WI LL ARRIVE AT LLOYDS WEEKLY .. .. u .. tv .. lV"1tJl .. l<llt .. filV"""'tllVtlilf<~l<IW .. Ml.i.ii ..... , ... v .... l<IMllMIMWMIWIJ<IWllV<li~ Jr OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -1:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. L DECEMBER 2nd lHRU DECEMBER 21u WNlltliil<l .. -l<l .. lltliilV111-lV .. lWI "HOLD BACK INFLATION" -u .. ~c .... y Sa•lnq Coupons . . -FRESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE - Ooufln Fi1 • Scotch Pi111 P11nlllion SM.Ired Oo11tfa Fir Noblt Fir • White Fif Silv• Ti1ts CUSTOM FLOCKING FIRE PROOFING 2 LOTS TO SERVE YOU . . • s 1111 11\tl 1U PLA\T lHJLfll; l ClRCllrl CUI Oii l1\I( CHIUSfMAI TR([I I s.w 10'\ nll ...... .,, ........... _ V()1D •Fl~R 11,•1114 C:..• _,, C..'? !! CUSTOM FlOCKlD CHRISTMAS TIHl ;Mw 151, all ,.,...,H.,..o<o '"''"- \IOID AFl ER 1?111114 C.00 """ C..'V ronco COLOR 'lANlS S.... 1511 a" ....... .,,., ...... .,,._ Mu"" -'<>'-nl1 -Aul• VOID A•Tllll ll11llU Ctol! ,,,,. CMro, All 'lAfllT MATEllllAL lti "-" , ... _,,.,._,, •. s-m t111 _ ..... _ ..... _ VOID '"'Tllll urwi. ~-- " ' > \OT~ X ~ x ~~;•1DI NUl!KI!' : I " ' • .. .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. and pa inless death.'' F..-NN-&'F--1'-ALSO tried to commit suicide t wice by hanging a nd slas hing hi s "'ris ts \V cdnesday ni ght, Quall said. lie also admitted to Quall picking up a "'oman a cross from the telephone rom- pany and dri\·ing south lo an overpass n e ar Chou•chilla, Quall added. T~rn ve s tljfators "'atchcd a rerun of the Nov. 26 e pisode of the NAC t e levision sho\V, which involved the slay- ing of five derelicts. Lt. Charles Kilgo, who heads the investigation, s aid th e on ly rel a · tionship between the TV show and the slayings is I hat all the victims were derelicts. Chi er Depuly Sheriff l-l erberl Ande rson s aid Thursday, "This is the most he inous crime in which I have been involved in the shell1 ff's de partment.'' Bli!nnett said that "'hen he rel urned to t.lerced, ''If he had killed her. the person he h<1d beC'n "'ilh was not with '--------~--~ Tll E VICTll\I \Va s redheaded Ti.l ark V. lla1ter, 25 ..... :ho 'Was last st..>en Nov. 25, 1973, 1-lis headless OOdy \V3S (ound floating in the Sacra mento River in l\1 ay. 1974. after apparently being s tuffed into a weighted garbage can. flis head is believed to have been de· liver e d t o someone in Oakland as proof he had been slain on :.1 "contract," him as far as being alive," Quall sa id . These revelations \\'ere kept from the jury which deliberated Jess than l\\'O da ys. Se nte n c ing is scheduled J an. 2. 3 Convicts' Escape Try D • d orficers said. JSCOVere Anderson sa id Vieloo· George Pryor, 24, or 3115 Cr:.i nda \I \Vay , \\'as arrested ~ Th• on• \}nd. only . E ve1ry m~::,_ loves this most popu arJl!l!:"<' compf!nion.Scissors. n~1r file, sharp blade, tweezers, ivory toothpick. TllE PROSECUTION present ed circumstantial l'Vidence placing Bennett in the· a re:.i near the Ii me of hi s \\'ife's clisappcarancc. Be n· nett stud he had a memory Jupse for l \\'O hours durin g lhat period . which was s hortlv after he had been 111- \"0l\·ed in u minor traffi c a<'· cidcnt. FOLSOl\·I {UPI) -'rhree last week and chargcd u·ith convicts from Southern being an accessory to the California attempted to cut disposa l of Hailer 's body. their "'ay oul of the max· Thursday, officers scr\'ed ~===;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;::::::::::::::::; imum security section of mut·dcr \varrants on Daniel I Folsom Prison by using Carl f'is k, 31. also kno"·n as hacksaw blades, prison ol'" l!losser' \\'ho is nO\V in What's a eooka? Ask Andy ficials reported 1'hursday. Folsom Prison on a later T he defense argued l\\'o hours u•as insufficient time for Bennett to have abduct- ed, murdered and buried his wife, then plant notes the proseculion claimed he rorccd her to "·rite. The three include a man voluntary n\;ins laughter Andy is a Pooka (an elf who answers convicted of murdering four conviction, and lfarry Otto C · I · r o , n ,·a h ,· g h , .. a y questions). He does his elfing in a a 1 ~ Da igh, 35, illso kno"'.n ~s patrolmen and another sen-'' l'~at Jack ," u·ho 1s 10 column every Saturday on the family tenced for stealing gun~ tn a Cierra Conservation Center 1971 plot to free convicted on conviction of illegal page of the Daily Pilot. m ass·murderer Charles possession of firearms by I L---------------------~ l\1anson. a n ex<'onvictl". _____ _J ______________________ _ • ' • "How come my · electric bill ls so hlgh? And wfive been using less." \Ve koo\Y your electric bill is higher. A lot higher-even though you're oon· serving electricity. Why? Primarily bea!.use of the increased cost of oil. It's our job to provide the electricity you, your family and your job require. And we must do so in a manner that meets aJI air pollution control regulations. This means burning foreign, low·sulfur oil in F.dison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments, and it more than tripled in the last 18 mon<hs. Ii oould go even higher. ~Ja!!ll<!IY. l97.Z.~ inae;isjog costs of oil and the additional amounrs we have bad to buYJllIBSPllmil!h: foe almc& 903 of rbe ioaeasc in YilUr electric bills. So we won't ~ways be so dependent on foreign oil, we're spending rrUllions of dollars building coal and nuclear planlS . We are also researching new ways to generate electricity-without foreign oil. Geolhennal power. Solar power. Fuel cells. Fast breeder reactors. Nuclear fusion. Research is costly, but it will also help to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment are expensive, too, and in 1974 will acoount for abou< 20% of our capital expenditures. In the past six years, $325 million were • required to be spenl for such projects. It looks like we will have to spend another $450 million for environmental purpoaes within the next foor·year period. On top of all this, inflation is eating into our budget-as it is yours. The cost of construCting new plants is 10 times higher than it was a few Years ago, and borrow· ing costs h:ave more than doubJed. Your electric bill will reflect Jhese rising msrs. What can you do to hold down yoor tiill? Budget your use of electricity wisely. For ways to do this, send for our free booklet Write: "Conservation;· Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, ~E CA 91770. .;::,-- Southern Califo rnia Edison Make eveiy kilowatt oount. • 7 I t . . 1 'Retrofit' Homes To Save on Fuel By SYLVIA POltTElt One or the least expensive and simplest ways fC>r you, a homeowner, lo conlrol your heating costs ln this era of oppressively hig h fuel costs 1s through home · retroC1tt1ng" -or the 1n· staJlaUon of ce1Jine: 1nsu1a lion , weather slr1pp1ng and caulking And this almost surel y will be among President Ford's proposals .,..,hen he delivers hi s energy pro· gram to Congr ess next month TllE PROGRAM will not be mandatory -but 1t 1s amon g the 1ncent 1ve measure s urged by the Fed era l Energy Ad · m11ustrat1on lo induce you to cut back on your con· sumptton of energy and simultaneously curb your fuel bills Jn six months, these ha ve risen 17 percent tor gas and electr1city and 22 percent for fuel 01! and coal Yet, of the 70 m\lllon homes 1n the US , 20 million are inadequately insulated If your house was bullt before 1940 -ancl 41 per· cent of a ll houses were - yours probably 1s among them By spending only $200 to retrofit your home, the FEA esUmates you will save an average of S94 a year 1n fuel costs and thus, 111 about 26 months, your savings will have paid for your invest· ment And lhe $200 1s an New Fares For State Jets Told SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -Th e Slate Public Utilities Commission has estabhshed new permanent atr Cares w1th1n California, some higher a nd some lower than previous fares Its action came: 1n a final order covering apphcattons by P ac1f1c Southwes t A1r l 1nes (PSA ), Air Cal1fo rn1a , Wes tern A1rl1ne s and U nited A1rl1nes dating back to Oc tober. 1973 A number of 1ntenm 1n creases had been granted since the or1g1nal f1hogs to offset increased fuel costs, the la st a four percent boost on Sept 4 Under the order, PSA will get a l 4 percent increase which with prevtous 1nter1m boosts 1s expected to pro duce revenue amounting to Sl7 S m1lllon The new rar~s also w11l 1nclude reductions for nights between Fresno and Los Angeles a nd between Fresno and San Diego Air California does not gel a fare 1ncreJse under the latest order but was granted increases Sept 4 v.•h1cb now are permanent United a nd Western , whose California passenger operations have been con ducted at a Joss, now may increase fa res to match PSA and Air Cahfor n1a fares on comp a r able routes ~Money's l,~_., Worth ~ across the boa rd approx· 1mat1on By doing the retrofitting yourself. for 1n stance, you can cut your 1n 1t1 al oullny HI half (O r more than half). As one 11lustrat1on, a Midwest owner of a two story house built before 1940 (when the Federal Housing Adm1n1strat1on had no 1n sulatlon standards for 10 s ured mortgage homesl saved about SS4 a year with the 1nstallat1on of Just six Inches of ceiling 1nsulat1on This do 1t-yourselfcr spent SIOO on matcnals, recouped h is investment 1n 18 months TO ENCOURAGE you to invest 1n such thermal 1m provements, the t~EA pro poses that you be grven a tax credit of 25 percent or the cost of your materials and 1ns lallat1on Your credit could be hm1led to S200 per taxpayer and ~ou would have to act w1th1n a spec1f1ed time period The cost to the federal govern ment would approach $500 m1lhon, but the potential energy saving would be 250 000 barrels of 011 per day by 1980 The FEA also 1s propos 1ng that the Adm1nistrat1on 1n1t1ate a $60 million pro gram to fund ut1ltt1es <t hrough state ullhty com m1ss1ons) that offer loans to homeowners for retrofit ting A (1nanc1ng program or thls sort already has been 1n operation in Michigan for slightly over a year To quail!>, a customer must own his (or her) own home and be paid u.p on his gus bill. After a 20 percent down payment of the cost or· retror1tt1ng, the customer may decide either to PIY orf the bilance wtlhln 90 days lnteresl·free or pay In 36 monthly installments with an Interest charge of one percent on the unpaid mon· thly balance IN A RELATED \'Cnturc, t he t'EA 1s t esting 1n sever.i i c1t1es a program called "Project Conserve" -under which participants fill out a questionnaire stat 1ng the ir present heating und cooling CO$tS, house. d1mens1ons and 1nsulat1on devices Then a computer analyzes the energy effi c1ency or the home, makes recommendations for 1m· provements and estimates their cost as well as even tual saving 1n fuel bills The computer service 1s now free. 1£ 1t goes nauonw1de, you'll probably ha\e to pay a processing fee or a fey,• dollars But what 1f you re poor and the cost or any home improvement scheme 1s out of }our reach" For you, lhe FEA proposes a federally funded plan to upgrade your estimated 5 million homes This program would be modeled after the succssful hom e w1nter1 zat1on pro- gram p110ted last winier 1n Maine THE GOVE R NMENT would provide $100 pe r home for 1n s ulat1on materials . volunteer groups would do the in· stallat1ons The cost of this one-shot operation $500 m1lhon The resulting sav 1ngs 1n oil 1mix>rts $S50 m1lhon a year · ProJect Independence" is being translated by deep- ly concerned citizens into realistic money and energy. saving measures Ford Sees No Way To Drop Car Costs DETROIT !UPI! - Dw1ndl1ng profits and climbing costs make a $200 to $400 auto price cut sug gested by a dealers' group "inconceivable,·· Ford Motor Co vice president John B Naughton said Thursday Naughton, Ford vice pre· s1dent for sales, said Ford's New Chief At United CHICAGO CU P!, Edv.ard E Carlson Thurs day .... as named boa rd chairman ot United Airlines and Richard J Ferris p1 es1 dent of the airline Ferris, 38, \\as associated ""Ith Western International Hotels, a subs1d1ary or UAL. Inc , until 1971 when he became president of the a\rltne's· Food Ser vices D1v1s1on Carl!Son has been Un1ted's president since December, 1970, after m ore than 30 }ears 1n the hotel industry profit per car already 1s less than 5150 , a nd 1nflallon 1s dr1v1ng up costs at the rate of $35 a month Ed"•in J ?.1ullane, a Ford dealer 1n Bergenfield, NJ , and president of the Ford Dealers Alhance, sald \Ved nesday that Ford was be1nl! noncompetitive by holding to its 1975 model prices 1n the fa ce of a steep sales slump He said a price cut could provide pr1m1ng to start the economy moving ?\1ullane said that since dealers have virtually no control over price and pro- duction, ··1 pray they fFord ) break out of their n oncom pet1t1ve 1n · trans1gence and try a price experiment in the market place " Ford bobsled prices by 5407 at the 1ntroduct1on of the 1975 models and boosted the price another S75 on r-;ov 18 by making some op- tions standard equipment and ra1s1ng freight and an· t1freeze charges Three days later, it cut $150 from the price of its cheapest car -the tv.:o door subcompact Pinto -by knock ing S66 off the base price a nd subslltut 1ng cheaper tires Friday's Closing Prices 'NEW YORK STOCK DAIL.YPIL.Ol' A.JS EXCHANGE .... 91 \ ..... 1 cw ,., '~ A&P Drer<ion :-;,\:"\ fl! \'\ClS('t) !/\Pl A fcd('ral ro111t J UCl~e \\nfl l 01der A&I' SlOllS Ill 1h\c .. t 1l~t lf OI 31 of its 32 :<1l11rc d1 \1s1ons tu prl•\('111 It from futu1 l 1!11'i.:.d f1\1lli.\ of rl'tad and \I hole ... de bt t•f prict•.., Chief l " S !)1stric1 Jud1iu ()\1\er ,J Ca11t r tuld ath1rnt•\ Joseph \I 1\Hoto on 1hu1 .. d.1\ th:i.! Slll'h a mo\e v.a .. a1m.-•tl .i t n101mpoli1at1on rather thJn pr1C'l" fl\lD). \ JUI\ I.1st Jan 25 ~\\'arded $32 1 rn 1llt1111 1n ll.1m.1 "•1s .1~.u nst A&P to ..,, 11•11 111 .~~t.)t~ )!r1J\.l.c1 .. hnlchnit the l!l 1nt lt•.id 'hu1n harl 111,!,itt'd ~n\1lrusl !av.' t1\ i11f~.ilh !1'1111)! 111l'.H prl<'l'' llolla r Drop, 11111 s:-.~:Ls 1t p11 1h~ l' ~ d.ill.1r lo:-.l ;.:1 oun~I F11Jn~ on mobt f~)rl 1 ~ n C' '\ f.' h.1n gr m.u ket~. f!\'Cn th up JH!lll lr11 ct1nnl\ll) In \,1lue tn f.cndon 10 tht• h\·l1·.1 ~u('rccl (lfHLnd ~ter lln g Tl11• 11r1C't' of gDltl "t!nl 1111 • . .. ' •· AJ& DAILY PILOT ANIMAlogic1i,$~ .... ,,. '1 ALWA't'S Slflli To Sf OM TllE '11201.16 S10f OF-IHf. DOO R ' .. Chinese Food R ecalled WASllINGTO\" f.·\P • - 1\bout 9,500 l1.1r)!e cans or Chinese vegeta ble'> have been ordered recalled by the Food and J)r u,i;: Ad· min1strat1on because of possible health hazards re· suiting from underproecss· 1ng. No 1n1ur1 c s or dt•aths h:1ve bt'en reportl'd, but the underprorcssing may all ow th e g r o "th or m ic ro - organis m s that could be harm ful, the FDA s11 id. The ca ns o f ba mboo shoots. bean sprouts and mixed \'egetables were pro- duced by the Great China Food Pr od uct s Co , Chicago. last April and ~1 ay in 19-ounce and six-pound . six-oun ce can s and labeled under 41 diffe rent names The F'DA said the cans should be returned to the supplier and not be opened The FDA s aid the ca ns normally would have been pur t'has(>d by institutions such as h o s p itals a nd restaur:ints . The br ands being recalled are Aljim, China Beauty, Code, ·o a \'is . Dernc h l , Dynasty. Ed"'a rds, Eml - ing, FSW, F rosty Acres, Good Year. l-loll eb Rlack and llolle b Red . Island Beauty, JF'B. JF'C, Kohls, Lasco, Lee. Lil Bra\'e, Lone Star , r.I ai lin g , l\1 ies e l , r.1 i l wau k ee . l\f o n a r c h , Natura l, Nifd a . Nugget , Parad('. Park. Peg, Peg Blue, Pegle r. Railton. Red & \Vhite. Richelieu. Sexton Red. Si mon, Sunday Din· ner , Tappan and Vanity . Ritualistic Cattle Kill Gets Probe DEN\' ER (UPI l -An of· fic ial o f the Amer ican }lumane Assoc iation s ays the recent deaths of nine Colo r a d o catt l e i n "ritualistic-s t yle killings" "'Crf' part of a series of sueh incid ents being perpetrated acrossjthe country by mem- bers of a n1ystcri ous cult. R. 1'. Phillips. A l-f;.\ CX · ecutive director . sa id it "'as believed "cults are invo\\·ed 1n the biz:i rre slayi ngs." He ~aid the association "·as of- h'r1 ng $500 re "'a rds for ar- rr.,ts and con\·ictions of the ki llers. Phill ips said eight catlle ""·ere s lain in 11 days near Glenwood Sprin gs. Colo.," and a ni nth. a l .l OO·pound llcreford co"'· was killed. drained of blood and had its sexu al organs a nd one car cut off near \\"ray. Colo "In r-;t•bra ska 's Pla tte Count~·. 1t "'as reported 44 surh <'rimes occur rrd 1n the past month,'' he said Phillips s aid the latest re- ports o f such s la ughter eame from ~l i nn e sota . '4 he r e nu mProus cat tle v1t·rc sla in and mutilated for no apparent reason. Trio Get Probatio1t NE\\' ''ORK f APl - Sus pe nd ed scntcnres were gi ven to t"'O :.ons o f n o t ed ne"·s p apt•r figures and a friC>nd , who admitted cons pir- ing last April to sell co- caine to a m a n "'ho t urn e d ou t to b e a fede ra l agent. U.S. Distric t Court J u d °ge Th om 3 5 P . Grie sa suspended fil'e - yea r s e nte n ees 3nd <lecrecd ri ve yt'ars of probation, a lo ng "ilh steady work· or study, for Barry Considin<'. 32, son of eolun1ni st Rob Con s 1i:l in e : K!'r r y A. Koll m ar . 20. son 0£.the \ate Ooroth)I Kil ~gal\en a nd t he la te R ichard l\oll mar. a nd J onathan C<>hen . 21. a student. L-------'', Fnelty, Otcember 13, 1974 • .. 19 mg "t~r'" 1.3 mg. n1co11ne av per c1garene. FTC Aepon OC T. '74 . . ' \ • • • • -.. t - Warning, lhe Surgeon General Has Oe1ermined =-~-=---------1-ThnCigarene-Smoking lt Oangerous-10 Your Heal1h. . I • ., " . ; .. 7 I I " • .Orange Coast EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL:. 67, NO. 347, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECE MBER 13, 1974 c TEN CE NTS Nude Cleared •• Beaches Now Open? Or ange County's nude beachgoers may have been given a green light to put it together in the altogether. Beachgoers who found going rough in the buff in recent months were vindicated late Thursday when South Orange County municipal court Judge John A. Griffin found Charles An· derson of Costa l\lesu not guilty or multiple charges filed when he sun- bathed in the nude at South Laguna's 9th Street Beach. .<\nde rson, 27, was found not guilty on charges of lewd conduct and dis· turbing the peace after defense at- torney Bill Sheffield successfully argued that his client had disturbed no one and no sexual intent when he exposed bis entire body to the sun. Anderson is one more than 100 nude beachgoers who have been arrestee! by she riff's officers in recent months on sucQ charges. • " His acquittal, Sheffield said today, may effecti\'ely bar.the sheritr from any rurth.er arrests or that type Judge lirirr1n's ruling may also mean the end of the county ordinance which Anden;on \\'as s<.1id to havt> \'iolated, Shcrrield said. Property ov.•ner \Villard Cain had earlier argut.-d for the prosecution that nude beachgo1ng near his cliff top home on South Coast Highway had.re· • ssessor ' en1es Newport Explosion Guts Boat By ALMON LOCKAB EV ... tltolEMtw A boat explosion rocked the Lido North apartment complex on Lido Peninsula with the force of a sonjc boom Thursday night. 1'he concussion and fire caused damage to boats in ad· jacentslips. Gutted by the explosion and fire was a 35.root cabin cruiser be longing to David Hreha, 19162 Constellation Lane. Huntington Beach. The boat had been berthed al the marina, 633 Lido Park Drive, with ll "for sale'' sign on it. Cause or the explosion Y.'as not im· mediately known, according to James Upton. inspector for the Newport Beach Fire Department. Occupants or boats in nearby slips were shaken up by the force of the ex· plosion, but no one y,•as injured. Severely damaged by concussion and heat was the 63·foot Glissando, a conver ted military Vessel owned by Atark Arm istad which was in the ad- CSee BLAST, Page A!> DOW OFF AGAIN; TRADE SLUGGISH NEW YORK <AP) -The stock market turned downward today in a slow and uninspired session on Wa ll tTables. page Al5J. T he Dow Jones avera2e of 30 in· dustrials lost 3.60 polnts to 592.77, and losers outpaced gainers by about 9 to 5. on the New York Stock Exchange. An alysts ascribed the market's weakness and sluggishness to the generally dim economic outlook. LA File Br~nded LOS ANGELES CU PI ) -The "Alpha File" -a secret report kept by PO.lice on "hoodlum "type" juveniles in south Los Angeles -was branded Thursday by the American Civil Liberties <.tlnion as a ··clear racist intent to intimidate the black community." The ACLU filed a class action s ui t demanding that the Los Ang4:!1es Police Department destroy the fil e . Coast Wt.•a1l1t•r fl;lostly sunny Saturday with local g usty winds at times. Highs or 70 at the beaches r e- aching 76 inJand, according to the weather service. Lows tonight 42 to 50. INSID!i: TOD/\ Y T11e fantasy toorld o1 Disneyland combines wifli Ille Yuletide season io produce lhe traditional "f'anlasy on Parade " at Ille Anaheim !and of make believe. Jt's all in piclures 011 lhe \\leekerider COVl'r. C-1: l11tlt•x AI Y-S.rwltt 1J ....... 14 L M. h¥'oiL 14 Cl"'-111• Al Ontll;M Dl·ll c-k.1 Cl c-_. ,,. 0. .... -k tl Alf ll~, ... Al ll~lft"''"'' Cf .. ,P'IMM• AH-U .._... 11 M9 l.Mlltn 11 Mot\IWI Cl·6 Mof\lllfl """'' A 14 Nfl ..... IN-1 "' 0r..,.c-,, .. , .. 11 ....,.. •1·1 stowtl 11·1 Ml(•MMl'b A.11 T ..... hlM Cl T1119• .. " CM ...,~ .. w.rtillfrl... "' ....... " ,, ... • He Fe11reth Not -,lf/1 P ... lo D~.Lff f'IJI" James A. Stanley peers at himself 111 broken mirror. Legend has it that broken mirrors anti days like today -Friday the thirteenth - should be s hunned bec;:1use of the bad luck they bring. But Stanley \\•elcomes anything to ·do \vilh thirteen.tfo find out why, see page 3. " ~\ . . Narco Raids Irvine Co. Gets Input F 0 · · Sweep Mesa· rom 22 rgan1zat1ons ' The Irvine Company's efforts to 32 Arrested please e\'erybc.Kly with ils plans for development of 10.000 acres between Corona del l\1ar and Laguna Beach are destined to be unsuccessful, com- pany planner Larry i\1oore told a luncheon gathering Thursday. But \Vhen the company responds to· 22 groups \\'ho have taken part in plan- ning the company's coastal sector. most or nearly 300 concerns \11il\ be satisfied, he said. Speaking to nearly 150 members or the Orange County Coast Association at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Newport Beach l\1oore and Irvine Company President Ra y mond \Vatson detailed tlie hi story of The Irvine Company Mult i·Agcncy Plan- ning Program ITICl\lAP). Composed of 22 public and private groups, the planning body is an Irvine Company effoit to h'ead off possible confrontations on it s 1>lans for the ·t0.000 acres \vhi ch may come up dur- -tng hearings before lhe coastal com- n1ission or the Orange County Plan· ning Commission. .. There is no ideal solution. That plan can't be drawn." said Moore. "No matter what '-"'C co me up with, there i.s going to be some group or agency out there that disagrees with us.'· Company plans for the area include a l .345·acre stale park. homes for about 50,000 residents and two major resort areas. The parkland sale, "'hich was to be completed later this month. has been l blocked by a preliminary injunction Obtained by Joan Irvine Smith, who controls 22 percent of the company's stock. · She contended thnt the S7.6 million price on the 3.5 miles of beach and bluff and 1,100 acres in Moro Canyon intended for the park "'as too lo"'. In addition to the parklund, Moore said, other land in the area designated as open spuce is still in question. So far. no agency has offered to buy it, he said, and none has orfered to muintain it even if the land \vas a gift . . Regarding the planned open space. l\toore said. "The Irvine Company can do other things with these ca· nyons and will insist on being able to do things with these canyons unle.r;s s0me workable solution is arrived Rt .'' The coastal commission or c..-ounty pl11nners ranoot simply confiscate the land or deny the company the rjght to use it, he said. Other problems in planning the area, 1\loorc suld. include transport a·· tion . Pacific Co~st J.Ji g h\v;ay 1s aJrcad.}'._ qy_crloadcd, hi' sa11J, and lbc cities or Nc"·port Bca~h and Laguna Dall~ "•IOI Slaft Pltol• 'CAN 'T PLEASE EVERYBODY' Irvine Company's Moore Beach can be expected to oppose a plan "'hich \viH mean more traffic through their jurisdictions. 'rhe highway is the only accc~s tu the property al thi s time. Con1pa,ny plans. ho\l.·ever. sho"' two roads lead- ing northeast into lr\'ine and an addi· ttonal access "'hich could be provided if the Corona del 1\1/lr Freeway was to he e:<tended south. More Rains Seen By The l\ssociated Prl'ss The series of rapidly moving "·eak storm rronts th:il have brought light rain to Northern California will con Linut• through Saturday. 1'he Nation:il \\'c:itht>r S(•r\•icc !'aid th(' 11ext storn1 will pt•I! the north coast tonight and pro' 1Cle .. ~ ch;.1nce of s howers 11uutj1""i:d l.o :\lonlef'e y-a nd fulcr am cnto through Saturday. By AR'ffiUR R. VINSEL 01 U.. D•ily ,.lloi S~tt A s"'eep through Costa ~1esa by teams of narcotics detectives Thurs· day and today has netted 32 among 42 suspected on-the·street drug dealers. many of them students at t1vo hi gh schools . The age among those arrested so far ranges from 14 to 35. according to police and includes one diminutivl' adult. 18. v.·ho gave hi s occupation as race·horse jockey. Arrest \Yarrants naming most of the arrestees and others still on the streets '-"'ere issued follO\\'ing a four- month investigation. Vi ce and i"\arcotics Detail Detective Sgt. Gene "l\lother" Norden said to· day it \vas coordinated 1vith the Or;1nge County Narcotics Task Force and aimed al cutting campus drug Use. ··only a few of the drug buys were conducted on loc:il hi gh school cam· puses .... " he explained. Some parallels exist to a rcct'nt mass Los Angeles County drug- dealing roundup in "'hich 226 students from among 20 high schools y,·ere taken into custody. Fourteen more arre:.ts are ex· peeled. No officers v.·ere actually enrolled at Costa 1\·lcsa or t:stancia high schools to investigate the allei:Cd drug trafficking. "'hich he said mainly in- vol\'ed marijuana. hashish. cocaine and amphetamine stimulant tablets. He said some undercover agents were active on campus. but posed as old hangers-on or dropout students during the four·month probe. "\\le've found the trend tends to be more one of selling to close friends or 11ersons they kno1'' \veil," said S~l. Norden. lie suggc51tcd this may in- dicate a gro\l.·ing fear o{ selling to police agents, due to many arrests in the past 18 months. By this morning the tally of those 1n custody included 25 Juveniles -all but live of whom \\'ere booked into Juvenile Hall on C'harges of drug sal('s -and se,•en adults . The fi\'e juveniles released to their parents were arrested ineid('ntal\y to the main thrust of the drug rnundu1>. according 10 Sgt. Norden. They are charged with only possession. not t;alcs Adult arrestees captured during the sv.'eep. which was sus1>ended at 10 pm . pending resumption toda y, in· elude · -1\'l:1nucl Bro:&\'O Ctalean•h ~or.a.I ii CSee NARCOTICS. PageAZI J.t'hcd thl' po1n1 that he coultl no lnngcr invite his grandch1ldr('n to the house. Catn is by far the most constant caller to the sher1fl"i. office tn all surh 111:.tances of nudity on the b('aeh Sheffield succe..,!>lully argued th..1t the ordinance undl·r "hich Ander:.011 also \Vas prosecuted jll'rt:uned n1 or1.• ar Indicted Aides Not Suspended Bv TO >I RARLf.\' "Of t111 Daily PllOI sun Orange County Assessor J ack Val\erga today announced thilt he ha s no 1ntentio'n of SUSJ:lCndin g or taking any t ype of disciplinary action against seven employes accused in a Grand Jury indictment. Vallerga emerged from a 2•1·hou r seclusion to condemn any such action ·<JS ··quite inappropriate <1l lhis time. .. As of n_o\Y they have simply been charged." Vallcrga sa id . ··1 un· derstand thilt the Grand J ury 111 · vestigat1on is continuing and I see no reason to interfere v.•ith their duties at this early stage. ··1 have every confidenc~ in the · system." Vallerga said. ··And l have t"\'ery confidence th'at these charges are going to be thro"'n out at a later stage of the game." All seven employes and two forme r asseSsor's aides who are now retired will be arraigned later today in Supt"rior Court Oil Ch<\rgt>S o( grand theft, submitting false claims and violating government codes. It is alleged that the nine drew coun- ty money in 1970 for time actually spent in working for \\'hat eventually v.'aS the election of then county as· sessor Andrew J . llinsha\\' to the <10th District Congressional seat. 1'he Republican legis lator today continued to refuse to return frequent call s made to him in \Va shington by the Daily Pilot. tlins ha"·'s secret ary sa id !ht• Congressn1 an was in the I-louse voling and \\'ill not be a\'ailablc to the press until later tocla.\·. Later, llinsha\\' lold the Dailv Pilot in a telephone cOtivcrsation th.it he 1s ··making no comment at this time on the advice of my attorne) · He said \\'ould speak v.·11h his at- torney again this afternoon to dc- tSee 1\SSESSOR, Page A21 Exporters Hike Cost of Crude By ,3 Perce11t \'I F.i\/';;\ ( LPI I -The v.·orld's ma· JOI' oil 1.•xporl1ng nations derided to day to increase the price of erud<' (lit by 31 cents a barrel -3 pcrt'<'nl on Jan. I . Ira n's Interior i\linisler Jamshouzcgarsatd . · '1'he selling: price of oil "'di be SI0.46 a barrel effeclt\'C .Jan. \," i\mouzcgar said after a l\vo.cl;1y meeting of the Or~an1zat1on of P etroleun1 l':xµortin l"! Countrif' ... tOPECI. The n~"' prlC'C' "'Ill he frozen for thc fi rst n tnc months of 1975, he> ~a id. The present :1\'eraj!e selling prire of crude oil 1s SI0,15 a 42·~allon bnrrcl. oil induslr y officials s:ucl. It wa s not irn rn C'diatcly l'lt>ar \Vhethcr this \\'ould mean an incre:is .. in the price of ,e:1solinc because of 1ht· romplic;lll'd oil prici ng and roya\1~ s.vst\'nl I\' h ich 1ll'tcrrn in£' oil pri('e:-. I.arr\' Goldst('lll, :l Nl'\Y 'Y<1rk oil tonsuliant , s<.11d thl' action by OPF.l~ n1ay not be :tn inrr£'ase nt all Slllt'P Slfl 46 is lhl· market price establish1·d last 1nonth by Situdi Arabia. Abu Dhabi and CJat~1r The action hy OPEC. hl' s:1nl. •" ··nothinf.: more th;ln a confirmation that this is the n1arkct price for t'\'t'I \'hodv." -Bui. he said . oil <'ompan1es h;ul lx•en pay1ni: an ::1\'C ragc of SIO 36 .1 harrcl for lh:Jl oil O\\'ned b' thl' 1\r.1h nattons and lhal o"nt·d b~· lhP ('01n pante~. Tht• set 1>rirc of sio 4t) f11r ;ill OPEC oil. (;o\dste1n Set1d . m1•nn .. ··.1n 1nrrell.!'e in cn:o.t to the rom1lanu·~ 111 p1 cents a burrt•L" The ea rlier 111c~·c<1sc!!J 1mpo~1·d u11 c~eo1 1 ... , t•a gf' A2l .. I lo nui.ll' ..111d sem1·nud1.: c11\crt u1nn1l'nL th,111 nalo.cd sunllath111i:: on the beach. ·1 h1ok on this <is a test case," th~ d1·l1.·11~c.< attornvy :.:11d. ··,\nd I \'l'r) tnuch rt·~rl·t th:.it n1any of lhe peoplt• \\hO h;i\'l' bt·en :.tmtlarly .i.rrested 011 thl·~c chd rg~i. decided ltl pl Pad gu ill \ r<1the r than t..1kt' lhl' 1s~ue liJ Lrial Ci' :'llr Andersouthd ·· es 04-H• l"l .. 1 $UH l"MM VINDICATION SEEN Assessor Vallerga Costa il'lesa Hits Delays • In Park Buys By Al.AN DIRKIN OI ttw O:tilY l'llol S ... H Fifteen months after Costa ~le:ia voters approved a S3 .9 million park bond issue for acquisition and de· \'elopment of 70 acres of parks. the c1 ty has purchased 42 acres. It appears that the city "'ill fall about 10 acres short of the announced goal of 70 acres "'hl'n all purchases nre complete Dire('tor of Leisure Scr\·iccs l\eilh \'an 1-lolt toda~· agreed th;it the city is behind schedule in acquisition and that the city "'ill be able to buy fe\\er a{'res than planned "I didn't apprec1illl' the an1ount ot rneetings and <1rgu1n.c. u\·er prices that \1ould he in\'ol\'t'd.'' Van llolt s:.11d . All of the park site~ acquired so fa1 \\CJ'C school sites. \\hJch the cit~ bought from lhe !'°t'l\'port-:'ll cs:1 L'nified School l)istril'l. :'\n privatt· proper\~· has yet been pu rchascd. Van l·lolt rePQrlcd \hill negotiation ... a1·c under \l.'a.\' or appraisal~ :trt! bcinJ! n1ade on :inother 15 fc) 20 acres of jlfl\';.ite land 'fht• announeed targ:e l for that category of ..icqu1!>1\lon 1vas 25 .'.l{'fl'~ "\\\· 1\ ill end up\\ 1th fc\\•er <it'rl'S, \'an I lnlt aekno" ledged. pointing out that land Jlrices had risen. 1'1e said some of . th e p;1rcels tht> cit}' h:td planned to bu~· "'ere sold even bef'or1· the bond clecllon \\as pa ssed in Sep tember. 1973. Joan :\1 ar~ol, Ont• nl the citi zen leaders for the lxnid 1:0.suc. today said I hat she con:-1dert'cl 1 ht· progre:.:. "barel~ sal1sfal·tor~ .. "\\'t• ;ire sorr~· 11 h<1:. not gone fa stl'r hut\\ t.! arc not sure 1trould have gont> faster.·· -s ht• addtd :'llrs :\l.iri::ul s.11d 1h:1t she un 1lcr ... t1iod the l'lt} hall ~old the park h<111(! ... ancl v.;1" 1·o llecting 1ntcr1>~t ! S1·c P.\Rt\S. Pa ~t· :\2) Mo11thl y Tour O f U ppe r Ba y Set S aturrlay '\'lh· 1-'rt('ndi. r){ L'1lpt•r ~1•\1 µol't R..1\ 11 di t·ondu1•t th1.11r mnnthl\· ~t.U{lt~d ln1u 01 th11 upp<'r ha) S,1\urUJ~· 1nnrn- 1n1.: Tho''-' \lho JOll\ lhl' rre(• tour \\lll "\J\'nd JR hour .1nd \\;1\k :ihout ,1 mdt· .don;.: lhC' h.1~ :-hur1·. ~to111.11n~ :.ii 1•1t(hl ..,1,111011..; ;.1lonc. th(' l\,1y tu hc>,ll' hru I 11•1 l lit l'"' Oil fe:JtUT'l'~ llf thl' U)lp£'r h.J _\ 'fh1· 1•'111'" ~l.tl'l itlll pottll 1~ ;1 l lh1• . 1 .1, ·1 • ,,, t11·r ol 1hl•1nll'l'~1·1·tinn nl 11.ir!. 11.,1 ,ind l:..1~11JluCfdr1\\!!> t.;ruup tour ... \\Ill lt•<L\'t' fr11m lh1•rt• .1t \OH')\n1o. 111\t•r\'J\shcl~'''en9:indllu 111 •• O"IL Y PILOT c • ., Cleaning liJ> Or<.in ge Cuunly harbor patrolme n re trie,·e flotsam from Ne"''port ll arbor waters from deck of U S. Army amphibious vehicle. 1-lar bor department borrowed the \'t.'h icle from an Oceanside reserve unit for bay cleanup rollow- in~ recent storm. A department spokesman said the major partion of the c leanup was to \\'ind up today. TO~IG llT "GODSPELL" -Ne"·port !!arbor High School drama, Auditorium, Dec. 13, 14. 8 p.m . ''T!-IAT C llA~IPIONS!-fIP SEASON" -South Coast Repertory Theate r, thru Sun. 8 p.m. Also Sun. 3 p.m. SATURDAY, DECE~llER 14 ES'fA:":CIA ADOBE -State Hi s· lorical Landm<irk, 1\da ms and Jlolesa Yt:rde Drive \Vest, Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m . OCC l~UA U -llorticullure Dept. scholarship fund benefit, Horticulture Bldg. 2 p.m . Adm. S3. · ORANGE COAS1' CO~l~tUNI TY SYl!IPHONJC CHORALE, -OCC Auditorium, 8 p.m. Adults Sl .50, children SI . SUNDAY, DECEMBER IS CHR ISTMAS OR.GAN RECITAL - Dr. Ju!:itin Colyar, OCC Prr"essor of f\.Jusic. Auditorium. 8 p.m . Free. Retired Judge Harold Collins Fun.eral Held Catholic funeral rites v.•crc held 'Thursday and today for retired Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Harold P. Collins. a summertime Balboa Is land resident v.·ho died Tues- day. The veteran j urist, 72, had m ain- tained :.i Harbor /\re:1 retreat fo r 20 years and h<1d many friends and re· lati\•es locally, but lived at 810 Rubio SL . Al t;idcna. Gra ,•csirle rites v.·cre held today at Resurrection Cemetery, South Sa n Gabriel, follo\\•ing Hosary Thursday at St. Elizabeth's Church in Altadena. Hi s legislative and law career began in 1927 "·hen he y,·as admitted to the California Bar, but aft er seven years in private practice he became a .special assislant to the U.S. Atlorney General's officl' in Los Ani,ieles. lie le[t again for private practice in JM4, ;.ind 18 ye;.irs later Gov. Edmund G. '·P at"' Brov.·n appointed him to the bench where he served 10 years before felir1ng. Judge Coll1n:-111ost recently \1•as ap· pointed hcar1ni:: officer for the Los Angeles County C1v1J Service Com- n1ission bv the bo;1rd of supervisors o.ind held il until hi s death. Survivors include his v.•ife Julia: sons Tho111a s, of Pasadena. and Charles. of Temple City; daughters Juli;i of J\lt;.idcna and )!rs. Clare !\1ar- quardt. nf S1t'rra ~laclre, plus nine g.rand chilclr1~n . th ree brothers <and 1 hrec -.isters OR ANGE COAST ~ DAILY PILOT nw Ot-C••" D<l•lw P;l(lt. '"'""-en •ttDtll· .. ...., 11W ,.~..,,.p,,,._ I\ puDlo.-bytl'IP Ot- Coi\l l>ubl•\11•~'1 Como•~t ~ ... 11. ""'''°"' .,, llUl>i•\IOe<I -""•• !ftr<>wqft f """'· •or Co\!1 ....... JH•-1 S..o<ft ... ~~!•/lq!M 81.o<nll'D...,· t.1n \11H1v I• .. ~ •• S1lldl•ll..I<' Voll•• '"" LI~ 811<" 'loowlft C.01<1, A • ..,.., ,,,,,,..., ..,,,,..., 11 llUDt•""'" s.,.,,.,,,, -S.-•n . Hw "'"''""'' ""bl "''"9 p•1nt " l l JOO wt~ 8.ll S.•HI C•il• ,,.,.,a. C1l1lorn•1 ttoi... Robert N. Weed "'"'"""' '"" -11111'\' Jack R Curley Vt<J Prno"""' '"" C.Onl'll .... _t Thoma~ Keevil [O<tor Thomas A Murph1ne """"•Q•nQ Ea•lcw Charles H Loos Richard P. Nall lo\l•!!1n1 M•"•Q•"'l E~olor' Olllces {~\II Mo •~ J)O ""''' 11,o, \,•~•! ~"P<l'I S.•<" JJJl NO.,l'Ort lloou~•••d L•Q•m• S.•cn 11 .. """"'w,..St•ft! .. ...,,,na•on&tf<n 1111 """'"SO<..le•••O 'W<lolrOI<~ v • .i., IHDI u P11 A,.., I I \on 0•000 F•H .. •J Ttteptione 17141 Ml-4321 Cl•ssilied Advertlsin9 642-S671 Se<H'lt-• Vl l .. J Nf""()ltl(• 511 ·•l10 r •O,., So!\ C.•t-n~ 4•S·06JO C#"t"~· 1'14 O.•np Co1u 'Wl'l1""'9 COlnOM'1 l'M ,.,._ •!or"' 11,.,.,,.,..,, •11110"•11 ,...11,, o• ,,...,,_,...,.,. llf•••n ,.,., • "'"'""''''"" -''"°"' 1(11'(•11 Off"'"•-.. tOOJ••tll, O•"f• !iotco.,. 11111 "°'r•oo llol•8 •• Co"• """"" C.!lto•n•• s .. t H••O,•on llf <•.,,.., u oo '"°"l"IJ. h ,...,1 ~llO ,,._,w ,, m<M.,, llOh,..!•Oll• \) 00 '"""tn•r Tit11i11g lss11e Watergate J11ry Zeroes on Golf WASl·lJNGTON (UPI) -The exact t ime when R"it'hard Kleindienst played golf and his wife quit cleaning her kilchen cabinets to have lunch on Salurday, June 17, 1972, emerged as a vital issue today at the \\'atergate cov· er-up tria l. Such seemingly trivia l events "'ere . ::it the heart oft he defense of Hobert C. l\tardian, a sometime San Clemente resident. as he seeks to convince the jury he had no part in trying to hush up the scandal. Five agents of then President Nix- on·s re-election campaign had been arrested at Democratic headquarters at. 2 a .m . and the proseculion charges From Page Al PARKS .•. "but that was not the purpose of the vote. The intent was to develop parks." .r.'lrs. l\-1argol said that the citizens committee \.li'as aware that acquiring private property V.'Ould be the hardest step. ··we knew there would be a lot of d_ickering, ··she said. Of the $3.9 million approved by voters, $2 .6 million was for·acquisi· tion and Sl.3 million for detelopment. Van Holt rep0rted that so far, $1,470,000 bad been spent on acquisi· tion and $300,000 coffimitted for de- velopment. that Kleindienst, then attorney general, received an urgent message· later that day while playing golf at Burning Tree Country Club. The message asked him to release the burglars from jail. The request allegedly originated with defendant John a.I . Mitchell, then Nixon's campaign manager and now a cover-up defendant, and was re- layed by fl.1ardian on the telephone to \Vatergate mastermind G. Gordon Liddy, who in turn rushed lo the coun- try club to give it to Kleindienst. Mardian. a former assistant at- torney general and Nixon campaign operative, was with the campaign hi"gh command in California at the lime. He contends that because or the time dif· ference, he could not possibly have called Washington in advance of Lid- dy's trip to Burning Tree about noon Washington time. From Page A l NARCOTICS. • llarbor Blvd .. charged with sales of hashish oil and marijuana. Inves tigators said Galeana lives in a rear room at his place of business, but that others present denied knowledge or him, so the raid team re- turned two hours·later. "I-le was standing out front u•ith his suitcase ready to 'boogie'," Sgt . Norden alleged of the suspccl's <i"p· parent plans for a hasty departure for olher parts: Of the delays, Van tlolt said that he expected to have the school properties in a.tarch, but did not gain them until July because of the length of the negotiations. Van Holt pointed out that although these lands were already in the public domain. they woultl have been sold to private developers if the city had not acted. -"He had even sold his car •already," the investigator further charged. As for land that is presently private, the leisure services director said that negotiations on prices arc under \~·ay on the three parcels, and appraisals have begun on t\VOother sites. .. On the last two sites, the ov.·ners said our appraisal was low a nd they are now ha ving their O\\'n done," Van !loll said. ''It's a long process." Va n Holt said that in some in - stances ou'ners had sold out before the cilv could even be gin nl•gotlations . "1\.lSo if a private ou•ncr doesii't u•ant to sell lo the city all \\'C' can do is con· demn th ~ J>roprrt~. but '''e have been trying to avoid that," Van llo!t ex - plained. \':1n llolt noted th;.it the r11.v ha.'i been trying to maintain the cr1teri:i of locating parks U'ith1n walkin,i:: dis- 1;1nce of :d i homes in a ne1ghborhonrl anrl locati ng sites thal ;ire vi s1hlc. The m inimunl park size the city likes to C'onsidt'r is 2.5 aC'rt·s but these are "gettu1g harder lo find.·· -Larry Mark Pante!, 18, reported· ly a jockey, of 2913 Jacaranda Ave ., OOoked on a w<1rrant charging sales of coc:Jine and marijuana. -Bryan Edward Stimpson, 21. or 3036 Fillmore \Vay, booked on a \\'a r- rant churging sales of hashish and marijuana. -John Lawrence Webber, 21. of 525 Victoria St., booked on a warrant charging sales of hashish. -Roy l\1 iles Fernstrom , 18, of 916 l\tagellan Drive, booked on a warrant chargi ng sales of marijuana. -Donald 1-1. \Vheelef, 18, of 2656 Orange Ave., booked on a war- rant charging sales of LSD and marijuana. -Craig Sinclair \Valker, 18, of 4 Kialoa Court, t'ewport Beach. The other ad ul ts ca ptured are Costa l\\esans. No incidents were reported during the roundups, most of which occurred :tt the suspects' homes, said Sgt. r>;orden, except for one involving an irate mother who objected to the routine fingerprinting of her daughter . Andy Kirk Succumbs After Long lllne.ss Willian\ "Andy''. Kirk, longtime re- sident of Ba lboa. died Thursday ni ght at Long Beach ~lemorial llospital after a long i llnc:ss. i\1r . Kirk \vas admilted""lo lhe hospital the day after 'Thanksgiving aflcr suffering a stro~ Ile never re· gained consciousness An avid yachtsman, f\tr . Kirk, 7f;, 1.::1n1l' to the Ncv.·port area in the earl y 1!13ils and purchased his present home at 1208 E. Ralboa Bl,·d . lie Joined :'\('\\'po rt Jlarbor Ya chl Club in 1!137 and started s11i lins.: small boats. lie later b('l' an1c involved in offshore rac- in g as a ere'' man on some of the best knO\.li'll yac ht s on the \Vest Coast. ill' sailed 111 three Transpuc races on the famed r.torning Star \\'hen It \\·as ou n<'d by his fr1('nd. the lat Richard Rh('em lie also cr\•v.ed on the 67-(0ot yawl Chubasco w1lh !he l:1te William Stewart and \.li'ith the late 1-lumphrey Bogart on the 50-foot yawl Santana. lie onc<' sa1l<'d the rugfZ Cd Fastnet race off t:ngland with llcnry nuront in a 46·ft. PCCsloop, ,\I r Kirk ~01\n bont. \.li'hi ch hr <'am - llaii.;nt'cl ](u,'a!l} for· milny years, ''as un Island Cl1ptl(.'r nti mcd rrnhr In rt'- l't·nl ~ca rs hl' devoted hi s yacht1ns: :1c t1\ ity to h IS JlO\\ crboat, Uu cctt nccr. Ile was ·widely known in yachting circles throughout the world. and was a cha rter member or the western con- lu1gcJ1l of the prestfgious Cruising Club of Am erica. Un til his illness nearly tv.'o ·years ap.o. f\tr. Kirk was active in civic af· fairs. Jn the 1930s he was appoi nted to the Ne11o·port Beach Cily Council to fill an unexpired term by the late a.tayor Clya n llall. Although he h3.s al"'ays maintained the Bal boa Peninsula home on the bayfront. l\fr. Kirk · and hi s wife, l)Qrothy, had spent much ottheir time! recently at a ranch they owned at 1700SSantiagoCanyon Rd . r.tr. Kirk was the last or the in· dependent oil producers. He was the rounde r a nd president or the California Southern Oil Co. until he so ld out to a major oil company and retired. In ;1ddit1on to his widow. Dorothy, r.tr. Kirk lcavcs a son. William A. Jr. or Los An~eles: a daughter, J\1rs . Clary <Katherine) Staaf. Ntwport Beach; a roi;ter·dauj!'hter. !\lrs. Gr11cc C.avlord or Re.no ; six grand children, nnd four gr('al·grandch1ldren . F11n<'ral services arc ptlnding with Pacific View r.1ortuary. D•UY "11•1 l'Nl• ltY G•ry Gr....,ui. NEIGHBORS CHECK OUT REMAINS OF BURNED-OUT CRU ISER AT LIDO PENINSULA DOCK Blast and Fire Wreck Craft; Off·duty Firemen at Nearby Party Douse Flames ---'--~~~~~~~~ Communications Gap Claimed From Page A l BLAST ... jacent slip. Damage lo the Glissando 0 . E J wasestimatedatSl.500. fi Dergy SSUe A Tahiti ketch on the opposite side of the burned boat u•as backed into the The American people are not fully aware of "the magnitude and serious- ness" of the energy crisis, a Newport Beach business executive said in a speech this week. Phillip J . Stevens, president of l!ltrasystems, Inc., went on to call for government to take the necessary ac- tions to close the energy· communica· lions gap. · Stevens' remarks were made al a luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Corona df l Mar. Optimistically, he said the U.S. has the science and technology resources available to solve the energy pro· bl ems. However. Ste\'ens added, those re- sources must be "wisely directed. stro,pgly supported and directed by proJ1Cr government leadership. Stevens predicted that the energy crisis will mean changes in the na· lion's life styles that have already begun. such as reducing the highway speed limit to SS miles per hour. It will also mean expanded effort to extract synthetic gas from coal, the growth of conservation oriented in· dustries and offshore oil drilling, ac· cording to the Newport Beach busi· nessman. Stevens concluded his luncheon talk by expressing his "great confidence" in the ability of the American people to "solve s uch monun1ental pro· blems" as the nation's energy n~eds . From Page Al ASSESSOR. • • termine if some explanation of his role in the issue could be made. Vallerga today confirmed that he and l·linshaw appeared before the Grand Jury during a five-month in· vestigation that put 49 witnesses before the in vestigati ve p a ne l. The assessor also confirmed that he declined to testify before the Grand Jury -again like Hinshaw -but slressed that his attitude \\'as dictated on the advice of his lawyer, John C~l:l.i.ll. "1''rom what I know, there is simply no s ubsta nce to these charges," Vallerga said. "And, like I said, I have ~~cry confidence in the system. I bay by her owners, ~lr. and A1rs. Tom Steeje who were aboard another boat abcJ!t three slips away. It was not im- mediately determined if the kelch was damaged. a.lr. and .r.Irs. K.C. Da~·son u•erc aboard their4.2-foot Yankee ketch two slips away when the explosion oc- curred. They called lhe J.~i re and Harbor departments a nd attempted to quell t he flames u•ilh fire ext- ini?uishers. f'rorn Page A l OIL ... ilaterally by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dh abi and Qatar had already been passed on by the oil companies through their distributors and the latest action mav not mean higher prices for con·. sumers. he said. · Asked if gasoli ne and home heating oil prices would go up. Amouzegar said: "That depends on how much the oil companies can absorb from their . profits." Iran, he said, proposed limiting oil company profits lo 50 cents a barrel. Present oil company profits arc ;ibout 75 cents a barrel. OP EC offi ci a Is saitl . The in crease of J l cenls in the sell- ing price of a barrel of oil was decided by ministers of lhe 13 OPEC nations meet"ing in a Vienna hotel follov.·in)? tu·o bomb tJireats ugainst OPEC headquarters. OPEC did away ~·ith the posted price system which 1n;1intained artificially hi gh prices, in favor of the unified system. Amouzegar said OPEC had been forced to increase the price of oil because three members -Saudi Arabia. Abu Dhabi and Qatar·- raised their prices at OJ meeting in Abu Dhabi last month. "We had tv.·o choicl's -eithl'r to go back to the September price syslem, and this ~·ould mean the three Arab members reversing their decision. v.'hi ch they would not do, or adopt. the Abu Dhabi price," he Si.lid "We adopted the Abu UhalH 1n·1ec, not a penny more. "You can't ha\'e two prices from the s ame oi l from the same s pol (i\liddlc East)." ·JUST IM TIME FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE SELECTION OF TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS AND CHAIRS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STOP IN NOW. DAEXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER SCAG .Panel Readies Fight On Land Use Elected officials \.li'ho serve as de- legates to the powerful Southern California AsSociation of Govern- ments SCAG are gearing up to fight state proposals to create a new super agency to adminster CatifOrnia's coastal development. In a session in Los Angeles Thurs· day, the SCAG executive committee has agreed to call a meeting of in- terested cities \.li'ithin the coastal sec- tor of the Southland in order to coordinate a possible battle against a new element to the state coastal plan that \.li'Ould set up the super agency. The Powers, Funding and Govern· ment element of the coastal land·use plan sets up the framework for a new state panel that would rule on all changes within five miles of the shoreline. The present system of regional commissions affects changes only "'ithin t ,OOOyardsofthesea. The Powers. Funding and Govern- ment element would expand li::nd-use control to the entire five-mile plan- ning area set up by the passage of the Coastal Initiative. Regional coastal commissions are · responsible for drafting elements to the tot al plan for the area. And South Coast Commission tl-lember and SCAG delegate Ralph Diedrich was outspoken about the controversial plan element. "There is going to be some s~rong language in there and it's going to cause some problems," the com- miss ioner and Otange County Supervisor told fellow men1bers of the SCAG Executive Committee. The greatest concern about the plans for the successor agency on coastal land use is the total loss of local control over the destiny of the state coastline. 'Diedrich said that if city and county officials are concerned about the de· arth or control in the new System- and the concern already is "'eliing- then the time is right to band together and effect major changes in the pro- posed planning element. The formative meeting has not yet been set for a possible mobilization of opposition. But the committee for SCAG sug- gested that some sort of consensus should be ready in time for its next session on Jan. 9. . ' NEWPORT BEACH • 1727 'A'lSTCLlff DR , 642-20SO WIUDA YS t SA TUIDA YS 9:00 lo 5:30 \ LAGUNA BEACH • J~!i Nl>lfl'll CC l,\ST If\\'\', 4\M !>Ml TORRANCE• 2:16ol9 HAWTllORNt: Rt.VD 1(l1>cn Fn hllf,Suu , 12·~.:Jot T.11•1279 • Al DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAG£ Aid for .Mesa Housing Costa ~1 esa has anoppe>rtunity to gain $4 .2 mill ion in federal fund s over six years to improve housing conditions und quality of life for those on moderate or low incoffies. . It's· come under the name of the I-lousing and Community Development Act of 1974 , a measure designed to reduce slums and blight, and to prevent a deterioration in the nation's housing supply. lt also was enacted by Congress to take the hou sing problem from the federal government and hand it to the local authorities. Most Costa l\.1esa councilmen have indicated th ey are in favor of purs uing the funds. which \\1ould not start to come in until April , 1975. The interest is there for several reasons. Firsl. because the money has already been allocated bv thC' federal government. That means no grantsmanship is required to get it. Se<:ond, because the money can be spent in m a n y different ways, acquiring blighted prop erty and r efurbishing il, be a utificati renters and homeoy,·ners, and residents rrom all S(.'CtOrS Of the City. F or this reason. city ofricials a re appe:iling to residents to upply for members hip on an 11 ·n1ernbcr committee that y,iill determine hou ~ing needs. Subcommittees of citizens muy be set up under the main bod y so offici;,ils are hoping for a large number and "'ide \1ariety or applic<.ints. The deadline for ap- plir~1tion s is Dec:. 20, Some might feel that Costa Mesa officials hitvC been slO\V to deal \V ilh hou si ni.? problem:-;. 'fhc citv h;.1~ refused to join the Orange County I lousing: ,\uthority or set up one of its own. No funds h ave been committed in the past toward improving housing. But the .a vailability of these federal monies. disbursed only on the grounds of n eed. is an oppartunity th;1t s hould not be missed. Citize ns, too should not miss th e opportunity to come for\vard <.ind play a part in sett ing poli('y. 1--~---n1roje·cts. erv1n open space an r ecreational -F-airgronnds-W ater opportUnities, code enforcement in rundown a reas, and public · works facilities s uch as streets, gutters ~nd c9m mun ity cent<:rs. · But the main reason for interest is the need . f\.1uc:h of the c ity':-: housing is s ubsta nda rd untl is dete riorating further. The 1970 federal census, on which the allocation of funds to Costa h1csa is based. found that many people in Costa Mes a can't afford the homes they <ire li ving in. In 1969, 39 percent of homeowners and 47 percent of renters \\'ere paying more than the r ecommended limit of 25 percent of monthly income for their homes. Costa r\'ICS<inS v.il\ be gl:1d to hear an olli problem on the Orange County Fairgrounds is hcing rorrcctect. The inadeq uate u·atcr system, that has existed 5incc \Vorld War II . is being replacccl with ;.i llC\v eight -inch !in~ that \\~II bring the system up to the city's pressure st;'1ndards. T he job. y,•hich \\·ii\ cost $151.000. began this \veek and \vi ii be completed in fi\"(' months. So far, there's only one catch to the rund applicatio n, and s urprisingly it's a welcome one. The federal government is insisting th at there be broad citizen involvement in establising policies on how the money is spent. This means people rrom all economic levels, all age levels, minorities, both Costa l\1esans s hould be glad because they m:ay benefit from the improvement . The n ew line \Vil I gi\·e the rair grounds greate r fire protection. and lhis increased protection may result in a better fire insurance rating £or the city and lower policies for ho m eowners and businessmen. The project also \vill end a dispute between the Costa ri.1esa \Valer District a nd the fair board. The district once threatened to turn orf the \'later supply in a n attempt to get the system replaced. 'I said take two of these aspirin and come back to see me next year1' c 'Lo1·elock' GOP Survivors Aliennted Mc1tch Cc111 't 'Wedlock' Dear Gloo1n y Gus Ford Absence Offends Goven1ors ( SYDNEY HARRIS) In reply i.O a random query of mine some time ago-"'\Vhat name should v.·e apply to the many couples today who are Jiving together though not married?"-1 have received a num- ber of both palatable and ribald .sug gcstions. T"'o or lht· most (rcquen1 were "cohabs." and "love loc k" in· ~lead of "wedl0tk ·· Funny the f':ixoos on $100,000 a year can't urford to keep thei r Tose bushes. On less than $10,000 l'\"e managed to keep mine. Fee din g th e soul is mo re important than havi.ng maids to wai t on you. .. J v ~"°"'' Gtil tommt~I• ~•• •utun1tMll t' , • ..,, .. -oo ~•• .,.,,"~"•• rt!l~1 1"" "''"" ., \lit ,.. .. ~...-. S..!ld •ow<''' Pt•"4! 18 GI_,, Goft, 0.•I' Pllol. V.'t?re .. tyranL'\," hut the~· \Vere model rul ers of \\ i,;dom and tolerance. Gradually, ho""l'\"Cf, the "'Ord began to assume it s later ronnotation or h:n·· shness and oppression. and utterly lost ils primal neutral meaning FOR COU PLt~S Lo live 1n In ter est in g !':! enough , one of the r eason 5 m odern young people ob· ject to the term ··v.·edlock " is the implication that th.I coupl e i s • .. love\ock" rather than .. wedlock"' suggests they ha\"e pledged their love-but v.•hat \"alue is such a pledgt:'. if it can l)e withdra,,·n at the v.·him of manacled t'lr handcuffed together in the institution of matrimony. They re· sent the idea of being "'locked" together by a law. BUT TlllS is a misreading of the old Anglo.Saxon word: ··v.·ed lock" meant "marriage pledge,'" and the suffix .. lock'" had nothing al all to do "'·ith handcuffing J>('Ople together. l It 1s like the wo rd ··sv.·eetheart ," v.·here lhe '"heart" par! h.1s not hing to do with that organ of the body, but v.·as t'lriginally "S\\"ectard." in the same form as .. coward" and "dotard.··1 Time and custom shape and distort v.•ords. and then the words themselves become a kind of tyranny, so that "·e respond to the distol'tion ratht.'r than to the basic meaning. Indeed, the \'ery word "tyra nny" is a perfect examplt> of what happens to a word throughout history. The earliest "tyrants · 10 ancient Greece v.'erc simply ahsolule rulers (Jr monarchs. with no implication of t•ruclty. Bot h Pericles and Pisistrntus either. v.·ith no lasting sense t'lf com - mitment' Th(· 'vord .. pled~e" itselr means a "gullrt1nlee" -but a guaran- tee is empty if you are not willing to make gnod on ii. It is mY feeling that \\"E: have not yet, as a species. al"rive<I at a ny finu!l y sati ~factory fornl of ma n·"'o m an relations. The traditional form of malrimony is loo filled wi1h rigidities. injustices, and inconsistencies: yet the ne"' "cohabs" have mere!\• ex· changed one set of difricullieS for another. for •>:ithout a deep sense of pernlanence and commitment the living.fabric is too fragile to sust:1in :.1 family TllE NUB of the prohlem 1s t11al lilt> human infanl, unlike all others. need~ years or stable de\·elopment before it is ready Lo cope with its ph;.·sic:1I and social e nvironment. \Vi thout children. marriai;e might be unnecessary: "'·it h children, it ma.v be a necessary e''il, capable of being ameliorated, but not eliminated from the sncia 1 s! ru{'\ uri· ST. tours ·-Unfairly or not. the thimbleful of Republican governors and governors-elect y,·ho survived the Democratic landslide or Nov. 5 were outraged that President Ford could not m3.ke a brief appearance at their midlA·inter conference hC're last week after his long journey to the far East Indeed, intensive negotiations had started in mid·November 'vilh low - level White 11 ouse aides to arrange a \•isit by l\1r . Ford tha t y,·o uld lend Presidential en· dorsement lo party-r ebuilding e ff o rt i; 'l:'et . despite repeated telephone calls to the \Vhite House by ho st Gov . Christopher Bond or ~hssouri , pre- sidential aides insisted l\1r. Ford could not spa re a couple of hours. Con· tact was never m ade v.·ith Dean Burch. !\Ir. Ford's political ad\'iser until" hi s resignation last v.•eek, who took no interC'st in the governors' ap- peal. T lllS non-:.1ppe:irance by a Pres1 dent who was sharply criticized for traveling to real estate conventions in Las Vegas added to the funereal gloom al the governors' conference Even before they learned he "'ould nol appear. the governors were grumbl ing over l\I r 1'~urd's performance .as both party chief and national \eadl'r. Their aggravation did not peak until v:ord spread that even \V1 lliam Seid - man, the highesl \\'hite 11ouse aide scheduled to meet the go\'ernors. was xoing to back out on his scheduled ap· pearancc. \\'ilh tempers rising among the j?o\· ernors. \\'hite ~louse aide .J<1mes Falk, Mr . l-~o rd"s chief liaison with the gov ernors. rushed to a pay phone here V.'ilh an SOS to the \Vhite llouse. Thal firmed up Seidman's appearance and also brought Falk's boss. Dome,.;til· Cou ncil chief Ken Cole . to the session Tax Relief Just an Illusion By noy,· 11 rnu st bt.' crystal cle<1r to those \\•ho mus t race up to property tax payments, that the relier pro· n1ised again and again by the Legislature is but an illusion. Despite lhe increased aid given to Joc3J government,.;, and the schools. by the st ate and federal governments, despite the freeze on lox r ates im- posed on local governments :it the in- sistence of Governor Reagan. the tax bills arc higher than ever . This erosion of homeowner proper· ty tax relief. in· tended by the s tate s ubsidized excmp· tlons a nd the gov- e rnor's freeze . <'Omes about simp- 1 ly by Increasing th e a ssesse d I \:aluatlons. It is a s ubversion of the jntcnt of the statr 1 and feder;il ·gov -~ ernme nt s t o brin g relier to \ homeowners. For Californians this is the second time that the exemption approach to relier for homeowner!! has been completely erod1..>d in sht'lrt order by local govemmenU. The first or $750 v.•as wiped out within tv.·o years. The go\•ernor then sought an \ncreBse to $1750 and attempted to prevtnt the eroding of lhis by a freeze on t01x rates. TOR EVF.N the hardest heads in the Legislature IL should now be stark· ( EARL WATERS ) Jy obvious that there can be no homeo"wner relic! v.·ilhout a freel.e on both t <IX rates and assessed values. For lhc state to continue to pour funds into local go\·ernmt'nts as a means tu reli e ving local property taxes, without first shuttinJ! the door tii.:ht on both rates a nd values, accomplishes nothing excepting to t:'ncoura);?e morl· spending on the part of loca l ofricia\s And, encouragement is the last thing they need. The appetite for spending exhibited by local govern- ments, especially th e schools Is in· satiable. tn their nal tu tax and spend , s pend and tax. and tax and spend, one ls rt · mirided of the lcmm lnjitS. These sm11ll rodents, n:itive to the /\retie. arc poosessed of a conj'.!enital desire ror self destruction. 'fhcy, too. have an in· sati able appetite. They increase enormously in number5. exhausting their rood supplies. They move steadi- ly across the countryside. regardless or all obstacles. committing devasta· lion in their line or march. Always 11d- vancing in the sa.me general direction they ultimately reach the sea "''here they plunge In a.nd drown. ONE Ci\NNOT change nature but laxallon Is a polltlcal being, not a creature of nature. llcan be chan~ed The hi~h property taxes cannot be excused by stating the assessor mu:il increase the valuations because of s tate law. Thal would not matter if, nn the ris<' of valuations, the tax ra!t• "''cntdov.•n accordingly. l!ut it doesn't go do\\'n. despite the millions in add1 lion al rt.' venues from state :ind federnl sources . Local officials just don't s.t>cm to know how to stop spenchnl! Tilt-: f",\l,t 1\CV of the present SJSlem or home l~:«ation is udJusli11g to current m;1rkcl \'<ilu('s even though there is no i11tent 10 :;ell. One buys a home at $10,000, spends his life payin)! for it, only to ri nd he is nov1 living in a home v:1l ucd at $40,UOO \\'hich Is beyond his inettns because of taxe!;. It's still the same home nnd ii isn't ap- propriat(' to be tuxed out of it on such a basi" Assem'olyman Gl•nc Chappie. :i !armer, is one" ho has rt·cogn1zcd the injustict'. lf~ is proposing Jegislalion which \li'ould free1.e assessed home values \\rhlle th(' dct~ils of his pro- posal haven't bet•n perfected. the atm is \o treat ho1n es for "'hat they are. Just homes and not speculative land purchases. Propcrty taxes \\'OU!d T<' nlain con5tant until surh time as a home ls sold. If , at that tirne a profit has been re;iliied on the sale, taxl's v.ould then be asstssed on the s:..\c (.__E_v_A_N_s_.N_o_v_A_K___,) But 11. scarcely mitigated disap· pointment "'ilh t.1r. ford. One gov · e rnor. reelected !ast month by a huge majority "'hile other Republican can- didates in his stale \\'ere l9sing, told us: .. This "·ould have been the perfecl place for .Jerry Ford to come and show his interest, with the fcv.· of us "ho \\'Oil. in trying I() re\'i\"e h1 :i p11rty ·· T ll E GO \'ERNORS' unhappiness with ~t r . Furd goes beyond rev1 \·in1? the Republican part)'. They believe he 1s spending far too much tin1e on foreign travel at a time of deepening recession and general economic crisis at home. The President's \\'IN \Vhip Infl::ilion i\ow -public rel al ions campaign is ridiculed as outdated in the fa ce of national unemployment expected to approach ei ~hl percent next summe r. Gov. \Villiam ~1illiken of t-.l ich\~an. arguing that .. mere rhctoJ"ic l'annot save our f/'ee enterprise system:· came here handin~ uut lapel button~ of his own conlradicling lhc \Vhite House WIN pins. His pin s say H,\C Buy a Car l\lilliken'.s reelection by ll•l,000 votes against multiple adversity 1n the depress1on-threatcncd auton1obi!c slate was a stunning offset to his par1y's national disaster. but not a :.1ngle White /·louse political :iid has bothered to call him for ri post-elt•clior1 analysis \\'OR SF. \·t:·r. ;\ldl1kt·n":i ("i.H"t•luJly considered economic progrnm :.cnt tf1 <\Ir . Ford in a Jetter une ,,·eek bl'fore the election has ne,·er been ans"'ered lie propost•d a blend of tax reform , vastly more public ser\"icc employ- ment. extended unemployment com - pensation and public "·orks. But ~1illi ken ·s proposals \\·ere not con· sidered important cnouj!h to warrant a reply. l\tost criticism of i'.\lr Ford and \\'hat one governor called his ··Nixon holdover ·· -.dmin istr<Jtion \V3S priyate. But New Hampshire"s C11v. l\1eldrim 1'homson. the anti-tax crusader who is indisputably the most conser,·a\i\"C of all Rcpubli c:.in gO\"l'rnors. 1clt no such scruples. !·le <leli\'ered a n angry staten1cnt to \\"hat he callC'd lhe ··closetfu l'' of llcpublican survi\"ors (sitting ;iround the huge horseshoe conference table v.·ith c mbarr<i ssingly v.•ide s paces bcl"'een then1) attacking !\t r. Ford for .. not earil)f? enough" about the future of \he Rrpublic;in party .. to help us set the course for the long clin1U b3ck ·· ,\~ JIOl;R spent "'1th the go\·ernors by Jerry Ford \\OUld scarcely mJke a tlcnt on th~ stag!,":erin~ politital pro· blcms of his dercsted party. There "as no sui:h false hope here ... The GO P has a pinhead for a base and \\'c're kidding oursel\"CS if "e lhink it can be turned arqund in anything like f\\"O or three years," 1\fichigan state chairman \\'illiam ~IeL:.iugh!in told us. liul that handful of Hepublican gov· crnors v.·ho survived last month \VOuld ha\'e been a ).(ood pince to start. The f:i ct t)1at .. the P resident a nd his politit::il stri ff didn 't see it that "'ay made a bad situalion "·orse. alienat· ing the governors a l a time l\lr. Ford needs every possible :illy. The Right to Bear Arms ·ro the Editor_ I h:1ve recei\1Cd some literature from The Citizens Conlnliltcc for the Ri ght to Keep and Bear Arms. Their letter urges me to "·rite m~· Inca! nev.•sp:iper "to prot est tht• :.inti-gun di stortions of the ne"·s n1 cdia." Contrary lo their v.·ish. I am "riling you to support. federal effort lo ~et rid of handguns except for the possible needs of person::; "'ho may li\"I' in areas rcmotl' fron' 13\\' enforcement agencies. TllE E1\SF: v.·ith \\"hich people mu.\ aC<1uire handguns contributes to their un\a"ofu! use. Dorneslic argunlent~ n1any ' time::: arC' "settled" '''ith ;1 hanrlgun in 11 f;1111il~··s posses,;ion. 1 b~·liC:\t' th...1l Lhc "rli.:ht lo b1-ar arn1s" nla.V h:l\'C' hecn 1n1portant 111 tht· c,1rly duys of the i::r0\\1h of this nation. but not toda~·. 'l'hl' lPJC'S ur 100 n1any pcopll" arc <·nd<tnt:c>rl'tl. rilvl"(' str1rt Ill\\' t•nfnrel'm('nt ,,·nuld no\ ha\"l' prc,enll'rl the k1ll1n~ ••f Bohby l\1~nncd , .. l\I arl in Lut hC'r K1n,e , nor the ~1lt(•mp1 on Gt'ori.:c \\'a\lacc's hf('. ;1lthou~h h:indj!uns alnnl' \\'Cft' not 11s1~d in all c~ses , ineluding lhc killinl! of President Kl'nncdy f',\HTER ~lcOO~A l.D t••!Jhtttf~' Ctrrc•? 'l'olhc ~:(\itor -..·ou h \'C· in" neighborhood do YOll watch it quickly tor slO\\'\y) de· ter1or;1\c or do you i.:ct up 111 arm:; about 1\ ~ And I don "L mean shootlnA th;it council mun I've hvcd in Costa ~l<'sa a :;hort time :ind ~l dlsgusl s and saddens me. The nii;:htly robberies. murders. rapes :ind burglaries. ·rhal 's all for us to sec. The tr:1sh. filth on str('cts. al· li;o)·s, fllu llt:rs and :iidf'walks. :trl' \.\'C !In u:ied to that? The g:i.r1sh 1\l'ofusion of s i~ns and oidvt-i·t1sC'mtnls up and do\.\·n llarbor Ooule,·ar{t -lhat's JU:.t Cost:1 ~lcs:i~ Th:1t's just llarbor" Th (' ince5sant screams anci gro"·ls of the nlOtorcyt·lc!'; carern1n)l do\\n jusl about every .street. Set asi<le a plac1..• fnr motorryrlists to do thei r ::;peedy and noisy lhini:. l'OLt.UTION nov.' or 1atl'r·' :'\oisr and chemicals. Occas1onal\y a chug· J!1ni: car lea\·1nJZ a tr:ul or thosc fumes ~Ck!S ti~ 1\n~ bcxly else see around ( MAILBOX ) Ull•rs !<am <t•G••• u• wtl•-· "'6•,,..11•. _,,,., '"""'"' <OIO .. y tfttor mt•>'qft ·~ JOO -Ot ... lttt Tftt •"'iM \G t•Men<;o •eu ... I• tol •P~• •• tllmi~ ... hMI .. rHff•tc! All ltlle,. "'"" inC!\IClt .i...,.1., .. Mill !Noh"" •"<l•H• l>ut n•mt1 m•• l>t 101lh""ld an '""••I u owl· , .. ..,nl ........ •PP4rOM. Pot\" Wiii ""'' Mlh*!•-- here. anybody else car(' around here? I walk a lot. I real!\' cniov it. /\n :1\'cr:igc clay in the afternoon I i:ot my introduction 10 c;.1su<>I obscenity. /\ v.·om:1n the playth ing and obJ<'Ct f()r l"('11aindrivers'.' Thtfin&l'r. I v.·as hor rified :i nd !>hocked Takl'n for J!r:tntcd'' No. \\"C rlun·t :.ir~uc ;ind angrll~ rharg\• :incl ptnnl at the different c11 y dcparln1cnf,;. l t"~us. You and me. 1\n 1ndivulual ' :1 r.irntl y' friends li ving somt.>v.·herc 1n Czy.;;ta '.\l<'sa either 1g. nurt.', laugh al or lakl..' notice and arl IT'S OLD IL\T I ~ut·~:-10 think of Co:sta l\lesa this \\,ty, filth and dirt. gaudiness. But this 1s :1 c1t .Y of Pl·upll..' rnen. "·omen. chLldr·en ~row1nJ! ...1nd liv111g . not ju.,1 (".tr salt·smcn ;1nd other hustll('Sst·s. Frcshncss, S\\l'l.'t nt•:s:i. "here arl· you" Life, cle:.1nlines~ and lJe3uly, ha\'cyoudesl!rtc<I u,:.'! I p;uPss I forgot to mention lhr ar ro~;int dvgs v.·hl) strnll itruuntl <1\\:l~ fron1 their homes sc.1rinR you \v1th their im1>udcnt stares and nl:ik1n1t you step over lhc1r cll'oppin.'(1' ~01nclln,e.:. ;1s~ouv.·alk . Pt:~~y 1\LEXl\'.'\l)f~R ·'"''of llo.•lilil!I To1he Editor 1\s :l graduate ot (.lr ~1fl f!(' ro.1~1 f'ollegt• an1l form('r ~lucll'llt nf l.1•1• Br~rtl('y·s r ~;.rholoi:y ll\l c\:1!.~. i fio•I myself repl~'ln J! to an :1rUCll• 1n th1• r>ail~ Pil1)t or Dt'< .'i I."' Al\'. AGF. nf h1lst1lity pt•rpl'lrah'd by the hi.ah ro:-.1 of ~u.a;1r, 011. mus1n~ 11bout \\'ateri:a lt' ;1n1t rl'ad1nl! nc" spaprrs, Jn~· <"On~l rue Ii' c f ills-"> 1n hum:in r Gmmunirat1011 on .1 flnr to oni' ba:-.1s llr ~rOll\\ \C'\"('I ,., benrf1c1:il 1'o tou ch or nut to 1ourh Each mnn "s sep;1r11te choirt' llo", •\ v.-ord. panlomlnc or a h$!hl hand l!l .any atlcmpl at en~oun!er1ng 11noth rr person, the real thre:it of rejecuon IS e\·er present. This tends to make u,:. silt'nt siC'\"es . dumb and dormanl. The course offered at OCC on personal and human <i"·arenes:i "'as ror me ;111 experience of some magnitude. It ""<IS a heavy class and so e:«pltuned al the beginning or the seniestE:!r. 1\s the el ass progressed, I becomt• mor e circuntspcct in my out l ook and actions a !> my shortcomings became mor<' obv1ou~. T lllS \\'.\S fol\O\\••it b\ ,, lrt11· feeling of ln\ e (or s11 1nt• of n1 .v cl ass1natcs V<h 1ch :it best i .... di ff1 c11lt to express TherC' :1lso occurr€.'d ft~l·hn~~ or resent men!, an~l'r , frust1·atinn und icalousy \\"hen au H\Slt"11C'tor v.1th 1;, years tf'aching t•xp(·rirnce ;1ltcn1pts to con\'('Y n1cthods of commun1c·at1on in this S('J\sitiv(' area. lh<'re \\'111 be criticism. If I\ e hope to pro~ress bevond the convcrs:ilional le,·~·l of .. liO\\' ;i1·e \"ou?> "I am fine . · 1ht·n cl:isses such as this mu:-.t t·ontinut' ~·rom an nld('r ;1n1I m11re cxpcrirnccd sluril'nt Cllt:CK Fl ELD ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT H11fl{•r/ .\ \\ etd. Publi~lu•1 flinn111s l\1'f'!:1!, fdlli•r Hnrhorn Krc1b1ch. t:d1lvr:1ll J •age l::d11or Thi· l'd11nri.d p:q.::t: C•f th1• D111h . 1'1lot ~l·t·~~ 10 1ufornl 11nd ~\u11ul:i\r rt'JdPr~ h;i. 1'rl'~t<n\1n,11. on thi~ P3i<:l' c:l111·r~" r1 ..-1Jn1•11iJr~· on t1>p1rs nf 111 l1·rt"I \11 ,.1 111l1rJ(t'(1 r•1lurnr11~1.~ :in~I 1.1rti>iuU .. !•. !11 pro11dln)( ;i lorun1 f•\r 11 .11lt·1 ~ \lt\\S 11nd h\ pri'~1·n11n~ 1111• 111•11 .. 1;,ipl·t .. op1 n11\n~ .1nt1 u1r .. s t•n 1urr1nl 1<1 111l~ 'rhl' 1«ht onJI v111n1on~ {lf thl' IJJ1ly P11r>1 .llllll'.11 uni.• in thr (>rh1n11 ~I 11llurnn Jl lhc t.11"' <'.If lht' p...1,et• Opln1u11~ l''-f'rl·S~<'t! t)\ the roh1mn1,\$ and rartflf'ni~t ... "'nri lett<'r v.r11t·r~ are 1he1rn1<on and no rndor.,emtl'll <1f tt\1•1r \ ll'll•., b) tt\c 11:}1 (\ r1lot ~h11uld be lnfrrrl'd Friday, December 13, 19i·\ ' Man Rohs Navy Base Exchange 1 (o.10U:'\'f1\I~ \111':\V !:\!'; 1\ lone: gunrnan rohbcd a x~vy l!:.\thllngc1.:n1plo;.1; at lhe l\loffcll Field Nav1.1I Air Sti.ition and e~c.ipt'<I \\'Jth sonic.: S\5,0UO 11i t'ash ;1nd c:hct:k s. u N:.vy spokt•.)mau .)<lid. The 1'~xch;1n gc v•orkcr hud collcclcd lllL' d~1y ·~ re- t·eipls frorn outl y 1n ~ 1..'X· «:hange.:. on lhe base 'J'hur::.· ( State J • fl ay t!Vcning and y,·as about :\I o fl l t..' rt· y l' Oun t y lo deposit the mont:)' r1t tht: Sht·r1ff .J~1ck D avt·nporl night-window of 1 ht."-nttt1n---",~t-'lctirc......_f}e-r~ exchange building "'hen he for -.1\ clavs -bcfOrC' v.•as accosted ~Y a m;.n hcin;.: S\\Or.n in for llC'\\' v.1ear1~g .a Ian Jackel _and four-vt.·~ir ttrn1. :.o hL• brand1sh1ng a J:.rgc-c:.J!1bcr .. ·.,II ct S? 400 ·1 pistol. s a i d J ohn (.inc i e --, Sha'ek lcton, N:1 v~· 1111orrna mon th s ~l l a r Y u .n d t1onofftc(·r. SI .. ')00 :1 nlonth pens ion The gun1na n tnnk 1a 11n d c r the s tate's money bags frnrn the man JJuhlic Employc Rctire- and fled on rn11t th.-nugh rnenl S\·stem. very dense fng, Sh:1ehlt•tr1n ----·-------- s<iid . No Body Found Wife Murdered; Man Convicted Slayings Unrelated LOS ANGELES IAP) -Police investigators reported Thursday that viewing an episode of 3Charge In Grisly Slaying "Police Sto·ry'· hos not SACRA~~1ENTO (AP) l\1EllCEDCAP)-ACon-andpainlessdeath." provided any clues to Three men are charged In tra Cost<'.l County gardener the murders of · three connection with what of· convicted 'fhurs day of BENNETTALSOtriedto SkidRowderelicts. ficerscalloncofSacramen- murdering his estranged commit suicide twice by The investigators to County's most grisly wife whose body never was hanging and slashing his wutched a rerun of the :;layings in recent years . found admitted hours wrists Wednesday night, Nov. 26 e pisode or the Chief Deputy Sheriff carlierthatsheisdcad,lhe Quallsaid. NBC television show, Herbert Anderson said prose('utor said. lie also admitted to Quall which involved the slay-Thursday, ''This is the most 'l'imothy Bennett, 20, or picking up a woman across ingof fivederclicts. heinous crime in which l Concord was convicted of from the telephone com-Lt. Charles Kilgo, who have been involved in the first-degree murder in one pany and driving south to heads the investigation, sheriffs departmcnl." · r h ·1 said the only rela-ofthe states ew sue i:u1 ty :1 n o v c r pass near T II L· v 1CT 11\t \v as d h Ch h·11 Q ti dd d tionship between the TV .:.. verdicts on recor w ere :.1 owe i a, ua a e · redhe"ded l\tark v . Raiter, I d B ·d h t h h show and the slayings is .. body nc\·er v.'as ocate . ennett s.i1 t a w en e 25, "'ho wa' last seen Nov. d Ir h that all the victims were -., l\tary Jo Bennett, 23, dis-returned to ~terce • •· e derelicts. 25, 1973. His headless body appeared ""ithout a trace had killed her, the person he , -----------J was found floating in the :.iftcr leaving \\Ork at the had been "'ilh y,·as not with -Sacramento River in J\Iay, Pac1fie Telephone Co. here him as rar as being alive," 1974, after apparently being on Oct. 18 , 1972. Quall said_ ~ • l ' stuffed ·,0,0 a weo· hted b.es.e........r"'•'.elations.....'•:er: -.r..."l'.."I. -.r w 6l -------~_,,· __. '='•-~ gar age can. s ea IS BEN~ ETT l\IET with her kept from the jury \\'hi ch believed to have been de- mothcr. Ida ].tay Kempel deliberated less than t>,1.·o E T livered to someone in \\lednesday nig ht after the cl ays. Sentencing is SC3pe ry Oakland as proof he had Jury dcliber<itions began, scheduled J<in. 2. been.slain on a "contract," Dl'Jl. llist. Ally. Robert n• d officerssaid. Quall told newsmen after T llE PROSECUTION JSCOVere Anderson said Victor the verdict. . presented circumstantial George Pryor, 2-1, of 3115 Quall c1uoted Dennett· as evidence placing Bennett in Crandall \Vay, was arrested telling his mother-in-lay,·: the" area near the time of his FO~SOM (UPI) -Three last week and charged with "If it"s an.v consolation to \1·ife"s di sappearance. Ben-COfl:VlC t~ ~rom Southern being an accessory to the vou, ~I ary Jo died a sudden nett said he had a memory Cal_1for~1a attempted to ~ut disposal of Railer's body. Friday, December t3. t974 . DAILY Pt LOT As •253 SwissArrny knife ~ 'Fh~-ooe-and.~cnlycb-ve-ioy-man-1-----4 loves this most popular J>O!=krl corn pan ion. Scissors, na i[ file, sharp blade, tweezers, 11,rory toothpick. f)11e •11et1ltl111· S,\~ JOSI': (U PIJ '.\Ir~ Churlottl· L.1nge ht•ld h<:r fr<.igilc tl aughter .'fQ,l cnc, the healthi C'sl 11f hl·r t!lrec sur- viving ~l·xtu1>lcls. 1n her arms for the first time Thursd:iy School Restructure lapse for t"'O hours during ~heir way ou_t of the_ max-Thursday, officers served";:::;::;::;::;;::;::;::;::;::::::::::::::::::::===; that period, \vhlch was 1mum secu:1ty section_ of murder warrants on Daniel 11 shortly after he had been in-Falso?' Prison by_ using Carl Fisk, 3l, also known as \10Jvedinaminortrafficac-h_a~ksaw blades, prison of-Blosser. v.·ho is now in What's a Pooka? Ask Andy cident. f1c1als report~d Thursday. Folsom Prison on a later Ordered by Court se lection of m illions of dollars v.•orth of textbooks for California schools. The defense argued two hours \1·as insufficient time for Bennett to have abduct- ed, murdered and buried his wife, then plant notes the prosecution claimed he forced her to \ltTite. Th~ three include_ a man volun.tary mans laughter Andy is a Pooka (an elf who answers conv~ctedof_murd~nngfour conviction, and llarry Otto Cal 1rorn1 a h 1 g h way Daigh, 35, also known as questions). He does his elfing in a patrolmen and ~nother ~en-"Fat Jack." who is in colul'.l'ln every Saturday on the family tenced for stealing gun~ in a Cierra Conservation Center 1971 plot to fr~ convicted on conviction qf illegal page of the Daily Pilo~. mass-murdeter Charles possession or firearms by!&-------------'-------_. l\.1anson . an exconvict,t. _____ __JL _____________________ _ .Joh•nl' 1-. tlo1ng "'ell at Valley i\lcdicat Ccnlt·r v.·ithout respiratory :.upport y,•hilc her t"·o s urviving brothers. Brian and Jasnn. arc 1n scriou.~ rondition \lt'llh continu1n~ deterioration of thl'ir respir:.itory system. SACR .-\'.\fE'.'\"fO (lJPl1 - The State Bo:..ird of l::duca· lion turned to financing again today in an attempt lo deal v.·ith a court-ordered restructuring "'hich could cost billions or dollars. FOR EHERGY-SAVIHG FASHION CONSCIOUS SWEATERS 0 " ~· " ~ .'i11ll ll••t•li111!d Sr\CRA:'ll EXTO (l.Ji'I ) Attorney General E\'cllt' J . ,.oungcr has declined lo file suit against forn1cr As- ~~mbly Speaker llub i\torct- ti accusing hin1 of violating cumpaign di sclosure laws . Board members con- sid ered ;.i SI.4 billion pro- pos:.i 1 to equalize the amount of money public school students receive in poor and rich districts. The state's current school financinc svstem was ruled unconstitutional by a Los Angeles Superior Court because of the educational tax rate disparities that re· suit. \Vith inflation taken into consideration it could cost an additional S2 billion to bring 1h e system in com- pliance "'ilh the court order by the 1980 deadline. The THINK JEAio tnhQ WlSTCUff Pl.Ali ,,. . ..._.,....._._ Pf'op te 's Lobby, a political :iclivist g rou p. ehargcd last n1onth that :'lloretti failed to properly report c:.impaign contribu- tions and expenditures dur- ing his unsuccessful bid for the Democratic J.:ubernatori.11 nomination. 1'he group asked "Younger lo file suit to force complia n('e \\ ith the d1 ~clo~urc la"'· \'oungcr 'fhursday said an in,·esllgallon hy his office into the ehar~cs fuunrl .. no \\"illful. kno,,·in~. or gros~l.v n<:gli gcnl ,·iol:.iuons" of the \~1\lt' to y,•arrant a suit. financing system relics f------------; hca'"ilY on property taxes. Thursday, the board :1dopted a tough conflicl-of- i ntc rest rule cove ring persons involved in the OLLECTOll'S 1\c·t Cl1t1llt•ttftt•d S.\CH:\i\IF.\"'fO (U Pl l - t:aliforni;1 bankers an<l a l c~is L.1t1lr ha\"c gone tu t·ourl in :1n allem1>t to hlr1ck 1111plcml'nt,1l1nn (if ;1 lub- h\"ist-cuntrul 1.1rov1s1on nf nie ne\\"\)' l'llllClcd Stale Polit it· al Hefornl :\ct. Thcv in sist that the law tould ·require public lli s- t•lo~ure of the m11:-;t minute fLn;.1nc1al tr.u1~:.ict1on of ;1 ~1all' l'lllp\o~l'. oft1l'1:1l. or lcgt~l ator .ind ('\CO men1 - bcr:. uf tht·1 r f.1n1il1e~ • Art Plied By Inmate for thr budqd-minde-d 9iftf'r SELSIS' POCKET MAGNIFIER 11M col.ctor's fnorik fritwd ZO a.id lD powtr S,\N QUENTI~ (UPI ) - In mate :-; at San Quentin s39s .. ,,. State Prison have been \\':Jrned there is a COUil· n· f ... ordtrt odd l•X terfeiter a mong them. 0 ,... so· ~I Tickets for photographic E"fllnltlHG FOR service in the visiting room. :::::: STAMPS AMO s old for t\.\·o packs ol m COIMCOllECTOlS ci~.a~cttes._arc fake, prison n · SO. COAST ofhc1als said. -f 1'he \\"arn1ng. publ1Shl'd 1nl 0 VILLAGE \'1 sed inmates "again -· 556-6840 n 0 :Ill z m :Ill Thl' California B;inkers ;\!'soc1.1t1on .1sked Superior Courl 'J'hur.,day t11 t·ilhl'r dt>clare the t·h;.illen ged sec·- tion illegtd or delay Its 1n1 - -pll'n1enlat1nn the San Quentin Ney,·s,. a~ ~ SANT A AHA purchasin g picture ticket, "" ror cig:irt·ltes. until the P_r;c ~C· ORNER _ _. sent problem 1s resolved. ~ .. ! . .. .. .. .. • . : : . . fRf~H eur eHRl~TMA~ TREE~ WILL ARRIVE AT LLOYDS WEEKLY t"''"""""'""'"""'"""''""'"'"'l<I"'""' i OPEN 7 OAVS A WEEK -8:00 A.M. IO 10:00 P.M. DECEMBER 2nd THRU DECEMBER 2hT "'"'ll"l'""'"'"'-"'"''""''""'"""'""''""'"""'"""""-""''""wd "HOLD BACK INFLATION" -Us• Mon•y Sa•inq Caupan• -FRESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE - OCM11lls F11 • Scotti! Pint Plrntltion Sbtaftd Oa11tlas Fi1 Noble Fir • Wtirui Fif Sitv" Ti111 CUSTOM FLOCKING FIR( PROOFING 2 LOTS TO SERVE YOU nn(ffflq1\~ ,'J.IJ ;Jil~.iJ'Y 1.!.l!.l!J!./ l.!J u llHDSCIPtWG ~ I I l I l GA[[lol CIJT OR LIVE CHRISTMAS IAEES S-I~~{ .-••a,,,_ .. ,,.~ ¥()10 A~llR 1211811• c-..... c.. ... i CUSTOM JlOCKED CHRISTMAS TREE ~ .. 1$\ 011 --... P-~•A t- ~o •r1r11 1~11111• c,,,, >Oa c..,.,. ~ POTTED COlOA 'tAMfS s.w. '5" 011 ,_.,.d,.. ....... _ ""''"" -'-";" ·-A,.1.,. \'O•O •'llll '~'1111• c..,_,,c....,. " All PlAHT Mit.TElltAL "'ffMlo. l..,1.-lpt.-11 .... "'""-""' "'' -· ... --._ VOID A!Tf<I 12/llat"IO ... _..., ' ' .. .. " .. .. .. .. " • .. .. .. .. HI I 11\IL . .. • . .. ··-H··-.. '"' \' W..O • • .,., • •n"'""' r;. .~ " . . C"lf• «El• 646-'7441 ··- "' l'l\\1 l.ll.JLll'C . . :• .. ~ .. ., .. o, t X f X :.~~.'o, ,..., ..... ., • 1 • " ' • ; I<\ ·~ ,J • "Hov: come my · electric bill ls so hlgh? And wfive been using less." \Ve know your electric bill is higher. A lot higher-even though you're con· serving electricity. Why? Primarily because of the increased oost of oil. It's our job to provide the electricity you, your family and your job require. And we must do so in a manner that meets all air pollution oontrof regulations. This means burning foreign, low· sulfur oil in Edison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments, and it more than tripled in the last 18 months. It OOllld go even higher. sini:e.Ji!ll!!i!!J', lfil2,Jhe. increasing wsts of ojl and the additional a.JllQIU!ls we have had to buy.arm:;Jl!!!Wlilt f9[ almosl 90'JI ol. the incrwe in Y®I: electric bills. So we won't always be so dependent on foreign oil, we're spending millions of dollars building coal and nuclear plants. We are also researching new ways to gene.rate electricity-without fore ign oiJ. GeothennaI power. Solar power. Fuel cells. Fast breeder reactors. Nuclear fusion . Research is oostly, but it will also help to reduct our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment are expensive, too, and in 1974 will acaiunt for alx>ut 20% of our capital exi>enditures. In the past six years. $325 million were required lo be spent for such projects. It look$ !ilte we will have lo spend another $450 million for environmental JlWllOSeS within the next four-year period. On top of all this, inflation is eating into our budget-as it is yours. The cost of oonstructing new plants is 10 times higher than it was a few years ago, and borrow· ing oosts have more than doubled. Your electric bill will reflect these rising inits. What can you do lo hold down your bill? Budget your use of electricity wisely. For ways to do this, send for our (roe booklet. Wrile: "Consemition: Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, ....19E CA9Ino. r::::J ... Southern California Edison Make every kilowatt coonL I I iii' \