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1976-05-20 - Orange Coast Pilot
ella Ai e Admits. uilt~ Vietim~s Name Still Mystery DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 20, 1976 llOL '° NO 111 I \l:CTION\ Jo PAGE$ I Not for Long I '1'111 .... 111111 .... 11.al '"l ''hl 1•111p1 \ 1111.11 .... 1111 .... 11 1>.111;1 1'1111\1 ff.1111111 \\oll I lw 't't'll lt •I 11111 ~ f>.111.1 \\t•"I 'f;lllll.1 h;1;., '""'' 1·11111pl1·11·d '1111-.11111111o11 ot I 111111 .... f1p" 111 1h1· h.1rl111r .., \\ , .... , 11.l'·lll 1:1>.11' \\Ill l.11 I 11111\111. Ill .111111' I llorn1ont• Scud it•d Cliild's Brain Hurt By (~ol1traceptive? I I I·: I< ,, I·. I 1.. \ I \ I ' f (tll 111111\t'' II"'" Ill flll I ft I 1t11l 111I pell., 111 ,1\ 111 hel111 1>1 .1111 d1•\ 1·1111• i nwnt .1 l 111\ ,., .. ,, , 111 1 '.111 1111111.1 I st•1f't11 1 ... 1 ,,11.t l11d,11 n, \1.111.111 1· 111.11111111.i '·"" r C' m .1I1 I .1 I ' l' I\ • 11 ,, I" " l.!l' ... l1•t t11\• "·''''" '111111111111• 11-..•d 111 I' fl II l I ,I I \' p 1 I \ 1' '-" ft fl \\ I' d .... g111111.1111f\ ,,., .. ;'lll\lth 111 th·· 1·1·11•hr.11 , 11 111·' th.111 d11 I 111 lt'l'lll,tl I'' 1\111 l.!1\ I'll t 111' 111 11 11111111' Thi• r1•11•l11.il 1·111 11'\ 1:-t lw p.1r1 Ganu• ~how Tr,·outs Slah•(I in Laµuna ( lttlt'n 11•11 ' f11r p1•opk '' ''h111,I! I to :t(llH',1r 1111 l hi• !I'll'\'"'"" 'htl\\' "llo ll~ w o11d :-.q11.1n''· C:;1111 lut a nti .. I l1i.:h H1illt•r-. 11 Ill h1 • lwl<I .el !I :111 .1 111 l"rnl.I\ .if lho• J.:t)!llll:J f\1'.1t'fi l·1•..,l1\.if Of \II" Fn1 um Tlh'Jil'I. ,; 10 l .. 1111111.i C'.1 n~ 1111 Hoatl P art 1<·11rn111" 11111:-I ,,,. IX \o',11'' old and ma' nnt h1• .1 1111·111ho 1 111 a thl'al n c.11.111111111, 111 tilt' "'""" th .et rnntrnl' 111111· 11111t.' t.:1·11t·r.ill~ 1•1111::.Hh·n'CI 111 ht· 1111'.l"llrt'' pl 111t1·1l1)!1·nt·1• l>r ll1.11111111tl ('.1t1t111111•tl t h,11 flt'I f111tflll!: ... Ill I .ll' l';llllllll Ill' ,1, '-lll,Pt'il t11 lw I nil' fo1 h11111,111 :- \ll 1 h1, c·a11 It'll II' 1111\1 h th.if \\ 1· .,h1111ltl 11111\.. 11•11 1'.1rd11lh to fllld II h .11 1•ft 1•( 1-. lftl''-1' h111111111lt'' n11~h1 I'"'''"" h:I\ 1· 111 hurn.111 h1•1n..!' 'ht· ';1111 \\'1th 111111'1' I h:1n 11111\' 11111111111 \\ llllll'll II\ Llll' \\ orld \111 l'll'\ ,11\•d nY:.inan hnrrno n r' to :1t·t a :-r1111 r ran•pr 11 l"'. 1t 1., of i.:rcar 11n Jll)rt ant'l' that 11 t' un1h•rst .md '' l1af l'ffr<'l lhl'o.;P horm11n1'' h ;111· 1111 lht• l'l'r1•hr:d 1·111·((•\. lht· h1L!ht•.;t 1111t•llrC'lllal .1re;1 of th1 • hl'!llll ... !<ht' ;1cfdl'd '.\11'>111\\ htl1•. <;ht• .;;11d \\Plll\'11 'hnultl hl' 111.1d1· :111 .1n• of th1• po:-~11>1I1111·s \\'h1 1•11t·o11raJ.!l' 1111rnpn fo l'11·1·att'. their htH'll\Ollal ln<'ls 11 \\\' al'\' al all "ll"PH'IOU:-1h.1l If 1111).!ht h a 11· an 111h1h1ting l'lf1•rt nn tlll'!I' normal lrr:1111 flt•\ l'lop ment.," t ht• -;\:•11•nl 1st :11okc•d n r n 1.1m4t\1! pn•-.('rt1t'<1 h <>r ftn l~N' P IL I,, ra~C' ,\2) Victitn's Identity. I Sought Or.111 i.:1• t'1111nt ~ Sh1·nfl .... mil ('or11111•r' 11111•:-11galor.., an• '\l'l'klll~ t·l111·.., to t h\' 1dl•ntity ot a 11oma11 11 h mw n11d1'. :-lr:111g l1·d hod~ \\-<I ~ I ~11rn d T uc:.tl:.i): ly mi.:. 1111 a r11:11h1dt• ll l'ar l•:I Torn :\I :11·11w <:11rp:-,\ 11 ~f :ii 11111 .\1 lfll:-. JIOlllf. Ill' ;11·1• l'h;1,..ll1J.: ll•:1d.; 111 h 1·r 1d1·n11t' ... .,:11d S hi-1·1fl ':-. l.f S1111 .\l.11ldh·t1111 "\\'t• 111•1·d 1h;11 !Jd'i11·1• 11 t• c:111 ")•rnl'l'l'll .1 11 ~ l11rfh1•r \\llh lht• 11l \ l''l1g:if 11111 rtw '' 0 111.1n ".1:-d1·:-c·nh1•d ll\ .1 1·011·111\1'1' ... -11111.1 •-.111.111 ..... l'.111\',l'l.111 111 111•1 1•;1r\\ 111 111111 '.!II<... II\ l' ft111I 11in·1· :1111f 1 1.~ j11111fll ' \\I n--:mlllll ll II.Ill ,md hr111111 l'' , • .., :\l 1dtllo•t1111 ... 1111 th·· pl •' flllllll .tl'\ 1'11111111'1'' f't'jllll'I '"°'"'" tlw \ltt1111 ,1; .... rhokt•d t11 tl1•:tlh \\1th .. 111110•11111' ... h.11111... B111 ht· .. :11d tlr11 t.: 10 .... h .11·1· ,.,1 ill 11nd1•r ":I\ to tl1·ll'l ll1ltH' 11 11.1n·o111·, "1·11· 111\l•f\l·d Tlw r11r111w r ' ..,p11k1• ... m:in al"" no1c·cl tlw1 I' "1·1·1• 111\fll';1111111:-lhl• 1111m :111 h:id lw1•11 r;111\'d l1n1•:-11g:1t111'-. ht'i11·ll' thl' \II' 11111 11 "' 111urd1•n •d ..... nw111111· .\l1111d:iY n1 i.:l11 .ind d11mred from .1 11111\ 1ni.: t':l l' 0•:1rh T111•!-tl;1 ~ m111'h 111j.! :il1111t.: T r:il111r·n H";id 111•:11 :1 111.111111· ll''lll•·11l1:il 111'l)!h I 1111·1111111 I ,\ 1111111:11 ~ poll11·1· p:ilrnl f11t1nd 11\1• hmh 111..,1 hd11n· 11.11111. \lid dlt'lnn ;a11I 'Wills:' Do I Hear 17? I.AS \'EGAS 11\1'1 Ano ther llowarcl llughc!' will has turned up in Clark t'ounly rourtho usl' claim· 111.f.! In ~llJll'l''l'd11 lh1• fll'..,I \\ 111 .. /\ .;pokt'~wom.in a l th1· l'Ollllt v c· le rk 's office s aid \\' t•c1 ncsc1 n y that :1 Hit h wi 11 was rt'<'<'i~·NI. It 1·ontained :i c·o,·t•nn~ lt•fl<'r that said the• Olll'llm<'nl had lwC'n forwardl'd h~ a hank " h1 r h " I ~ h (' !. t 0) r l' m :t I II ;morn mnus '.\I l::ln\\ hilt'. a fourth t•on · lt'SI tn the• hro;I . '\\ 111" "(I!> rC're1\·ed WC'dnc~clay 'Pill' Hormones~-=1 - Chi d's Brain Chaws on Jaws Do!! Saves Tot Froni Shark BHl!->IL\'\E. ,\u-,11;d1 ;1 1.\I'• ,\ l amif\ dog lwlpvd •;1 \ 1· :1 ·I ·' c;1r old :..:11 I 11 0111 :1 1111ll· fool ·-.h;1r~. ;1t :1 1 t•s11rl llt'.1t'll :11·<·01 d111:,! to park p11i1t·1· 1'11111 l ' :11 1-:rnu l';11·i.. 11\ l't•llt l .ii <)Ul'l'l\ ... l;end "<IHI \\'cd1H·..,d :1.' lh1· ... 11.111, ... 11;1p11t·d :ii T;1mni' :...111!..1· ... "ho ":t"' p la~ 1n~! 111 kn l'<' d1·1•11 "a lL'I'. The 1111:-.1.·t! hl·L·t:d d11f..!. Doll:1r. :ell :1d,cd llH• ~hark s I a il as 'I ,111! nH .... t ;1tlwr. H"d111•\ S111kl'!-. pulll'd hl'r 1111\ ol 11w \\;.1t1 ·r. 1111.: pat k t)Ol1~·<• s;11d · t>11l1c1· ":11d 1 lw s hark and tfw d11g t hr;1::.lw1r in 1·11Tll':-. \\ 1U1 I Il l' :.ha rk t.:r:.idu:ill.~ u u luian.cu.\Cl'ill!! th1· tl11:.:, 1111111 :-:101\1·-. p111lc·d l>oll;1r t 11 'all-I .\ St11k1"~ ';11<1 l,1\1·r 1>111!:11 ~:ts d1•:tf 111 11111· 1·:1r :ind r-1111 ld 11111 h1 ·.1 1 t'1c>11l).! 1·:1l l1•d oil Till' ;-.h.11 I, ";1-. \1 :1,.,lil'd lt:wk lo d 1'1·p ":111·1· Ex-hospital Aide Adlllits Fraud Guilt lh TO'U U \IU.F\ 00 t th' (}.111 f P1ltU \t.1t1 I .OS,\;\<; I-: I. I-.!-> \\ 1·1·11111).! .111d 1·01nfnt11 f11r1111·r \11:-. ... 11111 ('•irn mun11\ I I 11~p1t .d .\d 1111111 ... 1 r.itllt (;l'lll'j.!o• l.11111 ... (Jllt-11d 11il .1111111111" 1lt•1·1• l:llo• \\ o•d110•!-od ,11 Iii.II h• lwlp1·tl tl1·l 1':111d \1 1''11111 ( '11 111 llllllllf \ llu:-p 1t.d 11111 111 ,11 l•".1,.,f $:11Hl .0011 ,. < 'f11s1·I~ q111•,1111111 ·tl 111 .!1111~··· .\1:1!1 I!\ I'll •'. I >ll•·ndnrl. +I. 111 l.:q:u 11;; 11 ... 11•h .1d111111 .. t1 111 F1•d 1•r:el 1:111111 I h.i1 111 • lo.1111\\ 111j.'I\ '1).!lll'd \I (•!111 .. 111· tlo1 111111·111" 11,1 lllj.! h11,p1l :ti ,., lll'11'-''' I h:tl \\ 1•11• dl4',t.!U1:-1•d pnfilll'.ti I 'l'I '-1111'1111 t tf h\ l>r l.11u1 ... J 1'1·ll.1.l1 Olll·ndorl 1"'"""1·111.' 1d1·11111 ll'tl 1· .. 11a . 11 l1tt 11 ,,., "'t•<·rt•t.1n I r1·a~11r<'r of \I i......,11111 l '11n1mun11 ' an<I ~11•rc~ (;1·111·1 :ii ll11\111t.1l S.111 l:t 1\na ~" lh1· .11tl11lt'\'l 11I h1 <lnw~fall · R1i::ht l r11111 tlw t 111w\\1'flf1t•111•tl till' hO'-plt:il Ill 1!17 1 1)1 ('\'ll,1 \\,l'- ,lf\\ a 1 s aft <'r 1111· f111 dw< ":-. Of l~ndt1rr s:i1tl \\'lwu I 11 C'1·1l.o a!'kCd for a dw1·k 11111 ~:i1 1· If 111 lum. Then·",,.., 1u ... 1 111 111111· .. 111111 111ghim nbn11 t 1t · OllC'ndorl "1•pf :1c.11 11 ii:-. .l111h1 •· Hyrn1: w a rnl•d h1m lh11t h1 .. """' "' 'J!u11\y In""' l'tlllllt !-o or 1'1)11!:-(lll':I( \ could hrin).! 111111 ;1:-1111wh ;1' f'r\'o ' ~car~ 111 tht• follcru~ i)l'llll1·11t1;11 ' on l'ach \'1111rt! a nti :1 $t0.<1<10 f1110 ••1n C'acl\ count 111 .11ld1t11111' to 1tw pri~on ll'l'm ,,udi:1• H,vrrw 1•:illt·tl f11r 11 pr11ha l ion rt•po1 I 1111 \ht' formo·1 Si5.000 n ~ 1•.1 r h11:-.p11;t1 :id m1ni~tr at11r a11d :-l't .h11w :!I a~ lhl' date hl' "ill 'L'11ll'IH'l' OllL•nllorf rort~ l\1ool lh1•111·1g 111:il l·I <'lltllll' hied agam:-.t (llknd 1111 \H'• 1• d 1' miS<;C'd. Ollrndo rf .... pll'..t. ldL D1 . l'l'll.1, ·,1 111111111 \In•' 1;1111·1.d \1! 11l11l1-.l 1',1l t11 ~I 1·pl11 11 1!11h1·1 I f-:t ;111-. :!I col .\J t:-!-1111) \ 1l '(I ,11111 f111111\ I :\11•11·1 l ;1•f111.t1 l .. l11ll 11ll11 ·11wod11r1· ~tl11II111 :111, ~.:1 111 S:1111.1 ,\ n ;1 .o ... t lw 1111·11 11 ho " ii I )." 11111 I 1 1.d \1 0111!.1 .\ ;\ lllll\ I' fll !-l•t•J. :1 "''fl.II ;t11• l11.tf 1111 ll r l'1•1l.1 \\ ;i, :1h:ind11111·ol \\'o·d n1·,d;.i~ \\ll1·11l;111 ~1·r-.1 111 1-:1.111· :11111 Sd1ill 111 :111 :1i:n •1•tl 111 11 "" • 1ho•11'1'1g hl l•1a 1111') 11 1.il .111tl .11111\\ .!u<I).!<' UyrtH' 111 r1 ·:1( h l.1 m, 11 I 1•r<ht•l It ".1, 1·\1•1.111wol lh.11 < '••ll.1 l-;1 ;111 ... .1 11tl ~1'11111 111;111 fll 1'11·1 111 p111 tlll'1r l:11th 11 1 .11·q1111f ;il 1111 .1 !lld)..'.1· r.11 ht'r r h.111:t 11t1' .J11dJ.!t' lh rno· \\'i·d111·"l.11 "II!• Jll'\'''l'(I all a•\ ldt•ilf I '-f I/I'd 111 fh• ISf•t• (;I'll.TY, l'ai.:1· \:!• Ma11. Killed By Cocah1e \'I I..\' f' \ 1.\11 I \ 1)1'111111 m.m apparl'ntl.' :11l1·mp1111)! 111 1r:111-:por1 cnl':1in•· "' '''"'"''\\ llll proph~ l:ll'l11 :-lillo·d \\11h 1twd1111 d 1o•d 11 IH•11 1111,. op1·1wd 111 h1 ti l).ll•nl I Vtt Ir ;.•l'l . i' 11t l1111'1 \ll'" '<:ltd ,\11 :111111p:-,\ 'hll\\\'tl .!11::.h11.1 l'nlll'tt. :?i. had I!' pn1pli1 f,l('f11 1·011t;.11n111j.! wh ;11 a ppt•:11·1·d 10 lu rot•a1n1• 1n hi:-s lom;wh :11111 111 1t•:-t11ws .... aui llr llof)l•rl SI 1\'1•1' Fult on l'ount 1 ' nit·dH·.d ,., ,llOlnl'I' Sllll'I'" ... 11<1 11111· 111 th" f"" tih.\ la<'lll'" hacl OJll'lll'd 111 I ht• \II 11m·.., 111ll'sl 1111• II• .... 1111 ('11h1•11 ... ~mptnm., lll'rt 1·111b1 1t·111 11 1fh thl' lll).!1':-111111 o l .1 I t'I .\ fllllt'l'I ::.t enrnlant. ::-111 h ,1"1111 .11111 . 'Rodan' Hunted \ •• ,. 1.1tl "11111 1.11111 ·'''" 1d1·11 l 1f11•d hllll'-• 11 011 lh1 .11r II\ t ho 1·od1 11.1n10 ((.11!.111 "'lw111 g ~1ughl 111 1\11;1h1·1m ;11111l·1 lot'l,1) .dt .. 1 Ill' .1lll').!1•tlh .llll'lll plt'tl lu f .iJH' ,, 1:1·.H ··ll' old 1~1rl 111 ·'11:11kcl1t:u ..i.J '0 '\ /l('C'Or!lllll' If• l'"IU•!.. 11 \\CJ..., \\htl1 tho h11rh : ;q u• ~11:-p1·1·f 11 :" dr 11 111.i.: h1:-fo•111l 1l'd • 11·f1111111 lh1· .II It•\ I h;1I 111 1d 1·11I d wd 111111:-idl I 11 ('I\;·'"'" ... i1:,:, .... 1::. l<11d,111 I ho 11 1rl1 .1·111 1111 fr1·~h m:111 1111;11 I :t1 •1 I 11'11 111 I 1·1111l l1 ·dl.\ l11ld p11l11·1 1 h• t I ~ • 1111111 ... 1.1· I 11111·1·d IJ,.I lllft• 111 I .1:1 ,11 .1 I ;;11 d1•11 1;10•".• l.1 .. 1 !food •· 1.il11i•h11111tl I h1•11 11 hil• ti 111 111;• 1 .. 1 '11· • .111•1 Ill \11.d11·•111 \\llh 1h1 11'11•11 1111 lo.1•11 · 11 I ,11 111 '1111· 1111111·11 ullwr I I! 1 .1d '" •·Ill h11:-1.1:-h 111 th1 ·11 l 1111\ ,., .1111111 I 1111 o 111 1h11 11~·h hi 1'1(11'•'" llll'.._!!111 ' o 1,,1110 111 ·111 111•1 h11<h .met .11 11 lllf 111111• 1,11'1 h• I ('llfll 1 :-,llfl 111 th• , 11 11111 111wi.:I·· tlw \1111111 -11010•1•tfo •tf 11 1 ... 1'1.1l1h111; ht I .1· .111.1111 ~ l ,11 I "' 0'.11·.illl' Ill' ~ 111• .111.\ :11111 1•111:· 1111111th•·\1•h1 t It •Ill' I.lit I 11f1•11 11f11"fl .I ... ,1 1!17'1 1 ·111" \ .111 1'11111'1' ~.1lll 111' ·"'·1.11111 ·1 \\ h11 Jh1·;1 dt''l'i illl'tf ,I ,1f>1111I ... ,~ ft •t•l I 1111 r 1111 • h o ·.., f , ti I-rt I'!• I ll-t'fttlH11w ----I 11111J!llf 1 IHll p1111 nt1~. d1:1.,,.tf I 111' n11rl1• t•irl dm1 11 I h1 · :ill,.1· <Sn .\TT \('.J\. Pa~1 ·1\:!1 Or :111~J c·.,.,,, <=--- \\t•ath••r '11•h1 .111tl 111111 1111111 Inv. I l1111tl f•lll 1>1111 I\\ I" 11111 f" '1111 11 \ 1111 lllll Ii I·' I tl,1\ I.ill 11• l'fl.111111 Ill f I Ill l"'l .111111· \l ll h "'""I· 1111.1\ In 1 I lo\\ 1111111 hi I ilnl;fl \ /.1 1/1'111 '''" 1111 I '"'"' "'''" /t1 I I 111" lit I< I' 11 1•11 llJJ'll I fl\ llfl/llJ.JI/ 111/,/1 111 r'lll o 'T/1'11.~ll r' "" iwr11 11 •''"''" '''' '' '" f'l1rrr•r1•· l/w 1•111111 '''''I'" ,., /11·1 /11f'1• ·'Wt'/'tl_IJ1'1\I At If out 4W!' ~.t•• Al lf\f• rml \\IU'' 0 1 r '""' f\,.rnh,., • n1 Ann \.••nd••r . 8Jl l M onvn ,,. Mnntt'f' ,,,., 81 C11!1fnrn1.1 "' M n111 Ill r ., .... , (IHf'U f '" :.:\'.';;' '~ ~::;, "' (1,, 1l1t•d (I • 1 A4 0 I C.t1l'tl1( u Or .• ntai c~u1n1y • ' t• 'Nf'Hrt C• p ,,t1(tl1· R> I ()' •''"' Nnl ,,,., A II \(lint"I\, C• I f ,..,,,,,,.,., 1q ~· •.1nr• ivi.u~• '"' Rb 1 ( "'"' "'""' ,,, fr t "'"0" IU r '"""'' , .. ,,...,, .. ,, • R\ f r.r '"*' ~. •111n Ill W· """"' A< HOfO\(l)f .. "" ~0' d N--w A.a B t : '2 tJl\IL y ..:.l'...:.'L:..O;::...:.r ____ s~ ____ T_h_.u;:..•..;.S.:;cd_.1y'--M--'1y;....2_0_1 _ll_ft> HHll ~Draft' Seen Carter Slowdown Spurs Backers Uy tht• J\:.suciatt•d t•rvi.s Racker., rd Sl'n lluh('rt II lluni phrl·~ 1r1i.plfl'<I by an :1p· parent slowdov.11 in Uw .Ji mm.> ('~rll'r 1·~11~u1gn, ;ire forming Ll rnmmitrcc• to draft lhc Min- n es o r ;1 ..; 1• 11 a t o r f o r l h <· I) em 01· r ;1 t 1 1• pr 1•-; i tie n t i u I 11om111at11111 Formation of tht• <'flITTm1ttl'c. :.aid to bC' without llumphrc~ s <wthoriiat1011 or eucuura~1.:· 11wnt. 1s lo bC' announl'ed lo<la~ Behind the draft llumphre~· move are J oseph Cr anglc. Ent· County <N.Y.1 D l'rnOt:ratir leadC'r, and He p . Paul Simu11 ID-Il l.> , Simon said \\'ecJm•::.t.l:iy ht• unrl .Cl'..inglc d\.'Ci(k<I (Ill the IOO\'C Tra1e Suspension May Lift Monday 8 \• .fO.\NNF. RF.YNOl.DS • 01 uu~ o."1., P1to1 Slt1fl Ttw :.11.,1H·1l!->1011 11f lrad111g in slvt•k of 'J'lw l'l'l'''l'Y C111np:11111·s of :\t•\\ port lkach prolJahly will ht· I 1 f I!· cl M o 11 cl a y by t h l' ' .Sl'C'unlll·~ ;111d l':~t:hungc Com- m1s~wn. 111tormtd sourcc·s ~aid todU'.\'. A rl•port which \\'us to !w i!isl.l(.•d Loda\' b\' t ht· S E C was expl'clt•d to t'all ·ror· u rcsumpt\on of trading 111 the stol'k on the J\mcncan Stuck E:<l'l1angc and to scl a n ad- m1111:.lr~1tll l' ht•aring .lune 7 on the hon1l'·hu1ld111g f1rm'l> acqui:-.1 tton of fl'::.1dc11tial n ghts lo the t•ontro \·er~1al hydrog l'n con- \'erter. Thl· m ove bv the SEC 1s seen • hv observer:-. ~s a m•i.ns;of ~ct· t 1'ng :it the t•o n verler's. i n~·cnt?r. • Sam Leach and the devices chief · promott•r. ~ll.-ris Mirk1n. ~ An informed source sald the hearing is ba:.<.'d on soml· allei.:a· twns bl'll1J.! m adt· aJ{ainst PccSlt•y by the• SEC. hut fhost· alll•~:Hl_(I~ . ., arc rcall~ a1mt•d Hl M1rk111 s l'Ompany. l\l.J.\t_ llydrot.ech, wh1l'h 1~ not u µubhdy held firm. Acc·nnhng to t hl' SEC report. lhl' 111furrn<1t1on gl\'('11 by l'rc:.le\· - to the SEC in its investigation of tht• rornpanr "s ac·qu1s 1l10n ."f n ghts to the <·on\ erll:'r is in l'ompletc. llowl'\'Cr. obsL•rvcrs J10lc that the allegedly m1i>s1ng anforma· tion is duta tha t Pn·s lt·Y \\OUld not have had access to and so lht· hearing is seen as ;1 way of fol'l" ing Leach and Mirkin to s upply lhl' missing data. Presley s tocks werl' sus p<>nded on March 25 when thl''.\. ''ere· ::.l·ll· ing at s lightly more than S2U a s hare -up from about S<1 u sharL' at Christmas. The lengthy s uspc•nsion of lh1..• stocks lC'ct to a law suit filed in thl' Las \'egaij federa l District Courl by two Presh~y sh areholders. One or those sharcholrler~. Leonard Smith. the Lus Vegas Cl· ty attorney. said he now expects that the judge who hus take~ the case under submission will s1mp· Jy rule that the _iss1:1e has become moot since tr:irt m i? 1s to resume. Recently. the SEC has been tr~·ing 10 set up somc indcpt•n dent tests of thC' l'On\'Crl<:r. whrt•h have not been conducted d~1e ~o disputes with Lcal'h and .M1rk1n ov<:r conditions under whrch the tests are to be run Snake Bite Kills . Biblical Follower OELBi\HTON. W V;i IJ\P I Thl' ~nakt· that 1111 C11rt1s :\I1111111s dunng a c·h11rd1 l't•rcni<>llY was <1 big one: It l<'fl f:tn~ marks ~ in· ch apart. l\l ouotl>· arm l>Wcllcd to l\\in• 11::.. normal l>llt', hut ht• • s uu,.:ht no 1111·ilr<"al :1tlt·11twn lwton: hl' <11t•d thrcC' day!S later. ~ I k wa!'> ;1 llll'lllh1•r of a ('hurl'11 : \\h1t·h lullm\' ;1 h1hlit".tl1111otat11111 : that ~ays · 'll11•\ sh:1ll t;1kt• llJl '"I pl'nts ... ~lount< Iii . <l1t'll at his Slu·k Hnt'k homt• \ l'dn1•sday. C'orot1l·1· f:rojC' H1t1·h1t• ::.:1111 !It• ''a~ bitten t ,, ll'l' on till' rlt.!hl hanc1 S11nrl<1~' tw a watt•r 111ot'l'.t'-lll. ·"The r11-tht. arJll wa::. :o;\~oll~.n _ ,,\·icl' thc> norm:ti si.~c from .l~t· ll'lnd to llw sltnu ltlt-r :ind was ells· c1\1on•d ." 1!1tl'l11t• s :11d "Swdling had l 'n 'n t'l\ll'n'<I into I h1• l'l~~·~t :lrl'a along ,,·1th d1st11lnrat1on Tht• t"111·111H·r s:11d lhf' fang marks ,,·c·n· an 111!'h :qiart . :1lrnost t '' tf'1' t h1· d1 ::.lann· 11f mark~ from an :l\'1•r:1gt• hilt' Thi· ltlll' pn11l11t'l'll hlood pn1so11111c. :iml kcl lo p:1rah..,1s nf 1ho cl1:1ph1 .q.:m ;11111 t orn11:1ry m11 ... 1·1t•.; I< 111'11w ~:110 t , , .1r1 ttllY htllt'll 1l11n11 i..: .1 """' 11'l' :1\ .1 !'h11rc·h nn lll'll'i 111111 111 \I T11 1!t1"C'Ot1lll \. :Jllllll-! \lu• 1'1·nt 11t'\.." ltnrrl1•r F 11 II o '' t • r" 11 f I IH• 'n a kl" h:11111l111i.: 1·11 11~ hnsc th•·11· ht•hl'I ,111 th1· 11•1 h l'h:q>lt•r of l\larl< 111 th1· 1!1hlt· 111 '' hwh Chrt:.l trlh h r~ 1li~t·1plt'". . •\ ncl 1111,.,, • ..; i t.!11' shall fol low lht•111 th.at ltl"llt•\'l'' In my namt· ... hall tlwy l':1-,t 0 111 d1•\ 11s: tlwy ~halt ..,1,1.,1k \\ ith m•w tonl-!111''; thl'\' 'h;ill l :lkt• llJ) :C:l'l'J)C'nts. !Hlc1 ORANC,t: COAST 'I • f ' .. .,; .. ' !t11t>1 r I N Wt'r'<1 . .. .. . 1.11 1.. R (1trll'V . . .... 1 h (llH •h K!'t'llol I ht1111.1•. f\ Murphtnt \' ' ' f I ( IMI I> H l t1l" Ru h,ulJ f' N,111 I ' Ot11ccs •I .. '..,_,.,. .. Trlr phonc 0 14) M2 4371 c1.1~~111«1 Ad•er 11smq i.o12 si.1s (, ""• , .. t . ~ .... S81 ·b3l0 t14 1•t 4'1S·06JO ~· 11 • I S40·l 720 ' '°It.i f I f fl• I (•• I •1 i .. t, •• ft JI I t 1 '\ . ' ' I if they drink any deadly thing, at shall not hurl them ..... Snake· handlin g dunng n· lig1ous t·crl'monit•::. 1:-ll·gul 111 West Virginia. Tt•nnt•sscC'. Kl'll t uck\· \'ir~ini a .. \labama ,11111 :\'.orth° Carolina han· l~ms ,,,.,, hibiling the handling of :.nake~ 111 :i mannt•r that e nd:ingl·r" thl· health anti lift• of :any pcr::.nn f 'ron1 Png~ . \I PILL ... clings--:it a m l'ct111g. ''!'-St•1·~nd Look at I he S('cond St•x : i\ C'W H.c!lcartlt.oo Women." spQnsore<I hv the cam pus Women':; ('(•nh'r. ·In a furllwr stud~·. tlw ;malnmy proft•ssor found that female r ats \\'hose o\·arics \l'C'rt' rcrnfl\'l'd 11t hirth s howed gn'al~ rnrt1l'al d1·- ' clt1pmC'nt whL'n al1fop::.ll'd. al !~I days than a control group ol Iii I t•r mates. She said this finding r.11::.<·::. tht' poss1bil1t y that f(•malt• ::-1·' hormnnc>s. C\'en at normal IC\'l'ls, mav have a limitini.: dfrl'l on the dt•\;clopmc-nt oft hc> t't'l"l'hral 1·or- I<''· The :study of hormorrnl tn· flue>nC'C on brain J!r0\\1h wns un- ckrt ukC'n after Dr. lliamCtn1I n11t c•tl th.it hrain gro\\lh \\:I~ !'>l1m~·r in prC'gn:mt f£'m :tlt• rat<; than 111 th~onprrgnant sislt·r~. Shi· s pc•ctllall•d that th1• ~fond ol hormonl'S r l'll•aS<'d clunnj! pr(• J!nancy might he a fartflr Thc> t<>st J!roup of f~mal1• rah \\as i.:i\'l'll cn11Lr;11·cpt1VC' ~OS<'" <•f nor1'th vnodrel. :I synlhl't1c form of pro~t'sti'ronl' .. Tht' dmrs J!IVC'n thr rats w£'n• t'ftllh'all'nt. on tht· hasb of body weil!hl. lo thns<· t nk<'n b~· women us11ii:_ nnt' of t hl' p11p11lar hirth t'Ontrol pills . Dr . 01amo111I s;11d th1• hrnrn of a normal rat continu<•s t11 grnw .111d dcv<'lop in rc•:-.ponsc to <'n vironmcntal factors throughout ltfl•, ('\'ell after lh<' animal i~ fulh grown On<' lhNll"Y nf ho'': h1wmonl0!'> 111h1h1t hr:1111 growlh 1s that th1·\· tn:i\· h ;I\ t' :1 cl:impt'nmg l'ffr1·1 till tlw· <'cntr:it IH'f\ i1u ... '~'t"m r1• tlucing rts ahihty to 111• s l1mul.1l· l''I. she said. Woman S~ain By SF Butcher S,\~ FRi\~CISCO Ci\Pl -/\ .,9·\'C;lr·Ol<i Hlllptor was found ~1:\111 in her San Fra1wis('O st11<l111 ~\'ilh multiple stab '''111mds. poltt<' so id . J enny Head .. :l fr<'c}d<.>·fa.r~d artist who designed ftJ?mcs "' bronze a nd wopd. had been stahhed l l times in th1• c hl'st <incl Jbcioown and l WH'l' in I hl• lt'{! Inspector W1lli:1m Armstrong s;11d Wednesday a to inr~ h11t chrr kmf<' "as founrl pr<1tn11ht1~ from her ht'::trt. She-hatl ht•t'n bound "ith asca.rf and,, oolrn shrrt bet·ttui>e thl' i.in niar~ l'l''lllh 111 ,\1 1ch11!a n ~1 11<1 -'l t1r\l,111tl l'tlUpll•<l \\Ith thO:-.l' thl' \\C'Ck betor<'. "have thanged tilt• p11· ture somewhat." 'art er, the former C\:w~w. ~over11or and front ruruwr rn th\! Dt.•mucr:Jttc rat'l' :,on l.11', \\a:. d d t• a t c cl 1 n 1 h c -'l u r y I 11 n d pnmar\' iln u h ;1 rl'l~ ""n in l\l 1chlga'n . ~l'ht> "i:~k hlllnn'. hi.:. ::.l'vrcd a narrow \'Idell'~ 111 l on· nectil'ut and lo::.t 111 :"dH·;1ska Crungle rfict \\ 11 h I lumphrt•\' on WcdnC'::.da~· Hn!I told ham llw t•omm1llCl' \\a:. ll1.:111i.: fornwtl Thl· senator told Cr:111 i.:lt· h1• "ould :.land h~ ht' ann11unl'l·ll decis ion not th :iuthun1c all~ comm1tteC's to \\ork 111 hi' behalf. accord1ni.: 111 a llum- phrcy aide. llum phn·~· has l>a1d he \\ould reassess the De mocratic r ace after th1..• June 8 pnm:11·1c" and BROWN ADDS 'SMALL' OFFICE-A9 decide whe ther 1 here 1s any point to his becoming an active candidate. In an emotiona l ne,,s ton· ferenl'c <1fter Carter sc1>n:d a big vit"tory in the Penn:.ylrnnia primary las t month. llurnµhrey anno unced he n·jectcd µle:1s that he become ;rn active can· didate. Mcanwhlll', l'al1f<1rnia l:O\". Edmund Bnm n Jr .. frl•s h frtom his Marvland victory over Carter. a~knowleth!l'd Wednes- dav he did not yet h<Ave his pre- sidential bid "in the bag ... The Dl'moc r atic go\'ernor. who campaigned earlier in th1• dav in Oregon. was g reet-cd l>~ a 'crowd of 200 Chl·ering sup- p o'r t er ~ after rtyinJ! t11 Sacramento in the late l'\·cnin;.: for :i ont•-111g hl ..,topm l'r. Hruwn. :-pt·ak1n !.! 1nl11 .1 mH·rophonl:' under the gbrl· 11f telc\'1~1on lights . said wh11l-hl· would no t sa~ his bid fur t ltt· pres1denc~· ''us "in the hag. · he ~Hided that LI SUC('t.'SSI u I \I~ was a "real pos .... ibilit~·." Rl'l"ernng to h is primar> l'I f or t s f o r t h I' lJ l' mo c· r a I 1 <' nomination tor thr pre:mlt•nt·> in nth e r "t a t1..·~;, Hrown "alll. ·"f'hrngs look ~owl 111 ( lr1·µ011 .111d in Ne\ ada I trust th1..·~ look l!llnd in Sal'r:1llll'llto 1 ·rn tip t11n1!>llc ... . ' . t 'rum Pngt• . I I GUILTY .. • = tlrangl· ('1H111h 1>1::.1r11·1 .\\ tm·nL'\ ':. ot I H'l' I 1'11111 ;1 ( '11:-l ,1 \\l· .. a prrnl ;11µ. shop t·onl rollt•d In· I · .. 11;1 I It> r11 kd l hat t Ill' ll•dl·r al pl'll :.t•c11t11111 (':lllr)lll \ht· any .,f 1111· M'\ l'l":t l ho' t'!'> of clnn1ml·nt st ,1!-.t·11 from tht• l 'n1tNl l'nnt1ng Com p;in,v plant liy (•mµlo.' c DonJld Albl•rl Ha\". Tha t r~lli11 g ll•ll pro ... t•c·11tnr Stc>ph1•11 Wibon ''' predict \\'c·ci · tll'sday lh:.t t hl· \\Ill bl' <lrnpp111g ~t'\'<.'f:ll ofttrr-1 t frlorry1·m11*.tt·on· t :111wcl in hrs L11s ,\nJ.:l'll0:> Ft·dv1 al Crand .J11n· indir t ment i\n 1nfiiC"i Oll'llt i.; f1,r111 al t·h.11 ~1· mack against :1 Pl'l'.::-011or1H:r~1111::. In· ;1 I~ r ;111d .I 11 n . It d1 'I'S n111 t·~lahlt:-.h g 111llor11°1110l'('lll'e Dt'fl•nSl' f ;'I \\'\ <'I'S f)l"l'<lil'lt•d \\'cd1wsda~· th:1l :111 1dl•nl1l'al s 11p prl•::.s1on mot wn 111 nrang1• Count~ S11pl'l'IOr L'ourl. \1 hl'fl' lh(' ~:inw thrt'<' d eft•nclant-; fan• tn.11 nn t:.!7 rd at <'fl fr It Hl\ l'llll nr.... '' 111 dl•::.t ro~ lb(' )1'0~1'('1ll1011·~ l ':i'I'. ti ti '" ~rant l'd. Oltcnd11rf \\ill llO\\ uppc:1r ·" .t fll"t'S(•c·utrnn wltn""' m th1• I '" .\11g1·ll·~111111111r~ l n.d It l't alh•gl·d that hnth hn-.,111t.1 h \\l'l'l' h1lk1•d of :111 "'lill\.itt·d '-:.! m11l1tlll "h1•11 tlrl'\ p;111I !111!, '"' s upplies tlw~· ne\ t•r rt>rr1wrl Tlw prosN·11lion da1m.., that \hOS(' h11l.; \\'C'l'C' ~11hrn1lt1•cl <•II rNmtf'rfc•i t in\'011•1·~ lw:1rn11! tl1t· frttl'rlw:tds nf 110111 •\i~t1•111 1·11111 p~lllil'S. Olle11durf told .ludg1• Bynw ;II nnl' point Wt•cl111• ... .t.1.' th:1t 11 .. hPt·::imC' ,,·11rrird ;\111n1t lh<' 111•\o. 111 !'raud an trn:i :11111 d1 •1·1cklf Ind" r 11s!' hrs roll' 1n tlw :1 tlt·1•1•d s c hC'ml' with th<• hno.;p1ta1 ·.., l:l\\yl'r. l!c>hrr t Brc•nt of Sanl.1 Ann "II<• told me J had 11othmi.: tn \\Ill r\' ahi>11l so I ~1t.:n1•cl the-fortn'- that 6r Ct•lla w;1nt1·d mrto-;1~11 Ollrn<lorf o;:111I Ollt•n<lurf told .J111IJ!I' Ryrrlt' that th1• firs t p11l1111'al <'\111·11 rl1t11n•!-t•nt c-rc-d in till' ho-.p1t.d h1lQI. ... un(ler ot h1•1· l'l;l',sr rwal 1011 ... wcn• for lht• 1!>7:! ri· C'lc·i:t 111n ":1111 p n i J! n o f 0 r :t n I! c . ('ti u n I ' Supt•r\·i-;01· Rtihert H<11t111 ('c•tln has s11pp111·tl·d H;1tt tn from the• llm<' that the F1r<:t Di... tnl'l • 11pt'n 'il>or firi.t t•lllf•rt'<I polit1c..,. ln 19"74 , \f'lla listcd'c<1mva1i.:n ront ri hut ions of morl' than SS00.000 to pnlili<'al t·andi<lalc•!» nn<I b('(':tmc· ttrc l;iriit·st 'lt<'h <'Oii trihutor in t ht• st al 1• Mesan Loses Drill F.ler t nral rnnt rartor F:d Rn•n nnn told Costa -'l f'S:l 1)0hce \\'1•cl n1•sd1\\' someonl' rliml>l'rl a !-I\ foot hl~h f<'n<.'I.' al Hn·nn:tn P:111IC'\ Eler trtc Comflall~" 2.1fi Os:k ~t . ..,om<'ltnw Tue:.d:iv anrt ~t oh• J h;.11f-1nc h drill v:ilul·d at ~u;i. ' S:Jt».Otlfl . \ li111011 !J ~~ ~ • Mitchell Told To Pay Martha :'\ I·:\\' \ u H K I • \ l' I \ 111d 1·1 ordl'n•d lorm,•r \II~ !:1.•11 J11h11 N M1lchl•ll ll) p;n h1::. l.'!>trallgl•d \~f~lffl'mpO~I"\ h,tl'" :iii 11\()11~. t 11111 1 .. l'I ('\ lrt•H". ht• Olll'' llllt tl1!->dt1::.t• 111~ • \,tl'I ::.t.lllJ' lll l>l't M'l\l llll'l\1111' ti hi:-:.llll;Jttllll I' <II hwllv anli_ru ta~L, a 11r1•t'.1n1111.., ,,.., h"· 1·0n11'ml ht• \\ntiTil w \t"l'>'li-=--- ORDERED TO PAY John M itchell ArmRd Ba11dils Steal $4.,000 /11 Hu1iting to11 Two ba11dits hl'ld 1111 ,1 tt11\. tem por ary bank bn111d1 Jll!'>l at opening tinH'·loday ;and t•Sl';qwd ,with a bo ut $1.000. 1111111111,1.:11111 • Beach pol11..·t• l"l'POl'll'd. oi<e gunman e 111 1•r,•d the Pacific <.'it.\ llank al ~J!O l Adam:. :\n•. llu11t111 gto11 lh·ad1, \\ htl1· lhl· olhl•r ha11d1t sh><l\I lookout 111 lht• near I'.\ l'lll pty t. ... 11ap1..•d shop pmµ l'l'lller at l hl· corner 111 -'1 ag noli a St n •l'l, pol1t·c sa11l. Thl' I' aC'r f rt• <:11 ~· hr<Jnl'lr s:Jnd\\ a ·lwd bl'l \\'l't'll .1 J1·wl'11·~ ~hop and a m en ·s hair :-.al1111 i:. lw mg usL•d te.mporunh wh1lt-ant·\\ hank bu1ld1ng 1s bemg t.•rel'tl'd a half blot· I. a'' a,v. :\n l'll1pf11\ l' tn).!g1·n ·tl :1 s11t•111 ;il;11·m m11111t11n•tl .1t p11lt1·1· 111 .. 111 q11artt·rs to :.um nion (lflH't'I"'' du1 mg the holdup lt11l tlw ..,,,!'>flt'1·t:. madt• a dl•:Jn. s v.1ll gl•l :m ,1\ :-.; o o n l' w a :-h ;1 ,., 111 · d 111 \ 1.:s11µators sa td Sf.Ill: Su1.1n·1111• l\1111 l .Jll::.l1l l' :\lalnrl'I (;11111t•1 ~ra11l1•d ;1 n10111•11 tml.I\ II\ -'l r::. -'l1t1'111•ll ' .1t h>rne)'. ~1!11~1111 (.' llr-rm:111. 111 \'t1h't' J Ud .L: 11h'll l for• l h1• h:td1o 11hrnt1n\' "111 lhl' :ah ... ,·mT 11f a11~ dt•111..1I : u.' .\I 1td11.·l I tit.it hl "" ,., t lw .11nu1111t \tr-. \lttl'h\'11 , \\h111 .. t1.·p111t1cl ::.11tl 1•111l).! II 11111 t ,llll'l'I 111 lh1 1111111 m..it'l'tl\\. n 'l t'lll I~ 1Ttun1l'd lo h1·r 14·f'OOm l'Oopcn1li\'tc' a1>.u-t llll'lll tit\ F ifth 1\ \ elllll' from a ho::.p11.1t "ht'n' :-.hL' had !>pt•l·ial "u1 g1·r~ n ·::.111! ing from u h111k1.·11 .inn Sbl" w a~ awardl'CI SI 000 a \\l.'l'k ;d1mon\ 111 Dt•t·l·lllLl'I 1!11 I L.\ .Ju:-ttt·1• Gom t'z l'l'llthng d 1-..11<1;.1 tion or he r suit for kgal :-ol'p..ir.1 11on from Mitchell. In oral arguments Tuc:.da~. 1 lerm•ln told Goml'z that M ,.., '.\litchcll was "without fnl·nd:. a nd without fund::.." He said that Mr-;. l\litl'l1l•lt owes nearly Sl0..000 on hl'r apu1 l ment, and · that C11n:.olidal1..·d Edison utility company h;ts tht:eatcned to t urn off her elec- tricity. He r m an also said the former a ttorney girnentl r etl'ived " SS0.000 adv:int'l' 1111 a boo!. h1.· 1:-. ,,. r it in g ah out \\'at t' r g an• l\l1tC'h1..•ll has appt•alt.>d a <"on\'H' 11011 for makinl-! false !>latcmt•nt:., 11t,st n1l·t iun ol J u:-l tt'l' ;.111tl 1•1111- :.p1racy to obstruct Justice 1n cun· 11ec·t1on with \\' alt'rg att· l\l 1 lt'hell '!:I I ;,rn y t.•r. -'1 arg.111•1 Sh~m. told l;umt•1. on Tuc::.d.1\ that ~1 itch l'lt 1:. br•>l-.l' 1111 \\. ;i llhough ::.ht· s:iid tw d11I I l'l'1't\ 1• t ht· hook ad,. an 1.'<·. "lh• is li\illg ltll ln11111\q ·d tund::.." :-Ill' s aid. In l'<'SPOl1Sl' lo that '-'.Ont \•nl 1or1 Ju::.tic·(' l;ornez :.llifl: "\\'hilt• the dd<·11da11l urgt·s that his present f1nanl'1:tl l'OIHlt· SONY'S BIG ONE •I .. . , .. -· ---. -· -· ... --. -0 - ,u.1' 1::.i:1I. u pu11 t 111· :.ul11n1:.:-.tl•ll 111 pntnf, IP 111111. 1111 .1 d1t1111\1 ,1rd 11111\11111·.1111111 ttl 1111• 1111l~t:a11d1111- onJ\'1' l111·1·cllU1! Uh.· :thrr11111~ ;\ltll'hl·l l'~ I ,rn ~ ,., ... 11d \I 1, \l1tl'111•ll 1'1'111 °'1'' lfo 1'l0 ll th1· 1·1111pt·1.il1\l .1 p .1t'lltll'tll .111d :.i ..... tdlh t ' It• t•·l11111 hrs l1111>h ' .11111 I l'l'til d' lll•r 111.111 l 1111 11 •11 .t. ti th.11 :\l1t1·hl·ll 11.111b to 11::-1 1!11 11111111' t 1·0111 t lw l>,tle 111 t ht• .q1.1rl 11H·t1t i.1r h1m::.l'lf .ind put \11 .., \ll1t·l"·ll 11i ;1 lllll":>lllL, htlllll' \llt1 hl·ll :-.11 tornt•\' tll'llll·d 1t ATTACK ... Anti 1t '':isn't 1111111 a p:iss1•rb. not1ct·d thl· lll'al' \ t('lltn's plig ht ;.1nd t':HTil' to twr 111d Uwt hl'I' bur- ly pursuer ran'll ba('k lo lhc vun nnd drove it frnm lhl' allt•y. Police s aid the '' h1te van was :.tr1pt•<I <ind, of course, c:<tWPIJl'd with CH nulio equipment. CUMPL.41 NER._, COT RESULTS \\'I I.I.I -'I.\'\ 'I ll'. ( '11111~ ~1mt•l 1111 1·.., It 1ltw::.11 I p;i~ 111 t'lllll· pl.1111 l'olrn• ('111(•f J ohn P. 1 111::.~1·\ la::-1 \\ t·t·k got :. pl'l it 111n I rom :!:t IS(•ll\ 1,1 !'\tr t'l'I I l''11lt-11t' .1i.k1 11~ 1111 .1t1ad.tlm\11 t •11 'P•'1•1h·1 ... lh1~!->l'°' :.:"'! th••• a r acl .. Jr unrl ":i::. H t i1p .\lond.1.' ni~ht :111d fi"• 111' :.IX Of th1• JH'I it 1on !-lj.!nl'r~ \\'('!'(' }.:I \'l'll w an1111g::. for ~Pt'l•fltng. I TR IN ITRON , 0 IT'S A SONY" f'ull f'ac-lfn·y ttarranliP~ PhL• f111r Prr•onal OnP l 'par G11arnnlPP On f:rt-ry PrfJd&tt•f W.-St-II! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa H-Wl«APn' t,..on11111 2 Doon W~d of Corl1 Jr Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 ~at 9-5 30 Sen i..q tlte Her bor At-ff Sit1ce I H6 Thu~ Bt'dronic P'rof~niOftab Sff'•iu Your Equipmut "Mike" . Profrs~ional S~r,·it•t• f_or all ,·011r hom~ ~·~~·~onies . I • I &~ W @ (!l] [( ®@rrWD ©® Tht• t·o lumn appt·ar' tfail~ l'X l'l'lll Saturda~ ~and ~londa, .... l ,, •f '' ,., ,,, , ' ,, 11 ' ' t •, I' • l>'l' I I'·. ' I ;• '· i I '• I '' •• , ... ,, 't II t '1 1 It I '/1" I I ' ,,, I '1. J'1d Jru· 1 • 1: • \! •'''ii 'I" • • ,.,,I ,, I '( \. \ #f f f \I I f l 1 11 ' II /1 , i /' ,,, ,, /11 '? I 111 I ( \/, •, 1 · \ ,, : '• • '• I • " ' f 1 lt ;•/.111 I , /lfl t 1 f DUfl L.odgi11g" 01-:AH P,\T · Wha l l' S rnot<·I' 1f any. at'l't•pl (a Ill 1 h !In,.:' .1, gul•s ls a Ion I!'' 11hth1•1r111 :1,ll·r<' .\ (j . l'11:-t;1 .\lt•.,a Gaines Oog Rt•M•an·h ('1•ntrr. Gai n r s TWT . Ho ~ 1007. KankakN•. II. 60001. h a' a\aila· ble a complf'lt· d ict ion ar~ or hotels and m oll•ls allo" ini.: do~: in ~·our room frt•t' or t•har~t·. ('u:-l of ·lht• booklt•t i., :,o cl'nt!'>. Ollw1 sources ind11d1• A .\.\ dirt'l'tori1·'· tht• ~1obil Travc·I (iuid1· '..rit·i. ur frN• hrochu rt'!'. 11r11vid1·tl h.\ 111 a jor hott•l and moh•I diain' '.- DyP!f Tf•!flPd DK\H 1'1\T '.'\o \\ thal llw I'll.\ has ha111ll'c1 Ht•d :\11 ~ d\l'. "h,11 lt"iltng h :t' IH•t•n tf.1111' lo tho tc·rmine thl• s :i fl'l ,. 11f ltt•d :\11 w. t hl' a rt if H' ta I fo111i n1lor 110\\ 111 · in,:: ll M.'Q an plan ' 1lf Hl'll :"t1. ::!" c: II • l.:aguna Jlill~ ·Oat a 1>rt's1•nlf'd to th•• Food anti Dru ~ Admi ni ,tratiun i n f ·cbruan 'hmu•d that aft('r II Wl't>ks of a i ll·" f't•k h·Ntin~ ~1 11d~ in\'Oh in~ 1110 Ill il'I'. '" Of tht• anim a b hacl t1 n ,c•lor1l•d pr<'· matun· anti 11n1'"P•'t'h•d m alil!.· nant lymphom a s . :'\u c·onclu!>iun'\ aflout th1• s afrty or Rt•d ~o. Ill c·an b(' r('aCht•d Oil 011' h a!>b of lht• in· tl'ri m r(•port. I-' U1\ n •pn·,1·11 tath·1•s l'a ution. hut 1·ontin11ini.: ft>sulls from th1• 'tud~ "ill h1· cart'rutly monitori•d. SB9.90 Rt•J1nid 1>1-:i\I( I' \T l.a'I S1·pl1•111ht ·1 ~t'lll ~ti:! !I:.! lo :\111,tlll ,\11111111111 1\•· 111 l 'm 1n:i 1111' I'''! p:111 1:il l l'l t::'•'t 11111t ~ .. l11 \'llll\ l'l'I Ill\ ('.II'' 111 t•lo•t' tr1inn· 1i.:11111111b I ·n ·1·1•1 \t•d th• 111111!>. h111 \\ h1•11 1 I 111•tl 111 111'-1.tll llwm I t111111d I ll t•t·1lt·d tlw 1·11111 µkt1• 111111 I 11·11111wd 1h1• p.1111.d 11111\i. anti on lt·a 1•cl I 111· 111mplt'l 1 'l'I 11( p.arl., I 1·111·l11"·d ~i 'IX 111 I'll\ 1·r 1 lh' .11ld 1t 11111:ol l'tl'.'-I I l'I' t't'I\ 1•d llw r1·pl.11 1'1111'111i. 111 '\11\ l'llllll'I'. !.111 !ht•\ \\ 1'11' 11!1•11111-.ol 111 tlh · p.1r11 .tl 11 1111 , I 11·1Tt\1•tl h\'1'1111' I \I' \I 1'1111•11 .111d ·""''cl 11 I 1·:111 11'1 111'11 1111' 11·pl.11•1·1111•11h '"' lht• l'lll 1'1'1'1 lllllt' Ill .I 1 l'llllld loll! I h.I\ 1•11'1n·•·•·I\1•d .11 1·,111111 ., \\ :-.. . S.1n .J 11.111 t '.q•1,11 ·'''" Ell••n T ili!'>k \ ur l'U ... t11111 1·r ,,.n it-1• for ,\ lli.;1111 .\11t11111oth ,. Cn. h:is "'"l ~ 1111 :t r1111 -.X!t.!111 ,.. .. · fund for th1· rd11r111·1I trl i!~•·t "'" u ... Slw 1li1I nut Nipl:1i11 "'" ttw n ·11lac•1•1111•nts app1•art'll 111 "" idt•nlit':tl l11lht•11ri ~i11al 11rtl1•1. AP W1ft•pNHO .\'o f ,01•t•-sigl1i Tl11.., :_•11ll 1·r 011 11t1· '\t•\\ I 1r1!·<1 11 ., ( '1 1.\ l1 ;1rk l'Olll'Sl ' went f r nm 1 lt1· I ;11 n ' ;1 ~ to t lu· I n •1•\\ n~ 111 11111· ol thl· roughe~t ro11g h..; 1111 t lw lSlh h11l1· .\lt ho11i,:h hl· look:-. l:1r off lhl· lull' 1 lw :.:n·1·n ,.., tHll~· a ~oncl m 11;1 h1 .. · I " 11 "uo<I ;tway . Proposed Park Fee Hike Voted Down \\Ith th1•11 t'' I '' lt11 'lh 1•d 1111 r I Ill!.! h1111 ... 111 ........ , .. 111 .111i_:t• ( '1111111 \ 'llPt'I'\ '"'1"-. t l'ltl"'l'tl \\ 1·rl111•,d.t' lt1 h1l..1• p:ll !.. lt't'' t h.11'i.:1·d h1111i.111g dt•\ 1 lnp1 ·1 !'> ·1111· h11;1rcl .. ti•·•·"'"" "lw n ,1tl11p111 H! .Ill ,11111 lld llll 111 tn f)1t' t'll\IJl l \ ' 111.1-.l 1•1 pl.111 Ill l•w:il 1'·11'!.." \\ 1•1ll .1)!:1111 1l'•'t 1tllltll1'1H l,1 111111~ 111.l d t• 111 l ht• ('•11 1111\ I l:1rb•11 ' 1\1-.11•111•!» .111d l'.11 1, ... 1 '0111111 1 ... ,11111 ,, \\ ..... ··lll!C•'''''" It\ '"'' l'tllll 1111 ... -.11111 lhl'1't' lll•1111 h-. .n•111h.rl d1· \ 1•ln)1t'I' p.1 \ I h1• do•\ 1•l11p1111•111 t·11,li. .1 , "1•11 .1 I :11111 t'"''' ,, ... "'" 1;1 t1•d "1th p . .i I. 111 • t1 ... 1;1·111 ·t'.1I t•d "' th1·11 d1•\ ··lt>l•lllt'llh l ht• !011\11\1 ... ,11111 ... 111llt'.i!'>I'" It·• .,, l.11111 .f,111 .11 11111 11 ·1·11m1111·11 d.tl11111 '' ·'' ,., l11ll'd 111.111•prn I 1•1 • p:11 1·tl In II.on .\I 111.·r ( »•1t11t' \d 1111111 1 I . " I \ •. ( H I 11 t• .111.1 I\ , .. , 111 \'l lt'l'I I h•• 1 nlllllll,,11111 ,11)cl \I 11!1•1 .... 11tl cit'\ 1•)11111•1' Ill 1111111 "'II"" .111·d 11 t ' I li11t1ltl In I • q1111 1d lt1 """·'" 111111 .1111 "' 1>.11 I,. l.111cl l11t '""It t'\ln 1 l1•d I IHlll r1•,11kt1I' 1 II I h1•1 r 111>11,111 •' p111 11•1·1 ... 111•\ 1·l11tH'I'' "'l1t•llltl 11111111 • ,tltlt 111 1kd111•1 I' ,1•, ,. ... 1111•\ 111111.11 1· 1 .. 1 '"hrnil -.11.. l n1111 1i'11· f11111 .11·1·t• I""" 11·q1111 1•1111•111 .1 ... lh1•\ dtt 1111\\ \1 1111-1 .111.t 1 '11• l'l'lllllll'"'"" , ,. 1·• •Ill Ill l'lldt ., I Tr;a11i.la t1•d 111 dollar'. huil<lt-r:- 1•lt•1·t 1111! Ht Ii.I\ 11•1•:-I ;1lhl'I' lh.111 d1 111al\' l.111d \11111111 ... ,.,. 1 ht·1r l1•t·!'> l11k1•d frn111 ::;:.::.::. lor 1•:11'11 ... 1111..!11• I :111111\· d \\ \' 11111 l! 1 I I l'tlllJ.! hh s.1:1fl Tht: 1't•1• p1•r 11111lt1 l<1 rt11.I\ th\(·11 lilt! \\llllld 1·11 111'1 fr1>1\I :'llM 11ll :'.:lllll 111Hl1·r th•· ,11111'1' lowal l'.irk r1· q111r1•11 11•11I 11111 \\ 11 h \ 1·n · 1111 1\-1·onrn11•111 lh1· lhl't'I' 'llP•'I'\ 1sor ... ;11 \\'t•d 111· ... t1;1\ ... l11•ard 1111•1•t 1t1t! ll'1 th1111.! ... ... 1.11it1 ;1 ... 111t•\ h,1\ •· ... 1111•1• 1'.1711 Tlw1r ,11 111111 l11ll11\\1·d .Hh 1t'I' ).!t\ 1•11 I l1t•111 "' 1:.uuul.\ En\ tl'tlll 1111•111,11 \J ,111.1!.!t'lllt'lll .\l!t'lll'\ I l1n•1·tn1 (;t'lll'l.!t'<1 ... l~•rtl<' I 1 ... l11 1r111· 11•11111·tl th•· prt1pt1,1·d htkr« m p:u·k l:111tl tl1111.1l t,.11 ... "' lt't·,· 1111-..111~l attnn Two (:ra~h Parlv 1.os ,, '\l: i-: 1. 1-;s , "" ''°'". rrwn Ill\ :id1•tl a h1rlhll.1\' p.1 rt~ for .111 II\1•ar o ltl l!lrl .t11d lwld 11\'t ;ti k111ft-.p11111t 1i11111 lw r g1 ;111d f.11lw r. Th11111;a~ ( '1111111111\ -;:1 -.111T1·11 cl1•1 t•tl ::;:1.!'>t10 111 t•as h, p11l1t·1· ... ;i1d l11d;I\ ( lfflt'l'I'!'> ... ;11d lh1• l\\I• llll'll. \\ho' poi.1•d :1,.. \\ ork nwn 111 1·111l'r 1111• l111ll ~·"·w11I ;q 1art11w111 tlt-d " 11 h : , 1111 • ti "r :'ti -; on l nur~ClJV M .iy 20. 1976 Coast Cities Zoom Larger I r ,. i n l' a n d S a n J u a n C'a pi s t ran1> Wl'l'1: :im on g C;ilifo rnia 's f;i sle'I growing s m all citit•s la:.l ~ t::ir :'\cwport Beach plac•c d in I hl· on •r ;,c),()()() c ategory. and Analw1111 and Sun· ta :\II ;I \\' l' re ,t !lll)llj.( I hl· I() largl•st. Till' t•st1 m al l'~ bY tht· Stall' Ol•part nH•nl of l•'inant:l' "L'rl' n ·· leased T ucsda}. Th<'~ s hO\\Cd San J ost' a~ tht• ra~tcsl growing among thi.· !>I :t h •':-10 h1g).!1l·~. For 1·1t1c:-u ndl·r so.uoo 11opu la· 11on. Suis un 'it' 111 tlw San f'rancasco Ba' Ai·l·a ll-d "ith :• grO\\ th ralt• f1:om 19i 5 to 197ti of ::?~ pcrc1:nt. tht· ~•ales htl!hl'~t ll appear ed th:ot !ht· :.mall1•r th\· cil~. tht· fa!>tt•r t ht• gro\\th IJct \\ccn J a n 1. \"75. and Jan. t. 19iti T wo of t hl· IO I a rgest l'lt ics lo~t popula t 1011 · San Frant·t~Cll. down I 35 p<'f'l'l'nl. ;ind Oald:and. <lown .ii pen•t•nt Thl' f1gun·' ~llO\\'t'<l that :all tlw Ill fash'~l·J.!1'11\\ ang l'it11· ... in the O\'t•r.5(),000 po pulallon t::ill.'J.:t>r~ grew by ~in ~l1 .. dil.:it fi gun·i. Hut a ll Ill of lhl' fa s ll':-t gro\\ ing l'tlH'S with lt•si,; than !'>0.000 populat ion po~lt'tl tloulJl t• <lt gat 1111'1'caM•i-I h1w1·\ t't', thl'll' Six Bodi•·~ Found PET El!S Bl'I((:. ,\l:ai.k:1 IA l'l Thi: botl tl'i-111 ·' '.\!:inn l'o1111ty man an<1 fl\'t• nf ht" 1·11mp:1111ons ha \t' bt·t·11 n •l'U\ l't 1·d I 1111n lhl' w rc('kag l' of t lwt r lq.:ht 11lam· wha rh ,mat:kl•d 11ll<• .1 mount :1111 a\ll)\.'t' Farr:1g11t Ito~ popul atio ns usuall~ rem a ined :.m all. Suis un City still counted only 3.590 r<'s1dcnts. T he 10 lurgest cities, givan~ l'Stimated populations on Jan. l. 19i6. a nd pe rcentage c han ge' from a \'Co.tr earlll·r : Los Angelc~. 2.739, 100. up .<19 pe rcent: San Dil•go, 773,100. lll' .85 p e rc ent: San Francis co. 666.100. d own 1.35 percent : San J ose. 55i .700. up 1.58 perce nt; Long Beach. 3.\0,900. up .15 per· cent: Oakland, 333.100. down .77 percent : Sacr am ento. 260.700, no C'hange: Anaheim . 196,.\00. up 1 03 p ercent: Santa Ana. l i 9.500, up 1 30 pcrcent; Fresno, 177.900. up 1.1.t pe rce n l. Th<' 10 fa stes t-growing o\'er 50,000 population : Oceanside: 59.000. up 8.26 per- rent: Escondido. 5-1.500. up 6.21 • pt,;r<.·cnt; T hous;1nd Oaks. 56,400. up 5.03 pl'rt·cnt : l'a lu /\Ito, S.1,900. up ·I 77 Pl'Tcent : Santa Rosa. titi..100. up :l .91 pl·rcent: '.\locksto. RS,000, up 3.79 p ercent; Ventura. fi5.:!00. up 3.6tl percent: El Cajon. t;i .300. up ~l .37 pl'l'Cl·nt; Stockton , 118.500. up 3.31 per cent: Ncw1>0rl lkach. 63,100. up 3.27 percent. l'l'llt . l 'ndcr 50.000 : Sui~un City. :l.590. up 28.21 per· ('Cnt : Walnut, 8,625, 111> ll.91 pct'· 1·1·11t :'Roc klin. 1,250. up 21.78 per· 1·c·11t : Clayton. :!. I IO. up JH.5·1 Jll'l'l'enl; Jn ·ml'. 3!i.·l(Kl. up 15.12 pl·rcent : Morga'n Hill . J0.050. up 1:1 8:! pern·nl: Sontim a. 5.4<!~. up I :! . n 2 p c· r 1· l' n I : Sa n .1 u a 11 ('ap1i.lnmo. 13.ti~I. up t:!.:15 pcr- ('t•nt : Orland . :1 .390. up 111 it! pt•1·- l'l'llt. . -- DAILY PILOT A:J Town to Pay Dog ·D_anwge? STAM FORD.Conn.lAPl • ..i\!>lr:.iy docsca rt.'d 700of the lo('al d og c atche r 's chicken!> to death . Now the to wn OW C!> the w ~1rdcn S8i5.,85 ··Thb is sort of an embar· rassini.: s ituat ion ," i''irsl Selectman Richard Dobson told fellow s electmen. Local law says the town is liable for property damage caused by st ra y animals. Dobson said clog warden 1<1oyd Guerra s aw tht• dog but could not track it down before it s e nt Guerra 's chickens panicking into a coop corner where they s uf· focated 1\1 arch :!6. County Fire Suspect Held In Florida Authorities s a y . they OJre ~x traditing from Florida an alleged fugiti\'C arrcs(ed in conn~clion with a fire that d estroyed lhl! An:ihe im he a dquarter s o f a purported m erce n ary r ecruit· menl firm. Arthur Neal Hamilton, 34, was arrested Monday al a Key West, 1'la., hospital, where he was be· Ing treated for . injuries s us · taincd, he s aid, when he was kill- napcd . Hamilton. who is waiving cx- lradit ion, told Florida authorilit~ his name was J ames A. Scott, in- v~i;ligators s aid today. ,.he Jormer Green Bere t ";a~ being held at the Monroe County Ja il on bond, uulhorilics said. Special Promotion on Leatlier , . ~ ·- Brof ltf•rs .1 rrnigHf!d Beer Tossing Charged ,\n :illt•g1-<l lw 1·r 111 ... ._.llt.! ltlf ,11 .1 ~'~" :l h1rt l11 I;" p.11 1' l11r1111111t \ 1>1•n1111·r ;11 1c· 1·.11 '' ''""'' 1 • H 11'11 ; If' ti ll \; .. al I h :I... • 'II d • " \\tlh '""' h 111th1•r' 111•111!..'. .11 r:ltl!lll'tl 111 ~.tn\ .I \11.1 \J 111111 tp.il (.'1111rl 1111 ;1,._;1111! ,tlld h,111 1 I \ ch;argl'i. Thl' p11 rpnrt<'<I \11'11111 111 tlll' t11~'1t-a l11•J.!1•<1h 11111l'lwd 11ff II\ the' lwlllJ.!t•n·111·1• 111 '••ii .and F.11 w :i r II (; r :11) 1 · ' " .1" \ ~ ~1·m hly 111 :111 H1l'lwrd 1!1111111 ... 1111 (I> ~:111l :t .\11 .1 1 Th<' ('~r:ttH'Y' pll';11lt·d lllll•Wt'llL In th1• :i s:rn 11 lt and hal t•·•' r h:-1rg<', po~(l>d .:ltlll h.11l p;11:h ,111tl :tj::fl'C'll lo a .I 11111• ll I rt :tl h1 •l111 I' m untt'tpal r<•ll r l .J 11d ~•t• lnhn Sm ith 1\c('nr cl 1ng to "alll t''"" .11 O'l'it•all :; h1rth1l.1\ h.1 ... h .II l><'mnl' r .1 t H' lw .11lq 11.1 rlt'1 ., '!tM •'.' :'\ Broad \\·''. S.111t .1 \11.1 . !>Omeon1• t 1l,~t·d a nlllt.! nl ht·•·• tn Robtn~011 . s r .ll'l' Othrr Cl~tc·branl ' !".ltd nn·· or llw ( i r; 111 t • \ ' t It 1 t '. t t 1•1wcl I 11 I.. ti I I h 1 • . 1 ...... t•n1hh m.111 .. 1 1h.111.!1• \l(ll 1 l1r11t h1•1 ... tkllh'cl St ill 1•tlw1 "' 1t11•'"'" .... 1111 tlw ht•1•1 t1"'111a.: 11H 1d1•11t l.t ... l••cl onh .1 It·" :o;1·<·11111h ;111cl "·'' hl11\\ n oul 111 pn1p111111111 ,,1111•1 h1·k...... H11l1111 ... 1m .1,!..1·d 1•11' 'P•'< 1.11 pt,.,,., 111111 1111' lt>ll••" 1111.! cl :t\ ,111cl I t'!•lll'lt'dh \\,I' l!I\ I'll l\\11 "1,tft• lu>tf \ "\I.II ;t ... l'lll' \ 1111\hl1tl .1 ... t•ml1h Ill.ill rl11I 11111 ,;en th1• 111111pl:;111t 1h:1' l.11uli'cl llt t• 1;r11llt'\ 1111·1111r1 \n .:11rd111:.: 111 .11·1·1111111'>111 1lt1·111 t1 d 1•t1 I. l ht• IJll.11 1'•·1 lll'lll l'l'll ltt>h111 ... ,111 and tlw t:1.1111•1 -..1t1ll' 111 11hot11 1' :1m1•111 lwr111111•· ('11111\t\ ll1•m1wrat11· {'1•nt 1-.tl l'11rnm11t1•t• \\ .t' (I\ t'I r111:11ll't ,,.,1 t;r.1111' 1q11>1lt•d h 1 l;11111t·d H11htn"1111 1•\\t'' him ...WICI fur 111rn1111! 1n "' tn 111111 111 l!lj l .1 1·t1p' nf a 1l111n!.. !I r 1\ 1111.' 1'11.in••• l1i.l••t•d ac.1111.,l 1111 nwr '""'Ii.di h11t~1.1l'k t•r \I .1rlt11 \ll 1'1•1•\ 1·r \t lht• llllll'. ~I d 'l't'\ 1•1 \\ ,1, tlll' lt1·p11hlic'.111 nnm i1wr opp11~111g ll11h1n"'" 111 t ill' \;11n•mlwr. t!17 I . :.:1•n1•r al t•l1«·t 1011 I .;11\•r. ;1n•ording tn (;ram·~. 1•11p1t'' of 1 h1' :\I<' K t't'\ l'f arn~'' rr 1·11rcl \\ l'l'l' m .11kd Ill Jll'll,IWCtl\'(' '11t1·r ... 111 I ht• .Sant.1 \11,1 ,\ .... -.1•mhh D1i..t n r t Hnh;n,1111 tl1·n1 rtl ha\'ing an~ part in till' mml1111!. ob,·iousl~· .11ml•cl at boost i11g hi~ l'letl ton d wn<'l'" lit• abo ,a;d ht• c11cl not knn\\ ''ho\\ :1i. n ·i,;p1111s1hll' for the \It' I\ N' ,. C' r "rn t' ;11-. '\111wt h1•ll'~~. ;1t O 'i<'ill'~ h1rth· rl.1~· part~ th<' Gr :11w~·.; <.tlll'l!l'rlly ('11aq .:,·d 1{11hinson "1th t:.iking ;ul · ,•ant :t1!t• 11f I h<'i r h andiwork 1\ nil. the~· •·<'port l•<lly said. l hf' t.1!) fnr th<' r ap ~ht'<'I wa" $.\.1011 cm <'<l th1•m h\ Hob1ns11n In r 1•nflll'l.1ng .1r (·11unls of the l)':>\t•tll birthd;1y p arty 11H·1dc nt . 1110:-t "1 tlll''~l·~ agrerc1 that at "·" dunng t ht• hl•.1t<'d d1scu~s1on nf th•' hall th:lt Hobmson had a mug of beer t oss1.·d m his f:wc. We are offering several other leather sofas and chairs at 20% off 110" $699 II 1 i1ll'h lo•utlu·r ,.,fo l ll YUflOU~ !>Ob COVC~IN1 tn le;ithr·r .i un1QllP IC'IJ~ .md fcc•I (lf IUYIJIY A full 811 \'110(', .iv.11latil1 1n J color'> Of lr ;11lw r Ii •l"PI f "'' 1· t Y('t1 H.J. GAl\I PROFESSIONAL INl rnlOR DESIGNERS Ope" ._fo,, .. Thun. & F11. Eve~. n ts HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA. CALIF. .. . : - City Faces Busing Order RIC KY T I C KY POLITIX : fl(lr(' we go, Oran.:c Counlian~. rh:ht s mack int.o the mlddlc nr the Prcs idcntwl Sweeps take~. All lhe Nm <I id H tes :wt'm prt-· p11rrd to (!(•Sl't.•nd upon ti~. All ;Ire fn·~h fro m "i<•t•>r~ All l'Hnd11latei-., or l'lllll'M', llk1· lo tksrc•nd UJHHI ~ ou frl'~h fn1111 \ 1\·tnry It is thl· hc~l wuy to Cir nvc Also th(• frt>sh1· .... t Prcsidt•nt Ford 1s :-t·h1·dul1·d lll wing h1 ~ wav into El Toro Marine Corpi, ·Air StallfJO Sun· day . '4 h1·n•upon lit• 1qlf tra n •r.,c· th1• s hort dis tLJrll'l' to ~11.-.swn \'1eJo to dc d1t·atc " ·m·w flciJ! 1.atcr. he \4 ill drnp 111 on thl· folks al Lcburc Wurld 111 Laguna I hlls. STILL l.ATEK. the Prt'si1knt s µeaks Monday al fl a.m. hdore the Ca lifornia Peac1· Officer~ A~soc111tiun ~athen.'<J fur pcun.' officer talk in Aniltll'im. The chief cxcc·ut1\·e tomes 111 us fresh from vic:tory in his home state of Michigan ovl·r former California Gov. Honalcl Reagan. Chall1•nf!ing Hcagan 111 l';ilifornia 's J unc 1111 rnary veil ing, the President will nu longer hold the ho1ru.· court udvantagl" lk;tJ.!;m also will h<:· drOJ>PlllJ.! in on us cOml' lll'.'<l week. Ile too IS SC'hedttll•c1 to :-JH'<Jk hl•furt• th1· afort>ml!nt iurwrl p1•at'l' 11ffil'Cr' .... 111 :\naheim on Wcdncsda v. Political sa\'ants s'ul!gcs t 11 \\OUld be a fair :.t!>Sllmption lhal "t' are going to hear a lot of law ;1nd order t alk from hoth Ford and H<';1gan cl unng tlwir ;1p· peatan<'£'S before the m1•n in blul' Ht>agan dot·s not c·ome tu u~ quite as frt'sh in \'1rtnry as does Ford. But ht• docs havt.· S<'Vt'ral primary <!onqul'sts which arc al least fresh an his mind. MEJ\NWHIU·:. Ol'R currcnt Gov. Edmund G. Urnwn Jr .. whu is ulso Sl'l•king thC' presidcnti <1I nomination on the Dcmurratil' side of things. is also schc<lul cd to be with us in Orangt· County. Brown's a1>µ1..•aranr1•s ll('rt• in his home .state ;ire JllSL a touch hazy. like some of his campaign µositioni:;. He is cl ue at a 1>1>litical fund-raiser tonii.:hl at thl• Ballx1a Uay Club m Newport l~t1ch . This affair is schedukd for lht• lw nefit of o ra• Assl•mhh·nwn Hichard Hohinson hut 11 is 11n· dear 1f Drown \\Ill !>how uµ. Ile as 1·urn•11t1~· ramp:11gn111g :e!> a writt•-in hopl'ful ror ( ln·gon'!> May :!5 pnmar~. Bnl\\111~ Mill p11s1?d to ht' in Portland Latt'r. 1111 r t' u 1-ri;·nt go\'t•rnor 1s also sdwcluh·d to !>lll':lk hC'fore lh!! pt'<tt't• ol'fit'l'l':o. m ,\11;1h<.·in1. on i\lonna~-. JU:.l :1011111 111w n1111r aflC'r l'rl'!>11 h·11l l•'<>nl nwkl'!> his ,pitr h lle rC' again . il h :1s ht•1•11 rumored lha l Cuhforni:1 J1·1-rv m :ty ha\'C' ln s1•n ct a suhstit 11\1~. W1•ll , a'f'l 1·r all . lh1• Oregon 11 rt 111 a 1· ." e 11 rn t' s h 1· for(• t h " California 01w . r1 gh\'' HltOWN /\I.SO {'O~rns to ""· if h1• d1•l'if11•:-111 al'l'I\ 1• ;II ;di. [n•sh from \' a·t 11r:-·. I h' t·dgl·cl 11111 Jim m ~· ('a rt l' I' 111 prl'I t y 1:111111 fash11111 in t h1• Mar yl:111<111nn1a1·y 1'11·1·111111 Jtts t this Tue!><la' II wa~ .1 g11111I \\ 111 fnr 111111 1'\ 1·i1 11 1t d11f11 l (.'Ollllt for nllll"h 111 1\\- !1.•J.!;il I'' Thu:. ltor us ht•n• •111 Oran1:1· l'0t1111' 1·11m1•-. tlw c>pp1wl1111ity 111 \'II•\\ .11111 l1s t1•n 111 ;1 lot of r1·1·1•nt \\ 111111·1·, 111 t lw While llt>11~1· 111•1·11\ II 'ma.\ 111• a Ion~ tim1• h<>f<'t'I! w1· h;1\ 1• :-11 manv fn'sh v1rt11rs 111 11111· jUd St ;1 ).! .1111 . ., Snow ('au·1 B•• Tv.o bovs brush a\vav ~now from th'c.~ srgn lo thl'ii· tO\\ n. :\o, it isn't the SunshinL' Slate. It's Florida. Mass .. which 1-!<>l so<:kl·d wrth a lat0 spring hliz wrd this week. \\'ILMINCTO~. 0~1. !1\1'1 Some Qf lh<' HJ.I)()() stud1.·1H~ in W1l min).(lon':. l'll~ ;.me.! :.ul.JUrban ~rhool ~\!>lt•m:-\1111 lw h1tH•<I to da~i.r~ h1·~111111ni.: 111 1977 umkr a 1·ourt·ordl'r1•d cll':.cgr·c~ut 11111 plan that l'Ut~ :.tl'ru!>!> ~d1ool <l1!> tr1ct bound.1n1's It \\ asn 't known imm1'Cl\ut1,.•I\ how many of llw pup ils 111 thi.· mostly blu<.·k cit y systl'm 1111J the prim:.iril~· \\ h1t1• i-.uhurhan dh· 1r1rts wall bl' :it'fl'ctcd hv the or- tkr 1ssut•cl \\'t•d rw:-.d;ay Ii~· a plrnd 11( th ree frdt>rul euur't Judg~ FEDERAi. c·ourh m :11 ll·~1,t l\\O lll~lll lll'l'!> ha\\' rt•qwn·d 1111!> ing aero:-~ rurrt.•nl !>t:hool d1:.trict ltnt'" to meet the 195<! l 's Suprcnw Court ruhni.: banning ·'l'lli.lrat1· Out t'(jUJI :-C'hu11I-.. S\Sll'ITI!' · 1.ouisnllc., K.> , 1s operat111g umkr a <·1>11 rt onkr1•d h11~mi.: µl.m \\ h1l'h nit ;1<'l'O!>:> ~cho<1l di-..- t n1·t bol11Hl :11·11•, anti led 111 thl· m1•rger of tit\ an<l t·uuntv :-l'hool !>\~terns . A ·,·ourl·ordl·~cl! dl· :-1•grl.'gat1on J>lan for l11d1anap11i1:. has hN•n st ;1 \ t·d f1•r :111 appl'al rtlt' Supn•n11..· ('111111 1·uled 111 HlH 111 u t•i1~1· am Ol\'lllJ.: IJl'fro1t th:.il trO!>:-·d1stnct busing 1s a \'all<.1 tool for integrat1011 on! v \\hl'n rl has hl'l'll p roven that th.c .... uburban 'Sl'hool distrit ts abo \\l'I'<' intent 11)nally and illegally s t•grl'g:.llt·d 111 tha t 1•asc, thl' Israel, Arab Rebels Clash in J erusaleni JERl'SAl.E)l (r\l'> S<:attt·rcd 1\ral1 prolc~ts flart:d todav in the OCl'UPll·d W l'St ll;ink wh1•n • three Pule~tin1an~ "ere killed uv Jsra<.>li s<.'l·urit.v forte!> tlunni.: thn·e cfoys of nolcnl demcmstrations. · Studenlli St'l prntl'Sl honfin•s an<l lhrt•\l ~lllnf'!> and l!;.d111 lsr<1c.•I s aid a bus clr·1n·r I1n.'fl a gu111ntu till' .11r t111lt~J1cr1>c ,\rah-" outh:. \\ho blocked thc road with hurn111g tin·!> nt'<.1r .frru~alt•m. Polict• :1rreStl·d Hasan Tahh•1uh. ccJ1t11r of th1· Eu .... t Jeru!>,tlcm news1n1µer A Sha ah. on su:.p1r11111 11f 1nt1t1ng n'>b .'1ililari11111 'l 't•111pl# S•n·it"h? OSLO. ~on1 a.\' tr\l'J St·c.·rt·tan nf State llC'nr.v ,\. K1s"1niwr told North J\ tl;in I 1c fon.•1j!n m inbl t•rs totl ay th:.t t S(ln1·1 lc<t<lC'r s :in· 11n . !IL·.r_tc mptation from some cif tlw1r 1rl1•ol11g1sb to u.st• thl'll" J!l'l/\1·rni.: m1htary str1•11J!\h. ;w<·onllng ( · J load~plomat 11h11altt·t1dtdlh1: I N SHORT 1• meeting But K 1ss111g1·r \\ :t!> .-.:1 111 t n ha\'l' adckd that 111h1'-11p111io11 th<' Sov i<.>t l 'n 111n 1:-1111t ht.·nt 11n \\ ur Ill tlo 111111:it11111 lutt•lligeru•t• ,.,.,,,,t•I f 'orttwd W.\Slll.\'C;·1·0~ f1\l'1 .\ ni;qurrt\' 111 lhl• !-.1·11:1t1· :-th'\\ 111· t1•ll1g1·11c·l• <'l)mmillt'l' will l>l· n11·mh1·1-., of 1·x1,t111.i.: p.11w1, 11 ho:-1• failure to r11rh :-11.' :1.i.:1·111·) ;il>UM'" l•I'•)\ 11h·tl a 1111111•1p.1I :1rgumt.·nt t11r t•r1•;1llllJ.! llw tW\\ 1·11n11111ll1•1· . l'ndl't ll'rms 11r ;1n·!>11l11ti11n1•-..t:ihll,h1111! 1h1· 111•\\ 11:1111·1 .. 11 "'·''' 1·1ght 111 its 1:, 11wmll1·1·:-111u:-.1 11111h· f11 11n ll11· f1111r Sl·11.1l1• p:1111'1-.. th.11 lr:1d1t11111:1lly ha\ 1· 11111111ton·tl lh1 ('I\. Fiii .111cl utlwr 'fl' :1;.:,•n1·11· ... Tlw 1'l.'!>1tl11tio11\\111111\1'1 \\IWlnHn~ s,•n.111· ·'l•PI It\ .el \\ I tl11t·"l,1\ ('01u_•ord•• l 'ligl1t" <'l••flrt•d . \\'r\Slll N<;TO~ 1,\P1. • i\ ft•<lt•r.tl :qqw.tl:-l'•llirt d1•t't'-tnn :1p pan•ntl.v l'h·:ir:-lh1· w:1y l11r lhl• 1·1111tr1111•r!-1:tl '1qwr:-nr.1r· (.'011enrd1• Jl'I to start Sl'hl·duh'tl f11~hl !> lrnm l.1111tl1111 .inti l':ir" 111 \\'a~hin cton till Monday Tlw di•t·isi•lll .d~o h:1!> pr11vid1•d 111•\\ l1·i.:al ;111111111n11ion for ('l)n· eord e's l aw~t·rs i11 ltwir up1·11n11ng h:11lh·~ \\ 11h th1 • l'urt \11th11rit,· 11f t"cw York. N1•w .h•1'Sl'~. \\hidt ha:-ltannc·d tht· Ft 1•111'11 Hnt1sh pi':1111' from landing :d .l11hn 1" Kl·111wtl.1 ,\1 rp11rt lnr -.1\ 11111nth-.. Fords Recalled llF.TROIT I 1\ P l Fnr<I :\111\or Co j,., rl'calling 11>!>.IHIO Of ih <lomcslll' HJ7ti Fo1:1t :mcl I .111r111n .:\l ercur~· \ 1•h1l'11•s for a p11:-:-.1hlt• di· ft•(•t1Vt' l'~lhle _wh1d' 1·1111ld k1·1·11 llw t hrnttlt• 11p1·n C\ r·n 11 h1•n lltt• clnvl.'I' tak<.>s h1s fool t1ffth1· a1·1·1•lc rator The• ~:i~ion'!> ~o. :! ;111111nia l-.1•r sa11l \\'t·1h1P:.<l:J.\ th.it lh• pr11lll1•m to11lc1 cx1sl m about 26.0fl!l or th~Yth1clcs hcmJ:" rt'c-alkd Fonl :-aid llw 1•ahl<>s ar1• 1111 most 197ti mo<ll'I pa!>M'll l!l'I' rars ancl Hancht'r11 light trtll·ks m:mulacturccl ht.•l\\C'Cn l>N' t t!li:l .. ind ~1.ird1 :!I of this yt•ar. :'\ot aH1•1·tcd. 1"0111 ~aid , <trl' :\lU!>l:tlll! 11 :ind l ';1pn 11 mmh·ls Fnnl s:11d tt':-lilll! l11sdos!'<I a nylon ltll!>hllll! 111 lht• <'Hhl1' ma\ tl1 -;. lodg<' during fu ll ;1{·1·l'lcT:1t ion :incl prt•vt•nt tht• 1•ni.:1nc• frn111 ri.'t 11rn- 111i.: to ii.-; idllnl': s p1•Pd Shocks East lO..i11ch Blizzard Latest i11 lOO Years Alt•1l11 'I t\ll ot 1 I ...... . .. •• It • I . ........... ,..111 t\•1fl I .. '~· ., I C1tt ' I . (1'·J•"W I• " ... , . , .. t• I I • t ·' .. •f"tl .. .. . t• .. .. I . I . I .. .. . ..,. It<!'' M ,,.._., ,~ M·"" ., "'"" ,,, . .,, "'y .. "' •" 111.1 0.tHi\,j Deily l'llot 0-'•..-, 1.co... .. ......,. " I • I JI ' • ,.,..,. t t tt t io.j, ••i' "'•"' I • r. n ltr ... I ' ...... I• II •I .. ,. ci.... ..... 1 ... ,...,......., M It I 11 'A .... , .,,, ,. lft'f'ot ' t ,. u •• ' I t .V• ... 9JU r I I t•f" 1 h \;,.-4, I 1\o• 1 Pot ' ,,. ,, .. •it• I I' ' • ,,,.,_ l V1 "" I ' •,. J I ,., •• ,. ,, ·~ • I g I j I 1.,1,!\ I ''"'''"' I'' t1 1• t' f ••• ' 1 1 '' ttl ,n ..... , t \ TII 1'\f I . ' . ••11 ,. ,,,, ,. ' "' '·'"'''' ft-11 ',.,' W• "'"l''''' ·: ,. ,. " f .. fii .. fii m n n1arJ1 I ""' 1 111• 1•• • ,, I ,, Ir\ I• I"' •' t '" ,. ~ .... ,. • ' ' I 11"1•f ft T\ fl• W 't f' \ I 11, I !tt'''Mff t I -,,, ,w-•~ 1• • ,.,.,,,,""1 "''' ' ,., n u1 11'1 Vt'""'"" , t And "'""•flt) I A•"· •• " "J ''>I I °"''""O thl' "•OM ti niqrh r h.., u 11~ • "'·''h• tnl\r·t '' .. "' ,,, ... .. i t 1 Jo~ I I tf14 I 1' •'~ 1 I 1 ~ 1 'l "'"' '" . ' ' ~ , ',• ... ,, " .... I ' "'• ••I ,_., j I fl•( 1., rt'! lhll .. I I~, tt t'11 ,,i f U 11 Ill ''' H ' I I tlh• t•l 11 •. l\•t 11 f II« h I ~" :":,··,·.'.:.· ';'. t:.,',.,'' .t~ ,'~'·',.,,· tw 1 1 411 1'' ''I''''' I 11t11 '"'''"''' '\1 1•1 • l •••• ft,, 1·1 .,,, ...... , {1111 ,, ,.,.t ,,, 1•" I ., '"' 0·1 1 ' .., ,,,,,. I • ,,,. t ,,,, ti ,,,., II I I "'li'I •hp i ,., j ... ,., t ! I IP' ti'\ i I• I y. lf11n• .. r\lfl~• rn r,,,. 11 ~ 1••·• fl I '' tlf j f, I f I d ji, t/V I o f fl f fftUI ,j, i ,n,,wf•t HI t ,1•1 I I I I "'· I I tt<11• RM • "' ,\n t i • •1 _"rl'h• ., l'l.o" '*'" •• , ' '" ' ' • I 11 I '"''., .... ' ' ' 11 1111f\c,ft'·• ,,,.,, f o•f /Ill• I•,' W f" I ''' , , 1' ti I ' If t t It 111r1 ~• IA • f 11 1 I VI. t I'°*'' '"" t 1 ~·! 1 ,, ri 1 1•1 Jf'U tn • ,, 11 ~"'"'1·•• ttn.-""'"' '''ln~-, .. , ,. ' t'-rt• f', '' ,.,..,,,,r.f • tt1 ,, .n.1 o'V ti•, f ,, , ,J t~ I· ,~ '' t tfllllnlu#O l "'''f> ' rt •t '1 N · .,,,, '1,1., 1t• 1 t111r1 I f t ·~ ' , . ""',,, f ~I Afft ff • 41h ..,_ If '" . ., t• 0 II! I)' ' ~ Ait'lt' I' 11t\' ,,n J 1f1 " '' t V 1'11 'f ., tf"lt I f I f " !f >\ u r. .inf ,u1 .1 I' ·1•n "1./1o t , •r11 ,, , .. ,, 1°'11 1'1. I •• fh I Ai ' •l'1'1V Ill! I 111 f f t f \ lf"d v ,,, '" • ~· " t 1''' ,,.,, 11• '' "'1''" I 11 j'll -"ff,-t I ' i '' t• •no1 11 H w 'I '11'''! .. ~1•·1 111 1•f'I '• 11•111 ' .. -l~nl.•"rt Jr"' "',,,.It ,,, I •• •IQ• 1 ,,,., !I ' ",, ''• w •' t ~f"•flr;.11, ,,,,,, ""Uh•' .S un. Moon. Tldt-11 Tl<UllSOAY , l ,.., ... FAIOA1 I < t111 l ..... "t t~ 'II . ' ' , • • ' • ., 1 1 "' • • • t~ ,., t~i.,. I\ n tt•nn .. t 'W• Uf\• 1 t ,..,..,I 'U''r'""" \ t ' t t!\ • t I '\~I""" t•ourt l111111d thJt onh lh•tn11t ., ~l'hool s~ ~lL·m "a~ ilkg.1111 ~e~n.>gatcd. · OTllf.R ~I AJO K d1•M'IU'1')!,1 lion µIan~. onkr,·d for Ho~t1111 U e n \ l' I' 11 11 cl l' h ;1 r I 11 l l e ~lcekll'nburg l '<1u11t .1. ~ (' du lll)l 1'rt"!> ~"' cr1111w111 houn1lari1•-. for integrat ion . ln t he W1lm1ngt11n t•as1:. tlw 1•ourt s 11rckr fnl hm~ II\ 11111n• th.in ,1 .\ 1•ar a d1•t•1:-1on · h' tlw µand t hat thl• right:. ut l'll \ :-t•hol1l .'.I llll l·nts '' 1.'l'l' \ 111lat ,.;, 1hr_11ul:h .1 'an1•l,\ of p11ltt·11·' "htdl fo~lt•r(•rf Sc·g1·cg:ef1 '(1 ('If .\ .111tl ~uhurhan :'\1.•11 C::l:stl1· Count\ 1·hools · Tlw m 1>:-t n •r1•11l 11rdt·r alf1·1·h Wilmini.:wn's l'it~ sd 1nub. \\hlt'h Ro1111d f ltf• World r -. arc !Kl 11t·1 Cl'lll l>l ,11·l-.1 .1111l It 1·1111n l\ :-dl1111I 1li:.t1 H'l'. oo percent \\heh• TltE Jl'IHa:s did not rt.·quin· :i .... p1•c•1h t• 1'.11111 1•f wh111• tu blark :-tud1·11t' 1111 th•· t'.tt'i.11 halunce in lh1• '<'hll•ll' 11111 1ml11·;1h•d II 11 cwld c·1111!>1tl1.·r .1 1·11ngc..> of 10 per 1·1·111 111 :l71 IH'l'l.l'lll hl;a ·k ;1~ 1'\ 11fl'11n: <•f 1h·:-1•gn·~11u1m. -f Arnie Sets Jet Record DE:'\\'EH 1,\ I'> "It l\'l'b good to H·t a ret'•H'd of tha:-l-.11111. ·• :-a id golttng !>llJll'l''lar i\rnold Palm er a lter he anti ht!> t·re\\ s rnashl•d thl· olcl m;1ri.. ro1· a rvund-t hC-\\ orld I laght 111 a ~111;111 bl1.'>1ness Jet. Palmer <ind three n1rn11an10n:'l l'Ompleted the JOUrm·~ \\ hl<''1 took tht•m t11 six countries 111 less than th r ee d a,. s here \\' cdncs· day night. T h e 2 3,000· rn i I e flight took 57 hours , 25 minµtcs <Jnd 4 2 St'COnds. PALMER breaking the record uf ~ hour:.. nine minull'S. set lll .\l':.Jr:. ago l>y cnt~rtaincr Arthur Godfr1·\ Palmer. ,,·carin)! thl'. s:.1mc ,\ellow shirt :ind bru\\11 s uit he had on 11 hl•n hi.' bt.'J!i.111 tlw fl1i.:ht an his Lcariet 36 l\l11nd<.1y, em- braced his wifo. Winni<'. alter dl·- barki'n~ from the a1rnart lie railed the trip "1'M'1ti11J.! and enjoyable." "The hig hlil!ht'! l J.!lll'S~ it i!> right now." Palmt•t' ~a11I. P :.i I m t• r" s t w i n -c• n i.: 1 n ,. J 1.• l . t·<1ll1.'d th1.• \' ankt'l' :WO. :iwrai.:t·d ..i-;9 m1h•s pt•r huur 1111 t-hl· glt1h:cl night. said :.1 !>)JOkt•snian f11r lhl' :\\'iat ion-Sp;1l'1.• Wrikr:-1h:-m·1;1 tion. which s punson •d lht• tnp (; 1'1 •1 •t1 II IJ .\Olli' IJo llll' "it Ii ( 'alil'iil'lli:1 l·i·d1 ·r:d':-- 11·1 ·1· 111:111( l11111k . ( ;,,,,, 11 11/1 11••111 /1/11 111.,. It \. tli1· 1111111,\'. i':lt'I fill1·d "''11111'1 (II Ly1111 iillcl .J111 ·l l\:1pp'-. )11•:-t ·:--t•ll ill~ ,)fuf/11 I 1'.'11 l'l It: ... 1/11,, .\' /, I· i I I /u rlm11 / 111111 I J:, 111/,, Green-thwnb secrets 11· .. 1·:1 -..i1·r tu ~I'll\\ !u-..11. Tlw j1•t m a<tl' M'hl'dulL•<l s lups Ill IJo!>ton. Pans. Td1ra11, t'oloni ho. Jak<1rt:1. Wake bland anll llonolulu. P.\Ll\lt~R SAID tlwr1• \1er1· 1111 n1a1ntt'nunec prohl1.'rns dur111).! t hl' In p and a lso pr aisc·d the na11gat1on system. "It 11as a comfort lt• lie out i11 lhl' middlt? of the l?i~ µoncl and know exactly )\here \\ c were," hl· !-:1111 l'hl• 11111\ h1ld1 1·:11111• \\ lwn hall \\ 1·;11 h1·1· l11rn•d :111 u11pla1111l·1f l.md111g 111 \\'al<·:- l'.tl1111•c \\:it-;i 1·1·11mr1;i1111·d 1111 tlw llight h~ 1•0µ1lut:-J<tnW!> E lllr ;rnd I.. L l'url-.1.·~ •If ''''II\ 1•1· a 11 lf H o IH• r I J S l' rl 1 n )! 11 I \\ ;,1:-hingl1111. I> l' .. 1 :'\atwnal 1\er1111au t1 1":. 1\!>!>0C:1at111n 11b· !>l'f\ l'I'. Fans Seore Sellout Games Stay 011 TJI WAS llll'GTON <A P > -Con)!n'S!> h:is just. about a ssurC'd ·prl) foofllall fans .that lht'y still will be a hit• 111 !>l'c l he ir l11eul hCl'Ol':O on tt'le\'ision if all the scats in the Jll)111 e .... u.1tl1um an• so lrl nut. Senate-House confe'rccs ha\ c• a~n·ccl 111 print·111lt· to rPr1cw and muke pcrmant'nt the antil>l<Jckoul li.tw !hut 11t:rm1ts tclcr;1stin~ of an.v local profes:;ional event lhal is !>Old 0111 72 hours in aclvanl'c. Although il covt'red football, has1•ba II. ha!>kct ball :ind hockey. lhc three-year law. whirh expired la~l Dec. :u. wa:. a1 mc·d al the t\~1 · tion al Football League. Thc N l-'1. had p ruhihitcd lo(•a l televising or home games whether or nut the game \\ as a ~dl·out. AGR EE:.1 F.~T C'<ime Wcdnt·~ll;,1y aftt'r Sen .• John O _ l'aston\ 10 -H .l.). <'hairnwn of the Scn;.rl<' t·ommunil'at11111s s ub<:omrnitlet'. won <an apology from his I lous1· t•11untcrp;1rt:-. \\ho <eC'cUsl'd h im of makin~ a prin1lc dl•al with 1'FL<'ommb~111m·r Pete Hozl'lfr. T hl• House ;ind St·natl' rrnss t·d d iffering bill!> l ~1!>l yca r and were at an impasst· whl.'n tht: thn·c-yt'ar l<I\\' <.·,p1n·d. although the Nf'L a1!rct'd that playoff gaml'S and the Super HO\\ I would not be bl<1cked uul !orally. · ~ ••l\"t .,,.,, ~ .:,. \. 'I ) •-,.~- I 1ht1 1I I 1:ll'P1tt lt1111d . I 11:1111 ~ ,\ 1111 l'il ll 1·:1 1. I 11 :1111-. I h:1I 1·11n·. I 1l:111 l ... t lwt lil,1· h:111tl 1111 \•,1·1·. 'I 111·\ 'n· .di i tl t 111 · I 111111\. (;C'f ,\11111' 11·1·1· 1'11(1,\ :ti 11111· 111111·1· 1111\\. l'lv:i:--1· li11rn. t 111111" h. \\'lid1· 1111·\ 1:1·1. tlll'r'1:-.. 11111 · 11111;1, 1u·1· l:1111il ,\. lw:tll ltr un·1·n I hint!' "itlt I i1i.:--.1vp·l1.\--.t qt 1.!t1idt" Y1111'll h·;1rn wal l'rin~. l'i·1·d i11t!. Jll'lllli11i..: Green up your wallet \\'l1t·n \'11111•111111· i11. ;1. ... k :d11111t •1111 'lll'('i;dl,\ ·-llt,lkill\.! ,\ l1(1f' 11111/lt I/ !.:,I'll\\, < >11r :-:n i11~-. ;11·t·111111t :-1dl Pil.\ lt11.d1vr ;i11d (';ti'(' "<"'I'd:.; 111 ~111'('('!-"l ld !..(:tl'd(•rt int!". And. if·' 11tt1' "( 'rvv1H11~~ ( 'lwt·/j,." d1w~n·1 t'l'l't')I. h1.·lp is j 11 .... l :1 It•\\' p:1r;1!.!raph:-;i "':'.'. Amaze yow-friends Sw·pr·i:-.l· Lllt·m with lilt ll'-k1t11\\ 11 f:tC'l s. Th<· hirt li['l:inl!-ot !111· /.11di:u·. t h~111-li:111k int l'rv:-1 \\'it h in-..nn·d :-:1 k1~-. 1\11d 1111r s::.~> liilli1111 :a .. -.,.1 .. :-land sq11an·I.\' l1vhind \1111 • ( '11111<' :-:1 •1 • i 1:-; lltl\\'. )', 1i1'1·1 · I 1vl kr nlf in Calilor11i:1 Vi.'dt ·r:d . c ·cAUFORNIA FEDERAl · '11ti1111·, l.uri:•·'t h•1l .. r11I f ,,j,,,,,, I J 1·1)t•t , 1 ~.fl "'t Ht f.,, tit \ :·t.t~lt•1 '"''' ,,.1th l ,, t 1'1 11 Ill\ d I' l 11 ....... ti'~"' ,., 1• ... , 1 fl'-T\ \I ~ ... \ 1·111 rr• r.... ~, • 11111 ... 1: ..... '"' 111 '.1 .. .: :1111 , 1 • ' n '' ,,, :--.. r 1, I I••, :•1 1111 •• I I • 111:11 f , , I ··•• • 1 _. i !•11 'l•••rt .• 1,.r .... /t., '"'I I\ I • l\f ,r' W 1 1 1 ._,, h·• f\.o,rH•tf ~r"'t '''°"'' lJ \ tm •1 f ~ •I t ,, •1 I 1,. I" , , U'" -----------------=-----------------------------J Gallo Hit . By FTC Orders \\'.\Slll:-.IGT0:'-1 r,\1•1 Thi· J,:m·t·r11mcnt :.a):. E .~ J (.;;,,di" \\'trtl'r.'. lltl· n;1twn· .... 1.11 g1 .... l \\tll• prrtduc·1·r. ha:-ai.:r.·1•11 tu :-.lup 'lllt'~ I IHl a f) I l' tl1 a l1\Mn1 i~·111>m· l ll' l''> allq:1·dh 1·nl11n·1·d In t1Jt•n •111g d1:-.t 11 l1ulo1 ... · The l"t•d1·r,1I Tt .id1· ('11n1 m1ss11111 r FTC 1 :-.a11J \\1·d111·-.da\· JI h:t'> :tl'('t•pl1d ~Ill .1i.:1 1•1 1111 ·flt r unt <11111ng a 1·011s1·11t 1.1 do 1 I h.11 p rohthtts (;-;itto rrnm 1m qf\ 11111 1tsC'lf 111 its '' lwks.ikr' u11l'I .1 t11111s 111 u11f ;11r .11111 .1111110111 l'l'lllt\l' \\ :J,\S (;Au.o . llE1\UHl .\llTtmtm tn .\10<1«:-.to. ~.1•11•. 1n11n· t h.111 Ill d1lfl'l'l'lll \\ lllt'S lhl t11tJ.:lt -.111111· Still lllUt:fR'llClt·nt \\ h11l l•..,;il1·1-. \\'hilt• agn •1·111i:.: lo th1· VI'<' 1·1111 :-.t•nl urdl'r tiarn ni.: t•1u•11·1\ 1· markl·t1ng t<1<'l 1t·.., (;,t110 <1111 1111t admit :Jll\ \ 1nlat111n ol l.1\\ :\l aJ01· 0 pr<1\'1s 11111s ol tl11• 111 rll:r proh1b1t <:a1111 '1i 11111 R E <l l ' I H I :\ (; \\' h o I c s ;1 I 1 • 1 -. l o ' u I 1 rn 1 t · finant1al data 1111t nl·1·1·-.-.,1n· for : l'l'Cdtl Ill' m i.lll :tl!l'llll'llt -.1·1~ ICI'' , purpost·s : ('1111tlit1011111 i.: J.:1':1111:. OJ ('\ I lt·nsiun-. of l'n•d1t l•1 \\ h11lt-sal1·r.., 1111 ..,uh1111..,s1on o f ftll<llll't,tl '-l.1 1 ' m 1· n t s d 1., t Io s 1 n .i.t t h 1· 1 1 npl'ralln~ n·sul~-. .tlld f1na11 (·1:tl po:.ition s1h·l·1fu·:·t~ ';111 nl1111.d.t .. to ;my 'l'l!llll·nt ol th1·11 bu 1111·-., (;uar:.inll·1·1ng lo.111:-!111 "holl·-.:tlt.•r-. 11r :"'-llflllll).! an\ 11! lhl'll' 1Jfll'l':.t\111g l'"""' Barring " holt-s:.il1•r ... I n1111 111 p11111sh111 g tht·111 1111· -.1·ll111i.: c;.o1111 \\ 111es ll11t -.11h· cl 1·-.1l!nat1 ·d ;, rc•:i' or d1·alt11 ).! 11111th1·r pr111h11 • r-. 111111 ... H1•qu1 r111g \\ h11ll·-..tl1·1s 111 d1:-.tnhut1· Ull\' C::11l11 \\111 .. .., 111 or <ll·rlo11ht:11n ;,llwr.., GORILLA LEARNS TO COMMUNICATE Koko Rewards Teacher Penny Patterson CHEESE OF THE WEEK BIG BARN THE BETTER· CHEDDAR 2·0¢ OFF ~u:~~~8SIIE f "li . . ' ,., , j 1-:o_t_h_e_r-·s-Doy Gift~ Now on Display J ~~~~©\?1 tf@~f!.~ WESTCLIFF PLAZA .. ntt. & IRYIHE-N[W1'0'RT lfACH f'HOHE-6...-i•OH2 Mo" .fT, Toi 9 Sot 'Toi 6 !tu" 'Toi~ MARINER S VIL LAC( DANA POINT """ '""-'" tll. .... A. '•' ••• 'II SERV ~E2EAFQOD Wllolr or Half SALMON FINMAM HADDIE tSmokc-d Codi . SER ~ICE DELI ROAST BEEF l e>p RN"d blo·o ll'on s229 lb s 198 lb MOMTERREY JACK ..... s I 49 lb Roth'• •lick 8roul\\chweiqt'r, '\olo1n1. and Boloq•u•. . . l •: • s I i,~. MARKET BASKET ~G1J'.[ ·{JiMJl -0~1G1 Bv}lt t~0ugluJ1)rfkap~ljWA ~ OPI ~I TlJCSO/\Y & THUHSD/\Y LVENIN< ,·, t lllH , 1/11 I .. ' . ' . ' .. . ' w1 ~;rcurr PL1\LA 17th & 1rv11,1· N ew nor t B r>.tl.11 • 54H-046d ORAL B ~ ' TOOTHBRUSHES ' ryr N~t~i • ' r • i, . , ('f , r'•''•· 1 •I I •• I /J It A•' 1 • 10 .~ 69~A 11 '".''' /J .. ,_ WESTCLIFF PlAZA 17th & Irvine Newport Beach A [fillJJj Place To Shop! ........... · ..... .. ' ·--1 . ' . . ' . 7 DAYS A WEEK N~wpQrl Bl'oclT-I 020 lrvinl', Wutcliff P~oto • 4 "'"' .. .4\ ' ,., 11 I \."; Koko's Got Words· ... 5-year-ol<!, Ape Gets Her Messa{(e .4cross ~'JA:\FO IU> <.\1'1 K11ku. an Jill' of fl''' '' 11nb. :>IJl'lld:. much of h, 1 ttmt.· t.dl..111).! \\ 1lh h<!r hamb 11i-.t 1•Jd of..," 1ngtnJ! "llh llwm Tlw 95 pnund J!Clrtlla \\ hn '' 111 hl· ~· 'l.,,,.,_ 11111 on tlw Fourth of Ju. I.' \\a-. put 1111 d1s11l ,1~ \\\·tlm•s -·"f1;1~· tn ··th 1 .. u..c.c c.udu~ed ,v.artl .... 111Tuuncl1ng tlw moh1ll.' honw 0 11 Lht· !->tanfo1 d l '111\ l'r-.1t ) c ampus \\ hl'l l' -.h1· hJ :t lJl'\.'11 11-al'lllll).! SI).!!\ l,111~lia).!1• l11r lll'Jl'I) tuur) 1·a1 ::. l'R \.'.\'l'l:'\t. "f'f.'.~~\"' i'at· h ·1 son. th1· Stanl111'<l ,r;:1·artuate 'tuclC'll.._ "ho h a~ h1•Pn t1·al'hing """II IHI\\ Ill l 1111111111111\'J\l' I l'l'lt 1•d thl• t\'ISI \ l'111Jd':-;1d111·\ 1· m1•nli;. 111111 1.-11ko d1•mu11sl1 :cll·<l lhl'l11 Koko hJ!> J lt•sll'd Hi of 1«1111 H5, u-. .. ,., :i \ n1•,d111l:ir~ of :1h1111t :!:ill ~' fl rd s I II 1\ m l ' I' II' :1 11 ~I I! II l.a11;.:uf1).!l' ;,ind uncl1•1-.t:111d-, m11r1• \\vrds tlt;.111 th.it, lwr ~ ~1'.1r·11hl H·al'lil·r l nilll l·rl>arw. Ill . told rt·1wrters and photugraµltl'I':>. Tlw normal HJ lur a t·h1ld lhc: s.llltt' a).!l' ·•' 1'.111..o '" .11.>rntl too ""1'k:1Sl' lll'h.fl' 111\' \\Ith both h:l1Hh.·· !-;0 "11 signakd 111 .i "irn1:i11 ''ho has bt·t·n 1·1111\ 1•r-.1ng- \\'llh tltt• apt• 111 -.1gn la11gu:igl· T llE \\O~J,\:-.; ,\('('El>t:b, and Koko lla~IH·tl 11111:-t ot ht·•· :J:! lt•l·th 111 :1 \\ tdt• 1-1111 ot plt-:csuralil1· Jj)· j)l'l\Val. Ko ko I .t t t·r l'l'\\ Jrth·d lht• \111111:111 II\ 11l"'11ng lw1 par 1 111 .i IJl'll l'l'l'Pl'I th.it lh1· gonll:1 hatl obla11wd II\ indil'atinJ..: "'ltuwh."" .. na"' :111i1 ··pl1·:1.,l"' 111 ;.ign 1.111)!11.t).!l' I hl· \111111.111 polrll·I.' d1•1·lt1'fhl tlH· m nrSt·I. IHI\\ t•\'l'r KOKO l..\Tt:R n .DIBEI> tntu a tl'i<'' 1s111n 1'1'1'\\ :. tar. put .1 r:ulto tl'll•plto1w ln an t•ar, honkl'll till' horn "11't1 ,, frl'l' limb ;ind d111111cJ .1p,11r111 ::.unl!l.1:.sc::. ,\I I ul '' htl·h pr11111µt1•d su ml·um· ltl "1111tlt•r .11111111 '' lll'llw1 Kol..o \1 ,1s M1m 1•\\ hat ::.µo tlt·ll ·-'>'ht• 1~oc....,11 'l j.!(.'I \I hat s l11· \\anh .1 lot 111 1111· lllll•'" \11.,, J>.1t1l'r-.on pr11t1•:-.tt'<I. t•,plainin.: that K11k11 1:-:.cnt tu hl·I' 11 .. 101, a lal'!.!l' ,. ~'I!" 111 tht• tr.u kr. \\ twn 'hl· 1111sh1•h.1\ l '' \\ 11.\T t\OKO l>OE!-o ca:T .... 11111:-t 111 :'\tr-.., P:itl<•r:;on':-. tlntP. \1 1:-... l':1ttl·r ... on. \lhn '"·..,I\ 11111111 It._ .I\\ ,I,\ 11 11111 ,I d11t'L<ll".ll\' tll').!l'l'I' 111 jl:-) t•ht1l11g~, S:ttd 'ht• h.1 ... h1·r II\\ n :q1 ~1rtnh·nt 1J111 ::.1w111b 11111:-1 d,1, ... anti '>l'n •r.11 111~hl s .1 \\ l'Ch. 111 1111' ll Jtkr \\ llh 1' ok o .. I 1!011 I r•·:tlll h:I\ l' .1 :-.11t·1.tl lilt'.' -.h1• :-..1111 , ;ddmg, I t'llJO~ rn' ,,.,rk. I \\tHtldn't '':111t 1t ;.111, \ltitt•r '' .i' " · ~llSS l'ATTE HSO~. \\'110 gut Koko 1111 loa 11 1 n Im the San f'r an t'ISl'O Zoo "lt1·11 t hl· :q1<· "as ,1 .' l'ar old. :-.aid s h1 • hop<.•s to ::.pt:rl!I lt1•r l1f1· :.ludy111g hl'r ;cn<I \\ants to 1'111tl lll'r a gonlla frtl•nd aml 1·\·1:11 tuall.' a mall'. ,\ ).!rant from lilt' ~:.111011.tl (;l.'ograph1c Sol'lt'I.' ha;. :1ssun•d lhl' IJl'UJ<'l'l of f111ann-.I :.11pp11rt for at ka:.t anolht·r )l'<ll .. Slw s aul slw ft•ds h<'r worh. \\1th K11"11 ('~111 lwlp a1ts\\l'I' qul·~ 11 II11 s a b 0 u l t h l' n <.ii Ill" l' 0 f I a 11 J.! u a J.! t' • • Is 1 l u 111 q u v I~ hu11ian" · a ntl pr<•\ id1• :i kl·~ to tltt: m111cJ ol a gortllJ. Through :-.ig11 l:1n).!u:1).!1' and la1·1al l':>1.pn •ss1011s. Koko :tl :-o l':111 l':l.prc:.s emotions ancJ Jorm com· NAME TAPES. for Summer Camp Pfotect your clothing at Summer Camp Sew-on or Iron-on Styles b1na111111!'> '' .1rcl-. ~ul'll .ts ··f111g1·1 tl1 ,1n·lt•1 1111 ,1 1111µ .111cl l')t• It.II t111 .1 rn ,1-.h. .\11:,,s l'.tlll'l "1111 :-aul ~tlSS P \TTEHSOV :O. d11'.111 1 ,h,• -.a11t. , ... 111 ..... 1.il1lt'h :i 1·11h11t\ 111 l:lll'J !\a,'! I h:cl l':tll 1•1111111Htn11•all' "11 It l'.11'11 111 h1·r t 1\1 oUJ!tT s-ri::1r f.tnl:ll.IJ.!t' · 11 ll);t\ 111• t h1· 11111\ .Hl .... \\\'I' Ill llw 1111 111"1· 111r t hi· 'II ""' :11 111 J.!111 tlf.1,., .1:. .1 "P•'\'ll'"'· 'h" .,,11d It's a Neu~ "Libe,.al' Arts Class S.\:'\ l >IEC:O 1.\1' 1\11\ 111w who \\ a111 ... In tw ,1 mass1•tt:-l' Ill S,tfl 1>11•).!11 111.1\ -.n1111 h,1\ I' Ill J,!11 Ill sdt;)Ol f111 11 In a m11\'l' ai1111•d at 1·11t t111 g µro s t1t11t 1011 111 mas..,agl' pa1 lur s. tltl' ('rt~ (:'uun<·ll una1111111111sl~ ).!:I\ 1• h ·ntatj\'l' :tppro,·:tl \\'1•tl 111•,tla\' to a m 1•as1111• th.it \\t111ltt' rc11111n• :ill \1111 1111 hi' lll:t!\St.'U:'>t'S lo h.1\l• 101) hours of tra1n111g from :in :tl't'rl'd ti l'd :-I' hool F111:il :tpp1 o \ al•~ 1·:-..pt·1·t t•tl 111 l\1 u \\l't'"" Hwk 1\l1kt'. a l'l'Pf'l'!>l'lll:tl1\t' 111 ln1·:rl m assag1• p ar l11r-.. 111ltl tltt' l'OUlll'tl lh;ll llta-.:-:t).!1' parlor op1•r:1lnrs \\1111ld 1·11mply "1~h till' 1111 .. 1-,un· ti rt ht•com t's l,1\1 . NAME .•........•.•••..•................... OISSTON ADDRESS ............... STATE ............ CITY . . . • • . . ...•..•... ZIP .............. , .. . HUMPTY CHILDREHS SHOP O~PrY . I 058 IRVIME • WESTCLIFF PLAZA •39 NEWPORT BEACH ·= c::cm (.)darrell~ Dedridc's Tux Shop of Santa Ana, lite. 1 1'11 i\ , ~~ FORMAL WEAR r.. . f:~:z~;;s \ The loffnt foshlo1n in 90Qd lode. Our ~clolly trained ptnont1el ore prepared lo ~w you o • o\I s~ec:tion of dinnfl' wih Clftd OCCO\orlt'\. RENT Al -SAj..ES FORMAL-SEMI FORMAl~HFORMAl WES TC LIFF PLAZA 646-8891 Sqnta Ana -25 Fashion Squar~ - 547-6341 CORDLESS GRASS SHEARS ONLY 999 .I T~11m .iiciiiilwnlk~ undrr • l1•11rp•. ,1lonri ho11~" Aw·~ un tn 115 min fl"' rhn111• N o 1M t1ck b1Jdl'\ EGS6 Regional Repair Center for SPERR Y -TOPSIDER DON 'T THROWAWAY YOUR COMFORTABLE. OLD TENNIS SHOES . we repair and resote ADIDAS -TRETORMS -& all other major brands J Anlfion'J j I SHOE SERVICE • ey.,.,o dtl Mo.r • Htwpori ltoell llldo !•'•I • So. COO\I VIII~ • w .. tcliff P101a • Foihlon hland • Fo,lliol\ Squau ISa"la Anol .. OPEN THURSDAY NIT ES 'TIL 9 . I ~,. ·. .46 -D~ILY 1•tLOT EDITORl/\L PAGE 1 ~ __ Puzzling Jail Report T.he Orang<> County Grand Jury's report on condi· lions in County .1 ail was, to say the least, muddled . . In one br~ath . the jur y suid it had r eceived "only u few <:omplaints'' ahoutjail conditions . In the next breath, the jury reported receiving "numerous" allegations of inmate abuse and ca lled for <An uutsidc µenologifilJ.a_ c.xamine Jilsc1plinarv pro· cedurcs in thc j <.ail. • .. Though the Jury's loosely wordedly report mcn-ll~n~d .. brutality inflicted by jail de puties" and "vin- d1 ct1~~ m ethods of punishment," it cont<lincd no spec1f1c allcg_!.1tions. . !'ha t _te nded lo ru~t a ~hadow over a jail cid- m101strat1on tha t, on questions of humanene:;~. has tlcver hmJ a douht ruised either hy past grand jL11u •s or state ins pccto1·s. County correction~ l'hief Willi um Wallact• has earned a statewide n•1.mt:.1tion under l\~O !)hcnffs l()r running a gene rally fairly administered jail. Certainly, unfortunate a nd som etimes tn1~lt1 inci· dents occur in Orange County J a1L One was rep<Jrtt.·d recently. Dul with almost ;)(J,000 bookings into the Jail in the past year. the Grand Jury should h:lVe c1lcd chaµter· and verse if it wanted to criticize. Timely Windfall It certainly is good news for California ns to learn that thE' statt1's finance director has just fou nd \\e·r e $267 million richer than he fi gured. The extra m oney, we a re advised, will g ive us a surplus of $538.9 million at the close of the fiscal year 0n June 30. That's a lmost double the s urplus estimat- ed back in .January. And if things keep 11p this wuy, we could end the 1976·77 fi s cal year with a surplus of S624 .9 million. The windfull is attri buted to an unexpected growth in pcrs on;..i l incom e, he nce tax receipts. Cynics m ay nore that the extl'1l mooey-w.a · covered right ()n the eve of our governor·sfin-:;r~st~--t---H/---:-}141'---~ Prcsident~1:1 l prima ry n ruce in which he 's t elling the folks back Ea:;t about ult the good things that are h al}· pening in Califo1·ni;.1. If it is for n~al , perhaps a little of the s urplus might find its way down here Newport Beach really need s a-new-bridge: Costa M~a1i::1 worci.ed-ab.oul the.. guping hole the slatt> dug for the freeway before it ran out of money ; Laguna's ti·affk is still a mess and I luntmgton lleach is dbtrcssingly short in the pocket hook ... But this is dreaming . Somehow the mone..y .alwa.~·~ \'Vaporatt:!s be fore it gets U11s far south. New Politics? Tlwn•'s un intt·rcsting littl~ flap going on in Hunt- 111gto11 Bc:ich involving J\Tayor lfa n ·iett Wi eder and former J\layur !\()rmu Gibbs thut may r eflect a new look in polities. It has t o do with :'11ayor Wicder's failure to ft:!ap- point former ~1 ayor Gibbs to one of three city posi- t1011s on the board of the Orange County Sanitation Dis trict. whe r e Mrs. Gibbs presumably was in line to bccoml' ch;.1i1·m':.tn. The new mayor s aid she wanted to give new members of the city council some experi ence on dif· ferent boards . Nothing \'cry unus ual about that. Hut the lady mayor of La Habra called it a sad commentary on women in government and, "the kind of thing that h arms the advancem ent of qualified women."· - An Afraheim city councilwoman found the failure to reappoint Mrs. Gibbs, ''very sad ... a very petty thing." · Som e how one is impelled to wonder if ther e would have bet·n aU this con('ern if the non-appointee-or the mayor-or both -had been ma le ? . . . . Search for a Wi1111er Don't Give a -Fish Booze in--Oklahorna Dear Gloon1y Gus · A Professor for Carter ll was in the mitldlc of the Great OC'p ress1011 thal triy old friend Di C'·k lly man w:.is t:1lking to a .1u<lgc in lhu litl11.• town of J asper. 1\l;1. Oic:k was a Hearst newspape rman and ai. the Lim e an aide Lo Jue Connull.r. who ran ( CHARLES McCABE through the 5otrC'els . ) the llC'ar!-.t feature side. King OTHERS arc worded in <i w::i v ca tires ~"imiB111:'.-TtH' jmtg'C to~-ive-one-Jl<H+l't"-,-tnieh--iis : mentiOflC'cl in pass in~ that there statute of Till' Virginia Code th at was a J asptr ordrnarwe that read prohibits .. 1·orrupt pr:ietit·(• or • .. sinl'e tlw r\lab;.ima husband is hriber.v by any 1wrson ollwr than accountable' 'for his wifl··s mis· candicbtt•s ·' I\ nd t ht• famous behavior, h1.• has th<' l1•gal ri~ht to nnl'. \\'hid1 rna v s!ill be on lhl' thastisl' hl•r with a st1 r k no boo ks o vc•r ni Bc•l\•c•<l(·rt•. in larg1•rth;111 thcthumlJ_.... Marin County, rulin).! that "no l)i('k '!)... t•uriosity was aroused. dog s hcill he in a puhlil' pl:u;1• and wit h 11."a lifetime inte rest in withl)Ut its ownt•r on a l<'ash .. goof .v l aws There wa.c; a timl' whl'n loc:il passt·d b~· one .Justinians and :"lapoll'ons fc·l t it o r a nothl.'r ~~~ neces sary to r est rain anynnc f<'£!isluturc HI ~ -from piC'k ing fratht•rs from live th1o.; country. -;:i;.fff gl'cSe in C<.1lifornia . 1\nd it must S i n l' c th :1 t ~.t.,) have bee n a lugubrious time in- t 1m1·. 1 n :i. <v <l t·t•d when· the J><'Or>lc clown in !Writ•i; of liltle 1!1vC'r s idl' wrote a ht•itlth in - hoo.k>s , 1>11·k s urant't• ordinance forhitfrlin/.! ha s po kt' d \\\O persons to kis:-: without riro;t gcptl~· fu11 ''l w1pin!! their lips' with carl>ollzc<l lhl' vagant•s rM c water . Ofth<' lnw. and thC' vagnrics of the There is a law in Chicago that a About aerosols ruining our ozone I ayer: Does this mean that the police will have to start using roll-on mace·! .B.11. o_, Gvt c•-110 in s11llml1lff "' -~ •"4rN ftlnllcHnrlly l'Wflert- wie,.. ol lft• Mw~•fWr. S.IOd ,_ pd pee .. to GI""'' Gin, D•ilv Pilot. gulation h:wc been 'g l\'t'n much ;itt(•nt1on by our imaginative l(•gislators. J\I ary la nd law makes it illC'gal to knock u freight train off the tr acks. There is a \\'iscons m law forbidding :rn yo ne but railro::id emplo.vcs and nl'Wspapcr re porte rs to walk on the tracks. i\ccording t1) a m arvelously ad hoc New \'ork .. iudil'ial det'isil)n : ,.!\ railway compuny \1hic h negli genlly throws a passenger from a crowded car on a trestle is lll'ld liable for injury to a relative who. In goini? to hrs-r escue. falls through the trestle." t1mt•s·whil'h pro<l\lced laws llkt> pc•rson may not ride a bicycle thl· Okl;1hom:111rd111an ec a~ainst \\hen drunk. I r ecall a clal'. not PEDESTRIANS arl' hy no gctting :ifio;hdrunk. mon• l.han 15 years ago. w·hcn a m e:1ns <.1l4ovt' s us pi c ion. Jn Dil'k 's l att•st colll'clion is fril·nd was arrC'sk d rn the pre· Devon. Conn .. it is unlawful to t ~lltccl "The . Trt•nrnn 1'1 ekle \'ious ly m entioned t ow n (If walk bal'kwarcls artcr sunset. In On1ina111·p .. ;ind 1s putout by the Belvedcreforjus t•,hat<ifft·nsc.A Ureene, N.Y. you cannot eat Stl•phen (;rec·n l'n•ss in tlra l-hcnign police t·hid h•t him slcc·p peanuts a11d walk baC'kwar(ls on tlt'boro. \'t. Wh ere d:-e would you ii off 111 tht.· police station. and ull the siklC'\\ al ks but onlv wht•n a k arn tha t you c:in'l. .1u g~l e was·forgottcn. conce'rt is on. It is ag;1ins t the l;1w without a lit•e11s1• in Jlood Hivi•r_ to w:llk on the roof of the South On· ONE OF the most famous of C aro li na S t 11 l (' House. S11m<' bws seem furln v onh• the bonehl'ad laws t'nmes from OddC's t of ~il l. with all the h<'t a1b1' t lw l'\l'l'1I l'or t h1:m h;\s llw Lonf' Star St ate•. ''It 1s ;.1 Tl'X · publicity Byrn an and others have p ;1SSl'cl . yl'I tht•y n •111a111 111\ lhl· as law:· reports Hyman. "that givl·n to antiqllllktl and absurd SAN FRANCISCO -Rodney Kennedy-Minott, whose name sounds like a law firm, is testimony that Jimmy Carter has attracted a spectrum of Democrats s haring the notion that il would be nice to win a~ain. • A history professor by trade, Kennedy-Minott, 47, says that when he in- formed his academic col- 1 ea g u cs. in Apri l 1975, that he was going to head Carter's California c ampai g n , .. they burst out laughing and argued that a liberal like me could only be for Morris Udall. "But I learned that my brand of liberalis m seems to nourish only in the affluent suburbs and can't go anypla('e without work- ing.class people. ··1 worked hard for McGovern in 1972. The sclf-righteousnqss of the McGovern people got td me. They tried t o scr ew ever y Democrat wJlQ .didn't agree with them . The result was that so many De mocrats voted for Richard Nixon -.17.000 crossed over to vote for him_in my county alone.·· ( THl~SCHJ Shirley Tempie Illack. From that experience. he wrnt<: "The Sink· ing of the ),,ollypop" ts ales: 10.000 ). Kcnnedy-!\Tinott met his .hero when Cartel' w:i~ c-nrnin~ hln<.> chips as congressional cam paign c·hairman in 1!)74. "I h:l<I hl'l·n looking for a SouthC'rnC'r." he says ... b<.>C'ause I fell it was timt· for the Democr ats to wi n lh<' South back. /\s a historian, I have a different view of the South. For t oo l o n g. t h e s o-t·all c d sophis ticatccl ~orthf'rner s t h oug ht th a t th e w hit e Southerner had to h<'tlislikert . "But the Soul h worked out ils race problem. Carter's charm 1::. linked to his black support in the South. When he's with blal•ks. up here or in Georgia. there: is :Jn af· finil y n <> w h it l'. li h fl ra l Northerner can atta111 .Jimmy 1s not intimidalcd hy blacks, <.incl they a re not intim~~dat<~J by htm. They arc n<.itural log(•Lhcr The lates t aspirant, however . Gov. Edmund <J erry> JJrown. 1s fo vor('d lo de fea t Cart l·r in the June K primar y hc1·(·. :ind lea ve him with the st•c•ond-ht·st .portion of the 21l0 cll'IC'g:.111• . .:;. Brown is a hot numbN these <l:ivs. so Ken· nerly-:'11nw1L c,1ts Joos~· ut him. "Jt•rry Brown is a surrogate lor H11he rl ll11mphrc.v, ·· he pro· dasrn:,. ' WhcJ1 he r :in for gov· c•rnor. th\,fal·l':tts g;l\.l' ti) Brown but ht• .1ump1.•d all ovt•r them. lk rs un<lcpcnd:ililt•. Hrown 1s not :1 viable l'ancl1tl <1t(• for President. either_ 11t-·s been on llw job W months a1HJ has pll•nty of slate work to ell), El en \\'Ith the em phas1s on youth, isu t 3H a bit )Oung for l'rl's1dcnt., lh:'s hurl · m g himsPlf \\ 11 h Californians hy running around the <'1.n111try." Still. Bn>wn hurts Curtt•r here with l11s taunting cij/servations about C:.irt er s q11alir1e:1t1ons and actual stands on iss11cs So Ken- m•d.'· ~1 i nl)tl t'.~ pl't'ls :.i rou~h C'amn:irgn in till' rlos111~ \\'C'!'I...;. though both Curter und Bro\\n are a ii k c i n th al th<')' arc antiestahhshmt.•nt li~1ir.t.1~. Kenned\ ;\'! i not l \I as born 111 Oreg1m. scn ·l'd 1 hfl'l' yt•:trs 111 th1· "I ALSO LIKE th(• wuv C:irt c1r Arnl-y. h1ok t hret• 1J~~rt'4t!>' ~~ told the Army EnginCC'l:S Corps S tan lord Un n t'rsir v and has to gel the hell oul 01 Geori:?ia on taugh1 histor.v C\ n ;,into He· 1s the Flint River Dam projt't'I Tie nn IC'a\-C frtim lt·:wh1ng 11nw, <11111 can be tough when hi• ha:; to bi~. \1<orks w1lhout (·o nqwns:1lion f1ir "Carter has gre:il slrt•ni.!1h in Cartl'l'. ··1 II' ant it \I ll hout p;1y_ ·· the mudi a. Jimm}' is the mo~l c·J -he says.· hl'l'ausc it \'Ou l;,ikl'.' tlw fective camp;.tigncr sint·e Hotwrt kinµ; shilling. ~ou inust do tlll' Kenned y. li e h as pe r fe c t king·s lJ1t lding If l d1sagrC'1•with metabolism for a campuignt•r ·· C;1rt1•r on SOllll'thinµ, I want to l>t· Kennt•dy-Minott is Jess in·· fr1•t•to lt'lll11111 so Sowl''n•l1vinJ.! teresled in isstll'S than the man off our S:.I \ 1ngs.' llc's watclH'd C<.1rti'r builcl his llP a(·q ui rl'd hi ,; hyphenat<'d r-----fh;-:d;:u;"ks""·.'-!;-;L~1k~·t;-;' ~t ~h~1·;..!l.::a~w~11~1 ~1-~:r~11*p;:;o~r:..;1:~1.:--~'\.;.h;~~;.··1.;,1 ,..:.il \;.:v_:O:.._;l~r..:a'.l.1;:.n~s'.._'mcl't at a luws. most of t ht•m t'ontinue on 1'1111. n 'quinng ;1 p;.as:wngf'r o · . lr11.1<1 c 111ssing. enth4ttr.tl~e haeks. Pe~"-th:-· THUS, Prof. Kenm:dy-1\linotf. politically active s ince 1968, looked for a Democrat with across-the-board appeal. He had worked for the election of Ed- mund G. Drown Sr. and Jr. in their guberna torial campaigns. and in the presidential efforts of hn F . Kennedy, Lynclon 13. t · c 1·1· · 1· name when hl· marril'd Pollv strengt' in a I orn1a rom t 1>l'r Kenncdv i1\ J!l~:! . 1 :11lclt•cl it.'; ti'e cent last f:lll to 2 pt•tl't•nl 111 ., said ··: • .. lllSl' s lw was an onl\' I L 1 . pn·n'll1• a 1·;ir through town afo11t l'omc to a full s top. and neither nostalgia for a s impler time. :-o peopl1.• <'<i ll gl't llll'ir hor:-i•s off -.hall proceed 1111111 tlw oth!'r has when people thought you could 1111• :.ln'<•t. or tli.• l:iw 111 N('\\1011, g111w .. fix bad things forcvN· by pasi>tnJ.! l\an , lhal 101 hid)> drn111g buffal11 l!a>l wa.v !rains and lht·ir r('• laws aga111st lht•rn . • .Johnson an o er . en c y. He even did a stint f or Republican rongr essman Pt·tc MrCloskey when he ran against e >ru a,.· m-initi .<t'trnc~lr.i .-""c~h~i l~tl~:-a-n~(~f -':-J.i.•~l 12:dL.11..;:1:.!.. ~1,:... •• ~11~l!:,:h:...<,!!r:'..n..:.il.!.'.m~~-_J the m easurem ent$ hcing t01k1 ·n ' fl\om a ('lutc h of lkmoc:rat le et'lipscd ·· T ht:J·(• 111·,. 1111w tlm ·1· aspir:rnts. 11101'1' K1•nn1 ·dy ;\l 111olb, ;di w111 1-. • 1ng lnr ('.1rf1•r Peace Talk Never Stalled the Arms Race "l ''I ~OT A d1>0t11 ... ;I\ l'r ' 111' 'ia~s. 'lhmwh I rtall/.l' ·lh(• C'l\ ii rii.:.ht ~ llln\'1•1111•111 and th1' Vi<'I · na1 n w~11· l•W•• 11 .. Ufl 1irefly f:(OO<l \\'1• had th .. .1111111 ~1111 and Nixon ;111minis1rati1111" lw rk l o back, 1Jn11i..:1nc 011l 1111 I' '1:11•k s11l1· \\'ASlllN<:To:--; Till' h:1p1n • lll'W~ 1:-t hat llH' 1<11:-~1.111~ do IHI· ch•rst :ind I IH· :-.111p1d 11 \ or t h1• .1rm!-. r ;H'I'. as 1-.xc(•1 pts fr111n 1111-. offinal ..,1:if1• p;1111'I' -.he•\'' "111 lll'OJHlf'll (lll _.~ l ht· ilrlll.< m1•11ts of t•;1eh · Pn w l' r \ 11 • ('l"C<ISl', SO clo thev !('SS a 11d !C's~ fulfill I h1• (lbJN'I wh1\'11 t ll!' fj IH'l'l'll • llH'Ot .S h .1\'l' S (''f h I' f 0 l' l' I h 1.• m ~ i' I 1' 1· ~. 1 t ~1 p • J>C'Ol'S th:l( 1( this st:1fc1 nf thinJ!c; w1•rr prn· longt'd. 1t WO\l\d tnt•vit11blv ll':ld tO thE' n•r\' ("<ll i!t'fV~ITI which it JS dl•.s1rccl If) :IVl'rl : .. To put an end to t hc·~c· t1H'1'ssnr1t a rma· nwnts . . s ue h 1..; lhl' .;11pn.'m1' duty which 1s toduy m1posC'cl on all St:\t('" .. Th<' not-so.good news 1s that th£' abO\'l' 1\ ::is pt{'parcrl b.v the C2ar for thi' 189R ll:i_gut• con- krcncc 1-..11 disarmament. So wh ere dot's that leave us'! ,Ju:-t now it le:ivc.s nM ut ~'I of mrwalR· tnl! cast along :1 hi,a hway near thr Ari 7.0nn · ~ 1•w :\I C'x H'o bordt•r. These 2!'i h1kt•rs :tn.• thc rorc Rroup nf the Cont1ncnt11 l Wulk for DisarmamC'nt and Sor1ul .Jus tice Since ~el tin{! out in J 1muary from Californin. they rC'port several lhousanrl rwopll' have walked <i portion 11f tlw way with tlwm \\'hen t lwv n ·:wh Was hing1 on 111 (l(·toht>r tiil'Y t•XIH'.'{'l to be .1oi11ed fl) o t hC'I· w;ilk ers from ,l'\1'w <lrk;111s ~inti ;'l;t•w Englancl f'ri'tt V frai l stuff with thl' airwaves clogg(•d \\1th talk 11 ho11t hl•tter h<1m hl•rs :111<1 sh<:k(•r rnis sil\os. rles1clt•s thl'ir ff'C•f. aho11t ;ill I h t' s " 11 n r t' m u r k l' ii 11 p o n pedestn:i ns ha\ t' 1s lhl' 1wa ct· sign. l>•<"k Nixon, Sammy Dan s .Ir., J . Walt('r _Thompson. Ed M11s k1 <' :ind l1 C1 llvwood are finishi'd with it so· thl' fumous ~~·rnlwl csC'hC'ats to \h('m. TllF: S\'~fBOI. -thought tn be a s tyli7.ed atomic mushroom isn't an artifat•\ nf till' 'M.c; but Qf lhe previous d l'cade. If you think I hcse people look p11lhetic trudt?· mg. un:1ttcndcd by the national medi1-1. down the stde of the roud1 cl;1d only in jeans anrt ideals. you h:.wc> no concept 1()11 of how f:ig~o· ty the disnrmamcnl people of the '50s appearccf That was the period when the h ysteric·a 1 ly c hickenhearted ~efson Roclc l.'fo ll<'r was runnini? around lik l' :1 duck with its hc:id cut off. Q\l!H'kinJ? for us to takt· cover. :incf{'~ymen were <k- buting t hC' <'I h 1cs of shoot in!-( a stran~cr whcl might seek n<lmil tance to the buck.yard family bomb sheller . We hm! national ( VON HOFFMAN ) nir raid clrills, and in New York failure to cl(•:ir tht• stn•t•\.s wlwn th(' sirens s houncf<'d cnuld gel yC1u :is much :is a yl':n injuil. A~ainst that 1!)58 hackgrMTlcl 28 indiv1du:ils clcfi cd the air raid wurtkns. They wt•rc pcopll' likl· [)orothv D ;n · :ind Ammon I len- nacv 1'1r th~· C:1tholi<· Worker. Hcv'. !'). ,J. Mus tic cir the W:1r Resisters Lt·agut• and novd1st Paul Goodm<111 , Goodm an rnav not have tukc-n 1>nrt 1n tha·t partiC'ular demonstration. but he was thc kind of pcr!;<m who did. the sort of politica l clnirvoyanl who is ignorNl by the prestigious· ly cock·SUr!'. da mn fools who.arc rc ga rd C'd as r csrions ibly authorilalive ,·oices until it is too late. In due courc;e tht.• 28 arrestee! that day wcrl' found ~u1lty, and the Suprem e l'o11rt, l'vcr cager to play h:lnl?m:ln for the executive brunC'h . could find no reason to overturn the \'E'rdict. Nt•verthc- less othe r idiots for peaC'e stood up, likt> tht> four Quakers who suiled the ketch . Golden Huie. in- lo the r es t ri ctcd area of the l'acific where the humanitarians we re aboul lo detonate a series of hydrogen hom b tests. Sixty days in j:.ill for the cre w of the Golden Ruic. :ind later it wns ll'.':1rncll tl1<• fallout could i:!iv e habi<,s Nmet•r of the bone marrow. Pf.ACE marchers cultiv<itf' a tenacious s implicty. The l'nlirc world whis pers complf'xitie$ in their ear.s to convince them th at di!wrmamcnt is impr.<1clical or not altogcttlcr desirable. The spring rain s furth er ri ch harvests. and munitions further prosperity because the rea l choice isn 't µuns Qr bultC'r , il"s make the guns to f!et th e butler. Unila t cr:i l dis armnmC'nt" Leave your· country n01kcc1 in front of her C'ncm1 es7 Call that veneration of life. do vou. a nd what a bout our al lies'! Nuturall:v . you're naive enough lo believe t he Ru ssians are J?Oin f! to negotiate in good faith. Th:rnk God we didn't ha vc to depend on you at Pearl Harbor. If you t'an fight off those obj'1t" tions. you might want to go marching. Proceeding down t he road you might tell yourself thnt America has n ·t barf!a ined in good faith either. and isn't the strongest powel'-thc une. which m ust make the first eoncessinns., After 80 years of inlern::ition;1l peace confcrenees that d1dn 't come orr. oughtn't we to kn ow that the lesser power will n<.·vc•r eonsenl lo lockinl? itself into milllary lnleriority'! The big guy hns lo <'Om <' llnwn f1 r'\1. for if wars ii;~uc out ol nation::. pursu m g each other to 1w111 P<p1.il s trength. the n pl'an· rnust IH· b:i~cd on c·q uul W('akrw.<.s lt ·._ 1n •• the history hooks ~o w1·:q1nn plat·cd in the hands of Ow ,1;111• isn·t ult1m aH·ly 11~1·d. so 11·t 11.., . urm our C('n1·r ah '1·1th \\ 1·1 nondll's and send th1•111 forth to contf·~t on I h(! r11•lcl of n:it11111al honor THERE WAS u short momc•nt a few years a£(o when par1f1sls wcren 't lookl'rl ;11 as whollv 1•nn· temptihle The monwnt is· m'l'r America is on the biggest arm:. binge sm.r1' .Jac k Kennedy W(•nt berserk rn th<' gun store <1r11l bought 0 11\ th<' -plac<' 111 1111• early ·6os. The alml)s pht•n • has turnC'cf so fe 1st v I hat Font 1s afraid to use: the-w1>rd dcll'nt e in public. :i nd Kii;,01ng•1r. the' man who Sl'rved :1.s tht.• modt·l for Dr Strangc lt}\"(', IS s us pt'<.'lt•i l or clOSt1l n:H'h hy-rH1m IH1~mo. Strength 1s-t.1w \'11g111· word of the hour. Amt'ric:i. ""ronrf ,,, none. rirst in wnr. ulw;1~s at wur. we arc :.1ga1n a nut1nn ot l'HJ.(lcs. Or nrc we'' l>o vou mean to 1('11 me. is rt poss1hlc that no one will come out on th:.it highway, thnl those 25 un:.irmed people will tramp nlonc rnto 1 h;1t ;.1fl<'rnoon sunnse of s uch 11wom11[1rahl1• beauty tha t 11 ,o.; a shamf' there will be none to rem cm her 1t., '\m1· 11'.., f1 nH· 111 !>II'!'~~ <>P· I 11111,111 \I :1n v 1\ 1111•nr'i1n:-aren ., l'hur d1µ111·1 :-.llllt h:iv1• r'd1gio11s !t•1·lm1: ... It i -. goi,d lhat tlwy ar1• 1•\1W1·sM·d It w;1<; ;mf11I lhc w:1\• 11 t· 1·,1•r<·f'·1·d tJ11r" l'unt:in str;iir;. 111 l!nrng 1 hr<1lll!h W;1tc·rJ.!oti• S11 11 -.. 11 nw tu a1·c•1•111 llH' po!-.1tiv1· n1il W:111·ri.::111· and th:11 ·s why I am f<>rCar11 •r .. ORANGE COAST DAllY PILOT f/11h1·r1 ,\ \\'1•f'tf. /'111>/r~lwr '/'//11mr1~ 1<1•1•111. ~·r/1/ur IJ11rh•1rtJ l\r<'il•<1·l1 f tl1111mtl /'1111<' ft/1J ur Tlll' ('((\1<•11.11 p!IJ~(' 1rf 1hP 0:11ly f'tl11I ~('f'k '-I<• 111fn1·111 :Jntf 't11t111la1t• rt•:ul"r.; h\· t1rr~rntmr 11111111., 1•aU1· tf1\ \'I''" c·11mnwntar\' "'' IOfll!"• "' 1111,.r .... 1 h1 '"1tf1r a! l'<I c•1lun1111''" Hild ('HI tlW•lll1o1', hV 111m1<hnu a ln1u111 I or n·a1l1•r' · 'II'\\' 11nlf h\ fll l"'l'lllllll! th1 ' '"°" 'l'"l"'r ' opin111n .... 11111 1!1('11, 1111 l't1rr1·m top1r~ 'fht• t'llitonal up111 1nn~ nf lhf' llJlly 1'1fot at11rl'lH' nnl,) in th1• 1•d1tnr1al ('11h1m11 fl\ thr tnp fl( lhl' p:t~l' O p1111on:; t•x 1m:ssrd h)· th1• l'<•l11mn1'-I" anrl rartooni~b 11111! lr l1 l'1 11 nlt·r~ arr th1>1r 11\q) ;ind no 1•111l1or"·mrnt ur thr1r \'lt'V..., 11, lhc lhuly 1'1!111 i.huultl Ill' 111f1•rn .. t Thur~d 'ly. May20.1976 j AP W1,-•0hOIG DOCTORS COMPLETE FACIAL OPERATION Putting Girl's Eyes Back in Place Co111poig11 Spe11di11g Finance Plans { Pronipt Test II ~ T llCHl.\S U. t-:1.1.\S 1\l tlw :-:iml' llITTl' ·'" lhrl't.· :-1.·paratL· plans for puhl ll' I 1i'l.1111·l· 111 l'h•t•l 11111 t·ampa1g11s I ;tl1•1n1111sly \\11rk th\•1r \\ ,1\ lhrough IL·g 1:-l.1tl\ 1· l·omm1lll'l'"· th<: !'>I.tit"' l1111r 1111l1t1L·;tl p.1r111·:-le;I\ t· hd.:un l l''lln:.: a 1hlh't l'llt ,1pp111.ll'h that 111.1~ 111ak1· th11:-l' l11l b ub· !>.oll'l1· ,., t•n lw1111 l' llll'~ n· .11·ll.,f up1111 Tht• It''' ltl\111\1'' llhl'l'llllll Ill 1'1Hlll'lllllll011 I 'll I Ida's Features •• l1 ti.., ·.~ j •• 1u, 'Put Back '·' _____ lJ_/\l~L-~_1_1 __ \_7_ T-0gether' By ALTON 81.i\KEl)LEE th.11 n111t ,1111 thl· 1 \• 11111!11 It\ 1111 h1·d 1111-1·1 pop11l;1t11111 11 lllHI l ,1...,1•!1 11111111•\ 111 h1•lp tw1 lllH'1. t1Jl::l'lhl•l .tlt1•1 lh1 1 h.11!l111•1,111tllt1 1111 lllt1\1ll1111I 1111'1111·.d :-pt•1·1.d1:.t' t•,t.tlill~lll'lf th..rl ,fi1· lllt~hl AP s.c .. ft(. Eo,,o,- NEW YORK Ncxt llml' ldu l b~s looks in .i m irror. :.ht' w on't rct·o,.:nitc her .. l'll llt·r h.itr I!>. gont'. her cyeit ar<' a bit bluc·k and blul· Hut 11 ·~ ltl.t- ly lda Will iClilrCUI~ nolll't' Of' {'V~n Cttrt· 1tlm11t lht.> temporary embar rill>:-mcnt • h1•1wt II I 1'0111 I 1'1'1111'11'\lt'l I\ .. 'lll")!l'I\. Lolll n hut llllh ~l 111111i lh• 1111111 n1l1cl., 111\\oll<I ltll .1 'll:t\1 .1111111111t1•d tu::. Ill 1100 Ucl\\e1.·i1 th1·111 .1qtl Id 1 1t·1111•'• :-. .. lh• •.11 ri:1·1111' l'hi· mt•1.l:i .ti 11.,1111 lwt1· 1, 11111 t·hari.:rni.: 1111, t11vk ph·n· ... 111 ld ,1 l11pl111111 111 1111111 111·d~1· 11111111. lt".,:-;11tr~;il lt"I!., ( ... 111 ,., .... .,,1111 liul "unw of ah .. · lier l'\'t":; well he rllOI'\' lhun ,in 111d1 t Jo,1•r togethe r t hurl whl•n !>he la~t ~a\\ ht•r lut•1·_ th•-.' n· the n orm a l dist~inct• uµurt. rathl•r than g rot1•:-qu1•I) scµuratcel. /\nd ht·r no:.1: hit:-hl'l'n n·~li:1pt·cl m lh11'1• i.::q " 111·1 f.11i.1l k• 11'1111\ \1,1. \\'111!1 ,1 .t111 n1·11·:-~ar~ 1u111b l11r h1 .... 1111.d u•:-h :end nwtl1l'al \'\ hullll'l'1',\1· h.1d11.n11df1111.11d o111.11111ll1t1 I I l'l'l\!'l'!>. l ur t r.11 \'I ,\IHI l'IW111\ JIHI ho;11'1 1111· 1l:t .. l't•11pl1• "1th l.111.d tll'l•Th 11t1t·n ll1t1 . ,1 ,h.11111·1{ 11l11tlwr 111·n • 1·011tnl1111 .. t1 111 th1· ( Ill\ t·r~1ty of t 11 l>1 • \1•1 ·n l 11 111J Ill 11 11111 Jll)I Id .1 Sh•· 11 1 •1_11 l 11 1 •11l11t1· On ·i•1111 ° f It-a It Ir ~t' ll'IH't • l \'Ill t·r ·,1 ntl 111 ht•r snu l'l'c<:. .f' ~1'1111111 ~11ul StlllUj. """""'''·to <;tff11i~ :e111f1111\\ 1111 )!-~11 111;,'s-·I Hthw·~-H1.U .Jl;n:.,,. ~;.uU..lh!.' "'t•sp1•nt•111·1· It•\:.. Sh1• l1•d 01111·1 \..1tf-,1111v1·no,1\111111·l.1-.-...·•. 1·•111111 mak1• .1 \t·r~ :.p1·r1.ll 1wr:..on ullt ot hl'I', Sht· SURGEO NS J>~KFORMEV THt; f ,\l'J.\I, had to bl' 111 :-tllll\' 1111;1111!111 111 ~ro\1111g u1.1. an\,! ht·r feats Wcl,in csday in an t·1i.:1t1 hour opcratwn. tor 11 ..:n llC >'I ET O\\'\ OJ·' I..\ C lt.\:\IH-:. 01·1· 1111cl1•r!-o la111l111,.:1"111lt1•ltilwrh1·lpulht•rJ)t•upl1· .. reeling l hl' cu11ge111tul d is figurc 11H.:lll that h;1d put OD~ · tht• 15·yc;.ir-old Ida's t·~1t•s l\111·l· ,1.., f.ir 11p:ert a:--IF--SOMEB nor.mat lb cx Juok1•tl to lit· a1 .hC'r l'ar?_ 11.!-·r 11.«1~1s fac1ul a p µc1H'tl lH'I' \\ u:-l'llllllNUOOt•<l hy (Ull \\ t<lt· •• -- nose and by a protruding towt•r 1aw -• good impron•m1.•n1.-· :-a1<l l>r Juh11 ;\larqu1-. Con "f':l'crything \H'llt IH'll \\'t· ha \'l' hig h h11p1.·., of AJ ~OUR \'Cl'Sl'. hl'ad of a tt•am of :..pl'l'l:.thst~ :it lh1..• ln!>lllllll' fo r fll'con:.trul't11't• Plas l11· Suri.:t·r~ 1\ ho 11t·rl11rnlt'd ld;.i 's opcratwn at th1.· ='l't\ \'o r!-l '1111 cr:-1ly A~RTY llosp1tal "It was thl· mo~t t'1)mplH:atcd c~1:-1· l\l' \ e eH·r had" of its t~ JJl'. and It marl..l'd tht: l.ff/.!l'"l m11\ l' ~~~~;r~~c~~~;~~~.l~~~1111.1nn).! for st·p;ir;i1e11 c·)e:-. DOESN'T IUA WAS:"li 'T THA~S FOR:\1E O l~TO .1 grt·at -bc•aut_1·. the• pluslH' !>.Uf'1.:c1on ... aid hut h1:r a p pl'aranl·c s hould ht·i;!rl'atl.1 1mprmt•d LIKE LA AIAZ_ Dol'lurs l>•I\· 11 \\Ill hl' ahout fl\L' da\S bc·fon• ldu can l ake a louk-al lhl• nt•\t Ida. Shc'l> 11n(ll'r 111t<.·n~1\ c · e;irc at<• ho:ipit al l\llh onl) th•· lip of hL·r nos e aml her mouth visiblc• lhro11s.:h tlw b:ind:1gt·:-. MARGARll'AS ThC' surgery tu rl'dl'~lgn I eta 's race 1\ ;..1:-111d1:ed complicated. F irst. it involvC'd n •monng th1.· flln· p urt 11f her s kull. lhl•n rcachmg Jn to till lwr bn.1111 up and bt'hin d her forehead. A druJ.!, munn1t(lf, hclp~·d ba ckward a bit lo µrovid(• s urg1(•a l wot·keng ro<1m SEND m ake this possible IJy i.hn11k1ng the braio tl·m· porari ly ,.~ THEN SUHGEONS C'l 'TOl'T u llll'l't•OI b60{' 10 THEM HOME the cenll'r of ht·r I a('l'. cr1:at1ng an t•mpl~ s pun· 111-• to which the orbit:. th<' round opl•nings in th1.· skull San Mateo Morgue Assailed -------------- 1\ ,,·..,t ' 11 I \ l'IOPl'' 111 -,,1111pl\-11,111111 p.tl'l-agl'" ,t -,ltg htl~ dll l1·r1·111 1111 '1 1111 1 ht· tl11·1·1"t mall 1-.1mpa1g11!'> '' h1d1 h.i\ 1· pr11\ 1·11 "" 'u1·1·1·,,f11l lor ind1\ 11111;11 pol1tll'al r.111d11l.1l1·~ lht· l;1:-l f1\1.· ,\1·ars \'OTJ·:HS I:'\ 1:1 OFTllE sl;llc , l;.ir;.:t·st ('11unt1•·' \\'Ill In• i.:1•1t111:..: I ht• 1•11\ 1'111p1•o;, paid for by I h1• lk n101Tal It'. I< l'Jlllhlll'all .. \ mel'1C':tn l11d1.•pt·1Hh•111 ;ind 111·;11·1· and i"J't•edom µal'l1e.'i. The IJ•ll'lll'S p;;~ for pr111t111).! ;111d art~ :1dd111rnwl p11s l:1:.:1· th1·rr 1·n - n•l111ws 111:1 .'· r:rus1• and tlwy l'.'<Jll'l'l to 11l'I :ti mos t SI 11111111111111 th1·1r l1r:-l s11<'11 .. 11 .wt S.\:">: :\l:\Tfo;O 1.\P I Thl' San ;\!al 1·11 County gr:entl jury h:e:-:r:-s:111l'd -the count 1 morguc as un s anilary ~nrl 111ll1rl'1w<:<I uf ('X f>:1ns11111 STANDARD LATEX - SEMI-GLOSS I :-1·1· th1:-as a11 :rl11•r11:rl1\1· l11 p11bl1l· l111:1111·111t: 1>f (',llllfl:JJ ).!Jl:O-, ·•'·I.I' l.c:o-f(t\ 1'1', f ,o,, .\11g1•ll'" ('1111111 .1 fl1 •1lltl\T:tlll' (•f1 ;11J'J11:111 • 11111•r . \1 ho h1•g:e11 p1P .. h1111: 1111' th1· ... ;1111pl•· h:tlhJt 111:-1•rb in I !17:!. lll'f 11•\ , • ., I Ill' \I 1·:11.. lll':-S of I lt1 • I'll I 1 t·nt puhl1t• l111 :111t'lll L! htlh I~ lh:1I 1111•\ 11n11ld pl11\ 1111· 111111ll'\'11111\ t11111d1\ 11\u,tl c.1111l11l al1·'i • '\'011 l'llllltl Ill df1•1·t ~f H T tl EK:\ \\ 111tl up \I Ith I :!O s1·p:11 .111· C \l.IFOH:'\IA 111111' pnltlH'ltl p :1rti1•, 111 FO(:t 'S t'altl11rma thal 11:1\_" Jw " •• I 'I . . . t·: \. l' I' \ :t:tS\'tllhl\ 111:111 ,llld I'\ l'I \' . '''fl,ll 1 II' 111 d It '1'1 II 11111.1 h;1\ t' h I' Ill\ ll f'•ll I\ Tl\1' \1111tld k.1\ 1· t lw 1·,1 :thlt ... twd p:1rt ,, . ., 11111 111 1lw 1·111.l .dlh1111 l!h 11 1-, 1lw~ "h11 1lo th1• 1111h :entl - IJulb p11l1t \l'.tl 1\ 111 k lll-1· n ·g1 ... 11•n1H! \ ttlt·1" Tll E '\ E \\ ~.\ ;\ll'l .E U.\ I.I .OT c·n1·l11 ... 111·1·' .11·1· ,111lhon11•1I 1111111•1 ;1 l.1\\ µ~1:.!>1..•d 111 l!f7:l \\ hwh g 1\ 1·:.. 111\l' third ttl tli•· m11111·1· ra1,1•d t111lw p.1rt11·,· ..,1.111• r1·11tr.tl c·111111111ll1•c·,, 11111· lh1rd 111111 .. 1·1111111\ <'1•111r:cl 1·<•1n 11111t1•1•" .111d :111111lwr 1 l11nl 111 lt-1:1:--l.111\ c· 1-.111 d1tl .t1 1·' \I 1l lt111 ,,1'11t1tt'll111l•H", II\\ II 1'11\llll Y 1!111•r I tll\l t·lltl" 1h:1\ 1111· f'Olllf'illl tllll' l'l1\·l'1 11pt·~ 11.11 1• 1111• 111•11•1111.tl lo -,p.1rl\ 111:11or l'le;1llJ.!l'" 111 1111· ... 1.111· ... p1•, . .,,.111 ,. .. 111lt':tl\\11rl-11n•-, ''l .1·-..., \h,111 I 11•'11·1•111 111 lh1• Jll'l''1'1ll 11\tttl1·\ 1·111111'' t n 1111 1 h1· :e \ 1•rag1· 1ult'r111-,11111-,111 :\ 111 or 11·:-~ ... tw '·"" \\ lt1·11 :1:1 p1•n·1•111 nl 1h1· t':t/llf1:11gn eo,1:- <'111111·' frnm 1·1111t n l1111t1r:-111 :-\:111 or mon· :111dfrom llw ""''1'1:tl 11111•11•'1' lh1·n·-,11l11" 1111, ,.,,.,111)! 1t.·1w11d1·111•1· t111l11 )!h 1111·11n1t·1·l1·nw11ts1111lw1 •h•1·1111.111• · 111 \ nl 1•1 ... Jn f.11, .\ne.:..t•·' :-..111 I lt1·"11 I >1 .111:..1· '"''' n ~.1111.1 .11 1,11 .1. \l11l\ft'l t'\ ....... , l.111--llhhftt l '"'" ll11111httld1 !"· .. 111 Vr,11111-,1 11. \l.1111 •·1!.1 t'111111 .11· .. ,1.1 .111d ~.111 \1,111·11 11111111 lt'' 11111 Ill "11111' pf.11.'I'' 11111\ -,l'f t•l'l I'd \ fllt'l"• \I ill t.:1'1 I h1·111 ~1tlllt' l>,tl l \ 111 ;_,ll\l/.lllttl1, ,111• 11 ..,lllL! I ht• .ftlllt' X p11111.11 \ ,.,,., 111111 ·'' .111 •'"1'1'111111•1\I ,,,,,., 1111g 1111• I'll\ 1•f1tfll'' 11111\ 111111 '1tlJlt' ,,t1Jlpl1• l1,1ll11J:.. I ,rlht•J' th,lfl rts l-111g .1 111"' 1111 I ht• 111 'I t:ll .. 11·01111d 11111 Ill 1 lt1· I .ti l''''I I lllltll It'' 1 ....... \11:.:1·1(••;_ (II :tllt.:t'. ~.Ill ll1t"'11 ,tlld \l.11t11•d,1 ,tl11111-,I .di \ 11\t'I' \\ill ht • ltf ;111J..t'f1•d ,ii .I I '"I ttr ;tf1t1\ll s:1.-.,(l(\(I \tt th1· l1111r p.1rl 11•, ltl\'l':tt . TllE l'I .. \'\'~ "O~T 1•11tht"'1a ~t11· :1cl \'0('1111• 1!.11•,11 I •'" )1t't'I 111'1 :1111 \\ 1'.tll h 1111· t1t1· p,11·1 \ Ill e.;;11111,cJ ltlJJ' 1:111I'\1•1ll11,tl fl 111• 'l'I'' lllt' I'll\ ..J11p1•, fll'tl\ 1tl111g 11111r1• 11111111·~ th,111 ;11l\ 1•1till'1·11r1 t'11I pro I""·'"' t11r p11lol11• 1·l1·11111111111.111<'1' · II 1'\ 1•1 \ I 11•111111·1,11 1'1''1''111111·•1 111th 111· .. 1 0111· .tnll.11 · lw ... 11d 111· d r.11"' :->t Ii 1111llt1111 lh1• 111...i 111111• 1!111111· 1'.•ll I 1·\p1·1•I lh.cl l-111.t of 1 t '1'"11'•' The• lll'•lttf\ nt I h1• I 1•d1•1 .11 1111'ttllfl' I." l 1l11111 t'fllT\..111 1 ... 11111\ ... lh.11 lh1• l1111~·1·1 '"llll'lhlll•: lll-1· 1111--..... 11'tt\lt1tl lh1• Jtl••t 1• 11\\111111' ,l('l'l"Jl\t•d •• t•:\1•11111.dh Ill' .,,1111 p11ltl11'.tl p.11'111'' lwpc· l'tir l'\''1'"11'1'" 111 \II' I 11 .Ill ,.,., 1·1·111. pt II\ 1dt11!.! 1.11 111111·1· h111tl., I h.111 ,JJI \ ttl I h>' 1·1111'1 111 lt·:.:1,f.1l 1\ I' l'r111'11"•1b :-.\\:-' lll\l:lt : "!'\HI.I(' Fl'\\'\('l'\C ; 1111 :1 111111111.11\ ""''' i.:111'" 1·\1·n \lll•·r ,1 tl11t'l'I o p p11rt11111l\ lo h1•lp h.d .1111·1• lh1• ,,·;ifto, Ill l.1\nr 111 lllllll 11'.tl 1111lc-p1·111h•111•1• lrn· 1 h1• p.11111 " .end t h1·1r 1·,111 "11 l.11 l'' ,\II I Ill' ,ti llet 1·11sl 111 I lit• I ,1\.f1;1~ l'I'. \\ 111l I'll 'l lnrt'rrl tn I!" 1• an~ tht111.! 11tw1f111·:.n·11\ anl to Riglitatt'ay .for Ducks SALJ-::\1 , Ore•. (,\Pl Du<·k;; rrom :\1111 C n •ek will C'ont111111• to rule' Ct•nll•r Stred in nnrtheasl Salt-m 1\ lh'lll'H'r tht·~· (el'l ltkl• tak111J.! a -,troll Th<' <.'1l 1 lc•n:-r\d1·1!'.or_v Traff11· Cnm m1:-s 1on \ ol pd ro kt•1•p ;i •• 1>ill'k l"ro~:-m~" s 1).!n 111 pl;icC' wtwn• tht• !>ln•<'t rro~!'ot'' :\tell l'rt'l'1' <ll·sp1tc l'it~ ~tarr re l'On\n\{'llll,1t11111" ltl 1'1'1110\'l' It. Tht• :-11.rn "a' rn:-t.dl1•tl thr\'t' ~Par-; aJ.!o ;iflt·r· cluC'k~ '' t'r<' 'hl.1nll''t for I 1111 arr11fto11b O\ l'I' :i sC'n•n .'car pc1·wd . In ;.1 il'lll'r 111 tlH' toun- 1 v 's hoard of stipcr\'is1irs. lh1· .1 u•~·r;; c:ompla irll'd that plans 111 1•xpa11d t he f<tl'tl1ty h:l\'l.1 ll1·t•n sl :1 ill'll. Count\' Coront•r Paul .ll·nscn :1)!rt·1·1I. Sa) 111g a l'it1zt•ns ' gro up l;e s l mor.th w;i.<; ,1pp;tllt•d "lo d1s t·m t•r mag)!Ol!>. 1•r;1wl 1ng lllll rrom u111!1•r ~· m or)!lll' door " J l' 0 S t' 11 ' :1 I d I h l' morg11t• IS l'Olll llll'd Ill t \\ o rnoms at a S,111 ~t all-11 h11:-p1l:tl anti tht•n• 1, a lal'k of n·rni.:L·r:111•t1 sp:tt'l' t11 :-tm·t• hodu·~ l1don· t,.h1• t·11rnm·r " <11- part m.cnt l'an t>t•rform aut op:-1\'!'o. Tale11t Scouts Guilty LOS .\'\;(;El. ES 1 \I' l T\\O s :e\1•s ag1·nb of Nat 11111 a I Ta I 1•11 1 \-, !>.OC'l:Jll':-\\ ('l'I' f111NI ~l:lll 1•:tl'11 1111 thn·1· l'ttlllll!> of l0111111·111pt of t!17;, 1·t111rt urrll•rs n •,lrll'l 111 e.: 1lw1r !'alt•,., •1t1·h In .1..,('1rl1t)! 1·h1ld nwtl1· !> 1;l'raltl1111• T11h111 .ind HolH•rl 0 ·~1·1 11 \\l'l l' 111w<I af11·r th1·) pl1·,1d1·1I ).!Iii ft ~ to l'I\ ti ('Ollll'lllJll 1·h;1r/,!t'' I h:rl 1 h1•\ h,ttl I o I d I' r ll " p 1• l ' I I \ 1' 1·11!'.tomt•rs lhat ham h11rg1•r 1·om nwrr1 :ti ..,, :er l!ofl11t•\' .\llt-11 II 1pp~ h;erl lll't:ll ,1 l'lll'lll of 1h1•11 .1g1'll\' ~ . Thi• .1)!1'1H'\ 11,1•\f :1ml el s l\\11 pr1111·1p:1I nll1n•r:- "<'l'l' fml'd Sli,1111111111 c·1•11 t1.•111pt l·\·h :! :11td :11111t111•1 1•mplm·1• ''as I 1111•d ::>100 I.1st nwnth o~crr•'•' G i , ..... t""' Eh1aht·lh '\a11 l\11hl of l-'011nta1n \';ilh•' h,, .. r1 .. l'l'I\ 1•rl h1•r h al'lwl11r ' d t•J,!rct• fr11m :">:orttH'rn ·\re zo n:c l 11111•1 ... 11 .1, f"la)!..,l.11 f l/ t H l ;: J. l .\ f Hf. I.A TEX SEJ/J (;LOS.' E-1 8.99GAL r ' ....... ,, lo.ill> w1111dwo11' .. rnywher• 'I• 11 ,.,.,.,, w,1-,honq 1111,.,, 011• .. , ,r, .,, 1JJ, u1rJ 1•q111rJm''ll C)1 ,,,.., un ,,, ., ti• 1 A ,11,1L>1t• "' ti.t•·lf'l· • .tllCI wtult SAT-N-HUE FLAT INTERIOR LATEX 7.99GAL , .,, t '•l t vY11 h.1blt• 1.r,1 ll I J ., , '' ,., tl'I I • 1111<1 '"''' 11"1< 1 ,, f I• \'\'•'f I I I 1fl1 t t 11 f\Jt •I '•1 • A .. 11 Jr 11 , 1 l ( t. ,1 (Jd ·, I r~ ". .. A If Prices ........ .;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;.. .................... ~ci:r.lood thru M~yJO E.COHQMY_PAIMT AMO ROLLER TRAY 99c .:1: ~MAS,KIHG 1495 VALUE • now w~.·!!.1.~ Jumbo 12" Tut-White Skillet OilUIE JOAST-R·OVEN IOASIER 29.94 • DELUXE KIND SIZE TOAST-I-OVEN' TOISTEI SAT-N-111 f FUT INTERJ OR IA TE.\ P-1 ~ A SEMSATIOMAL MEW PAfMTIMG T06L • ( 1;onorn11 .ii ,I', "·11· . .iril• • PrOIPl.l'o r.rn111·r & luu .... 11111·1· trnm "n.11t1•r • ri1 ,ill ·'""" "" 11,11111 r111l1 r • :in.in· 1111 6 , • II PLASTIC DROP CLOTH 9xl2 --.. 19~ I Thi' pan that won't turn uglyl RuQ!:!t-lf Tctf Wl1111·.1l' ramie interior won't pit m o~I ofl YU•• 1 m'• •·vPrt sr.1ape 1t of,1-ch!dn~ eJsy a\ !ll·"~-Brown porcelai1,-on-alumonum rxterior. wh •t1· W•11J1•1 Wlw.11 riatte-rn on deep cover. Stays t.kr n»w tnr V"· • \ <115'1 33.94 l.)!l D~L ~..!.Ul.:_ ______ :_:_:__~_~l-- 1 COct St l11111orts Canned Pimientos Recalled by FDA 'R e volution' Of Seniors Series Topic !'ht• i::ru" 1n~ trend to" ard ·re· \'OIUtton ~· b~ !'oot'rllOr ClllLCO:., W ~ parllcul:.ll'fy lhO!>t' 111 Jaq.~~ rctJn• ASHIN(;TON tr\1'1 The Food ~·n<l l>ruil Atlm1nt'>t r.it1on 11.1.., .1n nwnt i.ll'l'iJ'> vi :.outh Orangl· GLIDDEM· WAll-PAINT -nciunced the rc<:ull of more than 250,{l(J(J can~ of 1mpu1 ll·d llllllll'l'llo:-. Count>. will be.. t.hc...!>ub.JL'.L:L uL that it said wert.' 1m rrropcrty prncl':-;"'::;<:d . Sad ct I eba l' k C ollei.:t-·l> f ou1 1 h About <!;W.!SOO can:-. of one Jut d1 slnbull·d to C<.1l1f111111a <>rt>g11n. !'tl·manar 111 thl' "Rec)c·l1n~ \\'.USh111~tun. lduho uud Murylu.ocl anti 42,00-0 can'> •JI a 1>ccund lot \\l'f\.' American Values" SCl1l'S dts tnbutcd uloll~ U1 · i.;asll•rn :wabourtl, tlw FD.\ :.111<1 Wc·dnci. Tiu.' Sl..':.siun ''di ta.kc pJacc du,·. l\la~ :!U a t 7 30 p.m . in the l'Ollt·~t· SPRED SATIN 19!ch " ANIMAL • :)'~':(" ltbrury Tht• :Jj.tl•m·~ :.a11l lh..1l l;11lun· lo og1C ~by NohiQtr S PR E D S AT I t>J ~~~-~-==-•iiir~-m,i~1 c<mlrol 11c1d1ty ufrthr• p1m1rnms dunng the 1·;mn11iT: pro<'ts:,, .. ma\' J)():)(' ;1 (l<lll'llllal ror IJad1·11.il nut growth · · M orf" U1;111 l\\ 11 tl111.Pt1 :.1mil:1r n •c:.11 Is of 1111portu l 111 ·m1cntu-. hu\ c hl•t11unc!l-rteil..1·111n the lm.t ~ 1.:ur anrl a h,ill :'\o lllJll rn·:-. h,1 VC' bl1Cn n•po rt t•d Tht• FD,\ !->.1111 lht· n·c:ulJ ,,;,:-. a Cl.iss 11. J 1.·a-,1· '' lwn· tltt· pt 11111.·ntos .. m ·'~ <'.1u-,1· 1t·rnpur:11'\ or med1culh n •\ l'f'1hll· .uf\'C'r "t- ht•ulth cun"l'QUt'IH'c·s cir "hc·rp thl• proh..il.llllly of 't•nuu., tu·ultl1 tun:-.<'4 c ucnn·.., 1s n·11111~1· The Conm•ll H l(•c· & St11-!ar Cu I nt•. Wc'itltC'ltl, ~ J . 1., rpca llinJ.! th<: ··1o:..1stwrncb <.:annf.'tJ Spa111,h P1mi('ntns ... 1.·11dt•tl H E ·Hi.r.94 un lhc labels. and .I.A. l\1rsth Corp . :\C\\ York City, 1s n•t·:.illin~ tht• .. Ruby Bra11<1 S'' c1.·t Hcd l'imli.'n tos." ·also rnckc.l H. t•: 41.i r.~M ~. ... •I ...... f , .. , .. .. r'O RAfHtR 6~ µ1u!HR1CG D MIL.I< ~A~ ~161-1-·PR lCEv MEAi IUl~.l PARK; !'" { 'r. ( 1\ iJr ,ti (.i l'IJ• I • ' ! • J • l);;(",., 'w\f\''"' 1 t \ 1 I ' ) 5 ~· SAMU AMA ; I 'Ul E ::il'M P0Sll'1\1 Jla111;! ''Ill fc·aturf.' Shl'rna Gluck, women':-. h 1 ., tor~· a r c h 1 ,. is t : H n he rt 'l'hl•ubJld. fulUl'l'>I . Cora Cod.:::.. :-f.'n1ur 1.·1t1zt·n act1v1::.t : Shirk,· Stt•phen:-on. oral h1:.tunan of C~I St :1 t t· Fu I I t•rt 011. Tht· f orum . titlcc.l ··!"t·nior l"1111t•n-. The :'\ext Rc\olution·•" \\Ill dwllcngl' l'UITl..'nt soci:il die· wtc~ that tend to glorif) thl' . 'oung and neglect the aged. said c•ollt•gl' :::.pokC'l>woman Patti Yomantas. Latex Wall Paint lets you h::lVe the colors you want 111 a soft·looh.rng long 9' x I 2 I PLASTIC DROP CLOTH .·.:~: ... _ lasting l1n1 :>h that Savo;, clean up 11nk compl1mt:n ts the Cov11r 1urn11ure !lour~ 33c re51 o f your room shrubs w~n pa1n1•n<; Almost 1. I 00 Colors OHL Y ea give you a range1._ .......... l!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ .......... .. from subtle to spectacular COUPON 3 /4" MASKING DISCl'SSIOS Ot~ the ri_ghts of thl' t>lde>rly to a decent lift·, :'.ll·th(·arc• and ~I edical prilctices .in<I housrng for the elderh· on l1x C'd incomes is expected t o dominate the session. WHITE COLORS TAPE •• H andy 10 tlJ'<t; Saddlcback Supt. Robert Lorn· hard1 ·will serve as thc panel modt•rntur 55!!L. 56!!L. or a muct when 49~ach pJ•nl.nq ONLY 1976 CARS and TRUCKS GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT CUTS PAINTING TIME ... WHILE IT ADDS COLOR!! All makes new cars & trucks! • FLOWS ON so EASILY. YOU'LL rm LIKE A PRO • DURABLC, FLAT FINISH FIGHTS CRAC~IHG. PHUNG • HUNDREDS Of EXTERIOR COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM • DRIES FAST; L£TS YOU CLEAN UP IH SO~PY WAHR $ 'II REG . HOWARD Chevrolet 833-0555 l"IHM •M few LfASE'S,.ECIALIST. MOW ONLY Gal. PRICE $11.99 Gal. I offH" to bvy your old ••llicl•. !COLORS SLIGHTLY EXTRA ' Seethe great _, double feature at our new drive-in. Just recently we opened our new lido Village drive-in teller facility (32nd St. and Villa Way) with a great doL:blc bill. The first feature is the super conven- ience of doing banking without leav- ing your car. The second feature. is the nice location of the facility: in a cool spot, away from the busy fl ow of tra ffic. Wh ether you drive in or drop in. you'll find the people at City National Bank warm, friendfy, and knowl- edgeable. You r bank- ing business will be handled efficient- ly and quickly. Because City Nat1onnl Bank is a full-service bank, you 'll find we can serve all your banking needs, including trust and escrow. Come see our grent double fea- ture during th e Grand Opening of our o~uvr 1N r ~llLllY Lido Village drive-in facility, and you'll drive olf with a nice little coin holder to keep your nicktes and dimes handy for phone calls and parking meters. And it's free' Drive-in teller facility: 32nd SI. and Villa Way CflY NATIONAL BANK A major financial institution that goes out of its way for you. c ~c.t ? :H 1 •Oren ... ee•.,J, :; j C ·;:i l • ' li!, r. JC '' 9 So&'1'1·W~ 3900 Su On 1ri ·N LIDO VILLAGE OFFICE. 33811 Vi;, Lido. Nrwporl Booc:l'I (714) G75·9940 • Rober1 Galbreath. Manager NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE: •100 MncAr1hur Blvd Nc>wport Beech 1714) 752·0580 •Jack BarMs. Vice Pres1denl & M:.nagor Member FDIC Member i::edor;il Ro~ervl' Svstem L 1 111 Fountai11 \'alley Office Adding Counsel Fees By KATHY CLANCY Of,,.. 1>.111~ l'H•t Stall t-'ountu1n Vallc)''s fl edgling Youth S ervice flurcuu, which h ad been pruvidrng teen counseling a t no coi.t, now requires u fee of u1> to S29 a month c:ity officiu Is report. ' And the juvenile d1vers1on program. which has been operated through Chupman College s ince it was staF~ in C)ctobt>r, may be switched Lbis. suru· mer lo T een Help , another youth counselinc i.ervicl' offered in Fountain Valley. BILL ACK 1-:RMAN, l 'ITY admmistrntl\'C as· sistunl, said county revenue-sharing funds, "hic·h supply half the 1)rogrum's operating costs, require the c·tty to st art l'harg111g a fee as of May I. Caty offi c inls said the fees average about SlO a ' month and r ange from not-hing to $29. depending on family income" But Ackerman said no one will be turned aw<Jy bec ause of an ability to pay. Both Ackerman and Dr. Bill Lyon, a Chapman professor in charge or the program , said the ser vice has been operating well. • They said 1t has won praise from police of· ficials for efforts to counsel JUvt•nilc offenders and keep them out of JUVcnilc hall and the JUvcntlc Justice syste m . BUT ACK ~RMAN SAID economics a nd a possible duplication of services bc·lwl'en th(! Chap· man-operated program and Teen Help. "h1ch ol!.o receives city funds. has forced the city staff to study a switch in the city's contract for the Youth Ser vice Bureau. Mayor Al llo llinden suid he has not received sufficient information to know if such a swilch is li~ely. bul •saul t'Ounci lmcn will be studying lhc "possibilily in coming weeks. In October. Ule city received a county revenue ~ sharing grant o r $28,750 to oper ate the bureau for 10 months. The city supplied about SJJ,700. primarily an office spuce, telphones. utilities and supplies. ACKERMAN SAJO THE CITV will have to re· apply for funds for next ) ear in June a nd coun- C'ilmen will have to decide by then which agency should oper ate the program . City Manager Jim Neal has not made a recom · mendation on the matter. although the llum;.111 ~rvices Committee recommended s" itching to Teen Help. he s aid. Lyon said he questions switching the program when il has been operating s moothly. He said the c aseload is aboul 60 to 90 children and families. and counselors had belie,·ed their jobs would continue tor at lcasl another year. Rt:T ACK ER~IAS SAID TIU: CITY alread\' spend..; ahout Sl:l.00(1 ;1 ~ t•ar: to <tSSist tl(Jer ations ;;t Tl•t•n llclp And during lht• past year, he sau.l , tht• 1>rogram at 'frcn Help has s witched from a "d rop-an r ap t•enl1•1"' to d 1\'ers1on and family counselinJ?. • < '11unetlman Hcrrne S\'ulstarl abo noted the> citv 1s now l'nll'nng a Joint ;igrct•mcnt \\ ilh UC I rvin~ for :1 JUH'ntle d1\ers1on program in Huntington nea<'h. II \\oulll ~('f\'<' llunlin).!ton Bcal·h. Seal Bl•;H·h. l.o:-1\lam1tn:-. \\'t•:.tnlln~t1·r and Fount.ttn \',1llt·~ S\ .d:.t ail said councilmen will have to decide 1£ the\' h;I\ t• 111.•c<I for another program in 1-·ountain \'a lie~ · 1\l'kl·rm an said the c1ly expects to re<'cive ul1out !ill ho urs M l'ounsclini,: a w eek from the UC In 11w program . itnd iltould serve as a supplement t11 thl' Y1111th St•rv1cc Bureau. Don't Miss 111ter11atio11al Marl-,et Fe.ire SATUR DAY MAY 22 ARTISTS AT WORK GLASS BLOWER CR AFTSMEN SUNDAY MAY23 PUPPET SHOW MIME FUN AND MUSIC ANO UN IOU~ MERCHANDISE FROM THE DISTANT CO RNERS OF THE WORLD GREAT FOOD! Feast on the Egg, the Chicken the Cre pe, the F1sh1es from the Deep Blue Sea nnd YPS the Hamburger and Hot Dog, loo' Or srp a Cocll.liltl 1n o ur fine restaurants E11joy 2 C.reat Days 11 00 Block S Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach FrH Admiuio1t Lots of Pork· 40 Excitinq Shops Ope1t It only taU. a few worda lft tM '''"' ............. ..... Along th• Of•n .. C.O..t tr.. r1t1tt place le tlMt Coll Ml•MN DAILY PILOT AP'Wl,.. .... 1• Gets Oller Boston Police Commiss io n e r Robert DiGrati:.i co nfirm ed he hu~ beffl offered job as po li ce c h ief in San J ose. He is a San Frunc is co native. Served BFRe•· aesAT.f. 3 t~r~r~PM Brochette soup or salad, rice pilaf. fresh roll and butter S2.&S SPIRES IRVINE MacArthur Blvd. at S D. Fwy COSTA MESA • 3125 Harbor Blvd. ' ~,11y~11y ?O 19;....7..;;.6 _______ _,;;,.0_A_IL_Y_P_IL_O_r_ ..... A_fl 'S~all' Offiee Okayed SACRA:'tl El'\T() <Al'1 -A $25,000 a-year s tale orftl·e 1i. bemg l'rt?alt.'<I by Go\'. Edmund Brown Jr. to promote has ··smull 1s Hc:.utiful" ph1loi.'Ophy. llE SAW 1't n: Of't'l('t; will adviS<' the J:O\· ernor. Ll'i.:is lalun· and s tate ugencrl'S on ways tu s;t\'l' resource~. s uch as lowcnn~ the tcmrwraturi• or Water hcall.'rs. l'CC.VCling, Willer t•onscrvution, solar energy. und ''a lt: waler I n •utmcnt. It b l'.ilkd lht· "Orrie,. of 1\1>11ropri alc Tl'<'hnolog). · and ll> 1ntcn<kd to ).!l\'l' :11h it< ·un hO\\ to ~tt•er Cahlorni.1 through an l''"' of ltm1tl•d re·' .------------------...... Nabers moves to lease for less! l>OUr<'CS. AN EXE("l'TI\'•; ORD•:R C"r cuting the ufllcl! \\'as s igned b~· thl ~oH•rnor hefore he left to cam- pai~n in M arylund . wher1• hl• \\ .1s in Tuci-tlay·i. Democrutit• prt•l>1tlent1ul pnmary. J . Antbony Klinr, Bro\\ll0l> ll•gol ufrairs ''"· <'~utiv<'. said thl' offic<' will t ry to put 1n ~rr1'1·t the kmd of phtloso1>hy found 111 E fo'. Schum,1chl•r':. book, "Smull •i. lk>Ytul1ful, .. <• f.w..,ritc Brawn llllak on et·onom1l·l>. "There is no plat"C In go\ l'rn n11·nt 1 hnt is explor- in g WU)'S Of <liminishin1t hi gh ll'l°llllOIOg ,\', o( t!X· plo rin~ th e f1:a !'ibil1t~ ut Im\ 1·r ll•\ t·ls of tcl'hnology ... Kline said. We're specialists in Cadillac leasing and .;.our pricing system allows us to !live. you the best lease possible. See the experts. Come in "> --today! Nabers You'll love our loungers Lounge through summer on our comfortable chairs and chaises. They're enough to make you reach for a cold drink and forget your cares They're dura~e as well as beautiful: constructed of lightweight metal tubing with non-tilt iegs and plasti c arm rests. Choose the vinyl Strap set-PVC straps in brown and yellow or green and lime (A&B). Or pi.ck the Premier Custom set -a luxurious weave of PVC tubing and copolymer straps that are tougt°' an.i.-:attra·ctive (C&D). Just add the refreshmer;ts you'll be ready for a summer of funl A. VINYL STRAP.CHAIR _...._,,.-n-c:ri:::-, Model =720. Reg. 15.99 11.88 . B. VINYL STRAP CHAISE Model =320. " Reg. 28.99 22.88 C. PREMIER CUSTOM CHAIR Model,::751 . Reg. 11.49 9.88 D. PREMIER CUSTOM CHAISE Model =35 1 Reg. 2~.-99 19.88 Beauty plus For smart choppers C i'c'11·1 1 tn" r 111•; r • t , [1c,r, t l<H<l"l lhl' 1v ! Better in the long run Covr>r rnorc· 1,1m1v.11111 75' ho~r Gr.I r·<'11 Olymo1c stain brings out the natural b<'.)1.1~ 11nd grain o f wo1•ll s1>1faces Plus Qi\ r1 ' las11nq oro1ec11on tis bPautiful l1msh r•, nuannlPf'd ;,a,11n<;t c1.ick1no necltnq .inr1 OliSl"• n1 Usr • on wool'! o·al•t> lvrn•IU•" 11.in1· 11111 <l•1C r~ r -1b1n1 I'. r.•vw"'"' bf•:irns '• 'r1C' «:;, ,1,..l.! !h'L"'~ c '''f'I" hl·''··· j If'' .\ •~, 1 -1'4l ;h • .:....n;:;:ri:::in: ·.y·on v1'"wi cu~J JU-!! ,' r I ,,,.. • r ,, , ••• ,., ,' r: 1111' I 11"< (rn"' 1T11rr111 f1n1~l1 ' <1•Jll'r rnvr>r r:-r r • r .. ~ "'*. •r ' ,,,. jorr! l.'""UPt·f"'*l! ~ OL YM111r s· •\ ·: 11l'1 CJ ... , 6.88 Reed takes the lead (l•'f· • I lti tll'>~I ll0rtl1 It 1~11 • ·I tl'nc·1110 ti1•c;"1 r '" 11 ,, ,. , , r11'.•vt• ":•r:.v 10 .,. ,:1111 , I • s ouot1 whrn ~ u •• ~ ,, , : r .• v• ·r>·11~'3·,.. ,..,. ir' l r t:ur \I c .,:or n/ l D 11 \'1 •· ., H< I 11 • 9.88 .. 7707 Garden Grove Blvd 537·9571 or 893·6523 Open Mon thru Fri 9 to 9 Sat & Sun 9 to .6 f\ IOC•I (Ou · ~ . :. • 1,' ..... , :l 1 • I: •11 It ,. £ .. , l t ' ir J ~e,,,1nrrr S q,_;,JfrJ.:""ir r 301 So State College 870·0050 l/odol =1 .i ". r::. 'WtN. 1 ,,.,.,,, ;.> 111•, • I I 15.88 1275 Bristo l 556·1500 Open Mon. thru Frr 9 to 9 Sat. & Sun . 9 to 6 Open Mon thru Frt Sat. & Sun. 9 to 6 ' .. ti,,.,,. I 1; "I =t '1S8-7S I A .'.'J ' ' r I/ 1 M D IJ I/OS[. •· 7.88 Care-free lawn care C.111•• 1rmr l.1wn lhl' wa•~r 11 nf'"d0 II • r•i• 1 v..1, P•1! 1n a cc.mo elc spr ""'"' · / •,.m w t"I '"'' PV1. P·nes ano f1111nq:; "' l')IJf Pl.,rroinr; d"P:JrlmMq. 11'5 c11sy tu do y<.11r~1•1I Our '·cl t" 1 r • n'c w1.I p -:n >OU• "I>''"~,., l.iycul lor y / <1'1CJ ;inswr· 11n1 q1.l'<;t 'Jn yn11 m~y rnvr 10' SCHfDULF A' f"VC Plf>( \~ Reg 49c 33c ~~-nrg G9c 44c ,. ~ , ' -' This sn:e ends May 25. ,; 'I I ,, t I , Open Memorial Day, May 31. 9 to 6. 9 to 9 6980 Cherry Ave 634·7111 Open 9 to 6 except Mon & Fri ~ to 9 Orange 324 West Katella 532·2506 Open 9 lo 6 every day • -IMKAME~ICAllD - .!.\ I 0 DAILY PILOT Stones f;.Uitarist~ Arrested N E W P 0 k 'I' P i\ G N ~ I. I. , Englund <AP J Police htt \'t' ,l>u..t d th l'y <irrc:.t ed Kl•1lh Ri c hurit . 33 ·H ·ar·o ld lc:all guitarist with Ute RtJl1111g Stone:. British ro<:k 'group. on ::.u:.pi1:1on or being in pos::.t•:.s ion of drugs. They stiid tla· a rrc:.t WL'<lnl'S· duy Ci.lmt· <afll'r Hkhurd':-. l'X· pensive Bentley cur \\a.s an volvl'd an a ..!!I inQLJ.!..i!lil) I1£i!f t hi~ town. i.ome 50 males north\\c~t of LOO· don. Police \\ h.o a r nvcll 011 t he :.trne took item:. from tht• c:.ir and arrcsied Richard. "ho ''a:-. llrllOJUred. bul he \\a:. l<itl'r re lt•a::.cd o u S!n 50 l.Htal . a spokesman s aid The ::.poki;:.man addl·d. ··Wt· will not know if then• will hl' an~ chargt•::. u1nil laborutury tc:.t:-. ha,·c been carried out :mu lh<' :.ubi.t :.incl' found in thl! cur 1tkn t1f1ed ." The Rollinl( Stone:. art> on ,, st'll·out tour of Britain ~d thl· ar l't'St l'Ullll' 011 the C\l' of •• fllJ.)llf L1>ndon ('Onccrt Introducing Ford's new Couria. : I ~ WESTERN ALLERGY ~-MEDICAL _CLINIC, INC. ~ · Announced the opening of a new off ice at Diet Pla11 ·-Tnv01iies Urine Use LOS A~GF.LES <AP 1 Two. 101.:aJ '' t.>1 gh t rt'ducin~ r huin:-; h ~l\c been ordcr l·d b " th•· Fedt•ral TrL1 d t• ·com mission to tel I l'Uslomcr:. that their tn·atmcnt in voln•:-. lhl· 1a::.e of thl· h v r Ill n 11 1.• 11 u m a n Chorionic t; on adot ropin. extracted from the unnl' of pregnant worn en. Best gas mtleaF .. ratings of any pickup in America. ~ 2720 S. Bristol St., Suite 116 . . Santa Ana. Calif. 92704 Specializing in a new treatment for all ALLERGIES including: ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, HIVES, etc. Without the use of any medications or skin testing. Call or write for additional information BRAKE RELINE 1 ~714 751-5930 ANY SIZE ~PLY POLYESTER CORO WHITEWALLS OR BLACKWALLS ~R 13 078 13 C78 14 078 14 A/8 15 El8 14 F78 14 G7R 14 <i/8 If, H78 14 l 78 15' 'Wh111•w.ill• onrv 4 for$ DISC BRAKE RELINE Heres Couner's new record· 36 mpg h1Qhway. 23 mpg city That s based on EPA mileage ratings with optional 5-speed transm ission Of course your mileage may vary depending on your iruck s cond1t1on. opllonal equipment. how and where you drive See the exciting new Couner for Caltlom111 with new features like optional S..Speed transmission and new sof1-ride package. FTC o ff1 c1al s :.aid while the dru~ has been approved for som e use:.. its safel\' and effecti\·e- ness a::. ~ weig ht-control meu:.ure had not yet been proH•d. 1 ~:~~~~"cfe:r ~~~~~~~~a~~; dual The FTC order was as· sued lo Simeon Manage· ment Corp: a nd Simeons Weight Clinics Founda· lion of Van Nuys and Medical Wc igh1. Loss, Inc .. of Los Angeles. Also named in tht• or- d e r were li a r ialrit' Medical Clinirs M;inage- ment Corp. of San l-'1 an· ('isco, and C.l\I . Norcal, Inc.. a nd HCG Wl'i~ht Clinic.s Foundation, both of StoC'k ton. f;.,!:{~ . FAMILY CELEBRATFB TOLDEO, Ohio <AP) -Four geoerations of a family held a surprise 7lst birthday party for Dorothy Hackstedde at a hamburger stan d where she had eaten every day for 15 years . acoent tape stnpes At your Ford Dealer's now Mrs . Marth a Boll · an ger, Mr s . H a 'ck· s t e d de's dau g ht e r . said her mother had her husband bring a ham- burger home when she was ill and una ble to go out. SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD COURIER DEALER TODAY SCULPTURED CHROME, AMBER GLASS AND VELVET, DESIGNED FOR DRAMATIC DINING. Tomorrow's look today in J new fi ve-piece dining set with unique six-leg polished chro ml' b.1 .. c d ~2" x (,0" loni.: i.:l.1 .. ., toppt•d tabll'. Dl'l'p-t u'hiont•d tufted ch.tir with ~orgt•ou<, cnlttrs to choose fro"1-fo r the velvet uphol~tcry fabric. Occor.llin~ ~c rvir<', d c·livery .md full fivl'·Yt'.lr warr.1nty .1t no cxtr.1 ro~t. M.1tr hing har 1,tool S_•1q_. __ _ ;_r -Install new bra~c hn•nnc; on .ill 4 wheels. choc" bral.t> ll111d .•d111st hra~··~. 1n~ntlct wheel cvtrrnk'rll nnd host>!'. Road test ln~1,111 new disc bral(e l".lCh both hont vvh•>els, choc~ brJlo.1• llutc'l. ad1u~1 brnko1s 1nspt•c1 10101, caliper and hos!'s. ro,1cl to". • Most Arner1can Cars COME HOME TO RB FURNlTURE Nnw charn<' it with th1• new~~ RB Furniture II ucdit c.ir<l ! ) .lheOROADWAY TIM[ '\i\D .-fRVIC[ CEr\. TER '-> Oiwn 8 A M lei 8 P M M ond.iy 1hic1uqh f-rtci.iv 8 AM 10 6 P 1\1 S 11111d,t\ Nnon 10 ~> P >u11d.1v ANAHEIM I SANTA ANA/TUSTIN I COSTA MESA I HUNTINGTON BEACH I LA HABRA 1612 W. Lincoln 1103 E 171h SI lHS N H3rbor Bl•d 19431 Beech Blvd. 1720 W Whittler 776·1231 543·8201 54S-8761 625-2873 H Hl716 COWVlllllllf U lllt n: .. s . SHOI', DAYS A Wtll(. WUllOAYS •O UNTll '. UTU~OAT •o UNTll '. $UHCA~ 11 )0 UN IJL '. •Mrll r"rc '"""'"c Copyriaht \ 197t:-RB •rit1+1\ttuu. Int. M'~ Arn .. 11c.,.,. "'Of""'-E•ch~"'I(• CO"TIP*"~ .. --• Thur'>t11iy 1,,,~< ... ·~----------=0:.:.A:.;..IL=.V_P...::.tLO!._Jl_! Clieck tl1e Wffdtff(• /lP Wo •t>ftult Orl•gon st•f'\'i1·t· ... 1 at ion ownt:r Hill Sl :1tt.· isn't 111 I lit• h.d>>I of s h1111ing <·ustonwrs. uwu.v. h11t \\ 111•1\ 11 b;ib\' <11wks \\ ud<lll·d in· to the lubt• r<H>tn , hl' cl(.•<·t<l l·d l11 mak<• a n <'Xtc·ption_ So1111 lht• rnolh1•r . ~1 mallurd . . t~k rht.1r.L'.l' ;ind kd thl'm lo more prol«•t \I\'(' ('I)\ ('I' Three More •' Saints N anted RO:\I f. \.\P 1 • ,\ Stolli ~h rrwrl\ r . a Ll'f)~11\L''-C prit·st and the Sp<1nt11h founder or a women ~ re li:.!ious ortl1·r \I 111 bc raised lei :.<1111th1111<l , lhl· Val1l'a11 iJOOOllTll'l'tf John ()g1 \l 11-. a .)\·.;lul \\ho \\a:-han).!cd 111 ltil5. 1\aS bt·:.itif11•d 11~ l'op1· 1'1u~ XJ 111 W:.!!J. (!\' 1:-. the unh offic1all~ n ·1·11g 1:i1.1•tf l"athulal' naart ~ r an· p11;.l ReCorm ati(111 Sr11l l:111d O,::ilv ic> W;j s burn in St·n1-J~111rl in 157!111111 s pt>nl :.!:.! years :-;tucf.1 tn!! in t-:11rnpc . '' ht·:·1• h<' wa.; 1·011 v1•rtt-cl to Catholicism trnd ON·~am<· iJ Jesuit pne:-1 In lfit:I he wa~ pcrm1llcd to return to S<'otland a~ ;1 mis · sionary. but ht· \I ;1-; soon arTL·sled , tort1irC'd i.and finally hanJ!l'd at<.: la:-t·m\ t'rn:·"' l·:!:H.hrr 'h;.u:lu!l-l\.l.tkm~loul. u -:\\1-1-rortth pnt>:t ---li·11(ifa\'t•d ''";a h··r·mrt 111 rh,· mn~1nt;111h 111 ht:-natt\«· l.d1a111111. ''a~ l11•:at tfi l'd 111 HJli~ 111· ~pc11l niw.t of hi,, youm.: ~·t·ars 111 ;1 mon;1-;11•,.~· ;and lat<•r withdf'1•\1 tu live• as ;i lwrniit for llw last :!II \t';u·s of his l1l'l' 111· ctied in 189R Heatrrz dt• S1h-;1 J\lamcs;1.; \\;rs tlw fourrdt•r of I he L order of tht• Most llofy <.'om•t·pl111n Shl• w~ls born rn Spanish Morm·i:o and dil.'<f an Spa111. Deaths Elsewhere C HI CO <A l'I F'urH•r al i-.erva ces are t11 bl• FridH) for (~curl(t' C. "Rust~"' ('arh•r, H~. d1• ,. e I op c r 11 f ~I ;i n d T ll an c h n t' a r (.' h 11· 11 Cart c r . t ,, I) s id C' n·d :1 BAL TZ·BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corun<1 • h•I Mn• ti; l-tl-1'.0 Coc:.t,1 M1•".1 b•l•i .·•l,1.1 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 11 0 O•o 1d,, 1·1 (,,.LI M .. · I h 1:> Cl I '>(I LAGUNA HILLS MORTUARY ;JS lO 1 1\ltc.1.1 P.11Kw.1v l.l<jl/11,I 11111, ( I !>81 ·lJUU McCORMICK MORTUARY I .l(ll Jl1 I u ... ,, Ii ~•d" .llf 1H l ijtl-.1' U\O .1q•, I 1 /n PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C:l'l11t IPI y l\11!1111 I' f t ·11.1p1 •I 'l'>(l()p,,. "" V•·; [It ' N• '"I" 111 t .till 1)1/ II.I t .. 1.1 .J,'(I() PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ~OME IHIH l111l , I 1\, w. 1111111 '"' 1'11" v,~ .. SMITHS' MORTUARY l ,, I: t\.1 l!f\ '-tf I lu11trn<itc111 f\, ·,K 11 ·~JI, t·, (q ··walkm~ <'1H'yclo1wd1a o f pnat•lit•a( f arming know-how," die d Tell's· da~ ~n a Ch1to hospit~1I H~PBURN ht1t-1r--11 L lft P-hUfiN , • .,(111 r 1 f! 1t1'd\ I' 1!1 h• I f1 ( 1 0 ii• If I ,\In M 1v , ' 1'1r~ 1f I',,, ,,11 I H11 ,1111111 I •• ,, r.,, 1• 1 .1 ·~11j •1 ""'. 11 1 '"" ••• ,,,, • "-'r'"l"TT *t~ft .-1,,-..-n,. .. t)f P.h,~ 'I"''""• '''Oil I "' 11.J'•\ll !11111• lj "H' h I' If 0 '" I f' • I I • ' I ' I ~ I ••H lt .. 1p«• p1J j;f 1tu •1t It.up ' M•. 111•11 h 1• \ W • ,f ''. lt•nl I H 11 I tlf•'I h. "1, ,., ,, 1•; 11 •• rul .,. , 1 .,~nit•• .11 l rlt• f -1 t• ti) ,, " I •IHI" II 1 I 'r '" 1 "'! ,\y. I t 1, 11111" '1 q,. Ill 1••11•11•111 <AJ. ,,,, •1 I•, ~ '"''' 11 I ,,., /If• llTI 11 I• I ,, \IU 10 f../l(HI, 11 l j+, I /ROYAL• I 41W/,C;.1p I l(lh \t t l•n" I 'I; ~I' 1f H ' f' ( I t 1h• 1f I 1111 'y\.;\ H j 1/1 1t I' H•• I lh I\". tl1111•j"I• I \~I t r "•l't ol 1'1 '' t .,I it '11 ''I 1,,, ''"' 111•,u M k 11 1I fll N•w J.1 , fl tfl,!•11h ' ''fl 11• ft I I .',' ti• I tt ti I' 'h1I "'I I fl Iv tt ''I 1'fllJI I !1+11(1,!/ I! '(I/\~ i/v•ll• "" \fujf 11 1 1!f ,f\,111 I 1 h·I I• /\.I'll t M.1tM '"' 111,11•tlh1"1 1<11111••11 M1 1t I tt 1/11 f I q ; t ••' • n'""' I • ',, \ I !1111 f_ t ¥1 fl\ •PI I ,q, ,Y,.1 I I'\ 1 111 "I· I • f JANOCI L !f<1H1 I l,,•,l \{Vll If, I 11111 A1;,, l I I l,11• 1t h.,1tt M11\ I 1-f h •II • \'• • f 't t :•: ,~,11 "'\,,\:';':,:;;::' ti0 :: : :•M t~\'!: l~f I I d lo " d I'+ W.1 l\111111 H tt tl~I It •••• "" 1 11 ~1· 1,,.,,,,,, I ••o n f I( •J I• II/\', j .1, f l t4 1! , ·nttl ·I ""·" I. f•d ,, f; 1lfl M 11 11 >•" ,,,•1t 1,f lttf' I 'hlll t ••• th 11 I ti "' Hi ' •l i ' •\1• Ou ' '•"" t .. n\ 1.t• I. t 1u• •.,WI'•"' II t1 t11 1 '• f ,\\,1 1 1H I 1 t *" w .\>\. '"' '' t 11 1 :;,:•• '~ ~ t 1 tf' f\.;i hJW1 , I I• '1 I 1 1 WI C..llflM~ I lqi\•' w 111•.,M·, .. 1<,•1 v· t 11+ ,,, it 1f!t M t, 1 II • f + >, \ f ti Uv t\ ! I ( I 11 i N 1 I'"' '' ' t" I 1 M• 11 111 I "' 1 1 f I ttt" 1f I' ,,.,hlotU>IJ,lh.t '' I ,,_,,, ' I .. , j M f't\• I V 1 >/I( I t1,1p1•t W;llt U1 'ti t\•11• I\, •• + I '\A' W •l!1 •••1 W I•' 'H"""'' l+t (l I •, ·'" I t +11 Wht!I f v,\•t <I #If• I'"'' I I I '"''I "" 111 I I• I Vu >N .M• .,,,, 1! P ut> •;,~I! J• lh I h ( ' ftth.llot,. !/I l/11 -----------~ '~ '! . " Jl wn 11~ ('11At1 H-.1 rrirrm11:> r;r~·; 0[ ~lf'~N Ir \\•I I • l.Olll '4h1\1~~ \'.Ah,,,111 IH'·· '4 I I\ litl I \ ll'l ll I *O t At\,\11• ,!\JN I j • I ; I~. It 't' 1 ,\Hl! l HI jo. • I'" AUCTllll FRIDAY NIGHT-SATURDAY NIGHT VIEWING 7 30·8 10 PM AUCTION S 30-10 !10 P.M SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOTEL-SAN PEDRO ROOM MONE'!' BAC'I< GllAl~AN !ff ON fill Mf RCHANDISE SOLO r.11 · "1' ,, ,,1 f'• 11 1 "l\"1Prt nr1r1rn GEM S BY WES Saddlehack Tour Heads South lS·d!Jj' studj tour pf Mcx1cc1 C'aty, O:ax;H·.1, Pul'blo an<I \' t'ra Cnu 11> bt•i n.: offere>d by S,1J tJlt>l>ac k Colfl'l.:L' thb sununcr, SJ>Oll!>-Ofl•d b) the sot•aal 11c1c111:c division fl E t 'Ol\1PLl::Tlm GRAl>l'ATE WORK in l\l uiC'o C'll~ and will scr\'l• as UH: tnp's adviser and i:wde. Louis !\1.cckus of Edut·:.it1otrnl F ield Schools Intern ational will. a'cC'ornpan) :.t udt•nts as tru\'cl «oordtn;1tor A SCHO<l f OR HUMAN ENLIGHTENMENT OPEN HOUSE Med1tat1on Relaxa tion Technique~ Movement & Dance Mantram Ttw t·~cu rs 1011 as schedulNI to depart J uly l!l and n•turn ,\u~ ll Tht• cost for the• trip is 5'175, °" h1d1 1nl'l udL'S air :anti grn11nd tnn l'I, lo<lgiug anti meal:.. The tnur t'OurSt' is cut al~tn•d as History 31, Mex· ic•an C1vlhz11t1011. l'l•rsons wis hing to partiC'ipate in the progrum cun rcgislt'r immediately, Milrhell s uid. MAY 22, 1976 ~TllDF:STS \VII.I. STl,OV Mt•xkan history . ficscn ·auons \\ill be rcr~ivc-d on a first.come, ·auAUTY INN Anaheim rrom rhC' prt' ('l>rlflUl'SI t•ra lhroug h modern day first served l><tSlh uy l"a)ling 831·9790 (\I" 495·4950, 2 '. 0 0 p, m, c 11lturc:-.. Archucul11~1c&I s atch hUch us the ruins of _jE~-~x~t -~~~,9~t~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; 'T'~otffi11?il':1n , ('holnltt. Mrmtto-Alboin ao.d Milfa will be ancludttd u1 the tuur·s •llnerary. ..... __ _ T ht• Stluly·lour, which is open to the public. wi ll in<'lude tour s of the Museum of AnlhropolOAY"-ana lll~lor',\ an \h·x H'o Cit.'" thl! Plazu oJ the Thrt'\' Cullllrt"-. I ta,• ~hn 11c <'If Cu~tlalupl', lhe Zoe a lo and I.he :'\ UlWJlal l~J:.t.4i.t . _ ··The eour:o.l' uffcrs fi\'c units of college ned1t with 1w prercquisitl's." '-lt't'ord111g lb i11::.tructor :\I d M1t<:hefl Aid Goes To Mesan~ ll:a\'ld Waitt• C•( \os l<a !\te;.a h.i... rt't'l'IVl·d tht· Awards Program. Gu1·nn Butterworth of 1 luntmgton Bt•a«h "ho, ;.dong 1\ 1th \\';a it1'. 1~ an Orang(' Coast l'o\ll•ge studPnt . was <swarrll•d S25tr for Ix-an~ a ~inal1sl $1.UUU l>l'l'lllHi 11111.1.• Ill this »1•ur ·~ B:c11 k of A mt· r I l' u C <c t 1 fl) rr1 i ~ Commun1t~· CJillegC' -UNIROYAL -UNIROYAL :rUBELESS TIRES These are lJni1oya1 tubelesa tlr•• tor all popu· lar c1us. l.l<:ludlng 11por1S, foreign and dome•· tic at lantaetlc pric"I Shop A ~omo•••l 7.35/14 (E78/14) 7.75/14 (F78/14) 8.25/14 (G78/1') 8.25/15 (G70/15) 2oss 21ss 2388 ., ..... , ,,,.,- UNIRINA~BIG CAR UNIROYAL UNIROYAL µ;• ,,,. ... , ......... , .. UNIRO~AL f,ASTRAK 1'01. \'S'rl·;H TllU·:S C-. f s t GO UNIROYAL! 010 pae S. • por S. For •II you small car ~-. •·' • d C owner~, we have quell· ~' .. ore•~n ars ly tires at low. low prices. s 2188 illt\j ~' 41.00/ 13 -J _ ...... ~i.l\) (A71/13) , 1=,'!ml=a ~ '":'•' ,, ~1 " ... -4 ... ~~. b••; . ··~"·'·· w :~ VAN TIRE llEADC}UJ\RTERS •·,.r ,du; youn_q •\_ol~ ... , •. ,.,. ""' rh••m h!I •h•• N•r lt•nd .. ! RV 6.70tt5 s24Hn 6.50/16 s2 7ms NEW CAMPER& TRUCK TIRES 7.00/t6 s2 9 88 7.50/16 s35su •8.75/16.S s4 4 HB 1.00115 s29un 6.70/15 s2488 u ct , .... f 1 '""' ... '•• • ~ ... , ,.,.. .. " .FASHIOR ISLAND ~ STOREI _· •EN TONIGHT BROADWAY, PENNEY'S OPEN 5 NITES : MON. THRU FRI. CoMe to the Gra•d·Ope11i,.. I ' SUPER' LOW ' I LOW PRICES! " ' Rotation • ~RE• lnelallatlon SUPER LOW LOW PRICES! -.UNIROYAL TIGER PAWS -· OYER 25,000 TIRES! UNIAOVAl • INST ALLA TfON & ROTATION ·Al&. mu WAllAMTllD _m111 Tial PURCHASE NEVER 2nds or BLEMS ALWAYS 'FIRSTS! UNIROYAl.I TIGER .. AW' lllllimt-Belted GlasN & STEEL RADIALS The I•-• Tiger Paw redMll built of the !)neat glaH 6 llffl bjttttl ... WHITEWALL Your Choice of Sizes Listed ... .... 78114 (195114) GR78/14 (205114) Ti11t•r 1•awM for th•t partlC'ul•r bu:"·•r! llt•nr ch.-"·lid Tl••r rnar of tlto•"-•nd l" vf ,;1Ul!Oiflf'd t'UllitPlllf'l'l!i. 1•..,.r;rm 88 5.60/15 6.00/13 (A78/13) ....... ,.,. ...... , .. -..... llNIROYAI. nREs-:.=-TIGER PAWS 1.00/12 C71/13 e.50/13 • 41.4S/14 • 1.00115 1.15116 • f71/14 F71/14 •C78/14 G711)S • H78/15 • 1215115) #OWO#E --l:OW l'llffi ... ~2488 •-.c.tm-,Awt 11.n"' n.n '"'· 1 ... , .. Famous Uniroyal! Not an unknown or an off bfandl Tak• ad .. ntage of this great tire & drive home wtth glass bolted performance. A78/13 22u;; 878/13 2 5 tJ;; C78/13 269 •0 078/ 14 2 8 ~-;; E78/14 2 9 s:; F78/t4 :i I ~-:t G78/14 078/15 H78/14 H78/!S l78/15 35!»:t UNBELIEVABLE PRICE! ::•SPORTS Ct\H TIRE \\'HITEWt\LL sr•:CIAL! Vw 1:on•:1f;:\'. ~ SPOHTS. .~ ("fUt1•A«'T (' \R ·n1n:s : E'conomy tires for economy cars. Where else do yoi. find gre•I prlcet lltce theae! Sense· t1onal! MUD&s8 SNOW TRIAD DESIGN Siil: S.60/14 n ..... ,,.. t tUt.._ -... , .. SJ.4'-0'1 S.1011 J ....... ,, .. TU8tl£SS ,, .......... . llt<•••· •• ctb? ', letter tires 5••• 9•1 a M•• '°"" t.•' perto,,n " 1 1 O\f (t•c''o"lc Cnolne Analy9il ,..,.. Ptuqt, Hf'• Po1nt'l & Cond.-nH'' or Aofof, (ff eQurpp,.dl A<lfutf flmtn9 I Cllt· ~e10t ·I \\'111·:1·:1, DIU.,1 .JOH or 2 ""llEJ:l , DIS(; JOH S11le' Be11u1) o d1!linc- t1on with h"Jh·p~rfo•· n111r1ct· raised while let- 1er l ires 111 !antasl•c prices' H .,Dl:\LS 145112 I ''"" ISS/12 I'•"" 1SS/13 22"" 155/14 22"" 11s1 t:i :! I 11" 165115 :? ti.1111 ·~· ••tll " •• ,, '' 1••• \leJ rN h-•-tee GO! GOI UNIROYAL -UNIROYAL -CONSUMER POLICY O\lr (',,, tom•r 1l•l1c • u te "'•t•r H r•r tow If ••• hQVf 0 tV,\110• COf'l(f:t"~fll. •rtdVC.h ., H f'91(,.\ rt1' 4'tHI to foti1, ~,. <ol ..,,- 01r-c•or ot (o,.'w"''' Af· t"'''' ~, ' ''•"1•" t11 )) 110 llll o• 1'1 1211. If .,,. t1'1owld '"" ••' of ''"'" th• ... ,.," thflt•" win., in Hif nt'1.yri"' f•w • 1olu d•h••'• ot •h• odort•t•4 ~u h eh•< 1...tkftf• tih. A70/13 ·'22"11 0 70/14 s2;j"" E70114 s2 7 "" F70/14 s28"" G70/14 "':10"11 Gl0/15 "':10"" H;0/15 s;J I 1111 llhH'I(" nll.; 155/13 2 7 1111 165/13 2 8 11" 175/13 :11"" 165/ 14 2 !t11n 175/14 32"8 165115 3 I '"' COSTA MESA 3005 HARBOR BLVD. !corner of laliC'f Clftd H.-bcM-1 ( 71 4, 557-8000 60 SERIES A60/13 "2;;"11 C60/15 "2 !t'"' E60/14 ":I 0"" ~~'.:~ ":Ut"" G60/ 14 "':J I 1111 G60ll5 "':I I 1111 L60/14 "':J !)1111 "hj tt•\\nlls AR78/ 13 :l I 1111 ·BR78/15 :1:1 11" ER70/14 :J 7 11" FR70/14 :JfC'111 GR70/14 110"" GR70/ 15 ,.j 0 1111 11Cl.UOU1 1•SU ll •fW t.iJt·O• Oil lflffll, "' TO I 0 n . OJ lo w f t u•u• ll&I( ~•I· \Ul fltClf( H l ru rt•a• ncot w"c"l 1011• 00 H UGG(Ol. MULTI Wf. Oil UHU , MCllf t llH Pl(U C Clill ro11 t • 1••n11r. •OT • 50 SERIES Tr•men6ou• •n orlmenl or s lHt lnciudlng •.. 850/13 050114 GS0/15 MS0/14 NS0/15 LS0/15 ,~, ...... ,. .. , ........ ., ...._... ...... .. "hite wnlls HR70/14 1121111 HR70/15 '1211H JR78/15 4 ;illlC LR78/15 1 lfjllll IUIHUS ••• i1.u It U .11> ,~,. h . h 1. • C•L PINTO • VEGA ~ CYL OA I !IUH, V.'lf. TOYOTA OPEL ' C'\'L MOST U.S. CARS I CVL MOSl U,S CA.RS "I !t1111 'r!U"' "2!)1111 ·. "':J·I "" 1:ront·l~nd AliJ!nmene Prop•• •"O"ment .,1u ••v,. ~our "''' It •• P·•Y '°' ••••" "'"'"' hmtt' ovftf'. Oon t f•· , . .,~ .. ::: ~ / £ ~ \ 9••utHy rour c•' wl1n d1HJnC'fi1ri1,. ,,.,...,. • k>cMl.1 I r > ' \.; ...... ., .. 1 p•k•" • .,, Coml>lttll •o C_oc .. ' ,. i \ \ \ = INDY TYPE SLOTIED WHHlS \ I { c~J~ •' 1 13.S.5 .10 .2-i!f:; 14d 1129:1 -. '-•>n:. •1711· "') · I / 13a7 ...•.. •JI -1Sa7.S . • . • .. \ / /P,. , •• e.1s . % U":; 1sx8.s 14 ,.i -----1411.s . :19"" ,s.10 .... ;;,ai•:t l..A HAIU 2000 Wlilttfw ll•ci ,(.,...~ •' ............ ,_, GARDEN GROVE 14040 lroolillint 11141171·2403 . BUENA PARK 6962 l i"col" ll•ci fcor•.., • .. U•c•_,te....,.1 17141126-5550 FULLERTON 1 l 2 I Souttl Euclid tt ••ec• f4• .. IU•fll'"* ,._..,,, 17141 170.0100 17141510·3200 ORANGE 410 Mortll T1nti<1 A"-~ 17141 639·4321 rao•T DISC BRAKf tUlllff "'2 7"" . _,,.,, . ,..., ... ~"-· SllO('liS lltOtT U I. CAllS .-4:!,~ ~IR SllOC'KS MOST US. CAAS "'I ~ff:. ,, . ., .. $54.H 2·WHEEL Disc' JOB INCLUDES: lhw ••4<. r'hUcf <•ti'""• i•Uf•fl ....... ,..,.. ...... , ..... ,.~.._ .... , ... ,,. Methi11f '•l•u. odd tr.r.tlf' fl•iif & A•# l,,9rlfWtH, . .., ..... , ... _ fr•t Diu: & leer ~-"' HA,llf JOI s7 4"~ , ... ,. HUNTINGTON BEACH 18455 leach lt•d. Cot Fi•• Pointst (7141141-1445 .-\ I 2 DA1L Y PtLO r Tr.u• OJy 1.1.:11 :o 1976 Sinatra; Columnist Keep Unea,sy Truce tud(l'nl U nit Ry HOB Tll0)1AS LOS A :'l-:Gf:LES (1\J') Tht• c.~ri11us rdallonsh11J llclln:cn fo'rank S1nut ra and lhl· µres:. is un()eri.rorcd O~t·c more with u new "t11ruutl1uri1.cd h_1o~r·aP.h)" hy ~ t•w \°lll'k c<Jlunmbt E<•rl \\ 11:.on Sinatra t:outinucs to revile u:. and :.uy :111 mu1111t•r of c\'il aguinM us. Yd we i.:11011\\1·iling about him. Why? Wl l..80S, WllO ~t;V[R lubl h1:. w1llc·cycll Ohio attitude in the big <:I· ty, oCfcr)) no r eal answe r i n "Sinatra" t:\l ac· m I I I a 11 • ~ !15>. Ht· lwnsl'lr foll \'i<.:l1m tu the Sinl ri:l :.curn. rct has authoritccl a J55·1J<igc book thut W1 bon c laims is "eminently fuir. ·· Ills reward from lhc Sllbjl'Cl of h1:. WIUOfC biography '' ,\ SJ-million l awsuit chargini; lhc buok allhoui.:h com plimentary b "false, fietionalizcll. bo,;ng and unintt·n·:-.ling.' · Sinatra is l'l'IJ•>rlt,dlr rnHI\\ ay lhruush an aut11bi11gr aphy appti r cntly uimt·d al eor n•t:I i11g the fabe legends. Wilson rl'flt·t·ts the pcrplcx1l) of those who hm l' tnt'd to l'hrunidc tht- :.il'lh·itic!:I of Sinatra O\'CI' lhc ~car:.. !-'or 25 .rc:.irs. Wlbon fell he had a r :tµ· p ort with Sinatra. thun found h im self barred from a Florida ol)cning. ",\FTt.:R T R\'ING TO be an honorubll.' ne wspaperman with a n :· pul:.ition for getting al o n g with bi g per sonalities. t o i.:et this slap in the face mudc me t•rumhlc sprirlual - ly." the t:olumnist writes. "The word l>arred is a dcj.!rad· ing on7 in m y busi· ness. ~fld it had ne\'cr been used against m e before... 1tNAT11A Wilson l'l'C:u\'cr t-d from the blow und went for fiH• years without talking tu or writing ;1buut 1''rank Sino.Jira. Then Ill' mellowed and l'rinted nice thing~ about thl· ~i11gc1":-. l!Jij Eurn1,c:.i11 lour Wilson \l'as in1·itecl to the Sinatra· John l>e111'l'r t•ont·crts in :'l-:c\·ada. and pt•aec was det'lan·d. But lhcn Wilson had the cffronl cry lo wnLe.. A.I biu gr·aphy. Is it "false ancl fidion:ili.~cd '"1 It \\t111ld takl• a h11!>.loail 11f l'h1la1h•lphia l:I\\ ~\.'I'~ l11 1ll'tllll• for "11rc. B11l \\'1!:-.011 1 .... ;i :.!01111 l'l•p11rt1·r :ind flm·...,11·1 app1•:-ir Ill ~ti h••)1>111.l lhl' l:tt•I:-, ;1:-ht• l,1111\1 :-. IT'S ALL T llE RI::: the ri.!><.' and foll of lhl' bobbyi.ox idol, the t·omelJutk with "From Herc.• to Etcrnitv": tht• m ;irrlagt's and dh·orct•" witn ':\'.:11wy. 1\\'J and :\li<r. all of whom 11·main f1frndly : tht• mct1culu11s ;1rli:-.t n· of his music;il t·•trn·r. thl· "On ... tal-.1· Ch:irlil"' .-,chll11'f·olf as :.111 Ul'lOI" tht· petty fl·uds :ind lhl· !-tllll-:-~ al'I!>. 11f bcncfi ct·m·e Wilson tel ls lht• l'\'t-nls with little analy:.b. u~ dues ufkr :.m cxplannl11111 for the ::.plit '' ith :\\'a Gardn1·1'. :.' lcakl'd by lll'r p::.yl'111atrb t:. · "Frank wa:. gutlty of tr~ 1n~ tn Ill' a c;l\'cm an, ucconliul! lo ont> t•\JH·rt who intcr\'iewt•d ,\\'a·:s p~ydll' 111~ ::.trutting a111l ))l'.tcocking l1ad ,.,.,.tJtocl whute\'cr s m i> It ::.d f -cunfiuclltl' slw h:ul ldl. ,\\'a hull l>t:l'n k.-.1111~ lwr ' ::.tn:ngth ''ilh l'ran~1 ..... \llJl'rt S111atr:t 'j ust tu nwke sure Shl' h:ul '"Ill". I k hadn't re:-.ponued the wa) :.hl· fell he ::.hould, so ,\ \ ,J fell wcakc1· in:-lcad of stronger." W I LS 0 S · 0 8 S E R \' I·: S T H AT Sinl.ltru doc·::. not like thl· pe<il'l'l°ul hut prefer:. 111 be "a wurr ior . <Ill u11hap1" wurrior . •· lit.' adds ' '"fhe conflicts make him :1 h1g;.:er box-offke attraetion thun :ill llw hap- py singt>rs Sinatra kllO\\::, c"attl.' what he is doini; lly p1 hl1•:.t1ng 1hal his pri \':il'.\' is heing im·adl'<I. h1• l!l'b free ad\'erlisini.: for hi,; l't:l·c11t nl'1t il'' and h1~ b11ol.ing~ "In lh:.tl sense he has made dup!·~ ol' the press for 3U l o 10 years The prt's:. gives him a free space to blast lht• press It has found no way tu refuse him space for hi:. outbursts blc'cause he is colorful and contrivcrsial. uncl a stor y· ahoul him ma) be the m ost in· tcrcsting thing in the paper ... T oro Dane~ Sadtllch:.u:k Colle~c ,., ill !>.lag1• its sei:<mll annu;:il d:.tnte produc- t ion l oni:,:ht :rnd Frnl;1y al 8 pm 111 lhl· 1-:1 Toro lh~h School ' gy mnasium. The procl11 r l 111n is t•ntitl1·d 'llcll11 .\1111·ril'~1 t\nyth111 L: c;oci;" T irkds 1' ill l1l' ~1\'ail;1lil1· :11 the door at ~·I for ;1clult :-. :11111 50 ('l'llk;·fur 1'11 !11 I n·n :\1art111 l't·tl'f' 1-;r;u1111 111 ~C\\ !JUI t Jk;1d1 h,i' liel 11 t'll'l'll•d 1)11 ~l<ll111 nl 1111· Student l for ,,,~ull,1111111 J t \\ e s t l' I' II S I .1 I l' cm. l 'nl \t•r ,1t 1 111 l.:1 \1 111 (Jr .111g,• l 1ill111\ Im l hl' 1Jj1, 7·, 'l'ht111l \ l ,ll' 'tw~l'll \ l\'1• 11r•·,1cl1•ut ,111d J.11111•, ;\J.1,011 ol l '11,I ;1 ;\lt"·"1 \I ,I!-l'll'l'l t•tf lit lhl' I \t't'llfl\ I 1>11,11.I l1f th1• :-.1\ldl'llt ).!l'IHlll ~l.111 1-\1 11111·11' 11f :-..111 .lli,111 C'.q11,t1.1nu \\.1 ~ n ·eNf t•lif f Sl1•1eN ·s.for feet LEISURE SUITS On<J. Val~s To Sll.'9 PRINTED ~) T-SHIRTS WT ~ ..,.; ._ & _. ,.._.,., On~ ( . ....... ,,. $499 ' ~-~ PRE·WASHED DENIM JEANS Ori<J. v..-, to S28.00 $699 QUEENIE By Phil lnterla ndi Nobody ever got 'a ticket on the bus -i= .• •"""<1.. \ !,.. .. 7.·.J f~ .. ~ ~ ~ / l -.. /,...-.... ~ · fh.111k~ t11r tilt' r:rn.•• Fur nn1·t• m) l:ikt"honlt' p:1~ \\ tll ~llf'\ l\'1• II' rip Colle~e S.ets Day Of Bicentennial Sa111fl1·hark l'11lll'l.!t' will rn:irk tht· 11.1tin11'.., h11•1•ntt•11111al \l'llh -.ill .\uwnl':lll 1-'1·...,tl\ :ii 1\•l1•l11"1 111111 ~1111!1:1~ al I :! :1op 111 flr1:111 Pon11t.(hll1'. lh1-• l'l1lh:!!t' lilt't'111t•nn1.d dll'l'l' 1111', :-:ml tl11· .t111 •r1111011 ha' "•'l'll tl1·...,11.:1wtl tu n •tlt-11 .11·01111t r~ l;1i1• :ii 11111 ... ph.·r·· "\\ fo: II.\ \'t: \.TTl·iil ll'Tl':ll TO 11r11' 11tt• .1 1l;t~ nr a1'\l\'ilil'S for t1\ l'I'\' 1111'11\h•·t 11( 1111• (,10111~ ." lw ...,;1i<l '\\'l• \\ anl ra1,11l11·-: 111 ;itlt•111l lut.:t'lht•r .md lwlt1•\ ,. ll 1..; an 1·.,.1·t•ll1•11I pr11,.:r,1m lu :itl1•111I ,1rt1·r 1·h11r1·h "\\' l' h ,I\ 1· p l.1~ l'tl 1lci\\ n llw t'I\ 111 m I 'IT i a I ,1..; 1 •1 •1·t' t1f lht" hll'\'lll t'IHll,11 . t•htW"llll! llbt(•;ul Ill t•t•it'hrlltP \nwnt·:1·, l11rthtl:1y 111 tr:11l1t11111al .\nwnt·an ~I~ It• .. ,\ rl l:-b and ;1rl •'al" t rom l..1g11no1 llt-.11·h and lhl· ;\li~l>Hll\ \'1'l'IO l'Uflq.:1• \\Ill wt 1111 huothl> 111 lht• q11.11I area of 1h1• l11wl'r t'a 111p11:. t11 ... ,.11 <1111l dbptar h:in11<'r;if11·<l 1t1·m ..... 'f'ht· M:ht•ol'!>. honw t·1•111l(lm1r~ f'l'llgl':1111 \\Ill d o:n11111~t r:1l1• \\11.11 lllJ.!. q11ill111:.: .111d 1·001-. 111.: DO~OG lfl 't: Al ~"'iO sonm Tll.\T th(• l'Ollt'l!I' :irt j:!allc•ry \\Ill ht• tll}\'ll. r1•:iluring th1· annual ,., h1hit111n h\' ;1r t sl 111h•nl!-> ;\lusi~al ;11.'ll\'llH'!>. rl11n111!. tlw <la,· will inthuk p<.'rfurmances hy lhl' -t'ollt•-f!e .J.1u t:n~l'mhle .inti C'on<'l.'l't Chor all• pl\I~ lhl' S~ IH't1p11t1•rs !>Cninl' hand, folk :ind harlwr~ht•p 111wr\l:t :-.int.:m l! :ind -.trolling m msl rl'I~ The al'll\'llil'l'> \\ill l'On1·l11d \.· \\Ith :i ... ofo rwrt11rm:1m'l' ";\lark Twain :\l irrnr of ,\nwn1•:1'' liy '.\111.l· Soll:.11./t\ in Builclinl! H al ;, p.m. Two Hon or~d at USC l\,1ren .111 l'art"r .. r nam(•<I l1l lhl• l ·:-;c· lh111t11H:lnn llt-.11'11 and l'hapkr of l'hi Hl·la K at) ~lwn 11• ~1r:n1~fol!el or II a. l h c n at 1 on ;1 l 1.,1g lllw ttilb h:iH· IJl.'cn at'atll.'mw honor sorll't~'. 1 ' / ; { r You'r<.' ,1 l.m· ahidill!l dlitl.'n. rinht. Accordin~ co ;i Stanford llni\·(·r~ity study you onl y hn.'<11< the lilw in two WClV<;. \Vh<'n vm1 do your tilx rt:'turn .• ind ('\"<'~· time ~<Ht !}l't b••hind tlll' wht•t•I of your car. And whill' u:1..•'rt> not ~lt!J· gesting tha t you c;;fop dri\'ing altog~ther. w t> haw a plan. A plan thett wi ll dras ticnlly reduce the tim<' you have 10 spend tw- hi nd the wheel. A plan tha t will For m o re informa tio n call 547-3311. 6 AM to 10 PM weekdays and 8 AM t o 5 PM o n weeke nds. rum your commulin~ liml' into r1:1lnxing leic.un• lilll''· and ~nve vou a lot of mon('v "" "'-·l'l I. h1-.1<.>ad of drivin!! to ~·or:k,.co mmu te with th<' Ornn~te County Triln ... it Di.,tric1. And tomorrow. worry ahout your f<t '<<'<; in- '\t<?ild o f worrying about cor>~- Follow the California Angel5 Hot lin e o n l<MPC (710) ra cfio s 1H>n sored b y .OCTD. Ride the bus and see what you've been missing. • Meet Max BinSWANger • • • .. <: INSIDE THE CAMPAIGN ly Mox liMw-,w It you vo been watchrng the National oollt1ca1 c;cen e you have undoubtedly noticed scores o f candidates dropping out ol th1::: race and that race and throwing the ir support to other candidates. Well . . now we fePt iu::.t like the big time. One o f our opponents (Gercild 01ck1e) has dropped out ol the race tor County Supervisor of the Fifth Drstnc l and thrown his supporl to us. W e are kind of excited about 1t all. Gerry asked ii he could write an advertisem ent to give you h is reasons for coming over 10 our side. so with your permission . I II le t him pinch hit for tne in Che column this week I 0 LIKE TO HAVE A N ICE COUNTY )t{af A New Choice for Orange County lyG~Did1I• What makes a p erson suddenly d ecide to run for otl1ce? Why would one suc h as t. happily married. a busy father . and h aving bee n r eason ably s uc cess f ~I 1n the engineering field , d ecide to jump so 1ar afield? When one contemplates my sl atus fo r financing a campaign, that decision to run becom es even m ore mystifying. The _answer real:y isn 't that difficult. You see. I'm a resident of the southern portion of Orange County and. quite frankly as far as county representation goes. we could be living In New York Crty. The m;:in who is supposed to represent m f' is an indlVlduat named Thomas Riley. and I'm not sur~ JUSI what he does. I can tell you some o f the things he doesn't do. He r arely v1s1ts rny pcirt of the county (except recently in his elect1oneer1ng activities). He 1s well insulated lrom h is constituency by his staff. He 1s extremely indecisive w hen a problem anses concerning land use or much needed arterial h ighways. As a matter of fact, he 1s not very decisive on any subject. I feel s lrong ly that we need someom?-on the: Board of Supervisors who will stand up and 119111 rather than acqurese to the much more comlorlable practice of going along with the ma1or1ty Tom Riiey rarely goes on record to r w ha t he stands. H is nam e 1s frequently asso c1C1ted with such items as req:.iested furlher study. "delayed ;ict1on for another two weeks", and "I must n ot have been paying M te ntion .. In my view . lhn c1tmmn of South Orange County deserve somcth1nq better 3nd thal 's why I madP my abortive r11n W hy did I quit? There w erf' two rc;.Json·, -no money. and thr f;ic\. that a ~ thr• ccimpargn wore on •t hei:amr. apparent to mt! lh:it w1? had a man runninri who 1 L:ftec1ed my view s and would represent the good people from the Fifth Superv1som1 1 D1o;lr1ct 1n Orange County as we want and n eed to be W alter Max Binswanger m eets every &' 1 thrit I lcC:I 1c, esscn11at 1n filling the olt1ce of County SupP.rv1gor. Each encoun er w11h Max after our 1nil1?.I rnectifig ear ly in the C;1mp;:119n . lurth<'r convinced me t h<1t we. rn 0 r ;i n q <' C o t• n t y n c e d h 1 m . H 1 s s tr.:t1()httorwiHd bu-;1 nesc:; like approJch .1tlow .... him 10 q l11ckly identify problems and wr 1qh tt1P ret;111vc men!<; of the !'Olut1ons. He 1 ;i d0c1c,ron·rnakcr who w11t1ngly st;11t.:s and ~t;'lndc; riy h1•, v 11•w ·.; M<ix 8 1n .wanqf·r hac, the COIJI aqt. t 0 I ;'IC(t I he: 1<,•,U(!" .1nrl ilCCl'pt I he rcc.ronc;1hil1ty for h 10., :ir11on· Mrix ha" convinr:r·ti n11~. lhrouqh our d ,..;cuo; .. 10n •, th.ii 111' hd'-. .1n ·~xr"lfPnl -~ct of v;il11P· wh1r l 1 w1 l' "n:ihl1~ him In h1~lp sp<'ed ll!) llH• QOV"rnm, n t.tl f>l()C:I"><,', ;1nfi. i'lt 111C <..amr' t1m1• ft'rfur•· 11" C0'.1 H1' (foes not CriJOY 1t1P •.upporl .ol ~-inv !>l)C;C.1<.11 1ntcrc!>L.Qroup and vnll tir ahlr• .11 ;111 I 1mr•::; 10 hon c::.tly rr•prr•-.1•nl 1111· 111·w nl 111 .. ·p.•0111" o f hie; c11c;tr1 r;1 I who_t ••lwart"'"V ~,11ppor1 M ox B1n ·:wt1 nqr•1 .mo r1•r.omn11?n<I you mark your ... am pf P h:illnt t orlnv "" M.1 >< ,,,,, .. , 10 ""Y -Lui s hriv~ a nice County . ' f ,irt-111011 for fl Day f';1m·0r pali«rit .Jon H:lldwin. 11 . \11 a hC'1m. /.!l'I S n •:11h to 1 oil 111 Oranl.!l' <'ounl\ .\ll'porl c r<i:-.h lruC'k . .1011 ~nt h1-.. \.\ish l(i h\· :1 fin·m:111 la~t \\'<.•ekc:nd ,,·hc..·n h1 ~1 pJI. c·ounl \ frn•lr~h'<'I' 'Jeri') .\dkin~ <h.Jd; .., <'at. I <' fl > l'-.. l" or It· cl h 1 m n n l o u r of l at1ht1 e:. at Orangl· Count.' 's ,\iq>urt F1rt· Sl:.ition .J oining .Inn fur hi.., ridt• Ill rh1 · <:ras h t rnck \H'l'l' his hrolhl•r . .Jot'I. 1:l :rnd the.• drl\ er. E n g 1nl'l'I' H ~tlph 'urnpton 8 Co1np e te For Att'ard Eight Or:1nl!l' Coa..,t h1~h school :-.t11ch-nt~ 111 l3,111k of ,\ ll\1·1'11-.1 ' ;!'Ith anuu,tl Ath11·\1:"1Hl'nt Awards will <;u111pete for a top pri1t• of $1.000 ~lay '.!6 al lh1• D1~neyl~1nd llot .... 1. Th t''" ;1 r '-' K I! n n l' I h St'ht'nk 01 II unt lrl!,!lo n Bc:ich nnd David Snuth of Ne" port l:h! jc h. M artl)n M cCoy of H unt1.ni.:tun .Beach and ('hn::.lophL•r P aimer of !\c\\ port Beach L a u r c n M a v l' r u r I n · i n e n n d 'r'h o m a s Pecoraro of Costa Mt•:-:.i S l C'\'t'll M o r1hiro of Costa !\l t.'Sa and Douf I .. Smetana of lluntingtun Rcat·h. Picnic S late d The annual State of 1\luinc picnic will be hc·ld from 9 .1 m . to i p m. Sundj\ at ll art J\l l' mo r ,· ::i I I' :l r I,, 1 n Oran._:c. For detail s. call 838 8771. • FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH: WALLPAPER DECOR INTERIORS 50°/o OFF RED TAG SALE Complete Mtection of wollpap~r, •aperiH. cClt'pe't. flo~rin9, upholstery. fwftiture1 liqhtinq and occessories. \ i"'' Our '\..u-DP•lgn .titf udlu lll92 MARGUHITI ,ICWY., MISSION VIEJO IS• D69.-~to A•wy ,._.._, .. ti~ .f Tey .. e D.-WI 495-0202 Monday thrv Saturday 830-0400 -------·~--------------- Desal~er Support Sought By KATll \' C:LA:--;t;y Qt the 0.Jdy P•tOt St1H Offic:i:.if..; llt f"ou11t a111 \'allC'v·s Watt•r F :tl'lot \ 2 I t) t ' I I 1• \ t' I h (• I r mothb11ll1•d SlfJ nullron ~C'awutc·r dl•-..iltl·r 1·11uld bctOml' a p r11 t11l ,\'Jlt' for 111arkt•l111 i.: tn oiJ.rr1·h . "atcr-poor :\rah nalw ns <ind o lh t•r <'ou111111·:- around llw '' orld Orange Counlv Water D1stnl't. l'<'Jmrt~·dly 1\ ill ~II lu \\ .1 ... ht1t).!lllll, IJ l" tll'Xt Wt•cl.. t\1 II\ t11 ("1111 1 >nre fl•der:tl olltl"tllh that lhl' plant \la-. npl·rat1ni: ~uc·t·l's~ruth ;u1d l'X pen 111 l·nlat1on !>hould prun•td fhe f:lt·tlit v t•o..,t S1i m1lhon 111 fed~r::il ~incl 5-t mtlhun 111 lot"al fund:-. F\·(it-ral o fr1 r 1als h;1 cl pledged to l'onlrnuc t•:< 1H.·rimt•11l1n g ''1th the thrce-r1111l1u11 ·µall1J11 a · d:tv fol'iltl~ for al ll·a-.t h1 u ~car:. )lL'r·day c apac:ity would h.1ve m:tdl• 1l p1ad1eal for u::.l' throuchout lh1-. t·ountn a nd 111 .,tlwr 11.1 lwns, Eber S•trd FEOEHAL o f f 1 Cittl~ C'lll o ff lhl' lll'C'dC'd .11111u.tl s:1 m1lhon :titer t1 1·c1drnt.! 111o;t\',1ct to 111\'l'~I 111 thl·orl'l 1l'JI rt.• "l'lirth The f ~1t·1l1t v \\~I s Op<'rattng a:-. \\di. or ut•l tl•r thnn l'l<!Jl'l"lecJ. anti :\lid ~astl'rn natwn~ ;.irl" inter ested in tht' dt•salt· 111g process. Eber ~aHI. private cumpanici-, ratht•r than the 1~m·l·l"ll nwnl. 'h1111ld I 11w111·1· ,., _ pt-r11t1l'Illal11rn . ll\· :-.aid d r:-t ntl ul I 1c1,1ls bl'IH•\ t'. ho\\ t>\ t·r. that L".S \\ all'f nL'l'll"' \\di 111<·n·a:-.e in coming 't·ar ~. and that r e::.1';.ir1"11 ~houl<l bt> I i11nnc·ecf 1101\ b~ 1hc~o,c1nnH•nl :-.otlw t ounl r.' I\ IJll l lw <'.llli.!hl :-.hort of n·~v:.11 d1 111 :1 l1nw of need If federal funds arl·n·t forthc.:ommg, Ebl·r 5;.11,1. till' dt•s;ill1·r nmlcl he· .. olcl to a pn vat r: llrm for co11 ltnucd \.'XIJCrtmcntatiun a dy s uppl y 1n lh e :\lideast . \\'hill-th(• lar1lttv \la:- :. LI lT l's:-. I u I <I u rt 11° g It:; ~·1~hl month:-.. he :-.;1111. a dditional rt•scarth 1s 11l'l'dl:'d lo set· if ~1:awatl'r "111 corro<l c tlw l'(IU1p.' rnl'nt :11111 t'r<'ate pro· bll·rns in C'orn in f,!~ car~ Clint . .i gcoloi.:1:-.l, s l' \' e r :i I ~ t' a r s u J! u workl•tl .rs :1 t·onsull:rnt t o I r a 11 • E I.st· r .... a ul . bl't'au:-.e 11r h.J:-. ex J)l·rt 1se 111 gcolog~. Ill· ass1:-.lcd thl• count n in problt•ms of conlam;nat1011 of 1111· 1 in the THE BOO~ '.\I AN Reviews DAILY PILOT S po k t•:-.111 an <;11rd1111 Ell>er s<11d toe.ti (lfl1t·1ab hope lo pc•r :.uaue tlrl· L'S. Dl•partment of l11t• lntcnor to l·1111ti11u1• a t wn· t o fl\·c· yr:1r t'" pcr11nt•ntal 11pl·ral1or1 .it the pilot ch·-..;ilt1·1·. \\hH·h \\as ::.hut down 111 1\l a rl'h after eight month:-of uperat1on In 1b l'>.pcrim~·ntal s t.1 gc. l~ber :-.aid. th\' pl:.int rlot':. nol operat<' 1•f. f1 c1t•ntly But l'>.is tinJ.! pl.ms to l''panrl it latt•r to ..1 15 mil11un-gallon- Biser SlllJ tf th1· Foun t a in· V a 11 t• .\ p r o l' 1•.., :-. "or ks out O\ t•r th<• fll'X 1 ft•\\' \"t'iJfS, ;J<; ht' th111k:; 1t \\ill: si milar plants could he manufactured b v US. c·ompaniCS for both ('X port and US\' at homl• d <' fl{ r o u 11 d '' a t l' r I> .v 1 .;e;rn att•r and 1n dnlhn~ for wells. ht' said. I U-: S1\ IO A ~OTll Elt .-------·iiiiliiiiliiiiliiilliiliiiim-iiiiliiililiiiimi-._ ... liiiliiiiltllliliiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii-iilli._ ___ ... rt':JMlll Arau c:o11ntrH·s N E I t (' I. I ~ I-,. m a n a s.: ,. r u f 1 Ir " Backyard Forum Scheduled Friday th· O.C'. lll'STISGS ~ • 01OW0-ttl'r P1l~I St.att '-Dinah Pischb:.ich of l n ·rm· (:xpects about :100 n!'1J!hhor~ at hl'r Tur11t' Ho<:k d tl!S !-'riclay n1 rzht \\hl•n tlw In 11w 11 S ('om11111f .. f• 11tw 111111.tls ... t.11111 for lliparl 1sa n Sona I 1 hold.; lh 1:;1th1·rr11i.: 111 pn man <".11HI 111 :1 ll-" T·hl• 1· a nil 1d a I 1'' • 1111 11 m 1:-. M·h<·riull·cl to J!l'l 11 nch·r \\ :ty lw t \\ t•1•n 7 :111 p 111 ~11ld H :Jo p 111 fn lht• F1srhli.1eh h.1dn ;1rtl. 1~:181 S tl·rra ln1·1 ~IH• h.1-.. in' tlt•d <.:.tndtd.Jtt·:-. in lh<· Fifth S 11p1·n '"'"r1 ;1 I. i Ith ,\ .... -..1·n1 hf \ and 10th !"ongn·~ . ..,11•11.d 1>.-,11 WI' rh1· puhhc: 1-. 111\ rlt•d , 1<111 1-:adr 1•,1111h1l ,1lt>-~11J l,.1 j.!1\(0/l I!ll.: m11u.1tc Lu au drl·~s tho:-.t· pn·,1·111 1)11 :1 lnp11· ol h1' or h1•r 1"11111n• Then tlw p.1rl\ .,, rll -.plat Im llw ho11..,1· '' ht·n· 1h11·1· ,..,.,u1· r1111111 .., '' rll 111• ..,,., up, "1th .1 n111dt'ralor 111 '"11·h roorn Thi· t•ant1 1dal•'' 1\111 rol.111· thro11l!h lht• l h l"l'I" room-. 'tnpplll" ln11 l! Pthl\tl.!h t11 f11 ,1·11-..., th1· 1:- '"''' r.rt" d 111 I" npl1• 111 .1tll•11d.1n1·1· 1\nt! tlwn • r• •• rl11;"' tlw 1·h;i111·1· \011 l'all <'11rt11•r .1 (.1nd1d,111· 111 l\\•1 loll\\•···11 11111111 01 111 1h1· lt.tl"k\ HI d ~·or d111·1·I 1111i-111 lh1· frM hlt.11·h r1•.,.cl1·111·l'. l·:1ll -; ;11 f\ \ :! I. or ~!"1:! ii II could be a market for tht• de s alLcr is that 11 operates with n a tural gas. ;in t·x µt•ns1 ' C' <:om S o rn C' b c I 1 1• ,. l' modrty hC'rC'.-hut in r C' Jewels by 1osephs is searching 'for diamonds and gemstones from onvate 11111111ouals and es1a1es Careful examination and ovalual1on by our e)(perts. H1ghes1 prices pa1Cl Call b40-9066 1()..9 dauy. Saturd<iy 10-6. Sunday closed. aslo. lor Mr Joseph iewels by ioseph '•••• f ••·• ,.,,.,,. • j ,1:u ltrutol. f fntn "-" • ;; f0·1tftN~ £" ,i.,,.. l)lllcrs lo n L<J11 wr Avf'. It i' n 1t tt t-1.-'' h l.J\ 02&4; 'I , .. r·r-n f fnrr1 l n, .... ,., n Intl,-('~. I' .ff• t '" 1 I • '' '' ll•v 1 . l • n 1 (ll' •! h C A C•Of\07 '·· I l ., I .. ltiJ. SI 22 HOW 597* ... ,,, 11 I\,', 1) _. SPECIAL ,. VALUES The Stereo Hutch ·TEAE Reg. s157 Now s 132* B ('au I,, v I I y I, n t: ti t d ;)· ... d' c"n~1rucl1 .,, Ir n '""' l ,,,,,£> II ,. COffiPdCf ~4 l110h 11n11 v.111 11111 J your HCCrlVl H TUHNTAl3L[ 8 TIMCK l.A'>~>ETT C /\NI·) A CO\IPACT TV nr c m u• ,\ w1·1I" 80 8·1t(lr l.. Cdrlr1UQ•» .}I llVf'' IPO C<tS"l!-ltf C.Htrariclt"' •n "'' '~raw••r and ov~r 200 l f' ~ c' , i• THE U.R AND EYE GG FWY WESTMINSTER °' ; •-t4302 BEACH s.o. ri ~n~.o;· 1.,J, ., ,., ... , ""V·• 1~r~t? custom stereo furniture ·Delnhi 1001( SHU,-SPUJCHS The<;e moder111e·s1 ... R speal\ers will grve vou tons of CLF.AN BIG sound and whon pfay('lj al low lt'"'vAli. a·c-bt' 111 '1loJl1> ClLAR and ACCUf<,\TE SPECS 25 • 14·, > 10', fl - 3lH.1 10 201-.l i: • 5df3 -t> In 125 wall~ V1/Jtt l>lllP·~rlorm N'l~N~ c os11n9 ovE>r 1.n.c.G 1n~1r nric.<, C1on t tnlo.P nu• worrt 11•1 11 t•1111q 111 11our bc>:::t rPcor•i or y'•u1 own '<SNJ31o.<'r~ ,,, 1lmoar@' <1no ll·I V("'' own ear~. be thei 1lioge: An erlrCIOrdinary ~alue _at crii.ly s 14450 ,. '' • ,•,t , • 1 ..... A\}A 1 If It floats, chances are -------, you'll read a out I< S'I " II!', I • . I B• ,.,. I f> ''" CA 9Uh.,U d c rr , n C/\ ~~ ·-----~----'" : l' lmµo ".11toh( L.1 H.11.Jr.1 i....A 1Ju1,,il • I Ir . ,, I ' t I j • I [ /\ rr r '0 . • ,. in the DAILY PILOT • .. • t,... ., t • n' '' · ~'lJ --!J '----, _ UNITY MINISTERS AND TEACHERS CONFERENCE OF SO. CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA. NEVADA & HAWAII • Presenl~ A LAYMAN'S RETREAT ''UNITY INTENSIVE FOR LIFE MOTIVATION" OR. ~UE SIKKING Minhltr. Unily 8y Tht Seo. Sonlo Monico Aodio ICIEV U V l'MlllP NICOLA Pr~11dt11I • !>O..l ,w~\t 4 HltC of U11ity Chni<llo May 23-24-25, 1976 MARRIOTT HOTEL. • NEWPORT BEACH FEATURED SPEAKERS REV. ROIUT STEVENS M1nisl.,-. Cllrhl Unity CIMIN:h Son Dir90 • Oally ltadi~XEMO-KLRO Al H11-. 11.,m l" rrltt' ll .. ,..,... or In• grp 11 "'" I 1n'1 W<"f'"'" ol II'\" U•11lv 1riov1'"1l'"' writ br p;11l•C•p.il n'l 111 1 llHl"P ct.:iv c;('m1na1 ol ll•'W tl\01Johlc; frf'"h ,ippro.-1rti1>.., and or1nc101e 1echn1Ques to ne•o you mo11v.11c YOU1S"1I t'ld vour world ontn a n1>w d1mens1on ot hv1nQ lnro•1•1n < t111s1ruc t1ve mot1vet1onl. Thm11qh mottv;i·1•ir1 rr 111 "'ilChfl'~ '1yna'Tl •C mom""'" •I cnthu• 1 1.,m on ,~comril 1 m('nf ac; taughl '" t n ly c; D t•lt Word ".' lQa11n,., Or 11• 11nq Sunrlay Pvr·n•"1q May :' lt':l ttm1 fir' 11yiil t ·.i, ~C..1f)<1"\;:vvJf ._,rn(i<' 'l ..,,.~, I' l ' '~·· CH1()l1 , ;-~ ., •• CALL WEEKDAYS· 10 lo l · 6~6·518 1 REV, JAMES C. LEWIS Pr ui.du.I. Auoc:lollon of Unity Chruch•'· WCH"ldwidt RE'+'. SUME RICH.ARDS Genfrol Cha irll'Cln Pallor. Ntwporl Unity Chllrch 1 tn ~; t v :I:, ~-\ -,-Jj-,j .-- 1 \1 I ·s'-: J :1'\ <. ti I . ~ .: \ ·t 'I '1 ~ ,. •• ". ' 1 t~ .. ,. ,.·.J; ,, ". t ~·· .. J ·, '" '• .>· t : • ~ . , : .~'. , ' ·. ~ \ • ' N I'' I ' , . .. · l:' . ., I I .1 -I ....... ---:--. lr.'Jf·f'11q.1r 1 l111;dc r.1ll1•ILy1 1r.'.lln\il'l1 1 r.ilt •111n skrl Pd '" 1111> .111 ol S!t ,, 0 l1J1fl1ll1r1 1111"'''" r di II' .i!•orll I ,, CUSlfllll !·tidl 111 }UIJI , :'di t rc..qt1•l('rn1•nf' ffl c1•·• •H • 1/1' ' "It :incl 11111• h Yr1u \ 111 ,.,, l111m • 11• { '< 11 1 .111,! 1. ' ut 11 (•' t I~ i • o:nly r_1rnr11f11I r rrdn11;;i<; !. '" r " 1 .1111111 Ptt pr r10C' motifs Mc d1t1 rr1n1•Jn Sp 1111•1• llo1l1nn P111v1111 1.11 Enr y Am• 111 .. in Emp 11 I-rt 11r.ll P1111in1 1.rl Co111r•mrmr lr f O ric•nl.11. CCJmpl<;1<· '.f·l1 c 11011 <ii v, or 11!', nrocl ' ol'>r "· 111c;lud1nq v1:-ilt 11 tr··1> r n~.1·w11•J<I p1•r:in :t1111q11Nl .1•1tJ m at<..hcd c.olor sand f1111~h1 • 'r ---r; ,-. ·-·1 '1 1~· ~ I T:; I I 11 I I I I I 1 . I '1 l 1 • '1 -., l ~ ~~--Kl,-, r. r.~ .... •,.. -c:.:.. .... ti" f' L -,----·I I ... -11 -:" I. I I I I . I ~~~--~ ........ __ .................... ~--........ ;~~ - I l < '· r. -,_;J l NOTICE PRICE INCREASE EFFECTIVE IN JUt4E SHOP MOW AMD ~AVE I ?' I ;: ·f .. _J ... .--' J r /" -· I . ·( 14302 BEACH BOULEVARD • WESTMIN ~TER CA. 926fl3 • \7141 893-3134 I ~-~ ,---.::=i . L~_..'._ __ . ( 0 J I -~----...-. ........ ·..) . l 1MLL., NOHTii l.f ,, n 'Nf . HuUH:, 11;our~ 1ri, rM • v1u K'1'\'' t. • ur,n1w • 11n·:r :111•1 ' I\ 14 DAILY PILOT . TllE FAMILY Ctncvs· Thursday. May 20. 1976 ily Bil Keane i.:.) ''I think they're goin' through a phase." ~our lloretseope Leo: Finish Old Pro1ects FRIO!\\'. ~11\ V 21 Hy S \'f>NEVOMARR ARI ES <Marth 21.J\pril 19 )· Welcome cha nge. lra\'c l. v~mcty. In \'Cs t1 gate . Don't be satisfied mere. fy that someth111 g happened find out why It oc· 1·urrcd 1Al 'HL1S (J\pril 20-May 201 · Friend may h ave ideal\.\ h1 c:h 1s not pnicticul. l lc>lp one you care for to know d1fft>rl'lll'l' between aspiration and delus ion. Famil~ "l'l'Urity •~spotlighted. GEMINI t May 21-June 201 : Sec throug h pre- tcnsl'. 0011·1 fall for J.!t'l -r1c h-quick scheme. Study Taurus ml'ssa~(· Go !>low -J.!Cl second emotiona l wand. Somr mt•t hods. tctlmiqu(•S may be producis of wishful think in>! C.\~('ER 1.Junc2J-July22>: Organize. Delegate rlut1 rs ~h~umt· rt·~ixm~1billty. 1\void forcing con-~ I runtat1on J\1 akt.• known views. 1Jbject1 ves and goals . -l.EO IJuly 2:J·Au,:!. lll: Finish projecl -'round out polic ies Ch e('k lcasc·s. taxes, ri g hts, pl'rrn1ss1ons Emotions could cloud judgment. :\lcmhC'r ofoppos itcsex 1s involved. \'IRGO <Auj!. 23·Scpl. 22>: Strive for g reater ori1?inality, inde1lc ndcnre. Your question about re- ~ard. love, caring can be ~1nswc•rcd in affirmative. You've bl' en j?oing t hrough a s iege of self-pity . LIBRA l Sc•pl. 23-Ckt. 22): 01ffcrentaatc between ll<'l'lf and mt.•re muod. Vamily me mbt•r is not n;u:- gin~. ml'r l'I) rcmmding you. Know it and respond in ('i nl man nl'r. · SCOR 1'1 0 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: Highlight flcxibili· t y. Stress willingness to experiment. to be versatile. lh•m l'mlwr d11.•t rt•qu1rcments. Social life ac- t't'll'rat e:- SA<aTT.\ R ll 'S '(\;(}\' 22·1k<.'. 211 Deal 'with Pl'l'Son s \drn ha' t· knmd<.'dge of costs. struc tur es. quality material. appraisals. Stay away from those ''ho wh1sp<•r rumors. attempt to create panic. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·J an. 19): Take care in tr~ffic. Short c uts now may not be practical. Check 1nslruc t1011s. d irections. Don't take relative too s<•n ously Threats. complaints now l ack s ubstance. AC1l' AR ll'S I.Jan. 2f). 1'\'b. 181: Money. costs. ap· pearann·s. rcmmlcling thest• <.111 :ire spotlig hted. Fami l~· mc·mbcr ~hnuld bt' consulted whe re home 1mprun·nwnt~. pu n·ha~c~ arc concern rt! l'l~c •:s 1 l't•h t~)-1\lareh 20) · Your qualitie~ of -.i·11s1tiv1t~. pt>rtl'Plion sur gt• forward. Another l'•~l't's ;ind a \'iri~o • could figure in picture. You gain added rccch:n1t1on from peers. s uperiors. U i\I ay 21s t is .}'our birthday you have sense of humor·. ;ilnl1ty 1"o t-xprcs~ ~·ourself. Domestic adjust- nlt'nt comes in Non!mbc·r. You arc restless, -1cn::Jt1ve, artis11c and fond, of travel. You arc \ t'r":i I tlr • I 1•m Ill' ra rtll'Ol.tl and you can " write." See Green .~ Cabbies Nix Co/,ors l 'llH'i\<;o 1 I\ I' t i\lany tJI Chicago's 4.400 cab· Ill•'" ;11·1· wt•111g linght rt•d 11v1•r a city order th:it they \H'.tr d.1rk l!f<'l'll unifor ms. ( '1ty ( 'e111~11 uwr Sall•S Commis~ioncr J ane M. H ~ r n l~ • • ' :i ~· 111 g so nw ti r I\ c r ... • g a 1• li \\ ;i ' lrig htc·11111g ·• rich-rs, II.rd nrd1•n•d the• 1111 · 11111 111 ... \\111'11 I\\ .June• I Shi· h .1 ... ' ~111e·e• h.t<'k1•cf dm111 011lh1•1·etl111 h111 l\tll ,Ul\e•11 u111111 llll'1111llor111 I TllE ('.\IWll·:s . 11111 ,1 11111.tlif y 'I 11•111 ~· t OllJI , d 1111 I \I :1111 ,flt\ 11111l11r111 .ind .1n·11 l !-!" 1111: 11p .. 11 111•1 Th.11 .l.1111· ll\11w' 11 ... ,)\' 111-.1·~ 111111111·111:-. 11'1 he•1 '' t'.1/ 11111•. · d n v.•r )111• S.111lorPlh o f \'dl11\I' \'}th 1l1•l1c.ll1•I.'· l.'tt/11 llH'lll1 ·d ~IK~. B\'lt:\E .... 11<1 \\'1•d111·~dol\ 1111• l':ihhtt• ... ('.Ill \\ 1·.11 .1 u111r11rm 111 .ill\ 11.11 I. 1•11l11r. llOl lll~I d.111-. g1•1•1•11 . I 11 1ss11i11~ lwr 11n~111.1l •lrth'r l\11111 cl.I\ "Ill' h.tlf ~.lltl l':lh ctrl, 1·r 101:.; fl•atur111~ 11n "'1 ~ h 1 I ,. ~ h 1 rt ". · ' 111l11ff t1'.lll' .11111 h:ir.• Ill I " I' I I I .; I\ I',. I' :-onw11m1•:-fri g hlC'11111g p;1~.-.t·ni.:1·r~ \I l't>fk, rir.;t \'I('{' JH'('· .. ,c11•11t 111 tll\' Srafar('r ·!'- 1 n I l' r n :i I i 1111 .1 I L' n ll' n I .11l .1 I iii. '' h11H' m1.·111 h1•r s 1111·l11clt• dl'1\'1•r s for ltw \-.•llo\\ and l'h<•ckt•r 1.1h <'ompanu·~. ~aid th1• 111111111 tonlr;u·t l'all:<> for 0l'\r ry chauffrur lo pro '1d<' and maintain. at has o\\ n l'Xprn~l'. a uniform ·· Ht.• s uid. h1>w1•v1•r, 1h.1t lhl' r ull' h.1~ hc.•1.·11 1·on~ 1c!C'r ~· h I\ N' I :a ~c·d ~met' t hi' l!lflll N 111 wnul Ocmoc1 .111<' Con n•nl1<m hrr<'. alth11ui:h he cl1d not know'~by. "TlllS GREEN color ortll.'r is just not ri~ht." said l'olk ... , ·,·c bct•n up 111 Bvrnc · s office and seen the.·· Jh'nph• \Vho work lhl'n' Why <Ion 't they all \\l':tr s.:n·c.·n" J\nd l'vl' Sl'('ll WOflH'/I ill lwr offlct• \\'1th s l;11;k~ that e nd 1•1g hl rnc•ht•s off lhl' floor :11111 look ndl('UIOllS .• Hobt•r l Samuels . t•h;11rm an of Yl·llow Cab. .;:11cl tlw 11 n1fnrm rul1• ··may he a J!nod 1clt'a." hut Ill' h aci another ClbJt't'· t Hiil 111011·1 knowhow "1• wo11l.t p.1y for 11 nr 1·11 foff1' 1L." h1.• ~aid. "\\'<"n· lvs111s.: our .;fu rls 111m· " Convict Gets Life SAN DIEGO CAP) Rich:m 1 .J. Thom as . a re- gistered sex of[fndcr. has be-en scntcncca to dic in the California gas chambe r at San Quentin pnson for st :ibbm!! to de- ath a 15-yC'ar·old gi rl. Tht' !>cntcnet' was im· 1>0i:ccl by Super ior Court Judgt• Edw:ard T. Buller. nolinl? that the 31-ycar- old Thomas was paroled from prison after being d esc ribed by pi-yc hialrists a s a mcnac.•<.• /\·Jury of six women ;ind six me n convicted Thom as of first-degree murder of l\f'ary Ell~n MarlmczAug. l. merv ·once-a- ll's on th save 25o/o to 50% ·Shop and save at our big Once-A-Month and Only-At-Mervyn 's clearance sale! Every item in this event will sell at least 25°/o below original price with many at much higher savings for you! Quantities limited -so hurry in for best selections! friday, may 21, 9:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m~ thes·e items available in. our Fullerton and Huntin9ton Beach stores only women's sportswec.r OKIG ASSORTED JUNIOR ToPS • . . • SS-312 BIG TOPS. SOLIDS AND PRINTS .................. $9·$f 2 JUNIOR P,.a,Nf TOPS .......... SIZ.SI'> T..-.ILOREO SHIRf S.LONGAND SHORT SLEEVES ••••••.••••• $4.$8 POL YEST ER BLOUSES . SOLIDS AND PRINTS •..••• S(l.$10 Ml!:>!:>Y PANf TOPS ............ $6·$1 MCXK TWIN SET • . • • .. • .. • • . • • . Si> MISSY PANT TOPS • . • • . . .. •• S7 ~ BLOUSES-SOLIDS AND PRINfS •• $7.s.q LO\JG SLEEVE NOVELTY TCYS $12 Sl4 SHORf SKIRTS SOLID ,A.NO PRINT~ •••.•••• $9·$11 FASHION LENGT H SHORT SKIRTS •...•.• 511 Sl4 LONG SKIRTS.ASST D .....•.• s10.s1 s LO"JG POL YCSTER 5KIRfS .... $12 s1 ~ FAMOJS MAKER JEANS •••••••• 4.99 FASHION JEANS DENIM & PREWASHED ...• SIJ-SIS FASHION P!.NTS ASST'D FABRICS ..•..•• ,'; s10.s1 ~ YOUNG JR. PANTS SUBTEEN SIZES •••.•••••• $10.SI ~ TURTLENECK TOPS.LONG SLEEVES $7 MISSY SHELLS-SOLID CO.ORS •••• SR CAADIG.A.NS-LONG AND SHORT SLEEVE •••.•••••• 3.99-$10 SWEATER vesrs.auTTCN AND PULL-OVERS ••••••••..•••••• $!> Sb SHORT SLEEVE KNIT TO'S •••• 2.99 $7 LQ\JG SLEEVE KNIT TO'S- COTTONS.AND POLYESTERS Sb·Sll KNIT TOPS foM(')u. molrr L.!•t~J. t•t.Ji, !, Pol'f(''>tet ilee•c'M~ lno1 rop . CAIOISAN SWEATERS ' V .>o.cw. -<.1yiQ• in w.> ;hou!. • u:rv • Soloc:t .. olr.•~. . rsHDRT sum TOPS St Jlf. ln11., nnd ni')"' 'Y ,1 •• ol.I. or>c.I P""'·· 1~'~'~,~~~J!~'s., .... , w<.'O •CS & solid.;. CASUAL PANTS I\ .,, •lf'\'.°h(lll'' n t i11 J11ut1 \Jf1• f I i 11 t ""'· -'"" 1 f·. w ,..,,,,,' :y ... ln I f 1 .,,, i SUMMER SHOITS J .,.,.,, nnd M •"". ~u·;. S.i<rrul • · Ill / -.1\.)r! <,,)rt FASHION CO·OROINAJCS . ' SALE 3.98 4 .98 5.91 1.98 J.98 t .98 1.98 1.98 4 .68 6 .98 4.98 5.98 4.98 6 .98 98< 7 .98 4.98 6.48 2.48 2.98 2.48 . 1.48 t.48 2.98 v~G. 4<// 2.98 OrHG. $8.)1~ 3.98 ' .. f4.:J. 4'N SI 1.98 r ;..:,c_. 3 71 2.48 •J!\IC.. S• I ;., 6.48 0"-1(,. I I/ Y, 68c V"l:i.S...>.... II l' "·I''' 1. I 1. ., 1•11 1.98-7.98 1 11'.JI .rt l / I ' .. 11'°1•• UMOUS MAKER SOllO SHELLS , .. ~ " t 1 'I ... ~ t 111 ' "1, ' I I jl I 1.98 lingerie, loungewear I ,.,:1(, ~iNi HALF SUP . . $-1 WOM[N<; H-!l RMA L r • '<, . 1 'iO $'> (01 TON POL YE~ HI? ou•,rrn·, .. YI s~ ~H()P f f LfC CO:ORl ", . • . . ~ 11 <,HORT (.)lftl I Rn~r '. • '!-• L<'IN<r, OU1l l P 1i1rr > 1 L \l'Jl , jl Ill f ~ t~I • • ; " H Y, Tf C:t, l • lN( ,\ :.t I )1'1 A' <.,f WA~ 'vi r...t f ! t'WI At\. 'YI';./ U )!"(, NYl< 1N r,lf f I 'Wt .A" µ WOMENS UNIFORMS SALE 48' 2.98 2.28-4.98 S.98 2.48 S.'8 7.98 3.98-5.98 2.98 3.98 I• i--\ . ,. ' '· 3.98-8.98 . . , • ,,, • q LOUNCCWUR CLEARANCE . "' ·~ . r ' . I' I 4.98-101.98 I\ l "' fl •I I '' I•' t) KNIT MINI SLHPWEAR .,, • ,.. ' r-1 11 .1' 1.98 • "·' , f n••...,. I • 1: -- FULLERTON women's accessories ORIG. VINYL HAND8;11.GS A$ST'D STYLI.:$ .••••••.•••• ~.$1 n ASSORTED SHAWLS •.••••••••.••. So ti.DIES SC ARVES ..•.••.••••••••• 2.'.>0 VARIOUS STYU: HATS •••••••••• sn~ ~ING BACK SANDALS .••••••••• S4·So RUMPLE:DUMP NAIL POU SPECIAL PURCHASE: ••••••••••.• NYLON lCE SHIRTS (11tWt"l\."C~. fll • 1•J ,11''' "-'4'• J •• ~ I ( ~p r. I().)., ny u11, p LILI•'.. M '. A MAil CARf'SHOWCAS£ i:Jf.•" t • f\\ .. H r I I • SALE 2.98 98< 98• 68< 68• 2 for $1 ... !'\\ •• )r.1 2.98 2.48 infants and toddlers 1.JR1G. INFANTS DRESSh .•........•... $11·5t> BOYS & GIRLS Dl~.PER ::,[ 1 '. . . . . ')4. y, INF-ANTS CRAWLER';/, COVERALLS .............. I 49.)4 INFANTS SLEEPER'_, •.•••.••..•••• 'J N DIAPER BAGS .................. l Y '/ fODDLER BOYS & G1Rl.S TEE~ •••• 3.1 ~ TODDLER DRESStS •.••.••••••• $6-S.S rmDLER GIRLS SLEEPWEAR . -•••• S.t TODDLER GIRLS PANTS ...... 1 79.4.10 I ODOLFR BOY<; SLfEPWf AP ..•• 'YI S', I AVE. ON INF Af\lf G.AWLER', .... )·~ tNF ANT GIRL PANTSf T'; ......... St. :TODDLER BOYS PANT\ ••...• ')4.'1 ~i'°J SALE 1.98 1.98"" 1.48 2.98 1.98 1.48 3.98 1.48 1.98 1.98 3.28 l .98 1.98 savings for girls ORIG. 1..!IRLS DRESS£') 'I 11 : ••••.•••• $6.$12 GlRLS.PANr ~H'; 4 H •..•••.• ~10.~tf' GIRLS JF.ANS 4-0X .............. S5 Sf> GIRLS JEANS 7-14 ................ $l GIRLS THERMAL UNDFt-. WLN-~ ••.• S? QRLS SUPPERS .............. t.29.~d GIRLS SMOCKS 4-6X ••••• ; •••• S4·SS GIRLS KNIT TOPS 4-6X .......... 3.49 GIRLS KNIT TOPS 7 14 •.•.•••••• $4-$2 GIRLS SMOCKS 1.14 ••.•....... SS-$6 GIRLS SLECPWUR A t, ··vi· .. All "", J,;"'' w ~ / , • 4 l•I. • GIRLS KNIT TOPS I\ •• . . 1 I I 6 .t II • I • I SALE- 3.98 l .ff 1.98 l.98 1.48 I 8' 1.98 1.98 2.98 1.98 1.98 savings for boys :. t\ w I " )i{1 I Vi' Jr' I J .:1 . ' 1? J 11 ',l'Cl•' I', JI 1·' .I '( , • . • .' r 1 }A ~·)I ( V'. , • , I • 111 Ill llf l'(',[Ji'I ''I 'H • ft,... ,) <1<1 t II flt H< JY'> fir Jll '..,H ··I ·1 • :,.1 .He .JIH ',[ r[Vr Kl"ll1 '1 l11.I .1 1 • ~'Nil ,H,•' f ', II( )Y', 111 If. T ',LI l V( VI I' I tt rru n r. ,... ', w1 "nr Hf)(\ ,N t /\ 11 ,.. .. • 1 / Hc1r.v.r11t'l\(VI T 11. BOYS WESTERN SHIRTS ... SALE 1.98 98• l /98 98' 68' 68< 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.98 4.98 4.98 2~ss l Cro11road1 Center. 3204 East Yorba Linda -996·8800 savings for men ORIG. MfNS DR[C)", \HIKl S ............ o'n FANCY SHOK T SLE(VE SHIP rc1 .... 3 qq ' SALE 2.68 1.98 ~.48 •. ,8 1.98 1.98 LONG SLEE Vt KNIT SHIRTS •••.•• 7.C/9 Mt NS PAJAMAS ...••. _ •...••••• ~ 9'1 SHORT SLE(VE SPORT SHIRTS •••• '1.99 LONG SLEE.Vt SPORT SH!RTS .... 7.99 Mt NS SPORT SHIRTS - LONG SLl[V£') ............ 7.9'1 KNIT WO I '...Hlr f . SHOt<f \Lf l Vf '. • • • • • . • • . • • • /, qc, LONG SLH Vt KNI f SHIRT', ....•• 4 q1, MENS KNlf WOI< r (,Hli\.f() •.•••• 1.9'• MfNS SW(Af SHIRT~ •.••••....•• 4 o/f ORESS SHIRTS ... DRESS SHIRTS M·• r ., i . "''"'' WESTERN SHIRTS ,,, ... SHORT SUCVC SPORT SHIRTS I J 1 • l}I U. ' • •11 t .. , I J I t1 '"' t, •. L II,.... 4.48 1.48 1.98 3.98 v~8 .,. I ' 3.58 ' . I " 2.68 1. I 5.98 4.98 yardage, notions OR.c. 1N1 fkl I J( I. . " 11 JD' . • ') /(1 A(:\YL1( '11N' ill Klltf Pr.: l"l' . I 1·· J! "" i ( f'KIC /I ', • . • . • • . . . I '}'· KklNKLr-COMl'Oft lH1ffOtJ ... 1•10 POl Yl 5Ttr-. l'OPI II J • • . • • • • • .. • 2 r;o BEGGARS CLO Tit . . . . . ... L"JQ cm TOl'I BROADCL o TH r~'iHT . • .1r: V ,AJ.\ I H' AN-'yf-r,. -' AS·.,1 rMK Y rRrM' .. , 1 (R(WILY/\~1 1 1h A)'lf tlfEDLI I\ 1.t JI K.1 . '!.l ;, PLIANA TWi ID Yhl J ... ... !.r NOi i >NOVl ~ l IN ff kt A(IN( • 4!>" WIDI .••..... VALUES !N· yd. SALE 68' 48• 28' 68< 1.48 98' 68< 18< 29·· 18' 98'-l.98 28• 3 yds. SI savings for the home Of.•l(, SALE A.'-.)OP HDCUl\IA ,f\l .. 1'l<J 1 •J'1 48' Oj;.APrn1E( .... BJ.!Oi<£ r l $Jlli & COLO~<; ..•..•••. : .• R9'l-27 CN l.98·17.98 ARf A f\UG'_, . . .. . .. .. ... R ?9· I" ')'1 4. 98-8. 98 )'1 1.JNiA>/1 D"-Afl .. tJ1 .cor mr 4111 D . 11'7"11,, ,. 8.38-22.48 P£RCAL£ SHHTS ' 1.98 2.98 1.98 savings on toys ()Rtl1 SALE w ) I{) o .'f' f\ I ; /I• u . ('J'1' 10.98 r .I.I f ,l/• ' '' I I t' N 'o.J , ,r1'l'r 9.98 savings on shoes o;.,(, SALE • A l\IA ,, I ,, "(•'' 1.97-4.97 W JM fl'I ;~ I r' l I N !•A) .v! J( l Lii -( 1 t I" 1 •· fl" 1J l\L L' 1'/ 1'1 I; 6.97 CHARGE IT! , - HUNTINGTON BEACH, '8 t I Adami AYenue -963-973 I \ -' ' Students What do H 1<.'h tinl Wri1.d1t. Albert C;1mus <iml c;eorgt· l'olva have in common'' • These authors wer e credited hv three UCI students with ha v111~ "most influl'nrcc1" their lin·:., :i r c fresllin,ll facl iii t111: ll;1y \\'h<•11 m any c laim that c11llcgt•Atucl1.·nti- have stop~H:d rc;u.l 111g •md ~ ntu\i.; complete ly Tht' th re~ stuctc•nb. Tony l'u.llh. Bill Ttdw,:11 a nd v1.'(.lri.;1.· Shl)Wll, were the lop winners in the a nnua l l'SSuy (•ontt•st i.ponson.'d by UC I 1-'rit'nds of th1.· Library in cunJunc· lion with its <iulhor award p ru- gram . The b1.·ncf1t s the Mutknts ck· ri\'t'd from the n:adin~s arc as varied as the works thcmsel\'es: a dl'sire to become an "artivl' ~ha per" of soriely. a discovery of personhnnd a n1l an ans wt•r lu lhl· question .,\ hy' " Gcor,llc Sho\\:-;, wir101•1· uf Sl25. selc<'tcc1 tht• book "!low lo Sol\ l' It" by the m:ith1•m<•t1 l'ian George P o ly :i , a S h1•r lo1.·k Jlc1lmes mys tery · 'The Sign of i''our" •ind a newspaper art1tlt• w ntkn hy Mike Wallace as his most influen- tial reading. i\ graduate• s t udent in muthcmalrl's. ShM.~ :.:.ii<l Ill' leurnt-11 how to IJl• ":•<·li\t! ralht'r th<in pa~i..1vc·" froni th1.· rhn't' works In his l'!>Say, "h1ch rc·counts u dn•am t:n<·ount<•r with lht! \hreo i.IU\hors. Shows 1l1scusses pro· blcm solv111i.: t cchni(IUl'S and how 'they can be the "kc) to resolvinJ,! som e of our m o rl' scrwus pro· blt·ms •• ~1ottt.:Tt11 NKI NG Ile points oul th<.1l pcoplt• now arc ··d e lui.!cd with \\'111·1,Js" und \\j>uld.b~ b<·t~J of( if lhc.:y listt!ned to fewer worcls und ··s1>e nt m ore tim e thinkmg about the ones ''e do listen to, or 1f we discussl'd them with a frit>11d " Shows learned I hat "each of us. evc11 if in :.i small way. our own Wjl)'. l'an n·fuse lo bl' purel~ a pa~ n mm c•d by oul1>1lk fon·cs We can rccliscovl.'r th:il we can act. that we l':tn matter lo ours el\ e:-. and others." Shows. who also has been a hi gh school teuchcr and computer pro· gram mer. said ht• has " aC'tcd " by \'olunll'l'l'1ng al his cfaug hter ':. s <·hool, S(:f\'1111? 0 11 a parN1l ad· \'ISOI') n>rn m 1tl<'l', speaking up :ind trying t o st>ln· m<Jlhcmatit'al prnbll'ms first IJ el'orc sl·cking help. Bill Tuh' ell. ~1 s t·n1or majoring in biolog1t•al seil·nn·s. chm.l' Albt•rt Camus ' hook "ThC' SI rlln)'.!t•r" as the most tnf111C'nt1ul \\Ol'k in hi~ lrlt• Cash HL essuy, w h ieh won StOO, describes hrs fechnl!S when he was wound<'d :.('\'<'rely in Vic·t · nam and his pondcrinR of why he lived and oth e r:. urouncl him 1.Jicd. "I wus put back togl'llu•r {ll'cll.,Y gooU t'h~·s ic:fl1>' ." the essays says. "but they could nut answer the question tbul l p1n1dercd. Why» It was ::i question fol'whleh I could find no an:.wcr. NO F.SC'APE "ll was a lways there and always w ith me .... T here was no escape. ll hound1.'CI rnc relcn\- lessl v no mutter what I did. 1l drove m e to wnting poetry 111 se<irch oft he a n swt>r . "I found solace, but no answer. I contempla ted it over ;:rnd over in m y mind. I talked about it "1th my contemporaries. No ;.nswer was In be founcl u ntil I re ad 'Th<' Stran~er' by Albert Camus." Tidwell rrad this book when he attended UCL/\ in a s l'('t 1ul pro- gram for veterans und said il ··gave me a fin al C'haptcr in what was happening." The key. hl• s aid, was in the t'nd- ing pass as: cs when ~ler!'!ilult · h11<I his h eart open to the 'benign tndif· rerenl'e of the uni \'l'rs<'. · "I realized the nw aning nf m y survi\'al and m y position in s pal'c and time." In on Tidwe ll s aid he now rc•nwmbt•rs the pai,t and th 1n~i. ~bout the future but Ii ''CS · ·not fol'. but in tht> 1>ri'sl·nt( ·and doc::. \\hat hl· t·an for nth<.'r::. and tums,clf now. Tt11s ha::. includt>d . in tho pa~"t lhrt•t• yl·~ll'1-. ser\'ing as a Hig Bruthl·r tor lhl national orgam1.at1011. A TC'xan w ho plans to (•ithe r (lo graduate s tudy or \\Mk a:. a ranger. Tidwell s aid he hl·hevl·~ tl is casier l.Q ··i;ct Pl'oplC''s attl·ntiv11 by writing than spcak111~" <Jnd that reading 1:-. a rwce.ssary part of educ· at ion. "You learn about li ti.: lron1 \ht· seient·es und ho" to IJvt· th<• Ille· from th1.• socia 1 ~l'11.•nce:. --·- BLACK U TEK ATURt: Tony Pugh. a juni<w m ajoring 111 dance. :.aid he was innut·nce<l ln a ll Black litc r ;1turc bu·t particularly Hic h:.ir<.l \\'right'~ "Nilli\'cSon. ·· He began Im. t•xplorat1on ol Black authors ''1th Eldndg1 Clea\'cr's "Soul on k,., .. \\h1ch ht read when he w a !> a sophomon • m high school. "I was le ft in a st ale of a\\ e." hl· wrote. "partly bet':tllM' I rould not comprehend much of ib rage. aucl partly beeuose lhal 'dm·h c·ould be arknowh•1lg l'rl was l'l'll•\'alll I was s till young and had n11t lul l~ feltthl.'stin~ofrac1sm .. Reading From Cl<'uve1 IH: pn>J.!fl'""i•d 10 J " rn e:. H a I d w 1 n • \\' r 1 g ll l , l\lalcol111 X.. l~:1n).!:.lt>n l111gh<•.;, Jean Toomt•r and HJlph ~:llt1o11n. \\ho ":.an ~ the s ame Mill~ llH!l l lwd longc1l lo hc:ir. ''TheM· booki. rdlt•l'lt'tl nu., m y community. m~ houschuld," ht• :.aid "I ''ouh\ ~ct• h11w our r act• h:ul suff1.•n•u from su ch a 11egat1' c a111l abJcC't M'll·11n ai::c ~1rtt•r h\ mi.: a hi.;101·~ 111 l'ha111 ,, :1111•11(111 hlorki- an1l lashl·~. ' I 111ltflo rslood 111' po<1r1w~s. Ill} ~lrul!i.:hn!! µ;1r\•11ts , Ill) motlwr':; tc~•l'll..1 began lu um.lcr:.t<tnll llll' and thus Sl'I out to 1lt·,·do1> ll\l' ti~ M'll'l't 1ng lwnws to moltl 111~ wit aft~r." !'ugh. a $100 winnt•r, alsu said he h opes to UCt'unl(' a \\ r 111.•r ;iml his rcadin ~ hl'lpt•tl him 1111 ucrstand the ··1h'dll';1t1v11 ll lake.:. 101.·om milo1wi.c lf to p;11wr. • ElEA ANDERSON, Editor 1111•· ClolV M.1120 • 1' Bl Tracing .History B~ings An Element of Surpris·e 6\' JO O LSO:"\ Ot in• o~ut1 p,tot sr.,u Or . .J o h n ~t a r k ,\ n t 11 n ~· Len i h an . a d 1s1 1nguis hetl G I :1 s go\\ :-. c· 11.· 11 1 1 ~I '' h 11 1 s a lt1.·~l·nb Pro lt•s.o;or ~11 CCI l hi~ spring. su1c1 ht• dlll"•n'I mind lw ing out of his h•mH'land as llmg a~ he has a good supply of haggis to tHflo him ()\'('I' This 1:-. u St•ott1!>h national 1h~h which is ··a n 111f~1st«I m1)>.l \lrC of lin·r. ualml·af a nd 11nion:-. c·1M1k(•d 1 n a lJ a g n1 ad c o ( ~ h 1· t• p~ · ~ stoma<'h." l.1"11than t"q1l:m1t·d ··You ht'al rt up. l'~tl 1t lo lh<· s11u111ls (lf lht• haµptf>l' <tnd n·in force 11 with a ).!ood St•otth wh1~k('\' ... The p hys1<·1s l s a11l ht• \\as kul cl111g and cnulcl t·l·alh j.!l'l alonl! without tht• 11lsh. hut hl' hafl bruui::ht a fl'W 1111 .... l11...,han· \\1th l11s Ill'\\' :1C·ct11a1nl anl'<'~ 111 In Hh' l.cn1h;t11 . dtrt·<·lcor of dr111t·al ph~ s 1C's and l1111t•ni:ine1•n 11c at thl' Wt•s tt•rn II 1·g1011al l1 11s p1tal l\oanl 111 Clas).!O\\. 1~ t1·arhtn1! a ~rad ualc t.:lass 1n 11rg.1n1l' dwm1s trY and k<·tunn).! 1111 tnxt<• ;ind l'SS,.;11ial I rat·t· l'l<'nH•nls 111 lnology and m,•1l11·11w 111.• uml his S('ott1sh <·ol ll'a).!tll'S h:in· dnu ,· . onll' 1nlPn·~llllg hi:.· tonc•ll rt'!'1•:1rt·h c•n Iran· 1·1<· rnt•nt:-. :11111 d1~ro\'<•r1·d . for 1•x;1111 pll', tha1 :o.;apul1•1111 \\ :1-. 11111 11111s1111l•1I h.' ar· .... t·llH' .1~ 111:111.v his ll>n:111s ~11sp1.•r1 .. \\'l• got samplt•-; ol 111 ... h.111 .11\11 anal\ H'd 11 . l.1·111h:in s.11tl 'Tlwrt· \~<IS :tl'Sl'lllC' Ill hi~ h:11r butnolfrwn uu.:d 1\:,1111.:..:.:.. Mf-:R(T R\' POISO~l~t ; Th1•n• ;1r1• ~i~11 .... 1h.tl K1111! l'h,1rl1·~ II .ii Eni.:1:11111. \\hn '' .1-. an :ilch<'misl. died of ffil'f'Cury 1l<wonin~. and 1hat the bclO\·cd SC'ott ish pol't Hobert Burns was killt•d fro m an on·rdosc o f mercury.\\ hich was given lo him for medictn<d 11uqwsc.s. Lcnih <Jn <ti.so is using h:iir 10 t•xamine thl· t•n,·1ronm(•nt of lht• lRl h ~111Cl 19th n •ntoncs. Tlw h;iir, he C')\pla1nl'tl. was <lonatcd by man,\ peopll• who hacl kt•pl it for sent1ml'ntal reasnns anrl wantl.'d to l'Olllrihutc• 1t to rest•ard1 'It's ofll·n thought th:tl lhl• l'll· \ I r () m (• n t I ~ Ii I' I' II Ill I II /.! dirticr ... Lt·nihan s aid. ··Hut the tnlt·rn:il l'ltnr11n n1t•11t l man':. hod~ l h i.ls lwt•n gL•ll111g s tratllly l'il'anN for llw I 11~1 \00 A.'l'ars ··substances t1 kt• :1c•ad ancl ffil•n·ur\' an· not u:.l'<I as much in m C'dicuil' anti our food is murh llllf'l'f' lit• sa1cl. h11\n•ve1". that the• 1'X· ll·rrwl 1•11\·ironmcnl "' "not suC'h ;1 doom.' 111t·lure a<> 11t•cq1le think ·· 1.,•n1han also is stucly1n,I! the n·· lat111nsh11> of t rart• l'll'mC'n\s to 1lisc«HC <1rrd has-so far found snmc l'\'idem·t' that the hnrclness of \\ at<>r 1·orn·latl'S with ht·<ir1 rl1~case . In SC'ol lanct. for t'Xamplt-, \\ hi•re the soft water 1s the purest \\ <1H•r tn the world. llw rc also is the h1j!lw~t inciJenl'e of coronary tllM':tSI' Tt-::UIWO RK lksHk~ ht~ \\ ork \\1th lra1·1· 1•lpme11ts. l.c•n 1h:111 1s l'('sponsihll• f11r mo.rnv olh t•r proJ<'<'l s in his -hnrrrr-rmmt n · · · t look af1-t-r ;1n ur g.11111at1on ,\ h11'11 dm•o.; ;1 wicle r:in;.!l' nf sr1t•11t if11• \\lll'k for h1'.1lt h ~~1·1·"· .. h1• 'aul "Our socialized mt'dtC'tnC J!l\'<'S a tremen dous opportunity for scient is ts and enJ?ine<-rs to wurk in a clinical cnnronmc•nL "The i(ll•a that s<'iNllisb ha\'l' a part to play in health care has ... been dcn•lopNI tn Scotland mon• ... 1 h iJ n a n \ \\ h c ,. t' l'I H' i n t h c world:· · " On his "tt'am " ;.1re 2;w st'l(·n· I ,. ti~ts. e ngi1H'Crs ll·Chnit•tans a ncl mathcmatiC'ians who \\ork with tloC'tors 111 l'\'l'I',\' l'linkal sp(.•t•1al· • • .. ty ri~ht in the hospital These ll'am• nH·mlwrs help llll' cl<1(·tors 1kcidP s trah.•gy and at th<' s;1rnt· llml' <·arn on ha:.1t• re search. · ··w e don 't bclie,·e a scicntis1 has lo be an M 0 lo t•ontributc le> medic m e." he noted. Ll•nihan alo.;o 1s 1n,nh·t.•d in managerial duties. sut h as hl'lp- in g pla11 cqu1 pmen1 for n t w hosp1t:ils. lhink i nJ,! out the stralC'gy for instrunwntatinn. <le· c iding w he n• ~ind ho\\ n l•w tcchnolOJ.!Y should he usl'd and fi.gu1:1n~ c_osl factor;; S EW LOOK He and his rolleagut.•s also nre taking a fresh look at the nursini.: profession to see if nt'w trainmg 01· new n •s po nSibilities :irt• nC'Cded. "Th rou~h th<.' invasion of Lcc·hnolol{y the• nu r s <>'s responsibility has been erodc>cl, .. Lenih a n s t;\led. "The nurse i~ nnt in a position lo nianai;:c pali1'nl carC' as s ht• once was . --"The nurs1.• is a skilled 11h· sC'r\'t•r an1I is an t'normousl.v \':1luahle memhrr of lhc tea m b11t " - 1s oftt•n till' las t p<•rson to know Lrn1ha111flot·lin,•d In r11!'1.·11s-. lilt· about n ew technolo~\'... merit ~ of s 111·1:ili11·d m1•1ll1·1111• '' NursC'S ('ould be mana~er!. f)f m edi<.'in a~ 11 I~ p ral'lll'l'" Ill th1· paramcdi<'al 11.•:i m :-:. Lenih;1n P . ·S. hut did h a\t' an 1111rn11111 Slll!J!l'ste1l. about this t•uunlf\ :t" :1 plan lo Another important part of his \1~11. jOb in elasµow is twacling a "c'Oll· "This is ;i j!l't':lt 1.·mmtr~ for lht• :.umcr a1h·11.'C' burl' au" \\ hiC'h I" tra\'clt.·r ... lw a sH'l'lt'<I. 1\ll 1 tw co.n,Sta.nJly c \·a l ual ing_ n 1•w _th111gs you n1.·t·<f art• av:11l:ihli· s pecialized medical l'{1uipmt•11t ancfllw stu111l :1 r(ls at'l'lwlll-r 11l'rl' ··our :11m is to t ry tn 1rnpr11\'<' than an~·,, lwr 1· 1•bt• 111 till'\\ nrld thce<iuipmcnt." he 1.·xplri111l!CI. .. I do11 't 11h.icc·1 In Lo!-1\nµPks. .. Dr. John L9nihan. Reg ents Profess or at UGI for spring quarter, thinks th e U.S . is a great country to visit. Tra velers · needs are w ell-m et. he contends It s al1\,: ;111d itllll'l'~li111:• Southern (';dllorn1a 1, 1 h1· 111•!-I pl~11·t to Ill' IJt'l'.111:.1 p1•11111t• :i1 ,. r1· l:i..:1•d ;111<1 In 1· 111 ·' plt·.1~.1n1 ... , \It-. ·11 •• 1S S\.I\ Ill~ II) 11.tllioa ;11111 t ak1·~ lh\• iiu, '" l 't'I. \\)lld1 lt-.1\\'' him pl1•111 , o l l111w to l'\'J\I <111d pn •pa l'l' I 11r h 1~ e1111r ... 1· · tt ~ .iH l'tt1.'l I \'t'-ttt 1•omt>-ht--l't'- \\ I I h ti \I l l h l' n (I I' In :1 1 l'l'!>po11s1h1l1t11·~. 'hl'l-1,IHI ·- Brides Still Borrowing NF:\V\'ORK (i\ P) -Oncoflh<> rnoi.t famous courting custom!-of C':11'l v sl'lllc r s in the NC'w World \\ tl)< ·the 11r;ict ice• of hundlini: With Nc•w Enl!land housl.'s s mall, wintC'rs~c·old and firrwo11rl sc~1rre. l'n)?agc.'<t couples Wl'rt' ()l•rmillcd to he in hcd during ('ourling vis its -althoUJ,th fully <.'lothed and separated hy a board ronninl! the north-south axis of the ht'd. llow('n•r. t hl• rork -rihlwrl Puritani. w er<'n 'I ;.ill that pl'f'misi;in'. /\fter buncllinir on !5aturda~· night the rager i\ew England sw ain still found 11 " lepal taboo to kiss his intend<'d on Sund av ~ In the earlv South. tobacro planters were· ah le to purchase brides the goinj:! rate being one pound of tobacco for each pound of bride. Th<' pur<'.based brides were young English women who had indentured t hemsch·es in orde r to defray their s hipboard fore to the colonies. These J)Ur<'hnse ar· rangements marked the begin· nings of 1'1om e of the nation's out· \anding southern families. To in sure aj:!ains t any "lnwful impediments to weddtni{s \aktnJ? • pl act'," prospert ive l)rnles :ind lht'1r grooms·to·bt• pnstr<l s11n·1~ bon1ls with M a ssachusclls tO\\ n officials i11 th1.· 17th n·ntury . Aporryphal '! Old w1,·1•s t.1IC'~" No. /\ll lrut•. s a\'S a su:t\'t' fornwr Briti s h Hrmy orf1t·er. A . Haymond K ey. a !>.pol<esm:m l11r thc p latinum industry. In t he courst' nf his nrl iv1h· 111 the jc\\elry i n<lust r~· Kt·.' hct·:·mw fai;cinated wit h weclcl111 g~,. thl·11· histC1ry and c us t11ms aml I ht• parl J!Cms a nd rtlll!" 111:1~ 111 nupl mls, ancl hcgan s tudying the stihkct HS a hohbv. llis knowl<'d~t· of lht· suh,iect c:oon led to requC'sts lo lt'C'turc b<'for<' 1.•in c and woml·n ·s rluho.; and to appr:.iranc1•s on nirlio t;1lk shows . · AecordinJ! to K ey·s study. thl• word "weddinJ?" 1s d<'ri,·eo fro111 c:irly AnJ!lO·Snxon t1:1ys wh1·11 :hildren were often bl•troth<'ll by their p arents. The J!room 's pkdA<' was :it·· companied by a "\\r el " or seC'un- ly rontract. furnis hcd by h is f;i the r . T he ccrC'mony. :is a natur:il exlcns1on , w:1s r:tll<'<l lht• wedding. Thr brid<'·s \'C'1l i" th<' las t \'Cslige of the cnrly·ttny t•uslom whert: hnclt·S \\ c•r1• S\\ ~1\herl from head Io foot 111 \\ hi 11' • m 1 ht•1 r '''t·d ding <l:i~. a1·1·11rd1111: lo K1•\ "Tlw l'Ust 11111 ol llw marn:i).!t' rini.( f1l1 j.!l'I' ht•rni.: l ht· rourth fill/.!t't' ll•ll hand h;1d 11~ ht•g 111 ninl!.; in ancit·nl 11m1·.., \\ hl'n 11 \\<IS lwhe\t•d th:tl ltw \'c·1111~ 11r r\'C.' or n ·in ran frnm lhal dtJ.!11 1hrl'l.'l I\' lo ltw tw:irl ." t\(•\ s:I\., ":\to;·t• praet 1C':illy:· ti1· atlcl~. "ll wa~ heraus<' the ring l'i11J.11·r ,., \\ell·Pl'Oll'l'lt•tl on hn1h suit•" :incl S>nl'l' I he ll'ft ha ntl \\as II"' ·d 11 ·~.,. the ri11~ would h1· !>Uh11•1·t1·d t11 much lcs!-\\l':ir .. Rt!lrothal :ind ''<·ddrng f'lfU!," had t hl'ir i-t :1r1 h:t<'k 111 t•arh E1!~·p11:1n t1n11·s. ht• -.a~ .... ;11l<i111g lh<.>1 l'llj.!:lj.ll'nlt'lll f'Jfl).!' \I 1th ;1 \':ll'll'I~· of (II 1'1'11111' "l•lllt•\ became JlOJllll.1r 111 th1· ;\J1ddlt- i\i,:ci-. with thl· cl1 umon!I :wl111·\ 111.J,! popularity 111 the l:>th l'1•nt111·.' h111 not l><•com ini: n1:.tom.1ry un t111hl' IMO!- Betroth<il :1dorn mcnt~ h,1, l' in c ludl'd l'lll-.hcs and rc<Xb 11) 1 hl' c•arly day~ of history. \\O\'('O humnn h::tfr wrbt ;ind fini!l'r l'irrlcl.s in ancit•nl ln•land and Iron hand.s \1 orn h,\ fl om ans 'I'll\• lent h1.•r ;ind '' oockn r1nl!" -;om ct1mci-\\ onj b~ Pun t .1n \\ llffi('I) h:I\'(' ))(•(•I) I l'pl.111·d '"' ll1:1mon1ls sl'I 111 pr1·( 11111~. 111d.il for \lw mo1krn \\ 11111:111. h t' j>lllll\:-0 Olli (II ht•r \\ 1·cltl111g ('ll..,10111 s .111d ;11wl'dott'" from l\C'y i. 1~··111·1 1111' I 11nd 11H·l111h• l lw I.id I h.11 I lw 'IW:-111\:111 'l 1•1i,m l'llllll'S 11111n :Ill t'il·tH tla\'s \\ lwn mo'\ hntl1•o;; \\t'l'I' c:q1111n•d II\ th" j!roont In lw . :11•1•.1111 p:1rl 11'tl 11) l11s ht''' frll'ntl It" a., 111 Bo.,11111111 17~1!1th:111lw r11· ... 1 ~1<1 ell 1t'i kind ~1·1·k1111: ·' young \u1m ;111 \\ 11 h :11H1 or 1()0 po11ncls st crhng or twr 1mn \fl ;i\'oi<I lht• lirf's1Hn t• nt'l'e~s1t y nl ohl;1in111i.: pa rt·nts· fWl'\l'li...,111n · \\a<\ puhltslwd 111 th,· Hns\1111 l·:,·on 1n ~ 1'11st 1·:n•11 111 st11 1cl Bo.;1011 thC' ad !>l.11·11•tl a ln·111I Follo\\ tnl! the (01111<1111~ 111 1111' n :1t1on. Ph1l;1d1·lphi.1 l'iflo r) h1•r;1ml' I hr ten I ('r f'lf ult r<i·l<t\ 1-.h '' t•<ld in~ Ila lb an<I p:1rti1•s, i.omc I l:1sl1111! as lonJ,! as thn•1•tl:t.\!l. .\ncl a hn;il h1 stnr·1l'.ll nott· from K<'' In t ht' I Rt h n•nl\ir\' 1 he of· 1 1ti~1ls of llnrtfMtl. l'11111'1 . lo :ii.' C<.'lt•ralt• tlw t alt• of mnmn~1·~. IM!>Scd and collt•ctr~I a hn~h1•l111 I :ind sp1n~ll·i· t ;1x of 20 ::.h1lllnl!' fl('r \\ l't·k for I he "s<•lf1sh luxur\' 111 ~ol1t;,1ry II\ 1n 1 ' ,, J•\1 f I I ' Charity Nets Funds for Penfold Tennis Separates 1 /3 OFF .. ANNOUNCING mai nichot now al the /j1~j//hl/t'l //1// 1Yi1~,~~i!~a's MAfJ •J~ ..... Pl-ur Jµ !'\I(, Pt r A.C.~ .r '" JlJli( rt l & PQl1\..t lAIN NAIL'~ WOMEN'S Negative-Sole . Holy l"amll ~· Adop- t t 0 ti s (' r \' I l' (' c I r Ora nge Count' \\ 111 be the rcu I "11i11L·r ;.1l the t wo.wc ckcnd ll'n· n 1 s l o u r n a m e 11 I . ::, po n s o r c d IH l h L' Adopt 10 11 Gui Id of So uth<.•rn O n1n ~ • Count) .. Mo n.: than 450 entries Im n .• lil'l'n I' l' C: l' I \' (' d f 0 I' mal<'hcs. s c:IH'Cluh•<I to, h l' g 1 n Sat u rd ;,i y. 1\1 ay l8. on ::-.e\'l•r al an:a coul'l s and thl' finals will IH· pla~ l'<I ;,i t t h c ~ t· \\ p o r l BNtl'h TL·11111 s Club. whcrl' the: opening party 1s pla nned on .\l a y 28 . H l'ad~ to s<:hcdull' pl :.1~ l 'l'S arc ~lrs . i\llw rt Brownl'll und Tony Proda 11 . pro at .'\l BTC: Sibling 's Wardrobe Fit to Be Tied By ERMA 80MBl<:C1< i\ falhl1r of four in Pl'lham, N .ll , "ants to kno\\ h 11w I handled the 1>roblc m of h.1mJ m 1..• downs. adicd for s c:hool. Something was weird. I c:ould feel it. Then it h it rnc ('.;\·er:-thing fit. Good for you and your pocketbook! lie writes, "T he .t.:irb. W . 12 and 14, arC' still growm~ 111 'ary ing degre<'S. Thc·y h:.ivl•n'l worn :.inything lhat 'fits' in 1:1ght year-. Twcl\'e is just an mth shy of 11 and JO wear~ lig ht All th rt•(• ha\ l' an obsession about thdr hl·1g ht They spent a wcC'I.. around the T\' set watching lht' \\'inh•r Olym pies wuiting-for somc•or1t: ll\'l'r ;, :1 to wrn a mt•dal. .. I c·an only com pan· 1t to a. n· ligious cxpC'ri<'nn·. The J:.t('kl'l :.lt.>evt's brokL' just b<:lo\\ tlu.· "ns tbont':>. The hem:. swirll'<i at .1ust tht• uroper height l:.11 the knet•. The darts in tht• dn•ss<'s c rested at JUSI the right anglt' Thl' shlH'S l'I ung snugl~ to thl• lwel and nol ont• kid had a s<Jfl'l' JJtn on him • · "Somcthing's wrong with this skirt." s:.11d my d;iu)!hter 11'· n1ablv "What's the m<.11ter ·1·;1 askt•<l "The waistband. It's s mooth. I ft1l'I funn y without a roll around 01~ \\':l\Sl . $20.00 value 14m99 WC'll Pelha m . ;'\II , _\uu:rc· nut goinl! to belll've this. but on Ft h l6. l!l69. at 8 a m'. a r an· phenomenon tool.. plan· tn th1• Rom!Jcck k1tc h ('n I looked at thL' kills a s thC'\' r (' ··1 halt' lht•s e gym ~hoes." said my son ... I tan 't J.tl'l used Lu "l'aring one pa11· of :.m·ks . I ltkl•d 11 hl'llt•r "hC'n I worl' l hn•l' µair~ to i:ct them to fit." ' ..... \ HEALTHY NEGATIVE·SOLE '~ "P everyday low price Peering .. t\re m~ shou lrkr:-. rC'ally this :-mall''" s u1d anoth<.•r i.on a~ he fing er_ed lhl' shouldl'I' :-.c:.im 111 lhc :-0\H':tlt•I' A d "Chilc.ln•n '." I s aid t'.'<l'ltl'dh . · · \' o u a r e l' ll. p l' l'l l' n t: 1 n g · a ro u n ~l:lnifeslati,,S'n that Ol'l'UrS \\1th l' regulal;ily of'llall<·y·s Coml'I 1 II the hand-m c·do\&.11:-0 toda\' arl' FOl':'l:TAI N VALLE~· n •sidenl hand· m t• fit s•.. . ~l a r j.!ar ct· Kruk (·~ht•rg ,,:;,., Thalday thc:-wcn 'misl'rabll·. hon un ·d h y the \\(.•st O r .1ni.:t· After all, kids like to look likt· all l'ount~ Vol11ntary t\et1on l \•ntl'r UJl' othc·r kids. dun11g its annual rt1~og111,Lt 11n d 111 c>n Ft•lt Ji, J!J69. thc>y on<.'t· ' ' "·' 1 , ! • . ,, ,c. popul1r di 11 l 11 '•"' ·11. •rn rn -rork /\olers n;·r ~l'sterday, :11 ~notl ~ lkrr~ :1cam appe an•d m lhc kitc·ht·n I· arm. Mrs. Krukt:.nbl'l'l.! h;cs l)uring the night. tht• lU·Yl'ar ~cc.n a v.otunlccr for 50 year::. 111 old's arms had grown lwo+nt:ht>:-.. SoutlwrnCaltforn1a forcing him to \&.t•ar the· l'.!·\\'ar .. ' . 11 ., 1• <I • ·: ·, 1 p.m .saving',;, olcl's s weater The 10 \'C'ar:olrl's lt•l'I had grown into ~. pair of hoots that unfortunatelv had Snm' Wh11e ·s c·astlc on thC'm, and lhe 15-.vC'a r -old roll ('li up th<' s h 'l'\'C.S on Oi1<lth "s shut IN llOW!'> and lht• onl:-.t.:1<),·ps that frt him "l'rc hlal'k leathl'r crushed lo till' t•lhow. ., It• tfjl I •lh' Ir ,\'1 ,'!", 1 11' ."J I f 'l'• ! i'l ,~., d!t < r t Ch t Whitt~ 11\ 11 • t•r ,., r· • 1:11.•1 r r '""1.. l\1 11 '' 011 ' ll I I I I • 1"1 r ADLER:~IBI@JE~ SEl.l·:C rED :i~ :in h111111r;11 , lift• nH•mht·r-.l11p 11•1·11u c•111 ln1111 th ... • l l11nt1ng l1111 111•.1< h .l11n111r \V o m a n · :-l' I 11 h '' a -. I' a 111 Ph arri s . \\ h o h .1 s h t• 1• n :1 m 1..·mbcr lnr lh1· pa-.1 1·11.!hl \ l'al'!'> ' ..... ••• u. 11),f/1 1,ll • ./\ 1111 t ,ltl I -· In that l1m1· :-.h1• h .1 ... ~1·n 1·rl m,tn\ ch:111 man-.l11ps a nrl lw lcl SC\ 1·ral off lt'l'" Oh Wl•ll. I have the \Car 2n6!J 111 look forward to · C=t:W (•H>\th.r \1o.1 •, ',l/\N ,1 -t---n t n-11~llr+t-tin ~•1>1i !"<111 :-llm 10 00:-'> 00 RUFfEll'S UPHOLSTER Y When y.,.. Wo"I ..... ·~·' I '122 H arbor llhd Co•lo Mt•o-~48-0H'i HALF-SI ZES HALF-s~· "is H ALF-S1~~·~h\ I "1 H ALF-~~,~".:' • i' :t:~ I ~~ ... I ,,HI," HALF-~t;:.: SIZES / .'.~:r.~:- 141h-2b 'h 1# {' Dl!USU \ llN,llll I Sl'O•TSWlU } fOUHATIOltS t ti EllJ Nor\ HALF-SIZE SHOP ruu11ro11 114 010n9tlair Motl co~r• MIU 180\ lhwporr Bl•d. MUNTlll,fON HACH 14 Hvnl•"ql•• (Ml<• lA'llllA Hill\ MAll • '" l rnv•• w .. ld ------., ' ,, ~Ir)\"_) NFQRMS 1n lh" I 125,000 Inventory, Save to 70°/o Rich Columbian . Leather Goods Authentic hand-stitched Columbian leather Seen elsewhere at three times the pnce. 4Qstylcs to choose t 1 om .. Bnef cases. shoulder bags. purses. travel bags. duffle bags. multi-purpose tennis totes ... Saddle. Brown. burgundy and rust. Your chance to save SO to 70% off!! .... .4. ·e Columbian Handmade Baskets Hard to find, rare collectors' baskets ... Never before priced so low'! Imitated at twice the price. Hand woven, multi- colored earth tones, 6 assorted sizes. Each basket unique. no two altke. EVERYTHING MUST BE LIQUIDATED .. .Todaythru Sunday,~9am -9Rm plcilll· ORANGE COUNTY: '1::'1l w,,,1 I Q(t1 VV•" t nt II ,rbnr m·C0c,t,1 fl.\11,c,;i t1,0LLYWOOO· 1213 Sdnt..i Morll( 1 Bl~ll 13tt..,e• r L.1Hcl'1 Jnd Fa1rt.n • AT WIT'S END \\\\l \\\\\\t\\_ AL LAST I 0 DAYS For IJad or (;rll<I 25%-50% OFF REGULAR PJ<ICES N ame Br mds S-'l•'cled trom Our Rt"gul.ir Stock M ens and l Jdies Steel-Cold Fill -I.I K Cold All SJle>o f tn.11 No House C hor')<'\ C HARL ES H. BAR R We s tcttlf Pla1<1 17th & Irvine u~~ / tki.lLh ONE DAY ONLY SATUROA Y. MAY ZZ PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR HOOVER CL EANER 8-POINT FACTORY SCISSORS SHARPENED BY FACTORY EXPERTS! PIHIClr.IG CHECK-OUT LIST 1 M.ii;Br;....-i~ll'I"' SEWING &AR8ER Regufar.Servrce Charge 9 95 SPECIAL $ 6 9 5 ..,., p,, .. GARO EN l<ITCHEN SURGICAL ETC. nm ESTIMATES , ON MAJOR !l!PAIHWOR( Ot;L y Cf NUIN( HOOVI ti fARI~ U~lO 1 et.e<~ t.1 . ''" ... s .. ,,f'tn ' (.ht'(~ ~,,,_.1l1H "-t-\..o.u1n'°' HOOVER CONVE0RTIBLE UPRIGHT 4-pos1t1on ad1u stment tor all types o f carpe l. 912 quart oTSp 0 STl:Jl mg ' c Cl s I aluminum constructron · 11 bears as 11 !.w eep~ as d cleans tSo•C' SI '1.951 ONLY s599s Complete as Shown Model U4089 Cr,,und to o p*!rf.,.ct untf\l•rfl t"'iJ" br ,.. .. p~r ls w lfh the-l1f'\C'\t comt"•rcu.-f N• 'Y"°'t ti 0 ""''· ob'(". f1r1n4 ' 4".11 ,,.,,, • .. ,o, .. Your rlfn 9hbor>,lool All.,,, t)1""~ -~I• tOU ihop ONE WHK HOOVER OIAL·A ·MATIC WITH AUTOMATIC POWER D~I VE S c I f 0 r c> n P I I 1 • d t n r ettorrh· r '""'"''O r;n any -caTTJ'T'l-A:TrtT"'TTT~. ad1u· I , I ir .. , 1 / , .1rp; ·I r·il•· . 'II bl"1f'~ ;:• II" ','/r'<'I; ,r· I Clf'.11 . ONLY r...·· '•I " . NEWPORT VACUUM I I ll' i H~Wl!ORT 8LVO. COSTA MfSA 64~5 1 44 (1 . ' • TriurSt:Jdy M.1~ 2.:.,0_;1:....l.:..1;;._ _____ _ An. n ~I. ·Re f0 ~!!:~~~~~ ~,Y~.~~-b••··~~~:~.~~~!:.!.~~ ... , .. •"""' '",:I """" m •med 25 > ••"' , "'' ""' "'"'" a>ol uh on . • > I 01., doU. unt•cdurrng u mc;ii has V.1ll>ur or DEt\R f'.P .: \'ei.. lni.truct tht• IH:.\R ,\:\.\ L \~DEHS I'm ~ om." of our four soni. hml lhjj ~ys lo pal$· Vt'r~ ~bing lo yo u ""Pl1i1111or1., al!•· 17 \11th p1l 1 rn11 courtcs v to µai.s me a liai.kc:L of f IRST -im m ed1 all'ly ~flt·r hit· Or I sh11tilll '·•\ 1.111.,., 11 ou bread. ~1 bo" I of \-CJ.!clabl<:!>, or Wilbur ~as put lhc-meat on your bh• ht•l's, not nllnt· tht•11:1lad dn .. ;~111~ plate. \ ?U a r e thl'ir mother -Sull) 1s 15 anll \ C'r~· matun· for ---=-=-=--======-:::::--I pr<.•p:.in• din1ll'r. SC'l lh<· l<.1blL' a lso chief cook a nd bottll'· ht•r agt• but h1·r 111<1 m:m rl'fw .. 1•, · anti ('all tht• Ct1m1l y Williur washer. Rankhalhits privllei::e.11. w lt•I ht•r J.:r'n\1 up. Slw nm 1hih· Landers -NEW ARR~\LAbS CA l V 1 N KLEaN including signature T·shirts WESTCLIFF PLAZA " 0 I , Mercedes l'al'\'cS lht• m<.•:il and \\l.' pass our DEAR ,\NN LAN DERS: I am 0111~ two n1g l11s :1 \ll'l'k ;11irl h41.;., plall's lo him.lo bt• scrvt•<I. Tht•n in ,1 st ate of shol'k. A man l 'n• l:?::io am. r urft'\1 lh•lp, 1\unt wt' lll'llJ oursl'lvl's tu whal e\•t•r 1s 1 Anni'" It EX <.'losest • J>Ol:ltoc:~. YC'J.,'l't:iblos. b~c;'I) :ie.CUljl. for nc~tr y a ~y;,ir OEi\R Ht:X:-\'ou ralth•d lht• Cl-CID-aa-E11:1D--Scc 1!11: M1·rc.:1!tles Ben1 dc:;ilcr that tries l hl'~ 38 and I'm 331 told m C' las1 I M V I f ;.md :.o 0 11 • n1Rht the romance is ovt•r Wh) ·• "rong t'aJ:4', Uub. I'm "ilh hc•r ' li.Jrdt•r ·Sec ission iejo mpor $ I hke to h<J\'C' my c·o mplf'I<' din· Bcrausl.' I USC'd a toothpic-k in :r dad. T\\o nights oul ;i \\t•<'I.: for a 'l 0 nl·r on my plait· bc•forc I s l;rrt to r "S't"Ul'"llt. 1 5-~c>ar-olcl s:i rl is juo;t ri~ht. Sil is a Sa11lliq:o l \\y .11 \1,·r~.\fj,,jo11Yirj11(7 l~1 x .. -17~'1 I. I lk ... u u INTERIOR a ,/ eat. liut the uo~s an· so wsr tu · We talked about marrie1~c' and 12:30. And I'm not \Our aunl. IO):, the.} for~cl I an:i wmti'n~ for t 'm ~ure he was s incere. When hC' 1\re <lruj!s 0 K . if ''0 11 lt>arn IJ llw food. WhalC\C'r 1t I!>" rl sloµs told OH' the· r ea son \ic· an• h1'\1. t11t•o11trnl tlw111·• <.:~1n lhl·~ lw DDESIGNERS -- 1.11th tlwm :ind I sit \\ hl·n m~ throug h 1 l'ouldn ·1 bc•lic•\ 1• 11 of ht·lp'• Tlw an.,,\ t•rs an m .\1111 hu!'tband sl:.il'l~ to c•at h1: J.:('h ;1 What do \'ou think. t\l1n'• l..11 uit•rl-s lh'\\ hooldt•t. "S1ra1f.!ht GLJJLD f;.ir:iway look trr h!'> t·~<· :1rW i.:r1 ·s CHL'Sll ED·I~ JEHSEY l>111H• on I> rugs. For <;11.:h CIJ <·11mpletel.\ clo.::.if. fhc nnl~ ""~ I OF.A R JER~E \': A roman<'<' hool..lt'I ordt•rc•tl. .. l'lld ;, clull ur Facial Salo n SHEILA LEWIS ,., now w1IM SERENITY .1nrl 1<, offering tllc · folfow1ng service, • HOl OIL MANICURES •PEDICURES "JULIETTE WRAPS •LEE UV NAILS "e-f:•el\ M•tt.•up (utOO.•,, Me1hti0 -A101 Gr•t Co'\""91 ~' Mert+(U'•> Fec.1t1J . Boa-, We.1'\Q lusaim. . wasn'tmuehtobeginwith.l su .... stamp1·d t'll\\·lnp1· 12.1 t·l·nls <"a~1!~~l l11:. ~1llt'nl1on I:> by lap1,.1mg lhat could be-relied by a toothiiic·I.. bill. plus a long. St•ll ;ulcln·s-.1.•d. D 1 rcall~c U11s 1sn t the \\Orsi pect Romeo got c.·old kt'l and poi.tai.:c•t tn Ann l.a11d1·r~. I' 0 . problem you 'vc r ead <ill wct·k bul used this as an ucuse. A b argain Bo\ l IUO, Elg in, 111 w1211 i Stress Effects Studied Is th ~r e a n .v n .·la · t ionsh111 bc•l 11·l·c·n :>tress <111d lhl· progrc.')ston of a dtSC'<JSl''' f>add Engstrom. PhD. "Wt• will tench stress reduct ion to the ,group, us well as intl'rpersona l c·omrnunicatio n tethni· qucs... Engstrom said. ThN·e will be another i.:roup which will r eceive nothcrapy. · that a s tudy of diabct1l's revealed that those 1111· dcr stress required nwn• insulin than !host· '' hu were relaxed. <'1t'nll~· learn the tedllli- QUP of sys tc:rn;r tiC' dl'l'P mu s c l t' r c lax41lron. \1h1 ch lt•ads to an "in- c·re:rst•d ;i w <.ll't·n t·ss uf tt•ns io11 " director of the Ul'llil\'1our ! Therit py and H c~l'Hrt·h " I n s l i l u ll'. N l' w po r t B<'ach. ''iii ~•tll'mpt to <ins" l'I' this quel>lron dur- ing u rcscan·h PrtlJl'l'l he has bt.'gu n with 10 vic- t im ~ uf ch r onic In lido Vill age ~ 3400 Vra Oporto, Suite 6 • After a vear of study there w ilJ be a two-rear follow-up period in which the responses of the p<J· tienls. the r:n c of the dis- <•:1se and the mortality rnte arc studied. S tress h as bl•t•n studied for more than a quarter c:e ntur). Engstrom sind:-btlt only in the las t 10 years or so have scientists ;.incl doc- tors known whal lo do with the findings. Engstrom. who abo 1s afftl1:.1tl•tl ''1th l 'CI anrl l"oun1a111 \'all1•\ Com. mu nrl ~ llosprtal. dc- liq•rl·cl hrs l'l'mark~ at a nur :-..t s :-..y mpnsi um spo n s nr~rt hy th~ leukemia Gn ,,,. or,.,-Q..,a!t. \,lp-\J,..,, ·f Newport Beach = ~ ?14·~75-6 19~ :; .. ~-:fl /\ ITl (' r I c ,, II (. ;1 n I' l I' • Research projects car---------------------------ried out by othl'r doct ors ••• ;1 net sc i c n tis l s ha\'c- -.. Ins trum e nts ha\'c made stress mon· ob· scrvablc ... hl" n1>11•d "Thes e \1 ere gt•rwrall~· not a \·ailablc bdort· 10 yearsagu. · S\)('ll'l~". NEWPORT ~~J; CENTER • •• AUCTION of PERSIAN & ORIENT AL RUGS, CARPETS & RUHHERS shown that ther e is a cor- relation between str ess and drse<_\se P.rog r ession. Engstrom described a pro1cct with rats where a control group subjected lo s tress died m or e rapidly from disease th<.m the stress.free rats. PAID POllTICAL ADVERTISEME:lllT We invite you to attend a reception at our Balboa Island home to meet MARIAN BERGESON W• ha•e had in\trwcliOfts to deer thr enfirf' rrmoininq stock of a lorqr import"' la rt1able theni lo fulfill lh•ir import commilt~nh witlt their Orifl!tal R~9s suppli .... s. Thi\ is a unlqur opporfllnity fOf' the pvbhc to acquire ~ne Persian ruqs at this C111Cti~. We wish to .str.ss lh• fact that th•re is a qr.at "'anhty of larqr·\!ud rllgs o•ailobfe. · tncllld~ or• tht> fin.st Ofld hiqflrst CJrad• of P•rsian altd Oriental c..-p•h of k4SHAN, ICERMAN, TABRIZ, AIAOEH, S41100UIC. C4UCASIA. and many olhen in IM9r and small sius. Also included i11 this collecllon are so-fine SILK and other coUrclor's Ile also reported that a doctor in Tl.'lWS is study- in;:? a healing proc:css whcrt•in a JH l l ient's bcliC'.'f in disc~1se eonlrol is strengthened through a "guided im<rgery" tc><'hniquc . Enj.!s l rom s ail! ht belie\'eS t ht• amount of s tress pcoRJe •ll'c under has tripl<'d 111 the l:.isl :w ye:irs, Jrom i.un:.il ;111<1 polilil'al c·auSl'S. l'copk• a 1·c up sc>I h y 111 t e rp <>r s o n;il r e l;:i . tions hips. job worrit·s, familv c hangl's an<I ;i s peeded-up pl·n::cption of tim(";-Jle said. .. P<'opic ha\'l' morC' headaches today ancl 1•)>,., peel to clil' of h«arl dis· case or cancl'r '· I -the best qualified candidate for 7 4th A sse mbly District pirct's. Each pircr sold lrtdi•lduclly lo hiqhnt bidder. For your con•rni...ct> tltr qoods ho•t> bu" mo•ed from the warthcMnt' to: SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOTEL 666 ANTON ILVO .. COSTA MES,t., CA. IViejo-loquna ROOfTll MOH .. , MAY 24--8 P .. M. Vie"'in9 at 1 P .. M .. Tht' paliC'nl 1s askt>CI to pi et urt.• wca k :1 nd <.·nn- f11:,c•<I C'C•lb dc\'t'loping in- l'lt•ad of IJOwcrfui c·an· ('erous tells. f'~ngslrom s aid. f':ndt•nce from thi:> s tud) is ··s potty .·· howt·\·er ORIENTAL RUGS Will BE GIVEN AWAY AS DOOR PRI ZES Sponsot': Fairlield G alleries ~ ' lt'f'-: Co~ Of' Check. En gstrom reported We've just got a UCKLOAD Of QUALITY CARPETS AT DISCOUNT PRICES SAVE THRU MAY 23rd Reg. '6 u to ssu \ HI-LO UNBELIEVABLE SELECTION OF NYLON . PLUSH IHCLllDIHG ALL THE HEW EARTHTOHE COLORS Rt'CJ. S7.95 s5->s HOW tq. yd • REMNANTS AS LO~ AS 5 oc SQ. YD. COME AHO GET THEM --~ /,Value s to 14" "., ' SHAGS 2 •q.ud. f l < -._ c.c;...- 1 VISIT OUR '/ LINOLEUM DEPT. We Fea~: ARMSTRON.G CONGOLEUM MANNINGTON ...... .....___G_~.- l:;ngstrom :,aid\\ a~·s of copinJ.: \I ith lltrt•:-s oll1•11 arc ll';1rn t•d 1n t h1• famrl~ unit and s omt• p1•opll arl' naturall~ ht•tlt•r a hit• l1J ('CIPC \\ ilh It than OI hC'l'S li e s u gg l·Stl·d lh.11 ;.invone \\'tshrng lo C'OJll' \\ 1 l h s t fl.'S:-m Orl' l'l fr Sunday. May 23 -4-8 p.m. Donation -'15 Call 646-1535 or 540-8636 for reservations W• wo"ld br plrost'd if you would join"' A~.,(,, ~--c:; ~~-L ~ ••• ,.,. bf' c~.-. .. to fff'c• ,...,,Pl ,,,.,.,_... Ch•" ,.,.,, J.,..,,,., o • ...,., t Jt t l~yf l~r .,..,~ a..IKh t :h•O .-.... •\Hi --------- rope s. ·\,'Oren i11lo llC\\' shape s. J-4 .<)<) !O Jf>.<J<) OUALIC RAFT S HO E STORES 0 ···"" • I '1 ~ I' l •• t• ., t • f.' ' •I ' r I . , .. ., I I f f\ f\t \ I 0\ ' • r t •.•1 •• .,., • L.-. .• • '.' ... \ 11 ,/" .. -.. B-1 DAIL v PtLO r Thu1saay May t•) 197'3 Versatile at l 31h ;1 Jodie: Fro1n Hooker to Dis-ney Uy UOUTllO.'tl.\S LOS l\NCJ·:Li:;S ti\!' 1 From por\rayw~ .1 l)re-tccn h ook1.·r to pl.ivmg a 1>1:-.11e) ht•roin1· that·s the am ;u.lllg rang~· ol .Jodw l'°o:ilt•r , lh c 11\n!>l vers atile c h ild a clr1·ss lo .q1p1•ar in yc·ars llut be C<tf'.\:flll '1h11ul l':tl l111 ~ 111'1' ;1 l'hihl ;w1 rt'Sl>. She ll11nks the term:, lit:longs lo the •ra of ~h1rley Tern pie. "I DON'T T lllNK Tllfo:ltE 1s such iJ thing U'> a •'child actrcsl>' us l hl'l'l' """ in lht· ,\ear" \\ hl·n they made m o\'ies uhout «'t1lldrt·n." '>he rcas1m,. ·-rm an '<lC:ln•.,., .ml( I play role., that were written for 111 \ ai.:t: She 1-; 11;1\\ t:P ·. \\llh .1 <'an·•T "l'>dom that belies her year !'>, )d \11th .1 \outhlul l'\UIJ1.·r.tn1·e th<1t ii. totall.\ t•n g,1j.!111~1 Tht·n · 1:-. •H•IH' of the strain ed cult·nt·,., lh.tt <'.111 111,11-.l· 111\ 1•nile perform cri. a p.i 1n 111tlw1 .1nll'll111 Jodie l alkc•l• fr ankh :11>11u1 lhl' T.1\1 IJt I\ t·r" role. wh1l'l1 '>l't•ni(."(I l>l.,;ntlalou., 111 '>111111• 11H lutl111g the Welfare lhoparltnl·nl ol Lililor111a ''AFTER TUF:V ltEAI> 'l'llE :-trqll thc~ :,aid there W<J S no \\ ay an~ lllll' unde1· 11:1 ~ l'.tl'!> ul a~l' could pla.v I he role'. · .l111ft1· ... ;11lf 'I hen • \\'en· :.om<' lhm~s m the saipl 111.11 Ill'\ l'r ;1p1w.1red 1n the PH' lure. and those lhrng:, cau!>t·d thl·111 111 ~ct l'Xl'lled It was so silly.·· Even though "Taxi Driver" wa'> to l>c filmed in New York. Californ1c. h'1d JU r ischt l wn over JodiL"s welfare. since she wnuld IJ<: h1rl·tl l11·rt'. "It ht:lpetl when C11lumb1:1 cot former Gov. Bel· mund G. Brown to argue my cas1"." s aid J od1l" "They rin;.i lly ag rcl·d that I <:ould do the part Out firs t l had to talk to a p:.~ c h1 atr1-;t ,\nd 1.c·ouldn ·1 tlo certain thin g:, in thl· :-.a1pt, p,1rt1c:ularly unbuc klan~ Bob DeNiro's bl'lt lm,1ttmt"" TllE UN UUCKl.l~G W.\S OO~E b) J oelie's sister Connie . .She \\ ;i., also '>c hcduh·ll 111 be su1" rogatc• an :t sn•n e ol Jodtl'., 11t1dc· bal'k. l1ul lhl' shot 1 \\as l'lin1inaled • Suicide Atte1npt Failure HALF MOON IMY (AP) -A 16 yc;.ir old boy who pulled a i:.:un from his lunch uag and shot himself in the ht>ad as class mates wutc·hcd was once rcport1.•d.dead. but doctors I <1 t,•r i.•11d they found :> :.park of lire. Kenn e th f:ug e nl' Brown w us rt1p11rlc•d 1r1 "guarded" c·ond1t1on ut (..._ __ s_· t_a_• .. _. -~J S t a n f o r <.I :\I ,. ct 1 t· ;_1 I Center. whc rt· hl· " ... ., transferred from :0.IO'>!\ Beach Hospital after lhl· s hoot ing WedneMJay "We don't kntr\\ (lf an~ apparent rca::.on "hy he might have done it lie w as a loner . a quiet kuJ," Siiid a forme r tl•aehl·r. who declined to be 1dt·11 · tified. SLA Bid f'nil" I .l Beetlaoven·! Sonata Found In Amsterdam From AP Dispatches A Outch-born Canadian cellist bcllevt'S ht' ha:, found a long-lost work by Ludwig van Beethoven. Coenraad Bloemeadal, 30, said he found the score for an unknown Beethoven cello sonuta in Amsterdam in the library o( a family friend who as n musicrnn-. F ive Beethoven ~(!,llo. sonatas arc ~own to exist and Blocmendal said he found thl.' sixth ma volume of music published about JS.10. In New York. however. Beethoven ::.pcuah:-t In Ing Kolodio of th<' Julllard School of l\l u:.ic "a:-. skeptical about the discovery. * Darr) Averson got the jump on the Bremerton (\\'J:-.h.1 polil'e department -al least ror no". Pohcc Ce1pl. Don Cundiff said hl' asked the city :lltorn''" to dete rmine whether /\.\•erson brC1kc the l~m \\hen hl' Jumped off a lOO·foot·hai;h bridi:c 111111 the Port Washmgto n Narrow.s '\\·er:,on. 25. injured his chc.,l and wri:,t when lw tl11v<' from the Warren Avenue UnJ~e 1n the l'Om mun1ly west or Seattle to prO\'C h l' tould not be uut don<' by a P()rl l\ngeles woman \\ hu .,aid shl' plan~ ~o JU mp from a L75-foot-hig h bndg1,;: next m onth .. * ,.\ lormcr Los.Angeles County assistant d1:;trict attOl'IH'Y C'OllVICll'd in the 1967 slaymgs or h1S \\fie .and her lover was or<lcn•d disbarred by I IH' California Supreme Court. Jat'k Kirschkt'. 51. ( J Downey, who i:-serving a PEO PLE life term. had bct•n under ..._ _________ _.. suspens~on ;is an altornt·y s ince his 01•r. 1 H, HIH7 jury convict1on 111 f11·.,1 deg ree murde r. Kirschke was found guilty of fat<tlly :-hooting Elaine Kirschke und Orville Drankhan rn thl· at· torm·y ·s home c<1rly the morning of l\pril 8. 1967 • :\lex1can President Lais Echeverria s a~s hl' For the Record Db•olutlo•• 01 Marriage "il•d Mo1) 0<11 cs or r Alb•• t 1 •• .1nr1 l•nJ.• ()1,111• fllr.Rl\ML R M ,11111,r t111d ';.a111 .. y l•• • t V V <-"-•'" t.vnn .tl'\t1 Jam••\ ~.1y Jl)N( ') N 1•wlt10 t ttlld Ml lilt~r\i Juvt•' ;eAPRIN(;fO>; N.,,,,. ~ Jo An1f R O··~ t (;t tt\~111 ~·tAt VI': c ,, "' t ftf' An ' Mvrr"v f\11 f l' ~~•h 11 ' J t\t Uh .,,ti (OtA '1h ,• t.H~ • r•l.l'J ,, I.IN• I' 'l ,1lloJ S 11ry ~ "llMONrAN ~t"w .uut C;:hlllrr .. •\tH • M't(. .. E &h .. u •• , b.t, I I\ ·•'•0 "' '\t,IU u r 1Jl 1 t'4 "~"'' r, '" J f l\'•J1''1(' q r t1UOt Vt~' 'V rnoi P1uC """ J,t 1, h' 1'k t I\~ )N luh·1 t Ill ·~ ,,.,_M u ... U44hl "'''" "n" (t11 , t•,,,,., S YLV" J.1m, M 1"' t • 1nJ \ 1.1 U1 tlh,1 STOt.OE. M r "t hr ur,. W1U•olm. 1 l I"' I ,. I .1110 J r'i\llf\.I l,.. -.,~ 1 •• • •• l ••• t U1 11·n R ' ..,(J\\' 4 ., •,. t' I~ 1 .. 111 JI i'tcJ A'1/tt" Mou \4h~( f.•o,f\•o(J t••l\•nd4A H.\••u t,tflu J~ '"' f11ttl1hyA ttA'I l '~ hi>n11n• -'"J fuby M 1 f.,.t :\ ,•, > VqO J ·11"".fl I ., HI ROt>o•r( w ·'"' RL' ')~ .... , J f\M\t EUQf'nt• 11 t• 11 \. r. t l.A¥\ME l ft11 I W onrJ 11., • 4 V.'i(RS (t'\1H vii I .trwt t ·•• t Vii MC HAIN "·'" '\..Ou fir 1 n u '" t Sh.<v1·n Oft.LS. '' 11o f\ 't. .,.,,d Kt1>t1ot• l>•<lf'i• lt JI~ (,1,I I Ot'l\.thn1\.Ml•1 F'. ~,, • l'-f l\•.1wt~lwt•ll M ,, ui ""1.dr'f n 1 f\ivr NS Ar th;• t_ 1tnCS 1 d t ~ it.111: I'. V r "'t ~ 41H1 Wit t I 1·\ A,'-4f1k ~') ''+>"~ c .. '" ; irul t ,, • f l'dnt • J?ALJSE. v, '"' t ' ,.,. 1'1 d1nr A,.,t,.ottY ,, 11•1\ '" t I' ~ER, o.H,t'f'\I' anQ fli'"' ii If •111111 t--LO~l UArl).1r<J "j . ,, I l !I .... I t.I ''··I <. • t ~o 1 •I • °'JI\ ' ,, , ' ' ,1111 C ,,, at •( I (I ~f, lo' ·•"I M '""'I '" • , ' •o(,>t •!/V 1 T .. t1 & Uw,1rd f •1 11! IN 1111, I totJI I ~(,, b~IO(, I "I / l 1 t M 1i'11vn M ht "'41 l ~ f loll I 1,..11 •'*'•J ln~·pl\ t '' , 1 ,.. k ~ , n,. t M n., .. 1 ~"'d H.,.,,,,,H•''' ,•lv•q ,,wN "" 11 I I t ' t ~ ' ~ ' l ,. t• • llff,l>/i ~·Ml ,., 11d ~, •• •O.• ( '' f'lt• "I .\IA; :.t,r. I I had SOll1\.' dnuht-. .1h1•t11 th<-111h:. hut 1111'~ \\l'l'l' cra:-.ed alll'I' I t.1lk1•1l lo :\l:1rtll'. o;:.1111 .lodll". rt'f,·rring to <.1 1n•l·tor :\lart111 Sc·orse'>e. \\ho h•HI pre- \ 1ous lv d1rcl'tcd her a-; thl' tombo' in ·,\lttt· AP Wlrtpl\OIO> SAN FRANC I SCO (AP) -The Cahforinu Supreme Court hai. ruk·ll 4.3 . rejecting a bid h:. Symbionese Libt•r :it 1011 Army m embe rs William and Emily Har ris to sup press evidenl'c found 111 f h e ir San Frant1sc•o apartment "he n the> were a rres ted la:,t Sc•pt. 18. "di atlc>nd the fourth annual Mexican Trncle Fair 111 ; ' "" ._ • ' • f ... /\ ,~ l:"i .\l, r. .••• r\ ,..,. , , •"' '•<J ,, '"" I\• o .• PRE-TEEN 'TAXI-CAB' HOOKER Jodie Foster Almost Didn't Get Role OOe!\ll \LI\'{• I I l'l'l' t\11~ 11111re. . . 'llwt111!!111.il ,uf..Jor 'l ,l\1 IJ11\l'I' ·.,hO\\C<.l lhc lwd(•\ 1h·d I),,'\ 1111 11 ud:.!ing dm\ n .1 :\J .inhattan -.11·1•1'1 He·<".llh t ' 1 lw t drn.., 1°\<'dknt box oll'lce had t.il lt·n :-.h.ll'pl,\ .11 11·1 llll' lllltlal 11t·el..s. thc acl now Ill· d111!1•-; ;i t ull t 1g111·• ot .Jll(lil· .1::. the hookt·r rn hot· pani... 'T he kt•\ to In\' IJt·mg ubll.' to do the role was Bol> Ue:'\aro' li t· r~·hear:-t•d \\Ith llll' :..ihnut c·1ght hmt·s. a nd hl• took nu: ~1ruu11d :\t•\\ '\ nrk to l!l't .,r1mt• atmosphere Wt.• '1s1ll'd soml' \\ L'll'd l'Oflt'l' -.hoJh. plaC'l•:, l1kl• that. With that kind of lwlp. I lound th\: rolcchallc ng int,:. but\\ •thin rn~ 1 eal'h .. lll·r Ill'\\ rnll· Im· l>1:-.nn ot 1er::. ~· cl 1ffcrent kind ut eh.tllt•ngL· l'JIE DJS~EY PEOPl.E, SHE addt·d. ha,·(· !teen n·rv iin<l t•rst ~mdin.c: ;ibt>ut hc•r hookt·r roll' F:itht•r thi1t. ur lhL•\' an•n't ,1\\ :II'(' Thl'\ 11 111IH•.11011 4 lhul Columbia h us·c·hangl'd tl!'> ad <·amiwign Tlt\.' mm le' I<:; r.ill1'd -Freak Fntltt . ~mtf-:th pl,1>, ,1 tt·t·n :ii.:1·r \\Ito d1.111~l'" ·,denl>lics with her 111111 ht·r 1!:1 r li.11 .i I l.1rn-. \\'it h a b1l of Disney 11t.1)!H. J0Ll1l' l•t·t'Cltlll''-,, :i·, ~··ar Pltl \\nm en while \11:-' II.in i-. ;1d11p1 111•· 1111 11t.il1t\ though not the ap· ) l' ,II :..tll('l' 111 ,1 t I 'I ll.. 1 •I JODIE 1)()1.~V I' ~I.I· Tilt-: !1';111-.lorm.ition µs ,II)\ hi..: d1".al · l\1•111 _ .111 Jclllli '" '1111· 11 ~" -111· 1·ommcntt•tl. 11 ·-.. -.1111pl\ ;1 111,1\11•r 111 11 111~ 111111 t nmtrolletl, lllllf'l' 111111 1,d \\ 1° II 111ak1· tlt1· I 1,11bl\to11 \\1th JU.,l a -m.111 p11•1 1· '" h\l'>llll'"'' l:.11 l1.1r,1 \\ 111 h1• eating a h:111.in;i .ind 'o\ tll , h11kl0 u11 1t I II hl· -;mokmg a c 1)!.in·U<· ,111d \l d i l'h11fw I hJl '' 111 ::.l11m t hat \\e\·e th;lll).!l'd pl iH'l''-' .lc>da•-; t'.ll'l••·t l,(·~.111 .11 .I \\ /u:n ::.he pl.1ycd the 11r1g111;tl L'op1w1111nl' kid. 11 II h .1 clog pull111i.: tlO\\ n hl·r h;itl11ni.: trnnk-.. I m -..1-..1 t·d '111 cl111t1g 11 \\ •1 h11ut a top. and they !'>I 111 ha\ c thl' .111 t h.1l \\ J~ Builder-fixe1· Sues Tahoe Unit f!E:'\HI (i\1'1 i\ l.:ikt• T:1hlll' man has hied a SL I mdl11Ht -,1111 .1g;ttll'>I llw T.1h11l' lkgton;.il Pl;in · ning ,\gene~ IT It I 'i\ > l'1:11m1ng tl C'nnspirt·d to "llt-::=:::;;iiiiiii~l:;i~;_.,~~~fl~i:c.et:.-A-1..hwldcr....and in.er of pjers Ill ;mu ha.rbor" \\'illtam .J fli~gs ~.lrd 111 the mahcious-prosctu- l1on '>lilt fill0d in rl•tl1•r:1I t•n111 t h1•n• that hl· has b1•tm hlarkhs t••d .I!• .1 r1•-.11 ll 111 .1 1111!->ckml'an or c harg t t ti c1tl h \' t 11\ • TH I •, \ I \\ " ' 1 • 11 :-. a : 11 'BEING AN ADULT IS BORING' Tl;,. l'ILlf~•· .11·ru:.1•d h1111uf11l rgally clomg more than $:itHI \UH'k •Ill ,\ '111111 l'lllllllrllllng" Structure , H11:i.:s :-:11tl ,\11:111111•11lhl·1 h:11 i,:t• \\a, later dro1>pcd. lw 1·l~11m .. th'· 1111·111t•n1 m .11f\o l11m a laugh1n~ stork anti l':• us <·d p 111" l'lTI 1\1·1• 111plm e•r., ln s hun him. The .;u11 ..,,.,•!..-. ~·e·nt·r·:ll cl.1m:i,.:l•o.; or $200.000 a nd p11ni1 l\•t· rl;1m.ii.:L',,.. 111 :Si .. .10.11<10, :i:-o \1t•U tis romp·cn..sa.· t lllll !or out nf putl-.t•I los:-1•1. Int ;111111: :)t::!.5,500 She Changes Ide ntities With Movle.-Mom -' ~Joh Outlook G.iven Ha1ulbook i11 fJrief' Lists 27.5 Occupations 11.' JOl'('E L. f\t.~'l.H\' ll11nr .Jn111·1· I Ill 1•1t1·rr ,,, I •1 th • u1;,; ;,1 o .· c 111101 ,,,,,,,, 11,,, 1 ... ,1 fla111lhnnk • -II H c .\1 111• "11 : •' Th,tl ., p11bh:-hrd II\ 1111' I .tl11•r Ocp;1rt lll<'nl 's nu n '.111 ,11 I .. 1hn1 Sltlt 1sl u·s (B I.~ l h11l I 1r ·I I 111m 1 tw s.11111• .;0111'1'1· ht 11• " 1 lw lrt•(' r111okl1 •1 ol 1h,· \l'.1 1' 01 cup.1!11111.d C111t loolo. ll,111clho11k m llr>l'I l!tili Ti 11 ~:t :!8 p;1i.;,• :-111111u.11 \ 111 lltl' c mpl1•' nwnt 011 tl1111k 1111 ~•Hlll' ";-, nn·11p.1tio11s '>1°l1•1'l l'd 1111111 llw handhotik. :111d trn1· 111 t h1• 11111 ... 1 llSC'llll J)11hlt\•;1t1011" l'\1•1 11111°1 <'d ITS JOH!'\ ,\R E .1rr:111~·t•tl 111 1.1 d 11stc•rc; 111d11st 11.tl. p1rnhwt11111 p(I lt'l' Sl'I'\ II'{' l t•d11t .II Hiii :-ales. eono.;t111c·r111n. 1r.111-.p111 t.1 t1 on. ~r1l•ntil 11 :r11d lt'<hn11.tl !TI (' (' h iJ II ll' o.; ;1 II If I I jl. I II r •I " hl'alt h. "0 1'1:11 -..1·11·111 1 111·1.il sen H't' .rnd 111 t tl1 '1i.:11 .111.t eomm11n1ra11on"' (Career Corner J Vnr mst:tnl't'. hl:irl.. ... mlllh .111 lll'tnl! rl'pl.tr<'d h \ \\ 1•ltl1·1' .11111 111 ;11· h In 1•" I n f I t1 "I " 1111 p . l't '"Pl'<'h (111 -;kJlle·tl ,,.,•11'! .11 ll'" ,11 I.' L'OO<f 1'111 !'li,1 ,lllL' ,1111°111' \\1th i:r:idu.111• de·..:11•1•, 111 purrh.1:-;111i: 1>1Jn.1)!t·111t·11t \\ill Ill 111 1h·r11 .1nd , .tlt l11111~h 11·1·hn1r.1l 111'111' "1 ,1.\' Jll 1'11'1 1'11.l!lnl'l'rllli: .111d 't:•l'll('l' ,!.'.• .1 d-. lnr th.it \\nrk ~O \1 E O('('l ' I'.\ TION~ n ·1p 11 r 111g It''" tlwn .1 fo11 1· 'l"ll' l'ollt•t.:" d1•i.:r1·1· '' h1rh at 1· ltkl'I\ 111 lil· t .1.,1 i.:rm11·r~ 11\l'l 11dl' c 111htn11• 111111 111a<'ht1H'I'\ ••ift'I ;11111 .. lttho 11 r;iph1t• \\ orkl'rs. pol1 1·1• ol 111·1•1'" \\:J ..,lt•\\;rl l'r ll'l.tl111rn1 J•l.111t 11Ji(•f'.llt11 .. 1111·1·1!,11111·-.. incl rl'p.11r1·1.;, n nd .1ll11•d ltP.tlth \I' II j., \'I'' 1·011.11 11n up.1t1ons. and a fu1·thcr cl1·1l1111•11I I arm\\ 01 k!'I''> STll.1.. i Ol T OF 10 nf the ;;R 11111111111 Jllh 1IJIC'lllll\!.' .tllllt'lfl:lll'd 11\ l'IH:i \\ill .. 1 .. 111 lr11m j 1wt•<l to n •pl,u I' 11 111 kP1' \\ hn rt•t1n •. rite ,., lt'.1\ I ti •• l11•lcl ,\ l:U'J!e UC· •llp.1111•11 \lllh /('10 )..lll\\fh ('<Ill .11111,.th p1 1•tl1111 11u\1'1' 1ohs than ,, .. m.111 "', 11p:1111111 \\llh roc·ket ).I" I th IH. \llEH :-;!';!?\ICE To oh. 1.1m ,1 ..,111gl1· lr1 I' 1 OJ•\' ol this ,11111111an" 'l'nd ',11ir 11·qut><ol to nw .11 th1~ nt•\\ "f'.1)1< 1 Ynu must 1 11 t'l 11 d t' a• s I' I l . t d d r l' ':-c ti . l'ltn1m1•d 11rn1l111 i.: lah1•I Do not ~td an 1•11\ 1'101w .\ 11•!11rn matl· 1111' l.llwl "1·s1-1·ntrnl ti \11\1 \\ant d1 11, .. 1' hk tor "ll.1nd1>11olo. 1n ll1 11•f . 1°111' 1111 rr ·o <'C'Upat 1onal The ruling Wednt>s d::iy paved the way for the trial of Harris c s and codefendant P atr1 c 1 ~1 Hearst to begin .I unt' 6 011 c harge'S or kidni.lptngl robbery and assault , stemming' from a sc•ric·s o f in.cide nts in L o:, ngeJ~s1lrM"ay. W74. A rrl!st D11e CHINO (AP J Polit·e Chief J erry Doy le say~ he expects early ~11n•.,t in the sluying of a man and woman outs ide Our Lady of Guad alupl Church. Killed Mondav night were Mrs. Manu.~la who died on the eve of her 30th birthda y, and Ignacio Padilla. 29, both working with an ant1 vandal patro l in the vio l c n ce ·t or n neig hborhood that sur rounds the church. Superior Court Judgt• Harry L . Hupp rnlcd Wednesday a gain-;t a civil suit fil ed b y Michael E . Le viton, u Hollywood attorn ey whose w ife is a tcacht•r. Leviton s aid there \\Crc no plans to appeal llw rul· ing. Threl! Reneot·f!d CLAREMONT (AP> Vote rs have recalll'd three m e mbe rs or the local board of CdUC.tlllJll who voted to close 11111\'11 an cle m cn larv s11:11111 because it h ~u fr\\cr than 300 pupils. The elect io n n•.,ull<: showed Wf'dnt•sd c1~ thttl the forml'I' prl·:-1ch•nl of the b o a rd . I·: r 111• !-> f Taylor, lost hb '>t0:11 on the fi ve-memhr r body ul ong will\ Wilham /\n flcrson and MI''> Ill· vt·rly Shakletl D.-ath Ht•jPt•f f"d SACRAMENTO ti\ P> -!-'or the sc(•nn<I Ii nw. ao Assembly comm1tte1· has r ejected u JH-clpo"'·tl mandator y d eath .... n knee ror an\ II flt' \\ htt murde rs a i-t.<1lt• l>41!1t·e officer. The bill b\ /\.S · Sl'mblyman Paul ·Ba nna1 <R-Gardena). was etc• fcated Wt>dncsd ay on :i 2·4 vote or thl' Asi.cmhlv Criminal Justice Com millee, which turned down a similar mt•a!iur t' Inst year. C1>1111ty Stt!p LOS ANGELES <AP> -T h e B o ard of Supervisors has on.lrr<"d c harter amendmf'nts drawn up that would restructure the co11nt.v government. includ1np establis hing a <'Ollllt~ mayor. Tlw 1·111-r1•nt ""'' .. nd ·" 1'1 .I!.'.•' a nnu,11 llJll'llllll!" lnr l .1• h 111 1 11p.1 llC'lll ,tr1• I"~\ I'll .il11n 1 '\\I I h rmpl1H mJ 111 t rt•n!I ... 111.t p 111 Spl•~h ~ I In ~1·111 r.tl 1 ht• hut •".Ill 1111"'1'1". .1 c·n111111u;i t11H\ Cll lh1· l.1•.1 I\ p .1 11.,1on , I \\!lit, 1 1111.11 .111rl 't'I'\ l<.'l' O~llpJliulh .1 "lct\\ 1'1 th,111 ,1n:r.1gc gro\\lh ul blue I •1111 .... ~ ll.mollir111I. l!lili ii," 1c; I((){) p,11 1• ,11111 <'•• • • Si '1 :1ke• \'Ollr l'l1 • h J• \ 111,. 111 th•· !"\111w11ntt'll · d1:11 pf I• 1u111111h \i.111 IO ~ •• p. 1i11l1 n1h0'.tl or n ocumr nl'\. \\ ! h 111 I 111\ fl l' Iii) 10:? f)o not •·nil <'hVl'k ... 111 lttl' 'l lw .. fir'il rule 1 ~·,11ur1 ~ ,h1111hl lil• ,I\ .11l.1hlf' in hbrurtc~ :otarting this summer. The m ove was se<'n as a first s tep toward pre· sentin~ the proposals to lhe PtJhlic in the Nov· emlx-r election. S;.in Antonio. If<: was invited by a dclcgut1on dunng a visit at Los Pinos, the presid cntiaJ home in Mexico City. The trade fair. established to s timul<1te United Stall's de· mand for M exi can produl'ts. was launched from a suggcslion made during Echcverria's last visit to San Antonio in 1972. Eche \'erria is expected to visit the fair Sep'!. 5 and ft. 1ttun through Sept. 9. • Fnrm<'r antiwar ;wt1vist Tom llayclt•n ha' mm·1· than d oubled his supµorl am ong \'Ole rs tor t h1· Democratic U .S. senatorial nominalio11, a 11u1JJ1c opinion po ll reported. ,j •• i.nH.1•1• J.•(JL.lo<tt,11 1o--, l "•cJ •..tr• I lOJ.1,.. l I .l C... '''~ • 1.od J i (.f) LtN~ R1 .. 1' l..q· \ln·tM.u '-""' 'f F llf'6M.ty l'I ;lM>' f,,,,4 ./ ~-•1 # ·" t ~ut.tn P.1h1 • l•i0~''°' ,._ y,., ,, lr.1u• .. • 1nJ W ''" M • A.·./ ... f.H. q,,,,,,, l.Jt11rl't'rt ''"'I>• '1 Mu ..... 11 1o t "' M l1CA • "' L ,.oQ ,,,.,,. ' ( AJ1 , IN It• ''v I •' t "' Hf1• tri ~ • M 1lhf4 Utfufl i-'•vl ,11\j t.IU'4 M lllJ•U•I \il'Qli K.I t R Eaor f.;11•.,r 1110 J "' • i:<i11 ' "" •'Htt'r1. t&1,0I .J,.,. ........ ". f '""'"'1 ... ,,,, .,,,, 1,/\l t V(.1 ft., n .. l 1111.J l\1tt\ur, ''''l(l4~1 J 1 ,.,,, 1 ,,no f' '', , I 1,µ,, • h ·, I' ~ 1H1•y11 I , , ,,,,,.., I\• ltt"I '''4MA."'>1 f\l\1 r·of\11,1 1 t I ;\\1'h. ',, .. I" J ,,,,IV• "I Y\ 1 •• 110 t' I"'' I h I\ "'d •· . ,, II ' ., r nnv.1 r v y. 'v fi ,1nu ,,, ""'''~ t 11 1\n'i'f N r f II J' '' U11\'•d ind I In a tclt.:?phone sun·c~· of lill5 !)(·mocrab this '·':·, '',;,;;·;"~ ·::.11\.;',"~ mouth. the Ca ltfornia poll found that Il a~ lil'll 111 ,1 •> " "' , '"" J ·"" w c1·c::1st.>d has support from Ja lo :l3 Jll'l'l'l'lll the p;1'>l : ·I.'. 1 '"'" , .. ,, '' ' 1 """ Si"\ \\(•£'k~. fV.l\•.f+ ., l'., I 't"'~'· '"' '+•1 lnl'Ulllbl'lll s ,·n. John Tunney, mc·amd11lt', "·'·' '°''11 nr.'v ;/,11"'.~:'"'::::::·~ lo:-1 !! perl'l·ntag(' points h11t 1s s111l fU\'C>rC'd b) 50 c , , , . 1• ,, • 1. oc:t pc.•n·ent of llH· L>emocrats S\ll'\'l')'e1I 1 '· r •• "' • 1 J ""' 'r FL l\~,or '' (nL• t n ''"1 Ori~ * 1 • ,...,.,,/'.1.J) "JtJ ,, , , d i dnd The c hie f just ice of the California Suprcmt• ",,;.., "A"' 111 z .... ,r~ P •ndJ"' Court favors compulsory retireme nt ror ol1 Judge~ ~.:~~"~, "'v~r.''"J,.:,~1'~~~~·;n:~ at age iO. he said in a £etter to a s tale Senator . 11 .-. Chief Justice Donald R. Wright, himself iO, '•'•dMa,: wrote to Sen. Alfred Song, <O·l\lo11t1.·rcy Park "" "tovo o., ... ,..,,,,,.11~~ndL"' a uthor Of lC'ois l•tllt>ll tU f"l'(llllrt: I'>'• >llPl'I N~ 1" J•" .tnd """' t"'-• ' l 11• I 1•• ,-.,tJV 0 '•·1.1 M''"' •t"'1 retirement a t ;1gc"i'O. •~6'"""' .m, 111ir 1 Y""'·'u"'"' Wright suid he nnt1n·d 11 twn ';~~,' ~:;·~~1 1,'" "1" 1, ,,.,1 0o • .,, ... presidjng ,iucig l' Ill th1· J.n:-o 1no" ....... ··•I """"n t Angeles Su perwr C1111rl 111 the :'::,.'/;·, ",1~1' 1~,'~'~ r' ~:.1d; ;; "" · 1960s that "the Judµc•:-\\hll c·•m ,,.,r 1 ,, Mot• A"',,,,. ''"'r tinued past age -;o Wl'rc. \\Ith on "'~" • • •· 1 .:11U1 1wt>o . .._ __ _ J,,,i, I '-1.l\MI q f,IMMln• l\n1" .1ftJ ly a few exceptions. the probll.'m .,,, ,,,, ~, .... """", ,., 1 , R••t>r•I J·udges of \he court." o ... "'·"" ,. • For $2. Philip llamt'rsmith WRIGHT will s ell YOU a w ill malun,.: CIU sol e beneficiary of the esiatc of l;.ile h1l11r111;ein· Howard R. llu.l(bes. Kenneth Salzman \\ill d1argl' you only St. , \<4,,~(Jrl I • ( 1•1rl.r l,,tf I :<1\ld l'H·rt' f i\Vl.fil-i' ( , .. ftt Allin 11tl"t [1t11• ( .. 1y ;r,IQRt(R, l l')r-1 I 11'"0 M if 11 11 I A ·,1/\1 l H, (n1 ,,.,l L ,1110 "'"''' '" ~ f A 1 lt1.1 f \1,111.,,.. • J ,,,,., M.vv L • llJ''"' ·, '•,,I "' ,, ,,,.(j ,,.,,.,'Ii Mf ( /\l-1 l)M .,., 1n (OY11.1Ht "'' ,1 ,, ,,,, ,.,..,, IH t.. ,UP U-r,1ldW •• t "' "" ( 0 o th lOOk OUt C)aSSifie<f <Id:< Lil l\! IUffi I VolW 1"•' 1 M ,inrt Anl1"'"1 <, VfHJl'4 f f1,0ltl••.1 "'"'Ahn news papers. off er in{! the fokc docuna·nb :-.I 111'! ly a~ ", ,, 1 "'" r.t .vi "'""' ""' :l "at:. ' r.JO>•C >+ J( •• r~, Inv ,;nf1 J ,,, ' O f OOfH O.ur••I fol l f 1f"ld C.h" • ~ . lzn t~res<: "O_ur friend~. your hank and ~our vi111110 R ,. .. , •·JR .n 1R"'""'- ,J \Ji/ Q( "-0f<fl' l L. ,1n I ''"l• ~ .ittornl'\'," said the ad placed by llameri.m111t .. 1 Polttv """' '" ·•"" R '"' •· former 'ne.w~nauGr r(.•portcr ___ _ t>" ,_.. ,_.. -YrrnoM~-f-~...,..,...,__, •• Salzman . \\.hO i::: u nemployt•d . 'i<iill, "~lori• 1han r.f>A ~\ tll • I ro .. I ., 1"'··1 ""Jr \ l 11' t' l f 1•'• J I '"' ·J anvthing t•lsc. I ITI{'itlll ii to bt• a kind or !':OC'l~il l 'tllll Mll\lf'I• ... t ............ ~.,u mc·nlar.v ht.'C'ilUS(' of all the llught'S newi. \\('01(' j.!1 t ' •• V• I ( \ •I• I ... ..1 \lilt h••'~ AU ttl P \/ t ,f l1J1J! " t ,, i 11, I I tt t '•""''' • Painter Andrt'w Wyf'th's <'lcrlilln to thr F n •n1 h 1\1·;11lt>m \ or l·'1n1• i\rt~ give~ th0 l'l0llll'i~" :1n1.1 ltnt 11 art 1st thl' d1:-ti1ic·tion ol l.1t•ing t h( '11'1 h n a I I\' l' h 11 r n J\ me ri r an , am;tnl! 11h · Lll0:1dem~ 's 1'.! as· :oocialcJ:on.·i~n 1l1\.•ml~" _·_ The l GO-Yl':t r ·old a<"adcm y .11111011n1°t•ci Wvt•lh w:1s l'lt·<'lt•cf to t:t k<" the plac{• of Hrituin':-Fa•ld r.1nrs ha l Monti.:o met'y, wh111liNI rect nth W vC'th 's C'lcction \\'as in· J lt•nd1•1i :io.; a Fr<'nl'h trihutr lo ~ Anwrie;m :1rt during th<" birt>n wn 1" tt.:?n111al year , us well as to Wyeth's :ich1evcmt·nh * FOi 1>1rcC"tor Cla;encc M. Kl'lfr\ 11ri:1•d tai,1,, t11111m' 111 C'ncourai:c millions of lhcll' rncmh1·1-.. 111 pr.wl 11'1' rrimt• pre vt>ntion mrtho<b. I uri-e ,v1111 to t11r11 inwarcl l11 lw1k alll'r 111t11 l'\l II," Ill' ~:111! :11 an J\F J..Cl<> ninll•11·111·1 111 \\ a:.h1nl!lon •m 1·om m11n1ty ser\'it'l''> · 1 urge ~ 1111 as :in organi7.;ition Ill l'll).!cnrlcr t ht• pr:1t•t1l'I' of c·nnw rC's1stanee amonl! w111r m1·mht•r.., and th,•1r fomtli<'" ln encouruJ?t' lhl'nt to pr .1t'l lf'I' t'l'lfTll' ·.afl•ly ml·;1.,11n·s to reduce thl'lr 'ulnl'ral11lity ful'nnw ., "hc sa1<1. Foreign Students Needing Homes Twenty home~ in the Huntln~on llcarh area are nel'ded for students from Mut.lnd. Spain, who will vis it the city this summer dur rnl-! a Foreign Study League tour. Julie Saoud said homes arc ncc>ded fo r i.tu· drnts and their teacher. The will 11tt1•ncl l'lasses at Golden West College from J uh 1:1 tu August 13. she said. Anyon e able to providt> hou'liing or t ransportation to Golden West Collegt' c·:irh dny. may phone Mrs. Saoud at 546·:lr9 or 536-2514 . t.flcten sion. 4!06. ' --- ""' ,,,_ '' ;1, 11 f JI 1 I ) r ' !I J ''" I f ltff f\ttt ( Ji I I fl •" I v it t f 11 • I t tf 1 f\n '' 1 ( t•1,,1f •'' t._-., I f.I tt ., •1'1 f 'l+IUl\r t Cl 'Af,, fr1f '• •rwn .1n11 1''' M lrt 11 t;• ;J p ." ,,..,,, ,, ' '"' f .. ,, 1 NI I II f f; f ,,,., •,, '111 oht ,,,, I I M< I f4f41l I ···"""' l I 11 r, ,, l ( ,, t4 ( J·1•°1 lf1 ""''" 11111•1 ....... '""'"ti '''II,,,, ;. ,, I Mt\ft I ·IH•I I jltl A id" ~I I fylY, '•'''1tf/f1n( II 1l11 11111It+11 11 I + 1 "'I l I Y I 1Mt11· M ,, I" ' I 'Vf L1. l/>...J1 1i1 l1 !!Id t•. I It I Astronomy Lecture Schfl'duled \rn1•1w.1 :-~p:1C'1• pro- i.:> .11.1 \\ 111 1)1' ("Wmtn<•d il1111ni.: lhr• fin a l s ei-!\1011 II f () I ,1 ti g l' (" n :t ' t <'ollt•J!1• !; Ill'\\' monlhl.'' l1•rt 11n• ~c·111•.;, "Fnin· t 1rr' 11f /\s t 1111111111 y." l"ri du~ 1•,·1·11ini.:. l\I av 28 Ttw 11•rt 11 n • will IJ1• nf f\•re<I JI 7 :10 f'. m . :mcl tt ~tlln ,It \1 in Q (:("~ J 'la•wt an 11 m. I\ d m isi.ion 1s fr1•1• and tlw public w \1:5 1nv1t1·d 111 .itt1·ntl. ~ St•r1r:-. 1.-rt urcr is OC\ a~tronom\ ins tructor, 'teve Lallam.io, who i:-al~o tlu• clll'l'C'lbr of th~ OC'C !'lane I al'1t1m . L.111 an111• will lrncc thr J\pnllt• moon n1µhls anc1 oth(•r m.inned mis· s1on;> II{' w di a lsQ look .it thr rnh11t ~pace prob<.>s \\h1 d 1 llnvr ins pecte~ m1111• th.in h.tll th e sol..ir ~~i.h•tn . ••'-·-· ·--- .. Thu' '-' 1, t.1 ~-• ., f. ;; 'Sam' Splendidly Staged :.;··'.:·".'.""""· -c-=~----r ' • ... .. R' T<n1 Tl1'l'S oi lrt• 0.11 ... Pilot \tAtt 'l'ht· ld<'J uf llumphn·) Bo~arl g1\ 10~ W1111dy Al l('n l1p.s on how to 1rnpnJvt· h1~ love life i:. ont of lhl' !nort• 1n:-.p1n•d t•11ncq1I:-. 111 r11oclt·r11 l>l u) \\ nting, <ind IL m<Jc.lt· for <• hilanuus i\111·11 \ch1ch· lir11h on Brom.lw<iy and in lh1· :-.ul1scqut·nt nw1·1l• vt·r .... i1111 (Jf .. Play ll Ag•un. Sam." IJ1rct·t11r ll a l H"lslon t•mµl11ys :-.ornc fin1· 1111 ag111at1vc hu-..111c:-.s in h1:-. pru<luct1011 at \\'c~lrn111!>lcr ~om mu11ity Thc>atcr. most nntahly hringing Bogey 10 lo µlay · .h Tin1t• <;111•1> By" 011 th1· piano dunng the sc<•rw l'hangcs. Tht~ show is en :-.µ, wt•ll l!Ut'e<I und. 111 g<·ncr :d. one 11f th .... rnorl' •nJC>) alih.> c1·c n1ng:-. of the<1t<.·r the eurrcnt Sl'<i:-.cm h;i:-. produced • Tl11s. ~l.'!\fJllt' :1 rathl•r :.tiff jJerformcu1cc from Corky 0 C11111111r, tlw 1:.ik:-.l 111ht•n1or 111 th1· Allton ... ------- There's no body in the family plot ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S . FAMllYPUn' I\. \l<E\ BL·\LI\ Bl~'CE DER\ IJ~l<B. \!{.\ 11:\ld~b \\'ILUA\\ IJE\A.\E A Uf.llVf RSAl PIC iURf I PG I PLITT CITY CENTER ORANG( 634-9282 "THE BLUE BIRD" "ROBIN·& MARIOt-r' IPGI "Sf-tULOCK HOLMES"' SMARTER !IROTHEll" f PGI "MOftty Python & The Hojy Grail" • . JACK HICHOlSOM "OHE FLEW ~=. ·EA?M OYER THE COCkOO'S HEsr· uu "SLEEPER" "GJ "BAO HEWS BEARS" IPGI "'THEY C AME FROM WITHIN" IRI ''IEYOHD THE GRAVE'' IRI "SHULOCk HOLMES SMARTER lllOTHE~'•· "OLD DRACULA IPG I "STJIAHGER AHO THE GUNFIGHTER" "llTE THE BULLET" IPGI ~ ~_":,! C! ..:.~ c_i_s ~u s I I!( USfO AT Ilk ( Of PURCHASQ LA MIRADA ' ,, .,, ..... '"' •-tl•Dt•1 \ •t• ~·II '' \0 MOtrieOA'f '"''"' SATU•OAf t(•<•Pt Hol d•t•) •1.JO.,• \ 00 SU .. OAY 6 >;OltOA•S 11 >O 6 > 00 t 1 I " IY • I m,1nl11• 111 lhl· < t.-ntn 1I rul<• of lht• rnCi\ll' nut in a' ,_, ·~1 '"' ,... ... • _ ... ....., - I I ' ., eonH'• II ''""'l'h ft11 h ·m 1mn1· 1'<1111p,111111n-..hq1 r1 • , ... OT onnor:. b1~g~i.t µlui. :.c>em:-. tu be h1:; JJh )':oo.tt ,d 11• ' :-emlilann• to ,\lll'll, bul his vo11th. itpJJan·ol 11\1·:>. lh'lll'llll' .ind Ulll'l'lt:11n nut• 1Jloh1<.•I\ ;_1rt· •• 1i~t11tll" ~ :;:· .. I sllll lu bl.' 0\ 1·1 ('(lllll'. a~ ;1re Ills r;g1d. fan: rront I• .• rn• I• rno1111lug111•:-in .1 hcH':O.l'"hUl' th1'all'r . ~.:~: The f11H·~1 lh'rforrnarll'l' of thl· cvt-n1ng 11> d1• .~ ..... 1 • "' er1·d b~ ~I l'Kl'\.' 1\11drrson as tlw Liest fnl'nil s "1fc "'"'" ·' '""" \\ho :-.harl'S (l '(:onnor'!-. varit.•(I ru\uroses 1\l ts:-, i\n· ~":.~··" ~"'' i•n 111 I' ' " . ' . dt•rson is a :-nnl illating <·omh111ation of heauty and L<><i<><;•" ·"'" "' ~·· .,. l;il~·nt unrll'r-..c·orrd h.v a l't'Sl'l'volr of stage erH:rgy ----------- \1 h1l'h 1·N1talih buhhlt•)) tJ\t!I' in ht•r s plendid in- ll'l'l•rl'lation t-:quall~ tlll!Jl'l'""llt· Is (' T \\'1sema11 s Bogart. a roll-fl'\\' .1tt11 r ... t .. 111 pull ofl su1·c·1·s .... full) \\'1:-.em:.in c·:.iptlirt•:o. th1• m111utc dl'la1b of lhl• clipped s peec h anti lat1al l\\ 11 l'11c:-th<Jl hdve become so idc·nl1ftablt: ti• g1•11e1·at 1011:-. 11f m•1\ tl'~ucn, Clan•nC'l' lll•1'\\ ar "' 1{f1·c·t l\'C as tht· bu-,1ness· m 1n1ftod hu-..ba11tl 111 \!is:. ,\rull·r:-.on. '' h1lc-Cvnthca Ha n 111 <10 1· ... 11 .cm· 1111J 111 I he flcct iog role of <°> Cun ll•lll ' ·,. \ \I I It• I ':i I h \ ,) 1> -,;;;.~..;;.....;;;;;;;;:;;=;:;;;;;;;;;,. ( .tt l'ollll h;,... .1 II IC l' ~· q11o·nl·•· ,1, .1 ltl1111t da1t·. 11111 k :-;.11 a It H 11"111 l.111 rl.1 \\ 1'11 11 J c,. 1·h 11 l\of 111 ,. h I ,I 11 d ~I ,1 I ~· I f11ucl 1 ~lll'l I 111 ,,, 11ft• :-•1mc l1Jl1•n·~l lllJ.: I ,1 llll'CI!> GEORGE BURNS WALTER MATTHAU l'l.1,1 ll /\,:.1111 . Sam· 1:-. th<: lalt·~I 111 ,, gnmrng "THE SUNSHINE i1st of :<uc-c·l'"'t':-Ii) tit"' BOYS" tP_GJ \\'t•-,111111isll•r I 'c1111111ui11t' Phu TIH'<l l t•r 11 1·1111t 111u t:~ ·~ "SMILE" lPGI f'nda~' .11\cl :...at111cla.':; / thrnu~h .11 1111. :1 ,1 ilh an Sftlior Citizens Sl.00 l X 'JO l' ll I t ~t I Ii 'l'Ou 1rt 10'0•"1t rn•1l•O • • presents P11;, 11 t • I !••'t I I• .ti,! ! ' 't <'I I ;. ;. I ~ ~' 1 •• ~I ' ~ .... c.._., ' . ,,...,,, , , ... ' MAY ~ ./J. 23 ANAHEIM ta../-~ .J STADIUM In ·ONE FLEW OVER 1 HE CUCKOOS NfST COLOR IRI THEATRE II---""" SHELLY W INTERS NEXT STOP, GREENWl<:H ' VllJ.AGE "PAINFUllY FUNNY 1111 l I :r , . "LUDICROUS LU NACY GROUVf lUbl "CRAZY l :,1 t I'" I ( f JI 'UCRllC IATIHGLY FUNNY •I ' "LU'l .. C' I' I ' "OOl RALfOUS ,I' "HILARIOUS ' . I ... ,•,11 LI t • , qi11~'. ,, , I t ·' f ,! •HI , ' 1'1 ,. l• I I ' I cmttic fllr-l-I "' . . "NU l ~TO'. 11?1 I G.RErNWICl-1 VILLAGE:" i ·oo.6 00.1 o oo "HARRT & TONT-0 " 4:00·&:00 tRI "ECHOl:S OF A SUMMiR" O'GI 2.00·5.60·'1:45 I "SMILE" (PG) l__j 50·7.40 ~"ii~·~ '~&11~· "Hu t Slop, Grttnw1ch Villoqt" IRI t\f t "l.IA'!I f\.4 t "Horry & Tonio" 1111 'fl't;-;At \ -t I( H ''" . 'Otolh Machon•" IM1 • 4 .1 ..... "' ft I DON 1 lOUK 1N I THE VI 11'<001/1 lhi A ~· A I l l • C.:i ll 642-!>61!: I " Pul a tcw word~ to wo1~ tor you I• ' TAXI O'SVll ,., '•Ut u ._., WHITE LINE HVU •co O•'" '> >_t • ••_!~'.!.' ••n • II JIU 0 • •a"' t •ft,..O •U•l ~f;.I , ~i= ~--~ "LIQUID SPACE" ~---~.~~~ ORANG£ U i's C1t / C1111111,, • !. , ; :;IJ!r CO STA MESA U A C1111,1111 • ~·IC f' P.l WE STMINSTER U A C111tm.1 • o9J t.,j-lb Gal!ZlY .., CAll Of 1Hl WllD 0$ 0 •1• I J Je • •.t'U•IJS •.tU 'f loiTo 111\Tm • wmw wYT1lTII •a~r;,;::=r .. :.~.:::.l All THI ,IUIOlNT'S MIN - I\# .. f'"'Ult I M • J Jf • t .. e ......... ..__:;99.;_•;:_;..l~:=~ • )O•J-l OOe 111 J.Af aJ JO•l-OO•t JO ....... ' .... ' ~1~ 3~'6 .-;-:-:::-, ... &-JI 40/0 ~t ... , • ....... ,.... ,, ; 96)148 1 t Jee I I t • I t lt 1 ll,STICl< ,., 1. 104111 JO & ounAw ,., l . Tl4l .,iOl«WST VAID 1•1 •i.>H ._O-.••O UT MY DUH oo ...nc ... cn<• 'Mawu1 TlVll Y '10f >r 0 -.1 t ..... ···-· ... •'-' ... U O HIWS llAU .. Ml llO COM,AHT •• -------........ \ "'u' < "" c u•tt\ •••,.ua mm ··::.'" t\,;'41, SPARKLE •<> = ~.l l 1171 1 '• ' , UlTIMATr WARRIO~ • t • • ,,... ,, I • · -... ~ ...... . :~ ....... . . . ...... .. • • 811 1~1'>2 All fHI PllSIOIHU MIN •o lltllll & lHI IU~ ,, . .':·~~ .. .!..!~'. I .. IHf CV M.AH f4"H0 •u•- Glllll y "" (All Ot nn Wlli) '"' Ul 'tAN C\itt Stronge r & Gunfighter """ • 11101 It Come f rom W ithin '" W1 ........ ,,. I \• i.w....,, .,.,. c ... • """ •• ,,_, l o ... ~ ...... oo c.~ JCOMPl l fC ~H()A., 1 ll)' O t':'I Al mo Hll c HC OCK'S · f~~·lllY PlC l" ' ') •, ~' \Vl'4 • I 1 \ 4(). 4\ "UG[R SANC 1 ION" ••• 1 ,, '" II\, L (W.f l:c •\\I p11 <1(" ( '•' ''·~O'>'A IA G "'•"'f '"••l '•OlO•f ........... V .. TH( DUCH~~S AND Dll!TWATCI! F-O X" IPG1 "TRAIN 11:oe TO I IOlL 'l'VfO OD" 'G RIIll Y" f PG I "EAr MY OUST " ~ .. TUNNEL VISION" IXI IHllll'/\..,,11., l f'll•H ORAt-IGE f.Jq.J91 I "DU, TH MACHINE" "PAIME CUT' IRI GRl."ZLY 'UT MY OlJST" IPGI <;t ,\N U >NN l.ln .. 1« 1m 1n '-I li\\V I h., k.od """' 1~.111 Ir-. tlin h..t .!!!!!. ~ ~l..ltJfl ~R I ..... o .-• •• l• •u,• t' ' .... ~~.~so~.Tw1H .•. ,I U,1\' Lipst ~ck •• ,., t• I \IL' I\\ ·1 •" 11u•1111111111i 1.1~11 I '' • I SOlllH cc. \'iT n PU ion.:, It• ANNIJAL SUMM(fl ACllN(; CCN~fn11 l lOP. • June ~, AuQu"I 11 Lo1il Day lor Aud111ons -M11v U -i>"' • ~ THE GOLDEN BEAR Huntin<jton B~ach Presmti, MAY 21-23 CECILIO & AKPONO • I MAY 25-26 STEVE GOODMAN Ad•onct Ticktl Rtstr•atlon~ Al All Un1•~r<1ly "ltrto \lo«, OINfMG •COCKTAILS .. NO AGE LIMIT 306 PACIFIC COAST HWY. SJ6-9l1'0 Huntington Beach (Across from Pier I ELIZABETH TAYLOR JANE FONDA I I : l II· t I l l 1'1 I• I !I \J AV A GA RD NER CICELY TYSO N )\ll\'\-i,\h1 1 ol l'I,• I l I I.< · I l \', \11:,: !,'.'. I I " t 'l I h.' I 11\ I I 1.11 \\Ill JI \'.l1/..I \J ,, I I ' ~ (;{~(Ul Aul>IENm ijGitti,iiM ...... , ., .. , mia·~ c ·~L'JO l J I . -1 0f i"HE iGAME : t , ,,. • , 1• r 1111 •; H I" f I t•I I I'' i.,.11t..,'.V J.C •II "HOT POTATO" I• I • t -1 n,\H i 11\t .\ t ~ ... 11· ( 1 !~ •• ·:Tnlll EldAflf H ,, .. r 1 AVA l1Af ht .;Alo I 1. ' flC.ll t I t .()•• ........... , ·11'\\, I . «.~: rir-.. 4 ~ .. ..4 .... I l Ult,., . - •• 6. I -• I I 4 li ) 'I \ ~ • , \i. l'P"f • (ti t t I 1 tt, - ~--~ ••·'. ,./ ' I \ • • ~,,.=tLi r \". _i:,.. • l l J 1 • l :f j l • I .· ' _____ r .,, !1, 11 1,~Q 1ll1.., Dally P1tot Stdtt Photo 'IMPRESSIVE BOARD ROOMS. IN FORLORN BUILDING Mazda Motors Still Trying To Sell Irvine Would-be Headquarters Polaroid Patents Hit IH>STO \; ! \I' I Thi• 1'111.1111111 t•orp h.1, h1·1·11 ,I( 111 "'I nt 'llh rn1ll1ng 111 \1,il \.111.1111 111 lt•rrni•r Ill\ 1·11t 11111· 111 1·\t1 nd 1t ... p,11t·n<' 1111 111 ,f,tlll ph11loo I q1h\ l'C!lllJlllll'lll Neitporl Fir111 Changes N l1111.e Thl· n·ort.:.11111:1111111 ol 1!:111h lll-111 Fro:-1 .tnd \ ... s 111·1.1t1·-, 111 :'\f'\\ port lk1•;11•h 1111111·1· I ht· Ill'\\ n:tllll' of 1!11111•1 t HP1tt. \\ tlh.1111 Fr11:-l i111rl .\:--,ol't.tl•·-. '' ,., .111 110111tl'l'd ll\ l(oltt·rl \\' 111·111 .-ur porak pn.•-,1d1·1 11 "'l'hl· pr<·,1·11t r1·111J:.i1111:1t 111n ,.f Hlll"\\rll :1111111 1111r t11·1111u p111 \tolt• lilt• • .. •Ill•' pl•>lt''"'""·d :--1•1'\ IC-I'' 111 l'llf tll•'• 1 ltll! l.111d plannuH! .. u1 \1•'.11t1! .u.cl :11 Lil ph11l11gra1111111 ·t 1 \ 1111 11111 • 11• 111 Ill h11lh lh1· 1•11\ .Ito ,111 I p11hl11 !'><'<'lo r... :-a11f l{1•111 f-:"\l'l'llll\1• d t''H'll 11f11(1'' \\df ht• ma111t.11111·d .11 1111• pr1• ... 1·n1 ht·adqu.1r11·1 ' l1111ltf111t.: .ti 11111 <)u.111 St Tl11· :t:! ~ '"" 11ld 1"'111111 1n!'11t:ll 1·1u•1111•t•1111• .11111 pl.11111111;• l ll'lll \\,I' hl').,:1111 II\ llW l,111• ,J.11'1, S Ha11h. \\ho dwtl 111 1111 .. , 1'111 ll I\ F 101:0 '' ti I I w 11'\ .11111 d 111 IUl'._fllflr ~ •II lh•· I.ii• \11 ll.1uh WHAT IS A SPHYGMOMANOMETER~ I Ill' :!l't 11:-.:i1101i-. \\l''" 111.11h• It~ ,I C'OlllJll'l lllll'. f':a :-.1111,lll 1"nrl.1I., l ·11 . 1 ll P<lfll' ...... I 11\ocl 1 ll l s 1>1-.. 1111·1 Court r h (• ;1 II 1• I.! ;I I I ti II°' \\ I ' I \' • I 1 t''P"ll'-t' 111 ,, '"'' h1·1111~hl 11\ l'11J,1ro111I d1ar!.!1n).' 1'11tf.1k ,,;,., 111 lnnc111g 1111 1'11lar1111! '11:tlt·nt' II\ '>l0ll111g :-.11n ll:1r pl1111111i,:1·.111hrt· l'Cf Ill pill l'll l ,,,,.,_~ing llef•li1w \\".\Slll:'\1;TO:'\ • \1'1 111111..., 11\).! -.t.1rt:-. 11lol'l11wtl 111 .\pn l I p1·r 11·111 11111 th1· lwnH· l1urltl111i.: p;H·•· I t'lll:ltll" ahl•ad ttf (;p,( ,\ t•ar !> 11.-pn•,..,t·d le.·' t'I" I l11w-r11i..: :-.I art:-dr11pp1•d 111 .r -.1-;1.-.1111;1lh act 111-..11•d ;1111111:tl r :tt<• .. 1 1-:r; 1i1ill11111 111 11 1 ~. ll'Cl111 1111· t'.t'-<t!l :tllv .1d1u-;t1•d I 1:1 111111-.. 111 \l a rch ll~mt;~t ·r. \prrl\1.1.,11p !ti I• ·11't'lll lrom Ill!' !lll:.!.IMH1 u111b 111 \1•nl. l'I~;, "II• 11 lilt 111111-111,• :-.lump\\ ;1:-.11111111..: l11•1t11111 Gol<.f f 'ouud 1.11s .\:'\1a:1.1-:~ 1 \I'• 'l'h1· 111·:11! of :1 :'\1•\ .111.1 111111111:..: 111111 p.11l\ -.·11tf I l l'\'lll t'\pl111",1t111 \ \\111·k 111d1l'al1·"" l"""1hll· '11·ltl 111 i:.!11 lorh nl ;.:11111\\1wth S:.! ~.-, hrlf11111 II (1111 ,I J;l \!'.Ir old \t'\oltl.t I 1,11111 l'r111lt11·111111, \\ hi.·h i.... t'\ftt 'I It'd 111 l;1-.t I:! \l•:tr'-. \\Ill ht':!lll Ill ..,,., 1•r:il m11.nth ..... II T Sl'IHC)ilfl·1· nl HT St'hrncllt·r ,1111l ,\-.,,w1.ik-... TAKING ST<)CK In<·. -..:itll :it a nt'\\S ('OnfcrC'll<'<' S11th ,, :-1l"ld "11uld b<: equal to 11 lll'l'l.l'llt of tht· Vorl Knox n ·· "l·r\l ' ... ht• :-.a id. llnmilto11 llenri11g S, \ ~ H , \ F 1\ I·: I. < , \ I' I ,\ p11hl1c hl'annJ.! 1-; Sl'h<'dt1k•cl for .\lay.:!.'> on plan:-. lo fll'H'lop de;ie· ·Ii\ att'd ll ;imillon i\ir ForC'c• Base 111111 a l'I\ 11ta 11 airport anti 111· d1t!'>lrlal !"<,..pl1•ll The ht•:1nng ''as :-.l'\ hy the '.\lari11 ('ounl\ Ho arcl of S ll!H'l'\'l!'>Ol'S. whi<:h hopes In ;.w- tp11 n · lh1• ~urplus military facil1 - I.' for $1 f ,nu· Clnrifif•d I.OS .\'\(; ELl':S !.\l'i ,\lop S1•1·11nt11·-, .11HI 1<:lll'hang1• Cnm 1111:-..!'>1011 a11l1· h:i-; IP-..11l1L•d fc<kra l '"l'lll'll ll'" l.t\\ :-pr11h1h1t thL" ll!'>l' of .1 1·11mp.11l\ ·..., 1·ash rt'!'>l"ITes to Pl'l''l'nt a mon• ta' orabh.· earn· Ill).!-.. l'l'flOI'( ( ·11;1 rll'" . \ P ;1 nll'l' prn\'lded lht• lt•stinrnny 111 ;1 <'1\'il s uit fill'<I h.' H11c·t11 C:1l l•na ai.:aino;L l'ap110I ln<l11..,1r11·-. E.\11 . l ne. o f ll1dh \\uocl. Jl:ll'<:nt f i rm of l ',q11tol H1·<·11nb (.';1t L•na 1:-.. ;1n L'X 1·rnpl11.' t• nl th1.• 1irm ly TERRY GRAHT. Fo r<l To11s Hart for N.48Job Mussolini's R.Ph. I It I .. d· \II,. ''"' I ,,,,,,J I;• UI 1•11 ,,, 1• , ,,,11 1.1 .... 1 p 1' Ill . I " I I t 11lt \Hill ,If 11hl •I 1111" 1 \\ t .11•1•••1 I .• I •• 111' I \ I 1111 1'1 IU ,1hd ,,,, l1tlt1 I ~.~ .. ,,, .,,,,,,,., ,,,, Un\\ •" hl.-.11.t fhr-tt t ... &..-.f thh• up.• I• pl.tt t tt 11H I ft, It d1 t lt\11h_ t•I ••It 11111 llttl ,,.,. ,... 1 .. ,,, t •11·lc•' 1·d \1 I •• ft I l1t 1 h·· II" •• It 1d111. i I I I Ill I fh ol1 ol 111 I• It d "' I ' 111 I I "I I ,, , I" " (ot•lllf \11111 l11•f I I' I I 1 t1 I I I 1 n t JI t I J 1°1 1f lw.otol ·'"" 1111 ' ''" 1 •• ,, 11111111 \ ""I loll\ 11 I llt 1111•11 11\11•1 l'I' I I t11• I 1111 11•.1d111 f11 if , f, f 111PP' """"'''' \"Ill '""'" )ll'l'~ Ill•' I 11• •I 111 ii \ "I II t: \ "I I' Ill II' l't) I ( t \ '\ I' i I 1 I '\I l "' \\ 111• II '1111 il •'1 •' 1 dd111·11 I\• 1<1tl of,•t11•1 I" 11tt1 tll I\ \1 II Ii •11 I I I I' I l' II ti ,. I I ·" 111 .. ,, lh'Pl'I·· I ··I\ II" .. I •1 1111·11 "''"'" "'"' \\, \\ t h il'1l 1' I• •1t11 t •t t J 11 J 1 \ t I \ ; I \ I '' 111 iJ I h,11 t• ,,, t IUUil , .... LIDO l",.ARMACY )51 Holp•ll>t Rood fn~ Orli•~ry ~~ ltod• 642· I sao f( 11'11.11 ti ll.t1 I . \ H«' r!J.111 111:111 o f I ht• 01·;111i.:t· I 'nurrt' \ '11,1111lwr·111 ( ·,,111 1111·11•1 .rnd tnrm1•r fl' 1·-.1 dt•11t 111 lht• ( .. 1 .... 1.1 \I, ...... ( 'h ,1llllll'I ol \ 01111111\l'IT\' h .... h 1·1•11 1:.1i11 .·tl h\ I '11·-.11!.·111 F11rd I•• -.1•1\1• ,,.., 1 h.111111.111 111 t lw '·' t 11>n.il \ll1.111rr n f fi.1~1- 111· ''111'11 I \\ H I (fll ()1.t1H'1' 1·1111 111 \ \1 1•1111 chrr 1111• 1111' 1!17ti ;; 11 • .11 \ 1·.11 \11 ( h .111 ... ( '1111111 \ 1·1· '1d1 Ill ,1111'•' l '.1\-;' l l.11 I I' lh1· l\l h '1111111\ "'"' 111•~ .. .111.111 to -..1•1\t• :I' 1'11.111111.111 !'>1111'•' t I\!' Ill )'.llll/:l(ll1fl IJq!,111 t1pt•l',I 11ti11 11 I \ p I ii , I ! ff o! t tl E ~l ('('EE i>~ .l .11111•-. I \t1 11 ll .111 )'I 111111 l't 111'1',tl 111:111.ll't'I , 11 I I '11111 111111 1·111 ... 1:111up. :-;;1111 .1 \11.1, "'ht1 h :1~ 111 •1·11 rlt,llt 111,111 'llll'I' l !l·i:I .111of .tbn ,,., \ , • .., ·'' l<q•11111 I\ l'h.111111,111 t1•1' <:11.11~ 11 ,I\\ ·' I I (. ·' , , ('I I 111 ·' '''\ .1tl.1 .111d \1 111111 .1 '\\II 1" .111.dl111m1d<' .tllt.lllt'I" ,,, l11.111t•d 1111'1 Ill' ••"'Ill I\ I''\\ lrn Pl" 111••1 t' 11111. """' t 111\ll tt•.., Ill 1lw1111~ llh ........ 1•1·1 or l>1•.il1·1 d11 !'Cl l1!<1S1nq. 1111• w1d1••,1 SPll'rt•un. 1lw lw~t r .111·~. the hf'q ~"1..,. 1r1' Comr 1n l•Hl.iy .111d obt,nn lilt• h11i;1 pr'"' ancl tht! fnw .. •.r lr..t'it' r ..ites. 2f;00 Harbor. Blvd .. Costa Mesa 540-9100 Assassin .. It It'll t-'.:-O:T ('Ol '\:Tll Y \) .. \\"hat ':-I h1• ndw:-.1 c·o1111l ry 111 1 IH' \\nrltl peor 1·;1p1t :t "" 1\ \ 1':11·tl1c· ,..,1:111d 1 :1ll1 •d ;'l;a uru 11 ·~ :ihout 1'tf.!hl 11111<'-.. ~qu.11·1• 11 -..111·ks tip 1111t of llw f ',l('if It' h.dl\\ !I~' 111•! W l'\'11 11 ~11\illl ;111d ,\11!>.lr:tl1 :1. It's pho .... pli;ll1• dt·p11:-.1l o.; /:!"'<' it .1 1wr t'.lfHl:i 111cnml• of "II OtM) l) "\\'ho 1n\ PnlNI dry 1'11•a111ng···· 1\ Sinn· 1.s a Fr<'nt·h n1:1ul <lul 'ti cn th1• l'a r lv t1<1~1 ... an 1·r :tl'l'l<lrnt ly ~p1li lllJ.! 1·0:1 I m I on :i d n ·ss. <) • \\'h.'· did !lob llope gl\I' 1111 p111d11.!hlrnc lo go inlo !-.how husi· Jlt'!'' • ,\ I It• ~.1HI h1• ''a' tlw onl.v 0111' thcy had to !' .1 rn hot h \\ ;I\" :'\11 ottwr 0J\rtlf<'"...,'on:ll fool hap lcam has r(•IH"l•<I a" m a ny )l'r~c·~· numh1·rs ;1s the Ch1rago H1•ar.., \\'It h t'tghl STRO:\'GARM llORRERV That 11C'far1011s ac•t C'alll'Cf stron~arm rob· b<'r~· 1s no! l'X dt1s i\'C'ly hurn:m. It's a matte r of rC'C<>rd that ma' 1•n1·k ho ll<'y b1•1's som<'timl'S i.:ani.: up on :1 111111' hl't'. mui:.: 11. <111d carrv off the> 1wrt ar 11 h;1s rol lt•rt c•cl. They cion 't m•c·c·~s :inl,v kill it Hut t ht•y usually beat il up p retty hadly. Cnnsi<lc•r t hos c• fl!'1·Y1'ar old m cn who liv<' 111 Norway. ls rac•I. thc• N1•th'crlancb, Swl'dcn. :-;,, 1l/('rt:1111I. C :1narl:i and lknmark. Thl'ir life 1•\pl'rt :r1u·1\'" :in• fnnJ.!l'r than lhHl o f th<' 6:'>- \ 1'.11 11ld nH•n who fl\'C' in th<' Un1\C'cf States. \oh11d~· s_s:cms t•l knm\ \\ hy l\rlcirt••.~ moll 10 1. ,\1 noyd, P.O J5'i-O. Costa \frsn CA 'Wi:!tl .. Hard Times Snag Mazda $9 Million lroine Headquartea 01iJJlock Bv STt;PlrnN f'OX ·A\\ot14tteo Prt•u Wr~lttr l hl\'I.' I got a hullrlm~for you ' "lmpn•ss1ve bnurd rvom:. with ad jo io 1n ~ cnnf c r~nru a r ,. "s . s l'' l' r ,, 1 <' :-. 1• l' U t 1 \ l' smtes with pnvall' <·onfl'rt'lll'l' room s a nd r t>st 1·oom' (l\'t• m 1 nut (• s t v O'r •l ll f!C' C'no rft )" 1\1rµorl . · · THE STRl'CTl"REso J.!IU\\ Ill/.!· I ,. cl e !H.' r t b l' lf 1 n t h c :. a I l'.., l;rnl·hurL' s its forlornly 011 :1 1 HC'rl':. of land lll'lll Lu th1• San O iC'J!O Frl'c\\ a) 111 In til l '. Originally built as tlll' l'orpora\l• headquarters for M a1.da Motor:-. of.Amenea. the S9 m1ll1on. J!las:.· \\ altccl e d ifice wa:. n('ll'r oc eupic•d. A C'Omb1nal1n n of ha r d economic times and less-than- ra\'e milca~e reviews for tht• rotary-engine l.\1 a zda forn·d lhL• Compton·ba scd :.1tllo compan~ to put the building on till' block. rotary·s h .. ped confl'n.•nct• tabl e and ;.111. Bruce Brusseau. president of Newport Nation al Co., markL'l· ing agents for lht• mode rnistit structure . thinks "it won't bl' hard t o move" dcspitt• lhl' hi~h pricC' tag Th<.· rl•ason'' Com- pan i cs :11 1 O\'l'r Sout h 1•rn California , whtll.' not exact!~ scrambling for office s pace, an · fo r m ore willing to 1•nter into long ·term <'Omm1tml'nts than they we r e I wo or t hn•c )'t'ars ago. "THERE'S i\ l\IF.NTAl.IT\' of Td better !!Cl mine nO\\ :·· :.aid T imothy Good. markctinl! \'ICc pres iden t for Grubb & Ellis, of fil•e le asing agents. "Companil's that h ave been in a wail ·and-scc uttitude for l wo or three ye_. rs ;ire now r eady to move." Walter Morrison. \'ll'l' J>rl'SI· dent for office bui !cling market- ing at Coldwell n .. nkt·r. confirm:-.. that office s pace is being leased al a fas ter rate . r "Wha t WE>'r e set>i-ng 1s an :1bsorpl IOO of the spaC'l• and thut \\as created 111 thc W7l :!pl'nod ." he ~tJrd . "lt'i> <I t.'C-SUIL of UJl lnl· pl'O\'l'd 1•c1rnom~ a nti. 11111lt• frankly. the lat•k of llL'loY hwl<I· lll~S '' I.EASING AG F.NTS sln •ss th.11 the• pll'kup in rentals I' conr11wd tu bUJld1nl!S erl'l'led afll'r World War 11. a call'gory t hat 111clud1•. m us t of the downtown h igh rt~l''· Thl· l w o ho t lt:st an· a' an• <IO\\lllown Los Angcl('s and Ct>n- t ur\' Cll Y. tht•v Sa\', with lkH•rh llifls ai1cf )\,.l•sh~·ood following close bctrnul. Opinions differ on th<' Newport Center-Orangl' County Airport art>a. where the !\tazda bwlding 1s located. h\ll all thl• a gt•nts agn•e that bus iness thL•re is bl•t· kr ttwn a yC'nr al!O. Most of th1· bl-IH'moths tow<·r inj! O\'t'r thl.' chm ntown al'l':J ;11'1• llll' rl•St1ll of JOint Vl•l1t lll'l'S bl't wt'L'll t lw major OC'c upa nt muJ lnstttul w ns Ilk« 111:suranl'll <'om pat11l':-.. or p1•n :-..11rn funds, lhi:• agt•nts :-.aid In 1·:1Sl'S likl• Unit<.'d California Hank 's (tl\\'l'r or llw Sc•(·unt~ l'al'if1c buildl n!-!. lhl' - pri nw 11'\<'r' w ti I 11ormall.r t~lkl' ahout hall 1ti1• :-..p:H·t• a11d IL'asc !ht• l'l':-1. lhl'.' i-.ircl. ONF. F ·\IRI.\' R F.CF.NT d e· n lll'llt 1n 11ff1l'l' ka~ing <ll.l' l lau:-.. :-. pr11l l'l"t 111g building o\\ nt.•rs a g;1111:-..t innallon, Mor- l'IMlll s:ttcf. \\'hlle most lt.·:i~c·s h_.,.e alwavs had t>:.l'al•1tor dau:-.i·:-.. protcct1nS! lh1• O\\'Ol'l"S ;1ga111,t im·n.·•ISl'S in taxc•s. lwat 111g and hghtin~ cos ts •HHI J:llllto na l l'"<Pl'n:-.l'S, tht> lll'\l t'r <'Olltl'al't i-. :ibo pro\'idc for ad.ru:-.t 111l'nts in lhc b .. sc r ('ntals. a tl'l'IH.I that !\ltHTISOll IC'rmcd "n •ry n ·pul:-..1\ l' Ill ll'nants ." Beef Bumper Big Ju11e Supply f .,orecast WASHIN GTON iAP > Thl' l\J.:ri rnllu1·1.· l>vparlmt•nl :-.ay.s beef will bl• among Lhl' mon• abund.rnt l'111nmod1l11•:. Ill stores next month .• The report, a ··rood marl..l•t :ih·rt 111tl-ndcd 10 hw"I l'tlll· s umption of farm produl·t,, 'a11l lw<'f 11uq1111 111 .l11 n1·" t .. ., pi•ct e d to be up 6 t o 8 pcrn•nl l1orn .lun<· uf la-..t \u;ir Sup- plies of grain-fl'cf bl'l'f an · l'\Pl'l't1.·1I lo m1111• than olf!'ot't a cutbac k in .. nonl <•d" produl'11011. llowe\'er . the n•porl ~;11<1 th.it th<.• .Jun1· porl.. -.uppl.' "11! be .. light" bccausl' of a :-l';1:-.c 111:d tl1·t·linl• E\(·n :-.11 11f1 1nals said thC're w ill Ul' ;ibout 5 p1.·rn•nt 1111n-c p111 I..:" :11lahll• tha n m .June of last.' t•ar. \\ hL'll :-.11ppU1•s '' t·n · 11n11-..u:tll.' Im\ I\ light suppl~ 111l'""~ .. k ,s than a<l<·qu.11!· ·lei llll'l'I ton . s umer ckmanrls. the rl'portsa11I ThL· suppl~ of horh-r a 11tl fr.' 111 1-: dill J..1·11-.. \\ 111 h<' "pl<-n tiful .. next month. up ahnul 12 p1·n ·t•n11 n:n1 .Jun•·. l!I';'~. O\!c"'.r 1'1u" (~ount••r HASD Listinqs '''"'''"'' )n11 fP ( ti ,,~,. " I ... --t t ,, .1 ' ·),. f ""\ P,th l t•,- P1 r,,, F'( .1 l 1' 1n 1.., t ,. ·' 1 11 '· ........ ,_.,, .. H f'.t1ll•lf p l°'-•rl M1 P t f 11I r ~I tH tt pp f £i..-J ~·,,.. ... 1-h ~., .... /4 J 1ht J-c, I I ,I ,. HI• I ta o J 1~;11 ~1~t,':'1 -~ f I '' ol I (-1 II TIMI ( .. I I'''''" ·~ '" '., .. ,, P 11 T1 1'1 I 111 I! :.,~·;:.,P 1 •• " ( fltl I } J>,.,,,•11 f-. •>, t P• Ht H 11 11 1 • '"' jl" f 111." '· •t .,, I ( u 1, Pr..,.1r( I I M P•Jr' '-"'4' 11 U I ~ I ~ I~"'~~··;-·.~ . ~ ,, ~~ t .-~'I, '' <)u·•' 'm' 1111 • • l ', f(n·,.. ..,, ' ~·:!:i,' ~, ] tfHl1ll (. \ V,1111 t "Rlv~f"t (p 11/ HJ V• t ,.., s R ''f"H'U"I 1 ~ t •v"Hnn 31, "'' l • R1 ' '1 f •1 ll I ' t .,, I Ru-••J l. • ., • 1 ' ~ h N i.. 1 4 1 Rot11r• M 1s I . W•·r>h H• .t .. U1, •Ion 4 .S VI• > f)vl • ,, '· I 1 r: ' ~~U 1~f0V l ;' I \~ ::,;~~~,'h w ~ It II I ' • ) .. ' ,, l• I ,, I H C,111111 1 W1 lln'I M 1 t ~, ,,n O.H ' \''fl ; ' ' • ,,-' t ;\ ~\.~~p~•I:~ 111 1; ~~ ;,~h·~f•I 11 11 c,..0,.,, f • N• .tm11 '1 ,,, 1~ 1~•v•I! U 1 ,, t(ldw1rj C ,1 ,, ti' •Jl JI ~ I •.; ~lt::r,I: "(: / '.f j -~::: ... u, s•m•mary ' ,, Nf # YORI" "" M t t ,. '"''' Uw 1 u'1t• ,-f•t• i> 1jj•f1lt1 I I , ltfo ,11 Vu• h•I h f /\ J t l 'l"l 1' I l JH 1111d IJ011.·1u fU ·._y ., 10-. 1\1 ft ,,. 11'l fl' ,. flt I II •I I •H~ II) I ,,, I tJ ,...,.,, H11 .-. I , .... ' ''' •111t 1 .. u , ••• , ,,. ,,.,,,,, '"'' ,, ,, I• >t'J I•• 1,, ••!'}trl1 '\it t I '·' '\ j,o I ·''I I fl f I• 't V•H• ,,1 r,, '1 v... ,.. ' , ,, •. ,, t If ,,, "' '''" •' ,,,..,·M·t 1'• " ••v • '' ,., , .,,, II I,., r •If ,, f '!' •. ' ,,. '•111 ttll f ,,,..,, '1 ,, It/·• t .,, •• , U. f I ,,, .. '" . 'I I ,, /\ '.·. '•t ti ' ,, ""' ''I • h" ._ ,o, 1 .. 't 11' "'" 1 111 111 t I t I UP\ f t I P1 r ,, OOWNS ''O ~ 1 ... I• llj1 ' • ,,.. . , 111 t I 1,,. Io• I I' ". . . Im l111 111• .,,, l11• "" '"' Up "'' "" ll1l u,, 111• I -. 1 111 p • tHI ·-... ( .. '" I ' 4 !t ' t 'u , -· " ,~ ...... -;--1°',~>~IL&~~~!f.-t--":.._:--__:-'-~-,.."TT,-,..-,....,....._-~-~---~~~~~'iiu."~,,__~~~-< "l"ltf,p ,,.. ·'·. l)fl • I'" ' II I 1 if. : • " l • Tl " i•1 I /•J I I • I ,, ,, f>nti l 1 f ' 1 \~ f 1• i I t v ..,,. rn-r.-- 'lw• (I Ant11 t h u.1n~.11n t\l'f¥tf'1• (lo t ' Jn h. 1•1 rt f11t.,. •4· w h •th N•"" 1.i,,_. ' 11 •• ' ,~. : ' " ,,,, '" tt•t ' ' I I ''" "" ' , . I l . ' I .. ' MUTUAL FUNDS Nt W VO f.1-' ll\t 'l ltf','11 r t,1niHI I Otr •,pl 11 l ~~ t h\·•~ftl ~ '' ! M M·I + ' 1• ti I r "'. ,,,,,,,-N ,.,, ,1 .. 0 11,..1 1 '' 1 11.• N 1 • If" , ' , 1 11 11 ••• r. .• ,, 1 ·• l 1 • 1 • ,1 I l t,Htrl 111 fl I , ... " .. 1 l'•t• I 'i•· ,., I I I• I Ii II(,. ~ 11 I ~' l I •lino• ti()f•l11 ll 11,, l·1t I I I I • fa t I H1111 t1 11 t lt•J u tl r,J 11111• 1 I '"" /', .. ,,,.,.,., I\ "'I ,,, '. t .,, I , ., ,, I hi' 'JV ' Ot ,, l '"''' I tll ... I , '11 M I ' I 1 I I•· • I . 111 •'II 1!111n 111 ,.,, .. ,,1;1 H··Odl~ <t•/' '•·•'"' 11111 t 1n111'1lf'I •I l int" ,,..,,Ii·•· '"' •"' Jb1 f t '"' r; 1. r I JJ11 1 )llJ\ f\!f k ,, ,, I '" It I 1 ' Mi 1 t I ; 11 II rt I •' ,, ... Utt JU •'-"• .It W'l1f,t l',f<N'1 f I '' I 11 1111•1 11 f1 I 1111rJ l11•l1l +f•y l I I/!~ ;o'' '" ,1 Htl rn• , 111111f11 r ,, '"' "''""'., /u.,.. 1 •tr R Pl A''-' ,,..,,r,..., ' 1 ... • M'•' ''" t'I Hl'I fH • '' n 111 > 11 '• 1 ~ 1 I '1111" 1 Kl lnl l11y t •; t l ~I I 'i J. l ! I I •1 I 111 I 11ht 4•1 1 t •I I "' t11 '' l•i' '1J J , ,, I 1' 1 •• trH'' t •ii 1ot 11 U l M ~ y,1h,. I t)r1.,11F\t ,,,,,11 'II ti r'1tf :rl '•''''ffl l•ty '•tt·tl "-II, '4 ~ 'I • 11 !~ 1lu1 OIU' \'ti• U 11°"" '1 't 111 '· · 1\1111 I MI 11 '~; lny hHI• 11•• '1 "' M 1t• h1']"I W.rtn~tt'I tlf \1111 111.._I ti .. 1 11 I "11 ; ! lllw•' f1'o 1 .... I ,..,, J r,'.J'. "lf"lf OU, ( f I 1•• I ''I.ii l 11 I 1>11llrt 1 I \'. ti l Ii'"' f •• l'I ••t fJ'. t\ 'I• t l\f ,[ ( nf1 I 11 "If I ht ''' Jl J • "'1• h ,,,~ f I 11o1; ti I ( 111111 H ).l ? 'I V!'.Jll ( I I\ I"' C,1J •0? 111 1•1 'U ti( ''I 11 •111 "> H r HI t '• \ tt •, t V I I J\f"1 Int 1'i1 ''''''f ·" 1 'flM \I11 I·• f] lf f'l '""'' ~,, t,,1 1•11• •1' II• I l\df"f"I 10 JM n-.11 t•11 I I I fl I t,. 1 I( 1111 /14 ' "y t f t J\•t11 ' )lt't l t\1rtf •fl/1tt\tl, ff·I ff''' tf '·''''I •.•lt•fi A• IJ'\\ r t 1 f\ 1 ,• f •f '' I• 1• f•t ' '• t t I I t ~ 'l ft 'A 1' 1 ti 11 ,. .. ,,.,I \ht 11 1 t I'· f ,,,.' ,, ... I l~ '11• '"' t ' 'Ill "'•'' • AfuhftPf '91,N l ,,, IO !; ,,\ ,,,,, '1•1 U l r. I ' /u1,\1T1 f"d H •,,.,,,.I I~ ff I f•·t11\ 11·,1) ·1 ·.• • f'll '1• t t• 10 1'•t.t~tti ._Ill I '•l"' ~ 1' lo \k l1tttn ti I t 1 fy 11 1 f tJ 1 'A il ''' l\lr)f\ 1 l"t ~' ti t ~ ~t· t 11 II N l 4JY" • '4 .. , U I V tt I''( t I H A M •1t If I t I II l\rn Out., t\ tb l1 ~f "' '" I ~ '1 1' '' I 11 t -t 'J 1 •· / I~• h , II • •1 ,1 ltt•I t\m t rt•l'f' \ f'lil \ \, NI\ M ')' 1nl f ct hi •n I t 1 t'4 t t '· I 'l' I 1\ ' t 1t • •It 1 i"I • l't·J 'II I•,.~ I ., Amrr1t1n r unl'! \1hyf ,1 t 1'· l•lt tlrlVt 1/\tll I-It '11 ,4 1 J 1l1tt , I I 1 t Am u .• , 1 n .. t ""'",. )U I 't Inv•,,,, fl (,d •1r Ir; 'II I '"'"'' ' I f "' I /\m fl ., ,, ',,, C..thu I I" I f' t. ,, 't '·'". , ,, q "'l h·""' , "' ... '/\•·• ,, An1 ,..,. i4'>!i ~n '''"'"' •••NI~ ~ , t t ••· H·'"'"" 1.,wth '''' ,1 t '"'' A MiJtl 'l&l'4t1 tn"'' ft ·I\'•' lrtr<1m "'t/ '11• h•l1n toe< • ·' ,,, •a. , 'f r1 , ·~' .. • I ~: : I •I flt I tjt I) •• ,, i ''""'" ' f U I ii ( ,..,, A '1C·• I ",,-., t '•' f ''"'' I 11~ 1 ' ·'· ~I•'-lo, I 1,~, ,. "'t t hr'\<t 1-. 1' I' ti'\ '"' f 11 ;l t Ht'lnd t U 't 1'• I <..1" Nth \ 111 '1 f t M h It. f f 1 fl I.. t .1 ....,.,. ' 1 '·' •'•J· -•' • I 1n, ' / ' ' 1' '1 rl I , 'l I I t l ,; l I•, , ., "'•t ',, ,-~ t I I ' I II I I t t !I ',, • •I ', ., , ti, •• '1 ''I ,, " ,., f U' I 1/1 .... , I JI( I ''• \ fl I I c -.,,rd "'"ti" lmom "'' ·i'• r"'' '' 117'-N t '''""''' '"''J l ''' ',. f 11•1t ,,,,, .,,, , f.11 #lh 1 '·'> s I') f'lltl (,f"th u n N l f ntt "'" .. ()/ .. f "' y\ttttW I ·"'''. ' ,,~ I ''· • I I ; , • rit ,rn , ' ' 11 I I lntt>m B lb u ta <Nlln AU ;A 1 4'1 • "'''""""'""~ (,-rrn:rp "'"'uf\ • ,._ '4 ~q <•' ""'" r1 ,., , 1, ,., "v 1 ", , , .,, , 1 t(A lJ·H 1\..I) -NUhC l •tlt )1,• <.1w!h 4-,q 'ii! (11 fU ttlt111t 111 '"' t ~\•IH, 1tq1di11l1ff1 ht•\(•I •1 t 1 11 N Pft1., 111 1~ t~ lt ""'O C 1 ,. 111 1nr1·m, 1\ J1 '' ]f (u ll1 t 1•1 /r\ t• ,,.,, I ., 1\ '' (.m "' ; ,,, 1oi •J ; "' SI• f (f /I\ ~ 11 nmo lltJ ;,,m;lVitd Mul11I 9 , ... HJ lt ( .... Ht ".t1 .... ~' t.J• ,,.,,., ' t " ",,' I 11hu lt\l 1l•l1 111 ·'11' • w., M,,, '1 •O t.a fl• omo f d un.w.1it '>P"' 1 A 11 lP:ll <. •1 "' 1 I 11 ., r . n. N wit It 1•11 / 1 1 '" 1 11 t , t ,, .1 ,, ,, it t • 1 "m••, G·n•1t1\f .Qnl"l')f'CI IOk'>N I r'''""''" Gr fh.1fl ,,,, "' ,.,,,, l,•11 t,•Nl•,lf 11" ,,, tlllht ~. 'l/1nq \N ·IH (.1n011 ""'' q.1 .0n\hW 101110\( 0~"4fC l.,M 11'l c, ... , \jhl',7•IKl 14,"'tl''"' • ltll ''''II , l1 ,.,,. Jnol ·.v ,,,,.., (.to C.n .i 7ft •ti• nn 11•1 G '-'" '" l '·'"''" ~.io "'"''\ tu U '1'1•1') c1 ~'•'~'·Id 1i ·,1 t1 1 ''·''' 10 "1/111• l u1•• 1 t lnrrnt• -.11 ,,,.. on1 Mu1 ~ltA N l \nil• .~1}1 1 11 (" ~1 q11, 1")l ,.if,f"1 \I 111MrJt Sh•Mflf"t f 1•I V1ll 1 '•• ,._,, V""'' 10 ,., 1' 1t<':try C.·•«' 11 flfJ 1? R' lnn>m t lfl 1 °'"" (, (\4 1 I 1 •11 Qm1•11.• J l..t ; I' l\1tl'\" II '' 1 lllft\m I '' • tt 1:11 ,,,., f>l)H , Jtlo;wor• f d ti I\"' I \JC,"°" ~ ,, 10 }R f>·1IH 11/ '''V'"' WtnS II'",,' 1111 ,,., 11 ' t • v ,,,, I, I I ' Fd "'"' I\ 01 ,, ..,c.b+ Vr-ah Jl.ll) N l ( •• , •• , , 11 l I\ Lond Clh ' •. , I d V~' ,,.,, 1ni••t 'ti lt1v I • "' ,,.1 ,,., I 1,1 I .'1 P f I C '' • JI 'I.• I •• ,,n,.• • 'I I I I •I• ,,·,, ') J ,•) I' rcw ) 1,1 l 'h ' l'!N,Hf\ • ·~u,, f,.rfl>d 1 l' } IJJ L() fr-Jo (" ~'I " " ,, , ~ , ../ •flU \ Htrl1' l\""ffi"'{7ll'r '"' t'J ~.,, H 4"lJ11F••frtLI• f4l~ld." 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S;in\11El\l'll11.:, \\ llu:h \J1111gs sl'b 111111 lhl' I s u11d11· Jh m 111 n.inw A:'\U :'\O\\' T ll,\T \\lllHl.POOI. h.1 -. t!Pudul to unlo.111 11' 57 1w11 l'nl 1111t•r1 '-l 111 \\ ,., "11 k J.:11•'" \\ho I he l1u1•t 1 11 ill bl·' 'H'" S.111\ o Ekdr ll Sl .11 -. l :1l..1•s c;.11 l 111 .ill 1ls s lip plw1 ~ tlonH'sl ft' or for 1'1/..!11 Poot \\ h11 l111111l 1s nul lllnllllJ.! oul 1011 "t II 11 p.11<1 St··"' S.11 m1ll11111 tor I hl \\ .11" 11 I.. ,,11.111 ., 11 h11 h 11 h,1,., now aJ,!n.•1•d lo -.t'f~ to s .. 11, o 101 SI I n11 tl11111 s.·.u " .1pp.1n ntl\ '" r et.11n111g lh 2•, fll'f I l'rll 111(('1 l'"l S;in\o's :.uqu1s 1t11.1n ul \\';i1 \\11 k '"" h1 thl• lalf.'s\ in,, thr1•1• p.11 l lt1l l'IJ.!ll l .tkl•u\ l'I \lnto 111l.1 ''I\ '' l hu ... mcs" \I,,, :H'Qllll'l'<I h\ .J.1p.ms l.11 f.::\'"' 'I\ 111.1!..1·1. :\l.1lsu><h1 l.1. m:JI kl'll't nf till' l'.IO.lSllllll ltnl' \11d ;\J.1g 1H1\ \IX \\ ·'" ,t(' QUll t'd h\ I lit 11p1 ·, l.ll j.!l'"t 'I\' 111.1\..t I ' "'. \'. l'h1li11s or lht• Nt•tlw1 l.11uh TEU :DY1" I., t\ LOS ,\~(;l·.I FS h;i'l'li lOllglo nwralt ch\•tkt·d 11111of1111: 'l'V hus111l"" 111 t'J74 d1>.r1111n1111u1n g \ht 1'.1c k.11 II lkll l11w T\\o nthC'1 \H•I\ knct\\ n l ' s. h1 .indi-, Ph1l10 .inti \dm11,.1 four.ii .... un 1' .ii po,.,...,hfl' univ undl r tl1t· "hclL1·1 nf hlll!\' 1 111 pot ,111t111s /\dn11 1.tl ~old out to .111 .11•10>.p,11•1 < 11111p • .ul\, Hock\\ di lntf.'1nL1lton.il Ph1lu1 111t•d .11111 l.11l1d lo m.1kl· .t ).!u of 11 un <11•1 lh1· .1~).!'" ot l 111 ti l\111\111 t'omp.1111 Ii... 11.11111· now h<'lnnJ.!" In Cen1·1 .11 T c l1•µh11rw & )•:ll•t l > 11t1t\ s "htl h h.1s jliJr kc<I 11 \\1th .1n11lh1•1 l.11l111g 'I\ >.el l11,111tl . S\ I\ .111 1:.1 l'lw p10"fll'l'I" 1111 J\dm11.il S\l vunt;.i l'h11<:0 und 1·1 t'n 1111 g hl\ (.t•nf'1.1I El1·1 l11t .in· illl\ thtnl! but 1Jrom1., Ill).! F 11t t'IJ.!n ·n 1 arfr "''ts .1111·.111\ dom tni.ill' I ht• l>l<.11°k .111rl \llllk m.111\ct :\11\\ Lht•\ .111• m.tktng >.lrong 111roacl!-. •HI 1h1 much 111111 t• lt1t•1.1l1\ t' 101111 rn.11 kc 1 Ho t Ir Zt·r11lh .tnd S\ h •:1111:J h.111• 1 h 11 g1•d 111 l1•g.d .11t1m1-. 1h.1l ll11 l.1p.11H ,,. m.1k1•1s .111• 11111 111 dt ... 1111\ lh<' Am1•11t .111 111cfu,,11 ' . - I ' l, (' ,,, ' t "*''' l• hV • "'I '· l ""'' ti i ,.., t t 1 " 1Ohl111 111 rt .rt1f } ,,. , I int' 1 IA 11 i' i•w ri1 '' ,. ·•·l ' ''' t >• •• ,, ')1>l 1N 1 'ti lj fH 11 l l/ ;•' 1 ,.,, ... 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P HH 'I""' l 'O IC ('Of'I EE ..end trsh p11Jcluch .t1~1· 11111 c It m 11 I h1·d1•p.11 I nil' rt I s,11cl lkp.11 tm1 nt "l>Oklsmu1 g ,1,, 1111 1 :o...1mpl1•" of "fll'l 1111' llll fl'·'"''' Thi· ckp:11trnrn1" 0 11tlonl.. .ind S1111.1t11111 Bo 11 <1 "lid l.11 g<• f1111d s uppl11·>. ,ind sonw n.011 •1v. ing uf p1It1• m .1rg 111'· 1 h argt•d h' m trld l1 ·n11 n "hn LI .111>-11111 \.. f'I ttl , • ..,, ,1 nd ..,1 11 I 11nd IW\l' hl lta d tl.111qwn l'lil11 11n~unll 1 101111pr1<.:1'' ·Al.Tllo \ c.11 L \lu.1:1t S.!: 1'1'1.11:s 1('\.1t 1\'• ''' 1.1::1 ',.,11 m,I\ < 1111t 1n111• tn h:111• ,, d.1n1p1•111nl! 1tflc1 . 1 l'l.111 f11111I pt ll•'" .1ri• 1.''l:Jl('('IP1I \II 111111 UJI .t~'.110 this <.,J)I 1ng .11111 Ill.I\ 111nt1t1lll 111 1t'•'1111 ou~h lhl' -.111n 111< 1 • llw h•J,11 d s:111l ' 1\111 ...11.11JI11wr 1 :1-.1·, \1k1 tho>.1· 111 J.1..,1 .. 11rnrn11 ,,, 1 11111 l1k 1 h .111rl fl\ f t)l t f11•11 Ill I\ IJt "(1/111' <.,111l 1 111111 1!1'1 .111fo11d11111 , • ., < lt111l11 d X .1 f1111 t•rrt 111 1'17'> .dtr·r ""·'' 111~ I I ;, P• 1 < c n l 1 n 1" 11 h 111 I ht• 1 "" pt 1 1 "'"' 1 • .11 ' 'J lw fl r. d1dtcl 1! 1111 ol .! In '• I" 11·• nt th1:; \t'.lf 11•11ild IH' 1111' smell• •I -.If)( l' l oud fll 11 I .. I "'' '" ·" (I q'( rll .tl11,11I l I ll"f( 1•111 Ill fl}j:.! 'I h· 1111.11 d .... 1111 I h.tl ti I 'Iii! h.11 \I )I .11. 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I .ti\ t•.11 Snit''-1111' 1h1· 1h1rd qu.irl•'r <'n<ltnl! tt1 arch 31 \\('rt· St !l25 ,lll!<.1 ~.11 n'1 "1 Ill • ;1;1f111 th1l1k1•pcnl)rlm1975 ln<'omc of S.'i 1 1") h,1., h1•1 n t l'Cl"'l<'l l'tl lot thl• lllnl' month pl'rlfHI .ii \lnr<'l1 '.ll 1•n111p.111•d \\tlh lnionw of S2~2.l'lil for lh<• ltkt• peno<l l .1 ... 1 '1•.11 P1•1 ... h.1n· , .11 nm!!' for lh1• nine m1mlh 1wnnd hac;C'!l on 1,700 51!) ... 11.111·' "llh1.1n<'111J.' \u•r1· 7Prn <'( nt~ 1wr s h.1r<' c•1m t1 a.c;tl'cl to 1•,11 111111!:-. ol 1;: 11•111s for I hl' f11 sl nine month~ .tL l'trart'h :ll, l~i ',, I --~' P Lo r ________ r _ ... _•J_'~..;.1_1 11 M "..:'..?O 1 Cl'li Tonight's TV Highlights KTLA 0 8 00 ··PndC' of the Yank('(.•:-. " (;ar~· Cooper po rtrays :\ew ----_York slUM('I' Lou Ct>hrig in this bio· gruphic;.il mn\'ic wfth "r.CTC~a Wri.L(lit. Walter Hrcnn:tn and Babe Huth uppea r- in.L( as himself. I' NBC c::J !):30 "The Dark Sid1· 11f Jn. noc(•nn•.'' 1'hl• problems (Jf an affluent Amcrh:u.n f~1mi ly an: t•xamint:d tn this new TV drama with Joanna Pettet .. \nnl· Archer . J ohn Anderson, Ki m lluntcr and Lurry C ast·~·. C B S EJ I U . 0 0 G I e 11 Campht•ll ... nm\n lfomc. Do\\n L"ncll·r. The setting is Australi;1 a~ Affil'n<:a':-. c?unlry mu:-.1e :.pct·1alist join:-. :\u~:-.1t• singer 0 11\'la °C\\ton .. Joh11 111 a t•olw·ful lour in and around the S\!llll'' and Melbourne• ;1rea · · TV DAILY LOG Thursday Evening MAYW I IB ~:;~~:~,. 9;00 8 rz; r3 • • llfw•li fi .. ·I'! (RI ! 1l"n HecU•I euob i' lht Rr•nd mol ntr ol • rnu1dert~ youln ... hn o• I ~•lhholdinr rhe b t tacts 1h1• could reve•I lht korle• an~ ho1 mo 6:00 fJ 0 10 aim CD News lilt. (1_ Q I• 17 '3 ~l 6 lltwi I O ('9 a ) 3 39 CE Sllccb of 0 loM111t S.n f11Mi10 "Merc~1nll ol Oulh" 16 f11uly Aft111 1R1 '-tltr 1 cr1t• cont11n•nr se•et.il 0 fr011"4c h•Rh .elocotv 11llu " \tolen lrom 1 m P1rtrMlr• f11111lr .,.mhouit. ti Slone ind tnspttror (E) Ad1•·12 Kclltr Rtl 1ntolvtO 1o1I~ tttnlJt fl) SpH11h 0111111 •tr1ut C1t& Mom< eucm u 1n '26 ( '9 • I S~r T1d u pro foolb1rt sit• •hn •orls "olh ED Zoo•! the )Olllh\ 1n ent rension be• .. ••• 39 Mih Dtulln rne rcenaie aangs Q) Ltttr llouts m Anthony Newley And uo • m Wr Gr1fl11h * Roge~ Moore Highlight 10 Mtrv '""'• S11t11 M T h• At 9 i1 3 S1u111p tht St111 erv omg · ~ Optn Mith m Mtl'I Gnltrn Slltw ''"°""'' ''""' l.uslt httltt in Amtriu ··eeinsl••n'' Mal\" 1111. bluti, toe~ 1nd slrttl 1.00 t) Q Q 1~ (6 a;) m llt1n Jll&On .rt JUlllJ)i)St~ "1tn fOlllltl f 3 tronstdt \t«mtnt• ot t!te Roman liturgy '" 0 lowlin1 tor Dtllm Leonard Beins(t1n's "Mts,-A .lh" 6 ( 29 a ) 8on1nu 'ie• Piece to1 S1n2r1~ Plarw i fo Ttll Ult Truth ;na Oa11Ctr\ • I Concen1111lo11 Q) Koru n Lu1u11t Procr1111s I love Lucy ';JO Q "2T' 6 1q· a;) 11 9 r• Thu1sd1J Tht 181 Night Movtt: (C) (90) "Tht 011k 17 3 it Cunsmoke Sod• ot Innocence" (dra) · 16 -· Jh ED first ln111n ol the New World ann• Ptrrtl, Ann• Archer, JoM An 'New llo111ons in CtotrtPh( ae1sun, Kim Hunter, lm) Ca1ey, Clir1"opher Columbus never knew Jom Houahton, Denise N1cler~on. "hue ht l~nded 1n 1492. he died lthtllin Sloe~. Otnm1 Bo,.dtn. • lh•nl1n~ ht hid ruchtd Ch1n1 Shane Bunetwnrlh ~mropne1 lifar Amt1120 Ve>oum cl11mtd lour voy Qu1s IM Hancl)(I t1m•l1 •1 an •I a~!\ to • n~ontintnf' bul t utnt 1o1burban ram11y •ho1e lrin onlr rwo h••t bun documented are tnltn••r.td •1th lht orobtems Who d•d 1nd1td d•'lto•tr lht Hew or tod•r -d"ottt. e1rra ma111al Wo1101 1111111, prolen1on11 .. om~ and ~ D111111b< Serio <n•n11n1 mo1e1 Add1111s ft11tlly 10:00 8 11 l a I """''' Cit• 1 JO I Lui ot lht Wild C1mp11«1t . Dowr llt111t, Down EI) Price Is RlcM Undtr Glen Campbell and ho1 ~ lovr A111t11un $1Jlt < 11 cunt 01111• Ne..ion .loM. 10 ! so1co•• I 01~1tt11: How l 1,1i1ne1 •1th l•o ot Aumaha·s too WhJ Vo!ullO" Or Ctoru r11nbttl lllU\•UI l lOUPI. tile • COIOl1ul tou1 lllu • lool\ ll some ol !ht world's ~r lht t•nd "dO•n under.. lhe I •O'c1no1 Jocuson& on l111u '"Coit• 1pttoal •n raped '" and uound Hor• "h1ch " slo•lr tO'Otflnl the \1dnty 1nd MtlbO.r~e. tnd th• t '"' nltyS•de ••th 111r asn and ,no• s olf1ml "111•1to•" ,, a btb) tltt~ 11\f '""' ol lht paoplt... MA~oilOO wmed lb 11DJ)tL...)fll..aO and the tt1llt11C• ot the count~. Au·.tul•ln mu1•tal 1t0up1 Jlt "Sne1 e C•lldid C1111e11 b•t." •nd 8>11 & Bo,~ ··-0 Ctltl>nly lowllna O ('9 a I J 39 CE Hmy.n 10 M•tch Came P•\1 ll"Ptttect" (Q) "" w C•rG m lrtd, lynch bo11d·1u•IU1r bttomn '" ••Wo" 2J 6 l Htll,.ood Squ1ru menr of dtalh dtsp11e Hmy'< at• ED Robtit M1eNt1I Rtport l<mp11 lo uncove' the mysttl) : J9 ltt'1 Mike A Dul hol01 Susan S11asberg, (d•t ~' CE AdlM·l1 4m1 •M Cla¥1d Opatoshu gu•st 1:00 t) 17 l I a Tht Wtllons (RI 0 Nrws ui. ... dolto•••s lh•I 1he " 101ng 21> lovt Amrnun Stylt tn h•'• a luby, 1u11 when 1ht hu F.Il 811ata de Primavm Uktn on a selh"R 1ob lo help our 10.30 0 m Hrw1 •• rn rh• la1111l1'1 l1n411u \ o lK' ·l•nn1 Show 0 l3 • 10 EI) H 8 C lhundty 26 Dick Vtn Oykt Show Mo"'' (t) f90) "Slt11l Krll'' f•d>l 11.00 tJ 3 0 a al 39 CE H••s I~ -R•Ch11d Yniiuu and Ph1lhp Q 1l o tO al News O.u• c11 1111 on lhll advtnlutt ot I O l l> lu l ol Groucho N;,, 1r11n•<f 1ruN d••tr and I Ill~ 6 Mm h•I Oillon •·~• bin 0~111 •hn "''lh their R•rt O Movtt. (t ) "lht C.pl11n'1 fa, It ··nd, tltnn1l•• 'N;uen ind I hi• bit" f~ra)''W -loM Grei""" O••h Gill), ltl l••r on surch ot tilt W Mtty Hart111an, Mtry lf1rt111an ~ ''" •h•lr \hllk @ Gtl S1111rt l).Mo.v1t-(C)...IZ'l..bt " u1n tr lht finhu" ldrt) 4? -Ciry ( 2' e ) huth or Con1eque11<ts Cooper. hrt1• V.1>11hl. w11w Brtn I I I~ ED C111tm1 J4 nan II 30 6 n 3 10 CBS l•tr Mo;lt: 6 Movie: (CJ (ll,jht) "A 'Surl!01t1 (Cl "5'4t,1<li" \«:ml "/4 -lw rlatt" (drJ) ~9 -llichard l21n, l.o• v•r I •rlJ HJ!;m•n O•"'lltf "4.tClWr. S1ndr1 Ou. lror 8 11 6 10 EI) JohAnJ tarson 11'1naho • Arlhur ~rnn•dr Tlitnthl lone O ( 'lf a ) 3 J9 CE Weko111r 6 Mo,,.. "lloot "' Ct ff &Jod JI" ) Bftk -•llff l~r I l•c11on" (R) ~nl t !•al '~ Nt• • r 81101 f '" I•~~ 811b111nn onto 1unnon1 to1 O ()q 8 I 3 39 w 1 d' \lfo1rd studrnl booi p1r\odtnl. but Int Plfnnu A' •nn" & H·t M•.io <rh~nt admonoslfahon oh1rcl\ rn ho~ 11~n ttlllPd•Rn tdtlttl I Ottt"'t 0 M1ll1on $ Movie: (2h1) ''Tht m Ntws Hooi" ld11I 'f>J ~111 Oou11t1<, @ 8u••• ' Alltn Rnh.,r Wtl~tr l• Nie~ Ad11111, Nt 1100 O Mom "A lu te ot Hontf' h•m1ak rt11nlf I Jo 11 'b7 11111• 8oy~n RI!• lu1h NHL Stanl•r Cup Pla1oft1 8 lhr I Bl m MJ lht .. Sons ••KhJm. llvb'll Stepnrn1 Hrw1 m Movoe.; "Pusontrl ol tht CU· 16 MnWlt' (C) (Zhrl "lu t fr11n bah" 1•1M :i.1 ulo11• Grah•ml!.. from Cun Holl" (w•1I '59 ~111 Cts11 Romrw, lr11h•n Brv Unupla\, c.,~lvn lnnr1, AnlhM1 ID Mom· "Alulr11 C.p1us" ''"'') t)o10M •.' Robtrt ~I•(•. Stuer <;oidon ID n;n;m "K"and "C" ll11Cu\ I 00 0 13 6 10 m 101110110• <•en Ofi;Oi'1 \chrOI 0•1l•o<I b•llo1 (J W1nltd Dud or Ahvt mt Hutt' nn •h•ch l A '"'"' "'" I JO W All Hoth! Show· "laO Stadt," d"1dr "M1u11n Over ~oru," "AllOlhtr W C1nt lnltrnactontl fin• Mui" Japanru la•aoct P111ra1111 2.00 8 Mom (C) "lloaht to h nc1irl'' &.JO (19 • ' 3 J9 CE ltrlltJ .. r.1 \l rarl. r.r.nc• '"'"Inn M1llt1 lht Sn1pr1 (A) Wh1lr f11n I•••• l•ll f;lnrro~ O\ h1ndltng 1 11111111 dospult, V.010 3.lO 8 Movt• (C) "Tht ()14 01rk 1\ br•~R 1hol r.uh•dr the 121h '" Houn" IC~I"\ ~3 lr•m Pn;IM C·llCI Fobt11 Y'lll•v. /anellt S<oll Friday DAYTIME MOVIES 9.JO 0 "llltk llltllio"" (drl/ '60 - -Tran~ Ptrtn. hrr1$ M1m '"Sorn· c•h" (d•al ·31 -John 811ry11101t, Manin Marsh 11:00 O "Hem let Mt '•'' (du) ·~3- Cltr\ Cablr. Crnc..l •r•n•y ll:OO m "fmndty Cntrn1t1" (dr&) ·cz- Ch11ln Wm'l'nttt. N1ncy ~rtly 1·00 O "l•c l rown Cyn" (mys\ 'J6 - C•rt GtJ~I. JcJn Benr.tll :tt. ''Doril•m111< tff•1tr'' (du) ·~7 I -I 1r0f't Pc•tr. Kul lo' 11dtn. Z JO O "Monster f10111 t~• Ocun lloti" r1d<I •c -Anne A rrbair. Srua•J V.aet J·oo 10 It) .. Tht Younr laW)'tn" (dr1l 9-Ja\C'n [vtl\ 'udy r,tt. ~ttftlft V.1~" lol•c~ul Pari s Anrdntl!e Co m., NO 0 "Somt me It Hot" lc.1m) ·~g -lon1 Cun~. lack lemm~n, M111 lyft ~IOt. KOCE Television (50) l:Oll THll.TIU8•\.tEYE "'Men81onocu~tom'" tf>Omonl l 00 FOCUS Cftu(,,t "" f' ut l1 J lO MrST E""00EllSHEt0HBOllH000 t 00 SESAME \TAEET ~ m1n1 S 00 ELIECTlltC COM,.AIH I lO CAllAASCO\.END •S 6 00 CA\.IFOll.,tA JOU II NA\. •JO DIM E NSIONS tH CUI.TURES w,,o, V••w h '4.."COUt' , 00 CONNIE s Cl..OTHtHO COllHER .. w" n •• ' r .. In ' ., "'I t• ''"(Our'-4 1 JO MAC•C ME rwoo OF Otl ,.AtNTINO Q • • o tt • ., t to COHTIEMltOllAllY (ALIFOllNIA IS\UES " • "' l'l'I • I JO WOMAN f 13"'M't Add•t•w-•' ,...lpt11f,.,. ..,""~'r • .. THtETllt8•\.tEYIE""Sw~.iou""su .. l&Om•rt1 _ \. \0 10 TM£0\..YMJilfA0' JheOr'\ ''""~Of'l U •l••l"I! • .. .,.FREE! FREE HOMELITE CHAIN SAW DEMONSTRATION SPARE CHAIN Saturday, May 22 -lOAM to 4PM \. -~: ~i) G: .. . ) \'r:~ ; Black & Decker Drill Sharpener Black & Decker 3 /8 Inch Drill • Double reduction gear sy1le111 lor high powered drilling oclion • Add lo rhe lon9o i1r of your bir1 • Rr1ho rpen1 11 drill bil sins from 3 ••·. ·7910 Reg. 24.99 1·999 Pennz-Guard Gumout Spray • Stop\ mo1stYre, 1u:t & squeoh lubrnote >, pr,nelrolts, proltth 4 01., Reg. 1.39 11 01., Reg. I. 99 1 8"' lo • A powerful perfor mM • drivt\ most O«UIOflU. '117104 Reg. 16.95 11sa ;.. J 'J' '•/, . " ·"' ... ;, ~ . / ,. ·' ,.. ( ~ .. _,,.--; Delta Faucet Washer Kit • Sove wo1t1 .. 1top faucet lt oks • lndude1 1 1p1i11g1 ond 1 cup WO\htrl • . - Fluidmaster Water Control Valve • A11IH~11 fLC t1o1vt provides mi11imum woltt wo\lt 011d lcu noiie: positive shut-of! • Adjustoblt to Iii 9• , .. to I 4" high to nks. •400A / ... -- I I Value up to. '22 Y/hcn you b11y a new Homelite Xl2 or lurger model Choin Sow. Offer good while iupply lails. Homeli'e XL2 Gas Chain Saw e A rugged, high powered gos cnoin sow .:uts th rough big timbers with the uhimote .,f euse • Lightweight and well Lu!auccd for ~ofe ar.d accurate operation • Features twin trigger dl•al control sy!tem for indepencient throltle oc~uotion 11995 MODEL IL ................ .. 9995 ·. Vigoroti) 2 112 lb. Attracls & kills pfanf .f~sr"'''"ll .. ro.1s t. .s1<19s Lawn Fertilizer • lol" sp"odin9 meol or ptliell • ~P~<•ul \low-reltose for....,(o 5 9 ( • Gr~en< 11oss IHI 011d itups ii ~~~· l ~!:I• fol Wstekl 99 .... --.-~"'~~ r~-~ f.D.'t. \. ~ ~ -I Reg. 7.IS . GO..._ ~JC.-· -· 1.i--, I 4 9_( ~-~-~95 _3_9 __ 9 ..,,, \\ 149 Glid d e n Spred Gel·flo Poi-l t • Thick olkvd lot eo1y one tool epplitolt•ll • Uhro-1moo1h glou , l111lsh hold1 up to reugh wtOlhtr 1049 Gol. U lidden Spr'!d :iovse Pa :!'i~ • \' eorh~r r.shto,,1 ocrylic ! lit• r~Uint b~vt1 longP, • flow1 on ~nioothly, drtt\ qwl.kl\ _)_, ... · .. (, \.~. ,. . \.~ I . " .. 3 I re. Y/L~e r'\.lin1 Roner • lust Ni.a• ' 1 't 'Ad for D;Jinlo11~ II oo.: tfir., I. .'i..ir .:. t. ~ti• <o•tr ond rT'r "' ' 11r , ·'--· Whirl poor 2 Speed Automatic Washer • Two wo1h ond 1pi11 spted\ • Sujltt Surgiletor ogitolor • Pump g"ord. •IDAJOOO • ... Whirlpool Matching Deluxe Dryer • No 11on tnrt 101 p111110nent prtu • Puih to storl bulton, limed dty1nq • lurqe l111t 111ern. •1013000 15 9'!!» Model AvoUob!e • • u•,r! ·~ I,• I;:'" 10 ... ~ __________ o_~_,_L_Y_,,_,_L_O_r __ c_·_, . Mets Tried to Deceive Phillies--McGraw -. :'\ ~;\\. \O J( I\ t \I ' I 11~ ~11·< :r;t\1 '11 •, .111\· \kl>1111altl 1:1·111•1•:r[ 111 ,111J ~11•1 of the·,, . .,.. Y111 I.. \l1·h, l1 1t•d 111 111•< 1•11' 111111.eud th1• 1'111\111·-. \\lltll ht \\.1. l1.itl1·tf '" l'htlJ1h•I ph1,1 .ti l 1•1 t 1" I !(i' t !>l':l ... 1111 .. 11 , .... .!) u u c U1 LC., J l . 11 ... fi\ l)OCJ'llll.';d 111· hl·il tu llll', !hi' ~l.cr n'ltl'I p1 tC'l11•r :-a11I \lt•C;1 aw .., h1ll1·1111·s ... ln•i.:.111 .. 1i11w m g I h I'• ~\ t•l'k "'li1•i1 1111 • I 'Ii"' ··l .trl 1•u I ht·11 I 11 ..,, ..,,.Ill'," 111 l111 • ..,,.,1.,1J11 11 tilt t he tl':.im !\kC;raw :o.t-r\.'tO .,..1th f111 11 \CUI'!> Tuc:.day n1 ghl ·.., ~am<' w..is a 1.11nout, hut 1111 \\'l'dflt•:-.cfo~ lht• l'h1ll1l'1> pc"teJ a :! I 11clor~: uvt.•i.:-. I Ill' :0.1 <'ti> ;\lc·Gra\\ :>J1J IJt.' has ht•t·n :mN¥ ,11 M t"-fl1m:fld :-.1m·e asC :-.prmg 1 'lla·n h11 lt.-arnl·ll lrom thc..~lct~· lorm1•r manugl'r. Yogi llc rru, "hv hC' had ht.•en tr:.idcd ·r :,.;.II(( ln Yog i, jui;t l1Jk1ng .1round. 'Out c)f cur1~:sity, why tluJ the Met~ flCI rid of m e•» "lie s-i1d , ·They thought > vur ;1rm w:i:-. cone.' "'Th:.it JU:.l bll'\\ Ill,\ 11111111. J111I llw mon· I I huug ht "hout It, lltl' 11)111'l' :ill the Plt't'l';) fl'll 111t11 pl.H't.' 11\Jt w · was. i:lUJ.llli...~~ l yli JStnl'ss I'd believed in·• "Sure they had hel~d 111l' in lhl• past when I had some pc-ri.onal pruhlt•m 1>. bul "hen il came down to snrnt>lhing st•rious -11w health the family l111ng ''l'lll 0 11ul Utt' wine.low." ~kG r..i" rd,·rrt•tl to a h~u:k 1·011 rl111on lh<il hucl llt•t•11 i.:11 111~ t11 111 tro11bll' ofl and 1111 r,1r :-.11nw ttlll\' Afkr Jo111111g 111,. l'hillil''· lhl· 1·1111 d1t1011 fl:in·d up an<l lw c1 l'lll11:ill~ h.icl lo undt·r~o :..urgt•n l>ol'lor:-. n •11t01 ~I ayullll Ill ~ fro m cnl.'a th !\h-C:ra\\ ·, ll·lt s houldl•r. and today ht• 1s 1•1111 :.tdcrt>d 111 frne phys1<·<1 l ('Olld1t11111 ··1f lht•y thought I rnultl :-till p1td1. d u you I h111k lhl') \1m1lcl hu\'l' tratkd nll' to ;1 duh n ght do~n lht~ 1·oarl that 11 .111 .1 1.·011 l1•ndt.>r in thl' '>:111w tl1v1 .. 1011 Th1.·1 cl h:l\ t· d11111· 11 h,11 fh\·1 d11t v. 1tl; r\11!.111 H, .111 :>1•111 11ll-to 1111· otlwr h'.IJ.!ll1 or .11 lt-.1 ... t ll .111'-d n11 lo a dub 111 t ht• "-.1t 11111:il I .t·.1g111· .. \\'e:-.lc1·11 Dn '""" · .\ ·<: l':I\\ :-.;11d 1111' \h'h I 1'11·!1 (ti rn a l' 1IT s "!I rt'lrtn'°rij( J!CIOTI fh :-v.t1l'hmg 111111 trom n •hl'\t'I tu starter 111 S1•ptl•rnlwr.1!171 "If tht•\ 'd h;l\ I' S1•11l llll' (II :I 'il)l'ctal1s t. lht.·y m1 gl\t h :ll 1• fo1111tl what\\ :1::. 111 u11g :rnd l \\1Htld h.111• lo ... 1 111y trn1~1· 1 .~1-lw." lt1• .,:1111 "lnstl'ad. tht•v tohl th,· l 1h1lhei; I '"'·•:-. l11h' An.If I lhou~ht I ''a:- filll' .. :\It 01 111.1111 ... 1111 ht• Is ~or-r~ '.\ld:rJ ll •~ l11th'1 ah1111l llll'tr;t<lt- • In m \' II\ 11111. lw 111·11•r had a hall arm · I It-JU~l had a bHd ~ e;11·." J\kUon;tld ~aid l llC' m~~ ~"111t14I ll'HU......11w.._..,-i 11 ould ha 1 e M•nt l\l d : r;1w oulsidl' th(•d1 l'b1on if he llwu~hl MtGraw :.l ill lt;1d pitdw11:: p,11tc•1111 11I "I '\l' 111 a<h· 1H1'l'l' cl<•al~ wit h111 th1· tll\ 1:.1(111 t h11n I h ;I\\' oul or II .' .\lt-l>nn;1hl not<'cl Lo~gden's .Vie.,s EX:j o ck ey Sp eaks Out All I Need Is a Chance--Jaworski I! I•: vn,,. \\ .1:-h (.\I' I .J uhnn~ l.un~dl'n st1 ll th1nks llunt"•t l 1lt·.i:-111 1• i... .1 l1t·tl1·1 hol!-1' thJn hts 1..i:-l '"" ran:s might 1mhcall'. hlll lh' d h1· ... 11.11t• 11•1\\ tus;n tha t tht• r·olt is a grl'<JI lhurou~hbn·tl l :-.m I lt11tt·'t l'h•.1:-uf\· run 111 lhl· Fl:.imingo and I thought hl' wa:-. ,1 ~n .. 11 h11r ..,1· ... ,1\1> th1• rcllrccl 111ckl·y, \\ho d1vtdl•s ht~ ~um· in1•r thl''>l' J .i'-. I 1 ;fl11111g horSl'" al l.bnga c rl's and Ca It furni ii tr:id ... "Bu1 I d1cl11 t likt· the• l11oi...., of 11101 during lhl' parade to th1• 1111:-t fur ll11· Kl'l1t 111·l..v lkrl>~ llt· \\a:-all brokl· out in s\ll'at I lh1111~ht tla·n· m 1~11 t lw an 11p!-l'I " ThN\' 11 a .... a:-llold Fi wilt·-; lt){)k the lead earl) and ran a\1 ~1y with lhl' rat'l' 11 0111.·'>l l'h1:1..,1lf•• abo w;is bc:.ilcn 1n thl• l're:iknl'!'>:.. hy r:to1·ut111111:-t ;111et lllOSI of' llH· field . l.on1!d1·n, "'ho 1\1111 Sl."1 111 cash for his first riding nct ory. 1n Hl:.!7 . and hoo\1•tl 111 :1 t·;Jl'e•t•1· tot<.1I of G,0:32 winnt'rs. i .... s;.iddencd by till' gro\\ 111).! t1·nd1·11C"y to n •t rn· thoroughbreds l(> stud IJdOrl' th<·y h;1\'1• ltl•1•n allm\ e·tl ''' n.:ath rating maturity. "i t h111 k ;1 hnr'l' ... 1t11uld be a llh\\ ed lo run unt1 I it ·s 5 years ·old. :in1·11 ,1 v. to M'•' \I h:it 11 e·:m do. But \.11lh a ll this big mont'.V <J \'it1IH· hll• from :-tud :-..111 u1 eatl' .... thL·y an.' afraid to take a chance "I m .1~:1111~l pa~ 111g l11gh pricl'!-. for horses or for athlctl•:-un. Ill 1h1•.\ ha,·t• prov1111 lht·m:-t.•hes ·· 111 :w 0011 1 Hit·'· :ind m ;my mon· r<i n'-; Vi<'\\ Cd fro'in lht· r<.111. L1111gcll·P h a ... ~l'l'll hi:. ... hare of horsl's "I '\'e seen a lot bf really gootf l111rl'>l'" ltkl· St•trl'l.in:il anct Citation." he told t hl' Sl·attll' ""'' lntl'll1 gl'lll'1•1 llut 111 m.\ 1\ ay of thmk111g Count l"lt.•L·t 1111u1ci hl·at an' 111 th l' m · I 1111gh1 Ill· pn•Jutltc·<·cl !}('cause I w:.is the only one\\ ho t.·vc·r rodt· 111 m . l'tl hl·r 111 the morning uf a ft ernoon . but he lo,·cd lo run, h<· h:icl lhl• 11 ti I to run ~111ll hl' l'oultl run am distanc"'. · · ,. uu c· a11 t !'om pun· r<il'l' hursl'!f <Ill); more th;,1n ~ ou can corn p.in· .Jot• l.11u1:-. \\1th ;\l uhamm;icl Alt. But I know Count Flt·t.:l ('(Ill Id ru II \\ II h •• n \ hlll'Sl' t hl're l '\ l'I' \\ a:. ... Thl· 11111:-.I "~ll'l'l"':.ful hor:.t· Longdt•n has trarnl'rl was ~lagesllc f'n111 ·,• "ho ''on lht.• 1'1·111 UC'I. ,. !Jl'rhv ;md Pn·:.ik nl'."' lil·fnr t.• 11111 ... 11111).! 'l'l 111111 111 tlw lklmuni. "I think I <:oulll have ru.ltkn him that d ;I\ :ind \1 011 11." hl'"·"" ;\Im 11;' mog ul l.nw:-. B ~l a,Yt.·r once pu1d Longd1'n S40.(IOO for l111ol111g hom1· :1\\1n1wr "Of eourst• \Vc're <ill 111 this gamt· fur lht> 11111111·1 th1· t·\ 1m·~1·~ :-a~:-. ··But to ride :.i horsl' w1lh 1·0111 pl'ltll\ \' "flll'll, \\ho ,111:-.t \\t1n't Id another horse gel by him \o ft'l'I \\1th \1111 r J1.111ds this hor:-l' strainin~ to stay ahl•ad Wt:'(l. th.it· .. 11 lll'i II m c>r1· to llll' I h:ir1 :Jll thc m onn · in tl'n.· 11 ur Ill " Kruse New Coach lint h.1 rht' .1 )!I .11!11.1t1· ol I (' \Ill\' .111d 111111 \ 1·.11 ''''l'l .111 111 1•111.1111111.cl 11.1t1•1 pol11 l'llll) Jll'l1l1ur1, h.c.-.. lw1·11 '<'h•1·11·d ti> 1·o:i1'11 lht• ('11r1111:1 clo•I ;\l;11' llii.:h ~111 .... 1 \\ .111·1 pul11 .11111 •.111111111111).! -h '.llfl • llll th.l' CUll1 11\f! \l':\f h llht' 111Jl lt1 Ill ' .1 \\1 .tllh Ill t"( p1·1·1111n• lu th1· 111h .llld \111J lc;.11:h part t1n11• 111 t It" J.:11~:lhh .111d hr" 1111 \ d1•p,11 I m1•11f-. ;11 ('rf\f <funng 111" 1·11111111~· '1-.11 II \111l 111.1rk hr" l1r .. t lt·.1l'1 11111~ :1 .. ..,q:111111•11t 'l'itl' I 1 \ i111· I 1•..,1d1•l11 ll'fl \\'(•ti 111·,tf.11 111 ,'tll \\1th lilt• l ' :-; 11,1 llOJJ;I( \\.tit I pnlt• 11 ·.1111 111 !'0111 pt lo• Ill I Ito• \ 11iH'"l .till \ '11p ('Olll p1•ltllt1ll Ill ll11tl,q1t"t , lltlli!',lo \, .t 1•11• ()I\ 111p11 l\llll ll.1111•'111 I le• " I " 111 , . II 'I I I \\ fl fl I Ii t. , I ( . I :•1 1d11alt•' 1:11\ \11111·1 .11111 .l.11'1.. \ 11 t ~ t 11" ll 11 \\ hll1• 11 .. \\ .1 ·" l l I lit' ..... 1 .I 11 •1·11111 111 lh1• 'I \ \ 11,tlt•r p11lt1 11111111.1111• Ill fut• 11111-.f •'11,tl :-.l'ltred rn on e t ournarnl·nt t:J J' 111 1!172) and most ~oab can•t•r for two :-easons. :JX . lXI f1n1 s hcd !-.t.•cond in lhl• ~<.:.\A louruamt.·nl both ~cars he pl ayt.'<l fo r t·oach Ed :'\i1•1\ land I ~"·rm m !.."1.'--h ~~ It'~'!,!. l ':1-, ., lht• hrl'as tslroke I IL· p<irtw1palt.'ll 111 t" o :\ C ,\ 1\ "' 1 rn mm~ dw 111 p1nn:-h1ps with till' l 'C'I ll'am 111 I >1 v1:-1un.f I com 1wt1t1on. ·111s· Cdl\l teams v. ill bt• g111n~ agamst Dic•kmann's l>a11a llills :-111nHls ~,n lt.•a guc t•om1wt1l1u11 lll'XI season. ··1·rn look111g fon1:1nl lo knoc·I. 111g lwacb wrlh him 111 \1:111·1· p11l11 :111d '" immtn).! ... th1· 2:1 ~l·ar old Kru-.c· s a) s ul h rs l'X l 'l'I and n11 rt•nl l ' S n<1l1onal kan1111att· I It• r1•plan•s I >on I l:is ktns :1, ... ... 111mmm).! <·11a 1·h ancl llru1·1· l1.1rlholonw11 a:-wau·r pol11 nw11 t111 I fa..,ktrt:-n ·'tgrll'cl 111" p1h t .11 I'!\ I) ,- LONG BEJ\Cll <AP > -If Hon Jaworski \H'fl.' a lawyer. he d ;.1rgui.' a prl'lly ::.trong l'<t~l' a l>uul why ht.• should be the :.liJrting quarterbatk fur the Los Anj!c•lt•:- Rams. ailtl he start:. 111th the fat·~ hl' ha:-. alrcadv rlont• 1l. "In the la st four games of la:-.t )l'ar. I s hm1NI I can do tht.• JOIJ , · ... aid the man known :ts tlH' 1•01t ... h H1fle by his fan ('lub in Southl·rn C~tlrfornia ·· 1 IJl'O\'C'd I ha\'e lht• arm. I know I 'vt• J.!(Jt the fct·t and I al\\ a~·s k nt'w I had tht· hl·ad. Spol."ls i11 Brief and now ;ill 1 n{'l'cl i... lhl· d1:111c1· J ;.m or:-k1 , howt.'\l'r. 11 .1~ tl11· backup quartl•f'b..il·k .ill ~ 1•;1r t•11 Los Angl'lt.·:... until Janw:-. llan 1-. suHc•n'd an arm lrlJlll',\' and ).!,I\ l. w:w late 111 l hl• !-l'U...cm Th,•n Ja,~·orsk1. '' Cust.1 l\11::-a rt.•,1dt·nt took O\'t•r and \1 o n I hn •l' 1 mpor l.lnl :'\at1onal · F1111thall l.1•:tJ.!th · gamt.•:-. with h1~ frl'ld ~1·1wr:d ... h1p "It':-f1 u~trat1n).! 111 k11011 11111 han:-tht> abilrt.1· lo pl;iy ;ind n11l lo gl'l to :-tart. .. hl· ... :11d. "b111 I " :int lo bt: the :-tat'll'l' on opt•nrng da~ U.S. Out of Gallles; $3 Pays $128,844 La:.t hope~ lu gain a berth 111 Stadll·r 11 l'l'l''1tt11miu ... 111 Wl't1n<I lh(• 1976 Ol~·mµ1t· Gamc•s 11atC'r rnu11d .:.1ng lc.•s matdw:-. \\'t.·1lrw:- polo l'Omp£'l11ton han• appan•nt tli.i\' and their l-C' In rne ,\n I\' fallen bv th<' \\ a \'s1de for the te~itl'r:-Wl'l'l' tra1ltnf,! I lampton l 'nttt•d Stalt.'s • Institute of \'1rg1 111 a. 9 K. Ill tht· 'fht• l ' S . bronz<' mC'dalist in NCt\A U1\'lst<1n 11 h·nni ... d1:r111 the ·72 Olympics. fa1lt.•d t1> pas-; pwnsh1ps l·arhcr qualifying tests to gain ~· \\'nght, llra11 tn).! a l1r-.1 round :-put In lhl' C <tlTI('I> llOWl'\'l'r, it b\'e. w o n fi I , Ii 1 \\ht\(' Stadll'I' was ht.'lll'l't.•d th;.it Romania \\as r~1mµcd 111. hoth r1111111b. 11111n1ng not going to s t·ncl its tc;im lo lhl• fi.J. 6·1 a ud ti:!. Ii I \.\'11l1am ... Olymp1rs bl'C'aus c of fina nct:tl downed his opp111wn1s Ii 2. ti·2 ~11111 nroblcm.<> f)·2, 6·2. Tht• l '.S . t t.•arn had top ,.\<'lion c ont111111.•d tod:I\· at tltl' prten l~ on thl· Ol.1 mp1c Gaml'~ NorthWl'St ;\I 1sso11ri St~Jtc· \1a111n g hs1. ll owevvr. tl was M 'flHIUH .llllltp# 2 2 ·1I1 •. . l·e a r n <' fl \V c d n c s d a \' t h a l Hom;.i111 a doc•s intend lo :-;end its BERLIN f;:i st G<'rma111"s tc:.im lo the G:unc>s . Sigrun Si<'g1.•l -'l'ho11 1111111;t•tl Thl' CS. squad dcµartcd Wed· 22-1111. Wi·dnl'sday. Sl•tt1n g a nc~day nig ht ror c ompl'lilions in world women's long JUllllJ n· llung:1r.v l:itl'r this month. With cord. Jn a prt.• Olymp11· l r;id, lht.• ll•:Jm a n · Bill Barnell of rnCl•t ~ll Dn•s1h·n. Sa·g t·I Th1111 l.ag un.1 Bl•ach and l\l onle hcttt.•n•cl thl· Jll'l'\llll0t:-n•1·111d ol ~lllkt1wsk1 ol ll11nt111gton lk;H'h 22·81::. s 1•t Ill 1\ngl'la \111g1 111 Bf.•U ur ('nllt•t •f " r:asl Gt.•rma11:\ ~la~ !I '.'l':W YOHK Lust Satunla~. Kiit•k S igH# Jamt•:.Sullt\'an·s wifc c hallengl•c1 DENVEH J im K11l·k .. 1 him to s top a l an Off Tral'k lk t· former r unning hal·k for th1• tini.: o fftc·l· and bu y a S:l tickct for Miami Dolphtn:-. who JUllll/l'd 111 "Pick Four." whic·h requires :1 the World Football l.ca)!m • 111 twttnr to pil'k the w111ncrs of four 1915, has s igned a sc•nc:-!lf 11111· :o.l'parall' ran·s 1111 the· nightly H'al' conlrart:-w11h rht·J,14-1 c!.u'd al YonKcrs lt;ic·t.·\\ay. Bt110cs.z.:i-!.llf1_tials ol tht' N:11 ron;il l 'sing lhl' last ro11r'-,-1t""11""n..,.l-1e_r_s-,-,~,-DFJ_ol.J.olllh all L l'a/,!ll\' le'.tlll .111 h1.s Armv :..l!l'l :tl 11u mbcr. he n<iunt·cd Wcdnt.•:,d :i.' prt'kt•d h!;n;i·~ \\1th th<' numfJl•rs 5, t;, H a111l :1. "Wl• forgot a ll <1bout 1l until ;1ftpr Mas:-Sunday." ht· ~ai<I . \lhl'n Mr" S11ll1v;111 n ·mt'mbc:n·d lt1 l·hcl'k Sat11rcl:11":-. n·Mrlt:... Out of fill .111111 1i1·ttnr:... S11ll1\'an. a l'll~ 1•mpl11~ l'. \I ;1s t.!w onl~ 11111· to p11·k .di 111111' \1·111nc·r~ firs p;r~ nfl II a :-$128.H I I. hl~hl'!-l Slnl'l' tht• OTI\ ht:gan l'c el< Four l ~•sl May:.!1 l('I 'l 'rnib ~1 1\HH\'S \'l l.l.E . ~111 Hoh \\'nj.!h<. J l•fl \\'il11a111!-.11ul I '111 t WTT H e11ult" tnd1,ln.l h . GOIO"n G,1tN .. 1J .v '''' t4 I• w'''' I"'' t.. • ' •· t( '"''Ill' • ~ •••• ,, .111• t , .. ,, p Ill I ' \l\.o •1 l<t ift. 4 fl ;t l•I. •' 1 M \'t ()~ • I • • " •• I J" I ,t './'.•••I . ' 1•1 l'•I I I 1 •' It I t Nt•w Yo•~ 11 l..O\ f\nq1 h ' N ,,,.. .\t 1I '• 1 I " w ..,. ~. t ,,. 1• M· v 1\HH ,, I I(\ I• I I 11 I •I ' .,, " I I \A1,, I I• I t ,. .,, .• t AL LOOUASTO HIT THE OUTSIDE WALL AT INDIANAPOUS WEDNESDAY BUT WAS NOT I NJURED. Chances Gro~g Dim for Guthrie l'\111\'\\\'t)ll ~ <\111 Snn11·th111 r h :•~ to 1~11t• lh.-. \ll't'Kl'ncl \\ 111•11 .!:1 tlr11 c•r:-Ir> 111 1·1'.111\ lht'll '"II" llllt111n1• "' tlw Ill ... pt1h kl l 111 I h1· :1:1 c :1r ..,, :11t111g h n1•11p 1111 lh•· l11cl1.111.11H1li ... ;,oo ·~1 1 ·.., ltk1• I I\ 111i: t11 put "' L' .ti I 1111' 111111 ,I f I \ \' \! ,ti I 1111 lirlt l.1·t 11d 11lll' \ 1'11•1.111 tr 11 I. 11h ... 1 \I'! II .. lll'l 11111 1!111111! 111 111 (1111 cl111 t'I ,tfllhh( ... 1111' Ill q11;iltl \ '' I !lr.!I \\ 111111·1 ,\l,1110 1\11 11 11•!11 'l'h1· cl.i rk h.111l'cl 1'111 n .. 111.1111 .111 1111 ... :-1•11 1111· 111 ... 1 'r1111 11d 111 ep1.tl1l1t .1t11111 ... I,,,.,. \\' r l' k (' 0 cl W h l' ll h t• I\' :l S I n lJl'lJ.!1um, dr il'111g 111 that e·o1111 In's Gr.inti r r1~. ·i\nclr<'ll i has bN•n c·11ns 1st1·nl I~ running his c·ar ht•1 wrr 11 1x:.i anti IAA milt-s an ho ur. \\Pll al111vt• the um mark l'xpt.•rll'd to ht.• 1:01111 l'fllH1g h to quail{) Ill-t11r111•d 111 ·1110 laps \l\l'I' 1~7 m JI h on \\'r•rl nc:-.da1 .Jan~·t Guthrw 's for1u1w:-:111• not 11<'.1rl\' as c·,•rtatn T he JR·\ rar o ld !':cw York ptw ... ic1<>t h;1s ~ 1•1 to rnn any" here• rw.1r Hiil m JI h and t ht•n.• ~l rt' ~I'll\\ 1n g clou ht :-. .1boul -ih l· f1repowC'r of ht.'r blue \'oflsll'dl· Offt•nh:111"('r rnc<'r. lll'r top :-peed thb v.1.'l'k h:is h <'C'n lil m .p.h. \\\•dn<'$d:ty she managed ;ust lfiK 161. ChanJ?t'S ha,·c been ordered. "\\'e'n ' )!oin~ lo put a later· ... 11 h•cl motor in the car," s aid Ht''< I ltHton. r htl'f mrchanic on Gulhrit.•1' car "This motor has :i huut fiOO mill's on it. It':-At1tl1ng tirt'd " Jh tllon :iclm 11.t> Guthnr's time is hm11cd. hut he s.ays s.h<' can ~1 11\ 1ncrt'lt!'le h<-r Sfl<'t.><hn lim£> to q11al1 r~ oH•r t hl' "t'l'~l·~ ... \\ ,. wanlC'd to start h l'r off s lowPr M1 ~he could g<'l used to lhl• t ra<"k "She's bcl•n Vl•r:-· nms1Sll·nt now s he should havl' s11rnt• Slll-'''"· too.·· Which is not to sny hc•r J)at h into the race will b<' easy 1f s he docs. Lookin~ 10 J:<'t 11110 ll'H' rat<' lo compete for some SI m1llim1 al'p a flock o r olht•r ll'l'>:.. p11hh c11.<'1l d11vcrs St.•\'l'r1 fnr s n11\ \ c•t qualified ha vc bC'c'n clnc•kl'fl ,,,., .r 180 m p h . nnd ul ll':ir-t JI) tnCll l' arc t.houghl lo h ;1\e a ~l)ocl l'hanre lo ;1b11 loll t"-at "Pt.'<'<I I I:-. 11t1 p1111,1111 It• 1111•. I"'' dtt1IOJ,!l1 .di\ .\nd 11 I 111 1111t .... 1.11 t111, li1•1, th"n I \\ .1111 to :...•> ,.,111111·\\ lll'l l' I c.111 -.t,11 t I 11 .1111 111 do 11 lwt t lWl'au" 11 1• ha \\' a i.:11Jt 11•.1111 , !Jut ... t ,11'1111!! b \\'I\ lllllHll f ;111t \ti Ill\' fk Pl'l':O.t'lll :-11101'1· I'\ "'l'llll' '" ... uppt•rt hr-. 1·:1,1· ··t lt~t· to lt,11 ,. lull 11ut th1•11• ,111d g1•t tlw ll'a 111 1'\t'1f\od \\'ht·ll I dtl "llllll'lh111g gc111d. "' 1111• lc•.1111 <lol':. "oml'lh111µ l'rn11l. I i.:.-1 ''"·11 n J. :ind I h:1I J!\'b I IH' fan.., "X<'llc•d 1\11d 11 ·, :.i J!l't•:11 lt'l'lm,L! to h;1n• \l\l,OOO I an ... dll'l'l'lllJ.! l•>r ~ ou It ·.., lh,• l1tllt.• th1ni.:' ltkl· lh.tt that :1tltl up (ti\\ 111ntni.: " J :J \\ l)f',l.i 1-!<>l h1:-lir:-l b1~ brt·:.ik lall' in I ht• I !17~ "l'a ... on •" ~wn ll.11 l'I" 1111111,•d ht!-n .i.:ht arm ,1).!~1111 ... 1 Cn·,·11 1<.1.' in .1 l!anw tlw 1!;1m:-111·1·cll'tl 111 t'1111ch !ht• i"a 111111.11 Foolball <.:011fl•n•m·1.· \\'l'st I 1tlt· .J.m orsk1 '' l'lll 111 ;.111tl Im ! 1 "' :!x pa':-''' lor 1 7 1 ~ ;.ird!> ;md lhl' • I f.1111 ... \I Oil :!:! '> AP Wt u·pnoto Fornu•r :-\1111: hvrn ('.ii ( 'ollcg t• l ('u:..t .1 ;\J l'!'.;J 1 and Golden \\'e,..,t ('111!1•!.,!e• "l:t11d11111 Slt'\l' .\ll·~;indl'I' c:apturt.'CI lhl' l ':1t· H d1 T.llhl1111 1111 1!sa111r<l;i~ lll'rt' ht• \\Ill\ the 1.500 .:--- JO h n-F inds Pitching A Dangerous JOb 111 :... \'\1;i:1.1 .. ..; 1 \1' "\l.l\h1 :-..11 tl 111111111.\ .1111111 ·1 ... 111111111 g t•t l'I' It g .... 111-.11r1·d . rtt .. 1.11 .... \11 r 1·l 1 11 11 1t.111d1·1 .itt1•11qn111~ ,, lr1•r1111 1111111 •lt;11 k 11'11111 1kl11-.111· .ti Ill .. 1111•1·1 \. h.1 ... I 111111' .lltlllL' p l'I 1111• Ill lh.1 1 11111 lt1 ' II.II 111' ,1 olll 1'od~1••1·.-. .\tlo I•• I' ., .1111-.1· \\ 1·tl11• ... d .1\ 1111 ht 1\111 11 d1tl11 I ('I•'\ •·Ill h11p 1111111 p11-.11111• I:! St'('IJIHI \I!, .. , •• 111 /01111 tit• c 1• 11111'-.i t I 11111rnplt 111' 1 1111 \l l.1111:1 Hr:1\t ~f t'\I' \ 1·.11 1·1 -.ltlL'I'' d .1 11111 11111 h1111l•'I Ill :11'1 1111111 (111 I Ito · tic• r 1'i11 1• 11111, .111d 1111 .1 \ fLtl.••r ·"'" di II\ I ' lit ,I 11111 .r ".illt,( Ill' flll 1111'1' i\tla11l :t lt'art1111;it1 · \\tllt .1 lrlllt 11111111'! cl1111hl1 '111• oll.1 ·1 I .1\ 11111 \1 a~ llic t c:.ull ul lt.!JU 1 '•:..! l11·111r htl Ill ;t Jllll It \\ llli 11\o 11.t I l11,11lt·tl Ill I II\' 11111 ti .1 .. 1111 Pll• Ir· of •'\t II lllllllf•" lll'ft1r t' 'l rf..1· \l .11 11.rll '""~ •111 r .tll1111111 lilt 1.1 ..... trl t 11111 1111 lh1· 1111.cl 11\1' 1111111 1 .. 101 111 l'l)'ltl h ..,;I\ 1• t1( I J1t• I 1• <I II 1111111\ '.t.ir ... h.ill .... 1111 111 .l11h11 llt•ft• .t I'll\ \\ho .., p1t1htcl .111 th•0'1' 11.11 \\1 flt 11111 1•1t•i lt1•11t1• h r! ,\11cl 1111\\ h1 g1•h II 1111 .... 11 .111·1t1 ·.11111•' l·r 1<1.11 ll l)'ht 111 t•i11 ... h111 1•h • * * A. fl ANT A 1t• t I '"' """'''''' •• , Nft I ,.11f1 I I I .. . ,, r Will 1m 'I ' .. , ffjf),, ... H••v I I 11u1~ .... , I I I •I' r»v f>M 1.,1r1 (.111 "' I ' •I ,. . " I 11'. n I I II . ,. .... W•1l~'f'·r<1 \ I \• ,,.., . ( \ I' I Nt,,1,.f'\11 ., ht 1 l ~ l n .. l.0\l'N(,l-lf \ ~b I Pl hi t I I 11 ••• I 111 ~·' "' ,,, II I I I I ' I• I .. ,., ,,.,, H1 , ,t ' . , . lh.111 ut. H ... I '• M " , ,, I .. t " I . ... ' " .. ~, 11• H II £11 1\11 ~0 .J ohn 1·:r11 j.!hl 11111· .111 tlw nght .tnhl1 • ofl thl· h:tt 111lht•1111 al t'!-0 J\I Oil\ 1•r \\'c•d111· ... t1 :1~ 1111.:ht ,.;,.,, ll1•111l1•r:-1111 ti rt I lt•d 11111• off I h1 • ....1111(' .111~!1• 111 tlw lop or ltw ... ,., t'llf h II -; ,ti 11111'if t hi' -.,111\l' :-pol ," .J11hn -..1111 f.1f t•r "li111 lh1 ... hurt .r Int 01011• ' 11 1 111.1111t.1111p1I that th1· 111 un ":1 ... 11 1 ... 1·no11 .... th:il ht• II m.1t..1• 11:-111·x ' ar 1111 ... 1·IH·dulc· liut .1tl1krl. 'l\l ,1.\ la: 1 ·11 "'"'' ... 11111 J.!11;•1<b111·\l llllll'.·· lh• ... 1111J,!J,!l111 i.: Br :l\l'" ha\\' 11t1\1 droppc·cl lH ol lhl·tr l;1:-t ::!:! ~·.11111•' a11d art• 10 g:1m~ ltchm<I tlll' f1r· I pl:i11• J)wlc.:··r' m lhl' ."\.1· t 11111.tl I .1· ·' J' II•. \\ 1•-.1 An ~e l s Ba ttle '"rpxas T o nig ht \Hl.IN<;TO:\/, Tt•;>o. L\1'1 Tltl'(';1lrf111 n1a J\11 g1•l...,1111·n 11 lo11r ga1:1c.~cn~ Jr.!.Jlll~Llliclwl.'.r.l!.li. .... ..,._ __ _ H:111g1•r:-111111g f11 (;;ir~ l{o.,:-O ~. \\ilht:1rt ftll the• 1\11gl'l:.., \\hilt•(: ,I\ l1111t 1'1·1T1 . I :.!, opt , ......... (ht• 11.1111·•·1 ... 1•11 1'11"1' 1!111 H11 · l<.111g1·" 11111· .. 1<ol..111)!f~ ti • , .. ' 'I • '""'·"' ......... . All ( .. tmf"'"" KMPC-u10\ I• , • ·' . . ' ,•I • ti,, I •tt I m 1·al11•rl t lt1• "Tc•\; .... SI r.111i.:1'l''." ;111• no l.1u~hlllJ.! rn:ctl1 •r :111~ mnrC' :11 1!1 11. <1111 ~ WH•haH g.1111t• lll'h1111I A 1111·n t•a 11 1.t·:tJ!Ul' W1·s1 li·:11kr K:in:-a s L't1 1· Thl' /\ngcb on•11p:; 1111' <·e•ll:rr 111 lht• Wcskrn l>i v1s111111qth .1 1:1.23 n•c·orcl fo r I lw :-1•:1<11111 ThC'y 11l't1• ... t.111 11111 !i II T11l"Hlay nighl 111 Chtca~o. wit h Bart Johnso11 p1tl'11ing u tlii'l'c·hitt11r . Nol:m l!van J.!:l\o't' llfl fl vt' runs on fivl• hit s 111 l'h1cai.:11's st•t·oncl aml third innings, mc ludin[! a lhr<'<'·run tfou blt• hy dcs1~natcd hitter Pul Kcllr. l(I lose hrs third strai~ht g an11· xnd µosl a 3.4 mark Hyan -;;net la tt•r hl' had AOOd :-.luff und "' .is <'Clm plctcly '~ ithout th<.' arm parn that curtatkd his lfl75 s rason .ind t.•1 cntually rt? qtllrl'.'t1 l'lhow su~c-n-. ~~ '2 O•\l~f Pl'_ur El To.-·o Tack) s Toughie t-:1 'foro·~ ~ur1>r1~111~ t:h ur)!cr:-.. llp!>t·t \\ innt·rs Ill lht r1r!>t l\\11 l'o1111d1. of -----..-.·the-E't t-• 2 -1\ h;rnd J1fll ·• pl;.iyoffs. try to p ull olf their t h1 rcl ~h ol'kc r 1-"n · day aflt·1·11uo11 "hen thl'y hos t t h e Mir11 Co!-.La Area Aces Vie . Spike Finals Set for 4-A Nt·wport I l.11'h11r and t-;!>t;tlH't.I al:-.<1 ha\'(• t:tlC'ntrrt ('nt ~ M us la n J:" s of 1\1 an h :Jtl:J n _ _:-l~a!lll!;;t "Dci.1d1. N t' w port '!i Sa i 1 ors havt· I h1·11· \Jl•St dHtn<'I' 111 lh(' milt• rel a v T ht•v univ qualll'1l'd in '3 ::::1 t.i. mnh bt.'sl l but h,l\'l' run :1 21 S <;:mil· l 1111 t: ,., :i and : __ :,.::::::~=~~==~!! T11n H l'lllS · Ch ;i r gl• r -, \\ 1 ll ht· f,1 (·1n~ :r tall'lltt·d ldlha udcd µ1t th1·r 111 \hkt.• Mycn·h111 llrvanl l l 11mann ha~ a lwst ·of 4!1 f; in the J-l\l \\ hith has a l'11nll'11tiou:-. f1 1.'ld lwaclt•d bv Santa Monil'n's Tim Ciiamlwr' 118.i). E:.t.11a·1,1 ':. 1l'o:.t.1 M l' :-. a I J I Ill \\' a 11 1• I':-. quahf11•ct in ·l!I ~ anti h.1~ nm I~ :1 . I' ;\l~1:1<'111n c·c1111p1kd .1 I 2 1 l'l' <' u rd I o r tlr t· I ' JIH) I' l',. I.(' .J j.! ll l' l ' 11 · 1 hamµ1011s and \loa s naml.•d d rc.:u1t l'O µla~ l'r · .,r tlw ~ l'ar 111• 11\'l.•ragt·d 11 ~trtk l'U!Jb pt•r ~IHllC .. 111d struck out Iii 111 ~li ra Co::.ta ':-. rir...i pl ;r ~off l!.JlllC !\I \'l'l'd llll ab-11 llalll•CI ;i~~·and 1s t lw prirnar~ J'eason l\l 1ra Costa hr· .: 1111.:s a 22·8 rt·cord intt.tlw ~'playoffs lllh t•r to p l\l ustan1.:s • <1re center fi cldl•r Mark : Strange ( .327 J and first •b as eman Bob J akil'h (.2951 . El T oro doesn't have • anyone with the flossy 'credentials of M ycrchin. but h us a s lr ong dc- fcnsh•c club. The Chargers havl• on- ; ly committed 31 <'r ror:. in ~ gam es and th<1t's the main r e a s o n th 1·.r h nish ed s<'l'Ond in lhc South Coast Lt·a~ul' and ;ir e 13-10 I overall. Their ac·c 1s µ1tch<'r St<'''<' Hi n<h-r " ho 1·om- 1.Hlcd a 5·4 record and I !J l' r . a 1 n I t• a g ll <' . Binder W<'llt a ll thl' \\:t\' in d c f c al i n g \\' u In u·t '1'11l'sdu v but fit•in:; !'ia\'S 1•1thcr Sten' K1•y (2-i >. Hob L1 vesa v (3·0 1 or ;\l ark K 3C hcl cin ( 1.:n will start i''r iday. Bimkr ma~ bt' used in r cliC'f. Net Teams ·on Road ('o r o na <l <'I Mar , :..; l' w p o r t 11 a r h o r . l.agun.1 l~·ad1 anti San C'll'llH'nh' an• 1111 t h1· road tor l'l 1-' f)t1ar1,•r f1n.11 ... ti•nnis art111n l"nday :if 1,•rnoon t------Cnr.on:J ..tlcl ~tar. top "''l'•I in I ht• ·I ,\ ti 1 v 1:-.i1111. b al ~a11t a H;1 rhar:i w h1h: N1•w pnrt llarlMll' 1:- ~L Gkndall• I lml\'l'f In :J A :ict111n . ii ·., Sl'C.:tJlld M'1'dl'd f.;1).!t11l;1 lkal'h al I.a 0111 11ta :tJ1cl s a n ( · I ,. 111 ,. n I c :1 I H i v 1• r :-. 1 rt l' I' 11 I~ . t\ 11 mall'hl'S st:11·t al :i Till' l.a ).!1111;i lkad1 l..1 l~111nl;1 nrntth m.1 ~ Ill' tlw 11111 !-I 1111l'r1.•:-.l1n g t.ai.:una is diamp111n of tlw South l'o:c:-1 1.,•;1g11,· \\ h1h· I .a Q111nt ;1 ,.., 1111 11.·frall•d m :!Ill h-:1g11,· 11\.1\l'lll'.., I \'llllllllll\.: lht• frt1!>h -,oph .ind 11111111r •\:11 !<.ll~I SC Hosts Rugged , . Confidence Has Done It Opponent .Sa n Clemente High School's Trito n's cntt•r - tnin !ht· Bell G ardl•ns II i g h L a n c c r s . t· u · champion s of tht.' Hto ll 911 cl o Le agu<·. i n quartt•rfina l round 2·A Cl F bas l•ball playotf al' lion Fnclay aft e rnoon at 3. The> gu m C' t•oul<.l de· \'l'lop into a p11ch111 g b:1t - lll• \\ifh .·::m CIC'mcntt' ~1·nd111g ~t 1kl· llorvalh rn· sophomore John C.\1rsun to the mound. lkll Gardr ns a lso h;1s a pair of nghl·hanlit'rs n•adv in Jim \\'iJlk er amt Ralp.h /\rmenla . J\rnR·n- ta pitchl•cl a 11cd111lcr 111 lt'adrng lhl· Lant·cr.-. 111 I 0 upsl'I ,·ictory m 1·r l.enno.x 'fu l·~da' 111 Sl'l'onJ round pla~ 11i'f .1<· lion For Edison 880 Flash lh EU lil'IH_;,\lt'I' 'ot thr OJ 1to; P1fot 'St.-11 Ch<.11'l1l' C'hri.,ll·ll:-t·1 1. on"' of thl' fa, on\t'" rn rlw C l F I :'\ \·ar:-.11\ HKO F1 1 day n1~hl. !-.Ufft't l·tl .1 l11p in j ury llur111 1.: 111 ... frl•shman !'>l''-'"'lll ;ind 1 an till' 8~0. mill' ancl \\\Cl milt• on th<.· fru:-.h soph team during m o ... 1 ot h1-. ~ophomon· ~ l'.lf. !'\11 dun'l ft•t•I .tl1111t· II .nm're :.ur pnsl·d :1bo11l tht· li·\'l'ar old':-. 'lll'C'l'"" thi~ Sl'~b\\ll 0 Thl' 5·!<. 11:! pound J llllHH' ran a lill'l 1111t· lll':-.1 1 ·SS.Hat lhl• <:I I•' I .\ pr1· l1111inari l':-. la:-.l \\ 1'l'k .1rnl f1gL1n·~ to run 1r1 I h1· I ."> b ;1t th<.· fin:ib "It's lw1·n prt•ll.\ ..,,,,. T h,· ,..11111111 II ..,, r1d111_ 111nn1·r ''a:-. 1 llh 111 th1· I ,\ l'l'lt'"• 1·1111111 1' Im.ii ... .mcl Fir 1,•1 '"'' :-. . .11t,•r r h" ,., o:-..., 11111111 r \ , ·'""" I k it bl' ti "" .• I lllll•'ll/11·1 Ill llH· l\K\I I h.1d .111 1111•.1 lw "d Ill· 111 1h,· I ;;:-, .... ' F1!1t·I '' cwld11 r h<1\ c· ... a11I 1h1· :-...1n11· 1l11ng l\111 • \-. ,l lll''h111:111, "' Ii ,111 :-tl Ill c 11 .I l i.. I' I I• hl1·n1:-. .. -.;I\" I '111< I · l 11· h:11I :-.om1· 1; rq.:111.11 "'" ... 1•l1· b:d.in1·1·:-. .1 11d 1h.1l lhr'l·\\ h t:-. 11,ll'k 11111 : \ !'> :t " II p It II 111 II I' I ' l'hrs,..ll'lb •·n \\a:-1·1•r11pl'l 111).! 1n11:-.ll~ lur t 111; I 111,.lt :-nplt l l':t m t1n..,lt111!• 111111'111 111 llt1• ('JI· l \ 11 11:-.h :-11ph Kl-<O f 111.ib Ill \dll<. II hl· 1-.1 11 I :1!1 I '\p \\ l1t· lr.1 ... tit'\ 1'111p1'll 1111•1 l h1• ll l .olH'I' C 011.t'( ~~· \"" \11d ('1tr1 ... 11·1h1'll \\ill h,I\ l' t11 11:-1' .di hi!> "l'l'\'d l·r11l.1' II "" 1·\p1·ll.., 111 \\ 111 H'park .Rac~g Entries ' ,,,. ~,,, " /fl I t 'I • I Hj Ill 0 I 1 lllllfl!ll I I f1!I• I I 1,, fl t ! .. M ,,., , ... h,,1.11 I -.1.1,. • '" 'l'lw Sailor~· Gan· Erl1. (I •56 7 half m1l1•r'i and HH·hard llarl'bon l:J7 !l lnw hurdler J :in• a b11 l'll I l'rl'<l Oth1·r st·l1e111ls \\ ith top t•ntr ,1111 :-. .1r,· F 11unta111 \'alll'\' and ('ornna di') l\l ar.' Fountain \ allt•\' f<'alurl's K1•11 !\1 argl'l'llrl1 ( J.I 7 high hur<l\\•r I whtl1• Corona ch.•! l\l;tr h us Jt•rf Day (!J::i t.R qua hfy111g ) in the Lwo n11 1,., A fin al :11·1•a parlit·i· pant is Es t:inci;i's Hirh .Julit'n 1:!1·11 in thC' Jong j 11mp1. On thC' fros h-soph ll-n•I th e :1r t•a 1 :.. \\el l n·1.>rl'St•ntl·d, pal'lil·ular- ly in lhl' •MO, HBO, mil,• and two rn i le Ncw porl l1 :1rh11r '!-. Chns Corum (511.~). llun- l tngl •>n H1'ath 's Cary Hurt 1511 r.1 and Co:-.ILi ~IC'~a·s Hou Sha<:kll'lord < 5 O KI a 1· ,. am o n r:. favnriH·s in tt1<.• ·1 ill \\'hill· Costa Ml'!>a·:o; Jm· \'tiuni.: 12 011.5 in 1H1•1lms1 1s a n11111i.: I ht· l'1101 n•s m t ht• &!41., Youni.:':-. t 1•:1rnm:it1• Ori:in Thompson w;-1s lh1· ).. t' 1· n n ti f a st l's I m II t' qua hfl·i· in o1 :28.7. C11n111:1 dl'I M :11"!> . Strvc ('husl· ran4 ·2i. J\ncl 111 llw two mik. it will tw Yo un1.: C!I· .1:1 ·I in p r <' I i m i n a r i t• s ) a n cl Thomps <111 d l ·4H.IJ liatll- 1 n J.! F 111~11 t ;1111 \'a I)(-~"' Bl'1;.in J\J>Jl l'I l!J. 1t1 UI, Wlwn Walker 1s 11't 1111 till' mound. hl' pl!l~s fir~t h:J:-.t' and t\r nH'lll:r t:1kc•:-. ovrr at third when lw i:-.n 't pitl'11111j.! Th··~ at 1• :1111ong tht· ll':tltl ·,. ""'d JI r I !> I I\ ).! • ' ' ._ ,J ,\ .., Chr1:-.Ll'll~l·11. .. H1· I 11r1· t lw Sl'a son IH').!;,1 11. I cl 1d11 1 h11uw \\ h1l'h l'.H"' 11'1811 ur rn1h•1 I'd ta• 1·0111·1·11tr.11 mg un f': \' l' II h I ..., \ Cl ,11 h C ordon l"111l'!. "·"... II h{• II t'l'I' 1'11111'1 Ill I .ti Ill" 1111 .11-.·.1·... .111d 11111• Ill \lt1· ('I ... .. I' I I' Ill I .. I h .ti I I\ I' tl1111l• "P •·1•d 11 111'1-. I I lor l\\t1 d.n .... · lw ';""· . I ll).!111'1' \~I' II ht• l.!lllfll.! ~HIRD RACf 'I' I 1lfl M I hdt1\\ 1. ,,~ •. , .... I H I f t\\.t 1•. ' I Race Results , .,., ... 'I• I tu • > • llli:! flllll'l'S I h l' I \\ II I 111I1" I I I 11" h "I. " h1• l'llllllJ Jl~ !I J.1 I 1"111 t'o:11·h Bob t>.t ll'' of 1111\\ lkll l;artl1·n:. lt·1·1 ... h1:-. Bui lw,·a11 ... 1· 111 111-, 11·:· tl'am ':-. :-.trong p11int 1:-.1h· :-.!Jl'l'll. Chi 1 ... 1,·1i...1·11 h.1 ... fcnst• ",\rnH·nta Jltll'ht·tl run lh1· xxo 111 .tlmn-.1 :liiilTITT l'I -,\ tlhout .1 •'\'l;C\ 1111.JI 111 1•1•1 .111&1 ... 1nkl·o 111." hl· !-:\\-s ··\\r llll' tL'!<.Ulb h.1\t' p.11d ,;rr- tlot'H mak41-<i l~ci·niu. \I I lt t• !'>olll lll'rn C '111111 .ind ha\'l' ,1 ).!lllHI do• 111'" fili·1·! 111 \f.1r t'h fl•n-;i\'<' unil \\ ilh \\'I\ ('hn:--lt•n 'l'll ran I ;ii :"1 :-iro1111d lhr1'l' 1111 11,.. 111 .ul1·q11a 11· ptll'lt111i..: ·· 111 :rdclit 11111 t u 1111' pl:t<'t' third .111d 1;11111· p1tdnng. S .111 ('km1·nt1· hat•k to llw llt111t11H!l1111 will 1·n11nh·r \\1th a run Hl•:1t'h 11\ .ti I 11 po:-.r " nmg ,::aml' ;i ml ,1 :-.loul l j li,8 111 th,· 11111111111.:11111 ddi•n:-.t• of 11.; nwn lkal'l1 l h:-1 r11·1 1n1·1•1 . l'11:i 1·h ;\l .11,h .tll I l1·lt :-.l1 1111 i.: .II th1• 1\cla11"~ ·i:ntons h.1,·1· tilt' c1..,1n1•1 lll1't'I · lw '"·" ... South ('11a s t [.1·a g 111.·s "'l'h.11 · .... \\l11•11 I :-.t,1111·d l11 11111:-t , ;tlu:dol l· pla~i·i 111 1.!l'l Ill\' t••111 111l1•111·1• · :\I S:cnd11\·a I al ~h11rht11p .\d u.tl h . I 111 1,11·11,1•11 11,• I:> hill 111).! .ti ,f hll"h~ IJ):t\' h ,I\ I' cit•\ 1•l11p1·ol I 1111 • 1:11i .,, 1•r ai.:•· :wd k :id:-l 11 ll·11 1·1• 1h 11 111 i• 1 ... 111· lh<' T11lon:-. 111 this tl1• ,., . ..,,,,11 ,., ,,..,.., 1 "111111\ p.1r1m,·11 t At·ea Girls Await CIF SWi1n Prelims I hll If '' t1 Jt 1..-Vf I) : •• flt (.k,.. '"·"'ht• • I" Wl'\>llAlo ttlt~ ,, t • f ·II f I ""l,lo1/# I •II'• H••I , ~· • 1• I t H l• \/ >t 0 1t1.1f1 I t At, I ., .,,,, il'11 ,,, I· f I ,,,,.. "'I I •• " ,. 11ff1 .\'\11 1 ( "'l''I 11 II t !11 I I li1J It tl• f Al'n ('1tq1bl1• 1m ,. ,, " '·· ,. 111 ,., ... I I Holtywood PArk f:o• Wt fft\ d ty F IRST RACE -o lurltih 1 .. ~· ., l'ltd "'.Jn t 11.. ~ '"·''' l"'t.1•\.t \l.'l't) (f'1\.1rfyn (l'•t '' •· f t ,'O '''" I hA \ f\ l>t1 11·,1r-1 .,,,,..,, •' rC,ort1<lf• / f ) "'' I •fl'lo -I 104 ) 10 10 " •• C,,1u1u H '''" U 111. ,.,, 1 " .._,,lf•IWI \ '"''If \I.fl ft l1m. J f ,., ~ • I' It "''" Jhn I\ 1rl ft'tY· ,,,, :'1 f Atlt>u•·• (.h,\f•·,1u ~• t•. I ••'l,. .. u • • f•.,,,,, .. u,,•1 r, 1 tt, M 1.t h1'}f.1t, OtW N '"' ·,1.H1ft ;1111 Vr.\t n .. ft t '"''" 1 Art~•• •v fl Hr,., It . A 1 nl f.#r q;n .u • .., ... flf ," f l,1 " -11 r:1 11 g-l· t "·"" .1 111,1 h 11.!h 'l'ht1nl.., \1 Ill ht• "··II r't"fll'~C"n\t>tl 111 11...-~rl .. 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J• .•• "' , 0• "' I ~~t.dc h+ rt A1luu '-11'•" l'h ohUttl .,, 1> """' t ,,,,..,., ;t., FOUNJH RAC E \ ~h·l1111q •. }' A1t'1.tl• .Lt•'' Yow..,,N t•n1.H t If !H I! y I ;I I II' WI·• ,1 1t 1, 11 (' 11 ft rt (°1"111.-1. f1f"lftlt¥f- •t 1 ''"', 11111 ' 1' ,1, ·''· M.••·I n 1 ,.1,,11 1 1 ""''", '''', • y ,, .. ,,,, I • It I ..,., y., 1!111 " • M,, 1 f1 l'1 r• .1Jl,•1 1 11 ...... 11 ..-.• ,,._ H11•1'u I 1.tuo • hi' ",.,, 't • ...... 'V it ' ' ., I • I ' I I.~ 1111 ,, ... t Mtt I , .. 1/1 I !•I 1 U\ ;1,1 1111 ,, 'tfV • I t+l1 , I./\ t, I " ;} 1 Pur >'· o\ M 1 1!1t.11 '' w~1 ·111 ·O ''' ' I ti 'Ill' 11 ku• 1 h• CJ.~ u ... , J hr1 •+•ii• 1c...11 1, ,.,.,, ,, f>, 111 '"'I \11 I· I, j I,, u I' ,.,, Wt ,,n n '" .. d·11 I ,,, f '11 1 H, r ,111; 0 IH'+'• /l H '; 1h 11 •'t ~ ,,,.,, ''' I I ' ,., " ,,, ,. II •''• ., 'I ... ! 11 I• I~ I H 1 of •1/ It I . 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J R· \Hl\'1 '4r,111 "p.,.,o \•O W £1CIHH llACC t~r l l t• 1r ollJ & ••C. r 1111· .. Tho· ft .twlnt'l rn•· 1• 1nrt•< ''' ~· '' ,,., • COSMOS WA\ ... t.4.CLl Ol\COUMt CA\H l4CC S6085 s 500 s 500 NOW S508-5 ' 'I ,. .. ,•1 ' 'I • '75 CLOSE-OUT Oi'COUNnD co .. ••c:• NOW I • 11 s4377 ,,.., 4 I I I t •J ' • ,, ~1 •• ... .,,.,, •.. ' o\'.•lt.• I • If \\I E RH'\' l.E.\Ctl I·• E~ Ith i"111n '\t•\\ '\HI h l{,11 111111111• IJd I Ill( f 1( .... 1 .. 11 .\11 111 .1111..1·1• I '11•\ d.111tl \\ 1•-.1 1, .1 11-,,1-. l '11 \ I 1•\.l ... \I 11111• ..... 11.1 ~ •..1hl.111tl \\ I. 111·1. Ill II I• fl, II 1:1 17 Uh i ... i1111 t'l Ill l'I 11 11; 11 l J 18 1.:1.i .J. ~ ~ 11.( II" 1· 111 1.1:1 b 1,"'\ t..1:1 " I• ,, .t' " '\Ttcl~.\1.1.E.\Cl 'E 1::1,t Uh i:-i11n I 'hi l.1d1•I ph 1.1 l'1thlt11 r).!h \1•\\ \ 11rl.. ( IJ II' ,I I.!• I \111111 1 C':1 I :...1 l.11111 ... ll111lg 1• 1 ~ t 'llll' 11111.111 :....11 1 1111·1•11 \\ L I'< t 'II '( ol l ''II :.:u 11 I I 1 .. I'- I:! II 11 ''I llivi ... i•111 .... 1:1 'I I.< 1. •. >· ·'' 1 I.I:-< II I lllfl 1::·•1 •1IX ,11. I I lo'""' !Ill i I _ i~ .. " 'I' ( 'hwa1:11 \11i:,1·I ... 11 Iii ~:1 .•• 1.1 1,. 111, :<i" ., . \t l.1111 .1 1 • '>.111 F1 .1111 l"t'11 11 11; :.!!I ''.I .:1 ::1:1 I" .Ill 11 G.u..,..' ., ""'. I I ,, I I ' t ~· . ''" T u1 .. , , r •. l"'• , -#~I I> f I V I I "• t' v .. '1 h (If, " . " . , . •I (>tufQrr I\< "'I'• I\ f nd.•v t •• f U' " y ,,., • I I• .. .. .... " . . .. .. Miracle Mazd• 2150 Harbor loulewarcl Costa Mesa• .645-5700 t!rf\ ..... ,., ... '• . tf !j• f I \ '' 'A .. v I 1 ,,,,1 11 V M lt'A 0 '" r,1, I fl.I tft .... , ,, t I' ltt·l•f M k A I• I ,, ; "'./ ,.. , ,, " ' ! "v . ,, 1 .... 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' ' ''"'' ,,,, . , . /w1 ul.J11 '.J-" .1.U' HI ''Jhv.tr• ; '•'•"·'''••···· , ''" 11 (,, 1t1,1•" 't••1111n1 I •l11 'N1, >t ) ) i11" •1 'lo I .11 IU' I ,, r> '" 11 r>.•n 111 "' h•nt 1111 t ff,f\t\/,11••/ I I I ••t1•11 t f 11t f ,, 1.Hl• 11 ·- 1111\t! \I 1 ,,, ... ',.,,,,,., , I J, f I h • , , \, •fl ''"'' " I "'I ' Tt,,1 M '"'' tt 11• I I '' • " I I I I/\• 1 lo I• r 11J Nf WP(.)At ,.,,' l~nn1nqt 4 • '•' I ,,, .. , . o • .,,,' \ "' .. "'' , ' f)A .. l.t W 't Al'I ' 'I ... ~ • Otljl•'l>•\IOt . , . \/' •l•tl I fl../, UO'f I' 0 I ,, I ' I I t 4111/ I I ~ ' ... I I• /\•'I '' • ~ • ,.1 r •r • ~. '••-1 M ,. t I~ I ., ", 1t-' ' • ,t JI N t Y 1 II N tNfH AA(f .... ,,. t.1rUONOO f\OMt•• "'"''' I I ~ II • I I . ' \ I•""'' j , ''•·"-; ... u h •ti 1 11h• I M '•' I !rt 1 I ~ ~ 1 ; (+. 'lM ··• r9')·1I" t 11 I• ,., ' .... If I , .. l ,, •'"" '''". , , •t• "'"''' t\• •f\1• ._..'"N ,,,; • •I w ,,., 1 II It It I• I ,,, '¥•• ' , 1 1J •' f,, •. ..,, . , ~ ' .. ',. .. ,,., '" ,, "' :.: *ctimrTonight 111 "' Ch:1mpionsh1r sc•tond :',~ r ound J?:tmrs u1 thP na· tional A IA W community college s oft tw 11 tourna- ment will bt• 111:.iyctl <it 7 ,., <1nd R:30 toni~h t at C:n•<'f' , , P a rk c :irrnss (;nlcl t·n ' • West st reet from C:oltlt•n ~,~ \\."est C..:olfci:c 1n flunt : : inJ?lon fk:tl'h 1. I I J\t llon l'Ont111ut•s 111 tlw doublr Ins.... f'll m 1nat111n tourn(•\ on Fn<la ,. \\ 11 h $!am1·s· at I ;uul :1 '1111 Uw campu.-: r1elrl and at 7 ,:~ and 8::JO :Jt vr<'er Park. :·; f'in;.ils in th!' tourna· . , m en I \\ill lw pl a~·l'd ut the GWC' ccimpu.., f1l'l tl ,, Saturcl;.iy at I. SC Coacl1 at Newport Banquet 01•1 11\1' P;jf • \fl"I, I •H'I rf M 1An1•1t fl•11ri n11 .J1I ;":1 rt .• ltd''' l '"" u," , / • , ••} ";IJmM· ,, M• ,,, rn1 Tm·T1l 7 ,, f 11.. 1 JM /\t 11 ftlfl tf11 I 1ffS1,uf N •tl t 11 1, l(l1t1•hftl ,,,~~. NINTt• IJA(f lirt'hl nff lu•~ 4 y••·tr ''"' 'urt 'd '' r. "'''" /\I, ,,.._,_, ''"' ''"' ' ~ 1 i jJ '" tt1,,11 Jr11 t•ll•··"' p,. ,. '. 11t t1 d' A 1 1 M•111,,,,n.i1,"''' f' ,_, ,, 1 4> I I d I '10 '' (.I ~ In r' If I\ I f t•'!'\• l ,,. /\I,., H.11) t , I) ' ' ,,, "' I •tf'( (",,-,,,..,..tit ",.,,,,,,. ,,, ,,, "'""'" ''"" -,, "r r,,,.,,, 11,11t.1, '~ f 11.,•1 • Rhtlhrr'I I •itf I "'' u ~ .. ;,,,""""" ........ f't.f f---' ... ttt""._ n E •.u .... 1 H•'"" K ,lthlf'•"' "" , 0Aw1d1\ f obt" p,ud \\U 00 ------·---- THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE! Pc·plo " 'I "" • Id d1!.I wo• 1 • 1 n iv,> VJdh o 111 w Wl11rlpr" I 11nrl• •r(t111nlr 1 1'1• rl1•I . 'J' I I rr-r I' .,mril r~pl1 1(, men! 1n:.tulk1t1i..:in Football t'11aclt John nuu l h.111q11t'I :1t 1)11• \!;ir- 1 Hnln nson ;1nrl :i 1hl1•t1<• nott llnt<•I in ~cwporl sltrt•t•tor DH·k P 1•1 I\ ol ~C't'lllt'I' J-'rirl;I\ .. 111111• t dcr w a\' ;1l 7 · '1:i lolln\\ 111).! :.1 fi·:tO corkt;iil hour I)<'' \ l 1 I''" tir 1rir1l111q l 'St' \\tll lt1• fl':llllll~I JI , . th1· .1 11 1111:11 :-.;,.,\ p11r t To m l\elh , lh1• '""'l'of llJt'h111 Jlumn ~ 1·h1h 111 lht'Tr111.in ... '.,,1ll w n ·c•.1.; 1h1• l ' n 1 ' 1• 1 :--1 t ~ 11 r mai.t<·t ol t'l'n•moni\• ... 1111· So11th(lrn C .. ll1f11r r.tJ .111 th<' hanf)tll'I lh:tl J:t'I ~ un T irkf't 1n fnr m:il11rn i\NHIPIPQnt d· nlrr f,,, m;\\' bl' Obt:iint"cl h\' ('.Ill I ti , I 1f Ii 1• mg. l':iul K rn1wd~ . .11 !I03·H4Rfi o r fii:l :l'.l211 or I Con Sch" e1t 1C'r 1 ~2 1 l:!iO j or f>-14 11 fi3 I ~ Whirlpool Tnursd.11/ M;iy 20 1976 DAILY PILOT Course ----------------------------,------Pl BLI( M >rtU. Pl llLIC' ~OJIC.'1'. Pl Hf,.f(' ~OTI< 1: l'l"Rl.I(' ~OTI( F 1•t nu< ~on< 1· ,________ -~ ----------- FIC fl TIO\IS HU)INUS -Sl)i"IO Flt l 1T10U)8USINU5 NAMlHAl EM(NT HOTICI! TOCREDITOA\ NAMESfllT[,..ENt Ft CTI I IOUS llU\IN l SS H"'"'l SfAfEME Nl -----,iCT'il1"'i)Vi"elJ~-,-H-E-~-~-----l------~----'-~~--~~----- Pt'BUC :'\OTICJ:: rt:BLIC_!~ICE ""',,,. '.ti"""" "'l"', o"' ,, dil') MU... \V•E•u:~ ~~,~~0,tH£ ... T"' Mfrt.w•"'l~"'' ., d:. '"1°" ' ALI I 0 "<NtJI LAE Dt'Nll4l STAfl!Of'CAllFOllNIAFOlt Ott/\\\ WA.Y "1<01 .. ,,. 'Wnl; Offered on 1 J; , n At f 7':1 I u HAME S fAT(MENT ~~~:~~~~~~~~~~fFO:~I!: I• ' 1 "''I 0' t;•"J "'" $JTATE-OFCAL.lf'ORHl~FOM CP 1111 NOTICE TOCllEOITOllS SUPl!!lllOll COUATO• THI!: Tht>Sl J ohn tht· D 1\ 1n1· r:1m.rn11al ( h11n h w 111 of ftr .1 hH> (•H111n~ cu11ri.e In rei;u~t 1t.1t100 training in Jun1• ,1t ::w 1 I Or;,in~l A V(' Costa M t -;11 r~ • ... U~ t1',.1T) 1trl')• 1 '""Av THE COU~tV O,OltANGE \1.-~"" (.1tt r t .1w"'.,. v_.11,, (Ar h~o <..Altnt lt'lt~ M •H\'r ofth f \ht ... ei16RUC[ 921t.A lfl W£C..,,...,.,LE:ti1 t•'lMt 11 \ 1U l lV iJt,1t l l 11v11 f.j w I(/\ j A':1ot t /I. \. t •• '\ 't ruv1r1 1ff1 l I NI\ t 1..)NA\. ti I H tH .K)lit.f\ 1 t " h tu • 1uot un v tll , < 4 THE COUNTY OF ORANGE HO A IU .. STAfE OF C"'l l POllNI"' llOll TH ECOUNTYO,OR"'NOE No A 1110 \.lcuuc, M11f11 '"'°ll ~rtJiitA .. , ~IERCL °""''•\qJ J')h'1 o,, I.tit Ji • ~/.f '\.,ll't" "", (A'f//14 "t ~~ f\•t• t.lf "'"•,,IO <'•d•lOt' S\111"Dh1n_t (1n. f 1.Jf\14" V41llt"v c~ '°"-tfU.J1n 0.' (' I"\ •" , ,t t E lol• 01 H4l C 'llllfA (\.(,I J ·~hOI MAUY C .cvrP(iN'> •l\O '""'"' I\ MAllY t "ll•ERINI: ~UI .. J"LN~ Jhc> llnow n t\ MARY KV~ l•toN~ • .II 0 ......... n ... MARV l(U .... I l" llld .;, MARii\ (AIHRINAI (.lll<ISJ INAKUPPl N'> Utt< 1 O <. ,1nu1;v1I II <II• Jl'll .. ~~lll(~11~ '1~,,~~ o;,~•11 ~~ .... :~~1~1 I 1''1 t• ;n' "Jh;h t \" •~di""~,. O"t\ n t\t ttq c•tim ... ~111n\t (11JI J M Hl rt , .. ~,.,,,,.,,.,,, "'''"l•l'm tJ1i-.t m• Hf().<(# fl1/M uvin. (A''''" {'tl r\t '1 '111> '.Jid tt•1ro"' •11 tn+ oth<.<f' o~ P 1fl t' J / .H t .U.• f lt I N l ', 111N nut l \..A Iii/• 'I .. ' 'l'hC.' lf;,i..,:,\<; \\Ill bt• from 7 tu 10 p m .h im• 2l .md 2:! fr t t>1J fl ton'""' tJ by 1 I 1o "" ~ ot lf'I 1HH ' t 1 t•t O""" t ... ""-'.ft '"' , I u ,...,. 'I'"",.,,'" .... v tJ , •0""'" ti I~ li.,h.1;11l1 M..t•l1n ""''" t.11 •t UNt(f TT 6. P lUNKl:fT (, JJ M11•0 l'1.1t1 y ll."N .. ,l0hv• f\...,., •' U 'Th I tf ft 11l llrl i I I t #f tP\ tt t ')f 1.ti ' n It 1 <it f (If H\tr'lf •.qt_-, ' ~~,( t fti.OIOt.11 1 \.. ~ntyU'tM.Jf tVr! f'I ir\OntnQl (ovn\r .-no11&4th, '-' ' t If ( tt\ pl t( 1)1 bH n f> 't lh• UH ..&.WI•-..&~ c..u2~ ~.a ~:.;" '11u;,_1'~1~f-,;:;';'.':h'11~~ MAtll I~ 11 un<IJun J l ilt. ~ "'' ,,, votrno ,, mu\t b '"'" ,, """"T> ~I' "''" \ ''"' ,,,J w1ttoin ,,.,, f.,' fl\111,,,.. ~ •'t ttJl"tdYCt•O 01' 4tr1 '" ... ,",, ... J J ". ' ' ,, Jh "" 1 .. 1 10 "' .,,., t1lrd wtn 1fw C1JUl\l;i .:,1 ,,..,,<;,,, ;J (.uy1ttr w1 M f ,0 t\f Ci (M.,, J ~ C. I •I W ll I i N ,..,.1ltIJ 1 ,,.., Q I ~-\ f I ff I 1J 'l t. .. "'' o"" f I t 1o tJ I~ H t \ I ~ 11 fi'••UI lt I I I Jti\ r\9 ~I I I t f't ff\ 'I ''~bh ihO()r.-l'ltJ (f t I 0•1••t11\lt l ~ lt ~i ''1.i~ "'"'• .. "'*""'' *-•J...-JQ J1~l"ff~ -, ... I C.CJn<Jv '' tJ Ot H II ~ n It htU Qr.,nq (Ct l"'t 0 11ly t lul Pt.;BLI(' i"OTIC•'I r uo• h 1t.11 t c,0 ,,10, .,F:::~ M..,,. 'l lO 11 '" t> 1 0 " ihl' I U '1t(t I \t Hf' r Q\Hh.'d I() f ht Hlf 1n "° tt\ 11'4 ttt t• 'H V llOUCr\. I I 1 ft,. JI M ft\ c. I f lo. C\I U\ ti' ¥\~ t n h 1-J'"""'' fu t1 J• • ... ' f t~•nl w11r.11-.., ~ .. , "" vtrn '' '' h> 1n1 uo1J '''\iii d 11 I• "' • nt LO\ll.ll ;..INC, llNO ~-Auo~n,,:y~t &.aw .... ~ An one 1nte~tl'rl y.•n-; .1~k~<I lo c o 11 l 1H l lit"' thunh 111 .1ch,1n<l' t 111 l ----------1 tt~ '"' uft 'ti\ t1r\t ~ub11c11h.-,n~ th \t----------------·IM iJt ll /0 '1 uH.iJJwn ,,, S IU ll l) I r rLIRU < !'\'O l'f('I-, t IOW r C,lf t I ')u t lillHJ l J\ Al\11 .,, .. LdhlUf H u lfVL.,JI ¥tt\U.f\ '' '""-111.-., UI tiu u ot lh unchJ •ti'" ti 1n \lltn~I t r Ot''t ttn nf) to thl \ ~1 111 Ill "t. 11tJ l'k Hd Ill w lflm lchH m f\\h 1&1t\I '"" NOi •C t;. IS H ( AE llV (,11/(N In ti.._. \fl(J '"'' OI ,,,, ~DO'I~ ftJmud Oi ( "'-"' lh H all °'non\ h\111 ng c. lall)"\) 4'J Jlnif lh• ~ 11d Od ... 04"nl "" tt.:Q111r. d to ftle llll'nJ,...W1UI lllQ-llC~r~g~,!£Q.J!! th1'0~"' ot th\ <ft=rk ofT,;;-1til"~' ~'' hth<1,f\utl 0• tu pr, ~n1 U'll11t ._..,,lh lf'w.'i "f(I \.,_.fitf\I VO\M t\o n.. t\t tn ~ UndthlOf\rd ,,, th I IW OllU l 11; GEO~G£ c AIKINSON JI< Ill•~ w ith Pu~ 111t.toot t\outt ... 1rC1 J .t• 1muunt ~C l\l ~p .1cc 111 lhc C.'k1~sC.'~ Call '>~H .!.!.17 l'l Bl.I< 1\0 ll('t. FIClt TI OV~ BVSIN ESS HAMEH .. Tl MFHf ,, f ' ,. 0 -f u " I ''" I hALl'tl\1,lAt' IH401'' (, ',_. M.11 ' A,.,. l't 1n1 t t ,,. I t I\ 1' l~ lJ l l(. ~()fl(}: ov~hcJM..y t ti/~ i-----,--IC-T iT1"0U-;-.u-s-.-N-E_S_S ____ • ~~.\ :~1~;.c.~. [ :.~· EAC l NAME HATEMENT ~t \Of.!11.bttll~ll ltv touo...,1nq ll"'"'"' 00 ,,~1 a;w,. PlU.-.KETf .. PL.UNlt£TT • tUOhvt Awt Tl~r WAf(l"i f4t"TORY t~l\ PO Boc1U N"lll r Av , uu lhulOmt1 0 1 Lu 1 t H\il\Oft1f\ot. ee.acl\ CA •U4& M-' CA '1&11 Puoh'\-~.U Ot1tnQ Cu o t O Hl'I µ11vt M '''H l ~ nWJ .. r(t\ hlt An An10flt4 f!A..ty#i 13 JfJ ,, hit> ,,,,~ ,, (ori.c>uJhon HfJS Wtutt1 r Avvnl.W Uu ltl f\'l (') L. (.f, t M 1 I ( /\ 9'/~ I lt \t;\I IN l1(0f''HtUlhd hf 1t..()( t}t..1111"' MArll .. 1 S• mu '''' fm J•t' P SH)v '' $.Jr «"\•Oi "' 1 ttu "'"' m f11 w 1 t t• rl w ti\ trit' fuu"'"' C.h:O: Jf Ordnfl'-" CourUyon M.•v t J hi!\ W .. 1, F>l>lftt Pvoll-.h O Or .,.,, Ca "c OJ 1y µ I t Mdyt} 1 ,. il•JJ 111 It • P l HUC '.'iOTICI·. NOTICE ttl\11 T INJ; BIOS N I h r b't t v ntt,1tlt>. Hnr-1 )I f 1UC H (Ji' l')f tn1 Ir 'I th.' Uri f t1 :Jf ''11ul 01 fl'(, f, 0111 HJ( (01' il'f C 11 tvrn" w II ,. ttNJ f>o I ur Ir 1 ('II') p '" nr lh• h (! d " '' Jun tW~ 11 WfU( n t1m.,. Vt f'f t'IU:h 'W ti ,,... t'f\.lbff'( t 'f 'JltY"' <J UVJ r• ... ., ,,,, P• (lfllt ,,,.. "',. f Qu f)nY nl 0. S"'P''"' ' '' U t-un(J I c. i\\ 'YJ 111 '"'' lir n ~net u d lw "" 1n. v 1.> 001; n1 n •f l>l Otttr "'t ft .._ .. , 10 '""'' S n.-'''' Alff ' -''-' nur I ~ ; t ti rorn 1 l n ti tftf I I\ t I 11 F'SS•1' Pvbl#\,, ... d Or 111tt• ( J "' 01\ ly P1lr t "'-• 't n I Jvn• J J:> • 1!;, JU\.'" Pl 1\1.1 ( NOTICE 11SI FICTITIOUS OU SINES<, N4M( STATEMENT 1"' l")t )W f\ ~ (.. r ()O _J4" '-'tlmQ b\.f • ~,,..,. r• 11 '""" (ourt m ty Or<•Of' \q41n\t vow W•H'laut ' vour b1'1nQ ~v.lrd ""'"'' you 1.-iPond ------w1tt\1n lO d dV\ R~"d •flir tftform.,hon Pl HI.I{ ~O flCE 11e10.w llVJS01 UUf'd f\A 1 do dtm1ncseH'lo F"tC fl TIOU\ 8-U-S-IN--E-~-S----£1 Tr bun~I pu•d'-' dt< tCS1t tontr~ Ud ~AME !»l A' E M E N' ~;~oo"n~~'~:~::o .dtt '"J~":.~) qv~tflu~l ff'\ ')II "' ~I µ r I. " \I ™I hU\ ll'ltOrn\Ol( Ofl qu(t \rqUf'.' /\ ~ ,j I .,,, ."" t ' i1 lt1• I l f t t '. ( .. ' I I ' If 1 A C I '"' l)f ti .f I f •) fHf 01;.Fl.NOANI " t1hd PL BLIC" SOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE H AT E OF tALIFOAHIA tf'Oll THE ~OUNTY OFOllAHGE No A 12ll1 NOTICE OF SALE OF AEAl PAOPEllTY Al Plll\lllTE SALE tn HT• M.1Ur r ot tn,. Cnn r rvitor t\10 t>l 11>~ PU\On dnd E ,, .. 1. ol Cll f ro110 J Mi\NSO~ Con ..... rv.Jt1 NOTICI! TO CllEDITOAS No A 11 1~ l'ICnTIOU~ aUSINESS SUPEAIOll COUllTOFTHC P l UL.IC NOTI< t" NAME STATEMENT STAlfO~CA'LIFO RNIAFON e~ ft>lfow """'''0" " W•''1°". TH£COlllfTYOFOAA°'GI! 71., ,........_. In rn~ M.1Het ot tn• E>ldtt ot FICTITIOUSBUSl,.ES\ lle.~WllUl l'>llll SVl'l'LV It)/ f.ltNQ'tWMlft: Oto Hf'O HAME SlA t EME~l floni.n Ort ~• '"JO t II tnrro • Not'' 1 '•r ''' 'J" "'lvtr dt.)f' lh f K)N O<J'1<•-<.1"' .,, tlJnqt ~ .. b ~ h ,v .. ., t 1tt1nl\ _,rh11h 1 111 ., 11J !It , no '' OrJt 01 '" '.1 tlw 1 I V , ,, n •Pl °'"' t1r IJh. 't•J d ti • rr '' Ul Oft11;. ui t1UIJ\0N , J[Wl t tr.t . WI W (.Q 1'M (. 1111 '"'"It/I 1fi , ... ,~011~'-•or •l t•iu•t•lfl,, I "' ••1(A, ;.c~··O u .,_."I M C..Jlh I ' nt tt\t..{nt .. th ''"' t 1fJ•l."<1olt1 t1UtJ~ON t:t•11 •n .. hi'°t-1 If .., .,_,'""'A• h •n < 111' ''' ._,~ l>lt i-. 0, PlVNf(t: Tr t\ f'LUN.Ct If !Ov I"" If "iiu t )II l h ,\o(fl (.~ Sry l>1 "' • 'O"~U<\1 lJ l\ i A1torn''' IL•w .. ,,Of1Wl'A ll'f ro JO J {tr'•t ... lp\rt'"t '""'' bt".u ,,.,., tfl I' (1 t Of HVUf IN 1hJrl I r1 I ;J 111 1 _,11,lt.Hh.'1 l t' I .kl' p, 11 ~ '"'°' Uf'\(t m Of~AN(.f c.owm.,. .,.,1 \h '•l~•<H•I\ •lvtpt1rit l tu lol m n W •'\ "h t W it\ tf'Y IOU tOtl< ,m 1 µtJtl!' i1ft.u11 ~~UO~QNE.Nf[Rl-'Ml'(l tuu•tf C..''''otO' n 1 "L.ti.iflh 0•1 Md'i Hw I' I , 'lfl 0 If\ ... "tth t' lA, It n C,.,,rcNf\ h Lui ' f ,. h\lf ' ,, ,., ~ tnq ,., 10 ... t 111 ~Ul.h (,I ., .. , .,,, "' t' To .. t th 04,_ t w' llh a "" lh Oll flCStJOt ""'""'\.N''fYOuc..ft..r mu"'' l'i t rto r_JU"l'i li ,t..olOtJnJICc.>unt,c-oAorl t1vhl '\hQOrt"l•1 Ct•I01•lvP1 1 Pt \ ,\II (J ., ~'"" tttJ Mll'llU t 1ri;r "' :VJ' Md'f 1'0 fl J~n l lC 1 ~ I noq It n"'"'"'dlh, tr t r-.l i.>vol • 11 Ot'ut Uo FUIJI ---- Put>l "1<ll O••n9CoJ101MP111 f>l 1HLI( ~Ori( I. Mdy6 IJ lv 11 Ith \tr.-. lbl-------------- f1 twt>t. 1tHnotH11 out•<' 0.q "M n.t'IJi t•IO WILLIAM r ION(; l •11utt>1 Of U\1 V •''OI th 1t1uw1 fldlth.J a ""U....nl lOVli"Ll klf~G AND CASE lllOtMY\ Al L.418' l'OO~vt~ Flt.,,, Slrett ( 'tflfOt f)I J '10f'1 I W t'lil ~ f ~ (f'h.I f'f "1 ttf ""''""\" o' tfM• untlf ,. 1on,.d In ,u m •t~ t t Pf'• t t1n1n., 1\l "'' , t '" ot ~•rio tJ1cr ' U. n1 wifh•n h u• n,ontn.., 'lllf ti~ HnJ WbhCA\ton ol lhu.nvt1'• 0.llCCIMAV• "I• PCT~ICVPPl;.N!> f •• cl)t\ r °'' ltH; W•HOfflVI ~"nte •to LO\ Al\q .. lf) 4ll)QVl. nttmt d df'C('Oi tt ~hlOtft••*ll OEOllCC E ATKINSON Jll Tri 11\JI U • Hll IUll Sovlh PM•n1oun1 Bl•d Al1orl\ll''f for C ct t utor P.&t•mount C•ht tOJJl P....o mo U• nq ( n 1 e C•J h '"'ot Tel n u t U l uu Apr''' ,,10 M 1,,. lJ 1~ tUt> fb>l 1ti AUorneyforEaeu.itor PuOI \f\td Ot . •Qt Co H f 0Jil'f Pnot t•t 'IU IC ~OTICF "'". \J 10 11 I llb ... ,. "· -,-.-----c;;-;;1.---------·----- FICf ITIOUS llUSIN HS p u Bl.IC ~ OTIC"E NAME STATEMENT I J •rt b41,1 SIUJ SUPElllOR COUllTOF COUNTV OFORANCI!, l<>O Cl VIC Ce nltt Dr w S•nlJ An• C"' '1101 CASE NUMBER 01070• n. ' •' l•t. r CRI 'I '>l'•Rl f~" \\'l'I( ~H)P )J l i>l tlln ~Ir 11 (O>l.J M, ; CA •l•ll A\ l t:" l JONI:' ... , ' qoct..._. Moun•• 11 Ortve- (_A #JO"ft fr tu 10• ._.mt "U'm' II i.n SUMMONS IMllRlllAGEI ,,, ,~ lht m\)rr1dQr o' GEORGE iJ "'au•' Atl n [ Joni HI \t 11 m1 '1l W I (Q '"'' C-'"'.._ ot Qr,.,,.., JO Wit t\tNAV MUllER P 111 u"<t 0>nd I '""I ,.. I~ 1,._ ~ .-Cl<nl TOSHIKO MUllC.R NOTICE I Vov ll•ve l>etn •ued Tiie Cou• I~"" A1ml <ovr1 "'•Y de< Ide •t •lnSI '°" wiU..,C FSMM '10\I' tHitnq t'tt.trd unltn yov rlfieONI PR o F Es s 1 o H A I. E S c It 0 w :::: JO d•o Ru el Ille 1nlotm•li.., ~.~~~I~~~'" A•onve ' lot~ Ae•oor1<1,nl S..nt-i Att.1 CA ~u11 l l M pet111nn..:r f'l1 t lt"d '""t•h"" f\crowHo 1'0SSSMF tO"l•rn1rto vovr mar HQ 1~ You mdy Punll•h• d Or ""' Cod)I Or11t--P11ot t t~ d Writlt n 'e!iipot1S\ wtlh'" lOdJtsof M. v ~ t) 10 17 1'Ht, ,Ht'f' lb ~:.. O.Jtt \hj)t tnt \..,,mmon~ t) M,.rveG cwt I> II •OU IJll IO I ,. " Wtlmn •t•POnw w1trun '"'" t1n1,. "°"" Ck.-f '"'' m~v bt enter ed ilnd th• covrt m..'v -.:nh,. Pl Bl.IC l'iOTICE 1 luOt1m<nt con1.i.n1nQ •n1u11Cll•e or ________ 1utnt r O'd'-'' <onc~1n1n9 OtYl!iilOf'IOf c>ro- S 1no1 ~ r11 \UOU "' ~upport ch•ld <ustod~., FICTITIOUS llUSINESS •n l<I Sut)port J llOtnoy . I~•\ <o~I\ NA.ME~TATEM£HT 1n<1 UChOttK'''-'',..t J 'tm <t\"Wq,...lnt<'d ltv t0How1nq pl"lr'"o"" art. CIOtnQ but.I by,,,,,_ court which <Ould 'l"Vlt ,., ti,o flit'\'" ~rri ... tuntnt ot w.JQl: \ tJli\tnq ot n 'Of"-''t C.O M4RK (C ornmunf ( 1 vrQrOt>1d'(Orotth.:r'rt._t1u.t ton ~ ,,~l hnq C.rouo> t t.00 (..;~~ < ti yo~ •1ih to ir elll •-.,_.,•Cf' of Onv~ N .,Pott !h acn tA 9.&6~ •n •llorney In lhl• ,,qu er .,.., .-1• CHA CORPORATION ;, Cdlltornhl do so promplly so 111~1 y..,r wrlllea torpor ll•on •bOO C.impu~ Or '""' ,..l>poft.\• •t 4,,.,., m~, ff l1ltd0ft (in• f't< •C>Ort St>t_\U\ CA t?!IOO 0 d tt!d Jot"tn u 1Q1tt Jlh-. bu\tnt:\\ I.,, <Oo<fuch,d by U tor WtLltAM E St JOHN f)OrJ t1t..1n Cl1 rlit: C11A Coroo•Ltt1nn l\v Floy A•y Thom,nw Hn11ow1y Pn~ Olpu1y T,,1\ \IJ le:m, nt w i.1\ t1tt"1 wtffl ttwi tSrALI tovn1vc1,r• olOtan9t Coun1yonA1>"' GEOAGE HENRY MULLER )0 1Wb t.ot So"91~h lllCHAllD 8 l YNN AOorNy•IUw 040 C•mp>n Orin Sv1I• 103 Htwport Suell CA tl .. O Pubt1\l\f'd Ora n9e Coa'-it PllOI Maylo IJ 10 21, 1910 F~SMo "'n•lletrTI C"' tlt04 11141 Sl!.O.IS AUOr'"f'l tor ..,,,,honer'" pro per Pub••Y~d Ot.Jn(W Co•st Oa•I~ ~tot. o,,,1.,. J\pt11?•,anc1~yo,13 )0 19/o 1eq• '~ 11113 lb PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC ~OTICI!: NOTICE TO CONTllACTOll~C"'t.l.ING F()ll 810$ S<.hoOI O•\trlcl Co ,,., Comntun11v CoHcqc Ot'l"t ' 910C>f>ttdline It oo.,."' fr1dJv Jurw• 1c;1,. P,cl(.,Of Bid Rt c1 •r>} Ot11t • ot th<.' f'urc." '"''no At)(t'IC Co3s, Commu"1ty Coll~QO 01\trlC f ACll"l1lrf1~tr ;)t~Or\ Oulld ng 13/0 Ad H'l\ C0'>1.J Mt~d Ctthlor111~ Oranoo •tJ ~~~:~;, ~~'~'.~;~f;~ ion N d mt Coun1v c 1,.r1ic: THOMA~L lDRD tl'Ut P•uoO•V•t<"nC•.l \u1t~ 213 Uq11".t Hills CA •HU 1110 »• 1>40 Atton'try for PtttUonf\r Pobl "lhfld Or lf'lo• t.o •\t 0.1 ly P1tfll AA.w ?') n ,, '"'6 n .. ,. I f \ho t t' 1r t A r f)uy ot 101 4 " t I or• "'• 1 r") r ti\ 01 W lf>I 1• rt\ h i jfl ff\ I lfltf (;I uv h •,. q 111 h w n D ,, ct f 1\'1 ht1J Ot I" i)J\U I 11\11 t-ff\Hf l\•tt No bO, C3mpu\ F ,.r A<u:'.:>.c; w,o,wny MOd10c.JtiOn~ ond Coming l. .. u nt S Qn Pt l<" Pldn .. fif" on f1ft Otftcf' or thf" O•.,,tr1t1 Dirt clor ot Phy\il•'' Fllclt1\ t'\ Ot t u nt 1ru• Ar<.f\11~<1 \Wllh11m 01\HO<.k tM Pctrtnf'r~ 7300 Nt.w J>Ort Bouh.: v•rtf U w'"''' U •l fl Collto,.,·u 1 /Vbt.) 1\.4. o7JO~~ •ndthcCon\hutt1onMctrt-af1"r O" < tfji rry Con ''UC. 110'\ l!'X \O!.J W l llthC.:.Hu t Ut>IMO Co.11tor"1t.t ~\I • '' h phon• t 11•> 98.S 9ttiJ) Ptttnt. m...tt'" h<' onl 1rnui ll tnc (Of"l!>trut.110" Mdn..q. • ~ ofl '-' NOflCE 1<; >-tEAEnv GIVEN lh>t lh<' Allftvo n '"'"'d <.cl'l<>ol o •l"<I 01 OtAnCX' Cov• l't (.alffnr111 1 1cr no bv Jnd 1nroo9h 1l\ c,o..,, rn nq Bodrd hf>rc1nttft1 r r ... t rt <Jto ' OtSTRtCT f11J1Jo1 lot<J'\tQ' 0 1ffdbld tortt1, c;:onMruct1on ot '"" 11bav ndm dtUOt ct 1h "'",....,. ~ \ffOOth: tobcbtd t.'trl"-\fOHOW), r °"'moa1t1on < ;>ttnwN lt.. 1 '() a, t<I no toner_.... wor' 1nc.IVO ng m l t' 11 trw-OY""" tuh r.>0.,r ,., H''°'< ''fl ronJndtxncnic ... tomplotr ) PIUMbtn~ 1 [h Ctr1(;\I t to""'"" Cvcnl< S•Qn (omp• tr Thf' OIST RI( J w ill rt>(t>1V{' US) to buf nor I Ht r lhdn r~ dbOV" ).filltf'd ttn"C. <..i th rl () <h lor th1 J w Hd ol (Of"llr ;lt t<. fnt th( JbO~ P"01t><I Alt 010) wtU ~ opr..,,, d .tnct ,.., 'Cf .ifouct 1n Th• Bo uo Rotim 111 tnc 0 trtCt Adm n1!l>tr11llon Buttel NI 1tt~..to1tow1nod('Qro,Hnc'Jt tlm, _ .... .,.,. __ .... P" ____ .... "-'-">-"'""'""-'"""-S .... W>ltl-;j.:p;;:;;:t;;4,:.;11W~i.;:;,;~:·;.;J:;;';;.\ fU, 11 00,:~I tnnu r tn (" 1 0 ... 1 th,,. u nit 1('t lh (.). "d n 1fl '-' · ·• ... '" m \fl tort" 1n ~ (nntr •"' 1hr•f'tvrn1nooonrond trnn wtft11n f1vf d'V 1ftrt th~"IHdopron1nnd 11-.: "' nl..._ Ef\tn b d mu't tottfQr m 1nd f)4" re 'Vln~ "' In th-<on tr.xi dOc.u.m. ''*~ ~IUl'\l f J Nf t OnUrl\(t-4 lnd It w 1,.. t~v '"'"' tlll , (uhbd 'foh.itllt:M-•cuu·tt61n1rcfblft~\rtUl'l•Yr'"tt"T'rrd tO•f'lthf'<Of\tr«•dolu \JNtUNH c,H ~(HO<H , 1,1 '''"'"1n,1 f '"""'' ,nnn .. lhttl \to1ornr'()' p UIW-onh t lrir-. ~'fRIC. r -flY nu;: ORDLR-Of 1 tt( tiOARO fr.c DISTRl('l ,-,..,, rv, \ lhr r 1rJhl JO r f '' my or rilt b d' or fQ W\liv clny 11 h0AP()0t JPU'-fff' 1)1 01Gr rroq or l iH IUVIN ''htl1r tlr<N't'1tnun ui1 .. n...,ftytttrt-.•rt"f,,.-,,H,Jfhna Uv(n, /\ •• RA""fHW/\f(f.: ()I lf?tf"'1 ltw (Jr<-ft:tlt"fh• 11 I •m•n fl th o.n-11tr•1 vutmu r 1"ot~rdemw,1'1 ,"' It., t~ii w 04 , ,, nf} ni o 1 ll M l<t 1 ,. !fl Ix 1 ty n wt JC"' r'n Wlrk '" ~ 1 '''''"'a tf"l1 ' 1c.t'\ tt ttl or ty~ o' NOltrr IS >-t£RFnY GIVEN llHl 1------fhr n ' tv AlfhO, r tfnrn..:.. I '"" '\illf\l t "lf\lt n d tfl t . r ot I~ (1 l h ""' I ,,. I tr1ffh¥ M , ' I t 1 o)Hfl (' t t f' t f I I J J II HilJ Ji " l I nr l'l HI.I( ,., flt I F>Ctt rrous Ru~1"E~~ NAMtoSrArEMfNT " ' "",, .... ' . 111 unclt!t"gnod JAM(S E llEtM f'vbl•C Gu Jr<ltdn .:l\ con~<"rv.uor ffl "w- rv't 'on >:) l(J t"\t.ttP ot CL' F t=ORO J HAN50N con(, JV Hrr w ti ' II • t 0t '" ih: ,.otth. co Hll t\1Q"• t tntt D '' ""1 n c:tel ' 111t r df\Out t .," nt a"ty rN 11Jo1 f r t bro•• r" tomm "•On upnn '"' trim. lnO\nr'lrJ 111tt1~1f'r n 1lt1r n~n tiON>IJ t1r'1 Uhtt<I rn co"f rn"\.11 1,n hv I"' uy1v1 nt ti fl Surw Ot t '~' t rul Utt!( ()II N ti 11 Th1r ft•\' Mtv II tQt1 i1 lh1 hc>u nt '"''" '" """ ..... II 11 ' ' t • ,,, ft\ I t A I 1~ I 1, r., '"'' M. '''"'* '" --~~·-""'4+-t) u ,, ' '11 (1(£\' C4rAETl JnllMtDONl\LO 'U'\1 M t Arl,.Vf fl01Jlf'V trct .,.,.,n,. C •I tori\•' •1101 .,,., 11'41 ~lJ lUl t:.\~'\4 /Hlornriy ror P' 1 "''"' I l i I I I ,j • f t 1 t (' t ly r lol I 11 ~ II '' I )\In l I"' )1 1 ''° l'l 1\1.H :\O TI< I F'l(.rlTIOll\ RCJ"t4f"~~ NAMf Sl"lf Ml Nf ,,, •111t ...,,,,, 1h, ( J' f I\ l I\.' f IHI f f Cl,\ Y J tU1\.tl l\Hl•1 JllW llH n H M t 11'\i, (t tlf ,,,.c l lfl I""' It II" I • fl. ,,,. \ U '"" 1t I I 111 " '-*I • .,.,,, 1,._, nt I " 1'1 H .ft At " t I ). j I 11'1n ll °"" -...a...u,...i;\Utaili." •• ... ~ll~ 'I Th t I ' .,,". I I • '·•r ,, ft I t v,. H I~ ---------- l'l Bl I( :\OTl<'I --~mo \VPER•oR COVAT OF CALIFOl!H IA C:Ol.INl y or ORANGE I~ C1<11( (('n tr r f\r W~'' \ 11,11 Al"ltf C..tt t<Hn1 • t7101 \UMMONS C '"' ,_,,umb ' )110 )1 If ti t .f\t I I t '\'\•I ('tvr U II~ tlh'l\!H t I l '-"f AN , ... t I' '( I I Vt IUI I If Ir I 11 r \\. ., bl,,.,... t'\Vf._0 4,J\fl'tf ft' ''do '1rh1 'lf'ldoldU Cl f-'•Yll y, bUfttl CHJl"ld t d,.tut r roftff.t Ud "" 5 1t • • fl I l M 't 1 I till ' I' P UBLIC NOTICE NOltCt TO CllEOITOR~ \VPl:RtOA COUllT DF lHr STA TC OFCALIFOllNIAf"O'I JH£COUHTYOFO'l"'~GE No A 110.1 c 111• , 1 JhMr~ ~ov r vc;ATE JJI n. .. • r ff "('l 1(< t\ Hr Ar Jl'V GIV!:N lo 1n. '' 1 tn,,.. :1t 1n ... :lhl"lv,... "'"'~d<H"<l'\drnl fhAt ,., (Y'r nn(, "tv no \. I 11m• tQA1n1ot l""~ \ • J f1f"~ ~3•1"1f .tr~ '""1U rfl".ff tc.t flf"' l'M'm w II\·~ N' f'\\AfV YOUi..Ntr ... n t~\off <rot t""" <.II •" 6t '"' 100-vr ,.,, t u,..;, u>wtf or too'"''*"'"""'''".,..,,,"''""'° ~ \\ u ..., voY f'W, '"' 11'1f" un<tr'\ ,.,""" I''°' nH 51 "' UENNI' l C.fllf ~ '"'"''""¥ ,., '"'' )111 f'vr<'nl o"""' •\Kt f'!l'U • A rt'\ 1\0\ Qlilt Ud r~\Pond 1 n;.1"11r,, n1 JO d :h lr • 11 nlorm.1c1on I t•"t • C..U t U hv" (Al tetrn1 ''111~ •" h i I\ '",.. I) •t 'I bU\lMf\' ot ti"" un I f fl fn Ill(' r\t If you ..._.,,h to \ttl'k tht 1(ht<t" ot .tn f'f'i"Y Qf'M'd lf't AH m ,,tl"t\ Of'rilttt\ l't'I t~ I'-I" I ti Of tiiiit1~ (t1 t f'd,nl ,. .,. l"'I f~ m f'lith\ 4!1f'r l"t ~ r\l PUOI Cill on "I lh1 "'11lft 0 tlri! An 116 IH ' P UTfi( ruliATf (• ruh .-'fott"•W II n t ltW "bovf' n1m, o tJl" t d ... nt DCNHISL G£1lt'I AUorn• t •' U"<llf }tll Ow•ent Ot••• S1.1•t' '' ''••l'I• CA '"'J f•t HUt llJ l' , .. A•ttrn•y IM r ucutr1 I ,. ., "'f'f ,,, •"tJI" (<''I t ~ .. ,.,,, ·~· /too• .. •""' M11v • IJ 10 " ~ ·~11 • ::1u;~;:,.;,~;1\;":~':~ ;::,~!:,:: ,, l')()n\tt tf -'"~ m •v br l1•Mt Ql'I '""" rH1 t Nov 11 'I)'\ I 'II WILLIAM E SI JOHN ( .. I tM, r U trT"f f"rt ('\f"p.;ty MDNTOOME llY llOTlUM llE(;Al A M(NAlL Y Atterftfly\ At t.•w rlO'>C. rndon A"tnul'I <.,,,.tan lttiti ,.,,_.,..,,.., (.thfOU'tflil t0014 11111114 • II Attor"rv lor Pl Hn•n t J> ,, 1 • '1 r>r , 1 ro, t f\, iv P • t \.\... I I ,, 1 1 I ,,,,. t nt•on r o-nrl• 1f ''I ''''" '" f'll ,. , w tf 11'l I , t1 r•(J~I ''"" . ., ,, ,,, '" 10lt '"°', 11 4 ~ n I 1\lll'f JI m~n y JI lht 'Jn I 1\ '\IM ' ,.., Uf~O "'J h t .. rm~ tnrt ("nft•l "''h ,.., m•v bi ,,.,11nu1i111 In ,~,.. Cnu•1 JOOf'I rf'W'I• '"""' I on T,.. vrn "' S1 )( (• J ,.. t 1 o , .. , I f I f'1 f """<It f\f n \ 'f or~ ( '"V f 1't omp in\' 1'\t\ wr1U • D-, C• nu r w '" '"' "''""' (\f lf'I ,, ,,,.,,..., o•"' It'! br• "' IJ UfV'U"I (t)"ll '"' fHt "' •• I •ror"" Otw ,,. (l ~ot>o r, ,, (f' nt l')nt.11~ ~' ~,);,~:~~ ,~ h~';ftl b,.I: :hmHtN1 '" ' ut'lt ti) r• 1 1 '"'' ,net "II t o •"' "'°' nv r ''""ct 0 1f l'1 M 11y J I If-. lAME'S F •t(IM PU Ill I( GU4!l01AN p,.t t•onr r AOll lAH llUYPEll CO UH TY tOUHSEl "'"" .,.llllAllA T AM lHOMPSON DEPUTY &., l arb • .u" T .-m f ~omcnott A.ttornt'f'' tor Pu-.11c. O\l~rd1.-r\ t>od S<l•lh G•~nd Avonu• P 0 a .. 1111• S.u,t• An• C<itl••Ont14t ,,, t t f•lepllOnt CIU I .,. 1••1 1"111\1 .. ~d Ot '"fl" (OA'-l o.uiv ""' 'nt M..1y IJ 14 14> l't/6 '°U lh Pl' HI.IC ~OTI( 1-. p It'll ~ n Ot '"'"'' (01f t n 11tv ,,_.,, t fJu tll f\j , Ot "., Co I n ,., r 1 I (rtlU, (l,J~\lf,(tlhOft or,.,,.... M. 'I )f1 11 ,~"' 1 , ~'Y ) 1-. 1¥ I\ 'IH 1 CARPENTERS ----------------( 'po, I I r SUPERIOR COUllT OF T>-tE STATE OF CAI.I FORNI"' FOR THECOUNT YOFOllANGE l'l 'Bl.IC ~OTI( I l'l IH.IC 'l;OTH.'I; f hh t'\i. --r h ¥ ,,, • r ''"'' For ,n 1n I">• ,,. , tu·11., mrJt th rn n ,.,, I I f"ll llttW , 'n~ ~ . , , ,, No A IH•) NOTltE OF HEARING 01' PETITION FOii PROB"'TE OF Will AND FOA LETTERS r ESTAMENlllAY AHO FOR .. UTHOR l lA TION TO llD M I N IS T E A U N DE R TH E NOEPENOF-HT "'OMINtHRATION OF EST4TES ACT IPAOBATE COOE ~ti ET SEOl £,1"1 ol ROl1f llf I OWl\RO ttcf''lr,(N .,~, -.o l ILf Qt SEN C>t r • th,.'1 NOTICE I'> HE A£ llV ( tVEM tf"'t llllRRICU DC RNI fA Fll(AlSI N SUPE lllOR tOUIH OF THE ST ATE OF CALI FOR HI A FOii THE COU NTY OF ORANGI;. Ho AllMl N OTICC OF HE"'RIHG OF 1 PETITION FOR PRO BA TE 0" Will AND FOA ISSU"'Nt( OF LEITEA~ OF ADMINISTAATIO" WITH T'l<f 1 Will A,.N EXED 11 "0 1'011 AUTHORltATION ro AOMIHISTER UNDER TH[ IHDE.PE!olDENl AD M<NISTll"'rlON OF EHllTES AtT t PAOBA TE CODE )ti ET SEO> f ' .. 01 ~r RAV r COl'JPI ., ·~ ll r. cooncn "• r>t:R HY cron( 1 " (00Pf P [). <> • ti Nl)lltf l'i >-tr l<Fl<V ('l\l(N 1nll OOllOIHYllllfM COOl'£Rh1 l •-n I l'lflrt n 1 prfH1nr\ 1nr f'rob 11 nt Will '~ I~ ffY "'" \nf .. c. I l t t ,,.,, M "ft'~ 4"1 I'• I 0 Ol'FIC:IAL Pl>OCLEOtNG<O~ lH[ A04ADOF SUPE RVI ~ffS 0 <' OllA'4(;E COUNJV C:ALll'ORNIA "• '' ~ ' f ~ w ti, tP'lf '°""'II "''" 'lf 0 to 1""" JYh t~r Ht'I to, Aotnilr 1~t•on lO /\0 l'hlt'I ,,,. ""' f ' •n fnd"'l'f f\c11 nt A 1 ""'" 41r1tt """ OI [ I 11 /u t IJ""r )f).tfl'" (t)ft \•t t • O) t '"'"'"'' '" wn en "" mlrl~ fnr tu1 '"' ,-t) "'lit ut H '"ti th\ <1 I ~ fl" l\"t 1tt'jM -. 11 ,.,,.. .. ,,, i'tt'IOU!t'lt f'llh' H••'1 t"-f""9 ""'bi tn '"' tn• 1 1n"' ti t't''1 1t '" t'n 'm n Hu 1our1tl')(tm ('+t fl•°'"'""° nt ~ J Of 'Afi1 I ('IUf I ~f 100 C Y ( (1 f\trr Of'••,.. w,.,,, tft~t:•tv ot ~"'"'' ~n1 C,..,lltMn A 0..\1,,. t Mt\'# u 101-. WILllM•'I I! SIJOHN Countv r1 t It. KEBllE M\J[HL PE'ISINGE R AHO SCOTT A.ttf)rn•y \ ~t l a ,.ri, or ~•<.»l "'l0C((01NGS'O~ THr BOl\llDO~ ~UPER\ltSO~'iOF OR• HGI: tOUIHV t All l'OllHlll A r.,.,,,,.,, II 1 1 I ni I t •• 1 t 'Ut # (' V !'" I It I t1 f'I I \tw• '" " "' ' ' n C ,, Tntr~ r ~ "' 11 lo 1 N 1\1 "°' " 11 I/. 'I t' t "' • ' A y. r U •If'' I\ (l 1• " ( 1 m t r-~ rtr11 :Hut'"' (1 ,\ 1\~"'7'1 t ,,, tn l • C , f IY ..,; .\"-. #•I f"t'I ,,, ,. ~" 11 If \('I f Pt t 111'4'• '. ' 'm , v~ n •• ut onrum r c n 11J , tEMENT MASON~ ' rn I'll ,.,. I H\ ti( it n I.,, 11'0-N I '''J'H ( '"' nf M J't tnurtu fm rn ( U'b •~t (_..11U r M 11 h11\4 0 ,... t ;IN ( o (.-n , )Ir r n n t or '" n Sin 1 ,, m n ur bllv I un . " I I'\ tf ,. "\; , ,,, W r rn '" Lm '" n t t" 1 , I RO"'-W.Oll.llLlli. '" ( It tl'W IQ r R nt1r n1tfnnWn1" t rnJ flu tl1..-.1lW r • r f or, m 1n'' w~,., ,, ,, tfW>ft ,,, '"' •• ,, " ..... '1 LARORE'.R~ "'·· I tUf I ~ jf t I 1tM Ir t f I ~• ., l 11 .... 1 t11 ''' t fl ''' I.a '11 1 1 1 r • 'l n 1o1 f 1,, "'"" T 1 "" I If" ti fo '' I I t f I ,,,. ~ I I I •'H I I 11 ,,, J,. "' "''•i ., ,,,,,, I ttl I l f f1 IM\t r 11'1 "• °''' "1 n"t "''" 1' I"' , th •, If •t Jn 11n" n "'' u f)rl" nt' /\ r 1 ,,. 0' 'w II n f r tn t • "' I tv1• ~ 1 1 1 Or r' f \/ hr f• "' r n I\ n \I n • 1 t , "' r,..,r.. '''"'0'*"'' W<l<I t Winrn l rut' Orlv f 11 l JV• PY)vr ;''' ',, '"""' ~_.., f ¥f f'lth t'lr 1m1I Ir on I •lA&I ,rh nii ~' .,. I I . " u '" 11 !) I] " " !>() I~ \1 10 •• ' " J I I ' I ' I • 1 It\ ~ " . ,, ~ . ' t 4 j ~ ' 10 I 10 I/ • tn • 10 ·~ q 10 tn I I I ~I I '' • tr I Ill t 'II • I 1 0-'•" r-f rr '"' 1 ""u I"'"' tn to, 'v ,.,,, Ot"' • m fr 1n Im ~''U'" l yrt n, ,-.,., Wf'lrl• ""'''"'t .. 0 , ~ r ,.,, •u ,.,nino rn htl'" nt ,.. r n '" wwt' h~ n "'"' n wn'ti oo dl'trot f'1onr H11 • 1ur' '" r 11f 'nt l"lnl1d 1V ~NJ,....,. 'lunt "'" ". ,." 111 '°" 1t ,,. t t ltmt o\Od Of'• ' h '" 11 .,.,,.11,,.-I"\ ttif'tf\tnr\t von" lh" (.(')H t RAC' lOA ltt w~m ''" tOnff t(f 1\ .-worded 1n11 u°"'n "'"" "ut>fa.nt•11n~r \~r him to l>i11Y r\Ol I" t;, ltHlO O~n \dfd "Pf'<'11{'1i't r1I i.1~ Ht,w,1rtlmtl'l.,.rnofnv•dbvt~m 1ntnr.--,, 1tirwiottt'l('l'l'V'lh~tl Nn t rtt 'n1t1 N1tnnr\w,..1,.htttr1 ,,,., wt tff),tlf f •n ttSl d 1y4..Jtlf('lftf'W' • 11 n• • t • lt tn1 rtl)'f "''"q a'f ni"' J\ tv , v fl. n.11ym nf bnnd "'"' ~ rwu lrN"rn.at"• bonn ""' It~ rrou rnlf Of'•flif to 1tw111rd ()f .,,,.. 1 t 1 lo\1' ' Tn, ,,.,..,,,,.. nt b'°'l'u'f ,.,.., In-o t,.. fr1•m • t •nrth 1n \t'H'." Con,r1u.1 °"<l' OM (11, Blvd WO\I S•1IU!O Or._ CA•l .. I \N I Tel (1141 U4 ~4' AUorn•'fl\ tor PttlUontr ~bt1'""'ft 0,,,.,..,,.. Co.t\t O• 1y Pil"t 1'Mv t• 10 1~, IOI~ l tJt I~ ( I ~; 1\11•1 I I CQA,f COMMVNllV((;i Lrt l 0 1<.lAICT .. ,,,.uoor TAU~Ttr , r .,N '"',."r W•h,n '•' ''' t Hv, n"""''\' fru tt • "'"OtM11 to11 t 0.1Iv P1~1, M y XI ,l'l'I~ - I , If - .... .. .... I ,,. t :r. o I 1 -... , , I II •; r . ... ~1U('(H4,.T ·~ 41 )','I J If J ' f I I I I t't'> ,, .... , ·~ I /I} ""'-' t I.A I .. '""'o " M L•"w , ~,.n Ju ,,,. M c. T,·"114'n ·, 0. rn ,,. 'I/ A •4 1 111 enrf (1 ,.., t ,,.,, T ( ..r ta' ''H1 Hr o t•.1r.:~"''1 ., .,, ', -..j)lllrl1 r • •" '•~'"•""' 1', Al\~t, '"' .-'" 1 '" r • ••u ~,, tr ,, r A 1 1 r "" t l,I'\ f" f\ I \I lh p "\ "'' ••• r r p Nr• "' " ~• V t It r I P ,, ' I' , I ., 1 1 ' ' t 1 r , A,,.,, t• , I 1lh O· ,,..,'\ "'""''I'' ,.. 1q ~, ,, ... , """' t.;'1,,.-Al. N Fi ,., "' .,. , " u ,...,~'"" p ... "' "IA '' 11•r• Pr " \AN •I \ rrP•!.Tlll\NO " I '" !> tionl )IM/ , ,, ,, " .,. • 1·J on P<t;;cC5> I . , ,, ' ,, II•• ti I ... L ht '" ., • ••• ~ t 'I .. ' .,, , t II I • I ., . ' '' I '''' H ,, .. ,\ I f1l1 ... t ti I ' .. ' ,,, L •n • 11 tH ., I I 11 t h 11 "' lttl I I \.• N l'H 1f (C)\11\Mr \A ., '. .. ' It •1t t i I I If I "I ~ I 1 I • t • 1 I ,, 1• r I I 1111 I '' I I 14t t1 I\ ·~ ' . ' ' " ' ~· ' "'"' " I 11 1 /It I tt n • .. ,,,,., u t ..i " •I 1. ...... f ' .• I J II ... " I 11 ll,,,., I " '~· ... . ' ,, . ,. 11 f i1 I i\\1 jllH I, ' . ~ , " I ~ " t t .., P J• 1t• ._,, H fr 1utN 1.) Ul ' r.; M, .,._I ~" ti ~ ' I• II 1 1 • t H 111 t "'" f 1' r n 1 ,,,.,... .. u A , J ,1, p Q •• ,, "~ I it tA titit tf ~ t ~ t• 'II> • H ,,, ti I t'Sff ""'• I _, I I I Inf r:J t !': 1Jh nl •f\ f 1 1t1' I ,,, r I ,\ 111,,,,1.,., ,,, R •t I 1 I f I.;( f 1 ·~ T '" 1 , r """ ~,,, • ~ u ,, , I 'I Cn,r ,, "'' ,• J ", tllt 'f R <" ... ~ I J.-""' ' Q I • M V • l'1ttt'1J 't n t n Thursday. May 20. 1976 OAILY PILOT rt.:ru ,1c l'\OTlCE Pll BLIC NOTIC& PUBLIC NOncE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NGnCE t \ 1 : I 1 1 ~I I f \ I I t1 I I .'l I f I\ h Of\ 1111 fh Ill IM t '' •' I~ I j1 1 "" , 111 n I· .: •II • c • .,.,, " u •• 'f1 I 11 t I' l , _(?_All V Pll 0 f 600MER by Vf.m. F. Brown and Mel Casson DOOLEY'S WORLD by Rodger Bradfield FUNKY WINKERBEAN FIGMENTS TRIVIA MAR.KER It's exactly 1,340,160 ft. from U1iz spottoPunxsu.tawney,?a., nccorf.ing to D.r. J. Dell wimp! e, wh.o per sonally measured it off with a 12"ruler! ....... or was it a yard.stick? ...... or was it Dillwe.rnple? WE 5CHEDULED ll-IE ENTIRE. 51UDE.NT eP()'.,> AND THE CDM- PUTER DIDN'T l'AAKE A SINGLE /VlloTAK.£ ON Al'¥.' OF m£ 5C.HEDULE.5 ! by Tom Batiuk by Dale Hale DR. SMOCK . " . ; .. GORDO MOON MULLINS lllt 1'1 ~ A ll11 ,i, 1~00.._.-. ~JN ff 11\I :.tll'.h t I. \\'II \I ~I 1 I i\\INI \\1111 >\ \\~ 'f'lt ) I ~:i.. l •ll•\ . \.\1 111 I ,\\,\f...L ': )illl I 1 llNt-. 'l< 11 ;i...·~ Will rl ~llltl "'' 111 '/ _)J_J_f_';.-'.''? l" : ~) - ··~ by George Lemont vv e: t..1. .... se:e: -rH ~ McJSH R.OO;v... CVOUC/ ee:FoRe ""e: Hf:;A.R. IMC: E:i>-PL..0510N! , by Gus Arriola ,, I '"'• 1-"L&..,._iii;;J,;.;......;;;;;..._... ~-r..·. r.: ,.. Yo!.l 1 DoN'T PR,b.CrtC,AttY 1JWST HIM-· 1H~EW HIM 1 THINK HE'S OLJT ! ?~~ DISHONEST. v::~ (]3 tfP-(~ CA ...... /. by Ferd Johnson I Do ~TTHINk f1E1S Dl5HOf'lEST .AND I'M A ~OOD JUDGE OF CHAA~C iER r ~ NANCY by Ernie Bushmiller ANIMAL CRACKERS by Rodger Bollen HERE COM ES TH AT FAMOUS BASKETBALL STAR TODAY'S CROSSWIRD PUZZLE Ulj-llTED Feature Syndicate Wrdn~sdAy sPuHle Solved 1 Pa1en1 ' 1 A.01"\'f* NQf(J$ 1, ''"'VIP 4 1 Ore -:h0w1r;,) I.I c •eave oteasu•e 111 (11 "' 4~ Auack <' • N HIOW 1nlel W01<l5 • 1 •1e1 Cinch •Ii · sllul t•tUittd t•fl' cactC' •· n 11'. .i • A1111"" abb1 • 1 ...,,,,,~ !> \ \ 1~\ Ol llllll'l'~ t-1 ,, ,,,., •._1 Lap dPgs l'.tlh\11 ln'Nl'l'\ill LET'S SNA P HIS PICTURE PEANUTS · n11.nk,ml !!'> CahmPtmakP• s .15 (' lrvt•r 'JI Clay 0111• ftHl(J J8 ~11n11 fl~ ("Oil.I J'lN VS I ,,wC"rd<; !• ( (ll'kf'tl 'lf'Mrn•n111y !< l)w,1rl '0(4'1"'1 I Plnf.h'lllltJ 11 l 1''1111111 11 <; I\ ''" •1., !'-'n1.HJ' n ,1 '' 'L''''•'' t' 4 l lll\l " '1,11r1 45 l(Hln1"! '1' I ~l'\,tO••· I ""''' ~t ,.,, 4i; n1•11Pl'l1 J t)vN d• ... !.!.0d HJ.ii 11 Sh1!W •n11•1csf : \Hllli'> I h1t YPr\ UHr,t'•'''l ~;Ani\ t.'15i·wh!'I~ 'I wo1rts ~-nv::iti ~~Ob~cPn•tv t<J Elnlq•r v H1f\h1 ~ h .. :ir ('trr'n¥"'' w l'1Hl,t1!lt• t I ~\ ~,t, "\h11lt1·•!, \ r•," 1n l•'·lht• ; . f t'Ctnt•r •,. M.-,f h1t 1 ,,, ,.:, Ar;t.t• ,.,, . ..,,,,., .. · · 6 , s 9 I) 17 10 JS •) 6J ' MISS PEACH 0 1( AV, L INOA. !LL SEE "01;t iN ~CMC()l. TOMO~f(.O/V .. .' DICK TRACY HOLD IT! I~ TURNING. .. 1L>~ ON MQ CAP. .. by Charles M. Schulz ~--------------:~ ! 5!i0VLO Tl11NK c.«1U COULO 60 OVER TO THE 6DLF COURSE AND 00 NO. 'THAIS ANOTHER 6000 PLACE TO GET HllRT t{()U (v!ILO RUN INTO A Sli\lN6 OF OOU6LE-606E"fS ! '{OJR JJ66/N6, j wcw' wevE £'£eN TYING t)P f~E LINE? A LONG TtME', HAVEN'T we ?' BY RIGH'TS, I SHOULD LET TME SHARKS HAVE MIM. • ·THAT'S WMAT HE PLANNED FOR ME! 'I E5, 61Af fHAT'7 GOOD. ITLL EN(OlAll::AGE OcH~ l='ATHE~") TO GET i.-IEI~ OWN PHONH Pl t T IN ... by Mell I -· "f "' "'"'''" ·• .,,1~1· . .'\1111,1 ~1111. 1111 f'J~ 1ol1·111 .• -~,·ti '"' .1n ·"' 11111 dint I"' 1•11°11111 . l l'H "'"' It• d11:11 11111'.lll ,,,,, I"" .• Ii Ill'' DENNIS THE MENACE ~ ' ( . ~j, ... . ~1 • f-\,,_ .... ~............. \ ... ~:. 'H11BEf((,Mr~ WiL~ GUESS WHO?· .. - .'~; -.... ( ' J ,. THATS' V'JHt.Qf. I rlEARO IT ! " ' ......... ·-· '°"°'"' -.. ,. "''~'' .....,.,.......,. .. ._.,, -- ~ ..... ,, . ......,, The Bluest Marbtpt.ce on the Orqe eo..t DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ·~ .. l'IN ... , ,.,.,. .. .->taO 11 .. H0ttsH For S• -I I llu• ~L.IJy M if :i'O '" ·r, OAIL y PILO I n ;;:~~··•••••••·;~~; G•iwr• 1002jG.....-a1 1002 .GeMrel '1002 -..-.. .__ You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 642_5678 ) Trade It With a Want Ad One Call Service Fast Credit Appr4vol -··-•··········•··•········ .••••..•.•.......•..... ······················• .•..•.....•............ l9'\• ~ '.._.. "6W "'"" \.tot"'" ' •~, iOOG tOt'I Hou,HForSde• Housu For Sale ·····•·············••·· ··········•·····•······ ····•···•·········•••·· ---------IGnerol I 002 Geweral 1002 l....-"'' ~fOft ............ .\~hU ................ ''00""""" ~:!! -~~ .~'!:. ....... I ~~:-~-~~ ...... . GeMraC I002 1 ~nerol 1002 . ···•······•···••······· ...•••...•.•.•••••............••.••..•........ ••···•·•·•········••··· ERRORS: Advutistrs should c:heck their ads daily and report er- rors i"'!!'ediatel~. Tht DAILY PILOT assumes liobility for the fint in· c:orrec:t insertion only. JUST LISTED MESA VERDE /\ 1tupcrnt~ t11111<m1tt:1I ! 1i1':dr1111111 h11m1· l'IJ!ll l}l••ld) n•t•111·11clt.'d an<l ltl1·d 111th111 il ,\1•:11' ('u,11110 11 i11llow C'0\1'1' -----------11111:-. ~1a1 I••• ()\1•r l'.!11< Publisher'\ Notice: h.:l'l 11f th·l'k oul lmtm vlu~ FREE ST ANDING COM DO It•• I liu~ 111 'l'ht· Hlut h :! :-.tor,) l.10111.) h11111e teatunn~J udr m.)" :! .. ha • fnrm~1 cl11i111f.!. """" try ktll'hl'll t-:111.i 111111 With ('llllljll\011· ll'l'ltl• .ir11und p.tt111 \ a1·u11l h•r l.'.1~~ 111~111·cl 1011 :'\c\\ pn,·t· ~.!tSU C. F. Colesworthv REALTORS 640-0010 ''" l'l•Jl 1· .. 1.11 ... 1dl l'l ll '4°li Ill tl11:-. lll'l\,J1.q11·1' I' ~1111 JI'' l lo I 111: l·\•u1•1 .11 F.11r 11\\thllll.; \c I Ill l'll1H wh"·h m:ikt•, cl 1 111·~.d 111 ;,uJvcrl1H· .in.Y 1u1· t1·n·nl''" l11111t.ot 11111 111 1fr.,u 1111111;1l1011 li.1~1.'11 on I olll', \ IJllll', 1 l'llJ,:11111 ~\'\ or 11.1tw11.d 111 11:111 . u1 .111 1111<·11111111 l•> 111.1!-1· .1111 :-.ud 1 11r,•f1·11·1111-. 1111111.i 111111,111 thl>lflllllllJtllitl . I 11 11 111 ,1 I II I C II ;1 II l' < lllohlllll \ pl11lll1•1'-. Jllcf I J Cl U !> \ .1 p I 11 J,!. \I ,1 11 ~ ll'l'l"" l:t l'J.:•• 111\l'll'd j1Jlt11, :wparJll' 11ork:;h111 hutlumg tt10. t,;1J11l i x 1. EXCHANGE '1'1 .1111 l111.1t II h111 It 1111< l I 1l11n: 111 1111<• ltNlru11111 4 UNITS lo1r vou T r,1111 hut h l'ntCLI al all 1111 ,.,•ll1hh FOR HOME 1011 ~i0.5uo. l'.d I I v1 .111 .11•11oi111mcnl wcl.1~ C.1 II If "HI ,1re .1 pn11e1p.1I ant.I Lhl· pr11l1 :.~11111.ll l"ri:1 hil\l' .1 h11uw th.11 1~11 11111 l'nough tu "'rll'. .. m.111 lhi• 1 l.l'l. nuw .inti Tt11, 11••11 ).JJolfll'I' II 111 nnt l'lll•U)!h lo'""'" \\l1U I 'l! 111 l',l·h:1ni.:1• II hli•l\\lll)!'Y .• , .• l.,,l .Ill\ 1£ I .1 ~ k 111·1>\\ll\'1'''"''· .1tll1·r11~1 11 i: l1t1· 11·al 0 • Qua1 ~ 1'1i-1a . l' ~· -1 Pl•·x. 1111h ''"l<ill' \\ hll'h i:-. Ill \ 1111.1 Place '.! l~lln1rnn . '.! Halh ollJl'l. t1unl)fthl'l.ll\ Properties 11wn" '"'h lou11l-•·11 1111111: --. 7$l-l920 l'Olllll l> ,11111 11r,·11loll'\' Houses for Sale 1400 ou.-11 sr ,.,w,.oRT HACH 1.,.i 1 1 h1· prol'i·~,11•11.d~ ••••••••••••••••••••• •• --larJ.,!c..' t·t)ough tu :,l'r\ l' Generol I 002 OHL y ·ONE-OF ,.mall ,•1111111:h t111·are ...•...•••••.•...•..... ITS-KIND SECLUDED SPANISH EST .. TE ~:.1:-.limil' Costa :\l csa ('!tl "' l:tJ.:l' 011 huge (' :! lot ASSUME SJS,000 Sup,·r 1!11·:1111111 for hu~• ~)UH:l l't1;Jd11 ;J) IV 111·11 Jlt' Ill·.~~ or olf1n• SfliH'l'. 0111~ purk111 ~: sl'l'l111!1•d ;:.w,;;oo tilli iii! w.tlk\\;I\ lo gr11un1h '" 1• • • · •~Quail~ liiiillPlace . Praperti•• 752-1920 1400 QUAIL ~l NIWl'ORT lfAC POOL HOUSE OCEANFRONT :J lldrm~. ~: C! IJuth ... C:h.irnllni.: :! 'tory 1101111•, huf,!c J>allu 1-'rpk • man) hnlh lnfc11 \urc,;:-Hm• of11- k1nd. 11 1fC'h f.!ht tot he ey1" h111h J11)>11f1• & 11 111 ~l!S)J.~00 1n :1 :1w:1 associated BROKlR S R~AL TORS 10/', 'Ill l albuo •11 J•ltJ 48DRM BEAUTY 1111111.1< 111.111· r.1m h<Jm<" 11 .! h.1 11 ~ I.it ,, h1i.; \JI!( ~Ith I •'II .I\ lj~\ \ r' pnl.'1' ol SI I !JOO. l;.lb·1i 11 ur .>lo l<!H I -- Walker & lee Reel lstatt ENTERT~INER 'S DELIGHT Ur'.lU1.1l11· 1111111 h11m,• h.1s 11 ,111. I 1111 ~· , hu. trn1I ti 111 r rn ,11,, I ,, 111 1· 111 i' a 1 lw ti r a I '" • 1 I 1 n g ~ & \\ .. 11~ 111' i.:l:l'h •1111'11 th•~ l11 .. 111 lv 111 It 1·ra1·1·t.l 4 BDRM BEAUTY ONLY S53,9SO Sh:1rµ hurntt 111111ull'l rul di: :>Ul' -1 ll"~ h1b, ~ l>.t, Ir~ IJ\' 1'111 II ('If/.\ lrpk .\ n ~ ni--tn'-.. r.:i r1'" t 1 n J: C111~l' lil ~chnob & ::.h11p pin~ Don I 1111:.~ 11111 l.1°<1lld 111•11 l"t111~ .it 1111• '''(('1°lll'nL 111·11"' .>I.) 'l l!ll IRVINE TERRACE ;'\(•\\ llll lht• 111.11·1.t'I l.11\ \:h ;s h··llrthllll, l.111111\ 11111111 "1th I 1n·vl.1t..1 .11111 I\ o'[ u..ir on .I Lii !!I' I 11 I l1i.:hl~ UIJp .1lll•1I \I I 1.11 ll1t•h ulh-rl't.l .11 ~l I.: .1lkt 1;41 i02ill REALTORS . STEPSTO THE BEACH S11p.·r :\1·11p11r1 lk:ith 1>111)\l;!;o.; :! l11:unn h111111 + one hcdr•111111 .1111 Gn•iil tn11d1t1u11"1th 111·\\ pa 1 n t :r n d 1·" r· pl' I , 11 urn . " 1111 1 I," t a 1 ~.Ul~I (.';ill 5 hi .)!<!\II a BEACH 3000 lii!401 E C OAST .. WV C O RON A D Ei.. M A R WATERFRONT CHALLENGE! 111 tile' d1-.C'ri 1n111 a t 111 1,! hll\ l'l' "ith :.t l1lth' trn.1;:111:111011 . th1 ... 1;roµer1~· 1:. hw.t11•d 1111 l.1111!,1 hll.' 111.1111 1 h.1111\l'I & OlTllp1NI h.\ un ohh·r· c<iltptc-w1fo t1Sl1 I ht· hrnnv 011 111•1•"1·11d-. & an 0tT:1 ... 11111al 1 a1•11L11111 I ht>t 1• 11n· ·I "ll•H'llllt.., l1dnt1~ , l111n11.1I d111111).! l'tll 1\: rt1.1id's ... 111ll" lht•11·., .. PIP!'.:-: "'II' 1•11' :i l10HI:..., "''" cll l 1n 1•r ... 111·d .. 1 .ir ~.11 .1~·1· 'l lw p111·1· of s:!l;!J,:illll l'i 1 lt t· ICI\\ , ..... , 1111 tl11: 111.ttll l'l1J1111l'I BAY & BEACH REALTY OUR 27th YEAR 675-3000 Generol I 1002 GeMraf 1002 •···•••••••·•·········· .•....••..••.••••...... ESLEY N ~YLOR CO. REA LTOHS s i nce 1846 FOR BEA.CH LOVERS -S 149,500 I ;ol'!..!l'i>lh '\1·11 I BIL :.! ..,t111 '\' lto 111l' 11,..:h1 111 1 '11· rn1tldlt• 111' :di t hv ;11:t1\ 111· 111' 1'11;1rn1lll" H:il bn<t J,l;111d J·:lt•g:1nl 11.nh~ .. ii) 1•l1•<· h 1\1'i1L·1i. E \lr:1 pkn;..:. 2 1 I I San Joaquin Hills Rood NEWPORT CENTER. H .B. 644-4910 GNera• I 002 GtMrol I 002 HEW LIDO LISTING S1111.:h· • .,l 1)1'\' :i lwtl mom llll :1 t>t,. lcll w~l11 l.1 r ;.:1• p;1t11; :-l1111v t1n .. •pl:ll'l' :t11tl ... om1· 11111111f11r11111r d 1.·<·vr:.1l11l' t 11111'111 ·.., \1•:11 IJl'.H'h :11td I J llh1t·k ft) l h1• kllllh 1'11\11'1 \JJll_\ ,J:l:.!,."illO. IJ ~l()Ut= i !()Ml§ I I \LI Uh~, ..,,,, lollll!J G~rol I002Ge.wraf 1002 ··•···•···•·••••••··••••··•······•·•··•······· SWEEPING BAY VIEW S U JH' r :i b d r rn . r :1 m 11 \' ho m c a 1 Penins ula Point. ('lci...L· 11»hay, prh·ate beat'h & ocean. l 'p~tuirs livinf! rm .. l>aun:.a . jatu:t.zi , \\Orks h op, bocit storag~. $225,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Royi.1de Oriv~ N B 67";, 616 1 Gttwraf 1002 Gttwral 1002 .•.............••••.••• ·•····················· ~lwll1•rc1~·h} h1 i.:h .11l11h1·~~ •. i 11 ,111~! ~,M'l'Utl\ • \'1111'\ , llt'li1w n·tl t 1 flo r1111I : 1 • Sc II a r a l l' m a s 1 ,. 1 tmlr ::>li.:1:.u Sµ.irld111i: 111'\I' puul \\II It 1111' ••I ti l' I' k 111 I! :1 II 11 ~1· ht•tlr111•nh. '.! l1 .1th-.. l' h ·' r m I II I! ' ll II 'h I It l k I l d11· 11. JU' t f h I l'tl g,11 1k1;, ,'\ '"·"'" l111g pool Sl'IJ/11';1!1· 1 .•rtl l1ir kulfl1l'' &: r m J11i h11a 1 •II' 1'otrn Ill' r 11 urn I 11d. ~ UU\ \' r:) ;, t:i 'llii I Walker & Lee Aeal fstate ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS ••••••••• • • • ••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• Live On The Bay 3 PLUS POOL-BEACH r11 .. 111111 1<11111 l'<•n111,,11.1 COLONIAL BEA.CH 2 STORY POOL 1Jcuroo111 '·'"' 1u,1n plu' :1 l'hil1l1l·11·-. 1,.trc.11,. f'"•1r111.tl .tin" V.11111h l't>Olll 11,.,, r ~·11u1·11J1 ti 1'1.1.;:-t ,,u1111111-r 1111~ J>111•l' ~IOO S.1 II 111 C.:.t11111n11.1 II\ Ill(.: 'I .1lw "' t•r t'\h l 1111! lt1,111 ,II $:J l!I IJl.'I 1111111th .'\11 Ill'\\' l11Jll I'll~ h ' Ftw pn' al•· ,111111111i: I .ill H.li liOlll ' . [ ~ ll~ftHil] CORONA del MAR RUSTIC DUPLEX . 1111 q 111..t , I n·1· I 11H•il s111·1·t' •ll1•1 l•111l.1111! u 1 ""'" .111tl 1111111 If( ('olll \ ;,.,, 1111111 h.ilt'llll,\ 1111,.:1· 1'110111~. \\.ii J.. 111 l' Ii"' 'I'. 11hlll' 1·atlwd1 :ii t•1•d111g,. 111.1 ... -.11 I' t 1 rq1lo1t'I'. tll' 11;.:htlul k11d11•n ~11111•1 \ .dlll' ('\I.I, •If;:! 'ii/iii ,Q.. KEY V REALTO RS ii PRIME MESA VERDE BEST BUY REDUCED TO $58,500 I 11··· ""'''' 1·111 tlo-....... 'I I l' \' l U II I II I ti ' 1111 ' l :\ I <l . E I·' \ \I I I. \ 111n11-: 1.11.1d, .. r 1·''"" 111 ( I 11tJ Ill i.: II\ I; I. t t H H: \ W \ Y Ht l \ l !'> 1(1111.\('' '\1•\\ lllrn J.. 11 .111 11111•I,\ I'll\ l'I 1•d 11,1( Ill 111•11 pa1111 111;i111l11111 • -t is a good day to advertise in th "'11111· lt'.I\ Ill ;.! ,II<' .I llh .., .. "" ........... .. 1111,111rl 1111t· , 11111 •.1111' I Daily Pilot Classified Section. I .1 k I' ;1 d \ .111 I ,1 ~ 1• 11111'1',I ' (',di., II• .,'.I I.I [ ~ Bl ""~~.~.~~ .... Ill .... 11., .,,, .. ,,111·d .• ti, tlo \\,1111 ·"I 11·~1111, '"' ~11 .. s 11 """ 1;1:: .-11olK SEEK & FIND' BASEBALL SCORECARD u T s u M p A T R I r l l r p n s R s R W T S I " G L f R R 0 T n I A T I 1 <; I R ;p_A~l5 I n 1('l"1J UP ( l L R KR M L I R .I C G I ,\ 'I T <; I l C' P I L I (\ n r l H 0 M r R u 11 w 1l •, It l .. A p W I' C' M I R 0 0 I "l I II C 0 I I I \oJ 0 ll I I fl H R '• I. I II '< R fl 0 1\ T L 1 r W A ( I ll I{ II A 1 ii ll 0 ll U 0 S ll CIO I fl\.lOfOl\111 Riil O T C' II R L !\IR• I ll 1, 'I ti 5 1 I '. f 'i II II I l l i\ K lll '\ fl 11 R f 0 l ll I <; A £1 0 (\ o A fl '°' I 0 l 0 ti I X I IJ V '> 1 Ii •t ( 1 ~ A ~ ~ 1 M D A U I R U A fl W I ~ ~ (\ t u R ! ll p I r T R I (I R r lJ D A N u " ~ T [ I K [ (\ 5 r A K ~ r D M R Jntl'UCflnf"' HtdiJ1m Wl'Hh fwlo1v •tftpr .u 11•1 •\J11f, ''"' ~ 'f w 111d, Hh Jo\.~I' \)f d11Ul•ll'1llJ .. '""'•I •t,.tt\ ·'"" ,,,,.. •1 f,.1 H. 1101•1• Rim 'I r ri ~eo111 llunt Pin. ti 111 t t11r. lrJplc.. Oouble '\,)c1 1fir1• \.l,l!k I rl"or '>t 1llf''l (l,1 .i• W1 lrl P ir1 h I 011orrow '> "l 1£'', roll arid Roe k $~Rv-~~-~£t;v~· .. . ~ That lnt1i9uin9 W o1d Gome-with o ChucH~ 0 , ... ",., .. ,....... rl .... ' f I •-t-f J ..... ·~ • "" • .... , 10• 1 -r • ...... J I F(fl DUR I l2 I I I I I s 0 G II T I I I" I I l C' t •• I G A 11 l E' I ~ I I I I . -. --. ..•.' • U'' l ~c1' H ,.,.,,,. '" I ·-· .,..:> )·lt I &OHSUC l ..-...,.:;::,.;_.,..,.,--.--, ~, --rl--1 0 r.~r .• ,,. ,,ucl. cu~•·d • • • • "" ' ) l\if" ,. • "'J •OtO ._ ...... _..__.,_..___..._, ~ ct•·•· "f'" t .,.,.,. .:to f,~ J bt.. ,;iw SCRAM-LETS An•wtr s in Clauif ic:otion 8080 \\'1111 I 1,1'\ thl \\ l'l'l-1•1111' llurr~. t'Jll ROBERTS REAL TY TRI-LEVEL $46,900 POOL + SPA BAYCREST ll1'.1u11t11I I h1l1111 t,11n1b -<1111111;..: rm .. t h.11h lk111I h111111 11111" t 111k t ut 111111. 11111J..\11t1 I ,1111.:1 'I I I IJl"i' Balboa Boy Prop. S58,500 h11llll' .1 11. .. i.1111111 I h.1lh S111•1•p111 g l 111111•1 :; fll•l'l.ttl'' -( l"l.111 ' ~J'\lUUU~ luJ.1()1 lt•11n·tl h.ih ollll 11t1h 111111l"11·111·t .\• H'll\111 ~p.111hh l,H 1111! l'U '"'" :-.:11111~ IJ, ... , h .111<111 .I Ht•1l11111111,, 111 :1crn:.:. ,.11·<·1·1 1>1111 I m1,.,. duif, IJ1_, 111."ltr '"'lt! 1111:-. l ~lJl•• :>all· UIJ ..: l!.1Lli•. \l,111HC111lh ""' JJ<ll'lU111t.1 t.:.111 $47,500 84,·1688 ~ . ------1 ,fdlt.~I:- f;u1·CL'UU~ L!ft•t•nlu•Jl \I('\\ lnim r;m.,·1l 1·n1n L.1rt.!• ll\101! r11111n pl u ~ ~p;t('IOU .... dll!Ul1! art·~· ('1111 '"'llnln k1tdw11 "1th llrl\ ai1• Li:il1•11111 11.11111 II Ut.!~· llltl'h 'I' l>lll h · Hll •1111.' pri' ""'It•\ d h11,.1~ l.11'1.!~· r1·11\11,ud 1·0\'1•r1•d l1n l'k pal 111 l'nlll mo11 J)<11•I WJI h Jo.ll'U/.1.1 spll 2 (',1r atlal'ttl·tl i:ara l!•' p1·1 \alt' \•ntr~ < lut~t .11111 Rt oltors * 675·7060. I I I I II I.; I 1111 Ill II It h 640-6 I 61 11n•11l,J1 <' lh11111L., ·'' '"' ~.111 lo"·tl p.11111 I 11r 111111 ~ \\',ill, ltt "' t'.111 1111111 t hh l-1111 .• "I I •• " •• ·'I h 11,·1ghh111 h1111ol l'or111.tl 1•1111 \ In 111.1:m1r11 l'O\ 111 1111: f11t11tl \\ llh Cl'Jl0kh111.., lln•11l.11 •'. l..11'f!t' g.1nt.·11 \ I l' I\' J.. I\ l' h \' ll. 11 llh S''\'t'J>tn ~ 'l airs tu dt•J,:.tltl 111.1,.lo'I' ~·11 11• 11111 i.:111·,1 q11.111t•1., .\[ l ':-...I :-1.,r; '1111~ E~l-Tl ' l'I\ l T (l \\' ~ II 0 :\I I. t II lll·:l.ll': \'I·:' :~;:i 7HSI THROWAWAY YOUR LAWNMOWER r:n,o~ II\ 1111! Ill th•' bt•a11t1lul :1 · ll\•droum . :! h <.1 t It . (' 11 ., I :1 :\I 1• s a Tuw11hmb1• ll1ghl\' up )lr<1ded 1111 h n1•\1' 1·111'Pl'b . ,'\t, tll'<IJll'" lllH'k Jl:tlill & larl:•' dhl1· g.1r.q,:e :! Pool-. & t'l11hh<>11'"' f111· ,l'Oll I' 11"(' l'rt ('l·cf 11111\ S·ll ~1511 ll 11 r r y , l' a I I 5-111·581!0 ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS BIG CANYON FAIRWAY LOT --- IT'S FREE t '11,i,. 11u11t1ni.: 111 ~t'P1h1,. tl1a111 :\11 (• ll.1 \~1d 1· 1 l11·tlr11u111 ht•a11·1 • Hut t)lll'l' ,\ 011 ~l'I' II iw Jll't' parl'd 111 1111~ II , Tw1• II\ 111i: r111,.. turmal d1111n,.:, room lur p11•r 11nd :-.lqJ. ll1•tlun·d 111 :i:!•i!l .. 'itlll Ft't'. Call 6 75-7225 Valley Realty INYESToR·s DELIGHT 1111! ltm nho111I' '·""" !->•'t ' 11' Call i52 liOll 11••· •. , I •' , '•' " [~l~Hltll If Livi"CJ S. Your Food Of Love. Read On: lt1Wl!lnt• I hl' ht1llll' 111 t'' 111 l\\o l1r11:k llrq1l.11 ··~ \1hik \t\U .1tl11lll'\' lh\• ~h11nm~nng "all' I'" ul a :-.pa1.:1uu" 1><)111 :1 "''"u11lul bt•il 1'011111 s & :! 11,1 I"" ,i:ii:ant11· IJmtly r•11•111 & d1•11 Y1·s. \1111 ''"" :-1111 h.11h 111 ullt•r pn' .11·~. .\iaJ,:ntlll l••lll ifl'\'.IU1' .ti\' :-.h11rll1\l'!l t ':dl .'\u\\ t.11; l'i II RAREFIHD llllJIH;~ :!S'l 11H\' ,\f t"•.,I \' 1' I' cit.'.., 111 tl ~ l flHlllll.11' :. ''"I'\ 1101111· S111,11 th dt'• 01.,1!1•.f .1111! 'l~•l lt·~~I\ \..1·pl I I .. 11 ~•' h1•dr1111111' ;1 It.1th•, :! 1Jn1·J.. I 11'\•pt.11·1·-.. 1111 111 .d 11111111,: .. l.111111,l l'llilill 11111'1'). , ........ ti l11J' 111111:1., '·"'' .d :-.;-,.(, ,1111 l '.dl :,111 t 1:.1 ~HERITAGE • ,. REALTORS COSTA MESA EASTSIDE COTT AGE $49,800 Jiii' 1t1<1111 "' pool t .il1it- \II 1•1111.111 1 1·cl '" .1 ht'olllllllll J;11 I lolll 1;11111 1.111'.th'tl \I 11 h111 .1 ,..h111·t tlt•ldllt' 111 1111 r,, ..... h Tiu' 1~ th1 1111\ 111 th1 lll'l!k .d .1 'l/l'<'i;d I ,lfut• 11! ~1l'l,;1IHI l ';;11 lt1I' j)l't• \ h1\\ KI:.! '..!.l:1.·1. COUNTRY COTTAGE 548,900 :\lan11·11r,•d 'ant s 11r r11u111b 1·11ll ;1~·l, 11 alkw;1 ~ ln '''<'111<1,•tl 1·ntn ' l .. 1\hh 111111~ 1'110111 \\llh 11111 ·"'"""'"II ..... ,.,.,. 1·111111.11t1111111J,!1·11t1·1 la111 :-;llfll'I tlt>ltl\t• \'.1 ... hltl\ Ill\' II I ' I.:. \I I' II I' I ,1 II \'t11l.1 ..!1' \\llh 1!11,!1 "I.II ... 11111 llll•I l-.1tl'11t II ' V\ ;.:ar.1 ;.:1· ~l'-11 '""' 1111111.: 1•t11fl\• h.11111 .1~ """'' '" ,,,.._.,, \I~•'""" t l1t•dn•ou1' ... '' •1 ,. I'• rt .!.! rn ••' t t' 1 C1•11n1 n i..111 h1•11 '' l11•dr1111m ,,1111·111.11·\' .. u111.1hh· """' 'I 1111 111111 h I ·' 1 .: •· 1· h 1 I J r 1 11 ·' Ill h •Jl 1111111•'.ttl (',di lh•\\ 11·111•,ol' • \II, I :It It''' 1111 111111 1 11\1<11 111,1111111 1111 l111.1l 11.111<'1' Urn1111 1;111 ;'Iii 1111 1•1111' \\'•in I l.1•1 llit " 1• t' i.. ,. n d ' II 11 r r .1· • ~----------=-1 A3UMPEERSB l Ground Breolci1tc3 (' 11,, I ii 1tt n t •\I 11 "I Ill g ltr:1111I 11•'\\ ht1llll' 111 "" h 111I1 111 I 11 \·1· I 1 •. 'I 111·1chh11rh11out 111 :'\1•11 pol'I Walkir&lee Real fst3te [ ~ H&Hill) [ ___ -~-=li~l=dll) R-2 ZONED lk .tt h 1,.11'1!1' """'" l.tl'LI' 'Ill' l'.dJ 1111' Ill hll'llt:llhltt PETF. BARRETT -REALTY- m ·s200 675·~060 is a good day to advertise in the Daily Pilot Classified Section. 1 ·1 .... ,,11, ,, .111, -1•11 hi II• Ill -.111.tll llt'n)' " .Ill\ 11\0 111 ltl'l l'.d bl.! ...... , 1555 W, B•ker. C.M. Ne.I lo M11rk11t Baskcl 549·865.S • LARGE HOME WITH POOL +VIEW SEEING IS BELIEVING ll\llt'l \'lll do• '•II' ~1 rt•l'I lh',11 '\'0'\1(11111 llt'1~hl \ d t,ll'llllllL llOlli\• II II h ;1 11('\\ 1l1t1d1·1 11 J.. 11t111·11 • 1·111 l1 "t iJ' "11 11 p1111'11 (Ill ,I 'j'IHkl "I 11 I"'' ,h,qo1•d 1111 ,11 .111 l111d s4s.s·oo 2 STORY 4 BEDROOM PLUS In l 'Cll!O\ \ m .. 1. \I \II r11111· h1•tln111111 ... aml :!1 h.t1h-; l..11 i:1· m."l••r ''"l'' \;n·.•1 \ ll1\\ l1t11n l.Jllnl! 11111111 .11111 l.1n11h 1'1~1111 l'.,I') llpkt:l'JI I .II ;J II llh "" 1101111111.: l>t lltl .inti ,,,, .. ·11111' 111111.i d1·1 l..m..: \\'11111l p.1111'1111i.: .111t.l •lt•1111 gl\ ,., t "" 1111111,· .1 11 .inn 11d1 om1· 11·•·1111,.: I '1·i1'1·d .11 ~lt~l.~1tlll ('.111 1,;;1 x-,;.11 ('1111 w< ;11111111 lh1-. h•i.:hh llJIJ.:l':tolt•d lllllllill'lll,111· Spanish -.h'lt• :t lilt • d1•11 hl>llh'. \I 111~1 11' hl'.lllb, 1n1~'\tou l th· n1uf :! ''11111~ ('.Ill•" ,, 111:1111 11111•tl l.11Hb.1·apllH! ll11h 'u l" 11 0111 p.11 k ,\ t h\'t' lo1 1·111111nu11111 p1111I 11111111•111 F1111n1.1111 \',tllt·1 ., 11111,1 li2211 NewPOrt II. .l1·,1rahl•• • 11mmu11111<' ' 64cj'~SStl 011(\ ~r..! .. 11 0 . Call 644-7211 I ;f ANYTIME .__. BOHUSROOM Lo<:~lll'I) HI J>!'Lllll' 1111111 1ilf!t1111 111-.11 h lttl',1!11111 1111:.:1 lt111111· rn11111 1111• 1111111< ,1111\1, Id,, .1 1111111••1 11111111 lfll:.:< Ill.hi\ I . Ullt , · n, 1 .. ' "' I•' p 1 11 ,1 I ' .111111111 l.111,11111 "''" -h11p11111_ ..... 1. I' 1;111111 .., \. \ 1 '-'" .tfl 11 t'\'\\ ··~' \\.ilk 111 '' 11•1111 Sh•rn 11 l•> )tthl IU ...,~ lu&\\'l ' ·"·.l t.(•·-.,. PRICE REDUCED I. n o R .I I I h t ' ' llo•<lr•H•i11 '. :.! 1,.11h._, ~f·~ EASTSIDE :! 11.·tl r11om, IC :.! m111·d l,111 :111\ 1:111 :-.1:1.:11111 "'" ln h.inlcr a t '1'11 I lat u<11 BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT 42' BOAT DOC K !·.\( 1 t lllt·I\ < 11 "111111~ \\ .11 •'I I I I' 11 I h .. Ill . l'.t,lHt11I\ .q1p1111111 ti Ill .111d 1111l 1111)',hl. 111-111 .11111 dtt'l'I I 110111 pl;111 '1'1111 'ti'·"''' 11111 ... 1111t !11111 lhrt•11g li1111I I :111"1 ,,,11111 h1•:1r h pl11, It ho.ti d11d. 3 NEW HOMES fut f111 HP\\ hn1tlt1 h11\ •·r \II h,1\1 f hl" ii• II 1 '"'!tilt h 1"lH lu r h1u1 d I 111111 1111 .1\1·d 111'.ll 1111111 111~1 "11 I "ill l'I Ill t 11'1 lllt l .. 1.1111111 f 111 1111111' Ill '"' n1.il11111 •~di •11,,J ,,,,,; <; \ H 11 1-: '\ \ I I" \\' h I 'I'(' II I•:~ I' 1•· 11 I r :i I .1 1 r 1 11 111 ti,. ,1 11 1 1 I 11 I 1 •• 11d ... , .• 111111 ~ ... 11 l u ,,,.·1111..11·1 ' .1111 1 111111·11 llltl1'1' \~'o lllllolhh• \ \ h1oHI \...k111i.,: ~.; !1."tll (',111 .111!1 ,lip ll\1111·r rr111,1 ;..•1 [~ EmI!)I .:::::::;::;;;:::~111111'1'\ I .dt :1111 ''.11.1 ~ WWW [~-] DEC-ORATOR'S DELIGHT 546-4141 \\'oot.ls v 1\,11·1. ll.11 'I 1111 T111111h~111w ''''" ''"·' 11 •· 1>.1t1n ar1 ,i \ ht''I 1111) ,11 ~~ COATS 1. W,~lLACE Si5,!MM1 HALPINCHIH It E \I.Tiii<"' .:12; E t'11., .. 1 11"' REAL tSTATE, INC. I 675-4392 GeMr~ 1002 GeMrol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... flac<?,t~~!!~n..~! LINDA ISLE GARDEM HOME Cus lnri1 ;) hdrm . home. F~1111 . 1·m . fnrnwl din rm .. ''d h:tl' Lu:-hl~· pl;1nt L'd patios & h.1 ~ :-1111' 1t-1·rac1 · \\' s111111~· t'.-.:po:--111·<.0 & prot<.•c.11011 frn1n 1dnd !lll ' Fr11nlai.:c. !J.'i ' slip. S:1J.5.000 • A COU>wtlL IAtittca ~o. 644-1766 . . . .. BALBOA BAYFRONT L~I f'••• I 11 .1(1 1I10111 p111 IH•f\ 101u d1Hn)11J•·1 ••" ~II 11 .d1 I•• I 'I 111 ,II Ill• ,, I \ H ,. tl•u.... put' t I FIXER UPPER BARGAIN 3 BEDROOM $43,000 LOWDOWN 1111111·· ''''1•11'1111 11 ;111•;1 ·11 .. 1• l1111•d ....... 1 l<t l.11 ..:1 1 .. 11111\ "l/l'if hllllll' 1111 I ll\tn '''"Ill \\llh ..... 1\1• 11 t d h111·k lll>'pla<'> \111111111 l..1l1h111ol1111 111111• 1,11111 111 '·""' S1·11.te.<1•• 11111 i: 1111 .ih .... """•aph\ h11f,·.l\L1\ ul.1'-f•·r tul• I I •• u I .111 I I I 11111 I h1ld11•11 ' 1'1111111 l\i "' '' 11 111 • I"""' .111•1 1·111,Ji h11p-. 1 ·,., .ol1• 111 11 II I t ont 1dt•r l••a -'1·•"•• 0":11\•\ 1 :0·~l ~~\o(l 642-5200 . Pete Borr~f! Re alty [ ~ liIIlimll Larry Pfister ~ llIWm ~ CLASSIC COTTAGE Ch1•1 I.. I h I" 1•lol1 I ,I h1•<11110111 n11 I .11 ,. II .1 lqt 111lll',1111'•'111-.11· ( h.tl'lll.111 l'1•llPJ.:I' (1111'1\ \,Ill~ I\ 11 h I I' 11 11 I I' 1• 1•, ll\l'l 'l/1•d h\llll 11111111. tl1t1101• 1\ l.11111d1' 1111 \II f11r ron I~ ...,;\.! 11 111 1 ll It It\ .HO l 15 1 ~HERITAGE WATERFRONT SHAHGRl·LA \\ilh ('11pll\al1t1J.: \'II•:\\'•~ 111'.11'11 \'0111pl1 11'1~ I"' 1111h11al1•tl :i lktl. l·\1111 1111 ,111tl 1 t'.11h· Im' 11nnwd1:•l1 rn 1·1111.1111' th\ 1wr 1\ 111 .11 1·1•pl 111'\lltli-l11tillll' lni:,, h.•.t~l· ••pl1un ur • "" 11.11•( 11! ·'·'"' nr .. ~II'! Ul~I HOMf., RE1'l EST1'TE •..• REALTORS - W>\ll 1~0;\'T ---------I 6 '11-W> COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE I INC. LAKESIDE LIVING Sll'JI" 111 f1,.h1n..: :irtd ~ail 111 1! ,\ d t• I q : "t I 11 I ;j hl•<lrnom honw plu' :i t: 111. 1 I a Ill 1 h r n 11 111 T;1~i1·t11ll v 11: ... or.tl1·tl OCEAN VIEW NO DOWN c.:.rj1nu:.lllc_rul1). L.1r-.1~ :raki:_ 1~ 1·1~ ~11·•.<k1t1. 1.~~-' __ _ 1'.lr(Jl'l 1111.: I hn•lll! h1111t l1T :-;,.\\' Tl~l~~1. llt',1ut1l111'1 l.111.!-.1 :ip1•ol .!111111 "I II l '..-llX \ ,,1,, Shul'l dhl.illl'I' Ill lhc t'.l\l'lll.1. s.111 L'lt-llll'lllt• hl•ad1 11 .. ,.1 ht1\· 111 ;in"' .\ ~ t . II u r ry' < i 1 I !l ure~ '(';Ill 11111\ ,,;,;;111 ll pt•11 "'"'"' XI:! :!!):15 -> ~.II :-.11r1 I ~, \ $8,000. FOR A RENTAL UNIT \\..ti ch.ii, ""'' '"" l11 111 ... 1111 1\. II 11>11 ti 1•.i~ .":>Jl,.-1(1\1 ltlJ' ,I :. l .. 'lli1111l1I h1·1111· \\ 111t I!·"''~·· .;lltl Turtlt Roc:k Hills l'<1p11l.1r m1111.t 1111h 1111 , 111 i:I·''' a 11d 1.1ult1·d'1·11 1111.~ t-:11lt'r 1hr1111g h 1 .. , .. h oull>1dt .11n11111 .. l~·dru<llli'. I .11111 I\ 11111111 11 c II t. ,1 l'l' l' I'> .. 111 I' J. l111·pl.111• 1111 ,, h1'.llllllllll\ l.1•111'1 .1 p1•tl 1'111'11• 1· !ttl '"" 111g ~~~I :;uo h 11 ;:!;11 ~--• .• ,:: • .,I l'j ....... t .. REALTORS I .H'J.! 1 • 1 n •1 • 'h .11 It· d Ii• 111 • ·ti I .Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1 :ird, 1,,.·11 1hr11w Iii 111 ·,I• :1llal'111d l .1 :! h1•drn11rn I 1•111 !ii 111111 1111\\' I 1•11111\~ I Ill' "'!Ill 1111 I :1 ntl 1•1 "I•., I 1•d al :-..:.!Otl 1n ;"' ',J llHI l '111111' 1111 !111\.», I.II I lh1• l.111 ... 11ut 111:ht .111tl h• Ip ~l.11-.c 1111 111 \11 .Ill Ill\ l'"I mertl not .1 111· .. 111li' 1111 ""'· In 1 111 :l 1 '"""' 11 t' JI ;TIU\\' 1111'111 1qi 111111 1 h\ t, 111111' :1111( I h1•11 11111\'t 1h1•111 .1 1,..1111 ·'"" .•i.:.1111 "'" ~·~·11 l'lli111;.:ll ll llt·ll \Utt rt•lfl't• \tJU t:tH 111.111.1~1 · 1111' h1 i.: .q1.11 t 1111•1\l c·nm11J"" '1111r ktd' t1\\ 11. f·:,l'll.111..!I'" -.11111 11 , " l '.111 1 tw 1•1 ul••,,11111.d J.1n I' I lhlllf. h Ill "''I'\ t' '111.1ll 1llilll;.:h t111 .IH' l~Quail ~ lilillPlac• Praperti•• 7.Sl-1920 1400 Q UAil ii NIWl'O~T llACH ' MOST UNUSUAL INDUSTRIAL PROP. ON I OO'x300' LOT Vuur '"'t'p.1 1 ~il•• 111u1, • .1 111 .•11111 ti l I t ••• ,, I !litlU .q1.11 111 u·111 \\1lh ''''"'" I JI \I , 111d I .1 I ''i f II h 11 II I' 1111111tli;tl \\ 11 ll 1111..li l1l•J1 h 11 ,1 It' I '11•111 \ I 11 11111111 1111 , .... ,, ,,,11ld11u,! .... l ,. \htll "'"" 111.1111111 'l •ll 1~111 JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 ll.1\1' """"'""' \1111 \\,1111 (11 '"" ' I \,1 111• ol ,11 I • <lo; ,, \lt•lf ( .di "'" f1 I ' .t1,h Capistrano Be ach I 0 I 8 ••.•••.•.••..•......... :: · t';il1l11r111.1 ·11 11111"' :!1 ,;t I 111·!1 .' ol I 1JI11 ~ 1.i 'It) II :J h ii . :• 11 .1 1,,1n r 01 • ~" t 111111 l!fh .,, .. ,,,H U\ It\\ U1'I .. \, \c1•11t ' Corona d el Mor 1022 .••.•.•......•....••... CA.MEO SHORES CAMDEN DRIVE F \t1 pl1111t.1I h.111 \\dl- ""111" \I ll h :J 11 f1 ,\. I "II 1<·111111• ,1. n. 1 .. , 111.<1 ""' 111:.! '''\ t I • .! .,.llUU\ J• t1 l1t .11td d1 .ll1l.llll 1111 lfl I hlo• 1 1 111 I ,ii :ti I llllll 111111 S235,000 Coll 644-7211 ~ ~ CHARMING DUPLEX. \ '\ I fll r ;f'1 of I Iii" f fll ., II ·' I 11 I "111• I .. ' 11 ·' lw;inwll 1•1 111111• . k111111 111111· \\.ill '"'''" 11111111 .. 1111·111.1 •• ·'"'r .111111 11.lf "' '-••.tr ' ,., n.tf ,,.,, l'.11 ~ .11111 '""" h $86,000 \\1th f'll\ .111· .1·.,11m.1)1I" 111.111 Coll644-721 I Getter al 1002 G..wral 1002 ········•••••··••······ ...................... . macnab I Irvine realty "LIDO ISLE BA YFROHT" On :ti' Int \I ... 11p lor 11! 1>11:11 . 1.011·lr hollll' \\' g n •;il ll1>1>r pl;in f or 1°llll'l'la1tllt1,l.!. I l\1•dnir>m:-., tl1•rl. I h;1ths i\ 111·1· ... 11g1mi... ;1ddn•,:-. ,\: \\'t'll p1·11°C'd :ii S:!~~l .OIHI . Appl only. :\ l:t x 111 l' \\' t II i ;1 m :-. ti 1 :! !'!:!:Vi C .Ji 1 ) 642-8235 644·6200 90 1 Dover D r ive Harbor View Center I rv1ne at CamPU~ Valley Center 752-1414 . '\ -('8 OAIL.,, PILOT l hu"•rfilV Mav 20 1976 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ ~.~.~~ ....... ~~!~!!.~~.~~ ...... _ ~~!~!!.~~.~~ ....... ~~~!~!!.~~~~~ ....... 1~~!~!!.~~.~~~ .. ; ..... 1~~!~!!.~~.~~ ....... . ~c:'!:~!.~~~.~~••••••••1~~!~!!.~~.~~••••••• HM •••• '.e.s •• F000 r •• ~ .......... ~~!~~.~~!~ ....... !?.~~ HuntincJf0ttBeach I 040 Irv::---10 44 ~~~.~~~~ ... ~':~~~.~~~"" ... ~6.!.~.~":'r-:.~~~ ... !?.~~ .••••.....•....•.•..... ···················•·•· GetMrol I 002GtMrel I 002 Corona del Mor I 022 TWO DUPLEXES • • •• •• •• • •• • • •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• • •• ••••• ••• •••••• •• ••• • • ••• •• •• 1-;:ht~~ ~~~ L~1111111ls Priced to Sell! TURTLEROC K ~ .. ~: 11111!;, I :111~·111;.'.1 :,I\) :-.:H ne wpo rl Bau SELL HOMES BUILDERS :.:111 11i.. s111w1 11n ,.,, 01111 -...r. ,1M1 I\\ ,,111 tlul . ~;·:~1 1;" ~1','.'111~1•1:: ~~·1~\~~ 11111111 I 1 ,1111 1111 i. ... 11 "If LEARN INVESTMENTS llh'lll l':1ll lt11 ll1'1 .. 1b htdJuttlJI I h .dh 1111 1111111.ol •ltlJIJI 1111 t•~·lrn I(\ lko .t11\wu' INVESTORS IJ<·l111l·1I ';:1111t· Su,,,.,. 1,11111I1 11 ,., IJ 111111· : h.1 .1tr111111 '• '1 '" ''" 101 !>llMI 1"'~1 EARN MORE 1<.11 ,. t:.,,1,1.i,. 1.,1111t·r11 645-6646 111.•rhu.,.1 '" 1111" • \1111 ... , .. 1.1 11111 '\1 ·" h0111" "~' 11111 <lll\Jll l'l~tl't' l'ro pcl'l11·s 1:-les:-.. than:! "'"''" 11 t l'11·w111 ~11111 ~ T GE p.111-. ~ l""'I """"'"'"I /.\i:tto1u,1.t\\11"•"111111 P 1\€( I 1111' Jll1ul1•I 1111 JJl.11°11'1 .II : I Xlo ~l'.11 '\old :111d l1.1d s o1 h•,tlu:J11· .... 1 \l':tr111' 11111·" 11lth·1· h1111'1.' 11tth !l > " " I d r ' . 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PROPERTIES ... ;.ltt.'~lll 1,1\JI\'' XI:! .11.11 GR'EEHTREE ,.~l:-11 It nnOl:i~t ""' enon ra1n1nq . ~i:!.11~1 .>111 !ttil i:I .111 ti, .di ;tllt• 1 "''"111 ~: 1., .. 1 .11 111• , . .,,,,t·• 111 111t• ll\'Jr 1 vi Video Training CAMEO SHORES "·" 11 l.11•" , 11111,1111 ·• ·1111.,1 ,,.1 1111,, 1 •• 1i.;11n.1 1n ,.1.1.1 ..... .i.1i-.11 Pr,stj<je Offiees VIEW ,1;11~1 1,11 ': , , 1111 ;i hr 111· 01\ 11 .. 1 t 1\1 . • 11.i t ·,111lhl'Hl).!1• 1111•.t,•I lm1111 'I ~·1 .. ,111• fullFoeillties ::-,1111.i1 .. .i 1111 .1 .... 11111111 1 ·1\11111, dl•I 1:.11 :-., l ":-t \'11rn\•J'l11l :-0.11 .. ,\.l•.111 111.uh·tl 111(11 ,.,,,,,, :1 \\1>1>1>:-.\ ~1 .. 111\1: P rt P h ,' 1 ,1111t1,•1t 11111,. lltlh ,111 l'lt l;l ,:li •MKiJ.1,,.,1111 l'lll'\l' I ll IJ,•,11·h 1'p,11•11111,hd1111-..111~l11111 '\\\I hum\•. ,olin•i•t l.11~11nou-. \\'al 1•1·fmn1 ('Oll<lo m ·t•rlook 111g c \ l!l' di ;111~111 g N l'\\ po rt B:i y c;ard1·11s ,'{ li;dt·mHl'S .i 'blovtn with plants Hnat 1-l1p. SI lti.iUO :l Bdrm~. & Ja r gt', ~t·p. fami ly rm.: 2 brn·k [rpl1·s •• formal dining rm. Al1 111•w kitd1t·11 with Spanil'h lllc . Ft>nced pool. F n •s h & i'\p ;1rkl in g thruo ul :·q:1:1.~10IJ LIDO REALTY rope Y urc ose an \ ,11•,111 1.11111 ... 1 -.1·11 1h.11,.., .111tl '·'''"''' .11111 l111i.-h11l ~:--111" ;, 1111 F ' D-f 't t1Ul,l i1lhht• 11( t•.1U ~\ lt•lf \ range IK'n~ i i , ''"' ·'" , , r•· pt 11111,111 1 \I I-.~ \ \ ~.IC 111-. llul H 11,1. ·•1 '-l\l.IMMt \\' 111 l "'" 11h-1 :!ml 1 ump ld ,. II 11·•1\·1·111 ,111·il ... I 1.1 I .111' 111 " 11111 I Supe riorCommiuiOf'I 1,11,.11 :i lllt 1 , .. 111,11i1,1i• 111 I· II 1 1t .. 11u :-TIJ !llkl!Htl:.! :.1 .. :1•1 .• ., "•lh 1111.dtl\ 11.dlp.1p .. 1 ::I.•",\ 1tl1• \.111ll•tl ll77VioLido,M:I . 673-7300 Dynamie Orqoniiotion """ 11•11, \\'dh 11111111• 1.1,i.111 111 11,.,..,,111·.t ,\ .11111 p.11111 l .. 11 1!• \,1111 1 .. ·.11111 .. 11 .. 11111 "' h• ttk '!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!" ________ IJJJllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! L • En · t \1 1.111l11·1H·ll•· 1111111.tl u11p,11l1d \l,111,· 111.1111 1 5 BEDR.OOM '"'" 111111 1,,., ... pl.1111 l•pll \-.l,1111.."''i ""' -• earning v1ronmen .• 11,1 -.111111" ,111t1 •11• 111111 '\1>111'11 I. \1; I \ \ I '11tl1· Laguna N19ue l I 052 "'-'•wpor~ B"ach I 069 I• fl 1 t I t I I t1111111 k -..1.1 .tl """''' ,11.1-. 011111·1 \,_1 "'" , .... 'll lllll(' l('l'll'('l':O..\\lllal\l•xlil)l ... ll.'( • . BEACH 111 ....... \,,\ .. , .. 11 11l•t11111'1'11111,.!l1t .lltllllll ······················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• , •.• 11 .. , ·"'" 111.1111.1111 ,,1,,µ,,11 v l«1n1111~~ 111 ~1 1 11·~ \\hll 1n11~1 l';1r11 111 l'.'i -~ :-i.1..,1•• 11111111·-. 1111 1.11 ~·· , "'JI• 1 1h1 :! t... 111·11 1 .. 1 1 1111.. 11 \J l .1hl1 l "Jl\1.11 11\\'\l·.I( \'\\l(lt .' GIA~T ·1 l'I'''"' s~.1.0llllflt'l'~'1 •:11·:1n·l'lll'Ollraj..!(•d .1l11111r 111111 •.!l.1l~HI I I ., ·' ~ li•I t.01 1 111 JllllH 11111111 \tl '"'l•••I ':~" 1IMI 1·1111 I I) I I) c II L44-72 I I \\1·,h11 I .1 ,, "' 1.1111 t64 900 lh•ll '""'""'"''"I ""' lip.ii-llJll\ i.·11 :!llhh lu •'fill ~ ( '11111 al'l 011 krtn:1n. l'l''il a o 1111 i ,,,,11111 • .i.i, 111 ~ , 1111,11""'' ,,i.111 _ ..,12 1 ._111 1h-nt, <~11:i1l l'l111·1 · l 'ropt•rttt:I'. 1111· <1 11 1 lllJ1 1 1.. ,. 1 ... 11 '!•·111 .11 sT 1.1sTi-:11 "o:--r 11\Im111 v1'\1>' .1 1111 Laguna Niguel• 7:1~ l !l~(J M.tln· . t.111~1 ·,,;, .iti.·r :1 l'\I l..\.'>I ' Hu:-.11<· •'\11·11111 h1111h •o11 l:..1 . '"" thechoicecommunity :1i:r .;;,,,x 1?•-'lit'd "11 Ire• l1111·d ·----------• la111b1;qi.·d 1111· 1:111111 •PjQuail ~ J~. jQ6ail ~ f!$C '111·1·1 ·H..i1, t '1111l.1·1 ""'·'""''"'''.-''"u' ••• :\IO'\\IH'll "'" Iii Pl -S500. Oown-That'i It. I r.11 . 11 p.1111.-;. 1111).!•· ''"' YOUR 1· 11 :--I>,, 111 'I ::-. ,, 1'11111 J.11·11111 . 111•\I Plac• ac• :1n11 . !!11 •• h111111· 111.11 111i.:;o ,•.1.111J .... ,.11l•l111111 11.11111,.. .:11.• ,1i11i.i<.• 111.111111111" 11 .. ., ...... 1 Prop•rti•• Prop•rti•• , ot.LH'<L\I 11 d1 ,. ....... 1'11'•1 0 e 1 • 01111 ,., 11· 11 " •••• 1 kt111i.: 1 .. ,_ '""'' ·Dream Home 1, .. 11 11,,_, 1,, """P""'I.! ~ .111 11 ., ",, 1i .. 1111 7Sl·19l0 ... . 7Sl-19l0 " \ 11·11111.111. :1111 tll'I\ :! h.1 I \\ II II \ \ I •1111,111 't'I\ Ill" 1"'111 •1 I 111 l..hl 1.1J11 1'111 111'1 h.11 ••OO OVAllSf NlW~O~lllllCI< ••OO OUAltSI NIWJIO~IPIA'H :1:-.11111•·' tol ""'"Ill,,"·" llhlll\dl•" I .. ,. 1' • I ~I I. 1 .. ,.,111,.111 111· .. 111· """"' 11\'.ll' ,·,: •• :.111. I I I l I -----.u•d J.U\,'I "' ,.,,, u\l'I ul\:o.Jil :"i ur.1;...\, fU,ll'"'" .;! f!tft'tlt :"'-b.tth.._, Ultt' \ f 'ffJt \\1,1 • 111·11 l '1111111 r1 l.11 t I I 1. l•1'.1lllJIJ1fh l.1111b1 .111\'d 'I I G --rol 1002G~rol 1002 ,·,.~· S1tltl ,,, '".ti 1"'" I I ;,u·•'!>" 111"11 11"1 h1· .. 11111111 ... 1ril1•11 't'lllll'! "111 111 .. , .. '1'11'111 II ....... ........ ..1:tJ1IHHI 111 t h111t·1 ('.111 I "1111 '\t•·-''l)l)l ~ 11.tl'Jl\ll d1·1111 .• 11·d '1'111... ... I l :-11.:;1MI \'.1111 .. d,1.1. 11111 Ir.JI' '. r., ·"' 1•111,1 11, l'\l'l .\lhllt!..'. l'l'l'll'd l11llllll<t1l. lu1 '"I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l•ti .tppt -;,·, "iKt;K 0 1 ,.:u f~• .... t .~tl~il \\"l(;(('l 6. \ \l.l l·:'L':tllXtt\\' rfJI • IJwtJrunrufl1•tllt'l'11111u ~i:!.;,l.,_i ~·~ h '-li;;.;,qu 1ii.11>:.?:1:.! .\SSIJI s Ii I:! .-·:!Ill !~i:l X!llil 111.11'11l.1t1· • •111111111111. 11111 I( t-: T I II I·: \I 1·; :--T · l .. 1).!Ull.I ,\ti:111•l ll•".lit \ I I ~ 1·.w,1tl1• f 111 .I !! 1\1• JI 11,,. 1':11 . ~ti s~ 1.111111 . 1)11111· 111'1.i· tJi:i i;x 1.1 "' '"'' 11111',., llt 1111111· COLONl'AL · I'• ll i·d ,11 :o-lll!l .. ilHl I >111•:,\:\I ;; lltlr111 rn111lo 830-5050 496-4040 REAL ESTATE \ Ju ,1· t '' !'\hoppiU ;.! ,'\ 1.,.al'11 .\n"""' "" 11<'1' ........... __ _ Walk to the b e ach. ~;.,,;)00 I 'rnlh'l l I 111111-..1• Ii I:! :18,111 F111 llig C.111\1111 11111 111'1 lh'' l'.tll lit): (';111~1•1' l(t',tll' 1. I I 11'1.I Ill O\\lt1·1 fltir \ 11 llm ' \l1111tn•1• I 111 :.! ll.1. \In \Iii• "11 1 ll p;1111'hll " \\ 111 II" 1·1111 ~ ,\ II·'' Ill '111,,tttlH p.;;11; 1'<111 \\ 1''1 IMlll llt' t. I 1.:,11;11 BIG CANYON w1lh 1 Jl•ll lu Un•an .\11 t•u11d•l IU1Hitl \\ :t t'4H ''.ti .I"<' :fllr 1)111111;: I Ill •\·:I h.11h-, \II r:n·l I\,. 11. OCEANFRONT OWN-YOUR-OWN The gentle voit:c ol w;1w•s hn·aking on lhe hc;1<:h will lull .vou to ''l'l'P whil<• ,\'OU dre am o l Sl'agulli-, s and & oc·t·an. !)outh L <1g una . 2 b drms. 2 baths: full s,ccu ri t y hf dg g 1 Vl·~ m:ix 1 mum pnva('~'. You r~ to t·11joy at S~5.000. llY 11\\'\ Ell .\h•-..1 \ 1·1'd1· 111 1111 lll'I' !!11.t Tm"1lh 1· l pi.:r:id1•t1 1 '>h:JJ.! I j>I. Ill•\\ fll f'·' . f' ,11\ 1• I 1 II I! tl, Jl\I !'>JI I' I • 1;.1r.1i.:1· 11 11111·nc·1 ~ 111\11 Irvine I 044 ,i,.1-.Ji)).! !'> l!I !(1(1 • •!IE \('ti • • OPEN SUM. I ·5 1·111' f\: l.1111l .... ·:tpll1:, 0 11lv ~1:1:1 .:1IHI h' 1111111·r 11111~, .\11 llruk1·r:;. (':tll 1111' ·II• 1~111111111•n1 . 1.11 ix~:. 11.\Hllllll \IV\\ 1111.1.S :llir. :!h.t. 1 ttUlllJ'~ "1 11111. Ii. .tlll 1·1·d111;.:. Ii ;.:\ 1 ti Jiii p;111H 'lll,1 IHHI F1•1• 'Ill pl 1.11111111:1 'llH ,It.:\.' ",II'\ l''\f~I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• \1111 I' Ill ('!11\!j ~:l!l llllll .\1111111.1·: 110:\l l·:S 1::1 :\l.\\'FJ.1>WEH 1:.:~1;11. •:!!l:i•ll l\'Y 1:1,E'\:-.O furnisht•d ht•:iuttfull~·· 6 73-4400 11,L \Jtll()lt Division of Harbor Investment Co. Corona d ef Mor I 0221Corona del Mar 1022 ······························•··············· Spacious Duplex I ' • \I' I qi IH'I' 1111 ~" 111 1111 I :1111 "I l.1 I :.' 111 .. lt,1 1'.11 h .. , I• 1'11 lt 'I I \',II 1".11° •I I" 11111 All Ports R.E. 1;1~S11:.!J A .. ,;1, ,1 . .,"t SPYGLASS STEAL '>I :111,1""' II~ 11111wr u ·s 1, llw. 1:1111. ,,.,,din. hrJ..ht r111,. 1111t•r1111.111· m1·11. :! lrplr-.. lu\Ut 11111 ... I 1·pt· tl1 p .. \\ .tllp.qll'I' ,\; \\ll1t•I ... 1111111•1.. \l.1L!1ttf1 I h•Jll 1i11l•1 plllJ.!-Ii hi t:Jt7 The Yest is Tops ·"' '" .. d11pl1·' Ill ( 'd:\t l<\ 11\\ll\'I '111.t 111111 l'111l npJI' 11111\ -..111.'.,l1t111 Iii':\ hOh!I '"" '"" l1111k111:.: 1111· ·' h11u ..... ·' I ha1l· llw .111 .. 11"1' 1t1 111ur 11r11hl,•111 I ha 11· Jll~l li..kd :1 ft"lh•· .11 :!:!11 \\'ah·rl r1111t. 1111 .,1.-.11 INHI I II l .1 I •. " ht' l \\ "\'JI ,\1111 .111 .. ,\· \1 .111.1 1 ... 1 .. 11 1 hl· ltlt11• I n 1111• h1111 "' Th•• h•11111· 1-. 1111 :r 1,., ,.1, : t •p1•n 111111 .... !'1111 I:! I ' .11111.l!IX \I.I:! 1111111 .1 !'It BACK ON MRKT l~· .. 1 .111•,1 l<.>.1nl :.! UH II I"'''. I t'lll111!1·h·1I 11 111 .. h lntl-.q•~· :'\1·.11 ln•.11 h !>I I :1:;;, 111' !>01111 011111'1' \\ 111 h.-lp lllt,11\1•1• \\ iff I 1111!->Hlt-r J 1Jlltl1'tl1.1 Id) Vl'l'UJIJ Ill'). • SUN REAL ESTATE b31"2222 1 .. 1,.111... .1 11.1111 ... l.11 :,:1• Dana Point I 026 l!Ul'.:-.l rn1 11 ~ uu dt•\ t:lup ••••••••• ••••• • • • • • •• •• tho• 11pp1•r 11·11•1. \1111 l'vill ()l'l'.lll I It'll d11pll'\t'' 1111\\ i'llllJ\ ttll1 • otl 1111• 1,,.,\ 111ttl1 I l'"ll"l 1'111" l l<lll 111•11::.111('1tl'PJ\atll'I \l.ir \\ ,1Jl,1ltl o 1111 :,01111 :" I t'1111l tl tl1•!>1·rJ111• 1111• ;11·111 1·• 1.1111111 ,,.:,,011(1 lw;1111 1111 1 <>~11. 11·1·1· 111 1.,, .. h 11•0111 t•I 1111• h1111 .... h111 lttU .,h1111J() 1lrt1p 11~ lit 111 :.! llJI f"t 1tf ;1 I ,\ IJJ ol l..1• ol fl"I'"""·'' '''.tin.ti 11111 11 l h" 111111,1• tl111'' not It.ti<' .t J\1•11 111\ J\t'I II\ 1-'1 I AMC HO RAGE INVESTMENTS (7141 496-7711 cl;11 I 11111 1·1111111111.• th .. '------------' "l"·J1h111,...1·~.11 ~S111t lll V11 .. 111111 1>11 111 1 \ lu!! \\h1lt·11.1l1•J' 11<"11 . 1111111 "1:.:.111•11 11J111.. l·:.11 h ~l•1I I ·ho1 ll.11 l>.11.1 I lt111lph11·1 ' , ''' ·" 11111 1.,11111 '1' I 111~1 S.tfJ,IJlll'\ 11 ... 111 I ')\\Jh·J l'l•· li•·:ll 1,;;11.'Hlll El Toro 1032 Costa Mesa I 024 •••••• •• • •••••• • • •• • ••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• "P·" "ltn~ \ p..:1.ul,•d \ un Pool+ Game Room! "" .1111 :.:1 .. , Ill.I J.!.tf. p.1 1111 11•1,1tl )'I I:! '.IUIJ 111\llt'J :~'ii ..!1'17 1'.1111.1 ... 111· 1.111ull h1111w · Fountain Valley I 0 3 4 .... , •. Ji.lflh'' uul •HI ••U• ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• p11Ht I" 1 r ·' 1 ,. I .1 r :!1· 1\111h1111w s 11111 nit! ::hr , ,11111p.1 pat 111 du·111 h1•d 111 I 1 11,1 . :: • ,. ,1 1 ;.; .11 _...1111 .... htnl' ('nrn"r l11l. IJ11b\.11ll ~ti. \l'J)' 111111'1 p:irl~ h:11 :i l11•dr1111m ... 11·' ·"'"1 H1t11'. 1·p1 & .!1111111:." I , Ii.1th:. l·:ntr~ drp . ,\,.1;111 1! ::.1::,:100 1111T1· -:1.1 ·•:1•1. 111.: 11 '"'" .-,:u •T 1:. • · :.111 li:.!11 TARBELL "=I In California" DUPLEX 1\1'.lllllllll d11ph•°' II llh ·, h···fl 111-. 111·1 111111 ·11 ....... .1111111 .... 11111•111 "1'1"11111111 POOL HOME ll<:tl1'1tlllll ,\l'J'l.>'S I J'Olll \ldl• Sq11:111· l',11 I. I I' i.: r;11l1·d 111 .111d 11111 F111111.tl 1ti11111i: riu1111 :1 4 °lll' ;.:.11 .ll.!\' '1'1 .ul1 •1 oil , t '' "'"'°'·'•;1lJ \ • .111 I H , •••• ,I H "'' ,. ,t I Pt t 11.-.111111 .. :.:11. xx:11, ti hl.1· 11•11 111·1<·1 ,,,II 1------------1 t1t•l111 \' 1 lut t \ h\'l•H 1• tl ' t•••l.111· (.J111.1 .. 11111:1 r------------1 FOREST OLSON INC MESA DEl MAR Polynesian Paradise Cl111• 111 .1 l..111.t l'u11 l~otJt\I' 111th 11111., 1•.11111 11· .-t.1 111<· i.:.t1d1•11 ,\ ""'' ·' I •• l~ t• \ '' tl '\I .I I 1.\ p.11 I'll" .I l1< d111•1111 . :.!' · h,d h 111.111 Ill .11· p1111I , ,h11pp111 ' ,\ 111'.ll h :-.11p1•1 • fH ~I' 1·.~!'-i t 11~ I U1 ., '.du,• .tf ~1;1 ,,.,,.. •u:·• T77t t:! I I Iii I ,1111 I 111 I 1 t1lt \\ .tll. 111 ,, hi ... 111111111tJ11111 I K' \111'"11 I'll• 1•d l1i1 •11cr. k ..... de· ,,,'t 1HJ•t 'I t1 ,_,., .•• di Hort Manor Realty 835-7045 lt,11 ,111•11 •1 .. n \\ l'llh -~ l•:-.•t•"·'·"-~.' .'··l•.!•X•l'\•'·"'-----i +;i_!) TOPTHIS! --- '"I '11111 1-'111· d :1111l1 ,I I 11 I .. Ill • "11 I , . I I .1 .. •I 1,11lt'h l..111 h"ll I ,,;111 II p1111I 1•1t1 l11 1l1,h1•ol \\II It ' tft.111.i ,\ 111111 pit 1 ....... . dbJ '·"·'." , .... ,·.,~.1, \l1·,,1 .111 .1 ( .di .111 !l'I"" I'\:\ '\O I' II\\'\:! \111 .. 1 't'll 1111.-.1 !11•0,11 o1hl1• '\l'WflflTI W1·~1 f lu111,. I hll. <>II •11'1';111, t 111 ' ll,1 111 1111 II l',tl11 ' \ 1•1111• 111111 l.1111 1111 tl111 1111 ~ll• fh'IJ \\ 1111111•., "'lt•l ott.,1• ... p.u •. 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""·"" u •d111;:-499·2800 n·• t.1< , II.JI ,1 • ,;ti•,. 1·\-.\' 111 kr-.i ... I .•1111 . J.!lllll'IH.-1 1.11 t h1•11 dltllll:.! 'CALL NOW 1 II I I -1.:.1t11tt; 111111'' .igl SonClemente 1076 ·"·'"" I'·' "." ·"" "·" ' " Wltite wate r view 'N' •• ·-... 752-7315 !<-lot .tJ,.!t' 'I ht .... hitt1h '~ \~ ,1 I I I ) , I L 't..,Jhi • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll .. ' 11 11'· . ·' l".• J..•· II 1.• , ... 11 • • v· . , ' Ill .1 ll 11,.11 )...ti... ... I I'' I I ' I . " " M 1ss1on 1e10 I 06 7 l.1•;1 .. ,. (op\ 11111. 111irt 11'1 II ~t·llHI ..! \\1th ,,,. ,,,.,.,,,, 'h, -'" :-.q 1 ' (( .......................... ~ •• n t.'lt•tn,·11t l." .. 1 1'\U DONALD M. BIRD •lltll.'11 111111:-1· S.11 S1111 111" ·111r1h•1111·J.. ~'I;);! J'"Sl'll lk \ t•:::i .jl1tl. !!11:1. lll'l lt:tt'. \11 111111. 1111 I~ I 111bq1d :! I ..... II< ·11 !> j '.! • .1ti11 II~ n 11 JI 1 I ;.-,;! x l:<:it LOWEST PRICED GARDEN HOME BROADMOOR TURTLE ROCK :Xt•11 E:'\l'l.l Sl\'J·: lh t 111i.: h1 Sl\•1 , .. l11h11 ... U111 Tl11' 11;'111 \ h• llllt \\JI h I \,1 l'LI '"'"' '"'"'' 1111111.tl d111111i: 1'11<•111. ... 111·1 •11111tf, ;:.11"Cl1•11 "''1111•:! l'l.1111 .. ·'"" 11111\ , ... ., ;:.11111 <' F111d 11111 ... 1111-lh1 .11 .... 111 h1111t• \IUI \I ' lu•t•I) ltu1h•1H! flH • . \< l 1111\\. J 'lt',J"l' I :1 I I Ph:540-3666 Qjl/) We're here to h e lp! Walnut Square \'c•1 I 1111.:hll 11pi.:r:ill"d pr111 ..... :-11111,tll~ d1·•·111·,11 1•11. 1111111.11' " :-1111 I 1111 pnm1; l11t "'""' 1t 0 • ·l""'I \ 11·11 :O.l l!I .11~1 1 '11 i-.irporl , I" I <'Ill!'\ tl1•i.:1 \'\' 111'\ a111 h '\\ 2 )ti!. "°"'' 11 pll'. ;tllll• 111·11111 •'11 WANTED! I . 11.1. 11111·111111111111 II .Ill. <WIU.IAMS pr;J1,:d ........... uut1 °'""'''· Homes & Condo$ 1 ·1 ........ 1 1w1;·h1ti1r !'\11' •• e"1 l'lf i l!il \\"1·h.111• li11~1·J'~ 11.111111;.:' \111t 111 !-.an lll\·;:t1 Fn" · ro20SoC011•tf1wy494 a!>t9 FORFASTSALE :! .. \1 111 t r11m l n ·11ll· CALL ..., .. 1 •• ,1n 1111111111 po!>•ll•I• II \:'\SEI. •'-' 1; IC 1-'T l"I. t \i!\'lll llolll ,.ll~h vl61rue t 'lt.\l<.\I t-:11 "1111 llJI• "' REX L. HODGES Jh1 · i.;11 .ti \\ 11111· \I .tll·J \I•'" ll1ild1•11 .111111111: REALTY REAL ESTATE 900 Glenneyrt> St OCEAN VIEW NO DOWN 111.>1111'1· 11 ,.,., p1•1I1·1•1 1111 586-6400 .JJ ll'l ' '11111111 111 II\ up i.1 • J'o•;1111. "'""" 111.111 494 9473 S49 OJl6 :-fX.t~~I NORINS REALTY 494-805 7 IOl'IW\\'tll<l.I> 1111 .:.! 11.1 l.1111 I Ill 1\1 ~ .! .. 1 \ h w1111l\ ... l",I '''· .t4"' \ct ti tff :. ,,,., • \l.1:0..0 llE \{"II \I( l·: \. ."ll!li I 1 pit 1lt I L,tl 11 ): ut t',HI \JI•\\ J1;1 ,;,_. •ttHI •I.\(,\'\ Ill·: \I'll • I' ,11\01.111t11· 1 11.1,1 .d 'I\'\\ :11111 , :II\,\, 11·111\J ~11.11 11111.., \lt•ll 1•1111 ,.1111< !1·d 111'11 llo11t1• °'f(1.lliHI .t \ \' \\ \ l·.,\TS 111.'l'Y. :11111 t '1l,1!>! I I\\~ !" t.ai.:1111<1 1!1!1 :•:!:17 l>l'I-;'.\ ll<ll S I·; Vrt S;d Sun ~11111 111 ;, :\1•1\ ,.,. 1•1·11111 I' 11111111' :.!Slll'-qll ~pat 111 11 ~ 11111111 ... :·111 :1 ·II;• "'''"'" '11. :-1.>'1 .. 11111 i11:1 11.llhn" l..1i•1111:1 Hl'lt T11r11nll ''1'' l'I Woods Cove! I h11 111 a i.. J11d 1111 lutl• ' 11111. .. 1,,111 .. 11 da~::.. 1·111111 IJ I kll1 f1<•JI olll 111111. " IHln11 .. ,1x;,.1HHt Laquna Niguel I 052 ..............•.......• WE'VE GOT IT .111..i IJ-.t1 ·1I. 11.trtl to li111I "1'111 II•\ ,·I. I:.: I llH l.111\I Ill . 'o l p d1llJl1 ;! l ';tllOI .ttn u· Ut 1',iH \ 11'\\' ,\IJ .1111t•J11I 11'' 1111• 11·11111•. Ill lhl,. 11111·1~ pl II .111 tlfl';Ul 4'fllllflltl11ll \ I.II' I·: Tl I 10:~ ·1 1·:11 I' \I'\ · ( .1Jh1·d1.il t1 •il111 . ' '" 11 pl I ",1111111 \\ 1'1111 11 11::<' 1·1111·rt.1111 1111 .!11tl \11·1 lt.11 I 11111 11111 1111 ll1i.: I'll\ p.11 I ·11.1 ntl• 11, '" ,\ 1111n "'' .\II :I( I 1 pl :1 1 .11· 1!1'1! l<lll/ I ,11'• I I\ <'I "11•1.1 11~1 I l I Ii .\1•\\ 1111(. :! ·11.1 :!i.1111 ::.q 11 ):!llK \ 1,1,, l '.111•111.1 .\;.;I 111111~. 1 7 I I fl, i ;, : I I I 0 flt"I llnlh••!'.11 ~11111.1 ,\C ,.,, 111!> ·" '"' )'If u:t •HH• Santa Ana I 080 :">It ~~.11IJ\.2':tu .• .. ,1.:!E\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach I 069 ....................... Harbor View Hills \ oll 01111 I ht l.111tl I '11111.\ \ 11'\\ Ill llt'I ,111 ' I II fl. lall) I JI\ :: It.I '1'1p lttJ 101111 .. I .. i .:11111 . CAYWOOD REAL TY • 548-1290'• Jb J k 'in s 1.l:Xll \ 1:-.1.1'. Real Estate byMcVAY VACATION l•'IW.\I INFLATION \ l'I I Ill 11•· In <•=-)'1111)11' ~11111·1· :.h;.irp lhr. :• 11th. i1111.1ng ,111·a . "'" 1·1·1·tl p:111n. 1·111 tt .. '·"' Sl I." 1111. :.! !'.11· i:;ir. \\'•111 I l.1•1. I ".tll 11Hl.1 \ ':•toX 11~11, TWOinOHE l"IJIC .:111'. :!It.> 1t111 l..1------------r pa\111. \I J',t I h11 I.. .. h.1i.: OWNER WANTS FAST SALE $127,950. I t.111111111 l·.tl•1tl1111 ... I h'\\ 111· II.I \ 1'11 r tlo1J...1•11 "'-I• ht :11!11 . .-; II\ l.11111h I Ill ll11 l'lt•' 111r -,;r; :11111 l\1h111 ) ltlh I ,ti Ii ~111>1'1 IJ\l nlH•• 111 np1•1 I\ ;1fn'.1•h It 111111 h1• 1-11111) I I llollll • •' lt't' .IJIJH",11 ,lllt t', t , .. ,, 111 .tll 1 tllll t'Jll<'IH 1• ~N.X l \ ••• 1pl 11111.1 drpd,\ \l' II~ fl\\111'1 l'11tl1111f\ '>fl,!Hlll l •• 11.111 I 11r \\ k1;d .. 552-3279 COLLEGE PARK l BR + OEN TILE ROOF-S68.900 In ""' " t.11111111, I '11tl•·:.:1· l'.11·1.. ~IJ.lllhh' 1:111 ;•1•u11' 'llll.:k "'''°'\I 1th J •·ti 1111• 11•111 \i<h II .I\ 1·11111 t ., •• ,, .. t. \tu·· I OUlll hol\l l\ I 111•pl ;t<'t' ,\ ' I ;111H'tl \" 111<1 \\.di. ( •ti\ """ h11111.tl il111111". 1 ....... ,\ 1'111•1•111 l.11 rh<'11 1.111111\ """" ru111l•t• l '.111\r\' :-.1•1·1!11l1·d 111.1.,11·1 1111'1 1111r1111 II oll'd I 1dt1 "· l•:,1 ~ \ 1\ pt 1\:111• ~.11d hind; \\,di 11•111 1•d S111>1·1 hl.1 d1· • "I :il1·d ,\ l.1J1ol ,, '""'" 11111•1•1 11111 .. 1 ,,.... i..dl ;:.:: r;1tu 5 BR + FAMILY $69,000 CULVERDAlE THIS HOME IS NOT FOR EVERYONE Helen M. Bush 1>111 1..11.:1111 .• • h.11 m 111).'.h & Associates Ill\ •• hill. Ill' ·' \\ 11111111:: 499-4584 11>,111 1111h P• rl1·.t! "··1'''"'11 "'''1 ,, .. , '" L N' I ~ , ... , ... "" t•K• ,1 .. 111111 "''"' aguna 19ue ~ 1xu .... ,., •'• 111 1·;11• '""' I the choice community I 0°o DOWN BUYS IT! • • • H llf 1. \ 1; 1 ,'\A ....... S I 2 9, 4 5 0 ' I Ii l. 1-: I. I' II q I' I•: II UNUSUAL CUSTOM I :! 111 111•11 II llh 11,1111•1.tlllll I \ H'\\ t1I tll .... , •• 'ti\ 011 1..w 1111.1 ,\ , ,,,,,1 11111· .. 1111 ' ii'\ 1·1 1111 FOR A REAL LUCl<Y BUYER TODAY .......... $84,500 H elen M. Bus h & Associates 499-4584 493-2513 'lll·:S. t "\1.1. l,\C:l '\\ "\IC :t l·:L IC I·:.\ I. r\ . .i I!~• 1111•1 k.HI ~,U.if OPEN HOUSE \\ 1•d Th111 .. I· 11 1 I 'if,,,-; (',d,11111.1 ~ou t !\ L..ii.:1111;1 I .111 "" I I·"' 11,111 \I 11d. I'll :t I till 111 ... :· I 1.11 It>. I IJ.111111111.: 1111111\ 1.111111\ 1•m . l..11 c•· t 11,1-.l11·11 •l•11·1•r1111111111111111 i'I ft •\ t•I ll1'.IUl1J11I ''.t1dl'1i-. 1\ 1 ... ltt d 1\111111111\ "'"'' ,1 111 .~1111 v··~·" , ... I(, .dtnr<. ~.IX •1:111: Laguna Beach I 048 Laguna Be ach I 048 ············································~· RARE LEASE OPTION I;"' tl1•11 I '.111 .. I .1111 \ t-:1.h I'\!--< ·o II• .t11111 • XXI l>11\ l'l' 111 i.:11 1>1111 111 :111<1 111" "'' n• 1 1t11d1 Other Real Es tate ( fl.'-C11nt Jt11rflc' "II \\ .t1.-1· •••••••• •••••••••••••• • JIJ11l111111ll 1111111 ., .. 1.111wd Mobile Homes i.:1 .... , \\t t "·" 1 ... 1.11111 For Sole I I 00 lh u\\f1t•1 ,1·t • ttoU \71 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,;1. ·~.X.'i \11 t ·1 ... i.. OWN-ENJOY The Million SS Vie w For Only $69,500 H.t\ lru11t 01'11 ·•1,.1 ~1i•fldtt l~1.1t 'l'l'"'·"I ~11lol1•11.1 llt'.111 ,\ lup d1 I\, p;11 ~Ill .! t . <'Ill I' I 1• I,. • ,. I Ill I I I -..1·~11·111 Ill .q11111111t 1111·111 1,1111, HI': \l.T\ 1.11. >tll 1. LIDO ISLE $122,500 Sii.\ El<l'ln:<., 1 ('II \I.I·: r .-1,1.1 1 .. ,.,111 111• 111 ... 1111 · ~ 11111 11." 1111·1 .tll1 "' 1·1' lh111• \ \ ,., \ 1•\p1•1J,.ll1' 111-.1.111.,1 .. 111 111 s1,·11.1 I ),1\\ II 1 .. I.ti I .. OJI ·' 11111 11\111 l.tl'I .111111 ('11111 11 , .. ;1 "''" l.11<.tlt'd Ill dJ\ j I Jo: \I .T 11 F l I, 1· 11' 111 II I. \I I. I \ .1 1 a JI I ,;\11 'Ulft 'l'tt "'\1•1· ~r~., .• ij7 f'\t P'' p1l11J11· t11 1\tl-"ITI·: ·111 "11' ., 1111 . \llll I >>1111 ( :d 1111 Ill 1111 ' 11 .1<11111 p.11 I. I' :\I ,,, pttt-, f,lf, >Hd ! I 111 I • ""''" 11 I 1111 :-I I 'I .iltll 11111 111 11•11•111 I .11111 ,;111•, lit \I .11•1111IJ:t J, I .ti \\ (h1tl•'I 111,11 11111 ""\' '••11111111 1'.1-.11·h \11 .tl',llll p .11 JI I 1111111 !>:l ,1/1111 O~n House 1.t, 1·111 111111• 1 Sunday 5 /23 1·5 1:;~ 11!11 '" >1:1:1 1'11 i. l!l.i I' 1 " ,. , 1•d 111· 1· ol ~I ,1111 I 1111111•<1 f "'"·''"'""' 1,,,, 1· LftWEST PRICED COSTA MESA •1111·l l 'l 11h111111l11 \\.111. l·• l!J I! l.111t tl\ """''' ·-~ l"•J1n1 .. t 11111 t-"">< ·•111 ('11111 r 11.tl• I 1 '1111 IN LAGUNA BEACH :<11100 1>11\\ll :-;;1111 p1·1· mnnlh CANAL FRONT " '""" h Ill ,., .11111I111 •• .nlllll Jt.111.., I 1 \1111 • :!1,1,'.I ,lflJ , "11,1 '<'I 11111 \. ll<t 111•1 ;.;.i 11P1111r ... -.1 1,111 I H 'H ' ' • ( 1 \•l1\t •1 ' f!l1 1 Stnd lo N1•-N Yo1 ~ NY I tlOt l 1'1 11\ '"'I' I~•.• t 't N t 't• > A Jff ff ._-. v f' •I"'"" 11· 1" 11 . I' 1'" "N 111111•·• ~ l RANCH HOUSE n I ' ... ,., ll'ORE \h'n IVI r !tt'firr' zcw I ) t It ti . .'l.' N • 111111 .,, 1\1. ·' ~es11·11s r·u~ 3 frrr ~rin•rd ,,. 1 11111'1'' 1111" ~~· 11 ,11 """ Ny 1 •ll t 1 p, , , '•' f<t[IY )'1lti (,If n1 fr'fl~I-illl'.ltll h11t1t1• .I l..11 1.1· No\\lf ,\(l,Jttl ~·; .'If' 1 1.\l~li't~' ''·"' ,,, -.1h1n• /~ lt1·dr1•1>m., 111th '.'-1'1'·""'" ~. 1 l l 111 •1 :, 1 l' l L Crochtl with Squ,tts }I 00 l.11ntl1 I•""'' 1111 .. t I• ri •Mllf n I CrocMl a w~rdrob' s1.ae "'" n i. .... 1111•11 11 ll111 i.: DI • h I I N1lfrr111y Qu1l11 SIOO 11111t "'·'"'II'' ~111111 · o you .now ow o tt ~ C h 1 -1 r.n I' 11 Q~trern tret' Stnd no.-to1 Ripp Ir •oc ' ' ·"" I 11 i•pl.tt••· · "'•· 1;111 ·•~ llur new fall Wt"itt P~ttei~ SM1 Kn11 Book Sl.25 -.11111,iltll' 111:111 \ 11,, .. 111 r.~uloR cho couoon inside for Ncedlcpo1nl Boo~ ~l.00 ""'"''ht '' "" i.-11 .... p111 tree ottetn al you1 choice flower Crochet Sook ~1.00 'Ill••, p1 I' .11 ' ,11111 111, Snnd 75< now• Hairpin Crochet Boot.. • l.CtO 111 1 \ ''" 1, 1., 1 0 ilol 1 Sew Kn•t Boo~ SI 1S lns tJnt Crochel Book Sl.00 ,1·, .11H• l'l•'.1 ... 1• •·.ill """ 1n1t~nl Monry C•dlll SI .00 ln1tanl Macramc Book SI 00 111 :-1•1• lhi-. 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I\ 1!17 .lilMt .1 hr.:.: h.1 . 1bh11 hr. 11a .. h Reolbtate i omp.i r\r "''I"·" Wanted 2900 11 tii i.:. p lu:-h ''I'" 0 • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • 11 c .t u I ti r ;1 11 , • >I 1\ 11.1llp.1111·1 ... 1 t1pl1 Want to Purchase -m111 •• ''" 1111· .111.i 1 ,11 To\111ho11111·.. ll.1~ ,\: 11,..1,.h 11It1 :!111 .!h,1 • \I h h,1h 1111\ p.al10 ~ \ .11' \'lh ;...ti ·'' 111'1' .... 1:1.1 lol'' 11.1).1 :.: 1111. :! 11 .. :!llll :!ll.1 :.: flf( .!' ll.1 ;1 Jiit :.:• . 11.t :1 1111.:: 11.t 1 ISH :: 11.1 "\,;f;~, ,1:.11 1\j.1 !IMMI San Clemente 327 6 . ••••••••••••••. ••• •• ••. Capistrano Be ach ~8 18 ,,:!.> s Hr l lht. l\l"\\ lP'' ,,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1:•11 I I I I.. f t I :1111 .:11.1 1,. .1 111<·d 1 1·11111~' '11~-, ~:~, ~ll~ll 1!1~~ ... ~~~·IJ\~ ~ 1 \Ill\ 111 I olll \It\\ I'll hlM;~ H I i1t.1 ·1:'t.' 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TRl-PLEX '!"· 101 llhll llk1 •• "' 1111 11ntl1·r :-.11111 .111111 t•1t.d V11nl~d F"" p1tt1 h.,...,. p11t·1· 1'1 1'1"1 ',11 .111t hllli.: or 1·.1~tl~ \ "' .1( ,thl1· l tfl ..... ,. f1\ l111\1•r \,k lor 1;;1n. \1;1·111 111:! 11~ I 111' h••lll<' \l:i111 lt.·nl.1b .. -.111 :>:r.11 ~1:, :.! ltr 11111\. g,11 .n .. •· ,.111J.!l1·, uk F1•1· \l.1111 H1•111.ll .... olll ·1:1;0 .....•••.....••........ I Ill( l°u11tl11 ' f!.1 o11i11·----------1 g;,r.1gt· ...:liht 111n K:l111lm Sonta Ano 3280 {-Slz~~~ .,,. \\ ,t t.l ll f I' It\ t' I '1111 IHH \ 0.oll ·1:11,; f~lo NEW TRIPLEXES •{011111111111 •11111 'I 111, I n11 1•.ot111 .q11 t11>11 I 1 'I.' 'l.11; :\1•\\ :lllr. :!li.1. "\1 CllllO'\ \ l>l·:I. '.\I \H \ l' \ II 'I " , .. \ T ~ !lhll ldi:J :1 1ir T II 1;.11· lrpll '""' lfS23 c.otPUSDa·IRVINE I'd-. '"l!l,ok ~,.,. ".1111 l'IJ.t;,i. l'r't·,11.;11111., ·"""' ~ 111 l 11\\1th1111'" l q1l1 I.\ 1;:1· .:Iii ..:11.1 .th \\ \\'I 1-: I> 1'1 I f •1.1 II ;1111 ... 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(tt th t 141l ·''~(I llltt td f tf , I ii 1,J ·I•·•··· N eed a Roommate ? L~1 <p,n ... I.1st.,\ ·w \ l'1ut,·..., ... 11 I But•Hltll.1\• f(i·I• I' d ( "'"''HI\ I 11111'\tll 11'1•1 11\1 Hit.Ill 1:1111\I \I \I I '·1 • I I.I I '-1111 • I'•, I l.11\ '\ 1\pl I 11''' I 1111do I~ • .: U.1 .! ,,1111t" \\ \'\ lt,11 \ t 111"' jld•it ,\ 1.1,·1lf/I ,1,,:., 111u ,1t11 '..!.•I• lr\J IJ .11 , \\.Ullt•d f11 h.n, II• Industrial/ ,roperly .\(,1111 f<t•nl.lf,. ;1111 -,;1711 ••Ill 1:11 l 'l'l'11·r I St11Jtl Pl'I:-:,;,I :l:l:l•~ •h11111•111i., 1\. 11111• h1•.11 Ir 11111 I hll-. ln1111 lwh .1 111• lmm.11._ 11,-.1r ,1.111 ,.11. Houses ~rnishedor '"1 :.:•:ii .t 1111 °· 1-1 ''.!"" t\ htHl"'I \\\II\\ \It, 11111 \ ,1h I i-..... 1·1 \ 1 "ti Apartments ~rnished 111 " or Unfurnistie d 3900 I· \I ·1 .111 11001 l-.11• "'"" Re ntols 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllr, :!11:1. t'r11l1· 1>,,111,;hr 11'111·1·11 ':1r ol 1·1<"" 111 ... ; 11 .... 1 .... · i.. "'' """ 11" II ;ol 1'1' llt\'I oJ .,:IXll 11111 U f ' h d 3 300 ·,,~; :!i I l p :trl... 1111111. '''11111:.. 1111 n urn1s e • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Houses Furnished 1wh -..:i.-1:, ;,;,i :11 711 •••••••••••••••••••••••Costa Mesa 3824 l"'lr"1· :: 111 .:.: 11.1 .1pl 11r1; * SEtl /LEASE * LITE IMDUS 'L 8000 Sq F eet Save $24,000 ....................... Bolboa Peninsula 3107 ol\ :111 Ii I l'h :1 fli·!l:l l:! ....................... l<,1\llOlll :I hdtlll ll\'oll''.' Ill/ /)t1j1ll'\, l'lltl j.!;11· ·'\'if\·1·. "'"" :-!1."lll l.i·:"'' ~111.ill ,,.1111. "" """ \l.1r \l ,1r~h.1ll Hit, 1.;:, l•~H• cwt! 1·111 .. u11I~ I 1'1111tl 111' Iii:! 1~i.'I:! I 1·n ':\t•\\ :! 111 . :! 11.1 I"· 1'11111. 1u•1 11,11 \1111 1111• .... -1'.' :11 1:1 RENTALS •••••.••••.••...••.•••• llllll tUll\})11·' 11pl1 ~~:~!;;'. .1 hl'dr11<1111 ,'\ ct .. n l11 .1ncl 11i .. 11111111111 t.11111 .. , .q11•d l11rl'l•tl .111 . ii II\\ 1 'l'I• ""'' .J.1,1111111. t'n'<·I.. 1.:.11d1•11 1,111· .1111111 .1111-. ~.1r llult \ 1111 ,, 11.11111 \1·11 "'·"'' :...O'l.tll 1111 lt11l111~ I ':t 1<1 111 .. 1111 ,1,lt1 I ,1tl11lt.. 111111 1111 I" h ..:!'~I ~,;Id I '" .. 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Palm Desert Condo J.i.:1 I 11,•dt 111 I 1111tpl l\1t 1t lltr.tl 9tl\ ,~ ... 1 •11••n \ lut h I ti I' ,1 \\ ,1 \ ,\ I \ 111 ,d -..;.,: , ,, ••• • .tJ t , ,,, ·' tl1I1 111111 .1 I 111:" \ I 111 hl' Ut"'th WANT••• Ht·~···· I"""''""',\ ll••ll ' .... ,.,, \lnt111l .11n 111 c 11 "'"'' It 1111 I 11 ,., • h .•lll't \I Io I ' \lplt.1 I HI I' ICt.• 11<',11 ol l I ,I \lo <oltlft ol \ H ,,,,... 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"17 t:l t' ,.\ t ...... tt •• ih,I>\ ~··•II .11111111 11\lioS!Ho:I lll•Wt•lfll11 f(lll 1111..:1• h111111 .. cm ':' IT ll t o , \ I ' I "'th \111111,1,1 •. n .. 1 Loquna Beoach 3 I 48 :\1·" port 111111·1 .1 ·1 11 nh"· • •• • •• •• • • • •. •. • • • • • • • • I Br ;1 H.1 •• di hit"' t 0111 p.I\ ,.,.1,1.i ·i11p1I lurm.il 1h11 1 en. 1 r11l1· 1•111 I \t.11111 :! lit ,\ ., 11,t Ill '\011 lh '.! \-.or 1!,11' 1'1Hll. \\'11111' <'!lei '\,<'II I 11• I\ .... 1\111,1 t'I ,;.....'\I • \ \\ l•I -.1;·, 111o1 B.,.·~ lt.11 l°hd1l11•11 1 lh ;i H• htHI''' u 111 Ppl.•1 '' ,tjU '"•:! t•~1~1 \ h'll II .oil. I•• 1 ...... It ~t •lf U\11 .: 111 il1·11 ol r ,1111.11 11· Ito 11111 · 111 , ..... u 1n11 • I .111111\ 1111 11(\1,,1\ \lt'\\ 11'-.ll•' 11111 ... ~~ Sid•· :1 Br · 11,1 1,1111 1'111. I q1h' '\ r hu, ,11111·• \\'.11t-r ~1d '\.11 •ln11i.."r' '" p l'I" .... 17 _-, d 1· 11 :.1u :k;:;•; nr :, 1S ;; 1~1 I llt ,\ .! '1.1 111•11•1' Tl I\\' t.lt 111, 1.1111111 1111 ,\ .\ll'~;, \·1·nll' .11· ... 1 :11 11 :!lt;i, F l'. ll\\'. •I p,11111 ... ;-..11;1 •t1i11 :1:1!1 I !1ti:I Ii Iii.! 1'\ p.tl h~ '·• .. •" tH•' " l""'I to1l1l1· 111\ C'J'" tit JI' l111b1 I' •I .I 1 .11 1!.11· l{..t ' lt•'I \I "•:!7> lllOI Ii.I.I '1~:11 l'\'I 1 Ul'I' '\1•\\ :!lol .!h,1 1·.11t1111 11111hnt1• V1 l'l1 1•101 -..:1;:1 11111 "11 •11x:1 •11 1:i:1 111;:: t'\ , .... \\ kllll' ll<'a11t11 ul (; 11•1•1111 ,., •. \Iii' :!h,I holml' \\' Ill l'l'~I/\' 1 .. 1 !•II qtllt'I 1'111 cl '·"' I 'lo'" 111 JI·"~ t. Jl•.1111 ~1:.:;, 11111 l'.tJd 1J,1~ tll'I'\ 1•-. Te n four R.E. : .. 11 :1ti Ill La9una Beach 3248 ltrl'fll.1t·1•. ull lhl' I\ .11\'I l l1hl1e' 11wl111h•1I. '>:!.if/. COLE Of NEWPORT REALTORS 675-5511 N·.11• lf!d 1 '11nd•1 :.:11<1 .111.1 l1 pl1 ifltl ..!.<I d i ll\"111 11 ... 11 t1t11tp.1tl'll p\1 pal111 1"11111 L u1111·ii '17.i 11 :,:111 XI'<:: "''"'I 1;:11 :.::!;,.'{ Condomini.ums Unfurnished 3425 ........•..••....•..... f.;1;: '\1g11l'I ~111•1:.! '""'' MOR INS REAL TY • 49'4-805 7 • I.~\' :t 1\1 .• H.1. IH'\\ I~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... h .• I " :1 II II " II \ 11.tlttlll\ p.ot111 11\l'll..; ~u11 11r~c .. •n ._,,u~ .~ 1n1n ... t.p :.! ,\,. tJ\ t 1.lll :-.. l :)tl .• iu u-;:!:: pa111t1'<I. 11,1H. 111 .lll :,.1·hl' • lll-:'\T \I.• N e wport Be a c h 3169 01\'I 11<·1· -..11~:1 "'" 11111 .! 11111!\IS 11.\l'llS Ill• 111.11·.. l.111 .111•ol Ill .•.....•.•....•.......• I" I 1111' '\111 I Ir l'lll I 'l°t I 11111 • Chaice Wate rfront Fountain Valle y 3234 11111,1,11111t11i.:.., '""' , '"" 111111 1:-..1.1· .1 111 1:.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.11,...,.1.,111.,1111 ,·,1,11 ,1,1. Townhouse 111 .... 11· 1 l1ol 1111 .. 1111 " ... 11.11·1, 1 "' • lo.1 111' •·h \tl:o..:-..111'\ 11 i-: \l.01\ Unfurnished 3 525 "hu-.1·d1thn\t•1)uoh11H' •114..,1 '1nop,•r ,,.,, \\,1d • • ,•,1u;;u • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• "·" \I " ..... "' ·'' .111 ltlll•' hi \-.I. 1111 I· J\ •. UI '\II 1'111· ( ·,., ,. 111 .111d lt1111•l1l111 'llllllllll OlllJ\ l\l·tlh !'10.' llof 11t 'li1ll o·,111lhlh1ol1·11•111•.ol ~l"\t .,h,1 oto•\\ '"' ill.!11111'1 flllt .... u.t'U11t •t:(~·;tll.1• .,,,,., ~PU th ..,\\l t•I••••• , ... , ·' l\\l\luu \\ 11\th\d -·'' I .11ll1tll' '-"1"1 11111 l(i•,p .:111 • .! 11.< .Ill I Ill' \\ 11 1•11 ;1 1 .... , .,,,,,,_ I Ill 1'<1 lu lt l""'I ''" H ouses Unfurnished ···········•••\••······ G ene ral ·•·•·•·····•·•······•·· f \.•f't t ti\ '' h1 Ull It I t1 •I !.o 1\111 , pl'I •II' I, 111. \l.1111 li1•11l ,il. , Ill 1 f, II Balbo a l!iland 320~ •BAYFRONT• \lutl1'1 IT 111 •h 111'.l llli'll 11·11111 ' 1111111 I lilt 11 "" ll l'l'•'I 111111 'I·''' 1111 \I I\ ~I.I 11, I t '11'\llll I 1111111111 I 111111 1.1111 \I' It• l1t\• "111 :.:11.t. 1•.11111 1111111 I ·" ..... ....llMI 111.. \\.Ill lo I I I ')\\ lh I ';' ,·· l'-.lltl •• , , "''"·'' ••••. 11_.u ... ,·:-. " , " I . Ill t 'h ,1 I 11 11 \\ l'l l l.>ll.' ·11~1 1 .. •11 'Ho.I " I"~•' -Apartments Furnished 1 111 : H.1 loll"' 111111 Laguna H ills 3 250 a:~;,~·~ ;:I~·:~• 0 • 0 0 ); ~; \\.1U1·d 'd ,,,,,.r fut1•' 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 11 111'•'1 "'' ~f'.1111 h the "lo.1 11 I· t,1111 1111 .111111111 ,,.,I ,•1ol11 ,\ •\\ 11111 • l" 1nl " 111111111·1 t'otll\<'lll>'lll 111...,ll l·\11 ,\ \I I I 1· :-. .. I' I " .... ' .. .... 1-111:: ················!······ ''-1111'1 I 111 t h.1 II 1l It ·'" I· •II 11•.1 ... I 1:1< ""I 100111 1111' '"'" :-Ii.I 111" 1'1 -...11•1 11 ... hl'llll lo.11 1111111 l.i •I t ,11•11 11111 ~1·1 ,11111,;,("S., .,11o llXI I Ille ::1 .. , 1111111,11 ul.111• ":l.1K:' .\l.11 ,.d,1. '\q """ ,._r, o \Ill pd 1'llHI d"\11 1<:~~ ' I;, i. ; ti< I C'lfo I Co~ta Mesa 3724 ....•...•.............. $37.50 WEEK & UP •'11111111 .\ I Ill( \pl • I'\ 1\ \l.1111 .... , I \ \I .1 ii •' 111 \I, ... 1 \, 1d1 11111•1·1 l/1t11l,11<.I \1ltill • .-...!IHI '\.11 Ill 1.. '·I.I ~·1; I l••ll H'lll f1t•\\ .!_ llf 1 It.I ,q1t \\ ~\p.11 .11·· ,., .. t '\.1·11 Ii 1· .! Ill ' ll.1 I lo•\ I'! I.:.! 1• 'II .1 1 I "11 111' I c i plo, 1 .ol """'ii 1'l11ld11·11 t•~ ~;, 1110 ..... tt ldt' t•i •1,, I • \',111 .dt.11~1101 -..th •,•q l.111 " " 1111 .. h I \:Ill I -· 111 1 I :-p.11 11111-I'' 1•.11111 10,11 111 II" I 1dtl11 II 1111 '1'11 t 'lt l 11 II Ill\ I.ti ' I I (111•1 l,.111-.ltl 1111111 11 ' I '.'',1 1,,.,.1 .. 1111 111: x 1:1 l,:l'.~1' ··•' • ,, 1110 ..!..!'.,!11 l'.11 1111 !'"'"'"I \11 Irvine 3844 1'• t••I .;u nl• 1\11 .J.dl •••••••••••••••••••••••' I'\ i' , ,,,,I 1 ,ll 1.\X THE FRIENDLY PLACE l.11111\ tlh· ,.: ...... ltl• I Ill .1 llttlll 111.1 It"" l 11( I ' • I I I I ·' Ill ·'• \\·''I I I .111... ,,, .t 11111 • ' Turtle Rock Vista Apts \ 1111 II "" '"' ,, n •l·""tl , ltlo••.1\11 · 1111111· 1•\1111 .. 1\1' \ tll.•~·· .. 1 1'1111 11• 111 h ( 'h1111 •• "' I loo 'llol1111 .. Ill <I 1.111 .' Hd1 111 lu\\ nh•Jllh -.,:..1 .. u 11) ..... ,Ju ltlto 1111" ll011 l-.111 II I 11 1111111' 1\:1.: 11 11111 Laguna Beach 3848 I ''"I' I p .. ti11i. 1111 .. I"' I h • .111 I c 11111 I Hiii \pt f.1 .1.1 f.11\lllT <:l1·111ll\ \l.1h1J' ,tih1U'\ ~!L • It I I I\\ \ 1'1°1 '"( ; I 11111111111111111.• •11111 I "'" i11• I 111 •1111l11ul. Clubhou!ie . TV room & 111 , .. , ,.11 1,,," 1111 1,., 11 pool table!>, !IOC iat e v e nt s , S unda y brunches & par ties. i swimming pools, larqc 'I \ 11 l••I 1111 11 ,J11fl l1HI 011 I• .1 t 1111 ludt UI ii .11 .. 11 \\ .1I1•1 11, ' < Ii I I ,,, 41\\tlf ,.,, 1111•: jacu11i . 2 s auna\, \\.111. 1., 1 .. 1° It 'l\1 \11l volleyball, BBQ'>. '1111,11ok l011 '"" ~"' · • '"' \)11.<111 \ """" ·'I'' I 1 Ulll ,,,,. II·" "" '"' -::011 I I ''.!11 <'11,1 .. 111.!1 .. 1.11, .. 11 II I'll ~,:-. l\d1 Ill I Hd1111 ,, d··11 I h .•lh 111 11111 ' 11.1111 '°'1'•11 !IHI j1q,11 ii I jt1•,1•t ,\ i 111• 11 111 11ll111 1· ,\ '"' •• 111 \ti'\\ t11d111 I•• 'ttJI 1ft fl~ J• I I \1.1111 l(l-111.<1 .olll ..1,1• 111\ 11111 •1 •• 1 •• ,, ... 'l'i ll\\tfl'I l1111id<'I <11•1 'I Jlt 0'l11 l'ollt 11 'ti p\ '" 1.1i..,. 111.11 , It.ti. 1 1111 · ,1111 ,. 1 ;.111 · ', 111;1 , 111 Huntinqton Be a c h 3 24 0 I \ t 11ld .! ltt ' 11.1 11i111 .. ltph 1111 d 1tl l lhl C·•I' 1)1111'( .11°1'.1 'o,!,;1 >n'I 111;1.tlf I • l'llOllll' ~1·1 I l ltd t1ooql ol 'h1fll1 ••11:-011 t 1 .. 11 lflitl'I ., f \,.I .I\·'"·""' ...... 1.111 1111 ,11 t'1·pl1" 111'1"'" \ '''" hu·''' '' ,,.,,,,.,, do I k d l1! ',II ti 1l11 ill .. l\,1 ... 1, I' ol\111 111 111 .\ 11111 1,.' ...... , 11111111'' .II I I ' I.fl.. 111 1.1~. .. , , •11111 .. '<•• ., 1.1 Corona d c l Mar 3222 '~"'•''"'. . ..................... . ........•.............. llJt, lllH 111.t 11.~ I-' 1"'"1 1111 1...11 do 111·1 ,\ l'""l '•'11 ..... oil 1111• ·' '" :1.1111 ...... 1, .. I lo9una Miquel 3252 l 'ttl)h•1 t1...... • •••••••••••••••••••••• • I ,1 i\\ 11lflll1 Ill\ I ,1I1 • " I >I I· II I., " ' ' • · 11 I \\ ··" .!.1.11 '•'\\ pooll l',f\•I t \I ( I) I It O' 1111111 • !f IOI ii 2300 FAIRVIEW I~ I\\• 1•11 1 olll1\ \\ii"" l 11 1.1 \11 .... I t i I 1 1ffff Ranc hes. Farms, Groves 2700 I h,11111111 • 'he 111,1 1 ••I 'It . '" 'Oltlll. "··I \I .. ,..,., , .... ,, ,,........ '\IJ..!ttt·l 1' 1 .. , I li.. 1. I lllH ' ' • • '1 h,,,,h tht h .1 :--i, .• 1 l 1•11,u 11 ~.11d,•uhn1 ''' 1 f•t I lll10lltll lllt ltlll••• I 1111.1111 1 II\ '\oo I" I I \I II I'·'''" 1'11" '·'"' 1111 111 11 111 111111 L e f 2 8 '''''lh'I 111111•' hUI ... -p ··~·l!'(t't • I .,., • '"1 9 urn r ., .. ,,, ,, C .t 111.111.1'11 11111\ 1111 1••·1 1•11•,t'•' t .111 • ''-' 11111 '•· • ' ''''"""' • 11 ..," "" puul l\lln"' \\ ". d1 I' ltttul t.l 11,1.f • •• 1111 1ip111 11 111 1 1111 .oil 1o '"' \'Ill I .ti ,. tilt 1.,,111 I 1111 1.1111111 1111 :1<11 -..17 111111 lw.11111 ,.1 ~1"1 \dlt 1111 '" ....•••.•.•...•.•...•.• \\ 111 ,\ 1 ln • I II••\\ I l'I 111 11111• ,\ 111'11 \1 111 h 111111 .. ''·'" 1H •. , r,r; : (\1 '""II" f ''"' ,. ' ( oh I <II \If\ f \ll• .. 11(\.t ••H P\ 1 r•o11I 1 ••• 3852 'I ~" I' I· II \\ HI 11111'1"\••d l"lt1,1 \,1 I ii \.;.,•111 , 11 1. I I 11 11 \ • l\I Htn t "'' dl1h hlt u\... l'tti, .~ .. '<X pi·l '"·'-'•';I I'"""'"" 11 .11 '"' "'"~1 111 .. N ewport Be ach 3269 :-11 '\'\I'\ 1; t ,. 111 I \Ht.I,' 1111 'I\ I I' 11111 111111 "" , .. 1 , 11 ltl 111, N ewport Be ach 38 69 I r -... <; , . ~ . S'l"·'R .. .. ;lt~--- 'l ' : . ., . ' , ',.. ,~ I '< (AMC•• ,. •y • A .. .. . " " G ... -,ZER~ "-:,) d1i !••J.i ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.e tln \1t1 Jt.1ul t:. • ,u .... 1t,,ii>'u.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ______ lllH :II\ h t• rl 1.,111 .~\\ \rEHFllll'\ I' ·•111 ,11 ... 1 -..•111 >111 \\ 1:-.111-.1 ,II HI<\ \II I \Id 1 lu ,.... '.1r .;.11· lilt II' l.t111 c 111 d1·11 .11~.1 'pr I. i.: 'I'•"''' I \I ' I' II•" ... , l"I 111 I • '· '· \• , I I ' • 1 ! ~ :• ........ \COO JO '. ,, .& ;, '"'·'"•••u~ ', \·~ ~· . I • ·1-i • .. c ... ,,.,coo • .. \\\II \flt.I: 1, I ,1•1,1 '11h• tt•• ·"·Ill '!~111 \1 1\ •1~h~1.i-.1111,1.11. 111 1, I,,. K1ou ..... , 1)119' 't•lll''' H1--p11ul ~1'1 , lolll kl l!I 11;, f-11-lh :0..f •111:1 :1 hi ,wr..r. 11111,. '""' ""'' '"S.:I' "" 1'1'1' ;\l.11111!1·111.11-. "" ... loll -..1xi ~• :.: he d11pl\ (,,11 l-.1ol, 1w1' .... ni.:1-. "" ",.,. \l.1111 H1·111 .i1, .. 1111 1:1;11 l.tl\11111•11-1·;,,., 111 ltl ,l VF~1n11.i .. 1,.,,...,., ~1.111 111~ .11 "'''·' • \i.:1•111 h 11 11 :1:1 • ll.•,11 It 111111"' l '11111 pool ,\ 11·11111' 1·rl l1t1· ;111,,, I rph', :1·1·.11• i.:11r. 111 ,,ti 1111111,•ol :...'t1i:I .in ill" 1.:11 11:11<:1 ;tit •:111."' 111 111 It ·' ''"'"' 1"111 ,, \ )\ S1 hi 1)1,I I; 11•11 \l.11 NEWPORT HEIGHTS '-1•111111 <'11111•11 p.11 I I 11111 111111•1 I /le pn11I 11111 1111 '\'11 d11til11·11 Ill 111·1· "I 111 1;11, 2~:\X 1"111111-h••tl I 111 .01•t 111·11 l\ ol1•1·111 ,,,, . ., 1'11•1 1111tldll' .u.:,• ~tl J>t·l ~ or fl1nlu1 I'\ t'll'' ~1 .\.) 11 l 1 :!ti4'1 ,, •II • "' (;,,,,,,./) \ol11ll ,•:1.1 1,1 • \t.lt( h' lt.tf I_. '" ,.,., I t JI • ' I •.I I I t l .\ '~I\ t' ,.,,,, 1111 .. 11111111 I.ill "' ... -1:11 1i1;1 ( 'h,11·111111 I Il le I B.t qt111·1 111'1"'' loll 11 'I•'' di JI h !11 •Ill\ 11.<l ll• PARK NEWPORT APAUMEMTS 11 ... h..trn I "' ' It. d1111111h .111d ( q\\ 1th1111 I I c v:1•1,,u 111•'11 'I lo I 1,q)\ "I"' l'.101 • I 1•11111, \1 Ill ., I 1'11 111 ~ ·"h'"" 1-t.111ol ·'' .J .1111 I11•11•1• 1111 ~.111 ·'"""'"" """ ll11.1cl 17 141644·1900 •DELUXE•· I . .i-1hl1111 :1 h1 lt.1 l.l'ol"' 1111 I "I""' 111.1 t I 'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... h.1 11·nt• •'I • h ... ,• 111 II t: IJ.11::.J::,I\ lTU.'-~; PALM MESA APTS. '.Ill' 1·T 1·:s ·1 < 1 '\ 1 ··1 llV \I ll,11'11 I,\:! ll I< 11 .. 111 -.1s11 \11\111 ... '", .,.,, l olol "'''" ... ... 1111., 1-..i .. 1 111 '••\I jllll I I :11 oJ 1\h 'tl"\hll ,, .•• , lll•• 1 ' ' ,,, ... , ,,, ·' 11~l .\I '!.' .1.. .I od111 'fh."C '.-i•~1. 111 'U1:i •• •1::~1 , ... ,,,., ''""' Hu.•111 •• ,, 1 I 11tlll1t 111111 1 '" ...,,,, .11 ..... ,tf I ftt\ ,,,, 111111t "·"" , ., ' 1·1111 \ ·' •' l 11 I' I " ,, ,,, 111 I I I \ Oll~tl t\ I lh ' flH . I 1111 "•II'.' 11/'.\l 'll 11111-..1 11:1.1 l<I '\I 1 .. 1 1111 "'''' ESOR T .. 111• 11111 __ .. 1 .. 1' :.1:-1 Garages for R e nt 4350 •··•·•••·•·•··········· .i IO ''ti '\\ '' .... , .d•·•I "'.If I "t'' \ "' \ II • I LIVING From $185 (l •• ~:1· ..... l . .r1 .. 1 . '"'' lltl<''I Ill t'f•,111 I Ii I 1111• ,oj ,1 JH ti t• \tit!• 1tll .ill!JI d l'h•·11·' 'I 11111111111 Ill I t'l r••,tt IHll t ,I I Ill I H ' ... '\11 ;11rI.Ii.JI1 1':11 11.,;-. '\IS 1 ·111 11'1 :-. \ 11111111111· ,11'11\llll'' <1111·•1•11 11h•1 tll.111-. 11,11I1< ·' H Ill/ 11,p ... \ IOUl't•' l1 lt't ~Utl d,11 l•111111 Ir I 'I 11' loo ,11111111 l 111 h I ,\ 1 .. ol r 11•11~1 •I' 1 lu1111 Ii. d "' 1111f1u 1u ht ii U• ul""l'•••U .. ~~ .. ltt •••• .1 .. :,111" \I 1td1 I ""' II , ••• \ ,.,, "'' ttl H•11•fll ltl .ti I I I \ I\ t \l .. 1o1h 1 .. ,/\ I" dol o t111111lh ''' •·up .11i.' O a kwood Garder\ Apartml'nt~ l'lt'wpor1 hoch Horth HllO l1v1111• I 1 ''ill' , 11 ,lit! ti t,.t•, u•,1Jo l'lcwporl 8t och South I /011 I ( I I 1 <;1 tJpv1·r itl 11,111 11 I,• HI ll ... ..,.,,,It\ t t,·,;;:,:~~' llu111""1l do 1111J 111 ,11111 11• \\ 1111111• ol lo1I • 01. 11po1Ut \ • B· ,llll .1pl .. 1 .. 11 "' ·"' 111111 ... 11111 H.11 Ii t 111 '"'"' 1 t lu 111 ·:ht .:.1,,,,h B1 o1t111 •I '" f llt d1t1tlt .11 t•.t 'IHI ,I I jt.tl ltt d1•t1~ '""'' '1tf" d ft111r1d 't1\ p.11 j., Ii h lo•ol lo 11111 \ .. t I 1• \ h .1 I I I \ ('I II" h. II I .. t• I 11II1 .. I .. •II 1!111111lll p1111I p 111 L !•111 ' l11d111 I' I '\ 111 '" 11111\ I"'"" "'••ul h\' 1•~1 1 ·,it111•1 '""111.·•·I '\1 '\\ '""" "11111 I· ol 111 1•1 . rt II 11, '" ( \I -.1. lll•t ••• Office Rental 4400 I SO I Westcliff Dr. '\\1\\ p111'( I· 111.Hlt 1.d ( 0i1 Le o sinq Office Space ( '.1 It 1111 :-\111' \1 .111.1_ l'I lj I It 1o 1~· :1111 "'' 'I•, WESTCUFF BLDG . NEWPORT BEACff C0tne, W.•lcll" 0..tw and lrttnt A•. ./ A,, (onc1+t1omnq v' t amphtl• l•'"''o" •• ./Mu,., ~(-1 .. ., .. t(~I • l ull .. i .. ,. tl"lf• On, ... "'' Af't(U .. ,.tlo(I' .. ~ s~·., , .. , ... ,, ....... 1 ./ ,t.m~«-P•1 • '"Q C•ll Mr. How8rd 645·8101 f4H-Ut• ~&"" ,~ ..... 1--=--- drp 111 11.tllt '• " li<.11h1.1 111: 1··-.1 . FREE RENT 'II 11 I ..... f 11\\ I 1" I 'I JI \Ji '"' \ " lo ,\ I.• qtt1 '' u1 1 •1111 '" ''" •• 'I II '<II I 11•11 • I \I• 1 I· II I I l : I \ I ' ' ' 1(111 1111111 f111 I I I • ,. • Ill.. \ d I \11 t"" '' l 1 ltt1' ,,, , .... '''l :-i.u :r' ·:' 1" '''"'" 60 PER S Q FT 1• I \\ l.~'lt I.II I 'It \I )'I , II oll:' ',rn1 11f Hktlll ll.1111 .111 p111 I ti \\ '. 1•'111111 1111'11 1 II C hoice Locotion I \I t•t111 • n1 IHt• 1• 1tLd '" 'I ti '\1\•.pn1( l't 1t.i1 ('tll\\ld.t\ ··~··"·"" \l1·df1 ,, •,1111 f t d\I ''·"' 1t1 )1 I 1 ll\ l t f'll 111 I ,ff1o1tt 1'1'''111 \1 \\p ttl 1 •• I? ,1H 1 •,ti .... B1 ·'' h • I. I I \ .. ,.. I 11111 ..... 1 I ' ~ t qi I\' t t \ 1'1ft I \1 11 t H 111 pi11 I ( ,1 I\ )\ (( 'fj 'I ht f \\If U ,, I NEWPORT BEACH .i1•I•·"•'' ' I I t7 :,~ 1 11,;1;h\1110\1111 I 111 It 11111 1111• It .... 1110 ' ' 1: ,,•;11 ··~· IHll 1 I •1;•1 hi~··· Huntinqton Be ach Ill tll1l..h111 I ,11 \II, 111 .1 I o 1'1 I 'Ill o) I I 11111 " . 1 •e1 • .,.,,, J •0'-AtlU\ ht1l 1• II 1111111 ;,,',11,qll I '.1111 11 111 ' 'I\ .I ll.1 I 1111~ • '"' " tit I' ri .. 11111 Jtl • \11111111• 11••111 .llllt i..1d' I 1"-1111 fll'I ' -...1;,t) IN-:tW:!l 11111 1 'ltlt Ill I\\' Hunti17qton Be ach 37 40 ld1 " 1 •. , 1111111111· .I "" \rlt1ll "11 I\ II•• l"'I" f'" •I 1ol" • I 101 Ii I' I II I 11111• d111 1111 ,\ did Ro oms 4000 I lo• I II\ 1• I 'I' I 11 •I 1111111 I ,,, .. ,, ""' ,. t : ..... 1 "' I \ Ill ~ ,J • I. IJ ;J '. . . ' '•"en .1 Ill ... 1:111 ',,,"'""II ,\ l.J.:t' ,I /It "ll.1 II lipic' t.1111• ·' 1·1111111 f•••lt•t' -..1;:. •.&:! :it.1!11·.\t'' ;Ille , :ll1o1lh II '111111 nlr'I i:.1r 11 ''I'''''"' "'" \\Ir 1'11111 lt'hlll' '17 I llllt ••·•··········•········ I n 1 ' ' ~ \ '• 11 I 111-:\\TIFl I. I 111 l11rn 1,:1, 'ill .1p1 .. ,1111 ,\ ... 1, .. :-01'.1111 h ~l\I(' tclifl! Jl\I Pnr-1 "·" '\1-\\t' llH Oil \11.IJ punl ,,11111;1, lnd11 111111, .: ltl I\ •,11 • r 1•! 11.111'1 \\ 11l.l\4'.1t ht1l(~l.1l1 I 'l1lo I l'l,llolotol 1'\11., l'l:li•I "•'••l,•m l.11 I loll.. I ~i.I l .di l "' 11 II " ~' .-. ,;;0• :i<l~°;''dl'\ It• I 1•l111utt.1 '1"11 ~====================L~~~~~L-~~~~....L..~~~~.:._l. x.t:I :1·,7·1 \l.1J,:nnh.1 .11 •'·' •tt.S ••'\.'' ... •t.l • :.-·~ .... d ,If·-t • \ ltl" 1lo1q Pjff•rtci1 .t \ .c 11 I 'nu I ,\ I t'I I 1'.ol l111l .11 o .I \dtdh 11111\ llH l><•l '"'; \1111 I"\\ .I\ '\fl h I I /41111 I tll I I .111111 'll .... 1.1 ..... 1 "' \\1ll•,1111\\.1ll•1 l u .•..•.•..••...•....•... I'll •'Ill I\ 11111 I \I -..!.o• 111' ,\ "·" 11111 "I' .t ,,,. :,''·'' ot ,,.-.., no tk I•• Ill• I '''" I·'' ... Ill 1 '.ii I I •I "'.11111. 11.111 .11 t ... ~t l ~ .... ... •-, \\'I. II l.1l.J11 It 4\ Ill' II.I\ fitolll .I i"'tll' .\LI ' • t• \\ 1-11 I' .1..,•1t.1ltlo· t .111 \ •I"" '•f • 'nl t.' • :t~tt ... I ' '' 111 l CIO DAILY PILOT fhUrsoay May 20. 197b I Add 1t. .. Build 1t...Diaper it... Hammer it ... Carpet i t...Cement it ... W1re it ... Hoe it ... Clean it...M ove 1t ... Pr ess 1t...Paint 1t. .. Nail 1t...Plaster it ... F ix 11. .. SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb it ... Pa t ch 1l.':"":'t-'1pe 1t. .. Re mode l 1 t...~) Roof it. .. Landscape 1t...T1 le 1t. .. Trim 1t...Sew !t.. .. H aul It ... Add it. .. Plant it. .. All ~r 1l. .. L ea rn 1t •.• ~~~~!!~? ............ :?.!.~~~=~~~ ........ ~~~::~~ ............. ~~~~!'!~,·············!~~~~~, ............... . F.LEECASTLE \\'d .:urd.: •• rpt'lC'ko,llh:a:. l'!xi>t'r Garf1l'nf'r m.1111 La\\n ~ .• , .... :.:!U mnnth ••11.\t'l.1~<:•• i\CCOUNTl:'-IG 1\ 1 •n 1Ts Stcum !°ll'UI\ or :.h.arnpoo tcnann'. r ll•nnufl, tn m ~ .. 1 Ude.in UJ.A). "i.:1:Ju1i.: 1 \ 1\ IW I' \1:-IT Ti\XES&SYS"l'J·:.\I~ 1\bul'1>hol:1l\'iy,\11 iwrk n11r11(.751!•2U7 ••H·~. rnlo~ll.l11~i.:. 11"\'l' tram' t 'O;>;\'H l-:'11•. \\\•cl.ly, ;\lunlhh &. l;U Jr lkf:. Fn•c J:o.:.,t' - ---4!13 nu 11.M 1151 I Tilt-"~:\\ Ol<I\ : .. .i; 11:147 {Ju:.1·t1:rlyS1•r "1·c. lkull rutt.'li 1115 :nts ~?:.l ld\q\) mo~l·d Pdi;i·il G 1 S • - <.:11,t.i Ml·sa lll"'·!l:!Oll :s.;, 1>1·r w1 •1•k t:umpl $7 50 •Mro entcH HCK1secleonin9 l.ui:uno'Heu<"114-!Jl 75111 U1 a m uno C'urpct Svs v.k C curi.:cM!l lOl!I •••••··~··•••••••••••••1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -t:lca.11. n:va1u., :,ale:. ----II.\' tn )I.\:'\ llo111•· • ,\!Ito\ :-, 1-A'I .,. \X I'\:(' 1 AppUcince R•poir· 1n s ln 11. 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'd ! .. iii ~~I No v. att :.~a:•~J Mo•in9 11 \l N'l'l~C: 1',\l 'Elll~~; ••••••••••••••••••••••• z• y1· ... ~rv•t.! ttal'tl,•r hrt•a :'110 \ l~G' Ld :! 1"<1lr lk•11l n ji. 111."tJ lol:! 2J!ll1 lllcll llltl\l' ~llU )( .. ,1:1, , rt•I ~ t1J;J •• 1H 11 "' :11:; !'agJ Patios ..........•............ 11m.1 Jo:S1\ \' ~:11:-. l'lu1nh111i: ,, 1110,111111( 1-'1,.,.1•<>t 1111utci.. hww:.l ,\ rch.1l>k ::.1·1 I II I' ~to 00 h1, HliOJ>lJ Uvl\ \\ i\ld,h•r l'lt:t I ).!l' ".1nclhl.i .. lt-1I ~·~n~. l1111m•, oll 1n" l'll· <"111111)11.'ll'1I, 1..- "'' hlJ:il. y1111 fln1:.h Abu 111 hl·I' n1~tom wo rk ~· 1 111• ,1'. 1: \!II Cr .1 I ... rndhl .... t111~ :d~o ,I\ ,11IJ · hi.• \'.tll lor 111111 fii~· ·11~ •• Tile •·············••••·•·•· JUST PLUMBING 642·4 I I 1 ReplfM Speclol l'ro1,•i-sm11a1 l'luaOl•iui: L"l-:H1\:.11c 'I'll.I•:. ="l'" '' HE \."iUNAllL!.; It,\ l'l•:s 1111dl Fn•I! l'l>l Srnl 1111' ... Mufflers l."oulr ~ l.1t• =:ltl(f.1111 1u·il'l1 1111· !i.lt).4!1:.!i. "' I' \T l ll ('"' 1•r, tl onm -----------i ~.M; l•l'l.I •••••••••••••• • •••• •••• ,. n c tos u r1 .. ~. (/ u o I 11 ~ :'llt TFLl·:HS,\\'l·:~'I' 11m~. 14•,1, 1~111l·~. l.1l ___ ..,.,-.. ,..~.,.,._..,.. _ _,__...,~..,,.-,. .. _..,,.-,..iT S vice '·'"' ··~t p1 111·-., '"""'''I :11;.w;, o It• 77:: I Plumbil'l9/Heotinn ~ e r •••••••• ~ .....•.•....•• . t'u1>tllHl hoohlll'h \'"· l his t>:ll U867 ( ;r·"'' t'o ;\l•>w ,'(, ,.d).!i• rm d1,11h•1, 1•tr l'all ht.• o.,pn11l..l1·r v.1 k r 11·1· V111cc 1.,·11h11rt. :1!l0ll11:-1 Controctor e:-.l ti lli ;·,.!>! II I l I UT II I. I \ 1 ; ll.1111111 .: 111·1· l''l alt1·r 11';\( XI.! .'I'll quality l.1lt>t1111• ~uJI. Pl t _/R 1 --· ,7 p .. r •, h11111 1 1:1•, ·~r.111 as er epa r Prornpl :!I llr,s1'1\ll"t'. ll1•11111\ ·' "· tra111111111 ,;, l'Jll :'l..1nl·\:. ll111"''•·k,1n111~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 1 ;,57 :!:!ill 11111111111-:. 111•1· l''I. 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C) " 11 ---, MU"l7H ,.-·1 1.ol~ll t•r .I\\ I···· lo.ldl'I I'\ I llUlhllt•rt.1l11111 l!Ullfl l l'f I.it• In' C.illco l'a1111111i: :\Int rdc11.'lll"l'' 'li!I :1:1:1;; llu1111•" .\dd1t1n11-. 11._. .. llll 1·11 l'lumh111" km c·n:.t, l.1~1 t:.1111< 11111g .i11d Tr1·1· '•'l"\ll•' 1 ..... 11 11 1111 1111: \I\ -"" J.,1" lo ::,l". l'h: l!"• :1:11:: Carpet Service ·----"· t-:\p ll,m :t11J r1 (;.ir1Jc-1wr 111111111 11 u1 I. 1.ti 111:!!"1 ur I Jll ,11l1·r J111111o11. 1.:1.?:f 1'1-:T~:Hs I' \1:--=Tt:"t; Inti 1:,~r-lfr,1:. 1<;1tl"I C.dl U\"llC .11 5~>~·111~»< l)q·r film·k ".111~ Fn•l' 'l'I"\ 11·1'. • •·PllJI.', n·paar, t• ... l, h)\\ r.1tl'S ~h tHU'.! l'llll'l)!t'lll"r ~:Iii :!!II:.! -----------••••••••••••••••••••••• \dd1t11ins & ltcmu1.h.:l111u \-.11·d m.1 1r1l. Cll'allUI" !°>Ill :1.!l<i Shampoi1 & :.h •am t•lcun \\llh qu.111\y Ll'I' :\1 Fn 'l'l''l 'I h.111~" 'li!J .!.t.1:! 1ni.:. l'olor l1111:htt·11<>r'>: J.11' "· (;l·n'I Cuntr.11·tor. ""ht l' <1 rrH s 1 o 111 1 n !Hi2 .\573 Ii e :1 rn1r.1:. Cleanups· Yrd Ma int hlcarh Cl1•al\ II\ r111, 11111 D _..,,. C.111 :'lh~c i1lll :!01'1 rm &. h.111 1;, ,\vg rm rUTilnCJ • . • • , S7.50, t••rndl IO, d1a1r ~5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YAl!I) 111' .. IC\11'.:'\i\ 11()'\ Sl.1pl11,11h-r cl11rn11 l rl.. lf.11il1111:. 1: 1.1tl111)! d1• 111111ll1oll, t l"t"I.' \\lo.. I'll' j,'tl :r.1:10 11011:.i.•" nrl.. .1n•1• rcb .'>lh l,CJlll h\ d:I\ 111 l'.dl Jtl :J ll•HJ:.l•(•ll.';Jlllll)! \\0l'c~ly \)\\II lL,lll'INI lJllllll. {;ti 11•1' \\•I.) i;tmd \11;r~ ltl~ 11.1.ltl Paint Your Castle \' t•r 1•,t I "l.\:. s;!'J.1 :! 'l\ ">'.1!15 l11l SJ!> rm l'1 1l·1•, and mtr'I l.il111r t;u;ir.111:-.r 111·1·'-'"l. TNI t;:m. ;1111;; cir ;,.,2 \11.M \ EH Y ;>; t·:A 1' 1'1\TCI I .wn:-.&TEXTL HE F1 l'C t•:.I. ll!l:J· I t:1·1 Roofing •..............•..•.•.. ltt-:1'.\IH:-. \l.l.T\'PES l(lo.1,1111,ilill'. I 11 1' ''"' · lw You don't 1wcd a gun 111 \\',dt 11:111 .i0:!1I ,111\ 11m1· '"(Jr.II\ t.1.,l'' \\ IWll \ 1111 • --• OPPORTUMITY k111111-., 11111·n "h1·11 '1111 uw r1· ... 11ll i.:1·11111~ 1>.1111 l'alot I l,i:.i.1lll•tl .\tis 111 I I' 11•h lht• I lr.1111.!I' l '1>,1,t 111a1 l.1·1 (i1111r clam f>l'l ud11r Crpl l\rclul :.llllknt will hl•l1J l'ICMllll•. lcr.1111 1.1.·. 'Jl'.·a~ [)1111 t d1'11p th1· l•.111 ' 1:11 ,, n •p.11r. 1;; ~,.,_ t"\IH llo ~11u i.:<'lyour hld1o: µcrm1l , ;ind m~1~.1 ~·n.rncc. (..di Juh \\Ith .1 lm1 ,.,,...1 IJ,111\ work m yself. H eb rm.bk rut1·:., ~m JOI>:. Hobat&lh!.121US l'llul Cl.1":.~111•\I .\d 1·'1111! \\hal \1111 \\ant in ~:Jl·lllUI 1173 1 l61i. l'h1•11t"ol:' ·,1.ix IJaily P1lo1 (•ta:.s1ficcJ, 11lal·•• .1n ad 111 lli1• Dully l'l.1 ... ,iJ11·tl \•h '' rl h1i.; l'alot \\'a111 .\d~~ C.:all 1111\\ ll•'lll' i-111.111 1l4•11h •11 I 'hum· li l:!·Z.11711 lil2 :;tiitl. '-Ill\ tll'tll 1, 1.! , ••• '< Office Rentol 4400 Rentals Wonted 4600 Lost & Found 5300Personals 535C Schools & l"f•lpWanted 7100 HelpWant,d 7100 Help Wonted 7100He lpWonted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Instruction ' 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ···········'··········· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...•.......•...•..•.... \\'.\~Tl-:t> 'l'<l liE:'\T· l 1Jr . , . . CENTRAL :! hccJi·1111111 hou;.l· n· l·Ol:'\U 1· .. m hlk \\ht COSTA MESA ,1,,1111,1111i.· ('u:-.t,• .\J c,a s!11'lhr l'nt1· _LH-. 1111 :u7 1·arix·h, tlrnp<'~. :11r ron :"l:l•wport 11.irbor ,Jl\'a l1 l'I lrom :'\ 11. pound tl1lao11111i:, .1n1pl1• p11rk ,\II 11 I I. ;-. 0 ... 11 .., l ,; 1,73 1160 _ mi.:. l\c)4) Sq ft. .111111111 H ('I l' .. l' IH" l"" Ii~". 7 I:! I Fnumf. Col hl' 1'"11111111 5 I(; Roy McCordle .dtt·r <!p111 1 t 'C I c· II ----Ill 1·.1mv11' a Reoltor 1810 Newport B I /I t / 1:!1:11 t:io tili 111r w:1:1 5!15!1 t"o:.t a )ll•1rn 5,18. 772U uFis .ness nves none• ~ •.....•.•..•.•••....... Found . 1\u:.tr. Shl•ptwnl Pupp). Fl•m;1lr . ri to, n r lllll<' Dolphin. ~II l'u 11 i;75.1:11lll lo 11ll•lll II\' 1 'd :\I, Ulill sq fl, i\ C , q >l:s, 411"(> .... ..i,., .1l11r. gar.1gc & pkri: lot. ;1 ti:I.' 1 ooms. :.=no mu. + utal 1\lso dt.•"k 'JlilCC~ & ,_111)!11• pl l t1 I f I I 1• ~I a :s I t• r I-• I h\lll'f llrnkl•rfi7:J. llltl L.\<; l ";\;,\ 1n :.w 11 llll 1n• 11rnfl'"' HJ5 Sq l't . 2 IJ:ilhll,; p11rk1111t h•l , 111 1.!h 11 -1111111 \' ('111 111·1. 'l fl'l'I h•l l'f: h0 .. IM' IOIMI :-; {'11a .. t 1 lwy l<l'llllor l!M 1.;:,1· ll1 .1 11i.: .. 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Business Opportunity 5005 •............••.••..... •1\l.U)JINU.\l F llHY SI 10.000 down ta kl·" ovl•r •IJHAl'E :\lFG. \\'Kll:\I 10.IHlll down take., over • POOULI·: (; ll0 0 :\11 :i.a: "FISll-& I '!S ii C II I I'S • llL:l 1. IJ 111>\\' SL" I' I' I.\' • llEEll STE,\1' llS I•: and "1· h:a ' l' mur" II II S 1711i Orani:t', C:\1 6 If.· I l 70 5 llHJtiUll Fill :--;o Fl'nl 111:11.·k L.1h, \It· ;>; l'\q1111 t & 11\ llll' ll111"<ll·r an•a 552 :1:r.1J F () t; :'Ii I> Tu rt I,. \I I" ~•'\I ll<JI I I k11:ht:. plt-.IM' 11ll·1111f) "u; :i·~1x FOLl.'\D :\lall.' h lk hrn ml\. dog, nr \'l•11,11lu . JI' II :j :;:;!! J1i,">11 • FOL"XU, gold (email• dog Coclctails/DinHouse \' 11· d 11" 11t11 '' 11 s .1 n (j HOSS S:!5.0()0 ~1 0 Ckml'llll" I~•:! Hh7:! 011111•r l'l\11111)! .1fll'I "Ill , • \\';Jl'-:-l'nc-e-r-..·dlll'<'d Lu l·11uml "111.;ll wh111· l'1111dl.• ~:l,IHMI \\1th :.'!l', do\\ II 11 ",r ~ ol l!tfi'i I\ I a 11 q11ahf11·1I 1111\t•r s1•.o1' l·cm \ 11· S p1111gil,1lt• ,'(, l4kl p.irb ;1o. "\1-,11· t hi• lln ,11Thll . II II X'll lill;it \\,11!•1 1\)!l 11:r. l~IHI fill:\ I) , I.! li·m Kt••· ,h1111 d. \'11· 1·:.1 ... llo lufl ARTS & CRAFTS Ell'lll ~I hi Iii I 01:1•1 Ill' :'\ ETS.,..l lt"-'111110 \' H I :.11: ; lttll 0\1 llCI Ml I \lltll" .tlll 111111111i.: ;'\urth, 11111~1 ...,.11 F u11111I \ 111111).! 1 .. 111 .!11• \\\•II 1111·:111•11 ,1o11p 111 1:,., ... 1111u11d , l.11111 ,11 S1111I h I 11 ,111;.: .. 4 1111111' :'\pll.-11 1'0111111 :'ll.1t·r.11111· d1·1 111111:1 i:1•. stu111ctl i:la-.... , 11• Will F11 1111 d Whlll' l'11n&ll1·. t r.1111. Hnni.: nt f1•r A~l '11•11111~ 11111\ 111<11' 11 II II HJi 121~1 1 \\ .olnut St 1 PLANTS &.FLOWERS Fill :'\I> \"w II II \'nll1r .'\; ETS :O.:l.IHHt .\IO Shl'p 111" \l:ol.• "'I 11111' lli•m.1rl..ll1lt• 'h"I' 111 al "1 11 ·:.: I 1· .1:. h • h ,1111 tllll'll l. hl>;I\\ lrnll t1,oll11· XIX K>:!:! .1r1·.1 1>_11.l y .''"1'''1.osT 1'0111\I.ii"1·1.·,1111 .11'111111rl :-i.111 .1·1.111l1.,1·o 1nli1r1•d d111:. ~1·11111l lfrh :.l\l1• 11111v :-..tUHlll full H i•11 ,1r .i :\l or:.:.111 p111e 11llh 1•·1:r·1•ll1·11 t '.!t'!Rf',0:.!111 11 l"llh i\i:t M37 1:!110 FOl'"\11 lllk 111.ilt• ol11;: COIN LAUNDRY ~..tlt·r 1..1h 1111:-... \\ c.1n11.: T11p Ol'.111i:1• t \11111t \ h11 .1 t' \I T.1i.::-. \'11· .'\I' 1111 d 111111 .17 \\,1 ... h t·1,,. I.! Ill 11111.:h,•:-.l cr . (;l,i'IJ C7 111·"''' .ill 111,1 • ••1·11111lo Fl.1 hc1 t, t11111l•1I < :r.1 ... :-.1111o: 111 1•\ · ABORTION C.:ou11M:li11g ,\ l<l'l, 11 .11 l'l l')! ll"'I ,, I ,111. \\ l..mh '..'I llr lh·lpl111cil7 !11~1:; •SO~\'\ ·s :'11.\SS.\(; LI Fur lhl' m.h:..1).!I.' ~uu·1,• lln·n \\,1 1t111i.: 1111 .... .ii l!:ll! ljlll) \JUll',ol l 1111 1~ UrattJ,:\.' (."u r11.a~~,.u..,•·', 11 nt<I :'111\SS \(;J; • I.lob .J .1111l'' I.al· )I ."~'-'ur Outt•a11 ... •1.\\I !1 1'\1 1'11 ~ti 11 MASSAGE I IOTEL OFFl<'I•: 1111\I E JI\" ,\l'l'lJl''\'l'.\11·:~·1 ti .011 1')11 11 I 1"),\.\I S·lll 1;11tL EXECUTIVE REGISTRY "\l.1,~.•i.:•· 1111 I h1• )Ian 1\h1• \\;111h tlw Xtra ... 111 Ii!·· lllllllt' lJll. ll11ld :'H!t li};hl Spiritual Adviser \I)\ IS i·: 1111 .111 111,1l11·r:. HE \Ill "\1:s d.1111 l.11· 'I \ \I 1111'\I I 1.rl I·'. F11 't SI :-i.\ The Gentle Touch Ill Tl" \I.I. \l.\s:-. \Ii I•: 1·· .. 1 lh1• ""'I l<l'l.1\111 .: \1,1"-,ll;t" l'.oll i.ol :1•1.tl \ I' \10-. ;\I \SS \1; E l.1\11' I'\ 1.E \I' lll'T ~·1 1MIO FF~1lh \II E'-P"' \ 11111111'-! I: 11 I ... :\11111 :-i.11 11 \\I lu I \\I :-i1111d.11 I I '\l t111:! \l.111i11~ill I'"·· II l'.11 I..\\•'. ("\I t11h 1•1•11 hllo 'llill MISSING! t;E l.tl 0'\1 1·1, \; \ n I ,\)!l' :.!'l, llo!I ·, ..! '. l'all .... 11.·1 1 lit:: ll:l'i!.! S60 Divorce S60 Fa:.t Sl'I '11" :1:.1 .i:!f>tl •LAGUNA BEACH• l:!1Wli.11 II 11110111nwrnal '"•"'•· 111 \'11·1111111 llcarh .1 r ,. ,1 I. I.' .1 ~ l' r (I r 1·1•:.s of :-.1111111 .11111 J.:1"11\\ l.11'1 l'l'•''\"l I p t 11111 ___________ 1 111g T1111 l111 ... v O\lllCI :.a\o., i:l.1 .. :.i•s 111 hr1m11 I","\' ... ,.11 ~1 :11H111 tull l'lll'l' \"11· ("1<llo11' '"" II.ii '4 •. M llllllllh HORI NS REAL TY * 494-8057 * IDEAL SHOPS Sdl.'1"11•11 ~hnp ... /!.:. 11ff1t'<' ... .,,,..,. :.1,111 Th·· Var lt•I\ l:!,1 \\ :hlth Ill lhl" h1'.ll I Ill 1·J11111·1 ~ \'ill.1g1• l• .. 11 1111111 .ill Iii.I !1:1:1,I "Ill•· I' 1:111 I·: Iii h "' t 1.-t.1 \lt-,.1 \111'1 II\ .li'1 ''I' II \ \', p \1 h.1th. I'·'""· 1·1 pl .... ""'' ,, 1 •• 11 ""' \\ ,1[1•1' p.11d 1lu1 h• \ :111t ~.I~ I ll•X •i. Sl) Fr l'•""' \11·'·' (;I .I I 11 Ill• 1111'.tl 1111 1•1111 \I 1·ol , 11r 1:1•11 I 1111 I '1 I..~: \ l ' 1111 ,. 11 'I •.q 11 "'II I 1111 "I II :-1 !1:'1 Ill(" 111 d .•l!t M(,,,·, •• , .u1 ·1:'on 1: \II\(:!•,,'\ ·•11111r1·, ,.,,,I I .th !o>I """I \lt• ... 1 1~M1 !o>q II . 1lu11hl.• 1111111, IHI 111• 011ll ,li.•\ln Ht•.11••11"11111 ~ 1'1•1 1• • • hj:. t.7UO • • Industr ial Rental 4500 ................•...... "1WNIS\) Fl' :1•1;,, Ill Hl'll :--; II \(; l•;'l;'I' . .t t ;111:1'1 1_n1 ~11 It '' lrnH1 ''I II \ C .,lll<'l' 'l"H 1' •• \II IH',11\•d H .1 n d 11 I p h ~ 1. l' t" I ,1 ,, ............. , • ., .• hi l(~··tt F111 11'.l'l'. ;, 11011 :-q.ll ·'' .111 111 .111 1n.tu ... 1n11I ·" 1·,1 Ill lh',llll 1.:11:1111.1 '\11!11••1 1-'.llll!U<tll· 11p 111•1 llllllt \ 1111" .1 111·11 1111'' 111',, lt1•111 '' ;!111· )ll"r ''I 11 x ll II• 10 'l\•ro1i:. Ai:t x:n 1:!1111 1:.1.111111.i.11151!1 n"" ,11t1 OPTICAL MFG '\1•h "\.'IHl.IHHI \ 1• \l.1k1•.. 11pl 11·.i1 t.·n.. I "I i.:l,l'SI'' 11111;111.il 111\111"1 r1·t11111 .: .ot1t·1 :!:-O '"'" ,., .... ,1111 ~ ...... ,. ,\i,!l I.OST l>Ol: till.. '"'" ••d It 111.d1· 'I 11rk1•\ '1'11 1111·11dl\ 11·tl 11111.11 11 11',l'h. 111" 2ot li ~I 1111 !"~' :r. 11; H1•11 ·" d ' I.OST 111)! hi~ llt1i.:. hail l''r, l.'IHI hhH' 1'1111.1 r " 111 ut.1M1X 1'11111111 ,.: 1111 ... 1111•,, in Fl Ii.Iii ~i!/I; H•·\\ .int Congratulations Troy Dale Tolbert Ill Son 111 tlw l1111111;r .J ,u·kiP ,f1tll1'' +d 1l11u\ln•'1on lk':odl 1111 \ 11111' ~· .;l~ll·• l111111111111 l\illt111 11111• ll11:h Sd111ul 1n l.11u1 .. 1.111.1 '1111'11, 1111'1 \'11 ... 1111111•1•. HH '\ll ....... 11 l1•1'11PI .11ul 11rh 111·1\ 1•q111111111•111 t , I' 1,, lo',. 111 , \' 1 1 Social Club' 5 400 !\l:!OOO \h~t·. ".x1; _!1,uu \l.lJ,?.nult.• \d.uu,, II H •• ••• •••••• •• •••• ••••• • Investment Opportunity l"~I IH:!,'1 \\',1111 .1 d.111·' \ct• n ..... IJ \Ill' 1.1 h I· ·1 <I IH :--; t·:. 5015 F•111111I \11w111.1111'11 1111 11 11\'I;('1: s I' 1111 TS • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'l't I I lt1r .. ~ ,,, \ ·,1 I I\\' Local Trust Dee d s 1111111 L: 111 h .11; !II t1o l\lt:hl''l </u.1h1' ~ \ 11•ld \\ 11 ("1,11 "'" 11,.111,1•1 H ll '\I 1 \l.111· II••'<-1111·tl 'M;l:I ,,X't •fl,( I ii.7 '' \\l\lt•• t ,111 •~!h1t• llU\ 1l,1 llw1.1 1 •,.11 111 1., .I t 1-l 1 Money Wonted 5030 . • ••••••••••••••••••••••· l·<H '" \ ,.,,. '"''*'" \\ \'\I' !'Ill lttlU .l .1 \I" I ;,.111' 'illl•p. _l'll l'l''_ ·'I' ,,., 111 ,,11 11, 'I I 1 1,11 11.,111,. p111\ .t 111110.,. 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Personals 5350 It\ l I UIH l 'i, fh'1 ~nn .1 l •••••••••••••••••••••• M'I, 1,·1· 111 :-otir h1111w 01 j ut I ll'I' 1.r . 4 I'll 111.1 •• 1, ha'· ' 1'1 11111• ...,,111\(MJ :11111 'I'll .11 111 • 1111 \I .11111111• d.111· ~I ~ '" lll•Jtl~ I' u llo\ .111.I.' tlr,1111;1•. l'.1 !l.!loh:i Outcall Massaqe \\" 1-: I '11\11: T O \ I il .,to ''!.!l(l ;1fJ 11 1'\I lhinl.1111• "'''"'•'Ill ' l'.111 .\11 11h11l ll1·l11l1111 · :!·I hr ... 1111.1\ 11:i:-1-:vn11 FISll Tll \\ l"I. l:OlllJ T l \I I·.... I j l I ,·,:11.•th.!J 1·,.111 I 'I p111 \I'll ( Iu lo Tra•el 5450 •..•...•............... D.J Tra•e l Sn 17218 Pac. Cst Hwy 12131592·1620 846-8620 PARIS/LONDON TWA ROUND TRIP \S l.!l\\ \S ':JJ'I \lpl IHfl.tl l.111 .. 111 .111 1'11111 ' ..... 11 11111: ,I I ''I.• Y11111 1h11111· ot 1"' 111U·tl nr 11ull-p• 111ll111111 .. \• I up 011 \0111 .1r1 1\,1I 111 1•:11r1•l'" Tn11r 1111'111d1•' • 111 t r.111'<(1111 1111 1•111 ll1111111l t111• l1"111 l.<111tlu11 SutH*fltlt' rpur c1. .... -.. llnl t•h \1 11-.I 1111',lh, :.11.hh, .. 1110.: .11111 Em.:11 ... h s1110,1kt11g '11111 w1 ' Tahitiait,Holiday Fine\t Hotels !•~•I !o>q Ft ok 1\ 1~.1r<' 111 •11,1· 'I'·"''' .1111 ,..., II 11111 <II" \iri•·11·i ;;1:1 1 ixo Announcements/ • • Persol'tals/ !o>l'llll n · \I. Ht-.: \llf.H ll11e n 111 \~I Ill I' \I ,\11\ ll"l' 11111111111.olh'I ,, :11,! '\ l':I C.1m11111 111·,11 S.111 Clt•1llclll{·, Fnr .1 ppl 111 D.\Y~ , '\II; 111 s T.111111 Ii 1111•''· \llolll"t',I "~1·1 tl111 l111lt11:.: \11t.1r1•1 1 ·.111 \111 'Ii lo l .1h1t 1 ltd \11 :--=1•1\ I.Intl IJC11l D.J TRAVEL 17218 Pac. Cst Hwy Hunt'9 lch 846·8620 Dottie or Jan 1•111 \,lllv 1111111-1 I'~. Lost&Found 't'\\ 1' •h•(•to ,tlvd :ltk,O ' f ••••••• ... ••••• ••••••. ••• 11l f11·1·1i.hn11. <?Ill\ I Lo1t&Found 5300 .: ,, o .1 tu p . ' I ~:; n1 •• •••••• • ••••••••• • • ••••• 1r1:! !~1:1 1 _il!ll ~1:111 &nploymen! & f'reporat1on 1liJ lil. ol l 1171.11 F"nunol 1;11 lllrl"H'rlll Sm ~111111 tor 11·nt 1rlco,il I inn" l ~1111~1;i.....,, . ., \'11• """'"''oi·l.,11111, ,111r,ir.:i·, l111 111 -i1 huc1I C\I lilt; '•lllli , I<" ... 1111111111 o1111 ll:llHl \I 1 1t11d1hni: • 111 pa \l'" lot 111 1· .\I For .... 1k, n•nt 11r 11.1dl' 111;, 1.'l:I:! 1>1111'1 l.!1\1' up lh!' -.hip' "l.1!>l .. ll Ill I l.1,.,_il11•1I Sl11p lll :.h11t1• rt•:.ulh' ,; 12 :.m11. MASSAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIGURE MODELS Scho~ls & ESCORTS lnstntetion 7005 Outrall /\11111 onh• ll11111l' 1)11 !\'{'· ~l 1111111 631-3811 • ..••............••..... lie I! 11111111i: 01 I I '.1111111111 r1.1, .. 1"• "'i lur :1 "'" l).1,:-'''"' Ill.I 1:!:11 BE A BARTENDER Full or Port-Time Ill.' n •ady to work ''" :i µroft·~:.w11.1I b:irknllcr 10 l Wl'l'k. Fn·c Joh plal'c ASSEMBLERS \\'l' wall train . :\l,1d~rl•lo:or Ya.cl\l l"11ri>. 11131 l'IJn:nll.i, Cu:.ta :\lc .... 1 m c n t as 'i 1:. l .1 n (' t· ASSEMBLER 7t t x:i.1 1:160. 1111-1 1·: tilh c'H st. :;,1nt.1 .\11,1 i\11wncuri ELECTRO/ME 11.irkn•kr,; Si·huol :\1111 2 yr:. l.'Xt>l'I'. l'rrnl ------·• :.uldcr1111:. :i:-~111hl ~, ,'(. Jobs Wanted, · 7075 •......•......•....••.. El<p D1•pl•ndnbll' 1 ~1dy t1 du hc1u:-.cl lc.1111ng. Own trJn' h:Jl :!2311 dnll 11rc:.:. H·11. l"o prl lilt• ,v., hos p 111 :.u1. l'all 1i42 801«) ASSEMBLERS lmmcd opcnani:~. l'11·1"1r11 1Til'l'h:1n1t·al ai-:.l'mhh•r:. ~ 5U Ill'!" hr + :!5l' :1:i1 11 .. r B.111k EXPERIENCED· FULL-TIME COMMERCIAL TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 222 Oceon Avenue La9una Beoch (7141494·6546 l.1n•1\•l.'d ll.1h~·s 1lll·r, m~ h11111,• hr li.111us. Xlnt I 1111 gl'' 1\11 t·.q11al llra11i:c C1•. Airport hwil· 01l11orl unity Em1~.lo~ 1·r 751 Ill~•" L1t 'd ll.1hy:.1t111ll! 111 m~ h o ml·. Tl.(' & ni ce 111111 hl':. i 51 OOlili 1'1•:11 l llllr!'<1' lor pvt dul' 111 nimp.11111111 111 h11:.11. ur hm '"'' ~,501 ~:~ ,llTlllllll,llll t\ :di Ill 1111· lll'l'tb '' rk .II hunw Y "u :. l I r l' .1 ~ • I .: " 1;1:! 1-.:1 1 Help Wanted 7100 .................•.•••. ACCOUNTIMG DEPT SUPERVISOR lhd1h 1-.1m(ll"ll'111 F Chi.: 1~"'"•·•·1,..1 1111 11 I' ,v, I. II 111111 Ill~ I ... 111.111111 l")I, f't-11 iU ft ( d I-ti U~fitll\tol ;: \lillam1 lll'r 'I ''' 11111n· :'\1'<•cl I"°""'" h.1nh111rk· 1111: h1 i:h \ 111t11111• pr11 dUtl'I" \\ 1•11p1·r Ill M'lllll)! 1111 ,\ 111.1tfll:lllllll)! 11111111 pl1· ... ,.1 ... 111 l11111k' .... , .111 l1 un. ,\pply '!lum 1.:111pm, _ :1 1 ~ l•'t :sc hcr . l".:'11 . ----------5 1!1 :18J:1. ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN \\'111 k \I llh J.:1 llllp ll'.ldl'I ~ "I ., Ill .1 I I t" I ,. (' l I II llll'l·h'.11111·,d ~II 1l1·h •" :o.t·miJI) l'l·• f11r111 :.<'lllll' ul J""l'llllil~ l'llllllillh'lll & 1111rk ;,t,1t11111:. l·:,11•·1 Ill' , ..... hll' STACOSWITCH IMC 11:m 11.1kl•r, l 'n,la :\fl-,,1 549-3041 ~:qua I Orr)l)r i-:mplo~ 1·r AUDIT CLERK Uanl. EXPERIENCED PART· TIME COMMERCIAL TELLER ' UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 6 Monarch Bay Pla1a South La9una 17141496·1273 17141831·1970 \11 l :q11:ol 11pp<11 t llllll y Ein µloy1•1' ll.1 r ;\l.11d, 110 '-''ii' r lh'l"l'"'·lf\ 1.11111.' .\i.:i.:w,,, xii ;,111 111 .. 11•th·1:111\\.11111·&1.11111111 :CREW MANAGER l'n•\\ 111.111;1!.!l'I" l o '11pt·nri.1..• l1oy-.; '' :.!irh :ti..:I'' 10 to Iii, ~lu-.l h.1\"t· c!i-p1·11d.1 · 1111· tr:111-.pnrl:it11111. (;011cl eom111i-.sw11 p h i ... ~.1 ... 11l 11w :ill•J\\ ;11w1..• \\'orf :l·CltJ ~" X.:ltJ p ,11\. ()p1..•lltlt:,: Ill l 'll:'l.I ~lt•,,,;1. :'\l·\\J1111'l H1.•:il."1 1. l·:I Torn. ,\lt:-:-.ion \"1" .111 :1rca :-. I 1ho111..· ti 11;.x11x I lor a ppt•iill· tlll'lll .j Equol Opportunity Employer CREW MANAGER Cre w Manager in Sun Clt'm c nll' a rea lo s upl.'rv i s c Jun io 1· s alc s m.1..·11 . T op 1·111nmission plus gasnlm c .allowanN•. :\1 usl ha vc clcpcn<lt1ble tra ns portation. No C'xpr rknt'\' n cl'<ll·d. Phone 751·51n or (j46·8fi8·1 Equol Opportunity Employer Help Wanted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 ......•....•.•••••••..• ····················~·· CLEANING LADY ~I :'\111•, \\ ~ 1i11111 .! .111.1111 l~111tl.1hh• :--; 11 .. 1, hid~ Ill llrs. S11·,1dy \\Ul I.. l'hfll14' lo I I CH1I"> Cle~ninq Lady \l.1l11r.·. 11•li.1hl•·. I 1\1111 :111•.1 l<•·I, .>f>!t li . .X .oll •• ,lllplll DRIVERS WANTED \I 1•11 tll \\'111111'11 \I u'l h1· :!:1 or"' 1·r \ppl\• 111 1' .. 1 ..... lll Yellow Cab 11 •"tl Sl..t4•r \\1·11111· I "11111,1111 \ .1111•\ j - d.111! '"'l '" n1'l ,,111.1111·1• •''-1'1'1 . ")!'ol l.'111' dt•\ 1'11111 llll'lll & :>UJ)l' I I 1:.111 \ ,dll I 11 .I . X I 11 l f 111 U I' t • II \OllllJ!, .1 ggn·:.,l\l" -.;11lho.11 111,111111 1·11 lm·al 1·tl 111 llr.1111:1• \0 11 I I \1111·1,• .111 •'\trl·ml'lv 111 ll"lllJ.!••111 1wr ... 1111 w ,, ti,\ 11r .! \I' Im 111 ,il ,1('CtJUlll 111:.: ~·dul.1t11111. l11ok111 J.( 1111 .1 I .ti l't'I jolt. l"olJI ~11 ... Slwncl.111 \i i 11 ~1 l!I 11~.11 lk·1·,_ .11 n 1r,1t1· t11:11n· ,1p' 11 lldl' \\ klHl\I kdi.:1· 111 10 kt'~ I.it.• I) p111i.: \\"111 I r.1111 1111 g h t p••r,1111 \\ 111111 I ~ r hU!'>lll\"'" 1•\ l1l"I° ;._lllt \\11fkllll: l"•llHb ..... 1·11 llC'11l'l 11'. l'hll lll 1t 11 t:lfiO l'\l :I:! I nr a 111>1~ IXO :--=1•\\ p111•1 Ctr llr. :'\ II >I.Ill) ~111111 Tt ll'l J\111111 ll11 I'""' p.1rl 111111• 1;1111!1 11pply ,, I '11·111 ·" 1!11"l•l111111-1 J.11 lt•t'Jl1o11 ihX 111x1 r1•t11111knl h1111 I s1.1r1 DR.'S ASSIST. '1111111-: l.111) 111( :!l'IJ lo ti• It·~ 1t nu., t •1 rn .1 ... ,:1 t..'.•' 111 c ..... t.1 \I, .1 lw.oll h ~JI·' ·'" 1''-11 '" • \\'l' :...1·11tl ltl .,, h1111I ·'""" .ill\ ·"' "' ''"''• !!U:! l1J1 livr llh d t ·,, ... , •• , .... ., •• \D~ll"STH \Tl\'E \IElllc" \I. UE:\"I \I. 1·.u :c nw:--=Ks \I ECll \\I ICS Sl"J'l't.Y \\ ,\ 11 l·:110L·s1 '\t: 1'0ffi\:S - .1111l 11t lwr:- Auto Sales Position Open P1 ofl•,,:.11111al salt·~111•r,on 111•1•1lcd tn r1111nd 11111 11111 .u!~l t''!"i1 \ '-' ~d ll'" fo1' 4 \\'" nllt•r 1h,• lolhl\l 111i.; • 111•1110 1'1 :0" •\Vl'••kl\' ll<lllllM" •\ ,1('.tt11111 l'l,111 •Top l"11mm 1:.:.11111 .( ;111111 llPlll ... • \l.-11110,1 I I., .i!h\I L llwck ::it.ulW.U Earle Ike Im pons Volvo Toyot \ 1·h ,1\:! ~I~• hr ~1111 \<"I"-,1,11 l ..... , Ill 111 ,\ 0(1 I' 11 t t1m•· )111 .11 .11'1• • • I'.'\ ,\ hull' -.;., l"\11 111 .. \•'"Ii :11 .111111 111,.l•---------- \nlH' ll1•sl'rv1• F11r 1111111• 11110 til 11 r.~7 :111:11, 1:!1.1 i .;u 1 11 •1•1 \II 1I1.&11• \ llll 111.111.1 J.!•' ,, 1111:.1111"'' ol .\11111" 1111 II \\ 1111 1Htl1•llfl,il Ill \l.'1IHI 11111 hi II ld'll; 12:1 Aides & Orderlies \II '11111". I',\ I h1,1l111• llo~p1r.tl. l'lll '1ill.! 111 o.,.lf Iii I AVON l ike Feeling Indepe ndent, Be in9 Your Own Boss & Sellin9 Part-Time? Fii .\ \"tl:--; 111111 '11111 -.dwcl11l1• I l.1> <'I 1111 °1111-1•1 "''"' 111•11pll' ..... 111 .1~1· J,;ood tt\t\lh'\ , .... t 1.,.,' l .• u, .1um1L 1t 1 all ,, 111 iull 111 %1•111lh 7 1:1·.·1 \ 111.111 '" llll'< pa1t1I /\-1•01 •11 111.1\l'h tur ,111111 11:11111 ... 1111 1· !o>••11d 11·-.11m ·· 1 .. ----------• l•t\ 1;; il"i. ~:1111.1 ,\11.1 AMELIA'S I • l,11..on ),( ,1ppl11•.111"11~ II.di\ ... 11ll'r111·1•1lt·d IJ:o" 1 ·111•1111.1111'1 ;\l.1r 1.i.12i1.11-.1111•\ , .... 11 1111111••r"11" IX"' 1111•1 ll11hv-.111•r 1111 11·1~ l11r 111 1111 po 111"11" 111 ll111111 c ,1111 on\' h•11111• 1. :111 I :t' H111 l'\11•·r,..n11•d \('pl \I F '\"pl ll.11 .1n'.1 111 pt•r'• 1111 h1•1\\\'< II :1 < ;, hi:I jl)iX. l'\I .llHI 11.111111' (',l lhl'I 'I'. 1 lh 1 lh• ,\rdH·' I \1111.11111•, H1•f11wll <'11111p.1 1111111 l 011<11.. lnr \ 11u11:: 111 1.1p.11 1t :1l1•d Mo \r olll \11•111.111 1;;;1 :urix 11.olho.1 1 • .. 11111 ll.1 llh Ill" \hirll.!JJ.:I' n .1 nk Ill;! Firm r.-l1H ,tlllll~ Ill '\;1•\\ p11rl 11. .. 11·h h:o'I 11p11111·111111(ll'' l11r. BEAUTY OPRS 11 foll 1\"1:.1.1nt "" •h:1m IHlll i.:11 I 1111 :-. II •;.il1111 h 11 IMllil 111 Ii Ill 1111:.!.I lk.1ul~ S.111111 n1·rd~ , p.11 I llllh" 11·• ••pl 1111110.l 1'h1m1• . x·t:1 11:111x 111'.llll \ 11111·1.11111 \\ .1111.•11 S11nll" tolln" 1n;.: c11nd lo11t not tu i •• ,!-1.ll'' c .. ,1., \11· .... 1 :-h1tp i i>! 1;1o17 Ill 1:11 1111:1 .11l1•r ,, 11111 1 n I! w .1 l 1• '.. , ·, h r Jl.1 \ 1" 11 ,\I ,u111r, :i;,11 \\' n .1\ (' \I (';ill lnr "f7Pt (•----------Jfo:.1111 \l:lllJ )II :0.1111)11111 I 11111. ClerkTypist S600 111111111 1'11111.'r 11111,11 s . .i,., 1111·. llul'-1 :i11&1111i.: S.11\•-. ·~;s s:r.R EXEC. SECTRY I 'ump.in." S;1111.1 ,\11:1 Switchbrd Trne S450 l.iwal 11 .. n1.. Sm:oll :ot'I \II 1• 1·11mp.111\ IP'\ II .1rt•,1 Ill"• !I~ l'\111"-,i Viejo Employment 111 •ii•·,~ 1011 :i 1 ,. , 1•1 ACJency ,., 11 t.11' :\hhl Ill' .111t.· :!~i.i2 :'11 ari.:111·1111• l'kr 111 t111 lochl J11111kk1·1·111111•. S1lllP Iii \1 1 ...... 11111 \"11•111 111ed pul1lu·, Xlnl l.'lllSI, Blckpr/Full Charge 1 hll.011111~-. .\\1•1 ,. t'\11 1111c•l hi:1·111 h,1111 \1v1 l.111 .. f11r H1•.d l·~ ... t.1l•' I ·11. r.-q Call 831·924 0 ,\ .1hl1• 11• 111:11..1• lo11 i: 11•1111 1:•1e11I l"11111rn111111:ot111111·----------1 111111111il'llH111 I'll·"'· 1·ail ~1..111,. .• t h).!ht I~ p111g l'.oll 1.;.1 1·,'!-, ,1fl 1i l'\I "' "'1111 ltlll·tt~tt--H.1" •I --;. ou1 cuutuJu, ............ .u.;.;i.wLW. ___ _. COOK-BRrAKFAST '" \ 11 1.,111 H11x11111-. Boys & Girls 10 111 11 yc•;i1.., •if ai.:•· tl.ii Iv l'ol«l cll"ll\l'l"V 11111\4:' m :1\ IJI' "' Jol;1hl;. 111 """ .ti•'.• F.1111 p111l1t l11r tll' 11\1•111'' ,'i: 1·.1,.h, 1111'" Ill 1111•n t1.1nd1 , l"' "·111111• !It'll 'II"" 1111111111' 1'111 1111111Ill.ii14111 pf1°.I'•' I ,ol I .. I.! I.I • I I I "111 )', .• II ( ·1i 1111•111 I S.111 .I 11.111 l'.1p1i-l1.11111 ·'''"· 1.111 1·1·, 1~ .. 111.11111 \11 '1•111 \II' 111 I.I '""' .111·.1, 1.ill .1111 1:1 ·11 I :11u.ll l)ppnr 1·'.111pl".' '" Ho:1t 1·nmp.111v 111•1•1b. t''< pl'I 11•1111•d .1 ....... 11111111•1 o., ,\ •• 11p1·nt1·1 •. "·'' 111111 Ill t• II '. II r ol t I• II" \' '- j>\' Ill' 11 • ,. l'lw W1ll.11 ol 1 ·11 . 1:11w: l.•1;:.111. 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(" \I \.\I\\" \Y l>IS'l'llllll I flll olh'I , 011p11rl111111v l11r t.!tMMI ~·:•nun,.: \\'t• ,,,,,,t F111 .1ppl 1-.111 t."i.I liH•• l-'11.\ \" \ ('()\ \' lJl,\ ~ lltJt1l..k1 •1•1•• 1 lur ('I'\ 111 l·l '\111·.I< :-i llll'l'f.:11 1111• 111 111•,1111 l..1i:1111a 111"1' "·''·''"' "1"'11 F11111 ,. l11•11d ll:-•• ll iii I \I 1 , GENERAL LABORERS \ 11 ' II 1• I I II I' o., I' I" \ I I ' I' l1·l1·ph11111• 11111•1 ,1tor :I 11 ... 11111 1:11 Viri>1 t•1r :111 1•11111 ,\ I' I' \Yl<Ol.l.Cl.H" E\11. w11 h e11m 1111t<'r .: t' 11 , • 1· a t l'll 1).1 y r o I I l11•lJ1f11I I Yr 1•\p 111 ,\ l'r Ill l..l'I. G.tll :\Ir. ll:irn'. ;;,1 ·~.111 Assembly W or leers 1.1tr 1111111111 l\tu"'l s pl•ak 1-:ni;h~h l'r rm 1m-.111n11 L'n:-ta :\l rs.1 71 t t..11 llillO ~l ll"I 111• t.1m 1llar \lllh llr11c h 7 11 K:t.1 :!~1111 111 1 "111.~I<" F ~:'II \ 1' 11 \ i 11 1'11 :llMll \ .\ Lil'\\'. 111.111 1111a.;111J 111111 1.0 \.'\ Sl·.H\'ll'I: HEI' ;\1 11~1 111• 1.11111l1.1r 111th Vlll,\H ' F\.\I \ 1"111\ \ \ t 'll'\\ . l':'lll ll1'~11ta111111,. \('C'Ol"'\TI:--;(; t"l.1':111°' Should h.i\l' ,, i:t•m•r.11 1>11f'l.q.:ro1111d 111 Ile.ii I :,1,1\l' & .\t·l·11llllt 111g. ("1111t;1rl l'.11 nl W1111llw:arcl ·~1:! ll•·•l ll1111l..kl'l'll1·r S.ol1·-. l'o" 111111 l•>r 111 ~1· '""II· So1111• hl.l..pn ~ k1111 \\ I. \\ill lr11111 l or hakt• ,,111•, I" 11m1·. 111•1·111 ~ .. ·:1 ~!Im 11111 C\l 11•n. 1:!11 ~. Iii h SI. C ;\I r..i1: 1.it~;; llool.krl'Pt'r, p.1rt 111111'. :! oi :11h ~ "I. 1111111' I k\I hlr 1,jj.hi.111 ~· CASHIERS F t11l11' 11\rr :!t (io•KI 1'1i...1t 11111:.. :; I.or METRO Q.t.R W4SH illflll ll11rhor Ill. l' :'11 J11lll'' lknl.il ,\,., .ast:i111 11111 111111' 1; ...... 11p11•11 l1111tl\ ~ ;i 1.1' y ()I'\' 11 1· .1 I I Ii lh 2h Vi . DIRECTOR OF NURSES ""' 1"111.11111• l".11 1ht \ I'll; .'1ilt '111 X'll 1 Ii I DISHWASHER ll.11' I I\ .. r :·I. !o>1111 ,\ "" '""t !l~:lll \V I '11 I ·l 1111 \. :\II -..: 11 l'h111w ('a II lla\I' ""mdh111.: I•• •.1•11 · I ·1.,...,1(1ell ;111' 1111 II \\ 1•11 COLLEGE STUDE .... TS WORK NOW!!! \ll1•ti1:11 ,. phmw ~<:.: rl'ho1 Iii.· ll'.111"1' l.1111).! ~ ... hml 1<•1111 a"1i.:nml·111' 111111 1f.1\ ,\;\.II ,1111111 11,1 I VOLT Tl'~AAY .. nv• IN 3848 Campus Drive 546·474 I I ,\1 rm.:-Fa nm 111 ani.:1· l"n \1rprn tl l•:q1111I 01111or Em pin~ l'I" I Ol\IL v P1LO r C' I I tWp W..t.d 7lOG'H.-, W•lted 7100 Help Wonted 7 1 OIJ H~p Wont~d 7100 Help W°"ted 7100 H elp Wonte d 71 0 0 ·················J··u··:..-. ·,·OR····················· ~;;~~-~~··············· ..................................................................... Help Woftted 71001Help W.ted 7100 AppllOftC•$ • 10' Q " LYM lh ... d I. I.ah '-•1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. •• ... ..._.. •••••••••••••,••••••••• SALESMEN ~ft>di cal1nn & rh ur~l· PHONE SALES Join ~I SALESMEN · Prc\i:hl O :i mnJic tlotpolnt B G. l 0 "'~o nurse ror l'.\I "hill Full •r'n··· I 1 U.1\ 1 1.1111111~ S11le. 3308 w. W:1r1wr, oys & 1r s 1 · 15 yrs. old, earn ..2 ·S50 Lim t.' e..; 11 011 ~ ~ 1 &. t·,•H•~,. 12 lo 1 C y ears of age wanting to earn $.20 ne11r JIJ 1 wr. Sonta Ana. per week ~elt1 ng new customers for h~nerns. \pplv 1""" ·l'.!11111.11 1 ... l'1v~1 Jir l o SSO or more per week. Chance to win the Daily Pt lot. Work hours are 3;30 l o ~upcrior 11,·,ilLlh .11, ""' "·1"'", 1r.1n':"' ·,1u 111' tn ps to Philadelphia , Washington D.C. 8:30 after school and a few more hours 1115 Superior "'''" "'11 Phone Sales pcoph:, male or fe m.ill • 11; • • 1 1 ·, 111• • "' •10 1• o r Cu pc K ennedy; c ash, bikes. S t d & h I d Th. · t G-12 i.110 t.o 65 ycur:., of agt:. C uaran!eed \\a~<''-l nuntv k d f on a ur ay o 1 ays. 1s 1s no a ----h 1 , i1,, , • 11 1 n .• 111 go. arting an other prizelS . J you live l N d I. · ur 1:um m l~!-i 11111:-250 W<•!->I I 7l St rl'l'l , pape r rou e. o c 1v cr1e s or HURSEtlYMAH l·.1111,,1111.1 in Cos ta Mes a . Newport Bc·at·h. collecting. Transporalion provided. f:xix:r'd. f time ~f .1lu11· Suit o . Co::.ta Mes~. between 5·oo & • I \•f\1·rt11111•111 'l.Jlhln Huntington Beach or El Ton r l\tiss 1on .Yoo must Jive in Huntmgton Beach male. ov11r 2 1. 6 Oa):. Ill ~.JO p.m . 11 1111 "("'11 ltf 1•'l 11' ,I~ Vtl'"JO :lr('~l . <'<Ill l).Jt{·86H~ and a.~k ro1-"0uthof Slalcr l oqualify. du.Jmi:~.Mt&Sun W"'k i.1 11111 111011t.111l111i::,·1111r :\1 . "' w plllnts & trel'~ Dt•hv lh .ti L ,1.111 l.11·l·n:.~· • I'. !:iC'utl. • 53fS-~ SJ hr & up. Luguna lhllr. .., C..11 Equal Opportunity Employer n 1-:1-·n 11.1::1tAiOftS W \SllEllS OltYERS Jh •nin1ht1u1w tJ ll••IJU~ 61 t-'r t.'t Oa m:ig 'd. . Gu<1r1tle l ~I YF.ARS IN 0 C. DUNLAP'S 1111~ Nl'" porl Ul\'d, C~I CALL 5·111· 7780 C1)1)cl look1n ~. runnini: Help Want~d 7100 Help Went•d 7100 fMr1~. ~J:J.~Zs. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Equal Opportunity Emplov<:r Nurseri\ rnc • t:I Turu 1•°' 0e~ Employtt Bill Rory ~5653_. ----132-5440 H.lpWonted 1IOOH.tpWant•d 7100 NURSHAIDH H.tpWOftted 7100 Help Wante d 7100 -· •••••••••••• ••••• • ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bw (ding starr h1rin~ due ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••• •• • •• • • • •••• SECRET ARY/ AS~T lt'C' !\hiker R1·frlgcralm . J o increase ce.nsus f:x. {il1',.WICAPPEH .1eense<I P syc hlat ~c per only for a ll i-111rt,. ·TARRELC.;: To l 'rntl'.:l i\lun:is:•·rs TYl'IST I The \\'1lhom Lyu11 Co PART· TIM& I 0 1 ht r ,\ pplwnecs 5/Hh\: • 5 :!:!. J l.J 2.177 J . J1Jo:.1t~~;1n.H~LI, ~t!~hn1ci:rn; l>;iy s h1Cl. Stable empluymcnl. "-Int , JI-," t-.L.U.~t!'i 1.~~831·1774. benefits . ~1j(ht d iffcrcn Now intf'rv1c w1r1i.: fo r tia l App ly a t 1"11 k PRODUCTION TYPIST IBM SELECTRIC II 1926-1976 :-I U burlder1J i:vt-lo p .. r l\.:\\pnrt \'On!'>ul\1111( firm Mil'roWa\'t.! ov1•n, s hu1 () ~····I., .1 ,,.•If !>l<J rllllJ! ne<•1ls 1·,1pablo typ1::.t t w •b r o w n ing u r111 :'l:u person 10 Klfl wraii & tlo L1t1u11r Clerk part time, S ', (' H • hlc cleam11" i\ ... •ly in mght:. & "knJ:.. Over :JO, l~v,~ns?r o nv. ~·!>uJl RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT TRAINEE :.e~ .V lo """~' :i 11ru1ei·t h J 111.11 t.' l y fl In I! u n d ::.530 Sell Sl !>9. 581· 11-17 mana1:l·1:.. l 'onsl ruN1on ... ,..,, d 64?6537 , .1 u 1n ·11or. ,, perso• only betwn ttlum ,'!'~'.:'~-· r..12 2110 ph11111· .. ~tonday lhrous:h ----trnckg ru11n<1 ('SSl'Ol tal Frida \' l ·!il'.\I s:s Per G.1·: 21.7 ('U , n. F'ro~l lr1·<· & 12 noon So. Co.t:-.'t l.Y:"i·Doctnr's OHIC'e Call -:- 1 - Plaza local1on 1.,r apj)()lnlment for J n '1.:ur~c!. .\11lc!. ~ I r~1~·l 11 J b rntt·rl'iL'I\, 8:?7 ll24 I t11r l>"t duly al $32, h.:"11 Experien ced accurate T ypis t!> needed 70 wpm (mus t ) Mi o n i.: llll1 1Jha."' on lluur '1•1t·a't.' C<lll Ch r111. Rd ni.:. s ide by sid,-. :!.''" C.lt llll <Ill , J J!;..lt':.1>1\1! UHi-:. Fii,\ V \ f1l111~:. &. i .>2·i l1ll old SJ!JS. or ~SL offrr. J>(·r... .. 11 l•/111 '' 111ktt':.lt·il <':.<'rtl\\' :-H.•nn rr,u m c tui·---------~ .\~16 7VI~ Ci 1 r I Pr 1 Ii a y. mat u 1 e woman t•1 wo rk w hu.,1 nc:.:. man. <t!l I 102\ 'k _for Tony ______ _ GIRLS · GIRLS ---i fee. o r hosp s tafl 11t L.V.M. OR L.P .T S2lf.KO. no lee. )1.1lprac·. Ill •• ('J l c•t•r \\ •• \\lll ld Jll\ll' lin ,.: ... by. Jt.O s~in ------- 1.lllllHb I l''l.IUI .llcl l•I \I 11-: II 1· I !-. U 11 t' :! 11 I ~.illll Jl h lll \lu\'ol Ii~ "111 :'\1'\' ptirt li<'.ll'h l ·.1 9:!6•.0 101: 111 '"irk h.1r1I Ion~ ---- l'mkl "nfl•r Wh ir lpool C _.., ~ryl•r. , • 1 : White. i:d conn S60. C...11 I 1\:,.lt11111 npc n 111 C'\f>el '>-lf1·''l"' <M!>· JOi;o 1•o m nw rc·1u l prorwrty un · • -~.,_0.:_ ____ _ with Psvt·h exp. for per m hcallh t:>t ace ins :tvatl rl'lt•·r. nik !-th1fl 2 nites a HC'i;:1str r !J,\ 9P anyrlJ1·. \\eek Garfield llos p1ta l refi. n e e. L c:.cuu l1t> 1!17·:>671 Labor dis pute 1n :\'urH·~ Re~1slry . 35 1 F:a!>y Cun JOb .... vrk clay 11 o~JI1 l a I Rd . ;>.; B 11r m~hl No <'XP 1w 1· \\'I' ~1ti_·~_·,_<i _______ 1 6-12·9!.155. 510·9954. Now Part Time Opening -Day Shill Full T ime -Evl'ning Shift Excellent Working L'onon1ons Apply in Pt-rson hour .. 111 1, .1111 .111 1.1<'1.•t:-. S r:l'l<ET.\ll V fo1 Hi .11 Ill lhl I ,.,t.1111 .111t Im I l.•t.1le ~· ... 111 FJ~h111n 111 , \\h11·h \\1ll lt.1ll t11 j h l:111rJ \lu-.l h.1\'c I yr~ rt•\\J f\11111.! pu:,1\11111 .'\. l'\IM •r , 1'111.' 1 .. ,;11 \\POI. 1..11111.l lutun• !-.1•n1I ~,. 'h Ml·'lll wpm. t.:;.ill •krwn tt•r 111 l·'n_\'I) 11fc o l :-;l'W C hJ r m i:low .I?.•~ l'1 v~rei.,.t H' (11 <.:otn HUlf:. fro m Str'J lo Sli.1 .. IJ"l ll I\•' •• il.11 ~. \Ill \'.di La )t una Ue.1('h 1.i,·11111i... ,<t uuhlJml111~ 1'111'<·hu .;1 n i; S e r \'11 " lrJin Mu:-.l hkl' f)E'oplc & free lel{al 1 onsultat1011. I he 18 or nvPr Apply any MACHINIST 1~r m1J. Luv: rates fnr • alt or Pve 29JO W. Cu,;:.l furth~p llwy,New~r~th__ '------ Oranqe Coast Daily Pilot HO West toy St., CQsta MeJa A sk for P tiul Ward '-llln•' 111 \d • .,;;, 11,111\' l.tln •n li411 (ll..!.1. l'1lt1l. I'll 1.~~ •• 1:;1,0, ('w.tJ ~t .. c'I< I·: I'\ H \ ~:-;_ :-.i: ,\h•!->'.~ _ _c·j ·1~1·-r._ \l'till\'t "' l'l'l' .. l t ..;l 1 ,11 \'l'I llfll'•ll !It, I 1i~M:!. ·l!l l IO:!I l 111r.:..11 ti 111 .. ura11t t' Croup 1'. ll I·;. l.;1 1')!<' S e rvt'I 1·,•1n~cruwr. dvublc uuor w11h ln't•tcr 011 top. fro~l· GUARDS CostaMHa l'ermanent. J'ull & P a rt· T ime. Phone & tnin1ip. r<>•t'd lkt1r1.•d wckorru:. Call S.16·0274. An Equal Opportunity Employer All :..round mach1111st to Nurses & Homemakers work 111 medium s ize d F o r pri v <ilt· duty & produ<'l1on s hop. able to hos p1t a l s taff rcl1cl. do Ille tooling & produt · H:'ll'~,_ 1.V:'ll s. Pra1·11cab, t1on !iO llo urworkw1>1•k, () r 11 c r I1 L' )> &H.tpWant•d 7tOOHelpWante d 7 100 1n ;·i:.\11. t1P1-:~1;...;t;s n rn· ASST. MANAGERS 1·11~ 1111•1·1111.• Ill 111 \ ,11 1,.1t tl11L11·, f l'q llt f\• Xllll I\ p 111 ,11111 I If.! ur .. "' 11•1 l'.1 ll \Ir ll.1rn,, ~ •1 2 . .i11 :..1·.t 'lt1 :T\HY WAITRESSES rn·1'. l'Hl'llt·nt rnnn1n~ () .1 y ~. .\I 1111 · 1·· r1. S .1 n r11nd1t1on $.SO . .'>41Hi365. t· 1·"''1.,1·:111 l!.•,1.1.11r:1111. A t:-&O 15 , .. 1;\\,,1.1o11 11r ,'l.JI, ~•on -•.•......•............. t·om1>any puu.t tnsuranet'"' I lomcmakers. AU :,htH:,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Apply In per son, lkac•h Ful I nr Pl l. Wcsl t•lt ff fliast irs mold irJ.! opc•r :itor Q.~ TEST & It 1-:P .\I It ~l:inufadurln g, 15G02 N,urs"'s. Re~1stry, 16~,7 for s wmJ,! shifl . 4p;\f to '\l•ctl (' c 'h .,1 ~ ll'J•.itr (• _. N l Co11tat11l'r Ln , llu11t \\est cltff Dr. S te i!l ~, ll ·.30 /\'. I ... 111., .. " 37ll < ,u.,rus, E'"(f>Or area , inf.(ton Beach . J u:.l ofl' NB. 631 0610 ---" --" ---in~1,...1·tor. l"<t• ti 111 lout! permanent wor k.\.fu ll & McF c.1dd~n. bl wn Bois a __ -:.pkr mf:: (').<: 1u1w111111 \\ 1lh 1·~p.111cl 111c \.11 I ,J,. :'>flt I 1.11ty Sh11p ,\d\".11 1 l'l'flll'lll """"11 11111\1< !a•'lll'l'llll" '•Piil I th \pph 111 p1 1,1t11 l'l•:l'ltll·:S. I ii \\'1•,lll)l ll 'l \'I \l .111 \\\ lllllll ll'I 1;1c I Fn.f.i.\, I ~ 11111 •: ,'\t .,1t' t HlllllllH o 'I' 11 'l .\:J1tl W11rl..tllL: 1 tllllj1t10 1h SJl~•r' ..... 1~1 mu. 11 l:!··t7Ma lit\\ II '111.1 Ill '.!pl))\\ ktl.1~ · \'.,111\l'' I~. 111111..~. tfl,h• \\ol •h\ I • t i \ •'I l~. •Un :.hill t .UJtH\ Ht•,ldtll .H1l 1.1:.!1 •. \\ l'lllh.i I'll,, !-..111 l 'l1·,.h'11ti· •PUBLIC• •FURNITURE• •AUCTION• •Friday 7:30 PM* Deolen W elcome Re pos /ConsiCJns J.HHL ltrnc. L'niTorms C'h1C'a&Springdale. PIJ:.l1cs.~IJnut. n 1. neccb Knowledgt! ol l•'"l 1•11u1p SALES Sl•1·u1111• 1;u,1n l' ln-11111·11 furn., I o r the larg<'1>l -----------~t;RSJ :-.lG P t1m l' hr lpcr, d:.iv shall ment & vc·rn1.1I t.q .hµ1•1o; • 1111111111..: 111 \1111• Ir ,.,. , guurd compan1e:. in the MACHINIST . . J1:n .6 1:.?·l.'i!13 r 1•11. O r.t n ,.:•• Cu11nt 1 l-111t••ll1hl1'1 11 ,,\.lr .• q1 hr \\l.'(''-· •1111'1 ~1111t n.1tlon. No exper n t·e. Cost ;i ~l esu m a nul. con RN'S, LYN'S Press man, J\.B. U1ck JtiO .\irp11rt lc1<·.1tto 11. C.tll parl'I 'tori• !t10Jl..111~ lnr \\'l.l·l.I.\' p:t\ \\ !l\'f'rtm11· WAITRESSES Xlnt b e n e fit s (2 IJ I c11rn is looking for an ex-& AIDES Opl•r a lo r . l \l>e r 'd l o Don Trn~l(•yj l!l<llO:l. :\£1· maluit· ~ .1~1\,111111: ~ .. iii·• ,\ p.1111 \,11-.111nn 1',1111·•1 r.15 39;,o. . d c I i. "I" :l.l:i l-'1s('h,·r c \I l''-'1 111111. I 1,1111 '1:-.. I' t11m '1' 11111 n ir" i211 • -)j;1 ••!.1• -------p e r enter e s::. :.WI L p ll1n.:. \\ur "' into .. , · · .. __ ._ __ 111.,..11111~, 111 ,, • , 1-. "'" llam.•utte r Sl y li:.t . t'X Grinder . M a n y co 11•7·JOt\:\t shift. full or l ull. Xo. H u nt Uch. RADIOLOGY I\. .'-'u.nt 11,11li.1ur L.111 ~ t-: '< jll'I' II \ p 11 1 \' 111 I"' r ... 111 \I .t H.1 1 l.,,•r:-. 'I' I Jilli St Co•t.1 .\li•,,1 Stock Liquidations StorCtCJe Lots S SAVE SSS MASTERS AUCTION 2075112 Nwpt 81. CM l)Cr'd. Call Wed thru Sat benefits & sa lary i.s open. p l·lm" U1ll ••r f'ntial nJ,\ R!l!I :!G:!!I .... kd~-. 1\-111 111'1 , .... '\..\ \1•11'1 'I . Ill ''~II Call ror details , 545·0401. ' • '' TRANSCRIBER -' . ~ : " · ' >147 !JOl>S Xlnt brnd1t'\. F: o ~~ l'l<~:ss~l,\X. exp ltl'k & . rm. n < nt111 lt·1 J.. I•• ,'(cl(, 1-----------t t-Onluc:t Mrs .. Jen!-rn . i\ fl Die k JliO. ipio1 hl y & f:xpc r l'"'e11~1.1l ~an ,SALES MEN/WOMEN \ I<.' < ulh·1•l 11111· 111 ~i.1 Hi\IRORl':SSER ( 'I \I 1 tl,·m,·nl e l1l'l\\:r ,il :-il'll Ul•jllJ \ .nhn t1,111 , ._11 , l it.in.,· .. ,,-o,, f'OI( ''U(JU Sl lOP Osla "cs."a · ~mon,i :.11e cd 1 e11 'II. l.at una II l I 1-11 I'" I I'"' · WAITRESSES L\IJ\ 1 ti Fldl "' I' I l ;t.111 ht ' ,, .. 1 .il>l'l'.11. I I\ 1•1 .! I '>1111 .\ :..11 ! .. 111 8 33.962 5 646-8686 v MAG CARD I Hos pital. Jlil \ ll'lol'IJ, lhlh >t:IO l~\kl o-.p1 J ·1 , ' ,. -; I " r o I J II ~,. t .' 11' 1111 1•, r..i11111t•I \\:1 '"' ____ 1_!1--_1 5(i_i_1_-___ c.a1 &122734 ---•. ,t :!5!1 wt ..... 11 x:.im "· rt·.,t:1111.11H 1•11l1l1t.1l1••11• ll<~l-.1 .th L11st.1 \I , ... · ,,.1·11 \\ t i ..... 111"' :O-H Bicyc:les '\,, l'lu11tt· \ .1t1... ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 8020 Hair Stylist Loni: & shw t Lcrm ;is. -l j)m ----Prl'll r m.it 111 •· P•·nplt "illh>'.!:!I 1; I:! 1ti11 \\'1l h t'l 1 t!U ll• I e . n ew ~.~~·~7.1:r~~~·y. llo liday & -OFC MANAGER PRINTING' RECEPTIONIST ~~,:~·~:,1~~ 1~\'1,~~r''." r~.;1,'.'. 1;~11~1~111 1 1 ~:.ililt• \1,.',',,1,; ('I \I.\ \' I 1111..1•, full y l .t1llf1.t,.;1111ln 1·q111 )IPl'll, t 111\ "I ,,d 111',lk<'!-t ~(/II. I ,,.,. 11t ·\v l'iji 1~1·1.> Ncwporlrk':irh Salon. F:>per'd 111 :\led I-Cal. S h So. t y 111n g s kill;, hll' 1·.11 L'nmpk t.• 1r .. 111 ~l'l \11'<' !-.1.• \tll'IHl.1111 1.11.11111 111.111.1;1., '>1111 640·1)()2.1 Med ·l c,ir c b 1llin"'i Oet'(lcd \pl)I) .. 'l:l!lt.3 l)\'f 111g. llc\1blt.' h r ... 1111) full Ill I' 11111<', ,\11plv .. ----O"Cdl·d for Hu v v1;w PRESS O h is p o, D a n a l'l ··11mn11:.:-.1011s, & 1·:ir .ii lln1"11 ·-. .._fl,.11, !!!JU I·: \\.11111·tl 11"1' ''" 111 1• '' HalfDayMlcel'oy c0.w. flos p . 2055 ;f'hunn l!lli·5i02 1111\. P~r:.onJI tnll'''" Coa~l ll\I'\,:'\ 11. t1111tl\ ,\ '1 11l f111,. lu1 nam-2.Joµm ur J,30·!J11m . "II ... -1 I c . 1· 1-1-~7 ----II'" t II' 111,111111J\lu11·1 \\111111•11 ·.1111 \' "'· :: ,p,i' p1.t11 1.-.111y f:urn SI Oil++ l'l'f' '-''Cl'k ./.Nc...-C.:\l. ~larllnl! wa~c OPERATORS REC EPTIO:\llST rl)r rt'al , ... .,..;i l J )':. ll •• l . ... s ~: H v I\. I-:--.·1· "''I' I ll 'I.: ( • •• 111.11 •. !11'1) uom~ enJuyalilc wor k 1n !>1.75 hr. Call tor 111 t•s t:ill' co. Typini.: tlO e\c:.. s \L E~ Pt-;l{!-.~1\; 111•,11 • Cots. 80~5 1111r nt•w ol'f1re IWlJI' lhf> ~v_!..ew. ~4~5()!'; wpm. E x per_ llt'l'l''"· S.\l.ESl'l·:nst1" .ippe.!rJ tll'l. wtllllll! 111 \\,111h •ri, 11111 ,,.-; :11th· 1>11 ••••••••••••••••••••-.•• flU '' • !lti:! 7h,>l Ol' Airport. Xlnl up· 3848CampusDriv~ Jr:.ini.:e Cllunt y nc •\'" W e no.,ie imme diate Callf:dc>t'n,ti llllll::!'.1 .I lll·:llllEH\' '"''"k \\tlltr.1111 :0-.•·~;\1 1• Pl1t.·rly l.ulv. I' r lh ll'S1.i n11'"' :! Hll11•111H111; portun1ty for vus 1l1VP 546 4741 pai>cr will aw 1nt('r\h'" II \I I JFWl'l I Fil!\ t 111•k llel1111• .I p 111 lp in ~'11111 ~ ..io l•cr 111 hr11"111·r. ~hlt'r .. p1n P•I. m1n1lt·ll ind1 v . F or l,\,·rn:,..F r um I"!! ro1· 11uts 11l1' -;:iii·;, OJ»4Pninqs on our day Rl·:c 1·:P'l'IO:\IST '"" ;,;;,.1:,11:,,:1;1 ~ ·,,,,. \11•1t1t..1'.11 \\,,~h li lh & I~•· :!:!111._.11... \11 .. 1·111111.111•, ..:!~> liolh. C II "·· h'ft f I \n.;w1•r phn111 ' ~""d \ per:.111wl 111lt.'ntl'W, <1 Oraui:l'C.:o ,\irµorl / ix•rs .. n 111 si·n 11.1• ""HI' s 1 or pers onne ex-,.,,1.1" 111 1. 1.1 .. ,.11 . .t 1.1ualll\ ·""" 1111.·111 1·tl ·111,1111 t'11~1.1 ,,.,,, WANT TO EXPLORE '"·' r. . .r H:J:l·8V!lll E:qu<1l ll11por 1-:mploye1 .. x1st111).! .1('1·11un1s ;11111 perienced o.. one or l'lt•a:>I' ~end r1·,11ni.· t11 111·1,....111111·1 ·•l lwth :...11 :--01'" 111· s1.1 \tt•·111I 111 l'l1·1 'OB MARKET lli111,1l ,1 \'a11 k11 t.-1i.. S e,11 Unmr i\111l• & C l<.>nnin~l·---------••,,\'11 a rl v"l'l "'111 l! 10 moreofthe followinq \d=700 0 a1I\ J>1lol.l'O ~~·.~~ll 1,1;11·:1'~.~t t:,,~·1 .~·~~.:11 \" h1i.:l1whlt1r n 1ll.·1-;••,,111 S.·utl:lllll•rli .. 11111 ·,,1 1':~ l'I 1·1'\ll1•c &:.h111.;.+ fl a rt· t 1 nH· or I I\ \" 111 MAI o N r; EU en si • ..,. .. co or preJses: x ;:in • o s :1 " l':-.. t !!!Ii ·ll:l:!i """11.,111, t '.II I 1li·111 '1 111 ,x.;:1 ", -.; , .. 1 1 1 h F , 1 111 .. -.11111 '"'' lt'l' 11: 1 1>111i ~tutomot 1vi• rlt'alC'r,hq1... _, f I.lo 1·"0 <.:. l '1 I I "-1.~·'10.'M) '·' :1 "on-Thur.... rl'al t'Slatc 1·o mp.t 11ll'!'o t:.1 !.12G2G f•11· ·'l'fit • - ----Ca ll 6 7 J ·S8ll0 l'OUIHS. lnd1 c .itc e' •HARRIS RECEPTIONIST s· il.1111 . 1'\p1·1 ti 11.J \ "' l'l.Jl.i, .!Ill!:! :0.·.~!~··1'110 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·f'-llii ,tfl er :I LidoShores llotl.'I uncl othl•r Cla11~1(wd a1· • •• !o-r r11 t·•· s i.1111111 \11•·11 lh1,,ud 1u11L •h•· l':-DOCJS 8040 1 111111'1 Nitr fk•llmnn 11 Pi\-1 Maid'!. Apply The Inn a t pcn cm·e a "ld qu11lif11':1· •MIEHLE Pl·r-. .. 11.1hh· Tu 11ll1>"e r SALESPERSON F,,., l·'nll ,\ I' 111n• \fl :0-u .!I:! In 111'" "-· ·• •PET WORLD• i ·:IOA:\I shift A1rportr r J.ai:una <i ll No. C o;.i:-.t 11on:. in rc:.iim l' W11ltnr.:· •DAVIDSON ph1111l's ~ J!tt•\'l v1:-.1tor~ \h· .ir•· 111111..rn:.. 1" 11"' "" :..lwll ~l.1l 1un li lh N \\ .,1 .. 1t11 1i..1 \\'ui I.. I.ii. I II I I l' I t J>i1 k n -h nes " tn w nrk and lea r n •"'POLLO for med. :-.11.c d "0. IOl'.llcd future <'I'. flll''<'lll I\ iwecl In llll' \ It 'l.111• ••I 1 .. 111 iii· lll'l1.1l1li· 1 •11 llltlh 1 •,.1,,., \\' "' "'· I nn n t' • no •11 • ' Hwy · Lai:un:i IX'.iC' 1 1 1 "' ' h 1 I! h q u ,1l 11 y , .1 1, . I 111 I "' I '11111111•<,, Sl11ll IL1nn.1 111Jtwn~A)l ·41'~1. ----1mpol' a nt qua' 1c·:. 111 ne w ol r near OC 111 1 n 111 , 111.,11 .... l'"lll" \l .••l•t••• 111,r ,,,.,.,,11 \1 11 I'"'"'"''''· l'nm ... l 'nrk i•r, 8.'lJ:?7iO ~l a1di.. ~fotel e xlh'r pre· Good company IJl'nef1t'> .\1rpo rt. Ho be r t lk 1n. l'C'"' " 1 1 ;t · gi· · " ~ ~ ~.11 Ii.I• ,\ It.I\• 11,1,1, I ln11:-\•1·h·:11l111,: .111rls want 1·11. l'Jrt t ime m orning:.. C<1 II :; 18 llllil llow.ckeePl'r l'ompaninn "''' 1n. 1·•111\.. tor Phh•rl) l.111~ ~oo m o 67!l 1 ~1:1;! I l1111M•k1·••111·r h :1 II\ -.11 h'r l.1 v e in. N . l:L d t m &. l~;:ml + sala ry. 67~ 1921 afl <l l11d1\ 11lu.1I w ... urr ho:m1 ::.hap111i.: 1':-Cp1·r & t'Xpt•r '' :-.p1'.1\1111g r~1lalyz<>1I lte1>1n' ll·ltl 11:.!H INSURANCE AGENCY l'l!r.;011a l llnrs s •·<'1 'tv E\1ir . r rqu1rr.t Huh~rtson lni.urJ nn : ti7'.I '.1>150 I'd I Wiii train. l\lus l Gv<XI jloll'nltal for rtl(hl We offer e xc.tleftt fr· W ilha m F ru!>l & A s ~ap~il11f1l 1l'~. :'oil'\\ 11111 ·.1 11v •. 1 .. 1ir•11lll• I hll•I 111.1111 .. a..111 ... °"'Ill•' f>.111111 I :--.t1i..1 ..... ,\: \ 11r &..11·... IHU '"";tk F:n,.lffih Call llct norson. Wrilc Ad : C.:iR, 1-INMfik. Pl•ose S d u t·L, n c 11 I'll. nl'"' 1wi. .... F 11m•• IS.·..:111 110 1111\•'•I 1'1•1'1'11'' "'"'I .. , ... '~ " ,... .,,-sot'iate:o, HOI (}ua il L. futur\' C1ll r.iS llll lti L ·' "1 "''l ltl~ f'I• 1 " '""" 11.111:-.l l11 1••·d · :1·,1,..! 1:1111. I l<im & .. pm onl~. <1111 Da ily P llol. I' 0 . Hux oppfy in person: \I R 1\3:1 OOiO. IOl'rl r:..: P•' r l11'cl "· 'f I:> 11 i·c "11111 • ", .\I · ;;1~. !1-128 ~26~26• Cost.1 ~lel>a, CJ . ----------SEAMSTRESS i.1:1 ..!:!ll. .llll .l~.l• :-. \ 11111 Br111.k llu1..;u. -------., lh·Cl'Pltnmsl Sccrelan· I 1111•11 l'\I'' • .. 11 """ \lan.tt!t•mr nl MARTEC fo r Ora ni.:i• Cou n t~ Or SAILMAKER SHOP HELPER l'l-:0 1'1.1•: l'F:HSO:\ h u ilde r . P rior r<'l'el) lhJ:hl''l lfU>thl~ 1·n11 ,11•i: Cu..,l.1 \l1·s.1 111.111111 1·1111 E\<'l' lookini: rw l•·•rt PAINTER llunb l & ty pist exp n•q :-J1lbo.tl m:111u1 . h:i .. 1111 t ··111 11,.1•1h ,.hop 111·111 I• rn (' H s., I)(' i :1 t {' 111 Reproductions, Call ~tl\. 9i!I :1!101). m1·d llfl\'11111~ 1 .. 1 Jlrf''f)ll II\,., .:u \\:II 11.1111 l .oil \\ht1l\• .... d .... 11pphl0S Pully -----·--------\\ at lt•a!-tt I ~,. CXP<'r. In t11r cll'l1.lll,.:>l~. t~IUJ r.1p1t;1hl(•ti 11i'.! :!2~ Inc R. E.. SALES Satl S1•amtnJ( on hc111 ~ YACHTS, POWEil • Lic"d. Unlic'd duly tnat·hme. !\lus t h111 ,. MARINE MECHANIC AND SAIL 3311 W . MacArthur Bl o wn :.c:11<:.11rs • .\: 111111·1 l-'11 ,,1 c·IJ"• m.11·11H • Santo Ano, CA Fr~e 14doy ha nd tools . ,\ppll tu nw d i:in1l-. Exp both i.:.t:-; 5•10 Years boat point· TrainiftC) Course \\'t•,ts .Jt 1 1.,:orp . J """ ~· tllt•<,l·I m :mnc ('11i::i1w~ An Equal Opµorlunity Vvn . lli:l!i Pl.1t l•n1 1a 1\ \ '" ;\1111 ~, \ r:. '''-P !').ilury i"CJ experience for all t.:mployer M 1 I'. • Pcrsonalinstruc:tion <.:';vt, 111wn dL·11t•11d111i: 1111 .1hlli ptiases of yacht point·1------------1 •:'llun.•:.:i·inc 11t 11111J11rty'i; ----- 1 Y Lnl.' al l'll m Pan Y inq ond refinishinq. •lo !!II'. t'onHn1:.:>t1111 Seamstresses S L\TISTIC.\ I. TY l'IST t>uhh c· .\c·counl :int,; Ol 1• C:il I t\li; 43:1:: STon; CLl::lt K Opt.11·;ol l "d1or.>111r v 111 lrv11)\' l·'.xpr. nnl r l'<t 1711 1!1','!I 0:1:.!~1 \\ \I< I 11111 !-.~\I \ \ Lu''"' H1 ·. t 1 +1 flt.ti u l'f' ...... 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IR llM1. liJ(;ll :0.'·' \111·111 .. ,,,. \\•l \I \' II'" :-O•llll t : •. !'1 1~11·'1 ~l a rkl'l 1tll! lll•:..c:1r1•h In ty. Excellent benefits. l'~ ~a ' .. • · 0 h l 1 .. hi -. .. 1... d .11 Un , 1 1 1 h · 1 • 11 111 lhl' w o rld 's f1n(•<;l * nl CJO 1lr:1111111r.: • r 111 nrl.thh.,'t· ihl• ,,. ""'''' , 1'""' .11• 11 , ~l'l t t•i-, l\'l'\ll'"1'r~ "·tole< t a ,a 1ll)n:11~. nr<'rlS bn~hl , •'.\'\;111ytop 11IC11:clm"s S.•i·n •l.1t V 1n:-.ur.int·i• I' 1'.1111 1111 ,.1111111111 1'.111 1111 " 1'' 1''1 • "" ,., 111•11t"r•·cl. I · ''""' i"•.i. .lo.11111.1.1lli ll i\li~.o KETTENIURG 1·n l h11o;111:-li(• r c r • .. 1n '1;n l11'1·thl'll\'('\U<IPPb l'\l't'I 1-'.t r m 1·r·, In• ll1 ·~II\ 1; '" '"" ('..ti 1'11 '<!X .• ,.,,., MARINE " • ~l'l"" 10 cnmputt•r RED CARPET I'll ltj::I ,>1.i:,.:c;c~i 1.1111 .,p111 Masseus~s · 1 lnv•·n t11rv '·.1ntrnl t'lk ,\ttr.11 111 ' •1 I t11r mit. 28 I 0 Carleton St 111111l \•ub ,\ i.:•·m·r .d ""' REALTORS 848·8742 * •Se cretaries •* SWITCHBOARD OPR \\ lDI ~ , • ·" .. 1.i,·r l" t "'' t...·r ~/"11\"r'' r·• '". Ii l't•rnl.tlll'l\tv11-.11111n,\\l'll •. 111 1'.111 .1 fl1'r Ii SonDieqo """" )\1)11\\kilJ.:l'tll '>J ll h 1rll.:l.HblJ ll l.t111l,t G en'IOfc/Blclcpr '""' lu l'\111'1 11 \1>1h ""r~ 1•1 11 11111•· rn1 lllV II•. I ·'' . :... ..... l'q,iJil1-.h1•1I l'l•"l l il1 lol. ..... . 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MECHANICS CERTIFIED •T r:in'm '""'ns •(it•111·r.cl l.1111· •T11111' 1 r •Vt 11111 l'.1111 .\ Br.1kr \111-.1 h 11 ,. rt'• 1·nl •·xpr r 1111"' ''"" l\•p tl.t\' l'.11.t 10 ... 111 11n t1 .. rm' 1\ '"1' 1 t1nn •\ppl• 111.111;.:t• l '" \111111111111\1 \\•nl••r :1101 '" 1'11·.1111, !-..1 111 .1 \11:1 MECHANIC l mm1•cl1 .1l t• •1111•0111 1: \I II .; t lo 1· " 'I'. I' I' r 11 111 1' t h .I II I I \\ 1• I" ,. I' f.tllltll.11' \\, l.11 111 • """" ,\.llll\ I. lied,., :-.1111 ''"} ,\ rnnl(l' 1)1'111'(1\:. ('all \II wr1\1• t'al Tur i \Jllit• Tr.1buC'•l Rd. 1.::1 Toro. C'.t !Y.!f,.'l(), ~I 2:.'till ~n:Olt:AL HECOROS Al'lll<' J>wrh1ulrh-for th t y h :l'1° ll Pl'Hl n /! I f m Nllr al rHonfs . M ""' have A RT. 1\11ply :i:N1 ~ Dd Ob1~µ11, Oan.1 Pv 1nt K.11 I 7i5 or 1% .~ 702 MODEL.-; MA.<;SEllSES F1t.:11ri> :\lod1·ls. 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'>hlll hnn11ll 'rrem111m 1;:1111 ''" :.?nn & :lrn 1':11t1 hr allh N h fr in, ~ 1tn111l v ,11 h l' 11 l ' f I I :. \ I' )J I ) St\:\1 :ir:\I TELONIC ALTAIR LAGUMA BEACH P.11u.il Oppor 1-;mploy1·r •F-rff iftsur•c~ •Paid •ocations •Profit shannq 'I) I 'llr1·flri•tl lil,ll Ii I .. 111 Jllf jt (l l f' .. S'' I l'.11" •·•·' •11x•1 111lch•n l!t 11 H'H 'I 1•1111 .... '"(' r; \\l'''"' \l,cl1• ·'It 1°1'111 ~12.i 1'.illll:ll ... i ll L.t;GAL Sl-:CIH~'r/\H\' 4.5 >ri1. exp i\e ... port Re ;i r h rir m , l'.ull ~ f\44 -SJ :10 Cl11ss 1fi<'d ::i(1s o;rll h11t llem!'. s m o ll llt'm" or .1n,· ite m ·'""' e.111 ~::?$i~ MOLD PRESS OPERATOR To operate trnnsl'1.'r & in· Jecl1011 mold equipmt'nt for f:J hrtt•:1t1nl! !mull California Injection Moldinq 265 llri~i.:s Avr . C M (I Blk So.ofR11k1•r ' 011 llcdlull l Equa l Opp F:mploy m /f prei'ticion !lw1tch compo------nents. Sm .111 s hcrp. STACOSWITCH INC 1139 Rnker. Costa :\1 es a 549-304 t Equal Oppor Employer IJYOU have a.ser\•11.:i.: IV orfer 01· goods to sell. pl:ir r J ll ail in t h e D n11\ P tlnl Cl:iss1f1ed St•rt1011 l'hont.' G l2 .·.t;i8 HOW IS THE TIME r11r JOll <;('('kl'rq to t'IW1·k lhf' O r11 h P1ln 1 lfl'lp W:111h•<I d .1:-:-1f1(':tl1o n II t h1· .11•" .. 011 1,1..1nt 1-. nil! lhl'l'I' > 11u n ui:ht l'l11J,11lt•1 l\ff('M11)! V•)tl l' ... en ICC!> \\llh ,1n .111 tn lh1• .Joh \\'11nlc•cf ruh•j?11rv Phom• 1;.12 :ilfi'~ Dav eve111nq and n1q ht .,,,,,.~ nre OO"n You II r 111ov Ill" f'lllrar:11vP ril homr .1tmo-;pn!"rr 11ncl lhe pleo<;nnt wo rk1n11 rc1ncJ1h1 11i •n Olll popular lam11v res1au1 .1nt App1y 11 onco '" oer~on. 7490 E~ Ave. HuntiftC)tOft 8.och \ DENNY'S Equal opportunity employer m f .- 3848 Compu~ Onve 546-4741 1 ,,.,.",. F ron? Or .1111-:, Co \1q1111·1 I h<11111I Ul)POI 1·:m pl11y1•r .. .....) Miscenaneous 8080 TV, Rodio. I loots. S•il 906olTroilflos, Trove! 9170 4 Wt.eel Drives 9550 Yan\· ..,570 ('I 2 DAIL'( PILOT lhu•SdM M(ly ;>n 1'17!\ •••••••••••••••••• • •••• Hifi. Stereo 8098 ••••• •••• •• • •• •••• • ····1···•• ••••• ............. ••••••••• •••• · • • •• • • •• • ••···•••••·••········•· '73 VW Panel ~.c:4!! ••••••••••••• ~?~~ .. :!~~~·~·······~?.5.~ ~~~~.~~~ •••••• ~?.5.~ 1:1.'.:·;;.',x 11~~11 "';'.,';;,\'.'."; :\·;~~~;·:.:;·;<·1·,·:.~:~·~f :;.~~/,' .. :" .. .,'' ~' ~111 • .','.;: 1 .1:~.~.A~•s1~0~~~: i,1 COPELAND Seolyham Terrier * *I BU y * * 1:1 \ 11!111 , ""'"I•· ·1 \ ''"' 11.1111< '"' I'• 11 •».! 11'!1:1 \1••1111 i1•111 :-;.,, ,,1.,, 1' :! \ ,,,,, 1 '\I ,, 14, '• ,,,,, :-.. 11 \ H 1· • , 1 , , 11. I \II I ',, Ill 11,1111 "' I 11111 1J.1•il I \I\(' Ill~ llX}ll (' I I 11111tl '-lllll tl111111• lhl I • 1111'' ''"1 ... ••II 1"1 ··117·1 Ml.. 1•:1.... JEEP CITY ''"" U"'~' FUl'llllllll ,.,_ lhl ' 'ol,j miplt• hu1th l-'Oll :O..\ll'.l•·lll Ill l'1·ll.1 l\tlh luuul..1 \.\I _•o \11\111 ·..,l1~•11 11 d•1 t11J MOW$1490 SEE IT! Free to You 8045 ,\pph.• 111"·:. 0 H 1 "ill -.1 . .u :.! .111 , 111111 '' lll , ,, J• 1111111,111 1111111 ' '"' 111111 \I l ~I '1 1 I ,,.11111 SEl.1.1111 \"ou llulkl " ,1111111 .i11,11 , \\i•wl. 111 x hii.:h 1.11.1 \H ~r:o..Fl ,I . l'h1111l'.lll .1pm 1o111 ,, o1 MASTERS AUCTION So!:>. 111\'l.il ,111•11 111111 ,, I 111•\\ ,, ,., ',, ,, 1•1 Ul'll 111 ~ 11>:1C .... >_'i:!.I ......•.•..••.......... SAILING LESSONS '74 Alfa Oran9e C®nty's largest Select ion For O ver GAIDfH WESTYW 2 Bio• ks\\ 111 H"""'"h llh 11 Whit•·"'"'·"" I,,, I \I 11lll "fl")CU. 646·8686 & 833-9625 t.:11 :.~II I t.111 t11t.11 i.I) ~II'>• II. <:11111,·1' 111 11 h I I' 'i\1 pl ~.tlllll L :0-1 """I h, t Ji('t'AI 11111 I ul!• \II 1unl.111111I " Ill \\\t'll,111 ·h·•I'• 111xr;:11 1 St I.. 11::t.1 o1 30 YEARS ~tiOl.I Wt•>tm1n,l..r HI\ J !,11, 17i.I Aft 6 806C \\~ltntn>lt'I K::l.j •~I .......•.•.•.....•..••. MOW $3990 ~ I h1 I I\ • llt.1H0 r \,n,."" \\l111i h.11d1111• Auto~Wonted 9S90 FOR SALE BILL BARRY RV CENTER •11Hl1 1ll 1 ,.h .• 1.,lht'••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'2 Arab G eldinq "'·dt pt i' ~. ONLY $3195 \\I I' \ \ Tl 11' Ill II I \I: 1111 ,.,,1 .. ,\ u ud. 1•.1111 'i \'t·.•l"· 11lll. lt11an t•11l1ir ( :1M1<l I 0111•11 lllJll•lll I·:, i:l'll1•11t 11ll111i.: :-:1.,u t: . .t I Hi l1llll N«1l111 i:~1lll'111,111•h1 In \1'11111111>11.il I >1i.·11 St111 I.. · H11~l' ll.dll'I " p,1\11·111 1:1 t>t''• :-.1•1 I II'\' Im lo, , :\11 !I', ICl'l.11h ~11.!K !-3.\ \'I': ~:~111 \\'111 'I'll lw' ,,·111 1o111 1:ixo I'• t pl' Hl',\ 1·111or l'Ull!>t11l: 'I'\' "·.il•11I t1hP1 Cl·"' 2.l ' :\J,1pll' <·.ll111w1 . 'lnl ~\.,l'1t' Wtl ,,1111 •. l'llii ~.! 1 :, D111 ... 11111111 Bun v 1'11111 ~lllKI I·: 1:-l St :-0.1i11.1 '"" ( >111.·11III11111g ... 111l t11 Piil .:, .h' p \\ ,11•t11ti•,•r \ l'\ lt>I Ill 11111 \\ \' 'l'I" '·""' iii I "IH'td • 1 .111' \\ , .. \\ I • 1 ~ I ' II • '"' 11\nh•I \'\I• •' 1J1d U I'\' .;;!:ill !'>XII :l:!i; t~I. I I I I I 11111 111,tl1• IHll'I>.'. i.li11l' • 1·:111! S1·11"' c:11 11·m 1u•11111 Ill :1 l~1 :tli71 JI.wk Ila\ {'111 1·.tl, :.till 1n•1 I • II I 11' lo. I" I I .I I I" \',1:-.h1•1 I Jr~ 1•1. T" n 111 11:,, i51 1,,-,1~1 \:\ll~l'"),\\ :-. 558-1000 q11.1d11lr,11 t l.l \lll \llYI' ('ll,llt I'll>'\' :-.1" I I.ti .111 1•11 • ,. OMLY $3595 WARREM AUTO SALES IMC ll•_ 11 11. .... ·11 l\h d ~'1' \'l:'l'I )'\ 8:l7-0S4 I l'IC l :t·: \ lT(' \~ I 'I T.dl '111 1,1 , \ 1111 lhi: '11uT.1l.1 x11.i•1111 1111"''~''. ~ ."" 1 :>.lnl Jewelry 8070 \'Ol\d .1 \.1 -(~f.1 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • t J.:"1'11 ,\ hlu1· , .. 1.1 (,ti I 1111tl :-01 > t.'11 IM.'fj olll lo 111 t.11 :J:..".1111 ,J WANTED 'I UI' C \~II !JOI.I. \II I' \ I II F 1 > I< \ II l II H.\\ I.I.II Y \\ \'I ('In:..; \lrt Oll.IUIS 1:01.11 :-. I I.\ I'. It :-.. I-It \ Lt ' I·: 1'1•11 'l11l \I 11111 Fah \ll 1·•tlll II 11\1 I \ l't I i:d 11111tl ... 1;, 1>1,illlll)! lltl t "I' .111 \ "" " li- i 1 1-'111'.! 111 11111 " •• I \I ,, .: , "' , .1 , 1 1 ••• 1 " r t l 'h '-u .1th\' .... d~ 1u 1t ,. OMLY $3195 \\I• I'\\ ·1111•11111 l.\I\ l'llH l'lll' l':O..Fl> 1· \H:- 1-1 1111· 1t:,. llll\l l.-.Tll ' • Ill t'I. , .... :-Oil'" 1; •. 1111 :O-hq1\ll\ ., .,,~ 111.llt• 1:.~111 \\ I htl\111•11 !-.I.Et:\' I , •• 1.1 ,\ 111\ ,. l '.11 .tlh I 1111t-;.:ti 111111.t • "-!;> .>;,-; u·>lt• ·-""" ,·.1 .• \), 1111 1 ... 11. 1111~ 11• \\ .. 11 "'I' ,\ II \1Hll '"'' , ... l "' ·' '1. ·"' 11tl, ~11<11111111111· >-IK llX'IX ""'' t "'I u :--l BAUER 8UICK .!'•.!.•I l,11 1 .. 11 llh 11 11111 mil• '·' r )\ . \11111 l'<•ll 11~1 F1.:111.tl' ..-Boots & Marine t·r<'l' 1\111 .. 11... ;\t.d .. ~ F1•1t1JI• " 111,, •·l•I t•• "l'oll I II\'\\ ~I ll'ollllll I jllll' ma1 .. t11n:: ""' lo.1.111 ~ 1111 1 .. ,. 1.1111•· . 11<·'1 'l''·•!lb.. 1;7:S ~,·,;r; l.!\\ tJI ,tllt I' I ;>. 1-: Fl II :'\ ,\ . \ '\ 't'l\)l I•: .... 11 l.1 ;!,!IMI t u'l.I :'\1•'"""' !f7~, 'nhr ~11\'I ,II I'·"' Ill I\ I ONLY $2995 :!11 \' 1111 \' ·" '. I u 11 Equipment . ho,··•I. ... ,.11 •• 1 1 u:.l " •••••••••••••••••••••••Boots, Shps/ 11 ,1111' '):.!i:, '.tlm· ltJr mmt loots Marine Docks 9070 Autos for Sale a:uutl lu1111• ·,:u, 111: .. TOP IUYER ~l:t"' S.1111111 ,.ti I , 1 11111 IJ111t•lll' "'l 1.al1h· 1\ 1 l.O\I'' ""I'. 11'1•1• ,,, ::•Hiii "''·"'"'~II l\.1u1l11111 t11m hill\' !II•:.! hl.l'I tit•'" II 11 r-11 .1 II' ~ 1 ·, \111111m· 1111:.a ·•Pfll"' •· '" •1lil 11111 1.,11l•l lil1::r•·• ~.11111 i; \\llh Ito t1 11~ d I ,1 111 11 11 ti .., \I I I 11 '"'"I 71 (;,,,·ht·I llun\11h.:l E~pmrnt 9030 ••••••••••••••••••~•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'l.1k t.i .J i1.:.1 ----••••••••••••••••••••••• I:.!' lll>l'K Antiques/ 9"20 .• t)11 ', t··a··u.· .St Classics ~ Sc.1).!1111 u111ho,1ru. Lo11i.: " u • ·' SCRAM-LETS !oh.tll 111 11111-.. "L'ur llL'll , 110 mu •'12 !lf;t;4; •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ·1.: .11 it• l'a. l..111' I 1· ... 1 1111\1 11111.11 ' 11'11,,,111 S11<" 1:tl . """'\.ti'."'! l lr'l \ ~.t,I ' ~UJt dt1l1Jt jl:<l.I t111 1111"11 h COSTA MESA DATSUN :!X">llu• \)ur llh 1I ~11141 \1t::?.1n•1; ·51; l'hc1 .!. IJ1 . S"d.1n·'it1 ANSWERS Sl l>ETll-: :i:n. llu1 :..I I ,.,,.,.,·11, 1'11111 7 11 Jl. OL''l'l:i01\ KU. likt' :!:,·. ::;.,o 5:12 re .ir •· 1111. hn<h '11.1111111111 I 1 1 I ':111111 111 Ill I.I.! .'1.!.1 l OMLY SI 395 200 I E. I st St. ··.11111111• ·· nn·tl" h111n .. 11 11\11. li•ITll r llllX Ill.ii(• hll' 1•11l11r Sll111' 1; Ill i:l:!'I ll,il1d1111' I'll h .'I;, I IJi..h 1'11.111 ~111 l'l.111'"11 'lll St11o1ll tlrt ""r :-111 111.H I.. ,\ 1111111· ·1 \' llt'l'll:-•111.tll '"1'·'11 1'.'i \II ,.,< 1'11 .. 111 EXCEPTIONAL 111'1111111 (ih1"l "''" (!I hrs> Hemoh' li73 Kl-l:'i<•\l'~ pt·rkll ~ l'11 rome '" VALUES lm.11!<' Choru:. t.111k. haw ~11.>. ;.io Olll!l 1~..;1111 rur l l';tto~ µuud. ~111110. t'11 111' tS i\ Fr11' ·:.! 1111-.' t'·"' 1 l'11•l ,1 \ll':-..1 :llll •dlll 1·1111tl1l1111\ l!I:.! XiX:i .1111•1 t. au ,., l.'fll•h!~. s.,l ~ Sutt ,111 d,1~ rm :I d:1rl111 g ;.!l'ol v '"' \\ht Ii \\ k~ nid lt-111 ~ 1lt1•11 \I II h :1 hlk 1\: \\ hl h111I lh'I' II ht1 , :dU111' h1 111 :01 1111l 1,.. (jlllll' ol~ ).:111 ~l'ol\I S 0 ll\ 1>111111)! llJf I'\. lo l'llolll'" I t'I',\' "Pll 1;tl ,\;. lll'l0tl:. ,1 1'11111.1 I .tl1111< I lf lll't'll .,,, lnv111i.: h11111 ?-111;..1 :ti. hubpll•,111 ,\ 111.11t•h111;.: 111u1·h ;a,. I du. l'lt•<JM' t·ull h dl11I. J.:la '' t•1p 1·11111·1 ;,~·5:!1u 1111 :! ll1·111·t·tlu11 1·11d 11ir~ :.! lemah· ktlll'll'. hll..1 J,:f',J), ltl!l'f :-.l11pl0ll, i wk:..""' 11 .111wd !'11fi S'l'.!:! ..;lll'p l..ili. 111\ c-< k 11b g1I 11 at «h tlua:. 1111 .tl•k. mo\ 1111: ;,1!1 Uilito lll.·.1ul 1111111· 111 i.:ol1l lo.at ll'll..,, I, II J..,. ll ,11111•.t .\11\ 11111:.. tl'l'•' ~.1:1 7 11•1 \ oung 11-111.111· C:1•rm.1n :O..horth.11r 1-'n·L· 111 i.:il l1111nl' 1;11 11 t•hlldn·n \ ,.n l111·i n g /;.:l'nl l1• '>Ill !.ll'l:! ll.1~ .. :tll h1·a111 1·1111tl r; !ti :1:.xo IOA'> l ' 1"10\: l-:S'l 1\'I t·: S.\l.ES Fri ,-<.; S:1t ltt .tp111 1:.:!t l'11r1111.ill l.anl· 1 \\ .. ,1 1 1111 .ll'l'ol 11ll IJ111t• I t ;\. 1l \' I 111 11 <\ "''"'' l'u,.,111111 x ... 01.1 . ""' ~.!jllll I S l11.111" I. F11·111·h l'r11\'l'll 1n1>k cir,·"''" m111111 • :.! 111c hl 1111nmutl.-, "' llu:rl ht·1b . l<C.\ 1111111 T\. cha1ri.. 1111 ,. ,,.,,, lr.1111,·d 1111 1111 <''. gd dtlllllj.! .,,,.l \\ .1 ... lwridrvt·1 ... 11•rt•o & :! 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SIO(J mu. 1 L" 11111· dr ,<,, i·\11. \SI. ::i.:!'.10 11<.•r 111111am··· t .. :.1;.:11 ..,, "" n,s '' ' -Pvt ·tv 67' 22110 c111 "· n.t'l'p ln'llll! compl•·tc 1;.11HJU3ti lmm:ic ~und. Mus t :.ell,_ ll~·--·' _. ____ , 0 1 11 11 i-; \ « 1 SCYS . 675·79511, c\ cs. Boats Sn.ed & ·ro l''ircl>1rd t•11nH•1 t1hk SAMTAAMA 558-8000 (:•, '1'1t1 ol.1 l..111.!1·1111:..1•1 m 11 11hat1· ... pok<' r111h ,\ 111-. ~. '"" 11,11 ,, \\Ill• h. :::.3Jlll> tli;> ;1111\ I'\ \'l\ 9S60 1'·1 111::. · '· :'>IE WI' 0 HT 13 l' II . til.)-7003Ask lor Uob ""k'• ,..-90 0 Class1r, m:iJ11l' compo· Au:.11:tl1JllO\.t11>p.dNl ,\TllLl-:TIC C t.Un ----. ~ 1 8 nenb rcccnllv ret•1111'11· ~,n.111 Huh\ · · ~1:1 !I.) )ll\ltSlll' :-12.'>. h·l2·639. 30' C hns. sips 1;, head. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t1onl'd Sl ,8!itl 'b:-.t 11tr Tri.c:ks A .H.WEIHERT <''"" ~all'". ~re.it ra,,hing & 111· T:ih1t1 '71. '1~1S Olli:. 581-li:!:ltl r1\'E.1t-:\\'1·:1.s thv111g.bL·stor1 .516·030-1 Bcrkky Jl'I. hkc 111.'W. ----- 32Fa,,h1<1nbla111l.NB Turv :!t l:r.1:.1-masll'r. rl' -Ev1·~ K:J:I t).lli5 /d:iys Recreational Allf N 1.ii :!•~hl ar b.1>!;.:l·r. ~1:,u: ~:kt·j:i1 ·sEDC:r.FIB.T/S.J\I'. H!IG21KW Vehicles ---ta\\ n \ .•t·.:uun1 '' :lU' ~ ~l1ll. tnn th~. to1> iond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111m~;111 Machinery corll. s:,;,. Sn1tt ':. 11f · Sac ~Hi,f>W. J'h: IH:! Hl97, IK' TAJI ITI Apprx tuhrs. '75 WINNEBAGO •••••••••• ••••• • •••••• l,11111 ,.,µrL'.1th·r. ~15. ,\11 an 1!33·2tilli -----3:10 hp. ,0,ll~" .• I ct,-• I rlr; 2:'i FT. <..: 111 1-: Fl' .\I :-0: OLDSMOBILE •CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS & VANS •tt•J ,.....,,""'fLUIO lMilN teGUli I I L\I \' s \\\' ,1n1 1111111 f»<l :1;;:1:.? . . -·-x;(j5(), K.J3 .!hlh & l>-12·40!.h 1\ u l 0 . a Ir. A )I ... \I )l\\'l'l-'.\CTUH l·:lt 1:1 l nllull 1'.l:\l<ll.!\Ohr,,, :'>Ill. tt.·:.:"111 ~ 1 haml ,,1111rl hlll' ,·q1up1"-•1I. :1112 I 0. " :.ll'l'l'O 1.1pc. 2 Ur. n·r \\ .11 ,. \\ h1'.1dph111H'" hk~ Ill'\\ ;\lt1,.1 :-di· com1· ur T~<hlll, 1~1 Ill' :\flor{' rn . rn11n1t11r p.1nl'I. :1.la1L ,h.1pl'.11l1-.<ll11r lw:.: ,,.,.I.'. a:i 1:-5!1!17 u1 t'l'U1:.cr.i.l11l:.k1lx.l:Jl.l!d 15hW ~ ... 11 .. 1·t .11r. l'~•· ;,:11 ·:!t•:•IJ :!1:1 ~:ll · l!l~.K 1·u11ll tii5·2t~:l!____ le\'l'I 11\'l'll. O\'t•rhl·:11l I rl ('l11:.1·11ut :O..,tll' II>. I:!. 11 Iii 1111 h 11.11 leni.:t h'. :i lo\\ ~·"' ~··· ··~· \ch ·•IH'\'I E11J.:1nt• l'1ud111·1,,,. :1~11 Enwry SI. l.1" .\11i:1•l1·, l"oa ti l• :idor 1.,,. :..ale :w· sc.u-.i\. t;a :ind nc" l!lill 17' ·· Tri hull, 10 1-lll hunk. G 'll•<'per, rnck ~ lad1lt·r & la :Jlll'I t111d1 73\J2 m1l1--Sohl 111·w al ~fW'W"t ....... "9fU1' 8 3 1-0800 rn:.~ t'h·"~ l'l.111> '.l:!i Cl ~1:.ooolh·r 1\tl 1,1' ~I :1!"'d ri~ t .! F1•m k•ll•·•h, 1111 k" olrl, I ·1ort11i"·· I Or:a11g1· & 1\hl '"t :-.hilt"' :;:111 11111>! \'Pl'l'J,lllc ~HM:!:I Call!lli·:!:.tl or lu.11lt·d ~.IOh hp l\lc n ·. crubcr w /br -808 1·all Kt:! l li:!. ~11>!\·!ll!l l lrn y lra 1h•r Xtr:as. and S :! 2, :! !111 I I Ii !11 ) I St k. \\'~111.!h I ii '• 11111 t 'l11·1o\ l'1t·l..up ('.JlllPl'I' Slll'l'l,d W•Jll xtras I' S. I' II. :! \\;ti rn1t111 li1'1 11~11 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS CALL OR COME IH TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS .ll•HI \\ c ... 1 1111 \ '\ H 642-9405 I H~ \.fl 'K('\IC..., I :-. LI I ,\l TO I' \ ll I'~ .)Ill :)I:!:> 1\17 M,\. Free Appra•sal \\'t• hU\ U'l'll ,,,1 ... ,\ llUI lo,,,, , C.11! lttolh l'h1•\ 1111\'I 1t1r Ft .,.e JllP• .11 .... il Groth Chevrolet I 821 I Beach Blvd. Huntinqton Beach 847-6087 549.3331 Gara<Je Sale 80S5 Miscellaneous ----Xlln c11111I SM~>~> 5 "1·1151~1 <..:utc·fl11fr, h"1·hrt1k€'nk1t ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'.qwrl1k,, hl11ol::. hl..<'o•'l'. ·;1 Eni:lt"h IJw\-.11 •• tilll' ---- l l'n " l;, g d h11111t'" ~lul\>I·'"'"" ..,,de. L'll'I WAi..•TED ha1r .•l11r. 11111:,,IJtlll. E1 r111111!1'. tr;11I~'" h11.11 Trcinspo~tation ·n 1.U\', Slwll \" l':\I Mow SI 7,780 518 :11.Hll t·\h & "kn1b J"'ll I 11 I I lo. 101 •r :-. !>ti :>111 !JJ:sil ~·1111111-t J.:111"'· lto,11/ t1lr. '1'(11' C'\Sll l>lll.l.\JI l'lll' 1·11 11·" 1111 ... c 1 L ,, .. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• BILL BARRY RV CEMTER ':'"'°"''"'· 11 "1'· 1111''; 11111 Autos Imported hnt·~ \t.,OUO int \l1~1' •••••.'••••••••••••••••• 111111 1111111·-lllll(jlll'~ I' I' II ' I ' I Klll t:ill:.! 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FI' 1: 1 \ II:-.; ,'I, \ :-.; SSS CASH FOR ::;.i:>CMI t.lll 111:3;, .. r fi 11 ~;, 12 '73 VW Pop Top \\'l'~tf,1h ;1 1·ampm11l11k ()1.111i.:1· ~ \\l11fl• Sup1r l'lt'.11\' :\I 11:.l 1,.. ~l'\'11 X:.!.illY<· I 1111 ... 11111111 ll.11 ry 1'1111l :!0\111 E 1,,.1 SI Sanl.1 Ana 01x·11•"t·11111g,, 1111 lll pm ,\'.'I> SC:>ill,\\ S llX 1-'11111 I' l .... t '.1111111•1 """ 11111. lllt'~ ,\ 11111~ SIKOO T1•tl )(Ii •i I !!I .............•.••••••.. ~111111< ,1111 l°lhl I fi:i. \111( 1111111 II• 111111.1lt!1' hi ~:.: 1 ·,u •. 1: I' 1 • pt 1 hh1 :!t l:J, <-1. l 1'1.! :JI :.1 hunw 1>.iug h11•r .dh'rl!tt C.111 M'\l llll-! 111,1< h . 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'""' 1'1•1 11 ... 1i;:11.,.,)-, -;.1 .... 111111..1 r '1 1:"• . \1111. 1111d Boats, Sail 9060 ~1m ·.x1 1·,:,· ••••• ••••• • ••• • •• • ••• •• llnnd ' ( H :•ott :t o•HJ 1111 .!I \l l<Oll \ Slu11p ,\ :Ill hl..i 11'" ""' 111.· 11111,l tlld Ill' 111t11•lltll 'I "·ll1h1,q1 1'1'1 .IXl ll '11\ ( ~!'Kil t 1.;;1 ••·J" IL11\J.!tit '!It l'fH I , .. , \111\U I', •\II;;. ,\,l\"",ltl. ,\ ol11I 111 ,111 11 '•! 101,111' Ill '''·'' hp .11111 "'"~tllll '"ii ... , I ' -;! \lf(t1 1'l t1I \1ttl1111·.!' t •n11\1wl1l11111 1\ '" j t•ltl 11l11h • \\ -.,,ti, 1 I -.Jilt I It Mator Home!>, Sale/Rent 916 ·····•··········•······ 1(1111 !•· C:\11' 1'11 l'I\ )(,I.I ;!to I h Ill .. I:! 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S.dt·" \' \\ )11111 'l1'111k,.. '·'""· 4 x I ' .., l' 11 " l 11 Ill h I l \ 1'1111'1•·1' MODERH MOTORS OFF ROAD CENTER I, knll,tl•·. I:! 1:1 1:.! 111 Kiit Hi '75 ARGOSY MOTOR HOME E:-.l·•· ;.:11111p. 1·111< 1 l.1111 rnl·11t 1 l'nll·1 :..:1·11 ,111 t:1I \"lll-!1111 I rlll'I 11111 ll 111. "; I • Ill 11 I 1°1 n ;. l'lt l".11lul\ tl1111• <•Ill 111111• ... uni~ ,·,·1:i IC I ISi'-·\IDl.irnJI I MOW $19,990 BILL BARRY RV CEMTER 1>111,,11111 ol Ila n .•· l'unl 21KHI I: ht St S:1 11l.1 \11.1 Ut!<.'11 • \' 11in~ ... ltll Ill l')I \'.\:I) Sl':'\ IJ \\ ~ 558-1000 '73 OPEN ROAD 1 I rt '<'If 1•1111l ,,1111 ti 1·:t1111w r 11 111 <'ht\\ ·11•11 l'tl·kup I. \t'• llt 111 ' 1i1 t!lRl·:l <St~ oz;;;1 Mow $4490 BILL BARRY RV CENTER 1111 l'IOll OI ll.1111' 1'11111 :•1ot I·. 1 ... 1 St :--,,1111.1 \11.• \)IH'll 1 \ \'lllli:' ... ltll lh 1'111 \;\IJ:O..l '11\Y!" 558· I 000 4 Wheel Drive!> ~sso ···················•··· 1975 CHEVY K·S BLAZER \11\0111.i l 11 ,1tl I O lltf "'" '-114'4 1111 ,\. t t ,,,'11 11111•' 111•11 /\ :O..ll\ICI' <~toll ISll., t1:1t.71 ~. •' 111 11111 II\ I 11 p.11 I mt•nl Mow Only S6490 BILL BARRY RV CENTER I II\'"'"""' lt,11 I\ I '11111 :!'""1 1•: 1 I ~I :.;.1111,1 \11,1 011t 111 '''11111J'"' ltll 1• 11111 \ '\l>SI "' \\ ~ .. 558-1000 •. ; .!··· I' \\. 1\:!tlt\•' I \" .1 ... , .. 1 \l,,11111: m1b l " II s .... 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'I I !ti Sp"' d r.111111 h1 .1111 h II llJI 1 1 ' 111 l : 1 • I ' ·•ii.! lZ 53476 , I IL1111 li11 " I I "'ii ~ln• 1 11n .I .it1 I""' 1 It• \\ t 11 t \ t t \ ' '• ,1 f1 11'1 • I 'It , 11 -. .•. I i • I "' I I I •. I ,htll Iii \\ 111 • '' ,t I It ltl I 1:1" 'll.',.. II 1 II ii ti 10111 I-•' ' • 11111 '74 FORD COURIER P.U. p t• d 11 ,111 1. II h• • I ,\ I I I \ 1,~1: I\• $2377 THEODORE ,,,,, .. Ill • I' ROBINS FORD 2060 HAllBOa BLVD. COSTA M ESA 641 ·0010 j't · I.I \ 11 oil\ I llll•I ,1,. II, 111.1•' 111.1111 \11 ,1 I\. l<t\1 11 It I I' I, t 111'' >1 l-111 d l 't• I 111• l:Ht\ ~. ( I• ,1111" II 111 1111 lt"ol\ ' p.111•1 'II»• "' 111 l "'I ldl'll l'• ·;1 \111 lt llllll.:0-I tit .1111", "il1 t't•11 ... ur111 1111 '11t \ 11\\ .. ,., ""0-ifHI .t ,., .! I I • \\ """"' ,ti l I ,_ \11d1 ltM•I.". I di .1111•• ,1111 1 •111d tf\I -.,.!I, ..II 1,"; •• t.~:l!t .: 1011 I.~ th 1 I \ , . t l lllllt 1o111 .. UI• 1.1llh ,tUl •J .111 ''lJl llM 11 \\I I \I "lt'h..t111 111 I ~'<IHI l ',ti 111.1.1 '"'" '75 Audi Fox '"'P' 4 •I ,ltt . f1JHl1i P ltlO t I i 11 f f ,pt II I ht'.tl I f • .. 1,11\ $4476 BMW 9712 ·········••••···•··•·•· SADDLEBACK -BMW BUY OR LEASE NOW BMW TRADE-IM's it 11 11 I I' •'lti-.1"1 I.II~ :0-.\ \ 1111!'1 i 1'11K1' \I•'' \I I,\ ... 'IMt' I ... I 1.1,:'\ I \I I• I ,,,. $h1 I \1111>1 I. 1111\11 ll II' s \I . I : ' \\\ 1111 II ' I I 11111111111• plt•l' l.111111- J..'I .q1hu -. .. H '\'"'(ti It'' 11.tllp.1p1•1 t,11'1 tt·~. rr-m 11 ,111 I \\ .1r1• h 1111 '• ('11•.11 .Int'•' l 11li1·,1t,il1l1 h1l..1 •... l'l.1111 :.: ..... 111 1: "hul1 It> , l " 111.1 .... ,\ -•. ct :7.~ •. , t .. 1111 •'< ... 1111\\ ,1.,1111..: I~ pt'' t :1 I '·'' 1111• :1 1op111. S.11 ,ti .!ti.Ill II.II I 11•1\ ':1111,, \11,t Ith t:;·, h:!t.t. hi \Ill ' ,\·ipm1111h •I' I' '.!.! ;,tJll l't I i :l:1.1 ... m1ill1•r l 11'" :\1111111 ll1>m1• 1111 ;, .!i l h111 h " 1:11111:.: ,1pprm: :!'""111111 ntl lr&p\11'\H l';dll \\lllp.i~ ,;::; llav II.ii r11lt' ;\11 1'111111!'1•11 .! 111.11111 1' .1'1111!' 11111 I I\ lo, n 11II'I1 •II j.: t' 11 I 111111111 l\lltnl'' (',1 11 ~;;1111~12 i • I !111! 1::\lf 1\1 I.I I .d11111 IC.1111 h1 '" \ ''" c h •,1n 11•'" \ M • '"tin high I"'' :>.111! '111111 .'1..l t ' j ll' .111,11111 \pt 1: 8 3 1-2040 495.4~49 ORANGE COUtHY 'S OLDEST 1111" l.11 "11111 1\ll h """''I'" \Ill'•' '1t ,., I ,\ .' 1,11lh'ld11•,, l•1111l \ 1' •I I ""•'I , pl,1 I pi It I I .1llil' "" .!l:i ~11•11..-I \I ·~1'111 P"", · ~1 .11 t-:-.1111rt1.11 i; ,, 1 , , .ii, F 11 111 l\1 Ill 'I 111111 I l'1•l<"r"1ll I .1111111\ ,\ 1.1111 -h11•lcl \:II 11111.I "''II >Ill' .!!~Ill I Ill p I I d ht 11 II .1 I \11,tr:1l1 .1n h<'1'P'l..1n 111 1:' 1111111 ""'' "'"' 1.:11 11.11:. Stare, Restaurant, Bar 8095 ················•·•··•· GLASS SHOWCASE l'111I' "11111\.11 \l.11 'I ,\ I•,,.,,..., 1111111•1111·111 ... ,\ 1111' l.! '•~\II Ill I I' '1 111 ~111ul1•,. 11.:11 l11ol111 1 h1•tl. I i..11 lhl I r hr... hl.1• 111•\\ Iii I 11(;1 I S \ ll ll I. 1; 11 \ (' I\ S.1111.1 \11.1 :l:l7 ..,1.,:1 l\T~l!llllC~ 1-;111· ll,11111 11•1 SI In 1111· 11111 \l1to 111 I hll.. '••t lh ••I ,,,,,. \1111111· IC1•1ll11ll Ill l• 'I '1'\ I ..... , I (,11.llll ti It ' .1rt• l11111t• 11 1.11111,.., 111i.:h1 ,1.11111 111 .. Swops 111•·, i..11 111111 j " 11.a.:o< 8096 Ill\'\ I l'l'll'\ F~I \1'1'. ~\11.:0.. 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'''I'll pulpll:. 111\' lllh . tlc•l111(1' IOI . 1•11 mp:t"'· i.::tllt·~. t•lll'lil' .. 1•tl h('.td, d11<l l!t'I , "Ip,• !'1 man~ ·n~ {'hr11 m11\11r honw 76 (.'.,J;, .;ct'll Loath-II 11 \( 7 l'\l '1r.1~ :! h11ul 11\1·111 ·~~~~-' \'.x. :!X:l 111' \11111. 'l.:1tlll tr,1,, Ii mo nld, 11•ll11w ~· ... ,.11 m.1k1• ullt 1' t',1llX1'i'>l.lil hl.11'k1oi:l'1:,m.1111.1'\l l'l71 1>1111•'" \l.t\I 11111' \',111 :111 11•1\il I' :... 1' 1; 1il:1 i l~MI Trailers. Tr•vel 9170 i.t 11111.1.._ro. :111:! \' 11 . Tht• r.1~1 .. .,1 iii .1w 111 lh1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• llur"I 3 ~11l.'l'll 1111111 o,h1l1 \\'1·~1 .1 lla1h l'llol l"•tH''ll r ti ' •1•1111 ..,t•ll ""1 roll h.H. 'k 111 pl.II" Cl.•:-'•' 11•11 \11 l'h•"ll 1.111w•I 1.::o~ ,1,, 1•lc• s 1,.?1t0 11 "'"'"' hh:.!hl & m 1m •"< Ii-I:! 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Used ········••··••···•····· ······•················••·••••··············•· •••••··•·•····•······•· .............•......... ·····~········~····· BMW 9712 KormOltf'I Ghio 9735 Por"he 9750 V0Ucswo9en 9770 Volvo 9772 Chevrolet 9920 Autos, U$ed Autos, Us•d ······················· .......................................... __. .............................................. , ... ·············· ...................................................... . CREVIER &I SI & IROAOWAV SAHIA AHA 835·3171 '74KormorutGhlo 'f'.!I 911~; fo'.!1' ''"·"'" NEW'76RABBIT 71 111 :J7 .Ul.ll1 1111 air W~h\''•'lll·~s.1,11.t t,11 Ma..,enck 9947Pfymouth 9960 ('OI l'lo: l ~Pl:'t:ll S 'p~ii_ \;\I l•:ll .ll,lll(l ;\f1t1!1.·I Jilli I "'IH't'tl l'Plld r.11tin ,1i1•k ,l11fl lltorv ~.111~·1·'. 11111 1·\ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 r.ut111 •!l.'i•IKLZ ~ 1111>~1,1, 11ktl.1~" .,111::till t:ttni;;;,1 "' ~·l •1tlld 1,1;11•1,;, li.1u ... 1 ,\lll••.\11111 .. 1111 ,1 ,1.11 ,.111 1..1.,1 ~ • .i" JHE BILL YATES .il\htilll Now0rtly$34.99 . ~1.•.iU!lfo.l t.X'll l•\tt\1111·1 !\l'l,ill 1tl 1 1~.:-.1.1\\1.11 \~1 1•:"11 . >'lll il ' VW.PORSCHE i:l l'or>.1'111· !Il l \o·llrn1, l'lt1~l.i\,\l11""'" ,1ut" .ill' \l11110111l 1ln;• ill l mp.tl.1 .! d1 \\Ill " '1 DAILY PILOT S.Jt1Jt1:1tiC:ipi~tr:1no J l'lll"·"'· JH1H•p .1111 r111 BILL YATES 1m1wr-C.~i1111 •11~:1::.1:!1• "hh11• "'" .\ 1111 !'>1n ..-ercury 99SO 01\ll y PIL()T c I :J THIE Vl11MA 1£ OlllVINO MACHINE •USED BMW's• '7;, 53111 W3'1N HX l ·7:; 3.11 SIA · CO:tOO> '14 3.ttt'S . 1:1(17L~'Ml '74 2W:! lli:J5KSJ J '73 OllVl\l'i:t • Otti1.l l'i':) 837·4800 493-4511 IHrl.., :.upcr clcJll. ~:lt,\J VW-PORSCHE "I! ( "Jll Fr·i vr S.it. ''"11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~W·7949 ~.111 Ju..in Cu p 1'>lta1111 A U '"•:.! llil I 70 l"11U;!.Jr .1ulv. 11r {'1111\.1, 9 7 38 •i.z Porsch~ t 600·60 837-4800 4a3.4511 utos, sed Chry!>ler 9925 nu tin·'· 1111 P·1111t. S.:!tJOO. 1~ 111 lh1· p r1111''' nl 1'1.'f)hll'lll)ot '>1111'~ (ll lht• r::========~ t: o ni p a 11 ' o p t' r 11 t t' II "71 UMW <!OH:! T11 /\1r. "unr·r. ,\ '1 11" M ,,1 .. n·"· 1)1;!rf. 557 .:1~111 ~d.i 7c11J7 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7ji...CJ\l'flf II. Auto, t\IC. Mo1do Q .. T O O. O e e e O O O O O O O O. O e O O. •• ",•111 .•) OU t"1(17" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Speed , l•l· ... 1uta£ul -~ iHO s .. ;. ~i 5 Lu"tdl-.J ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ..., " COPELAND automolulc. :'llu"l sec to 75 uu~hcr GT, air. "'l'l'l'O " ~nrl , ,\ti .. i.lwrp, nrn"'t 1i7 t'h1) :.lcr :1 l>~:>lff ";:n '71 ~IONTl':H ~y IDr • ('lt'an behcvc ~G PT1"15 att!>UITI<'bl','ll!J "'" :-.,, '1·1 1 ll<o ;.:11i 1<:'\t) 1•1.111 I""" It II, .Ill'. ·:11 MOTORS IMC. SAVE ,;i,..h l l'q 'll, :!.1:\lp g, K'•81Gl:> 4!1:114!1 .. o ..... ,., 1111111 :-~1~1_l"i.l2.._;!~11;~, __ !#llJ.()tlil ltlll :0511 \11va "<Ir Sf'!I :iutll. n1r, '75 CHRYSLER $1:!1lil 1·1· hi:! ti:l!l:tl'\ 1975 & 1976 MAZDA's ENTIRE STOCk & Ll(f>UIDA TIOH *SALE* ALL..-AIDA's •'itr :'ll 1•11\q;1> :llX :'tu ,... __ i2 W Pop Top l \1111pr, 111u'l ~t:ll. ui•. :.!~"'·' ~.Iii!\ Cordobo Wi:n l's 1•11 .111 .>!l.llilli A,\'lff'.\I ~1 .. n•o, s:.auo. k!~··H~IS. i:1 1•1y111 lh1~kr. mi ,1111 t .,11.i . 1., 11 1 J9b6 Hurtivr ( M b4h 9JO:l Ii l~ i 11:1:; \111\. i\u. U!l:!J fl ~.HIS. V 8 \ T .. ;11r. /\:\I IF;\I ---11~111··16 1'1 i;l1·n ·11 .t l..iµc, \' 1uuf. In 'H VW Tl1111i;., i::_rct:11 , gon<.l lll\ 1 ... 1tlll'r :-.1•.1h. 1'11t 1·111111, run' good ~.!.1t>U sti:rr. 1,,...·Hin.\l;\U. 1:11; .111:1:! AMC 9905 SPECIAL '72 VW Buq-S 1895 1\ll <·r Ii pin. Iii :> .-> 1117 ····•·•······•··•······ '7 4 AMC HORNET ·~5 Mere. C~or XR 7 \ i. :111t11 tr.111 " "" 1·11111) • fJ\\ r· ~lt'I'( • ,\ <ft,I 111 akl'"· A;\I F:0.1 ,11·r1·0 hr.1Ll'r w ' 11 ,, \'.fop till "Id. 'lo\\ 111il1•:< l.11• tiut om nh1 lrs a 1111 111 ft•r \h~ r11llo\I Ill).! s \Hllllll W1l).!(lll" 1111 11,ill' 1974 PLY..-OUTH ~.ll1•ll1flo '"'"llllll .. '1'.ll '.'>t.1Wm ·w :1)!1111. :!IS \'II I'll 'llll'. 1.1tlh1 .• Ill' I Olldt 111111111 ~. 111~· i.;.1;;1· "·'' .. ·''"' 11\111·1 ,.,, 1,1•, 111'1~··· I 1111 h "1l ti 1•11.1~111 t 11111 p.111\ dll\1'11 11\lkl'. \{J.l' ~I $2400 1974 PLYMOUTH V·ll, AM /f.\1 ·,ttr1·11 t.111c. 8j()(} 1111. s.rn:,IJ. ~1-lll-;;,11 <l~s. 9i!l So:n ''\ ,., Datwn 9720 MUST GO! Rolls Royce 9756 1'.17 1 \'\\' 111w · 200 I E. 1st ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· 111•\\ \\I I· \t 1111 l<(l\l ~ll'l'l'U Ill tit•-., •1 llr lll'd \I 0\\l11l1 I.a n d1•.tt1 .Ill" I 1111.J , /1>1 1 1>ll'<'nng ..\ h r:ilo.l·:-I )t'a1 Santo Ano Lincoln Mere yry 1:1111 \; T11,1111 Santo Ano 547-05 I I 1111l1milnf nuli·:i;.:.-11 J I' Continental 9930 ."•d i\/, 1 ... 1111111\',1·1• ,: l 11,1111n S11 l111rli.111 .! ""1( ,\ IJ !> ,1\ .11l.1hlt .t.1t1o111 \I .1 ~·1111 :11,11 I l•lil .••••••..••............ Sales & Leasinq TUI' Doillar l't111l (Jn AP. Tradc-111s NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Nl'ar i\faci\rlhur & J amhorl'C f<oads 833-1300 LEASE FOR LESS ,\II rn;.ikc,;, all mu1frb' Cl.I ll uur lease m;.uiag<·r', J\lall !\lalhcWS·lht:n Yl' <·1dt:' \'fr ·r~ here lo h1·l11. BARWICK DATSUN 831-1375 493-3375 lS.A. ~·rn y. :! Hllh . '"'"l 1 1110£Al£R IN. U.S.A. SANTA AMA 558-8000 JR ROY R CARVER r ~wlJpol•S,.,~~~.'.~,~11[ '7•1 11.X h\S~lllTil! 111:111 al ~ ~- !:)11!.l :!.J nw L1 kl' 11i.:11. 111 \'-----'-1>444 Cl0S£D SUNOAYS Xl..\;T t·o111l ilnly HHlHI 111ilc -.. t!ltitJNIK1. l'n . pl~' X~ll ·lil l 1 allt•I' r. pm Soab 9760 :\lLlS'f'SEt.t..1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , 7:.! So1111d ~:1 S µh.1·.11. ·I 73 MAZDA RX-3 :-pd, \'. 1. :11r, .\l il'ht·l111 Coupt•.4spccd,:.1ir tond . 111·1·!>. ,111t <·•111d 1;n.,1t "j'._! \'\\" 1111' I I''•' !I ;Ill' ratf111, :(1.\I rn1 O n 1• It\\ IH ,. ' \I 11l l'itllll I' I' ~MIA llKO!I 1~1 \ \\ F.1,tha1 I... 11111, •d n II .., " o 111 ,. 11 " 11 \ Wlll'k <;.'\1111 ti:'I :!:1'.l.i .i~I \ \\ :\f11I t olll.f .... l.111 l°Jll IWl\\1"('11 :I,\< lop Ill di< I iX:! \l'ry low rn1k"i .• 1 )t•a1 Olp;.: .. ~:Urnl l 'l'. !Ifill :!kH:: .\l u~t wll 'i 4 SI ·;-,; HI<. w<irr:.111ly :J\a1),ll>l c ----:\11·ro11d, \:'II F.\I !>lt·1-.·11 (lil;KYUl. Spc1.:111I sale Subaru 9762 111 1111 '.I.Int 1·11ud prict· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~SIMMJ h'l ~·Ir 1jj!) t/19 $1495 COPELAND •MAZDA• i.'i Ii F Sp! "P"-;; Spd 111a i.:s. i\:'IL F:"ll. :!.'imp~. mun~ ''''"\.. ::.:c1ju_ Call ltlti iXI I or •1i:1 :1;,K I 111111' \ \\' l'lli.:, ... 11111111·:11'. ' I i ,1 I 1 \'" I o II 1 • I'.• t ',ti I ~I iii ';'l~lli r •• 1t t ' '"t ' :1 ' I ,. 1, l ••. •• • • •. • • • •• • •• •. • •••••• 1~1 '111' '\1.i Sp\'l l.d ~.ik '7:1t:mlr111,·11t;ll, 1111111, lull p!'ll'I 5247 5 lllll", .\1111 l'lllld, ,\I I .1:-I' J' $4999 Santo Ana Lincoln Mercury !:Jilli\. Tu,,1111 Santa Ana 547-0511 73 AMC GREMLIN .! 111 \111 .. 111.11 .. ' l'\11 .. 1t•1•1·1111,: 1111 1·11111 I 11\: 111\\ lllll1·'\ f.1k1• jll'W-1111(' 1t\llll'I 1:,:•111,Jl.IJ 1 S1•t'1 1.d ,,tit• 1'1'1\ ,. ONLY SI 995 COPELAMD AMC-JEEP 200 I E. I st St. IS \ Fn1 ~ :.! 1111..~. l'.1:-l l SANTAANA 558-8000 ::.-i:1110. (714 ) 1:7!1 :11::>1 '73 Mark IV ---\~I F\I ... 11·rt'11, \. rnor MYstan9 9952 \·\1lnl1lt ,.\,I\ I''',. ••••••••••••••••••••••• «1111111 .t . "'l>l•t """ '73MUSTANG i. .. 1tlh·I' M'1lh I Ill "'"''' FORMAL HARDTOP .., Pd l O 111 I 11 I , I , I • \' X,.1ul" 11 ;111~ l.11 l on :11:!1 ll:L $5999 Santa Ana Lincoln Mere ury 1:1t11 :'\. T u:-.1111 Sonta Ano 547-0511 Corvette 9932 •..•..••..••..•.•.•.•.. J l!7 ,) t 'Ol!\'l·.T TI·: .tit' p o \\t'I ~1,"t'llU~ ..,\· lil'.1lo.l·~ '111~ I rrn11 di lt_,.,(j :\I l $3489 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARSOR &LVD. COSTA MESA 642·0010 ·1:1 2toZ . .-.11chchns <t j K mi 1 \\'c:-krn ma;:;;. a 1· a m itm ~tcreu li·l1•;11'k , •ll!K 1111. / lht 111r H\'l·r S5.000. 55!1·!i5 Iii '1)1 O;it:;un St.\\' .1;.:1111 2001 ~; 1::.1 S a11t.1 \n.1 (S .. \.Fn\.V·l IW..s .1-.1:-ll 558-8000 1i"1 \ \\' l\11, I IHI"' l•1 \I 1111 Toyota 9765 ,.,1 ,.111.: ;o.7;111 111 IJ:-I 111 ,. 1:1,J.,,1·J111. ;i:.!1,,)1! h::.L ulr ••••••••••••••••••••••• <.;il l '•.•ft •11tHt 1.\1; ,,.l,-; ~1 ,h. t11t '\ll,·kt 0 1 ll.1ll'l1r11PI I:! llllll 1111 n•n ,.11,1rp I 111\111·r 1·.1r Oldsmobile 9955 1'1 lt'\'d 10 :,t. . .'tl ltt·I'"' IHut• •••••••••••••••,••••••• 'i:t HX2 :\l:11.1la . i\lust ~di. lo mil1·~. good 1•111111. t't'1111om1l·<il :>!l7!'>1 IJ~l ol r ,; lli·lj\)8() In mile;1:,:l', 11L'W l 1r1·,. ·;:i b lll·Z" air. i\:O.l 1 ~·\I . :illlStt 1111-. fi7:1.1:H.a; or 111 a ).! s . Io 111 1 I 1• a i.: t: 1;75 5!1,'1:! It 11•k. TOYOTA-Santa Ana sl11rk·y. ··.\ \\'1101.1•: :-.: I·:\\'\\',\ y 11 i \ \\ s" 1\1' II" I TO lluY Y()lJH C:\ll " lrn>k' !'!fib ).!l'l'.d 11<·,.1 417 W. Warner Ave 1111"1 :>11t i:.:.-.:i 110111.. l'11n hJ,l·-t 11i11111 I' I :1 II •• \ .1 I I . (. ·' I 1\lll<'l'l \',lll (";11 f'l.1 11 tii.'1 ll!MIU ·;'.! l11•l1 ,1 Xii ,\11•. i.t lll 1111. r11 11:-11;111 J,.,o,,I,\ \ n 1it'.111 :-.'.! t:1:; 1;1t :w:i1 '73 OLDSMOBILE 98 \ 1' t'll, lllt' ,111 l llllif If 11111 Ul;•, t .1d1t\, pn\\\'I \\Ill 11""'· lui;,.:.1g v '"" f.., \I 11h 1.i,111111 111111· .... "\ll'l' Stai h;:hl 11wl:.ill1t: uluc I 111i:.h. (I) I' Iii I $2450 !°\'-'l" Ill ~ar.1,L.~t.· .1n·a 1hk lvr Hid, ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT :1:111 \\ t:St llU \' SL l 'o!>la :\lt•sa Pontiac 9965 ..•••..•.••.•••......•. DAVID J. · PHILLIPS BUICK. PONTIAC & OPEL, INC. S \l.ES .\ Sl-:H\'11·1·: :! lXKX 1\L ll "I.\ I']\ WY :. I>. Fn\) 1\111 "'~.\IL L:\t;L·'.\ \HILLS 837-2400 11:1!1 ll l(...i C\'(•,_, li!llj.;;!.lllli ,_ ---tla v~ •I :\la1.da llX I. h tll p · \\,a 1 r . :! :i , 11 110 m 1. 'i:! ();1b11n !~Oil. Xlnl l'Oll· $:!5W1ot'r. s:m.:J11;0 al'L ''· 1011W.1nwr111·ur :IL1111 1 S.\~T1\ ,\,'\.\ 540-2512 to:!\\\ llu _ .\l .1.:" \,II F\I .,1•11·1• \lllt t" 11111 ..;.-100 C.d I :.iii 111,71 I·;\( .~'IX, Iii I 5it:1 :ill,)/':\! 1;,; Ha111l1lt.•r Sta. W;1~ ="•'W lire~. (,d ln1 n~p. :-..100 J>,..t ufr. l!-12-8:!117 Mt I :11)11111. Buick 9910 .........•••.•......... m 'I' T1tp :J.;11ltp. \\lllt•· hi.1( h, :-h•l\11 111 l'otlllf ,di ""·' .. :-.~11 1111 . 117:1·1:1:'>1 t·\t· .... F11ll ll•"\•·r'. 1 .... ,.,,~ .111 ~.1 ,\,tn· JJ;1t 1'11had• 1 ,·111td1ll11111nµ.. """'~ 0111111,. ,.11<1lu 1111 ,.. ,1111 1111111 f11ll ()II\ ' !5tlil :oT I II .11111 ,\lth l 1>1•11 11-1;,. I r ;1; <11111111. Call ~II~ ::11 II °i:> T111 "t .1 :'II ark II SI Mercedes Ben1 9740 \\;1g1;11 \ulo lra1h ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\)1 F~I. ILtgJ!.,,_t~l' •• tt~. ·11 Dab1111 ~111 W;.:n 11 IMttt Lease i:!t~• 1111 ... 1111 1111 \1a11·.111 rrll • g d l"otlld . l'!\'Jll , l\ .'11l1: 11:1.~·· sllil~i. !11;11.;:111:1 Mew • Used '69 Datsun 4 Door jll \ '\\ 11111• :>.1111 Hlilll \\I , .. \I ~l :!,-111 'ti!l ll11i<•k S11ortll'.>1~nn1 ~11(/() (;d rnml. K!J:l,7!H :l ':':! lh1H" l..1S:d u1,· • 11"11 l!li...! \'\\'Ill St.I \\'j!ll, lt1ll1mr .d,1111111111,'l:\t•O \ \l (::"II r.1d111 . 111•\\ Ii.ti 7:11 l:ll"- '76 CORVETTE :! 111 \" ·X. ~1111<1 11·,111" , :111 1·1111d , fl\' r "''"'I' . ,\ 1111.... \:\( 1··\I ,11•1'1•11, lw.11<·1· l.11· 1111 \ uz $8999 lt'I'.\ l:J Ollll 1111. lt1Hk:. S,, i u II' :.: I ,.,1' .,~ 1 ·10 Codilloc 9915 Santo Ano $3287 THEODORI ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR lllVD. COSTA MESA 642 · 0010 ',,:I l"alahna, I' H. I' S :.:1 1.-.11 l'11111t., good t11·1·"· I dnt>r ~:J.~111 1•J 1· ttl:! ,,1~H:..' .dh·r i put .,1 •11.1 :::·•~!t 111·"1.. <'111h I"" I' 111111 1•1711 l'.111t1 .11 L 1·~l.111 Spurl :1,,11\·li, ""'" 1111 ,111· ~h1H k ' l:-11\10 !'>l'l' "I --Dnaml!r "litVfttfiltY AfOllCTIOJl- DISCOUNTS to 10°/o 23 uilih to choose from F ott1uono tl\.J All ~ .. w f9/6 2S f\~ C.tntwann•r & ) t 'ft. l.•CeH.t1 0 6•covnt '-•""'Pl .. : Hl!w 1971> l\ir,treom 27 Ft. land Yaclit • ... h ~tl•"d"' l o•d~d ••'" '•••t. ff~, .,,, It'""' f'l'llt''ttohtM•fl' C.•Ater, •di •o •#I tO(!. •P•<• 'OC•ttt, 1 Y 10 tr. ... , OA(l1J1ol'!<flloo .... 1911 '\lt:p ••l•l'l~oUl'I 10 t-ol ti r•f""° •hi• httle-d -'\'Wblt' lllftt I "'"t#lodJ•H ~< ,., ,J!t•r OOOftt\-tl( A•OOU Wos . . . . SI 4, 4 I 1.6 l NOW ONLY s12,97047 • ,..n.-.. ..--~~ ~-~ WINNEBAGO lllAMO MEW 1976 D 19 BRAVE FrOftf 9l1ct .. 1 '1•1 b11l'l1i ''••l~r t11tt " .-., I\~ U40 \'U I( 04•41 Was ...... '11.990 NOW ONLY 5 10,990 HEW 1976 ELEGAHZA II 26 FT. 6 .. w """"''ofOf'", cob & ,.oaf ad c.OACI_, ,.....,,_, \1optt111•J11i. le-•e-1. c.tw.o"' c:•1111••ol ..... ,.,. ,.,,,,.,.,,. 6'M·f,.. ''""••IS..-00041 Sttr. t,001• Was ....•. $34,900 s2s.990 I Spt:cd. 1·a1l10. lll'all'I' I Icy. hes! zs< :1i.'1i OVER 199 MERCE&ES ON DISPLAY House of Imports :.; i"o1rolla l>I :.. :'! :-pd .\.\I F .\J . \Int 111ik;1gl' \1111 1·11nd. m1hl .;1·11 , ma!..<' t>l l t·r t:! 1:11 ti:tli ll:t'J~ 11r 1:.111°01!17 11lt 71':\L ti7:) IJ'ri •••t••••••••••••••••••• ;1 St•d:111 l),.\.tllc Only Lincoln Mercury Pinto 9957 .\loha l'.illlh 'I 1 Ir l'I.. 1:1:1 11-----------1 $1076 1966 linrho1 ( M hd/; Y !01 . '71 12<kl St.In. i\ulo tr.111,., u1·1:.!.1nal 1 P\Vt1 .. r e :11· ~1:.00 1.1:1 1.11:1 71' · l>al~urt :!tlllZ . .;dH•r h I t.. • ·l ,, p ti • 111 ,1 ~ !> . :\11\ hl·l11 ...... 11n rm <.lt'l'l'll t.q .... :111\l 1111 11\t Jll \ ,,;:rz:, p ,,\, •.• 11 7.i111 .\l'T HOHIZ tO ~I EHl'EDES l>E.\1.1·.H lillti:! ;\I u ndil·1>tt'I'. II iTC'll~i ~rl\ 523-7250 '73 280C Cpe. !IH~llJ(; \'I $8,450 Jim Sfemons Imports 631-1276 "7(12llllSI. .\:II I• :\I .\ull1m.1l11· .t1r \J 111t l'I 11111 loll!' 'j 1'11 1•\1•,l!ll :.!1'1:1 1 --\11-:1\('l·:IH:s l!IOSI. '' ~' 1:d Fiat 9725 :-.:1·;\\" 11 \1:-.:T . 111p. ••••••••••••••••••••• ... 1n,1ch c·~nld !'\ ,~,oo i p111 , •~LI 1 l:J0l l<!li I: 711'1:111 Sp\ do·r Y1•1l111\ t n11 \II \ ,., l n 1'\\ I o p '1 t'tt 111 • .1 II I I "11 ol :1:1. I! I) 11 '' 'KHI h,..t 111 r ,, u ; 11:!:lli FIAt SALES ondSERVICE B.UY or LEASE l'li I \11 n · .. d•·' :11'111Sl 111.11 11lo1t.-• '1 •11d 71 1 .• I'll '\:Mi l 1n 1;; :.!:Ill ldr :><'d:t11 \" h \l-111' '11 .1 • :-. Int t 1111ol 1!1·,11111,·r :, 1.1 :1.1ti1i 7; l.'11ISI .. ltl.." llt'\\, tollh I l,.uotL.1111 .. _ .Jll i..Lr.'·'• 1·1·11. '( l I 111111 11 r It' I "4 I' ti";:1 .!! .• ,; ~" -,., \11\Z Xl1111 1111d111n11 LLER :--1.,. l ot lklh'\1·' llo·'I 111 TORS i.·1 1.o.1 >111 11: ·------· MG 9742 I 'll\\ \\ ·" ,,.., If \l.1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.tlll.t \1L1 I H "\.:I 1:X I· 1,1t Sp11 l1·1 \lt1I 11111 1unr. c ,,ud t.11)~, : a i•,11 i VI ll'lll:>.11l d 1 ll. •··~I F1,d \ 1•1 \•·1111\\ ~ hi.id .. \\I lo'\I l'I I r.wJ.. 1n.•t.:' .. h·,11t l>t,'1 (11,1,1,)1111 Honda 9727 ................•...... Brand New '7 6 HONDA Cars OVER 100 To Choo~e From! '69 MG C GT 1 sp .. ,.,1. .\:\I l·'\I r :1'11•0. """ "h t'1'I • S1q..-1 ,,._h,1rp' \'I l!-i1IK1, $2476 MGB 9744 .......•..•.•..•••.•... UMIV ER SITY . .: \II: I\ 1111111 11111.I lt1\\ • "ut1l1· ttH ~ L •Hlftd Oldsmobile .11•11.,.1'1;111 11111 \111-r •i Hondo Con • GMC Trucks Ponche 9750 I ~ '·····················. '~·'"I l.11 lu11 ft \•I (\1:-t.1\lt•,.t ~111•11.111 Hiil T11~11la Con11la ~.~pd \ 1111 n111 tl l.11 m 1 " IU1wl1t111I.. ::;:1t11ll 1J'k111i.: ~~;,_. \"•'I'\ 'U ll;>(l\lll' ,; I:.! •i:31iX .. lt11·I . or ~1 IX ;;:t 11 En·' 1i!l '1'11101.1 Con1llo1 111.\ l!kl1J , ·:111111 lr:11i,., gootl 1n1li1;tt.!t", L!,O\HI t 1 1·t·~ s•1~1 111 frr .ia:! ~;1:11 '7 4 LondcrYiser 1•11 .)IJ1~; i I l"u,I 111 a \\';1~1>11, 1 \'I'~ 1111\ milt• .... ,1111 1·1111d \\,qi\ \'l "·"· K:t11 tj;,X:! 111Cr111\11 \\ :ii.:1111 1.11 1111 . 11~·\1 111°1·.;, lnlrl g :1nl :;l'<Jt !-11:1;, x:10 .11;17 '72 Toyoto Carina 2 Door ,\ 11 t p hl0.1l1•1 1St1F1':l l 1 ,1 11 ' , I ad 111 You 11 111.1• 11 '' • . Only "$1299 GROY-H CHEVROLET 18211 BEACH ILVD. 847·1>087 S49·lll 1 HUNTIHGTON BEACH '7 4 Toyota Mark II 1: t ~,I . .t ul o t 1,t11 ~ .111 <U1id i11t1Hlfl •dpf('O '"lllll • 111· •\\'I' :1:.:.1, 11 t I $3216 1.'l t "' ''"' \ ·u11t1 n .1 \ t111 tt•nd ""''''" 11• ·•Pl"''' 111'4 111·1"t•Ull h li1 l'I H '70 Toyoto Corolla l SP"' d. 1.11h11. Iii ,it. I Kll.J ,\(llo'. $1176 'i ·I '1'111.'lt; :->1h ,.,. " 11dl roll :"llu~l :-l'll. ~.1 • .'11J (";,II .'1IS 11111:! VW BUSES '70 Camper .. Pop Top S11p1•1 1111-.· 1011tl1l1u11 ::771 :! '73 Kombi .. 270H90 I S111•l'd, l'' l r:.i 111n•' '72 VW BUS .. 50032 .\1r. I "P<'1'd , Jlbl 111 tinw' '74 VW BUS .. 2 I 9LHJ ,\111t1, orang,· & wh111• 011h 18.0fhi 111111·.., GARDEN WEST VW 2 Bloc-ks W or Beal·h l\hrl 7600 Weslmin:;ler Rlvrl Westminster H93-7!>51 '75 Scirocco \ti t'nttdU tt .. lllfll!, 1 'PPfd 'I" l'I'" I·.\ 11' ;1, ,. :O. l 1 .t 11111"' Ki'iL \\ .\ $4295 GARDEN WEST VW 2 Blocks W or Beach Rlvd 7600 We5tm1ns le r tshd. Weslrntnslt<r S93-7:>Sl ~\ S1qw1 11,.,.,,,. Sp1·1·1.tl . Jt.11111 \J, 1: ·• r.1tf I. ti I 11 o" 1:· 0111111\1 ,J••:lu ti 1.1 1:11.~ "',, ·"' 1,, \' \\'. 1111 '"",, 11' ;••I nu < ,, tt•'nt ., 1''1 "' t:I 1974 ··suN BUG" CONVERTIBLE !' 1r !" -r 11 ,";: r ;i d 1 n I '~ ;.1..1 ( • j BILL YATES VW-PORSCHE ~.111.111:111 (·'I'' 11.111" 837-4800493.45 11 ~!:~ ............. ! ?.1.~ ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO I• \I 'I.I S I \I· I.' \'111. \ 11 J,,,111'0•,I \'.,j\to lJ1.tf1 I 111 (I I' .111).!1' ( '1111111 \ ' 111 ' "I I I \S 1: 111 H i'.I' I Karmann Ghio 9735 .•..•.........••.....•. 1975 PORSCHE- 911 s I .,,,Jt'l'• I fll.t ... ' .~ ,1,l 1·1 1~1) 1•.1,'t'il" 11\;I Y i.X1lt1 \I I I I·;~' tit• '\I) I I t!:mf·~ ...--2025 S Manchester WE HAVE *SIX* LATE.MODEL KARMA MM GHIA's TO CHOOSE FROM . Orange CoYnty's Be!>t Selection 111·'. 1<1-: \I( I·' ll-:'\\;\11'11-:S • 1'17 1 1 '-Jll't'll, 1tl',1l11!1• \\ •lh 111 ll\l II llll\'1'1111' 1:1:11;FS\ I • l'lt I \111 11.n:illl'. ,,I' '"I t.11~· ~ ,111 1 nnt111,.1111111· ('f ' t' ,. n \' ' 1 t~ t ' 11 r o1:'..!"Ff II • l·1~ I I I"'' 'II ,\ 111 .t ll"1' II II h l•l'ol\\ ll J ll I 1• rltol iU.'>l'IJL.\\') *DON BURNS Volkswagen I 3731 Harbor Blvd GARDEN GROVE 534-4100 NOW SIJ,900 'Mclt>on Codilloc ~·nil,\ \la1n.sant.1 1\11,1 543-9421 ~I T11\'11l.1 <:ti r111 i<1111I \ 1'1"\ l'h'.111. lll''l 1111<•1 !~~1 :,!(;Iii) ,11( 0•1 ')pll 1 --Triumph 9767 ·7 J :•\ 1 • u Hrr'\' n t ";1 llll~I ••• • • •. •. • • •• •. • ••• • ••• 111flon11r .\1111 1·111111. 11111~1 '7 5 TR7 -.1•11 \111lh· ~.:1!l l'\'.:11 1ir .... 1 , I 111. l·"'~l l • 1·1 • 1 ·' 1111om ,, ., ". i " ·' TH \l'\11 111 S1•1l l1 r1• 'i i ll 111···",111~ll111i•.\11U11.1111 :1•1.1H11l 1111 \111 F111 ltl'-111 (l.1 t111·d .1tl·,d t1 .-... t.•11 ···--1·1 I( \\1°11 l ".ill .\()\\ ~ ... ) •1 "··~·· f or Cla••ifi!'d Ad A< rlON c,11 A O'Al(Y 1'1LOT AD"flSOI 641-5671 t1G:-Op1ll1re :\lark It ~;u1111r l>l'!>l 1tl I t01' ,; 1."> i:~ 111 1~11"1 11111111hSplllll'•' 11 ·hlt 1•t1i· .,\ 1 la1ll h H1111 .:ol '-171~1 111 lt-r~ I ~ '.>181 '7 3 TR·6 Rdstr. ,\:\l F:\I. 111.l ,,:,, Cka11i.:,..1 um• in IO\\ ll ! Billi' PK. DRIVE IT! GARDEN WEST VW 2 l1 l11t·ks W of (ka< h Hl\d 71100 W,.,,m1n<h•r HI\ ti Wt·~tn1111,IN K!n -;~ .... '>1 Anaheim 750-2011 1;•1 \ 1tll" I I ' 11•hJI II .Ill· \\I I· \l '73 Volvo 14 5 \lllo> 11 .llh f.11·t 111 \ l '' 11 d,, '" 11111 i.:. '1i'11l HI• 1.nlH• ii.o.I I" I\ $4176 '74 VOLVO 145 STATIONWAGON ti n t1n.t1•r .1n1 .. t r:rn~ 1.1\'lOI'~ .Ill'. l',1d111. "II" tli.'111'0.\ I $4376 THEODORE • ROBINS FORD 1060 HARl!IOA BLVD. COSTA MESA 6111 ·0010 :1ti tlUtl lnll\·,,, r\t•\\ t:ltJl .'J.'J'11,..l111 1'<1\11,il:-i;hot·ks Lt:<tllwr Sonto Ana 547-051 I 11111°111•1' & \'Ill) I l'O\JI ~D1K1 l'ri. pl~. ~ll:!·ll\:32. CoU<jor 9933 "CADILLAC'' Quality & Price. Over 70 -....•..•.••...••..•... 1 .. ~T,\TE Si\t.Jo: ·11 Xiii l."1,\'I m1 \'111~ I lop ·' t ', t \\ ('f'\11!'-l t•uq tr1tl, 111\ r "l'ah. l '.111 l 1 .. 11 fr11111 Ill'\\'. llt-sl ofl 1•r 711 H li·(H;IS to Choose From F111· tht: hc,,t 1mt·cs, till' Dodqe 9935 to\\ l'~l ll.·a~l: 1··:..stcs, & dl' •••••••••••••••••• • •• • • 1i.·mbl1I<' !'>l'l"\'ln·. -"I'•' 1i() (Ja1·t. (( 11f, ru11s ;.:nod •• NABERS CADILLAC t'I I :1ul1t. I dr ='li'.!:o. lt..,1 ol 1 j",, l .I:.! I :J :!li1)1J I brlm1 flll d ii ( ·11,,ri.:i·r ;,1111. 11111:-1 ,,•fl COST\ \11-'.s \ .-.111 !l\ill> $I :!1111. 11r ltest •ti i l'I' Ol'E.\ Sl "~J),\\' '69 El Dorado 5."1'.I llil I ·tiX l'11n11h·t. :: dr 111'1011. IH1tl\ 0 I\ ... .Xllll \1·.11"p ~.1w1 hs1 111r.x11 ·flia:t i i t"d \ ~h.1rp-cn11s1 t "Hiil 1 iii I 'WI' l'l!I Si•11I 'ford 9940 '-11"'' I ahrhdt.•i rool l••••••••••••••••••••••• t•11· ... ..,w1 ~,x,;.)oi111:1 "i i l'1trd I.Tl) I llr •. \ t'. Comoro 9917 sh•n·o. 1mmal'. ::;:!!)511 ................. i..... ljj:J.f~ lti ...................•... ·;:1 1•111to. Supt·r Sharr'. ~1111. 2:.!,\111111111 I< llith St C11i.1 :i \11•,,1 .,,. I ,1 I I ,11 IO ti t ;.! ~!;:'> ;111\ I Hllt• ti7.)·~Ui!I '7:1 t: I' p s )I ,., a l , :i ,. 1.1 l'11ll11 . :<II lot 11111t•d 111 \\hi 1111 ,. h I :1d1. "l rlr ~'""·;,\I ml. S.1. 10!1 nf"n• 11~. i.lo11 ~:t.')0_!11;2 .. ,1.u~- 1111·1111'1' H l:!·:lt 1\1 Thunderbird 9970 "j t Hunahoul. t:u· ;ti1·. ·l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~pd :!(11111 ••111.: It II. :-Int 'ta-I T l11r1\ l.a111l.111 (;ti 1°11111\. ~\il)ll, !17!1 !lti;1!I t'lllld Full p11\11·1· ~lit) or '74 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON .\11l t1 lr:i11'. l.wto1'I ,111 ,\ 1111111" 1:!:<1;111.\' $2789 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642·0010 Plymouth 9960 ..................•.... h1 •,I t11Jt•1' !H-\:.! ;!lj);, '1:.'I T ll1nl 1\111111-.111111111111 I t1\I 111·r l.11 1111 k.11:1· 1; Iii :111;11 .ill ~.pm '7 3 THUNDERBIRD \ l-i , ,1111 II l 1';111' .I II', p11r -11·1·1 . A hrl.~, \\I F.\I :-ll·n •11 & 1.1 JI•' 'fill ,.,11•1°1' l.11\1' 111111•:1;.;1· 1,. .1 I h 1 · r ,.; l" ;it " • I. 1 1 II.I.\! I''\ SPECIAL Santo Ana Lincoln Mercury I :111 1 .'\. Tu~t tn Santo Ana 547-05 I I Chr.ysler:/Pfymoyfh Vega 997 4 ATLAS • 71 1·\;.1,H !1l Halh 1· m I.Tl> 2 <.Ir· i\ c 11._.\, , S~>tll I .111111 \1.111' ,Ill llf"l'"'· !\l\00 ~1 ·~· :it :.:0.1, I~'\" 1 '"'1·1111~ & hn1l..1•' ,\11.111,.1111 t' \I 1:11 171..1 Op••t1 l,,1il.\ ,\·~tin ltl 1(1••••••••••••••••••••••• r .• 111 ,. '' 11,.1• 1,. ,. 1 , l~l -1972 VEGA I 1•11,JH)T'"f rtn1Y ~71•111 i i I T P . I' IS. 111•\I' loolltti I..' 11 0\\'.\ n 11 c·111•\ rnt1•1, ,'(,, 1• It . 7!1011 1111.''"'' • 1>1t\l' & Ou:11I St..., t:to11d1·1111111;.1::11i1il ~'t"•l l.11 1 .. 11 llh d . l .. -1.1 \lt•.:,.t. 546·1934 '\l'\\ l>IH'I f11•:11•h 11:1:1 055;, , --171 (:.il.1\\ \l.tn,· 'tt ,, ... I ;11 l'f\ :---1•.1 ... ._ ... r.+lil111 Chevrolet 9920 1111 1111·< i.111111... 1111 \\,1i.:1111 .. 111 ... 11111wo11: ..... 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '"'I h ,. :'. .... ,u h~l .)"<' !t~1:s ~ l1 I .1 ht l t 1 t + \ '-'I ' \\.I' fll .... 1 l'I I 111 ,, '"' ._,U 11 •l\\ HPI , '1111tl 11\1 \ .w.d lf1h J11 4 t.d 1 } 1:11 • 1 c,, I' n 1 c E !1 "., s s . . .r, .. 111 1 ·" 1 " 1 1 1 ,,. l·:sT\TI·: \\'\C l.n.111t•t1 ti:.t .. 111t\\,q.:1t11.11~~\ 1111''1 '''I ~• lo11ll11 ,\ .111 . II t l,.l'\thlll;.' 1illl1l,ll' 101.11..•••, p,1111l.~l 1111lli'l ,l '?t11 lol l,,j•q 11'""'' 1 .,r111111h''..!:1ot11 1.11 i.111•1.~~1 .1111.1 •\1 ~ 1111 ' ~l'llltl \111,I "'I' 1,,1 I •><l1tll\ ~(jllll'" .11j1t•I l ,111 I'll :.!Ifill ~I 'I\' I lt'otll lol\I lllili• l.11\\ Ht11)h X \t1 ,"0U~ ''"' l.1··\o· l tit ,I\\ Ill 1111· \•1111111 .llH II 1.1 IJtoJ 1.!WEZ.\• A supel' buy-S-899 Towne & Country \11t11 S,!11•' I ,(•;...,111 t• ~11,j I l.11 l111r (',,. t ,1 """"·' 646-4446 1.I \ o L'ol SI;, \1 ~·O. 1111 o111· I ,11 h, II Id" P\ .ti I 11 •• .111' 1 IJlld i!U11P II ,Ill'. f .111!0. '\.'"INI l'l:U 1 IW\ d \\ .J>!."ll I ~ud .. 111· 111·11 t 11 ''' 111 I pl\ USC is :: I CHEVY is ;: I HilP ME BE ~ I 1'.11tl I(, .. " t'l.1 ".1 "' l,I :--1 111.1 ) 1., I• .0011.1111' St.1 \\'"II .!'ill \ H I'll" .. 111111 j> ' I' It Ito 1111. '" ,p lo .I 1tl 1 ~,di •·i I"' . :, \1 11'11 \\'1 ,, " 11.111\ l'tl11I ll.1\•' ~1111111tll111 1: 111 I JI' 1 ·1." .. 1111 •1! \d ,, I:' ,1 .. K t "l.1·.·.tl "'" ,1d d111I \\I II CONNELL CHEVROLET Lincoln 9945 Autos. Hew 9BOO Aytos, Hew 9800 .!S"K I l.1rh111· 1111 d •'<>"I\ ~IF~\ ••····•·••·••••········••·•··••••·•···•···•··· ........••.••..••...... '74 linc Continental I (II' °'l'if \ '· \ f .111 •; ,, I BRAND NEW 1976 271'1 ft. Coronado s kW ~·-.,.~ •• ,,... dw•I rOftt ••• c: .... tlo•U"Q; ,-.( .. A fo<fdf"r MUU• ••.• ,. ••cA, toc>Cf te,.f•r "'c. '\)•,n '\1'l.l'At01') was: ..... ' '25.990 NOW ONLY 520,990 BEAVER Brand new 1976 23 ft. Monterey mini motor home With••« ttalti, 4•0 .-~'1·~-.. C"'"'°~' COfll..,ol1 • c-v fl r•f <iw\lo~ opp•/Jlt "'°""'' JUqh b•ti. \•OH etc (S-"f 018'1 l\U( 160011 WaL ......... $16,990 NOWOMLY s14,990 ~· "" .• .., .... ::--::J ~~~i .. J....% 1975% DLX 26 FT. MOTOR HOME Jpttfod,.d 1<911\ ......... ",-•• ,c. .. ' h JtlH1p •lll#'t •oo"M'"' 11tf 1 <J'"•ro•-. fOHI ... t11d !ol'l•,31 *'· I\,., "tt•t11 \H 4h•~ODll Wo~ . . . . . ... s2s. 94v ,.,.O W ONLY 52·0,980 illl.lream/iner BRANO NEW 1976 19 FT. MINI Wo~ s 12,89•' ~OW-ONL-Y 511,490 f' 1T! J, 1 ; r I' :r: BRAND NEW 1976 MODfl E·22 FT lloot rot I. lod'1• ,,....., f If 11•" ' w H ~•• l•u"; 14'•0 1 , 1'.l!'t• •II !\ ... J',08• •'•" ...... ;., • l\ta• .>11, I •1111 Ht··· ... .i ~ll.11 '68 Chev, lmpola p11 I •t(•t•I' , l•l'k". I~ llHI ,\I .o•,11 \\I I· \I ,1,•1 "" \ '""' ltll ,11·1·1' 11 .. 1111 ... LARGEST INVEMTORY IN .ORANGE COUNTY I Was • • • 'IJ,490 RABBITS '?" I ...--~01_,9N_9o_.. l Ill h.11 dl,111' 11 ~ I' II .or 'f'~\ I ff,,. fl, .•. ,.n, I 11111 111' ,, all I 1 1,111•1 -:~. \10111.I 'I 1 \11lq 1tll \ \I l• \I _ I LI '" J JI l'I' I I 1111 I" 11\ It 1 I k I II tnKll :\ ll SPECIAL Sonto Ana Lincoln Mercury 1.1111' 'l'1i-t111 SontaAno 547-0SI I Autos. New 9800 Autos, H•w 98001 ····•··•··••••·••······ •...•.....•............ , HEW 19~6 VOLVO 242 sedan I BEEllES ~ i ..,Dreamer ...,...,. TRAVEL TRlllERS ' BUGS .,,..·~-·l & CAMPER S . LARGE SELECTION _ _.--IMMED. DELIVERY BUSES Ch eck_our -o-OJ LOW PRICES MAY CLEARANCE ON NEW ·1s·s & '76's CHECK THESE l'Rtc;ES: '75 DASHER · .......... $389 5 :! Dr /\1JIOmt1tac 106~9761 '7 5 RABBIT •••••••••••• $3 89 5 4 Dr Aulomahc. l'.IE'luxe It pertormanc!' oaci..aQ"S (285188) CALL OR COME IN & ASK ABOUT OUR BIG SAVINGS DON BURNS INC. 13731 HARBOR Bl., GARDEN GROVE PH. 534-4100 . I I Snuth1·•n C•lllO•nu1 ' l ,.,(lr.1111 AV Ct-otM w .. .,,.,..,,,.~ ...,.,Al w•· ,..,,11 ... ~"" .... tt.ll'J ""'"" ,,'lf~Jll'."' • vu l 1n1t v' p,.,., ~ ,.,,.,,11111"11 s2,ooo,ooo INVENTORY OVER 100 NEW & USED RV Units SALE PRICED I 1 I I v (', , A SHOPPING LIST OF AUTOMOTIVE lt4LUES ON HARBOR BOULEVARD IN COSTA MESA -1 ~( y . Theodore Nabers Earle Ike Robins· Cadillac f ORO CAR S CADILLAC lm~orts V LVO fl.. TRUCK~ ' AUTOMOBILE S I TOYOTA NEW 1-- . 197 6 PINTO MPG 2 DOOR . '"°' I,"' ~;·, '---.~:r .29 99 SALE! 1973 CALAIS COUPE AM' M f,l1t't1 I ' .';1lf11 •H \t,J( U• S479S 1972 MERCEDES JSOSL ,\ 1°(~ '' lfl I ' ti~! . . ' SALE PRIC{ 1971 VO LVO 1800E '\ Ii I 1' q \,1 t ~ .. 1 •,I -'•P• !/. l'I ,., 11)1 ll 1 S499S BIG USED CAR SALE AT IKE'S '76 TOYOTA HILUX PICKUP I 975 FLEETWOOD J "l>Cl'd Sll"lt'O 8 l•ack BROUGH AM radio. hea1er .inti Shell EVERY '76 PINTO IN L11 td• d 10.v 11111,. •• 1uo;1 ltkP new Ser ial 0 u R R E c 0 R D =I l• •••• ~ I = IBOJ709 8 R E A K I N G S9S9S s46 7 6 iNVENTORY PRICE S L ASHE D TO CLcAR! • N EW 1975 ·coU RIER 1975 SEDAN OE VILLE ·73 TOYOTA CELI CA l I t 1 , I , ' ~ I • t ,\\:1 r .... , ... ,,, , I! 1; I t"'J \ \lt\01 57495 '" tn>I .i r>t•"r1 tddto hC'llN 1 '' 1 ~ vmv• 1001 flldQ' <'IC: NtCI! loll Lrc,•n<,£• =bbOll( K 1974 SEDAN OE VILLE ,\~1 > r.l , • , , • . ; , r '1• N• I 11 1 l f Hf ,f• I ' " 1 t ) I I • ' ~ " II t ,, , •I '1 r i 56695 '74 VOLVO 164 SR 1\1110 11,1co -. a11 1 n nd 111 on1nq µow1'r • t 111\r1 nq ~t1•,•1-0 1,ld10 htttl•'• N1r•· ,1, nrw' "•1 11 : I 0~00'. 5 5576 Connell .T Bauer I -cle Chevrolet CHEVROLET CAR·s & TRUCKS Don't See Us First ... But See Us Last! 11lf You Don't Buy From c 0 N -N E Motors BUICK . OPEL BRITISH LEYLAND LARGEST SELECTION IN OUR HISTORY! '76 TRIUMPH TR·7's IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COLORS & EQUIPMENT • -BRANO NEW MG .MIDGET $4321 • r •• II.\ I'll I • TEST DRIVE TODAY ... I FULLY RECONDITIONED' SPORT CARS ... 15 MC MIDGETS Mazda MAZDA CARS & TRUCKS '76 MAZDA COSMOS ··~ . 56085 ... h CU Ot\COUtCT ••• ') !)00 CA\H l•C• •• • S S 00 NOW 55085 . • ,'T',.,..111111 .,.,,. r· •1' ,. '" lo1'l'I t ''''' I ' II' II • • '75 Costa Mesa Datsun . DATSUN CARS & TRUCKS LOOK FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, COS:fA MESA DATSUN IS GIVING AWAY FREE. AUTOMATlt TRANSMISSIONS IN ALL DATSUN· 610, 710, & 2lJO-Z's IN STOCK! • BUY NOW & SAVE ON A NEW DATSUN! • v" OUR EXCELLENT USED CARS ... (x,1mplr University Sales & Service j OLDSMOBILE HONDA CARS GMC TRUCKS BRAND NEW _, 1976 H O · N D A l . \__ • Johnson & Son LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MERCURY CAPRI 55 Years Friendly Family Service Brings You The GOLDEN TOUCH -----' I 'rH-C-OIJPE- DE VILLE I' to c hnor.n f1 omt 4 ... pl:'PQ .. ,_l\Mjf M Rallyc whl"PIS low m1lcc; CIC (H>INZB /I. 043N01) C~OSE-OUT '6 1 PORSCH[ (Xt"f'!ICnl CUntl11lun ,., c A R s PICKUP ~ t • \ t II .t ~ 't f t I 1, t -: 1 I It I Lo w o• SbS9S 197J SEDAN D( VILLE 1~ t wt,1•1•t . l 'I , ,,, •• 1• I • 11 l I $ r , . , .. ""' 29 7 6 I ,~~:.~~;· ... IV74 DATSUN l 60l 1 • l ' .... , ',,, t ,. ''. ' ,\ \11 \' I I l I ii \H 11 , Wf'RE DfALIHG ON s~49 ~ 191>7 FO RD W AGON COURIC RS l REME HOOUS \T OCI< TO CHOOSE FROM. ' P 1 , r '," ,',' '·" ~ SI095 '73 VO LVO 145 WAGON f\ I I 1 I t ft ,\ I f ' ''l\1l1•1n1rt' 1t1•r•'C> t 111111 n1•.t11•1 1onf r,tt k. 'flltl JI k>.,, Ptt ptttt11 lu 11·11 .•"' ::-~/Hµ~~ '7 1 TRIUMPH GT 6 I I'•• •1 •"\M IM r 1111<' h, I 0 4 •t Ir CJ f 0 fl ru 11111" J If t• I h• ftnfl 111111h•l l "1•11•,,, u1,.1•1r l u 'H MAZDA PIC KUP l •.p1•1•d l+I \ 11n1htCHhnll ;., I ' b1 .1\i•t •.,"'' 11 I • Ii, I l o'n >!" "•l'fH()J)( '72 FIAT WAGON 128 I ; , • • \ I f 'vl t HI n h 'Jh•1 , w..,11 r 1 h l n~' n t <•om' L 1•11•,1• = r ,>•,11QF I Ht t-lOl lflt NABERS EARLE IKE ;Qri1w~ f WU CADILLAC IMPORTS •' H, • ir B tv11 , ?600 HC1rbor Blvcl 1966 Harbor Blvd 1".I.' 00 I() __)._ -5~0·9-1 -00--...___64-6-·9_3_0_3 __ L You're Paying Too Much!!! NO DELAYS, WE DELIVER 0 TODAY! CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. 546-1200 !SAVE • ·15 JAGUAR, Xl 12C ;> cloor t 111111> t1Jlly .. c1u1r>Pf'r1 .ur ,, 11nn1.11.1 ·.lt'r1•0 v1 t,tp•• pc)w••t ••,11nr1ow-. '''"' I 11t.. 0001 Im k'> v111vl 111111 /I. 1or1ly 11 00() m1l1 ··, (0'.I NL t SAVE • ·74 AUSTIN MARINA 11 door ;111 1 nrHfll1o ncd. /\M rM 1,uti.11 1""" /I. only 7 000 rnt1e ... 1 1lbJMSP1 V 52888 WA\ • Dt\COUHTID C A\H IAC• SS 127 s 350 s 400 NOW 10 •1PP•l"Ct ... r. I $3995 r~.1mpl1' '72 VW CAMPER .\ 'i.f)f"t·d It hn lif\1tl .. I rr',111 I' I 1 )' ltl,11 53695 t'\ '"'(1 '74 DATSUN PICKUP W.CAMP(R ~;f1•1 ·t \ , ti I 11 111 , 11. 11,. r, ,. 1 1 t=. I I. OVER 70 IN STOCK ONLY !NSPEC no..i . .:vu y ~EW CAR IS IMSPEC reo EXPERT t'ltEPAA 4 TIOH .. ANO POl tSHEO- 53995 ~1-1-... and morl'! I t ' A '' 'l•H•I o \ I o,t 1 1, • ! I 120 MIL E TEST i>AIVf All car~ hove been FREE completely c hecked Hondo Keck 'H G o I by our ~hop & ore in with the purchase of I uc~llent condition! any new Hondo FINAL IHSPE C T1 0 N r ~'(- BAUER MIRACLE COST" MESA ' UN1v1 f1 •..,, r v 1 JOHNSON I MOTORS MAZDA j DA r suN SAl..C ~l R :.,l 1w1cr & SON I 2925 Ha<bor 0 o tvd j 2 t SOta•bo< Blvd 284" "" d >m 0 I vd ?850 H,u ho• A IV<t I 26?6 Har hor Blvd j 979·250~:5·5 7~4U bit I~'...__ . !l•lO 911<10 ~-5~~5630 All Car!. Subject To Pr:ior Sale, Prices Eff ective 72 Ho~rs From Publ1cat1on. I I , Laguna/South Coast I EDI TI ON 'l'odn~··s ('losinf.! N. \'. S•ue"s * * * VOL. 69, NO. 141 , 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORAN GE COUNTY, CALIFORNI A T HU RSDAY, MAY 20: 1976 T E N C E N T5 • Bil1ing Erand Admitte~ m Cella Tria] 0.01ly P1101 PllOlo PLEADS GUil TY George l. Otlendorf SC City Pier Rail Crossing Plan Def erred S.111 l'l1•111Pnl 1· s loll ).! lwld 1\t p;1111 11f ;111 at )!1":11ll· ra1lroa<I \'1'11:-:-.tng 111•a r lhl' 1·11 y piC'r almost hul 1111\ quill-hl'l'amc a rcall \\ lh1$\\\'t.'k t ·Thi~. ;H It.-a st. \v.as the 111 ll·rpn•t at111n of \\'ym~nt Knapp, lhl' .illorn<'~ handling lh<' ca:-(• for the f'll,\' I\ n;1 pp told lht• Cit,\' Coon nl \\\•llnes<1 :1v that dl':-.p1te a f.1,or.11t1 .. n·1·11m11wnda1111n hv 1h1· lw:1r1111: 11'1 11'\'I'. 1111' P11 hll1· \ l1lel11• ... ('111111111 ...... 11111 111\'('1 \\II htll 1'\\ tlw II 1·111 I rum th('ll 1'1111 ..,1d1•r .1t11111 T1li'"d .1 v 1'1 im 111 I111 •11 . I tw ,11tnrnl'\ sa11 t. 1h1•n • \\ ;1 ... 1111 1111111';1111111 th.el .111,·or11• 11ppt1!-.t•d I he· rc·rpll'~I 111 al 111\\ ,1h-\1•1 'l'hlf'l t· and pt'lk ... 1ri.111 1 111s:-.111g 1w:1 r I ht• tir·po;1•nt 111nm·I 111Hk1 tlw r;1Jl r11:1<1 tr:11·k:- l\11.q1p -.;e11I lh1• c 111111111-. ... 11111 ti e· 11•1 rl'tl llw 1:-i-11t• .iltt·r rn11· of tlw1r ~1.111 llll'lllh1•1 .... 1p1t·--11 0 11l'd ~\ hl•lhl'I llll' \'II\ h.1s !-\'l'IUll:-1\ c1111:-11kn•lf .1111:rliat1\\:S 10 llw ai gr.uh• 1'J'ns~111g \\' (' \\ l'rl' tlO\l n WI I he llflt' \';irrf 11111• .llld h111wf11lh J'1•:11t\· 111 )!{• "' 1·1 Ille· 1•11:il 11111· 11111 I\!' d11I 11111 ·.111•1 •'I'd ht''·"" 1111\1 ,.,1·1 , t II•· ,et 1111111•\ .... 1111. I lt1· \\ 111111111' p11 11 11 1111 gti1' 1111\\ hi• ""111 t•d II\ I II\ 11• ... 11lt'llh l lt· 1lr)!\'ll 111dl\ ul11.JI-. 111 '' rll1• to ttw l'lllll 111 1-. ... 11111 ~11pp11rt 111g :1 l.l\111':ehl1• dt'l'hlllll . \\I' \I' ~!lllh' 1111:. I.II' I l'l'rt .1111 I\ l'l'llflllM' \\ 1• f1~:ht tl11s .1pphl':1 111111lr>llu·1·11tl ." \\'\ m;111:.:i11t ·11w 1•11n 1•n 1 a1>1.1!11";1111111, \1 h11'11 \\ ;i.., !'<llh1111tlo'd lo the· I'\'(' 1: .... 1 -.ptllll' .... lhl' l"lf\ ... 'l'l'llllll .11 t •mpt l11 1:1·t .1pp111\.elnlth1•t•n1:.:. IS1•1• ('ltO:-.SI!\(;, l':ic.1• t\:!l Pill Scare: Does It Hurt Cllild Brain? II I·: IC f.. I•: I. I·: \" I( ,\I' I 1!11rit1•llh':-ll'l'd 111 l11rth t•nntrol ptlh 111.1.\' 111h1h1t 111 alll dc•\'l•h1p nwnl. a Lln1n•rs 1I\' of l'.1llfornw ' 'l'll'n\1l.I Salli \od:1 ; DI' M :1r1:1n C D1nmonrl s a11I I •'"""I' I :I I :. j! I \" l' II a pr II i.:1• ... 1t•rn1H' Lia "l'rl h11r111ont• u:-ed in I' II n I I' .1 (' l' I' I i \' l' s ), h n \\ l' II "1\.!l\lllC:lllll~ k ..,:. j.!rtl\\th 11f lhl' • l'r\'hr.11 <·1)rl1'' 1han tlt<l ht 1t·rin:itt•:.. 1101 g1vt•n thl• h11rmo11t· l'h1• n ·n•hr al corl<'X 1s the part 111 tlw h1·a1n thut l'Ontrots fum·· 11oni. i.: t'IH' 1· a 11,v ('ons iclcrcd to Ill' 11\f'<l!:UJ"l'<; of tntf'thj!C'ncc Or Dtanwnll t a11tionl'C1 that lwr r1nd10l!S Ill rah C'annP\ lw :I"· ... unwrl ln ht' I rut• fnr hum:rn!' \II this r .111 IC'll uo; 1111\\ ''that 1:-'l'f'• VU .I .. P a~i' A2l 8 yT01'1 BARLF.Y 01 '""-J)~1ly Pitel ~1•11 LOS ANG ELES -Weepingand contrite. former Mission Com · munity lluspilal Administrator George Louis Ollendorf admitted hert> lall· Wednesday that he helped d efraud Mission Com · mun1ty llospllal out of at least SJ()0,000. Closely questioned by Judge Mall By rne. Ollendorf. M. ur l.agun a Re u c h . ad m11 Lcd in Feder-ai ~outt-\chill he-ltnow1n)!ly. sigm•d :\1 edicarc <lol·uml·nh 11 ... l ing hospita l expl'nscs thut "e•n· disguised politic al fo.'it:. inc:urrctl bv Dr Louis J Cell a Jr · Ollcndorf repea tedly 1dcnt1f1cd Cella. w h o was secretary tr<'asurer of M iss1on Community a nd Me rcy Gener al llosp1tal. San- ta Ana. us the urchilecl of his downfall .. R1 i.:ht from t lw 11111l' \\'l• npcnt·d the ho:-p11;il 1n Hl7 l , DI'. l \•11;.i \I a:- ,1lwa' :-. :1flcr n1 1• for dll'C'I\ .... •· ()l ll•ndorf s aid "\\'lll'n Or Cl'll.1 asked for ;1 l'lh'l'k \OU g,1\ t' ll 111 him. T hcrl' "a:-Jll:-l n1> 11ul·:.t1on mg him about 1t · · Ollc ndorf Wl'Pl aj!:un al> Judg1· Uyrne warne d him that h1:. pll•a of guilty t<i lWO t'OUll lS of l'Olll>Jllf'<H'Y could bring him a:.. muC'h as ft\t' ~ear:. 1n lhl' lcrlcr:il pcn111•n11 ,1r.' Molll On Stand Remains Mute on Tot's Torture By GARY GRANVILLE 011~~ D•llr P1lol Sr.II A frail young San. Cle mente wo man we arin g jail clothes climbed into a Superior Court j ury box Wednesday to tell what s he knows of her 5-yc;ir-o ld daughter 's torture slaying last ~ovcmber Rut the onlv information d e- fern;e attorney Michael Mi chel got fro m Yo landa Molina, 2.3. was her nam e and age. Before Mic he l could question · the wom a n further. dcput~. public defende r J\l 1chacl Becchl•r said he was advising his client lo assert her Fifth Amcndmt•nt rights aj?ainst possible self in- crimination And w hen lhos<' words were s poke n. Michel ;ibandoned his hope that Mrs . Molina would aid m the defe nse of her hushand. Juan J ose Molina. 2~ MiSs Teen . Laguna Coed to Compete Wendy Baker, 18, of Laguna n<:'ach. h as heen selected as a finalist in the Miss California Teen af?er Pageant to be held June 25-27 al UC Be rkelt•y. CONTESTANTS THROUGHOUT the sl<.1lc will b<' competing for the title and a chance to attend the Miss Natiunc.il T eenager Pageant to be held in J\llanta. Ga., in August . . The California winner will receive a scholarship and prizes . Contestants will be judi::ed on sc holarship. leadership. poi e. personality a nd beauty. Th.c~l' w1H not be swim s uit or t alent compct1t1onl>. 8AKER MISS BAKER IS TllF. cliwghter of :\tr. and Mrs. II. R. Baker J r. llc•r hobbies include swim ming and lhc outdoors . She is being sponsored hy the K1wani~. Jaycee:. ancl Rot ary cluhs of Laguna B<'ac:h ~oth l\l o l1na:; arc t'hal'J.!t·d with the Nov . 22. 1975. tor turl' slaying of 5-ycar-old Laura Cru7.. Mrs . Molina 's dau~hter b y a prior marrial.!c . But only the husband 1s on tnal now. Mrs Molina 1s scht'<iulcd to stand before u JllfY of tier peers next month. And as she left Orange County S upe r ior Court .Judge .John /See ~10l.1Ni\, .. aJle All Cable TV Rate. Plea Delayed Ry FREDERICK S('llOF.Mf:lll. Ot 1ht D•tlY P1tot St.att Represent alive~ of Ston•r Ca ble T elev is ion. Inc· .. found themselves on unfriendly ground We dn esd a y nig ht <lurinJl a Laguna B e ach City Council publit• hearing on :i SI 50 p1·r month rate increa-.t• Council ml•mbt'.'rs took no :II' 111>0 on thC' rcqm·s l Th<' malll'f" \\as continued to .. lnnt: Iii M• lht· city staff ;end consultant:, 1·an !itudy a financiul n·por·1 ~1111 m1lkd a t tht.• rn el•ti11i: h~ Slort•r":. consultants Ac cording t o thl' n•port , Storer's rate of rel um on im 1•s l Police Seek CBer ' menu; under l'X•~l ing l'nnd1t11•ll'- i~ ll.fi percent . 1f tltl' n•qut·:.t1·d ralt• 1ncrcai-es" en· appr111o:l•cl. t lw rall· nf n•t urn wou Id bt• I fl lll'rt1·nt In Rap~ Attempt J\ CO r:11J111 oprr alur Who iclt-n· \1fil'd him.sdf on llw air hy lh1· t'tl(lt• naml· Ho1la11 ii-ht·111g :-.1•ll).!hl hy Anaht•irn politt· lo<l:e y :ifll•r lw allt•).!ed l~ :ettP111)1t1•1l I<> rapt• a 1:. y(•ar-n hl ).!1rl 111 :e dark1•11(·tl :el k~ i\cc.ordlOj.? LO J)CllH't'. 11 \\ :ei- wh11t.' tht' hurly rapt• :.11SJ>l'<'l \l:I~ dnving l11s t l'rrlfll'll v1ct1m lo tlw ;1llc•' l hat h<' 1111-nt 1fwtl h1mi-l·lf to Cl\ radio ral ll•rs :es Hodan Thl' 111).!h sd111<1I fn·:-.hrna11 1w;1r r;1p1• \ 11·11111 n ·11111·tedly told pnlH't' 1 lw ('I\ t•fll h11-;1.1s l l111•1·1•d twr 1111.1 l11s '.111 .i t .1 l;.1rd1·11 (;rm•1• f:1 ~1 fo111l 1•:-.tahhs11J111•nt Tlwn. "hilt-cl1·1v111j! to tlw :el h·:- 1n A11aht•1m "llh lht• t1•1-r11r .slrickt•n girl :rt his s ide· JO lll<'il oth1•r Cll r arlw rnth11s 1;i:.h in llH'lf" cnnvcrsat ion~. OnC'l' 111 1111· 11l-:1d l'nd :illl'~' th1111)!h. lw r•JlPl'll thr girt ·~ ('In\ lws from h1·r holl y :end :et 11•111pll•d lo rapt• h1•r. p11l1f1• ~a11I lrl the l'll.SlllllJ.! ~I I llJ.!i.!lt'. the· 1·1l'1 im ~ureN•dl'd in .s1·r al('h1r111 hC'r ass;11lant 's fa n•, hn•ak111i: h i:-. ).!n p and .1ump1nl! ~mm tl1c vc~•, t•h• she later 1tlt•nltf1t•d us ;1 t!l1.1 Fnnl \':Ill :md ramf' to hl'I" aill lhal her bur l~ pursue r raC'l'<I hal·k I•• llw 'an :1110 urOVl' 11 lrnm lhl' allC'~ l'olict• s aid t tw \\hill' ':in ".11' strqwcl anll , 111' 1•111ir-.\' 1·q111pp1•1! ''1th C'B r.1d10 1•q111p1111•n1 'Wills: Do I Hear 17? ' 1.i\S \'Et; \S 1,\l '1 J\nntlwr l11rn ard 1l 11j_!h1·-. \\Ill h.is llll"lh'll 11)1 Ill ('l:ll'k C1111n1 ,. c·our\ housl' d .111 11 111g l•; !>ll)ll'l':>t'lle• 1111' f11· ... t "\\ 111 .. 1\ 't1t1k1·~\\ 11111 ;111 ~1\ 1111' co11nt ,. d1•rl. ·.., 111 f11·1· s:ud Wf'dn~·--<l :I\ that ;1 lfilh \\Ill w:1s l"l'<'1• i ~·1·d It r nnt :1in1•d .1 t'(H't•rin;.: lc•ll1•r lh:il s.111! I hl' 1ICl('llllH'lll h ;111 h1•1•11 fon, :ercl e'fl ll\ :i h;111J.. \\h1rh ,,. 1 .; h t • ' I 11 r 1 • 111 b.1 1 11 :111011\'ffi•llb M1:a11wh 1k. ;1fourth1·1111 tesl to lh<' fir..,l .. ,, 111 \\ ;1-. n '<'t'I\ l'd \\'\•1lnt•sd a~ Thl' n•p1Jrl o;a11I lhal 11l1hl1t'" gl'n erally h;I\·\· h l'l'n allo\\ l'tl rult'S or n·ltll'I\ lll'f\ll'l'l1 I:.'. and Ii pl•r ct•nt h\' rc•J,!tila1t1n 1·11111 m1s:.111ns Th(' h l';J l'Jrl l! <l lH'll l'd \\llh di a r gt•:. h ~ ll :i r11ld 1-'a 1-ro\I l'.1llff1rn1:e 1·111111 .... •I tor St1111·r. that tlw 1·11' lt:id ... 1:illt·d 1tw rale • tnC"l'l':I"'' f'l'lflll''I l11r '._!;, IJllllll h" ·s111rt•r .... 1h1 0 111· 1h:e1 ... lh·1·11 dra)!j.!llll! •I" f1·1•l. ' ~.1HI :'11 :1~111 l'h~ Ill:. S" l't•rwy Sht• t'laim1·d 1hat !-.torl'r ttlcd "'in:ed1·q11;1\\' · f111.1111·1:el 111lorm:e111111 al fill' ti1111· th<' ·\pl'll l!li I rat<' mcn·a:.<' .1p ph<';et11111 \\,I~ f11•'11 Shc•..,;1111 lh;el 111f1Jr111al11u1 ''a" 11111 11pd:1l 1·d 1111 I ii lat 1· 111 l!lir1 :\1 r ... S\\ t'1'llt'' .1!:-11 d1an•1•d that ~I 111'1' 1" :-; I q:11ri·.., '•k 1•1·p ,·hanl!lll )! · ( '111111nl111.111 .I nn l\raml e·o111pl .11nc·d 11\;1\ Mrn ••1 ... l't•l)rt'>i t•n l :et 1\'C'S lo th1• l'll \' ;1h11 C'l1a11i.:1·d f11·q 1u•nt h F;1r1 11 \\ ..,;11d th.el lht• 111 \\ f111;1 111·1;d r1·1111rl n•pr··~c·nl1•il 1111 · mul.l .H·t·111 .et,. I 1J,!1wc·' ,,, .11lahl1· and lhal h1• \111111.t rqw1• ... 1•1ll 1111' l'll11\fl:1ll~ Ill :ill f11I \11 1' IH'J.!lll J:ll lllll '1'~1•11\S I il' 11rg1•d I he• 1 1t' 111 niaf..1• .1 iii• \'l'llll1 1111 llll• llll'l"l'OIM' ; .... ...illll\ .1-. f'lll':.1hl P It .., he•t•J\ '.:!~• 11111nth.., ,\1111llw1 l\\o ll't'c·f...., 1111~ ht tw ·ii' propr1:tlt'. h111 it \\c•'n • ... 1arl111J.! .111111 lu·r 2:1 ni11111 ti... t h.11 ... 11111 ap prnp1'1a l1'." Farro\\' .s ,111( (~N·('.\Ul.t·:. l'a~t·i\:!I 011 t•ach C'Ount an<I a 'IO,OOO ttn1'tin ~ll'h c·ount 111 . .u.ld1t1on tu lhc pn~on ll'rm. Jmlgt• Byn w l';illed tor a prnh.1 111111 r l' I• or 1 1111 1 h 1 • form ,. r Si 5. 0011 ,1 • ~ l' .1 r h 11:-. p 11 a I 11 d m1111str ator and Sl'I J111w 21 a~ thl· date h e }\ tll :O.l'lllcnn• Ollt•ndurf Forty t\\00fthc-oriµ111al HnHmb filt'(I agamst Ollt-ntlorf \H'rc dis 011:-.~ed. OllC'ndorf's plt'a ll•fl Dr ('dl:i. 51. formC'r '.\I l'fl'\' <:t·111·111I \cl min1 slr.aLu 1: 't~ubc11 H11h\'1 t E\'an~. :11 . of '.\11~.s11111 \11·11• 111<1 form1•r M l'l"l' ,. (;<'lier.el ( '1111t 1nlh•r Tlwcxl<11'l' ~t·l11fl111 .111. ,,;1 111 ~.1111.1 ,\11;1 :is tlw n11•11"ho11 tll ,.:1 .. 111 111.il '.\lond;1\' ,\ mo\c to ~l't>k :i :-.•·p.1r,1t\· ll1.1l for Dr-Cellu ''<is a h;111dorwd \\'••d nt'sda v wht•n la\\' t'I"• tor 1<:' 'Ill" and ~<ch1ffm an a~r\·1·tl 111 "a"" ISl't> Gl111.1'\', l'ag1• \:!) This unus11:1I sight empt,\· bn;it s lip .... loll D<111<1 1'11i111 I l:1rbor ''on 't lw st·cn for long . Dun;i \\"l'sl ~l <c1nn;1 h,1-. JU~t <·om pie\ <'<I c:onsl ruc tion of 1.000 "Ii p:-; in I ht• harbor".' '''l'Sl h:isin B11<1ts will l>I art m11\'111 P in .I unl' J SC .Council Rejects Sewer Charge Plan S,111 Clt•rn l•nl!' c·rl\ <·•111n<·dn11•11 h,1\ t' l"l'll'l'l1•rl ;1 prc11~1 ... ;eJ Ill 11·\' t ht• ,..,, m1· h:t 'I<' ..,..,, e•r .,..,.,.II'•' l'h:11"j.!l' tlll IJtl:>lllt':>:.t':-:tlld I\' -.11l<'lll'l''-.ii I kl' 1'1111 l 'l'lt'I', 1·1t ;.. l'llj.!l h'l'I' :111d d1n·i·t111 111 p11hl1t· ''wk~. had 11· ('t111l 111 t•1111t'd \\"1·dnc· ... cla~ tha t llw 'H'\\ e·r· kt• lw ~.:1 1•t' 11 I~ l'l'I' \\ ;111·r 1111 1111 ... ed Tl11 :-. 1\1• ..,:11d . \\ 1111lcl l'O\ t•r I hf' , ,,...I.., ot m :11nl 1•11.111t·1• anti 11111•r:i I 11111 nf I ho• 't''\t'r "'' 'll'lli .end ht• '1 1 111H11' I 11111:' I t II ('I I 11 .... 1111 \'I' II"" t,!'. ( '0111w ii nwn. lln\\I'\ 1•1 q111·:-. 1111111.•d \\ hl'lhl'I' I h1• h.1~ll' fl'I' 1'11/' 11•..,11lt•1w1· ... ~hnulcl lw lh<' ... ;111\1' al. tl11· ,,., ~ 1111 1>11-..1111" ........ \\ h1d1 11~·· I ht• !-ol'\\ t·I' ~y-.1 1•111 fll<H'(• ()11 .• ~phi \Ill•· \\llh ("111111 1·ilm:111 1\111 \\'~ill-.1·r d1s~t·nl11114, llw c 1111 111·d ,...,t,,c·d lh1· ... 1att lo 111· 11·1·m1111• :i "P"nal 1'11:eri.:t• :11.:a111 ... 1 l'llnlllll'l'l'ial ll 'il'l'S \II \\ :elo-1 \\ h•"I' \\,111•1 1-. i1 .... e·h:erJ.!t·d 111111 lh1· '('I\ t 'f ' \\"alkl'I nntt·el "l'\l'r:il 11111111 .. hi• le-It :.h1111ld hl· t'n\ 1·r1·d 111 :e :--11111\111 lilt' ~l'Wl'I' "' ... 1 ('rrl :111d (';il(eod fql' c-lo:.1•rC'11'I ;11'1'<111111 1111 ,\li1111t 111111· 11111111 11' .... ,. !ht l'fllllll'/I 11tl1lfll1 •tf ,1 'l '\IC'I "·I \JI 1• 1·h;1r)!1· 111 :-.t p1·1 111 1111111111·1 .11111 0\\ 111•1 .... nt .1p.11 I m1·111 lo 11 le1 111 hm\('\l'I'. 11h1n ·t1 d ll1.111te1' .11 ••· pay in)! 1111• ..,:11111· ,, ... 1n~·l1 · t,11ntl1 home:-. Bui P1•tt•r ..,:11 d ,1 11•d1w1 111111111 tw ap<1rlnH•111 l'f1;1 q.•1·~ \\11ult.1 h:H 1.: iu. ht• olf~l'I Ill a n 1111 11·.1'1· 111 111< l'har~t· 111 "ti11·1 ll"t r ~ 1It'111·11p11•.l'el h:e 1111• I h1• 1 h,11 ""' 1111 lh1· ,1111011 111 cd \\al•·• ll•t·d .1• .1 m111 1• 1·q111I:oll11·I1 ·1• :'ll a\111' II l'.el1111., I. 111< hti\\l'\ 01•r ... 11d ,1 rf1ll1 •ro·nl 1.111 1111 ll l't'll " II• h e· rrt ado• ,11111•11 • :tf l'IC'lill \IJ'I' l'lllfl/111 ) I 1;f! .<Jii i ... 111).!ll· l:ell11 h 11111111· .. l b• ,.,., Jiii"'" \\ ,1 \ h o ..,,1111 \\.I • ' 11·t•m1·I.' 11111 :111 \\t•••th••r Polin• sairl twr assaullrr. '' hn tlwy ctcs(·rihccl a:-<1h1111t si:-. fl•t•l. four inC'hc•s tall an<I \\l'IJ.!hmi.: 1·1111ghl \' IH<I pounds 1•h:JSl'<I t lw nudt• l!irl down the alle_,._ School 'Must' Be More' '\1,•h1 :ind 111•>r111111• 11111 t'llllllh hll f 11\ ho•)\\ I I 11111:.lh ~111111\ lhr11111·le l 11 cl:e\ l.111 it• l"ll.11)~·1 111 I• 111 fll'I .1t11rt• \\ 1lh h11•h f l 11l.1\ 1;j 111 i'.! l•m t11111 1:l1I ;,,, \111:11 1\nd it wasn 't until a p11sserh~ 11ot1ccd till' nl'ar \'it·t1m·s plii.:ht • Garne Show Tryouts Slat~d in La~una Jntcr\'icws for Pl'<'PIC' \\ •~hini.: lo 11ppcnr on the ll'lP\'isaon ~him ~ ··1tnllywood ~quan•s," '"(;nm hit" <md "lliith Holll'rs"' will hl· held at 9:30 u.m . 1-'rictny at thl' Laguna Re ach-l-'c:.1tn1l of ,\rt~ Forum Th enter . 650 l.a~un a Ca- n, on Road. ·Participants mus\ t){' 18 \(•aro; t11d and may not b<' 11 mt.•mhl·r of a theatrical union Nett Laguna High Principal Tells Jlieivs Robert llugh<'!>. La~una llc•:irh llil!h Schoo l 's n ew p rincipal, Sa\':. toda\-'s hii.!h ~rhool r:inn11t h:1·\ c one· t hru:.I 11 0111~1 lw S('n.S iti\'{' lo ITHl l'C' th;111 JU ~I "!-Ul"\'i\':tJ'' .Skllls Ill I (',11J11 lj!, wntan~ ;incl anthm1.•111• llugh<'s. who was hired tlm· \\N'k in a una nenmus vote of Lai.?una lkach sdH1<1I t rustee~. outlined his philnsoph,. uhout hi(!h schoo l.!! 1n a t1•l 1·phone intt'rview today "The hiJ?h SC'hOOI IS a porn\ "ht'rc we relnforl.'e the survlv:il skills. but wc·r~ also conct•rned "1th <·ollC'gl' p 1:11·"nw n1 .111d <;al e•ahll' s k ii h \\\•"rt• 'l'r'" Ill\ oh 1•11 \\I\ h t ht• ;11l(lll'i-l'l'lll de;\ l'IO)illl).! ·• l•OS1lt\ •' o;l•lf imai:r 11 f h1mo;c•lf ,..., a '.llu.1hl1'. 1·11n1r1h11t1ni.: hun1.1n ht•1ni.:." ::.aid \lu)!hl'~ llu!!hl'' ~.11rl lw ''ill ~lt'I' 1nt11 the Ill'\\ 1oh .1111 ~ I. \\1th c , c· r v 1 h 1 " I! J.! 11 • 1.• ' c n t h 111 c p<1s1 t1 °vc• · "l'm \'l'tl 1'xc11<:<l ahoul 1t which b :iilsnl utcl~ trnt· The d1stnct is an cxcell<.-nl nn<' Tlw hiith school has a fine stnff and a fine s tude nl bod . " llughc~ suid lh11.(h1•s sa1rl lw 11kt·:. lhl' s m;ill t•11rollm1•nt :e\ L:ig11na h1J,!h I 1110 l>l l11lt•nl.., "II a high ~th1111I l.(C'l s t n11 l:ircr·. 1-rl11('a l l<\ll heronws ckpt•r:own:ilt1c•tl. · he• ... aul I lu).!lws. <15. no" •~ prinl'lpal 111 l.mcoln M1ctrf l<' Srhool 111 Coro11a t11•l :'>l ar. a pos ition ht• has ht·l<l fur thr p;isl Yl'ar llu~lws has hrhl a \'anl•ty ol l e a c h i n i:: • c o a c· h i n I! a n d administnilivc positions in the Nc•\\po rt -Ml's n l 'n1fiecl Schr>f>l Oistrtct sin ce 19fi0, inch1dinR \11:11 or assist a nt principal of Corona de! Mar lli[:!h S<.·hool l~Slll•: 'l'OD.\ l A /,S 111•ffr rift/ 1111 I 1111111 :11th lwr 1•111·~ 111·11 ,. '" far 111~11 1 '" ri11r111al 1111tln 11 ,.,., ,. 'r1·1"" '' .•llrl/l'rt/ \\' 1·rl111•,1/1111 '" '111111111 lh1• t'rl/111' \llCIJI• 11' '11·1 ftJI • St r• f'Ol/I' 1\ i At Your SPfY•t" l\l '"'"'m''"''llfl'I II\ Ernlw' 8om0fl>c" Bl Anft L.tndt • I" l M BO¥d 8• Monf"t Tr11 n• (JhtArf'lll /\\ Mo'V'lfl\ I\\ C....rrer Cntn#l r tU Muhutl r unr, "~ c' .. '''""d Ct fl N,,11f'fn,.1 ..,,,, 111 no CofTh(' (• Or•"q,..(f''htf\fy A I \ CrO'\WO'd '" P,,')Ot,. 11 I 0.:1tt,. NO lit f'!' 1111 \PQr h (I l Edlt0f'1.tf Ptt~•' A._ \tot~ M1t"•' lH• I E"tfrtA1nmt-"t B~ T,.1•"'''~" llO ,.'"'"<• B• I ,,. .. ,,,. I For lht R,.(Cf(f IH \Yfll,•fhftr Ill "orO\tOPt" Au World N~W\ Al Ill A 2 DAil y r1 L.:::O:.:f~ __ ...:L=-/-=S ____ T....;n....;u:;.:1_•.::.0.::.J•;..._r.....;l.·"'"1y....;2;...;0;..._1.::.')....;;:G Chaws on .Jaws Dog Saves Tot Froni Shark BIUSBA'.\.E. J\t1!>ln11ta CAP> -A fa mily dog l\('lpPcl '>il\ l' :1 ·I ,vt•ur -old ~irl from a n ine-foot shark :,il :J l'l'"lOl'1 bl'<•<·h, an:ord111g to park polu:e. P ultcL· .1l Ernu P:irk in central Queen sland s aid W1·drll':-d.iy tli1· sh:.irk sna pped ;:1t Tamm~ S t okL·:.. who \\al'. pl<•~ 111g 1n kncL'-dccp w ater The tn1'Cd· bn:cd doJ.:, D o lk1r1 :.illacked the :shurk's tail as T <t11l· my's fotht•r. Rodnc.v SlOkt!S, pulled her o ut of the w a ter . t he rwrk poltc·c s aid. P ol tr(' said lht· :-ha rk and the dog thrashed 1n . circle~. \\ ith lhC' s h ::tr k wadually uutmanruvct'in g the dog, until Stokes pulled Dollar to ::;afcty. Stokes s u1d latcr·Dollar w::is dear in one car '11lcl could not h l:<JI' IJl!ing ealh:d off. The s h a rk was ww:i lwcl l.>ack to deep wate r . Jury Still Mulls Fate Of Battin An O r a nge County Super ior Court jury continued today to d e· liberat e the fate of Orange Coun· ty Supe rvisor Hobert Battin. As the jury allt:mptc<.1 to de· cide if Battin is guilty or inno- cent of charges brought against him last year b y tht• count y Grand Jury. Battin sa t in his county super visor 's offil'c, a five· minute walk away. Howeve r. a s taff aide s aid. "Bob is likely to spend m ost of his time in court waiting the jury's verdict." That is where the Santa Ana s upervisor s pe nt m ost of the day Wednesday as the seven·man, five-woma n jury b1•gan discuss· ing his SCV(.'11·Week tnal. In that trial. prosecutor Jack Ryan at tern ptcd to convince the j ury that Battin m ade illegal use of county cm ploycs and supphes in his uns uccessful 1974 cam · pa 1gn for stale o m ce. In t urn, ctefc nsc htwycr Mal· 1hl1W Kunlich lriutl lo show that, for the m ost part. Ballin was un- aware of the campaigning that was goin,c: on about him. And when to ld of the foct by h is office manager. Battin vnluntari· ly paHI his s taff workC'rs for the C'st1mull'd hours of tht.•tr work and dcductl'ct• a s imilar a mount from their c·ounty paid hours. Kurilieh said. If con v1ctN.I of any of tht' scvl·n cn arges bro ught a~;11nst h11n in the indictment. the county s upervisor ra ces a p ossilJle prison t crm~ \\Cll as tllC' loss of ht:-oft tl'l' CROSSING. • tn).!. 1\ rl'illll'"I 01 ,HJco IJ~ lhl'l'll) 111 l!lli!l\\ ,1:-. n •11·<·t1·d Th1· 1·1t' <'1llllt•rttl:-. lhl·old lttnrwl .incl s tat.r\\l'll :.ippro:1eh lo llw ho.1ch makt•.; it tl1ff1ntlt f11r th•· dd1•rl~ .1n<I ha11d1t·:q1p1·d 111 ~··• 111 lh1• p11·r Thi·,· :tl~1) :-av ti 1•111·•H1ra c1·., \ antla.11:-m ~11ul rw 11\ ('l'lml·~ :ind I rap:-Ill \o•r ~.inta 1•1· Hail111:1d, IWl\l'\i'I oh1l•«l1·d 111 th1· :•l ,.:r.11k <'ro:-..,tn~: on Ill\' 1•11t1ll'lltttt11that11 \\1111ld ltv llll~<lfl• CABLE ... Storer a nd t h<' cit;; h:nr<: hC't'n \1 r:..inJ,!hng O\'C'r l.agu11;1 lk:arla cable t elevisio n ~ervicl' ~tnct· mid-1974, when the City C:ounl'il a ppointed a n advisory commit tee to study the local system ;.mtl C'om e up with a modti rn or d inance that would rci,:ulate ca· ble television franchises. That ordinance was p assed in 1975. Storer filed for a new franchise and initial negotia tions were l'On· ducted. Tpey la t er were s us· pended because of the dispute of the £inanc1al d ala. Farrow said a t the hearing that Storer is opposed to certain pro· visions of the cable televis ion or· dinan ce. but indicated the com- pany 's con ce rns mig ht be lessened by discussions with City Attorney Geo rge Logan. The council also took no action on Storer ·s franchise application . The city has proposed conditions that would require Storer to im· pr ove handling of s u bscri ber com plaints : prov id<.' further pu.blic access t o a lqcal program· mrng c h a nn e l . and ex tend service to unser ved area s under specified condition s. -~ ' 2nd Campus To Be Aired At Saddleback The µroposal b y a c1l17.cns com· mittce to imme diately begin plannin g a second S addlcback College campus in the Ir vine area will be d iscussed al leng th by trustees al their meeting l\lon cla \ 'l 'hl' Sl05SIOl1 IS dUl' to :-1 art .1 half-hour t·~1 rlier than u:-.ual at 7 p m m lh1' t·ollegt> li~trnl" and al lca~l an hour ha~ lwen st•l a-..Hll· to tlt:.eu:-.s the· l·umm1ltl'L' fmd mg~ Two '' Cl·ks ago. t lw p.111<:1 pn· ~ented tru:-.lt'l'S \\Ith ih repurt anti rccom{lH'tHl.1111111-.. 1\munl! 11thC'r thtn).!S. the t 1unm1llt'l' S lit! gt•stcd th1' dii;lnct 1 mn11.•d1 atl'l~ lwgm ~h<1ppm'i.: tor :i nt'w t'amp11-. "Ill' anti IW )!i rt -.1111\1· lo.ind 11f ... ;1kll1tt· 11pl·rat 11111!-> II\ th1• t!l77 7>< ~ehnol ) l'<t r Man Kille d By Cocaine .\Tl..\'\'I'\ • \l'I 1\ lh'tr111t f'ro• Page 1\ i PILL .. .- we snouldloou·ery ureCully-lo Qnd "hat e ffects lhesc hormo nes might possibly have 111 human belngS'.'' she stud . "With more than nine million women in the worlt.I on elevated 11\ :.inan hormone:. to act us l'Orl tl'UCl'Pll\ c:.. it ts of g re at 1m· Pllrl :rnee that 1\ l' undcr~tantl \\hat t'ffrl't llH:'!'C llOl'ITletlll')> h:t\ l.' on the cerel.ll«tl c-nrll'x. the· highest intellectual urea of the bruin." she added. tvkanwhile, s h e said. worn en should bt· matle 11w:in• of the poss1hffilic:. "Why L·n courage women lo l'lt•\'alc their horm onal ·levels 1f ..... ,. DI'\' a l all :.uspl('IOUS Lhal ll mt~ht huvt-an ml111Jitmg effect on their norm :.il hra111 dcveluµ· nwnl ""the i..cit:nlt!>l asked. Or 0 1 a mond prei.enktl her fin dings :.it a m ccting ... A Second Look at the Sel'Ond SC'x: :-il·\\ Ht's ean·h on Wo m en." sponson•d l)y the ('am pus WomL·n·s Center In a further s tud\'. the a natom,· profL·s~or found 1h.at ft-malt' rats \\host• 11\·artl'~ \\l'fl' rt·rno,eu at IJ1rth i..htmed j!rt'all'r 1·01·t1cal d<.'· velopm (•nt '' h L·n autops1t•d al 90 Jay:. than a cuntrol group of litter m ates. Fall Victim Identified As Star's Kin LOS. ANGELES <AP> A 22· yc:ar·olcl ''om a n who fl.'11 to her death from the top or a 22·story buildlrlg has IJeen identified as the daughter of ttt'tress Jennifer Jones and the late David 0 . Selznick, authont1e~ s aid today. Ma r v J c nnifN Selznick of ·Pasadena. a student at Occiden · tat Colleg(., was killed May· 11 ~•fter m aking he r way to the roof of a building in the Wib hire Dis· Lrict and pl;ic1 ng a m aintenance ladder against the parapet to rl'· ach the topmost point of the roof, police in vcs l1ga tors said. M 1ss Selzntck w as i1lso ste p· d ~1u gh tt.'r of 1ndustnalist -a1·t patron Nor ton Simon. lkr school books a nd a c;,1r- ryall bag l'Ontaining id cntifica· t1on untl other personal cffeet s \\t'r<' fnunct pih'tl behind the lad- tlt·t· P ol-tt·t' s<nd no note "as found . An a utopsy was mad<' ·hy the cor oner 's o ff1 C(' a nd a tox· 1t.•ol11i;1cal n •porl is expect ed in three lu four weeks to clcterminc if -she was unde r tht' i nfluence of a~y drugs.1>0li('t'sa1d . Spray Talk Set Tonight 1\ lect ttrl' 1:n the f!ffect s c:f aerosol :.pr:t\' <'an fluoroca rbon prupcllants on the atmosphere \\ill be ln.•ld at 7 30 tuni~ht al thc Lal!un a lkac h Branch Library, :JG3 Glenn1·yn' St (;ue-.t s peaker will be !\lann i\lohna. assista nt professor of d 1em1s try at GC Irvine \\ho h~1!-. slud1~cl fhtorotarbon t'ffed s with l 'C'l n •sl•arehl•r, Jo'.S. lt1m land. '.\l oltna will clt•scnbe currcnl rc:-.t.•;,1re h . the s t atus of a fcdC'ra l tas k f ort'l' s tud yi n ~ th c f I u o r o l' a rho n . p ru h I 1' m and ans\\ l'r quc:-.1 i~rn:-I k .1nng..; 1111 t lh' 1·11.\ ·• l't11'11•11t .1ppltc1t1011 hl'g,111 1:1 ... 1 :-11111111•·1 Knapp .... 11d l h1• pt n(•1 •1•d111~ ... 1·ulm111a11•d 111.1 :1., p;1g1·rl'1tt11t ---~-..--a.'ttr<-fAtl 0flWU \\;(;1-:1.1·::-: t.\l'I T 1111 m.1n :ipp;11 1•111 h :il1t·n1pt1nc 111 t1.1n ... pl'lrl C'•l\''1111(' h1 "\\allcl\\tni.! prnph\ lolt'I 1¥S-l tllt'1I ·~1th lh•'-'~"~ tl 11•d \\ ht'll OIH' 11p1•n1•cl 111 hi' llll!l''ll\ l' 11 .11·1 .• 1111 h111 1111· ....... 11i1 ~uss Quake Toll Rising Co~ncil Action F ollow in~ arc 1>nr11;1p.il action:.. tJkcn \\' cd.nc~d.i~ by the Lat1un•1 Ueac h Cit} Cowll'll -CABLE T F:tf:\1SIO:-.I -Srnt to st ud v new fin an('1al informalion submtltC'd by Storl·r C1hlc Television lrw. us Justification for a Sl 50 tll'r mvnth 10cre.t:.t· 1n cable tck·v1swn chttrl!c The t'lll'l'Clll fr1: '' si: -S\TAMOKt-: lllLlA., -(~tJnC'rally a ,c:rE>ed with phtn· ru ng 1·11mm1s:-.111n t l't'o111nw11d1•tl pn1p11sJls for n·t·n•auon.tl ruther thun rt':-tdt•nltal l!cvclopm1:nt on the 5:.?2·acru Lusu11~1 Canyon p arcel. -ALTA VISTA l 'SDERGROl'NDINGL1stcncd to more than two hours of 1h'h111c from s uppo rters and opponents of U1e propo~1:ll u111h·1·~r1111ml d1:-.tri1·t .11Hl conlinul'd th1: 111;itt1.·r to J uue 2 for rdint·mL'nl llf :'l~!'cssmcnl~. -ARCH REAf " llEIGllTS -F.s tablishcd a m celtnl'! for 1 p m Saturday :\l City llnll t nd1~ru:-.s 1tn l'nvironmcnlal im· pact re11o rt prcpa rl•<l on lhl• htl !lop ntl'ighorhood. Fire Station Sets Program T h \" I . j g u n •• n l' ~· 1· II Fire Rt'sCUt.' l'o:-.t ili \\ lll hold an open hmt~l' J t 7: 30 p)i1 1"1 1 dC1y Lil the Top ol thL· World Fin· Station. corner of .t\lt~1 Laj.!u11.1 Ooulc\'ard and Trc1: Top I.Lim . in Laguna Beach Young mt•n and \\OmL•n 11 111 18 )'l'a r~ old :ind tht•ir 11:11·l·nh arc mvill·d to ;1 lll·nd. l 'pt·om 111g events inc tuJ~ r ock climlJ1n!1-;cx- ercise:-and a campout and · E:>.· plon ·r Oly mpic s" tvmpl'11li11n~. Thl· P ost mt•t•ts fir~t and third Mondays of l h e month at Top ol the World Fire St ut1o n . F t>r further inform at ion, call George Wyman, 49-1·6608. Senior Citizen Movie Sch e dule d Tpe fi lm "Thuroug hly Mode rn Miftie" will be s~wn fo r senior citizens a l I :JO p .m . Frida y al South Coast The ater. 162 S. Coa!-.l Highway , Laguna Beach. Tickets m ay be obtained at the Sem or Citizens Center al the City llall Annex. 570 C le nncyre Sl. The film is being s ponsored hy Laguna Federal Savings and thl' Count1I on Aging. f 'ro'" Page .. t I M~LINA ... Fh·nn s courtroom afh·r hl'r briefs s1011 on t lw '' 1t11l's:-. s1L1111l \\'t•dne, da~, Mrs ~lolana gl.llH'l'il O\ l'r hl·r ~houl dl•r al h,•r ~l ~1n1w· hu ... band. But as he has done sine~· h1:-. t rial began last Wl'l.'k , Mohn:..i -..1l with his el hows on the dden:-.e 1 a· hie and his hands shielding hts f!YC'~. But !\11C'hl'I had other w1tnes:-t•s to l':t II in Molina's ddL·nsl' One of the m was a nur:-.e who was on dut.v al S:m Clt•m\·nk Gt•nl•ral llosp1ta l \lllC'n the frail . h alll'red murde r vict im "u~ broug ht there last Novt'mbl•r hy the Mo linas. Nurse Donna J\lcl'J)• tesliril•<I that Mrs. M o lin a rl'peat1·<.ll~ blam ed h e r s <•lf for the cl11ld ~ near death condition. "It's m y fault. It's my fllull. I killed he r ... Mrs . l\k ehanquotcd the woman as saying Thro u g h s u c h tcs t1mon~·. Michel hopes to p rove that 1t w;1:-. the victim's mother . not her slt:p · father who inClictcd the 1n;unl'~ that ultimate ly caus e<.! the <·h1ltl ~ d<.'ath. P rosecution witncSSl'S earlier in the trial s aid t h e child \1 as !>lll fering from mull1plc ;1brasmn:-. and bruis es a bout hL•r body, m alnutrition a nd pncumoma SONY'S BIG ONE Hrr•' •hr l ''1')' •1lrori.tr t11 (l'le>r TV yrr-'.'1" n·• o·~. I ! I I ,,1'1'1; , .. "1t 1 l >l l ;fl r·1·i~-- T111•"111fl1 f· 1•" • 1 1 11 .\(l~ lror lnnv,.,I r<i , ,. \n .111l11p~' :-.h11\\l'll .J,"1111.1 ( 'oh('ll, :!7. h.rd I 'I prnpll\ l.11'111·-. l'etnl;11n111i.: \\hat ·•Pl'' .111 ·11 111 Ill' 1·01·:11 111' 111 Ill" ... 10111:11 h :111cl Ill lt''llflf'"· ... ;11d Dr ll1•lw1l Slt\PI' .... F11l1 011 <'01111 1' ' 111 1·.!11 .ti "' ~1 () S (' 0 \V ( J\ I' I T h 1• 111111ll•nt1f11•d lt•c11·r.1l 1111d1•1T11\1•r 1lt 11~ .11···111 ... ''"'"'lll'd 1111111' '' lwn 1·111:1111• 1.111111 1• l111 n·1I tl11·111 111 l:111d th1·11 h1·h1·11p11•r 111 :i r 111.a:o·d 'l'1'l1n11 nl the• .\ni.:1'11· ... '\,1111111.11 F1111•;,t, a11t l1111 1t11 · ... -.:11tl \\'1•11111•' .t.11 l'lh' I" 11 ptlot .1t•1•11h h1lo.1 ·d 111 .11w.1r h\ c:tl1111 1111ol -.1111u111•t11•d h1•lp :lll1·i· I h" l11r1·1•d la11d1111• T 1w:-d,I\ 111 ghl Th1•\ 111·1 1· ,., .111111\\'d .ll ·' l .11111: ll1-.11 h h11:-.p1t .il ;111d 11•h'>l'l'd ORJ\NGf COAST ::>llvt·rs said 11111• ol tilt' p111 pll\ l.11·111·:-. h:tif lllll'IH'rl Ill 1111' \IC' 111n"· 1ntl'sl11w 111• ~.11d l '11h1•11 ' '' 111pto111 "' \lt'l'I' 1·1111:-1,lcnl '' 11h 1111• 111 1.!•'''""' "' .i '''" pnl1 •111 ... 11m11l .111l. "lll'h ·'"'"m-.11111· · t'.1rl hq11.1k1· I h at hit S1H·11·l <'l'ntr;1l 1\s1:1 (111 :\lnnday ca11~c·d dt•al h:-. and 111J111·11•s, lt•ft mori• t h.111 10 .0UCI IH'l' ... 01)~ homc·lt•:-. .... and lll'~l ro~·t•cl rn1111\· ho1111'" and h11-.1111•:-.,1•s. t h1• SO\ 11'1 111•11 ~ :11!•'lll'\ T .. 1ss sa 1c1 lnd:t\' 'A 1111rnhl'r of p1·;1plc• \\1•1'1• ktlll-d anti thrrr \\ t·n• 101urN1." T.1~-. :-.a1tl 111 lhl' l1 r:-.t 1·1·porl nf 1·as11:1lltl"i. 1•1 • I +• I t 1 I . I "' I I' . . ' '. "" l '"' H11u1 1 IN \,\1 ·~I I 1.11 I.. H ( 111 lo•v •. 1 tw1""' k1•1·v11 I 1 tw11"1 f\ M1111)111111 ~ ,, (h,11 h 'It l l"' Fltlh,11tl P N,111 I Snake Vietim ~Relif(io1is ' Ceremony Fatal nt-:1.n,\HTO:'\ \\ \ ;t. l.'\111 Thi· .,11;1t..1· 1h.1t 1111 < '11111:-;\11111111-. ch1nni.: a l'ln11·1·h 1-.·n·1111111' '' ..... a lni.: 11111' II kit l.111~ mart.. .... 111 111 l'h ap.11·t. r.tount..,' :11 m "'11•1l1·d ln l\\H'l' its nnrmal :-11t• t.111 ht• -.ou)!hl n1\ m1•d1 r.ll :l\trnt 1on h1•f(1t t' IH' cl11•d lht l'l' d,1\-. l:tll'I Thi• ht I 1' prndtt<'l'll hl11nd p111 "on1n1i. ,1nd l1•cl '" p:1ral\-.1-. 111 l h1• d1.q1h1 .1 i.:r11 ;1tHI ('11ro11:11 \ mu-;d1• .... H1td111· ... ;11d !\ll111nl!> ";.i~ a p parently h11\Pn clunn~ a :-en·1ct• al a chun-h on Hcn ... 1t11n 111 Min.1?ol'ount v. alonf,! the '' l't11 ll<' lo.·'· IH1rclt'r · GUILTY ... thl'1r n .:ht to a Jltr} trial ;inti :itlo" Jud.cu U roe to r~tsch ht ~wn Vt'rd1et • It ''as "'pl ~ti rwtl th:1I l \·11.i. E\ .ti\:-.ind S1·1t1fim:m prdt·r tu 1)111 th1•1r I.11t h 111 ~H·111111t.tl 1111 .1 Jmlgl'I :ith,·rth:rn a JUI'} J udl:l' lh me W N ltll'sJ .1y i.11p tlr'1'"'"<'fl .111 c•\•1d1•nl'<' :o.t•11.l'll h\ th1: Or;111 p• ('111111 t y l>r:-.lrtl'I ,\t tllt'm·~ s olCtt'•: f rnlll :i Costa ;\lcsJ pnnt 111~ i..hup 1•on l rollvd hv t'1•lla Jlo rut,•ll tlu1t ltw fodl'rnl pn• SC('llllllll l':llltll\l llSl" :UIV o( lilt• S C\ l'I .ti hnx1•s 111 tl1H'Ullh'lll:o. t .11-.l·lt. lrom tht• lin1h'tl Prin1111~ ('om panr 1>lnnt by-e1TI11tu~·c l>on.lld Albert llav . Tha l r"ulin i; h•d proscc·utnr Sl<.'phc n Walson to pn •<ht•t \\'t•cl 1wsday tl1t1t he will lK' flroppin).! s evC'ra I uf t tw 44 f C'lon v c·ounts t.•1m tamed 1n his Los Ang~·les 1'\•tlerul Grand Jury 1nd1ctml'nl. An tndk l mt•nt is ft>rrnal l'hargl· m t1de agains t a 1wrso11 or persons by a Crand J ury It tlocs not l'Slt1blis h guilt o r rnn<X·enl·e . DefC'ns<.· la'' vcrs predict <'ll Wednesday that .a n 1dent1eul sup press ion mot 11111 111 Orang1' Count~· Superior Court. '' twn.• lht• sanw thr<'l' dcft•n1l.111b fac1• t rial 1111 127 rel at l'd frl<m y l'llU nts. '' 111 cit-st nw the pr0Sl'l'Ul1<111 s 1·a~c. if it 1~ f r anted. Ollendo rf will now a ppea r a s J prosecut ll)n w 1 l n l•ss 111 the I.us Angeles 111mjury trial It is allt-gcd that lx1th hospital:-. were lJi l k l'tl of ;1 n 1•:-.t 1 mall'd S:? m illion ~hen they paid hills for s11ppltl'S thl'Y never rct'l'tved. The prosecuti<111 claims that those hills \\'ere s ubmitted o n cvuntl'rftoit i11vo1t•cs bl'aring t he ll'lti:'rhL1uJs of noncxisl1•nt t'Om- pan1es Ollt>ndorr told Judge Byrne at onl· potnl Wl•clne~dav that he bet' a me worril•d alwul.the acts of fraud in 19i3 and ckl'ided to d is· cuss h is role 111 thl' alleged s cheme "1th t he hos 111tal'i.. lawyer , Ho bt'rl Brent of Santa Ana. "lie told ·me I hat.I nothing lo worry about so 1 signt•tl the forms that Dr. Cella wanted ml'll)~1g11," Ollendorf said . ... Ill' was :1 ml'rl1h<'r of :1 (•hurrh \\ h1d1 foll11 \1 ~a h1lih<':tl q11ot .1t1011 lhal sa~... th''' -.h.tll t.11-.1· up ~l'r F1)ll ow er ~ o f the s n etkc· h:indhng rnlt ~ base their hl'lief 1111 lhl' ll>th l'11:1pt.-r of Mark 111 thl' l11hlc•, 111 "h1l'l1 Chn~I H•lls h is clt:-.1'1pl1•s f 'ull 1·a,.1ory ttorra1ui .. • Pha.4' Our P.-r~onal ~ Ot1P ,.ror (tiuaronf PP fin t :rPrfl PrfldUt"f··Wr Srll! ~ O tfiCf>S I ~ \'• , I I , t1 i •• f I I I Telephone (71411142-4321 c1,,ssrf1cd Advertising 1142·!1678 l.;lquna Beach All Departments: Telephone 4'14·41466 ' ' 4qs.06JO I it l"' -; • t • ' I I I .... , (( '1 I ' Ir f t I ' I • ~ t • I '1 I i. I ~ .... ' . ,, .. Pl'lltS .. :\tnun\-", Iii. dll'il :1l his Sltl'k Hoek horn<' \\ t'<lr11·,tl;I\, Cornn1•r 1-:rn1c H1t chtl' s:11d I !to" .1:. h tllt•n t" l<'l' 011 I h1• r·i )!ht h.tnd Sund a~ by a '' alt•r moCl'.t:-111 ··The ri ~ht ;11·m was ~wnlll'n tw1c~ the normal :-11t• from th1· h.md to lht• s houlclcr urnl \\aS d1-. l'Olorcd ... H1tc h1c ';utl "Swt•lling h;l(i e\ en f'nlcrt•<1 1nl•l tht· cht•"I area along'' 11hcla:-rnlnr;1l1on ... The cororH'r :-:.11<1 the fJng marks "1•rt• an 1nl'h 11pur1. .tlmost twtt'l' t)HJ 1h-.t.111l'I.' of m Jrks from :111 J\ rr.1~1· !1111 .. .\n<I thr't' :-igns sh all follow thi-m lh:it hcli1•v('. In m\' nunw Sh~1 ll t hl'V t' US\ Olli dC'\'i ls : l h1•v shall SJ)l;ak with new tonit111 •s'. thl'\' s ha ll take up st•rpcnts. and if they d n nk any d endty thing. 1l sha ll n11t hurt the m " Snakl' h andling during n • ltf!tOll~ rcrrmm1ics •~ legal in \\'t•:--1 Vir.1?1nia Tc1111l'~Sl'C', Kl'n turk\'. \'1rg1n1a, Alabam u ;111<1 :--.o rth Caroltn<1 h a\'l' l~1ws pro h1h1tin1Z 1h<' hundhng of snake:-tn n m a n ne r that cnrl.rngers the hc.tlth and ltfe of nny person 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa HHr lllildfo' f~ltft'I 2 0_, WHt of Cont Jr Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat 9.5 30 Senl"'J tll• Horbor Ar'H Slftce 19$6 L. Thut fttdrOftic ProhniMah Stnict Yow £ .. pmrnf "J~" "Mlle.~" \ Thursd ay"s Closin~ l'ric••s I' I 1.t llu, '' ,, ., ... " . ,,, " 111 ,, I I ~ ' ,,, t , j ·' ........ " ,, I ~ • I \II ' .. ttl\ ,, I ••••• , "I ' I ' J J111' lo 111111 I t Ii oo1o I l·••·I •• I II HI • t 11 11,111' 1 • 11•'1 • •t I•' I "'fl"'' I t'.A I 'l'1t 1\,...(01' , .,, .... u, ' 11, """\ •I I' t W'1•11• I ··~'"'' 'l 'IW "fl I l'ftJ! .oflllo~ 11 t 1 I tHV\.,1\\ ""IJ -, I ' \.\11.) J ¥f I ,,. . :; ' t1•J \L(\ jofj " ,,. Uu1M« Ott' ,, I '\I 1( I ~ '1 ' ' l'-1tf1,JllWI • If ' \I •1111 U ,1 I • ..; i ·~• ... I ~~°._";:,I ~\!u. ;~ 7~\ • l\U"' q,un(I , \ ' ,,.,"'.' ntt 'n " 1 t 1 urtlnU 1 JO11 1n• i'uf'IN('I &4't. t •'I 11 t\urlNo pt , .. hu1n.i.1v 115\ '• • ~ th.;• rQn,. titil '' l111i 1v1 c c (.1b(.,O .. "'' ( 1lt' t C,.0 ~~ I \,Ht n~ 1 11' t l., t• Wtl ' l. t,111 • t \ ..... , t t ...... ,,," ( ·.-:..,t .... •io-(. t... ' "'-"'"~'"'" ,, ' tn~• H ...,._ ( tn I ~ t ~ • ''"' ,, , .. I ·11U 111 4;) 0 .. I ,I I • ., " '• ... , ( .. Dtl Mttl (Jth ,,' '1' • ~ • • 1 • Ofollll l I 'J NYSE COMPOSITE T RANSACTIONS Q\#Ot••·~' ,.., lude H "°' lhf ........ " • '-'· ) ...... f ll •• , J:'[.~ koi.ton Ck,,. I .f\t~ ( tl"I ••• , ... "•t "4it\Qt'\•ft4tq:,.:n.-Ot-•n' ••"4t •i A,11.ot •t"' ,...,._ "'" r\r'W'•f' :t•-01., t ,., , , I ,, ... ( . •I I I • • II II ' .. ,. '-u .. ,... . , II I)' •' \II H 1 r;• 14 I • t ft I 1\! j, ilol ..,1 11 •• H AIM!• I ' fii, i •0 1'1 rtt11111f 1 Ii r1 H1>••• UIJ 1U H 1;1 Oil J' ft.,v l J-1 ' • lC•llJ tt 1 h H°"' 1rn• ; .. '' HuUbt I I /11 H~1ht • ti' I~ t4u·'' ~ 1\ I " Mu*I'' t 4 1 C ..-t.;n1.,11,t t Huuf( 11 , 111,1!1 I f l,,J J .. ,, " ~ .a , .. , .... , ,,, .... • ... " I ·'' , .. " . ,, 11 I' I J1·.,.,,,•·ll I / I ;t l••i\• I "' , II '' Jm<N • I I I\ I' f1tn/I ol • 1 /1111N I UI I 1••.1n-, I' I 'I '· •11 I h I Jf•fl I 1 1 I •'H •11 ,, ... ' 1., •• ' J I I•¥ I . ,.. ', . .. . ,,,. ... .,, t . ' .,, I r IJ1 If I" tv1 • ..... . ' ' ' '" .. ,,.,., ' ·~ I 11 '"' 11 c1 I '" jo !U I \ 'II > ' .. , ... . , I' ' .. I( I t I' I ' 1 I l ' It I• . , " " I l•·'""" 111 ., I "' ..... ~ 1.:.t/ ' V•l°'o ' lo'•\ Ii 1 • I , ' .. ffy(l I C• ft ,. ti •I ,., 1 \.I"" ll '"' 1. tOff.#(_ fl 1 I• i t .,.. , .. tlf •• """ t•"l It• ....... 1 t , t•U tlf U t J I c.,,1,p ' •J It l•~·· ill ... \•I• 1 W •«' c ......... '"'" 11 1(1 Jlt ,, 4_.4 ldoh' ' ., #1 ... 11M 1 ••' C. ·~ .ct 1 ~ I t I 11 I ~ .... 1,., I H' " II (,.I JWlo\ lJ it '• '"'ttJlfJH J ,,., I "" t• • ' 1 ... 1ulol ••I l 1\ , I ,. / i •t.J'-1· I n t, \ , + •' till')• I I~, 1 • I ,,,,u.,11111"' '' \ •'•'"" wl ~ti t 11 I •• ~· ' f ' I ,,. I " • I t 11'\ll• t• I \ i t ,,ftJ11h I 111 11 t '"' .. N I hi I I 'I ,., •••N ,,,,""' II I ··'~"' ,,, ,, ' 1 1 ·h\I• t , ••• 1 •'\~I j!!1 ,,, u•t I H I, :; ~~: ... , '~, I' t•"l!l ,. ' •' .. . " ' I• I ' • f~\ ,., 1 l\'V t''• , ... I ,, , , _. L..ou1 lvt '' t ~I ... u,_,' W I 411 I H .-.11J:-fl "-'41 t] t1 • ·O.'n ·~ t .a "·• t-1tun1tf' 1 ."U ~ 4t1 tt ,,Y'n~1 1 •ttof1tmn .an 11 '' ,, '. 11 '" hH.u \ \ 1 'JM "1 t·• \\ O lh I t1 / 1 h .nn 1 I Ml 11 :... ·' H,1' lh I ' n 3 11 J ~ H.~,. ,_,,., 1' t ' H-'• .,~ ~h 1 41') ' h I I ._.l'tf"t.,..n 11M d D 11 I hAff fU.. I "° I 1 !I H ur1 .. 1 .. fl U 1 '' ._,.,_, "<<' I .)fib 6 l H ,u\..,M• ft{'l \0 Id 11 , .. ., ,. ·' " I ' . '" H.Hld·U. 4\ 11 I H1tllS1· l .u ,1 11 \1 '• H~w11EI I l b 8 !fl '],1 • H'h'"'tAtl> 1 I lt.t 1 .. o. • 11 H Alt'lhN" ff tt8 1t .. ~~(\\f'l 11 q ,.,, 11 ,, 1• ,, IA 10 I' 1 ' Ht<1~M lOt ·~ H J M • • I• 11 ., .. " I• ., • I 1 . .. ..... "'" . ... . ,. . "''. .. ,,, M ii •10 M,t• 't M fl• 1• ""'·"' •t lu Mo Y. J • t'I ' I ,..,..,,."' l 1o ' M,\tlft l'·i •1 I ('!/\Af ill t It I I '"'"'"'1 ·I, I '' 1' Mt''""' 1 111'• 1 , t-4t•1tml"\, )1 8 1A I I 11 I t HetMtH 1 .lft 10 111f \ ~ ,, H4ttn1 on 10 1 M,1"ti• I,~') .tt '' 'MrtrtM4tl ~.; 1• I .. Mtllh..U(I Ml H ' H ![l ~t.·tenr Cun ~ J<1 ,, ' 1 ,_ ..... ttttrt nl in • "" ·e '\, "'' "'" 1 .... .,~,pl) q ,,1u ,.., .-1111 Hp-mine ~ I • \ ' I • I .. HN ( "''' 80 )I 37 \ 1' 1 J ;111., 1 1 HN'°"'J'Fd) 8 t 1 • II +-U t-V'\'\lon IO I 1J HI \'fl Qf1 60 } tH\.o.1t)t.n 1701-, lb~ H-,.up~ JO :U lOO ~:~,,':;·h '~ ~~ H11lonHll 10 17 ' t 7 1 HMW fntf & I '"' ' • t-tc'.'lbtrt ., u u ,, .. ,.~ . ~ ~:;-;~ ~ '~ ·~! ; : : • Hol1dt1y .ao 1] 86' 11 ti e-'• HOiiy!) J OGol l • Ct' M., 11(l\ ) ~ l! • • l ' M..tW>n I• .. ) • 3• 1 1~ • n ~I: J',"': ~ ' .. It/\ ( U l' ~I M.+ th ._.... t•, ~\hul )~~ '' M.t1()'-.I I #ct fl t~ "• t • :.:::r~r I t~ ,; ~ • -..'-'yfQ I ftl.'t 1 \ ·~ . ~~~~i,,' / .. 1\ ' ~( ~~~ 1 #fl ~ 11 • • 1 M<. , l'"igl 1 ,_. \ ' l ,• , . . ~~h c!: ~~ l;\~ d " '' M<v l cl I •O 11 ll I •• ,, .. I r ' .. ., . ••• I'\ I::"' ...... "• ' •I .. .. ,1•{ ., ' ' . I· .. .· '• 'l\i I .• " .. . " '··-1 • . ' ., ''I ' •J •• (J i. I 'I .. '· . ' .. I',',·:"''' .. ,,, ., I II I; . ' II I ,, ,, I ',,, ~ ~!,~~,\ l 1 1 I l! I .... •.!., I . ,, ·'' ,. I ' ,,, ·~ 11 " I ' l I ' .. I' . ' I .. , I' ,., I ' JI 8 II> ' .. ' I I I ,, . 1, J • I~ • f, '. 1~ It ., I• I ' . " " .. . I . ' I 0 • ' ,. 'j 1• j ,.,, I' '• d • ~I I I I '•It ,.1, 1 . ,,11. I , ~ ~·' .,. J' •I • I jll I J• Ii ,1 If} 11 I I '. 1 ' I I ' 7't I 4 'I ' • -I .: •• " , 1 I ~ , t \ . .. ,.,, ' 'I I ·"' ·' I " JI ,, ' . . . I II I ,. I '· ' 11 ll I ·' I ' " •'I . ' ., .. ,. I I 1'' ...... " ' ' ' I" I' ., w w " ,, ,, .·. .. , ,, I "" I /l I ,,, I ., ' " I 11 f') I 11 I ,,. " ' \ ''"' I 1." t f '~ " I f ~ .' I 0. I I 9 J L 1SC U 7 Bt>,•h Tube Bf11(•,. Another Maker Prepares tO Sell U~ !\Ill .TO~ 1\H)SKOWITZ ,\rwl ltt·I' t • S lt·h·u:.ro11 :.<•I 111 .1k1·r r:' :d111ut tn ta ll 11110 ltll't•1g11 h..111<b, 1·011l111u11ig a tre11tl lh;1t ~l'l'rll" to bl' 101•:..ora hll' It ma~ r1111 h,· 11111).! hdon• t • S m~ 1w d t•nl 1ltl'!'. 111 th1~ f1l'hl :in· 11·~lun·d 111 ,1 h a11dtul. Hl '1\, z,•111th . (;t·ncral t·;kl'~ l1w Z1·111th .111d lH'.\ ;H'l'llUtll ror nrarlr 50 11,·r<•t>nl ol.~bc. u1lor ..,,.,~-.old 111 lh•• l' S. 111~1rkl'I and lht.•\ .trL' hc1hl'\'l'd II• lw lh" <lltl~ .\lllt'l'lt'.111 ' • l \) 111 p .1 n I I'.... m a I-I II ).! 11111111·~ 111 I ht• I 1t•l d Zl'rnlh 1~ I hC' \ o l p111 dlll'l'I' Ttw I.ti t''-l 1·11m p.111\ lo 1.1p1lul.1ll' I' \\ .11 \I II" EI 1• I 11 11111 c'. \\ h I l h Money Tree 111.11-.1:-. T\' r1·1·1·1\ l'I'' 111 Forn • ... t t'1l' J\r I.. \\'11n' 11·1.. s pr in l lpal l'll'f\111\l'I .11\1 ,I\' 1\,1'-h1•1•11 Sl',;l ..,, llol'llUl'k (l !-ollppliccl Sl•ars '' 1lh .... 111u :!;,11,000 '-''h l.1 ... 1 ''"" A:o' ,\ .\l .\TTEH OF F \CT. \\,1r 1111·1.. lh1·d !0 IJ1· 11\\n1·c1 h~ S('.11·-, llul 111 ~1·.11 .., :1g11 :-·w.11 ' 'old .1 1·c111lroll111 g llllt'rl'sl 111 \\'an111·" l•>.111nth1•ro111·of 11 , m.11or 'llJlfJn1·r~ \\'h1rlp1>of '' h1t'h !-.t1ppl11•s S1•;11 .., \\ 1lh 11 .1 ... h111:.: 111.11•h1111'!'o. dn1·r'i :1n11'- garh<.1).!l' n11np:it·l01 ~ \\'h1rlp1111I rW\\ 01111~ '.'17 l"'rn·nt nl \\'•1n1 1l'k 0!'o sh an.'!'. 'S,•:.ir.., !'ollll hollb a :!!i p1°rt'l'nl 111l,•n•s(. l 'nalJk 10 eompl'l1· ag a inst < lwap .lapan1·st• 1mpol'l!-. \\';in11ek ha:-. hel'll IO!-.lllg molll'Y· It h1!-.l $3 x rn1ll1nn 1n l!l7·l and 111d1•1ll'd tha t d1•l11·11 111rn·arl\ ~!J mill1011 l:i:-.1 \t'a r Sl·ars 1hl'll h: .... 11111 i>l'1·11 Im :11 to \\';11·111 <·1... 11~ ~fl pt·n·1·nt 1nll'n °H nol\1 rths landrng. I .~csl \ l':tl' 11 h1·r1 1l had ~c l'h;rnet· 111 huy" wo.ooo 1011 pnt·<· <·olnr porl ;iii!<·-. I l'l•lll .1 .J a p;1n1·~1· rnakl'r. 11 111111p1•tl al till' opporl 1111111 . Tlw !-.11ppfn•r 11 ;p, S:rn~ o Ek el n i:. " h 1eh hri ngs 'id !-. 1ntn l h1• l S un<lcr 11 ~ 011 n nam(' /\:\0 NOW T ll/\T \\'lllttl.l'~)()I. 11 ..... tl1·1·1tl1·d \11 un1mn1 11s 57 IJl'l'l'l'lll 11H1·rt0!-.l 1n \\'an111·k. g11c·'!'o "ho lhl· hu\ l'r 11 Ill . ht•" 'i\•s. S.111~0 E ll•t·lrH' St'.11'.., t.11-t'" t-.1n· of all ;Is sup phC'rs. do111l'"l 1l· or fun•rg n l'oor \\'h11 lpool 1" n11t 1·1m1111~ 0111 tcio \1\'fl II pard St·;ir,. S:l l m1ll1011 lor I hl' \\'an1 irk -.h.il't'" 11 hll'h 1l h:t!'. now :ign·t·d lo 'l·ll to S.lll.\ u lor SI I 1111111011 S1·ar'-app.1ri•11tl~ r-. n•larn111j.! llS :?=> Pl'l'l'l'l\l llllt'l'l''l San1o's a1·qws 1\1on"or \\'an11t•I-11111 tw t hC' lalcsl 111 a lhrt'l"µ:1rt f111·,·1gn l al..1·11\'1'r :\111lur11l.1 '.., T\ '-l'l l111s m1'!'.S ''a,. at·q111n·d h~ .J ,1pan·., largl'"l 'I'\ m.1"1'r . Mat s tbh1l a . m arkl0ll·1· o l lhl' Pa11a~o1111· 11111· \1111 ~I ;1~na1·0, 11 as al' quired h~ 1·:urop1• :-. larg1·:-.t T\' 111.1l..1·r '· V. l'h1hps of lh1 :"> 1·1 hl' rt :1111 f,. . TEl.El>\':\'E. ,\ LOS A;\(;t·:Lt·:s .ha ... t•<I c·onglomcr:ik l'lll'!'k 1•d uul ol Lhl' T \' bt1!-.11l1''!'. 111 l!li·I , d1M·o11nt11111ing th• l':iekard-Bt:ll ltlll'. 'l\10 hlhl01 "I'll kn1>1111 l .S. brand.., Phikn and Adm1r:d. four.cl !'.lll'\'l\',il p11-.:-.1hlt· only untler 1h1· !-ohl'fll•r uf hllJ . .!I' l'llrp11ral1tll1S Admiral ,,l1l d nul lo :m :11'1'11'11<11·P n1mpany. Ho<•b11·ll ln\<•1·11:1110n:ll. l'hllto 1r11•d and f:11kd 111 r11ah1· :1 i::n of 11 un dl'r Ll11· ;wg 1s ot Font ;\lo\11r ('1111111:111~ 11 .., 11an11• 1111\\' hl'long,. 111 (;e1wrat T <·lc·phom· i..t E lt1('!rnn11·s. \\ t11d1 h:1:-parkL·cl 11 ''1th ;11111lhc 1· l;id1ni.: T \' !'.t'I hr:111d . S~·l\':inca . Thi' pros pt'l'lS for· ,\1lm1ral. s~ l\':111ra . l'hilC'o ;111d l'\'C'll mighty 1;,•1wral Elt•1·tn1· an• an\ lhin.I! h111 pr111111 ... 111g . 11on•ii.:n·made !-.l'ls aln.'ad~ d omin;1ll' \hl• hlack·anil 11h1l<.• markl'l. No\\ llwy an• mak1n~ strong inroads on lht· much mon' lucral1\'l' t·olor mark1•1. Both Zl•mlh ands~ l\'allla ha\'I' 1·t1;1rg1•d m legal a C'llllll'- lhal tht· .l;1p;11H0:-.1• 111 .11-.,•ri. an· 0111 l o d1• ... frtl\' lhr Aml'r11·;1n rndu:.111 . Food Price Hike Slowdown Eyed \\'AS!lli\-GTON CA P l· H1'l:iil t'ontl pnl·<•s an· P XJlC'('I C'tl tt1_go11p 2 to :l 1wn·t·nl lh1s yt'ar. tlw !'-111.illt•"t m<·n•asl' Ill .11 l<'aSI four ~·t•:irs, tlH· Ngn1·11l111n· l>(•p;1rt nwnt o;;11tl ll1g lll'I' J'H'IC't'" fnr lwd and n·al proh:il ily will :11·co1m1 lor n1ul'h of lht• lll l'l'l':l!-.1'. al uni..: wit II :-.1·a:'1111al lll('fl':l'il'S lnr p(1ull ry .111d r n·~h (nut:-. I hi' dq1;1rt ml·nl -.a 1d 'l'u<'s day . PHl<'E~ FOil C<ffFEE :111d lt~h 11rod11r l" ahn \t di d1mh. lht'dt•parltnl·rtl ,;11d l>1•p;1r11111·n1 'f>•1k1·0.,m1·11 g:I\1° no 1·x.1mplt·!'. nt "l>"''rfH llll'l'l':1~1·-. Tlw tl t·11.1rlnH•nt !'. Ou\luc1!, .i nd S11u:it11111 lloard !'.alll l.1ri..:e l1111d -.upph1•-.. .tnd -,ornc· n.1rrm1111).'! <•f pr1<·1• marg111.., d1<1rgt•tl II\ nuddh·111rn '' h11 l1 .111.,port . prot·1•\!-. .md !-.C'll food h,t\'I' lwl1wtl dampl'll l~l'iti l'OllM1nwr 101111 pnc·<·'i •',\l.TllOl'(;ll 1.Al<GEI< St'PPl.IES ri·lat1\·c· 111 la'! 1 •'!II' m.1~ 1·011t 11H11· 111ha\1° .1 rl.11n pc·111111• 1·ff1•<·i . 1 c·larl f1111cl pr 11·1•-. .ir1· 1'\IH'< 11•<1 111 t 11r11 up :11-::1111 lhr" "f•rmg :ind 111011 1111111111w lo rr ... 1° 1hro11 ch tlw "''m1111·r · 1111' ho.1nl ..,a11I "11111 · h.irp 1111'l'•"'"t'}J1l.1· lh11-.1· 11I 1,,.,1 o.,1111H11t·r :in• not ltk c·I~ :ind "' I .ti 11 llt' n · 111 a,\ lw !'.lln 1c· ""t i.-111111.: 111•1 ail l11od pr 11't'!'. l'l1 mh1.•d X .1 pt•1T1·nl 1n l!li :, .1fl <·r o.,q:11 111,:: 11 ;, lll'lll'lll 111 1•:wh 111 llw l111J pr1·\11111<., \l',11'". Tlw p11· t11 rtt•d 1!:1111111 :1 t11 ;, 111·r!',·111 ll110., \l'.tl' 1101iltl h1· tlw !'.mall1· ... 1 ..1111·1· lrn•d p1 it, .. , 1 ""1' .in a v1•r:1 ~•1· ol :1hn111 ii~. p1•rr('nf in l't7:2 Thi· ho:1nl ..,;r11 l lh:il 11 1!17fi h:11 ,., ... h :ir1 · :1-.. l;1rc1· H!'. th1•1 .1ppl':11· p110., .. dd1• 110\1 . 1111111 pn1•1·t-. \\01rld """' l1k1·l v ris e· :1111 l pc·n ·1·11l th r-.. .\f·:1r /\1!1·11·11111111• S1·c·rTl :1n E:rrl I .. 111111 <•:trli1·1 """ 111 1111111 p11.,l11'11·d lh.11 t11od pr11·1·'> w1111 ld l!'i 11p :c l•»I Pl'l'!'t'lll Ill J!li li I.ooh 111g 1 ... 1111111 111 1d 1·1•,1r 1111• rt•porl 'iaHI lhal "1:11 i••·r ('l'OJl'> .11111 ,1 o.,JO\I 1•r p.w1· 111 C'('fllllllllll' :11'1 I\ II v than 1111\\ -.1•1·111.., l1h1 h \I mild 11·1111111 sir•\\ tr11· 110.,c· in lond pr11·1·s lh1-. "lll11ll1 •r \\ llh .1 •.l1 1:hfl\ '>ll'l'fll'l'd1•c·l1111• 111 lh1• l:tll Directors Re-e lected llw ll\1 il111Tl111 -.. nl l.11111I111m1n. Safari . Im·. ln11w 1\1'1'1 11• l'Jlorl l'd .cl llw 1·omp:1111·.., :1111111 :1' rn1·1'11nl! 111 !-.hard10ltl1·r-. t h1~ 111·c·I.. :'\:inH'd In a dd1t111nal on!' \1°ar IC'rrn.., \\l'l'I' llan ~ Shu<.,\1'1', ;\lnrn' E l l.1rn-.on. attnrnr' Alvin l'a""'I, Al\1n 1\ll',:tnd1•r :111d .l<•rnn11•Kol11·111 ·~ - < lffll't'I'!'. n· l'il'C'll'rl \\l'l'I' Shu!-.l1•r . 1·h;11rman of lhP hoarrl and ch 1l'f l'Xt•c·ut1q• ofl1t'l'I'. llarri!'.on. pn•s1dC'nl and ch1d opC'l'illinJ! off1n•r . C';is..,.•I. o.,1•1·11'1 ;1rv \r1•11s11n •r . a n<I Al<·:-. and er :ind K ol1ri 11 . ' IC'I' pr1°!-.1d1•111.., I\ l...c1 n •n :111 lt'cl \\':ts lk'nat I' r:raf.' 1<''' pn·-,rdc•nl :111d 1•11111 rnll1•r' -ww "·"1 ·" .~ '" w. ' 'N• ·t)ft•\t 7,. J W1H n (t> I • ""' ~~. r ""' w "''' ,. w n" )• l •1 ti W n• J •f\ "",, ... b,,,., w f lo #' ' W1 £pt'•\ W1\.C,.l\ J 1? , W"C, pt7 H • 1 I . ' 1,... ~ w ..... f'l I ' "' 11 .. • W I I t w •'"" ft •. ~' -~"' .,, ,, I> "' ,.~,,.t tt'I ~ ,.,., , ) ~ ¥t , J A' "' IWr •J y 1 I ' l'I -.N,1• tt• f /') \ "'"'··" . ,, l"'••• to' P ' " " I• ... I " lt• 1• I ) I~ ' .. .. 1• ' , "()' 1' \ II • • l ... .. , . l( .., l · ~,.rnv(p l )'f'' In (,,,, ,,,.., ' .'b'1) l ,f '" 11 'it ,4 tr 'l I '11 ' Yr•1.1 ·0' 1\1 r ') • I , • ·~ro .. rt I I• f•tl' II I'""' ,.,, I I • \ 1 I t1 ,I •l· •' l t • • I ••'• "' r 7, rulnA.u11 1 f /vf'ntrut •l tn '. f J " • l •.i l ,.,, ' . '• ' I '1 . ' ; :. .r•1L 0 t ________ r_ .. ..,. •iv •,• . ,. .. Tonight' TV Highligl1ts l\T LA 0 8 oo · Prnh· 111 I hl· \'a nk<·,•s ·· C:<1n ('oopl'r p<1rlr•1\·s :\1·" Yo'rk -.luggN Lou Cd1ng in t11i-. 1>111 ~ra ph1 t;d movH• \\ ith Tt•n·sa \\'nghl \V;,dter Hn·111i.tn c.111<1 B:ll><· Huth appL·ar ing :1:-. hirnM·ll t\ BC EJ U: :HJ "'l'tw lh1rk ~Hilo of In ll0L'(•l)('c ... Th11 p1·111>1L·m:-. or an ,11'1h11·nl J\mc rt<'an f'antily 111't· t•\'.ttrnint"d 111 llw• Ill'\\' 'I'\' clnirn.1"1th .Jn;inn:i l'(•\lt·t . \t1lll' Areher .. John 1\ndcrsc1n. K11 n l lw1l\·I' .111d Larn l' as1.·' · L' IS S fJ I tJ o tr <; I 1· n Campbt·ll.. l>o''" llonw. l>o"n I ndn ThL• :-.t•tt111g 1s . usu·;ifla "" .\nwnca ~ countr~ mus1<· spL·c1:il1~1 11111i.... .\11.., ... 11· SUlg l'I' 011 \l,1 .'\(•\\ lllll .1111111 Ill .1 l'olotl 111 tour 111 and ;i rou11tl l lw ~' d111•\ .11111 '.\kllmurnt· :irt•:i TV DAILY LOG m C1011·W11J ID Ct!Ylftl<htn Thursday Evening MAY 20 9:00 0 17 l 8 H1wt11 fowt n IR) lilrt11 Htt•m x•t>I\ •• 1h• ~fdnd molht• ol • mu1de1r1 '''""' "h" '' .. 11nhold1n1 lne 1!1 !;.t\ th.i c11uld tt•u• lht ''"" •nd h•\ mo •:OO tJO 10 ~EI)Ci)Nt•l M (3 ' 0 I 17 '3 ;ll '6 Ht•l O (;i<I 8 ) J 39 CD Shtrll ol 0 lon11111 S,n F11nm~• 'Merc~•nl, '! llurn" 16 hMllJ All•ir (MJ Aller • CJ~lt COAi• ••na \t•tril O lronJJdt • n vn .erc.t1h 11llt\ '' s•o en r1om 1 m Parttldlt hmilt ..... nou\t II • t• nt 1nd lnspte!OI W Ad1m IZ ~t!lrr R•I 1•1.u'•t1 "·~ !ttn~1tt El) Sp.1n11h D11m1 • ••l•tt Gtr' Mou IJt\I\ n an 16 ('9 ·a ) Star Tttk t• p11i IOoilO•ll \ii' •h~ ""r'\ •11n ID loom! ttir 1~11th1 IF• ~~n.,a ftr>\•mr b~l•ttn l • MIU Oou1lu Int lttn•i,t a1n2s W lrtllt 11uur1 m Anthony Newley And 6 lO 6 m Artd1 '111111~ * Roger Moon• Hrghhghl 10 Mtrt lfnltin Show M T h1 Al 9 j7 J Stu"'p tht Sim erv onsg ~ Optn Mith m Mtrt Grrlltn Sile• '1no11m1 8o•m2 -r ln sit t hulrt rn .fllllt11t1 Urrnsfr " M4\·. 1411 ~ut.S h.•,t Af1o1 ~ftE(' 7·00 0 0 0 'll 6 m CD Ntws 16'R"" MP 1u•! llXJIM ~ !h lo•m•I 3, Ironside '•kmtnl·-''' tn• Mo11;1• hlulif •• 0 Bowlin& lor Dollm 1 ronard Btins1eon < Mas' A 1 ht- 6 (~ 18 ) 8on1n11 ':ltfr P1tr• •01 ~inxers PIJ)et" i Ip Tell fht Truth .n.t o.nw m Conttntrahon ffi Koie1n lancu•t• P10111m1 I love lucy 9:30 O ll 6 10 EI) N 8 r lhur1d1J Tht FBI N1ah• MO•W IC) (90) ''fh• Dark 17 3 'lt. Cun1moh S1dt ol lnr.cetnct" (Ou) · lh -·Jn ID Fits! lm111u ot lht Ht• World ;rona ~mer Ai·"' A'«lft. ,, hn An New ft~111nn~ •n Cto~1aph( O••>cn ,; 11 ''·"'" 1 •11 Ca>ev. Ch>1110phe1 Colum~u\ nt1e1 hnt~ hm H~u~hlon Oen,. ~·t>r.•\O•· •htlt ht •anded 1n U97. ht 01td f lh•I ·n u ocl, v•nr• · U.i•den th•nl1np he hJd ruthed Chin• ", ,.. 911,1, ., in K•.,!tpter 11 11 Ani•11v.o Vuputt1 ct11med lour •o~ •" 1 11 • ~ •• , L> I.in 1 1 Jn 41 •~K 1n a new 'conhntn!" bul , u• ,1 .ub•Jbl , lami 1 •hose 1,.,1 on V l•O h11t bttn dOCumtnl,d .,. <lllH!••n•d .,,In I~• ph e em\ llM 0•0 >ndttd d11<0.U ltt Nt" v' 1,J•I .;.,,,.Cf '"" mJ11ta1 IJoOd' i'" 11 1\ p1'lllf"\. • "1 -.l)u t!. i1nd il) Ottmalt< Sfnn en• ~ n~ r1orr• ffi Addams Famrlr 10 oo 0 17 3 e '""""I Gltn 1JO B lot ol tht Wiid G•mp~ll Oo•r Home, ~·n EI) '"u h Ar1M Unde• (,.e (J"·v~' Jr~ '"" >~t lott AmttKlft Style , ~ut\I • , '"•" luhn 11 c::i!iI!:ID Onuttn: Ho• & ~t-'t"' 1111111n 1-.J '1 A"'~',. .. ~' top Why VOlun~· Or Ctorge 11\hbe<I m,1u ~•<1up1 '•'•a r<>•11u1 '""' •1•t< 1 tool 11 ~me ol 1ht .. orld s 1 •n• r.ro a #1 .ndt. lht .nlt•nn\. tocu1.n, on h11u 1n CO\U " 11 .,, ••r•J .n '"~ 11vunJ ,,. r~ -h•Ch n \•o.-lt co ... er,,,~ lh~ 111 "'f .r, Mr'l> tr·t .t"'d t"'• "unll)>idt "1lh gray Uh •nO • • ~ 11 ,,1 :t>J ' •I ; bJb1 '"'"•Utn1n;? the llvo ul the ptoplt ,,, 1.th 1 t•.all'e'-1 ' ,,,.p,., 1nc t•tJ ;nd 1h, t•.111enc, ol Int coun!ry Ai.,'•• '"mu' .. vo •P\ ••• ~he• 8 G1nd1d Camrtt c.-1 •••O H I ~;..'~ 0 Ctltbutr 80.W1nc 0 I 1'I s 1 :1 39 CD w.,,.,.o 10 M•lth G1mt 1 w hr.p•1"C'' 1 • A ' C<l'l m Bud, Bunch bl!JI! '.JllUv• t-r '" ,. .. 11 j!\~lr.• lJ 6 Hollywoo~uaru mtt:' , ; ·'•.HP<I t!r~p·t1• ~.H''t \ at ff) Aobrt1 M1cN11I Repon It Mp'~ '" ""'~ ,,. In• 111 .••rv •I J9 ltl's Mdt It Dul l•••ln' ~.1.11 ''"'b"oi Id t 4t· CE Ad•m·l7 '"' •"~ 11 ... J lJpalJihJ ~""' 8 00 O 17 3 8 lh• W1ltons (II• O Nnn 01 .. a dim"•" 1h•1 1t,, '' RO•OY lo Lo•e Amrm•n SlJI• !n hl·• a bJbV. IU\I ·~hen ~hP hJ\ EIJ 9or1t1 dr Pumo e" r.1IN nn " 1Pll•tl~ JOb to help OUI 10 JO 0 ID !lt"s ~ 'h 1n .. l•m••i'< l1Mnct1 6 110 8enri Sh~• 0 13 6 ro EI) N 8 C lhursd•J 16 01ci Vin Ori• Sho• MO•lt \C) (90) "Shu \ ~111" (ld•l 11 00 ti 3 D 8 ro 39 CD No•1 "' Rllhlfd Yn.~Utl Jnd f'h.111~ 0 'lJ 6 to EI! N••I r.t;r> en \ldl 10 !hi\ 1d1tn1u1t nt • O '"BUI ol Ctoucho h;.1 ""'"'~ \CUbJ dim •M a m• 6 M•nh•I Dillon ""e b•o l·~1>I "°" " lh lhPll '"' O Mo>1t (Cl ··fhr C1p111n'1 h · II ••0\ 1lrnml.r W.utn •nd l111l bit" 'I• II .. I n "''*"' b•I~ f,orJI •J s.11 .n 1u1cn nl tne ID Mil) h1rtm1n, Mii) t!1t1m1n 1,11,1 ~Mt 1n.1r~ ffi Gt! Smail O Movie: (t) (21,,h!) "r11dt ol 17 _l h ncy Ottrrnitr !bt Tanktn" td"I 4' -G•I) ( 1<1 8 I ltu1h or Con\tqutncu looprr lm11 \\J•0h1 V.11!t1 B,.n 11 I~ m C1ntm1 14 r1n l I JO f) 11 l ?9 CBS lm '°'""' 6 Mom· (Cl (21 ',hr) "A Summtt ltl "Si0•'1c1<"' < ml 14 1 't1ct" hft•) ~q -fil,r"''d f !';n c, ,v·t f H 'f u~.,,..,.. flotn!~v WGu" ~•r~r• fl,. lley O ll b 10 €!! )ohnn1 C.no• I ni"' ,, Art"1"1 ~'""''"' O h111htM Ion, 0 I 19 8 I 3 J9 (El Wtlcomt 6 M""' · R"'1 1n Ct11 810<\ ti" Bu' ~ollt1 I~ h _,, • t~I ~ •' 1 4 ~ • • 8 1 ~ ,,, ,,, ,, I! Ill """ '"'" IU' •·ne I 0 ( ,~ n I J 39 w 'd. Wotld '11'111 b ~ ,,,. 111"1 J1 ~t but 1~1' Prf\tnh V 1 \ ,. VA,., I .aifM ,,.,,," tfo ~ C•jrfh '"' r· I tmru1rn t)r\•C\ O M1llron $ Mom (1h1) "lhr Hoo'" • ·1••1 1, I ~"' flnvi '' l'•·fl• q \1 •• 11~,., 11 N l ~ /l.,11"') fti' ~1 fl l'ft• .• ~, ''"""" ID Mr l h1tt Sons @ NHI S11nfry Cup Plt 70U1 ELI NI"' 76 Mo"t (Cl (Jhr) "lot l111n f•om Cun Hill" 1wr1l '\~ ~ ·~ l'11u"l10, r ..... ..,,, l1>ne' ~nth(l!h r "" ill CEIE!IJ "K'"and "C" I•" •''' 1•1 t•11 I A ~ rf'I 1' 0 ''' 1 I ti 1 •I ,,,,., ...... ' "'' (°l l !\ .. 1• .. ,, ~ I C•M lnlt1n•c•nn1J l1p1nr<• l•nru•r• P1or111111 a 10 ,," • 1 J J9 rn e11no Mlllrt I•• 1 r" ~ \\~ • f "'' ., ~ ' ...... ' "\(' ., 'It t,. .,,_ ,., J '' ,,. , .. ,. l~t~ I·• •ti Friday DAYTIM[ MOVl[S 9 JO O "Bite' 8att1hon" 1~ .11 t-~ rrin, Pel•" lm•S M.,n "S>tn· fth" ldl•I II )~h" 8ll"!111Nt, I/tr I" M111~ 8 011~··· ffi N•w\ ID Bu•n• & A lrn 1~000 "'""' "A f1>lr d'tl f,' ' , .,., ot Hnnt1" M I I " ff\ if! .I 'I' 1 If 'I ft ! e In• re1 ffi Mo"• "Pr1•f•"t1' ol l~r c., h,_t!" f,11ltt I i, I l,t1• I W t ,. II ~'''"'I I ,, • f\, ~ ffi Mowit "Alf.alt'' f•P"''11 P"~'' f/1•f\, '11 o jt1 I l11•rl I 00 0 73 6 10 EI' lvm!lllO• O W.n!•a o,.o or Al'' 1 JO ffi All N•.:~! Shu" 'Ill• Slidt." "~n""" l)\o,.t 1(0,,.1 " "Anoth,r ''"" ""''" ~ 00 0 Mo"• tCI I ~·1 !• lint""' ( • t ,,. ... ,, 11 1 I \I I JO 0 Mo"' HO•lt CC) ·1~, Old Dul I • I ,. ..• I 00 0 . 8·~ 8tD11ft [Jtl . ' \ I~ ~ . . ' l b • 01plom1t1c r .,.,,,,,-j ., .. '\ ~' ~· .... .' JO 0 Mo.-;,, /tom I~• O<u n Moo•" ~ 4·' ' """ )ii _, ,, ... ,. ,11 l 00 10 (C) ·1~, 'ounc l1...,•11 < ,,, 1 • 1 .~ ~ •• 1 .. , "rtn1 r\t \'; 11 f I • A ,; ''• t 11 00 0 "Hem Loi Mt Co" 1,d111 Sl cu1• Gt~•• ~en• 1·""'1 ,... l JO 0 "Somt l1lr It Hot 'ml ~q 12 00 ID "Ftttndly Cntr.i1n" (d•1I 47 111, (I' oi\t "A)I t~11 r1 w "" "'"· N1ncv ~' ly l,1 ~, •• KOCE T e levisio·11 (50) 2 00 THRTRl8A.LEV£ M.•n tHf'nQ(u ''""' ,. •h l 00 FOCU§ f .1, 11 ' I I ' • J JO MIST£R ltOC.E R\ NF JC.H80K11000 •OO ~E\AM[SlRFLT ~ 00 CLECTRlt COMPANY \ >O CARRll\COLlNOA\ • 00 CALIFORNIA JOURNAL -10 OIM E NSIONS IN C\ILTUll(S ,\ • • V ~ " I 00 CO .. NI( \ non., .. c. COllN[R "' ' [l• ' •',. I >O M"C.IC MCTHOOOF Otl l>Al .. TI"(; t to CONT(MPOllllllV CAl l<Oll"'" 1\\l £\ t lO WOMAN t 1 " t ·~ • 00 fHE TltfllAL (.YE °'"'"' •h\tl"' ~\Jn ~(\,.,." 1~00 THEOLYMf'IAO 1~-1.• "''"' .. ' ' I Prices Good Thru W e d ., May 26 FREE HOMELITE CHAIN SAW DEMONSTRATION Saturday, May. 22 -10AM to 4PM . . c-.. ;:'.) Black & Decker Drill Sharpener • Add lo rhr lo11gevi1y of your bi1s • l!csha1pe11\ JI drill bit sun from l 8" 17910 Reg. 24.99 19 9 ~ 1,1 .. lo Black & Decker 3 / 8 Inch Drill • Dovl>le redu<li111 9eor sysltftl fer high powered drillin9 o<lien • l powerful perf~rm.r • clriv" ftlOll euessoriu. ~7104 Reg. 16.9S 11aa ; • / / ~,( ' . ' ' • Pennz-Guard Gumout Spray • ~lop\ mo1\l1t•t. 1~11 & Delta Faucet Washer Kit Fluidmaster Water Control Valve • Anlt·Jiphon fl( volve providu minimum wole1 waste ond less no1H; posiltn shut·ofl •queoh lubr1101t1 pen•llol•1 prote1h 4 Oz . Reg. 1.39 99c 17 Oz., Rtg. 1.99 149 Glidde n Spred Ge l-Flo Paint • lh <~ ol~y,f for tOly Ont uol oppl11oho11 • Uhro smooth qlouv finish holds up lo rough wtalhtr 1049 Gol. • Sovr waler .• •lop lou<el leak\ • Includes 2 1prings 011d 1 <up wo1hers Glidden Spred House Paint • Weother rt1isto11t ocrylic lolt' rtloinJ bMuly lo"ftr • flows 111 ,_thly, dries 11ui1~ly 8 99 Gol. • Adjustable lo 111 t • , .. to 14" high tonks. 1400A -- Reg. S.9S 399 3 In. Wide Paint Roller • Jutl whwt 1 nHdtd 1., poinli119 wootl tri"' • Mohair l Oynel" ceor tM metol lromt , ; ~-- Value up to '27 When yoJ"liuy o new Homeli1e Xll or larger 1nodel Choin Sow. Offtr good while supply lasts. Homelite XL2 Gas Chain Saw • A rugged, high powered gos <hoin sow <uts through big timbers with the ultimate o~ ease • lightweight and well bulonced for safe and a«urate operation • features twin trigger dual control system for independent throttle o<fuution 11995 MOOElXl ................................ 99 9 ~ ",.-------. \ ~ Vigoro® 21h Lb. -I Snail Killer Golden Vigoro® • Allro<ls & •;rh plo111 deslroyinq '"";1, & ''"'' lawn Fertilizer • lasy lpreodi119 meol or p~lleh • Speciol 1low.releost formula 5 9 C • Gre•n\ groo f1al ond ~eeps it ~~~· 1 ~ree" ,., wset"' 9 9 --~ p#oari s ~~~::1 Reg. 1.1s _k-- .. .~ Whirlpool 2 Speed Automatic Washer Whirlpool Matching Deluxe Dryer • Two wosh 111d spin 1puds • Super Sur9ilotor ogilotor • Pump guord. HDUOOO • Mo 11011 <art for permanent pros • Pu1h ro 1rorr bullo11, timed dry1119 • large hnl ureen. illO!lOOO 159~~~o0b~:I \, r I , Saddlebaek EDI TI ON VOL. 69, NO. 141, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES .. Tocln~··s Closi11;,: N. l''. Stoc.•kN O RANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1976 TEN CENTS I l L ,county Official Backs MAC Effort • A top Orange Counl\ g11\1·rn I mcnl orflt•1t1l sa 1d \\'1•tl1w.;<l:1\ ;111 1 · elected f:I Toro ~I llnll'llWI ·Ad 1 ' visory Counell (:\L\('1 \HJUld be ~ "muc h more 10flut:nti~1l " in soh !. ing lttl'al prohlcms than I ht· volunlarv S<1ddll·hal·k Ar1·a Coordinating Count'1I 1S,\C('1 , Ric h a rd 1' u rnt· r. l' xt·t·11t1' 1• , • director of the t·ount' l.o('..tl · /\gen<'~· rormat1011 C11mm1s..,1011 t LAFC 1. m:id<· I hl' ob).<.'J'\ atw111t1 an llltl'l'\H'\\ 1ollcm111g .1 :\Ii\<. pam·I d1.st·u:-s1011 ,,ponsun•d I,\ SAl'C "\\'(' h;n·t· to fact· thl' rat•ts lhal somt'da\' tht•r(• ''ill hc r1l1t'' tlm1 n he rt· 111 tlw S;.uldli·bat'k \'ulky."' Turncr s:rnJ ""l'ht>rc .... no t ~x h~1st• 11\)\\ <lfld 1 he Pt•opl«' an•n 't rc;11Jy but i.:1 \'l'll ti me" I think \I\\ di hOJJIJ)t'll "':\ well run :\l :\C that "i.., alrt•ad~ \\1Jl'k111 g Ill lht• h1l'JI ('IHll mu111tv 1s tlH: 1lln 11111., l11u11dall•111 • I/HI ffrs t :o.tt.•p If lhl• j)l..'hlJll' ul 111natch dl·t·1dl• th''' w:int 111 bt•t·umc· a t•i \ \ · Turner said lht•n• 1:-. ··no 4uc:-. Uo11 " :i duly l'!t•tlt'CI 1\li\C. bc1n~ an ofl1n.il lorul agc1wy und1•1 stale la\\. t11uld h:t\'t• gn ·atcr 1111 JM<·t 1111 dcc1:-.11111:-. m:id1• by count' )(m ·1•rnm t'lll "T ht' I.AF(.' 1-. gn1nl! 111 Ill' 1.h- tcr1111r11n~ sph1..•l"t.'S or inrhtl'Ol'P fur spct1<.1l d1:-tnets and sen·1e1· area::..·· Tunwr ~aid dunng th1· pan1.•I cl1:-.cussirrn "Srnre thl· MAC boundarv i~ the samt: a-. Count~ St·n·1t'l' An·:i :-.". \\l' \\111 111· asking for 1np11t ·• Turrwr s ag1.•11c~ rs 1·mpm1t•r1•d lo r11le 011 .1nnt''<al111ns . d1· .tnnl'X:tlllll\:O. .ind :-pht·n·~ tlf Ill nu1..•nc(• l11r l'llll'" and s pt•1.·1al <11 ... tnc1-. T11rnl'I' :-.11<1 l:.it1·r th:il 1hl' bcs1 tnter('Sb of " SJ)t'.'C'if1<· S('l'\'IC'C ar'l'<I. part1t•ularly Wh<'n anm•xa lions ;rnd !'!phC'rcs of 111fluL·nct· arc ht•111g cons 1dl•rt•<i. would h<' "bcl • kr sen ed" b,· a lol·~11 clcNc<I hody such a~ a ~I 1\t' Thl' pant•I d1stusst011. which m- \'Oh t•d SPl'!lkt•r:-for and ag<.1111:-t I ht.• J 111w II :\!.\ C ballot propo~i lion and 1\1 o · nl'Ulral c:>.pt'rts." 1.hgre:.:.cd into a debate O\'CI' th<' accomµl1shmL'nts of Si\L'C through tht' yt•ar:-. • II t> w ll r rl I-' 11 rs I :1 n d Dan cl l\1 <'. K n i g h t • I h 1 • a n t i ;\\ I.· panelists and :ibo t•amhdatt·~ 1111 tlw council. told till' :m aud1L•tt«1· mC'mbt·rs tht•y f;I\ or Lht• "~t.1t11: quo" ur repl"l'St'nt attOll through Sr\CC and the t•ounty Bo:i1 d 111 Supcr\'isors. Bill Mono.son or El Toro. a longtime IOt.•mber or lht; ~ACT (S1•e MAC. P agt•r\21 Cella Aide Tells Guilt .. Implicates Doctor in Fund Fraud· By TCHI 8,\ RI.I-:\' 01 th• Ot1•'Y Pilot ~tt1H LOSA!'\GELF.S \Vt'l'J)Jngand t•ontr1lc . formt•r :\l1s">1011 <.:om- mumt~ llosp1tal :cdmtn1strall•r C:t•or, .. !1.' Louis Olle ndorf admitted ht•rc 1 ~1\L' \\'l•dnt·sday that he hl'lpt>d t.ll•fra11d :\l 1~s1011 C'orn munity lltJsp1tal nut or at h·:ist 5300, 1100. 'IO~l'b CJlll'SltOnl·cl h,\ .Judgl' M Htl Byrnt" Oll1·ndorr. ·11, 111 Laguna l3t•:1d1 . <.1tlm1ttl'u 111 Federal court that hl' kno\\m~I~ ~1t:11cd l\t C'd 1 <'a re documents list ing hospital cxpC'nses that wen· disguised pollt1c~tl costs incurn·d bv L>r _ Lotll!> .J C' l'l 1 a .Ir · Ollendorf rt•µcatcdl~ 1dcnt1f1l·d Cl' II a , w ho w a s s l' c r ct a r ~ 1n·.1:-11n·r of ;\11!.swn C11mmtm1t~ and Men·y (; l'nt·r:ll l lo~pit;il. Sau la :\n;.i. ;1s thl· arr hilL•rt <'f h1 ... dm1 nfall "Righlfrom thl' t1mC\\Copcned the hospital 1n 1971. Or. Cella was alwavs art er me for ('ht·cks. ·· 01· lcndorf said "When Dr. Cella askl·d ror a cht'C'k you gave it to him. ThC'n' ''a-; J usl no question ingh1mabout1t ·· Ollcndorf ,,·c•pl aga111 as .Judg<' B~-rnc \\a rned hi ni I hat his pica uf g uilty to two c·ount~ of conspirac~ t 11uld bnnl! him its mu1.·h as fi\'l' <SN· Gt; I LT\'. Pa~1· ,\:! l Teacher Probe Delayed Hy l.:\l'RIE l\ASPE:H 01 thl' 0'111y Pilot St,ltt r\ hearing o n thl• Sacldlcbat·k \'a llt•v l'nifit•d School Distritt 's h 1 d · I o h a ,. l' a s <' h o o l ps ytholog1st 's <:crt1firatm11 re· ,·okcd ''as postpont'll Wcdnl•sclay until a dN·1s1o n 1s mack on a tk ~ fensc motwn lo tl 1~m1~:. thl· hl'.1r lllj! D1sl Supt H1<·h:111I \\\·Ill· h,1,, asked th,· Oran}!l' Count~ Ho:1nl ' or Edul·ati1111 to \11thdr;I\\ r1" g1:;trat111n of B;irbara 0 . llatm's 1Tl'dcnt 1 :tis an :tl'l1on wh1t·h \111ulcl proh1h1t h1.•r from tc;1ch111g or• working as :1 psychologbt en a11v e1111nl \ clislriC'l i~ut l'a~tl C'ro:-t. :\11:-s ll:i1t11 ·~· ;ct tor111..•\. \\'l•tf111.·,d.1\ a:-1\(·tl t':iliforn;,, .\d m 1111:-.t r;tl I\ t' I .;1w .h11lgt• .ft·l"•Hlll' Sdl\\ 1m1•e nut tu <'lllHh1c·t !lh· 1w:irtnl! Th1..• c111111ty O.Hll' Pilot Pnotn -PU?J\DS-GtHl TV-··· _George_ L. Ollendorf Fall Victi111 Ide11tified As Star's Kin IJlS :\N(i t-:1.E~ i.\t• t \ •>.! \ l'<ll" old \\'0111,lll II he> lc'll It! 111•1 ;kath fr11111 th1• 11111 "' ,, :·~~ -.lt1n lmlldtnJ.! ha:--lw1•11 1111'11t1f11·d ,1, th1• dauj.!hl 1•r ••I a1·111•:-..., .11•1111111·1 .le\ru·:; ;11lll lh1• I.tit· l>.1,111 II St•l11111..·I-. .111th11r1111•.., ... :11d 111d ,1' :\I.in .11•1111111·1 St·l •11111-. 111 l'a:.:1d;·11.1. :1 ... 1111!1·111 ,11 I In 1tl1·11 l:cl l '11llq:1· \l ,e, 1..cllctl \I ," I I aft1·1 111;11..111 ~ h•·r \\,I\ lo lh1 1 n111 ol ;1 h111ltll11•· 111tlw\\1hh111· 111 (l"l\'I ;111tl Jlil>l'lll~ :t lll.111ltl'l1.1111'1' ladd1•1 :a r .1111-.1 the p.11.1pl'I "' t•· .ll'h th1• 1111111111 ... 1 JIOllll "'Ill\' 1111ol p11ltn• Ill\ 1''11).!.lllll ·• ,,11d lll'I' :-l'111u1I hpol-.' :111d ., l'al' n ·;1ll h.1i.: 1·0111:1111111" rd<"rtlll1t .1 t i1111 ;111cl olh1•r pl'r.,1111.11 1·llt'l'h \\'l'l'I' lt\11 11d ptl1•d l11•h111d lh1• l,111 cl1•r 1'11l1l'I' ._,llll 1\0 l11>lt· \\ ·'" 10111111 • \11 .111t11p .. \ \\ ..... 111.1111• "' 1111 l'ell'lll\l'I' " 1111 ll'I' .111d ,I 111\ 1colocu'.ll 11•p111·1 1 1 '111·1 t1 •d 111 thr·1•1• lof<1111· 111·1°!..'> l11d1'11·11111111• 11 Sht• \\ ;i-.11111kr 1111' 111l l111'lll'1' 111 .111\ 1 l r11~s. polll'l' ... 1111 l14o1;u·~I <:l~•·»-~· .. -i-.1 --h;1\'>L ~ht• -''a~ lw.1nl h~ .1 .,1,111· l"l'I 11·1111ll1cc·r In h1:-rnu11rn1. t'ro~t .... 11d lh1· 1·1111111 \ hn:crd 1;1~·1-. .. 111n-.tl1t·t11111 111 :-1;d1 1·:1 ~l'" llt• "alCI thl' (',1l1fnrn1.1 l'11mrn1,,1nn 011 I 1·:1d1,·r l'n·p;1r.111e111 o111tl l.l('l'n" lfll' I" 11\t• .l j.!l'l11'\ t•ll\jlO\\l•rt•if \11 '''"l'l'lt'd1•11t1.1h 111' l'lllllt'lldl•cl lh .. 1·111rr•11I pl•• 11·1·d111g .... 111· 11111 '''l'.1' h1·1·:11a..1· 1111· 't.dl' l'llll ... tll11l11111 dtt\'" lltll \l'~I .!II\ .111th111 H~ Ill Lht· lt1Ulll\ IH1;1nl 111r1•\11J..t· 1·1 ,.d.·1111.11 ... \ 'ro..,t '.; 1110111111 .1h11 1 h:1n .:••tl lht• p l Ol'1'1•d11q•-. olf 1' .I '1111 •No Sn1oki11§!' (~/asse8 Set S:1tl ti I 1· h .11 lo. {'11 1111111111 11 1 ll11:-p1t.il i... 11l kn111! '\11 S11111t.. Ill~ . 1'1.1 ... ~··' l11·i.:111111l1)! ,\1 ,1\ :!7 ;11 .. I' Ill Ill (111· dcwl 111 ... d111111i.: I lllHll ,,r 1111• h1 ...,p1t.tl Tiil' d;...,-;<·~ ''di 1·11111111111• tor I he 1·1· 111•1•1-. ... 1'111 • f.111 11' \ ''Ctl'I :tl 11111 111 111 .111~:1• l '1111111' ,, I''"' 1d111r .111 111"11'1111111 1•11 th•· 1'0111'"'' 11 ... \:11 Sm11l-.1111· 1 1.1 ... ..,.., \\ 111 h1· lwltl or1 \l1111d.11 .... 111dTh111".;tl.1\, l'h111·..,cl.11., 1"111 t111 th1·1 111f11l lnillllll1 1·.dl :-..1ildlt•li.11·l-. I l 11~p11.1I ( 1111pal11•111 U1•.,p11 .tlt•I' l '.111· .1t !tli 1:100 l '\ 11·11:-11111 :.'1\.1 Chaws on .Jaws Dog Sai'es Tot Fro111 Shark l~Rl~B.\:'\ E . \11 ... 1 r:1l1;1 1 :\I' 1 A family dog lll'lpNI ~;l\'l' a I ~car old girl frnm " nm<'· foot shark al ;i n.· ... ort ht'a<'h. :in ordmg to park police P olin' .11 Jo:mu fl.1r·I-. in c.·c nlr<il ()11(•1•11.;,land .... 11<1 \\'cchll'l-d:t~ t lw !'h:trl-. ... n.1pp1·d .11 Tamm.\ ~t<1kc•)-I. \\ho "":; ·111:i~·111 g 1n k1\C'l'·tl1•l'I' ":1l1'r Trw mi,t•d brl•t•d dog. lh1l1:1r. ;1ll:1~kl·d tlw )'lh.1rk "s l;itl as T.im m\''$ fallwr. Hothll'\' ~lokl'-.. pulkd ht•r nut of tlw w:.1ll'r, lhl· p.1rk polit•t> :-,ml PnliC't' said th<.· )'lh ;1rk .111<1 lhe dog lhra~hcd 111 drl'lt'!', "llh th(' 'hark g rachwlly 0111 nHtn('U\ enng lhc (\Og. uni ii ~tokt•s pulkcl l>ollar t o i..afcot~ St11"t':-o '.".11d l:ill·r ()ol1.1r """ cl\-.11 1n <HH' t•:11 and C'Olllcl rwt ht·.11· l>t'lllj! ralh-d oil' 'l'hl' :-lwr k \\ ·'" '' .1 ... lwd h.tt'I-. to dt·t·p ".tlt•r tl·rlugc·· :.llH'l' llll' dis trict·., "truc purpos1..··· 1:--to dismis"> :'>l1s' llahn wilhout following sl~1ndartl procl'dures for a hcann~ bdore a committt·e on professional com pet en cc And. the formal motion :.lated. l\liss llahn was not given. adt• quate notice of the n:.iturf' of lhl· pro1't•c•din gs against her . tht•rch~ dt·n~ m g h,·r elu1• pl'OC'l'"S nl l"\\' S<.'h0t1l dist r11·t at1orn1..·\'-. .. jnhll and Tom \\'agnPr. :crg-ut•d lht• ha:--is of the J u rbd 1ction is I hi.' acl of n·g1stenng :incl recording '' at1.•-is!>ucc1 t' redl•nllals It 1s pro 1cled for under tt•rrn.., 111 .1 l't~1t 1.· Ed II(' at 1110 Cuch· st•ctmn nt\ l'I" lidon• used to hold sul'h ,, ht'.lnng. the\\' agncrs ..,atd Thl· \\'a~n«'r hrolher~ 1·1111 t1•ntkd the c·ounty h11:11 d h<a(I alrcach rlt•tidt•cl th1· 1un~tl1t· 11on1tl ~11~~ 1M1-\\ hen lht>\ w-1 .... <1 for a st.1lt.' ht•a r111 i.: oll11'1:r 1111·1111 duc·1 the pn11·1·1·d111g~ 111;11, .. 1111tf ini.:~ anti rl•1·•11n m L'111I .1 d1·1·.-.11111 l11 lht•1n Tha_t1\11 alt111 Ill'~·~ a:-lo.1'<! 1111' ht•11nn;.: offi<-t•r Io t•t1111·111111· '' 11 h lh1• Jll'IH't'l'clllll!'' ,1noJ lt..,lt II lti 1111 lt•..,111111>11\ 111" lht•1r \\lll\1'"'''" \:1 1111;.! 1h.1t 1111• 111.1111'1 h1•l1111• 111111 111\111\1•0., .1 1111\11 P"111t 111 l.1\1 .11111 that 1lt1• d1-.1ne ....... tl 11111 111111 1 a1"1'" '111111 11'1111\ 'll1~ ... t;111 11:tl l(lh''>llllll' :-;,•h\\llll•'I' •.11d hi· I\ .111l(•d 111 dc•t 1111' 1111 t'11 • d1 1111..,...,tl n1111w11 l11·lnr<' taJ..111.L! 11•..,1111111111 111· ~.1\1' .111111111'' '"' '.I t• 11.tllll :111d 1111' d i...11·11•1 1111111 .I11111• I lfl '>lllilllel \\ 111 11 11 .11 1:111111·1\h Ill\ t lt1· 1111111• •II Man Killed By Cocaine \l'l.\'\I \ 1.\I'• \ lh·ll ltll Ill.Ill o1pp;in•11t It ,tllt•1111'11111: 111 11.111 ... p1111 l'lll'.llllt' l1\ \\;.111111 Ill).! 111111•11\ 1.1\'ltl ... 111l1•tl \\ll h th1 .11111· dH·d '' lwn 11111· 0111•111·d 111 Iii~ 1fli.:1•..,t I\ l' I I .11 I J t1l ft111rl11"'• ,,11.t .\11 .111l1•JI"'\ '"'1\\l'd .10 ... 1111 .1 Cllhl•n . 27.,, 11 .cd l!I p1111'll1 l.wl11 ' (.'lllll:lllllfll.! \\ h.11 ;epp1'.1rt·d ltt ht• nw;111w 1n "'" ... 1.1m.wh .111d 111 11·~11111•-. -.:11d t>r Hnl11·1t:-.11\1 1 ·, F 11ltn11 1'1111111 \ ' 1111'1111-.d t'\ .11111111·1 :-.11\ l'f'.; .... 11d 11111• 111 lltl· fll 11 11h\ b1·t 11·~ had np1•111·d 1111tw\11 tam~ 111\l''-lllll' 111' ... 11d l'ohC'll ~· '' mpt11ms \\ 1•11• 1'1111..,1<.t 1'111 \\ti h 1h1• 1n.c<'"t 11111 111 .1 't'r:. p111t nt .. t1mulanl. '111•1t a'-l ''H a1111· ' rr Ill' ckr 1de:-. 111 I a vor of lhc mo tiu11. ht• \1 <mid recommend that lhe cou nt\ ho:ircl d1 sm1s:. lhc • hearing 'i'hl'Y \\ ould rnakc lhl· final dCl'ISIUll If ht• clc•ridC's against it. the he:inng would tw schc·duh:d 111 l'tmtin11t• Gene ll artl1111..-. tllrcct or of pcrsonnrl for the• count,1· Dc1wrt nwn111r Edt1l'at mn ~1ftl tlw~ pro· hcihl~ could not J.\L'l the lll'arin).! officer h;id; tor t lw ht•arinJ'.!. if it c·1rn11nt1l'S. 11nt1l l·;irf~· l;ill. \\'l'lll' s:11d i\1iss·1 lahn will n· main employt•d h~ the d1strit·t al hl'l' prt•:-.<·11l s:clan of 522.UOO until lht' •~Slit' IS n·:.ol\ t·d. Tia· d1 s lnl'l 1·onll'n1b tht• J1'>~thol11g1st l ook an un <S1•1• lli\ll~. Pag1•,\2) This unu:-,ual sight -t-mpl.' bvat slip~ at D:.m;.s Poinl llarhor wnn·l b (' s<.'cn for Joni!. Dana \\'C'st ;\Janna ha:- 1ust l'ompll'l l'd t•onslruetion of l.000 ~l ips in the harbe)r's \\<'sl b;1s in . Boal:< wtll st~11t mo,·ing in .J une I Assault aler 'Sought • Ill Girl .. l-c5 .. Flees Rape Attempt in Anaheim \ ('II l',111111 11p<'r:1t111 \1 ho 1<lt·n ltlll'tl h1111 ... 1·lt !Ill th~ .111 h~ lh1· 1oclf'11:11111' l!tH!.111 I' lll'lllj.! Sllllj.!lt\ 11\ 1\11.1111·1111 p1tl11·1• lntl.1\ alll'r h" -,dl1•)!11tlJ .\ ,ti lt'lllJ>l1'fl Ill I CIJI•·• ,1 n .\ 1'.ll' 111(1 f.;111 Ill .I d:11 l..t•lll'tl :ti 11•\ .\1•1•11nl1n c 111 p11lt1 ,. 11 \\ .1• I\ 11111• llw 111111\ r .iJl•' ·''"I"'' t \\ ;1' di I\ 11\J.! 111 ' l\'11ll11•d\11"111l1 l11 lft1· (;( >1WPl.All\JElt~ GlYT R ESll I.. 1~ \\'II.I.I"\ 'Tit' ('111111 1 \1'1 '-'111111;tlll\l'' II d1t1"ll 0I p.1~ 1111'0111 phi Ill l'ulin• ( 'h11'f .Johll I' l111s-.1•\ l.1-.1 \11·1·J.. 1·1 •1 .1 p1'11!1n11 (1111n :!.-, 1:0(1\ 1.1 Sii 1·1•1 I t''lll• llh ..... i..1111: l11r .11•1.11·J..d11\\111111 ~p1 •1·dt•1 •. I lll''l"\ ... 11d 1 h.11 .1 I .11!,11 111111 11.i. ··t·1 'IJ ' \l1111tf,1\ 1141-•hl ;ind fl\•' II~ 'I\ tll 1 llt' J11'1 II lllf) 'l)!lle'f '> \\ l'f"t• !'I\ I'll\\ .1111111 ~' 1111 'lll'l'dlllj.! :illl'\' that ht• 1dt·11lif1<'<l h1msdf Ill <. • H ~a1hc1 l' :1 I lt-r' a!' Hodan T IH' high :-l'hool ln·~hman 111·ar rapt.• \'ll'ltm n •por\l'<ll.' told 1><1li1·1• ttw CH ··ntl111>-li1>-I fon·c·d lwr into h1 ~ \';1n :it a Gar<l<'n c;r11'<' last f11ocl t•stahhslun('nl Tlwn. '' htlc· dn\ ing to lhl· all•·~ 111 1\11.thc•tm \\ 11 h tlw 11•rr11 1· ... , .. 1(•1-.t•ll t.!lrl ;ii hi:-.. 11(1• llllfH'll 11t lw1 CH r;1tl10 1·nth11~1;1st~ en I ht•1r1•0111 ('r-; at 1011' Once• 111 I h1· <l1•1111·1'1Hl ;dll'~ 1h1111~lt . lt1• nl}p(•d llw ~1rl'-. Hacial Chall~n~•· I.OS ,\ :\ (; 1-: I. ES I 1\1' I '111 1 llll'd 111 ft'llc·ral n1urlcnnltmb the IJ11;1nf of EtluC';1111111 's 111:1ndatory t1·~11·hc•r tr:inskr plan 111 rnt1 •i.:r:1tc- "'hnol lc•aC'hlrt).! SI aff, IS 1111 1•11n-.11t11t1nn :il and :a 'iol:1t111n 111 lht• ('t\ al H1 ght ' ,\d pf l!lfi l l'.1n•111 .... inti t1•:11•h1•r ,i.:r1111p ..... "1111 r1kd lht' :-1111 \•.'1•tl1w..,1l.1\. ;1-,knl l11r an 1n 111n1·t 11111 .1).!.1111-.1 t lw lra1bl1·r pl<.111 Toro Slaying Victim Still Unidentified clot ht'' lrom h1•r lw><h .incl .11 · ll'lllf>1t.'d lo rap<' h<'r p11!11•1· .,~11cl In till' l'n~u1nc :-trt1i_:).!lt• 11w \'ic·t1m ~ucn·Ptft•tl i11 MTald1111c htc·r a .. .;.. ... ;11l~inL"::. focc. hrcakl1~1..-. ,:!"l'lfl and jumprn_a from lhC' ,-chi ti<' s ht• IHlt•r Hlt•nl 1ril'd "' ,1 llli~· Fl)rd \'an PnlH'<' s a11l hl'r .1s:-mrlll'r '' h11 lhl'V dt'"l'rtlll'lf ;1, :1hlllll 'I\ k 1•I f11ui· indw~ I ;ill ;11111 \\t·1i:.h111g rough I~ l!(O p1111e11b l'lia!"\t•d 1111' nucl1' J:!ll'I tlnwn lhl' alll'\ And 1l "a:-.n "l until a pa:-:.l'l'h~ nol1tl'd tlw 1war \'id1m·.., plil!hl <1nd c·anH' to hl'r .till th:1t !we 1t111 ly JHrr:;111•r r·;w1•d h;wk 111 ltlt' 1 ;111 and 1lrovt' 1t ln1m th1• .1111·\ 1'ollc·1· s;iid till' \\hill' ';111 ".1 ... ... 11·11wcl anti, or ('11111'"1' 1·q111p1wd \\ tlh en racl1111•q111pnl1 •nl {""041 ... 1 \\eafb.-r :'\1j!ht ;111cl mor11111g lrm rloud:-. bu I 111 lt1•rw1..,•· mustly ~u1111y thro11).!h 1-'1 ~ Ila\' I.ti Iii• c ha111!1' 111 t('m )H'rat111·l'. "ith h1 i.:h l"nli;i\ lii In i'.!. l1rn t 11111 J,!hl r1'."1 l11 fill INSIDE TODA l ' A 15-ycor o/11 !'"' Imm 1r11/1 lier c1w~ t1111r1· "·' for opurl "·' nnrmal unrl,•r11 rrit 1'rll'll\ll •' Gan1P Show Tryout~ Slat4~cf in Laµuna Ur;1111!1• Crn1nl~ Slwnrt .., and \ 'oroncr·:-. in \"1·sl 1g aturs ar1• 'l'l'k1ng l'luc•' tu the 1<lt•ntrl .\' of 11 \\onian wt111'1' 111111<'. ..,lran,,:l£•d hoch '':is found Tut•stl:t\' h 1ni:: 1111 ·.1 ro,1(!<.;1dt' lll'.Jr 1·:·1 ·i·11r11 \lannt• ('nrps ,\1r S1a11011 ··\I 1111" P•llnt. \ll' :tr'' c·h:1!.en~ leads t 11 hl'I 111\ont 11 \, ".1 1cl l\11rldlt'lon said lhc 11rt• Ii m 1 nary c 11r on l' r • s r c port shll\l'l'd the \lc11m was choked to c1r~1h '' ith somc.•om··s hands But tw :.aid drug lt•sts an• s till und<.'r \\a~ l o d clcr min1· 1f narcotiC's wet"I.' 111volvc1I. Thr coroner's :-.pokesma11 al-.o notc·d there '''Ne 1ndic:ition~ the \\oman h:ld been rap\cl ~llrfwry \\'ccln1-.~rlrt!I '" rlir11iu1• lhl' cntrrt• !./Jape 111 lwr 11111• Sec Pagl' Ai lnd_.x I ntl'n •''" ~ for 1wnple• '' ,...hin~ In ap1w:ir on t lw ldc•\ 1 ... 1011 s hO\\.., · llolly\lood Squal'l's." ·Cain 1111 " nncl "ll e~h Holh'r" · \1'111 111' la•ld al !l .:m a 111. Fnda.1 ,1l Ill<' l.ar!UOa !Jt':t<'h l-'\•Sll\'ll l or \rh Forum Th1'alt>r G.»o Lat.!un.c ('.1 !1\ on Hoa<l ·Part 1('1J)ant:. m ll'l h1• IS '<'.II" ol<I and 111:1~ not lw :a nw1r1l11·1 of J ll\C'til rit-.il 111111111 ~h,•nfl -. l.t S1 m ~l.1tlcl ll'\on ·we n1.·<.•d tlt;it hdon· \\l' l".111 proceed an~ f111 t hc·r "ilh lltt• 1n l\icst1gat ion · Tltf' worn an \\ ;i.., dl•-.cn h<'fl h~ a 1·oronc1· s s p ok l· ... m an :1o; C ;1u<·a s 1 an • 1 n la· r c '1 r I ~ t 11 med 20<;. f1q• fnot lhe1•1• ,111d 11 ;, p<111111ls 111th .1u li11rn b.111 and l.lr11\1 n ,., ,.!"\ ln\'C'sl1 gato r s b<'lien• the v1c lim w:is m11rder<.'c1 ~ometimc ;\loncla~ ni~ht :rnd dumped from a mo\'ing car (';trly T uesd ay morn1n1? nloni:: Trnhuco Hoad, near a m11r1nt' rl'sidentiul nt'i i:h hnrhooll 1\ m1hl;1ry pllfl('(' patrol round 1111' hod\ 1u~t lwtnrl' da\\11, :\l id '1lc11111 !-·aul At YOut ~ftfVf(f' Erm,. 8o"'lt>t<'i. I. M . 8oyd c .. 1110,,;, .. c,..,...,, co'""' CIAUtliod Com,ct Cro\,word Du1~No1tcr< Edllo•i•I l'•qr E'ftl•rt.t,f'ltntf'lt F1,.~ntt" For ffte ltfl'cord HHO\(~ ~) 1nttrtnl\\10r. 01 Ann LM\Oc:'t' 8& MoM'( Tr,_,. AS MoV1t\ 8• Muti..tl Fu,,O\ C7·"9 NAh onal N"'w' C• Or•ncit Coul'\tw to ~ool• A It \Porl\ A" 510<.'t M.itr~f"I\ OS T•ftYt\101'\ 8l·I T""al•h fU Wt~'"'" A 1• World Hf'W' OJ Ol 8/ RI 84 A• 04 1\11 81 l Cl I 8, I 8t Ill A4 At I\• '2 Q.\11.. I Pk(l 1 SB ---- \ S:JG .. flfJfJ 11 li111011 Mitchell Told To Pay Marth~ !'IEW \'()HK t.\l'l A JUUgt o rdl'l'<·cl form1·r Ally C:1.•11 J ohn N M1tth1•IJ t o pay 111:-. c:.lrangcd wife Mai tha $:16,000 111 temporary buck ul1mo11 y Statt• S11prl'111c Court Just1rc l\l unuel Gornc:t. gn1nt<:d a motion toda\ In ~1 r" l\TitC'l1e-ll's at 1orncy . Wdlwrn c· lll'r man. tu l'ntc•r JUll ).(nlcnt for the lrnck alimony "in th<: ahM.'nt·t• of. any deniu I" bv ;\l 1t chl'l I that he owes thl• amount Mrs . l\T ill'hl'll. whu 1!-. n·1JOr!cd s uffe ring from t·anl·er of lhl.' bonl' marrO\\. recently returned to ht·r 14 room <'01J Pl'r at1 ve apartment 11n 1''11lh 1\\ 1·nuc fro m a h1>sp1t;il where ~11c had spl•t·wl ~uqicry l'C'SUlt1ng I rom a broken tirm Shi!" as awarded SI ,000 a wee k a li mony rn Dt•l·t•mhl·r t!l74 hy Justice Go m cl p e nd111g d1sr>0s1- tion of her s uit fo r legal scpar a · twn from Mitchell. In oral a r gum ents Tuesday, Herm an to+d Gomez that Mrs. Mitc he ll w as •·without friends a nd without funds." He s aid that Mrs. Mitc he ll owes nearly St0,000 on her apart· ment. and that Consolidated Edison utility compa n y has thre atened to turn off her elec· t ri city. lll'rman also s:11d lht· formt:r :tllOf'ncy general rc<·f•1vc:d a SS0.000 advance on a book he 1s w l'I t 1 n ~ a \.}o u l W at c r g a. t c . Mitl'hcll has appealed ., con vic· lion for making fa lse statements, obstrul'l1un of JllSlicc and con ~p1r<1cy lll obs truet Justice in co11· neellun •,\l\h \.\'alc r l.!alt• Mitchell's lawyer. l\lari::ar1.•t Shaw, told Gorn cz on Tuesda.} thttl Mitc hell 1s hroke no". althouRh s he said he did rcCCIH ' the book advancc "lk 1s liv111g on borrowed funds," she said' In r esponse l o Lh <it contcntwn Justice Gomez aid: "While the dde nda nt urgl'' lh<it his present financial cond1· twn 1s precariou::.. hl' does not disclose his exact status or pre· sent incom e. If his s ituation 1s ac· tually and, in fact , as precarious \'as he contends , he would be we ll advised. upon the submission of proof, to move for a downward modification of the o utstanding order directing the alimony." Mitchell's lawyer said Mrs . Mitchell reruses to s ell the cooperative apartment and also refuses to r eturn hjs books and records. Tt.•stin1ony Bloeked Mother Takes Stand In Tot Death Trial By GARY GRANVILLE 011~• D••IY Pllol Sl•ll A frail young San Clemente wnman we:.irin g juil clothes cit rnbed into a Superior> Court j ury box W.c:dncsd;iy to te ll what s he know~ of hC'r 5-yeur -old daughter's torture s laying las t November . Hut t he• only information de· fensc ~ttorncy M 1c h;icl Michel gilt from Yo landa Molin<t. 23, was h<.'r name ;rnd a ge. Ul'for e 1\1 id1el could question the w o man further . d e putv puhl11· d <'fender 1\llt hut•l Hecche·r ~aid hl' was adv 1~1111( his ch('nl to ~1:-.SC'rt h<.>r Fifth 1\mcndme11t n~hts ;1ga1n:st possible ~l·lf in · ('nmi11;it1on. I\ nd \\ hl'll t hu~e words WC'n· spoken. i\11<-'lll'l a h;rn<lon<.'d hi' hope that ~I r" l\I o lrna \1011111 aid in lht• 1kl<•11:-.1· 11£ lwr h11~l1aml , .111:111.111:.1• '.\l olrn :i. :!:! l!olh \10(111 :1~ .1r1• d1:1rl!ell \1 1lh lh1• :"'nv :!'.!, l!l7~. 111r\Ull' 2nd Campus -To Be Aired· At Saddle back Tlw prop11..,al hy :1c·1ti1.C'n:-.1·<1 rn 1111ll1'l' lo 1m1111•d1.1t1 •h llC'~l ll p l.11111111).! a :-.t'l·11111I S;1<idt1•hal·k l 'olll·).!l' l'ampul-. 111 1111' tn·1111· ar1•a "tit hf' 1lll<l·11:. .... l·d .it ll-n)!th II\ t1 u~l1•t.·~ al lhl•1r nwet111g Mon .J,1 \ 11' 'l" ....... lllll I ' lltl\' II .l t , h:df hillll 1".ll'lll'I t h.111 \1!>11.11 :ti 7 fl Ill 111lh1•1•0111•;_'.1' hhr.11'\ .ind ,1\ 11·.1~1 .Ill hu111 h.1' 111•1•11 -.1•1 .1'1d1• Ill d h l'lh., !ht• I llJllllllll\•t• 111111 1111'' I"" ",.,.1.,.., .11•1•. I lw p.11wl pr1· .1•11l1•d 1111,11•1•' \\ 1lh lh n •p111 I .111tl 11•111n1 1111•11tl ,111111" .\llll•IH' Ofh1·1' lhllll! .... lf!I' I 11111/lltllr•t• "Ill' t'•""lt•ll 1111• .11 .. 11·11·1 llllllll'd1.1ll'I\ lw1•1 11 '""1'11111•' lt1t' ,1111•\\ 1-.11111111~ 'Ill' .llld h 1•!!lll '411\lt' l.1111( Ill ,,11,.ll•tl' 11p11'.tl11111~ lrl 1111• 1!17'1 -i X ~1·f11111f I •',II -ORANGE COAST 't •• ,, .. I I ... lloh1•1 l N y.,, 1 <I 1.11 It f' C ur It y ' .... I 1111111 .... Kt•• VII I'' f 111111•.l' /\ M111 11h•Fl• (ho11l1 II I f\11 .. S<1dd leback \1<1ll('y Off1ct' I I • Off1Cl'\ , II t ~ t t I ' "•11 ,1n, ' , ... ,. , , Telr phonc (1 14 I 1>41-4311 (l,1-ss1f1t"d Adverlis1nq ~2·S678 ,1 I ' 1, ,, I t It ~ l '' S81·11JI O I f'' 11 " OS-0630 ' y s laying of 5-year·old Laura Cruz. Mrs. Molina's daughte r by a prior marriaS!e. But only the hus band is on !rial now. Mrs. Molina i-s scheduled lo stand before-a jury of her peers next month. And as sh e left Orange Countv Superio r Court Judge Jo hn Flynn's courtroom afte r her brier session on the witness s lund We dnesday, Mrs. Molina glantcd o,·er her shoulder at her l\Iarinc hus band. But as he has done since h is tria l bl'gan las t week. J\lolina sat with his elbows on lhe dC'fcnSl' ta· ble and h is h;rnds s hicldmg his e yes. But Michel had other witnesses to call in M olina's dcfcnsl' One of them wa~ a n111·sl' \\ho \\ .1s o n dut v at S an Clemcntt• C:t•neral 1 los.pit al wht•11 the frail . haltered murdc·r \ll'llm "a~ broug ht tht•re l;.is t :\m·trnber h,\ the Molinas . Nurse Donn a .\lef'ha n l l·~t1fil·d that Mrs . M olin .1 l'1'pl'all•dl.' blamed herself for llw t·h1ld :-. 1war ch-ath conclit1on . "It'" nw fault It's nw fault. I -k-1-Ht'<l-ker·~, -;\l-p.s.,. Meehan ~1uoted the woman as s ay ing . Saddleback' s Speecl1 T ean1 Wins Honors · • ~dalel:l11ek-l:o11~ ~" dl•nb t'anwtl lroph11•..; for ~l'l't'l'h l'Xl'l'lll·nt't.' rt•cc•ntl \' a l lht· South\\ l'~l C"onfen•11t·1· · For<.•n:.11·~ Tnurn•'.\' at Cal ~t..111· l n1H·r:-.11 \. Lo' An~l·les l k.11111a 1\rmstron)! 1•f l.ak1• Fun •:.l and K1•11 Dukl· 111 ~1 1 ... ~ron \'1\'ju "un llurcl plan• 1 rnph11·~ 111 llw oral 1nl1•rpr1•1 :1111111 t'.1ll'l'Of\. 1'111111'1'1111).! a).!,1 11"1 "''\l'l':d hllll dn·d :-.llHll-111:-. r1·pr1·:.1·11t1ni.: :!~' w.· .... t <'11.1:>t ('1111.·i.:1·' .11111 1111 l\ l't :-1111·~ ,\11 .... , .\r111s11·1111).! c•:ipltm·d h"I :I\\ ard II\ lh1• IHl\'l('I' 01\ ISlllll with .111 1nl\'rp11•t :it 11111 pr1·:.1·111 al1 0111111 l h'\' 111('11p1•\11l h Fru ... 1r.ilt0n~, 1>111..1• won 111..; h111111r l11r a d1" 1·11 ........ lt)ll tlll •S I a I 1'1'\ '' Ill I h1• \'11:1111p11111~h1pd1\ l'.hlll '1'111• t1·n·11~11· IPur11:11111·111 1·011 d111h-d ~1w1·1·h .1\'11\1t11•, f111 llw "l':l:>tlll .. 11'1111'.flll).! \II !'>.11tdl1•li,1t•I.. lnl 1'11'11'' I '"ll'h (',11111.11111 \l\>..,:>lh'I F 01tr St1tde11ts To11s .for May Four Saddkh:rrk \'.1lky ~111 <knt!-. h;l\l' lh'l'll ::.1•lc•1'11•d as i\l av Stlldl•nts of th1• ,\tonth hv thl' ltancho \'u•111 .J 1111111r \\"0111<'11 "' Club ancl tht• Ranrh11 \'11•10 \\'orm•n · s Cl 11 Ii T h1' ril at i(ln:.. "C'l'l' pr1'lil'nll'<I t•> Kim l\t aun11s of El Toro ll11!h School. C'ons tnr1c1• Kl'l'V ll o r '.\11~ s1on Viejo lligh Srhool. l>t1\t' Inge of S ilverado ll11th SC'h11ol :md Julie Rose nf !\11sswn \'tCJo, who attt'nds S :rn Clt'nwntC' I li gh School. Th\• honored \'Ounrs trr<; all ma111t•11n al lra~I ·n a \l•r:1i:e~ .ind arc c h 0:;rn b \' t ht•1r 'l'hool r o u n ~ e Io r :-1 r o r 1111 t "t :in 11111 I! ';('hOl:l Sll.('S, c1ll/l'l1 'htp JnJ sch0ol .;c•n ·1<'r UPI PMIO ORDERED TO PAY John Mitchell 1'-f 'rom Page ,\ I GUILTY ... y1·ar~ 111 the fl'Cll-r.il pcn1tt•nt1ar~ on (•ach count ancl a Slll.llOOfmcon ('al·h count 111 adtht w n lo the prison term . Judge Byrne called for a proba - t ion r eport o n the for ml'r $75.000-:i -vcn r h os pital ad· m1111~t rator· and set June 21 as th'2' dale he will sl'ntc•ncc OllcndorL Forty-two oft he original 44 tount'\ riled a i.:a m s t Ollcn<lorf we re dis- missed . Ollendo rf's pll•a le ft Or. Cella. 5 1. form('r l\I c rcy Ge neral Ad minis lralor S t e phe n Ro bert Evans. 31, of Mission Viejo. and forme r Mercy General Controller Theodo re Schiffman, 53, of Sant;i J\na as the men who will goon tnal Monday. 1\ mo\'C to seek a separate trial for Or Cella was a bandoned Wed· ncsda)' "'hcn lawyers for Evan s and Schiffman a~rced to waive lhl•ir r1 /!ht to a Jury trial and a lto" Judac By rne to reach his 0\\11 vt•rd1 ct It was explained that Cella, Evans a nd S('h1Hman prefer to pm th('il' [a1th in :.lC<JUltlal on a JUdgc rather thun a Jury. Wednesday J udge B yrne sup· pressed all evjdencE: seized by the O ran,l!e County Dis trict At· torncy's office from a Cos ta l\'1csu prinling s hop controlled hy Cell a . lie rulccl that the federal pro· Sl.'Cllliun cannot us e anv of the several boxl·s or cloe urncnts taken from the Unit eel Printing Corn pan,v plant hy <'m ploye Donald Albert flay Guns, Radios Stolen From Lion Country Irvine police arC' looking for thrl'v.~s ''ho <.>ntl•r<.-<l the i:tam t.: warden 's office al Lion Omntry Saf:ln through a fulsc ceiling and s tnll' gun s :incl c1ti?.cns hand ratlws valuc·d at ni:'arly SI ,IOO Polle(• s aid the heist occurred (•ither latl' TUl:'!;d:ly nii!ht OI' early \\' e cl n l' ~ d ;1 r m or n i 11 J.! "t th l' 11r11m:i l park. at HHOO I rvinl' C<•nt<'r 1)1'1\'l'. t ~loult on l1a rkw<1v I rldnr(' c11tl·r111g the officl's. the th11'\'1•s rem11\'1•d lhn·eCB Hadios from row· w hcl'l dn \'(' vehiclcs parker! 111 lhc park's m:.iinle nanee an'.1. ':ih1l•d at ahout S&IO. polit·1• ~a1cl The hurglars I h1·11 ;ipp:1rt•n l Iv p1<'k~ o pt>n llw Ind• uruhc m..uu lt'n:m <'l' room ll1111r :11111 "l'nl tn· ~1<11· T hd·c·. the' d 1rnbcllontori•1I :i r1j.!a ret11' mar h111l' and n•1110\'1•1l lht• l al~t· c·c·1llnl! 11and lh:tt lt-:ul.., to th1· ~1·11tor )!arn1· \\ .111k11 ' of I u·1• 11e \t door 1\fll•r <"limhing down 111to tlw ":ircit'll ·~ 11rr1t·e t hruu~·h thl' fa Isl' c1•t1111 i.:. lhl' li11rgl:11''\ r1·1111t\'('d "" <11111hk h:1rn•I. 12 g:1111-w s h111g1111' \1 111·1h ~7"l0. a W1n<'l11·-.11·r 11ff1• 'alt11· 1111d\'l1•rm1n,:d. a lr.u1quih1. 111j.! d :1 r1 l!tsn , \'altll' 11nd1•11•r11111wd ;11111 ,I1'1111 .,)l(llj.!tlll II 01 lh ~I lfl l'11ill'C ::.a 1tl th1• th11•\·1·~ \\l'l'I' .qr p;1n•nlh familiar \I llh tht· .1111111al Jl:ll " and '""" •II t ll'lab -..11d II I' 11111 lllll'ill11 ll1 Clll 1111· l,.11111 ('0111\ll'~ !-.a1ar1 1•m pl11,11'" 111 llM' 1111· f,,J,,. 1·1.·1hng \\ lwn th1·\ .1r1 · lt1l·l...1·d oul ,•ftlw ad111111 111J! 111111·1· Kindt ... r~arten Re~i tration Und e r Way l'.1r1•11b. of l'hildn•n \\ 1111 "di Iii• <'l1g1hl1• t (l tnrnll .1 ~ l..111 dl•ri.:.1rt1wr.., 111 l11t• Sa1hllrhat·I. \ allcv l 111f11•cl Sdm11I 1>1:.tnrl rn ttw i ;ill rn a ~ rq.-:1q1•r t ITl·1r rh1\dl'l'll f11r :-.1.•ho11l lh1' "t·t•I.. ,\ r(•g1,tr;1t11111 "t'hl'duh· hu!S lWt'll p lann('c1 ill t•:id1 ur lh1• srhonl:. l'arcnt" 1•:111 rnnt.1(·t t h~· sr ho<1I t lw1r rhild "1!1 .itll·nd for th1' 11m,•s ,111(1 date..; I' .1 r" n b u n <' <' r I :11 n \\ h 1 I' h ~l'hool tht'1r r h1ld "111 :1tt r111I c.111 1'all ~.~1; 12'.l·I, (•-.;ll'll'\IOT\ 7:1. Tt> ht' 1'11).!1 hh• 1 o "t arl s1'11011l, ('h1lch·rn m11~l he £1v<' years old on or hl'fore Df.•c•. 2. l!liti. P .1rcn1s a rt• ;i:,kl'd to take proor of aJ?I' :incl 1mmu111z11t1on fnr I>l'T . polw and mcaslcs \\hen lhl') rl'l!l~I Pr lh1•1r l'luhl. Budget On MAC Schedule Thv M 1!-.Mllll \'11'10 ~I UllH'll'iil 1\(1\ISOI'\ COllllt'll {i\1.\('l \\Ill ll'\ .1gJ111 '.\l on1L1~ 111 1·11nw up" 1th ~1 l'l'COtnnwndat1nn 1111 tlw liudJ.:l.'1 und ta~ r ate lor o rnngt· l'ounty Scr\'il'l' Area Nine. I I~ f:iif111g to Hl't at its last ffil'l'l llH!. th\• M " (. fort'l'!I t hl· (.'11u111v .\111111111~11 all\1! OrlH'l' tu lo~ th~· ll•g .11 rt1a\lrnur11 ta.\ rall' 46 l'l'nb Jll'r , TOO or US~l'SSCU .J \'alue on budg1;•t d1>l'UlTil'llh due las t Friday 0 a n M I I I l' r r I\ () a d m1111~tral1\ l' unal)s t for ~Pl'l'ral drslril't s . said 1t w:" ··un fortunatt'" tht· M /\C "as unahh· to re~1ch ;i d ct·1s1un bdorc the. d1· :uth ne. But he :.:11d 11 1~ s111l po!>~1hll' 111 11•dt1t't' the rnh• 11t lln<ll l·mml \ budget hearings. · '.\lrlll'I l'~pla1nl•ll 1h.1t 11 hl• hall n•i.:1:-t1.•rcct th1.· <'lll'l'l'lll dl!>lnt•t t..i~ rate of 4 l t•enl:. pt'r SlOO ol a~ sc::.~cc1 va lue. 1l "oulrl ha\'l' bCl'rl impossible: to m ercal>l' 1t al th1 final hearings 1( tlwl wu:. thl' MAC's ultimate tlcsin'. /\! 1t:. last m cetinJ.!. th<: 1\1/\C ckadlot'k1.•d at 2 2 on th1.· lax rall: 1:.:-.Ul'. Co11n('rl m1.•inbc r Cal Neve was absent. Councilwoman K;ithleen Kelly has repeatedly s aid s he will not \'Ole for any r Cl•ommt'ndatron 111 set the rate at itS maximum. Couneilmen J ohn Noble and Ted Ket'ne favored l?Oing lo the top possible r ate in a n effort to build up park d cvelopm 1.•nl r e· serves thai will bC' almost tol~Jll." depleted next year. MAC Chairman H1 char<l Lowcoc k \ oted with ~Irs Kelly lo thwart the Noh le· Kl'l•ne motion and forrc a \'Oh' hy lhl• rull t'Ollll c1 IMonday. The st'ss1o n nc•xt week \1111 s tart al 1::m p .m 111 the MAC of- fices at 26129 La P t1l Road in i\lls- sion VleJ~· f 'ro1n Pogt• . \ I MAC ... prl'!>ldl•nt:. nrunnl ;iml r1·vw" board. :.µOkl' Ill favor or Lhl' i\I,\(.; proposition. Monoson ch arj!l'd that Si\\(" h.i:s bcl'll 111dfc:<'11' \' 1n kc•cp111i.: 1·un11111 of Jl'velo1>nw11t 11\ 1111 <(lmrnunil.' aml lhat 'ck\'dOJll'I ~ h.1v1• hall al 1no~l •• tree h and a!> a f{"illlt .. I il' sa1tl a lu~a l ;\l.\(' \\ould ('1111 <"crn itself \\Ith lucJI prolill'111' and no t llw ent i n .• valk.' us .1 \\hole. wh1d1 1s :1 pr11nary SAC(' purpose. The Mi\C opp1Hwnh :tr!!UNI that M AC would c·nst 5110 pc rC'l'lll 111111'1• to operate oul of Ilk :.l'I'\ 11·1· art>ll budget than SAl't'. to" h1t•h i\lvnoson reµl1td .. <','l·ryth111g go1><l costs m oney thesl' ll.•) ~ • The .. neutr al" r emark' \\l'I\' madl• b y Tu1·111•r •ind fornH'I S ;\ C C I' r e s 1 d l' n t \\' .1 1· II Thompson , "ho headl·<I a SAl'< • comn11ttec that n ·comml•nde1I th~ MAC formation 1den 111 l!J73. Thornp~on ~::11d he still f;l\nr' .1 ~l AC if S:\CC b "rcJll~ l.1lhng dU\I n on lhl· JOU •. HAHN ... a ulhori zed I ea v t• of a lbl'lltl' while vacatwn1ng in lht· !-{oulh Seas. Th(•y als n a lleg<.o s he ~u l1 milted a forged Jette r st at111~ s ht· had denta l s urgery during lhl' time period Involved. Russ Quake • Toll Risi1ig M 0 SC 0 W ( A P l Th c• ea rthquake that hit Son l't central Asia on :\1ondav cau~c·ll deaths and injuri~. l~·ft mon• than 10,000 pcr~on~ homdl'~:-. :rnd d estr oyed many homes and bus inesses. lhe So\·ic:t ne''~ agency T ass said today. "A numbe r of people w ere· killed and thl'r c w ere tnJurc·1l." Tass s aid in the first report of casualties. SONY SONY'S BIG ONE I ' '•' --· ~ -· ----' ---... -• .. -- I ' I. Child Hurt by Pill? II E rt K E I. 1-: '\' ( A I' ) llornwn,·:. l1 ... 1,·d 111 Im lh cuntrol 111lb 111:1v 1nlHlJ1t 1Jn1111 lkv\'lop 11w111. a U n 1,·t·r~1\y or t:allforn1.1 .sl'll'lllll>I s~11ll tullilJ Or t\t ari:rn C Diamond ~aid fl' In 0 le I' at S g IV\' ll ii I' I' II i.:1•S\l'l'lllll'·lr.tM'Cl h11rm11111• lJM•d Ill (' \) ll l I' ,I l' \' JI I I \' I'S ~ h It\\' l' (\ ~1,l!n1 l1r:111ll\' h •:-.' i.:nm lh ol llu• r<'rC'brnl t•orl1•\ 1111111 11111 lit tcrniall':i 1wt g1 \1•11 ttw hnrmom· . The 1·1·r,•br .II ('ort1·x 1:-. thl' part of the bra 111 th ~11 cont rob fun,· t1011s l!\'lll'r~ilf) c·on::.Hkred to lw lHl.':l~lll'l'S t•I 11\l 1•1l 1g1•1we !Jr U1.1mund l't1ut11>rw<I !hat h1•1· f1nd111).!:. 111 r;.ib l'allnot be a~ :.um1•ll to lw trlll' fur humans "1\ll th1:. l'<in ll•ll us mm b that \\l' ~huuld look \ ''1) c.irdull~ to f111d "hJl dfC'cts tlwse hormones n11j.!ht p11!-.:.1hl.' ha\\' 111 human h1•1 ni.::-. .. ~Ill' :.a1<l \\ 11h nrnn· 1 han n1111• million "11111\'ll 111 t11c "orld on elevatl'd "'a nan hormo 1ws lo at•l as con ll'iJCl'pll\ l'S, ll IS of g reat im po rt a m ·e that w e undrrsland what effect lht•se horrnom•s hav1· o n t h 1· c· t· re b r a I l' m· t <' x . t h 1 • 111).!hl'Sl 111h•lll'l'lllal :in·a of llw hra111 :•· :.he a<ldl'Cl. Meanwhill', s he said, women should bl• m ade ;iwarc or thl· poss1l.nlit1cs . "Why cncouragl• wom en to c lcv:ite their hormonal levels if we a r e <rl all s u:-.111c1ous that it might h uve an 1nh1bitmg effect on their norm:il bram de velop· ment ?"the sc1ent1st ask r d . Dr. Diamond presc ntl'd her rin· dings at a ml'ctmg, ··A Second Look a t th<: Sl•<'ond Sex: !'\cw Research on W omen." sponsored by the campus Wo men'!> Center. ln a furtl1t-r.stud~. lhl• anatorn~ profcs~or found that rc malc r ats whose O\•aries "e re rl'movcd a t birth showed l!rt'at er c·ort1 c<Jl ell'· \Clo pmcnt whc•n autopsied at 90 clay-; than a l'Ol1trol group of litter mates . I ..... :;,;.,--- ·~1 l.~I TRINITRON I'~ UIT'S A SONY~' • f'.1111 f "a("fftry M'arranrlP~ Phu f•ur P.-r•onal · . On.-·\'••or G11aranf P«» f•n f ;rpry Pr;ndH("f W.-S.-11! , 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa H~• w~· Em1porh1M 2 O~ Wttt of Corls Jr Phone 642-8882 Sror o Hours Daily 9·6 Sat 9.5 30 Sf'ui"'J fft• Horbof-~ Siwct I '56 Thuf' Btdrot1lc fl'roff'u loriah Sff'•icf' Yow E4'11ipmt'nt 7 Irvine EDI TI ON 1 'odia v·s Closi11&.: I • N. '\". Stoeks VOL. 69, NO. 141 , 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORAN GE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1976 TEN CENTS I (iNewport j C1t1ng Lralftt ,1,.. .1 m.1J111 t•11n 1-rrn . rrH ·niht•I'" or !ht-Sl:.ilt• /Cou!)lal Zonl" <.:1111:-.t•n ;ii 11111 ( ""m /m1s!>io11 h;n t' 'ol(·d ;1p11r11\ .. 1 ol the In llH.' ('1111111:.111\ ·.., pl:.irh for Center Low-rise Pl8n ' I OK'd: Go rpor·atc l'la1.:J • Plan:-. for dt•\ \•lopmcnl ol tl11 ~low ri:o.l' ofrH'l' t11 mpl1·\ .11 ~Newport CC'11l1·1· ha\'l' liet•n ln•ld "up fur the pu!>l f1 \'l' mnnlh!> "'h1I<: 'the n•J!tOnal t•11;1:-.l t•nmm1 ... :-.1on !a1>proval ot tin· :.!ti-b111ld1n>! prn Jl'l'l \\ ;.1 ... ,q1p\•,1 h.·d to lht• ... 1..itt• llll(ll'CI ll\ lor:i I env1ronnit•nlttl i.:rouµ!> 'f'hu:-.t· J!rtl\11'"· !'l.11nwd lh:.il th•· \raff H' gem· r .1 h•cl II\ I ht..• p1 llll't'I \\l)llld l'l'Cal1.· 1111 Ud\l'l"!'>I' 1mp:.1l'l 011 the \'II' arul I hat lilt' \\ .ill'I drarnagc frnm lh\• plata " park rnf.! lot:-. \\ouhl po\lut t' th<:• l'pp,·1· Bav 'l~hO!>l' t:llllt'l'l"nS \\l'l°l' rl'flt•ckd 1n thl' 1·omm1,..:-.1011':-. -,taff rcport '' h1c·h n·1.·0111 ntl'IHktl ... ,., 1·r.1I l'llllfil\IOlb \\ h11.'11 I ht' l'Ulllllll!\:.Olllll nlt.!rl\ l>1·r-. 1 m p11,1•tl or1 t lw d1· \'l'iOIJllll'n I llaM·d 1111 \\'1•d e11:.d;1 \ .... 1c·111111. lht.! In 11\l' t '11mp.111\ \\di 11111 lw .dim\ cd mur'1• than ~l pt•rc·1 nt 111 1·11p~1111.·~· ot llw t ol al lloor -.,p111·1· \\lth111 the plaza 11nl1I work I'> l>l•g un on lh1· nt'\\ t'oa~t 1 h eh" a' hr1<lj.!t• 11\·1·r L'pper :°'t'''""rt Ba~ Thal eonrl111nn ''ill 1'\J>ll'I' 111 \!J!IO .111d 1u1n1111,.,i-111111•1';-. 1'1• ~en·cu LI.le J'Ji.!hl lJ.> 1111tm,..1· h11 tlwr t•11111l1t111n -. at thal lime. ii "<1r).. on thc bridgt.• has not lwj.!un ,\ l' I' (l r d I n j.! I 11 0 ( f I l ' I a I l'Slunatt•:-.. h11b <1n· to l.>1· ll't 1111 Lh <1l prOJl'l'l ;.it lhl· 1•11<1 of l!lii <111d t· 11 n s t rut• t 1o11 s h 11 u Id "tar 1 :.onll't inw 111 1 !178 Anotlwr :.l'l o t t:11nd1tt1111.., c-alli- for JOI n t w o rk ht•l \\l'C'll I Ill' Orang(' Count~· Transit ll1stnt l .11111 lhl· lr111H· Compan~ \o t•s tablis h hus st·n 11·1• throt1!!h11ul :\t•\1 port Cu1111•r Tht-co111m1:--s111n ~I aft rcc·11111 rncndl'd that lht• land 1·111npa11' pro\'ldl.' a l'l'lll ra I l ra11:-.1l :-.t .1l11111 \\ I l h I 11 :--; l' \\ p ll r I l' 1.' 11 L l ' r for the u::.r of lht• Ol'TI> for al IC'as t :!J 'cars • Tin.' Compan ~ '' 111 abo he n· qu1rrd lo 111slllult• a m1111 :-.h11ttl1.• b U ~ S (' rl' I l' C \\ i l h 11\ ,:>.:'l'\\' j) ll 1' l Cent c•r in t•o nj 1tlll'l t011 ,,·11 h t h1· • OC'TI> Thi.' l'lll1d1t 11m :-.l'l:-. a 1111111 of S300.000 1111 tht' IC'\'lth" C:on1 pan) 's cxp1.·nSl'S un llw 1111111 tl\1.., pr<ljcct . In ;1 fin~1l lrans11 1•1111d1111111 1h1 l.md C'ompan) \I a~ 11rtll0n ·tl 111 pn•pan• a st ucly of f11t111·t· t ran.,11 nct•th of ~l'\\'P01'1 l\•nll'I" !II 1'011 junction'' 1th thl• Ol''l'D To assun• lh:1t '.\'1·\,\ pnr• l'l'llll • (Set• Pl..\ZA. l":lJ!t' .\2l ~Cella -Aide Tells Guilt °"'''" P.101 Pr.oto PLEADS GUil TY Ge?rge L. Ollendorf trvine-N a,·y-- ·Swap OK'd by House Pane l l'lw $10 ml\111111 l.t11d '"·II' lll't\\l'l'll tlw 11'1111• 1•1111111.111\ and th1• lkp:trt lll•'lll 111 ;\a\\ \\ .1., .1p J>TilYC'<I Wt•d111•'t\l:n II;.-» ~ilwHH+ rn1\ IC'1' 111 t h1• 11 1111..,1 · \111wd St• r ,. 11' 1'!'> I '•> Ill Ill 111 ,.,. 111 W:t. ... hJ,nJ~l1>1\ 1'111' 1111111.11 \ l.11 111111· .111d Ill st .ill.it 11111.., .. 11111·111111111111•1· .11• pf"P\'t•d 1111' .a,:11•1 •1111 •111 lh.11 II Ill gl\t' tht• lr11111• l '11111p.11l\ 1111 :?1: •. 1cr1• tn1111t•r 1;;11d .. 11 C:111\1' [\il;1• "·"I' plll • "I'\ t•ll ,11'1'1'" 1tl land 1110,1r th1• \l ,111111· <'111p., \11 <lwlin•pll!J 1 !'-t.1111111 .111tl .i 1. ;11·r1' w:ir1·h1111.,1· :--111· 111 :-..111 Fr.111 I' I 'I'll fll l'\C'h:1111:I' lh1• ln1111 • 1'11111 p :Hf\ \I Ill 111111 11\ 1'1 7:111 .lt'fl'" 1w.1r t h1· Fl I 11111 \1 ,111111· ( '1111" ,\1r SI .11 11111 f111 II"•' .1, .11'1.-.11 111111• fur 1111-:ht l'.111 .. 111 ... \t '111111111• 1 .. H1•p \11111 I'\\ th11,..h.1\\ I H '''" p1•1·t tit .ll'h I •• 11wmlw1 11f thr ..::11lu·11m11111t1·1• .lp\11 •I\ .ti 11\ 1111· -.11h1 11111111111 •·•· ;illll•"' 111 ... 1111'" th.ti lh1• 111111·11111 m1111·1· ''Ill ·""' .111111111 111· 1111' ,I I! I 1'1' Ill 1 'II I l'lw 1 ll11•t• l'·I 111•1' .ll'qt111 nt In th\• In 1111• 1 '11mp.111' '' 1111'11 .11 •· , .i1111·tl .11 'Ill 1111ll111n 1 .... 11-.,11 lh1· \ .11111· \ .1'111· l'I\ •'II '" 1111' II\ lllt t'11mp:111' p111p1·r11 111r11l'd 111t•r111 l llC' :\;I\ \ Till' In 1111• ('n111p.1n~ pl.111' 111 d1•n•lc1p an 111t111,..1n.tl p;1rk .11 1111• '\1•11 <; :1r<l1•11 <: 1 <l\ l' "II<' l·:arlic1 th11o 'H't'i-thc• c:.11 <11·11 t:11t\l'C'111 (.'0111wll rt·1.11n1•tl th.it pwp1•rh 1111 111d11..,ln.1I 11"1'' <lral)g1• ('1111111' !"111wn 1-.nr-. th1i-"l'1•k a ... l..t•d 1 tw "11lin>1lln111 1 lt'C' \() t•11ni-1tl1•r i-t•I till)! :t.,l<ll' j~, 'ilC'r(':; of till':!\:> :11·rt• ..,1\1.• lor ll:-1· a:o. a l'0\111\\ p.1rl.. 111)\\l'\\'r, th;1\ rcqlll'!'I ''a:-. 11 111 ;1r t1·d up<'ln SupN\ 1sor L<llll l'llt't' ~d1m1t who 1111t1:1h•tl llw n •!'-n111t 11m for the park s1tt'. ':1111 hr tw" 111tl·ncl .. lll·work '' 11 h lht• In 11\I' Comp:11l\ In hOJlt'' 111 "'1111 l)rtllt.:1111! ,1hottl :I park at the-'llt• Implicates Doctor in Fund Fraud B)·TO~l BARl.EY 01 the Otl1h Pilot!.'"" LOS ANGELES Wc.t·p111g und eontntc. forml·r :\l1ssion Com munit.' llosp1tal ;Hlm1n1slr<1tor <:c•orp' LoUJ :-. Ollendr11i l.ldmitl1•d hrn· l:itl' Wt·dnc·-;d:.i~ that ht· h<'l1w<I dl'CraucJ .\l1:-.s1on <.:nm mun:ty !lo:-.p1lal out of al lea~\ S:JOO. 000. rtc1~1·b q11cstiom·d b~ .Judge· :\l alt B.nnc. Ollcndorf. 14. 111 LaS!una fh•aeh. admilll'd 1n Federal roll rt that he know1n~l.v signed l\kdit·;1re documents list ing hospital ('.\ µc•n,..cs that were disgw scd pol1t1c·•tl costs 111C'urn·d bv Or. Lou1:-. .J. C('lla Jr. · Ollcndorf rc•rH'al1..·dl~ idt·nt1ficct Cella. \\ho \\as SCC'rl'larv trt:'asurer of l\l 1ss11111 Comm11n1t~ and Merry G l'ncral I losp1tal, San· 1:1 Ana. as th(.' arrh1tel'l ()f h1i- d<l\\ n fa 11. De Falls Flat Would.be Jumper Bou11ced Bs.IULAR.l'.. li/\ \" E 01 1~•. 0•1ly PH01$1a1t Jon Neysa~ s he· \\<IS JUSl I rying to promo I l' s <: h tit> l s pi n l at ln ·ine ·s l 'ni\'l•rsity lligh Seh1111I \\'ednesd~" ufl(.'rnoon But t ht• ·!'>thnol atlm1ni:--t rat 11111 ~aw It a '111 1<• d1fft•n•11l1.v ancl put :i quit !.. halt lo :'-il•y's :-.J>lrtl rais111i: a ('t l\'llll'S B v the l1m l' ~t·h oo l ad rninist ralors c·a llt•d off Nt•)"s latC'SI s tunt. a t'l"ll\\d of about :100 had galhC'rl•ct lo\\ all·h al thl' :-.1 11· at·ros:-t h1· s t l'l'l'l from the sd11111I Thl'~ 11·t•n· hop111i.: lo 11 .1ll'h nnothl'r pC'rfnrm ;rnn· h) '\(•\. <1 s1•ninr. "ho fan1.·H·., him:.l'lf an 1•:.:pt•rt ··1tarn•I 1u111pt•r .. llt• 1111'-·s up tra-;h l'all:. and 111mp., lhl.'m It's :-<1nwlh111g l1kl· !-;1 d 1-\1111·\ l'I \I 1lhout :1 motun·~ (•It• ll l"i-IUlllJll'd llH' IJ,11 rt•h .tln·ad~, and was s hoot Ill~ fnr s ix ~l'Y s howl•tl lll' lnr lhl' h1 )! 1•\·C'nl a\l1rt•d 111 a n·nlt·<t. tuxc·flo .met a hn )!hl hh11 · lhttl:..:,1T hatt111i.: twl 111\'\ "\\'l!. UwuJ.!h\ u1..·11pl1· ''ould 11· .1lh t.11111 1•111 11 I tl1d :-.onwth111:..:. o;p~·ctac•ula1 l1lo.1• \11·ar a Ill'.\ :-,\\ :-l'\l'\ hut '' twn lw 111 11\ 1·d It•\\ an! th•· harr1•b. atlm1111 ,..1ral1ll' l'hil llall n111ntll•d h1111 11p .111tl look l11m 111 111\' i-\'llClo I 11 fl 11' I ' lfhlt':HI flf 111'111).! ./ llt'\\ I 1'1'11/"ll 1111ldt•1 !'.t') \\'t>111Hl 1tp "i1t1a11111 · .la.\ i-11:-.p1•11,..1011 Ir 11111 ... 1'1111111 :1 n>nf1•r1·111·1• t11cl.I\ \\ 11h hh 11111th1•1 .111d :-.t'ht11d .1d1111111 .. 11.1111r.., .1 11d .i HELMETED JUMPER Irvine's Jon Ney i-lt•ru \\ .irnrn.I! 1 li.11 1f hr., l1.t1 n ·I 1ump111L' ·ll'll\ llll"• 1011t11111nl rn1 c:1111p111o h" 1111~ht lfl' l•w1111•d fro111 gr;1d 11,1L11•11 ,I w1·1• !I II.di ... ull 111!1,I\ 111.11 ,,., 11., ... h tTI\ ,1 ,t..1·tf "'''\ l'I ;ti 111111 ., l1t -.t11Jt 111 ... d:111.:1•r1111.., h,111 ..t 111 1111'111~ 1111 t·.1111p11 ... \\ \' 1 t 111 I t 1•111 1•1111•.t 1 h,tl I ~l't' ~Pl It IT. Pa~1· ,\:!I Irvine Youth Held In Burglary Spree \ 11 \t'.11 odd l l\lllt' 11111 lt1•l1t•\ 1·d l"l'.'\jJl>lhthl1• l1H ,1\ 11';1 .. t 18 n•-;11h-1111;il lt11rc l:11·11·, 111 \'111,1•rS1I\ l':trl.. ;111tl ('11h1•11l.1h 1l11rtt11:! lhu p~1,..Ltlt11·1 • 111111llh' ll.1 h1•1•11 .1rr1•.,11•d h1 In 1111 · 1l111i1·" \t'('(ll 111111• l•I .. 1111·1·1 ... lht• IHI\ 'I"'< 1.d111·d 111 t.tl..111c. hq11111 .111tl 11111111•\' I r11111 1111· 11111111' 1.111 \ltlllltl ... 01111'1111\t'" 1.1 !..1• 11t h 1•1 1l1·111., ., 111· h .1" 1• I 1• I' I I tt 1111 1'.1k11l:1\11r' 1'1il11·1• l!l t"l-.1 ·d 1111 th1• ~<111lh I 111·..,.l.I\ :dt1•r 1'1'\ t'f\ lllf.! .1 \',111 111 .1 .... ,1 ... 1111 11111 '-llllll\l ('.l l1•tl \\llllh 11 1· \\ ...... ll'l'l' ... l1•d 1\fl hlll')!l.11 \ I'll.I l"L!I'' Ill {'\IJ\lll'l'l 11111 1\1lh ,1 1'111 i.:l.1n 1111 I .1111 ,. \\111t1! \\'a\ :nl'111\1'l':-..11\ J'.irl- 1'11111·1• lll'lt1•\ t' ,111 ,ll'l'llll}Jllil'I' I"' .1lsn Ill\ oh 1·d 111 th<' lt111 s,:larit•., ,1 Ii 11•,tr old 1111' 11 ho h:t!'> not\ 1·1 hc1'll. :irn•:-.lt•d P<lllN' twit'-'' 1• tlw tl1 0 bo"' usC'd :t !l \'slt'm of h1trl!l;..ir111nJ.! '<• !'ant. u·nltH'kl·d ho11.st'S 111 llw rla \'1111\\' Th1•\ 11s1•d otw hm 111 .1t·i a .., hwlo.<111\ · .inti tlw 111 h1·r t11 nnc. lht• hl'll :11111 find 11111 ii .H\\ 0111• '' .t,.. h1111w pnhc·l· .... 1111· Crackdown Askt•rl \\',\Slll:'\(;To~ I \P 1 S1•11 Wilham Pro:\/ll1rr :111ci pn:sidt•n tial c:ind1cl:itt• Fr 1•cl llarn ... 11ho ha.s \\ rthdra\\ ll r1 nm :1C'll\ \' (':1m pa1gnmg. a s k(•d till' lkmocrat1t pl:1tfnrm C'!ltnmillt•I' to<i:I\ 111 111 c lud1· a plank 111 11\ Hlin~ for ,1 1·r~1rkclC1\\ n f\n l'11q111rnl1• r111 r up 111111 II :!'• d 1111 I h• \ 11111111,. ttl h1111•l.11'1•t'.I 1' \\ 1· Ji.1\ I'. I( '111..t• II 1111•11· ,.,., .• 1 1111mh1•r 111 ••tl11•1 Ill\ 1'111lt·., 11111 lo.111• 11111 l.1111 Id,. I h1'"'. -.,11tl I .I .I 1·1 I\ l<11\ d tlnnf ~11l-rt• ... 1tl1•111:> i-h111ild ltt "ll'Jl;l'llllh \\ h1·11 \ 11111 It., I 1111' I lt1•11 11,·ll 1111 1111 .1pp.11 1•111 11".1i-1111 anti ... h1111 ld .11"11 1n.1l..1• 1•1·rt.1111 111 .,1•t·111 1• lh1 ·11 11111111 .., \\l1t•11 11'.I\ 1111! ~111\lt' 111 1111• p111p1•1 I\ 11 .... 111•1•11 1t•1·1 •\1•r1•tl 111 till' IX 1·.1 1"· 111 \\II\ 1•tf HI thl' 1 l'll'f\1 .111 t'"'I lt.1\ll .... 11d. h1111111·11111•..iic.1111111i-.1·1111 lllll11111' Ill l111rl lll•H "Pl 111>1·1 I I .111d .1dtf1t 11111.il \II 11111 Food Stan1p Pla11 Nixed \\'ASlll '(;To"l 11\l'1 1\prn po:-al 111 :illt1\\ tlw .. ..,,. 111 111011 .. tamp:-. .11 l,1,t l11t•1l 1111tl1·1 ... 1~ p;\\ nw11h lt\I' onll'I " · 111 f.!o" h .1:- h1•t•n lil'fl'.lll'<I 11, lht· 11011,1· \).!nrullurt• ('omm.1t1t•1· H\'11 ll,1\1tl Bo\\1·n 11) ;\11:-;:. 1. \\;i" tlw 1111h ml'nih1'l 111 tht· 1·om rrn 11 t•c• I 1) '111 l' for hr~ pru pn~a I \\\'1h1 l'~<I ~1 y f~l\1 t'll :irgut'fl I h :11 n ·i:11 l:1t11>n .. allo11 ~uperm:irl..1•1 .. \\Ith 1·.11-r' out rountC'r~ and drlll'atcsscn:r; t11 acrrpt 1n lllC'S•' ~C'rt11111s ·th1· ":11111.· food :-t .1 m II"' rcdC'1·nw o ttl lht•1r r1')!11L1r c·hc1 l..1t11I rn11ntt•r.., f111" j!l'fll l'l'll'"' ·Hight from the tlml' we opened the hospital in 1971, Or. Cella was alwavs aftrr me for d1ccks." 01· lendor f s aid .. When Dr Cella aSkl'd for a check you gave it lo him. Thl'l'l' was just no question mg h11n about it.·· Ollcndorr wept ag:un a:-. J udg<· Byrne warn('d him thut his pica of guilty to two t·ounts or conspiraev rould brmi.: him a::. much a:-. riv•· <See GUILTY. Pagl•A:!) CBer S~ught Jn Anaheim -Ra e Attempt 1\ Cfi r:tdlll Opt'l':lllJI' \\ho idl'll 11fiL'cl himst·lf <•n tlw ~II' h~ the c•odl.' nanw Hodan" hctnl! :-.ouchl h~ Anaht•1111 p1 1lin.• loda.\ aflC'r hl• • ;.1llt·i.:t·dl~· a111•111 ptcd lo rapl' a l:l·y1•ar old girl 1n .i dark1.·m·d al I\•\ ·,\1·t·11rfl111g to polil'l'. 11 wa" wh1h• tht.• lrnrly rapt• suspct·t was drivinJ: h is tl>rrific•cl \i.iCt1m to lht.• ~1(1(•\ that ht• 1fll'nt1f11'C1 h1111:-.clf to CH racho t·allt·rs :1:-. Hodan Tht.· hig h :-.d1 1111I frt•s hm:rn 1w.1r rapl' \ 11·11111 n•pttr\l'tll~ loltl pol1t'l' t h1• l' II l'lll hu:--1\1:-.I lnrn•tl lwr 11110 his v;111 at a (;.1nkn (;rm l' la!'>t f1111tl t'!'>lahl1shnwnt Thl'n. '' h1k drl\ m~to the allt.•\ in 1\11 :1h1•1111 with th~· 11.•t"l'v'r stn,·kl'll i.:1 rl at h1" si1k J•Hnt•d Nh1•r C:B radio 1.•nthu,..1;.1:-.l" 111 tlw1r con,·enwtivn~ -0111·,• in lht' dt·:ttl·1•ntl :illC\' th1111,.:h. hp np111·d th1· i.:1 r1 ··.., l'lol 11,._., t ror11 hc·r hodv and :it l1·111pl1•d 111 r ;1111• h1·r. poi11·1• !'>aid In till· t'l1"llllll! :-.trui.:gh·. th1· '1c·t 1 m .. 111·t·l•t•tlc•1I 111 sc·rat 1·h111 c lwr a:-.:-.atlant ':-.fan'. hn·ak111j.! 111 ... cnp .inti 1ump1nl! from tlw '1'h1 l k 'hl' l;1t1•r 1d1•1\11f11'<I a:-. ;i 1!17:> F11nl , :111 ( ~1'1' .\TT \CK . l':l)!,I' \:!I ITa ll Vi c ti1·11 Ide ntified As Star's Kin l.<l:-. \ ": l·:l.l·:S 1,\1'1 \ '':! \ 1•,11 old \\ 11111:11\ \I 1\11 (1•11 111 h1•1 i11 .. 1lh 11 11111 1111• top 11f :1 :!:.! ''"n ln11ld111f.! h .t ... 111·1·11 111t·1111r11·il .t .. 1111• tla11i.:h11·r nl :11•trc"s .l1•1111dt•1 .J11111·:; .1 1111 I ht• 1:111• 11:1\ Id I) S1·l11111·I.. . .i\11h1111111•-. .,:111l t1wl.1\ :\t.11, .I P11111f1·1 S1"l1111t·k 111 1':1sad1·n.1 :i ... 1111l1•nl :11 < )('1•1tl1·11 1.11 C'~1l11')!1· \1 a .. k1ll1'i'I :\1 a:.-11 .1111•1 mal..111g h1·1 "a' l11 th1• r11111 111 ,I h111\iltll1! Ill lht• \\'il,..hll'I' Lll ' lnc·t and pl.1<·111i.: .i 111:1111l1•11:11w1· l.11ltl1·1 a)!.11ni:;1 th•· 1n1rttp•·t to n · :1C'11 I h1· 1111111111:-.I p11111t of tilt' f1t11I pt1h1•1• Ill I l'"l IJ.!,d Ill'"' ..,,11d \J ...... :...1•!11111·).. II.I' .11'-11 ,,1.·11 d.111glil1•1 111 111d11 .. 1n.il1'1 art p.11ro11 ;\11rl1111 ~11111u1 ll1•r 1orh1111I h1111I, ... :11111° ,, 1-.11 ".111 h:ii: cont :11nmr. 1c1Pntilit·1 t 11111 .111tl 111 lw1 p1•1".1111:1 I l'ff1•t·I :. ,11•11• t111111tl p1lt·d lwl11ntl 1111 · l.111 d1•1 l'ol11•t• .... 11tl no IHtl1• \\ .t'- 111111111 1\11 :i utop:-.\ '' .1 ... 111atl•• hv tht· \.'111 ll ll l'r -, 11f l 11'1' :111tf ,I \ti\ 1c11l11j.!1e.1I r1•pnrt 1:-1•:-p1•1·t t•d 111 I hrt'I' Io f1111 r "l'l'I\!'> to cl1•l t•rm 111t• 1 f ... 1w ''a .. un1h•r t h1• 111rltH'1H·1·of all\ drui;:s. pnlt t't' ~<IHI Thi:-. un11s u;.il :-.ig ht empt.' boat s lip~ <11 D<.rna Point llarhor won't be l'l't'n for Ion:,!. D'-ln<J \\'<:st ;\lt1nn:1 1!~1:-. ,iusl C'umpll'tt•d construction of J.000 slips in the hurbor·!' we:-.t h~1!'>in Ho;its \\:ill sl :rrl mm 111g in .June I -. Lion Safari Rifled For Guns, Radios lrv11w polil'l' :trt· looking fnr /\ftcr 1'11mbing down into th1• l'lla•\1.'S who l'nll'rt:d th1.· gam1 \\;srcl(.'n's nffiec through till' fal ... 1· war<kn's nfftl't' al L10n ('()untn n•1ling. thl' hurglL1rs rc111m·t•d !'>I\ Saf,m through a fals t· 1·1•1l1ng ;-mil c.loulJle·barrt'I. 12 gaugl.' s hntf.!UIL' 'toh• J.!1111" anrl t•1tiz1•11:-. band \\'orth Si~O. a \V1nc ht·s t1·r rtfll' r.1d10:-. ,·al11t•tl at rwarl~ ~l.iOO 1 aluc undl'lcrm1nt:d, a tr:1r1q111 h1 mg dart gun. vallll' unddl·rm11wd 1'0111·1· :-.;11d ttw hl•1:;t oeturrt•d and 3 r iot s hot~un worth SI IO 1•1tlwr l:i lt' Tuc:-.d ay nis::ht 1lrt•arl) Polic-e s aid thl· thil'\'C'!'> \1·cn· ap· .1~rttt1)'.! ul ~'~t·~ .... p"" .... 'lr'"'Cl\ttyt::rmttr.TrwrttrthMtfflm.ttl--- :in1rnal park. at XHIH) lrnrwCcnl11I' park and park ortinal!'> -,aid it 1:-. l>n' 1•. f t\I oul111n l'ark\\';n ) not uncommon ror I.ion Countr~ lk1on • 1•111l'nn1-? llw offit:c~. lhl' Safari cmploye" to llS l' the fal:-.1• th11•v,•s n·in11v1•d thn•e l'll ll:icl1os ceiling wlll'll lh1.0) an· l111·kt·cl 11111 lrnm four\\ h1•\•I dn,·1· \'Chiclt•s of the adJmnin;.: 11lfl1·1· 11arkt<1l int tw park·:-. ma1111 cnant·1· an•;i . valtu•<l at :iltnut SX<IO, polic1• ... ;11 ti Tilt' hurglar :-. t IH'n appart•nt h p11•k1·d o p1·n I ht• lurk on th1• m:1111 lc11:.111cc room duor :intl. \\col 111 'Ilk Tlwrt'. lh1'\ C'l1mht·ll11nlop11I ;11•1g;1n'\ll' 111;1 ~h111t· and n •mm 1·11 llw l'al:-1• t'l'tlinl! 11:1111'1 lhal lc•:1•I" \ti th1• :-.l'llllll" J.!:1 111•' \l ;il'tl1•11':-. 111 f H'l' lll':1.l d1111r 211d Campus To Be Aire d At Saddleback Tht• prt1p11-;al b.\ .1 c·1t11.t•n!-. com 11111\N'. to 1rnml'd1at1•ly beg in µt anning a Sl'<"On<I Sad<llchack Collrgc t·ampus in the l r\'mt· an·:i will he discussed a t ll'ngth by lrus tC'1'" al lh1•1r mr(.'tlll.I! M1111 Ex~culivt• Ui.-.~ ·HEl.~10:\'.T {A I' I -" 1!;111i.. 111 /\nwne;i 1·1t·1· 111·1.,..,11!t•n1 :.l:1:-.h1·d 111 .. ll'l'ISI" with .1 razor. ll11·n 1·111 l;111~c<L fan· <1111111 111 :• 1·ri·1•I.. ,11111 clnl\1 ncd 111 a fr1l l nC:Tii"" 11r ,\U\1·1 pOltt'I' ~;I\ OranJ,!e _ __j LIA .. t::::. Co••~• \\~a•her N1j,!hl and m w:.n11U!. Jui, 1' ltlll d !'> • h 111 0 l ht' I'\\ 1 :-, I' 1no:-.t I.' "llflll\' I hrnugh Vri clav l.1t1 l1· c·han~1· 111 11·111 pci·atun·. w1lh high l·'rnl:I\ 1;i 111 n. Im' lorllg ht f1~ toW INSIDE ·root\,. G ~1 rr lcla)' • 3111~ 0 lOW ryout~ Tlw S(':>S ll>rl I!'> due to :\lart " h:llf-hnur earlkr lhan usual ;11 i A l5-11car-11/d girl hnm 1111!1 lwr rye.\ lwwc ns /or nfxrrt "·' 11ormo/ undt>rtt1Pr11 fJ rl1•11,,11" 1111 r gt> ry \V NI n r :.rl 11 11 I 11 d ir>rlf1" :/"• entm• slinp1• 1>/ lwr fm•1• ,'i('(• Pll!JI' "; SI d · L P m 1n lhl' c-ollC'.l!t' lihr·1rv ·111d ·11 '-alf> Ill a~una lea st an hour ha:-bet'~ s~·t' <!Sid<' lntC'n·1c11 ~ for 1woplc• wbhmg to appear on thl· ll'lc\'1"111n s ho\\:-. ··11ot1ywood ~q11 .1n•s," "Garn hit" and "ll1J;:h H11lk•rs" will h<' held :-it !l · 30 a m l·'rida\ :it th1· La.:una H<:'at'h F<',tival ·of J\rts Forum Thl•al 1·r . tifi<I Laj.!tma Cu n~ on Hoacl Partinp unt:-11111"1 bt.• \~ ~c-.1rl t•ld anr1 ma\' not lw a rnt•mlwr •)I u th<'atricol· u111m1 to <11s russ the eommiltce find lllitS T" o wcrks ago. the punel pn .. scnll'd t ru:-.tecs with 11 s report and recommendation!\ Among nth,•r things, th e committee sug JH.'SICd th(' dls trit't immcdiatelv lwgrn shopping for a new c:im ptls s ite and he~in ~ome kind of ~att'lli\\> operations hy lhc 1977·78 school y1•;,r •t Your Strvtcr £r!1'W 8omk<" \. M Boyd C~t1torr11' CArHr Corner (IA<,.llctl Comtt\ trouword OOtl\Hot1c"' Edllfl'lll P .. 9~ (ftttt'1-'1""'t"' F'.•ft.a"C• For!~ Att••d HOf'OSC- Index Al t~'"''°"'''•On 8) Ann L.Jl\de" 8• Mo~ ... ft('tl Ai MOV"•t~ B4 Mutuat Fu"o' Cl , .. Ha11on•f H••\ C4 Ot~~"* Co11ftt• C.• ,.,,OC>I~ A11 Sport\ A4 SIO<ll M<tr,et\ 6\ T•ltvi)lon 8• I T"'°AtU' B• wt•lllrr A t.f Wo,.td ~,..,, 0 1 llJ 01 • Ill Ot A• 84 All 8 1 J Cl I 114 I 91 01 A4 /\I Of ~ . . '-·~ ~fltlUI Child Hurt by GUILTY .•. Chaws on Jaws Tl1r~<··<·it11 (•ro11p Pill? years 1n the fcder:.il p<!n1tent1ury on e ach c·ourH .'.l rrd a SIO,OOO 11ne on ea~h t'ount in addition to the prison term . Dog &ves Tot From Shark CdM Freeway H 10: H K I·; I, ,.; \' < A I' 1 llor11111nl'!> u ... C'il 111 l11rth <·unlnil 111lls may 1nh1h1t brain d~·v1•lr>11· 11wn1. a l 0 ntvv1's 1t y of Cultforn1d sc1cnl1:.t l>u11J toduy . Judge Byrne called for a proba- tion repo rt on the for me r $75 .. 000·a ·ye s r hospita l ad- m1mslrator and set Jw1ell u~ the tlutc he will ~cnll•ncc Oll<:nclc>rf Forty·! woof th\.• or&f,!111;_11 41 counts lll(;CJ agarns t Ollcrtt.luti \\~l! db- m1ss c<l BRISBA NE , Au~tralfa (AP) -A t~1mil\' dOJ! helped save a 4-year-old ~trl from a nine-foot ·~hJrk ut u rc~rl beach. accordmg to park police. ., Police al Emu Park in ('(•fltral QU('l'rl'.lantl :-~11u \\1.:d11csday the shark snaµped <.it Tamm) St1>h. who was µl:iymg in knee <i<'cp wawr. ThL• nux t.~· br·e~u dog, D ollar. ull:.iekt•tl the shuck ·s l.itl <t:. '1:.1\n my s f uthcr. Hodrw .v Slok<.'!>, pullt•d her out of th<· \\'e:.tlt'r , the p ark police: s aid. Status Probed Or Mari1:1n <.;. Ui amond s:111J f emale ra t s g1vc11 a pru gcsll'ronc basetl hormon(! u~1·cl 111 1· on l r :1 <' c p I i v 1·" :s. h o w <'<I ... 1i.:n1l 1eantly h·s ... gnm lli ur th1.• n·r1.•br<il toncx lh:.in did lit ll'n nalcs not given lhl·hormont· Tht cerebra I corll'X 1s the pa;·l of lhc br:.111 I h11l <·ontrols func lions gent'ralh c·on ... idC'rctl tu lie 111l'U!>llrL'S of 111t ell 1 gcnt·c Or D1u1111111d ~'i:iulioncrl lhul ht:r fint1111~-. 111 ruts c;mnot he as· s4nw<l lo IJl' true for hum.ins. "J\11 th1-; tan lell us no'' 1s that \\C: :.houlll look very c·arcfully to fuuJ wh.1t d frcls lhc:.c horn11>11<·s nlll-(ht f>tls:-.1bl. have in hun1 ~111 lw111i.:-. ... slw SJ 1tl "With mun: lhun 111ne m1llton ''omt•n 111 the "orld on elevated ovarian ho1·mon<'S lo acl as con- tracepti ve~. 11 1s of gr('at im- porta nce that we underst and what effect lhl•sc hormom•s ha,·c on the .t·erchral cortt•x . the 1111-(ht'st 1111 C'lll•d uul un•<.i of th~ brain ." shL· :id dcrf. M cimwhllc. she sLJjd, wom en shou.ltl .ll~ mlldc a w:.ire of the POSSI b r Ir t rC'S. . "Why t'nt'ouragc women to de\'ut1.• tlicir hormona l l evels if w~ a rc at ;.ill suspicious that it n11ght have an inhibiting cffet·t on thc11· normal brain develop- ment"·· the scientist asked. Irvine Girl, 17, Injured In Auto Crash A l 7·yC<Jr·old Irvine girl was rc•po .r~c d in s ati s fac t o r y cond 1L1 o n today a t T ustin Community Hospital, where she \\as t aken Wcc.Jnesd ay night after the car s he was r iding in struck another auto at Culver and lrvrnc Center L>ri vcs in Irvine. K y 111berl e Moor e of 14911 <;cnl•va ~t 1s be ing treated ci t tht· hospital for n umerous faci<1I c u ts a nd a fra t'lun•d knee, al'corch ng lo hospit<.il offieials. ~ht' W;JS lh C r>assen~er in I) Cur d n vt•n hy Ta rni Ann L:.izarus. 17, of 407 1 llcycs St.. Irvine, who was treated ut the hospita l for cuts and bruises a nd re leased. l\C'cor<ling l<> poli1·<'. thr :11·c·1clc111 r1c·c·11rn·d 111~t lwfon• 10 11 m :111d "''"'" l'd a {'<1lli~mn h\'l\\l't•n l':1r:-. tlnH•n h~ ,\(1.,.., l .;1iaru~ and i\1;111 :\l1lclwl I.Cle' l!l, vf ~::!:!:? H 1l~alc 1\vt'.. lrvuw ' l'nl1t't• .s~11d lhl• l\\<• t·:irs r •l I I 1 ·c1 t• <I h c :1 d o n i n t h C' 1nl<'l'!>l.'l'l1on \\ ht•n Lee hc,1w11 10 rnakt' a It'll tur n n11to l nint• Ct' n t 1• r n r 1 v I' I rum 1 h., "'111thho11ntl l an1.·<; of Culvl'r l>l I\ I'. ' I. l' f' \\' :1 s t I'(.' Ult' cl i 11 I. h 1• l'lllt'I t.!l'llt'V 1'1111111 f111• l'lll'i <rn 111.s f.w1 • .1 111! k1w1•.s . hut was al:;11 n·k:is1•1l. Woman Slain . By SF Butcher SJ\N F H.'\NC'ISCO (Al'J A .. ---....;·0::111..1 ·~~1,1'"'~~r-'..ul1l,d culpl.U \.'a:.. f.oun <I :-l.1111 111 lwr San Franr1st•n ~tuclr11 \\ti h mull 1plt· ~t.1h \\'1>1m1.h, 1whc1.· .... 11d Jc•nny 1!1•.1rl •• 1 frc'<·klt• f:11'<•tf .lrl I.st II h11 tl1.•,1i,:111•tl fl~lfft•S 111 111-.111 11· and 11 t1tld , h:1d l1t•1.•n ... 1:1ltlwtl I I 11ml' .. 111 th1' d1l'"t .tntl ,1hdo11u·11 :inti t1111.·1•111 t h1·lq~ '"'1•<•1.·lrw \\'1 llt.11n l\rm..,tron~ -..1111 \\ l'lhh'Stlot\ a I0 1n1·h t1111C'lwr l-.111(1· "a~ lo1111tl pr otnuhng f111111 twr· hP;11 f Sh" h :1tl ltt•1•11 ht11111tl 1111 h .1 'it',1 rf :111tl w1111l1.·n ... 11,. 1 ORANGE COJ\ST Ollcndorf's µlea left J.)r Cc:llu 51. ~ormcr !\len.·y Gcncr11l 1\tl'. ".'1n1s trator St cµhen Hola·rl I•. vans, :ll. r\f 1\1 ission Vic·1•>. ;111d fornwr !\11.'n ·y <: 1•111Tal l'1111tmll1·1· T heodore St·h1ffm.H1, 'i:J. of S;.wt;.1 Att!! :t:s the men who will goon trial ~lnndav . 1\ move to Set'k a .scparutc t nal for Or. Cella w <.1:. abandoned Wed ncsd<~y whl•n I u wyt·r~ C11r f':\·uns an~ S~hrffman aj.!rct'<I tu waive their right to a Jury tnal and allow .ludg-.: Byrne l(> rcat·h his O\\ 11 .. <'rdll'l. It was explained lhat Cella ~vans .und .S<·hiffrnan prefer tc; pin their fait h in acquitta l on a Jilt!~<' r;itlll'r tha11 a JUI'\' \\'cd11t•sday J u<l gc )~yrne sup- pressed all evidence seized l.iy the Orange County Dis t rict Al · to~n~y·s office Crom a Costa Mesa pn nt1ng shop cont rolled by Cella. lie .ruled that the federal pro- secution cannot use any uf the several boxes of doeumcnts taken from lhe United. Printing Com- pa ny plant by employe Donald Albert Hay. Tha t ru!ing led prosecutor Stephen Wilson to predict Wed- nesday t~at he w ill be dropping sc~eru~ of t_he 44 felony counts con- t:imed in h1sLos Angel es Fede ral Grand Jury indictment. Frona Page Al SPIRIT ..• he'll hurt hi mself. And yester - day, the situation was worse because kids were walking back a n_d forth across the st reet," Hall said. ~ey claims it was a "misun- d erstanding." When he w<Js told ~e could.n'~ j ump on campus. he figured 1l was all right lo jump across the street. "l j ump for the kids because they're bored at lunch. And.· it promotes school spirit," says Ney, who plans to study police science at S addle back College 1r1 the faJI. When ask ed ir he plans to r eschedule the jump. Ney s hook his head a nd admitted he'd a greed to "cool it." "Maybe afte r S?raduation I'll do it somewhere far away from school," he s ays. .. ~~lice . s:.iid the s hal'k a11d t lw dog thrashed in c11 d es. "1 tl~ t.hc !')har k grtHh1all~ outmant·uvt•ring the.• (~og, until St ukes pulll-d Doll.11· tn '>akt" Stokl':> ::.a1 tl later Uoll:1r ";.i::. tk:if 111 oric c..ir .ind couJ.~~ nol he: at bCillg .c;.illi:<.l oJC. I hl· sh;1 r k was washed bac:k lo deep wall'r. Jury Still Mulls Fate Of Battin A n Or anJ?e County Supe rior Court jury continued today to <.k- l1bl•ralc the fate uf Orange Coun. ly Supervisor Hol.wrl Battin. As the Jury attempted to de· eidc if Ballin is guilty or innu· cent of charges brought ag<Jinst h;m l ast year by the <'ounty Gr and .Ju ry . Battin s;it in hrs co.unty supervisor 's office, a five. minute walk a way. llowevc r, a staff aide said ".Bob. is ll~cly to spend most of hrs trmc tn court waiting the jury's ve rdict.'' That is wher e the Santa Ana supervisor spent most Qf the day 'Yednesd uy ~s the seven -man . five-wom an Jury be~an discuss- ing his seven-week triaJ. In that trial. prosecutor J ack nyan attr m ptcd to convince the Jury tha t Battin m ade illegal use of co~nty cmploycs and supplies 1n . his uns uccess ful 1974 cam- paign for s tate office. f 'rom Pug~ 11 I PLAZA ... us~rs wrll b('com e bus users. th1· OC. fD and the l rvcne l"omp:inv 11111 be \\ ork 111~ out :.i 1.iu~ hr~· '"1l1dution system • In another I rarf1r.rclalt-d t•on· dition, the l rvinc Comf)an.v ""s ordered lo r educe tht: numbt·r of' parking sp aces <it ('orpor;itc Plaza from I.SGS to J ,250. A n l rv 11~e Compa n y spok esm :rn ~;Htl today that re· ~uction will put t he plaza's park':' m g spaces below minimum stan- d ards set by L'llY 1.11111ni.: laws . "We are rc,1uirccl. undc1· <.·ity l a w, t o, h uvc 1.550 pa r kini.: spaces." said Jr vme spokcman J erry Collins. "We will have Lu g~ .back to the c ity and ~l'l a con- d1t1onal use per mit to mukc the parking s pace r eduction." The c o mmission conditions further stipulate thut 10 percent of the 1.250 parking spaces shall be set aside for car pools. T he initial phase of work on the 40·acre site will be a S3 8 million project whic h inclu1k~ gr;iding, 1ns t allat1o n of s l r et•ls a n d utilities and landscap111~. No buHdi11g construction has been schedull•d until <·OH\Pll't1011 of the s ite work wh1d1 1-; not c~ pected to begin for another year B~ S'l'E~'E ~11Tn11:1.1, Qt ttu.1 O.itly f'ilot \l.•ll Off1c1:.ils frv111 tl111•1· 1·tl1t•.., 111l'I with Supcr v1s11r 'I h11111a~ 1<11<'\ Lot.lay"' dtst•11ss "h.1t tht'\ 1'.111 .1 hreach nt fa1lh 011 ll11• p:1rl of tht• L<ihforn1.1 ll1g ll\\ a~ l'um1111~s11111 r1•gatt11ng l'<1t11pl 1•l1 1111 111 th• Coninu dl'l 1\1:.ir l"r •'•'\1 ,,, lkpn·sl'l\\all\ 1•:. 11 11111 11 \ "'" Co.:>l.1 Mc:,.u. u11d !\1.·~'ll<.t•I 11.-.1111 "ant to i-l'1HI ~· 1klq:.1t11111 possibly hl•af11.•d h~ H1h·'. to th1· h1i,:h" ay con11111:-.~ 1011 .., '11w .. 1111i: Jun~ IG tu d1:.n1-. ... llh· 111·1\ ,,t ,1111' of till' Pl'OJt't'I "hu h h.,.. h,'t 11 dO\\Og f'alkd lo •• l11111t,IJ,;l' 10.11! prOJl'C'I. c:Jrla·r tlus lll11111h . L'11=-t.1 .\It''·' \'ice l\layor J.tl'k ll:1h111wtt -.u11 a ll'ltt'I' to the l'OlllOll:O.MUll, fll •1 tl'!>llllg poss1hl1.· dl'l1'111111 111 1·1 1 11 lhl' fr<111tu gl• ro:id I r11111 llh 1. 11111 m1:.::.111n 's Slti5 1111llto11 111111111' l1st111 g I le told comm 1s-.1011cr ... 111 1 lu lrtter .tha l Oran~t· Cu11n1 ~ lt.1 comm1llctl about $1 ~ 11111111111 '" CalT rans for I lw t rt't'\\ a~ 11' '' JCl'l. and s:.i1d Lh.1l .1;:1·1w~ g .11 ,. assurant'l'" that tlw t·m1tnl11111on would la: 111c:1.:11t1' t' f11r 1h1•111 111 proceed with l'on~lrut•\1011 1111 tht route. T ill' mult1-rnlll11111 <lollar <'Oil tnbution was m:uh• lo 1·11111p)1•l1 t1,1c route from t ht· San IJ1"1!•• }-r e e w a y I () !\I a l ' ,, I I h ,, I &ukv:irtl. Shortly after c1m:.t n1tl1011 "..1-. begun, fin<tncwl \\lies t·uu~1·d llit sl.ilc to downgr<Jdt• the frt'l''' 11 \ lo <.·omplelion of a frontage ruati purCJ llel to Bristol Stn·l'l ' Hammett told <:1111un1:. ... 11111l••:-. the county coul<J li'l' \\1th tht· freeway delav I.Jut lh:i t tht· C<ilTra ns slat<.•· t•i ni.:1m•t•r .. h,1 , l' "recom m-.:ndl•cf that l'\ 1·n 1 lw frontage road fH'OJcct b1.· dl'l,I\ 1·<1 based on a change in the rull·.., · , The rlell'gution from < lr:ini.:t· County 11l:rns 111 fll'l'M·llt 1ls l'.I!.\' tn h t~h way c·umm1ss11111 1 r., Hammett said. t•mphus1z111g th.,ii In turn. dl'rens<.' lawvcr Mat . thew Kurilich tried to show that. for the most part, Battin was un ;1warc or lhe campaigning th<Jt was going on about him. .~nd when to ld of the facl by his office manager. BatLln voluntari- ly paid his sta rf workers for the estima ted hours of their work and deducted a simi lur amount from their county paid hours: lilii9iiiiim Kunlich said . ' If conv1rtccl of any of t he seven chtirgcs brought at:ainsl him in the indictmen t, the county su_Per v1sor f aces a possibll· prison term as w ell as the loss of his office. Test i111011y Blocked Mother Takes Stand Jn· Tot Death Trial By GAR\' f;RANVILLF. 0 1 thr O~ily Polo! St.HI t\ frail younl! San Ck•m cntc• w~rnu n ~\·car ing Ji.i ii clothes ~li mbed mto •:1 Superior Cour t Jury box Wt•dncsd a.v to ll'll \\ h:i l she knov.::. (t( ht·r ;; vcar-olrl daughter 's torture slayi n~ last November. nut I he only inform ation <II' fcnsc attorney M 1r h act M 1<•ht•I got from Yol~111da l\lolina. 2..1, was her n:tme and age Bl'fon• M 1<'hl'I could q11t•st111n l hl' wo111 a 11 furth~~ut-r riu.hlic dcf<'ndl'.'r Mit•ha<•l 111.•rC'hl·r s:uil hl' \\as actvb111g his cl1<•nl 111 :1ss<'rl hPr Fifth /\nwndmr nt n ghl<; ag:11n"l possible' sl'lf "' 1·r·11111 n at wn /\nr1 wlwn I llflo;<• words wt•r1.· "f>llkt•n , J\11C'111•I aha111l1111l'd lus h•>lll' th cit i\l r "' i\lol1na \11111111 :11rl 111 llw 1Jtofrn"'• of lwr husltand. Juan .111-;1• :\101111.1. :!2 lloth "l ol111 ;10, :tr1' 1·hat J,.!1'rl with th1~ Nov :!2. l!17!i. l111 l11ri• sl:l\ ing M fl ,\'l':t r old I ,:111r:1 ( '1111 Mrs i\tnlina·~ <1 :111r.h11'r lw ,1 prior 111arn;1e1· nu.i onlv t hC' h11~h:11111 1 ... on 1 n ;il now \1 r.. l\lnl111:1 I!'> <.l'lwtl11IC'd to -.1 ;111fl h1•f\ll I' .I 1111'\' 111 1l1•1' Jll'l'I"" 111'\I 1111mt tt i\nd as s he left Orange County Supl'rior Court Judge .John Flynn 's courtr(1om after h t·r brief session on the witness stand Wcd11csd;1y, Mrs. l\tolina g lanced OVl'r lwr shoulder at her M•1rinc hush:rnd. .1111t as hl'' has done since hts In.II hrg an l:ts t \\'er k. Molina s<i r "tlh hi s "lh1111·,.., on lht• <lefc11Sl' la hit• and his h ands shielding hi:. e.n •s. Hut '.\lichc•I had nther w1tness1•s lt>-t"tt ll-tn-M-0lin-e-· s defe.nt><~.~-- t 'rum PogP 1\ I ATTACK ... l 'ohrr said lwr assault(•r. who lh<'y <h·.;rrihcrl :1s ahout s ix reel. f11ur 1111·ht•s t :ill anc l Wt'1gh1ng n111ghly !HO pounds 1·has1•<1 lh1• n11d1• g irl down the· ;ti!(-\· Ancl 1t \\ asn 'I unt rl ;1 pass<•rln 11ot 11·1•tl th1• 111 '01r 1·1ctim'.s pliµl;I :incl r :1m1· lo lu•r ;tit) Iha! lwr bur Iv p11.r .,111·r ran'<I h;1rk 10 r)w \an :inti tlfflV(' 11 I 1'11111 I ht• ;iltr•\• P11li1·1.' .;:1ICJ t f11• ll'hitC' , :rn \l';p; ~ll'lpl'd illlll. of ('Olll'SI', l'fllllf)(H'<f '' 1lh C'll racl10 1·q111pnw111 SONY'S BIG ONE ' t ru~h·rv ' ·Lnrn•~ 1 Tnn ""'" I 1 ' 'r II r "il <: ', IV flttltPrt N Wo~~I 1 ' If •fl ,1 '•• J.ic l. H Curh•y fC , A. •• t 1 hom,1c. KN•v.i ... ~ Toro Slaying Victim Still Unidentified 1111' 1111111111~tol•111 ti.is ;111 uhlri;,1 111111 lll Clllllf'l1•tt• ll11' l,i...I pliaM'•l ('Pll:'>ll'lll'flU /I lilt lhl' frt)llta).!t 1'11,t(I I ('o~ I a :\I 1 •s a I> 1 rt'<'t or of Pu h In :-kn kl':> .J1111 1-'.ldc 111..:,· s;11d till 1·11unt1 " 11(1( d1 ... put111;.: tl1 ·la' 111 tht It I'\'\\ ,1\ )'' •'h'l 1 "h\11 ·'' 't111~ ,f,1g1'. \\I' ,It\' ._,I\ Ill': llH'\ (JI 11 111f'1•d u-. .11 11•:1~1 1 h1• 1 rnntag1 r11:ul 1c•h ,111<1 1 I I 1 •ol.s h ~v lhl.!) ;1r1· pl.111n111g 111 drop l'\ l'll lh:it .. Hoa!( C/1ose11 For Special Care Prograni - I l11.1i: :\I 1•11w1·1.1I I l11sp1t,1( ha~ Ot'l'll t hosi•n .is 11111· c•t l'•ght s11111hl'1'11 l'.t111 .. n11:1 l111~p1t.tls 111 p;1rt11·1pat 1• 1r1 ;1 ptlot proJ!r:im of !l.11 lf'l':ttnu·111 lor· p!'>~('h1;.itril' pa I ll'llt:. 111 ;rn ~1 11n1.1unn·ment m ade Wl•d 1H•sda1·. ho~pilal <•fftci ab .saul lht.• p1·11gra1n 1::. hl'tng con dlll'lcrl hy Hlu1· Cro:-.s of Southern c~i11rorni;1 wh1('11 1~ r c::.eard1ing lll'\\I muck:. 111 t r1.·almc nl for psyt•h1~1t rt e r a l'l· The .so <·.dlt•d d ,1y trt·atmenl pl;1t1 "ill lit· 1-!l'lll l'd for patients \\ho dn not n •qu1 re• :!·I hour a dav h 11 s p 1 t 1111 l ,1 ll 1l n . s a 1 d Ste v c l\l ahucll·~. l'0•1rthna lor of the pro- gram :ll 1 111~1.i.:. Ile l>a1d lhL• partial lreatmenl program orr .. r~ lht• <'hoicc of IJLll'lll'IJ>at1ng tlunng morning, af- ternoon or "'' L·n1ng hour~ or <Jnv c·u,r"!"b111at1<111 r1fJhn:-chours. · I he progr ,1 m will ('()(1flhnate th1.· l'fforts ol the 110tu:nt. l11s l<Jm1l.v. h1~ fll'l\'~1lt• ph~ s1c1an, the mc.•ntal ht·alth unit 's social 11ork<'r and the.· ::.luff occupa- 1111n;il lh1.·r:1p1:.t tu lle:.ign u plan of Lrt•at llll'lll . I tiq~~.i\ ~ .~u,r~h1n1· • Or:tnJ?<' Count.\· Slwriff'-. and ( oron<'r':-rn vc·.s t 1J!:tt11r" ar1· .S<'ekrng clu1•s lo till' 1de ntitv r>f a wom;cn \\'ho~<' nurfe. stran~l<'tl hody \\:rs found Tut•s<1:1y l\'lnJ! 1111 a ro:Hls 11IC' n1·:tr 1-:1 Tor 11 ;\1.11·11w Corp~ .\ 1 r St .1l 1on M1ddlt'lo11 s aHI t he prt" I 1 m in itr )' r 11 r 11 n e r · s r <.' p 0 r I <;hem 1•tl lhc v 11·11 m w:is <'hokecl In cfoath "11 h someom"s hando; Bui hl' ~:1111 clrui.: ll'~ts art• ~till lllHlc•r "'1.\' 111 1kt !'r111 11lL' rf n,1 r<"ot 1c ... Wl'l'l' 1n volvc·<I "ITS A SONY'" ( h.lrll"• II ( 00., Rl(h1Jrd r N.111 " ,. t ~ • .., ~ ''»1nQ. tl•t• , .., .,". I I 'I ' • • . Olf•Cl'S \', II,,'" •t t, 1 1 t \ 1 H t t.f •' lt1 "'w Tt'lephoric 014) M?-437l Cli!Ss1f1C'd A<1vcrt1srnq li42·~78 .. ,, Jt ... \ ~ '' • ··''" '., WI> h ,, $81-6J10 '"' ''' I , r J ' • ~ J ',,,., ,, •• ,. •t • • ,,. y ' . \ '" fl1 lo I 1! i\l ll11s point. we :ir<' 1'11;1..,1111.: l~·Jd s lo her 1rle11t1 ly," s;11tl ~twnff .., Lt S11n J\l1rldlcton "We n eccl I h ;1 t IH'fllrl' \\ e {' .1 n pr1'N'C'd a11v furllwr \11th tht' in· \'1.'St1g:ll 11111 '' The woman \\a:-dc-.cri lwrl h, r1 coron1·r ·s "Jltt~l·:-.mun .. ·.., C.111ras ian. 111 h er 1•11r l\' ti• rn1t..l :?Os, fn<.' foot lhn:1· anci 11 ~1 po11n<b ''1th .iuhu1 n h.11r and brown l')'CS fhr 1·ornn1•r '.., s pokt•.s m:in :-il~o 1111tC'CI lhl•J'I• \\'(.'rt' 111dtc:1l r11ns thi· \\omun hac! ht·cn r:iiwd. 111\'4."il IJ.::ltOr' bC'l1evt.• th<.' \'II' l rm wns mu1drr<•d somC'llmv l\lond.t.\ n1i.:h t an<! dumpNf from a mo,·1ni.: t·ar early Tueo;rl ;I\ rnorn111i.: ;iJoni.: Trahuco Hn:1;1 rll'ill' a m :1rint• r<'s1t l<'nt1.d nc1i.:hhorhootl A m1htar~ polic<• 11atrol found rtw ho(f~ Jll'l l1d1ll"l' d ;1wn, !\lul- dlt•ton :-;u1 d f '11ll f 'of"lory MorronliP~ Phc.tt fl11r PPr11onol · On.-\'por GuoronlPP fin t:1•t•r,~ t•rodHf"I Mt-S.-11! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa H~cr 9'iilden' fllllpOrium 2 o_., WHI of Cerh Jr, Phone. 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat g 5 30 S~•l"9 th Horitor "'°" Siftu 195' T"•se fhdrOflfc ,.,of•uiOl'loh Senic• Yow Ecp#pnw"t lfontington Beach, Fountain Valley EDITION \•'••'"rnoon ~.\. Slot·k~ \, VOL. 69, NO. 141 , 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1976 TE=N CENTS I ~Huntington Property Value Up 13.8% Hy KOHEH'f HAHKt:tt o • '"t> o.111y P1101 ''·'" P1•t:fl m Illa 1·y 11.g un•:-. 10chc ah • till' u~:-.cs:.ed v a I uallun uf pro pcrl1c:. 111 llunt1ngto11 lk.id1 .in· • going up 1:1 ~ pl·n·1•111 . 1·1t' of f1c1:ib h,I\ l' l'l'\ t•alt·d Tht• 1111,11 \ :ih1l· of n·:-.11lt·rl11:tl t•u1nmt•rnal and 11Hlu~t 11.1I th• H ·lopmt·nh I!'-t''l•t'l'l t•d 111 lw plan·cl ;1t ~.till 11111111111 ;" 1·11111 pan•d tu ,[11111 1111l111111 1111 ttw Mitchell To Pay . $36,000 • ~ E\\' YOH K 1,\ I' I i\ Jllth!l' >rclered fornll'r All\'. <:en .John 'J . M1tc·hell t•> pay hi:-. l':-.lr;.mgc<I ,\•1fc J\1artha SJti,000 111 tt•mpurar~ Jack allm11n\ State Supn·mt· Cm11"1 .Ju~lll'(' '.\lanuel t;onH·1. granll·<I a mot111P _odav b~ '.\tr~ :'ll1l t hl•ll :-. al :orne~. Wilham C lkrman. to .•nter Ju<lgml'llt tor !ht• ha1·k ..1hmon~ '·111 lhe :ih:-.t·nCl' of ;.111~ :lernal" bv :'ll1td1l'll that hl· ll\\l'~ lht• amount :'llrs :\IJll'hl·ll , \\)111 1~ n•portt•cl ,uffonng from t•a11n·r of tht• hon1· marro''. rt•c(•nlly rl'lurnt:d to her I-I-room 1·1111pl1rat1n.• apartment ::>n F ifth i\venuc lrorn :1 hu:-p1t<tl \\hC'rt' ~Ill' h ad !->Pl'l'1a l surgt•ry res ulting lrom ;, hrnkt·n arm Shl· " .1:. aw a rckd Sl.000 a \\l•c·I· a lirnon\' 111 Dcl·cmbcr 1!)7.1 IJv :Justice' Gomt'Z pl'ncling d1s po:si· ·uon of ht•r siii l for l('gUI i,t•p;,11·a · tion from '.\'l ltC'hl·ll In oral argunH•nt~ Tuc:sday llerman told <:oml':r. that ;\;l rs .Mitchell was "without fril'nds and without funds " lie sa1rl lhal J\l ro;. :\l1ll'hcll owes near Iv S 111,000 1111 lwr apart· m<:'nt, and that <:onsollclalcd Edison utilif~· cornpan~· has thr<:'all'n<'<I Jo turn off lll'r l'll'<'· tricit" llcrman abo !'-.IHI lh<' lornwr llltOrlll'\ ).!t'lh'l':t l l"!'l't 'l\"l'<f ,I SS0,000 a<h .llH'1' on a hook Ill' I" '' r it 111 g .1h11 u l \\'all' r gal•· ·i\11lchl'll ha!-a ppc>all•d a con\'ll" lion for mak1n)! fab<' :-.latt'mNll!>. obstrlll'llllll of IU:O.lll'(' and l'OH ..;piracy to tlh!-1 rul't JU!-ollrc 1n tou nectio11 with W all'rgull' M1lchell's l<iw ~ er , '.\1arg:trl'I Shaw. told <iome1 011 Tuc~<l.1~ Lhal l\ltlt:hl'll I!'> hrokl· 1111\\, ,ilthm1gh !-olH' :-.aid hl· did n•1·1•1\ t· t h1· lw11k acl \" :111 n· "Ill' I~ ll\'111).! Oii 11111'1'11\\l'd I un<b ... o;hl' ~•11d 111 r1·~p111b1· l o th:il n11lll'nt11111 .l11!-ot1t'l' c;11nH·1. :-.:11d '\\'lllll' !ht• d1•1\·11d ,tlll Ill ).!I'" t hat 111:-. prt'"l'nt f111.1111 ·1a l 1·11nd1 <St•1• ;\tl'f<'ll E l.I .. l'aJ.:1' .\:!I School Sets Celebration \hou l :! 11110 \\'1• ... 1111111 :-.tt·r S!'hnnl Jl1~lr11·1 -.111d1•nt:-\\ 1ll tak1· part 111 .1 7 :Ill I' 111 lut•1·11l1·11111:il n •l1•h1.ll11111 I 11 1·,11.I\ .II 111" \\'1·-.t 111111 ·.11•1 ll1 i:h ~1 h1111I ,t,111111111 , 111:•:1 li 11hk 11 \\,•.,I !'>I ll1~t 111·1 111tIf1.tl , ;..1111 p.111·11h ,11111 ti ll'fld.., ,11 c' Ill\ 11l•tl Thi• p 111 1·r.1111 ,1111 11'.111111• p1•1 l111 lll.llh'I'" h~ :!II 1·ho11 !'-, 111111' h !t1Hh. l1111r drill lt'.1111 ... :111d :.:1111 foll.. 1!:1111·1·1.., \II ... 1'110111 ... 111 th1· 1ll~tnl"I "111 h1• n •p1·1•:-.1•1ll1·1I. o! !11·1.1h ... :11d \\ 4• .. t ...... '\11•1t1 .111d 111111111111! 111\\ t I" 11 tf ' It 11 I I' t h I' I \\ I'd' lltt...,11\ '-111111\ lfll'OUJ.:n h I ti.I\ I ti I"' l h.tlll!I' 111 ll'lll l'•'l ,l~Ul 1' \\ llh h1 i.:1J,1:·111l:I\ 1 .. 1.1 ," I<"' 111111.!hr : .. 11111;o \ l'SIDE TOD A ,. \ l.1 111·11r u/11 111ri hon 1 11•1111 ,,,., 1'1/t'~ Ill tl't' n' fnr nµort us 1111rr,111I 1111rkrwc11t C'rft'llMl't' SllTt]t'M/ l\'cclllc'\lf()f/ /II ('11011111• 'ho,' l'Tlf 1T1' M1<1p1• 11( /11·r fl1t'1' ;-;,·r /'ntJ•' 1\ T lndt"X At Your S>•rvu.t A) •ritt rm1 \\Ian E ""~ 8omot< 1ii. r\1 AnnL.A"dft\ L M An'f'd D• Monn Trtt C.~htorn•,. A\ Mow•f\ CArr-tr Corl'I~• A4 Mutu.JI f:unO\ 61 Ill 01 01 Bo (IA\\1lifl'd c, u N~llonAI NttW\ A• Bl Comte\ C& O<•"qrCounh A \J Cro,i-ou' C• """°" 81 ) oP..tlh Not1tr\ A II \POrh (1 I EdltorMI P~Q,. A~ \toe' M.tr\C't\ O• I Ent4'"rf,"t1f\mfM (U Tflff''ll\IOn Ill f t!'Wf'IC.• fh 1 lN'Affr\ 0\ ~row ""'<•'0 fU W..1th•• '" HOfO\.COOt A ... World NtW\ •• o• -.. ll)75·76 f1:.cal )'l'al' atTord111g to mforrnallon th!' c·1l\' has rl'<'t·1q•tl from Orangl' County i\..,:-.e:-.:-.or Bradlt•v .I ac·oh~ Sl0.6 million compared to S8.9 million from I hi.' pre,·1ous year. Matthews s u1d . dl•pa rt rn 1•111 s "I'd fikl• to SN' :-.Onll' of II j.!O 10 to resen ·es ... l':rttins on su11I "\Ve'\'e been ldt "1th pr;1l't 11·alh llh:h .. P<'l'C'l'tlt lit' said that rm.ti llJ,:lll't•:-. 11'11111 hoth tht> l'OUlll\ and ~1.111· shuultl bl' known b~ th1· 11111ldk 111 ll)!llSl • r\r,.:udlu :-.u 1cl th1• ;I\ 111«1 ).!l' IHllOl'O\\ n1•r 1·111tld l'Xlh'l'I ahoul ;1 I,) IJt'l'l'l'lll llH'l'l'aM' 111 IH:-. l:L' bill unth.•1· !111• 111'\\ 'alua\11111 Erich J\1 ullht:\\ ~. o;en1111 ad m1n1:.tratl\'l' anah'il fur llunt mgton JkaC'h. ~uici ttw boo:-.t \\Ill • nll':.t ll S.IO!i,000 111111•t• 111 l'l'\ elllll'~ than lhl' <'11\1 h!1d :int1t·1pttlt.'<I T tli' to tal 0111111·~ 1•11ming 1111h1• nt~ lrom pr11p1•r1 ' ta'l'" ha:-.l'd "" lht• asseS!>Oll'llh \\Ill ht· ah11111 "The add ii 111n a I l'l'\l!OUt'!-wi II allow the c11v t:ounril to be a littlt- m orC' fll"(1hlt• in hu<lget 1·1111 :.1tfrrallons, · · h<' :-.aid :'llavor l'n>·l em Hon J>allin:.on dl·d11wd to !'-111.'l'Ulatl· 011 \\hl'lht·r th1• 1·xtra m1111t•\ ma\ lx• ll:.t•d to l'l'l>IOrt• lll'lllJOM'cl ('\Ill> Ill llll' hbran :11111 µark:-. and n ·1·n·at111n This unusual ~1ght l'mpl~ boat !>lq.>!> ul 0;.111a Pntnl llarhor w on't lw seen tor long l>a11a \\"(•st :\l;.inna ha:-. 111st l'ompl<.>tt•d tm1struc·t1on of 1.000 s lip!> 1n the-hurbm"!'o \\l'~t ha-..111 Boab "111 :-I ;1r1 1110\ 111g 111 .ltmt· 1 Ha111 Fan ~roposes TV-type Antenna 0111l't ~""' •'t\0"1 NEW ANTENNA PITCH Ham Operator Royer Gu11 Control Bill Blocked By (;on1n1ittee :'.\l'lt\\lt·::'\10 \I ' \11'' ,1•111111' 1·111111111t 11'1' ha., hl1wl..1·d ,, pr 11p11..,1•tl h:i11 "" f11t11r1• i:11 n l'lllll rc1l lt•g1 ... l.1l11111 , .ind II ' ,p1111:-.11r ":I '.., h e• \\ill II'~ an 1111 u~u:il manl'll\ t•r tu 1 t·n1m t• 11 fl om llw corn m 1l1 t•1· 'l:l':<.l \\ e t•k ,\~-;1•mhl~ 111.111 .John II r1 gg:; 1 H ·Fu 11ert0111. :-.:iy!-o ht• " ii I .1-.k for a full i\s~t·mhl~ \\•11• In re· mt•\"l' lhl' hill fr11m till' <"n111111;d .Ju:;t11·1· t't111ir111ll1•1· and hnn).! 11 up tor a fh1or voll' Taking tlw hill 11111 111 lht· <'Ctl11 lllltlCl' would l'<'C'\llll"l' ·II \'Olf' ... ;a m:i.1ont~· in thr Xll·mt•mhl'r ho11M' A:-st'mhb· Spl•akcr l.1•11 :\ld.':irlh~ 1 [) Son F ralll'ISl'O l, ha:-.' O\\ l'd 111 f11,!ht thl' attt•m pt If the \Ol1'l'S ,1pp1 11\1'1l. ;1 11~ futurr :1l1C'mpl 111 rt•..,tnl'l cun O\\ lll'r:;lt1p heyoncl pr t'"t•nt n1rh~ \\ OUl<I fl'IJllll'l' :I Ill'\( p11hlll' \ OI(' n~ f\,\TllY ('l.,\~CY O• •htt 0.i•h PtlOI St;'ttt l><•n a Id H u' l' I' 11f l'u11nta tn \';illt•\' 111:11 \iit•1 111111 d \\,1\ 111 h111ld .:t :1~.1;1111.h:im r;11l111 :1111;•nn;1 .It lt1.; IHlllH' Hm·1•r ol tXi 1i:1 S;111ta h ;ul11r.1 St , li:i:-~11h11111tl'd flt'\' pl:t11!-o 111 t II\ ot111·1.il,, "h1t'11 1·hm1n.1l t' ;t 1111:1al t·rij';"i. barred. Jj h11.1I radio 111\\t'f t n ... l l'.111 h•· h ·'' pr11 111...,1 ·d 11111111111111! h1' ,, 111.1t1·11r :mtl'nna . 1t11p .1 1" 11 11ll'h ... 11·1·1 poll'. · 11r I'\' :11111•1111.1 111 : .... 1 .. Ill' ~.1id Ill .I 11'11\•r t•1 l'l.111111ni: ll11 ,.1·111r <"lint ~lwrrrnl Slwrn•tl ,,11d h1• "Ill h.I\ ,. to :vial~ 1.1· 1 h1• pl;.i11..;. tlll'n d11·1·k ,,·11h h11lh tlw l'I\\ .11111rn~·\ and h111ld1n,.: d1r1•1•1or '10 tfdt·rn111w 1f .111.111tl'llfl:I 111 lh.1l l\l'l'l'\l"ll ralb \\'II h111 ('ti\ tlll'l"d 11'111111 C1111111·il·111t·11 p:i!-o"t·d a r .. -;11lt1 111111 T11l'~d :I\ 111,.:ht 11lf1n:all~· <le II\ 111g ll 11.1 t'I' s p1•rr1111 tor 1111' 11111n· hulk\ ltl\\1·r. :1..; C'111111 c·1Jm.111 Hn..:1•r !'t:inton offl•rt•<I .1 "q111\·1•rang "l'!'Ol>d f111 a 111ot11111 lltCll•!-oli l'<111m'ilrna11 ~1.ir\'111 i\dl<'r \111 ,,,, ag:11n~I lht• n·~wlut1on. :t!> h1• h.111 '' lh'll tht• malt Pr' 1"an11· hdnn• tlw t•11111ll'tl l\\11 \\ 1·1·k.., 1'.1111t•r. t·n11t 1·11d1111.! lht• «II' h.t<l )!r'.lnll-d to\\ 1•r 1wrm1h 111 11tlu-r ,1H'<I" :ind "lllllt' 1'"'' \\llh••llt pt'rm1ti- Slh'rrt1tl ~.11d 11 hla\ lw that 1·11.' 11rd111 ;ll1l'l'l> \\ nn l ;1pph Ill Hm "'"~ !'-111.llkr . -.11•1•1 .1nll•1111:i hui ht' \\on· 1 know 111111 I 111' h.1:; h.1d a cham•t· t•l <•nnf1•r \\1th •llht r officials . Thl' malll'r l'al111' before• the c1 I~ t•nu11r 1I "h1·11 Ho~l'I' appcakcl :1 planning l'omrnis:-ion rulini! a1:w1nsl granting hrm :i c(lndi· 11011:!111!-l.' perm 11 for Ins tower Th <' \\ ord got 0111 o n 1 he :11rwavt.'!'-and lhl' rouncil tham h<.'rS were p:H'kl'CI h~ an u\'l•rflnw ('rowct of a bout 2011 CB and ham op<'raltlr:; frnm thr<>ui:?hnut the t'OUllt \' Ho,:<'r contended the coun('il <li!lcr.iminuted against him h~ al· In" inj.! multiplt• tclcns 1on antcn· nas at some homes alon.I! with <>lh<:'r r n and h am anlrnnas. (SC'l' 11.\:"t FAN. rage J\2 ) Citv l-'in:11H'l' f)1n·t·t11r Bt•11 .. \rguello :.aid 1 hat !>t ate a:-.Sl'."!- ment totals 11n 1111ht1es :-.ul'h a~ the Edison plant Hnd lt'll-phonl' l"Omp:.my ha\ l' 11111 ;1rrl\'l•1I. hut he expt'ClS lhl' J l>M'l>:-.ffil'lll 111 lTl'<tS<' 111 that al'l':.t lo Ix• ahoul .J :.i \ Ttw prl'Sl'lll l'tl ~ pr11p1•11' t.1' rail' 1s SI ti:! l'l'I' S\1111 .1:-:-.t•:-.:-.i•d 'aluatwn ~111ct l'tirn•ntl~· am11u11h 111 ah1111l ~IHI :innu:ill~ t11r llw II\\ ll('f" of a S~1U.OOO h11rn1• Tlh· $:!00 ammrnt 1-..1u~11lw tit\ .., p111 t11HlOl lhl' total pn1pl'l'I' t;" 1\111 .\r,.:ul'll11 s.11d lllal .1 :.purl 111 llunt1n,::1011 lll-.1C'lt l1111ltl111..: .11· II\ II\ IS lar).!l'I~ l"l'!-oll<lll ... lbll' Im tht· 111\'l'l'.l:>l' Ill :l!-o!'o\'':O.l'cl \ .1111.1 I IClll lluild111i.: p1•rm1h \\t'r.· 1,,111•11 111 l'U'\'!'o" o l SIOO mdlinn 1,, ... , ISN· \',\l.l ES. l'a,.:1• \:!1 Bandits Gel' $4,000 Bank _Hit . Two bt1ndil:i h<:'ld up u tin~. !emporary bank branch ju:-.t at opening t im e todav and escaped with a bout S4 .000. Huntington Beach police reported. One g un m ;rn enterc-d thl' P acifi<' Citv Bank at 910.1 Adam:-. ,\v(' .. lluntington lkHCh. wh1l1· Jury Still Mulls Fate Of Battin ,\n Orang1• l'1111nt y Supl·nnr Court Jllr~ t·ontinul•d toda~' lo dl· hbt•ratl' tlw tall' 111 Orangt· l'111111 ty SupC'n ·1sor Hnl)l'rl Hall 111 ,\~ th1• .1urv ath'mpH•d 111 tit• l'ldl' 1f Battin 1s guilt~· •w innn t't'lll nr l'llal').!l'~ hr1>ught ai.:a1 ns1 him lust \'l•ar hv 1111' t•ounlv (.;rand .I ur'\'. Ba I i1n :-.;it 111 hi·s county supcr\'1~or·:.11ffit'l." a fiv e minute walk awa -.:. Howc\'C•r. a :-.'1 aff :11<k sa1cl, .. Bob is likely to "J11•111I most of his time in 1'0111·1 wmt111i.: lht• 1ur~"s n·nhC'I ·· Thal is whl'rt' th1• Santa ,\na ... upern ..... or spt•nt m1,...I nt thl' Ila~ Wednesd ;.I\ as th1· Sl'\'t•n man. f1,·e -wom;;n Jllr~ began 1h:.('us:-.- 111g his st•\'l'O·\\'l•e k lnal In that trial. prost•t'utor .l;.ll'k ll~ an all<•mpterl to c·om·1m'l' lhl· 1ury that 13allm m mk illegal u~l· of county <.'m ploycs and ~upplie:. 111 his uns urcC'ssful 197•1 c·am p;.11gn for s t ah• offH'l' In urn. dcfetl"!n' lnwyc-Mo:ttc thl•\\ Kun heh ll'il'd I•> !>hem that. tor the most part. Ballin was un ,1wacc of thl' l'amµ:11gn1ng th:il was goin g 011 ah1111t l11 111 ,\nd whl'll I old nl I hl' fal'l I)~· Im, offic(' managt•r. lla tt1n \ol1111tan I~ paid his staff \\ol'kt•r!-lor tilt' t'Sl i rn al eu h1111 rs ot lhl'll' worh and dl·clul'lccl a :-.1md:ir a mount from tlw1 r t·ount' p:11d hnur~. KurihC'h saHI If COll\'lt'll'rl of ~Ill~ 111 tilt' 'l'\t'll 1·h.11').!l'!> hr1111).!hl ag ainst l11m 111 t h t' 1 n <11 t' I Ill t' 111 . t lw l· 1111111 ' -"llJH'l'\"l:O.Or r ;11·1·~ a pO!-o!o lhlt• Jlrl!'-1111 krm .... \\ l'll .I!'-lht• In;.~ or hts offi<T 'Suspect' Just Selli1ig Soap, He Clainis J\ \ 1gila111 ll1111 1111gtn11 l\t-:ll'h nt 11.1•11 I nu m ph:int I~ e:illt•cl p11IH·1• \\'pd1w:;d:1~· to n•1111rl lw had .1u~1 11alilwd :1 "mllJI ht• hurglar. ~t·111I 111..: :-.quad <"iffl !'-ranng t11 lilt' f'a1·1f11• S;1111b lral'l a<l<h'l'l'!'- 1 11 ,. l's I i g a t n I'" :-. ;11 fl I h 1• f1'1ghte1wc1 :-.11~p1•1·t . ;.?II, t11rn<•d mil lo l.>t• a~ 111111)! man Jll~t 1r~·1ng to p1r k up a ft•\1' h11m•s1 hu<.'ks Ill-'' :1:-. f11 :-.11·1h11t111 g ~o;ip ~:1111ph'-; ;inti "hen ht• hung lht· pla:-.t11· paekl'l 1111 tlw1loork1111h ,1t ~:m 1 Snow h1 rd I> ri' 1·. 11 :iC'c111l•11 tall\ l11rn1•d anti tlw door :O.\\Ulh! npC'.n , 11ff1r1•r!-> n•porlt•d Tlh' n •s11lt•nl "ho"' .1 ... !>ta111lini.: rwarlJ\ and grahlll'cl th1• \(>Ulh ... 1mpl~ .,, C'rrt'at•lt•d. µohn• :.aid Racial C hall..-n~..- 1.os ,\:-;r. El.ES 1,\1'1 1\ M11t filt'd 111 federal c•purt l'Olll('ncb lhl' HoMcl or Ecll1cal1nn·s mandatory tcaC'her lra11sfN plan to rntf'grall' school t (•achinl! !'>t<1ffs 1s un- eonstitul1onal and a ,·mlal1on of the Ci\'11 R1chts 1\r t nf l!Jf~tl. Parents and l<:'at'her groups, who fi led th<' s111t Wednesday. askc·d fnr an injunction a)!amsl lhl' trans fer plan. adoptt•d hy tht• school distl"icl M :iy :1 after t ht• board was ":arncd 1t ~toocl to IOSl' feder a l funds unlcs'> r:i<;i;if 1m balance:' m school tcod11ng !->l:..iff:- was ended .- the othN l>;ind1t s tood lookout 111 the ne:irly empty L·shaped shop ping ren t e r at the corner ol Magnolia Strel't, police said. Th '? Pacific City branc h sandwiched b<'twel'n a Jewelry shop and a men·s hair salon is be mg used temporarily while a Ill'\\ bank building 1s being en ·c·tt•d a Cello Blo111ed half block a\\ a~· i\n l'mplOY l' tnggl•rt•<I a silent alurm monitored al poht·e head quarters to surnmon off1n•rs dur 1ng the holdup hut thc :-.uspL'l"h nrnde ~1 c lt•an , S\\ 1fl i.:l'la\\ a\'. N o ont' w:i -; h:irnH•d 111 'l'!>tJ)!alt>r.., -.a HI Hospital Bills FraudAdmitted i),l1l1p Ptlot PhOf'J PLEADS GUILTY George L. Ollendorf I Cracktlown ;\~kt•cl \\'.\Slll.'.\GT():'\ r.\l'1 :-.1•11 \\'1lliarn l'r11xrn1n• ;111d pr1·..,.d1•11 l1al C'and1rlat1• F rc·d I lan·1:-. \1 lt11 has withdrawn from :i1·t1\f· 1':1111 pa1g111ng. a:-.lit•d 1111' l 11•111111·1:111• pl :1tform t·111111n1tt1·1· 111d;11 '" 111 dwll· a plank prm·1d1ng f111 ·' 1·r;11·k<lo\\ II 1111 l'Ol'POI :111 · ('1111 llJI 1111:' Uy'fOM H,\IU.EY o' '"'' o.111y Pi101 )'''" LOS/\Nl; El.ES \\"1·1•111 11g <ind tont ri tt•. fur 111 l' r M 1ss1pn (.'om munil~ 11 osp11 a I Admln1st ralo1 Gc·orgl' 1.11111:-. Olll•nclm·f adm1tll•tl hl'l'l' late Wednl.•scla\' that h1 • helped rlefraud Miss111n Com munity I los111tal out of al ll'a;.t .S.1110 .1100 • Cl1•;.l'b q111·~111111t•d b~ .J udi.:t· ~1 1111 lh nil'. c >I h·ndorf 11. 111 Lai.:1111:i 1\1-.ll'h :11lm:ll1•cl 111 F1'Ckr;il t·1111rt 1 hat h<· kn<m 111ch :-.1g1wd :'II l•d1t·:in• <f111·1111w111~ lt!-ol Ill).! h1>sp1 t 11 I l'' fll'll!'-1'!'-I lwl \\ l'l'I' d1s)!UISl'<I pohl1t·a l ('llSI!> llll'lllTt•tl h\ Or T.11111s .J C1·lla .Jr · Ollenclorr r1•p1•:i11•1tl~ 11lent1f1l·d (.' C' 11 a . \\ ho \\'a :-. .., ,. t' r I' I ;i r ~ treas url'I' 111 1\l 1s!>111n CnrnmurHI' ;md :\lrrc~ (;l'11t•r;il ll11~p1t;il.S;in ta Ana. a:-. lht• ;ird11t1·1·1 of h1:- downtull , · · HT~ht ITnm th r· tr m(r\rt-nrren·.....1--- t h1• ho!-p1tal 111 1!17 1. Dr l·,.11.1 \I :>'· ·"" :1\'!'o .tfll·r llll' f111 d11·l·k:-. 01 knd•irl ... :1111 "\\'111·11 llr 1·1·ll.1 ,,...k1•d 1111 .i d11 ·1•k \'1111 g:111• 1! I•• him l'lwn· ".1!'-111 ... 1 1111 q1w-.111111 111g l11rn .1IJt111111 I lll\·IHlt1rf \I t•pl .1g:i111 .1•, .l11dg 1· II~ rm• 11 ;1r111·d h11111h;t1 lt1:-. pl1•:i of guilt ~ tot\\ 11r11ln1t!'o 111" 1'1JllSf'1ran 1·11111<1 bring hrm .i:-. 111111'11 ·"'ft \ 1• \(':II'!\ Ill till' f1•d1•r;al pt•lltll•llll:ll I '•l1l·:1d1 1·1111nt :ind .1 Slll.lllKII11w 1111 1•a1'11 l'Olllll Ill ,1dtl1tlllll ltl 1111' J}l'l!'ot1ll l1'1'lll .ludg1• th 1'11\• '"ilkd fur ,1 prnli:a 111111 l'l'l'lll'I tlll lhc• l•>l lll\'I 5i1000 a q •a r ht,...pll :tl ;irt m1111!'-lr:ite11 .llld ""' .111111·:!1 ..... 1111' t1.111· lw "ill 't•11t1•1w1• c llh·nd111 t Fort\ I\\ o 11f 1111· 1111g 111:1I I I 1·1111111 ... t1k<I ag.1111 ... 1 llllc•111lo1rl """' t11-. nll'i't'd Olh•ncl11rl .., 1>lt'.1 It'll 1>1 ( '1•ll.1 ~1 I l ol'lllt'I' \I 1·r1 \ ( i1•111•1',1I \ti m1111-.tr.1t111 S11·11h1·11 l!qlt,.11 fo:, ;111.., :II, 111 \I 1..,~11111 \·11·111 ,11HI l11rmt•r :'111•11•\ <:1•111•r.tl < '11111roll1•1 l'lt1·rnl11n· St"111ll111.111 ~.:t 111 ~;;1111 .1 '\II a :t,. 1111' I 11 l' n \\ h II \\ 111 w tr 1111 n . ti :'ll11nd.1\ ,\ rno\ 1• lo :-1Tk .1 "''J1:1r:11t·1 n.tl lnr llr l'l•lla w:i-. al1:u1d1 1111·d W1•d fh''d;I\ wlt1•1\ l!1W \'\'I''-(111' I•:\ ,Ill., .llltl s 'd11fflll:lll .t~l"l'l'd lfl Wll1\'I' tlt1·1r rig ht 1 ~1.1 111r~ l11 :il ,111d .tllm\ .J11dg1• ll.11rw to ri·:1d1 '"' 11\\ll '1•rd1l'I It ";..., t''pl:11n1·d 1h;11 C1•ll;1 1sr1· (! l'll .TY ,)'ag1· \11 Chaws on Jaws Dog Sat'es Tot trom Shark HH I SBA;\; J·:. ,\11:-1 r ;1li ;1 1,\ P 1 1\ I am11' dffg ht'lp1·d ~"' <' a ·1 ~·l';it'·old g irl I ro111 a nim·-11101 ·:-.h;1ri.. ;1t ,, rl'sort h l'<t('h , <IC'tnrd111g 111 p:11·k pohc·e Poltce at Emu l'ark 111 c·t•ntr·:il <.)11<.•t•nsland ~.11cl Wc•dnl'sday lhl' s h;irk !>nappNI :11 Tammy Sloke:.. who ''a:-pla.\'ing in knce·dl'ep watl·r Tlw mixed hrecd dog. IJnllur. attacked th<.· s h :1rk's lalf a~ T :11n m~"s fathe r . Hodnl'y Stokes , pulled h l'I' out ul 1 lw \\all'r. the p ;.irk poli('(' said Police s;iid the shark ;111d tht· d(J~ thrttslll'd in c·1n·ks. "ith the shark ~rad uall y oul mant'll\ N111J..: lht· dng. until Stokl•s p11lh.'d Dollar to safct.1· Stokes s ;1i<l l:1tcr Dolln r wus ckaf in OIH' c•a1 :11HI c·o1llcl not he\1r h L·inJ.! ralll'd off. Thl' s hark ";1s wa:-.hc:d b:1r k to deep "all'I' _, \2 !Mil ( JllLOT H /F School 11 11nt1 n g I on B t'.lf'h ':-. Ot•c-.1 n \'1nv S rhool f)1-.t ri <'l 1 r11:-.tl·•·-. h;I\ 1· ordt·rt.·11 S225.mu I r 1m m1·tl lrom the d1 s inc·t '::. h11dgl•t for fo,. l ('<111!176-77 1>1-.1r111 t 111.,tc·t·s \\l•rc prcSl•nt t•<I wit h a ~1:1 m illHHl lll"t,.lr.n1i11:iry hudgt'l, \\h11'11 ll'fl Oft(\ ~~ll ,1.100111 :I Jll'rl'l'lll. Ill ;1 l'l'M'I'\ l' <.ll'C:IJUnl ·r rustN'" s a id lh1·v s hou((l l1;1v1· .1 I 5 µ1·rc·1•nt n ·,1•1 \ t· Jnd 111 dc11•d the-hucigl'l l'Uls Supcr111t1•11<k 11l l>.Jk C'o11i.:.1 n -.:p<l 1h1· µn·l11111n:1r~' hutli.:N 1n l'ludNJ no 111·11J1·1·l 11111 to1 pa\' h1k1•s for<.•mµlo\ l'S Thl· h1ulg l'I clu1•o; 111d ucl1· tlw '1d ffltlOll or (() 11:.J l'hl'I:-for t he M.'Vt•n th a nd 1•1ghth grade pr11 grain. llll'n'aM·lf ut1lrlil':-ft·t·" :H11I I h I' a II I 0 m <I t II' IH I ,\' h I k l' ... 1·mplo\'l''-n·1·1•1\ t' f1w alld111011a l \ e:1r:-ol :-.1•n ll'c· 11r 1•1h1c·.1t 11in P11:-.s1blf' h udgl•l t 11ts will he· stutlu:d bl'I \\ tTn 1111\\ and .Jum., ol I 1c·1tils :-.:1 111 'l'tw fin.ii hulfget \\ 111 11111 lw adoplt•d until after a puhlll· ht·;1nng 1n ,\ug u:-.t . t'ongan s aid trustt•t·s c:xpc1•1 no 11lt'rl'ase in t h e t·urrt•nt tax r<itt• 111 $2 8--1 per SIOO of asst•s:-.ed \'a lu;_1 twn. :.lllhou):!h bon<l inlt·rC'st :rnd rt-d1•mpl1tlll r:1t1..·:-. c1>11hl altt•r the figun• l)y a few t't•rns T lw curre nt ratt• t·nsts 11wn1·r~ of a honH· asse ssed at S.50,000 a tot;.il of SJ54 a nnually * * * FV Schools Mull Budget Founta in Vallt•y School D1s- lril'l trustC'eS will lrv fur ah11ul Sl25.0llO \\urth of 1;udi.:et hl•lt t1gh tt•ning at a 7.30 m cet 111 1{ tonigh t al the d istnrt offrn·:., Nl''' land S treed and 'fallkrl 1\ \'l 'l1UC. ,\ s :-. 1 :-. tan t Su pl' ri n t c• n d e n l (' h 11 ,, k \.V u o cl f i 11 s a 1 d a d - 111in1:-.t rators arc prepann).! a h:-t of p(lssiblc progr am euts to hC'lp h::i l;inrc tht' butli::et ,\ t pn·sen l. lw s:11d l'SI 1 m al\od 1r1com t• for nt•'\l Vl'a r \\ill hl· St3.li55,!J W. ''hill' ~1\Jll'll.,t'S an· t'Sl11n ated al Sl:l,i>iO.:.t!li Thust· t1g11rt''· ht• a<ltk d . 1nd11dt• 1111 s.Jlar~· 11wn·ast•s fon•m ployl'S 'Social Study Contest Due \l.1nn:i II 1c.J,> Sd11"11'-. '>l't'l11HI 0 1111u a l 1•1g h1 il'grild t· :-.11t•1;d '>lllillt'" l'Olllt•-.1 \\ill ht• lwld fr11111 !l a 111 tu 2 .:11> p .111 Sa111nla~ 111 llu· 1·a111pu::. :-111•1;11 :-t11cl1l''>ril'part nwnl. 1!'-,l'!'i' I Spnn).!d,il1• SI . 11 11111 111).!t<m l11•:1ch Tl'am:-. of l'1ghth graclt·r-. lrn111 lht• OC'l'all \·1t·'4 and \\'1'slrn1n-.t1·r ..t1·nw nta n · l':ii'i\pu.;t•s. \\ho \\Ill lw ~t ai 111 ;; fn·-.h11wn 11<'\t ~l'ar \\ill 1'111ll p1•t1· 'f'ht• p11hhc· 1-. Ill\ 111•1! 111 tlw I 11 nc f111 al1'. a l 0nlkl.!1' Bm d ... 1\11• q1111 -.1·hnol 111111• 1;1b -.,11.t St.u·1·v l111·111r 111,.:h Sl'l111nl \\1111 lht• 1·1m1p1'l 1t io11 lasl ~pr111g VALlJES • • • \1·;11 lt111 I tl1111 't k n11\\ ln\\h;tl 1'' 11•111 lht•\ \\ 1·11·, Oll'1tl1•11·d ••• lh·· l llll t• d i lh" ,,.._._,.,,lllt'ltl Ill \1.,111'11~ 111 .... 11.t lint h \I l!ll1 •l111 ,11111 \J.11 h1•\\ o, 1 .111111111 Iii.II 1111• 1 1 ~1111'' .1 ..... 11111\ f'l'\'11111111 .11 \ .11111··mild1'11.111":1• Fon I Pro•ls Srnit h \\ \'-Ill '\I, I tt'\ I \1 1 'I 111• h 11d .1111111111 .11 ,1111111 ,, -.11 pp111L: 11p th 1•11111 h 111 p111tl H1t1~l•·..,1.111 11111111• \1 1111 l•'I l.111 :-0.1111lli 111111 111·1:011.1111111 -1111 :1 111·.111•111 1 I 1J..111\1'I II\ lht• \1111.111 11.1111111 :-. 111.11"111.11111 ii\ ORAN GE COAST ' .. I U !jo fl I I ' I'' ' l.H lo. J; ( 111 lf'V 'lo 'I t ,t I 1:. I 1111111,1 .. 11.t •vol ' 11111110,1. f\ ~\11111 .. n1 •' I t H o (It.Hit " II I Cl•" 111<'1 Hd I' N,tll Rull"• t f\,11 ~1 1 ·' ' ~unt1n9ton Beach OH1ce ' I OH tee<. ' ' •' t '\' ... ll 1• Telephone 0 14) 647-4321 Cla~\1l 1e<1 Advert 1~t1nq "47-5'118 t. 1tl I I 1 +J ft II 111 . ,. .. ~I ,, . S40·1'70 '• h I ' ' " 'Wills: Do I Hear 17? ' LAS VEGAS 1A PJ Anothe r llo wa rd llulo(he::. \\ill h t1s turne d up 1n Clar k County cour lhou'>e c h11m IOA lu :.upcr:.edc the fir::.l ''\\ill. .. ,\ :.1111k1•:.\\ um an a t lhl· t'ount v 1·11.:rk ·:. offi1·1· said \.\\•dnt·:-.th t) that cJ tlil h \\Ill ".1-. rC'l'Ct' l'd I l c1111t.11ncd :.r r ove ring ll·tlt·r t h.1\ ~<1111 lht• d CH'Ullll'n\ h ,111 l11•t•fl f11rwartled l1v ;1 ll.1111-. \\ h11·ti \\ I !'> h C l> I II I l' Ill .1 I II anu11y n1 uu..., ~l canwhilt" a fourth n 1n lt>st to the r1rst . \\ 111 • "as n ·teivt•d \\'l•dnt•srla~ GUILTY ... l•:\':Hts an<I Sl'l11ffm .111 prclt·r lo pin llrL·1 r fi11lh 111 :at·qwllal 1111 a JUdge r at h er tha n a Jury . J ud).!e By l'llt' W t!dne~tla~ :.up· prt•s:-.t•cl a ll t•\'ltlenr t·seiw rl by thl' (l r a 11g 1 • l · 11 u n t ~ I> 1s t n l' l . \ t · t11n 1cy 's off1 l'l' from a l'11:-.la l\lcsa pnnting :-.h1111 l'on l roll<·d hy Cell a. lie r uled lhal lilt' fcdl·ral µro- .,erution c annot u:-.t• w1v of the sevt•ra l boxes of dot·uments ta ken from the l'nit ed l'rint111g Ct>m pany plant by l'rllflluyt• Donald t\lbl•rt R a y. T hal rulinJ.! ll·d prnset·utur Stephen Wilson t11 pn'tlicl Wcd- nc::.d~•Y tha l hc \\ill l>c d ropµinJ.! sever a l of the 44 f elonv t·ounts con ta111cd 1n his Los A ngt•lcs Federal G r and J u rv indl('l m enl An ind1r tmenl 1s fo rmal r hurJ,!c m ade agains t a pcr:-.un o r persons by a G rand ,I ur~ It <Im·:-. 11111 1..·~t ablish J.!Ui lt ur 1n1111t•t•nt·1· Ucfcns c l;.iwyers µredit'l ('d Wednesd a y th at ;1n idenlll'<i l sup- pression m ott{./n in Orange County Su1w n o r l'nurt. \\ ht•rt• t he s a m C' thr ee dcfe nda 11ts f;,1t·e t nal on 127 r e l;ited felony counts. will destroy the prOSl'('Utio n 's «HSC'. if 1t 1..; ~r:mtt•d ()ll('ndorf \\ill n11w appt·a r as a pr11:-l'C't1l 1nn \\ ilnt·-;o.; 111 t ht· l.11s An,l!l'les no njur y tria l. ll 1s a llc-g ed that both h1>sp1t.1ls \\ t'rt' btlkl.'d .of a n l':-.t1n1att•d .'-! m illion w hl·n th1..•y paid b1lb Im s upplies t hey n e ver n ·t:ei\ t•d . The prosecution da1rns that t hose bills \\N e submitted on C'1Hm tc rfto1t in\'011·t•s bearing lhc ll'llt'rhcads of nmwxistenl com · p..inics. Ollendorf told .I udJ,!e Byrn<> a t one p oinl \\'l'dnt•sd<1y that hl' het·amC' \\l>rnt•d ahnut lhl' at·ts of fraud 111 197:! :incl dc•l·rch·d lo d is· ('uo.;i. his roll' 111 I hl· alt1:g1·cl s eh1•m1• w ith I h1· h o-.p1t:rl-. l:l\\ )'l'I', l{obl•rl l\1'1'111. or Sanl a ,\ llil "lie toltl nw I h ad no1 h 1ng to \\tll'ry a bout :-11 I :-1g1wcl th1· 111n11-. lha l Dr ("t•lla \\ :111tt·<11111'l11:-.1g11 ," Ollt•ntlorf :-a id HAM FAN. • • :-oml' of them talkr than \\h,1l ht• h.111 prop11~1·d 11 1• hatl plc•d)!l'cl to f1ghl llw 111:tlll•r 111 r1111rl 11 111•1·1·:-sa ry. and -.;11!1 ht• ha-. l"l'('l'I \ C•(f 111'111\' 11111•1-. 11f 'llJll•llrt • 11 1-. 111°1).!hhOI'" had olJJl'('l1•d lo till' p1 opo..,l'd Ill\\ 1·1 fnr 1•-.th\'11t• 1 1•:1~11 11:-.. a s \\ l'l l :1s po:-.:-111 11· ll'l1•\ 1-.11•111nll'rl1•rt•11t·1· 1(11\ l'l' -.a11 l ht• 11111•:-.11·1 ht•h1•\'1• ll!1_h';1m 11p1·r :it1 11n \\ 111 1•:111-.t• 111 lt•rfrrt•nn• a nti lh1• fll'fllK>St·tl nt•\\ anlt•nn:r -.h1111ld h1• It•:-.; olt11•1· t 1on ahl1· 111 :1ppt•.ir:1n!'1• 1h:111 th1· ftl\\l•f T ht• ant1•n 11.1 11•.l'll '"II rot.li t• 111 .1 r.111111:-. of ;rh1111l ~!11 11•1•1 l111111 lh1· -.11•t•I 111:1-.I tw ... ;11d , .1111111 \\111 h1• .11wh1 111·tl II\ !11111 .11r11 .111 1'.thlt· l-!11\ \\ 11 ,,.., :-O.h1•1111.J .... 11.J If .I 11111111111111,d 1i...1· )'1·111111 ,, r 1·qu11 1•d 1111 1 h1· l\JH' 111 .11111°1111,1 Iha• 111.illl•r \\111 hl· pl.11·1•tl 1111 .111111 h1·1 t1l.11111111g 1·11111111i-.,11111 .11•1·11do1 II 11111 lw o;;i 11I th1• C'lf\ lit.I\ h ,1\1' 110 11 11 i...tl 1l'111111 1111'h·· 111.1111·1 Draft Try Fornied ForHHH B~ tl11• .\ ...... ociatt"ll t•rf''' Batkl·r-. o f Sen. llullt·rt II llumph1 t·~. m s pin·d h\ ;111 :r11 p<.1 rc11t s lo\o\tlt)\\O 111 th1• J imm y Ca rll-1· t·ampJ1gn .1n· 111r111111g .1 commitH•c 111 d r.tlt t ht• ;\lin- o,. s II l a !'> • " ~· I II r I 11 I I 11 l' I> 1 • rn 11 1 • r ,, 1 1 r p 1 1 • , 1 ti 1 • n 1 1 ,1 I 1111111111 at11111 F11r 11lat1on 111 l ht• c•11111111itk1·. ~;ml Ill h1· \\II ho111 I l11111ph1 l'\ .... ;1uthnr11;1111111 or t'llt11u n 1ge nll'nt, 1' to he· a1111m111t•1·d 11xf;i\ Hc·hrnd th1• di ;dt llu11whr··~ 1novl' :irt• J o:-t•ph Ci-.1111-.lt" Jo:1'1t· ('II U n,l }' I N \' I I) l' Ill IJl' I ,ti 11 ll'mlt..-1\ and H l'JI J>.1ul S11n1111 ID Ill I Simon s a id Wl'd11t•:-.ilo1,\ ht• a111.J ('ran~lc clt•r1d1•tl 1•11 1h1· 11111\ 1· BROWN ADDS . 'SMALL' OFFICE-A9 IWt'i.I USC' lhL· primary fl')'.Ult-. 1r1 ~I 1 c: h 1 i.: a n a n <I \I a r y I ;1 n d 1·011 pkd \\1th lho~l' lhl· \\ 1•1•k hd11l't'. "ha \ c d iangt·tl th1• fllC' 1111 t· :-.nrn c\\ h,ul. · l'<irter . lht• lormt•r (;1·<•1 g1:i gm l'rnor a nd front 1 un111·1 111 1111' Dem o<'r:tt1r rat·c s11 far. ":1.., cf l'I (•a l l'd 111 I h 1• ~t .11·~ I .111 d primary and h.1rcly \\11n 111 M1l'h1gan. The \\ ec•k bl'lon· hL· :-cort•d a narrow v1clory 111 Con nc·cL1cut a nd lost in !"ehras ka. Crang ll' m l'l \\1th ll llmphrl·~ 011 \\'t•d11l'sda\ and told h1111 tht· 1·11111m lltt•e \\.as ht•1ng form cc.J Th l.' s t.' 11 a tor Io Id l ' rn ng It· Ill' \\OU ld s t:111fl hy his a nnouncC'd dl•t·1:-11>11 11111 111 :1Uth11r11l' an~ 1/1·11mm1l l l'l':-111 \\ll l'k 111 h " lll'half. according to a llu m phrl·~ a ide I l umph 1~y has s~1id hi' would rC'assc:-.:-th<· lh·mocr a t1l· rac:t· aft l'r thl• Junt• X prim aries a nd d1..•c1dc w h eth l·r then · is an~ point to his bl·<·o m1ng an a rt1\ 1· l'and 1clale In an t•m o tlo na l n<'\\'S rnn fe n ·nl't:' afll'r C artC'r :-.t·ort•d ;1 Ing \ ll'lory 111 tlw l'l'lllh~ l\'an1,1 pnm.iry l:1s l month. llurnphrt·\ a m1ou nc l0ti he. l't'Jl'C.:I l'cl pil'a:. thal h1• ht•l'lllllt' ;i 11 .1<'ll\c can 1hdatt• Two Injured In Huntington Auto Crashes ,\ rash nl I raft11• roll..,1on:-., 11n 11..,u:il for.1 \\'C•1•kd :.t \ in ll1111t 111).!to11 lh '.tl'h . It'll .1 m11t1111·,,.1 1-.i h11:-p1t al11.<0<l w ith mult1plt• l r:il'· l lll'l'' \\'t•tln 1•-..d :1 \' and :i l'11:-I :r :\lc:-;1 poli cC'm ;rn r1ur:-.1ni.: l'llb ~rnd hn11,c·s l .. 1 .-r~ IL llllhl•rl. 18, of Ht:I:! lii'u:-h Dn\'<' llun11111-,'1 011 llC'al'11, .;ufll'red a brok!'n left forearm. n ght le).! and poss1hly frac'lurC'sof holh ankl(•s Whl•n l11s hike• hit a 1·a r 1w.1d1111 Sp11k1•:-.m 1•n :i t ll11nt1ng1on 111 ll'1Tom mun1f \ ll 11~p1t:rl \\lluld not H'l'lly lht• :inkll-1r.1t·tun·s pnl1n • 111en1 1orit•d . hut -;~ml ll1llll'rl \\:Jo; 111 :-l.1hlt• t•11ncl1 t11111 a llc·r surgt•n ll><l:iy I It• w a:-l'.1sth111111cl 1111 \\'11rnc·r :\v1•11ut· :11 t ;oftl t•n"l':-l SI r,·1·1 \\ht•n llw aC'<0 Hk11t 111\111\ 111g a 1·:ir cln\('ll h y llop1• t\. Orta. ·18, 11f 17:lfil l.1°\'l'h ( '1rc·l1· Ol'!'lll'l'l'rl Sht• \\ .1:-. l'lll'tl tnr ;1ll1 •g1•tl t.11l11n• lo \ i\°lfl q g hl ·etf \\:I \ lf1 llllt'C)llllllj.! 11 ;1 If IC' \'os 1;1 .\11'-..1 l'11l1t·1· 1111 11·1•r ( :1•1 h :11 ti Ba 1\\1 g. 'I:.! 'i"l ;i111t•d It· ... .., :-1'1'10llS Ill lllfll''o Ill ,1 Ii p 111 .11• 1·1rf1•111 .II lht· ,,11111• ltw.1l111n, al-.o 111\11l\llli.! a 11•11 l111 11111c 1'.11 pol11·1•-,,11rl i ll-\\ .1:-. l r1•:i l1•tl .anti rl'11·a-.<'1l 1111111 11111111111-:1•111 l1111•r<'1111111111111 I\ I t11 ... p1l .d ,11 11·1· 1h1•1•1 ;...,Ii Ill\ 111\ 1111' ,Ill .111111 tll I\ I'll It\ 11•11;11 I \ ('.1p11.11 . XI . o l I ii 11 t:old1 •1l\\l'•,I :-1 "hn h.111 '""' pull1·d 11111 111 ,, d1 I\ I'\\ ,1 \ l '11l11·c· .lj.!l't•1•d lh1•1111111lwr11I ,ti' • 1d1·111 ,., .11!11111 .1 du/.l'll \I .1 1111 1i...11al f11r a \\'t'l'ktl :1.' all1·1· l11J' i.:111).! ,1 Int.ii ol :lK 1111:-ll.q1·, l.1 I ll l'l'h••nd Snake Vietim '-Religious ' Cere"zony Fatal llFl.11 \1(1.11'-= \\ \,1 1\111 l'lll' ... 11.11..1\ '11.11 hd c 'Ill I I' ;\11111111 11111111)' ,I l h1111·h • 1•11•1111111\ \\.I .... 1 1111: 11111· 1 t 11•11 f ;1111! ma1 h-. :111 111 1'11 .ip.11 t l\l111111h .11'111 ... \\1•ll1·d111 l\\l\1' ,, ... 11•11111.il ""'' h111 ht• -.1111 i.;hl 1111 111t·d11 .ii .1111·11111111 ht'f1111· lw rl11•tl th1 ••1•tl.1,., l.111'1 111• \\,I' .1 1111•111 l11'1'nl .1 l'll111 1'h "l11d11111111\\, .1 h1hu1·.1I q11111.1111111 lh.1 1 ..,,I\" t he•\ -.h.11l l:i"1' ll P "l'I p1•11h .\t 11un1 :., tit. d1 1•tl :it hi ' :-lll'k Ho('h h111TH' \\\•cl rh''d.1.\' 1 ·11111n1•1 £':rn1c Hitc·h1C' ~a 1cl II<'\\ .1:< h11t t·n l\\ ll'l' on the· n i::h t hand Sund;1\· b\' a waH•r m n<'!'Ll!-tn ·"T he l'l)!hl ar m \\a:-"'"1111·11 I w11·1• t ht' nor m .II 'Ill' frnm I hi' hand lot hf' :-h1111lth•1 and \\"" tl1' 1·111111 t•<I .. H1tt•h11· ':1111 'S\q•ll1111! h.1<! 1·n•11 t•111(•1 1•cl 111lo I hi' l'll•''l an•a alone \\ 1111 di ... t•olo1 af11111 · T hi• t't111111t•r ..,,1111 thl' l.1111• m arks \\ 1·n· all lll!'h ;1p:11 t . :ilmo~I l\\11'1' tlw 11 .... 1.inr1· nf marJ..:-. I roll\ .111 ~"1·1 :t).!l' l11tt• 'I h I' It I I I' JI I 11 IJ llf' I'd h \ 1111 d po1o;o111n ~: .• incl l•·tl lo p.11.ii~""'111 lht• tl 1aphr:r1· 111 :and 101·011.11' 1111i-.1·1t--.. H1t l'l1w '·"'' :'ll111111f'i \\ :1 ... :1pp;11·1·111 1~ 111111'11 t111n 11g .1 '"n 111• .11 a d111n·h 1.11 lk ns H 1111 111 l\l 111).!o ( '1111111 ,\, :rlnm: .tw t\1•11t111•k\ 11111 d1·r F II ll 11 \\ (. I ... " f ' h.' ... II .. " I h.111<111111· 1·11lh h.1-.1• th1·1r l11•h1•I • 1111 th1• ll•lh l'h:apll•r nl \lar 1, 111 lh1· H11tk. in \\ 1111'11 {'hn.,f 11·11' hi' clt:-1·1µ(.-, ' \m l I hi'-.(' -.11:11-. -.hall rollcm lht•m th:11 b1•l11•\ I' In Ill\ II.till<' :-hall t lH~\· C',l'>I 1111t d<•\ 11-., lhl'~ -;hall :-rwak \\1t h nc·w t11ng111• ... th1•\' shall taJ..l• up 'l'fl>t'Ol:-. :mt! 1r llw \· tlnnk a n \' d1•adlv thine. 11 sh.111 not h urt lh;·m Sn a k 1' h ;111111111 I! cl 11 r 1111.: r1' hj!lllll~ C'('r1•m1tnll'' " 11•1!.tl 111 \\ t'"I \"11 g1n1.1 l'C'nnt'"'t't·. (<.1•11 l u<'k~-. \'1r.crnia 1\l:th:111111 a ncl \;111 ih (',1rnh11,1 h.l\t' '·"" p ro hal11t111~ lhl· h:andl111J,! 111 ... n.1k1•-.111 a m;111111•r I h.1 t c•ntlani:er:. lht• hP:ilth ;1n<l lifc• of all\ f)l'1;:-.on Ufl• l'~Oh.• ORDERED TO PAY John M itc hell f 'rom I" age . I I MITCHELL 111111 I!. Jll'l'l'Lll'iOll!'>, hl' 00l'S nol f11,,l'luM' lus t•\ac·t statu-. or lll't' • 'l'lll IOl'On1l'. II hi:-. :-.1tUi.ll HJ n IS Lil' 111.Jlly ~111d , 111 fat·t , as prn·arious • J"> ht• contl'IHI:-., ht• \\ ould l.t1• \H•ll. ad\ l'>l'd . upon tht· i.ub111 1ss1011 of proof, 111 p o\ l' I ur a do\\ II\\ ard 1110d if1c-atw 11 of th1• 0111:--1 and mg urdt•r d1rct"llng lht· aJ1mony." ll c rman c·u n t C'n ded t hat ~1 1\C h<'ll \\a nts lo use tJll' money from the s a le of the apartm ent for himself a nd put Mrs. Mitchell 111 a nursing home. :\litehell':-. al· torn<.'y de nied 11. M1tc hC'll"::. l a v. \'C'r said .\'Ir-. M1t chl'l l r C'fus t.'s t o Sl'll the t·oopc•r:.il1\'t-a purlmt•nl rn1cl a lso r<'fust•s to n •t urn his book:-. and ret·ords Europe Los t Will? LONDO N (AP) Wc.'St l•rn Europe has ignored the rut~ lha l "the price of s urvival is thl· w ill :md a bility to fig ht for tl." ~ay-; Denis J\r('h e r . C'dttor of ".Jan<'·:- l n f a n I r y W l' a p n n s I !J i fi • • µubhsh<'d today Child Hurt by Pill? II E ll I\ 1·: I. E y ( 1\ I' I 11111 rnullt>"> UM•tl 111 li1rth 1·111111 ul pill:-. ma~ 111h1h1t hr,1111 cll'\l'lllJI m1•nt. a l '111\'t•ri.1t \ t1I (',d1tvr111a sc·11•11t1~1 s a id t ud~r\' l>r ~hlr1an C 0 l>1:rmo11d s;11<1 J t ' m .J I c r a I :. g 1 \ <' n a JI r 11 • k ,•-.ll•r t)lh' h;a..,l'lf h1ir1111lllt' 11'-t'd 111 (' ti II I I' :1 I' t' p I I \' \'" ... h o \\ (' d .. 1g111f1t-:11llb 1, . ..,:-. 1!111\\lh ul thl· 1·c rd~r;ol t·ort t•x 1 h:i11 11111 ltt. t•·rmall'~ not gi\ t•n lht• hor1n111ll' Tht· 1·1•1 t•li1.,1I n1rll'll. 1:-. ttw part 111 lht• hr.11 11 that 1·1mtruls tunt' 1Jo11:. g1·1wra ll~ 1·rn1:-1dt'l l·tl t11 h1 • llll':t!>Ul'l':-0 Of llll<'lll ).!t'll('l' llr D1.11110 11d l'.1ul1u1w d tlw1 lw r f1nd111g::. 111 l':it~ 1·a11not hl' ;1s - M11n 1•tl It> lit• t fll l' for h uman:- 1\ll th1:-l'Jn tell u:-n11w 1:-. th<1t \\1..' -.huulcl 111111-. \ t•rv c;.rrdullv 111 I inti \\ h.11 l'ff l't'lS I h~·st• hnrm1;111·s 1111g ht p11:-.:-.1hh haH· 111 '111 111.111 bc111~s." :.he s~11d. "With mon• th an nm(• mil11nn wonw n 111 lhc world on l'le v<ilt•d on1nan ho rmones to <il'l a s c·on- 1 rat't'Plt n•s. 1t is of grt.'at 1111- por t anr c t h at w<• undl'rstand \\hat d ft•c·t t ht·se hormones haH· o n the t'Crl•hr :.i l tort1•x , l ht· hrg hc•st 1nt t:'llC'clual an ·a of the b rain." sht-;icld t.'d. :\lt•imwhik . she ::.aid. \\Omt•n should bt• m ade aware of lhc pos~1bilr t11..·s. ''Why c n oouragl' wom e n to elevate lhe 1r h or m onal ll'n•ls if we· a re at ull su~p1t'ihu:. thut 1l nught have a n inh1bilin).! dft•tl on lht•1r norm a l brain <lt•n •lop· m cnl .. " t ht• sct l'lltt~l ask1..•tl Dr Diamond prcSL•ntt·tl ht•r (111 chn~s al a nll't•tini.: ... i\ Sccund Look a t the S l•t·und Sl·x°. .'i l'\\ Hl1SC'arc h on Wome n," :-.po nsor·l·d by thc c a mpus Womt·n·s C'l'lltl01· In a furthe r :-.tud y. t ht• a natomy profrssor found that ft.ma lt· r~1ls whose ovarit•i. \o\C'rt' rc movt'<I :11 birth showed g reall'r rnrt1t a l cit• \'C'lnpmC'n l w lwn autops ic·d al !Jfl days than a n mtrol i.:roup of httc·r m~1t<':- SONY SONY'S BIG ONE , . •. 1 I •-'l I.' r '· • 'I I -. ·- l /'1lfd , .. Tit-a Streets To Close • F.llis J\\'C'tltll' \\ill be d 1lst•<I to I ha 11ugh trafftl' h1•l>\1'1'1\ \t.1..:11o lla l\\l'llut• 111 1-'11u111 ;1111 \' .d lt•\ a11cl Hl·al'h H1111ll'\ an.I 111. llunt 111..:11111 lk ;1C'l1 for :1bout l'ti,:h t \\1'•'"s, 11ty oft11·iab l't'VOl'I 1::111:-. .tl~o \\ii I lw l'Onl· plelel ~· rllls <'d hNwe e n ~t•wland St n •t•t a11d Chapt•I, Lant• i11 lil111ti 11~ton lll•ac·h. '\'1•\\l.11111 Str1•1·t \\Ill lu; 'lt>M'd t•11m pl1·1t·lv ~·l\\l'l'll 'f'.ll l>l'l'l \' 1•11 u1· anti l ;atL1dil A\l'llUC tjupn~ lhl' !'t1m1· Pl'l'lod Otrll'IC.li'> :-.ay th<' ('!11s11n''i ;11·l0 11t't'l':-:-1l a t 1·1I Ii" rt'· t'Clllst r 11l't 11111 \\ ork t>11 thl· I'll.Ids CBer Sought 111 A11al1eim Rape Atten1pt ,\ l 'H ract10 11pcr:1t11r \\ho idcn • 111 11'1! h 1m~t·lf on lht· air b\' lht• n 1d1· 11;11111· Hollan I!'. ht•lll).! :-.oug ht h\ .\11 .1ht•in1 pn lic1• today aftt·r he ~tllt•J.!l·d ly ul ll'm plc•tl to rape a 1:, ~ ~·ar old g 1rl 111 :r darkt'lll'd al- 11·~. A<'ror d 1n i.: l o pol1C1c·. it was \\hilt• thl' burly rape suspPrl "'as d rt\'1111! his t1•1'l'if11•cl \'iC'tim to lhl· allt•\ t hat ht• 1<ll0ntif1l'<i himself to l 'B i·ut110 t•allt•r:-.i 1s llodan. T ht• h 1r..:h ~hool fn·:-.hm:in 1war r a p 1• v1l't 11n reportt•dly 111ld polr l'l' I ht• C H 1·nthus1a:-.t f11n•t·d h1•r into tu .. \'a11 :11 a (:arclcn Cron· fa~I f11od 1·st:.i hl1!>hmc·nt Tlll'n. \\ hil" clr l\ 11\).! to tht• al11·~ 1 n ,\ 11 a h l' 1 m \\ II h I h t' t l' r r n r :-ln l'kcn g irl :11 hi:-:-1cll• JOllll'd olhtr CH ra d io l'llfhu:-.1asts 111 thl01r <:Oll\'l'r:-.a t1o n-.. Ont'l' 111 lh1• d 1·ad t•ntl alln r 1 ho ug h. he n µ.p cc.Llhc J!i rl ·s _ l'lulhc·s I rom ht•1 lxxh ;ind at lt'mptt•d to r apt• hl·r. ptl!r('t• -.uid. ·' f ,• SPOIL -.-~ 1 111 -~ -· _., YOURSELF -Q --!~ -· -' -<> -0 --I . I i ! I \11 ~1 \11 \,1 I I ,, TRINI TRO N "IT'S A SONY'" · f'ull FIU"fory MarranflP• Pht.• fJ11r P.-r~onal Onft l 'rar Guarani.-.-f)n 1:1· .. rfl Pr1Jd11r1 Mt-S.-U! 275 East 17th St. Thes. flKtrOflic ProfusiCM1al1 Seniu y,.. Eqilip-ltf Costa Mesa ,....., Mldrn' f'"PO"l11"' 2 o_., 'WHI of Cerh Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Dally 9-6 Sar 9.5 JO S•nlfMI tl1• Harbor .,,... Sil•et 1956 "Jerry" Professional Ser,·h•t• for all ~·011r hon1e t•le(lfronit-s . . ., Orange Coast EDI TI O N 'l'uday '§ Clos ing N.Y. S toeks VOL. 69, NO. 141 , 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALI FORNIA THURSDA Y , M AY 20, 1976 N TEN CENTS Newport Center Low-rise Plan OK'd C111ng lrull11.• J :O. :i m ;qor t on 1.:eFn. m1•111h1·r~ 11f the Stale Coa~tal ZoOl' 'onM·n u t 11111 < '11111 m1ss1on h an• voll·<I appf11\ .ii or the lrvlr\\.' ('ornp:ir1v·-.. plan' f111 Corporult• l'lal.a Plans for· d1•vl·lopm1:nl ol th•· low r i:-.l· t1ffll'l' 1·11 111pll•x .II Newport Cc·nll'I' hJ\ c lwcn hdd ui?'for tlw p:i"l li\l· mm1th~ \duh· th.I.-regwn ~ll t•11:1"t <·omm1"'"111 approval ol t hl· :ti> butld111J.! pr11 Jl:<'l was aiwca lt d 10 tht· 'tat1• board Ly l~al 1.:0\lrJ>J)ITil'lltal gn1ups Tho:-.l' group' t•l;11m1'<I ttwt thl' t1 alfH' gt·nt·ra1l•d liy tlw proJl:l'l \\ullld cn·all' an ;1dvt•rs1• 1mpa1·1 on 1hl· <'ilv aml t hat lh l' watl·r dr:11nagt· frnm t hl' plai a·" p<ll'k 1111! lot-. \\ ould p111lut1• lht• L'ppl'I 1\.1 ~ T ho!>l' eontC'rn-; \\'l'rc rdll·1·h •d 111 till' c·omm1 .. "11111 ·~ "lair n •p11rt "'h1c h rccom mcn1kd 'I'\ 1·ral ('Ondil1ons wh1c·h thl· 1.·11mm1~,um member:. 11n pu:.l·d 1111 t lw II<· vclopnwnt Bas1.•d '"' \\'cdl'n"d.1\ ' ~11·111111 tht· l rv1111• ('omp;111~ \I il l 11111 '" ;.illOWl·tl more tl1a11 ~· lll'l'lTllt m· n1parH.'.\ 111' I hl· l ot:1I flow· :-.pan· "1th111 till' plat a 1111111 \111r" i-- hcgun on lhl.· Ill'\\ <.'11:1-.t I ltdl\\ .1\ hrid~t· O\'t•r l'p1>l'r .'.\1•\\ p111 l B.t,\ Th<lt l'nnd1l1011 '' 111 l'\p11·1· 111 Fraud Ollendorf Implicates Dr. Ce lla Hy T0:\1 H1\Kl.E\' Ot tnr O..l•I¥ Pilot St.tit I .OS J\:'\(; EI .E S \\'t·c·pmg and contrite. formt•r .\lassion Com mun1ty Hospital aclm1111strat11r C:1•orJ!l' Louis Olk11dorf admittt•d hcrr latt• W 1'cl111•s1la\ that hl· lwlpt•cl lll'fra ud .\l 1s~11111 Corn mun11,\ llo:-p1tal out uf at ll'.l'•I s;JIKl,IHHI. (.'lo~l'I,\ (llll'Stllllll'<I h,\ .luCll!t' .\lall Hy rn1'. Olll·ntlorf. i.I. 111 La).!u11a lh·;H·h . :1dm1t ll•d 111 Fcdt•r;tl l'llurt that h1· knt11\111g l,\ ~1grw<I .\lt·dH·an· 'd111·unwnt:-li..t 111g h11:-p1l;.il 1':'\Jll'll"''" that \\l.'I'\' d1:-gu1 "t•cl poltt u•:1 I l'o"t:-. lllt'lll l'l'd h,\ Dr Louis .J L'1•1l,1.Jr Of lc•ndnrtlC'JH':I I l'lll,\ lllt•lil I rH·d l't•ll II. \\'ho \I a' "t'C'l'l'I :1 n t rt·as11n•r ol .\l 1:-:-.1011('1111111111111t1 ;.ind Mt•n ·y c;l'lll'ral llo:-.pital. San 1.1 ,\11 :1. a" lht· an·hit1·1·t of hi' do\\ 11 f .d I ·Hig ht from th1·tlllll'\\l'Olll'lll'd th1• ho"pitnl 111 1!171 . l>r Cella\\ u-; alwa\'s afll'r m1· for dweks." OI l1•nd<irf s aid .. \\'ht•n l>r l't·lla a"kt•d for a l'h1·1·k 111u s.:;1\1· 11 to J11m T ht·n• ''as 1u~1 1111 qul•:-t11m ing l11111 :1b1111t 1t . Olkndorf \1 cpl a ).!ain as .Judi.:•· II~ 1111 • \\ arrH•d 111111 th;1t hi, pl1.':111I gu1lt~· 111t\\11 count .. <1l 1·c1n-.p1 r:i1·, t·oultl hrinµ. him a .... m11rh :i" 11\1· \ l':tr'> 111 lhl• f,•dt•ral p1•nrt1·11t 1.11' 1111 caC'h l'ount J 1111 .1 · lll.1K101 1111· 1111 l'a<'h nrnnt 1n add1t11111 111 tl11• pnson ll'rm .Judj.!l' B,1 l'lh' t·:llkd 1111· .1 proh;1 I I 0 11 I' l' fl II r t t) II I ht' ' "r I Ill' r :$i.'l.U0ll .1 \ 1·.1 r h1 1,p11.i1 ad m1111~trat11r a n1I .,.., .111111.• 11,,.,11\1· U.i\l.' ht· \\ill "erll1•1w1· ( >lk11d111·1 F11r4 l\111111' l tll' 11ng111al 11 l 'llllllh l11l·d ai.:a111"t Olk11<111rl '' .. ,.,. <h" lt11S~l·d 0111.·ndorl ·, pl1•a 11'11 I >r ( 'dl.1 .'ll. fornwr :\lern < ;1·111·r:d \d m 1111:. t r .1t11 r St l' p tw n 1111 ht' rt l·:'<m:-. :11. of :\l 1""11111 \ ll' 1"· .111'1 former .\h•r1•\ Cl.'lll'r;d ( '0111 r11ll1•1 Tlwnclorl· S1•i11rt'm;111. f1:s ... 1 S:11ll,1 1\1w as till' 1111·1111 h11 ''Ill i.:11 1111 t n.d .\lo ne! a~ Arno\ l' lo :-.1·1•1.. .1 :-.l·p:1r.1l1· tn:tl fur l>r l\·lla \\a:-ah.111d111wd \\nl nt•sd:t\' \\ hl'll lawq·r-. l11r }-,\ ;11,... :tnd S·1.·h1ffrn.111 ;1gl'l·1•d Ill \\:IJ\I their right tn a Jury tnal .inti ;ilh111 .l11<h!l.' ll~'l'lll' In rt•;H'h 111 :-111111 \'t•rrlll'1 It ''a:-. l'Xpl;111wd that ( 't•lla I·:\ an:-. and St'h1ffm:111 prl'll'I' t11 11111 lht•ll' f:1t th 111 't('<l\lllt ;tl Oil :1 1S1•1•(;t 'l l.T\'. l'ai.:1•A:!i Tri-city Group ~ M eet s on Proje ct .,P.•1h P1h1t Pn.lto PLEADS GUil TY George L. Ollendort I\~· ST t i\' E ,\I l1'('1lf,:t.1 . Ot -f\t• 0 .1 II; Pdnl !tt.tU <lffll'a:il:-lr11111 thn·1· 1·1111·:. nwt \\1th S 11p1·n 1~•·r 'I h11111.1:-. 11111·\ ltMl.1,\ 111 tfl:0.\'11'' \\ h:tl 1111•~ \':Ill ,1 ~I I t•al'lt of r:i1tlt till lht• p.1rt Of th1· ('.il1l11r111.1 111 1.!11\1 ll\ I 'rn11m1""1111 Pre sley Trading R e sume s Monday lh ,JO\'' I'. II E \','11.l b ,~, "'' n ..... 1•.1111 "·'" Th" -.11-.111 11'•11111 111 11.1.!1111• 111 :-1111·" 11! I h, 1 '1 "'I•·\ t 1•111p.11111·., ol 'l;1•1t 1•111 I 111 .11'11 \1111 lw l1111·d 11111<1.11 111 1 h1• S1·1•11r11 11·• ;11111 1·:\\·h:111 .:1• ( '11 1111111 -.-..11111 111 .111 .111111111111•1•1111·111 111.11!1· Ill d:i' .1t 1111· S t•:t .' l.11-. \11;.:1•11"• 111 f ll'l', I( II' h 1: Ill d t>ll ~El' 'P"l..,•-.111.111 .... 1111 t r.111!11•· 11111 Ill' 11·-.11 1111•d 011 :\1 111111.11 1111 lh t \1111'1 ll'.111 ~1111·1.. t·:\l'll.1111.!1' , ,.. ·""I -.,11tl ,Ill ,1d 1111111-.f I .II I\ I h•'.tl lllt' h,I' lh'•'ll "l'I 1111 .ltlllt' l Ill .I 11111111•1 pr11h1· 111 1h1· h111111•t1111hl Ill).! 111111 ' ... q 111·.1t 11111 nl 11·-.1d1·11 11:11 11 1..!lt l " In .1 1·11nll't111·r...i:il II\ clrog,•111·111111·1t1·1 Tlw llHI\ 1• It\ 1111· ~!':(' 1, '''''" II\ ttlh 1•n t'I'" ·'' .I 111<'.llh 111 1.!1'.i l 1111-! :11 t IH· ('till\ ··r11.•1 .. Ill\ 1•111111 . S.1111 I .1'.I\ h :11111 tlh' dt•\'11'1' :-1'1111'1 11111111111,•r. :\l11r11.., .\l1r"111 r t>-g tt rd 111~~+fl'li• I•' 11 .. 11 u I ..1..h.c__ l'ornna 111·1 .\):er Fr't·1•\\ .1 \ H1•pn · ... 1•11t:1t1\'t'" l r11111 In 11w l'o:-.la .\h•"a :incl '.'c•\q11111 lk.11'11 I\ .till to 'l'ntl ,1 d1•lt•j.!,1l 11111 po:-;.thly h1•:idt•d ll\ 1{111·,\ lo 1111 h11.:h\1 a1 1·111nm1 .. :..i1111· .... 1111 ... 1111;' .lillH' II; Ill dt-.('\1:0.!'o 1111' Ill'\\ -.(.illl' 111 tlw pn1_11•1·t '' htt h h.1 .. 111•1•11 tin" 11gr.11l1•tl I 11 ;1 1111111.1;.:1· 111;111 pl 111~·1·1 1-:.1rll1•r 1h1:-11111111 h. < ·11 ... 1.1 \It--...• \'ll't· :\I :11 tor .J .11 I, I l.ir111111·11 -.1·111 .1 ll'l l1•r lo 1111· 1·111111111-.:-11111. pr10 1t•-.t111.: 1111 ..... 11,11· d1·l1·lhlll 111 I'\ I'll tlw I r1111t .1J,!•' 111,1d I r11111 1 lw 1·11111 1111 .. :-.11111 ' :-11 ... 1111lh1111 1•11111 II\ h~I~ llt• told l'lll1111lh:->llllll'I" Ill lh1 11-lh'r llt:il Jlr:i11)!1· <'1111111\ lt :1" 1•1111111111l"d ,.1111111 .... , ·' 11111111111 ,,, ('.11'11',llb 1111 f(ll' ltt'•'\\,I\ II" l''l'I ,llld ,,ltll tit.ii .1"•'111'1 l'.1\ I .l ... !-111,11111'' th.ii 1111' 1·1111111h11lll•ll \\11\lhl ,,.. 1111'•'111 I\,. 1111 1111'11! 111 fll'O('l'l'd 111th 1·1111 l1111 l11111 1111 llJo roull• Tht' 11111II1 11111111111 d11l l.11 I \111 1nlt11t11111 \\,1:-111.11!.-111 1·11111pl1·I• tl11• 1111111· 1111111 tlw '-,11) 1111•: 11 F 1 l' 1• \\ ,1 I I " \I .t 1 \ 1 I II II r l\<1t1lt·\'.l I d Sh111•t I\ ,ii I \'I' 1·1111,l 1111·t 11t11 '' :1 111')!1111 f111:1111·i;i1 \\ .... ,, 1•;111'1·d I Ill' cS1·1· Flt I': 1-:\\ \\. l'ai.;1'.\:! 1 t!H~IJ .11HI ro1111111'"'""'1" r1• :-.l'I'\ t•ll th1• 1'1,.:111 t11 1mp11,,\· furltl\·r <'1111tl1tl111i... ,111h:it t1m1· 11 '""I.. 1111 tlw hr11li.:l ll.1~ 1101 lil·gun \ 1· t' o r ti 1 11 i.: I 11 11 I I 1 1 1 .1 t 1·~t1111 :1l1•,..,, h11 b al'< Ill ht• 11'1 ttll that )ll'oll'l'l .11thv1·1111111 l~li7 ,111d \1111.,tlUt'llllll ._h1111ld ~\.1rt 'llllH'llllll' 111 l~Jil< 1\rl\ll hl'I' !'o\'I 111 I 1111111111111' I ;,tj._ for 1111111 \\ 111 I.. 111•1\\\•1•11 th1· P ran,.:1• l'111111 t \ 1'1 .111-.11 I >1-.t1tl'I ;ind the l r \'llH' l°Offij)UllY I ll t'Sla bit h bus :-.t•l'\' lt'l' lhrou).!hout "°n 1mrt Ct""n~t'r Thl' <'1111111\1s"io11 "talf n ·corn llll'lldl·d that l ht• la111l l'OlllPUll~ pl'll\ 1th' ;1 t'l'lll ral t ran~ll "talion \\ i I h 111 :'\ \. \\ f) II r I ( • I' II t (' r f 0 r tll\' llM' •11th1·0("1'1> lor .1t lt•asl 2:1 \ l'.11'' T ill' l'11m p.111~ \\ill .1b •l hl' rt.' qu11 1·d to 111"111111 1• .1 1111111 :-.hullk hu" "l'I'\ ll'l' \\ 11 11111 :'\t•\1 port Ct•nter in c·onJunchon with tht• OCTL>. T he cond1t ;on sets a Ii nut of SJ00.000 on Lhl' lr\'in<' 'l'11m pan~··i; t•xpl•nst•s on tl1t• 1111111 bu" projt•C't 111 a fitwl tr:rns1t nmcl1111111. the land ('ompany was ol'llt>f'l'd to IH't•pare a s tudy of ft1t11n• tra11"1t nt•t•ds of Nl'wp11rt l't·ntl'r 111 1·1111 JllOt'\ lllfl \\ ilh t IH' OC.'TD Tu a ssun· ~hat N l'\\Jl\lf'l l't•11t1.•r (See PL AZA. P ag<' 1\2) ( ;,r1 S1·1111I :.. 1 roop ;H'l'll!\~ Coast I l1glt\\ ii~ :11 :\I an gold .\' v11ut• 111 ( '11r1 m:1 11<-I '.\L1r to d(· 11111n-..1r;111· l lh' ~.ill'I~ tl.1;..: ~.':-km lhl·~ ·n · ...... 1 11p lh1·11· 1111 1H•d1• ... tn:111' C 1rl:-ol Trnnp ::'I l .it I l:1rh111 ();1\ St'l111nl 111.tdl' lhl' I L1 J.!:-:111d 111 -.1 .. illl'd h11ldc·r-. 1111 t hl•m 1 hl'IO\\ 1 Thl' t<ka 1s that pt•dcstrian:-us 1ng thL' flag:-. will hl· m11rt• \'1s 1blc to 111 o I o r i s b < ; 1 r I :-. :i n· c· 11 u n t i n g o 11 pt•dt·stn:ins 111 ol>:..t•n·(• honor s~·stt·m in n · lUl'tllll;.! tlag:.. 111 hulcll'r:.. lrvin e -N avy Swap OK'd b y House Panel Thi• SHI mill11111 la nd :'i\tap bl'l\\t~l!n llw In llll' 1·1>rn11any anti l lw 0l'part rnt•nl 11f '.'a\'~ \\ ;1:-ap pron•cl \\'l•tl111•:-.1l:iy h~ a s11bt11n1 r:nilll' • of th1· llnus t• 1\rn1t•d !' l' r ' 1 r t' s o 111 m r Washington Tht• milrtar~ l:w1hl1l''-anti 111 ~•;ti lat 11rns ~11hr11111m1tlt•1• ·'I' pron•d 1111' ;q.! rt·1·11H.•n1 1 hat \\ tll ~I\'\' l hl' I l'\'1111' ( '11mp;111~· I ht• '.!l ~·at'l'l' former (;;1rrl1·11 <:rm•· Niki' h;.iSl'. plt1:-. :-.1•\1·M :11·rt·~ of lanci rw:ir t Ill' ;\t ar1n1• ('11rp-. ,\11 1lwht 11pll'l'I Sl:tl11111 and a 17 ;H'n' \\ arl'l1011M· "111· 111 Sall Fr;111 l'IM'll In t•:-.<·hani.:1'. th1• lr11m· <'om fl,11\~ \\'lfl I 1trf1 IJ\'l'I' i2!1 al'l'l'!'o rll'ar 1 ht• 1-:1 Torn .\la rim• Corl):-. :\1 rSt11t 11m -for UM' a"-;1-v-k!ar 11111•· lor flig ht p:tll l'l'll!'o ,, t' c·<>rd in g 111 ll <'fl .o\ nd rt'\' 11111:-.ha\\ I ll :'\nq1ort H1·:ll'h 1 •• 1 mt•mhl·r 111 l h1· ,11111·11mm1tt1·t· .1p111't1\ al h,\ I hi' s11lwumm rll1•p :11 11111:-.I 111s11n•:-. lh:tl tilt' fnll n1m m1l11·1• will .d:-11 .111lh11r11.1• lh•· a.un •1•m1·nt Thl' thn•1• p:1rn·b ;11·qu1rl'tl hy tht• ln·1111• ('omp:in~ \\htt h a n • ':durd :it . IO 11111111111. 1:. 11b11 tlw 'allll' \ :ilu1• J.:t\ 1·11 t11 lh1• lr\'ln•· ('omp:nl,\ pr1111crt,\ t111·111•d 11\'1•1 111 lh1· '.':ivy \\ c•a I he•r '\11•ht ,111d 111111111111; '"" 1·1 .. 111!-. h111 "' h1•r\\ '" 11111-.11\ ,1111111 1111·1111r1i v11 d,t\ l.11tk I h ,1111:1' Ill ll'lll p1•r.it11r1· "llh l11 1!h l·'nd.11 I;-;-f II ';°:: 111 \\ I 11111 ).! h I "d 11 hi I \11 111f111'1111•d "lllll't'I' ,,11d lh1· lw.11·111g '" '"'"I'll 1111 ,..11111t• .llk1:.1 tltllh '11•111).! ll),111.o .1g:i1n:-t 1111'""" h\ 1111· s 1-:( •. h11t t 110:-.1• ;1ll1•g,1l 111'11, .111· r1•,llh ;11 ni1·d at :\l1 rl..111 ., 1•11111p;11I\. \I .I \1 lly drol1•1·h "h1l'h '" 11111 .1 p11ld1d~ tw ld l1r111 \1·1·11rd111,: \11 lh1• SI·:<· n•1u11·1 lilt' 111f11rrn.1l11111 l.!1\t'll It,\ 1'11.•,h-\ tu tlw S Et' 111 11 .. 1t1\1·-.t1i.:.1t11111 .. r th•· n1m pa11\ ·.., .11·q111 ... 1l11111 111 1 q ·l11-. '" th1· \'1111\ 1·rl1•1· I' Ill 1•11111ph•lt· Newport Denied Trial Tlw I I'\ inl' ('t1111p:in~ 11la11" lo d1•H•l11p .111 1111111:-.lnal park al 1111· "l.1,•\\ C: :ird<>n (; r•t\'\' :-.1l1•_ 1-:arl11·1 1111:-. WC'1•k. tlw <:arcl1•11 (;1'11\1· <'•I,\ ( '1111nc·tl l"l'i'lllH'd I h;1 t (ll'llJll'l'I \ 1111 1111lus tn:il ""l'" llr:tlll-tl' ('1111111~· S11pl·n·1"<1I'" this 11·1•<'k a"t..1·tl tlw :-.11lw11m1111t 11•1• t 11 t·ons 11l 1•r H'll rnJ,! :i~id1• ;:, ;11·n·' of tht• :!l!'1-:1t·n· "'" lo r u"1· :i:-;1 r1111nty park llrnH'\\'I'. th:il 1·1•qu1•sl was 11111 al'l c-d upon l ~SIDE T OD\,. \ I.} lll'H r 111d 111 r I lvlm wr/11 /r('r 1'111'.' tw1r1• n.1 frtr 1111ttrl 11., 1111r11111/ 11111frr11•1·11t 1·i11·11.~11 •• 1111rrwrr1 \\'t•d1ws1/1111 111111011111' tire l'li°11r1· ~1wr1• 111 ,,.., /111:1. :\1•1• 1'001• ,, i - 1'1 'four '""'l(t" Al tnt,,,"11\\10" E'"°"" Oo"11)t( • A7 Ann L.An\I"'" L M llnfd II• Mon~., Tt.-.- (Al•forn1 • Al MOtttf'\ C...r~f(f',.,,.., fU Mut"""I FunO\ 8~ Ill Bl 0\ fl• " .. " ..... d ct u H.-tton.al N,.N, '" 8 • c_omic' (' Orli1nqf(Ou"'" A 11 Cro\,WOrct C• l'Poo•t RI I 0-Atft Hot1c" A II ~pnrt\ Ct 1 Ed1tort11I P~Qr AA StM• M.,lr"~'' 8•' Cntert.\11'\mtnt Bl T111tw1\10ft Bl Ftr\Ant• U• I '~" .. ,, "~ ,:or t~ Rttf'lfd flt W.i,afht•t "' "OtOSCOP" 4 M WAr•ct ~~W\ At 8• llt1\\l'\1•r . 1-lt-.t'l'\l'l'!'o 111111• tll:il 1h1• ·11l1•~1·i\I~ llllS!'olll,I.! 111101111.1 111111 1-. cl.1t.1 I h:il 1'n·~h·\ \\011ld 1111t 11:1 , . .._ h atl ,l\'l'l''!'l to ;11..i "" t lw h1'artnJ.! rs Sl't'n a' a \\',I\ of fnn m i; l.t•;wh :i111f .\l 1rk111 t1• :-11pph t lw m1~s111g tluta In a s ta1t•m1•11l 1s:-111'd 1111-. (SN' STOCK . P :1j!t' .\:! > Rook Sa lt' P lann f'<I Th<' ;\I :Jl'llll'l'S I.ions ('luh of :'\1•\\ port Hr:if'h \\ill hnlcl 11;. :111 rrn:il '"l'd h111lk :-.:tit· Fricl;11 Salurdav :rnfi Sur11la' at lht• \\'('"lr llff P l.11:1 Shopp11\g Ct•nt1•r. \\'I'" t d Irr I) II \t' :t ncl I r\ 1111' 1\\C'llll1'. !'1:1'" p11rt 1'('.1('11 All Pft' ('Pt•rf s \\ill IH' <lonalt'd t n 1h1• lh•al'l1 l'tt\' 1\1 alllt-(;ulld o f Or.1n.uc t'ou.nl,\ ,I .. /1~e N i xes Heari11 tz 0 11 Hirschber~ Firinl{ I\\ c;,\H Y c;n \~\'I I.I.I-. 01 th•• OAtlV f'dut \f,ttl '1;1•\\ p111 t 11 .. :H·h 'tut! for :1 111•11 In.ti 111 th1• 1.·a~1.· nl l111•d I'll\ 1.·rnplo.' l' St .11111-~ If 11-.d1lw1 I! h;1 ... ht•t•11 cl l'n1ccl "' O ram!•' ('11111111 SllJH'l'llll' ('011'1 I .J11d g1• l\111t·1· ~11m1wr Ear•h· th1:-\ l':ll', .111(1.f.!t' S11rnn1•1 rukcl t h.it the I'll\ a\! Pd ar hit ra1 I\ Ill 1 !17:1 \\ h<•rl 11 I I .111,ft·1 n•lf 1'1t r"t'hht•1 ~ I rom 11 ... hu,1111':-.' liC'l'l\Sl' dt•parlml'lll lo tlw t'lt\ ';ir11. · .JuclgP S11mn1•r ;.:1111 l lw t·1t\ must r'l•in:-.t:ilt• ll1r-..('hhl·rg to h1., formt•r 1oh 111 li<'l'n,111g .1rnl pa\ him tht• :-alary lo:-.1 '1111'1' hi' r11 1111! frnm th<' ~t or1•"n'tH'r " 1nh 1n Nm1•mhrr l!l71 n rcaus1• 1 ht' 1uct.u1· r'lll1'tl 1)n lht d <' rn 11 t 111 n i s s 11 1· a n ll n u I llit·schbl•rg·, suh~t'ClllL'llt f1rin.:. '\1·11p11 11 th "' II 11·11111 :-1 .. d .i 111·\\ ho'.ll lrlj.:. .\lltl th.ti I' lht• 111-.11111.! 1111\I dt 1111·tl II\ .J11d~l' !'-1111111• I l'h.11 11'.1\ t'' l hi• I II\ Ill I hi• p11 I tl\111111 1•1tlH I l'lllllJlh Ill!! II 1lh 11\1' 1•111111 11rd1•1 ...... 111•d .l.111 ·, 111 ·ti' fll'.11111).: lh1· 11111111: 1 .. ,1 l1t)'h1 •1 111111·1 l'll\ \1.111:1 "'1'1 lloh,•tl \\ \1111 ,,1111 l•1d.11 h1· 1 .. ,111d\ 1111.' lh1• t11;tlt l'I I llf'>l'hli1·t 1• h1" .... 111 tu-. l1·t.:.1I h.1t th• fnr 11•111 ,t.1t1•r111.·11t l.1-.1 !--1 fl tl'Jllh1•J' 11 h1 II 1\1 I 1lt-d .t ;.ll't 1·haq:1n:,: \\ 11111"11h 111.1:- Tht· ,1111 ;tll1·1-:1·d \\\1111 -.110111 •!1 th.11 ht;" 11 h1•11 lw 1,.:11111 t'd .1 < 11 \ l'I\ 11S1•n11·1· l'nm 1111 ...... 111n rc•n1111 nwrul.1111111 th .11 I I 1 r .... d1lw1 J.. h1• 11· lll'l,1t1•d Ill lht• IJll,111\''' ll\'l'll •I' i.t•(•t 1011 It was W 'n11·-. 1·111i1t·11t11111 lh.1t the f1r~d {'1iy \\•11'1-.t•r had t\alll'tl t 011 10111• ht'I 11r1• -.. '''" 111)! to r1•cl n·':- h 1 ... l.!1'11'\ 1·111·1• tht llHJ:h :I ('llOI mi"''"" 1 1•1·11111nH·r11l;11111n . a n · ( 11111 llH'IHL1t11111 I h at I' ,Hl\'IS\11'~ 1111h ll tr-.c•h twq.: ' l.1\\ \'Pr arJ,!11\'d •11r1·••,sf11lh that h•~ d1C'.'nl w:1 s d1•1111•d a f:1.1r I n:il .incl W~·nn had IJ.!fll1r1·d 111' 1'1,1.!hl' .l11dJ.!t' S111111H•r a j!ri•t'd :ind is '111•d tlh' orckr 11•111111! tht• city lo f::I\ l' lfir-;d1hnl! h1:-. olcl Jllh hack 1\11!1 \\ h.11 Sumrwr has now said 1:-. lh.11 tw \\di not n •h1·ar thl' cast• 1111 till' mt•r1ts of I ltrs<·hhcq:!'s fir mg from t lw stnrt'kt't'Jll'r·s job. ll1rsl'hlwr.c w .. s 1111)\l'd tn the :-.111r:1g1· '.trcl ,111h ht•t':tllSl' he al· lt'gt'tll\' 1rk1•d hw:il h11~111essmcn 111th 11\'t•rl~ aµg n •ssl\'t' tactics 11 ht•n <•nf•H'l•inl! IH·<·n"1ng regula· <S1.•1• THIAI., 1'31!<' A2) STOCKS GAI N MO DERATE LY :'\EW YOH I\ I A I' 1 Tlw i-;trwk market brnk1• 1)u\ of lh<• doldrum:-. lo score mo<lrrntl' J,!ains to<lny hr hwcl hy 11 1>IH'at (or('1·a:-t.., fr11rn onr of \\'all SlrN•t 's g lanw1 t.1voritt·~. X<.'rox 'orp /\fl er :i s low s t a rt. prit·('s llt'l!:t11 tn l'limh :iftc r Xerox·~ annual mee ting p roduced new~ lhal lht• comp;.iny is cons 1derini:: an cv1·11· tual d1\'iclcnd incrl'ase. The ()ow .I ones :I\ er age of :m .stotks g ainNI t\.37 points 111 997.2i. !Tablt•s. Bi). ~} 2 DAii V PILOT N f 'rutH Pngt-. I I GUILTY • • • fUd~t· l'~1thl0f' th:..11 •I IUI'\ Wt>dnc l>llJ) J ull)(c H) m e :.up pn·ssctJ ull cv1d t'11('(• M!ll.e<I h~ thl· O ran"" ('11 11111 \ 1>1,11 u t ,\I torncv ., 111111•1· I 111111 .1 < '1,._t,1 ~I t''•' µn ntini.: :-h111> 1·111111 ullt·d II\ 1 '1·llt1 Ill' rul1·tl lhJ l th .. k'11·1 • .i 1110 M!CUt1on n t11not ""t' .111\ of the ~1·vt-ral ho""" ,,1 d1w11m••nh l ttk1•11 from lh1· l 111 L1•d l'r1111111.1.; 1 '0 111 11•11ly plant h~ cmployt• Oo11.11tl Albert H '" Thal r 'u11 11g IN I p n 1:-.1!tlllor Stephen W1 bo11 to prcclwt W1·d ncscta y tha t ht• will lu' d ror nrng M'\'l:ral ol tlw H I 1'11111~ 1·t1u11h 1·011 tamed 111 hi:-. Lo::. A11i.:clt·s Fedl·ral Grand J un 111d 1l'I nH·nt J\n 1ndlt:l111 t•nl b form al d 1!11'J.!l• - m <1dc agains t a Pl'l'M111 or persons b1· u \.r and J un It lfo1•:-11111 c;talJh:.h gl11 It or ll 0 Ul0l't'nl't: Dl'fl'lls t• l.1\1 1 l'r' 11r1·d 11•1t•d Wcdncsd u~ t11.i t a n 1<lt·11L1t al :-up pre!>s1011111 ut10 11 111 Or ,111i.:c C1111nly Su1w n or ('1111 rt. 11 h!•fl• lhl' s~1m1· three '1cll·nd anh rac1· tnJI o n l'.!i rd at cu fl' Ion~ c·ou ill.,, '' 1II111·-,11 11\ the pro~t·c·u t 11111 ., (';.1-.1'. II 11 1 ... gr a ntt'<I Ollt•ndo rl \\ill 111111 .IJllJL'.11 ,.., .1 µro~t·l'11t11111 111tru:s-. 111 tlll' 1.11., An~t'lcs OOOJUI'~· tn J I Jt JS alh•g1•ct I h a t b11th ho~p11.1b wc•rc bilked of an L0sl11 n.11t•d S2 rn1l11011 wlll'n thl'Y p:11d !ni b fur ~uppllc.:-the·.\ Ol'\'l'I' l'lT L•11·1·d "\t.'\\ µo rl lk .i<'h polw1 · -..;11d l'l 11·1 \J B.11 d, !!). 1-'uunt :1111 \ ;dll·\. 11,.,t ('Ollt 1111 nf ha.. '.111 'thi~ m or11111 g \\!nil' tin' 1111., do\\ n \\ L .,, t'11•1~t I lig h\\ :I\ \\'lll'll h1.• t11 w lh t.:111 I 11111!..,:o- logt'llH.'r ag ain. th1~ "as thl' -.1·,•rw 'f Ill' \';1n <'iffet'tH·d 11ff lh1· l11pli" ;1 1 :md pl11n,L!1·d th1 ough 1111 · <-;Jidl -.1 .rwm 011 1 lh t·ornt•r nl Bl'l'l'..,ldl' \'l'lllll'. ''IJllllJ.! 11111 .1 pump 1:-land ,!llcf -..L'(l lll).! nil d l>l'll'l . hlll :>IJl'l' t:1C"uli1 r hl;i1,· :\11 11111· \\ .i-. 111111rt•rl 'l'r1t1th I~. p11l1 n• :-.aid 'J fw 1•\:11 1 v:.11--1· Pl lh1· :il' n d c.·1H 1.; I hl' -,11h.11·1·t of p1d11·1· ~<TUI 111 ~ T he µrosec ut1on d :11ms that those bills Wt•rc· su hm11tt•d 1m countcrfe1t Ill\ oil'<•s IJ('aring lhL· -letterhe ads of n1111cx1stcnt cnm - pa nies . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ollc ndorf to ld J udgc Byrne ut o ne poin t Wedne sday thut lw hcca m c worried aho ut the ucts of fr:.wd in 1973 a nd ckcidcd lo dis- c uss h is role 1n thl'.! a llL•gcd :-.r h c m c with the hos p1t ul's lawyer. R1)bcr t Bre nt of S unta Ana: The Pill Hurts Brain? "He tolct m e I had nothing to \1orry about s o I ~igne<l the form~ that Or . Cell a wa nted m c tu s1gn." Olkndorf~ald · Olle ndorf t old Judg<.' Byrne that the first poh11cal expl'n· d1tures entere d in tht• hosµ1tal hooks und l'I' ot h c-r class1f1 cations \\e re for the 19i2 rc·e h.'C'llun r •1m - P a i I! n o f 0 r a n g e l ' o u n I y Supen ·1so r Robe rt Batt111. Cella h as s uppo rtl'd fla ttm from the time tha t the Fm ,1 Dts· trict S upt•r,·1s11r f1r~t t•ntt•n •cl politics • In Hli-1 . t \•lla listPd l'amp;11J.:n c·11nt r i h u t ions ''i'lr 11111r 1· th•1n S500.00ll to p11lil1l'al l'anclidatl·" :111d lwr~1 1111• the laq.(1•s t ... 11d11·011- lnbutor in llll' s t att· Three Harbor Sclwols N a me BEH K El.E \' t J\J>1 llor morw s us ed 111 l11rth eontrnf pills may 111h1 b1t ln«1111 dt·\e lo p ment. :1 L'mn•rs 1t~ 11! ('al1l.11rr11.1 sn enttst said totla 1 Dr. ~l unan l' · 1>1a m 11nll 'a11I fe rn a I e r a t ., g 1' < • n .1 p 1 o geste rone-bas ('cl hon1111nc· lt:.l>tl Ill r o n t r a c e µ t 1 ' , • .., sh o \t l' d s1g111f1cant l~ ll·:.:-gw111h of th•· Ct'rebral 1·ortl"'( than d 11J h t !erm a tes not i.:1 n •n I hl' h1ll'n11111,· The r t•n •hr ;d t·ortl·:-i.. thl' p.111 of the br<11n th.it tont rul-, f11n1 t1ons gent•rall~ 1·1111:.1d1•rt·tl 111 lw me:1su res of in te l Ir ,et'nct' STOCK • • • morning .• /1•rr-.' S1•llt·r~ 111 Thl• Pn•sl1•:• C1111lp.11111•s s:11cl 1111· l1r111 has lw t•n · 'l'•H•pt•r ;11111c 11 11 h 1 It,. SEC 111 h r111;.:111 g ;1110111 lh1• lit·:11 111g .. llC':-a1d l ht• l'lllllp;tll\ I'> \II.ii ly lllll·rt·:-t1·tl" 111 ··rHltnJ.! ;.p1·1·11l.1 I 11111 about I h l· 1·011' t•rlt-r :1 11d I h1· C'ompan.1· bl'l1 1..·1 l'!-lh.11 tlll' 111111 111.cs from tlw lt1·an11;.! 11 ii) .11 ('11111plish Lh1.; Pn •:.l<'y stod,s '' 1•n· '>lhpt·111!td Thn•c :\c•11 port \ll•s.1 1 'n1(11•<1 on ~larch 2.) 11 hen tlll'\ 111·1 t' 1 II School n 1-.Ln1·1 hig h -.t'l11111h h;l\I' lllJ.! al ShJ,!ht l~ mun · '1h.rn "-'" .1 !-l'l~l'll•tl l ht·1r \':d1·cl1t·t11n.111s ;inti .!.h ar,· 11µ from about S.t .1 -.h.11 1· :-:ll u t:it ort:111 -. r11r tht· t!liti a t C hn stmas ,.:ra<luat111~ l'l.i:--. The lt•ngl h~ su:-1w 11-.1nn 11( th1· ThC'~ arc s tocks l<'d to a 1;111 :-1111filt•d111 1h1· I.as \'l').!:t:. lt•d1•ral 1>1-.tr11 t 1 '11111 t l>r D1:11n11nd C'autioncd thal lwr r111tl1 ni.:s 111 rats cannot be a:- M1mt•d to lw ll'lll' for hum ans. ·,\II th1;. <·ti n ll'll us nm\ 1:. th:.it 11 l ' ~1111uld tool-n ·n can·fulh tu f111cl 11ha1 t•flt•c•t:-lh0 1•-,1· hormt;lll'" m1i.:ht po~.,1bb h a\l' 111 human bl•1ng:.." ~ht• s aid "\\'11h 111or1.• than nrn<· mtll1011 11 11011·11 111 lht• \\ orld un l'll'\ all'd man a n hormonl':-to a ct :t:. con 1r.1,·1·pll\ l''· 11 1-, of g reat 1m 11111·t:t1H'l' th;.it 1\ l' unders t and ''hat 1·fflo('t I ht•:-t· hormones h an· 1111 lht• C'l'l"l'Ural t·ort1·x. t h1· h1ghl·~1 1n1t•l f1·c t ual :.ire:.i 11f lht· 1)1'•1111 ... ;.lw acl<lt·d ~ltoa nwh ilt'. ~ht· ~a11I. w1>m<'n s houlct h,· 111acl1· .111 :11'l' of th1· pli!-'l IHfil ll''> '\\'h.1 ('ll<'Olll',f)!t' \\1Jn1t'll to 1·l1·t'.1k I h1•1 r ht11·nwn;ll lei l'ls it' \\t· :ir1• at all 'll:-f)H·11111s lhat 11 m1i.:h1 h a11• :an 1nh1 h11111i.: 1·1'ft·1·1 1111 llll'tl' 1111r111.d hratn dn t•lop 1:w 111·•" 1111• -.1·11•111 1:-t :r!-kl'd llr n1.1rn11111 l pr{·-.1·111t•d hl'r ftn 11111/,!s at :1 m 1·1·11 ng. · ,\ SL0l·und I ool.. .11 I hi' :-:1•n 111<1 St"\· !'\l'\\ !(, "'ard11111 \\ 11m1•n. ·· !>ponsorccf Ii~ lh<' t·:1m1>11' \\ o rnl•n ':-(\·ntPr In a l1111h1·r :-11111\. lhl' ;111a111nw 111ofl•....,111 11111nd th'.11 f1·111;1h-ra t's 11lm,1· 111:1n1·" 111·n· 1l'mo\l'd .• t h11 I h -.him 1•d .!! f't•.1 ll'I' 1·11rt 11':11 dt \ 1•h1p1111•11t 11 lw n .1ut11ps H•d a t" !Ill d,1~., I h:i 11 a 1·0 111 rol J.!I 011p of la II 1•1 rn a ll'i. Sill' Stlld !Iii.. f111d1n!! l'<llSl'S tht• po:-:. 1 b 1 I 1 t ) t h .it It· ma It> "'•' hormont•:., c \ t•11 :ii normal ll•\ d -,. nw' h <i\ l' a J:l>in 11111g t'Lft•t•l nn till dt·,:d o pnll·n'r111 Lhl· C'l'f'd Jral t·or lex Thl· s tud\· of h1>r m onal in nut•nc·e 1111 hra1n J,!1'11\\lh \\;t'> 1111 ct,•rt:iht•n all 1•1 Ur ))1:11111111<1 not t•d that br;1111 t.!l'OI\ Ill \\ :i-. '>Ill\\ l'I' 1n p reJ.!nant h ·m :tl1• "''" th.in 111 thl•ir 1111npa •c11a 11l :-1:-H•ri. Slw .;p1·r ulat1·d I h .11 I ht· floocl 111 h<1rmo111·., r<'l(·:i-.1'11 <lunng pn• i.:na nc·.' mig h t b1• a fa1·101 Estanl'i :1 II •cit S..t1n11I Tom b\ t1H1 l'n .'slt•1 s hard 1old1•1-. PLAZA l'C"rora ro. H.:111<11 l'orl<'r. t '\'nlh1a ·One of lh;i:-i· s h;i t·t·hold,.1.,, ----~H:t:~~>--!'M~~ I ~ 11 ~ :m ..... :.1:.~,~~:....-b:otn'ttt"INi--sttt+t+t-:-+1~-ti"t"r+t~~H------...,.,.....,....----r----~-rr----I----......, 1 ;iftod1<·1o r r;111-, ty :tllornt'.', s aid ht• nmi 1'\flt'<'h lht'I'!-11 ill h1·1·on1 1• 111., 11sc•r.;. I<' • • • ('11r1111a rid ~l ;1r IJ1~h St·hnol · thal lht• .JIHl g1· i\h11 ha-, t :ihi•ll lhi• (ll'TD a nd llw lrt t1ll' Compan1 Phili p l>o,\11·. \\ill1;1111 ll1101t-I\' l'ilS<'llMlt•r :.uh111 j,...,11111 "if l ;.iinp 11 tll he• 11 ork111 ~ out .1 b11~ l.1l't' Police Search Clues in Death 0 1,1tl j.!l' l.'t1Ulll \ .Shl'l 111 -. ;11111 l'1>1'lll)('1'0:-0 1n \l'Sf1 g ..1lOl's ,IJI' :.t•1•k1t1g l'IUl'S Ill till' ldl'llttl,\ •lf .1 \1 0111.10 11 h11:-1• 11udt'. slrani.:lt•cl hotl l' was fou nd T 1tt':-<l:iv l~'1n~ 1>11 .1 1'11.1d :-id1• 111•.1r t-:1 'l 111 o ~la 1 1111· (.\1r p:-.\ir St:a11rn1 .. \I \his 11111111 . 11 1• ar1• 1·has111i.: (to ,1((:-l•I h t•I Hft'lll ti\," S,1td .Sht•ntf '-, I.I Still ~l11ldll'l11t1 Hoag One Of Eigl1t 111 Pilot llo.1g ~r t•inonal llos pital ha-. b1•1•n <'h o -..1•n as one of 1·1g ht so111h,·r n l':1hforn1a husp11;il., to purt11·1p:i\t• 111 :t pilot program of d,1_\ l l'l'ill men! for ""~ l'h1;1t n r p.1 I 1t•111 -, In an anntHllll't'lllt:'nl m.tdt• \\'l•dnt•scl:i y. hos pital uf11 r iat ... !-a1cl the µro g ram 1s ht•i ng l'Oll d1H'f1'd'b\' Blu1• Cross of South1·rn (\al1fo rnf;a 11 hit'h i s r t:'"·arr hant.!. 111•w mod L's o f t rL·atnH:11l 101 ps~ 1'11ialrir r <irt>. Tht' sU·('allt•d d <.11' tn·atm1•111 plan will l>t• gt·a r1.c·cl· for pallt•nts ''ho do no t n ·qui re ::!4 hour a da~ hus p 1tali z ati11n . s :i icf Stl'\t' ~l aho1w.'. t'oordinator of llw prn gr~ m :tl llna)? . Ill· i.a11l lht• 1iart1al t n ·,1t nwnt p r11g r;.1111 ofkr:-t ht· d1111t'l' 111 paru crp:.tlrnJ? during mornrng, al tc-rnoon 11r t'\'l'n in.I! h11urs 111· all\' com bination o f tho.,l'hour:-. · Tht• program w ill c·oord inal l' I ht' c•ffort s of t hl' pat1c.·nl. tu-; familr. h b pr i,•Mc µh~sic·ian . tlw ment a l hc ulth unit ':-~11t 1 a l \1 11rkc r and tht;> staff orcupa tmn al the r a pis t to <ll's1g11 a p lan of treatment. ' \\'1• lll'1°tl tit.II lWllll t' I\ t' ('\Ill pr111·1•t>d ,111 t t111 l11~·r 1111h lhe in \ l'SI l).!,lllUll. .. Ttw '' om:rn w as dl•snib1·d b.) 11 r oron1·r ·., s p1tkl':-.m un u :, (.',111 l'.1:-1:111, 111 h1·r 1..•arl ~ It• 1111<1 :!0:-. 1111· ln11t 11111·1• an<I 11 :, p1)111lds 11·1t h ;111burn ha ir :i11cl h rm1 n 1·~ c ... l\t uldlt>t1111 -i.;i1d t h e p r t~L I i m 1 11 a n · t' 11 r o n e r 's r C' p u rt :<h(1\\·c·d 1111• 1 11·1 i m \\ ;1~ t•hokcd 111 cl1•.11h 111th :-umcorw 's h..1111.b llut lw !-:111! drug ll':.b are still 1111 cl I' r \\ , I\ I Ii d l' I l' I' 11\ 111 C I f 11.1n·11t1<'' 11 ·1·n • 111\'oln·d The l'111 0 1w r ·:. :.poke::. m an a lso 111111•d th1•t t' '' l'l'l' 1nd1c.·a1ions Utt:' \\1111\,1 1\ h.td lt1•1•11 r..11wd 111 \l'"I 1!:,11111-. IJ1•ht0\'l' till' \II' 11111 \\,1:-m11rtl1°1t:'d sn m c t11n1• ~l11111la~ night a nd dumped I rnm :1 mot 1ng l';r r earl~ T t1l'. da~· m 11r 11111g al1111 ).! T r :d..1ul'o Hoa<! n t'.1r :1 171 .1n 11 l0 r1·s1rl c ntial 111 •1g h l111rl11111cl \ 1111111.11·, polll'l' pat rol found tht• hrnly lll'I lil'l'llrt: d~IWll, tlltd dh•t1111 s:11d Traf fi e M eet In Newport The Nt''' port II a rbor Chum bcr 111 l'om lll l0n·1• 1:-holding a town 11w1·11 ni.: at 7 'll) :1.m. ~lay :!6 :it t h<• ~l.1rrtoll llol t•I. '."C\IJ)Or l l°l'nk r Sp1.:akt•r:. for the mcctin~ en- 1 itlt•d "'l'rnff 1c ;\'e\\ port's Hi~ J\ugahou'' · 11H·l11d1• Dick DroH·n· cla hl lr11m C all rans . Bill S1110 1'1~11111 t hl' I n 111 l' l'onw;.my :incl Ht•n :'\ o l :rn I rom t ht• C11 \' of !\ l'\I port lk ~n·h . For rL'M'r\'at1nns c·ontact \h1· !'<c \\ porl ll ~1ruo r Chamhcr of Com mt•rt't'. __ _., BIGON~ Tam m\ F1•ld111 .111 . S 11•1·1·11 h r 11l1'lh.1t l ht•1-.-.11 t'll.1.,h1 •i·1111w \,al1d:1111111-.\-.ll'lll ~11•:-..;1·11~t·r :111d lh •h11r.t1 1 \"ni.:d . m11ut s 111 1·1·t r;1rl t1H:1s lq n ·.,t1 nw In :11111tlw1 tr;tllll' rd:it l'll 1·1111 1:rl 1·d tl'lor1:111., HPrt•nt l.'. th1• SEC h:1-. li1 ·i•1t tl 1t11111. l ht• In int· C11111p:111~ 11;" I I I I 11rd1·n •d 111 r1•d111·1• lhl' 11111nlil.'r of .'\1•\\ 1111rt f l.1rt111r I li "h ~l'hnol r~ trig 11 .,,. up o.;111111· 1111 1•1w11 Ii ·1 I. ,... I •nt t ' t 1 1h 1 1 I f1.11 h111 c ..,,1.11•1•., Nl Corr1or ate S l t'Jilll•ll 11 ,tloh .111 d S1 1·1 1• ll t'-"li 1·1·1111 11•r 1•r.11 1w 1 h 11 I I I I l'la1<1fro111 !.;,n:;111 1.2:-i11 \lonhi ro. 1 a ll•d t1•lttnat1 '. and a\C' IHI H·1·1 1·0111 lll'l1·1 1 111· I" 1'.iul.i Husi•1t t'l'.s:llul:ilnn a n d1:-pult•.; 111th l.t•:11'11 .111d ~1 11 f..111 \ 11 I 1 1 1 11 1· (' o Ill p .1 n ~ 1>11•r 1·1111drl1 1111 .. 1111dt·1 11 h tt h lfw '1•11J..t•-.111;111 -,.11d lod:t~ lh;1! l'L' Th" 1.il t•tl11·t o 11 .111 -. .111rl l1·-..t-..;1n•l11 lw n 111 tl11rt111n 11ill p111 1lw 11l.11.1'-.p;1r(.. :-al11t.1111n.i11 -. 1111 <'11-.1.1 \11·-..1 111r .. p.11 1•-.. h1·l1111 111111111111111 -,1.1n 1111.!h S1'11oot 11111 1 .... 1111111u111·1 .. 1 Jlclv. SC'ou Is S .-Ii i 11 !! 11.1111-.. w 1 111 1 111 11111111~ l.111 ... l11111 c h1 .11 t lt.11 •l'hoo l -, .111 ,11 d• '. \\1• .1r1· 11•1111111•<1 i111d1 I I'll\ 1....!.~-;-~-.,,.~;-;-...'..:-:_-;---r-~~-~...;~=------J~!i~!iliiii~ -----~ •• -,lllfllt'I ----l-:111 '" h~-1 .;..,11 ,.i+H.+ft ~ ll.:•nnin~t o n Fla;,!~ .. 11.111· ....... 1111 11,111.· '-1111h•·n1.111 .11'11'\ 1'1111111-.. \\1 \\ill lt.1\1 111 TRIAL. • • I 11111-. 11 .il-.11 \\ ,,., .dk ···ii lh.11 Ill' I)' ll1 ll'1•tf li h '-l lfi1 ·I \ 1'>111 " »I llt•1-. \\ h1 •111•1tl111'1·111) li l't'll"' p11l1n I ORANGE COAST ,,, I • "•I 1111 t 11 •• . .... . . .. J(11l,.•11 N Viv···'' 1,11 ~ R C"11• lt·v v '\ . I h1111 ,1 ... "VII 1 nnm,1' fl M11r Ohtn<• . - (h,H Ip<, H l on' R1Ch.H<1 p N.111 ' ,. ~ i . Ot11ce~ ····· 'I• . ' ' I Ir of o , I f • 't Telephone 0 14) 641-4321 Class1f11!<1 Advrr t 1sln9 642·~78 i,,,.. J11 ". "'l· I• t I , .... ' ,,,, . "' ... .. .. " ' . I ,. I " .. .. I• .. . ' In onkr 111 h1•lp t lw11 1 1111111111111 I\ n •fi.hr.1lt· th1· 11111•1111 11111.il 1111 !lo\ ~1·1111 1' 111 < '11r1111.1 tl1•I '1.11 ' T r 111•11 :1:w .. , .. -.,·11 1111-: 1!1 11111111•11111 ( j 1;· • l 'l.11.! 't'f" .11ttf Hlh1 I p.t1 n11111· 11\ llh .ti d1 ... 1111111 fll It I l'l'ltl'<'1'tl ' 11·11111 111111 ·-.ii·· 11dl lll'lp "1'1111 th<• ·'-<'11IH It• "lllllllt1·1 I .111\Jl l'111• p111·1• t1t f1ll 1tl,d lHll 111 111 onl1•r ;1 l"t.1i.: "t'I 111 111111·1 l\11 1 11 l1·11111al tit 11i-. 1·.dl 1., 'I .•'.'>-ill 1>1' lil l :!Ill• Lih rnr\1 Fri •~aul s Nan u· N •'" (Hf ic·••r s \I r ' H I, H 11 lin1••1id 111 '\1•\1 p111 I 111'.l('h h.1 "•'I'll I 1. 'l1·d f11 "'I l l' ,l1llll1i1•r 111111 I• filf"I d1•111 111 lh1• '\1·11111111 H• 11h 1·111 •1td" 111 th•• I 1111 .11' l llh1·1 1111 11·1·1 ... 1111 l11t1. \11 l/11h .. r1 r· II If, h• \ 111 ( .11111" '-l111r1•-. \1 1' .I ll • ''" •I I ''' 1111 t1 1·.1-.1111•r \1 1 \\1ll.11d \n11°11 11'1'111.J1111! -.1•1• 1 I I II \ • .1111 I \J 1 l .11pl11r1 \\ tll..111 -.1111 1 1111 • p1111d111 "l'l'rt·L11 \ TRA Sll ,HE '' GET lllJl.J I >.·•}' .\n•:1.; 11r \1'11p1111 11 •• 11 h r·· i.;11l.1r(~ "I lll'dllit-d f,.t I 1•f11-.1• t nl h•t'l111n mi ~I ii\ :11 ·\!ior111111.ll [ 1;11 I 11 ti I 11111 .II :11 1• I h1 ·1 I' I 1 .t '>fl p1rkc<l 11p 11111l1 1h1• 111•\I r1·1•11Ja1h ... ctu•dukd •111 I.up <1.i~ 1111 t h11'1' ar1•;1i. Th.11 d.11 ,.., .r 11111• :1 f'111· th"'' ''"1111 rn~ f11rt1i ... , 1111111111.1111111 1 .tit lltl' i:1•111•r .rJ 'l'I \ 11'1 •th p.11 I1111 Ill 1.111 :.!l k~ '11 li,1l'h l11 lh1 1 Il l .11td 11I,I1 1111 rl11t1111.1I 11-.1• pP111111 '" 111.ii..1· th• ft.11 klllC '>fl.tt'I' 11·1l11t 111111 I II •· 1·11111 1111-..-,11111 11111111111111 l111l lt1·1 ~11p11l.1l1• lh.il Ill !Wit 1111 pl 111 .. I :•:.11 1•.11 I.Ill! 'f'.H'I Ii.di 1 ... 'l'f .1 .. l dl' I Ill I .1 r J"" .1 ... I lw 111111.d l'lt.i "ol 11111J..1111 th1• jll oll 11 ~111 • \\d i Ill' oi -.;:1 'i lllll\tt11J l'l •i!l l'f II hll'li 1111'1iJcf1 "' i'l .1!11111'. 111-..1.ill.1111111 11 1 •111·1·1•. ;111d Iii '11111"• .111 d l.11Hh1'.1p111 ' '\11 r111tl tlllll'. l'<HI II 111'l lllr\ h;I', li1•1•rt '-• ltvdtdvd 111Htl !'11n11d1>11n11 Ill th1• l(t \\ Ol'h \\ 1111 h I !lit! I'\ Jlt't lt•d l1dt1'>' tit 1111 .111111111'1~1·.11 1:rom l"n~1••. I I '-I.Ill' ltl d111111 • I 1d" lho 111 •1•\\,1\ ln 1·11111pll'I 11111 nl .1 I n >nl ·•l'•' 111:111 po11.t11 .. 11.1 1\11 -.1111 .... 111 ·1'1 11,l!llll't'fl l11flf I 111111111.,,lllllt I" 11t1• •l'll:tl\ 1111il d 111 .. \ltlh 11 ... f 11t'\\,I\ 1io'l,1\ iilll th,tt fht• ( .. rllt,111'--1.111 t'l/lt..'1111'1'1' h;1\I• l•1nrt1111111cl1 d lit.ti l 'ltll lht I 11111 l.1 t.: • I (' t d I 'I I' It I I h1' rl d, 1 \ 1 .J l I o•il 1111 ,11 h.111 I' II\ lht' 11111'-. '"" d1·l l'"••l 11111 1111111 (l1.111t.:1• l 01111111 \ 1tf.111-. t11 Pl l''l'llf Ifs 1·.1~1· 111 h1 ,.!h11 :11 1·11111ltl1'-'dt1n1·r -... l l.1mnw11 .11d 1·m11h.i.-11111).! lh;il lh1 • ('1111\/lll ..... 11 ""' .111 11t>lt1·:i 111111 1111·11 111pf1•l1• th1• l;1 ... 1 ph.l"'' nl 1·1111•1nwl11111 ••11 1111' lronl.1;.'1' I n:td ( '11-.1,1 ~I t""' I \111•1 tnr of l'l1hlir s .. n 11•1•-, .11111 !·:lilt 1dht' -.;11d 1111· 1'11111111 I'-11111 cl1-.pt1llllj..! d1•l.1• 111 th1• l1 .1•111 I\ (ll'lllt'(f.' hut .11 lh1-. ..l.,!!t' ti 1• .111· -..,1\ 1111• lh1•\ p1 n m1~1·d ll' •I (1 .1·1 llll' l1011t a1!•' r t>,tt l 111h .111d 11 111111..:-f1k1• !lit .1 .111• pl'.11111111i.: I 11d 1 np c11·n l hal. . .. ' I . ' •' , , . . SPOIL '<'" --~ 111 I -----~ -td -YOURSELF --0 -~~ ----0 --I 1 .,111 11 \ I m TRI NITRON "IT'S A SONY .. Full f 'ac-10.,, MarronliP~ Pha.• Our PPr11onal . OnP \'par GunrnnlP~ On f:rPr!! Produc-r M'r SPll! 275 East 17th St. · C·osta Mesa t>l•s luildff-\' E~""" 2 Door• WHI of t orh Jr. Phone 642-8882 •,rnrc Hours Dmty 9-6 Sar 9-5 JO Tht>t t' EfKtr-ic ,,.OfH 1l0ttals SN •ict> Yow l .-ipMtllt Thur~duy\, NYSE COMPO SIT TRANSACTIONS ( :loi;in,: Pric•t•H "Ot1t ,,, II I ..... A(f l•d '·' ' It• ~ -. '"''· "''' .... It A•)•ril>•t t I I I A1,nf,, ,1 I/ " A•lrf" ~It II \ 1 ~'r~~~. ~! '' .~ I, At''•••• I WJ A· lh tl 't11 /H,•f111 JI I, lu11 t '' 11 I ' , , ' t/ ' ~. '' . ' Attfl, t I U It .. ,,~f ,1 4 ,tfH1I ,, N• . . ' ' ., ,, ,, ''I " ,..,,.,,,,, 1 ,. '" ,, I A ... /i~fl \ I I'' I I I I i I AHi L•• I /It A t 'I Al 1P11fjij •" 1 11 .,, Alt1f'f•llt • 11•1 l\l.1 t h1 I I , " l\lt11111,l•1 ' 11• I "''"'''•' . ,, .. f• t ••I 11 I I l'I /I l\lr,-,r,f\I 1 1•1 I 1 /I t ,, fttl•t ' A It ,,, I~ , , ~ • 1•11 1HI ll 'i I 11 Alh ,,r fl '°'"l '1/ 1' A t•H 11111 11 , I I • • ,, .. 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I, ~'' I. • • f N ) "' I,., lH H1 Another Maker Prepares to Sell lh 'Ill.TO' 'IO)'o.liO\\ITZ ,\11nlh1•r l' S '11•lt-\ t'l"ll ... ,., n1.1l.1 I' t-. .dw11t lo I.oil 11110 hlrl'IJ.;11 h.1n1b. t·1111111111111:.: .1 111·1111 th.tl '1'1'111' 111 111· llH''"' ·' hll· It 111.t\ 1101 IJ1· 11111).! ltl'1011· l )'>. 1111111•d 1·11lll11·' 111 lht-. f11·ld .in· r·1·du1·1·tl l11.o 1t.111dtul Ill \ l.l·111l h 1;1•1H·1 a l 1-:11·1 tnc· Zenith .111d l H '\ .11\'1111111 101 11 1·1111~ .10 Jtl't <'l'lll ot 1111· n1lor :-1·1~ ... old 111 t lw l ~ 111111'!.t'I. and 1111•\ 1111· lll'l11·\ 1·d lo bt• tlw 11111~ .\m1'l'll'.lll · l'lllll p .11111·:-Ill ;1 l.111 ;... lll '111l'\ Ill lh1· !t1•ltl Z1·111lh. 1 ~ lht> :'1.o t 1•1o1 dUl'l'I' Tlw I .11 t·~ I 1·11111 p.111' Ill l'ilplllll.11l' , ... \\.ti'\\ l(•I, fo: 11• l' I I' 11 11 I (' .., \\ h I (' It Money Tree maJ.l'~ I'\' t l'l l'I\ , ...... 111 1-'111 n· ... 1 C11~ \1 I.. \\ .11·11 tr !.~ p1111 l'tp:il l't1~111m1·r ,th\·"" h:o' h\'1°11 ~ •• ti'" l<ot'lnu·I. 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"111 ht• lht• lat l'st m :o thrt'l' part torl'1gn lakl·m·1·r :\1111111111.1 ~ T \ ;.d 1111 ... 1111 •"" \\ ..... a<'qllil'l'd h~ .Ja pan ~ l;11·i.:1·..,1 T\' 111.11..1·1. ;\I a l ~u ... 1111 .1 marl..1·t1·r of tht• 1'ana ... 11111l 11111· ,\1111 \J ,1).!11~1\ '" 11 a -. :01 qu1n·d h~ l-:uro p1• ~ la q.:1·~1 T\' m.1l..1·r '\, \' Phtl1p ... ol t h•· '.'\ l'l Ill' r I: 11\1 b TEl.t·:O\':"E. 1\ LOS ,\:\(;t·:1.t·:S.h.1wd 1·1m)!lom t.·rall- dw1·l..1•d out of 1 Ill' T\' hu~lllt''" 111 Wi 1. d ,,..tnunt 1nu1nJ,! th• l'al'kJr<I lkll 11111· 'l\\o 11lh1·1 11 Pll l..n11\\ n t S ltran1I-. l 1h1h'n :ind :\d m1ral. lour.ii -.111 'I\ :ii p11-.~1hll· 11111) 11ndl·1 1h1· !->hl'lh•r of hu;!t' 1·uq1111 :1111111-. J\dmlf'al :-old oul 111 an"' 10 ... p:i1 l' 1.11111pall\. Hot·k'"'ll lntl•rna t1onal l'htl1·11 tn1·d and l.11h•d 111 111.11..t· :i ).!o of 11 1111 d1•r till' <ll'J!l" Of Font ~1 11101 \'11mp.t1l\ lh 11atn1· 1111\1 lwlnn~·, Ill (;l'lll'l':tl 'l'o•ll·phlllll' & t-:l1•1·1 rnn11· .... \\ h1d1 h ;,... p;1rkl·d 11 "ilh a11111 hl·r I :t i,l1ng T\' ~l'I 111 :ind. S~ h :0111 :o Thi· prosp1·1·1 ~ loll' 1\d1111r.ol. S~ h :1111:0. l1h tl1·0 .111d ('\'C'n m1i::hty (;1•111·r:il E l1•1·lrll ;11'1· <.111~ 111111)! hul p1 0 1111'- ll1J!. _l"orl'i)!n madL :-cl!> :dr1.·ad~ d um 1nal1• I tw hl a1·k-.1111I \\hilt' mark1•t ~"" thl'~' :111• 111:oking -.1rnni.: inro:ub on tlw muc·h nwn• l111·r;1ti,·1•1·11lor m:orkel . Both Zenith antl Syl\'<1n1 :1 h;I\ l' l'h:11 g1·d 111 11•).!:ol :oC'l 11111.., lhal lh!• .fa p:llll'M' mak1·r~ ;1n· 11111 10 ch• ... 1rnv lht• /\1Twri1·;on 1nc h1s1r~ Directors Re-elected IJ01t·.Jo1u>N. I r••rng•'"'I ,j hf t i. .... t11 ~ I ~TOCKS ,', .1 ,.,., 0C'l.:11i In 'l'lw .... ,,.,,u,,111 ,,,,.' 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I 'f I 111 1 I • I~ .,..,. • 11 lw v•H '" '/w 1n1 I• II tN nit ti !J'•• W11 ,,-.,1 11 W 1wu1 1 I l/lJ'Hlf1/\ I I t ,, .. '• '• ' ', N w ... 11 " '" ,., ... " IW• JlJ I I t 11'1 IH oN ,, , ~I r /1: t 1 1 t 'lh' ,f f. 11 " •""°'' r ••O • '" . " ., •' , I "' ' " '1 • ' I I• I' I I " "' '"''' ' t I J 1 ~ I •t, t I J11• 1•1 ,., v 1,.,,,i1r tt 1 '' ·' I~~;,·.' tt:'"' I" ~~ ' 1, I .111 t 'I I I ~1, . 't'l• t' eu I \ t f I• I] "· I I I••"'' t I! j I I q I 1n 111 r•• 1 t' I 1 ,, • ' ~"fl 1 ' /1 11 It-I> ill I t i 0 1 I utnlNt •'> hi 'I II : 'I w;. .. Y l"Lr) r -----I I.' ~,, 1n"f To1iigl1t's TV Highligl1ts KTl,A 0 H.011 l'rah· of Ila· Y .inlo.t'l':O. • G.in ('1111p1·r p11111.t\.., 'l'\\ York :-.IUJ.!gl'I' Lou C1·h11 ..: 111 t h1 ... 11111 gr:.iph1c:<JI nllJ\ 11· "1th 1'1·11 ..... a \\ ni.,!11 \\'alter Bn.:1111 ~111 ~md H;tl1c Hulh ~q.qit•ar mg a:-. h1m-.t·ll N BC (J !I :so 'l'lw l>.ir\.; :--.ult· 111 In nott•JH·t·. ·· 'J'h1· p1·olilt·111.., 111 ;10 all lt1t.·n1 t'\mt•t'iC':J n 1':11111h· :11·1· 1•\;1rn1111'<l in th1 ..; new T V cl n1m.1 "11h .Jo:11111.1 P1·ttl·l. :\tint• Areht·r . .J11h11 :\nckr..,1111, 1\1111 ll11tll<'r .i nd Larr_,,..l ·as Py. l' H S t) I U ll 11 <; I 1· 11 C.:amphr ll . Do,sn I lomt•. l lo\\ n t m'h r Thl· s1.•tt111 g 1 .... 1\ustr;tl1.1 .1:-. .\1 11t·n1·,1 :-. eountr~ n1us 1t• s pc•(·1,t11 .... l 111111 .., .\11,,o11• :-,inJ.(er OJ I\ 1:i .\'t•\\lU/l·.l ulm 111 a ('(1lun1d l our 111 and ;11 <i1111d 1 lw s, d111 •\ ;11irl i\lclhounw an-.1 r TV DAILY LOG Thursday Evening MAY 20 6:00 tJO 10 ~a:lCIJHm (3 0 I 17 3 U 6 Hews 0 Bon11111 16/ ram1t1 Alt111 O llon11dt m P1rt1id1t h1111lf C!)Ad1111.12 Ei) Sp.1n11h Ot11111 26 I )41 re ) Sllr l1tl fDloom! 39 M1h ,Oou(lu al l•ttlt ltuuh 6:)0 6 m M4' 'ntllth 10 Mttv '""'" Show i1 3 Slu1t1p !ht Sim ~Opco M11h r1no11m1 ll»i• 1 00 0 0 0 2~ 6 m CD Hm 3 lronsrdt g Bowline 101 Dollm 6 ( 2' a ) Bon1nu a lo lrll tht truth I Co11Ctnl1111on I Lo•t Luer Tht FBI ~ 17 3 26 Gunsmob ID F111t lm11u ot the He w World ·Ne" Ho11:on1 •n Gtogr1phy Ch111topher Columbu1 n••er ~nt" """' ht landed in 1492 ht died 1honl1ng h1, had re;ch•d Cn1na Am"1go Vtspuccr cl11mtd tour voy •it~ lo I ntH "t0nlinenl" but only '"o h11e been documewd Who did 1ndud d11Wv11 1he "'" Wot Id' ED 011m11it Sc11n al Adhms f11111tr 1.lO Bl u t ol lht Wlld EI;) Poi<t Is R11ht ltwt Mleroun S!Jlt U!illID 01'41trw Ho " L Why "Volu no' Dr Ctorgt F 11hbtcl 11\f\ a li>OI 1t IOmt OI lht .. oi1a \ ,, t4MI IOCul••l on """ ~ CO\!I ltl(; .. noeh " \lo•'f co.tM f int rt un!r,\.dt "''th trn '!h ind 1nru1tn1n~ int '"" ol lht PtnP't ••d lllt' w11ent• ol l~t count!\ a t u cl1d t1mm 0 CtltbnlJ lowhnf 10 Mitch G1111t m 811dr 8un<h 23 6 Holtpood Squm 1 ED Robert M1cHt~ Rtporl 39 l.tt's M1h A Dul CD M1m.12 l:OO 0 17 3 I !ht W11ton1 {Rt Olov11 d IC• 1er1 lhll 1'1t 1• gn•n1• W C1ou ·W11t ED C11Jl!1lchm 9.00 0 17 3 -S HIHll f,...O (k) I• ten tio<l<rl i"•1l1 •' 11,. Rl•nd m11l~1,.t t1I J ffH;l(J~u:J ~ ulh ~hr> I' •1'hMld1nK 1he l1y lac11 1ha1 "'V'd ic1u1 l~e ·11111 .wl his mo 1.,. .. 0 I l'1 8 ) J J9 CD Slrtttl ol S•n F ranmco • M_,, ~JM\ ,,, Oealh • tHi Allrr A trAlt tu•1111n<11i ~veo•I " ~h ~tfoc•ft riff•\ I' \tQ '" trorn • .,.,,.housr t I ~t·•re .1111t tn'>Ptc.tor 11.•ll,., ptl in,m ,,.,, ~ ftt tce¥tage -. Hl,reo C.tt,l M1;1• ~wt:.I\ if\ an ,., pm ti 1l~;tll \I.a• "'~'' "'Jt)o.\ •llt\ I, .. t'i""'"' to f.j~,. !'"t \ b.,.f•c"" '"'" lt!r••it i.Jf1~\ W Anthony Newley And * Roger Moort> Highlight Mef\I Tonight Al 9 W Mm Ctillon Show @8ov~e ED I ftUlrt on Amt nu l!trn\lt n ' ~J\\ ••t:. t•li"' •. ' .• d' 1 \tf•f~ ,,~ ,,, "" .. '•P' t1 " .. ~" 1orrn.1 . ricmrr ' t~f "'··'T ,, .•u1-.~ 111 ltvn.tul 8t'•1\Jt1~·, M•:.· 4 ft\,... ,.,, f r • r "a.~1\ I~,,.,, ' •" {1J' C~' I ffi •oru n l•ncu•2r P1oc11m\ 9·30 0 ;ll 6 10 m" a r lhursdl) N1rh• M•"t' (C) 190) "lht 011k S1dt ol lnnouncr" !d•11 It. -·Jo J nd S t"Uirt At• 1c-Arcl'!cr. J ,· n Art de1 ·.on ~1"1 ~ ... 1!tl, t .11r( l..t~o hm •10..,..ttil• '· 0,.; \t N ck•t~(ln 110~1111 b.u , , 1 •• nn ~u.ce11 1t·,~n .. hv''-:r,,. 1•'tl ~f•.tfJ~1t·i-1 M<111 •,J•> 1h• fl• ·o 1,m,•1 11 ln :ti ''Ut'I! ~vbtnbar l11rnHl ,.t\,J\4! ~.,., .1 ~ ; 1'~flft1nrd ,.,frl tn'! p11Jb1t!m\ ,.1 "o<J•1 J .o<cc t'll• m•fl~•I .tt' 111• p1.1f• '.lit ri1t .,.,;·· e' "'"d •1,n111n~ motf'\ 10 00 0 17 l 6 (SPIC••< I <n C1mpbtll Oo•r Hone. Oown Undtr ~ rn ~rnpDt' lnc ' > 'P' •• I (UI.\~ C1o•f J "1tj11tt(, J I "I '"" , r•t-r A •tt ,,. t /.. •t t J \ lllp " ~ u ~H)JO' '••• J '-"' ·1fw1 rout I ._,. ll'ld 0 ill-&1'1 11 t 0 f,.,a 11 ... , t • f. J ~ .!' w • ,, .. \ii: ! 1 ~. 4 iJ '"" p J "1~!·1 '\ .. bJtf r 1 '"J' ,. tf'1 I ~ ;ier IP• :-r :,, ..... !'l"Jl ... , ... ~ .. t J ' fS \ ~ • O 119 B I :i J9 CD Hmy n • ' ' rm: ,.. ;. ~ c 4 ; J!d •u '•d""' I.I t • • ·"'~'"'" f"'e•I t f i:~ t'" r .. , I.• ); l'lt .. ,d1 • . ,, ·o ~ . · 1""111 r_.: .. iv 1: ,. , , l)J., '\H, 1 l' i I ~ I 41'- At'I I l•A~ J 11? 11 \"':J ,;:; .... • O llt•I >6 l~,, Amtrun Sl)lt U\tn on a srll1ng 1~b M htlp oul 10 30 m ltt~\ • lh lh• 1•111• v \ l•n•nttl 6 lie~ B•nnJ Sho• 0 ll b 10 E?;) H 8 t l~unda7 76 D1<I Vin Dr•t Sho" Mo11e: (C) (90) "Sh11\ Kill"' 1,1d•l 11 00 tJ l 0 8 rn 39 CiJ N1~1 16 -ll<ch.,d Yn1~uc1 •ntl fh111111 0 n 6 10 tr;' 11,,., rt.111 en 1:.u "' tho\ .1Jvrn!111t nt .1 O ~I) Bt\t ol C·ouc~o Nl•Y ll<1n•d \Cub.1 a,,t, J~d ~ m I I> Mll\h&I D1i1(n 11n1 b1nl11~11l ~hn W·lh lhtll l"'' O Mom. IC/ ••Jnr Capll•n•s J,. l11rM1 U•nn l!t \\HIM ,ind [hi• lilt" 1• ,, I I ' l,,,, ' L•th 1,1111 It' 1.111 '" 1e.icn ol lht m Miry H111m•n, Mal' llmman 1,11" ~h•lt \h Ilk ID Ctt Sm•ot • 0 Mom: (C) (211ftr) "Plldt of 17 J Y•ncy Otlllft~tr lht l••'to" lJ•AI 47 r,,,..., ( J'I 8 1 l1ulh or Cun1t~utntt\ Coope1, ltrt<J 'll111hl, "'All'I Brin II I~~ C1ntm• )4 nJn 1 IJO fl 17 l ]o CBS IJ'• "'""' 6 Mov1t· (C) (211hrl "A Summrr (I:) "~ drl10 1" I l'lact" (d1Jl \9 R cn11J F r•n r ,, " (ln101n1 Mcliu'ot ••nd" llt•, 11~1 0 ll 6 10 ~ Johnn1 C•r1on -1~..,,, ~-.i.-O 1 • .i.,n1 ;..,.. 0 ( 1'1 e l 3 l'I CD Wtlcomr 6 Mo• t '1!101 1n Ctll 8100 11" 81<\ Ko"'' lh• llrr' N ~ • 1 •,.. 1 1•11.1, llJ1b" • '' '" •' O t >~ B l J9 w .. it Wo11d •. 1f!Pnl b dt (I(' c1,rl b .. • ·~ Prr,rnl\ " • '• •• 'f•t. I ~·~'" ,,,Vt'" "' "tCh 'I ' tmP:t•rn 1 •'-' .. , O M11t1on S Mh ot (2ftr\ "Int Hi>o'" 11111 t 1 ~ 11 I' , M• ~ril t\' •fill Ir ~~ ' AJ.t'""\ ~ h,on1•4l1 •• ,., !' m My Ihm Soni llHl Sl1nltf Cup f"l11olh Ht•• 16 Mo>1t (Cl (1n11 ··l"I l141n I rom C\ln Hill'' 1-.r ,t t.q t-• P•'l'•' J\. r ,, .,.,r\ 1.n1•1l. A··~, 111 ~1111n11 ffi ~ "K"•nd "C" "''! '11n nt 1'111'\1 I A r., n! t•· .fl ('I c,' • ·' m,, u•I'\ • 111ol\+1" I A ,1'''• ""' M1111' i Con' lnl,,nmon1I l1p1n•1t t1n~u1~f P10~1Jm\ I.JO ('9 8 I J J9 CiJ 811nt1 Mittn IV ~ft1p11r· 1n1 "''"I• t,,n \ h.1~cH1 1g ..t I lm1.., 11,pt.lt ;,,.,,, •1 tt1•K 1h•I rul,,,!r lh• I ~lh r,, (+~r· · Friday DAYTIME MOVIES 9 )0 0 "81.,:~ 81"1hon·· 1 J·~I f Fr,.\ Ptw~ larr' M>ro ··S11n 1111·· IO'll JI I ·h~ B•o•,mtot Ylr J1 Y1r1~ II 00 0 "llr<t1 ltt Mt Go·• ('u) ~3 (•••L C1b:• c,,, I •'"•· 12·00 m "lntndlf [ftt1n1n ·· !~111 •: CnA1f•1 l\11n n~t1. N1~u Kt r a 0, • .,,,1 m11, .. , ID e. •n & ~ 1 .. .l 00 0 M , A '•11• •' '• I I ''1 A l11r fHI ID Mnw ""'"· n,., 11 v .. l.H f, •• ,.. I f I I • 11,., ffi ~•h • '1A1utt•1 f •nir\\' I l 00 0 13 o 11) •"!' I om1•11u• 0 W.tftl"d 0-.i•tt '" 41._, I JO ffi All N1.'hl '>I • I~<~ Slid•. "M111ia• lh•I ~.,.,;• ··Anulhrr fin,. M"'·' l 00 ()Mull• (ti ·f11~1,• In ''"l'"' • ! I 't ' • .._..... t-lf Ali·· 3 30 () Mo"' ll ''I'•• OM OJJ' H\JU'f' ''° I ~ ' 'i ., \.• . : I 00 () ··&·~ 810'" c,.,.. It > • I }t.> "Olp Om.tl1( r()\llltr'' f \ ., 4 : 30 O M .. ,.~,. r 10 ... 1~, 01,.n 110~1·· 1 A P tA ' ' ' " " J 00 10 1~1 I~• Vr.ic t •"l'" · '•• r' ",,,..,, ,,, y l 30 O s,,.,., I It ll "nr· .,., '~ ..,, ,, y KOCE Television (50) "'* l 00 THllTRll!ALEYE MMlfl1nno(o,1nm , m 1 oo ~ocvs, l •u· ,, 1• "' • '' l JO Ml\.RRO(;ERS Nt l(;Hl\ORHOOD •OO SESAMESTR£CT • I 00 ELECT RIC COM PANY S JO CARRMCOLE NOA\ '00 CALll'OANIA JOU RNAL •JO OIM[NSIONS IN CULf URCS I\ ~ ,,., "'"' 1 00 C0NNIE SCL0fHINC.CORNCR lo•I ,.,.,, Ov• • I JO MAGIC MCTl6Qll0"01l1'61NloN!; • • 00 CONl £MPORARYCA~ll'01)NIA 1\SU•' 1 >0 WOMAN t • 1 ,\ 1 1 ' ,, ~ 00 THETRlllALE'l'E \w"rl '""' \y• 1000 TMCOLYMPIAO I ,. ,, Price• Good Thru Wod., Moy 26 FREE HOMEL-ITE CHAIN SAW DEMONSTRATION Saturday, May 22 -lOAM to 4PM . G • .) I \I \' [)~ \~~- Black & Decker Drill Sharpener • Add to !ht longevity ol your bils • Rt d1orptns 11 d1ill bil mts from 111·· 10 3 a·· .1910 Black & Decker 3 /8 Inch Drill • Ooublo redvction gHr syst1111 for high powered drifli11t ection • A JMIWerlul ,,rformer -1hives mest au enarits. 117104 I I . --Volue up lo '77 Whe11 you buy a new Homolitr Xl7 or larger model Chuin Saw • Offer good while wpply lash . Homelite XL2 Gas Chain Saw • A rugged, high powe red gas chain sow cuts through big timbers wit!1 the ultimate of ease • lightweight and well bolunced for safe and ouurote operation • Features twin trigger dual control system for independent throttle actuation 11995 MODUll ................................ 9995 Reg. 24.99 1999 Reg. 16.9S 11aa ~ I" '.). "'"'\ . -;-- Pennz-Guard Gumout Spray • \lop1 mo11lurt rull & •qurah lubfltOlfl. p•nclralt1 prolflll 4 01 , Reg 1.39 11 01 .. Reg. 1.99 149 Glidden Spred Ge l-Flo Point • Th1tk alk•d 101 t o1y one (AOI Op1'l•1<ll1on • Ullo J smooth gloh, ll11tsh nolJ, up to rou11h w.ath•r Delta Faucet Washer Kit • Sovt woler ... slop lou1el ltO~\ • lncludu 7 springs ond 7 cup wo1hen Glidden Spred House Paint • W•olhcr rHrstonl acrylic 1clu r1lo1n1 beauty lonter • tlo"" on smoothly, d1i~s qur<Uy 8 99 Gal. / I / • Fluidmaster Water Control Valve • Anti-siphon fl( valve provide1 rninimu"' water wo1lt ond Ins noi\e. po11tive 1hut·olf • Adju1tobl1 lo fit t 1 r" to 14" high tonks. UQOA· Reg. S.9S 399 ' .. ,, I,. ) Vigoro:e> 2 117 Lb. Snail Killer • At1ra1h ' •ills planl d111roying snails & slugs • (Hy spreading meal or ptllth I Golde n Vigoro<! Lawn Fert ilizer • Sptuol 1low·r•IC'otl' formula Reg. 91' 5 9 C • Green' qrou fo11 ond heps rt green for weelt1 _l ·~ 599 .~00_.@ ~ .-.~~) Reg. r.1s 1.k--- - ·"' ~i .. - 3 In. Wide Paint Roller L Whirlpool 2 Speed Automatic Washer Whirlpool Matching Deluxe Dryer • Just whel"s nttded fer polnlillf woo4 trim • Melieir & Oynel' cevtr 9"41 melol k ome • Two wash ond spin speeds • Super Surgilalor ogilolor • P1H1tp "'°'"· Hl>A3000 • No oron 101t for permonenl prtl\ • Push lo •lorl bullon. tomed dr1<ng • large l1nl mun H DIJOOO 15 9~!> Modrl Avuilable ' . j Orange Coast E OIT IO ~..J * * * VOL. 69, NO. 141 , 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ' ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. 'roda,·"s h•s i11g N. \.'. S toeks THURSDAY, M AY 20, 1976 c TEN CENTS S~~th Coast Plaza Expansion Okayed -~ulb (,.'vus t l'lat.J ulltl'lai:-. :tll' mum on till' n:it1H'" of thn·t· dt· purtment !>lores plannt'il 1111 h1· , • .,. 1>unding shoppmi.: cculc.:r Pha:.l' Ill l'>.1i:1 n:-11111 ''('XJ11•t·t1·!1 to bl•gin this foll The· lhn·1· store• prt)J l'tt n•t"l'J\"t•ll \':Jrt:Jlll"l"' for butlchni.: la•1ght and park tllJ.! require ments fro m l'o·H•1 l\l (">J CllV l'OUnt 1lm l'n Iha:. Wt•t•k Onh abOut h"".11f of tht• normal 11arkir1~ rt·qu1n•nw111 '1 1ll llt• 111d Tli(• van:int·(•<; \\Olltc1 nll1"' lhn•t•. thn·1··kvc.:I dt:partmt·ttt ..,IOl'L':o-~111d a two lt•v1•l m:1ll :-.ho p p111a.: an•a. '' h1<·h \\oulcl hnna.: ttw t'l'nh'r':-g ro:-s 1Ju1lchng an ·;1 lo 11t•:11·1y 2 million squ:irt• ft•1·1 ·1 h1· 1hrc1..··:-.tor~ hulld111gs ''ould 1·011 form with c·x 1::.tmi: ... 1ru1·tur1•:-. 111 I ht• n •nll·r ,\nuthl'r \'an ;ua:t:,. tht:-11n1· 111 p;11'ktll l! r1•q111n·1111•111' \1111tld 11· ,11ft tn a l'al IH ol-1 :1 "l'llt'1·:-. l't'I' I 110<1,q11:ir1· f1·,·t ol !.!f'lh" h111 ld1111· ,11 t·.1 'l'h1• 1"11 \ 1···11111 1 , .... 1( Ii -.p.11·1• ... pt•1· I tH/tl llT t IH1rt11.d!I \111•1 \11\lllJ.! :111111 11\,d 1111 1111' J>.ll'l..111).: \ ,11'1,lfll"I' ,\J.1\1))' ll111)) lt:tnt1 .... 11cl th.11 .1ll l11111gh th•• 1'llrk1ng rat111\\1H1h l Ill· h·:-... th.in rl''llll r1·tl . 1 h t· ~ .. ·gl·r,l rom:-. knn\t h11\\ Ill lll'll p.1rk 1111! I ht·~ th'l'd \' .I ~n.:••t ~1 r11111,\ ~1111-. " lhL'lil'\ l'lllpt'I \'tt'l' :\l.l ,\111 .l ,1d. 11 :1111 111..tl 1·1·hrn•tl H .11·111 "' 1·0111111t•1H .111 dtllJ.! In lht· 1:1 ', ... ,...,I ·H · ~111111 11 lht•111 , lht· S1•J.!t•1 -.lro11i... ha' l' d11111· p rt•\I\ \\I'll 'J'h1•\ .Il l' 1,1111\ !>•>J>ht:-lll :1t.·d 111 I h1 .... 111'.1 a1ld t\tt11lu 1111\ 1!11 .ti\\ th111g II• h1111 I ht'llbl'I n·:- C1 t ~ Pla nn111 )! 1>111•<·1111 t'hJrlt•" Hoh1•1·1-.. ..,,1 111 Ill.ti Ill ht:-11p11111111 I I\ t• 'fl•ll't':,. IH'I' I tllt\hq11an• ll•1•t nl l1111 ld1t1 j.! .11 1'.I l" "llffidt•flf (Ill' .I ,h1111p111).! t•1•111 1•r Ii l..1 · t !11 ... 11111· I I•· ... ;rut 111· ,,1\\ 1111 p111lth·111' \\tlh .1 rt•d 111·t11111 111tlll'1.1d1n .id d m i.; l hal 11 ''ill 11111 1·1 t·.111· .1 'htll'IJl!t' 111 p.1rl..111g 1•\1'1•pt .it flt'Jk l'hri~llll:t :O-:0-1'.l:0-1111 \\ht•ll p.11 k llli.! i... 1111rm :ill~ ;1 prohkm .Ill\ \\ ,1 \ ll,•:-.a11I g 11111111llJ11-.1!-111,.: 1111' I\\" nl till' l hn··· d1'f•:1rt11w11t 'l11r1·~ '' pl.t11111•d 1111 1111 ... 1.ilt 111t lt lllt'tll11d .,.,,,,. ,11ll.11 1•:1r11ll TIH· 1·1111111·1 1 ,1(...11 .tpJllll\ l'd .111 ,111\t'l\llllWlll 11• 1111· I If\ '"' 111.1-.11•1 pl,111 111 :11!11\\ tho· .11hhl1111\ 111 tilt' thr1•t• 1h'p:irl 11111111 :-\nl t'" 111.ill :-hop~ .11111 J h,• p.111-. lllJ.! I ,ll I hi'"' ... Witness Adnrlts ---.. . ~.' , . Oran~c Coast Colleg e 's Sl .3 mill10n Lite rature a nd La nguage Buildin,g b in thl· fin a l sta gc·s of consln1c·tton and will be cor'n· plelcd in limt.' ror fo ll t'la~Sl1S. The building t.:nnla1n~ fl\ l' ).!l'lll't'i..ll purpv~t.· C'l a~~room~. four l :ingu :1.•~t· t'las!--rnom~. two <'ommuntea· lion s kills n>om~. a l;ing1w g t• l:.ih , n:ad1tl).! lab. spt.'l'l'h·hl·anng l;1h. and ·IO 111't'in•!-- lrvine-N avy Swap OK'd b y House Pane l T he SIO m 1ll111n land "'lap bet wt•en the 1n ·11u• c:umpan~· anti the OC'parl m l•nl of Na\'}' "'"" ap prO\'l'd \\',•rlrw:-.da\' b\' a 'Ubt·orn millt•(' nf till' it o1°IM' 1\rm1•il s c r \' i (' e s (,' 0 Ill m I t l l" l' I II WashlllAI Oil. Thr militar~ rar ilat1rs and in :-tallations "ubt·omm1tl1·t• ;,1p ------- Presley Trading ' Resunies Monday n~· JO,\~~t: R E\'~OLl>S Ot ,,,~ Oa•IY PtlOl st .. fl Sam l.l':tl'h anrl lhl' <il'\'ll't'!'. eh11·f promot1'r. ;\l orns :\t1rk1n The ~uspl'nsion 11f 1r:11ltnl! 111 An mfurmt•d "nun·t· ... aid the ... tork of The Pn·.;lt·Y C11mpan11·.. ht•anng is ba ... 1·d nn somt• alll'J.!<i· of:-.;,,,, pnrl l\t-:1t'h \\tit Ill' ltl11•d 1111ns lw mg m a<ll' ag:11n ... l Presley ;\londa~ h.' lht• St.'l'Ul'lllt':-. ,11\d h~ lilt' SJ-:V. h11l I h11-..t' allt'f.!aliOn!o Vixch:ingt• C11mm1:-s11111. :1rt• r1•,1ll\ ;11m l•d al ~t irkin·, In <1i1 announl'l'llll'lll m.1dl' tu c·1)m pan ~·, :\I .J ;\I llydrotC'ch. da\' at the SEC"s I.us ,•\ng1•lt·' nf whic h b not :t publicly hdrl firm f 1C'l'. Hi C'l1 Goz·cl o n . St-:C .\t·t·ortl1ng lo llw SEC n·port. $330, ... 3 Cities Meet on Project Uy STJ.;\'E ~llT<'llEl.L Ot Ott! Ott•I~ Pilot s1 .. u I Offtl'lals from thrc1• <'till•:-. nw l \I lfh S11pe rt1sor Thomas Hilt'.\ 111d ;w Lo dis <·u:-.:. what lhL•\' <·all a hn·a·l·h of faith 011 tht• par:t of tlw CL1lifnrnia I ligh\\ a~· l'11mm1~"11111 r1.•g;1r<ting t•nn1 pll't1011 of I h1· Corona dl'I !\I ar F n ·1•\\ a~ Ht•prc·~t'ntatil'<.':,. from lr\'llll'. Costa l\t 1'sa :incl N't'\\'porl lkath want t n s t• n d a ti l' It• J! a I 11111 . pMsibly ht·aded l>y Hiley. to lht· highway commission's ml'l't111g .June 16 to d1st'uss thl· 1ww :-.tal11:- 11f the pn1J1•1·t. wh1C'h h,1:-. bt·t•n tlowngrndcd to ;_1 frontage road projet·t ~ Earlier t h1~ month. Costa :\lt•:.a \ it•t• Ma\'or .J:1t k llamml'lt ~l'nl a le tll'r io tht' 1·ommi...!-10n. nro testin g p11:,s1lll r tll'll·l1011 of t.'\'l'll lht• fruntagt• road fl'orn lhl' c•flm rn1s:-io11's Slli:-i 11111111111 pnont~ lt~ting lit• told t.•om m 1-.:.acm t·r:. 111 th1· INtcr tha t Ora 11g1.: (.'1111111 ' ha~ C'f1mm1ttecl ;rho11t , I ."I mrllton 111 Fraud Hos pital 'Funds' To C e lla H~ TO'.\I H \IU.E \" 0 • '"'" DJ•I\' P1IOI \tdll u1S .\~1;E1.Es \\1·1·111ng:ind 1·111ll l'l ll'. lor1111·1 ;\)1..,-.11 111 I '11111 111111111 ~ ll11sp1\;d ,1d1111111..,\1';11111 c\'111').!t' l.11111:-()llt•11d11rt ;11 l1111ll1•d hl'l'l' lalt· \\ ··tllit'""·" 111.11 111· ltt·lrwd tkl r.111d "'""'"11 <"11111 111111111 ~ l l11:,.p1l.tl 11\11 111 .ii l1·a~I :'>:IOO,lltlll Cl11:0.l'I~ q111·-,1111111·d 111 .l11d )!1' :\!:ill Ill l'll l' Dll1•111l111 I' II 11l l.;i gu 11 ;1 llt·;1l'h. ad11111tl·d 111 l-'t.•d1•r al 1·1111r t I Ita l hl' ktlll\\ 111 ).!ll :-OIJ.!lll'd !\11.'<l lt':tl l' dot'llllH'lll:-lt:-.1 111,..: ho:,.p1t.tl •'\Pl'lbl'' th.ii \\l'l 1' tl1-.gu1 ~cd p11li111•:tl 1·11-;h 1111·11ri·1•d I)\ Pr 1.0111:-: .I ('l'!l.1 It . I lll1•ncl111 I l'•'P•',il 1·dh td1·11l ii wd (',·II a . \\ho \\a .., "l'l'll'I a 1' I rl•a:-u n·r or ;\I 1:-:--11111 C'11rnm1111 11 \ :ind ~h-1 r~ c;1·11t·r.il ll11:-1111al. S.111 t,1 .\na . .i:-1h1• an·h11 1•1·1 ol 1:1:- <hl\\ 11f.11l · H1i.:ht tr11111 th1•11111o•\\1•11p1•111·d lht• h11,p1t.d 111 l!li I I lr C '.-11.1 \\ ·" .1h\.I\" ;illt•r 1111• tor, h1•1·1..... 111 l1•nd1;rf :-.11d \\ h1·11 lh ('l'il.1 ;1,l,.<'d tor .1 1 lw1·!.. \1111''.I\1• 11 t" him Tltl·n· '' .1 ... 111'11111 qu•·,111111 111i.: him :11>1111111 a--""""-·erl th~n-t"m~nt tli:i '"'II p.in• llw l rv1lll' l'nmp.111.' 1111· 215·atn• furmt•r <:ankn Cro\'I' Nikt• ha:-.t•. plus sc•\'l'fl :11·ri•s of land ll<':tl' tht• ;\J;trirw l'11rps ,\rr ( hl'li«opt l'r 1 St al um a nd ;1 11 :l('l'l' wart•hfHl'>I' :-.llt' IO s .111 Fr;111 l' i~1·11 spol{csnT:in. rn7t trm!tn~nt\·-t....--H!tt-+nf++Mlttt+i.++~'~·n 1 .. Prwoll'\ r1's11ml•d o n :\l n ntla.'· 1111 1 h•· 111 lht· S EC 111 tis 1nn•sti1!;1l1t1n 1)f ~~_....,~~~i;g;~+.-U.t.1.L-..:.::!::.:::=..:~..::'-""'....o.l J l'<.'I. ;mrl s aal I h:st agt'IH'Y g:1n• .1ssur~111 ccs that lhL• ro nlnlJ11l111n would b1• lllt l'ntin· for lll<'m 1•1 proceed w11h co11,lrur1tci11 on till' roull' Ol lL·1Hlurf \\ l'PI .1 ~.111 1 , ..... lttdJ.!•' . l ,I "'jl I', ! In t'\tih ang t•. th,. In in1· ('11111 p:rny w1 II 111 r11 m·1•r 7:.!:t ;11·n·-. lll'ar lhl' El T oro 1\la nn1• ('orr,... \1r ~tat111n f111· 11-.1• ;"' ;1 o•h·.11 111111• l11r flig ht 11atll·r11:,. ,\lT1Htllll).! 111 H,·p \11d 1 \'\\ ll111sh:m 1 It 1't•\\ pnrl ll1•:wh 1 ,, 11wmh1·r 111 t h1· '11h1·11111n11tk1· .lpJll'll\' ;d II\ I Ill' "'lllll'llnl Ill 111 t'I' .11 O\th\ I tl:0-111'1'" I h ,1\ I ht• full 1·11111 11\lllt•t• \\ 111 ·"''' .111lh111 111· llH .1gr1 •1• nwn 1 Tlw I hr1•1· p.111·1·1 ... :11·•111ir1•d In tlw Ir\ 1111• ('11111p.111\ '' hll'h :11 1• \ .t1111•d .11 ~Ill 11111111111, 1 ... :tl!--11 tho• \':tll1t• \,11111· l!l\l'll In tlw lr\1111· ('nmp;111~· pr11p1•rt ~ tun11·d .,,., ... tu I 111• :'\ ,1 \ \ Tlw l rnn<' Cnmp:iny 11111 11!--111 dt•\'\'lt1p ;111 1111 hi...l n:tl park al 1111' N1•\\ (;anlt•n c;ro\'t' :-111•. t-:a rh1·r ll1t., 111·1·k. tlw (;:inh·n 1:1;(1\i'.\'tl\ C11unl'll n ·1111w«I that prnp1•r\\' l111· 1111111.,t n'a I 11 ... 1·<; Orat1 1!1' ('1111111 ~ ~11p1•1'\ 1 ~.111"' lh1:-\l ('l'k :i .;kt·d th1· .;11lt1·1111l11ill lt't' 111 n111-.11h•r "''11111)! ·""'l' 7;, oll'J'l ':O-tll !ht• :!I.) :!I'll' 'Ill' 1111' II"' :t!-.1 r 1111nl \' p a rl. lln\\l'\l'r. I ha l 11·11111• ... 1 \I a :-. no t :11·11•d 11po11 ~ll lll'I'\ 1 ... 111 I .. 1111·1•1w1• :o;\'1111111 11ho 1111t 1at<·d lllC' n •,011111011 1111 lhl' park :-.t i •• .... :1ul h1• IHI\\ lllh'1HI' Ill \111rk with lhl' I n 111r (.'111n p.10\ m hopt•s of s till bnni:mg ah11111 a park al lht• :--111• STOCKS GAIN MODERATELY :'\F:W \'ORK <A P > Thi• :.tod; m ark r t brc'Jkl' out' of th<' doldrum:-. to SC'nrl' modC'rah• gains to<la~. hc:>lpC'd by upbeat forecasts from on1• of \\'a ll Slreet'$ g lamor fa\'Mitcs. Xt.•rox Corp. After a s low start. pnces hci::in to elimh aftl'r Xt'ro><'s ~nrnu.11 mer ti ng produt'l'd Ol'\\S that 1h1' M mpnny Is con:-id<'rmi:: an 1•\"C'n wal di\ 1dcncl 1r1crc aM' The Dow J 0nL•s a\'l'r:igt• 11r :lo s t or ks #!a1nt>d R :17 pomh 111 1 n!li 27. 1T,1bl1•s. 1111 1\nwnean Slot•k Exl'hangt' 111• 1111' {'011l p a11 _\"S ;i1·q111 s1l11111 or :ilsn :-.:lid an ;idmin1str;1lt\'t• ht::i r rights t11 I ht• <·1111\ 1•r11•r 1s 111 ing has ht'l'll s1·1 f11r .Junl' 7 in .1 l'Omplf'lt' furl ht•r pro ht• 111' t lw h11nwh111 Id llm\'l'\ 1•r , 11h,1•n't'I'" nll'I 1• t l1at mi.: firm 's at 1p11-.1t111n 111 n •:-.ldt·n lht• alll'J.!t•dl~ m1s..;ing 1nl 11rma 11:11 rights l o a 1·1111trn,·1·r-.1;il 111111 1:-. rt .11 :1 lhal l'n·slt•\' \\lll1ld h,\<lrogcn 1•ot1\ l'rt t•r 11111 h:i\ l' l1;1d ;l('t'l':-.s lo •11;d so !ht· Thi· mm t' 11, 1 ht• SJ.:l ' 1.., "'l't'll tw.1nng 1:-:-.t•t•n a' ,1 "a\ ol fort II\ oh.,i•n'•'I'" ;i-. ,1 1111 .• 111, ,1f gi•I 111).! l.l'a<'h .111d ;\I 1rl.111 11> 'lll>PI~ I 111).! .11 1 lh' 1·111\\ 1• rll•r ... 111\1•111 111 I S1•1• ~TO('K . 1':1 a.:1• \:!I Toro -Slaying Victim Still Unide ntifie d I >r:111~1· t 'o1111t,\ ~hl'rtl l .... 111d l"11 1·on1•r 's 111' 1•:-.l1 gat11r .; a 11· "<'t'k111g dth'!o to lht• 11ll·nl1I \ 111 :i woman ''ho~·· 1111d1" ~l r;111~:l1·d !1.11ly \l a,.; found 'J'tll'sd :1,\· I,\ tng o n a roa<l:,Hk lll':ll' El T11111 ;\lar11w ('nrps 1\1r St<ilt011 ·At 1111:-. pn1nl . Wt' arc• d 1:i ... 1n).! II' a ct ... I 11 h1•r 111\•nl 11\· " :-.:i1d Slt1•nll '-; 1.t Sim :\liddl1•11111 \\'1• t1<•1•d tlt :1t lt('fon• 111• 1·.111 pr11t'1·1·tl a ll\ l11rlh1•r 1\1tlt 1h1• 111 \ l''it 1g:1t ltll\ Thi• w11111 :111 \\ .1'> dc•M'l'l lt1•cl II\ .1 t·11 r 11111·r ... "Jlo k1•,m <1 11 ,, .. l•:tlll'.i.;1 ,111 , Ill ht'I \',ll'h 111 111111 :ms. '" ,. f1111t 1hn•1• :1111i 11 .• 1111111111 ... \\ 1\h ,111h11111 ha11 .11111 hrnwn t·~ t•.; I I :\t1dd l1·1011 ..... id 1h1· p r1· I 1m 1 n a r v I' n r o n ,, r ... r I' po rt ~htm t'cl I ht• \ u·t 1 m wa:-. d111k1•d lo dl';1l h \\1th :-.1111w1111t• ~ h.ind:-. 11111 lw ,;11d cl ri1).! tt•-.h ar1• ... 1111 lltldt•I' \\ .t ,\ 111 d t•\pJ'n\llH' 11' 11:11'1'1111\'' \\'l'l'l' 10\111\l'd Thi' (·111·11111•r ':-""""'''man ah-11 111111•<1 th1'rt' \\ t•r1· 111d11·al1 on" llw \111111 :111 h;1d h1•1•11 l'tlflt'd lr1\ 1•:-.l1J.!:tl11r:-. 1"•111•\'1• llw '11· t1111 11 :h rnurd c n ·d "'ml'lrm1• :\t11111l:1.'· 111ght .111d 1l111111w<I 1111111 .1 lllO\ lllJ.! 1·ar 1•ar l\' '1'111•:-d :I\ 11111rning .dong l'r.1h111·11 H11a;1 111•a r a ma r1111· n•..,11t1·11 l 1.d 1w1ghhorl111111t \ m1 ltt.tr\ 1111lt<'•' p.1\1111 lour)d lt11' hmlv 111"1 hl'lnr1• d;I\\ 11 \1 1.t 1111•11111 .: .. ,11 The rnult1 m1ll111n doll:11· ton lrihul11111 \\:rs m;11 lt· 111 t•11rnpld1· lkt• rnut1· fnir11 I h1• San 0 11•).!11 F r t' L' \\' .1 ' I 11 :'It a t •\ r I h 11 r llouk\'anl Shortly :ifll'r 1·11n ... 1r11t·111111 11 as ht·gun. f1na1H·1a l \tilt'" l'a11:-1.·d lht· :.talt• lo do\\ 11grat!L-lht• frt.'t'\\ a ' 111 l'11mplt't1111111f a lronlagl' n1:td parall1.·l to llr1:-.rol StrcN llammt•ll tnld t'llmmi:-... 10111•1 ... lht' l'Ollnl,\ ('llUld ll\1' \\ tlh 111" lrt.'t'\\:t\ rlt•l:I\ h ut t ha t l h1• l 'alTran:-. "l:tlt• t·1r1g111t·1•r ... ha\•' ·n ·t·ommt•nd1·cl tlwt Mt'll 1111· front:tt::l' road p1·11wt·t ht• d1•la~ 1•d nasc•tl 011 a c h:ini.:t· an tlw ruh-s Ttw 1flolc.•1!:il u111 from 01 ani.:t· (.'ounl ~' plan:-to pn•!-('111 11" c•;1"'' lo hi g hw ay c·11mmi......ion1•r ... lla mm<'lt s:11rl . l'mph:t!-1:t.111g that lh~· t:omm1s:-.111n "ha:-;in •>IJhl!a t1on tC) C'Om plt'll' t lw last phast· of c·1111s lr11rlion 1111 thl' fr1111tai.:<· road .. ('O!>I a !\I 1•s a 1>1r1•ttor of l'uhll<' S1·n·11·~·s .l1m EldndJ.!t' 'aid lit•• n111nt \' 1s not d i...p11t1 11g ckla.v 111 CSt•t• FREE\\'/\\'. Pal!•' I\:!) Frl'l' hlnod pn•SMlrt' d1t'l'k11p-. '' ill lw <lff1•n ·!I frnm 111 ;1 m 111 t> p 111 S aturd;" at Srn11h <'11a ... 1 l'la1.a 111 (,'11.,1 :1 1\11••-.1 Essay Winners Selected Three Wi11 Trips to Washington, D.C. The Derlar;ttion of h1Clc11w n dcncc a ffected threr (.'nst.1 1'tt•:-a !>tudents in different ways, hut their l'ssays on lht' s•1h.k et w1111 \h(.'ffi similar awurds . Rebecca Gunn and No <1l11• Naito, both s en iors at Costa :'lh-.... 1 llij!h School. nn<l SIC'\'l'n Tu<'lo1t•r of Estunna lli,:!h School. t':1d111• ceivccl $500 I oW:Hc1 I rlfll> '" Was hinJlton. D C . for their '''111 n 1 n i:: l's s a ys o n ' I Io'' t h 1• OC'cla rallon of I nc1t'1wndf•n<'I" tta .. Mfcctcd My Life " The contest was spon!;orl'rl hy I hl• Cit' of Cos l a Mesa through its bt\.'Cnt c.•nni::il r o1nm1ltet'. lla nk P ::inian. a n Orang<' C<n1s1 College rns i ructor and r h:11rman of th1' cssav contC'sl. said he \\·as ,·rry impr essed with the cntriC's. :iddinj.! that the essays written by lhl' thr\'r finalis t!> "gave me a n Opt1mislil' VICW o( the lhinkio.g_pf h11?h school !.I udcnts today," I 11 her ess oy . M i~s Gunn s::ud lh C' J\m('ri ran docume nt 1:-. :.omct htn~ th:il 1s looked upon with adtn1r:lt1o n hv othc·r n:i t1on .... and calls for thr h1cc·ntt·n ni:.il vca r to be a r cbll'th to "lh1· world th al J c fft>rsnn ;incl ;ti l 111 the Foundin~ F athC'rS would ht• proud of." Miss Nrnto st raps aw:iy th1• hoo pln of the bicentenn ial y<'nr ancl t>xamines wh at is lcrt"a genuine cause for celebration. the American spir it ... a ncl th1· prinr iplcs symbolized by the <See ESSA \'S. Page A2> 0.111y P1lnt Photo PLEADS GUil TY _ C!_eorg~_L Olle!:.!_dorf CB~r Sou g l1t I n A n a l1eim Rap~ Att e 1n p t \ ('II 1 ;11110 11p1•1·a1111 \\ho ldl'I\ tif11•cl h1 m!-1•1/ 1111 th1 • .111· It\ lh1· 1·mlt• n:imt• H11d:in 1s 111'111 ~ :-.1.11~·h1 h.' 1\nalw1m p11l11·1• l•1t la' afll·I' 111· a llt.•j.(t•<lt~· all1•111 pt1•tl In r ap1• ;1 1:1 ~'t':tl' nld i.:1rl 111 a d.1rl..1·111•d al I I'~· l\('('Ol'rllllJ,! 111 p<1l1<'1'. II \I .t:- \\htlt• llw burl,\ r:qw :-.ia...p1·1·I 11 ;" dnving h b lt'rnl1t·d 111·ti m t1 1 llw allt.•:v that IH' 1d(lnl 11'1<1d l11m:.l'lf I•• l'I\ r;1di11 (';tilt-rs ;i" Hnil;i11 Tht• hq.!11 :-1'1111111 I n · ... 1t111:11i 111':tr-rapl' \'kl i1n n •pn1 lt•11l ' t11ld poltt l' tlw ('JI 1·11thu~1.1..,1 lon ·1·d lw r 111111 hi' \-;111 :11 :1 <::11tl1·11 c:rm·t· ra ... 1 food , .... t ahh:-hn11·11• ,. Th1•11 "h1l1· d nt rlll! lt'1 llw .1111·1 111 ,\II a Ill•\ 111 \\' 11 Ir I h t• 11'1 I 01 ... int•kt•n gir l .11 hi' :o-1tlt· 1111111·.t 11lht•r ('B r ad111 1•nthu:-.1 ..... 1 ... 111 th1'1r <'llll\'l'rs.111011:-. Ont'l' 1n lht• tk ad l'lltl .ti lt•\ thoug h . ht' rq1pl·d lh1· girl ... «lotht•s from her hod\ ;mil ;11 tempted to r apl' ht>r. pt)li1·1: 'aid In th<' <.'llSUlllJ! strui:.l!ll·. tlw \'lt'I Im Slit' Ct'ed1>c1 111 St•ral ehmJ,! hr r as:.a1la11t ·, farl·. hrc.•:1king h1:-. l!rtP and 1umriini: from th<' \'t•h1 <'it' s hl• late r 1<h•1111f1L'fl as 11 l!/7!'1 Ford""" Poli<'<' s airl ht•r assaulter . who thc•y dC'SC rihcd as ahoul Si'< rl'l'I. four inc h<'!--ta II and wcigh1na roughly 180 pounds t'hast'd t ht· nude i::1rl down lhc nllcy And it wasn't until a pass<'r hy noticed tht' near ,·icl im 's plight and came to her a id that lwr hur l:v purs uer raced back lo llw \'an and drove 1t I rom lhl' allcv Police s aid the.• wh1t1• ~an wa., stnpc.>d and. or l'OUrsc . equipped with CB radill l'(!lllPmcnt. i.:11111 \to lwo 1·1111111-.. ol 1'•111..,1111.11·1 1·n11lcl hnnr.: 111111 ·" 11Hll'h ,1, It\•' \'t':tl'S 111 '1!11• l1•d1•1 :t i l'l'lltll•lll l.tl'\ lll1 l':tl'l11·n11 n1 .111d ·'!'Iii IHHl I 1111• 1111 t•:11'f1 1•111111t 111 :1dd1t 1011 In 111,. Jll'l !olltl I 1•rt11 ./11clg1· lh 1'111' 1 .tllt·d l11r ,1 proha 1111 11 l'l'Jlllll 11 11 1111· 11111111·1 ~l~i.11011 .t \ 1·.1 r lt""l'll ,1 I ,111 Jllllll:0.11':11111' .111d ... 1·t .111111· '.!1 .1 ... 1h1• 1l:1t1· Ill' \\di .,1·1111•111·1· Oll1•111lnrl Fort~ l\\11ol lh1 ·ttll).!ll1.d l l1·nu11h l1h-d ;11-::1111!-I 1111'·1111111 1 t\l'l t' d1.., nu~cd t >lh·111lo1 I ... 1tl•"' I• It I >1 I '1 ll.1 ."ti for nwr \!1•11 ' 1;,.111•1 al 1\d 1111n1,l 1 ,1 1111 :...11·plw11 1(11111·1 I .. ;, ·"'' :11 ot ,11 ...... 11111 \ 11•111 .• 111tl 1111 ll\l'r 'h•n ' < ;1•111•1.d I '11n\l 11ll1•1 l'ih'1td111 •· ~··11111 m.111 1'1. 1•1 ...,;1111.1 \ n .1 a:-. I h1 · 1111 •11 '' h" '' ti I J.!n 1111 l 1'1. d '.\l 11n1l.1' A 111m t• 1 o 't·1·l-. .1 ""p:i1.11<·t11,tl lor Dr l'1•ll :1 '' .1 .. ah.111d111wcl \\'1·rl nt·,d ;1y '' lwn I ,i\\ '1·r:-101 t·:1 ,111' .11111 Sl't11fl111 :111 .1 ~····1·rl '" \\,1f\I' li11•1rnj.!ht 10:11111;\ 111;rl ;111d.ill1m <S1•1•(;l ll.T\'. l'a~1·,\:!1 \\t•a lh•••· '1g l)1 .111d 11111111111:· In\\ I I 11 11 d ' It 11 I 11 I I tt · I \\ I • · "''"'" ... 111111\ th11111r h I 11 d,1\ l.11tlt-1·lt .11l).!t' 111I•111 111'1.1t111'1' \\ti h hll' h I· 1111,1\ 1, i I 11 I:.! I 11 \\ t n 111 g It I :,. I 11 I~ I l ~S IUE T OO,\\ A I.~ 1/('flr 11/rl •11rl llunr 11 ·11/1 lwr 1•1ws lu 11·1· "' /11r e1porl ''' 1111r111t1/ unc/1•rw1·11/ l'J/1·11.~11" SllTt/t'TI/ \\'t•r/rt1'S1/1t1/ /"I /111111/1' I/If' 1•rl/ 1r1• .~IUl/11' t1/ /i1•1 /11< ,. ~··e f'oy1· A 7 At Your \rrvH" 111 tntrrm''''"'" Erm,, Oomb.i<• 81 Ann ~-.ndc '" L M Boyd 0,. '1/wJnfl'I h1•f II\ 8 1 !l/ ,.,,,.,,"'"' A\ Movu \ Ii\ (. .. H t)'fr (.OtnPt O•• Mutu.11 F'und' B• (1,.,,,,.,d Cl " ""''on.al H~"""" ~4 Ril Comic\ C• OrAnqri Cnwnt' 1111 Cro\\1'1tOrc:t Cb ~GOif n1 I °"'••ttt Not•tr\ A II \OQrl\ ( 1 1 Edn.,,.11 l'oo• AA \tot _. M .lfki'h llt , Entl"rt1.a,tnm*"' 81 f pft Vl'itOn '" F11\~f'ICft 8• I T~ • ., .. ,, 8\ For,,,,_ R"'C:Or d D• w'""''""' A• totoro"ap.e •I a Wo•IO N~w\ •• 84 ' I· J 2 D~I y F'll 0::..';._ ___ c _____ T h_u;_,_ .. ;...clJ;:..11;.....;..M...;.1...;.l~...;.20 ___ 19.;._•6 f 'r ot11 PogP . I l ESSAYS ... Ul·t·l•1r,1tll)11 or I ntlt•pt•ndl'n<'l' 'l'lw 1-1hd11:.111Jh) ul 11.i lurJI n ght1> 1!> ad\oanccd l>v i.ludcnt Tut·k,·r, "l111M· , ... ,.,,,~ -,tum., th.1l T lw rrh1!'> Jl"I I 1•1·,..111 ·b ll111u~laL' 1111 lll'l'Son.d l'll!hh r11llll\\\0d lhc p,tl ll'l'll of 1•arl 1l'I 1>:11rn p1·~111 thinkers. om1ar<"1l·fh.'l'll-tl 1n tht· U1•rl~1r;1111111 nr I n<it'p<'nckn1•1• ~l'Oll 1111.tll'h Ill till' C!'>!'>ay l'On tc·:.l \\1·r·· C:1r11I TudH·r nf !-::.tan c11:1 lltj::h untl .John Sm·vcly of C,,~t;;i ~fl-Sil 1111.:h Low Rise A.pproved I Irvine Company Plaza Pe nduig C"ll tnj! tr:lfflc :-i,., ,1 m.111w 1•1111 l'ern. llll'nlh<'r' of 1111' St.111· Co:.1sl~1I Zon1• Co11"'·n .1111111 1 ·11111 m1~:-w11 ha\ l' 'ol l'tl :1pprm .11 11! tlh' In 11w ('nlllflall,\ :-pl.111" for Corpor.111• l'l:i1.:i <Jlllll'cl 10 lllSllllllt' ;1 llllOI 'hlltlfc 1111' "'n I<''' \I. ti h111 Xt•\\ porl (\•111,•t Ill C'tll\llllll'llOll \\ tlh tl\1.: <>CTI > Th<' c·111Hl1t 1011 ),f'b :1 hr'll1I of S.11111,00ll 1111 ll1<' 11'\'llH' Com pany ... ~·,1.wn~<'!\ 1111 1lw m1111 bu~ pl'O 11.'l'l \\ 111 ht' \\ 11rl..rn~ out a !Ju:. f.1r1o.. \ :il11lat11111 ..,\,,I 1·m In .rnottwi 1ralI1 l'·rcl;_1t<'d con. cltt 11111, lh1• l l'\'llh' ('onlp:mv \\ ;i, 11rcl1•n·ll to r1.•tl11t't' till' numlwl' or pJrk111g ),pa<'1's al ('of'pOr<1le l'l.ita frutn I .5li:) lo l.<!50. I Othl'r l'nt n int ..... each rcc1•ivin~ ct l'l·1 l1f 1<·t1ll' of :.i pprl•C 111t1or1, wen: .lo!'>l'flh \'01111~. /\111•1• \\"1·rt1 m1<l Slin1 Elll•11t , :ill 11J ('<1:.t;1 f\.fcsu llii.:li . i•nd f";1rlillfH• lltll and IJ:.iv1cl w:.i~~\·l'man of ·~bllJ nl'.ta I li).(h School I l'lani. lor 111 •\ l°1(11'lllt•11I ol th1· lo \\ 1·1 ~,. ofl ll'l' 1•11mpl1•' :II ;-o.:,·\\'POl'l l°l'll lt·r hll\l' IJl'•'ll hl'lcl up for t ill' fl ..t 'I IJ\'t• 11w111h~ \\11111· the reg11111al l'•»1::.l l't1n11111!'>,.,11111 .I ilflPl'U\ ;ti of lht• 111 ln11ld1111-: p rn 111 a f1n :il transit cond1l1nn. lht· I.ind t'Om p.tn) \\as onft't'1.•tl to pn·µ:i n · a l>ludy 111' f11tlll'l' lr.111!'>11 rwl·ds 11f x ,•wiw rt t..'1•11\l•r 111 1•1111 lllllCI IOll \\1th lhl.' l>C'l'U. · /\ 11 I r v 1 n l' ('om p a n y sp(fk1·~m1111 :.aici t1Klay th.i t rt• dlll'llVll \\ tll P ii i lh1• pl.11.:1'.' p;irk 1n~: ~p:H'l'!'> h1•lc1w 1111 11111111111 Man d.1r1b M'l lty 1·1l \ 1.1.n111g l•I\\ s THEY WON CITY'S BICENTENNIAL ESSAY CONTEST Costa Me sans Naito, Tucker and Gunn (from left) Mom Silent on Torture 8) G.\ff\' GRA.~VIU.E 01 I~• 0•1 ly P1101 SWI ,\ I rail ~ ouni: San Clemente \\o n1:.in Wl'arang Jail clot hes d 1mbed into a Supf'r1or C<>ur t 111n· 1>11x Wc•dnt•sda\' l•1 tell whLJ t s hl; knows of h l~· 5 n :ur -old da ug hl('I' s tort 11 l'l' sl :i; 1ng la!>.l :\'ovem lll·r But th,• only inform<ition dc- ll'nse attotm·y l\I ichacl Mich\'! l!Ot from Yolanda Molina, 2:1, was STOCK ... th<' m1ssin~ data. In u· sta t ement issued t his morning. J Prry Sellers of The Prc~ley Compa ni es !>aid the firm has bC'cn "cooper ating with the SEC:.'" bring ing a bout the he:.ir- mg lie said thl• comp;iny "1s vital- ly interested .. sn e nding specul a- t ion a bout the converter and the comp<Uly IH'liC \ l'S that the> find· ings fro m thl' hearing wi ll J l'- t·ompJish this . Prc),ll·~ stoc'ks were suspl•ndt•d on M arr h 25 wht•11 lhl'\' wen· sell· ing ~1t s lightly more ·than s:w a share up from about S.1 a share at Christmas. The length ~· s uspension of lhC' stocks lc ct to a law suil filccl in the I.as Vegas federal District Court h\' IW O P n •sl\'V s hal'ChhltlC'rS • ()np of lh;lSC' s ha rt•holdNs , l.c<mard Smith , the I.as Yt:JWS ti· ty a(tnrney, s u1ll he no\\ rxpel'lS that tht'' jucli::c who hus taken tlw case uncl er i-ubm1ss1on will ),tmp· Iv rult· t hat the 1ssuC' has hcrome ITTOOl Sin('(' trnd i n~ IS tOrC'sum1• Rt•1'1.•1HI~, the S F:C ha~ hl'l'n trying ti> ,,., up ),Om<' indr pl.'n clt•nt tests 111 1 he 1•onvrrter. \\ h1ch have not ht'l'n <·nnch1 t tl'<l due to ll1spu1es "1th l.<><1ch and J\1 irk111 m·c-r condition:-11 ndc>r wl11l'h th<' t <'st~ an • to ht• run Three Harbor Schools Name Top Students Thl'l'<' :"\t•\\ p111 I M !1sa l'n1ft('d School D1),11wt high !'>l'ho<>ls han: ~elN·t,•<l tht>1r \ :t l1•d11·111nan!> ;incl -.:il 111atnn:111 s f11r l h1· l '.J71i l!l'<Hluat 111g rl a:;~ 'f'ht•\ .Cl l' Es1'o.11H·1;1 l llg h Sl'hopl T<>m l't'l'lll':Cl'll, I! a 111h r rn11•1', ('ynt h1.1 Y.1 mal!:I and Sll!'>illl 1'.1ngc!'>, \ ak d 1c•tona11.., l'oron,J lid i\l .tt' 1 ltgh ~rhool l'lultp 1>11\ It-. \\'lllt.1111 l looh• I \', r ;1 m 01 \ 1.i:,.1 cl m an . ~ 11· ,. ,.11 ,\J 1·~,1·11g,•r ;ind lh•horah \ OJ.!1•1, \ .ih·cltl'l nl'I :111 -. '-l'\\ p(lrt 11 arhor I heh ~ch1111I :-.t1•ph1•11 H.olih a 11 cl ~l<•\t' \ln11h1111. \ .d1·d1 t•l1111:in ,, .111rl f'.111l.11(11!'><'nl'1 , ,,if11t ,1tll1'1,11l 'I h1• \ .1 l1·ol 1111111.111 ' .ind .... i1u1.1ton ;111"< 1(11' c11 ... 1.1 ;\h•,,1 ll1 ch ~dwnl \\di h1· .111111111n1·1·<1 111111.1.!111 .11 Iii .ii "\'11001 " .m ,ffrf'i l1;111q111·1 ORANG E COAST I t I I' A • f I I • I t I,.,, l 1,' I • .. I ~ 1 ' ~ ' I . ., •I• I ' t I ..... ',,. I ' I I I ... I ' I ' • ti. 1 ,, It JI 11• t1otw 1 t N w, .. ,, " I.ir k R Curh·y I If , .. \• " lhQm.1-. /\ M urnhinr l ~ I t CIM• 11·\ H Loo' H1chitrd P N.111 '· ' ' ..... ,t -• Costcl Mesa o+!lce I A t t• 'l\o H• o t '! f'o '•t I r'l I• t 0111ccs ... I ~ t I t ,o ... 4 , .. ' ~ • ' • ·" ' '',., Ttlt phont I 1t41 642~321 Clau ified Advertisl"CJ 1>42-M71 '""'•' i"' 11·" '~'.," 1• r 1' I 1r'I+ 1 " r ~\ f~t" t ~ti N .,_ q '" I h 11 t"ll• I :\I "•'''I r·t .. /191r l1 t••• I 'I '•'''I .. ( • 1 • 1 .,._ tP'IOut l'' I• • ' u~ r t I• A • I I ' t I I !tf'l• I ~ 1t ( ~ '1' "Ir \ ,, ' 1 • '' • '. ' ·' ,. " •• 1 t, \• •\M&lftlt 1 ,. .-1 t I I .t \. ' ' ht'r nam e and age.• HeCorc M ichl'I <'Ould <111t•sl1on t h~ wom an further. d l'IJU ly publtl· defender ;\l u·h:.iel H('ccher ~aid he was ath'is in~ his client to ass€.'rt he r F ifth Amendm€.'nl rights against poss ible self tn· crimmat1on And when those words were spoken. Michel abandoned his hopl' that !\!rs. Molina would aid in the defense of her husband, J uan Jose Molin ;.i. 22. Hoth l\1olln as arc charged with the Nov. 22. 1975, torture s laying of 5·year -old Laura Cruz, Mrs. Molina 's d aughter by a prior mar ria.ee . Mesa Senior Food Program Inaugurated Respons~ Lo a food program for retired Costa l\l esa residents is off lo a geod -although s low - start at Pomona School T he prog ra m . sponsored by the Newpor t-Mesa Unified School District a nrl the Costa i\lesa llu man Resoun•t•s Department. provides inexpe nsive hot lunches for retired residents. 55 years of age or o lder, · Eve Cr Pm crs, director or fo<>d service at the school said "the word is i:telling out ubout the> food program, but we could handlc up to 100 people ... C11rrcnny, about 25 r C't ir1•cl Costa l\t csans a re lakini:: advan· tage of t he 85·t'l'nt luncheon. which heg ins d •11ly al l p m. at the school. 2051 Pomona A \\..'. Financially, t he program could reach the break-even point with a few more participants. ace<>rd - inJ:t to school principal Robert Br uns. He said lhc food is patterned aft er the students' mcnu. "w11h a ' few vuriations." "The 85·cent c hnrl!e :llmn!>t covers lhc 1·osl of tlw nwal, .. adc!C'd l\lrs. CrC'm ers. "<mcl 11 1s rc>alh· a nutritiou s l11nd1 .. Sht• S~lld SOmt' Of the rt•t1rC'd Cit111:ns m;.ikl• the school lurwh th1:ir m a111 me> al of lhC' cl<.1 v. For inf11rm'atio11 on •. thc foorl progr am. call :\I r' V1'\•11wr.., ;ii :,:;1).:J:!i:l .. . . .. , .. tAesa r -ca\en~- TO:\ Harr OlT Fl\'t•: 1•1-:.:-..'\'l IH'EH \ C ;1 \ .1 111· r 1 a H 11 !'>11 ":111 a . ,\111ht11r1um, ;\I a\ '.!II, :!I, anti :!:!, H p m 1.10 c1·nh ();'lo ~: \(''f' l'I.,\ YS Ya11i.. ... '.I lk t1•111I II T11p of till' Sl·,·1:nth,' .11111 lt11l1hr1 .... s.111l h t'11a),l I!<' fl\' rt n r ~ T Ii•"" .. ,. . 'f' 111 •'11 a\ S11nd ;i.' thro11i.:h .111111• 12. ><fl m FRIDA \', ~1 \Y :!I Fil tn/\ Y N 1<; llT Fl U IS "fll;c11ni.: Sadcll1·'· '0('(' Ft•rum. ·; :10 p m St a tl1111•;...11111 ()('(' l.E\ 'T\ 'It F "l '11kn 11\\ 11 S1111thw1•:;1 ,\frtl'a :· l.hH d \la!-on Smtih ll'Cflll'('I'. Sc·11·11c·1· 11 1111 . 1 :111 r 111 :\IOTOHCYC U : !->l'EEl>\\'i\ Y It \V I ~(; l·'.1 1q.:111und -. >< 1.1 p Ill t 'rom Png•• ,, I FREEWAY th<' frl'l'\\:ty pr<1wc·t. "hul flt l hi' ~t:tgC'. \\'(' :1r1• ~av1ni: lht•\' prn ml!'>Pd Wl ;1t ll'a-.t llw fr1mtag1• road Joh. :rnrl 1t lnok-; Ilk<' t h•'~· an' planning t0 rl mp "''<•n that " Fire D estroys Expo 67 Site ~I O~TR E1\L ti\PI 1\ fl a,h rire ripped through tlw f'orm('r l'111tC'd ~taks p,1\0 111011 :it tlw 1-;,po 67 World's r a 1r ~II\' tod .1~ F1n•ml•n said 1t lt•ft lht• funw<I gC'o<lc>sit• dome n hl.wk1•1wll m1•t.1I skt1lclon \\ 1th1n 1.5 n11nutl':.. nut onl.v !he h us band is on trial now. Mrs . Molina is scheduJe<l to Stand b<'fore a JUry or her peers nexl month. And as shc left Or angl' Cou~t.v. Supe rio r Cou rt J ud ge J ohn Flynn's c:ourtroom a fter he r brief session on the witnesssnifld Wednesday, Mrs. l\lolina glanced · over her sho ulder at he r Ma rine husband. nut :1s hC' hus done since his t rial bega n lust wel'k, Molina sal with his clb<>ws on the defense la· blc and his hands s hielding his eyes. · But 1\1 iehe l had other witnesses to cull in Molina's defense. One of them was a nurse who was on d uly at San Cle mente Gene ral Hospital when the fr;.iil, battered murde r victim was brought there last Nove mber by the ~folin as. Nurse Donna 1\1 cehan teslifiL·d that l\I rs. l\f o h n a re peate dly hl umed hersctr for the child's neur death condition. "It's m v fault. It's m v fault. I k1lll'd he r'." Mrs. :'>1 ceh~n 11uotcd lhC' woman a s s aying. Thro ug'h s uc h tes t i mony. l\lichel hop('S to prove that it was the victim's mother , not her SlCP· father who inflicted the injun es that ultim ate ly caust•d t he child 's dt'ath Prnset·ulion witncsscs earlier in the tri;.il S<iict the child.wa~ suf- fcri11~ from multiple abr;;.isions :rnd hruiscs a bout her body, malnutrition ancl pneumoni a. f 'rom Pagp ,, I GUILTY. • • J udj!e By rne to reach his own \'C'rd 1 c·t It w;.1s cxpla in <'d that Cl•lla. F:va ns and St•hiffman pref('r to pin thc•ir fa ith in a('qu11lal o n a Judge rat ha tha n a Jury. \\'C'dn<'-;day .JudJ;c Byrn<' sup- IWC'!'>!-Cd a ll c•virl <'ncc•sl'1zrd hy thr Or an).!t' ('011nly 01sl rirt Al - tornt•\"~ offr n• from a Costa M<'!>a pnndni:: shop controllc.·<I by Ct•lla . llt' ruled lhal the h•<kral prn- sc·<·utw n cannot USC' any of lht· sc.•\'('t«il box cs of <!o('umcnt s I a k1•11 from lht• l '111t cd l'n11t111g Com - pany plant hy l'mployc Uonald Al hl•rt R:1v Tital r 0 1il inJ.! lctl 11rnscC't1lnr Stt'ph1•n \\'llson tu pretl irl \\'l'd· . 111•sc'\a~· thnl lu· \\ tll lw rlrnpping ~<·n•ral oft he 11 ft•lony l'ounls <'Oil· 1.1111C'<I in his l.ns /\llJ.!l'lcs F1.•rfcl':1I \.rand .l11r,· 111rl1l'lml•nt An in1hctmc.n~or nl cha ref' m.1<11..• ai::arn!'>t :1 1w r!>Ol1 or p1•rs11n:- li v tt (; r a nil J 11 r ~ It rloc-. not t•),t :1 bh'>h J.!11111 or I nllfWl'n('1• ()l'fc>n~l' law~ l'rs prctl1l'll'd \\'t•clnC'sci av that a n 111\·nttca I ~up prt'"'>tOll nio1111n 10 O~ang1•(..'011nt~ S111wr111r C'ourt. \\ lwn· lh1· 'anw I hrt'l' ci1•fp1Hl.1 nt), f:irl' I n :1I 11n t21 11'1.1l1·d tt•lnl\\' 1·1111nh . ''ill 1h•,1 rm lh<' prost•1·11t1on"; t':"'" 1r 11 1-. j!r.1rH1'd Ol11•nd11rf wi ll n•>\\' ~1ppc'.1r ;.., ;1 l'l'•l!'\'C'llt1on \\1l n1•-;s in 1tw Lo:-. Ani.:1.•l1· ... 111111 111r~ t n :d It I), all1•J:!C'CI !hut hnth ho:i.p1tal., \\1•rc• h1l k1·d vf all 1•),t1m;11t-cl $:.! 111tllio11 \\ IH'll I Ill'\" p.11d l11 lls frn· ,11ppl11•o; f h i'\' n1•\'t•r rr1•1•11 <·rl The 1•1'c>:;rc·11tion cl:11111~ lhal lhmw lull-; \\err "Ulun11t<'ll 011 rount 1•rf1•11 111\·mn• ... hC'anni.: U1" l1•1t1•rh1•.1d~ 11f 1111111·"~1 1•111 111111 p .11111'' o ll,•nclm( I ol cl .I 11dge ll~·rnt :11 Olh' pn111t \\ ,.11n 1~!-d ay that h·· h1•C':i ftw \\ornt•1l nhn11t t lw lll'l., of fr.wd 111 l!li:I :inti <11·1.·:ikd to <11~ 1·11.., ... hi' rnk 111 till' nll1·~c·rl '<"h 1•m1• \\Ith lht• hll'fl ll.>I' l..t\\ \er. Hu hl·l'l B1 I'll\ or S.1nl •1 Ana "II<• 11)111 me I Imel nolh1nj! lo worn · :ibout Ml I sii::n<.'<1 the form., that Dr C1•l1:1 wa11l('rf mc>to~i)!n, .. I )I l\'lldorf .... :t II I llllt•n<lnrf told .lucl,1!1' B.' mt• lh.1t till' f1r~l pol1t1c:d l'xpen· d1t11rr ... l'llf1•rl'li 111 1ht• ho.,111t.1I hook!' undl•r fllher da!'>~if1t·;.it1011!'> \\l'l'l' for lhc 1!17:? tl'·l'h'l'l 111n t:1m - p a 1 An o f O r ;_t n l!P Cu unt y Supt'r\'isor R11bert Ba ttin. . Ce l I a h ~1s s u priori cd Ba tt111 1r11m lht• lim<' thal lhC' First D1~ tr1('t :-;u p1•r\ 1s1>r f1r-;t l'nlcr c·cl politi cs. In 1974, Cl.'lla listed cnmpa1gn contri but ion s of more th;1n S500.000 to poht1cal r anctidalC'., and IW('amf' ttw lnq:c-;t such con tnl>utor 1n the ~l ate . Jel't \\ :1.:i Ll1>Llt1a lc•d tn !ht· :-I .tll' board IJy lol'i.d l'll\ 1nu111H.:111ul •groups Thl>St' groups dainwtl that lht· tnifll t· g,•111•rall'll Ii) till' 11r 111l·1·1 \\Ould crc.1tl' :.in atln·r''' 1mp.ll'l on the 1:1t y ;ind lh.1! 1h1• \\ ;1\Pr drafna~c frc11n t 11,. pla1;1" flJI i.. imd lots "uuld µollull• the L'111wr Bay. Those con<'crns \\en• rdlt•ctt·tl in lhl' co11u111s:.1on !> :-lalf n ·porl ''h1('h rccommL·ndc<.I ;,C \1:r:tl conditions which the comm1ss1on (.Tlembers imposed on the de· Vflopment. Based on WC'dcnsdav's ;.1t·111111. the Irvine Company V. ill not he allowed more than 50 percent nc cupancy of the total floor t-pal·c within the plaza until W(lrk 1~ begun on lhc n('W Coasl lhi;hw:ry bridge over Upper Ncwporl Buy. That condition will l'Xpin· in 1980 a nd com missione rs re· s er ved t h e rig hl to impose further conditions at that time. 1f work on the b ridge has not begun. A ccor din g l o o ff i c ia l estimates. bids arc to be let on that project at the end of 1977 and con s truc tion s h ould s tarl sometim e in 1978. Another set o r conditions calls for j o int work between the Orange County Transit D1~tn ct a nd the I rvinc Compa ny l o establish bus ser vice throughout Ncv.tp<>rt Cc>ntcr. The comm i~!>ion staff recom· mended th<it. the ltmrl company provide a central transit l'tatlllll within N t'\\'ll nrt C1•nt 1•r f11 r the u~C' oft lw OC'T n tor at lt·a~t :!j \\ tll al~11 Ill• n· To ~t!'>Slll"l' tha t Nl'\\l.>Ol'l (.\·11t1:r UH'I'' \I. Ill lh't'0r)) I.' hll!'> ll~,·I S. I ht• l>L'TL> and lh1.· 1 rv11w 'umva11y Hoag One Of Eight In Progrrun Hoag l\t emori<il Hospital has been chosen as one of <'ight southern California ho~p1l ab to p:rrlic1pale in a pilot progr am of day treatment fo r psychi-:.itric pa . tients. In an a nnouncement m aclt: Wl•dncsday, hos pital offid als said !ht• pro~ram is being l'Oll· du1.0tC'd liy Blue Cross of Souttwrn 'California whil'h is rcseart'hing ne w mudes of tre atmenl fur psyc·hi atric care. . The so-l'all cd d ay treatm ent plan will be geared for patients who do not require 24 -hour a day h os p italllatio n , s aid Steve Mahoney. coordinator of lhc pro· gram at Hoag. I le said the partial lr<'ntment prof!"ram offers the choice! of participating during morning, af- ternoon or evening hours or a ny com bination of those hours. The progra m will coordinate the cTforts of the patH·nt . hi~ f;.imil y. his private physician. the m <.'nt a l ht•alth unit's social \H>rkcr an<l thC' st;1ff o<·cu~•a lional therapist to design a plun uf t rcatrncnt. SONY'S BIG ONE I· ., " . ' ' tl : ,,,, ' 1 . I I I ·I '1 I • . l ' /,. , ( ~. .. TRINITRON 1 , .. II I ' ,, •1111 '·I :' f I f "\\\· :•l'l' l"\'tllll red. 11ndl•r nt' l.1 \\ . to h :1 n · 1. s:;n pu r kl II I!" "fl·••'''"." 'a ul In · 111t• sµt)kt· m ..111 .I 1•1·n Col 11 n~. .. \\\• \\ill ha H ' t n 1-:11 h!1c·I.. to tht• t 1ly anti ~t·l a t'Oll d1twn.JI u:.1..• µrrmit to n~;1i..t: tlll' park th!! ),J':Jl'l' n ·d uc\11111. itil• c11m 111 1~:. iou l'Ond iLwn~ furthl'f' ~t 1pu lat(' lhttt Ill ~crn·nt 111 the 1,250 µarking s pal't'S shall !Jc sc.•l a:.1Ck fur l'ar l)(le>ls. Th,· 1n1t1.il ph.1,1.· of \\Ork on the· 40·a,·rc ~1tt' '' 111 l>e u SJ.8 million pro11.•t•t wh1C'h includt'S grading, in~t a ll :t lt O O Of SlrC'CtS ancl ul11ill es and la nd:.capmi; Sig1wps Set For Football S1gnups for tht· 1!)71) Newport Bca('h·Cost a M csu Junior J\11 American foolball lcai;:ue will he held Saturday ut fo ur locations. Boys who will lie 8 years old by D<'c. 2. un up to 14-year-olds an• eligible• for I he tackle football program , whic·h is sponsored by liusincssmen in l>oth c ities. Rcg1s ltation fee is S5 which in· eludes ;:in All-Americ<.in Football T-:.hirt. S1gnups will be held from 2 lo 5 p m at TeWm klc l\Jiddlc School in Co:.ta l\I l'S•1. Jl <'gistration will ta kt· plucc fro m 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in :'-ic\\ purl Hc•ach at Newporl II arbor High School: Corona dcl Mar lligh School und Lincoln l\tiddl<.' Sd1ool For furtlwr mformalion, call Tauno Krnl'lslo at HJ:.1·1959 aft er 6 fJ ITI f '11ll f 'af'lory ltarranlfP~ ,.,.,_ ... flur Prr•1J11al f)11p \'Par t•11aror1IPP IJn f .'r••r!f f"r1Jd11c-1 Mt> S••ll! 21s East 17th st. Costa Mesa N~• Mldln' E,.._;- 2 D~ W~tt of Corh Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Dally 9-6 Sat 9-5 30 S.n i'"J HI• Herbor 4r'M ~. I 95' Thoe BKtrOftic PTof•ssiOt1al1 Stnlu Your E.,.tpffttftt "Jerry" "Mille"