HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-06 - Orange Coast Pilot7 ' . \ Sex Bias Silt Hits Seal Beach Police By JOANNE R EYNOLDS °' '"* D•olr ''"" Sl•ll Embroiled in a lcderal sex- d1scrim1nut1on letwswt, the Seal Beach polic<' d e partme nt faces a qucs· tionu b l c future u f u l u r t• e l oudcd b v tho threat of a n FUI 1n -• vcs tigu tio n and the poss i- b I c w j l h . llEYNOLDS drawal of all federal funds from the <'ity. The FBI inn i.t1gat1on and the cutoff of feder al funds" 111 be in voked against lhl' .city 1f Police Chief Ed Cibbarelli fails lo comp· ly with the LC!rms of an agrel'· mcnt sought w1lh the city by the U.S. Justice Department Thal agr eement would force Cibbarelli to i;t·;rnt a series of promotions to the department':-. five women officers. dcvuling them from patr olwomen to c up. tains within nine months The agreement also t'iilh fur a SUNDAY Sl ~It:\\ SPJ:t ·l!\I. settlement of back ray :1llegcdly denied the womr n wlwn the' \\ere not allowed to work ,,· .. patr olmen. That setllt.'ment •~ t'\- pected to exceed SI00.000 or about 10 per<'cnt of the depart· nw nt's'Sl-million b11di:t•t. T he agrcem1o:nt also contains a provis ion that would force the dl'· partmcnt to hire uni:! woman for c\cry two men until 44 1>er<'ent of the force b l'cmale , nol l'ountmg ll}l' rlrrical h<'lp. Al'l'epta nl'l' or the condition!->. -.,1~s Cibl.>arcl11, would ha\'c :i :-.1..·1 ere 1mpaC't on the 4:!-man lorcc . in terms of morale, pro· l t>ss1on<.1I :d:.i ndards and e\'Onomics. Ile is udcl1tionallv conCl•rncd "ilh the lonµ-r:mge ·implication); of th(' fcdl'ral interwntion and what he sees ;,is its effect on th1· r ights of nty rci.1denti lo dictate poltl'ics under 11 l11<'h lhe11 lol',il govrrnment OJH.'l':tlcs "Regardless of how th1· 1·:i ... c.· 1 ... \iewed, the one IOl'i.rnpahl1· t:il'l ill that the f<-dcrul ~ovcrnmcnl 1:- throwing lls tm m1•11:-c :-1zc hchtod an effort lo ~l'l a r1t~ .1 ::-111;111 <·1 \y al that -rn <'u11for m 111 \1 h~1t someone in Wa i.h1ngton w ;m ts done. c·omplcteb d1s n ·g:.irt1mi.: tht' desires of lht· l'l'C1pl1· h1·n· 111 run the 1·11y thl'ir v11n 11 "' ... ht• said. · Wtllium F enlon l>llPl'n 1:-111g nttorn1•y on the t'.l'il' for lh1· Justice Departm1•nl. ckl\ll':> th.11 lh1· fo.•1h•1.1f go\ 1•1111111.11t l'>' p1d1 · 1ng on St·:1J ll1·ad1 " i It-p<llnh•d out tl1,1t 1111· .Jus t w1· Dt•p:11·t 1111·nt <llcl 1111t dt•('lde l<i MH· St·al U1•;id1. Tl11· s tilt i;n •w out ul at l1'1T1Jlh tw t ht' h'der.11 Eq ual ~mtilo~ n1l'lll (.IJ)Jl1•1 tur11t11·-. t\1m m1:.•.ion "' .... 111 1· 1·011\pl :1111t-; hrou,.:hl ,1).!.11thl t IW tkpa rl nh·111 b~· lh1• \\ 1111\l'll "\\'lw n 1·011l·d1.1l1011 f.lill'd, ",. \1'0 1'l ' t«ilh•d Ill ' 111· -..1111 Thi! .1l'l 11111 ·-ought I" t lw .JUsll1'1' I k p,111 1111•11t 1~ i.pl'lh·d (S\•t· Jl STln·:.1•:1g1• \11) VOL. 69, NO. 158, 8 SECTIONS,.92 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1976 . TWElJTY-F IV E CENTS Mrs. Ford Cuts Visit· To Coast ...B~ STF.\'P: )llTC'llf.1.1. 01 lh~ D••IY PolOI Sl•ll . \n exhausted Belly , Ford ar· nn:d Saturday at Orange County .i\ir porl. wher e she w~1s greeted uy ah11ut HO well-wishers. hut she did not make a scheduled ap· pearancl' at lhl' Cost;.i '.\lesa· :'\cwport llarhor Lion:-. C'luh Fish Fry. Tlt1· First L ael~'. :qipl•anng tired :_i, s ill'\\ alkt'd off ,\1r For<.~ Two. "a:-. m t·l h~ .lacquw Egan. I( of C<ircma rid :\tar. \\ho pre· o;enll1c1 ht·r "1th a l'nl11r(ul hou qut·I. '"\\'('l1:1J1111• lo Oranl!t' ('cJtrnl~. ·· lht' .1 ut111µ.-.t1·r llild ;\fr~ Ford ··Th;111k ~ 1111 You 're.· dn.•s-.1·d 111 n •rl. \\ h111· :ind hlla· ;ind .' 11u g ;l\"l' nw fln\11·1"-. th;it arc· r1•cl. \\hill' .111cl hluc ... I he +'1rsl l.utly ~nnle4~ .J(1('<p111· JS !ht• dau~hkr or Mr. and ;\l r s R ichard F:~an of I '11ro11 :i rl 1• I :\I a r. :Vl r:-.. f.ga n is a \l orl..t·r 111 the :'\ew1>ort B(·ach of. f1n! ol l're:-.idl'nl F tinl"s cam- p:i l~ll l'r1•:-s ;11dC's s aid :\lr~ Ford\\ as llrl·<I ;111d surfrrinj:! from k t bg, "h1l'11 pr11mpted ht'I' to t•a nl'd a hall hour appl·:tran1·1· al th1· Fish Fr~ .... d1l•d11ftod for :; p m . "Thl' warm ~1111 ft'l'I!-good."' -;he tnltl a :-mall t rn,\·tl 11po11 ar· nval al I: 1:5 p .m Tit-! F1 r:-t Lady ~pokl• 111 ~• low \"llJ('l' and '' a lkl·d :-.lcm h· a -. :-he J;!l'l'l'lt•cl lhl' c nmd tinnll·\' 1'11mh111g rn111 :1 lin11111smc.· Jor 1ti1· ndt• 111 a gatlH·nng l.11 lht· pri\'att• home or a l.1111·11!11 l'htl. nicmh1•r In Fullerton. s l' IL n 1· 1rn 1 s (' ;i l'Jll' n It· r t H '\\•\1)'111'1 lk :id1I. \\ho \\jlS 1111 h :i n d 1 11 J! r l' 1'1 :\I r .., . F ord . ll'l1·pllllnl'll Ft:-h Fr' 11lf1t·1als to 111f11rn1lhl·m11f tlw t:11wt·ll.111nn Fornh·r ('o st :1 :\11 ·:-i.1 :\l a~nr • D•dY Pilot PhOIO bV P•lnO O'Donn.11 JACQUIE EGAN OF CORONA DEL MAR PRESENTS BICEN-TENNIAL BOUQUET TO BETTY FORD State Sen. Dennis Carpenter Headed Airport Receiving Lfne Saturday Afternoon Idaho Dam Bursts; 1.50 Feared Lost ID:\110 F AL LS. ld~1lw 1.\1» Thtt lll'\\'l.\ ('\lllS I l'lll'I 1·d "J'(•l 1)11 Dam hurst Saturda\. -.encling a 15·f<>Ot ·h igh wa' <' of mut11f\ \\ illl'I' gush m g l hru111.:h !'>L'\~·r:;I t'o m m un1111·:-. :1 1111 l 1·.t,1n i.: thnu:-.and ~ tn 1•.1 .... 11·r11, Jtl.d)o homclt•:-.:-. Onl' 111;111 \\ <i :-h11-.p11:tl1 1.1·<11111 h sen11u:-lnJUl'il·~ <•flt·r water''' l'pf him lhrt•t• mill•, d <)l\11.-.1r,·;im11\'.1r \"1t•t1>r Offk iab :-aut l11s c·orrw:i mon w a !' m 1ss irti: J ohn lluuj!h. an acln1111istrat1 \C' a1d1• ml hl• Idaho l.!V\ c:rnur' solf ll't'. said. ··Wt' h ;l\·l' hl•ard a 1 tgun• ot 150 dead from u :-h1·r1ff in 1•a:-.\1·rn Idaho but that nu111bt•r 1s-un(•o11- firmt'd!" . ,\ :-.1>0kl•Sman for th1• llonne11ll1• County Sheri ft ·:-. ot 1'1t·t• .... ;dd th1·1 ,, had bccn no l'on'1rnwd dl•ad hut thl' slwriff had hl•arrl thC' 1:io t'St imatc from 01w ol hi:-offin·r" John lkndt•r. Idaho l:i'' l'nt11n·1· mcnl diretlor 111 Bo lH '. :-.:11<1 lht·r·· were nu c1mflrrn1·d <k ath-. from an~ ol th<•' hl•n fl\ 111 1111 ;1n·,1 c;m C't·cil IJ .-\nui tt··:-..11dhL·:.;111 JWOJ.Jil' I rom .1 pl.1111' hl'11111 1 ht· :-111 gt• cir wall'r "ho Ill' 1~ ~11n• 111·r·· ktll<.'d "I don't ,..1·1· 1111\1 \11• c·.in t·:-('a)ll' :1 tr<·nwi\d11u-. II•~-. ol h l1 •· Andru~ :-.<1111 "'' :-.a11I hl' <I\\ :1 gr11up "' p1·11pl• carnpl·d ;dong ltw 'l\•11111 H 1\1·1 "' thC' up In I;) foot \1 :111 11f 11 .111•1 roart•cl down tlw r11 t•r "Tlh'rt' '"" \I ;i~· I hO/>l' p1•opk ar1• al r \ 1· :11 I Ill' moment." .\ndru:-:-:11cl T h1·1·1•mm:.111ckr111 rd1d df111 t - l'~l1111atcd 7 .000 pt•r:-.on:-\\('I•· hnml•lcs" m Rl·)o.hlll)! .. 1 ''""' .. 1 8.200 toe· ;1 led I .'i m 111·~ do\\ 11• \ r1· :1111 rl'(lllllhl•dam SI a I l ' It f I I (• I .ii ' ,1 Id 11 t • lloocl '' ;11 t'I'" 111•fl• IL·\ d1111.. oll lo IWl \ll't•n 'l\~t·l~1·s 11111111· loot ·" th"' tl1111 1·tl 11,,....,l'lb t t.1rmla ni1 .... lurHw r do\\ 11:-i t r1•.im 011 tlw S11 . .J,,. HI\ .. r .111 1"\\ 111.c ht h1·!l'1·1111ll l1111 - l l11-.;11t .ti 1•llt1'1.i1-. 111 1":il111 1" ill -..11 d ll.111..tl l>1'1gg-.. :':! !'-.I ,\11 I hn11~. "·'' I h1 \I\\ n 111111 .1 l rt Ii\ I h l' \I :i I t I' .1 11 ti 1• ;i r. • t cl ll\\ 11 -.l 1'\•;1111 \\ h1•1't' h1· l'l'"('llt'CI II\ :1 h1 •l I l'Opll'I' Fr11rn t ll1• a 11 :ti lt·;1 .. 1 :.:.' "fll .11'•' 1111h...,nl l ~111cl .1J•l't':i n «ll11 lw 1111d1·1 \\.tll'f , 1nl·tml1111! 111 ..... 111:1ll l:1rm Inf.! t·n m m11111l~ ot !'-.llj!a l' l '11' .m d nl()~l llflh•:-. IJ ll I' I! T1•d :\u~t 1n ._,,1cl lw 1\ "'~' ;lll<h11~: at t-lw d-a+n "tu:..u LL u.w:.::..L.:,.t.•lllt 11u;. l'ar -.. hu lld1111 ·r-. .111d 1 ·art h 11111\ <•r-. <11111 ll I ht• 1 I\ t 'f 11 c.• ';11<! 11 cwk llll'll al llw d ;1111 l11ld lr11n th1n ·11 :1 .... ;q• p;1n·ntl.' :i ~hill Ill Lh1• r111 I.. .tt 111·· ha:-.1•1 hat <'a11 ... 1•d t h~·hol1 · .\n 1·\1•11 11111•..:-. 111 tli•: d at11 ch'~ll'IH'ii •m ..... !ii II ........ t.·d \lllh .1 10 loiot hnk .11 l I\\' h a-.1· :ind ;.:11•11 1111111 l ht' \\ hol1• '-~de ol lh1 :11!1)11 !11111 l111ll'1"111h~·n d.1111\la'J.:"111· \ !'"""' .111d p11111p111i.: .1 .. 111111 \\,1 d1 .. ,trc1q•d .... 1111 \u:-1111 ;1 rad1n I .... t,1\10 11 llflt'l".il•ll . II\ 1 )'.Ill 1111 1111111th dt 1111 Jdl1·tl \\ ,ot 1 rl .•ol n .11"h1·dth1 "'n.11.." H t \ I I '1'111 :0-1. 1111111011 ol.11• Ill I 1·11m 11ll-t•d la•! f1«11·111lu1. i.,·.,,. :11;11 111111\11101111 7 Dea(I in R .. lf a st l!Ef.V.\S'I '\11r 1hu·11 11 d.ond I \I' I S1•\ I'll Jlt "''"I"\\ \'I l """" .111d at 11.,, ... , lf; '' l'fl' \\l/lllltll·d 111 h11m l>11\J..!' :i nd ho11l Ill)"• d11nni.: " l11ur hrn 11 J•l 1111d Satunl:11 11111111 111.111t1 :11·111111t111.11.1 -.1 .. 11tt111r111,. 11·11111"1\" Hirishaw,-Schmitz, Badham--Pathttr~gainf-- I\~(; \RY <;lt,\S\'11.U : Ot Uu• o .. ,,,. P1tor §t,.u :\ 11:1~· .1fll·r llw l!li:! pnm;1r.' l'll·1·t 11111. t hl' poll Ill' al paths ol lkp11hl11•;i 11s i\nlln·w ll111!->h.i1'" .. l11h11 S1·h111 it 1. and H 11 l11·rl l\adhoim lwa1k<I 11fl 111 t11fh'r1•111 --tl11·1·rt 1111i.. :"' 1\1111 ""' 0 11•1• I lln :-h ;m had 1111 ~1·:i t1·tl 1n<'11rnli1·nt """ gn·-.:-111.111 Sl'l1111 1t1 h~ .1 narrow. :!.:<:1:! \ 1111• n1;1r1:111 111 1111• ho•:I\ 11\ Ht•pulil11·;111 l '111q.!n •:-!-11111;il 1>1 -. t r11·1. t h1·11 tlw ;191 h H11n11111g 1111opp1i-.1·d 1n .1 ... 1.111 1\:-.:-1•mhh ll1:-;tr11·1 \\1th h11UJ1 daril1:-:-.imllar t11 'lh11s1• of th1 39th. l\111lh;1m ":i' t:nl' \ol1•r!-' d101n· t'or I h t' -.1xllt l 111w In 1·1•:il'l 1o n to tho:-.1• pn111;1n l'lt•c t 1110 n •..,111\ .. Th l' 11 \'II 11111 \ ;o '' l ' ..... " 1° llm :-.h:I\\ l';il l\-d .1 nw1•1111g,11t h1., ... talf. 1hartl..1•d mc·inlwr-. for llH•11 (';1rnp;11gn h\'lp :ind n •:11I lh1·m :1 "n 111 gra1ul:i1111n ., 1111 1 0 11r \ 11· 1111 ,\" 11•ll'1'-!r;1111 fn11n Xl\11ll Sd1n1111 dt•m;md•·d .1 1, 1·0 11111 .. \nrl l h1111gh lh1· 11·1111 w,1:-n ·1 l..111n111 11r "'''" I lwn. Sehrn111 . 1n l'ff1·1·1, ,,1111 111 ' h;11I l11•1·1l Wat1·r1:a11·d S.1f1·h 1•111 h1•dd1•il 111 a !1 1-. ln1·1 th ;ii h .1 .... 111·~,·1· -.1·111 ,1 Ill• mot' r:11 111 S .11·r :i 111 1·111 •• ll.1dh:im 'ltft1'll a \,1\\11 \\lt,·11 Ill' rtlllll'l'd 111 ' ~O\t'l11h1•1· \'kt'I HHI ftl\' \\llUltf h,· l>1•1lt1l\'l':d ,J ;111w-. Thcll'JW. That \\',Is 10 111• '1•.1r-.; ag11 ,\,a r1·~ult 11' :1 -.1·n1•.., ot 1111111.1· I.' l'\'l'llt'i. the p111it1t·nl pal h:-11f 11 111,lw", St'hm1ll ancl Badh:1rn <·oll1<lt• hl':td t>n m Tu1·~cl .11 ·., 111·in1ar~ <'h 'l'I 11111 Th1·.v an• thl' "nanll•" pl .1~·1•rs 111 ;1f1l•ld11f nint• 1·and11l:it1•:-. -.\·1·h lfl~ tlw Hl•puhlil'an 11nm1n:it ion 111 t ht"ltlt h ( 'on J!l'l'Ssio11,1l 1>1-.t t'll'I lnt•umh1·nt l1 111..,h:1\I , 1111\\ .i <'1•n,·1<'tl'<I fr lon. 1s trv 1ni.: 111 Wild 40th Race Sftaping ·up n~ en \Rt.Es 11.1.oos Ot thr 0 Mh Pilot St•lt 'Tht• l\'ildt':-t l':lt't' Ill thl' .IUIW pr I r1I .. r ·'" . . I s l h ,. \\I II\' I h I ' ('ahf11rnia .Journal. the rrspcclt'd monthly m as:azinc :iboul st al l:' polil tl'!-. dl:'scribcs Tucsctay ·~ clert1on tn Or~tnitc County 's 40th Congres swna l U1s tn ct. :\at ronally . I he Jl cpuolic<i n primary 111 th1• Hl'l)Ublican- dominal1'd ·loth will Ill.' watched \I llh soml' bt.'mus1•nwnl. For it is -thl' 10 th . o r r<ithcr th<' southc:1l'l('rn half or th(' fount:-· that 1t r 1\\'Crs . that has J?h·cn 0 I' U II ~ I' (' 11 U n t ~ I t S 11 t1 I · ;tflo~ct h\'I' ct istorl<'d reputation ;i-. a pl:1Cl' c1f konky, ril{hl·wing pcllttlC.s ·~ • (COMMENTARY ) Thl' n1<'e l>O"l'S sonw lt1ll1rt•:-l· inJ! ques tions . -Can a motlt•ralt' Rcpuhltt'<lll bt' nominated 111 a d1:-.1nct \hut h as Sl:'nl t o th1.• llO U.S (' O I Rcprcsl'lltat 1n·-.. O\'Cr t ht• pno;t 21 vcars. the likrs or .l.1mt-.: H l't1 . :John G . Schm1t1 anti i\nd1·1;\\ I linshaw; Jimmy l"ll . p\•rsnn:ihlc-.incl well-liked h~ J!ood men of 1hffrr mg politicnl pC>r:-u:1:-wn~. wa~ ;1 major contrihutor tu <Jran)!1• County's nat1or1al 1mag1• Thcofl cle<'ted l'tt 's r t'p<';1t<'d uttucko; on the inoomc• I a.\, rommunist:-. ai' lrg•·d ct>m 11\l111t~ts. "ctf11rl' t hr· l"ltill'd :\at ions an<I 1•1\ ii r1i:hJs \\'l'rt.' wdl known 111 h1 !-> home di.,. tnct Uut 'tt created his t)i~J!est na· t1onal stir in 1963 with his famous newsletter describing pending m1htary m aneu \'er!'> tn Georgia and hinting lhal "barefootl'd African hordes." re portedly then in Cuba. might h<' in\'oh·cd. T hl' nr wslettcr touched off a sm:ill furo r in G eoq:ia. all ej:!cdl~· hampered what artually was a ~/\TO c:-ccrcisl'. hnmght publtt• rehukt''\ of l"tt a~ (1 "tni::ht pcd dler" :ind was I he :-11h1ect or u ('RS documcn'l.ary nhoui L·n and how rumor s are born. ISt't'WILDEST. r .. ~c,\1) salvage \\hat <'01tlcl h::IVl' lwrn :1 llfetinw poht ll'al c·an•1·r t h:1t Ill'!' 111 ruin~ ~c·hm11 1 1-. ur1 I 11<' rnmt·ll;wk t r;11I. lw>tnl-! 1:01' \'Oh.'r!'> will II\ L·rlnC" hi~ holting lhl' f)Ul'I v aft <'r his l!l?:.! <ldl';.11 lo ht•eom1· t h l' J\ 111 l' l'I r :l ll I nd l' JH' 11 rl l' ll t l',1rl\·, 11\ll'I pn•:-;1<ll•nt1 al n11m1nl·1· 110\\' TO \'OTE Soml' 11r lt1t.•m <1r1· oh:-t'lll'l'. :-om1· a rl' mor e import;1nt than others. ~nmc arc controversial. but al l th(• proµosilrons 15 of thc·rn ill\ Tuesdav·s hallol deserve vour attention. To help you decide'. the D:uly Pilot has prrparl:'d a chart showing the pos1t1ons of thr<'<' major or ganizations and three newspapers on the issues. Page J\9 STl':~T WO~I ['.'; Like !->lunt men, they undertake pcri lou~ ta!> ks :.i s dou h i es for mor ~ c·auli<tus at'\l'c•sses, ancl \hi.' 1l;1y 1~ good . IJut llo ll ywood ':-stunt "omen ha \'l' u gript'. 1\I en an· otlen hir ed to do stunt:. for \l omcn d 1a r:1ctcrs an<I tht•v clon't lhink that !i fair. P,1gc U:t . ,,nd B:itlham \1 ,1111-. 1(1 :olt'I' ~1h1111\1 -.1r11111•h11td ... 111 ~)111•1i1 from .1 !-lak olfH'l' lh;1l P<•~' s.111t.1,\11;1,111d I 11'l111 S21.120;i11·ar lo :J l'lllll!rl''~rn.111 ' llarn .fl'Hrt·~, .1 t:11ll1 •J.!• 111 •1 1011 th:il 'i·arrie ..... :111 ,1111111:11 11.1" f1·,..,or· u h11 r11;1 r1•tf 11111 111 t li1· ! ~al ar~· 11f S•J.l,Olltl plus lwlt y fnng1· '-l:1rl111f.! hl11d\" 111 .f;ir11 r;111 11• Ol'nl'11l:-build 11 :11111• 1ol1•11l llf1':1l11111 .11111 t>cs p1h· llw1r 1'CIJ.!1' in n.1 1111' \lh11 ,.., th•· •1nh 10th 1>1-.11 11·1 1·,111 1dt•nl1f1 t•:1t11111 . l h 1• 1r111 11•ct11l:111· t•• 11111·111\ ··rul11.1l• th• llmsh;i\\, Sl'11m1t / .11111 lladh;11n 1·:intl1dan 111 l'n· 1d1 nt 1''111 d t•an·t 111· cc.•rt :1111 that -.111111 ~· . 1\li<'ia ('0111wr," :\1 1 ... -.11111\1• pri m;ir~· 1·:1mp1iign.., h\ -.om•· 11\ 1111111:-.1111· .. -.u11m:111 \1 h11 h.i-. l11 ·v11 \he ot h er 1•;1111t1d ;rl1 ·' h;11·1·11 I :1 l11ni.: Inn<' d1•v11l1 ·d l(1·ptil1l 11 .ill 1•rasl'd whal al 1111' rntl :-.1'1 \\a-. c·a mpa11:n "11rk,.1 rons 1<lt·n·<I lo 111· .1 H.1clh .1111 --'1id 1al'I ('Jatu·t•\. ,, l .. 11•11n.1 Schmit~ t•onfr11n t;ll w11 '\;1i,:11c·t :11lo r111·\ "h1t h.1 1 d1t·d Thu.'t· gi\'l'O fh1· lw"t l'lia1ll'1 111 n w 111h (lfl ""'"" l<'.ll/11·1 ;111d hreak111g through art•. pt•r·,ori;it .q1p1 .. 11 ;11H'l''' :1111• 11h.1P -Or . Thom".; ~1 a urn. :1 I ,;1 ~· 11n ·' 1·:i111p.i1).!11 d11l L11·.., 111111 l11d l 111 I h• · lk :1d1 phy:-.11•1;111 \\ho h;1 • r 1111 .ill 1111t1lln .ol 1n11 :11,!).!rt.'"'"·1·. t·h11•tl v '"'' l111;n 11·•·ol I 1'am11:11).!ll lh.11 h • .-. hit h;it d ,.1 '"'''" llllh . l'a ~c.,\I • WASTE PAPER? ·The tNm has heen red cfint·d ~()w not ;ill newspapers and olcl ~acks ;1n· waste. l>ailv l'ilnt Staff Wrllc·r Steve Mite.he ll rftosrrihcs tl11• ~late of the papt•r n•l'1'l'ling 111 dustry, and tells .vou where to gd rid of your pape r 10 an cn\'1ro11 .mentally res pons ibl e wu.1· l':ii:1• Rl. THE DF.CJSION -·1\ rnupl" nf month s asio ;1 p1·oft'o;:-nr of p h)s ics al l 'C l n1n1•, D r Fr cder1rk 111.•lfll'!-. h :1d no opinion on Prop~ition 15. the nuclear m itiali't.' Siner then h1..· h;i:-1m merscd h1m s,•I( 111 arl-!UmL·nt:-. p111 and con. an1l f\O\\ lw ha:-dc:1·1d1•d which w ay hl' think:-. ('ultfnrm:in-. ~hould 1 ott• llt· re' c•al:-hi:-opt nion and t cl ls '' h ~ un l'<1i!t· 1\!l ltu• hf P S '"' d a" Fish Fry Parad e P ictures and Story on Page AJ '" ~l')Uf" ~Ct Vt(,, 0 I E rm.l Bombt< ". O'l 8u\1n~'' CC C•lttor"1.1 ft\ (.111\\lttfd 0 1 l \ (fO\\WOrd () Df>,1th .-.ot•tr\ A t' ( O•PO"""' Ptf'fr\ At ii f "'"'""''""' .. "' 8~ • KO•O'(OP~ A"' Sllnlty IUrM # A• AnnUMf"f\ 8 ' Mot Nelly A• Miltlbo• f\I Mov•r\ 0 & 1 P<'op•• B• fl•4I E\1•1• C6 ' P t"t ltPOd 8& ~porl\ C• J Von Uoffm;u' At We.11t"'°' /\I OAll.. V PllOT SECTION~ . ' . I 2 __ Li_All 1 Ph (J ~-________ S_u_n_rJ_a-'v_J_u_n_"_6_1_9_76 Coast Watch ... Top News Stories of the past week from Orange Coast Communities vAOLlLEbACK VA LLEY--Teacher s l ast week d~~l~rcd an impas~e in the ir n e qo- Liations w t th t h 1.1 sch ool distr-ict . T he t eachrrq ' r0prrse n ta t i v c said diff~rences d e ..i l w i L h " t 1? u c h e: r s ' r i g h t s i t e m s " r a t he r L h ,, 11 r11i11. t ,, r y con cc rn s ... f.M';lJ NJ\ l3E7\r11--Th1 : c-i.t'j c o u n c i l has ~ g iv(' n i t , t ,, n l ..J t iv c a ppr o v .:i. l to a p 1 an Lhttl wo 11l.J i ''.rm.it p ri v a t e r ec reationa l de v !'l o pm••nt cni Syc ..imorf' Hills in Lagun C'ilnyo., 1 •>r1 •· r,ropo:>1·d for ::? , 000 hous .inq u ni t s . Next step now will be prepara- ion 0f 111 l nvironmc11t.il imp.:ict c e port L h • 1 m 1 v ' _, ~. t 1 ,; m u c h .i s ~ 1 0 O , O O O • • • · • .:T \J f..;J\--Counc i lm e n ma y •JJ pr<"l'./I • •I r 41 , 000 l...t'ldSC<lpe pro jec t t.lt 'l1Hin}.J• l'1!'k thi :> week , co111p lete wi th runninq str e ams , a lake ,and even a f rr• • -·; ~ y l · "\o: •1 t rob oar d i n q a r e a --a 11 6 n <Jn 11-1 ,,. it• hit Presently surrounds 1'\ tf i r t it I l ' . SO UTH COUNTY --Direc t ors o f the South0..is P0q ionJl Rc~lamatio n Au tho city (SERRA ) ar,.. fig ht in~ th,.. st ate Coasta l Comm i ssion o v 0r a co ndition that would preve nt sewe r hookups f rom l ,50 0 acres of nqri~u lturn l l ands in t he Capis tra no V:i l l.-y . 'J'h·· r.;ondi tion WclS jppl icd by th e c:o mm u:s i on du ring a he.:n-inq in 'wh .ich it ·,/il V " SORA appr oval t o c on- s t cu c-t .i n .:? w o c: r-~.n out fa 11 . .. Congressman ~aps 'Ziggurat' Plans Thl' ~O\'Crn ml•nt s n :ll'flliOr\, or llw L;1gu11a .\"1,eud Fcdt•ral Bu1ld111g 1'l1l'11untc:n•d rnCJrc OP· po:-. it ion S~1 turcla.' I rom a con gn·s:-.iunul c(1nirn1\kc.• l'ha1rman who douhlctl 1b n .>portl'dly dc.·nc;.is ing v1.1l t1t' H(•J1. J;,.ick Brooks ll>·Tl'xas1. leader o f the llousc• (;u\·c rnmcnl Opt>r<ition~ L'ommittl·c. C'lwrgcd in Washington thut there were no .i:-.s urnn cl's tcdcr~il a~cn c 1 es ""uld 1i-.t.· I hl· ... p<ice or that pro- "Pl'l'l i\ c emptoycs could find • housing lie :-a11I hl' tl1:.:1ppl'O\l'!l of a 1 ;cncral Sl•n icl·:. i\urn1ntstr:ll1on retomml·ndat1on to kCC!l thl• million :-.qu nrc··foot complex <"<>Inmon 1.v l' a l I c-d t ht-· ';dg g urat" hc·cau:.c• ol rh Ba ll\ lo Ill illl lil'~1g11 . The s tructun· now 1-; u~ed 1ll p:irt to holls l' lt>rnwr l're-.1ckn1 H1dwrd 711 :"1~1111·.., 11rr1m·s1ckn t 1al fl·tiirct-. '.': l'got 1:1111111, a&...o Rep. Albert To Step Dmv11 . 4t Year's End \\':\Slll\c; l'O\. 11\1'1 11011-.1 S1w:ik1·r ( 'nrl \lhrrL t\\ier• pr·11 11l'lh-1l In nl''t 111 l111t• for th1· pn· -.1rh•n1·' t" 11t h •·r -. • n ·-.11.:11;111011 .. :-aid S:itunl:I\ lt1• "1ll n•t1n• Jro111 \ '1111c n ·-...; al I lt1· 1•1HI 11J lh1• 't'.ll' \th.·rt .., •h'l t,11111 11w.1i1-. lh;it lhr1·1· 111 11t.· 11,'1• 1,.1111..1111! 1•1111 ----~ ... ~1•'1t.tl-1 • .....i~1 ~111111• lh1 -. \\'.I I ="l'll,!11• .\J.t1t11tl \ l.1·.1cl1•r :\1 11..1• :\l .111-.f11•l tl 11> \1 1)111 I ,lfllf ~1'11 ,111' \111111111\ l.1·,11J. I' 11 111'.h ~l Ill( I ft J ',I ti• t111I !'l'l'klll~ I 1' t•l11 111111 ln .1 "11111·11 . t.1t1•11w111. 1111 i.1' '1•.1r t1ltl l l1·t1\111·1.1I -..1 1d l hll lll;' Ill\ I .11'1\ \\',11-. Ill \ltt 11011 t' I 1l1•1·1 tl1 d I .. 1,11uld 11111 -.1·n l' lit•\ 11111 1 1\1' itH It \ 1•a1. Fm Ill\ p;erl: I lt.11 I 1111\J! 1'111111,C lt \llw1 1 ,,11d SUNDAY ''• '""JI r ·I It.Ult' 11 wi. ., """' •"' 1 ''''''' Ut • _. tt1 1•,t 1, 'r1., II ,; f (1,, I I '" I •·•1·1' •\••' ''' , I t" '' i• I I I f I lo" I 11 I !'11 ~ I' I ' I f ' I I ,... '•• ., ,,, I I ,, ••11 '"' •' •• I I t '' t i l t! l • I• 'h I •I ft I ' .,, ,,,, ' , •• f., I • 11 N It\• t d J,11 " R t.u1 l1•v I t'11 ll'"''"'"'ll tttr~l~ll'ln(Jlll t d·I t • ~ I t t .... .. .,, •. Olf1CI'~ . ,. ,;,, h ' 1.11• ... I h• '•· I j f . ,., ' Tc lcphonr 014 l M2-4J21 Cl<mi.~~~ .. Ad.vc~l•.~i~q .~~-S678 S8H>J10 •1'1~·0630 '' I '" " T 540·1220 ,• I • !Y 1'ti .. •' ' . . ' . .., . ·' ' ••• f ,, I arc under way for Oran~e County to lease some s pace as a sheriff's su bst<1tion. GS,\ proposed r ctt'nlion of thl• building after studying whethe r 1t should be sold. left .is it is un- de r minimal occupa ncy. com plete l.v mothballt.'d or rt·· excha nged with Rockwcrt In· ternat1ona l Corp .. from whil'h it was acquired in a property swap two years ago. The agency's cost analysis ol the choices showed that the ~o,·- 1.:rnment should ask a purchaser for S.IO m illion to 1ust1fy selling the propert~·. Rut a preliminary m arket l'Slimate places its value at S16 ;, million. • Brooks questioned this ap praisal. since the property wa~ \'alued at S20 mjl ~n by GSA in 197:l. Rock well $.Wd it was worth S21 3 million ,,·hen'exchangcrl for St9.5 million worth of Air Furl'c property. "[would be interested in learn- ing why a s UpQi>sedly valuabk st rucl urc 1n 1rn area of in - <·n·a -.1n~ real l'State valul•:-. ~hnuld ha,·e declined so quick· 1,._ .. nrooks :-.aid . Egypt Breaks Syrian Ties \',\!HO 1,\I'> Egypt l'nragl•d at thl' burnm~ of 1h d1plonwti1· offtt'l'~ 111 Oama..,('ll:-.. S ' r 1 :t . o r 11 c r c• d S \' r 1 a · .., 111'1110m.1t1r-m 1~·!n~m-Sttttirtkty-+tt­ t.!l'I out of th1• country within 48 hour:-. .\ For1·1 1.!t1 \I 1111 .... lr~ -.pokl•..,m:i11 ,,ltd Jo:,C\ pl .1 bt1 \\ 11uid l'IO!>l' lh cltplomat 1c m 1ss1011 m Damasl'lt-. rn a nln\l' 1h:1t w ;I'; till' samC' ;1 ... hrt·;ik1ng rl1plom :1l1l' rd :111on-. \\ 1th ih ;.ti~ 111 llll' rn;:1 w:11· .q.:.iin~I ls r:i1·I \ moh 11f s, rr;111-. 11wadcd ;rncl -.1•1 llrt• lo lht• ·1·:~.\'pt1:1n mission :- h11ilrl111g Saturday morn111g 111 prnll':-ol tlw Sinai cl1s<'nga!!c•mt•11I p.1d sig111•d last ."l'ar ht•t Wt'l'l1 brae) ;ind E,e,vpl II al:-11 wa-. Sl't'll a:. n·t:iltation ll)r Llw thn•t• hour orl'l1p:1tion of llH' Syri;m 1ltplom:111r of'ltcl'" i11 \a1ro (Ht Th11r-.cl;1 v hv .l\rab s turlcnl:- Th 1· ·I" (1 r l' i g n i\fi n 1s t r ·' "flt1!..L•:-rnan c h:1rgcd that the <ti I ark <lll l hl' f'~g vpti;m m1s:-1011 ";1' It-cl In · S ~Tl .m mtf'l11{!enl·1• .lj:!l•nto: who Wntltldl·d SC'\'l'r.tl El!YPt~:rns with klli\I•.; ,.. POW Survival Suggested P,\RlS CAP > A :'\orth VtC'l namcse d iplomat hinlc•d l>onw t\ml'n can pri~oners of war ma~· :-trll be all\ e in Southea~t A~ia. thl' commander of the \'ctl'ran!\ of Foreign Wars post in Pun:- reporll:'d Sat11rrl.1y . Tlw comrnandL'I'. Bcon C. Tur- rou. quoted Fi r~t SC'cr ctnr:-· Do Thanh of the ~orth \'ietnamc~c Emln.1~.c;~· as s aying Hanoi h<is in formation ahout a missing p1lo1 from :'-l1 chigan anrl "ahout man~ olhl'r thif\E!S " Turrou !'a11l he thou#?ht "lh1.' intim~1tl'd that some PO\\'s m :w be there." meaning s till ali\'C and Jailed in Southeast 1\sia • • " . ~ -i I A Rodeo-by -the ·Sea. sponsored by the Laguna Beach Jayce es and Chamber of Commerce . was held Friday night and 'Saturday on the Laguna Beach High School football field . Cody Hawkins (above) took a wild ride m front of a sparse crowd Saturday, but two other cowboys, un1ifentif1 ed. were suffering not only from lack of interest by. spec- tators. Daily Pilot Photos by Patrick 0 'Donnell " on Riders Getty Is Dead At83 t.O:'\no:-.= 1 \I' .I Paul lict I\, an ,\111\'l'll'.tll o tl m:ig1iat1• ~11111 11111? <If llw \l 11rld :.. 11d lt':,t lnl'll. dl<'d l'<•rly tnd:t' 11l hr:. m:1(1St011 30 m ill·:-11•11 111 I.ont.1 0 11 . :i :.pokl•-.111 .111 ;1l th1· honw 1•t•purlt•tl ,lit·\\ ;1:-. :-.:1. Tht• l'Jll~l' Ill d t'.tlh \\;t ... gl\'en .1:-. lw:in f;11lun· \.l'll ~ Oll l'll -.:11d "" \\ 011 ltl I ,1th!•t b1 .1 l ':tl 1l111 111.1 lil'.ll: It t 11111 lil' I' t h .1 II :t h 11 1111n ,11r1•, \ l'I Ill· 'l'l'IH ht:-I anal '1·.1r-. Ill .Ill En1.:l1:-h m :1 n n r ,1 I c;u1ld l 1•rtl Gl•·v ..,urr1111nckd Ii~ I l'lll'l'' .111d dull gra) \\ C'at lll'r T hl· :'-l1111w:1polt:--l1or11 .1tlm,1n :-. 1111,1111·:-.,.. • r ·r ta,nn.ih'cl him .. n llllld } h.11 111 h i:. f.1)-.t tk< .1d1• lw '' ....... 1111 \\ 11d.i I! 111 h11111-;. :t d;1~ \\'h:rl lw r1-; l~ \c111h•tJ. hi.' 111\l'1' :-.it1tl. ".1 .... 1 a 1p~ m.ll'nagc 111 look haC'k on 1 hll·:tcl 111' ft\ l "' \'f ll'('l'' Cl·lt~ g:1\ 1· 11111111111:-. of clullnr ... t11 th:11·11 1c.·::.. h111 mslallcd" N'.' phoOl' Ill ht:-ITI:tll!'IOI\ for 111 ... j.!lll'.'it :,. 111· \\ :1-; pul>IH•ll.1 'h.1. hutdi:l1g llk1l 111 glt111·r111;! ~.ilhl·r llllo\~ of lhc l'll'h ;111ll l:tntrn1:-. C1..·1t~· pr11f1• ...... 1•d 11111 111 1-.no\\ \\hl•lh1·1· Lt· ''•" lh1· 1\t1rfd', Wl•:tlthll''I ll\all Ill' (Ill' 'ill' Ill hi'· ful'lUlltt. 1·111 Jl)ll,l\ tt:.lt lll ~tll•d ,I\ bl'l\\l'l'n S:! h11t11111 .111d's1 lJ1 ll111n "II ·' 1111 ('.Ill ('tlll!JI \olll' ll11111l'I \Oii dt11l 1 h:t\ , .• 1 htll11m r\11ll ,1r-. .he :-•11cl OIH'l' .\ ... , .... tlw l'ld\1•-.1 man lrllc, hl· told a11111lwr in ten'tl'll'l'I'. "I ha\ .. n o \\iJ~· •>I kno" ing how murh wealth ullw1· md1\'1dua1 ... pu~:-1.'S:. An~ ho\\. rlb {'U:-.1'1011 o l IHll.'.!> wealth 1:-ral her \'Ulgar · · Stiml.' :t(•qua mt :1nl·1·:-. !>atd the S I/.(' \)I h1:-\\ \':tl\h g ;.l\'l.' Celt~ J!n•;.il ... 111 .. 1 a <·t w 11 l 'n:-....1·d h~ 11111· 111L1·n1l'"~r '" atlm11 h1 C'ttt1lrl11'1 1 :ik1· 11 "1th h11n. (;I'll~ \\!'\I\ <1 1\:.\\l'l'l'd ''l°l'"· ti \\t1Uld ht:ftUlll'.t f11:1d . \1 ouldn't 11·•. l;t·ll \ 1 ... :-111'\ t\'t•cl IJ\· thrl'C !>011~ •. J H1inal<l c;l'H' .. J l';1ul <;1•t1' .Jr . and (;or<lo11 °l't·tl'r (;1•1 l.L 'i ii ).!r ;1 ndc h1l<lrl'n and 0111· g r1-.1I ).!r:tndl'hild . J1 1:-~011 C ordon fl1•w frnn~ S:111 Fri.1nl'iM'<1 la:-1 wec•kl'l\fl l11 hv "1lh h1 ' father I I I j \ F~rmer Judge I. __ W. Haughton , CD ·----- Services Set Private burial ser vices at sea will be conducte d for r e tired Los Ange les Super ior Court .Judrre William H aughton. 79, who died o f cance r Friday at his Costa l\lesa home. Appointed by Gov. Earl Warren in 1950, Judge H aughton presided over civil trials and never had a decision r eversed . A Phi Dela Kappa gr aduate of Pomona College. he earned his law dc~rcc at the Cniversity of Southern California. where he ;:if. filiated with l'hi Alpha Delta. lie served with the C .S. Atlurnl·~ 's Offict• in Los A ngclc·-; clunng \\'orl<l\Var ll I n Hl41. hC' w:is stall' <·11 m. m ~tn<kr 111 1 lw 1\ mc•n,·:in l.l·i.:1•111,. .1nrt later h1• progrc·:-.;cd 1111(:, 11a· w'nm ~ITI I\<' tornmittc . Ttw f.1 m II' n\m·cd to 1 he I I arbor An•:i a ll1'r h.1:-. n •l 1r rm1•nt in 1962 !'>Ul'\1\111' 1nl'f11d1• ht" \\tit'. t.1111:111 : .1 ..,,111. \\ 1ll1:1m nl Edi.!•' 111011t, :t .... ~h.'1', r.1rul~n of :-)ant a Ana; fi\'C granckhildrcn. and t hr<.'<' i.:n·at-~r:intll'hildrc·n . 1)1m,t11nn:-. t11 lhC' .i\mcric;rn ('ann •r S1H'1C't y an· n•qu1•o;ll'd 111 lieu Of 1 lllWC'l'S Reagan Seeks Ad Retraction I.OS A:-.;c;r·:l.E:-\ 11\1'1 llonaltl Hl':1g:1 11 ':-Cal 1for 111:i camp:11i::n dm.•ctor on Sttturd;.i~ ckmandl·d that l11'l·:-11knt Fnrd w1thdr.1w a !-1'l'll'S t1f com m crc1als "hich :-a\· fl nn <ild fl('ai::an l'Ou ld ..,tart · a war 1f l'lt·ct 1·d I.~ n :\of tl,Cl•r. C.tl1llirn1a dtr<'I' l1>r nf l '11 tl.l'll:-. lor lh •:tj!an. t·alh«I the commercial:-''dirty tricks · ;ind appealed tn the '!'Fc<.lcr;1I Comm11n1e.11innc: \ommic:!'inn :1n<I all liro;1dea!-I ~1a1 1ons t11 har lhl'ffi . HB.MmicSet Next Su1iday !\lusic of the Henai~sance will bl' perfnrml'd by :1 fi\'e-piec•c hr ass ensemble al 5 p.m. Sunday. .June 1:1. ut the.• ll11ntingt11p Beach Library. 'ii 11 Talbert ,\\'l'. A n :i n n o u n c· t• rn c n l i n Snturcl:n ":. Da;t" Pilot tnd1catl'd the J.!r o up. Ctitt~ ... ark. \\11ulc1 perform today. .\ SI donation "tll be asked of those atlcndtnJ!. l'Xccpt senior citizens. who '' 111' bf' admlltcd free. Fireplace Equipment 50°/o OFF Wicker CHAR BROIL GAS B.B.O. 0-t~ 50°/o 0~1-- Garden Umbrellas start at .. Redwood Sets Redwood Chaises .... . . . • • • 5 pc. • • • • . . 1995 8995 39aa Glass Top Dinette Sets ...... I I 9°0 Redwood Rockers.. . • . . 3995 Chaise Lounge Pads . . . . . . . . 1895 Chair Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 395 Hammocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 95 GAS LOG SALE s1399s CASH & CARRY WITH l P TANI< 0111ck Coo~•no. Eo•r A"ombly No ln\!ollo- ''""· f•oublc hee (0,1 Aluminum l P nt Nnl•onol (j,,. INClUDt~ Toro~. tio•r Connn<••on. Pit'""" Revolve, ComplNr 3 Piece 'f:ACTORY CLOSE OUT • 4 LOG SET REDWOOD SET ·'\ 24" LOGS WITH ' SAND PAN BURNER • Slow Burning Embers •Fire Grates ·--, 'i' .... •"" ,_.- ' ,, .. _,. -.... ..• .) /{ ~ Carton Pocktd Sunu )V 11,111• r 1~1 ·11 (IAl(V PllO r .t :l ----- Mesa Lands Its 31st Fish Fry The F1ri-1 l.ucJ\· '' a:-.fi·1 lhl'l\· tu 1Jrl'H0nt th .. : S11 l'~'l"t~11 ... , trnph~. l)Ul t::-.1am·1~1 t11i.:h Sl'houl ~ ha111l, bt•dc1·kl·d rn bright rl'<I. 11 hill' .ind gold uniform .... dll't•n-cl luudl~ ..... ctrum m.iJor 11.11 .. : l.~on rl'l't'I\ t•d tlw 'lht·r ,l\1,1r<I rroni F 1 ... h Frv d1a1r111an 1>1\'I, ('.11 ~11·11 ... 1111 · DOROTHY ROTHCHILD PLAYED PINOCCHIO In Children's Theater Group of Newport Harbor COSTA MESA MAYOR DOM RACITI LED THE WAY .:toined by His Granddaughter Karyn Raciti The high i-dHH>I IJ,1ncl \\ ;1~ ll\\ .irdl'll 1111· lr1g lw::.t 11umlwr Ill p11111h dunni.: tht" :11,1 a nnual ro ... 1.1 :\lt• ... ;1-:'\t•l\fllll'l ll:Jrhur l.1on' I ')uh p.1r;1dl'. t•dg111g uut ~l'l'l'll olht•r l11i.:h l>dwol.., 111 t·o1n pl'11t1on :'\1•\1 port II .1 rli1Jr ll1i.:h S!'h11111'!>- h:tnd /'t'!TI\ t•d :1 '-jl<'('l;d ho'I l1a11d trnph,\ d11n11g 1·1•11•111P111t"' ,11 l.1 011 ·, fl.irk 10111111111,.: tlt1· 1''" l111ur p.ir,1d1· S.1111nl.11 1·1111.-r ... 11~ ll 1g lt !"1·h111il I 11 l I 11 II t. ti I·: ... I.till' I .J II I ).! h . ' 'II t'l'J"'l ,1k t•"I \\Ill l't'l'l'll 1111! I ho· ltr'I pl.1t·1· ;rn .1r<f l•1r h1 glr ..,, hu"I 11;11111, • :-.1•t·1111tl pl,H'l· '' 1·111 to 1111• El ll.1111'h1l 111).!h Sdu>ol li.11111. .11111 I !uni pl .11·1• hunnr' '' ,., ... ,1\\ .1nf\-1 I 111 llw lklltltt\\ 1·1 l h g h S\'11rn1l lllll'I( l,lfl-. In 11111 111r .inti t•l1·1111·11t.1n :-c-~11111 li.111tl 1·11111Jwl1i 11111 't 11rh:1 .J11n111r ll1g h St•h1111I to"k f1r,1 plan·. ''1th 0011\ l' .h111111r ll1l!h 1ai..111 g '•·t·111HI .111<1 llalt· .Ju11111r lhgh p11·l-.111g 11p tlw th1nl pl:11·1· 411\ ;i1·d • • J11art•1 Eh•111l·1)t ;11'\ Sdwol .., hand 11 on 111'!>-l pl ;;t·1· 111 1 111· dt'll1\'11l.ll'\ :O.<'h1111l l·111t1Jll'I 1111111 l't,...l.o :\ll•-.,1 l1 11!h Sdwol ... 111'11111 111,IJlll'' \I l't't ' ;111 ,1rtll•cf :1 ltr ... t pl an· 111 I h.ol l-.11\·;,!nn 111111111 o'(j 1;, \1°\\ ,, .. r( I l:1rl1or :ind ":~1.11w 1.1 ll1i:h S1·l11111I .., 11h11't1 ,h.or\'CI 'l'I 111111 pl:11•1· E l H.1111'1\11 I 111-:h S1'11n<>I 111111 t h11 d pl.ll'I' 111 lh1 1u11111r h1l!h ... 1·h1111l dr111 1i 1n,11111 I 11111pl'l1l11111. l>.tl o• .lu11111t ll1g!t 11 1111 111 -.1. ('h11111 .111111111 I l1gh 'll.1l '.'11 1·tl -.1·l·11111l pl;1n• .111tl O I 1 1 1·1 .111 11 111 r I I 1 g II .S d11111 I g1.tl1Jt\'ll lhll'tl J1l.H I' J-:,t.111t·1.1 ll1g h Sd1t1111'-. dnll h'.1111 111111-. th1· I 1r ... 1 pl.u·" ,111 :rnl. 1•ut-.1·on11g lh1· 'l'('ond pl:11·1· ll·am. El l<.1111'1111 ll1gh Sd111«I Hol'a (;r;i11d1· 1 lt~h St·hrn°>I l'amo· 1111l11nl 111 lht· clnll 11 .. 1m ('11nl111·11 I lt>ll In lht· 11111to1r 111,;:h ... d111ol dnll I t'.I ni c·111n pt• I 1 t 11111 f( ,11111111.t .l11111or ll1gh loitl, l1r-.1 0111 .. 1· .1111111•1' f11gh "l't'1t1HI. :111d .lohll'.\tll l1111·rn11·d1:1 t1· S1'h11ol I l11rd ( ·11 ... 1 ;1 .\ft•-.,1 11 1,i.;lt !"!'1111111 dn11n '"'"'fl·' .. e111·1·d " 111',l pl:11 t 'I Ill Ill lh.ll t'.tl l'j.!ttl'~ .l11dJ,!1•· .111:11d1•d '"" ()111•1•11 lroph1 1111' 1111• li1•-.1 1•11.1 'l~llhll1'1•tl 1111:11 ltt lhl'\'ll\ 111 111111 !111µ11111 111'.1!'11 rill' Ill '' pl;1<·1• ;"' anl 111·111 111 l-'1111111 a111 \'al'"' t\ Ith \11;iht•1 m p11·k 111 1.! \lft 'l'\'tlllrl plae1· Thi• lh1rd J1l:u·1• a 11 .irtl "·" t.1!..1·11 "' t 111• ('11' t1I Or;111J,!.1' 'I ht• Ill.I I \II ' I roph~ for 11 ... 111•-.1 1·111111111·n·1al 1111.11 \\l'lll 111 BETTY ... 1<11111·1 t \\'il ... 1111 .111<1 p:rr.1d1 rh.11rm.rn l>1<·\,.C ':1r ... tt·1i...1·11 tol<I .1 1.1ri.:1 h111 <Jllll'I 1·111\\d .ii l.11111-. l '.11 i.. th.ti th ........ ..., l .. ich 111111111 11111ho·111.ol-.11u.! .111 .1ppvar;.t111't· '\f1 , F ord" ill .11HI l 'n1 -.11n· -.hl· 11 ;1111l•tl 111 :1t t1•1HI 1111r F1,h Fn -.,1111 \\ d ,1111 "Silo· 11 "' 1'11111111 ~ h1·1'\' lil'\'.tll.'1' ... 111 t' :t 'trong -.11ppo1·1l'r ol .11111lh 1'11;1fl1' lll'g,1111/.ll lllll', ,llld IHo 111)0• h llllll'\' tl1"·'l'l•"llll <'If I h:o11 I I hat -.hi' 1·111tid 11111 111;11,.e 11 Senior Citizens Speak 1-~~-~~~~ Costs Top Con1plai11ts at OC Meeti11~ ll1111.,1 11L' 111 I t1.111•1,.11l.1t11111 llt'I 1h ,lltd t I tfll' llJl'Cfl\".tl l'.11 ( l't'"'' .IJIJll'.t1 1•d !ft hP lt111•t1111-.\ Ill llt<' 111111tl-. 111 1\11> "•'111111' \'II 111•11-. Ill 1 •• 11d .. 11<;,,,,,. 1-'1 td" I Ito \ 111'1 I' 111 !Ito' ttft .., 11\ 11 C'l 'lllt I f111 .1 1111 .ti 1111\ o•illllL! 111 1111• ·,t.11o' I 1\'11,11I1111·111 1111 \1:1111: ·• 11 ... '"" 11'.ll 1•1:. 11l.1111111,11•111g \111 •1 111•1110.: i..:11·1•1\'tl h.1 ( ,, .1111•1• ('1111111\ l\11.11tl "' S1tp<'n1 "'' <'lr.011111,111 l<.ilpli ll11'tl111'11 .11).t 1:11\ Ft111111 11d c; 111111111 .11 111111111•1 l\1 •r1111•1• Ill\· -.1·111111 \'If I/I'll' Ji.id 1111'1 I' '.,I\ .11111111 II It.ti tho•\ .,,., ...... Jt1'11hlt-11"' lo11·111 i.; 1111·11· .t).'.l' 1:11111 I' \11d .rt I lt1• lttp t•I I ho • Jr,t \t ·" h1111 ... 111 ~·' .... i.. :--111111 II h11 'llllhl' 111 'l.tl1 nl I 11·1.tl.., .... 1111 t lt1•\ 111.111.ll'o·d 111 l'•I\ 1111 lhnr 11111111• 111 111 ti.:al..'1'' lwl1111· 11•ltl'lllJ'""" l11l111dlh1•\ \\1'11'1111 .1hl1• t·• .ol l11rtl 1111111: Ill 11t ....... hPlll<'" fll'I :lll\1 tlf I 1'1111.! l,t\4'' c 111111 , 1·11 111pl.111u·tl th.ti th1'11· '' 1111 'II' h I f-11111: • .-. llh' J'l'll"I\ 1• 11•111 111 ~.111tlw111 1'.tl1t111111,1 ,., 1•1•pt Ill dtl.1p1d.111·d 111'1 1.!h l1w 1101111 .. \nd ... till 11lh1·r ... 1...J.11\'tl 1111 1111t1111;11 •• t'\ lh'l'll'lll'l'' .1:-llt11h1k h1111w d\\ 1•ll1·r~ hu'lrnlt•cl among tlw c·c1mpla1nt~ wa" :1 ... h11rlag1·111 ,1 1 .11l;ilrlt• tra1h'r s paC'•'" :111cl 1111 · n ·a:-.m1allk h1kL•::. 1t1 ~pat'<' l'l'll· 1.11 ... :'\1•\I l o housing, tran ... portati1111 d1ff1l'l1ll1t'" wt·n· ctlt•<I mo~t 11ft1·n h~· t•lfll·rl~· ~pttakt1 rs :-it lht• i.t.1t ~· lh•part tnt•nt 011 1\i.;111g p11lil1l' ht•anng Spl'Olkt·r:-fl'tlllJ .11 lt•;i:-t l1111r n11111l 1l·.s ml·nt1011nl t•1thl'r t Ill· a h' l' 11 (' l' Of I' II h I 1t• "\'I'\ II' o' t11111..,p111·tat11111 11r g,•m•rall~ fHtm· '('I'\ ll't• h~ tf,11\"ll l'lllllJl:llHI'' '\\'twt 1• I II\ t' II ', ,1 '" hl11cl-. It .ill-. Ill 1·1lh1·1,lf111·1'111111 In llw 111'.ll .. ,, lo11 , 111 11 , 11 ol n II • '('llHll' \'II 1/1 I I I h .I I t I " 111.1 I.." I '" I'" lr,111-.t"r' .111tl 'I" 11tl 111111111111"· 111 J'1'1 In lh1· 1>i ·,111··t 'h"l'IJJllJ' t'I 11!1•1 \\ hll 11 I 1111!1 II\" 111if1 ,I\\ .o \ .1111'1 ho I 1•ld1 •1 f\ 111'1 1111 I ll1l\J1f,t1t1<'ol Ill lht' ,JI t'.I "I llll'tllt'.O J I 11•1 111·1•d1•tl l'l'I'\ l'lll.1111" hl'.tllh l',111', 111t·l11tl111i.: "'llttcl 111111'1111111 , 11 .... I ll o•d ,I._ d 11\ .0 ft11' Jtl 11filt'lll ·111•t1pl1· 1111111 • "" 11\••tl Iii 1'111111'' I \'.ill\ '11111•1' II 111•11 f11t1d I'"'' .f.:tt lip ~II I h1•\ dt>ll I t•.i l ;ts 111•11 \11tl •,111111'! 11111'' lh1·1 d1111 I l'.tl .I .. llltll'h, ·' \\ 11111.111 .... 11c1 I .lhl' I lt1• "' lt1•1" \\ 1111 "'llllhl' tl111 1111.! I ho · '" lt1111r ""l)l<'l t'l\I'" lt1 •1 1'1'lll.ll I.. ..... \\ 1•1 ,. 111•1111• I l't'lll d1 •d .111fl II Ill 1•\ 1'11111.dh h('\'l/llll' JI.ti I ttf I h1· llo'.11'1Cl f.!.., 111111·1,tl 11 .111~1·ri pt It 11 ,,, 11111· 111 ""' 1•11 lt1 .1r1111:' 1•1thl'I l>t•ld 111 "'fh•dHlt•d It> hr' l11•ltl I hr 11111.:1111111 I It• •I .111' I" prn \ 1tf1• 'l'llltol \'II 1 /I'll I ..J 1«1•! 11111' 4111 tho · Jll'"l'""l'd ... 1 .ol t• pl.111 I'll :1gmi.: li>rlh1•1'1lll\lllg l i..1•;of t\'oll II I!'> IH't'o'"'·ll'\ 1111 lho• ,1;1(1' Of lit'\' Oil .\t.:111 ).! 111 h,I\ I' :I pJ.111 .1d11pt1·d 111 'lu :ilrl\ ;1~111g pro i.:ra111.., I hr1111g h11111 1 lio· ..,l.111' fund 111).! 1111t11•r I ti .. ( Htl1•r ,\nll'l'll'.111" 1\l't 111 Or:111).!<' I '1111111 \, 11 l' tho• ~1·1111tr <'11111•11.., l 'rog1:t\ll (11111'•' h1.,11h-tl l1t t•,1•1·1111\ 1• tl11'l•l't111· \\'.tlll'I ~1".ol1•.., th.rt h1·ltlt'tl 111 c·11111d111.1!1• V11d:11 ... c111tl1·r .. m1· Hayden and Tunney Stage Quiet Debate J .OS 1\:'\(.;!-:Lt•::-. 1.\!'1 ~<'II .lcihn T11ntW\ and Tolll I la\ dl'n .• 1 1111c•1• ignon·d 1·h.tlkni.:1·r ~11tltl1•11 I~ I :1kl'l1 ~crt1111 ... h ,t,1)!1'<1.1111111•1 1t·ll·1·1sed dt•hat 1• ~at11rtl.1~ lll)!ht. three d:t\'' llt'l11n· lht·i r l ' S Sl•nalt' prim <ii'.\' 1·lt-l'l 11m J1 ;11·t11•n. 11 ho,,..· r1·1•t•11t l'l~l' 111 011101~111 p11ll:-, Jat >l 111111 .1 1khalt' afkr 111·.1rh a' 1•.01· 11! 1',1mpa1g11 Ill)!. "ao; lhl· :ig).!r1·,~nr 111 th1• hour-long .1111111 11111·1, 1''11 Ii~ thrt'l' l11('al 11•!1•\ ...,,.111 r1•111•rll·r " The fornwr <'hll'.1)!1> Sl'\t'll 111- ll'nd:ml at1;1C'k"ct '1'1111111•1 J'or 1111 flOSlll;.! ·l ll.tl 11111,tl fh',tlth 111 :-u1·:1nn· 11111 l:1111r11 w 1111· l<l h11mh1·1 .111<1 ro ·p11•,1•n11111• '' h.ot ll.111lp111·:illt·tl' lhl· pollt11·, 11l lh1• :-1 :ti II.., (jlllt .. ·1 hl· lh·morratu· 'l'llatnr :-.pl'nl 111e1"t of lht• l11111• cl1'fl'n<hn).! his n • l'c11·d , hut :iho ... :11<1 lhl\<lt•n r.l\()l'{·cf lll':Jkl'lllllg lhl· nal.to nal d1 •fl'll't' a nd 1 IH• prPf1t sysftom :111tl rai...111).! t;1·H·:-Slf)() h1ll1on Jf:i~ckn :--dl'fl'll""' prnpo~a h. T111111,·~ :-:1 id. t'o lb l 11 ul l' "1111 1 I ;1 t n :11 ti 1" :1 rm :1 nw11t. r oll in~ 111 t•r :ind pl.1~ 111J.! dt•:td hdun· Jlu....., 1 :c Th.-111 di1•,J t''..c·hangt• 1·amt• 1wa1· I ht• l'IHl 111 I Ill' d...t1all' ll,1\1h·n t·al11•d Tu11m·1· ",1 milt l.1111 11 all l1·r 11 hu llq•'- 0 :11111 llop' l!ll th1• '''-111''. THEME AWARD WENT TO FLOAT ENTERED BY THE CITY OF AN"HEIM Sculptural R epresentation of Painting Washington Crossing the DP.law;u e' 1'11111t:l'I' l 'h1t•h1·11 ,\ I 11 ~t pl:IC't .111 ;11d 111 that t':ilt·~1t11'\ 111·111 '" Hob ' l11g 1111 1. :-1•ctt11d 111 <;,.Ill I .d ll:1nf\1;111· :111<1 th11d let 1111 l ~ :'\;l\ \ 1111.1( Thl· l.ICllh J111pl11 .111:11tl1·tl '" I h1· l1l''I 1 out h ,111tl 11•!11•11111.., I l11at 111•111111 tht• c '11-.t .1 .\11• ... 1 < '1tn ... 11a11 !-.l'l1111 tl F1r-.1 1d.11·1 111 lh.ol 111·111 111 1ho \ \J1'\ .. I '" .1 1 ,, ' I h I Thl' 1111:01 tl,I\ '1•1,.111 .. ;ii I 11111 l '.1rl-.. IKlli ~l11•1•t .11111 l'.11 !- \11•11111· \\ tll 1111 lt1d1· T OH\\ 1:.: l\IHI:) , .,,, Ill\ ,ti t•\hilJll nlh'" J:.: 1\11•111 f 1._h tl11111t•t t'I I II I' ho t.:111' ::.: f' 111 \I 1 ..... F1 ... h Fn 1•111c1 ,1111 :1 .Ill J• Ill Ha l/\ ('i111tl''I ".!Up 111 l 'lt/l',1\\;1111' t l~t fl 111 \1Jo1• 1J1,lwt' fl.Ill .... ,. ... ~ 11 111 ,\11 .1rd ,,,,. g 1,111cl1•1111· Jliin'-...· • "l:rn J,·,..~ ;r.~_ ~ ...... ;g. '~ ....... ,~ '•~:.~ ... tiif~·~ i..-"· ....... ~-. g--... :-·... ..._ I l INTERNS JUNIOR DRILL TEAM FROM LA -Y:ina Wood leads N itn Apprene.u1~t? Loo>< IKE's CARPET WAREHOUSE CARPET SALE --Suy QUALITY Carpet ·~-""'or>i PLUSH SHAG SOLIDS I MUl fl-COLOR 100% NYLON:~'$~; SHAGS$ • Plu\h Shau• ••DuPont • H1ol o-• •Solid• • Commr1,.ol • Nyto11• • T wcrdt ValuH lo $6 9S AT DISTRIBUTOR PRICES! PER so YD Values To S 14 95 oo SHAGS$ PER so YD • Plutli Sliag• •Ho low\ • Nylon S"og• •lone on Tone • Sculp1v11•1 • '" Colo• .Shofl' •Solid· Value• To $9.95 PER SQ YD 00 PER SO. YD. A GOOD DEAL'"'" ·'· f rf.'-,flf1> l.'w1tomf'r u··t· <;1 ·. tR . f 'J'ff ."iuti.'lft1,.,im1.' THOUSANDS OF YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM! . 124 East 17th Street COSTA MESA• 645-4330 !!!!' Bring in Yovr Room Mcosurcmonfs ._. ,..,. 111111 LAYAWAYS ANO TYMS AVAILABLE •.._MIKE'S HOURS: MOtt, TUES., WED .• SAT. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. •THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 •SUN. 12 TO 5 , ' .. \ :\-I DAIL Y PILO r Fro• Paflf! rl J 40th DISTRICT .•. i\bo 1n t ht• r M'l' hul gin·n onb t he vu~u c~l uf chdnt~s ur c cvun1¢ehsl l>ale Davis <ind Sunla Ana enginee r William Oavt•n- port. S1gnificanlly. t he ~1x so.called nt•wcom1·rs h<1Vl· <·onccnlr<Jtcd lhe1r c<ilkclt\'l' c <Jmpuii.:n fm• powe r alt he l'Sl ahh .... hcd lagun•s 111 llin:.ha w 's <'HM.', thc•y'vc lt·l newspaper h eadlines und the Ill· curnbent 's own s il ence ~I)C<Jk for itself. But hit ha rd in the c·~1nipuign wai.; Schmitz for his: !\frmhe r s h i11 1n the .John Uirch Soc ict v, Al P pr~sidcnt1al c<1nd1d ac·y in 19i2 -Last-minute switch from an •innuunccd l' S. St•nat~ can dtdacy to the congrc~~1onal ran " Cong re s:-, t ha ll1•n ged h1-. 11pf11> ncnts to ltm1t c<1 m p:11gn -.p1.·111ll ng und t·:illcc'J f'or tough mcd~Ul't''> tu lrn lt t rime . l\lrs. Coopt•r h a s fXll nll'rl t11 twr "doll ars and 5-en:.l'" bu~1ne ........ t'" IJ(•n e ncc. her JoyCJ lt.' 111 tht• GOP and hl'r basic con:.cn .il1•1111 Clan cey h as at t acl.1'11 •1 1 f1cl'holdt•r ncwslcttt-r" "'"' being a wu:.te of lax payt·r~' m1m1·~ Jle 's a bo ccill et.l for cmplw -;1.: ing develo pment 111 new Mlu r1'l'" of energy and ;.in o\1•rh:rnl111g uf revenue !"harin~ In hcl1H•llmin:it<' tcdt•ral sciv·"U 111 l11rL1I affair.; Da vis has c·11nc•t•ntr,1tl•d h1\ c a m pa ign effort 1111 churd1 groups. ,\:'\DH'~ HAS hll hurd1·:-t a l lh1· I net'<b tu cnd 111fl at11m. to 111\\t•r hou~ing co..;f s .111d tu re t'!'I ;11111 ... h public conf1dt•nc\' in go' l'rnmcnl. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS .. DtSTRICl lXllNDS SOUl~ TO INCLUDE OCUNSIDl ANO CAMP PCNDHTON -· Democrat Has A Tough Road B~ O.C tll'STl~GS Ot '"" O.uty Pt1ot S'Att \'1' 1a n ll;ill ad rn1b 11 1:-tOUl!h h1•1ng .1 l>1•mot'rJ l1c caru11dalt· in llw IUlh l'ongre~:.ion:.il D1slr1tt. \11<1 11 ,.,n·1 only the lop:-11.lt·d. I ;,,1,91\) IO· l Ill, l n t•d).!c t'l').!11'1\'l'l'tl H1·p11hl1<·.i 11 'Otl•r:-hnlcl 11\'l.'I' Uw1r •llHll f)1 ..,ll'll'l l>1•mi11;l'al1c t·our1krp:1rl~ th.it 1'C11l('t'l'lli-~lrs. ll:ill Siii', tur \'';111lplt., 111J1t1l:-0111 t lwt 1111 .... 1 nl'" ~ :-l•n h'~ :1tw1ut the lillh c·orll'IVtk lh;1 t \I< 1111 \ Ill lhl• lk p11hl1\"1n pl'1111.11' dn·t11111 1-. t.111t,1111111111t l1• .1 i.:1·11l•1 al 1·k1·t1on '11·11•r\' l>a,·cnport. a i.:r adu:1te 11r Purdue L'nivcrs 1ty. ha~ prumi..1·cl tu sl'l up ltJcal <'<>mm1ttt•t•s to h:1n die citilen affairs it' he wins fhl· Re publica n norn in:1t111n anrt. rn Novc mhcr, thc J.!l;'IH'r.tl .. 11·t111111 For his pa r t , lladham hJ~ po inted lo his 11 ."t•ars 1n Sacramt•nto <is t•ndcnn· that h1• reflects what he "l'e" :1~ lhl· llllh Ut!'lrict 's hL1:-1cally cc111~l'C'\ all\ 1.- n;1tun.• MAP SHOWS COUNTY ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS 40th Covers Most of Ora n ge Coast 4 "fh,11 :-1111t lll'l'l'~-.;1ri!y tr111·." t ht· lh mot•r;rt ll' I ront-ru11n 1•r -..1~-. .. l 11•11pll-l'l'o:-., "' 1·1· part' l1m·-. 111 .1 g1·1wral 1•l1·t·t1n11 Su, \11tc•r r1·ghtr;1t111n f1gur1·~ d11n ·t ll'll tlw "lwl1• :-lon· " :\ncl t11 prm e 0h1•r 1111lnt. th1· W1·:-lm1n s t1•r ll 1gh Sr•h1111t ll·acl1c.·r who 11\t ., 1n l nin t· 1x•1n11•<1 out that h1·r t·.1mpa1s:n (0nd1.11r111a111:-a H1•puhti<•an. f'roin Page ,\ I SHE'S HOPEFUL Democrat Hall WILDEST RACE ... ~I r... H al I :.ib11 "' 11ol1ld~ ('I'll 11-.11 of nt'w,.. p;1 pt•r:-l hat cn- <l o I'~ l' I' :J n d rd a t l' o; I ll t h l' Ht•puhliran prim:.iry. hut d1111 't hotht·r wit h Dc m ucr a l ic t·n· dur~c m1•nts. The schoolll.'aChl'r <1lso ha~ \\On t•ndor:-1.)ments from som1.· prom inl'nt loc:JI n •sidcf)ts. in- c· I u d 1 n g I r \' i n c Ci l y Co u n · • <·1lwome n (; abric llc Prvor and HINSHAW JEFFREY ~CHMITl -Contribution to Orange Coun- t y 's re putation as r ight -wins kooksvillc during)'.: ycar~ a~ an assemhlvm a n. 51 ·1 n•ars a s a sta le sena tor an~i~ years as a c·ongressman . ~ Badham ha s hrt•n scored hv l11s opponents for \'Ol ing againsi re - pe al of a s hort-lived lucrall\'C 1h · scmbly rt'tire mc nt pl:.in. lle's also l.H.•cn ha rd t11l hy c·harj!l'S tha t memhcrn of hi-; f\l'Mld Forde-Wil~i-am Hutc he r -campaign m anagement tC'am ;i re mercenary pohlic:.il aC£iliatt• ... uf Dr. Louis Cella. U1•mocral H ich~1rd O'Neill and the I ale F'rcd I fol' he r . i\nd. Badham·s oppon(•ols Including Schmitz ha\'e c har m·· Lcrizcd his 1.1 years as an a .... semblvman a s lackluster. Jdfre.'·. who po litrcal· nh- ser\'ers say spe nt his ava1l:ihll' 1·ampa1go dolla rs too early, ha ... l(.'(1 t h1• <'ampaign onsl :.iug ht again!-t Sch m it1. and B:idham . S1multanrnuslv. tw·s m:.idl' :rn almost s1ngtc-h~ndcd appeal for the m o d e r a t e and l i b e r a l Ht·p11hli c:.i n \'Ole hy endors ing l'rl0S1c1t-nl Font and charactcriz· 111,:: 111 msetr ••~a m ud er :.ill:. JF.FFRE\' has adverliscd his ;iffilal inn ''it h 1.'ll \'1ronmcnta t c 111:-l'"• h:tl'kl•d fcckral rcv1'm1t• :-han11~ a nd argut•tl a{!a insl 1111' prolifc>rat1on ol nuclear ar rn:- 1 hrnughoul t lw w11rtd. ~laurc> :its .. ha:-s~ud he fa\l•l':- n •\'l'l\111' s harini.: Tlw S1>11lh L1.cun:i phys1t•,;111 h:1.., ar~111·cl tor lim 1tinA term-. 111 Thou!!h t•:1rn11aq.:n :-pt·n1h11:.: 111 thl' -10th has not n ·al'ht·d lh1· prl' drt•led le\'d s, H;1dham ·:-p11!1t1cal siren.ct h has bt•1·n s him n b.' Ill-; abilit \' to attract co11lnh11tions ot more· than $70,000. l'hiefly lrom those who supported h1 m in 111, As:-t•m blv ract•s . T hat niont•y has m:.idc rt p11~ ... 1 bit• for h im to run a l~ 1.111'al Uutc ht•r-Fordl' campa1J!O. \\ h1d1 IS Ont• hl.'il\'.\' 1111 Jll'l'Mlll:Slill'll mailings . In thC' port 1011~ nf Sant a ,\na Tustin and F ounl iWl \"allt•,\' l'O\ <'l't•d hv the 401 h D 1 ~l n t·t . Radham· m ay be 1n.1url'd b~· the similarity of his nam1.: lo Uat tin's, . Count:-· Supl'rvisnr Hober t Bat. Lin 's r ecent conv1<:tiqn on ;i· felony char gl' has· rcn•r bcratcd thro u g h th e>Sl' comm11n it1C's where Ba d h am is lt•-;s w ell' known th:.in in coa'\tat m·e!l". • As for Schmitz, hl''.s had. c(o1n::. wh<il ht• Ii kt•s to ilo bt•,I a rti c ul a t i n g th <: u l traconsern 1l 1\'C' \'it•wpoinl ,\nd g athcr c'd Ul'~1dt• him art• those loyal Schmitz t'.1mpalf;!11 workers and (!rnups wh1> ~t·c 111 him a \'Oice for causl's d ose to the ir hcarts -3ga in:-.l :.ilmrlion mid lilt• Equal Rr~hts Amt'Oll· menl, ;1gain~t J am• Fonda and. must of all ., ag ;r inst Iii~ govt•rn mcnt. SCIOllTZ i-; :is \I' ill v asc:\'cr anrl a:-willinA to pok<.' fun ~ll h1m:-C'll as t'\'C'r. And with !tis loyal cadre vf <'a mpa1,£!11 workers m inding lhl· s1ore. he• has been free ltl I urn lhut \\it on his opponents whcm l.'\'t•r u chance popped up. i\ffixcd to Schmitz ure seals of endorsem e nt fro m s uch co n· scrviltivc org anizations a.s thc Young Am erican-; For Fr1·cdom. the Suulhcrn CiJl1 forn1:1 Chaplc·r of Pro America. the Calif11rn1.1 Rr pul>lif'a n J\sst>mbl~ .mil lh1· :\mrrica n ·Pistol and Jlcw1h l'r ,\ssociation. In tht• four vcars since he's h'rttl office. a nd in thC' peri;on;.il for1·ign policy that 1s l11s slylc. he· has turn cit its attention from 1111- leas hmg Formosa 1111 Red (;hma to pn•serving Amt•rlc:in inkn.•st in llw Panam a l'an:tl. In t972 .. John Sch mitt. reccivl•d s lightly m ore tha n one million volt'" when hr r an for prc~idcn1 under the ,\IP uannt•r. If he c an scrape up as murh :1-; :l:l per cent of the• Hl'puhlican "'''' Tul'.;da~'. he'll like!:-· !Jc head111g· lial'k to Con gr C'sS in January . ;\lor e IH'\\:o.letll•1· ... f111l11\\l'd , a nd Orange County':. 11:1111111;.il f l" Jilllllt 11H1 \\ ;1 ~I :11111 l'lll·d /\-; a t'OllJ.!l'l·s~rn:m , Sch mil l w11s <he :-.llll 1~ 1 a mc.:mher of tlw .John H1r<:h So!' ll·I~ r the right· \\ 1ng oq:aniza11on founded Ii;. l'Hlld' m:1lo.1'1' H11hl'rl Welch. who ... J\\ som'l-'orl ot ll'fl wmg l't>n· 1-p1r:1<·~ h1o.•h1n<l al mu~l C\'cl',\ t•\·<.·nt of l ht· dav .ind \\ho om·e \\l'llll: LhJt I la." I.tie l'rcs1<knl EtSl'llhO\\t>r \\ :i ... a traitor. S ('II )I I T Z m .1 d 1' a '"" l' \\'atC'rg;Jte rC'm:srk about R1e h:.irtl ~1.xon ·s fi rs f tnp ft> C.:huw, .'iUJ:: ~cst 1ng :'\1x11 n ~h1111ldn 'L return. and tn~l his eong rcssinnal scul O\ r rit ' 1\11 d Congrl's-.m:in Hins haw si\s m the llous 1.• trx.l:.iy but can 'l \ llll.' bcc<JUSI.' h1.• 1:-a COll\'ICle d ft' Ion (for brt bcry I. Snm1· 01 lwr q 111.•..,Lior1:> Jboul thl' primary 111 till' ·IOth · Incumbent Unopposed ln38thRace lnc.uml>en t Coni:ressman Jerry P.1uerson 1-; ho me free in the.: Democr:it1c p ri mury for central Or an J;e Co unty's 38th Congressiona l District. No De mocrat has challenged the first-te rm congrcssm un from Santa An a in wha t. twoycars ago, "as :i bra nd 111:\\·d1sl ric't. So Patterson . the formt>r mayor of Santa Ana. c:in sit hack in-<t '+UlC'l1 the Hrv .. J:1mcs 0 . Comb;-; a nd former G ardc·n Grove school supcnnt1.•ndl'nt Day1ct II. Paynter b:itUe in the RcJ>u bli can primar y. The winner gets to lilkc on P<il· ter son in l ht• predomin a ntly Democratic d 1strict come next November . Both Combs and Dr. Paynter a r e c on s id er e d ul · tracons c•rv ati vc. Paynter is <1 m ember of l he Orange Counly s chool board. Combs. for mcrly the m111isl er of a Cost a Me sa church, quit t hat Jx.>St to run for Congress. Origjnally, he had planned to run in the 40th Congressional Dis· tnct. but w h<.'n J ohn Schmitz en· fl•n·d that run• at I he cle' cnlh hour. Combs ::.Wltch1.'d lvlhc38lh. Hazy Sunshine Expected Temperatures May Dip Slightly Today 1•1• "11 ''' ( ••'tf"t 01 tA' tH •'•IW 1 h •'V 'H"I •11•0 t•••t;•'f "'" MnntM~ ,_.11t1 ' m'w'"'"''·· •h••rll''"ll 1 11111• hut'" '"•t1•+n<1 "' th J 1o11 iv '*' 1n1· ''h•• ... ' "'~ '• I """ r 1 .. 111~" •"'111 • wdt ""'tt'' ,1f1w1 1 t•tt• t O't'1ll•th 1n tt11 1n 1•111'1J 1'" f'.i,f l11'lin ,IW1 •IHI °''''" I '"'Ht .• ,,, •• ,,, tti;t hi•• •w ff• • • "'" 111119 • II• u f1v •n• I U1 r ~Hlll\llfH1u • ll.il t Ul'it\1 'f'l'll\ •r lfOI• \. If ~l·Jh '"""' t .H tf'\ ••• ',...,,,, , •• ,,...,ti l l11d ,, •tito ,.,., oil' w 11 ' t 1t1 1,f I 1 fh ·• 1••too. ,, I 11• ,.,, ',,,, .... , 11''1 thr '"'U"' 1 n pt Jfl h t•\ O\o ..,_ft I •I p , ~"' '• ' wtlfr "''"'' 1. , .... .... , I,, "''"' I 'O'•·' "1"'""'••1. I 11••1 I '•tn6Jt 1'l1 UI W1•'1't" t I • If I 1'!11 #f1 I rl ,f#lftl ff\! "" H I 1f!t •••t•h (l!f J hJ .... O; .. ;, ',,,.,. ~·)1~1111'11 Extf•t1d(•d 011flook N H'f•tr •N -·\lltORN tA f '" I 1\u1 1 l•'I • • •I I 1(f'1'1ltW• C)f h ...,, • , • t"'I '1iriun'..t1n • .,,.", .lbnut ttJI 1 t• 1 ti''" 1"w ttn111"-•HO"IO 'O"''-' •1.1••h 1•"1 n1 rul'\Q11 I· 11·rn.-.r,1•11' l•f "'"' '""l' tf,tt<t"•n•O ,, ''' t• r t• 1"'•1(1).tt.l Ulf1on1d 1fh,,.,i:; .. tl JO# , , •• ,., ...... ,,.. ·'" 1 l ""'' ,,, ''"n til\ •"'1 "' '' ~W,.ff'V,.ttt'f'I' CF NTRAL C.O.L>FO RNl.O. -Con- t1~U'"O c:JrY ··•(fllOl I rnt11nrf"I ot ,, '""' i,nw-.r~ Slrrrtt N "';1td.t tu11sdAV "'41(ll\t ''"d mo• n•l"IO tnQ ••nd tt)w ('lnvf1\ +Ut'>'tQ U\ .. CO,.~(. ff\m p1 rtlf\Jt't• •• t Uf ,,..II\# normi'll t-tu:i~' Inf}()' ""M '"' , 1 ,, t .. .,rt ,,.,n,py ,.., ilft· '' '"""•Irv "'I: t ""1~ 1n•o1r'lO I ,.,._..., 1n '"~ \()-. u lt'-N t •\ml1•r" C\llT H r ~N r,\l l rnq •nn I'll[ OH"> nNI:' or~•'" '<11,>'lN I , r "'''" md I ft mp1 r,ttu1 Tu• H'I tnrounn Utur '" \Y l ut .-1 rw tv j1111nch ''' l'W tH· t ~•"• .1n' •'•',." I • ~ , MtQf\ C• mD'"' .uuu" •\ '"' -QI(\ l ...,, '"·"•' lf'V 4'tlo i\h111toi~••tiio1 •I '''"' .'))tJ# ~ ert Oo1ntn•Qnt lo""' All '" ~"" """'"'·"•lo)" h•Qf'Hh·'lot•• t .,on f'lltf.,..~rrt 'OIJ F H E IHI r Alll CI ""'" Q•'>l AL ANO MQUN I Al N Alllc.A~ --- ._,,,1ft1 ft"~ '"''' nl'• I I •w 1 11 Hil h11I t)ll'\4•rw1"'''' 1 •v•''"''" l111.,1ha11 lt\111 .. rl t M I~·~ !Ill·• I 1101 ..vdh p,. 11 jH t lf'(Jlll'1 h1tOI 10 U f I If llo• ftt II I'\• l,t ""' lnw ~"' OY• I lnl H1ff """"V\ , .. ,.,,, f1·m•w•t 1!u•r\1•1 tPv· n1nu11t ''"' ~'\It' \IVt'tl\t 1h\ h w '1 If) t;/ 1n ( ,,, ... t.\I ft,,•"lt'\11 t'IO \ 1n lh~ rn·1unt.-un' ('alilor11ia ...,)Uh•I ON (\I lrtH>Nl.A I >' f"Q'"' '"''' un1n•1•rw lou• I''"'"~ •I '"" ( • I ·' •' ,.,.... f\ut t"trh1•r-w " I I ~ tN1\vQhM f•nf\1'1t G U\h li'fl"nchi'thrni: I" m~ ~t"ilffU' lnlf d• .... 'f I\ ftftr,i rOOlf"" tC"I'"' ''~"'"1•r)n' 1oCM¥ LOS llN(i£t.1'5 l"ln nlQ!\I Md tn0triunq ,,....., '1011ct\ wtt" 1'111v ,un,h 1nto '" ~.,,.,,.l"M\ tl')Cllt'Y ••nd M nnf1AV /\"' llf"(·l<''"' ton,~" l""'' ton1oh11nttN)fl>f' ti()\ .-.,g,.,, t?<t •y ~v,o Mcmdrl'f '" '"w ,,,.. ,f'>11t,...rQ •4 r ALtrn r:J"lf•i\ fl'\A r 1\1 /\Nil Pd [ "'"Y.* :") f\* f: Vf\ll t (, l ·•h '' 1M '' 11""'1••111'1 •o""' lr11 t ,,.. t ,,, •• t 1u w '" ~ •., "" th,"• lrt tf! ,.l'IQIHI I "f It I i \A..,,,I l'J' l 10 I 11' f If t o l ,. tn ~~ Mt')'•·'"'' ,HJt1tt 'l "'f~ltt<"\P "'U,\MOUN Tl\ N ~CH h J 11r t"I' wf'\ M."'1 O •v W ill ' f )\ m1 ., ti• m• L1llu· l•rrY t •'JI ''"' '1• l, -N '"Mt\ •f\d •~w._,,. H'l'l" ~ ,., .. .. ou r ...... ,. '4Ll l ;)llNIO INl(ll10 114Nllll1 >l:RI 1>1 .l()N\ .. f.A1r ·~·®QI'\ MONJ•t A•tt rnoon I 1 t V •• •I N f"lt1 I 1:'1tnl'' ,, l1N\111-. ' 1111 I• Olp• t 1T1f• 1 ti.1111. \ l<f'1' 11;11 ~ 1 I I ,., l'jl• t 1· \J 4 t 11\ ' 1l'IM\~.1t1v.1•f I• •·th M1111· ''"' llt •'I 111 ut1p1 ' t• t rt '1n(tq7 t ' "11 li•w•' ti• ,, f')wr N ' v/\1 tr v ,,,, ~ u~ 11 1· 1l'l ; i,Jt f'ltl"h l N • f -r Tt\r•"f )f\ ¥ '"° 11 ·V ·• t1 lO lo 1 "'"'' t '•"~ Jtt •, 'I r ,,1ur1 t 1 l '"' • 'U. !If . ' '1 ttHtt\ rt •I .-.N' t ""'"N0C1 3An t "'' •· ,, /\•. •,6~ •4r'1NAt lllNQ\f\• If,, ,,,. "• 1"'' ,H•"I mu'"'"'''• .... ,~ • W ,._ h \f\f 1n\f\1n• I~ th• ftlt• '""'·n\ f(l.l .. V t•1 M t•H \y t\ ( 'f ~ l >-, t O~'f l f')W\ tn-n«.1nt ,n '"'' ~ Mtg1'1\ h> °"" •M #.Aonc11•v 1n fh" 'n' ~f\NTll (\AQOl\il:\ °'NO Vf ~ TURI\ COUN!lf~ COASrllL l;Q( A ANfA MONl(A AAV 'IQ[A, t O"lC. R~A(H AN" O OAN ~( C~UNT¥ MrlROl'OLlfllNllRl'A ~N1Q"l•nd •n fHr'llf'l'll W'I t Ulf 1Hf'°1f't.t7~ 'lllf\ to.• I• I ·~· '''••·•i•tJ'' , .. ,,., ,,,,.,M "flt( r.. t,H•"' r rtlht lr'll H', 1•11·,1 1t•I1>1 I •lit •n 1~1· '''' .+10.,, ''nm nr 1r ~-. 1f •to• °" "" .. '" ''•flill,1h. /\•ltt;•o '1 ,..., ....... I ""·" • I\. I" . ,,,,,.,.,~, (J1~rtu\1nn ' . ... .,, , \ ... , I\ I \I , .. ·~ f" .,i,,u ... ,,, .. J lh ' "•f'\1! " ,, I'" I ., ... l1t •11i1 . •I \ liii ,M m'!+ ,, , t)o h ad "' ' . ' 11t\V1 11~ .. , ~· ttrt\•l jll! "' ,, H 1y,I J'I '" I h\·I ,1,,,H II \ '"(• ¥'111 ... ' Ju .. •··• ... u K.•n ,_. .• 1'' •: II· .. I , .. l ,, • h • ,. I .. . I "' ... t'"' I ,, M• n it••u I . \t A I \ ..... I ,. II " I· ... ,, .,. ,,. v I "' . , .. (l•h 1t,' I . 1 11· 1,.1 1 " 111 .. 111 0 ., .. P11t\01l•tf'I . .. ,,, ,,,1,,.,., 'I •• P H"n t '"• •• " P11C\1 t ... u ' ''"'""' • I ... . , t .. • .. •ttL t• ...... o I .. (,,. ..... ,,,, . .. "' 10~• •o I ~"'' •""'•' •I l ,,,,,,,., .. •• W1h"'•noton H ~ ,..,, ... w_., .......... 4 ~av fu(flty It you di') N7f h.;lvn ~1t f\lJ('l1'tt f\y !) 10 0 '1\ <.AH bfJfMff' I 11 rr '"n w1111 C"Pv will r>-• a1 t1v-111• t ..., 1• ''"·', """ ~11n·tav 11 .,, 10 1 ... • • ,,,. t• "~l '\i0'1' Cl')fly ~ "' 1 IT\ 111 (••I •t1 ti ill 1n .,.., Yt ... ;f t .>(111 ••II t.• td ... ,...,., Cir'C~ .. T~ -..• 1 Or An ... C' tWnrv Atf'.tb 6U·t.Jlf I ,, •• , ,,,.. t .... ''·"41' ,,, l ... ,.. "'_, Wo ,,,..,,,. '#tof l ... tJlf ,.,,,.~ o .. ,, .. ,n.,. r .,,.,.,""°Bf•• ~•tn J•M" (JO•I''""° f'Mlt ,,,..,,l~thl~<t t lf?1tl"IA N•,Jf"I 4.S. .. Je C.1n l1111gl 1111t• ,\!-:-t·mhl~ 111.111 Robert Uadham m:cl-.l· lhl' JU111p to Cungn ·-;.-.'.' O r \\ill ch;1rge~ II\ his oppv11e nts of a l;.ickluslt•r 11 ;.ear s in thl.' Asst>mbl~: plus 1111· s i m 1 I a ri t v or hi ~ n J m c.• t 1> S upc rv ..... ;". H ohc:r t ll.1111 11 m1otht'I' 11f Or;.i ni.:e Count~·.., J!row1ni.: list of C'<in\ 1l'lc•rt 111 l 1l'eh11IJ1·r~. m a ke· Hadham . Jll'l\'i.11 t• Cll ll.l'll ag,.11n" l1 ;1s .Joh11 Sl'hm1t1' .,tnnc rim u11t·1 Or will the-hard·l'Cll"l' Schrn1t1. suppo1'1 1.·r ... he 1•1111ugh '" 1?1,·e. him a plu r:.i lity 1n :1 lar~l' f1 t•ld . a nd thus l h1: nomination."~ he had predicte d '' -Will 11 ne w while knight of eonscr\' a Lis m i t1 l hl' pcr~on of Dr T o m l\Lwru «Jr l\I rs Al i<:1a Cooper ofrc r a ·choit:e-nol -a n- e c h o lo c o n s c r v a t i v 1· Republican s "ho c.in'L bnng thC'm~l'I ''cs l o \'Ol l' 11,,. t h l· f:.im 11i ar faet•s , Hadha111 . Sl'h m1t:t J lld llm!-haw! Or will Ma uro an<1 Coopl•r mcrl'ly frag m l' n l l h 1• c· u n s , • r· ' a I 11 1 • Rl'puhlil';111 vot1· anti lwlp h;111d the no rrn11alion lo t h1· hc!-l·kllll\\11 mo<lcrall•. llarry .Je ffrey" -.Jus t how nrnnv m1Mkr;11i- Hepubl1ca11 a r<' I hC'rc 111the40th'' !lave lht'V hct·n 111 c!t1:-l'I-> all lhc:-e vt•;rr :-hl·cau'ic.· lhc.·v·, 1· never liad any real ctiuicC' in thl· GOPprim:.iry? · -ls Orange Cnunt:.•'-; naticm.d ima~c r <'al'! Tune in :.iftt:r T uesdav's vul l':- arc counted :mtl fi nd out ~ "llOW Ci\N they (newspapers) hi.' 1nll•rcstl'tl 111 the hcst possihle <·;i ndidall's for on<' 1H1rl y and not lht nlhc:r'!" a~ks Mrs. llall. Sh1.· ar gu<•s th;.it t he media's • • k n c 1· .i t.• r k d o u m 1 n g · " 1 > f lh·moc r :1t1c· c~n d 1t.l alt•s hurt... l'h:111ccs. "for ;1 I rut· I\\ o·part:-· ..,~,11·1>1 ~ll lllc d1:-tril'I . ' · · 11 rti~cou rag1·.., 'olunll't·r \\ 1>rl1.1 ·r'i <Ille! m ~' k1·~ ii \ \'l',V <f 1 r f1 l'u,tt lo r ais e c a m pa ig n money," ~a)S Mrs. Ha ll. S he c o n ced es 1t would he ''very difficult hut not entirely impossible" for a Uemocrat 1c c and idate to win in the 40th. The d istr ict s he talks of in- cludes t•o<.as l a l a n :a from Jo'oun- t ain V a lley-H untingt on lieach :-outh lo Ocl·ansidc in San Dit)go <.:ountv IL runs inland lo Tustin ;ind north Sant:.i /\na . anti in- ('ltr<lt•.., lht· Saddlehack Vallev a nd Ir \' uw . · ~lrs H a ll i s 0 11t• 111' four J><•monat ... sl'l'I-; mg tl11• party 's 110111111al111n 111 tlw 401h District And thoug h s ht• h~1s run a h1w hudgct c:1m p;i1cn I hat has rehed Jic•;1\'11 _v 110 \'Ill Ufltl'l'r Wlll'kl'f">. ~Ir:-. II al I 1:-fa ,·01'1'<1 to wm tlit· Ut•mocr:.illt· nomin:1t111n. 01w re ason ror ~h:it 1s s he I" '"ell-known 111 womcn'-; cirl'fe:. for her lraders hip in llw :"\u. t 1o n :i l Wum e n '.s J>o lit 1ca l Caucus. Got a-problem? J\tary Ann G aido. · J\lrs. Hall's chief rival ror her party 's nomination is its 197l: s t andard h t.•a rer. Rod e ric~ Wibon of Oceansictl'. Rl'p. J\ndrcw 11 rn~h:.iw hurictl Wilson 111 thl: genl'ral t·lcct ion unde r a n :1\'alanl'he nf \Ott>:-..• 11-1.895 to 51). 195. ~IJl!htly I.letter • than a 2-~ci-l mari.:1 n Later. \\' 11 :-on t•11mplain1·1! posl a l "orker-; cldll11·r:i11'1y tfr· la_,·t•ct d t·li v('nng lus t·~11111w1gn mail , a111t he lilcd l a\\:-u1ls against H ins h aw <1nd some media repn~sl'.'ntattvcs who he claimed v iolated his civil righb." Also se•~kin~ :-upporl in the Democrat ic primilry in the 40th District is John 8 . Schoonover of :'\ewr>0rtBeach. LIKE 1\1 RS. II all Sehoonove r has been cam1Ja1gning hard on \l'l'V l1t1le ~>lh l·r lhan his O"n l'lll;r gy and s hot: le:.iltwr . "l lhink hl' 1s a vcrv hart.I working :.ind l'ffl'tlivc c·a m- palgner." ,\I r s . Ha ll ~•11<1 of ..:'-;<•ht)(ltlOVl'•"s primary C'ampaign effort. The fourth eand1dale 1n t he· l>l·mocra l1(' prima ry b (jcorgc• l\laq~ol is. lie cl:.ii ms tu l)l' a rt•t in•d "'4r Force colonel <.I nd :-a\!> he ha:. mo\·ed to Ornnge Cmint.\. :ill<'r hsling V cnlura County a:. hb rc- sidcnce wht.•n he filt.'<i nomina- tion papers. Then write to Pat Dunn -Is an overzealous billing computer bugging you? Have you waited too long for a mail order item you paid for months ago? -Are you getting the runaround at city hall? For help you can count on, turn to Pat Dunn. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and the action you need to solve your problems with government agencies and businesses. Mail your questions to Pat Dunn At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P. 0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be sure to include your telephone number. Even if you don't have a problem, the At Your Service column is interesting reading.daily except Saturda~s and Mondays in the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 \ SIZE 24x2'4 24x36 36x20 36x24 36x28 36x36 48x20 48x24 48x28 48x36 60x24 60x36 72x20 72x24 72x28 72x36 SIZE 6x16 6x20 I 6x24 6 x28 6x32 6x36 l 8x20 8x24 8x28 8x32 8x36 9 x20 9 x24 9x28 9x32 9x36 9x48 9 x80 . --Sunday June 6 1976 OF OUR NEWEST ~". LITTLE BEAUTY * LONG BEACH STORE, SPRING & f ALO VERDE WE OPEW A ~w s 10\te BvT SPRAY PAINT . KELLER I ALUMINUM EXTENSlON LADDERS . for a big can this ain't hclf bad. plenty colors. shelves full. Better than melted ice cream in the middle of July. Got 'he double locks. the rubber feet. the' full locking rail. crnd the price was made for you. . 14 FT.1477 16FT. I 6 77 20FT.2477 PREFINISHED ASSEMBLED SHUTTER SETS Shutters seem to get it when you can't figure out a drape that's affordable or suitable. Finely made. look lilce a million. WALNUT FINISH WHITE FINISH 19.00 21.00 23.00 2s.oo 21.00 23.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 ·29.00 31.00 25.00 27.00. 27.00 29.00 29.00 ~1.00 33.00 35.00 39.00 43.00 49.00 53.00 39.00 43.00 43.00 47.00 47.00 49.00 53.00 57.00 UNFINISHED CANNON-CRAFT -SHU-t'TER SEt-S- f<1c Get enough of these and you could ~ 1 build your own house. Imagine l ... ~J never knov·ing which louver to open. Sanded silky smooth. ready -for staining. PRICE SIZE PRICE .57 10.20 2.15 1.35 10x24 2.56 1.59 10x28 3.15 1.87 10x32 3.45 . 2.15 10•36 3 .97 2 .45 10x48 7.55 1.75 12x20 2.57 1.99 12x24 2.99 2 .37 12x28 3.85 2.75 12x32 4.39 3.15 llx36 4 .79 1.95 12x48 6 .97 2.29 12x80 13.39 2 .75 15x36 6 .37 2.97 15x48 8.79 3 .47 16x36 6.87 6 .99 16x48 9.15 11.99 16x80 16.99 ~~ .. ... r YOUNG FAMILY PAINT If you're getting started, or ,ike the 7 colors or 2 whites we have,..this 1s good for you. Acrylic interior and great. WHITE 297 GAL. COLORS 397 GAL. ... -----· --- '----- SUNDANCE STUCCO AND MASONRY EXTERIOR PAINT Don't let the low price make you nervous. Its the equal of paint al twice the price. Full 7 year guarantee. ., 397 WHlTE COL'ORS 6 FT. DROP GA.L. GOOD LIFE PAINT Its got a ll the body of much more expensive paint. Look at the label. Over 2000 colors can be mixed. INTERIOR WALL WHITE • COLORS 3 97 497 CAL. GAL. INTERIOR SEMI-GLOSS LATEX TRIM WHITE COLORS 4 97 597 GAL. GAL. MPrk:E -me ~ces 6 0 OD A'\ ALL "S""ro iz Es S1)-s ~ ~ ~ 01'l-iel2 S'"1 O"RE S WtNl-GST' IH°E.lR F•e&..t~c,.s· f.fvrtT Oil. gE . ~~A.LOVS. ' 100% scrubbable latex (how about that. lady. does 'scrubbable' excite anyone?). Best.interior, tons ot colors. WHITE COLORS 5~!. .6~~ WINDOW SHADES SPRED GLIDE-ON for all exterior 'masonry' stucco. etc. Thousands of colors (still everybody wants only chocolate. vanilla. or UPTO 37" Measure carefully. ~e·n cut it to the size you say for free. but if jt still doesn't tit, lots of luck. TRANSLUCENT 9 7 C strawberry). WHITE COLORS 6~!. 7~~ ROOM 147 DARKENING SPRED HOUSE PAINT HOT 197 COLORS One paint to go ove~ wood. metal. or "~ stucco. Acrylic. easy to clean up spills with plain water. Cures like a rhino hide. ARMSTRONG PLACE N' PRESS FLOOR TILE WHITE COLORS 7'!~ 8!!. Just peel the protective backing and place. What could be easier? (Having the t>ther guy do it.) SPRED LUSTRE ALKYD ENAMEL ... OR ••• SPRED LATEX ENAMEL YOUR CHOICF; Oil base or latex base enamel for all interior use. (l prefer the oil base for the bath a nd the other tor trre'"111Ucldrn~. WHITE COLORS 7~A~ 8!!. NEW SPRED GLOSS EXTERIOR HOUSE AND TRIM PAINT Very heavy bodied for long lasting service on all exterior wood. (I don't even know if the streetca r stops here.) WHITE 7~A~ SPRED GEL-FLO TRIM PAINT COLORS 8~!. The s tuff is like pudding. you won't find it dripping or running down the brush handle. For more . a sk the guy on your left. ..... ---~~t 27c ~~ 4~";~::•:·~ ( ( .i.'. . l 2X I 2 '.. . -·.,. '-Ii E ,,. ,_..,. , ;, ' .,. ; A. " t" -• \.._ '-~/· f I • o \ '• t1 'l , ' l .. ·1 ',_,. . " .. · ' .,.. .:.· .. -1: ......... ;...:"' ;: '~,· ' \.-' t";'\ .. ···•'' t.. ' ARMSTRONG SOLARIAN PLXCE1fl'RESS FLOOR TILE GAF SURE-ST1CK FLOOR TILE Some good ideas, no mess, no goop. Just another choice. another name brand. 2sc 12Xl2 EA. GAF VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE I used to say the shine was built in. I still do (but 1 nobody stands up and cheers anymore). • A 6 . OAIL y PILOT Sund..iy.June6 1976 .. IT'S OUR TH .· r Prices good thru June 9 LONG ·BEACH -~~~~~Ei~ 3RD DAY (SO FAR SO GOOD) CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 LBS. The price of everything seems lo go up and up but we still manage to keep this down. How? (Eugene bought four tons of the m . u sed, four years ago.) c \ SIZZLER BARBECUE For a square meal (is he making with the puns again). Big area. lift off smoker top. 1900 GREENHOUSE GARDEN lWINDOWS FROMALENCO Gosh. these are so good looking. we've sold the pants off them (the wha t?). Enclose a n existing window for your own greenhouse or repla ce and have a great garden window. • . . 40x40xl6 ....... 119°0 50x4lxl6 ....... 125°0 40x56xl6 ....... 13500 50x54xl 6 .•.•.•• 13500 40x64xl6 ...•. ,,... 143°0 65x50xl6 ...•••• 147°0 40x72x16 ....... 147°0 65x56xl6 ....... 149°0 48x72x l 6 ....... 1 53°0 70" REDWOOD TABLE WITH TWO BENCHES Well made. very smooth primo lumber (wha t grade is "primo"? I've never heard of that grade). SWINGER II BARBECUE Top slides up and back. bigger. and ten bucks m ore. (I asked you not lo say that.) 2900 .. (\ ' ' -~ .r-' , \ REDWOOP CLUB CHAIR Almost said if you buy a chair. we give you two free weeks at the Redwood Club, but I didn't. Pad extra . yes. 1900 ~ ~ ~~o~.~?o?.eh~~.~!~~.:2~.~~E n good hours on one rig ht no w . It's a comlo. tablc /-': . ·~ \1110'uw1 POWER EDGERS thing. come in and try 11. • • . ,,;j}' 11 2300 ;~ . /{ Years of doing business with th is company because we know we're selling quahty with little or no complaints. PAD ~~......___( l:XTRA ~ 48"x48" REDWOOD D~CK Ready made for silting. walking. around the pool. whatever. MAN O' WAR MARINE SPAR VARNISH Protect that linish now. while the thing still loW<s good. .. NO. 206 NO. 216 NO. 246 9700 97°0' 107°0 FRONT THROW POWER MOWERS I did a survey and found that 10 out o t 5 gardeners preler the early show and ripe avocados. so you know this front throw mowe r is the one for you. Self-propelled. 3068 4068 40688 177°0 18700 197°0 .. .. .. , . SWINGER I BARBECUE HIBACHIS Always good. e ven if you have a Barbecue. When you just feel like cooking for one or two. Someday I am going to measure this grill area. it has to be pretty big (and it ii isn't we'll just buy the cheaper one). SINGLE ...... 2 97 DOUBLE ..... 48~ TRIPLE •••••• 111 @ BLACK & DECKER ROTARY MOWER WITH FREE 100' CORD AND GRASS CATCHER Did you read that heading carefully. A nice. quiet electric mo wer and a free cord (and you've got· a J 10 foot lawn. too bad). 6900 o~noH1orh .. CORPORATION ROTARY MOWERS A real squad of toughies. four cycle engines. recoil starters up top cortrols. flush mowing. easy handling. 59!0 69~0 INDOOR PLANTS 21• INCH .......... 27~ 41NCH ............ 97c 61NCH .............. 2 97 SINCH .............. 5 97 Hey. our stock is pretty varied. Go lo the nurseries and price these. will ya. LikE; gold in the ground. _ ~~~ OUTDOOR PLANTS ~ k: 97' ~~f· •.r . ONE: CAL. •••.••••• ., -....:::,..11 ,---. ~. \. -397 ~ ... t ~ .. -:,, -~ TWOGAL ........... . ;y~ . ... 1 "-· ·~:/~ ~. 497 /-.(·.t!r...-, l 1 i1~1 flVE:GAL.. ......... . v. ~r ~l!L··,, • · ' I ~ : .il......J: 2497 15 GAL ......... .. It's the Tams. the Junipers. the Pa lms, and • some thing else no one has ever heard of. It just s its 1n the corner and sneers. BEDDING PLANTS Pack after pack. I put them in. enjoy for a month or so. and pluck out when they get woody. For a lot of color, these are nice. PRICES GOOD AT ALL STORES ~· - II • Sund.JI( Junt> 6 1970 DAILY PILOT A 7 . 1--r's 6w LiJ(l('I 71H STORE. PRICES GOOD AT ALL STORES THRUJUNE9 ALCAN .-;""·~ . SHORTY'S ORIGINAL ALUMINUM ........ _-;r.:1~n -~ ...... ·:·· ' ..... ~~ .-(:t';.•·· ~ i -.,:· ----=---~ ~ . ~ OR PACIFIC PATIO KITS -1-.;.•Z-·1' . . . . PATIO The complete kit I '• I I I KIT ready for your slab. . _, ·~ , .t . ,,,·' . :/ \' I . ' It. Check our prices with ., ..... •-. . I . \ • the TV Guide guys, • " ~. .... -" ,_.r . • .. ~·-;. . they're better. (For whom?) Choice of the Aluminum cover on wood frame or -· PROJE~TION the all·wood lighter look. complete package. e verything you need tor you~slab, WIDTH 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 8' 10' 12' 10' 109.00 123.00 139.00 185.00 277.00 WIDTH PROJECTION PROJECTION PROJECTION 12' 123.00 139.00 159.00 . 209.00 315.00 10' 6000 7500 9000 14' 139.00 157.00 185.00 247.00 373.00 7200 .9000 10800 16' 153.00 183.00 207.00 275,00 413.00 12' 18' 177.00 199.00 225.00 299.00 453.00 14' 9400 10500 12600 20' 193.00 217.00 245.00 327.00 489.(¥) • 22' 207.00 235.00 273.00 365.00 547.00 16' 9600 12000 14400 ) 24' 223.00 253.00 293.00 389.00 585.00 10800 13500 16200 ALLOW 10 DAYS FOR DELIVERY 18' For cities requiring 20 lb. live load. add 20% to .the 20' 12000 15000 18000 <ii) pTices. TRIANGLE TURBINE ,- ' !barnlet: METAL BUILDING ATTI c VENTILATOR WI:rttr ROOF JACK • IO'x5' 77°0 You ought lo read the literature on how much hot air this can move. No power use. let the wind do it. Jeweled bearings. I • compared it,_to Sears at $30.00. You do the same. you'll know which is best. 1900 What a boon. Especially now since the kid got married and wants to bring his bride home. (Fooled you for a minute, it would never work.) Sliding, lockable doors. JO'x7' 87°0 lO'xlO' 97°0 COOL ATTIC GABLE MOUNT VENTILATOR I still worry if your house isn't nailed down good that you might let the thermostat turn this on and in 5 minutes you're airborne (and you with no instrument rating. sorry). 29'7 .. 11 I I All buildings with triple bonded finish. more headroom. stronger. fancier. Don't believe me, see them a ssemble d and check it out. (flmbridse METAL SUILDING . l~'x?'l 2 ·7°0 JO'xlO' 1 :4 7°0 I ALUMINUM WINDOW AWNINGS --·!I--=---- .=--~ =- -911 -COOL ATTIC ROOF MOUNT VENTILATOR Looks like a big mushroom, with automatic thermostat to turn on when attic heat builds up. you can s witch ii off for vacations or winter. FARMHOUSE METAL BUILDING 36 INCH 48 INCH 60 INCH 72 INCH 997 1197 1397 1597 3497 12~0 so. rr .....__..__._L _· _.•-J [ And if you slid the door open and out came the Schlitz bull you'd say. "Gee Martha. you get extras at National." lO'xlO' Protect carpet and furniture from W eathertight~nterlocking panels. beam roof supports. 24700 fade out and sunburn and still 12,x 12• ______ ..._ __ !}!t enough_!ig~-------t-- ESKIMO COOLERS Got every speed except one like the way I work. in reverse. Evaporative coolers. SI NC LC SPl:l:D TWO SPEW TH REE SPEED DELUXE 3 SHED 29°0 39°0 49~0 59°0 -• .--...,...-f I• 3 SPEED FAN 1300 Portable around the house. cool just the room you want or just play it on yourself and the heck with the relatives. Three speeds: Low. Medium. and Look Out Fo lks. Give me one good reason 'why you shouldn't be here right nowl (A broken leg? likely story!) , Ready to a ssemble. eroor 10 fOOT 12 fOOT 14 fOOT 16 fOOT 397 407 507 697 797 We used to get this from Kaiser (he abdicated. nobody had his signature, only a handshake). No matter, it's good stuff. CORRUGATED FIBERGIASS ROOf1NG Oh. it comes in a lot of colors. There's this one. that one. and the peppy one over there. • s ro'or 10 FOOT 12fOOT 297 397 407 VINYL ROLL-UP BLINDS IN WHITE OR Ll:MON 4'x6' 2a7 3a7 5a7 8'x6' 10'x6' 7 .a7 9a7 1 used 10 call these "Vinyl Drop Shades." whate ve r, Comes with cords, pulley:;. and basic hardwa re. 6'x6' Twelve volt is sate. uses less power. and no permit needed to plug it in. (Hey a guy said we shouldn't spend money on jokes. we should lower prices even more. Who thinks these jokes cost money?) MALIBU LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT SETS 3 UTI:: 3900 b I.ITC 6 un: WITH TIMER .t 8 c D:\I LY PILOT EBITORL\L PAGE ) Political Mischief fl.11 t' I' Pt' p11l1l 1<:' rlnl'' l'tllt·r mt<> t hl· '0 c :ilh.'d 1wnp:Jrt1:-..i11 p11lt1 h '.11"''11.1 .• 111<1to11n·lt ·11d oth er\\ 1,1· wuul<l lw lt111l 1-.li But 1l b ;1 :-.1tu.it111111 h a l oug ht to be .t\'OH.lcd 11 al •tll pos~ilJl c. If Oqang<.' Count~ gc)\'L•rnm<.'nt, for c.·xa'm pl " bct•omt·:-. :1 lk moc r:.it s ·\·s .-llcpublicans hattlL .. g round. we 'll :-.oon ha\"L' a fas t mm·c..:mL·nl 10 the w.1rd· Heeler t~·pc <if go \'l'rnmcnt thul makes Ea::.tcrn a nd hig·city !\lid w est e rn su dbta!itcfu l. F o 1· this r eason, Board of Supervisor Chairman Ralph Diedric h may be cn.:atini;: nrnrl· th;111 m ts C'ht l'f hy taking a n acth·t· p:art in C.ilt1 11r111 ~J ·s l>t·m11t·r:11 H primary for a prcsid cnti:al 1111nrn1l'l" Diedrich first ofl't·n ·d a g r :cluito us rounclho11s1.• blow al c;o,·cr1wr Hr·u,111 l <•rm rng h11n "'1nrn1<tllll'l'00 a nd ";,.tlmo:-.t l.1ug h:1h l1"' :1:-. .1 p rl':-.Hl\'111 1;11 1·.111 did alt.'. Lat1.·r D H·d1 H'll pl.1c·1·d h 11nst·ll I 1rr111' 111 t hl· .11111 rn~· l'a rt l·r <·.1111p ;11 1d .1<'<'l'Jlll'<I tlw O r.i11g1· ('011n1' d 1a1r n1.1 11 ... lt1p !11r llw ( '.1rlt·1· l'.tlllp:11J,!11 \\'1 1 ltnu1 1·11 111 •1 .1g r1•1 1ng 111· d1:-.,1l!n·t·111~ "1th ht ... llfist:l'\;l(fllll' \\I ' lf11 lo1J..1 • "'Ill' \\li1•1J \ht• ('Olff)I\' h1 gln· ... 1 1 ;11\J..1•d 111111p;1r11 ..... 11111ll1n·h11lcl l'r plung•·:--111111 p;1 rt \ pol 1I u·:-.I"I 111 ... I' "'"' ll11'll r11·l1 1:-. 1·11t 1t !1 ·d 111 ,111\ pr" .111· \'tt•w lw "i-.la ·-. BuL ht· 1:-11 L· l'nl 1tlL:d t o 11::.c Ju:-J10111w rt i:..1n !1llH'L' 111 pro nt1Jl \· 1 .. 111el 11bt l'' '1 11111 L•1lhl'r poli tical p;.irt .'. Protectio11 Pla11 Worthy Lt•t.!:d ;111' w e· r:-. ;1 \ t •n r1..•:al n <.'('tl for al m11:-.I illl~'Olll' l fH ·st• <i ;1~ :'.hut 1111\\ lo f ind il -;\nu pa~ ror ti 1:-i :i t1lllr'k .'' lll;l/t' lei rn:111\ o! u:-. Tlw O r:111gt· ('011111' Bar As-.oti;.itio11 i:-re.it!\ to pro,·id(· :1 pn·p;1icl lt•g.:d 1w111t:<'I 11111 plan tllat t·;ntld l'<lSl' llH· lt·g .tl 'lr:1111 ;a l .1 11111111num f1..•c. The p lan -.11u11cls \\ 1irJ..;d1J1· :llld r:i1r • It ''0111<1 p l'll\ tlk lt•J,!al ath tee and a " uk r:tn gt· 111 -.1•1'' lt't'" lo J.!l'llllfl' o l 10 or m<>l'l' flt'l':-.Ulli-.. \utq :1t't'I tk11t:-. \\ uul<I l>v l'\('htlkcl. liut L'0\'1•1',1J.:l' \\ ould ml'luch. 'l•l'l1 11·).!,il rl\.1l11•r-. :1~ :idoµllmh. f'Lolon-' dl'lt·11M·:-.. m~1rr1 .1 gv d1:-. ... 01!11 1w1:-. ~I/Id e \t'll l''t'l'O\\' a rlnn : 'l'h11 ! t·1· "nu let l1v ;1:-. lo\\ :1:. ::>Ill :1 ·11111111 h 11111 m uc h 11h11r;1n<·1· 111 i>"-'. t·1111,1tkn11g lltt· .. 1.1gg1·rn11,! IL'{:!al l l'l'' 11t:1t l':tll pt!1· up .1 ... lllll':O.pt·t·lt·dl.' :t' :t m t•dtl' :d ht! I Tlw pl :1n . :-t rnngly backt><I hy the lncul har a .... soci:1l 1on, 111 •t•1h 11111 .' till' :1ppro\'UI of l ilt· :-.l t1lc Ill :-.un11w 1· t•1J11111 11;-.--1u11t•r 111 lit· pill i1tt1> d'kcl It 1t ':-. a :-. g 1111d a!-11 :-.tn11Hb.11 :-.lt!lttld l>l· ..ippl'u\ t•d . A Wise E11dorsem e nt l-'r11n1 t 1m\· to l tmL' t hv !Jail~ 1'11111 h ;1 ... h:t1l tit" l .i-.11111 111 <.:utll r11t·nt ach t'l'M·I.'· on ..,,,IJll' Southl•l'll l ':tl1l11rn 1a 1·:<1 1,1111 ('11rnpa11y at·ll\1t 11· ....... urh as tn < 11 a:-.lllg r:1l1'' d1·l111111).! pollut11111 .111d .... o 11n Su .rt "'«'llh 11111.1 l.11r t o pul1lrd,\ <'<llllt1H·11<I 1111 t•111np.i11~ 101· 11 ... -.11pp1wt Int thl· t hn·1..· 111 •\\' l':al 1fon11.1 l;I\\" <k ... 1g1H·d to 111:-ur1· :-.ah: 11p1..·r:1t1011 of 1n 1dear fHI\\ ('I''.\ S\t•/Jh .s 11ut ht·rn < ';al t111rn1 a E d 1:-1111 \1 ~•:. t ile mil.\ maJDI' uttl 1l ~ 1..·11m pan~ in t h1..' ... 1;1tt· lo s rw ak in f:l\·o r of the 1.0m hattlt..·d l1..·g 1 .... l;it1011. \\ll ith \\'ill m ukt' it more clit' I 1t·ull lor ·11l 1ltt ,,.,to ltutld m11n · nuc lear p O\\'l'I' pl;1nts . 'l'h t· t hrt'L' bilb' :-.ig rll'd into l ~1w hy the go,·ernor Tln1rsd :1~· ~1r1..· :1 m o rt• C'onstruclln.· and m ore pral'tic.:a l ;1ppro;1d1 Io t lh· qu1·!-<I rems o l nuc l<.•ifr pl:rnl sid't·l~ than 1:--P ropo!-<11 ion l.i on Tu es<la~"~ h;,illol. So it's l':.t:-.~· lo :-.J ~ t Ii ;it Sl' E 11w rvl.\ ac·t t•d 111 <.·nllg hlt..'11t•cl s 1.•ll'- 111 k n .::-.l Hut 11 :1!:-11 tooJ.. <'<>ll,Hk r:tlik t·o11r~1g1..• to l>n·:1k r;111k "1t h t lw 111 lw r· u t al 1t11.·~. 11t h1..·r po" c rt ul 1..•1·1111o m11..· l11 n •1..·s :ind 111 f'!ut·11 11.ll !t·g1s la tor !'< 1(i1 akc I he !-<l~1 11cl ''Ok~y -tio~ brin~ oti ~he feAn ut.'' .It's a Monopoly Everybody Wants WAS!ll ~GTON -On .Inn. ~. 1004: a Q11 ;1 kt·r "·1mw11 n;irnccJ LI 'I. I I l' .I .\I ;1 g i., \\ ,1 .... ;4\1 a r ch-ti p.1 tl!lll lltllltlH0I' i 11>.1::.!1: f111· ;1 H I II \ t' II I I o II t•allt·rl .. r h 1· l.:incllo r d ·!'< <i:tml' . Tt11~ ).! a rn t•. a t' C' 0 n l I 11 g t Cl Burt o n II \l.'ol!t• I Ill t:OJI.' l'I J,!hl1 •d ;1rl ll'll•:-. 111 Thi: S;in F1-.1111· 1:-1·0 1\:1 v ( iuar d1:1 n. 1\pnl :.!:I :ind :111 1'. "' r 1• n1arJ..ali\\ :-.1111 ilar lo th1· l.!<lllll' 111 :\lon1>pol\'. \\ h1l·h, ;" 1•\ l'I".' gornl -l1tllt' l'itJlll-;il1't :.t·houllll1.'' J..1111\\:-,4 \I ,Ii-111\'l'llk d I\.'' c 'hart.•, B. I >ar I'll\\ Ill 1!}1:1 Wolfe \\nit•:; th.11 in,11•:1d ol H :ii l i <' ,1 n 11 I' 1· 11 n " \ I ' :1111 .1 ',\\'t:nllV' ;and all l f11'. 11;1111('" l;i n11ha r 111 1•\ l'I'\ nrnl<lh· t•l;i..." ,\mt:n can l'h11tt' fnr lht: l:tst Ill phi' ~ 1·.rr .... lht· 11·:il 1·--1:1t1· 111 l.1a.1l' i\1 aµit"~ ga llh' h;ul 11.11111'" lik1.• l'ov1..•rl \' l'l.1t·l'. l·:a" Si n•1•I. Lor<I Hlu\•tiln111l E :-.t 111l·,· ;111d t h1· S11;1k11m 1.ight 111~'. S~:-.ll'm \\'olft.' :-.ay:' t ha1 :\I;-; i\1 a.c 11• \\a" .1 l111l11w1·r of ll1•11r\ (;1·nn•1·. th•· l.1 11 • l!ltlt 1·1•11\ll l'\' · r:1tl 11·.tl a nd :-.111 ,..:lt· l.1 \ .1tl\•J<'o;ll' 11111!'11111111ld l'\p\:1111 \I hi \ ll\I (',Ill 1111\ 111111' II.II 1111( ctt f,11 1 lllldt'I 1111' 1 tllc•" t>f tl11· r o1111 .. 's ill' 11 .11111·d 111 1n.1i..1· , The Landlord.s's Ga m1· :i.s lf'U I' to life <ind realis t a · ;i:-; -;ht• could T he new:' that ~lonorioly. lhl' j.!H lnl' th;it l'l'11•hr;1\\'S lhL• nllll'l' ~11·111isl~ illt>J.!:il a:-p<Tt ~ 11f 1111r l'C'ono 111 11· s ,.~ t l' m. nw ' It;" 1 • bl'l'll 1 n \' cn.l t•tl . h\' ~11~ 1:ti 1-. t" l'Ollll':-0 :l.S ;i l'\':O.lll 0 l llf !'ot'\ 1•r ;il l;.1ws uit"°. 111 197~ Halph ,\n:-p'iw h. ;i profl'sSor of t·conornit'"' :rt S.111 Fran<·1sto !'t :ii 1• t 'n" i:rs 11'. ht."gan m a rkl'lang "oml'lhing l'a.11 l.'ct Anta-i\lonopol~ .. Thl' "l\us l· Thl'·Trus t 1" (;a nH', :iml pr om pl ly g11t bus !l.'d with a tr:t1fl'm;1rk infr. wit~mcnl s uit h~ l\111nopol~··!'< m anufot'1 ur('r s. P:1rk~r Brolht·r-. \1h1th 1s a s uh:'id1ar.\' of th\' J"11n (irou1> Dn·1s 1Q1J of (it rw r al ~1 1\h -' W75~alcs ~S2.JCIB.OOD.OUO L TllE C'A~E i~ in l1tigatann :incl ;1 nPwspa per c·o lum n 1s no plan• tn pron ounC'c judg m t'nl on SU<'h a C'omplicatt•d m a tll'r rt m ay turn 11111 that (ie ll.l·r :tl ;\lrlls and 11' Fun (;roup 1>1v1sron ha \'e t lt'ar 11 tit•. hut that dot•sn 'I m:1kl· tlu· 111· po:-.11ion s. a s dts n1h1•d h y \\'till e. ;111.\ l1"•s fa:'t·inating . \\'li;a!(•\ l'f l hl' IT:t:O.Clrl:' l.1tt.ll' \!;)git• had to r p;1ll·t1llllJ.! hl·t· c:11111..'. m:ikinE! 1110111·~ d1ws11 '1 .q1 pl':ll' lo ha\ l' '11•1•11 tHll' nf lltt•fll !'>IW 'l'l'l1\S lo h:l\'l' l .111).!hl tt t11 111lwr <l11:1 ke r "°. ,.;111 g k ·la.\cl'S w1tf p1•11pl1• or ;1 ll·flrst ilk. one or \I httrll \\';I°' t Il l' \\ 1·11 1\11•)\\ II •1)('1:111 .. 1 C'l'1)l1e)llll:-.I Sl'llll :"\t•JI ( VON HOFFMAN J 111t:. \\ho .... 1 t1l 11\'IO J.!. !'<a~:-that lw pla~cd it \I h tl l' :1 nwmbt·r of the· t'ni \ t•rs 1t \ 11r l'1•111b ' h ·:inta ·.., \\ h a r1<111 · ~r h ool iii' °F i11<1nl·•· .1rn1111d Wiii was Rexford Guy T ugwl·ll \\'ho \IOU!d 1 ~et1·r ht•l'IHlll' ·' l'lll!>-1' ;11! \ t~i:r of Fra nklin H1)(bl'\'1•lt 's a nti :i n 1m port ;1nt flf.!lll'I' tn lht· 111•\\' '.\1'\\ D1•:d . (Int· 11f T11g \1 1·11'~ :-Ill· 1knt:-.. Jln ~t:11la H11hl0rh 1111. ga' ,. A11s p:id1 a dt·:-.t· n p\11111 of h1111 folks lhtlU)!hl of the ganll' hac·k r 111'11 "II \\;JS ('Pll:>llll'l't'd II 1)111111 111 h111i.1r not to sl'll ii lo a com "Thl' ,!!<11111..· 11 ;1:-. usl'cl to pro1 ,. n1l·rdal manufaclun•r, Sllll'C 1t t h l' an l 1 · !'< 1> c 1 :1 I n altar e 11 f had ht>t•n w11rkl'<I out hy :1 group nw nopoly." i':<.·;1nn g wru k in IC't 11r Mnglc ·taxtr:' w ho Wl'\'t' an:-.. 1t:rl0Ralph 1\11:.p al'11 111us to lll'l1•:i l till" t•;1pll a li~r As Wolfe h a s llll'C'l'd tu~clht:r =--~stL•m ." llU' [!:tmc's history from the dt'· In lh!! l!l:.!fl~. IHl\l't'\l'I'. a Danll'I p11!-<1t10ns a nd ottw r docume nts of W. I.a~ man Jr. hall a l'nrnpam puhlrc n ·c·ord rl'lat ini.: tu lhl' t•alkd' Elt·l'trt•n tl' l.;1hor~11111 1l·~. suits. Tht> La ndlord's Game wa:-. Inc .. m anuf;1('t1tre :o.t't" of th1· f:ikC'n up hy peo pli: in 0 <'1:rwart';--g-annr--un d <' r th l' rr;1 m ,. o I \lary !and. l'l'\\ .h ·rse.', NL'w f''rnam·c·. York and C\0l'll !\I 1d11g;m ancl In "J u ndt'l'!'<tewcl from\ ;1n ous <.11 <11an a Jn that l'l'a Pl'Oflil' made l<•rnl'y fra·nfl :-. or nlllH' lha t lh<!ll' O\\ n l1oard!-< un linen or oil bt•c·a usc :\lor111pi•ly had ht·i·11 tl !'<l'tl doth a nd !-<lo ,1 I~· l'h•lrl!!l'<l t hl' ai-the naml' of this i::<:il'l j!arni·. rult•s hoth an l nd1;111apolis and in lk ad· l . ing a nd rn \\'rlliamslmrn, :\lass . A~ l.IZZI E '.\1 :ii.:1 c h:id 111,·cnlt:rl ti was, 1 ht•r l'f11rt•. in public do· till' i.:a nll'. llw pk1~t·rs t:ouldn 't m a111 -<md I C(1uld11 '1 pn1tect ii 111 hu' the propl'rtics on the l>11arcl. any w;iy, .. La\ m an 11•"°tificrl 111 1>111 ~11mewh1..•rt' in l~1t·-Sl'oll 0:t·ar tu ... de position. "Stl I C'l1al\J.!t•d tltt• in).! pt•rtud !ht• r11l1.· \1•;-1s changdl n;imc rn urd<.·r to IWH ' ... 11rt11' 111·11 :-11 that :1 pla _l't'I' 1·1111ltl l11d fnr ll'l'lltm." lht•111 Tlw n.1 m 1· gnt c ha11ge1I. In thl' l!l20s the na mi•i-of tht 111•1. I rom Tia• La ndlo rd'-; c;um1· pnipi•rtic>s w c n :n 't :-.I an<l;inJrz!•cl. to Au<·ti1111 l\l11ne11111h ~mtl then to P<'oplt..-usc•d s lrt•cl n:trlH'' from .:\lonopt>l.1 thl• l11l'al<'s thL•v !iv1·tl 111. h11f ,\mHht•r' pl:,, 1·1 •ti rha t t.•r:1 \\'nlfc bl'ltl'\'\"> i 11:1t tlw l11·p11'1 t 11111' 'hll\\ 1\11 \\' I It• 'I l'l't•I 111 .\tl.111111· Cr!\ \11·11 1111.11!.1 :-.t lllt·ll 011. O:'\E OF Tll E JH'llJlll· ).!I\ If)).! 1h 1111~1\11111 ,.. l'\l'l1 e~pl ;1111t•tl \\h,\ ll :tll 11· :i nd :\I 1·d rl11 r;1111 :11: 1\ \'l'llll l'" \1 1· n • "°e·l1 1·1 "d ;! 1·hl'a l'l'"I p rop l'i'lll ' 1111 11 Ila Ill\\ l'.;1 rl'lll -. •' l\l'l'.ttl~I II I lt;uf till' rlt'alt'"°' bl ack \\l11l1:1r1 11a 11h'd ( 'l:ir a-\\';rts 1•n :rnd I 11!111k ;1 1•11t: pll ct l 11lltt'l'S lhl;l<'k' \1 h11 ll\1•d 1 lw n ·l. Th:I\ 's a lil.11·1.. :111 :1 :\h'Cltt t·rr ;11w:in a11d l\:1[1 1e · · \\'olt1· 1.; ;1h\\ Ill utll I' .ill I'\ pla11.111tr11 :i" 1.1 \\It\ .\1 ;11\111 (i:1r<ll·11:-111 !he j.:.tllH 1:-11 I :-p1 llt II :I' 1111' rl';il :\1 ;11'\lrt t :;1rd1 II' 11: J\llant ir Vil~. llt• Wit'" 1111 mr~ !-<pcllmJ,! <1~ 1•\•tdl•nu• 1l'ntl1111-10 ~how t ha t ('hark-. H l>a1 ('11\\ cl idn 't in \ c•n t :\lonnpnh t.1.t t•opiC'd it . m1sspC'lltni:: and :ill, fr1111111I ht·r~ I l11nd t l'd" of :•rt 1c·h ' h.1\ 1 ·II' pl•an·tl 1 \1'l_\\\h1·1•· .11nl1t1l 111" lht' j:;1m1 '" l>:i111111 \\colr, h.1 uni.' he1·11 ,d 1li t11 I 11111 11111 1·n 111: Lt71.ll .\I .1;.:1 1· l'I l'dll II .111111'.ll'(•d in t h1 \\ .1-.llin~lnn S1.1r 1111 .l .111 '.!S, l!l:hi. \\ 11 fl ;I h1•:11tlt1\1 I• •. d111; .. In· S 1'; :\ E I J 'I' P 'I' I·: \<'I I C ,\:\TF. O F :\H )'\(Jl 'OI.\ \\ \!'- F I H S T f, ~ 1 I \\' ' \ :-. LAND LO 111 I'S<;.\ :\11': Nnn1• ot t 111:-lll'l'<'~'-:1nh h.1 lw:1 ri11 g nn w h1 11t11 • r· 11111 (:1•1\1'1',d \l tll._ I" tltt \1, ,it I \\lit I 111. :\t n1111p11ly .• rarkt'I' £\rotht·r -- p.1111 I It/I\• :\I ag1c s:I()() m.111.1· -' t•ar ... :1t.,11 lor hl'I' palcnl. Otlwr 111·11pl1· 11: t h l' 1·0111pll•'\ l'h.1111 h.1, .. r, 1•1·1\ 1'(1 :1:1.' nwnt:-. 111 r, 111 1 1 l 1 tl I I l0 I I n q II I:-ht II g I h l' I r {'l.1 1111 .11:d :1n •11rcl111g to \\'olrc• 1111· J..1 l p1111., 1 lt1•1r t r:ip~ ~hut ah1111I It TllEIU . IS 11111· \ 1·n n11•1: tot1d1 11111111!'1 , ll1.1r \\'ollt· l;as t•onw 1111 \\It h I: "1'1 '"'tha t onl'oflltl' p1·01 pll' \1 h11 pl:1~1·d thi: J,!:imc or .1 ':1r 1:1111 t hi n ·ol' Ill 11w 1!1211.-. 11 :i... .1 l'l'l'I .1111 IH'11l 1• ... :-11r 11! l'<.'0111 1111 H'' 11,1111n l < .. ·11r1~1 \\ Sl11t'k111g lit• 111:1u l h1•r 1•d .i h1111I.. 1 .dl1tl :\("ll''IT I ~ .11 1tl F l'l'l l-:11 11'1 prr -.1. 111 \I h :1 h 1111•-,1, \111n b a pp1•,11 · \ l.11';.'.l 11·mp:111-' \\1t h <J lnrntl(f.1hi1 1 .. 111•1111m 1.( palt'nb, .inn ampl1 f111,1ncr.1I r<.'soun:c ... 1 .111 1111 pt1'l an 1nsu p p11rtal.llc ht1rd1·11 "" .1 '-mall ('11\l·rpl'l!'<l' h." 111r1·rn g 111 .. 1kt•·ntl 11" nghl 11'tt~1· 11'1 hn11p:1•, or 111 m:11111f~wlun• )ltcll!il1 I• lh,11, :I " 11 1•\1'fl tll.clf\· t11n1' 111:1 11\,t\ IH 1•11l1n·lv 111 th~ 1111hlit 1!111 11;11 1> \ ,111;111 ('11111 · P• t :t ••1 t .111 -1.cl'c! tlw t1 11:11w 1al 11 ,1111 1•11!1 "' 11111;• l11 •ft1n it .o.,lJc · 1111111!-. I<• 'I • ll'flf'I p1111 1•t l11I l'I\ .II \ I' " 1 • • • 1 I• ; 1 11 t! h • ' \ r• t 1 :\ln11 npc•I \ ·• :11111• lt:t\ 1· 111 c 11 pl:•l!t•d It • I h \I ;ti! lilll flt•'_\ IJ,. \11' I 1:• • 11111l11·tl ,\t•I 'Consider Nuclear HazardS .vs. Health Dangers' ·1ti tlw 1·:t1 11111 ll1 \,111111.111 "l,tlt•'I 1·t11111·1 l11t" .,, .1 h.tlf 11111111111 d 1•.11h, l"'I \t ·" I 111 Ill p I tt 1tiIII11111 Jiii i 'flll 1111: ( \l.11llt11\, \l,1\ :·:11 1·, \1•1 .11111lh1•1 tlll,lllt'l.11111.11 1•<1 ., ...... 0·1 !11111 1'11.ir.11·t • n .. 111· .11 111•. 1., 111111 .d ... 1\11• lh1r1111• lh1· P·"'' l11 1 11•,11 ' 1>1 l ico! 111.111 /,.,.., 111 ;1dc • 11111111·11111 'llltil ,11 11.1111 1 .oil 11t 1\l1wh \1 lw11 11:111111 11·d II\ lfw 111"1111.1111 "''11 '1111 111 l'C'ill lllllllll\ ft,c\1• 111 °\'ll d("lt•l'lllll1c'l l I•• '11• II 11111111( \>,1'-I" Tlt1 •''' ·.1·11·1111111· 1~1<111r•·· 11wl111l1• lolll , II' I' 1111 ( 11 1111 f I •ti l 11 1111' ' , I 111•11.d \1·.11f .. 111' t•I .... ,.It'll! I F11 I 11 oollllll'lll .d I '1nl1·1 tlHll \'I 111'1 :\11t·l1·.11 1!1 1·11l .o1 111\ 1'11 111 1111 '"1"" ,\ .d 11111.tl ( '••1111• ii "" l(.1ol 1,1 l 1c111 l'r 1111·1 111111 ,111 ol :\11'.l'-ll l't'lll•'ll h .111d lk.tl1l1 I''"'"'' !'>111 11•1 \ \l.111 \ ,, II 1111 11. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT I '~ • \ II. /' ' .. "I rh1· 1·1111111 1,tl p.•i:1· 11r 1h1• 11.1111 l'ilr•t !'1'1·1.' It• c11 r nr111 .111t1 'r1mul,1le• rc•.1cl1•n h1 1ir1•,rnt1ng "" 1h1~ 11.1j(1' 11111•1 :-.t• romm1•11t11n <•n 1np1t·~ n( 1ni1°rt''' IJ\' w n<len 1i l'<l rnlumn1)..h Hl1<1 ('.1rtl'l•l11Sl).., h\ prov1cl1ni: a forum for rrudn~· \le"!' and b~ prr~rn111111 1h1 s nt'"~paprr·~ nplnlnn' :incl 1rh·a~ on rurn·nt 1 np1r~ Th•· f'<l111in11I opinion~ 1•( It'll' ll:ttl\' f'>tlnl .ippt•nr only Ill lhl' t•rl1111nat r11lumn al \ht• top or t he µ;till' Optnll'n~ r°" prcs!>NI hy lht• c .. 111m111,1i-.met t'ar1oonisl:-. and lr tl cr \\11\\'rs urc thrir own :inrl 1111 c•nclor~c·nwnl n( their \'IC"" hy lhl' Da1b l'lt.1\ :-hould be in(('rn•d Sund a~'. .I unc• fl, l !>ifi on.: .cr111:eI i,,11 -. .. 11e1h 111 1· t 111· l11nl1•~t1'.tl t:tl c•1 1, 111 111111/lllL l',lllt:l l l\l ll h ,I\ I' ,II II\ t'tl ,II Ill d1·p1•111h·11I '1·1 't11l..t11J'h '111111.11 t'1•1w1t1 .. 1on" Th1•rt· 11 ...... II\'\ l 'I 111" II ·' I .1d1.1 (14111 Ill flll \ cli•lt't'll•d II 1111'11 II .I' .t1r1·C'l 1' :11 t rt lt111.il1k t11 1lw c·11111 1111•1·1·1.e l 1:1•11 t·1·.1111111 111 11111•le'.11 1••\\1'1 0111• f l' '""II I'-tit.ii I ;1d1,1" I 10111 dew' 1111t p111.\111•1• 1·'i(lf 11 1011· \ lllt10,I\ llllkllllll II ..f Jioc f-. \\II \T I~ .11 lfll•''lt1111 f11r lotl\ 11•1c•I'111r:11l1 ;1l11111 1:-. llh ' IM•"°'""l1 I\ Ill.ti 11 m.1 1 1·1111t1·tl•1:1i ... om1· '•lll.111 llH f't•.1.,1· Ill tl\I' tlll llll1<·1'" c1t t .1111 1'1'", l1•11i..1•1111a-. l11·n •rl11.1n d1'11•t'l:O-I'll' , ;tln•,111\ llt'l'lll 1'1111' 111 1lw pn pttl :11 1nn 111 r l'lal t\1·!1 l,11 1:1• 1111111hc•r-. 1111· pt 11ld1•1ll I to .f1 l1 •1·t .t '-111,llJ I h:lllf'.C', II .tll\ Ill lh1• l.11rh -.111> ... 1.111\t.d 1\11111\11•1 111 l':1:-.1·, Ill' t'lll 11111-: t".11'h \•'.II Ill lht• p11p11l.1 I 1"11 111 a 111 ;1111wr I h;1I would ,d 11111 1'11"11 allr1hu111111 t11 l11\1 do'•'' 111 r.11!i;1l 11111 Thi!'< 111111lol n ·q11111· I h1• """•'!'\al 11111 ol t11:111\' 1111ll1111i... 111 1wnpk '" 1°1' ,,., 1•1'.il J,!1•111•r.t ll••ll' 11n<kr 1.1h111 :1111r' ltl..•• 1·1111 11111-. ,\T T iii: t11•tll0 l0lll.11 11•11 1 :-;rnglc wn11.al:ons fr11m ra<li;1t11111 e;m prnd11cC' mut:1ti11ns or !ll' I I\ ale l:ltC'nl \'ll'll"('.; 111 II\ Ill).! t'l•lls . ~imil arl .'·· t':1r t111ogtn-; found rn t:ll\'ir0 nnw ntal 1101111· t.anh C'~ll1 111dt1CC' l'ann•r 11 h1•n hetUllfl [() I);-.;•\ 111 1'attt1S qf Olli' m 11lccult• or lt•s.; ot t•un·inn,l!l'fl 10 lllll' molcc11 lc uf n :'>:. \ 1-~rom this \'ll'~ point thl.' 11ot w11 of .1 lhrt•:-hold. a lt·'cl of r,1cl1.1 11011 nr s m11~ o r om• uf I 111 • 111 n 11 m c r a h I 1• l' h <' m 1 r a I c:irc tnoj(f'ns. h<>low \1 h1l'h tht•n · 1~ a h:.ol U I l' h · 110 n,i.. to t 111' pop 11\:i t 111n , 0 1!'-1t1 u~vr~ T hu:- ( ___ M_A_1_1._n_o_x_· _.......,,,) /.('ftl'T.~ /rnm rcad1·r~ are u·elcome Tilt• n11llt tu rnnil1·11~·· ll'ltcr.~ 111 /11 SJIUC'I' or 1·/11111111111' /101•! IS rt'Sl'r'l'C'rl I .I'/ las 11/ :l{)/J 1t·ord.~ 11r lexs will 111• g1l'err pr rf1•r1•1w e l\ll lettrr~ 11111 .. >il 111 r lutf1• 111!/rtuturi· and ma1/m11 wulri•" hut rtClllll'S m u11 /Ip 11'11/1/11,/rl 11n '" quC'sl 1f suffrcrt'nl rl'aium 1.\ UP'JJtJTl'fll l'oelr11w1/l1111I Of' /mbl1sl1t'rl 1111·1·1• I" ;1 pol 1•1111.il ll:l1ard I rc11n tlll' \'llll''"'ll"' 11( 11111'11·:11' J)(l\\\'I' ... 1.1t11111, II'"'"",,, 111 .... 1111 111 11'11111 C'Pll\1'11111111 ,lf 1'"111'1''°""' t (111)" 11tl \'II ,ii. Pl' j.;.I .. 'I hi' 1' ,d...,1 11 llt' 111 I'\ 1!1 I 11:it11r.tl .111tl 111 .111 111,ulc · ph\ '11 .ii 111' l'ht•lllll',il ,l l.'1 Il l l1t lh1• I'll\ 11 t>ll nwnl Thi• 11111•11r1.1111 •1111·,l u•n 1- "l lc1\\' ,l!lt'.11 '" th•· h.11:1n l "' "''l't.11\'\I II 111\ ,I ~'l\t'll l1•u •I ••I t'.edt t•el\ I'-' 11111 \\ lt1•1l lhl' 1'1111\ I Jll I' :1pplll'd 111 .ill nll'lhcuh 1°1 1'•'111'1'.tllll)! 1'11·1 Ir 11•1(\. ,1 'l ~111f11·;111I 111rwlu-.11111 1'.•ll lw rlr.1\\ 11 'I h1• ''''"'"" 111 .1 1:1';''.! \:;11111 11 :1 1 \(•:irll•in\' nl Sr1rn1·1'!'< !-lucl.' 1111 th1• h111l11gtl'al d fr<'I' of r :u1iat111n 11Hltl'atl' that lht• ;111nua l n1 1mlw r of c•:t11t'<'I' do• :tths from al I !'-1Hrr1·1·:-e:-.pi·cl l'd in \hr t•nt1n• t · s pnp11lat 1cin by the ,l'Nll' 2.000 i:; lll'ill'I.'' 51)1),IJ()O l)e:1lhs allr1h11taltll' 10 n atural· I~· t><'c 11rr1n,I.! h:1 r k i;?ro11nd r<!d ia· 11011 Im m the l>lln ;end c:1rth v.tll tu• ahout ~.000 v r 0\•aths ;it· lrtlrnt a lilt• 111 rTi t•dl\0;1 ( :'\-r ;l\S '-lll'h .1:' d ent a l <'hN·k11ps w ill be ;1lx1ut ·U IUO 'r • \\ h1l c the to1:1I n11ml1<'r o( 1if'athlo from nul'lc:er flOWl'I' pl ~tn t tlfl ut:nls will he onl~ ahou1 100 Thii. \ :ilu(' of !011 11111~t he 1·om- p;1n•d w ith l~tc 11! tw.illh l'X!)t•t•t1·tl 11 1'roposil11111 1:, !>-h\1l:-. tl11\\t1 11111 lt-.1r 1111\\ 1·r :" .111 (•n1·1 1•\ .ilt1·n 1.1t1 \t'. ,\<.'C'lll'lh11 1• \11 1'1111 1\lan !II a 11111· ol II ;in .11 d t 111• -.111. :-lllul1 1111 111 1·11.il 1111 11111'11•:11 ll0\\1 '1' pl.1111:-. ('111tlcl 1·;111 I' .tll :td d1111nal ~· ooo 1!1'.11 h-. '1 II .tit lrom 111 1•n •as1•tl :111 pcill 11 I 1<111 ,111d ti.ill' I 1·11111 1111111111· ·"I I tl1•11b Th i'· wo11l rl 111• 111 .1tld 1l 11111 1•1 1111 11p;1rl\' '.!(1 11110 cl1 •:1ll1 .. I" 1 11':11' \It' l '\flt'l'IC'll('I' !ifl'l'olrf\ fl'olfll lilt• l'11111l111:-.l 1011 111 lo•.,11 Im I le• jlt'o•d ll t't' 1•l1°l'l l't1·1l \ \\'ho·I\ ( \ ;i!11 ;1t Ill).! th\• l'J\\ ll 111\ nwnlal 1111p:11·t 11! tlw 1111i·t1 .. 11· JM'111 t·r indu --tr~· ii '' lh1•rC'l't1n · 1111 p1•1-.1 l I\ 1• lo Pf'l''l'lll tltl' f'l''llll"-111 1·n m p :1r;il l\t'. 1111 1 ;ol,..11111 11• lt't Ill::... 'l'ltl0f't• '" ltt1lt-<l111ll1l tll Ill\ 11111111 lhat "°h1111 lcl l'r11110-.1t11111 I • 11.C"" 1111'1'1' \I d i Ill' ;e '1'1'11111' do t1'1'1•11',ll lllll 11f •llll' I'll\ 11'111\1111'111 \ltlh ·' -.11h~1·q111·111 ,111,.,1.111t 1:il \1"1 ... 1' Ill ill 111 .. dt h 1•111 1·1- , H .IOJ l'S<I' '1'11 t II<' J·;d 11 Ill' .\lll'r 11·:icl111 i.: ~.\dllt'' 11:1 111 ... 1·nl11 m11 1·111 111\·il "~onw ~h th'­ .1\boul (i1111 ('1111 t r 11l" found 111 lh•· l\1 :1.\ :!Ii. I) a ti.' l'llo1 I w :i .., 11mazt•d. d 1:-m i1)l'CI and a11J,!1•rt•d <1l hi:-e11H:-:-.1d t:d t•l'col.Mlfll'lll '~ prv :->l'nl al 11>11 1·onc1·rnml'! µun l'1111 In-ii, Tht' main po int of 1·11n1·1·r11 h ::.uppo:-.cd to he t ht: 1·n m1nal 11:o.1 o f hand~uns . l'on\'crst.'I~" II hantlguns wcr <' 11r ,·1•r llH'cl 111 t-rinws thC'r e \\ n11ttl Ill.' no nrcd for i.:un co~t rol Sl'PPOSE TllF.RF. •~ a room m whiC'h tlwre 1~ a 1:1\\ ah1d1111- c1t1zen and u lou<lt•d h~indgun llc·1"11/"I I ii~ r I'll!., 111~ ,·,,, .. I,, ll\ lhc t.:\111 I' 11111 ll'• rl 111 I'' I fH II .ii • :111\ 111111 d1•1•cl ~11 11 lwn· dot 1111 1 1 •11111 111 lit :.'Ill ' \lo'-1 I'\ c•t\ 11111 h.• Ii• 11 d illl' c \l'I' '"II, \1 I II I the \'1!11 lh:il l..tll' lhc 11\1lt111 11' \1 1 .\ 1111 I 1:-l 1 Jl 111.. \I 1 11 1,, I ' I • 11111\ .\""''.•II 1 •. 1111 ..... 111111 II ... l•lll j..'h I•• 111111, I 1.11 ol l.t:I lh1 r1 • I ~ 11•• c 111 n • 1111111 Ilic \'I lllllll,tf I JC I I 11fl1:e•1•d 11 1!1• lf'.tf r1111rn 'I ii .ti . t 'Hl:\11 '\\I 1 .. 1 t h1 f,<11 .d11d111 " r.fl/•" .11 111 1111! Ill\' lt ;111d )'t111° 'l°l\t' Ill nhft Ill I I lt1• ! I llllllt,tl I• f('f ' Ill• lt ,oll \\ .'\ ll!f l llt: I I., ,11'1! ••11111111 .. i.· I h1· I'' 11lil o 1i1 11 ... , to ti I'. ti II 11 II I ht , ' I I If 111.1 I • I I 0 I I I .d1011;d ltll)l l"ll Io 111 IP 1'01/I• "•'1-'l 1 0 '"""'' 1111 \\ l•.1 1 111 1111 ·Iii L':1111 ,., II h . r I .. "'' , , 1 .... 1011111 I" 111-.111. o \•11 ,•c l IJo I l'-11 I '-I 111·1 h tr•\" 1•111 ,.1, "I Ii; 1111111.11 tr .1 p1•1t 11t1.ol 111111111. I ~ "' ·' lh;•I I•' ll'l" .1 It 11111 ·111111111 • I lt•1111•I 111 "' 1·,,r11/•l1-hrf'1 1•1 •I 1n1111• h 1 t•1t11 hr11111t.111111110111 \11'111111 \\1•11111 '""' h1111 '"' ,,,11 \ \ ,11'' I ,Ill o'I l>tl I .•1 \ lltllllht I 111 h1-.l1l1· 1.11.11 .. Pl11rl pl••ll' 111 """ "" I\ ,o \ ,111111111 1 ,, , ,., ,. 11111~1 111 llh 1111l ••. lh1 1·1111 1111.d \1011 trl Ion·• 1 :1h11111 l h•· l!lln .111d \\I hnpt'. I he l'l'l Ill• ' \11d I h.11 .. \\h,11 \\C' n · alt1·r 1,n·1 11 •1 Tiit· '-ol11 t1nrt nf llH llro hl• Ill I ' 'llllf1li l'lllH'h th1 t'l'dtllfl:ll m;1k1• 1t '-Cl 1·11"°11_,. foa h im t1• 1·11m11 11t :i n111\1· 111lh ,1 J,:llll l h,11 h• \l Oll I <l.11'1 0 1.111\1'\S To t ht' Eel 11 m · On \\ t•d1H'!>-d :1'. ;\J.1' ·•r; 1011 r:cn ;r letter lrom 1;l'(lr''• f,1·111 n .carchnu LI 1-'I': i Ll'..:111:111 .. 111 1111· Fl!m1u c..L E ffort ' ;.1ntl :\l \\ th111\... 111 \\ h 'I T• Pl I Ill!! l 111111·!1'..,.,."tt.,..· ,: .. ,,...,,,..,.,..,,,,,_ __ _. II" \lllf cl lt t1 •11r ,q.'I lltlJ' \Ill""' '-I \ll,d pr;11 111'1 :11'1 llC1lh111 :• IJlCll \' lh,111 "t'I nl II' 111.1''•1;.!I', \I lllo 1111 Ill\ .111•111'. Pl• 111 lllJ.! 1·mi..1· lfll1 IH'c .!I'd llHl••t•d :111d 111!-.lc'ocd till 1111.1\c • t ii 1:-11111 ,., ' :-.1111; 11° 11 1.1 '.il p111111 II :1 ... fp ... t,11 1..lh .'lfflllllll 1 11111111<1 11 111 I c 1 11,•ll)'"d 111-.. 1111 II I In ,lfl ,,., ,•11:1 111' I llO \\ 111111 II C ,!11 llllhl ~, Pc• I ,I( lt>lt.•I lt• l11;cp \\1111ltl \I :t~ll' 11111• ti I 111" le> f'1•l.1k I•• tll'll .I 1111 111; d 1d1'!tllll.!I "'· ., .. I 'llH'.,lt<HI \\ h••11 111• t·.1111 1«! ..i11 h p1·11lr11111d 111 .. 1~·ti1 11111 • 11u1· ltlt· "'~le ' h lw tl111 .. 1l1 ·11 o•d 1., \\ 111111"11 '' hn Jll'"l"r' lho It 111!1 •1 Ill \ll'llt'llt .111d ,.,, rr • 1 rl' "' 1 11·11111,cr1 '" 11" It.II It 111!11.S:•••ll '1·11l 11(•t 1 ' \\ •. \II I ' 1'0111. I lll'll \\1th 1·1111:1! 11; lot· 11111 .111,1 •1 .1111~ 0111' i.:nal " ""' Ir• cir •ti ' 111 dr1111111 l:wtw-. .Ill\ 1111 •1 t' I lt a11 11 1-. lo l,1 o1lll\\ """ \Ill It ,11 I 1111 \ Ill \\'I' Jll ll 11p \\ 11 h .11111 1 lrh 1· :it 1 h 11111 ·,1>1·1-.111"· \\" • n 1 11111 • r111 ti "tlh th•· 1tll':1n11P· Hf 11111 II\ I'' .c11cl \1•-., <11 11111 " II' ht. I • .111d "Ill . II\,., "' 11•.11 \\I \\ tll 111•1 h,1\ 1• In \\ atd1 1111 II II\ I'' Ill' ..... "1·111111111·11 ·'"" t•,111t!,il111·d :1-. 011r 11\1 II h;l\'1' 1 .. • n 1:11,1t:•1• 11t"\1· 111ad1• 1\11111•,t I' ;1 t h I' I' f h :1 (1 JI I' 11 J.! I' ;1 111 In l' d d1<11t·l·~ \\ h 1d1 1s 1111w1• I hll1•ri.111. ,l!l•·r idl" \\'(':in · hu r11.111 1 ... 111g:-. .ind tht• h1rlhl'll.!ht to tl 1g111t \' and fn·1•dom "' d 111tt't• is .,,... rn 111'11 0111'' ;,... :111yon1·' I '111 ~11ri1n..i·cl lhat a 111:111 l<'.ll'llt•tl 111 1:11mp11r;it l\'1• t 1111 u n • ' s ll 11 ... 1111 t· r :-. I r on 1 c·111lun· -.h11('k. :'\11, Mr I\ 1•nt . \I 1• do not lt[IV(• 111 \101·J.. :11 1'1111\'l'l'l 111,I! or "°llh\C'rl llll.! (l I~ 1111'11 I 1\..t: \ Oii \\ h11 :tl'I' ll·atl111g \\ 111111·11 lo olh1•r wom1•n .I .\'.\: 1'1111,Ll l'~ I.I t-'1·: Collcl'l I\ l' .:\h:mbl'r I I Letting the Experts Decide Won't Do Hy ROLA~I> Sl'lll!':ZINGER W1•1ting not a:-. ao l'Xpcrt but 1.1~ an u1t ere:.ted obi.<·rvl·r of 11ucl1·:ir power ever s mc~ l wor·kcd a:-. an (·nginccr for on~: nf the tom panies pione<'rang 1n peaceful uses of the atom :-.omc 20 ve:.irs <.1go, I fl·l·I t ll:it tile Nuc:Jtour ~afcguurrls ln1t1 ut1vc.• t Pror111s1- tion 151 h;ii-. ut l;.1sl broug ht o.1boul lhl• k111d of l'lll'll airing of r:wts and l'X1·hang1•s of opmwns which W;J'i )OllJ.: I)\ t•l'lhJl' llav111g l)('l'll lt•lf a d11·l :ip Pf'l•\ t•d liy lh1· /\tom1<· .. :ncrg\' Com rn iss1o n I ur years -<ind h;H 1111: h ad to MHlch anything dif- ferl·M e ither trnm l>cl\H·en thc li11t•i-. or from :1 \ ,inety 111 :.cien- t1l il• ,11ly or 11ol1l1cally oriented Journals I lw p11hll<• 1s nm1 finally 1•xpo:-l'll t11 lh1• lull runl!t· of 1nl•ll"m al 11111 Th .. 1l tilt• t·x p1·r h 1i111n111n:. d1f fer and th:il the ll :ila tin not always agree :-.ho11ld n11t ~11rpn~l' Ul> ,\Iler <.111. nuc li.'ar power 11> us .-;11 muth 111' lc •l'hnolus.:\' -an cxpl·nmt·nt. ~ind <11>such 1tS ~l'n· tual outcome c;rnnut l>c forct d w1lh anv mo rC' n·rt;;inlv th<.1 could the futl that fast r:ui tran•I w<.1s not hurmf'ul 1w tltar ccrt111n deter~c·nls or lu<><I ulld1t1vc~ ir1- dced lc41n their m urks . pt·rts ~hun puhll<' tcsllmony or. when l hl'Y ~o µu hll r. 1:-.:-.ul' :-.till\• rn e nti. reple te w1lh many t•avt-ats. In the case of nu<'lt':ir pt'rn l•r safety. however. the sc~nc.• has :.hlrted beyond the l>allel of the ··onl"h:md1·<l l"<JJcl'b" I :11> S<.·11 Edmund :'ol Ui'lkic onn· c:..ilh:d them art er listen in~ to hours or "c>n the one hand ... on the other .. .' l, a nd we i.cc <.1la g11 . ml'nts ol experts on both s tdt':> of the issue Ndthf'r s ide larks numlil'r:-., nor credentials. including l'\olicl Prizes. That sc icnti:.ts anti t•ngineers h<.i ve indt;ocd_ !:One Dr Roland Schrn~mger 1s o.,. 'nrralt• professor oJ electric:al .-11y111ca111g at UC lrl'tnl' public b much to thc•ar credit. hec:.iuse they owe it to the publ1 t to \ oict• their own \'tl'\\~ cm tht: matter. t·ompll't c ohjec·t 1\ It~ nurlcar indu:.tr~ '" licing :-.111i;lcd oul lvr har :-.h tn .1tment 111\\'n 1\1· .lrl' b1•sl'I Ii \' :-11 m;111\' uth1:r t·n· \ 1ronrrw11t;.illy ulJJ1.'t'l~u11ahh; on· .-.1.wEthts (111l'lud ini; rout! and :it 1• pronl· to ac·cult•tll~ in U11: hU'lnl' or 011 thc rv;.id ~1n~ \\ ay. Tho~c who will \ote \('S will probably do i.o lh.•c;iusc thev f1.·l'I that the nucltur indu:-.tn"'s c·x· Jll·riml'llll·r:. h :t\'l' JU111p~·d tla· i:un wit h th\·1r ronclu:.au11s, th;it :-.ill'lY ul l11c re:H·tor and of tl11.! '"1 ... tc d1:-p1ls.d h.1\ c nut IX.'l'll pro- ' 1•n &1:-)l'l. th;.it ell\ 1ronm1:ntal l'lft•cti. <'<.in lic l'"lrcrndy lo11i::- la1>l1ni:. :i nd t hat 11thcr !ill·· l'll1fangt·r111~ pr.1t•l1t•c:-of our lt•c hnologac:il .1gl' ea11not :-.1:n 1· :1s :in l'Xcui.e hec ;ni:.e llH~' abo.u must t'\'l'ntuiJllY bl' r urhl'd·-' · The µrop11ne11 ts also harho1 duulits. hut not :.i:-.-.o the ability <•t lht.· l.t.•g1sl;ilurt• ;.ic; much a:. to th.it of tht· :Jl!t·nt1l·S l'hargcd with m ··rsccing the nucle:ir mdustQ· should not be expt'clcd (not c\en \'OTF.RS O:'lil l'ach side will b'· in the l:t bor atorv. wht·rt· thl' ... :-.c1entific m ethod .is suppose'(! to able tu l'll1.· cf;,1ta and expe rts 111 rule in l'Ompletc det:.whment>. !Jack up lht·ir 0\1 n c laims while ti· mid indicati•>n s uf th(• l'Xpl•rt • hts lratmi.: how the otht'r side ha:-. manag1.•d HI h idt· ad\'erse in-b1as or affdi;ition arc dearly :ip-lurmalion. Thh;. then , is polilic•s propriate. ''" usua l. th;.i nkfully out in the Where dOl'S lhi.; lea\l' lht.• op1:n whcrl' \\'l' can sec ;and hl'ar public" As the .... uh1ects of ex· "ho says what and how much Ol'R OW;lo; holli es ar c p~rimcnlalion .\\ef111d 1>urseives ph~:!-iolo1m· a II.\· <thsoll'lc <ii. ck· tee. in the ·"1tl1·.1t111n '•f ,·1 11at1.,nt I a<"'d n111 ney goes where in the pn1- f c v ... paganrla cam1>;1i••ns_ tors t• M> m;i11~ of ihc cfft.:cls that tiy conflict int! advit·t: for tn·at· " can lw d'l•lcrmint:d :-.c1c:11tifit:1llv ment by l'q u a 11 ~ t:o mpl'lc nt Twenty yl'ars ;1go the question bul nul h v our ordinarv fi\'C phy:.u:ians. ThL· chou:e b ul •>f atmospheric ll':,llnJ.! \\;JS de· sense:-.. i\n'cl thl' many y~ars it 11matl:'ly the palicnt's. ;ind sii il a:-hatl·d bl'lwet•n L111us P.iuhng and take:, for tht· raclioucll\'tlv Of '''Ith lht: all ernallvcs between Edwurd Teller 1\ lt•\1 ~l·;1rs ago nuCll•:ir wa:-.lc t1> dro1> to ·s<tfc H!s :ind noon Proposition l5. lht: erflc:H·v and atlv1~ab1lilv ol le\ l'IS ( 700 f o r I h l· rission th1• an1 1h.1lli~l1C.: rn 1ss1lc S\'s'tcm b_v-prod uc-t.; of the reactor , and SO"t: Wll.1. wish to volt.• no. C.JUSl'J :-pill~ an the r:.inks ·or th1.· 500.~· H·ars for sul'h neutron therl'hy l'Xllt'l'ssini: their faith in l':q1crts. It 1s hopl'd lh<tl th1· ab s o r il t 1 c1 n produ c t s <.1 s the ability of tht• nuclear industry '<·acnti~ts ;111d 1•n~111t•t>rs <iffccte<l plutonium > do not allow much of to gu:.iranlct• safety and to find h~ lh1s 1n1t1atl\c 11ndcr:.tand the an ;icccle rated test. ,u1ys of disJHhil ll~ of thP waste. \ oter:-.' right l o decide for It is in the na ture of ex-"hile doubting tht.· Lcgislatur<.•'s lhl'msclvcs <.1nd lh<.1t democracv periml'nl<1t1on that many unce r· <Jbi lity lo make nle;inin{(ful de· it self is an experiment that must tainties pNs1st. and while some c1sions on a two-thirds majority bt' handled w ith care. are rcsol ved others may develop. b;is1s. .. Leave 1t to the e xperts" is not It is for th1:-. reason that many ex· · They may also feel that the ;ii\\ ays Lill' right !:\Olut1on. * * * * * * * * * 'Bigger Tl1a11 N11elear lss11e' Energy Needs Debate· .. Hy FREDERICK R EINES The citizens of California have lakt'n UIJ<>n lht•msl•h ·cs <1 t!t'an· r cs pnns ihi l1 ty -tn dc•r1d c 11hetht·r tht• nu<:I C'us of the ;ilom i' lo lie us t•d 1n helping supply our cm.·r~y nc t•ds or whc•l her it ~houltl not. Since the California choice is bein~ cl~cly watched young nuc lear industry is ex cmpl ur~-. Aud il 1:; u lon.l(er rc- l'<>rd than people generally re- ~1li£c. lion. th<' example .1ustifies a !:\Onll!whal less pcss1.misltc view of the wa~tc s torngc problem. - • nat1onw1de. our actions ha\'e 1m- pllcat1ons far beyond our state ;md even nation al 11<lrclcrs. Rl'causl' M some rcscar c-h l ha\ c bt'en doing on \'lcmcntary particles. l ha\·e C'losl! acqua in- tan ce with the oper;itions of the ~iant nuclear re:ictors at the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina. These 2.UOO·megawatt reactors are the same size r ange as existing and proJl'ctcd power reactors. and they have been in stead y operatjon for over 20 years without nuclc;.ir accidents of any signific ancl'. SPACE DO ES nut permit a ilis- cu:.:.ion uf the problems associal· ed with the threat posed by diversion of nuclear materials. sabota~e. the question ot the pro- liferation of n uclear m:.itcrials. that could then be fabricated inlu weapQns. These problems arc of great importance and dcserv1.• much more discussion, but lhcv have relatively little be:.iring u'n issues related to Propo~1tion 1~. Tht' question ostens ibly faced with Pr(lposition 15 ic; how to pro- \'ldC' ahsolulc guarantt'CS or S:.tl'C- t ~· 111 all as pects of the nuclear l'nt•rgy inrli1stry from lhl' mining of uranium throuITTt the actual J!l'lll'rat1ng r eartor. lo lhr r c- t·nn•ry nftht• ':tlu:ihh• plutonium ;11111 till' cvcnt11<1l d isposal of the r:idioatt iVl' nuvl1·ar d1•hns In comparison. ~ ou need only hreathe the a ir in anv industr ial l'aly powered by fus~ii fuels to re · cognizc the o n going h eal th /)r 1-'rcda1ck Uc111rs 1s pm/es.wr llf pl111s1«s at UC I rvirw. ha7.ard they pose day after d:i~'. And. inc identally, coul. wh1rh ts ilsl'lf soml'whal rad111 .. 1ttin'. rt'· THE l~Sl't·: 1-. pr11h,1hl y lh1· mo:-1 tt•1•l11111-.ill.\ 1•11111pl1·\ 111;11 has 1•\'1•r 1·111111• 111 th,• 11uhl1 c l'\e\\ Iv :t\1 a'-1.•nNI (h~· a<•t1ons 11f tlw lorrii::n oil pnul11c111g rw - tlllll~ 1 111 tht• d in• :inti 1n1-rl·a~111f.! Ol'l'd~ tor t•twrg,v 111 lit•\\l•r 1111r lt·a~es mvre r<.1dwac11n • '' a~ll' \'l'lllllim\ ,111d ~Uht ,11 n 11ur :-tan-111111 the a tmosphere lhan tit• d :1nl 11t 0ll\111~. \I C ~t·ek to a:.Sl'"S normally 01>c r::il111 ~ 11uc lc 41t PropQsition 15 would be tunta- mount to a s hutdown of nucil'ar <:nergy pla~n Ca lifornia · and, by example, elscwhl•rc hcc;iuse of the natun· of llw c,,. tr;w rdinury ~rnd unrc;isonabh• l•vulcnce that it rcquirt•s to prove ~afct y, . S1•rl ion Ui:>03 11>1 r 1' ms1:0.1-: \ll :1l "(bl' l'fft•t>l l\"t'll i.'S'i ol UJI safl'ty systems, 1nt'lud111g I.Jut not. hm1tetl ll> the c 1n crf!t:lll'Y <·ore 1·onl111g :..~ ..;\1·rn . 11f :my nttC'lear l b:o.1un p1m l'I" plant 11per;1tm1? cw lll ht• (lj)l'r;itccl Ill the ~late of Caj1forn1;.i i!:\ clc mnnstrall'd h~ comprclll'nS1\'cly 11·~1mi::-in ;1t .. A U.S. Stake in Korea \\' \S ll l :0.... GTO;"I: Unn :igaan our clo:.1.· t.'nnm•t•ti1111 with dictators abro<ld 1s l'lll:m).!hng us in fort-ign 1w ht•y problem:.. This time our d1ffit:ull clat.!nl 1s Pres id cn t • Purk Ch1111 1: ST1\NLEY KAR NO\\ <'ivil liberties. he will havl.' tro11· hie gt•lttng l'<>ngr essmcn hl'l'i.' in W:.i sh111 gton to vole h11n a s- ~1:-tancc. ,\nd •lS his as::.1slancc lrom the United Sbtcs dl't'hlll'::.. Ill' will become innc:a~ani::Jy \'Uhll'r•1ule to Commum:.t attatk 11r SUI.I\ t!r!"ton from 'orth l\orl·:1 lie t•ontl•nds. on lh<' one hand. t h at a less ri gnr~s ::.ystc m \\oulfl make 1l t·asit•r for th1· l'o111m1101~ls th inflltrak South Kort·~• ,\:-t·\ 1d t•11<·<.· f(Jr this claim . ht• points to a Communist :1ssah~in :1 t11rn atl1•mpt against him a r{'w ~·t·an; :ago. WIH'n his n ·- giml' was mun· l'll:x1lllt• than it lh now ,\:-;a n <1l<l -fas h1onl'd Confucian. mon•m \·r. h1· 1·~111n11l t11li•ratc l111· I cl t • :.t II f' f rt' l' d 11 111 , \\'la IC h 1 ..- S,\'n1111~ mnus 111 his miml with ~ut·1:1I anti µ11fit1l•a l d1s11r1lt·r Hee of South Korea, who insists on run· 11 i II g ;.1 rcpr<':.si\·1.' rt" i.;imc lll'.sp1t1• quiet cfl'orh h y S l'ni or i\ m t· r 1 c ~' n d1plomat11: ol fic:1als t o JH r -,u a fl1· h1111 l•l lib("ralizl' h is govcrnmt•nt I !is stubborn behavior rcc:.ilb the blindness of l'a rhi.'r U.S. pro- lc~cs, hkc the m 1htary Junta lhal for merly rulC'd G rC'c•ee and the generals in South \'1ct11am ;ind Cambodia. This b c·nlal'al l o us. ~ltll't.' an ass:iull ag<.1i11 s t Park lrom Nor·th Kon•a \\ 1111ld jn\'Ol\'e tJw Cnilecl ~lat cs. \\ hirh 1s cornm1ttcd U\ tr1·atv to hi:-dd1.·n:.l'. · so: a1> an the rrnst. \\I' could 111111 ourscl\'CS bl•rng dragl!ed inlp •• \\ ar to protel'l <.1 t .'I nmt \\ho fL'· tuses to r ecognize th~1t his O\\ n '" ll'rcsts, alonf! with our,.. Ill· 111 adopting a m ore m o<lcr:.ile p<>~1 · tion. Thus ;1tt1.·m11ts Ii." lhc United Stali.'S It> ('!1:1111:?1' P ;1rk h a\'c t•ndccl 111 I ru1>1t· Jt 111r1 Thl' major <IUl':-.1 ion Ul ;If I I has, lhou)?h. 1s whether A nwnc;ins art.' going t ... s uffrr ln•<';ius1.· o f a client's :,hortl'om in~::.. UNWILLING or unable lo re- form, they eoll:i11s t·d -and their failure tarnished Am<'rica's re- putation in the world. Our cred1b1lity also was clam<.1~ctl in those countries wht·n· wc 1>up- ported dl'.'>JJols ll'hO upprcssed their own people . ' The d il t: m m a IH> s t• d h y P a rk C hun g ll t•e. who is bulwarked by U .S. aiu a s well as the presence in his land or •tn /\mcric;.111 Army divbion, 1s more tha n moral. .. ·or as loni:: as P nrk <'nnlint1l'S to deprive his own c1l1zcns of Unde rl y in g P;.i r k 's ill · lrans igcnce is his conviction that South .Kort'a 's intellectual and professional communitv is dt·· ll'rmined lo OU!>t him. ilis frar:- ;arC' not ent ire ly imaganHr). s111<'t• South Korean studt•nts a n · a vol:.itilc lluncb w ho havl' tupph•ll governments in ~·l'ars gone by. AMERICAN c1ipl omats rl· tH•atcdly have urged P<.1rk lo Ill· t roduct• a m c a s ure of de. mocracy. explaining that s akty valves l end to prev(.'nt t•x- 11tosions. Hut Park has sp urned their advil'c. THERE l\RI:.: 110 t'<lsy answer.. to this predil'amcnt -in South h.on·a or cJs (.'w)ll'r c JI' wr ("Lil off ;lil1 to Park ;.is a way of putting pn•ssurc on him lo reform. we• w1111lcl he pcn<.1hiinl! th~ Snuth Kon·an people. But if we J.!ll 011 h1·lp1ng 1';1rk we an· s h:.11'111g n ·.spons1hilil \' for his ch·sput is m · ' • l\1 ~ O \\ 11 fl'l'hng is that w1· 11ughl lo l':<l·n ·1sc c:.irc ln•fnrc we com- mit ours elves to pnlppint.! up d1<·~ tutors. even though they may he nl'l'l'Ssary to our strategic dc- S1t.!ns. To overlook the human dimt-nsion 1:-a bclray;il of our own 11rlne1plt•s. STATE PROPOSITION SURVEY this tabulation shows ·rhe recommendations to date of three. organizations and three newspapers regarding state propositions on the Tuesday ballot. Town Hall of Cahforma is a Los Angeles-Orange County organization of business leaders. Its results are shown as a percentage of a membership vote. indicating neither endorsement nor disapproval by the forum itself. The League of Women Voters is issuing decisions only on those four issues its committees studied m depth. Mark your choice m the last column and use the chart as a reference at the polls Tuesday. J I -tht•--n•l+i 4•J 11~1t·t.41~1Cl'.1!~ l>OWl'r pl ants. 1:-... 111· '' 1·111npl1t·atecl hcc:iu:-.1• ul ---- lhl· Ill\'"'"~ th.11 :.11rrou11d!:\ tlw A ~O R MALI.\" oprr:i ttn ~ ;1111111 111 t h1• 11111111 ol tht• gi•m•ral nuclear react or 1.; <kmon.slrahlv puhlw .11111 a ~harp mi•m1>ry or :-af<.'r t h:m a n~ otlwr fn.;~i( ru~I 11 :J1 <TfH' T"a h 0 n :<i H r~I II tl l H:l-IJ . ._, '--- ~ l m 11 a r physiC':il S_\..,ll'lll:-.. In the .;atb fact ion of 1 hl· IA'J.!l~btun• PROP. TITLE 1111· l1t1111li111g 11f J ltr't"hlrn.1 :ind IHl\\'l'r .snur<'l' But 1f it rn:ilfunr l\.af.!.1 ... ,1 ~1 ,\ .... or1t· \\hn worki•cl nn lions. what lhr n '' Thi• 1·~t1 ma1C•!:\ 111U'h·;1r \\1-.1p1111' 1 1·;111 -,t;iti· ;i:-t(ltlw m.1gn1111clt'of U11•l'nnM· 1-.11i•1!1>1 ll'.ilh r It.ii 11 1., :illllci•thi·• 11 111•111·1·' \.in . ltut tlw rt..,k l:ictnr 11111\ .1rt .1111\'d 111 111111'-i•I .t 11.,,11.r 11.111wl y till' p1 11d1111 ol th1· pn• r 1-.1<•t11r ;1, .11111,.,,.,1,.11c1mh h;1hil11\ of :111 a1·1·1cl1•11t l lnll'~ th1• Th 111 1:.. 111 \ 'I I ' l'I II It... ·' ,.. d:illl:t~l' l':ll1:-.i•<I IS \'\'('~' Ill\\ Ill J!1•1u•r.tlh wor~hqii•cl 1,.. ti•an •tl ur nrn1partMlll \\1th the rr1>k l ~1<·tor t.11111. !'lit· 11111·11-11:-. 11.1:-. h:ill 11:-11f fossil 1'l1t'ls. :-.lt.1r1· 111 11111 It It I\ :1'> (.'OllSHlt'r1·d ·' p.1 11.11•1•.a ltt !111• 111'.ll'l'f\tl II""' 1'1tl11p1'' Ill 111 1•d 11'l lh' :111d Il l d11-.ll'\. (11111 l'I' l'l".11'1111•-. .11111 .• 1'l:t1!th· 111 I Ill' f111'11l 11f \\f•.1p111b I h.1l \'1111lcl 1'.tll 'l' 111:-l,llll lllll'lt'.tl' h1•llH'.l ll'l \\'h.11 .111• tlw facls 1·1•)!ar<lt11g t h1• h .11.11 ds .1:0.'°111'1:11\•d Wt l h 1111l'l1·,1r l'll•'rJ~'·" Or. n111n• 1<1 th1• p1>111l. h11\1 do ll11.•.;1• h~11:arcl" t'O!ll· Jl:ll I' 11 llh lhll"' :1:0-~lll'l:ll t•<f Wllh fl l Ii.· 1• ... ,1111· 1 1•' 11 I 1• n 1· r i:, .' F1111 h1·t J'.lll I ht• ('lWl'j:!\ 1w1·d..,· 111 '"' 11·1 t ,111d lh,11 111d111 I·· ... 11/I 1111' p1•11pt.•, 111 I h1• 1•.11 th h1· .... 111..,l ll'd \\ 111111111 llw ft'>~11111111i:. lllll 11•11-. . Ol ft l'HOlll,E" 1~ 111 find and u,,. 111 .111 111tl•ll1g1·nt . 1111n- >4'•11ll q.:..ct1· \\a~ JS muny diver:;\! l-11tll'l'1•.; 11f C'llt'l'L?,\' ll" man's Ill· j.!1•m11t \ 1•.1n 111•\ 1~1'. T11 atlow the m1 ~tt'I',\' -,11rr.•1111<l in~ th1• ;ct11m 111 d1111d I hl· ISSll l' and 111·11~ ll~I' of tht:-1mport:rnt rt•:-.nun·l· \\nuhl Ill' h·:-:-111:111 l'l'Spnnc:ahlr A pn me cnnr .. r n or tho~c \\ho s upp1H'l 1'1'11111"•1 ion l.'i '" th1· h:11ard .1~"1w1 .1kd \l'1lh nul'll'lll' ,•1w1·~~ ~u1•h rlt!"<'ll!'"lon' ;1rl• ..:1•111·1 :tlll' 1l\'t'rs11 npflficd -lhl',Y i1~'1t1llt' th.it 1111t•k ;1r 1•1wri::y 1.; in t n n~ ll' ;ii h h :11 a rd1111.; :mcl non nttdl'.tr ~ntirt't'"" :11 i· !-:tit· Th1:- HntOI~ I' 1111L lrlll'nl' out h~ t lw facts -lhc track record (or lhc D1· .John 1.1·1Hha11 . a \'i1'1tin~ r(" i.:<·111 ..; prof1·,.;~<1r .11 l '(' frv11w. ··~t 1111a(\',..; \h;1l ;1 I .(lOO·mc·gaw:111 t :'ol\V t t·n:1l-l1rl'<I 1><1Wl'r stat11111 1·osb l.~1110 ;H'<·11l1'11t s Jll'r ~ 1':il', l'll<'h mvolving m on• lh::in l11rl't' da v:-' l11sl !amt•./\ l ,0001\1\V n11(·1car power !:\lal1<111 \1 0111tl 111- 1·11r :1ptirox1m .1tcly 11 suth :.icc t· 1k11ts. Hut wh;il almut thC' problem (If n11ck ar wai;ll•" b 1t reason;i hl 1• lo :-adtlk our dt'M.'.c•111lants fur I hl· 111·x1 100.noo , l'ars \\1th t lw ''l'\\ ar1bh1p of ,:nl111.;~;;il amount.; 11! r aduwl1 tn· 'll-hns" Wh;11 11 t'l\"lhzatwn t:ollapsl'<I , \\hownu ld monitor I his mat en al" Thl'rt: 1:-; little arl!umcnt that thl' prnhl1·m etf wa..;lc rli:.po ... ;tl 1s :-oluhlt• tn th1• she1rt tl.'rm , sa~ for the lll'XI 100 )t'ars. F\lrth<'r . Wt' know that tlw \ <'r' neutrons that produt·c rnd1oat• t 1\'ll \' c;in ht• ust'rt to r crl(kr •m1w r a ch o a c 1 I \' e m t1ll'r1 n Is n 11 n . rad1om•t1 \\,'. /\ssumt.• lh:11 Pt>WN from nurlC':ir fu!:\ion. a n•latin'h· <·le;tn proCt'SS 1n Whll'h I he radloactiv1tv 1s ~hort 11\'Cd. takC'~ :is m11r h as ioo ''1.·:irs tn ht'C'Om l' a r1•alit~ · The t•o1.1Jous neutrvn:. prtxlun•d then can bl' ust•<\ lo dc;.u:ll\ all' o:;om e stored waste products of lh(" rission r c:iclor . W1tho11t t'l:i11n111J? l111s ;.1ppro11ch Ill he lh1• ull1male only or ulLimale :.olu- 1:., v11t r•I Sll hll'('l tu 1111· pro r l'rlllr<'s ~pec 1f1t·tl 111 St•t·l i1111 lli:.00: and " Sut•h ,1 l:iw w1111ld eall for ;i lt•:-1 "' d••"t r11r I inn of .111_\ '' "ll'm 111111 · 11·rl ti 11••1. , ... ,1·nt 1.dh 1nde111·•1· 1h-111h 111 lht· prnh:i hlltly of a11 :w l'Hli:ll \ O!'l;E Sl:\IPL\' elm•.; n11t 11"·1 a11 :1ir plilllC for .;:ifrl.\ Ii~ fl\ 11\g II Ill 111 llw i,:n111111f IJ1T:tt1N' lllll' li.1~ 111 '-l"lt•lf I hat :di 1 ll\• ~;1f(•t v dt•\'l\'1·>. I: 11 I . ft11l nw ma 1or c·11nc1•rn rt·.1!;1 ril mg l'rop11.;1tton 1.• 1). 1 hl' l ~1c·k 11r pcrsrwctivt.• rl dl•m1111 ... rl':1l1·.., :end f(li;ten. n •g:1rd1ng 1h1•1•111•1 j.!\ 1'111 hl1'm. 1'111' <'l1111 :itf• t:1•1wr:tll'd ll\ l'rnp11s1t wn I :i ha:-11111 :ir11<•1I 11\1' puhl 1c: 111111 l\HI 01'fl(l,111g 1•.11np.., no t·rit11·1sni 111 lllll'll·ar t'lll'rl'.\ I" hro11kl·ct 111 11n1·. t h1• 1•tlll'r f1ncl , tl w1th11111 u r C'ch·l·1m11g '1r1 1w Hut llw 111 ... 1·11''''111 thnuch ~1<-r1111011 11111s .i nd l11'al1·d. 111 .1\ ha\l' h;.td ,It fl•a:-1 Ill)(.' lllllllll'l;tlll l1t"1l 1\'l' l't1ni.1•qlH'lll't'. Thn·1• htll' l't'J!.1rll1ni: ;,r1 l' nuC'll ·;r,. c111•rJ!~ ,\II 2K!ll. 21'21 :incl 2H2'..!. ha\1• hl·1•11 p a s!' l' d b v l h l' (' .1 I1 fu rn 1 a l.t•gi s lat111:1, I sugg<·:-t I hat I h<' l'Xtrt•ml' \ arw takt•n of till' h:11.ards of nucl(·;1r 1•m•rJ!y h~· proponents of Pn1pos1 . non lfi 1s unwarr anted . lhal to s11mmttr1ly turn off this impor- l:anl c-11mponcnl of 1)ur cncrg~· l't'· sourc·1·~ woulrt lw mo).t un" rse (.' :1 II for n 1 :in " h a "c a n o p pe1f·tu1111~· t•> t'ngagl' in ;.i dialoqu1· thal mclucll'S hut \ransct•nds llll' nuclear clchutt'. Whal shall \\l' do about the procfuct wn :ind ).C'n~• hie use of e neq!y'? Ll'l us star1 t'' aminini;! this quro;tmn now ;111cl keep our options open. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Stote School luildiftc) ~ rurchase lond Law of 1976 Veterans Bo11d Act of 197 6 Safe Drinkinq Water lond l:ow of 1976 londs to Pro•lde Public Com- ft'llftity CoUtcJe Facilities lcMlcs. Corporations, Franch- ises Clftd lm1.1rft'1-T axotion lnswance Compa11y Homr Office Tax Deduction Taxation of Restricted Historic Property MO 60°/o YES YES YES YES YES 61°/o YES YES YES YES MO 54°10 YES YES YES YES YES ' MO 66°/o YES YES YES YES MO S 7°/o YES YES YES YES YES YES 55°10 YES YES NO YES NO YES 55°10 YES YES YES NO D.,asit of Public MOMJS ill Sa•inqs and Loon Auoc:iations YES 6 7°/o YES HO YES YES lincjo YES 54°/o YES HO YES HO loncb to Refund State lndMf.cinHS YES 54o/o ·YES YIS YES YES Motor V.t.icle Taxes-Local Swplus Prop.rty N064% YES YES YES YES lnhrHtRate YES 63°/o YES YES YES YES rr•rtyTax Postpon..._.,., NO 66°/o YES YES YES YES Misce4lmteCM1s Constitutional Re•lsions YES 9 3°/o YES YES YES YES YES Nucf•or Powtt rtants- lftitiati•t Statute MO NO NO NO .. ·- ~ f0 OAILY PILOT More Strikes Hit Bay Area Ji)' Tht' A'~uciatl'd Prt•s' L4 May Defy Quotas LOS ANGEi.ES L.\P1 -.,11d II \11· tl 11 11 on C't.'111 hl;1C'k , JH :i Pl'rt'Clll -C1tv l'ounl·il men1 ttw1r 11·rni;.. 111th all th< :\lex1l'11n ,\m t•1'll·:i11. 1111d bt'rs iia vt· \ u lL'«l un 1'1·,trll'l 11111:-. 011 h1nnJ.! 5.J Pl'rrcn t t\:.1;rn <1nd In an 1 mou;.h l o n1u\ 1 t.11..1•11 .111 .1, 111• \\oul<l dian to~·~1rd g1v1n g up '"<kr.il I'"'' till 1•ll 0 <'l'l 111·n"'' of :\0\1 h<· .. ;1 1d thl' la\\ 1·11l11rc1·m1111 p111 lh• 1h-p.1rt1111•111 fnrt1· h .1-. .) » p1·rt'l'lll ~ram fund:-1 alh1·1 1h.111 f11.:m·r11u .... 11tl I.E.\\ hl.Jt·k~. x b Jll'fi'\·nl l\k:-.· put up \\ ll h k cl1•1'.sl h11 1111uhl 11·q111n .1 l"'lil·1.. 1t•.1n 1\ri\\•r·1t•;.11i-.. 7 p1..•r ing r1•t.:ulat11Jn-. and t111 1'< 1•um p<,..1•1I 111 :.!IJ l'l'lll OrH•111ah .ind I q uotas p1..·rt 1·111 \111111\·n lti p1·r p1•1-r1•n1 111d1.rn:- /\nd l hn 1 n '' ruC't 1·tl __ --------------------~========~===~ C it y /\t111r11 1·.1 Hurt Pinl's Fnd:t.\ 111 1·1m,.1tl1•r ,11d Pnh lJI S.in F ranl·1 ~c11 Ba\ ,irca ">lnl.1•-. 1nvoh in~ lll'<1rly 12.tJOO "urkcr ... kepi hundr l'd :> or warchou;.c:-. s hut th1 ... wet·kc nd, s harJJl.v cul :-l'r\'il'c ut 1 wu larJ.:l' hos plluls ~111<1 thrcutt'nl·lf to dis rupt Tu c s da ~ ·=- prc:.id c11t1al primary m·1·r hll!lll'r 11 agt•s lhJt has l i.Jkl•n :J.IOil ,·oun\\ "o r kl·r' •>fl tht 1ob Pr<·kl'b r<:m:1rnc<l up at 2·1 h1111r tal'll1l1t>s u \t•r the ",·ek L·nd. T" o·lhll'd-. of 1lh· p atients i.ll llu• l'Ollnty 's t" o hospital' had to t>c lr:in:.fcrn.:d t:IM•Whl'l'l'. . , pur~u111g ~· -.u1t .1ga1n:o.t /\ J a m t' ti u ( · u u 11 t ,. TWO OTll ER an •a ~tr1l..1•:0. abu rl·muinNf un- r,•:o.oh l'll ,\bout x.:,oo \\ ;.a r c h 11 u s l' w o r k 1: r !> • tro111 thl! Tcum ~tcr~ t '1111111 and l hl' I ntl"f'Oa· t111n :d L11n j.!.;hurcmcn·s & \\' n r L' h o u ~ l' m c n • s I '1111111 'tr uck 500 firms tht· I.a w t :11torl'1'tr1l'lll /\:.~istantc l\d 1n 11H:.lra l ion <LEA/\ 1 di.tlleui.: inJ! th1· ll'gal11 1 ol JI;. .11· tton:o. Cu rio,. F 11.:ucr11a .• 1 pola·l· pn.·~, r d.1111111-. s po kl's nwn, . :11d l hl· J1• parl nH'nl t'11ul1I loM .1 SIO m1lli11n thrl'l' ~t-.1r FOR JUDGE • Municipal Court, Harbor Jucl1ci;1I 0 1st11c1 JULIAN S. Rc·g1s tru r J ame:-. ,\ Higgs s.iid lhL• walk11ut <tf countv wor kers li.l-.t Wcdn csd.uv h as c ul 111 half his st~ff. Ri~I!' l>fl' did-; a 70 to 75 lll'l'ccnl turnout u nd s:.i1 d 1 lw ;. t ri k (' ('\I u I ti h ;1 \ \' :1 ";.1gn1 rll' anl (•I lt·1·1 1111 lhC \'Oil' ('(}Uni llrrtl' 1-'rula\ ir1 a .,aJ ar~ d1.,. Sp~•a• •.6." (Jp put\' Tiil' ... lrt kt· 11.,, c ~.-Y APW·••P'>OIO ~r~ml ERTZ lt :dt··d ,di r<•t'l'l\'tllg :11111 ' h 1 p p 1 n g. I r" 111 w :1r .. 1t11u ,1·~ 111 ,. ~.oo fll'lll' c;m Edmund Hro\\11 .Jr t ook 111~ pn·s1dl'11 I 1;il r;1mp ~11 gn tn l'ollegt•s ~;1turcla~. 1nclud 111g 1l:1rln e ll l'olkg<.' in S;l1 111 us. In dl'fc nsl' 11f h1:-. in<:XpL'l'll'llCL' 111 ol I lt't'. 11l' rl'fl'l'l'l'U lo L'\ P n•;o,1dvn1 ltu:hard :'\1~011·~ Ion);! pol1l1l'<.tl c ;1 r t.:L' r . .. S1J 111 t' L' x p<: n 1.:n c:i.: b hacl t·' PL'l'll'IH't'." ~aid Bru\\11 . Ul'T . ll E S:tlcl. lh1· pf. ftt'll'll<'.' of t Ill· dt•parl. mcnl "Ill hol h<· ham µl'n·d bC'ca usc lhl· grant money makl•s up onb a :.mall p1>rt1on ul lhl' tk p;.irtmt·nt ·s 1Jud1-:t·I .md 1 s I a ri.: l' I y 'l"'' 11 t •in technolog1cal Ind rnrn- A respec1ed trial lawyer with 23 yea'rs experience Long l11\1e active resident of the Harbor area ·Mamed -2 d aughters and 2 sons (the latter currently students at Thrt:L' .\l arn,·d ~1 ('11un l.1· local-. l)I tlw SL·n 11·1· Emplo~ cs lntern:11w11al L:n11m sthcduled a nL·ws <:onfen :nCL' t<><l ay 111 an nou11 c1· th eir· plan l•1r Tuesd a\"s elel.'l 11111 \ ;.pukl•Sm<m sc.11d the f>l.111 h:.1d not ht<t'.1 d 1:1eu ... t·d w tlh county offtc1ah ,\ "alk1111t II\· <:old,•11 C:at1· tr.111..,ll hu~ dr1\1•1·, I h l' I II n g l' q "n g () 111 g ">lrt kl'. t'nl l'l'S its eighth \1 cl' k :\I o n d a ' . --------~----,,,......---==--------putcr pro~ra m:-.. Newport Harbor High School) N o \\c1·kc nd rt e· goti a t I O ll S \\'L'l'l' l'C · 'por led 111 t h 1· tl1 :0.pule Statistics Released On Voters SAC RA~IENTO li\l't Only 57.9 pe r cent of California's 15 million potential voters an .. n· g1stcrt:d t o v o t e in Tuesd ay's primary C'lec · tion. Secretary of State March Fon~ Eu sa~.s. ReappOrtioDD1ent OK'd S,\CH.\:\I E!\'.TO i1\1'1 Cm· 1·:<1 m uncl Brown .JL h as s 1g111·d ll'g i..,la - t1on t·hangrng t he w~1y dl·flogalL'' ar1· apporl 111nl'd 111 ('andtdalt•' 111 tlw l':tl1lo rn1a 01·morra\1t• pn·-;1cl<:n11:1l pnmar~ T hl· hill hv t\ ... st•mhh man I Im' ant lkrm;in 1 ().'(kn·rh 11;11, 1 \\11ttld lt.ir an~ t·a11d1cli1tt• l't"l'l'I\ ttll! ll'"' than !ti pcrn·nt of thl' slulL'\\ldt· \llll' lnirn n •t'l'" 1ng ;1n y dl'lt·g~1l l''· Thl' ml'a:o.ure. which l:tkl·~ 1{fl·t·t 1mrn1..•d1:.itl'I~. appht•s t11 dt'll•g:.ill':o. :-clect1·d a ft t·r next T ucsda.\'·s clt•t· t wn . It al I crs I he w a\' 70 of I h t> 280 rlf'· leg:.itt·s a t s take ~ire C'hoscn rn 1hc Oemol·rat1c prc:-.idential rmma·ry IT 001-:s no..t affect lhl' way th<• lrr:;t :!JO l>l'moc ral1c d1•flo.1.::1t1·-. ar1• s l.'11'<'1 t•d , h.1s l·<I 11n t ~1nd1d:tlt''' '11'11' 111g 111 111<11\ 1du;d 1·on)!n·~s11111al <11 ... l l'IC'I;. gr .... ~s 11,nal d 1s tri c·t ~. Ill' \\ o uld han~ hl'l:'Jl a ll<1ltt•d :Ji> l•l'l'C:cnl uf the l'l" m:11ning iU rll'lcgull'' I 'ndcr this bill. he 1\1Juld rr1·1•11'l'.1;; 1x:rl'1°nl "Of lhl• "'" m a 111111g ill <klci:atL·,. IT WA S unl'IL•;1r \lhl.'lhcr l hl:' chani.:t· \I mild ;ti 11·1·1 Hrown ... own d1· h·i.:.1tl' lot al DA Will Get SLA Message LOS 1\'.':GE LF.S {/\P l -The manager of a radio st ation pl;:ins to gt\'l' l hl.' dis trrt:t attornC.\' a communt· qlll' ~ i gn l'<I h y t h e S~· m b1on<!:-t• l.1IH'l'.Jl111n Arm~. ~n mg up a four month t•ourt l1g ltl to kl•c1> the do1:11- llll'llt ;1110 o\ l'rturn u contt•mpt <·1la lton \\'rll l.1•11 , ... rr1 i'111 ;igt•r 111' KPFI\. ;rn n1 1ut11'l·d 111 .., pl:in:-F rid uv l o The l'll.\"s d 1•1·1~1on aimed at t utting 1lsl'lf loose from the LEi\i\ p r o ~ r a rn c: :.i m 1· i n response tu a federal tit:· mand that Los Angeles hire m i no n lil'-' 1n l11t· s~1 me p roportions that minorities c.xis l m the c1tv ·~ work fortl' City Co un c ilm un Dona ld Lo rc111.c n liluntlv summed up the council:s feeltni:?s : "T c>ll thC'm 111 Wu s h1n g 1 o n t u g o s traig ht 10 lll'll . They arc taking i1wa.\ our right tu h ·g 1sl att• what happen~ in I he citv." 1'rc ~;:iid LEI\/\ wants · the c ity to c hminat(' he igh t rcq1,11rc-mcnts, the ph~·s1c;il ;igJ11t~· test ;md the w ritten :.ind m·al t'\.. am1nat1ons. "IF T iii-;\' l·ut t hl' fundi;. off lomorro" \It:. \\ o u I cl n · I I 11 s l' o n c policeman ur an~ l'l'll'l' 1 11 ve n e :o.s . L 11 r 1·n ~.1·11 Believes 1hat courts should be courteous. conside rate, fair and impartial Partial List of .Endorsers Harry N. Bailey Pete Barrett Oscar H. Beasley Stan and Norma Bell Roger Berg Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brown Hal and Miriam Birnkran1 Or. and Mrs. Albl!rt Cole Joseph & Marguerite Di S tan1slao Vernon Evans Jules and Helen Gage Mel Grau Col. Raymond R. Ha1ek. U.S.A.F. (Ret.) Gloria Kamph Bob Kelchner Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Ke mpler Bernard and Sheila King Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klem Dr. .ind Mrs. Stephen Koffler M.irk a nd Dorothy Kruse Lucille Kuehn • Lcon;ird and Elinor l evy Dr . O;ivid Messmore Dr. Martin Miller Or. E. Terrance Moran John McDonough Donald A. Mclmss John and Ginny McKc rrcn Davis P. McNamce Dr. Curtis Nelson Frank Oldmen Maj. Gen. Robert G. Owr.ns. U.S.M.C. (Ret.) Bill Patrick Dick and Joyce Pedigo • James C. (Buzz) Person, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Philipson Mr. and Mrs. Curt Pincke rt Bill Pizzica Don and Dorothy Ray David and Shirlee Roberts Howard Rodgers Or. John Rosenber!J Newton J. Ruston Paul Ryckoff Phil and Bette T Oler Paul Zimmerman Ms. Eu reported t 'rt· dav that lhcrl' wen• H 7 mi.Ilion n :g-1:-.ll'rcd 'utL•rs 1 n Ca I 1r11 r n i a I·' 1 ft 1 • SC\'i.'11 pt:l'Cl'lll of lht·n1. or ·I. 9 8 m i 11 ion . a r l' 01•m ot·1-.it s Th1rf \ :-.1x pcr.-cnl. or :1 11;;, ni1ll 11111 . an• l1l'pul>licans . The l wo m mor part It's on llw ha llo!. \ m t'rtl·:tn lrtdl•rw ndl•n l ~1 nd I' can· a n d F r c " d 11 m . h ~"· l' :10.fi37 and 20.710 nll'm lwrs r e<;pctl 1 n·h . Hrn !Ill' rl..'m:i111 i11g 7111k·ll-g:1ll'' ''Ill h..-appor11on1·J 111 t·:111didalt'" on lht· lt:1-.1:-. 111 th1: :-.t;1tt·11 tdL· pup1llar \'1111· 1'1·1·11•ni... la 11 ""uld h;11l' app1>rtiun1..•d I hl·rn lt.iM·<I 1111 ta11d1da ll·:o.· -;11111' 111g Ill 1nd111dual t'•>llj.!re:':-;mnal dtsl ri('I ~ :-.urrl:'rHkr t lw (ktohcr 1!)75 d ocu --:=========:::::! 1rwnt :ift l'I' I h1• .;1:1t1• SlJprl'rnt.· Court •1i41l--O.ON JA~l M \wnt >Wl t ' (()t (Jo,..,' Ont•' ,.,., ~l~UO fh ,u f'I (.11 ~l"tifi ( n •ru:o.L'U to ht•:ir h1~ :ippL'al vf thl' t·on Pr t•1 r11tr:-.h . 11 C'a11d1datt· ·x · ~ut r,,·1 l'l'l'l'l'lll or thl' ~\Ul\'\\'ldC \'Oil' hut <tnh :1:l pt-n·<•nt of lhl· '.!to dl'11•)!a{c-; l'hlht'n. 1111 lh<' h a:-;is of s ho" i ng 111 1'1111 1t-rnp1 d1arg1., DISCOVER INSIDE PARKING ON 3-LEVELS CONVENIENT TO All STORES South C!Jast 'Plaza O uldoo 1 equ1pmt?nl 1n kil r01n11 Sew II yo ursPlf ond save 30%- 'jO'\, 0v1 •r \..<'II 1µ111oh1,' tL'ully r nod e"' Pocks. tents. sle<:>otn~1 l11.1~Jr;. du\.\!\ f\ll• ·d porkCl5 b 1l<1' bogs. ev<?n comfo rters und f ),)!. '\\ \A HI• 'lll ,It 'I \ 111 .1.,.,111t1Slrt1, II• 'I '• 1 1~ c ·1~ CJ b C"c i11m1-"r ('(!I' It I ), 111 ··nt1;,lilt lr111' 1r; l1lJn rnr1lt:'L'1 j1 • 11 r , ' 111 , ir 1c J 11 •( 1r:,r· 1 r It 'I 1'I11 ( ·rt tn d Opt2ntr 111 p11/('$ Llrov. ir'l Ir; J~ i1ly1 l \rt.'t'<; 11 ' 11 0 lw1> rnn n IPnl hnrk1711t ~ c;IP1"'prrc l l l 1 J( l < l''d 1 11 ll• ' '.1.• k. 1.." torword to sE'e1ng \ ou at the Grand O pening' McDOMld Plozo #@@ lrilis ' J/Je ills n111f1 In An1/Jf/C/I bj IM!l'f!OIJI I 11922-24 'lroolihunt f.cMtfoln Yall•y. CA 92708 17141961-51)] Cr,1nd Qp1>n1nQ !';fore Hour~ J"'"' 10 th lhr11 :>Oll'I "Ao" Tur<; Wl'd Th11r. h.11 r., 1o q ~"" 1 '> 10-6 O.IOORSutS (l'orllol lht1ft9) ttarnct W lt!OM At.J'/01, /-(unt,,,gtr n nc~·ch ,luctpu Oavo<I S f'lt nlh (11e1 l At1rr Maclain Afi.lyo1. Crp1~~~ .• 1 tl)1.' R;,)'mOnd l homo•.nl"I 1n• 1 M ''l~a \Vc1'hour11 M it';U', Sl~nlOlt JvtltJf' H C C'•methr• 111, 1 > \ 11ny A1gb~ Mason /U HOll•n<ltHI Milro11 Fount""' Va/11..,, c. h1" t !.1am Srarll.) Cf~r1 t (,.lfC1("1't GtOI((' ,,,,.. """'· I 1mmy M11S<H\ r,, ornu Supp ~ Cow"c•f,..t'MbC!r,. lh n .. tuo~cr. 1. ct Drlrlh" Jti"tl'tl( t'·'"'"~ t 1, ''" r '" "' '" 1, ''Y M1tlt1t•y ,,.,,,,..,... N\tflfl1I G itf\1. tt1HLIO•ft A1101t'"' t'O~t •\. Sv' ~I-Ht i '• l .1 •• ., , ,.. ,.,, ,.,, ""'" '·' lp*t .,,. • ' ,, •• ,., ~ ,, .. ,., ti '''''" l .1·1 0 Com,..,un•ty ltod~o I t.1m t•C1m•1q~;tu•,1 t ft1•tf NN 1rt' M('llty ~ (,,,, ttf,y Jt•hn''"" 1-1 I n .• t;1n 1'1•rr: .,. •' A •·'~• I•~• t. t.~ M '' 1 •·rt1 t f\O••\h • '' "" Y\1 1..11 "rp1 ~ "!Ult• I'r1l.rlrf 11,Hltu. ~I' I '"" r.1hrrwv '1"' V11h·n1v•••I\ '•t•ft#ftf /lfo('l1'1 "' H••t>;un MUNt• Gemqe S• ... c.•d ••l t''' Co• Mo ~u~Crly l C41t•\ C.i rtand Stf'('Plt'f\\ 'Ion Cu 11tcn Ned Fo• Myllfred Jones r renk Moo•e. 0 V t.e Fr8nk Salos OA•"' Scringur O 0 S Viro n1.1 Steohr". l!~y K11n\~~ ~AY ['&tr.., Call 642-5678. Put a lew wo rds 10 work for you Cnn11 1tt1• • t .> • 11 Jtltl,111 E; .~ Paid Political Advert1s emen1 De a r W c:sr ur~lll~l' (.<>UIHy \'l)LL:r : Instead uf :1 i-.i ~1l 111 ever~ v:.H:~rnt lot, we hJve l:pcnt our m oney 10 hnng \Oii our candidate '~ qu:J l ific.1rions . ·BACKGROUND Phtl w;is born 111 Nor10n Vir J?1111a. in 1929, lhc younrcs1 of nine children He at.tended collrge a V1r ..'.H11a r •'Cho~ a scholar.,,hip ;rnd by working in the colle,Rc d1n111g halt Aftc1 rNc1v111g h1<:.B.S. Deg1ccin 195 1. twenl"'1Cd theD.S A1r Forcf' He was ho nor nbly rl1•.chorged from tile Air Forcc ill 1953 alter serving as an lntellt!"cnce Olf1<N 111 Korc<J With lhr-C I £3111 ,incl l11 s wifr working. Pini a ttcnc!cc! t he lJnrve rs1ty ol Vir~1 1111.i l.Jw Schuoi arid was awcHdecl 111 ~ Juris Doctor 1n 19 58 He m oved to C:aldo rr11.1 111 19'")<) and has rc!>1ded ill Wf'st Or,111re County to r 15 yedr'.'>. Pt11l ht1• 1>111•11 111.ir11Pd 10 111<. wd1>, Jean l<n ?l years and they .arE> lltl' narcnts nf ·two clnld1P11 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Ir\ his commun11y he ha<. o;erved ;is Councilman <111r! Mayor. Coach 111 L11ll( J cag1H' tor 1 yt".1r!'.. Vic<' I 1r-•,1dcnt o f the Ch.imt1cr or fommercP. Charrman of lht• 1975 M.:11r h o f U11h1'" .111rf Vice Cll;mrnan of [xplorc r ~couts A1c:;.i No 44 (1 975) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Pl11t h.1s srrverl 1111 thrrc romm11tccs ol lhe Or:inr,c County Bar Association and was rcr.Pnlly <'lc>clN/ ii Orrcctor o f rile 0 1J nge County U.ir Assoc1dt1on fr om the Wes t Or<\nrc Cm1111y Jud1c1al 01stnc1 I tc has pr<ict1c:r<1 law 1n Cattlo rma since I q6Q ;ind rn Oranpr County s1nre 1962 He hi!s never hN~n arre~t ed nor ~ha rged wrl h ;i breacl1 ol prnfc~.,11111c1I ethics A 1udge 1s reqt111ed to decide many types nl c1vtl ;ind cnm111:1I mr11trrs and Fhrl has had over I !) years general practice r xpericnce 111 civil .1nc1 r ri minal ra5es He ha-; s e1vN1 il">.i 1udgc pro te rn on both lhC' Mumc1p;JI a nd S11pe11or COlJl1S 111 Orange County 111lil w:t:-: rnwu We l l C)u :.ilific.'d for t l1i !--pos i lion . l'IL;1sL' :-;uppon Lhc qu;1lifid.l l'<llld i d ;1tc -1101 l llH till' 11<1111 C' ,-n11 ll;tv c :-;ccn tnt>:-;L on v~lC'~lllt lot !-=ig:n s . Judge of the Municipal Cou;t West Orange Coun·i·y Judicial Office No. 2 PHILLIP E. cox PA•d lo• by r.tr•lENl': ron COX H7~ .,.,~11•. S11•to 101 lol Alam•IO' C.A ')OJ~n Jant'I SltiOIPfOn CP'!l•tf\eonf'I R f t(no11 ... 0 r'""''"'e' District ~ DAil. y PILOT A I,. Sunday. June 6. 1976 JUSTICE DEPARTMENT CASTS DISCRIMINATING EYE .AT SEAL BEACH POLICE. • • ffrom Pa«eAIJ out In u d ocum ent that is the sub· Ject or negotiation between the agency oand the city -ncgotia· lions that have been under way :.int'e the filing or the d1scrimma. tion suit in April. sought for C hl• women to pince t~em in positions that they would "reasOniibly " expect to have held ha d they not bet•n dlb · crimina ted a.-:ainst He declined to comment on the effect of having e ight capliJtn'> for a force pr esently run by three. Hut 1t may cost the department some of its experienced officers '"I know t hul then· arc• at lea:.t sc\'cn men \1 ho an· lr\'lng lo find JObs with olh\'r departments, .. ht' aid. The Justice l>cpartment 1s try. ing to get Sl'al llcuch to ugn:e to a consent dc<.'rec that is mor e de tailed In its de m an<.ls than the de- mands contaihccl in the lawsui t. The decr ee calb for the virtually instant Jll'OOIOtion Of lht• fin• women by ch m1nuting :.tandard promotional practices. , The decree al so hints Jl tht> pos~ibihty ol lowering lht.• dl· partmen t's hmn~ :.t:rndJr'(b 111 order to £ulf11l I he prupost.·tl ·I I percent quota. ' Cibbarclli said that mo\ e could prove to be a f .ilsc r efuge l_x:causc Just1cC' Uepurtml'nt at· rnrncys have 1nrl1e:1tt'<1 that oth<'r depart mcnts in Ornngc County \II II 1.1 c :. c r u t 1 n 11.~,:d for tll~ · en min at ion <1 gu1n~t \\Omen when lhl' Seal Ul'ach t.·a~c 1~st·tllcll. The d ecree s talt•s th al the women may not .Le :-uhjel.'lcd L1.1 oral examlnulions a!-Jlurt of the promotio1111 l process ;ind that they need only to pa11s the written exam to he promoted. In the past, Seal Beach, like most other Orange County law enfor cement agenc1c:., h u!> grtJntcd pro mot ions on a priority basis. Those eligible arc given a written and an oral exam and the n a re ranked in the order in which they finish. Promotions are granted :.l<1rtin~ with the person who placed highest in the combined ~cort's. It S<lys : "If al should :IJlJH:ar <luring any year that the <1v<.11lability of <1u<Jlifi(..'(J fo mak applicants for the position 01 police officer is insufficient to al low the city to m eet its gcrnl fur that year, the purtie!'. shall meet '"determine what goul s hould lw used for that year anti followin~ ycnrs." Fenton dl·111ccl lh<•t .suc·h pl.in~ .11'e undc•r w;1y. hut. ht· nnt\'ll, "'thul is not to ~av that all in dcpendc'nt 111,·cstigati(ln b~· .Justice coullln 't be sturtcd ul any timt.'." i\ccorcl1 ng t o :.tat1s t1cs published b~· the• l'carl· Officers' Ht·searc·h J\~s o<.·1 ~1t1on of California ( l'O ll .\(' 1. ;inrnng l'illl'l> 111 Orangt• C.1un1'. Sl'<il Beach rank:. ;.1s the mo!'>t llheral in terms of nu m bcrs of \\ t•:nen assigned lo regular patrol <lutic ... Cibbarclli adm1H lhtll the· morale of the dt·µ•11·tmcnl h~1.., suffer ed because of the law:.u1L and the curr ent ncgot1at ions Fenton !>aid the promotions an• The decree process was agn•(•d to. he said. bee a us e the cit~· c;in- not afford the cost!\ and t 1 mt• consuming pr occ-;s 1iwolvcc1 111 :i trial and appeal. The res ults of the• ~tall.'\\ ult• -,urvcy puhl1shl•d 111 l'OIL\l':. February ncws p;.1pcr ..,how lh;11 the only law t•nt orn·ml'lll agenr~ 1n the count~· thi.11 has more Deadline Extended Orange County Fair ·officials ha\'C cxtendt'd the deadline for applica· lions to fair competi· lions to Junl' 11 Fair s pokeswoman Peggy Bay less said en· try b l ank s f or all categories of the fair. scheduled Jul\· Hi-2.'). "re a\'ail ablc in the ad · ministration building al the fairgrounds. 88 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. Exhibit and compelt· tion cntr v blanks a rc nece!'sary' for a ll depart- m ent)., 111cluding photo- graphy, home li\'ing and desi~n . fine arts. in· dustrial l'ducat ion , livestock. rlowcr show. and crafts For. furl her in forrna· Deatlt Notice• KUTCH MAACARET E KUTCli, r~~·~nlot 6"" W•\I 1•1n St••~I. Co•l<t Nw!s.J, (d O..s1t• ot d~olt\ J une 2. •'>1b. Survn,td bv ,, •• , wn. Denn.~ P. Kul<h ot Ld9U"·' NIQUOI, lwo St\ft'f'( (l•f11 t1ylton df\tJ Eto.111 P1"ko"'··lil.•. botn ot W1\c,. tnni~. qrdoar"lldnm NnliJn Butay Kuf<.h \..l'\t11~ ld1n ~uHh ~nd St~Phdnl Ano''' t<ut(n d,wq'"''' 1n I 1w, Su~iln Kutt n Mf'mnfflll \•''"'''"''' Sunday. Jur'\t' b u )'00 PM n••lh• j T~1·rs. Costa "Iv.•\ I lnlo•rm• nt. '-rl•nf1ton (c-m~ff'try ,,, M1Jw .1uk1 ,. w ... c. Balt1·8ergl"ron (U\10 Mi"'Hi Morludry O•f'~CtOr~ M"RK THf'lOOllE PAUl' MA Ill(, rn•cl• nt Of t U.,,d M••\,,, Ca o,,te ot tiedtn JlM"lt_t} 'Qlft \U,V•Vttd o-, "'' w1•~ Mary Allt• -.on. l n•)ooor~ H4l pr\ MAr'-. ot Weitm1nstt-r . Oaugnt~r, M1Hy A. B rown ol N t'wport 8f>ac tt . q1anOUHIOrttl"I, '"'I\ HcJrtnon ot S<ln D•~Qo, Oonnd Brown ot Newport Qe,l(n, ~~Stone, OL•nite Jenl'\(tnt .;no OeM•'lii MArk. •II ot Hunhngton 8'-cKh Q'f'.tt·C)rdnd<hUdr~n. J~nn1fe< Tt1l"W'hml Of t-tun l1nQ\Of\ 8~att'I and A lt\a Mdrmon ot San 0 1,.90; orotn""· N1<Plol41~ MMlll. of S,...n Li•IH .. City. Utah, ~l\trr, Paul•nt• ttumph,.#1',.\ 01 0Qdt-n. Utah 5..'rv1<.t!'-S •1 oo f"on" Monaav. Pdt•f•! V•t!w Cn•o•" tntprm,.nt,. PttC•flt V1PW M•·ml'U ldf ParK, "1t•wP<trf &-nt,,, (.ii ff\f: tnm11, suqqe\h memo,.1dt <Oi'l- 1 .. 1out1on Ge maoe 10 Tne Ht.!drt A\· -.0(.1df on Pc't<tf•t V1e111Mortuoryd1rto<· "''· lion, call 751·1-'AIR ----------- PUBLIC AUCTION _ SAT. JUNE 12, 1100 P.M. SUN. JUNI 13, 1100 P.M. MON. JUNI 14, 7100 P.M. . On View June 9, 10, 11 from 1 tOO to 7100 P.M. Thia HI• wlll ft1ture lttma from 2 prominent es- tate& that wlll M sold to the hlthtst bidder. Included In thh. Slit art over 20 pieces of lmarl, 60 pieces of silver, jades, lncludln9 an eleven Inell lavendar Kwan Yin. Porcelain, ClohonnH, copp.r, brass, .,.wttr & EuropHn furniture. Several tint turn of th• century art glass pltcts Including satin glass, Vasollnt, Lallque, Tiffany, CranMrry, EuropHn porcttatns, Limoge, Malollca, Balltek, BAL TZ·BERQERO N FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673·9450 Costa Mesa 646-2424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway Costa M cs.i 642:9 150 LAGUNA HILLS MORTUARY 25301 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hiii!. C.1 581·4300 McCORMICK MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494·9415 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK CemNery Mortuary Ch~pel 3500 Pac1f1c V1P.w Drive Newpor"f. Cal1lorn1a 644-2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893·3525 SMITHS' MORTUARY 627 M.11n St · I lunl111gton B'eac11 536·6539 ·THE rLUMltMG HU TING All COMO. If ... , ..... , .. , .... ...,. S• ~ .. , u trt Vot.ir Aru_.--tdu \O~~IQN Vl[J"l "t~l,11. 1UT'll"O( 101 11 I • 495-0401 1 .JCHA MC.,..A. t•.,11J N•JWOOll 8 1"¥'1 642-1753 KITCHEN & IATH REMODELING FREE ESTIMATES Set Ovr O•tPl•V" 11 h NAt•f t~•~Al"I n .. •ht '''!N I I t\. f,)/ , f l 772-3470 Hospital Requires Volunteers Volunteers <i re needed at Childrens Hospital of Or~mge County lo assi!'t trained pt•rsonm•I with the care of hosrHtalizcd bo~;s and girls. Arc1Jrdmg to Director <>f \'oluntct•rs Frances Staw1ek1, an~ one o\'er the age of Hi who \Ytshcs 111 o fft·r h1~ 'or h er sen ·1cc!> and t·an be a\'ailable a minimum of four hours a WCl'k -mu.' be a \'Olunt el'r. Some of the necessary scn ·icl's that \'Olunteers prO\'tdc m<.'ludc feeding patient!'>. escorting pa· lll•nts to the labs, assist- 111g with admbs1ons and discharges. and helping the n•crc-:ltl<~na l therapy 1kpart111t•nt with <1 rb and craft:. pro.1ects Th ose intcrcs l t«I shou ld cont act ~lrs Stawicki at li33·6030, ext. 7477 , Burial at Sea (714) 646-7431 Day or Night No S.••••~"' ••U cet4 2400 W. CoHt Hwy. Suite F ,.ewport 8e~ch, Calif. 92263 ... Plea .. Nnd Free Portfolio to: NAME ...... ADDRESS .•.. ·- City ............ rip f J M 11> P Call 642-5678. Pu! a lew words to work lor you ---·--------------- sworn fe mnlc 1>olicc omccrs is the county sheriff. and that those women arl' not used m patrol. The brc:ikdown for dep¥t· ments on the Oran~c Coast 1s : -Costa Mesa. 124 men, three women, none of whom is used on patrol. -Fountain Valley, 57 men, one woman on patrol. -lluntin~ton Beach. 171 men, ~\'O women on patrol. Irvine. 42 men, no women. Laguna Beach, :l2 men, one woman, not used on patrol. -San Clemenk, 36 men, Onl' wom an on patrol. The issue at the heart of lhc suit against Seal Heach is the al· ll•ged denial of opportunities to women who wanted to become µ~Jtrol offi cers. and alleged de· nials of chances for promotion to those who arc working as patrol offi cers. Fcm:lle police officers who h<ffl' bcc·orne ltl\'oh·t.•c1 111 these .· . .........__ --.... , suits through out the L'nltl'd St;.ites -not just 1n St•al llt•ach contend that \he pro<'l'<.lun•!> U!>\'d in hiring and promo\11)11:, art• dl• signed to excludo women These hiring procedure~ 1n dude a strenuous physical agr11 ty test that J4stire Ucpartmcnt ~tlorneys want Seal Ueach to eliminate . until u preJ11d1t·c-fre•e test can be dcsigm:d sµt•t'if1l'all~ to meas ul'c u c ;.inditlalt'0,'> 111 rtc." to function as a po Ii ct• oft 11'l'l' 111 Seal Beal·h. According to C1bu•m .'lh, 111~1t process means the hiring of a consultant -n furlht'r l'\JlCll diture of time and morwv that hl· says a city the size of Seal Heuch t'an ill afford. The same logic· 1s lw1ng appl11•cl to the ora l tests J!1\'e11 to jolt .1n· plicants and C'nnd1dak:. fur pro motion. Bec:ause the people who s1l a ... oral bqard t'"<am1nt·r•s an.• ;tll male, the gon•rnml'lll swt t•un· tends, t hl· i 11·uccss i:-d1 !> rrimrnaton ;rnd h as lo be l'l 1rn111:1 t t•<I C1bburcll1 !lCl'S thl'! removal ol 1111.., Ion~ :-t:rnding practice a!- dl·tnmen1al to the quality of of· frcers hired or promoted not just 1n hts department. lie says it utso will hurt any other department th<tl l'all be attacked on tht> same l!tuunds, which obviously in· l'ludt'!'> ull ul her Orange Count} law t•nfort·cmcnt agt'ncies '"The lllg issue is not only what they ;1 n• doing lo my or~anizu llun. but what this means h>local <'ontrol in gencl'ul. ··whut as huppening here 1:.. th.it tlH· pOli('ICS thut the r('SI tlcnts of this commumty 1lccidl•d un, th111 th('y selected hy \'Ol e, arl' IJ c i n i,: l h r o w n o u t l.J y t IH· hurcauer;iC\' "l' \'c bct•n trying to m;ikc pco pie in th~ othe r l'itics in this coun 1' umkrstand thi:,,. J don't know how SUt'<'C'Ssful 1 've been." Father's Dau.:. ., the GELS' • way Boys and girls, make this Father's Doy a memorable one Grand prize winner of the South Coosl Plaza-Angels essay contest will. • Toke his or her dad and the entire family (maximum party of 6) to see the Angels play the Boston Red Sox at Anaheim Stadium on Father's Day. June 20: • Hove lunch with Angels president Red Potterson and watch the game from his private box. • Throw out the first boll lo dad to open the game •Toke dod.1:,to the Angels' dugout, hove p ictures token with the players. receive an autographed baseball. Angels cop wormup 1ocket a nd Angels seat cushion RUNNERUP PRIZES • F-our prizes of 4 box seats each to the Angels-l<ed Sox game on Fathers' Doy. June 20 • Six vinyl Angels wormup1acke ts and cap5 • Ten Nolan Ryon signature baseballs CONTEST RULES in 50 words or fess. wr11e wnv v )U we"' IL' observe r r:i1hel s Driv Iha Angels' woy Entry ovo 11Qble 11r m r.:01. U\•-'I opero1or or uso o P101n sht,,>el of poper 1 ;r.f«t 1 .Jpf'n I 1 b• • orv t t" '~" . JI •: 1• l' i ntry d•:-odlln'1 !.JOO p m Mondoy June 14, l!r•r• i YC•IJI 1·11111 10 111(· C.oroust'I Court nl Soulh Coos I Plozo 01 send t< u•JI h {...1 1'J' t Pin,< 1 C:,r1n.--.rol Orrtce~. Cosio Mesa Re$ulls will be onnvuncf':d Jun<J lo i wenty runne1 up orizes ols<' wlll t "' o""o'd•" 1 ~ South Coast 'Plaza ' M inJl.. tined s ilk robes, all.9 Emba mink ***************************************************************************** jacket -collection of Oriental rugs & many fine piecei of Oriental porcelains & metal work In- cluding a Ming blue & White vast -E'tate lewtlry includes d iamonds, rubits, jades, emeralds & pearh. Liquidation of items from 11 fine antique store of Ea riv American antiques which has bttn moved to our warehouse & auction \how room for convenience of sale. Including -Franklin llS4 1tove, Caboose stove, Nouveau Bronze, Chlnolserlt tH cart, antique bott!H. Mtnor1hs, 4 Coke trays I 1'32· 19l6-194 l· 194'2) Zither Iron ware lncludln9 butter churn, grinder, couh reghter, ere. -Early American fUr· nilure. Don'! m in this 3 day ulravaganza of over 500 lttms to be sold at Publlc.Auctlon to the hlghtat bidder. John White -Auctioneer . A cata logue is available upon requHt. 1111 '. .r '' llNl :1 R ''"' WHITC ·B I J\UCT1t1Nll..I:>!:_; _. 1t~ tfl l 1 H l 1 ;-ill Piii(jE(iilsl ~ .. .. .. THIS TIME WE HAYE A WINNER! As Your Congressman I'll Support Legislation That Will: • Lower Feder a I Taxes • Cut Federal Bureaucracy • • .. .. • • • • • Strengthen Our Defenses ~ • Recognize Individual Freedoms~ Dan has been end0t..ed by the Hon. Craig Hosmer "former U.S. Reoresentatrve from the 34th District" and Assemblyman Bob Burke. ,. .. • Jt 3010 RED HILL AVE. COSTA MESA ( 714) 540·4098 ,---------------------------------------------------------------~------· VOTE DAN LUNGREN COMGltESS J4Ht DISTRICT • • • ,. • ._ ______________________________________________________________________ ,.. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Lungren. 3450 E. Spring St .. L.8. 90806 (213) 427-6071 . T. B. Furlow. Committee Chairman. .. .. .. .. « • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \ ( MEI'S CASUAL SLIPPERS Our Reg. 3.97 211 lorol 0 1 hom•• comfor! Wipe d 1•011 brown .ir>yl w11h lcm<:J lo,11ng "''" r--_BATHROOM CLEANER 2;100 ' large 17 oz • con for all bo1h1oom d~on1n9 needs .,..,wt. KNEE-HIGH STOCKINGS 19( CREW SOCKS FOR MEN 39~. Orlon· acrylic ·DuPont 11 .. 9 IM Lemon Orange rape Cherry MEI'S DOUBLE KNIT , FLARE JEANS -- 711 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ---- t TOPS OR SHORTS Our leg. 2•• 3.4 7.3.97 Mine,' Si1e1 fo. 5hotl •It·• ved.nylOfl lhul 01 llO uon !JOiy tl\fl'• ,hot'' ~,:>wt.• now ut Knh..11 t SLEEVLESS SHIRTS Gentlemen'\ cul Kodel poly .-_=-""""'_,\..,.~--........:=1 /. No 11on polyl'ster lcol· 1011 ~1111, with m~k lut· 11,•n.-c~. Men\ "zt:, · Sovc: 01 Kmort. 1'' e)ter double '-nil Hore 11:011\ Shop ond \Ove 0 1 Kmo11. 24" PATIO · BROOM . 2•1 Wide ei>ough for eo~y po1to clean· 1n9 Vinyl bru,tfrt So~e now LATEX FLAT WALL PAINT 2 ·!Q~ 619 bucket flat point. Avorl· able in white o r color~. Shop and ~ave at Kmart. CROCKERY KETILE OPl1yl11lully comlorrobl1' no·iron cOllc>n poly"''"' Yo v• cho1cl' o l terrrlrc •.ohd colo1 \ 01 prnll\ Cho19l• 11 a l Kmor t 250-CT. ORCHID .NAPKINS KMART BRAND SNAIL BAIT ) sac 57c A\>orted colo•-. !.roe\ up for \Vmmr:t p1cn1c ••mt" -.l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!l._ f Of tht• , tftf I Yf'> ~ O• h 111 cf \nt>,f\ t 'l'-Y 1 •,.lb. N•t wt. fO v•1• \uu1t oud .lv11 \·lie' 2-SLICE TOASTER ·991 . Pop up model hos s~lcctron1C color control. Fe\llve garden pattern. Shop a nd ~ave! N•I 4"'01lobl,. Co"'~"''• tcmott UNISONIC ® 911 ~~~ CALCULATOR ' 1222~. 997 .J Gj ~;_J_J ' .?..J ~-1 I E..J .:.J-'-' Cooks food slowly vsrng low heot to retoin notv1 a l tlovor. Shop ond \ave o t Kmart. Full function elcc•ron•c col· culotor wi th r>r •ccnt key. Shop and save o l Kmart. ·---- 1-oz.· COCOA BUTTER 1 CiALLOll WYLER!S• -rRAVRllfG- ACCESSORIES PICNIC JUG DRINK MIX Plo~tit con,tr uctron 3 oz pock\ CASHEW OR PECAN LOGS 39~. Your choice. Delicious. Heavy duty co 11~truct1on ossvrcs year\ of v<r Slvrdy _wooden handle' So11e. 30-GAL. METAL GARBAGE CAN~ 491 . Mode o f heavy gouge golvonrzed \!eel. 30 gallon copocity. Shop and sove. I.' .lltJb·I SPLASH f\ . 'P<. GUARDS L ' 96~. m.b Your choice a l acrylic or \lc,.f Vonyl-edged guord>. Pr J .11 f Not Avolloble Son fernonde l(m .. t I YOU DAILY PILOT SECTION 8 Sunday, June 6 1979 Recycling: Rebounding, Rewarding Stories by STEVE MITCHELL Of the Dally Pilot Staff Rccyt·hng "a:-.ll' JKtJ>t.•r 1:-,l.!ood businc:-s In far t. things un· gwng so" l 'll m the industry t hat pcoplt.• an: startin g l o s teal hundles of newspapers And this new breed of p<111er .Pilferer is not the k ind you usu<1 I ly associate with t•rime. The c ulpril s arc.· d1urc h gr oups, school kids ancl ('\'en scouts. ;iccord1n g to ~ew port Be at'h 's director or genl·ral servi ces. J akC' Myn<lcr:>l'. who said his r1l y "ill proscl·utt• puper thieves. "We <Ion 't want t1J he 111 t·<>m· petition with ~chools and chureh R:.i~· Siegclc. O\\ lll'r ot Ith· I Stop Rec ~'t· I 111 J.! Ct·nlt·1· 111 Anaheim. suid :-.titn"•:-. 111 111,. ,.,. cycling business also hlnJ.:l':-o up1111 how the buildin.i.: industry 1 ... do ing. "WllES TllE hullding tr:idt''i arc down and new consfructwn 1s off. the p~pc,r market is slow." he said. "because pape'r is used 111 building mater ials." Recycled paper is used 111 the production of roofing matcri:.lls. plasterhoard. ~ypsum board :tl1(1 other paper and wood ill.•ms 111 the construction induslrY. i groups who collect paper ... hl' said. "but lll'''·spaprrs. like othl·r trash set ou t at t he c urh. hccomt• tht· proper ty o f lhl· city .. AnothN fal·tor that sPt:ll~ sue cess or fci1Jun· in the w 1tll· rangin.I! r ec Yl' led· paper bu:-.1ne~:- 1s the slat(.• of t he l'Conum1t•:-111 countries that r e<:el\'l' pul µ goods. according to al (('ast lhn:l· Orange County paper sc11€.'r:-.. ~EWPORT BEACH I!> 11ne or the few cities in Orange Count~· that collect ncwspa11t..'rs for re- cycling. "ncl the <'itr is making " profit at that enterprise. Mvnderse said lhl' t it,. will have collected more than sso.ooo 1n revenues f rom :-al l' of newspapl'r h~· lht• end of .Jum·. onl\' 20 months aftl•r thl· rct \'cl mJ{. program was f)l•gun hy ·lhl' city . The S25 lo s:10 a ton n·aliZl'U from m•wspaper n·t',vtlin).! tod ay is a f ar cry from lhl' S.1 to Sti a ton collcclcd by rlt-alcrs .1ust a yl':Jr ago Whv the su<lckn rise in the value' of wasll' papN'! Demand. ':.i'~ Hob :\lanwrtl. pn ·sidl'nl of \'1~·111 l'aper Fiul·I' 1n Santa Ana "ll 's ju:-\ II i,.,. a nyth111~ l'IM-. hl' ~·xpl n1nc•d "l>l•m aml 1:-llll' ult1m :111· fal·l or 111 th•· '' a"l l' PUJ>l'I' ht1:-1111·:-' Countries :-ouch a~ T aiwan. South Korea ;ind .Japan deµ(·nd. heavily on resources shipfK•d to them from the L'nited Stale:-.. <.1nd paper goods ar e high on lh:il 11~1 of needed resource:- "THE ECO l'\O :\1 \' of tho .. ..,l' l'Ountrit•s 1s 1m prO\'lllJ.!, .. Sll'l.!l·h· said. "su cunscqucnlly lhl'." an· ask mg for more resource:-. ... SiC'J:!l'il', a :n -yt•ar-ol<I sc·r:1p ('Ollector . said interest in lhl' l'll \'ironmenl a frw ~·cars ago ll·fl lo lhe boom in n·c,,·clcd pap1·r col lect ing, He said l~li!rl ed m tht• ~<'r<11i hu:-int·s~ in 19G-1 ... onJ.! hdnrl' I c·,·en knew wlrnl ecology m l·:Jnt. .. and opl?nctl his onl··stnp c·,·nl t•r ~ix mnntm. aJ,!o in !\nahC'1m Siegcle would hkl• to °'l'I' 1 lw pncc of n •1'y d\•d lll'\\spapl·r ~1:1\ around S20 lo S25 a 11111 "\\'hen it star t:-. t·n•t•pll1J.! 1111111 S:JO Ill' $:1.) ;J 11111 , I'\ t'f',\ hod~ ,l;1rl -. ; Want Paper Money? ~ lntc r<.'Slt•d in p1ckin i:.( up l'ash for your orp:aniwt ion ' lll'l'l'·s :1 lr!'i l ol' Ornnge Count.'· news paper coll eel ion firm:-. :\kn-Cal P~•Pl'r Co . 10(l:3 E<ts t ·Ith St.. Sant :• ,\na. :>-Ii 7:>11.). Su n st•I F i hl'r I n ·inl'. lli8~2 Cons t l'lll' I ion \\' :1J Ea~I . I l'\'illC'. .'l.ill-1722 (;o lden \\·l'~I P:q>\•r F illl·r . rn:i12 Bul•n.i \'1.,\ ,1. ornnge. ,;:11 w:n G11l ckn \\\•:-;t P apl'r Filil·r. 11:;H:.? t;oldl·n \\'t• ... 1. \\ 0l'!-.lllllll'll'I'. ~!l I 1 lH!l I -Slop H l.'l'~<·hng l'l'llll·r . :ioo South :\tl'l1 b 11n St 1\n;1hl'im. 1;:1.r; 2 1~1 .J .rnd JI P;1pl'I' l'tl . 1~:1:1 E a't l°l'lll r al \q · Ft1ll l'rlon. 879 11:.?:t.? ll;dt..t111 t::nlcr~ U«ll Tuflr.ce llli1L.J 2.l;1.r1•1H 1.1 !t!)fj l:.!lili (;pf 11 prnh/1•r11 • 1'111·11 wn/1' /tt /'11/ /1111111 l'nl 1r1// n it r1•tf tt1111• 11o'tttH11 l/t. 111"" 1·1 ~ 1n11/ 111 f11111 11011 111Ttl 111 .~11/1 ·•· t11<'c/111t11·• 111C/lll 1'r 111111 ·ri111111/ 1or1 llf'\\ ·''"'' l/tlllf ,,,,,.,/, .. ,,~ "', .,,, 11111111 .lt \ llll/ ,'\1•ri·11 ,. ( '"""''' ( '••11~1 11111:11 ('1/11/ /' (I /Ip 1 f rlill c ·"'1u ,\f1'"I. (' \ •1;111;111 /111'/111/c• •10111 /t'/1•1il1111/t 11111q/1i ·1 '/'J,,·1 11/1111/lltl/'f'• 111 ~,/.11/11 1•r1 •'/•I Mmu.lnt/1>omi:int11rrl11us Blo1rPr11 RPt>Rll••d ot1 Wood·hurttit19 S10 .. •• DEAR PAT: l purchased a Signature wood-burning stove from a M ontgom ery Ward catalog store last October. When the wires on the blower m elted together a few months later, I re- turned it to the store. N ow I have to attend the fire every f ew hours to keep it going. I've told the store that I 'm dissatisfied and want to return the rest of the stove for a refund. But the salesm an said Ward's "sat isfaction guaranteed" r efund policy was only for smaller items. The catalog said that the stove would heat three or four rooms, but it does not. J .B .. Santa Ana J.B. Smith. catalog general manager tor Montgomery Ward and Co .. said the blower on your stove waa defective and It has been replaced. All blowers on your stove model have been recalled and replaced fr•• of charge. The stove did not dispense heat properly because the blower wH not functioning. Smith assumes you are aatlafled with the performance of the stove. C.D. Gutmann, national customer relation• manager, explained that In addition to the "Htlafactlon guaranteed" policy there are apec:lflc: warrantlH for all appliances. Another reeder, who purchesed a bullt·ln tlreplac:e, com- plained that the fire brtck c:rac:ked and the unit did not heat her home aatlafactortly. Gutmann aald the fire brick was replaced and the fireplace had been found safe and effective. A.H. was stlll dis- satisfied. ao she was offered a full $299 refund In exchange for the flreptac:e. • C'rftllt Gra11ted for RefllrttN o.,erC'.'OGf DEAR PAT : Before moving to California, I purchased a S9S , w inter over coat at Hug!'les & Hatcher , a m en's wear chain stor e '.I\ lllJ.! Jl.l)ll'I' .md \\ 1• "'' .1111p I h1• rn:.irl-1·t h1· -..11 d "(.'O'\~l '.0 1 1:,TI.\ th•· pr11·1· 1;111 .... ;111d lll'lll•lt· ll l-.1: tnl't«.tt tl lie "aid lhal 1 ... \\'h.it h:Jl •Pl•ned l\\I> ~l'o rs ;i)!ll, and thL• r1•..,uJt of · !hi.I t µarwr :.:Jul l\.J.-. the• !01\ .. Pl'ltl'" c•x Jll'l'll'IH'l'll l>y ~·11llcttor:. last Yl':1r .. Al'lcr 1 hat. t'\'l'l'\ 1irw l11"t m· tercst 111 r,·e~ C'l1n J.!. :\:ow thl' pl'll'l' 1" gorng up :IJ.!:1111." lw 1·-.:platnNI Sll'J.(l•l1· ,..;11d pfll'l' flu1·tu:1t 11111:- an: grl•:1t l'I' f11r \\ ;hll' papt·1· t 11:rll IOr olht•r f l'l'' t l.1hk crn~b .... ul'11 ;1.., cla,..:-.• r1u1i111111111 :111d rag~ lk -..11d 1h:1t .llur111nurn <":rn:-. <J n • OO\\ ln·111.1..:111i-: in 1,, t t•nt.' ;1 pound .inti th.it Ill' 11.1'' 11·11111 1 l'1•nt Pl'I p 11 11 11d 1 lor <'11l11n·d g)....,..:1 to 111\l' t 1 111 .1 pn11111I • 1111 tl1•:t1 ).!l:i... ... , 111 .1ddt•d th;1I ht' 11111 ·,\11p l'lln <'l'Pt '-J\ ,., p1·11plt· :1 1111 ul dr·I\ 111..: llllll' Ill d tl k l'l'lll l'l'l'~( 1111µ l'l'I\ ll•r-. "l'r.OPl.E RE \1.1.Y llkl' t ill' l'ttll\ l'llh'llt'•' •II brrll).!111,..! ;1JI lhl'I/' l'L'l'' t•ll-11 "llll I 11 ,.,-,., 111:-ti•;ul of n1nn111 :.: :rll CJ\ l'I' tlh· f Olllll\ Stacks of discarded newspaper turn into fresh newsprint at Garden State Paper Co. For the intermediate blending step. see Page 82. SltT l 'll' -..1111 1«•1·,t·l1n;.: 11rm.,, "lll'h ;1 ... ht'. 11:1~ 1'1111r\'11 Cl'11t1p ... and "l"honl ~ :tt'l'l>t'drrr:.: lo l h <' ur.idt• ot I tw l1n t1dl1·d p:qwr hrought In lht• \11:tl11•1111 drnp off :-.Ill( l k ;1ddt•(l th:1l ' J Ill lt.1 pp,\ rt I tll'l S."> fl\' r 11111 lit-:-a1cl lll'"'"·ll'l'I' •~ n1•ar the hottom ol lht• p1k 111 q1r:rl 1t.'. with C':irri hn:.i1'1I. t·c1111 pul t•r pri11toul t•;ird .... ;ind I W'll • :1rt1 ... r:1tlr>i;t )UJ.!hl'I' In ).!I :1d1• Process Removes Ink llP .,,111J Ill" 111 •H· pl 1tl'C''"•I" ~)0 In l.llOCI ton' .• 1th>11lh '111 go11d t I ll\l'" . Hol1 .'.\l.1\11.1111 111 \'11·111 l';qwt F1hl'1''. :-;1111 11 111 t I l'l'' d in!.! t'\'11 t1•r-. 111 D r .1 111..1 Cn11111\ :11'1· 1u:-1 ('(llln 111111 l'l'lll •'I' .... .idll1n).! I h.11 Im· S.1ul.1 \11:1 1111111· '' 11'.ilh ;1 palJl'I 111 11!-.1•1 .1,..1 I 11111 · \\ h.it 1q· "'"" 111 pn 111.inl\ 1, Ill'\\ 'l'·I p1•1 . ht• ~.t trl \ ll'lll l'clllt'I 1\,,.... 1·ollt-1·l 111ll i'1'llll'I"' .1l a 111•:irlH lol 111 :--.1111;1 1\11,1 :111tl .11 oth1•r :-111' 111 (11 .111,•1· :1rrd \\'1'.-.l llltll:•l1·1 Ill'. S ,\11) 111·: 1·11111 d111 :i11• .. lh1• l't'I'\ l'ltll).' 1·1•1111•1'._ ;1tlll dl•lf\ l'I'' hu11d11·1i Ill'\\ 'P.I Pl'I .... 111 l lw "'H'k" ;,1l I .011 c ll1•:11'!1 .111d I .<1 ... \ng1•l,.-. I I.rt lt111 ') I\ lll'l'l' I h1•\ :it'I' li1:11h-d .1hn:ird tn1't•11111I 1 1 ·1,1.!ht•·•·~ t'oll1•t•t11r S1,•1..i ... 1•1111111;11 c·d ht' I 'I'" I ;If fl' II I 11 I h." ' If l'." I I" I l '\ ·d I <II t•\\ll•'I' 1\1111 1.1\11•1\ 1111'1 -.to<'h l11 •l111 1 11 "'''t o 1h 1· ,1.1111 1111'1 h1111 ,. \\ 11.d \\I' cl11 I' .tt l'l'Jll 1111 (;:1nkn St :il e> Papt•r Comp:in~. \\htch ;iclrC'rl i!ll':-11 ... c·lf :i:-"tr1t· \\11rl<I ~ l ar).!n•I r1:1•\1•l1•r nl 11'1·d n I'\\ ~ p .1 p ,. r I n I n CJ II ;1l1 I ·'· 11l'\\ :-p r111:.'' OIJl'I ;11\':-. <111 t ht• \\\•'-I C<t.t~I oul or a lhn•t• ... 111r~ hu1hhn)! 111 l'on1011a Thi• 11a 1n •r rn1 ll muldll .... i., ''' l'l'll :11111 and 11)0 I on~ of 11s1•d "''""'IJl'llll a <la~ lo:.lnJ.! onl~ .rho11 1 l.'l IJl'l'l'l'nl •11 11·c·J;11111ahlc• 1 thl•r .ll'l'\\r<l111 J,! to 1·0111pa11~ 'tH1kl':..1n .rn 11111 S IH'l>P·•rd Th.11 's :11111 111 ltlll Ion' ,1 tl a~. :!I hours ;1 dav. fo r :IH I d:t~" a .. \\::ir.· hoa~tl·d Slw pp:rrd . :1dd1n,I.! that llH· tnmpa11 ~".., I::!.-. 1 •111 pln~ l'S I al-.1• C:hrr sl m a:-lb\ oll TH E ('0~11'1\~\·. 1d1wh abo 11:1-. Pl :r11h Ill 111 tlllllli .ind ·;'l;c•\\ .J1•r,1•\. 1i...1·" c·n1n1111t1·r..::rnd \111111 Slwpp:tt'(l d l':-l'I 11J1·-. a:-a 20 1'11111 " 1 d e ' 1 • r .., 11111 o r ; 1 In 1 c h l' 11 h l 1•1ldl't !11 t•l'o ol lll'l' ll i'\I Ill'" -,pnnl Ill' -.~1111 1h1• 1hr·1·1• plant-. p1·0 dUi'1' :1ho111 IO 1wn·1•nt of lh•' rll "'lll'tnl prod111°i.'d 111 lht· l '111ti·d ~tal l'"· Till' f irm '' :1 ~ l oundt>cl 111 H11 h.11 II I\ ~c·uddt·r. t ormt·r ru1in~111·1· 1.r 1hr rll'nmn '"w;srk- 1n Oh io. Th<· co,11 W d " m ade of "simulated suede" m aterial. The sale<.m .'ln a-;<.ur C'd m e that the m aterial w as more durable lhan real s11Pde, but, if 1t got wet, he told me I w ould need t o brush 11. After t hree m onths I returned the Coat to the stor e because it w a5 spottco and the "suede'' nap w as shedding. The <.a les manager agreed that the coat w as faulty and exchanged it for a s1mtlar onP. T wo months later , the new coat began look· 1ng just likt' th<' lir<.t on<..'. But when I r eturned 1t to the store, a c;alec;man to ld m e I should not have brushed 1t and indicated I. had not t <'lkC'n prope r car e of the coat. When the m anager r eplaced th<' f11 "' corlt he said I could return the second one if I had any t rouble . I've contdcled the '>tore, but no credit w i ll be QIVC'n to me If I r r turn I hrs coat. D.D., Costa M esa James P. Mack. vice pre~ident of Hughes & Hatcher. reports you have been gr anted credit tor the second coat. You used the credit to order a different type of coat from the store. Mack says you were the only customer to have a problem with the Hughes & Hatcher "simulat- ed suede" coat. More than 100 coats of the same style were sold by these chain stores last winter ChnrgP .,,i,\"HP Bri11g,. :lp,•logy DEAR PAT· About two years ago my daughter wanted to open a Sears Revolving Charge account to buy furniture for her apartm ent. She told the salesman t hat she wanted to pay in full when the f ir st charge statement arrived. He said this could be done w ith 110 problem . When she went to the credi t department, she thought she w as signing up for a revolving cha n~e, and she anticipc1ted the issuance of a c r edit card. She had actually signed for a n Easy Paym ent Plan. When she becam e aware of this, she w ent to Sear s at South Coast Plaza and paid the total bill. By these tac tics, Sears lost a good c redit card customer and my d aughter does not go to Sears very often now. I've had a good r el ationsh ip with Sears for many years and hat! In- troduced my d aughter to this store. I feel indignant about the way she was treated, and wrote to Sears to complain. I got the silent treatment in r esponse to my letter. L .D ., Huntington Beach Sears' public relations department spokesmen said that depart- ment would contact you regarding your daughter's problem. The aalesman was at fault In this situation, according to Sears. Major purchases usually are charged on the easy payment account. which coat• less In Interest. The salesman should have explained this. The Seare apokesman said that, although your letter waa not acknowledged, you now wlll be given a full explanation of Sears· credit policies. plus an ~~l~r the ':lsunde:,stanalng. Evening !\i('\\ !' 10 i'<cw .ll·r~l·~. \\ho patc:nll'd :1 ck 1nk111i.: prm'<'-"" 111 l h 1: l!I ;,u,, Thi' \\ t''' ('1111 .... 1 plant '1111'-1•1,,. U'>ed n t'\\ :-.pa fll'f!-I rom d\•:ilc·1 .... and c·1t1t'!-111<'lt1d 1n).! Fu lll·r11111 :11111 '\t•\\ port lh·ad 1 111 Oran,I.!" Count v. ;i:-wl'll a~ trom lhl 111 11• ... of s ~in l>ll',l!tl <>11 1:1ri11 . S:1n lk rnanhnn. S:rnl.1 lbrh.rr11 and (\1\ ina ;111rl :.r plful 1>'"'~1.1111 111 Sal·ra nll'nto Cou111 ~ SllF.1'1':\ltO :-.aid th:1t rlw pm l'l':'"' 1-; rclall\ l'I~ :-1111pll' hut 1h1· Sl'Crl't i!" Ill th1· mild c·h(.'ITi ll :ii' u:-1.'d 111 st·paral1ng the rnl-. ln>111 thl' t 1b<.'r Ba ii:-nl nl·W~p;qwr :1r1• 1•1111- ,.c,ccl to tht> m ill 111 a hut l-.c:I lhul 1·:.iri l':J IT~ !),OUO pound!< of p;ijll'r :ti :1 timt• Tht• 11~1'CI p11pcr ,., dumpl·d into I ht' hll'IHll•r , "lwn· 1t is m1 Xt'(J with w:rrm w:il t•r :ind mild c·hl•mtl'ab "Thl' H '('r1•t t·ht•m1cab pl :tl'" I hC' IW \\ :-111 k in ;1 ~I :rt l' 111 :-Oii' l't'll~ion 111 t h1• \\al er." Slw pp11nl l'Xplarne>d. .. From lhl' hlt•ncftor rhc pulp m o\ t'S through a "''I'l l'' t1f <:lt•a11 ir11.: pron· ... :-.1•' "hc·n· ton :i itn ma t1·rial-.. :-111 h :" .. ~ frrrrrr Snnrl-rrv--.11111•lt·- ments. ari• rt>ml)\ <·ii Thl• "1•t :-1 ul I 1 ... t lw 11 0111' 1·d h' 1·1111\ l'~ or 111 I ht· p.qw1· 11wk1n1- m..1ch 1m:. t•:.ilh·tf :1 Fourdnn1t·r. all l•r t lw In\ l'lilol' \\ lll'l'l' lhl· pulp 1:-... pn•:11l th1nh •I\ 1·1 :1 :-.t·n •t•n ",\I !hi:-Jlllllll lh1• ,utie.1;1111•1· I' !Y.J :"1 Jlt•n·t·nt ".111·r .111<1 :; l'\'f:n·nt l lh\·r." h<• -..1rd \\ 1\TER I~ '""'-l"I 11111 I" ;1 \ .11·1111111 llll'l'h.1nt'fll .111d h·:t\ , .... tlw p:qwr l~1 Jll't1 T rtl \\:111·1· .111tt :!.-. Pl'l'<'t'lll (d)i'r ' II ' Jll).I h:rrd ~ :-Iron).! e>nnu!"h to ~land 1111 11 ... '"' n." Sl1l' pp:1 rd :, ;rid. From llr t· J-'11 11rtl r in 1<'1 m:1t·hrn1-. 1 hl' 11 •1·~ l'll•d p;qwr got'" 11110 di'.' tllJ.! ..,1•1·11011,.., and 11 C'lllnl'S llUI ;1._ llt'\\:-Ollf'll11 :1t th1· llll11·1 1'1111 Sht'ppnl'd -..11•1 'n1•\\:-opn111 can lll' l'l'l',1C'l1·d 1•1gltl to I:! t1nw~. 'lillt \\1' dl111 ·1 r1 ·alh 1•onc1·r11 11111 '''" ,., \\ 11 lr I liar ti1•1 ;1u'l' no ll•'""Jl<ttit·r ""'' .di r1T~dcc! p:t fll' I lit· .... 1111 th1•r1· '' l'll11ll).!h 'ir).!111 m;tl l'l'l,il Ill lh1• """'Pl'll11. th:rl till' t•11111p,tll\' dtll', 11t1I h:1\ t· l o \\CllT\ ah11111 ho\\ m.m,· 11ml'-; 11 ht1.,. h t>t'tl I t-i'\'f'lt'tl --- Poymt-11 Is 0 t."Pr~wos .'1 r.-(,'ornpfi,•ol ••d DEAR PAT: I've contnbuted to soc cal security durltlg the past nine year s that I've been w orking in the United St ates. Would I be entitled to receive benef its at reti rement if I should move overseas? I 've written to the social security office in Pen - nsylvania wher e I worked, but no answ er ha~ been receive~. I 'd also like som e informat ion a bout the teast expensi ve w ay to move f reight luggage to Australia, plus information about the gener al characteristics of the Austral ians and their attitude toward new comers in their area. P .H ., Costa M esa Gordon Sawyer. supervisor of the Costa Mesa social security of- fice. advises you to come to the office at 1895 Newport Blvd. Your In- quiry requires individualized advice because of Its complexity. Sawyer said that there are 40 to SQ. pages of "exceptions" Involving collectlon of social security benefits out of the United States. In order to collect benefits In foreign countries. you must qualify under somewhat complicated requirements established by the U.S. govern- ment. Different rules apply depending on the country's communist af- filiations. "reciprocal agreements" and other specific regulations. If you are considering moving to Australia after retirement. a 10-yeM work record In the U.S. Is required before you can collect benefits there. As far as questions about Australia are concerned, your best sources of Information are the Australia Kangaroo Club (552-8357) or the Australian Tourist Commission (213-380-6060). You can get answers from these sources regarding your specific Inquiries. .\i•m f.,111r 1•r11fp(•f" Ag11i1ul 1'••fl•H" DEAR PAT : I sent $25.64 to Parker Distributors last Sep- tember for three Old Timer Mustang hunting knives. Parker cashed my c heck Sept 22. Two d ays later I received a postcard sta ting that the knives were tempor arily out of stock. I 've writ· ten four letters of inquiry. The last letter was sent by certified mail in Decembe r , andat that time I requested a full r efund. I've still had no responsefromthe New York firm . E .S., La guna Beach Parker Distributors has sent d full refund to you, but no explanation tor the eight-month delay waa offered. A Federal Trades Commission 1 rule effective last February Is designed to protect you and others against such problems. Mall order companies now are required to ship orders within 30 days after receiving them unless otherwise noted on the order form. If there wlll be a delay, the company is obligated to In- form customers when merchandise will be sent and give the cuatomer the right to cancel and receive a full refund. Mall-order companies must send refunds seven days after receiving a request. Violatlons may be repor1ed to the director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection (MOP). FTC. Washington. DC20580. , --·--' B2 • ~, • 1 L11 r > Vis itors Cl1eer \ 1111111!\·t·r-. ul ,ill ,,g,., .111· nccdt•d to he 'i111·11.il \ 1.1t111 • t11 111111111111 J>t·r~on~. Tlw llt't t'''''r~ t:d1·11t-. .irt· t;1l-.1ng :.i pe rs on:.il 111t1•f't''' 111 ,, -.h111 111 1'11.1!1111~· .d111ut cveryd:.iv .1fl.11r-. t.dk111g ;il111u1 1:111111\ tnll.'rc~t~ und "l'l"'.1rni.: .1 \\ .11111 .111d ft it·ndh, appon I he (/r:111i.:1· 1 '1111111\ 1\11 ·d11 .1l ('1•nter has ;1 nuntlll'r ol ..,;di·-. \1111 k 111•1·11111i.:s for tc:c:ns J5 :111<1 11ldt·1 111 1. .. 'u11111wr Tlwsc \'oluntccr d11111"' tf\\111\1• 1111· i.:111 .. 1u1p, thnrt ~hup and 11;,it;,, pho111 "'" k ,1\b o. ~·1uni,: people are 1w .. t11•<1 111 l11•lp \11th 1111' 111c1l11l1· uml~. s uc h u~ t•1.1ll (;1 rt " I h1'1111i.:liout tht· w.1nb. 1'111• 111·1·1·t·d111g p11s1t1111i-. urc avail ~1l1lc throug ll thl· \'o lu11t.1r~ 1\1-1 11111 l'enlcr . 1711 W ll.tll111a l!h cJ . :\t•1111111·t lk:1l'l1 rti7:Hl:.!l(JJ ~un11111•r " h1•11• .111d 11111rc rc1•rutts :ire llL•cd 1'CI :1-. n1:111 v n ·1.wl;rr \olunlt•t•r..; liJk1· their 1 :11·.1111111 \I "' 1·1 ::!1111 :1i.:1·111·11·' pt.'uplc ''1th .1 ,ftanng -.p1111 ;111d .1<11·~111· "' lll'lp arc ~ought 1•11lwro11.1,h•11 I 11•1111111 .i <:0111111111ng Im• . .., s 1w1·1.tl l"'''l•lo· .11 ,. 111 '""°" a ll o\ 1·r the •·1111111\ 1,, I""" .111d J!tll , 111l lt11ul tht• t·omlt1rt .111d ,, 1·11111' 11f ,, Ing 1wr'"" for J :.pcc1:.1I 111 .. 1111 It '11111 • 'I" 11'1\ 1· lo t.1kt· u child to lht· 111·.11 li Ill '"' 1 \1 .tll 111 1111 p.11 If and J.):!IO\\ ing 'llltf• h,1 ._ ti , "" 11 r1•\\ .11 d 111 111 101 .1 1 .1111•\\ ol pr11g1 .1111' "nee<.kd a .. J· .111111·\\ St ,1t1· I l11 ... p11 .ii 'l't•ks ht·lpcrs for Olll'·ll1 11111• 11r g roup' \111rk : 1·h lldre n . adolt·'l'l•llh, 111· .1<J ulh. indoor~. outdoors. uncl tnp., Spt·etl H' progr:•nh 1•mpha-.ii'.l' sociul clu~l11111n~·111 . !.>e~a~ 1111· ;1tlJu~LmCI1L..!>1.:11~.Y dt·vt•lo pm1·11 l ;111d 11h,1 -..t·al t•n\ tronmcn,t th 1·1Hq.! h n t 11 -.1 t·. I 1 t• I cl t n p-..' p I a ,1·:-. "11 d S\\1mn11tlJ.!. For llf'lt111tat1011 l irn l.!!-< t•;ill th1· 1111ml,.•rs lwlo\\ Tht• W t·'1 Ornll/.!l' ('()unt.\ \'oluntar y Action ('t•n tt•r pl.tc1· ... \olunll·crs rn thest• nonprofit '<'!'\ ll'l' age11t•w-; For tnfnrm;ttion about 0111•n 111g .o; <·ont:11'1 I hl' ni:w1 ol f1tc <tl 111 1 ~ St.111lonl 1\\ t•. C:.1nll-n c;rn\l• 15:!11 <1:170 1. ,,,. lh t• 011l1'1'.ll'11 ()flll'L' .11 .·,20 Pl't <lrl . Hunt 1ngtun llt·a1·1t 1 (H~I :nt:! 1 Help for 1 ·011 Prescribe Policy • ,\ 1·J:1ri ltt·atH>n of ,t,1t<.· la\\..; conccr n mg le.i;:~tl n•qt11renh'nh ol lhl' law nn prl''<·riplinn prtC't' po-.t tnJ! h<1 ' hl'<'ll i-.s111·d h,1· I he Caltfurnia Ill-pa rt mcnt of l'111i..11mt.•r .\ffa1r:-. The ckparl nwn1'-. .,fakmc•nt 1•xp lmn' lht· le~islalur1· 1n I !Ii I m;1d1· 1t m:11ula tor\' that 1·1·t·r.' ph~1r111 1tc·.1 111 C1l1f11r111:i po:.l. an ;1 r1111"J11t•u1111' pl:ll'l' :i 111.,t Ill tht• 100 11111!-ot w1tl c h prl':.C'l't ht·d d I'll).!'. ;incl till' 1'\llT1•nl pl'll'l' uf th;. thrn· nloo.,I "111t-I\ pn•-;('n livd qua1111t1(•:-; JI 111u-.t :d-.11 111 dt1'.1l1· Ill(• l''"' 111 profl',!:>ton;il 111' 11nnpnrf1· •'11111.d o.,1·n 11·1•, p1111111l-d "r n<1t jllll\ttil'd . ll llH•h 1·111llt'lltt1lo l11 tlt1•(·1.-.1 l'h1• d1•p;1 1·t nt1·111 ·., post I 11>11 1~ that 1.111\11 L· '" ph:1r111.11·11.,, 111 ('11mph 1111 h 11!1· 11111 d1•pl'I\ ,., 1 '.il1111rn1.1 1·1111'-11111\'r ... 111 1 lw r1 ).!ht to l'Plllp.ic' p1·1c•1• .... 11111 "'I' ti'<' 11·11rf,.r1·d T hi· d v p.11I111. nl 1 1 111·11 u1 .o).!1n g I llllMllt11•r .. '" 1'11t·1·\,. tho• lh'\I I Jill• tin I \ ,.,,, 1111·11· plt.11111.11·.' .ond ·11·11111t 1111j.i111111' 1u 1111 < ':il1fnr111.1 lfo.0 1cl 111 l'li.1n11.i1·, 01111·1·, .11·1' l•w.11t·n 111 s.11, ,;1111·11111. s.111 Fr.111t·..,1·11 .111cl I "' \n)!l'lt .., •11 .1 11111,um1•r Ill.I\ \11 11 .. 1111 1111111111.1111111 t•1 tit•· l ,t11torn1a :-01,tf I' Jl11,11 if 111 J'lt,11111,ll'\ JO.!I/ :\ :)l . S,tt'l'.11111·11111 I ',tliln1111,1 !l.1XI I .!\ ,-oi(I Mussels 1111• .1111111.tl 1p1,1r;1n1111r "' (';il1forn1a 11111··, .. 1 1. 111 1111•1·1 lro111 \l'tll thrciuJ,.!lt (ll'fnli,•r 'l'lt1· 1•11r1•11 .. 1• 1-. 111 pr11l1·c•I tlw pulil11· 1r11111 lh1• 1t1 ·Ith 111\fC' JI"'""" l111:r11l 111 shelll 1:-.ll d1111t11• 1h1· '111111111•r .tnd t:tll 1n1111ths. '1'111· 1, ,.,r1 .... 1 ll.11:11 d I' lr1111 1 rnu ~ .. t·f, but llt,.11· 1 ·d ,, 11,111 ~:1 ·r It•" i.-..... , ... 1•\t1•n1 , from 1•!.1111 ' 1 t11h 1111' \\ 11111• 1111';111.11 I.tins !:>ltoul<I !11• o•.1 11 •11 I 'I •Ill -lt111t ld 111· t .1l-.c•11111111' tro111 .11'1';h If'•·• ••I •'\I .11 ,. 1 1111l .i111111.1111111 .111il ... ti.,uld 111• 111111 .. 11• 1111 1·lo ".1111•d .ind 11 11 .. h(•d l1t•fo n • I fl••l.111 11" flltl I I "' th1 J'lll,11)1 I !Ill' (;rlll\ ;111(;i •. You're Never Too Old. • • .\J OL'~T V ER :\O~. \\'J :.h <API -Joh n llall \\,1-; 70 \\hen k1dne~· sur gt•ry mand11tl'<I ht~ n •. tircml'nl three ·' l'ill'' :1go :1:. a hcJ\ y dutv mechan1t· Hut he wantt•d to" or k ~ '\\'di. · lJull J t•c1tktl. "I ca11 still 1\ulk." And lw dPcl' .1>ume 20 miles u da~· ulung the hil':h\\ay t o collect t·n ou g h b11t1lc1> and aluminum can~ lo add $100 lo h1$ Soc1:d Sl·c unty llll'Clntc l'ach m onth . .. At ftl'!-ot I Jll!1t 1·11lll·(·t cd hot. tlt•s." :.u 1d Hall. "Bul then I · he•1rd Hcy11 oltb p:11cl 15 n ·nt-. ,, puund to r alu111111um c:11b .. Th:.i1 ·~ l:!I c·:.in~ Thl' \I alk111h ,., ~11<'1<! tor hiln, hut hl' can't clci rnul'lt ht•nd111g So ht• made a hook l'n•rn a gaft. ta'll'ned 11 to lht· 1·nd ut a long pole and I a~h10lll'U J l.1rgl' lia-.kt·l ol pluslJl' O\ 1•r •1 I r,1 m1· Bottle ;ind c-.1n g.1lh<.·ring 1, ,, full t1mt· 111li. -.,1\., Ball 'f .. l'\l;'r\ \l l'l'lt 1Jlll '\1111' \\llllo·r da~· 111 1971 when 1t \\a' "IHI" mg :a bh1.1.ard." h c s;tid I p1t'kl'd u p 31 case-. of !)cit Ill·~· Su r~. l got cold. hut at 5(l t'L•nt-. a t' a:;l', l m adt· S15~10. <11111 I could h.n·1· 1us1 bt'l'll honw. ~it. ting rn froot of t hc I 1rl'. not <lomA ;u1,\thmg " B;11l 'g.ct~ a ltlllc hl'lp Imm ht:. fncnc.b the -.tall' l1 1ghwoy l'atrdl. "Som etimes a patrol l'al' w1l l pull on·r ant.I t d l mt• where ~omcbody has thrown out some hccr or pop can~." hl' ~aid. But ;il umrnum cuns cind ho tlle:-:.ire 1.lecom1ng ha rde r to ftnd "At l im es l don't muk1· out as ~ood a :. l u ed to, .. he ,;ml. "Too m:my othl·r· f>l'lllJlt• .11·t· aftt·r them now ·· Ill' ha:. forsakt·n t \lo ol h1-. ra,·oritc \·ollecuon ~ll'l';"' ht'l':tll~t· he h a:. ~ct·n l'ldt•rh \\1111w11 ~t·;irc·hing m those St't'\;H'!-< I ll·:I\ t' t ho,t· pl.11 l'" .11011" 1111\\ · It~· "·"" 'I 11111·-. .1r1·n 1 I h,1t 11111gh lur 1111., .ind I 111.:111 ,. the1 n1•t•d tht· 1110111•\ trorn th1• ran;-wur:w than I d11 <" -~ . ll ' ;1111,111111! ll:o 111111.fl1·1 ••I t!Ood l'lmhl'' :incl 11 1 ~ I 111111 .d•nlJ! th1· ro.td. · !'<.t 111 li.111 f gu1·~-. ~m~ll dttldr1·11 t f\1·1111 t ll\'111 rnit lhl· \\ llldO\\ .1~ t 111 \ ·"I pl,t,\ Ill).! Ill th"· (':tr "lf I kno" :.01111·11111 '' h11 1·;i11 us1· lht·m . I g111 thv111 1.1 1lw1n . Olhl'l'll ·~l· Ill I \I 111-•It .111 .. tltl'rtl up ttttd \\.c ~" 1· lhl·111 ll• the (;oodw11l tll' s~1 h at 11111 \1111) B:.i ll gl'h '1'111111 • i lnr l'ach lal'g e µlas t 11· g;1rb.1~l' '~H'k ft1ll ul flattl•ncd t'an' .111(1 :lllcl•r11 ... 11 .~ fur bt•t·r lio11 IL'' Tht• 1n11t1l'\ It .... t:n:ahl<'d l11rn 11. htn ,, u , d i~., p1drnp truck 111 11 1111 h 111 1·:111 l'arr,1 ht~ lt>a<Jo.. 11. 1lw 1, n l1111• l'l'llll'I'' . ' Olll' n ·n·nl ", ,.i, ltill 1111111·<1111 llH p,i11111b ol alu11111111111 :.w ~l.1 :J,, 111 l';.-.h 'It m ,1\ 11111 ", 111 111-.1 111 ,, 11 lw ... ;11d 1!111 11 ,,cfd, 11p 1 .. "t' l , ll'.1 J1,1\ lilt Ill 1111 lltl II 11( k 1 \ t'l I 1111111t h \ nd t lh In ,fl .111 .111d , , 1•n•1,1• an· .1n .1dckd bl·lll'lll ~. ,( .• < ... ~, •• / ;;,,jllllll.__ ........ _,. ... ,... , ~~,,. r1 • i ,._; I , ~~;l' -. ..... ,,. -~ ~I • ~.-., -< ; , ~ ..... ··~~<: ,,,,.,. '."'_-~· " :· .. I ~,A'...~~~~~ .. , .... 4r. "'"~tfY.. .... ~-,. . ...;· ' .... ,. ~.-~~ PULP CONSISTS OF 99.5 PERCENT WATER. ONLY .5 PERCENT FIBER IN FO~RDR INI ER ' RECYCLING BOOMS. • • c F r11 111 Pai.:<' n1 i llP\\-.pap1·r \1 ,1-.1 1· .111rl put 11 111 ,, palatahll· l11n11 1111 1111' pulp mill. .. lw 1•lo.pl.1111<'d \\\· .1n• .1 rolkc•1111n 11·nlt·1 . \\1· pa1·ka)!1· IH'\\S Jl,IJll'I' Ill <t 1•1lll1·l'tlhl1• form · .\nc1 \lw plac•· 11 h1•n• St1·i.:1•l1• .111tl .tlnw'I all l ho · 11th1·r pap1•1' 1·01 k('I i•>n Ii 1'111" '111 Or:i11gt• I 'c111n f\' takl1 lhL·11· p.1l.1talilt pa111'r ,., <ianll•n !'ta\1• l':q >t·r ('111npanv 111 Pt1nwna Carclt-11 St:1l1• n1111ra<·l -\11th nwrc· titan :!:! 1•11lll'l'l1U11 f1r 111 ... phts :1 h:111df11 l 111' t'tt> nm :1gl't1 CtL'S. :-.1tl'h a' N1•\\ purl lk.'at li :\<'\\ porl ·~ M .' 11d1·r:-1• ~a> s t hat l11s ('it,1 g1•t:-!<:! p1'l'('l·11t 11f llt1· mark1•t Pl'l<'L' I 11r 1111~ortc·cl :.inti 1111ha1 lt•tl 111•11 "Jl.1p1.,., 1·0IJ1•<'l1·d h\· a Pom1111 .1 d1•.tll·r \\'h11 d\.'11\ l'I'' 1111· p.IJH'l' It• c; .1rd1·11 St.t11· '\\·,. lh'I t•tllwr :-.:! p1•n·1•n1 ,,,. .·•.-, Jlt'I loll, II hll'hl·\ t'I' t' :,:t 1'.tll'I' Ull cl('t' :r rr1·c \1'!11' cnntr:lC1 :\f\11 dl;r~<' l'' µI;; 11wd "R ECE~TJ. Y I lw pnc-t• rn:-1• to ~9 a ton t<1 tht• t il\. ancl tht-. mnnl h \\'!' rc1ll1·1·1 l'<I S:t'L 80 a ton ... lw :-;;ml "Tlw l'l"il J,!11\•s to lht: <11• .tll'r." .\' t'W po rt lk ;1 ch ·s 11ul -11f-pcw k1•1 cost for the reC',\ ('hllJ.! prog ram 1:-. 11.!S:> thun S:i.000 a ,\ car. '.\1~11d1 ·rH' 'uid or lli lh'1T1 •11t of f,.!ro~s n· \\'tlllL' T hal :111101111t 1s mos\f\ dttl' lo l'LlSt u( l'.\( 1',I trip:-h,1 lht• •:111ttilt I01l Cl'e\1 !-. l ie s~1icl profii... from t ill• l'l't'' c·I 11t g upt'ration "il l e n;ahk llH1 ;.,, \ In lJuy :t nt'w mt•chantl':tl ~tn·c•t ·rn·ct·pc r or ;1 l'l'luse tru(·\,.. or p;I\ I hl· s;dill'll'.S of ."l'\'l•r:il l'lllJ.1111.\ 1•:-. _,l\'~DERS I-: had some 11th1•r 1mprt•ss1\'I! ftio.:un•s rcl<1t1"<l to 1hl' <'sty's progrum. lie· s a11t 1lw I 'l~.IJ Ions of ncws pap<'r:-. n•d.111111 d hi "\111111irt lkuch l·:rpt:llc:· t ht pulp prn.t1.1: nl .1ppl'11 \trn.1l1·I\ :!:1.111111 11,., \\ h1t•h \\ llllld (u t11·1 t'''•ll \ In m,11111f:1t·l111 t• 1 h.tl .11111111111 111 nt•v.,pnnt S;i\'('' fUltl11 1uh11 \,1rd 111 '('arn• lanlfllll p.ic, 1\ Ii•• h \10111<1 ltl' 1w1•1kd 111 11111'\ lh.ot :11111111111 111' l'·IJ"'r al th<. 1·11u1ll\ dump Hnng'-111 S~1\l.OOO .tolol1t 11•11..;i l'('\l'lllll' to 1111' I II\ "S11 \\\1 a1·1·compl1 h 11l11·1 i.:11als." :\1 ~ tl1·r" ~.11d · \\ • 111.1'-• 11\lllh'\, ·';1\'o · 1111'." a1td •;111 l:a 11t11ti1 ~p;11·1· ' "\11d tltat ·, '' h,11 !hr '' tl11io (ll'Cl).!I' ~Ill) ...... h11111 Only lhe Oa11v Pilot really tells ,..-.,.,.,_,.,...llll.il~':S" new in you• loc:il comm~ every day 1.1m1W·1J *ANTIQUE* *AUCTION* GRAND t;tOTB. q I HOTEL WAY, ANAHEIM O ppo,ilt' "'40111 Gcrft. Oi~•yl0t1d St>tr•·l1r1 l>\,l""·j!>"• Holl 1111) De~I\·. M.irbll' Top Wa'.11 t.o• <1 /\11 N 111111.i11 l'111C<'o;. W.111 & M.an110 Clocks. ~ar~, J I .111 II Uro.111, U..1wl .;llU f>llChur S,•ls, Piano Ste• • l 1·.1 h•d Art c.1,,.,s C'Jb111cts P11b M11101s Tile 8Jll\ H.il1 l•u"' Ft-en and Pinnt St.111d" Wooof'n°Coal Scunr. M.1h .. q.inv C' ,.,., r ron1 Cn1n.i C.tb1net" A• '••I•·"• I' 1•1• 1•h1 llr. /\llr1 hi\ I\'-t It\ •'I MONDAY JUNE 7, 7:30 P.M . h-tt .t.dmi1W-.Coclitolf1 4•~ JOHH lll~.4UCTIOHEH Prt•i•w 4 p.a-091of S-. 121 l l9l 6·l tl I or17141772-7777bf.ZU ANNOUNCING GARY COMPTON Now l\·;soc1al(l1J W1lh Lu11etta's DHi9n Pla'a · 240 M•wporl C•"'"' Dr. s.,,,. 220 • "'-640-60 23 . ·~--.RASMUSSEN'S, ._ .. · · ~ ·Saddleback Saddlery Mew Shipment MEN'S AND LADIES' BOOTS Disc:ontinucd Styles Tony Lama Ju$tin Nocona Dan Post ONE LARGE GROUP ALL SIZES 30tc50%oFF One ~ W estem & En9lish SADDLES · 20tcJ0%oFF ENTIRE STOCK HORSE BLANKETS & SHEETS 20% off Speciaf urc ose ladies & Childrens HUNT COATS Blac:k, Green & Blue Compare 011fy s379s al S9' OISCOMTIHUEO DITTOS I 00° o Cotton SEVERAL COLORS Rt'~1ars 990 SI 5.00 , RASMUSSEN'S SADDLEBACK SADDLERY I 39 22 Newport Ave., Tustin N S,1•1ta Ana Freeway! Ph. 838-0800 I i1•tll1dt llfl'.lllf .. Jll\\ft11lt ,q• ... thl'lll'l'ollf II ti o I d d1 1·11 I O dd1 h ht Ill\ II I "l"I' .1t1d I , l1111tf f111 I I 1111.lt•ll It 1 do,., .,,.,.ft ,1 11111'''''' 1•1.1111• .W.J.....-..U. ! -• \ u. d il!Li!. t..L.lh .J 11J. .'ilium 1J tf II I 111 I I I. I 1•!.111~ '••ti llt• 11·l1•t1• 1111 I•' t-. ,,.~ •• ~1~.1~11:g~.~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ., ..... ,.1.1·····•1111,.... WA I .111111 '""" 111•tt .1.tt111 1111t ,,.(... 11 .111, 111 "Ill• •I• I "I•,,, . I •• 111 ti II• I\ •II \ I• Ill l'llf\ , ..... Save on a La Maur perm for summer. lrri!C>n .\1.f lit f: , -, f 111 l apr111• J1q; :: II tltl 10.66 14.66 GtT YOUR "COOl" FOR SUMMH HOW! 20% OFF MOf!. T1tn Wtdo OHL Y ,_.or priu stnices.: SHAMl"OO, SET & HAIRCUT lt 111irt1 -.101 TED TOP CASH DOLLAR PAID FOR Gold Jewelry Di a monds & O ther Fine Antique or Contempora ry Jewel ry W atches C rystal Po rcelarns Chtnd Paintings Bronze Statues Silver 111 lage or Classic Autos Boats Antiques etc w .. ..ippr 1he & buy "I· '"··~I.sic~ 01 l>1ngle llcms or ""t"ll i.cll ttr IOU -'" C:OOl llllSl>IOll II •"'ll 0 1>11 I know wh,it·tl "'u1 wh.:il ti 1s worth -b11ng 11 an (or<.. tll 1l> .rnd we II com.:-ou t) No obltgatto n or c harge tor verb..ll 1ppr.11s.d !!tilter 1n yuur lw me or in our gallery )4~~r~.£u. APPRAISERS 2S42WES~COASTHIGHWAY AUC TIONEE RS NEWPORT BEACH -64S-2200 t:.::, if, It Al l1HAl~ALS ANO ::>ALES FOR LAWYl::RS • SANKS • TRUSTEl::S & 1:.X~ CUTl 1H;, Brush Cut '76 11.00 1," llf ,,, 1t• "! I• I. I 11 t !' ,\ ' ·.·1 . ! I ' k 11 1 • l-'1 ,:·!1 c I J ti 'lrr -1f ! 't· J' " i I I, ,, .. 1, 111 •I I'·, .. ,\ii I ! ,. ,11, I , .. ' ; ... , ,, I. k t't• I !' '1 r j • !' \11 If I I J IJ I I 1111. ~1 1 ' / .t' I './I •I II I I• ,, ., t !'. I i ''11 l· I . .. I 1· I ft l I .. I' I "·I I " .. j' ,I ) 1.00. .. MaruC\Jrea •Pedicures • f acials • Eloctrt'lyR1a I C'W; l't A• lf .',\:O.'TA Arl1\ I ~t I '.; I \ .; VfRDf. MAfl!NI\ l.AJ<l..'WOOJ'I NIV..'J I f '., ~m R !.,\ Ii.\ 1H,\ .;;.t; ... !! ,..., ... A .t 'NA I U:..!..:; AJlC,\u lA WU>TM!NSTI:H I • ~ Stunt Wo~en Seek Equality • They Risk Lives Too I.OS A '\C l·:I.~:-., 1,\1'1 lier h:1nth J.!l"l''' nurnh :i-.1hl·~ dung 1 othl'r:11J111~ in thl· 1n \ '.1n.11l1a11·-.lunn l'lani..., 1n tlw l>rnlg1• I IJIP\'" (111 :rntl 11'11 IW ll·et LO lh\,' i.:uri.:c h l•lo\\ ,\ h11\'l' h\·r. a hdtl'"Pt\•r '' h1rrl'd 1t ' hl.1<11· tu" l11p thl' hndgl' from • ... 1111• 111 '1<11· • 1>01111.1 ( .. rrn·t I 11wlwd her way ;tlrmg tltL· IH'I !11111:-. p:rlh\\ av, finally rca1:hing lh1· :-..dl'l~· 111 the other .,tell'. "Cut." the d11·1·1·111r 'hou It'd 11\'t'I' I ht• 1Jullhor11 "l.1·r:-. rl111t 11111· mun: llllW " 1\rul 'CJ 1>01'111.1 (;;1rrl'lt and <i fr•llow :-.1 unt 1lt'l''!111 011l'l' n1or<.· r1~kcd their II\ l':-. lur th1· ( 'olunt111.1 111111 "Sh:11l ow of tlw ll;l\1 I.." 1111 lnl'.1111111 111 thL· Cana<l1~111 Hol'k1l'.., :'\JR~. (;.\ttRt:TT. .• 1 hrun;.tt<: lil·:tUt\ ,,f :t:: \\llh .rll ;rthlt•lll', ... 1t.1p('fy l1$!1lrt'. I\ p1I"'' I loll\·,, rn1d :.. ~II 'tunt \\Un1l'll, \\h11 .al'L' <lt•t1•r111111t•ll I•> ht• h1·anJ .ind h11·1•fl It\ I ht• 11111\ 11' .md ll'lt.:\ 1..,11111 ... 11111&0:-. Tl;,., l1.1H· lurrn\·d llw Stunt \\'1111w11 .... \ ... ~ol'lal11111. \d11d1 ha:-h1·t·11 mal..111g '' ~·' l'' .diout the 11Hlu:..try·::. :..t11111 llll'IOJ.! TliL· .ii....,11·1al 11111 h;i, 1i-:-.twd :t tum· plaint th;1t too 111 .111~ 1111·11 ~rr~doublmg 111 <ln•J.! for ;11·t n .,...,., "Thi· \1 Ollll'll .in• 1·:1111-:hl 111 the m1tl· 1lh'." i.:1111 a :..tunt 111:.n who ts :.Ym· p:1thl'l1t· lo tht•1r 1·;111:-.1.•. "ThL· :-.h1d1os.arc 1111\\ n·qu111L·d lo h1l'L' i-tunt <·oordirwtors 111 :-up1•r\·1:0.l' :H·t11111 stuff T hl'Y do the hir· ing .and nat11ralll' tht'\' fa111r 1.lll'ir u1\ll ll'll'llrl;.. \\'IHI ;ire llll'll.. "Su If 1 lw ''omen 1·omplain t.110 mu~·h . lhl·~ 1u~l m:1kr the ;.1l11att<m more daf · l1cull '' rth I hl' nH'n \\'ho hire them." "I k1Hl\1 lht• :-.111111 nwn l'Onsidcr m e a 1ro11hf,•m;1kt•1', ;ind ht'l':lllM' t, ha\'l' hN·n 'II out:-p11k1•11 I \\ orkl•d 011ly JO days l<ist \'l·ar.' :..:1111 D onna (iarrell. "I don't l':1n· I hel1L·\ l' th:it \\ll\'n lhNt' is a :-tunt 11111111111).! a l1•m.il,• d1araclcr. a wom;111 ... houlll I),· a'l-L·<I " Siii·: C:l'f't:U .1 n •1·L·nl Haqt1('l \\'e ll'h ltlm. ".\lolht:r. ,Jugs :ind Sp('cd." 111 11h1ch a t.lc111hlt• 1\ :1:-lll'L•1ftod L11dri\'C a cur 1.1,L. .\Ir:-. l; arrl'l t. \\ho ha:.. duu hied for .\lrl>~ \VC'lch 111 otht•r films. as kC'd for the 111h .She lears\l'd latl•r that u stunt man had 1wrformt•d for tht• :-.tur. P<ilt\ EldL•r. a rirml v hu1lt blonde who hus lW~'n stunt mg for iR of her :l8 1·eurs. s:~''s. "I w ;r:-111w of I hL' first uf I he "'·onwn to· :-a~. 'I .l·l · s du the touJ,!h stuff.· Tht· 11lt'll s:il hark a11rl :..:11<1, ·\\'c'll wait and :->l't' 11' th,.,. (·;111 handlt.: 1t.' Wc"\'l' pr<>\'l'll lhut 11 L' t' :Ill, ;111d wt• <ll'.'H't'\'l' f'ir.sl c·1>11 - :-.1dcr al 11111 '' hL·ll the stunt in\'olves a \l(lfl'\;111 •• i\l1ss Jo:tckr 1i. a n :tll-arnund performer l\'ho l':1n 11<1 :111111 \\Ork. hnrst· falls, icl' -,k :1ti11g. wakr s kiing, lug h ch\'es. you naml.' 11. In "\\'hat's Up. Doc"! .. slw tf1•ublt.><I ~ Barhr :1 Stn·is<ind. !\ladC'lioc Kahn a11tl ;an old la d\· l lL'I' h 1gi.:csl onl'· eta.'· C'hl'<·k I\ a:-$2.tioo for dri\'in~ ;1:- f;old1e H uwn 111 "T lw Suj.!t•rland E~ ,I STUNT WORKERS CL1NG TO FLIMSY BRIDGE 150 FEET ABOVE GORGE Donna Garrett (at Right) Feels Women Are Treated Unfairly ··.\)\ ear h:id 111 hit ,1 lrur l.. h,•;itl 1111 ;i, we ;1j1pr11.11·lwd 1111 ,1 l•rHI;.!•'. 'hl' I l t·ulkd. "I h.1d 111 .,1nk1· lh1· trud; 111'-o\ n~ht. tak111l! .1 1111•t·1· •ill d :t h1i.:J.:1•r hit anc1 1\\1..• hoth \\1111 ld h~''' glllll' 1111' tlw bridgl· I htt 1t rig ht . SHE :\O'.\ll'fT t:U lhl· r1·-,1,t:111c"· 111 m;1J1• ftlm 111 ;JkL'I''> lo t•mplo.11111-: .. 11111t \\0111\'ll "t\ll'n d1111't ltl-.L• \11 St'I' \\1111\l'll hit thl· gruunll: lhl·~ lh111k 1q• gl'I hu1 t more," :-hl· :-aid · Bui\\\' d1111 I It·:-.ill :1 111alll'I' of Jll'l'P~11·1111! lh•· :-tu11t 1·~1rt'lulb ;md knowing htl\\ 111 fall ·· .\I 1s:-F.ld1·r h,1., h,1d an1 11111 nlwr 111 S('l'<lfll'S •111d hru1 -.,·-. h111 h.1 .. h1·1 II h11:-.pil:il11t'tl onl~ 11111·1· l>11uhl111 ;.! l<>r l.111 d;1 Bl;11r 111 a teln 1-.inn dr;1 1n.1 ,11,. r1 :1n•cl a h111·:-l' 1111 111 ,• 1'.1nlll 1'11,1-.1 ll1gh\1 a~ An 11111·11m111g 1 .. 11· t'.lllll tnu dost·. ;11111 hor:o:t· .111r1 r11l1·r '"'"" 1 u11ti\'1 Thi· hor-;e s un 111..•d . 'Ill' '11l l1·r1·d .1 turn gr111n and 111t <·rn .ti hl,•t·d 111g Rl'n·11th· :-.ht· '' :1 ... cto11hl111 c 1.rlh .i nd ;mto stunis for ILirhara 11 :1rr1-. 111 1>1, · ney's .. Frl'ak~· Fnd;1' Till :-tunt coordin-ator '' :1:-l>1t'I.. Hull1•1', 11 ho :-.1 111 pathi7l'd \\ 1lh 1111' \\tHl1L'll :-. drt\l,' l 11r m1Jrcstunt:- ··1 think th1..·1·1· t:-a 111•1\ :1tl 1tud•• 111 tlll' i11du;.tn· a:-\\'1·11 :i,.; 111 tl11 · <·0111ltr\ ... 111• ohsL•n·c·d "ll h;1., hl'l'll broug ht ;1hnu1 h~ the 1•amp;t1gn for \\111111·11':-. l'I J.!ht :-If the· stunt t•alls for ;1 wom;111. \H' lr:> our IH·:-l Ill f111d a woman to du II "There a rt· :->lllll1· :-tu11t ' lh:1t \\ 11m t•11 might not want L11 do. "lldl :" ltifl, lhr<>lll!h 11 mdo11 .... 11tf llll' 'lcll' 111 m11I:-. OVt'r hall'llllll'S, But lhL•r,· .1n· not Ill.Ill\ stunts lt•ft I hat 1\ 11nw11 l':in1111l clo. · ··WOM t:~l'SEll 1•1 (l;ihhl1· ;if :-ll1111 -. lthcre \\l'l'C ft•\1't•r th.111 IO '111111 \1111111·11 in thl• '40s ;111d '[1(bl, hut nti\\ thl•\ :111 '1nrk111g hard ;11 11 Thl·1r ,.rnull-111 in tl11 pa't \I a' t hal 1 IW \ h:itl 110 rh:mn· to l,·:11·11 hm1 o,t u11h :1r1· ,:IJ.!;!.t'd .\m1 lhe_\ \I :dch h•I\\ lllln).!' :irt· :-1•t lip " ll1111na Ila.II .. 11;. dHI lwr lrr:-.t mo,·11· :-tunt 111 19:!1'1. f:.allinJ.! lrom a hor:-.t• for E ct 11 h Ft· 11 o '' -... 1 n · · I.it t I e ~11 :--:- ll oit).! h n l'(; k .. 1\fl\•r 1'1111:-.l11nJ;! sdiool. 1>11nn;1 bl·~;m \\11.rk1 1IJ.! full ltm\· 111 ltlllh, :..pL·t·1al11111g in'' \•:o-ll'l'lh "I J.!l'l'\\ up around hor·M·:-. :-o 1l 1·;am1· · l'a;.,\' l<t rlll'." ~ht' :-a,, ... "Tht· tn1t1IJll' 1 ... t h 1• ,. d 11 n · t m a 1-. L' rn a 11 ' '' l' :-. t l ' r n s ;10\ mor,., :-.11 I '<· had 111 r1'11 ,.1 :-.11 \ Tlw onl~ thin;.! I \\on 't do 1:-\\;1tc•r ·\\Ork . .although I did th<· r :ilt "L'l'IH'" lur D L·hhlL· Rt•\1111lfls 111 ·1111\\ lht· \h· .. l \\':i:-. \\'1111· ;11t~·r tlw~ a:-:-ur,•d n\l' I ''ouldn l h;11e lo ).!11111 thl' \I ,l\('I' "I l':in :-.\\am. hut I m not an !'\l)l·rt :o.\\1mm1..·r. \\h,·11 "'u g,., 11111 of \our lrl'ld. ~11u'n.· :1:-.krnc turtruulJIL·" · E1t•n 111 hc·r 011 n lr«ld. ;1 ... runt \1t1m a n t·an ,·nt·111111tL·r t rouhh· :\It:--, I lall '' ;" ll•:1111 n.:.: 11lf :1 tr:11 n tor .J.11w Fnnd.1 in "('at B:ill11u·· '' hL•n i..h1..· l11t a :-mall rock and tor1..· l1:,::1mt·nt:-. 111 lll'r IL•)!. Tiit: :\l()~t:Y \';Ill Ill' i!IMld . .\li11i m11m dad~· s:ilar~ 1s $J';'2.!i0. but th1· "lmpk;.t tif' :-t 11111:-1·;111 hrang SlOO 11111ri.: on top 111 th;1t. Stunt p\·upk bargain \\1th lllm <:11mpa11tl'S for n10re h:11ardous \1ork. l'X :1('1 1111! f('l':O. that s 1>ml't1ll1l'" ru11 a:-. hig h "s S:! .. x11J. 1\ln;.t of llH~ stunt wom\•n admit that lht'.\ cnio.\' till' l'"'tll'l11l'llt and l'h<1 ll1•11g1• HI' ll1L·1r ''or!.. But sunll' ha\ l' n 'SL'n ·:a· t11111:-.. ·· 1 h;11 ,. a :-;1111 Frt•d . :!I. aml a claught<'r LOl'IL'. l !I, who al~o tle1 ~tunt work.·· l'atf\ Ekkr rl'markl•d ... I cl11n·1 mind m\' :-11i1 hl'tnl-! 1n the business. bul I'd r;1tlu.:r n11t h.1\ c• my daughter <11111 . ··For m'" t'.1ough. I \\1111lcln·l t:h~1ng1• m~· 11 ork for ~lll~'lhlO~ " Consumer Vi.ews Solicited \\'\~Ill \:(;'!'():\ 1.\l 'l '\11\\ I' l ht• \ lllll' \II L!d 1uur 1\\11 t:t•ni...: \\111'lh 111 ;111 pn1p1"t•tl i.:11 1'Prnm1·11t ntlt·' ;111d r,•g11!:1t11111:-: :if krt 111g \'\'\'I'~ th 1111.! from l1111d' lo ;rnl;11·1d ;.1dt· l'f ld'I' F1•1kral :1,ct•111·11·:-; an• ""t'k 111g l'llllllll\'111 :-from l'(llbtlllll'r S . II' ~\)II h:t\'(' :111 1dt·:t. a e11111pl.1111t or :-11nw inform a 111>11 Io :tdd. '1111 l' :t n I t•I t IH• J.!11\l'l'll F a <' t A 11 l a <' i 11 Hult•mak111g." Thl' Yl'dcr<il Tradl' Commission is holcting hl'anng::; ar ound the t·nunt n · on the firs t nti:i:-.t• oi proposal s to sl'l st:mtl:mls for nutritional d;11m:.. rn f1wd ilds. 1'utr1· l io11al t·laims on food lalwls :ilre:ul\' an· rc- gul:ill'<I h~· thl'. Food and l>r11g Adm inistration: th,• FTC pl ~111 deals with :uh l'rt1s111g 11nh . llL•rl.' 1:-> I hl· lll'.ll'lllg ~dtt·duk. San Fr:am·bro .. July I :?. Room 121:11<. F l~:tl Bldg .. tl:'ill (;oldl'11?'<::11l' /\\'<.'. Cont.1cl Kl•l'rll'r (; Prnp<· rt at th l' fr1kr :ii build111g ;1dd r1·:..:-. San l-'r4rncis1·n, CA .. !l 110:!, Ii~ .r unt' :!2 Td1• 1il1 111w: 415·5.'>fi· l:!iO. Ch1L·:11.:11 . ~l·p l. 1:1. Room :I.Ii 1\ .. l 1•hn l'. "I 11rIy 11 !'> k t . F l' d l' I' :al lllclg. :!:Ill S. lkarhorn St. C1111 r act: Ju111: 1\l\'orll. FTC. 55 t: i\tonrol' SI . Ch1r:igo, Ill fi(l1;():1. l>y .\ u ).!. 2 l Tl'lt·p ftunC': :ll :! · 3:l:.l-·I t:?:l. l>:11ls.1:-. 0f't. 12. Honir 1\5:? II. ~100 S. Erva\ St (.' tl II I ;.i C t : fi ll S a' n n a !\'anhz1.1 at t h1..· lw:11·1ni,: :idcln·:-s. hv Sl'pl . ~I Tl'lcpho1w: :! I I 7 19.:ll iti. 1111'1\I l-.1111\\ It\ 1111111\\ Ill).!------------------------------------ "fl•\\' :->ll llfll\-:o-1\'JI;-. Sunelav Jun. E 19iE fR~~ D~MONSTRATION Tomorrow, June 7, 7:30 p.m . Oo ..,..,..,. ••<O"• -a;·I fu ·t< I ,. ..,., •"''' t •'•"' ) •< l ..,._. ~ tr" 'coo (.,"'t"' u~ M ot 1 •• , '' ,t t ,.,"~.,It. '" '~" tv ·" ·' \J•O••t'J \\ ll11t,~ ti ,.f o'll 11 t#llJ f'lrOh# •f U \••"•I '·~ .... \ ',,.. .. . "' ''". ' "''" .... '" .... "'" I • • t~ ~ •• t I ' A ,,. • I ... ''wt\ I t• I "'' 'It t , I h U'-t 'KIOt f 1 ·1 • ti n~ I • I n1 I • f, f•1 ltf 1 ' ut,. , fUf' "'''' 'tit "ff I (. • il't I ~ t I ~u,.,.y\ \f f•U1K1 •• lJ u•t, '''" t f 'W1 ,h11l.•t'1 h M ltt .IM1l1h11 ,,1tt, ••I It t ''' i·m·• f\ (' ,.,,, t J •o'•' rt+ tHtl•··••I th -•t '''' '"' 11f •-" ''11 '>1 ~H• -.4H \Io 11 I f 11u l1t.1I· t t It"' ti11ll tf \' 11 ._,,\kt' .. ,,.t,, ""'ul 1•t11t11 th1'"''•' 1u~ "''~'' It,,._,, M1•1ll ,, .,, tU•rl ,,.,. , .• 00011u ....... u •t ,,., ..... '"'" IJIMf ., ... ,.,., • II"• ln1111 lt.nu .-l1-,J1H ,,.. t t 1•• ''-'' 11 1 t t·• ''11 •ttl'IJ' .. • ,1 t I+ J1 !111 1 ••t m I \ • I I l11d. I• ~ 1 t f' ~ 11'1 •Ult \~1IJ 111•h1·1•,I 41hl •I 01"'!' ''""' J • '•I f l•f t .... \ol·\I~ Uh•• W~.llil hhi •• ·~t' •f tJI '-.,., I f ''1• fH I ,,.. 111u1,.1 yl•t.. I ti+ M"" """°' 111 ll \ 11\ 1\\1 l11 1"1u1111~11\hn11f'UH1t)111t ''' 111 • "' A ''' t••u "°'" t1•f1'" Hit t,,11 ..,(1111• bi. oth "'''° thkJ ,, \JI•''-' ,vvt ••h 445 E:. 17th St. Costa Mesa Phone 646-8281 (between Tu\l1n and Irvine SI \ ) A~oto Mo Sot Gomoyo -lead me from the unreal lo the Real RICHARD'S monuloclu• .. uphohlued furn1tu1e •ht<h ;, unequivocally lhe f1ne•I quul1ty mad., in Colifatnlo. You moy u•e 11 and buy 11 '" our 'howroom w ,tht" the factory at pr1cir~ tar low•• that. ••1011. fobtt< •eleclton• ore unlrm· ited ond ony cu•lom chon9e. ore pou1bl~ There " no way any newspaper reading, TV v1cw1n9 col·nopp1n9 mole could ever soy no to lh•s fabulously comfortable cho11. 11 ,. very large on scale and with on ollomon and od101n1n9 :. lomp table, 1t makes o grouping oll by, itself ••• o nice place to go when reloAolion is the need. There i~ no commercially mode choir lilte this to be found anywhere today. Avotloble in tweeds, ploid1, YfXlro, vinyls. ,. leolher, or you nome 11. CHAIR s310 OTTO s.98 Wt i\l~O DO ~ lJ~TOM ~lUPHOL~llRV' ·' JOI E. Boll Rood, Anohei-177-4000 Mon thru Sot. q.30.s • Clo.ed Sunday ON BAll ROAD BETWEEN STA TE COLLEGE Bl VO. ANO ANAHEIM Bl VO. RICHARD'S is also well known for its total interior-design se rvice. Besides mok.ng our own complete line of uphoste rediumiture,.Ru:nord's ol,o ho, o ~u•tom dropcty' workroom and our showroom features comparable lines of carpeting, tables, case goods, lamps, wall hangings and a ccessories, from other fine molte rs, domc:U1c end foreign. · 'l'h1· F t•tlc·r :il Tr:irll· <'11m1n1.,,1111l h ;1:-. pro l'll'L'd th :t ( ,Id\ l' rt I'(' 1111·nl ' I or 11\'1•r t Ill' l'lllJlll\'I' Ill' ll1111prt•:-.t'l]J'I lh•lt .lllt.lt'llb l':tl'f'\' till' , 11\11' I\ pt'' .,f \\ ,ll'llllll!' t tlt\I r t•1p11 r1•tl 1111 I h1• 1.11ti'I' ,,r t h1· pn11h11·1, I h1· '' .1r11111g ... i.:1·n1·r;11l\· tl1'.1I '' 11 h P•"'rl1h' '1tl1• t'll1·1·I:.. or 'llL!L!'''t .1:-.l-.111).! .1 tlt1l'lt11'' .11!111·1· .1h11t1l Around the world the creative wav -JADE U6E th\' .hllll' It 1;. I h1· 1lt-.1tfli111• lt11' l'tllil 1111·111 '.. \dt1d1 h11uld lw ,,.111 111 Sp1•1•1;1I \ ......... , .1 111 ll111't'l 11r l11r l!ull-111.11-1111:. 1"1·tl1•1 al l'r.id1• \'111111111 ..... 11111 . \\ .. 1,h1 111:t1111 . It 1 ·. :!11 .• ~1 ltl1•11lll\ lhl' 1·11 1111111•11! 1111 , '' ,1' t•r .. p11 .... tl l t!\-111 It\ ltlJ.! I ... 11 •• ,.. 111 Fruit Safe -Survey 1 '.iltlt1l Ill.Ill" .111· l'I' p 111l1dl\ tlllllllltllllJ.! t11 l'l'l lt't•,h 1•11•1lt11•1• th.it , .. ,,.,.,. 1•1 h.111111111111·:-.t1n11t· I l''Hhlt· ... Th" f)t'p,1rl 1111•111 of Food :inti \1!rt<·11lt11n• h.1!> 11t:..t 11111,h1·1i .1 rl'l.111 111.1rl-.1•t -.un ('\' nf fr1..•sh pr111h11·,• 111 t'll!hl n •ntr:1l ('.il1f1,rn1a l·1111 nt tt'' Of llw 1:in :...•mpk.; l'llllt·1•1 ,.d. no l'l'S •dlll'' wt•rc founct ml I Iii. :inti tral'(' .1nw1111t~ of Pl''fi('t<IC':-.. ;d i \\1thn1 s al\• kg;il hm1b. 11 l'l'l' f1111n<I nn 13. RU UPHOLSTERY WHtt Y• W ... t ....... I '22 Hwit« ll•cl. C .... Mn.-541-0 25' .,. .· ' .... ,. r;, -.· -~ ' i >'( I ;! : .. On your private, deluxe jct accon1pany1ng you throughout y<)ur 35-day tour. Twenty Jt:<;tin:ltinn)\: lkmrnd.1 l.1111Jon R.1h.tt Rom~* V ienna • Atht·n~ • l.;t:H1lrnl ~.1h11I Ddhi Agr.1 Bangkok * K uab Lumpur ~111,c.q11Jrt: Bali A Tnb 11 Ho nolulu "' SyJm·y .,, Aud,l.rnd , NJ11u1 I lo ng Kon~ •Two ltint·r:trtl.''! * * Deluxe Hotds * Gourmet Meals * Sig htsct:ing $4999 r,~:~,on. d1n1bll' oc1:11p.rn cy • Monthly dcparturl's from Lo' An~t.'ll·~. Chi a~o and New Ynrk i>eg+Rn~n~ ~. l?7<1. lfirt)u_ghout 19-7, For FREE color brochure and more 1ntormat1on, call or write Travelport · (714) 833·9070 901 Dove. Suite 125 Newport Beach. CA 92660 Pft~sents 20% to40% discount on a special l ine of Orien tal Collectors Items. objects of !lrt and Fine J ewelry import ed from I-I ong Kong along with our 'prese nt qualit~J merchandise. Th is exclusive· champagne sho wing arid discount is being offe r ed June 9th Looking forward to Seeing You ! LIDO lllLLAGE 3400 Via Oporto, No. 2 Newport B,each 673-5658 B-1 DAIL v r>tL O r 'I Old Days Fostered It 11,,.,1111· 1•r.1 11I pc1111~ ll't11lllldtk and pop(·orn agu1n ior .1 l1•1\ h11ur-. \\hl'll F.Jln 1c\\ Sl:ill' llusp1tal honorl'd il:. fo~ll'r i•r.1ntlp.1rcntl'I 1n l'Ol1Junction with :\I ay as Senior C1t1zcns \lunth :\1111 l' I h;111 till 111 the 'oluntcers turned out for the Gay '11wtu·... ""'11l , 1\11~·h incl11<lecl a contest for the be:.t l111m1..·madc p11..·, :1 \ :.indy of games and r aces and refrc~h· me111 s. Chcck111g out dc:.:.erb an: (at righll Juan E s trada and C;H' men Su a r l'7.. In Ga~· Nineties r egalia are {below, left to rightr ,\l1t·1· l .. 1 l'l ;1111i., L'r~ul;1 Ul:tenkn~r. M;.iry !llellor and Bl':tlr11·1· c:.clT l.t <i1',Ji1 11.q.~ 11tt1·r~ .1 pleas ant s urprise for H ila Qu1tk. • \ •· "~ •· • .c. Weddings: Performed Brngaman-Bullington 'J'i\'1JIJ 'l't'l'l',11·1• .1! I ht• l.;1t:1111a lll·ad1 Vt·,11\;tl o l .\rt-. ;...111nntl-. wa~ tlw -.1•11111,1.: (111 thl' d1Hil1h• rin}: \\1 .. lil111 i..: 111 '\.1111·.\ 111.1111· H u l l111 l!ln11 .111 il :\l.1r1· l1r11n JllllJ,:.1 1l1.Hl Pl 1'111111!.1111 \.di!',\ T h•· hr11k. d.111 ~:hti-r 111 \I"' John S l\11ll111L:l1111 111 \\11Pdl:111d llt\h, I \'t'•'I\ 1·,\ .1 J:S .11 ( ·.t11 t1irl11;1 Sl.111· I Ill\ •'I" 11 \. l.1•1t l! lk:ll'h "!'he• h1 1elc•:•11111111 ,1llc·111IPd th1• \ ·111\ 1·1 ,11' 111 t I.th and \\'1111111 r ( '11ll1·i.:1· I fj, I'·'' 1·11\-. .11'1' "I' .111.r :\Ir.., .t ll.tl-.11111 Httti..:.1111.111 Jr 111 \ .,1~lltl,1 '\11' 111'1 'l lt1· ll1\\h\11'tl ' \1111 "'"Ill \\'1•,l 111111,11 I Mr-v 1 -r ost ,, 1\ I"" d··rt \\I ddttl . ('l'f 1•1111111~ .11 th•· ....... 111 .• '"·' """II' 111 1·:1111111 ll11hl1•111 \\ ·'. ( 1•11dtt1 l1•d 1111 1\1111 1111' Vn• 1"1 .111d I ht I \11•\1 I 'l h1 •11 p ,111111 · ·''' 1111 ••. tl111 f't1-.(o'I • nf (:.11if1•JI (o(Ol\I ,111d 1111' 111•111 \ I '• 11 d \I 1•1 1·1 •• 111 1 .11 1111.1 lll'.11'11 'lh·· 1111.11· 1't.Jdt1tl1•d 1111111 Culd1•11 \\ 1 I C '11l lq..'•' .1 1111 h1 I h11 ..,l1,111il ··1.1d11.ll1•d lr11111 c 'al1l•11111 1 "-1 11 .. I 11111·1 ... 11 '. :....111 I lil'I!•• .1 1111 11•1,.,,1·d " 111.1,l1 ·r.., ln1111 t'~l J'11l l1•r11111 111 .1h11 ,ti l1h:1l 1•tl 1\llh I Ill "·•PP·' I· p .ilPtl '( h1 • II• \I h \\ t tfo., \\ tll II\• Ill -..: .. \\)'•II I I:. " h M~r 11n-Johnson .!1111 1 \1111 l1•l111 1111 .1111 1 =--· 11!1 MRS OUYAN O:inicl J\tart in cxrhan~ed Wl?d· <lin i! \'OWS :ind rings in St. Bon;wcnture Church, Huntington Beach. Their parents ::ire the Richard Willard .Johns ons of H untington Beach and the Daniel L. Martins. 1\11.iheim. Tlw hnch• IS a gra tlualt' or \larin:i ll i t!h S l'l1ool :11111 S.111 1'l'r·::. H11~1 lll'"!> C•>llt';.!C. 11.· ... hu .... hand g r ;u\u,1l<'tl rrom S1•n11 1• ll1~h S\'111111 1 and (':illl11r111.1 St :1lt' I llt\1·r .... ity , Fullt'rto11 \\ h c r1• lw j.., \\orki11 J.! 11111 ard :1 m.1s lt·r-. dt•:.:r1•1• in UU!->1· Ill''"' :11ln11m-.1 r;1111>t1 I h1• 11t•11·ly w1·ds will hn• 111 I h111t 1·11.:to n lk.•<'h. Shanley-Shaw C.1llwnn1• n .. ,1 .. r Shaw :111rf .l.1111•'" Fr:1111·1-; Sh.tnl1•v .Ir. (•\· d 1.111:•1•d 11111111.d \Ill\ .... llld 1'11\1'' 111 l'.11i11111· ('fi,q11'1. c '11l11r.1d1• :-.pr 1111.:'> l'h1· h1·1.t1• 1-. llw 1t.111~hl(·r 111 \Ir anti ;\I 1 ~ E d 11 .11 d <; 1'1•1·k 111 1 .,, ci11.1 dl'I \I ,tr .111.J H11·h.1rtl II. :...ll.I\\'. :-\1•\\ 111•1'1 1\1'.ll'h ::-hi' 1-. ,I l'l',1d11,1l 1• 11\ I 't•l lllla dl'i i\I ar l\ 1;.:h S\'111101 anti 1·:1 Pa-.o ( '<>ll 1•cc '' lwrt' -.h1• '' :1-. a 11wmh1·r 11t I '111 'l'lll'l.1 h .1pp.1 honor !->Ot·11·· I\ ::--h 1• ;1 I .._11 ;1II t•111l 1•d tlH• 1 "" ,., ,,,, .. r \r111111.1 .111<1 .11 t11i.11t·d "1th Chi I >t·lph1:in.., I h •r hu-.:h,1nd l! 1 :11h1:111•t1 I r11m tlw 1 · S \ir F••n•1• .\1'.1d1·111\ 11 lw1" h1• '' ,, ... 1111 till' I 11'.ll\ ., J.1..;t .111d ,, nh·llllw r' 11 1 th,. hu11rn n•m MRS. MADSEN mitlce. His parl.'nl:' i1rc l\Tr. and Mrs .. Jam1•s F. Sh;111lt•y of Wood· brit.IJ.!l'. Conn. The ncwl\'wc ds \\'ill m :1kc thC'ir home in Sc·lma. 1\la. "hr rc tht' hrrd1•).!room \1 Il l lw st:1l111m.'d :it l'rJtg ,\ir Force lkt~l'. Brown-Masters The Fountain V ;11l1•\' homr of ~Tr. and ;\lr s. W illi.1m iL r\lastcrs ".is the ~1..·lti11;.! fur I hl· marn ai.:-c 111 lh1..·11· daughter. Sh:1ro11 C<1le M:ist<'rs :ind Ph illip l'. Hrnwn. :-on of th<' Eu;.!rne ISrO\\ 11:-. ~11:-.o of Fountain\' .tlh'y. Tlw n1..•\\(~\\df...:. \\ti( ll\1' in '1'11:-1111. Kennedy-Wh it I ield I lunt 1nglon fkal'h 1 ll t:h S1 h1111l i.:r;1<f1wl('S Linda .k:m \\'h1111eld ;inti .J.11111•-. ( ·r.11/,! Kt·n111•1h • \\•·n· lll:ll'l'lt'd illll'lllJ.! ('('1'1'111111\11'" 1'0 11· dut·t Pd 111 I h1• F1r-.1 B.tp l 1 ~L t'h11 rrh ol ll 111111n~t0n 111'.ll'h Tlw11· p:ir1•11h :ir1• '.\Ir . .ind .\lro;. C1·nr \\'h1tl 11•1tl and ;\Ir anti .\Jr-;. Hon;tld l\1•11 11 etly1 :ill ul 1111111· rni.:1.,11 lk.1!'11 Tlw hncl1·i.:roe1m 1•ur1 •·1111" 1o; ;1 -.tud1•111 .11 ·c:il1fur11 1a ~t.1 1 1• l 't11\1'l·,111 l.11ng lk.1d1. ;111d tlw n 1· 11 I \ \\ 1· 11... ,,. 1 11 11 \ 1· 1 11 \\'t"•l llllll:.l t'I . Ouyan -Footh 1'1'1 1·r S1..·1111 ll11\ :Ill ol '1'\\ pnrt lk.H h 1·l.111111•d g, 1•nd.1 .\l.1rH· MRS. TU,.NER . ~- MRS. BJNGAMAN f '111llh :1: h1 ·. h11d 1 d1 Ill..'. t.'PI PrllUtllt -.. ( t1tt.lttt•:t•il II II, l 111t1il :'ll1tl11tl1•.1 t li11 11 l1 , 1! 111 ,,, ,, ,., .. \111111 I '.ti •'II\'. Ill lift' Ill\\(\ I\! ti II It•• .111• 1.1tf11,1f\'·, 111 I Ill I 11\1 I •I 111 :\111 lh• 111 1'ol111',11l1•111 ( ;11 1 I, ,111• till' \\rll.11d \\, l11t1lh 111 1(1)1 ft 1•,l1 I .111.J \11 11111 \It' I'. I • ,. 1 ) 11 \ .. 11 . I I • ' I'\\ I" I' I lk ,1111 Thi· l•t 1.J• .ii " .il l• 111l1 •d ( ;11..,l ;1\ll \d11i tJl"I t '1111• 1 111 i...1 1'<'11•1 ,\lllrlf .tit.I / 1 I j .r ).. l1rl ... !11d 11·ol .ti ('l.11 ,.,,,.,,,1 \I 11 c '11llo-. , .• 111d I c I \ M;idc:.c n Rmw r .... 'lh· ll11nt 111 1 .. 11 1: •. -,hh111111 •' \11 .nit '11• ''"'''''' 1., ... ,,1 l{n t'I '"-\\,t p I t l'I lt1I \\I ti """' ''I 1·1 '"' ltt I I ll \II• I' il.1111 ht1 1 I • 'I • 110 ICn 1 .101\ 1!1111111 \1 I. \1,111 111 1111• t If I' 11 ,I I 'I I ti I 1111 ! I ' 11 I • ind '1t •' p1, 1•1• 1 t '• t "•' ' I Ii \ t'I • I II I I I I ' , ., 'I, I I I 1h1• llt1·t111••o111 I •I• '-111 1; 111111"'1 (11th .111.t '" ' 11 111 \• I f•tllll\' 't ,. I,, I"'' I I 1f ,, (If ( h.i11tl•o I pf ('1111 1111 1I11 ;... h '. I I \ I I \ ' " ·' I: \ I II fl'\( )l11J01•'\ ,II .f , ti I !1 I •1 t f ,;p 1 I • I , • It I 11 I I I 'I ' 'I I I I I t I " 111 (',d1l1111,,1-...1,0 •1 I I 1•1 11111 ll1·.11 h I (1•J h11 .. 1t,111tl t'.tl 1'1 ii 'I 1::... Ill 1·1·111)111 n•1 • • 1 r ' .. 1:i1 11 "" ''"'" ti' l Ill\' 1· ,, . 111. \11/1ot1. llt'f'·1 •11l .111 \I· l'l\I; .. ., hl .... 1 .. , .. ,I 11 ... 1 •• I\ I I 1,1111. l\l,td1 11h1 I• th. I'•\\:• \\ttl \\II l!l,1l.,1 ! Ito 'I 111 I I • I JI• \\ J!I , i....,111 r1 ,llll I 11' 11 l 1 \I ti 11 Turncr-N 1L mcvcr \l,tt'1'11d111 l l1t1 I .1, p.,.,llf'I i\n&:l'lo; f '}1111 t I• I • It t'• t•h Clubs Invite New Members l·Ol'~T.\I~ \ ,\l.U :\' ('0:\1!\H.:~l'f\' llOSl'ITAI.: Tht• 1111111thh .. ,\lum111 'l\:1." \\h1ch 1:. Olll'll to 11,•w mothe rs 11h1l:.1· in1.1nts w1 ,,,. horn at lhl' ho:.p1tal. 1\ 111 b1• from ~-:! I'm Tm·-.d;.i~. J11 111 h. in the hosp1t.il .1ud1tonum Oh:>tNric·s 11ur:.l'S will Ul' vii hand lo an:.wcr qu~st1ort:. about 1n fanl t' ;1 n·. llt\'ISE J l'!\IOH t::Ut:t.L: Educatltm . safct.v. bulld1ni.: •• l>l'ltt•r 1.:omm11n1I\. \lllllh, lwallh and lhl' UICl·nt1·11111al a r c the· rTl~IJOt' tll'CIJS llil' ~lub pli.!llS lo \\Ul'K in tor lhe ('(lllllUg ~ l-.11'. Tlw t'ir:-.t mN·tit11! or the 197G·77 year\\ ill Ut.: ;,1t 7.:UI p 111. \\ 1'<!111•:..d~n .• Ju111· !I. 1n f.I C'am1no lll'al Sdio111. l r111w 'fhl' hutlg1•l \\ 11i-Li1: :.uhntrlll'd for aµµru1 a l ;rnJ plan:." ill he 111atll· 1111 1h1·l1111111:.il ll1l·lllh1·r:-.t11pdnH· H L\1.\HRlt:I>~ l ~C:.: The annual 1n :-.tallatto11 l11111wr- tl:t1H" "111 h1•j.!tn .11 -;-pm. S.1turdJ~. June 12, 111 >the \'11rb.1 l.rnd..1 l'o11ntr~ l'l11t: \ny n ·marr;1•tl n1upl1..· 111 till' cmint~· may atll'ncl. h 1rlht•r intorm at 1011 "' ava1labh> li.v calling DJ\ id \\'cb!'>t1..·r. J.1 1 ~~i~ or \'1q~in1.1 Ecl11 ards, G?3·5ti3 I. \ \:-;.\ OKUt;R OF A'1F.RICA: The annual panC'.1kt· I.I\ .t1..i., ... 1 .tnd 1r.1d1twnal m1tl -:-umnier n:a~pok 11·:..ll\:JI, 11111•111" th• puhl I(' 11111 IJC"hc•ld fro m Ma m. to I p m. Sunday. .!11111 1:1 111 ('11:.1.1 ~ll'!>a Park. Donations will lwm•fit \'a~.1 Or<ll'I' ot r\mt·r il'J. Cl.ll'PEO Wl~GS: T he inst:ill:it 1on of officers for l ht· t )r:111!.:l' (\1un1y ch::iptt•r \\tll begin at 5.3U pm. S1111da~ •• J11111· 1:i. 111 till' II;,~ 11011rl Ht..•crc;.ition Ccnkr, l'\l•\1•port llC'ac h. A p111 lut·k d1111wr w1ll l.H~ Sl·rvcd. :\1.:1\ ly l'lt•ctl•d ntrict>rJ an• ;\lr::; .. i:icqucll~f' P. Alic\. JH'l•:-1d1.·11 t . ~Ir::;. i.\lary K . D~m:J, \'ice prcsic\rnt · !\Ir!->. Ill·\ 1:rll'l' L. St<illa~. n·t·ording St•crctary: 1\1 rs Pam1•Ja S. \\'.1dddl. l'O rrc:iponding :>t:l·rctary; Mrs. Marti II. .lohnsun, ll'l'.l~llrt..'I'. ('OP.\ Ot: ORO: 1\ champ aJ!,nc ren•pt1on hon1mng th1· ( ·11p;1 1lt-L>r11 µatrutw~:-.t•s ttnd th1..·1r e storls will hl' hos\1.•<l hy th1 ..\u~!l1ary Bo;\d of lloag Memorial llosp1t:tl- 1'11·..,h~ ll'na11 from 5., p.m. Sunday, June 13, 111 the Linda J..,l,• ltumc or :\Ir. anti :\lrs. John l\lc:\;mghton. FESTl\'.\l. ,\:\l> PIT Ui\RBEC'UF.: St. M ichal'l ·~ Sl•f1\111.1r~ and Prepa ratory lli~h School will huid a tcst1v:11 Jnd IJJrU1.'l'Uc bl'ginnmg at 11 a.m. Sunday, June J:l. ) SWEET ADF.l.l~ES: The Harborlites Chapter" ill hold ,, ,..111..·1..·1.tl g ue~l n ight lo introduce \\Om<'n who cnJOY singing h.1rb1.·1 :-;hop harmon~. at ;·30 p.m. M<md ay, J une H, it\ Cullel'!c Pa rk Ekm cnl~irySchool, Costa l\lcs a. SEX ROLES: A 1me-week l'oursefor men ancl \\omen on tht '111.:1ology of sex rol<.·s will be helcl Monday·Fricl;iy, June 11 IK, 111 California Sl•1 lt.: University, 1''ullcrton. The eontinuin_g l'dul'ation course will covl'r :JI! the {'un- l 1·n1p11niry r ;1mir1c:1twm; of \1omt·n's lil.>erallon. how !>l'.X 1 olt•s "'" <' c-ru m IJIL>rl :inti whl•rc \ht· r110\'l'tnl·nl h:1 ~ c·nmc 1rnni 111 ... 111riC'a ll> . .it·l·urding tu 111:.u·uc.:tor Ur. Anm: K. l '1·1 l'I'' .\d111l 11111al 1111'111 matwn Oil till' lhl'Cl"lln1t ('IHll''W ;, : ':11l:tl>k Ii~ (';dlin;..: lh<' Off1l'l' ol \ontinu1111; Edu1.:altcJ11. ~7{) ;!Ii I I. Al.PllA Piii : :\ll·mbcrs of th · inkrn:itional alumn.11' h.l\l' d111~1·11 t}ll'ir ch•IP,i..::itc·' tn r C'prl',c·nt tlwm .ti !hf c·or · \1·11111111.l11nE"17-~::!. 111 St. l'h.1rlt•)o, Ill. ,\nw11 g ll1·h-~ll'" :~ '' "' .1 1.,111 S11pko of :\'l·11 port lk:.1'11 Sht.: 1~ pn·:-tth-nt ~1111 lh1 S11111!t <>ra11~l· County l'hapll'r. MRS. MEYER \\1•11· \I .Jn r., n n :\11·nw\cr :mil H11 11 '111 1.11•1 l'd•lh .111· 1.1t111.1h'-111 '\t11p111 t ll;11hor 111 /1 ,, li1111I. I lw 111 id·· • .t1i·nd1·<1 (\1llfnrn1:1 • :--1..i .. I Ill\ I I •I\ .ii S.111 IJil•J.!(I \\f.11• lt1 ,•lttl1,1t1·d \\Ith l'i f111t.1 l '1t1 :-.Ii··""" , ... -..11111\ 111!.! 11\ll'l'llll' cl1 ·-.1!!11 .ii \\ 1J111ll1111·1 1·111\·1·r ... 111 I lt-1 Jip 11,111.t .tll1•1Hlt-I\ I ('I.,\ \\ '11 ·1'1• lt1· I\·'' ;1 1111·111111'1' 111 ::--1 ·111.• '\11 .inti 1•r;1tl11.1ll'tl lrt•ni I !--1 · :-.1 h1111I ot B11..,.111·-.-. t· """"Ill" .i I l.1\1 .111;111 lt11111•1 "'"''" lh1 •\ 11tll 1111 111 '\111p0tl I'·•·'' h 1111· lq l'i" i-.. I hi · d.111L!hl1·r ••r' \J 1 \I .11'\ '\ 11 ·11H ·~ ,.,. 111 :-.:1·111mrt l ~• .. 11'11 .111d 11t1• 1:1 11• ()r \\'1!11:1111 '\11•11 11·1 1·1 ll1·r l111..,1J :1 n!f '.._ 1·•1•·111 .111•\11 ,1ptl \lr .... H11t:1•r I 111 Pl I ,,J-.,• 111 '\'1 II pot I 1\1',u ft Aronhoff-H1nw ood ·1 \1 .011 F p•'r''I'·" f'!i1111'11 . t.. 1 •'.•l'1,11h\\,t•lh1 111111:•1111 II•· il,.11(111 1111" l'l!Jll?;1h l111l.111 l \l.11 ., ... ( .tl d11 I II ll1tl\\lllKI .111d 1·1 .111t-P "" \rfll1ofl. i:r:1d11ar1•-. "' l .d1t1•r111.1 :...1 alt I 111\'l'l'"ll 1 • :-..111 I ) II I. l'I•" I 111H · :ii~" c1·.1d1wl1'rl from i .. 1~1111 1 1\1 ;11·11 ll1 t:h ~d11111I and • 1111111 h1•t H ·\ II) SJll'\•1h I' q.,.r; .. , .1iod .:11 d111loi.:y ~he"' :1 '1'1 1"1 •1 I 1•( J'1 l\C'l.1 )'IJI I Jo-1· h11 ... l>:1111I. 11 hn afrili<:ll t•tl 11lfl• :-011.•111.• <ht. 11..•t'l'l\C'<l a B,\ .ind \I\ ti' 1111 '1'11 <idmm1-.1ral1111\ ,1111! 11 0" 1. ;111 a~:-.1~1a11l 10 thc• '11' 11 t' 11!P1I' for ltt1'-lfH''' a11d 1 P.llH'1 ,,,. lh San l>1l'~t1 1·;in1 1•11• l'.111 l'I 111 lh1 l'I'\\ I~ \\••c\<... \\ho 1••1 1 l:\1 11• !--;•!' D11•i:o .• lrt' 1)11' \\ 1111.111" \\ lln1\\ 111ic\, 111 South 1 ... ~1111.1 ;iml I h1 I >;11111•! 1\l'Onol f!'>, I 111\\ :t \ MRS. MARTIN ) I MRS. SHANLEY MRS. KENNEDY . ( I· 'Bad Trip' Ends on Right Track 1.0'> \ \<. t-:1 1·.., 1 \I'• Whl'n :\l;..rk \111111q ul lm.11d1 d lh1 •·\pit''' tr.tin fpr t-:\l.-11 ht• h .111 II• I 1111..I 111g I h ,1( 111-. t lt'kcl h.uf lit• 11 p•1111·l11 ti 1111 .1 'lllfl .11 the J:.Jtl'' of h1·ll 11 1 .. "l'.111 h 1111 p.11 .Hll't' tl1rn II Oii \hi' 1·11111 m u111 · 1,.., .• 1111· .1 1 ·•'l'' .Jonl'-. 111f.!hl111 :1 n · .1 111111 111•\ 11110 111..,:1111l'" Thi· tnp l'11\ 1•11•d 111111· h1·.1111tl11I l•·rr.11n, tiu1 th1· ..,11r1 ol ,1111 hor h 111·1 \'on11l·1.wt .Jr wa:-; 1x1 .. ":11''"''cl with a m tnri 111:11 r·at·cd along tlh· tr:H·k-. 11111 1;1 .. 1 l!l'll1drng llw llrakl'.., Jrllll 1111~1 When lt1 -. ld1· 11111\., 'l'H'l':tl :-Jwq1 turns 0111· 11f 1111•111 lh1· lo.,.., of lt1' t111•1:r the 1':\111'1'"" d1·1 .ttll·tl 11pp11lf.( 0111 mile:-. or Ir.id •. -.11 .1p11111i• 1·111 dull\ la11t· tic·~ like ... 1.d1· pr1'1 11·h :111tl .,,·,1t11•r111f.( V11111wgu1·.., 1·.1r).!o .1lo111g th1· ri~•ht ol ''·" ·1:11 E :0-'\l'I'\' ~11.11th1111 111· l'olll'J.:~ g1 ..il111.11t 11 1111 onf\ '' .111t•·d 111 lrnd :-.uml· :111,111·1, 111 1111 111 1 h.11 l lw1·1111w human 11n ·1·k.1u1· 111;,11 11,.. <l111 111r' tulled a '"h11n111tn•11tl' 111 ltlll ltlnorn \h111· II •I ' •I lf.1,h1 I ,l't'. ht• /><l id Jn .111 111t1·n i.•11 lt gh11n~· th1• f11·,1 11f man~ 11f,!,1r1'111·-. · ·111. ll111 t11r-. d1·-.1·rihcd rn~ 1·011tl1t 11111 ,1 1ln1111 Srh11ophro·111.1 1, .1 1•1111Hniin psychotic dh 11r1h·r. nlt1•11 1n arl..1·tl l>v dl'lachmenl l rom 1·l'.ol 1t ,. <h•lti-.1rnb 1l.dl11l·1n<it runs .ind 1111·ap:11'1l,1t 111s.: :1111111\'.ill''ncc or 011 M'tl I <.•1·I111 .! •-. ,\l;Jrl.. ,.. 11-.1111 \1 :1,11 1 J.,!11111g w1ywherc lor a 11 htlt· n11 I llltlil pn .. wrthL·d drugs, \ 1t:rn1111:-,111<1 d1·1·t 111.,hol'I; lh1·rapy h~d tlott\· ltw1r11111 1-.. B<.•l11 n • 1•1111 r111 ~ ll:1n :1rd '.\ll'dtral St'llOl)I , "lt1•r1· lt1• :-.-l1111!>h1ng h1:-frr:,t 'eur of stud te::.. Mark. 29. 11 ro11• a hw1h ahout \\hill happenerl to him while h1• "as trying to be a good h1pp1,· llE CA I.I.E D h1' :-ton "Tht· ~:<11·n E' pre.,, " F.den for the cummu11.tl I .irm' Expn•,s for the nwdn1·-..., ~1 11-.1 of 1t u11 folds in thc• ::.(·c n1c \\lid!> ul Unt1:.h Columh1a The h1>11k was grcctl·d b.' m1xt'd r c\'iews, hut c1L·n tht• 11a:-.l11•.,1 critics ad m 1 t t c<l to 1 ts c11m 1w ll 1 n J.: honest, .. wa ,-thi's cpi ... ode another dam·1ng ll'Sl'\On from God like those in-ht!i r 1thl.'r '" tx><>ks" "I don 't think bc111g l'r<11y h;i.., <:arrwd me a ny more life points th:Jn thL· nl.'xt ~u.\." s aid \'onnc~ut. who (.'<Jmc \\t:Sl lo '1s it friends and :-.lump fur hi., personal account vi ~t·h1wl1hrl'll1J . "I lt•a rned a lot from t 11• cxptncnt'c. l'arh 111 1t were nite, ltkc \\ ht·n I t.1rr11•<I on a r11 rl\ersa11on 1\llh m~ <lt:ad gran<lfat her. but I Y.<111ldn 't "ant to rt• !Jt'<lt 11 for anythtng. Whal I d ltkl' t o cf11 nu w 1' l r y to l: hang e I he a 111 tu d l' /\rnencans have toward rn<:nt ;1l lllnc ... s • Th<rl human beings ::.hould ltc k111ckr to e:H~h oth1•r i.., one of h" father ':-. l1t1:ran themes lk cs pl·cially kind and uri dt>rslandtng \\1th the craly and tho:-.(• who lo\e them. i.ays the younger \'on '1egul "l\1 E~TAL ILLNF.SS is !.Ome\h1n~ that happens to a person -it's I ikl.' br<'ak1ng a leg, or getting a cold, the flu 01· cancer.·· Vonnegut said. "There s houldn't b(• anv shame 1n- ,·olvt•cl. Shame and tr~·ing to ft" the blame probably double the pain i.llld mt~· l 'I'\ Ll!>!-OC l ~lll'd \\ llh nll'nt.tl 11111"'' Ill lhl., country I th ink I t'Jll 1 h.111i.:,· 1h.1l throu~h'rn~ "n1111g Tht!> 111tcn::.l' L'11g:.ig1111! ~ 11ung 111.11\ 1 .111 IJU)'.:h .1 ltttl~ at l'l ,11llll'"" n111\. "·" 111g tk 1:.11 't that afr:i1d "' l<1:-111g h1' ... 111111 .1g.1111 a:. Ion{! a' h1• 1\ :1td11•:-. h..., dtl'I tal..1•' '1tam1ns i.llld clm· .. n t Llnnk a lot of c·oll 1·•· or 1ngl'::.t toda " "; popular 'lrcct drug~ Though rl'laxl·d. 111.., l'lln1t•rs atio11 h,1s a s ardonic edge Ill· ldls of one \\Oman who had to send ht•r daughter to a mental 111:.t itution. Whl·n tht' Ol•1ghhors :1sh1•1l about tht• girl. 'ht' 1ust told tht>m h1·r daughter was gl'lt1ng "" al.Jort11111 :-u lh1·~· wouldn't ask an~ m1>re .. IT'S 1.l'Dll'ROl'S," \'onnrgut ':1tt1 "Uc111g cra1y..., l1111kl·cl 1.111011 "' tlt1• 1o·n · worst t hing th.11 t::111 h;ipi.wn tu,, Pl'l''1111 m our t•ultun· · \'onnl'l!Ut 's hoQk t'O\'l·r:-. :-uml• 11t t hl• groun<l brokl·n hy Rol.x:rl P1rs1 g11', "Zl·n :ind the A rt (• f :\I o t <ire' rl (' :\I :11 n ll'n:mn'. .. and t\cn t\csc,· ~ "Onl' i''lc11 0' nr t Ile l' u l' k oo· s :\est. whtt•h 'pawnl.'cl the n11l\ It? \'unncgut pri.li'l'd l~th \\Ork:.. bul .;a1r1 .. Cuckoo's :\est" l'ould m1slcud the public abvut hrl' 111 mental hosp1tab "l like Kt•:-ey and hts wor k •~ good art." \'onncgut :-.aid. "But no 1111t• r eally wants lo be in i.ln mst1tut111n ~li.lybe you'd ftncl one in a hundred µa · tlents who might reel CIH1t wu~ "And the doctors don't \\;,int the pcopll' lo be rn then•. The fact is that 1f un,·on(' s hows the slightest promis e und w;ints 111 get out, the."·11 hand him " fistful of Thor azin :ind say : '(iood lut:k ' " PENNY OWSLEY .. Rule Protects Buyers SAH DtfGO FlWY. AT EUCLID OPEN SUN. 12·5 • PIANO By The Associated Press something on a cr edit Art. appJ~·ing to bank anrl ot her C'h;.ir~c· C'ards . pro· vidl'S th<Jt the t·ar·tJholdl'f' mi.ly withhold p:i~ menl :rnd assert flogal (')aim,.. against the card issuer following an u n~ul· cessful a tte"'pt to n ·· sol\'e the problem-. \\Ith _s1_Jt_ld_ .... _J_•J_•_1t_· 6_1_'1_., __________ ," f f I "'r B5 Marian PROVEN ABILITY AND INTEGRITY QUALIFICATIONS: • ELEVEN YEARS -Elected Public Service • MEMBER -State Task Fo rce for Prevention of Crime and Violence .... PRfSff)fHT -(ofifomra~chool Baord Association (CSBA) ISSUES: • INTEGRITY "I hove a proven record of personal and professional integrity." '* CRIME -"We must return to system of justice that protects the public and removes the convicted cnminols from th e streets." • BUS1NESS ~ "Government should stop 'ompeting with the private business sector." MARIAN BERGESON Proven Ability and Integrity in Eleven Years of Public Ser v· ORGAN ~DJW~~IB ~[ill~ Whether you charge canJ. for exam ple, you somcthin~ ·on a cred it were rcqui red tu pay thl' card or sign an tnstall· company -even if Lherc ment loan. the fccjcral was a pro,blem with !ht> government has gi,·en purchase. By the same vou n cw pr otect ion principle. if you signed an against. problems with mst:.illmen t contract at a defccti\'e mercha ndise or store and the store subse- seniccs . quently sold the contract A Federal Trade Com. toabankor othe r agency, the merchants. ..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. SALE PRICE Bench Extra 5799 DELU XE Spinet ORGAN •\\'I• t';I/\, ,, HH'r r 1 IM, ~\.!'\\;re CHORD SALE PRICED AT Vi"t O.ir U ·~d O~pt, Our Uwol Low l'ricH rrueil' ORGANS Hammond SI Chord ...................• S 99 Low"y LSA Spinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 99 Thomas Model 205 ........... _ .......... 219 Kiri>oll Swinqer 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 Lowr~y Teenie Benie .................... 899, Hammond Model S I 82 ...... : ........•• I 099 OrcJon Rentals FT-om . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PIANOS St,.;nwoy Grand Ebony ..•........•.... $4999 -st,.;nway Grand Wd...t ..... _. _ ...••..• 5299 Menon & Hamlin S'S" Grantl ..........•• 5499 laldwin 6'4" W al. Grand .........•.... 5799 Half.ff & Davis B~autvful 7' Rosewood Art Cose ..........•.•.•• 6799 .AJk About Ow Le-a~ Purchos• rlatt .PENNY OWSLEY WAREHOUSE • SHOWROOMS SAN DIEGO ~RWT AT EUCLID AVf. rHOHf siss.0415 Mon.·nl. 10.9 . ~. 10-6 or1 .. su ... missionregul ation\\~ich you hi.Id to pay thecon-~~-----~--~---~---~----~~~~--~-~~-~~~~--~-~ took effect r ecl.'ntly sub-tract holder regardless of s tantially limits the trouble w it h the "holder ·in ·d ue·coursc" purcha:-.e . doctrine as it ;ipplics to l':'>OER TUE FTC re· installment pure hascs. ~ulat 111n. c redit contratts The Fair Crt-dtt Dilltng set up directly or in- Act. effect ive last Oct. 28. directly by a seller must imposed similar limits on carry a notice saying the cn•dit curd purchusc>s. c1w ti111r "is subject to all These li mits gl:'ncrall y cl a t m s a nd d e fenses mad t.• the creditor tt<'· whic h the debtor could countable for the quulil) a::.scrt against the seller and scr\'1ccuhtl ity of the of goods or services ob-goo<l:-.sold. lu1nl•d .. Thi:' "holdcr·in-dut?-Thl·rl'fon .•. the cr~'<.litQ.r course" d octrine entitled is lcg<illy liable for stop- third-party creditors to pa~·mcnt or other con- pa~·mcnt. without re&!ard suml.'r recour se actions if to any possible dis pute the product is Judged un· between the buyer and Si.1 t1 sf:.ictory by the seller . courts. lt.=_~1 Ir~y~o~u__.:c~h~a~r~g~e~d~__:T~h~e:_!F~a~ir~C~r!ed~it~B~i~ll~in~g~~_!::~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ silverwoods Sport shirt of Qiana. Tops in luxury .•. by Prince Igor. Designed tn 1op ttw n1"w European ~kicks. In I 00~:, 0 1an.1· nylon that's 111crcd1bly easy to can lcv •. \•11th C'asy titti ng banded collar and breast oockr·t A gr!'at q1ll 1drJ for Ood. Navy, brown. bf.icf\, ro~;c, copcn bfu1\ c re>Jm, 1uJt. :..1lvcr S·M·l -Xl $20 I I . ( ~­·-·~~ ...... . " •t- 1 ' l I . -..11· ~\ 1:.l _Yl l\~ .. ,J~ ~I '• . I ~-.·' -.~ , ..,? ... '\~ I I ., .. .·· , .. .._,.~ , . ' ~v '@. ----,J j ~ . . .;.~· j . I • I j; ·' .. .. I I I r t 1: I. 11 1! ,I ' .. " 11 /.' /: ,. I· ~: 1: I. , . I .. [ i• Ii I• 1: 1· ~ r: 'l ), 45 Fashion Island• Newport Beach Anaheim Plaza Great Fit. Great Gab. Gabardine slacks by Glen Oaks. ·..'' f r European look. European fit. I , . . , ,, 1 • ,1 S20 . .' / silverwoods w e·ve got what Dad really wants ... Sunday, June 20 l ~f!__DAll f F"1l 0 T Sund11y June 6 1916 - Cannes: Still Exciting < \\\E S (;1.1111 1111,ll·r ... a ho\l' lh\· <'~·rllnn J 11111'1 olllllllllll('l' lfll' p1t1d u1·11un 11f . l)111·1·11 l'\•111).! .11>0111 ,, ~.1, i:11111 1.1 111 111\1· \l llh •• 1•1 1·11, ,nl•1r 11.111 11 d ll,1\ l·.1' 111 1d1 1111' u -.11.il 11111111 .. 1111111· 1g 11, .1-. ,Jll llht11w11pl1· \\llh t~11:11-. ( 11•tlt•1ttr.11' l1 \ 111 lil'g, li111 ""' 111 l11 1lw 111111 \\,1\ 111 11> 1h1· 1'in1.'in.1 l'.il.11:.. t o M•I• tit111-. t11r ''h11·h 1111•11• .1 11• 0111\ I ~illtl :..1•,11:.. '1'1•11111 ·-. ... 1·1· \\ 1111.1111 .... P l l''>Hl1 •11l ,,, lh1· 1111'\. 11 111,... 1·\h,1U,l•·d 111111 .111 1•111p1 \ t'11.11 r 11111\ 111 lw • 111.wl..1•d I" ,1 t l.111il1111 Jiii 111 ., ... 11111tl', ... 111·11·lu111! 1:1•111111 'J'ti1 ... j', Ill\ l,1t.l1• I \\Ill I.. 1111 ... ''"'' '" lht· I 1111111 T Ii 1' I "111111 .. I . ii fl I FI .. , I I \ 'ii h 111 1111 I '\\ llll!, .ind rt-. :1111 h :11\lll\'1•1 ''" \ \ 1•;1J' 1~ Jr ke :ill •ii 11"1 .. l Playwng ht Tf!nnessee Williams is this year's jury president at Cannes. .4 ".111111·. , ... 111 11111\ I\'' \\ h:tl \l t'l'l',I , ... '" \fu,11·11 1-. l-'111 '111n 1· ti ., .1 111 p n 1.ul1• onn · a l1l l'llllll' 1-'111 111111•1' II ' .1 \1•:11 I\ pil l!t'llt1~1J.:i• J•r1·11.111·d fut ltk1· ,1 11111 • .J l'l11 •n • :ire 11111n• 1h;i11 t~liJ 111111 -. tn lw '''l'tt 111 1 1 d ,1\ '· lt'.1\ 111g 111> I 11111· lo w 1~;111111• .1 d.111\ i'.1k11d.11 I .11111·h '' 'k1p111·d ;1 p p111111111t•111'-.1n• 111 .-.-.1·d ld1·ph11111•' .1n· out u l lilt' q111•.,l11111 II ' .111,1/\ pl'.w1• .111d \Oii ha\\' 111 ho· ,1 1111 t·r ·'" '" 111 h 1·n· "\'alt-11111111. · \\ h 1d1 n1ca11" l\\11 of \\'arn·n Bc~1t ­ l~ :.. \' >-ltl\ ,. r ' \\ 111 a pp1-.1r 111 I he :...1 me 111c l u rt• "Tll.I .. \I 'I I.ft .ill 11f 1h1· ''"" h cn1w1-.m' JI\.' ll\,11.JL. 11 :.. lhl.' IJIU!>l lllfll\Jl'.lJllLlllll\ It• l \ l'lll 111 tho· \\Ill Id I 1 p l l ''l 11llllL! llw l.11 ~!t·-.1 -.1111!11· i:1tb•·t; 111).! 111 1.11' p111d1w1·1 .... 111 ... 1r1 lm t11r .... 1 \l11l111ur-. ·•l-!1'111' ·'"" ).!.11 .. 1·1.1 ... h1•1 ... 111l l11"11)11\ I•' lllll\\'I''•' II .1. • r l'l •1rl c•d .I oan Bud •. mw ol L t nm• ... · nl•111· h un1111·1111-. 1011r 11a ti ... i... ··.\n_\ m111 11• \\1th m1irc• th:-i n rt 1\ft \\l•llh"ft 111 H h<t,,, l~o.ul Wan:.._.,. lk .11 1 \ ... l'\ 1111 l'I'' l.<'-.11" I ,ffllll ,11H111lllll'l'd -.ho• \\ 11trld c t1 -.t ,1r ''"" \1 11 lwl1• l1h1ll1p . 111 K v11 H u ...... dl ... n1 \l frl111. Sadh m 1 ... :.1·d 1111 ... \'c,u· 1.., t he r('\'Oiu11u n:1n ... p11·1t anti p r '"'t•ntt• ol .iuhn \\'1knx, \\ ho-.t• 1o•x c:1l m g 11nd1·1'L!l'•Htnd n1·1"p ;qw r ··111 the (';..1nm•:.. · Parents Grow Vp Too H.1· t:IDI.\ IWlrtll·:O\ \\' l' k 111 • \\ I Ii l' J.. I II :.. w o uld t;ik<.• 1t th(· \\l'llllL! w:.1 1 . hut 111• It.rd 111do 11 ....... ~lQ.?. .l\ a.'--' _t.:lilldr1.:n,.l.n•\• lalhl'I' a nd I 11;1111 to ~·l'l our 11\\ n ap.1r t 111 1·111 Onl' 101>!-.l·il 1111 f ri>111 h1-. hOllll'\\orl.. .111<1 tlw olh1•r l\\U \'\I'll l lll l11'd lht• \OIU1th' d t1\\ ll 1111 l h1• T\' 'l'l .. \\ h ;it· .i I , . .' 1111 ~··~ 1nl!'' ··\\\· an· -..11111).! \ll•ct h J.. c to rn111 1· 1 n11 a net ht: un our 11\1 n I ur a \\ h 11 1• · "Hut \\ "' ' · ;1.,k<'d uur da ug hlt·r · ·· .. \r1·11·1 111u h:1pp' hl·n ··· \'1111 h a \1,: \ otrr 0 1' 11 n 111)11 ;ind t lw run o t t Ill' h m r "l' .. .. , rt " I fl I-! 11 ll ' I If I I Ii(' I,. 1)\\ 11 .. "II 1 l lk c \pt· 11-.1 ,., .... :..;lf(f Otll' :-•111 "Jl ,1 vt• \IHI lhoug hl :1ho u t u 111ii1l'' ;; rlrf 11 Tf1Tifr -In t I s--;i nu · n t· '' :.. JI a p 1• r :. a n <1 a "It·, n 11 t that ." I :-aid JH'nll.'·. "ll ':o. r1i-.l that \\l'" a nt tu fr x \Ip our "'' n :J pa rt m 1·n I .111d l'IHTi l' :t lld J.!CI ;1:.. \\ \' ~~tt:..t' .. - h unrtn :d l1trh:··ltJ1TT}:!s~·ou "IF IT'S 'our l'ill' 1ou t.11..l• 1111· g r :1n it:d an•uml \\;tllll'd. \1 h0 1 ll1d11 '1 ~e111 ht·n ··-• _ :..a~ M l " \\'c · could m~l..t· ··we·, l' thouglr_1_1_1.-,-11-:-'1r:::.1"-·:_1::...n::...g_cmt·n 1' ~. thrnugh ·· "It':.. not 1u .;1 lht· l'ar \\\· ''""' t11 ht• ;1hil' to ·s pit 11 out.·· -.;1111 our d.iugh t t·r \\'h ;ll,., pl:I\ our ph111111gr.q1h :-. h ot hcri n J.: '"II :il111u l \\hl'n ''l' \\a lll 111 .md Iii 111g 1, ith it!>" l>rd \\l' 1·orn\• tn I all' \\ti houl :1:..k too mudi·: \\'li:it did :..omeo n1• sa~ 1ng. ·wht·n· ha 1·c ·'">II bl'l' n .,. :111c.l '' l' a :..k '11u to do" Onh· ' cook . ri1ake bt•d s. d;1 tn \ itc f.ll'Ol>ll' O\'l'r laundr~-. lake C'arl' nf tht· \\ ithou t olhl'I' people .1·:1rd. kcl·p the t·ars tn hanging a round .. running or dt•r ;inrl bring ··What will .1ou do for "l K~O\\', hut :1 1<•1 11f tn th1• mon e y . W a s thal furnitun•''" part>nt :.. 1111 r ;1gv a n· ..,11 hard"" "\\'edon'l rwcd a ll that -;:::======-=============== muth. Wc'll ju:-.l takt• a rt•\\' s mall ;1ppl1 a 1li'i':.., "'1UIAM PETER BIJ.HY'S THE EXORCIST ~ .. ·1e ,,"'1lllAM FRIEOKIN CINEMA CENTER BRISTOL CINEMAS 4 C,o!>1J Me:><19/9·41 41 Costa Mesa 540-7444 ' ~ "I I \ I M 14/l "/VU. !'11/r~ "1ht ..,.,i.,,. .. tp.. J;.11 )1,\111 K'·" r· 1111 .. m, ,,,.. ,,,.,, Id• 1111 RRl\1111 tlHH.'A ....... I I Y\'I II\ I~ .u kt ... , . \\\ ~ 11 m ,. I 1 n l' n :.. • u u r PLUS THAI lOUAll Y EXCITING 00ctASSIC1 t'"u1,, f"fARO 11""'' ' TIM E'S .. ..t!~l~~-CIHll~~·· AT WIT'S END b t•droom s u ilC'. the l.YLI ·~\Tll CI'. tht.• luggaf!t.'. l he ea rd' l u1ffe -:i·nd· ch•11rs . the old 1'\' \0 11 nt·n ·r use·. so m t• jiot s ~md pans :md a ft•\\ t:ohll·S :incl ehtttrs ... "\'Ot''LI. c:ill t•1ery day"" We noddt·d. ··~Jorn . d o ml· a farnr. Don 't 1\('a r those white :-.ock~ 11 hen \'OU ml't'l ~our new nc•1ghhors . And D <1 d ' L et ,. u u r ha i r grow... · /\s we h ead e d for t ht• car I h c;,ird onl' s on whi.sp e r s adl,\. "Our p arents h;Jvc j?rown up .. 11 i s h r o t h t' r s i.1 t d . "Thl'y'll bl' b;a·k 111 a Wl'Ck ~ .. ~1. .••• 1 ~ .. ~ARBO~ !WIN .._,. •••o•r '"'''' •·• •• •1 ·. q'-.:; r ;:..;.~l t t·u~~ \' .. , tdWJtO\ 1100 CIHIMA -.. .. £1:.l~lfll~l ""' ,_ .... ,. . .... edw~1ds BRISIOl CIHlMA 0 t •• 01• .. , I ,,_ ... CIHUH W[Sl •I ... " 11-.1 .. 1lt01•I\• ""'1'tllolN ,-,..,.,. ,.,, ... , .... ~l.~!~~90~ .... f.••Clt•'--•f'•f •~\'' .. •·t •O ' '••• ""--' ROCI( .. UOSON CIHCMAC£NllR ...... . . . ,.. . ..... Wf'-"•t•Off't .. U f ttt I t CINlli'A CENICR ..... ·--··~·-\··-·· -..t~• •t•Ot t fflflT• t n ft.Ii ~ SHAMPOO CIHIMUl SI -" .......... ._ ....... , . .... ,, ..... (...... .., .... ..... ,,, .'i. °i•' ",,, .... 't , .. OPEN SENSUA.LtTV • Plu• OIANE K(ATON £ll 101 OOULO IWDl,IWID ... An-Now WlSTllOa. Wt\,_,~1t '1 M'OC'•--U tt••tt• .. o•o·•• u• ... , - CINlMAW!SI •tt•-'ttt1••Q11.et••IU Wt \ta.1 .. (tOlfllt ffJ U'I I "?!~~. !_S! ~.f!~P:A COO • ~U• UI UU REX RE D in the rav.J jllll\l(f1•d 1. ... 1 ,, ti ,, \ ··' \\ ,,. !ff ,, lh'\'\l\·d ..... ' .1 • .11 . " q .1 \\ I I. I, ( I II It I"' Ill (Iii\ l hllt' lli1 l '11111l11111tl '11•),111 ., ' 1 rrt111 ... m 1 lh t\1 11 .. 11111 ti d 1 II 111.tk• 11 '" I 0.lrltlt'' ,II I Ill' .1 1•1·111 1111. I• . I• f 1 .. 11 ' II I ""·' Ill fl .Id lh1 l1111h .!1111111 """I 1. o1•1•• l11 I .... lwr1· u1111l ~1111 t.!l'l li.wh 11111111 ,111.t, ,ii• II 1111 •r. tllL IH'\\ 'J1 :1Jll't'~ \\'1111 .ill 11·•p1•1·f 111 1111 ,, II\" 1111 . Ill' t ·rn11,.1 ad rn1t l h,t1 11111 1 "' tl11 11111 1·•1• I 1,·, .t11 ·ii ;1htHtl 111 pa :..t 1 l ;1r ' h ;11 ,. 111 ... 11 , 111I •"!1•tl I \\ 11 mr ... takl'' 1'1·111.1111 th.11 \\\".11..1 II I'll• I I I\ II '11 "' ( ·annt''· no\\\'\\,·.' 17 11'11, llll'rc· I ·Hw h11n:1r-•· r·· • !'olll' ,,, \t ho J.!1'1' Ill 111 'l'I Iii• l1l r11 .111d \\HI d 11i'"' I Tl1t: f1• ... lt\ .ii "·''.I I 111'1111 1 " 11 lf•h .• 1.11 d \\ 1\ 1tf dt'l'l'n•qll).! ,I\ 11 1•dll,1llllll' 111'1 ' '"'' II 11111rn.il1'1' 11111 .. 1 111 1111·111 ,.11 .. 1111"' I' I I. 1' 1111 t1111 l1•\\ 'l'•"' 1 1·-.1111111~· Ill l••l ,d l I ... \\I" II I ;llTI\ l'cf for H 1•111.111 11111,111 1-.t • I h1 I •'II,,, . ,1 \ l'l'llll\1 ' "I ht llllhll'\'ll\ tt,•I\ l 1 111'' 1 111(11 1 rl ;1.., Ill\' d vor-", 11 li11lt1 ti .1~" 11•1 111111 1 11 • ;\lun· tha11 111111·1111<·, ""'' .11>1111•11' 111111. It. 11" l:lm inut1·' l1l t11r1 lh• •1·11 • 1111h -l'l1'!";1n nr·1·:11 • till' lht•J t(•1· I\ .1-. ftlkll l11(•,q1.11 II\ IF \'ol· u o ).!1·1 111 "''I 1·.11111111 , .. , ,11. "'' d l1r:-.t.1nd 1 h1· Eni.:lr-.h t 1,m,l.tl11111 111, .• 1. , • 1 , l':rrph•Hll':.. ar1• 111-.t 111'.ll lllJ.! .1 \ UI( I I I ',,ti throu i::h :1 l111 1·:111 fr11111 th1 lt11t l11111 ''' 111. ·• 1 Som l.'l1 m1•:-. t hl· l.111\' dn111c 1111 tr.111 I 111111 1~1 t rdl•d 10 lw :111 .1t·1i·1·"· pl:11111c th1 1 •111 111 .1 \ ;11'1('!\' Of llH'o>)H'l'l'lll ;1l'('1•11h \I 11lh1 I I llll t · .,ft1 rs too :..h od \l•d · h1 lht• d1.il11i•111· ;111d o1 .. 111!1• 111 l0l1m1n :t ll· ,Ill r1·f1·r 1·111•1·, t11 ... 1., 111 •l,111 ~oml'lrm\·~ o.;h1· tll"I g11l'~ 11111 lnr .1 .. ;111d'.111 h .11111 l1·:t1 t•:-. \nu h al 1kd111 ... 111•111·1· ll :; d1-.11n1•t l\·1· fJ :i1 or ha:-1·m1·1 ~l'd I ht '1 .. 1r 1l ii> purl' 111ll'rn;11 w11al1~m. So 111a11\ I 11111-It.I\• ~l'll fmauc:cd IJ~· !ill l)l;ll!.' 'd~1p1t1dtt;.l111n !11 .d .. ll •~ llO\\ 1mp11:-.:-.1hll' tu tl'll \1h1l'h 111111 1 11111 1·, l111rt whic h <·ount n · 'l\111 111 tlw 11ll11·1:il 1-'rl'nelt 111 111 .. an• -;-;Tht• T~·n a111." 1l1n·1·1r-d In 1'11!1-.h ho 11! Ho man l'Cll:111:-i..1. .inti ·\11 1-\ll'llt. tllr•·tlt·cl 1i, .-\·m t"f.~a-'...'-J,.1:-c µ I 1 J .ill>i!~ _ "THE BLUE BIRO" "ROBIN.&-MARION" IPG.J "SHHLOCK HOlMES' SMARTER BROTHffl" IPGI "MOflty Pyffl-& ~ Holy Groil" l!"I • •• • • JACK MICHOLSOM "OME FLEW (? 1i /.·'I p@ OVER THE CUC KOO'S MEST" tRJ· 540-7444 "WHERE'S POPPA?" -"EMBRYO" IPGJ "SISTERS" "MISSOURI BREAKS" "BltEAKHEART PASS" edwards BRISTOL CINEMA LGoks Could Trick Virgo ll 0 "> \\ .. ll ' I·: i II\ -.yo"\ 0 '1 \ltlt \ltll'.:-; .:1 \ .,, 1:11 I .1!-.1 'l'\'1 i,,tl • .111 It 1 .ii 1'·11"'1 1. 1111 1 rnnl ~11111 .. 11111· 111." \\ .1111 \\Ill 111 '11:11 .I 'I I' 1111l.!I\1111! Ill' "'llll\'1 1~1111- lo•I l\llllllll.C 'f \ l I( l ~ I \pl'll :1(1 ;\J,1\ :.;U1 1;'11111111 llll llllJ.:I> 1111 ltt1111'11 I 1•!11 ... ,• 111 l h• llllllllld,11\'ll It\ Ill\\ \\ h11 \\,Ill!" (II l111d it 11\1'1 \1111 11\ 11 ,l•lttl ctf 1'' p1 •t I\' 111 I c:t :\1l ~l 1 \l :t \ :!I .111111·:111 1 \1111d 1 .1ll 1•1 111~·. l1 w1'1'• 111· '1•r .... 11 tl1· 11111 h•'•'P 1i1-i111 1111.d 111 ,1.c ltl ('\'(I .It 1,111111 "I .11111 :1:!1 ~111I,111 1 •1111<·11 ,q •p{1 pt l'''\lfl' ( '•llll l'lllt .1t1· 1.1.0 •. luh :.::1 \111! :':!1 \1\\ ,1 pp111 11li 111 d1-.1li1n ''ilh 1 111 1 m1~!hh111 -. r1•l.1ll\1 , 111.1\ 1 ... 111'1 I''·''\ "''' . lftd1•p1•111I· 111'1' l'f l ·"I I ti\ \ 11((10 I \\If 1:1 ~I pl \ppo•,lf .1111'1'' I'''"" "' d1·1·1•1\ Ill).! h.1111\\ II l''lll'l l.ilh \I 111·11 I •"I ;If I' \'11111'1 I llt cl l.IBH\ ~l'\ll :.:;1 1111 ":.! ('\1 l,•1-.. 1wh1h.11 I'• ...... 11.1111 \ tllldl'I ~ ....... I h.111,..1 'I ••II 1•1.11\1 111111 I' 111 nht.1111 \\ h.1! I• \ 11\lf 11\\ II ~(Oft l'IO 11 11 1 ".l \11\ .:1 F r111•h.1-.1-. 1111 l'I tit 1•t! 111 i•' "'llljlll ... , 1111111\l111d11' tllll\\ ll.H l.. ... t,1f< 1·11 n11·111 I' 111• 1111111 :-'\C ;l 'f"f.\Hfl ~1 \111 ..!:!fl1·1 "I• \1·1 1nt1111 l•l11.illlll ll1\1d\1'1l l\•1lt 1'1.111 1-1· iii p l.111-. 11'\ 1-.t1IJI \\ h1•f'I• h1tll\'' ,11111 \\ l'fll'" ,II'<' ('11111 I I lll'tf ( \l'KH'Olt' 1l l1·i :.!" .f,111 1!1 'I "ur .11111 1 ... .ll'lll<'\ ,.i1 \\ 11 h h1 Ip 11f lllll' Ill .111111111'1: \ I·. ti 1 pit ·I' I' •111-.t.111d111i.: 111 ('lllllllHlllll\ 1·1111 h11111 11 .\Cll ,\ltll S 1.f,11\ :!U l•1•l1 ll'ol l·:111ph.1 1· 1111 111tlf'lll'' l'tlu1·at11111 111l 11n • pl.111->. i.:vtt111~ 11 v1·1kd 11111p1·r.1t1un .111d 1111111 ... l'IS( I·::-; ( i.\ 1. lH ~1 .11 l'11 :.!U• .\I l'I Il l 1111 ,,,,· ... t1•n . rfl•I\ 111 1! 111111 l.1\. 11i...111-.11HT m:illt'r·· ltt1 "~ Su• 8 JO 1111· lttd l Sil 1 JU BO t Off I Cr S '-1\IS IC C(tjl[R ~AVlll\:l'I PAC1flt SHRiil 6)1 ~ H ill~ I]~ 'AU1UA l Ar,ltlC•!~ 10~ INfO cnu ;.11 t ;i.1.11 OR f>.111 '11lll fUl l TIM! SIUOI NI~ 'I 1 I'. fl, il •,1• ' ht b"I 0 I \\ 111• 1-.. luf1 f I I f\J1I I 0 Rf O'O '.&UDLtlACI( & J0Ufr4T&IM W'All.l't' HDAJlf f lt. l )0 J1l'.iii?i#liii'~; n 1 alt nu., 'lbllawlle, ,f'.. /1'1Y9I •· .. . ... , -~ '.J'\1i " .. I DSN. Mil f r ~ ... ;>-~ --c--41-+---I 1 4'\ 4 J\. 1 JO , .. '\.f\t"loM ••th. Ptt •d • ,,..._ I ti·• olf, If'• tio.t5t fU ••• \ Mht4fli •\ 1n .,", '"' "'"'"' ,,,, •• _,,...,.d "EMBRYO" "G• 4·00·7'55 "DUCHESS & THE DIRTWATER FOX" 2·00·5 55·9. 50 893-1305 BRISTOL AT Molt.It RTHt Ill COSTA MESA UA TWINA WESTMINSTEA Kissing Kin Wanted I> E \ H \ ;-.: \ I.\:\ l>l·:H :-. 'I h 11 t1'1·11 111<111th, .1 1,!11 I h,111 111\ Ill '\I I htld ;1 lll',t11lllt1f Ii.ti•\ 1111' )if, hu-.l1.111d. ' Itri-, ,., ;1 '' 1111d,·1·ful fit1!->li,111d .111d f ,1lh1•1' hut 111· h.t , ,.,., 1·1· k 1 ...... ,.11 1111' d11 ld l 1111·nt111111·d t 111 -. lo 111111 l't'l'I lllf\ tltttf ht .,,lid ht• d kd IUllll\ (h;1 t hL• !'> Ill'\ l 'I' "J<i•..i•rl .t J,!ll\' 111'1 1111• I 0\'1: !old hr 111 lul\\ 111111 h t Iii-. 11111 h1·1·., 1111· fill( II <f lH'\ll 0 l cl11 ;Ill~ r o11\I '" t.1lh1·1' h.1~-.t·d 111\ lin1t lwr~ .111d 1 lt1·v 111•\ 1·1· 111-.1 tl11·1r 111 :t-.1•11ltn11' ltt·1•:111 ... 1• 111 " :'-1111111· 111' ('IJrl' .. ' lll id l• fl'l('IHb ho1\ 1· kt~\1·d our 1'111 lrl 1111 I IJ1• dt1·1•k \\ft tl'ft f \I' IJU1nlcd oul tu 111111. Still 1111 t h:10gL• flt• 1-." \\.1r111. a ffol· I tt>ll,lll p1·r,11n :11111 lh1-. h :1ng 11~1 It.I ... 1111' 11·1 t tlih 11111111-.1·!1 t'an 11t1•11 · ht• .1 dt•1·111 ·r pr11!/lt·n1 '' :\1.\,\1 ,\ D E .\ It .\f .\ ~I .\ . \ rattwr who ('lllhidt·r ... a I :1. 111 o II th · o I 11 !-> 1111 "a ,1:11\" hao, a lilll1· ~lrudd in hi ... llOIHllt'. I 'ti ~a~ ('hrb ha' a cl1·1•1w r pro. hl1•m all riJ~ht. nut if ht• hold~ tlH' c'hilrt.plar'> '' ilb him and "is-cf"'\\OIHk rful fa th1•r ," "' crlook thi~ 111·1·uliaril~. Ki~!'oinl! b n 't 1•-,..,1·11tial lo ht·allh) ci t•\ t•lo111111·11t. n E \ H I. \.\'IH:HS. r .,,, month-.. I la.I\ 1· h1·1·11 l.1!.t11).! 11111 ,1 .II \\'JI <1ld l;uh \\ho 1' .111 1·.Hlt \1· d 1.11·m111 g 111tvr1· .. t111g ,1J11I \\l'll lhought 11f h~ .ill 1111• p1·op(,. -..ht• \\ ork ... \\tlh l .11111 ... 1· It.a;-.. lll'\l'I 111•1·11 111,1111t•d I I \\;" di\ •11 n •d I 1111 \ \0:11 ' ;1~11 for r l'.1,1111.., I ,,·on 't i.:n 111 1<1 h1.•r1• hut ti \\ .t ... 11 I 111\ f:111lt. ~I.\ \\ rk r ,111 <Jll \11th ;1n oth1·r m:1 n > l.1>111:'1• \\lll'k ... th1: d,I\ .. 11111 I \\t1rl.. tlll· 111i:ht :-h1ft '1'111 ... 1111·:1 11 ... \\ t· .._.,. I ll11-.. ()11 ~1111 " l'll-."l' hd11 1111· lt;.!111\ I I 11ul l:\TEH< 'E 1• 11 .. 11 IH:.\ H I Vrt: It: \\ lru', 111 fi~un•'.' Thi· fa t•h an· oh\ iou ... \'1111 ha11• ;a i ~··ar·nlcl d 1a111·ro1w. Tl'll l,uuh 1· \1111 :.tr1•11 '1 intt•rt•!'>lt01I in a· ~lt·1• ... 111111· thrl't'Mlllll' unit·"· of ('tlllt"I', \ 1111 :I rt· t'lllllt'lll to 1.Nth• for a platvn k fri1·111bhip, \\ hid 1 " I'\ at•l l\ "ha t \OU h~l\I'. l':wh olh1·r n111\ 1111 ~u11 f) E \ II \ \ \ d;ih . l.i\:'\DElt ~ o1111 .1 l.1 l'q· 1,11c1 1.m11,1. r 1,,,,. "'·•r 11111 i:1 r1 """ 1t.1 .. hi·i amt -.Ill' ,,,1, ~ -..11<· 1:-11111t•tht111! tn '·" I 111 t f1·1-!-.. thc ~:1111\' ,1h1>lll lllt• \\l'h lh1.• kid:-. \\ h11 11 .111 For lft1· r :i ~I '''"·r.d 111u1 column 1\1111ld 11111 11 d.i t1·-.. howl·vcr. -.he ha., thf'1r t') l'' and .,_.,. tlll'1r hrnui.:ht h1•r '>l·1·1·11 :-1·.1r ll'a~·hl·r:.. a ... l'l'Opli• 1>ld 1111•<'c ~ltrng 1T h« Lµ unlll nu" I llL'I ,., :-111111i.:~11·r lt \'c ... "111t lwr -.1nt·1• l.11u1,c·., ~r-.tcr p:i ...... 1.·da\\a,V 1 l'lh· <'111lct ... its ht·l11 ,•t•n ll' Ill lhl' nlll\'ll.'., ;!fld l' \\'II 111 l h t: l' a I', () f c·ou1" .. 1· I h tH'•.• to 1 .. 1..,. J.11111 .;l' -.11'111).!ht home lwc•;111s1• 111 tlw little g irl Tl11• kid t'\'l•n s t ands tltvrt• 11 htlc Wt· s uy go.,d nig ht I l'•111 't t•\'l'n gi\'l• Lnua~t· a rea l ki..., I 'm l>l't11m1ng lerrihl~ f'ru -..t r al1·d and don't k11tl\1 "h:1t t11 makL' of DUSTIN HOFFMAN "THE GRADUATE" l IPGI • thought :...11 p flo;l'\1° f'I llrl Ill\ ldl1 1 .\1111 a 1 ii !I'll tilt' "1111!1·111 .... di "' l I 11i.1t 1t ... 111111'1· lhan :1 11111 "111t 1111-. Pf lho•ni 1111 \ 1·ar1· '\ I-:\\ \ 11-:\\ Ul:\IC \II.,\\: 'l'hanl.. \1111 1111 1ir•1\ id in ~ 11u• \1 1llr an 11111wrl1111it' l11 ~I \ I' .1 \\,.II d I' .... r\'t•ll 11111 .... 1 t 11 ,1;. cl i 1 .1t 1•11 11·ad 11•r, Jl1tl lh1•n • a n · lh1111 .... 11 .. 1-.. !JE.\H ~\\ I W 1111L J ,C ~ADDl f9ACK 'e PUZA f , .. "I.~ .. ·~·- 11MARRIAGE, rTALIAN STYLE" ,,. f..>4,.J9i 1 fl ·~r--• .,., ~, .4'\ I'll STMIHSll R lftlil MAH CllUMA .. OCI,.,, ... ,, ,, , ._.,,., ,S,,"1 0 ,,.... •8.._ .. f •+• '""' .... I 11111 I I I I... "' I '·'''·"" I 11111 1 .. "Ill I, I. \1 1 1 ,1 •• \ rt . 1,, t' ;.li\\~ ii• l111d ,, \. 1(1 I ,,, ,, I 1111 •• t I I , I ll' \111111" 111.111 .11111 1\1 .d11111· \\ dl l•11I ' 1 11 '111 1• I l lt1 1, 1 I 1 I .i11\ 1h111)' 1·\ 1•11 tl!ou •I • .111 ti "·' C:11d ,,,, \lllJ '""lo If I' I 1 I .1 I 11 I •111 I 11 :it h • I I 1 It 11 f, ·d THEATRE CLOSED Rf-OPENS SOON AS TWIN THEATRE ·A~t me PRESIOUIT'S MUI" COl>ITINO OU) OA!l 'f 2:00·4·J S.7 I 5.9 4S -.-..-:'·; 'Hl 1 I I SO BIG IT''i Al 2 CINEMA LA NO<; 'MISHIORI BRtA~~ ?C ·MISSOURI 8R£~KS" EVEtoilMGS O H L Y 8·00-10 IS fl I I " II II ,11.t 'f .• I 1 1111 . ·''' c \1. I ' •• I .1 • I I "I ' I • l'" .11111111 1 ... 1.. • •• \\11111 \\t •• ,, .. 1 •• 11 \ 'dtd \t" I Ill I "I t 111 0 1' l\j11 t \l:J 1·..;..,1.,11 UL \H l '\. tfr , 11111 !tu 11111· ,1d1•d . 111· il1,1 jf •II '11 I C 11 111 1 I I I' Ill .t f :i m t 1' n I · • (. 1• !'> u 1111 · h1 Ill I ·, " I 1111 1111111' 111 l1k '' 111111 a 11d 111.11 111· 111 111111· Ill' 111·.111 11 tli1 llt 111 • ,. ' I hHJlf• I Ill/ 111111 I h1t\ I' h.11 f1·1 I I I .1t' tV 'U\.1 i \]f•' R ....... h'"f .. l(•l .. ,.. ,Q .... 44 Bill C o•bv Rr.cq11rt W ttch M01HER JUGS '· SPEE 0 (PGI 'f·O LLO W ME BOY<;' 'l T ROBINS0t4 CRUSOE" tGI () '"TUN Na VISION" 1x1 '"I I r \' "'u''' •,(j LflllfRl ORANGE c.34-39 11 1 n"'" """'"'' 'JH R £ i.. ~Rl'•'f 'CllY OH l •I l HI PllAIHOM OF 1Hl PARA:JISE IJl\R'1Ar!HLA (PGI "FOLLOW ME BOYS" "BcH A-.,0 ME" IGI ~ti•• , ·C• 1 I .JU t(l I I IJ ,.,, l•tt<Ot 'A.• t. Holtda~,1 I 1'.i • ONE S'IEAL ONE KI LLS. # '(~ r~ r11 • r 1.CH ff7 ----- f I '~~~ .. ~~:{', MARLON .< JACK 'BRANVO N CHOLSON "TIIE MJJJ'Omu 'D D ~ A 1J' C"" J)J\.L'.Mll\k) T •lmte~~1sls ~~~~~IU~:J I I CALL ~HEATR~S ion C,HOW TIMES Castle or condom l n lu~, (i~~.Y~4r.~!!~~m.t!~~·.i• .. Sundays ..... ,. ... ~ ,.h .... ,.. ·~°" ._...,..,_.,....,...._...,.i.J ,•.111!'..:.~...:~~~-·.r~>~y:,...•.,.,... ...... .., .... .._::_~!!!li::z:~lllllllll~~-!l'il~!!!!!'!~~ JC!Uj .... ..,..:j'f'or~~" lll::· . m f tt e a.lllllliUr.t , .... f ...... ' 99• H OO 61• 1oa1u •••••o TAXI OllVll 111 WUlfH tUfTl e l ll OIUO SHAMPOO 1•1 O•I,,. t l JO e M4t1HU DAil f ••llOH tU"'°''-' • 1.tC• .. ICMO,lON MIUOUtt HIAU 1••i 1 >• •> •t•• ••• 10.10•1 •l-Olt•t NO P•H rt o,, .. 1 > 10 • ••n ... 111 o•H • •o•n• ttO•O•O•O""' ..... o., •• ,.. Atl IHf "fSIOfHf'S MIHJ.•01 ._, ..... C4U_..cM ~·-tt----~~~~--, O•t.,. f J 10 O ••rtllrrflf\ OAh 'f' fhl .. 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"'' ''"""tl''ih t1111 1c lt1 \•.If' II 11 I T ho • l .ll ' s5 OFF NOVUS "FINANCIER'' CALCULATOR 24.99 Reg. 29.99. Pocket calculator helps solve financial problems. AC/battery operated (6020). SAVE Zerex Summer Coolant -Anti-Freeze 3.33 s7 OFF STURDY CAR RAMP 2L99 Reg. 28.99. A handy item for the do-it .yourself car mechanic. Super s~1.1ings. too. s3 OFF GENERAL ELECTRIC SPRAY /STEAM / DRY IRON 13.99 Get summer b oilover Reg. 16.99. With water window. JXOtect1on that car rie_s 25 steam vents. instnnt spray and yo u right through wi nt._e_r _. --•--.t~a....-b~nc_g_u ,_,1d-e. {'Fg2). s2 OFF 5 PIECE POL VESTER SHAG BATH SET 6.88 Reg. 8.88. Includes 1.m k top ~ind cove r. l1cl covP.r. 21 x32" 111g 2 lx22" contom Choice of colors. ~~I \.. --... --.--~ UM Your JCPenMy Char ... ' ) , / --~--· ---... s1 OFF LIGHT SUPPORT NYLON PANTIHOSE 3 PR ./4.31 Reg. 3/5.31. Just cnougt1 support for the gal on the go. SLWt~m . coffee. beige. S.M.L ~2 OFF 50' .. VINYL GARDEN HOSE 4.66 Reg. 6.66. 'a'' diameter. Nylon reinforced. Thick. durable. a must for every gardener . ------ s10 OFF SKILl'R• 3/a " CORDLESS DRILL/ SCREWDRIVER 29.99 Reg. 39.99. Powerful light.weight has separate forward/reverse for screwdriver. Rechaq~er included. (2002). s1 OFF BOYS' LACE -TO-TOE SNEAKERS 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Cotton du ck uppers. Cushioned inso lc·.i rch support. White. black. blue. golcl. red. 21i'.· to 6. IGLOO 25 QUART ICE CHEST 9 .99 Reg. 14.99. Hi-impact plastic chest with friction lock lid. plastic foodtray.18x 10~"4x 131/4''. s4 OFF GENERAL ELECTRIC AM /FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO 30.99 t 1\ '' \\ • I lN 1 t. \H f 1.lN \ l \ V I I #;-\. .1 ( \ .. .... •1 ,. " < • ' ••• 11 n. .\pt \ • , ~ 4\ ... I t t • • " Iii II f I\( IH ,,, I' "", . \ , • t,• t•, I""° t I""'" ti ., t • I'' 1 \ 1t\l, t It "~"" •'1' I .. t Pi 1' I l••• I lJ••h ~ol .1 ,,,,... ... ____ l•t P\1Hl.I(' :'llOTl('t: FICTI l IOU\ BUSll>tf.SS l>IAMESTATEMENT T•' t )11 •oN•no n1, ,11n • .. t11,1109 ho L A( 1.1"'41\ JUN< r.nn '''~ .... , I 1 ,, •' Ai I ,. l • •1 ,,. I O• I flo. t I u • t '' ~. 1 f-fh o tn\ I i tlh I' t t1 ti \'10 I 'I '\o ll \ 1 Jjl 1 N '' (. I I ,f '\ '• I IA,, IW '"•~· •l1l •''. ,, .... I " ,, • ,, '\,I ~. .1 ' ' I ~ •I I '' ~ h • H t•! 1 I"" II 11l1JN .ol•I ln1~ i..Wl.41tll Hl "N , 'h J .-.11n 11 H1>t<SI ri+,nt •11 t O• '" 11 C (\ • 1 0,111v Pqi,,,1 M11v /1 IJ 10'1 Ju""~ 1 I "''"' ~-?\ ,, rt.a u .l e NOTICE SUP[RIOll COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOFOJIANC E ln (h• M olll I f tho• f\()('tl1<.Afl f\ t 1 QOUlfHJO l l >t JflNll •"10\ 0( lf>"lf ~ 11\Nt ,. '"'' O'l"I ..10 t • ,. J•\"'H 1 11 HU-.1'\ t..OUI 1l f,\P'f1 I, ,A'"U'"•' U• H I t 11\Nl T 101n 1 10 t t•~,-., •'"' r~(tf\l '< t IO'>t--• .-. JANI ., I ', j ,,, A::J L1t•HI . I (..h1t'I 1• I tJ tit• CA~E. l>IUMBCll 1191110 ORDER l v St<OW CflUSE FOR (lfllNGE OF NAME. c.r0'4C I (, qOhl t'4 r·, h l t ~'•I pe.11110•1 1n lt\1 n1-id tn• .. , o,1h'f ,1·11N IMf'l f).; lit ('I',, t It I''.,,,,, th. t '' t!H •romJl\Nt. i l•)Ar,,.nt ., 10N • tt • ..,, ,. h v ,.,.,, •• tJ fr1.tf ''' ,,. ,,, IOI• rt 'r· d IH '"'' m.1'\•, ··•ur I • II• oi d' h lo• th. • "..,, • ,,, O• '"'' '"" 111 Nr I 1H lu t ,,.., ', 'H••t o,,.,,, \'J • s . .,, •.. h n I (I I lfl• I e n JUI'; 1t.i ·/., 1f fl o l•t ., • •n .1n•ttt\"n 1 • l lfl H' ttQA I 11.ol ol """' llh \o t"1l'tlt\ t\I • \ol•i()o'l't\I '"·•t'l•h Vf •.JH\!o h \I J n ,tr>· 1• ·I '1 U t I ,1U I It 11 t •f 11• If ,. f C\/ fl \l"!t .It I I I II A/ j I'"' 1tjt fl< 1 \ 0,q Ii I f I ' N 11.!f'• < t.1 '' 0•' ol t ,,, ult11 H 'J 1f I 11• 1f •1 f''' '""' r,, 11 l1t,1 f tlf I WI • 110 I Jiii 'ltf' O ,,,, W••" ,,,,.,, t tt1• I-. l ,11lh•i1f'111 1 t> ..... , J11' •1 1 ' ·'M tH I !)In \1 N J 11n111 • • '' ,,, r1vr ( ·'•' r CEORGE 0 R06~1HS A Protf'\,1on,,1 Corpor.u.on * C Mew pod (r nt.-r Or1vr, N(twport 8 Pd(I\ CA •h#!O T<f •• , 1011 Attorntty tor PPl1l1on••r" Put>f 1\1·11 f'h f'I i · l l .t O ulv ,, It t JU"''"' 1J /t') 1 I•'• 1J'r 1• P Ul\l.I{" SOTl('E j NOii CE TO CR f 01 TORS !IUPERtORCOURT 0~ THI: Sf ATE OF CAI.I FORNIA FOR TW E COUNTYOF'OJlllNGE l>to A 114]6 1 1 111 1 t11"~'v 1 1\· .. n o ..... ,., .• no 11c ~ 1., 1t1 ''' •I t 1,1vr"' t1 .,,, .. , "'"' ''th· .u•1,..,, n ••• ,., 1 ,,,.,,rt •·• 't\ ' di ... I Ill fl .,, l'lj I I If" t' I I• I '' t I I ,,, u r J •, rf • I~ f '" ~ !11 111 t 1t 'f 'lrl•I,.., r 1 I ~ I "' 1 t , I> I\ I Hi. ,,_. ~· 1' 1·1 ti 1urt 1r If' J 1 •,I"'" ni. ,._,,., u,, .. , "~ ,,.,11,, h , ' , tt\. \. •• , ·•1" 1 ,, ff ft,,. I ' Ul'}Y WO'll J '-111")0\ t V :, N f I t 0 -t T•h\l(t1( ll An.,,., y ul I ,_., : , ~1n J·1-JU n H II llt1 N• h J)Of'I tt• ' " (ill••t)t n I 'I ff I Wh 'n I ff'\t• (ti t)o •f'I ' lif lf't. Uf101 ' t'°ln' It II '''·'"' t p1 • l·1•n•n'1!111t·• • • 1' 11 • 1 '• • tl1,..,I N•th11, I 11;• M 1r'h ,,ti.• tt ... tri1.;t11t• .t11111"'"" ,,,,1,,, r> 1~· tlM. .. .,, ,, 11•'• WI\'"'" I\ Jf')•UP ru1 t 11 1 utl"U f;I tn1 /it I I 111,. ,I , 'i• f1 101 1•11 I f ROY 8 WOOL~t. v WOOLSCV llNOEl..0.ond l HATCHfll Attornl''t' ,11 L.••w ~ ~.1n Jo.1qu1,, H ill• Ro N('Wptttf 9,, .. ( l"I (,1f•fOfn1,. 016..0 Toi· 111<14<0 O~l!C Anorn,•v tor-E •tutlor P .... u • ,J o r n'J • D ,, "f r 1 ... N' .. 1y l HWJ J 101 t I , ,,,.. rnH.IC l\'.OTICE Reg. 34 99 l .irgc. lighted numerals .• wakc-to-music or alarm. NOTICE TO CREOITOAS ---r-_..v.P.E-AIOfit COUHT-<>f-J .. ,F----- S fA fE OF CALIFORNIA F'OR 4 " spcaRl!l.(l-:-itz:l 15). BIG BOYS ' PR INT TANK TOPS 2.49 Reg. 2.99. Sublistic print !link tops in· polyester . Assorted colors and prints Sizes 8 -18. Sa le prices effective thru Wednesday. June 9. 1976. lo<E COUNfY OF ORlll>IGE No A 81)/~ r • , I' unM~ 1 e>u ~uu\M, ,,. , Ptt'A,. I 'll ,')•J "'' I • I f,l_JJI l ·ltt•d~ ( '"'''' ,1, r,-r•fl t •• I "" 11 '' ,,, •i.1 t 1 • t 'f1, I ff' I I ' f fll I f f'u 1 11 I f I f'-f II ' I 111 f ' t l'r, I I, p ft .._ 1 I It I .t ~ I 0 1• ' • • ' 1 t • t • 1 I t -~1 r tN "\ ff I I I I 1 ' ll I f I f f /If f fft \ : ' lJll '''" It, I • , •• ,, I ' I I u /\II ••11 V It I N I' It 1N,' ' t1 'ii' t !fr '" Io .,ir;ho •1 f ! • t I, , 1 11 1 •''• I II J• ,,, • j•I• fl o" 1'1 Ill 11!1 r I" fl t<H !•I' J U~• • ';f 11 , fl •f 111 N tlll H ' 1• "'''''., 111. , I• 111 t u11t1t .11 •nt~• •· ,I, I'/ '" • ; 1/ I,.,, l1lttllff,t/\ '. , .. ,,,,, ,. , ~WE ENC V ,COlY, OllOJl l(.lf, FOX&KE tU;k AttOt rw-y, .ti l..1 w 1f\t\ H~•wtnor,.. "'"d f'>"·'"'' C.A"O\OJ fl •• I I ,, fj... I I r111tv , II 1 t l 1 1tr 1 ,., •. ------------ Pt'Hl.I<' 1\iOTl('I·: BUENA PARK: 8£'ach al Orarige1horoe • Ooeri weekday<; 9 30 I.) 9 JO SunClays 10 10 6 ORANGE: C11, ()1 • G •r11• • ~· ·' r . 1 SANTA ANA: 3900 c,, n r«ro1-No of So Coas1 Praia • Oof"n wpekr1ay~ 9 30 I••,, •,,,,,oays 10 10 6 •Or· 11 w . • • ! • I 1 10 • q S•tnr1.iv5 IC10 6 Sunday. June 6 1976 OA1L Y PILOT Cl Hulst Win,s Easily, Fails to Get Record 8' G l.F.~S \\'lllTI: • Ot '"• D•llf PlllJll \•Att BEHK EL~:y Thi•. ·~~Ul' "a" tn doubt <>nl\ for u tev. m•111wnh \\hl'll, \\1th <1 llllll• m1·r a !;qi t I Ill ~Jrd:-.1 lo~o. ll ~t rnl<1 !'whul1 1 11I Jh•dv. 011<l ll1t:li. nwd1· .1 !iii l11 l'IH1lh•ng1• lor t IH: lt·•nl Schult1,. ru11111 11g :.l niui.:h . dosl'fl to within l\\11 ... 11·1111·" ol L;;guna ll<•al'l1 ll1g h'" Ent 11111 -.t lluht glH1H·i·<I liark ;inti ""'\ Schull1, lh1•n 'lll•tkly m·N·ll·rall·d his pat'l· anti m :11nt a 1 nl·d the 1n t'l'e:t:-.t•<1 :-.p1•cd lt1 thl• 11111:-.h i\11tl hl' (.'<1:-.lly (';q1t11rt cf hi:-._e('(lllfl ... 1ra1g ht ('al1f111•111 .1 pr'l'Jl :.t ;.itl'. rnl'el l\\o rllill' t'h11m,,11i11:-.hrp S:iturdav J ltl·rnoon at Eel'' ard-. S1.1d1um 111·11• Thl· 111·r,1mm1111 <·ul11r ha11·1·tl I .• 11:1111;111''011 ll\ .I~ '''l •llltl' '" 1·1 l 'oflu .\J l'( 'ottrH·ll 111 llu11t111!::t11n lk.t• h " EdP .. 111 I l1gh :l" 11111,t \\;I' 1'lo('l.1•d 111 X :i7 'I \\ hll1 \ld '11111wll '' ,,... 1·r1•d1t.'<I "1th ~ ()(/ ,1 .\lt·l '111111 .. ll a nd '.\l t1l1 ·r lh'I 1S.111t,1 \11.1 1 '' 1111 11111 SI J o h11 111•1'1• ltJ.:\lf'l•d lt1 J.;1\1· llll l't Ill\' mo'l "·ri1111" t·111111wt 11 11111 "hL·n 1l \\a~ f,.;,r11l·d th:111 'I h11111 1 lunt of P:itnd. 111•111 ,. 1Sa11 l>1q.:01 '' ,.,., 111 ;rnd h.1d n11t qu:tlit'1,•d lor th\' :-.talt• t 1n :t1 -. llo11 l'\ ,., • llu bt tool. ro111m.ind •• ERIC HULST CROSSES FfNISH UNE TO WIN TWO MILE -Hur le son's Single Sinks Angels, 4-3 BOSTO:\ ' \I' 1 -F11rnw1 \\ a1· 11•11 11 1)..!h I l>o\\ Ill'\ I :.l.11 lt11 I.. Hurlt--.011 1·ratkl'll a '"" 11111 '111gh' 111 lh1: hottc>rn 11f tlw nmth 11111111 g , ~(·or1ng l>m1g 1:1 1f1'111 l rt1rn '<'l'OIHI h.t:-.l' atl(f )..!I\ Ill).! 1111' Ho~1<111 lkd Sox :1 .1 :1 ' IL'I 111·,· • 11 l 'I' I ht· t ';ti ii orn 1 :1 1\ 11,l!l'I" S:tt 11 rd:t\ (;nn111 w:llh1·d :ind \\1 °111 111 'l'l'111HI 1•11 :1 Pll('h that ,.:11t f'·'"'' Ou T\I TfJday Cha1111PI ;; al I I l':ti1·h1•r \11(1 ~ 1':l ('h1·h.it 11·11 lt1'1111 I' 1\111 11""0 11 ,l!OI ht , ,l!.11111 \\ 1111111\j.! 1111 _jJ~lJ J_l!:.11 111II1·1 ""111 111~ 1),1\ '' h:td I. 1111tt 1•d I h1 • -.1·111'1 .11 .l I Ill llh• l11p u l 1111' t1111th \\tlh 111 111·"1 h111111·t 111 tlw ,,.,1r 'I 11" ... 1.1111 II\ l 'I I h t• 11•11 I 11•ld \\ ·"' .ii· II• hrt•lll!lll h1111h· ll11h .111111 ·.. \\ "" lt;11I I 1', I h1•1I I II'"' \\ 11 .. 11 .I 1111 II\\ I 111111 I 11 '' lt.1 ... 1•111.111 I ·, ,·ti t '1111111 r \\\'Ill P\t'I' lh1· 1\1·.id 111 f'llt°lll'I l•\·1 i.:11 ~1111 11·111.111'-\\h1111.t'I "\ l 'l l tlj ! ,I\' 11h 111 • '1 t., I 11._ t •tf , I f I I I h1!kr fort lw 1 11·H1r\ II• '"'' ,. 11p • 1 ~ 111)..!I1 • 111 I" II' h 1 d I h 1 · I t r~ I I 11 11 11 t TV Sports Ill .t Ill. I I 1 PI 0 '~ti I 1• 'Fl. ('II \:\1 4, \ 1\1 t-;S l-'1•.111111'' 1111• l!11i:1 111;1t1'1111 p Ii 1 • I '' 1 • 1 • 11 I h 1 • I · I 1 • 1 1 • I , , 11 al Hr"'"" .111tl I he r .id .. 1•r' 111 .It) a 111 <;!I l'llO SO(.'. ct:H Thi• ·'''" \'1" I. ( ·11,11111. 1.11·1· I h1• '1'.11llp.1 B.11 !ltl\\ ""'" .11 'I' ,1111 p.1 I I a 111 t :11 \ ' (;I I....., 11111).!" 1 hl•ll h\' '''I tltm II 17 C 1111· •'l'lll l\1· l ':tl1lo1n1.1 h.tlll'I ' lt1•lorL' )!I\ 111g up ;1 honw run t11 1\1111 ,/ ,H·b11n 111 1l1l'1•ighl h. Fr;111i... '1'.111an.i 7 .. 1, lwld th1· llt'd s .. , 111 1'111·1·1.. 1111111 lhc tourth 11111111:.!. 11 h1•11 1lw l<1•d Sn'< l11:id1•d 1111· h.1.-.1· .... ind 1 ·rn1p1·r :-.lap1H·d .1 l\\11 1'11 11 -.111 l!k l\tl'(l)ll 'l'Ol'l'd :t)!.1111 i1111tt• llith '' h1·11 H11rl1·,1111 1111 ht!I 111111'\lt h1llJl1'1' 111' lhl' \ l'.11' ,l;H'l.~1111 , \\ho al:-111111 :r h11111l'I' fo'r1tl .I\' 111 ).!ht a g .1111 ... 1 llo:-.11111 ltn1•ol 111 .... ,., 11111111111· of I Ill' M'"""' 111111 lh1· llt I :thO\\' lhl' \\,tit Ill 1-'c'll\\ 1\ f',11 I., 111•11111• ,I C'ICl\\d Ill .!.l d '\. 1'.111.111 .1 ... 1 l'lh " ""' llllH' 11.1 .. 11111 ltt1 ti T"f--M fl1 l-hHl-h~ 11 lt>l'li' .i.n I ,.,,~·11 1· loo,11l111t• t11t.tl tt1 Ill.I loll' 1111• ,.,, .. ,111 11.,111 I'll • h1·1 .. \\\'111 th, ti I' 1 1111 • I I 111 I\ '•ol 11 1: .. '"' l It• \ni.:1·1" \\ 111 p1t1 h Ii \ 'II I I Ii I .1 g .1111 'I I , ,, 1. 1'11! 1• I I 'l 1 t.Alltl.)lf ... l t. UOSTO"' .• n • tt :.1 .• o, h bl I ' ,. . '' '. 111 1 I c 1 , • , .. '. '" ' ' .. ''''"' ... , ' t I o•h•.t I ' ' II I . I t ,. ,.. t th'\ I I • 1•;.;11 I I 'I t t ~ I •• t I ••· . , ' .. ' .. l t itt .. ' I I I'' •.!' ,_,, tt , I II I ' • •1 I I • I '' l I H' I ' I • ' It I' •< ' I ~ 11 '' '". • r•1 ., t ,,, '"'"' i' fl' H II l R Rll ~0 ' 'I •••• "'fjf I ' Saturda 1 :1fll'r thl' initial lap. t·asrng into tht.: ll .. jd ~ind holding a HI to 211 'ant t'<1~c througholit thl' nl'.\I "" I.qi'> 1111tll Schultl m.1d1..· h1-. 1110\ l' llubl 1..·jmc thn111~h lht• ~I 111 . lddlf lotaal Pholo•- Storle• Page C·2 ::! 1:! :! .tncl t hl· rn llt• :l\ I :!ti I far to11 .... 111" of ,1 p.1<'..: lor ;1.11,,· :-.l111l ;11 l hl' lal'' Sil'\ t' 1'r ,·l11111;.i111c':-. H II ~, n.1l111n,tl llltl•rM·hul <J:o.tlc re· <:onl. "'l'ht'l'l' 11 :t' no d 1am·1.• lo go for :1 n •t·onl lluht l1Jld tile OJ!l,1· Pilot "T hl· \\ 111d tlrnm H to I:! mph t Jntl lht h.1rd 1r.11·i.. :-.ul'fat•1..· ll\Jdl• It lnl)lo:-.Slhk "\\'rn111ng l ud !11 11 :1-. 11111hmµ 'fll't1al tu ml· I duhl'11h111I.. I 11 gl'l ,1 race I ruin a 11~ Olll' twr'"' '.\It( '01111t•ll, "ho h,1d run H .>fl. ~a 1 d th a I F r 11LI 1 111 g h1 ht· drt>•inwd hl· had bt..·:ttl'n llubt "I thought I toulcl j.!I\ 1..· 111 111 a r ;11.'l'." .l\lcConnl'll l>a 1d. .. Hu t :1:. tlw r :1t..'l' 111·oi.:n·-.~1.:<I I \\as tit-I 1111t1•ly runmng hoping 111 g1.•L !')l'tond pl:1c1.• · \\'hilt· llul"l \\as runnini.: '"''HY from thl· p;1d, of :!7 l'nlrant:-., ,,Id 'onndl :111<1 St J olu1 Wl'l'I: mo\'lng almost l>llll· b\' :-1dc lur l;.ip:, t" o through SC'\'(~n. Hut then on the gu n lap~t .lohn fadL·d ;.ind ~J l'C.'onncll rnJtfl' ha' mo\1'. cutting d m \n thow :1h1•.11l ol him until he t1nullv 11t•111 ll\ :\l ark Spil s hur~ 1>f F11111 ti1it tTu~lln I Tlw lat tL•r· ";1, third 111 ~J.01 ti a 111.l St John\\;.-., :-.t'll·nlh in 9'08.7. \\Cll 11ff hi~ t-\.5 1.t! 111 ;1 wn•k l':trlil·r Hulst becom1's tlil'lhird runner in stall' nwl·t h1:aor~ l1> {'apllll'l' bat·k·IO-hack two mill' l'onqul':,.b Ra lph Gama1, ( lll'rkl'11·\ 1 .11HI Huhl'll l'h upp1ns of E\l'l'l ~1nr (:'\Or\\ alk I ~Jrl' I h1• tllhl'I'' llul ... 1 111,11h-h1~ I 11 't ... tall• ml'd 111 l!J7:l al \\'1111tll.mll I h~h but ro1tlcln I 11111:.h .111ltlll).: t tw to1> 15. 1lm1 l'I \'I' ;1' .I -.11p flt11lllll'I' h1• \\ ;1:-, H'l'OOtl I 11 I< I l' h K I m h:tl I of L:.iSalll'. th1·11 l.1,l ~,·,1-.1111 llubt outd11d1•d It .1lph ~1·1·11.1 t l.oat•a t\ll:thl'IO~ Ill 1111· 'l.tl1· llll't..'I :-.lagt•d 111 !".111 D11·i.:11 lh~ !! -1 UI i:- thc ,·:d:-.1 111 ~'. ,(,Ill' llh '\'I l'\'l 'lll'<I. Ill' ran i.. 11 •· 111 lhv 111:1-.\1..•r-. m1·1•t a ""'•·!. .1 l.!t1 11111 ;111\ r h:1111•1· of bl'llt•ri11 ,.: t ll.11 ~al11rtl.1~ Ill Ill• jll'l0 fl llll.d1..· \\ ,1 ... \\ llll'tl •Ill\ hy th1· :-.ll'llll j.! l'lltll\ \1 tlld , lll1• ha1'(I tr:11·h :inti l.ll'I.. ul "l'l'l1111 .... <'11111 fll'I 1111111 Stones Sets Mark ( 7 -7); Olympiad • ·-1V Series USC Nabs Spike Crown Excelle nt Pll l l.:\DEl.Plll t\ <A P 1 l>\\ 1ght Stom·:-. o t Cal St ~1l.l' t Long &•al'h 1. mak111g a pro misl' he cnulrt lwqi. hrokt• his own world high Jump l'l'Mrd w1lb a lc.ip of 7.7 Satur day at lhl' 5:>lh annual !'\CJ\.\ tratk :.incl fie-Id cham· pionships • tllNlll\\'htll'. in learn standi ng~. Soutlwrn Callforn1a. llw P<1C'·8 c hamp11rn. :-.t·Orl•d fl.I points to dcthrl)nc 1'(•;-.lts 1 El Puso1. whith f1n1 :-.hl·d scl·und with ~-1 . Tcn- nl':-.:-.l'l' '' ;i~ third 1401. lull<med b y W a -.h1nj!ton State 1:1-1 1. Arizona Slate (311. Rrigh am Young <J-01 a nd Wa shm)!ton 121!1. And former :'\ewport Harbor · l11gh :-.t.1ndout T orn 1>1Stanislao . c·ompcl111g ror l'SC. l mi~hl·d in a thrc(• '' ay t i,~ for third in the pole 'aull "11 h a t:k:-.t of Ii I' 1. Ill' :-hared third with tl•am· m:ill' Ru:-.s R ogt•r:-. •111<1 LT L A's ~l ike Tull,·. J\rkunsas State's Earl lk· 11 ~rnn t hl' l'\ l'nl with a ll·ap 11f lK I ' 1 11 lulc Cal State \Long lkath 1 \' aultl•r Don Bum.I was )\l'l'Olld t 1 i 7 1. The col'!,~ St ones pn :d1ct1.·d he· would set ;.1 \\ orld mark al thl• :'\C:\:\ bl'C;J USl' he fl'll h e would11 't rt•:1ch rt rn th<' 01~ mpic Ga nw~ t h1:; s um me r at J\tontn•a l Hut he was 11.•ss <·ocky in I.ilk· ing about :.in injury that has been 11U).!).?tn).! h1m. "I w;1:-. a b <1 sket case in NO\'· em!)cr." the 2'.!·\'car·old Stone~ cllnfess·ed after ·he cleared the bar on his li4th lifetime attempt :-;p:mning a period of 35 months tr: m g 111 go o\'CI' 7 7. * * * FIHAlS J,t4'1'1 n I 01 fl ... "" -" t 1)] 1 (,. O'!(f)' t "' ''" trn Y' ·unq no ~ • .• tm"-"lnd, tr\.,tn'-• ,...., 1 1 f ~ •l·•o w .1.ttf"Qron 16Q J i.. (4rt··r. (111 1•1n I.;\ ~ ,,,,.rti.k N~lt' r.--. t '1'1 ' t1 u 1 {h.1mnt.t• W\ n.0411on '013 ) t V l Ufl " 1h U~( 10' 11 I (nHc:J•f1~• .. ln , H• at1t\•O .., ,.,n,l t •a 11) \ F'IV1 ... n. tt Mi~" u• '• t It t t41JNJ• I Wt lm,,111. I IO/,'' l:IOt!r, USC. I' 4!l!J ,, ''" 1 I f1"' • • '' 11. I K 1n'-J l" J'. ' U~( lQ \1 .. Ar1 'Ollrl \hit,• §' • 1 S. ~Vbvtn, ~ "'° & ,,..,,\(nn-.11 1h 10 Ol ~00 •nh•rrn11rt1.1tu 11\Hd lt•. l W"<'t'll~r. S:,,, (l11· 1 • ,,,,,,. 11i \) cN( A..\ mt•11t ", o• 1 ~10 r• c~Jrd '" ~ nw M inn t\'•rth.tm Vnunq '"'0. I Shin.•, 11• nr1 •1f1tf• 4H '' J /\n1f••'tl¥ t.J~C. f ti f, lo"I I''•'"' '• ol -..11th• '' .i ">t hw,1h, Pin. fl'l'/IVM\ 1 I ' h1 h W.lltl1•r A,1l001t .t 1t1 ·M 11 ~·m , M et •• 1n, ll11c •r1.JI I J ) Jo. ~. Tu•H, f 11,1 ui,,, 1 ,. ,, • (\;+tf1• I. V1U111\111t,1 ' 17 I\ .a (,,,, "'' \• l1•n Hi' II I l>i ), 'I f\t1,1to" USC I Jll .l'i. c, M rHli" h1•~1t•o tull"i1''. 1 1QJJ HAI I M,11\IJll• \JS(,,"~ I 1 f·r,U1• r A'•lt"M'li't 1t1t1•1 '· l 1 J, nr111H1 1 M• '' .• .. 001 St 1\1•, i 't \ . .a, (olhn•, :l·•vl•u t\ It ' 'l~ll+1mon. Nt.•w ,,,._.,,co . .&-b O f\ 1t,ur1 11 '11\I• \I I 11 0 /00 ' '''''°' .. /\ut1urll, 70 7J } (" •••• , use. 1) JJ l t 11'hn ··•''' J\r 111n.1 70 '~. 1 AoOl:•r-'"''• • tr1t1t1.1 1l,1t1 ,, rt.i J.111 •urn, Arti.dn'-J , Stttll·~ I I "t J H 9 10 •HI 1~ /l 1~ lill'l t "1ff'\• M , YI 1 "•r'l11t .n r,1,tlf'I I I 41 ~t "'J. N;I• n V\.1 '''"'1' HI "'''''" I I \ fli.l ' Klfl'W,mtlw.t, W 1 h1nul1>" 'lt11t••. 1 t .~ !r I ( "'tt•Jf'\ '"' tf\n••. 11 .,.,,, t•.11•n •• M 1n•..,v.n.1. 1.a u1"1J b IA I 1n 1Jft 111 • tn\.f I t 0' ,,.. H:·'>l 'it •t 1 l\t.1t.m t ''\1.th• J l f l 11(.qth"~" '-f , ••• l nl, t (1•..,..--;-"'' '"liil,---1. hnnc ·' ' • \ 1 ' ,, , ' "' 1 ' uc-,c J i '1 1 ~·) ' \. 0•1h1 .• ~ V 1Ht10Q4' I ' J1 )I tN CAA " t •• 1 1"11.1 r tn l' ' 1 ' 1 e1v \'tnUli• fl 1.-rh n"1 t• • 1 ) w-.,_.., 1 r. • 1 I I p,-. I J' '"' J (. -n. t• ,N t/ n11 Jll't t I' ]t I l U'</ Wt (•10'\•••, Y, o "'· ,. 0 1 • \I '" 1 ti '"' •1 Mo.,QnUo , c ., ,, '' ,,, J •,t•t I 'I ·• 11 '"' M J•tv tl.t f•·•·\· t t ,,_,, ~. f( ,.,.,, u o\I\•"' I••• 1lt1~1 .nr I'""' 1bw8rown. f• ""' , • 1-1 I 1 M '' ~' It• 'I"'"' Y ;1nq, I /'..,I~ /uf' •·n, ft1llh • .1 1 ti f'lt/ I M 11,,.,, t -. nit ·,1.1'1 ' tr' JI ' M• V•·~ Mic n1q IH ~ JI i~. ta.. I 11 II"• f • H1 JI I( f l 1h p 1Hlr • ,,,,,,. t. .1! ,,,,,,. L un11 01.,t( h\ I ,,_.,, It• ,, I •Id ,,,,,,,, I I .I0\1 Amt•t1(,ll"lf••fOrtl ,, I•' ·.~ ''" ,. I '11 ( 11·1' I (I ,,, l ; I I, I tlt1 tH t.f\ ""'''' 11•1 rH I I hy l\•nwn, t .ll f'utv •'-"' I 11 <'ll11 I)) ,1n11 Wnoth Ori +~1•1 '•' 1t1•, ,,. t I W1•u1 fo'11lr.i\M Hlt1q1n I \ t l u,P,u .-· M 1• 1111 H•il ,,.., ' •• t I I r•,1 .n I ,, f "" ·•·,"' ·• (\,,,Ill I '·I 111' I 1 ,, 't'V1l«Ot\, '•OUlh I II !' 1'1111 votHll 1 ll1 I fl.t i>, ,ni,,, ... litt• I I •th. '•A, 1 1 rJ• i , 1111 , •. , 01 '' 'fltJ tw 1u·u ••ntt i.fq•'• • ~wn ,,, ... ,1.u 1• • ,,, 1 "''''d. 'tm(l A11,1< h l' I ' '" non. ' ~' ,( n, ,t '"' I •o ll<.< ·'"'' M+•• ' " I/ If• 11\ I ' l , ,_ p 111 I t,, ftl ''"' I' I • l1 1•'• 110•111 I i'11f1l11fl l111'F\•J " I I '. I I• I ~ ( oc h• ,. U'•l I ' I l • nn• • '' 1n,•·u J1 • 1 •, .t n.1n" \HI /\ .1 W 1 .ri!O'll m M1ddl• J • nn• ·" • ~l.U• , •: • ' • I If t tn t 1 '1"ll t I' \ t t ·,11u ,I ttM.ftlt1f I U 'tf I I • f1 •1 • I •'•••'' U ' ' 1t•rH1• , .• 10 • w~ tllf\(ll•IO ·'·•" tt •, "'•Jl)'l.I ~' ... jl II "' Jh .. ,. 'rouR11 I') I w I Jm..-1•0,, :"i " "·''"''"II 1 r • • •• n .) /fl. "i.otn ''' • ''·-'' lfl ,, , n I t\• tt •1'~'111 114 I/ t. f ,11•1 ''' • '" t)t•) 11 ,,. tl(.l l\ ,,., Vil .if'\ .,,, '" p , 1w-t•,1.1t1• ht "I h:.t\'C a n underdC\'Clopcd disc in m y hat k :rnd as a n 'Slllt m y ri~ht hip foils down and forw:ird three·l'JU:irter~ of an lnrh off." :-aid Ston e :-,. "lk~1des that I guess it wa~ a ('a~1· of .Jl'I lai;i <1nd not eating prn1wrl~ I dicln't e \'c n ha\'I.' 1..•nough l'nl•rgy lo 1..·ook my own food. I lt1!1t 1-l pounds and wa~ s lt•l'ping 11 hour:-. a eta~· ... Ston<'s l>aid u d11ropractor (Or. Lero\' Pl'rl'\'. Jr. of Pasadena l :-.lr :1ightened him oul. "lie taug ht me mrlltons of jll'l':-~un: points so I could allc\'iat c the pain. He also worked on m y emotional pre· ssure points, for t.."cJmple getting my µul!sl.' do\\ n. ·· The ti -:> Slont·-. ~:.11cl that be(';.iusto of thl· ch1r<1pnil'lo r "I'm in much bC'ttcr shape than 1°\'C e\'C'I' IJeen This is t h1..• f1r:-.t ,·car that l'\'c h;.id m y hody togeth.cr . I know I'm gomg to lw ~· 1111111:-.kr tn lhl' nl'xt C'ouplt• ot :ear'" Dt,df.f~rs t"'all H E C 0 ~I '.\I E' '.\ I) E ll T \ PF.PT Ton1gh1 .rt Hon t'l.:mnd f>O '°' !'al'\ I \' 1d thv 'IH>rt :-. <lol·11m1·111 :11·~ :-t·r'it•:.. 01.' 1nr1l ~10 It IS 1111 tll\' l'lll\'l'l!l'lll'l' tll ,\ll'H':tll l'Ulllll'r:-. Ill lht..· 0 1~ lllpll' (j ;1ml'~ :i11d l'l-:1lur1•" l'dm 1111 llw 1:11,. Elh1opian m ~1r;t1ho 11 1.ha111p. 1\hl•hL· B1 k1la . :is \11·11 a~ 1111 Kip Kt•mo and ot h1.·rs, Thl' fout:t).!l' :ind 11:1rl':i!11111 ar,· ~·\10crh. :1~ t ht'\ h.11 t' hn ·11 111 1 lw JJrl'\'iOU!> I hr~·1· \\ l'l0l..h p;.irt:-. ~ ...... ~r4 WHITE ~r ,,,_.. -/• WASH ) -,/J ~\~/ DWIGHT STONES GlENNWHllE Part \' 1 '.\lon<l;1~· llll'!hl. :1t 14 on , Channl'I :!X. :1i:a111 S:rl unla~· ~rt ! ---------------;.incl 8 1111 ~H a nd a \\C~·k from lnnr ght on :10 al H• 1:-. l'l1l1tll.'d \\'omen< ;old ;\I ,·~!;ti \\'innt·r~. Fc1llo \\ 111)! "l'1•b t ;111 with tlw :-amt• 'll 11111 g :-l'hl·duh• 1111·11 Kingman's florner tiotll'd \':ll'lll'I' 1 ~hm\ "Thl• J\1 g <llll'S Th :i I (; 111 ,\ \\ :t\ ' .. and ".I t::-~,. Ow t• 11 ~ H 1· I t1 r n :-1 1~ lkrli11 " 1\lkl' I lt;tl \\Ill ht: "Tht· Hu :;:; I ;1 II ;\ l h I l • \ l' •• ' .• T h I' l\l arathun" ;111<1 "Tlw lnC'n 'dilolt- F1 \'t'. .. I h1· l:i1t1•r wh1eh l'OVl'f"' tlu: fl\'t' grl•:ttl':-.t Olympians of :1\1 lrml' F.mtl Z:1top1..•k. J\I Ocrkr, \' l' r a l' a !.. 1 a ,. :-. k ;1 F a n n \ Blankt•r :-..f\111·11 :incl 1';1.11 ;, :'\ti r 1111. I Sparks Mets, 3-1 LOS ANGELES (AP> -Da"c King m an s lugged his fourth ho m l' run in two games and .Ion Ma ll.ick scatte red six filts ••s the New York MeUi...dcfeated the Los ,\ngeh;s l>odcers 3·1 Saturday ntght. Kingman's homer in the sixth off loser Doug H.iu . 5·3, was his Dodger• Slafr AllG•mHOn KAllC "'°) Jun~ .., N••w v n1' '' l ti . A1h•1·t• J\_.n.-. '~\f\d~i.h.'tpni"-t A1 Lo\ A l\Q:!'h • Jvnfl> Cl Pt'11l.t<V'lun1,, 01 LO' Anonlt'\ 'l < ,, f1l I 1\u 1n, 1.11P 'l\, •21st of the sea son. lop~ in the ma- jor 11.'agucs ::in<! was the decis ive run in I.he M els' second straight v1l'tory over the Dodgers. The o nly run allowed b y l\J atlack w:1:-: a sevcnth·inning has es.c mpty hom e run by Ron CL·y. his eighth oft he season. S ingles b y .Joe Torre, Roy Staiger and M ike Phillips i;avc the Mets a l ·O ll'ad m thc second inning. Ktnl(man homered m the s ixth :ind the n Ll•o n llrown French 0-pen ME N'\ \INGlES Thud Rou"d I dd • Cl•nb n• ·'' V t , l'\n'<f' t I M.t n11 t 0 , •Ill• 'H>"'"· ht"' J,1h ,ti C..,.t•tt11l•·H, /1.1 I• nft"•' ,, U t, I 1, .. Ut•ifn t'W •1 •,.-.i1•1j1•t\ t1• •ti l\nf,.,,.., l \1'1·"' llt1 It ..... •v~ J t) I ,, I J ''"" f 111 ,J, (tllli•, Ot".at ~f\' 'WfY•Cf ~t11N,1tl, '' 1, 1 ,J ,. 1 ,, j lo I w '•"·~ r 1t1.•" , .. ,.,,.nd. 01·<'1 r'·'"~ v ·t>e·•t, w. ·• <• ,,..., '"'" '' t ,, • 11 I /1•11"·1 • r ,t111tlu w11 V1111•••f.fVt••, ~.11 lhHJY p';'.',~'0, ~ 'n;:,,_,~~.~:'·;•;~·.~,':. ',;1·;~1 >J,~~~·~t/()\)l•r,, • 'p.110 I 1 • ,, I 1' 1, t 7' IH• f1 ""'• , ...... t1,11ui1t,1 11.•lv. tt; ,,, J 1tl Huh• c, I ,, (''"''UV·•"'., •• \ ~ I ,, .1 WOM£N'~ \l~ClES Svc.ond Round M·''tl 1IH·011n 1h1t11 ti O••lhN 1•!nn 1, '·' 4 h / w .. n IY' f •Jff'H'i\111, AH 1r.1h .. t.) .1t , It• "'",,,I' t ,,,. Ni H11 , l1inrl '°' 1 h V 11•i111 .. 1 ''"''''· ~''"'''"'' , .... , l V.J ~,.,,.,,., t 41HUJi•IV I\ 1 ;, t l\nlm1· II ' 61 ,., •. ll1•lit, t>1 11t fr.1ntO•\f' C.,,1Jf'dv, 1 ';;..~;,' ,,~:," .~"' "'"' • t H R 1m 1m.1. ht ••I c,/f n• (.1h H•d·•"' \~.~I I M ·I I ,.,; H1111~n11v.r I I• f'l}f•\llh H•r.1, bo~t (,1it1t l ·v , ' '>n•J'h /\It , • t "I •1 '1 I \ h'•n1I• M•1 ''"'''• f /•thn ltty '"'''· brl'\1 , ( ol'h• 'no•11• I I U •;,')11.tl ~) ) ",., \ "' t\ ""' • U• ti .. ~ w rt C un• "f" ,, • Sr•.c•n, I '• singled ho m e Phillips in lhl· seventh . Phillips h ;•d v.alked and s tolen second Matlack. 6·1. h <1S now dl'fl'all•d Los Angcll~s s 1 x s t raight I 11111::-. The New \'c1rk lert-h:m1kr has not lost to the Oodgc-rs stnct• .lunl' 14. 1974. Ins pired h~· his ll-.1m· ... \\ 111. M ets man;.igcr .lot' F r :11 1l'r decla red. ''If Wl' t•a 11 gct m·l'r 11ur injuries, and our p1td1111g <'on tinucs Ii kc 1t has thl' I ;isl l\\ 11 nights. we can makl· lh1s a ra('C." In allowing only one run Satur· d ay and none the night bl'forl' in :m 11·0 victor v. lhl' l\ll'ls hurl<.'rs s howed their tioss a 1ww s parkll'. "Really. our p1tchl·rs havl.' not been that. l'ffetl l\'C 11nl it tlH~M· last two games." said Fraz1l·r. "On paper. Wl' tould ha\'c the best pitchtng st aff in the East. .. The loss dro pped tht• Do<lgt•ro; two games he h ind th<' Cintin11at1 Red s. who loppll'd St. Louis. 5· I. Saturda\', The Oodg<'r s try to rC'group to d av when Don Sulton <I lit f:.ice~ New Y ork ':-.Jerry Koos man {6:21~ \.OS A~GElES l.01>'' 111 nuc•"'' H (.,,,..,,., It> ,,." ln lj U•t 1 1 f V1•.•Q•t • Ru• •I• RtU p w •• 11on 111 H QHQh P Mlht f>tl M •t h,111 u l OMI .ab r h b1 • 0 Q 0 , ~ t n 'f),, il 1 7 I t n o n t 0" lt ! Q I 0 1 n ' n J " ,, () I <1 0 I) f111 O" ' II 0 II t i 11 ll H •I '~ 1 ~EW YOllK l Brnwn ct t--4• +d• mn 1'· M 1t"'M rl ,Un\~t tt ti(,nqrn;1r'\ •f -re;r" .t (.rot••' S•<t•~'' U• ,,,,llttf)' M.•I'·'' 11> u f IH.t .. b , h b• 41 0 ' l • h 0 I 0 <' 0 t) jt .2 1 I t .. 1 1 ... A 0 1 ti 1 0 I fl I I > I I Ii 0 ~ I, Nr>w Y• t lo r11' fK1 t1w) .. l rt•,l\l"'l•l1t. ·(J •~;'l lM t F (I v fH N. -Ny,,, It i t ' . ""'"'''' 7 ''"' ,.,, w V11n \ l •· l\nfwl• I /I\ M1ln<•• Vt•MJ• ', HR tt 1nq1,,,1n 171), ( 11.; 1111 '-II l1hlll1fl Mt\11.,r 1o w ~ 11 '1rlu IL ,, 1 HQuQI'\ M.tr·-.nilti r 1 '>, A Jf\ '• •• IP H ti Ell RR SO ; , I f 1 I I '' I RtXO~t:\tt::'\ I> El> tn:,\Dl\f. DE PT.-T hc• h'llc•r from Edi~1111. lli~h ha:-.1.c•thall pl;1Hr Kc•ll.' (~alla~llt'r in I a"t \\t'dnt·,da.' ·, l>ail~ Pilot :-.porl' st•t·lion. II "a" a J!rt•at lrihuh• from a ~oun~ man lo h i:-dN't·a~t·cl t·oac h. Liont·I l'l.1r<'l'll. II. a n'1 a lt•tln 'rom .llr~. lla rolcl f-'ranl..!» .,,., <'r al ~ t'ar!> aJ!n I a'udinp, c•x· ~"" r1ort llarhor lliJ!h <·o:uh Emil :'\ec•mt'. an· t"o of lht• m o:-.t 11111\'inJ! kl· h·r-. 1 ·,·1· M•1·n in mail rc ·c·r ivNI lwn· ii\ l'r 11 '1• a r o;. :'\fo:\\ ('I) \('II llEl'T T11111 '.\!nrn:-nn 1 .. 1 lh· lw :od '"''{Tl l'n;tl'h ;II ('11r1111 :• tld ·":1r lliJ,!11, :.11C'1'l'<'d111 J,! t1 1ll 1\~h1·rn11 \I ho h:a:- rc•tirttl 1111 ;11..1• l'U' t' 111otlw r1111 .. , n1..·:-.s. \'OTF:D 00\\'~ HEPT.-South {'oa~ Lt•aJ!IH' Jlrin<·i1rnl' rC'cc•ntl~· 'ma,hc•d a 11ropo.,al h.1 Corona dc•I M ar lliJ!h ho~" lknni:-. Evan' lhat tht• Jcoagu1• pl'lition lo tu• 1•h•\ att'd from :!·.\ lo :l·i\ in Cl F l'la~·orr com pl'l il111n nt•\t '1·ar·-. ---~ t:\•an:-.' 11ropo~al 11 a ... \olc·1I do""· fi·:!. 0 1.DTIMF.HS llt-:J>T l'err' Ourg111 ol' \'1•1·0 lk:ll'h. Fl a . ha-.. to hl' on<' of lhl• f1:\\ 1x•r:-.un~ :-.I il l ll\'ini? who :ilf\•nill·d t he lin:I \\'orl<I SN1<'s J!a nw in 100:1. OurJ,!111, n<1\\ •11 . :-:iv. th1· 111 :1t1J!t1r:il wh1d1 Hoston took fro111 Prtt sbur~h . fl\'1• ganw:-. to l hn•1• no!'<ton. hv tlw \\ ''"· \\':t:-. ('iJllt'll~ thl' Pilgrirri..; 1n th11s1•day .... /\lt\•nda1H'l' for I Ill' 1•1g hl gam1•' was 100.000 nnd J.!:1t \· rt'l'l'1pl:-. t o I ;ti t • cJ S !'i o . 110 Ii . /\ '" n n 1 !I I! p I a~·,. r · ~ !-h a 1· 1· \\ :r ' \\ 11r1 h sr.:llfi so whll t· t'ill'll IO.'itnJ,! ~h;in· wa~ Sl.182. Gertnans Sizzle Four More Swim Marks Fall H.\~t:"Al.I. rlh' \11 1.!1'1' 11h't'l 1 IH' H l'(I so, .ii F l'll\\ ,I \ l'.11 I.. 111 H11,lo11 Celtics Go for Title Today BER LI N {/\P l Ea s t Ger.man ;.·':-. phcnom1..•nal womt n s wimmers s et four rnnn• worlrl rc<'ords Saturday a!> 11:-. 01~ mp1t· trials to pick .i ll'am for Mon· trC'al concluded in East Berlin lov.c'r N I tlw mark lo 1.0Ui2 from H 1d1I t•r"" t•arlr1·r n ·corrl of t·O:! Ii 1:: .Ill p 11\ 1:! I l'HO U \SKt-:TU.\1.1. l'h1 '"It\ i.:.1111t· nf I ht· '' ll \ d t.1111 pwn ... h1 p m.11l'h111i.: 1\0 ... 11111 .and 111 ... t l'IH1l'lll\ :! fl m 1:i 1 (.'11,\Ml'IO'!'\ :'\al1nn.ll light" 1°1).!ht Jo;,, 111)! rh.1mp111n:;h1p:-.... 01111•\ 1•111 111 ,\,\l l natl(tn:ll ~~ nl'IH n1111.1•d ~\\ 111111111\j!. :l .:IO p m (71 'fl·:'li;~IS 0 1orn Ho 1·.i.: f;•l'I"• 1111• :'\:i:-.1:1 ... ,• in World Im 1l.1l11111.1l Tt•11n1~ Cl:t~~t c. T:qJ1•d. '.l p m l tl l ('II \ '1 PIO:'\Slllr HOWi.i~(; :-O:l•hun llurl\•ll .Ir '" fl,\\' 111 ut h i µ m t:?Sl l '.'i~l:R TE'\ SIS TC'nnis in!ltrur111111. 1 ,. lnx<'d <'Ont't.'lllr.1t1•m f,•.1111n•d l'JIOE' I\ ( \ 1' I Thi• t'lt11'k .... 11 mrl111i,: tlm\ n . h111 llw l'h111·n1\ Sun:-:-1111 .tl'l' hoprn ~~ 111 hL•rnnw :1 ,,1111111.il ll;"k1'1 hall ;\:;l-t1l'l:ll 1tm c ·11 .. i1•n·l l.1 tn ,, l'l1 :1mp1onsh 1p .... hc•\l'clo\\ n ''at h the Ho o; ton t'd I tt·~ Tlw Sun' .1 w ild r:1id ll':tnl tn the pl.11•)11' and t r:ill111g Bo.;t1m :1·2 111 tht.· h l'Sl of :;l'\'l'll < h;im n1011 .... hrp -.('l'l('S, h,11·1.c• htl'll lw lll· 1n i: 1h1· (',•11 11·:-. 10 .1 11,•,1r :-.t:intl:-.1111 "11'" )..!Oll1t: to ho• :111nlhl•r 11 ;11· 1us t l1kl• 1111-. 0111• 11:1 .... " ll11:-l111l 1.·apta1n ,/<1hn II.I\ lic·,•k ..;,1111 ;i.; thl' I \\'n I l':t in' ht'.tdt•<\ for l'hnl'll" .ind f,!.1m.: '" lod:i~ lla\'ltl'ck. ,1 I I 'c•ar \l'IC'ran s1'l'kin~ to h'.trl tlw· Cl'ltl('" to an 1111prl~'t"llt>nll·rl 1;11h :-..B,\ tilt..:. s hook nlf a painful font 111.1ury and ht'lpt•1I llo"t on lo ;i rlram<>I re 12N 121; \'11.•tor v Cl\'L'r t ht• Suns 111 the fifth J,?ame l"riday night in a tense tri ple·ovcrt i me contest. Havlicek . who hit· a running On T'1 Toda" Channel 2 at 12:30 \5.follt bank s hot which forced a third fl\'t'-minutc O\'C'rlime. pl :i~·ed 5~ minutes. lie.• appeared :tlmo"l 11nnd.al:1nt . althou)!h naturally \\ l'Llry . Ill' has bcl'n lb•~ wa>· lwfon>. lla"licC:k . :rn. hut still the lc:id(•r of lhl' Ccll1c:-.· famed fasl hn•:.1k S<'t)fl'd i!2 pornts, passed off !or cli!ht a ::.:-,1:.L-.. ;.ind grabbed nm<'1 rcbound,. wh1ll' aJl(·rn:itinl! helwec n forwarrl :r ncl thc hack court. "That's w hat playoff bas k el· ball is all a bout." Havlicek s aid after the longes t championship round g ame in National Basket· ba ll Association history. "l think the situation that ex· ists is ~ming t o cre ate basketball interest in June which has never been seen before.·· he added In an ob"ious r ofc rencc to another NBA fir!-t. the• lall'!-t playoff in history . However . the Suns. to a man. talked eonf1denlly. full~· expect. ing a t rip back lo Boston for a se\·e nth :ind decidtnl-t gam e next Wednesday would he ncccssary. The five d ays e nded ;1s thl'Y began with a nother world mark bv incredible Kornelia Ender . The official news al!en<'y ADN said s he churned the 200·metcr indiv idual medley in 2: 17. J.1 . That bettered the old mark held by teammate t;lrike Tauber or 2: 18.3. But the tl).vear·old Ende r also lost one of the fi\'e world rc·cords she set this week when l'lrikl• R ichte r le d off a 400 met er medl ey rl'l ay te;im with a 1:01.51 first-leg effort. redu1m· ing the world st andard for the lOO·meter backstro ke On Wednesday. Ende r had /\l>N !>a11I a l'Om1wt111).! medley • relay from the Dynamo sport~ club in F,;i ~l lkrl1n ll1d 4: 13 4 tn srt a w11rld mark for the c:ntirc 400·m eler distance mvol vin~ all four s wimming s trokes. Earlier Snturduy. Rosemarie Gabriele tw•c<' hcttercd her own record for th<' 200. me! er butterf. Jy. lowerin~ it first to2:12.R4 and tht•n to 2 : 11 22 Iler old mark was 2:1:1 ti rn thf' 11\'l' rl :1ys 111 trials. thl.' East (;,•rman \\oml'n s ma~hed l~ world J'(•cords J\ccordtnJ? to J\U:'I:. they now hold the world rc<'ord in all.the women's t'\'enls that will hl· con- tested ::it tlw :\lontrcal Games in July. ' Bold Forbes Barely Nabs Belinont :'\EW \'O H K K••nlul'k' Dt•rhy winner Heiltl t-'lll'hl·!'> l<>Ok t h<' l1«1d at th1· ~tart und h1·ld 1l 11, I 1i;:ht111~ off ii for1v11.., du!'>tng ru..,h li.v M t°Kl·111.it· BritlfH' Sal11rd11y. to w111 tht• Sl!.15.000 lk lrrnmt Stake., The qu1:~t1011 hild ht•l'(l ('l1L1ld Bold Forbt•:-. t·ar ry 111' :-.p1"1·d m·1·r 11:1 milt·~·, T he a l1 !>Wl'I' \\,1'>. "Yt'~" -!Jut liarl•I) c;rt'at C1mtr11<'lor rnm•i:d up 1111 the turn to t:h allt·ni.:t· Hold F11rl1t'" ;1~ fk~l I.a 1<1 l'I an"· 11 h11 ha~ lll't.:fl 'l'''olld 11111~1 11( 1/i1• ";1~. la1k<f T ht·n ,\h•K1•11/11· lir1t1i.:l· .... 11h-cl dnw11 thl' rn1ddl1• ol th1· ... llt . .'l<:h lo JI·''" <:n ·al Cn11trJtt1"' ;11111 .1u~1 rn1' l'd gell1n i.t Uold Forh1·.., .4tiid••row1· M ht¥ ST ,\~D H fo:\\'S :-t<•11tl:rnd 1111 I, S11l1•ro11 I .1 :1x '1·.1r 11111 ... 11H· I.. ltr11l..1· r I ru 111 \\ , • ..,l port l'rnt'11 • ~:ink a ::.t:\ l1111t 11utt .11 1h1• :lith hol1· I h1• l1r..,t ... 11ddl'n d1·.11h h•11l-S;itur d.r~ .111cl .. dg1·d .John lh 1\'lt'" v f England to h.1:~·e1me on ly tlw t h1r(f two 111111· American '' in1wr of tht• llnt1-,h . \mateur gulf chamµion~htp ~Hll.IOfLPHIA lht''1 "011'1fl vnr., S.Hur ,, ,, .n t"\tt ~/t)0,000 o.r, fl1"'"" ,, (.JOif t,,_f ... 1;1•f\ p ,,,,,, h1• 1 ·1 JC\•1 J••j• ~ M1 '' • ,,.,, f l',ll• .. "t , ,, ...... N .. 11'\" r,,,; D·'"' ,,. ,,J I 'l r.,. 1JI '1/ .n ,fl ..... ,.,. • "'rt· tt1 ~·1n "' ,.., •• 1~ n fA11!1 r /ii ·~ H ill h U PO'W'' ,,, -. ' 't /Ot4 IQ• I 11 )')• •• , ,.., ;1 .' ,,,., 1"111. , I /"j "J , )I ,,.,. I •I' I I • \') I . ,._. "' ,. ' '{) 11-.1 ,,,,,,. J '''·' ,_,,, .. /111n • I • 't(f /) Q t , I \ Tars'Daniel Wins; Palisades G din S d Topples ... our e econ Tritons ~Pt·cial t11th1· U aih 1•il11t B E R K E l. 1-: Y f 111· Ii·\ 1•ar old H'ntor H1·l'"' l>a.mel. il ~tart cct 1n th.t• .,.. :c r 111 u p " \\ h (' 11 ., h t' threw th(• s hut Plll 11 f t•t•I · · .\nd I ".1.., h11p1t1J..! I could do It .1,CH111. lh1• :"'c\\ purl II :arll11r J1 1i.:h i;:irl:-star 'aid \\'l'IL ~lie l>~ I.\' ~;111 off :t l1fr11nw h1•:-1 t:.i !1·11 Y.ht•n 1l rounll'd. hut thl• thro11 " ..... 111011° th.111 u111• lt1111 t'lltHIJ..!h 111 pro v id t• l>;enrd "Ith lht• gtrb ~ht>l put ltlt1· 111 th1• 58t h :.tall' tr:1ck .ind ltdd l' h a m p 1 t• n ... h 1 p a t Ed\\ ard..; :'J .id 1u 111 S.11 ur- da' iJ~;ntcl ·s pt·rf1"· m.rn<'t' '"''~ <ti most t''IU .ilt•d h~ El Torn l11 gh ' I.it.,, lro u r c1 111t· .111 I hl l1 111g j ump The l'tlnltdt•nt JUllllll leaped 19·3·1• on hl'r 1:1~1 jum_p . placing s1·tond to Washington's Jodi An· 5,. LAtR f.~t-: K t.:\'S • Ot IM 0411y P1loe Se•lf A fired -up Pu!isadt•s I ltgh \ l'ac1l 1l' Pa ltsad6 1 vollt•\ h ull tt•:i m in\'adNI Cr:"~· ford JI a II at lJ r Irvine und ddc:-tted tht• l'IF l'h ampio 11 S an Clt•mt·11H• Tnto11s 1s .. 1. 15·10. 1 l ·t ~. 1 ~-X Sal11r- d a' ;rflt•rll(l!>n It) t:1ke• tw' Oh' I h l ' (' I l y · (' I f ero\\ n. The Ltis Ani.:t•ll·s Cit~ l' h ;1 rn I' 11111 D 11 I p h 1 n ' t•m plo.' t•d .1 h;tll <·onlr11l offenst• '' hH:h forced the lis tless Tri t u n s intu 1edu1ical <.Jnd nwnt;1l t'r· ror :-.. from "htch tht•y could nvt n.:('O' er . Co11c h ll n w :i rd En.,ll'dt 's n olph1ns r :rn lhc mtddlt• ttnh· :ind l tml' ai::1111 for ):!0t>d ~hot:,, but l ht• T ntc111)<, c·1>1tld not on·n ·onw t ht• ~t ratl·g~. \\'h1 le Pali:-:1d1·~ h :1d t wn mt•n u p hlock111i:. San l'll·mente h ad trouble..• gcllinJ: one up . oa.1; P1101 P1>01o•b1 G•rnn WM• derson who won with a l :-.u ally ;1 \t•ry cmo· t ional lt'am . t hl' Tntor1)<, could 11111 ~l't'm tu come alin• for this «n'c . EL fORO'S LISA GOURDINE CONFERS WITH OFFICIAL. wind-aided 20·0' • Jump. I Wind, Hard Track Hamper Athletes B,· ED Bl.'RGART '01 e~• 0•111 P11oe Se•u . lay " hc•n hoµl'l e~~I.' beaten. BERKELEY -It wa~n·t an It was Ander~on·s third straight st at t• I.Ille :\no t h l'r a n·~1 ~I ar. Dal e Keough . o f Corona rlel _:\tar. eq ualed ht•r lifetim e bc:-t of :! l.'l.!J 111 the 880 in "h1t:h ~ht· f111i sht:'cl fift h. l'eJiH'h ,J;a r k )\'Cl'S Ol1 fed :-the prom the night twforc ·ma\' hav(' had ::.omdhing 1;1 do 1' 11h 11. "II ':-110 l'Xl'USe. but W t' \\t'l'l' t1rt•cl ," hl· ..,a,·:- "llul tlw \\a\' 1':11i~adt·.., "a~ play in~ tod;1~, ii might not han· madL· :tO\ cltff('f'('ncc. T he,· had thl-momentum ." · -V1 l~I ~ ... ,, tt I fO ,, ..... Mt Cord H•,11; L.1itt/"P ft.-•n (;.-nVMN B·ttvr •\J>"' fMntt1C.ai1.t•r- 1 t. . . tJ l\1017 111 , .. , ; :., Jtl I I 11 ft ]1J appropri ate a ft e rnoon for a mcl'l with the m agn itude of the :>Rt h state h igh school trat•k and f1t'l d championship::.. llamtlton ':-. Lh llv '.\tullins. ;i 9.5 100 1' inner Frida\:. r:m IO.O into a 7.5 n11!e pl'r hour head wind a nd took the 220 tn 2 L6. l>anil•I al:-o pt•rlorn1l•d \\'di 111 the il t~l·u~. l!l'I Lmg ,nff a lif1:t1mc bt•.,t of 121·7 to fini~h fourth .\ final OrnnS?t' Coa~l art·:i ~ntrant. Cost a i\ks a·~ H o n 11 i c D <1 s s e . " ;1 s se venth in the l>hOt put at 40·-I. Daniel's prcviou~ shot put bei.t w as 42·61 ~. hut sh<' <1lmost brok e that NEWPORT'S BECKY DANJEL WON SHOT PUT. San Clt•m C'nlt' got olf In a i -:i lc·ad in thl' second gamt•. ca pitah 7.in~ cin good s p ikinl! by Carl Ei:-.s man, Stan l\l athb and Tom n card . Rut Palts<cdcs c•t me ~lorm­ mg back and d osed the ,.:ap to i ·ti. J '""\.Olb ft .An~)1Nll'W J rn Dt1n1 r ... "01•" fC•C>M1 nn•• .... ,..,\rti I >NtP I """'''•'f'·\ Al ttl I •O I 'I "'C :1J , ' •• 0 ,,. '11'"1H JU ',/Q//711 Id IJ I? ]ft ,, ''ti' 1•4 ''1 I t .,o ]iJ I 1.) ') :''J ' I' '\1 I.OS i\:-.;ca :1.1o:s . Ht•S)o. Li m p~1111:-. the \\'1 fl' i•I' I .11:-.\ng\:lt-:- llodi.:c.·r' t'\:t't'lll l\'t• 1\1 Campan1s. <liccl S atur cl :a' 111 n carh' 1-'u llerton Co1111ty' ll11~1utal aftt:r :1 l1111g dlrw:-.:-. C':imp:a111 .... t)o. ,1 'l('I' p l'e"i ldt•lll Ill r·hal'j!\' or pl .t\'l•r p<·r-:011111'1 tor I lt1· :\;1 11011:11 l.t·agul' h:i o.;<•hall 1<':1111 I :11•1·.~ Triumph TOHR:\.'.\('E :\ c;mr;.!l' lit·~! g11:1I rt•,.ult1ng from :a hlot·kl·fl p~·na lt ~· k 1cf.. ga,c• tht· l.o<. .\ngt'les A7.tl'l'" a I II ,·1c111ry m ·1·r the l'ortl<.Jnd 'f1mhers tn a :"'orth 1\m(•r1c~in So{'CC'r Lt·:1J,!111· gaml' Satu rd;1~· nig ht at El C1m11w l'ol I t•)!t' The t n umph t·or1t111ut•d till' 1\zlct~ · lwrnc I 1t·l<I "111nrng streak to nin e m ·t r t\\'o yt•a r )o.. though th<•ir l'lll'l'l'llt ~1·a~11n mark is n<1\\' .1··1 ~ .. ln o.~qo 78. Pltt-.burq" ,~ w.,,,w.,, Go •If• 1tH1 1 11• '" ••' Hull,lr 1v / ~. II f•IJ llol llfl I P l •' ii H1ql "t tV 4'h1 U I ' M"n .. '''""' 1•,f)1 '"""'' '•''"'·''' 1 I f,\ • l ••"' 1 11 h• 1t •''HI 11~ 'A II 11 • /1'11t I lu.ut ~ j ' I 1 .. tf .... ,.11 ., ,,.,,Ii' I tt h t w Vo'k 11 Pl1t\burqh 1~ \~·,.,-..rt •O 'l+t *''" I 1. II I W 1 I• ~ , 'W ltt t(1111t .11. 1 I 0111 111•1ft1J 4A1I' ~" I' I M •r M•••' ,, 'II t f,,.,,, ,,.' '• #A1H r.w1ut •·' I I Mt~ t t 1t • ,,,,. ••• t • I I t1. I ~.. , •• l' I Vitt •I ;. I " • ,,,_,, H,.•"' t ' I ,, ~ For on e thing. the \\ind w:.i" blnwinl'! as h :.ird ;1~ 111 milt·~ pN hour F'or ;1nnl ht·r· lilt' rtll'k h;1nl surract: of J-;d11 :1nl ... St:1d11111).., rl1rl tratk ";1:-l':tu:-.111g M'' 1•ral n1nnl·r~ agon~ T ht· r l·)o,ulb Saturd:1\ \\'('1'1° mcdiocn· ·m a rJ..s in ~1·\'t•r·:al C\'t•nts a nd one eo:a<"h sugg1•o;11•d 111> nwn· ·.,ta l l' mt:t·b tak1· pf.1e1· hl'l'l' I h•..,p11t' t ht· 1·om pla111h ot :-low trnws lht' 1110 w;1s \\1111 in 111 o. tlw m1l-l>-tn I t I.Ii a1ulU1c. l2UJuJ.!ll hur<llt•' 111 11 !i '111111• tnp mar\...., \\t·re t•stahli)o.hl·d bdon· 1;1,000 fans Sit:\ e '.\t111 1tgonwr.' of I .. e~)o.1•n l11gh 111 Susan' illl' th1:..·11 th<' )<.hot liS.o. breaking the.· 1;-; :11 1 rt'l'ord hdd h~( .'\t:WJ)Cll t lf,rrlttll' 111,_;/1 I gradttak .Jim .'\e1<lh:11t '.\l anual :\r ts' l.arn l>ouhl1 •\ long JUmpcd a" rnd aitkd '.!.} ;1' ;, fall111J.! thrt't' qua rte•r.., of Hll llll'h ~hort oft he m 1·t•t r1•1·ord .\nd \\II h tht' :-trong \\incl hlrl\I inf! at his back. 1-'r cmont's (;r~g ~·ardwcll lriplt' j umped 5l·H1'.! ll won't be list cd as :.i m eet retnrcl t'\'t'I\ thogh t he prc·,·ious ~tat1· hc::.t 1s.10·!l. Laguna lk:il'11's i':l'll' 11111'1 \\(In has seeoncf st1·~11ght 111 11 mile · <·rnwn. running X::'ii .:1 11hl1ll ll1t• \\'ind" as at its \\'Or~I T ht• lt•;Hn lll!c e nded 111 :1 thn •t• \\<e ~ d ead l11c k ht·t Wl'l'n Kt011t11'<b of Barstow . l.i\ llan11!ton a nd San Ft•rn a 11cl11 ll:imilton, llw f.1\0l'llt'. drc111p1•il thl' h:1111n 1111 !Ill' 1l11rd t"1:1·h~1ni.:e 111 the 111) r1• l.1~ and cl1<1n t f1111 ... h lhl· 111111' 11• BOVS FINAlS '" • Mu·~· """""""'100 1w,11.-,1~F mark (W IC'l' Afl l•f' M1 ~" ' t I t· ~ 1•fV\1·dt1 RM t "' 10 I N•·•"" thro wing -12·9" 1 on ht'I' 1 1 11/ fl • third attemnt O .rntel 'f\ '' ',"··,,:.,'';,"' 1;1~,.~ !;·';',''"., unil·~~hcd a 12~:l 1 • lht o\\ -ti 1• I i"' ' 1 ... on hC'r l1flh tr~ t I , 111' , .. ,., .. , . "" • " ,,, ,. 1 1 " , n ''"'"' " t\ h O U l h l' I' r l' l' o I' <I ••.. 1 ... • 1 11 thru\\', ban1t·I ~a1cl. "I ,, "' ,,, '' I ' ,", >/fi1' ,, f .. If tl'U I J WI , v ''·IJ'• •""H'""l' '"'' knt\\V it "'a ~ a J..!Ood ~!f" ,, 111 tr t't1f,1•1"l I d 1 • \ "f,1•! t f\ WI II ! J' " 1 l J £ 'H• ', "" 1 1 t I h1 Anlv>. 1 n t ,1 I ,\ f •• •w ••ll 1fll t .1r11.1' throw hecaust• m v IC1ol was undt•rnc allt 111L' Gourdine was almo::.I ":,•111 .:,.ol~~d:~ •. ~·'~': ,j /~·, .. ~··"1~~. 1'''.t., as thrill e d a~ Oanu·l. Vlll I '., 1 I WI·~~· IVDM•nt J II J M• l'\'t'l1 thou g h !'!hl' \\ .1~ • " f ~ ... II I• l\•1/ j t H ,. d I Hul\I IL.u/un• B••<h l 8 \i ) 7 SC('Qfl · . ''"c o"n.-111Ed•\on 1• 00 1. P'' lhl••'T' 1';rr---El11-t.'"rln~ h t>r (<1 ...,I • 1 " .... u ·~ • • o. 1 'k"• 1u1n p. Gourdine \\'<.J:-tn 1 ,'..; , 1 1':: ;· ;: .' 1 '. ,.,. 1 ., ... 11 1 ~n·o·.i I hiLd plat'l' l.c:sl it• St•11t1 ~" '1 •"'1 .. ~ :',.~""·~'I'', IJ t .• w ... a or L A's Pol: lltgh h;arl 1., 1 .-.•1. ,, ....... "' 1• • ·""' alrt•aciy .111mp\•d l~J :11 1 "'' '1•n'1 M '' ' ' I •~1·1t•' ''"'' 411ld (;QUl'tflllt.''S ht·'! ! :. ' ';" : ,; ~" :, : c ',','' '>•0 J ,.,,, '' 1 " rn~trk \\·a~ 19·2' a :J .... I ' .... 1• 1.i• .... J I • ~·n "All I was thinking ! .. :, "11 ~.,,~: •• •.,·.·: '7.1~'Hµ .. ,;.~.~".':2'1 I :.lhOUl 10 t he r Un\\\t\' \\':t:' '" " " I I •' • I• h • J • • U~nn n~ l h J t ( h 3 cl t ll • l ;I k l' '· ',·'' .. ',/.,,' ,;'.1 1 ·•"F'"'1 "1' J:fJ • ~econd .·' .sht' !'4.tld ··1 .. 1 1 • " ....... • ~ 11 1 .\ ,, 1 didn't think I got ~t·c1m<I A/t I ' 1 (: ' ~/I I: ,.,. 1• f ';:; ':>I";: •tl fi r!°'iil . • lv\1 11 t. o J t I jO , 1M in'I•'' •\rt 1 1 \t/11 IH'\ Keough. ;, sophomor e. ":isn't part 1cu! ar t v lwp· PY \\It h t h t• r~at·c Ill '' h1ch ... ht· fini:-.hl'ct '.!ti ~p1·11mlo.; heh ind t h1· \\ 111 rwr .. \111·1· T r umi>h of t 't1.tl111i.:a lltJ.!h · Kt'(1ugh r;11·ing in t11th afl t·r lit•· ftr,..1 l;ip. ll'lt'll fll 111;1!..1• ht•I' 11111\ I ' Cllll'I' 1ng lh1· Ii.ad, strl'lth. "Tlw girl 111 front ut mt• ;al ... 11 mo\'l·d :md I cf11\n't ":111\ to ).." th.11 I ar oul:-f1h' I ht• hlnnrl ... ;ud lkrl-dt•\ 111,.:h \\1•11 th1 ~rrb 1!':1111 111 f, "tlh :.>o flllllll ' 11h111' :\1..•\\(Hll'I ll:irh11 r •\\ .1 ... t1111rt h 111 l l'.1lll p111111 ~ ;di II\ Da111d Gll<l~ FINl\L~ ."¥,,I ~ • I H •• ~ '' 1 ! 'I" t I ,-.,, .• ,,,'h ""'''• ..... ., : " . 1 •I I i h • •H of\,f 1 I I ' 11+ :) •• 1r11 1) f 1r• .,,, V '"' 1n.11 ; ' 1 , .. 'V I''' .M 11 n•f'\1 HI• ,., f I t ( PtA1•ll lo\ ft'"""'' 11 .. N FV Nine Wi11S, 5-3 t" ""' Jtl ~· "•·0 1 I' I ' l ,~, 'I '\(1 l.11 It s.,,, j < J • f t, '''I 1 /JO'''fl llf •I; ., ) 1\1" ,,, I h I !j'lj • I \ I • f I "'J\•1111Ill•1 '¥ •' '" ,, " ) M M. n111 ti ''' 1 '11 ' , I }• h ·'"' 11.1 .tin\1t 111 f 1 nwin• f' I ' I M tJ hfllh' in rl"""''' f ~·''''•" "'" '' ., I.,,, .. , ft· ' ' ' I 1 \ I 11 ~ti•·' t 4 "'IY• r r • 1•·.1111 t I fl I I I I .. \ "' \ '"' . .t l t '11 111.. I jt')"ll\ r\ • "'·'t''"''' t • I l llotW It I t I t•J ' \ J°tN 1 UI"'\ ;\1H1nt.,11 11 . 11V t 1t111'11 I ~ l\y tf1 ''' I ' 1 ',,..,1 1 )'f l11•f '"'·'h· ,, •l·••lt J11'4 tt)t•m '"' 11 ' /, . •" "'''I'' 1 J H ' .. ',.. .. I t •• "' I ,, lJ! u., let 1(1, .. P11'''' I • 1• I I l I\ H l•t' "'·•I ~· t'ln1 11 I ,., I 1'"111 1 .. .t & t n 10 I Lefl -h:indt.'r H ttk Woolard ::.trut'k out 11: \'alenc 1a lialtL•rs 111 1.:-n<I int:! Fount arn \'al It·,"::. Am t'r1 ca 11 l .L·g1o n basehall 1t·:1m to ;1 ;, :1' I\' tor:-. Salunla .' r11 gh1 :11 F ountain \'al11•\ ~ :\1111• S11u:in• 1';1rk · it s ftr:-t l\\o r1111' 111th e111 iU:tl 11111111g \\ IH•n Wnnl;1rcl 11•<1 o ft \\ 1l h a 1h1u bk and ~('l)l'('(f II/I ;i ~lll J,!lt• !/.\ \'111t't• Ht r nd: S<·ott lh-sr11~1t·r ~ ~1n gl1· 1tw11 plated Htt•nck . FOUnltl•n Vlfll"'r C), db , .. ,, ,, T ht' \\ 111 l' a 111t· 111 t h1· ,, .. 1 opl•ntni! g;11111• 11f J)1...,lnt·t 1' "' ·: 1 2'J /\mt·rt('~lll l.t•.tg lll' ;a(' I 1• " ltOn , ··""· 14\. MAZDA 1975 - Major League Standings ofil:i rd "as ~t :1k<'CI Ill r _,,.,... " - an earl\ S·O ll':t<I :rml duf "" '1 1 not gl\ ~up a hit unt ii I h,· oh• • I ~IX{h lllllil1J.! fll' :rflct\\1'11 /o I 1 , CLOSE-OUT -WAS ........ S512~ DISCOUNTED s350 CASH BACK . • S400 NOW $4377 \f"r1\;rf,.· A 1 h1r- l.-C •I' t• t, . . ~ IMMEDIATE CREDIT OH RHATI FOR DOWN PAYMENT OR CASH BACK! \~t ER lt'.\~ U '..\<;tT E."t lfr, j,i1in W I. l'('I. "'\'\\' ' e•fl.. II.alt 1 n1t•I'•' Cl I'\ I' l.111 d .!i ll'l C!Ml ,, .,.. • ... j :: ·•.1 IX'.l .1 llo ... 11111 "I :11 t1i'; 1. I It •I n •tl "I " l.1 ~ 1.' · :'ll il\\a11l,l'l' Ii •1, .l!l.1 •1. \\ t''I Uh j...,jcrn K ;1110,.1" ('1\ \' :111 I"/ 1i:111 T1°\il' C h11-.1i.:•• ;\1111111''01 :1 0 .1 J.. l.111tl 1\n~1·1, It I i I )1••1·11 .. ""' ••• ··.1 '.I f' tU m1)r M111n. 1f I I ..!ll ··1 :·1 ., .. I il''<lo'I ti I htl t t t 1 ° •H t •In I f h 1 "' lw l • I '\ • I I t , t n , 1 Od ••'f '(;.-nl("\. O.t•I ., ' 1"1n • 'I I •' tn 1 l.t'l" I 1111J1·• '' 11 t I 11 '"0 .11:;, :1 1 ,.,:r .-, 1 l1X 11 11~1 s 11."i I I f• .,. H t • , '' I ~ t•\ I 1\f ,1¥' of t ' 1 t V I • -. ' t Mt 1 lh '' l '11 '\ ,t th'"\~ .11 tt J•.I •\ I M,,,.,, f t ~•tt.•t" · ,, i ''"I' •' p ,., to 'U· u": 11\tj P•t•t•\o•• ~ 1 M1l¥1 Ii .. , (Ob"•" ' , • " ..... " '"" (' h H ' I ' l,_tt I rm1n7 t •t T1'' A'•'" .. J ~l '\TIO"\ \I. U ::\Gl'E 1:a ... 1 Di\ i~inn \\ I. l'cl. GU l1h1l.1ddph1.1 :1:? I I l'1lt-.hu1 i,!h :!1-1 :!I "\t•\\ '"'' J.. ;!1: '.!i ( 'ht('.11.!ll .•. , :!i St l.11111... :!:' :!X '.\h1111 r1-.ll ti :n \\ 1·.,t l>i\ b ion t '1111·11111.111 :11 HI U1 H'IJ,:1°r-. :111 ~'.! s.111 l>1t·g•1 '.!.i 2:1 I lou:-.1011 :•:1 :!H 1:rn; .:iii ;)I • 1!11 !11 : t l!I t 11 ~ 1111 I:! .IX(i 11 .H:.!ll .~\;; .:i:!l .·172 '.! !'1 ;1 .• s.111 Fr .1111· •~·t:• • 1\1 I .1111.1 :!I :t! -~l!lfi l!I :10 .:188 11 1 • 11 1' ~.-turd •Y 'G.am"'' ii\' 1\1'\ 1, , t f11 !.1 It-11r11h I •• t "' •••• , HIP ' I • "\IHJ' ,., ' • f' I "' I u I 1 onl I Y. ttf11 I '' ,., • oouq•,,' Toct.•Y \ GAm•' . ' ., ,,, ", •'Jf"ll ,.,,,,,,,, • 1 ••' \' ot \Ii 111 I 1"1.1•1.,, o-t I • ·'' •• • I,, I tll ,t • ,, ,F.tltO""'. •1 fl"'"',,,, '4 -;i ;ln'1 Ft '"•l"IQ I 0 H I • t ,.., t I I• ) '", Rl'f'Wt"t\. " t. ,. , • • ~ " ~' 1n , 1 it DodOft'r\ ,~· " .. f I'\ 1 tl• 1i' t t-ll l i I •H •4'1'\ rt tt\ \(I" ',\ l'I t tu , II Miracle Mazda . 2150 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa• 645-5700 JUSI l"o rlouhh•..., lnr tlt1 """••""'"q' v ' •.• f n I ,,,.. -/1 , g:tml' Founrain \';111<·' ~<'on·d Reward Yourself Up to 241/2% return (paid monthly) Get involved in America's m o!-1 '-tgmfic.1nt new mdui;trv-the r<'C'ych11~1 of ...... ,..,,. prixhu 1~ • Excellent Tax S helter • Sale I Lease Back Anangement ,.-..... • Minimum Investment (From ~590. and up) . For a brochure and informf'ltion on this exciting and profitable investment opportunity. write or call us today. No representative will call without your express invitation. Please list your p hone number. ----------------------------------NU TERRA CORPORATION 1 Mr. Robert Blake ~ I '1. 3106 E. Garvey Blvd .. West Covina. C/\ 1Jl791 Send additional information to· f)tt. ,., '"' c..,. !ot1'>' bp ---,;;-..,.. ,., __ Call 213-331-9996 COLLECT fr>r informatlnn ---------------------------------- I I I 11f> 1 \'/,,,, r• IL h ij;•tn :'.l '1 7 C 1f\t l\1 n' • \ • 1 t ) fo( O n•."!n W• 'tr..,. t• t .t ~ tHn >" 10, , .... 11 " , .. i~o 7~'" )cJhn .. nn 10.1-.l.H"IJ U " • l ilt> f' l v1r (t o1 W C-,111: Jy.o //'.It'\• U 'l·' I 1t1UV l\t .. t ·\ I '"' 111 { J -,,,.f I ,,, t l,lf '" I t~d I U/ I h • fl.,,,, \•' I .-.w,; ••J' '" Iii.. q,. , 11 v1nt v •I 'ti' 1 1 t ;-M""' 11,,1 1/1• f• 11 \to•u f.1 .nqfir1 l 1t "' ·f• 1 '' J\ :-.hot hv P~li~nde~ · H u· k c; :1 ~: t o n· w h i l'\1 rollt•d ;rlo 11 J.! I he net and t ht·n fin a ll y d ropped m·1·r . l1t tl up tht· )o.l'Clrt.' at 111 t,i." q,.r1•1 t• ••• • I •J , ' f k•ouqh (Coron.l dol M,1r1: I~• 1\ \ I(' I OU S !-JI I k l' b~ ~ ~~·11 1 ~:, ;~, •1,;.,,:~.·,~~',',1,~~:~~ P~1l i~ad l·~ · <~ rtl~ Jr\ in. , ·,.,1., 1.· ,,.,,y,,.,,. soml' f ine 1·rni;s court )1-,,,11~11"', 1 1 1'1' ;,'.,:~"·J'.,:'/ ~\~H~: shuts antl a J'1n:ll s nltt!'-ih ,1,. .,. , 1·1 I>\_ I ;1pl illll l'011 1';1d ,,, '"''' • '•"""" ... 1C1 rd u(•c 1 :an d t ht· 11"', t _I t• IV • 1 /~,.:~ /)~1lphlil' jlllt If ;t\\ ;1~ , • r • I J Ill 1 1 Tlw Tnt1111-: c:1 mt· h.•l·k •~ • in the• lhrrci g:rnw. look· I • ,.,,I ' .. ,, L M .. '. 1• 1 1 1 ., ,' '',.," • mg rnon' lik<· t hC' teilm 1 .... • • "htch hart cld'eatcd San-: \•I • 1 J • ._., •o .., • 1 1 • 1;1 :\lo 111ta ;.ind San\;1 1 • ., .. , , Barhar a a~ tlwy jumpc:d • 1 1 i: • ........ o ut tn all l':Jrh · 8-1 lcad. , 1 , '' r 1 1 1 :~" ,.. 1 1 ·•; Tht• Do l1i hins kl'pl 1 ' 1 ~~~.~."~'~1~0~011 ~~~!1," cntntnj!. hut a powerfu!I ., , , , , ,.. :0. 111 a S h h \' S ;1 II •1 •0• ,,,.,. •• ., •••• <.'l <'mc·nt<··s Bob Hn<Wl'I' , 0·'"''• "''''"P••1 ..... ..., .. hn•;rthc·rl nt·\\· lil1..• 111tn u •· •. ~ r •"" 1 1< •· • ·., / l l hl• Trttor1 .... anfl lht•\' w. ' ' •· , . .,., .. ' ,,, • ' h1·ld on to win 1:; 11. :"'il·k 1 t I" f I I 1 (,,••t •t ...... , 11 .,.,,,, ,. Stltaar . <"oming in I<> re · .~,'1 1,' "'· 11 ·• .. : • ,'. ~. g11 .. :,, 111·,·c· in the 1hirfl J.?:tmL-. "'" ""' ,.1 · • ' D•n1.i \\';1 ... t•spt•<'ia ll.' 1•ll1"<:lt\C'. INowpor 1 H,11 bor 1 11 1 I J'alt)o.i!cl t's fle:-ccd 11 , I 101 '-" • '• ·~ I l• "" 1 ..... • 11 .. 1. ' mt1"cll·:-. 1n t he f1n :d ~~w::0~"'~:1;~, e. t·~ :~ ,11n.'.· 11,,~ S?amt' :rnd lirn·1.t•d to a .1~"' , ......... , 1~, ~ dL't'1~ion. at Johnson & Son Lincoln /Mercury it's people that make the difference PETER PElEUSES "THE GREEK" Pete "The Greek" has been at Johnson & Son for over 14 year s ... Hundreds of sat isfied customers believe he is the most con side ra te sa l esman anywhere ... We tend to agree. 011,.N(;! COUNTY'$ O!OfST llNCOlH.MfllCOH OIAllR ~~YIARS OFIRllNDlYfAMllY \t-VIUl ·ohnson & son ,....,.,,_ ... ,. ' Curley OtterheinNahNet TitleAimilltos Dash For Cash Sa:t a "on' ca on t •• '1a:douo1,., team Dan In ''""'" pl .• , """ "' th, th" ' """'"' Racing In Derby Victory Jim Curley and J ordun Otter bein . two Corona del Mur ll 1~h Junior,, cuptured the C lF in- dividual t enms double:, frnule. 1-6. 6·"· Earlier Su 1 t 1. .1 n ti 1' l'' In ~t·n 1<>r I> a n t. er ht n .SJ turtl.I\ they got h y a La Qwnta Fo rbl·~ r\.·arht·d lhl' knot·kl'd off 1-'uuthill :-I n t.1 .. 1 \ l'.t l ... 11\ R esults p a ir. ti-I . 6 ·2 in thl· !!>em1f1nal"> bdon• h'-•11\g C:h r1 'i Ounk 1n th1· dt\1tlu.1l1ou1·11,1 nl\11I lhl quar t e rfinal ~. th1·n ehminah'd quJrh•rf1nut .... Ii I 1.:1 ('11:\I p.111 ln•I ,,,." cu11 poli s h e d o ff 1'ndd Saltt und F urh'"·" lk ttwn -.urren•<.I ,, lti. l ti "''l 11111 t.1 1111.J l<l .11 thJI K at z m <.t n and Jt•rr.'· t eated :r U 111 \11·•.1 "t•th:H·I.. to S1111n\' 11111, c•11m1111• 111 lh\ l 1r•1'"'11f D.1~h ,..,.I l ·''" I .lllh 11 11111 111 h 1111 It I ,q1tlel \. th1 ~'ll :!1>1. l.•1• \t ,111 nl11 J>l·rli~ ~.11111cl.c 1 111)!ht .11 l.o" \ l ,11111 IO~ f.11 \ 11 ,I\ h 1!11 \11<" 111111 I 111< \\ 11 • \1 ,1' lllllnlll).. llllfhl' 1111 lil!ltl-1111 11111\ lh• 'l!l'Wltl 111111 ,,, 11, ... t .1r,·1·r r.111 lhl q 11 .1111'1' 111l)1· Ill :!I ~.; "l'\illlll " 1!.1 111 1.1 ... 11 .. 1 tkl It\ I ~tol l-11\L' Ill 111 Fot S.u"ro.--. ,.,.,, '''"" ,. ... crow n in 1mprc:.!'.1n · s t v l t: Saturd av at Ne.wport Ucuch'i. B~lhoa Hay Club. ' "' ,ll~ST l'AC( Kdloggof Sunny llilb111 duo ti I 1, I 111 1h1 l'.1u l lkrn"lt·ln 1n llw 11!1· ch.1111 111 1111 ,hip ,,,,,, .. , I f\ H I ,1 ti • It I \ .I • I I \ '\11111h1tlll' l>.1 ,l1 1·111 c .• ~i. 1.11 .·c1 1i .. h111o1 ··;11 1, It ,ld l'I ( Ii.II )!I I !'.,I"\ Ill I h1• :u hll I I 1l'lcl hlll t 111.d I I l!" I I I 11111 )! t (10 ~ .1 n b I I •Ill, I h,· \\ 111· .111d the st•m1frn;.i ls .6-3,7f; quart\.•rt1n;.il-.. tht•11 lo!\I sl·mif111;1h Thl· smgl1·-. n1.111h ' 1 ........ ·' " ., I I It wa:. lhl· Sl'l'11nd struight ye:1r 1 hl· Sl•a Kini.ts duo h ad w1J n the doubles c:ha rnp1011!\l11p "Tht:y b oth 11la)etl to S I :.i u g h l .t 11 ti c·h.1mp wn-.h1p \\1.•n1 111 Thu-. \\llh ('111h•\ Ot '""'"" 1 , ""' vl•r y w<:ll," said Corona Cur11e l 1"011 111 lh1· l>O\\lll'Y ll1g h '-. El'll' \Jn ll'lhl·lli ~.dt 1 .1ml f11rbl"' ";·,.: .. • 111 " I 111 \ dd i\l:1r lli,::h l'U<lCh l>l'n !>l'nllflllab. 11: ~ i lloll , .1 ti :I. 11 1 \ lt'lOI' .d i b.tl I-tll''l -.1 .. 1:-1111 . A• • 'IM OI:> Ttoul. "TIH.'.\ h;1d !11 s~tllt. ~111cl F111'1)l•s 11 111 (l\t•r lk1nslt•1n ('d~I. 111.!lll'l !'-111 111 •• 11. ,, I ~· /I; ~ bccau~t· the oppo:.1tw11 abo l'l'turn tor Tmul ~ Cu1'll'' ;111<1 Oltl'l'llt·111 ht'.I\ 1 1'.1,·ont1· 111 mitch 1 :1!''.,~'n.:1 1 ·~ .. .'. ~ .. 1:,1 ',:.n .. I'll\' 11111\ \\\!• (t• lt:111 1;11111• I .i"h I' 11 l'I V 1'11\..1 \ 1\,11 I 'I Coll . II• l'lli'..! .111.t 1·:11.1 l ',q111 t:!l 1a,1 1 111 l!J; I Curlcv und Otkrbc111 defeated Bill SI :wght allfl Uan Corn c lisein t rum "!IS \'{'f'Y good." dl'fl'l\0111$: CI F 4 ,\ dia111 la1lt•tl '" lo"l' .c ~l'l 1111.1"1 HS 1h'1rd ... j, ollt<lll l 'IV I,\ ,,, ..... Anolhl'r Corona th:I pion:-. next :.ca!>on. ,,,.ei,.·.,. rl·i::wn;il pl:i~· .111<1 tTli\\11 11 ,1' dl,111!11)' Clld IC• .t lhl\'1' qu.1111·1 :111~·tl1 I II tnn 111 t l.1· I 11 l 11 1.11111 st;il..,:-t \tlll 111 llt1 -u1n llh1I :"\ .l'tlg Talent Aple11ty South Cagers Have Edge lt•am .... ht>Ulcl 111'1.\ J,!IKK1 cl,•ft·ll"l' llttl l~park Race Results For \.Jtuf'd •v ,IA\T RA.CE: I •• ,.. I ... •fJ '' 1 .. t' (-l'UtA• • Y...-1.-••t 'I ... •II , .. · ·•·"'". .:. 11 I • r,.,. ,, r• '· , •r.·· \EVCIHH HACE ~I 1 o ,. ,t f" '· ,.,,..,, "-I I•• ' I . ... .. 0 r a II g ,. c II u n I \ . ' ani."t:r t o th1· t l\il """ wiJI l> • 1>1 aycd S;at urchH night at Orange l'u.1st Collc~c a:-tlw :'\orth and South lc.<ims balllc ll ou1 in the 11th a nnual Orange Count .'· hi g h srhool all-star hask(:thall classic:. .. rm S Ul"t!c \\ l' Wiii µla~ good dt'(C'n~l' also \\\· ~ECONO llAC( ha,.'". so m l' c x c e 11 l· n l 1 ... 1 , ... 1Ll1 h.• !>f.O. •nvi.. 1 f,ft,\ l I .i ~I , .n '" II 'I t t •'!oU'<J playd·s \\1th good q1m·I.. """'• \ ; •• ne~'. · ~ he s;Jvs. · ·\V~'\'t: >~;::.~ ~· ,• {"tt I H , ..... l •' \,,. •f't>-i f;_ -,(.•.ti,,,.,, 0 '"'''\otf( . .i''' .,. .. ._.1 L)1 t 'It ,niJ, bl'l'll w o rking 1111 l'l' • 'ny l'o lioundmg, a nd if ''c tan ___ P_A_T_R_O_B_E_R_T_s __ v ,;;,;,"•·· .. '.flt JI SJ EXACT A) Pt$1)ft'.:tto 6 l i\t\f,-k'' Plo'f<l' p.,ud~IU 00 Sponsor l'<i by the Costa l\Tesa Kiw:rnis Club. the: squ<Jds will he comprised of lop graduating ~t·nior:­ from throughout Or;mgl· Co unt y . Ti p off 1:- sched ulcd for H. The Rebels. t•oat'lll'd bl' Pat R olwrl s of :\I 1s sion \'1cjo High, appear to be a s light fa\'orite with 10 all-C l F pl a~ ers on the ir r ost er. 'l'hl'Y give way in h eight In t he Yankees, guided hy Bill Walker of Cypr ess. hut the South rigurcs to h;.in· the better s hookrs. Loa ded with s uc h talent as Marina Olunt· in gton B e ac h I guar<.I R i c h U r a n n i n g . Ii · fi forward .f1m :\Ic:t'lnskl•y o f E s tan c ia (l'ost a Mesa ). 1ward .Jim E ll'nz of i\l at er Ucl ( S:rnta ;\na I and Mission \'1t•j•i's 6·5 ccnll'r :~tcvc S:m \'t'r . the sout he m t·on tin gm I figure~ lo h;1n• ple nty of firepowt•r. . Roberts ex pcl·t s a fa:-l - paccd g;s me. uut fl'cb hi-; . -- get the h a ll t o our guards. we :;ho ulcl Ill' al)lc to brin~ the hall up court in fine fa~h ion ... In add ition to guar<b Br;1nninf! ;ind Elem. till' Rt•hel :.. c~1n lioa~l •tf F.disun ·:-: 1 H un1ingl11n lkad11 Hoh \·t>~t·lsan).!. Jluntingto n H l'ath ·, Perrv H arh1n and :\1 ilw B 11 g d a n o ' . ;.1 fi :! :-.harµshoot1.:·r from Hunt· 111gt on \'allt-y Chn stian in Costa :\I cs:.i . In one of the finc:;t ar· r a~s o f h igh school 1 alt•nl. Robe rts will abo ha\'c the sc rvic~~ of forwanls 0;.in B' crs of c 0 s l a ;\( l's a . ·o u s l \' 0\'ora k o f Lagun~ Bl'ath. :\l 1sslon \'ie.111':0: Da \'l' Zogg and li·fi L1•11 Cont.all.·~ of I .11.-: ,\ nug11:- ( F11unta1n \"all<.'1 > ~larin ;.1 's ~(;;ti Cook will s ha rt• the C'l'll tt'r dutil's with S:1w' t•r Tickets for t'he ~anw ;1rl' pri<:cd :it $2 . a nd pro· l'L't'ds will go 101\;.sr<I Kiw;inis '0111 h work and athletic :-(.h11larship~ -· I I r Adoption Guild' Net Finals Today finals of thl' 1\dopt1on Gu ild do u bll•s lt·n n 1~ tournament get unclt·r way this m orn mg al 10· :10 at the Newport Bcal·h T enms Club. In the opl'n d 1\'ls i11n semifinals Saturday , J erry \'an Lin g ;incl .John ·rort d tfratl•d Sh',.,. W;trfil'ld ancl Curt (.'001 don 7 .fi. fi. t. w h ii t' llOl''\I nittt•r and llrt:tn Lt•<.'k o ,. t• r l' a m l' H :1 n d y \'e r d it• c k a n cl .J 11 h n \'ocm cns fi -4. :1.fi. 7 ·Ii. And 111 mixed opl'll compt•t1t 111n l'aul.1 Smith and \'an l.1111-! 1l1)1\·1wtl K in f! L am Ii 1• rt and Linds:i\ '.\l or:-t• li·:I. :11;. J _ In t h1• 111 h1•r ... 1•rn11111;1l m:tlt•h. l.1'.1 Anlono1M•IJ, :tnd \',·rd1t·l·k cld1•.ilt'rl Ml S\IOl'j VI I JO CC II• t t\.t l ,f ltu • I .,_ Uv •••I' l•tt Mt 01M 1 lh11 1 I i n•• .. f 11 ,, '"'' ' u 11 V 1• ,.1 ' I •1 !ft I 1 "I t 1\ M l' 1111 f I I.... • 11111 1111 1H .. M .tfHt I 1 I l\n l,1 M I ll(•lt t t 1 '· 11,, •• 1 11 u r ,, • t " • ,, I 11 '·'it• •.• lf411 I lttll I ''''" i. "11flt -(, L1nd:i C u s h ing a nd L~I\\ nc Cunningham \.ti. 6·:1. fi. I. SATUAOAY S AESULT!. M. •t Oi•• Fl "''" l m J h 1• t n. I W 1ft .. l1t MlJ )11 a,ttt Q1H•rl·'~ f1•''V 'ti"'~ V" m•n ,'i.i lb,, Mtt ·t nn1•n c;m11h v .'" L•,111 11• t '1lllHkf t M~r f) 1 1 ,, b I An t ~ tO"Jll \I •'1• • I. ti•t ( 1'1nl"'J''Mf'1 t_.i 11•111"' •I I W •1U't• ,, ,, ,, 11•' ... , (t .... t·t Tiii I •'U'f'J• ft,, ,.,, l "' 1tl•'" ;\lfl'•IJ I f,,, <Jin ~Vin f'I l t>,f> I h f M • o ,, ();, l\'1IM\ t• I (t•q,. I t) 1 '" ' ' "'I ; I t11~f11J1t• (. 4''i,1y.1" I}' ! ,,, , ... ,, ~ ; 't M •• • " '" w I> 1\j <I•! ,\tjl I PH1 p ' ~ I " ' 111 t• l , •'t'I• t th' t ~· ., ' I' I ' lVw• 1 I' ' ' I, I W\Ht'-·1 'i. U H ''" • ~ut•1••t I·•" f n ' ..,,,y VII ,,~,, I 7. ,, l t ' p "''' A11 I•-• 1n I• I 1\1 , 1fl H• r '"°ff M·" h f\, '" ,1n ••I''', f• • Wt •f " 11 , 1 t I M Hu r ' • "'' ,..i M1•• I H ,,,, f, n r. I '1 ,,, C 1'11• I I I I It °"~I 1 i ' t iJ" I l> f· •' (l t ti• , ' ) " I w .• ,, ... •I ( th•, I• 'I ~ t Cf•, I' 'YI ,•, 1•1 t I ',._ • f ...,. ' •f~, ~ -:,~:::-,. -:, ,:-:,-:,:--.,-, "'•"'• -:,•, -:,, ' , h •I 4 7, . ' M n •1 • M · ····· ,, . ' ·~ h t•·' ......... t .. ~.t I I .. , "·' .. , .. ..,,,.. ... , ,., •It I , •••• It II ,, \. ,, • , i 't t i.J I'~ 't I I • I • I I ~ t I h 11 I I ' t ..,,. t 1 t I I f I P\ ~ I ! .. I I I •I I ' I I J f 11 t I 1•1. <' 'l• • I • t ~ ' 111 ll I I ' • I '"'•\ M+' "" t ,, I ' I D II M 'l I I I "I 't, ~~Hutton TALK ABOUT· GOLD SILVER SOYBEANS and THE MOVING AVERAGE INDICATOR IN TRADING THE COMMODITY FUTURES MARKETS Rcin·~·"'rh .;, I 1l1 I" l " . ' j 'v \pt> l ' ..,,11 ,, v• 0 ~pec1ol IC'ct11•· '"' •· 1 1 • i , ... ·.,0,1 l n ! ,..,,~ney monOlJ"rn•1111 11 •chn· l '' ,, · I '" 11m1md11y 1•0,1.11 1 WHERE: E.F. HUTION l"')) C t'>l<>wport (Pn"•r Dr f-0°h1r'ln I J" I • J,..,...r"''' B"och WHEN: w._., In•' I"' J ,,,,, 71h 111 7 30 p •n CALL! l7 I 4) 644·9 I I I r "" •, l ()f .,. ""'VOlrQM or FREt brnl 1 .. 1 '(lo j .. •11'!• I l,"ltTln 'C lll f-u'lrC• M r(et\ Area Net Standouts Adva11ce 4 1 +It HI ,, • ' C' --••• H t h1w tJ v ( lo/of+' I • 111\111.J ,y. +1 1r1 h I N . (I''""' \1 DAIL. Y DOUBLE a OrJa•tf Meet •"Q & 1 J .. m1lt1 P•l•d SlOS 10 THIAO RACE I < I ... ' ,,,., ,. . t). n l " 1,)''<'n·1 l ot'I "I\ )111 '· ' .. E"IC.HTH AACF v• 1• I *• 1111 ~ .. '"'"' 1•11 M t H.h HuoCJ ,1t1t•I I. f'tJ t '\ 11U 1 11 ,,,",, 1 lno 1..-,,.., 1;1 I ,-:: °:>.r. 'Hll·P"l• IC:-111" 1n,1~ ' Ju 1 t 1\.11,., l,..I \,•I I J f •f't ! ,, '' l Ill "' ,, I 11) f, ,.rf "' M·, "O· I f ,., M 1 ~,, l• 1 ')'." ·'1 M 1 Ar•••>'' I.,,., 1''"•• ' .. I,.,_ ·~ ' .. J..;.. .L C..lJ1f1t ' ~,:,j,, t,11....f)J LO~G HE:\C'll 1\u, t'·,"::··· ... :~~~.~ .. ,· ~ ... '. "v.1,,, Or~ n g ~ l' o a:--\ a r l· a 1.-.. rho' , ,, .... 1 ~, ""' o 11 1 r ., ,. ,,_. 1 , ~ l C a m !'-t \\ o n l h t· 1 r l ~. 1· ~ ~.'',,' M·;' ·• 1< .a ,~ "' • 1 quarll'r f1nab m:itt'11e:-Ill the Buffu m 's ·Kndd FOUAT'4 RAcE ''·"'"~-,,, ~l 1xed l>oulJlc:-. Tcnn1-. ~.;·.:: 0' ,. .. ~ '"1 " Po.r Champion!> hi!> at thl· ~~!,'';~~~·. ·~· , ;o 1,1 ,1 , ·~ Hillie .Jean Km!! Tl•n111:. 1> ~· , 1 , , Ct'nlcr ht•rt• Saturda~ M ·•" • "'' H '""' v :\cl v ~ n c 1 n ~ l o l h c ~ ':;, .n' 0~ ~,.\ u.,~t· 1, • 1 A11ro1o; thl.i 'Sf"fllifinab tnd;.s \' ;it 11 " " "'" • ,,, '" .,, · 1.1Jv. •'J m ,.,,. •. :\o ·1 '-tt1l'd ~· .• ,..;. , .•. ,r .• m '" r1• 11 Fr ank :\l t· ('a h l' :r n d . , 1\ 'I ~ j. U ,. <If, ft Tnp (,r 'I a l •1 '" l ,.,,. . '" f 'l• "> ... " ~,• '' (. I _. (. '°' , ,\ "' tut,; ·fl•I ( 1ru I • '-, • ,,.o 1,. O..i"'"'• r 91 A1,.11f,1" I'( ,,,.-,11 (.!' ,. S~ EX ... CT"' 10 R,•cron•11on <> J Con'°t10 P••d > l !.• 00 Colle ge ()i;mc· Dl·s l'nr 111' I he John .. ~~FT~' R:c:,. ,', :" ... :·.~"I~ .. : ' Nm· e s v.· e \\'a1ne Tl·nn1" Club ancl "'" Prt)mn nton· l't11nt's AO ( .. In ..... • ( • l>i d1· °' .. () • I ]() 11 t--fl 2 st•ed Dt•n111s Trout and 11,,,, t.1 •v '"'""'Y ' •o 10 • .. Gail Clas).(uw c';',',,:'.'.J.o,~~f'~"n" ioou ~lcC:ibt• and Dcsfor def\.•all'd Loni! Bt:-.ich Ct· t ,. Cu 11 c µ. t· ' s S l l' \' l' iohns o n anti M a nly n l\h,y r '" Apurov.1•1 R\•O Q,.4n•1• s, ... c •dhlt._ Cou<t R• porl. N~~I Claim, W•lh Automo E1,mct c;c,dtt n• d Btu1' dn(j Goin. Uullct~ Oull.u 01"vunt. Prtlltl 1; :1. Ii I U EXACTA t·E•<lrrn Sl•r & 2· The• Prumontorv Point •••" ••• P••C1\2,1u oo pair d1I\\ nt·1I Hon ·\\'itchy s1)(TH RACE • •u••onq• 1 ...... and .Jan B1 ll111g~ 11f Cal , ... "'" '·'' .... neo Pu .. ··~1JIJIJ(I St alt' Fullt•rton fi··I. H-:1 °; ,.'.";w•n"'' 11 J? '"" 11., In other qunrtcrltn:ils >DI""''"'' .... ~ ,,., 1 io in. action. llank Ll'lthtfn ctl L·~.::"''•, ~~·~1 '' a nd P <1t :\l d .:<1be ol N('wport Shun·s T('nn1~ Cluh lost lo Kirk :'\1clsL·n and Sue I llfl' o l Cal State Long 'Ucac:h 7-li. 1 "' 6··1 E ar I 11' r 111 :-l' c or111 round play. :\l cCahc and Dcsfo r r u uJ.e d ll unt· ington Hl'al'.h T e nnis Club's t'r<1ig W1tctwr and '.\l a r yann Ch1l'U li2. 6-1. !\l cCuht· a nd Oe:-for will rnt'l'l Mark Andrew~ ;1 n d I ' ~1 t ( • u d .\' . Lakl'Wllocl 1\·nnis Club. and TrQut and <;l asgow wi 11 fat'l' :'\I l'I sen ;.ind l n<:t• 111 llw "l•m1f111als. Fmal'> :1n· schl•dull'd to start al:.! :111 p m . Ba n e Tosse.s Four-bit Ge m 1\ L H l" <l l: E R Q L' E , ;.; '.\I. <AP1 -f''ormer Westmms tcr High stan- dout Eddie Banc fired a four-hit s hutout to give Tacoma ;1 4·0 win O\'l'r i\lt1uqucr4ue a nd a o;plit of the ir Par1fic Coa"t I. c a I{ u c h a s e b ;1 I I clnuhlchc adl'r S a turd•l\ night l!Hlll' •. 1.:l. \1 as Ile\'('!' 111 trouhlt• 111 t lw n1g htc;rp a:-uni~· 1\lll' ,\lhuqucr4lll' runrwr rl'at'hcr1 Sl'C1\nd ha~,. The l r\'lllC Athh:l1cs ( L'C Irvine> attempt lo k e C p t h e I r )J C I' r l' C t Mc tropolit:1n L('a ~ut.· baseba ll record int:1l't today Wh l.·n they host La F'o nd ;i in a doubleheader at noon at U\I lr\'inc has won 11 .; first three i;!amcs in :\ktru loop urtlon and has a one game lead O\'cr tht· An:ihcim Giants . I n other iaame:.. to da.1-. Or.tni:!e Coa.;t ! I 11 a rWi Goldt•n Wes t <I 11 tai'ii?I e in a df)U hi t•hc'itd t·r at r.wr. and Sadcll<"lrnrk 11·2> hll!-tS tht· C1unts 111 ;1 twin bill METAOLE ... CUE STANOll'jC.S f\tn•• "', G'""' W L 108 I ''"'~ .. , 1 f11 Ru\1t11" (..J1l11rh11 ''· I L~• J '"''I l,.,.,.,., P,uut•• '' Ton.iv'\ q ,1m('\ ~Noort l f otll dOVbh•t\''•tdt•' \. ,.,,.,1h·.11 .. u ,tht 1'1 (ttl O•nW1 I t .Hll1\1 r•, .;-, (f1 HtJ• 1 ·,,1\f ,J>r1 l I~ •f'lt),I \I l\f•\jo j q ,1Jljj !•y j I c. •'"!>" r_,,.1v< nt .... t ·, ""''' n , 11 tu~\d.t'f 11ro(;.;m1• ...• F \nn, " V••''" ..,, """'''' 11 ,, p,,,, I University Athletic Oub T he Compl ~at Gent l~man's Ex ec utive C lub • U K.tr q l1l•lb,1ll I l.rndh.111 ( ourh • Qui,1dt• ~.ind Vollt•vh.cll • ( omp l1·11• 'tp.1 1\!\'('l).!ht l<oom • l 11111•'' P11>gr.1111 • I \t 't 1111"' I u111 lwo11~ 't•·n ••d I 1v" D.1)' .1 \!\'t•(•I. • 1'11 \,ll<' < 1111t(·r•·n11· Kri11m • Bd/1.1rd ... • /\1.1 .. 11•1 I 11111q.:1• w11h I 11 1·pi.1< <' • /\pp.er1•I 'thop kmf1t•1,Ji1p ll11\ ·IJ.11 I 1'1111-:1 .1111 I 111111<•cl 111 <\ ' "1111' M .I \f m LI In ( n 11 rl '\ v .11 I .I h I I 1 I Y ~ N ewport BNch ~ 714/752-7903 O EX AC f 4 \ t uw n\tnJn \trip & I Tonio, 81.> J•nQlt', ., •• o \1>' )(. ~Eco ... o RAC( ').,, ... ,.,,,(],•")·• '"'' I~ t I fotO••h~tJ (I , \I ~ ' ' I , I f,1," t··•'· tr l.o(>h""1' l um. \· C>I A -> '''' W I w ' ,, .1'11• f k 1 1n' ,,. T• ._.••I ~ J l ttl t -... lH1'10 HAC E 1111,J ''"''-1.111 r ~ ' ' ., ' f U,,_. I' .H '"' "' 1 '11'1t .. A• ' I ,, ,I Mt I ~·I' ,,, ' . l.m -:;t, A; t,"t"' ""• <Jv11• '-, 1 • ''"' J• 1 r •• 1 FOUllTH llACE l • • t • , , ,~ rn u(ko .. (.1. 1•n1'1·• , .. ' • Jw.,l 1 F l+t t lrq) U'' I J " 0 1niH1 M i t.H Jll 1 I I ,,.,µ,.,, ••ft r l h wt Of ,, \,If, '·~ rn,,, H•,' Al"'' r.-''' )I•• Oun fl T •(.I, I•·· l U· +If ',,, (dV'• ' T I P1 "' ,, N J\ 1 .1ttn1 FIFT H AACE vlt1 ,,, .... .,..,,n, ,, P"' K•U"' S.1,, ii()/ v "" 't'l·'' flli'<ll '• l11.._11,tC.1rJ I ,,~ . t I•• 111 I u ... f·I • f1ftlt /\I , .,, J• I A . '"' ti .. 1• ' 1,. flu•,.,. SIXTH RACE ' .. • ,, l 1 I " (). " F 1n •D•• • • W tt ln1l f n (,,, • / tn. GV1'1'1 tn. t b• •-.J•' 1 I •O• I I ,'\ t. r l't \lollOr1 [ , "i '.t •• tn. .4\fnO.•~ tnl)r M t •· J.' 1: t p \• 11'# Jon ttf'\O., \•. 1 ' "l , .1t\ ftt 0 -TO&> Ru'J T j • ... SS EICACT'°' t Ot O Em " l w,,, Ctht \ Ecno, pJ10 \, ,. ot SEVENTH RACE "' J,-QI t C,' t I l l A' ·tn1•11 [)1 fOT f) "' ,, (_ ''" ,., I ,rl+ 111\J '., ..... I ••••• , H ... t. "I i. A 1.11 1 Hfh /I \1 • t l . ,, •.! , ... I•• , 111 1"''' f i I''' I I" t 11 W 111H1 n , Vt t'H1f I• t11 • M \. Not 11(.ichJIU' lri ... ,..' r ,, f (.•1111tlO"'q ')1.1 -,c 'olH twC1 Mt • T \HIO• If fl• EtGHTH RACE H>')v .. 1t H •• (lhJ+ (.t,um1"(l f111r-.1•; •)1.)(.1 C..v!Or tn1•ttOUUh (L.10t\.t1l' I• W1n•(•n l ,,._, Ao 1• • fr •Oh• Uu I Ctt· 111• ' t /IJ I • '''"'. • }'1 No .,.<r.1H tlc, I ... \S EXACTA • Go•o,,,,,Oauqn & ~ W1n1tf ,. l.11rtri, p4t,a ~•o :)O NINTH ~AC ( MJ t t I d i ' • ,,, "'' J j• : .. t)tt l " • •M• ,_ ,.,., ~ (>uu < M.1•1 N 1• v v h • 10.,0 , .J--j '·m· .•'J f' A • 1n C l ' '" t °)• _., '' I r,, r f-"lf"I"" I t•n 1 1• 1 \'•1n 1 .m· 1• (_,1 1 , ~··• ·~••" .. n ~ t 1fl ., J (. ti M I •J• ., 1~ EX.ACTA• OH L m.t• 6.tr Ii!. Oort\ (;a M,1n bd•O \.'"SOC .. l),1,h h•I (',1,lt .I ,\111 nl 1.111111·1" \II \1111·n1 .111 1·'111 unt' "111111·1 H111 l..l'I \\ r :indt I . '' t>ll h 1-. I 11 h I ;ti" 11: ii ··I ,II I .111<f I ht ~ I ~I I 1, 11 \\ I 1. I ' I P·" "" 1 t.. 1·•· I"' I, I I I • 1.,1 II' I 1 II I ,I 11 ' ~li t~ ~Ii HOuse Of Imports 213/921·8588 714/523·7250 "c •cl I 111 I ·'' 1111· l,1\111'111'. 11111 It\ Hill~ :-0 ll• Ill l'I 1;phkt1 :-;1.111· lkl Ii\ \\ 11\lll'I \\ 11111' :-H1 11"""' P .1 h 1-'or (';1,h p,1lcl ~~ .'\I ~-I ;11tc1 ~.I '..'\I l'h.1111'1' l'.1t'I \, 1111\'lt•'ll "<'I 01111 Ill Ill<' I.II< ""'' \111'11111• .11d :-.ht \\ 11ll'.1t1 lw 1 n 111111ni, 1h1n1 .1nrt 1n11rt ti \' i1fHHl~ tor P''0PI•• .1nnut •~> le',l"I\' h o I\'>' T l\(; low1.~l pt 1Cc!. u l 11•1• y1·.J r C.J11 bi: tuu11d ut M.Hq111-, Mote;1. dur 11111 11111 Jt,1 i: VotVli Suli: Co111t: 111 orr LI ::.cc 11:. :ud.iy ! Marquis Motors '-.'.::lJll ll1~i,·• I "'LA~<!) ~"1.r-1 " "''· \" ,• . ----·-'------------------. UNDER CONSTRUCTION ... 1 NEW 40,092 -SQ.·F·T. BUILDING WITH RAIL. DOCK·RIGH LOADING, EXPANSION LAND, PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT, EASY FREEWAY ACCESS AND MORE. For 1ntormat1on on th•:; 01 o 1h1'1 t>u1td1n~ alli:irnat1vc:.. c;Jll yow t.1rokr1 or Bot: Dumler Manager ot Snlr .... in1t I roo1~.111q .111?1:::1 b2~ 420,1 (714) 833 1010 IRVINE INDUSTRIAL1 COMPLEX I You are in Corvette Country! j ...•..• and "'is is HOWARD CHEVROLET'~ tcom "--~~:;__.......,,......,==:-=.. Corvtff'enii~,...-in.~tnt~r.-~~'--~~'-~--~-11 .... . ,._. C• ••tt• .. •t.•nt.• _ ... _ ·~'-'' 1 ·- l •lulllf•-.-'°''"' .. ' ...... ff'.\\ -....,.,~,.". <•_...,,..._ .. ... , o, .... .. c ...... ,.. _, ........ ., -4•1,,. ·r.. ....... I • ,.,,,o .... .. ,,.,, ... ,. llt "u•A C•r••M• ....... .. ' .... ,.,.,...,.,. .. ., .. <•41fh••• -=~· ....... ,.,to ,~ ...... -,. . We're proud of their accomplishments * at HOWARD CHEVROLET * HOIM of "Newport Harbor Conettu" • (a 1trn11Pd ITl"rnb,..1-,•110 C•uc 0 1 Co1vc11r; owiw r-. c·~ DAIL (PILOT The Week's Marke.t Highlights NASD Quotations on Mutual Funds This Week CO,.YlllGMT ltl6 Nf N V.()P' l&P1 t 11'11 .. \I I I ,,,... tOll'.o,.I', QI i ,t • 1P 1 I I l•l1Qir! ""&;fl I J QI ~~II J fl I •t ''" Ui.'f "''.ti A ;t .it1Qf1 OI \1·(wt1hr\ \po ·' 'J (r ... o t 11 "' r4 L '" • ,,., I• "'"' t•r i;••U't '' wn n I'•'"" \1·t,1.11 11•1 '•Yo 1 "·'•4 ,, .• " I,,.'" I •'I f 1 (t~·.~1t',:11 11\ Mtr· 1 1 ,, 1 • I t 11 I ol ,o! 'r "' f ., I\ I Jt f' I'* • •11 tn11 '" ('.I Ul'll I ,l,;t I• 1 f111I .. I I 1 \ t ''"''' ... f n<J• t I ,,, j 1 l I 11 \ell '"" ~~·,:::: 4 ··, : ~~ A_t,,t ruo " tJ t 11• (I)" ,.,, 1fll t~ ., N t A J•f\ r,,, l • 1 < .... utt .-. O u 1 :11 AJ.111 II\ J .1 (.h tln I 1 l!I ft.Ci A 1""'\ tn (..,mu ~' I •, A ••' 1 '' <~n1>01 f'I•~"''' 6,11f1 1 I t It 1 I •"f+ t J ,,, '11• "'"' ,, "\· 1-,.111 ,..,,(11'1 1,,,,. ... ,Al,,,.,, f • j J ,, ~ f •fl o ''" !ft, , , I '1 ti AM ~ J 11 t.,_,•, Iii _, •1 N ._ ~h t-.tt" 't •;, • 1, (O•H M '' I 1 If A Gl\4 \f.I ,, r; ~ (.It t ( 1j1 1 1,4 1 ' b •fl ,,,,,'\ • •1 , , ' (, ,,,,. • \J , , ' fj 4""['1 1• t M1\J1 °''"~'°' •(j1•tt L ,l~ftt4fl\ .. '"' ~ f"l1PC (,n~tJU Am 6•1 I )I :1 Citt I' ' ~ '' 1 A~p , f)) ' \'1 (i.tf# I 11 • • ~ "'"" II"( ~ ,., ., ; • Ci'' "I .... ' ' 6 ti .H •,a I \.If 1 • I l• I ') ,. ~I '"", ., O• ., , ... '4 h n J r t .e '~ '' 111 (> }'4 1 ' I 't l tJ f J fl I ~ 1 Cit• • ''' '.1 \ •'"'" , u • r1· ·' e,.. '" ,,1n I ha tJ•1,1 , J 4 1)U ll'' (~.I ,,, '• l o ""*"'' 1• Jt I ol t. •I II \ • ••• i-J ., \':I• .. /V t •J, •• ' 14 11 \() Arw 1• ,. ,., • 11 1"•'1 (. .tCi h I • I • f 1 I •" t I II ( •0 ,•t I ' I I l •'" \H "-tt I t I '.I • It 11\ ..._ I t 't ,, "''' I ... I I .. ~ .. ·' I •• ' t 1 (-"ti 'h I ' .1t#lt"' • •' f 'J A•H t't ·~ In' tn til ft JJ PfH lt.J •' \:><I J., \t' ,.,., "-1•,f'I I ' \lt1• to, o I ',, ,.,,, ,, .. " ,., I 'l•f .(' •••• , l A'" 11\"' <4 I•,,\. l•t••' .. I ' I "JI Amfli Lt" l o 1 "° t 1 ' r. 1 J " AMr\·r G'Ol-H'> t-1, '); 11 ·c tJ c-" •• 1 I I O'l N l r ~ . H , ~ , 1 llJ 01 ~'"''" l'J 11 '11 r.,1f'TI UJ /J J•1 N L l"t'"" ti •I I \1 f' I• 1111° t I Vl'\<h p ,., I" ~,,,' , ~·1 l ,, • ,, .. 41 'JO-•1 • ..,1 I l '"U I 1 !"' tt 11 1 I J •U' ( 'N '"'~ t4 q ll 10 ., f-1!! .. hh' (,1 uo · . ·. •v ld / r '1 • 1't ; m '' ina ' . / , 1u A• Hr1wr;nt\ln (,.,, 1 i; '' • 1 ,. . .,, 4 I.\~ .I " (r1l"lt•1 t l I',_. L, f ,,. U I JI I ;~ (J 1 1, ' \ ~ ~ L .,,11 t "'Oi , " CJ '• I .. ti ~.. "'''"HJ·~,, at [~1 Inc I),," ... r, I ,,, ' ·1 f4 L f I . ~ 't1 11•' '"' '1 Lt ,4 l. '•0" h't 'o1~ ll•· ti ••d ~ ]fJ ,~ t p •' '" 1 ' •• U• i., '" "''N I .Jot,.,., J <1 lj4 'i"' {,r\iU' 1"t 't 'I I, 4 J_ r J " 11 N ~ 1101 t 1• • J t ' 1 r J ij 4111 r, • f 1,.. ,, ,1 "' J t\· It (.-.D I ;J-l • l [;, I 1' •, • 11.,nJ•• .a t11•• ln11..t a~"i u • 'JI'\ , I I ., .... ' ., n•.-n • ., , )'•,.., \. E--• '", ..... ,..,. '-ii ' fl\ 8 wljJ11 Q1\o I I -<it ,,,, ~,11 11 ll'U IJfA t,,..,.u\ "It t I (.40 )" lj, Al if t' II\ f\ I , 0 ' ' 1 ~.. I I) )t')'. I . ""' ' IA.t"t '"' U .) '\ "' f 1t M 1 A 11 1 • &.. n JIN \ • , 1 •• F ,,,, r, 11 "l' '• L ~.' vnr 1 °' ' " r""' '''" , ..a (fo F-.Jnn 4 '' ti\ C\ ~ ..... n..,,.r. G r .. o (, tn Ill " • .., • .. , G'•'" 1 • : (•..-Pt~ #1 V '' l I otn 1 , t I, •' (.-1\t!'I \h Ii ti tiJ •I MUl•I "f 11 IU 't ("-tll '"" MU ~ 1·1 ~ I I 1' 1J 111) c ..... ,1 F'1 11 Hu '8 ,-.,.n.1 n (,,,,...10 (n•\• ••• 6v C1r1f\, .. •1 11, (.,,,,.,,,. t.' • , , l.,t+ I •J .. It It'~"' t t.f I 41 !J') #J tl .. ,, "· ·' (11ti·t l tu J ti ( .• ,.. 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( .tD•t tit ' '"'' L M ,f '1 '• r4 ~ l <"<I l.Dt,rlt l-tl 11 ' .. 0 ,,. &r·t (lg 1 \ 11 't I• '-"lf'I •-' j I l '~, 1.n b• ~ ""'"' I lff '' It l"(.c,;1~ •Jot ~I") U') (ut 't •I I Sf ,,.., 4(1\\,1\11 tt (, Ft,._.Q I 1J ~t) 111()1 . 1 1• I ' • M.n._ 1~1) I !~ /tlw\ I ,,._.,u I M f \1,,Jtt•.., M•G. t ~· t n) M!O t1 H.-h ' Mf D lt .al ,, J7 M(0 t H '111 M tfj I I It'~ Mt''"' '1 ,, •• ~ M1•1 A.M .a t l ift Ml fl Mlo1 I•• f4 l fli'1 t~. f. f 4 f ' ,, M\ I' I ta 4, '• M·-"' f:S,.tn t I ~ .. , Mlt F1 OU lt 1, MF 1.,1'1 ) t 1 M ..... i.,11 Qw.;n., bff1t 11 l 1. l' )I C,tt1tln .i .1 t""' l't(Qin'l 1 I") Ho ,I ")r• 1 • • f ·~ t. Nl ..\ M ti I 'i~ U l h .• 11 11 J '"•J N l ,,,, ""''"' MI•" f'I •• l tj/ h .,,, 1 ' • ' (J , J , • ., ~t.-.U\ t/ JM 1'• ' •I I I I ,. . , ' tt£ , '• r -"", l 11 I I"} '-1t('tl" J I I ,,. .m •O• a• ... ,l#t f J " ... ~4 111 W''l ti) n t• '>} •fo ,.• n I "" "I,,,, ~ N "''t f J '• ,. N ._ r-.1•• Ht I.a ) " l 0~'1·• ; ,, '1 1' On• NmS I J a' N 1.. Ooo> nfW1{"\tr r ct Oap.oti o ~ i1,1t1 lntJm 1 1'1: • IJ Ouo MO , 'lo'J N L ~·M ,,., I., J1mo• b JI !1 •'> ore "S--1 1. •'4 ,, () PH"'f"!"I M 1 41 1 ~0 P rrfr...-· ..; I N i.. p.,, p.,, \'1 , » P• n~ Sq t.t"""~'' P.·nn Ml.4 •• 1 N Pri.1,1 ''' P~ ( .. D I t i ~ <>' ,_ "4' m G•r> µ11 1 F, 11 ~'•l f fG • i iV.,, i ( N 1 p~.*\, !\ I • •• NI t: P· n.. I F ··' ' ..... . '. I t. l ., ~· 1n '"" "• • "'"" r· 1•'". '"", .-.. ~ •rn.t • A I I t !I Pt •· f..1~ G,_,.,. I u ., L t"'"r .tn ' '' N 1... N f'• !t\ ... ,_. L. N P1~' I rl• N l. P-ro ',,..n.J 'l# .._ l Pio• ·A" I " ~ }il P•v :,1 P 'b) 10 II Pulri·•"' F .1n1 C" t1., 1 I.' II Ql £ 1 01f ' JI 1-• G-·•'9 • J,,, t,a,.. (,14\_, 1 \• t 11 lf\1 $1'1'1 I ,,,, • '\ .,. ... ,, , . Y•'tl• ' 041 f ' "~-·~ II ~ I I/ P 1,f\h1111 t •I ~ 'ii ·"'"f' , tJ N \. ~~·· ,. . ,. \ ,. '•'¥' • '•' Iii It '" ~1h•t C,'r I Kl I "• ~",,~?"f '1 f 7~~,.; N l ")u-11 ))IJ N l e .1~n u IJ u l <•m \I ~IQ N L. M.ott, ~,-.. IQ 01 N l '!;o'J l• wr • lt "><1.1,1l'f' '"ft•h ( 1'111¥ • ;., 'If~ tl\vt '' #oi '') I JI UIH I "'"'' II,, ~nt (..In •OJ • 11 \fl.nit('-,, ,,, 1\ n Y 11ft>,,OIOt:r l.,,&; tm .1• )"1,. \ \\ f: "'"" ~ ,,, , J J. lt>I F-o I. 111 ) 1t ... PPJ' , "IJ • Ill L ,.,1 • )9 ti "' P11ct ••• 4 i\ Sn1 11\on f 1.1M"' A~tt \ff\) II ?I the. "' If ' ,_, l int1t \I f 4 I~ )1 '-""'"':> u •Otf l ')t41m.i1 F .i"O' (t P I 1 ~ -. • ,,.,.,, 'llJtt·~· ''"'' ,· I,. y .. , f '. ,, i f. l't • I "'I l n ~{,• 1 JI N l -"(,. ' 1 ., " 'I ... trt,. 1 • 1 It• ,_,,,.. \,,l t U t 1.- "-' •,.' .,,, p•-,110 ~(J> I• 1 f I I N l )I U~ bo,,.J(.,r C1m F 4 U 4 !4 C>. F t • itl ~ U P'tJl r-'"') t l l)•f..t'fl r.,1 ~ ,,. ,.. ... 'S ~"" 8• ii ~) N l Sl•lt \I •I •1 •1 JO ~t••otJm 1n J:""°" Am 11\-d 1 -'6 N l A~\1,1 F t % N L. 1,,11 .. \I I 1tt N l s1°':"~0• .)F~, N l 81•t•n 11 Soll N L. C•u 0 1 q1 N L ~10<> 11 '1 NL. ~up..•"'"° '"~ Gt•t"' • ~' • u 1-w; .;'fl 't OP t rl , .. ""' • ti,) • ti l1 '-•"' M 'Ou k \ ~Utn•f °''I I t 1 '''" I a ' ' ~,,,.. .. , r & '1 • 1 ''"'" t,,t f ~· ' 1 1 '""•" l"i1 I ; '' \ "~~ c. .. 11 t ., )) 1 't1• E1.~ tt ._11 •1 11.idr Hf"d 1) •)\N L 1.nc c,1 """ l Jt1tn( 11'1( ''~N L \)~A4 (.I I •I N l U'> C,.Ji'w '\I 'IJ V~ll.,l fuoO\ .,,.. • J \.; t ~, .8.-1•1\ 1 .8 / lff.1 (11m'lt U & 1,. ;-. ..,,,,, Miit l"'/ t, L un.1 ,no , 1~ .,: ,, Un~>il\ \el LtU ij~ :.14d I, 1 'I ,i N .. t In"' t •• Cl IC. V (dU t ii'!'' r.i, Vn·~n t/ 1~ \J 11 Un·t• J F 11no Al 1n t '~ 'I ' &-l~I 1 .. ( 111'\ "'' ,,. ..,, .., ~ \ (1.o" In( a'• ' • t -< •m 11 )I I ]I \. . " ) ,, ~ ,, Y4"1-f 41 • ii Uti·I \rt\ l • N l ..,,,,..,.. l ~ r 1 , .. l1 • ,I) ~ 0 '' 4 I l , ,.,, •• ..(;'»I I VJ u ').Jnt, ll'l(Ol'n IJ ,_.. 't j"I '"' ,, ft '· t.11nm • t .o f .,...,, 'V ,. J (,lh J ,.. " ""•", ·~ J 1 ,. ~ V•"'4"'4•10 (It JC f d )tt I' I• • .i ..... t ,. i;ij J t M1.)HJ I' It I, H f '" ~· {, ·~ tf,1 • ' W,.11,I t t h 11 .t') W,.lltf' .-. f)"l •1\ \~ "' .. , 9 • 11 t)" W•tlill' 4 11 'I ti Vtt• if'I P S )) J ,; w 111 S1 C"• ) (l\ ~ ..o Wt1111\1 f U 4 '1 N L w .. ,11 <;,n 1 }• ',., W1\C lf'IC ) 1\ S ~J N L No lo•a 'ti.'lu, <n•rQ4ti frlday•s Nt\SDQ Sam•ary ~.,"' vO•h:. IAP Mo .. t t!KI•··· ,,,,,, '""' '"""nttr "'--''" .i,,pQ1.,.,1 nr ,,A\~, "•""" vo; ~a l 6 1 .lv'J C.nq Pnz•Oot 8 1\f'il 'J 1 '' ~:::r!,:'b ~;! .:.... ,u,. . .,, :~11(,: 'U I 1 •.: l ~~·,~ • Ui ;. •' h p. I I f J<lf ,. t' A\(( 80 l ~-n L fr .\Qt' t"'.. •• () .,.,. lJr'l(l'l .. l'IQl"d fOt"91 t\W·•\ Nr111 ,,_1qM Nt" •o•-. " I ~ •I O 11• l 4'\ ' 1.h) ,'\, I • ToJ•I .,..ltt\ \t'IQ) . '. '" \(,' 15\, 1! I '· II 4;,b,Ji a, AUOCIUlD,.llU\ N 'I §f')(h N' 8unO\ • ,.. .... ,If\ $f0-'t, ·""~'"·((ti\ &.1l'l(J M•O"W\t StOlt. ffh\ Wtt• '""Win A Yu r AqO ••• , •• 1 .) .. ., ~'J '•' ,,,.._,~ •M •• ,.•/J1 l ct'11t ~I )~'··~ , ... iii •IJ J t u_. • \ 'I Dow Jones StO<'b f'oilOWl"f3 QIVt\ ll'le 'l"Qil• o• Oo• JO>nf-.. cw"'"~ •v•'•9t' for \tw "'""' '"'' t41t 9' Lo• L~nt (f\q In()\ ''J 1tlt "t ~l G•t1.n ... 4(: 1, "'" ~ l' ) t• ) J' , I -' & • o1 ,.,.. Vl1• • h , '"' ' I ti•• H ~It. j:OOO'I "J1 lJ 7'f~ f4 ·"'O •t lei Dow Joaes B011d"' IJ 6.oncl't ,._,a~._ Ind SOh \Jt1I\ 11\0U'I lflt A1t•h Staadard A Poor H1-.b LO• (f.ttif (r\Q I °' I"~"'' 11\ I I YI I 1 .ft, 1) "" l•O.t.J"t , ... u • ~, .:~ I' I •' ; I~ 10 ., I OTC '9os t At!tin~ En1Q r.o n·1 Pn110tt 8 oO.ti, Am E•o )).ti M""°U\ 8 7\ft) ~11 Ld f 1 .. 11 JOM \ EF-1aJO I' )j .. 1 •• ' ·' l\• }J. w. .1) ,. '"' .. , ... ~ . ' . lr ' 1t I 011 !l,IMlt' 111'17 I • ' Ao•o D•<I '""° 1' 11 1• t!P • h i' t1';'Gt11n E ,._., 8U"N 0 11«1 Ad'wM'( ... \ ()e(l1n1·., Un{n.dn'l~a fol.ti 1'1.·Ut"\ .. .... .. foldl \ol .. \ (no•.i Dow Jones His tor,· N(W YOR.tC CAP) Ttif" tOll0•1fWl I\ jf h-..t o• lht c.10 .. 1nq ()otlJ' Jon•\ Avt't..ot'' o• t~ lei\t tt.t01nca d•v ot '"'•' •""' Do•• Ju" M.1-1 '" M.u )1 ~~! .~ ~(ti" )) ~.. • 1) A"' I A g< ~, ~ M •r 1 .. Md• tC1 Mdf u M d' ) f1·b JI r•o 29 f•D 1) f:t D • l"Ow\ fr.,n't Ut•h COmp ... lO 11JJ9 i•\ I 11 ., . • ) 1·. i.,~ "\ [Jo, 41 • ,,,'>r ., , •• ,., ..., ""')' "' " •• '" 1·"" ,. .,., ... ~~ ~ ~!;; 9• ':.T7" t.MJ ·• ''• ,.. ~,a· ~ .... '"' N't H r '' ]r'\ • •t-/'4 70) l & " H ':', •• q.~· "' • ·' '~ "' ·1 ' ' • tr)IJ) •~ 10'-eJI • • .,, '!!\ ~"" J ~.,, "''ii '-8' ">• M~ttl M~ ).;) ,, Q,, •) )V) 11 Iii ;'1 •• h 91"/ o l )'O\ ~r F' \.It .. ;t '• fl•' I 7 •1 1-1 J l-• • hlt)e. ~11'! NI ) 1"•1 0't ').a 'fO I'd )9 @~ 11 l'-J 1t Installations Triple t Pool Solar Use Up LOS :\:'\(;El.F.S li\1'1 Solar pool lw<th•rs an • makmg a IJ1g ->pl;s'ih lhl'"'-' d :t\" 111 thl· w;1k1• 11f .1 -.1 :1\l' l'uhl1c l lt ili\1l''> Com m1s:.11111 order that <'llUld rnt·:111 thl' f'nd nf t•l(•('t r1t·al :inti 11al11ral IP" hcmkup:- Thl' 0 l'<' :10. 19i:> order h.1nn111i: sm·h 111s tallal111ns alter la~t .\pnl t 1·\ f)k<'d :l' W ;I\ ('or pr(lll•St from thl· :-'' 1mming pool 1r1d11~try and lhc-com n11!>s 1on st aH•d 11 '> ordl·r pending a scnl·:-111. puhl1t• hl·ar in gs .\ f1n<1l del·ts io11 1:-l''<Pl't'H·tl l111~ month hut Pt 'C eounsl'I ,..riccla .\hl>olt left l1ttl<' douhl as to lhl' :.igcncy's thinkinl-( on the muller ··Jn oth<'r slall'S, sen ·1cl' of n:itunsl i::as has hn•n shut off, 11111 onl~· ftJr pool hookups hut for 11tlwr -;pn ll"L'"· -.tw -.:11cl d111'1th!. lw:1n11g-. l11·rl· FINANCE ft•d through them IJy the pool's l'XISI 1ng pump TllE S \"STE~t opcratcs w11h ··If Wl' dn not prnh1l11l J.!:t'-1•11lwr tltL' l')\isl1 n}! pool timer or a sl'l"\'H'C' to pools. w1• may find M'n~ing d e\'iCl' that turns it on 11111·!-l'h'<':-. ma s1t11at1011 C\l·11lua l· ,, twn the s un is shining and at·cept the fact that. ir no su11 fa lb for two days. the water t·an fall below a c·omfortable ~wimminl! tempcratun.· ·· Sl•nn adds that a pool cover l:an extend the season lo nine month~ hy n•ducing overnight heal los:. but t:onccdes, ··If people want to swim durin~ the winter months. the~ need a ~as heater." In fact. 95 per cent of Fafco L.A. 's customers. according to Sl'nn. already have gas heaters a nd ··a re s pending money on heat ing their pools with gas and know how expens ive it is." Solar pool heating system~ don't come as c heap ;is their source but Senn claims they pay for t hemsel \'Cs in thrc<' to ri\'c years through r educed gus bills . TH E COST of~· ~olar pool heal· in(! system will vary according tu l hcsize of the body of water in qucs. tion, but Senn figures $2.25 toS.1.25 per square foot of surface area as a ruleoflhumb. NY , AM£X, OTC Ups and Downs t..{llt' ·~rt· ''-'"ti ' • ~ ,, ""'l•• '" '4C fir I f t )t-..• l • !'\11'\y< 1\...,..., ,,.,., n ..... Q:}"lt .Cf t"°" rte.. I .,,.., ~(If VOC\<tAP th• tCM-0••"'1 i:. I "'O•\ '"" A~t·l•Cl ~l .. ' E '"~" ........ \ l"•I fW•C 9QIW """ ltw "'U\f tAJ O..f o'Y 'f ,..,, AY I"'• '"" "'~ ' I ,.."°'I" ,t_,.• .,,,, '1•'t• ~., w0 I • ~" I ' J "" If lt'l.J .I hht\J ""' s;,. •«• ,, t , '"'"" " '""' \).,, '"'· C)..I•" ·~ o,.~,I I.,, II ti' <-•C•' t 00-.111 ,.._ mo\t w wo OI'· orth 1 (,. ., '' t '"J"\I' f l ')I •'-h ~J t \ft ut '°"\;'t'\i Clf M r+qtif '•~•td• t , •wt•,.-vt (.hiA~ •cQf fOI•> ~ \IOfV••• hJ I fl'IC PHC• "'•9t ffil~"r-\ •'• '""" 0 1ft"lfN.t Otl•tf" ••\t ~c-· \ (10\.4,... I.It'~ •"° lf'li\ ... , ... \ t ""•"9 pt1f11' '-.•1 ·~· (lirf ftl·•'i" Pl,,,.., t I ' fftt C Ht,.~ • I). IA"" 'f ,t .• , .... \ \ .-,,~ ..... •lf'\'-J '" f "''I 1 ~. • l. I I t ,Y t ll ••• ··•' I to I t 1., •• . . . • 'Vi ti lit I • 'C>'1 .,,, • .. lo ., ...... • " t ~· •• l>J '"' •U.' t' I ' ' _, L'•" • f ' • "' lj UMt r I• '" 1 ,,,., 1,,/1•; 1\ V\JI J ' t l•,tt t I II I 11 M 1•1•f 4• t I~, I J I I I • ""-•",.. l~f,,! hi ' I• ..... , 11 ·•'1 "" ,., 4 ""'' I In I\ f• t f_.-.f • I .• h ' Iv\,' II ". DO"'"~ .. I VI t ' ... If I t I .. I l+l I ''I . "' ... ' li •I t o f I . '""'" "• '" 'Q. \II• J I".,.,, I Y I \. 1 I (1 I I I ..... \ . l)fl I I I•• ,1 I M • ' I . " "" , J .. ' ._.,. ·' ~ r • I~ I' t f , t II. ~ I • f I •f • ·t· ~· t •• ~ • u ' rt. r. '"' J . . • l1t1 n In I I~,••' , I \}oto11n ~. 1 ~ o ,,, F .,_ • f ·t•O•Ol'flP ~. " . I ... I It ,•J I I t • l'tl I ll f[,.t IJ ··• ' -,., ". ti It \)'I ou ?'" t 'Ml I 011 ,,,. Ou •···l OH '"" OH •t t Uu -. ' ...... .,,, ti wl Ur'!~ I It Al ~·· • ' J I I ~ff P\ +f "'t14t l l11 t1t M 111111 fl I l l tw• , ~ , ... \. "fl •• l. , •• • .YuU• A1111) A~ly 11 ••I UMt'f' J.t1 ,, .... 111 j ,,, 11 0 •10111 t \I ,, ... 1,,. ., ltl 'J. t4JI \n h'l' 1t (f)10r.t1 \ V f '"'*"'fl lot) •--W••'1"1 +1,1r t\j ''"" qdtJ•• o .• m •• 1t" t-'1vn•t'• ') .i ro.,,,, t • ,J tnl P1as. " . H '1'D't 11'11.I I• W.t•d'i \ 1• v.w1.-.. ll\f Na•l> un N • .i ~' " '~" ""' 'Q, o MlQ ..,, t "NL' l ,.1 ·1 (•·Q lt,)11 e ' • • Co ,,.. ' ..... ~,, ~· "ftf l'O A" ~ .f'W\' A ' P~l Mlh ..,, ..... "· M '\;IUll \.ltPo' i• • I Ufl 'i•U .-,,_ •••• ,.. LPt " (,#1\(1 .. t t I'~ ,111~ ot H • )o • ·~a..· :,,,. •q u "it{, C>" ,·,, ,,,.,, '"'' ( "'" I' C01 (~t'J .. 1n01cttltt1J .. r '1 P~.:. Int, ~l /J W IP;){ I 11tt }'t f Otl(O i:.01fl ··~ ' • '1 Dt , 'fllft111.-"•"'> .,,., ""' d •• • • \jotl4ittl ..... 1,. • v l~J f I "' i.11J I' ,.. '~ •I0'\••1o• D1J UP~ I ,,.,, Pi• "' " ' t I ' J '-L' ' I • ··~ .,, . ... ..... .. I • t • JI I ,., I II ,., '" Vt' ·' I f "at ""'' ) I 0' '"'I ,. ""' ... ~ . " '. ' '" 'fit ,. 1 f Pl I I 111tU• ,\ A \ Ci..1m I II '"W•\ \1 • II \l.1•\ II•' I I 0•1•"• M t . ' . . I' r • .. I DOWN) 11 • I 16 •• .. , I ) t~ I ~ • 'I ~'" "' t•11 ""' V11 V11 ... ... I ' , .. .. ~tit Ht l•\• I~ t 111 11 \J.; ' ' • .. 11 I I I I 1H• I/ti " H~111 (h· It NV' A I i'1r( Mi l h A-111 1. M ,. "•' 'o, ' I ..... I It 11""' loo( ~ .. <\!ti l" ,, 71 M• 'h'~• /1 V\111 II\; ,, u'"'., l c, ,, (.l,)OHfH . p,,. c. '" ("I I t ,..,.n.o Cl" et • I 'fOft l ~Ill )J ) I t,)(,11 ' I tJ l H ()It ()ti -.. ,., (' '"' f ... ", •• ., ' t 1 I \, A 1111.1 "' •, t1r ,. r .~ ~·!!l-p~ ~ I •v ""'' ' . ....... "' ...,., . ltll 1 (.,H 1'1 ~ V" )11 (>it ' ' Ott ~ I Ou 1c I J 11:1 0 11 ~~ I 0 11 ,, , Ot• 1t1 .J '". . I 1t.1h Y,I H M' I ,\ I\ , .. °" '"' . l•1 Jti'"' t. ; >8£ .J Bv<lt' ~ • j r '"'"' '"~ .~ wn \I! i R 1> !(.tnt11 0 I 'l\I .. . ... '"' "' . I • U1 ''I .. "" llU ,,,, "" • t ll~· f I \./u \I~ Vu UI• • VII llU "'' J I •• )IJI) ... ,, . :1 t I I .; ~ ••• '• ' ... I .. 1 t Uu hdl "I' ' .. II OD WN) '.,. . . j. '" OJ I '11 ". "•' q • • Yet '1' '• "'' \/\ t Uo '' ~ \'•' 'I tl1 I, I ""'' I' I I I Ott t6 > tt• I ,, .. ., ' . ~I I I , .. ", t\•t •• a·• •II ., ,,, "" '" j I }II I ' l'I' , J ll'' ' 1,."lU 1, I 011 1. l ()1• 1'-1 We ekly Stock Spotlight ,, .. :\l' Leaders ~fW V0Rll' fAP! , .. MIW n.o~lu"" #tdv """°' r11Ql'I 10 ... '10\tt'!U D••t.I 1n(I f\tlf t\Jnl) Qt ·~ 1#1"1\1 f IT"IU\I o(l 1w1 )tCK.•\ tor ln11.i w--.., ...... Lo• \.tlf'I. "'.,_ LOW U \t c~ , .. .. .. ,, ... 1' ·-" . i ,. 0 . ... ' . ,.. . 1• (). 'l 11 11 ft 1lo I y. ,,,, "' .. ' > /J .. ' I ·o ',,, ) • I l ~ '"'-•·•"1.r """""" .. 11 U· ti f ~J ., f •t "'' ti • .Oft"t t ...,, :. ,, .. Ou.-tr 1 . '"' ... , ''"'' 1 I "'1,,f',tt (.) 4 C:Qlft M 1t I 1~1• «ta• J.r '' ''•tom 1 • A'n "'''"'' , .... (• ,~. (1· 11,1 •Ah If\ "''u O ' • ~l'JO I Uhl .: ,ofJ .. ' .. ,, ·'. ,., ,,,_,, ·'. I ' . . ,·. ... ... ...&.... n .\' u -4 a 'J ... , I i• t· kJ I' ti# 1tJ'I t ......... '. t: .. •,,lt . ~~ •• ' •II'\ , ' . \) ,,,. .. P "U \I 1 ~ .h) 11. "U<1 I().) 1~ """' ., u • JI", ~Jl 11' liliiil ,, • x• 'V .)1 . fJ fJ I 1i • -6 • \ • I'•; l I • oi6' I 1' ~' .. l.1 • • • ,; ... ~: : -; . ., .. ~ .. American Leaders NEW YORIC t•P• Vf"14tlV h•Qn !Ow w•1•ioly ~•I••"' "•Q". low (10\HU~ p•1Ct' ~ n.-1 cnnnQt• ot tnC' t.-n ff'\O".t <111ct1Yt \tOU \ ror 1n1 ,,.;~ • Hi•f'I Lo• ~~If'\ M1"' t..O• U\t ("'q ,., • .. ..,, .. , • .,, (.1 • , •• ' ,.• ~ ),'r • Pi 1w ~o M ~· l •I ' J 1 • 1 I • tt1t P•tooM t• 11) I' J t tl•l'T\ ,,, ,,,, '~ ,J A ., 11\• 1 "'I 'S I"~ 1 I\ , JI : i • f.,I ti••• J>,11 -J I J1() I , I :: .,-. Ii•" r,.::i; O lt\~u ,{~ !~ "I~ , _j I II I , I ,._ "1fl°'l~I • C. IQ ;, } 1' 1 .. I"-.,. ft1~1lr ... n< '')'• »J I; I :\l' Stoek Sales 1N•o-11t. .. ...il.J v •.• , .. y., t i ll "Pl f•r» •• if •'1? ),.•1 1 I, o.tc UI\ IG «klt- h H tu cJ 11' ,, •t• J •• ~. !' '·.,I l , '"'' ,,. f ) \,oo: "''·'" Solar panels mounted on ga rage roof heat swimming pool at West Los Angeles home. Sales are increasing ) in anticipation of ban on electrical. natural gas hookups. Rd•d Po1i11ca1 Advert :.ement Maturity Honesty Integrity Sincerity ly wtH.'rt'.~'·" havl' to l>a n ull g:.1" lc:s\'l•s it off on overca!>tclays. 1 :-l·n·1el'" ···nw lll':lltnJ! of s wimming r II,. 111 .1 " t 1 mm 1· d 1 :1 I 1• ponl.; 1:-. an 1ckal \'l'ntur<' for solar lwnd1e1ar~ 111 thl' l'l"L" Jl"tton. ;i:-l'nt•rgy because storage and ''di :is a rN'l'nlly pasM·rl ~late l'1rculalion arE' alrcadv in- l;1w ~ranting honH'O\\Ol'rs an 1n· cludl•d:· sa,·s Fr!'cman A. ·Ford, F----..TTT'1.....-+1....-~··rrtltt-efti11tl to i.c1-1wr-~fe~nder .anQ..f1i:c.-.idcnL- , A vinyl.covered foam pool CO\'- t'r. which is cut to the shape of t he pool and floats on the waler. cos· ts about 75 ce nts a square foot, Senn said. Total cost for a 400- s.q u a r..e.J_.,o._..o._.1__,p.,_.,o._..o,.L._..,_UJ.llUJL-1u..i::._ S900·Sl ,300 for the heater ::ind Vote for ,.l'1tl of tlw l:OSI of :i :-.ul:ir !>~:-.ll'm. Pool owm·rs. thoul!h they m ay I" a :\h'nl11 P,1rk n1ntp.111' 1·alh•ll h.t\' .. lsttlc c hoil'l'. !'l'em to agrl'e. F.1fr11. 1111· \\ 1111~1· ti !MIO 11t'-l.11l.1 Dick ~i·nn. lffl"'l<l1•11t of 1-'afro 111111-. 1t.1t1111t \\ 1ol1· 111.1!..1• 11 th•· I. \. :->11utlwr11 1·;1hlo1111.1 d1~ 1•1111111 1' ... I .11 1:1 .. ,1 111:111111.11 1111 . 1 1 n hutoi·-. .. r 1 In• s ' -.11·111 "·" :-1n nl , .. 1.1r p1111I 1t ... 11 1•r-. .. 1.sllal s1111-. .1r<' n 11i11111g tnpl~·that I• .tln1·.., ;-.\ ... 11·111 11111171'' I 11111 111 .i ~l"'r ,1go l111llm' p.11wl" 111 Iii.id. 111 :1-.tw Sl•nn -.;" ... 111-. ... 01 ;11 ,..,sl('rn~ 1111111111l•d 1111 a 1 011f or ~pt•1·1:olh ''ill J!1v1· pool 11Wlll'r" a ~w1m· h11ill rark Tiu· p .1111'1~ ah-.orh th•· mmg "l"'"1111 from mid April to :-1m 's 111':11 a11d 11 :1"' 11 11n 111 ":111•1 m1d·lkt11ht•r •·1f you·rt.' 11 illing to · ~inolhl•r SJOO for the cover, ~en11 t'"t1m;1ted. Th<• svstcms work l>cst with ... oulhl·rn. we:-tcrn or flat ex· po ... ures. Norlh L·rn expc1~un·:-. an· out. !>ays Senn, and F afco 1s rc- lul"lant lo m ake installat1ons on roofs facin~ cast in coastal arf'a~ hl'ca11 '>C of frcqu1•nt rnorn1nJ.! cloudiness_ AP W•f'CPhQfO Deficit Due to Unemploj-ment? \\" \Slll:'\l~TO\J f,\1'1 Till' l;1t1· ... 1 rh1rk1·n· .1111l 1•J.!J.! (lll\'-.l11•11Ill!Ill'11.1t 11111'-. l·.q111;tl 1 ... '' lt wh 1·.11Til' f1r!>I 11111'1111'11WllWl11 •II 1111' J,!ll\·1•n111 H·n1 ... ''hopping hudl!l"I d1..·f11·11 · l J\l"llt plt>I 1111'111. 11111 1'l 11ll1g,1lt• "l'l'JHIJll).! I ' r1·'l'"11 "1hl1 11•1' t lt1· n 11r1·11t dl•lw11 "·''" ,111 n •1•111 11111l: .1ll •tl '-.1' lo\ lhl• l>1•111t1t-r.1l l\' .'.\:.11111n.tl ( ·11in1111tll'l' . · Tlt.11 .. 11111 c11rn•ct," rC'tort .. ,1 lcadmj? Fnrd .11lm1111-.t1 .11 111n 1•l·1>nu1111:-.t. S11h11·~ I. .. Jnn•·"· ''If th.11 .. 11111• hnw 1!11(•-: Oo<' l''Pl:tsn the dd1c1l'i in 11; 111 1111' l:t'-l I i '1•:1r..;·· wlwn lhl.' 111hlr-:..; r at f' \\ :l'- twh•w the n •lat1n:ly high rat es for the last 18 mnnthc;·• Thl' nation·s .1oblcs~ ratc wus 7.5 per · l'•'1tt 111 April. Thl' Congr essional Hud~<'t Offlcl'. which is 111"ll•ntt'<i toward D<'mocral1l: economic thinking. l'~l1111utc•s that each one p<'rc<.'nl of unemploy· nwnt cu:-ts the federal go\'crnm~nt Sl9 billion in Inst tax revenues and in expenditures for un· e mploym ent benefits and wclfurc programs. Tiit: .\(; E~C\' estimates th<il the cost of the t'l·1·1·:-."1l•fl .111d 111w m plovment tot he cconom;.: "ill h1' Siti ~ 1111111111 1n ti-.«a l 1~7H. almost cx!lC'll\' "hat th<' F11rd :1dm in1:-tration lws proJectecl ·as the lJu~t.'l d<'flC II S<.'\'<.'ral Ocmncral1C' prcs1denti:ll c:rndidatcs h.tH' ;1d 1111· :ti <.'cf prcw 1d111g puhltc .1ohs for those \\ho nl'C'rl thrm if f)rt\':tlt' tncl11!:ln f.111 " to fill th<' 1oh gap P11hlir ~crv1r1• 1obs would partly pay for tht•1n:-d\'<.'~ thl'V argue. by re!>ulting in in cn·:i-.L•d laxl's to lh1.• ~11vernmcnt and rcducl'd t•:-. 11e1i<lt t 11r rs for wclf arc and unem ploy m cnt ht•nl'l 1h. Tlw Ford ad ministration '1ew. statc•d n · 1w.1\l•dlv II\ l"orcl h1msl•lf ;rnd leadini? ad min1str:it1111i l'c11no mists. 1 ... th:1t johs cr('atcd b~ puhltl· money only lend to make m::itters worse. Ford ar~u<•s that puhl1c jobs proj!r am-. wo11ld ll'ad to higher budget deftc1ts and a ne1' round nf 1nfl at ion and recession. lie !':ucccssfull\ ,·ctocd a S6 .l ·billion public works bill 1i1 Februar~·. Ford inst ead urges spending restraint. tax cuts and stimulation or business, which he s ays should te::id from 2 million to 2.5 m il lion more jobs in the private sectyr this year und 2 million more in 1977. I • Most econom ists agree that once evcr.rbody is back at work, if thnt ever happens. there pro· bahly would he no flidcral budget deficit. They :il so llJHl't' that lo sa y that the ~overn · mcnt loses S19 billion for each percentage point of unemployment doesn't offer any clues on what should be done ahnut 11 or how it occurred in the first plac<' "It's not nn arj?ument for choosing among in strumcnts to reduce unemployment. ll is mon· like a summarv statistic to tell ~·ou ho" well you .1rl' cl o1 n i.:. -.;11tl 11 :1\ltl :\11111rl1·t ••I 1lw ( ·ling n;-.-.11111 .tl H1ulg1 t 011 11·1· .Jont'"· wh11 I" a:-... 1• t .1111 tn ,1 -.ur1 "l'Cr\'lan· tor 1•<·<in11m1<· at r.111 '-... ;11d 11 1-; d1t llC'ull 1f not 1m pos~1ltll· to 1kll•f11111w 1111 tr11•· 1'C1'-I ot 111wmpln' nwnt 111 ll·rm" 111 gm 1·11111w111 111 1·11111·' :11111 1·:-. pl•n1htun·~ ESTl't \T l :~ 111-.t· 11111 ... 1· 111 1111•1·11nj.!1 t·..,..,10n;tl lludi.tct Off1n· 111· -..11d. m:ot..t· tltl· rn11m1rn1·11t:tl assumption t h,11 .1 rt•du<·t 11111 111 u111·111pl•I\ m1 ·nt rL•sults 111procllW l l\1• n ·.tl 11utpu1 '' l11d1 111;1) 11111 he lhl' C3H' · · Ill-.., ;11tl I hl' 11111 plll I rom :1 p11hi11· :-.en IC<' JOll . lor 1•\,1rnplt·. m:I\ 111· tnul'lt le-. ... th.in output frum p rl\ ate :.cdur cmplll~ mcnl For the n •corct. h<.'rc is hQw the.• hudl!t'l off1c1• calculates the c:ost of the rC<-'e!>sion for fi s cal 1976: Because of reduced r<•vcnucs due to the re CeSSIUn , personal income l:JXl'S W('re down $22 .:I billion: contri hut ions for sot·wl in ~urancc SHl.4 hlllion: corporntion in<'omc ta•ws SI0.7 billion. other taxl's S5.:J billion lncr<'ased out la'., dut• to tlH' :·ecl•ssion in· eluded : unl'mplo\ ·mC'nt comµcn~at1on S13.7 billion : w<.'lfan• 2 :1 hill inn. food tamps Sl.2 hillton : ~l e<ltc:o11l SI ;, lull111n. puhh(' employ mcnt SI 7 b11l111n. puhhr ''"1 i.,, anrl .1111irceess1on grants SI h1l11on. 'l'l1•1·:sn:-' lw1wl1l:-. SSoO mil hon . F lit\ c111ll :"~ S:?OO n111l1or1 Republican Candidate 40th Congressional District Profession • En9ineer ·:r No previous political of fices ·:r Middle-of-the-Road Phil!>sophy ·:, Representative government for all ·:r Supports the Ri9ht-to0 Work .;, An Ori9inator not an Im itator ~·, New approaches to T echnolocJY al)d Human Problems VOTE NO on 1~ FOR A STRONG ECONOMY Yes for YI .F. "Bill" Davenport ENGINEER • BUSINESSMAN FOR A lmER AMERICA 8 111 1s a problem solver. You will appreciate your vote for the representative candidate. 1'.11tl for hy llavt•n11orl 1or t'oni:n ·'" l'11mm1ttcc JEAN R DAVENPORT TREASURER 1:?762 LORETTA DR S~NTA ANA. CA O.\IL ~ 11 l OT ('.'i ------- Diversity Documente·a 8~ DOS.\l.D S.\ ~Ot-:RS AHO<•o1twe1 Pr('\\ Wttlfr \\'.\Sit I :'\(.;'!'():'\ I \I' I \ b(>" 1llil·nnl:( Jrl'.1~ of <)hJl'l'h II lu,lr Jtrng lht· d1\t•r..,1t\ ,,, Amt;>nc.111 Ille \\ 111 lk• llr--plii\\'U Jt lh1• S1111lh:.un1an l11:-.t1t11t1un " rn.IJ(lr h1c:1:111,•11r11a l l'\h1ll111011 II OJ.ll'll:-Thursd.i~ ",\X.1t1on of~at1t111:-." th1.•t1 th.-1:-from Wall \\'h11m:111 "Ill on·up.\ almo:.t an Hl.'l't.' ur1 !ht: first floo r of till· :\lus cum of 111 ... tor~ :ind Tt'rlu1olug~. ulll' of till· most popula r luul'l!'>l atlr:1l'L11111,.., Ill thl' (.'~J J11lil l The exhibition. ft\1.' \ l':tl':-111 prepur a l10n , 111l'luch-:-. thl· port.• hh• dt•..,k 011 wh1d1 Thuma:-. .Jd h.·rs1m \\!'Oil' th<> Dl•c•lan1t1on of lndt•pt•ndcn<'<'. :.1 shirt uf l'h:1111 mall lJ11l'l' "om b' thl' Hus:.1:in go,·ernor of Alaska. the Marquis <le Lafayette's w ulch and wulll'I . Gcor~e Wa:.hington's me:-.:. lot :met uniform ;rnd an old ttckcl hooth ln11n \'ankl•t•S1ad1urn f1\ ~· ,.,.,.,, a.., a n1.11or S1111th .. 11 111.1n .... 11\tH 111 thl l11l l'l1ll·11111.d rhl'l l' ,ll'l' llHll"\. th.111 h \1041 Ill Ill' :111<1 .1 '1,..,11111· \1 vuhl h,l\'C' tn \\,lllth'r throu1!11 th1• 11u1,, 11111 l11r h11ur ... 10 'l'l. 1111·111 .all Thl· I lh llll l 111 ph~a-.lll'" th.rt lhl' 1:-., :t 11;1t 1m1 lll<idc up 111 111;111~ llllt lll'l'' \I h t\ h h ;t\l' l1lt-111ktl togl'llH'r \\ l11h 1n <11lll.1111111g lhl'll' lll\1•1' ... lt\ .\rtrl:;rt' ~p:1112~.ooo ~t·:ar:-,1.11 111)! lJ.11.'k to I Ill' l'al'llt•..,I 1111g1 .i t1011:-. to ll11~ \ 111111111•111 h> n1·11n -, I j.! ll S I P II I I II g I :t :-. l f 1111 d n · ... t nurant .... Th\. :-.port.... 't 't'l 1011 It;,, h;1t • llSl'd b\' l{,ilJl Ht1 lh SL.Ill '111•1.d :111ct .I0°l' l>i :\L 1J.!J.: 111 'l'l1l'r1• '' In mg lh'rltn':-. p1 a 1111 .111d 1·:dd11 t':111t111"s m:1 kt•up I-at F1 nm Ft' 111•1\111r \ ,1 l'.lll\1· :a I\ Jill d li.111 .ll "" 11111111 ol \\'ot'ld \\'.11' 11. llllllPll'll' \I 1th l.111 rnl· 11 I\ ;t' Ill II'\' 11111 rt 1 lrt• \01\'tll;llll\'"I' \1 .1r 'l'hl'l'l' .11 ,. l111111l r1•tl ... 111 1h1gt.1i.;-. \1111th1•1' l''lollll11t da ... pl;I\' pvl1l 1t .1I l1111t 1•11': 11111 till' 11 ... 11.11 p1'1'"llh •n1 r:rl 1·.1111 l'.11g11 l111tton ... h11t tllll..,l ' ('l'lll'l .111111111-: tl1\' \ 11'1111'" ol '•lllll'lllll' l'lllllllllj.: law I'll ~ ('t~lll c·1 I. llw ..,l ;tlt• l1•g1:.l:tl111·1· 1111· ", ll 11 n l h • • :i rd . / 0111 n t.; 1· 11 m 1111-. .. 11111 ..... 111111 hl· Id,,. l'hl'l'l' '" •• l1•11l-111 g g l;a .. ,, hr1111ght t o thr:-. •·11111111'\ 1111 th1· ,\l,t,\ f11>11 t'I' 11{ J li~'O 111 . l•:t111 ,ll'CI \\'111-.1011· \\ho 1;111•1· hl'l'.111W J..:1)\ l 'l'll\ll' uf l 'I \ 11\11111 h n1h111\ Thl· !-.11111h ... 11111,111 .111 1·1 1·1111 -.1cll•r:1hl1• dl'ltlwrat11111 chat 11111 ... 11, :t\\;t\ 1ro111 lhl' n.11i1111·-. d1• kl'I-. Tlw11• '' .1 .;1•1·111111 \\ h1l'11 lh\' .. 1.11f l'Jll• "4)l'\·1u1hn: .. lt ch-.. pl.a\ :1nt 1 l'h111\ "1' :incl 11h1lt• t111f,\ '1~11' "\\'<' <h-l'lcll'd 11\.11 lhb l l'P mu't h~ part ol an .\11wr11'.111 1·\ h1l1111nn .. ,1 ( 111'.ll lll' ... IHI Britons check mscnpt1o}J on golden Magna Carta box which Parliament presented ro Congress fo r the b1centenmal. The d1splav will c:OnlrnUl' for 'l'lwrc 1:-. .1 -.l·hool 1'1)1)111 11·11 111 t'll'\l'land, hurll 111 !AA.I ,111<1111 u..,t· unt1l l:tst 't-:it· '\no a lit.•tw h lro111 t::ll1s bl.1.nu \\lll'l'l \1~1101 .., m:i' l'l'!>l I\ htll• l(l{lk ing al cll"Jll:t I' 111 naturalt1allon IHIJll'I'.; :an<! 11thl'1' rlOl'Unll'llb ll\'l'dt•f1 h\ illlllll i.:r ;inb Lu bl·<·11m1.· :\ ml·rr~·an .. B11rgai11 Bedl11111 Magna Comes Lauded \\',\Slll '-:f.TO...; <,\Pt The :\lagria Carla m;1nll,..,l'f'IPl fin\\ on u1splay for a Yt•ar at lhv C.1111\<11 nia \ h a \'l' lll'l'll l'\'"l'lf<•tl r-uml· :1011 Yl'a1· .... ago I ron1 llc111g ('Ill up r11r ,..,crap in u London t:1il111"" s hnp. Bril1shofl1t•1ab .... a~ Brit1:.h E mha:-:.~ -.p11kl'"ml·11 -addNI th:1t lht· 111 :1nus1T1pt lil'mg loahl'd to thl' l 'n1tt'd St:i\1•-. a:-.1 li1(•entenn1:.1l ~1.·!>lurc 1 .... pruh.1hly lhl' l':.Jl'lil' .... t SUI'\ I\ 1111! C:Ofl\' ol' lht: great chart er tlf lil>t•rt 1l's. The ,..,, c)r~ ol I hl' "lll'l''"'t'd re ·c ue of tht• Jll'l'l'IOUS (llt.'('l' c1I vellum "a:. rct'orde<I h~ P:1ul <'olomH'S, a Frl'11r hma11 \\ho came to L ondon in HIHI and becume libranan 111 thl· thl·n Archbishop of t'antl•rlJury "fhl' It bran :-a\s, ho\\ t•\cr. "Then· rs no evidence Ill <'t1rrol~>r:.1tt• tht• l>OPUlar myth Officials a lso µro\'i<ll'd details of British I.1 hrarv l't'"l'arl'h into tht.! hi:-.tory of lhi,.., p,1rt1n1lar t•opy of I he do cum t•n t 11 h1ch IJarun:. fon·t'd K 111g .h1hn w appro\'l' rn 121.5 Thf'l.'l' slits ;rt tilt· to(ll of th1.· l' ha rl er •111p;ll't'Jl ti~ \1 cn• 11 raclt• lall'I' than 1215 Tht·1·1.· I' J .... tol'\ th<il thl· c:uls were 11wd1.· wht•n lli°l· enraged king ;ill :rt·kt•d the docu m1.•nl with his d uggcr Jlowe\'C'I'. t hl· Brit1~h r1.· sc<irchers belie\'e 1l is mcirc l1h· Iv that tht.>\' Wl'l'l' made ln J book binlll•r.. . The chartl'r hrokc tht' ;ibsolutl' powl'r of Eng 11sh kings and !-cl out b;isrc: nghts of mun tlwt hecame fundaml·ntals uf English law und the U.S. Constitution even though the harons secured th o~e r1 1-tht:-pr1rn.11·tl~ themscl\·t•:- l or :\111011 ;..: o lhl'r things. it pro· hthlll•d !'>(ll'l'l:il l.tXl':-> \\llhout lhl' burons' apµrv\' <ii . prO\ 1<.led fur tria l by :a ,1 11ry ol l'l'l'l'S and n ·· qui r eu frt•1.•do111 for I ht: t·hurrh. It alsv µrm·rlkd l'or d1:ctio11 ()! 2;; h:arons •!!-guartlrans of thl· l'hartl'I'. const<krcl! a forerunner of p arlraml'nt;.ary gm l'rnmc•nl. Thl· baron:. furn"! King J uhn l o :-t.1mp l11s :-1.•al of :r1>pl'O\ al on !'>1.'\'eral copies of the c harter at Hunm·mt.'dl'. ;.1 meadow on thl· Thauics fi t\ er rll'dl' London. The n >p1cs wllh the king's seal <ind appart:ntly oth1.·rs \\1lhout hi:-> sl·al were then depos ited 111 (':lth l•!1rals around En,::l:md lo prt'scnl IO<'a l proof of the agn .:1.·· mcnt :a.. -o:;;>: --------- TRAVEL Pounds Losing B~· G. llEATllCOTE Au oc1ated Pren Writer L0;\100:--1 I i\P > -The plunging Orit1:.h pound has brought an arm} c\f fo r eign t ourist$ t o England to l<.tkc <ad\an- tagl' Of the d ifft'l'l'rlC(: 111 price ..... 0\'CI' lht• thr('C·d:.t \ holiday weekend, sho1) pcrs fr om Wl'Sl c:rn EurOJJl' thronged Lon. don's Wl'Sl End and the channel ports. -deparl- m c n L s tort;> and <'1ty authont res reported. Brilam is celebrating \\'hitsundav while the c·onlinent is.laking a Ion~ week e nd to mart.. Ascension Day. TtH· pound d i pp I'd hd(IW SI iii 101· l ht• f11·-,1 llllll' Frid.1.'. E\ 1•11 ;I(' cuunt111g l'or a slaggt·n11g JO fl (l t I 0 II I' ;J I l' It l' I' l ', GcrmJn mart.. .... .. \ml•J'tl'<ill 1lulla 1·s ;1111J French fr:111t·:-hu' l.1r more no\\ than lhl:\ d rtl I a :.l year. Tht: pou1Hi \\ia-. \\Orth $2 .• 10111 i\pril l!Ji:i. A s thou s a nd" o l nritons stn:anw d trnni the cit1l'S to the 1Jcacl1l'" Cjnd the counlt'\~lllt:, L on d o n 's II e :i t hr o 1\ airport w a s 1 a mmcd with arriving ron·1g1w1 -.. Luggage porkr:-. :.a tcl the cr us h was loo much :md walked off the 101>. Tourists s:11cl l he cosl of Carl's to Eng land 11 .1~ ;1111pl~ CO\ l'l't•cl It\ ~a \· 1ng:-. 1111 ~uulh hnu ~hl h l'l'l' 111~tv;1d qt .it honw .\ l':a rd1;!:.r n co..,1111~ SIG ::0 m E ni.:larrcf \\ tll c11~l S:.!i 111 Fra nc\· :ttl(I S:J2 111 Wl':-.1 (il'l'111;11n. -.;11d t1111n .. 1..; :it ~t ar~ ... :ind !-.pl'lll l'r :-. :-tc11·1· 111 lhlor<I SI l'l'l'I. T in· 0' I ord SI r1•1·1 Trad1•r:-.\s:-.m 1allu11 :-;i1rl rt:-111c1nh1•r:. l'~p1·1·1 Ill lal-l· 111 SIMI 1111111011 1n1111 I U I' l ' I J..: 11 l \I ti l'I .., l-> l 111, .\ (:;1r • \ II " I I I ~ I ~· I I• l S1•llrrd~l':-~ard lhl· op1·11 111i.. hour-. 11f t h1.· hn l atl;" 0 \H'l'l' JU:.\ h1.·dlam" 111 lht: g1:t1H :-.t111't', Whl'1'1• t h1.·n · i... r oum t n r ~5.()(lo :.hoppt.'r,.., al on1.• I 11nl" TODAY'S CBOSSIOBD PUZZLE Whei-eabouts Mapped "011l' \ 1•ar ;1J!11 \\'l' :111 tiup.11t·d rhl· ,,rll 111 t h1· pou1HI .., \ :iluc and ••d· \\'l'l h t•d .I 11:-l ;1 hflll ( t'\'t.'I" \\1h1•r1• 11 11 lhc· 1•0111 1 n1.•11t.' lw :-a rd . "011r 1 0111·1~\.... mnsllv lr11111 \\'1•:-.I C:t•rman~·. l·'r :rnt• l'. 1 tw IO\\ 1:oun. lrt1·~ and S1·a11d1na\'la. .an • hll\'lllJ! l'lothrng a111I :-.IHll':O. and e11~111c l 1 c~ .. ACROSS pal 75 Reads b11efly 16 Concealed 77 Anccdores 76 Lour 79 Tetamon 8 1 Taxagcncy 82 Stilt wind f\J D1saopo1nf 2 wCIS ~5 Ell•pt1ca1 8b Sowltng targets 88 Mature 9q Gori c•ub 'JO Perla•ninq lo two 9 I Womans name q? St1ng•ng 1nsec1 QJ Brown Nm1ne Q5 Wagers 96 Bre<ik soddenly q7 F1Sh1ng mr1n~uvet !00 CC'lnlor1P1! ff) I C,tUlclron 111.' Melall1c: llJol G..ivern 100 Cumrnon Haw1110.1n 106 Abc;toact being IOl f i!lhers 134 Legal document 136 Assign places 137 Time period 14 1 Crimson 14 i Playtul mammal 144 Grouoer 146 T roc ... 1e 148 Oklahoma C•IY 149 Sun deity 150 Jewish • monrh 15 t Su11 mak1nq 154Al!he summit 156 81b1tcat kong t57 Sheeot.lle 159 Ruhr C1IY 160 Ex1srence 162 Cavalry sword 164 Lanky 165 ShralHoned 1fi6 Mans name lf\7 General t•'ndcncy DOWN 19 Fusible 96 Large substance kn1le 20 Prepare 97 Ornery 27 Analyze lellow grammallcally 98 Scandonavoan 29 Bacchanals 99 Portals cry tO t Powdered 33 Pront subslance measure 103 Takes 35 Bread place browner 104 Drilled 38 Cinder bacl\ receotacles 107 Tha•land 39 Ptasler 108 Stalk support 110 Plunges 4 1 Str1¥1ge1y anlo 43 Forest 11 1 Paralysis products 11 3 Half 45 Raiment prel1~ tt 7 St11ke 114 Clumsy slang boat ,\9 Unlorlunale 116 Mans ~O Morning nickname oio1sture I 17 Wall 52 Puts 1n French serv•ce I 19 Peruse 54 Consumes 121 lntern<1I 55 APOSIOloC calm 56 Make 123 Small amends 1?5 Shred 57 Presentaloons I :'7 Cake 59 0 1 lhc mind l;iyer 6 1 Love oat.. I :iq Serv1cP 1 f" ;i1ric• 63 Ban sta11on Lalin 64 Broaden 130 M1ss11e ;? Unat1ende.:J 66 Before long weapon 3 r hus 6 7 P 1ckllng IJ 1 Deoan 4 Swine 11erb 1JJ T an1a11ze 109 HOil•Y swell 1 au $tudl'n! s I 5 01st:in1 69 Pitcher 135 1ria1an 6 Pocturesauc handlP.S clan buncllu t.1b•l' 7 Land 72 l"o•m:il 138 Babylonian 4A Scrap It I $.1ucv m!.'.,!>11rl' dress god •11 J.icoo s I I:' Pr11noun B Sauc. er '> 7.t New 139 Decorate 1w1n 1 J Comoend111ms POQP Zealand tori 140 Srormed Uy STAN OELAPLA~E 'J'J IE COTS WOLDS, England -Spring ~·anw at last and all England is in bloom. \\\•'re d1i \·ing Loclliy past fi elds of bouncy "hit ~ lambs with The Remarkable l\lrs. Jlo;rck. Mrs. Hoade runs a tailored . made-to- your-measure g uide service. It includ'es a car. l\lrs . Iloade drives and, knowing what you want. s he'll have you there in no time. A Bever ly Hills decorator wants a special Victoria n wire garden furniture - you just can 't find it anymore. Mrs. Hoade looked at the snapshots I showed her. Drove down h e dg e row Janes to a walled farmhouse. ln the barn there was a wonderful old gentleman. d esigning and making this or- namenta l w ire work. Maybe the only per son in the country still doing it. So l\lrs . Honch: Sl'lll hl•r :t \\:.1rdrulH· li!-t to hring alon ~. J odhpurs. H anl hat. bl:H·k .iucke t. Met the-kachcr at the plant·. Took her out lo be introduced and mountl'd. < \'011 have to he introduced U\' a m ember o( th1.: hunl. > · /\t da~·s·s end . l\Irs. llo;1d1.: colll'l'll·d tlh teacher. G a\'e h er fl ask of hot coffee ::ind brandy and let her sack out in the buck ~eat while they drove down to London . Drc:.rm uccomplish ed. * * * The word gels .around and :Hrs. I load<' gets letters. A Dutch woman want::. to tour B r itain's checsc-produci n"' ar ea s. ,\ J apanese wants to sec the Colchester o~·~tt•r beds. These can be ha ndled hy stat r a::.~1=--· t anls. A !-.\\'\'dl'h 1·011pl1· in· tt•n h '\\ N1 111 nn l' "ton· -..11<1 thl·~ h•lll,C:hl .. ""'"' 111 cl111111g room J u rn1tur;· \\ h1c h would s t ill h1.· d1eap1.•r th an S\\ l'cir~h· made /.!01>d :-aftC'r ~hrp prng l'll:-t .... \I l'l'c pa rd . Vie wing N ons top l\Irs. Iloade handles the ones t hat makl· \\".'\Slll :'\GTO:--< 1 \1'1 her Re markable. Thl' lh·cla r :1l111n ot 111 This .June Shl' will ~et ll'll peopil' lllltl dl'Pl'll(kllCl'. t hl' m o ... l Windsor Castle to :-cc two new Knight:-. nl 1':1111011:-<1m·11nn·nt 111 1111, * * the Garter inst a llt·d. There are on I' l \\'l•ll I ' '\ .111011 ,.r ,\ rl'il i' t·..... 11 ti I Mrs. Jloadc is a proper Englis h lady. s ix Knig hts. Irr you're in line. yoi1 h:l\·l' io tw pl:at't'<I 011 puhl tl' ,·1··w She has a crofter's cottage on the wild north wait for one to die.) fur 11; :-1 r <11ght h11111 .., clw coast of Scotland. She fishes. Plays golf and T he whole Ro\'a l F amily atll'ncl s CrL'<•l 111g tlw .Jul.\ ·I hr<·(·nlt'n ( . f'th .11 1't tl' I 111;tl11 l'l'i-•l'r11 l. tennis. Adores England, the Royal Family, r ooprng o c ousc 10 t >l'lgac l'~. fl owers and a nim als. Military b a nds . Bagpipe~. G~l\ing 111lo th1" :\rd11\'1: .... 1\ll1n:il-;·sd1d The wildest thing she's ever done was is like front row scats on the opening nt)!ltt th•· I.'\ l'nt will l1l' t Ill· fir.... s tudy Spanish guitar. of the bi,:!gcsl h it of lhc )'car. H c 111arlwl>k tr11w tlrl' lkrl;1rut 1011 ;1111l I found l\Irs. Hoade knows the h istory woman. Judy Iloade. 11:-rnmp:inwn c h <rrll'"'· and the local g hosts . When s hops open and * • * thl· l'on:-1111111011 :ind tlw i j I I vh 'n b;mks close. She detests freeways. We Cost of Chis s mooth sen· ice is SI :> a d <I\ 1~11111r n igh\"· h~I\ l' 1~(·t·n t--7t"-r""a"",."-.'c'tl""o!c.:n~r71t.:..>,:=,~.c:..:r:..:)-=.~c:=:o:.:.u:..:n:-:t;=r~y:.:ra.:::n~e~s.:. . .::1,:::m.;..1:.l::a.;,s.;s.:.a~,.::c:..._--1~~. -u-tnrre-fou r f)t'Of'lt'. it -, •. ·It 1-J-..e.A..µ.1;..· ~-· "---;. 1t",~\:1 :: ~1;1 ~f1~ \ :.r ~,..1·,..c·_t.,..1..,1 ',.,"..-----1 tor t 11~1r h1hcs. And you lunch i n \'illa~cs Chl'Ck th al a,:!atn!'>l l'ar l'l'nl:1h and ga..,ol11H· ,11 , 111, l'" 1 \\" <l•'<·:t<li•-. ..-~~---~~-..~~U.:,-Moi ..... -~---'"--0.~11~··~nr~a~l-~~'~6~F~e~1~1c~·t~y-~_1~4~2~H;.;=..:::eed 9'·'"' pr1oc1ule!> nurse 78 1<.1cr.. stan ll3 RoyaT - 5fl [,1n,w I I A Jlo,1111 sr • I 10 Pie.'""' 79 Nau11ca1 COmman<l an•1>•en1w11 I Iii l~urr••nt l•an.-.11'1 sloo 145 E~lr.io1d1narv ')8 At 0•1,11 I."> 11<1<1•· • 1 v,1•• AO Alom•te person ,..) l•·"' , ,, no1• I.' L 1mo s, 1y 8l Main poonr 1-17 Slill!On .;;> I ,\',IV.,,,, 1 •' lhi.il "•hl•' 11 B101oc-.11 A-1 M1n<:cCI o.11h 150 Also 1" I~ ""' < I V.)'1,1h1•n n11.1<" ti!:> UnlaSh1onablo 152 Con<1uctel1 UlJ n,,, •. I • I '" ,,, !) 1111111 lol l 11.,ni... tH Gremlin l'.l) lllconohc t>tl lJ•llh'• 1, •1 \. 1 .1 •' ll!IC '' (.<1IC'11"' 8A Oemolt:.n li•'vl'l.ag•• lO N•'"' •· • 11 ,, 1 011"1 ,,, t1c<11tacne 90 Hare l"i5 Goll score .. 11:.,1•!1 1""'~. Ill Animals 91 Inborn l'>f\ H;iw;i .. :m t 1 Sm,111 t to) 111•'-• ,h .,,,,1 4:' Amhlr· vonc "'4""""' 11 King l.1tu• 13 POlJ1Sl11rrh 11)1 NoC.kCI ·."' l fJ\;pl+, l 3 T "' 1o " 1 I.' ln\.11.111 IH NP.rn ~ <'l·I Dor11 .rw syml>OI .1r rou,11 tour 95 Cal1h>'r lu3 Take !'_!· I ~ l .1 :·1r-r I I ' place .. _J _LL SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS th:1t h:1• 1• 0111• p11h with scats for eig ht µco-ISl.60 a !!<tll on l ~ and it's rl·a :-11n :il1k plv • • • l.;1!->l Christmas l ::irranged a fox hunt lor an Amt.•r i<.'an lad\' sch ool tcac:hcr." :\l rs. I lo:rck !->a id. Thl' I cacher wrote that dashing aftt•r a fox was her life long dre am. LUGGAGE TAGS from your business card Send one card tor each tag + one spare. We return permanently sealed attractive lag & strap, meeting airline I 0 . requirements. Prevent loss & theft l For a personalized tag enclose wallpaper. tabnc or "Day Glo" paper & we will back & trim your tags. Or try two cards back to back 10 ... , ..... , ~ ... $2 ea . or 3/$5 4/5 tags $1 .60 ea. 6 /9 tags $1.50 ea. 10 or more $1 .40 ea. Sales Tax included No Card? (), •-"' ,..,ur nw rl ' 1'1fJ•t• '''if rt" 1n1 , .. , ,-. nrh ,ntt P• r t tt h tt·I f U H ''''""' ''•mn., W•· 11 I I /\Oil I ENDCHECKOR MON EYORDERT Pl.LOT PRINTING P. 0 . Box 1650 Costa Mesa. C•lifornia 92626 f -· -• ' ... ~ l'"' •I f,. , ... • l'tl ,, 1.1·• C.1o111lt>'ll 1f! I I• • f tt• I • ' t t'I. ,P0 f\ -r lo' ~. ,,+• A ... ,,., t I ..,,., t1 I h""I t f N "" t 0"'''''"' H1tt~~ 11 ... , "''"'*' tf" •' 111• AIR •• 1 111r ,, • ... • •• ·J, ,.,.,, 1(1; w •n I'\ ••,qt• #Tf'>" \ A .,, ... ~, ·~· '"" • v SHIP l~· I , j ,~,'~A~ "·'"•' '"' t ,..,f'I \.•,•~' • ll "'' •· ,. • ,.. •• 11 "", ; 1" I L , •''' I I f ·1 '' 1' • t• I\ It l 11• 1• 1;!1 .. '• • ••', ,, •-, !ftot +' r ,1 ' ~f'rf'\f11 t •' t!' 11 tf I r l• 9 POllll 9 Of CAll t tin t tJtl '" H l'I C,.attttnn1110 ~·\i•ll'I • 1 r.w.1,. 1 tn~ 0111..;h '"I• 'f'I' l ,i ,,j,11, p1Jrt c.11 . 1 • C11i• 1 ,, .,.,uin ""'f''' 1 r'''""l'Hl I Y,.111 +t "' ; '1 !r ,."\ "''"' ""''1'1',.r,. ..)J :..rtrt ~ '" li11• • ' I ,1 •I Jt •I'' I IJI• I'"' 1<J '' I • CIEPARlURl~ 1·~ .. ~. • t '1 ' '"'' "''" 11• ,,,.~ •• • • •• fl •ii". 1)1 ,_, l ftl cu• f t•I I 11• "" I 1 '. '•'••r.:•· .. rl.ANNOW IHl\I c~um~UI AIWUH lll 0111\ ~------------------· I TRAVELPORT Pl 1na"e send your FREE color brochure I I 901 Dove. Surle 12~ Namr.o I Newport Beac1', CA 92660 Address I (7 14)833·9070 Clly S1a1e1Z1p --I ...... L..------------------· C6 DAILY PILOT Sunday June 6 1976 / Moving Up in ' OC Realty New HQ Told fo11t Pl Bl.IC ~OTICE S 2~0 I "'0T•CE TOC AEOITOllS • anu \uHrtor Co.,rtot IM $t.1tr oi C.ih•orn1,. fOf UH• C.ot.tnty of Ot Jn~ P UBLIC NOTIC•: F•CTITIOV\ BUSI NU\ NAME HATIEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE FIC Tl TIOVS BUSINESS NAME UATEMEN\' 11\,. totlO.W•no o"rWl'I' .. ," dloU)Q DY>' Jl\M F:s 1-:. TllO~IP:-\0~ ha-; hl·l•n appmOti•cl \'l('l' 1Jrt''.'>l cl1·nl 1111 111arl-.1•t111i.: of lht· Kull C:omp:in~, Inc· . of :'>:l·\\ 1mn 111'.tt·h Ill• Will 111· Ill d 1;trgl' 111 ;di 0 r :i II I!(• c: II 11 ll I \ II\\ 11 \'" IJ r II ~rt1c:-ftrr th1· 111111 :1 lt•:11h111! Wc'.'>t ('.,~1:-t 11t\\''l11wnt l1u1hh·r :J11cJ l!l'IH'f.i( l'Olll l':ll'IW Thornp ... 1.111 1\ "' pr 1\10111:-.h \'11·1· pn·~ 11ll•111 n i<rn~•~l'I' , ,f t hl· :0-.:1·wp111·1 Hl·.11·h 111111·1• 111 .l11h11 llurr1h:1111 :r11d t'11111p.1n1 1\ IH1ll \1• ol Sa11 l\\·r11 ;1rd1110. Th11n1p'.'>0111 re1'1'l\'\·d a BS ll1·~n·1· THOMPso"' 111 n •;tl c..,talt• fro1111 S.111 l>1l'l:11Sl,1ll' ('(1llq~1· lk arid l11 ~larnll ) n ·,11l1• 111 l'oror1o11lt·I :'11<11' 1"11r111.1lllHI 1111111' P.\l'I. "l:"'G ('omp;rny. <t \'1111 :-.ulla nt l1nn ~pt·(·r ~11i1111i.: 111 l111a n1·1.d man:.tgl'mt·nt ~l'l'l l l'l '!> lor 1•111rq1.1111l·' 111 lht· n .. tl 1·:-.t.111· 111du:.1ry. h~1!-> hl'l'n :1nnou111·1·tl b.'' P:.111 11 King. roundrr :rnd JJl't•:.11k111 K111i.:. ·' 11·1• 1""111 1•1i,:h1 \1·.1r-. ;i:-t1nam·1.t11·:>. t'('llll\ t' \\ tlh 't'\ l'l',d lll.tl•ll' 111'01'> 111 lhl' llltfU!-ll'\. UI" 11Jll'lll'cJ ullll'l'"' ;11 llJlls l!.t1illl•tl 1h,• 111·11 lrrm t11 JJ1'11\ Hl1· t111:1n1·1.tl <·1111,1111:1111111 111 :-.m.ill .111cl 1111•tl1u111 -.11.·rl 111111:-. lh.11 0 .11111111 111 .11111 .1111 .1111·,p1·1·11·t11'\ d t111:1111 1.1l 111.111.1;.:1•r •111-.1;t11 :...1111·1• I !fill. 1' 111;.! lt.1.., lwld 1111.1nl·1.tl 1·,1·1·ut1\1· 1111,.1l11111 .... \\I lla .J11ft11 S (i 1'1ff1th ,\ l '11ntp.1111 . BPnt'f1nul St:mtlarcl l'rop1•r1 ll':-.. K .11:-.l'r :\l'l na and l: l'l'al S1)11t h \\ l'SI Cnrp•Jr;1t wn Th" 11(·\1 l't111:-.11lti11g f'1rm ha:-:nn:11 t'11.-.tl':.111 s11 o•l'l 111 L.1 g1111.1 l'HESl.l·'.Y \\. (',\HTE lt. a \'L'lt·ran of 2!'< \'l·:tr:-. 111 th1· e1trt:-l l'll('f 111n 111<hi...1 n . ha:. 1oin1•d 1i1ddll· L>l•\'('l11pn11·11t. llll' . "' \ ll'I' 0 prt• .. 1dt·11t and 111·1111·1·1 managl•r . n•porl l•d \\' St'11l1 H1tldl1'. tomp:in~ pl't• :-.uknl (':ll'l!r IX lll'ld lilt· .... lllll' p11-.11 1on:-\11th Ho1-.'.'>1111111r ( '11rp11ra111111 111 ( '11n111111 l'l'l'l'k in Fl11n <l:1 pr101· 111 10111111:.! tho• '\1•\1 f"trl Ht•<•(·h h:1-.1·d 1·11 rl'>t n11·1 111n t 11 ni f>Ul'l/lj.! lltt· p,1,t flt \t'.lf'' llt' h.i-. hl'ld I'' t'l'lll I\ t• flll.,1111111 '> '' 1lh l.1·:1tlt'r-.111p I fllll ... llH! 111\' . Florl(f,1 . S11n1·a..1• C'11rpor:il 11111. Lo!> ,\11/,!dt·, ,111d 1:1·11.1dmw11· l lom1·:-.. I 11<· . T11-.1 111 Born an :\rk.111 ... .1:-.. (',n·lt'r .it · l1•n<l1•d 1'd:-.1•\ ,f ,.n11\ H1h1tll'"'' Cnlil'gt•. S.111. 1>11·:•11. .111d S .111 Dt!'J:!o St:ilt• li t• rt•('1·1,,·d tr:1111· CART ER ing 111 )!1'1wr:tl 1111 .... 1111·..,, .11·c·o11nl1tl L!. ma11:1gl·1111:11l , 1·11~t 1·~t1111 :1111;1! .111d purd1;1-.ing mana.1:~r uf :-.ah--. .11H1 ll':t'.'>ins,? in lhl' rn 1111· ('omµan~ ·., rom ml·n·1:al dt\ 1:-.11m . 11 \1 :J'.'> .1nn11un1·\·d h\ l'l'll' Inman. 11i.1n.1i.:l·r ot n·al \::-.tat,· In 111-. nt·\\ pu ... 111nn .• \11 .. pai.:1·11, n· ... po1b 1hlt· for th1· .. :i11• ut -.a ll'' 111 In tnl· \11111 l'nll1•r , S11111l11·rn t'.il1 t11rn1.1 ., l.1ri.:1·-.1 .1ut•1m1111\ ,. l:lltllflll·"( Thi! ('1'11\1'1' , ... l'UIT\•lltl~ ttndt•f' ('On'.'>l l'lll'l l<Hl ;11td '.'>;ti\'., ltf 1k.1lt·r ... h1p ...alt'' ar1· 111 pr11gn·:.:-. F 11 n l . (.' h 1• \ r Cl t d . l.1nl·11 In \ler<·un .inti Bnt1:-.h Ll·\ 1;11111 11 Ill lt ; .. n · 11 1·.ilo·r .. hrp ... iii th1.· ('l'tl\l'I' .111.I <1 1-.1·11:.:-.11111:. :ti'\' l'Oll t mt11nr.: \\ 1lh 111 :111~ 11llwr tl1'al1·r-. '.\l 1'.'>pag1•I ''ill at ... o hl· 1n l'han~t· 11f l.u1<1 ... ;1h·:-. 101· 111- ... t1t11twnal UM''.'>, '.'>Ul'h a ...... l'hoob. MISPACEL l·hun:h i.111•'.'> :111d I l"l'l'\\ .1~ rig ht-. 01'·1\ ;1y '.\l 1'.'>µ:.1gd 1-. m.1nwd. h.ii. t1\\1 d11ltln:n anti li1 l''.'> 111 \\'.ilnut \'dlai.:1· 111 l l'\'trll' llARK\' H.\HIHTI. \1•t1·ran ~1·\qmrt H1•t1l'h n ·- :1ltor ~ind t11rnH·r T\'.r;ul10 Pl·1·:-.11nal1t~·. ha ... hCt·11 nam1•cl d1r1·1·t11r of :-ale'.'> al 1\11.: Carn l)ll To" nheml' .• Ill'\\ Sl5 0111111111 pr1t1l'!'l an Nl.'11 port Heal'h. \\ h11•h u111·n1·d l'l'l'1·11t I~ l'rtl't'' 111 th1.• I 1r:-l J1ll:1 -;1• ol Iii h11m1•-. \1·111 ranl!t· I rnm 'H 1.:!fill·:\:! 11r.1M111. n ·111•r1t·d H alph .\rn\· ..... ·11. \ H't' 1 - prt·'-ldl'lll t•f :\Id .• 1111 lkalty :rnd D1•\ t•l1111ml·lll. Iri e \\ hll h a.. hutldtn)! I lil' IJl'lllL'\'I 111 L'Olll'l'l'I "1th th1· In rrh· l'ompan~ <l' ma:-.a•r dl•\'L'lt>pt•r lbbb1ll. \\ho ha:-bet•n 1'111:-1'- I~ alfd1ated \\'I th Hag Canyon in :-.t•\·rrul s;,i lL·::-. post1o sin ce 1ls 111 - n•p11on in 1!)70. r e ports lh<il lht'I'(' h as he l'O m ore interest in this nC'w w w11h11m t• µroject than &Ao11•lT 1111' ut ht'r luxun · 1·ornmunil" hl' has bt•cn a •:-111'i:1ll'd \~1 th in Oranf!e-Count~· uvct: lhL· p::t:-.t :w ~·1·:1 I':-. .\ rn :1111r r ;1dao :-.1t1g"1n;.! :-.t;w rn thL· l!l.JO's wi!h tht· famou-. K.1, "''''" •·K11lll')!l' t•f i\1 11:-.icLi l Knm' 1 .. ;t).!1"" iw 1:-. {·111 ... 1·1~ 11lcnt1 lk d with populan1 111)! s 11t'l1 <·l:i-.--11·:-. :1:-. "\\'ho Wo uldn't Lo\·c You'.' ... "Simi 1111,11 To ('hin:1.· "Vn cnclsh'tp" ;rnd one <•f World \\' :i r 11 .. 111 )!).!t'"'' h1 b. "l'rat'.'>C The Lord and 1':1:--. llll' .\111111 11111111)1) .. Co11tract Awarded Coin pan "' tn M I' r I ,., E I ,jl4_ ot Ml\ t t••I W' t 1 t kl t ONAR:O 0.·ft , , 1 " f t I I f y 'flV '' ,, (.ti d l\Y n •• "'' U n, I••' I If 11.t 1lo (1 1 nt I 1 ,, ''"'"'t ,., 1f\• vft •• c• I )•11 tit JI""'',,., f\,I t '' tut• lh• v•lO•' lr\t ..J U l'M I 1h >MA,~ WHAltN(. .Al t 11 l "" '~ M ,, t1 • • t 1f1H11' 11 I .f.;Jlf 11•,I •II t•t ti h I t Ju h 11I 'No<I• '' "" or ~ •'I' ' " • • M , tn,u >l,. t t L.,qwnJ 9, , n (Jttl "''' ,~,,.), ~v()t rt '6 t• uu1 "'i Mir'""" '>h t l .A .... ~ t ''' , n ( ,,,,,,,n,, •J~\1 fh t.f ,u,1 ~\t0JYLl\t1b'f ,f"ln J~•· f-w.11 k'• fw •t t\ h ""' ,..... t ""''"' w •• l•ltoJ """''''' '"" C .," 1tv \.h ,.., t.t Ur11n9, 4...uuntw Uf\ .\Atv . ,.,,._. • fJC'r \\'111nl'nt•hn1t11•I '·, lnll•rna1m11.1I. 1111· h.1 ... 11101l1cl at ' t·11rp 11r.1t~· • 101, "'"'-"I 1tl• 1 ~·'' •',' ., •t. , ,,., ... ,,,,,, '"' '', •hnq I i ' I • in. i: ''' Pun1 I\• o V• n()o· Ct ' I D-•"" 1.i,11t ,, ' fl If/ "Aol'f 1 • ,,s\) lfl<J )l"11 ( • ''f ~ J\V/ }) h 1· a d q u .1 r t 1· r :-. from To 1Ta nc·1· t1~ f\1111 , .. ,,,,, ___ _ rl 1110 n I'• "'' 1.1 ruv 11 I 1 , I•'' ., ( \ 1tl:""·, "'' t. 1•1111 11 1 Pl'HLIC NOTIC'I·: C C' n t t· r N l' w p n r I . l'\c\\port Bl'a!'h . "h1·1·1· 1t ha~ le used I. 7!13 !:>\1Uar1 · feet or offa •t• i.p:ll'C' 1n tht· Sycam on· bu1 ld111g on \'on Kann a n /\' l'n Ul'. t\o '' 11 f hi ,,I Ufr\ lfl•, f''" f lt 11------ l)yf !I l\ 11 f iftl f10l 1\I {) f • I fl, II J I ti M 11i kl(. I\' 0\ti I t 'Nl\kl,, rHOMAS M W11ALINC Attornti1y ~'t l..tw 118M..Hft \hC(•f Hunti"q•on e e.1cf\, CA •1•0 1'11111 •• 'O• 10 I' L~IU ' u .. uh· '•' .t Jwi. tt I l "' I• ~ •, .4 If\ f Koll Cl•nter Newport 1:. a 125-acrC' pla n n('d com· m uni t y bu:.tn l·'.'>~ dl' 1------ \E'lopmt-nt bt·in ~ ('On· PlJHLIC NOTICE strucli'd rn t hl· 1' t•wport Ueach ·ln ·rnL· an·a as .. joint \'l'11tur c bl'lw1•<.>r1 the• Koll Compan y anci ANn:l Lrfr and Ca!:>ualt~ Industry To Mee t Instructing hl!J l<lcrs 1111 how to gel a s ha r e of th~ propos ed S500 m rllion in :-t atl•hous1n i:: funds . Dr S . M ich a e l E ll iot t . P UBLIC NOTl(E FICTITIOU\ BUSINE\~ NAME STATEMf Nr l ht• tutluw111\t "''"On t~ cio1f\Q hu\f l\\•l),1t~ f AIR ... €LUI) 8Ct t _,,., C-'i¥•'. (.,hi+• Mo , .. , ( l\ l.f/0/'> Jun'-• 0 t owli·r l•f,J Vw1n11r. S• °' jt\.\.k_• c" 11~'1' fh• ou .. 1r\\:)., 1 connoltl•O b't ,1n 10 O•wn.~ot Jun1.· B r ow11•r 1 n1; '>I.It•"" nl ¥1>.1 hi• d ¥tll'• Hu Count' C.lt·tll. OI O t.1fl(K• (Uu"'" on M..Jv II, 1•10 ,.~nu Publl~f'h 1 Or,,nq.e Co • t 0.,,1, I int Mdv ·~.a. ,u . .>"4 Jun.·&. h 10 /011) "" Pl'BLIC ~OTIC'E l h1 ' I 1f1 "" nt W • 111• t 1W1'°' '"'° C.ouruy (h '' ut OrJng•· (.f)untyiJ.i• Mo•\ f'Mo"' ··-~l" PROl"E R 1 I ES Jiii• Co.•~I H·o~.,.oy '>vol~ J. !>INI~ ~ .. <IV .... C.A .,.,, rd M •ddlt•ton, 1•1'' Vht .Sdn '>-·C>-·''' Jn. L 1QYntt N Q11• • (. 9'1•11 '•0 t\t v~1n j1d)t ')vu \ \ Ath:. Soult\ 10 ft'IJ t A "/bll 1 "'' bu''"'" QI n. , .. tp•rtnt r ,.,,. t 1IMnhlh t·lt\ l h1 1 ',f"fl n1t '" ..,.. i' hf1•d '#II,, I~·· (rnml. tit..,,li\'01 Oton~1' (11vntyonMJy Jt;, ,..,,.., 11'1+8., P\IOll\f'....CI Or.1nQt" (o ,,, 0,11J~ f.Jfh.tr M.•vJU undJwn.,•, IJ. to 1•1• 2:10• 16 Pl'IU.IC NOTl<.:t: ----FICTI T IOU~ llUStNES~ .. AME SlATEMENT m 1'111 ~1 \IE f J Cl\R Wl\~>i. ~19 W 1'-th-..1 (t),\J M~ ,.., CA '1"1fill •h.iw,ud N1,·h1 n. "' r.,,,,..,,,•o. Co•on • c A •"ti> ~·P~ N1,,hl·•1 tt71~ T••rm111oo, C0t~, CA lflll1J fnf, hU,tn1• ,, tHntJUClt'd by ,f 911'\CtJI Olt• lt'!1 ' h lO S"ll.,No·r)•U Thi' ''''''-'m• ,,, w,-,, t h 0 Wtlf\ t~' (..>univ (lf'tlll o• Q1 1mw ( .,,,,.,., °" M • ., ·l 11-1~ H Uit •"'"''"'a O• .. n 1 t 111 ' C'.1.tv '°'lot AA '"' J , 1 tt .,n..J J+•''''~·. ,-.,~ IO>"" 10 Pl' Bl.IC' ~OTICE '''' -Ullow1t1•1t1 fJ• '''th n.1v1: 1lh.Hl chairma n Of the' board Of FICTll lOU\ BUSl .. ESS FS.llt n "'" l he St a t(' ll ou s 1 n~ NAMESTATEMENT Pu1>•••hedO•·'"'l"co.110 . .rrP•lo1. MLSJ\ ,.,.r,1 rr "~'oc1111rs. ------·--------..... 11, ·~'" UCll"I• ft ''" u .1 uJ Ho• '''Iii »U• Utl\rn. "> Fil\a nce A):? en cy. will ad· "'l n. hlllQ••n1 '"' on ., oo.ng bu'•,_M_~_._._,_.1_•_. l_•_J_"<l __ J_u,,~•. ,.,,.. 10U lb ~)~~~;;11 ...... J, L•• N~Nl>O•I llo:<Kn. d ress m e mbe rs o f the 'Hr 1 uROPA c.qouP. ;oi,1 Bu•• P UHLIC NO'flCE '"'' r '"'"o'" o.,,,,,. ,,. N.,.... ,. .. '.\ll'C11llo('h ,\ l'!'hrlN·ts of Newport Bc:.ich h:lS Or:lnj?c Coun ty chapt<'r ~b:, C• "'" o,,,,., •m"<., Cd'''°'""•--------·-~~~:.~.~~ ;_~v;·~ ~~,"., "1~0 •0 o .. .,.gc b1•1•n a11 arrll'd tlw an·hitl'cturi' a nd planning con-·Of the Buildin .1: l ndust r.v M r Rr""' c.u~"' nH• v.. F~C:~T~~~!:~:,:;:~'> .10"" P ~""'"· 1101 Tr_.,.,,,.,, trat·t fur H anc·ho San ,Joac1uin ~1 ullt· l·sc Facility. Assoriitt ion l\tonday a t s-tn11 'O? ""'' 10"v" 1"· C·J1110""M 1n.· to110N1ng p('r~o" ,., o04no bu'>•· u, .~·0~~;~ u. t~~-"~~:?~~?1" 11 <., Th1' l'ill.· l'oun1·1I or lrvinl• a 1iprO\'l•d the selection t he Airportt'r Inn. Irvine. rn .. ~~""''" '' <one1ucr~o Dr d" '" nc""' ''"""w•nd, Ln . N''"""'' 11•'.t<h. CA CltVtdUJ CALIFORl'ollA ASSOCIATES. ~C ~~.1~~~.~n[11~<';;:~.,r;;:i~~1c~~fcil;~~~~~n~ by the Community T he m ectin{! IS open to Th., ,~,c:;:·;,~ .. ~· ~ '· ,,,," w1u1 i ... '..,ewoon C.eni.' Drove. Newport u"""· ::~~ ll~dc~'t~·~1•.~~111 c.1. ""'o'"'· Pr~hmtn;1r\' l'OSls tor tl1t• multi-us e clubhouse the publil'. /\social hour '~""'''''''' ;oo'J"'1' '0 ""1""''M." ca1i;~·~~~"1!::?"n, •&i1 Rnunotrr•·. ••uQn,. uo .... J• ,.,,, ~ .• nl•"'IO. ,11 Sandburg \\' 0 :1,\' :111<1 t'ul\·t·r l>ril'l' Ill t.hc City or precede.s till' i ::IO 11.rn. 1 ' lllr F~·~ t:~;::~."'~~'~::~·.0~:~~~~~: ..... 1 •• Jll '" "'·"::v'!.n'~"wc~o:;:.:~· ,.,,,, .. OhOu v ll'\111\' an· 1·:-.t11natt•d otl $2:)11.1100 . dinner. Pun .. ""'10'·"1"' '0" '"'"111'·1~• 0• .. 0UJI IM ,, .... ,,,.1111.. ..... CA •I"'~ ------------------------------.·M\y j) nndJun·•O U,/iJ, ,.,,,, 1:11 ,~ TrinyM ... n h lt'lt Ou·.IU•·• WJ' C011tludc-d hv •• T'tu~ .. t.H .. tr•••nl \NJ' t1f1 •I w1lh lh1• q. . ..,.,,.Hf\•lflr'l•••,riq1 County C.l11rk ot Or.1nt1'-' Couuiv Ot'l M.ty Jr1n1-. p '"""''" Jl, .,lb, f t11 •,t,1h•flii n1 W1I 1111 ll Wttn lhoc: FS6l1? Cnunty (11 '' ot 0 11tlHl• tow\tyon M.ly FICTITtOUS BUSINESS Publ1V11•d Ot1Jntl'' Coil' r 0.111r #11for. II 1 ... , •• NAME STATEMENT M.•v 11,7; J1,.1111j h1nl' '"' 1:0• '' FS0/91 P UBLIC NOTICE 1 hf• lnltow1nq p1•f'•,oo' M (> d01nq bu~t l1i;hl1tiihi'rt Q,,100" (() ''' n ,111yi Pilot BOAT HOUSE! """" Pl' llLIC NOTICI:: ""·•v 11, 1•. >• "n" '"~' o. ,.,,.. 10~ ,.., 0 "' Ci C,r .'JH11(\ Co . lS1S M11< 1---------·-----------Arll>ur lllvd , S• = •e. So1n1,• AM, CA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Pl'BLIC NOTICE 1 ?7101 NAME STATEMENT Qol)f-·rt O.ltJ•'... 1,.8 N, Rock Ri\f\.•t l'hP tol'o"'1ny per!,On •!. au11'c; bu·., Or .01Jmondlhtr,CA911~!t "'''t•il' CtiorQ•' C:.Om..:.1 11934 I:. rte>rt.!'ntl'. PnJv<,,.,.On>t MJfhi•l.ICfunfl(J, )1.11 1 S f ,i Spr1nq\, CA q.()"1f) ~C'O Hill l ol1lttitd•• IV, ~u1tc 1(1) ( o l·t f t,1 ,, bU''"'. h (Ondut l l'd bf' ..... """'"-' (A ~11 ... ~ NOTICE TO CREDI TORS SUPERIOR COUJH OF THE H •TE OF CALIFO RNIA FO~ THECOUNTVOFORANGE No A 114U I·\ ··r~ .111 .. , · ... dro :1111 I·:, 1·r.\ s1•:i 111\ •'I'· ... p;1r.1d1:-•'. T h1 • 11111 ... 1 1•••rf,•1·1 l\;t\ to li \1• 111 ~11111h1 ·r11 (':d1 f111·111:1 ', 11111 I l'''l'lo'> I pl.11·:. l)11 tit•· l\,\ll'I' Ill \o•\\pnrt l:1·:1d1 • 'I 11 111 I',,.,, l >n1 ,. )1111r 1 110 •11r111~. ,..11•p-.. fr11111 ·'"'"' d11 111 t .\ ! I' i'ur ,., 1·n h11mo •) ) 1111r 1·•111' .. 1:1111 1'11111- 1'·"""11 'tttT•·.tl I'• ll o·1·1(nn .. ol 111:.:-I "' :111d·h111J ... ,.111d :'1111 .1t1d !!1dl ... \ 1 ... 11:1! .t.·l1i:h1:-. thal qllll'th· d1·a 1i...t· \1111r 1111111111 ... 1 :1 ... -..111·0 h· .1. .. th .. 111·1·a11 l1r1·1·,:·,: r1·fr1• ... h ·,1111r '" o l'I· l11l111~·.,f\\1·1l-l .. ·111i:11nl> 1lw~··:i1·:111g 1\1· •0.:1 I .1d11 l 'arl, / lr 11 1· / lo· .. 1~1wd .111 d l111dt 1'11r po·11pl•· 11ll111111 • lh• ..... :1 :111d lh•· thin)!':< 11f it. .\n hit1·1·t111·1· 11f r 11·ilh 10•\ t 11r<'d \\ ,.,..J .ind r11pp1·r trim 11 h11s1• p:1tin:t • .11111111.' 111·1·01111• 1·11·li··r "1th 1h1• p:is:':tl!•· nf 111110• and tlw p.tlll'l 111' \\1·:ith1·1'. lnto·riori-; 1'l':tftl·tl 111 lw appn·- -. 1·1:t11 d 11\ 1•\1•,.. a1·1·11s \11n1t'd lo llw \\11rh111.111:-.hip 111' lh1• ... 1t11''' 1.'ar1.•1·11l•·r. :\n 1·l1·c:i111·1· t1 ·n11wr1•d \\ ith th1• 111 f1•nn:i111 ~ 111' \\ :1\t'rt'ront Ii\ 1ni.: ti:.!! l.id11 l'a rl-. /ln\1• Th1rl\·.,..1, nl' tlio • llH•"l r/P,:ll':d1l1· \\ :t1 1•r t'r11111 n1nd11111111111111 ' h111111· .... 0•11•r a\aila lrl1 • in :--.. \\'fllll'I 1:,·a1'11 .. \ran · 11pp11r t11111t\ 1•1 l!l':i .... 11 lil'i· Ii.' th1· h:llld and ll\1· it th1• w :I\· \1111\l' :dw:l\1' dn·a1111 •d 1l -.h111iltl lu.,.f,f\'1111..;, fn·1· anti ,:10-.t· !11 l h•· :-1'.a. ~I'\ :1 ... idl' t lw \ 111w ln '1 '1'. 1 t II""" Y 011 \ 1 • \\ :ii t 1 ·d Inn;: t·noug-h. 'l'wo h<'droom, two bedroo m and den condominium homes from 8140,000. S1 1', (l-.1 • .\.l'.l~.I Six Twenty One Lido Park Drive -41-.. , ~, -'~·' .. l'nd1•r lh1• din•1·t11m 111' 1~111)! Hr11t ho•t•, Po •\ Pl11pnwnt Corp. ~ .. ~""''"' °''"""''""'P !tt1·s.Jtl•·n l l v<•'\. ?JC/ B·tV ·•U• Or C.--Ol"()t" Gomt I (Ol"onrl [) frM " CA 9?f.11~ r '"'I f C I l ~ lhlc. ,t.ltf'mf>t'lf w,, tllrd 'W•th 11'\11• lt'\1, nl/\1n. I \.Onduch·d bv ,,,, '" C> ,, .... 1·f1 COO"ll't C1crk of Orol,,9e Cou,,tvonM1y cl•v1du.11 11, 19/b St1 ot .. n L Luc.1• l'olQl'CI 1~ •H ~I •· v t ovrri lo·~ ,,, .. ,,, )r• 1 I tho ••n .;• n '"'° f1 f.'(1•fj, ••l tn1U ·''' f"' • ., 't 1v·n•1 1 111,rn ''l"'·'' ' tPtt '•• t ft• • (f r t "' • 'lv••• •J lo 111. tr., r'll v.•lh th• n ,.. ,,.,. .. ,-.~,..r~ r •t't FU-* Tnj10. r,u. n'I•' f ..,.,,,,,,, I•'• rt wit" ,.,. PuDl1•.hc"d Or·'"ll" Co' 1 D.l1tv Pt•ol Coun1v (It r\ ot O•unqt,' to"nly on M •v MlY lo. 1J .)(I, .ln<J Jun< b. 19,'& 201~ 1' 11, 1~/6 FS.JI• ·~ r.U • I I '"•" ,,, ,, ,.., 11\t dtft.JV.• I P liBLIC ~OTICE Put>l1 tt•·fJ Or 1nq Co.•\I 0.•1ly fl•fOI '°"'ldt1 ~• '""'1 0' In Jh •~I'" m, w11, I ---------------- M.'•11ti 73. :,0 1u"ld Junt t>, '''"' ~\lb lh• nt '• ltv vni1r n., :·. tfto• ~· Oo, irin•-tt 1' ''" ntl , 1,f (H/lt,'4L£';. •' lf ~I l fl I t ~ 1 f R, MAIH t (, t 1 HI\ Afl4f; ht) NA i Atltu ,,, / 11t l ·•W 4 4\.) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Pl'BLlf ~OTICE T•w IOUOWU\Q om .0'1 I dO•Oq bu ... 1---------'" "" "' FICTITIOUS 8USINE\S f-I I Vilul •q1~ '.)If•" I l t•·•l·J 1 I BATTERICS R US 1 llATT(RY "'AME STATEMENT (.ll1t ''"', '''" """'"'' h rh• 1·•·•" ..,, t;u •n• \\ or "' V''''''' 11111· r1 •n .alt M"°.lTt1'' 1 (1t '"''"'"fl,,, tn1 •\1.11" ftf •,pCJ ft• <.t"ft '''· w''"'" •n1" m11•1tn , •tt:r t~· IH ID 11')11111\+4'·n t lri• r1o1\tl • EX(HANCrE CO J tlAT Tl RY FA( T,.... foHOwon9 D~"on '' dOtnG bu\o TORY • Tl RC!> R US ' AU TO PARTS "'""" R u s 1, PA1l1 S I> u~ ~llG (dnvnn O< tNTCRIORS UY MICHCLLr. l~Bb (o•.t,1 Mfl• .. l, (,1, 11 H,1,,0N Pt N• w 1>01 t 8 1 it( h , (.~ 'fltihU Jo,••ph E Cn<1••r ,, 'ic1 E<Jg, M1(h~ltt Pv..t '' If.Ob .,.J"ow f.Jt Odl1•flMt v .'• :. , I Vu w ~•nl1• "n,J Cl\ rf7 lt'I\ N"1~,~~:u \:;1:~" ~lot.ht ~>~~~I' t••<I tl't ''" 1n f h t\ bv ,1n1 ... 1 t.onoui C• o l)y ''" •n d•'t•OU·t• P•11H it r' r-R•j r '-0)1 Iii). \If llNOIJ l ' •1 '-''''' "'hi. '11¥1 I d 1v1C'Ju11I Mttt\I llt P n t ,1 j l'H1(1')dt'f''" rt,,, IM••tTh 1u w •. 1.11111 ,1h••v• n 1n'' flnt • •'lf"f'lf Counh Clt•r" OI Or.ln(,1 11, l~I• :014 ,, P L'BUC ~OTICE l'ICTITIOU!> BUSl,.ESS "'AME STA TEMENT pt,; 8LI C ~OTICE """' '" IO• "" •• I "" I "''"'· -------·:----:-----i..n.l_,_'';_'"-'"-'-' ':..:":..fh o I I,,! 1'1/~ J«J l i• F!CTI TIOUS llUSI NESS NAME STATEMENT l ttu tnllow.1nq p• r-\')n •• u 1 u ,,n"J tJv 1 I"!• T"•' '"llOtN•"ll) ,,,.,. "" "' .., '""' ,,., I ,_ ___ _ FICTITIOUS 1\USo .. ESS "'AME STA fEMENT n('.. " (.A')A 1\0 NllA (.,f,R0fN<,, ••• t8tn St'"• t. Co ,,, M4 ~ (A '•1&:11 LIO"tl Aftf\UI" O.c• 1n~o...-•t. ~, '! Sf,,,..,1)1.,,y en ~ntTIO'l:'l, r.:i "1"1"' J t.t ry c,;r.tt\trM ,.,, .. 1~1t\ Sln·tt (O\M M· .,1 CA 91' }/ (. J\ llr,1 'f~-4 1 ttA "°' f h' i-ttt)Nf, 1't I\ U·~:1.,•I f\1-1J (fl' "" I (,ll,'•.irn. ;.•, t tv• t 1lf)..V•n l tl•, 0 11 • o '"" bu·• "" ( ''""'....., (l't ,.._r ..._ .. ,.,.,.,,.' '"""" Jf DRV '> ( 'l'" I ' , r """"' ' '"'" f'rryo~-I ,.._ Htt"'h~t"I"' fj.....,.. h .-,,-n'f'lqhMCf ,. ....... ,, M --..-f""-,yn+l')H't (,1 •Ho1f 1 t 11• I,,; .. 1 ,11 "" ... ,,,nnu,. ti• t n.-,,,, ,,, J• , ,., w"n-, 1 \ ,, , •nn,.,., .... ,. ~1· lh1·, hU'\1n• ·, t • r JtH'h•f i t1 I v 1 (1n;1 J11 I °', ~.:,·:qhdft ( M 1 C. • ""''' f11 t\I fotl p,lffn, f 1111) r 1r "I ,fl,-,.,,.," I _1 ·o r t ll)Yt1 /\ 01t 1 ... 11 """ti r... t h n~ •ti "" '' rt N ·u 0 1 11',, f,1hm1nf ~• r l•d wdn rn. f"ri,,,, • .,(,••• 11Qr.1n•1• Ctu11l f~"~'"" 41\ h.Jf f1 I t 1 •l'l on C'>un1v (.IMt>. n 1 Or •"'1'' (••v11tv ,.., ,,,,.._1' / • • ., J• ''" P I h•""''' 111• "• fl 1q1~ f'\.lnfo h1 f1 Ot11n'J1 (,-,I t 0 11fv Potfit M .,., H 1 • J(\.tflf1 htn' f'I n :•, ICM\ :1 l•l'Hl.IC' ~O'fl{'.t: f'ICTITIOIJS BUSINESS NAME STAT EME NT ~~~•SJ f" 1 1•• •1'· , l ~ t, Id•,, .-. 111 '"'°' .,,'1 fl•1t'll1 (, t 0 1jl>;t ,, '••titl-f fl ,, .t\J 1.10 1, t ,,r.fy11t1!c/o.1f _u._,_. ___ .. _"_1_1_·•'-"-~ • I, '' 1 • I ti.fl• rl RI.I(' ~OTtn; F!CT"IOU\ OU~I N (~\ "tAM E STAf EMC NJ f •11 I ~' f1 ('tf 111'1 f M •Y} t, J11 ltJIJ ,., •• I 1 • t n 111, +-'11,. I',• IJJ ! 'i P U HI.IC' NOTl('E ~ll•l 1 H l. N I • 1~f"'' , t•f rlM/\t>4 fHH:W1>nn .,, u1 •)~>M1'fu • l !I ' "I I LO!> Al'ol C.CL(' MUNICIPAi. 111' Ii , t• 1\w11jH1 t0 UR T, 'I 0 N 0 AT ... (.R AN 0 l'lillt/11 V•, f 'l 1•" (ft ! IM1 l,fh. 1/t1, f .,,-,, • I P• u1, r, ~h.o-on 1 "' ••• , IOw111r I .,t•lt P ro!) 1'rtJM1y1t ,•t,1r •. (•1 .l,1 Mo ,, f /\ 'IJt.;' f t1 + ll1r 1f\f•'lo, 1 1 •1"1111(. I tf t V ) 111 1111il'1tj1,,11 I H'\I 11·1· lft!U•' I ",1,r,.11H1+1 111 '·'"Ill• "l N I l•'•fl w1fl\ fho ('f)1;1\I</ I I•,._ 1 f lt1 '11•1' ( l•U"''f l)t\ /Ji '( 1) , , ,, F\t.Jll fluhl1 tlr'O fh •"'·1· I 1 t t fl 111 f 5 •l·lf M,.,,,, /t l 1•,•t I , .. • 1,·, 1 ' ,, Pl'lll.IC :\OTICE Fl(TI TIOU~ BU\ll'olE~S NAME STATEME"'T fh·· t·lll"IN•n, r•, on 1 '' ,,,, nu Ln ., •"'"' 1• n I • , , t ,1,,, ,,, ., , H "V ~ N U [ l 0 \. /1 N GE LE '!ii , " 11 I' I ( ' 1• +•I•" l CAllFORNl,A 0 ,..,., """ 111 I I t ,,.,,,,..... ...... 1N tli''"'H I ( '>M•1A''V. •I '''" .. '''\ ''•1 f110 " •ht111 t1d hi lfl ••• " rt"uJu.il I '"'1••t,t1 M1titf\lt fllf qMr>NO Rl}t)o ti r VH"'''Y '"''H. ,,,,, 1r,, flfll 'll1f•1•1•1" '•"' lh1 , 1.1h •t\1111 w I I tf "11101 lh• , 1. >I f Jlfllf t (I, '"'of ()'" "''I• r, ,,,H, ·•fl M tt ~UMMOl'ol\ Cot\f' Numhtr ''~Oil-• .I), tQ/1 FSt61'0 NO Tl Cf 1 You l'Mv•• t>er n \UCd Th~ P11M h••d f"h ''"'If (" r, I I r, "'" f•u •' (0Utl m.ty 0"''""" .• q.11n't '°" w1t~\lt M 1,.11 l .,, t J11n1 ' t '1 '~· 1' · l /I\ your bt•tnQ h• .urt unt"'' ;nu ,,.,paM l'l'IU.IC' !';OTIC't: #1lh1n 10 <'·•Y' A1•,1<t ti\•• 11'\toutwtion ~lowit ~v1so• u't•d t'h1 \utn dr m.tf'td.tdo E.t Ft(.TITIOU\ fil U\INES\ Tr1b\ln.ll pu,.Of" d t't•d1r conh.t Ud ''n ~AME S.TATEMfNT ,1ud1rn<111 ,t mr"n' f1U" Ud tP\po~ct.t r no 1 .1•0.._,1,.,11,, ,,t, .,, ,1,,1,.,. ho d<"ftt10 df> JO d1of\ l..t •• , .. '"lornw<•Oft ....,. •• q\111\tq~ W•ll\tthH ''~", ''', ..,_,nt,• ""·• 'n,1',~~11!1'1'•,,. Ot ;,,•;:,o~.~~t ,~/~~~ A"'" (ou .• M1 • (.,\ '/'1' A••, ( 1.1 '• r N1 -INOOrt fll 1f1 W 11 1, \. ',n ,, in .,, 1.,. ,11 HJl 1111 • t •1 11•" t v 1, (.tht11M1 1 (I\ •1')1 Prid/\Ut•tt ,., """P' ft,h (I\ 11,1 1 ,, tlv •tW• h1'•th l n f0u •lt'f\iftU1t. 1'l1°,.1n,1••1 I ''''"'""'' ~. "1l1 Sn•t1h t ~. fi'• lft• 1 f'lh•luilotti t 1"0 ,,,,,n11.t W1lntt~ '"'''' 11 11rttu .v..,,. Rt ,.11'fw 1y \ tnt.1 /i.n 1 (.1, •.'I 11 .ff•v•~!f ' '.,, 1f i.11 I/'" I 1, W•fh ft\,. 1 h ,,,, 1no ' I f nnrtor ,, ,, riv tlf\ I" (J1w1f1h 1tl Iott 1t•tftf\ (. U• • Cfl· I fh1 1,1f1 '"' nt w .1·. t1h" w10\ 1"'9 t .,,nt, C.l••r• .,, Ot 1nf1• c_, tmtv on M.1y 11 l"l'"f "°-"·'"'·""' 1,,, ••· ,,,, 1 ""' H1 u I''' "'"'I 'n ""I"'*''·' t•• '"' ',,, '11• ,,t ""''' ,,,, n 1Ntf1' ff ' ·~ 11.tnpl.hl\f I 'J•I ,, ,, (nutt Vt>4 C.O•Jntv (h r• 10 r11n'Jt•CouHtl/Of•M.11t '111 '1 " "N•lhthi' 1'1 '"""''1H·"'l'1' •d •1 f!Jf.. ' i I "' • '" ,,, tf P·· tdtftrJ ,., hr ''fl ~\•US I •• I '" •tu 1 irln I '" ,, 0"'" 1· tn tll9i Pu""'"''"">"·'"""~ C:ll:t~t "·'"" Pil ,, ',,;:::~:;~'', :·,'~,'.'~r!n'vj~,;r '"'' ''" F"\6U I M IV t II ll uw1 JU'11•f1, •41• 1 I' 't P11DI ""d Ot '"''' (. ... t t o ,ult1 p lot , lJoilo V•l'I \•l ,,. .. ,,,,,.,ff vnut t'ff". M 'V 1~ '~ 11\ ,\ntf Jun• ,, 11;.. l'H'' ,, P U Rl_llC NOTIC"f; ;t~;··,i.~:~,'~ ·,:~.·;, ·,~:t ·;,,~~,·~~·;;I·-~~~~~: Money's Worth SAVES your money In the DAILY PILOT ·------1 1u'1 '"'1 nl "'lil!O I v1)1J ''1' ttw tl'lu t O. FfCTfTtOU\ 8UStNE5S '"'''"t 1f m !1'1 ronlfH.,1nt, wn1tti < 11tf<f HA~E STATEMENT , ... 1.u111nu • .,"1\hrn1nl ()f WdQ• .t..i'-.1nq T ,,,, ro11th¥t na ,,, r "'" • \. do1"() t>t1\1 "'' f'Y'()n1·y o' '" llllfl r Iv ..,, ot h1·r rl'lll't rr· ni• ' ,,, \~OO L r"AC ~ VA (L rY MASONQ"t' 1\11/ L Ul,irlo, M1\\1nn ""'•O CJ\ f)'"'') U~rr1 r 9.\lc1w1n 1J11' L.to.,,tn M1\ •inn Vu h>. (h tali T•\,, b\J1o1n• • ,, ronouctH't bv un '" t111lld11ll P l)f'tt"r O.l ld•"" T"" "i''"'""'"' w,, "•,.,J w1Jh I~ {n•1ht~ Ct ,., o t O•·•"rt• (oynt., it\ tv"• , ', . ., Quo 11 '1 •it'"' cnmp1,1l"t t ff you""'''"'•• \•tll tM .ld'i•<• et •n •ll•rn•y on IM• 111•11~•. yov 51tovtd dO \O promplly \O th oU Y•"" wrft~t .. '"""'41·" ·'"'· ,.,.,.,. !ll•dOft ll!ne o,,,~d Ju"• 10 10, -UAllll ll Sl\ll0,()('P<JIY •~rALl \TAITMAN5 5NYOE R 0'10 v'"""-' 8ouhty,ud E• c•"o, c.u.to'"''"' ''4l• T•I 0411·)100 F")111S AllorfttJ tot Pl•ttthft I p ,,, t-1 rt Ot ·Mt• I '\ ' o ... , ••. ,, t f'utll .,, t Ow •"'1• c""'t 0.ltly P1tet h' • • , .,., Mi.wt: ~t t Ju,.• '~ ,.. :o>.J')·I· 1 I I MURAL DEPICTS AIRINESS AND COMFORT Linda Dusckett Admires Facade at Leisure World Irvine Housing Project :Under Way C:r.nllni.: ,.., C"<>rnpl\.'1 1 .,n tl modl'I:. ;irt• und<.'r ",1, for n111c 11<.'\• hou .. .i ni.: prrnlut'h "1111 11 chi flon•nt rJoorplJ n:-. 111 1h1 n1 '' In 1m· V1lla i.:t· lll \\ lftxll>r1d,.:\· Lot'.ltt•d JU:-t north ol th1• S ,111 Dh•i,;11 f n •\•\\ .1} h1°l\H•1·n Cuh 1·1 anfl J d f1·n road". \\"oodbnd~·· "111 o lt'1·r· I h 1· l.iri.:1·:-.t , nw:-1 '~1 ra•d tOllt•c·t1un of honw-. 111 .111~ 1>01• plJl't' 1n th1· ll J lHJll , ~ll.'l.'CH"U 111~ to tlw In 1111· l \1mp.11l). llt• \'l'lopo·r of lhe 'lllai.:1-. Thi· n1n 1• pru<l ul'l:. IJ\ 1•1ght pro m1t1(•11t Srnt1 h1•rrt (',d11w·n1a hort11· l>t11ld 1•1.., 1111 dl'r t hi· d1rn ·t11111 ''' lht• f n llh ' ( "0111 pa11\' \\ill op1·11 thr~ .... 11111 111\·1 .ind I.di l'r11·1·.., \\di 1 a11g1· lrmn th1 • 1111d ~<OtH KI 11·\ ..t 111 "' t•r S!XJ,1JUO. und :.t) il':-\\ 111 up fll'•d l o .1 \\lll t· \J l"l l·t y n t h11mcbuy1·r ~1 1~11p:-. EAl"ll PRODUCT 1:-::.pcuJ1rul l~ cle:-.1~ncd to :.Ult ,1 partic ular l't111:.um 1•r m J 1·kl·l. ~1(•1·ord 111~ lo j.\c·1111eth \\ .\g 1d , cl1n•e1or. r1• "Hknlw l m .1rkl·t111g tor T lw lrn nt• Comp.tn.\ "\t1• ',. J:-kn l µ1·11111~ ot 1111 t1•n ·111 :!J.!1.•:-.. 111t·om\•::o.. I ;Jmll y t•om1:x1i.1t1•Jn!> J nd lt lt·sl) lt•s 1\hat lhC'v "ant Ill th1·1r horn "''· amt \\t• 111•:0,"11m our J.H"ut.lul'b <.1tl'ortl111~· ly ... :o:Jld :\g1d . ··wc knu". for t>xn mpll' th~1l young couples pl ann11111. to :.t;.;rt famlltl'S have d1fforc·nt pnon lit•:-. than c<1uplc:. <Jf :,1milar age am! 111C'Oml.' ''ho plan to postpone or I 11 r t l! 11 I •• 11 I \ S1m1l.J1 I\ , "' 1 ,, , I• Jdtl{h ,d I ljUll 1 ltll , \I I honw:-1111 1. 1.i •. 1 .,, ,,, 11 pnr1· lllH I 1 1,. llH .11111 pl.11unl \1 1d l \ 1111111, h11 I I \\ 11•1 1. .... 11 !111\I \\h,11 lhl•\ l l 11111:. Ill :.,, 111 \' ... 11,j 111111,., 1111 lud1 \ 1•1.1 1 111111 , 1 OlllHkil 1.11111!11 :-t.11 .i11 " I 11 I liont\· h i 11\• tlli' .111tf , t .d t1 ti1 d IJmil11•:-.. hl\111' 1.11111J.1 • .1d11.I -..ingllo .... 11111 \ 11111.!1 I. 111 tl 11 L1·1·01111ni: "111.1 1111 o111I .11l1\, I \'I trl"d ( 1!11J1it" ,\(;II) , ........ !) lli,11 ''· '""'' 11 llll! t'Ut•h til 1111111 I j,11 .1 'I"'' 11,1 ( ~ p1 11 t h 11 \ I I I I I\ I 1 \ 11111 I '" 11 o p:m~ t'olll h.l\, 111111 lu11Jol1 r:-. •II 1ni.: thl'll' p r 11dl1\ h , 1111ull.111l "'' I.' \\ 1t lm111 doa. ti h 11111,p\\111 \dUt utll .1n11th1·1 J'hl' ll-.1 Ill Ill hutld1 I.., :-d1 I I ,j I ~ t h 1 lr,1111 • ('11111 p .11,, 11 p.1rt11 q1,1h 111 lh1 111 t qu.1111.1111 ol \\ 0 11dl11 11h, 11 111 I \, "\\hO" \\hU Ill th• ~1111t h1•11. l'.il1fnr 111J ln11l d1111 111d11 11 ' ··r: .. ('h 111111 , ... 1111.1111 1.11" 111.11 ha~ ... rt·put .1l11•11 1111 q 11.il 11 ,11111 "fll'l'J:tlt.tt'~ 111 lhl' p.11 t11 ttl.11 l•l 1• dul'l 111.· '1• ;.;~h .. d al 111 111,tld !:>:11(1 .\1~1<1 l~lldt•1, 11! !Ill tll f\·1 1.111111\ :rn<l :.i<lult IU\\ nh onw produ1 1 :ll'l' S J nd S C1111:-.Lt'lll't w 11 t'11111 pany , \\ a r rn 111gt\111 l>t·\ .. 1011 ment, I 01-. .111 rt the In 1111· <.'11111· µa11y·~·1J1ult1 f ;1m il.'.-r1h1-.1un T h.· t h11:e udadll'tl honw 1)1 ll d111 t:-. \\ 111 bl• hutlt ll\ St.md.1111 l',l\ lltl' ('111 p(lr.it1on, Hruatl nwor lrlt' .111<1 In IOl' Pa<•tfi<' l>t•H•lnp n ··111 < \11np.in). the homl·bullu 111 1111 ll ol t lt\ In me Com p a n). l h\·~, ""' all be.· J!l'a r1·d lo I ,11111111·~ ltOl'l"Ul~G Ol'T lhc Wood· lll'lllg1• hou~lnJ.! prui.:ram "di bc 1111 1 1nnovat1\'l' products of t\IO .1nll thrt't.:·h onh' clusters h) \k in:-. D1_•\ elopm1•nt Comp;.111y .111d 1 n ·1111•, P ;.11;if1c. und a luxur) adult t·1111tlo m1111um product b) ~kLa 1n Ul'' C'lup llll'nt Compa n) Eal'h pr1ltl U<'l "111 a ppC'a r ~l'\ l'l'~1l l1nw:. 111 :.m.111 groupmg.-. throug h1111l the qu:ldrant. a plan \lh1ch thl' t•ompany b<.'lil'\'C'S will l'nt·ourai.:l' rt's1tl1•nts lo inkrart and to idt>nt1f.v with thl• \'1llage of \\'oodbridgl' a~ a "hole rnthr r thun a sp1•c1ri<· product. F1ft1'l'O n l'1gh horhuo<I park:.. t•onnet·tcd bv tra ils will d<tt the l'ommunit)', 'bringing bt'uuty unct rccrl'ul1on l o \'1rlually 1•vcr)' horn(' Cordova Honies I . j On Sale at Viejo Th1 r1~ ·I l\ l' m odl'rall'I~ pnn ·d t 'ordm :a homt·~ \\ l'nl o n sail• n · n •nt h . ;.;cc o rdin l! to Grant :-;ulll\ ~111. J.!l'nt•ral !'airs manag1·r 111r .\I i~::.ion \'it•.10 Cump •11•~. lnulclt•r of the :.111g lc family dt•· tachcd hom es that have been l";.alk il "lht• hottest sellin!! n('w lw m1·" 111 thc n .llllln." .ind an l'llC'ln:-;l'd laun<lr~ .1rca a r1· 111 her fun r t 111n :1 I u m <'ml 1es Ol''flO~.\l. Ft:ATl'Ht:S 111 cludl· gas·bt1rn1ng f1rl'µlacc:-. a11·· i:nnllil 1on1nl! 111: air 11reparallon. sliding t-:la:.s dotJr!> in the rnastl.'1· s u1tt: ~•ml m1rro n •d wardrol.>1· tl1111r::.. \ New Model Mural: Sales Tool 1-'oll r I luo r plans ,\\ 1th :t tut;.il 11f I :! ,. 't (' ri o r t: I c v :i Ii on s . n r •· , , :1 1 I ;1 h I c i n l h i s n t' w 11~·1 ~ h l.Jurlloocl T ltt· s1n1..le'.'\tor v hornt'S lt':ttlll"I' 11\11 lh1 1'l'. 11r fo ur bl•dro<Hn:-ttn!I .. 1·1· .1t0d ·o n1 .. h a lf or t wo full lt.11 h:- ('9rdova is one of lave homL· St'l~c:-t'lll'l"t'll\ ly offl'l"C'll tn ~II:-· ~ion Vil"jo . where homr~ an· ~1va1l:ihk fr<1m ~1pprox1mntel~ S.11 . I i5 to $90 ,01111 To n•aeh tht· mo1k l t•omplC'\, tahc llw I bo l'ark \\;1~ l'\11 Imm th l' ;:. t) lo\ h h 0 11 ll d :-. .111 lJ i c g ' • Frt·1•\\ :1) • 1 urn kl l .111tl pr111'l'l'd p :1:-' 1111· .\l 1:-:-11111 \'1\'ll• t '01111(1 ~ l 'lub J.:t>ll co111:-t· ·1111Pl 11i.;ht "" .\l:11gu1·1:1\" l 1:i1h \\,1\ .11ul 111lhl\\ !hi" "IJ.!11' to C 11rdtl\ :t 1"111' ';alt •:. otlltc I' lu1·:il1·<1 a t :!(~I.! :\111!al, .\11:-... wn \ !tJl· Visual Impact 'Captures Imagination' of Buyers PH lf'EO F RO:ll $11 11:. t• • t\ u111qu<• :.:tit·:. tool ha!. h<·<·n 10 lr1>ducl'd at l.c1::.11n• \\\irld \\1th l hl' t•n•ation of a mural 111 a st:1 gl· ~<.'llmg clcp1l·lrng the ncwlv cit" signed Villa l'\ucvt• model n • sidenc<.'. The dis play 1s f<.'a turcd in the sa le s pav1llion al the ~cw Mod<.'l/Oi<SIJ!n C<.'nter . The mural by architectural 11· lusl rator Gar,v Scgro\'<.'S. rrratC's the illusion of a d l'plh of six fl'N 111 an area only a foot and a half dccp behind a balC"ony railing. '"In pl11nnin,I! a new ;irrhill'C· tural dl.'s1gn for the \'11la :--.;uc\'a, W<.' s urveyed th1• rnarkt•l plo.H'C to cl<.'terminc what f<.'ulurcs were most in d emand.·· :-.;url Elm Wc- ingarctcn. vil'r president of cm" J10ratc marketing . "The three de· 1·or:.tll'ci d isplay mod<.'ls 1n lhl· ro:;e .c:ar<len ;rn<I their nl'wl.v . ' cn•ated counl1•rp;1 rt 111 l lw ,,.,,., pavtltron n·pri'S\'111 tht· l'l''l>Olh •· to thosl' desirc<.l l'h ang1·~ .. ACCO R OIXG TO Seirron·~. this murn l in a s tag<.' st·lting 1 ... highly unique in th1· home.' ~:.il1·:.. industr.f . "It will ca pture' lhl· am· aginat1on with its visua l impaC't und cannot help but cnham·t· the beautv and luxurious desil!n of the Vi.Ila Nueva." he said . The deco rated mode ls h a\l' wide appC'al in decor ran;.!rn l! from earth ton('S 111 :1 t•onll'll i porary s l'lting lo bri 111 an t . luminous cobalt blue with Liii Oncntal acct•nt in furnishings and wall coY.erinj!. Featured in the Villa Nucva a re four floor plans w1 lh one bedroom. one-a ncl·a ·half ba ths . ,... ........ . .. l 11 11 hl•d rno m ... l \\ u h.tl h,.. .11111 • thri·1· ht·llrt2i>rn '· thrt•t• h:.t th .... \II Jl'l' full) l':trpe lt'd Eat•h has .1 :-t•puratc dining areu and in thrct: of the p l.i ns the k11l'hcn mtlucll·" ~m eating a rea. Pn('CS arc from $38.400 to 561.400 . ALL THE RESIDE~fES have an entry hall, a l5·foot by :-.even fool put i o I b .1 I<' c1 n) . f u 11 y t•qu1 pp1..'d k1tl'111•n 11 rlh ra ng•· and clouhl1• oven. cl1:-oh\I a:.hr r. wa:-.t1• <l1spost'r. fro:-l fr\·1· n •I rigrr:1tor frl'l"t 1•r , l11 m111o u" c1•tl1n )! a nd n ,1 t u r ;1 I I 1 11 t " Ir h ,1 r cl woo tl C':1h1nl•ts Thr1'l' of thl' plans h.n 1· .1 pant r.\ . IWSSMOOR LEISURE World wns cstablishl'd nearly 11 years ago and now has a population of about 18'.000 . " H;11h-l:.1' • 1 '1111,111 \ ,1111'" :. p • l111111n ou' '•1/1 11 111 1/11 11 .. 1-11 1 bath anti lun11 nou ... 1111111~ 111 1h1 "i('C'On d bath , ,;t,dl "hU\\t ( Ill Ill a ~ t l' r h .I I h . I u h \\ I I h .. tclepl1t1 nc t~ pe " "hmH•r 111 1 lr1 second bath. g r a u h.1rs a n<! d1·1· tric h<.'al lamp w1l h ltmt•r "" 1t1 h. Additiona l fe:aturP .... 1111 111111 wiring for te le phone ~11111 <'~,l1lc TV. fulh 1n:.ul:i11•<l t•x11·n or \(',olb and c r1t"1ng'. -.l1t1 111 u )!la:-:-. d1111r t1 p:.il1Q or hakonv. cl1•1 t n c r.1d 1.1111 n ·1 lin,g heat .md douhlc~lwi \1" 111 tlw \\ ardrobl.' eloset:- L1•1sure Wnr lu 1.0, l11r ;1dul1:- ag11d 52 and 11 v1·r. T hi· .\1 " Model/l)(•s1gn Center 1s !111•:il1"<I at th(' El Toro exit of th·· :-..111 Diego FrN•way m idwuy lw1,11·1·n Los Angeles-:im l S;rn Dll'Un • 1t ,:1:1 • ., < '11rd11\ .1 h11n:1•• r anf-1 111 111 I rum !l~>!l to l .1~141~'lllUrc11·1·1 11111111·:-Ill thb lll'll!hliurhoo cl .in• "<'hl'dUlt•d to lit r l·adv fo1 111 lllJl;Jllt') li,\ J Ullt-.· . ,\mcn it11·s indudcd in tht purr ha:-c IJl"l('t: of Cordova horn "'' .frl' .. tylis h ,·aultl'd l.'Ciling:. in II\ till! r oom:,, kildwns and m ;.i::.lt'r lwdroum~. t•:n1-11•t111g m ll\"IO i.! room . m,1!<l1·r bcdrou m . a nd lwlh1 ;J\. \Ill\ I a ,,Ul'Sl11:-. !ill• Ill 111 h1·r "room s: r11llUJ'l:'d mw·bl• <'1111111 Prt11p:-.: <·1·nlral lortl•tl :11r h1•Jl1ng . t':'l.lcnor wall· aml e1·1I tllf.! in!>Ul atwn. s mokt• detector:.. unthorgroun<l utilities <.ind l'Ofl 1 rl'lt• tln vcways _ Cordo va kil c hen:-i fcatur1· r;11u:c. o \ l'n. clishwa~hcr. ua:. pt1s .1l :incl rang l' hood. J\bundani :-.loragc ~p~1ct:, a roomy pantr~ Home Energy Meeting Set ,\ !lf'Ul!I :tnl (l1--.1g111·d (11 hl'lp h11r111_• h11tldl0l'' .1 11d l111~ ~.,..., :-d c l'l l'tWrg~ :.a \ Ill!.! 11pl 11111~ lur Ill.'\\ honw:-"JI I hi.· d\· n1ori-.tr.11l'd :at . .1 lund won m l•t•I ll1J.! '1'111•:-il:iv al the Slwr:1to11 ·A1w h1·1111 llnh-1 ;;t noon. Tiii' prog1·a111 w ;1:-. dc\'c lo pl'd hy t la \"l)r~ l l 1' 1 ~rn11 1>! Bur Jo!· \\ ;1rnl!r {"1Jrp ;rnd rs c<.illcd "\'ES" (Ynrk Ent:ri.:~ SiJ\t:r). Newport Beach. The kind of happiness money can buy. A hundred white saiJs skimming across the bay. Catalina lounging outside your window. Warm sand . Cool salty breezes . -Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Picturesque home s hiding among the coral trees. Chip shots. Bike rides along the water's edge . Quaint restaurants aglow in· candlelight. Cocktail s on the terrace . Specialty shops on tree- 1 ined streets . Walks along the beac h at sun se t. Forty-love . Thi s is the 1 if e vo u've .,, worked for. Live it 11ow. ',I I low to Ii\ l' itt 'l'" porf lkadt for ~I00.000111 ~250.1100: "P•stla..• 11111 l 1 .. \Url"ll' C~l'l"llll\l" lillllll""\llh \1"11'1 llh'lll.11 \II\\ •f \1 "f"'·'' ft.uh.1r \f,. ~,,.,,,,·,!rr11111t•·t 1+f , .. ,,,,,., t,., \\•ti• (\111••1.•Uth \11 v.• 1 I l1h l I l '•1 l"ron .. utton i•oin• \pi.rtnw nh I A,.1.111\1''"·'•hllf "rH,l't•1f I,·.•~• I I t., ·"'~"' b ,mjnl' ( '""I. 1111111"• 1'111,1,1o .. 11ll "" , 1·11 1111!-11 I' 111 111.• .1·t1111r f, 1u rn.f\\\ ll1tfl1H, t f l1h-fU ~l'ft Hie ( an\un lo"nh•1mt"\ c, ll"111r ..... ·1\1w1th llt\1fW t 'l\1r ... 11 'h • I h· ,, .tf• .,tfwr ''''"' \ 111,n·, h•1U\.\'\.l11r .. 111 rn 111 Ull".lllll lu I 11 II• •Ill 111111• I ~..ti llllll I 1••1. l"r \ 1ll.w1· 1i.1111•·,.111\1•ni ... ·cl 111 •h1· '1111.I.•\ l.J" Alll'.l"lt ' t "" "1(1· 11 l ..... '°'' 11• •II j I ••I nh•n: 1111\1111•.11!"11 1 .111 • 111' I 1-1~1 1 1 ... ,, ... ,1 ... h1•111•''\"11'U" \l.1111 •• t~llltlll' H1·.1ltY 1 II 1·141•!1111 - -- IRVINE VlllAG·ES The choice of a lifetime. j CB DA IL y P11 O T Tht'Sl' lo\\ 11lt11n1<· .... ;1l l..Jl.!llllil :\1).!U(·I range from u s inJ.!k k \'l'I. l\\'11-lt:ith 111el(IL·I to ;1 l\\e>-~l(ll'\. thl'L'L'·hcdl'Oum. 2 1 _· but h modt'I. · 'Vista' Units Now : Leasing at Irvine The Turlle Ror k \'1sta Apart· mcnls. tll•.-.1g 11crl II\ thl' In lnl' Com pany to orfer the look and l ifest y le of a rt•sidentia l ne1ghhorhoo<I. an· rum lca:-mg ,the first pha!>L' ul 112 un1t:- Located m the Irvine \'illage of Turtle Rork ad.1acc:nt to a ~150· .f!Cre region al park and near the l iniversity of Cal1forn1a. Irvine. .the complex will include 252 ~d ul l and famil.v <1part mcnls 1edsing from S260 to $430 per m onth. The residcnti;.il quality of the c o m p l ex was des igned b y architect Morris -l.1>hrbac•k an<! ·Associ;.i t e s ;.i n d la n d scape archikct I' 0 .0 .'Theap<irtments me arranged around c·ourtyar(b ln four t o l'lght-homL· duster!> ~a c h apartml~nt fc ;.itures a }>riv<Ke cntcy and ailcln•ss us well 11s an e nclosed pat11> or balcony. TH F. COMPl.1-:X '"" mclude 8Il adult n ·cn •:itt<m <'t•ntt•r and a fam ily cahana. Thl' adull clubhouse 1s designed to look a nd function a s a r <'s1dent1al com- m unity ct>ntc.·r. opc•ning onto a Ja rgC' s w i m m 1ng pnol · 1;.icuui com p lex with ~rac111us s undeck and barbcc u<.' fac•ilit1<.•s. T h e · <' I u b h o 11 s l' i n I r· r 1 o r features a h a r d w01)cl dante floor, R ri resid<' loung,-. C'C>mpl<'h' "e t· bar facilities hackL·d hv a full kitchen . ancl a hill1anl t:ihlc. The a rt• h i t t• c t 11 r c IH •> ,. i <I t' s a h a ndsoml'ly angul ar. wood beamc•d <0<'1hng and th,• dcc·or is r ich with lhll·k burg undy <·arpt'l· ing. fo re:-t i.:n·rn f11rnbh1ngs, l'fl'am ~H'l'l'nt s ;incl \'anous wall sculplurcs anct h:ing1ngs T u rt le H1H.'k \'1~1 a·~ :-1x floor plans rangl' from mw lw<lroom , om·-hat h fl :it :-to I hrt·t• hedrnom . two-bath flat .; ;inti l\\O hl·drm>01 unc and ;1 h:ilf ha th tm\nhnnw::-. ~ Thi• .1p.1rl nwnl inh'nur::-l:arn· nut lhl' r1''o1<knt1.il th1·nw "1th Mll'h d 1•l .11 l..., ,e.._ foll m:il I 111•1! I'll 1111'"• f'lll'h l"ll'Jll'l lll)C e:!:! 1111111'1' r.1th1·r I h.111 th1· Iii 0111111'1' 1H•1ght t\'p11'.1l ut .1p,1rt nwnt::-1 .. 1 f111t r:int.:1' "' 1•1!•1·1 r11· k1tdw11 :ip ph.1111'1'' pll'lllt-1111::-1'111:-1•1:-pan I I~-anti 1•11ph11;1nl 'P <ll'I'. .11111 :>II lie\\\ 11 .-.l11n\ l'I''. T iii': 'ftlH EE hn lrr11\tH :1pa1I ments offer fireplaces a nd all apar t ment s offer energy . efficient luminous, kitchen ceil· ings. decorator walls. self-' cleanin g oven s and dis hwas hers. Other featur es include cable television hook-ups, optional air conditionin g and many have ex· ceptiona l \'iews or the pictur es· que Turtle Rock hills . O ne of the most important amenities or th e complex is its T urtle R ock a ddress. The villa~c of Turtle Rock hus be<·ome one of· the best known and most ex- d usi ve a ddresses 10 O ra nge County. The Turtle Rock Vista apart- men t communitv h as bee n t•arefulty ctes igned and l'On· structed to achic\'c the max- imum in energy conservation. Lead ing the list of features is tht' s0Tar-ass1stea s wim m ing pool heating syst~. the first of iL<i kind to be used in the citv uf ln ·1nC'. ~ ANOTHE R MAJOR energy. cons erver 1s the "hydronic heal- ing" syst em which s ignificantly reduces the a m ount and <'Ost of e n e r gy t o heat the hom e:.. H yd ronic heating is centrally heated hot wat er piped into the indi\'idual apa rtments. "We are m os t interested in of- fering successful. ene r gy-s aving features in our apartment com- munities." said William R . Watt. \'in• president of the Irvine Com· pany a nd h ead of its m ulti·fam1ly division . "Saving e nergy and findm R new e n ergy s ources not only helps the ind ividual's pocket. hook. it rC'p resenls a pos itive step IO\\ ard solving one or thc> nation's most l'rilical prnbll•ms," Watt !>:11<1. \\?ATT ALSO pointed out that aparlrTil'lll S and olhl'I' forms Of .111 a cht•d hou~1ni.: are far mor(' 1•m•rgy.l'ff1cu•nt than tradit111n:1I <lt•t a 1· h t•d ho m 1·~ ;1 nd ;1 r(' lllt'n•fon• "good c·1t1 £cns" 111 ln<l;l\"s romm11nit1t's T1; fin<l 1 tw Turtlt• Htwk \'1sta 1\partm1'nls, follow (';1mpu., Dn n• in In lfll' to Tun It• Hock Drl\'(' T h<' t·om pll"< is locull'tl at Thrt'l' HoC'kv1ew 01'1\'l' ' Mortgage Route 'Snioother' Ahead? Thl' 11 ... e.i ,,r 1 lw 1 '.it1f1•rn1a 1\s - -""1·1:1t 11111 "' It 1•.illo1r, '·";; h1• lo I' ( 1 (' \ 1·' ,e I I' 'II II r l; I' f II I h1111wh11\·1·r '' 11 h ,, i.:111l<l 1'n ·cl11 r ,11111µ ::-h1111l tl t 11111 Ill\' rna<I .1h~·;id "a htl :-m111•t h1•1 111 ohl .1111111,.: ;1 m11rl l!:lj.!l' 1 ... 111 "\\'h1•tlw1 .1 l.111111\ I' h1•nt on h11\ ini.: .1 111·1\' 111· .en t•\i...llllJ.! honw. ~01111· I n •..,h "' ;111::-t ll'S in <l11'•llt• th.1111ll1'l'l'!-l r at1•s on loan" .er1• <frl'l1n1n i.: .-.l1 i.:hth .·· Jr;1 (:nh111 of ~h,•rm.111 0.1k:-. l' \I( p1'l':-11ftont :-:1111 "This dl'l'IHH' ::-hould l'C!>Ult In more Pl'L)ph• hu~ 1ng hnnll's :-.int'l' money is av.11lable ." GRIBIN POINTF.O to hi~ own area 111 lht• SJn Fl•rn:indo \';111\•v wht:•re burlu111µ P<'rm1ts \\'t'rc th~· h ighl's t Fo r any .l anuary or Fe bruary on rN'Md. Th<' RC'altnr leader s aid he f1•cls Fi,e un•!> 111 the ~a n F ernando \'alle" arc ;1 b:iromett>r for oth<'r p:1r1s of ltll' ~ate . The Realtor prc:i;idcnt stated that the ~an 1-"l•rnandn \'all1·~ 11oard of Rt•altllrs ' Mult111h• I.1st · 111µ Sl'r\'ll'l' for Fehruary :-howecl .salt•.s tot:i ltn~ S77, l:!ti.000 :ihout Sl0.000,0110 llllll'1' than tht• Pl'l'· ,. 1 o u s m 11 11 t It ;a n cl n l.' a r I y ~fi.tl0\1,fl()(I h1gh1•r t h:111 th<' :-anw Jll'nod 01w ~ l'Jr ,1co Sall•s for t-'<•hru:tr~· h11 I A Hi , acrord1ng to ll('l:trcl fig 11n•s. 1111 .1h<1ut 100 from .I an11 an hut double sail's tif one . I year ago Tht• Fc>clN:1l llnnw Loan Bank Jl(lard rcp11rtl'd intl•n•st rntcs on morti::a!!l' loJr~ for both n<'W and ,•x1s ting hom es dl'c llncd 1n Februarv G r ibin s;:ud he nnlecl a pred1rtton by A dvarrcc Mort~ag<' Corp oration . a s ubs idiary 11f Citicorp. that mort~agcs are <'~· p<'Cted to <'Os t less in lhc m(11Hhs uhead. "ISTEREST RATF.S cm loans for nl'W and ~'•uslin)! home:-. in Califnrnia decltnC'1l to between M·'11 .incl. n1n(' pcrcL•nt 1n February." Gnbin s latC'd "This 1s a drop of het w\'cn 1)nc-q11artcr .10d o ne-half p<'rccnt from .J ;inu.1r~ rail·~. · (;rihhcn:-t11d f ... \ Patio Homes Nearly Sold Out It's A lmost Last Cha11ce to Buy in Water-orie 11te<l A rea Mort> ! lu in h\ o tturds of the Patio Jl(1ml:'~ in the last unit at \'11la~e San J µan haw hel•n .;old. s:i11J Donald G 7.1•lln1'r. pn•su.le·nl l'f Zellnt>r C'<1mmumtil·s. Im·. 11r0Jt'l't h1uldl•r The• n ·ma i n i n g h o m t>s rt•pn•s C'nt the la:-;t l'h~1n('c to purC'hase :.i nl!w :->1n~lt··fam1ly lfl'· tarhed hLimt· in tt\l· e~tabhsh,•d E11ropeff II S r ule w<iter orit'nh•d comm unit v of \'lila!-!e San J\lan. ' ~o m ore P:ltH' l lonw~ \\ 111 bl· btult." rw h·d' Zi>iln1•r lmmt·d 1~1ll' Ol't·upancy 1s now av:iil~1 blt'. Tnt'st• I'>''' tu fm1r hedr11om h0nws, prll'l'd frvm S.11 ,900 l\) S.IB.~. arl' loeatl'd :idJat•t•nt to thl' t'ommun1ty's thrrd s wim· ming punt rnmpll'X th.it will in· Lake-and-streant Wo.rk Under Way Construction 1s undr r \\ ay on .1 368 un11 l a k,.c -and.stn •am- o ricntcd apart nh•nt compl1•x whic h w i ll br111g lh t· architectural >otylc· of a European ,. 1 11 a g c t o I r ,. i n t' ' ~ ;.i d u I t rec reational community of Rancho San .Joaquin. Scheduled for mid-1\ugusl OC· cupancy, the Rantho S<.111 .Joa- quin Apartments 1s an $8 million de\'clopm cnt by t h e lrvinl'.' Compan y locatl•d at Culver l>n \'C and S~wdburg \\'ay direct· ly adJat·C'nt 10 the Rancho ~an .Joaquin Golf Course a nd the 30· court Irvine Tl'nnis Cluh a nd within view of the UC Irvine campus. Designed by the architectural lirm of Backen. Arngoni and Ro~:-. Im· . of San J-"ranl'lsco. I Jw apartments "ill offl.'r MX unit types from on\' bedroom and 0111,: bath to t wo bcdronms·and-dl'n an<l two baths with monthly r entals from S250 lo S325. The 17 ·ac rc site 1nclu<l<'s a I a k c . a s t r c a m . a <: l ' n t r a I r l'<'rcati onal compll·~. l\\O 11t.'condary r<.'crcational spas amt a system of winding pccks lri:111 walkways a n d plazas. Located mi thl' edge of lht• I I th f:.wwa~, thi: complex offers Vtl'WS o~ the golf course, the lake or the streams. Landscaping is by POD, Inc., with J . Ha rl an Glenn & /\S· sociates as lake a nd stream con- sultant. l'lude a large. heated swimm1n~ nool. 3 c>hjldrl'n·s w.1J1";..: pool. .cnct :i c:.iban;1. Othl•r fal·1ltlll·~ ;1\':l!l.'.'lb!t• ('~(')U~l\'t'ly tO l'l'SI· dt'nts .ire a l'ommun1ty clubhous e . vn((,,~ h.cll l'11urt. br~sketb~tll l'OUl'l amt s1•\'1•r;1l tut lots CO'.'IVE'.'ITI O'.'IAI. finannng "1th lt'W du"' n p;ey m 1•11t s is <\V!lilablt' O!>('ned in 1972. Villai.ic • nn Ju:~n is hornl' to 1111ln• th;111 500 familil'S who a pprt'ci:1tl' tlw c•11m muntty"s .1tflt•nit1l·~ ,1ml 1b prvx 1rnit v Ill rt'l'rt';1tion ~1111\ husim'ss <'entl•r s . \'dl~q!t' 5;111 J1111n 1s m inutt•s fnim t lw h1 s t1>r1t· Cap1stran11 M 1ss1Lin und thl' 2.000-ooat Dana Poml ~larina Within a s hort drin • art• thl' beaches 1'f San C'lcm t'nll' and Lag una a nd th<' t·ornml'rl'lal estabiishments 3l tht> Irvine In- dus trial Complex. Rt>cause they wen • so satt:-f1l'<I with the Villagi.' San Juan C'Om munity, a number uf famila•s who wer e in se:irch of larger homes have pur('hased a Sl'<'ond Village San J uan horn(' rather tha n move fr o m lhL• neighborhood. VII.LAGE SA~ .Juan h::is a network of grt>cn belts l;in'd with streams that le ad to t hl' thn't' :md -one·hali arrc.o boating anti fishing lake. lo<·akd at th(' hub of the neighborhood. Mainlenan<'t' of all ret'realional facilities and gret>n beils is provided by lhl' homeowners' association. n,•s1rn,,J tu m3k,• thl· most of .1li1t'r"'·' 's _,•,•:tr round s un- sh101'. P:l\111 llomes h:l\'t' wide 1·.~p.111:-1·s M t.•l:css and ft•n<·t'CI re :er y ;1rtls 1\mOn;.' th1• :tml•n1l1l's inl'luded wnil ,·:11'i1 :ll'l' a fin·11l.1n\ carpet- 1n~· in m1)St rooms. forced •lir iw:llin~·. v:wllt•cf l'1'tl1ni.:s. elec· lri1' ).':1r ;11!,. dl>tir (11w1wr and pln.mh1·d l:1111ntry ~1rt'a in tht• µ~tra~·l'. P:1l 11\ ll1•mt1 k 1tc•hens. dt>signe\l f1ir 1•:1:iy 1'.1n• hy R1•cf !\IJQll z and A:-:-Pn:tt1•:-11f ~:1nt .1 !\n:i, 1m•l111ll• 1 ft' I 11 ' 1 • G l' 11 l' r a I F: l l' t' t r i r .n1tnm:1t1l· r :IT\;.'l' 111111 on•n with f1iliv '1•1\ll•tl h11nd :11111 fan. (iE clzs hwa:-lwr. 11 1;-;post•r-, c•1•ramic 11h• ('ll llllh•r:-.. and ~1\;H'iOUS h;11·JW(\1~l l' :i blO.l'try Sales C lass41tt Set Monday l lc•rhl•rt I lawkin:" Hc:1ltllr" will h1,l1l a no ther one W<'1•k Sl•:-sion ut' 11 s ··1111<' pl11 ::-0 1a·" 1r.1ining l'our :.t' lur nt·W llcc11:-.1•l•:-. antl uthn stalf m1.•m bcrs t h1:. Wl'l.'k T h c 1• n 11 l' l ' p t p r t• ,. i d I' " t'la:-:-.room 111::-1nH'I11111 111 lh~· nHlrn1ng and 111 Llll'·l'1t•lcl t r:11n1n~ l'ach iftl·rt11>1rn. ~t11<lt-nts :1r1• l!I\ l'l1 :1:-:.1g1111h'll h d;nl~'. putting 1111 t1 pra1·111•1· l':ll'h .e ll 1•n1111;n \\hat t Ill·~ h;e' L' !t-,tl'l\L'll that m1>rn111 g na":-l·~ an• held at :!2:l Fa~hion L:tllL', Su111-:!OH '1'11'1111. lnh1rma· tltln 1~ a\'a ll:ibtc :11 ... :cl1.•sul1 1cl'S. .. V·.11ad~e Walk Mos! people think our lri-level floorplans ~ • are sexy. And whether you're a sophisticated 0 single or a fun-loving married couple. 1he feeling you'll get from Ur this neat little village of contemporary townhomes is thal all the neighbors ore pretty nice Our 2 and 3 b edroom floorplans are pretty nice. too. f loorplans We've got cozy lofts for dining or entertaining Warm -open wood beam ceilings. Inti male step down master suites with secluded patios. Romantic rooftop gardens. 't Skylights. Sunny gourmet kitchens. Over-sized garages a ~en : and plenty more. I 1 Here's where it's happening. The contemporary social life fo r lhe __ successful young at heart. Friendly g e t-togethers rn lhe sunken th .. . ... . .. .. I Recreation Pla za. Poolside chats wilh fun-loving adults. Cocktails e On Y for four1nthejacuui. And now is a pretty smart lime to buy, too The se1ect!~n is th .Ing tliat's Sexy. ex~~:1~~~r~,~:ri~~~ • the rent dollars you're wosling. then come over today. Discover how you con own a roman lie chale t o f your own for less than you think. Moments from South Coast Plaza -~- Take the San Diego Freeway 10 the Fairview exit North one mile @ tauat~ -TilllllT (Jj t..oEl"5Np "ft"51nQ 51JStEfT't§.. Inc. • 1<'1• Vi11.•1• Village Wolk. We're sure you'll foll in love wdh our f lo orplans. Anyone else rs up to you "'~$38,350 l. ~!!!.'::~.~~ ........ 1~:::!.~~~ ........ r~~!!!.'"::..~ ........ 1~:!:!.~~ ....... . GetMrol I 002 GetMrot I 002 G._rol I 002 GeMrol I 002 ···•·••·······•··••····•••·················•·• ·················~···························· BEST IN BLUFFS PRIME WATUFROHT l'::Jrl.v BlufJ s barg ain :~ Bl<.~' · 11:1 1·omp 1 l'Ul'l'Or. , lOX.UOO l'•llll f>ar(·'.'' OPEN 1·5 l lil VIS'!'.\ E.'\'l'IL\D,\ IOl'f \' !kl Ot'<•I • 4 IR .. HEW LISTING :1 Ba , cklightr11I pools ide ~clllll j.!. l lOO Sq n . :i .\'I' old : :.ill lh(· falL·s l ~1ml·111l1cs. ~1m .ooo CUSTOM 14 YFRONT plt·1tSl' <:all for cit• t:.uls & :1111»1 l't•g;1rdi11g th1:-. lHOll .-.<1. fl , •mt• of ;.i k 111d , 'i lH'<'I :t<·uf;11· honH• $1!,5,000 With laud Pll·w .. 1..• ll'l u:-. :-ohm\ ,.,111 a ll thv home:-. /\\'at l. 111 t hl'l'Un :frcc BluJfs HELEN 8. DOWD REALTOR. IHC. MLS 644-0134 1973 Top Lister & Top ~ole$fft0n 197 4 & 1975 ll.unfter•Up Hewport-Mesa locrd of Realtors Gnerol I 002Ge-Mral 1002 ·············································· newporl ~ ~ne~l Open Houses 1·5 9 Point Sur. Spyglass Sl 8!:J,900 ·1 Bt•droom. J';.1mil.v room. pool. \'iew :3 J ad1..1 Covt•, Spyg lass SI 8\J.500 I Bedroom. ram rm. Ol:l'al1 & hay dt•W 675-3411 L USK fl R E AL TY a Jo hn JJ . I. u !ik & Son Cu ~~!'! .......... !~~~!!'!~!'! .......... !~~~ OPEH SUH. I ·5 I I 06 SANDPIPER Charm in g. \'it.·w oncnl<'d home -3 hclrm:-. .. famil~· rm. & stud.v in t o p Cororw tlfll ~J a r llwaltnn. lluge. private viewmg t<.·rratt.• tn 1.·nio~· the sailboats & sunsl'l :-.. ::; I :!:1.:»110 Orange Coast 2600 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar REAL ESTATE 644 ·4848 V loAR BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 i!407 I: C OAST HWY C ORO NA O l:L M A R ••OPEN HOUSES•• 3612 CATAMARAN HARIOR VIEW HILLS, CdM .\J;.1gnllu·t•11t I hdn11 & 1;1111 11\ r m horn<.'. own<•r ha!'I addl'd nw 11\ n 1:-.t11111 fc•aluro .... ~llt'h "" d c.·11. lrplt'.. liurglar & I 1 r " <1 I a r m s & n 1 o ,. 1 • P r 11 I 1..· s :-. . la11d:o,C''ll'L'd . l111tt1 front tV..: n •;11· Thtb 11w11t..•r t1.1s IJought 111 ;11111lttt·r t'fl.\' & .rust 1·1·dun·d hl!'I Jll'l<'l' by ~11 .. iOO t11 Sl:fi.0(10 111dudlllJ.! the• l;u1d l'l<'<t"l' c•;tll lnr di1't•c·ti11ns S :11 S1111 I .i 26 LINDA ISLE Bl':.1Ut1ful hay frcmt h•lllll'. lm·ull'd oil Linda 's most <lt..-s1rah1L' Big B<i~· ~rd(!. fc.it'ing lht• m :ijor hoat111 g an•;_i I Hdrm~ . m:.1111 ·s s111lt'. IJ.!t..' f;11111h rm :i 1·~1r g;1r:.i ~l' I.'\: pu.·r t'\· 'tlrp for :l .h11;cts Ah!->t'llll'l' 1m·11t'r h<J:-. p1·H·l·d lu\\t•r than a11~·1111n g in this :1n·:1. :II S11i!).!'iOt1 Sat Sun. I ;, 2603 VISTA OR~ADA BLUFFS COHDOMIHIUM Jit>;.i11tiful D11l 1>1'l'S l'lld u111l. l11ghl.\' upgrwkd. :J Bdrms . 11 .. h;iths. kl'. brkfsl an•a .. \ \'l'f'." :-;harp home' Among llw IH'~I lltt\''i 111 'l'hl· Blul fs at $8~.500. Sun I .) · WAHT TO SELL FAST? Dm·~> our t'.X ('t•pti1111:1lly r :1pHI s;1ks . Wl' an· Ill " posit 1011 to g in· ;111 O\\ 1wr ma x imum ''"Po:-.11rl· \\'llh our ;idn·rt1s ing & JH'r:..011:11 Sl'l'\'t<'l' Wt· will lit• g lad t11 gin··' 11u :1ll l'\JJl•rl t1p1111on 111 y our p ropl'rt.'· nH1rkl'I \;il1u: \\tlh1111t an.\· 11hltg:1t111n on .'llltf' part BAY & BEACH 'OUR 27TH YEAR REALTY 675-3000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!11!!!'!!'1!!!!!!!!!!!~1 ' Gettttol 1002 Geonerol 1002 .............•.....•.•••.•.•.................. LIDO ISLE Luxurious Home 5 BR. 5·13A. 580osq ft hnnw :1t ."l:!O \ 1:1 Lil.lo Soucl l>rl\'l' hy ;l')tl tl•t•"' eall lcll' appoint mt•nl ' $245,000 IYIM~MliU HoutH For S• lHouHt Fors• $un1M J11n1 I' 1 q~( DAIL'( PILO'I "I • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ------~· __________ _.;;._..;.;__ _ _..:;;..___=...::; ~~~~.' I 0021Geweral I 002 ~~!!! !.~~ .~~ .... •• .. ~!!! .~~~ ~~ .. •• .... I~~!!!!.~~ ~.~1: •••••••• --~ ····································•· THE ROTHSCHILD RESIDENCE b tl<I\\ :n C.J tlahh· for pureh :tst• Li do 1:-ll' h:i~·tl'lllll. X HH. !l h.1th". p tl'r ,\ llCt,ll p111)l . \\'1..·t h;ll' ..,au11 .1. \\int• t·1·lf.11 Offrrl'CI at S8!1.),titJO .\11othPr I l.1rlwr l':<.<0 lu.•o1\·1• Fur 'pn\ :11!• :-.h11\\ in t:. < ~tlf ti73· I IOll Sht>\\ 11 hy app11111t 1111•nt 011f~ CAMEO SHORES 110.·1 Hti.x l111n l>1·, up1·n Sat S1111. I 5 .Ju:-.1 ,, 1 ·11mf ~1rlahl1· :-.i1.1..·d :1 BH. :1 bath &clt•n. \\Ith p1>1>l :rnd that rn·1•:rn 'it•w .'ou\·1· alw~l\·s \\ ;rlltl·tl Thi:-. .\'Ull 0 ll ltkt· :tl $1 t!l.!">1111 . 127 CRYSTAL AVE. :1 :$and :! BH d11pl1•\ 1111 lh 1lh11;1 Is land ll,11\lt• bland 1 l' l l' an . s h a ,. p . ;111 r :11• I I\ 1• ;i 11 d t'tllllplt>ll'l,v I 11rn1s lwd. SIHli,110(1 ( lµL'll Su 11 I ;, EL NIGUEL (;1111 ('11111•:-.v 111 l.;1;.:1111 ;1 :\1g ut•I. :! :'-It•\\ homl'S. IH I\\ un<il'r rnnstrut'l1t111: orH• .1 :1 b\'clrtiom. unc a ·1 BH !'17:1,000 i\nd ~JH!l.uoo P lan:-. m our .,fr ll'I' LAGUNA ROY ALE tl\\'ll .\our tJ\\ n 1111 llw th'l'anl r o n t in S l.a g un :1 . ~5.llOO lnl'ludc.·~ lht· lw~1ut1l11I t11 rn1sh111g:-.. :! Bil. 2 haths. 111 :1 lull sceuril\' h111'ldm~ :\Just IW :-.h<l\\ ll IHI :1ppotnl OH'l1t onl~ Ot<'a nt ront ll\·1111-: 1:-. this tor ~·011 ·1 1939 BAYSIDE DRIVE, CdM 1:-. a ·I BB IJa~·fronl with a lug. s;1nd~· li1..·ad1 anti lnts of bo;1ts t o look at. LooR 11\'CI' thl• n~arhy yadit dubs. lhL•ll g 1,·l· us a y l'll w h ~ n yo u ha\' l' I ht• I 1 m <' and indi.n atio11. 6 73·4400 IL\lllJ()ll Di•isiOfl of Hcri)or lnvHtmrnt Co. Gewerol 1002GeMrol 1002 ·•··••··•·•·•··········•··•··•··•••··•·•••··•· COM. • • .$86~900 Crashing wc.ivl·-; & st•dudN I prl\·att' ht>c.i<·h <H'<·t·ss w1th111 :J hl0<·ks is I his bl'Clt1t1ful wood . l11'H'k 1.l s h<1k1· :1 hr.~ lw l ;1milv homl' 011 H :! lot L'sed l>n 1·k f1rvp.la1·t'. Ill'\\' d1 s hwa:-.IH•r . :111t11 garage door Of>L'lH'I'. warm \\Ood <kl'k pat111 sL11T oU1Hkd hy lus h l:ind:-.rnpini.: Pnl'ed to sl'll immedi;.iti.:J~·'. HOCEH 'S HJ•:ALTY. fiiS-2:1 11. G.-ral I 002 GeHrol I 002 G...r-' I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VA REro 544.800 l IEOROOM PLUS POOL 1'11".t 1h,.u-.1111I hdo1\\ Ill.II 1-.t I I .1~ l ,111 ,,,ul,1)..,.' u,, J .. ,... \11\it ... 111\ \lu\ •• ltt 'otttllltPH "'I'•" 1-.h pl1 fll \ (•olllll lh'I\ I .1 I JI t· I ' ' °'II I• If I 11 • I. !11 ht II cl 111111 o 1111 I l.11" Ill\ Ill ·'•'l!.1l .1h l.1llllh t ·~•Ill t !"\\\ \'•'Jiii'~ Ill d 'l\•1 [, ' d I .. ii 111 p I II " I \\ " ill! Id f' \ 11 ' f 1 I f 1 "I , ' 111.l :-. .1 •111111111•1 11111 I'""'' \ 11 \I II h1•.1 l.t hit• 1.ilu1" 1»111 t \\.111 ' (.ell l u r tllll 1 I-~ h " " I 11 .: · x 17 lifllll " . .. Here It f, 111 In 1111' l•I\, h I (t,.,fl 111 ,\ l.1n11h f'11hfll pli" .I 11.11 It, 1\11: ll.11 I. 1 ,,, ii 1111 l.111' • \\'.II' ,1111i111tl t"1"I \\llh ltul1l>!\' .111.t 111111·11 Ill"' 1•' • lie .111tl 111·11 11,1 Ill~ ll11h ~;:1.!~h1 1·.111 .>111 ll.>I ~HERITAGE REALTORS WeJto 11 ®CL)I11pa 11)· hi t A l r t 1 '" ·., PROMONTOIY IA Y \\'<tlt'rl l'Olll I nu . I ISA + Pl\'I' & .... 11µ :-\t!7!1.500. 701 Ba~·,ull•. Opc 11o1!)1and:ay 1 ·I CAMEO HIGHLANDS :l BH. :J BA FEE. formal OH. S l2~.500 .tGOG Courtluntl Dr. OJ>('n Sunday 12·4 lH4'; I ( ( 1,1-..1 ti lt.{hW.t";' Corona <.kl Mar t1 /'> t.'J()(l 1002 G.-rot 1002 ....................... ······················· STUCCO AND BA YCR!ST HOME PLUS Two Story Stunner GUEST QUARTERS ll1.t11d II\'\\ t,1rp1'1111~ .111tl l'I ,1111111111 .11 'I'\\ POI I 1111 ... 01 ".tll1'.1111·r .ul11111 111• .11 h hum c . Th r~. lh1• 1111,·11 111 1d 1111 • l.111111\ l11·1hrn1111 .... l.1r1·• '(lol\'fllll' ltotrl l' '·"'"' 1 c \ I If I! I ",,Ill II 1 l It ,.,.,, hu.11111 h.1 tl11 •1111• 1111111·1.I ... 1 '1'•11 11111 I 111• I' II \.II I "I I Ith IOI> h1 11 \ In\ 1 I\ ht Ill lo h >' ,, u I 1111 II\ I • 11.t ,. II \\II h .1 11 10,11 ' 'l I .1 111 I o· 11' "" I·' I" I It I 1 1 lwt.•tl .111o11 lw 1 111101. h1•tlf ""(II I lo .tit fl1•ll\> Ill th (•\\If llt ,llfl II Ill l\lfh ,tll.1ol1otl alu11ld,.,111··I •1u.11111• \lllh ,.;.H .. a ,. \at1d 1id1·1,1\k"'"•'ll hut.:1 ll\tl\ p.11100 t• lh• .111'"' 1 I• 1 ... 1111 1111h 111q•I." ,. an.t (,111111\ 111111~ Ill \,.11lc ·' l.111 .. 1/\d (1,.l1111tn1 t ',o•l.r \It '•' I It" '' .1 """••I .1 kind 1----------·1 • l'IHfh'l'I\ (".di II' 1111 ;1p l~Quall ~ , .... 11111 ... 11 1 1 .... ,.,. REDUCED S25,0 00 Peninsula Point :1 11.lrm . ~ lo.ilh h"fll'' 1111h laf't.:l r.1111tl~ rm . 11<•1 b.tl', t•'l.p.t11tl\•d lll•t•lo. Ii\ \'f' =~ (' ;t I° J.!.l f":\j.!\1 l'n1 1·d .it ~1 :.!:t.llfH) 1.;:1.s1.1o.s 111:1x1•»•11.:11·:- MEW LISTING! Corona del Mar .\ .I ltd r111 , .! It.it h h"tll1 , 1111·11111\' It• till h.ll h\'1111 ,tpl n\t r :.'. i .II ~ .. U .1_, , t''''·' p;,r·~1tH' nu I ' )tit .. '~Int\ hu1111 h,1 .... .,: 11 ('I• • .i, fl ,\ ,, "''"'" I .lf d :-1 llo \/tMI associated BRO KERS-REAL TORS JO]~ W lolboo 6 11 J U I Like A Model $69,950 S11114'1tl\tl \ tlllf'"•lt \\II h t'\ t 'I \ \h1u-..:, \PU \ \ i'\ \'f \\ :111kd .'.\11\\ \ llll l'.111 ;11 f11 1d ll El\·:.!.tlh''' l't•ICI\ ... 111 lh" ll'llllt' II 11 11 ;; lt11g•• ht• d r Ill ' d I' :1 111 ii I 1 1' i.u· 111.tl d 111111 ~ r 1111111 Iii IPlac• •· .. i '·1·111 Prap..-ti•• , '[ · · ~- 1 ••oo ou•r,s~~-~~~~0•1 me~ ~ ll~ftljJJ S2l,500 '! Ill( '.! li.1 .111 . p1111I ~ :::!•~ISl)F't' l llr ~·. 1\,1 1111 I •11111 \ C o'l.t\1.,f ll11tliil0• 111;11• .II '\I I 111 \1·~0',lll 1111111.: ll•·d I ,1q11•1 ll•'otl II.ti, \l1 •" ..; · ',., otlol (\ td.• ·"·I H' """' ~ •.• HOU ,)~h .S:.!I General 1002 Getteral 1002 ·••••·••·•·····•·•····· .•.•.•....••••...•..... macnab / irvine realty FINER HOMES FROM SI 09,500 TO S850,000 BIG CAMYOH MONACO Only Sl52.50\J for sp:H•tous livmg . On tor n1.·r lot ~ Sup<•rb :1 hl'd room w j at•11zz1 & t·old pool OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. 5 RUE FONT AIMBLEAU. l ~:1 1 \ BA YCREST SPECIAL GeMt"al I 002 Gewerol IOOZ !:~::~ ....... .,..!~~~ ~~~~~:! .......... !?.~~ Getterol 1002 Gewerot 1002 Supt•r nl'a l . l'll:Storn l1111lt. lath & plasll'I' :1 IH•dnHim homt• w 12 t'ircpla n·~.· formal <linmg, family room. pandt•cl d en + pane led office Birc:h t·abinl.'ls in kilcht·n StO!l,500. Vil' J ashinsk i M <?·Rl.:15. ( NJ:I) ~ ....................... ·············.·········· 85 ft by 119 ft VACANT It!':\\' \ltll \\'1• \\';1111 tl11· 11.11)1 1· ·' 1111111w "" "' s.11 ..... 111.·11 \\t" ';JU l0 i't'J lUl fol Ultt CHOICE X-PLAM THE BLUFFS \ 1 .. 11 11111·1\ :1 hdrm ···············~······· ····•·················· SUPERB HOMES OF THE WEEK I a r g ,. 1 ;, 111 1 I\ 1 Ill 1 'Ptl' 111u..., l 1 \ tll~ f'hOIH l..1r g1· ""1 el'l"I p.111., ,l\\,tll' .\"Ur h ,1111.!lfl ~ h :1 ... k1•t -.. l',tll ~"" I~,) IJ!J113. • llG CANYON The t 1mcl1.·s:-. qtwhly of a \'all-nt11ll' homl' <·nhan1·1:s th1:-. 1.:nt1 rt• L'Statc . Surrou1uh•d hy heaut1 ful g n ·L·ru·r y & th'<' tou<'h of st11•111~ th1.-.. co11nt1·~ .. t-:nl!lis h dt•!>oot ).!nl·d rt•s11k1Wl' has .) bedrooms. l1h rarv. l11lhanl rnom. :i fireplan•s. l am1(, l'11111n & formal EASTSIDE :O.l.11 I II\ 111i.: 111 lh1' " l11 ill••1lll '"'''" "·"'"""' l .11111 I\ I lhl Ill .1ol 1,1 • 1'f1( 1-.111 111•11 11111 I. I ti "l'l,11 ' 1 ....... lt.111. \.11d \\llh 111111 If •'I .~:1•1 \\ 11!1111 l \I If(• 11 """ 11ol.1 \ I I "' I 1 II .q1pl I ·"I 1. .... 1t.•1I "" ll.111il11ll'h ~lt4·•·1 prut•·, ... 1on.d /1Ht 111 ..: '"''"'""'' \\llh q 11 l". i.:ull••r:-& 1111lct1•'' sul111111 ~· .. 11r 1<·r11" S28,500. ANYTIME 71 955 Motmon Ho•tne ll "•'II'• d l'fll '" 'l•lfll,lfl 11.11 111 .. 11 "' l.1111111111 llt•l'.111•1· 111 1 lw 111111,11.11 1·11k1• 11 h,c, n•> darh • .\ '""' h "' ""' ... 111 1 l1111i: ,,,., 1•111 ... till' 1'111'\ ''" \'Ilk\· .l!ltl 1·1m1111111· .. """" lh•• ln•11t 1•di.:111c 1111• '1111 .. rt1•il 11110,11 .\ /l!ll'l'I' I' •1•1 II\ 1111' l'\'111\'I h.11 I. )J ,11-.1• 11 l\ll h lnllj! HI ,ft111·f 'lc'l'lt'' lflt'.tl Hl l'llJlfl'. 11111'1\. r,l\\ ,111-,11 .111111111: .. ,.,.,,.. h:•ht 111•1ch1 '' ofll. , ll;1111h•I. 111.•d 111111111•111111 "•• 11 'i 1:1;,.;, ,, 1·111 111 :'ot •~'l'' :-;,,,., 111 IX S111• I ~ f'l•q111r1•, llJll\f'•l\10111\l'h :! ·1 1 1d, 111 l.1 l.1h111 1111' tli1· 'h11rl '11'•'\I' ~l\'l1• ,,,. ~1 1 >t .. 1~ 1111 lhl' h111c ''''•011· ,.t,11· T11 11nl,•r wnd p.111 1·111 1111mh1•r '111' 11:11111• .11 ld1'""' ,inti 11p l'ri1 ,. ':! ;,11 11111 ... :111 l'"'lill.!t' .end h.111111111>: S11ppll'fl1l'lll~ frp111 lh" """ Sp.1111•.1 C.11.tlo1c . \II 'i l';tlt'l!•ll 11'' flll ·"' IKI pu.~tp;mJ :lt.1kc dl\'l.'.k 1),1\ ,.tllt' (II !'-p,101.'ol !'-1•11.f HI d1·1-.. fH thl'< Ill'\\ '1';111"1' \ II :0-11.111,•,1 ., tit 111 ~1· :0-1 \llll111d ' I llXX IX l>1·pl d 11·111 \\'11>·11 h1 • " '1111 I.II lnl. \"Ill 1111·11111 \ \\Ill 11111 1,,. ;11111lc•·•I I.,., '"n I lt,cl h t 11111lolf1111111fll1 111 tli\• "''""''I' llllflh J-:11 -~--­: 111· , '''"'""' ,. l'fll lf'I'" -a...'11 s 111"1.ttlt•cl 1111 h ...... 11> tll .qH0 l l1•, I .11 pt I U I~ " \l ,1fffl,11'1'I \,.r\ f!l I\ •• 11 \\f .... ·" 1o1111tl p ,1\11, l.n,.1hd lf .. ,,. t11 lht• IH•lll ,\ pl .•\ ..... ' 1111 d1tld1 1•11 11\111•'1 .111· ,, .11 Ill . lh• oil<·' ... 1111, \\011ld nut lw ·" ,1d,1lill 11111•1 It.II\' I( I'. 111 ""'"'"·Jiil\ \111111)! .\ \\ 1111110:. "' \\"'I.. ·" p 1"'1·11 p1°1·~1 .1111 f 11 h'I ,.,,.;1,. 1.111111\ IH•lll•' 111 II (' 111· \\I II ffl ·' i.. ,. ,, ,111111 I •I :-1•1,lhhl , ••• , "'" ''" ,,,, :\Ir ll.11111111111 :-Ii 1111'i1i BIG CANYON '>Ill. 1tMI EILEEN HUDSON REALTOR 644·0322 ll:111·l111d.111d ll ... ,\0111 ,,,, port 111111' I· .cl111 l1111-. I 11 .. r11111 ,\· l.tfll f'lll :· ~l otl'\. ___________ , lr••1111•11d"11' , o1ul11•d 1•11 REWARD 111 11 1·11•1•,111 1 '(111'.li \\'1• 11.1111 1111 · 11.lfll•' ,\ •ol.lll I ,1. I' hlfl'I' ftl.l:-1 o•f ph1tf11' 1111 !1( ..... tlv,111\ 11 "'lll\1 \\ .. Pl ~'\t•H' 11.t,h . \\•• r,111 I t·1 f '"' lul tt\11 1 ;.ti 1111 ,1 pt 11 ·"•' '''"" 1 lo 111 \\ h1·11 II" 1 r1111 111• •:!l'.1111111 I'"' llPtll 1.,.1 .. d 111111td .. 11111 1 11cll :"-,ii 'ollll 107.> .q11 II"' '" ol11111 .. ,, l't•f "Ill I.CSK I fH·ALT Y tJ J,.1111 /I I utk ,t Son Co 11111•1 h.t1•· I( L ti.• 1'•'''"11.tl11 1 \1)1111!' ,\ 11 dhw 111\\ull. .ii (llto\••11 l'I •'' I lfll fn 11'1 'lllJ.!h l.lfllJll h11t111·' 111 I) I II• \\Ill 111.ilo." 1 If 11111~' 11 11 1111111•" \ i.. 1.11 \11 1111' ""'" tnL! \I ,ti I ,l,11\1' ( '1111111111~ Just In Time For Summer S4 I ,500 "'"'' 111111' 11!11·1·1111.: •llf I h I , .I I• 1· d r o II 111 I toll nhni"'' 11 • Ii.qi!, 0\\'f'-.t/Pfl :.! (',ti" 1.oif".l~t· l11•,111t 1l 11t 1·11c.:l11..,1•d p.tl 1•1 \\llh ""'~lllJ.! ,11111 II"'" I .1f'1f.•11 l'l11lih1Hl-.1• 11""1. Summer ~s H ere Etll"' ,.,,,,, l·I• II/ /I ·""' ,,1Ul1.1 111 lht., I "II\ t'llll 111 h lt•1 .111·'1 :.: 11 .11 old 1 l;1·cl111111n ·: 11:1111 l'1111d11 l 'l••!'o• '" 1::ink11 l:1mt• 1"1 l'l'\\':t,\ :11111 ,iJ,,)1(111!).. 'I' 11 I .1 I I I 11 11 "r ;a 11 ,. d \\ \otl•H' l'ltHf'rl lll otll•d l\',ill(l.ql1·1', 1l1 ,q11 .... '" t ;1rp\'11111•. Fn•1• 't.111tl111c lll'l'l'l,11•1• \\111111 p.tll11 Ill l'I lll11k111 t.: •II l'I 'l/t"I 11• "' \ .11 d (II I •·l'o•.t .1 l ·' 1 .. 11 SI l'.1""1 \'1111 I\ tll \I ,1111 lo lfHI\ I' 111 1 Ill llt••d l.1 (1•f I \lh1·11 \•Ill ..... "' •.tit llfl\\ I I Mesa Verde J.11;11l'f ·' "' 1•.1111 , '.1111 I" 11111\1' Ill ,ttlfl 111.1\ :-.h.11 p .1111•.1!•111111 :! ..... 1 ""Ill\'. •·:·"' 111.1111(.tllll'O • . ACOl DWHI HllllU COllf'U Y 1----------------PERFECT RETIREMENT $52,500 \\.Ill. l•l 'ohlltll'llll! I 1'11111 I hi... 'l'·•l'lt•ll~ .t lw.t1 o10111. :!l1.1th.1•.1l111 11\cl h l.11111 d1 \ J.11' , ~ l '.lJ 1·01•1.t ~·a r :1 i.:. ,. t ·" n do .. "1 I Hlltl do •ol II\ l11\1'l\ ,.:.:n·•h·u;-. .t11d L1''' ,.,.; t ·, 11\1(111' I 1 \\ II ft I 1" I 1 'ol llOll h.dl .11111 jHtt)I I ••I Ill (otllJl,11\Hl\1',Jll * Jalboa Island* 1- 11 ·- 1 "• 111·"-'"-l'l 1-· - 1 • 1 ····-· -- Exclusive U l'h'"'\I ~I'\ I·, I '1111\ I·"'"'' I I 'II I hddt t•ll '' jh 1111 I pl.II :.: 1111111 .t . .\l.11111 111 c•d .:10111111:. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 1111:!1 :-;1.•cwl l '111 k II II ~.1rd 1\llh 111w II .1dcl,1 ~---­ ,ont11•lt• \\11 •1111 ht H••U ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN SAT /SUN 12·5 3 24 SAPPHIRE · "'I"' ' I 111111\ """'' .l 1 .. 11 Ill ,\ "''" l.11 ....... 11111 ,\ \\'I\ 1·ft• ... t (11 h,1 \ Same Loc ation 22 Yt'or\ 11,\1\Hl\I \\I 1.\11\it\ 1...,1 \'I.I • • 6 73-6900 • I I\ 1 ,Ill\ I• I\ .1111( l.1111 I flt. tit I.,,.,,,., . ,,,,.,.. I f'ft I Ill ,\ I\ 1111 l'""I \(u I "ti ""'I ''"' I 1111•" 111 .. t-· I S44,900 I 1•1 I1111 l.lflllJI lltoltt" "II h11"1' 1 .. 1 11 d1. ""' I.ii II · I II 11 I lod . " Io.• 1·,111 lu• p\111 h,1~1•d Ith! li t P\ I .t 111~• 11 •I\ 1111 .. 1 ,. I "' I 111.111 1,11, ,,, , 1 11,•d ,\ I ,1111 :-.~·, ••tU \l.11 1 ,. \I 1·11!.11-. ""1' \I 111p•1'.I F \ 111.d °"•'Hl~I <'h11· \.. 111 I'\\ It l'I"'""'" ••1111 1 '·''" l'f II• 11 II hi ,11 '"' lll~I I ',ell l•lf' '"""Ill lltt\\ ' Yorba Linda X'H·I 11.111 .. 11111.1 I 'I .11.1 \\ :-.. uh II I It .1 II l 1 I I II ( 1:. .. 1 ( '011of·· '" •• ,,, '"' ·"'" 1111·'1(1111' '"' "' ll11l1111l .1·\11t• .... ,(11•1 11.-.11 ··h•1°1I i'o·,s:.! 1-:11"..&!l•h•I. I, I, )1,,,111111" II 11111\ ,I 1111lo j ~l~1·d\ •uHIH 'ti 1M111 , ,, I ri•P\\ •1, , , \l.11·1 .l.111 .. 1 '1 ""'11111• I\. 111 ... ,111 • 11.otlt I ,. 111 1805SMoqnolia St. 11 n 1111 \\tllt ll1111 p 1""' Fountain Volley l plr llll•·11·d ,,, -.: .... ,110 9 6 J ·8 l I I f) II , I I . I . ' " \ I " II I 1 I.111·.ll•f'f'•"I'1 '.11111 .. \\ '. l••o•ooM !B i ~~go [AC5ME$J1 B th S Sl7,750 • • • 1·;1n;11 \I.I> II\\' y e ea VA MO DOWN 11111 ."I\\ l·.l1"h .11 I 'o11111 1555 W O•her. C, M Neal lo Mnrkel Oaslcet 549·8655 '1..:1MI I 111.tl ••• ,11 ,, ........ ,, I j., ' 1 .. I""'' ... 111 I "Harbor Lites " I h1• """ • ""' plll l'I "'' l'\•'I \ 111111" 11111 1hll1l.. """" 111.1~1·. lh•·lll .d11111 I h"ttl.tfl • ~ )II!' t h 11\ .! \ .,, I I 111 I \ I., I ,. ' .._. l' d • ' ll ,1u1f' 1f.f1• tl1I •tllP 111 hi• 1111.1 '"""' I .1l 11111,1l11.1l lt1ll ~· .. i11tt1.tn · . .,. lh• ----------"'! -..11111 .di • I 1•1 I (p•\ ,.;, ... Ufllt'lf\111• ·•i.1 ... 1... . I''' t lt.11111 111 .. :111 Ill'\\ 1 .. 1h1·ll\1'o1ll '"looll"'"I lot 10111 1h1' 1110,111111111 .. I l•llh · illd \\lfll 1'""1 l.h•:,:.111" I llH 1·001111 . .t h\'tl1 11o1111 ho1fll•' \ \li·ll''•'"' d111111 \l,...,•1\1' I II 1\llh '"l"'I 1\1,.\1· 111 ,.,,11111111111 'I .I• l.lt11 ..: 1'11 ""'·" •• ,\ '''" I .II (I•'" "'"' 11,11111 ••• \Ill "Ill I Ft ti H \I 11,11111 ,.t .. 1 ... 11 111.,1111 ,, ti '••.11 ,11 111111 111 1• .11111 \I'' I I I< l 'l I· 1 I .i,. Ill~· 11 ... 11 ·' 11 .1111·1 ...,11 .... 1 ... '''''·"·"-'' 11'.lf -.1 !ltd j., ( 1111 , ... , 'lool,1"1' 1'111 """" 1111 \.11.f 111111\ 11 \\•111 I l:"I ···"''1lu t -·I\ l't:u .t\thl'l•IH ••'H1,,h ... , ltt •'1tfhl.t"ffl \\ll llf j l•l•l I "'llllil1••ll ,••.I 1IHI ,. "·''' 1 Ill'\\ 111.I I\)\ ' OpenThurs·~n. l·S [~ •.. I h..:h1 .. ""1' 1 "•'' DON'T MISS IT!! ' • • • ..., \ \ .I 1 \ ' 219 12 0cean View, 1 \1'1~·11: ''IJ '''" Huntinqton Be ach ll.1111 h ·I' J,. """"' 11 11 h 642-5270 $o§ll~W1Qlj~ ~ Rl'a,lo\.\ ~- F111t•'<I Iii,. I '.Ill\"" I '''I dt•11I Iott '"' '·"·· i.o 111 •ll•·•·f 1111111.n.1 ,\ ::1111 111 f ,,, C1J11ifitd Ad ACllO~ c.11 Ol\O'r .!XIHI •'1 fl •II 111 Ill :tl •.t 11,·.1111 1 1•!1 111 1:. . 1111 ·pl1 /.11111•.I 1111 hoac•,,' ( • \o'f'l' I :O-f (I( .. 1IHI 1'1'1 1.i.">I 1'11 l'llXh 1407 Outri9qe r Dr. ll.11 h111 \ "'" 11111-. ('rt\I \'w\\ 1"1•1· 1.rnd ·,1111 t.1111 If)\ • .. ,,\\ ltlL.! l llJ • l.1111.111 :-.h ... 1 "I:. Loi:• l ''I 1".111\1(1)" l·:lt" ""' 7 ti I LIDO ISLE POOL- 66' LOT llol1 Ill ,111cl \ I h.11h (~1 .It I• II h1tUH0 l.111 \ 1.1 I 111 • " \ 11 111~·11111111"•:-.1111 I 11'\I Lewis T. Osborn :0,111td1Jlll'I \\'11111•1I1111\ ,'<. F1111t 675-5499 Your Serve j IH Hftl t t ' f tt IPlf I f 1 , ., • •I • • I \ f 11 \\ It. I • llu·H ti" t I\• 1 ' 111• "II" '""' lh.11 111.1~ •. 11 h.tl'f'I I•• fot1f 1111 ,,(d 1 lrrlfto I tftO' 1,11 I llt.11 ,.,. I ill• .111 l•\•11111\• 1111• """ '"'" 1(.-I"'!·•'' .tll I h1· ,. •• ,,,,,,1,1b1l11 \ .111n ·"' ,,,,. hl.11111" .111•1 1,,i., .. ,11l lh1· t 11·dt1 dtnang :ill \\ hanh\00tl floors L oe· at l'd 1111 t fw gull 1·111rr:-.t· 11 lw~ a com111a1ul111g \'ll·:w of f.11r\\ :I\· .~ l•'ash111n bl ;1nd Hr11l'11url' ... ~.iii. S~:lO,IHIO I.~ 11111• Hotfwll ti I l·ti:!f)O <NJ.I I A GOOD THING TO EXPERIENCE! Custom :-I ;111wd J.!fa:-.s \\'llldows . 1.·atlwdr:il lw;1m l'l'tll11;.:s. :-t·l·l11clt·d jan11.1.i, '-t'l'lll<' 1n11unta111 \ H'W. ·I ht•dronm ~. :-.1·11;1r:11t • d1n111g room . ramtl\' l'f)fllll . l':tht1l•lll:-cfp('l1r .\~() .\[()If 1-:' s ! Ii 1 .. illli. .J ;c (' k (' ll .., t l'I' (~ll 82:!.i ''.'\ :l.i ) RARE HEW BEDFORD MODEL -SPYGLASS l{l'1;1\ ,\ 1·11 10~ tfw 'II'\\ around lo\ P I~ Ii.: :-.Wl nllll tllJ.! pool \\ .iar11a1. £1.i.ili: ~II,. cfl\' tlllj hoard Im mal'ul;11l· I ht·cl n111111 :1 hath lamiT" h oml' ,,. h ug1• h11n11 ~ room 111• · IJ.!. :;th ht·droom ~:!I o.ooo .h ·arnw lb nwtt (~11 li:!Oll ( .'\ :lli I "COUNTRY ENGLISH" lk ;wl 11 ul .-. hl0dr1111111 1111 l.1nd;1 hit· Lagoon l·'11r111.d cl 111111:.! ro111n, f;11111 l~· rc>1J111 1 11111111' pl:1yro11n1 P 1N ,'(· slip S1·1·111·11 .' \\ g 11artl1·d ).!:1.l1• S::!!t:1,0ll(I 1>111111.1 (;11d:-.f1:1ll 1; I l ·f;:.!OO c~:n ' VIEW -LOCATION-VALUE Sunsl'ls 111g ltl 111-:hl'." & mo1111t :11ns :I I y ll 11 I' d t )( t I'S 1 I' p f I' II n I t h I :-. till 111<11·11l<1 l1• l.us k 1111111 t lw d rnom h111111• l•'orrn a I d111111 .1.: •'<: I :i 11 11lv l'<IOlllS Ill\ 1·!~· (•l\t'l11~1·d 1·11111·1 ~ "' ;, \\ ron111 l11r p1>0I l'nc·1·d In :-.1·!1 al :'l:.!l.:100 L.11·1.' 0~1·1·1;1 i x:!:1.-, r 'l\:~H1 "OH THE GREEN" <'ho11:-.1• (h1• l1111..,h 111g l111wh1• .... 1hru1111I lf11.., c-u:-.t11111 B1i.: ( ';111v1111 :; I It'd room . 1;11111 1' r1111 111 11<11111· " C"t n ·1rl:i r ..,, ;11 n·:1:-.1• I lo 11H· 1:-. 11111 ·' l'I 1·nmpfl'll' .~ aw;11t:-\'<H . H pt•r..,1111;i l t!111d1' l111'1ucl1•d 11111~1d1• .ire• pool .lill'll/11 & dram :1l11• 1•111 n :·;11:..000 I.\ 11n1.· lt11tlwll 1; 11 t;:_!(J(l . <:'\:1'.11 . LIDO BA YFRONT llH)(J sq II of ).!1't1t'tr>us larnif~· h \'111g. I lwdro11111 s I liath:-.. d('ll 1 p H·r & float for lg. ho;il 1\l:-.11 i:.•11joy lhc 1-op<:C'lal ;1111l'llll H'S of 1.ulo Tennis c·ourts .. v:1<'11l tlub playgrnunrls & c·luhhoust'. 0\:1.Y ~:l"i,1100 :\laxinc \\'ill1,1rn:-. li·l2 Ht:1;, <'.'\40 1 642·8235 644·6200 901 Dover Drl11e Harbor View Center I 1 1•11!.1~" .d .. 11 .: .... ,, \Hiii "' ("Hr 1111" I di i.111 ll:!I 1111 ·.1111 .111111 11l.1h ... 111111 A DAIU ,.LOT AO·YISOJ 642-UU \'""''' hall. p.1d1l11· 1t·11 Ill• '" lll\1111111! 111\l)' '.111 lit• \11111 " Ill I 11111 II\\ II 1,,,,,,,;. 11 111itl \J,.11~ \\ I I h I I. I 11 L 111·•111111111 tl1•11 l,111111\ I •H•111 l'.11 l.111 ~ I• I ltH.tl '-nlt1f1U httl1h' 1111 I ,t< f o' I 'lfll I, d1111 d 1111 I 11111 11 h.il \ .,11 " 1111 111 ., 111 , i. •. ti,. \ 1 11 1 I r11 cne at Camf)us Valley Center 752-1414 •· 1:! ·••i;x 1~111, l '1h~ l l,,,,1t11"l .ti ·~~~·:~~I ~·~·1~·~··~-:J~;~;:,:~7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ • l ' ! ~. I Fo s• G•Mrol I 002 jGM•ral I 002 Houws For SGle j H•t•s For S. Ho.is rs For S. HcMH~' r ••••••• •• •••• ••. •• ••• •• ••• •• ••••••• ••• •• •• ••.•. 02 OArL V PH 0 r Sund:iv June6 1976 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------------,.Hou•e•ForW. -., IOOZ-., 1002 G-rol \ IOOJ'G_,.ol 1002 tis ' TARBELL ~;;~~~~::!~~~ ....................... ······················· Cit·~············~;--n~:;::; ••• ~~~ts,~~ 1926• I 97 6 !.<""(\ IU"lll'\' 11\lthl'IOll' )I\ 1 11 ~·' 111 .1ut11ul :S ·"Golden Anniversary11 1i""1"1'111 2 11•1~ll h .. rn,. 1" '''" 1.or1 B1·.i1 11 ri.1,~1l· REALTORS \'..XJ \'ta !\lenlot\l' I lkdrooms SI t!'l,00() I .ido Is le: Calfontla IMClt! Supeme 111 beauty & quol1tyl Frr1c: crol t smr:in~hip 1h111ou t. fJ<C,( , • ., ,,,,,,,/l 'I lr111 J·.cuped yr.rd 1 ..... l"'J ~Y core Ceramic r..u <.<Jurtl••r·,, r11:w rJi~hw11~her rnc t 1m< •• 1v1nq deon·ur;;s. Cuvur.,J v•~or•Ju with outd oo1 c.orpet~ 10 • ~tond up oqu1ml rmy pu.oty, • J b'-dtoom" boJf fr,1 d1n1ng rO<)"'' h11ry hri!I 1n "ernrrite if .. I Irr"''' I m 1") rr,c,m Two fricrhr"'; lo W<Jrm yc111r '''" '!li4,9QO A-.~ Ir. J.,qn H,.rmc1n ~) 1720 $36,500·3 Bdrms.! B"Ou'•' ..1 t')N11110m<' on •J riem1um ), • 011 t111' q1-:e11ueil11 8e".lul11ully cJecorrrted !Qwnnnm .. w1rh u 'nmk><robt •. I°"' pion nv1dP fnr riny kJmily1 D•n•r" ! 'll"<:l rn th .. l,1t.l~1..-w1x1d {'1bml:'I' t-rlr~"iw11..hf"r 1-- buth~ Priv1 Hf• r ,l)tl(J \/Pl II~ lo ,utrounded hy nc>-11on ... ,,.,,. y<;rds. Cr,mm pool ovo1lobte. $36,500, coll :oduy, ti won't los1 Jonq! S40-I 720 Stcrter's D~iCJht! hntr)',:ir rownhnn-•• lor lhe nl';!wly momed ',, 1•.:'·r<:d cnupl" A., r.onui11on1nq. 10·11 .. ly corpf't> ond drape" Sp trtO·tS th•unut Cnnver11ble -:lsn or fom:!y room. I • baths. Private rrostCf retreot with serarnl"! U•':'~<..1nq oreo Hurv.l1 11:(•1,.n with oll th/" mndHn bu•l[.:ins. Wcxx:J cob111e1 •. dining room oreo. Only $39,0CO. Coll 540-1720. FeefiftCJ Cramped? lrnrroculote Dr->l Cerr0 hom•· rn 1 lr;rth (0•)111 Me;ol Sroc1ous enough f0r your b1!) hmily! Lots of room to riro w1 T Nn .icxy design, eo<..y (ore yords. corwl'n1cw ro Sou1f1 Coost Plaza' 4 bedrooms, big bonus room for your pool table. A family room for p 11t1b or 1usl plo.n reloxi111J 2 bu1hs, n-or:l0r11 bu1Jr.,n., d101 mom will love! Carpel~. Jrope~. lavishly displayed. $68,500. Coll 540-1720. WHterrt Channer! Beoutilul College Pwk homo r.urrounded by outhenttc ~plit roil fonc1ng. R<>o1 rird •S <l'"()l for p::irtit>•, 0f nil k1nck Pool + sundf'r k co111")r1»:J p<Jlio vrvr;mdn. Si>p:iralP qame room or >tudy i, a c,epnrore burld"''J 11wny 3 bPdrooms. l 1• both·.. OvPrsized d1n1nr1 '1uorlers ~r111·d by a hol"'l"m ikn '• k11Che11 Value with (omforr1 $61 ,950 Coll 540.1120. luy W.•ttJ .. ,<;on,fi~.e! That you .. will b~ gettinq the most for yoUt rroney1 Lorge Bcir Harbor home clmo to ;hop-, .,.. • & ·.chnof~. Newly rlP-cc:voted 1nwfo, so dean it squeaks! 4 bl"droom\ t-c onvnrtiblo dPn nr •,nwrnfl rn(\m. form 11 dir11nn " rvl'd bv 11 qriur!'TY't ~11r hen Heorty 111,.,rloc"! rn th .. ltv1nq mom Scpnt0te family rnon1 lnr your 111m • t 1\1lr• A f,,. ~ •I '1 I.''"' I 'l\1 t\ • IOI G1en I f1>1i N.Jr 'i1 ')4() I 1 lll Mesa Woods Villa! AfmJ'.t hr· rw"' o•e<>' Bron1;r,f"I .in ,,,._ .1ory 1• 11ich horn-bu.It for lh" lit, 11 h1111·,,. I uyo·•' •l ·;·r~ot ,f,. I . .,Ji u, rt • l l ' 1dr, I 11l1y lny• r 11 ·ChL to \J "t">" Jowr• lov.11 1 r(")(om w1tli u ,11>111 u ,.,! l,,,.itl l1tepluu · 111 l1f'rm1 I l,nrl•• iu1ll••rn ()u4 r 11111'!1.1•1><111JI ""1h1 •.d111111,1 tP~ fTi ""'" 1 •• ,t ,pL f1"·in·1 quor*•'" Cu 1.;n 1 UJ ''~" f I II \( ~ ... ,,..-..-.d1t l.1•>JrH,-1 l • 11\r ) I I i ti ) ,t" fH • ! f 1t'lf I/ IP I'••\ ' \11n:•y \ r ., r 1,l1 ,,,1, tu1 .;~1nl •-t··I 1,. !1 .. /1,.1 l 11 '\·\\) I /. ~4.6l>CFGaFd~ner's-Delight!' ln"Tf> • v•)t•' t l '' 11i." 1. 1· l+\'ll t,,r ,.,,,,..,. 11rnn·1' K.·· lu' 1111 • l 1r, f,.,, I •I th" 1r1" 1 thumb 1n t'H' f.Jrt1, . f11,.i,n1H'I' l1n1tl J rPctn q11•<t f,,, J.11111 / <1• I ''' t"lh•·• flll1,l I"' lir•'pl.1 •' 1 I .. ,, I I 1 J'''' 11., :. 1 -l , >l Wl1•1, '·1'r'v1+'· J <i +t 11 I t t(• v ·1• I 1' 1rl<I I// I ti w, ,•1•11 'by•. I I t tolt 'fl f r 111 I• I• 1 ( 11111 '}<j4 I ~ I I Executiu~ Showplace! I • i' •• !1 1 . " ••11!01r• 11 I\ J I ,, ' ', I ' l ( ~ ; ' I* ~ ' I 111 ' 1 "' I I , 1r1 f I ' •I '· , .. ; 'I . t I I• I , ,, ~· \ ., I rr r 1111 ji I I 1 _, t 11 II' 111 I cf1n•1 1 ", •1 I 11• ,,f I ' ftoll , l \ " Ii ",,, I r r I 1 l1 :'h ,h 11 11 I,.,• n~ry t.•V';' 1f+h ' 11, ..... J•l l' l •• ,.,it 'vt 1' Jf ,, ! ~. I 1 I t 1111>'1<.I Ir/, I UMx~cted Guests? fl" th•1v • 11,,vr-111~t wl•1•f1 '/1 \ij lr'lf' f ff'-,1 ~\/ 'N rf11 1r•'l rl11""'f1 lril f' •) I ,~ qi th, l1.,11rl" """ ( nllr " I" I' !fl hnmr 111 lrwl" I,, 1 .. " •1• ,.,.,. I, II) It,, '1f)<~l yore-I~ with I u I,. l' t. ( ,•,, l )Hl11 tq, 1qq 1r1!~ qr11 f 1, n I •· r .... • • 'l';f'I""" ,1:"(f b•·•ht~,"r' l•1 t , ; 1, • .,. , , '"' I, •r yr ur \V>OI rv p111q f''""l 11"\hf,.. ~ 1 j, 1r • 1 ·t I 11 " rl lt'K P\ 11nrl""'' r 11 '"'' lv·P•1 l(u1r'f• W(tll, ,,Yrn1I ,f,ntt11 t 7 ~ l"i•h ~·I •{'I') I :ti 11'1\) I 7 70 540-1720 2955 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Member Gl RELO --Servin<] 7000 Cities Thruout The United States 'TARIEllREAlTORS, Am•rica's Lcrcpd Homt R•safe Comp°"y dl•<'UI ull1ll! 'l 1t11rot1J.:hh 1111•t.·rr1 lo.ti• tt .. 11 "11 h .tll I tJt• \\ d•' '•' \ 1·1 1·t,p\ ,. 1111'1\t'I'' I· .111t ·"I 11 t•'IOt :rlliJ l•H U//I \ll thh Ill '''\\JHH'I l1111 .1 \t't'\ I\" .1!>1111,Jhll' ~.1,IHH) ()\\ IJl'I 1' 1·id r1·m1·h .111'\llHI~ (',1111,.lf, : I: l I [~·- POOL HOUSE 1mt1· Sti ,!ISO S1,;11·klrn;i lll'\V p1 ,11l 11 Ith l11l:. ul d ,. (' k I II !.! .l II II I! l' t11•1!11111n1-.. '..! lt,1th-.. (' h ,t I' 111 I II ).! ~ II II ~ fr I n l' k1 11'11 .. 11. ·''"l 11 s t1·d \\'1111 'l l:i~t tlw w1'<0kcnd ! ~O,ER~S REALTY I 848-1688 THROWAWAY -'t.OUIL LAWNMOWER J·:n 11•y 11\1111.: 111 th1:. hl'.1ut1t ul :1 bl•<lroorn. 2 ".1.t h l '<1 ... t ;1 ;\I \! :-" '1'1111 nhoth1· l11g hly up l!r;ul,•d 111th n,•\1 l'arpl·ts. ,'(, d1 ~'l.l<'' Bnck put111 & IJrgl' dllh-gataJ.:<'-:! l'rn1h ,.,. duhh•n1 ... l' for 1 our· lt'-t'-l'r11·\·d only :..11.:1.;11 llu rr.1" 1·all ::.111;,~11 ~HERITAGE REALTORS PRIME WATERFRONT $86.500 HOMES OPEN 1·5 ThisAftHnoon UNIQUE IN DOY"\.• (\'RES 5 h<lrm. .earden r"· \\ \J & doc:k. excit- ing. Sec f\ ~ ···'-lY at ti504 Evening Star . ~ UNIQUE OM SPYGLASS HILL I o<lrm, s ing l e stor y. Tradewinds. only Sl4~.500. See Natalie Fogarty al i= 14 Monterey Cirdc. UNIQUE IM MESA VERDE 5 112. bdrms ,, huge gam e rm .. 3 frplces .. beaut. pool. SIOfi.000. Sec Barl>ai·a Orahood ut 1883 Rhodt>s Dr. UNIQUE l_M_T_H_E BLUFFS Delores. g r eenbelt, ~5.000. G ruhn at 2131 Vista Laredo. --:i bdrm. See June UNIQUE IM IRVINE TERRACE -· 4 bdrm. Fam. Rm .. low unnual lease. See J ack Hooper at 1331 Santanella . Bring S89.950. or vour best offer UNIQUE IN.BALBOA COVES -pier, slip and 2 bdrm. fam rm. fi x up only SI29,500. See at #47 Balboa Coves. U,_.l()U~ ti()~ REALTORS' THf N/CCST Pf OPLf SELLING THE Nt A TEST HOMFS CORONA DEL MAR 675· 6000 MESA.YERDE 546:5990 •BALBOA ISLAND 675-7600 .675-5511 • OPEN HOUSES OH THE WATER: IRivo Alto Canall 3603 Finl•y A••· H•at two bedroom hom~. fireplocr, patio °"the water; pier & float - sid•' ti~s up to 26 ft. boat. Plu' bach•lcw apartnMttt with firepac• & dKk, Of' wtlliu as l bedroom. OPEN SUN l to S. Sit 60.000 NEWPORT SHORES: 251 Colton Ave. l:kaeh li vtng <-tl it ·s hl'sl. Cltarmu1 ~ •I bedroom. 2 1,:! hath, largL' pri vate patio, duhhcn1st·. ll'nnis courts. pool plus short walk to oeean hc<1d1. $82,500. OPEN SUH I to S BA YFRONT: littlr bl~d Bayfrant -five bedroom or can ~ re-canv~rt.d to l•qal ~lex IR-21. Ouhid~ patios. PRIVATE PIER. Coll for appointmftlt. • COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Tri·level offict bui ldinCJ with penthouse.ocean view apartment on Newport Blvd. V •rsotlle, spacious. Call for details. RENTAL Brant! new ~ bedroom & <len. J a::.minl.' Creek horn(•. 2 r'ireplat<..'s, wet bar and all fatiliti<..'s indudcd -Clubhouse. tennis l'ourls. pool . jacu1.zi. gard 'ncr and water. S850 /rno. \'early lease COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2S I 5 E. Coast Hwy. Cor0rta del Mar 675-5511 1m:1 P on (':11·d1g:rn ·I Hr F;11n H m l'Ol1I 3:!!1 \'ta I ,tdo Smut 5 1 ~r l't~·r &. Slip :!1 lti ~l tr~1m ;11 •I Br l'a111 Htn l:i H lt(' v l'rl I ' I Br J-';1111 I< Ill 20!1 \'ia l'ordo\' a !) Hr Fam Hrn -lliOi l 'a mrkn ·I B1· Fam H m l'ool $1:.!!•.500 II V llomcs S:l:l!J . 000 J,ido f:...ll· SI :r; .5011 J>1._•nin~ul a ~45 ,00() Big Can~·on $t:m.soo Lido Isl(• $29R.OOO Cameo Shr~. MESA VERDE $89,500 Lul~ uf square foot a~..: insHlt~ & out Plavroom. c!C'n . family room plu~ 3 bi g' twdrooms Cc•nt Pr <1trium & \\OOCby pall<> help 111akl.' l111:. ;1 \'l!l'Y mellow hum1.· BAYSHORES-RB>lleEO $15 ,000 Thb .\ bedroom home 1s perfettion ~ t:\·erv m od t•rn C'Ol1 \'eniem·e for your pll·as.url'. 4 l1<:auliful b;.iths. hl'i ek patio & hugl'..' sundeck. Gn'al lluor pl:.in. Sl7!l.~oo NEW TO HARBOR VIEW! P1<·tur1· pt·r fec·t I IH·d room d e t o 1· a t n r · :-h o m c ~ C u s l o m wallcovcnngs & c arpcb throughout. LO\ ol~· pool \\ rais t·d wood tk('kin).! & lush lancls(.'CJpin/,!. Sl::?!J.;iOO Jcl p lly _s ituated a~ult tondo -OC\'l'r ut·cup1ed. Isl ll•\'cl 111111-<lirel'l ac· tt•ss to pool und patio. GeMrol I 002 General I 002 General I 002 GeMr9I 1-002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ... ..-•-u•••••••••• VIEW HOME -GALAXY DRIVE Custom desig ne d redwood & glass 4 b e droom w /panoramic view . Secluded master suite w /fireplace. sauna & jacuzzi. Separate ehildrcn's win g. U n ique f or i 1v 1ng & cntertainin~. ~tiH.~50. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Enjoy B:l ,\' v i e w -+ t l' ;1 r c r r c c I i l t• s l y 1 c Cll \\'.(jE YUlJH Lrn : c:. t11 .. if' 4 1133 ;\~if1:1 c /\ LI. Now ~ ~a-st ~ -0!!!11 64 - [~··-" • ·.• .' ·.' !] m1lh ANYTIME ""' ~ BLUFFS SPECIALISTS FOR 12 YEARS Mes-aWoo~s PRICE SLASHED $2400. UI:.! t \\l\· ... t111·v ·I hl'dn1om 1111 h :1 lo.1th'-, 111 11rim1• 1w 1ghhul'llu11ll . Thb wdl ;q1po111tctl home with pnvall· ;1tri um 0 11 m .1st1•r sur lt', 11anl'l1«I It \'IOJ!· room. wit.h co1.y I 1 l'l'llllll'<' and sparwus 1.,m1h rnu1n. mu::.l :.t:ll q 111 <' k I \ I" ll I l I' r i l' c l)ti~ .. »011 ll•ilh 1·onvcn 11011al ;111<1 V ,\ lcrin,., arc 11111•1 <"I C;i ll 11111\', «:=SELECT I PROPERTIES BREAD AND BUTTER DUPLEX ONLY .$39,900!! t in•al "tarll•r lor thc nnv un 1·,,1111 l\ot h '..! lw<lro11111 111llh :in• 1111 "111gll' It!\ l'I \\'ti h 1 nt'lll'I' l11 l'ati1111 l.IJ\\' l>O\\';'li p nig r.1111 ,1\ .11 l.d1l1• ll.1r,. h.1rga111 1111rn , .. ;11 ·.i~: :?:n:i BAY & PARK VIEW Gor geous Trina plan: 3 bdrms .. 211:! baths; beautifully d ecor ated. with many custom features. See this one before buying any other! 334 Vista Madera. $106,000. Open Sun.1·5 POPULAR E-PLAM On secluded cul de sac; 3 bdrms .. 211:! baths + lge . family r m . Gated entranee· lo p.r~~ate courtyard. 460 Ga viola. $92 ,500 (Call to see) CHARMING CARMELITA Live on one level :. 3 bdrms., 2 baths: ope n beam ceilings. ~Int view .of ~reenbelt : secluded pa tio; on qwel street. 2004· Vista Cajon. $82,500 Open Sun 1·5 ••LEASES** Call about our lease selection $495To$750 EASTBLUFF REALTY Eattbluff ShappinCJ Cettter Profen. Bldg., Sui~ 206 [ ~ Bl .~ .......... !~!!~ ~:~;r~~i~~!.~~ 2 STORY-POOL $63,900 ~COATS & WALLACE '::rJJ REAL ESTATE, INC. A LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY SERVING THE SOUTH C AST AREA SINCE 196 TOP SALESPEOPLE FOR MAY JOE SIRE Huntincpon Beadt r·, \ ... 'I.• WRAY ANDREW Newport l~ach BEA DRURY Costa Mesa 4 BEDROOM UNDER $60.000 0 n l' o f C o s l ;.i M l's a · s f 1 n l's t ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX 'in N. Laguna. 2 BH ·2 BA. 2 BR-I BA in excellent condition. View. Walk to b each . s hops, hus lines. New carpet:-:. drapes. low mmntcnancc landsl·a1w . ~117 .:100 EMERALD BAY lOCEAN·EDGE Prohablv the mosl beautiful white water ('.fi ff·e<IJ.(e ,·icw of I n ·ine COH' & the' g reen hills beyond 111 all of Emerald Ba~·-:1 h c<lrnoms. $289.500. PENINSULA BA YFRONT Exeittn# main C'hanncl 'll'\\ :J bedroom . f a m . rm .. & m ~1st er ~111 t t' w r::;itting room . wl'I bar & hays1dc bakonv _ Tasttful tombination of wood. ·l\lcxil'an tiles. hand.textured plaster walls ·& hrarn ('Ci lings Pier & slip. S315.0110 BLUFFS -IEST OF-EVERYTHIMG lmmaeulatr elegant "(j " plan. l'pg r a <l cd th r out!ho11t & 1wwly landsc:ipl'd for pn \'iH'~. l'ool;-1clt'. e:tiry & s pat•ious w ,:J bedroom s1~1tc:-> 1\b:-olutcly h csl hu~· in Bluffs. sm1,:-100 fol'. PRIME LAGUNA OCEANFROMT Condo with a privule Lal.(un a RC'ach. Tennis. 2 pools . s wim . rda x 4 bcdrr1orn:.. :i lwihs, h<'aut1ful prl\·atc J.!r ound s . (iu1t•k escrow. hurry~ SI sn .;,oo n eighbo rh cinds lhal 1s r losc to SHORECUFFS schools. s hoppin g , 1·huTC'hC's. fr<•eways. parks and n :cr e<ition. J•: X T ll J\ 0 R D I '.': ,\ H Y This hca uly Will :tppc.11 to you from OPPOH'l'U'.\:ITY. Tht'CI' bcdr<JOffi !'> & the moment you dri ve up -used :~baths. drn.rm . fam rm . ~tud10 . 111 br ick ('lllry. w ;,ilk through I he li \'ing rn 111 t 1· o n cl 1 t i 1111 . L ~ · Pr 1 ' :1 t c room with <'r<wkling firc plar0 anct 1._'nft•rt:i1nm«nt p;tlio surTound<'d h.v 1';1rk l1k1• it r11unth f llv lt 11l1l l"; -"· •• n hi II ( " l I -~·l-llJ-...cf-f>ott-+flofi:).-~ffij • -f:)A-wi.t,e....-V<M!-etnct--Gm .... +111-JUL.::Ul._L~UL:".:..:' 1,_· -1!' 1..t.l:..>L'-.J' '--'c!U!..!.!..:__..:..:.Jc..:.:.~.:.:.' '---='~"1----1 '""' 1111 I ht· 111 ;11 k1•t I .•'I' , h ;1 lw il1'"<1111 . I .i 1111 I~ r ""Ill \\1th I 1rq1l,i\'1' .11111 \\1'1 lr.11· 1111 .1 t:in.:1· lul I h"hh 11pi:r ;iil1"t 1\\1 r.11· 11\•'il 11tl1•n•tl .11 ~l I:.'. •'~I h I I -;·'";~• tj., .... ,,., REALTORS COSTA MESA EASTSIDE COTTAGE $49,800 ""'"'' tf1•l11\I• l'.t~hlilt' <'1\lt.11!1 11 ollt h111:1· :! 1•a1 ::,lf';•t:• Sp.11·100~ II' u1i,: ·'' '"' \I,;"" 1• l11«lr11nrn~ ('11111111\ kill h1•11 \-; ,11111.it•I•· to,111 '1'1111 11111d1 IP tl'll 111 "II•' .11! \ ';1 ll n11w 1111' 111"1 •' 11 1f',q• Ill.II 1011 1d 11 it';I rr ~•I I Bonus Storage plus Workshop + Office -· 1 '" U11· ~tu 11 c d C't'!dl,.m:tn who 111·1'!1.; tn hrni.z hi, \\nrk hom l' llugo· \\lll'k~h1111 \I'll h ;iJ. I\'\ ·' (' (' ~1'.... ... ,, 11 \I I' .... l('" lr•nm 1 h1«ln1um h(IW'<' "'' h In•'.!•' r11-11r 11-1·d 111"11 I. t1t·1•pla1 l' 1·111111lry 1'.lt Ill lo. l\o'h1•11, 11)1(1 l'OI' l't 1•d p ,1t 111 Vu II pn l't' "li,!~111 \'cl" 01'\ l'i\LI. tuda~, '.IG2 ~1>111 ~ KEY P.E:ALTOP.5H dramati c ~·xc1•utr\l' g arc en la o rg :..int e;1 y grown . I II · II 1 :'>J)l'lnkl<'n·d l 'tl<'Otnmon \':llttl' ;1t hurnc. L:inw ll\'111~ room Hurry on this hvauty ! Call 54fi·4 l I I sl!i!l.:)llll 1 t'l' VIEW .I U!<I lt~ll'd I 1J,·dr1111111 . :\lu11t1•1.:11 w L1hul"11 ' \I•'\\ llp«11 S .11 '!'1111 '11111 1'11rl l hl 1'111'"'". :-.; C\\ Jl1tl'I l\1•:id1 Call 6 75-7225 with t•r:1t•kl111J! f1rcplan '. ld1•al l11r 1•111crta111111 u, llu J!l' ga rdC'n vl «w k1\l'l1r•11 . U111 P Lush T r ,, I' 1 1· a l w :1 I I ,. <I <'11urt_,·;1rd. Swp1•111n i.: ~t .. ur~ tn rn:•~:ot1\ l' ru;istt•r -.iul,. ,111d ..;111•,..t q11.1rt 1•1.., S how-. ltk1• a 111odl'I (.ill !IH:t iXl\1 [~~i-Valley Realty 1Rv1METERRACE OCEAN VIEW 1800 SABRINA OPEN SUN. l·S OPEN SAT./SUH. 1-5 4511CAMDEH Sh1 m111 c rin i.: pool 111 C .11111•t• Shon'~. C1•r n11:i p;u klik•· "'111111! "1111 1 ·I i\t nr lmm•i , '"°" tv \ 11·\1 :Xlnl <'orul :tllll, In.: • • t • • l · • 1 111 ,, r 1111 1 m rl'1 11rl11~IH'fl, :1 hdr111 ,11,,. ,1 '-I I • <ll'll "1th fanl.t!'ltl' '11•\1 . SI 1.,,<lil< 11n1.ult' 11cud 11•:. • .11111 t'1111 . BETTY A. G~UBB Rltr h<·ior the :-11rf I rnm 1111~ I '\t•\1 port I •'lll1·r •Ill<'! S:~:l:".(~~I f,;:; 2i It II t I HHIH i'., -;:c<-,,_., "~A ~.c~"d :\ V r•'O'I~' :'~ AJ ,. :1 TN> Jl,GtnAllU' it!Ot n ) ~ .......... Ot( II -~ I}. fB,;oo ]O I\ 6918 AOIJAllUI _,, "v~ ..,~· u ~ ··:rn 6l\S~ ANOTHER 4 _BR UNDER $60,000 New on tlw m;irk11t.! Great. Coll<1J.!(' Park lcwatto11 111 Cost a M1's;i \V;Jfk to llll s d1ools. Httrr~ 1111 lht:-"11<"' $.';7 .!l!>O. Call !i·lfi ·1111 MAGNIFICENT Sp:1<·ro11s ·I l1<•cl room. 4 h<1th horn <.· .. d c«or aled 111 rnulC'd t•arth ton('s. Country ktl (0h1·11 ;ind largt· famil~· room with 1'1r1·pla1·<· OPEN llOl 'S I.; to<l av. !l:.!111 Clnttdltilvl·n. lluntington Bea1:h. !>Ii::! 4.1:;.1 CENTURY SHORES C ott. :t g c . o n I y •I y L' it r ~ o I rl Ll nlH·li ev;1hll' \':tlt1e at SrtH .!100 , Lrw:tlf1d IH'ilt' Edi..,nn 1111-!h 1111<1 head1 . Call '.\/OW !Iii~ ·115 \ BAY VIEW Ct1slotll 1>111 II l'Ni111s 11l;1 hot11<· :J Bedroom . ·I halh. :1 f'trcpl;i tl·s . Ups tairs hafC'nn~ with unobstructed view_ Sandv IH·11d1 :t<.:ross slr<'d. Don 't m tss this estat e ~al e · opport11nil ~·. l'i40 li l(jl BIG CANYON neuuttl'ul 4 heel room. '11::: bath Big Canyon (.'(1ndo. Popular Versailles morll'I lt>e ;:led on ~ol f rours c', Scelucle(I j;1<·uui spa. <l('corator ':- feal urcs thrtto11l + many. many oth<•r L·xtras . 220.000. £>1U·filfi l OfficH located in Costa M•'a Hmttinq+Oft leach -M•wpori •ach UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW Whtl1• walr·r \ i1 ·w. :'\nrt.h f.;_tt!una 1Jr:1ii<f 11\'\\ ('tt;;folll Ottift , ·1 IH'dt'OIHllS, :1 liafhs 1111 quit•I <·ul di· S <H'-P ;1t10 an·a ,'(, (•Xt r:t l ;trJ.!(' suncl<'<'k. :1 ltlltl. from l1l':tt'l1<·s 1\; l!o;tl (';1tl\11rt Sh11pp111 g '.'1!1.·,,000 DCITEMEHT IN CAMEO SHORES B<«tttl ii ttl tilc.·nd of wood :ind g l:1-,s tn tht!-. dr:1mat 11· 11 hl'droorn horn\' Soon t o 111• lr·:tlttn·d 11t ;1 11 ;1f1()11 :il mai.:;i11n1• S\·\'l'l'JlitlJ.! \'tt'\~. pool. win < • ('<'II :r r . I : 111 ; 11 w I« o 111 p I 1 • t e "1 ldt<' II ( '; rl I f 0 r I wodHJ n' S!! IH' Ol l(J 90' BAY FROMTAGE-95' SLIP T :1s l«l11lly (·l«g;111f <'11stom-l1111lt 5 liedroom h <)lll('. \'iew or ll:irhor lsla11d l'lt;,11111·1 from LIL l>H . kitd11·n . rn ;1s lt•r hc droorn & 2 ;idd1t 1nn:d h<'droom~ T rc•1· ltned garrl1·1111·1Tt11'<' on h;1 y S:l75,()tJll CUSTOM VIEW HOME :\canttg C'nmplet ion on Nl'\\porl's B;1«k Ba v. i\ n t'Xet·ut 1' ,. n •s rdrn('c wtlh :1 hc(l roorns & hath:-plus l'umily & clinin~ rooms pnecd m fcl' ut S2;jX. 000' SHORECLIFFS ESTATE t.ar~c 2·lot s ite with g reat privacy. :3-1 h cdroom s, 4 baths., 40 ' pool. hc aatiful grounds . S198.500. A COLDWRL IAHICltt CO. 1>44-1766 . . HouMt for Sele J H•ns Fors• 1 ..... , for s• lHoutH For S• H041HS Fors• ">U" lY JU"• " 14 l• )All ( PILOf 0 :1 G;;~~ .......... ioo2i;;.;;.~ .......... iooi ;i:;; .......... ~ooi ~::;.~;···· ...... ;~;; G;:;.;.; .......... ioo0i Hot.Hs Fo r sa1~ Ho~'es For s• HouHs For s• IH041Hs For s. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••t•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••r••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........._~~~~ GflWraf I OOZG•M r al 1002 Getwraf 1002 GeMro4 1002 HOME + IHCOME DIAMA TIC LIDO ISLE 40 MILES OF LIGHTS ..••..•........•...••.••.•...•••.....•...•.... ................••.•..•..•.•.•..•.....•••..... ~ I A Y Ir OCEAN YllW Rcaut1fully rt·moddctl and decorated. large :J bedroom. fom ily room home with m<Jg n1f1(.'t.>nl spcdal dcsii:n gives tf'cmencluus seclu:-.wn. 111 it ·s almost 10.000 sq . fl H -i l'Ornt•r lot. /\ few of tht· l'calurt's art· hardwood floors. plush •·<.rr><.:ting. llr;.qil·:-.. i fire places. an e ntire n ew k 1tl'llt.:n from g rooved h a rdwood floors lo the builtin Plcclronic oven. The mas ter bcdrm h as a private entry from (must be 40') View Deck . The :l c ar garage <with clec door opener ) is stressed for an upstairs unit. Von 't forget the us ually unseen rcn t~d unit that helps puy the tab. sioo.ooo licst ins ide loc a t1on, ~t rcl't to :-.lrl'<'t t•orm•r :J Bd rm~. q.x1:-.:-1hl~ 11 l ,111111~ rm . lo r m til dining South & l·:.1:-1 patios Great 'ah1c· S!IS.<K>O. Ol'f<'\ S,\ 1' is . N 1-5 ::!OiJ \'I \(j I·:~ 0 . \ 111d l:llK• ''I II hi \lllll I ,.i, 1;,llh l l 'u ... 111111 111\111 \ 111111 .. I ,,111111111 I I• I\ 1,11 1 It• ltl\11 l.t ~lll ,\ I 11'1 \ th·l.td 1111 lihlo 1\ lo THE BLUFFS -OPEN SUN. 1·5 2156 VISTA ENTRADA 4 IR .. l IATHS: 2100 SQ. FT LIDO PENINSULA CO.OP li1'ciJthlak1ng \ 1cw ot hurlior. I lug1.· private lc r rucc . la\'lsh UM' of ny:-.lal 1,.'<,: mirrors: houl :-.lip 11v;.i1I. 'l'r'uc ll1xury for $!)3 ,000 CHARM GALORE ... m t his Co:.t::i Ml·:-a doll housf'' :i Uig b ctr m s . . s h u k c 1· o o f : I o a d s o t t·upbo<.1rd::. ... l'Vl'll a \\'tshrng \\'L'll' Un pools izc g r o unds. in pri tnl' art•.t. S5:l.OOO. OP EN SU~. 1·5. :JU5li IW\'l' I·: I 111.t~• Jlti• li1111i• !tit• Ill" I t ''llll'lt'· 'I I ..... ,, ,,, t ! I ltlt ,.,, ' 11\ I\. """'" "' 11 ... ,11. •• 1111111 It\ "' ' IJI !!~&!.! lli 11\l>llll\ ,I ·" ii \,11-••' I 1111 .111' .1111 :1~1 111 illf• I 11•\I ltil )I\ tl'Hll.' :! •l.,11•, 111 Jllllw I ulod \\ '"""'' ' .. ,, ~·· ''"'~ .. ''-' lht• 111•111111.1111 111-·· , ..... 1 ,\ \\.tl1·1·t.11l 1111· .11 1•t .. , ·' 111 .111.:" 1:1111111 1 • I u ll SINGLE LEVEL IOHIT.4 MODEL l 'pgrad(·~ 11H:l1Hk l'l'nlr~tl air. spen:il 1n:-.ulat 10 11 . l'USI tim shut t1•rs . :1 Sl'P:.trat l' p:1t 1m. & nwn · Prinw p <trk !~ration . 1wled till· l'lll r y lt•ad:-. In :1 h<lrm s ... l '1 h:i honw. t· lt•nth.'d brkts1. <H 'l':.L l•'.\vlu:-1\T. LI,\ ~pp 't \\l' hJ\'l' 1>pt•11 11 1~-. llw :! t'\[ll'l'lt•n1·l·d :-.tl1·s1w,1pl1• t11 :-han· Ill lht· hl·s l real l·-.t;1tv 111;11·kl•I 111 ~t·\qi<ut Be~1l·h \ truly ,.~l·cpt11m:il 1 c1w11ho n h.'. I h'· 1·~1·1t rn g · Guad\dl!Pl' .. flu11r µl ;1n , l\•at11ring : l nlly hl·:1ml·<I 1T 1llngs . rna:-.:-.1vl' 11<1l1'c :-101\l' frpl\'. W••l b ot glus~ & m1rros, (·1>Vt<rt'(I, w n1p~around "v 1t•w" d l'l'k plus m l'l':,t1.ed "wind :-lwltl'l'\'d · · p u ! 111 . 111•:1rlly l><)ol, choict· 1•1HI 11111t lol·alwn w1lll load:-. ol purking. 111 ti\\' high ly pnt.l'<l .l•:.11'1~ al'c:.t LAN~. p.r .... •'"' t;J ~J Ut1 u•l1t 111 li •llll~ ttlltot '{111•11111 I .di JACOB'S REALTY 675-6670 2919 N~wport Blvd. comer 30th DAVIDSON IEALTT )801 W Co-.1.• H.,.~ NB 645·7575 31 to N..-wpu.t Blvd N B 673· 9060 Red Hill I I I Realty S44-4900 18002 ln•ine Bl ... 1 Tust in C .F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 EASTBLUFF CENTER HOUSES FOR SALE I IR Ir FAM RM or DEN 2204 Cli ff Un ve. -Newport Beach !.1()2· 7788 S85.000 Sun l ·5· 2 IEDROOM G Coral Tree Ln. Viii 111 Unv Pk 8:3:H~li00 Sli!·l .500 Sat /Sun 1·5 2 IR & FAM RM or DEN :l3!J Walnut. C.:ost<c Mesa DIRECTORY INp tMt ti.dy dlrKtcwy w;tti ,,_ ltlio w .... ,_, •• r• 90 1100.1,_,....,;.,.. ••HM loutioou lilt"' bf'low -.. ~ ............. by .... ~.-. ........... "' toder'• DAILY ,.Lot WAMT ADS., ..... . 64fi.:J255 Sunday 1 ·4 ••1 14 to:. Ot·l•anl'ronl, Ba l t'cnn ....... OfN'I .._ .. , for .de or ,..... .,.. .....,...S to liol wc:h ;,,t...._ti..., ;., lt!it ,....._ eoch friday, ~--s..wt.,. li7:Vi410 Sl52,500 Sal1Sun 1·5 787 :°'JV<.'S Pl . l.<11.!una Beach ().M:HWO Sl77.000 Sal.&Sun. J.;) 2J.J,J.J>ort .'\ bt·1·cll•t·n. Nwpl Bt h ti4·1 n1 I Sun. I·:'! =47 Balboa Cnvcs. lkil Coves. !'!B fi75·fi00o ."129,500 Sal /S un 1·5 20'J8 Temple II ills Dr . Lag Br h 4!J·I 7578 S!)!l.500 Sun. I ·4 3 IEDROOM 6131 N utwood. DIL\JA, llunt. Beach 968·445!1 S56.500 Sun 1·5 246 Walnut St .. Newport Reach (~15·3.t:iii S75.000 Sat/Sun 10·4 !Ki:H T <.1r po n , So. Shores, H.B. H63·H·l72 S·IS.000 Open 12·5 •·172 K ll)th St .. Costa :\lcsa !i·12·2312 Sti~l.!100 Sal/Sun 1·5 • l!J05 Uiana Lant'. NL·wport Rc<H:h li<l5·!''>4!18 $7!1.500 Sat/Sun. Hi .5G81i Plum Trl'l'. L'n"· Pk. Irv 552·37-l!J Srn>.:.ioo Sat /Sun 10··1 !l:J:JSanta A na S t . l.;.iguna 13ca<:h •l!l!l<Wl!l $8!1.500 Sat/Sun I ~ 1"5 While Sails Way tll\flll!il.CdM ().1·1·0:383 $11 5.000 Sal 1·5/Sun 1-H 12·1 Vi<.1 Untliuc. N<'wport Beac h 64·H 1 lO S I :.m.500 Srn. only J .. I : 3U :l05li Hovc·c I.an<:'. Cost< Mesa ll-15·7~75 ss:1.ooo Sun . l ·S 3-ll llazl'I. corona dl'I ~Jar Ii 14·7211 Sat/Sun 1·5 f~ltl W;1ll St. Wt·stmmslcr 8U8·57~t S-12.500 Open Da ily •5 l<! :~th St. N l'W)>Orl Is land . >t1:1-:31 2;, Sl27.:i00 Sat /Sun 1·5 t:!I:; Somersl'l. Westdiff. N il ti-12·5200 Sl.l!J.500 Sal/Sun l ·S 1407 Bonnie l>o,11w. In Ter CdM li-12·823:i ~!l.000 Sal1Sun 2·n ~131 Vista L an•do. Bluffs. NR tl7!'Hmoo ::i!l:l.ooo Sat 1S un 1-5 • • :llio:1 Fin It-~· i\ \'1'. Newport Be ach l i7!i!'i.'i ll Sal1Sunl·5 1:l:l0Tt•mpk l1 1lls Dr . L;.ig Bt'h ·\!l·l · 11181 $1 l !l.51KI Sund<1y 1·4 •:H:m Linll'l'\l'k I.a .. Costa Mesa !li!I !lfi07 S!)!l.!l!)O Sunday J .;i :I lhtl' 1"0111 a111hlL·a11 . Big Cyn N B 1~1~.x2:1:1 :'i l!'12 . .'i00 Sun. l ·:i ;,ox l<t·1 ll:111d-... '\\\pl I 11" .. '\ H :11~ 1i1 :d ss:1 .. »110 S1111 1 .1 •:!lil4 S t•abrl'l''l.l'. S . l'11a:-l Sltr~ .'i5<i 2(1(1<1 Si:!. 000 Su 11 I :1 .moo Co url l;.i11d Dr. l'am 1 llncl s l'd:\I ti75·li!H>O S l :.!2 .~100 Sunda,\ 1<! I 17!Hil San F1 clt•I . F uu11l;11n \'al 5..\IJ.1720 :)(i•l.!1110 Sund:i~ I ,-, • 12R3 Sk\·linl' Dr. l.a).(u11a lk-~1d1 4!H ·75l03 ··l!J.t-10111 Sun I .~ 1106 Sandpiper. Corona <kl :\br 64-l ·4848 s 12:3. 51KI Sun 1 5 3710 Seadiff. South Coast Sh rs 645·0303 S6·t .noo Sunday 1 ·ti 1146 Corona . Costa :\k~a 645·0303 $72.500 Sund~•.\' 1 ·5 1754 Iowa, Mesa \'C'r<lc, C.:\L 549-8655 $(} 1.000 Sunday I ·5 - 1~124 Irvine I Ba~ t n·sl } NB 1>42·8235 !';tlll 1.;, 4 BEDROOM tii-1 Cong n·s~. Cos la :\lcs;1 G-t5 ·H511H ~!1 .%11 Sat •S1111 ;di d a~~ ::!<~Pearl 1 Baloua lslancl ) N. B 644·4910 $14!1,!'ilHI S;1l Sun I ~ :w l l9 Via Mcntonl' (Lulu ls ll'J NB 64U7t.iG SH.i.WO Sal/Sun 1 2-~1 227 Via Orvil•lo. NL•\\'p<>r~ lkat h fi7 5-449,1 SI l!l.500 Sun I ·5 1863 P ort Hc nw1ck Pl . N.H. &14-l!J23 S l 25.00ll Sun /.\lun I :i •9362 Candll'wood. l lunt. Beath 549·8655 ~3.5()1) Sunday I !"1 ••701 Bayside. Nt•wJ)Mt Beach 675·6900 Sunllay H 4 IR & FAM RM or DEN •20:.!61 Seven Seas Ln . 11. B 962·2525 S7:j.50() Sat1Sun ~-1 71 Barshorc Dr (Uayshorcs) N H fl-M ·tif)6 Sl7!l.!i00 S\'i'Tl 2·~1 •4fi07 <.'a mdl·n Ur. Cam Shrs CclM ti-1 4· 17ti(i $2!)8.otlo Sat/Sun 2 ;1 • •t~t5 Havs Hk Dr Nt•wporl fll'ad1 ti75· 122;; S2ti!1.:»oo Sat 1Sun I ·5 2111(1 Port Durnt•ss, .~l'wporl Heh fl7 5·7225 Sl 17.750 Sat/Sun 1 :» ~J52 Vale G l'l'l'lltl'l't" ll'vinl' li75·7225 Sun I 0·:1 l ft«l Port \Vl'stl>rnrrne <lfVllm sl NB :H!l-0812 $1115.()()(l Sal 1::)un t 5 107-l Tulcin'. 'll'sa Woods. C:\I !l·lli··I HI SH2.11110 Sunday 1.:-, 28!1 Bowlin g Cirt'l'n. Colgl• Pk. ('\I • :l:!:"1·:!:!111I St . < '11:-t;1 \ll--..:1 j -15 8-1~~ .)·IX 1fi:!1i '.">l111d;1,\ I :, :!0221 E\l'l';.!l:1d l'~ l .11. l'k llnl g Il l! -SX!J .!JllO S:1t S1111 I .1 :llil K) Sl·ahn·l'/l' l.11 11\ ll1lb l'd:\I li-IO-Xfil!I Opt•n S:tt Sun 1 :1 w~ Danbun 1 .\1011111·1•1!111 t •:\I .5·15· l'.!02 Sa t Sun 111 5 •4872 Kron St.. I n ·uw 5-10 11 51 S73.!Kl0 Sat Sun I !i 3612 Catamaran 11-f\'J IHls) ( 'd ~t 675·3000 $1:15.000 Sat f'iun 1 ·~1 •1973 Pl. Cardig an. llV lluml's '.'JB &H ·liflfi $129.000 Su11 . 1·5 8562 Windl;1ss. L;1Ctw-.1a . Jl H. ~Ki8· I ~:Jli ~X7 AtlO Sal Sun 12··1 22:m Ara Ii a < 1·::1slhluff1 N. B. li-t0·55fi0 S!I I. 000 Sun 1 S 1:i:o Sant arwll:t. lrv 'l't•1T . :\'H li/;).7()00 ~X!l.!/!j(I S;1t ,S1 111 I .I :!·107 l'ort Wh111>,· f ll\'l llln1'"") \ H lir12-H2:i5 . S;1\ l'<l Su11 I:.!. :1 •Hill8C:al:i~\ U r, l>mt•rShrs N H ti l·l·-l!HU $21:;.0<11 ) Sal S11 n I ~1 :111 ·~:mt \V111dw:1rd, :\'t-wporl Htath 556-21i61J S J.1 7 .. ~11.H) Sat Sun I .i ~:,1 ('ol111n ,\\ l' .'.\t•\\Jllll'l Slt111T ... li75-551 l S8~.5lHI Sun 1 :1 1.1110 Dolphin Tl'l'I'. Ir\' '1\·r r . l 'ct:\I ti7:.!·l:l\l0 $11\:l.\X)O Still I !1 l·t5fl2 Sw{'l'l<.rn. 'alt(. llrn:-.. In 5.'il-l>630 $74,000 Sunda.' I 5 106:J Santa Rosa . l\k s;1Wuo<b. C:\l 556-2fi60 Sun 1 :; •2301 Windward . NcwPorl lk:l<'h 5Sli·2fiflU $1'17.500 Sun I :; 21i00 Li~hl house I .n. Cd.\I 1>4.t-f·i:3!l7 SI 1!).!J~O Sun::! ~1 •1>«123Santa Is ador a. 1-'1111111 \'I.\ !ifi:3·HS2:l $!17 . !EiO S1111 1 ·1 •152:->I N11t11n g lt am l.n.11 B ~1:n1:n 1 $1;s.ooo s1111 1 .• ~21!1 ( 'hanni·I lld . llallto;1 l't•n 1n 1;;;,.00.1!1 :-; I ti.1.0l~l S1111 I •!I 1'0111l Sur. Sp~·gla:-:-. :\J H li·l I ·lXI H SIX!l.!100 S11nd;1.'' I ;, :1 .Jarll' Cove. Sp~·gJ:1ss, Nwpl lk h 1>40·2•1:30 SIH!l .!lOO Sunday I :; 2:3 18 Pnrt L en., il·k (I IV I l11mcs l :\ B ().\2·82:.!5 Sun I ;1 11'\lii Hr;1t·rn~1r \\' ·". '\ h 1;11;.1:1so "1111 1:.:: l BR & FAM RM or DEH 5-Hi·o.I \.I I $57 ,!)511 St111d:1~· 1 ·~ s BEDROOM !---;;.~(T( ::7:'::7n:'l'-7"~';7;";;:m;-r.rnr,-.,'frf~~----itt'"t-f~~l1'J7M-t·~ttft+-l\J-tH', le'~ ---- fl 0~·:1.. • s I .-'II' ~-1J 11 ·1 s I 1 -••<.!l.1nd;1blt•.:\'t•\\()l)f'I l ';l('t Ii 11/ lillil Sa l • un "' 5,t(i .. Cf I S:1, .. :>I • llll( a~· ,, I 'I' '' I )' I !·' .'l i>rtll''I'"~' L'i'i· .. \.'.J>~·ttJ,·iss . l'tl.'l 1;:i1 I XOll S:!';;),lHMI :-:.11 ~11n I :, :!:.111 11:-1111. ,, 1•\\ por >t'<ll' 1 ., .. , ·"' ,... .. ti Iii :H!i2 '-;!t:!.lllHI SaltS11n. lO·:l 11;5 Gooo S t-l!J,:;1 H1 S.i! S1111 1 :1 :.i1:1:1 \ltranwr I H.dh11a !11·11111 1 :\H Iii! Sl•:1\\anl . ('11r11n;1dc•l :\l a r 1l21Pnrl 11 ,1n\H'k 1'1.11 \'l lnh. :--.;n •i75 ~1;011 Sl7:!.5fJO Sal S1111 I I :io l · I S t S I . 1·,1_·>.":>.·i~1 s.·111!1.•.1:111 S,·11 S1111 I ri •ti:J'i:.'Sh;l\11i· l>r l lt111lin~l 1 111 lkh tii~ :!: 11 SXh,! 110 • :1 • un. :l n_ K-1'_1 _·>;,;1,-," Sun !:! :1 • IHllO S:ihr111.1 , t'11r1111.1 dt.'1 \tar 1:1:~ Sa111 1;1g11 1\V1·sh ·llrt 1 ~B 1:.11 Pl{IH ..;11 :1.llt1C1 Sal St111 I :1 fi>l2 X:.!:1:1 Sal ,'\· S1111 I :, 1:x l·:a ... 1 lb\ St. ('11~1;1 :\lt·s;1 :lO Hu.\';11 S! 1:1·nq.!t'. ll1J.! 1 ·~·11 :'\H :,ix ti:!l7 ':-;1;1,!1:111 Sal Sun 1:! 1) frt:.! 8:!:15 s:11:.:.om Sal S1111 I .1 ::,·, 1<111· \':llh11111tt• l H1 g (':t11~·11n ) NB • l :!IX l'nl:in:-1 llm•t•r Shon•:-I :":H ti ll iX!l~i s 1:1:1,:1llO Sal Sun l :> 1;1:.! K:!:l."1 S:!l!l,000 Sal Su11 I ~1 •:!li:lli:! t·:-;pallt·r llr. \11 :-; \'1l'jo :!·11 .l Bum·:1 1 t·:a s !hl11t'f l l\:B o..;H 1,,·,1)11 S;tl Sun JO 1: t•·IG·K~:i!\ s I:.! 1.:il kt S;il S1111 I t1 ·~:11 2 H1 •dl:ll\1b Ill'. '.'II I\. •·l:!OK111 gs Hd . Cllffll;1\·t·11. N H !'i·IX 1:1:1ti ~!):!.:100 S:it S\11\ 12.s 1;:12.:,2110 s:1 Hl.!'100 Sal 1S1111 J :; !l:i!ll Fn;i rs1·ourl . 11 11111 lkh 21!11 2 <In· an V1l''''. I lu11l lkal'h XI:! :.':l:l:i Sun 1.5 ti·l2 ·S:!70 $!1:1.flllO Sal Sun I :; lli!1:!2 Hos~ SI r1•i•1. I hml. Heh 2H2 I la novt•r l>r ( '11:-.l .1 :\k:-11 ~I :! :.?!i:J."1 Sal Sun 12.;; 640 ·l!l!'lO ::;1i:l,!IOll S:1t Sun I :; • 1 ;:ix Sk \'I :1 rk . ll;r\'l'fPSl. NH I 18Sj! Uowli 11.L! '<;/'('I'll, \\\•st m:-l ,. til:! :1:.!I~) SI f'!.(l(.Kl Sat Sun 1·5 7!'>2·ti:J1 1 ~i;;,,1100 St111d:i~ 1·5 :!I H \' 1a (~tn ll 1. l.u l11 1:-k •I :;:m San(k ast le.< '1w1111:i dl·I :\I ar fi75·7<!:!!i Sal Sun I ·5 5-18· l:!!ltl Sun 1 :; IS ll Ca1111l\•111(';111woShnn·~1 Ccl.\l •2tMi l Sw:in l>r l ~l t•:-a \,•r<lt'll'\I fii5·:!7 1 I $:.?:1;,.000 Sun ).:) .'i lH·OOlll s 1 ~:1 .000 S.1( S\111 11 .) :Uli I \\':11'1'1'11 La . l'n~la ~ks:i •2ill7 Hlt11·" ;1tt'1". Bmadmoor. 11\'ll :1111 11!12>< S:1:!.!IOO Sat /S11111 ·5 1;n.xs~o ~lli•l .IKMI S;1l Sun I 7l • IJO:, H11xh11n 1CarnenShrs1 Cd:\1 • t 1:l('ahnll11T1·rr <'d:\I Hi:! 11\ltl st 1!15lKI Sat Sun 1-5 1;.w ;0011 Sa! Su11 I :1 l:ilt K111 gs Hd. 1:'fop\ llh'ts l :-..:B :i2KH l<nvale 1 l'h1• l<;11wh1 ln11w Ii 12 !lfit.li $15;1,0CKI Sat/Strn 1 .. > i52 I ioo Su11 I I •IHflO l'I. Shl'l'lll•ld 11 1\'Jlms> N B J.lli ~1 <11'111t'I'" l>r . ~t·"p11r1 l l<'lt 1; 1().;-,;>tiO ~ 11 7 .O<lO Sun. 1-5 li41i·8·1:11 ~87 .soo s s '.\1 . I ·Ii 1:!30 DC'\'On l.anl'. Wcslc hff. NB • • •:1:11 ('anal. ~t·wport lkath r,,12.:1200 S!ll.5il0 Sat/Sun 1-5 67:i·8700 Sal !Sun 38i2 F'aulkm·r (The Colon y J Irv 14002 Chagall , Colony Irvine i52· J7fJO Sun 12·4 752-7315 Sat Sun 1·5 u :l22 Mallss<' {The Colony) Ir v 925Sandca. tlr (llVllJs) CclM li-14·Ei200 $ti:1.!'>00 Sat. & Sun. 1 ·5 fl·14 · 100!l Sun I 5 2Hll Vb t a Ent rad a (Bluffs) NB 230·1 La Linda l'I . ~t'\\'P<Wl lkh 1.;.1,1-fllOO $1 rn.500 Sat. &Sun. l ·!l 6-12-2710 s muoo 0 ;111~· l:! 5 ioo Via (;l'noa (Lido Is le) N.B. 7002 Valcntinl' l>r . llu11t fk h 1;.1;,.7575 S2 15,0oo S.il/Sun l·S ~n .1:t22 !'\al Sun I:.!. .1 17 l'armt'I B a~· <Sp~·g ls llill ) C<l'.\1 330 Cajon T l'rr ;1t'l'. La~untt Jk h 1;.10 7000 Sl!4!1.:>(lC) S\m . 1·5 494-44!10 Slfi8.000 Sun l·fi S BR & FAM RM or DEN • •~:'1WI H ;l\~h111·1· Dr . H.1\·sftr:-. \:I~ Ii I:! X:!:1.-,. ~11::1,l)IMI S:tl S1111 I ,, • •i:! l.1nd:1 1-..11• '.!,\ fiH ti:~oo S~!1:1.1)1~1 S:ll S1111 I .1 ti l.odllnC1t1r < H1g < ';111~ 1111 1 :'\I~ Ii M-li:!llO $·1'."10.000 S:11 S1111 I '.'1 • 17;17 H a~·port W a~. \'. B t~I~ li:!Of 1 S;1t ,\-Su11 I .-. •1:1:n C alax\'. Uou·rSh11r1·:-.. :\H li·l:.!·:1200 S:!:!.).1100 S;1t St1 11 I ~) • •:l2!1 \'ia I.Hin S1111d , Lido II :--.;H Ii-I j 17lili S:l:l!I 000 S1111 I :i • •!Ii l.111d ;1 hit•" .111d;i hit· I '.'\ H fi75·tilli l S:!."1:!.:,f)f) S1111 I ,--, 1 llfi <hlll'l ,!!~l'I' Ill'. II\' Ill-.. ('d \I 1;11;1 111 s1;;:1.om S11111 :, • 17 I:\:! \I :1d1•1 :1 I l11111111 g 11111 H'"" II !lti2 \Ii i ~7'.1 .:-1011 S;1! St111 ! .1 170Xt ('anwl11I t 'm · II H Ii 111 filiOO Si.i.:1f)fl S:it S1111 I .i '.:I): Ii:! ( '11 I 11 ti . I ; I " 11' 1 I 1 t ".111 d... 11 1 '. !HiX :181iX sx1..;1111 S111111nh 111 .1 177;,1 :\l a ndu·~lt·r ('111\1•rd:tl In i;')l 17M Sun I :, • •21i l.111<1.1 l!»lt• ".111cl;1 1:-.1<· I;'\ B fi7s.:woo S2 ti!J.i'>IHJ Sul Sun I :i •t~:3 Hho<lt·s Dr. :\IC'sa Vt•rdC'. <':VI 541i·:l!IHO $10li,!l0o Sun<la~· l ·~1 ••:Jfi l.md<.i b k . ~l·wp<>rt l\c ~1c·h li:ll ·lHOO s:175,0oo Sun t :i L'i821 Hn:-lol \in·. Wc <>l minsl"r ~1:!·!1:17 1 Sun 1 :! :1 6 I R & FAM RM or DEN W I\ ia <lwt11 t l.ido hlt'I NH lii:l-28~5 $IHH.:-100 S:it Sun I :-1 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM liS<.':.1:.1<le l.'1rclt• (:\wpl Cn·st l 1i:i 1 tH1Hl Sli l.!llHl ~urt l ·!'i 17 (;retl'I Court ( :'\t•\\'porl Crt.'~t I (i:ll IH1lO Sf:H.000 Sun I :i t mot C a lt•1ia "'''" ViH1111,1111 \'a l ;,:n .JO:l1 i S·l4 .ooo 11.,·11 nw 2 BR & FAM RM :.!!Hl7 l'l'rl:1 l l\l11t'ls l !'ipt lilll 5:>li0 '.-,l l ~.01)11 :.!~l~I P t•rl;1 t Bl11fr':o; 1 \:pl 1~w 8 1 i i s 1:12 .ooo :.!:l:J!I l'vrl;1 1Hluffs 1 .°'Jpl 1\.111 ;);'ilill ''.l!l,'.'J(JI) or DEN B1•a1·h S;1l Su 11 I :1 Hl•:t<"h Su 11 I .') Ht•;1l'h Su11 i :1 l BEDROOM :!fill:! \11:-1;a <1rn:ul;i 1 Blut1~ 1 .'\ B r:-;;; :.10110 SH!l,!';11<1 Sun I :1 • :::1se~1 m1 .... 1 l'11·. llu11lln gton Jkh Ii \fi-7540 SSl.000 Sal Sun l ;, 1(~157 Erting l'I': i'~ounlain V<.rlle~ X.12·!1:171 ~60.!150 Sun 12 :1 :.!Iii \'1sla Entrada, Bluffs NB 1~1·1 11 1:1'1 SI08.0UO Sun. I :1 :n1 V1:-.t;1 :\l a1kr~1 CHluff:-. l :'-J H 1;,11.11:\:l $10fi.OOO Su n I :; :!OHi Vis ta Cajon <Bluffs) :\ ll li M·t l :l:! S82,!'ill\1 Sun I .1 • 1711Tus!111 . ,\ p! :;,\, (·.\I 1;.11; :12:1:1 $52.5110 Sun I :·1 I:! OdVl'S~\ l'o11rl . :'-J1''' p11r1 lk:il'11 1;.11;'7 11 .1' SX!l .f11111 Sal Su11 1 :, J BR & FAM RM or DEN J02 V1sli.1 ·rrucha ( 1-:a!»I li lul 1 1 '.'<I! 1;.1.1 ()7:!11 S7!J.5()1) Sal Suri I ~I •5:!4 V1sli.1 (; r <1 nd,•. :\t•\\J.mrt lk h 1;44 .1;220 ()pl'll S:.tl 1Su11 I .1 4 BEDROOM 215fi Vist<1 Entr;ida <Bluffs I '\ B l~I0-551i0 S I 111.000 Sun I :1 DUPLEXE~ FOR SALE 2 ~& I BR 212··\0lh ~l tat Hl\l'r1. :'\B fl-12·82:1!) Sal ~Sun I .1 • •:11;0:1 F ttll v' \," '\1•\\ 1•11r1 Hv.11 ·11 li7!'i ;,;; 11 S:11 ~llll I .I • • 1:!1 V1;1 l.tdo :\11nl. L11ln II:--.; H Iii:! 7:11111 S:.!:!!1 .. 100 S1111 I I 3 BR & 2 BR :!:!:I t 'r \'st ;1 I 1 I .1 l1 l<' l ~l l· 1 n:n i HOO $1 ·I~ .1111(1 Sun I ,) 127 ('r~·st ;1J ( B :tlho~1 bl:1nd I :\ill 1;;:1 .. 1..ioo s1xr;,11fM1 Sun 1 .: 1111.7111 .. ()n·hid . l'd\1 1;.1.1.7:1x:J ~11 :» till() Sa! 1Sun I :-: TOWNHOUSES ·----FO-ILSA-- 2 & 3 BEDROOMS :!lfi:-11 < ln·;111 \'1s t ;1 ))r . Sn I .:ti.: l!l!J 1:-11;; From ~l.!l:lll S;1t Sun 1111 3 BEDROOMS :!:!O:?I l .. tl,1 •l:111d .\\('. 10:1 T11r11 x:10 O:.!!•:J ( )pc•n S:tf ~Ull , l •• 4 BR & fAM RM or DEN l!Hili:i S<·;1\\ 111d ( '11 I llJl11 Hd1 HOME & INCOME ~011 K111 ).!:-ll11;1d . '\'1•\\p1>rl lk;wlt li7:-1-lili70 S1111 I .1 2 BR & I BR & fAM RM l:tl I K111 g:-Hd. !:'\1•\\'pt·JIL.'t-.1 :'\H 1; \:! !lliiili ::; l.i:-1.0IMI S:11 S1111 1 .1 J BR & 2 BR :!~:1 l\1111x S I 1 ·,,.,1;, \11•-...1 !17'1 :-10!1!1 HOUSE + GUEST HOME llili I lllkr1 •-..1. L ;1J.:1111.1 H1·:wh l!I \ XX!t:! s 111;) OIHI S:it Sun APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM :!H:l Kn1>x St . CosU1 :\11•:-:1 !li!I :10!1~1 Opt•11 D a 11 ~· 4 BEDROOM ~508 Ocran HI \'(I. Corona ckl ;\I :tr li l·l·'l!:IO ~8:>0 i\lo S;1I Sun I :i :m • Pool • * Woterfro"t • • • W oterfront & Pool 0 1002 •....•.•.•.•......•.... LARGE HOME WITH POOL +VIEW 111\1>1CO:\ \ IH:L \I \II ''•1111 l11•d1 "''"l' .11111 :· 1.J.itlh 1 .... \;•' 111,1 ... 11•1 ,1111•· 1,, '"'' \ 1\'\\ rr11111 111111:.: 11111m ,1111! 1,1111111 it1"lil l'..I'' Ill•"""" ·'·•HI '"111 ••\1111111111:.: I""" a111I ""d•HHI' \\tlthJ dt'•hsu,.: ""''" p.t11(•illll! .1111' .i ...... 1 i \ 1 ~ l l\I' l1l1t'I'' ,I \\ ,11 Il l ,,,·11 11UJ•· J1•1·IJn. l'J 11 •• I \ ol111 .... l•· ~···I lllHI I ·.i11 C olleqe Park O pu Daily 1.s 220 Wakefore~t 1 IS.·d101•11n _h.11h J .. 11.1 1.1111111 1111 lpl• """' '.,,I \0,11 fll.1\ 1• \t1 \'ll\1'1 f ,llU Cuna.• 'c·c·' i, 111 .l!t:.!X.t•\ ,.~ ; 1'1 1~d:! Lachenmyer Realtor LAKES I OE LIVING "I• I"· 111 l t,l!Hi, .111d ,,,ti ltt ' "' 11•,hll111 h1 di ,11 Ill ht11!1i plH\ I I fl • I I ff• f,, I .... ,., 'Iii 11 1titt\ d11u1.111·d t • I ,I Ill II 111• •'flt I I 1.u~lo f',I I 111' 1. II I h I toll'' 1111111 II\ .111111111\\ 1.11111" .q11•tl ~h11l I 11 1 1,11•' 1 lu th• .. •• ,,.... H ...... 'HI\ •11 .111·.1 II II 1 ; ' ' I .ii I 1111 \\ xi'; :! .. 1 [~- 6 NEW UNITS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA ft, d t 110111 • 1, 11 It If \\ It f t u I • I ~' i I I 1111 pi.II' ! 1 th ilf t10lt 11 11•,tl \,! ""' 1tl JI 14 •f ! 111 i f 1 I I I ,,, 11111 .. •' "' I ft I d I j I t•pti+d • ~I ll U•1,il1•1tlttt• I 111.J1r1'1.11111 !.tjfl 11 ,,,,, 1 ~I j t \. .1lII11IIt+11 • 1 •. l 11 h I·.' \ 1•·1111. l'1q1t p . .t· 11il '"Quail ~ liiii.IPlac• Prapertiws 7S2-1q20 ... ••00 QUA>I \1 NlWPORI &IACH FIXER UPPER BARGAIH J BED ROOM S4J.o..o_o LOW DOWN 111 I 'I !dt•I t d ti f •' It" 111"1 lpoll11f,11 • ti Jo,,,,,, 1111 • ,\ I It 11 tl1 I\ t\ 11 1.t :1 I +Ill ffllf J. 'dt I fl J•o11j f:1 I •I Id 1 " l'I I •t \I I,' 1111 •i ' 1 •u '~ 1 STEPS TO THE BEACH '>11 111•1 '·"l""l 11 ... 1,h I>''"'' , 1 '" 1Jr ,,. h'''"' • H iit ht tf 1 filllll 1ttl f tit ,d 1 nltdll JHfl \\II h Ill•\\ f'·''"' '"" f tf flt' 11•111 • """I I• 1 ·" '" ~ .,.,., • di .... f•:-0.tl EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 3 UNITS SS0.000!!1 f. \• • f11•11 l I" 111 .t I ·11 •'.t Ill I ,,,, ... 1.i .. 1·,, I.• \1,.,,, 1>'111111 fl\\ 11• I " 111111, .. pill' ' "·" 11• 1111 111111 .. ltl l'l'.11 l '1111wtl\ 111• Ith p.11tjl1•d in .111d 11111 l'111·pd I•• ..,,.11 111 ·"I'• nllthll•HI T.1!.1· ~1111 ,1111.1~1· 11 111 r1 rail :; lh :~:11:1 . ... ~:1,1. 11111 i11•1ll, \\llh 1 fJ.111\ I '1l11l l l.1.....,1l11·1I \ti , ........•.••••..•..•.. ···············;······· G...-r• I 002 Ge.ral I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~:::!.~~.~~·······~~~!:!!.~~.~~ ........ ~~::!.~~.~~ ...... . Ge.rat I 002 GNffol I 002 GeMrol I 002 ...................... ······················· ··········•··•••·•·•··• prejenfj Newport Heights Fixer Upper Bay View. Wl·.S I l<Y '."4 TAYLOR CO. H.EAL T l>l\S !-.lllet' IB4H DOVElt jHORES -$215,000 ALL NEW LISTINGS CUTE NEWPORT HGHTS II . II liutll lt111 Ill II• I " llf I f 11ft' .,, \\Ii'~ '• 't!, ~lt.dt\, t••llltul,·\111 \\ I I Ii I Ill td . I• 11 • '•ll I 11 »1· 1111 1 .. 1 11\11 •\Ill'' I of d I I I 1111 11\\ 111 I I \ II t•rll• h 1iH \J•llJ'-1 ltJll .. t A Intl\" d1 sttt1<·t i\"C' & hl·~1ut1fu! I l<H V1N\ hnn1l'. \ 011 '11 lmt• thl• h11g1• l.1111 rrn. \\1th 1·:tllwdr;1I 1·t•tl1nl-! Lg t• nw .. lhl'uout. :j 1 .! bath~. :1 l(l\'l'1~· pool I or t hl' !\Ummt•r nwnlh~ 11lwad \\'IH w;11t '' IMMACULATE conAGE ~ h t•dfllOll) homcw1lh gr c ;.ilh<.1tk.).<Jl'll Pl'rft·t·t lor ~·uung <"ouplc or f"l'lll' ·d' '01.1>011 I •II 11 .. l.1\ llt1t1\ 1.11..1• ,, ii ' 1 11 I .1 1• I .. \ I. I .,.,.! 7";)"\I'( HiOS liALi\X \'DH SA"r°·~C~ 1·5 .:Jo LIDO ISLE IUILTON 2 LOTS! lkl1 i..:htf11I. hnght :111d d1e(•ry hom e· :1 l~·d1•111)nh. :! h:llhs d ownst:urs: upstall":-. has ma:-,ll'r M llll' with 2 haths. Huge II\ mg room with palios on both :-,ides, :scar g;1 ra~t'. l)(1at yard. dark room loo many extras to describe./\ '"must src·· at ~:!5.<Jll<I ~ KEY LUXURY "CONDO" FOR LEASE :'\t•W <:11n.:1•nu:. \"it•\\. Spal'ious :! bdrm 21:: bath :ipl. 21 ll11ur Sl't't1 nty ~~n1 n·. pool. j<1t·u1.11. s;1un:i. h1lla.1nl rm. b l l'b:.s \\ at~·rfrorat l>ldg • I .:!:ill mo REW ARD YOUR fAMIL Y WATERFRONT NEWPORT SHORES .-..:t•w Or lt•an:-. :.t:vk. Larg1• hrwk palm 0\0 t•rlc1ok1nJ.! t·.Jn;d . :1 l11·d r110111:-, :! b:1th:-;11HI pm\ <ll·r roo111 I h ·1· k 11fl ma:-.t c.·r hctlruom . doulilc garai..:t· St1•p'\ to l\'lllll". pool:. & tH'ad1. Wall•rl runt lor 11111\ SX!l.~11>0 with th1:. I hdrrtL~ -;ton· hl';1u1~· & th1• atmos p la•n· ol B:ilho~1 lsl<.1n d 1a '' u1 Id or at 0 !'> U\\ n. I F aslltng. sw11nming. IHWI an~' J lomt• i=--e lt·'-!ant .'<.: ~ E \\'' Tll !it'l' 11 as to lo\'e it. Only Sl-l!J .. jOO ~1 r.1 PEAH L S.\T SL":\ J.;;.:10 PEDDLERS Ill PANORAMIC VIEW! $275,000 AVALON, CATALINA :1nl1Cflll''-. g ifts and f urn i t urt• G'""' /111 :.i n<·!--s opportunity anti ;d i 1·staf)l1s hed. Considt•r the '"l1lo!isom1111(" of C:.itulina an<I realll.(.' our ISL.\:\'D HEAi.TY offi te ean lwlp ,·ou l'111d .r11st \\"h<tt ~·ou w<1nl. (':.Ill .\ \'It/on l:.!li2 111· loe;il Barn·lt Of(ic:es. .\ I ruly exqu isit e homl' with :l lge l11 lrms. ram rm & formal dining rm. Pro1,,.~!'>IOllall\" dl·C1>rated. 0\\ lll'r h.1 .... s pa reel no t>x pcnsc an <"rcat ing t ht~ I 111L' · "\"i Ila'· w /lus h landSl'. l"al I for apµt. Wt• h:tH' hi ght~· qualified Bu~·crs for that SPl'{"ial homl'. Wh~· not l"all u:s for a prnl'cs:-.aon a l apprais al of your home to· da~'°! Nt> ohli gatiot1. HUNTINGTON BEACH AREA PRESTIGIOUS HOME l.arg1• ll vin ~ rm. 1"11r11wl d111 ing .. \ sp a('. hdrnh. 1;111111\' rm . ::.n.!100 1011 11 IO:d\1· l.;11w . 11 u n t 1 n i: t o 11 H l': 11: It ;-.; r H r-ookh 11r !'.1 ,\ .\d :i111" ~m -o:l:!t COLONIAL STYLING $53,950 Tra n!-.fL·r n ·d ow1wr m ;1kl's U11s ('harming j bdrm,:.! h:i1h a g n·al hll\ L :tl").!l' II\ 111g n w1m \\ t">ll\ I 1rl'pl.w1•. 1w;ir Ill'\\' l" a rpl'I I .nl' a It'd on q 111 l'I n al dt• s:tl' I I!• 12 < >.ik T1 1°l'. I l11nt 111g t11n l ~1·.1!'h. ;, 1;1 !1 l!tl FANTASTIC BUY S pl·1·1 :w11l;1 r ho111L· l{<•:111t 1ru t :1n•a .. i S p al"1t111:-l11'dro111ns, :!1 • h ;i lhs. l;11111lv r111lt1\ \\1th 1111111 111 \H·I ""'"- 0 fora11;1I t11111 · S 7 ·I . ! I :1 (J S I•: d I II J.! I' I" . t·: l':dw:1nh Hi07:! !111111:111 . lltml111 J,.!lo11 Bt·:1d1. H!I/ o:t!I COSTA MESA.AREA CINDERELLA POOL HOME lk.1u111'11lh d1•1·11r.1kd \\1lh :1 h r:. :! h;1, s .. 1n:<;1-: 1.111111\ 01111111 ldt'.tl )O(':ll ltlll 111'.ll :-hoppllll'. ,\ .di !'-\ h1111 j..., Ill 1 l11 d 111 .· ()1 .111 •:1· (°11,1 ... 1 ('11111·1··· I·: 111 llarl111r l~l\tl . s 11 r t v .11 r ' , 1· • 1 0:1 1'°t1r tll1.1111 ("11 ,I I \l 1•,,1 1;11i ii 11 GREAT FAMILY AREA f.w·;ct 1•d Ill \ 1•1"\ dt"•lt .tl1l1· ~ortlt ('11 .... i .i \11· .... ;1 11c•11:1t l111r l1.,11tl ( 0111'.1• I n .ill :-;d1oc1I ..... \/ p .1rl.. .l1a-.1 l1..,11•cl SIH111l d ~··II 111111 w li 1.1t 1•I\ Nolf" l1 ;111 l:ir11111 t•l1 1111·1·11• \-\" on .\11sl 111 :111x11 "I\11·1 \\ .1~. Co:-la ,\I 1·:-..1 ti 11; 771 1 W ALk TO O.C.C. Imm 11\1 •. 111''' I\ li...11·•1. 011t ,J,111d111i: ('11ll1 ')'l' l'.irl.. ho1111• l·\·;1111n•-. :1 h ll<..!t· hr "11111·1·11 ,11.1·d l1 .c1 li .... ,'<. d 11ul)I(• I 11 t•pl.11·1· \11 ...,ol 11h·l~ 1111 in.w11l ;it 1· \\ u f F;11 n ·1t•\\. i\: oft 1··.11r 1\' t ' • :!;1i."1 I ·11111111 lua. Ct1..,t.1 ,\11•".1 Ii-Iii 711 I EXISTING FHA LOAH Brand 1u''' 1111 t lw 111:11'1.(·I :1 hdrm. :1 It .1th. l11·1•pl;1rl'. f11n•t•d :11r h1·.11 & n 1111'111111111· Anyo1H' 1·a11 Im~· .... 111111·1·1 1t1 t::<istrng F l I.\ In.an l'n('(•d al ~">:L>Oo 1111 1 \'all\:\'. Co:-1 a ~k~a !1 I!'\ !M!l I 1MESIGN 10 IOOK FOR WHEN YOU REAU.Y WANT 10MOVI: c ... .. - ~ _-. Wllktr&lee r '-Rul EJtite _J 1-, 21 I I Son Joaquin Hills Rood NEWPORT CEHTE.R, N.I . 644-4910 PARTY HOME-MESA WOODS I L;1r!.!~' hdrms. :!1 ~· h;111a ...... formal di1111u: nwm. l <thltl\· r o o in . ,,. d o u I> I l· I r p 11-· l 'alhf'flr;1J c·cilin gs & wall.-; of J..tla:-s 11pPns tllis liem1t.\ t11 tl•l"f";t(·~· _l!ill"ll('ll & sp;11"kl111!.! pool !\8 ~.:iOO. :1 118 S ~111L;.i t'lar:i . l"o!-.t ;i ~l l'S<i !'>-15-~l·l!>I NEWPORT BEACH/IRVIME THE BLUFFS (;rl';1t t 'lltl llllll. J~·a11t1 l11ll\ up g r ;r cJc. d . :-h 11 \\ :-. I 1 kt' ;, modd ~I llTCJrs & shull<•r:. thrt11111t S ou !.!lal :1(kr ·· 1·: l'la11 ·· Hr:irtd rtt·\\ 1111 1 laL· 111;1rk <:t. ~ ol f \" 1:-,1 ;r dd <1r11 1111 Su;1rk .'ill!) l'la,·a . ~ B 1: Iii 171 t • WALkTOB~CH lr11n1 1hi:-lerral'H· :1 tir. 2 Ila. pl11s lamal.v r1>n111 Ol"t':1n rl'l n •:1l '.'In lll'"'d Ill I 11.:ht ht' a,. y I'(' 111 11 s u I ;i t r: 11'11 c l·:a!'>V a<TL'S!'> Ill this t1•rrifi1 · huy ·in WL"s l Nt•w por1 . S Off < '11;1s t II\\ y 0 11 Balboa Bh d :1l S11pc>r111r F1r s l ri g ht as 111, ~1 r. :1:11:1 ({I\' 1 • r 1; Iii· 77 l 1 IRVINE RACQUET CLUB B1•:i11111°ul t \\'11 :-.t11n· lamal\" lw nw m xl nt p rht i:.!t' ;1rl·:; ()1111'1 ...... 1fr t·ul-d v 'i:H· ... 1n·1"t. .1 11~1 111trod111·t•1l tu lh(' 111.irkl'I :"..: of \\".1111111 I·: 111 ( "11 1\·1·1' 1111 l·: .... 1·11drn I >r . 1:1xo1 I\ pPt· \\" :1' . I n lilt' 1; hi 71 11 BUILDERS OFFERING l lc·n ·..., .'11t1r dwn1·1• 111 p11·!- \lllll' n1lor "l0 la1•nw & l'11:-t111 n .11 1w111t 11• .... 111 1 his hr:ind 1ww 1111111(• 11111l1·r 1•011,\ 1'111'1 llltl Ill d1 •l 11:htf11I H:1l'k 11,;I\ :1n·a. \\' 111 In lilt'. 1111 S:i11t ;; b ;ilwl :ui:i S:i n1 .1 balwl. "\1·,,·1111rt lh-.11'11 . Ii lfi 1711. 4 PLUS POOL in so11ghl :t flt'r B;t<'h B:iv ;11·1•a. Sp;11·1011s f;11n1lr h<11Ht· \\ llh \ f'r~· pt"l\':t\c' S \\'llllr1Hllf! p1111I :-1t11 ;1t1 •cl 1dr·:dl\" to J..!l'I "'t111 :-. h 1111' a 11 d ay Io 11 J.! \\" ln111<' 011 S:int;i J-;;tlwl. •1:1!1:1 H 1•d la nils :'\c•\11111rt lk;ll"h Ii 11; ii 11 WATERFRONT lUXURY tor \"IP L'nt er1a111an g w 1p1t•r. llo:tt ,'i,; ~:tn(h ht'<ll'lt, •I hd rm. 1 h;ilh~ Our 1•,rlu:-1\"l'. S olf (°~I lfW\" Oil 1\:1\':-Hft. f)r. ~lOI lfarht;r l ~la1ut" l>nV('. i'\B 1q11.;111 HARBOR YIEW HOMES J-:ll'garH 0l' r e igns suprt·mc 111 this ~ough~ afll'r J>ortufi110 m1wkl. l "11us11 al honus with ll11s on<' Sl'!1aralt· g m·st 111 molht·r 111 1;1 \\" q uarl<·r!'> . .I usl h:'ll"d I·'. of V <·I er ; ins I I\\ '. ..::i...olL.Eu.nJ on.Jlilrb!i · \'ac:,, I> r 1': a ·' t . I !I I ;, I' p r I \\"t•yhracl;..:l'. N B li lli·77 1 I 360 DEGREE VIEW from lh1:-rnag nafiecnll' ap prnnkd Ii bdrm. I ba". t'X l'n alt\"(• lllall!-.lllll 111 ::.ought afll·r ShurL'l' fs an·a Thi:. fl•c sample 1• ou OW:\ tlw land' u~t 1sll'd Ht'tll•1· Sl'<' t1 xla. ~ 1111 S.-:iward 2 1 ~ Evt•nmg C:i11 ~·on ( ·., r" n :1 d l' I \1;1 1 t)<\ti. ii I I IRVINE FIVE BEDROOM Cll/\IL\llNU !'i bdrm. 3 hath, d101 <:c family area C.Jualit~· dt•t·or thnmul \"aultcd t'l'll- ang:-. air rnncl it ioninJ,!. Situal· l'd 1111 qu1\'l l"Ul·d L··sac_ Tn :-.1·1·. 1s to 1111~·. sm.;,no .. 1:m1 Bnd;.!cway. I rvi ne. ~~1:i.~1-t!ll BEACH HOUSE ~i 1.!l!)0. 3 Bdrm. 2 halh he:111 I \' lrn m;1<'. 1·ond ;\ll'\\'p:..11nt. 1il'W II r a pc.·s , ,'<.· m11c·h Ill'\\ r:1qwt1ng . l m:.tt!llll" ln111g or w:llki 11 ~ l o the heach at tl11 " p 1•1n• 2:1:; l"1•dar Strc•t•l . '.'i1·wp11r1 lk :11·h :; 1:, :wn OCEAN VIEW From this l'lc•g:inlly <kcorat <'d ·I hr. :1 h;11 It hc •:wh JH'llJWI" t v. Furr11t 11rc 1r11·l11tkd in ,;net·. L .trJ.!'' family° room with wl'l har & :3 ear g:tra).!t' Tmv:11·1 b nt·e;H\ off Coast I lwy on Orange Stre<'t. 1~107 S1'a :-hort• Dri \"l'. :'\<·wpnrt Hcat'h. !:lli-i7t I SANT A ANA AREA OPEN HOUSE 1·5. Niel' .'3 ht•droom ronno Owm•r wants offt·rs! SW.!)011. Sl'e this om•! t:l25 "C'" Stan· dard. Santa /\na. 8!)7.o:l21. YOUR NEAREST WALKER a ·uE OFFICE IS Ol'EM 8:30 A.M. TO l :JO 1'.M. .. ............ eclt .... 17141191-0JZI ._.... ... ech .... 1714l f0·5'71, 17141 SU-7015 ,._..... ._.., ••..•• 1714154 .. 1754.1714) 9H·ll71 C .... M ............. 1714114S.'4tl, 17141141·04'5 NIMieaYlef--ll Tw• 17141 H .. 4000 .....,.. ---~-•7141140.1944, 17141646-7711 S-. M9 •••••••••• 17141 14 .. 00U • ~~!:!!.~~.~~ ....... ,~~:::!.~~.~~ ..... :. ~!!!.~~.~ .....•. ~4!4!!!!.~~.~ ••••••• Copistrono leach IO 11 CorOfto 41•1 Mor I 022 G~el I 002 G ... rol l 002 • •• •• •• •• •• ••• •• •• ••• •. • •••• •• •••••••••••••••• •••·•····•················••·················· * Je·c/i Jeaft'I * VERY SPECIAL! ONE OF CAMEO'S FINEST OCEAN VIEW HOMES THIS immoc .• custombft. 3500 +sq.ft. fami- ly hotH ho1 o SUPER OCEAN YIEW & FLOOR PLAN ... :I hdnw .. ,(: f;und~· rm. <1r -1 lidrm :\LL .\ISTH. SIZE. a Elt•gant l.\ ;q1pt 'd b;1throoms. Fol'm:il <l111i11 g n11 . & :l bdrrns 11\"t•rlook lgc . SWIMMING POOL 111 EXTRA LGE. PRIY. PATIO COURTYARD. F ;1li11l1111s gournwt is land klll'ht·n has l>nd, d1;1rco ;d HIH) & Al.I. 'J EW .\1•1•1.1.\NC'l·:s :th11· swtt> •m \' J l·:w ~••ft> 11.1 ~ pn" p ;1t 111 ;1n·l ·s:-;; lo\'l'· Iv hath with s unkt•n tuh & ~how<'r. L11~1tl s of :.l11r~1h· s pun' thruout. O\'l'r,..11.c.• t ra pit• gHrag t>. intercom. s pnnkll·r s. l'~tt•nur lights. lus h la111b1·ap11l j.!. St. to 3 priY. IMocMs, hon• ranch & comnutity park. EJeqant, im- maculate, priud ri!Jht! Worthy of your im- IMdiote inspection. Call for ct.toils & en opp't .• You'll be 9lod you did! ONLY $189,500! Cameo Shard Resideftt SpKialish CALL 673-7040 LINDA ISLE 97 Lindo hie <·om~try 1·:11gl1slt ·I l>dt m .. dining rm . fa ni tl~. !'>l 11d.'. l ;1r~1 · palro. mat un· I l"l't':o. & llll"dy lnd:.q >1J. ~5:!.50<1 NEW -UNDER CONSTRUCTION Conkmp. Capl' Cod. Oak firs. 5 rrn .. ,11.• ha .. :i lrpk:-. Lmbt:p<.I. Boat slip. ::.:37:>,000 SWEEPING BAY VIEW Sup 1 • r 5 h d rm ram i I y home :11 Pt•n 111s ult1 J>oinl. n ose to ba.v. pri\'alt• lit•ar h & on•:111 . L'psl:iirs li\·ing rm . ;-;aun:i. j:11'1111i . \\orks hop , hoa t stor:.1).!t'. !S:!:!;1.000. OCEANFRONT-WEST NEWPORT :1 Bdrm & I lid rna. clupl<•x in pnmL· lot·;it1011 (;:11":1).!1'. 1:11"1.~L' p;it10. \"il0\\' S..: l1l'aut 1f11l l11.:al"l1 ::;ti:!.;ioo BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,1deOrive. NB 675 ·6161 west.BAU CUSTOMHOMH Only 2 l•ft! ;1 llr ~ h.1 $:,!> ti~) 1111 t.loJ\\ n · ll.•.1ut1f1tl :.p,1uou:. Ill'\\ hum1•, Pll l,11 i:1· Jut ' I . I' l ' I l' 11 ' l' •I ~ l.rn..i,, .1111•1! (>\11•111-!1111:-,111111 .1 ~ :ca .• 1 'l0Jlh· l',llu111,1 I l · t• r: ... 11 dl.1 UI I 1'.1111111 l!ll; :11:11 111 .-. II( :l 111 I C Of"Ono del Mor 1022 ··············•······•· Harbor V i•w Hills \IHI IJ\\ n th1• l.11111 l'ool & '11·" 111 111°1•:111 1 •I llll. 1.1111. rm • ~ hu. ·r111 1111• I 1111<1, ~I.·; ,.)VO CAYWOOD REALTY •548-1290• 341 HAUL OPEN HOUSE Sot-Sun 1·5 1111 a. .. :111111111 11.111•1 l<llh U\ \".II\ \ ll~\, .a Hl.\\ l\ th• 1111 ,•lotl 1 111 .:1>.11li1111h ..,11.11 h>U'-oi:"11·r -.uill' ~ ltn\\, l1r q .1l.111• 11111\ ':!l:al.~~I Coll 644-7211 ~ ~ CHARMING DUPLEX ,\,.. 1 lllt• :t" ,1 hu·~ I hi' q11 .11111 .t 11 11l1·' h .... l11•;111wd 1'l•il1111--.. "111111~ 111111· ''.Ills.""'"" lt11r1111w I ll'•·pl;111· .11111 ~111111 \ p .11 lo. i\1·:1r t'.11'11a 11111 l1,1rh .111<1 ho•,11 It S86,000 II 1• a 111 1 •• t 1 m h l' r 1• ti Eui;lll>h ''l h h11111l'. Full "'1·.rn \ 11•w I Utt + 1lo·11 N l,111\ 1111 • :! 1 pl ~Vi~.:.ot1 I' \l I. ~11\llTI~ lh-.11 .. ; ... t;ll\" 1.11 i:lll.1 An;hitect's H°"'~ 11,orhur \"1~w 11111-. 4 llH. IJlll 1"111 , plll' :.11111111. l.):1· IJ'l \ .tf\I II)• \1\Uh 'I 111 I t:•l!I \r1• y1111 l.1111.111~ t ur .1 lt111I""' I h,111• ll\f' allSW\'1 111 ·'1•111 pn11i1 .. m I ha\,. Jll'I l"l1•1l .1 111111111• al ~21 1 \\',1tl01'l 1"11111, 1111' :)l:l0 .111111, I 111• .1 Il'11 • h 1• I\\'<' l' 11 ,\\111":1th1 ,1,i \1·oin;1. hl"lu\\ 1111· hl111• I n 1111• h1llll{' Thi' l1L11tW '" 1111 :l ll'\'t•I~ .. I hdruh , :1 h.11 ""· t.1r~1· 1.!111•,1 1111 II ,vou 1h·,·..t11,. lh1· lllJlll'I l.:11°1, .) 1111 \\ti I 1'111•1\ l•lh' .. 1 Ill•' "'"" \"h:\h rn t • .. r .. 11.1 •lt•I \\ ar I 1·1111111 11l•,..1Till1' lho• h1•;111111ut l'q1p••r 111•1 111 t1 011l lll lhl0 h,1u~1·. lt111 \nil .. 1t .. 11ltl 1lr1111 h) I'..' • =-'1111 ~ 111.11..1• ,, t!i•r:.1•11.ol •'\ .tlll.ll l•IU 11 l h1· h11u-.t' tlu"' n111 ha\ t· a n~w owner hy "•111 I will 1·1111t 111u1• tlw 11111:11 hll\1!'(0 ,., 1°1'\ =-'un • 11t,11l1I !'-11!111 .. '<l. f1,11•lo;1 r:1 lluniphrc)" :--.1h:.l111ry II 1·.oll) ti';J l~IHU BROADMOOR GARDEN HOME IBli. :111,\. "''I' cl111 rm. t1 plt· 111 m .1•1t-r ltolrm. l•:\1•1'\ i'tlOlll 1'\°'l1)111lll'd. S11111 j,y :-i1111 :! .-,, ~1 1!1,!l;-.o. :!1;1Hi LI 1.!i\1111111'°' I.II 1j 11 n!J:fi l.;1\01'1':1 11111 11" H t·: \\., h 11n' .•I•· .1,.,.11111.d ilt Costa Me\o I 024 ln:tu ••••• • • • • •. • •• • • • • • •• •• Coll 644-721 I lh I h\IH'I :1 1111 , ;: l1alh ~h1•11 ..... ,.., ... , ••• 11.·d -111 fl.11111 . h..1• ~ ,1111 l'>!IH \\ v . . I"·"--·'" ..... -.. :;1111.111 fc1. • • !"t ·~ ~:''4:! ••\ ,., Spacious Dupln •\I''-. l°•ll lh'I 1111 !'>•1 •11 J 111 \ :ll!r. :.'11.t I .!flt 0 :.' It.I ..... h :! Frpk~. •I 1·a1 ~,1r. ~l~:.!.~,t,O. All Ports R.E. HELP! lh\1h•r ~'"''nu'. :n.:cnl oh-,111·1 ,11>· 111 ~.,•II lh1s \" \l 0.\~T. I 11r ~. lu·llr•wnn :\J,•,;1 \'C'l·<lt• :tlnum ,,-l:s11. _ t;r,•1·11hm1~1>. k111 p1111d, COM DUPLEX \\ ITll \l·1lTll l"H I\ t. \\\ I \I I' l 0 11l1·. r,· 111 ... i.t.-d !! h1·tl11111111 I li;t!Jo • tl•'ll" .j 111 tllolPCll. :• l :OI'~<' l'H\ 1°1'1•11 lt:llill, '' .1J<ort.d I. In pll· 1::1ra~1· .11111 l•1h 11111r1· lt1·1lul.!t'U 111 -.•1:1.7.'111 S1•1• 11 ,J,,~ 1Jr 111;.:hc : 962·7771 11:0111 lrJl,·\1°1. 1!1·,1111 ····ti _.°'·-- "'J.!' 1<.1, .. 1 \\ .... 11 .... 1111 -~II .i ... h .i nd \11111 ... r 111 1.1" : I ~ 111111 1:.1 ,q•pl 11111~ ~~ - .,.Quail·~ -• • -liilPlac• Prap~r-~!~• SEVEN HOMES UOO QUAil Sf Nl Wr<>lf IU.CM -•·•--~ nnL $l!J-t0-$4!,(J06-J u--nNHWU <;nnrrhrn.--tt h · k · ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••''111111 I ' I ~ I - '\t>HT ll 11 \YFH11.'\T !I<· "I'll\" •l'l"•11 m·a ·\r1• ~·111 n •.1tly 1 • ..-lhr l \\"ITlllJl)('t, 111111 '~11.i,lllWI ..• • llll\,1cy .111d 111,un• ol 4BEDROOM l ,\ll.)l '\ltll"I; \olll l H\111 loil lll C.:' PLUS POOL l!.·:t1llil ul :c fir 1 "''11 ,\ ll1.1l l·:,,1.1\I-hll i:JX.l 1'.,11-.11h·r tho·,,· 1t·.olu11·~ 1.1111 1 m. :! ll:t 11111111· 1 lc _ $52,500 111 " r •• n I a I u 111 I SPYGLASS STEAL !'\p,11 ltJll' ;; & I l11·d r1Ht01" H.11• -..11111111111 11111 "I' ~.1.-1 o(Ju. lh "'\ll\"f ti ll \\llh 1a111tl ) 1•>••m. 11111 1 111111\' 1'111.111• · "1:1t.•K~1.Jl\1>\u11·r l1r1•11l.111• .11111 p.1tio. JI .I I h ll I\ I 1-.111, I •I loi:I i i.ltHu t.lll l.i'll l.l'Sh ·lhr. 1,1111 1111 . .;,., (h\tWI' 0111'.J ~··II 1111 ,,.,11111 .. .i 1·111 1 .11111· BalbooPenin~lo 1007 d111 . ltr l..t -.l rm :-1111•1t 1:11t·1..-Ex1·•·l ll'nl l..n,-...u lt\u1 t11ttf'1 \\Ith ••••••••••••••••••••••• U1tt·ro\\ :1\ •' n\ ''"· ~ t1•11n' ;e\,u1ahh• Slurry. 1 1 .111.1111 l11•1•l1•c' I Iii. t t:.1. i•rdn rm lqtlo-.., ltl\11111111-. 1q1h ph-..... 1·1·.111 l1t11u1Cll'I f..tH ho 11' \\.Ill 111 •. 1111 .i,.,.,,1 111,..11 ~1111 dip-\\allp,1p1·r f{, \\•orni 111 ~'""'11·.111 '" 11111111.ll 1 ~.1,1,11r 1;7.i 001:1 .;:1::1 ~hull••r ... ,\l.1i;111f1t·11·n1 11,11 k•.ortt ,,,lh .. h1n11111, •ii•; 1:•77 l.11111-..1ap1nc 1;111 .1:111 di~ •11111111•'1 I 1111 p1111l ' I 011\t'l'•·d 11.11 I\ 111111· p:11111 .-, lift. :1 l1o1 . lc• lw11h' fq1 •\ltllith t 111 11 lllHl \\.11 \\,111'1 ~l i'.:.:,1111 11111\ ...... -,:!.1tl 1111.tl do1111 \l:11 ... 1t.oll llll\ 1;(~1 li.tlll I 0111t1•r n111,f nwt 11•11 I 111 :1 H,1. :1;!1111,1111 S1·.1 \ 11'11' ~ :'-l.1111 ...... 11-. \.l 1,1:! :!Iii I ,11,; ti";:11l°iK<! :-1·111°1 11111'' '""' Ill Ill" tl{"I·: \:-\Fllll'\T """'' Ill ;'..':'.'1111::::::,i.; 1~\': :.::; 11; ~·:oy ::~:;::,1·~:~:~:~11~::x~.~~/1< \ P~l~~~UE~T \11111111·1·11" Tit\\ nh1111 .. c. 1 !lit v. .\Ira l;1m r rn & <lm n11 . plus 111 :111.\ 111lwr xi r:i~. :! 1'1111ls & C luli 11 .. u,l'. ;"1:i 1211:! :ira :; [ -~ Shown SA T./SUH. I ·S TO SI 15,000. ~ ' · I 14 E. Oce anfront lh1111•r .\11 ..:11111'' """' ' ( 11.\~T l'HOl'l·:11T ll·:~ :i Bil.:! 11,;o 11111111· W/>illll . . ;,-;;1:j 1111 I 11'\V of ot l',111 ~ t\t•\\ IHll'\ Pool·Jocuui G~t'rol I 002 Geotterol I 002 p1i1111 1 1\;t\ ll11n111 1u1 11111111 :I 1111. 2 H,\. 1·1111111 r,v Joi w/lplo· &: in11ch more \",•1yl'lt•a11. Opi'll S11 n I :'>. J\\ t)\\ 11••1 'll"!!l l.11111~ncl. 1.:, (.;:\I !li:I !11;117 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••...... • )J>J-;'J ~.:'1 > ...1, Sun. I f, cae: G~ORGE ELKINS CO. OV[R !>O YEllRS OF SERVICE eOPEM SUNDAY 1-5 rt6 SEASIDE CIRCLE Sl·:1\\111d ('1111do ~Br '.! Ba End l"nJI :\'1•ar l'ool ~ .J;1t•t11.1.1 Sli l .~Hlll It 17 GRETEL COURT Nt•wporl I ·,.. • ..,1 < 'ondo :.! Story End I 'nit 2 Hr :! H:1. lh ·11. Wl'l Har Sli8,0llll 223 CRY ST AL ILlnLE ISLEI !'\1·w I .is l an t~ 1 Sharp Duplex N<'ar l \t-:1<"11 :1 Hr ~~ Ha Dn. Z Br I lb l 'p . Ex("vll(•f11 l n1'<11n1· l'nlt•ntial S\112,000 11 3 LIHDA ISLE BAYFROMT SAT & SUH 1·5 2 Story Sp:il'i1111" Conll'mporary:; nr I':.! Ha F :1111 ii~ lloom Wet H:cr T t•rr:it·c clt·<·k & I 1n•p1l s.ns.ooo ~36 LINDA ISLE r ahulou:-. Ba~·l"ront . V1{·w Bi~ Ba~-& hl.111d:-I'll'!" 1.V.. Dm•k. Two Slory Conl l'mP '.l Hr r11 • B:i . Family Room. T1•ak 1'~1rwl1 n g. (;;mll'n l'atm Entr~· $:11.).000 e BY APPO INTMEMT BALBOA ISLAND IAYFRONT With l'1l'r t'<: Sli p For Li,!C Yacht2Sty ( ·11st om fl111 II < 'ot1lc·mp '1 ·fi Ucdro0ms P lu" fkn1 :1l l11t 11nw . Superb V,t•w Hay .'i.-Promonlory Arca $339.000 BLUFFS "E PLAN" :.! s1, •· 1·: .... 1 l"l·ll al ;1" in Ori.ain:-i l Rluff~ 1111 \\'1clt• 1;rt•1•111H'l1 '\1•\\' /\ppli;111ee .... 1'\· :'\t•\V l 1:11n1 :~ l~r Vmnily Hnnm GEORGE EUCIMS CO., REALTORS 881 DOYER DRIVE 631-IBOO 11 l~t \\011111•~.llJ-. \\'[IV Hhr 1<111 '\1•1\1·"1111; 1.-;.1 ·~1111 1.a 111:1>1:1 :! ( 'll'-1<1111 Ill 1•:111 \0 11'\\ 1111m1·,.. "" 1111~1· lt11 :; 1<11 f':I ' d o·n . I q1lt· . ,..v.1111 111111 ~ ,. .... , \I 11-.1 ....... t 001i-11)o•r I r:1tf1• li<i ·,1)11 l'\l l .~1 1\HTl:-.i Heal l·:-.talo• 1; 11 i:l!C: 11 .. :wl II 111 .111.t -.-l.1111 I Ill ltom•· "II I h .. 11 ,. ..1 ro·l"I 111 I l.1 rhc11 \II'\\ 1111 1-.. '•'\I IV r•• <f(•t Ill ;JI\ d ,\ 1111(~( pl( 1;111x1,1:1 OPEN SAT /SUN 1-5 413 Cobrillo Terr. ll<'.dlltl11I • l"lurn h11nt1· I 11 11 . I .1 111 1 I 1 r· 111 11111 ,1 .111d111c 1111111 .111·.1 ~l'I' 11 I" l•••llC•\" ii ' OPEN SUH. 1·5 I 7 Carmel Boy Or. <;•·n~··nu'C ;; hd11u . ~ h.1 !'>1111!1.•'' 11111 h rHrH·, '11111'1' \"II'\\ ll•llH lht l.111111\ I l1l It\ 1111~ Im. 1\ m ... 1 r . hell 111 • >I ·" 111 lllJ.!hl f·01•1• ~(X'l •• 1IHI INCOME SPECIAl l~·ll1·r 1 h.111 :,11 r1 turn J~( )I". I\·~~ lha11 -.111.0011 .tn .\Ir ll:111m.rn 1;1:i J.177 I•\•' ;,:11i ;i.1:1 l ,\1-I _ Owner Desperate 4 Bdrms. + O•n $45,000-GI or FHA <;11·.1t 11 1•1111 rlun1t ~· Sp:1n11u-: 1·11•11n,, l11ls ol t1 ,.,., llir1·il 1·.ol1111ch. I ll l:lll"'l <l 1111ng 1 •lOOL 1•111111lrV "•ll'l\1•11 l'l'lt'l"d lnl l:o~I ,.,,11,., 1w;1r (.;:\I ar•·:1. Jll\H , t'011l.-,111 till/ TARBELL ":: I In Cali fornio" IMMACULATE •1 llolrin' . 1·1111\'••rl rlcn . 111'.1r ~., ("11.1~1 t •lal~•: "" 111•r 11111\111~. '' .111l!! ac · I H1111 Sl;7 .:JIH• LIDO REALTY JJ77 \ 111 I ulu. '\ II *673-7300 * --.......... 4 F \.want H1•,1rlv lo movo· I . I ,. 111 .'IN.I :0.\\.111 t11 • .\ll·~.1 •>1.)lf \'. f"WJ..l(l(J.O< \1•nli• 11:11 . :111\. lane I il~AL 1\°\I( \ 1111 '' wrot l1:ir. '"lll'r 111• 3,.,,rCNt>•"-• lll\1• 1111111 , 1111 n1.1i111 t. ......... °" .... 11.11 k' ;int ~:111«•r1 :11ncr' 640·7000 d1•l11!lil \;1111h~lrucll'tl I I(' IV II ( 110' \\' fl a rk ~l~.'l.IHHI :!fl', olu\l'I) VIEW-DUPLEX ,\HTllOFlm 11 t·:,\l.TV F:ol"t'" quwl rar11:it11•n ~llH.111111 !il:l·4<11'.! 11.ofl,, It.I V ,\: 1i 1·1•:11l , - h<'I 111111 S1 .. 1111 111 ... 1.1rl II~ OWnt'.!0 ,1~11. :!ha, 1i:;iot, d r;•p '" 1111 ,. 1111111• ~· l· •. HilhSl ~'.IHIO fln.$530 1·h1·1·k tl;1• pll111~. ~t 7~1 .... 1)0 11111 11 I:! i:112. _____ . Uninrsity Rulty :11H1I }': l ·,l I I\\\" 1,7;11;;1fll ~ l<H 1 • I ll~ lr11m l.1tt lo· t"111 n n.1 lw,11h. \\ l'I•'\\ Sl lll,111111 :0-,ol .'1IX!lllll:!, """ 1111 \11·:0.. Su n ,;;;; ... d ·H~ F11ul \\ h.11 1·1111 1L111t 111 Ua1h l'1l1J1 (;1a ... s1twd:., Pool & Spac• St1pPr r:1rndy lwnw with 1w1ol. •I l1r, :.!1 i 1t:1. :.! Fl'. nwny t<Xlral>. :!tillll ~ci.ll 1111 CJlll1•l Pul 1lc·~1w. Xt11L h•rm' l'rl t"i' n •d uce<L 11 1·11 C:1 rp1•l ltcalt.' Id"> :11; I I Hou\H For St'-Hovtet For 5* Hotls.1 Fw S. HMM1 hr S. HovH\ For Sde <;unoay Jun\! 6. 1 ~:u DA •L.Y __ ,., ___ n:; ................................................................................................................... ~~!~~.~~~~ ....... !?.~~ ~.~~!:~~n! •••••••• !?.~~ .... ~!'!J!~.~~~.~~~.!?.~~ ~~~.~~~.!?.~~ ~~:~.~ ............ !?.~! ~~.~.~ ....... ~~.~.~ ........ ~c:e!!~:!.~~.~~ ........ l~c:'!!~!!.~~.~'!: ...... . Unique ,,.,, 31ir 2hJ l'l•iw tn •A.TilHTIOth A.REALIEA.UTY $69.950 LOCJUnaleoch 1041LCMp111aha<h 1049LaCJUnoMl9uel 1052LOCJUt1aHi9utl 1052 tt\·.11 h & ,c•ht~ ~!• ·,tM\ fi•·l•ul lll·u n c Bro' J,1•Vt.•l)' Z '>lOt'~ fam rm :1 •<'l.k!I\ ffut1'\.' ~Jl '\un. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •>••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Villa! ('Jll 1:.t:l-1,:,m ur 1.io 1~:.11; humc ll1r, :!l .. ,, :! :.Ion . 111 :! ll.1. Ii: vool " 'l11h l'l H rt .l·~llC)('I\ 1111 .... 11.~ .. ioi.111 ,,11,untt ,.1 .. , , ,.,.~ '" l J l"'"'""",:" ~ r1" tnl! IN·'"' Uc.!u11r111 Pl5:! 1•.r,1·11 ,,.., 1•1t..t 3hll. 11111 'I 11.,., ·111., "clci.:.ont l.1111h l.l l'\'. <'O\Cl ccl IJJ ll•1 lu'h ;!h.1,\\..t h.1r .. 1ln11m , lh i. .,1," 1:1.,1111,1 11 .. 1 El Toro 1032 1'Jl1"'' ,\ <"lll1 ~ l-'t•Jlu11•:. Intl'''"~ h •.111 '"'urn.ol1k 1m11••1 V1l Kl'-'4 • 11,,,.,. 11.111 1,,.,,, ""''' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1~1· tnJ ,1 1·1 '"'''" H1111lJtl 111 new lmt1111 111~ "' 1.111 I 1111111 11••1 111 i•1 .. n 1 2600SqvareFeet 11.tlh ~ .t111 u rn 11 , !l ~.IJ.10 111.1.111 l1 .. l11u1111 111111< 'i Jlr :i ll.1 F.1111 H111 1111· "" 111·1 111 111 . 0 111) t 11 1 td ,, 1·1• 1, I t ,. 1 rn , I.I\ 11111 " I rpk .. ounlr~ ::.Ml.'.JUIJ •14,;i X11t111 OPEN HOUSE '"'" 111111·tl ' Ill\ H . 1 .111 lo.111 h " 11111" ~.x.1,1110 !Iv . .111 1.;:u 111111 , '· >i:su ?::!II 11·,. H .. :1011 1111 ltt ~h l v 1111 Sunday I 2·S 19072 LindHy Ln. HB 4 llr , Sli:!,0110 ~Ill >I! , ~radl'<l \nw11h1111~1· :? Ill< TAR.LL ... '-11, 11.1, l1pll', Sol.11111111 II y II\\ n..... u l (I :1 hr kill:hl•ll Ulc . J\)o:>lllllo1l1l.- lw11hw Walk lo lake & i • Ju.u1. ~I :iuu (lli:S l'li:lli 1•1u 1ol111u '"· c>111·n <ilt 1, wkd.1~·'· 11lo.111h Joe Fortier Rlty 640-1113 "=I In California" S.1l /:0.1111. 11 :; :!:!\)31 .irl~\lllW. 1111111· <rnl y ,\ll•::O.\ \ l•:ltllt-: l.1tki·l.inil ,\vi•. (.;Jll :IU5 1':1·Jt"1ll:W, I U1,J U,1, l'\l'l•;s 1·.'1''1'1',Jt HJl.l lJ:!'J:J i•vc~&wkn•b :i 1·ar ~.1r. hlln:., q 1b, :1 ""· :i 11.1. 11v uwm·r • Buccola Home dnn-t11:!fil():>"'t· 1r pl•·. I ,, .. , l•1 \*d t>Jllv. IJ..t Fountain Valley I 034 --- • 1.11w1 1111 1r1111 lfi'<'!'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• svu i:11..1u:. Sh1•1 \\1111ol h.v liy owner . 3IH · l :~,i,., • llV 11\V "l'I' ·• t I 1> tit" .~1.,1 \"itlt :! l•r·ii·k Sn111hSllnn•,h11m1· UfWll ''" •~k1 .11:1tol 11 .~ " • .. :; v • >r • ~ ,, • - ' llou'c Sun, J lllW Ii. :"\11<111 OWNER DESPERATE 1":1111 Hiil , :1 Ila plu~ llrt·pl ;11:1·, ,11111 :t l'.or Lu 5. :lti:S I '1'.1r111in Ur "' '" V,\ l.11an !lliH 11107 ~;irai.:t• <'•JI "'""' p11t111. l:-J.llOO. :11,:i t.li'.!,.. • 1·1111t·rl'lc 1lr11 ,. :111111 .. 1~111 ___ _ 41edroom+PooC c~lr.i:.. (,~\· 111•u1· LhC \\:il1t LO li1h. :)1 .. 1h111\ 1-',11n rin. 1llll rm. ll'h:J•• l1t·:id 1 lnr 11 !lfiu' T ra t·L-11111. :.!11.t. Ja r11.11r\'J "I"'"'~" rn . k11d 1 h:i ... :! 962-7771 w up1n ,11Jc:. ,\..,:-um.1hl1· flY I )\\'\ Jo.I< 11 ... :! .11.1 llU\\· th I I d ,\ 11111,, pd I'\\ j.'.td1\ 1 11~111 111 11!. 1•,1!111 Ill' l'""I 4\ hh1 JI\ ~ i ,uo .»1:! J!•7u 2 AND POOL 11 .•• 1. 111 11t .. 1 u :.u1~· Ill'"' 1•1t .11n1111 .;:: 1 .. 11,.. ... rn h11tll1• \\ti Ii I 1 1111 .d ,111· 1,.1.,1 ., nil 11 1 i..:lt l v u p 1• r11 tl1·1I I It rou L h o ut I 'rt< •·ii ,ot ~;,J .~1111> \\I I.I. ~El.I.\'.\ 1 111 l.1111 1 IU lrpll' w.olk ,,, I 1 ..... 1, \ll 1)1 tq I I""' t1f ' \llfl"l l , IWll'\ll l11r 'I II 1 I. ',olo , ~.,'.I ,'"Ill Tu •. ,,., •• 11 Hart Manor Realty 835·7045 H\t'lh , 1111 ''"' +-lill11 Bi 7';' 111.11:, :Ji:! .. ~10 :!lli.}I "l''"ll\'I' '" "'""""' ,\II ' I I I • 523 c 1•1;.,11•1. l1l1·nll1·r . 1-.111 lJ twb 1111.11 :Hi~ :lX:!I 11t1 ... 1 llh:11, pool. 1a1·u11.1 1\-.)>UIT\c l''\1:.111* l<1.1n on ; 't AMPCISDt·IRVlfllE I(., l\IHJ c:r.·;ot Jf1·a • -llr 1h ·l(1r.ot11r U.-.111" '>II:! ·~~1 'Hi:l Xfl lli C J l'ih•u hurnt C.:ul tl1· "•"' 1~1mi-. ;,1. l .. l I mt BETTER THAN Eastside Duplex :i 1ti1"'' '"" 1111 .. u ... •• 1-:, 1 .. ir~c-:i h••iltoom 1 li.tlh 11 ll1·n1 l'o111lo1ton F1·p t.-.• "'"" ,:01111 111,.111 h 111 111111b 'i:ll :1011 !"iX ;i:111 or , ""''' \\'1111 I ),1.,t ))i t/ IHHI ;,Jfi 17;,1 ---Htll 1oroc ,. l ·.\I.I. Ii 1:, oil, l•i A PR€HIG€ /-4--I HOM€~ Walker & lee Real lstate SUPER lllJ:"l:Tl :>-1~ r11-.; llarhour C:tond11 I l\ll. I II\. 1·'< qw .. 111· d1•<'•1r J•rune !or S" 1111 111 11•1111 11r :.url Ste.ii a t S 11.:1:,11 1<1-:u C \111'1-:T 1110111 11t·1-.111 0 111·n l h1• :0-11 11 t i) J l'~I o r , J ll A MODEL :l t,/i Jll lili l>v 0 '' U\'t' 1:11r g .. 11u ... :i ho·d r onrn ::.x4,;.u.1 i1171;:i c111i m., 1111 fl I " u .\ l I " 11 I J ~ lounw 1111<\tlld 1:ul dC·l><rl.' "1;,.1, l.llul :\o 1·;1;1w11~1.-· .. parl.'d in de- -------• 1·11r 111· l.1nd,;1·""'"J.! Seller May Consider Fii \ \'.\ NORINS REAL TY, INC 146~ Sour Ii (11.1 t I l1d1\1 J V. L:1•·unJ Ht'.lCh I POSSIRLY THF:. DF.~T v:Lt.:£ in Niguel Shorl'S. Ownl'r t ransferred & 11 a nxious to sell s pa cious garde n homl' tn gate-g uarded ocNrns1de l'Ommunity Walk to pnvate bl'at:h; o<.·can vu. from 2nd level. 3 bdrm, den. fam . rm ; Mcxic~m Lile entry : dram at i l' 2-s t o r v Ii v . rm with floor -ceiling windows & drapes. Just s112.ooo. Tl! Jo: WO H LO AT \'OU R FF.ET <kean, mtn & canyon views from this lot pcn·hed atop Rim Hot'k Canyon. Bt•gin bid.lo(. at once - plans. ~pct·s . permits for custom w d 'J.!lu s. 3 bdr. home appr'ct & rt..'ady tu go. T?lal pal·kage. $45,000. IF YOU WANT TO BE INTl:\11\TE wi th n a tur e. thi s u niquely "terran•d" 3200 sq. ft. home is fo r you . Ca n yon ~reen life and ocean /Catalina vistas s urround you . l"ocal pt. of interior spaces is open 2·story a trium. 3 bdrms. 3· 11:: ba. den. huge' r ec room. S218,000. 494-8057 A.Ff.ORO ABLE l"RIV A TE A.REA IUCHLIVIHG TENNIS COURTS ANO POOL OPEN '.5 lll9 I OOSIHIA. 41R pMoromic view ••.••••••• SI 27.950. COMPARE THIS PRICE! :!IS IL 11pg rad1•cl hrown C'aqwt111 ~,'. Sl•1·1t1rkd palto pi11~ on· an \'I I. Should \efl today ..... S56.SOO. MOST IMMACULATE 3BR, lamtl~· n 111111 l 'lu :,h olf·\\ h tl L· t«1rpd111g. lk .1111 1l t1 I· E-Z llJl"l'l'P :-.il'U. t .0\\ l':>I prt l'I' l,111 ~trl'ct SM\l.:"il)ll ALMOST COMPLETED MEW CUSTOM lBR w lltW!-.l arnt'tlllll'"· \IHI 1\llllWl'llll:-111 m t·nt1on. 1:;0 '\ cb 1rn1n o t:eanlro111 Whitewotrr •iews & surf •...... $248,000. 499-4584 493-2513 En1oy Thi· Good lif1· 32325 South Comt Hwy. South luguna 499 . 4584 493. 2513 '"~'"'' ;1111. tl1•11. :!11~1 ,1,1 __________ __,11L\:"\E <_;an l1·11 ktldtell St• 11(.' f·x1·111nJ: lt\'e <it :-.li.11p 1 ~t111 i-::o ... 1 ~1111•. ., Jhr. 21.i.1 , la m rm th1•ht«tc hl11r ~:i2.;10\I, ll1•11cr m1111 va t1•d and n • 1·1:11t1y l'<'<lu1•1•ll h1 ... :i,,k 111~ 11r11·1· !:i\!I! lltt~ and )VU'llf.iuy. Servin~ Laguna from Niguel to the Beach Laquna Beach I 048 LOCJUna Beach I 048 .........•....•••.•...•••••.••..•••••.•...••.. POOL HOME '"""''I 1 ,,i;c .:•.iii.;, Ill 1,:n~ Big Squeeie · 11 I rpk . rt·d I lie roc1f. ti·lll·~!l.>o Ilk 1 75::!-1;;111 Tn 1111., tur :.11.l'. 5 luxun hrtt·k pa1ic1" •'« pl~1H1·rs. • -.,.~~ CALL NOW ~lt.l' l1l'llrm,.,, \!.I 1i.11hs t ~1·p hoal y r1 I. s1;' :11111 HunhnCJfon - .. 111lly unit IJfl.?l' l.111111 .1 :!111<11~ Cult ma L.r111· 111 Harbour I 042 _. 752 • 7315 1111 S«paralc l;n1ntln a p pl o nly !>!Iii 4:ix:; ••••••••••••••••••••••• •lllii .. L!..!~=-...!..:~~~ LOCJUna Buch I 048 Loguna Beach I 048 .................•.........................•.. Fn ESlll.Y Fl "1;1 ~11 EO II<'" 1·11 ... 111 111 hom1· l'urnpl•'ld." l.1 n1br;1p1•tl Ill clc•:-ll'J hi\o ,ofl':I Wtlh hll t1 \' l 'ol 11 \ I<' w .\I a 11 ) 1 .... 11111·-.. llllh l 111· 'ol'\"11 ~l}'J.50ll. Expandable OPEN SUNDAY 1.s 1283 SKYLINE Or. • • ll l' E .\ "lo! \' I I': W '.1 1\lt, :!IL \. li11 11t 1n .... l11'"PIJ1 '" l11n:•• 1 ;111111~ 1""111 11•1' ool rfoo1 k111 ~ ... ~.·~11l t".d l l'llt·:ST!G t·: 1111 \I l·.S.1.t.1 1,1.111 11111m with l·u ,.,111m lt.-:dlor :-d••t'\t•d. DONALDM.BIRD 1·al1111"1s ;111ol l1w1I .. 111•11 Homes of the Month -'"ocoa1 .. , hollo" c h •• rm 1· •l I I .I ~ ,. • ~ lnlrm:-.; 1111 1H;11·u J.11•· home '~ tlh "h11·1· ".11u · 1 ll'W .. \rid :i1111lhl'r "\Ill'\ It> rnakl' 1111 ... " !fr ~·.1m home. S!JO.()(WI 1.l'Xl,;l\ICll·:-. :11111. ck11. ln.: hv flit, lor in.II 11111 rm , lu'h 111 ... 1·•1)-t • .fa• 111 11 JJOlll. J\lu,.l M'll : Sl :1~.:-,(~I • • \ l.~1 OST llC E.\X FllO:'\T :1 l '-n ~. 1<11 ... 111 1<11 1h1.: hamlv11i.1n. Cen liy owrwr <!ht'. I '"h:1 Ol'l·:N S.\T SL':'li 1r.1l 111\1·1 '"'"I ;onol rm wh t\\llhM• (.'"1111111'11•1 ~ rt· · lti!J l:!L'onc111d m11d1 rnor ... <i ll lnl' 1111\.•t t·d ~:l:t,7.}u ,\:. lh·sl l1 ,1rli11u r 1111·11111111 $47,500 ~i t.::iov. "" m .1 h I c i · I 11J11 :\r \\,111·1-. :.dtttol. hl·.11'11, C1 :! I T r·.11ll'wtnch ]\·rm-. l'n r1t q.iab only I hr. 1.1111 rm. l11-.1ul poul X ti! llJ:!I !>l!l-'J77:l \J.,," 111 1111111 ~I l."1,l"IO MUST SEE Sti ,1111111! '.!•Iii. I hr :t , ha. 1 ... r..t•· I lwdr1111m t.1m11\ .\ lqill' '· Ir~ l a m 1 m h .. m .. \\1l h •:1"·11 lll'.1nwcl W /\\ l'tli.ir, Ill'!!' :Jd~·d 1· p "I II ~ ( II/ \ hr 11· lo. l h r u •l u I • p ' .. f " " " 111 1•111.n·•· 111 c1\t1h·':.. l.1n1h1-.11J<:d. Ill' 1'0111 ..'\. 111rn.1 1tl II' ;1111111-.11hl'r1• J.•t'U//.I ~li.~:.o !lli:S·H.1:!:1. \ \ \\• lo'ollll" J•,,1•1•ll1·1t1 --- - t.-111h . ·'"'11111,ohlc lo.in Jlur'n '. \1 111 u ul IJ!>l Huntincjton leach I 040 l'lo·.,~~· lJll Ph:540-3666 We're here to help! Of'EHHOUSE ' SAT /SUH 1-S 3074 Warren La. \11.t .. h.1q1 :1111', 1.1111 1"111 ontH t.,_, Ht-,-..,_._, I' .1 I lU • 111 It \" \\ ""·'' .. ,., ....... :.! loll-~ .. 1·111 '• .,lf,•r t•d l11r ~,::··~ti .· II\ (h\lto'I ."1 IO ll!l:!X .................•..... CHAHTICLEAR :\Inch•\ ~l)<Jl"IOU:> 1 I-lit. :I H,\, pal11u • .i dhh-1·nlr~·. d111111g rm. ~n·;1t tarn rm. \\1•1 hur. tlt'W 11\V. all nu 1·111:. 11p , fn•:.h p.11111 , 1· n · :-1 ;1 I <'11 " n d 1· I 1 ,. r,. l111·11u11I. rn11·n11~·d !'lo,.cl d1111r' :1 (';if a.:;1r;1J.:l' SH I .!~111 <';II I .'i 111 !1:1:!:! Across from Porlc l.<o1 d v 1·or111•r. l llr. l"J m H Ill-• 1 mm .11· • ~i;.J,;11•11 (Jp .. 11 S.rt & Sun. l'nt11· 11111.' H Ii .:\.Ii I ()v..ru· PRESTIGE HOME Uw ll hy Uo.\ le OPEN Sat Sun I:! .1 i(Ni:! \";_11 .. nl 1111• I Ir I lll'drn•1111 •I hatll l'J.l'S BOMUSROOM wn11 Pool table & Wet Bor I.lots vi 1•\ll'a~ 11.1rh1•n :-. I IWIH'r 1o1 .. xii 1:i2~ JUST LISTED Sh.orp ·I litl. clt•,.1r.1hlt· S.\:S "hllJ-:l' la rH om l11n11J I d 11111H!. :!' • h:1llb huJ-:c l11t. Ca rn1w r at ,.,.,., Si !l.!t ~dL ~1 11 ... 1 :-•·t· 1:!11 S1ll11n.111 <;n·;11 nart. ap p .. a l. 1 hr :l h.i, l.11l1 rm. h11at ~.int lOI' ~ unll I):'\ I.\' :)!Ii ,:,UCI. HARBOUR SA.LES 846-4408 Tt•IHJI'-E:-t:1k~ Jo: Pl.in 1\,11h .. 1· 11n tlw wa11•r. :la' '"•at rl11l'lc lhrl. :!'~ha. :!!.UCI !-<I II Tt•nn1' 1·011rh, '\\lllllTillH! p1111I. lll!lll~ '\\I J .,, ~l.l:!,.-1011 11 lli·i :li:I 1·hn,.,11a111a 11:1\'. l11 x l !Ir :C Ila. Tw11h"" :!I' ho;ol -.11 p, prnol ~x.:1."111 l I\\ nr ~If; OOi11< Irvine 1044 ................•...•.. 3 BDRM-2 STORY HO DOWN-$65, 900 1 111.t.1·:1, I·: I' \HI,, 111t'" ,11•----------•1 !lli>I :1:r.111r !'i lli 17~1 :'\11 ll11wn In <(lta ltl11.'d \'l'ls l'n nw I r·v1111• ln~o t11•11 111 ·1 h1· l'11lo111 ' Trl'1' l11w1I n il 1h· .... 11 llu1!1• .1 11 d t1 I o I! h I I ;• Ill 1 I \ I.. I l 1• It ~· II f'. A (I.I II d l' d .. l:ur"a' \11 \I \'.\DH>Tll B(l"l;l'S.HtllHI ' l rll'lt11l<':- t'<I/\ :.cWtn.I! l'O<lm :111rl 1l.111t•f' floor 1 l.an~t· "l" rludt>cl ma s t\•t "u1lc (; 1 .I! a n I 1 1• 1 1 r <' ~ 11 I a r .. 1ta1>Nl 11att0 11lus tin~ 11111 Sec lo1l.1y -c .tll llr ""'"'' t 1'•·•·11 '"'""' I""" Ill 1'lt•~1t-. /\ ... 1t11f1 , ... 1..: ~·1• ,\ IHf\ I :).J~!MHj l l .• ,. 1 ,. n !I .1 ll ,. a I 1 \' I 11 'Ht.t'I I \l(C, 1-: l't llll. ;1 Ill :• 11.r t •llll I••"' .11'11 ::.1·1 • •• 111 •ol, :: .. 0•1 '"'' :11x1 Real Estate by/kVAY SWEET SPRING Meso Verde Horth :i l!.·clr ni. :• h.ith. 1,,111t1i• l't·rl 111111•' 111 11at11r.• r P1tm w 'I ol r \i 1 ••:•·, \l•'.1tun· 1111,, \\llol li .. 1111·1111 I I 't· 1• ,.1 lh1· 'h11r1•h111• of JI 11. I ,un11· u1· I' .1u .,. ·• ·~ t I I I ulol 111111 .;.,;-,:1,,,1 11 1·111. n: 111:-.lr .. :-111 1· Tom Key Realty 714:776-9302 11111111·1 p1·rf1·1'1 . 1.old1·11 I 11 11 •'" 11 I 11 11 J.! r'.<ded ..... , ... t ... , ... di .qi.·:.. :1 1"111"" I''" ma111t v.1nb 'ffi1-i I I 1f1 -- Walker & lee Reef fstete POOL IT! ll<'r.··,, lhal lamllv 'olt.1• i.-.;i lilHI h11m1· ,.,u·1·t• 111"'11 luuk .,.. , •. "., .,,., 1. 1111.: 111r .i ll1·drms. 21_,_ halhs . :! r1ih's. ll ug ,. [®-· I lamilv 1m O\l·rlook111g , i.p.rrk.lrn~ 11001 w J.ic·uu r ' \' l' 1 v II l' ,.; 1 r ;1 h I 1 • _ nc1ghi1t1rhu11tl . walk 111 DEAN-UNIV. PARK hi.:Jc·h. ~l·hooli. & :;hnp p111g. Corm• ln our 0111•11 111111:-1• Suml,1\ !.:! :,, !l·M<! I '•l·r 1J1· II u.'.1 jdt· ll1·JI l y , l<li 1:!:1t :1 llH. 21 ~ Ha. ll1•coratc•d l\ldl pl;111 "E". ;ur con<l, l u11cl sc;111ina.:. a.:a rlll'll k111•l11•11, many upgratlt•)o :;12:;.000. lluild1•r. EARTH SHAKING , __________ , :1i1l llllt Colleqc. Collcqe f 11• \IJ ,, l1h 1h 11111 ,JI ll l 1 "II I If 11 I "' 1111 \ 1 I wol 1 Ill ,\ •' '"'" '·"·'"' """ \\ I • ' I I\ I I " I \ ,, u ,.,.... ""'·" i;, .oil\ ,,.,, 1•1,1t.1r , • 1 •·111 111.i. I ""' lwl 11 I I Ill 11.. ..1, \\ \\tl -.1111 I~ '•Ill ~-11 I•~ I , ,,,\ 1·111 ••• ~1!•.1•01>• a lulr111, l.11111lv 1111. cli11 111a.: .111•.1 ll11•f1f ... ·1· '"" ~ 11111 lo·nol"r t 1111o'l1 111r th" •.11111· nt ''"" hi•·' l'all t11d.11 ' \\"1111 I la.,l ' 'kt"C 'l1ll, BIKE TO BEACH \ ... .,II lil .1 h I,. I. fl·' 111 ·'•·• ·1,., l111111 a 1·11lal l', Owner/Agent "11.u ld uu: "1"1111 '" 111•111' 1\11 ,I• t llt •llllh l\ .• Two story 5BR or "' 11 111111111.11 '.t1·11 .\I ,, use as 4 & den + t• ... 1 '"" "'"' 11 ... 1 .... .1 (. ·' I I ll • ti , .. 1 I p I' I . fam rm + play· 11 ... 11111, 1 ••· "~ ''· room, JBR. Asking $69,500. Trade t111111.11 11L••·· 1111 ::• 11.1 OK 540 OSSS '.••••' '111 11"111" &1r·a1ti • • 111· f 1 1 •··• f. , •• 1, ... , .J p,tf i. 1 EASTSIDE 111 1•1 .... 111:11•1 .... 1';111..1111111 1111·11)11 -~·1 .:111 tt 11 ' 'l'" 1"'1 ) tiff 'fl I 11"'1 11\>lh•I" llpo•ll JI-,,•, :0-:<I 1\ 1"1111 1\ 111 , Ii ., 111111 ·I :-,1111 t , I' \I .!II..'~ I ' .... ,iill l 546-8640 ~ ..,J,/f, f?t ,."'"' lhc10 ....._.. REALTORS l \1'11:l.1d 1·· l.11 :'\11 lt1f..1 , BY OWNER I l<r 1 ol1•11 I '1 IS.1. \'Or 111·1 1111 11 1..! IU:!I Dono Point 10260onaPolnt 1026 ·············••·•··••···············•·····•·•· a c /C r;cccc:cr;recccccc~- OWNER ANXIOUS :I lkdr11(1111 . 111-.or n1·\\ •'Pl" & 11.11111 \\';111. lt1 ... huppmi.:. btk.: tu h1'.11'11 t:jll ,111\ l1nl\'. SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533 4 Plex-T ax Sh~lter :'\(''! l•I l111nttll "t n 11 llarh11ur l.c 11\\lh'I ' ur1 tt ,11 :: fl.1tl1 .. s 145,000 JUST LISTED 111'1·."\:... \T /~I "I. I :; 1708 I Camelot Circ. lx'.1111 1 it'a11 .llH 11•11111" Ill'\\ I\ p.r I 11I1•d .r 1111 11 .1ll po1 111•r1•<1 1"111 1• 1ll-.q1)! lt11.r l i.:.ilo• )'I.I ~ .rl'<'.I p;t!IO:O. .\I'll!)). ()11 Iv -.i,1. ~•t111 . CA.LL 640-6600 l BR+ FAMILY JUST REDUCED S2500! Clas~•<' <:.11trorni;1 l'l:in IO:S: </u11·1 (·tr I de·" ·'l' 1>11v1Jl~· 1hmr 1·ntry . Mir rnr.:11 ltv111~ room """ h~»>I-' ma:..M\fl!.. l'a lll., VPnll'!' :-.11111<' I trl'1Jl,1cl' l'l.t..:S l.ori.:c 1lm111~ <irca ('11n1 fo rl ahl1• k1ldlf•11 " 1 t h I J r i: 1· \\ a I 11 11 l lt.1lh'h •1f family flH•lll :-.p.•1·11111.; 111. .... 1,·r :-.11111• "11 h \.inti v ... :,t ra l;1r~1· l11w 1-.1n• v,tt'<I. l'rt\'all• , hdcl , pl,;y ~.int. < 'm ,. r 1· .t 11 .1 l 1 " • 1\ I I '1'''111!.lo·q ·ol ll1•tl111·1·d 111·11•1· 111:-l ~;:! 1;111. I 'a II 1 .... 1 i :-i:• 171111 I r 4 tu I • t I I ~ • ' t I ' t • I ' DEAN-UNIV. PARK l>1'•"''"'t•·tl ;\l o1h•I. :1111<. :! Ila , !'Ian "II '. :-p;1. .111 1·111111 . l:1111b1·;q1''". m;111y \ll'at r :11l1•,. ::; t tlX ,UtlO . t1tuld1•r !l~>l 111 1:! .I Bit. :! 11.t Tm' 11hc111~'" t '"" 1•:1rl. fin gt •'•·nhcll, 'l:l'I °";:!,11(111 X.1:1 Xi1il ROOMS FOR EVERYONE t'lll'"'-1111 .. tor 1.olu, 1-'I\ 1• 1;11 I 1111 """' 11om". :1 h.11h:-ptu,.. 1.1 11111~ • •~1111 ~ tll'n .... 11u.11t·1I 1111 .i <ft11l't 1-ul 111· ,;11:. ''"1 hl1wk~ I rum lh1• c•u m m l'OHI. t<'rtnr" c11urh and r<'1Tl'll 111111 11.11 I. Tht• uwrw r :-. t r.111'1.-111·d :-o the 11nc1· .., n i:ht. ~CALL NOW :7/ 752-7315 DONALD M. BIRO Auo<iote\ Ripohot\ MASSIVE MASTER ~~=--~-~--1 <wlWAM8 ---~~~ --- 1020 So Coa~t Hwy 494·8519 SPECT ACULA.R OCEAMVIEW :\c w c xt 1ttn,.; luxury t11wnhomc:; ! & :I !Ir. 21 ~ »a . II om Sii 1.!J;)O. ~·.a & 10'., llv wn 4:YJ ·lat:> .CLOSE TO BEA.CH I. .1 a.: II II ,1 C ,1 n Y 0 ll : :! hrnl:>t''• :! hdrm,... l'ac•lt. .111' H it l.111 <;110<1 tor h1111w h11~1u1•,,.., B1·dm•l'd I u ~j J •• JIHI -- Sun Bathe a l Shaw!> Co''" 1.-11111 1111• 'fl•1n1111-.. ,I \i1li 111 . ;I 11,1 l.1 11111~ I Ill \\II h \I\ \I b,tkOllY ,\ l'll(t t (.llllflll 111 ~lie Int. Sl:.!I :lt•I Lawn Bowlers (IVO. :! l11lrm • :! lt;o . arros s from lll'is lcr J',1rk, \\ 1lh lo.Wl'l'JIHIJ.! coas1.1I v11·w~. &15.000 Great Potential !l Unit orfkl'';rpt hl1l~ on lge . l ' I hr\. a mph• park•nt-: ~l!•~1.IHl11 High Visibility C I l'11rn"r; !l,1~111 "I II . wtlh 1.•a,.llv 1·011\1•rt.-tl I llllrm . h ;1u :-1'. ,\ mpl1· p:u k111g :o;tfotl,UtHI • 494.755 I • Y11u II kd hl-1· a htll)! 111 111,. l'11;11nlit'I' \I h1•11 1 t>ll 11•l1 r1· 111 tl11 :. h 1ii.:1· 111.1',.k r .. utlo· l.11\11rt m1~ I I I ? h.1 1.~c (o.-,n.c5 ~t.L.(Cr" I> <1 ppoi11t1 •1I ;111o1 .... 1u al1•tl 1) ... "tlf '\'. f'WJ.Hl<LU< 1111 ·' 1.11 )!l' 1' lil 11.· =-·•I' l11l. I WE:A l 1'.''IW ' lht> lu1111c uJIL!r:.AI :i1111b 31-.0 1 r.-i ""• JAPANESE n1on1 .11111 l11rm.1f d111111i-: ~Q.7"o00 AUTllE:'\TIC Japanl's1· toe• .\rt •''"'1·111111• honw a rrh1tt•d1trl', 111•..,tJ.!lll'tl .I\ fl'.•'•111;il1to· pn 1·1· 1·----------ll\' b a mu Fur:ikawu. (II \llTISTll' ... p :i rkhn l! 2 s~r,,•rh w11r kmans h111 lilt. :! ba • 1•11m crt ikn. u n d m a l 1· r 1 a I ~ dmrn)! rrn. Wh1l l' w all'r l'.1nuran11c 111·c.1n .a111I 1·1- ' tl'": fo\•\•l y y ard. I\ \"IC'W:-, :1 l<tlrm"·· .ten. ~CALL NOW :7/ 752-7315 DONALD M.BIRO A\\OC1ot•s. lt•oho,.\ Hand u• San .J1•ariu111 ;\ 1· \\ S :1 11 L 11 1" H c y . l<on:e,;1 ;j ltr. "1\h Vt\'W. ~-~~cnt ttlll j~~I~~ SPANISH VILLA University Park \h:irminJ.! 2 Hr. 2 J\;1, \ 1 11 ;1 • 11 n h c a u t i I u I w111\\h•d l.1111·. hud .. !> up lo r.n·c·n lll'll S!Jll.!°>1>11 :! 1 ~ llat.h~ in prim1· rr I It\" I:'\ E C OV F.. f:l n s1d1•nltal :1-iorlh J-:1111 lrh'a la~lll'. prl\:itc IJJlm \n •1· tum. <l:'\l': CJ V 1\ Kl~ll lll·.1d1. :J Ji ll, :1 ha , 11l.·11 110~1 K ~I i9.51"1 <1111111)! '111 . 1111l·111nl! '" REDUCED Ir)!. \r111111·.il 11.1t111; :t Of)<'n S11111l.1) I· I t:\:111 g.il'. puu~ F l·t· J;.i ntl Tt•mpl <' lfllh Itri 1 .- ::i2ts.ooo TrC'ml'11clou" ''"'w h11m" P EG J\t.LF.N m Lower Tt•mplt• lltl b H F:i\l.TUll 4:11 7!1i~ N r w l' a r 11 " t 1 n ~ . :1 llf.1~) N. Cna .. t;,.!·~~ Bdrm .... 1h•n . :! 12 halh!", Ideal Family Homr 1 rpl. & 111)! '11·" tll.'<:k · S I r NOWO~LY Sll!l,:)tfO. l' p a r a t r l' v ,.1 or ,._ l ' h ,1 r 111 ' 1-:• II I< . lt,11'11\'1 001 "11 11 l 11 ll .hi. ·i.: 1;,~1.:,1M1 AMERICAN HOMES REALTORS :-.. \\ I-. I·. I ' I '\ I, I 1 I \..., I I. I ' I . \ I I \\ :0. \ u 111111 • l•I • l:li "" '" ,. I .. I I ,\ '.' I \ " I I I <1!11 1110 I "I I l '111· \ "" 1 ""I Open Sunday I 1.4 !~TUI 1'1.E 1111.1.:-: 1 llr .. 3 h ;1., 11.11111 ,11 """'t t·etltna.::. & h1•.1 111~ (J11.1lt t.v 1·1111:-.l. Wh1l1'" Jtl'r \ u Sl5~l.IMKJ . Open Sunday I ·S , ,,i7cl 1 · \I.I. I Ill 1 I·; ('I) 11 11 I I V !-'I' 1• 11 I' It ( .. llllt•h•lo•h I 0'1J\111k i<'d Ill ollllllf1H d1'1 Ill Ill t n ·..,-,c·tl w1111d l11•;1 r11 11111 • 111·a.:i.:•·tl t In. \," kil . .! Jlr . :! 1.:1 ,, "' 11 Wal\..l11 hl'11 -.:1:! .ollll I,,,.-(),.. \ hi'\ II "Ill t ..... 1111.1 l h.11mt·r "11 It 11 11111.11 .. I" I\ .•• \ :-,,.,..,I· ' l tt t1 11 \l ilh \Sii <h•"rt• 1tl0\•,111 ~II "-l ''I l.10 499-4584 OCEAN VIEW I 1111 ·11 -;111111.1 \ I ' • 11.lh " "' .. 1 11•" •• • '"' 1111 1111. 1111111 ,ll'lll.11••1\ "' ''"·""' .,,, 1'.il1ll.1 \1 , 11 llo Ii 11 t "''• ""' H .I \11 h"t .. 011 1C l•1 Redwood/Glass Ilk , ;;t1;o Ill lo \0·1f1t1lllo ----------- 1111 .. 1 111 ,) IPI .'\.1tltl ,II fo\ "\\11"1 lll"'ll flq11 I \\nod 11th 'l l•H ~l'l•.tt .•1 •· '°'•'' ~"'' 'i i t lh' H• 1•UI t".1111'1• I ii Ill\\ I I lo \ 1·1 ( I I ~l:\';,11\"I 1.11 111 IHlll1' 'lltf I l\.1 Paradise Point ~11;.'.1;,~:,11·;:'.i'. ·;·1;1·11,''.: '· 1 1 a,·rt•" ,,. 1·.,n11 nul I ti Nc·;ar :l 1\r d 1 11.1 1 ., 111111 ... ""'''"I·· .... 1. "" ,. '"" L'.111 tor d1'1.11h. " Lots * : I Ch ... 111t 100111 \lm11..,1 Ult ,,11111 1\1 .olll lfUI \It \\ ..,1;')11 !'HI ::: 11 :>-11111 I le• .111 \ 11 \\';oil. 1 .. "'"" h )..1:1 .1111 •Summer Rental~• 1!1 \\I 1·1.. I I '""'''la (,,\I.I.. 497-1711 OCEAN VIEW r I ll Ill I 11 t 11 I< Ill I l111l1 ,l\\.i\ ""'"' ,\ l.1 """'' \\ 111. Ill'""'''' 1.1. t i •• \\ 1• I tt I• • ,11 1•• 1 II lhl'lll•l1! \h11 11111 "·' ti--U\\U tlt•t ~ ' h.ft Ill lo.1 1111 "'''"'' 'ltl" BLUE LAGOON I \, I .olll! .. 111 " ltd I I\\ , f1,ll h t "11d u. \\It ft Ult II 11,dl\ I.II'• f11 Ill 1111 I< f'lt Ip d llllJ I .II • I Iii t llllt \fl 1\\ \ J IJ\ ii flt; ,,, I"' ' ... : tli llHU HANDn-4AN? Ol't-:~ IH>USESl':'ll 1·4 <l!li!ll W1nh·r~w••1•l W;ov Iii I 1 f>·lll :1:1511 • ch1ltlrcn. 11nr. 3lla, fam l:\ A DDftftR manaDR· rm. pri nt,<' nonhc n cl .. JYl1tEALTDRS~<1H118t l•---------- w"1"w". \\alk to l>l•ach. ?OU SCOASIHWY i.llC.l/NA ll.t.C>i I. I ""' I I I\. I 1•11 111 I< . f11f t1dd ,f di'!~ '"I flllf 1111' \II\\ ( llJI\ ,o • l•11lt Open II~<' Sat & s un l·~> ____ . __ Open House Sunday Hv owner. :134) C:oJ<m 'fer CHECK THESE I 041 Santa Ano I 1111 \\' I I• Ill I I\ II .,,~Ian f:ol111 1 I I• o tol" ho11111 It 1• It• I I ol.11 11 !Ill '"I •"" ral'l' 1\J.1.411:M1 Sltill,lHHI _ RIVIERA EXCLUSIVES Arch Be ach H9hh I' 1111 lo ~ I 1 111· I' ol 111' 1 · .111 REAL ESTATE 900 Glcnneyre St 494 947) ~49 Ol16 UPPER JARCHBAY Charmini: 4 Br w /v1c'w. Im c·ly i;urdl•ft. Owr11·r Panoramic 11i'11kC'r ~vii~ r1n :.i 111: ... :i Rdnu:. .,. ~ h:L.homcJs. _s_1_2.'>_._1w_10_._4ll~· l_~-----r in !>llpt•rh l'll1111>1 inn . l·ust11m drapes & 1111 J.!r jd1·1I c.1rp\'ltnJ.:, 1lN·k~. lpl<'. m a ny lc•vl'I:>. !)ili.~il.111 3 + OEH-IRVIHE $68,900 THIS OLD HOUSE IS l.l)l',\Tfo:D JllST. i\ FEW 111.nn:s FJ<O;\I 1'1 11·; llEl\t:IJ. 01.llEH s I' ,\ ~ l S II STY I. 1-: 110:\l t-:. 111•1 ;tlfl'lf ,., I " rr 11 r 11 I II t·: 1\ V \' l'l. \...;T 1·:1t. 111-:t> Tll.E llOO FJ.I N l-:S & \11\'lllo:ll l'OllTl('I/ J-:'.' TH\'. 1-'nrrn.ol It\'. r111 1\llh luy \\1nd11 w, ha:- ('1-::\ n :H Fiii E l'I. \1·1·: OF 01.11 llltl<'K . In 11w·.., r;11n1111-. C'11l l1'1:,. l'.11 1. :-.p;1111·.1t · 1:.11·~('""" •1111.!h' ho \ \'I \\Ith I"" 1111• r1111 t \11·h•·1v .. n11 11. C l,1,:-IC" II\ llH! I ,"111111 h11 ... l:- l i1 l'l'l,1t••· .11111 )-!r.11111·tl ""tHI \\,ol l ' (111.~ d1 11. l·11r111 :d d 111111,,: L.11 1'<• :ond \ h1·1·1' k1l1•h1·11 1.11111 1, , .. ;,111 rumh11 w /w11111 l1·11 ma 11tl 1·, 1'.11111 ,. ~,.,·f11fl,..t 111.1 ... to•r . 'I) t. I> t·:'' II 1\ I\ I·: :'i w I l ·1o Ill I .. ,. •I I',." Fl.OOllS 'I'l l I< t '01 'T w.irclr11h"'· t-;,1,y ,11111 '.\luldh• 1·111-r1dttr lt•ath to :! l1drm-: & •'l•lllral 1>.11h. pr·l\·,111• ~ .11·ol 1o1 .. 1·k ".ill F () H i\I i\ t. I> I N I N (; l•·o c·1·d ~11 p1·1 hlv d1" , ,11 •11,.11 .inti t;,11.J,1 ,11.,.tl H Cl() \I W I ;\I l I() H IS II ,\lu:-.1 .. ,., ... :ill ;:;:! 1;1111 ,\111'11 . 11p1·11 ' to 111111; ., ....... , •.. ' k1t 1•l11·11 & '""·" .11 \' . • :0.0~11': 1\TTl':\o Tlll;\;1 FOR SOLID VALUE "''"· "" ,, 11111111,.,i,.,11., t'll'.\I ~1 f:lll'I \I. lll<l g . 111 i.: <'.1t.1l1n.1 .. un .,., J!!1 olitlll Sf! It on ('oa ... t II" y Sup<'rh I 111·11! Ill h1•1111 I 1 \'111'1\l'r in llll' h1·.11·1 ul · I 1, \I ff ••1(~1· L;11w n ;1 lrr1•11l.1t cJhk .11 \ "'" 1 l'l' ' • "' 1 ,.,. '" • « PJll 1'1'1 .1 t l' ~'Ill ,J iiii Sl7!1,50IJ \l!Clll 1!11 !Ii!/ I ,,,.,,,, .. " WUOIJSY SETTIN c; ----------llOS N.Cou)rHwy .. lo9v110 New h-o m1·, ... -'--"-'--ll!>..LI -494-1177 fm1 :.h\'<.I. ;!-Sturv . ~I Bl<.l•----------2' :! ha. J.11\:, t>I Wl)hll , glass & ltll.!. Va ulti·•I bramt.'11 <'1•11tnl!'i. !)!1·. I.I ii J'rplc A ,Jc in:.: $!17 ,;;t10 llAllD '!'() FIN I>! ;1 1\1 h1im1~ 1111 I .:c· . """ lant1 ... 1•:q1ed ltd , 1•01111 cw•' an''"''"• 'i···'""~ (' () '.'l H !\ II II V ~ • :1 Jliln n .. ''lo:•.''"' J,,, t 11111 1'10'1' '" :.h111111111 • ;\ 111·.11'1\ ~.1:1 .. 11111 ~· lldl'llh .• IJ .1111 h •auttlul ~·.11·.i .. 11 ..,, "'"" t 'loo-.1• Ip ,., ... ,VI 11111 1: .-;;,"1:!.!lllO ll I': T I II I·, :\I I·. '\ r llllE.\.\I ' :! lldrm 1·11ud11 do~\· lo ..,h1qq1111 ~ 1\ twat·h. 1\nx111u:. 1 1wn~1 a:.ktnl! S.111.!1;.11 • • 1n:,.\1 'II•• '.\J OBll.1·: I I<):>! I-: DOLPHIN R.E. 494·858 I 01'1·: \'\I I< ct\ I \ ! "'" 11 'h1· • 1.. • ' \Ill I ( llt t 1 •I \\ 1f f1ut1f p.1 \ (ti 11 u1·•· ulf t ~ 1ttl f•I 11 1 I 11t .. 1 '''lt.11.1lt ,,.,. •. .... h •• 111~· I h1 Ii• 11 11 ttf• ''"" '' 'I ool.tl "' • lor·ol 1 •t11111 ,\ I 1 ... t h • 11 · ' 11111 1 :--111.111 ,\ I'll!\ \'I I " .. 11 .1 l..1 1111.1 I "·" 111 \' I\ I "'""" I.""· 1111111• l11 1h • '•• •••ut tut I 111 \ •llllt ' • ,, 'j ,,,,, ' ' ' \\.' liH! lwdl t11'11' . 1\ ii d1·11 "I 1\•I 11 olh h1ddo II lo I • I \.II d ,\ ,t)l I ,1 \ \\ ,i)h 111 I ho 11.•.11 It '.'~1 111111 \ ("llf'.l· ICI I I. F \\Ill\ 1111\f I• "1 Io I I'd loo \IOll II) lw.111111111 1 .. 11:1111.1 °111· 11 h itt ;I prt1'P \tilt t dU ,1tfnt d :1 J\lt• llO'tll • u1l11 ' 11.11 It • \ll'\\1\\.1lol ~.1111111 .\I\ I\ I·. '" 11'\ I'll I ~ ol f 'f '\ 1111 1 ...,, '\,\I l•·d\IH•u\ 'l\IC f. \ "I" I l 11 1111 (ft \II \ 1 H1 l )1• \l.11 ... I Loq uno Ncqucl • I os; ..........•..••.....•.. I '"11...,I Ill ("'111 • c 11 I \ \ \ 11 I\ \ \ \I 1, I t I I II \I II t:1 1111 1 f li \\ qfl I I II II ,,,, H I dlt '"' 1. I 'i.lllpl \\.•II• d 1•11111 , ' '"' \ H lr\\11 !111 j t1d (d i.ft .j1 I 10 1 I I 111111 1 I '' t Iii t It I 1•1111) l t I • ••Id I I' ,, l'• 1111• 11\\11' '. l1(1fJ 1't1l 11•111,11·1 Lilguna Niguel• the choice co mmurnty ••• l'l(I \ \I \" 1'1 I "I ,1. l•11·d •t11 Hu 1 ''"' ~PECT ACULAR ~ [® - · 1 "''I' 11'\' 1 m Spa1·~''"" re ·: .1 1 1:r11 1111 d -. f ~Jo. L l>S l'h1· T1·11.11·1·. l lll\ l'k. :1 I llUl '1tll• •·1111 ,lll t'1' I to I .._ T I I II \' 'I' ')' I' I•: 111 :! Ila , .111 1 •11111 Ill' 'trl I',\ ~111H11 H; I·: :!t";,;! 2 Ill(. <! h;1 f14'.1111 111olh lnilM•111I. l•1•1km1: dnwn 11;1 lhc poun•hm: .,urt. "11 h l,1ra.:1• \II'\\ rloT k S1•1• IOI ,111\' ,1l ~···'""•' .1111 1: \ ll'•lllO .. I ( , , I·. . \ • "I I • .. • 'd" ' ""'' I I ti 'f. " I II ' h.tl h ,\ I 1111 h Ill' " l """' 111 ufollO'I\ """ 1•1• , , \\Ol l1 PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW IN SAN CLEMENTE ~ I rnm this :-i:wo square' foot. lt<':tm<'d c·t·tling t·uslom home fo'our ltt·tlroums , l hrt'<' lull baths . 3 ~ f tr(•plan:s, gamt• room . fa m ily room. C'Usy-rare landscaping & on qu1l't t:ul·dt'-s ac street. Many more l'Xlras in this su()('r sharp home. Ci1ll today to view this excellent trlVi')>tmenl. ANCHORAGE INVESTMENTS - .I lilt 2 lt.1 ,f,i 111•11 ! l.111 ,.1,111.·11 pi ul 11111..,, p ui·I•----------1'~:1.1 \ll. n111·h1 1,.. t'1111 ,,.,•1 1.1.1·1,1r :.!l.t 1.i:-<:1th • .t 68EDR00M "·111•11 ,.,, """'"'\\I:\!-: :0-11111 \1 ;1 N T\:-OTI'\(; 1,1 .. t ic lot·.111h'1I '"'I I 1111 1 Ill\ :! lrpl ... .: 'II'" •l II ""' 11 ' t'.or l. j r 11.,1t1· 1·1111111 n ... 1.111 I" t.111 .llul "lo.1 It 1 \lllhfMtol,\11.11n•1111dC' l.1lol1o·1111111•1•k, loirrn.d -,.rr h•I 1111.11 ,\ 11 Ii ,,,. ohn 1 m '" I"' nr ;,;,;! :17 t:• n ''' 1,, ....... 11t.111 1 1111 111 ,,,. x.t. 2 1.•:I n111·n hnu:-1 h!'.11 It 111'1·11 s . .r :-.u11 :...a1.S1111 1t1 1. «>r liy .q,1pl :111:1q St'' o·n s ... 1.. l,;111\' f•:!Kfi l'lnm T n.'•' V.l· \11111 .111:1111111 .; & &·.rdt Si:t,;,(111 llWl\\!I !lti~ ~fli!f1 FINALLY .. a lltg yunl for tht• kul:- ~ Udrrn ..... t h,1 111 µn• \11-----------1 :-lt ~llJ \I "' T11rllt•r od. OWNER ANXIO~S 2<1<10 Sq II 3 l11otl1n11rn . ht11:« t.111111~ mom \11th t11·1·pl.11•1• l.111-.11 1•11 111 111-.11111 111! :0.1111th 11 11111 1na.:111n n ... 11 h l lun \ llll " ... .-.::.~tilt) l' 1llage Re al £stJte 963-4569 • 963·1786 !\rt ~hi , d11•1.-·r~· I am 1 I~ h11m1• t 'lt"•' l" 1·ommun1 I\' i.1rilt111·-. ,'1, ,..\'1111nl:< .·12 .. 11111 552·70~0 ·nn .... · ..... \"ILL\CE .' . ." ·RE 1\LTORS COLLEGEPARK IW ll\I t'F "'.\'I' tH ll.11 cl tu 1111<1 1; lull 111 1.1 I'll.II tih"i"' ,.,,111111 h11m1· d1••1t.;11•·cl lo•I I loo· l.11,.:1• l ,1tn1l~ I '11111 pll'l1• \\ I I h .! I • h " I h ' . .1 J.:OUl'111"l ktld11•11. \;11 C•' I ;1 m I I v I' II n 111 w ' ' h 111·<·111:11:1•. f1orrn;tl d111111r .11•11 I $69.500 F\111 Prier :-.1-.l·:TOI>.\\''' C ;();\" .. ; TO,\I C Ill HOW' MISSION REAL TY + mud 1 m111 '" l'ri • '"' lo m;;, s . t:~l. llwy. Laguna ,...ti IJ,.:I :11 Si:1.:,110 Phone 494-0731 VILLAGE I l' p ~ r ;1 II t'll 11 r a 111 t'.V :\l•J(l\'I h11mt· 1, 1th .111 the :111w111l 11•-< lll'uul 1f111tv ol1•1·111 .o l1•d Jll1t. '"''ll!lh'll 1t11 l ol.tl 1 11ml1•rl I .111'.11 I'll Oii ,I I Ill "" ,,I I '111 1'\'I 1 ... J, ,.,.,,J .Jut! \n lfH:- 1. 11u1 i' ••uh ~ ... :~.,,, red hill~ ... 552-7500 • i'\EW llO~H: • :'110:-.i.\ll('ll Ti':llll1\Cl': ~110,000 :urn.:!' ~11.1, rm l11r pool .I\\'\\' YE\ I'S 111 .'I'\;, '11711 ('"a'I 11" v !'<oo \..•L'lll\,I IFYOU "·"'' 11 .. ,.n1i-1•11i 11l1t·r 11r ~·•tttd' ,,, "•'I 11L•1 t' .in .ul 1 n t h 1• II " 1 I \ I ' ti 11 I ( ·1.1 ... '1111•11 :->1•1·1 •••rt l'hnn" 1;1:! :,1,iit SPECTACULAR ( h'<·:m . l'<1,1.;1 l1n1-. 111111 11l•W:. ( 'u,.1 till :thr, :•11.1 I" nw1nl lulltu11 h"""' \lu,1 ,('II, i\liok" 11l lo-r '\X\I,;°.,,~) ()Wnl'r t:1'.I :! !tr.I TriarKJI• House \lrt'ul11r ~l;1tr!' t'ffilll••I rng !'rnm :i W<h II pnlo· w 1g l11ss roof, 2 nalttral ~t on t• frplc),, •~l ;1nd k I I I' h f' 11 \I' (I' U ~ I <J IT\ • ,1h1nl'I' ,.,, h11t1•h1•r lol"d' t11Jl'< 111 a q11i1•I r ur.11 't'I 1•:1)! "1th a rftlt•·rt Illa tun• tr ,.,., t 'ho ""1' \"nil I' 11\lt) I' .1 r p t• I . \' 11 l n"r ' ,\ 1·al11m•l1 \ Ill 1h1.; lnl.olh 11 .. ,1i.:n1·rl :chr, :!t..1 IJ11ml· ('.Ill lft 1 :!:Iii:! l'\"t•lllllL:'> /.. \\\'t•k1•1111 ... f c ,. 'I'' ( t 1 l ' tit 'It., I ~ 11 , tt I t f I.. I• f • I\ t I I• )1t ·flttlfH ll ht•f1't \\ ,I 11• I ct lt1tf; fl 1tlflfl ff1J tl11 l.u 11!.11 \lo\\ lh1 11 \\ ol• \ "" \.. \\ .o l •·l 1,.11 .1 11 •.u11 1 "" 1 110• Ht '• 1\\ ':'"' ,pifl ····~ "" ' .,,, .t ''" \ I ,.u'\ltt.t n1 .u I. 11 0 ,, \\1•,q1 1111 1tttl p11f11ff \\ 1t1d11.\ 110 I .1 11 1!1111111 \lo,\ llolll •1 1 11t.11 '1111111 .111 ------------1 "lolf1• 11 11111 rtw "l'I'"' J I' 1.; -.; II Cl l ' S I•: S I .... I 111111 t1,1o7 l.11111'1' :-.1 111 l·~ll~hlll!> i'li 111 th "''"'· :imo Sq. II -hl11110' "'1:.!ll I<. :111.\, d1·11, 1wg tit "· m·pr look 111~ l-:1111·1 .iltl II;"·, ~l :!!1 .. i11n 'illll·;l.11 IC I•.,\!. l·:ST,\TE 1•111<11!t!l 111 ''i 111' II l•;S I 111·:'\l 'I': 'l'lw 1!1'1·o1 l1 · I I 1111 h••lll•· \\II h ' ...... ,. ,\ I• 111 ··ti );1 rd. rw.11 1111111 1 ... 111 .11 .11\tl 111111 1., I \II d a 1.111111 /. II I \ I. f I 111 lfl.1 )(l,J I I:~. ·11:1 I Sl'll lh1n1:' r."1"1th Oat I~ l'1l11l W.inl ,\d' 11'"'' "111t•l1 ·\ ~ .111 1·\ •·t• "'"''"'·ltPt 1.H uL1r ''""' •tf th" l·.I '"·""' 1:,.11 l lolff~I' I•\ <olll ' ')'J l.'>1111 Open Sat. & Sun. l·S 3040 I Via Chico l.:0 ~1111.1 "l;1;:lll'I l<•'.oll v 830-5050 496·4040 l.11,lll lootl • I \1'1<1111 ., '1111 •'I I I I It ti • I"'" I t•1 • I It In", J..q.~ UUH \11 111•1, :--11 • 111111 1,,,ld ll1•,1lt \. I''·• 11.:;:1 .. ..... . ~ . . 08 DAI LY PILOl ~umJa1 June 6 197b ~c:-!:::!.~~.~~ ....... ~:: .. ~.~ ••••••• ~~~~~.~!~!~ ...... ,~~~~~.~!~!~ ...... ~~:.~~~ ..... . ~:.~.~"!:. ....... !~:!:.~.~ ....... ~.c:-!!!!.':>.~~°!:. ....... ~:::.~.~ ....... . LCICJIMCI Ni«JWI I 052LOCJUl'a Niq&1el I 052 Newport Buch I 069 N.wport leach I 0'9 Newport leach I 069 Wedminster I 091 DuplHu/ lndudrial/ Newport leach J 169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Onit1 sale 1800 Property 2 I 00 ••••••••••••• • •••••••• • ············~································· ····•····················•·······•···•••·•···· MEW LISTING! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1'11 1·: l'cl \'I·:. lu" 111•11 :! 111 HGl'bor View Homes POOL HOME I 58 BEACH UNITS ln•striol lldg :! ll.1 1111><kl 1'1111110. 1111111 IRR cAlsMIN IEALESTATI OPEN HOUSE -Sun., 1·5, 23651 Sidney Ray . Laguna Nig ue l. Beautifully de corated 2 Bdrm .. 2 ba. home . Large pool. Ne ar Beach & Te nnis courts .. $112.500. COAST ROY ALI!: -in Sou th Ll:tguna of fc rs a Spanish Sl y le 4 Bdrm., 3 b a . home. 01ni11g r m .. ra m. rm., 2 frplt:-.. PLUS 1-!reat ocean view ....... ONLY S107 ,000 MONA RCH Ill\ Y -Quali t y 3 Bdrm. home w /ocean vu. ltalh'm f1. s Marble entry ha ll. tam. rm ., ·Z.;m PLUS lathe d s haded g ardt:ns which crc:Jtes u 11 atmos phe r e or elegantc ............... SW7 ,500. >1671 a JJJs 1 c.-"-'Y .. s.. L..pN 4"·1l41 49t·ZZ41 lGCJU"a Ni9uel I 052 Newport Be a c h I 069 •..•••.••••••.••.•.••..........•...•..•. , ..... CHARMER ..•...•••••....•... l\r,11111 lh'W 111111111' 11111 ll c·u~1u111 j1u1H\0 011 \\ ,tlt•I ll;ird111i.1d ll1u1r-.. ·l•t1111',il j.'.f,1~~. 111•1 11.11 11•1· l,111tl 1 '1t1~l· 111 h-11 111., f>otl•I <'- ltt'.t1 ,, II \' "\\ 11 1• I ::il:1;1,lk11l 1jl1 1.; l>I >lllJ\I '\t-:Wl'l>HT llt·:IC llTS ll ' II\\ 11 l' I l . II Ill p I t•1i...t11111 dl'1•11r.11nl. :1 hr,:: It ,t I 111 Ill ,1 l' I .to I 1· l I la 11 111 1• "l\ ,I -, 1111 1 ll '< H1·tll.11Hh .\\.. I IK 1;1.,1 llpl'll S1111 I .111111 eaEAUTY IM THE ILUFFSe T he eleg a nt t'ourtyard tells you this house is uni4 uc. /\ VU from every room . thi::, former model s houts with ("<tr~s ltlc k1tdwu & bath, <:rys tal d1a11<klwrs. \'aultL'<i heamed ceilings. :-p a<·11Jll:. rooms, all custom drapes. C:J Bd, Fain Hm. '=!1l! Ott , laundry /sewing Hm & l O'x 12' walk 111 d osct.) EnJOY hrcakfa:-.l on a secluded pa tio . Treat yoursl'lf to :-.un:-.cls on the upper d.cck. W111e 'n O inl· on the huge. lrec·hncd low1,.·r putto. Only ste ps to the pool. you wun't f111d many 2200 sq. ft. homes in :-.uch m int conll. It 's priced right. Owner . Open House Sat~ I ·S PM 524 Vista Grmde 644·6220 Newport Beach I OU 'Newport Beach I 069 ·······•·••··••········•·•••••·••••·····•··••· ··············~························ ·IOOO Sqrt traditional eharm surrounded by gorgeous gr ounds. 4 Br. -1 '1:? baths. &·n w ·w<'l h<Jr . form al dining. master :-.ulll' w 1magn1ficcnt frplc & v iew. (;ourme l kil C'h en + l>rcak fast rm. SG:.l!J.5011 fL'l' Shown by <1ppt. only. Ask for :\l ~1 rgc l'.:llmorc. ALL PORTS REAL ESTATE 645-5578 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •lbr-2ba •Family Room •Corner Lot •Fenced •Sprinkler System •Covered Patio •S52,500-By Owner •No A9ents Please •499-3023 wkd, eve •540-2541 days ••OPEN SUN I ·5•-; NEWPORT HTS. Newport Be ach I 069 Newport ~ach I 069 Buy lh1.., ht).! h1)flh• nn\\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOI "lllllllll'I (1111 Ill h1'.ii••d 30322 BEHECIA I UH ·l mma c. Ul•au l vm· lrnw<I y ;11 d . 2 p.11 111!'1 lmmet1 utl'llP' ~iti.5111' 29772 AMA MARIA LN. 1·11,..10111 1'11111 .I :ae11111 lmmal' :JB H. lalll 1111 lll'l hlll t'\t'll ,111 hilh t• Hu-1),1\1 111 g.1r,1g1• \, ,..umc $70,UOO \' \ 111.111 .ii K' .1' ..- BOND REALTY 831-9411 puol I Hdr111 -. , d1·11 1 •111111~ I Ill ,j!t,,jl}fl \I !-:I. "I Diii i·: MARINERS COVE Realty 646-4463 .:!1~1 H111·1 ... 1tl1· '.\ U l\1::0111 1\1•1 Ill .1 111 :! 11.1 11.ilk 111'11·,11 II '"''''JI Ill' \\4 IHd ,I/,,;. l' l.t '-I'\ ~ j ,) UHft 1>11t·l1 S.11 S1111 lt> I ~11 \\',tl1111l ~I \, 1 • ,I 1 lS •II .'112 :li117 111· lh111•·l' II\' ll um•• S11ni.·1 ,1·t -, 1t1 :1 11;1 11\1 Mission Viejo 1067 g1·ad1·d <711 1~-1:! flil.i ....•.••..•..•..•...•.. . llY ow:-.:1::n Ext·1· l111n1'" i:,~:,::~1 ,1.\.~~~1,1~1:1~·:-~~ ;';;, on l'UI Ill' ;..11'. Ill 111 lllll' hnw 111111. I t'>lll'' I 111•111111 loc. I ,.pano11" Br ,. 1111 1,.1 .., 11 p1 111 11, 'lilt l1hr:ir_1· <k11 . t'.1ll11·tlr;d ,11 .111 lli-.d <1 11 ,.11 \t:t l'1•1l111).!~. lu1111;il d•n. 1.1111 ii i:! u;;x I'm, hr••ak 1 ;,~1 1111•1k . :! ll:1. t1kd 1•11111 • pl11,h HARBOR VIEW HOME •'Pb :!XUO ~11 " Ill' ... •h I (~ r1•r l'l'lllt'l' ;\I .1111 \ll ··~ S:IX .. i<Hr lfll IS II< I·' 11 1 ' • II '. J II " II II •• I' ' \I .all rr d 1:.1 111II1 1111 ~11 ,1dt·d "'' ~x-: ;,o,, :\Xii 111:!:1 Palermo Mode l \lit 111 1:11'•·11lo<'ll I ,11,,r1 ltl l-, t 1•1ir11 :-." 1111 t luh \\ II "II· 1 ljl0'11 I I• '\I I 111 \\ lt \lll' 111,11 !1111• 111.111,I \I(." 111 (I\\ /l\'I I• 11 1•1 • .. 1t1r .111pl Hart' w ;.it crl ronl. ch.•gant <.:om.lo. Boat s lip ::tl door sl<'IJ. Brick frp!I..'_ P r ivate ba knn.v < lwner will rinanrc. $141..i,700 LIDO REALTY 3377 Via Lido, H .B. 673-7300 I Newport Beach I 069 Newport Be ach I 069 •··••••••·······••·•····••··•··•••··•··•······ OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. ·1.5 PM B,· O\\'ner. on Lido lslL·. li Br. 5 Ba Fi>rmal dinmg rnom. separate family m orn, lurgl' kitc hen . large brick patio and 11 s tai n ed g lass w indow s . $18!).500 All Terms I l• !'rime ll1•ad 1 lm•a11u11 lt 1•11l'11 i.1•1•11nl'. '''" T.oll "ltll' ll'e~·'· ;ill hnt·k 'rOI. cure & rni:mt rro 1 -1 1 ,. 1 c. t"">"1t11 ".11l' t11l1l11l1I ·" ·" 11'" '!.! u11 cnlr~. l>\l:Jr&11 ~ 1·:.ithl•clrul 011 y .• \i:t , linlll•r)> h-1· 1111 " "" • , ... • "t I } Sharp :1 Rr, rc<ll'l'Or.1 h •d l,v l'Jll J an Ul•f'lh,t ~t.:e l'b n" l'l:ll !•i>ltt ,11.111 .. ;i:! \1,,:.. 1'l'1hn~i.. 11'um11. ~ wll''"" lhrU(•ul & l'l•d111~111 • ~111111.t f\l•hll'' IH'HHY o:-.:TlllS is:IH!t;l!I J II lll•d11t•k l'1111\p;111~ l~:o.l·•t \Im 11,1) \II,:! 1\1 - l'n1nl' Wl' tlw 1·c~l 01 lh1:-• J ll lkdl'tl'l( Com1>a11y 1>""'1:1~· llldr ~11w1• 1!>17 11.1, 111111,. \\' l>. 11 pl1 . lh•:au11111I I Ill< tum 1111 0:-;J.Y SSi,OoO l>i.!~l~lll'~ l\htr!'l1111•,• 1!117 Sl:'.1'; i\D u11l1111• 1l.1~~ M111\J !Kil.II J·" S.:Ji~t li7:S t.t;!IJ l1unh' :I 1111111' I rum puul t I W tr -" tluhhttu~l' ::-1\1.i.lllkJ P:ee Duplell S 1251000 111 1" 1'·1 P•; '.. . , · 121HJ "I\ 11 . alli. 2111 .11 .11o11~ l>l't·::.... 11111 :-.1·: ·l\IW Haver. 1 llH :.I 1111. U Al ;\I & ~I A i' I•· :-,,.1,11111'1' l>fl\t• 1\1•11>:.-. :-. \T "l''\ 0!-'l'l1 Sut & ~u11 l 51':\l. l'l:l:I i:tt.l i1t;,;, 11t•1.·.111 llugt.• '"" Jll:Sll l'ur1 \\·,·~11m11111<·, I ~'1'11.~ty llou_:-l' l.il:!-:ll:!5lJ Lots for sale Li-ll>o (ll•1·!.., h.111'1111). t'v111p I urn s1!.>,t}:'.!i\'i'..~~'.t,: ~ ''-· lnc:o~Pron.rty lOOO ....... ••••••t• 1 :::: .... • 1111·lull1111: -..-..111 1t1ryr ~· '" ,.•4!) ·' i:.." _ •••••••••••~;•••••••••• ,.,......d!L ...... -TV t•.1bl, .. J\\.11J Sl~pl ""('"!" ''u"710 • ., t II s :11111 1 11111. u T:.-i,;i.1 . ....... "' -u-. u S.t::!,5110 (:>) .,,. • lUl:C EASTSIDE I I I I • l1·t1 1:l·d liutk y "r ll 1 :111y11m1'. Harbor View Homes w tr1.•1.•s . cov 'd 11 :atao. .. • VIEW lll'IY 1·rpt. 11u111t & ti.1th DUPLEX Houses Unfurnished ~ .. ·~ai· \\'t.1~l1n . ~1 all & C'lo.~t'·l·,1 t u \\'c•sl"lrl'f 4tJ7.t 7tH or 5.l5·(>!t::!.:t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::! ._ 1>1•11 ,\1011a<·11 l'lun h I II ~ L bo t I d 320 \\11h 111•w 111 :i.1ou11t.1111,,, St 1>11 " Ope n J)USl'. Sh1111p111i,:. this bt·u1111.•1t Dana Point Bal 0 s on 6 t;.111 Walt ~l. 8!J!S !°>78'1 or <'l'rl111i.: IJt-.wt_v h.1s :a ••••••••••••••••••••••• \'Jllt·Y & t\\1t1kh1l" 11q.:ht ~J82'l-o l'rnm· t•ommL·1·1·11il lol , Si•:in .,lls l,tlllllV 11,,1111. hght!'I · ' pn1'.1ll• frnCl•ll y;11tl. tt111 kil'l ·md "l r'l·i·l l1t ,,ll'l'l'l · OPEN SUN. I ·5 ~e,1t l'&lull~h fv1 11\1 ,,,., A wi~~ v:olui• :at S[lll •511\l. ~' 1111 l'l.v lt,1~ 111.•11•. :.i.r J kp ts • O l'\'lllJ:l ll l'~'. Ql '1\JI. ' .llt,1 din l'lll 'llPl'I' 2344Port.Abudeen ac o avin9s l'L.\l'E 1<:XCL.l 'S l\'E 1.11,111·11. l111g1· l.tm 1111 Call 644-721 t SS l,950 l\y i\ppo111lmt•11l \1 ll h \Ill\ Rancho cal if \\ I 1 pk & II ·"~ Ill lt:ll ' ONLY ONE LIKE THIS! t+ 1\('ll'S II 1 .'\t•11 11111·t llt•adl. \\'1ll lr.11k '"' ttlt 1111~ or good .-•11nln'1•1l·1.1 I l'ruw1 pcol,.. vnl.' .\SK t'OI< P.\T KE:'\T Stt OJI ~·.\Lr:i deep lot th1:0: Ol 1.UU' :.Luri only. Choal'l' hwhllug :<Ill.', 01 i•r m.m v xtr:a.... •. \\ .111 .1t111l· 1mm.1nilatc l11•m l'ott1.·r :. l!ftuai"I ~ '· .,1.,... l11111~·r .. ui 111 1.1 ·::-1,to11 111t•n1h1 ~. ,·111.y ta1nd~ rm, l"c Irv lit ate aml mu:;l :;"II '!'1'7\IO 1;;,; :11.~11 a11g rm \1 log llurn111g Pl 111"' & sp~11·111u,, h,·drml' n--~ ... • LAGUNA MIGUEL Balboa Pe ninsula 3207 Frl1·~hly p 1 :!111ll'tl 11 1 1k:.11k r-Tup~':I'-~.20 2 \':.ll·ahl 11 .1 1,.ts. p 1111 ·:••••••••••••••••··~~· un< out -.a:-:y wu · lo ··-ou• ., Ntw~T llACM 1 l 1 1, r . 11 I h.11111111g ll1111~.1lL1\\ :>.1. .1 I . I' k I> . ~ ~ • ........ l'lp.1 :. I ti v ... I t' "I I I (< i\11 "Squ:iri: ;1r •. on I 11 ,.11 n·r•.<~rn> 11111 _ Ir I 111•\:1rr1 , . tld.iv . ..:ull tutlay. ALFALFA RANCH c.i ' -·1 blks 111 l.ll':tl'h m;, 1"711:.' C ll Tra1h·w111(.b llUO i\<·r~·.-;. hij.!h pniJUI'· 1'11sl111 i\w. nit lilh SI C d IM J22l 11 ll't·0521 111111. i\lj.!ml.-" m.1rk1•t111g C11,.1a l\l":-.1. 1111.!r l'"s 1111 orona e ar 1•11nt r:H'I ;1 \a al. l}f h1·r h1Hh S[l't't'I~. t•ln~\' Ill th•\\ ••••••• •••• • ••••••• 0 •• • I .Quail ~ ---rand1l's a1atl ,.h.111p111g r"1111·1 .. < 1.·11111 WATERFRONT Plac• Other Real Estate BILL GRUNDY nwru•ol ·'l'l"o~ 111;,' :.>.111 '\ 1-;w :1 HH . :1 /1.1 ht11111 P t . ••••••••••••••'\'••••••• REALTOR 675 6161 l'~on 111111<1 approx i:1.111111 111111 "lll'r1.11·11l:ir 11t·11 roper ••• Mobile Home' • "" ft . Build In ,..1111 (.all (,It\ liO 111! \\ 111t•r ,, "" 752-1920 , F S I 1100 A l'.·\l"f~l t·'.'.· 'I'S' ;\IJ:-l'hllll'.ll'l'ti l:!·olfllln tl111 I.. ;, t'.11 park111t 1•00 OUAll~T. NIW..OIT HACH or a e \ " ··' I ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED 111\11111.11 ,\ .... 11 ho.II 1111 Id For H1 g C;1n~•tt11 JHO· (lt'rl1e,.., t•:ill Big C<ill)Oll lll'i!lly. ti4 1:2_!H •. _l ___ _ l'nmc L')11 l' l'. a1 l'<>. :'11111111 t•1 1•r q •.11 I~. •••3l>r. 21w. 20x57'. Al Pnn1·1pul1\1lhSIOO.U1t\J lv (.'fub;in•J l!ti'i•u<'aan11111 1;w ;::i:>,ul'•il:!:.'.li l the tw;ieh . nn golf course. llll'l'SI by 6· 15-iti. Hl'.tl H 2. t1i,llllll ~q 11 *LIDO ISLE $119,500 /\wmni.:s & .shed s. pe ts/· 556·7:.!!ll.I 5;;6·617 1 $1:!.5110 t:!t:P H:1:1 H1ii·I · tl'cnugl'r:-. oK. srn.5011 * Urifl\\oud lkach Cluh. 100 % DEPRECIABLE E IT11rn \ ll·:W Sl'YCl.,\SS llfl.l.:- Fa11l.1~l1c \ t<'" .• 1 \ .111 \ui.: 1 Ii I I li'l~li, 1; 11 1.:!:•.1 Open-House Sunday 1-5 227 Via Orvieto .J Ur. Su. p:.il1u. Stred 111 Str~·1·1 Ii 1;1 11:!1 t 't•~tum :11tr. ::!ll,1. t.1111 I'm., d111 rrn. & bll11:. :\u pa111l , erpl:., & dl'p-. C<11 11l'r lol 2:!.IO Tu:-.1111 .\11• S!t:!,IJOQ <.:allli.tfi :Jt!l2 Space :JS, llunltnglon llt-:.ich, s:JG Jll81i. ------i Sll·ps to Ui!<Jl'h. Jl:lxti( w 111>1 scr'N·n room . 1-!oll rour:<l'. ('arpurl. 111\'CI yr1I patio. adlt purk. pe OK S!l.5011. Hy owner ~:16-115\J\t 1974 Model Ext•rulllr 11111~1 :-.1·11 11 dose ,.,..t;ifto. S Star Adult "110 pet" p.11 k . l'l•h: B;i r n •tt Heall) (i.12-52\JQ. :i l*l 1\l't't:S ~">X,llllU Br11k1•r 15:! t):H I Fun1asl1t.: !ol:I. u111ts ,;ilr1p MOW!tain, Desert, lh1• Nt·wport lllul l:-. Resort 2400 :! llr. l.11H !'Ill ,\;11 p1·f, ~" Ill ll.1~"1tll' ~ •• 1i.1. '""'' :-, 1\i.:t ltjj i:!ll ll<•:i m ~·d t 1•rl11:i.:i.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\ll'l·,:J lllt "11,\ ,11111 I 1r1• p I " 1 1·"'. " .. 11 c I llS. l·:,oi.:lt• L.il-.i· 1, . .,, '" 1w1 -.11rt·ll1hlri·11 lund,,ra11111).! <inti 1J'1Hll. 111r ,,11111111111:.! 1•1·nl••1 ,\ c;-;;; ••IH·:1 111:1k,·lh1~;1111111tsla11tl1ni.: 111 0 1.t ~t l " h i ;,ou . . . 1111 ,·~tm,·11! Sdll'r 11 ;1111> Braun, ;).I:! tit.II> '''II . lit •" 11 ,' lt,11 rl11 1 111 1•xl'lwng1•. ~o ~11hm11 Ho k11h. pl'l .. UI\ I rulf1·,.., or :!II'. dll\\ 11. I. .1 k ,. .\ I' I .. II It ,. ·' d \I ,11 11,lli-111 . .r ... ,I Ill ... 1;" l'l'•ll l':-. .... 1n11 .d •"-1<:1. ~11:11•1•1u,. tlo1 1,11111111 ... , 1£19::.~! ~· Properties ,___......,....._.,,. ............. .,,,.._.l 752•1920 East Bluff L·r ulll•' \\l.1;.:u 1l11•,·11l •·<· lumw 111 lttll ~p~i.:1.1 ... lak<· lr1111~ h11an.-w pit 11,11 ,111." "' c.n1, .\1•111 llodc 111 .. alcd 1111 "~ 1111111 .:tl . 1>lli •. J!)O 111 1'111" 11· t• N J\ J '" I•. s IS:ll 1J1t 11: ·I lku1 .. vm n.11-11!08 hy a ppt ~EWl'OHT llEHarrs Ill tll\ 1H·1 I 'u:-1 <>m hu1 It :11»r. '.!h.c :11 1• ;.:.1r. ,'i.. lJ11.1l .1n·.1 < 'h;.i1111111;.: ::-.-<:! .. WO l'r1111· """ Ill lr11111; ,,,. !lli:J ~1;'111or5 lli t1ll:l. San Clemente 1076 •....•..•............•. .10· :\l:.gnoha. i\l b,•:.ith 111 w,·~l :'liewport. Clean. 1ww ltoor. 1111110 in1<·1·1vr. ~.lllMl fi.1;1 .. l!tt:1. 1;.1:!-:!t;'j!t 11:1.:l!l ;\l11h1k ll11m1·. ,1111 t 111111 Furn NII Y11).! J'l'llfile ;i \'l'l pl l'd lit:! li:!i:! 1•00 QUAil ST. NIW..Oat HACH TIME TO TRADE Trudt· to largt·r unth now 1 :\Ion· appn•n al 11on . 111or1• l llX ,.h.-111•1• l':dl 111111 I l!r 111I01 mat 11111 LIONS ESTATES Catalina lslond pan"' Vt: 1 1.-w t>I ll.i ~· ,\ La kl·. Chd . f n rrn;al \\',. 1111! !1111• ,'\ •'.II'•' 1.i1' 1hn rm .. & l'.1m rna . :.' ~mu-11111111• Jl"'I tlw \1 ·" lrples <\: m.111~· • \1 1".1 ~ 11111 11wlld . l•l'l•I•·'''''"·" Jll'11k\0I. (Tl I lli:ll\ 'llllol) Ill 1.111111\ 1•1 ;1 111•t•d., hto11• <11 11:1:r;. io1:1 111g 111 Cil~l h11·ll " 111 .11," 1111,lw l'al1111 111 H1111111111.: lor I 'r 111111 .\1111 11'1 i'.. 'l'l'lll';,, .. Ill l' 111 ... 11111·11 lt\li ~,-;.-,~ Spnn,.: .... rt1·;.t Int ,11111111~ 111',lflllllll IJllH fl,I" llt'I'~ lllH I\ 11111 and .1 1·11·11 ol :1 11r. :! ll'pl ~ If.!<.: II\ ~'<'x 10' 'l'n ms:.ihonw Tri! lt111111rt· '.!IHI lla rhor Ill l' ;\I S11 11; ~l:'itlll th· thll1t'I' lll':iutrlul :!l>rl. i ll'.'lilTS. 11won11· ~l~l.:!tlU ~h.•. :-,:,.11 \\ 11 irpt Acrea9efor sale 1200 )r.~175.11110 lht• 1'J1·11 11· T t>11 111111111 .. , 1:11d lrt1m l.;1~1·' 1\11'111\ h1·tul · .1111f (i1 L'l'll \'allt·.1 lllt1'<'11 111111ute-I 1'11111 \l'l•lll 1,tf'lll. J)rp~ ... t t Ht•. rt•Jn µ. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Medica18uildinq IH'e ,111 111·11 . 111· j.!u ll llli\CH I·: lli\:"\Cll !J Sl'ITES. i\11ahL·1111. 111 .1t .:.IHI\\ h·11·I. :l.:1t1tl II .\;.:l Ii.\:! •t l ll'I >1:1:! Ki;):! \\ .11.•1 I r1111l t. h1·dnn I 'h111a C'm " '-1'101) 111•' .111111 • 1 .. t1 • Fl'i• 1 .• 673 2825 201 Viaquito l't>Ul't'. 1111· Jl.tllll, h1g l1 0111l'~ll.-. {llllt'tl lt1r l'llllll' s2 •1 :; 1. Jll•I -, H1· :.?"T 11;1, "'lnl.l"tT1111111 ~ l·:~v•· tlw..i It'-l•i ltL.t:.t.' JW-• lmcl\ ~I lllh t•I I n 11 l hurs<'~. :\lt1Jt'~ka Ca II~ 011 ::-:! :.111. lltlll I ~. , ()ow 11 lrpl1 ', llt-.1111 1r11ht'1"1 m•d ""Ii 111 111 1•1t1•1 h.1 ,t ~!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!11.!!!!!11.!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ lrt'<'S. ~•.'>•~l dnii n. T;ikt• north nn t-:1 Toro 11<1 owm·r n1rn·bah111t•t•. Out of State Pro~rty 2600 Costa Mesa 3224 , . .,.,.t• 11111111•11 ""'"'l.1111 opl1111t 11·1·1 11111· 11111111· ''"'r c:L l.t'"" I'll l1om Sau 1>11·gu F w>. • SunsetBeach 1111 . llt\\h 1•,1111 r .. d . 11•1111"1 ~.11d ;\"1111011 NewportBeach 1069Newport8each 1069 1•1:!1•111 CX05l lX:Ji'l~lii t !l Bl-::\Cll ui'\ITS .rr:ulL•nr i-.ill' 111 K.11111,1:\IE:-i \\l·:l<llh.11lr.1•111" . ....•.•.•..••...•..•....•..................... t' r I> I . al ... I 111• II,. 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B.1.·.\i-:1 SH .:i<KJhl5:15xi OfficeBuildin9 960-4410 11 r,•1111 '1P~'11•·r: -··11111 11.11111. lill11 " t'I''. xi:< 111· 11111wr I >i·.1111· "t'h.111 I 11'1;11r" Tn lt·1 l'I :1 IHI ;1 11!1 \\ (l!nil .'\:. ... p.I !'oo'l l .. 111\I I >l'I·::-; :->,11 ,\ S1111 1111; :!li.->1;:! l·: ... p.!111·r llr .\1 1- -.,11111 \ I\' Ill llY 11\\'~;t.;H 1 .. 1 l'.11 ~.111 Cotlag~ b'J fh e Jea 111.11·11·11111~ 1•!.111 Tlw H ' :0-11 11 p lu 1l.1lt• ,\ "'11 '"" .11 1'.lll':l•tl . ,i1,.,11l111t-I\ 1d1 -.tl l11r I ht• 111.1ll l.t111al~ 11h11 t'lllll~ ... 'I' •I t' I +• t•' I '' •• tll "\. ,\ fllll olll' 11111•' :! llut:l' lt1l1 111 'illt1·-. l.111111~ 1:-,:J-ll·IH :'\EW, •I :.u1tcs 1\1>11r11x -----------1 "'11 II.+ J,!:.ir:ogi'. ~IOO.lllffr s 11111·11!,11 \fl-' lh·I \I 11• •Ul·:ACll B.\HC;,\I:" Tal-l' ~m<ill cr li...1· 111 ·.:,.' ' '· . I\ \Y & IH't-'. \:\ \'11".\\' ()11 lll'I' :111'(1\llh 1 ~1 :i:1.0\)0 nll1 r 17>\ I 1'1ng-.. lltl llu;.:.· :: ... , 1 hHlfl t•. 111 h11nw ~ 1111 0111 1· (~11:.irtc1 .ll'l'l' l•it ;\gt b-l:t·!lhl1ti 101111;.qfl . (t ol;il) fL"r 's'TR\UI' U II 1 .. 1 , t Sl'llOOU ~.l.J.) 11·1 l.111 11111 S:li.fl(IO s•-ii(") I'· l I l ,,.. • 1 ·,. UI tcr I ;.ti~ op It ' , -,--.1-11 -I Ill! II Ou1 :-t.1ntlir11~ 1al111• 111 '""· '" "~" 0 l'rni:-. ha~!'> m•w 111111:; 11n1kr :12:::1~~·11 11.111 :1 11. l'O II.I\ "·1 '·"· 111 •·' ' H.11 l'lilf \'rllagl' :odult RoyMcCardle """'lruU 11111 . \\'a nl' io:n K«al:1k1·k11.1 ll,1w.111 :1 Br. 1 •1 11.1 . 1111 , "'. ,\ 1.1101 m 111111,, s11~11•1,111 :-. Realtor 1810 Newport hu1 l1lahh• l.111d. l':'ll m R 1 Est t 11,11111. ;~:11 .1 1.,11111. 1 · .. 11, •. ., ,.,1, .. ,.,10 n ' rl'lri•.it 111 t:o:-.t:i :\ll':-.:15-lx ii2!t N1\1Jl lk l1 t\J.!I 1~12-oi~ eEa ha e 2800 l'k •. ~:1\1,,, , , I l.1111111 . ••.anlt•11 ,,,-.1l111g. llJ',•pJco,l•----------•I xc an9e ;,1.-.7:J:>!)w i 'i l 1111111 ,_ BHAND NEW:; 1>1.fo'.X ••••••••••••••••••••••• \11gt•l11 I Hr I , l\,1 ,, '\l'\1 p11r1 II•·" h I" 11 .1to- h11 "1' l.ian 1•111 pll t11 1' 1•11 m1111111 1l~ 111 ll l1' I. I'• p I lo • ' I I• ti 111 . ''l'.11 "'"' I 11 1111.! rnr & I 111' 111.11 d 111 111,: I' 111 BACK BAY i·ll-c hit ii-.. ,.,toi agl' Commercial Owner;. 11111L :J Hr s1111l10. g;ilor i• i'loM•d .1.:arace Pro~rty 1600 «t 1 :! Br slud 111,., . .it n um~. S\L~:-Tll·\111·: S;111l:t 1\11.1 llh :1 l.1 1-'.Xl'l l.\:-.:t; t-: h.1 I pt . ·'·r.;1, 11111 I ··I l.1 1111' 1.:11ihll. .. 111.oll"hl' ,11<:11111-.. h111n 1·' Old & .. h11p._, ~.1 I " "'"' \\1l1 Id tildl'\11 1•1111 .1111'1'' -,Xf: :!:1111 l h" ~·11·..:1•1ttb l>1•.t1·l1 I II~: I I h '. I' I\ 1 I h ~ 111111 I 1111,.hl lo.II• ht II ,\ Jor i.h t 1 l\r :t H;1 ll!t' Fam Hm Hl.JSl:\ESS l>l'l"l .. Y •••"••••••• .. ••••••••• flom rms, frJJlt-S. )l;\tlt•' I ll!1· L I<.~ lrpl's + Ill\(/ for ,.,<:l"tl 11 1• ltu s i · l'nn1,•r lot 11 tn·l'~•\:lgc 111•:.,.,111;.111 L111qt1P B.AYfRONT St o:.cr :!><:! Kni•X St ·"''"'· ~13~1.;)(111 \\'111 tr;.id1· ~c-1alpl111 1• :a11d )lt1tll'1'~ 97~-:>t"l!J 01'1-::"i D.\ILY I I ll\I~. r111·s ..... w"1•ll·~-al" & rl' 0rf11·1• Inn !ding. s pC'I'· l.111 111 H1g ll11a1. (~1111 ~ :>11~1 1;.11t11·111 1 1111 1•11111 ,..,. !ol H 111•r ,1<lt• ;'\11 It·•· :\1.'I .-•Iii 111-111 :"\c111w r1 111 h dupl"X l'll;:t. :t.!' l';o1•1·m :tl..(•I 1;12 :!lfil &-1;-;-:1 mx:· :1 !lit. I ll.1 Hi7 ll1 ·n1.11 d 1·:11 •1· IW,111'1' fttl. !):: 111 11111 .. 1:1 ;!l l.1 El 1>111 •• d11, \ l•111<l1 ,, .l lldnn. 1.1111111 1 1111111 . ''"1 m .1111 1.l1.1 ·· "Iii.• 'WO ·,!'Iii 1:1:111 1111 111 l' 111 .., I ·I t' 1'' l 11 pn 1 ,,t,. lu•arh .111d l1t•.1\ "''"·'~l ,11 •·.1 \\ .• p .. 1,, 1• I I I ·' ' .. t I II I• l 'n11 .t11 ... 111 .ilh II''' "'I 11 1(11 ol or ,.ml ISl' 111 arl•a' 1,·111 .S,•11 .. r ·~all t1'a111 i1r tacular 'u•w, Juxunou:-. 111\\/!::1 II ITS o11«·rs 1tll'll ;,.ix i:.!t'r ~ cxt·t·ut1vcoft1ces H.E · l111:im·l' & pr11mo \\',· .111 1•11 >1111 t11 111· .. hit• r 1• ma 111 . \ 11 I 11111-.. & lledut·<'d In 51;:.?.'i.IJOO t11m 1·xpt·1 Real Estate 11• 1111.-1 .I 1°1 lht"I' 11111 \ll'ST Sfo:I.!.. E.1 sthlufl llml 1111.1111t t·il \«·1n<> \V v·i· I' l.11'•1111" 11111111•-1111 ..... It· "11 • ' '"' ,... BILL GRUNDY "'' ' ' 1·:. 1 •1 ~ or Wanted 2900 \•l'\'.t 4br.2ba 1·1,,.', ,,,.~, .• 111 , L'o11tl11 Sh;1rp :1 BIL 2' • $25 01111 flll<•!ll't' pr11hlem '"~"ii t' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.1. S11nk1·11 dt•n Nt•;11· ::iunwwr ltenta1~s1:i11 Up Realtor 6 75·6161 1 OPEN SUN I 5 Shop g. ll11 ~' Cluh t------·"a 't' mt""'·•t:r 1 0 ~·1·1 va 11• ln\1'''"'' h.h 2907 Pe;tO • T1·na11~ n.,i 1 orn1 ~1~-(~·~'11i,~1ji-t~~\\~· N['llPORT BEACH Hrut·t· ..,. 1':111 !llnnd(I~· s1;11111111 111 $I01t.111111 111 \1 ...... 1 \ 1·1-.ll' . H1111·111, 1 Newport Beach I 069 '• 0 rn111 1·1,.,, • 1 di '"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~h·t.ul' ~,)XO rnu ... lti ~u I • BIG CANYON 1111 h \ It 'II I 11 I )t •' ,111 \ 11 1·11Jiil!IHlll\'tl \\ :t t ,II g.1r.1g1· :1111 . 111111111! 1111 ,'i,:!lh.11h~ \llr:..-11" d1· 1•11r & l.111d ... t'.1p111 ~ I tuh ~l.~1··~·•111 \ '\11 llr .. l..1·1-.,, l .all 1111 .q• l~•llllllh'lll tl 11 .1<!1\ I 'll,11•111111).! :1 111', ,I 11.i ,c•p P II. lu i.,.,,,11 '" 10.11111 .di 1'1'111t~lo·l1•d "' '" "' 11\I tl1••.a1.1n·1 I 'I \ t.1 l II d 1111• I 1ol11 '1.1•1 ""' 11, II\\ Ill 1, 11 11 Ill 1 )1•1·11 ~1111 I I to \\ 1• , It JI I I I ) 1' 1 It I lo ...... 11 ~Ill\ .Utl 111,1 )1t11•t 111 (h1111•1 1111111 I t<llol" c , I d I\ I l1d I I• o1 '"q tlH•. t n \' t '·' "" 11'1 11'1• l\11fl \11 \I Utt I: I; 11: I \ '\' 11 \ \\ 11.il 111111" 292 1 Perla HEi\L'l'OHS ~1' I SP:'lf.l;t:!·fi:lc;l'I ____ pun·h :a ... ., 11111111· 1\111 Iii . 1.1111 1111 . 1111111.d 11111 POOL & VIEW :!15 Avt·nid.1 dcl !\l:ir ('omm1·n ·1.tl l'r11pl'rly nn .:;I'll or u ·:adl' tor 111111!'. !\Iii;! u11d1•t 111 ~ ''" 11llf n n , h':'"'' \li"I ltt.i • 29 39 Perla S:in Cll'm!'11lc. Ci. 1•:1l'lli1.: l'o:r~l llrghw:1~'. II or:." <• rt'.1. Io i i · I ~ 1'11111· o11I\' :.' 1:1 :i:t:! 1<1,:n I I I l'1111•d I 111111 S!l ",:,011 BACK BAY -------rt•ady fnr o11'111·r oc -'-(lrawhni: r anl'lrn l.r!.\ l·11•:-o ..\.\\k1111.... ··11r .t-.1:<1" ~p.11· :1. '' t ""' l),.,1,..t1.,ld I" 'i:l:.'.111111 I\\ uw11t•1 l 'us111mhunw SanCJu~nt a o 1078 <·up ,cn t·y . n('x t !11 tll x JHltil, tt·r ral11· do. ~.n;1 111i1. W.olk 111 '1111 I 1.111tl ' 11..tkr 1•11111t· \Int i•tind :1 l\H :! H:a. ap1s r n :\l.1rinr r s !\1111'. Com lt•alurcs. Si·l,11110 ov1•1 l!el\ahl•; l'\l. fpty i1a...lw~ ~~'t·~Ht"ll ~~l :·;111 I \I<-· ' ~~~~m~~~Ull.~~~~~~·~~m·~~~r·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~~h~u~1~ld~11~1~~>~l~u~ ... ~-~·yOJ<a~~U~C~l~ll!l!V~.r(~)~W~l~ll~'r~:.~UILIUl~U~y~10.1111• n11n1~1l/'I P ll I'' • 1r , •• ,, .... "·" 1"'1 •·1 111·1·11 il<'IH•1.. 1 :.·1~:.. 1•nv pal 111, t•iwl Rancho Capistrano l1m1s('. !:ii 1!1,!IOO. \11t ha1 ~· houg h I ol wr pr11 oivi·r ~l.~~11•11 (!:~·;~' ,~:; .. ~5 111111 .\b!l ,;.i_li_:i~::_;,.._, ___ _ ifiantmnl\ & l!: n .. ~.'\.1·~i l turn Ring 640·5560 Any11me Easlblufl Prof. Bldg :!tl\111 hid 1111o1I. h1'.1t1t :!'.: 10 Ii'·· an1· p.1n :l'I:< :.umalilt . .'\~.'.'~~n1: .. lll perty Wa11L f.1:-t :al'l11111 :-nlh l;a nl1.d d owu . I-' ~!0.1 t 'ol\· :! hr il 11p, :"''· 11i1l!l1111r l"llll•· l 11111r1·' HI & CJ 1on1·d 1'al11mal ·~" ' S11hm1l ;tll I radt•s. 1'1111 '" l'I) I'· .,,.,-I '"" 1'111111v '" ~ l'eG''Y l-'l'F.~l'll ·'''llU:-., ><>'I!--'• ,.I ' . 11,.~l huy 111 :ire.a a l fon•:;l a n •a l'l'l.ri1;11ls & ['. u '· 1'1p:1ls o nly f)l l'-•:.1·' l'tll'llll'.C'.alrl.''17H: ~l.11 11ltl'11l;d' !illl!i:l711 \l•lll d '"" I ·I· 11:1( ll' \ -----------i 1.1111 .• 11111111, 11111 siu .. 1~PEH HOU~E ~~',1.:,~;;m~.'1 11·: .. 11 111 "''!> •L~ jGPluaaciwl l :~~':::\!;ii 5·to i7!lt. r:I'~·;., Y'\c; q1l<1 lo11k11w l11r ""' ~11;11 llc·"1r:11.1i· 'i.r, In•'' SJC R It lliil ... , 11ld1•r hm. 11\1•1 11p11•·1 • kid~ •. fl'''"·•"< •11.l-. , ... SAT/SUH 12.5 ea y Properties I ~1 :1·. n1·.1u HN ;\llc.r i·:.1 ... 1 c"t11 ~:s:.111111 i\l.1111 111·111,.i .... i111 .•. i.•1 \'1111~1d1•r;1IH111 l11 lll-.r ... •t!l:1-11:1111r:iltl X~tK:1 752-1920 ~ Tl'V ~~Hl(),f~lll !lw11 •Ill :t:!~· .1 1-. K:17:1m 111:. IWI:! :t1K 1:111; J\'k l11r .J1111 ll1~h11p a•OOOUAll~T NlW..OUlfACH 111•11 (I 11111 ':-) l'1111, .t lll:ll((lhl\l .! II\ 111 1/1111'1 I•" la1• 11 111.1111111 ,,,, t1l/I l't1 fll \l"ill\ \;... .... , 11 ••• t • 111 Harbor Vie w Homes Be~t Carmel BY OWNER Santa Ana I 080 1.0110 '\I 11 pr11111· l 'd;\I J\dull. p111tl 11·111u:-. II 1 h11 ~1 · 1.1111ilv 1'11to111 111.,111111111 ,,, w ·" ,.,., Rentah l"1111·d '·""· 111···1•1 .... J'\l'.1tr .'\\\pl Hl'h \J.r~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• hudl11t' '1.' 1 11 ,1d" l11r O C. l;i11d 1' Houses furnished '11 1.IJllOU;\l ''l\\lll 3 ~r. Fam. Pool 1.;,\STlll.l'FF \Il l·:.\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''""11 11111 1111 bt• ·" .;1a10 9 I :11.Hl.1hq11• 1111111' pl.111 1110 .\ls11, l':Oll' ('d ;\l l' '.! • 1111..,11 1· 1 1: \ 11\1 'J IC Mos. younq II H. ~ 11,, 1.111". 111 MODEL HOME l<>l . lf1 11 nil l'Cll. ~5.IHIO "'7• 1 .111C1 '\'.II I I I' l " I t I \ 11 \ \ I " l \ .. I I I I I I I 11'1111!11.'h·d I''''" 111,111.1 I .. llh' • fl\ 111'1 "I 1 1 l'tl< I I 1·1. '\ hi \\ 11 11 .. I ·' 11 .. II " ' Il l' h 1· I Ill' .q11 t; L.! ~tt; \ ~\: t;i:t 11 ,:;} OCEANFRONT N,. .1 r 111• 11 . ii 1• I 11 ', tn 11l,.x : 111.11· 11 .1tlt' ''" h,11 tr.111t s::w.01111• . HEW LISTING NEWPORT CREST '1 lld I Ill' , ' It o11 h t111\llh111h1'. 1111 111.il d111 1u,.: 'tl\. \ll'l!•"d•l1.1d • .11·p ,.,.,,JJ, Hl4 ,.• :"'tf,:11.till\ Balboa Bay Prop. Re altor\ • 675·7060. \\'1•-.l1'11fl. OPt'll I 1; :{1111 ~l111t lltr '.+ 11•1• 1 ll> •• lh.1 '\l11l tn1· :Sll7.~·llll. tlli :'11.mnt•r,:, 1: I:! li71 LIDO ISLE POOL- 66' LOT :I ll<lrm. -.l\111\ •. 1 h.1111-.. c:rr11•1111" h111111· - 1;111 \ 1.1 l.1irl'a, N.ll. \)pt•n 111111.,t•:->1111 1 ;;l';\I Lewis T. O sborn ~llt\{hl\11:-0l . \\ 111ll'1Tlllh ~ Firth 675-5499 r ~ \-f. "• ~:too • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ""I"•" 11 111.1111.111 • 11 1 Has e ve rything! ..,1.1111111... ,.,1111p11111;..: 11 11:-Ownl'r Brkr Siil i~.;,., 1:1 • 1 11 .• 1-.1111 11111 11111 Open Sun. 1-5 111m11 ad ilalluu:il bl! an :i Ill'.:! 11.1. """'·1011:-: I.It C d •• -/T :d ''l;f'fS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3107 Balboa Peninsula p 1'1\ ,l lt• /'11111111 111111 I, r 11 .i1 ii• 11 ··111 ,,. 1 .. 11<1 fllltlf t.1('111.11. :! \ < II ••l•I ,;,;,., li111 I· pl1 • 111 • 1 ··d I"'"" 1800 Pt. She ffield ka1tl11·:. SR~.111111 11 to o~)IS tn1lc L>H . d 1.1rm111i: kll, ohn omi,niumsl 0 1 7w0n0-!:'I T:i,o•in Fi rm c. rt'-11 1·1·11 1 •1 s 111111111•r r .tl 1 1•11 •1 111<1 .1 "" 1 11111 ,'i. hltn:,. l1C'\'~r w;1x \'lnyl, CHISes orsoe lul1111 ·11ol .lll'\TIO:"' <11 11 ,,111 ~~·;,11 11 1-. 111111t·• « \l.l ... :.i; ;!1;1,11 1 ,. 1•1.11tl1 L 11111 I : " l11l Newport Terrace 1111 cpt!i & rlrp:-. huJ.!l' ~·<t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• :! H ,. d "" 0 m • 1 I > :i ::--1:111 11111 1 '11te ~ 111{ h111111 •pll111111 iii "·" 1'1 1, .. d Encl 11111t. h1µh on th<' l1wrl llvg r1111 , 1; <; sl'hls, 'INGLI-: STO llY 2hr . lw<11011111 l'1·111l'IP:th •HI walh 1:111•-.L 1·11 \1a i:•· C:::SELECT 1o1 ... 11 "1~ ""'' hlull'. :J hr ('omlo .• S2,lliHL pk & i;w1mm111J.! poul t •~ha, 111 Ftn Vly. Sh;okl' l~•.1\i.:_t·11tlill; :l:l't~1 1;;:, i'lili.> \I )l \I l '"'I'!-. I 1: 1·1· Bk1 '.Ki:I K:l7i /!11i3·7fi5:l W1lhrn 2 hlk~. OWl1l'I' roof, hal'.k ynl. pall11. ;!' • I PROPERTIES t ll'F\; 11 \It.\ 1·· .•l'\I ---644-6381 t'ar :oll µur. SI 1.UOO 12 UNITS •11111 1 \11'\I> \ l'I '\ 11 ;\ll'STSt:LL Owm•r .5:ll ··IO:Jll. 1111111,. ,,, .•:11t1 '"I' 111 1h1s we1'kt•n!I' ----FtRSTTIMEOFFERED 11i1l 11111 . .tl .• 111 ·~1; l•----------1 WATERFRONT Bv Owner. ol or 5 bd. If! ~ANClllJ SAN.I OAQl'IN Pnill' 11f 11wnt·r~h111 :q11 Newport Shores .l.l•. I '111!1111 \I • 1111 ' "" tqd1 111 1111 11 \h tll ,II 1 ,I 1\ lllt•d••t 11 h1l 1 II\ II • I II .II ,, .. .... 111oll l11111d I.lid ,,,,., .ttll i\1 .il,1•1' • 111111111 t 1'h 11 L1 'tin' 1,p, 1l111X Newport Shores Steps to Clubhse. 1i.-.11111r111" tl1·1·11ra11•d ~ hdrm Inn -tl1·11 l.111 ,, of a lwu-.· l1111m.1h' 1111<·not. -;1111 h.1!111 111: and <'lllt'r 1:11111111; p.11 111 ('all l11r :111 .1p11 1 I ll ~11'.ll 1111 " h.ar..:-.un ,1\ ~it,,;Hm •OCEANFRONT• l'll·:n & FLOAT kilrhl•n. rim a r1•a, 11100 s_a n M:ill'\I Townl11111~1· Near Lampson /\.. B1 •.1d1, 11t11·111'. l.1111111 r111 ,!/,; ll.1, hnnw 11111c-cl 1lupl<'X ~11.11 . S17,lll0. Op1•11 hous<' l-:inta~lle \'lt'W. l ux x l11m· lulr111~1 S •. 11 •sun 11 .. ,.,r W,•irn"r •· 011110~ UJ>l!ratl1•s lh1 uo11l 1 1., 1 1 d1111t11• 1111 1•111 k 111111' ,\1.\KI·: OFl-'EH Up1·11 L L "' ' '" rrn~• · n l'.·11 t l. '."ti_., 1.·1·11 1·11(ll' 111 prl·~l•l!IOl~S an-._• "1 l111•1n1l•""7 1"111 C t M 3124 I ~t· '"'~' 111,... 111 t'• ·1 1 S;1l S1111 1 :. :!!MIO .,1 Vl'r ' -• . -• "" ..• os a esa . l'ltlle fi l!I :.!:1 11; l l'l'llll' ~l..Jflll I ii I ) PRl .... CIPALS i .111:.11 .1>.:1 ~.1'>111111 \11•. i.1;1 :1!111!1 II~ I S:!XllX ll; "' 1;111011;1; ,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• JOl"ES REAL TY I '"' 111·r .•a.:l South La9uno I 086 pk.i-•· 11-.11,.111 ...... ,,a.:1• ONLY Ol.I> lllH'~I-' ... 111111111·1 l· .. 1 ,, ""I·· I II•. Ii: 1. q' ht II 11111 I 111 II\ I 111 II 11 Jd1 • • 673-6210 • • l'IElt ,\, Fl.ll\T l'lll't' l'l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,1111::1:1c.ii1.1111·1.it .11 17 1t·111.d .111111 lll SPpl f11 .I \lr'l'rt•"•'ll 11'~ \!'•·nl ~:!1111 1w1 11111 l'r11.i11 fl"''' '" 11•• '"''' '·'. lllU ,,,~' tti7tH11 t,U; '111:•1, NEWPORT HTS. ('harm 1 n i: "Ii,. \1 pn r I lk1i;h1-., h1•m~'. 1.11,, o t 1w 111•t 111 g, 2 .:-pa1•wus hdr111-. 11. lt.1111-.. & 1.111111.1 rm I .nni.: r1111m) k11i lwn 111th 1.1ltll' 'r :11·1•. I l ' \11 (; \ H \I; I·: $1.!,UOO OPEN SUH. I ·4 504 Fullerton Ave. I \I I G> 11J11 ·l .. tJ ~- 1hwn1 ~.1'..':i.-1111:-i1 . " ID 1 / · 11 ··- 111;1 x:1'.1:11:!5 _' 1 .. i .' • uCni:::ale 1800 \VATEllF1t1>:'\T ~L11111a 1;1 . • \ll·.:-\1\\l·:1rn1 .• NEWPORT •••••••••••••••••••• .. •• llUl'LEX H1.W1tinqton :~ 1111. l ,' 11.1 'pl, 111111 '.I & :! Bii. t.1' 1111. IJ111•k Harbour 3142 t'O\ 'd 11.it11• C.ird1·111·1 '' "'ll'Wll<Wl 111!1" rh111ll'X:,,: Sdll'r will l'iuanc:i'. l>nly "••••••••••••••••••••• \\:Iler ud ~.l'i:i ;\Jo."' ail. EST A TES 497·1'Sl or 545·0!l2.1 hcaut. :l Llr + lh•u +: ~ Sl7.i.ll011. Patti Walk\•r l.uxuri11us W.alerl ront .lul_v 1"1 ;,.Hi :!\lt:li Stunning Ba Unit~. i\ppr<•\. hi Heally 842· J.l IK llomc & D1wk -1\1 Es,\ 111-:1. '.\1 A tt Rl':iutrful t•11s111m 11 Rr . f.im rm. 2 stfll'y nn I ~ Int nl 1•11d ol nal·d <' s ac hll•:tl 11t1or plun for ram1 11· 1'1,, 1•nlt•rla1111n¢. l'n rcd ~1:~.i.OOO. Open Sunday 12-3 186 7 Braemar Way 11111 t-'r..1111·1,1·11 & In 11w l Ruth Laurie Realtor 646-4380 \,. 1 1 h't l sqrt. Sl<'P i.lwn.1!1v rm;-· -· -841i·8'"'3nrl.i7~ 273·i ". 1'1· :1 l',·1. tr1ll1·. 11111 1111, ,00<,gass,w 1 cwacr w /\'nulll'rl l'CI n~s TRIPLEX M th ---vu-· · ·•' -' '"'"''. :-.lt>w 3 bcdrm + massive frplc. <~ur l'I re, • or ~wportleoch 3169 la~r~~.S.175.:l~ll 1:!11 rlc•n on 01'e11 11 :11rle ol s01dC'ntw.1 ~C'lt,111 g 00 1s.-Me. sa. (3) .2·.BR. •••••••••••••••••••••••Lux :mr·. 1.,11 • ir111 ... "·""'· hl"hwa,·. Pn\':Jlc .sl:.iirs m' t 11 1.! bin <'r ..., k ' ' ~ " J ( rr 11 ;J I . . "Ice . A I I ft CJ SUMMER & YRLY J.: Sidi' Allull-; 1111 Pl'l ... tr1 ~ancl Sl'..'ll.!'ion pka~t· SI0:!.1100 OMC ~ . . S.IK ·>-Iii --10-9-8 :-;\1wport l<t·11 l t-: .. 1:11c· "" 569,500. Trade l.f,'.\.~;·s -··-"' ~,, .. ,.,,,., llrk1 !i·l5 f;fi25 OK O /A t ::-1i2·110 Sl•-·•Yrarty c'l1•1111 .·1 1111 . 11111'"11•11•. · ' · ~-• wner qen SL1:\Dr t-:n 1rn:-.:T "· "· 1'111111 :J1 .. 11I """111111 .1!111'· Westminster .•...•...•..•.••..•..•• May We Su99es t 01'~::-.; :--L·~ I :il':'ll. 20·1 \ 1t1ol.. .11 1111 ... sp,11•1nia... 1 ~f,l St :'\11 pl lk h :1, fir ' br l.1 111 rm t lionu~ Ila ,'\ 2 Ill"'.! 1\:1 <.1a~:- 540-05 5 5 lilKltll $l:il\() \l•I I.'• ;! 1'h1\tlr1·11 .111<111111' I" I Waterfront Homes 111, llt·l!'I ;'\.1:,11 ;111; 1111 631 -1400 1111 fJUl Cl ~11•1•1•1 S1·ll1•r F11 1•pl<11't'. :1 hetl1'111 2 lt.1 will 1·;irr;v 1111 an n n~ Cl a~"1ri1•1t •\d~ M'll 1111: l>W . II IJ. 11 1 1".111 ,., .. '''"P"rt ''"'' llffor r ll4•.11111lul 1i Hr :1II.a.I11111 r 11i "i:o11d1l'~ .. 1011 11t~><I \11•11 \gt hi:!~!\ 1111ml'rnu~ lo llll'nl11111 S90 ,0 ()f) YE 1\{j t:;H 11cm :.. o-mall 11t•ms or ll,11'h11r ~:ti.1 !t1i:1 1:,,,•1 REAi.TY 55jl.fi171 any rlt•m l\-t2.f>l\il! 1\l.:l'lll. 11oft''' 1111 lnke. 2 -;cy. must sell W11n1ml1-.•,1111-: HI:! 5ti7X 1>1:. .. 11:J:1 Prnfl'Ssion:il Ht•ll llY lluve ~omctlllnl! lo !it'll'! !HO ·l!l!lf)or 7~2-flJI J ClassiflNt 11lts do it wl'll I ....... U ._,.shed Hou U funiithecl Condominium~ IApartmr nts Suntt.iv June6 1..;715 OAtl Y ?tt nr 07 ~:!!.~~~~•••• ~:!!.~~~~•••• •.••.• ! .. ~••••••••••••• .•.. :!! .. ~••••••••••••• Unfurnished 3425 Unf"1'nished , ...... _ "'__..._ L. , ...... _ -"'-rt t ,._.__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ~ ............... ~ ~ .... ' ........... CostoMtsa 3224 untinqton Irvine 3244Hewportleach 3269 11,.;r;t·~i-: :t ttr :: lt.i l ·,.11 18alboal•land 3806 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••··~··•••••••••••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Harb04'r 3 24 2 ·····•••••• • • • • • • •• •• ••• • •• •• • ••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • "" 111 1 ht ·1. ,. I. '\ 1..:11..i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Costa Mes a 38 24 Costa Mesa 38 24 unhnqton leach 3840 ShJrl>t'u11tlH1un :1 1,.·lfrr11 .••••••••••••••••••••••• t·nl\ J"Jr"-.. j Ht ~ H.1 Dover Shores Area ,·111r' t 'lul. f ,~·,.h•·•·ll U.·.u1ttlu~'"""' li.1\ '"'" ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 h.11h 111111111! 1111 •I Hr l'untln \\ 1 .... 111l1lul ,11nuin.lri•l1 p.1l111.11u•1I Lol.,011•\lr.1., lllll 1.1m 1 1111• l l111•I "Ill'" 1'\....,\\ll'TllHI\ IRAHDHEW d111<'11 .. hr1ll1.t 11.-.. l11fl 1h;11111d \It'" l'uul 1 .. 11 ll'nnh 11, •·"'"' I'\ 1111. t"'"' -.u11rtH)nl \th Li~\ '.',"1""1 <'i :1 .: It ·'·'''' .r., t., ii 111111 .!.,:1 li1 .lklu" I 111111 ''"'' 1..11.." 1•.1rk.1l,•lu'" I.:•· \.1111 ·1•1111111 1'.ill llh 1\ untl .. <:.:111111111 1111..i: ~ti.'>;,;.:! l'.!t•l 1-.· NIIMI mu \.:!hi:! .1.!IM1 I .. , '1111dl..' 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II\ lt.111tho :...111 .10:11111111 ~1-17illll oris:1:1 :1::tj :1111 I ll.• . .:-1 .. ,~ • '''"' h(ltn•· .. \ 1·'""' ,\11·'·' 'l\"11i1111 1.i:P l!llr. :!' llLl'ffS ('11111f11l,•,1w' 11111.111 l'.1111 ,\ 1'" 1 ... ii \'k:.111.'i:,11 .11! .h1111• lt1 !1:., "''' l1.1r .. n11i.;r.:1•rv LCICJU"aleach 3248 :-.t.1n111 ,·.11~1:1.1 ...:1.>11m11 1~1.11..!.1 ti:.11111!1<·' n11I~ '1:11 I"'\' :"r• 1111111 .1-1<·11111. i.t11l 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • \i.;1·111till 11:1:i • Townhouse H1 i.. , , 'I ti l '11,1h ~ \11111w 1\ ft·nr11 ' 1 luh I •REHT.A.lS• Unfurnished \\'.1lla< •. ;, 11, 1111 1 ....... Su11 ,,:1:,11. ;i:i:! i~1IHI II . l ,. I I \\.ill. Ill l11•h h 1111>' Ill'\\ • ~ '.! I' • .! 1,I Ill '111 \I <:Ill ~k,I \\ 11\il l lll)d•I '.!111 ,\ ~t•\Y \\ \ h4·\\. ~ r;;, f11 U I * RENTALS • 1 111 . •"-'.! "·' '!'< •W 1111 1·111 I tlltl ~.11· •-:1w; \:•1 Dana Point 3 226 '.! 1111 , 111,, :s:i::?:, 111,. 1•1111 rm 1,,11111 !lli:s >1>1!1:1 •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • •••• :! Hit :! u,, ~:i:c, 1:t.; N ,->O 1n11 'l'E:'\:\l~. S111111. r.:atl'd :!1111.'.!' · ll,1 il1·11 -.1m ;,,-,11 1·111111111111 \II•\\ :! Ill' :! <!!Ill :.!' • f\,1 ~."1."•ll llJ r11 11tl •1 II W 1\ :J lllt.'.!lla '''.!:1 11;. I fir •IHll 111"1 ,,, .11l.1hll' Ju11<' 1:1 I 1•11<.ill ".•:-.h .. r ti 1 '1 ">:S:.!11 111• • ·i 11 H '.! • 11.1 :-1.:.11 II.II 1<;71( 11111. '.! 11.1 lur 11 ,.·.;::, NORINS REAL TY •494-8057 * Fountain Valley 323 4 1 1111 :111•• "·~"1 <'1111 \ '''" :-.!:!Ii 1 111 • 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Phi' rn.tll\ 111,., ,. l.1 , •• qipt ~n~l' nh, I I 111 Ii~•· 1111 '" l \ ,H ft II \ I< II <I II \ I I. \\ """'' ,..1<:->1·:·1 ,..ti ~·'"' 1 .. , , ... :. llr :! 1 q1I• , "1•1 lt.11 \lnl 111\ \II • ,\ \\ ""''' I 3525 •...•.........•........ tH:r~HFll-;1.0 l\1 h11w . 111 . ,111 I 1 I l/11qJ '1111 (,,. 11 S1·111 01 I '1 b •• 'I:!, 11111 :.,,1 1~;J. Duplexes furn 3550 •.•.••.••..•...•....•.. Open Hou!>e Sat /Stln I· 5 ,, i \\ 11.1 \. ll.illi11.1 •BAYFROHT• :! llr :.! 11.t , pat111, l1t"C "" 111·1 ' ,q11 ~:iu ~ rl>. ,.;1;1 I Ii I 11.o11 ..... J .. 1.111.t 11111<11•111 II II lo ol \ I I •' \\' II ·' I •. I I ""' I J I JI I 1 \\ d11 dt \I I 1 c •/\'I . ,\ 11.11 i..111~ 'l•,11 ,. I '.11'tt.dll Ill tllllll' llllrl ::.:1~10 "' ,17,1 1111 I I I\ "'·"'' \\ ,111 Ill!\ I •Mil '\ 11,t\ 11<•111 .. : l 'L.::.! Balboa Penins~la 3807 ....•.•.•.....•...•.... \I ~.:-. \ \' E It I l E ·' 1 , .1 11111111· ,11 m11 ... plt1 r1• :! ,\ .I I or \!,•Ill\•' .q•l' :1 Iii ltl,1 1 '\t•\\ :1!1Ult \\ :tll'I I 1'11111 .qi!:-111 ~'I"'"' \1 11(\o ll1•.n1ltl11I l:111d,,1 .q1111. E\!'\'l)ll!lll:db· "'Ji Ill 1,•r111r~. 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B ,, n t •• ,1 ,, ,-J(~ltl\<1 f, .. 1:11 ;1: 11 :.s llt I·: \.'iT Ill I I-' F ·, lit .I ll.1 'I I \"'llt•tl 111 l'oll 111 1-<· \ II 1,1rd ;.:,11.t111 11.t 1• .. h Duplexes Unfurn 36001 ••••••••••••••••• ·~··••• ht•,un ' .. ·ti \d11(1, ....:!:.!.-. .~,.r. :it :.!:l '"'I!"' "'"' I 1 I' Ii '.!:1 11 I llr ~ 1\.1 It pl• 1111 t' 1>.11111. '1"111 ll \\ 111 ltl '>Ii :i l~IJ t~t 11 t >1' ~>:">4• t.iu :?:n·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \' ... irh 11 •• 11, ... , I '1 II .I Ill< t11•lo\l' t 1111•1••' :: l\r '.! II.I :! I\;;, 111,i.., !tit'"' '11w1 F , •. I•·' I 111 ,, r \.n " I 1.7:1 :!:!:!:1 11.1;,hcr 1ln ,.,. 011 ll.11 ~.•r 1·:1<11 II rlMfCREEK uns ur TO ITS HAME 11\ l'l :111\I I .di I 11 "' .111tl 111 'I I , .• 1 Ill ' \I ' I h \\ .1 l t I I.ii I• 1 I ",II 1• ·' 1'1•1."111~· ... ·11111 ~· 1 ... ~\Hit "11.ll hHI' 11 •'\\ 1 Ut :.' hl'ofl tKtl\I ,q1,1i \ iil1 Ill 1'1 1ot11S:!:!O 11111111111<' ;11 .11l ,11tl" S111.ill I"''' ti" \.lull' n11h 11111" "I'"" •1 tHI I •1 1, Oil :0.llMI I .111111·<\ Ho! t 11 t.1 '1t•,,t I 'lt1 tHI .1 I I '~fi "' Huntinqton Be ach 3840, .•.•.••.•...•..•. ; ...• ·1 ,,:..-. ~ ... ,, '"Ill • "' I 'htld 111. \1.1111 t:.·111.d-"'' '·'"' .1 111\:: I\\ '1:: .. 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D«lus .. :1 ltdrm . :! hath. 111 .. ;1l1·tl Ill pl'l lllt' ;\111·1 h ••••••••••••••••••••••• v.1t.1hni1 '"" \ ·10 ..... '" , 1 Udt 11, •1•i0 ::.-11: .... 1 .1.>•i r ;1x ::-:11111 111il p.11d :-.1111 I.Iii -11111111111 · ,\ 11111· 1 ...... h l.1!-.1• '\1•\\ .\dll E S11!o· I ,\ . '·" 111 II .!I ~111 lld1;.d11l11I :: !tr d11p 1;ar.1i.:1•. l..11f:-,'\. p••1.., <JI, \l:.111 llt-111 ,d,.., :1111 :.:1;u ('\Ill "l'l'll•lll l\tldl\·11 \\ htll Ill:. I.I\ I II\ " 't11lll' I 1n·pl.w1· ,\· "111 ~l.111d1t1).! 11\'l'.lll I It•\\ E:,,,. 11 ;1 lk 111 l11•;H·h .S. ~h111i11111;.! 'l'•'t't;d:!lir" lol l :.!ldl '.! 111. ):!1111 ~:!·1 1'11111 "" llll ih . "'1'1 "'I" '.!:I 1\1 '1'11wnh-<t• 11 • h,1 ;\J;,111 llt·11t.d,.. .·1111 -,:1;11 1•<•1 :-;,.,. .II l~i I·: '.!:.!11tl p.ilt•t' :-..":.!.i 11" 011 '11 1111'~ flt1 11.,, 1111111 1\ p,1l1n ::-:;111 San Cle mente 3276 B;dlH1a [,land mrnl1•111 •:.! lld, <'•w11l11!11 1111111-1-. :'I \pl:.!11 ur 1.11 11x~x .. 111 '.!11.1 l•Jll• "'ll\1 -ht ·1:11o111>:11, •11>11 ~111 1 B H • I.; a ·' I I,.'' 1r11h • l""'I \\.ill-. 111'.H h I·. '1d1·, I.I':.! :! 111 • u1 '1111!..1'11 111 111 l<n111.111 ~·111.,.•1 11111 ,. '" 111 iml th·\\ · '''" :r:-:1 11111 ·11"1-11 • • 11 ,111·rlr1•11 t. lip l • \di!,, 1111 '''" :-.:11111 p.11111. _,ir. 1o1111 •11111 '·'" ""'"'' .1 llr :-:1;!.1, :11\H I 'd\.\:! 1;1r 1:·''· l.<•:.h•' \)pl IKll tl1•g 11 •t' , :n:~, 111, l H.t~~-~ .••••..•............... g .1t'(l1·11. (j lllt'I 1w1 1:hl1hd \\'alt1ut \';ill'. 'up1·1' 1 t.-:.n. ~fi:1111o1 .-1:1i llHoll I hr . '.! h.1. H II II\\' S500 MO. 1tt't"111 '1c11 . :: llr I , Ila \'111M'"'1 t11•t::hh111 :111 ' :.!:..m111 1 r11tn I r1111,• .,;,x,;,1111 . ~.1:111 111·r m11 1; Ill ;~1'11< w.;hr dQ r. 11'1•1'11'1 ~ 1,,.,.-.,. ,,:1;1.,••i I ,,1:1 11 .. -,.1 rvl 11 '-:-:!:.;; ,; l'..! .il•i•i \I·:\\' 'I !ti l'l.r'\ ., I\ ;i llH :.!111 :-'..!1111 1111 "::::;, .\II f>.irl.in:: 'fl:ic·•· 1'.1111.tlh Iii• n~.t • 1 '" t•:ill•• 11111, '..!l•ll llt1l1. ...,1 " 11 1•1• 110111111• ~-lli l;Jil \ 1·1'\ 1111·•· I tit :: ll.1 111111, lll>h \\ .,h r . 1111-.. di 11' 1rpl1'. pa11n. li.:1· 1·11t I 111 ~r.,.·, ~Hi:! ti~~:! s:r.:1 11111 .. \t!l'lll. (\ti il'l' !Hi:I 1.·~~I :' p r ,1 \\ I 1 11 ,.. 1 11 111 < Ill p ~t\11' h·•llit' \\ 1111ht.1111f I ,. II IS..•.1111 I ,... .I 111 2 1\.1. :-.. 11 or 11111111 urn ~~· 111 ••I 1111' ''' 1., 11 , .. ,,,,,. Jl:t('h1·l11r ·' 1•1 l)Ull'I 'II.! .1..1.11 lpll I • .1.111 . • l\•fl 1H'1 • lh'\\ :!htl :!b~1 L'.1rd111 °1'1111 nhn11· Ft ph' p11nl ~.Ii :1 p1·1· 11\11 t, 11 't \;'\;, or 1;-; ,-j t \1.· I 1i ;.! 1 s II " t-: (; II 1 .. E ~r.;; ntu un 'I h h· •• , .. \1 .1tl .1111\ 1 ~1111 '\ p.111n. ,1·111 1111o I·• .1olult 11.1~ 1 r11n1. ,,-;:, x I:.!'.! ,,;,, .,, • • "' 1•1 I :t<M" Martinique Apts :.: 2 :.!71 1•: IMh SI t'\I Ot'E \ '\ \ t :1 lltl1 111' • :JIM.I.:!' · h.1 11111tl11 '.!~II.1 th' :.! lph'' ·" " ''11·t·pin;.. "'11 '"· ~1111 Balboa Pe nins ula 3707 .:tul ''·' ''"'' 1'·111" F1n·vt.11 1'. .1 t:ll. :: II\ lalll 1'111, 0\\' 110 -.:1:1:1 I \~t·nl. nu h •\·. ~14,,; I.ti~• "' "' \\ l.1111- \'.._U"Pl'\" h.t\4 lh'll h,1, tnlt l'Jit• 7101 t•r ::dtl IUXJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I""'' hi 11, h • '.11 pn1 I Ill r~H\~!''· 0\l'IL tit' \\ l) f h I 'I I ... 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"°1f1UO Pl'I "'" .'lb •• ~:1 .11;::; ........ .., \I 11 I \I I ' .!:_o,cl,t•.111 Uh tJp1·u' ·•'-':!.1 .!. 1~1 3724 W esley M. Taylor Co. d111• 1 rpl l1pl1 l ' hh11· \td' ltt. 171I 11o:1;1 1;x:1.\ .dl\'1 1.p111 Costa Mesa ,.;,,.,. It' 111i:. '.! ''"r' · 1 1;11 :1:r;x, t·1 ..... 1i.1:1 1i11:1 1,,,. 1:11 .1t .. 11 hl·dnn. :.!1 · h.1. lplr II\\. :'11 ~111~ •·\Ira,• :-1:1.:.1111• 1;r1·1•111r .. 1• 11111111· :.! l\H ; \,.11 1;;11 ..... l It :: ltll :.!' · \1 ail :11•11n .l11h 111 ... IW 11 · 11.t. lrl'h p.11 10. \'11111111111111\ '"'"' '\1 't'htHtl""I. fU,11'11' .t ~:!l"'!,t 1~11 0 i.-,:! ••\ ..... •••••••••••••••••• ••••• NEWPORT CENTER ·' " I I ' 11 .. •• )., .,11•• ·.::··~ I' I I . \J.!1·111 '\11 F1·1· •11;:1 l:lti~I lam rm I 1 pk I 'l<o~l' lo 11,1. :: 111o11 '· < '1111d11 " H I . . . I 'l I • I . " p;1rk l'.ill 11111 "" l'l11wk •ll ... 111 i u l1111111·d ,,,,,., S37 .50 WEEK & UP •Sl11d111,'\-I llll \pl ' •'I'\",\ .\1 ~11d s1•n \1 .ul • l'hnn1· S1·n . I ltd 1111111 •l'l11ldr1·11 s,•,111 .. 11 l!.-.1d,1 .l11h I :J\1 ::11.1 ('I ('C Ill ,Ill I ' ' \I I I ill ; ;II .o,'I:.! ,11;1)'{ :-0.'ll~I 111•1 ("• l•Jll 1!17 lll:il l1a. 1.1111 1111 II < 1. IJ\\. 17\H I '•ttll d..ill\1 tl1tplt' It I. c 111 \\ I 11•, t II h II I Jio 'II lturl1111' d1111· 1111 Ir~ I.I< :-,;JjU lll11 .\:.:1·1tl 11•1 11·1• T11rtt.-r11t•I.. ··~·:1• hm .. :1 laquna Hills 3250 Santa Ana 3280 Br :!. IL• . l· ·' tu H 1 n ••• ••. •• ••• •• ••••••••• • • ••• •. • •••••••••••••••• ·~;:1 , .. ,,~, • I.Oii ll\lllllhl~ I .1t.•, .;-;.-,c11-'F \\1•1·1-., 1<·111 . '\..~l<L----- II I" I' I· I'" 11 I , ... 1 I". po11lp.1rL~,j_:..Ull:Lu-1 ,. 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I .I I' i:.11 . t nrtl 'cl :-.11;11 11111 ~It.I\ 1;:1i """''· .olll lt.111 111.nd" I llr ~ ll,1. <pt., fl 'I" lolt 11:-o ,.;;1:1.1 111 1• 11.1,ll pl lo.rrg .ti .Iii :11;K 17:17 \\ lo.11\ '· ... 11111:111 \\ l..1111., I Tl'tT.ll"l ~:.:,11111\t 1·12 :iiil .... ..... 11 IOI • ll.11111' llm ·• '1' 1111" •••••••••••••••••••••~• Huntinqton Beoch 3740 q111> 1 111 '•~Al 11111 K.l:I •i::n Ill-'\\ Tl Fl I. I llr h1111w \111!-.h11111 ·"" :11111 ::h.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • l11itl1 •·11 I"'' n ur1.1·:1t111·" :1 ,, """·" 111 ... 1 111 11''"11' '"' • 1.11111m ... 1.1 •• ·" llE\I rtF1 L 1 1o1 111r11 .,, .. , .. ,,, "·' "" ti I 111 :.!lt.1 1!111 rm,\· 1.1111 1'111 tttttllllllttll\ Ill• l11tl1111. .... 1.~• .1:t1 ..!•·•·'..! ''"" ~1•11,\ -1:-11 s,. .. nh h. 1:1 "'' dq• "'"" 1111 d 'ti. p.1 lu.i... P·• rl.. '"" • n11 . '1·11111-:--:",u 11111 Hous es furnished or '!~I•. "'" :.:. I''' c·111 ' -·•1 --111 • l· -1' i·11• I -"" ".ii" 1•••1 .\ t.·11111:-:>.r 11.S 1:11;.:1w:. Unfurnishe d 3300 l~"'I. :-.11111.1 lrulr~ .1tllh '" lq• ~.ti." nl' :-.::111111" -.11;;, 11111 .\:.:I •d:! 0;?1111 J,:1411 f,1·1 ·l..,t111 l.11 I I.II. II I :lHH . 1".t111 1 ut111\ ~11111•1 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\' ot Ht•.1t'h ult ='1~11,11 • '\~i lk.11111111! l Ill\ l',11'1.. :-:1:-..; \\'," "'" k:l l 1::11:! Il l:! 'ixli. ·1 llr 11111 1111 .. 11 ,. " !1.1 11 •.. 111" t .. 1rc1t-11 1tm1· :.!hd da~ :-. 1:1.-, <;o.:.-"'' 1'' NEWPORT BEACH 37 48 ,.11, I 1,,111,. .... 11 ,1,, I''"'' t1111 rm .""""· _,,.Jr 1'!1"'" \\1111 .. r.\: \',-.11 h "'·"''' Laquno Beach \dtl,. n0 po•I, lil.1 .1.~"1 "'I'll. ('C!llk lt•P. :! I :ti' \!,II SEA TERRACE I 1'11(1\ :-1;:11111111111 h ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\: 11p1·1wr. 1"1111. 1<·11111,, l.i11cl.1 1:-11· :-.PC11111,11 ~ rh I llr. :-.2:1:, • t111l :! lill,-. 111 •l.11..: :.!111· 'hll '\11 111•1 g.mlnr 1-.. ~1:.1 :t1>C 711:1 :1 11t1r111~ ::• · h.1 . 111:111 Bill GRUHDY 111·,11·11 111'1-. r1·q111r1·cl :::!•··• \l.1pl1· . .111 11~1 111 \duJl :! l~t di •·11'1~ !°"ill pt I I."' .1t1ut1 1.u IH'' · 'l'Ht :11•» \\ \\ il"•ll. I 1111 \pl t ' 1'1'1 t•i.-, 11 .. 1111 , ...... 1.11 '"·"''full Ill', 1 .. ,111111111 ,\ qllol'I 1 l"lllld-\lt11 !111 :1111111, :.!hol. ":.!·1:1 I hol. "\.'l.1 t ••• '" \\ ,111 ' \11 I hrldi·-.. 11 .... ;,N, ~~u,:; •ll ;1Il!r1•·•• l'\ll',1 ,_ .: "" "'\\I pi-,\ "' P' ., h., , __ ;:,:,. tHO .. ,_ ..• ·.,i;~ '1~ l•d!t '''" :.!.at ••. ;1 !Ill ,.'.(1.1 ,q ll l•tpft -.,llMI 111 .. nlhl1 I ,oll : ····· ··· .. : .. ,, .... 1 •• , 1•h . ltt 111'1'"' dph '"'' 111, c.:.11 \I.ti 1111· l pl \111•1·1· .\."I·: :.'11th I' \I \1•\\ 'l\lifl•I '.,!Iii lo.I 111<1 .!. "''"''{!(, 11 p,111" \till". llH p1•I • \ ~ I\ 1-.·. l ,J l.t•I do I' ;'\.!:10 tl\tl ·'"" "i'I:.!'' , tit I I\,, p,11 111, It pl• \I\ I-' ·• Ile I • lt.1 I hi!.. .. 11ol .11 111111 'II, l11 lu .H h \ i,1,1• ;.,..11 '<-11t t.\J11I'\111 'Ml~~ '\I• ,. I ~\II\ I 111 1•. 111 t Hiii i • I "' I I . I \\ I• I I :o-111d1t1 ""' \II l.llll. \\ .1111111 :'II :..1 \l•I : I, 'htll _.,:•;i, .. , !"\ '" 1t()h)\. \ ,, \,1111 "\.!••·I 1tln • ,, 1-1 1,,,1 ,, ·~· • 111 I 11, It\, ol ,11 ,11 I llud • I •I Ill• It• I :-.! I • 1., \\ I"'"' l\ld' ,\ '"::! .. ., '"•-...... . \\' \l ,, l 11 I'. I \I I I 111 •• 'l.1111Ii·111 •• i...1 111.'>:1:11 U• \\ h.t• Ii ,qtl ; l 1 111" :c I I ,\ I .t _, • -1 I • I 11 l 1 I. :-. I·· 1 I ' 'o11.. 11 , • 111' \\ II h •• •11.1 1.: ., .... . ..... •• l>.1111 l'd11l I 1 .... ~1111 ii \d Co\to M esa 3824Costa Mesa 3824 •..•......•......•..••.••••.••..••.•..••••••.. Mediterranean Village • lka rnt•d t·t·tl 111g:-.. wnod p :11wl1ng • (;r:.issl'lolh \\ :dll·m<•r1n g • ~·1rq>lal'l'S. \\'1•1 har..; • Oishwash1.•r...,. \\ :J\k 111 l'lo'il'\~ • Bakontl':O.. p~1t10:- • l';rrk l1k1· l:111d:-.l·ap1r1.:..: • Swimm111i.:. µnob . 1:11·11111 • l.1ghll'<I t c·11111 :-. 1·rn1rl:-. • :\l 111ul<•:-lo frt·1·1\:1.'~ .~ lw.H h1•' • s'-·n1rrt~ :-,v:-.1 t·rn:- I BEDROOM I BEDROOM & DEN 2 BR - 2 BR TOWNHOUSE \ 'IH.*•'t.11 ···d'"t I ton 101 :~l""' \\tt h \dulh 01111 ()f'fil'<' Opl'll ();ill~ :! 10 Ii 17141 557·8020 mall :11•1., 2400 lla r bor lil\'d .. L'os{ct :\IL•s;1. C<1 lil. :1 Ill(. :: II\, ;.::1-. 11111) 111 '"'":111. '''h•w•I ... -.l111pp111i; !II;~ 111:.:1 7~•1 11:1 IX :!H I l1111 11lt11 111o• (11•,•,111 1'.11 !11::1 1111.·111 · '\l·:\\'l h-1·r11 .. 1d l1111h11ll•. 111•11 1;.111•tl \'lJmn1 "1111 REALTOR 675-6161 Irvine 38441rvin e 38441rvine 3844 ~ ICr . lh•11. ('jtl,, dq1~. itll p~u1f. J .. H'\I//,,. lt'111!1 ' ,\ Newport a~ach 3769 \1 1t .it I l\4' .. n 1 . hl1u .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·11rnt l 1 pk ~"<-·1 •'"1t h1:-..!-iHH prn .1lt•ht.•:1l·h.~\:.o \l•L ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.11 1•.tlo• rn.11'"'' ,11111 ... I m .. •i I I P.1i I l\r11k1·1 x:1:t x1;1111 I lr .illJ.:1'. 1 t••lc·i· :i 111' "r 1 1 hr .t111,. :::i( ', h ''" \,1, 1t1ld1,.,,111 '"'', < , ..... 1 i 'I•"•' ''' lio•.wh \'""'" hr.:: h.1 . 1111 ''·" l-11 \Ir I II I s·11 w1 1111 '..!"'·• ,;r• i.11·,:, I I 1111, 1 I h.1 ltpli' p.11111 ( .,11 .... : .. l '.cd •. I lllt.:: Jl,1 Miss ion Viejo 3267 ~l.t<I ... : ..... \:,:i·lll, "" ,, .•. :;1~1·1:.,::~:.~ .. ~.·HI ,,;~;·~;~~II liurt e ~oc { ,;;; .. , 1 \\.1t1• 1 it ,1 111 ~ 11,. t1 pool l\;. p .11 ~ "l:!.> ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~a LH~~• .... , ,,, l Bl 1 B.1 ,.,,, 1 ·"'"II.ii 11111 11,.1,1-. ~.,,..i .. 11 .. r :1 111 :: 11.1. 1,1111 '"'· 111111 Condominium~ ,,. .... q.1 .1\.111 \1.. ,,,,,. •II •. u1 1 I I I "" .~7·1 1el .• 11r 11111.t 1htld1111 .\ Unfurni'sh ed 342 5 .11111 •. · '.!h .t1il' •,: ,,,,, 11•.t 1:.,, I lilt. ... l.1 ,, .. ,.I"" II I I I ' , Il l( p t•l..,, \)h. '°"l ,t, •• tt\11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i.t.!t..-'<X~t t t 1111 1.11 .. , •• 1•11111 '"' \\ t111111 :-.qu .• 1.. I 1:1 I "11 •' ,,,,, fJ men s I.I\" I I. 1l tlt1·11 I .1111 1111 1' .. 1111h1•11«• ~"Ill ntn S:lll : 1:!:.!:• 11<·.u h 111 ~ (' I '1• I' \1•\\ '.! 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I' I 1 I ' II ~ I !111111.11· ,,,:,11 N ewport Be ach 3269 ............•.......... 11\\llllt I k.1ll111' t . \Ill.:-.• I°\: \\' \ rr.,11 FllO.\T l'll'I ,\ x:1.1 •1":1'1 111•,11 .I l11•d1 •n ln1111:11 tlill• 1111. :: lo.1t h..,, \\ \\ RENTALS ''"'"' 1,.1t-ilhl1· 1:.11 1111 :-.111) 11• 1".1 11111\ 111111\1"• .i. ... , ,1;1111 11111 \'" I;.•· 'Ill< •t..1,111111 ..,.,1111 11111' l\.1111•!1 11,.',i111 .1 1111 :•11,1 d1•n S I:!• 1ol.' ,;~1111 1 llH • 11.1 , :-1.t.1 ;1 11 II h.i I ,1 1111,1 \11:11• I .I 1111 ' I: .. 'j Ill( .'I 1,1 111' II I I\ II ' I 1.1 "'11111111• 1 H1·111..t .. 1,.u '!-.It.I f\1111 I' I t'll l ,d l· "1111"11' 11.11 tr1111I I·. pl.111 lltw1• l.1111 I 111 \\ I 1 jll ,\ \\ ,tll.. Ill "'"' lo.11 :1 I I' ltll I '1•1 lt•1 I 111 •" 1•1 ~ tlt'l,111 \.·.·nl .. :-, ·"""• I 1!11 I 1\,1 "'·''' \\'j.. I • I· .1111 I I pit " I l.1 ·I.! I ..... r;:, '" , 1•n1tu . l"h'l ,\ , ,., \ 1 , ,~\\ """"'' ... • 1; II • lo I Costo M eso • I< I: . "·I •nu ... • "·• • I :I; .: '"1 '·~'t1 l't' '1.:.• 'HHt ''-'' 1--.t: , .. ~(). 1.11111 I ..... 1,u '""1 :1 .... I 1111 l\t'\\ I 1 I''' \\ .111.. ,-,,,u l1• l11·.1• h ,\ 1•11111 'I>-;• 11111 I ..... ·~: .. ~ ,; ,~ :t:tta I .... ,h.-., :: I\ II . '.! h,1 .I 1\11 ' It I .I llH '1\,1 .I 11 It ..: 11.t :1 1111 ..: 11.1 .... 1711111\'JI :\11111.ll'tl l'l.111 .: l\1 . --.1;:,· ha. 1l1•n. J.!••l'lk1wr. ".111•1 fl\I , ';(!;, lil~1 K:!-111 3824 Costa Mesa 3824Costo M~sa 3 824 ·············································· You expect them to be special. ltt tho • 't 111 1\1 \ill.it'• 1ol i 1 I •ii I 11111 1\111 k \' l.1 \p.tlllll• 111 .. I 111 1 I I .,., ... 11111111\ 111 II k11 11I 111·· 111111111111111 , ... '''" \1111 '.i1 1l11•"11.111111 11 . I 11\llltllltll 'ill ltd 1 11! 1\ ,I I• f,l\I ti 111, I 11 Ill •11111 ' \I II 'flt•11.1l .•1•.11l1111 ·11I )0 11>1111.1\" '""'I 1\ll pl•\ I• 1'1111.tlt•' 'l''·"il\ ·'l'llf•lltltllt 111 •11il tll'•il • 'I I 111 • " :111•11111•'111 lll•iildllll' ,( l\111 lo I\ \\\11 l1o l1111ll1i l•l'.\liillllllt \I.tit\ ,q1,t1l1111·111 ..... I Ill • Jtl.1• I \',It I I ,1, I .111111'11 1\ I 1 I 1111 \'I ' 1q11\ 1111 1 11ld11 l't11tl\ 11.t I 111ol 11 I I 11 .111d ,,. I ••I, ~. , I \p.11 Hip 111 "" ! '111 •• r ' ti flt 11., Ii I I I''" I I 111 ' ~:. u' \I I I \11.11t•i11 ,,, Ill 111. \ 1111 ... I I 1111111 ~ .... I @ llt•oll,,-.111• h\1111 '• II• • 'I -, I I I /1 I 1 11 11111 I . • 1 I 1I11 111 I 1 I 11 " I"' I I Turtle Rcx:k Vista Apartments .. . DB DAIL y PILOT Sunday. June 6 1976 R"1tals to Shor• 4 300 R"1tals Wante d '4600 Mort9a9ei, Trust enonals 5 3 50 H.lp W •ted 7100 Help W•t•d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• De•d1 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,. ............... .,.... ....... .,......, SumnwrRentols 4200 :O.vl llch alll< llpl\, l'Ull' & HcLm·u 111.Jll & \\ ,,.. \\ ''" ....................... The Gentle Touch \:\I\\ \' lllSTflllll 'I UH IEA.UTY OPRS •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t·o1.1• ' bit.. ltom bt'h re· .. m.111 hou~~· Pl'l'nl.anrnl ~AN~ 8313 O t.:TC \I.I. \I\.":. \1;t; t>ll• '' l>l'l"'' 1u11t1) '"' w /foll ,,,. .. , .. 1.111l N "hum HunffftCJIOft ... ch 3140 Newport leach 3169 13JllJo,, l'~·llin,ul.a ~ ki· "'. '11t~'!I n· :i .><'rl ~U .. I\' l'.Lll t:i~ s;r.is \} 14 0 r nr lhl' \lo:--1 lt1•l:"ln.L: l!ooJ ··at 11111~ \\ , •.• ~,hl IKll) 1:1rl 1 .. r :-. 11 i.ulon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• hnu:.t:. l:.IJ\I jl\\I.. ~ B.I lllllHfrd \\Uk .: IJl'r"lll·p,11k;\l'\\IKWl\\,tnle•lf111 sol dTDL ~l .1:.,:11.:1· ~'.1 117.llJ'J'll l'l)r ,iµ11t •·,.11 i .. i 17t1n l>ll llt.l•ll•r•·lll tiO:!:I SIOOOfo'F' YOUR ltt~NT lllfi W. lfalho11 lll\'d , apt ,\Jil. l}l3u µ~I.. %~ l!tillll 1 ·•1-"•·~ J.) ~.•1t:r1.1o7> l;l!,IM .1111\ ,\t \u1,ll'l Jl .-111,'il fJlrl.',.l T~111i-."n~~?~1!1 t:'.\t:l:::.Sl\'I·: llll"Kl:'\C \n'" 1·r111 ~· 1 l'll'llhon\· Ill-'. \l TY l)l't:lt \ l'\Ht llr11nd new l 8r +den. 2 i\ $300 'l'rly b l'. 1\dull l.u\. I Hr 1 l'Ofl\ •·• l •h•11 ' "''" &Jr l!J.> 111 1.l, L '1 -1 • 1 pl !11·,1 r, '' I' JI 111 Sattt•r Mt9. Co. nun' II\,, 1•1><•1,11vr ,., , h'r <'\II not NEED A CHA.NGE1 U.1 , or 2 Ur.+ dl·n . ~Ila. lkmrlld. prkn ~. ln<lr • I :!\Ult-.qll UJ\l to11l rnndo 11•J\' 1>1•-0•1"\. •111 •J lt. \ll:J,, 642-2171 545-0611 \\,11111,,~1,,1,. '"'' :!:!:> l-\11<·,\ .\q·, l..a .: f1om 5'!75.1\ll .utul1~.vr l Blk hum Ol.'n & bJ) '-•• l'il·r ,11 p •• a111t-..'-B ~:!110 • IH"I l:\ll-ll' \'I IO:\ 111-h :\\l pl 11...idt t'1"1•1 ;\l\',.J d11ld OK . 1-:nl'loH d t1<·h ,n1ow11krlk.>1.b.C.:.111 11111.l,\lpt,·:n:llilt1.!1:!IOff1ceRental 4400 :!JH1· 111mpl\-hlv lu1n • 1 · ·-" STYLISTHEEDED i.::11·:q~c.,, l.1unl.lr" 1:n02tu ••••••••••••••••••••••• h111, '' 1111111 .111111• 111 "' tn·:lt\l\ll.IT\l'H>'\ \pl. 1\ .. ,1,.1 \l::r .... 1·111 l..1r1:•· l-'r11·111lh~h•11' J I .. 11•111)J ''''I'' 1•1 111 ,at h l SO I W•stcl1'ff Dr. .111:, ~,., '\ ll ,111 " I'" u 11 ... nnouncements/ l'.oll u .. :! I I Jr,·' d.1' J.~ ,. '" '"'" ·" \'•' '•1111pl1 ' MALLIES far1l1111·' OAT OWNERS .. Personals/ ~1•11th l'11,,,1 ... t 11 ti Ii :!ti:!:! or M Jh U.'.'>:! B '"all.. lo t11\\ n d1111li·\ '" ... :.1111 \\ k 1> 1U l!:.!111\ .111 & F ~11 pl'I 1 1 1 r 11 '"" r.to.d II I•' \ l 'I'' :. \I.ti\ 3 81..0t:KS TO U t-:ACll G•·l I ull r11J11) mcnl frvm ,,11~ i:. ~100 "k. l!J'• :i~ ,.. , ... ,, !)1111 ~ m,11w1.111 '11 .i• :\I Lost ound l'e\n1mun11' 11•"1"' .11 (',dl.i Ill .II Iii L•a~in9 Office Space ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~' 1 .. 1i.;1111.1 1 1•1•1 1.111 ARTIST :11 1 IKlh SL llnti; lh'h ,\rt \our ho.rt 111 dui:kini,: "' \'u 'Unltnl·r on lwh 1 !! 51')1 lo !J P :\l \\'kd.iy,. )vur 1111111 .. lep. A hm1tru Hr, t(:!1111 \\ k up f:!IJ , Wkn1ls !I 9PM 5:Jti·47l (j numll1·1· 111 lll'W, lux u1 y •1:;Hl!llo1 '>»7·!!!!.11 l '.1ll11n:.1t.•\l.,11;;,:,•r H.a•h \1•' '"' .e ''""'J" Announcements 5100 . , 1•'111 pnMl111·111111,\11101ltH '~l l 11d:! 11111•\t:.?lb \\ 111 \I otl•I \\\ll t1.11111·d ••••••••••••••••••••••• s:;:·::;1 ·~·';m::'.··~.11~~··,~11',,,:·: 11011 111i,:11111t :\lu'l 11 •• ,,.1,ll\I N I . '\11111'1 .. w•···· ·12 son w,,,, ... , ronl ,q,i,, ;J\';.iil -11 --anytime. around Jul,v hl F1Jr 111 WESTCLIFF BLDG. -a1 .. ,.: ':cl ',.1 ·, > l.i i:•:!.1 l'\ I 111~ ~'J co\ i•rh1·ad ~'.all 'l\•n' ~.:11', i:1•1 I .11~1·1wy l'\ I• •" 111 '''"'' & ''"' 111., 11 l'''I ' " .11111·11 l'.1\ h1,.:h1·~l p11,•,·:-. 1111 - -· l,1,l Hl•ply l•• .1ol 11<• 17tl 1111111,111.il •''II 1'1'••1 LCICJUl'la leach 3B48 1orma11nn rnll li7:111111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I II 1-: :'\ EWl'IJHT LJrop a 11chhlc 111lo llw :'\1.•\l<l="'A UCctin 1t·e1111 vnur /\pl !Jill ll.i,v:.1<lc Un1·c VI>. lllt t't 'fl'W 1 •Jml11 :!IJ1' & den :!Ila \\;ilk IO \h::.u NEWPORT BEACH lk h l'1'k 111 Su l..1µ1111.. ~' &11 c .... ..,..., ... :-:JOI> '' k Hclt:rl'llt•·i. .;/c-,.i.1• 1•""°'"' l.Utn•' ...... h.hfl (II••• ••\CJ h .,"• a,. :l lJ 7~1U· IJ~):! \.'ollc:t•l ~:::,.,. ./ '"'' .... 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Br, Mature udull,., '.11755 C:.l. 1tdult-.. 11 ., JH•h l jUll llwy 'l!l!J_:l!~:.15_. -----Wc:-ll'ltlf llr. 1\fll 111 Northcnd lhd, w;tlk to hl'l1 '\'l•\\'l"Jl'T 11 'l" -., ~ l\. lull;. t'•1u1111wd :\l,11d Business Call Mr. Howard 645· e101 '"'"' t<'1• SI 1·1 11' I l l Opportunity 5005 1•11111111. l1lk & \\ht J1 •111 '"'' \I 111•,1 I 11Jl,11· l!t•1•11 Ill \ H 1!1.111,1 I.II, :0. II 111 11111 1•1 1\ I 1 ,. "' 1·r i "k~ '\d, h1·r IJJO :; 18·;•:!111 :111 l•:\('11 1111'. l\1•:.11111·, For Fun & Thrill\ Call 535-9076 DANCEOFFUH \V;111t1•d lo 11.111ll fln1• l'lll'll 'l>l'-1 111\ 1•U1':r. \lilt p.1v <'V 11 111 l.111i.: 1·1111111 111111<;, h,ll l lt,111 BKl<PR/RECEPT. & :-.t o r t•s nt•\\ Iv r1· • ' ' J, •" 1 dt•to1 a lc<i. Adult ~ 1111 1111 . p:alto, 1'·"" 1:1;1<:r pds, he S!l:;. mo. I/lei :•lilt:'·. n u _71> ~-l-> lt .r,., tltttll ~10 ;,u JH.'t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR F1·11111 1111' lnllfll'tl 1111111 111 ~ ll r ' !I I .ot I to t'1•utun· <.'h1111prJ1111 C>ll''· :11 1.1 \\1•,t\.1111, :-1111t· 111 •• :-.. uh l.1 ... 1110. ulll. ·1:!7 lQ:!J .t 111 ~.MM1 / 111•r:,1t11 Fl\ 1· llHHUll'' ... 1111 up '1•11 •' •11111 ,.,. 1 Jll ' • \l.l \11'\'l \I FVH\' I I II Ill l' •• ,. 11111 . olq" ,11r "·"" li:1111 ::-llll lM~ldol\\lll.1!.. .... 0\1 r 1.,\1\~:I. \:XII \f l.I. \C;I' lk ,1l'h Ill II II Il l:! :!11;!1 •l>I( \l'I: :'\II'(; \\!-\IO I - -----()""' r 111111 1111. '.!' h.1 . 1l1r, ocC'an Vtl!W, t·v mp lk I h '\ Tttll 11 \'\' I •~It>-~:! .J' IW W I I l' I 11 ~ , !-. l •1 \ l' , p.ollll, 'i (l • -\" , :: ·o-I " '"""'"hr. J.!arll d 1~11. p\'1:-. 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Yr. 1 ...... ~75. n111 Vacation Rentals 4250 h lks lo uc;i ch . S-t SU Iii.) XH!IO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 002·4717 60 PER SQ FT ------~~• I .. ,, 1-3 --I ----l'alm Ut''l'l l r .. r I l'll\ •Jr -\I' I ., , .. \I 3 J1 ~ ~ a. P•kJ . 1t·1in1" l<.:d:.e 3 br, :! b.a rnnd11 1111 • \ ·.~ l .I · ~ • i JBr. g<ar. upl. NurthPnd ~ulo .:Jr opnr, 111lt•1t·nm · C•impl. J'urn To·it1l h. _ ,\<;T ."ill ,111.I:.! L.1.i;una.S230inrlud.ut1I \tat:.yM,•m .frpl''.Ot'l';;n "11 ,.,131 rititi"i:Ji:\e,&···i " •.• 1 .·J·•-,.~ 11111•11 ~·UU52 \'IC\\, ~li\0 lo I:!· :11'.l(I "'11 --' • ' •1-1 ·"''I r ' " -------\\ kn1b :'-.1·\\ 1mrt JI\ .11 h ,\J.!elll LCICJUna Hi9uel 3B52 Son Clemente 3876 R t 1 Sh -4300 ·•·II :111:J~ •••••••••••• ••••••• •••• ••••••• ••••• ••• ••• •• • •• en as to are Sh:.arp :Jbr. 2hu c1111d11 on :'IO(·ar 11i'\\ ::: llr :! l\a hllns ••••:•••••••••••••••••• -----------•1 i;olt 1·uur:,l', pa1111 lmlc. 'u,,hll',,h1 . 1111 pd· .... :JJ.~:\I I· """'"" Ir:.: 11111"1' Huntin9tonBeach 1\ t..'.S.l:-ill.54\Hli:!:.! .\\'~ ~Jlllj U:.rlHll .i, ~i·wpnrt }k<ll'h .'~ l'.11111 llru111\h111 '1 .11 .\ll:111t.1 _ -------l!lll"t>lll pll Ii.1th :-;11,11 .. ~ ••. 2xo.1 .i.· .. 1,,,. ...,1l1•11 ... 111111 Newport Beach 3869 -I' r Ill ~(I l h·lll~\· I ii\ Ill l.!l"'lll lld •••••••••••••··••••••• Apartmenhfurnished 10 '1'"" '1 111m:in ,,·• ),'.' ll•i•ir ,.1,,11 ,. {;1111111•\ WATERFRONT VIEWS JN NEWPORT. Striking 0~1on ano an eteg<int. excmno wav to hve cnoose •ofts c.-.v wmoows, sk\lllQllts lrrt'· places Your own r\nvate o.itt0 or t>.ilconv A lrreno1v m1111on 0011ar rPC center renms courrs. too Promonrory ~'oinr luxurv aou1t rentals from 5350 monthly 200 Promontorv or west Just norrn of J~mt>oree on Patrfac coast H1gnwav Telepnone 111111 67S 8000 owneel ano manaC)eO ov Tile rrvane Compan\I PARI< NEWPORT APARTMENTS H111'11el11r 1 "' :! IS1 •ti r1111111-. .111rl Tu\\ l\h11\l'I'' t·'r -;:!:1•1 :;11 (J111•11 !I 1: I l.11(\ Sp.a 1'11111 .. 1'1•1111" \t:rn.,,. lrum 1".1 ,h111n 1-;IJnd .it .r .1111l111n·1· 1111 :-ian .111.11111111 11111 ... 1!11.111 1714)644-1900 U f • h d 3900 \11" wre 10111,• 111 . 1""' or n urn1s e :'\~·.it , 1,.r-, t:'1•h.rri;.:,·d 111 .... un· ,.1i.:11111i.:. p.1rk111r.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• \I r~ H 1d1.:l I ti 1 ~.;q Jll t'.all Ed ~JlllUl'llJll JI 'I'll ~: EXl'ITl:'I;<; d:I\·:. · !1t.J 1:>1ii PALM MESA APTS. 1--------1 ,\I I.'\ l 'T ES 'l'O :\PT l\\'11 B.ll·h. 1&:! BIL from llf.i .\dull-..;-..., l'et' 1;,1a \l i:,..1 !Jr. <:i Bit..:. t-:.1-.( 111 ;-..,.,, (llll'l llh ol I ;, "· !t>ll>ll Youn ~ \\ ork 111g moth1•1 \\llh ::! \l',11' olcl Miil -.t'l'k' l't\\I li\;tl :0.(111, i\ (', t·ph l•·m;;lt:. 10 ::.har l' m' :.! lot 11111:.. d1·\ ·''"' i.:.11 ,1i.:1· <\ JPI :\Ju,,l be .. ._.,.,;. Ill• 11krg lot .3 Ii.:•· nH•m" pt·ntl.1hlc '" •·mpl11~ ,.\I S:t:lll m11 + 11111 ,\1,11 l'rcl 1·r .&J.:l' :.! I 111 30 lf.-.. k "IJ.H('" ,\ '1111.!lt: 111f \\ 1th11Ul l'lnhJ .\lu:-l hJ\ l' 11 I l It .. :\I ·' .. I\' r'. 0111.·11 nund ,{:al Llto· '·""'' lh\lh'I' llrnkl•rr>i.I ~ 1211 Choice Location 1 1 m ,. 1o t' 11 t ~· 11" d di.ii.IC'(('!' \1J\ 1 • 111 ~::.-1 Rooms 4000 pi·r mcrnth. ~ll:rrr-1111111 Ol ltct: vr ..,l11r1· r1·n1.1t ::>..-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ' l\11111 'fl It '-•'\\flflff l ','UIU l,11\ t•I\ I lo-,1fl 1 ulllll, ,h,1t 1• I '\ 11•'1 'I'' ,.. I ,., I :-..111111 ('11,1,I l'l.11.1 :11·t•.1 l'.1 I \ll..ll.l\'":1•1 i;;1~I l..111 h1•11 F<·111.al1 • ·.,,,,, :\11· .... 1 :.1 -. h \Iii \\fll\' t''\pl.1111111).! Ill (I\-<tt lll't'. 1.1 1111111! 111. ,111)., l.td \1'111' :-.1111.•\ldll i\· .. h11\\1•1 11.1111·1··11 \\,11b. t'lllf'~" m .. nt tu l'l.o,•Jl 1t·d h.1:.d:ark 1111 ~.111 1r;1i1. t.:Ofll!Clll<t l IJl'l':>Hll IU :-,h ,t1•l' 11d 1111 17lo \ 11 l>.11h •J H .. I J: .1 •• It t 1 11 l'tlqL Box 1;)00 (_*~I • c.; \\',· ... 1111111-.kr ::;:•7 :111 11111 '!l:.!fi:.!h 1"'·11111 ll'.18~117.\:'\l :\I ,,. I' 11111111.' 11d d 1111 l'\l 1•11\1·n•· ,\ h,11h . 11t1· hi•.11 11 .a pt :.: 111 '' i:.1r 111111\lll:l l}\111·\ ··111p1m·· ti :,,1:1:1 mu •·i:i 11:111 le•m llt•f, SJ I i Ii 11; !\.ill:! !KUii ~qFI 111111·1• '1'·11 t' lo rand 1n " ll1•a r l 111 I 1• I I 111 J 11 d II ' I I I .1 t \ '11111pl1•\ ('pl :111 1111\d 'l'Jl:ot .tl\' I llll ,111\'I', ... 1;:11 11 • !111 ,qll '.\Ir Sl.llv1 lk:-.p l1·111,d,. l11 -.h.11 l• I 1'.r '1'11i :1••:1; Summer Rentals 4200 dupl\. I hi!.. to lwh. ·" .111 l),·lu\.: t..'d:\I •11111.,. Sp.11.,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• h :?tt lt' ~ :.!O •• '1 IU nlu util ·" ,ul t rocn ~·n ... HlL:h ' n t OH THE BEACH md '•1> 1'•"·l t111· ... up t•• 11>1"1 "' ll I llr 2 1 · 1\.1 . ol\•lll\\':!.5:.k\ m.oh· tu ... 1i.111. :.!hr. 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II:.~: \\ht h.11r \ 11 \\ .1rn1·1· OUTCALL ONLY 11u.111111y 11111um·t11111. lt.- 6 31 •38 I I •Jlll l\':-> :-u111·1'1::.1om 111 up 1.1 .11l 1n ·111lucll\111 a' a111h \o·h.1'•'llllll l' 1111 :\1 .. lc. 111:.!llWIS. );j 11 U !"I l.Jh<Jr,111,..:,· C\I r\\rcl r'I-11-n :.iu 111i11'1 • --------.-,_ ' ' I.OST Bl.id; m.11 ... doi; , 11• Social Clubs 5400 \\.\:\''!'EU ll,1y ,<. :'\t:" port llh ti ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'O'\TH \l'T t; H1\\\'EHS :\Ii:-.:. t l1 g ,, 1 n t c :; , :.! 1 '1\,·111 \.all\'\' 11 oc r1•.111r111 F11r t'.1rth\\'1H m ,., 1\11 "'" a'llll C.11np n11•ml1.-r,l11p 1111 ht111.,1• pl.rnl". ll•mt·r~. /.. -..111• ph·,1~1·t·.dl 'lh>-l,'l:Jll ll~ll111p111\H· "'~l·talol1·-. I.OST· <:r.1y & \\ 111.h · Sm.ill lo:o<k).1rd "" m:il1·1Jt. to~r,.~1ld ~11 Employmen~& :\'11m111 4d 1111 L'"tma.;~1t .\.\11111 Bro'.&: 1 •. 1~~ ( ~: Preparation L:.:\' p n11 11 "' C:.tl l l hl' :\It,., l>."•'llt>lll l , t...1 111.l eo••••••••••••••••••••• H1 :.: 1'11111.110 II) ll11nle1 11r•i ltl 51 X Schools & la11lu,.11·11•,. 1ll I l!S:.ll\ :11M;u FUL':\'ll \l.m', t lu ... :-1 mg Instruction 7005 BEER TAVERN 1r11m s:1ddl1•lr:H·~ ('nllq~·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21-l·'.'l'S ::;I 1110 :\\0 lur .:r,1tluat111~ t i.'"" 111 BE A BARTENDER 1,.·11" 11,.1:.:hlrorhuuil 11,1r Wix. n.1 1111• 11 :1~1 1 111i.11h· Full or Part-Time \\ !.. hu,.~ p1iol t.olJles, 1' · :l.uul;.!:a" ~""" h." Rt: 1,·.1al \ 111 \\111 I.. •'" ,, P 1 ,.111 ,, 111 JI ,, r k 111 g I 1r•l 11.111w. 1·.111 lo 1111.•11 v• 11r....,,.11;11.i1\),,11\'ndo1 111 1'11mpkli' \\1th \\.all..·111 . lily EH• .. ~olll 1::1t.."1 I \\\'l'"' Fn·· Jiiii pl.11·1 r,111,11· 1,1111:•· r·<•l'P•'I. l'lt: lt.-watd ~;!;,, Lu-.t C<tl, R 111•'111 ,, ""'I :. l .1 II< ,. F .1m1h 1_>111lilc111" tm 1 l' 11111 , uld . Y o l I"" I/< h i i I 1':1t 1•11.0 1111 1 E lilh s :tll• 1 e rm ;,,. A ~t . ur;ingc to m , "•'tllllll.! St.!-tJnt.1 1\na ,\11w11\·:111 !!:r. --1:.!0ll _____ l!l'l'\•n 1.ai)l:tr " lll'll. \'al' H<•rll•111kr, So h1111I .. "1111Jh·1 !> ·" lt•Jcl "''' .,.111 n1·I $1 ncl 111 •11111" Tu l'l.1 ..... 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'' ,. r ::. l u U u-. l t' 1'. • • • ••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 1·-----------11111.11 :\l.11111o·u.1111·1" 1111naw Xlnt )Jr..,:-:11111 \'11,1,1 lol' J!) ~'18 U.>M:! <'rr.1ll\ 1· lnll'llq!,•nt ,.:11n1I ,\:,..,\·1nhl1·r' 11 1°.111 . '"""' l..111m i. .. 11;i: l\usy ..,1a1tu n;; :'\'nn LOST· Bl.H·k ,<, llro"n ~1J1.·al..1•1 , 1111·1· :1p\H'lll'lllJ! ELECTRO 111 flll' d \'Ill-! h .. tpt ul ( 'I l'llll ... •I I I 'Ill • •1·• 1·'11•\lh l·· hr ... 1•rl\ .Jle 111H·r.dor >wn<•r /. ~,. l1111i.: h.11r U:11 hs hnnll ',.., ·• '' 1 "'L"-' iwlli•ol ,..~1 .11110 1."l ~\·ar. ·m i:-.. 11111,..: ll""'· :-hort d1.1lll•n1!111c '1111111w1 ,\ '·"ht,' l'.1111·~:1 1 111 l<llll•'llll'nt' Xlnt l1·rn1:-. ll'I!"· m .1h·.· .. ~.1h.1lh " p:art llltH' l'11 '•l1<1tt MECHANICAL 111,.,1.,1.,,.,l•t'I 111111•1· ,\,.!l x;r. 1::1111 S.111tJ \nJ ,\\t·. ('\I thl'r1·:r1t1•r •ill 1.1.lt ASSEMBLERS \1.111.1~1·1 . \11·1lr i· . .i .. , KJ.<11(;.:3 S11111rn .. r ~l'!'I 1·1.11 \ 11•1 Ill'• 1 .. 11 1111<1 ,·.,11 Restauront/Cktls s11i.,.1111111, ~,h0111 !'ii·n 0 11,. ~,;,1 l.,1111 1,.111 , \.et.· ... '1111 Jli1·1111.1 1. ·,,~1 f;H11S~"';no.noo Yr l"Ol'"I>. ht•;rlll 1111.. 1.:.11. ;11:111 t11 :.uh 101 \11111 1.,.,,1 h.11111 .. 11lcl1·1111 .· ,,. l .. 11111•ld AH· 1111111 lie h 11. .. 111111111 It<'•' ,.1.111d111i.: m.d1 \I\ :0.111111a11rl~ "":1t11111rnr.; !·"'· .111111 . 11111 ... d ;\111-1 llt' J.1111111.11 "'' :1•11 l l..rlio11·l>1 111111111 llldi.: '"th:-1·.11111.: 111r :!i.">. l.11 <\ llt·tl 11 ll 11111 "i!tll · Jul) ,.., ,\11µ \I ,,. lo.1.,I .. \\Ith lo.11111 ,. 111111111 ~ 111 11 ,,,, u11h m111•d p.irl.111:. l·,111 1-'lll':\I>. hi!.. l l'nt U111:. i.:ro •unll m lth1 ·"' ,\ 1111111.. 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Eng '"' ' .• 1tl111111 • \1'1 ""' ,\ """" 1111 '"'' l"<•,11i1111 Ill .llilttt•nl .lll'.I ·1:1.l IHill:! 1'\111'1', :0-ll. ··I.II 1~111 hi.. lnli•l \ll'\\111 l'lt''('lll \1111r 11•1111 ... \gl t..1•11 '1•. \It \I' ,11::;1·,10 .l1ir11•:.!nol ·:itl,\ llh K.I~ l:!IMI Ft>t ':\II 1'1•k111i.:1''l' 111~· (;l'J'f'll' '•.1111 11.1111 ,, ''1'111 11'1\1 ----1:&11. \ 11' lht,h,al'd '" 111 Ital. Deli/Pina If, :r 11 a 11 .. 1 1,. II H Help Wanted 7100 'l·."1sx.:o.1no \ H .,:,;t 1•q ;.au .. :n·,o ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll\11rt ,. '" cotth .. l'l·:1,11n I'()\'"\ ll \\ 1111 e· I lull' .\l'('(>l '\JI'\!', :-hop'' ror \,tit• I IH'I\ Ill)., 111111 l •.II 11 1. 1,,, .it 11111 11:111.ill' 1t•n 1t•r. 11t·. t.:rl..1• DOCUMENTOR DIVISION \ii.tr I'""~··"'" \\11111. I .1ph BOOKKEEPER \\'. 11111 •of JI ti I \ 11111' l\ t..1, JI I \\h 111h 111111 . 1:,1' "'" ,\pp l \ Ill 111•r .. 11 11 . (;1111" ,., ' It• .1.111 1.1111 . ,\1"11 1•'1 I :I I l'\I BUSBOYS WAHTEO \pph rl.111" I .>Pill \J1 (' .o ' .1 \I 1· \ I I' .1 rl IC. .1.1111 .1111. ::•11; 1:. li lh 1 ..... \'\I • ;\q ph11111 I .db 11!1 ...... I "I \ I 1• 1 I" 111111· 11"•111111 ' \\tll l l.•111 '"""I l"I\ I oil l )lllh1,1 ,,,•1 .I I:!" I :ll• \I •. •LA PARISIEHNE• 0 1·1·.11111 ,;Ill 1"111' .111111 •ii.I j,j;\ I (h, 111 H1·111wol 111•1k111g l.111\ I• .. h.111· ltl\ :: Jl1 :.! 11 •• I 'I. '-"P' ,1pt \\ ,,11111· ~-'''"lh11n: f11111 l'rn •I 11 :-.t/ FT lll'l"ll'l-::-.1• \t ~.\\\II. 1 lm:O-q It I •I \I 11111<1·, .11 .1111 .:11o1 \ \ ,. ( Pl\l.11 I 1>1,1·111 ,.r" \l.111.1l.!1'1t1\•11t I 11 l~l I 1 K~ll f'lofl 1n .. 11I·· •'-11.al tn ,,.,11111~· I •ll •''f "-"e!l,1~ C.dl ,\ 111•,i\' d.•111.iwl fur 11u1 Hknltl' . .i<!. ol•.t PROJECT CONTROL CLERK 292 I S . Daimler SANTA ANA 546-355 I $50 to S75 CASH DAILY PART TIME 1&:! Jlr 1111turn -.1 •1:1 ·"up I ,\II 1'11·,·t 1·11· Fu ~·pl,11 \• \\'t· h,11 l' \ ,111<111 . 111nm• r ~ llt'.tlt'd poul .\dulh, 1111 n •111.al ... •fal l '" .1al.olol1• ' ~l\'l!'> !li!I 1:!108, tt1:1 l:!t.Oor f ollll!lll~ 11111\l ':!IHI \\1 \'k f 1ti!l·l:\l!I ,\Ill' \1:1 1,tu ";lllHI I t \no .. ~ from ~11lf e1111r:-1· :t•ll:I:! S.1111 :r .\11:1 \ "' 011 -..111ol .ii Hi:• I '111·1111.1 -:O-t ,111• lie h l '.: Ill< fl\ I '' · ------------1 ~i I ":li'.1 \\ kh f11.: ;-;Si STEPS.TO BEACH ;! I'!{.:! h:1. 1111t ~1:1·1 :1 HI<.:! h.1. uni Sjo1111 :! nit. I h.1 \ I h· a:!:, SEA WIND CONDO N ''" 2 II II , :~ ll.1 ~:17;; associated BR OKER S-REAL TORS lOH W llal boa b1; Jbol l.1d11 ht.• t '11111pldd\ 111111 llll' '!fo I 1l111l11• lilk l•I 'llolhl' 11•1111l 'i '' '· ,, 111·.11111·, \\,o il .11111<· .111 1"'°" \11r a.i 't r1:11 '\' E \\'J111 llT 1\1 ti '"'''' 1.11·111.11 II 111111 ,qol 1111 \\ ,j f t' f t) I If' h , 1)111 t l .111lh, 111 1 11•1 I " I' OlO'-. Uf\1\' h 7 l '•Kf I ••I ~l:J ';ti:! ';XUft \I F Io 'h ,1 r , l'.11 I. :"1•\\ I" •l'l :! 111 . :.! 11.1 • ulll ti Ill 1.ll:lli !"1111'1' 1'17 1 \\'p h:I\ I' I kl1>nl I l1111ol1·1•d' 11111111 t Ju•nb I 11111 J( 1111ru m.11 ,., \\1· 1'o111 llt•lp Y1111 T1111' llnlho \I.ii•'' x:12 ti II NEWeoRT BEACH Corner Westcliff & Ir-vine DELUXE SUITE :1l·.\11'1111\ 1• IHI 11°1'' I' I.I :-. l..tf ,, f 1•1 t t•I full t'fHllll l""m ~I .:;, I•''"·",. lllH ·1,.,,1-, p,1111•h11;:. p)u., h:-1· '' .! F1•11Jo. 111 t' \I ;\111111,, i·'t '11r111·r ~··x :i.1 mo •• 1;, ;.;,'.\ti IHlll\I \I \I J. \\ \'\I I· ll 1111 I .. 1 ~u11.1 :0-1 i.: "' I .111·.1 1:1.1 ".Xt.11 I'\ 111"1 If t' .\1.t.S l•:ll\ll ES llH l11d1111: 111111\ 11 111,ol '1~11 (Ill \\t•,f( 1111 1)11\f' Apartments Fu"'ished ~nts Fumished Aportments .Furnished or Unfurnished 3900 or Unfumished 3900 or Unfurn1sh•d 3900 Call Mr. Howard 645-6101 ···•·········•···•·•····•··•···••••·········•·· .•.•..•.•.............. 1--+==-=----==-= ===--_-_-_-_ -------=--=----~---------=~~--_:.:.:.:. ____ -!~ It's more than a •OCEAN VIEW• ~ l'O II I Ill·, \C-it GRAND OPENING it's a revelation! ·---------.-------. -------·--.. -Jr....----·---------·--· ... ·-1 DISTINCTIVE ADULT APARTMENTS Ttw I lunftnqf 1111 \\ill 11p1·11 \ • •llr 1•v1· .. 111 "li.11 pl•··•'llfilhk 11p.1rt1111·111 Ii\ 111!1 i' rt·.1llv .111 .1ho1111 N""· 1h11i11!1 tlw frr .. t ph.1,1• 111 llw (,r,111<1 ( >1"'"'"!1· • 111111• 1lr,, fl\•'' 0111 '"l'''rl1 .111.1rtm,•n1 ... l,1111 .... tu 1 1111!111111 ... · .111d ITliHl't'h•ll'> t\'111•.1f11111.1 I l.11 rli1i1''' t/\1111 him e"""" •tlf111d.1hl1 .. '' h o•ltl'r lit.· .. 1~!1• • .111 1>1• ,11 I IH' I h111till!lhlll I \ll111·1l.1hlt• l\\•111,lb ll'tllll ~_:I.\ lei ~;!'1~1 Ill I 111111\lh .11 1~ ( .0111.,1·111 \r1 1110, '1111· T 1k """'' \ 1•11cl .. d I "''''"'' 8 I 1\1 H1 • u 1111111 /\p 111111o 111 I' 111, "'""l,1bl,· I u1111,1" ·d, 11 1111111m1,h,•cl • l ~'" h1 ·11 ,, I lkd11111m with H.11/t «•rn1•r I lkd1<•om \~11'1 l•.11h :1 B1·d1nnm' wrrh B.1th .! H,·dro .. m .. with 'L l:).111t .. • ~p.u .. ruu, 'Julkd, h.•,1111,·cl '"•lm!.J Lt\. mn K1111m " K 11 rlwn C ounkr BM ... Oininq /\nw ... 01shv.:,1,lwr .... anJ L11 'l~' !'-1n 1.1g'' Cnmp.11I111cn1 ... ([i<ccpt f\,1rh.ilC1r) • 1 )nwn ... 1 i11r .. J 1.1111 "· Urq•"'' I i.·rk" • I 1dlv L.mc!~c.lp1•d Grnunds w11h l.ight.•d l'.11h \\d\'~ .111cl <.Im,· l>v C cwt•r,•d l'.11k111q • L1ghtl•d T,•nnh .v11t V1\ll1·~ H.111 C nllrl<. • H,111d.,nmr 111 .. -t•111.' ::::---'~::il~lill..&ll:._""' ___ ,('Ii 1 hhn11 '' • RI 111.ird« Pinq I '. '11'1 \ \ d I "'"'I It "''""''fl·lll' '\1•\\ Jlllrf ( I Ill 1'1 ( 11 ho•I ''''"' ,1\.tll ,,t\trt•' 1<1 .alt ' •1;•1 1;, i I Business Re ntal 4450 ......................• "'"''' I' 1.111 17th St ( .... t.1 :\11• ... 1 \11111 •I\ :;i,, rt II . I" I I 1.1 I lo p.11111 ' I''" ol 1 I' ... I ... 11\11 \\,11 1•1 l""d 1'1 111111 \ ·1 1l11d" .11' 111,11 LI : \:0-1•: 1 • 1'11 \' lllol'I.. 111 l'd\I i\\.iil 1111 1 011~ 11• rm 1. 111 Ill :!"• h1'1 7.11ll ,Ill Xptn 11r fii:S l:li~ al.I~' I" f'1t me· l'lllTlll1t'll1 ;al Ill' Pl I 1 <' " h I ol ..: . \\' 1 I ., n n ,11,._ F ,11n11·\\ 1' '1 1'~111 "I II 11 p.1rl.1t11! 1111 I~ 1 ,11 ., 'J lw 1\rt h•ll' 'I 111 rwr I 'n. ~. 11 Oittll ·~ :-1) I' I l t>:O-'I \ \I 1.:-. \ t; I ol ti""' I'll •I 1•••111 11 '.I Sl/I 'I' ,,II I 1111 -.1)1 r ... 1:1 .. 1111 I ut•I :·, 1'1 '(t,,"'t.1 u t •• IH :!:!ft't itndu!>trial Re ntal 4SOO •...•..•.........•..... 1, \II\(; I•: 1~:!111111,' F,1,I lilh SI (.'11 .. t.1 \11•,,1 1.iHI Sff II . d1111hl•• tl11111 :. :-.1..r.1i.:1• Onlv , l~•O :\\11. lh•,1lo1111m11· ... Curt'· • • 1;7'j fii()U • • Ftlll S \I.I-; 'r11 11 q11,1ll ll'I'•' .t;111d1111! h1111!lt11).!' \\lfh l1•1\•1·ol \,11'11' Ill ('11~t .1 \(1•,;1 . \\II IJ \I \I <'1.•ST \FF );.t:I l.hol ''"" 1.1h•1111i.: 11·111i.. l"Ll>~T "l'1•p1 " lll'rt:t'. tho· l'll:hl p:at I)· .\J.!I \\hi ll'll"ll\•.1111).! l.1 1!. I IX I 11·17 l:!tHI ;-...i , m.tll1111 aJ,1 11\ Xiii lu l."1 lee Cream/Sndwch _ --- :'\'ETs s 1s.1100 YH F11l':-o;o ;\la \' 11>1h 111 l' ~I. l.1o1•:il1 •tl111he.11tnfS1111lh p:arl... ·' p:atr 111 •Yt' 1 '11:a,\ l1,•ad1 lu\\ n. llu'~ i:l:r~M'!> 1\1~ •iOK!I .111 11 .11 loul l111orn' Ill ' II Ill 111 ;, I \_' 11 ll 11 l c r I '()lJ:" I) I: I ,1 ~ <\ \\I\ ill' t'.I \ '\'I'\ 11·" 1111ly. t:nml Im .qq1rr1-.. I ) r 11ld ~II.. ('<lllpf<o \\1th ll'l'll 1'111<' tn:ll king:. 1111 r.11·e• \II 1 .. 1111, Ai:l. x:li 1:!1111 < ·1o111hco1r.." .\' 1· 1>i:11.111•1 BURGERS/TACOS (; H()ss :>.)11.111111 \'It Oµi•11 only h h ro:; ct a1h 1<1 .. dl\' .1 -.1!•1•pt•f' tor \I ill 111).! Ill \\Olk 11o11pll•. 1"r1•1 .. 1.111ol11H! hu11tf1ni.: 1111 m :• 11•r II",. lll•.1r lo1•,11 It Ht '11111'•'" °''l~>IHI d o\\ II tll' ., \i.:t x:n 1::!1~1 COIM LAUNDRY FIH '~IJ Htkl• l .di l111d1•11l1I .' "u; 1~1:1:.!. FOL':\ ll l.g hi!.. .'h111 t h .llfl'li 1111 "\ cl11 )!, Ill J\11 I 111 l' \ 1 I ,1 I I 0;1 Ii Ill 1>1~11 F1 II ;-.; II . l':ir.1k\'l'l. \'II (.1!10 1-11' l'll'ol'C l :&ll 11 1111-nlal\ hi:-i :UHll I '111111 I• \\ 111 I,. 111.ol 1 '"~ ·'-"'" \. (11'1•. ·Ill. ,,., llfl ,ol\d 11lfl\I 11111 I .111 t i::hl 1111 .... 1111••1 \ I ll.11 l:!IHI I llllfll,11111• rtll '\JI Ill CORO MA DEL MAR \ 11' (,11lolt-ll\\l''I \\,11'111'1 1lunl111~·11111 lkh K 11. i.\1,:! o111 1'11.1 t ""' II.om Pcnonal~ 5350 ""' 11\ f .. l.t11tl cit C\ •••• ,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 11..•· <•Ill ' I .11..1· .111\ :111 1.11:1•11! lho• .1111111w1 ru II 1'111 I cl f'l l'lll ,II ... :!:!,t/l/lf 1111h 1'11•1111 ~1 "'"'11 11\Y ~ 111·:\1 'tl HI·: \I.TY 1.;;1 :111(}11 l '.111111!'1 •.hnp l1or .... d•• ••r le•,,,.,., 1111"' p:11 \ . ."111\ :.11!111 cl ,1 \' <; 11 I t 'I :1 ·\I I !i X ,., , • .., '' k11ds 1111111. 111" prnl 111· 111 ' \ ',ol I \ 11 11h11I 11,.lpl 1111• :!I hr' ,1 d ,I\ K:J:i ~~!Ill ~l'I H ITl \I, Ill-. \11 1·:11 0111·11Ill 1\ :\I 1t1 1'.\I 1\1h 11·1• "":ill m:11le·r,, :112:-.;. El.C'.1rn11111 lt1•1rl S;111 <'l!·rn<·nlc. V•ll' :q1p1 !'I:! !H)'l I 1!1:! !I 1;ir, ABORTION 111-:rrn & \\'I '\IE SToHE \nu11H·1i11c ,'<t lld<"rral :...u pt•r ll\1 111 \'S. j Ht1tlr l'l'!'j.!, (l'~l .1\'aal.Wkflll"' \\ ,t(k Ill hh~, ,\ l'C'.11 I I "I 'I "'"I I I I l t Jlr lld f'lltl\' :i 11 !/l'l."1 1,11'µ:1111 ,1 ... ,onn . I _ \l'llf11J'. l!.1111'1! l/(•:dl~ I Business Wonted 50 I 0 .............•......... \\ .1111\•tl to ht1\ IJt ~ 1·1'""' 111i.: pl.1111 11111nti.1·.111·.id1· 1\ I I \ I 11 1• :'\1 \I ... 1 lo ,. h1',1]I h\ lrll'll\I''' \\ I lllltf 1~11,•11t1:al llt•ph· 111 :rel 1111 1, I ll.111\' I '!1111, I' () l\l1\ 1:.tAI, t,,·o,..ta ;\lc:-.1. ('a ., lnYestment Opportunity SO IS ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMCOME SPECIAL Helle r th;.in ~<1 . ri•t11rn h i ~I k ··' lh,111 :0.11\ 11!~1 d11 .\11 ll.11'\111.111 ti l.1 ;;17~ I \ ,. ~'lh :J:1:i I \i,:I I'll 1-:<: "',, '\j'f''' f',lflll .: I 1lllllcl1•11\1 :tl t'llllll"l'lllH' I<: l l'h'rt al \hort l<tn .• 11l1111111rn f... l.1•1•p1111! \l'l ',\11 ~: EXECUTIVE REGISTRY • \J...,,:al!1· tor t lw ;\l.111 \\h11 \\:1nh tlw :\11.1 111 1111•. · llonll'. 011, ltutcl ~•l!H0-111 A-PJ\llK l\l.\SS1\(;1-: l'Hl-:S ~;;.;TS "Thr :.1111111wr S111ll'r" f.. "Thi' 1>1111hh• lluhloll·" , .. , nFF \\' \ 1 > (11wn ll11tlv :ti It \ J>1H;1II 11.11 k ,\," 1 '\I I~ trl !l!H I i.t1 1 'I'll I B.11 I 111•1'1.1•'l1Hlfl'1"' ..... 111111111111'1 f'• • I 1 1~,lrn ti .. r.11·~ "i"' (' 'liil 1 111 J '' h I'<' Ho .. 1111 ...,hf'\\•'!'. ( lllllf'lo•I• l .11111rl11, 1'11• 1ltt1•'" • i\1!Jlil 1111,. \\.ill m• I ~,., IH•IV l'.111001 @: \I I • ''I.:' I''' i•d 1111 t:ldi.; M0Drt9daqes. Trust 5035 1. ,1;,,,,. " II\ 111:: q11 ' ee s BARBARA -,~ ........ , .. . C'CIC1e•l1111"' I •t Southwest Comer. Edinger and Newland. 8400 ~dinge1 HuntinQlon BP.ach ( 114) 841 .9G•J5 I J ' f 111 f,., ur ,-.•t f ff .ld\1 l \J ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1o1.! 111111 2MD T .D. MONEY •COSTA MESA.• 1 11111~1111 111111.!,illll :1.0tHI ''I ll '-·•ll•l''" llrult\ 't7~t ,.,,;I Tl•rm~ lwluw m :.1rk1>1 . p\'l tc1111f-.. 11c r:-.1111:11 ... t·n 11 l' 111 '11ur h11m e "' 111f1t c . r.;;;'41f1 1· llkr. :!I hr" • \\\•IP\\' ~IHI . 1.ill111ll1•c•t \'011 1·:111 l'Ol111' I I\' \\ ll .. \11111 :.11l•r1r•;'\l,1 \I \I i\SS \I; I•. Jloh.!;11111• ... 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''""' l»I I hlldl I'll llt11Jo•I I• I 'lo ·''° • ,111 Id I 1,8.'M 1: .• 11~ EXPERIENCED PART-TIME COMMERCIAL TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 6 Monarch lay Plaza South La9una <7141496· I 273 1714)831·1970 i\11 1•:q11.ol <Jpp111 t u1111 ~ l•'.mpl11\ r•r Ba1·lwr :-tyh!>I \pph· ,11 \rnh11l :1111·1· "•'I !>1 1111111'1 l h(' (;p n\l'I. :1w \\., c ... t n1•t•1l1·i1. 1.\1'1 I .1pph 111 II\\,,:'\ II tilli iilli BEAUTY OPERA. TOR ) 1 UHi 'til1 .d~'' I*' I''•" ft Ill< '111Jf1' I '11,l.1 \J, I ('h,1111 111'1 111 •'e11n1n1•rc 1• 11 1111 1 f'l''l1·1I. ,IJJl•IV 111 p t•r,n11 ftfth • nu pJ1qfH I .111,' '1111111,1\ ,fllll" i , '''"'''·' lp111 ")((\\' )'llh ... I (' .... 1.. \lo·"·' CASHIERS J· \per prd'd I' 11111• I' I II " II I • \l ;11 I.. ,. I ~ 11-:!1>.ol I 11 ""' H 1111 lo '"'' 1111 I'' .\l.11 l.d. ! 11)11. \I .1 .. rcl l!d It ' 1111· I \o.;IJJl·:ll I l"I" •11• l.1I111· \\ '" 111•11 J•·• rt 111111 1111 \\•'1•!..1111 .. ,\ ',,' \pl'h 1. 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''"" 111 111\ ol1 l 11I \\Oil 1ud .tt•· , 11 11 'h 11 r111u \1111111111111 \\1111.1111, I \ P• 111 ... •''' q110 I " •POSTll'fG CLERKS H"t""" ""lo\ 1cl11 .i1 '"'" 11111111 "' ,,1 ,q1t 1l 11d1 .11111 ,,J 1ht • f.1 \\ •H h .II I I 1tlt!tl f' tt I '1 1•.1\ phtttlt •TWX OPERATOR \1 1111m11111 1':\ll\ I ll'lll'•• I• e111111•-. f) 11111g, :.11\\1'111 •GENERAL OFFICE 1·:~111·1htc 11rd1·1,, I 11111~'. 1111~\\'1•1111i: f1ho1t•''. ;ind 'a11l'I; 111 .11>1>11:111111•nh. •KEYPUNCH OPERATORS '''"' 1.:111 ,., x m :o1 h1111·- ll t•q11111· 111111 111111111 " flltlltllt ... l'\111 111'11''"· "·" .. 11111 t·:,rdl1 1ll ,1,1111111• ,,,1,,,, :111d I ti 11 I" 111 I'·'"\ i, ... ,..111 ... p111~1.111l (';1'11 l.111 Hn.11 1, .11 ri ll • ;·11 '·'""t f1t'f"'ll 2.IUI I \1111111011 l'I..\\'' l 'li! l .. 1•! lllll~ K1U 'lt,111 c· \I 1\r1·.1 ~.Ill 1:,;:11------------ , AC1d 1t. .. BuiJa 1L...)1aper 1t...Hamm er 1t... Carpet it...Cem cnt i t ... ~ire 1t...Hoe 11...C lean it. .. M ove it...Prcss I! .. Pclirt 1t. .. Nail it...Plaster it ... Fix it. .. SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb 1t ... Patc h it... ipt: it ... R1.:mode 1t... Roof it...L andscape 1t. .Tile 11 . Trim 1t. .. S1.:w 1t .• H aul rt... Add it. .. P lant 11. .• Altc·r II . l e Jrn 1L. , ~~~~!!~? ........... )~~~!~~!!.~~~:~~~••••••• 7.~"!::!t/.~~."!".~~~~ ••••• :~!~~~!~~•••••••••••• :.~~~~~,••• •••• •••••• ~~~~,•••• :. •• •••• ••• jMuffle r s • Plaster /Re pair Tile . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................. . F.LEECASTLE .\Tlt-:,·1:10'\S~l,'_l.I.. l'11nnl.'ll.' :\IJ">Or~. g..:n'I <:l>'.H\\'l('l\.!.Sll' t'.1li.1lll•111 ,t,. Son ":,1111 F'1'.l\.ll1m. i:r .ullni: 11,. \ll l'l't.t·R..,\\I :\I' \I ('(JI ''II:\(; \l llll'S _Ill !-ol:\l'.:-.:-.o\\:'\~.H:S hllli.:. all \\flt">, qu:..I \\k :\iJoJ111on:.ll. lh-m11dl.'hOS: •• ll'lh·th'I I tt 1-r•·· ... 1 111" .l11'11 p 11wl. 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Call :"ow 642-56 78 bt. 122 Help Wanted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 Help Wonte d 7 I d"o Help Wonted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 Help Wanted"'. 71 00 Hefp Wanted 7100 Htlp Wanted 7100 ···•·················· ....•.....•..••...•...............•.......•.........••..•..•••••......•..•...•.•.......•.... ·•·······•·····•·•····· .......•.................•...........•.........•.•.•..............•.. f '()LJ.1·:<; J·: I; Ill I. l•>r p•l't l1t1W "1111 ,. ,'I;, I lt•o111 '\I 1 n rri.· "112 :1!111 COLLEGE STUDENT; AND ALL, OTHER H .S .GRADS If ·'nu h.11 •· hl•1·11 11·1 t."t'• \\lll'k ht'l ,Jll'l' \\Ill Vl'l'l t110 youm: l.1d1~·d 1·~11·r 11r 1·1111IJ 0111\ v.111'\.. 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If \'OU0\C (•\1•r thoui:ht about J.!l'll111L! h:.1·k 111 11111l•irm. hack 111 atllun. nnw':-thi: \1mc C ,1 l I . \ It \I Y 0 I' l'OH1T~ITIES Cnsla ;\lt·c;a 5 IO I02f li1·111 r.ol 111 111·1• Sharp, 111 ldh~t'lll. l~ , ... till\\ jllll ::If \\ lt,.!lll'l''• oppM lllll!I~ 1t11 .111\ ,lflt't•llll'lll l\t1,1l ll111hl\.'r:. ti!li HJ 11c.lolph <.' :\I GEMERAL OFFICE .\n·urall' lypmg. ahrhl.' 111 l'nmp•hl' 111\n ltl\l•r-. Hl'q "m.1111rt• Jl11h!1·11H·11l & uhil11,· t o \\11rk tl<'JJl•t1tll•1i11~. Xl111 1>0:-1 t 111 n f cir p <' r " o n r , · ··nli'nni: Jiiii m~ l.l'I .\11 "'~ '.\at1on.tl S~:-l•·m~ 1 . .'urp. 1:~1 llln·h M. :'\ ll. GUARDS I 1 \ I Ill' & S .1 111 .o ,\II ;1 .1 11-.1 I' ttm.-l11111wtl l'llllil••\ llll'll( 111 .... 11 •. 11111·!, Work ;irl\ :-hill l '111l•11111-. turn .. \;.:1· :!I ,\ " I I· I', (( l' I I I' t '1 I " I; l'111\ l'r ... .il. l:!:!I· w 51h ~l :-. \ I 111 •' r' 11· w It r,.. \II :11111111111,'<. I :111 J '.lllpm .\11111. Fri Equ;iJ IJfJ)Jvr E111plt" 1·r ___ _ GUYS &GALS KITCHEN SUPERVISOR I\ '')TT:. 111 :11 ll \' F \11\1 I l.1, .111 1111111\'d ''I" 1i111~ l11r .111 i:J\pc1 'ti :-up, n ,,111 JO 11111 t•I tt\11' l.1..,1 p.11 ,.\I , ,.,..1.1111 .1111 , T 111 Ill dl\11h1Jl :-1 lutt·d n 111,1 l•1· l.11111h,!•' \\ 11111·111un • 111111111. 1111111 l ..... ;. MACHINEOPR h ill 111 111 . ,., ... 1111111111 h(ol \\Ill 11.1111 Sm.tit .\I .11 11: 1· 11 d" I \l l i: t l >.1~' t, ,;, !ti :•J ;\l.1111-. ,\ppll 'I h<' I 1111 .11 1..1).:Lll\:t. :!II \01 l .. IJ~l ""' . I .. q.:11n:r 11,.:11'11 )l.11111• 11.111• ,. "11rk••r l't11Jli1• :t).l IH \ Ill ll ll * MFG TECH. 111111 llll l 1•1111' llJl idl l'I I 111111,ol ~"" .1111·1·d 1"•111 1111)-11<• 111•1111111·1 ~.Ii.tr ' fUtllllll'll!'tUl.llt• \\ 1'\1' 1.'.tll 1•11 .1ppl. ?ll·S .::1;1X \l::mL, t'.11'11 !\ll .1 1111 111111• \\llhoul i,:11111;.: llfl l.111111~ .... jllh 11·•11••11:--1h1\il11'' \\ ,. 1 ra1n. I· ur .tppl K~ :Jiil ;\n·d .1111 .1111\•' 1111r-.1· "' II U 1· ' \ • ' .1 I If 1 • I •I t 1hu·.11wu111 .1111 ~ .1; ":!• o1ll l1 "I.if\, or'' l.r1d-. 1·11:-. .\11 •\\I 1111 •• :-,, I'\ :'.111! \\ llil1 I t .r111111 I llllh' Ill' I' 111111' ,11111 ti\·" I J),, \.. _,, I \ •• ,, '1>1111• \\ f.. 11.t I. \I .111-.1 1;11; Xl~~I I·; I ) l PBX OPERATOR \',11wtl '"'"' .• \l l-.lld l•:\p\1 jlltl• llttf lollt \\Ill lt,Ull \,.,: :.tl : )1FI 11'f.J.,111 !'-•I• :ti h"llll I .1 .. '"" I 1111111 " , .... ,. 1.1!1 I '.otr 11 1,1 I'• 1 11," f I llW ~II m 1111•1 J11l "I' , p111t111111~ II ~1111 '""' \\111·1. I lrm•-. l\1' \\ 111 \)..\: nq li.11'111•1" :'\tt Ill ' ... lllll'lll I l'r11t1•l'll'cl T···ntun' 1:11.11,1ntl.'1:ll ·1n1lut·l' l-'111 \ Four~ \'a r •l.t lllJllUl:tt'IUl'lll).! 111111 \\,1th l1t1'.1l m.111 111 1-.111 1111 1111111,1 n.il pla111-. llllllH lp,lhlll''. "l'1'1t11h II", lit ,ti'. '' .1 r 1•h11ll"'' l'I<' \1111 -.upplt•m,·111 111 l'IH11• 11~ :<111 \u ;.."tJMI 1•1'1 ~anta ,\11.1 :1 1:.! 2-l:I~ I htnl Ill)!\ un B<'h !~ti2 IOI~ I FACTORY HELPER Sn m1· :-hop l'\l'IT . lout " 111 1 r ,11 n ~:.! :ill .11 r t • -.1.1 rt " "rn .ii I l ' '.\I Gt:rl(·r.rl (II I",. PERSOMMEL I 111<-1 t"l mi: ~ 1')1,1 lll·ni: 111~· 1·•~1ltun l<t·q' '" l'lil ,11\• l ~ flllll! :,.-, \\ !Jiil I l.11<' 11;r~ 11111 11\1\11·'· f l' I Pl'lb, flllll);, \ ,111•111' l'l' :\ll"-:..11111 \ u•10. 1-:1 T orn .111-.1. 111 ""'I.,, fl•\\ h our-. .1 d.1\ I 1111 .Ioli t-:ar11 ~-. 10 ~ 111 l'l'r 11 erl. Fur 1111111 1111.,rm:.111111 ph111h· l'o,Jlll'll l • El\u:rl Op11rl11111I' 1·:111ph•\ 1·1 • .111t .tl111/1. 11111(1 pr,·p.11 J 11'111 111· II \1111 11\\•1·1 t h·· ,. '111:111'" ·" hlll .{ •• r,· 11111·1 • h .. 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Hd I .. 1i;un,1 :'\1i:u~1. .\11 Eq1:.tl Op pnrt 11111\' 'J-:11)j1lt\_\\·r PERS OMNEL C OUNS ELOR N iq uel H air Fash ions '\I; li1.1111h ''I"'""' II.Ill"'' J 11t tl ••l 1111111 .'\1•1•d 111.111111111 I t it II ti 11111 ; 1<•11 .. tl Jttlt ; 1 r.ian ~uu .\..!.• lltf,lfll\t'I It I tt It.ti ..... , •.•• 11 ' 1wrtn. 1tt• ... 1l1un ... d l' .11 ..... ~ ,1\,111. " 1111 pr11l1l._111 l•I :: -.111!,r·-. 11r l.l\o•ll> :O-l,11 l t llllllh'll. 1 -.i111i~·l•\11 'f ·' :1 ' r 539 .1183 I 111 >I\ I· 'P•'I' d ()111\ '•11111 111 1:,,. ,11111 T111't"1' 11,, •Ill.\ 1-: Ill >I I'll I'\;• . :.1;,·, \ 1:1 l.11~• \ II t'IHll\. t'\1'11 d I tlllt 1' . h•'ll, l11•'.1l.l.1,1 .... 111111 h \\ 11 ~· ( • Oltt It I l pl• 111:111111 1:11111-..:1 11. l.ol l :>I:> t~tll "'l \ ;l1\ l' •11lol 1111 111111\t'\ h ,I l . t.. ll ,1 I ,111 I•'' 11 I 111.111~'.11·1111 •'I' I;.,, 1·1 ,; F.1s (111111 S.tl1•-. Trill Ill'•'. n11 1111·11 111111·h:1,111 g \'\p1•r, \l.11111l' !11~11·2llil. ... p1•1·1w:1\11111 q11011•,.. our ;\11:-.. \1<'1".111· 1111111hr a11d s l1p11l.1l•·,.. lltt .. u1t .. 1i11l1•11ls 1\i.;1· nut .1 1:nu nltt1n &. l 'iiull\C'I barr1t:. h11l rd1:1bllll\"" w ~iit n•so;, rio ti·ntial .1 111111 l 'ht•lll· I i.l \ 1 \11111 \ Ill Jlt 1-.1111 111 l\lllJ·----------·1 t "I' 111 . I h• le 1 • , 1 l-\111 T111w Ill! rt~ 11n'lt 11111 ""''" ,\· 1111111·, E'l"'r prd ti W11i 11.m111.111µh 1 .11tl /w, :-trn11c l1a1·k ~1ou111I. ,\pply 1'~111 .. 11:11 S.\ o;t;·ms l'111 11. ,1:11l! B1rd1 St,:-.; II GIRL FRIDAY IH VI 'd ·: <.: U .\I I' I. I•: X Lot~' of 'a11cl). Tuv llJ). )Oii)! l•'rlll jltl:>ll IOll :-.;1•1.·<l··d 1mnwol1;1h·l~. In ll'r\'ll'll' :1.1111 l!>tn 111 1.1111.1111, '" I ,1 -111 .. 11 DlAPERY ,11.11l.1hl1• ,I l krl!l'rl I I ' H PtESSER II .1 I I .I r w l' I <" r ~ • \\ t 11 1 ·" 11 1• 11 1 l \\' ,. , t m 1 n :-l I.' r :'II.ii I .. " .. S'S C O UNTBt GIRLS t 11 "" 111 1.11:! 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Call 1.·1111\1'111 Ca rt'<' r t-: 111 p l<t.\ flll: II I ,\g,•Ul'V. ~l;,1; h;Jll~t \JJ11~1!:l 1tl\'nt l'l·:<H'l.I: Pl·'.llSO' ~;,,.l l11ol.111i: ltlr p.1rl I l nt \. •• a="'•• l' 1 at• 111 ''ht1ll·'·'"''l11'Pl11 .. I ult~ f ,ljlll<tlr/Ptl ti7:1 :!:!:!:! ;\I ,\'I I ' I< I: \\ " \I \ '\ .... , .... hlllt'h ·'-111·tlh Ill I' It.,,. ·"' I ,, 11111 ~""' \'i't :,?:!_:!_\ ur \:th .• j~I~ \\ht l t' \ P tl t 1ltl \\HI h NURSES AIDES E\llU d ll,11\lt'<I 1·11111 ll••'I' ~11.1.> I hun11, \ .\l 1.1:: ,;,-,0.1 \\ l''"Pl•01 t'\Plt'.,. .\•>IH •'\\U•1··~l l\t t11•,..,.._\ ,1h J llll l 11 ;..,)1111t ld fl.II I .... 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E-.:c•Plll'nl op1>11r\11n1t~ Im· qua1t1111I 1 ,111J1d:ll•·~ \\Ill\ ;rl J.o:t 'l I ) l'.JI 111 LthU' Pt'ol'l''~'n~ or 1 ,t l.11t·.t '''r<'l'll'lh' 111 \\Ill'~ .1 .. ·' lll llll "ltl' \\111 !,111:! t..1111" h tli.:1· 111 Fl I.\. \' ,11111 I 1•11\\'11111111,tl li1!1ll' Ill t 1 ,,,If\ (lp p111'l 1111ll \ l11r .1 '" 1l 11111n1l1•d t'.11 ,.,.,I tt ni.~ t_.1.:.c. I 11l.1 n..:.~ l'll·.1 .... •• t •• :~l o ut ,.,., """"' r,, ·,:1. 1111 n1t·1lr.•lo h 1·11 .. 111 ''"''Ii.K l 1 .. 1 .111 GRINDING , .11111111. 1 ~1~:: \r111 ~1ro11; 1 .. 111111u ·111 DR.'S 1S SIST. l·:xpl'r 111•t'l''"· .J11h 1"" .\\1 . 11'111.· .1 111 ;:..1 1 l.q11.il lll'l1"•l111111\ \ ... 111.: 1.i•h ' lt1 :!r.i 1ti ll" J 848Campus Dri•e Pl'r l''J11·1-. <.'1·1111·rlt•'' l·,111111,.,, 1 I•· 111 111.it.• 11,1..-.:1 .. ,. 111 546-4741 1;11n1lln:•, :! ~ .. , 111111 CUSTOMER SERVICE CORRESPOMOEMl lltuup I 1 •II 11ul r1t1•ut • \l" I '"l ,f \\1(1 h tlldlt 1 ti lt•rth 1 ph1u •' ,\ I• 11• 1 111•111 t It \'II f 11 I ,\ t \ ,. • t i\\ II '1 l t I J t••·\1 "'I'' ,\ 1t1 nut t•H lu 1 ''"'II '" )1h1 11' I n If I I ' • \\ \ 11 1"11 11«1•1 I lit 111 \ 1111 I'" 1111111 I " •1111 tip \\ h11 \\ .11 I "1•111il•tlil1 ·' l·ollol) lib ·it ltl • p1h '' I I' I .II I \I I\ I 111• ' 557-0061 or 557-004 5 Ny~trom AHociote~ Personne l Aqenc y R EAL ESTATE I 1~ i l\ 11 141 It tpll 1 ltt ' I'' Jh I 111 lit iU I I Ill• 11, I'' 1"'11 J111 J .1t ,&l 11 ll 1 •I ltt,1 ,., I , I ti ',, t #.' 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"Pl~•lllllllll•' 1111111 1•1 l h.111 .111\ 1111•' """ •• I 11111 I' I t• h" 11 , I ' • I• t 11 t I 1 I l'•I• l...1· t I h.tl · h 11 ti I 1 1 .. -.11 I ,ol l \Ii \I\ l 11' I '1 l HTI •'.'! 1'1'11·:~. t ('.,-.t,, )li•..,,1 olil Ii• 'I S;1111.1 \11.1 .ti:! .!I.I . 1h111l1111•t 11n ll••h !•I·~ >1H:1 I lt11~111t''' 1\1•1·111.111· I) I' -----------•I Ill ' \,1111'1\ l11lt•1I. F l'l' RECORDS CLERK Hu'' 1u-..ur,111c •· ,.,, 1u·1·1l 1111.h • l1t111I '!I .111 '" ''' l••·I lt't(" f ·,.u1p.nH \l..;o '\1•f1tl .... <:L \1111' A SPECl'AL POSITION Fn1 ,t 'lH't "" 111•1 .... ul\ \\ht It ," .I t 111 I t'lll '-t I I t I .. ,., 111 II \ "''"" ·'"' ' l 111 JUNIOR SALESMAN :-0.m <'l••nw11ll' :111-.1 Ill 15 \ • 11''-oltl~·:i'li"Nr 11 '· 1 11 ,,111 !lt'I' \\I'•" \\Oll,lllJ,: .llli'r "·htHll .ollll h,I\ \' ,I .. 11111111.-1 1 nh I' h111 to i:!'.! •.li:n :tll•I :1~1.. !111 .l.111 \II• 11111 \ h 111 .111-.1 ph1111• I.th '\1.X I I 'I" ti lll•ltt•t 1111111 ' l.111 pin\ t I JUNIOR SALESMEN Iii I\ ... ,\ I: II 1.. 111 l I \I MISSION VIEJO COMPANY .!11'1111 1 ht I .1111,• \It ,l I 1h111 IM.10 1:1111.tllll'l'•lllllllll\' I .111pl11' • I \I l tdd 1• 11 ti 'P '111 fq ~ \\t't'k I 1 11111 111 \\l·----------- 111-.11111111 •, 1111 Iii• 11.tlll IA"tl-.!11•1 l1tr w111111•11 IX iii l'il111 \\11r~ h111t1 .• 111 '" 11 .11;1 ,,.., 'l.111i,111·111 1 :111 111 >I ·111 .dl••r...,1111111 ,irrn·tnr lnr ~Ill 011 hr ,11111 .1 I• \l 111111 ,. 1111111.., \Ill " llt'\\ t ,...( ~:r '"' 111 4'11 :-.:i l1111l.o y ,\ hnltd.t~' fl lh11-.1,1-.t11· 1·11 1'.dl Slit'. I ht , .. ""' •• 1••11'•'1' 1111111• ·11:1 'II 'I '" ... '""' '' . 111 '""' 11 111 'l'r:rn'l""'·"'""l''" LVNRELIEF '"''" '••llfllll llt\t '" 't hi l'''I' l\,IJ!('• 1111111111 l<•ll l'1 .11 lt o11tlh 1(,1\\'I•'\\ ('.,111 lfn •11 ••I !'-I,,,.,'" 1111.1lt l \ ,.!II.>.• I 11111111 I \11.1:: c.u, ~# • J • I i I tpo.tl I lflt"'11111111 ' I 1111'1"" I ,j ti I '11 ' ,\ 1l1tfll fl\ '•II 11 II 111 ,, I''"'' ,,. •, : \I I \ I" 1 11: II I I I' I " I'll•••· .I 1111\ 'I, 1• , ... ,n CLERK TYPIST TRNE .lthl 1:, "pnl I\ 1'1111! \\ 111 1 t.:~•\ \ tl\I h111•d hl'I • 'c o ntro l Career Emplo yment Aqe nc y I ""''"·'"'" ·" .11l.1hlc• ,, ··1------------1 1111111111•• 11'1 .. 1\11111 Ill lilt' MACHINIST C,und •'llt•f .d h .H h It .... , " ••• ,'""''I I 111 1111 llh "'·'''" 5 57-0 061 or 557-0045 Nys trom A uociates Pe r sonne l Age ncy I 'I I II' I \ I ~~I t I ,t "' I I I 1111.1 ll11J . l<'.I Tt11•1 I ' "I II. "" I 1, . I 1 I l I -.h111th.1111I. 11111\ Li<· :-di .. 1.11t•1 ·'< ,th• 1•\ nr c.111111• .. 1 r11· ... C:111 1•1r .111111 tt.11 111::-q 556-8505 3 400 lr•ine, Ste I 02 -----Newport Beach t' l T T 1· II. 111 I. 1111 1'-l-'\\l<'r ol1111 .1t .1 ... ..,1.111l 1tr !•-•_•_--------•! '"' 1.1 """' ·'''"' \\hi• h t•llt•I' 1'11'111111111 p,l\ .111tl Pllh(,11111111)! ht•fH'I II' fllll 1 .111111 ;HI v :111<· ,. m 1• 11 t \\ " 1 k I o r a " t' I I •''lahli:-h l•ll & r:ip11t1'· r r11\\lt11! :-l·1·11nly 1·11111 p:111\ v. ho'" 1nll'rC',\l.'d 111 ~ ""· KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 11111111 '"····· •'1"'11111' 1111 l\e~ 1111111 h I >11\'ra10r w11 h 1111111m11m l 'l'ar '!\ 1~·1 w111 ,. on llt1• :H1lll 111 .>-t:1tid.11:i rt•1·111·11,•1 U .S. D IVERS 3:12:1 \\' \\',1r111 ·1' \\ ,. • •~•\Ua•I :"°'I• 1.ap ,\ u1u•1.1\1• \ 11 It l \ ttl 111,tl hllll . Ill I 11111111' 11111.-( l.1\h1· \ o•rl It It• 1\ ho 1 l/t11ll :11 tt11Jh 4\t, 1111111 h J'I '''"'' Sm.tit 1111•1·1 .. 1u11 p .1r1' Sm.-11 :.hop 1>.1~:-1111ly \111'1h:l\·1•11\\ n '""'' MC/ST II OPERATOR .... i ~:, h1 :-.;1111 111111..,·r o1 I "~11111 .. 11 :ix:111 OFC MANAGER E\p1•r 11 111 '.\lo•d I \ .ii ;\l 1· 11 I t' .11 1· 111 11111 · n.·1·d1 d 1.11 II.I\\ 11·\\ \ 1111\ 1111-.p :.11 ..... l'lllll 111 1\11•. l'" :...1.111111:: \\,11'1 !'.17> 111 1'.ill l•lr Ill lt•f\ H'\\ ft I:! :1 .0.1 :! :J \ l':-0 l';q ) II\ h•g .tl \\llrll pr111'l·:.~1ng. J·:,p11•11n• 111 '.1n1•d lt•,::il d or·1111w11ls 1111 :1 pnol h;1c1:_; tn \V I' l'1•nll•r >.11 :\I 111 '' prnt • I•----------· I'\; I . r•·l s I 1''1111 ft•d i'rl'-.l IJ' lt1U<> °"''\\ )1411 I \ \ 111~ r l111".1t 11111. 11, pl' .\It•:. Jll'L•111 ·'· (i 1h .. •111 Du1111 ,\ Cru1th1•1, lill1 Iii I :!Oi l MECHANICS \ 1 ..... \'Ill••..: F'r1111I ,·1111'N ht .ti\•'" Tr. n ,tn 1 ....... 1on I :1'111'1'.il 11111• \\Ill f. \ Jrll "·" 1111 .. , .. 11 .. p I'd' .tt .1111111 l 1111111111 \pph 1 Jr.111 • '"""'', \11\ 11 I ···1111·1 •1111 '·•lll"l11 1111 :-. .. 111.1 \n • MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST !'>I 1·1.,!1 .lf!f: I· I I H .._,I 't • 1: IC I: 111 I. l.\l'lf ti 1111·1111.tl 1•1111 I 111111,,1 (111' h11 ,. (' \( l'h1ropr:11t1l' 111111 1· ( 11J•1d , , 1•1 ... 1. lit l,,1 '. I"' • 1111~11 ti 11!,l,p~·. Ill' 1• 1111 I il.01 \\Ill i.. \\ ,.,... 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T ypists .I I \\ f'ln \I •'I I I 111 11 ·'"" -.1.tl•'lh .ti •TRW r ecllt C hecke r •All O ffic e Skills \l ... 11 ""''' I• .111 \\•II"' I ltll It ht 111.f 11 I 11.d ,,:.:u1u1•1t\' lntcrvie w1nq dail y "ti 1, 'I"• I hr 1 I :-. \ r .. 111111· • 1 • 1•1 ... :O,h .. rl l••I 111 It lllf"'' .11 \ ,I"" l~1,tl llt l\t' II••\\ I\ 111 l.1 Ioli· \\ o11 I,, \\It• 11 , 1111 \I ,1111 ,11111 wll1·1 •' ~ .. 11 \\ .0111 ''' 11 I ' t '.\1.1.111( \'l...,11 Kelly Girl I 11\ 1-..;11 '" 111• I\ t·:t.t. Y s 1•:1: \fl I ..., I 'I " I .(JI \I 111 ·1•11 II II " I\ l.\ll'f.41\ 111 '·"1•1111\t "" 1111 I 1111 I 111\ • '" i" I 11th 11u11 '°'1'1 1.1.· 111111, .. ll.11 !1111 ,, (Ill Ch .u• .-.. i~· •t .:, , ;,11 .s \1,,111,111•11. l'\111\1;-o;<: TTl·'.:\11 \''I' ,\l.11111v 111c h1" 1\: "l..1111 , ~ill ft hr 111 :-l:·rl I .\I• lwl11f11I. 1\p11l v l111lolo v M•·Gn·:-p:irk111c l•ol, l.ilwn •I :111 Ii nr fii:i Iii•! I PLASTICS \\ 111 I, II' !'-llP• I\ 1 111 I • II\ I 11 \\ 111.iif 111"! 1•1"'' p.11 I , J«· 111111 il•l1 1 .. 1 1•111 111 l11t•ld htop p1111l1 .. Lt•ll ,\ l'\'f"IHll• I ~111 .11 1 ""'' 11.1\ 11111 ...... 11 .. llt ~111111 1 .. ('!,1 111 .. .t \ii'" ii" 1 "I 1 11h l 111111 1 '0 llo \ I ·,, ,11 ( ·t,,l J '' '''•'· l .1 "~·~···· I :q11 11 1 lp1111r I 1111.i .. , • 1 PORSCHE-AUDI Auto Salesman lhU ltl• U h .t\I' t ,tJ IH'd t1, 11 1 I' ll l I f\ I 't111t1lh 4 )ttl ''' "·" p1.1ft ,\ th tl1•• lu 111: ~ I 1 llJh t t111 \\di 11 It• \ttl ti,,, d ' 11J,l,11 l ,h•t I\ HI I .1111 1.!l l ''" • .It•. 1l1 •1 l'I h I '•II I II'' \ 1111 '< I • l \\ 1 I 1111 · · I\ h • , .. , ... 1,11111 (',1 ·~1.'ll I 'Ill'.~~ \I \' 1•\11 II•~ ·' \II, I ll•~ .•.11 t/11.1111 I 11 II I' 1111" .111 uh I .. 1 I ldl ~ill Iii'-"' PRIMTER \ I\ 1' I ' f.. • I t ,. k I~ \J • I I 1· I "111 tltl • • I "I" I '"" I 1 1 ' lo I I x .! :t :1. 1. \ • . '-\U •.,:1; PROM PROGRAMMER JI 4 Ii ft \I : 'I t Ill Pt f. 'I I h I I . 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In·~,· -----------•I • l.<I• II ll.1.11 I . ,. ,,;;1 ,·111•1h1\\11lr1,, !--1·1 1111.t~I 1 .. 1~11.1 .M . ll1•f l\ •·t' 111 1•11 lt11 I \I ''"' \\••111an 1•1•il1·tl .1:-:~:··~:, ~."f.!i;'.1.1::;',\/';';~~'.~: 111111•-. 111 'll ,\ (' \\ 111 11.1 1 r 1111 1.•11·-.drt'l-' ,..1111 ,.r 1•1 ••,1 .... 1111 11 '\' •11 1w1 11111 1 l>< l • 1.0 .11111' 111 I .. 1>•1111. ll«:tl'h ."1 11111,ph,•1'1• 111.' I \I 'II \I l::-.1111 Ii." .. 1111 11111 .-.11 <'.ill Boue r Motors \~:-.I!'-I \'I ~II S•tl•· :1:•1 :!;)IHI \111·1· \11tl1•1',llll d1•<11 ,1l<ll' '"" 1'111 l \11•,,1 .111 .1. I '1 ,.,p1•r ..i11 .. 11h· ,.,11· dun 1 llt'l'I ,1 J.:llll 111 GEMERAL OFFICE ..:••>11'"'·"1. 11111 nll'•lh .11 · olr.l\i' ,,,,, .. t\ht•u ,011 n •1·1•11l g r:i<luall'. J:Oml ,\ tl1•11t.1I p1 •11-.11111 1\ pl,111. :in ~Ill ii I hi• n:uh l~ fll"I. .111s\\ <'f µhu111•\ pr11111 -.h.111ni; 1.t."1·t.l.:tl 1'1lnl\\'1tnl ,\<t!C.illnt1~' \ppf\ \lundav onl) hl\\11111 :in,l(.·1111<•11 hi.! :-C17!1 !162 i!l;'i.\l :i:.k 1t1r Uonna . AMERICAN PROTECTION INDUSTRIES E')u:il np1lor\un1l v Emplo~ 1'r )I F 'lo pt an'' ntn '11• ... ,,. ,. lt1•l111 !' 1 lw 1'1':111111~ p11hllt' phtllll' 1);11 I~ l'llnl \ ·1J-.,,1f1cd. ti~2 !>•iii< l'.q\li!l 1 ))111111' l·:mpl11\t'I NOTICE 11\o.!f' l .111•1•r "i'IHll 111111 I\' (i1•I 111 1111 I h1· 1:1111111d 1111111· :-.;,.\\ "t'r\ ll't' •1111•111 1•tl l'11 lll'l'"' 11111 g11111r_ ,1 .. ri..1 m: 111;..1·~. "·"''" 1·\P ht lpl'rl 1111( 11"1 Ill'\ ... 1:111 \\I. i.:11.1r ~"II:>. Ill\) I\ I. . PAYROLL CLERK llt•,11 ~ fl ·•) ltd) l"1111 p1111·r 111p111 r\111·r 'I ' I• 1111! .·11lwp111. Slit~r fn ''• •" l'.111 ~ ..... ,~ lt\11 l!li!;! AMERICAN Business S e r vic e h11w ll.11ly l'tln~ < l:t'' JI II", 1 lo I.. \ 111 fl 1lli•il ,11\-. tli'l'l,1\ lll•·ll l\;1rtl\\t>1l..1•1'-111Tl~ (',ill -----------· lllt'"'··:.:··~ \\Ith l1·L•1htl1l\ ?~Al II~·:• )11111 !I :! lor 1n J ilt! 1mp.11 I 'I 1111 ""'· \\t' lt•f\ II'\\' ,11·1· prowl 111 "·" l'i·:tll\' Jll'l r1•:.11 II :.. I' ho Il l' 1:a ,·1• ~omllhrn~ lo wll'1 l>l'.! ~ll~iR C..:la~!>ll tetl ,,(I, tin 11 \\I'll. PBX OPERATOR \'.ll'll'd )>)llfl~ + l\ k1111, 01 olllf.!1' C ·,. .11'\'.I I·:, l'<'r. prl'l 'd f·'. I) ~ . ."1 l:I i7Xi ),\('I lll l\1• l'l.11 •'1111 pl \J.111:1~: 1 I AVNET ELECTRONICS ll~ll•i W.1~lt111;.:\un llh d · I 111 \\ I I 'ti \ l ',tltl 1\11 1.;1111.1: I lppi1r101111' l'.11111\0, "I l 0 JO DAIL V PILOT Sunday June6 1976 ~~~ ••••• ?!.~l ~~.~~·~.~•••••!!.~~1 ~~·!~~t···~•••••~!.~~~~·!~.e•~•••••••••~?.~~ ~:~.~~-~~~••••••• ~?.~ .. !'!'!~~~~•••••••••~?.~~ HelpWo•ded 7 IOOHtfpW•t•d 7100HefpW•t•d 7100 • I ll\i'.l>l>l<l'~T \1.:-.· houtifuCAnt' ue httt•·11,, 11.•fl ~1.11111••1· ,0:11'11 111111"· l1tl\ '.! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SECRETARY Steno Secy s S6SO 1•.111111111· '1' '''I" i II•'• Di I R "'"!et \\1•J11l·ll ·" I r .1111t•1I t .tll \'''"111 111.111111111 11111t• 11 t11t11.' ~~'I"'· ">111 'lill "" Out,.1.111il1111., :-..11111 1•11• 111-. '""" 111 ""CJ 00 ;,~ 11.t • 11 -1111110: \\ .. i.·1·11111·~ ~ up \ll-11 l..11ti.' ,,. 111 PR OOUCTION .\11Jhl.'1111 1·11 1•1 I '"11 t u'""" ''""' 11.·'l 111_1,·r. :n•n 111~ 11111'1 '\\ '""I '11,.h11111,. Sl:!.1 11l-11h 1-;,' ' !'.,ii 'kill >.l:f7K s.-. Clet"k S600 :-. ..... , l "'"' \I ,•,J \I ,ti I "'" h ... 11-11~ 1111. & \\Ill .1111111 11•111 L .. 1 fl i:!.!\I T~l'-';.;'"I''" • :-.. 1 .. ,, .. 1 l't,11,1 t11l•l•l\11t):h"1t" .1pp111\ • I' I' 11 11111.111 fil11111 .. ('<1lltt1_ \\ 111 11,1111 \11 "'11111,.:' ~I.ti 111 1 >0 .!I'll TYPIST T1'is i"'"'ediote o-n-o ui,.1.1nd1111. s \ i" 10 I t i r "'" '"' .. 11.11 •·cl t.4 i.:1 11•11w1 'i•tl1111 1111111 ...-c ...... -t .. r G1'rl S2.40 Appliances ~1\H :1:!lll lolftdt ~ l-11rt1111'.I l,1h\.· i .... rit--'rei recent e1· -· .. TYPISTS •'•••••••••••••••• ••••• .. \t 1 1 \ I.. •• ., ,_ J:l llr "\, 111.1111 :111m l' ~ l I. I uf1 n • 11111 •. ,. lllo.! IBM SELECTRIC II P e r i e n c e a s o , 1 ·,.,111,,11, 1, ,,,1 1111 H t-.FH u;i.;u \ 1'111<:-ot •'} '' 11 "111 11 1'11 .., to 1·1:.: 1':! 11. \J1111 J.'11 \11, .. 11111 \ ''')" ' \\ '"ll'-.'I'." l•l<\ l•.I<'-. ,..,i_, 11111 '\, ,..1, 1.111111 HCrefOt"'f preferobly y· 1t. llh•lf1.1t"b lt••tll' l\ I""' '" ,. ' ' 1e jo ""'ployme nt 1 1 lk• ,11111i11 .. ,"." H•·I""'" """''' .J IM .•.!I•• 11.tfl'I 11.11I.1 h .111 .11 .... k ,\ PURCHASING CLERK l<1·q1111· •. , ... I 111'.lll' I\,. 1111:. 1111'.t'·"" l••l1•ph1111 .. 111.1111wr & .1111111' lo\\ 111 I.. \\I'll " 11t IWI' 1h·ph STACOSWITCH INC 11 :1\1 11 .• i...·n ·."1 .• \11·'·' 549-3041 QC TEST & REPAIR "''"'" ()\' 1 •. ,, ~ 1<1·11.111 '"'l1t'l'l11t '''I"'' " Ill 111001 '''"••'-•'I' 1111 .• \II ltltl\111111 "ll•1lll\•1li.:1· 111 l\''t l''IUll' 1\ \I 1111,ii • .ilqwr 11·q t 11 ,1111.1• ('., \11p111I 1111 ,dtooll \'.Ill 1>1111 I 111 ci.-, ,1•1 .1x:ct \1•11h .• 11:, I·'"' 111·1 . 1 · \I ExpcricncC'd accurate T y pists n1.'t•d('d 711 wpm l mus l ) l'arl Time <>1>t.·n111g Oay Shift l<'ull Tim~ Evcnin~ Shilt 1·:x1.-cllt•11l Working Conatuon:-. Apply in Person Oranqe Coast Daily Pilot 330 West lay St., Caito M•aa Ask for Paul Ward E4ut.1l Opportunity Employc·r H.lp W a1tt1td • 7 I 00 Help W •t•d 71 00 •..................... , .....•....•.........•.. RETIREE 1 s .1t.• ... \\',1111,•il l••I 1.11111 1•1 "" '\t'I \ It t' °' I~' t •It l t t', \\ l'l,1111 "I 'Ill.ii l 1 l,·ol I 11111• 111.111111 l'.111 111111 r c 11·: 1(1•.JI t-: .. t.1l••:-t,1l1•' J>l.t t l ' I \I l ... 11 , , \I I: :-Ii.Ill 1'111111111,1 \\I MICRO COMPUTER SYSTEMS SALES 11 11 1-'..\l'\1 ;~ 11111••1 1 .... 1.1\!1·•.I •·lhii71o ... .11•, .1111.. ,.,, •. 11 .. 111 in an e1t9lneerin9 o r ....... ncy 11111 111 ''''" ' ''"' ,. • ltu1 I ,.111.Jll \111·11 ""' f . ....,... ,,.,,,\I., l11ht1llt1' i\l"n!t l>.1111.1~11 l•'t<1lt1.,11111,1.111t1t.. manu octurin9 en· :.:~:>.!\IJi l!ui·••ti·l 'l.i 1 .,111111.,11 1;11,11 .t..i 11.1, 1 .. ;,,., • .i 111\1h1 • .1111111 ~.1tl'l1:~ vironment. !'-"th'lli \1 1,,,.,11 \t.J•• -·•YE\lt~l:>.11l· 1 1·''•"'""'"i.'y11ng,.,1:J ·"' I .II 1<:1.1 11.1.i " I I lhll.1111111\ '"''''"' • DU .... LAP'S !I\" 11 .111 1·1 I'll~"·. Will perfor m clerical Call 831-9240 s·s ("Ill II.th~ '111111 frl ... h1 -.tllh} 'lllt l I•\ .ti lil',llllt•\l 1 ui.:" ond normal secretariall•----------·1 ;'~~-4~1. ' ." •• ~·.:·.· 1111 ;, :'\i•w i;.,, t llh.t. l''.\I t .1 111,· •\ '1 11 > t' .1 I I .,..,1 \l::.i; duties in a very busy _ _ l',\1.1.:l~ iillll l!ll •• :ill .ill l :t •11~111 lt•·ll \'·!•·lit.· t.111 r11 rt.•1• la office. Good tvpinn, STOCK ROOM .. ~ 1•1dt1 l).1n1.1~1 lln\)l<lllll '.\ll':-r II.I\" 1\1•\\ h11l 1 .. , I hl1• l.l 1 ., 1,11111 ·'"'""'· :-11 • 1.10 :-..il1• .I.Ill!\\\' \\',1r111·r M 111111,11 11. • 1111,i_,, . 1 .. :1 ~1.111 s h o r t h o n d a n d CLERK 11 t "' \ :\"1111u11 ll1h .11•1x11;1 111•,1r :tr •111 .;-.,1111 1 11,1 .1111111 11 111111 , 11 , 1.·.i11 telephone skills re· \\1,h.11I C11rp111'.1t11111h .1 • t1•1:.. 1o111111 \11 1.111 110,..11 qui~d. .111 1111nw1I '.w;1m' 1111 :-.1111 .1 '"·' :)"" ·~J.!I PHILCO .\ 1·:\\ t 'IH1n1 1:1.1°:t; \'\'I' We offer excellent workin9 condition\, salary and frln9e b e nefits . p ,. 1 , 11 n I ,, 111 1 I 1 .1 1 REFRIGERATOR ~·111£1 } 1>1 w,.,.i_111.1 ''" "''" '""'· 1111 •·w.it. 1'111·1.1.111 11 -.11lh11.11 I'•"'''"' \\Pcl. :-;;c, t.tu llltltt \t ,1h-,\ v .. 11,,11, 111,, 1 .11111~1111111i111ll•· F11w~t 111 i.11,, ,1111·" I ••11111 \1 TYPIST /CLERK 11 .111\l•.t 1·111r.I1 ~·1•1x q11.d1~' \111 .. 1 "'II \h1~ lu,tl ~1111 1.. 11111111 1\P<'I I 111 .11 11111111111•. oli·1ot \\111.11!.1 ~.1~111\~1 t.111 .\ \\1•1•l.1\t.I •11.t :1~l.li h1•lplul, 1J111 11111 11·q ti I( E , ,,11 ,11 11, ''"" ""' dt1uhl1• 111,•11 It"•' 1111. "tll lll,111. 1'11 \\11111• :O.lh·11h1·1d ' \111111 t11 S1·1·1111t' 1. 11.11 .t 1h-.11 11 1 \it pi•i I "u• 11 1111 1111 d1 011 111 r.111~1· 1111' '• 111111111" 11lil i.:••1•d Garaqt Sole 8055 .tl :.!i' ... > ~It (·u, uut k \\ ,. x~1,1 :<1i~t• t,J.'l :>:!Ou \\ ,·tu hit''" :'\,•,•d .. lnl~ ''' •••••••••••••••••••••• ('m.t,1 \k,,1 wont .1:11 1u:1.1 1;.11.t\'11 \1111111i.: 1'11111 .• 111t11tUl·~. Pleas~ send resume,----------•! TYPIST Bicycles 8020 t;1111i· l 1111;.1· Juni• 1:111 :!:.:!.I with salary history to: ·1 ~ I' 1 , 1 11 .. 1 1. " 11 11 ••••••••••• ••• • • • • • • •• • \ .1,. .. a , \'1, l':\I :.1:; 1111;., ------------J t1·1·h1111 ,ii 1111"\1 .11111' ,\ ltl 'l"I :!.! . ~•II l'1 llull1 h1tt.·11-. I l111t!.' lt.1111·.I SHIRLEY TEMPORARY \\l tl 1•1 .. "'I"''"'" :-. .. 11 1.11.·1·'. ,,_ ... 1•,11 1;11 h'lll,1k . .!l1ll-,\H11~l lL!l't , MOYINGSALE I I I., 11 'll'lll\'d Ml 1,, "11, .1.I'•.! (' ' I r l I CERVANTES 111.1111i..111pt t11't11~ 1111 1•m11 :.; '·'" • " •. 1r.1i.:•· ,, "'' ttr•· 111 \I I I :\t.1n~d1•111r.1l t\" 11~m::. :0-1 ,., t 111 . '"" 11 ~\'lf\\'I'' 1'.ill1lt•1tl llit .\ I ""I .111111 .1hlo Ii 111 •1 SUMMER 111\I •'••llllh"• I' "IHl'.1 "''" ::1,.,11 nm.I ~lllO 111 11111, 1 \11,11 • .11.111 ~h•·p O'EN EVES 11111111.,11 11.1~~ !'·''\•'Ill'•" 1,..,t.,lli·r -.ix1o:!:l l 11111111. .I ~r ... 11i'.1t ~td .\~ll ...... , mlil~ ,;,,, •• 11o11 :.xi, :13 1:1 "'*NDS ALLDAY HUGHES ,I.Ill .1\1• '•"'''l!llllllMI !I llt>:J 1111•:1-: \\.1llll'if lul 01111 ,., . h111·1 11.11111111: 11 11111" ('1"l•Hh,111 m ttr , 'l''"llf1' •1,11'1111;' "lltll I\ f., "(''•' \'1•1 fl1• ,If l'ol \1111·t 1·:ft 'l'tr111111 ... ,,.,.1; .. ~ .. _. . . prut'•"''111n:el . < .lf"l'Pr ••ur. .. 1'., w WORK Cameras& 15 11 S .10 Jhur ,.: w ~. 1\',11t11 '''''· 1·11111.• 11t-1t Equipment 8030 \1l111·.11JI•• hl,11k t..1111·11. lull 11 ''"' 1\,1,hl't ' 11\ 1:1 IK, .1t1\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ul lt11 111.\ 11111 I 11111.Jl't .11111 \\111111 l'h Kli'th'lh \1 1111 Fll !I .• 11 ... 11 1·:-I .ti l' :-..1 h•, ll ~:ST l'111111111"'"'11 Spin '\ H 0Jl11•1· 1111d, :! t'\P I 1t I I t 1 111 l' ::. I·: l. I' ~l'.\ll'l'l"llS l>o 111111 11\\ tl th111J.! 1····1· ·' '1111 t1d ,•1111.tl 111tvn 11•11 . <.Ill ll '\ I tpm ';.1111 ICt-111•1 'u' ''''.\ult•:.'" U1<krl1t" i.tlll .lprn ,\ I lpm 1.1m Inlet ' 1c 11 .\lull Frt tl.1n1 lp111. \!""·' \\·nil-1:.1111 1111,p .1,to l 1.'t·t111·r SI \' \I Hlj xo.:!I. •-----------1 Ill 11•1\\\'tl ,,lf1'")ll'I "'"' \O 1.·.1tl Clltl' Ill'\\ •• t11·-pt " .! I ,11\1 I 11 I h \' 0 r ,111 j.! \ • 1'1111111\ .11'1'.I H1·q llll'l'' ,.~ •\l'lll• "''"1):11 IJ.11'1; i.:1111111<1 ll"lnJ.! \I Pl' anll Microelectronic Products Division SOO Superior Ave Newport Beach CA. 92663 ~ l'l'I I Z E:\Sll 11' IU·:tJt:IH El> I ;q11,tl o)lp111·tu1111 ~ :\I F1•mplo)\'I' ALL PORTS R .E. RN'S & LYN'S j 1 I' Ill I II I • l"l I Ill p ll I I' I' ' SOii w.1rC' pr111:r amm111.:: h1·lpl 111 '.\I m.t 11.11 ,. 1>r11 \ 1.'U '\:O.tl'fn ... :tit'' t.•\' IJl'l lf'IH 1• \\ l' Ol lo't l ~ n lknt ·'' .11·11111.: ,,cJ.1r1 .1 II ti I II 11 I" 111 p .1 11 :\' ------------1 l1t•111•lll" St•tlol "'''lint\.' N'<"l'dt·d IOI "I.ti I I 1•111•1 Kn11w \11Ur ~.:tw<l1tl1· I tu muf\I h 1°11 .1111 ;111i'1• t'.tl I. 110'.\I E:\l 1\ KE I<.,'\ l' l'.JC )f 1 N. j ;,:! l~l!I'.! t eceptionist to $600 Sri & lo'lk µ1 cit~ 111 lu11•ly l11hlJ~ Ir< 11w .11·\ ,, 1·11m µ.tUy. ,\,.,..,..1:-l \\ p1·r~rnt 111'1 :\lt•t•\ & 1-:l't'l't \ ,.., 11 or~. 1;,..,11 t\ 11111t:•-----------i l.1 It.' 11. Hu.11 b E" 111111 ,. l'l.11·,•1111•n1 .\1.111.1.::1·1' pit':•'" 11~1·. 1-'l'l•l' \11 •Ill t1lll':tllt \hti:.11 1 .\hhul 1'1•r ... 11111wl \ t.:l.'lll' 1 l.JIMt I •• 1 rn ti II ' I) r . \ ll ·,;,. tjl:.!~ RECEPT (TYPIST llu,y 111<· "'"'"' :.h<11 I' l"-'""'111 111r h1-.1\ 1 phnth'• I} 111 ni..: ,\· i.:1•111•ral :ml RN's ... LVN 's l'r.11 ltl'1th .\'. Onl1•1 hi·~ ~ .... t11•tl 1111· hthjltl<tl :-.l<tll t l'ltl'I ,\:. 11111 .11,• thll.' !-::-. Jll'r lkq'll .\II "hill,., Full 111' 11 l. \\,•,.111111 \'11r,,·~ H1·;:1:.tr~. nr: \\',•,ll'ltlf llr . SI" :!I.!. \' 01' ti:J I l~illl AVNET ELECTRONIC lll'Jll) \\',1-.h111~t1111 llh cl l'uh .. r l'tt~. L 11t1 .\n l-:11 11.il <>pp11rtu1111~ t-:mpl11~1·r SECRETARY l'11n111.1 <kl :\I a r I i.:11 ~ill 11n• l.1•tll'r. uunpo,,1111111. :11·1·ur.1t1• I } p 111r.: •"-i.:m)(I 1h:r ,n11.1llty r1•f1UI r1·d \\'1· :tl'I' lt)(1k1111: l•tr .1 \\I'll l!l'<•J1n1:1I lll:ttUt ,. "~l'l~. no11 ... 11111k1·r µrd1·rrl•tl 1)u1,.1and111)! "11rk111 i: 1'•lllOIU111h l'.tll :\lon·l-'rt I( :JO 11 \'.\I 1;i:I :!2t>X SECRETARY l ,,, '"Ill' sum 11H r l•• i;.1111,:xp .. 1 & 111s1i.:hl 111111 I .11·111us I\ Ill'" 11( j11h 1111 p11l IUlll\11•,. thl 1lUj.!h h-111 -11111 l'.1r111"' H1·~1.1111-.111t b:!U \\ 1•11111.1 l'I• 11 !';.111 t'h'tllt'llh• p1lrary a-:-.1g11n11'1tl~ 111 W.11tr~'"· 1111111. •'Xlll't .q1 :.'IMI :\!'.\I. Supl'I' T.1l..u111.11 S\I(.'. Sl·O 1; \I-' 'Ill'"' II. l 't 1•1• ht 1;u1,.I 1101111• F1•111 li·I l •>1tll1., i'.) .I\;; ll1·~ll'f' l1111111t·1. 11•1'\ 1111 111;.: \'lll;11'J.:l't" 11 1111' 111 oil !Holi 11:1:!:1 l l'M•nt l\'S :s.111\J X'.12 11111 1 lul'.il ur •. 1 :'\11 F 1·<':. pl\ 111 p1·r,.1111 wkd},., i II. Cats \\n·kl' l',1) Hl•J.:1.,11·1 :! ;,I' ~I . ll.1rr.' ·, ;\l'\\ 8035 \d11rahl" 111.tl1· Jllllll'' \1 ""'· m11th1•1 1iolll1·11 Hdr" •'I', 1; IJ I l!il :-111"Hr (;,,r ~ah' f l11tlw;.. l,111))~. T\'. .. 01.1. t.thh·" \ltl'lll'•~ ~ lot' mon· Sa~S1111 '' ;, :J)'I:! :\I~ 1'1 It• St , , \I Ill' I ( '11 11 ~ ).!\ Pa·k1 ~~r Garaq~ Sale Ovn1•r s m<1\ m g. ~•·"<tr 1111\ .q1pl1.11t.1·~ 21 · •ldl' h· ""I' 1:1 t I •'l'll'I" llh l'lllo\,11'1• 11\1.'ll. :1 \\hi :1lull h1k1•. l w111 lwtl ~lHll ~o''' ~ \\u·k Ui11 t'<t:.. Cntt 1~1s ·.•:•••••••••••••••••••• Sµl'l'1,1l 1·m1th.1,.1' .. 11 \l.11·11 111:.111• \\':11 ""Pt l ~ \ 1!1·,.:1,,t i:r.·cl 1111,.. Secretaries llt It ~' rn · 1\1r111111 l'11111t ll1m.tl:1\ .rns :.! I". t :\I :! 1111rn I h,. SI '111 lt11lcll'1t ll1'1111•\1·r I• 111, .\Kl' :.:1111tl lh•:tltlt ,<. tt•m111•r ,11lll'lll. K:li :,:111 f-:\(t'I'. \'\: (;l'll\'I ,ti Typists \ 1gto11\(1 ..i1 .. 111 Gen'I Ofc/PBX Pac~rs :'\o <'XtJ 11•qu11<·tl . 111 .. 1 ll.' halnhty. () () ll'nllflll":ll'I\''< '·'} 11 I'.,., J.:l'i:.tl l•I \\ 111 k \\ 11 h l'.tl I th 1• 1t• n111 o 1 .1 r ~ :.l'I \ 11'1' that l..1'1'1f., ~ llU I.Ju,.~ \\: 111\••fl•:-ll'•I. office overload 557-006 I \\ .111k1I h\' "''Oll 111v.11t1I E 11 J.: I 1 ~ h " p ,. a I.. 1 11 g ll 11 11 ~l'k1·1•p 1•1'. 11 1 l'I l'rn·luJ.:ll•'"' w al11hl> 111 t 1tok ,..,lnll' !j;,7 i\IJ~I WAREHOUSE OPPORTUNITIES 1':1t-1·l 1'(l1111·... llrm '" ex 1';11al111;.: 1111•>' 1h1• Or,1111.:" \'11U f\I ) oll 1'.I olllll lfll• 111111111111g l""'t 11111, .rr1• , ·" h 1,;:; ~111a11or1.111 r11 1:! r.1t11·11 ll••"p"rall'I) 1111:-. gt1 tio1 J.!clHls k1tlt th . l<u,., ... 1.111 11..i,•. n ia1tll' hul< h . 1:mt hn1 (;"" hlk t1J.!1·1 F K 13llll' ,ti,;. Pt·r,.0111 1111\\'" lib. IJ tnl''· har,.tools . "k"· hox trn'd. ;14:; !121ll 1•11 !1:1,u; <k rdnA .. r.1111r 1lt:tpl'"· S 1Jrncsc Sl'.tl 1'111t1\ •••••••••••••••••••••• :iorthltdd Ln II B :Sal ~ l.tll ('II:-$ Furniture 8os~ llr1k.1i.:1·. 1·olor TV ~;1 \:! S:I:} t';H"h Xl2 5()\11 :-,,\\'I•:'. ~l'W & llM'd htl'll l~I . . :1ppl '• 1111:-.t• \\'1h 111 ·, :,q).·r \'.1nl Sal1· \nt1 S 1 .1 m "" l' k 1 l l 1· n . H.1r~a111 :\\Ink . ;\;11' ·1 11ut,., lll'll't1t.1I rug,., ,1 .. H1•j.(l,,l1•r 1·\I " s hut:.. Sholl'" :i1:1 ,\: kll \\' 1·•fi 1l1•111 .... 11nu "11 :<1 d1am11111n lt.11:kg rn1111t.l , t :11h. t' '.\I . ti l:! i!t:IO ., t•l111hmg ;i.1•1 (;r ;cn•lantl :.:11; i%2 :1 tx :1:!1o:! D r 1..1,.:1111.1 H1 .. wh SiJl ~ Daqs 8040 8 Sun .•..••......•.......•.. *•I UY* Ir \l')\1:'\t' SUl "l'll I I 1;1•1111 "'1'11 Fu rnn u 1• 11. ' • ' • • 1" 1Y •PET WORLD• T\pll\J.! ~1-.1;;; 11 11111 ('.ill S ·d1•, ("1rt•1•r '-1 1•·111 \ \\~'"""ti l•i :1~:>~ 1~ 1111.. sn5 wk-ttfl't fl ,; ,u•t Sales Ofc Cl~rk F 11nw :-.~ :.11 1wr h r :\I .1,,l1•r Blu1·p11111 ,<,, Sup Pl.1. :.>:11 F r:.1'111·1 . l' .\I ;; Ill :1:r.:1 \\ w or ti 11 r 111· ,. " " 1 n g m.1d11111· l'XJJt•r. t Xl'rux. '.\lTST 111· :ll:J;: l..';1 rill <>1~rat.• Xl•roi. 11110 ETS & tra1h1'11tw n •t•11rdl·d d11 1.1111111 Sh 11111 r1•q 'tl Sp:1111"h llu1·111·~ 'l'l'Y ilt• 11111'11·1 .. w IJ1111r ... •1 I l.1m & I :JO·:J :1(11' \I :1n:1 Bu l'lt SI. ~ II • 11 :11lahh·: •STOCI( CLERK 1'11 Uull:.. l'l'kl'°'· \\\•,It•' T11y Fox. l111111llt·'· Shih t 1.u. 1'11m,., l '•11'k"I''. '.\[1111-S<·h11a1111 1 " Hull T1•1 r11·r s. Stlkt1'' ,\ \•II kt,,,, llJO tnl:>.1•11 l•lll' I'll'" !'itu•I ,., , 1110 ~1 ,\p plt:.tll• ..... ()I( f '"" ''""· "" 111 1!. 11tl:tt1\ ~l·;rl, 'l'll or s l-'.1.1. lor Y 111 l'lt.ur". :-l..1:-. "'" liooi... . MASTERS AUC10N l'llll l.1h1 ..... I Wiil hld n ...... h •. h ,11 r .... :>Ult 646·8686 & 83311625 l111111A1'. 1 11011·1-. to~,.. <l'l tnl.'d L.111,· 111r t•11rn11.1 11wn to 1•ltl1•1 h l.1tl.1 l'l'l'ITI lk'-ll111n. K Ill !llil'\I R. E. SALES Lic 'd . Unlic'd Ft-ee 14 day Tr aininq Course • J1~r:.1111al 111:.lt'\H'\11111 • .\1.111.1,.:,•nwnl oppm·I 1 ,, •\11 x11•. l 11n11n1:.:-.11111 • l.11: 'd tr.11111111.: .!11 k:. ,.1,,,,., ... :-l .11t i Ill1111'11 • Ull till' JUh I t'.111llllt.: •\I.Ill} 11111111111<' 1111 ' '\11 lllT ll'-1' llt'l• l1l ,q1pl\• RED CARPET REALTORS 963·9891 Fur d..t.111 .. r;tll l.11111.1 R.E. SALES IJlh'lllll).!' 1111 :! .il11111 ,1\ l'l'.IJ.!I'. fll'lll\'''lt1!1.1 l'I'•' \\It h ... 111111• I'\ l"'rt1·111 1· \\ 11rk 1111 . ll'.11lt Ill cltj,:llll ll'tl .ll m 1•,. 11h1· 1 1· "I I 1 <· ,. • :\i 1• w p 11 r t ll 11 a I' It S 111'c 1:cl1 1.1• 111 I 1111• ,.,. ... 11knn·,. & Ill' 1 .. 1m1~ F nr 1·11t1l 1Ch •nl 1al 111 lt'I Ill'\\. \\I 111' \I(;)( I' I) ~" 111•1. 1'111'1111:1 d i'! ~l :ir, (',1 •1:.:li:!:1 111111 1•111pl11\ ,.,., l..111111 111 tht.. I H1•.1l l·~ ... 1:i1 " S.tl1·:. Join rl= I • 1-'11•1• 1:, (),1 \ Tr:1111111~ 1 'nt1r"• •( '.1.ltll.11• ( '.1 I 1'111i:t ,1111 ·=I S.tl1•:-I 11 .1ni:1• I '111111t1 ·=I t.1,.1111 g, llt.lltJ.!1 I '11111111 • = I \ .t \ I' I I I ... I II .. I " 1'.1lthl1'11t;1 •=I \1(\t'f'\1,111;! Ill '\.1111111 I 1111li7"••11...,•il f• I 1•• ,, ... ... 1 ... 1 \ 1111Ill11ltl .1lll1t\i.: \ 11111 l< ... tl J-:,1.tl·· l.11111 •• ('.ill Bill Ffory 832·5440 TARDELC: 1926-1976 11 •. ,p I.id\ 111 ,,, 11 1·til .. 1 II l.1lh1•r :-.11 ,'(, S1111 :-.11.11 1 "f"'O >t hi T; ;,t F11ll1•r Bnb h '/hX l'l:l~X EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Airport Area SALESPERSON Xlnt m atur• ,.,.,..,,11111..I I II I t 1• I ,I I I ~·'I 1 " 111 11"m 1·11 ·, lt1111t111 u •· s.ilar~ + c·on1111 l'.dl '• I I :! ti :I:! "t ,, I' I' I.\ \prt'l""· :!'t l".1,.111 0 11 t-.1.rnd. :\H lt.-1·1:1' '" :-111 I a111 I .. 1111 k . I ill 111 ll1•r • l"1t1<l111•1 11.·11111lll· 1111 •·nt1111•·' '11".'hk .• tl:-.u kno\\ l•·tlgc T (LE SETTl':I< & twlpl'I' 1'.ll I g1•11~raphy. ln1111· l'XJl•'rt l'IH'l'd S1111 lh < omph•\( .11·1•a n l'ar Oran;:yCoum' ll31 ~1111 •RECEIVING .11rp111\ l1rl'l1T rc:-uml' · lh't1:ll 1tlJ.! .di nti•n ·h.m '"111 lo I'll Hox !!I 15.l•-----------1111.;l'. 111,,1wi:t 11111 ol .ill :'\1•w11111 I 11 1•.11'11 , l'.1 TOOL DIE i11:1ll'n:il J.!•1111~: 111111 1111• !I:.!(; 1; 'I '.\1.1 ~ I' h 11 II I' r \\ :1 rdt11llM'. h.1111111' ,11111 :111i 1i1i 11 & MOLD MAKER I'll~'" 11·1·•g"" 1111111 "" S e cre tary I 11 ,.,.~ ll u" 1.,,. l.l•,.:a l lll•a i ~ 1,111 111.:. small 1:l1·<1rn111 l'" f11m hr,•1·d" 0111•11 I''''' L .t h" I'll•\\' \KI.' 111111~ H ... wt. • h:imp 111 k ~r.t . pap1•1 :-11111 :11;:1 1:11..!. 1111 xi:. '1'111 Aft 6 k1ld1111 V•'.11 . d11th1•<; 11 (;•)Oil 11:-1'11 1'11111h11 •· 1\ ,\ppl1;111c,.,. OH I \ldl :-.1'11 ur SEl.1. lur '1111 r.111111,;, \'W p.ir1,, & 111 , • .,, h1 •1·k··~ J.!.1111o . "" 1 & :-urr "'"'''· "·"'" 1111'" !<" 11111'. 1)111•11 nl<-1 . lamp" 'm l .1 ppl11· •1.\\1 11:1,, l111rt \' 11.11I 1•', :Ii II MASTERS AUCTION 111\'ll 1 646°8686 & 83'·9625 • H .1, , • Aft 6 1,,\ .\l1 s \I.I~ S.1\ SUit .111111· ;, ,,. ,., 1:-.a. 1 .. 1k1• ~1. Our ••\(p .1 nt1111 ~ ll1•1· \111n11·, 11r;:a n11.1t 1•111 t• m111 111;.! t11 I Ill' Ot ~rn).!1 n1•1.•th l.'\(flt'r\1 Ill' I "Ill lt gltt tit< t .1t11111. \1r p111 t " .1h1hl\ lu d1•,.1g11 & f:1h ......... 11:1:1 Ull:lt m nld :> or"""' I r111111ll.'t.-1tl t'tlllnl~ ,\t11lnrl .111·.1 !::i1·h111•I 1111• D11 11•r l'\l S .. \ t•f',tl ~>11'1111111' ,I\ ,11 1,1 "1111111 l"I:.: 11 ll.1 tl ('h ""' 11 htdl vll1•r I" 1 '""~'l h, :.111 Sl'lll :-.I :.::1 l'l'I' hr S1'l' ll rll ~ g It ,1 rd F I' 1.ll \t'f ••1111111Iutlll11'' " "'' ; 'I \\I :.: :111 .'it' :\I )l;1tur '" I ~I . IJ•Jltl't' ··x 111 .1w111 g,,. Ll<ty :.ht It •SHIPPING PACKERS l'o11snl 111.111• .tnd 1'111·1·k ;ill .:;l1111m1•11h. l'r .. 1111rt• ,1nil l...1·•·11 .111 111'1'1'''·'' ~ I n,iu).!.tll\di• jil:t " '.l II I\ .ilh.\ lit1111 1'111c ~ rl'l 11 ).!,., I 0 11ll 11·•rl'i1 111'. I I .. il.i•. "1'1 l\•t.11·~ d1.11r.'i:S 111;,11 S,11 S1111 .. Juno· ;, 1; t11 1i11m ~ \l'gh .111 ru11;.. Top Sll1)W or '.\1111 Ill)! ll:.1·f111 1r ru1 II "' 111\ll • :;:!!J.. .Sc.I_" ;.u ti Hu l.Jh1tlt~11,. l't'h .1i.-.1ul orllll l'•lllll, Id.:. w 11. 1.1111 \111 111 I ~11 Ho!. l.h.1 ..... 1 1\11 ... 1 ,\l,l' :\l.1h: :.' fllH'-11111111• l'.ll~l'd l.':tll l!hi !!111'1 0111~. "1111.1ltl1ul ('.1t1il11l.1 t.·,.,-1·1·n· It .1111111~ :11 .11l l'.111 ~-r. ro·q111r,•tl C.dl :\lu11 I'll ll:!:!tl J-:1 ,., ;; ,-,J'.\I , alt 1<.1 m lor ;qJl)•ltttl STACOSWITCH IMC p.q11·1 1111rl.. 1 l l:l!J IS.1k••r < ·,,,.1.1 '.\!t·~J 11 1111.·rl . .,1,·ll pf,.,,...,. <"Ill 1'•·11. Sh11I', 1'11· l 1·111h , t1lt1·h l llll•!l'.il i l<• t 1111111 ,1 .ll 1,.:h l a n 1I,,, t'.1t11;15 :!:!.1:1 hi ,} .-11~1•1 l:tl \I 1 , s , uh ,1 t!l'.•r . s111i.:1•r Z1:: 1..11.:. L <in j.!,· 'kl 1111111' I l,Hhl'S Ii;\), 11,., ,.,.,. 1 •111111·r 11an s. 1111a-.... 111 . :! .1rm1:hr,.. \\ 11t1ulll.lll. llttld\ \I\ I'll, •INSIDE SALES ft1•<pllrt'" l'l l',lll\ I' '\'II ,t,lrll'I' II ti fl \ltll Kiit;: l.11111\ J. 1):_;1• 111 1'f1•1•t I tlllll 1·.,mp11111·nt .... 11111 111'•' \ '""' .... dt•, ,.,,,.., 14..·rtc't' \I thl h .. h 1:.:hh 111 .. 111 .ti 1-.I .11111 .1~~rc"•lan· Ill OI I 11 111 t! ' .j :1 I j ·I :i :! . l!~I Ka "j I 549-3041 1;111 :\Ir 1.~ll' 11 lloarh. :\l1111alu11· S1'11n.11111•r, :ll.1ph-('11llt'1'l :thlt-. :.'I "' J' 7 .Ill 111 \" SEAMSTRESS F 1tm•· p1·r111 p1i-.1t1on 111r 1111'11 ' ,\ \\ llllh'll' li•11ll111111• \lu'l '""'' 1•1'11•1' Ill ''"',. l'\lh'I 1 ·.111 1111 1111\·1\11•\\ ,1ppl THE LOOK 540·4500 G 0 Bkk t-:(Ju:tl Opvor 1-:mplu~ .. r i~il liiWIO ,\tlm .1hh· :! t.-111, I 111.il1· •Secy/ •• / pr• 1----------1---------· ,\ r.1.: ',. ·•,. u" a Ii I ,. Bkkpr-Cons truc S900 t-:mpl11\ 1·r .. l':i\' F1:1·' l.11 lh ·1ntl1·r-. \;:"n< ~ 111:!11 Hu 1'11 SI. Sh• 111 I :"1·\\ 1•111 lk.1l h x:1:1 111!kl t'.1ll 111r .\ppt K~l al> 'li5 •o:IK Kii I TOW THL'l'K IJlll\'l·:H \\.1r•·h1 111w \ll'l'"111 m·1•<11·d \\',111'1' "'''' (1111: t-:x111·r .i .. \ppl~ 1111111 111• ltl.!111 '1'"" •" 11u .il11' 111,h~l'lh•r. lt-111 1" .. i.1. "'""'' 1.,,,1,,t • ."i•t I n 111" \\ 1 .• :..;,."purl 1111111111 \ 111·r111,1111·11t l11ll 1r,1111ld 1'.cll '\!.!S hi:! I ic;u Ht'.ll'h 11111\' lll>•tl 11111 11111'1 t•tl I·~ fo I:! l~ko:I I 111111 l .\111•r1r. 1111 11 .11> '"" ... 1w1~ ··-. 11~1·l111hl 11\•l\I, II ' .1 (;,,.,.( SJI•·' ,t •·11111 µ.tn y ll /\lnl . 1i1rl'.' F n w h h 111 lidnt1 1f;irl1o1r 111~111.11111' :\'H i------------11~·11\'ltt;. & 11urkt111! 1·011 ln"~1 ~\!ll~·r,R mo,ll'ln,il•·. :.cl CJ111111 . :>t ~•n tl!o 11111 l'11:-1·tll.1. t1ll ll\11\1' •CUSTOMER SERVICE S1•n 1c .. St.1. ,\lh-nrlanh TRAINEE d111mi... :\l:ilo•c>rll•m 1'.111 ~Kl . :-ihow 11u .tl1t 1 1111.,,.,.,. ~~t~r..;1 :::!:l 1 ,\· l.1tlll.i Uii it1i.: lo:"~" Full & ,, lrmt• .\trpor\ t'tt1t1:1•p1 .\ll-111.1. ;\l1111d.1~ i lt.111111 ""'' n k :\l.11t11i.: I I I ,.-----------·1 ·1· l '-"l' 'I ) .1l .'1l1l lt~11;1 ,1r:11111t. K,11.1:111;,.,,., f,\Z. '',.fl ()" 111·1·1111,.1 'lll•tllllJ.: i.!lllt1b. l•l'hud. l'll':ll'(I,. 111,. :1m11us I ASSEMBLERS ,, ' ' trunk• d11th111;:. l)r.111 1- REPRESENTATIVE l!t·qtllt'I'" .1 1h11.1m11·, t akt· 1'11:irg1· 111111111111 .tl wtlh 1111111mu111 '""king 1•:1:tll'rt1•111·1·. l·'.h>1•t rn1111· 1·0 111 p111w11 I II 11nwlt•dg1• h dp t 11 I .1 n tl r• 11 I I I' J.!, 1•1h11· .1111111111•:-111•!1 •SALES & MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE \1111111\11111 I ~1'.11 '·"''" ,. ',,,, 1·111 s1 ,. ,, I' 1 ,., ,, r l.:•'11<'1 ·" ~ ""'' "'" i.:1 •II "'''',, "'"' I 111111111111·111- W..1•1 ll! Cll tr.tt I. I•'• ••!'ii Ill 111.11 "''rttL.! ol t•·l.1t1•d ... ,lh'' 1hl,ttlPl1 s C ETA RIES :'\1·wprn t 11 .. a l'lt • , I 'h air. i,:r,·1·~ '1111 1•1111.t .. E R WHEEL ALIGNMENT 1.11•a 1 ll.1111· I up, 1o mu . Si'i. ~Iii ?•Ii.! 11111 '· ;! 111"'''· p.11111 turn. s .. nn·~· S t .11 111 11 .\lt••11 &8RAkETECH. 1111l·rv p1J1•1I. u1111·i.: g .t 1 'II" l.11np . h11d '1"1 ~1 .,. linrn1·d1all.' npl'lllllJ.:S 1111 (I.wt. l'XllC'f ti. D/l.I' & 1;a1s ~1'1•11 t11 p 1 r" up , 1.1. (' t \l'tlhkub ~i:> •1·J11 11111 \IH\'lug s Ii 11,.o1 ,. 111w l r:tH•I 111111, ho~" :-t•t r\'l,1r11· .. 111th t•X vour huili..:l'l'! \\'11ultl \11U ,,1•1\l)llr 1rt• 1•n 1•r. 1 1 1 1 · :-l11rt:-lhro "'J.:'. Orwn· II 1· ll 'I I Eve~ Full & p /llmc . i\p ·11 1• .. •11 w11rk I 11.1', '.' -lhv w 11 k "k S · I · "I -1-11 'rt·~si·l':s, lr• '''· ''11111 t. I I I 1·1· l'l\I !-.1\1 ~ ·'Ill Ylllllll! ply . S hd l Statum, lilh & "' ' -" . •, I 'll.1)11. ~~ "·' w11 1'111•'· ' \I"~ 111 dtncllt'. Wjll dr'. lllh<' 1.1 , \ t'\ll':t ll i.:111 I' ill '""11 Sh 11r (I'" lrvirw.N H \!.1:l•ks 11r;is m111·11 .1 ... ~·m .-.·umm. 1 l'l'Y ·' r. H1·g.1\ll\1lttlatllt'r.:!:tll l'l:\l rw -lft · .1 . 111r.1t1\I•' <'1'•:111111.:: nut \.1ph111h' \111 ,.l 11,-.1hl1• to hkc" ""' t•an p11I .1011111 l'-:t llw v,l'tl'.\I w h1 .:tta11.Sl 5 h l:!·Xll'•O '' ' ·1 •1·111~ 11111 .111 1·:,1.11 .. ~ti S un \111rk 1111tl1•r 111 l'~:-.u n• ·-----------·I 1o111rk~ <'11n11.· 111 ,<,, ""' '" -"· 1 I rt .. 1 1111 II •1" 'I" 1111•1 ' \\C)\11\N .,,,~Ill Ill lr,111ill1• '701 •1• Ii' 1' 11 · 1 ,.,I' "0 • • -· ""' "I" 11111i: 1111· p.1r l 11wl " •Boston Terriers •'ii .. ;1k wo(I l '11,t ~.;1u. 111111· St'l'r l'l:tn :\I u:-1 SR. ASSEMBLY · -· 1111111111 1'1111111''· < 'lt.illi•ng G·Dcmes. 830-6397 ,...i1 s 1:;11 1:1 111:11 ·11111 \'on.tit 11111· ""111'' It~ .. h .P i' 1111111 1111 ,, ... ;qi 111~ \•lll'k w .. 1 lututl' 111 111.11• Sn;.!lo· lwil Jr:tltl•. p10,1t'.11111•, 'l\p111~ 70. :-.h LEAD l1t1>-V i\l f~. 1111" E~ti•'t '"\!;;('I 11111.oltl ('111lll' 111;1!\' \111\ltlL; F1111ly r111 l111 11 "111111;.!' ,\ 111.1111<''' .):j;, 1tK1 ,\I"'· "''''" tull 11111< 1•'1' ni·I'. ~·1t1111•· 1·:11''· 111 i.:111Jd h11m1• .1:1 or 1-i' Si1l,1 • .! lta tr ... 111;11 hit· t"•m111ll'l1· 1.:11·.11 h1111k' 1\· 1<i·i·i•t1lll•llt'l.l'1'tt1 i,::111. :,:;, \'r,, 1·'<111·1·. in •1" r.:r.i ii•y ,tril ''" ""1111' 11 .... 1 :1.!11 t!H1K 111lk1•thl.1.il1111l 1•11d1hl IH1C1l.t·:1w;o;:!:.11 Z1•111th :!·,· Call 6 44.33 89 "'mt.I.'"' 11t1•1·1 ... 111111•k1· "k""'· 1'.tll ·"' 11•11 11~ 1111il'lti· ,..1. <;1J111I 1·111111 Iii'(\\ ·1'\' ,\ , .111 .S iii. 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H elp Want~d 7 I OOHelp Wanted 7100 ............••.•..•..................•.•...... Tn .. 11 1"1' q11.d1l' 1 ·s \ m 111•· 'I t .111 I, r \ .ll'hl' \ltt ·I h,I\ 1• 1•\l1•ll'll ,. 1·\ ,..... ,\ 111· ·"'''' 111 \\ ,,, " \\II h111tt 1111•'1 I I ·1"11 1111 .1 11> \HI.I -.;1; h l'I I l· __ ,s ltlk \\ 11111• flit \1•tl. t r :11111 ii 1.11 111;11ll 1;11lil 11•lq "''I 11111 ti ,.,1.1 111.11111.tl 1111.il lf~r.I t111·11 tlol S iii l'1•1•h1'1 l111Hk" :!:11 .-.. ·",rt ~uu ,+v_ '"' ,." .1 IX 1·,·,1'< :i;,11 E 1:11h S\, D I ,111tl I 11 11 • 11 11111.1 111 lt1111•t1h l'l•ll l .1111 I ''" 'l.i111 11•111 SECRETARY·MARKETIMG TO $675 For N B. I oe a lion. I nilial i \'C' for <'t1s loml'r s1.•rvH~I.! & 'aricty. No :-.h. "·'' 11 •.c•I• 111'.ltll !'.11\·•·r 1 'h1111 hill:1 1• .. r:-.1.1n lt•rn <""· -,p.1~"" l.1 '.11 Ill/.? 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S:1t ~ Sun l.;tk•• 1"1111 s l , 250a:> 11" 1•11dl'll 111 . r•:I Turo. l·:a 1 I} 1\11h·1 ll'.tll II ult h. 1\r1 Clll,t•'""· Clw~t of dr11r .. , 1111..•'. 1l:iy h<•1l , I' I u .. 111 ·' n v 111 11 r ,. h.•r;.:.11n" ""'' l.111 .ti ••ti Ill "I'll fllll I I llt'.wll I ;1 "" i.·111111111 '' S \I I .~ .11. • ... \ ',tll I i.pilt 1o Ito .do.I I .,11 II .!t1d 1111111111' '\1 1•.I I• .1 ,,rn·111ti·~ 1111111\•d I '.di I l 111 I ',1111p11-.. SI•' 1:111 '\,•1q>111 I 1111.11 h .it!t XUi I \ 121 s 1;r.1111 I \1 ,. HEl'\11. 1•1'1 11111)1 S.1111.1 \11.1 ~.:iX !"':!I :-..111' .. 1 ... 1 \ "' l'I i:1 ,., It'\ ho • ,.,,.,:r·d Ill •1•111111.: h1·I l•-----------1 t\'1th ,.,p,111ol1111• '.\,11·1.lr l•'I' lln·-.1., 111 ,1,.., ,.,,1, "1"'1 1.ol1 \ :--11 .. ,. ,,, I ,Ill '""" :\1111 ''""'" 1111111 \ SECRET ARY TRAINEE Ol'l·"";s FOH ASST. MAMAGERS 0'"11ll'lll "1'11111 I llllll t"' 1.i.l .!'l!lll l'<•rm.111 .. 111 ,'I, 1111m .. .i :•1•111·1111.-.111•111'111 \11pf\ 1 ~,...1111,11 ,11 .HI 1111'" ,if,rrp 11111,•1 ... •11 l'l•:Tl<ll :~ 11; S \l.t·:S l'.111 111111· \11111 •"-11.., ... ,..1.,1111-111i1"11111 ,11 \\,·,1111111 '''' \l ,tll l'ri -.·111111 :\Int"" ",.:111111 llf!rn:.: '"'"' \\1·-1111111 1t·1 lk•lltlllll.1 lul •1111°·.:1· ''" p h1111 1• .tl11ltl\ 11\; .1111 \ 1111 .tn11 I 111'1•.t ,1 ).!1111 Iii 1h'.111 1.1 .. 1 \\ lt1•11 \Ill! 111. .. ,. ·'" ... 1 111 1•,, u :.11.' 1'11111 \\',1111 '""' t.11111<111 for Omif~ Ad ACTION c.11 A DAil T ,.LOT Al>-YISOI '41·'611 d1•11t• 1·111 111C1•1m.111 .. 11.\ I"'·" .1111·1• l'.d1t 11rn1.1 11111·n ·11·\\ 1 .tit x 1: i:!to:! t'"I" 111i.: l'1 111hw1' 1'111111 .1t11·r :1pm ! 11' 1111• 1 ,•111\•r '.\11 llt!ohal SALESPERSON lll-.tl l·~,l .1\(' "·"''"1111'11 \\' 1• Ill'•'" \OU' \\\•\(' 11)11\l'U. 11110 11111 tit'\\' 11fl h'I' ).!1Hllf ('0111 1111 ...... 11111 .. , .. th'. ph'.1 .. ;111( ;.urr1111111li11i:". • 11n)!1•n1.d 1·0-11 ork1•rs, Sea Crest Realty . 550 N . El Camino Real 492-2870 ...... , 2.t:'!l Sl'l'rt•t.1n . :.11mrn1•r t \'m p11r.tr' :'1;; :\I 1·· ~:oo nw r, 111111: :;11 iO. Shlltnd pr1•t"d :'\r;1t lrnn1 <•ii'111) 1~•:1r ,I!, ph111w 1•111111l'lt.• ~;,;? t \:1.1 .... K I• II .) l'llll \ :0.1'l'n ·1.1 r' l"11rml1111• ""'"l' I ~1rl 11f I In• (,It 1• h k lqlll): & P".' rnll ,\11 1.1 prn•• 11 .. 1· (;If ll•'l''1•11.1h l,\ l•:\r1•p (11111111 01'1'"1 I 1111 .1111 11111011' 1'"1"'1111 K lh llllli PERSON FRIDAY TO '850 /\s ofr manag t•r I ak111g t:tl'l' of :ill phases 1n l'll•J.!alll •><'l';tn \ i1•w set. ling. LEGAL SECRET ARY TO $875 l irm .• Jom :\ICST Prcstigl' F :1s h ion Is land word processing l earn a:- opcrator. C2J SALES SECRETARIES $700 Join N.n. int 'I "on the J.!O team . Good skills & p1.~rsonality. EXEC. SECRETARY TO $950 To Start w e lt .[!roomed in· 1 mpnrl ant position Diplomatic" d ividua l for w tlop execs. ALL FREE IALSO FEE JOIS) $SARRA BERK AGENCY -1 Merchandise l .. 1h 1111'< I ~ r old ""' "" 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>Jlt', f•t•rft..'t ' l••I t l•J)tlf•'J> Antiques 800 'Ii!• tiXill .....•..•..•.•.......•. 'I ;ul11r.1hl<• 1111\l•ll l..ih -.\•:'\•"•l'•ll•,•l i•(•;o.;•<•i •1 •'l.;•.1•.l-S•.1•.1-t'\ l'lll'llll'~ Jiik ~-\\ht i "b ' 11111 'H,X :1 IHf, 1)11 ~Oii k1111W 1111•11• ,II I' I. 1111<• 1\111111111• Shop:-111 111.i 1'11\\ II T tt,1111 ' J.'11r If II.th I\,\ .... 1, .• 111111. \"II . .ti 111 Rabbit Hutches- \ 1111 lla11f 'li!I 11 Ill 1" 1.111-.111•1! .ii 1,1. t·: \1111111i: m11,1 '·'' '''I"'' i ';1m11111 ll1"'I '\ \l,1111 \\htto• 11•1•1111·· \II -.11111,.. i------------i 1,;:1 u1•1our1:-:.1 7;,f i .\11l 11111c· l•tll t<111 tl ••'k l..11> 111'1111·1 .. r :1 mu•. 11lil Xlnl ll rt 1•111.d 1·1111.t ,\l.cl1• ~h•1h s;!, IC Kt <'.ii 11:;:1 ;,1,:!;1 :1111 IK'i I GLASS SHOW.SALE (1\nt tftll<' C11ll1·1'1thh·1 •JUNE 4 , S, 6 • Fii EE t11 g1H>1I h•>1111., .I 1 r o lcl SI llt·rn;1111. 1\KC. ni.tfl• !H;:J ;,;127 Ill I >1'.11!-r ' I 111111 :1 .. 1.1to·' I•) l'l' ,1J l1•1•! 1un;11l'. pr11l 1·1• lll11•11a 1'.11 h 11111111.11 I 11n. lllr. m .tll' :1 ~ 1 11lil ln:-h i'l~~I lk <11'11 llh cl 1'11 i t• St'ltl•r \11 ,..1 Sl'<·e111loi.: 111 l';\I. 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J ,11• l' t'J r, •••••••• ••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Equipment 808 5 •••••••• ••• •• • •• • •• •••• ••• •••• ••• •• • • • • • • • • •• • -- lllJL :->F llt >I.I>.., \1.1·. •:•••••••••••••••••••••i t li:1)1l11 ... r J.1111.J11.1 1•1 '74 Catafino 2 7 Motorcyc:les/ :Recreational Trucks 9 560 l"u 111 .ulh·ot.ololi·' 1111, UNC• •1MED l.lo,.1111t 11llln· .'!.. l.11·tm> " t:!O :\1.-11· 111 1;1 ,·Jt \Ill-" l<l>I" 1-.oihutlll.'li•r Scooters 9150 Vehicle~ 9 530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ,, I.' 1 1111 k" J 1 • I.A Oi·~k~ .. 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H :a" m1111tl l':i' 111 .. 1 Ill'\\·~ • .>t 1 • ·• _ • _ Rent 9 I 20 1 tl\I . prH"'' lpm :1 :iop111 . 11r.;:.l.1 1•.1 t.1_11:'" _ 1;r,1n1I ·upri1:ht p1.11111 BAY BOAT ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Tu ... , t hr11 F ri . J :!t S<"hllmu rantll•m B1t·\l'fl.'. :\Int rnncl $.'JOU K3•t o,111:i l.im.rn llSCla"''-" Hallio 101:' l1 11h\.l.1.). 1.1m1wr s'"'" l>n1·t \\'11111 .llCJ• ",olmu:.. tolf Hl.'dh1ll nr like m·ll . S'IS. 1~ nidt•r J-"rmi.:c lup, lull <'ultc"I :. 1111•:-:.ur,• 11·.11,·r t.1111.. 1(111!' -.m 11, ... 1, m11n· llr1,111H.C .\I. __ !>.Ill l>o:Jt. H C m udd . F r ~;~~~U ~l 1~~~>q u\ s:!i5V O\lnt'r.Gi:>J21S2 lt1J cl1ng &. 111· d 11 1111 I:! I • I' 1· \11 ii ro kl'. 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I fill 111 " · • "' r ,, 1, · .. l I· µ 01-llllllll -------t\ )JC\\ rater "11h l'asc Sips I . has :J 1•ah111~ ""fl 111.11 l111•t:11l1·' !U ll 1'111 am .~ ---~Orman nockY.dl lath<>-1:ak1· ni'W l:11nd1t1on $15 w.hcad&gally.Makcul • ·"'' < 1oll .llll .. .t11 W I• S:m Fr.1 11t1s('(l flu1·er :.:r .1ph . CW h1 tew;"h l 1:.11i t111110.,r;i l:J llt'll f1·r. Phone -1911·2525, 21 ••'72 11 ():-.JI>.\ l r·y l , <:0500. w1ndfair111g. lui.: ra1:k. low 1111. Xlln com!. Sl'J5. Gi:J 2$ Iii<'"'". "1:.hi•:. ()rac11t al llui,:,,. Fr .1m eo-f. i\lu:.l :.ai.:nt11:c hrs. •:'>li.'.Xll:• 1il.">~7-1; _______ Sporlin9Goods 809411•----------t·i.i K:J \4 a:.akr !JOO. Xlnt . l Wheel Util Tlr 585 I! I:! :!iOti <:ont1m•111.tl h11.1t trlr. JI'. '7li 111.• SllJf\' whc\'I $18.~ ~lli .>37!1 \I.it •' 1;,, l't. ... ,. ll'.111 111111·-. 1·:11 d1,11 \\ l'"ll'fll \\ 1.11 I..'-~~· :1 I•• I I.I:! 11.11-.111 1· I :\l u s t 'ell th1,, Wl·1·k •••••••••••••••••••••••:----d .,.,·\'ll L' I ''1111tl ,:\l any 1·xtr:1:>,hc~t A.utoS•r•ice & ·• • 1 :t)" lor ~a <' ' · · Lut.Jws t;ofl <.'luus b JJ; (.;•W0 1'<1 0 -"· ,. rat '"· Olll·r l>y 1; i ;1;, .tftt.!r " .... 11 •. 11•111o1 '"'II'. 1,_1 •>h . :i dw.q! C.ill 1xu;;1i:s-uoo. i·u,.~~.1." !11:111•1' sof:t .& , .. ,rt. ,hOl'" i:• :. 'ti,,ib ~allc~; hca_d . I.Ii ~·1. NU 110011,,, .i:Jl·tiJl::I. 1-;\cl>. Parts 9400 c If I H;•t .r. t! I.I 111 1111111 ·"I"" t f •1,11(1 ti l.n 1111 1111111.11 1•11nol I ",tlf 1•1:: I ti. I 'Truck!> 956q ..•.••..•..........•... 1976GMC 1 2 TOH PICKUP Shu1 I 111•11 ,.f 1·11 'lilt· 11 11 h \ t• 1 ' I ', " 1 n 1 l '• • ... I I 1!7iJi 11 ONLY $4395 •OOH BURNS• VOLKSWAGEN 1:1;:11 I l.11 IJ•ll . I: I ; 534-4100 '75 Toyota Hi Lux \ Pickup I Sp1•1•tl , 1•11!1111 lll'.11•'1 la II Ill JI l' I ' , 1111 I I 11 I ' !;jl:!IZ $3476 I t x II i, i :! ;, 11: 1 0 u r 11111:-.:al.:, mo :. old .:\"" '150 .. h \I· 1· ho "I I ' Slip ~3110 ;i-111 h33h ·I"" 23''2 J •. k '•>r 1(111•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·•11 1• , .• 1•111 ' Ill' . Sl!lllll, u1•:.t 111r.('olor 25' :; . t;JS .. ;JC:. I. llj.! ·"' " "I' , h11l-11•11•d '-I 1 •·.1th :1:•x tK0~1li:!:'1·X't:IO i·on:;ol1• l\", wn•u).!hl iro l!a_ll 'I~~-bJ)!, m:okc ufr Tradttmnal sa1h111! don• X1 ----Jc1·11 1';1rt:; l'li:I tJ :;. \\'11h t .11111,.•1 -111 II 1:1111f111i:<:e••1•11 <'\I ~. 1:.\\"I .' ··, 11 .. ·.1.1",11 ·rs· cl111thl"·.1,·c·l11.-.11:1kl1uJ 1:-1.1 1._.1 ··,,,111 ""J.V k' -.:.:J lfo ndJ 3;,11 ... unt.J1·r llO<h . f1·11(k1 :... !,;1111 1'11 .l.11h111.111111,1.:•,\.,1 .. , •. ,, _, _,, ,. , " " • 1'·•1· : g c . moo ma .. li:c :-.tr.1 t.•nk, 11-17 ii2'J;, 1111•1:11< 1973 DATSUN PICKUP J ewelry 8070 S \l.1-:, ~.1nl .1 1!•'. n•m h•t. lrl! t·111t.•1• thl "l surf Sutt tl 'Nt'rl :\It-rt t ii9 l~~orti:111w:11 lat·tor y k11·k-s tart ''" SAOOLEBACK ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .1111 ~. 1111111111:... 1n111:-1•Jnlm1sk'<. 3 i)ar:>toul-;. ,1111m.1\ ~1..m \\1:hu1 t SX5 1 1 30• \ "l Sti:l(>. iU CZ:!!\(), u111J.1lt·el. &.-£o•for Sol• ·1·1:.11 .-1 1)1•'.Sl(::'ll. \'l.'.'\L:. k I l I I ,uv.:v I U\. •7 0•}Jl ~.. ... VALLEY IMPORTS WA.,.1TED -"-n:o · "' 1 '"'" 1 • lee rm Surfhrd t,"JU''. Xlnt. s:!.i Sur\~·y i ii. :\lt~l 1•111111 '.!20111 .... 111;111y xtr.1s. s:l~>ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1"'11 l:!."i .ICll h~l '\fl furn. •11·1·J,, 1'11a1rs . &12·!ltllt3 5(:..i5Q. Scl'll. :!tit ;\Jonte Both top rn111l.1\l:>nrn1:,1• Antiqut>s/ 8 3 1-2040495-4949 l<l l' C'\.'>ll IJtlLl.~ll1:,1n1t· thl '111111 11,ik . .in· ~;~'~1;,~;r_'~.~::,.,"~~.:ir~::~t; 111" C 1i..tom U·l'1111tr11I \'i~l<t C:'ll ~Hi!lf••iti. _ ~·t~1~;'_: !°>·IX·IJ.'it! l::vi·,i Classics 9520 i i FCJH I> l'11l.11p, ·11111 l'\lll !•(Ill '.~11 .H "' ~ l t hr.,.c ,,,t SI01Ht iln .:r. p1eturt''• f~1111p:-,tun1 plan1-.<:;cn'l':<S S-IU lll'".·.111.11!.! 1)111,.11.,, I.·(;, ---••••••••••••••••••••••• 111:11 li rt; .... 111·11 ·1111 111 11 \\l·.l.H\ .'.'·\II Ill ..... ••I r. ,111 l11lol111'' h,•cl, L1111 " u ·· <> • J I I I I II I ,11• ... Ill''' & 11l•('H1,1IC11' lll·m~ H-1:!511J'\!t "t""I r1Jl'IJ. ~·.·1:'.~.1·.-,3 .... -,.,,,llala\U'I :\lo h •t. 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EXCEPTIONAL VALUES l 1t·l11\1• 1·:,1·r1'" II· 6 38-8684 ll 1•al1•r . ~·'"' Ctt. a p S :! o U . II I :!. :Jo :! I --- 111·m·1·tl lbt nl r nv1·r s.1·, da) .. wk11d, llt•,l tn h11.1l111,1! Im :Sij l'tlol TV Sta11c1 ~ l·:t.•1 11t·rmonth l11111u:.n11w. MCalo~~OaucttuPnr_ec~:s 1._, .. pr1111 ,.r :-."''· 11111• 1< .. 11,,,.·r11· h;.1 111r 111.:r '.\l u~t :.I'll ,\\l .t•''.\l ;\fult1 t;i5K~i1: '"' "' -:-.,11 ,111,.:-,1;., 'd :i llr>1111 r l 'p11 i.:hl I'll•'( Stl'r1•10, I.qi\' 1.k1k, lh1111.111ol Hd I .it,., \,11·11um.h,..1111rc11,·r :;,:!;. r.1d111, turn tlll .• ~l1i' l"atJlllJr:1n. Sl ,.i'l.1 11111 ... 1 .. 1 1111• 1111 \"t .">1l .1tl7 ~.i-, 11~1:1 :-p1-.1l.1·r,, xlnl n111d V,1,t.•r than lluh11· 11: 1.1111."11'' '·"""I l".ll l'•'lllll: t '1111111 ,1 ,i.-1 -;\l.1lo.1• ulr. t'.111 H1d1.1rcl l'.1rt ll'l(IJnl 111 "'"rltf 111.11111111.t 1~ 11111, h 1t1 \l.o• 11111111 • .: 1!11. lwll :--1•1· 111•,k. t\\in 111·11 ... n:• 1•1 1 ::1:i.i -111'"" trial-l'\l l'l\ -tnr"'M•tnr -., • .,1,.111 \~I lr.T1hrm-tn·ii.:{· ~-nltf-'"'·' Im.: ,c;•l. 'll•llll. I h o.k......;...-1>:1~:-. ii I >CH I lit:, E•l''- 1 II .... , I I ;;,:! ·11.•11 '"'"'' '"" lt II •II 1.1111 w•-11 ....... "'Ill XII \I' Equipment lll.llll••lld •• 1"" I 1' ,,, l•dl Ill, li.tlh I···: '"··r llt>lh'I E \.tr:111111', Ill'\\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• T.1nn•r :!'.! lh lflll ... only .t n ll11nd.1 l'I. 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"Ii .11111 1.IX 'I oX'I 1'1h"1 i:IJ'' hull h1111•••il 1011 11.IC I t•.I o'\\, .ofllllllllllllll lll,,...I, ;\lu,l i.1 1111'\l l\ .11111 1111• I ,II k 1'1:!•1 '11Htd \ l·,.111 'di •1·11 ''·""11"11 1.. 111'1'1"' J111l l1.11 l1.1 d . 11• .. 1 1111 -··d.111 :·1 '''""'· \1111 Bo a h. Mainte nance I t "1111' ""'I. .....::: .•. 1 \ 1 •1 • 111 ,11 "'"'" 1111 '" "" oln 11111• , """ 1111• 11111 I I '\ I I I \\ I I ..., 'I I 111"1 l l.111rl \ H 'I 11111 '73 MAZDA PICKUP , .... p •• ti ,111 '11ll1 hl11111111 I .111111 111 .111•1 ..... I ii 111 ol.11. I II I II•( -l't..,11.I\ $2576 I \I I f 1,•1 ll.tl llU Pl ,,. ,11 l11)11d t oud1l1uu I ·"I ·11.0 I ·~· 1,11 l h1 '\ .11110111.tllt .• ix 1•1111 1 .. 11 l'I \ )\ ,\ 1111•1 \II ofololl 1111 "I ' l'I .... , 111 1•1 Ill• 1,11111•11 1;rn~l II"'" 111111 rt'll l • .1 II "' ''"' t1-. ,, 111 Oi't11't 1. 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Wll,.L TAKE BEST OFFER .111 IHHI m tl1• 111 .-, """ 11 .11 I .1111,1 ,1 I ,ti J,1 Ith WE ALSO HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF CHINOOK MIMI MOTORHOMES 1\11\1\malll'" + ~111 ks MARQUIS MOTORS 21®1:! \lan:11rr1tr l'k\\ 1· S fl 1·1 '" \\1•n E:11I \llSSl0 tl:\ \ 11·.111 831·2880495-1210 '"11.1111 I I• I JllllllJI ,\ h 1111! -111• \\,ol\'I h1•d '1111\ 11 I ••II, hi 11 .. 11 l.11111 l 1•11 l•lo It' 1t1'\ 1·1 lh'l'll ll"t'il 11• l111 l1 d n1 • t ''1111 111 ,,;,11 .: II 1;11\ I.I 1111 • 1111 II l\d :-'111 1 .. 1 ~1 :1 ,.1 l hl lf \ tlllh :'\111 _: \\\ ll.11h• lttl I .tll lh.l /\,"" I t'.11 l l.1r1• llltll' •.:II ,,(l, I h ",II .'4~111 \f11th·I 111 l>l<T \\' p11.1 Tiii' l.1•lt''I cl1.1 11 111 lhl· 0.1. ....,1:;c1 11111:1nalll ~1:-1. \\',.,1 " ll.1111 1'11111 u:,1•11 :i m11 11tlll'1 m1"· 111 l'l."'1111•<1 \ti P h1111,• l h'l'_''lllll p 'hi:I :!117>5 t>I:! "4i7x '\,q>h-' S.1l111t 111111 ,111111: n 1:. 2 "'"I' 7;;•1 ~I.ill :>IX-1971 ·71 T11 u 111ph i -111 :!:!011111 I S111wr t·lt-.111 sr;:?.-> ;51 :--.:,~•; !1011111•\ 1lf(< '1'1·111 t1 Ir "hl1·1111u . lk nu '"''' hrk,. 1 1·111111 ,\1111111a.: ~ ttl hl'l 111 1)! 111111 1-;,1rJ<> l'h 1,11; lil:!U .all 1111m -. - $2499 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 1111 1I••••11•4 1•7.fU~ MUWTllfC. TOM ll&CH i.1 I•"' ti I< :Ol ll h1·1 o1 ~'1111 I• ·"· IWHI 1111, '1111 I "'"'" \\ tll I ,It..• 11 .1111 '.11111 1\'ll !:!XX I II 1, l I 1'1 , •• i i flll!-1 n,tl1111),tf I l'l 101\l l.11\\llll I' H 1:11: .is:u. 11111 I'~ Iii 1"cord 1 ·m11 :! T1111 f 1111 I. ·w cni.:. u;· li1 ·ol , h111,.1 I l'fl' gel l'lllltl $.1.100 !lf::l xAl;l ".if. Ford Sh111t1 " p1l'kllp f<un' J.:ft'.11 .... h:arp lt11tl~ ~IO h,I 111 r :,HI, :1:1°,J:I i i ('lt1•\ \ f 111II 111 h 111\I 1n1 :-.:.! "•II t ,, 11 Iii J ;,w I t.i Chen • 1'11n ·1 "Pd run' 1·11'.111 '-1 l•Jll 11t 1 l!f I H!lf:• or I'll '""'II Autos Wanted 9590 ...••.•...••.•.•.•..... \\I· I'\\ I 1 ii' 11111.1 \It IPI '.II ,\ 1 t lit"" lnl •U U11I \\ t • II l I" "" Ill"""' \ r. .. 'J'''' 11 ' I 111 .\ WARREN AUTO SALES INC ill:!l I 111 .... h l\11" .., I \' l'l 1'\ 827-0541 \\I·' I '\\' Tiii' !Jiii.i. \I< I OH COl'l -..1.,111 \It-.. l"C II :t I ( ; '\ 111 I \If::-.. I 11 n1 ~ I \:-Sii '."\ ,, \11Ut I 111 t t ,, , ,I 1 h II "'H ll" Ill ..,l BAUER BUICK :!:I,:-, I l.11 h111 1\1 Id TOP BUYER I ,tu s1•1 w .. 111 ~1 . t!.. l.1 •l ' 1111· tlull.11 p,11d t 111· 1 Ill llltl I· COSTA MESA DATSUN :!~l.'1 fl.1al111r 111"1 TOP DOLLAR _PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS .11"1 \\ 1 ·-1 111" 'I' 642-9405 \\I·'. Ill'\ • l :--I·: 11 c \ "" ,, rin 1 ·1,s· ( t!l11•' 1tl ,., \ .t ll FREE Appraisal Groth Chevrolet ,,,::11 ll• ·" h It!\" 1111111111 ~11111 I '• ·" ii 847·6087 • 549-JJJ I I Ill \ I \ '\I, 1 \I(-.. l :-1 II \I 1111' \lfl' •Ill >l .!• \11 ..... lltl lh I d I ' .Ir \II\ li.111 h.I" '111111 I l'I • -m m nnr. Ph-'1-c<-l"..-!t----il I 'II • •. II ;111 1 Autos. Importe d General 9701 r.1 I 11 •11,lo I ""I \ '' '\' 11d· ,, .... ~ :<'1111 •ti .. , ff •f 'h1(I fl,"' Alfa Romeo 9705 .•.......•..•.....•...• '12 ALFA I '°'lh1f d ,,l''l·.I \ $3076 : 1 < ;·c ' 1 11 , •• H• ,11 ... I .tll t ,ti , IU \\ I '" I h 11111 , IX ll't I I ft I ' ' "" ~.t: 1U •·• \ll.1 u ...... II '-.p1tl1 I Ii kt• ltl'\\ 'I..! ,u .. Ill I , I Audi 9 707 . .•.•............•.•... BUY OR LEASE! 1974 AUDI FOX 1 1111111 \ut11n1.1t11'. :11 r 1 1 1·1111'1 ,\-H l 1' .11 I. 'l 1•1'1•11 . e i.~~.1;\I B I SADDLEIACI< VALLEY IMPORTS 8l1 ·2040 495.4949 1.1 \11111 •\II '111111 ,\:'II F;\1 <',,..,.,,.11 .. '11•n •11 ,1111 e "1111 .. ''• ~1111 I 1 , .. !:"II ~lhh 1.t .\111h It HI l.S :!I >1 , 1111 m:11 \II.tit 1•111111 ~l'W 111"1'' &. h1 .1k1· JI·'"" \uln, .111 . ,\\I F :\I 'l 1· 1 I' II. ll'l ol r 197 I iKll D 12 DAILY PILOT Sunday June 6 1976 ..... l•,.,,W Autot.1.,.,.w ....... ••porW .... 1-,orW ..... IMport.d ..... ••ported ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AMtot, Imported .Autos. IMpotfM Wot. l•ported Fiat 9725 Flat 9725 ~•des h1t1 9740 Ponc:a.. 97 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Toyete 9765 VolkswO¥n 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Audi 9707 Capri 971 S Oatw.t 972 1975 FIAT XI /9 Xlnt cond '75 rial m LeaH '62 Ponche 1600-60 ·········.:,-~1·1~i······· ••••.....•..•••••.•••••.•••.•..••.•••••••.••• )\ .. u I.I er (" u r ! WJ:n. Low ml. s 1opd. Hew. Used 4 S ll \'\'tl, beuut i(u s1;110111 lk·'I Of11•1 ,3 l'.1v1 i . :!()()v I "llll , ~l~'l'l'<J *DATSUN "Z"* i 1:.11\&00'.!Ull~ll 1 Xll'JS ~~ 495·~~ OVIR I 00 au1oin1uh111'. ~1u:.l :.cc I• ",\11UOii l'll liMil "l'•l'tl\' 1d J1,•1. uv CO T $3995 l>d1c\c'GPT005. '-1 .1•1t .. 1 1111 ,int 1111111 * UN RY• 1974FIATXl /9 MERCEDES BMW 9712 ~:!h11'l 'Ji'I :11soi x b:! • DON IURNS.. ~ :\l)\'l.'11 \\ ,\;\f r _\t. In ON DISPLA y SA VE ••••••••••••••••••••••• .I .;1• \I all $,Ii 11 t;1'911 Toke your Pick VOLK SW AGEH '>1111\.'fb l 1ottl1111nn kuy or House of Imports SADDLEBACK BMW Colt 9717 Five4Spuch IJiJl ll,1fl1<>r.<i1,,. l•·J~•·l U3'JIO:t::1 AL'T\IUlllZ.~:u ••••••••••••••••••••••• 534.4 f 00 SADDLEl4CK :\U·:HCEOl-:S l>E,\Ll-:H 1974 260Z VALLEY IMPORTS t.l!ti2 ~\an('hc:-.kr, ~IJ.,l.,n" <!J:!OJSI I '72 FIAT 831-2040 495.4949 liuc11a Parl.. 1972 Colt Wagon ·' T I u 1q;iu : \.' r iH I.. I l'lilJ l'.Jl I 1-. .. 111 llllh' ll111ik 1974260Z2+2 WAGON 12B 52l·7250 1,111'1' S1h ,.,. nwlalht· "1111 tnw ~ S""''d, \ '1 1"'1 1 :1tl111 i i Piat 1~1 Spil1cr ltdstr 011 lhc Sa11l..1 Ana l·'wy. 1111lc)> 1:if>~1LHJ 1 lt1•111"1 1111111.1ck' l.•11-.01 ~11;1JO. l11w mi .. :.harv -- '7) Toyota" Celic:a ,, S11\'NI, I .11lt•1 h1 .111•1 1 111> I r1111I, 111 .... , "" '.'I IC\' I .,1 \ ! I, I 1 I I\ •q• ;;6ti()ll E~ $2876 BUY OR LEASE NOW 1972 z ll•tilll' t.u•cni..: ll l.!JllUI•' t'all4!Hi·79li·I. '7J ~krn•1h•i-21mSd11. 240 'fa1>c ca~scth', 1'11•a11, ~1 !II IT :'\l'.JI' ;\u l'.1JC11I' 1966 Ho1bo1 CM t..1~ "10' BUGS '67Thru'7S 18 To ChooH From ~\lllf110h I 'lh'l'd!- aulQlllllll\ ... :'\11 \':.\ 111 hi\\ II SAVE$$ GARDEN WEST VW I\ 11 t h,, \\ "' 1\1 ·' ti I\\, I 1t.,j1tl \\ ,.,1111ir1~.t1·r HI. d \\t•,t1Ht1t'\lt0r H!.t.l 1'ul BMW TRADE·IH '~ ltnm.1n1l.1ll• "11 11 Hiii~· $1676 ·~1J2·1Stn\\'iw S85()0 lil~i:J:IX :n 111111 .. r1 i.:111.tl 1111lt'" ll a1hal t1r .. s ,Jom11i:\, -----Air, 5s 11, A.l\~{l":'ll. .1·ov ·~:! Cornna !\lurk II . ·1 dr ... ;11 \'\\' 1'011 'l\111 l'.1111 1w1 1llL5:Jt171l1Slltli S!ISO. 615 lf>l:J l!ltitl :'llr•n•t'tl«~ :!:!O Iran • ''!' + hra. :>1.11>1JO t::v1·. :...1111 1•1111d, 111'Jy l11,1d1·d )>Int !'rnul. s:.!i:10. Ill.I i11;s i:J Huv "'I llfJ, (HJliJSI I. 1':13.llCSJ\ · J\ C 1111.I SC J. 1 1~12 A 15!~1.\I(;\ I ''ii>~<!~ 'I). (liJJ:-.1111 ), 831-2040 495.4949 ----- OR4HG.E COU~TY'S OLDEST & ...,,,h:' S,•n 11·1• l,(·.1· tn • Roy Caner, Inc. H11lls H"' 1·"' 11.\1 \\· 1..1i1 ·' JlllUtll t'I.' "''"port lk'<1th 1, 10 1; 111 CREVIER $I Sf • H O ADWAY 1AHIA AHA 835·3171 1 llt ULllMATC DAIVINO MACHIN( •USED BMW's• '7.> :1:J111 nj:J.I '< H.\: I ''i:J :1 II SI.\· rn:wo > 1:11fa 1 an,1 · 1x1).l.l I'S) '7:1 ~(H12 · \H!IHK I'\' I ·71 :ilH12 ·I1<1:11•;H ( 11 Closed On Sundays -.- 71 2002 1\.\1 W I S1>tl . :.1111 111,.f, \\I F .\1 ~IPn·11 1.q1c. •i1>.111111 1111. S 11110 :. 1>1·01:!~1 Capri 9715 ....••...•.•...•....... 197 6 CAPRI II 1971 240 t t:urop.:an m odel 1. •I ::.11<.1 , 5.)\H ltll s1.ooo m :1 :ia;,o ,111 1; 11 111 i:I Vial 1!50 Sp)clt'r. Con· 1\:\I FM radw, 1ww 111 'Ii" I' IH~''-Lf~ 2 ::.u1:'.;;~~!::~.'~I ·~ ~W .. 11 Vt!rt.l11wn11 .. m11lll'ullJ .. l•'rlUl'<'«lll't''> :!5 1111 p1•r '" t "'' r. !II ··· 'i:l 'l'll\ul.1 l '1111111a Uli... m\'W.:\u11,1111t.~:1l1 111·,, ·ltll '1'<1'1'.!cv\·~. !(al U1''l 011 .. r li7fi l~J711 SJll'l-.I , ~tl\'('I' ."' 1 Illar !; ~n Sll\\'I: 1\' ldl. '111 tvp. Cll'.ill :\lnL u 1111l. ~1 •. 11111 1971 240 Z -----d;iv:. orr.7:1 !+ti7ti all lipm 1"r1 1 1"1" /\ M 1 1· \I etc-. 1• ~· :111hl, ,1111 I 111 :.i.-n•11, "t•···l i:11 ~111:1 \\'•rn t la!>l l1111i.;' Hondo 9727 · n • t•111 1ni111111111. ~:1:!111 11 .. 11 o•d r 111 1 ," 11 11 1:1 .. ;;:'\ XI·: 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·70 '.\I H :!5U •• 1u111, :11r. nu 111111 ' !li'I 1:,:~• It 1 .11. ,. , ·, 111 i 1· ;, 11 11 'l\li 1\111'. :\••\\ p.i1111 1111 •••••••••• •••••• ••••••• GARDEN GROVE 111M H11d 11·• 1 1.1 • 11> ·nrn Brand Hew •7 6 l':t~~ :-1t·r''"· !ilk. 11<.\I rn1. .... ,111s 11,1 -,1 ~.1:1;, 1111~'1'. 1,,,, ·~·u 1 Jlt 1 t111h11•11" 11•1i11 1·11~· • l '.111 _.. DATSU ..... * hll I. on I! <'nncl Mui.L ;>UC '·: ' • • 1 1111 1 : .. Ill ) ,..., \\ 1;1111... 1:~.1 :~17 , J >JI .1111 ·7·1 •ill> 1.u1rn.1~1·I I .11 \.. I .111111. f111•l.11l 11• lictl\•11 \I 11111 '111\f 1up.I I I l~"'llll ~k1HI l'lt. 11 1 1~ .. "" FIAT HO .... DA Cars .... 1.:1.;11 u1;;ti25:! "'i.1~1111: J lrt·rn1• "'M'" ....,. ' 11 . ~u lll'r cuml. ~1 I 51)0 i i llJbUll •• 1u111, Hc'.11 11111 I 11111, .ll 1~10 m1. 111•1 1u111·•I run~ j.'n'.1\ SI ,•1.1 Kl.! ~;r7:! ti7 SI .1 \\' _11. &1!'111 (j,j 1111111 l'l,j H'i7H i l Jl,thllll :.!1.Ui"., .\ l11l • .,mJ I :--111 I .1111 I 111 I" I , ... 111•1\ 111'<'' :).0itk~I H:ll 'll'lhO 1)1' l~ll :!l~1:h•1 I:' IJ.1hu11 ',I :!lilli'. :\par p1·1·1 1 ~1.\1 1111 •• \.'\I F\I, .11r . .'\l:tJ.!~. r;i11tab. ·bµtl ;,.'1:!.'tfl l'l'I l'l,\ Ii 11 U!l:!H SJ·:l.J, IJI! '1'11 .\UE · i l :, l o \\ i.: n . .1 1 r , ,\.\I F;\I :111111. 11111f 1111•!. 1 I \np XI 1•011tl t 1111'1' 11r II :11,,. I.ti! \'WI '1111\ l'l'l. (JI' 1:11!1,1 I l;1rho1 lllHI <..;,\Ill II·::'\ c; llll\ I·: 839-7000 LEASE FOR LESS .\II lllJl..1 -., ,111 11'1Kld'' (.',ill vur lt·a~l' mJ11aJ,!L·r. ;\l.111 ~I alh"''"' t h .. 11 de t••ol<'' Wt• n • hl'll' lot h1•l11 BARWICK DATSUN 831-1375 493-3375 Sales & L~asin9 TIJI' !loll.tr l';wl On \l.l.Tr..11k Ill' NEWPORT DA TSUH 888 Dove Street '\o•ar· .'\\ :11-.\rl hur &J<imhon •t• Ho;1d::. 833-1300 '74 DatsMn 260 I :\Ulom;il11' w ':11r t·11111I u~ I.\' 111. llOIJ ll rig 11\ ,j I 1111lt-s. (!liiLKC l SADDLEBACK il 21;1iz. t11lh l11.11lcol . rt: VALLEY IMPORTS SALES OVER 100 'i5 :'111J~:-.os..:1. -:1111111.xx1. \'\I> To Choos~ From! Xlnt l't111l11t11•11 'ii:! l'iu·.;i hr SERVICE UNIVERSITY C.ill X.1:! ii IU . II . \. •1 "''lor·~ t. •1111hl11m BUY OR LEASE Oldsmobil~ ·11 l8() t.:pt. .. ~h .. wlt•· /1lu1" :!l:J 1!:11 ~Ji:> Honda Cars • GMC .fully l'llll'lwtl, ~nlr · '1111 65 1'111i.d11· :it:! 5. H.•rt 1·ntul . :,11!150. I'\ I . l'I \' Trucks !NiX·liOIZ · 1111cl , 1 .. 1111 •'II;! You ~1 ll;irbor lllnl. 11:..11111 X~1.;l S42W 1~6 71i:!1 CosliJ ;\ki.J ;; IO·!IH 10 ·m :\krc..-clo•-, :!liOS. 1ww u1 ~.111 IJl:J_ ----9730 lirf':o;_. 11.a1111. ,\ul(l. '7:! '111 T arg.1 . ~In\ JC19Uar 1\m \' m Sw 1' :11•1. :11r \ \l F \I si •r , 1. , ••••••••••••••••••••••• p "· 1> h. S4:.IUO or h:.t •>tr · ·, , · • ,• t 11 . apl 5.PECIALS LlY ,\PPO l'.'IT:O.H:;-.;-r r··J. If"" (lt•(k, :'\t•\\ I 1n•llr l tri::; XJ6·XJl2Unlv ,,, --~ ---bll>-i,)'.!7 Jfl t; • '74 FIAT XI /9 l\l:unt .. nanl'c & rt·pair l\lU SL L'l..i:.:. :<111 t:. 1·.tr wrth l :.p1·1·d. nrn,i:s . l!.r ··I··) .. -3920 t.llithlop:,.Su11 1·1111d 914-6 ~ll'1'1•11, l'<'•I 111111 hlat·k It: .i).\l~l)li.t.i · 1 S55UO l>Sl•lll',·l\11-tj;!;,:! l\lk 1111 Blk. VL·rv l'k.rn 1n111 =:!1:!2:! J~nsen 9732 :smMll1rm 1:io 1:,irn ••••••••••••••••••••••• * MBZ '7 5 280 Exe c:. $3999 7 I T 'ti!I t.ntu:-; New pa1111 & ' 3 FA L28 rn~ . m /~f't· 10 l.lflPI' Fu 11 fartory ";irr:111ty. S1)N·1al SI <!.IS9H. Su nrvol S..•r 1n1:rn. ·ii> \111:; Tari:a li:VI n11 t.11.1111.'11. ::.1 t>. :ioo. c ;ol 1 \\ kil) ,;, X!l:Hl:i·l7 ; li 14 :.8:J:i t'I 1·~ ,\> wk111.b. SL CPE S.1500 .. or h~l olr. 5•11H5iti Spd. H.vll 1·;,rl•llL·nl --. --1!"" n11l~·t•i.:1·. 1111;1 IX\ 1• Karmann Ghia 97 35 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $21-99 850 SPIDER Lii\\ milt·,., I i-1>d, H~l 1. r,11f1Jl' iO~lllZh: * MBI '7 6 280C Exec: Lux t'CIUIH'. slcr1•0. ntt'I p:unt. lll'llUl'1·d. kaM· .,,. purt·h:ise. (~t·r HJl\liil:! I. •MBZ '76 240D Exec 1973 9111 Low mi. w /every avail factory ,ill\ ,h,JI II i·.t1•' 831-2040 495-4949 1,;11 I.I I.! $2699 ---i.;:> :tKOZ. Sh11wr11om 1·•>1111 WE HAVE * M.ORE * LATE MODEL Nl.'w cur "''"'''1:11 SIO.m 5 You may µurd•aM: v1 ll'ase. Ser I lillli8 'i:l T11\nt.1 l.amhTlll">t'r. l'li.i \ \\ l .1111 1 .. ·1 \ .111 1m111.1~· .. , .. 111. """ 11111 rd•ll 1•111! ,\ tr,111• ·"''. lolSt~I 1111 .·::O l.'11"1 1111, illlX ::<l~,,~, h'I 11lt 1.::1 l'.1:~" DEMO SALE l•'°l \ W Sqhl,, 1111 1·111• '"I l•fl,,, 11111• ed. "'" 1h nt- Sii • tilt; :!~•.'1 .... '., ~I \ \\' 1111' 1 'll•.111 1·111111 l.".•ll ,111\llllt\'. 1,11 l.1.J ... 1 :~;1 011~11 ';.: \ \\, !'-II !'"I lll't'I I, :\I.ti!'>, I< .1d1 1h 111•\\ l I r 1•' , 11 • \\ I> .t I 11 I h1'.11h•r, I' I 111 I I 111\lh'f ~I 1H1 .l\X lf•li '6 7 8ic:entennlal Buq ·Flag Car Air 1·1111d . ma~· \\h1·"l' l'l,1r1d l1•11d"1 ~. 111.1 . 111:1-1K1.1 .• :..., ... 111 1td1~'" :n'1i-.:~1· 1974 Celica l\o·llv 1\1111• )\011k 1'1'11'1' ~!J?l.1 $:~'l:1i1 •THE CAR PLACE• :!ltlll l l.1rl111r 1\11 .J t".\I '7~ \ \V 1\11.,, Iii llflll 1111 , llt'\\ I .1d1.tl • "Ill t 111 :O.:ll.111 o.lll l<ll'IX o.j \'\\ Jt • ·hll • 11" '"'--r ... t.HI di d -;;s .!t11/. 1111 1•.11111 m.ii::-. ;-.i .. t:ilhe IJn\n i.:ohl iii· '74 FIAT I •Pl't'd, .11r 1·ut1il I(· 11,1,.1 ,\ 111 ,1 1,., 1111 S-lliOI 1erl'11 ,. as ._,. 11 ,. 01 ""'' ;,-,1 ·,•i!•.• 1.111. ma:.: \\hb. 1:1.111.1(1 m1 124 SPIDER KARMANN GHIA's House of Import' 213/921-8588 714 /S!l-72~ OCC:l'SSOry (.'u,.11111\ tllll.'t rnr & at .. ,.,.,,.11n .... h~ Thorton 1\p!Jr..11:,1'11 JI $12.5011. OI tcr11I al $11 ,i!HO. Fl I< .\I W /()IW \l',11' or 21.0oO nll l"tknd~·d warr;rnt'. I'\ l. l'ty 5:.14-11070or K:15. t:l:I<! '69 Toyota Corona '"' \ \\ 1111 , ~"od 1·1111.t 11 11111 1o1:1.\IW1';) lluyorl<o,1w u .. n t '"1"'1ht!> lolS l:!.'l:I Uurg uudy 1uth hcil:l' 1972 CAPRI 2000 -,:! ·-'lo/.,'\,•\\" ~h1tc·"~· • "I'~' t r11n •, 'l''·t·il m ·1 (l~ ~ ~ 71 l'.!OIS1•1l,111 '1'1"111 tr:in". ' · ' • u,,.,, I 'iX'Ctl, :.llH·I' Wllh rl'tf 111 "'· 11.11111 Slt'ft'" orl''tn~il I 01\IH'I l'Jr :.lt.'rl•U. 17li:il.WF) & r I :;.:~;·~1 r,7-; 11>n :\I u·q 't·ll' ,.. $4799 111lt•rwr 1ow 1111 ,., 1:,1~1 1;1.-, 1;,1:1 • t11~EYI I Uu\ 11r le·,,,,. SADDLEBACk VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495.4949 i I I l.11'1111 .1111, I 1lr. 1111 Jt1•lll' I <ti/IL• ;1 [ :_,l ~Ill ,\\I I-' .\I , 1.1tl1:ils. 111.1)!.., <111d1,pl;1yI{111 x, 1'1·1 l'I \ YI l>o :!H7X Fiat 9725 120W.Warner at Main •••••••••••• ••••••• •••• Santa Ana 557·2132 ill F1.1t R:it1S11.Hlt·r . e11m l, - -- m.1i.:,.. ·\:\l 'F\1. 1 r1\\nr 71 x1•11"1:11 , yl'llow. bl;ick runs i.:1 •otl I (X1<1/ li1•sl <•I 1 int. :,,;1.1111.1. (M:'i i>•il~I 1•1:1 ti 1>i0 TO CHOOSE FROM Or~ County'5 ~st Sel~ction *DON BURNS Volkswa9en 13731 Harbor Blvd '73 MB 280(; ('0U1Jl'. Lo mi. . xlnt cond. Lan , Call 'SK Por:.che ('.d.1raol"t. ~94·4373. XlnL dn n• tr:un. 1ll'nb ~"m" h11tly work . 510· 111!7 ----------- 2 L> ,. 11 .1 ,. ii I " I I Autom:ll" "11 h hlll'l..~·1 st•.rh r:\11\ 1111 HOW ONLY $599 Tow ne & Countr-y .\111., SJlt-i. 1. .. ;,,111g :.!Hii llar1t .. 1 • t 11-.1 .1 ~tc:-..J 646-4446 MERCEDES-BENZ FACTORY J\UTllOH lit-:D 1n-;.\t.l':H Renault 9755 •;x T"1. 1 "r""·' 'di ,111., (lH•r 100 new a11d ttM·t.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\tr. i:uod ,.11.., 1 '"'" r :id '"" 1:1:• 1 h7 \'111111 IHI hol"I "II~ Oll l 1111111·1 11111"1 1•\li.Jl"I ::-1.t.IMI h:-;1 , ,1 IK 11'>.I ·; ;1 :--11111·1 I I• ..r \,. ~l11t 1·1111d1111111 ~:r~1 1.t.1 h.il.1 ·;·1 l:apn \'tl. di' 11111•1 " '"'' ru 1111•111 .it '"" \;\1 F:\l :.ll'n·o 1•:i:<.,"ll•• ··I L'al nulw I 11n• .... lo 1111 \ll1L 1•1HHI , ~.1 ,111111 :.w.4111 !'vi l'I 1 i .I .'ltli'., l.l 11111) 111'.olo•I "''llH'I' 1111 ,\,\I ... \J l!.1111". lh.,•l .\tr I· 1r111 '7 1 1-'1.il 12·1 Spyckr 1111111 :-.I tHMI 1i 10 -11;j~I 1111ni,w sl11m 1111101 1·11ntl, 1973 Fiat 128 l'111111t•, I :-p1•t'1l. ill'" lift''· 11•h1tl lt t'll j.!llll' • GARDEN GROVE 534-4100 :\IPrc·t'<li'' 011 d1 ::.11l:i .1 '72Sta.Wqn.Rl2 111 .. ,,7,;11x.;:l 11'"" now! 4 Sptl , low n11h•:igl'. Nin• . HOUSE car L11·. 7J:JFYV. s1:J!1.;. Tnumph 9767 i:! \'\\" 1· .. ,. '1'1111 ( ·'"'"'". '\s Jlt•\\ ~HI" ,Ill ,•'H • :;1 111111! .\11111 \ 111111 111.lli \ \ll tt~. th'· •1 IU ,,,,uo ,., (.'"" wkn.J-, 1;.1.1 .ol111' 71 l':111n 1'.!ll011 . l .. pd \)I, F\l. xl111 1·111111 '"" rf . radial ... I••" 1111 \\ \lra:o. rnu't :wt'. ht ,,f:!lll/.. 111,1).! .... 111'. 1·01·· ::l{()('t-.::i:11;.'(1;,:J '"""" 11111 ~1 :.I'll . • 71i l:!l Ftal Sp1d1•1'. l>h l:!Xi.f It H I f\1•11v 111111' llnok ::>.! 11 i1 OF .. THE CAR PLACE.. • •••••••••••••••••••••• , . , . Maida 9738 IMPORTS :!llJO ll;irlmr Hlnl, C~I '71 Triumph I lllt'-.......................... li:ll·:!li211 GT 6 :··~· 12:.~i pt..'.1111·1 \'Ii !'-1111'1 :tll., l~jlll . Ill'\\ I 11 <'• .::~\10~ M't!'< t;!fh,~> I' I' ii ~I I•/., 111'\\ I'd 111'1 1!1'11 "'~ ;1;.111111 1111 .. '"·"' ( '.t 11 til:J •~111 1976 HONDA S SPEED HATCHBACK t 'ltol' II• n . 1 'hrrn \\'11·1• nm:-.. 11.1111t), 111·:-.I coll' Ji7;) ;;1r11; •BARGAlN• 'i;\ Fiat l:!I ~dr Slt'll.'11 . ~\wlwlt11,,. l "" 111·r Xlnl op , uncl . l r t1nl loll~ d ;, 111.1 l!l' ... ~.,11 1 l"l ~H:> '~t1t1t Bill Maxey Spec:ial $1499 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 l••ct.l l•d lt7 I \\\ HUNTIHl;.tONel&C.H JUNE SALE SPECIALS OH ALL GREMLINS '76 GREMLIN (E277900: USED CAR SPECIALS ~5 3466 .~T<SL 1973-1975 GREMLINS FIVE TO CHOOSE FROM ALL HA VE LOW MILEAGE Gremltn X /\11tom,111c ow• ... , :: ,i • I ! \~' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s1rcrinq b11Cl.1>t -.1 ,II'. s2495 <:ly1Pt1 wh o •Pl<; l r1w 111111 l'llJNPJ 1971 PIMTO <\ '-11•'1'0 Vf"IV N:onom1c.1I s 1 395 t1.1n•,pufl.ll1ll" fh1'1 t <11 wo11 1 l.1•,11onq1 ,•1:'7MIMI ••••••••• ; • .o:~.:.e.e•.~•JAVELIH .,...,odw1 'IOt"Y r .1111 1m,1t1<: l\·C & ow• f':lt.'•'11nll PCU'• v111v1 l11p $AVE till whr••I l\M r M :;'C'rPll r.1llvt• wl\o>('I'. & o n ly /'Ii ()()(\ 1!2MrW, ltl.'!HOl.'t:sscd . rnnsi!!ll 2 I J /f21·8588 I Spl'l'll. 1\;\I r\I 1.1d1i1. mt•nts & trade-ins. 1:1ti:'i 714/523-7250 1t.-.i1,•r h.1rolt11p 11: t.hru l!li5autos. Uuy ju:.l -RollsRoyc:e 9756 dud1·d 11.ttd 111 1111d lt kl' t:i k1n g O\'cr p<•Y ·71; :'llB 2RctS :.Nl:t n ll rown ••••••••••••••••••••••• model t.11·l'1tM' ~.l!ll"l•:t ~me lQ. 700 mtlt•s Buy or I ak•• COPELAND ,-,\'l'r 11.'u:.'" ID I t:r.:1 JEEP-MAZDA 'ii .'\1;11.tla. 1<-11111, Cpt'. xlnl t·ond. p, I pl). C..i II t;J9·2!12'i Merc:edeslen1 9740 :\kn·cik~ lh-111.. 'i:I 4:'io Toyoto 9765 ·;~ S1 111 111 •· Jo.1t ft1·r:m1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.I:: Anlhral·•tt· (; r"'" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·1111d, rn;111\ :-11 ..... , :-.111111 Xlnl c·o111I. lk:.l i11t;•r '74 To ota Celica Ill' lt1•:-l 11lrl\1: 1'11:!7 1973MBZ220D uH·r ~tl.200 On;.t ow ner.~ Y ., .. ·. . J\utom·1t11· air 1·1J11d 1, ·t l'tv 1.111 1 .•. 1 ~117-" ... p1l. t•xqw:-;111· c·1mtl , t,I I Ht1 .. 11n Im X 11 k.11111 • • • \ : ''· • t 1. I · I • I ·v 111 II I X !. :'\' T 1· o 11 d 1 t 1 11 n . · ----2~.~,1111 mtlt•s & I yr;rr 1111 1,11 ·.':111~ t 11111 . ,;1 ' ltilKllll\"). RU) ur k a:-l'. MG 9742 lrm1tl'1I 1111lc;1p·•\\':orr:i11 vii ,1oK ,•IJ l SADDLEBACK ••••••••••••••••••••••• ty a\,itlahh· l•li~MIFI 'it ~11 11111". \'\l ,..;,1 VALLEYIMPORTS l\!Gr.111>1.l·:T Spct·i:ils:tll·prii··· ,.11•r;11, 1111· 1.1 11, 11111 831-2040495-4949 c0Nv1·:1rn111.1-: ONLY$3195 111-.w. :!:i.111111 1111. ~:1111•1 ------J!liS. '''"'t'-k :.s than COPELAND ,,-, .. l••lil SPECIALS 1.71111 m1 , 11ncll'r 111111 JEEP/MAIDA ..... BX '75 4SOSL 1~~_:11~~2iHI tJ_!:i ~1:,~1 21~11 E l~l St. ~:'!~:::~?~.n•••••••~?.~~ ... . • d IS \ Fn\' :! hlks t ;i,.11 7.000 m1. Prii·t·d right. n .. :1 gl'l. xl111 . w1r1 S\:'\:I',\.'\'\\ JUNE SPECIALS! llurn·• !Ser 025!l7:!) whb. nu 11:1111l , llrcll M.BI •74 450SLC dutd1. S'l:ir,11 ·In 14:;1 558-8000 1967 vw CONVERTIBLE Sl"I' IL~ Urive 1L! Uuy il! 'i i .'\l1di,:t•t, :111.11110 mr 11.ISl'l·vl'I .1m Im. m:1i: whb. 1·;11111\ Br7o-?80S -ap11h· t't-<-4-Mk 111t-.. IW..1 l'l•rf l'l'I. a bt•auty won ·1 sharp! ~l i7ft tli!l-~J 1•1 1 l.1i.L ' l:!i~EL\"l. MGB -974 MBZ 250C & 280C ••••••••••••••••••• ••• 011cra l'"Ufll'S. Tl'll Io 1·h1111"' fr11111 Wow' MBI '73 4SOSL ·1;;, ;\l (;I\ s 110t1 c:'""'' 111111 1:,:! Olliti Dl'h I.' lhr:. t'al' :t111I ~ ou '11 11111 it' Hili:'.l iOSI i i ~\(; 11, It< aul 1· .. 11d . '7 6 4 50SL :l:!JHHI 1111 I ti\\ 111'1 \I II~ l.;100 ITII (';111 11' 11':1!'1' 1111"1' I'll l ,.. \< • ron' 111111·;(' r JH:.\J.EH HOUSE OF IMPORTS "''1' to .111111·1·1· )\:.n:111 "11; :11:!:1 "ill ;\I{; II \1111 I 111\d l.• 1111 !H1:\ H>(I,. llo •.,t 11111•1 \.1k1•., II. :m ~l lil\ 1.:'1'. ~ll'l'll xlnt 1"•1111. SIKIHI t'iill 'f (•IT\ •l I:! ;,;~1i or t. t:.! :ui:1!1 .. JUNE SPECIALS! ll.11d 'l o F1111I' 1\Tl·.:!11 t 9n-'fOYO'f;A---4--- CELICA GT 1967 VW "BUG'' l.1k1• '' \\ 11 1-.1'1•.ol 1 I li t.IFS> l'n•·•'ll 111\\ ;11 ,. OOH BURNS• S2695 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 TOYOTA 11-:·n 11.11 11 .. 1. 1, 1, MARK 11 WAGON 534-4100 1~"\'~~~'~1~~1~~·:~·:· BUSES VOLKSWAGEN 1;11:111tart111r , 1; c; 534-4100 '70 Toyota Corolla l S111·1•d, r:1tl111, h1·;il1·1 lolll.1 \tJI·: $117"-. CAMPERS '71 Camper W e!>tfalia l·'J;it '"" t.11 H ',I II I '74 1 Passenqer I .ot 1111h·" I JM.I \l I•\ I '72 1 Pas\cnqcr Bus '59 Buq, '6 7 cnq. ltu11~.-..l11t _,,);:.i 1,;:1 1.11..1 i:I \.\\ II 1i-\ l11t 1'111111 \II 1>. ..... 111111 11r 111ah1• 01 11·r .. 1~, 1::u .. 1.·-. 9772 •..•...•....••....••... '72 VOLVO I 64E ,\1110111 :11 ............ 11tl . 11111 •l1.,·n11;.: ,\ 1t .. 1H11 t 1:1:~1:1;) I 111/\ 111 11· I•• SAODLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-4949 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO \t 11 '~1\ Fl.\'\ 111 \" 1 .......... , \ 111\11 lh-1 .. 1 Ill I Ii ,11H!1 ( '1o1111 I I Ill \ 111 I.I \:o-1. 11111 '"' · r ttr:r«~~ 2025 S Manchestr-P-F---1 Anaheim 750-2011 t~ \ ol11 I •-., • 11111 It lu I t." '•, ' '\11 hr .1 1 • ""' I I ii I '68 Volvo 1425 I •I\\ \I ti• I 1tfl"' (tff I li1t 1 t I \.11 I I *'"" '"'' I I J I\ • ._ I ••• ,.. l I·'< 1. ,,, "·' ,·• \11111 '73 VOLVO 145 Waqon ' I .111 111 o 11111•1 11'1111111. I• 1• '' r 11•1 • ltt .ti' I I .... , I .11 I \ 1111 'I 1976 HONDA I 974' FIAT 4 soeed. l\M FM r;1d10 & s2495 low m1l1•s . Top gas m1tn;1gr :!1:1 !l:!I RS>IX i ll .1::?:112:111 :\11;11 i l <;T, J\,\l /l"M, Wll'I'~, 11111!'>1 :.l'(' ~ri\101111 lcr ('11ll lii:J·O;i112. 1 ~p1·1•d . ,, 11 'Hiid 11~,j f"l\J'. I '7 3 1 Passcnqcr \1·11 1'11•,111 l:!1CllllJt)1 '72 Camper Bus 1.,,,. 1h1 ••11• • I , • 11 , :: 1:!~1't ,, 4 SPEED SEDAN 52866 Plus TIU & Lie IMMEDIATE DELIVERY tSGA20235981 HONDA SERVICE SPECIAL T~~E $39.95 , I i' I !245KY01 1973 SPORTAIOUT WAGON l\UIOl'TldllC. Jrr r.011d1t1on1ny s2995 pwr slPer1ng I ownr 1 C,1' !38lNOX l FREE FREE FREE GET YOURS FREE! Wlttl tM ,...:It••• of ..., M W fW •tM car dwi114J h -""'of Jllu. GIVE US A CALL FOR DETAILS - '73 280C Cpe. 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'111•;11\1·r~. :\l1t'l11 lil11 •. 111,1111·.t 1'1'11 .. ~.;.11t1!) 1f(11'\ ("''I , l \·uh n I M~fV I J" I 1111rl . 111\1 "" • -.:111HI "II• ·11.1 ·• m ll.1 :-, :--t.1 \\ 'II :\lr:t Ill• •' '''"'" "" "' J•I 1 I I\.,\ 1111 .. r 111111111 111\\ f... h1 ch hl111•h1111I.. 1•1:1 r•1,:1 .ii I 1. p111 II.I\' t .ii I ··;.! 11 , ' I I· I Ill'' I I .. ' NEW '76 PACER Econo1111col 6 cylinder engine, 3 spccd from & more (A6E66~E350968) NEW '76 HORNET HATCHBACK FREE X PACKAGE (Includes rally stripe, mog wheel\, 1n.vfot1on pkg) f conom1cof 6 c>/,,.dcr, J speed with overd11•e. ''"'"d glo" & mar" (A6003/ AJS 1630) s3533 $ IMME~IAIEOELIVm IMMEDIAIEOEUVERY 3988 NEW '76 MATADOR 4 door econom•col v.a, outomotic, power stccnng, HD cooling & more (A6A857P295359) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LEASE '76 PACER 6 cylinder, auto .. oir, AM rod10, tinted gloss, power steering, decor pkg.. bucket seats. (A6C667- A334676) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY J.) """ :JC>'"-'t to"' 1 )'O') t'JP ·rd~\,'''""' ~ "'' ''h lt)t11 d.'oi ~. 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"". ~' 11 .ult 111 1•1 .. : \11111111.1111· "'' h '·" lo11 \ 6 5 Ch~vy lmpa.'.~.-•·q1•11•P•·d Ha h~ t.1111 GRANADA GHIA GRAND MARQUIS ,,,,c1 ,11, i111 "" 1·1 "" lh1t1 l•,i.illl•• llll\ Hhl .1111"1111 llZF;:,; "•.!.• Ill -·1" •'ll<IHl .1:1;1;1wi:! .. 1ftf,J'\I . . l"l"l••' o,',", '.l•,•1 Iii.• 11!.111 .. ,.1 I'·'' NOWOHLYSS99 '·""" 1r.11" ·'" •1111 4 -DOOR Chrys ler/Plymouth 1111111 I 111111·111 l.X l1t1p.il.i Sporl 1 "1'11' 1,;1'.,n<'lt•· .1:,11 .1111 .. run' ditiu11in1:. I""" 1 ''"'I PILLARED HARDTOP ~I l'111l• 11111.11 ... 111 \ I "I", )),1 , ,\' • : 11 COPELAND Towne&Country "" ilc'.111 i,::\I m1 l':-0 1:111111 S21HIO or l rJdt• 1111:. P"''cr h r ul.1·-... Fttllv p11w1·r •·q11ipp1•rl \1' .'o\l 1111 ,1111 .. "' l'\I •SALES JEEP MAZDA \1110 :-..,11, .... 1.,.,1,111 I'll \ \' tl!l'."1 ~ .. Hi J<,x t ... 11; l'.!lil ,\\I I· \I -..1,·n·o. i 111~ I 11111! ,,,,.,.,, i w1tn1f tlfr ""· "" 111 -.1!1:111 1'1.I'• J 111 • .:11.; ll.1rh111 1·,,,1,, "' ,,, n1<11 , h·uch .. 1 1r1m H,t11,,. "ll'<'rilll.! .\.\l F:'ol !'-li·n·i•. ' II '' 1,, • SERVICE •LEASING -'""'I·: 1-..1 :-..1 I 646-4446 1~1 l•lll',il:t :'\u hrk ... ~d Cougar 9933 wh<•1•b \ l11•aul'' 1.i, -~ . '1'111111 111111 1 .. 1 , \ l·ni \ 'loll,-.. 1.,1,1 11r1.,. nm~ & look, d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l'l'l\ll>I 1.11·11111 :111 11111dll111n111._ ,111,11 "\:'\T \ \:\,\ USC . -1 '!(1'1111 111 fi·lli·ltfii:; •ii l't111"ar a11tmna11c I , . . .$5299 1111\11 I. "111tlo\\ ~ 'Ill\ I I II I > I 558-8000 is -,.. n111I =->rw .. 1:.t 'dn11r 111 Pontiac 9 965 CHEVYis =I '°" i. 111 l\l.tl1h11, :!d1 11 "11 1'''· kt 11 "11 mi . SantaA"a t1•rnir.1t ~;1h1 •.11111l 11l1'' .i 11.111·111':11 " .:.1 tt1111111 •••••••••••••••·•••00 •• I 11 t t \I 546-1 934 o·verseos delivery you'll • like • IKE • SrrVl<;l' & porh now oprn °" <:.at·, 8 lo 4 for your C°"•f'fHf"Ct" J'I, I l\"1 111 I ~1111rl.d111111 Ill 1.1111111" ,, ,1111 l w .'.I '1' 1.11 I., fo,llll'illl\' ,111 111 I" \ I I I•'" 'I ' I "" I 1'Il11 II t' \\ I I I '' \\ I I ,1 f..1•, f\1'.1 11111111 < .11' I .11 .ill· I .. I' \I ...:::111,; , 1.i • 1t1h1t ,: \I 111• '•I tlf11• \\I h 'I :t,_t I 11tlt'1 ,J HELPMEBE -=1 l11'dlp l'l1u1w I'S,"'"' 3:~1111"101r ti lli:!J ll lincolnMercury l.'1·u 111 " 1 .1r l.11 .111 .. 111111, 1.1111.11. \l.1 1.1 l'.111 l 1!1•1·d 1('!;1 .-..111 , • 1'"1'1·11 ~;;~ .. li15 Xfill Ood9e 9935 1:1111:-;.Tu:.r111 i'<Hil.l'I, .. 111-r• ;:. 1.:•11 1'"111>·1Si..:m a 1 ·;:i \l.d1l1u Wh11 /\ul11' .111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Santa Ano 547-0511 $5299 , • 111111 . .1 .. ,,,, ·"''" ;,, p 1, 1o 17 '' 1111 , .... i., •iX 1111d hl' l'ol.11.1 11\1 1' Santa Ano I '1111 ,..,1111 -..1 K .• 11 CONNELL CHEVROLET )\.'. 1;·, ~:I.I It<!:! 11\l'1.cl l \ 1 uuul 11~1111 711 F111 dt;,ola\11-.:.!d r ''" Lin coln Mercury 1:11;.:·i lo•r 1•1•f 11;:;;: l•{J> .111111 I ' S. I' f\ .111 I.WI '\ r,"1111 Continental <i930 ~'"" 1•1111:.!l tnr l'I~ 11:-.•1 :!X:!ll I l;.irt.111 1111 d ...........••..•....... c 'OST \ :\IF"\ '73 LINCOLN 1111 t1••l '1•1t;, .. 1 1'.I CONTINENTAL 111'1 I l11dg1· 1'11lar11. ).!t111d l"llol '\<'l'<b lUlll'UV 111•,I 1111< I ('.d i !Iii:! !l.1ill ~I I. 'll~q1111 1·~l.1 \\::11" '"'' full '"' r .1111 1111 '\f'l i o. '''" t'•11ld lolfi 1,111 ~ SontaAno 547·0511Plymouth 9960 '76 MERCURY BOBCAT 2·DOOR 1, I . I 111 II II 'I :1111 P 11·.111 •.•..•••............•.. 1973 "DUSTER" f1 I,, •• 'ttl! t ti dU " 111 I"'' I I ltd ,\ I 972 POtHIAC LE MANS W AG0 1'4 . I q\\ IHtl, •• '1 ,\ t111il "I l'I ltl: 't"I 11 S ADDLEBACI< VA LLEY IMPORTS 83 1-2040 495-4?49 I I I 1 \ I I \I , .. I,\ I l ltl ~ ·' I I t 111 11~ .111 11111ol111"""' fHl\\0 1" , 1111 1. •·n11i; I"'""' h1 .11.. 11 1.111 .... , . ., 1,,11 1 11 MARKIV I '70 Challenqer 1111'111 ,\t 1.1d1•1fh 1.,.,\-. 11lo1 ll'.111' 1'111\ t o\qll' ,!lllll ''" , • ...., 9915 1111'11 1•1, I·'"'"' l\11\ 111-1 jl•I\\•' I"'"""''" '"" IP\\ Ill\\ IOI l.1k1• Ill'\\ I " I .ti\ ill!! ill"' p.r .1 -1........i-... ... ~~....-4\..\'-'"--''1-'-'-"LUJCL..L-"-...,_....._ ___ _ I l 1 tt, l J, I I, ... , :r1 "1"1 "'"' 1•1111 f , I ,j I I'll • ;u un lll!llll'tl lf!llo I\ I \' 111 Thund e rbird I ti I I 111 I l I "\ t \\ I 11t1 ti 1111 I, f .. l.tll\• I 1 ~I I'• pl\ 'I'' , ... " . , .. . ,, I 11, \ 11· ii I ,11 , A ulo\, UH·d 111 ••I 11 i. , . .i I .. ,.i I '". 11••1 ,\ II\ I I .... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' • 11 ltlr hll •h I G C'nt•1 ol 9 90 I 11 "' • ''''"'' •-'I "f '•• ....................... 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I.Hi t:'\ 1'11,1111 Santa Ana 547-0511 1,;, I 1o1ol •111 1.11 1 d , 1111<1 . 1 "" ., , 11 ',•,, Mu\tonq 99!>2 ......•....•..........• I .. , \I ..... , 111~ 11111 ' .. ,,d' •·•!.!I ""' t 1.d ,1, fl! • f ONLY $2195 COPELAND JEEP-MAZDA 'INtl I I t :-..1 " \ I· 1 " ' til i.. • 1 I -..\I \\\ 558-8000 ····•·•··•·•••··•······ '73 f 0RD THUNDERBI RD I' , ' I ''"' 1• I " \I • I I I 1'1 \ II I I I I $4599 , , . I I f\\ \ I If -1,JfftJ ,_,,..'-ill J: I ... '<~ I~ I 11,J :· I 111) \\ \I If I i 'h• \ 111kl I 111\ ,. ,\ 1111.111 ',I I Ill• "'" I 'illl Ill• 111..I I "11 If\\ I \\ ",, f \\ \\ "I 11111 1111 '.: .IJI" 1.11, 'o, 11'1 ····It 1.111 >1111:1 Lincoln 99'4 • l•'.t)I 1 tl ~·'' 1111 ~lr.1 THE DAILY PILOT Sonia Ano Lincoln Mercury I 11•1 \ I I •I 11 1 It I I I •II· ·' I I•' ..... • '\I II I"'' I I: ... 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'76 CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC EST ATE STATION WAGON \ h~'.llllil11l <'\l't'llll\l 1 .11 • I' 11111pt1• I 1· I I 1''11111'\I•'" \lllh It·~, th:11 ·, 1~~• llld1" l.11 1.J,!l'I·'\ SAVE 1 .idill.ii Santa Ana \1.l,tr1 I 1, .1k1 , 11 Lincoln M•,.cury I '.' 1 WI :'\ 111-..1111 Santa Ana 547-0511 Nabers J .. ,., __ ,,,..,, ·"''· ""' ,,,, d .11 111•1n' 'tnall 11\•m o; 111 a I ac .Ill\ 111'111 .111-..t l';tll h I~ ;1117X • I ' 11 1 I ,jft1<1o( C orvette 99 32 '6 7 Fairlane S800. •I' .:.111 \ ' ,111(11 .•11 \"\I 1.1.,,tf W1•11 Ill r ;,;11; 11111'.J 1111 II• \\ I "tit.ti,• 111.1• , I ,,:•1,,11 l.'1 11 ,,l \ ~ 1111 ""I •11dt,,,1\1,11• 1uu,1•11 (,,ii\ d.i\"' fi,\t ' 11\\1 lp,•,lnl1P t '''··' • t:w• 1'Ht lt•.t'' ······••••#••·········· 1" i I I. I :'-l'. (I I. '\ (.Cl '\' I' I\ 1-'. \ I \ I. • .f , 11.1 l'O lljtl' I· 11 I I I"'",., lo'o!I 1\1•!' •I ,1(.. ,ill I ho ·~1111d1t'' C11od 1·1111d1t 1••11 \I 1"1 ,,;,.·n I 11•1· <;1111111 "' , , 1· ' I II I I ,. I ( •• 1 I I'll 1·:~·1· 11, I'. I It 1\1 1-:S 1il,,1:•;l11 ;.1 \I 11 1, I\ 1·11 1•1111 .... l I\ ,. I \\ ' t • , I II I I ' lc•,1lh1·1 1111 Ill ,, . .,1 1.1p1 tl1·1I. lilt \\hi ''"'' • 111111 .. 1 I la\1 It•,, I 11m p.UI\ n•.1tul .u1111tl ,.11· t• . 11 •111 '1111 1 11n1I I '.ti I \Jr I,.•\\ I l.~.t 711'; I ~h.1,t(t Maverick 9947 ••··········•····•·••·· '71 ford Mav~rick \ h .qtl nm :II ll Jiii I "ll't'l lllh 1\ I \11 ,1 I ll .ill 1:11'.!l'lll I ~I'•'< 1:!1 ,,do· 1'1'11 •' ONLY $1395 COPELAND J~~'~ {.~~f~~A IS ,\ Fn\ ~ :.! hlk~ l'llSI I S:\:"TA \:"\,\ 558-8000 7:! :\111-..1.111:: l 1111\ .. 11 "'''. ,1Jfp1n\,1r S f1111~ \;'•1011 i1 l I l'\lk,H '\ I '' \ )\ ""'" 1111' I 111111fJ t 11t11I °'\JtHl•I • I \I 10-1 !111 ' 11 1111111 I "1111 I ':--I'll ..;:'>Gii 1.J" I", .. •l.1 \. ) l • I ,.l • I \ •• .1 \111 t.111o.; 11 :!.v:! di; 11.d 1 1111'1, I :111111. p 11 I ;11)1,11-.. ~I 1"~11111 !M1:! :111/11 Oldsmobile 9955 •.•••.•..•.•..•..••.... 7" f lid, 1 ·111 l.1'' S11p1 • r11• \1!11 ''"'" \111 \1 l•lf• \,.:.: , ••• , ........ ·i '68 TORONADO L11.11l··tl II \I,.,,~ t.11 \'ZT7 n '"'', •THE CAR PLACE • '.!lf•n I l,11 h11r 111' ol 1 '\I ,;:n :!f;:!n t,; \I ld t I UI 1 ' t •1 \\HI I ' t Ill• I• f 1 ·~ ·" ot1· Jll I "(~l1ti ·~ ''·" .... '" "" ... '~. ti•.i ; I t'11tl:1~' :-.11pr1 fi1•· \1r 1111~1 11111 \\l ~'.\I T•111 1«11111 11,,,,,, 1,11,x 1,1X Ill 1111 I• jil" 111 IJI HI I col Santo Ano 5 47.05 1 I I •• fji I' I' .1 ilolqnl1d1 Hiit• 1d I l1t• \ I I o) I' II' I I 111111 ol' I I 111;! f 11' 1 1 • ·11d11 H111 ,on \I I ti 1011 111 •lild I I I.ii• I .1. t11 Veqo ' ' 997 4 1974PLYMOUTH ••••••••••••••••••••••· ... 1l1•1!1lo' I II 1 .. 111 "'·''""' • \ •• I I, I 1111 I \\ ,t• ••O I"-\ ' ,, Ill , , In Ill' ,1p I 1tll'f II t1tlHl1 I 11l1u l t!I ti I • ' .... , l11 I I It "" •• ,,.1 \. • t I I \'. It u t h 1 ,f t 1 11 11 I 1n.1 , , \,,,, .uln tUt'l ti 1 'I 1 11 t 1dl 1 I \ 111 I l Of h I ft 0111 ttl tl1 111' II $2400 1974 PLYMOUTH ' U l1t'fl '"''If fl ill 1 I 111 I .ii I• •It \\ •• I Ufl ,1,P 1 I 1ltJ \ "( I 'ft! Ht• .tt I ' I •ltd ,, It •It ,,, ,,,ti11; f'"\\f' •t ,,, """' 111 ' ,1' • I ol< I. \11111 '•' ,,,,,, 11•'• ,, ..... 1.11 lq;hl 1111·l ,tll11 11111' h •I ti ' ;,, $2450 '\If I '""' ~'~·Pl H 11'~· .tf 1 .1 .\:-1\ l•ll 1<11 I. . I I. I \ • 11 ;11 I ti I 1 • •tt I I 1 I If I \ ' I I I .1" I " l11i 1 \ I • I If t '-,I 1 \', \\ 11li tt\ ,t I I t , lt,ttt' I • I ~·ti I I \ , , I , I \\ 1tt11 \ t •II 1111• f I l I" I I r•.111 . I I. I II. I,, Iii I '· I l1•;1tt t1ll'1ll tt;1l1J ,1 ,, ,,,.., .. llf,' "'"·•.' . ,.,, ' I, I I I,. 11 \ I ,, ' '• ! 11 I ,,, 11 I \I i ' ~" :\1.11 1 I'll j.. h\ l•llJ! .,,,11l.'r 1 ... """"•f!i'. .111 P into 9957 ,ftt·k.c~),·.111 • .. ·,••fif1lf ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COAST DAILY ·PILOT :1Ju \\'i•'t 11.o \ ~I <.:1"111 \1 1·~ .. 1°1\1\1 ,I l l.1td1li.11I. \\ ' ti •. d, ~ it 'Ii, ltl J •' t f 11 01 >h IHI.Ill \\I.di 111 , ,.; ill Ii <'.'I .1ut11 .11r". )':11111 llr~~ i:ood . i.1".11 Lorn SI 000 I'. I' ti 16 .S2ti3 • 7:1 \\ 1!11 l.1• 1111 II ;ult ab 111101 r;wk I\ hf '' hlu 1m f\11 Salc•ll111 Sp111 I \\ 11,,:1111 L1k" "''"' si.1>:;11 11rr (.;.111 Ex Int •·111111. ~11011 1 •, t !li!I :l..'i!IX Ply fi4 l·O:J1;, I .111~11m1· ., i I l\11!11~ \\ 11 1!11111 1.wl\.1 .111 .1111•1 \1!11 '11111'1. l•l 1 n11 ~ ·11~1 1, Ii ll 11• t -r ) • ' . A SHOPPING LIST OF AUTOklOTIVE Lt4LUES ON HARBOR BOULEVARD - IN COSTA MESA ,---,r-----.,( l T y y--=------y----y--~ I University Johnson & Son Sales & Service LINCOLN OLDSM OBILE CONTINENT AL HONDA CARS MERCURY GMC TRUCKS CAPRI r------·---------- BRAND NEW 55 Years 1976 Friendly A CARS & WAGONS! homph.•· _Family Service Brings You The GOLDEN TOUCH IRANO NEW '76 I HONDA CAR IHSl'I CTIOH-EYI U HEW C.U IS IHS,ECTEO 11 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • IRANO NEW '7" HAHO l'Ol l SHED· HONDA i STATION WAGON SJ177 .. ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • ZO Mill TIST OAIYf. ' 1 ' ' 1FIHAl IHSl'ECTIOH. l SELECTION • IS WHY WE'RE t-No. I " -- UNIVERSI fY JOHNSON SALES & SCRVICE 1 & SON 2850 Harbor Olvd1 2626 Harbor Blvd 540-9640 540·5630 '--. -~ .. BETWEEN SAN DIEGO FWY. AND NEWPORT EL VD . Theodo re Robins FORD CARS & TRUC KS 55 YEARS SERVING ORANGE COUNTY We're Makin9 Our 55th Birthday A BIG DEAL FOR EVERYONE Durin9 The Entire Month Of June! • 55 I t I I I I Nabers Cadillac CADILLAC AUTOMOBILES JUNE SALE! 1975 H.HTWOOD HOUGHAM Loaded' Low m iles. (1'146362) S9S9S 1 .. 75 SEDAM OE YILLE Leather. c1u1se control. AM·FM stereo. 8 track tape (682MCB) S74'S lt74 SEOAM DE YILU AM·FM s tereo . s plit power s eat. c r uise c ont r o l . l ea th e r . (659PCF~ ""s Earle Ike lm~orts V LVO TOYOTA BIG USED CAR' SALE AT IKE'S GALLONS OF GAS 1974 cou,E '72 FORD COURIER DE YILU PICIU, AM·FM radio. crurse WITH SHELL control, leather 7 to 4 speed. radio. heater choose (lft 074961 Low Sharp• (81855XJ FREE as $65'5 lf7l SIDAN DE VILLE AM·FM stereo. loll wheel. s p l i t p o w er seat. (If 157467) nits ... With nery new Pinto, Ma•erick, or Mustan9 sold from our G i9011tic Stock durillCJ J1111e. Cost of frH CJGS WILL NOT be .. d to purchaM price of the cor you buy Shop our Bin lt7l CALAIS · . .,, cour1 A n ft 1 • e r s a r Y AM·FM rnd10 . hit wheel. Discounts and you1t lacl i\lr cond . vinv1 top. know th is i s a (836JEU) boflafide qift to you! s4795 1975 DOOGt '73 DATSUN WAGON 510 Auto. tra n s •• a ir cond1t1on1n g, radio. hea t er, n Joe car (950JHKJ. 52776 '73 FIAT 124 Auto trans • AM·FM radio, heater Economy & room! (475HNW). l I Connell Chevrolet CHEVROLET CAR S & TRUCKS Don't See Us First ... But See Us Last! 11lf You Don't Buy From c 0 N N E • REGISTER FREE- CHARGER Cr1.11se control AM·FM ::.terco bucket seats 14t5MX6) S4'9S '75 VOLVO 244 L A u to . t r an s .. ai r corntrt-N:Hl~ng . ~·~------­ steering. AM·FM radio L heater. (055MPR) FoR VALUABLE PRIZES! • 55th SAVINGS DURING JUNE •HEW CARS •HEW TRUCKS •USED CARS & TRUCKS •LEASING •SERVICE SPECIALS THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbo r Blvd. 642·0010 1'74 DATSUN z•oz z+z Auto tr,1nsm1ss1on tact air cond . AM-FM radio !EAIHlGO) SS4'S 55176 ·72 TOYOTA COROLLA 1974 l'ONTIAC 4 speed radio, tlcalo" GRAND ,RI X (781 NRPJ S J buCkC't c;(';itc; rJllye S I 7 7 6 whrcls AM-r M .stereo (589LIL) SALE l'AICI 1972 Mii JSOSL courE ROADSTER Auto tran'\ ' AM·FM stereo /1. tapo. low miles (Sm 110057051 SAU ,RIC E 1971 FORD '75 LAHDCRUISER 41t4 4 sp1md. radio h1.11J<; etc Ready to go• (328MYNI s4s16 '73 TOYOTA CELICA l'ICKU, /I u I o I r a n s a 1 r Cuc;lom S·I OO Power cond11ton1ng AM·FM '>tec11no ;iuto tr.ins radio hearer vmyl rool mao whl'Pl'l. clran & (41.JJFG) sharo t41760PI s3016 uos NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. 540-91 00 EAALE IKE IMPORT S 1966 Harbor Blvd 646-9303 You're Payin9 Too Much!!! NO DELAYS, WE DELIVER TODAY! CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd 546·1200 I Bauer Motors BUICK' OPEL BRITISH LEYLAND LARGEST SELECTION IN OUR HISTORY! '76 TRIUMPH TR-J's IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .COLORS & EQUIPMENT • BRAND HEW MG MIDGET • f4 •.\l•tf•f'•I • TEST DRIVE TODAY ... FULLY RECOHDITIONE SPORT CARS ... '75 MG MIDGETS ! '75 JAGUAR j 2 uoo~J;~1~1~ tully rqu1ppN1 ;iu ;iu1nm;1111 ~loreo w tap•• now••! window•, '''"' Tiit dno1 IQCl\5, vinyl I OOI & only 11.000 mile~ (ll!)I NL(l) • $~VE • '74 AUSTIN MARINA 4 dl'lO• .11r cont1111onr"I /IM FM •.111t.1I 11'•" A oniv ; ono m 1 1,.~· t263MSP) 52888 -BAUER MOTORS 2925 Harbor Blvd 979-2500 All c..-s Subject To Prior Sal•, Prices Effective 72 Hours From Publication. Miracle Mazda MAZDA CARS & TRUCKS Costa Mesa Datsun DATSUN CARS & TRUCKS . ----- MAZDA. LOOK 1975 CLOSE-OUT Was ...... $5127 DISCOUNTED s350 Cash Back $400 NOW s4377 IMMEDIATE CREDIT ON RfBAH FOR DOWN PAYMlNT OR CASH BACK! MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd 645·5700 '72 TOYOTA A u t ,1 t 1 ,, n-. J' 1 concl111on1n11 1 .:id10 heal1·1 lnw r1111,•-. ycl.ow Wllh Ill IO..k ortlo•f lOtl 1=283·11 s1995 '72 PINTO A u I< t 1 .1 n , ,111 con r111•l1n1 no 1dd10 hCilh'r. lnw m1 l1"'' "'PP to apprC'r1<11e' 1=28471 52095 '74 DATSUN 8·210 HATCHBACK 4 speed AM·FM 1ad10, heater tow m•le~ e~tra CIC.in' 1~:?88~) 52995 '71 TOYOTA A u I o 1 1 a n c; .1 • 1 eonc!111on1n<; 1 ,, t.o h1'all'r onp ownPo . ..<. nice' 1:;:?8991 s I 595 '74 DATSUN 260-Z 2 + 2 Air comJ111on1110 AM f M r,1d10 low n111.•, v~· ,., whr:t'l'i S µr,1 ·1·d ,,, <.,.,,, 1"28·lol I s5995 '75 DATSUN 610 Tn~ 01 !111· lln•' /\ r cond11ton1n11 t10Clv .. l· mr1l1hnl'J fully 1ar 11111 <-<?u•PPl'fl •'IC: t:r031 11)1 $AVE$ '76 DAT SUN 610 WAGON /I I <1nd1l111nHt•I I"'''' h1• 1t"1 '/l•ltf)W W ltt t1 .i; lo. llil"t ii 1 I :I ,i!iflll1 ... and more! All cars have been completely c hecked by our \hop & are in uc~ll~t condition! COSTA MESA 1 DATSUN 2845 Haroo~0Btvd I 540·64 ~ HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ,. • ' ' • t I • FINAL SPORTS •I SUNDAY., JUNE 6, 1976 LOCAL WANT ADS I vE 6c2N THIN~tNG r\B OuT SOM~TH I N6 .. CHUCK. nAVE VOU AN D HAVE HER IT HURTS ro HAVE '{OUR FACE LAUGHED IN I DON'T WELL , SAL{ 50iHETH tN6 . SA'{ 50.VtcTrHNG I LIKE L(OU, CHUC~ EVER TOLD A 61RL LAUGH lN lv\I{ · THAT '(OU LIKE HER ? FACE? NOTHING NANCY /\VE S<)ME POPC OrlN \v OO IN6 !! ow!ooo! ow! l{OU WERE 1(16H T CHUCK .. M'{ FACE HUf<f S ,..\LL OVc~! NO I HANKS UNOER5TANO NICE TO .\l\E·. AND SENSITIVE To ME, CHUCK .. I !'LL SHO W '{OU... AND l1LL LAUGH OUCH! 000, ow! I !=EEL L KE l1VE 6EEN 5TUN6 8'( 6EE5 ... HOW /\BOUT S O M t:: FRU I I? IN ~OUi< FACE .. -Tm Rey u ~ Pal 0 11 -All rights reserved It) 1976 01 U111ted Fcatu1e Syndicate Inc .. I GUESS ,\\A"f'6E 1LL GO HJ.~\E I WONOER IF THIS MEANS i'LL I T'S BEf:N TERl<16LE NEVER 6E .~SLE TO TELL AN'{ONE TALK ING TO '!'OV, Ct1UCK THAT I LIKE THEM... .__ N O T r-IANK S v------ Bv Ernie Bushmilf er \/\/OULD YOU ( NC) Ll l-<.E SOM E .. _ 1 1 1/\1 II~'-) C/\hJDY OR ) I C E C I~ E /-\ M ? 'v 1-...v"_...~ --\ -v --l _ I WONDr-R WHAT.S Wl~O N G \V ITH HI M ----H E N E V ER I . • ·-=--°' REFUS E S F O O D PIE -EATING C0~'1TE:)1 - TODA '( /\-r 3 0 CLO C I\ • YOM HAVF! 9EEN AC~V1,EO O~ e~EAl(1N& Mv VA?e:, I~A .1 ). r .. DENNIS THE MENACE WE HAVE ~!VE co~~o~~ATING WlTNe~SE~/ ~- ' !~A, TE'.LL .\1E WH 41 ''.'.:'t i KNOW A60 t.fT \~Y \llN~ VA?E" .... MOTHE~, r ~Ave eeeN WMO ACC V1~ED 1·~ ~:;co YE Ar;:~ O LD, IT'4 \VOR 1 H A FOf<i!-iNE ANO IT'.,; · E31Z'OK'EN . W~ON&~LILLY ACC LA ~~O YOIA WRONG ~LA LLY, ,. O F B~EAKING MR. GR'fA'\MIS / ~ !~A ? ~---- VA7E ! I AM ~ IGHiEOIA$L V JNDJGNANI, MO~ALLY O\.AT~A&EO. ANO DEEPLY Hl.A~T .' ' -. .--11o--------JHE~E S HE 1£ ... O N L Y A coo-coo WELL, YOO WOULD TAU< TO KNOvV A FLOWEQ . MARGARET. C> t> C> r TAL..K JN' Jl)UP. H~~1iA LOOKOUT! rr5'A 9EE! 9UZZIN' £0UND.- . · . •••1•/i 1'1111~" • • i-.1/"N~rti!V "'" ~IJDGE PARKER <J <J <. PERHAPS SHE WENT DOWN \ TO THE RESTAURANT FOR \PINNER! r:-w-.----- . J /,-~ SHE HAS DINNER WITH ME ! WE ALWAYS EAT AT SIX O'CLOCK UPSTAIRS! TH EN I REST FOR AN HOUR t'EFORE ~==­ MY IRST SHOW.' f7l.ET ME HAVE \THAT, LEA ! -- THOSE RO SES! JESSICA WOULDN'T HAVE PUT THEM THERE! T"T--........-1 . l \ , f\5 WE kOOK BACK TOGETHER .OVER THIS PAST S ENIOR ~EAR .... WHAT WOLJLD you LIKE 10 DRINK? DOCTOR SMOCK t . ' I . ' ' ---') •.. ~ " !,;' .. 0 \:C . • .. -~ -. I'/V\ 5URE THE SAME 11-lOUGliT OCC.URS TO All OF ~S / ... _ ___, ..----- I •I \1 ) \. -- c~OWLEYs • BAR • \ ti\ ' a• l!I 1'0 LIKE 10 UJELCOM C. ALL OF 'rbU GRADUATI f-, SEN IORS AND PARENl S HERE TONISHT I WHC) ON EARTH DIDN'T THAT IDIOT I BRAD DAWSON I JUST TAKE A &AFET~ 11'\~TEA[) OF 1HROWIN6 AN I TERCE P110 FROM HIS OWN END ZONE AT THE END Of THE WALNUT TECH GAME.? by Ferd Johnaon -Hor soup, T AN [5 A- HoT TE,A) HOT Hor co FF~&:) WATER_ BOTTLE. -: \ , .. SG<.tBBLr 'it KIP.>l:'>I F. '_it'l~l~\?I \ '.JLKl~bl \:: HOW CAN 11-1 £.Y TELL. Wl-\I C~ ONES ARE fl Rf FU ES'? O<INK VO.JR MILK! IT'LL MAKE Va.JR TEETH AND BONES HEALTHY. SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE ( ., >> , - Al-BE!T 1I:MPOR1t~JLY • 11LL HAVE YOLJ KNO'Mi+BrnANPEf1 /AM NOT, I I Mlr;+IT, HDWEVE I COMMON H/1t+f+fJK I YOLJR 1'5TEfD"ON ~~WHEt:PLEO INIO LEA~~&·· C0llR5f, SE ALl-DWEp 10[:PITT!:RME. (YOLJ'IJ. OF r4Y ON A5 CHlturriLJR) r. 1 'M ALL AGoG-. EVIPENTLY 7H I MAKIN& 5AMART~RJ-NOT WAYTt+EY U5rPTO. 5 TuE SCRIBBLE SCRIBB~l:: 5CRIB0LE •• •i'• ,___,..__. ...-~----------------~6-~~ -r.e~u rr!3 · (;Lf Mf N1ARY FORA COMP£./f NT Asr~ONOM tR, .. ASIRONOMERS USED 10 IHINK THERE WfRf ONE MILLION AND SIX BUI lT-1£ OlHf;R S IX IURN£D OUI Tb B£ FIR£FLJE:S -IF' lrtEY MAKE: A WI SH ON A FIREFLY, rr DOfS~'-r C.OM£ IRUE ' I ' CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are at least six dirter· t>nc• in drawtns details between top and bottom panels. How quickly can you find them? Check answers with those below. 'JUHglJIP" nwnto:> .<11M•1no •9 'llUJ!IS!W "·"OJ>U),\\ ·r; 'JUi>UJJIP ~I lilt ... "IU.l ..r•un> ll IVT11l"'N ·c ·iua1a1J1(1 SJ IP A ·z: '!UJSSTW " Ul~I'< • t :S"~;>UN<IJJIQ BOOMER · Ila/ Kaulmall ~ USI· A IU .. U d J )On l•I ,111m 1111.-1:11d 111 1:.1~h o l 1•1i:h1 l1'11th· p1d .. ~. l'I."" tln·111 on Iii\· IJhk With ~ll\ t1'U \llld' 1l11\\ll .111d \\\0 rl·J 1•11J~ up. 1111.l111J111~ 1•nl· 11:tl "lid up .1t 11111: 1•1 I 111: -.uh:,, ~ .. ..,.' l hJlk11i:1• Jll} .. lllll' to pl.ice all the tl'd l'111h om: wJy by 111111· · 111.; only 0111: ol 11!1: tnothp1cl..~. WJnuni: Do nol alter th.: v.ord · 1ni; of this rcq uucmcn 1, or ) OU 111JY :.poil I he Irick. ----BUUETIN BOARD ---e \\'llAT'S YOl'HS"! .\:o~orll'rl enlrll'S in an ilUIO· graph album 1nl'lud1•: You.rs till lhr k1trhrn i.111ks. Yours till 1h1· bed bpr-cads. Yours till the fi n: l'~· capes. Can ) ou thmk.of ~ome? · ~ . e Chall1·111!c' lh·r lat'l' one lclll•r in thi~ wvrd for an 1•xumpl1• 11f how onr thing lruih l o &11ollw r: UEH :,\ 11.D Wh1th M 1..r": e ()u1•i.tw11 II 1111 ult.1-llCJ1111m•d autu wh1•1•I lu1,~ eight ~rnr~ h<'Lwucn spoh~. 11 ha~ how many ~pvi..11:>! i\11~w1•r 11u1ckJ). e I 1•ll·11h'·thb· \\h1ch 1 ~plom•r r11,l'0\1•r1•ll tomato p11.'! t;1H• up'! I low 11h11ut Juan 1'111<1 arn'! or cour~e. thc1c's J CJtch to it. Yo u rncrl'IY 1urn the )l'V<.'llth toorh· ph.k so thJl th~ rctl <.'nd is down, and fl" move the d ghth tooth- pick (at the cnll) lrom the table. ONE FOR THE MONEY'! Which o r rive anglers ~hove will win lhc ship's pool for hookuri: the biggest fish? . Ml-.:": \\Ortt-.1:\t.:! Add l'vlvr~ for n surprise pictun!· I tt•·1I. :!~l. blul·. :1-\dlu\\. •I-Lt. brown .• ~Flesh. 6-Ll. l(M 'n . 7-Uk. blut•. 8-0 r1111;:1•. 9-Dk. green. 10-Cray. l l-um·nd1·r. SPELLBINDER! SCORE I 0 points for usini; all the -----i~--­ lcttc-rs in l h !' "o rrl helt1w to form----+------ 1"1• 1·u 11111le•t• wonb i'\E I G ll ttOH fHEN ,,·ore-~ po1111, "'11 h for all -----1---- w11rds 11f fuur 11·•11•" ur n1ore -----11----- fountl .1mon11 I hi> 11'1 ' "''· Try to scon' at least 5 0 poinu. ___ _,.___ __ _ •q:ttu \u on . cw •.£.:h'u" ·•('1''-~"tl By Brown and Casson YOU SHOVLO L&I M& 1AK& 1-r ov&rz~ 1Ht K'e WA0 A P66BLf3. --=-:] I. v~ SORRY! I A\ ~JR~Jy ! l/\"-.t. ,I OV~f... IN MY l 1N£ ! 1Ai 6" rf Ov6R. \ Y'L ltJ I<' r [7oN'f KNOW LJJHY YOU !t1€N -r~1 N K IHIS GA/\<~6 IS SO HAK'D 1V SCOI<€ IN. AGAIN! ~ ~6-#6-----~--/r r {'"~~// ___ _,_ ___ ..._,,__. ........... ~""""~ <j the small society ·~-'(ot.J A.SIZ t'PS:, TH& tzs ALL A :.. -..... ; '):-IOTH ~~ ,/J 'D l'~A ,-. \._;j .'*-7 FO~ A~Y OF 'E-;v\ / le ~ 0 THE:ll< JO B TH E=N 1-S To IZ.LIN T~f:: COLJ NTN TO ovrz ~E:Nt:::F 1T- / 'M oTG?~To 'JOTE: lf'l E:IT~&Q 1l~ E: PFZ 1 /V\A !2Y 0 J< TH E= Novf;;;f/'g&.~ S L&c T10N1AND THAT's FINAL/ I l • b~ 'brickman --r--'-:-":-''.'--.;...;,~~--;___,_ __ Wf;LL, ~M.f;;~DY~ NoTC!?I~ µ1"5 ToB - '· \ DICK TRACY FORCED TO THE FLOOR . OF THE REAR SEAT., LIZZ SIDES HER TIME. GORDO WHAT WAS TflATl' I THOL)G)-I T J.IE WASN11 HOM /3.' ..--.. N DESPERATlON, AN IDEA IS BORN"' AS SHE . DEPRESSES THE C IGARETTE L IGHTER. 'HE ISN'T! ".;SHUDDER. 2- l··I 00/\/1T K.NOW J.IO W IT HAP-HAPPENS 8 LIT·-5 UT . · I I ,A ., HEN THE LIEU;:ENANT STARIED TO 5 ARCH PUCKER PUSS~ THE CRIMINAL. GRABBED ~ LIEUTENANT 1S .38 WH 11..E STILL RE TAIN ING HIS MOUTH WEAPON- ANO HOLDING L IZZ HOSTAGE. HOLDING IT TO PREVENT A NOISY SNAP - SHE LETS THE COIL GET RED HOT! 5 PUCKER PUSS DIRECTS THE CABBIE, LIZZ BENDS A LITTLE CLOSER TO HIS GUN HAND• • AUDIBLE CONSCIENCE! THERE 1V45 PAVLOV'S "OG! NO\V TJ1E=Rt=15 00RC'0':5 CAT< . . ,.,_. ..... ,y ... , ... , -- . by Chester Gould ·YOU HEARD WHAT SHE SAID, NOW.TAKE .. OFF!~- / Gus Arriola THE.WORSE PART IS-HIS CON5Clf:NCE WILL J-IURT US DURING S IESTAS! Our Women's Rights Panel Files a 1976 Progress Report · \ DAILY PILOT People Quiz: How. The Cl()ck' S" Power Affects Us All C•lANC!:: COUNTY, C~l!FO~NIA , , ·1. Plus a Scrump~ous Stew Recipe With Latin Zing Added! More of the good things that so many cigarette smokers are going for: I-'-----The long lean burnished brown look. The smooth easy draw. The slower-burning smoke that gives you more puffs for your money, more time for enjoyment. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. More what? More of a cigarette. That's what. FILTER 21 mg ... tar". 15 mq mco11ne. MCNIHOl 21 mg "u1r". 1.6 mq 111co1ine . ........ ... _ ... _..,.. av 11er c1gare11e FTC Reoon S£PL '/!> sk Them Yourself W•nt to Hll • lamou. pe1M>n • que1llon? S.nd the queatk>n • a ~. to "A•k.'. Family Weekly. 641 Lexington A ... , lffw Yo1k, N. Y. 10022. wa·11 pay SS tor publlaned que1llon1. So1ry. we can•t anawe1 otllar1. FOB. CARL ALBElt.T, Speaker et( the HOUM! I can underatand borrowing the Magna Carl~ bul hoto can you ;umtY the boondoggle trip lo England "'1 25 Senalon and lt.epreaentatif'e•, their wioea and ataf/, headed by you, at a 14%payen• cod of •100,000P-J. La Zizza, New Milford, N./. e 'The invitation for 25 Congressmen and Senators to take part in the London ceremonies commemorating the loan of FOR OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN Of all the countries you've lived in, which do you lilre best? -Roger Mead, Delmar, N.Y. e This one. I'm guided by the place I live, and I love where I live-on the beach In California. The people who maJce up our community are marvelous, a combination of young singles and young marrieds. Our homes arc Ear enough ap<ut lo give us privacy but close enough for friendship and com. fort. My immediate neighbors are a hunch of kids my age. rm so happy here that rm considering becoming a citi7.en. FOR JOE NAMATH How do you cope with the idea of having a disappointing season after spending months of preparation?-Tom Ca· hill, Wilmington, Del e When you choose a tveer in professional sports. it re- quires both physical ancl mental conditioning. Just as players have to leam to play with pain, they must also leam to adjust to the misfortunes of a bad se:\Son. The only good thing about losing is that you have only one way to go-up! FOR HAL LINDEN, TV'.t ·Barney MUler .. Did your parents want you to become an actor?-R.C., Washington, D.C. e No they didn't. In fact. they're still waiting for me to melce up my mind about what l want to be when I grow up. FOR EDITH llEAD, costume dc.rignn I know your hairstyle and glasses are your trademark, but don't you ever feel the urge to try other hairdos and con- tact leDKS?-Mrs. Joy Allard, San Antonio, Teii. e I've tried many other <.'Oifs aud. since I work at a studio. have expt'rimented with different wi~s. The results were pretty fri~ht<'ningl I feel v<'ry comfortahlc in my "'trade- mark .. glasses. but one of these <lays I thiuk I will give ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ...... FOB. THE .. ASK THEM l'OURSELY EDITOlt. I always liked Betty Hutton and was shoclied by news of her hrealcdown and her job u kitchen belpet' at a Rhode bland rectory. Are things looking up yet?-L.V., Jackson, Mich. e Yes. She left the rectory la.~t Au~u~t. and now Betty, 54. is on the West Coast workin~ on he r a11t11hiogTaphy, for whi<:h slw's saiJ to be ~etting a $SO,()()() advat1<.•c. It'll come in handy. She was practically broke. Until 12 years ago she made as much a..~ $1 50,000 a week, and she estimates she w1·11t through $9.5 million as a movie star. ln the book. Betty ( fiv<' times unhappily manicd ; mother of three girls) will ~ny Jwr hr~:tkdown started with pills -pain killers to twlp clull the injuri~ !!lw incm red malcing "The C rcatt'sl Show on F.arth" movie. l.nst July, Earl Wilson arrangt•d a b1•11t•flt pnrty for her. ancl the overflow audience bf entcr- t~irll'rs and VIPs l'Onvinccd her sht: wasn't forgoth•n. Cow r Photo Dy John Neubeuer an original copy of the M~gna Carta to America came from the Lord Chancellor af\d the Speaker of the House of Com- mons. It was not initiaPec.1 by the Congress. I feel it would have been an insult to the British people not to participate in this historic ceremony. The cost of the London visit is estimated lo be $30,000, not $100,000. I might point out the British are spending more than $1 million to celebrate our Bicentennial. FOR PHYLLJS GEORGE, sportsc<Uter . Other than dropping your crown after winning the Miss America Pageant io 1971, what was your most embarrassing experience as Miss America?-CliBord Sampson, Lafayette. Calif. e I believe it was when a man walked up and said, MYou tuid such a beautiful voice, I can see how you won the titJe.N I thanked him and didn't tell him I had played the piano- not sung-for my talent in the Miss America competition. FOR JOHNNY BENCH Who was your baseball idol as a kid?-janet Shaner, Council Bluffs, Iowa e Mickey Mantle-a great player! FOR DR. JOYCE BROTHERS Is it true that in a few years you plan to become active politically? If so, why?-R.C., Asbury, N.J. e As a psychologist l see so many things that .need fixing. I feel I've done as much as l can in my own profe.~sion. Now I want to try to work in a situation where I can have some effect on wht>re our rountry is going. Most Con~ressmen are lawyers. They're not psychologists or psychiatrists, who understand the needs of people. So I feel I have a great deal to contribute because l know what people need and want. FOR TOM LANDRY, coach of the Dall.as Cowboys Sportswriters call you "the coach who believes in miracles." Do you believe in "miracles" in daily life, too?-Joel Allard, San Antonio, Tes. e 1 do believe in miracles io daily life. And the reason is that I believe all things are ~sible with Cod. My faith tells us that if we pray and believe, then we will be able "to move mom1tains"-and 1 believe that. June 6, 111e /Uml(Y Mteldy The Newspaper Magazine " l"lftllca!Mft Of DowM C-lcallou, ''"'· Rarmond K-.._, Cltelr-n ot Ute llurd A. Edwerd Miiier, Prea/dent ~·~ D.nnemen, P1Hl•n1, Down• l'ubllaltlno CHAALEI E. PEAAY, Ptetldem and PubllalteT MORTON FAAHtC, Chairman PATAICK M. LINIKEY, V P.-Ad Director MOAT PERltCY, V.P.-Editor-in-Chlel 0..-.ld S. Wroe, Ad Manager; AK:Nrd 0. Carrot!, Reynolda OodMft, Managing Editor Assoc. Easlem Mgr.; Joe franr, Jr. Rlcflerd Va!IUtt, Art Director Western Mor.; L-rence M. Finn, Detroit Mgr. ROMlyn Abrwwaya, Senior Editor ,.rklna, Stephana, won lier Ueth and Harward, Marilyn HanMn, Food Editor Calll.; Kent D'AIHaan*o, Marketing Mgr.; Jolln Associate Edlto1s: l11m McGan1ty, Mu11>hy, Prom. Dir ; Caryl Eller, Mdang. Hal Ulndon and Aobln A. Thruatl PUeUIHE .. lllELATtONS: ROBEAT D. CARNEY E•tefle Walpln, Art Aul.; Olorla Brier, Pictures and LEE ELLIS, V.P.s and Co·Direclo11; Conl1ibut1no Edlto1s. llny 8ort9teln, Robert H. Men1ott, Mgr. l'll9lllHElt IEJIYICEI: Aobert Cum1n, ,.er J. Oppenheimer, Allbert J. Cllrlatlan, Mgr.; Jatnff 0 . Bafler, Anita lu-r. Business Manaoe1, Robert lantlar, Promotion; f'ltODUCTtON: Richard Miiian, Dir.; Marvaret AIHander, Public lnfo1ma1lon Mor. Rober1a Collini, Malloup. ~eadquartera 6~ t Lexington Ave .. N.Y .• N.Y. 10022 ()} 1976 FAMILY WEEKLY. INC. All rights reserved Co•plletl •Y Fraaee8 Spatz Leighton .· Has Women's· Lib Gone Too Far- Or Not Far Enough? Seven Prominent Pol.Ideal-Minded Wmnen Give Their Answers Five years after Womcn"s Lib be- came a household phrase, FAMILY WeenY'a editon decided to find out how some of America's out- standing women feel about The Move-- ment's progress. We asked seven politicaJly o riented women these three questions: 1) Have women gone too far. or not far enough, in prcsaing for their rights? 2) How do you feel about the status of women today, aod what would you lite to sec happen? 3) How hu Women's Lib influenced your own life and marital status? This is what they said: REPRESENTATIVE MILLICENT FENWICK (R.-N.J.) ''We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go-and· part of that distance is within our own minds~'-Betty Ford I'm not a 100-pcrccnt gung-ho libber because I don't lite women being made to feel that if they don't have a job out- side ~e home, they are some kind o( second-class citizen. But I still want to see the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed-if only to give women an equal break. Let me give you an eumple. If a working woman and her husband both retire and the husband is getting Social Security. the wife cannot get fuU benefits unless she divorces him. This means older couples have to divorce each other. in order to get the payments of two singles to lil!c on! The ERA lost heavily tut November in two states-New York and New Jcncy. LORI WILSON State Senator In Florida Lori Wilson Is ~rt Cherokee and 'prOud of It. She Is the only woman In the 4G- member State Senate and the first and only Independent ever elected to any of· flee In the atate. Rep. Fenwick Is the complete liberated I think this wu because people saw it u t-----,w_om.,...,....,a_n..,... o:-S_he ___ w_,•....,n--,,...sm~o-kes~a--'-p-'lpe.,.,..... ,..,,1n_eo __ n-,.....-__.~~u...1.u..1.oc..i&1ixu·1y • ..Many _wQLM_n_ 4-id Women should win every biatorical award there is for patience. Almost 200 years after the bin.h of this nation, we still have more than half our population pressing for its rights. It is indeed a shame that to some, bra burnings and march-ins !eemed nc:cessary to get media and public attention. But during a long history of 5truggle, there may be contro- versial methods inspired by impatience. oress, ahe wor 1 on ° comm .... one not undcntand how ERA would affect of which Is the Small Business Committee. Women have had a reaction recently against Women's Lib-il's something.like Future Shock. They aren't sure what will happen and feel it's too big a change to· handle. Many arc now jumping back to the security of being cared for and pro· tccted by a man. But il'a too late for that. In divorce cases, the courts arc already acting u if men and women arc equal, and they're not giving alimony-or much alimony- if the woman hu a good job .• • e FAMILY WEEKLY, June I, lt71 child support, alimony, Social Security and insurance, and it was not made clear that ERA is concerned with all womcn- thc professional, the industrial worker. the homemaker, the business woman, the household worker. But it would be a mistake to take the setback too seriously. Equal rights for women arc obviously going ·to come, ·sooner or later. All the discussion and emotion which accompany debates on the Equal Rights Amendment will seem strange in a few ycan. { -1...d" to be "inftucoced" b Women's Lib. I was already liberated. I cut my teeth on the concept of Hberty for all people. The question is simply one of equal treatment and equal oppor- tunity for all people. Jt is part of my heritage, part of my soul. I have preached and practiced this philosophy with my own children-two daughtcrs- and my stepson and stepdaughter. For- tunately, but not accidentally, my hus· band imd I share the same general phil- osophy. Our individual basic right to be different and to achieve to the extent of our individual capabilities and motiva· tions keeps us busy -but never bored! AUTHOR PHYLLIS SCHLAFL Y Phyllis Schlafly Is an opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment, which, she hap- pily points out, was defeated In 16 states during 1975. She Is also the author of seven books, the latest of which Is "Kia· singer on the Couch," and has a twloe- weekly radio show. There is a noisy minority of women today pcddljng the notion that women in America arc "oppressed," that mar- riage is slavery and that the home is a prison from which women must be "lib- erated.'' But the plain fact is that most women would rather be loved than "lib- erated." They would rather cuddle a t>aby than a typewriter or a factory machine. Women's Lib is waging a special war on Cinderella and other fairy tales which end with the heroine finding~_h_c_r ----.t Prince Charming and living "happily ever after." But what a t.ragedy to shatter a youna woman's hopes and dreams by falsely telling her that "Prince Charming" doesn't citist. Of my own life, I can hon- estly say that no career achievement could ever match the rewards of a happy marriage, a faithful husband and siit good children. The only inHucncc Wom- en's Lib has had on my life is to give me the fun or debating women's libben and cit posing their tunnel vision of life's chal· lengcs and opportunities. Let me tell you where the American • ''Most women would rather be loved than 'liberated.'"-Phyllis Schlafly woman stands today. She ia the moat for- tunate penon who ever lived. She bu more ri&hta. more opportunities, more leisam, and !DOR fulfillment than any human bu ever bad. State Ian give her the right t.o be financially aupported and pnMded with a home by her bl.llband. to have her minor cbi.khn supported by her husbaod. to get credit in her him- band's name. to draw Social Security benefits based on her husband's earnings and to be provided for out ot her hm- bud'a property after be baa pmed away. She bu the right to enjoy her baby in her own home, instead of (u in some countries) being made to stay in the work force all her life. If she clKlOlel a cara:r, lhe bas full and equal opportun- ity in hirins. pay and promotiom auu- antced by the Equal Employment Opponunity Act of 1972. She bu fuU and equal opportunity for every type ot education guaranteed by the Education Amendments of t9n .• bas tun and equal opportunity for credit under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. She can be elected or appointed to any position in the country. Yea. we've come a loo1 way, baby, since women bad to roil endless houn K'Win1 and washing and ironiq dotha, spinnina yam and in eodlaa preparatioo and cooking of food. We've_already been liberated. Thomas Edison, who gave ua electricity, wu our greatest liberator. FIRST LADY BETIYFORD First L.cty Betty Ford has long been a spok•perwon for both Women's Lib and the Equal Rights AIMlldment. The debate over ERA bas become too emotional, mmdy because otfean about the cbanga already taking ~ in America. Change by its very nature is threatening. But it is a1ao often produc- tive. The fight of women to become more productive, accepted human beings is important to all people ot either IU- 1 hope 1976 will be the year the re- maining needed atatea ratify the ERA AmcndmenL It would be an important symbotic event durins our 200tb birth- day to show the American ~xperiment in human freedom continues to expand. But it will only be a beginning. As ( see it, it is not enough merely to change laws. We also have to change our atti- tudca. I have been diRrcuc:d by the '-ck of appreciation of the role of women as wiYea and mothers. In trying to open up new cboica and opportunities, women must not underestimate their accomp- lishments in the home. I've been lucky enough to have two careers. When I was youna. I cboee a career in dancing and loved e.very minute of it. I never thought there was anything ebe in the world that would turn me away from that career. But then I be- came a homemaker and reared four individual and delightful youngsten. I found that this carur was equaHy cbal- lengina. Let's face it: being a homemaker u a profc:u.ioo-and we must look at it as such. We have to take that jimt" out of "just a housewife" and show our pride in having made the home and family our life's wort. Downgrading Ibis wort hM been part of the pattern in our society that has undervalued women'• talents in all areas. What I'm saying is we have come a loag way, but we have a long way to go- a.nd part of that distance is within our own minds. REPRESENTATIVE SHIRLEY CHISHOLM (D.-N.Y.1 Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman to be efected lo Congress in 1988. For the put five years, she hu been on the Gallup poll's llst of the 10 Most Ad- mired Women ·ot the Worid. A lot of people tell women, "You've come a long way, baby." But whyia it that out ol the 10,000 Civil Service em- ployees in this country who mate $26,000 or more a year, ooJy 10tnC 200 are women? And why, as the Depart- ment of Labor has reported, do women who are full-time work.en average only about 60 percent of what similarly em- ployed men earn? When I ran as a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination in • 1972, I was successful in opening up a national discuaaion on whether a woman could ever be President of the U oiled Stata. Until tluu is oo longer a subject for debate, the women's IDOYelDeDl luu ""' fON Jar ~rtOflgltl I will not be ll1isJied until I see more women breathing the rarefted air that surrounds the buainea wortd. better pen- sion beodits for working womco, a na- tional day-care program, an cod to discrimination in vocational education- and until J look around the Congress and see that I am no looger some kind of oddity. How has the women ~s movement in· ftuenced my penonal life? It's something I don't go around shouting about, but ru level with you. rm the politician ol Cunti1111~d GET NEW SCAMPER AND SWEEP SOME GREEN BACK INTO YOUR POC We'll give ~u back a buck when you buy new Scamper-the \A.Orld's funniest looking outdoor 9.Ne.eper. Because funny as it looks, Scamper 9.Ne.eps circles around ordinary push brooms. It's beautifully lightweight. to make ~eping a breeze. What's more, it cleans at any angle. On most any outdoor surface Another thing. Monsanto backs Scamper with a one-year full warranty. It's that tough. So look for Scamper where brooms are sold in many of ~ur favorite stores. Then send in proof-of-purchase, along with the certificate on the right, for ~r dollar refund. All things considered, ifs a pretty nice way to clean up. ~ OUTDOOR ..,....._~_._ SWEEPER lllUJD«IW The hardworldng outdoor sweeper that's hardly any wotk at all. ---------------, • I Return this cer11licate along with the words .. outdoor sweepenrom the $camper sleeve ta Scamper, P.O. Box 629, Maple Pl1ln, MN 55359 Name __ _ State _______ Zip ____ _ Limit one refund per family. Allow 4 weeks for re· I fund. Hurry! Offer e11pires December 31, 1976. L--------------------~ ' Women~sLlb Continued the family. My husband, who's West Indian, is a gounnet cook who does all the cqoking when I'm home. He enjoys it. l doo't know what ia right for you. but this is right for us. GLORIA SCHAFFER Connecticut Secretary of State In 1970 Gloria Schaffer won her office by getting lhe largest Democratic vote In her state. When she was .-.elected In 197'4, It was with the greatest vote for any state candidate-Republican or Demo- crat. This year Mrs. Schaffer Is running for the U.S. Senate against Lowell Weicker. I must admit to having been quite "unliberated" when I decided to run for State Senate for the fint time in I 9S8. I went lo my husband, Eugene, and uked, "Can I do it, and should I?" He con."'idered the fact thal the district we live in was a Republican stronghold, that the Jut Democratic candidate bad lost by an enormous margin, and that only one Democratic candidate for St.at.e Senate had ever been elected from our district in history. He said, with an .amused air, "Sure, ,why not?" He never expected that fd win or that I'd serve a toral of six terms. I can't deny that my husband, a real- :~ '~ • ~ ............................... m11 .............. m::1 ...... m! ... estate developer, lS sometimes less than thrilled when rm preoccupied with my work or when my professional schedule conflicts with our personal plans. But I think that the compromise this kind of life demands has given our marriage an added measure of mutual respeci. I don't view the ERA as a "for women only" issue. Its ratification would elimi- nate discrimination against men, too, such as inequitable Social Security bene- fits, pension laws and so forth. But I want to see a change in wo.men's altitudes. For example, women consis- tently vote less often than men. Studies suggest that men are more informed than women about ERA. But, when they try, women have shown they can win high office. In fact. the win-rate for women running for state legislative seats last year was a very healthy SO percent! I'll never forget the night just prior lo the 1958 election when I attended a parenta' 'night at my daughter Susan's school. She was 8 at the time. The chil- dren had been assigned to write short biographies of their parents, and they were posted on the bulletin board. When I entered the schoolroom, all the parents started to laugh. They had read Sosan's paper which said of me, wMy mother is always running for some- thing ... I sure hope she catches it!" AMBASSADOR LOUISEGOBE Louise Gore Is the woman who chal· lenged Gov. Maivin Mandel of Maryland in his bid for re-election In 1&7'4. At the 1976 Republican Convention, she will be Mary- land's Republican National Committee- woman. For four years, she was U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO. When I was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates back in 1962, I met with my newly elected colleagues to dis- cuss which committees we would choose to serve on. Of the six of us-all male but me-I was the only one who asked for the Ways and Means Committee and was duty assigned. I was amazed and plused. Aher all, where the money is, is where the power is! But it wasn't long before the five men figured this out. They called me and politely suggested I give up the position to one of them. Well-, you can imagine my answer. The air turned blue! Even- tually, I waivered and consented to take another committee assignment. Today, thanks to Women's Lib, no man would have the nerve to suggest that a woman could not handle the job. I still get furious when I remember that day, and I tell about it now to show that Women's Lib luu made a ditf.ermcc. The real trouble with Women's Liber- ation is men! Men are afraid Women's Lib will drive women I rom home. But that's a lot of hokum. If a man is upset by Women's Lib, ask him to tell you about ~is mother or grandmother. Sud- den1y he'll be glowing with pride as be tells you how capable she was and I.he many sacrifices she made. Then ask him if be wants the woman in his life to be different-to sit all day watching TV or playing bridge. It's amazing how fast a man will see the light! Today women have laws guaranteeing them equality in employment, credit and pay. But the ERA would provide a Con- stitutional guarantee that these laws can- not be changed in the future. During World War II, for example, there was an equal pay provision, but after the war this provision was quietly retired. We need to correct the oversight of history and make the "We" in "We the people" mean women no less than ,_ men. The ERA will take care of that. lilllll Look into Reynolds Wnu> and save 65¢. The75-ft.me ~Wrap . IMM' has 65¢ worth of coupons inside the roll c ~ .. Slem kr .,._ __ (• hi get big l8Yings 00 4 big-name products. 2~ off on Cricket~ Disposable Butane Lighters. I)¢ off on Daisy~ Disposable Shavers. 1)¢ off on Slender® Diet Food from Carnation, in c.an or box, and I 5¢ off on Alka Seltzer~ And you save again , just by buying Reynolds Wap in the 7S-foot economy roll. Its the best~ around for food wrapping and food storing. Look for it in specially marked cartons and get your coupons today. Limited time offer. VaiJ ~ ptulrib#et/ by law Reynolds Wrap. The Best Wrap Around Smokers are talking about a new kind of cigarette. It's MERIT. The remarkable new low tar cigarette made with the 'Enriched Flavor: .. process. MERIT has only 9 mg. tar. One of the lowest tar levels in smoking today. Yet , taste tests proved that MERIT delivers as much-or more- flavor than cigarettes having µp to 60% more tar. If you smoke, you'll be interested in what people like yourself are writing to us about MERIT -Mrs. Robin Kay Wiiioughby Hollywood, Calttoml• UfJ'1MnJ{9 to an of 7ou for •~mnc 'enridld /kller?" -sheldon M. Weisman 0.,1•.T••• "For ye•r• I .,, .. conlfin&..t you couldn'I lua11e low tar and uuee. ~nft• for provlnc me wronc." -F. W. Hammerschmidt Amityville, Long l•l•nd, N-York UWJNn I .. .., die ear and nkodne ~unu I .., .. .,,..~ . .,,· -Mra. f . Summer Fl. ..._.,dele, Florida Ull'• 11nJ NJdorn tMt a """"'"' rM117 ,,,.,,,._... rne, kt Mmt /liter• •re p..,_,, -&IP. Ander90lt ............... MF.RIT_. MERIT MF.NTHOI. "MERJTMendlob prollille • 11ery •INtwnc ,_,.,.,.. 1 am ..,re 1 Wiii lie msoJtlnc thu .,...,.. frorn now on." -Mrs. Margaret Hargan Memptll9.T- -Mrs. Christine Buczak NewYol'it,NewYork u1..,e trle4 odter low ear .,,..,.... u dley ~..,,..on die rnarJtet, ..,t daey an 1-Jted .arnethlnc. Mmt ha IMt 80rneddnc the other• 1-Jte.,, -G. E.Noble Or1endo, Florlda "· •. I couW ,...,. told you •fin die /h'•l JN"Jt tMt you ,...,. runy come up with 80rneddnc.n -0one1 Green Wichila F•lll. Te.CM Ucrhe ,..,,.. MERIT wu pnf Ully w•rrankd. A Coad lhlnc u luard to /lnd in 1hu uy •nd •ce, llul you ore ~•me up with a winner in my llooft-" @ Philip Morrh l11c. 1Q76 -Mr. Kenneth R. Wilson Akroo. Otllo 9 mg:'tar:' 0.7mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC Method. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. llCH NIW COLOIS1 •MINT. GIEEN •_IOSE PtM« • SKIPPER • SKY NAVY BLUE I , llDS1 ,, .. " ., .. 1•~ .. ,."' 1 { ... 1313 W. RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL.111J61J7 1.61Jti1( 1~ 6'/ 1h.d .. I I I I I I I I The Super-Loold s.....t ........ for P.-t-Yet c.....e ........ fer ......... ......... FANTASTIC FITTING! genuine, deluxe 95% Poty- esier, 5% Nylon KNIT ... Machine WOtlt/ Dry, Wrinkle- Resistant, Iron-Free, Shape- Koeping Miracle Fabrict MADI TO SIU POii j" fl YOU SAVE $4.00 HERE ONLY ••• $ SAVE MOREi 2 for $25 Style K-50 COMFORTABLE ... two huge patdt podi.ts, .... plastic belt, kw'8 front zlpper Clp9ning, brief ~ . . . .. •• , IJ1 alhiiuig .... GUI and difhr• and ..... to ... you ft91, ...... day or ewningl a-,_.... .. ..,_,.._._ __ ........... __ , ......... __ -_,,I.AW COO.. C"'1UIOU. • ---,,._ ... 0 •NO C.0.0. I .. ,., ,-.... ___ .._.. "-(PrtRt>-----·-··· ~--~~~~~~~ Qty·~~~~-·-~~~- People Quiz The Strange, Subtle Power of Time TRUE OR FALSE? 1. People who have time on their hands -the leisure to do the.things they want to do-are the luckiest people of all. 2. How liberal or how conservative you arc when you vote is likely "to depend on whether you're in a hurry or have plenty of time jo the voting booth. 3. How well you remember something depends on what time it is. 4. fior 101M people, time proceed$ at a snail's pace; for others, time fties swiftly. You can tell which person is which by lbe way he waits. 5. Noise allccts the speed of your in- ternal clock. I. The do.est time ever comes to "standing still" is when we are gripped by some strong emotion, such as fear, anger, joy, etc. ANSWERS 1. False. lo a survey conducted by the University of Michigan·s lnscitute for Social Research, meo and women were asked, .. lo geoeral, how do you feel about your time-would you say you always feel R11hed evco to do the things you have to do; only sometimes feel rushed; almost never feel rushed?" ThOK who did not report always feel- ing rushed were asked if they had time on their hands-"quite o/te11, just now and then or almost never"-that they didn't know what to do with. It was found that having a relative abundance of free time actually had somewhat of a negative effect on the individual's satis- faction with his spare time. The point of greatest satisfaction seemed to occur somewhere between the extremes of having plenty of time and not having nearly enough of it. But it was found that the people who were always i•b their life generally than those who were under no time pressure. 2. 1'rue. In University of Tulsa studie<s, college students voted their conscience on actual pending legislation in their stale. To test whether time limits in the voting booth would affect the voting pallcrn. the students voted either (a) in a '.!-minute limit or ( b) in a non- n:itric11vc time-limit condition. Ke~ulls: those who had to hurry their decisions voted i.ignilicantly more conservattvcly than those who took their time. I • FAMILY WEEKLY. June 6, 1976 True or False? How liberal or conservative you are when you vote is likely to depend on whether you're in a hurry or have plenty of time in the voting booth. (See numher 2.) 3. True-according 10 psychological studies at Britain"s University of Sussex. which showed that the effic.iency of a person's me111ory varies with the time of day and that ''performance of sub- jects tested was better in the morning than in the afternoon." And previous research is cited showing that mental vigor a.nd receptivity tend to lmen in the later hours of the day. 4. True. University studies have indi- cated that individuals with a faster gait tend to overestimate an interval of time. ( .. You mean it isn't noon yet? Did somebody forget lo wind the clock?") While those with a slower gait tend to underestimate time. ("'l just don"t know where tbe lime went. It can·c be 12 o'clock already!") 5. True. Studies of subjects working under noisy conditions have shown that noise accelerates the rate of metabo- lism, resulting in a faster running in· ternal clock This makes ae.l ...... ._......._ ____ -1 time appear 10 pass much slower than it otherwise would. The noisier your surroundings, the faster will run your internal clock and the more the clock- on-lhe·wall time will seem to drag. 6. Fnlse. Time is more likely to "stand still" when wc"rc lost in thuug/11. ( "J was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I lost all sense of 1ime -1t was al· moM as though it didn't exbl.") As studies have shown. thinking rntails a far greater sense ot tirnclcssnc!>S IMI thun feeling. Illa • Medallic Art Company proudly presents The First High Relief Presidential Medals in Miniature Tile finest collection of presidential portraits ever created, the first high relief medallic miniatures ever achieved .. Limited Editions of Bronze, Silver and Gold .. IAdies and Gentlemen, 11ie~ of the l lnited States" Whether or not these words are accorn- ganied by the stirring strains of ··Hait to "ihe <lliet', they are eooteh to quicken· ~pulse of any American.. lbe f.resideot is beq introduced. We will IOOn dMJCJle the President who will te.d UI Into our 3rd century of inde- pendence. Who will he be? What mark will he make in history? What bettel' time to reflect on the accomplishmenb of his s>redecestois than now with ttm ~ Md beautiful coUedion of Plesidelitial Medak lllMWC MT• llllWUll The late Ralph Menconi. iegmdary Sculp- tor of Ptesidents, t.d an uncanny 8bility to crote ~ lifelike portraits of his subjects. The deep ravines in Lincoln's face force you to share his grief for a na- tion tom bV war. Teddy Rooseyejt'1 enor- mous zest tor~ aids out in his robust checb. F..isenhowtt wean the ~ smile that fostered the chant "We like Ike", Md the countenance of ~ reflects the deep concern of our ~ President for America' 1 future. In fact. each of Men- coni" 1 heh relief' medal portraits catches the ~Kie of lb subject as no other Presidential ICUh>ture ever has. ·So the I.test medal in the leries, of Gerald R.' Pulitter Prize Medal and The Official In- augural Medals of 6 of the last 7 Presi- dents of the United States. ---~ WHITE NOUS( HISTOllCAl IOOll A deluxe, cloth-botmd edi- tion of "The Presidents of the United States", pub- lished by The Mate llou.te Hiatorical Aaaocialloft, is in- cluded with each sub&iorip- tion. This authoritati\le fUll color book cootains full page size o/fidlll White House portraits by America's greatest art- ists. ana biographies of each President. CCNIVUllOT l'lllCllPnOI PUii This collection is offered ~ "" ,,,.,_.,._ ffon. Reserve your edition by completin!l the order form and fcxwarding it witli your remittance for the ftr"St shipment. When issued. you will be sent 3 medals a month for 12 months. then 2 the final month. making a total of38 medals. Prices guaranteed for the ~of the suhlcrip-tion, satisfaction guaranteed. ._ .. ---• -·MEDAWC ART OllOEll FORM--·-·;i I belt•• isstrictty ,......_ ~ ..... .,. Cdlea•" ,...... ................. with thl I.ti .. ,.....U will Ill~-IM will .. ~ die IOMll .-ill......_ be~-~, .... ,_,.,.,_ If$ ... ,.. ..... 3 ..... , ............ II ,., • ._."' .............. "* ..... ....,.. ......, ...... . ........... ._ --"c.lllc1ia ,...,... $14.115 .......... "l 111111111 -C$l'5"' _..., E.m. utillYU. 11111=---t1c.111ca-.i..-OSM.JS•.a..,113 -csus,__.,)E.,_&9'2.• .... , ........ ---~-....... •sa.111 .......... l .. , -ca111,.....,11.,..,, .. I ""• to clllr11 " thl ,......_ crMit ,., ... . ....... ..... ....... . -------,_-_.------...... MM. ... ..... 0 -.nc..1.-o ~ -------------0 Diller'• lM 0 ...... a. .. C.••· c., ~--_. .. _____________ _ .__, _______________________________________ , ____________ _. / .~ t ? ' The Westport Collectors Society proudly announces a stirring Bicentennial Tribute Presidents Of~ The United States A lin1ited edition collection of Preside ntial Co1n1nernorativc Covers ... bearing historic U~S. sta1nps and postrna rks ... honoring each of <>Ur 37 Presidents or TH[ P£0P\.t, llY TH[ •• PEOP1.t,rOATH[/t[OP\.~. SHALL NOT P(ll15H ' rAOM TH[ C'R1H" I Wt . Johtr H. Jonu 4 SS Main S.t.lte<U -~hvce , o.s.A. ENGJlA VED CACHET with aa PERSONALIZED with your HISTORIC STAMPS appropriately hoooring rach P~id('nt. For aampl~, the Li.ncoln cover will bur thi• 1965 audlaatic s-trait. f.-.orda ol namt and addraa, ii desired. the Pretiduu ud lm historic lipahal'e. Lincoln stamp. POSTMARKED on the birthdate ... at the birthplace ... ol the Ptttident hono~d. Advance Subscriptions Accepted Only Until June 30, 1976 Cl Wu1por1 Coll,...1oe~ Sad~•v. a rtivloion of M81, In<. "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the Urzited States , and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constituti011 of the U~ited States.'"' n two centuries, only thirty-seven Ameri- cans have been called upon to take this solemn oath -the Presidential Oath of America. WashinKton, J efferson, Lin- coln ... names that resound like thunder throughout our histo ry. Men wnose actions and words have shaped the des- tiny of Ame rica -the Pr~i­ dents of the United States. Historic U.S. stamps- officially postmarked throughout America Each of th<' thirty-seven America11 Prrside 11ts will be honored in I his importe:.tlll col- lection o f Pr<'side11t ial Com- memorative Covers. Each n >vcr will be officiall y postmarked 011 the birthdate ... a t the hirlhplacc ... of the Preside nt hono red by the cowr. Tlwst· postmarks ~ua r­ antcc that thcst· covers can ricvcr be rris.~ucd . Moreover, each cover wilJ bear historit' U.S. ~tamps asso- ciated with each President, or some historic event durin~ his term, o r honoring the Presi- dency its elf. . Ma ny of the stamps to be 11s('d in this se ries a rr. quite old and are difllcult to obtain in a11y g reat qua11tity. h has on ly been I hrough a very sdcctive prt)('<'ss that we have been able lo accumula te the historic scamps necessary to make this series a reality. The combination of historic stamps ... official postmarks ... on limited edition covers insures that the Presidential Commemorative Covers col- lection will be a unique family he irloom ... to be enjoyed 11ow and treasured by future gener- ations in your family. Custom designed collectors album Subscribers to the Presiden- tia l Commemorative Covers program will a lso receive, a t no extra cost, a handsome col- lectors a lbum to house and display the entire collection. Complete with descriptive dis play pages which provide fascinatiug insights into the inspirational lif c story of each President, this lu xurious a l- bum will provide a magnifi- cent and educational showcase for your Preside ntia l Com- mernora tivc ' Covers. Convenient acquisition plan ••. no advance payment required Subscribers will recei'\te their Presidential Commemo- rative Covers at the rate o f three per month. The price will be just $3.50 per cover and this includes the elegant steel-engraved cachet with historic stamps -as well as the handsome collectors al- bum with descriptive display pages. No advance payment is re- quired at this time; subscribers will be billed prio r to each monthly shipment. To subscribe, simply pro- vi d e the info rma tion re - quested on the subscription application be.low. Subscription deadline is June 3~, 1976 The historic postmark, offi- « ially affixed by the United States Post Office, certifies that each cover in this coJJec- tion can neve r be issued again. Furthermore, this historic collection .is available by ad- vanr.e subscription only. All ""bscri pt ion applications must be postmarked by June 30, 1976. Applications postmarked after this date must be regret- fuJl y declined. ----------------------·--------------------------------------- ' ' I I I I I I I I Subscription Application F f>6 Valid only if fX>'lrnarked by June 30. 1976 Westport Coll1-ctors &x·iety 99 \V("Ston Road Westport, Conn. 06880 Please t'ntcr my suh5t-riptio11 for the c·omplt:te rollc,•tion of Presidential Commrmorative Covns. I um.ll'rst~nd that I will n·('1·i\I· ll1r1·1· nwn~ pn month ht•l{in ning in :\ugu~1~1J7ti. I nrf·d ~·11d no 1111m1·y n'!.w· I "·111 he· lnllcd for iny <'O\·ers in advance of ship11w111 altlw 1.H1· ,,f $3 .. 10 pc·r rnwr [$105 0 IJCr monfll). A handsome rnllc<·tnrs a lbum will he S<'nt to me iwparatt'ly at no addi- tional <·hargr. I would like my covers O Per.1onalizcd O Unaddressed Pli·;:ise print t'arc·fu lly. Mr .. Mrs., Miss----------------~ .\tlcl11·-~------------------- City __________ Stah' ____ Zip ____ _ S1~n.a111ro· ------------------- L------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. •• 20 mg. "tar. t3 mg. rnco1ine av. per cigarette. FTC Report SEPT. 75. •star Chat* William Holden "The way I play a love scene on screen doesn't necessaril}i coincide with what I do in real life. I resent this curiosity, all this staring and panting. I think ifs ridiculous." Few men are able to realize their dreams as fully aa William Holdco, oow S8. For more thao 30 yean he's been a top motioo- picturc star, appearing most rccentJy in "The Towering Inferno" and the sooo- to-bc released "Network." He's been involved in maoy parts pf the world- espc:cially Africa, where he helped set up the Mount Kenya Safari Club and a conservation ranch. I talked to Bill Holden recently in New York, just as he was about to take oft for some dig- ging and diving io Yue.at.an, Mexico. He was brimrniiig-wilh energy and en- thusiasm. And, in view of the fact that he has rarely ever given interviews, I was surprised by bis candor and openness. FAMILY WEEKLY: Why, with ao much success as an actor, did you begin seek- ing other outlets? HOLDEN: Acting bas never been totally fulfilling for me. I come to work, I'm presented with a false situa- tion, and I'm asked to use false emo- tions and react in ways I normally wouldn't. l need to latch onto some- thing that's real. By getting involved meaningfully in Africa or New Guinea or Hoog Kong, I feel I'm really living. FW: Have all your travels and projects l----hmged-you-as a person? HOLDEN: l think I've gradually come to appreciate more the simpler things in life. I enjoy re.ding and just talking with people. I like wide-open spaces, beautiful terrain, sunshine, clean air, wildl.ife. If someone had told me 2.5 yean ago that I would sit in Africa at a water hole and watch cheetahs for hours without moving, I wouldn't have be- lieved him. At that time, I needed a sa~boat or Ferrari to make me feel good. FW: When you moved your family to Switurland in the 19.50's, you were accuaed of dodging taxes and taking film worlr. away from Americans. What wu behind that move? HOLDEN: Pint of aU, I never gave up my citizenship here, so I always paid the taxes. Our whole country is based on the idea of freedom, so I felt I bad the right to live where I wanted. I really moved my family mainly becauae I wanted my two aoos to be bilingual and to become familiar with other cultures. FW: How bu this helped them? HOLDEN: Well, Scott bu been work- ing for a construction company in Iran. He'a able to communicate with Ger- --Holden, the ICl'Mft'I "Golden llof ," who ,,., .... lrellldltg to M:Ung. mans, Italians and the French. FW: Are your sons interested in acting? HOLDEN: Both Scott and West (Peter Wesley) have tried it. Scott made some Westerns in Italy and bad a small part in a film I did a few years ago called "The Revengers." And West bas been doing some the.ater in Chic.ago, where be lives. But I don't know if either of them will pursue it as a career. FW: Why? HOLDEN: They never realized bow de- manding acting is and how bard it can be to get parts. They just thought you get up and act and have the world at · your feet. I used to bring them along with me on location. I'd get up for work at S: 30, then they'd arrive at 11, watch the gunfight and the buildings burning, and go-back ~hotel at 4 p.m..l worked on until 6:30. When Scott sud- denly had to put in long days for "The Rcvengen," be started complaining that be was tired and disliked the Mexi- can food. Then he bad to face a period of about six months with no income while he waited for another script to come along. FW: For many years your marriage to Brenda Marshall was considered one of Hollywood's happiest and most stable. What led to your divorce? HOLDEN: We just gradually grew apart. My interests lay mainly in Africa, FAMILY WEEKLY. June S, 117S • 11 POPE JOAN. PURGATORY ANO ALL THAT/ .. -~ ---~ fi ;""1. . ; '/ ' _., ~ ~ .... Are you ever stopped by words you understand vaguefy, or not at all? What about words like Purgatory. exorcism, limbo, excommunication? Or charisms. Satanism. gnosticism? Have you ever wondered exactly what the Cathotic Church teaches on questions like evolu- tion, life in outer space. salvation outside the Church? Or its views on organic transplants. cremation? Are you ever curious about the history of movements like the Jehovah W itnesses, or the truth of stories like the one about Pope J oan, or the real meaning of Indulgences for Catholics? We have a mini-dictionary that provides con- cise, authoritative answers to these and hundreds of other questions on Catholic terms, history and doctrine. We'll be glad to send you a free copy. Just mail the coupon below. No one will call. r-FREE-Mail Coupon Today!-------------1 Please send Free Mini-dictionary entitled ~·catholic Word Book" This otter Is limited to ene free pamPfilet. FM·71 Address __________________ _ City __________ State ___ ~Zip. ___ _ KRIGHTS OF COl.URIBUS · ; I I I , I I I I I I I ' I I I CATHOLIC INFDJlMATIO_H .&.E V C • P.O. Boa 1971. New Heven. Conn. 06521 · I I ~------------------------------4 Autflentk H•ndu•lted Replica "La Fragata Espaftola" Alollletltlc ..... ~" ,.le. ef .... _ ... , .. 11ti-. l•ttlcattll' 41ttatlM "°"' ... , .• cAll!s, Mll"I & a&llfa .•• to ltft ,..,... ~ ••• Miids~ IUSll, IP{I & l'at• '"'"· ,... ... atatH La fr11118 .l..-11 -17IO''. l7YJ" I 14•. flllJ ........ -•t I ldt--··"··· -·.uca•MMmE CllNll --, ~ ...... ..., llfTI, ..... 11393 -4m•.w.,_....,...,,,.._,_ I s •• ....___ . .,,..... ............ ~ " '-'Ci) •17IOI 9 .. ._ Sl7:" + SUS i PMllCt & llatldllllf eac'h. s 1 r11eloMd h cMcl or •·•· .., s _ _ :zi I .... ________ _ J i---~~~~~~- ,, I Cltr ..... -----J u L~~~'!:~!::.~_!!!'!!·-~~ Loolcltlll These Features! lets You Tune-in To Your Favorite TV Shows Anytime, Anywhere! Picks up All lletwork, Local TV Stations ••• Incl AM/FM l•dio Too! WEW LOW PRICE! s24• SAYE! All THIS FOR JUST (similar modefa IOkl for•• m&.ch •• $54.501) SEND NO MONEY! YOU CAN CHARGE m Our Guarantee / / / Acct: llo / I 1 NOW! Thinks to our amazinc TV RADIO you t1n fotlow the top TV Shows and Stirs wherever you are! At the be1cti, the supermarket ... in your car ... even on v1e1tion! What's yoor favorite proer1m? "HIPPJ Dlys" ... "The Wilton's" ... "Lawrence Welk" ... "Movin' On"? Never miss it •B•inf Unique Portable TV RADIO tunes into the 1udio portion of any TV Show ... aets 111 chlnnels 2·13 ... and brinp them in loud ind clear! lets you en;01 TV when there's no 1V around! Also I fine QUllity AM/FM rldio. No question about it, you aet big enter· tJinment value here! Z423171 -TY 11411 . . . . $24.11 HMover, Pa. 17331 S.1t, 1 _, It ltllow .., ••-•It I IV ffoC•MI nu -· l~trt's oo JV arOMd. liM!lly stfld -Port1•11 I TY RAOIO(SI t1423171) 11 l~t llew I•• prict of 1usl "1•.• fs1r111lar •ocJ. I 111 \Old tor IS ... ,-IS ·~·S<l'I ''°' Jt.!iO POSt•1• 111e1 llllldli•a °" I '"' -y·Olc:l p.tflftftt! lnclosed 11 $_ ------(P1. •ftd I Md. rt~1dt•h 1dd SIMS It• .1 8 A•tr•n• l•••u1 8 C1rl1 111nc11t O 1110111 CM•lt I ..._.Aatritlf• Dt11tn' Cl.. l•ttrlltM #--I You must be completely satisfied with this fabulous TV Radio or you may return for a full refund of the purchase price. no que.stions asked! Now, that's a auarantee in writina! / "----- // Addrns_ I •P 011t I Hanover House ~ ........ , ... ----, I / C11r _ __ - ---I ~ / Statt_ ---- ---· ---l•• J ttanow.r, Pa. 17331 ·--------.................. ,. -------- -*Star Chat* Holden Continutd the Far East and acting, while hers were elsewhere. She was a film actress when we married but gave it up when our sons were born because she didn't feel she could combine a career with motherhood. She wanted to stay in familiar surroundings with people sh e knew. I couldn't blame her. But by the time the children were grown, we had little to share and were no l('nger compatible. FW: Do you think: you would ever con- sider marrying again? HOLDEN: I doubt it. I think I lived up to the responsibility of marriage at the time. J provided for my family and did nothing that I'm guilty or ashamed of. But since then, I haven't felt the urge or necessity to marry, and I don't think marriage would fit my way of life. FW: What's the 'altemative? HOLDEN: Fortunately, I've found a very compatible human being in Stephanie Powers. She's as curious as I am about things. She's also very at- 1ractive, bright, well-coordinated and absolutely fearless. Last year when I asked her if she wanted to join me on my New Guinea trip, I warned her how rough it would be. And she said, "Greal! Great!'' So we trekked around together and saw some really primitive people. She took everything right in stride and never got exhausted. FW: Over the years, you've done love scenes with some of Hollywood's most beautiful women. Do you find these scenes the most enjoyable? HOLDEN: Actually I've found them very difficult. Because they deaJ with such a delicate and private matter, audiences tend to be more critical. They'll say, "Look: al that jerk on the screen; I don't do it that way." So, if rm not careful, I can easily offend peo ple. Also, often the film crew makes these ll<:enes tough. Fellows who nor- ma y wou aoc usy wor UHgllrdttenty come out of the woodwork if they hear a love i.ccne's being filmed. The way I look at it, we're just professionals doing a part. And the way I express myself un screen doc:.n't ncccs:.arily coinciJe with what I do in real life. So I resent this curiosit y. all this staring and pant- ing. I think it's rid1culou~. FW: What kinds of roles have been mos! difficult for you? HOLDEN: Ones in which the character i) not a very sympathetic one, like "Sunset Boulevard.'" FW: 8111 you got such critical acclaim for that role ... HOLDEN: I know, but it really stumped me. I knew I had to draw a very fine line. I had to be a gigolo to this Norma Desmond character [Gloria Swanson}, yet J had to justify what I was doing for an audience. Fi~ally, director Billy Wilder gave me the clue when he said, "Play the scene like you want that service station attendant in Des Moines, Iowa, to say, 'Boy. that's a tough situa- tion to be in. But if I were in it, I'd do just what he did.' '' So once I brought the role to that level, it clicked into place for me. FW: Has your popularity had anything at all to do with sex. appeal? HOLDEN: Well, I've never really found myself to be particularly atrractive: lo "I've never really found myself to be particularly attractive. In fact, I'm really not my type!" fact, I'm really not my type! I'd rather look at somebody else. When I went to the premiere of my first major film, "Golden Boy." I thought that seeing my name in 1.ight.s on the marquee and sitting in a crowd of approving people was the absolute end·all. But when I had finished seeing the film, I suddenly realized that's not where it's at. What really mattered was not other people's opinions but satisfying myself. FW: On what basis havc you selected your roles? HOLDEN: Frankly, I've often bad vel')' practical considerations in mind bc- ca\1$C I oousider my film work as a means to pursuing my other interests. So 1 might take a p icture that will give -me the opportunity to be in a certain place at a certain time. Then. too, I've always looted fo1 variety. l'"e-ncver really felt I could step into a costume or wear a beard to do a period film like Charlton Heston. But I did Wes1erns, comedies. love stories: I tried to keep changing because, I guess, I didn't want anybody to lmow me well enough to be able lo impersonate me. FW: Any regrets about your career? HOLDEN: I think in some of the films I did in lhe 60's I wasn't conscientious en<'ugh. I lost interCit in the movies and compromised. What I should have done was just stop making movies altogelher. FAMILY WEEKlY.Ju11e 6,Ul16 • 11 introducing THEQULTED TASSELED LOAFER Butter Soft One of the great terrifies In our new shoe line! Ouill-stilched tongue topped off with a self bow gives It a sassy look. Hidden gore makes it easy-on-off ... helps ii hug your foot as you dash about here and there. Crafted of soft leather-look polyurethane ... resists scuffing, whisks clean with a damp cloth. Has builHn arch and steel shank fOf comfortable support. Cushioned nylon tricot lining coddles your foot~ide. Bouncy crepe rubber sole and :Y. -ih. nee I add lhat walk~-air feeling. Get a pair now! M2035118 T•n M203e208-8i.ck 9ullt-1n Arc fl Support \Cft--~ And HHI WOMEN'S SIZES 5, 5,..,, •• ,,..,, 1, 1¥1, I,,,..,, t, t,..,, 10; ALSO 11 WIDTHS 8, C, D. E. EE. EEE GUARANTEE latest fashions, finest quality, great value -.accurately described and promptly shipped. Plus a promise: you must be pleased with your purchase always (a month from now or a year from now) or your money back fast. &.analLobell HM•~r. 1"111u. HUI SATIS1ACTI01f CUAIA#'f'fll 0. MCHllY IACll --.-tMA-LNl&.lr .... M JUI 340 PAplv..S!z.ttl-1Wlo¥tr~!'.J!!!1.J. 17331 S..rt, I'll try IM CosmOl)edlc Tlueled lo.fer tor the arntzlncty low price of U .99 pr., plus St.2!>post•ct & han· dlinc. Send me paif(sJ in Tan (M20l588t) In Sh e Width pair(sl In Black (till203620ll In Sue Width I -•t II• tOll!Plttely dellpttd 01 ye111 will refund my full payment. 0 SAVE MOltCI Order TWO paffl for f11st $11.99 plus $2.00 postare and hlndllnc. D Cnelosed Is $ Maryland resldtnh add saltt llX. O C.0.0. (En~IOH $2.00 deposit pet 11alr) CHAii(;( IT: 0 AMElllCAN EXPRESS 0 CARTE BLANCHE 0 lillASTCR CHARGE Account # NAME I AOOltESS I CITY t STATl 0 8ANICAM£111CAllO 0 OIHOIS' CLUB lntett>ank 31 01tt C1pl1n (plNM ft(lftt) ZIP I O StM fltEE !Mii.Coior hshlOll Cauioc (M-28994211 '--- - -, lltll l .. tll. ft7S -·------- Warni~g: The Surgeon General Has Oetermmed That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health. OfM ... llWti.-w,2-.-...·o.2-. ..... .......... nc "-"' ... •1'. llG l11~hur1 TAii~~ 0 ...... . a.ua u!"t ·a· ·--· .Si TAR llG .. 0 ...... . D.7 ..... ·---f'\11 \t \I I D.71111.llir .. ,. ·f TAR . D.7 ..... .. ..... '-... .. 0.1-. .............. 'rFTC~ 1.0 ..... ~ d <iill!'l.G1!511WNI· -~ . -' -... • 0.7 ... llir. ASLOWAS YOU CM GO AND mLL GET GOOD TASTE. KENT I e lot111....i 1'17' This week, Food Editor Marilyn Hansen makes a moderately priced stew. Marilyn says, "I figure a smart cook can't have too many stew and casserole recipes. This one is an adaptation of cocldo, a popular South American dish.'' A Speeial Tungy Beef Stew .SOUTH AMERICAN BEEF AND VEGETABLE STEW 2 Wbleepoone ....... oll 2 lbs. bonel ... b9ef chuck, cut Into 1-lndl Cllbee 1 cup chopped onion 1 .... dove prllc. cruthed 2lft Cup9Wllter 1 t.ble1paDft vlnepr 1 bay .... 2Y, te-.poone utt 1 Yi teeepoone ground C41"'6n "' .. aapoon ground blKllt pepper 4 cupe c:eMry, cut Into 2·1nc:ti ........ 1 a.p 811c:ed anota 1 ,....,oon otepno i..v.. 3 '8111HpDClllS flour 4 ... ''"" COfft, cut In s-h:h chunb (or 1 pkg. f10 on.1 tronn C41t com) 3 medlut1Hlzecf fomafoff 1. In 6-qt. Dutch oven, hear oil. Add beef. a few pieces at a time. Brown well on all sides; remove beef and set aside. 2. Stir onion and garlic into drippings in Dutch oven: sautc for 2 minutes. Add 2 cups water, I tablespoon vinegar, bay leaf. salt, cumin and blaclt pepper. Cook and stir, scraping drip- pings from bottom of pan. 3. Return beef cubes 10 Dulch oven and heat to the boiling point: reduce heat, cover and simmer for I hour. 4. Add celery, ca"ots and oregano. Heat to boiling; reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. 5. Blend flour with V. cup cold water and stir in a little of the -hOl-liquid-1-rom Dutch oven. Add all to Dutch oven. Cook and stir until mixture boils and thickens. I. Add corn chunks (or pack· aged corn) to stew. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. What's Smart: The U.S. De- partment of Agriculture says the average American will cat his way through 184 pounds of meat this year. or this total, 67 percent will be beef. Beer prices have been declining since lu t ti • FAMILY W£EICL Y, J-t . 1171 Soutl9 AIMrlcw .......... wtttt the com right on the cot>. In our redpe you can ''dint" •ncl "" peeUVecf eqm. 7. Cut ripe romalocs into wedgC3 and add to Dutch oven. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes longer. Malces 6 urvings PEPPER AND BANANA SALAD 1 medium head lettuce, lllrecfclecf 1 red pepper, cut Into ring• 1 grfft'l pepper, cut Into rtnge 1 red onion, lllcecf •nd Hpereted Into rlnp 2hMnM,lllced 1 tabfe1poon lemon Juice 1 twckooked ... ftnelJ chopped or 9r•ted Bottled reef.wine wlnepr-encf. oil ..a.cl dreulng 1. Arrange shredded lettuce on 4 to 6 individual salad plates. Top with pepper and onion rings. 2. Toa banana slices... with lemon juice and place on top of pepper and onion rings. 3. Sprinkle a little hard-cooked egg over each salad, along with 2 tablespoons salad dressing. Mulces 4 to 6 servings year when lhe price of feed leveled off and farmers slarted bringing more calllc into the feed lots for fattening. This muns consumers buying beef loday are probably making a wise choice. f • u t: !. , c .. ••me111 Adver1JM"'4Hll AOll<i111\len-.I IMrn Nature's ll'aight Loss Secret Of Blanda/• Control How to Command your Pituitary Gland to order up to 756 times its own weight in fat 01911 C.P.C. to leave your body every single daY By Jou Woodward U sie yo111 bead! MiWolUI of o¥erwei&)lt Americus COtlld haw tlirnmed dOW11 a Iona time llO by doiDa jlllt that. For years, people with weisbt problems ha• desiper· ately euched for ways to abed poaads. Ironical· ty. C!ftD as tbey fnaticallr ~. Ibey 1ftR canyills the pafect ftisllt loa tecret ~t Ul their OWll hmd -thdt PiNituy Gbnd. Allow me to explain. By learning Natu.re'1 Wei&ht Losa Secret of Glanchdar Control, you can command your pituitary pnd (natu1e's builHn fat ewac.uator) to order up to I pound of fat to lea~ yout body nery day, You'll continue to shed pounds u.ntil you reach your ideal weight - and I.hen stay rat free forever. Thb wei&ht loss leCftt worts for neryone, wtlethcr S lbs. or IOS lbs. o\lll!f'ftisflt. But, best of all, you lo1e weight while eati~ the foods you love. In f11.1, you must eat to lose wei«)lt. lbat's I.he key to this we4ht Jou xcrct. As a reporter for the newskttcr "Total Fit· neta Today", my job is to check out weight loss plans being developed across the country. Since I 1111chlae to a rat evacwitilla system. Your Pih&i· tary Gland will wort afely and nat11rally to eftC· uate fat 24 hours a day -even while you deep. Q. If thee 'uiger' foods are in e•eryone's diet, why Isn't my Pituitary Cbnd evacuating fit'! A. Unfortunately. eYm if your diet consisu of 9S'l> 'U.igu' food&, ii oaly lakes S ... 'bk>cku' foods to pteftftl yOQJ PiNituy Cta.nd from c:YaCUatUlg fat. 0. How can I traer my Pituitary Gland! A. Not by ,..Wpawer, not by concentration, not with exerciw, but by gtin&. Only by eating 'trigger' foods and avoiding 'blocker' foods can you trlget your Pitui111y Gland to evacuate fat. Remember, the Weight Loss Secret is a nulrition ~not a diet. 0. Whit 11e these 'trfaer' foods, and how much can I eat'! A. 1lies.e 'trigger' foods are the t:'lery ~Y foods you love: juicy sirloin aeaks, hearly helpings of beef stroganoff. spicy hun, double cheaebur· gen. meatloaf, blrbecued chicken, omdell, wege· tables: like broccoli smothered with hollandaiJe iauce, cantaloupes, fruit cocktaih -even desserts like strawberries with whipped cream, pum,pkm to illneu. Second, with most methods. the mutts, if any. come 100 slowly. So most people lose hope and quil. 0 . You.'rc right about why they fail. I kn()w, becau1e l"Ve tried lhem all, without wccea. But, why does glandular control worlt? ., 11 A. Ag!WI, IWO reaJOU. As I aid, people ue Ot'e!'Weight becaute 1h.ey love to eat. Wjth Nature's l Weight Loss Secret of Glandular Control, you musl eat to lose weij)u. Therefore, overweight Robert Rld .. fletd dltcoweror ol Nature'• W•'911l Lota S.C,.I, people will use ii. Ir's as simple as poh•I• 10 , ... 11an4' tllat will m•ll• ,,_ '"'"· vour pituitary 11•114, that. The Weighl Loss Secret has we111tln1 • mere 1/IOtlt of an ou-. can cotftmall4 up to one none of lhe drawbacks of olher pounCI of fat 1711 • l,.Otfl 01 an ounce " OM 1•.) to IUft ,,..,, , . IHHll,, owerv 11 ..... Cla,,. Si-111 of ua "-• _,._,t.arw 11M14, methods .. 11'ete' no 1LUVaoon, ..wyo--5 1•1.. or 101 ..._ _,_...., c• ._.,.. a1t11N'• _....t no willpo.-er oo bori11g exercilrs. 1ou teeret Of tta•••• c_tl... T.,. arUcllt -..Ow wlllll oap&Ma no heaJlh r~Jning diet pills, no II-l'OU can reap t!M INMffl• ot tfti1 amuJttt tclentlllc M•ll· ird ~ d d ' · 1 d , ,_ tll ....... IW ...,,.. • tftucll •• •• 191. IA two-"'· we 1a tet1ng. t oesn t "'•Ye you weak and nervous. In face, it maw you feel WHAT Will THE SECRET 00 FOR VOU1 healthier and more vibrant than before. By learning Nature's Weight Loss Secret of 0 . You said thett arc two rc111ons why this secret Glandular Control, you will: works. Wha1's the second reason? •Lose all the weight you 1111nt, as mud! as a r------------------------------------------A. Nature's Weight Lou Se· paund a day, whle earing the food you lo¥c. ---==-===:-::::=::::=-===-:-BEFORE:------------------1 crcl of Glandular Control o Lose inches off your waiat, hips, thigh1, ind l 'O" , .. .. , .. .. S'O" -~- ............ .............. ....... , ...... ...... .__.. ,_ ........ ........, ... .. ...... .... , ..... ...... ,... •nu "o••• "•n••••H•I ~•• Sfl•rlllltl _..,,, , .• ~ Wel ... t : I JZ llM. Waon : J$Y)" Waltl: Jlllo" have a weight problem, I rake a special intcre~t in thex ass•nments. When I heard about this re· volutionary new we~ht loss secret. I decided to in¥nligate. I tel up an appointment with Robert Ridge· field, 1hc di!l('overcr of Nature'! Wc~ht Los~ Se· cret of Glandular Control. I started with to~h ques1ions. HOW DOES THE SECRET WORK? O. llow docs the sec1e1 wnrk? ,/4. The tecret wurb by making food your ally instnd of your enemy. There arc two typ.·• of food in everyone's daily die! 'triggers' and 'blockers'. By e11ing 'trigjter' foods, you lriger' or tum on yo ur l"ituituy Gtaod (nature's built-in fat evacuator,. Once triqcn:d, your Pituitary Gland secretes a fat evacuating chemical Ouid. This Ould h tranq>orl~ thrOU(thoUI your bndy and transforms your body from a fat producing always suc~s because it bani&h ugly cellulite bumps. ---------, • •• ttivc:s fast. steady and per· •Never go hungry. --------maMnt re$Ults. You start •Increase your energy and vitality. ,.. losinr. weight the first day. •Look and feel you.ngcr. You ~n loJe up to 14 lbs. •End your up~own roller coaster weight in two weeks. With lhe!e cycle by stay~ fal free fore¥er. OU lloCM ...... .......t:l'll" .......... , .... ........... u-. ...... ~ fililM, ... .. kind of results, rather than Arter I lost my weight, my boss, Timothy losing hope and quitting, Voros, the Olairman of the Board of Consumer you "'111 be encouraged to Publilfling. decided to try cbe teeret. He lost continue and lose even more. 22 lbs. in 22 dayl. He was t0 impreued, he You will reach your ideal grabbed up the uclusive world wide right& to weight and be fat free for· this revolutionary new we.ht loss teeret. He then ever. commissioned Mr. Ridgefadd IO author the text ..._,,u11 .... ..... ,._.. AFTER 0 . One last question. You caU the Pituitary Gland nature's built-in fat evacua· tor. Why is that? OM lilleCMatecCI "'""''' l 'lt" w.tt"I: '741.._ ....... ,, I'•" \A. The Piruitary Gland wu evol•ed by nature as a ~r­ vival m«hani1m to keep man dim and fit. Just as yow heart pumps blood, your lungs bre1the the air. your Pituitary Gland evacu- ates fat. Becau1e ir'1 natural, . 's 100% safe. W .... t: ltl llH. Weill: M" Walat: l•\ot" pie, ch()colate puddillj!, ice cream, and t'our fav· orite wines, liquors even beer! You need not drastically alter your eating habits to get rid of the 'blocker' food1, benute they don't make up lhat bif a part or you(,Jlict. WHY DOES THE SECRET WORK 1 O. You've told me how it works. but all weight loss methods look good on papef -they just don't work In real lire. Why is this one difTe1en1? A. In 'order to understand why the secret works, you mu't first know why other methods fail. They fail for two reasons. First, other methods work apinS1 human nature, and therefore are doomed to failure from lhc stare. People with .-eight problems obvioualy lov, t() cat. Starn· lion is sheer torture. No one in their righl mind is going lo torture themltlve$ for very long. Strenuous uerd te is difficult, workHkc, and bor· ing. Diet pills leave you weak. nervous and prone At lhe end of our con· versa lion, t asked Mr. RidReficld if I could talk wi1h people who had Sllccessfully uted the secre1. He did better. He introduced me to four people who were goiflg to start the weight loss s.rcrct the following Monday, and asked me if I would like lo join them. I took a heforc picture of Pat, Janet, Dan and Unda. I then foUowcd their proyess ~:ry day and had an after picture taken. AJ you can sec from the photos, their resulu were ama· ii~. But, they weren't the only ones to achieve results. I lost 4 inchts off my waist, 3 inches off my thighs and 14 lbs. in t4 days. My whole life hu changtd. My clothes fll great. I look and feel younger. I've found new self-confidence. But be1t of all, my love life has Improved. The Weighl Lou Secrcl can do the same thintt for you. and ordered a sm1U press run to be printed. This book is not available in any bookstore anywhere in the world. But. you can leam the secret right now by ordering the boot. direct by mail. HOW CAN YOU LEARN THE SECRET? If you wish to learn Natutt's Weight Loss Secret of Glandu.lar Control, simply do this: Write "Weight Loss Secret" and your name and address on a piecle of paper •nd lend it along with $6.9S in cash, check or money ordes. (Make checks' payable to Consuma Publillting.) If you have Mister Charge. BankAmerica£d, or &!Wt cap ExprgssJ_i>I! may charge our pwchaN by'=----- sending the following information: A. name of card 8. credit Clld number C. card expiution date. Mail your order to: CONSUMER PUBLISH· ING, 401 Market Ave., N .. Dept. D-11, Canto"· Ohio 4-47SO. Mr. Voros i5 per!IOnally backing this book with a l()()j!> no risk cuuantec. After following the we~ht loss teeret, you muse 1011: Ill the weight you want, •hik eating the foods you love. You must feel healthier, happier and look I 0 years younger. If this does not happen, or if you arc dis.'lltidied in any WIY, just :wind your book back. You'll receive evHX pennx of your mon£Y back -no guest ions asked, Remember, only a small preu run of Nature's Wc~hl Lem Secret of Glandular Control has httn printed. To mike sure that you get your copy, why no t order rig.ht now, while you're thinking about It. If you have any quntions, ft'd fr« to caU me, Joan Woodward. at (216) 4SS 1474. Advurt1somon\ A<1\lvrhs.emenl P.d~tt'11HtNrtH Aov\J,1t$.,nt\'~'' Jackie's Horoscope shows ••• super fame and fortune were her destiny! by Barbara Walthers An asrrologocal research team was recently asseml>led on Los An· geles lo study Jacl11e·s hie They round that al the very minute ot Iler birth. her horoscope predicted. that super-lame and super-fortune were her destiny• l ei's talle a looll at some of the actual facts re1tealed by Jackie s horoscope Jac111e·s Sun is on Leo 1nd1cating a ruling role on hie - and on her adult Ille she became as close to a queen as an Amer· •can could gel -the For.,1 l ady of the land' In her horoscope, Pluto 18" Cancer. predicts that the men on her lite will be connecteo with the hquod elements Tr11s pred1ct1on certainly came true The late John F Kennedy was an avid amateur sailor and on the Second World War he first gained national atten- tron for hos daring exploits as a P.T. boat captain Ana Jackie's second husband. the late and lab· ulously w ealthy Aristotle Onassis burl! h1s legenOary fortune by es- tabhsh1ng a vast sh1pp1ng emp11e The planetary aspect Sun Sex· tole Jupiter 1n her horoscope shows that pubtrc service and publ1sh1no a•e ma10• career 1nte1es1s She won the Emmy Awa1d for pulll1c ser11ce and has recenlly accepted an ed•tot1al position w•lh a lea<!rng nahonal pullhshong f11m Jackie s 11srn9 srgn rs ascendant 25·• Scorpio revealing that she loves travel and a<!venture And he1 1e1-se111ng hie has been one of the wo1ld's most pub11c11ed aavcntures Venus 22 Gem1n1 and Jup11e1 101 Gem1n1 1n her horoscope 1nd1· care wealth rn the house of part· neos and t>Olh of Jackie's hus· bands have been wealtny One nf the most telling predic- tions or all was the tragic day ol John F Kennedy's assa5s1nat1on T111ns11 Mars and Transit Venus were op~s1io Venus on Jackoe·s cha11 mlcatong grave danger to her husband T ransll Pluto was con1unct to her Mars a heavy as· pect of a dangerous !l1tua11on 1n publ•c groups HOW ASTROLOGY AFFECTS YOU Jackie Onassis, of cou1se rs nor unique rn the uncanny accuracy of 11e1 noroscope Everyone born has a completely pe1sona1 norosc<Jpe that os 101.111y drllerent rrnm lhal or any othe1 person on the en111e world To 111us11ate hnw .1strology .1llccts eveiyone I d ll~e to shaoc w11h you some of the re~earch l1nd 1ngs ol thr tns111u1e too Appl•ed Astrology Hair rne most successlul mu- sical or all 11mcs hild :i lull 11me astrologl:'r He advo,ed tnem on every s1n91e step He rold them he.II l\d wh4r" In Oprul.. He. 90 I top c1ed•I <1ghr along wolh the Wlill'I~ ,ond lhp dllt'CIOr' In 1908 iln .1$111;iln9<>t John r1a1e111g s<11d ""'' rvcry 20 ytlllr~ whPn the T r.1n~11~ <JI Saturn .. ne1 .Jup1ll>1 <llO c:on1vni r (cnmc 10 i11irho11 lh11 P1l'Gldl'rll wno ton~ oll1Cll lh<1I \11'111 would O•O on oll1cc Lirll'(1l11 G,1rl1cfd Mc Kinley H,1rd inq F 1,1nkl1n 11oo~Cvt•lt and Kf'n nclly (11d rk.o<'lfy lh.11' c.1101 n1chl1'1 I~ .1s1r9lo11e1 10 Hollywood Hundreds nl lh!' fa mou, nave u.,,.d hie; T1ans11 as1101 unv Pt'nPle lolt.c• M,1rl••n1• 01c1r1ch r.101111 !•w.on~on non.old Cu1ma11 Tvronl' Power .rnd nanny Kaye C0111•I lh1 hi(•• t>c.-,1mp .,~ (l<;f101 not'• t11•r.111~1' (11.rn9f'11nr Adams whn w ,,,. ,1,1roloq('1 In Kong'i Uuc•cns .ind fonanc1r1~ lofd him ,1<.l•oloqy w,1,. h1~ voc,)11(1n ac.-ord 111q In rno• st:11 s H•tlrr w;io; C'Ol1Que11ng (uropr as long as he lollowed n1s Horo· scope as prepared by Kail E Kraft. But when Kraft's charts fold Hitler 11 was not the time to tum Ea~t to Russia. Holler f11ed him Tnat was the beginning of the end for Hitler !See Wm Sh1rers "Hie Rise and Fall of lhe Third Reich".) Countless brilliant scienl•sls w111ers and geniuses througn the ages have be11eveo 1n AslrolOgy Great men ltke SL Thomas Aqu- inas s., Roger Bacon (lather of modern science) Shakespeare Str Isaac Newton Carl Jung Einstein and J P Morgan have all openly agoeed that astrology works' MODE~ SCIENCE PROVES ASTROLOGY WORKS Recently on France a tamous sc1en11st name<! M•chel Gauquetm decoded ro poove thal Astrology was a lake So tie altacked 11 sc1- en1111cally' In France lhe tome ol JACKIE'S ASTAO.PORTAAIT ~I• ptolMbly 1ii. _,,,,, be9t ·-" -.a..r.lill•IM ,.., o1 .... .,.. ... bor1t "''° ,,.,. WOlld ., • u .... Wtd ht • Pl•n -r •"1C:lt I,,. !tad no COit• "°'· ~'· .. ahow" In "-r llor'Olc:ope CUI bt 0111 H llo1G9lca1 ••••.,ell f roup, '•'• lt•d ''"' Pl•M for ,,., lulu••· To tH lly o•r 10 .tnow Jacki• •fld ,,., labulOUI ,,,. you'H flOI IO 'Nd Mxwl .,,,,.,Mr ltor04c:ope n r•. b11th 1s on every birth cert1f1cale. so ne was able 10 htre Astrologers lo cast lhe horoscopes ol 576 famous teachers of med1c1ne He was astonished ro C11scove1 that mosl ot tnem had Mars and Saturn heavily onlluenctng lheor character• Tnese are the signs rnar show a natural lalenl lor healing He re- fused lo believe his own evidence. so ne cnec ~ed the horoscopes or lamous lawyers soldiers. pohh· crans and ar11s1s. He found that on every single instance tne people that were successful. were "doing wnar comes naturally as shown on the11 as1rolog1ca1 cnarts Un- fortunately rne opposite also holds true The people wno fall at their work and on 1neir llves are the ones wno do the wrong things. Tney are square pegs •n round holes they are plumbers w ho should l>e doc- toos, mechanics who sho11ld be engineers. e1C Limited Research Program lnvitatio_n HERE'S MOW ASTROLOGY WORKS Most people haw_. heard about the rich tamous and successful people who use astrology prac· locally lull hme. bur tney still tn1nk that astrology 1s the fo1tune cooloe .. noroscope they oead on their daily paper. or the Natal horoscope that they can buy ror a lew dollars. But lnrs os not true tor astrology os an e•acl ancJ de· mandmg science To prepare a true m-deplh. total personal horoscope for you an astrologer must lust make a chart showing the Sun. the moon and all eight planets as they were at the time and place ol your brrth Tn1s is where all other compu1e1 horoscope companies sloe Bui that 1s only hall lhe 1ob. Ne"'· the as11ologe1 must relate 'Transits" lo your basic cha11 Transits are the changes 1n the positions of the sun. moon and planets as they move away llom Ille pos1hons they were on at youo birln And only the Institute lor Applied Astrology does 1n1sl When this Total cha11 1s t1n1shed 11 os completely personal com· pleteJy dtllerent. and completely about you! And the w11tte n evaluahon os wnat as1rologe1s call your Total Horoscope, Natal as· trology alone is like 1eacJong a good book abou1 big oame hunt· ong and lhen going lo da•kest Atroca on your own "Total" astrol· ogy os hke having a lop p1oles· soonal hunte1 10 help guide you through Ille 1ungle Tlie special knowledge contained •n lh1s noro scope can change your Irle m many wonderlul ways We all tr.oo• tor eaampte tna1 while none of us are good al everylhrng each of us are good at something Youo no1oscope '"''" 1eh you wnal you re good a1 AncJ armed woth 1tia1 ~nowledge you can fo1ge ahead and be at ease and happy whlle you do '' Your horoscope delves deeply onto your pe1sona1o1y, reveahng you1 hidden talents ti writ tell you about the areas wnere you nave ab1llly bur may have beert unce1· lam and ahard 10 try -1t11ngs ''"e w111ing or achng art se• leadeo· ship public 1ela11ons advert1s1ng alhtehcs etc Tnonr. ol ii tnos way you only nave one life 10 live so why not get everythmg f1om '' 1na1 you can' Why waste your tome charging <!own bllnd alleys that can easily be avoided., You have a real duty ro yoursell and to you• loved ones 10 make tne most of each precious moment And vour Total horo- scope can give you the edge you need lo see yo11r opportun1hes and 1ake aovan111ge ol lnem ~ For a iom1le<1 time onll( wnore the 1n1ernationally kno1Atn lnshlute lor Applred Astrology rs carrying on ols e .tensive research program you can ger your Total Horoscope tor only a dupl1ca1ong cost The cashng .ind analyzrng are done FRE.E1 The a1 11cle below tells you how to get your Horoscope For the sake of your own personal happiness -:1on I pass up this unique oppo1tun11y II s the kind ol new chance lor success 1ha1 roones atong only once in eacn person s lile [--TOTAL~=~~COST J by Lois Rodden. A.F.A.-P.A I. Chief Ast1ologer There are a lot ot computer horoscopes on the market -and most ol them are okay as lar as they go. But !hat's Just It -they really doii'IQo lar enoughl Only the tnslilute for Apphed Astrology can prepare you1 TOT Al HOAO· SCOPE for you because only we nave "transits" stored rn our g1an1 computer. Wnere the sun. moon and plan- ets happen to be at Iha tome of your b111h 1s what makes up your Natal lbtrthdate) Ho1oscope Bui that's only the beginning ol a TOTAL HOROSCOPE. Y.!I tnat's !!.!. ~~olner comeuter ho!O· scope companies. ou see, the sun. moon and planets keep roghl on moving They are on Transit And day after day they keep torm: ing ne.w_angl@s. witlL xou1 b.!.aJ1 chart These ~ shaw every single 1mpor1ant pe11od of your Irle' And no horoscope lhal does not include tnese transits 15 a TOT AL HOROSCOPE. Now. for a ltm1ted time only 11 you wrll help us with our research program, you ca11 gel your own personal TOTAL HOROSCOPE lor 1ust a duplicahng charge Smee your TOTAL HOROSCOPE must be constructed anyway for our oe· search you may have an exact duphcalP. copy for only S3 00 to cover our printing cost. plus 1us1 55f for postage and handling The preparation, the casting, and the protess1onal analysis are provided ~..!!!!_out ..£1'.!.'.9!.' To 101n ou• oe· search poogram and get your TO· l AL HOROSCOPE, here's all you do. Write dow n your time and place of b11th. as eaacl as pos· soble. on a piece ol paper and sena 11 10 me. I'll cast and analyze your TOTAL HOROSCOPE as par1 of our currenl astrologrcal 1esearoh prog1am Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will run from 14 to 18 pages -up to 10,000 words (three to lour tomes larger than ordinary Natal (bi11n- dateJ Ho1oscopes) -and here are 1us1 a tew ol the 1mpo1tant things 11 will do for you· 1 Youo TOTAL HOROSCOPE will make you know yoursell Thal means you can make use ol you1 strong points and tight ott your weak ones 2 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE wrll analyze you1 cllaracter 1n deptn govmg you psychologrcal Jacts that some people pay an&lysls a for· lune tor 3 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will gllltl you new-ms1ghts mto the lair ents and ab1ht1es you never belooe gave yourself C1ed1t lor having 4 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will sho"" you how and when lo use 1nose talents to open up a baiter Ille and luloue S Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will show you how lo gel along with more people . ltloret>y enrochong your social business and se~ual hie 6 Your TOTAL HOROSCQPE will show you the people you are com- pa1tble with II w111 make you understand how to use those peo- ple to get ahead This covers eveoy aspect of tiv1ng family, friends. business associates, pannershops, romances. ere. 7 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will 1>how you how 10 torm meaningful ana e•e>hng pe!'lonal and se•ual 1eta1oons with tne 11ghl pa11ne1s - and how to keep these relatoon- shlps strong and satrslymg I Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE will not only give you practocal voca- tional and careilr advice but will snow you the best hmes 10 use that mformatoon for ma•1mum ellecl. 9 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE '4111•11 be loaded with beneficial advice on money matters II will tell you when lo take chances and 1Athen lo be careful This is exceptionally important ot you have a tendency to lake 11sks 10 Your TOTAL HOROSCOPE cov· ers all matte~ felallng lo your body and your health It tells you the lhrngs to do and the U11ngs 10 avoid on order 10 enrov the max- imum rn good health. no1ma1 weight and h1gn energy ttYour TOTAL tteRGSGOP~goves you ~ ontormatoon. When 11 tells ToU0T possible bad poroods II also tells you how to avoid or ove1come them. The Institute needs your horo· scope to help corrip1e1e ow huge rescarcn poogram looking onto tho practical applicalions ol asl1ology (Applied Asl rology) Tn1s research program has been going on for some time and has been presented 1n COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE FAMILY WEE Kl Y MAGAZINE . THE LOS ANGELES TIMES HOME MAGAZINE. THE NATIONAL EN· OUIA[A, and otheo papers and pe1iod1cals. Righi now. lor a llm· 1ted tome only, of you help us by p1ov1dino you1 b11tn data. you ci1n benefit by becoming eligible to gel ho1oscopes tor yoursell and even your family and lnends. Here·s all you do-IMPORTANT PAINT ~LL OF TH~ FO_!:l .Q_WING INFORMATION CAREFULLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER -IN THIS OR- OER II) Name. (2) Efill Mailing ~ddress, 13) Month I .Qy I ~ I Time of B1r1h; and (4) 9-!Y. ~!!!!I and Country ol Birtn Send ic to us wolh the SJ.00 copying charge and 55¢ 101 poslage and handling. for eacn person's no!oscope rou w.!!)!. Note II you don·1 know your exacl tome of b1r1n use t2.00 noon You rnay even cha1ge 11 to your BanllAmerocard, Master Cnarge. or Ame11can E•erus by including the following (1) N~e ol Card, 12) CJ!~ Number, (3) Card e•ei1alion <!l!!!. \4) CardnolOer's Signature. Mail this mate11al to THE INSTI· TUTE FOR APPLIED ASTROLOGY; RESEARCH DIVISION: 6331 Holly· wood Blvd . Dept. FWF. Hollywood. Cahlo/DJA 9002.L We will, al no cost to you. teed your b11lh 1nform1111on into our go· ant computer The computer will lhen calculate your Natal Chari ,,,. eluding the sun. moon and plane- tary aspecl~ Then II w111 calculate the traris•I po51hons ot tho neav. enly bodlE'S a& 111ey move lhrough those pos11tons Ne•I. 11 will e~am­ lne 54 m1ll1on poss1t>1lllles 1n order to c 1eale youo TOTAL HORO- SCOPE' All you pay 101 your TO· T AL HOnOSCOPE •S lhe cos I or making a copy tor you Your horoscope ts co11ered by a lull !WU!!' money back guar· anleo ol complete satoslaction It youh1ve questions write or call Sanlord Richie•. (213) 276·2t51 Research Director, !l'le Institute lor Applied As11ology Act•• once and avoid d1sappo1nlmen1 Sen<! for your horoscope betore you torget Thank you c COPVRl()lll 1916 I f A A , •NC Sports Mlnl-Prollle LUIS TIANT JR.: B••bell"aor..-.--w ........ Up" Pitcher Good pitchen, like wtne, can improve with age. In 1971 Luis Tiant Jr. was · given his unconditlol'lal release by two major-league clubs on the grounds that he was over the hill and all washed-up. Yet he went on to post two 20-game winning seasons for the Boston Aed Sox and wound up last year's spectacular season wtth two great wins oyer the Cincinnati Reds In the World Series .... Luie, who'• 35, ii the eon of Lull Tlent Sr., • link ... pHchet In hll ct.y for • te11m c•lled the New York CulNtm. He pitched In such ball parks as Yankee Stadium and the old Ebbets Field. Luis Sr. advised his son not to take up base- ball as a career, but Luis Jr. didn't listen and in 1959 went with the Mexico City Tigers. Later he joined ThoM Nighttime Snackal Oh, those before-bed cravings for a toothsome little snack! When we virtuo~'ly resist, we're likely to lie restlessly awake, feeling underprivi- leged until we finally get up and eat something, anything, fattening or hol 1--u....,_solulioo....otcouIH o eat something in the first place-some- thing so low in calories we won't feel guilty and unhappy. But what? Hot tltlnp. uy peycholaglata, are more utilfylng IMn cold becw of their cozy "comfort" quotient A hot drink by itself can satisfy. For a thick, hot drink, try • cup of hot tom•to fulce with a dash of celery salt, 45 calories. Something sweet and delicious? Pour hot rnpbeny or strl!Wbeny low~I oet•tlne over half a cul-4.!p orange-- lots of comfort and only 38 calories. Or how 8bout •hot milk punch? Make It with half skimmed milk, half water, with a drop of vanilla flavor!~ the Cle'leland Indians and had his biggest year In 1968 with 21 victories and the best earned-run average In the American League. Then ·he developed arm trouble, was traded to Minnesota and was cut In the spring of 1971. He got his second cut when he flunked a tryoU1 with the Atlanta Braves ...... , Md no pl9Ce to go. I wMted to..., In ba111M11. but I cldn1 know ""81 to do," TIMI ntCllh. A friend who Wlls pitching for Louisville, a Red Sox farm team, convinced Louisville manager Darrell Johnson to give Luis a chance. Tiant did well enough to get promoted back to the majors and Johnson joined him later as manager of the Red Sox. ... Because of the "cold war" between the U.S. and Cuba, Luis and his parents were separated for 14 years. But last summer Fidel Castro agreed to let the father and molher go to Mexico City and pick up visas for the U.S. Then came what Tiant Jr. calls "the biggest thrill of my life." Father joined son at the pitcher's mound at Fenway Park and father relived his days with the Cubans by hurling a few fast balls to thunderous acclaim from a packed house .... Tlant's long, Fu Manchu moustache, his "cork- screw" windup and his perpetual. motion antics on the pitching mound · make him one of baseball's most colorful performers. He always works with a huge wad of tobacco In his mouth. "I don't chew lo Nline the ptelllM'I, like the olcllilM,. did," he ..,.. ., chew to ...... drtnting _...,, I found lt'a not good for 1M to drink a lot ol w..., the ct.y I pitch." -By lleny Abram.on and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top, 44 calories. For slightly more solid fare, try a ltNmlng hot cup of canned tometoee. IMde with hetf boulfton, a drop of lemon juice, a clove or two and a dash of pepper-30 calories. Eat it on a tray in bed, and feel privileged.. -By Harriet L8 Bene FAMILY WEEKLY, Jun. I . 1171 e ti ~­«""'9 •. ,._ ...... ~ and my loot troubles ended. " ""Being a nurse. I rarefy have a chance to sit. As a result of the coo- swnt pressure of walking and standing, my feet have hurt me for years. Sure, I've gone to Podi.trists, and they've helped some, 001 the pain had never gone away. Then, about a month ago, I heard about Aqua Peds. I got a pair- for about half the cost of a single Podiatrist visit-and my foot pain dl.s· appeared! With Aqua Peds, I'm actually walking on water, oot I feel like I'm walking on alrl Coma on my feet have disappeared. toot I volunteered this testlmonlal tor Aqua Peds and haven't been paid a penny for It. If you have loot pain, particularly If It Is caused by stand· Ing and wort(lng long hours on your feet, I suogest that you do what I did-get a pair of Aqua Pedsl.. ~ -~ _ 411" ~,,,~, ....... Nanuet, New Vort( O •d•r by "'oil o t tt.e Soeciol '•IC• of oflly $• 1Ht lewo•• ol iftlet101 ft•ufofiotu The t• i1 only o"• Ott91,.al Aqua '•dsl r---------------------------· Aqua Peds Have Already Helped l~ To Aellef From Foot Palnl Made of virgin wlnyl. Aqua Peets °"t· lut old-luhloned Insoles hundnlds ol times over. They're washable, scrubbable. hygienic and safe. They Insulate your lee« so they're warmer in -*'W attd cooler In --.-. WIU lit any type ol lootwMr from slippers to s.-iiars . .no. lo boots. No mat· ... wnat type of SUf1-ce )'OU ••• woftt or play on. Aqua Peds plovlde g,..,., loot comlor1. Sa1islaclk>tl is gu11an1eed. so Ofder nowl I ... Qllt W..., ... '"'Cata, ...... , ffl( M.•"" 1le r.r hlr F« ........ _. ........ 11: 9LACK<>f'lll.~ l'£0tA .. ..-tlht..,flaor410t'"I 100 Hottman f'llcl Oeot. FW H~ISlde. ~ Jefsey 07205 IUnw ____________________ _ IP• .... P1•no Address ___________________ ~ Clty State ___ z,p __ D Male 0 Female (Check One) Shoe Size __ UrtlfACJIOll CllAIAl!fflO DI fOllll .. , IMClll AmADDliDEW •AUTV AID FOR EUERYWOmAn OUER251 10DAYFREE TRIAL .......... , .. ..., ................. ............... c. ... ---------- Name AMms t.ily SUit Zi9 Sorry, No C 0 0 s N V rllldetlls ..... IClcl S.Slaa ... ----~---------------- • rind of~ paint braahes, rap, rolJ. en! Thia MW 1976 Model BLECTRA-SPRA Y Electric Paint Sprayer gives rwo/e..W-1 resulta without mesa or bother! Simply plug in, squeae the Uiccer, and 1ou're apraJinc or painti.nc witb any liquid t.bat poun -•MtOt1W11ie- .U11/ You pt a naoocA. nee .,.U.t job without waste, reach out-of-the-way comen easily. You can eave 11P to 80% of today's hip labor coet.a by doing il , Si•• Y• /letl9et, .... R•••lt• ... A•t•••ti~•l/1/ .,...,. ........ ._.... ......... .............. ,, ........ ,_,._. I 1 .......... ....... .... •r..-.. a... .................. ...... Jounelf. BLECTBA-SPllAY eomea c:c..- plete witb Paint. Jar, 7%' Corel. V19C!O- meter and Inst.ructions. See how BLBC-TRA-SPRA Y will pay for iblel.f tbe ftrst. th~~Gu use it.. You must be completely I&. witb the llDOOth, prof.aional results JOU «et or limC,.~m witbin 7 da,Ja for you money -qaeaticllla asked! No. 2073-Electra-Spray ............... 13.99 _._NOW_J{EEP YDUILHDML PATIO AND YARD FREE OF ANNOYING INSECTS ALL SUMMER! Here is a new electronic invention that will let you tune in t¥efY channel in your normal TV viewing area sharp and clear wltltllt the H · pense of installing a big roof-top antenna ... and without the inconvenience of having those unsigtltty rabbit ears ciuttering up your livinc room! This device attaches to your black & white TV set in seconds and phcs into any electric outlet in your home. This marvel actu- ally m,ts Git ellctrtcal Will in your house or apartment building to WOik with yOt11 TV set / ' This new 1976 E,isc.,. Prejtctlr projects di· rectly from snapshots, books, even solid ob· jects like coins, mineral specimens, etc. Fine reflector and mirror system, hi·intensity pro- 1ectioo bulb, and optical projection lens that enlarges images up to 16 feet square! Ruued two-tone body and base with cooling vents and "on-off'' switch built in. Comes in Clf'ryinc ca~-witti handle. C iete instructions in· eluded. Mt. 4500-1976 Eplsco,e Prtjtctlf ........ 8.95 as a CIAtfT ANTHiil! It uses no electric cur· rent whatever-1•% ult • at! You'll get great TV reception oo all channels you are now receiving with a conventionll antenna. Ideal for use with FM radios, too. Full instructions for use 1re included. Ordef today! You must be completely satisfied with the sharp, clear TV pictures you &et, OI slmpty return to US within 7 days fOf your money back! ... 4251 Clllt lY .......................... 2.41 SPF.clAL: 2 for $4 Here's a genuine, natural Tll_.s (Jt Man's Ring for a fraction of the price you would u pect to pay fOf tllis beautiful 1em! The silky, golden brown Tll_.s (JI is cut and polished so that a bright line of light mysteriously • pears on its surface in an amazing "eye" effect that actually seems to move as the stone is turned. Each Tiger's Eye is set in a rnlSSive Man's Rina finished in 1luminc tlll llUfy C... Dec• ...... and sllipped in a be» tiful Deluie Jeweler's Gift Box. Please state rinc size when orcterinc. Mt. 529--Tlltr's (Jt Mii's lils .............. $10 <D l97&1t1m MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! What a pleasure it is to enjoy outdoor living poisonous sprays or insecticides. Insects in the summer without being tormented by are killed by an llltcbltln grid that uses pesky insects! Now you can really savor out· only 3 volts of electricity -the same as a door fun, swimming, gardening, cookouts, small flashlight battery! Such a small shock • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • i and even naps outside -free from stings that birds, pets, kids and adults can scarcety I and bites! Yes, you can have the most feel it-yet it kills insects INSTANTLY! A Foflt te r-Tre .._, " .... RUStl 111er1n1etd 119111(•> c11ec•..i 11e1-. I · rfu f l"f with ..... f · k •t · II ,._., nd · ...,t I · I -1 lie <Ollllll•l•IJ ullshd ., I IMJ rltunl I wonde I summer o your 1 e u11S n pennies eep 1 tolfll a -1 a ntgn I Dt't. 924-FA, . w1111111 1 .,, for"" 1110111Y Mel. I new WCTIOlllC IUC KWJ that attracts -indoors or ovtside! This new model is 2M5 POST IOU UIC.-T II y 11531 I"•" 111et-90t Oft eec11 °""' 10 111, , 111rt insects havin" phototropic vision with an made of ruged, lli&h impact material, styled I · · · · of s111pp1111 & 111111111111 co11t. •• 1111 1111 '"" I • . I N. Y. Stal• lllkllllh ,,,... •dcl • .., ... 1. I almost invisible blue light As insects fly like I Charmine antique Colonial Carriage Uln tH l •. s· to this irresistable light, they are killed in. light Hang several on your patio, in the I · 111 Ill .. ······ 1 stantty on contact! yard, or in your home to be frft of •MOY· I ..... I 111% WE TO USE ing insects! I .,..., .,._ ... I This WCTROlllC IUC IUlW is *"ltelJ I atr I safe to use around children or pets be-Ne. 4313 EJ1etn1lc Ill Oler $9.95 I sate , c• I 't da hem'cal r -clAl: 2 fir •19 ,,... ..... ca111.cMca•._,•..,. s.,.,.noc.o.o.. ~~-m_e_1_m_es __ oo __ n_g_e_ro_u_s_c __ , __ s_o ______ ~ ___ • ___ •_· _____ •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••I ••• ,., Lack .. c ...... 11 IUU WrTM "IYU-IAR"I "IVD.aAlr .. Cool, Undllt9d .... Comfoftele lo £ff«flw. W..,. Clf"Y 1 GL NOvel •flulcf '*'!en" wlttl hNt--lc»d -encblr10 ~ ._.. .... llNn In toft 'Vlnyt, P'..,.,. ftC4IP9 of M'f'/ moisture. Clottws, bedding lteot dry. V.. 2 eeta of 11,_. for full n!Qht• aleel> without cNflge.~k oi-.Slua f« 811 ao-, edull1 lo d.Oldren. OIDH IY WAllT llllr c-i .. wtltl 1m.. : ..n 11.-, U .9!;; 50 d~apoMbl• 11...,... U&.COllFQ. CO., DmclC 411 t 537 E Mcf'eddln. s.nte AN.. CA 92705 (Sddby...,Sftce fH5/ GROW MUSHROOMS • ='•"'' f .... -. ... ............... ...,, INDOORS , JIN ONLY 30DAYS mlll ltllS C8PS llPEAT ........... ...._..,., Or• Mvah,_ Kit #N798J e $3.99 H eh or 2/$6.99 plus 6511 post•&• a. hen dHns ••ch. Send checll or m o. 10 Green. land Studlotl lHN Greenland e1-.. Moeml. Fie. 3~059. (N.Y a. Fla. rHldents add ..... , ••.• TlJat1.E DEAn Talk about "tur· tJe neck." you11 adore weariDa this aold-toned turtle tVOMNI your aeclt I He's happily cb.aiacd and captured in a large a bstract 1ilver-toaed pendant on an 11" siiver·toned chain. Great for 1uy1 and 1al1! Terrific! $12.9S ptus$1 plb. Morten Scoct Lad .. Dept. FW-.S, 41 Eaat S7tb St.. Suite 1006, New York, NY 10022:. end Shopper DO TELL! 8ollywoo4 Witt6S arc the beauty secret of many alamor- OUI pis! They're called ''Smoolh- ie1" and are made of fle1h textured fabric treated to adhere to the akin. Moiscen and presa over furrows. Use warm watu to re- move. Theatrical size boll, $2. Queen siz.e box, S.5. Add 2.5' pAh each. Winp, Inc., FW76, Box 413, Trenton. NJ 08608. FINNISH SLIP·ONSI Men with wide feet will be happy dial tbeK denim-weave, cotton casuals toot a bi& 1ian1 11ep from Finland to Hilcbcoct! Sure-footed soles of ..--.-~..-you ORDER---·---Whtie niw--.-A • ..,., illlpott-widt one su~-E.EB widlh for sizes .5-13. IY MAIL FROM State size. Deep blue Of brown. $12 FAMILY WEEKLY plus SI pAb. Free cataJoa of men'• • • • wide 1hoe1 in EB to EEEEEE Please allow up to four weeka fOf delivery on items ordered from companies that advertise In Family Weekly. Sometimes unlntentional delays occur. If they do, just write: Lynn Headley, Family Weekly, 641 Lexinaton Ave., New York, NY 10022. ~:rAI. *4'19.95 H£\JllET ~~Dm jH()l AAEPUCAI =::.' ··---COURClOQI ----· -~~-flll:EHJAlOO UNtaUE IWO«TI, INC. Dept _. &10F~SI ~ \IA 22314 width1. Hitchcock Shoea, lac., Dept •US, Hinaham. MA 02043. TU a KISH r . stamp collec- . TO •u·:.vE "deliabt" for tonl Unique 134 . llamp complete mint let relcucd by Turkey I .S yeara "° i1 youn fOf $3.9.5 to introduce approval service of other fine stamps. Buy any or none~ cancel aervicic aaytime. Ken- more Company, FT-.547, Milford, NH 030.5.5. OUR GUARANTEE You must be completely satisfied with the Bue 'N Beautiful 8~. If you feel thac it doesn't improve your figure, give you • st•tuesque, youthful appearance, return it to us for a full refund of the purchase price ... no questions asked I Now, that's a guarantee in writing! It's Better Than ~! r HANOvu "HOua. ~-.-Ma;"-- ---1 I M1,.,l11rltnet, .......,.,, ,._a, nut I Yu, I •ant tllat •1111 '""AIM lllllYrll loo~ loo! Pins. n;slt 1111 1--In .. INltifel ln(1) ~I for Illa s11tci1I low prict I of iv1t $5.W •IYs $1.00 to _,,, tOffr lll••P•n1 and h111dl1n1 cost&. 1 1 •llieratalld that If I • !IOI COlllPl•ltly dfhpted, I ""' rthun for 1 I fill rtfwod ti tho l*ICMM _,1U! I o SA'ICt °'"' two to• 11llt Sto 99 plus Sl.75 llOSUli! I I hllldhlll. oa umc _, ~· 1u.ra111tc. t ..:!OM •-___ 11111c1 '"'°'"'' •Cid utn 111.1 I I St•I• Slle(I) ------- 1 CtMMl ,,, I § MltllCH ll,,tH R Ctrlt lltllCllt DllMf"s c11111 Muttr Cllarcc I I lallkAIM1k:.11d lllltrbtnk • I Acct."°· _________ (Ip °''' I I 111me I t'4•sc ptl1111-- I ~as I I c1tr --------------I 1 SUit Zip ----'---.-----CD IUno~tr HouM. 1916 - - - -:....J ••• shapes you beauUfully, provides vital adds a full 2" to your figure support, New Fashion Idea: Bare'N Beautiful BAA t.el~lbe Realbl Show ThnMJOh RJr'IOdaYs Ultra Nalural Fashions! Whal do you do with today's glori- ously feminine fash· ionsl Co braless and run the risk of ruining your figure by losing muscle tonel NOW, s~re the amazing beauty S«ret that fashion· able European women have used between your dress, e11cept you! A lovelier, im- proved you, .. with- out pads, e11ercises that no-bra look with •II lhe support you need! Br.i is specially designed to uplift, rurve and rontour. . actually acid~ 2" 10 your f1g- urc1 ~traps •d1us1 for mu1mum com- fort <ind control. convert 10 haller bra t()(J 1 M•chme wash and dry Wh11c nyion. Specify ~1ie 32 to 40. llf''ll love rl' ONIJ s500 HANOVER HOUSE Your N1tur11 Si lltouetle The Improved Nuclt Bra fi1u1e! l40 ,.,,.,Streit M1111•1r, hH•. t1JJ1 ~at in the World! LORETTA LYNN "You g« uMd to udnea ... " Succee• "-been • lonely bullws lor cowitry-westem star Loretta Lynn: MAs a cowitry singer I write songs about marriage and family and the way normal folks live. But mostly J'm living in motel rooms and traveling on my special bus with my private bedroom in the back. I don't even open the shades in my bus any more. I've seen every highway in the United States by now, and they all look alilce to me. I don't even feel comfortable in my own house any more. I get home for a day or two, and by the time I unpac:k my bags and see what's changed since I wa.' lait there, it's time to get moving again. It's kind of lonely on the road, and playing those road 8y Frank 11.,..ln.lf LITTLE EMILY "You're In klokl TenWtt'• proeram COftll9tl ot home"'"'" plus mood ft'IU9ICI" 22 • FAMILY WEEKLY, June•. 1179 Thl9 IO-toot ...... Cleft> of u. petron ultit o_.......,., •nncta wonNppen of .................... Hin, who lutMI .. Ila .... (rtgld). Inell•'• gin sl .. ue-Md Its rttu•: Every 12th year for the last 1.000, Jain worshippers have gathered to pay tribute to their prophet of love and tolerance, Gomateshwara. But this year marked a spe- cial celebration as a helicopter flew over· head and dropped millions of rose petals on the statue to symbolize a resurgence of devotion to this once almost extinct reli· show' is a weird experience. One minu~e I'm out on the stage, usually dressed iu long-sleeved, Ooor-leugth gowns, with my hair hanging down to my shoulders, smiling at my fans. There's such a feeling of love between me and those people. I know it shows on my face. Being on stage is the best part oE my career. I just say whatever comes into my head, and I joke with my band, and we all have a good time. It's the only time when I really feel grown-up and in control of things. But J'm not really a.s happy as I act on stage. I've known a lot of sad times. I've had chest surgery and blood poisoning, and sometimes J pass out on stage from migraine headaches. I've had a bWlCh of death threats that we managed to keep secret for awhile. But you get used to sadness, gr<?Wing up in the mountains the way I did. Being alone so much I often get to thinking about my yowiger days. It's funny how most of the things I remem· ber are ahout being poor. I can remember w-aitihg,o-gentew shoes in the fall,-wallc-- ing across the first frost in my bare feet, sometimes sharing shoes until my feet got bunions on them. I could survive if we got poor again. Jn some ways. that was the best part of my life, learning to survive." From "Loretta Lynn: CoaJ Miner's Oaugh. ter," by Loretta Lynn with George Vecscy ( Regnery. $7. 95) . The Saw•Your·Dog Diet: Nutritional de· 6ciencies and weight problems which can lead to serious heart, kidney anJ iptestinal disorders plague millions of Americans and at least 2 million of the nation's 32 million I • a. .. i ii ;r gion. Carved from a solid granite boulder, the naked statue of the Jain saint is a for· midable sight. It can only be approached by walking up 500 steps which are cut into the hillside of a southwestern village in India. Along with the shower of roses, the statue got its tndjtional bath of scented water, milk and precious oils while Jain chants were murmured. dogs. Some dogs, like some people. can't tolerate a normal diet, and many dogs are victims of too much "good food," says an expert from "Animal Nutrition News." If your pet suffers from one of these disorders, the cure may lie in prescription dog food. But if y'>ur pet is healthy, keep him that way by noe pampering him with an all-meat diet; it lades the necessary minerals. Avoid those ·reward· foods since they tend to un· balance diets and lead to obesity. (This ad· vice applies to alJ ereatures, both canine and human!) ANNIVERSARY: D·Day took place 32 yea.rs ago Sund8J. BIRTHDAYS (all Gemini): Suncl11Y-Bjom Borg 20. Mond8J-Tom Jones 36. Tundmy -James Darren 40; Nancy Sinatra 36; Alexis Smith 55; Dana Wynter 46. Wect. neM8J-Robert Cummings 66; Robert Mc. Namara 60. Thursd•r-June Haver MacMwray-50; Frederidc boewe 72: F. Lee Bailey 43; Prince Philip 55. FrklllY -William Styron 51. S8turd8J-Jim Nabors 44; Vic Damone 48. BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: DM• Wynter 8"d Jim N8bon. Quips &Quotes ARMOUR'S ARMOURY"""" Br Rlc:Mrd Amour ~-) HEAD TO TOW A parlcing sign that gjves me fits And nearly turns me gray Is one proclaiming "Violaton Will Be Towed Away." I have a vision of a rope Around~ driver's oedc. A truck that tows is just ahead And pulls and pulls like heck. 0.. else the rope is round bis heels And be is dra~, unwilling. CrowdJ g.ather on the walks to watch A sight that's sad but thrilling. You say that it's the car that's towed And not the driver? Yes, You may be right, but I'll be vrry Careful nonetheless. After a traffic accident, a man mshed from the sidewalk and lean~v<.'r the victim. He was roughlY pushed aside by a yoWlg man who announced, "Stand baclc, please. I've had a course in first aid." The 6rst m:in looked on for a few minutes. TI1e11 he tapped the young man on the shoulder and siiid, ~when you get to the part about calling a doctor, I'm al- ready here." -Cene Y asenalr TliROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Klch -llfe dltt-tty. Send or\olnal contrtbuU-to ··Ct111c1:· Femlly W..lclJ, 641 l••lngton Ave . N.Y., tf.Y. 10022. StO II used-MM r91Umecl. I told my young son I was going to send his remark.. in to FAMILY Wu:aLY, and he said, ,. Are you sending them in to see if they will ptArW#t them?" -Janice Bair Bed/ord, Ind. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r------------1 t yourself If e.ansHaband's I I I cool, I • fortab e I Cotnd correct 1 an ON I NO IR £ IL£tSUl1R i sU I I I I I .. £~ The ·1N· Cru11 -"r .... u1£S: hrmanent Prest NO IRON f~"' Wash& WNr. n. .... ,,: Wide rOiffilt rflOrl collu, t•lloreo shoulOen, 2 1:1'9 dlftt pockell 5 button co•t front, sloe .,.nt construcuon, •nd completely flnlsheO .Olull•ble button ~..-.... ~.·~-cuffl.FlgurMl•ll•rlnt sem .. hapees waist. V•rtlcal 1~::r~·;,:,r:.~~:::f&::'!:~~;1: ~~·.~ro~nk•:ii. And tM 511'*1: Hal>ano makes a 1pecl•I ertortTo er.liver pertect 111 £ t•llorlnt 10 vour outfit II llr1t cl•u Oeluxe. Non·snat knit hOIOs lh shape, never sags or bags. KMPS IU Sharp permanent "IN<rNM" even In the rain! Four PGCkeh: 2 1tyllsn Olagonal lront p0c.keu pfu1 two useful ba<k p0ckels, all with OMP font· wNrlnt no·ftOI• p0e1<etlnt. You tet tne smooth no-roll Inner walltbanO, straight l•t moOel with NIY 9 -lncn bottoms, full Mat,£ tne SPECIAL new ext,...,.lcle tunnel 8eft L-... t . Si,.: Ynl Pleate send me the ....... 1 ~ polyester Summer Leisure Suits as speC'ilicd, and for which I enclo1e my remit· tance in full of S I have checked my'ci!.;ice.~f colorb) and filled in my Jedlet Chest Sizft: 36-31·40_.2·44· 46-41-50·52·54. Sledls Wai1t129·30·31·32·33·34·35 36·37 ·31·39 .. 0·41 .. 2-43-44 .. 5-46· 47 .. 1 ·49·50·5 l ·52·53·54. 1,,..ms 26-27 ·21·29·30·31 • -33·34. measured sizes. COLORS C.,ett Wattt This Order Geu t--8-U-E-+--t---11-"-1 FREE MATCHING 8ELTt i.;L;;..t.;.... ;;,.L;_..._+--+---+---t TAN ~uarantet: Your ,.,,,,,,.ntY t-MA-,z-E--+---+---t----1 will I# refu""'1d in full if upon retYipt WINE you '"' you do not 1111i1h to wur th• w it. Of cou,.. you kHfJ ,,,_ lrH /#It 1-0ll-.8-L_U__,,,E-+--t----il----1 .,,.n if you d«kh to '•turn t"-,.,t I Oii.GREE L..;.....;...._~.._~.._ _ _.__ ..... • • r· This Order ••ts FREE COLOR MATCHEO IELTI ~--- \_ ~ I )· ~ ---1 -- I I I I I I I __ _. I I I WAID S. LEE INC. 1234 S. Main St. Santa Ana -547·5126 CllVlll MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835·3171 CADILLAC NAIOIS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9 I 00 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546· 1200 DATSUN DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -142-7711 GAIDIH GIOVE DATSUH 13861 Harbor B lvd. Garden Grove -139·7000 THEOOGaE--AOllH-$.-FOID 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -642·00 Io SUHSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Westminster -646-4010 UMIVYSITY OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 HONDA ION GOODWIN HONDA 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton -171-0412 HOtilDA SANTA ANA 301 W. Warner A ve. Santa Ana -540.7430 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UMCOLN·MEICUIY 2626 Harbo r Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN MEICURY 1301 No. Tustin Santa Ana -50-0511 OLDSMOBILE UNIVERSITY OLDSMOllL 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 TV W[[I<, JUNE 6, 1976 PONTIAC PHIWftS IUICI. PONTIAC & OHL. INC. 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills -137-2400 RONGOODWIM PONTIAC -GMC 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton -171-0412 PORSCHE-AUDI DOM IURNS PORSCHE AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 CHICK IVERSOH. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -&73-0900 SUBARU GARDEN GIOVE SU IA RU 13 821 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -554-0100 TOYOTA llU MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -147-8555 DONIUINS VOLKSWAGEN 13731 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove -534-4100 SUllDAY, l1111t 6 10:00 U Nfl Clll•,.......iJ Ga111es 196S Nfl Champ1onsh10. Cr~enbay Packe1s vs Cleveland B1owns 8 Slndlot S11perst1rs IO:lO II 11 r t CIS Sptr1s Spet11I Norlb Ame11un Socw leafut gamr Ne. Yo1~ Cosmos vs hmpa Bay Rowdies 11:00 a Allctls Anfels vs. Boston R~ -- 12:00 D All-5111 Wrestlina W1estle1s include Ivan Koloir and John folos ];]O • (!BJ Cl)) (J}I ..... lll'fiblilMI Ttt111is t lnsic: B1or" Bo<t vs lhe Nastm ilOllDAY, J1111t 1 5:30 !Bl UC ....ar lli(llt lneMll l:JO • (<JI) ) UC lltMlr llitllt 11-.11 10:00 fD TM Oly.,i.M Women Cold Medal W1nne1s A tf1bute 10 tho1e women wbo have earned Olympte 1mmortal1ty horn Ausiralia Ruma Japan. France Czechoslovakra Great B11ta1n and Jhe United ~tam Somr ol thr 1ndmdual pertormancrs include M1chehne Osltrmryer trom France and Ame11t1n champion Babe 01d11~son and W1tm, Rudolph TUESDAY, June I 4:30 llll Mtlor Lu111t lneNll Oakland As vs Boston Red S.01 fRtDAY, J1111t 11 5:00 • A111ets lntNll Angels vs Detro11 l11m SATU•DAY, 111111 12 IJ:IO 8 0 Cl) 'Cll Mtjlr ltalM lntMll. • _.. ... .,. Allsets "' Detroit Tla•rs. 12:JO • Gtttltlt s,of1s 1.ttttt41 "'Arnold Red ' Auerbach 1:00 • Ctlt~ity Tt1111is Cary Collins and Mary Ann t.lobley vs Berl Convy and lanet le11h l:JO Wlltf h1d "'Bit Came fish and little Sail Boats Ho~t Iii mes Franciscus and Gar~ Uneei. star of I/le Sr lou1s Blues hoc~ry team fish tor tarpon alone the Florida Keys. 2:00 • CI1J (I) CD Kttll'9' 0,.. Gtlf Thud round ptay 1n this S2SOOOO PGA event from lht Qu11I Hollow Counrry Club rn Charlotte. N C II O Cl) <It G frtncll lnterutiontl Ttnn i1 Ch1111plonship1 StmHlnaJ round or lhTs louinamenf •111 be colorcast via salrlhte from Rollnd Carros Tennis Stadium 1n Paris. France 4:JO 9 <m (I) CIS S"'1s Slf*lac11l11 8 (a Cl)) 0 AIC's Wide WOfld of Spofts 1:00 ID TM. OlytllfiH SVltOAY i.. 6 5:GO 8 ~ '1"111 Tilllts S...11" (com} "73-Terry fhomas 1:00 a -CJ "V.,•lt tt tllt lett1111 of ti•• Sta" (sci ti) '61 Wallet Pidgeon 1:00 ID "1'11!111it of HtJPiMsl" (dta) 'I l -M1chael Sarum 9:00 8 I BJ ([') D CC) "I, Y & lH" (draJ 72 flttJbelh Jailor Michael Caine, Suunnah. YOik MOllDAY, Junt 7 1:00 a ~ ''One Feet in HtM (wu) '60-Alan Ladd a \.C. "Tiit f11 Country'' (d1a) 'SS-lamu Stewart Ruth Roman G) "MJ lbn &9'frty" (com) "36-Caiole lomba1d William Powell l:lO D C" ·•c.sillo •eyalt" (com) '61 -Pelei Sellm TUESDAY, lune I 7:00 a ·c "llichol11 I llltundn" ldra)-M1chie1 Jmton Janel S111man 1:00 a C "little of tllt lul1•" Cdra) 66-Henry rooda ID C "fw" (4dr) 12 Burt Reynolds llaquel Welch Yul Bry"°ei 9:00 8 (3 ) ) )f C. "l'r11dtn<e I the l'ilt" (com) 68 Deborah ~"' Oav1d Noven Judy Geeson WfDllESDllY Junt 9 1:00 8 ~ "Tiit IHI lhn" (dral ·61-Htnry Fonda CJ ..c; "Tiit Gltnn Mifltr Story" (mus) S4 Jame< Ste,,,,alf THUllSDllT, June 10 1:00 8 'J: "Cotttt" (wes) '12-0on Mu111y Ca.ol Lyn1e1 a .CJ "M1am1,,i Gl111Mtr" (adv) SJ lyrone Po.er Piotr lau•1t 9:00 U C) "Htlttt UtHt1"1'1rt I (Oral /S-Georgt 01Cen10 Sreve Railsbad U ill 1 1 10 C "Wlnntt Tlhs llJJ" Id•') l'J Sh11tt 1 lone~ lauoence luc~1nb1ll Fa!OAY lilflt II 1:00 U C "Clla111ber of Horro1s'1 (~01 ) 66 Pait1d O Nrdl 0 c "Thull4er lay" (dt a I ~J JamP\ SIP .. •11 I lailMI' 0111 9:00 U C "HtHtt S•entr" ton<I 5,, lhu1' 9PM ti ('at I ) lt C "Tiit Honken" l•P\I II '~"'"'Coburn I 11" Ne It If ton ' SATURDAY, Junr 12 5:00 D '1ht llahil llunntr" ld•d fi l I 1.ini Sonaloa 1:00 D l>• e 10 C "The lnnSIOll ol loll11son Countr" '"'" /1> Bill Bu by, Bo Hup~tns D • C' "S,11n's H1rYHt" tat1111 6~ G~mge Mc1nl~ome1~ Cl C "Cllertnnt Alllu11111" 1-~~) b4 ll1tll~ui W1dmui l :lO ti ( lt e •) 31 C ''The h1111ly ...._., W1"tell'1ld1a1 /~ ''"'''~ lones l1mrs OMn JI'-. /II(• I HUCJt 1411I61 Room * Open Beam Ceiling * Ranch Roof * Concrete Slab * 6 Ft. Sliding rliass Door * All Electric Outlets * Full lnsulatiOn in Walls * Stucco Exterior * All Plans & Permits (You finish interior to your taste.) .. 5277600 .JJnford & Pacific st STRUCTION CO. RESIDENT • COMMHCIAL • IMDUSTlY 2016 QUAIL ST.• NEWPORT IEAC:H CALL 540-1333 ''·1;0\·;;::;· • P~3 ABC'S . TRIPLE PLAY- WOLF-to-PRINCE-to-UECKER ftf Ille UC llhMly •IPt ...... II Mrils, Ille lktwrl Ills dllln a Irie II ..... IMI ul'tlf witll t11t Plfatts ill lMI 1114 lieu .. tllt dlitf --..ctf ;. ...._.. _.. r..,ectM..,.... • ...-.. ~·••h• elllleriu's t..m_,.195..__z_.Ht__,1ta,__,.,...-.--.,,~~J1tll~r~~l!-'1'~·~ud~~""~M~·Stl~r ~...,~l..!!-~---1 s,.t. Warner Woll 0-II llhMly llicM '-"11) ~UC ii~ CIMfM _. ujer .,.ns, illdMil& IMtW, llt•ill&. lla*ttMll, ._..., 11141 ,, ms.,.,"' ......... "' ..... twt ur1t11-H Ill UC s,.tbcattr !ICM ..... , .. .i., c111.,...,,.. Bob Ue<:ker stlrttll Old ...... ,., ts s,.ts Dlrtdlr If WTOr·TY ii ........... D.C. llt Mi• 1111 urttr ill a--..,_,.. 1141 Ill lllMle It. llt .... Ill -...,111 !Mt llis ~ P* ..... , .. ii 1'51, ... liter wr\M"',. ~ii .... 'irlilia * "Ille ....... ib ,.,,.,,, ClllMtH • -"''"''wit. ,,Mille4 llila wittl .. ..,.... "' ~ wror.n ii 1'5S. W111111 11as ~ ,..,47.,.., .-• ..,..... tllMf. it rtllfltH 11t •• Mtirtly .... u rffr. A utift " c* ~ fir t. WISllil .. tam-tilt ..... (........,, tllt ......_, U-., tint (llla,..i fir a 111illtr lea ... INlll ill loltilwillt, llJ., s..ten ~). tllt llllllb (_.ttNll) IM Ille Ca,itals (ice ._...,); co-lllllfe llis .lit IMttills mrap uu,."14 hilll illlo a ,..ititll with Ille tllttl· lllltM Ille ICM,....,. •·1•• tllecab 1114 CMrM Ille,.... tUtill& 1111111 ..... 1r ... ii 1'51. After 1 yur 11111 a llaH, lie•• trMoll '11 st. Liiiis It tllt 1211 """" °"""'"-Bob Pnnce <JUy . .,.,uy lllllMllCOf) Ills Mil a ....,. Ill ~ ter twt ..-as Mtlf• Milla tra4M i. ~-Uoclor dllt ~ 11111 ...... fer tllt,.. lllrff ..... T.-,..i,tlt tf 1111 ,....._ 11111 Ille,...... fer I,..,, tlltl rtjliM4 tllt lfms ii 1'57 aft" yurs llM lltol .... 91111 Ille ~p l'if ... Mill llila Ille MfJ -IMif ... ti ........ Ml Mpll IMI .,..... Ul'tlf ii Jt71 aM., lt7J WIS ..., ...... -., ............... ,., IUt .... ,,....... --... ...,..,.,.., ........ "'11111111w-.. '"""" J I II II MORNING 8:00 II • f 1 Sum111er Se111tt1er DAllOIM4tt 8 U tD Ftahlres -6:30- " ...-, 1 Iii r(f IHl ft1turn .. !let tor .... Oat) eurt1tu. 8 Miclllt4 bcbo11 Sllow tD Bozo's lie Te111 7:00 U 17 I J 1°2jJ f£1 ll11rs U ZJI f 1 rt01 Cllt Toll1y Slltw D 700 Cit* • I II) CJl1Mfts 8 ( '9i · I ) 1)t) Gooll Morn1n1 Ailltriu D fuh11es m l'orky ,,, fl) Stoc• Muket Ope11i111 fl!) Misttr ... .,,. lhi&llMrhood -7:30- • TtlllltSltt fuaello CJRom,.1 holll m mc.rt-s fD SesalM Slrttt 8:00 11 t ta,u11 A111111eo t Su•u• 11----11-1111..DmJ.l Wiatt GI TIM flitttd-1 m o.,uty o,.. 11 4 Tiit nl t1u11 fD llew York Stock Eachln1e at T111-fuaello -&:30-u Rlli&IOllS fro111ms DJK• Llu1111e tD Ylli & Fritlllls m Hercules .• , ........ fl!) VllJ1 Alec1t;C11r11colud11 luu Thur~ 9:00 D • I '"" Is Rici!! D ,U, l 10 m Ctltllritr s-,stlkts D TIM Gtlllry t I GI I Lo.t lll<y D AM IM Ait1tles UTt111111J Hnki111S-. m Gtntle len fD Sal111t Slrttt ( 2t f ) Mitt Dou1~s SllCl9 3f l'ltil Donahue Show -9:30-D n 1 101 m Hicll Rollers e _...IH: Ste Oayhmt Movies J lurns & Allen m Grttn Aerts m at ft1twrn 10:00 D 11 3, t Gt11111it --8..Ull..Jal£1Wllttl of fM· tun• e Tht Hon1ymoot1ers G) ttoc1n's lltrMS at m Fu!Mrts ~.l JI You're On -10:30- B 11 3 t l-ti Ute D U & 1 ;o m Holl1•ood SqUlrts e lo.tthtW 8 (•2t 1 e •) 11 H''" Otys GI Alhell Hitcllttc• l're1111b m lill c.s.y 'Sl 700 ~ 11:00 D lt 1' lJ 1 '.lJ YW111 & RtstleU U i2SI ({) 1t0l G fu11 FKtary f )Till MillieMitt 8 (12t! !JJ) tUJ lllyillt & RulOll U .....,: See Oayllme Movies m 1ews . m "-Pyle m c1assic r•1T1M •h1iti111 -11:30-u 11 1_1 t Surch 111 ft. _, .. D tfJ ~31 •u m hke Illy Mvice • ((ff) t~) st .,.,. !fie .... 10" flhlJ H1rt1111n, Miry H1rtm111 m ltt's bp Q) lill IAsllt Show An•RNOON 12:00 u lloontiMt D To, .. tllt Truttl J.1 ft111ily Att111 8 ('21 tl) Qt Ell&t of 1111111 (I r !JJ ll11n tD _...11: Set Oayllme M0\11t~ G> I Dltllll of Jtlllllll .1] 3 lleoll Att11r /let llr1tt1 ii• T lliiy Kattiiin, Micy H1r1· -2( lrttlt btuls Im Not tor WCM11t11 011ly -12:30- D 17 3_ ) As tlle Wotld TMrns IJ .UI 1 t• 10) m D1ys of Our lives 8 HislnMJ l'lltrol 6 Jt I Litt LAKy 8 (!21 [)) 1HJ Ml My Children ti) ll111iij & IM PrtlftSll 1:00 a 241 Mowift) See Oay11me Movit~ e, Otd V111 Dyle SlllW • (12t 1J">) ,. ., .... , "°" Cl lllWI m ... .., w.1111 fl!) [~tioMI f11hun -1:30- D 111 • J J t , flit Gulth111 li1ht IJ .tt t' 101 m Tiit Doclou £ T.,,.1 8 (lffJ I •l lltl let's M1kt A 0..1 U Tiit Lucy SlllW m CAartm1 111e .. ,,.,, -2:30-u 17 3' • 8, Mitch G1111e .. lllWI f lHwt It to ltmr 8 ( 2t e,) ft) OM lift to lrwe U _...lt:See O~ylimt Mov1t~ GI Mickey MOl!St Club m Gtt s.iurt m u s.-;1a E1tn1 3:00 11 r11 131 btttetalts D tlr')Se!Mrset 9 1'11111 Dlll't ut 1111 D1isits;C1ll It llllUrtN flt l tDClrtlNS 8 (Qtl ) QtJ '-tllul Hos,it1I I f l Tiie lrldy lu1Kh •1Qi Mowit: See Daytime Mov10 e-10re ..... ..,. .... lS • lrOlltille 'Ml 01r\ Shadows -3:30-8 •1tl Oiuh! a m .. , .. 1>ou11u s11ow 9 Oait & Harriet 8 ..._: Set D1yl1me Mov1ts t I l>fHlll of J1111111t at"''' l"i1 G) Tiit MUMtm IT j c.,11i11 .,..,.,00 .,MJ Ylli & H11tk ( ~ . ) ... ,.,. m LI Gtu 4:00 D fltlltr l!IO'WS lest l ' Su•"""" f Slit Tret URitlT111 T111 GI Tiii Fli11tstont1 II) Gitli1t11's lsl111d fB "41U11 loy Sllow lJ •e l U,111·12 'Mi Uuie;fhe 1'1t111 Aw11ds I ur~ fD Mister Recen' llti&llbOrhood UJ J I llttlt Rlsub ID Dr11111t1C St11t1 '1J Rocky & His F rit11ds S•lly Field hu been signed to st•r in the title role of "Sybil," • four- hour NBC World Pre· miere movie which goes into productton ne.I month. The film is hued on the besheller of the ume n•me b y Ffou Rhet• Schreiber. fo•nne Woodw•rd wu c.ast e.1rlier .as Or. Cameli.a Wilbur, the p~y­ chi.at rist who tre.ated -4:30-eam of"_... • 1 Gillif111's 11111111 111 Tiie lone a111111 10 M1111-12 tD lllc5 & Hb lllll!llt$ m lllcHllt's llnr 111 13) l'IKt Is Ri1-t '2~ 61 lltn Gfitfi• Sllew •a. 11111, lucll;lh1tr lu1u1 l1sef11ll J ues Oa~land A·~ v~ Boston fled Soa fJD Seulllt Strttt c" a ) Tiit n111tst-,. IMws @) Underdo1 5:00 8 DD •itJlhws Ill Tiit Ii& V111tr; Anatls llw11111 Angels •S Oelrn•I f 11 e a. "'°"' 22l l •<tPI luu GM•nrd IQ (i.?t) I ) llews m ™ F1111tsttMS m &et s..rt m lo lmperdoll1111t '1J Tflree SI001t1 -5:30-a I ,17 ~ (!Jt I I lltoss I 6 Golfttl l'yle m lewitchtll G) I 010111 of IUMlt 2'1 AllllJ l;11ff1tfl (1cepl ruu f1l) Tiit EletlrK Comp111r ID MullllO ft J11t11tlt mr .... r.i. ,3t lleonay 111&~1 111111111 Mon m flasll Gotdoll I need a large o ld home on Balboa Island or the Peninsula. I have sold my home & since I am 1n real estate I assumed l o ca ti ng another would nol oe a prootem, but 11 is I have to be out ot mv home ov July 261h Sybil, .1 wom•n with Tb · 1 have 5 children person•litie~. dog 2 cats & I need Field h.as st•rred in the your help If your home needs so me pain t title roles of three TV se· rhat 5 o K 11 would ries, The Girl With Some· give us an opportuni1y thing htr.a (with john r o add our own O.avidson), Gidget .lnd persona1tt1es IJ your The Flying Nun. She hu children have grown & you no tonger need •ppured in the TV your large hOme or ,, movies "M.1ybe I'll Come tor any reason you Home in the Spring," would consider selhng ~ri•ge Ye~ Qne" •n~ _ your home (or renting) "Hitched.'' He r fe•ture pTease c all me at films include "The W•y 673·6900 or 675·5016 West" .lnd the current re· alter 6 le•se, "St.1y Hungry." "Sybil" will be filmed putly on lootion in New York City .1nd prirn.arily in Hollywood. * * * Barbara Humphreys P ... 5 - I l l I SUNDAY IUllE 5 I MORNING ( * )Indicates 1n Advertise· ment 8:00 m Tiit l1blt bswtrs -6:30- 0 T°"r's lltli&IOft II Tiit letsons m The Clmsto,ftus 7:00 0 U.S. of Arthtt U GO!USA 6 111 llue llhrble O Operation £111tr1ency 10 llth1iolis Sptc11I mun1t 4 2s e This Is the life 26 Ttnneuee Tuaedo 3t Acrtc11lliue USA -7:15- e W1lh This lllnc -7:30- 0 Harlem Globetrollm U Yeaetable Soup U Mu51C ' the Spohn Word 6 Jeff's Collie • Ltl There 8t Licht D Rev1n l flru m Uncle lilt's 1'11111 1'11tr 2' 6 GO!USA 26 l11llw1nlff ( 2t • ) Town Hall Mtthnt 3t S1111 Your l'r11Wl to H•l!I -7:45- 17 3 S.cred Hurt 8:00 U Limp Unto Mr feel U Sertnd1p1ty D Ilea Humbird e Jimmy S•1u1rt Siio• a TY I L~s 11 Lurn1ne D Revrn l of Amertu 10 17 3 26 Jerry f alwell CD Wonder1m1 m Chaplin ol Bourbon Slrttl 23 6 Wo1ds·A·Popp1n' ED Mister Rocer\' llt•Chbo1hood ( 211 a ) D1y ol D1scowerr ID Cine de Espanol n Who Is My llt11hbo1 -8:30- D looll Up ' l1we Q The Ch111lophtts & l1mu Robison 1te1111on & 23 e II Is W11!1tn a Day of Olsccwer~ O Meet1n1 Trme at C•l•lf• m TOiiy and SuYn Alamo ED StYmt Street I 29 a ) Ru Humbard n Herald ol Truth 9:00 D Today's Rtht10n Q This Is the loft 1----D Do oLQ!lCO~•r 6 Rea Humbud & Campus l'rolrle-V1ewpoml on llwlrthO!I 0 23 8 8 0111 ltobt1h 10 II I\ W11!1en m lltwtrtnd Al 17 3 U S ol Archie 26 Wmen llobt1ts 39 Know Your Bible -9:30-0 Bthtl D Ac11culture USA P-eel a ( 2t t I l1m111y Suuart 8 Tod11's lnwolred Cl!utcl! 6 W1~ift Tlleatre a Am111n1 1'1ophtc1ts 1 o Mttt tht l'ress m Gospt1 Hou1 11 3 Harlem GloOttro!ters 23 t IMl&ht ED Mister b&trs' lltiahborhood lt htwtlntSJ on Strrict 10:00 U 11 3 l Fact Ille ll1hon u llfl ChafllplOll.Slllp Games 1965 lifl Champ .. insnrp Gretnbi( Pa(~ t•\ ~\ fleveland ll10 .. ns D 6 Hour of ro.r D Sandlot Supersllrs D ~"Id cl r1ull! 10 Spectrum 26 Sunday Celebution ED Seumt Street ( 29 a I Wrtl!rl m lnSl&hl 3t Flinbtones -10:30- D 11 3 a CBS Sports Spttial No11n Am~11c~n Socctt l ea~ue dl Iron lifw Ym-C11smos vs hmpa Bdy Rov.d1e~ Q m Meet the l'reu D ( ~ a ) 39 G1oow1e Goohrs O Mow1t: C "C11son Coty" (wp,1 ~' RdndOlp~ Senn 10 Th11ller m Calvary Chapel e>AI Dia 11:00 D m Reh11ous Spec111 I~· Golo•n So11ng 111e.arde1 ~rnurb1 nirral•~ lh1~ r•amrnarron ol IM art ol lhP Rtnar~ncr perrod D An1eh lueball Ang''' o llo\lon t T11uana:W1ndow to the South & ( 2t e ) lt Tlle>e Alf tl!t Days CD Mom: "Man from Dallota" 1 .. e~r ~O W.illacr BePry m Church 1n lht Home n 1 Tr.. !arsons 26 Fust Baptist Church ED Stume Strut ED l'ulllrc Sttwrce -11:30- 6 Movie.• "How lo Make A Mon ster " 1h11•1 ~II (;d,, I u11wa1 0 I 211 8 I 19 M1h A Wish 10 San 0,110 H1ppen1n1 13 6 Mo.res c "G11or· 1 u1m h,' ).it ~I~ r.1~~1011 ~dlh1•11n• llalh C "Story of A Woman" ld• '" b~ H11\1 Andr" 11n Rub•rl '>ldt ~ AFTERNOON 12:00 Q W1ldhlr Thutrr U ( 29 a ) 39 luuu ' Answers 1111 I l'~rhcip,1nl'. rn lhr· l 1hl•11n"' 11flni.1f-f lfl r1ull tff' t0ff't'tilt 'ftt"I' 0 Atl·Sl1r Wrullin1 W•• .fl~• •r• ludP t~ itt ~ol1u1 1111j 111'111 Ii !•1 10 lr011S1dt m A Man and His Ministry --m ~llllrkan-1nie1 tnm1rtfour 26 VoKe at A1rrculture ED lluclur lnrt11hn (Ill m ln~•cht -12:30- 0 C1mt1a Thiee D ltH A<llOll m Mowor,. "h•e Me Out to lhr Ball11mt" 1~"" 1 4'1 I 1,1n~ -..r1d1r1 1;,,n,. K•ll\ f ,lhr• W1ll,_m1 m rhe V1111nran 26 hrm Rtpo1I m Chrtst11111tr Clos.t·up 1:00 a Moo.tie D Od,uey t Moo.rle~ "Oii Mt11! <Ill W0111tnf" 1ccm1 'll -Jony Randall Crn£t1 Ro&' rs 8 HtMOn CJ Moo.rit: "Ha114 1n H11ttl" 1d11) 61 John Grtason Sybil lhorno1~t 10 l'ohtiul ltllly 1? ) fillll F11ture f» G1Mt11111 fr11111 Gtrm1n1 ~ 'llMic l'ollc1 forum ED Cll!I01n11 ll11tlt11 Dtbalt (II) ( }t • ) llfl AcbOft IDlthoM Jtloblfflt -1:30- 11 Mowre: C "Twenty M1lllon Miies lo Earth" (M:I 11) ;1 W1ll16m Hopper Joan laylor U h ith tor Todar & Movie: C "lloOody's l'erlect" 1co111J 68 Doug MrClurP ( 2t 8 ) Mo.11: "My Sister £1leen" tcornl 4? Rnsallnd Ru~~~ll £D flnf111ia falCO!I m Clll II Mac"''"' 39 Sunday Mow11 2:00 U Tile Ch1mplons m It h•u -Th1tl 11 3 M1. Chips fl) Ch1new Enttrb1nn11nt Hour H f1rt• tor Tod1y ED SWent film Classics West of hnllbar 119291 Lon Chane. l1unt l Bar1ymoie m futllol Soccer m Ch1mpt011s1!1p lowl1n1 -2:30- 6 Tht C-1mpH111s m Crutu1t Futures 11 )!Spy M l'tt1tecostal hmpfe 3:00 O Mo.1e: C "The R1eers" 1d1a1 )) 1<.11• Douglh Grlbi!•I Rolond II Tht lltbels tle11r1 lldv•d IM• r•u Poi11•vPd bv Rt•n lt1mnp\011 I horPau " ml~rv1e.,fd '" (one 111d Ma~\ O MovM!: c "A lion is 1n lhr Slrtels'' ldr•J ) 1 larri.1 Cap11ry e lnte1nahonal Hour O Mow"; c "Vou1e to t~e Bot. torn of the Su" l\ft hl fi I WdllP1 /'1d~eon lo.in f urlfdtnP llS1n1sler C1nem• m 11a1r1 ·16 26 Jimmy Swagut Sno. m Mo.Ifs: "Plunder Road" 1drdJ \~ G•n• Hdtmonrl Wd1nr M·>111·, "llo M1n01 Y1tn " 11vm 1 4~ llM•4 ~nd••w> l •lh r~tmrr I OUI\ tnur~dJI -3:30-Q On Carnpus 6 Gal01nahonals 0 ( 29 II ) U World ln"u l10111I Tennis Claurc llt11•~ 811r1• 1 11,. Na\l 1\• a race lltt ll1tion IA.Jb••• ,. "lllhn llilltd lhr MwsterlOU5 Mr foster!" '"'''r iii I 101 \I R<11~nrn1 lu01 (,rP'"" r7 J f1fm future n 6 fducahon al W01• 26 lltli11ous Town Hall fD Tht Open Mind 4:00 0 Sund1y e Stu lrtll m Mov": "Z1t1feld folhu" Im"'' 1~ r 1P~ A"~'" r.1•1111 ~,.,1, TV WEEK. JUNE 6, 1976 tr :I -.Ck Co.cert fa Korull V111tly HI V VOICt of Acriculture 24 Iii Ti111t Wrtstlinc fD Wiii SlrMt WMl m r11tnt Ctntnt '9 ClllllM ,rofil.-Y-poml on lllllntlOll -4:30-11 UIT Sp1ci1I Gays Public I Kh P11v11t f"hnts Host Mat corm 8010 e•ploies fhe 1ssuts and •lle1nalives being rarsed b1 int Cat Communrtv 6 Get S!Mrt m lort111 """ 11 e Mttt the l'rm ID World l'llU m Hollyweect Clltl 5:00 U Star Tre• & little ltl1uts & G1t1I Adventure CJ Ch1mpt1111shrp lowl1nc 191 "'"' a> Movie: "-30-" ld•~I )9 hd·, Webb Wtlham Conrad f» llOfHI\ Dr1m1 1'' • Concern 26 World of Suniul Ell) WHIUnftOfl Week 1n llt"ew ( 29 e l Cha111pio11sllip F1sl!1111 OJ El Clrco de C1pukn1 39 Movte m Ainer1t1n An&lcr John r 0• hosts lh•\ lust 1n a \ellts on fishing -5:30- 0 lltWSNhrs 11 e 10 u e 1 m~ 11 l l'41ts' D1y at ltl's Make A Oe1t ED first lm11n ol Ult llew World ( at e ) h it to the Mu11er m D11m1 St11t1 m A111trlc1111"r1tl Jewrsl! Hour •V•IHNG e:oo UDe>ll.-s II IMll. f1111 I Olhe U Mowrr: C "Suen T1mH Sewen" 1co111l 13 l•rrv lh11m~' 6 Sund1, Special a m Nation11 Gto111pltrc (i) Wild Wild West •o l'ubllc Aff1irs Proaram 11 3 Ruth Ctlm1n Show fD Cutoons 73 6 D111oaue 26 lilln1t: c ('6) "S•eet Sweet ll1<hatl" (\U~P) 11 Al•• llrtrpr ED los An1etcs """ Review (~ 8 ) Siar Trd ID Water World -6:30- D Animal Wtfld D Children's f1fm I w1i hr\ J our 1 •H 1nd 01rP a •• H••rl 1111 'hr ""'Y ~1 d ~·111~R\lr1 v.hn •Hlunrr•" 111 br 1 ftl\I,, own•• nt • G•r nldn \h•1rhrrd oup th~I ' d>',llH•d In lw r om• d '""'~ I 1~ 001• to DrmtnSIOll '7fi - 'i73" litws --------9 n 6 Wild 1t1n1dom ED A11onsly I Companr ED El Show df Walter Mmado ID lourner to ~wenturt m ltollu wmts 7:00 U 17 3 8 Ml M1nutM U n s 101 m World of Dis· neJ I •Ill• Oog I OSI Airer h3.,ng lir•n \PD~IMtd ltorn hrs nwners a . young Welsh co1e1 named Candi is adopted by a hiendly larmer "ho trains her to assist 1n herd1n1 snuo ..iJ WIW Wiid Wat • (Bl tf)) {UI ISffiiiiJ The U..,,., hlift'"JKiHS Cou· stu11 Sl"P'"l Shar~s of YucataA IR) Captain Cousteau s sc1en11f1c cu 11os1ty luds him to 1nvestoea1e tile phenomenon rtpor1ed by nalrvt d1 veis of sharl.s on the wa ters of th, Cult ot Muoco oft the Northern top ot Yucatan that ttllft 10 undt r•aler caves lor rut and sleep CJ *it: ".t'." (?llr) wv.,.,, to tllt lotlM If Ille Su" (m 11) &I Walter Pod&eon Joan Fontaine • lMt ill S,.Ct G) The Fii m 1.,, ..... Dr1111a fD liner T tllnis -7:30- tt Public Affa11s fD Dr. Who:TIM Silurj,ns A repw nt the 7 part adventure whleh lmds rime lurd Dr Who dnd h1\ ass1s10111 I 11 summoned to the aid ot an underground atom1C 1esea1cfl station thal has been plagued by amdenls to~ses of power and nume1ous men tat breakdowns of p,,sonn~I m Acom111name !!I KorHn UftClllCf P'rocrims 8:00 u 11 3 • Sollny ' Cher (RI Guest s1ar Raymond Burr stniS and peitorm) 1n comedy shelchu and lhe entort usl 101ns 1n a vaude"lle type show IJ ll L D m £11ery Queen lhe Mao lu Pari1 (R} A m~ nch buSJntssman drsappurs and [llery Jal.es 3 personal 1nlt1tSI In l1ndrntt h•m brcaust the molloonaue wanted to bacU..Btaad.8'11 version of one of lhe £11try Qutt" m,s1rr1 no1e1s D Po, Goa Ille Collnlry f •on111n •oc~wtll's Werld 8 (ft ( ) If Sri Miltloft S Man The Deadly Rtolay lht ~·pe11 menial a11crall involved on Sltvt Auslon s neai laial crash 1s rebu111 dnd Steve 1\ deteim1n'd 10 be lhP lest p1fo1 tD M0tle: (2hr) "l'ursull of lhpp1 nm" (dral 71 Mirh••I ~dl•aitro Baobara H'mhey l G Md1\hdll a> Sim Yori~ Siio. fl) Musrul V11tefr m "°'a GI Los ESj1Ce<i1h Sylwl• Pinal -8:30-0 Breath of lrfe e Gel Smart 9:00 0 17 3 8 llotak (II\ l111 um• ldnt1dl ev1dPnte md~e) J vvung CreU. lbt. 11urnt.. .111weu Ill lhe murdPr ot a p111s111ute bul ~01~~ finds the yuung man ) lro~nd' •t hng ~\ J IOAdblot~ 10 h~ IAV'\h~6h0A IJ n e 10 ID lllC Sund•r Mrstery-llllctloud Ou1 Mdn on "" Hdrrn1 (R) Pul\urn~ a m1)\1ng pe1 1---.l.llA UU-Ul e.,. MtCtuwllO .in ull JJL Middle I dSI nahun wh"• whM \law Pr1 and inlPrnalmndl llr~ n11\111P\\ rnrrupltun proflfer,llP 0 Oral ROllerts a Outer ll1111ts 8 ( 2t 8 ) lt ABC Sund•r llithl Mow11; c (2hr) "l. Y and lee .. <dr~l II Cli1dhPlh laSylnr MtehA~I l,d1n• Su,dnndh Yo1 ~ l!obr.11 Blakeley ·~ a m~n ,.ho Inv" not w1s~ly but loo nltr111C"nrl Mid hi\ Wll~ /P~. dOe\n I llkr II D Glriter Ttd Amlstr0111 II) lea Hlllllllrd f11Ja1111MMfli111 at> The DM Way SJ Mnttr,_. Tlll1tr1: llotooous Wo!M1 (R) Mrsalhantt m """' .. t.11 -9:30- • Tiit 111111 II Collll•1 D MllrfltY It Ad'91urt m C«eu,... 10:00 fl JT ~ l l rOll• tRt In an unde111ootld power str uule · Ille luaer ol a family has hrs own am b1hous brother k1lleo and Sat Web be1 os framed lo• that murder • Day " DiKMtry t List If 1111 Wild f Carboll I Colll111ny Cl C.lilornia £ntro S11tc;,1 No on 15 l elettton l eadtng eneigy e•perrs discuss lheu oppos1t1on rn P1opos11ron 15 and wtll ans10e1 phone 1n que~ttons lrom viewers mm1tews G) Gos4MI Hour .2f 700 Club fD The Japanese f ilm Gate of Heu m Lou GordOll si.o. -10:30-0 Jl111my Sw•u•rt Shft o Onid Niwtft's World e Sin Diqo fl) Wrntti11, 11:00 8 IJ f JG 11 3 llews 9 ,ICIMHtrs t World ol Surma! 8 (2tl )lltwS D M"11; "lattl11round .. (Oral 49 James WMmort Van Johnson m Mowlt: "The lioM h rth" (dra) 37 Paul Muni Luise Rainer G) Mom: ~ "D1111ut1a 13 .. (hOfl 64-W1ll1am Campb•ll UJ f 1111111 ol 1111 Gamr m [fl(lltlllro ID Jimmy Sw1u1rt S"°- U Mru.on; frnpouible -11:15- 17 J Sammy and Company ( 29• e ) Sp•nish lltws/Mowie -11:30- 0 Sunday Sports F1nal1Mov1t: c "The Interns" (drd) 'bl Mich .1e1 Callan Cllll Robe1 tson D Sammy I Company U 100 tlub • Wyatt h rp 8 Notre: "lilt al the Top" r•J1a 1 b& I aurencP HarvP) IPan Som mon\ e hlepulst 10 Notre; C "The Sp111I lfoad .. 1 d• a I bfll\i(\ !fiiif'l11il1fu1Tm;;-- 21 World ol Surviol 12:00 a lltnrtnd Al e Ttlepulse >t ••r va11e, 1:00 D Al One With 2:00 0 M0t1e· "Sl!owdown" tWr» I h j Audo, Mr,,pnf ~~ll1fPrrt Cruwfry D Spuk1n1 Free11 3:30-u Mow1e· "Tht locbl" 1rlr1rl 4f1 I ~1a1nr O~y llt)brrr Mt1<h11m MONDAY JUllC 7 foi 111on11111 •nd ,,,,,,,_ llShncs. plust set DAYTIME l'ROGUllllS. ...... tor ,our COii""""''· 1111111 day's "'°'its . DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 8 "b.1111111 ... ds" \adv ) 35-Gtrttudt Mtss1n1er Da•f Shltpt C "Son of El Sod" IOtJI ~amua_All tonella l uald1 11!00 Cl C "ferry to Hons Kollt" 1dra) 61 Or!.On Welle~ 12:00 tD "lht fOC111llrnllu4" (dr 41 4q Gar) Cooptr Palrtcoa NPat 1:00 O "It's A Small World" 1rom1 l!i Soent PI l•at 1 IYendv Bart•t " t "llbd1rne" (d1dl 61 S-0ph1a lo••n ~obM Ho~~tin 2:30 O "Bela luaosl Meets A Broo&lyn Go1tlfa" lcom) !1:' Bela lugo~1 Chdtl1la 3:00 10 C "Island ol the l lue Dolphin~" tel ta 1 o4 Cel10 ~di• l:JO fJ "fower of London" (hon 62 Vinwlf l'11ce Mic hdr'I Pd at• loan f tetman I EV•NING 8:00 0 fJ • 10 lltw1 a f7 3 is • llews a 1on11111 ~ h111il1 Alt111 CJ Wild Wild Wes1 m P'1r111d1e hm1ly G) Ad1rn·IZ if ( 'h f ) St11 Tte~ mz- mmNews fj Monday ll1tht 8Htb1ll l1om ~ J!lPM m little lut1ls -6:30- 6 tD Andy G11tl1th 10 lllltrY G11fl1n Sl!ow 11 3 Slump the Stus m fltclrtc tompaoy m "nhv1lle on the Jload 7:00 0 D fJllews O llowllnr tor Dollars a J11wh1de 8 To Tell lht lruth O Conctnl11hon m I l01e Lucy a> Tiie FBI 17 3 26 Gunsmoh fl) Crne Un1ve1ul 2l 6 m llews m Ahora I 29 I ) 8on1n11 E!) 011m1tic Strru m Add1ms r 1m1l1 -7:30- (or t 0 Kiili Sptt11I I lo· r 11oto11111.1 r .. m ~·I .~ v .. ,... Coo•~· "~" "' "' ''~"' ''' f•1 •f ~ l!r11lr Holl t ul lliiTT1 ~ fifoll dv1.·t fl•1l 1Uvim' ~ut '10tt0111f' tn<1 l•'ll WtU' t fl\• 11 lht 1111 I p J11IJ1 I ollltl 111 I II lho w l .. t\t't jt MIAt h~ .tir1uti1 ~I'• A '"" i.hw D m Wold Ktnidom D 01t~ Vin Oy~t 0 Match Game a ll1mt Thal I une O Ctltbnty 8ow1tn1 (,11111• I "'"I' .rnd l1tn1 l 11rw1 V\ l •1 M•11..,~ftter ""d ll.1;111 I"""'' io P'rKt Is Rl1hl m lrid1 8u11ch ZJ t Wild World ol Anr11111s fll) Jloller1 llllacllttl Report 8:00 U 11 ~ I Rhoda (II) Jhat •orttn fob Brenda ltlf s~t held di the ba"~ no .. looks h~t a rose 5a1oen Jffet sne quits being a 1elle1 ano ,, '"td .,,,h lhe thorns ol unemoro1 men I 1J 2) e 10 ID John Dawldson Sllow Ste;en foro l!On ot Prr\oOtnl am1MH Gmtd ford '"" ne one ot lonn ) gur)IS 1on1gh1 - D lil0t1t: C (2hr) "One foot 1n Kell" (wes) fiO Alan l •dd • lil0t1t c ..• , lovt P'OSStsstd" !Ora) bl I'"' Jurntr Ja,un Rub did~ fJ ( 29 I ) lt Vrn Vatdu Mv ra11 Jmy Mama lutn5 malrhma~ei tn tind the 11ghJ grrl lur her fontsome n•ph~A who nas a problem with lh¥ I n~ltsh lanRU3~e CJ llloY1e: C (2hr) "lht h r Coun· ,,, (dra I l~ )dm•~ ~lfWMI Rulh Ruman m My Three Sons G) lil0t1e:(2hr)"lllly 1111•" Codhey" (coml 16 Cdrult l11ntOa•d W1il1dm f'O,.Pll fB "'"s 2f llllovtt C "Up Ptmtopr" 1dra1 ~·! f,tmP\ Go1rn~1 Andra M~· ltn fll) U~ People and Polthc.s m Nocllts hPllhH m JapanHt l1n1u•1t Proarams -8:30- 0 11 3 l'hylhs 1R1 Ph)•los 1o•n~ 1 tlub t." ,.,dn .. ,d an•f 1"'""d orop1t in an ~ti our ~trart 10 escap' from Jene mt.s bul 3n amt••Ou) o •llfrPd man o11111 1 ldl~al••' club Mt1m.1n \~no~ hr• run~'"i bat~ home 8 ( 29 e ) ABC llllondar llr&hl Bneb•ll e Don Adams' Screen lest m Crou·Wols ED Hocar Dulce Hour 39 Movie c "Ca$1no llopJle .. " '" nl f'PIPt '"""" 11t-,u1,, A11 1h11,, 9:00 0 11 l e All 1n the family 1R1 Who/,, A1rlt11 \UllPI\ lrom ''•1\r lro1•hl hi\ 11111~ b~h) '' ,1~11111 10 h•v• ho•I 111,1 111111 b.1~1 on~ ti 11111~) 11~1· h1 1'flitY hJv~ •I m "" 111l111n ,..,f.w1.1nf 0 23 6 m Joe forresler f ,,. OOwP• 1R1 fon1 ,h·• 1\ '"""U m~nr.11111 h··lponK ~ h,.nd ,1110 lflln .. • 11111•• 11 • •1•1 d (1.-vr•1 ••Id ,,,.pn 1ti~·htt-1 from h1· "'''• 'c;1P"'"u' m111 1 ,,, 11 1,,1111· NAu~tH11n ~U~)h - - tct MOYie c (2hr) .. Southern Stir•• I\ l•Q• I flii 7,"i:;orp•~A" Ill"""'• ----- ur,, Ami" ''"''" W•lf•, I An ll•·11rl1 f m lllltn G11llin Show fl) Cont Un1vt11o1I ED The T11b1I [ye tlrhoool lh• 'i!,, ~ rko In•• f!."J.."" ''"'~' Yi 11t hH •1~1·tlf'lf h'flH) 1f1, ,.(1l.1l10f1 -t rt1H11111•11 n11u• .outh 11t l1n1bu\tu I I' tlUI•''• lfl• lmt ·.1 lllWHlt 41!\it"f\ •n Mm • Uu ljlfll ft10•·. ~f fh•'1f t .11 ... ,, ' 1"1111 ,lo It,.,, 11111141\ <i!l•f I If fH "'·•' l•I• ID Muy A11adec1do -9:30- 0 11 3 8 Maude 1H1 lh•11 1H1• roHtlu 1+11~ .,fotti••, fflio1 •tfl11tK h11w lvl.1111t1 • II'" •I•" 1 ry\J~I 1111111 Jthrrwl P.g.7 got broken. and 1t become~ 1nr." astngly tmdent thal Mt~ Nauga lutk ~no111s mo1e lh•n she's lefhnc m """ • "'""''"' 10:00 &•1? •3• •·~Cdhr (ll) I error st•l~s tht campus arw lour ~11ls •re murdered and• l1llh victim hes •Ounded on he1 hosp1t•I room guarded because onl1 she can 1dtn hi~ lht attuktr 8 Ill' • 1 tm l11Mt1 Jolla Ole Ole Jn fret IR) F t a11ni.t hrs 111sc1ble nt•I doo1 nerehbor has become a vothm ot convalescent home 1ac•e leers 11ho p1e1 on thr tldtrly St John mai.que1ades b •n altoholtc 10 havr himself confmed lo a suso1t10u\ nul$1nc home D Dllews • Mod $411'4 m llfrllS & Allen lC lowt Amerrcan Style fI!) Tiie Olrmp11d Women Go1a Medal Winners A lrobut~ 10 !hose o11omen •ho havP ga111td Olympic 1mmo1taltty horn Auslraha Russia laoan. f •ance Crechoslovakrd, Creal Brrtaon and lhe United Stale~ Some ol the 1nd1v1dual oo•h••ts oncludt M1chrhne Oslermeye1 froni f 1ance •nd Ame11can champion\ Rabe 01 d11•son and WJlma Rudolph -10:30-m mm 11"' 24 Oid Van Oylt 11:00 u um.,,.""" D ..1....;.1L 121 t llein D ~ Omo USA Ne .. Yor~ Coty disc 1ocke, 01 le11y ho~h 1t11s mus>Cal hou1 011111nat1ng trom tilt Cit~lldo 0&0teque on Anaheim Cal f Marsllaf Otlloft Ill a.-: C "All•nlrs !he lost COl'tiMttt" tlartJalO 61 •nrhOnr Hall Jo,ct h ylor CD Mary HartmJn, Ma11 Hartman II) Gtl S!Mrt '1 3 lio1raplly S lat ol Gro11ello m Ont Man's China ( 2t e I r ruth or Consequences m C1nt111a 34 -11;30- 0 17 • 3 ~ CllS late Mow1t: C .. Maruhnc'' \di.I) 69 On1d• Shard Ka1h~rone Otneuv• Jame' Mason D 2~ s 10 ELl JohMy C.rson t Slmmr and Company U ( '9 • ) ~· Monday ll11ht Spect.111 lht World Se11t\ nl l11v1• I D11111tt CD lhws m lttrns ' .iltn m ,..,.. •nd p,,jitlo 12:00 D T 1ttlr1ht Zone • flit fll CD Gnl from UllCll ti) Mtwrt ... Arturo's Island .. l~d•I -4J Reeuu«t l\t1.un.. llt r Mtlialan -12:30- D lllotrt: "Wllat the Butlt1 Sa• .. 1com1 !>O ld111a1d Rr&bv D Wanttd Dud or Al11re 1:00 D 21 I 10 Tomorro. 2:00 U Mowtt: _.s; "Crt tor H1pP1 .. 1cnm1 l,i Gl•r111 I 111~ ll nnaloJ 0 { Qnnnr IMll•~ ~hlRtld Pegel 1. TU•SDAY J JUltE I fOf lllOfn1n1 and after-listin1s. pluse Sit DAYTIME l'•OGUMS. Btio.. tor ,_; c1111ie1iiiii<t, alt Ult da,.s-. DAYTIME MOVIES 9·JO D "Westt111 Jamlloree'· ("t~I 38 Gene Auttv "Of M1<e arid Mtt!" (dial 39 Burgm ... tn!Olln l on Chann h 11 :00 0 C "Tht You111 Aii1t11· cans" (mus) 6/ Milton C An dr1son lhe Youn2 Amt11can) 12:00 CD "You Belone to Mt"' \com) 41 Ba1bara Stanwyl~ Henry f onda ldg•r Buchanan 1:00 D "Yukon VeR1t11ct" \adv) 54 K11by Gian( Montf Hale 2t C "Yesterday, fod1y 1nd fomorro•" (ara l 64 Sooh1a lu1•n Ma1ce1Jo Maslro1ann1 Z:lO D "Tht Man Beul" rhOI/ ~1 Roe~ Hudson 3:00 101 C "Jollnny Ti1er" (dra I 6b !lubfr 1 I aytor l :lO U C "he V.111p1ru" !hol) 66 G111oon Scull aV•NING 6:00 o u 11 3 m m Ntwn .. lJ • 10 News -~a 15 F a111t1y All air e II Bl Ch111p1onslup I ~ntal•~f sch•dule sub1W to chanx~ 0 ~ "O!llltr Circus Ch•l11e lluctlts os hos1 to 1 he Pat Anthon1 Animal Art lht Mocha•• & Moch~ll• At11al A(:robalrc~ and lhf fly111e Ar Ions ll~pere act m 1'1rtrr4p ""'"' II> ~a11t·l2 21 M1101 l111ue Bueball fon I lrnm 4 lUPM Oa~land A ~•\ Br\luri Rrd So• m Zoom! ( 2t e ) Star Tie• lt liltkt Dou1tas Siio• m Little llascah -6:30- 6 CD Andy Grilflth 1 o Merv Gollin S"°" 11 3 Stump Ille Stars fI!) Tht £1ectric Company m '''"' fulurt 7:00 0 D • Zl • m llt•s a 8ow11n1 101 Oolllrs I ( 2t • ) Bonann D Mo.oe: C (4hrs) "ll'id1otas I ~•llldfa" !4'# /0 Mllb.ael Lr.v )!On l•n•t Surman I om Balo•• mt l0¥t l11cr II> fht Fiii 11 3 21 Gun~ot.e Ql Amerrca111lsr11t lewrsll Hour fI!) Woman m l>f-il( S.11n m Addaftls f11111ly -7:30-u lie. freuure Hunt 0 10 m Holly"llOOd Squam u Old Vin Drl• U World ol Survival e Bobby Vinion Sllow m Brad; Bunch U 6 Election Cov1111t fllfllillfl1 Macllttl llepo1t lt Leri Mah A Dul 8:00 Spett.111 llotiu llllll ••II 1Rteru,1 the entflt ~ pro111m111111i ·lllf· IOdi<ally IOf cowe111e of todar's eltc- hon results. 1'10111111 t1111es art '""ct to ch1n1t •lfhCMll notice. O 17 1 Munce Stndak 's •uH~ aos.t: Slarr1111 lht llulslltll IUds An dnlntdltd ~petodl aboul dn •mdgindtrwt lttlle dvnamo namtd Rosie •IHI dolled u11 as ' mow1t Quren tll<hanls hfl 1oung l11tnd> onto making sueen le~ts b m Local lltwS ....,..,.,. D Mowtt: c (Ji,,hr) ··tattlt ol lht lllt1t"' \d14) 66 Henry fend• Robert Sha" I ellv Sawal•\ 15 Motte: (Zhr) "l'ork Cllop Hill" td•al ~9 G•tgorv Ptck U ( 29 1 ) 3t H•PPr Oars fonm the Sdlt1m4n Ill) Whrn I on11e d1sag1ro 1111lh lllr ne• ownei ol the .iuto 1ep~11 shop whPre hP wo1k1. h~ take~ R1ch1~ \ ~ugeest•on and 111~\ lo l1nd dOOlhf• Ion~ ol YIOI~ 10 Open1n1 lli1ht m FUU The Comedy Bust • With Burt Reynolds I R1quel Welch TONIGHT CD Mowtt: c (2hr) "'fuu"' (adw I 12 Burl keynoid1 RaQuel Weith II) Perry Mason Wlltin • 21 lllot1t: c (2111) "'YtllotnloRt llelly" t•m ~9 Clml Walk,, EID MasltrJNf(t T11utrt: lloto11011s Woman M1:..1lhdntr (Rt Rosrnrary Hdlll\ stars on fhoS I Pd!I d1i1ma11u tron 01 lhr Iott nl {•feb••ttd nov•h\1 Gto•&t Sand m Chtspmto m Aly lrltlt M1111t -8:30- 0 17 3 I Good T1111ts (RI Good fud and bad rue~ a•n•' 31 lht han1 llOU\thuld hdnd on "'''d 41 lhP 1am111 ttltb••le1 no11da s "''" n.ne a 1le1eo and the fBI sno .. s up ,.,th ~ lot ol qu•\l111ns abuur 1111 11da s nephew Cleat u~ 0 EL) Otcmon '76 PJJmdry (It< llron tOYP!dg~ U ( 2t, e ) 39 lawernt I Sh11lty faller ~1 the Affeo lR) Will I dverne lladP on her 1oornin~f P Shirlry IOI ~ hulband when >hP •S ,1,~~d thf n1Jgu Qur,1wn Woll Yo11 '11a111 Me' 10 Eltchon Com11e fD CTS Special eJ Situation Comtdy 9:00 0 llllXT Ei.ction Co'ltr11t D m Local lle1r1 Co'ler 111 U ( 29 1 ) lt ABC Tuudar N11ht Mowit: c (2111) "'l'rudence alld tlrri'ili" tcom) 6S Otbo•ah ~ ,.,, Oit1d N1Yen lud1 Geuon \lodNn 1t1enl• hun 1 • rhanc• a~ ~·n\I modern m1$Ch1ef on H11~ >h lish l<l1l• dhout b11lh conllol pills 10 Lot1t l'mnarr lltctton CO¥er11e ti) The V1111n1an IT ~ e ..-a·s·" 1~ Rad•• 1non\ rarhto I h10n1Clfl\ nl (11• .n lh• un11 "''" ~ l•lt,, lo h1\ mqth~r 1•1 ou11frng such 1tronf ho~nh~hl) A\ h•lpong Hd#~f!P c11n~u• r rtio 'llllOlhlr fool insper11no fD V111elr Show fil) Tht Strauss F1m1ly RP<olu1111n lht Str~u\~ l~mol\ f1n1J lh•m,•lv•' lln uppu~.n~ \IOPI whr>ro 11•y11fo1f11111 brPak~ 0111 on V1~nna m [~otos TV WEEK. JUNE 6, 1976 -9:15-u M a•s• H Se~ s1oryhnt 3bo1t -9:30- 1 '"''"'' El«tiorl C.Wtra1t 11 3 OIW Dir 11 A Time (II) Jul•t •) obses\fd wrlh lhe idea lhal sbf ntLl.$1 all~l\d 1.h.e ""'"' pm~l! ¥hool a~ h~r nPw nch lro,nd m CllifltSf Dra1111 m llar1ta dt ,11111avrr1 -9:45-u lllllT l'n111ary Election Cotera1e f"•nn O 17 3 Switch! {R) PetP r\ at cuS4'd ol lht rapt and mu1dei ol an d11lrnc )feY14!dtn krlltd afle• she 11unible1 1J1rlu a plof br h•r capld•n Mld CIPYI lo \Ital nronpy I Tiie l'rtSidtnls: ,, YtllS .. Camtr1 m """ 2t l111e Alnt11<an Style &l> Monty l'ython's tlJ1n1 Circus -10:30- 0 ELl Decision '75 Pr1111~rr fl~t 11011 Cove• dge m °'"'"' 2t Dick Van Oy'e m Vtlllt 11:00 U U D 11 llttn D e ""' I Mmllal Dtllon CD Marr Hart111an, Mary Hartman m Gtt Slllarl 17 3 Ya11<y Oer11n1er 21 ltst ol Groucllo ( 29 I ) T rutb Of ConsequnctS m C1ne111a 14 -11:30- 0 17 3 Wlllll'l&n "76 P11rn~I) [l•<hon Co•e••tt D H I fll) OtctSM '7' wl· 1lorn1.11, lltw lerwr & Oht0 'reiidtn· 1111 ,lllllllltS. D Lott l111t11un Style • lbllllrdt U ( 2t I ) Jt l'011hul Sp111I ol '76 Cal1loin11 Ne111 lf1)er & 01110 P1~s1dtnhal P11rna11es • ElectiOll Co.erase I) Mo•it: C "'The Great Man's WhtShrs"' td1a) /I Denno~ W~avP1 CDlltW$ Q) llurns I Allen 12:00 0 11 J lC CIS hit Morie; C "Tiit l11elld ol Lilah C1111t"' fdoaf 68 ~11n No~ak Ptlto fonrh D 10 lollnnr C11S011 D T•11t1111 Zont U ( 29 e ) )t ABC Tuesd1y Mpttrr f~t Spy Who Re1u1ned f '""' lhe Dead • fll m lllotit: "Conyrcttd" lelraj ~o Glenn fo1d Do101hr MaloM II> Mo¥1t: "Anr llumbtr Can Wrn" ldtd 1 64 Ju n Cavin Alain Oeto11 -12:30- u Movie: ~ ''Stolen ~ssirnment" (susp) 'SS- John Bentley, Patrick Holt. -1:30-D 10 fomorro. 2:00 m All llrthl Show: "l1ura," "'Flame ot the lsl•nds," "All Wet" -2:30-0 Movte: "Mlldttd 1'1erce" {did) 1•, lnao Cr~w101d larhM~ Sr.oil -- - I Wl!DNl!SDA YI : lU"E 9 for 11101111n1 111d '""-hst111as, ,&Na.. su IWTllU P.IOG•AlllS. Btlow. ltf ,our con11tn1uct, ue lht d1f's """IH. Di\YTllllC MOVIES 9:30 D "Advuturts el lue" (mysJ 50 M1ch1t1 Koedlth Son • 0 Shu "ffo111t and Aw11'0 (com) f-TiCn •rner Kathleen Har11son 11:00 D "Mt and lht Colonel (com I ~8 Danny K•Y' Curt Jurgens IZ:OO . "OanCln& lldJ°' (tnUSI 33 IOdn C1awlo1d Clark Cablt rranchot lone I rtd A\ldrrt 1:00 D "Terror 11 Midn11ht" (mys1 S!> Sco11 8radv 10,n Von, 2f c "Al•ars on Sund1r" (Com) 61 Im• l'•eri~ Aumrinl lOd•t Bm ken 2:30 O ··C111t C1nner•t Mon· sters" Im ltl 60 Scot! PetPr\ l rnda Connell l:OO 10 "lonely Are the Brm" (we~) 62 Krrk Ouu~I~> Gena Rowlands l:lO a c "Tiit I'll u1d Ille Pen- dulum'' lhO• J b I Vmcenl Price Juhn K~11 lla•b~r~ Sl•tl~ •VaNING e:oo ua 10 mm""'s D • 11 3 23 1 !It., Uloll111u ' f111111, Afflu 0 Wllcl Wild Wm GJ Partrldlf f1mrlJ ll>ANm·l2 2t ( 2t e ) S!Jr Trtk mz-' lt lllih Oo111lu Sltow m little Ruub -6:30- & m Aiidr G11th1h 10 Mttv Griffin Show 17 3 Stump the Stlfs fll) The EltclrK Company m Pop Goes the Country 7:00 u D u 23 6 I m News D lowfr111 101 Oollm e llawhrclt e To Ttll lhr Trut.h 0 Coltcenlr1hon m I Lowe lutJ II> Tht FBI 11 3 2t Gunsmoh ti) k~tfl Orl!N m lu11111 '1oof1n1 Ooo" I •k h dnd Wmdo .. 1 [, bu1~la1\ 1n., ... n11 .. Pd$y rt is to g•I 1hrough don11 rnr~1 and "'ndo"' lound on mos I llom•s Hn~I lltne Holliday otftrs t1p1 on hO"' to 1011111 them and d1scussr~ .. nir n t---..,.,oc=nmrnrnmr111'1Jl"'r1 ( 29 8 ) Boll1n11 e> D11m1tic St11ts m Add1m$ hmrty -7:30- D BoMI' Vinton Show D m !lame That Tune D Dd V.n o,h D lei's M1h A Dul e New T reuure Hunt O Celeb11ty 8owlln1 10 ff11~ llollm CATALINA .. ISLAND FUN YEAR 'ROUNDI Now EASIER than ever before to make Reservations for your trip to this Magic Isle! You may call Transportation Companies DIRECT for Reservations (see listings below) or you may use our One-Call-Does-It-All Number (213) 831-8822 for all Hotel Reservations and/or Transportation Information-AVALON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE lroATTWANSPORnTtv" 700 Passenger CrUtsers From LONG BEACH (213) 775-2654 Boat from NEWPORT (714) 673-5245 -AIR 1 RANSPGRi:A+tON From LONG BEACH (213) 425-7424 (213) 548-1314 From SAN PEDRO (213) 548-1314 Paget m lra41y lunch u • I Lnt ti Ille Wild l!ll) R•rt Macllttl Rt,.rt " $2!1,000 Pyt1111l4 8:00 •. ,,.t,••t tfttty OrllHt & Daw11 (R) Guests Anne Me111 and Hil linden ,oin tony Orlando 1n a -a11ety of eursrs 1nclud•n& spits arch bishops aansst"s and 1ewel !hives all or •ham e11tounte1 unl1~tly vtr sions nl hucnery aboard an !•OllC ~ .. ~~--- .. l)I t 10 fl!) l tllle House °" Ille ,,amt 1he hl~ine Ma chrn! (R) lau!I is embarra11td ro tem .,.hen a ne• lan&led 1nvtnhon .,.h1ch records human voices is used to broadcast her love for the ne11o bo~ rn !own Errr Shea euem Ill Mo•1e: C (2hr) "The lest Man" (dra) '64 Henry runda Cl1ll Robe!lson 4' Movit; C (21trJ "loy, Diel I Ctl A Wrorta ll111111Nr" 1com) 66 Bob Hope El~e Sommer U ( .21) e I) 3'l lionte Wtt11111 G Morie: C (21tr) "lht Glenn Milltr Siorr" (dr~) ~4 James Slew art June Allison Gene Krupa G) lly Thrn Sons GJ ,.,,, Muon .,..., 12J MovM!: c (lhr) "lnltr lauah· 1111" (com I 67 Jo~~ r eirtt ShPiley .winters m 1111 i .. a11 of Shfrlod Hol111ti II ·A Messaae hom lht Derp Su When news armu thal a 2111 ha~ been lound 1uth her lh•Oal cul tortnsl( e.pt•I 01 John 1ho1ndl~! and hrs partner 01 !ems lino a clue lhal pohte o'erloohd CE t111111.-..1111, Wrtstk111 10:00 '9 la,aMM lHlllllt Proar•11s D 11• ((' Tiit llut ll1111ht -1:30-(Rl Bumpu's campa1cn to close a m Crou·Wits llOl()(IOUS h1naout fb1 c1ooksp1ts him Pa llort111 V111tty Sflow aaainst a llOod "'ho l11es to t11p him us1ne a pretty 1111 as bait 9100 8 0 ~ (~ •1tan ~me 8 11 lJ IJ' CIA-(R) A star With A Dud Cnd" (R) Hawk s 1nves j)IO QuarterblCk ,.ho appeatS IO lrgallon ol i fOUni ,.Oman S abduc havt a sound altb1 on lht murder ol tton 1s impeded when the v1tllm s one ol his a1oup1e 1111 friends be aunt b11nes a lo•mer policeman TV WEEK. JUNE 6, 1976 (dra) Dana W;nler. Kevin l\4cC arthy Ra;mond St JatQUts D Ol 1.J.J 1'i0l tD Jtlwty ea,. (Ji Tiit All'ffttts 8 (<2ti 1fl) '21 Wide World llltorit: IC.I "Mitt lltl111" (adv) 7~­ fony r1anc1ou la1a1ne Sl,phens •nn lurter L O!apt1 G)llfts ., "''"' ' Alltt comes lhe ob1ect ol Cannons con turned pmale deltcltvr rnlo lhe 12:00 cern because I/it dud g11I s la1he1 is uu -~IAU4..-GLlllt.....llwb-al~l~p~lau1C~r'~s-.. ~~Cl~~~:L..,.---lllTwilfPIZMe tu1U .-MM~ -----.rr111rt'lt-----'L------t -"'• • "' -.......... •-.... llltwit: .. , .. It 111 the Sheets" -,.. " 1v1 ...,, _,. ., ..... U (IJt' J ) .11 SblUr & Hutch - lt1d alMI Sort A Matter ot ltle and 'losme St•uk (R) A down nn hi\ (d111 'SO A1thd1d W1dm~1k Paul Brralh (A) f 1rd rs con•rnetd he has luc~ musician runs into trouble .,.11h Ooualas Barbara Bet Grdde~ lad 18 al1e1 l amonl persuades him to hoodlums •hen he accrcknlalty Pala nee hive an x ray ii a b•eathmob1le steals ne• and uncirculaleo counltr a> Mow11: C "Lou ol Three U ( 2' • ') lJ) l1rtll1 The leit bills Q-" (adv) '65 Hedy Lamarr Goodb,e 01phan Annie Blues' tR) """' S,.Cill of tllt Wff• 18~8 12 30 Barella becomes more 1nd mott .. .., -: - susp1c1ous that a ctose tr1tnd may be • -10:30-a Movtt: "Rt41 l11ht" (mysl 49 lht wson stll!Oi dope who IS It m .., m lltwl Gtorg' Rah V11g1n1a Mayo spo~s1ble 101 a mies ol o~etdose fD TIN Till Sllips Ate Corn1n1 deattis rn lh! city 11 :OO G) Mtrw Griffin Sllow D a m llrws a> llu1M allll lllen a 111' (J._1 llC!• 1st1 lltws fl) Korean Orama fD Tllt1ftr rn Amtnca ' Ytar oJ lht Ill Lftt A!Mrlull Style Cf'l llanllll Dtlton Dra&on" Fran~ Chin's lender por11a11 D Mowi•: "Ottp Ihlen" \dra l ol a Ch1natn1orn lam1ly lorn by con ·4s Dana Andrews Jun Perm tend1n& lorces ot trad11ton G) Mary Mart•••. fbry Hartman -9:30- D n • I 101 m Chtto •IHI !ff Min lht Orum· (fl) At Ch•to's su111tslt0n ld vtsrts a •thrtmenl communoly and se11ously considers 11 until Chicu hiU • wild dream ind t11ts to chance (d s mind II> W, '""-~• CrllSlft fl) la11t1 4t Pri111wt11 II> lift S..rt d1> LU liet11pjl1 i;H Ifft of 1ir111CINI fD IMtr Ttuis ('.21 r [)) Trwtll tr ~utrorc" ID Ci11t1111 34 -11:30-D 1Z J. at CIS hit Mom: :t" "II He lfllllrs ltl Hilll Go" 1:00 D IZ'l e 1101 Tomorrow D W1ntecl De1d or Alive -1:30- 2:00 8 llwtt: "Thf lfidt C•llf C.0.0." (cQm) 41 Bette Oavrs lame) Cainty m U.lh1flt Sflow: "lht Small llC~ "-"·" 't°" ''°"' A Strancer" 3:45 D Movtt. ''Wlltre D1111er Lins'' (mys) 50-Robel1 Mitchum Cliludt Rains fa11t1 Oomeraut ·~· A POOL WITHA "TOUGI OF a.ASS" 53H5 N ~'THI SMALL CAR IXPIRTS" FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES -SERVICE -PARTS PllSONAUZID LIASING -All MAKES & MODELS A 11111 SElfCFIOll Of USED CAIS 842-7781 540-0442 Se1·11i11 fl _///( L~'"'./, (tlin ~ MINUTCS SOUIH m ~AN 01£Gll IW< 18835 BEACH BLVD. (Highway 39 ) HUNTINGTON BEACH P119910 MO~' QI <N~ I><.•••\ AAE '-11)111 I.,.,. •CAUSE. .. • • •su '"',.. ·11 '"' sm1 • ll Inf r• A CMCll M 11111 --am.sai. cm . ""'""" fllm .. ~~~~2;~& =~~;;,;~~~~~:~O~~~~~ISION On S.rurday (June 12) t'firoug'li llie""ftiedwm of its newly· ·· · poiil: t.; traAvry . •~ ....,,_.111uht Nola lit/~ awards show. "Entertainment '76. ·· The En terrain-4:)0 C..111t's Clotl11n1 Colntr 11ous Wuman M1ull11nt t ment Hall of Fame will rnduct ten fn tem1t1on1lly-known new S:lO Clr111t11: Tiit 0111111111d the 9:00 The W11is,11111s Jov rt or to members rnto Its ranks. Airing on NBC. 10 PM to t2 Dtsl111y n111a1es lhos t•OIOtdhOn ol midnight. the third annual Entertainment Hall of Fame 1:00 Tri~I Eyt the oer1ca1e ~colo~1tdl bal special will l!onor motion picture producer Ingmar Be rg-1:00 Now1 ance belwfeo l~e m~ng101t ----m11rr.-scror Ja~af1R~nger-Bing .. Cwsb)' ... JW>'1Mr:e.L_ 9:00 Mnt11piece Thutre Sun S!¥amps ol f1011d~ ~ 10~11 dnd 1-i--~el~ng lilt Song. tile d!tp uce.an Allred Hitchcock, pianist Arthur Rubinstein, actor' pro-10:00 A11sti11 City l1m1ts Whedl 10:00 W1ll11111 Penn· Pus1oute ducer Orson Welles and, posthumously. /all trumpet player tit Id · ~hr 101~1ongPr oica1 9, and srnger Louts Armsrrong, opera srnger Enrico Caruso. SOICDAY, 111111 ' and prhent~ d rtouS•lJI blVK' eel/1st Pablo Casals and Bnt1sh composers Sir W11/1am l:OOltlsini: CCMtstuictiwe oi 0, •p~v ol PPnn~yl-.n1a ~ Gilbert and Str Arthur Sullivan WISIVt? _ luundPt hlmra ii Prnn ' The Entertarnment Hall of Fame Foundation was estab· t:OOC..ltnt,orary Cihloi1tt1 ls· tnunlrv homr •n lluo~ t1shed rn 1974 by producers Bernard Rothman and Jacll sun Coun11 PA Wohl and musical conductor John Green The Foundation t:JO llo!Mn: A llu111•1' P!Oduced I0:30 l'lfr llM11e With lhe hperls 1s headed by President John S Hubbard, president ot Che 1n tooueialton w11h lhP Hun t THURSDAY. lune 10 University ot Sourhern Caltlorma, and each year. in add1r1on '"&Ion Be~ch Pohc' Oepail 3:00 focus I IX'~ed In Ho~1 Bnn d d .. 500 h 1 menl and lhr t os An1?tle' Aw\11 drive\ 1nln 1nr ,,,0e 111 to pro ucing its awar s special. presents a • 7. sc oar· Count) P•ob•toon Oltice !hi· d d • ' AmfllCdn pmtin~r\ •n Mt-11ld" st11p to an1 outstan ing dramatic arts stu ent lilm dtal~ wrlh 1n~ lad nl i••I~ lh" 0,0~1~111 includn The Ha I ot Fame·s m1t1a/ inductees, presented rn 7974, sen$1l1•lf¥ perception ao<I Cdndid •ntrivorw\ with 1,,,1 rncluded Judy Garland. George Gershwin, D W Gfllf1th. commuoita11on ¥11thm an oth l•v~\ ul cu11rnl 1111~oner\ loo Eugene O'Ne1//, George Bernard Shaw. Irving Berlrn. Char-~1,.1sr n111mal tdmolv lhal IPd me• onm.ilP\ ~I lht MPrn Mt lie Chaplin, Katharine Hepburn, Srr Laurence 0/1v1er and tu d lou1tten ve•1 old daugh P11$ons Jnd d" 1n1Prvrrw w1rl1 Tennessee Williams. Last years inductees were Humphrey Irr 1unn1ng away lrom hnmr ~lfo1nr1 Boll ~htlltPld Bogart, Walt Disney, Duke Ellington Cole Porter. Igor 5:00lbtlllfl DI Orpllins J·JO M1itc1 lloaers' ll tt&hbor Stravrnslcy. Fred Astatre George Balachme. Jack Benoy S:JO 1~ Mysteirous Rhr11tstone llo04I CowMy Ornd AllAn Cot •• •:00 SH.111t Stml Bob Hope and Richard Rodgers Pll!.Onrt 1uinta countr• west 00 ['-· ,. __ d I T h • 5: .... t11c """'""' Honoring "creators·· an per ormers 01 the went1et tin supt1s1a1 ,~ trdlu1ed 5:30 CirriscolelldH Century nor tor what they last did. but for what the)! did that 7:00 food r1ue1Y1n1 6,00 Youth In Trouble will 1as1.·· the Entertainment Hall ot Fame Foundation·s J:JOM11hfJ1u Rulus Harlt~ 7.00 l ia lifts! board of directors each year appoints a Sel11ct Committee. lhe worlds lir~I rm bagp1pfr /:30 Miai< Method of Oil P11n. each member of which rs as/led to nominate two l1111ng pe1torms ""' candidates and rwo posthumously The nominations. which 1:00 Tiie Olymprad l he Af11t~n 8:00 CCM1t1rnpo111y C1tllo1n1a Is· Runne1s this year totaled 71 , are then sent by secret oallot to the ,:OO Souidstaae 8:3~11;:°"''" entertainment editors of U.S. newspapers with a ctrculal1on JO:OO flrl1t& lrne 9:00 Triflil £~ of 100.000 or more who vote for 10 rnductees. six of rhem IO:OO Tiit Olylllplad living, four posthumously The results are tabula/ad tor tne MOICDAY, lune 7 3:00 Ila l lut lhrblt Foundation by a Los Angelu accounting flfm l:lO 1111,,1., 11,1.,,. llttlllhr· Because of rtie non-compet1r1ve nature of the prestigious lloo6 awards. rhe show has attracted outstanding talent durrng its t:OO Sftlmt Strul three years on th11 a". stars who are eager to help m S:OO The Clt<hK Company recognirrng the acknowledged giants in ther1 own creative 5:30 Villl Ale111 and pertormrng fields The show has been widely recog· 6:001out~ 111 T1t11ble nlred as the most en/ertammg of the varrous awards shows 7:00 811 l1wn! Whtie an Entertainment Hall ot Fame building 1s planned ~;:~:~Press for tile future. 1mmedra1e btueprrnts call tor a unique senes l:.JO Miaic Mellltd al Oil """' ot concerts designed to recreate /he accomp11shments ot tina Hall ol Fame members for audiences tflfOUghoul the coun-9:00 Oivod Sussk1nd Sito• try and supplement, on a nat1on-w1de basis. rne drsplay nl fU£SDAY, lune 1 memorab1t1a rn a museum out ot reach tor many rrul/1ons ol l:OO You're llot listuina people 1:30 Mister lloaers' ""&hbor "We like ro ttrmk of this in terms of a l1vrng museum. hood explains rtre Foundation ·s executive d1Tecror Howard G •:OO SH.ntt Shttl Barnes Fo1 example. we might put toge/her a concefl 5:00 El«ltK IAntPJny called 'An Evening With the Great Composers which 5:l0 C.r1nc•n4u would talie the form of a salute to Berlin Gershwm 6:00 Y011tl1 In fr011blt 1:00 Ila L1wu! Ellington and Porte.I. JJtll/ZtDJJ at teas/ one ~tar suppo11mg l:lO 1,,IJls. Tmh ind lmUes singers and dancers. //Im clips. tapes a11<110 lracl<s amr a.oo ~ Beal slides and •ncorporatrng 1101 011fy theu mu.~1c but e/fcerpfs l:JO C011sume1 Sltiwiul M11 lrom the plays and 11/ms with whtch they wore assoc1a1ea 9:00 Soundst11e r>11111 •lid f'htl mcludmg both live and reprisals and //Im clips A s1m1/ar f .,.,,, '"'' '"'' l(Pn1·••l1n11 package. ·An Evening Wrfh the Great Enlerta1ners. · m1gtH '"' k .1110 11111 ~"'"~\ 1•1,,1 btt put toge/her as..a saJu/e ta rllfi' wor/I ol Chaplin. 81mny hr•I! ol 1111• lmlv llw111v1" and Judy Garland · -· ~n·l 0·1111 111 Umu .rnd the.. H1 1111r1nh lr~m up 1111 A" 1he tirsr such show 10 lour i;o/lege campuses as well ilS 1,,ou, ,1 mu\•t 0111 .,111 It'~ c;oncert theatres. is planned tor oarty 1977 Rornman and IOOO llou rn.•rtP lh• \n~1 1 Wohl writ produce each package WEDNESDAY. June g ON COVER: J:OO Woman 1 ll All1Prl H1td11 01 I. J JO Mrster lloctts' lh1rhbor (?I Qr.,•m Wt-lie'> llood •:oo ~mt s11ee1 lJJ Pi!blo c;,,..,,,1s 5:00 The lleclr1t Comp1nr (-tj ~ 1111<,(J C.1ruso S:lO V1t11 Ale1re ('1) B•n<) C1 o"hY 5 11 A• tt•111 S 6:00 Youth In Tr1111blt FlllDAY, lunt II 1:00 food Pltstmna 1:10 Misttr h1trs" lle11hbo1 ..... •;oo Sa.me Shttt S:OO Utdrt< CMPJnY S!30 Villi A1t11t 6:00 Ii& lllle lll1rble 6:.JO Tr1111s. Tmh ind frutlo 1:00 811 ltwts! 1: 30 Votm' P1pel111e 1:00 Wash1naton Wee~ IC\ Aerie• 8:30 Wall Street Wet• 9:00 llup's Show 10:00 fntore rn~ b11lhM1r ~d•vl~ lino 111 ''~"t' h• W S11m mer~~I Mdutham lh~ lh••~ llllllP\ d0APl•d l"r hh11 •" Wmlr1 Crul\r I hr Anr tlld lhr• C1•\lllOPll" G1~11ln Alld C1v.nlt11• SATUllDAY, lune 12 l:lO Coltt111pt111y C1hlorni. ts sues 3:00 The fedml 811d1et: Whit Are the llat10n's 1'110111iesl •:OO Rtlorm1n1 hde11I Oru1 lle1ul1tlon 5:00 llfffn· A llu1mrJy ·Y.3" A llat1111 .t 01 pMn~ 6:00 Youth In f IOijble 7:00 Ttobll Eye A1""' ll1• I 111n1 "' 1;00 llov1 ln .. 10• th• ~h••~ 9:00 Mutttpttce f~t1lre Nut" '"'U' Wnman Mo 11lh~nr• Wo;•nt41Y lfd!ll~ ,l.i'o d' i\u ""' llup111 th•· I •"nth worn.in Nhn h•t dmP I hP lamou\ nnv •h~I r.~wg~ ~and 10:00 A11slrn City li111ih (fi) Arthur RuhPn~l•••n Sull1v.111 '------------------------ Skip hrt>aklcl'>t ~law iunk food for hint h !),,.,·, get t•nou~h 11oun-,h111l'1tl lrn ont' pl'rSt•n. let illOnl! M1) 'ii.•;,. I.• 1u t1re whill vou l'ttl A11J "' t'> I.• our IMhl/ Mdlnu1n11011 11! u11b(lt ll \l.1hw ... " d11ld .ihusl:' Mil~ flw 1011'>1 c1\.vful k111d tlt .. ·n• " And m n1i1nv •'I"'" 11l 1h1• llrntt'd S1,1tl"'> 11f /\1111•nr .1 l11f .111 pl.tel'-.) 11 h.i., .1r luc1llv bt•cnrn1• clll .. ·p1cl1•11111 • Tlw t'llcch ''"' d1'Vr1-.1,11111•1 Tlw'11w 1., -,1111pl,. Thu1-.d.1y "' 7 .\!J •111 Ch.11111vl 7. Chn,l11ll' Lund .111d l\,1tin,1 N1•,1I to lu1.,1 ,111 1111pn r1t111t l1rn11 lrmg d11cu nw11t.U\'0 11 th i-. q1<M1111j .,n l t.il 1h'>l.'•'"' I ~!:' -.url' to \l<1tch And next ttml' you fl't>l that httlc lilt-> 111s1d1? you kick mg. rl.'memlwr tt could lw lx•cttuse your bdby is hungry. Mil~W ewn SldMng -tHE-IJNFINISHED-CH-1---L-D---I A One Hour KABC· TV Special ~ Thursday at 7:30 P.M. \LJ I THURSDAY JUltE 10 For "*"'"I 1114 •flernoon hshnas. Pltm ,1ee DAlTIMl ,_OGRAM,S. ltlow, '9f ~r Cbllttn1tnct, '" Utt day's lllOWtt. DATTIMl MOYllS 9:30 U '111t SohtJry Ch1kl (draJ SI Phillip fri,nd Ba•b~1 • Si.elk, "Sftftrtli" j6/i) \) lohn Barr)mo1e Ma11an M••\tt 11:00 O "Our Men 1n B11d1d" 1a1 •I 6 7 Rorv Calhoun Ro~PI Hanin 11:00 CD "Tiie S111<en Blide" (adv) ~4 R1t ardo MO~ldlOan Bella SI lohn Rrt k lawn 1:00 U "lunate B11de" (•d•I 18 ~n•la l'a~r ChailPs ~1.1 wit 26 c .. .,,,,,,,e 11111111 Style" (1 om) b4 ~OPh1.t I 111rn "1a1tellu tita~1101an111 ~ '1 O c "Astrolomb11s" 1)(1 ~3 Wrnd~ll Cottv lohn Cai ,.11,1llt' l 00 10 "M1111t" l~U\PI b' Grtfllr\ P'd WdllPr M~llhau J:JO U c "Tiie Bio'''''" 111 '>8 S1e~t Mc(}ueeo Anrla Cu• ~dut ! a11 Rowt EV•NING e:oo o u 10 m m ""'' D • 17 3 23 6 llt•S U 8ofl1nu 6 h1111ly Allio 0 W1kl W1kl Wnl m ,,,,lldff hm1ly Q) M111112 26 ( 19 a )Sll1 Tre• wz-1 >I M1h Dolltlu Show m l1tt~ bsc1ls -6:30- 6 CD Wy Crtffrth 10 Merv C11ff1n Show 17 3 Slu111p the St11s fD The EltclrK Comp1nr m 1'1nor1m1 7:00 fJ D U 23 a m lle•s U eo.fina for Doll111 6 ~1wllMlt 1 To ffll lhe T 1uth O Cone en tr 1hon CD I lon Lucy Q) The FBI 11 3 26 GunsniMe m Alltm1I Wo1ld ---mrim llllllfS-ol111e lttrWorld Wo1d1 ~•mt1 ,\ 8011h ( 29 • )lonlftll m D1111111tc St11es m Add1ms f111111, -7:30- 0 l11t of Ille W1kl D m ""~' ts R11ht U Dd Vin Dyh Sllow u 1Shc1All Thf Unhn1shed Child t lh1i-riir\Ouhh1 ~Ila"' "~"' c 1t ~1obt) lh, O•oblfm .it m•/•111111 )nd 1nlan1 nldlnut11111111 It ct"l"br• 111~ p11vr1ty I yrl• '" Ani•111• AIHI ti•Rh llRllh Int '"' '"di 11111~ ""''m~1t1,f olld 011•11 11r.ve•••hlP rll~t" ~ rr14I nou111h,d ~·PPCldnl m 1lhr1 I Ml hd•~ on h~1 ch1lil 1111o1u~h0111 '" ltl• a C1nd1d t'"'"' O Celebrity Bowlin& 10 Match Glme m B11d) Bunch m Stai Monomane 2J 6 Holly~ S411mu fD llobtrt M1clttd lltpor1 u ltt's Mue A Dul 8:00 U 17 3 a The W•ltons 1R1 t,, lh• 1111as1 al d clullrng sto•m UllviJ /ur l:lil~ ~nd I 111ab•lh .;•P to•' mQ'' bl lht tld1 111d 111h1 'hr n11,hl in In• •lid bw .iua woulbh.ot1 ~.J"1!111 •tOund w.11°10' M.•untwo ""'" lhe11 car hd\ 4 0111" 101 o 2> 6 10 m The w1e D•w•s SM-. Oullv Pa1ton namto bi •ho Co11nt11 Mu11c AJ\Cll 13fc•,n a1 1111• lemale •"tdli~t ul · 11.-1ed• •'~ \tng1•1 c1•mpu1ri f'aul W1lll;111\ 11111• Mar "'"' thr mini~ du ol ~h1ftO\ ,\ y Jlft•ll U Mow1e: C (2hr)"Co1ter"1<1D 1' Do11 Murrd~ f "'"' I mle1 6 Movie: C (2h1) "lht Kentuc k1H " tadvJ 5!> Bu1t I Jll•d~le1 ll• an~ I inn Wallrr Mdlln;111 O Mo"e: C (2h1) "M1n1ss1pp1 Ca'"bler" tAnv) ~J fv111nr l'oy,er l'rpr1 I du11t lulor A~acn• m My Th1ee Son\ Q) 8'11J Grahm fore11n Cru~de m f odlJ'S Coo-lftl 21 Movie: c (2hr) "The Rtsur ttction of Zlclt1ry Wheeler" 11u,~1 'I 1l·dOlu10 01t1m.n ~n~ir noc ~'" \ 111 I •\lof N1tl,fn fD Optr1 Tltutre l• l11>11ta ''"' •I Im 1u11 •r11g1n qg,,a~ •PJ tu1111~ •1~•••11 I h1 tbPlll tlA.,•uo~ ,, 'lml•llJ .n t~" l!lil pr•JO~· lmll t \,.d, popul•• OP•'' :19 11 ) 3' WtlcOlll, Sit~ ~otlt1 C> Ctne lnltrnmon11 (!} llplntsf ll"&Ullt Piotrams -8:30- 0 ( :19 8 l >t B11 nt• M1tlt1 111• lfHI 0~1~1 1H1 J..,o ol' .1•1. o.-i11 ~n1n1 Nho ~1h1 '• 1., oitf•• ~t If'• l ,r·~ n1nti.-•fl "'nt·.\ nu ~ , t1ll1itt- • "mp11 ,,.,,, • ,., 1h•' ,,,., ,,, •' 1 h!I• tor Mt111t .. \I m C1o~W1b 9:00 D CBS r1tu1sd1r lf1r11t Morie. c (2111) "Helter Shlttr'' l'dtl I (1fr'1• /'i 1:r111r• 11.11•• 111 'l•vr H1111\b41; U•dllloi tl'1\•d •111 V111 1•n1 H11~l111" dntl 1'.111 1:fhlr1 1111110 ,,,, ,,, rtt,,olo ' Motlt'(lll ••Id"" 1.no 11; 0 23 6 10 m NBC Thu1sd1y Mow~ c (2hr) ''Winner hhs All" IOIAI /~ \hoil•i Ive•· l Hll•ru. I u• ~11111111 ~~"' C• •"m 1,, ,,, ~''"' rMI 1111• P VJn 1'1111•11 'ill•• 1'i1dni 1 M" lor fl'\ \I.If\ 1•\ ; ,11mp11ltt-r ••llllllel •Ill.au.. ~' ,..,u._.ui ltlf1'1\ 1t ~imllhhi, b,.l un1 .. , 111 lt't,-\,l'f;'fy 'lltUf .ti th\1 ffHP ~(tll l•I Ill• n; 1 'T' •lrld~"' •"'i>ft .,u, 11 ,,,., nut.l.4f't) h•i:t1n ... '""'" ... ,. •• m01r 1 ' 1 111\f Jh .. tlOArtP•YJnPnl 'h'" t f'A h: lfllf' U 119 I ) -39 S11eets of S~~ f11nc1sco 11~0,.,10 ''"o 111111 '". ttun (>A~ ~"'V.ff .,..,,.1. 1Wif"'' .,... r .t"'\ !P\<rttP" tV .. thf It\, 1 wt #• ,,. p'Ullh 111 fflp ll uitl"'• ,, fl t11110,. llulirl I !Jm,I\ ~Uf\f\ m Mt•• Grtlhn Show Q) 8o11n1 From tht 01,mp1t 17 3 I H1•111 fire0 m Y111ety Show W Ka<un lantu•1t P1or"m -9:30-m Women's P1oleu.on1I Golf 10:00 U Oltt•s 6 Mod S41uJd U ( 29 I ) l9 Hmy 0 I .-1 ll\P I~ fdfdlth (R} tt111r I p11!1tl Jj4tn"-t d '1cllt uf d '·h''"" ut ~ '"' 1• -1 .. l,old" O••~l.iJJI ,UUllj;. •JIU>JI !.!it 111, •~ltt~~' 111 .t rn1J1Jr1 l11t 'lll>hO I /I~ I !IN.r t .,,, It •nl• IJ 1!61UI• \l•Pkt I l11lld ltelto'I )0() ~dll I If t I n~n vu.-1 11 J 1 B11111br lones m G1tet1n1s From Gf!many -,. lMt Am!ncin Style fD ISRCiiil Ctrm1n film A , ,., Wom~' '-\41R1.,!hf • "' lollfld \ldl' oll tnl, ( Otnr1A\\111ftA!o wult •it 11 j 1l.U~1~ --omdn •11 '-'u•oth Ah1. lllt tth '""'~ hum nr• 0011r1,• ntJ''• ·•~·· ' '''fl' 11• ,, .. , fuH•'l«H·H~ \flt h4lHfltH \ llitiJ{ltl\i 111 1~11 Ut lfil I ft,1. ""fl ._. ~\ f t fl ... I l1t~1 ~ '"' t'; I • tf1\l11d, t ,.,, chtht 11t f1~1111 fo 1 lfdl• I i ft,•111'11~111~ dfl t I ,,t J1 r l(I m 8.1111.1 de l'um1m.1 -10:30-m O)llt ws 26 DtO V1n Drke 11:00 fJ U 8 m 39 New~ D 23 6 ro m lletr1 U lowt Amt11on Style 6 lhr~1I 01llon 0 Mowlf "8111h•m Younf' w 1 40 1,,,,,,,, r .. ._, I •no)•,,,,,.,, m M11y Hlft1111n, ltl11r H11tin1n Q) Get Srn1rt 11 3 Y1ncr D"""l" 26 But ol C100<ho ( 19 1 I r •utll o< Consequent ts 11:15-m C1nem.1 l• -11:30- 0 IT 3 26 CllS lift Mowie C "The lut Gien1de" 1!1•• 1 I' ,f~rotrr h 1~r1 Alro I olld """ t011{ ~'1'c'fl D 21 6 10 ID Johnny C..llOll 6 Pt11J Muon 0 ( ~ 8 ) Jt Wide Wo1fd Pru tnh"M1nn11" ' "The M1c1e11n" M1nn11 hunb 101 ' m1u1n1 11ce horse: and the M.111c11n l1h1 dulh to eapose 1 croohd p11son eucu h•e. e D111ntl mNrws 0) Bu1n1 ' Alltn 12:00 U fw1h&ht lont 8 Tht f81 m Mow1e: "f11t Down Belotl" ltl••I 'ot ll11b~1f llth~um k11.1 ll•"'"'lh )4 ~ I .,1111100 6D-lilovle.. "0t4eo le lhtl' ·~••. ~ • f'~ur M;w• f dd•• Al~• •I 12:30- U ~•If "The Co lle" """, 1, 1 1:00 D n & 10 romo11ow 0 W1nltO Dud 01 Al1Wt 2 :00 fJ Mo¥te c "ltniron II l1blt R0t'" '""' o ~I, ( dn ~· in Milo ttPll Art~•• 111 ~11·\1111 Hto hoil~ l 1'•~ m All N1fhl Sli0tt "l1rhl O'Clo<l Wilk," 'R•monl'' -3:30- 0 MnWlt "Wild on the Buth" ln111 • I,\ lo•nktt' H~n•ldll TV WlEK, JUNE b. 1976 FRIDAY JUllC II fo1 morn1n1 i nd .itttr-ltslinfs. plem see DAHIMC l'-OGUMS Bet... fer• (-II(~. tf~ tk- d.if s moo1u IMYTIMC MOVICS 9 30 D ''Cron (um1n1t1on" lftJ\I I H 8 Wa1ne1 ~•Ill !llJtol<-. C ··i;,, bild1" !Jlui.. b I R•"/O ~' II 11 00 O "fo1tt ol A1111s • •O• • • ~: 1w1 ••• 111 1t11ld• n N~ ,, 1 •11 un 12 00 m "Dunt Me" 111• 41 L'"f'' '• H\ort J.<11(1• rr Milt trun. l 00 U "Shool to Kill" "\"' •,1. Fu,,rll W1t1lr '\,. '" W.11 fr• i6 C "1 ht ltnlh VtCtrm" f l'rt l°'1> M tr t'llu Md\tt11htrll11 llh1.I• A11d11•" I !>•I MJl.'oll• II 2 JO O "Curse ol the Sw•111p Monslri" "" "'' 1111 •1 At.ir !Jiii W1ll1drt1'. l.00 10 c "fhe lonaut tlun died Miles" 1,1,1v1 lo' 11.1111 M1, ""+' ~au, o~nr U1P.· J JO 0 c ··1t11nutei ol HJd•a" 1'111,1 r1 l 111#f"iHlt M1l1f'.,lt '' 1 ~~ ,,.,. EVENING 6:00 DD 10 C>IDlftw) D 8 17 3 '3 6 Ntws D An11u Bntb1ll 1 111 ... 1 • .,. 1 holl1'/ ~· f,f , f 1 I '" I.lo' 6 r 1m11, Aft111 0 Wtld Wild Wt\t m 1'11t11d1e , ,,, .. 1, Q) Ad•m 12 X (:it a I Siii Trt~ ff) A•11tton Wuthtr 39 Mtkr Ocki1lu Show m ltllle llne111 -6:30- 6 m Andy G11ll1th 10 Mt1• G11ll1n Show 11 J Morie· "Tht T1~p" ID BllC~ Pt1spttlt•e on the llr.•s ID friends ol Min 7:00 UDO n & ID Ntws 6 11.iwhrde 8 To ltll tht T1uth O Concenh1hon m I lorr lucr OJ Tht FBI m Co ••n&er n Guns~e m-Ul; hc,tlu ktls Rttutw_ ( 19 a ) 8on•nn ED D1am1t" Se11es W Add1ms hm1lr -7:30- 0 follow Up Rrc '" c """' lf•ll • I l1h· tl 'I~ l.tth•1 ""'''I ~t I t tl1 "'m tlld • f m • 0 11 II ' It •••"h"I f•,,,,,,,m J 1 fll 1l.1 , '' "''~~t11 t~t ,lll•fl' Hiil ! I jl,• t ~ Ill ~ I• vt fl II n .t jj.. 'I 1• H"Uf1lj·l1,111 1 I Iii tf IH'J' .,, r f '"'' 01 C'!'ttlU 1U 111111 1U t t1 CJ 10 m Hol lJWOOd Squ1ies 0 Dick ~1n DJke 0 let'~ M•k~ A Dul II World of l/lf Su O CrlebnlJ Bo"hnt m B11dr Bunch m Btsl or JO P~13 1~ lll :C M11t11 GI .. • fJD llMtrt MKlleil ••'9't D W1te1 hhl 8:00 D 11 ..1, S.r1 Sara nttd) ,11 her tm ane! ""~'"' lo help 1 bright but 1ntro•ertPd student horn the hst ad1us1 ro hiS "'" su11oun dtnl[S D n 4 10 m Sanford I Son lbrnrm Sanford !Rt rrrc1 12nom the Ch11stmas sp111t all •ru~d n,m 4~ .4-.lr~SUOPil... ldtt1 he h•s ~ drtani 1n .. n1ch lamont d) tnr ~p111I ot Ch11)ll!lj) Past ta~rs n1m b•c~ to his ch1td,1ood whtre young rred evtn then d1spl ayed no enthusiasm 101 the 1~vou' season D lilo'l11: C (2111) "Ch11111ler ol Hoiron" thor• 66 Pat11d 0 Neal t_ Mow11: C "A Time for £wery Se1son" \dCIG) U ( 2t ,J ) ~t Oollny I llhue Guests a4 Pe•rl 8a1lty Sh~1man HeJTl}lty, the 0$mond Brothers and the tee Vanities , t ll1tiolllt Geo111pll1e CJ Movie: C (211r) ''Thunder lar" (adv) 53 -Jamrs Sttwdrt Jo annr Dru G1lb'1t Roland m My Tllrt• Sons m reiry M'10ft 21 E.T.V. Ttl•llloft Con1tnu41 Irle thon coveraee until Saturoo 10 30PM m WHlli11st011 WHl 1n h•te* ID Ui Cril41 lien C111ft e J~ l1111u•at '"'""'' -8:30-D 2~ f . IQ m Tht r1actttt lll'<f and D•ath Or BrdlQ•d s pre swpt1on tor a desolate o~hent 1s • f11tle lo•e .. n1clt he h1m)flf dwdes to provide tD Crou-Wrb fl) N Jockey fJi) Walt Strttl WHl m El Slloolr de «Ol4t1 r11u 9:00 8 Mo.11: C (Zllrl "Htlter Shi ter" <toncl l (dral 14 S1tvtr Rail sbad Drama ba1eo on Vincent Bugt1os1 and Curt Genii\ 1 book about Charle' Manson and h11 tam 1ly . D 231 I 10 m The lloc~ford Fitts In Haiard (Rt Attornei Belti Davenoorr requues Rncklord 1 1 ~ sourceful lalenls alte1 \h, counsel1 a srockbrocker '" d Id• Suri then l1nds hmell rn 1111 dnd the ldrKfl ol an assas1natron allempt 8 ( 1' f ) >t U C r11d1y Mowit : ~ (Z~r) "The ltonh11" I ... esl 7? -hmrs Coburn lO•S Nettleton Slim P1cken1 ~nnt ...A!lh~r _A lad1nt rodeo 11der hop1na_ to impress ~·s homeio .. n l11ends anil oatch lhmg1 up .. 1th hrs estranard .. 1te is not 10 successful lt h.ini cl~an and r·OlnR ... 11 .. ntn tnt 1nd•n C11mes to town GJ Mttw Cnllrn Show 18 Tllt VwtH1111t 17 J • CllS rr1d1y Mo"t c (2hr) "The S1hbtrt Connec lion" 1d111 I ' 8~11; N•wm.in An!M ~ ... na K,111•n len .un '"" "Aro • ·"' W..ttp,o1n~ P1, ,.,, 11,1m,1 1,r f\1n1d A , ''"'' ol 11u '•01•1111l•flt' tfufullltiuh 1111111 WWH 1· Ho 1.Jfltt 1du~ht b'f holh .11J1 ... nupi h-,111~ Iii 111111 lhe •vii 1111•11111111" 111 lh1• P~'I rlld 1111' 11!h"1 l111llV, 111 ~1prl\t' ii; 11111,111 . 111 "'" 11l11•111,.111rn.1I 111 ll11rll1" ff} Drama P899 14 fD htn1ftC 11 Sy111pllt11J Conductor M1charl Tilson Thomas leads the Boston Symphony Orctstra 1n f1an: Joni Haydn s Simphony No 98 1n B flar and W•trer Piston s Symphon1 No 'l SATURDAY JUllE t2 -9:30 ---1H:1o-=--MORNING ID 811111 lie ,ri111n tr1 10:00 D n e 10 m ,otice Story Camon ~1nsell1 RoyCP tRl lac~re Coope1 stars as a •titian dt1•cll1~ wfio moOn111111ts as Ill rosuranre in vtshgator to l1nanct hos daughters tducalron a a m11..s 1 Med Squad fD ..... -lO:lO-m mm 11ews fl) Ko111n D111111 11:00 uamm .u llen D J} JO'• .n1 ,J_ llen D Lowe Ameriun Sl}lt 'l~ Marsul Ditton CJ Mowle: C.' "Midn11ht lace'' tdra) '60-Dons Day. Rea liar11;on John Gavin GJ Miry H1rt1111n. Mary H1rtm1ft Q) Ctl Slll1rt 11 .1" liocuplly fl) Tiit Rrf1ts of Sllerlocl MolmH t. (S J )T1uthoi~ ID Cintt111 34 • -11:30- D 17 J CllS l ate Mom: ~ "floes" II 11 e 10. m .ldwtl!J ~ f MoW1t: "Cu1d1lun1t Diary" \drat 4J Wilham Bend1• llr\d Nolan U ( 2t t ) >t The lloolru Cauldron Oll1<m W11f1e G•ltie~ and ftrrv Webster are swed and held hos1ace by a dmn11td 1erm1na1tv 111 l11mmal t 0111ne1 1Dfltw1 G) lurns I Alltn 12:00 U filo'lie: c_ "Th•I Man Ceo11e" (dra) 67 Geo1ge Hamilton Cl a ud1oe Auge1 • M~11: c ·'Tiit Bobo" It on» 67 Mer Sellers 81111 [klund GJ Mo•lt: "llotdhouu" (m1s I 48 Ida lup1no Corn~ll \V•lde a> Movie: "'•m Models" tdral 51 Mao eleinf Robinson M•Hha Autr -12:30- • Sus,tnst lhulrt 8:00 -• su .. 111tr Sttlltster 21 l.T .V. Telethon Con1tnue~ tu 10 JOPM A fund raising evrnt tor 11MJF Channel 18 .. 1th Al Radoa dS Masler ortertmon1P\ -6:30- 1 CIYil W11 m let's hp 1:00 D S11mme1 S.111ester D f1>• t • 10 m llMtpncy+• L Wetk1ncl 8 <rati t I ~· Hona "°"I "-Y { C1t1liwt Otcor1tin1 tDWithit · fD SNmt Stlttt -7:30-u Dusty's T rttlloust U IUJ l ~ G Jom & lht r11ayub 8 (:JI) '.t ) U TOlll I Jerry/Gr· lpt Ape Show l Slt110Stript Ill Youth & lht lssuti tD Attt1n1tms 1J ..3 llKl llltt1lo 8 :00 D 11 'l t rtbMes & '"""' ""'"' U J ) f IQ! €!i) W1hlo Krtl} u r1etMttm 8 P'optyt ClrtMM D Hot hdtr Show tD filo'lie: "Tiit Sause W1lclt1ntu" (•es) 56-Victor Malutr a> True Adftlllure .1f E.T.V. Telethon Conltnoes 10 10 JOPM fD EltthK Com""' -8:30-u t 1 3 _6 Bu11 lunny/llo1d· runner .l D i2J r" !ll' m rink r1ntntr llt F1iends of Min 8 (!ft e ') it Adventures ot Cilli11n D Movie; C "The lrullrr OouO· loon" 1mv~l'39 Gto1ge Montgomery Nancy Guild fD Mister ROlers' fleiahborhood 9:00 D n l IQ' m land of tllt lost D Mt.11: ''S11S4>1nw" (mys) 46 Barry Sullivan Bonita Gr•nv11te t:OO -~>:I-Uttit-~ D Ut Spec11t 10 m M1dn11hl U (1J _{.) ll Super f11tnd1 G) C.Un1ry Music -1:30- 17 J Mow1t: "Tiit Mad llombtr" l\u~p1 /~ Vine, rd,.drd\ Chud l'nnntf'> 2:00 fl MOfie, "~•11tn Wtlh A Whop" t d1A1 (,I Ann Marr,r•I fohn J11r 'Ylhe l'er,1 Bru"'n GI All N11ht Siio•! "lht Stitel Wrlh No Name," "A Bullet ls W111tnc." "'ardon Us" -3:45-0 Movie· c "The f renth line" 11111111 ~4 I~"' R11,~•ll G•lllrrl Ru 1~1111 fD C1111scolendu -9:30- 8 17 3 ' S<My Doo D 1$ 1 101 m Rwn let llwn 6 Mowtt: "I Cower lhr Undrr t10rld" 1d1~1 ~~ Stan M'Clor v fD Sei.mr Street 10:00 D 11 l Slt111m/lsis H0111 D '3 & 101 ID rt1net ot Ille Apes a < :it e I ,, Spetd llum O Movie: c "M11rnts ltt's Go" tcom I b I I 11m ltv11n Qi) Call It Mu11oni TV WEEK. JUNE 6, 1976 f l Gt rsmliD rt1t11nd •ose ,. •. r•• Btt~ and Alltn Ludden co host and Pal ID Mov11: "Thi Stcrel Sinn" (adv\ '66 tony Russel Httca line ~;i.,v,. Nltl~ ~hoUU-IG--. - 10 JOPM O)S,.nlsll filo'l1t -10:30-.. n 1§> 1.01 m Wtstw1nd 8 (1.29 I ) U 1 CMd 1111 Couplt 10 ~It II lbt11011i fD Eltttnt ~ • 11:00 U 111 • 3 fir 0111 S,.Ce IMs D .ni • & 10) ID M1jor Lt•tut llWH a An1ets lluehll C11ilo1n11 A11c•ls ws. Dtlrort Tlcen. J fllotie: "last of Ille Otsper · Mclft" (wtS) S5 -Jrm Davi~ U (1ffl \ f ) Jt' The lost Sauw mz-1 -11:30-u CT1• T Gllost 1111111 8 ((21, ~J) llI Aintriun Bind· st1nli fD [ltctrk Comp1fty AFT•RNOON 12:00 U I7 .l Cf V1ky of tll• Dino SlllfS G Moirle: -" ''Tiit Cifll1t1on ti .. " (wts) 57-Audie Murphy GUlllib G) Mew: "flllltts Ill tht llart" (tom) SS-Donald 0 Connor ~ E.T.W. Ttltlllo11 Conllnuei ro 10 lOPM fDllon fD •olte1 llllllH -12:30-u 11 l i.1 Fit AINrt t filo'IM: ''Tiie Dul Corner'' (my~) ~b lut1tle Ball Mark Stevens 8 Grutnt Sports l11enlls ID filo'li1: "Whitt Carro (dril '47 Hedy Lamarr. Walltr P1deeon ( ~ I ) U.S.F11111 llaport )f lyewitnau/h ttS 1:00 D f7 n t C~ildren's film fnhnl fiko & the Shar~ (R) Tne unu~ual story of a hh111an boy 11hn makts l11ends 111h a baby shark in 1 quiet laioon nur h15 villaae. a Celtbtity Tennis fm Thi Olymi,ild <•> ('a l ) Comedy lt11ttdosco,e m 011111alic Series U Me.it: ''Silow Wllltt & Ille Thrtt Stooan" <com l 61 -Carol Ht1ss -1:31--------.f •t•rt-• U Wiler Workl U ltlottt: C ''Chief C11ry Hoist 1wu1 5~ V"to1 Mature G) Tiit Vk11n11n 2:00 D CBS SPORTS • $250,000 llempet Open first Prize $50,000 U 17 3 I Kemper Open Golf Tournamtnl I h11d round play in fh1s $/~ 000 PCI\ P~enl frnm the Quail llollow Country Ctu~ rn Ch.JrlnllP NC D 231 , , I 101 m rrenth Intern· 1tioful Jennis Cll1111pt01111t1,s Semo l1rr•I ruuod ol lh1~ tournament will be tolortuf v11 111 ell1te 110111 Roland Garros Tennis Sia d1um tn Paris e Wi4e Suu• Tllealrt (£1 Mewit: "Tiit .... ,, II Mid1111~1 ldra) ·•2-Bela lueos1, Tom Nut ·a Mowit: cc:i· "ltlewef 1.rlftl" ldral '59-C"IOIY Ptc• Debotah Ke11 [dd1e Albert ms.I Traill 83 1\e TriNI l,. ( 3 l ) AllttMI W..W no- < 21 ~I Frlffl4s If 111111 3:00 8Dvsfy'1T1...._ _ HIP l:Mparrtl D Mtwie: "Ot$1r' •iftt A11i11" (•es) 39 -lames Sle•art mo.r l.itlits II) Tiies ti lllt liurre 6lJ tfl WM11111 lrotlltri S.... tat E.T.V. Ttltlhtn Continues lo JO JOPM m 011•1 (f8l ())) Wtrl4 ot Su1Yit1I ID V111oty S... 1.B Mtwie: (t) "Ttlli1ht Wt Si111" (dra) '5J-Dav1d Wayne -3:30-• st.,. .. lu11t1111 GS.tw•, • ........, !tally ... :"lliililelltlldtn" ]); hie: ~ "Cr...,_ F1111" (susp) '70-Hope lan1e. Paul Burke ii» (]) J..i TrlM D M"ie: (CJ "Th S1wa1e l.MMI (wes)-8'rry Sullou n fD .... lut ( 8 -I Wllllt4 0.14 " Alttt m -,rklllt111 USA 4:00 • ,,,.,.. ,.,_., Wtrlf t Star Tr .. '8MllliM:l111,..;Me fBCiM u-1111 a £.T.V. Ttlttllo11 Con11nues to JO JOPM Gil C.llfttttil Journal ((8) tD) WtrW Tt1111 Tt111111 T111r11· lllltltl ID Sii , 'l111it11ta 1111 H11111tn Oi11tt11sioft1 '9 Voice If AcrkuHm -4:30-8 lllt4i1 B Spofts Clla1M111e IJ!i Cil Tiiis 11 "'"'" fl3 lu11lar l'rllfi111 <•> D S1t11rf11 lll"ie: "Yt1111 Mr. liltctltt" (dra) 39 Henry fonda f8 c.r1111 "" 5:00 • (fl' 1I:-CiS s,.is ~ e Star TrH IJ Gilli1111'1 l~IHll • (12f TI U AIC's fltft Wtrid ti s,.ns t 1110""' -G Wild lliW West m Mtwit: "°'it<ll9t lur1111" \•dv1 4 ~ fool flynn William Prince 0> Mttlt: "llack '•lch" (•e~> ~I G'o1ge Mon1gome1y .ZS E .T.V Ttlel"-m Allor• 0> S11pt1 Sllft m lll1i"l111t first 1n ~ \etlts ol aldCk gospel mUSll prog1arn\ -5:30- u to""" 6 I lll'lt Lucy '..I II.wit: "At Wat flittt Ille Ar1111" (com) '51-Dean Martin. Jerry l'w1s •D lltlllide • Ille• 1'.,,.ctiw Oii Ille """ • little blab •V•NINQ 8:00 8 D ct1i LT llews g Mttit: (Zltr) "Ut lhktd ..,_,-flt11) 'fil-rrank Srnstu L Mt S..rt D._rick U})lr..-. .Cillt .. ~1111 ~ f.T.V. T•lllM fD Iii! Ml,trs' ltllr111I mm..,. -6:30-.. •111C Ntn CollltrtllCt Cl) Die~ V111 Oyie S.... B (Qt) LIJI !Ill llews Ci1l ()) ,.., Goes l1lt Cou1try m '°' c1e •••ic. m Arthritis a-ylllOllt Cl9 M, littlt M11aie 7:00 8 C1IMINI CMtra D •lllC s,.dal "Protun1e1's Law' Raymond Procun1t1 -appo1nltd as head of the Adult Authority (parolt bOUd), and rt1teled by the State Senate because of his adnnced 1dus for 1evamp1nc the parole J'fS tem-1s the sub1ect of tlus documeni ary that looks al Cahforn1a iusltce throu111 his eyes and c1ves equal time to his c11t1cs Rescheduled Wild Wild West • (,.... ... la Alt1t1n '))~at"" Cl crtJ lllJ S,.Ct: 19" • (/8) ) m tD l••rrnce w•s.... GJMl111·IZ iII> (f) Htt Mn a £.T.V. TtftlltOll Cont1nves to 10 JOPM m F111111 une m Or. J1u1rs htvasittt Hour -7:30- • Wild Wtrhl of Alli1111b D Dolt Ma11'1 ScrH11 Ttst U Mich -..iteri m •OOlll m a·:oo • Cllildrttt's Mllliul S.... Gil l .T.V. TelelllH Continues 10 10 JOPM l:)Tlle~ m ll S... de [Mita ltwrio • J_~-~1...1111• ,., .. , ... , -1:30-• tfll Cl Ott (R) Doc 801er1 en•rta1ns an old cotlete chum from hil hosprlal stall days •ho tries 10 eel him to invest 1n ' nors1n1 llomt 8 (Qll (j)) \ltl AIC S.C1Hf1y Mtwit: (CJ (90) "1\e Filllily lltMdJ WHIM" (R) (dra) '7S-Snirler Jones. James Olson, Woodrow Pai • kins The hea1twarm1na lrue story of a min1sltr and hrs writ who lace many comphcahons •h'n they •dopl 12 racially m1ud children • ,.,._ Or11111 9:00 • [i1l CJ) (]) lll1ry Trier ... ,. (R) Murr1y 11wes up his 1ob as a newsw11ler to a.01~ tor his cllref a~taaon1s1. as ~roducer ot Sue Ann Nivens' cook1n1 show LI) 1\e lttrtty11111Mr1 • Htt Mn m lllm & Allt11 G flllll a.aics "A Run for You1 Money" (1949) Alec Guinness stirs mrttfllltrr11111 -9:30- • \II (J) ([J 1M Ntw111rt s-. (R) Jerry Robinsons depression !urns to rnstanf IOY •htn a atobe lrortrnr ea flame suddenly enlets his hit •&arn and prol)OSfs marr1a1e e 0111 W.rb S,.Cill 'We lh e Ptopte" ' lid .... ,s.... Q) DCffiflG S!llECIAL * "GOD'S SMUGGLER" defies Commits with libles !Of Christl111s G> Cod's S•1111ltr A 1et121ous special d11ma1111ng efforts to send bibles behind lhe hon Cut1a1n fa Slufit 22/Qyii Ti111t 10:00 8 l]1J CD (J) Oi111h Short V11i· ety Hour 1J ENTEITAINMEfH '76! • lite lrOlll Hollywood! Grt1lnl stars 1nler unique Hill of flmt! D U Cl) Bl m lllttrt11"· llltllt '75 "Th' Thud Annual lnterl a1nmenl Hall ot f•me A•ards Entrrtainmenl is the ~ernote of this 2 hour soec•al honorine 10 nt• •n Tll WEEK. JUNE 6, 1976 duclees into the [nlertainmenl Hall of Fimt lllr111 & Allen • (flll )J) U SuJtrstar Whal llrnd ol Cop he You'" lht Otllh ot a vav•nLbtc.omu too. ~Joi.Btu 1lttr evidence points 10 an involve men! bt syndrc.ate loin s~arks ...... •1....,.r1111 (1t) [.T.V. Tttetllelt l .isl halt hou1 ID to. Cierdell SltM -10:38-- fl!) l111tr111t11UI f"tlllt fHttnl 11:00 8 l3' 8 tt J Ntn • Mo.it: ltJ "lltta Alound Ille Wtrtf" (dra) '66· Richard Ha111son l.11 Nfl 111 Actioll II lltrtll Allltricall Lt1111t Soc.ctr T 1mbers vs Cosmos CD CEMllAL PALSY • TtlETHON st1rts now ' • CtrMral 1'111, Teltllloll Con ltnuts lo 611M Sund•~ II) Silllsttr Cl11t1111 ({1; (IJ '1l Clu~ a 100 c'" ., Seullfst11• (QIJ ) -· H1111~rd ., CiM1111 J4 •D f'thrt fut11t -11:30- • ,....... 5Z! ~ "•itWll ., b il" (dta) '10-Louis Jourdan. Anne Baater Belinda Montcomery 5"fts 5,tdal Soccer 8 Moone: 't:1 "Tiie Apy & llte (ul.My" (dra) ·65 Cha1lfon Hrston Ru Ha11rson. Diane C1lrnto 12:00 DNtn 110' "'"' .... ,. lJJl L() Otll W..s' Scrft1t Teti m•11,·1s.... (13J Cl)) Ntft/Scj.f1 Tflt1tre (JJl $1111 Tr1i11 -12:30- D @ Cl) Gl m S1turd1, llipl 121! lltll llinll11er'1 he• Colt<ert 1:00 G> Don llirilt11tr'1 •oc• Colt<ert wn 1' llll'lit: "Tltt ,,., .. 2:00 U llCl'lit: "Tiie 111 .. d lri114lt" (dro1J '65 llrn Scolt Shirley Calon -3:30- • Motif: lC" ''Celt Y111111er, G11n. litltttr" (•ul ~8-F1ank lave1oy • llZl ill Jiit ,.,,.,_, <•> D 8 llJ !II D lllC s.111rd1y lllpMhwit: ~ (Zllr) "Tltt '""'· IOll of JtfNltell Ctu11ly" (wes) '76- Bill 811by Bo Hopkins. John Hiller man Billy Green Busti Stephen £1 tiott A •ande11n1 Bostonian and a Bill Butby stars II a fug11ive Eaaterner in the Old West as he JOUl!LCD~J lUIJl_....'-""n-""'-"""'-1 preten~ad the w_ay In "The Invasion of Johnson Westlo tile on Ille prival' army of a County," a World Premiere on Tile NBC Saturday Night smdy l•nd baron bent on 111bb1n1 Mo111e (June 12) at 8PM homutud,rs ranches D .... it: .C: (90) "Sata11's H11· wtsl" \advl 6S Cto111t Montromerr l1pp1 Hedrtn ·t.·Httlln - • ('3, I I l)t '"' Hemfts Mued Doublts When Mr An&!I promises to grant a man s wish lhal h1~ u '"'' iemarry thus Fndmg Ille alimony lhe rpan lh1nks all his prob lems will soon be ovtr liJ MMe: CI (Jllr) ''ClttytMe Au· t11111ft" (•es) '64 R1cha1d W1d ma1k.lames s1,.a1t m ISPRiiil Tiit ,riult '"si· d'"l:wmiilit #1111en W~o Hawe Slllrfll tltt Otl1<r m Co1••1• Pege15 TV WEEK, JUNE 6, 1976 REMODELING CLEARANCE' . -·-MEA-CHANDISE-THROUGHOUT STORE MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW DISPLAYS. LATEST MODELS WITH FULL MANUFACTURERS i-----t-~~RANTEES AN U SATISFACTION GUARANTEE FROM ALL 5 SOUND ROOMS -l~ ~@~ AMPLIFIERS TURMTAILES HEADPHONES RECEIVERS CASSETTE DECKS ~ -SPEAKERS c:.nm·v..a II-Sl'EAKERS m:=i::•• -RECEIVERS CASSEnE DECKS --{1)1$· -TURMTAILES COLOR TELEVISIONS CLOCK-RADIOS RADIOS J4 IJI UCIU'-1 l l(ll't SONY =SUPEl#OPE~ AUTO CASSETTE CASSETTE RECORDERS .. SALE ENDS SAT JUNE I 2TH Hows Moa. tin Fri. I 1-1, Sat. I 0-5, S.11 12·5, 445 E. 17th. Costa MHa atlantic music stereo