HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-29 - Orange Coast PilotFord· PufJlieist Eired ... -... - For JttqhJtlti. S.~~~1~ms FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 29, 1976 ' VOL ... NO. JOJ. 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAOIS ' .. f • • • • ake Forest Fire_ 'Near Di.Saster~ Defends General B'rith Jeers Halt -Badham By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Ol IM Dally ,. ... IUfl SACRAMENTO CAP) California adults overwhelming- ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing should be allowed in 1night clubs. according to a tstatewide poll. The State Alcoholic Beverage !control Board also was told ;Thursday by state Sen. Alfred Song that he won u landslide re- ; election victory in J970 despite a tabloid published by his 1 Republican Coe calling Song a ' backer or ·•nudie bars." . Th e Mont erey Park Democrat's testimony came at a hearing on a proposal by two 1 Los Ange1es-area night clubs to st.rip the state of authority in the area of nude entertainment and give it to cities and coun- ties. f Stale law prohibits "bottom- less" nude dancing in bars licensed for sale and consump· tion of alcoholic beverages. It i also regulate s the ,circumstances under which .. topless " dancing can be performed. Song said his district poll round only two percent of voters feld nude dancing was an im- portant issue in 1970. The public wouldn't object to new rules because they "simply don't care," he added. On the statewide survey, Dr. Peter Sherrill of the Field Research Corp. said more than to percent of the 1,000 •dulls sur veyed agreed that adults s hould have the rlght to ~ee nude entertainmenl ould Tbat degrff of support w be "an overwbelrnlnc landslide" for any politician oc lssue, Sher· rill said. The poll waa paid for by ownera ot the Ball, a private club In Senta Monica, and UM Other . (8" NUDES. Pase AZ) .. sllp or the tongue by a general of the Army." (Brown i.1 an Air Force general). At that point, the predominant- ly J ewish audience reacted so vocally that Badham had to curtail his response and sil down. Brown recently said Ute defesnse or Israel is a burden to the U.S. Only moments before Badham was booed. Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd or about 200 when she said Brown "should have been fired immediately because he h as a history of mak· ing anti·semitic remarks that are not appropriate in any govern· menl position." A number of the questions posed to the two candidates were related to the Middle East. On the subject of.trade with the Arab world, Badham said lt is in "our own national interest" to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel. He said whatever aid is sent to the Arabs is "necessary to keep the balance." Mrs. Hall said it is "necessary to trade with all countries but at thesameUme, there are elements in the Arab w orld who are moderate and we must seek them out." She also noted that Israel bas proven it has a place in the Mid· die East by helping the poor of the Arab world wherever possi· ble. Both Badham and Mrs. Hall said they support the continued existence of Israel in the family or nations and oppose Ute boycott by the Arabs of American firms doing business with the Jewish state. A number of other topics were discussed during the hour-long debate, including several of the state ballot propositions. The candidates both opposed Proposition 13, the dog r acing in· iliative, but voiced sharply divided opinions on Proposition 14, the farm worker measure. • Badham said the legislative framework for the type of reform sought by farm labor leaders already exists in the form of a compro mise ·bill enacted re - cently. But he claimed Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and labor activist Cesar Chavez have reneged on (See BOOS, Page A2) Brawl Hurts One SAN JOSE (AP) -Two Viet- namese student groups at San Jose State were involved ln a chair-swinging brawl that left at least one young man with a serious gash in his head, campus authorities said. The melee be1an in the student union about 9 p.m. Thursday during a screen- 'ln1 of "Saigon -Al>ril '76" by the Assocfatlon ol Vietnam Patriots. -----------· Domes Threatened I Olllf Pilot .._._ 'T Ille~"' K-1.,. FIREMEN DOUSE FIRE THAT STARTED IN FRAMING Of HOUSE IN LAKE FOREST Wind-swept Embers Threatened Ne•rby Homes, Started Other BlazH Made Sex Films Ford's Television Ad Expert Fired NEW YORK (AP)-Themedia expert who produced television ads for President Ford's election campaign was fired because he also makes hard-core sex rilms. the New York Postsaldtoday. The Post s aid the expert, Michael Scott Goldbaum. was dis· missed Thursday night after the newspaper confronted rum with his dual role. He then told Ford Nine Small Girls Raped WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. CAP) - Police are looking for a man who· they believe has raped nine small girls but spared a 10()\ because "shew as too old" al age 14. Authorities said Thursday that the nine &Iris between 8 and 12, were forced into cars at knife. point ln various Westchester Cou.nly towns and taken lo isolat- ed areas where they were raped and sodomized. The rapes have occurred over a 1lx-montb period, and recently the attacker bas been beating his victims, one severely, police said. campaign omctals ot bis mm ac· tivity, tbe newspapersaid. The Post said a White House spokesman had no explanation why it. had not learned ·of Goldbaum 's other work. . "Obviously. if the tacts are true, the President Ford Commit· tee would never have associated themselves with a person in- volved in that type of ope.ration," the Post quoted Ford spokesman William Greener as saying . The newspaa:>er laid that during the past week Goldbaum, 36, has divided bis time between the Ford campaign -including some time each night with Ford taping radio spots -and efforts to find an ac· tor to play the lead ln a new 1ex film. The Poat said that when lt con· fronted Goldbaum with his dual role be denied he was producing a pornographic film but called back two hour s later and acknowledged he Interviewed candidates for the lead. Goldbaum said when " ex· plained the tituatlon to the political conaultln1 firm or Bailey, Deardoudf le Eyre, wbicb ls supervl1lnc FOl'd'a media ef. forts, he was fired by Douglas (See PORNO, Pee AZ) Wife, Child, 2 Others Dle Before Suicide NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Agun- man shol two men. held his wife and daughter hostage for four haun whlle his relatives begged him to surrender, then shot both of them and himself to death, police said. A police spokesl'nan said of. ficers were called Thursday when residents or a low-rent housing project reported gunshots. They arrived to find 17-year-old F;mile Anderson wounded in the stomach on the balcony of a fourth.floor apartment He died later. Officers at lbe scene said that when Ennis Charles, 25, saw them approaching, he grabbed bis estranged wire Antoinette, 23, around the neck, pul a revolver to her held and told~~ he would killberlftheydidn tgoaway. Pollee sald they backed off, and Charles pull~d his wile into tbe apartment.· Officers th~n ·s ummoned Charles• .,..othet, &tandfather andcl.romao,bopinliheycould talk him in~ summderin1. ·tnre rnan you 1hot is still ' allve." Qberles' arandfather lhouted throUCll the cloaed door. 11Y OU WOO't be lded for murder•" ''11aett'I ~ne in here 1fbO's already dead,•• cam• tbe r•poae from Charles. (8"8\JICIDE. Page Al) ,, Firemen ··j . I Injured ·~~ . In Bliize Flying sparks and embers • from a burning Lake Forest tract house in the framing stages of J con struction Thursday threatened to destroy or serious- ly damage occupied homes in a nearby development. Four of the 60 Orange Count~, firemen who responded to the potentially disastrous blaze were . injured, none seriously enough lo require hos pitalization . The firemen were joined by citizens armed with garden hoses lo pr"° vent the fire from spreading. • A county fire department cap._ tain was overheard to sa~ "another three or four minutes· and we might have lost a h~ dozen of these houses alonf here." ~ The blaze broke out at about 4:30 p.m. in a two·slory s tructure in the uncompleted "Woods" de- velopment near the junction ot Window Bob a nd TanbariC Streets. By the time Clre units r eached the scene. the framed house was totally involved in names and U)e . uncompleted house next door had been singed, according to Capt. Mike Amada of the El Toro Fire Station. When water from the high- pressure water hoses used by the firemen bit the burning building, the upper story collapsed, nar~ rowly missing a hose crew. The cave-in threw cinders into the air, where they were caught by the wind and rained onto the roofs of a number of homes along Timberline Way and Ginger Road in the tract immediately adjacent to the Woods dev_elop· ment along Lake Forest Drive. Hundreds or local residents ran from their homes to watch the ac- (See FlltE, PageA2> Coast 7 Weather Mostly sunny through Saturday with some low morning clouds. Cooler with highs in the 70s, low of aboul 50. INSIDE TODAY The play'• the thina and thi! fa the aeas()fl. See today's "Weekender for .a feature on UCl's "Guy&and Dolls." • Jl2 DAILY PILOT S Frld11y. October 29 1978 , ;Growth Index Falls ' l Again: Foi:-d :Woe WASHINGTON CAP) -The •overnment lndcx designed to predict future economic growth 4eclined for the second month ~ a row in September, the mmerce Department said to· y. bringing more bad pre· election news for the Ford ad· nlioistr a lion. The decline Jn t.be index ol leading economic indlcatora wu seven-tenths of a percent in Septembe r, the HJDe H lo August. Although the index' performance points to a possl· ble continuation of the economic slowdown registered in recent Pig on Menu Women to 'Horwr' Hayakau:a LOS ANGELES CAP) -A women's organizaUon plans lo demonstrate against S.f. Hayakawa's Los Angeles headquarters today because a fem ale re- porter was barred from an all-male club in Santa Barbara. The demonstration announced Thursday by the Lo~ .Angeles chapter of the National Women's Pohllcnl Caucus stems from a Hayakawa af pearance earlier in the campaign before the Channe City Club of Santa Barbara. . The reporter. Ellen Hume of the Los Angeles Times. was kept ou.t of the club during the ap· pearance. . The organization said it would serve roast pig - mHayakawa's honor -during the demonstration. Hayakawa, told about the plans by reP.?rters said 'f?ursday, ''I hope they have soy sauce with that ~oast pig." .. . i;By S i x P o ints ,,_ ____________________ __ , , ~= Ford Edges AheaJ, ~ . !~· In California Poll .. •' : SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - .-:President Ford has increased his ;:lead over Democrat Jimmy :~arler lo six percentage points in ;~s race for California's 4S elec· ~oral votes, polls ter Mervin Field ~aid today. ~ Jn a California Poll, Field said ~he Republican Presid ent is Bavored by 46 percent of the likely ;'voters surveyed, andCarterby40 ~J>Crcent. C The survey reported three per. ,.: ~ent favoring the write-In can· •; Qidacy of independent Eugene : '.McCarthy, three percent favor· ;.ipg other candidates and eight r ))ercent undecided. The results were based on a :. Fro• Page A I fiwDES ... ~I. a public bar in San Gabriel fu the same clubs seeking the :~~ange in nude dancing regula· l"UQns. ;. . Both have been cited by the ~BC for all eged nude entertain· ~nt violations. ~1·.Song, an acquaintar\ce of a ~ rmer police chief who owns -; ~Other Ball. has also testified ~ its behalf al other ABC pro· ~~eedings. :: Baxter Rice, ABC director, ~!lid after the hearing that it may ~ several months before a de· .;!tslon is reached. He said the !1'BC is em powered by law upheld ~y the U.S. Supreme Court to re· !iutate morality in places where ;.;liquor is served. ~ Steven Solomon, attorney ~eprescnting the two night clubs, ~rought a collc~c professor , ~ance instructor. private in· '="estigator and Sen. Song to ~eslify. ;.o: Solomon said the ABC is strict A>n neighborhood bars where the ~verage guy buys a drink and ~atches nude dancing, but al· ~s the amuent to do the same ;'4).lng at big-name "legiUmate" ~~eaters . ~,;.."If It's in a theater, they don't ~uch you," Solomon told a re· ~er. "Have it in a bar and they "~eat you like a donkey." ,,~·--~------~----~----~,. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT •et.nN -PO~ftf •"df'\IOJ ffl'tfl/t , ... " ~ ..... Viet """l<Ml'\t Ancl (,-Not .t _,,.~ n..,.nllff'fll ,.,,Of' "T..._ ..... .,.,... .. M.tf\fql ... ,.,. .... o.."°'" ~"' •w""""'" Malt A'-'t\1tl\f MA"••'~ l dliton Offlcff ~··~·· n•-••••'•-t "~~::-e:~~ ·;~~=r= .. -f•'•O Vallo llJOll .. '"" INd •f kft o,,, .. ,,.,...,.. Ttfepflone (714)~ Cl111lhd Advertllllng Ma-St71 \lddlo ... o Voll•• -Ofti<• .. , .. ,,0 ,....,.,.._c,._ •N<OQO r.--o.i.-CeWl!y~.., Mf.1t20 a... .... ,,,. Or-c:e.tl -........ -Itel'• .... fWW\ lfM(e \ tlt\A.t, .. ~~ ... ...... 111•11" ., •f•tf!l""'toh lonol" tllO .. ~=~ .............. ,.., .... ,~ ., • s.c-..... "''"r. ...... °"''' ...,., ~llltrolo J11•u• •"°" -~ ,.,, .. , U It -•y •1 !Itel! M M _..,, INhlNf ., __ .. ,._™'· statewide telephone sample con· ducted Monday through Wednes· day. Poll interviewers contacted 1,695 persons by telephone, of whom 1,246 said they were re· gistered voters and planned to cast ballots in the Nov. 2 general election. Of the total, 72 712 were Democrat s , 411 were Republic ans and 122 fell into other categories. In a survey three weeks earlier, Oct. 7 and 8, Field said Ford led Carter 44-43. After earlier sur· veys, Field reported Carter lead· ing Ford 53·33 in August and 44.40 in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. John Tunney regained a nar· row lead over Republican challenger S.I. Hayakawa, and that Prop. 14, the farm labor in· itiative, is stm trailing, but by a narrower margin. The poll gave Tunney a 45-43 edge over Hayakawa with 12 per. cent undecided in surveying after their first televised debate Satur· day. Field reported a 47-43 edge for Tunney in September and a 4343 tie in after an October sur· vey. Field reported the biggest shift in sentiment was over the farm labor initiative sponsored by Cesar Chavez. He said in the survey this week, Prop.14 was trailing by 12percen· tage points, 47·35 with 18 percent still undecided. Three weeks earlier, Field re· ported Prop. 14 trailing by 22 percentage points, 53·31. Two out of three voters-66per· cent -of those questioned said · they would vote against the greyhound racing measure. Fro•PageAJ FIRE •.• lion and some clambered onto rooftops to hose down the cedar . shingles. A fire department spokesman said at least a hall-dozen houses sustained burn holes or varying sizes in their roofs . Firemen brought in a snorkel truck to survey the scene from a location along Timberline bul its nerlal hoses were not needed. ~ Two of the injured firemen sus· tained nail punctures in the feet, another sulfered a cut wrist and the fou rth bad a minor racial burn , the lire department spokesman said. The injured men were Iden· tified as Engineers Tom Baumgartner and Dennis Schwander of the Laguna HJlls station and paid call firemen Jack Rondell and Kevin CaldweU of the El Toro station. The cause of the fire wu sWI under investigation today and arson had not been Mlled out. ac· cording to Capt. Jim Stone. The fl"amed house wa1 a total ION wtth a value (ixed at '25,000. No- damage estimates wert av,.Ua. ble for the othet:" homee. Bookies Raided OXNARD (A'p) -A raid at a hc>Jne Tburtd11 bas ret11lted ln the arrest of eilhl penons In what poUce ducrlbo u a $1 mllUon•&·year bootmuin1· operat.loo. 1'be acUvtU• fJL t.be ~. prhnaril)' on-tract hone betlin1. netted $21,000 a week. inootha, economlsts say they can't be sure untU it has cone cltwnf or three moo th,, ln a row. But the Jai.1t report seems certain to raise new que$Uons about the s trength ot the economic recovery, since other recent t1tatlstic1 on economic growth and unemployment also have been dlaappoinUng. Jn Milwaukee, where Presi· dent Ford was campaigning, White House press secretary Ron Nessen issued a statement •llYial, ''An e~amination ol tbe leading economic index shows that the recent pause in our economic recovery is conclud· lng and the economy will con· Unue its solid growth. "We are particularly en· couraged by the two key in· d.lcalors which have the. most influence on future economic activity: capital goods orders and building permits. Both are sl1ni!icantly higher ." • Jimmy Carter, campaigning in Philadelphia, cited the in· dex's performance as "new evidence that the economic pie· ture ahead shows more un· employment and a further decline in the standard of living for the average worker. "We s imply cannot depend on thos e who created t hi ~ .economic mess to clean it up. lt's time for new leadership, with new ideas, to get our economy moving again," the Democratic presidential nominee said. One Commerce Department analyst said it wasn't clear from the index whether the decline refl ected the slowdown in economic growth that ha& already occurred, or whether it pointed to a further slowdown in the months ahead. F r o • Page A I SUICIDE ••. That victim was Earl Johnson, 21. who was alive at the time but died later of a head wound. Charles refused to listen lo pleas from others, and police heard shots from inside the apart· ment. About three hours later, they fired tear gas and rushed the apartment. Mrs. Charles and her 4-year-old dauehler Lyna lay dead on a bed. Charlet was dead on the floor at thelrf~t. PORNO ... Bailey. . "They did the right thing," he said. Bailey and John Deardourff "in (act have asked me to ship back all original material ... every· thing to do with the President Ford campaign.•· he said. But Goldbaum denied he in· tended to m ake a pornographic film . "My intention was to produce a very beautiful film ... and not a dirty movle. I think it would be a mm -well, I'~ riot going to say lo you I think it's a tum Jerry Ford would go see; Ford is incredibly square, that's one or the beautiful things about him.·· The Post said that Goldbaum conceded he had been guilty or "incredibly poor timing" and said "these projects should never have overlapped." 300 Students Stage S trike SAN DIEGO (AP)-About300 students missed a mOl'ning class at Mt. Carmel High School to show suppo rt for higher teachers' salaries. Leaders of the demonstration said the walkout was called to support teachers in their salary negotiations in the Poway Unirled School District, oC which Mt. Carmel Hlgh is a part. Principal David Stine said no dlsclplinary action will be taken ~gainst the students, although parents will be notified. Jailers Bide · Isabel Pe'IY)n BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (A.P ) - Deposed Arsentlne Presi· dent l&abel Peron was wblslsed rrom the elegant mountain rolrut which aerved .as ber JaU today and flown by her military u~tora to an unknown die9tlnatlon, th• news agen. ey Notlelaa Argentlna.s re~ ported. Mn. PetOD had been un. der heaYJ guard In a 1ov· erament..owned chalet l.n IOQthern Arl•nUna near tbe ChU.an border lli>ee llatth Jt, wben the umid lattes toppled her In a CCMIP • • BACKS PROP. 14 Candidate Hall o.ltyl" ............ BOOED OFF STA~ Assemblyman Badham F ..... PflfleAJ BADHAM BOOED • • • their part or the agreement that led to the compromise. Mrs. Hall said she "strongly supports" Proi><>sitioo 14 because it is a step toward giving "the un · derprivileged of our society the rights they deserve to decent salaries and working conditions and a better way of life." Other debate points included : -Consum e r protection. Badham s aid there has to be a point after which "the most sophisticated consume.rs in the world" no longer need protec· tion. Mrs. Hall challenged Badham 's voting record on con· sumer affairs and said consumer protection and free enterprise can co-exist. --Special legislation to aid the elderly. Badham srud the "kin- dest thing Congress could do 1s simply stabilize the dollar." Mrs. Hall said she favors federal as· sistance to senior c1Uzeru; who are facing the loss or their homes due lo rising property truces and vigorous enforcement of govern· ment regulations. -National health insurance. Mrs. Hall said she favors the con· cepl but isn't sure how il would be done. She said more emphasis should be placed on preventive medicine. Badham argued that such meas ures arc "simplv socialized medicine" and that Wie lds K n i fe . the nation's private health in· surers and facilities do the job best. -Tax reduction. Badham fell back to his contention that the free enterprise system must be allowed to work and government must be prevented from using deficit spending. Mrs. Hall said national leaders should sub· s titute "people power for money" and "put a little in· itiativ.e and imagination back in government." Bof A May Fa ce Cutoff SACRAMENTO <AP) -The Bank of America will handle $100 million in state housing bonds, but officials s aid it will have to take a firm s tand against the Arab boycott before getting further state business. State Treasurer Jesse Unruh reports that the contract for the Housing Finance Agency bonds was awarded to the bank and three brokerage firms. Unruh had said earlier that the state would stop doing business with any bank that observes the economic boycott of Israel. Halloween Bandit Robs Mesa Station Thursday before ~ll up the attendant and fleeing into the night. Jack C. Rogen, an attendant at the Mobil Oil Company station, 1701 Tus lin Ave .. said t he strangely-garbea robber Jumped him when he walked into a storeroom to turn off a light. The attendant said he ran for the door where the knife. wielding suspect stqpped him, saying, "l should kJlJ you now because you ran from me." The bandit took a wallet con- taining credit cards and $3 from Rogen before tying him up with an extension cord and a length of chain in the storeroom. The suspect then took keys from the attendant, making off with $300 from the cash register. Rogen told police it took him 45 minutes lo free himself of his bonds and call officers. Police are looking for a tall man with a medium build, wear- ing a white shirt and denim trous ers, probably s ans the mask. II. bandit wearing a garish Halloween mask and wielding a butcher knife robbed a Costa Mesa service station of $303 late Cafe Owner Fined$3,5~ LOS ANGELES (AP} -The owner of a · South Pasadena restaurant who has allegedly misrepresented several items on his menu has agreed to pay $3,500 in civil penalties and costs. J. Paul Darricarrere agre«!d Thursday to make the payments, ending a suit by the state at· torney general's omce that re· sulled from an investigation of the Old Virginia restaurant by the county Department of Health Services. The agreement admits no guilt or wrongdoing, but stipulates that Darricarrere is premanent· ly enjoined from misrepresent· ing his veal cutlets, scallops, sole or salad dressing on his menu. Confab Turns to . ••t ,,., bUled • • <>ranee Ciounty Economic OuQook . ~ ·ftrence Thursday at tlsa•• turned Into IHt·minule cam· pai«in 1tumpln1 for President Ford. And U.S. Treaauq Sec:n&ary WlUl11n Slmon opentd hi• luncheon speech with a plQI for Rep. Charles WltllP• (It· Full.-ton) wbo la a~ re-~oa Tutad•Y· Relat.il story, PageAJ. Simon called WiUins "an out· standing member or Congress ... who has waged the good fight for responsible government so eCfectively in the House of Representatives for the past 10 years." He alao told the crowd oC busi- ness and government leaders that Democratic Presidential nominee Jimmy Carter stands for increased spending, higher taxes and bigger and bigger gov- ernment. But President Ford, he said, stands ror lower taxation, getting -control or federal spending and balancing the budget. He pledged that if elected, Ford would "pursue t b e moderate policies thaL a.re con· sistent with fighting tbe twin evils of unemployment and lbfla· lion." Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller also praised Ford for what he said w:is the President's com· mitment lo help solve the na· llon's energy crunch by building more atomic power plants. ''The ex-governor -of Georgia, who has had the opportunity to learn something about nuclear reactors and claims some ex· perl.Lse has given nuclear reac· tors for civilian purposes the lowest priority,•• Teller said. ''In a field where he has ex· perience his statements are not in an intelligent agreement with the nation's needs," he said. Assistant Treasury Secretary Gerald Parsky several times mentioned the Carter campaign for the White House, accusing the Democr atic nominee of "mis· representing the position or this administr a lion." Pilot Story On Robbery Holds Error An article in Tuesday's Daily Pilotlisting the arrest or a suspect in a service station holdup was in error. The news story erroneously said that James Lopez, 19,ofl717l Bolsa Ch ica St. was taken into custody in connection with an armed robbery late Monday by two men attired in turtle neck sweaters and ski masks. Detect i vc Jack Welsh con- firmed Thursday that Lopez was not involved in the Huntington Beach robbery. "There was no connection al all," he said. The mistake in the news article was attributed to confusion stem. ming from reporting techniques with the police. The Daily Pilot regrets the er· ror and any embarrassment that the story caused Lopez. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is sever~I times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that the tape 1s attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backtng, there is nothing to hold the carpet together.· Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical. and if the iron is too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. CleaninQ poses the ultimate test to this type of seam. and we have been called inn~merable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart: through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and pnmary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer. but our fine installatrons have been a major factor in our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa. DEN'S. ••••••••••••••••• -in_stallation. custom drapsriss linoleum • wood floor LIC IJO n()4Z2 1663 PlACENTlA AVENU! COSTA MUA, CAl111• 92627 • PHONE 6·M··'838 -6'6·23SS _, . -:... !I • D.IHy 1'1111 Sl•ll Plltlt SHE'LL BEAR WATCHING ON HALLOWEEN Joanna Smith of LaRuna Beach Tries Costume Realize Dream Be a Prince, Bear, Chief By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of the O•llf Plla4 Si.ti Walter MltUes of South Orange County, rejoice! ! ! Bill Carden can make you look like just about anything or anybody you've ever wanted to be. from King Kong to the king of England. The Laguna Niguel costumer says he's still a litt,le weak on chickens, frogs and parrots but if its a polar bear. Arabian prince, Aztec ruler or Indian chief you've had a yen to mimic. Carden 's Costume Trunk has just the duds for you. But the friendly Mission Viejo resident warns that costumes are in somewhat s hort supply this month. Halloween is the shop's big time of the year. ''I'd say about 70 percent of the costurnes we have will have gone out before this weekend," said Carden, who stocks close to 1,000 suitable disguises for every possible occasion. He's got 40 Santa suits for Chris tmas. 20 bunny suits for Ea$ter, three or four gorilla suits and enough m edjeval costumes to outfit King Arthur's court. This month has been so busy for the little s hop that Carden has had to set up longer hours or operation to handle the demand. "It's a lot of work but I like it this way," he said. Simon Claims This year's biggest movers in the Halloween costume category have been Marx Brothers outfits. particularly Groucho, Carden noted. "We had a lot of calls for Playboy bunrues but we djdn't have any," he said. "We'll have to make some of those, l guess." Most of the costumes are handmade at the store, based on designs by a friend of Carden's who used to work at major Hollywood studios. Some of the elaborate clothes and head· dresses were a lso acquired in New Orleans. Carden said. Though most of the shop's busi· ness is rental trade, Carden not· ed that he and his staff worked all summer making storybook cos- tumes on commission for a large department store. "We don't do that as a rule, but summer is a slow time so we took it on," said Carden, who also teaches dram a and has Ptirticipated in a number of tbeater productions along the coast. Up in the loft or the Costume Trunk Thursday, the last·mfoute . costume hunters were trying to find appropriate garb for Halloween parties. Though a lot of the costumes had been taken. there was still an ample supply to !ul!Ul just about any fantasy. Washington Rarity: Long-term Answers By KATHY CLl\NCY 01 lhe Dilly P1la4 Sl•ff U .S. Treasury Secretary William Simon told an Orange county audience Thursday that elf'cled officials in Washington seldom seek lonJl·range answers to the nation's economic woes. lie told businessmen and gov- ernment leaders at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce's 14th annual Economic Outlook Conference that In Washfogton the "definition or long-term is ncvrr longer than the next elec- Lion." Simon, addressing a luncheon crowd of about 1.200, called the growth of government alarming and said it is a threat to the free enterprise system. "llow many of you rl!lale this to our personal and political freedoms as well," Simon con· tinued. "My experience of the past four years and only a cursory knowledge of history wllJ show that we are on the road to state socialism in the United• States." Instead of more government, 'Simon called for a return lo the principles he said made the coun- try great and a strengthening, rather than weakening, of the private sector. "What we are talking about is .the preservation of our free en· terprise system and whether our 'individual liberties can survive without it," he said. Throughout the day-long session at the Anaheim Conven· tion Center corporate executives and government leaders dis· cussed the future or business in Southern California and the na· tion. • And many or the· speakers echoed Simon's concern about governmental cont.rols of the free enterprise system. John Grey. prt'sldent of Stan· dard Oil Company. discuvlni the drain on much-needed energy I ~pplles. said, "The uncertaJn- l , Ues created by governmental • ... policies remain the principal barrier to faster energy develop- ment. "Almost every effort to dri 11 for oil orrshore, to construct a nuclear power plant, to expand coal production, is challenged on environmental grounds or sub· jected to a seemingly endless ar- ray of procedural delays," he said. And efforts to control fuel prices discourages firms from pursuing new development as well, Grey said . Edward A. Myers Jr .• vice pre· sident of the Southern California Edison Company. warned that the oil import bill will be $3S billion this year and will reach nearly $00 billion by 198>. And while there is more energy potential in the nation's coal re- serve than in all of the Arab oil reserve, Myers said, envlron- m e n ta l and government restraints have caused mine de· velopmenl lo nose-dive. Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller said a solution is the build· ing of additional nuclear power plants. He said speeded construe· Uon could save the Importation of six million barrels or foreign oil per day by 1980. He called nuclear react.ors sale and said they are "What. we want, what we need and what we must have." Unfortunately potential answers to energy problems often Call on the ears ol skeptical consumers. said Don Schulz, vice president of the Mission Viejo Company. "I believe the only Ume the homeowner is concerned about energy conservation is once a month -wben he pays his utility and easollne bills," Schulz said. And Gerald Parsky, assistant secretary of the treasury for In· .ternalional affairs, said nations ol the world -those with oil and those with other resources - should become more interdepen· dent. Friday Octobur 29. 19i 6 DAILY rt LOT .43 Judge Blasts~ C0111·t Delays By TOM BARLEY • Ol 111• 0~11, P1tee 1Uff Gimmicks are not the answer to mouotlng caseloads and ever lengthening delays between the fillna and trial or a lawsuit, Orange County Superior Court's new presiding judio commented Thursday. "I lntend to use every corner· culling procedure devised by my predecessors and that 1 can think of myself between now and Jan. 1," Judae Byron K. McMillan promised. •·But the only real solution ls to pul more judges on the bench. "Many taxpayers don't realize it bul they are beif\B short changed." Judge McMillan s aid. "Waitlng lwo or three years for a case to go to trial is a costly busi· ness for the plaintiff and his lawyer and the situation in Orange County is getting worse not better.'' He feels that the taxpayer is suffering to an even greater degree because of the increasing use of plea bargaining pro- cedures by prosecutors faced with growing caseloads and no judges to try their cases. "Pleas are being negotiated where it would have been pre· ferable lo try the defendant and possibly get a stiffer prison term on the original charges if he is conviHed," Judge McMillan s aid. "This r efusal to give us the judges we need plays into the criminal's ha nds ." Judge McMillan feels that the 33.judge court he will take over Jan. 1 should be at least a 43· judge court. . "We see massive increases in filings and no corresponding in· crease in bench strength," he s aid, condemning what he described as the anti-judge at- titude of Orange County's supervisors and Gov. Edmund . G. Brown Jr. "Governor Brown doesn't have the experience or the talent around him lo know what he's talking about when it comes to the courts and judges," com· mented Judge McMillan who was appointed to the municipal court bench in 1963 by the governor's father and elevated to Superior Court by him in 1966. "It's foolish to comment that because a judge isn't on the bench he isn't working," the new presiding judge said. "Judges are usually working on four things at once whether he's on the bench or in his chambers." Judge McMillan feels that his Nag~ngDoub On Politics CkarS~y ·county Man Hit,: KilledC In Boena'Park· A SS.year-old Buena Park man was kllled Thursday night when he ran across Beach B•oulevard and wu struck by a car, Buena Park poUce reported today. · Donald Wllliam Scully, 38, of 8568 San Antonio Ave., died 70 minutes atter the 8:50 p.m. acct· dent at West Anaheim Communi· ty Hospital, police said The accident occurred on Beach north or La Palma Avenue, officers reported, when Scully dashed across the street against traffic signals. The driver of lbe car, Vernon Ray, 30, was not at fault, police said, and will not be cited. O•lty Pll.t Si.ff "-It 'MORE JUDGES NEEDED' Presiding Jurist McMiiian own Orange County Superior Court will bear comparison with any jurisdktion in Ca)jfornie in terms or the quality of its judges and the amount of work they pro- duce. "We don't have one lazy or slough.off judge," h e said. "We're pulling out pretty good and we ahv ays did " But those 33 hard pressed Judges need .help in t.M face of spiralling caseloads and a stony. faced orficialdom that screams at the mere mention of more judicial appointmants, Judge McMiJlan said. "We wlll use every possible means to effect pretriaJ settle- ments of civil actions," he said. "And we welcome help from those qualified attorneys who are prepared to come in and help us as judges pro tern. "But that kind of help must, ob- viously, be ti mi led to dol{lestic relations and short cause work," he said. "We can't put a pro tern judge to work on a long trial." Judge McMillan said he will have a warm \felcome for any re- llred judges ready to put away the golf bags and the garderung tools for a period <Jf relief work on the bench. Judge McMillan said be and most judges eagerly look forward to the d ay when they can impose determinate sentences "that will put some of these guys away for the time we want them to spend in prison when we sen- tence them. "Not so long ago I sentenced an armed robber lo five years to life ·in prison and he was back on the street in 11 months," he sa.id., "lie damn ueor beol me back to the eourthowse." "Par()le boards are the bJia:est lruuds ever perpetrated on the Callforn1 a public," Jud•e McMillan said. "All too often a prisoner':; freedom is decided by one board member and ' civil servant. "Comes lhe day the governor orders the prisons cleared out and it's done," the judge said. "The criminal Is back on the sueet and a lot of court time has been wasted." * * * Coast Judges Join Panel Two Orange Coast jurists are among the four judges who wUJ serve under Presidfog Judge· elect Byron K . McMillan next year as the Orange County Superior Court executive com- mittee. Judges Frank Domenichini o' San Clemente and Lloyd E. Blan· pied Jr. of Newport Beach were· named to the committee im· mediately alter Judge McMUlan was elected to take over in 1977. Serving with them on the com~ mittee will be Judges William 14 Murray and JerroldS. Oliver. STARTS NOW· GOOD THRU NOV. 2 CASH & CARRY • LIMITED STOCK •DWP. MJlY'J1.E . •EUGENIA• CITRUS • • IVY • PLUMBAGO • CEANOTifUS • CHlN"ESE HOLLY• •NANA A.R.BOVITAE •BLUE CONE ARBOVITAE •REEVES JUNIPER• SPINY . GllEEKJUNIPER•BLUEPOINT}UNIPER•PA.PYRUS 69JC . . ~GAL. I VALUEST0'2" ( 0. 0 .• TKEWS XYLOSMA •DWP. IOlY11.E •MOCK ORANGE• JA.P. BOXWOOD• ,T""I. • )AP. IRIS. emus. PODOCAR.PUS. AVOCADO. ALGEJUA.N IVY. CUP.Of ...., GOLD • COTONEASTER • PINCUSIUOW • STRAWBEllRY GUAVA • CA.PE f4 HONEYSUCKLE • MAHONIA •TR.EE ROS~• BOTil.E BRUSH •TREE AZALEA • () '• HIBLSOJS • EASTER BROOM. • BLUE tONE AJlBOVIT AE • BlUE PfITZ.EJl • ~ •fl.AX•VAJUGAm>BAMBOO•fRUIT)'R.EES $3 77.. ~ ' ~ VALUES TO •1-4" 15 GAL. "-0 •GOLDEN PflTZERJUNJPER • AssT'D CITRUS • PODOCA.RPUS •VIRGINIAN A " • JUNIPER • Hlll.SPIJt£ JUNIPER • $ l 7vZlro•5~ OLEANDER.S.J GAL. REG. '8" s499 SELECTED MA CR.AME HANGERS 1YlTH ANY •10 PURCHASE OF $ i 00 HOUSPLANTS TAMS lGAL. .IEG. •1• 89C -PATIOSHOP MEADOWCRAfi All IN STOCK . AT OR BELOW COST ~i. . ~ ..... ~ /. h . .•I "" .21 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA 646·3925 PATIO SHOP e 642-4103 STORE HOURS: Mo•. dwfl SM. S.,,,/qt 1to6:00 DAILVPILOT ON THE ROAD: Your cor· respondent was absentfrom this space yesterday but I have an ex- cuse. I was off on our hl1thways on a self.appointed mission to view an oil rig. The idea was to look at a new seagoing drilling platform caJJed the Aleutian Key, whJch is cur· • rently moored outside a scenic wonderspot known as Port Hueneme. This place is near Ox- nard. Oxnard is near nothing. Anyway, to get to Porl Hueneme from our coastline, you must get through Los Angeles. I want to tell you that today, folks, I have a lot more respect and ad· miration for those among us who commute every day from our coastline up into Los Angeles. Frld•y. OCto~r 29. 1978 Lebanon Fighting Resumes BEIRUT, Lebanon CAP) - Heavy fighting broke out fn Beirut during the night for the first time in the nine·day·old cease.fire. The civil war's 57th truce wa1> also threatened by fighting south or the capiUJ and by the return of more PalesU· nianssoutheastLebanon. Leftist Moslem and right.wing Christian forces in Beirut lraded grenades and machine·gun fu-e at close range all night. Hospital and militia sources reported that more than 45 persons were killed and 6S wounded, a toll compara·. ble t-0 the nightly totals before the cease·fire began Oct. 21. EACH-SIDE SAID it repulsed repeated tank and armored·car assaults along the front line dividing the city into Moslem and Christian sectors. A.Ncun •ated A wave or assassinations, street fighting and bombing by the Irish Republican Army h as been predicted in r etribution for the murder or IRA l eader Maire Drumm, shot to death· Thursday night in a hospital where she was recovering from eve s urgery. Se~ Payoff· liinked.I Riegle Lover Dated1 ·Korean Park?; DETROlT (AP)-Thewoman who tape·recorded her love atralr with Rep. Dooald Riegle hu been linked with a Soul.h Korean buainesaman at the center of federal invesUgaUon, Knight Newspapers said today. The Kni&ht story, ~ublished here in the Delrolt Free Press, identified the woman, knQwn previotuly only by the code name ''Dorothy," as Bette Jane Ackerman, now an analyst for the Library of Congress. THI'! Sl'ORY SAID Miss Ackerman dated Tongsun Park, a South Korean national belng investigated by the FBI and a federal grand jury for allegedly giving as much as $1 million to as many as 90 members or Congress for their support or pro-Korean policies and legislation. Riegle, both as a Republican and later as a Democrat, has been an opponent or American support !or the Soulh Korean i;e1lme. RiegJe's al!air wns disclosed after a Detrolt News reporter obtained tape recordin&s Miss Ackerman made of her teteohonc converutio11s in 1969 wtth the congressman from Mlchican, then a Republican. THE KNIGHT STORY said after Riegle broke off his brief affair with Miss Ackerman, she went to work for then-Rop. Seymour Halpern of New York. It wu then she met Ton.gsun Park, Ulestoryuid. Vic Kamber, Halpern's former administrative assistant and Miss Ackerman's boss, said the woman and Park became close and she served as hostess at some of Park's Washington parties, the newspaper said. The Knight story quoted an acquaintance of Miss Ackerman, Naida Yolen, as saying Miss Ackerman told her a boyf.rieod had copies of the RieJlo ~ transcript.a and wowd oot etve tb~m back. But the story eUd Knie ht reporters. found no evidence that Park was Involved in release of the Riegle tapes. KAMBER CHARACTE.RIZllD Ml as Ackerman as "very· enamored wltb the Idea ot somebody in power," tho Kni&bt story said. . • Last summer, the story said,, Miss Ackerman met with author Robin Moore. Moore was quoted as saying tbe woman agreed to sell him the transcripts of her taped conversations with Riegle. Moore is writing a book about sex in Washington. IT IS OUR HABIT to fondly re· call the courage and bravery or our early pioneers who plodded across the trackless wastes in covered wagons, seeking rame and fortune in the West. A spokesman for the small Arab League peacekeeping force said the outbreak was a "serious setback that we are trying hard to' contain before it undermines the whole Arab·sponsored pea"ce plan to end the Lebanese con· ruct." St-Udy Backs Recycling Moore told r eporters, the Knight story said, that Mls$ Ackerman also volunteered to serve as a source or information "in getting out the story about what happens in Washington. Miss Ackerman's real value was not just lhe tapes, but in getting to other people, to other sources on other sttuations." Let me tell you about the freeway commuter or 1976. He h-es to have the bravery or those pioneers .. plus the stubbornness of a "mule. the determination or a bulldozer operator and the speed of an Indianapolis 500 driver. More fighting was reported by Former President Camille Cha· moun, the most militant or the Christian decision makers. He charged that .Moslem socialist leader Kamal Jumblatt's moun· tain warriors were attacking Chamoun's hometown, Keir el Kamar, 20 11\iles southeast or Beirut. Bee r , Pop in Bottle s Found t o Be Cheaper Even tben be might not make it. 'Before driving up to Port wbal's·its·name, I consulted on strategy with our esteemed 2d.itor Tom Keevil. He decided that I should go up the San Diego Freeway through LA. Coming 'home, he thought I might like a 0 leisurely drive down the old coastal Route 1. I followed his advice. He turned out to be totally right about the freeway and half·right about Route 1. COMING DOWNCO~T on the old Route l is in fact a beautiful drive until you reach Malibu. 'l!h.ey are, incidentally, having a dtyhood election at Malibu and tliere are signs pro and con ev· ct'ywhere to slow lraffic move· daent. •Whal Keevil didn't · tell ·me about were the traffic signals you encounter after Malibu through s u ch wonderful places as Inglewood, Hawthorne, Manhat- tan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach and Torrance. .BY the time you get to Long Beach, the old highway just seems to be one long traffic signal. All of these signals have ope thing in common. They are r~. 1'.l'he only place I got through all tire signals on green was, believe it-or not, Newport Beach. I may never complain about the place ~aln. :The trip up on the freeway, on tie other hand, had a different kipd or conges tion. But I was l li cky. I have one of those Citizens Band radios and by JiJtening to the other CBers, I kDew I had company in my mis· eey. They guide you through it all via theradiowaves. YOU SORT 0 F END up in a CB radio convoy. Each CBer on the ak' bas a nickname that he or she· calls a "handle." So I have a lot of people to thank today for help- irie me get through LA. My tha.nks go to The Mong0ose o.t of Irvine, The California Kid from Flluntain Valley, and also Ramrod, Steamroller, Plastic Man, the California Smile, Wingmaster, Blue Dragon. Little Aardvark, Granny Goose, The Executioner, Morning Glory, Desert Rose, The Passionate Pplack and about a doien e>Chers. • ) hope we all made it. "LEFl'ISTS ARE also storm- ing into two neighboring Chris· ti an villages,' ransacking and dynamiting Christian homes in what may develop into another massacre," said Chainoun, who appealed to Christian President Elias Sarkis to send peacekeep· ing forces to stop the attacks. "II Arab peacekeepers fall to repel the attackers, then Syrian intervention troops should be called In by the president," Cha· moun said. "Otherwise we will have another round or ruJl.scale war." WASHINGTON (AP) -A soft drink in a refillable bottle costs an average of 5 cents less than in a throwaway bottle or can. Beer in returnable containers costs $2 a case less than a case or throwaways. Those are the key findings of a 28-city survey conducted by the League of Women Voters and announced today by the En vi ronm ental Protection Agency. THE STUDY PROVIDES further ammunition for groups seeking to ban throwaway bottles and cans to save energy · and protect the environment. In some states and localities, voters will be asked to decide whether to adopt laws or constitutional amendments designed to disco ur age throwaway Sears Again Signs Tactic.Ban Order WASHINGTON (AP)-Sears, Roebuck and Company, the nation's largest department store chain, has agreed to halt practices that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) s ays were designed to keep competitors out of some shopping centers. The FTC announced Thursday that Sears has signed an agreemenl prohibiting price fixing or other restrictions on tradein the future. ( ) The FTC order carries no JN SHORT penalties for any past violations, but it subjects the chain store to _ · _ lines for future infractions. · Last week, Sears signed a candidate Eugene McCarthy consent order with the FTC today a s ked Supreme Court barring the companr from Justice Thurgood Marshall to set bait·and·switch tactics in the sale aside an order by New York's of home appliances. Under the highest court taking McCarthy's agreements, Sears did not admit. name off the state's Nov. 2 ballot. lo past wrongdoing. A petition filed by attorney John. T. Degraff asked Marshall lo hold 1ffaUt..·.:... Bottle F ound the state court's order in .....C::fl abeyance while McCarthy NEW ORLEANS (AP) -A nearly empty half·pint whiskey bottle was found in the wheelhouse or the commuter ferry that capsized after steering into the path of an onrushing tanker, a Coast GuardoCficer has testified. Orleans Parish Coroner Dr. Frank Minyard said Wednesday that the ferry's. skipper , Capt. Egidio Auletta, was "almost legally drunk" when be and 73 other persons drowned after the collision Oct. 20. Ballo~OrderAppealed WASHINGTON (AP) - Independent presidential appeals the decision to the Supreme Court. A ,,... De a r. Profled WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department is investigating a llegedly illegal shipments or handguns and rifles from two major U.S . arms manufacturers to sporting goods dealers in So.uth Africa. Chief Assistant U.S. Atty. H. .James Pickerstein in New Haven, Conn., confirmed the Investigation of Colt Industries lnc. or Hartford and Olin Corp., the parent firm of Winchester- Western International, of Stamford, Conn. ·Cold Air Heads South Ge~rgi,~ CarolinD8 Unaemonably Chilly "''" Low Pl: ... ,. ,, " ,q .o. H 71 to ~) .. ,. 44 JS 0 •l 4 " ... JI ·O 'n .. ,. SI 7S ... ~ ., ,, ,. :~ . ~ ·'· .., ,. .. ;D ..... so JI .. T~lt~ OMl\tnd .. 11 Mii M IM"'-- "'°""l•ln\ol sout.,.rn N-Me•Clco. Huar<1ou\ driving conclllloM COl\11.,.,..., to Dl•vue th• 1ru. 4 llttl• -~·,.,fell'" M>Utlleest eo1or-. llle h911t rel" or drlule tl••l rHcll..:t most of Tun Th-y UI~ lnlo -lier" 0 -1-'*"9 a1'CI IGUl1'ttfllrtl l(af1MI today. Tiit! Oftly otllw Mt<lo1t111on .. , llqlll r•ln over Ille Peclllc Nof1hwe1t • Stronq wlfldl _,IM ~ 1.9-tt promo11c1e-1eww11l~oneect1ol ttie '-"••'· Callto~la containers eith er through outright bans or economic incentives. The issue is expected to be hotly contested in Congress next year. The league found that a six·pack of soft drinks in 7. to 16-ounce refillable bottles costs about 30 cents less that the s ame size of throwaway containers The biggest saving potential is for users or 32·ounce sort drinks· refill ables cost an average of 16.8 cents less than throwaways. Of 37 direct comparisons, all but one found refillable botUci. were cheaper. The 37th, at a market in San Francisco, had a 28·ounce refillable bottle of ginger ale at the same price as a disposable. Crom 3 cents to $2 a case less tor beer purchased in refillable containe1's. The saving for premium beer would be slightly less. HOWEVER, THE league found that beer in refWables is available in only a few areas. A sur:vey of the metropolitan Washmgton area found refillable beer bottles available at 37 .5 percent of stores in the city, 38.4 percent in suburban Virginia and 20.6 percent of outlets in suburban Maryland. By contrast, the survey found refillable bottles of soft drinks generally available across the United States, although in some areas there is a limit on sizes and flavors. ... Ul'll'holo THE BIGGEST PRICE spread between th e two types of container s was found in Roseville, Minn., where a quart of 7·UP in a refillable bottle was 66.7 percent cheaper than in a throwaway. Nationwide, the savings per refillable ranged from 1 to 18 cents per container or up to 16 ounces when purchased in six· or eight·packs. The range on quart bottles was Crom 14to18 cents. The survey s howed that a beer drinker could expect to spend ''Beverage containers that are used a single time also consume more nonrenewable materials and energy than do beverage containers that are returned and reused." · Earlier this month, a report commissioned by the Federal Energy Adminis tration concluded that banning_ disposable bottles and cans could cut the· beverage industry's energy needs by 44 percent, saving the equivalent oC 81,000 barrels or oil per day .. Hap Bang• IJp Telephone fraud charges against actor Hobert Cummings were dismissed by the Was hington State Supreme Court because charges were filed in two different courts. He was charged with using a "blue box" to make a series of long distance calls without expense. Name Your Game ... We've Got YourTeam! T he football teams of 15 Orange Coast area high schools and three community colleges get personal attention and coverage from the Daily Pi.lot sports staff. Not just scores, but stories and pictures whenever and wherever the news breaks. • Dally Pilot sportswriters and photographers are at the games to b ring you detailed first-hand reports and pictures. Our wire service reports the action in college and pro games a cross the nation. Added to all of this are the reports or other local high school a nd college sports, from waterpolo to women's athletics. Name your game -we cover your · team ._ in the sports pages of the . · DAILY PILOT 642-4321 l ' , Claris Crosses Continent CalTrans workers reveal 'sign redesignating a portion of the Santa Monica Freeway as the Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Highway. Channel· Oil ....... -4.... ..._. ~Route, however, will continue to be called the Santa Monica. New signs for the honorary route cost about $1,000 each. r 17 Standard Welh Win Land8 Panel Nod SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State Lands Commission has approved renewed drilling by Standard Oil in the Santa Barbara Channel. Drilling was stopped on state-owned tidelands in the channel north of Los Angeles after a 1969 Two Air Carriers _Eyeing Merger LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ofricials for Continental Airlines and Pan American World Airways confirm that the two companies are conducting feasibility studies on a possible merger. Conti,ental officials, however, denied that the merger seldy had anything to do with the week-old pilots' strike which has halted all Continental flights and forced the furlough of 4,000 employes. A Continental spokesman said the carrier is also "developing internal studies" on possible mergers with three other airlines but refused to elaborate. "blowout" or a Union OU welf in federal waters beyond the three-mile limit. ln 1975 Arco was given permission to drill 17 new well~ from an existing platform in the channel, but it still awaits Santa Barbara Planning Commission approval of s upporting onshore facilities. THERE HAS BEEN DRILLING in channel's federal waters, where the state has no jurisdiction. And the state did lift its moratorium on drilling in 1974, saying it would decide each new case on its merits. · Approval of the Standard drilling came despite protests from Jan Bush of the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, who said it will increase air pollution in the Ojai area. ' Whether Standard will need Coastal Commission approval before s tarting the new wells was uncertain. An appeals court held last summer that Arco did not need Coastal Commission approval for its project. Injured Jewelry? . Fri1ay October 29. 1976 DAILY PILOT Jt:J' · Sect Follower Free~l ' But Womari Asks for Housing hi Jail : l ARCADIA <AP) -Rare Krishna follower Hare Krtsbna attorney Barry Fisher met Mias<\ MadoMa Slavin has returned to her hometown Slavin at tbe police department. and aaid she ia s~~ after allegedly being abducted by her family, but considering pressin•charges. t. she immediately asked to spend the nigh tin jail. Fisher said she blld been 1ranted protective: • .: Miss Slavin, 20, was found Thursday In the custody by Arcadia officers and after a brief ·~ Napa County town of Calistoga, where she had session wU.b reporters she returned tot.bejaU. t"'' sought protective custody after claims by fellow ' members or her sect that she bad been kidnaped by NEWS OF BER WHEREABOUTS came her family. She' was brought back to Arcadia and shortly before a ~uperlor Court hearing to " questioned by police investigators late last night. determine whether her father· and brother, Walter • · Alter nearly two hours of questions , she and Terence Slavin, would be granted Umited • emerged briefly, lookine healthy and alert, and met immunlty to compel tbom to disclose her .· with reporters and fellow believers who chanted' whereabouts. , • t.belr greeting. The court was informed she had been found, but MISS SLAVIN SAID SHE was not going to Judge Harry Hupp said he would not dismiss a writ,· place any charges against ber parents, "not at this of habeas corpus for ber.a.ppearance in court. ,... time,·' but s~e saJd she dJdn '!want~ ~o home. Angela Urges Vote/or Hall Tll\JRSDAY'S REAJUNG STEMMED rrom legal action initiated by Mlss Slavln's Clance ··: Edward Walford Jr., ZT, who claimed she bad been. kidnai>ed aft.er being lured to the family home by a ruse about a dying grandmother. •· • "A person's freedom is not to be tampered with, ,.; even it you believe that a person ls conducting his · · life style in a foolish manner or in a manner with • which you do not agree," Hupp said. "You can't · take the law into your own h~." WILMINGTON (AP) -Black radical Angela Davis bas urged students at Harbor College to vote -----P-a-ld-P-ol-lt-lc_a_I A_d_v_e_rt-is_e_m_e_r'l_t ----- Communist next Tuesday as a protest against the two major parties. Miss Daivs, who was flred from her UCLA teaching post in 1900 for her Communist Party connections, spoke to about 350 students as a stand·in for Gus Hall, the Communist Party 'presidential nominee. . · Miss Davis labeled Republican and Democratic parties as "two faces of the same head" and said that history has shown "time and again that the candidates or the major parties have been bought" by big business. SHE CRITICIZED BOTH PRESIDENT Ford and his Democrat challenger, Jimmy Carter. "Carter says the civil rights movement was the best thing that ever happened to whites as well as blacks, but Carter wasn't anywhere lo be seen during the civil rights struggle." she d~clared. She said Hall is "the only candidate on the ballot with proof that he can think." Hall was indicted in 1950 for violation of lhe Smith Act which made it unlawful to advocate overthrow or the federal government by force or violence. Miss Davis said Hall spent eight years in prison •'for thinking liJce a Communist.'' MISS DAVIS SAID TQE Communist Party platform provides for major cuts in defense outlays, pursuit or laws making acts or racism crimes, free child and health care and a reduction of the work day from eight to slJ!. hours without a cut in pay. PEOPLI! AOAINIT PROPOllTION 1S 3055 Wllshlre Blvd., Loe Angeles, CA 90010 Treasurer: Abbott L. Brown ONE CONTINENTAL SOURCE cautioned that internal and preliminary merger studies "go on all the time in this industry." A Pan American executive said that officials from the two companies bad not held joint meetings. ''This is strictly exploratory," he said. "From these studies, we will decide whether or not to sit down and talk." Fine Jewelry healed by g entle jewelers - Jewelry appraisals by graduate gemologist - Custom d.c s i ~ncd jewelry. Five M Gem5 270 E. 17ttl St. c..._ .. ..,...,~ 645-1909 10 Fairway Homes for immediate J_CPenney NEWP.ORT 0 CENTER.· FASHION ISLAND STORE OHL Y NEW GARDEN SHOP HOURS! Sat. 8:30 to 6 p.m. -Sun. I 0 to 5 p.m. FICUS BENJAMINA Now888· Reg. 11.99 A popular outdoor plan that can be adapted to indoors. 3 gallon· EURY OPS Golden Shrub Daisy .NOW 1.29 Reg. 1.99. • Bright yellow daisy-tike flower against a blue-grey foliage •Tolerates ocean winds and drought. 1 gallon SCHULTZ-INST ANT LIQUID PIANT FOOD 10-15-:10 NOW ]59 •For start1ng'and feeding all Indoor and outdoor plants • So safe you can feed your plants with every watering. 12 oz. *'Quantities limited on ad merchandjse occupancy at Ironwood. Ironwood Countly Club has only 10 of the prestigious Fairway Homes left to 5€11. Splendid uiews; quality construction; ot . prices we can never hope to duplicate. Here is your chance to enjoy this entire desert season in Palm Deserts most attractive locot1on .. Ironwood Country Club is situated on on efevated plateau in a cove formed by the Santa Rosa mountain range. Residents enjoy a variety of spectacularulews and a sense of openness that surpasses anything to be experienced down on the desert /lots. Our new building program, which Includes a second 1B·holr golf course and a $10 million new community of homes, is now underuKJy. We are also expanding the facilities of the Ironwood Tennis Club. Ironwoods most luxurious offering of 2 and 3 bedroom Fairway uiew homes. From $88,500 to $106.500. Drive South on Portola Avenue In Palm Desert.just past the Living Desert Reserue. Telephone (714) 346-0551 or write: 73-590 Daleo Lane, Pofm Desert. Co. 92260. Attention; Mr. A Palmer. IRONWO~~D COUNTRY CLUB HOMES IN PALM DESERT P41m Sprlnns.----... Palm Desert In Palm Desert, south 2 miles on Portola. ...-7'6 • ... jD AILY PILO T E D ITORIAL PAGE l . . . 'No TiJDe to Gamble • • r. ~ . • ·-;: After a dozen weeks ol the presidential campaign :>ro know just about what we have knoy{o about Gerald :~ord for a yeor or more. Hls loag service 1n the. ;~ngress and his two years as President have ·.*developed a clear record. Then~ no secrets. After even more weeks, we still know too liWe ~ut Jimmy Carter except that be bas a tremendous ~ve for power. Equally 1mpor:tant1 we know neltt to ~-thing a bout the tillY group of people who are his ' losest advisers, other than that. for the most part ..,.they are not public or party figures. 11lls combination -~factors turned out to be a fatal flaw 1n the Nixon · .troinistration. •, Ford has been able to npply the brakes to some o! ~e bigger government and spending excesses ol lhe .,opsidedly Democratic Congress. :. Carter's explanations of bow it Is possible to do :more of everything without increasing government spenwng and tax burdens have been vagae and not cry convincing. _ The Ford administration,s approach to the ;economic problems or the nation is, we think, sounder 'than Carter's. Ford has emphasized attacking inflation to put more money in more people's pockets and to stimulate business and industry, both basic to creating more jobs. The lack of s ubstance in the Carter campaign - :the appeal to elect him on trust -poses a greater gamble for the American citizen than~ ~arranted ?l !a time when both the economy and cntical areas m 'foreign affairs are improving. . The Daily Pilot recommends the reelection of President Gerald R. Ford. -. ... ' Prop. 13; A Deception :· : PROP. 13 the greyhound dog racing initiative on :·the Nov. 2 ballot, bas been aptly described~ "a ! potential minefield of miseries" for Califcifilia. . with fraud and corruptlon Atty. Gen. Earl Warren closed down the dog tracks. Now promoters of Prop. 13 are asking voter support of an incredible plan that would yield them- exclusiv.ely-more than $55 million a· year, while' adding not one penny to state revenue. tn a tact, increased administrative and law , enforcement problems would place an added burden on state and local services. Promoter Graham Hardie, who dr~amed up the sucker scheme, already has been jn trouble for his reluctance to identity the sources of his financing. Voters should not be misled by glowing promise$ ot funds from the ~tting for high school athletics, medical research and even a home for retired greyhounds! The money isn't there. . If Prop. 13 passes as an initiative measure, the state Legislature will be una ble to . touch the multi-million dollar gambling empjre that results. Any attempt to compare this proposal with horse racing, which is under rurect and strict state control, is ludicrous . The Daily Pilot strongly recommends a NO vote onProp.13. YES on Prop. 9 PROP. 9.provides for confirmation by a majority of the state Legislature of persons appointed by the governor to fill vacancies inelectivestateoffices. These would include Lt. G<>vernor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer. Attorney General and Supt. of Public Instruction. Under present law, the governor may fill such vacancies for the balance of an unexpired term Without consultation with the Legislature . While a requirement for confirmation might re- sult in some disputes and delay. it makes sense for the elected representatives of the people to have some say in the selection of state offieials normally elected by popular vote. The Daily Pilot recommends a YES vote on Prop. 9. \ 'Here's your new thought for today. Here's your new. • ' !· For a short time in the 1930s greyhound racing :.was legal in the state. But it soon became so riddled :~~~~~~~--~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"''-----------------------------------------------------------' • --~Opposites .. ~Depend on ~Each Other ~ ----------------------.... ~( SYDNEY HA RRIS ) r. Thoughts at Large: : The fundamental difference i!between con ser vatives and ljliberab is th at conservatives :.want government to be weaker ~ against the s trong and stronger against the weak. while liberals want government to be stronger 1 against the strong and weaker ·,against the weak; and neither : m ethod can work without pro- voking m a s s i vc cou nter- resistance from the other end. When a person says, with great finality, "I know my own mind," what he really means is that his feelings have ordered his mind to stop thinking on the subject. The truest test of an idea is its ability to withstand sustained ridicule; no other weapon is so effective against sham ideas, or so futile against genuine ones. Moralizers who arc so scan· dalized by "obscenity" every- . where should ponder the re· m ark by a true m oralis t, Thoreau. who said: "You cannot • receive a shock unless you have an electric affinity for that which : shocks you." Expert economists differ wide- ly on recipes for our economic health not because one side or another is deficient in economic : skills but s imply because they ' start from different implicit as· sumptions about human nature, ' Dear Gloomy Gus Re that $4 million worth of confiscated porno books and materials stored in bunkers at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station: I thought my tax dollars were paying for storage for nuclear weapons! A.V. Gloomy Gus tom,,..nt1art1~ bf •••den and do not H<e>Hrlly .. ll«lllle Yl~W· of Ille MW>P•P ... s.M yow pet pe .. 1 10 Gloomy G11s, Dally Piiat. its potentialities, purposes, and possible perversions The youth's quest for "self· knowledge'• is generally so tormenting and futile because self·knowledge can be acquired only by trying lo understand others, not by delving into one's own psyche. 'l'be paradox of punishment is that it works only with those who have a sense of justice; for the rest, it merely evokes resent· ment. A child wants all its wishes to be gratified immediately; and those adults who have remained children have failed to learn that ii all our wishes were eranted, fulfillment would paralyze our will to strive, and we would perish of boredom and saUalion. I have found, curiously enough, that the most egregious namedroppers I have met have not been obscure people trying to impress others but famous peo- pl e trying to reassure themselves. Secret Police Operations in ll.S. CIA Supports Foreign Agents WASHINGTON -The Central Intelligence Agency not only has provided financial support lo som e of the world's most notorious secret police. but has condoned their operations within the United States. Such brutal police agencies as South Korea's KCIA, Chite·s DINA and lran's SAVAK have ter · rorized exiles in this coun- try. There is r e a son t o believe that they h ave violated U.S. laws. The FBI has r eceived reports that they have com· milted burglaries, attempted kidnapings and plotted murders. An alarmed Rep. Dona ld Fraser, D.·Minn., has asked the CIA to divulge the details of its agreements with foreign in· telligence agencies. which allow the spies to oper ate within each other's countries. The CIA has stubbornly refused to cooperate. The CIA has good reason to be sensitive. Over the years, it has developed cozy relationships with some of the most repressive foreign intelligence agencies in the world. SOUTH KOREA'S KCIA even took Its name from our spy agen-. · cy. We cited evidence over a year a-go that KCIA agents were threatening, intimidating and abusing Korean exiles in this country. A Korean embassy "s pokes man th en crlled the charges "groundless' and said the KCIA was not active in the United Slates. (JACK ANDERSON) But now. South Korea Am· bassador Pyong·Choon Hahm has admitted that KCIA agents have used ·'goon psychology and tactics" against Korean resi· dents in this country. They were acting on their own and are now being ordered back to Seoul, he said. A year ago. we also r eported that Chile's DINA "has hired thugs to track down and as- sassinate prominent exiles." Last month. a prominent Chilean ·exile, ex-Foreign Minister Orlan- do Letelier. was blown to pieces by a bomb that had been rigged beneath his car. DINA has been suspected of arranging the as- sassination. But a s trange thing happened. The CIA, which is forbidden by s tatute from conducting in· •it's Ford! Do w• want to buy the deterrent against the newest wHpon they'll• just sold Israel?' vestigations within the United States, has entered the case. Coincidentally, neW!ipaper ac- counts, quoting ''intelligence of- ficials," have reported that Cuban, anti-Castro extremists were behind the Le teller killing. This raises some questions. What business does the CIA have becoming involved in a domestic murder investigation? ls the CIA trying lo solve the murder or lo protect its undercover r ela- tionship with DINA? Has the CIA been planting stories in the press to divert suspicion away from DINA? THE IRANIAN secret police force, SAV AK. was actually or· ganized by the CIA in 1956. The ties between the two agencies have always been close. One in- telligence source, whose re- liability bas been tested, told us that SA V AK agents hound and harass Iranians in the United States, with the full knowledge and sometimes the assistance of the CIA. Answerable only to the shah or Iran, SA V AK has become one of the most feared secret police agencies in the world. It uses ter· ror and torture to achieve its ends. Experts say that SA V AK has tighter control over the peo- ple of Iran than the KGB ex- ercises over Soviet citiz~. Assistant State Secretary Alfred Ath e rton has acknowledged that SAVAK agents are loose ip the United States. They seek information, he explained cautiously. about "i>otential terrorists who may be among students who would re· tumloJran." . Our intelligence sources say SAVAK's U.S. operations are directed by Mam;ur RBtizadeh. who poses as an Iranian alt.ache at the United Nations. He works out of secret apartment hideouts in New York City. He supervises scores, some say hundreds, o[ SAVAK agents in this country. A number or them work under diplomatic cover at the Iranian embassy in Washington. The SA VAK agents devote most or their time, apparently. to spying on the s tudents who op- pose the shah's imperial rule. SAVAK informants have in· • filtrated student groups so com· -pletely that no one knows whom to trust. ·When the sludents de· monstrate, SA VAK agents, pos· ing as news men, snap their photographs. This is why most ~~!1ian demons trators wear nrks. WE HAVE d ocument ary evidence that SA V AK agents also commit burgla ries, forgeries and other crimes in behalf or the shah . Dr. Richard Cotta a political science professor at the University of PitL'lburgh, told our associate 6oe Spear that a trust· ed State Department source had warned him that Iranian hit squads are on their way to the United Slates. "I was told by someone I com· pletely trust," alleged the pro. fessor, "that SAVAK had made the decision to send assassina· lion squads into Europe and the United States. The guess within the government is that any ex- ecutions will be disguised as muggings. The obvious targets would be Iranian dissidents." !Humanitarian View of Greylwund Racing Cottam immediately notified Reza Baraheni, an Iranian poet, who was once m ercilessly tortured by SA V AK and now re- s ides in the United States. Baraheni asked Attorney General Edward Levi for a ''thorough investigation'' and "guarantees for the security" of prominent Iranian dissidents. Levi did not respond. • TotheEdilor: Proponents or the dog racing ln· itiatlve. Prop. 13, have failed to in· form the California voters of the close association of this industry I with that Of organized Crime in : Of.her states; or the increased J costs to the taxpayers because of t needed extra law enforcement to J combat the inevitable escalation f of cnminal activity which is al· 1 tracled to the dog racing tracks; I 3Jld, lastly, but so important, the ever present threat of extreme I cruelty to the animals involved. Prop. 13 state11 that no live rab· bits will be used as training lures, • yet does not specify that animals I b'ained with live rabbits ln other f states will be prohibited from ra.c· \ inginCaurornia. , ~ ! I TlflS INITIATIVE also 8P· pear11 to protect greyhounds by making it unlawful to destroy any registerea dogs except under s upe rv is ion of llcens ed veterinarians. But, Jt does not re· quire dogs to be registered at • birth, only registered to race; : therefor e, young dogs with ques·· I Uonable racing ability could leg8lly be destroyed. For every Utter of ten pups bred fOt" racing, only one or two are fit lor recing The others ar c destroyed because they cau c economic burdens .\11 of this adds up to crucl ex· ploitation of the r acing dogs; the rabbits and kittens who are sewn alive to training machines and who are mutilatedfor "coursing" exercises in what trainers refer to a s "blood training'' of greyhounds. • In California, animal welfare organizations and leading law en· forcement officials are against Prop.13. That. in itself, should tell the voters something. Please vote NO on Prop. 13 for the animals andforthepeopleofCalifornia. LOISANNE WELSH r...,,. 14 Ntta••f11 To the Editor: Since you have seen fit to repeat your editorial argument.a against Prop.14, l hope you will glve addi· tionalspacetoopposingviews. The fact that growers dropped their oppoaltlon to nlundlnf tile Agricultural RelaUons Board on tho very day t hat Prop. 14 qualified for the ballot should be proof enough that Prop, H ls necessary! U Prop. 14 fills. then growers and tbeir allies In t.be Legislature will almost certainly try again to cripple &ba Agricultural Relations Act. Evon lf you editorially protest such at· tempts then, it will betoolat.e. Now ls the time to guarantee hrmworkti'S the basic de- . (--M-A-IL_B_O_X_,___,,_) mocratic right or free elections. Prop.14 will protect both growers and workers from unfair l abor practices, and it will do so-as the California and U.S. Supreme Courts have m ade clear-without violating anyone's private pro· pertyrights. PAUL C.EKLOF W891W s.,,ort. To the Editor: The League of 'f omen Voters of Orange County supports a yes vote on Proposition 2, the Urban and Coastal Bond Act. California's growing popula· tion, expanding leisure Ume and Increasing demand for reerea· llonal areas have created n pressing need for moro parka. beaches and other recreational facilities. WE M\J T act now before Wngs get worse and land vl\luc tncrea5M put the posslblllt¥ oC good park and beach acquisitions out of reach forever. .Proposition 2 provides a sound economic way to spread costs over many years while enabling Californians lo enjoy improved and increased recreational op- portunities now. . Join the League or Women Voters in supporting Proposition 2, a balanced comprehensive bond act which would provide citizens throug hout California with parks a nd r ecreational facilities. JOAN PETI'Y, President LeagueofWomenVotersor Orange County Mmt•Ape .... To the Editor: The "smear" lactic which your newspaper employed on Sundl\y, Oct. 17, against William Dan· nemeyer, Republlcnn Stnte As· sembly candidate of Fullerton. appalled me. Right smack on t.bc front paae it was, ond only a few short weeks before election day. TIIE INFERENCE I received wrui that •'where th~ ls smoke t.bere i~ fire." The fact t.bat Coun· ty Supervisor Diedrich &Lated ""there was nothlns to c.be llJe1a· lions .. doesn't help much for Dannemeyel''s picture W8.! the.re and some people don't read much more than the headlines. Iftt was declared to be "a dead issue'' why was it reported al all? If you felt it was necessary to have it publis hed I wonder why you did not bury the story where dead things go? Deep inside the paper would have been a good place. 1 believe you owe William Dan· nemeyer a public apology. BERTONE. ELSON I>.V.M. .... -·~ Tot.he Editor: Re: Sunday Pilot, (Oct. 24), tront pace. Discord Dominates Debate, ills slated: . "'Los Angeles (AP) ·U.S. Sen. John Tunney and Republican challenger S. l. (why not his· full title, Dr. S. t . Hayakawa) JtayaJciwa disagreed abnrply ln their first televised debate Satur- day night over TUMoy's role in cuttlDg cove.rt U .s. aid to Angola and Hayakawa•s pfOPOlal to send unarmed troops to ACrlea." In anawer to HeJdi Schulman's question relating to this proposal, 'Or. Hayakawa corrttted her at least two limes. He proposed sending troops to Libcria- Uberla notAtrica, Will you correct this? MADELEINE ZEIGER Footnote: Mans ur Rafizadoh ~l<Ld'S he bad nothing lo do with SAVAK. ••1 deny th at absolutel y:· he said. Other Iranian officials admitted only that there was a "token representation" or SA V AK agents in the United States f or the purpose or .. monitoring extremists who might cooperate with their coun- terparts in Iran." ORANGE COAST . DAILY PILOT Robtrt N. Wted.Publbhn- Thnmor KHofl, Editor Barbaro Krtll>lclr. F.dltonol Page £dttqr Th~ editorial page of the Dally Pilot seeks to Inform llnd stimulnle readcn by prcstntlng on lhlll p:igc diver11c commentary on toriloa of Interest by ayndlcat· cd columnists and cartoonists. by provirling f. forum for readers' views and by prescnlinlt' this newspaper's oplnlons and Ideas on current topics. The editorial opinions or the Dally Pilot appear only In the edilori11I column at the top or the pnftt!. Opinions ('X· prC5!1ed by the columnlst.s and C'Artoool1la and letter writers are tht'lr C'lwn and no endo~mcnl o( lhelr views by the Dally Pnot i;hould be Inferred. Friday, October 29, 1976 ... f:rlday October 29 1978 DAILY PILOT A 7 SENIOR CITIZJ.NS '.m 1 o~ ~!~c.!... . Fate, Recluse Smik. Qn Orphans VC ON ALL 'u•C: ASES IY IC IN<. A a ~~"41tt" or OUl SE~IOl CITIU~VINGS DALLAS (AP) -Two children wboM parent.I were murde~ will be tbe beneflclarlea ol a recluse who died without family. according to trustees baMllnl tho mao'• estate. "I believe it old Mc. Gervctch could see Bllly aod Mary Ann getting his money. he would be aml.Ung," said Frank Haushton1 a trust officer at Republic NaUonaJ Bank of Dallas. . St.ates from R ussla and lived hero without family, relatives or friends. Gervetcb atipula~ that his estate go to an oreanizaUon to help tbe blind and to two orphan children. A final decision has not been announced, but trustees of tbe Ger\'etcb estate at RepublJc National· Bank of Da,Jlas said t.lie cblldrb wilt be B~ ~klear. 3, and Mary Ann Locklear, 2. found June 15 In their ramaeted bomt, llvint on bread crumbs. ID the house were the bodies of their parents, Billy and Hazel. Police said the two appareoUy be bad been killed three days earlier. Two men have been charged in the slayin&s. talked to the Ba~ey lamily an4 met the two Locklear children. NEIL O'BaJEN, GERVETCH'S attorney, said a decision on the d.iaposiUon of lhe money will be made -P\.AN AT NO CO$l TO YOU. AENTAll ~-ALL ,, •• , .. ti IX ,,.,,. ......... .. 1 SALES ' ll•lt1tl Offer SIGN UP NOW :... College Pharmacy : 1 : , • ti. • l 1 Jt l ~' >', 1" r.• t •• , shortly. ' O'Brien declined to disclo,,e the amount of the trust. but said It was enough to "enable lhem to get an education.•• ) • I• 1 ~ ... f 'II H l' ! l• \ 1 riJ1 -----·--------- . ELIA GEBVETCl:I· DIED Nov. 9, 11'75. at {JO. He came to tbe United BILLY AND MARY ANN were The children were placed in the custody of David Busey of Salado, their father's hall-broUler, and a final. declslon on permam.ent custody ls expected in December. . Jla~ghto!l said bank officllls haver ·"It will aOt make then rlcb,t' be added. HAPPY HALLO WI IN If you have an · ORANGE CAR Bring This Ad For A FREE CAR WASH WITH ANY un1=1;n· ALL-UP 1. UDO ltrTO WASH L 17• k -W••IC~tf Pluat Costa Mesa ,45.2022 2. ll TORO CM WASH Ir--------....,, l~J aT_..l .. ~<I IO~Olbl 137..0600 ' l FOUNTAIN VALLEY CM WASH llOU-U. l£1b 11 -lwm! 962-2111 4. WUNA CAR WASH \4t s.. c:. ... ""'. 1""'1\t ''1>m Uguna tio .. O 494-1922 . ., ... 5. NEWPORT CEMTIR CAR WASH t IM...._. c.-... CAI F-nlllancl) 644-4450 1"-___;:a~-~__;_--ll 6. ORANGE CAR WASH WIN A 15 LB. nu M. ,_ St. (4ero .. ,,_ O<""O<tMllll Tustifl 637-2532 7. SIERRA CAR WASH JO 11 M. ,.,.. •••· 11 B1i.. NO ot 17tt> St) SClllfa Au 136-6111 O..BuOll'll Conductor-com· poser Leonard Bern s't e i n is separated from his wife of 25 years, Felicia Montealegre. He i s r e tired director of the New York Philharmonic. U.S. Aid Asked On Saving Water SACRAMENTO (AP) -Federal aid ~ being sought for a program to supply water-saving shower and toilet devices in the San Diego area, says the California Department of Water Resources. The department said the experimental $650,000 program would affect about· 900,000 persons in 300,000 households. THE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR, .Ronald Robie, said the devices could save a household nearly $6 a year in water heating costs alone. "We estimate that if every resident in the test area installed the devices, tbe annual savings would· amount to about five billion gallons or water and the energy equivalent or 230,000 barrels of oil," Robie said. THE REQUEST FOR FINANCING was sent to the federal E nvironmental Protection Agency. The chairman ol the state Wat.er Resources Control Board, John E . Bryson, said tbe devices "reduce use from a limited supply, cut down on sewage volume and minimize the sewage our treatment plants must handle. They save energy at both ends -in the pumping of water to the consumer and in the treatment of wastes." 'Tall' Film BEER . LOSS · Crew OK .4. P.UULER_ .. In Town GLASSBORO, N.J . (AP) -Glassboro State Colleie officials are looking into the case of HENDERSON, Tenn. the missing beer -(AP) _. The mayor of $23.000worth. Henderson says r eports Charles Shafer, assis· that local residents are £ant director of st\¥ient upset by the b eer activities. said tbe drinking antics of a Rat.bakeller, the college movie crew filming here bar, lost $23,000 in beer are exaggerated. last year that "went A crew fro m Bing down tbe drain or over Crosby Productions bas the bar as free drinks." been filming a movie to As a result, student be entitled, "Final partUme workers have Chapter, Walki~gTall." 'been pulled out from· PEOPLE AGAINST PROPOSITION 13 3055 Wilshire Blvd .. Los Angeles. CA 90010 Treasurer: Abbott L. Brown THE MOVIE will be 'behind tbe bar and nine tbe third depleting tbe students working full 1 e g e n d a r y time will be paid ~-25 an crime-fighting exploits bourtQdotbe pounng. of th e I ate M c Nair Y liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii County Sheriff Buford Pusser. Mayor Gene Record , said be beard only one complaint made about someone allegedly violating a city ordinance that prohibits drinking in a public street. And Record added the filming has caused a few local traffic- jams. "BUT TO most ol the people around h ere, moviem akin g i s a novelty to them.'• Record said. Reports by columnist Marilyn Beck and an area n ewspaper indicated . Henderson r esidents had become irritated by some alleged beer drinking on the job by film cre:-v members. THE R E WERE reports tbat the movie crew tied up the Chester County courthoaise for an entire day to shoot a 30-secood scene. and in GIANTI PUMPKINS INDIAN CORN AND MOR E • • • TURKEY FOR THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTM~. REGISTER NOW. l NEWPORT PUCE AUTO WASH oeo '"' "·,..,.,"'a-aeon ..ooell IJJ.OHO r--=---:--__,-:-,-;-----::;;::::;;;;;;:;:;;:;:::-:-~ an o th e r i n s t an c e. blocked downtown 2301 San Joaouin Hills Rd . Newport Beach 9. WHOM CM WASH 116 S.. l•d4\I UU.So Oll.•ncolnl "~ 956-1521 • '1..1 OWNED ~ Df'EllATm SY llCACON 84Y ErfTERPfllSES INC. KIDS WIN CASH PRIZES IN OUR COSTUME PARADE AT HARBOR CENTER HADOll Ir WILSQH. COSTA MESA P'LUMllMG HEATING AIR COMD. "-·-.. ,__, S"r'\fiCn In Your Are1-C.Jt MISSION VIEJO ?89'1 C.m•no C•0<S1<1no ~~f.""V 7 A.•.,Jll.W1~ 495-0401 COSTA MESA 1 ~M N-oo<I Blvd. 642-1753 KITCH .. lrlATH IEMODELIHG RH ESTIMATES tee OwOhple.,-el ANAHEIM•MAIN OFFICE 1Sl3 W Li"""'" traffic for three hours to get a shot outside a theater. Paid Political Advertisement An Open letter to Republcms in support · of VIVIAN HAll for Congress ,, RIPURllCans FOR 11all ·,, __________________________________ ~ eo,. 4880, lmM, C•"'°'"'• 92716 -"•• '°' e.1 • 1 ~u;,. 772-3470 •117.v· • .. SATURDAY ONLY!! OHi DAY OML Y OCTOlllt 30. 197 6 OPEN SATURDAY I A.M. ti 5 P.M. BIG SAVINGS QM RADIALS The General Dual Steel II 2 front ·Delco Shock .....,1 Steel Belted RADIALS fhe Dual.Steel Radial is designed with radial ply construction for lono mileage. a polyester cord body t0< smooth tiding comlorl. and two steel bells tor impact resistance. unxrs .. 7111s Jl7hlS Hl7t .. 4 95 plus $307 or $3.48 Fed. Exe. Tax. Absorbers AND Wheel _Alignment .Q ·::,1: s2· ges ... .. u.s.cars . . COAST . rBIRAI. TIRE Don Swedlund Inc. ., ................ 2855Harbor11,d. · Costa Mesa I ... 540-5710 646-5011 ~m.!l _____ sooner or later, you'll own Generals...-.-----~ Dear Fellow Republican: We are lifelong Republicans who aro supporting Vivian Hall fo r Congress 1n tlw 40th District. Vivien Hall's personal honesty is beyond reproach. She owes no political favors and hM not courted special interest groups. Her opponent, Robert Blldham, was accused by a frllow Ropublicon of illegally using corporate funds during a fedl!fal primary. This complain• 1s now being reviewed by the Federal Election Comm1ss1on. Many of you no doubt l<now Vivian from her worl< in such post~ as prosident of thr Fricnth of California Libraries end from her seniice as national vice pres1tlont or thu N.itH.>ndl Women'& Political Caucus. Her record of achievement os a volunteer community leader stands 1n contrnst to that of her opponent, who had the ~ attendance record of any member of the State Assembly from Orange County, according to thr Los Angnlos T1mrs of October 9, 1975. Despite his a1Henteil1sm, in 1973 and 1975 he voted to raise h is own ulery. We need a repr-tllive who will protect our coa5tlinc and the other areas of natural beauty In our diurlct. Vivian Hi ll hM won the endorsement of the nonpart1s.tn League of Conser v1t1on Voters because of her strong commitment to the environmont Thfl League rited her opponent the 2nd worn member o l thr entire California St1te Aulmbly In 1976 on environmental issues. Vivien Hell hH received the endorwment of many community groups and national organi· z1tlon1, l!'Cluding tho International Conference of Police Auoc11uons and the Consumer · Federation of America -the l1rgest consumer org1nizotion in the Un1tfXI Stems. It ls not eesy for us to urge our fellow Republicans to vote against our Party's nominee. We heve been loyal to our Party in the past aod intend to bG loyal to It in the future. I But the choice in the 40th District is so clear that we feel that we must do what is right for our dl1tri9t and for our nation. For these reasons, we esk you to 101n ut in voting for Vlvl~n Hill for Congress, II\ indo~ndent Democrat with ttrong Republtcen su11pon. Sincerely,• ~ wJ~u~.11.JJ_, ~ N1ncy Wolcott Ebsen (Mrs. Buddy Ebsen) Or. Jay M11rtin Paid For By: VMan lf•U For Congress, "t'heodor R. Halpern, Treasurer, 152S Mesa Verde nr East Cost.a II••• CA t262S • • • .. J Jt• DAILY PILOT OuEENIE Friday, O<;tober 29, t978 By Phlf lnt•rlandi ,,-: ;t' • ·""' .... .... CRA Still Backing SleDlons ""!'bat's what I lilt about you. You manage to get the IDOlt out of everything you d_o." Deatlu Elsewhere FRESNO (AP) - Ji1oYd James Harkness tir., 84, who founded what became the largest family-owned fresh fruit packing firm in the nation. died Wednesday at a Fresno hos pital. Jiarkness was president Pf United Packing Co. \ ! YAKIMA, Wash. (AP) ~Ruby L. Schut, 63, who as Ruby Bates made the accusations that led to the celebrated rape trial oC the Scottsboro Boys in Alabama 45 years ago, died Wednesday. LAKE WALES, Fta. (A P ) -Brig. Ge n. Claade M. Thiele, 88, KELSO. LEO K ICELSO ·~~1dt-n1 OI ~I• llf'lty Ca P1'<i:\•CS .,w.1v Oct ~· ,,.,,. $orv1vf'd by wit• Ar if'n" ~ l(f"l\O f')f tm• .,,me 'wo \nn· q,,~, t Lro I("'''-"' nt <;tMd.1lr ,,net Feot>·rl I<"''" W!'"Qf'rt nt '4"'~Nt1m Ca lwo r1AIJQhf,.,., Pt·nq1 lt'f' ~hrt\tOQh,.,-OI NH t~ Hollt/~orul \)p1or"\ ldnCf' ol V;!lll"HM (..A ~.vr trot"''' Norr1\A l(fl\Oot Tu,hn CV "''"'° ot N@w Jl'"f"V. N B t(,f"l-..0 F M @:•I'° 001~ ot S•'"" Ano. CA •rm J V tt •"O ol Or •nQt, Ca E•91>t or and c r, J t d r ••" 1 t w o qr t •' f t.tndch1lrJr"'n M., •• , of Chr 1\h•" 8ur1AI S·llUrOdV Ocl ln 101"~1 10 00 AM~H lo"crum Cnurc'"i w•th mt"r,,......nt At ,.,., ... ,.. "•"W Mtt"or•JI PMlll .... lff"<f\ ~ .. v ,,.,, dt B•tf Ortt 11w '" Mtlrrv HV 1'00 PM In 8 n PM F "'1 •V 0. I l'I "'• '!-118rfhtdW•Vdlf,. HH"' BAL TZ·BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673·9450 Costa Mec;a 646·2424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway 'Coc;la MP'>d 642 9150 McCORMICK MORTUARY Laquna Beach 494-941 '> San Juan Carw.lrano 495·1776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Morlu11ry Chapp! 3500 Pocit1c V1£>w Drive Newoorl. Calilorn1a 644-2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave Westm1ns1er 893-3525 SMITl1S' MORTUARY 627 Mam SI. H un11ngton Beach 536-6539 SMITl1 TUTHILL LAMB OUR WESTCLIFF CHAPEL Mortuary • • 646·4888 427 E 17th SI . Costa Mesa PUBLIC N011CE who served in the Mexican border war with Pancho Villa and in World Wars I and Il, died Monday. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Polis h Count Steraa Zamoyski, 72, of London, regarded as one of the world's leading experts on Arabian horses, was found dead Thursday in bis hotel room . He was attending a meeting of the World Arabian Horse ~iety as a volunteer delegateir of the Is rael Horse Society. l<OU'fTAIH VAt.Lt:Y COMMUltlT\' HO\P'ITAL PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAMEST•TEM&HT ltw-tollow1nq pPrson t\ dOfl''SJ bu)l. t'W'\\ 4 \ SPAR LI NG 'S S TERLl ... G OESIC.>iS :>001 Fl•d"'" E•ol•n.o<I<' VI ··u•t• •OJ (11\I• Mr• •• , .. 97b?6 s1oven M•l<ti•ll Sp~•Hno. 1u11 1)1~01 Ln T~tln, CA. 9H80 Tti" t>usilW'\\ ts conduclfd bV •n 111 dl•lru•I. Steve" M Sortr-linq Th1\ '\t.-i1torn~nl w.u '''tt-d wHh tM County C•~·~ 01 Orooq• Counly on Ocl ,,, .,, .. ,, ..... 1 Pubt·'ti"d 0,. ,nQ~ Co;nt 0.\lfy P\lot, °'' ,, 19 ,.,,., ...... s 12, 191• '40S-76 WHOLESALE TUES • SHllUIS • HOUSE 'UHTS". SJ00.00 MINIMUM EACH PURCHASE 24 .. BOX TREES 15 GAL. TREES & SHRUBS 5 GAL. TREES & SHRUBS S.D. Wholesale Growers 11622 WARNER AVE. FOUNTAIN VALLEY PHONE 546·3429 DAILY 9 AM-5 PM Paid Pol111cal Adv11r11sement HELP COLLEGE PARK PREVENT 4200 Costa Mesa Voters put this on the ballot!! K -REFERENDUM MEASURE "Shall Ordinance No. 76-11, changing the zoning of Lot l Tract 2727 (N.E. corner of Harb or Blvd. and Princeton Dr,) from R-1 to Cl-CP , be adopted." The question is: Shall a conmercial enterprise expand into a res idential neighborhood? We are homeowners who want to preserve our streets for family homes. If you value your neighbor- hood ,too, don't allow thi s zone change from residential to colTITlercial. vorENOoNK College Park Homeowners -Appeal s Corrmittee -Referendum Unft Paid For by College Parl\ Ho!n4K>Wners Appeal• Commit1oe Chm. Jocelyn James. 2573 Fordtt.m Rd • Co1ta Mesa - Paid Political Advertisement Marian Bergeson An WJUte-1% official candidate A Candidate \Nith Proven Abi I ity ·· and Integrity STATE LEGISLATURE LEGISLATURA ESTATAL ember of the Auembly Vote for one M1embio de la Asamblea Oistrito Septuag•rnmo-Cuarto Vote por Uno ~----~---.-~--~ RO'IJ.\1.1) ('ORl)(I\ \, lkmocutk Otouty D1ltr1'-' Auo,n.-v O•OV''t<fO J:.•v.01 ___________ t---1 Jr\ \U:S K. IJ"l'll ·~_-l I· \10:-.S. R,·r11hh,1n 8u\1nrum,in CorncHat•CH\ Prr~· h•ot Nqf)r11n'o Pr.-side'1tO rte C01tla•• •on Marian Bergeson • take your pencil or pen to the polls. FOR IN FORMATION CALL 646-3470 ..... .... " ... I ·1 . I ' "( . . ' ·~ J i Friday. October 29, 19715 .. . . Paid Polltlcal Advertisement esar er -r "La Paz" (The Peace), Ccs~r Chavez's United Farmworkers Compound. Keene, California. Thursdny, October 21, 1976. Access without permission is wrong. It u.sualJy takes a court order for even the police to enter private property. Proposition 14 would allow labor organizers (not government officials) to enter farmers' property without a court order. Without even the farmers' knowledge or permission. The Access Rule in Proposition 14 sets a dan- gerous.legal precedent. Access without permission is wrong. It was wrong when it was first suggested, and it is wrong now. It would be wrong next year if it happened to your business or your home. ProP.osition 14 has become a test vote on Qrivate PJ!>P-erty rights, and the entire nation is watching. Your NO vote on Tuesday, November 2, will tell our elected officials that you want private property rights respected and that trespassing is still wrong. But private property rights are not the only reason to vote NO on Proposition 14. It is seriously flawed in other important ways. . PROPOSl110N14VIOLATESFARM WORKERS' PRIVACY. Payroll lists with the names and addresses of non-union farm employees would have to be made available, on demand, for labor organizers. Without the emp].Qyees' knowledge or permission. PROPOSITION 14 ISAN ATTEMPTTO FORCE BLANK CHECK FINANCING.for the Agricultural Labor Relat ions Board. With none of the normal legislative checks and balances. For instance, it wou ld give the Board's members (all appointees of th e Governor) salaries of $42,500 a year-about the s'ame as Federal Judges-and the Legislature couldn't change it. PROPOSITION 14 WOULD BE LOCKED IN CEMENT LIK~ CONSTITUTION and could only be changed by another statewide ballot elec- tion. Nothing this long and complicated should be out of the control of our elected representatives and left up to in sulated non-elected political appointees. · The "Yes on 14" ca mpaign has been the most negative in recent memory. Nothing positive has been offered to the people of California to justify Proposition 14's passage. It has nothing con structive to of fer, and its backers have had nothing constructive to say. Proposition 14 deserves the most resounding NO vote ever cast for a ballot proposition in California's history. NOon14. PR01"£CTPRIVATEPROPER1Y-NO .oo 14 Committee. 5108 E. Clinton Way, Sulte J 24·, Fresno. Calir. 937Z7. l larry Kubo, PttSident. Mrs. Caricy tar.on, Vice Preaident. ---,_ =-"'---.....::. __ --------~----- OAILVPILOT A• • . . . . . . . . . •• :. .. i ~ ' .. . I I • Oil Glilt(!) Beaded Here· Embargo-induced Conservation, Prodhoe Team for Surplus · . PIPELINE EXPECTED TO BRING US SURPLUS But How Wiii OU Get to Those Who Need It? Robots Eventually May Bump Workers CHJCAGO (AP) -Short, squat and ugly, he can play an unbeatable ·hand of poker despite his rotten sense of bluff. But more important, the fat ··man" soon may replace semiskilled laborers by the thousands. Series 10, so-called, is an example 1>f a third-generation robot-18 inches high, 6 feet in diameter and complete with ''sight, 5ensors and two arms that have fing ers, grippers , wrist movement and elbow movement," says Bernard Sallot, executive director of the Robot Institute of America. A RELATIVELY s imple tnodel, t.he robot was on display this week at the first North Ameri can Industrial Robot Conference, demonstrating its ability to sort a deck of cards. The manufacturer, Auto-Place Inc.. of Troy. Mich., said the robot can be programmed to play poker "so the house would be unbeatable." but said the cost of jhat would be prohibitive. '! Counterparts, though, soon will replace thousands of semiskilled workers -perhaps hundreds of thousands of them -in factory jobs, Sallot said in an interview. . IN LESS THAN a decade, robots will be common in manufacturing, said Sallot, who predicts the robot industry's sales Bill increase Crom $18 million this year to as much as $S0 million in 1977. Once round only in science fiction, robots have progressed rapidly since the early 1960s. Jn the United States. about 6,000 industrial robots perform such tasks as heavy lifting, welding, die-casting and paint-spraying in auto and ·electrical industries and other small er businesses. "And that figure is rapidly becoming academic. There's a tremendous backlog of orders" for the robots that cost from a few thousand dollars to more than $100,000, Sallot said. TODAY'S MOST complex models possess "movement, sight or pattern recognition, the ability to identify certain objects by feel and the ability to respond to simple voice commands," sald Sallot . ,. Future robots, he added, could completely automate factories. Tony Connole, a retired United Auto Workers official attending the conference, said industry's use or robots is inevitable: ''You can't stop technology. That would be a long -term mistake.'' HE SAID UNIONS, with individual employers and government, should try to "minimize the impact of displacement of human labor by robots." Sallot maintained that labor leader s, wary of potential job loss through use of robots, are "realists." In another sense, he said, the robot industry is promoting use of mechanical men "in work that is notoriously hazardous, dirty, boring, heavy and ti.ring." • LOS ANGELES CAP ) - Callfornl1ns who remernbel' the lone lines, abort tempers and nippy nlghta caused by tbe J973·7' Arab oil embargo m~ be aurpmed to learn that a new problem b looming -too much oil. It's not that there have been any major new finds. The difficulty, accordJng to oilmen, government planners and private analysts, ls lhat West Coast refineries will be unable to b1ndle up to b alt or the 1.2 milllon barrels of crude oil per day expected from the Alaska pipeline when lt opens late next year. IRONICALLY, IT WAS the reactions of the public, buslness and the government to the five-month embargo that led in part to the anuclpated oil glut. Oilmen say consumption declined after the embargo because of higher prices and conservation measures. They say this in turn discouraged them Crom investing in new refmerie~. .. You only build refineries because you have demand roe the products they produce," says · Robert Schaadt, vice president of Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio), which owns 54 percent of the reserves in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay lield. "We fell some basic shifts had occurred after the embargo. Instead of having large rates of increase in deman~ the rates were whittled down to perhaps 2 or 3 percent, instead of the six percent or so we bad been expecting." Governmental reaction to the embargo came in the form of Project Independence, designed lo reduce this country's depend- ence on imported oil. One part of the project was the opening of the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve near Taft to commercial production for t he first time, a . move that added 200,000 barrels a day to the West Coast's supply. THE MIDWEST AND East Coast could use the Alaskan crude, but the oil companies .haven't figured out exacUy bow to get it there. Although there are several proposed connect or pipelines, none exists now. Tankers are a wssibllity, but oilmen say there aren'tenough to handle the surplus. Another option is an exchange with Japan whereby the Japanese would get some of the Alaskan crude in return for diverting some of their Middle Eastern oil shipments to the U.S. However, Congress prohibited such a swap when it approved construction of the Alas ka pipeline ln 1973 and oilmen say privately that such an exchange would face severe political opposition. Atlantic Richfield (ARCO), which owns 20 percent of the Prudhoe Bay reserves <Exxon also owns 20 percent, with the remaining 6 percent split among a number of companies), says it doesn't anticipate problems in Finn Names Agency Fiberglass Cleaning Products, Inc., Newport Beach, has named Myra Herrema & Associates, Irvine, to handle advertising, promotion and point- .of-purchase display development. LB.Boyd Ike's Heir Quality doesn't cost more at Nabers Cadillac Cadillac Master Dealer :HJOO H•rbor Boulev1rd CoJta Mtsa 640·9100 . Aides to Meet The Southern California Dental Assistants Association will hold an educational meeting Saturday in the Marioll Hotel, Newport Beach. Speakers will be Brenda Becker of the UCLA dental assisting program and Judy Bee. Approximately 600 dental assistants are due to attend the meeting. Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. ·RARE COIN GALLERIES gold coin Jewelry U.S. type coins 1stamp collections wanted ' gold & silver bullion & t>ags Authonzed Krugerrand coin Exchange Silver Proof SETS 1961, 1962. or 1963 U25ea .. Buying all Franklin mint medals & bars. 9 I TOWN & COUMTR.Y OltAHC'iE • 135-924' Lease Volvo! }\j11.y equipped. 38 mooth open.end lease. Cap cost - S6SM; Rl'51dual balanco -$3881.52: lat It lut months P"Ymtnt plus license ln advance: on approved crediL (068035). We lease all makes & models. $123 t3 rcr Olll MARMIS • . · JI/II( tu~ Volvo /Toyo In. 1 l.880lM11rauerlle Pkwy .• Mis,lun Viejo (714) 83 1·283 'Will Return' A researcher in DubUn says his s tudies prove that the Irish, contrary to widespread belief, don't drink anywhm-e nearly as much alcohol as do the people or, say, Switzerland. He also contradicts the common notion that the suicide rate in Scandinavia is high, saying far more Aust~ians do away with themselves. ASTRONAUT Q. "Who coined the word •astronaut'?" A. Don't know, but former Nasa ad· minlstrator Dr. T. Keith Glennan first used the word officially in 1958. Women are from 10 to 20 times less likely to be colorblind than are men. When President Dwight D. Eisenhower moved out of the White House, his daughter· in·law Barbara said, "This . is the end of something beautiful.•• And her son David replied, "Don't worry, mother. I put notes behind all the pictures, and they Sil)'. 'I shall return'." His mimicry of tM Gen. Douglas MacArthur line of WOl'ld War II may prove less humorous than pro· phetic, though. Some say young David himself may lurn into a political giantkiller one day. TREES A tree gets in lta greatest growth not on a bright sunny day but on a cool cloudy day. Medical researchers sUll tnslst they've proved that the eating ot an apple a day tends to prevent the catching of colds. The late Supreme O>urt Justice Hugo Black during much or his career de\toted an hour a day to reading io the Llbra.ry or Congress. Not Just law books. Eve.rything. No matter what hls other commitments, be simp· ly dropped them to put ln that Uma. Bright f~Uow, Justice Black. Ho made his self· education away of life and more of a pleasure than~ore. · ~" mail lo L.M. BoJ/d,.P.O. Bo~ 1560, Costa M~ 12628 • • rennins It.a share of tho Alaakan crude. ··wE FEEL WE CAN handle all our oil," says ARCO Vlc:e Chairman· Louis Davl,s. "We have a refinery ln Wuhlnaton. which we designed roe Al Qbn crude. that will handle 100,000 biU'rels a day, and ~other in Southern CaU!ornla. So we feel we're pretty well equip-peel to take care o! our aJ)Pl'Oldroately 20percent.'' However, Sohlo, with the Uon•s share or lbe oil, ls seeking approval to ship Its crude by tanker to Long Beach, where it would be shipped east to Midland, Texas, via a prope>sed 1,000-mile pipeline. From Midland, the oil would go through existing pipelines to the Midwest. The project would require convertinf about ID> miles ol existing natural gas ptpellne for use as a crude oil carrier and constructing 200 miles ol new lines. Sohio says the project could handle almost all of the surplus oil and could be ready in less than 18 months. However, it has come under attack Crom the state Air Resources Board (ARB), which says the tankers and tanks needed for the oil shipments would add some 40 tons of hydrocarbons a day to the air. somo DISPUTES THE ARB NEWPOirr TEUS NEW BUIWING . A total of 206 building permit$ worth $7.65 million were issued during September in Newport Beach, according to a report is- sued by the city's Department of Community Development. So !ar this year, l ,M2 permits have been issued with a valua· tion of $53.8 Dlillion • figures and points to a ~ study done by the Port ot Loat Beach In conjuncUon with tho atate Public Utllitl•• Commission wblcb uy1 lho 1ncreased hydrocarbon eml.esiona would come to about 1.st.ons per day. Don Bright, director of environmental attain (or the port. says tbe ARB fl1uru assume that taotera will •<puree." or clean, their oll ll.Dks while still ln the harbor. Brtabt says a common practice is to purge tanks at sea. Sohlo allO says it's willing to p&.)' for pollution controls on other emission sources in the Long Beach area in order to o!fset the tanker emissions and ensure that there is no overall deterioration ln air quality. Whatever means of getting rid of the oU are found, analysts Sil)' the problem of a West Coast surplus isn't going to go away soon. They point out that the now from the Prudboe Bay ts expected to reach 1.8 million ~arreb a day in 198L A study by J ames D. IDckey, oil and oil services analyst with the stock brokerage firm of Stern, Frank, Meyer & Fox, projects a 714,000 barrel a day surplus on the West Coast in 198,t. IN ADDITION, A number of oil companies are drilling olf the coa.sta oC California and Alaska. · areas generally considered to be among the richest potential oil fields in the world. U there is a major strike, that production would come on top of the curreoUy projected surplus. All these factors make it impossible to determine "the amount or duration or the surplus," says Robert Wycoff, ARCO vice president for corporate planning. .. You have to guess If we'll be success.fUl in the Gulf d Alaska Over The Counter HASOUlffttgt NEW VORIC (,l\Pt Oew Co • '"" Jiiiy •ds u 1"-,;,.._, B ... ,_ 1 ..... ~Cl -The louow11111 lilt Crou Co 11 11~ Jotl;M u~ ui4 ;;;"' H .,.. .,.... ..... •• • selecttd ,,,,,. Cuti• Fed 1~ 2V. IC.al" $11 31~ 32Vl ,,.~t ~~ ~-. TIMe tt ~1'.~ •• ~.~'01J,'r' ~n111v ~ •.,, • !.L 1<11~s11 pr t111. ""' P9ttillM 2111t 22\'J TamPll• it;• (c;,,,t;;· nina, Oiii tOO 4-... , .. IC.alv., lllli 2 Pleclml A 41/a S teylr WI ~urtncl a. ln<lllsl• 01¥1 Inc 2, 2:~ ICan\ln ~ 17:\4 II~ Plnltnn r,_ = ~:~ P\I~ ~-•L•::,ks.. t~ 2~ °'o.'°" In ,',:i ,'2~ K~•~v1!_ 'i! '"' ~:ln~1a 2,t-!¥1 TiTI12_,....Y Cot AFA PtS 4Vt SY• o.~\b01~ 4.;.; .;;.; 1(,,,,--rr 1~ f~ .._,,Qt 1 .. ;,.,, r:'coeo .1\10 Inc 714 I OtL\All C t1 '1"' l(tllY S'IC 1~ 1711> ="NC 11~ 11llll Tr.,.IO 0 AVM Co 'Ye 1~ Del c.nT ,, ..... ,, ..... Keuff Eu 10 111ft p a.ftMt tlV. 1tltt Trico Pd "61119\ "" ·~ 6"11 0.1 Inter """ :.014 Kt'tl Fib UV. 13"' PUIO C.p s"' Sl\ Ttitn OG ,,.,. Ros 2-" 7'14 Dewey El t IV. Key Cu•F 6l'I n-o.ai Inns 2\lt '"' Tymw Alt»rts µ,; 6Y, Olam Cry U'lo IS Kt'fJ Int 1714 II R•n Pr 114 llllt ~ F Aliu lllC l\tt •11t Ol~ll Ct11 1711> 1114 l(INJ Int ,.... I .. ftal\all c 7V. 7~ un McGll Ali.t'9 Ph 2411> 25\4 Oo<ultl •"" S .... Kneo V09 1'14 17\4 lttycll Cp 100 10S ~ Sur9 All'tft Bae: 7V. 1 ... Ooll•r 0 •• I IV. I.Anet In 20•1; 21 lleymnd 11V. 12\ll us Trill.JI Am e.., ,..., 40.,.. Oo<ch o tO'h 10lllt L.alld Res .,. l'A R~ eq 1'4 '" Ull• eu Am Finl .._ ~ Oov•e OB u ,..,, 1..ane Co 1' 20 Road Ee at ~ Uo"-" P Am Furn 1 2'4 Ouftkl" 0 S"• 5\\ I.Ill kiil 1S lSlll 11ot>111 M 1S'A 1'V. VtlltV Gs Am O.m •'-" ••A Ourlron n v. uv. l.00 Etm ''" • RowlOtl .. 4.,., vano Air A Micro ~ 111. Ebefln In 314 24 Mtc!IY> G UV. 14" Rou.e ~ 4" Vanu $ Am Telev 11\11 19\'> e con I.Ab l6Vl 77 Maj Ally .. ,, :v. Rus stew u v. ""' Vtl<To Am W.10 10'h 111'1 EIP .. l!I 11 II\\ Mt lkrl 40 41 Stclller 2 2V. Vtfltron Amt• Ov .. I El~ Syst ,..., It. Mll\Or c •"• 5 scan Oat lVI IV. VIN 8'111 An"4Ht f'\ 5~ EICltr Be 6 6Vi Mtul LP 11'1. 11~ SGrlCIP' H 21 30 -Pu '"''-"' 8 JS!'a 1• ... EIK Nud ...... s•t, MCCotm 37'11. llV. Sels Otlt I~ IV. ~ NG Ard May "'• t'h Eltc Mod 1-V. 1'"o McO.Uv 1H~ Wh Sefte<• F n . 3-111 WebO R• AlkWIG ,~ UYt ~OY c ,,.,,, 23"' MH\ur 101'4 10'14 SewnUo !!O ~ .,.._,o Ovl A\CC Bot • 11"-IJ'" En!Wl,tl 6 '"" Medlr11 "SV. n Sl\.9w Co 20 11 W.lqht W AllGas lt 11.., ,..,. Equiv 011 27\tt 11''4 Merld 11'1 '1'/• 2 s.-Tis 31.,. 3:JVI ,,_.411,.,, 811rd At l'~ 3"' Eth.In Al 17 17~ Mdls• W t6 16"" SoUdSt SC I 9 WltllllQ M 8-Hy ll'l'o u Feb Tell I 114 Midi Ce 2•Ar 1'h $ C.IWat ,; 1~ Wltll Gar Bkam All 71\ "' l"ldUn u t9V. 2014 Midi 8kS 20 11 SwG$ c.o 1~ " Wltlsbd> 81u•ll F 11 17:111 Flno•llt •//o S14 Mldw Gt 13"41 U'lll SWEI Sv IS-""" WSlll MIQ 8Ayls Mk • .,,. I.WO 1"18kSys 3"'4 ~·h Mllllpr Ul\J 2""' Stanclyn 1S.V. 1''A Wlt\tmd llttllM F H o 6"11 F~ Bo\1 20''4 '11/t MIMr In I',\ 111\ Std ReqlS 17\lo 11 Wd<lffd L &ell L.ib 3•.W. SS'" FtEmpSt 8'/• 1\11 MlnVI G 14 1S Slan HPd 14'h 151'1 Wl'!Qht W B•l>I> Co . 8\'o 8\11 FIWnFn , ?V. Monf Col •'4 .,.. Sletlp SIT •11t s Zlon\lt 8 ::~<~ . 3: 1~~ ~:~-Ol:111 ":~ ";: =:;: i 1: • .., 1m · 81tk Hiii' 1•'4 70'1• "°''" 0 20111.i 11'111 Moro R•.' I'"' IV. Bon1a Int ,,.., 1"" Frmloll •t.t 1 Moslek 191,1o 111/J Braden 7V. 7" Fo1om~t to 10\ll Mottll M •'h Slh Brin~• 7 'lo 8V. Frllln Co S~ S"4 Mot Club 7'1• 3 Brks Sea """ 1'V. Frnllln El tV. •~ Muelltr UV• 1SV. or offshore Callfornla, .. sa~ Wycoff. ''You have to 8Uess, on the consumption aide, lf nuclear pe>wer ls aoloe to be accer,table. or if we'll have to build oil·fin'<i plants to replace nuclear planta." DESPITE THE SURPLUS on the West Coast, oil executives point out that tht United States ls, and wlll remain, an olMmpor~ n.Uon. And they claJm thoy re having a little dirticuUy in persuading the public of the potential problems of an oil glut. "After the e mbargo," says Schaadt, "I think it was very difficult for people to believe we could ever have a surplus anywhere." G4S TAX J'IEW 'SOFI'ER' SOON? SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. might soften his opposition to a gasoline tax increase in about six years, says his transportation director. Adriana Glanlurco made the statement at a recent meeting of the A ssociated G e neral Contractors. But she said any new revenues should be Cor local streets and roads. The present state tax is 7 cents a gallon. Jeff Rupp, a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation, said the Brown administration has always said it would oppose an increase during the six·year plan just starting. Tbe Democratic governor opposed legislation during the- last session that would have raised the tax 3 cents. That new revenue would have gone for mass transit. state highways and local streets and roads. llps and Downs UPS ,. .. ,.,. last 0.0 81.-rvs J•weler ~·/, + l'h 8'90r11m 91h + 1V. Ro<l\~I Re~rch S + "" IC....,lnq1011 Lid SV. + •• PrtsStvnGd t.v. • ll't KV Phtrm.tcll ··~ + Yr HMO lnltmall •"• + 'Y> t.acttdtSll 17 + 7 NFC Corp IS + I\'. Tel.,Cu ~·-. + 1 C.ntury Proo &\:• + .:a.~ ~~~~.~?~~~ \~ ~ ~ GoldFltldS°' U'.4 + 1V• Olonlo '"' 1•11 + 'I• Fashlon120 211> • '• N&l~"'E• s + ~, Pla)hll"" 111e ,,,.., • 14 SeltmCot Miii• 2'1t • i. W•shQtn Homes 1111 .. '• GovlEmplnS ~·lo • v, UTL CMo 3'~ + lo Gclnovev oruo Sl't + •n Elt OrlelG 6''rl + ~ SBE Inc SY, + V. OOWNS NI-Las I CNI Pct. Uo J7 J Up llO Up 17.6 Uo 1S8 UO ISi> Uo 1311 Up 13 1 Uo 13 J Uo 13 2 Vo ,,, Up 11 S Uo 11 S UP 12 S Uo 114 Uo 1t I Up 111 Uo 11.1 Uo II.I Up 11.l Up It 1 Uo 10~ Uo 10 I Uo 10 J Uo 100 Uo 10,0 Pct. :::~~ni ~~ !" ~':.° ~f:, '~~ '!~ ~:r"l~ 1r· ,;v. 8uckere1n s ~:~ G ~e·nw ,,, 10 N•t L•b s s-111 1&1ASDAn Summary ' Burn Sim 3V~ l't• Gov EFln 9 ·~ N SKAlll ~ 4'h IW ., 2 ClllWSv JO'!> 31 Grtpll Cn 1&'4 11 Ntlnw RI 5 6 3 H•mllBroE•P un 7 -? .._mlllBro E•P 7 -IV• Ha11>llton8ro P•I 11 -4 Mlcrotorm O•tll 2 -'11' Slralfo•d T~us 3 -~1 Oii 27? Olf 71.1 ()If 181 Off UR Off 1• l Oii 11 I Off 1111 Oii 10 s ()!I '~ Oii '' Oii Bl C.mol OI 3\~ 41/t GrMtn Mt 11" "'"' NJNAI G n•t. ,. NEW YORK (APl-MMI active_,.. 4 c.trorad H '"" ''" Gl•Y Adv 11"• 1) Ni•l•n A 20\'o 70" tht·COUrrter stocks 5UOOlltd bv NASO. s Clip Sw\1 31't 4'1!. Gull lnlst 1314 13"6 Nl•I'" B ~ 1111. N1me Volume 8 10 Mked OIO. 6 Clloln Air '"" ,,,.. GY•odn 1'h 314 NoC.ar ~ 11'111 "'" Bootll Nw., tl&,400 •~ 41>\4 + V. ~ C..p TK 214 3'4 Ha1oer A 7V. 7,., NOEOI un l: . .., l:~ ~'1·~::.. 13~~ 1 l~"'11r;.16·~'.~ ~~ Cf.s 1!r: .:~ :::~·edN~ U"" m: ='~el~ '"' ...... Mlleln 8... '1,300 75~ ~ -v. 1X 0vn LH I~ II~ Holobm 1-. 1 NW PuSv 1 ... 11"'11 Oo<cll G.... 1.4.600 10'h 10"lt • If• a ~ UI ""' 11•1t _,,., I~ 11Vt NOlel Co ,. .... "" ~B .. E!f.·.·.·.·. ·.~·.= ~ ~ !. : 8::11~'1~ st~ ~·~ ~: ::~ n:~ 7~~ ~~v~';'r ~~ ~:"' Go~ Emo... suoo S''t M + \'I l~ O.tl\'ie 117 1'1 Hyell Co si·, •v. °'"'°"' ......... ""' GrHt.. 49,600 ... ...,. • ••• • IS Circle F . 414 S HYlll lnl 3"> • Oller TP • 1''-'°"" OSR Co 49,300 111-16 1 IS.1' +1-1' 16 onnut A 35 3S''I Ind Nuclr ,,. 314 O..r NA •• ,. •V. Orlo<ICIO .. JOO 4,_ S'4 17 Ci!VIUI 8 )I 3il'i Infra Ind I.. 21/t Pab\I Br 2J>a ?•!It •• -· -..... 11 ~::.,kl:,' ~ '!..., :~:~rec~,. s:~ s~~ ~~ R u\4 '-:~ ~~ .::::::::::::::::::: •·= : Colu V~11t lllt 1111 ll\trmk In 1~ l'4 Paras H l''t ._ UncN1"91d • , •••• .. , ... .,... :·_, 11 Com Cir 11'1) ,,,,. lnlfmt G U\/o U''-P .. uity P "'-61/J Toi•! •~sues .................... •'.• 2221 COml SI\ 1111) 1l ln8~ W\h l'I• 3-.. Purl Mt 10 11 ~ lllglls •• Comw Pa 171'11 M"' ••Sou UI 1JV. 1•'" Pt Enttr 1~ "~ New~.::::::::::::::::::::: .:.o 1• eon P•P 30 31 Jtmsby lllllo 11\'> Pl'lllOll a U'I\ Ul't Total wles ................... , 421,..0,000 2S Conl~Cll In<. 1 -"• varcolnll IS'A -I '• ColemanAm Co' lV. -V• IEMSA 2'111 -\~ Gy•Odvne .l\mtr 1'1J -v. O.~brool<Cn lV. -"• ,..,,°" lndust '"' -'• 0tns.m1eo~ 'I -~ HyOro Ootlc~ l -'• Bto.s Ulll Jiil -•-:. comciu10.1 .. svs l'.t. -'• Ct-n Crall• 611) -1 I Ct-nAtfltr JV. -I. Std HtvM• l"--'• Ttltlronlcs '"II 6\.'I -' , Tolltylnll Co 31\ -', Wtl~IMICll Corp 3111 -I , WTIQlllWE 31'. -'• IMlll'iN•ICp ' 7 -'I> CICFlncl 4 -u Oii 8 3 Oii 7 1 OU 7 1 Otf 7 I Oii 1 1 041 7 Oii 7 ' Ofr 1 1 Oii 7 I Oii 6 ? ()ti 6 7 Oii ~ l Oii s? 011 H MUTUAL FUNDS INVES1fNO 8 .. c:n In '"° NL Sot<I S.21 5 ·n ISi Grouo1 l'rMd 7" • ,. Pin!! St 10 73 NL Sup s '46 10 H COMPANIES IM<QM Grouo: 5100 •.u •.•• Grw\11 '·'° •.s• ·~ 1'.u 1:ao pt-l'und: T•cl'I 7 IO 7.16 NEW VOllK IAPI 100 Fd U I NI. EOIE so U .3' NL lllCom 3.•6 3,71 MllH 10.59 11.SI Fulld 13 .. t• 36 SSBB ~&~~ ,? ~~ ~t -Tiie lollowlno q110· 101 l"d I 34 NL EQ,.I ff 10 S1 11,'3 Trst lh t0.1111.2] Men Flllll!'<I• II 1170 13 II ' l•llOftA, <uoplltd by llerk C..p 7 94 t .S7 Ellun Tr un•v•ll Tr\I Ull 2.78.. .•• MIT to.ft tl.62 "'r," In" 11 n t? 20 ~I\ In 1~ ~~ 1~ ~~ "" N•llonal AUOCI· llon<hlk •.61 s.os F•l•lld '47 10.?9 Imp c .. p 11.06 1.11 MIO 9.'1 •. 93 Pl grth 10.•~ 11 '7 ... I "G"'t • \q 4 q& &lion ol Stcurltltt 8o\I Fein 9,30 IQ.IA Farm Bu 8,48 NL Imp 11111 6.93 7.S7 MIO U.01 U.12 Plltmd 7.01 1 •• i W n OHll!f'S. 111c.. Me 9"""' Fd , l• ).O "-·•ltd Fund\: Inc Bost s • .,,... •• MFg 11.At 12.30 Price Fun<!\. So\lflr In 11 12 11 92 the prlCH al w!llCll Calvin Bullock· Am Ldr 1,tO •. 04 lndutlry 1,70.... MC 11.H 17.'7 GfW11\ 10 IO NL SI: ltd I' 4 •I NI. uw.se '9(UrlllH Bullo n" u .11 E11>11lr 1u1 •••• INTGN 9.14 ,,,. MFll 1S.71 17.00 ··:r ... , NL \ ~!.' 11ind~·~A • 74 could Mve been Candn Ln 9.0S Four e 17.13..... Int l•wst 7 20 ?.17 Mith.,, 11,11 NL N •• 10 8' NL ....,m • sold lt'4et "''"' OMd l 01 3.36 l'ldtllty Gf'oup· lllY Guld 7.tt NL Mt Can U.n t4.7t N rlr 6 71 NL ~I• r~ ; :~ ! 10~ value) or DouOhl Monti\ 14., u... eo...r 1.14 •.u Inv llldlc 1.S7 NL M A I 00 NL PTO Fund S.38 NL roq (value Plu' sales ch N•IW ~ 9.79 10 70 taPll t 11 9 M Inv Bo• tO.S) '1.U Mid A 4... 5.41 Prov Giii 7 •t I 31 ur.:: ~t ~ ~; ~t trOt) T'llu"dfY, NV Vn 10 n 11 SO Conlld 11 1' NL llW CovMtl: M!>I\ Miil t,00 NL PN SIP 9 71 10.U SI 1 SI t '' ,,, t' OO Sell Buy CG Fund 9.M 10 64 Dally I I 00 NL Call!ll 1.1' I '2 ~Y/ •.61 10 SO Puln•m l'unch: t • '"" •· AGE Flld 4 ... 4 fl CG lllClll t .. t,1' O,lnv I 11..... Ceplt S S.2' S.73 MSI F U.1' NL Conv II 11 11.7! Sl'!_ld"/: F7u~>.NL """nFd Cto Prto 1.00 NL Eq l..C 14 0$ NI. lrwestOf'S ~OUI)! Mill hfl •.ti 10 07 !:qui! •.n 10 "° ~m ... . n" Nl C.n17 Sii 11 u ,, ,. tMCJtl ?O 06.. .. IOS Bel U> Ut Mii' l"d In .... Otor~ 1U7 IHI f,,':,t g~ ~t Adm Grl 3 40 ..... °"'' llW • ~I 1039 Mun 8d • " NL 10$ Grt s.11 .... Mii' Olll , ... 4.U Grw1 10 l6 11 l? Ot •n s ~ NI. Adm Inc J 61 ••••• (heft I'd n 01 U.14 l'k»I 15.W 17 03 IDS 1'11111 '·" "°' Mutuelof OrNlle: lll(om 7 16 Is• si•in" flot Fd . "$'!\ In\ '!Ill .... Ol•se Gr Bo\: Purlln IO )4 II JO Mull •• oa •.17 Al'Mr "tl.S6 lt.U '""'"' , 17 I 114) c • A.,. Inv 11.11 NL fund 6 SC 7,0 Seleftl ••• 4" Ptoq 3 °' , lO Gr""'1 ~ t1 4.S• VI\!• '77 10.. "~~·"o 1,'·n ~LL Mini .. 1 SI • 11 "'"' c l H , ,. Tlwlfl II 1a NL . Stoel< ti ... '°·'° lllCOf'll '·" '.. Voy" 11.07" 10 ....... u ... Sii ,, .. 14 OS !>tw'llCI 1 ,, • 01 T•tnd 20 16 n.ao Se!tct u s 10.1' Moll Slln ,. M Nl R•lntlw 1., NL ~-" 1: ~' .N:. Aluh,..t F 1.71 NL ~I )10 S" Flnancl•I Pfoq: Vtr Py 6.~ 7.11 Nl!A Mut Ill NL Aeterve 1 00 NL T YGI IO" ti 'l AllAm Fd 3', ••• ,_ 0..tPtd 1114 NL 0vna t t7 NL lrw Reill 4.M S.3' IWll llld 10.JI NL Atwrt 4 '° S J6 tmo "' ' All•l•I• • 20 • .., O\CWlllCI ,,, • .. '"°"'' 4 01 HI. tst.i 10.34 '°·" .... SKur lefl $ale< _~qt ... ' .. TT•mo .. '.""' 716000 .N,1; AJph• 101S NL CNAMQtmt l"ds: ln<Otn 7.)4 NL Ivy 6.)6 NI. Bal"" t n 9 .. St!_.:~ 7 7S I 47 '"' ...,g • Am 9i'111 • °' 9.ti Lll)y Fd 4 JI 411 "" 111vesto<.: JP Oftll 10.tt 11.2> 8oftd 4· n ia1 ~ il'lll'Clt: TM\ lnvs • J4 IO If Mt Eqlly 4.91 s.•l Man "" , J , .. 04!o<O s.,. s S6 ,,.,,.,, " 16.J7 NI. Olvld ,;., 4:11 =ti I'd ·u~~L ~~ ~~ '~ :~ 10.fl Nnlrletn ,unds: Schu.I &. O 7.J1 Gtwlll 6 61 7 30 Jollll H-O<k: GtWlll S.•2 '·°' I 11.0 • Vl ii Gt • M NI. ""' 011 1.•1 • 11 Colonl•H '"'°"' e.n •.. Balan , ... '·" Pf s111 1 04 1 5' ,..., 14 » • Amco 4.16 s 31 ow•l a 'IO • n Stock • " • 12 8olld tt.n "'° ,_ s:11 s:s1 c.M St Ut NI. "' •nc s °' HL A Mutl US 1011 FUfld 9.U 100 F\IMlt A 7'1 NL Gtwtll 6,0. 6.H StOCll 7.ft I.SI Mii" A 10°' NL ~tAo. G~ 7·~ 9H~ Bond IS 23 ".. GtWlll 4 tO s,. Fony Fr n oe NL '°""'"' 20 n NL N81. ... l'llnd· Sbd 1..tvr .. ,..... II M:it . CllP Fd ',. 6., Inc.,.. I 1l 'S4 flld Gin J •> '-'° 'kt'f'I-FUllCfs! Equll ... 49 17.'1 StcvrlE ., ""!"'': 3 -tl::11Und :·~; .~ Otwlll 4 t4 • 51 5Gl1'1 14 •• Nl, ~s Of'OUll A.oetlo 11'0 4.0S Gtwttl • SI •.n outr • '3 , " Ion s . :~om ~Ut :~~~" :~ t• ,::: ::~ = A.r. ,rn 8: U U:fl ~t.~ !~.,.. :tlllt:: ~;~ ,.J~. ,:~ ""t~:~ 1!fi 1~: N ... ~ U.79 16. C. 4 10,. , • MUl•I t ,91 'M 0. ~ LU t.01 HNtlt,,,... 9tm1: _,,,..., ,..wp. ... · WI\ M '•1 1 Como 8d • 14 • "° $peel 7 .. • .. CVt r. 1 5) 1.n ~y 1) J7 HL ~ a 1S 4.10 v -o !O 14 10 •J ,.,.,.r General; • CoMP '" 1:..s e.01 l'ran1t1111 Group: • Oii S:oe e:.. Guard a :oe l!IL 1111111 7.Tl t.•s ... 'r..~Func1"·~ 13.tl C.11 8d 1.1. t .S'7 C'Ml<Clfd 11 4S NL PNTC 6 SI 1 Cit CUI t 11.n 20.A1 Pe11M · '-4' NI. OWi! t 12.03 U .U "" '"' '· C.p Gr 4.0t • ., °"''Inv '41.U 10.IS Gnwttl u o •.H Con St •.10 us Htuw l"d .... ~l = Ot~ 1U~ ,u, = ~ r. ~;: ~~'r: rn ,i.n ~?'~.:{ ::~ ~t p~::,. rn a! ~ il tn u: i ..... ~ n:g ALt ~~·Go.. Con c.. .: .. ,.,. ~q Ort • so '·:;'I Ctry Ctp 11.s. U.4' ii Go,, '61 10.0 • ~er ... tl2 u., 111Y 10,E74 N ~~pc SS n rn ~cw:,nc '~~ :~ ~ rd Am • 40 • O.voe l"d •.76 NI. oll 1.,. , ~ .....-... Gm ,. 1,19 Ill\ f 11. N Sci $ 11 6 u Prov 2 74 4. dfVtqll 11.16 NL ~I 3 1' l l1 LHll!Ol9tl Oro: elt U . 4 NI. fie\ P'd 4.1S S. 17 •n ..., Am Grtll •·u J,JJ 0.l•wtre Gl"Olip! 1'1'11111 Lft 9 10 9.9S • QI l.d, tl.tf 1' ... ~ t. •. U 14••1"' t 11 • 08 V•n1, • M S 4' Atn 1n''" • s ,, E" ''·'' It·" P'cl' 0.P •. u NL Le• °' ,"'' '·ft ... ,. NL. ~· ..... " ,1.,0,1 ~1:.. m. ~~! NL Mt fl~ s. HI. l•w 10,1' .1• ,~ 7 w 1.10 LO Ill o.sr 1t. fMI' Fd: ' • v I I.I ; ' AmN Otll t ·~ us (II t.7t ut l'ilN 11'1( 0r11: ·~t-'i.," 1.,•·'° t . 1 fl u1 us "'"":" ~~~·; •. at '~°"' Ns ir, AN;llO< Gl"Olfl). Otlte 4.J' 01 Comm t .64 9.4A ~. t Natl St ~«fl U4 t .11 = ,~ 1S It•• Lev Grt 1 o 7 tO . t!:r11 ~= r.~ ~'t tU~ 4,:.2~ 1-~r 1:Jl ,rn 1.'"'"c.. s: .... .0 m• ~.flt~~ lflVfft ,.71 10:11 VS4>1 !>!.'.~!". >.SJ ·~-7 Jt 1 •: Orn 911, • J1 NL 1 '1 t .M • is.I -"" "t rt:''"" UJ " ~·o •. ,, NL •n<• ,....,..r, lttt<v 10.1' 10.t4 °'5"' Ofll: ~ I Jf.H.... Sel Siii IJ ot N c $1t( IUI 1 :.l m 0 IS., HI. ln(OM "\I u n Sp«lr • ,,. 'i:i "' 1111 IJ.IO n SK • 11 Nl leomb Sayl... em M 7,. I s """°'. 111 ... ~1 1.10 1 ,. Fd Inv 'Ill 1. lqu t .... NL " llld 0 ,62 NL C..plt 10.14 Ml """' Rw S.14 't1 I , ., l.tO ~:" .vr ~ u Wl\1'1 to.n " !-fvoe u" u ,. HeMlll01'1: Miit IUS NL. "-M Sq ,... HL. lrwtU to,. II n 11·~ 01• • •• ,:__. AWl!I 1 n 1. I,.~ Ai 10 OJ NL pr HOA '4 JO UO Lord A*tt: """" M41 ), tS NL Tl'\l\I I 1' t OJ ~ " ' ' nl. Ad HOuO'-Olll Sltf 1..C J.0. Nl Qtwlll •SI 1 It Affllld t et .... PNla 1.!f 1... V•tll IM t M~tnd Inc: '1• NI. ~::: ~ ~ :t U:.t' r~ ~ 'l~ 1t: ..!,,~" 1i·~ • .. ~ I':'"""" 1t ~ '~ft~~: ;:~ u: Slt-~mo .. " .. f:11:;.,.d r.::p; .... Stock • ! . l\efoft&l+twi;J Hen LAV Ut NL W!l'1el'91'1 lln 1'11«1"1 oro· "'°""' 1.00 NL ri ..... Ill(; Otll to 11. Btltn • 47 • tl He"'"I • • NL r.""" to 60 IOI "'' ,.-, fJ ... IUS Muftjl ,. 00 14 ... ._ Inc 1. NL. ~'' e O. NL e:r:t~ 1 I•..... -t .U Ut PllO I'd 1.)$ '74 10 It 10 71 !!!!I 1t1 6004 •2 l! tMllf Inv '.. N( 0.wtll e t7 t 1 Tr I 00 NL. US Oo" t .ft 10.., Met (; 2.H NL S\111 0 I°' t.~ ,..,.... I o, ...... Hll • ,, Nl lflCOft\ •• ,., .• t tit!.-11_1uuu1 .MAHtellyMIJ. Col ~ '" Lii .... Suo ,I!' ..,, 10.H Trull • JI 10.17 --- T-R~SACTIONS Chrysler Pays Dividend .. DETROIT CAP) -Chrysler Corp. declared a lour\h·quarter dividend of 15 cents • share Thursday, the same u that lsaued in the prior quarter and only ita second payment in nearly two years. The natlon'a No. 3 automaker said · tbe clhic:Mnd wCIWd be payable Dee. 10 toahareholden ofrecclfd Nov.10. . A.ltbouch Chryalw bu •lated • dramatic 6'ttonry from a Hnre two-r-v Jlump wilb record p.rollts t.h11 1eer, it did not restore t!ae foarth:q\larter diYiclend to tbe ..,._ F~lon ltveJ of 35 cents a lhar•, u 10CDetlnancJaJ anal.Yatahad~ Chrysler reported earUer tbb •Mk th1t It Ml'Ded • reccrd STU millioa ln the third-quarter. revenlnc a fJt mlWou &ou the yeu berore. Frld11x. Oetobel 29. 197'8 DAIL y PILOT A1' 1978 Ta# Lei., Moving to Joh? Check New Law. BySYLVIA POllTEa (EfolathmaSmca) • 'ne mUUons wbo wU1 move to new plac.e.s of WOtk la 1"1 ,.ui ft.ad the ruhs fOWf'llinl deduct.Ions f« movtns ~ .macb •uier and moresenerous than l*ore. SpecUJcallJ: -An fm11«1ant tbange made by the 1918 Tax Reform "" wW lessen the dS1&.a.bc-o a person mUJtt move In 1trr ln ordetto QQallty for deduction ol n>ovtAa ~~.Under theU'15 ab• lt'1S rulu, movln1 expens es can't be d9ducted uoless tbe new Jllinclpal Job location Is at lea.st~ miles larther from tbe former retldenco tba.o was lbe fcnnerjob. Money's Worth ., .. • . UNDER'TUE 1mlAW,·A move in 1977 wW qualify ror t.· movingexpensedeductionlttMnewjoblocaUonls atleut- mlledartber away f.rombome than tbepreseotjoblocation,;. -Another favorable change ww allow 1977 moven ti) deduct a greater amobnt than in 19745 for phi-move househunting, temporaey living expenses at the new Job location and certain expenses incurred with r eaped to tbt sale,purcbaseorleaseolaresidence. As before, the reasanable expenses of transport.log the family, household goods and·personal effects, the cost of meals and lodglng en route, etc, are deductlble. Movers alJO can deduct a llmlted a~ot pre-move househuntlng expenses, such as meals Jodglng in searching for a new home, and temporary U . g expenses in the new locatJ •• The deduction limit for these expenses is $1,000in1976. ButtJl 1977, the limit will beraJsed to $1.SOO. _ ·' -TIUSD, THE DEDUCl'ION for costs incurred in sa the old realdence and buyin& a new home, such as broil • commissions and at.tome)' fees, is increased in 1977 $2,500. to$3,000. These htghet llmlts can be applied to either or the last two categories. Thus. U ~boQsehunUng expenses total Ohly $1,000 in 1977, the mover will be able to claim up to $2,000 lar other expenses connected with selling the home. · ' In another change, the 1976 law has bad news for people who collect alck pay; tbe change is retroactive to this entlro :year.· THOSE WHO WERE absent from work because or injury or sickness during 1975 could exclude up lo $100 a week fro01 income received whileoutof work. This no longer is the case, even if sick pay was r eceived earlylnl9T6. "" The only limited sick pay exclusion left in the law allows retired persons under 65, who are permanenUy and totally disabled, to exclude up to $5,200 a year of their diubllity income. This $5,200 exclusion will be reduced dollar for doll or by any amount tbat the recipient's income exceeds $15,000 f6r the year • . Gimmick ·Works ·· For Victoria Trill. SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -It wu Dec. 9, 1969, and th~ threecollegecbumswereedgy. ' Someone bad stole.n their lledgllng restaurant·~ makeshift sign and workers were sWl laying carpel as the doors opened for the first time. Some $120,000 of their own, plus all they could borrow from friends, relatives and ban~. was on the line. It was a make-or-break evening as the trto tried to turn textbook knowledge into dollars. . ••1 GUESS IT WM UKE ANY show or first-openint., because we were r eally concerned that no one would shO'lt up.·· says Peter Lee, one oC the three founders or the Victoria Station restaurant chain. "Fortunately they dld, even thougb most were friends and relatives." Since the opening of the first Vict6rla Station here, ~ Bob Freeman and Richard Bradley have presided over a business that has expanded into Sl restaurants in the Unitec! States and Canada. : · , The trio, all gradUates of Cornell University's School or Hotel and Restaurant Administration, grossed $200,000 their first year, $69 million last year and expect to do $85·90 million in business next year. · THE FOUNDERS, WHO ESTIMATE the company's common st-0ek has increased fn value80-fold from its original $5 a share. say two keys to their success were a good gimmick and a limited menu. The gimmick was to buy old surplus r ailroad boxcars at about $1,900 each and $2,100 for cabooses, then convert them into partitioned dining areas with a train depot atmospher~ reminiscent of London's famous Victoria Station. 1 Many or the r aUroad antiques in the r estaurants wer~ purchased from British Railways lo add aut.henUcily io the restaurants' alm~phere. r . "WE BELIEVE PEOPLE WILL come back on their ow~ once they have eaten at one or our restaurants," say~ Bradley, 34, "but the boxcars get them to try it the first time.J This premise ia echoed daily around the country in a slicri.;; broadcast ad campaign. 1 "We all agreed upon establishing a medlum·priced,' limited m enu chain," .Bradley continued. "The steak and! lobster places had ruready sprung up, so we decided to' specialize ln prime rib, which alJo fit in wllb the rest of our' English theme.'' • "We are definitely into expansion," said Lee, addlnll there are pJ ans to open 10 new boxcars next year. •'We woulcl Uke lo double in size in the next five years ." Part or the building program 1s a showcase Victoria Station under construction in Universal City, next lo Universal Studios, That station Is beln1t built to more closely resemble the reaJ Victoria Station in England. DESPITE VICTORIA STATION'S success, Lee thinks the odds are against anyone else getUng on the same track. "l seriou'aly doubt, 1l we wore starting over acaJn, that we could repeat the success of Viet.on a Station," he says. •'Ii would be very dllflcult today becauae of rinamciog requirements, the lncreaaedcostol construction and lbe ract there are rnore firms around UJce ours." . ,. Growth in State ·Told~ . . ()penUona or Burrouam Corp., the coanputer anct. business m acbloea PIOd\lcet, continue to arow ln Callfonlla The number of employa has •dvanced to about 6 ooo -u~ about 500 in the past ye.r-accounting tor 12 percent of tb~ Detroll·based firm's worldwtde -.,orkers, according to P&U\ S. Mirabito, president. • BurrQuahs, wlltcb.atarted ltl calllonda activtUes ln san:- Franciaco Jn 1903. bu 4Z martet1n8 otrit.ea statewide, elpt: ~1. mao\afactunna and research centers and one: buliott.1 form print.lnf plant., Mirabito added. • ''Calllomla la one ol our focal points ror co~puter~ l)'ltem retHrcb and ~Uon," he added. : Bun-ougbs' lb.lrd quarter Mt earnlnp climbed 13 : -percent to $37, 111,000. or t2 e«>tl a abate, froia a restated! '3Z,'7'12,000, or 83 cents a sbue, ln the like 1'75 period, while~ .rttenue moved up 21 puceot lo $'43,235,000 Crom• .f:'!!!!lr. n2~~! . .. • •• . .. • • . . • . ... -.A •• , if • AJ2 DAIL¥ PILOT Friday. 0Ct0ber29. 1970 Honeywell :.~~ "look, that two bubbles SMOKE For Psoriasis Drug },inked • To 5 Deaths WASHINGTON (AP) - A potentially lethal psoriasis drug was allowed on the market because the manufacturer could not afford another safety test recommended by medical experts, a Food and Drug Administration official told Congress. The drug, Tri azure, was pulled off the market Aug. l2 alter "unusual and alarming" reports ot blood clotting in patients, said Dr. J. Richard Crout, director of FDA 's Bureau of Drugs. DURING THE YEAR THAT TRIAZURE was in general use, it was associated with one death and six cases of blood clots in patients' veins and arteries, one of which resulted in amputation of a patient's leg. Crout said that 23 ( J blood clots res ulted CONSUMER among~ patients who were given the drug during clinical trials prior to general marketing, with two deaths, but the manufacturer ins isted those cases were a coincidence not linked to Tri azure. The FDA twice rejected the request by Calbiochem of La Jolla, for approval to market the drug on the grounds that its safety had not been proven. BUT TRIAZURE WAS APPROVED Feb. 28, 1975, on the condition that labeling carry warnings of the clotting problem and that safety studies be continued during marketing. Three days later, Calbiochem sold its interest. in the drug to Parke Davis&Co. Both the decision to approve Tri azure and later to withdraw it were difficult to make, Crout told a House Government Operations subcoblmittee. But in the interim a new therapy for psoriasis involving the drugs m ethoxsal e n combined wit.h· high-intensity ultraviolet light had been developed which shows signs of being safer, be s aid. Alimony Out Violates Constitution BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -Alabama's alimony law has been ruled unconstitulioll'al because it does not provide for awards to men in divorce cases. • Circuit Court Judge Frank EmDry issued an order saying the law was "in direct violation of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in tha~ it denies equal pl'otectlon of the law to all persons." THE RULING IN A DIVORCE case came when an attorney for William I. Able questioned the law's constitutionality. Lawyer R.B. Jones said his client had suffered a stroke and was unable to provide for himself. State law said a judge may order a husband to pay an allowance to his former wife when the woman has no separate estate and insufficient living expense money. BRING THE FAMILY Alld Vltff 0.. IRVINE JAYCEES HAUNTED HOUSE At'The OLD IRVIME COMPANY HOME SHOW BUILDING ~Id. At~~Alto~way OCTOllR 21 5,.... to 10t:"z OCTOIEll 29 S ,.. to •lllh•dllkJllllllCl9I . OCTOllR 30 11 CUL to I 0 p.a OCTOllR 31 11 a.& to 1RkWCJM · MAMIE THI WITCH CONTEST ~MU AH DPIHSE ,AID TRIP \.NUWo FOi A FAMILY OFFOUI TO DISMIYLAMD This nationwide J aycee contest provides free transportation. lodging and admission and ride tickets to Disneyland. In Callfomla. This Includes ground transportation from lodging to Disneyland. A ··Family" It defined as one to four persons who share the same dwelling as a family unit and Qualify as such for family air rates and family oodglng rates. Addlt!onal expense for different travel or lodging arrangements must be the responsibility of the winning r.mlly. Decision of the Judges Is final. In case of ties, winner will be selected bvdrawing. ~---------_.,..----....------~ r ......... .-..................................... , ,....,_. ................................................ I I I IADDllSS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lcnY ••••••••••••··············· ..•.• STAft ········J· ..................... ...,.. ............ ; ......... . ~-~-------------------.,.... Tllll ....... llYM JA~all MAUMT'm N04lll IM OU M'1MI CO. NOMI SHOW 11.M • ...,.... ..... s....-."""' o.,., .......... ADMISSIOM SI sm YOU THBI! c • ALARM 19~0 Thia may sen• your We. U 1t gon otf at a party where 1800 people are amoldng king llize cigarette•. don't rip out all the wires. )u.t push th~r.aker, and rHet. (GueH who did rip out the wire•) • . WITHTUBE Doea the price say "3.97"? I can't believe it, )uat can't belleve lt. Wholesalers don't even .. u u that low. How can we dolt? TUBES •••••••••••••• I • BAMBOO BIRD This is the one the guya really streak in for (streak? oh. oh) I mean. try not to miaL The price la lH• than half and f01.1 ge_!~ NEW TOOL GOABAMTEE. May go vety fast. so don't fool mound. U you need one. com• c;md get lt. ~ZEREX -:-.. ~---ANTI-FREEZE & SUMMER COOLANT Gotta hene lt lf you use the air conditioning a lot, it ra1 ... the boiling point and makH for boilover protection. And in the mountains prevents freezing. WESTERN TOILETS I'll bet they call the .. "Ecutem" toilet• back east. IJJetime fired pc)rcelaln (here'• the catch. the seat i• extra!) WHITE ONLY REGULAR. 29oo CAGES CLOSEOUT 297 Single 411 ~·-WHILE __ s_1_oc_1t_LAS_T_s ____ G_AL. ___ -t---o:-------===--=---4 Story LO-BOY ••• 3 9oo 2 511 Story 3 697 Story Made better than some tract homes r.,e seen. Ever wonder how many hours it takes to make one of the .. things? Not easy, ao appreclate lt. SIX FOOT REDWOOD GRAPESTAIES 29! Still one of the best fencing material• we know of. Looks better as the years go by. (If I could say that for my bankbook. oh yeah.) Subject to stock on hand. GARBAGE DISPOSERS Hello, folks and welcome to the 4th Annual Garbage Derby. In lane 1 driving a 3 year guaranteed husky National d.lapoMr "'1th wire whffl• ls ''Pinhead" Nagursky (Look at that guy, he really bellevH thls atuff.) We1J pile up Oura against anyone'•· Bring on the garbage, Jlm. GU~2700 5YEARGUAR. •••••• 39oo 1 YEAR GUAR....... 5900 • NORWOOD BATH AND VAN CARPET 2 97W· SFT. WIDTH Plmhy stuff. Did the whole trunk of my car and it loob very first rate, plenty colors to chooaefrom. D.!#DODIDrh 20" ROTARY MOWER A really cheap price on a good 4 cycle engine. rotary mower. Like it says, we don't hen• a ton for this price, come early. #5263-34 LASTS SHADE SWAG LAMP ~: .,. i• Lovely drum shade swag. Nubby fabric, lavish trim. multi-faceted glaH ball, a110 Includes braH chain and mounting hardware. No. 338. .. ·. ~, : .. ·,., .. , .. ·. :: •' , !·, •' ·: ~~ :; 697 POWER ROOF VENTILATORS SMALL ~~ii. 2900 · 1200 •••• LARGE r!~. 3700 Got a therm.o1tatlc conttoL U th• attJc get• too hot. It coot. It fcnt. You bu.alneumen might nMCi one for th. olflc• or ahop. ,TOILET lSEATS ! Nothing like a new seat. Not a splinter in a carload. Non-rusting hardware (I could jmt go on for hours.) "' ~'~~ 5 YR. GUARANTEED WATER HEATERS GAS OR ELECTBIC 20GAL ••••••• 69.00 30 GAL ••••••• 79.00 40 GAL ••••••• 89.00 SO GAL..... 99.00 ~ ............... (~~~moJ) · CEILING BEAMS 87!. took eo real yop think you should b4t a ••lght Wter to put one"Up. But aha (aha?), they are . light cu a feather. TITAN.PORTABLE. ELECTRIC HEATER Nb handy llttl• 1pot hec:Mr. Won't aet the world on ftr., but may lust take th• cblll out ol yoa.r tootet .. or tu·tu. I .. . .. .. . .. Magic shop clerk Dave Stoneman tries out his .monkey mask for custof!'1er Kelly Clark. Gorilla and ape suits, along with ghoulish monster getups, are popular 'this Halloween. BEA ANDERSON. Editor Friday, October 29. 1976 I • 81 'DISGUISE' THE LIMIT By DENNIS McLELLAN Ol ltle Oally Pilot SC.ff You can get a bargain base- ment Richard Nixon mask for $2.98or a Ford and Carter like· ness for up to $19.98. There's also a "Jaws" mask - a rubber shark head complete with foot in mouth. Despite the latest pop Cad or political fortunes (or mis- fortunes) of the nation's leaders, the hottest Halloween disguises this year, as in years past, are monster masks : werewolves, Draculas and Frankensteins. That's the word from several Orange Coast costume and magic shops that cater to the ghoulish-minded among us. This naturally is their busiest time of year with children pre· paring for '"trick or treat" and adults trying lo come up with the best disguise for weekend cos· tu me parties. "Business has really started to pick up In the last 10 days," says Marshall Levy, manager of a Costa Mesa magic shop. "It doesn't usually taper off until sunset on Halloween day. MONSTERS BIG "Monsters are big every year, but I think the movies 'Jaws,' "The Exorcist,' and 'The Omen' Examples Classic have a lot to do with it." It was Monday afternoon Veteran's Day -and many children were taking advantage of the fact that there was no school. The shop was filled with customers looking over display cases filled with grotesque rub- ber feet, hands and masks. Behind the counter, where free make-up advice is dispensed, were small drawers labeled with such gruesome notations as hor- ror fangs, scar stuff, blood, noses, teeth (black) and spirit gum. "People will look at a mask and ask 'How can I create that image realistically'," says Claude Yarbrough, one or the shop's resident make-up experts. "If you rush a make-up job you can destroy it," he warns, adding "you, can be very artistic with it. .. FOOLPROOF Yarbrough, who can paint a foolproof scar on his arm in 15 minutes, said a professionally- done werewolf face might take up to three hours. But your average cocktail party werewolf should take only a half hour. Virginia Thomasee, a salesperson al one costume shop, Prince Charms Prince Egon Von FU.rstenberg, one of the brightest new names in men's fashions, spent a few hours in Costa Mesa Saturday night and it was evident why his star is soaring. He's young, attractive, charm· ing and delightful, and his de- signs are exquisite creations any man would be happy to wear for many years. The prince, still functioning on New York time, was guest of honor at a champagne gala for 200 s ponsor ed by The Fashionables as a benefit for Chapman College's International Scholarship Fund. Appropriately, the party start- ed in the menswear department of Bullock's, then moved outside where Von Furstenberg's fall faahions were shown with other new looks for men. The prince sif ped a Seven-Up a nd as he ta ked about his fashions before the show, chat· Ung enthusiastically to hide the fact that he was battling a "bug." Von Furstenberg's designs are all classic and done in fine fabrics with expert workmanship and careful attention to details. · He sticks to basic colors such as brown, grey, black and blue, which he says are the bulldin& · blocks of a man's wardrobe. The classic look will be around IOI' a lont Ume, Von Furstenberg said, "if there is no major change in the world." He believes that the world economic situation is reflected in the way people look. "AB the economy Is bad, people have to look serious." Von Funltenberg also sugge!it- ed that college students will change rrom the blue Jean, "hip- pie" look to classic lines as they enter the work WOl'ld, and that ••ctreaslnl up" ls comtna back In· tofaablon. &loce bis sultl and coats have 1Q1M1 so well b• pla.m to launch • line of colotne, acceaortes and· . watches, to be called You and Xander, and he la wrltinl a boat. • He srlnned wben be was uked , what t.be book would be about. '"It .tU be personal," be re- :ftaled, decllDJn• to sq anythlnt ~than the fact lt will CODtain. . ... . . . bits of his philosophy and hints on how to be well-dressed and well- groomed. It also wiJI be titled "You." The prince, who was born in Lausanne, Switzerland and studied economics at the University of Geneva, said his personal passion in clothing is sweaters. · This item was the first thing he designed and marketed, once be decided that the world of fashion was where his true intA;rest was. said most customers don 't have anything definite in mind when they come in. They go through their list, S"he said, and narrow their selection down, which isn't so easy when you discover it contains about 6,000 different costumes. Gorilla suits are one of the fastest movers, she said. Other animals , like chickens and kangaroos also do well. She said adults seem to get an even bigger kick out of trying on costumes than children. ... It's the one time of the year they can let themselves go," she said. ''They can wear .anything they want. When ttiey put a cos- tume on they really get into the part. II MATCHING COSTUMES Most couples going to parties prefer to go in matching cos- tumes. Although the sky is the limit, the more popular ones are Raggedy Ann and Andy, sheik and harem girl, cowboy and saloon girl and devil and angel. Judi St. Pierre, a shop owner, has noticed that people ·often want to go as something that is totally opposite or what they look like. Attractive women prefer the ugly look while men with the most hair on their heads want to go as old. men with "bald heads." '"J:hey want to take on another personality," she theorizes. "It's anescape. Uthey'reshytheycan put on a costume and be something they 're not.'' Sometimes the imagination takes an unusual twist and not -even a well-stocked magic or cos- tume shop can meet the request. "Somebody called and wanted to be a lobster," said Levy. "Others want to be vegetables. Someone wanted .Lo be a ·bee, which is tough when you want to do it head to toe. CL~IC REQUEST "But the person who wanted to be a giant orange was one or the all time classic requests. 11 Mrs. St. Pierre said one woman, whose husband is unable to attend a costume party with her, came up with a novel idea for explaining his absence. She's going as a magician, complete with top hat and tux- edo. She'll tell her friends that she made him disappear and couldn't get him back in time for the party. She won't be alone. however. She's bringing her invisible dog on a leash. One of the hottest disguises is Dave Stoneman's werewolf. I Night Worker's Days Brighten - I Prince Egon Von Furstenberg is greeted by store personnel (above). .One olhis classic designs is paraded on the runway. SCOTCH PLAINS, N.J. (AP) -His brother was a god· king, but "right now," says Lobsang Samden, "I'm night custodian at the high school. "When ever we have games, the night custodian has to make preparations, clean up after and lock the door. Of course, I clean up after classes, too. I work 3 to 11 p.m .• " said Samden, brother of the Dalai Lama, former ruler ot Tibet and still spiritual leader of several million Buddhists. Sam, as he is known, is 45 and lives with his wife and two children in a suburban home. He has been a monk, an official in Tibet's government.. housekeeper at his brother's palace in Lhasa, social worker in India, envoy to the United Nations Refugee Commission in Geneva and proprietor of a handicrafts store in Manhat· tan. He also had dinner with Nikita Khrushchev and Mao Tse-tung, together, in Peking 22years ago. "'iomeday, I hope to write a book," he said. The Dalal Lama has written several books, and so has another brother, Thubtennofbu, who teaches at Indiana University, Samden said. The odyssey or the family, which like all Tibetan families has no surname, began In "a very small vlllage, Taktses, about 1,000 miles from Lhasa. "My parents were farmers. Just a simple, small family. Not rich," he said. In 1933, the 13th Dalal Lama died, a regent was named and a two-year search began for the 14th Dalal Lama. The search ended at the rarm home of 5·year-old Sam and bis 2-year-old brother, Tenzingyatso. A delegation of monks and government officials searching for a boy born at the time the Dalal Lama died noticed Sam 'p brother, one of four boys considered to have Dalai Lama potential. .. I was 7 when he became Dalal Lama," Sam said. "I didn't care, he's my brother and we played every day. But everyone paid so much attention to him, I came to realize be was something special." In Lhasa, Sam wu in a monastery for 13 years. He left at 20 to become government director of monastery affairs. The Chinese invaded Tibet In 1951, overrunning the Dalai Lama's army. A coalition government was established, but by 1958 "things became rouah," Sam said. .His brother, family and about 130,000 Tibetans Oed to In· -dltin 1959. . Sam became a social worker with the refugees in India.· The Dalal Lama sent him to Geneva, where he helped about 1,000 Tibetans emigrate. "They're still there. The scenery is beautiful, just like Tibet," he said. He and his Tibetan wife, whom he married In India in 1962, emigrated to New York. He opened a Tibetan ban· dicrafts store, and tbeyllved with friends. • "But New York got to be too much, too rut and too big f Of' me," he recalled. • He met a real estate agent and. within a week bought a house here. In May 1974, Lobsan& Samden became nl1bt custodian fOI' the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of EducaUon and last. 'February be filed for U.S. citl.&eoahlp, '"'l'bere are many diC· ferent ways of llCe," bea-.ld. ... ·' ~" U DAILY PILOT Frlday,October29.1976 ' l~ • She Can't Stomach· Appetite~ .(Ann Landers #itJ DBAR ANN: Sometimes you live J>retty good advice. Other timeayou,aound Ukearock-bead. • Y ol# U t e st exam p I e of •'roek·bea<llsm" was your advice to "Jlad It.•' You toJd her to leave her relatives aJone. "U you cap't get.,l.long WITH th~m" (quoth the.. mighty Landers), "then learn to get along without them.'• J'd love lo leave my relatives alone but THEY DON'T LEAVE ME alone. My husband and 1 haven't been inside my sister 's. home for two years, yet she and her husband and their two kids come here almost every Sund y -at dinnertime. My husband's bachelorb is a .regular at our supper 'The JUY can smell a roast a mile away. He never brings so mucb· as a ham hoelt -just himself and a hearty appetite. No one every says "Hello" or .. Goodbye," "Thank you" or "Drop dead." And your advice is "Leave them alone." I'd like to know how to pull it oil. -ALSO HAD IT DEAK ALSO: It takes two factions &o keep a sltaaUoa like yours •olng -a pack of leeches and a guUeaa wondu who will allo" berseU to be abused. ADyoae wbo permits a blUl(b of .l'P'eeloaders to beh ave s o outrageously week after week, year after year, ·mut ~Y the l'Ole of chump. U yoa are really fed •• TELL tlaem yoa doa't •eed tile extra work, your food bW. are •l el atgbt, aad from DOW OD tlaey Ar& DOt to come over anlaa lavl&ecl. DEAR ANN: I'm a 25-year-old woman w lt.h a nine-month-old baby. I DON'T want !JllY m<ll'e children. One is all I can handle. Rather than stay on the pW, I want to have my tubes cuL My gynecologist agrees U is the safest method of birth control. My husband wants one more child and he is m'1dng my life miserable. We argue con.stantly over this. Please tell me what to do. -IT'S MY BODY DEAR BODY: 1us,....Wy, bM ZS .. awfallJ y-a &o make ..ell a bl& 41eclJloL A t..U U1aUoa •••t be •lewed aa penaueet. U 1• waat to 10 off tile plll. set ftUed f• a dlap"•••· 1'ell liff' )'OUMll uoUler ~ 1ean, at I~ Yo. may feel Merentllt wbeta 10.r 1quW.1, demuclJ.Qg dlUd la walklal aJICI talkia& aad~ tl•lng yoa a •reat deal or pleuve. DEAR ANN LANDERS: ·Relatives -OUCHt And the closer they are the more trouble they seem to cause. Please tell us NOW what to do because Christmas will be here before we know it. My sister (who bas always run the whole family) lnalsta on 1lvtng us all very npemlve lifts. To be perfectly honest, abe can afford it less than the rest ol us. She and ber family are stnac1llna to make ends meet. Every year tor the lul five we've been saylnc, "'Ibis I.a the last year we are exchangtn1, gifts. Christmas is tor the ttds. Let's give modest PTeSents to nieces and nephews and skip everyone else.'' Then, on Dec. 15, this load ol expensive gifts arrives. Of course, we all have to go and match hers and we're sick of it. Whal'• the solution! -VICIOUS CIRCLE DEAa ClllC: Tlllt yeU' tell t.e.r TODAY, Oct. Zt, tlaat If sbe Miids llf'8 for aayoae e.cept tile kids. tM, wW be re&arned. Keep ,_,. ftl'd aDd tile ,....._ wUl '6 IOlved. Even If drinking ls the "in" thing in your crowd, it needn't crowd you out. Learn the facts from Ann Landers' booklet, "Booze and You -For ·Teenagers Only." Send 50 cents ln coin and n long, self· addresse<l, s tamped envel~pe to Ann Landers, P.O. Box' 1400, Elgin, w. 60120. . ' EXCLUSIVE SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE uropean Ge.ology Pictured ~~~~~~ROOS ~ By MARCIA FORSBERG Ol tlM °""' l'li.t llaff Tourists in Europe often photograph breathtaking natural outdoor scenery, and Orange Coast College geology professor Albert R. Kerr is no exception. From the glaciers of Iceland to the high peaks of th e Pyrenees, Kerr took more than 2,100 slides during a flve·month sabbatical trip last year with his wife, Wesla . But his pictures are just a little different from ordinary travel shots. "I stu died and photographed things of a gene r al geo l ogic interest." he explained. Eleven of his mounted and framed color enlar gements are on display until Friday, Nov. 5, in the OCC library. J n d o n e s i a a n d the Rhine River. California, Kerr was "At Mont St. Michel, "chiefly interested in the abby is built on the seeing geothermal roots of a n ancient power in operation in mountain range. It was Iceland and Italy." used as a r efuge during SALE afl S .DRENSEN 1550 SO. CO~T HWY. lAGUNA BEACH A9A-1806 Jn Iceland's capital, the Middle Ages because R eykjavik. w ith a the enem y would be population of pbout swept away by waves in------------------- 85,000, more than 90 an attack. percent or the buildings Two hundred-year-old are heated by natural hot ripple-marked fl agstone water piped lo the city, in Stockholm intrigued be commented. him, as did a volcanic "It's a big island, but area in central France. they have some of the With an adventurous cheapest electricity in spirit, he descended the the w orld because crater of Vesuvius in ExclusiveWomen's there's so much natural Naples. BOOTS, LEG WRAPS, SANDALS steam and water "You go up by bus, SCARV~&HANDBAGS power." then take a chair lift and designed by Some of the highlights! sit on a little platform. Glvtnch,y, Jean Clauel • of the Kerrs' itinerary, "Inside are wisps of Mikclos, Bernardo included 2,000-year-old steam and gasses. The "Spcc1allzing ln Sizes plumbing at the Roman volcano is dormant, but 4b l-0 IOb, 6n to IOn, baths in the town of it looks llke it's cooking · ~ and 7s to 9s." Bath. England, 600 up some mischief right ~ 3424 Via()portoSJ20S mi 11 ion · ye a r · o 1 d now." ? ~ Lido Village, Newport Beach Cambrian rocks with His favorite spot. · · Ph. 67~0040 fossils in Wales, and "The No~e~ian fjor~ Vt\~ CC"~~~(("~~ e x p 1 o r i n g wereterrit1c. CJ a"\~l\~T~~l\~J.,. Neuenschwannslein, "a-----------------------------fabulous fairytale castle that l ooks lik e Disneyland" In the Bavarian Alps. Albert Kerr shows geology photo. Norwegian fjords, a serrated mountain near Barcellona, and even a wine shop in Nice are a m ong th e ones exhibited. A former petroleum geol ogist in Brazil, Al Lubeck, a Baltic,~ ...................................................... ~ port of West Germany,: "there are no building· stones. They use brick1 and s hape it to ma.Jee Gothic columns. You could go all over that area and hardly find a balsam's now rock ... ··New Start for Aries As a geol ogist, he noticed the effect on weathering on statuary at the cath edral of Rouen. France. wave cut terrace features on the seacliff at Biarritz, and grapes growing on fertile volcanic hillsides along SATURDAY,OCTOBER30 By SYDNEY OMARR · ARIES (March 21-April 19 ): Accent on wish · ful('Ulment, creativity, youthful vigor, creative eqdeavors. You make new starts in new dirEctions . . TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Lines of corhmunication open -what had been a mystery js l'esolved. You regain sense of direction.· GEMINI <May 21-June 20): You may be acting in concert with a Taurcan. Emphasis is on lejlfning process, travel, getting in touch with one who has been far away. Sense of humor is valJJable alJy. Be flexible. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Accent on deep feelings, and end to superficiality. Costs, practial finances are featured, especially in relation to legal matters, special relationships, including partnership, marriage. LEO (July 23 -Aug. 22): Spotlight is on long-term relationships, public relations, legal lies, marital status. Ue low. Don't force issues. Let others ta.Jee iniUaUve. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You couJd be recipient of special service. People want to know how you feel, respond, react, what you say, do and think. Be diplomatic. 'LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Creative efforts pay dividends -means be you. Imprint your own style. Let others talk and teach -gain from listening and reading. ' SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Key is oreanization. Get priorities in order. Older individual l e nds benefit of experience. Relationship intensifies. Investment that seemed doomed ... comes back to life. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Persons who seemed inditrerent come to your side, support and aid you. You have touch of universal appeal -you get puJse of public and know what to do about it. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Emphasis on finding new ways of expression, different met.bods of production -ways to cut off loss and incre·ase gains. You mQy find a way lo buy low and sell high. ; AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lunar pcJ~ continues to emphasize appearance,. pe~ty, persuasiveness. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): Check with established organazat1on -refuse to be cajoled. intimidated by one dominated by s uperstition. After 15 years of doing bu1ness in our present location. we are expanding. Therefore. we are offering tremendous savings on our inventory before we 1 start remodeling. We carry imported Karges custom made furniture. imported cut crystal lamps, exQu1s1te l1gunnes. tap1stries. Venetian mrrrors. and many other fine decorator Items. Take advantage this month of our remodeling sale. Lydia's, Inc. INTBUOR DESIGMEltS 400 W. Coast Hwy., NewPOrt Beach Member l.P.D. 548-2350 ~~-~~W~H:EN;IT COMES TO APPRAISING JEWELRY. ... t: . . - .. , • DO YOU KNOW YOUR DIAMONDS VALUE RECENTLY INCREASED! We know that where insurance appraisals are oondemed. a detailed description of the Jewelry is all-lmPortant. particularly 1n reference to plotting or otherwise Indicating the · present characteristics or blemishes In a stone. At least half the value of an adeQuate appraisal hes in the later use of that apl)rafsal to check the jewelry for darrege or to verily the identity. design or construction of the pleoe in the event of loss. Il9i?y 10.Q.M. •Sat 10.S.OOP.M. Ma"or ChOFlt, • ll~nk•mtrkml • Amcriain Ell~• JEWELERSoGEMOLOGISTSo DESIGNERS 20902 Brookhurst Street, Suite 201 Huntington Beach, California 92'646 (714) 963-5625 2 locations Grand Opening Sale at both Stores many new lines many one-of-a-kind values handcrafted divider. oak and oiled walnut trim. 93" x 18" x 80" H. also available In oiled walnut al utra charge Sale $585 mon. a thura. 10..e:30/tuet.•w.d..trl, 11·9/sat. 10·6/aun. 1·5 .... £roon0n Bing Sing Aida Prieat : From AP DlJpatc~ • Crooner Bln1 ero.b1 i1 g,ivlng a benerll concert ln Las Vettas to help a priest move bis congretaUoo but of a saloon. ; . Crosby. 71, who playe4,ll'C>riest in several films, wi\1 perform without ree ~~ 26 to raise money for ~onstrucllon of the Roly Far:nUy Catholic Church, producer BW LOeb announced. Crosby and his family, who llve ln llillsborougb, a suburb south of San Francisco, wlll fly to Vegus to entertain what Loeb hopes wlU be a lellout crowd of 7 ,SOO al the new Alladln Theater or the Performing Arts. The pastor of the church, Father Bea FranzlnelU, said he was "most grateful " for the benefit. .. A maid who makes Gov. Edmand Brown Jr.'• down-on-the-floor bed has been orr the job for over n month since she injured her back bending over lo ruck in a sheet. The Democratic governor, who has made much t'J( his sparse living style in his apartment across from Sacramen to's Capitol Park, expressed concern for the woman when he learned oC the situation. "He will call her and is sending her flowers," said Elisabeth Coleman, Brown's press secreatary. A state report said QueeneU Cornelious, a 42-year-old mother c'/. six children, was stooping dver to tuck in the sheet when she twisted her back. The Securities and Exchange Commission sued members of the Alessio family and financier C. Arnholt Smith, charging them with fraud and SEC violations involving operation or firms that run two rjew Mexico racetracks. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in San Diego agains t Anthony and Dominic Alessio, AJvio G. Rosa and Smith. After the suit was filed, Judge Leland Nielsen i s s u e d a n o rd e r· ( ) • I rorbiddi.ng the Alessios PEOPLE and Rosa from taking par t in a Nov . 8 ----------stockholders vote on a propos ed merger of. l<odiak Industries of San Diego and Fortuna Corp. or New Mexico. Kodiak operates the Ruidoso Downs and Sunland Park tracks in New Mexico. .. The Maricopa County attorney's office asked the Arizona Supreme Court to prevent Arizona Oov. Raul Castro and /\tty. Gen. Bruce Babbitt from obstructing the county attorney in prosecuting Jolua flarvey Adamson. The petition. filed by Deputy County Atty, George Mount, accused stale officials with "the ,forced and unreasoned seizure (Ir a criminal prosecution." The trial or Adamson on murder charges in connection With the June bombing of Arizonli Republic reporter Don Bolles was declared a mistrial fast week because or pretrial publi~ity and comments on the case by the county attorney. GOV.CASTRO Lynwood Borrows To Meet Pa)'roll LYNWOOD (AP) -Unable to meet its payroll ror the fi rst time since 1922, the surburban city of Lynwood has obtained an emerl(ency $400.000 loan to tide over its 250 cmployes until Los Angeles Coun· ty properly tax funds arrive Dec. 15. Acting Cil:v Manager Josephine Shepard said lhe tax funds would allow repayment of the Security Pacific Loan in December. But it was unclear 'whether this would solve \he city's long-r ange financial problems. ( ~late ) · The Lynwood city V government has been in "-----------' turmoil since last spring when the City Council fired the city manager, assis· ~ant city manager and Ciscal orricer. The planning director and public works director resigned at about the same time, leaving the city wltbO\ll ex· perienced executives Minorft 11 Slaoaedoae" D1te S1\N FRANCISCO CAP) -The California Supreme Court s tands by its ruling that special minority admissions programs are unconstltu· tional. setting the stage for a showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court over the volallle issue of so-called reverse discrimination. The state court has refused lo rehear the case in which It ruled that minority admissions programs •in University of California professional schools . violate constitutional right.'! of equal protection. .Trautr.-11 Appro".-Beul~ LONG BEACH (AP) -A $6M.5 mUUon state· support budget for state coll eges and universities in fiscal 1977-78 'h'as been approved by trustees and sent to Sacramento. The sup port budget approved Thursday is $89.1 million more than the comparable portion of the ·current budget. It does not Include salary Incr eases or capital outlays . The salary and bene!lts may add about'$39 mUlion A capital outlay request stands al about $43 million for 1977·'78. ~ Rrd#"elopawret ~~. PUJlUC NOTICE PVBLIC N011CE PU BLI N011C8 "O'HCITOCJllDITOU PlCTt'TMUtDUtt•-.. CTfttOUtalKN6i f'I IT10 U •tU rrtCTITIOUSIUll•UI WPl•••wu•Tlflnte ..-TIUTOClll..,... ...... ,T&TI ... ., .... ITATIM&W •AM•ITA1'1 INT NAMS"TAT•M"NT iTATIOt'UUNa•IAllOll IUKe ... ~aTOf'Nll ,..._ ......... '9'fNU Ml...... TM ...... u. --It........ 1lle ._. .,....,._.. • • TMICOUtlTYO"~ tT&H041'CA\.l"°R"la ... I ........ , ...... , 191 Ill~ Ttw IOl ..... llO !Nt toll Is~ .... .......... 1'MtCOU•TY0f'04'..... MAlllNl lHlt>t>•RS.UOU.-WllTIRN WOOD .. "OKST -J-:.Mu "'· Hl.ISTAHO' WM .... l'.o'. w, ~1 c H•M1c•L . l'tel• .t Hl\.04 C, ROA4$TAO, •O. A_..,1 A-..... ti ......... c• -~ CO ..... •~1tk '•e•t .....,_ H·~ 9 ,. .... "' ~ ~" ~ C.C..-. l"•le •I CHUT!lt HAltRV' .. tt"Tr~iM°'.:•;,."'""°"' • ....-..::.;h"'."°CA.,;:;. • .-·-•·· _,., IOl·t>U1St •• HewMr• e41<h,..,. ,_, O~Vll,Ol'M•HT, "'CM~ .... NOTIC! IS Hllt!IY OIVIN. tAR1Ul lt.•ite•-.. a•CHli;$T!•H. ~ ....... •Mu ......... -.Qlol& OwllleeMI' ._.,.ft H•rtlelfl, 1tJ ~..:,__~= IO/.IJth "~ Co6taMt~.CAm11 tred<ior. ol '"' •llOve namttlOK~ IAIUCIR. o.<u..-. MtY.CAt112' ........ Hvnll"91t11 .. e<fl,CA.... ~Iii\, Heh ....... 101 1ah \I., o.t'\IC.IUI Kl119. ttl C"-......... 51 . lhft an......-......... <l•l-·M NOTICE IS HIRllY GIVEN lellll Tllla IMlalM.a .. ""tllcted.., • 1'lllt Mlf'IMti la,~, ........ .,.. _..... C.0.la Mna,CA'1U4t tl\tt .. 11-.C...,.t an reqlli...., .. 11 ...... ..,...,,.,.,_M_CI.....,... Cllr..,111... •'llW•I ~~:;.,~~ '°'.._"" Thlt>-.i.i111uh c0Mu<1Hbylftl~ l,_lft, •ltl'I U.. Mte\Hty v_....,,, I lhfl ell ~Oftl llalll"9 t lel-........ 90AT TRA"SIT, INC. Owl,.__ 9'. H•Nlteft ~.. h t_ .,..;.. . " CIMCIVal l ... Offllt OI Ille t l*'ll.,. Ille ...... .., II,. •alcl ft<edtftt ar• ,.,..,., ... " Iii. Nwr' 0. T1'11ft1Mf\o Tlllt flt'-111 •H ft\M "'"' lhl Thi tiw~ ' I d t..i • Oety 1tl119 tllled ~ • .,IO tK•MM 1111m. ""'"' t-. wlll'I ,,,. MCUH•Y v~. In ...... f'll CwM't 0••11 .. °'-c:.un., ... Ort. -·.. ~!. ..... _. (.ii llC " • "''' ,,.,,..,.nt •• , "'"' Wiii\ , .. "Kenery wuc,..,., to tha u~ ti. olll<e ti Ille,.., .. ol ti.. ...... ""' -.... .,1--~ •-ti'-' ..... _ .._ ... _.-r -'---Otlif'lcy CJarll 61 Ot•nQt Go..111., en Oct. I T 1... ....,__ '""" • ...,._,.. .,. ---,,_ ft.•Y1' Offf'tilM.~l•lltllt It it]• II '"• off u ol s •CK AH lllledc.vrt.o•l•lt-M m.-... ~ C*w'lt•Ottll"0t•f19t(_., ... on.. ..... ,,.,, llltltnwnl .... lllecl """'IN • • ...... , M41UTOH, A~Y' ot I.aw, Utl I _,,urvoucl'lert,to\lllu~ n tt1'. P\11111 .... 0.-llf'l9t CN'1 Diiiy l'lltt t f O Gov t Oii ,.._ Qolotado ''""•Suite m , l'OM*~ el tl'le •• olllUI ot HfiW\.IN, ' ........ Gn.H,2h.f'ldHt".S,1t,lt7' '4lt·1' C..ll"Y Clerll I ,.,..._ n y Publhl'led Or0110t CN,IO.llwPlltt. Celll-1• thOt. """'"" '• tl'lt ...... TAQCAIU9'V .. JONN$TOH <AMII• Pl#l11oe• Ortftt' (Nt4 o.lty ....... On••K. m6. ... ...... Oct n ,tterw:tNov.S, n . "" _l,."of tl'lellftde•tlltnectlf'l•llmat· llOl'I ~· H. C>owno >. m Wtll Oct tt· "°" s u. It ttrt PUBLIC N011CE Publl•l'led Dr•ll09 Coe•t Dell~ Pl•oc ....,_,. WO -••IN"t l• , ... ut•t•ohold. Stt ..... lhSl•MI. $1111• 1100.1. ... #.nplff. . • • • • ..... .,. ()(\,ti.HOV • ti, 11 ,.,. 4341·1' c.e•nt. W1tt>l11 four _,.,. .,.., ttwi talllo•,.1• «>017, wlll<ll It IM ol«• ot i---------------+::::.::.::::::..:.::::.:...:.:.;~:.;_:..:.:.;:._ _ _:::;_.:.:,J'-------------11~ OUllllUllOllOI 1111• llOlkt. b\191 ....... Ille "'""r"""" ln all mat--------------•ICTITIOUI 1u11 .. n1 OtltdO<t•r u, m• i.ti 1t«\tlnl11t to tht e\tet• of~ dll• PtJBUC NOTICE IUMI ttATIMUIT ll0Slo91LLA HIST JOWIS (~t. '"''"'" 10\lf tl'IOl'llhs ... ,., .,,. fitlVllo .. ,.,..,_,_dolftOMl·n------------.,------------PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE •"411.l.OY'O'S8AHK . llrflPulMIUtlOfltlll'll•llOllU. 1-------------MNIU NOTICI INVITINO 8 1DS ON r<1<t•~t<Jet p•r,rt0 dl,c11untblchwfllbt Ol'C:ALll'0 9'Hl4 0.t•d~tot>e• 11, m•. 111C1'1t10Ul•UllNUI J&Fl'E ltSON H()Mt:S. 100U "''"·"' OINlllAI. OIL104TIOH eontlda•M . "•n't '" II rec..-.. PASAOEHAMAINOf'PICll JOHl'MW.IAllKER •AMllTA1'1Mltn' OMflelcl A ........ "llW\l!lllltn Oitecl'I, ~~ Ofl IRVIN• RAMCM WATIR 01\'lhfNr,enUt•Hlt•~-- l!H<UWUlll'leWHI Mm'"'"'"o•wll .... Wllf n. IOllewl119 .,.,, ....... "'!Mio CA~ D•ST•tCT fl09' 1Mf'9'0VeMINT .,,.r,M•lll••r••·~"r"te ....... tf 011 .... 11o ...... -...... llC AMelltd9't1tent ... Of MSJMI Pl'llUp H. M<N•"'"· '"' .. _ OISTRIC'TN0."6TM•R•OI' HrwlHlll<t11M4tr•d.$i.lli-c1 .. tllete STICl(ANOMARITC* IMlllO\'ene-clclt<•cltftl t>A(ll'IC TqAOllt, .. ,elrOtl#; 0rtft,CO\IHMH,(At16J6 HOTICI! IS HEqlfl'I' Ollll!N lhal llmltatio...,llt•~we,.wllllle.,...'9 A_....,. al L•• If • w LI " • T Ac I( A • u It y .. CMt•M<I'•· (A. tUU 0.1• 0 Slmlll<O. 1taJI Vlt Str1lt1 ,..,.,., _ .... ,.,, .... OUtCIW# ol '"-lllfftf ., lllfdtrt .,.~ ... ""': 1>11.CMer-••··· JOMM$TOM Mkt\tel o. s.otf'I<•• ..... _.. Ltlll.HYf'ltlftCJ\ ... &.acll,(A-'3,'2S.OOOOM ··•~o•ntralOQllQ ll-_,, .... "''"' .... Ol-'d. ""° S411MHl 8y: ~'"· Oo•••Y °""'1, ~.CA '2.SI "''' bYslft•M II <enCIV<WCI b't • bondl of ,,.,,.. qaMt> W•l•r O.\l•l<I. ourt,...~• mu" .,.., accrwct ..,.,,." Po.-,CAttltt 111W.'1kw-Sl.,Slllt•11• Thl•Wt!Nnl1<CM1dvcttcl""""" ..,..ra1oar11Mnt1lp. Ora..ot CeunlY. C••llornia. ,.,, II"' lcomout41(1 Oft • Md•Y Y•¥bnlll Ttl: 11u1 ...... " .... ~.C.llf.tttl1 "'........ ""lllpH.McH•-· ~"' 0 1•1•1<1 Ho. *•HI be, .. 1">1!111Wd .. ltot thetl011dllO ll'lt~t•ot AttenoeY1lwl•Mi.'9rt TOii (JIJlue-nfl MW.0.10 .Soe•«tf' T1'h ltet-..i .... "'"' """ tflt t•l-llytltefloa•dof 01 .. ClO<"Jofs.Wd Otfl"'l•Y P\il>ll\Md Or•-C.HSI 0.11, Pll01 Aft .................. w.t ... CTA n.i. ·····-' •H """ .,..,_ tl'll' ~,Oen; .. Ofltl .. County on Oct •• District ot t ... pl~· IN \IP to Ow .. _ 9'1tM Of R•ltttl••u TM Oi\1tlc1 -Oct 11. U, lhncJNov ~.1t16 ~7• Puolw...l'Or•.,.. CHU O.lly Piiot. (.euMy Ot'11at0-•-C-tyCMI ~ It,""" • bet-•o«lfleel w vn Ille rl9"'· In It• dl"•e41ofl. "',.. PVBLIC NOTICE "'' "" tt """ H,.. • ••1• U0-1 a. tt1'. "'411': fl.¥!: 11 00• "'-• Ho.,.lnbtrlO, tt7' IK I lftY erw:t ""bids end to INt • .-1· n>t.. ~IMldled Ora"" CoHI O.lly jltlO(. l P\.AC!• 4101 CtmDU• ()ti ... lrvlnt, -prolllblt~d by taw to w•lff -,,.. PVBLIC NOTICE -·~ 0ra11oe coelt 0.11, Piiot. 0ct. n. "· ....... s. tJ. n 1• c.11tomo '""'•'"•Of' 1n1o•m•111y •n•nv bid. lllOTtCl IMYITINO al OS Otl.H. lt. HO•. S. II, 1t7' ~74 4"4·1• MAIL!D 81DS Se<"'ltrv o1 tM l'r-,t Awi.,.1· Tiie Ohlfl<I •ill HOTICI IS MElt!8V GIVEN !NI tt0nc• cw PU al.IC ttlARINO -· ,,,,, ... Ral\Cl'I Wale• Dl\tdtt. ,.,~ IKhOft •wardl"9 , .... bOnCIS OI' ... wolact-wllwlll bf re<elwclb'tlfle 8ll'Oltl Tttl CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC N011CE PVBLJC N0'11CB P.O 8U O·•, lrvlf't C•tl•o•n1•"''• IM"t"'Q tll bldt notl8twr "''" •-ty·\11< Ol't o1 Cllla MeH 1t the olfk e ol IM 0"TMI ( OPllNINOOF 8105· 'T"•~wllll>'t 1,.1 "oun All•r tM tlm• ~In -g',~ .... ~~,.·~~-~~·.r.o~:.;. !!11~: ..;~~;E0.~ ~~~.~:~:.,~:!,on MOTIU TOCONTUCTOltSCALUNO R>• llD' • ~~ ~ :.:.~~:· ~::::;,11,: ~·.::..·~~.~~:~!~~ ~.~·.:;. "°"' ol 11•00 a.m. Oil No......ott n. TW1d Ho t 1tJ6, 11100 S<t>oo!Ol•lrltl: eo .. t CDl'IVl'IUnl!yCollf9'D4Wlt l ,.,, •I 11•00 •·"'·• 11 .Ille ••~· 411er 11-e e.olr•tll>ft ol lite \CJl'tllteCI 191• 11 Wl'll<ll t!IM ,,.., wlll tit_...., "'· vembfr • 1 6id OH dllne: 2:00p.m • Tut~Y. Howmb9< 14, lt76 °mtecldl'tn. limo 11 tt>• bidder 1t>1ll not ,,.,.. ,,...., ., "·M. I" tM C..V11<ll Otembef, tO'too Plt<eol &let lltcelpt· ()ftlc.ol Pwtl'IWnQ ..... I. Co .. 1Ctn1mu111ty C.o11e9t 8o 11 o1 llw ll•lllll<IY encl ,.ad aloud In Iha Coullcll Sl•tar Av•nue, Fouftl•I" Valley, D4~l•lel AdmlN1tratl011 8ulldl119. ll1'0 ""-' A....,ut, CMl.9 Mua, 0.-.-.oe E: U,flj 000, <on•IUlnQ ol 1U lo H id 4•d nollce in wr I "9 ChambftS tor ,.UttNISHING ALL Cllllomll.thlC:ll'fCouncllwlllltold• Count,..talllofllltl. llondt ot llte donotnlftltlOft ol \S.000 •••lttwlrtwalolsu<h11rooo•••· l.A80R. MATERIALS, IOUIHo\EHT, !Mlbllc hea•l"9ortt1tetono.-no: Prole<t ldtnllllcetlo" ti amt: O <h. dal•d Seoltmber '· ,,,., .... t>I•<• •• Dell very; l'Hdl fer TRAHSPOltTATIOH AHO SUCH A. ZO•I CltANO• .. 0 . n• -IUSIHESSEOUCATION AOOIT'IOH-1 ••ontt._, "SEWER BONOS, ELEC· t>aymtnl: Oell•try ol H id l>Ondtwlll OTHER rr4ctLITIES AS MAY I ! OPll<allon prero111n9 unlmoroved 810NO.UI • TION l!LECTIOH '"'·SERIES 8 OF .. mt<lt 10 ·~ tucces•ful IJldltor •t R E 0 U t It I! 0 f< 0 It TH ! Counly hl-onthe t llhlcteol H•rtlOf' I THE 1 llVI HI!. A ANCH WIH I!. R Wth PlllCt "' •11•11 ~ e9ret<I ._,. l>V IWSTALl.ATION o• LANOSCAPINO 8o\ll ... •rd •• , ..... ,,.,," utentlol'I... Pla<A ......... ,. o" tlle: Offlctoflht OlitrklOlrte:lorof Pttyslcat Fad lltlU ; Dl5TRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT lt>f pur<"•u r an d ll'lf 0 1\lrl<I. AHO IRlll°"TION ON FAlltVll!W Htll Aw nut lo M·l ln41nttlll. Oftlct of Ille Arcllltt<I (Wllll...,. 81uto<llllld Plrtl'ltfl, »OOHtWi>Ort Boulevtr~. • DISTRICT HO. 206." num""'ed 8·1 lo P1ymenl lor Iha b0nd1 shall be tNdt In ltOAD tt!TWEEH S AN Dl•OO a At> ... AL fll\.10 8Y leOllMAN No-llH<ll,CllllOl'lllt,,,..,,7Ul411.0JOOl,ondlhaCMl1lrucllonMana911r1 8·11j.llOl"lnctu\1Vt . Federal ReS<trw 81n11 F1111dsor01har ,llllWAY AHO DORSET 1.AHll otiAN\.11 It I P\.AN•INO Offl'9,ltt'OConstr11ctlon,lnc,.ttSJWHtlllltstf'ttl.VOl-.Clllfo,..la,tl736. • MATURITIES: The bonds wlll lrnmedltttlv ov•ll1blelunds. D ...... P" ("TO"' 0•1•""' TO (710te~t.P11n•m .. bfoottl...O•lll'leColltlrv<tlOftMln•oer•10fflc•. 1'114111r I (II. I I ... I • c 11 .. I I AH ~W>V ,.IN,. ,. ,..,. COMMISSION'S Oe11lel of NOTICEi lS HERE1IVOIVll'fllYtt"4-W•!lllmtdkl'loolOlllrl<lof • tntonse u v numt•UOtvor t'1100ID4tlvery, 1nce., ... or HEWf'OltT 80VL•VAllO. dt,..1-f'll revltw t1>11rovtl tor .vor OrffttJe Collnty, Calllorl'llO, ettln<a bY •!Id 1'lt""9l'I 11, Oo..,.nil1'19 tlo•rd, on Marth t 1" tllo emoun1,_f0f'H(t'I or Ltlt O.llvery: II h Ul)tl<led "'"''"Id A Mt of pl"''• tptelllulloM ond sUl\Cle<lleltTMMarlooldAvt,..... i.relnal1•t rllterred to .. "DlfTRIC1'" It ""'°"lino "9'-0llltel bids IOI' 1119 tl'ltM\19r.t~ursHfOllOW\. bonch will bf dellvtre<S to lt'lt we· otlter '°4\lrett dOt UrMnlt may be C. CMAllOIS l'09' RIOMT-of'•WAY 'nit ~ftCip.11 ,..,l11<l11tl <OOlul l>ldOtr wlltlln tt>lrly (:IOI dil'n obt•lnodht the olllce ot tho 0.09rtmofll ACQUISITION AND COMST•UCTION <~•u_<llOl'I of ll'le •bove ,..,.,.d ptojttt. •.trltu• Ult90'IU to be bid ere as 're;,., ~ Yut Amoulll lt0m tl>e date of .ate tllereof. TN su<· of I.alt..,_ S.r•l<n . n l'tlr Ori#, Ofl •UC!.-10 STallT, trom Hell 'f ~rtfi ltandSll•Gt•dl"lt> tteO \ 50,000 ,.., SIJS.000 cen lu• bidder ~llall Mv• tt>v rl9ftl, al t.o\lt Me\a, Calllornla, Uport reu!PI of AV9nut lo wo· ...,,111 ol Hell Aw""' · • _, . vi t~1 SS.000 19" tO 000 111, Ol>l•on 10 c•ncel l"e tOMrk1 ot I Mlltafuncllblt fff ot '6.00. II 11-l Pr I 1u """3 . ', 1. lle-llno and DemollllOllWor-: Ol'l<,.lt Pa n91 1991 SS 000 1"' ISS.000 our< ha.,. II tile Ol"rl<I st>ell f~ll lo n · oec .. o..... Cttl-ln-Pl•ttCoft<rtt1 arw:tllou9f>Catcitn1r.,, <A OOO requtlt pl..,, tftd \pe<lll<allOM be Tl'leu II•"" are btln9 procenacl 3. q lftlonln Stael IMJ ...,, 19'11 10 000 tcute ll>e bortds arw:t "nd•tr IMm lor de• ....... led,tlteChatQewlllbel7.!0perMt. punuanl lo lite Pla nnlr19 l.lws of tftt f 9 ' 19114 65000 I~ !!11)000 llW'ry wilt> ~1"1Y (601 <)aVt lrom Ute Ea<ll bid •11•11 IM 1'1•'-on tt>• S4•1e of C:.lllor1111 (Gov't. Code Settloll ;· i,'f'~':!0"1 Root o.o Smem. ttes 10.000 ''" t•S 000 dlle ""'•In ll•tcl lor tt>e roc~IPI of bl<ts, P<OOOHI lorm incl In the ,.....,.., .s,ooo •I seql •rw:t tht FD\lfttaln VallfY 6:51~tu••~T.it•nctMl~tl1...-.s_.ats lle6 IS 000 2000 ~ 000 •"<I In w <"•v•nt tho succe\\lilt l>ldcler P"""'-In lho contrect clo<-ll. 1011lftO Ordl nen<e. T119'tonlno 7.0rftarnenltlMelals:Sl'IMIMtltl.tndlloolA.ccenorlel. '''" I0.000 >001 110.000 '"-".,.. ~nt•llt<S to tnt '''""'of thtt --II be aa ompenltd by •<artlllect orcllMn<e. ronl"9 mtos ancl fllhlbltt t. Flnls"C.•oentryeftd Mlllwo•ll•nd-DootJ. •• IS 000 7001 ,_, lllX' t N!<lt ectomo•nv111g t>ls blct. or c~r..i.t's t t>e<k Of• blcl llond tor no4 are on Ill• I",,.. Pl•nnlnQ Oepertmtnl • 8ulll-uo Roollr>O '"" 'IS,000 1001 HS.000 l'Of'm 01 8td: E•<" aid. t09fl• wllh l•U INft 1fpucentol lho •-lof lllo -.,. avallalll• tOI' PVl>llc ins-11on 10· HoltowMtltlWo.rll tfOO 100.CCO :1004 '71000 '"" ll•d <~It must bo In a Mated tft· bid • ..,.... peyable lo, .... Clly of t.o\t• anctutmlfttllon. 1,· FlftlP.. Hardware ' ' 19'1 110.000 '°°' ,.S 000 velocie, aoctrene<S 10 lhl Olstrkt wlll> MHa. ~•llrlnotOIHtltylftf-et"' 1 Alumlnum OoonandFtamo1:Automallc OootOoeratorGlau -G4arl119 1"2 llS,000 loo. al0.000 11\t envel-Ind bid tlHrly ,,..,1r,to11 NOTICE IS FUltTHER GIVEN lhfl -ltloll to th.w lttm1 wlll lllt oi...... IS.&lotumDrywallConsl•u<tl..,,Sora.,...fllftPt'OOflngtoWlklllcllfl9lnW1tllon '"l IH,OOO "Prooo'IAI lor Sewer Bonot. Etecllon ll'lt Clly (ount ll of H id CllV .,.1.,. OP00'1unlty lo do'°· 11 lllflllff u CtrMnlcTll• lNfEfllEST Tt>ebo~OH"•H t...••ln ltll Serlfl 8. of tt>e lrvl"" A'""<" l'lfretorore utabll~d, a prevtlllnq lflformetlo" Is dolred, vou ,...., n WooctFt-lno. t.-e\lat1r.1t-torralttto belu1••CIUIW' Wtler Dl•I•'!~' fOf lmpro•emeM g,,.. rate.,..., Kale ol wao-1, In ect.-..ice tonlat l tlle Plannlnq Oeoer1_...1 16 q•\lllt nl 8•u aftcl c4rpetlftQ '"" w .. ,,..,...., but not lo n <wd Ir• '""No 106 w11111-. to .,. pelct In,,.. <onJl'll<tlon ~rellrtOll'lfM ll•tn' at'61·2.04. 17• Pelntlno. Wall cover•n••"" 1,lquldWft.,..,....lnQ. .,., tMum. oaval)le w rn•a-.•11v .,... 8id O..tll· A <ertlllect Of uslller·s ""IN •bove onlltlecl ·-·-"'' CITYCOUHCILO .. THECITY 11.0lalkl)Oarcls andProletllonS<rMfl. Mlrclll~CIS•ol•mbfr h•<~VH• (l\eCI< on. re\C>On\il)lt ~""or"'"' Tllttsaldrettalld K ele•H ~bot OF FOVHTAIH VALLIEY It TolltlPartltloMtllll Urlnal$<f-Pt.YMEHT: Said bortCI\ anCI '°"' •n comoanv In '"' amouftl or SI0,000, 11\t City Councll by ltnolutlon Ho. 7.,1 Evtl'fft Ori-10. Oraoe•v Tr.'K•s aftd Fabrlca. tt•Ht tfltr .. ., are ·on able in 1awtu1 i>0v•ble to lhlt order o• IM OIS1rlt1, on lite Stll .,., of Jenuarv. 1'14. -Is Olpuly Clly Cte•I< lt, lnleQ•altcl Otlllng. -Y ot tt>e Vnlt•d SIAIO\ ot •mtroC• mus1 "Ktomoanv t act> D•-• •• .i Oft fll•"' the oflk• ol '"• Clly Oerlt ol Pub!ISl'lfel Oranoe Coot O.llv Piiot n. Ptumblno. .. , ... C.Oroorate Aqtll(Y OIVl\loft nl 9u.v1nly lll•t '""bidder. 11 lUCct»lul, vlcl Oty. Tt>al Hid r•t• ancl K.tlt 11 <kt H . "" 44»1' u Haalinq, venlll•tlnia anct Air Conclitlonlno. Bo<\lr. ol America N•llon•I. Trusl 4tlld wl1t .-.:ce111 t ncl pay tor salct bond\ 1., e<· NtOln rtfffr•d to trtd a<IOPtecl tn "''' 1._ El1<trlu t. Savl119• AssoclahOl'I. fli~tl •O"nl lot tOl'dance wltt> Iha term\ ot Ms bi<I. TM notk• as thouth fully 11\cl c-'<ltely PUBLIC NOTICE T ... "DISTA 1 CT" wltl reulve ~to. but nol lattr lhan the abo-.·•l•ltd time. tha Olllrlt t In Los A1>9el~" Calllor"'• 'htck eetomN nylno any •«~M P'O· set 104"11'1 .,.,.,,.., anct '"•I 1•IC1 t<ale,.. !iOalecl bids lot ll'lf ew<1rd ol contr.ac" '°" th• •bow prolt<t. All blclt wlll tie or 11 env i>a•ln9 Aqtlll 011tie O'•t•ICl •n -nl \hall l>4' APt>lf&d Oft tllt ourtha>e ~ ... bY w ld rttolutlClft. ,, ...... • NOTICE TO CR•OITOltS _.....,•NI ••ad •loud et l :OOp.m., .... 111._ • .,... s.n Frantl~<O Calllor11I•. Clll(.<)90, II· ()rltl or. ,, \UCl'I P•Ol>O\al 11 &<Cf Pied PMtof tilts notice by referentt. SUPa9'IOlll COVRTO,TM« Tlltre wlll bf a uo.oo cit-II rtQUl•ed In H <" wt or bid do<:ument• 10 llnols. or New Yor-. Htw ¥o•lr.. bUt no4 oerforrned. Ul'l<'\S such tellure Tiit Co11t• tc tor •"a II. In tt>e STA.Tao• CALlf'ORHIA l'09' oua•&nlff tl'lt retu•n In 9C>Od con<llllon within 11 .. clay$ afler tl'lf blcl openlnq q£GISTAA TION: T"e -will be ol oerlorm1ft<e VWlll be caus.ed bot Olly pe•torm1nto o f Ille wor-a nd THa COUMTYOI' ORAHGI elate couoon bonds re91\1r•blP tolher a1 to 11<1 or oml\\IOll ol the Olsl•lct. sMll lmprov•-nl>. t Olllorm to tf'lf Y bor Ho.A..... EttllbldmuJ1tonlormendb.,•-n•lwloltwttorttractoocumenu. orlnc:loal only or n to both orlnc:1p1t '""n be ta\"9d and 11>1! proteecfl ••· Cl>dtol the Slttt of Gtlllornlaandotl>e< e \II It 01 OL 1 VE p 1 E II SON E•<l'I blcl •11•11 be •<tomotnlt(I by t ... -!i•ltV referred lo In ,,,..tonl•ecl -lnleon l. And lhe bDnds m.iv llt dis· lelned by Ille District. The chKk k · ..... , DI '"' SI •It o l Celllornl• aECKl EY JOHNSON tk• OLIVE 8 , clo(urntn" Olldl>Y '"° llst OI pt11POM01ub< ... tracl°". Cl'la•otd ••om re9l\l••••on In ac tomoanv1n9 UC" un<>t<OPI.., ll'Ol>OWI <1Pe>iltable lhoreto, wllt> tt>e .. ceotlon JOHNSON Oe<o.ed The OISTAICT ruerves '"' rl(llll 10 relKt any or •II blO• or 10 w•lve any Ir-cordan<e wl1h the P•O•••le>n\ In tlle rt· will t>t returned oromolly, • OftlY of sut l\ verlaho•" H mav 11111 NOTICE' 15 HEREBY' GIVEN \o the r-outarlllM.,.. lntOl'malltle\ '""'Y ~ch or lntt>t bl<kllno, \OlutlOl'I orovloln9 tor Int hsu•nc• Of CMln .. ln Tn lumet SlttlK: At •nv rtqulreel under tilt sott•at ltllUl•S < t(lltors ol IM abO"• n•medCIKodtnt The DISTRICT ha\ dt ltrml""" t"" 9fft<'•ll pre••lllftCJ ••le ol P•tr diem Wldbonds """' belor• 1"9 l>Olld, are tenderedlor o ursu ant 10 wt> Ith o•otetdlftCJ• 1;,.1 111 Pf"""' havlno ciolms 60-'•n.i ... _,In the ICKt hlly In wl'tlcl't lhl\wor-h 10 bf Dtrlormfd tor ott> trait or\yPo CALLA Bl I!.: Tile bOlld\ l'Nlurl"CJ Oft CltllV!'f'V 1110 \U<(~\\IUI blclde< msvt11 \· ....,,..uftClor ••e l•k•n •nd w"ltll .,,..,. lh •Id dececlfnt .,~ •toUI• .<! to ""' ol wo••m '"netd•d to exttult lhfconlrecl, to bc •\follows: or orlo• to Md'"' t iq9\. •hdll not I>" affirm an<S wllM rnw the orooosal 11 t"" nol ""n \.UOW"i•0.0 bY the provl\IOl\\o 1~~. ,.,,,., tM neceu dry vouchen . hi Cri1tt, Cli H let•tloft, Of,,,. w ... Ritt sub(t<t to c•ll or redo•nnHon prior to lnt~rt\t r"<:t!IV•d by or1v1te "'°1.der, 01 tt>t l•bo• C-P••••••"<• to'""°' lht 111 1 tl>e <lerll " t,.. <!OOvo "" AIOQ<trs and w1.,.,. lor 1,..1,. bu lc l••des. Sarne w~cie sc•IU as <rails towt>lct> mblu•lly All l>M d\ rnMu••no o" or "•"' l>OM \ 01 tl'tt s~m~ tYO" an\1 st> .. 11 be o•ven only ,,., lllt nw1>11er 1111 ° <• ~ 10 r ~·llllttm wHh o.e .,991ng and wetdlfl9 ••• •n<lcleftl41. alt•• Maret> I, 1"111 or onv ot '"""'· <n••·><'"' •M ii be Cli!cl~rftd lo bt la••· provided b• ll w "9(~~~ ~::.c..:.,~';;, 1M V110..si~ llRICl(UYER may IW t all•d l>'•torr m•lur1ty '"'" •e· bit u•como un<Ser prc..enl lt<k!r~• •<1· Ho bid \llall be con .. d•••d unl~S 11 b t '"" Ill I BU ATON (;AUlOIN ,,.,, ....... n 105 m.,.,'I not ltss lllan j()( ptf' i'tout •bo"'I Journeymtn•••·· dffmtd. " lllC 0011011 ot ,,,. &o.l•CI ol ,,,.,..,. ........ , eitl>pr bV a •Ullnf1 ol ""' made on a bl,.nll lorm fu•ft•~ Dv t,,. • 0 "t.0 N SON Allornt Ai Brlc-•,.er t. St()ftf Mason . . ........................................ 10.to Otreclors e>n Maret> 1 1'1!16 ot on tny lnlftnAI A~v1n1H' Servlcr ot by • de· City or Co\ta Mr\t. and Is """"' In ~OM'~~!><> P ELie ;.,,. 11,,,;~tr aRICKTENDER 1nter•~I oaym•nl dfttt llwrt•••t•r prlO• ''"~n of Any lrdrr1>I court, or sn•ll ti>~ aca>rdenct wllll ,,.. P•O•••toM ol ~ c.e~io.n1t _, •;;"';" 1, tt;., DI&• 0j Brltll1"'1dt• ........................................................ t1.S. to ""''""'¥ ("""'n•'""' <~lime< CIO<larl'd tuable or IH! requlr@d to Ila .,,_.,, r•aulrtrne'l". ol the unclc,.1 d In all met· a111taNTERS cnllfd '"" 'rtcSemoll<>n d•k ·1. Bonel\ laVn l'tlo.tccou111 In coon0utlno-••I E•<n b•-m ust be llo~ ano bv$lneU 1,... 1 •~I• ol .aid do· Carcwn•er ............................. , ... .. .................. •SA <611td P"O' 10 mah1••ly ,,..11 "" '" '"'°""' ta•es. bY 1110 It•-of "'"' •l\Ou•._etllieo •H ..,ll••t<ll>'f l•w ~::e:''!,i,.,~ 1~~': ...!,..1"' t!lt< ..,. T~• oo-r u w _,.10, • . •• •• • ... . .. .. •. . . .. .. ... .. . •.. . . .. • .. . . • . • t '4 OHmod al tllO lollow1n9 rtdemohon l~ral Income Ill• lftw ltft&<ltd su!Ke· The Cl!Y C.Ouncll ol IM City of Cini• llt\I ~llll<allon 0111111 noi•o. Mlllwrl9t>I ...................................................... , ..... 10.04 or::~ 11 Se qutnttolha <lat• 0111111 noll<•: Mew rtwr .. >lhlt 11911110 •flt<l tnYOt DlttctO<looore tu • O.V-11 F'o•t"'•n ... . ................................................ ivt' •~•l'l'td 011 or bellln! II-CIMlntt>a,.,.; ••"" P•lnt"": Each •llbl<K A JACt<SOH Gt.VLOIN Orywall lnstall•r •••• ., ................................. ., ..... 11 lt . ·-=:·1'94 d lltOPM&l willt:Jtuftclet\lood"IOt:Jt (oncll• EILEEN P PHINNEY Eu <utoroltn¥WllloC Acousll<•IWOr'9r ............................................... • 7& belor •;.-~-llltrt1t"r t nel Oil t!Ol'lfd UOOft the 01\lrlt t IUtnl~no to Ctl• C•••• ot 11\C the aaove named de<t<IHll C..b.,•et ln\lallft .. ., • • . •. •. ...... .••... .• .... .. .. .... .. . .•. •• .. .•. • . t 54. or • 1>1embtr 1 1tfl7 Ille CJUrtlYw.r. wllhOul cher99. t.Dftt<lf'· CllV ol C°'ta Mu• • TON GAULOIH Saw FOt • • . • . • . . . . .. . .. ................................... •.n 101 .. II ,..,., ..... d ......... tt r Ind ... '"""Y ... ,,. .,..menl lor •nd clfll~•v of Publl\l'l'd Ou nqe Coa>I 0.11v Pit~• T~~50M &NfLsOH PHeOrlnMtn .. , ,. , • .. ........................... , •1 · orbeiort St111emtior I, "H lllO boftch. tt>e lollowlnqc101lnq-rs, Ott 2'J dM No• • '''• •IOl '' ""-•' ai uw fi><'eman tk pet hour more '""" ll•Qh<t\I clnslfl<•llon super•l\e<I, extool IOI" If •-emtcl lllt•Hllor a"" Oil •e<t>daleel 1119 elate ol <le livery: Pl'BLIC i-..;OTICt; 1 St,. 1 1 A oneumaUcn•lter.oroowe•5l..,it<. otlleforeS.ottmber t.1• la t Ltoa1 Opi nion -T"e :.ttl~. ~.~,:'..;:; CE.MEH'T MASONS , I~ II recle..,.ed 1"9tulter Ind 00onlon ot O'Melvt nv & Mven cf Los Tot· 0111.,....., .:. ...... 1Mtson.llO<'tln•und1rowellnorntt"ln~OC>trator ................. •t4, orlorlotNturll•. llnQftln Ca111ornio1, 8orid ~·. •11-Att~YI 1., I •Kutor er,,,...1 Mo\On Jou• ntvm~n . • .. .. .. . ....................... o ,,. •11 or any ot tile boftds subl"<1 to tall pro••"? ti.. vot1e11tv ot the bon•h -,., .. ,. NOTICE TO CR EDITORS Ho. A·ttus Publo\Md Oranoe Co"'' O••IY p,101 Gr•ndlno Machine Ooer•lor CAii t'l1)t>I . .. .. .. . ... •• • • . . • . .. . . . .. • • • • ,( mey be called tor redemption al any Jl~llnQ lhal lftte•f>I on lt>e -••ex· ~ S , 21 nd N s l'1& O•H i Fortm•n IS<~· nou• abovf JounwvtnalH•IC • -time. II IH \ tllan ell of 1114! bond\ •mot trom ll\Co~ 1nu pl 1~ Urtlltd SUl'IE RIOR COU•T 0" TMI STATE 0, CA\.lfl09'141A l'09' THI COUl'tTY Ofl ORANGa ~• 1 1• " 0• • ELECTRICIAN!. are r-.,.,.,d •• <>nc time '"'" -St•I•\ ol Ame rica und~r present GeMral Forem•n ................................. I\ ()0, \IWll tie •e<l&~on~d only tn IM•'"' &roor 1-r<tl l...:omr IU '""'· """ IMtlu<h PUBLIC NOTICE tn tl'te Matltr ol Int E\late of PART I Cl t. CREESE, At(A PAT RICI A l---,.-U-l-L-IC_N_O_T_IC_IE_0-,-.-,-0-- 4. cqeesE. Al(A PAl RICIA ANH 7 .. 7 CREESE, Oocu > .. d. Tll~ S•ddleba c-Vallty Uftllled Nolle• 1~ ""•tly 9lve11 to crtdllof"i Sct>ool Ol$1rlt l win accept bl"5 uo lo· "•vino ctal-19alnst tne M•CI JO<• i·oo 11"'. Mo..,,n, November~. I'll•. cttnl lo Ill• u ld t lalm• In Iha otfk e of ti '"" Btntneu Si/rvlces Olllct. 11100 th«! <lt r• of lllt alo•~ .. ld tour1 nr lo y PU Rold, 1.19une Hiii,. C•llfomi•, P'""'"' tnem to ..... unCl~r\lllf*l •I '"• I 0 , s w ' M M I H G p 0 0 L oll•ce DI MICHAEL 0 . MCEVOY, '1;£Hj\81LITATIOH. MU,.CHl$0H & CUMMI HG, AttorMy• A mhllno will be Mid ori NowMber al uw. 6IO Wll\hl•e Pltte. In tllt Clly is. "'•·at 1:l0 o.m .. at ti><! ooot '''"•I of Lo-. A~lo, In Lo• AftQelff Co.,.t •. Mission Vlt lo Hl911 S<hOol, 25011 Whlct> latter ollltt I\ '"t OllK• ol t>utl· CMl\tnl• Drive . MIUlon Vltlo. nfU ol Ille unctt,.IQMd In all melt••• ca111ornl• Al 11111 time, prCKOf<\lve ""talt1lftQ lo s•ld •slate. Suet> cl•,.,. bklclen w•ll 111w tilt l)f)1)0rtUnllY lo Ill '"' ne(t\Ury VOUC~I mu\I .... amin• lhe ICOP• ot work ID bf lltecl or pre\tnltd t\ ••o•~\.Od wtlhln oerformod. •nd H<ure bod orooowt• four"'°"'"' alter Ille llrsl O<Alllcat•on aftCI ioetlllu tlon•. 11\lltpllc•. All bid P•Ol>OUI\ mu\I bf-""" DltedOtt 11 "" '" a 1u1tcl t n•floP• t llcl plalnly JOOEEM ARMOLD nwrlted on tllt late ol IM enwl000t. Aominli1rato• o• , ....... It 'OUOT A TIOH fOll SWIMMING wltt>Wlll 4"n .. ecl t'OOL REHAllLtfATtOH" ~~~~..,f.UMMIMO 814\ wlll be OC>enecl •lier 1:00 p.m . Wlt.111 .. "*o on Horim-,,. 197• ••• ,,. MIHIOll I.ft._..,, CA ... ,, Vlelo M141\ $<hool. MICHA!L 0 . McaYOY ~-l•t>e<' Vall•Y P\11111\lloel Ort~ c o.ut 0111v Piiot. ~7::;~~=~1r1<t I. 15, n, :i., and Hov S, .. ,. 8U\l°"H Mtnf9'!r 4:115-7• Publl\had Ottnqe Coot O.lly Pl•ot. Foorem~ .......................................... _..,4": .......... 13 •3 Of:J~u;g;:v;;~· ISSUE SAld Mnd\ ::~:::.~.:~~:f~~:~f!t~':rc~;::~~ ~~~mL~~e.:n;~: T~~~~'1(i~:"f .. ;t1t1~-d'Wf16f;·;:;:,·;;:·~·;; ·;;:·.····.··: !t:1 were 4'uthorh••d fort~ OVfOO~ t)f t~ ~' "'~''"' \tAtP lncomr ta-c1.1ws tA Ot..AltER ttCaut~l\lo" a nt1 co,..~tru(t•nt' o• ,.,wcr cor>v ,,, ... .-i1d OOtn~on of O'Mttl~ny A Glerl•r ............................................. ,,,, •• , ..... , , • , , , . , • 1'. tt ~lllt1~\ in lmorovement O•\tr•t.t No Mvrr\ cfrl1f11td bV on otflcPr o' lhc- IROW WORK•9'S ...... o•UICI O••lrtCI 0111r1c1 by foe\lm11e ''0"4ture. ""'"be A.lnrorc1no lt0n Workt• .............................................. II 03 SECUR ITV · Said bond\ \Mii bf paid Of'lftled ()ft ,,.,. Mc~ DI ... c ... bnnd. No S•ructufal Iron wor~•r ••. , , , , ••• , ,, ••. , ••••••••• ,, , , , .... , , • , 1 , • , 1 l OJ trom an ll\\f'~vn1.1nt ut>On 1.1nct w1\1'1n thAr(lt' wlll bt.• rnadf' 10 th~ our(~!)!ii(lr Ofn•JTWntitlronWor-er ...................................... 11.oJ . Yid tmorovr.>"w,..t O•\tr1c1 f'tr (l\tltQM. ,,,,,u,.hD""'''"'lO,.Cf\nl,1rbtlnn ~: Foo"""' JI oopu !'lout mo••ll'l<1t1lllQllO\t c1au lllc11lon\Upervltoed l>Ur\Yanl to X><llOl'I\ 364'6 <Ind l~lOI ol 1111 A c~rlll•t•I• 01111~ 01\lrlcl t~•ll· LAIORIRS . 1"9 Water Coelt wlltttl In Hit dlstrtl1on lylnq IMI on ll'tt t>a\I\ ot Ille taci.. l.Abor'er\, o~ntr•I or con)trutllO!" ........................................ 1.•S of the 8o•rd •re rh1t d •nd col~ttd fn e,11rnat•1 af\d clrc.um\tnn('~ In ~•· OotralO"S •"" ttnd•rs ol one....,..11< •M•ltcl•tc lleu tl>lt•eol MIJ •II IAubl• •·•nd '" U•d ••l•"Cf on ttl• dale ot t\\UP 1t I\ not~•· tools vlbtetlon mathlno and \lmllat ,.,_"""'"'' 1 l,,_o•~""'"' D"'"" \Ila It ""' M>d '" ,,,.ct•ll tl'lat tne 1uoco-.1< .,1 ,,,.. -~ tool\'not wiuratelv cr•u lOeo Mrt4n ............ , • • ................... J.K ! ""-''" Hae>•e to bO A\\t•\\fd tor ,~,... "''" bi' uwct In n man"'"' that woutd C.oncrelt Curer 0 lmperv1ousrMmbr•"" and lormoll., .................. I 8' D;Jy,,,..nts. tau\r ,,,.. iw..o• '""" ••b•lta9"' bonch: Con<ret• Screeellng IOI' RouOflSttlk..ofl.... •. •• .•• .. . . . ............... 1.01 lEGAL IHVES Tll.\E"fl ... ,1r1 """"' let A (f'r11flro1" al 111 .. Olstrlcl \l(lnt<f c;ot.crett . W1ter cu1tno ................................................... 7.#)S ~'"' l\\Wfd ''""""' And ounutJnl to tnr t>v nttletu\ iand r~prt1\f"ntati~ei o• the MlurTrucl<. Cltultm•n .................. ., ............................. 7 6S Calllotnl~W•ltr Ot\lrl(I L~w OIYl\IM 0 1\trlrt •••llfyinq tr> 111" IOll')Wi"<t. Ill Ptoe , • .,.,.., , .. • .. • .................................. , .......... " .. 1•16 13 ~ l~ WAtn· CritJ1• ')t 1~ "''·"' IM lh'Jt ~\1(1 off1r,.r-. ''"" r~nrf"\1Jnt'1Uvtt Piotl..al"frS 9ftkuom•" .............................................. 1.•• · C.llfo"''" Sdld ho"d"-' will b.•nu• thf' ""'t \iqnf"d thf' t>ond,. w,.,...Uw, by wtld1nq In COftne<llo" wit" l•bor• Wor-................................. e. "· Oell..,y lhereo• llP <•rtll•"d '1>f '""''' '•' \lmllr or m•rw~I \19MIU•~ drwl 11101 w trMtow Ctt~'M',, •• , , • , , , , ••• • .............. , • , • 7 ti>S ~"' Uft<J., &f\d n •"\1111\t to "'" orn tM 'I wr-r .. '""Df'cll~ty d u1y .»i11thottt@d W•lcrwnM\ .. . • • . • • , . . ... , ........... -·•· -· 6.9'• \11\IOl'I\ t>f t~ 01,tric h ~curll,e· L-\w ,,, ..... ,u,,. tt\t s•m' ''"d (21 tn.u l""1r~ Fotom..,60CoerhOur mottlllallhlQM>t<••sllllc.tlenwoetvlMCI. Dl••slon 10 of 1110 W•lt• Cott• "no llt1q~11.,... t"•••l~Md or O'nd•"'l Ot"a ltATIHO •MOIHl•RS How~· ... no• .... n.1.1ndfftCI UC h ~lf0<lln'l I"" v •l•d•lvr>t '"e ,,.,,.,,, Gtouo 1 ................................................................ 'I.JS <"'1111callon In 1~ oo•nlon o• <oun'•' fdl n 1• "'"•DI ot tne 0 •\trfct 11>ow Orouo2 ............................................. , •••••..••••••• t .Sl \aid -wlll not ~' '"" """ "' '""'' •tlt)llllllhoourtt>a-. ""'"oltne~. Gt'ouoJ ••• , ............................................................... • 92 1s,~•. t>t t-11f1•bl• ,,,, trw '"_.. ""'""'"' "'''""•nq '"'•'fl't dCcrutd 1ot•d1t11tof Girouo4 ............................................................................ '" of fuM\.O'f \t\Ylf\Q b""'' "' ~"" ,,,.. fll•ti\ia ,v fhfoor~of. ha\""'''" '*'"'~'W'f'CI oy GtouOS ••• ··········•·•••••••••••••••••••••••······················: ••• tOllt 0tr tf'llt Ol"\)v1•.lOf\\l"ll tf\,.J!1f\11'\t ••C~ tPU'"01\frtr' Cifouc>' ..... , ............ , .................................................... 1o ?' nt it-wt Stet• of Cft<Hfnrf\1 t ind 1 'th• Ct' I I\ c1·1"1•ft( ''~ ot tf\~ Ot\tffct Gt'ouP 1 •••• , ................................... , , ••• , ..• , ••••• , ..... , •••.••• to.41 ~t to tM •fl•ct wfl• ~ Ottl"lh.11on1n. • '"~'°"' f)y t~ D,,,.., '"'cf s:-trlt'"'f" Of t"C> C.,.,,,Uol •••••• , ................................ , ....................... ,0 SI ~ bil'MatP\ tftot r trtlfi<Atlnf'I D•\trlrt A'fl"'I •n .,., "''ftltll "fK>Mity l;rouo• . • •. .. . • .. .......... . . .... .. ...... ... , ......... 10.11 TIERM\0" $ALI to ,,..,. • l• .. rl tn.11 10 lllt be<t of '1h 4'23-1' Forem.., SO< oer hour mo•• lllan hjQM" cll\Mllcallon \u0t•••$0'!d. let.felt 9'1te: Tilt Ma •l"lll"I •Al• ""''"'""1' ,,n~ t!>'llvl •nd •II~• •t· t>AINTIEIU bid moy no! fWCted I~ ""' """""' •v•n 1b•• •~••\llt'Uhon. 1"'1 <Oftlvnl\ 01 Oct. ,., And HOV S, lt7' PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUS IUSIHUS NAMI STAT•MaNT n. lollowlnq "''°"'art dol"9 bu>I· M \\ •\ THE R8STAVRAN MAIHTEHANCE S E ~VICE. ">0 PIK fftlla. Ho.•. Go•la Mt..,. CA 'l'l•l' MoftlOft H. Oougln IV, ,,,. w. 0c .. .,1ront. Apl. Ho. 1A. Newoort &tact>. C'I 'l'lt..O B•ad Pa ul E<lr.eflwelter, JlS Via S.n Remo. N•woor18•ttll. CA'l'l6'>3 Tll<t bU\lntu I• t ondutlt(I by • 1Jtntral ~ttMr'\"lo. Mofl\Of\H. Oouo•a• 1v Thi~ \l•l•-nl W A\ lllf'<I Wiit> ll'lf °""''"' c,.,, ot Ora11oe c.vn1.,"' 0c1 "· '''' ........ Pulltl"*' Or•ftOI Coa" O.lly PUot. f'or•man Ct _nor ltUI. SO< ObOvt JourMymlfH tlt. DAYlble \fm•al'lnu•lly 1"'1•••1t~f (<1 n the ()tlltoof Statemt nt rel~lnq II) I"*" PUBLIC NOTICE er~........ . .... .. .. .. ....... . ..... ....... .. .................. 10 J7 bi<J •••• l'i'IU\I Ile. multlnln ~ ...... I 10 DOntU. 1nt lUdln9 ,,.., ll11•11c1a1 In· _S_T_4_T_l_M_l _N_T_O_rr_A_l_A_M_OON __ MEJn' __ ~:.yr'ht"9~' · :.::: ·::: .. :::··· •. · ..... • : ·:·:::::::·::.:::: :~:~II ~.~7~~~~·~:lbo~;:":.•,~-=,:: ~l~~I~:~:~ .. ~::., :::~~~~~:.'.!~ 0 , U"I Orr 0rY'f"tll l'lftl\lltr , ., • ,. •. ••••••. •• .... .. ,. ,. .......... ,.,,. •• 11 J8 malU•11¥ ~Mii b>l•r ..... ,.,.,,. ""~ 8'\d trt trfe and (Of'r•<l 111 811 tNltrlll • Pll'I TRADIS E•<" tl04UI 11\U\I MM lnt~tt11 M 1hO ••llf(h Ott'"" d.11e ol , .... """ "", ... "CTITIOUft 8UllNISSN4MI °'"""I Forem•n. 20"" •lto••OtOHJOU(ftCYma'I ••It. I r•t• 'M<lllll(l In lhr fll(l llOftl ll'ld••l• In O•tt or dl'llW'fy of lllt bOl'ld\. """,.,., li.. lellowl"' Ptrto~ ha.•~ Foreman.1°"abov~qronJou•Nym•n•1>te. I •h Hied m elurilY d1llt. O"I• ""'' IM Oll•ct•i Sl•lement <Jon not <ontaln lheut.OI th•llCtlllou•bullMH,.._: Plurnbt•Und lleamllll•" .............................................. lt.t• i couoon wlll bf llllA<Md IO•••lllW'Wl•n• •nvunlru• \lll~menhol • m•t~rl•lla<t M.AltOllE'S MAN"iEOUIN. 11601 S.we•llndStorm Oral"JOIJr,..ymt11 .•.•...•• , .......................... 1.91 t1c1> IMt11Hm~n1 or 1nler~\t '"'""""• or omm 10 "•'• ~ny moteri•I 1ec;t rorbH Ad .. LtlJUM Hh1uel, C:.lfl. '1•11 Alt Condlllonlno & 1terrlQtrtllon And bid~ providing for Md•l•orml or requ1red •n hr \IA It el tt>o•oln Of l'alll Waret>, 2/IU Cellt del Od. Cu llllt!IO.tl'I Foretna•·10""abo ... Carl.J IM ........................ U .$0 1 WD111lt111tnlol t OUl>Oll\ wtll bll r•IO(t•d "•ce\\a•v 10 m~i.o lt>t •••t•menl• MIUIOl'IVlelo.C:.111, 0tn'I For~m•n·I0"4 tll"fvtJIM , •.•.• , ..................... , ,,,, T'htt r•I• Oft tJIY malurlly .,, qrnuo"' lflf'r•ln lnll'ttllOlllollM<lttum\t~n n.1,1><K1,..,1wHcOftel\ICtedby"'I" Carlllltd Forem•n·IO._ above Cart. J IM .................. ··~········ IJ.2' m•lu•lltt \\1'111 not ~ mortlM'! 11 ,. • undet whlrt> th•Y wire made •n<S ctlv•~•1;,41-W••tll t'ilftman·11)'1j.11tove J.,,..ntvm.., ................................... u.u lllotoer tllo~ Ille lnl.,~•I r•I'"" ""V ml\l .. <11no. Tiiis ""''-"' •H '"" .... "' ,,... Oortllltd Jou• ... .,mafl .. • • . ............................. : ........ noes °'"" "'"·'" lly .,, O•OUll 01 m•lu•lt•o• Tl'lf (Oil ol 1>'1"11"9 Wiii be bcW'M .,., ~-C .., O ,. I ..._. JoutMY,,...,.. •• .. .. . ........ ........... . ...................... t ... JS Award. Tiit bOMt m~v Or -Old•" A lhedl\lrtcl .... Ul'llY "" V' ··-...,un y "" ...... •e111.1&NT "l..001t. OICO•ATIYICIOVl•INO !)flt• 9<1U81 IO,,,.,, PM••""'"' •mv• CUSIP It ·~ Mllc•o•t•<J ,...,, cus1i> t ... ,,, CJltoet. 1.lnoltum & Solt Tiie 1.A'l'or\ ... • ............ ,. ................ 10 J) OI' IMllOw lhalr oar VAiue. t'<ttlll lllel fl\lmbtf\ will .... nrr•l•d on IM "°"<II • .. 11111"td Or Co t Diii ":= Clroet Sewen .. . .. . • ... .. .•.••.. .... .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. . • •• ., llf!Y <llKOltlll l>lll ,., ... M l ••t...O ..... ol ""' n.ill>«• ,.,.. ·~llu•• to O•IM \~h u anoa I J v 1• Ml'erlalHal\dler , , 1 ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••" •• 611 the.,.,-v•lllf ot ••id bond\ Thtlbortd\ "~''on •nv honrJ nor ""°"' Witt\ ...,..,. Ott. 15, 11. )t •net HOY s. tt7• 4ll3-t SoMml-A09llUlot .............................................. .' ••••.• 10.n SNll lte \Old lor U •ll only All biO\ ""'" ..... _, ......... \Mii (l)n\111111<1 (.U"I ltOOfl•RS .,. tor Mt •• ,, lh~n all OI ,,.,. -'"' • l•llu•• o• rttu••l l>Y IMllUf'Ct'I~ ... Otl n 1• Nov t,,n ,.,, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 1P11c" 110011 oo Eat••' N<•tw oll•••d •or ,., • .,,ct ""'" "'" 1-roi 10..,<•1>• dflll•••v ol •n<I 11t• •Df' ---------.....:..-------:-----------l'onm•n • • .................................................... "-" SNll •latt l"'t tot•' or••• otlt•..., 10' '"" ,,.,. """"' •~ •«O•<IMto wltt> "'" '"'"'' C:ITYOfl l'OUHTA,,.VALLEY Subl'ilA man •. . . . ................................................. ti.. bollfi.. tl'ltP'tm•vm. O• ll'tedlK ....... 11 ol , ... flul'(M~ < ... lt<t<t. All eltPlft•O ,._.._A_ ~wman ..................................... 11 ~ ..,y,.,,.thelnlor••lr~l•o,,M9•""4~ of pr1n11119 CUSIP num~r'l.., ,,... , ........... ~.~att711 T-try HllP ...................................... ,., U <e.d that IM<•ll•CI ...... 1 •• ~l WIM(ll llon4"•Nlll ~ P<llCl bv It>• 01.i~but 0 ... lttMITAL WORKI R$ ll'lf 114dW Ofltrt to l>'JI' ,,.,,........,,,_ tM CVSIP Set1rlto llure1u <lllrtt lot' R I f' •T o.t•1"M AL '11AN$ACTIOllll Offtt••I fl-m•n tl"lo owr ~.ic..... .c'Cr\IOCl lllt .. "1 lo IM d •I• oi a.11 .. ,., IN tn\tfl,.,.nl ot ••Id num~ 1111111 flltc» .,_..._.'-"at, lt)t l'eHmtll'I. 11'1.0vtr bA\lt ...... Et<ll bllldff lMll ll•lt ii• "'' ~ ll'lf IMI otld by 11\f> llU•t l"ltMf. ltlY•NU•• • 91fet Mttel W.rlle• , .• , ...... , ...................... ,., tUt lo\al ""1 lnlt•t't1 CH I In doll•" end IN IHl'OllMATIOH AVAl\ .. AllLl!I .. . LOS ANGELES CAP) -The City Councll has ' breathed new life Into its downtown redevelopment project \>Y Ultlng a 10-month freeze on 20-year plans w revamp social, economic and physical aspects of &he 'business hub. ""-lv Tun o.i1wTa•ts Lie.,_.. & Ptrmlh 1'11111. p;o, ltlt\ & PtllttllH """""' ,,...., VH ol Mo<'lfy & ""-"Y ._,,....,.from Otl'lft AOtnCHI\ Ollroes '°' C•1rr ell\ Str,,1cu O!llt• "'""""" Total-. •• .,.,., ~· m.~1 TIAMSTl!tt ......... ,... lllte1'11•1 .... dolt •"""'" OW)t '°' ............... Conctr'AirtO .,... 1 11",Mto f0t-50t!lffltour morethlfthlori-\t1t1rt1tt .. uau111u11en ll'ltftb•. w111cn M'llll ~,.,... .. .,.,..,In· ctl\lfi<I et fo• toolt\ If the Ottlcl•I 3•1.211 °"'rWl'li(h,..ltfo•ema11 1•or.....,tT~un0ttlvrl\dldlon '"""'"""P"•ve"d'lotf P••l17111lt.,.._ Sltt-111 11r•nM~d b'I' lht OhtrlCr ,~·~ .. TteMtMtt UlllOft, •atlucllf\o Ml'f -...-lfU "'•". tont,tnd '"''"" .. '-'"' •1-c1 lhe -wlll " Of\(,,blnQ IM "°"" \llO<llcl tit ~- ·.,, -..1,_n. ·--to •llt f'lf~nt ,._.,,1hlt lllcl--'* 10 =·..a1 AJl'rt-etlw9eiltlC:rohl,etllmClar1YM..,t-...t ............ , ....... •.9t w or bldM "' C11fttkltrinQ '"' •Mlf~ Se<..ttrvot Ill• 8o••d. 1rv1,.,. lla"Cl'I .... • ••• °""''*'V•hlC1torComblnttltflt4Ve1tldest4I •~M.,r•1t•\lll<lfltt1 111dll'le 0ttml11m W.itr Ol\ttl<I. P O. llo• 0 ·1, '"''""•' 1,u l..... tulH ••·•••• ......... ,. fltt-4'ett~. II ... y.,.... Cellfttr'll•'1'''0 R MUftlCloat 'lna11ce N.S.t.ljO ~ •• • •• •"' '""" ""'"" ' ................... ··• ••• ·-t>l<)ltftl hi(! wlll tit fltltr"'i-11'1 cit• o.-'\"""I Blvlll Ea•tm•" 0'11 & 0rtt un Ori-.. . . . ..................................................... t.IO $ICtl 61 "" ltld °" The council voted $346,633 on Thursday for the Community Redevelopmetnt Agency to draw up a »'Ork program for the effort. The council also voted :(o set an over-au Umit of $750 million for tax inert· mtnt funds that may be !pent on lhe project. ~""' Poue..,.•f'.r Proh .. LOS ANGELES (AP) -As one Hollywood division police officer pleaded innocent to a m1sdt· mcanor charge that he had en1a1td l.n 11ex with a lffn1gc 1lrl, omcers have acknowled1ed that t.nolher probe la under way lnto new chart•• or 10· 'u.aJ misconduct by offie«a rn lht umt ell vision. Aftu bls plH, Kevin M. KJrscb, U , a three· }'ear veteran of the tOtCe1-wu ordered to stand trlal Ote. 12 In Municipal Court. Meanwhile, a new in· )ttsU10Uon had begun into alleaaUoos of nxual 111.lat<>nduct by other officen with nurses. : . ... . ~ ----- llCNNDITURIS ci.111r11 00,..,,,,.""' · Otpertmeftl.•I °'"'"'' Ciovtrnmtnt • HDft·Otptrlmtlntal CtOll•IOwlll't P\11111< s.1e1,. flubl le --· ,.rut. lhtr•••lort 'tolel !L•oeridlt11rn WA1'19' UTILITY O"RATIOH JllC•I YtM ll'ldt4.-.,,. JI, 1t7' ...... _ "°'"" -· ... -· Owr ... t YH• ~'''''Outley ..... L ... L ~wa•"'•''-" M.•n .1• 1m ,1:11.010 t HO ... T.R ... 70,i.os.uo i 8 I l It + 71,0tf a. °'""' l•tmellort + + s, *'vei ... ,..., •.on.•• 01 m.>u u..c- l lUU.080 v.0001 ..... ~ ... 10.UUOS ~'"'"°"••Co•1to111,11111wt.ou.n.m• s '11.00I '·°"·"' 1'J,03 Mot,,.. .. ,., ..... •s.t.'8• k .M1.M1 T .... --.. ... t.cwed uoe, ... ,., 20,"9,UO t,17',1'0 ... 1u.m.uo 4'U.Jt • -·-... • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • •• .. ... .... ................................ • 7S "O the •mollllt tllt.... ""' c.. IMOtto<lll•d ~I\ Ca lllOrN• SlrHI,• Wll'ldl TM1' Ori wt· 12th' ot"ltourMfll'-1 ' OI 8f'yl tr.in 11'1 ~el •mO\ifll llf Ill-5eft ,rt11c1tco, C11ttor"I~ '"°' . .......,_atlnt110wtrwlnt1'16'\lmll.W~lt1•«•11C"""llh IAl'tit wtll'l'I tilt Oltlrltl wo;ild lie Tht 01\lrltl w111 orovl()t ~we• Oftv.rtllf Ttt,.lll·ml~ lruclla!Mdtr 1~-.f'dt ' • t 6• ~ftd ta"" •re"' tilt <I••• of "let et\1ttll "Cldt' * (OOlt\ ot INt Off It I Al '#9rlll Truell Ot1 • ' • • • • ..... "•·"" • • ... •' • • •• •• . • lltllllt le Ille rtw.<11\it 1"1Ahl•llY .. Its ".t.'"'11\ el 1111! ••ll"l'llP 0( ltlf O.s.. tl\..r:1Yllt4'MD•;~·-·;:nowo.t'.la~·, .............................. t .la ""'•°'ti tllt ttuOOll r••t or ralAt\ ttlf.t. ...,._"INlll•llttUhen 11 mtnUS.OO~daVtbOvt.lotlrMYmlll. 11*.lflelltrt Ille ll!d. Tiit ntl ""110 IM OIVIN bv Old~r ot ll'lt Boltd Of ri .. ,,,., ..... 11 _ 011.tna"' enY tald or 1tld1 011..,1,... i.u °"'K,.,, ot 1rvlnf' RM1cn w11et" Oh.· Tiit ,.., · · • • · .. " ""' " .... "' ·" "·"' · ·• ·" "··•• • • ·-''-N• wllt at cttttrmlrit d llY IKNl"O trlc1,.._.d on Au 11•17~ i.1~ Ctntt:.::: ..... ' ....................... ,, ....... ., .... .,,,.,.,,. ••• 1.9" llt .. llllt•lt1-lof lnlert\IW11lcMhe AltTHUA CQKOAN Tiii fortoo111() itMdult ·~ -~· ;;;~;· it~M4·~~ I wtfliftt' ;..:·!: ~t '""'Cl M rtqu1,.d 10 ...,., f...-S..Crtt••v ot t"• 8o~rdot tltltl m "ot1rt. TIIHtl• tot f'lot.....,.,...~~•l'lell•9'1fftltt"'Ulld ..... et'll•llonlt• to tM r"lllKlt,... Ol..-C~Ol lht '""n• •II. • ~ .. tu'"''"' fl IN CM1Pt11 ltlf'ICl'IWtltr Dl\lrl<I It IMll bt lll•tldtlO<'Y -Ille CONTltACTOlt tt Wlllftl tl'lt ctnlred Is ,... flf _. .. lf'Clli.11 In ,,_ llkl lltt l'vbll\l\ff Dfe!'IQI Coot 0.lly "110t,. ,..,..,, "'d -11\y Jullell'lttklOt ~ 1111'11. lo NY .... i..t '""' ""'.... ---·IN dl'K-1 blO 11 M'ly bid I• ()(I a 1'7t ....,_.7 lll•ct••tt\totn .. , __ ,..........,....,lfltftllt1"'9•-.n.i.tf11'1ec.t1ltect. t"'-:-------------------------.... _._,,,..., ~ ........ .., ................ IOI !leYIOf._ .. "' ltr "" -Ill flt •' llldt. A~f!M~'*"9-~e~llMf-ft• ........ lltlor ........ ~ UO!t\'Kt. TM .. ,Mo111t llMd .,,_, bt "' .. fllfftt ,_. lllotll 141 1M ~ill(\ _, C'OAST COMMVN11'Y COLL .0101Ult1Cf IOAflll) 0111 TRUSTIH ly IV H09'MAHf .WAT$0N lec"rtl•"t· ..... Of~ "'*!""d0.1"00 C61tt °°''' "'"'°'" t1, tt. m• .. . . . Friday October 29 1979 DAILY PILOT Olympic Group Confident Paren ts _. .. 1: c11eer for Both Teams LAKE PLACID, N.Y. (AP) - Not one penny of the federal money promised tor the 1980 Winter Olympics has yet made Its way to this picturesque Adirondack village. Nonetheless, members of the Olympic Organizing Committee, along with architects and civic Jeaders. confidently are moving ahead with plans as though they already have received the entire $49 million. PHILADELPHIA CAP> - Harold aad Betty Gehe are pin• to Saturday's Penn State·Temple football game with the same mixed emotions that. the President ot the United States experi- ences when he attends an Anny-Nayy game. They have boys on both t.eams. The president, of course. mQves from one slde or the field at halftime · to the other, so be won't be charged with favoritism. The Geises aren't going to change their seats, but they may be waving pennants or both tearns. The Geises ore the parents ot Joe Geise, a starting defensive end for Temple, and Steve Geise, a fin;t.string running back for Penn Slate. "Thls is one game we just ,go and wat<'h and enjoy and keep our mouths shut," said the father. "There is no way we c&n have a preference. We root for Temple every week. We root for Penn State every week. this week' we're neutraJ ." The elder Geise said that iC Joe makes a good lackle, h.e and Mrs. Geise will applaud. If Steve makes a eood run, they will applaud. But wbat JJ Joe tackles Steve? · "We'll Just sit there quiet." Glese said. Mrs. Geise will be happy in that instant if they just both set up and walk away uninjured. Oo which side of the field will they sit? "Well,. last year we sat on the Penn State side, so thjs ti.me we'll be on the Temple slde,., said Geise. The father said that while Joe, 22, and Steve, 21, squabbl ed like most brotber5, they have been very close., "Steve is raster and ruways could outrun Joe," he said. "Maybe that's why they got along so well. Joe never could catch Steve." Gelse remembered a day when the boys were on opposite baseball teams, and Joe was piiching a perfect aame in the last inning with two out. Steve was the cen- terflelder for the other team, and he had popped out in earlier batting appearances. "I wa s sitting ther, enjoying the game. Joe's team was ahead by severat runs. Then, Steve hlt a double. Joe threw his hat, atomped on the mound, 1lared at 'Steve on second base, then atruck out tho last batter on three stral1ht pitches," Geise recalled. ''I guess if anybody bad lo get a bit, I was alad, lt was Sto ve . I had mixed emotions. J was sad that Joe didn't get lt (the perfect aame)." Getse said the boys never let things Jlke that disturb : their relationship. Saturday. Penn State is favored over Temple. But· for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Geise. there is no way they can lose. The site Cor a new $13 million lee arena has been selected, and architect's plans completed. A speed skating facility, a luge run and other planned facilities are in the early design stages. With the approval oC the state Education Department, a special six-week winter vacation has been scheduled for the students oC Lake Placid High School so that their school can be transformed into the maln media headquarters during the games. Ne~ F~eling Lakers Revitalizes • tn An environmental impact statement has been completed. Gilbane Building Co., the project manager, i s investigating ways lo improve the village's power system so it can handle increased electrical loads.· Lots or hurdles remaln before the XIII Winter Olympic Gaml's become a reality in February, 1980. But organizine committee members who met with the press Thursday made it clear they are ·unfazed by the obstacles. The occasion was the official unveiling of plans for a 9Cl-meter ski jump at an estimated cost of $2.S million. The ski jump proposal - expected to meet opposition from environmentalists -calls for the construction of a 260-foot tower and the clearing away or trees at the same ski jump area used for the 1932 Olympics here. Members of the media were bused to the snow·covered top of the ski jump hill for a look at the architect's rendering of the 191'.l-meter jump. The site also provided a promising view of the Adirondacks' famed High Peaks region. Art Devlin, vice president or the organizing committee, and a member or five U.S. Olympic ski jumping teams, said the site was ideal for the new jump. "The area is protected from heavy winds , and since the landing hill faces northeast, it is almost always shaded and holds· snow well," he said. ' At the sa m e time, he acknowledged that the proposed towe r already has brought criti c ism fr om so me environmental groups, which say ft will impair the mountain's natural beauty. Under the overall plan for the jump area, the existing 70·meter jump would be renovated, a joint landing area would be cleared, and the spectator area would be expanded . The original b l eachers from the ·1932 Olympics still stand at· the bottom or the jump. Kings Star LOS ANGELES (AP) - "When you score goals, you get a feeling inside, you start getting inner confidence," said Los Angeles Kings team captain Mike Murphy, after leading his team to a S·l National liockey League victory over the Atlanta Flames. ''I've never really had that reeling in the past." Murphy and his mates should have an abundance or that feeling aftt>r Thursday night's trouncing o( Atlanta. Murphy scored a shorChanded goal and picked up an assist. The Kings allowed the Flames only 12 shots on goal. the lowest ever against the Los Angeles club. "Everyone's doing his job when that happens," said Goring. referring to the small number of shots taken by the Flames. "They (Flames) were a tired club tonight." Indeed, the Flames played like a tired club, and with some reason. Thursday's game with Los Angeles was the Flames' second in as many days, having lost to the Color ado Rockies on Wednesday, 4-2. Los Angeles, though1 was raring to go, and maae the Flames goal look like a battle zone, slapping 45 shots at Flames goalie Phil Myre. The win enabled the Kings to continue their domination over the Flames who are now winl ess here in 10 games. Los Angeles jumped to a 5-0 lead after two periods before the ·Flames got their lone tally agafost goalie Rogie Vachon. Rookie Bobby Simpson sc6red Atlanta's only goal with 13:09 left in the game. Don Kozak 's second goal and Marcel Dionne's ninth of the season -with four seconds left in the second period -gave Los Angeles a 5-0 advantage. The victory gave the second place Kings 15 points in the Norris Division, moving them to within four of first place Montreal. The Kings, now 6·3-3, return to action Saturday night at the Forum, hosting Cleveland. Sports in Brief San Diego Wooilig Reggie JackSon? SAN DIEGO -Slu11lng outrielder Reggie Jackson says his appearance in San Diego Is unrel a led to baseball's first re-entry draft, the San Diego Padres or Padres owner Ray Kroc and his millions. Jackson, of the Baltimore Orioles, was seen In San Diego as the Padres were spreading the word they would be only lukewarm on getting Jackson in the re·entry draft Nov. 4. The Padres say they have heard that Jackson wants $3 million for a five·year contract. Jackson insists he Is only staying at the posh Rancho La Costa resort near San Diego to do a short for a nationally syndicated television sports show. But he ls known to have had one meeting with the Padres, and Jackson also is aware that Kroc, the McDonald 's hamburger magnate, has promised to make his team very competitive In the re-entry sweepstakes. A...,.,.Rabe Prl~• Ticket prices have been increased ror all California Angels home games for the 1977 season with exception of the atneral admission ducat.a. All general admission Ucket prices remain the same as tut year with adults admitted IO&" $1.50 and children for $1. · Field and club level box seat.a will sell for $4.50 Instead of $4; 1 reserved seats will be raised from $2.50 to $3 ; and t.ernce. level bo1 seat.a from Sl.50 &o $4. • . -. ·N.aa.,W..W .. BUENOS AIRE& A.r,...una-; ,. RomanJan lilt Nastase beat. countryman Ion Tiriac and Artentlna's Guillermo Vilas won over Adriano Panatta of Italy in the semifinals of the Obras international tennis tournament Thursday. Nastase defeated Tiriac, 6·3, 7·5, in a match that lasted 1 YJ hours. Vilas won over Panatta, 7-6, 4-6, 6-4 in a 2\12-hour match. Olcker EU•fnaCe d PARIS -Chile's Jaime Fillol elimin~ted Tom Okker of Holland while Eric van Dillen l<>&t to Britain's Mark Cox in the quarterfinals or the Paris Indoor Open tennis championst\ips Thursday. Fillol beat OkkeriliM, s-3 and Cox ous ted Van D en, M, 1-6, 6-2. (}Cl a t Letlfl •~• LONG BEACH -UC Irvine's water polo team bids for its third victory over use this season when the two teams batUe at Belmont Plaza pool tonight (7). Pnua~la Gell PINSACOLA, FIL -'"Im rWUllld ..._,, 111 the SIU 000 PtftU<ol• Ooe11 .. H 1-..t on ti. 6.~Y••d.1>*•·71 l'tll•<K&la Caumry Cl\141 COUfM. JtrryMcGu 3'1-tt-(>7 G 1(11udto11 U.37-70 .IOlln S<l'll" 3A·»-4t1 M Alld<llpll lS·3S-10 TOl'l'myA•"'1'1U·M-4t7 ,C.Stl<ll•• l>·J7-70 ltoeMllnllly ,,_,.._,., E Oouoi.trty U·U-10 Lff lldlt• U·»-61 La•ry Ntl~Clll 3MS-10 'f: .. W.l .. 4Hlf :s.t.34--tia MdY North 36-U-11 Mlll'tl "Hl5 )s..3)-U H lltn<H )6·U -lt OrW JO!lft M·34-6t 0 .Artller U..Ja -71 8"a.Sl'll1111 31.,.._.. M.lltr1Mr·l1·U -fl De11 S1•n u.--.., P l'tN~ M-JS-11 D9f\ ,.,.,.,.... lS..U-.t RIClll• ltArl ·7'.14-11 t f'INt MM•" ,._,,_.... JIM Collltft U.,..._11 'f0191.ltnltl~ U·Js-1• ... loellt• 36-H-11 ~r9"1t8t¥d ,,_,._.. Dlill,._.W J447-71 ~ .. .,. SHS-70 Gety'#l!!t1 it.Jt-11 P.OKICf'IMI , ~70 S All.tit U • 11 D. U.."" JW7-10 P1>11 •ocso."' 34·J7-lt Tff\"Y Oltllt if.M-70 0Mv l(Of 11 307 I I ~dllltttr ,. ._,o o. .. lfG111r ,.n-11 M Mc\.Mft U-ll-70 A S.11 ... 1 JS.Jt -71 ~Ntltll ,U• 70 Jl'rH ... 1 J7.JA 11 loot"lfllll• ._,._70 9111 l(rettert ,,.,. ·11 .,._.,._ ~10 M ~'' H-Jt-11 CMNOttll •34-70 O..'lbt~"°"'US.»-11 LA, Hawks '' lnForUDl 'rdtTonighi Mesons 0n the Move Costa Mesa's Mike Teregis (32} interceptlii a pass between Mike Hearle (84) and Tony Fu Iler in upper photo. Below, University's Dan Mitchell (75) reaches for 0Aoly Ptlol PIMltol '' '-ff flay,.. Dave Mollica. Costa Mesa won the South Coast League outing at Orange Coast Coll ege Thursday night, 16-0. For game details. see page B6. INGLEWOOD (AP) -Th· coaches are new, and th• strategy is new. But th•' "new-look" Los Angeles Laket still bear a striking resemblancl lo last year's Lakers so far thi season. Los Angeles, under rookli coach Jerry West. makes it season's home debut tonigh against the Atlanta Haw~: following a road trip that saw th' Lakers win just once in four tries! Despite the new players -; guards Mack Calvin. 001 Chaney and Bo Lamar, an\ forwards Earl Tatum and Aller Murphy -Lakers supersta· Kareem Abdul·Jabbarstill hast•• do most of the work. · The big center bas played hi. usual yeoman role in the Laker5 four outings, but has had llttL · help rrom his teammates. • The Lakers needed a big. high-scoring forward, but th~~ weren't able to get one. And ~ guards they signed, all formerl\ in the American Baskelbat'• Association, have bee1 unimpressive thus far. One bright spot for Los Angele. this joung season has been ill• play or veteran forward Cazzi1 Russell. . Russell is averaging more thai 20 points a game, and is hitting a around a 60 percent clip from th~ floor. . · · Atlanta, like the Lakers, bas : new coach in Hubie Brown, anc many new races in the Uneup 'including former Portland guar< Geoff Petrie. The Lakers h ost the Detroi· Pistons Sun~ay night. OCIR Drags Lure McEwe11 Tom ''Mongoose" McEwen o Fountain Valley will join th Jargest drag racing field i: history at Orange Count International Raceway tonigt- for the 10th annu~1 Manufacturer's funny ca championships. More than 100 cars have bee .. entered in the action that begin with qualifying runs tonight rror 4 to 11 and again Saturday fror 11 to S. Eliminations begin a( . Saturday night. Competition will be in all thre categories or runny ca . competition-AA, BB and Econ< The event is sanctioned by th National Hot Rod AssociaUo . (NHRA) and last year a crowd i · 1 excess of 18,000 witnessed th · action. McEwe n· will have a ne\ engine in his AA tunny car wl1 1 John Collins driving his secon entry. Ot'her top drivert in t\i competition include Do=1 Prudhomme, the winning~'' driver ln drag racing history, E McCulloch, R aymond Beadl<. Jim Liberman, Gary Burglr. Phil Castronovo, Mike Miller Ron Colson aod Tripp Shumak! Laguna, .Sea Kings Clash Tonight Artists Bid for Share of League Lead High school root.balJ frenzy has hit Laguna Beach for ooe or the rew times in recent years, and it could near a peak tonight when tile Laguna Beach High Artists piny their biggest football game stncel968. · The opponent 11' the league·leadlni ,Corqna del Mar H1sh Se(l Kl.nca •. who are tl.v,·po\nt ravorlt• h\thls crucial South Coaat. t•acue contest. Ktckolf t. 8• at L'qunlt Beach Hllb. Corona deJ Mar Hn1• a 4-0 teaaue record and No. 8 ClP' Z.A Panltlng into a game Chat Lquna Beach m\l&t Vlin ln oNer-to stay , within Lhecircu1t tU.ltpi~lure. .. !-•sun• Beach la 3·1 tn league _ and 5·1 overall and hasn't won as many as five games smce 1968, when the Artists went 10.1. It sl'\ould be a matchup of defenses in a game that niures to be low scoring oo paper. Corona del Mar hasn 't allowed an opponent to ~core more tlfan seven pc>lnts and has rclistered two shutouts. Laguna Beach bas recorded three shutouts. Teams are averaging 4.3 points aaatnsi the Sea Kine• and •.7 again.st the Artists. But lbe Sea KinJs are liven the ed(• because or a more proauctJve offense that featurH one ol the circuit's beet runnina backs in Mlke Spr!Ull. wbo has. picked up 398 yerdS on 87 carrles. Much or hls success has been due to hard-blocking fullback Brad Stassel, who has gained 177 yards. Corona del Mar is also given the nod at quarterback. Scott Merry, who prefers to hand off or pitch out to Spraiu from the I offense, has completed 26 of 73 passes for 354 yard,,. The Artists have onJy conaecled on 20 of 6.3 Cor 209 yar<ls. But tbe defenses are rated nearly equal and both teams start 200·pounders on the line. And both squads hav e ouutandlng secondaries. F9411 have completed ~ of 96 aerials qain.st an Artists secondary that has intercepted nine passes .. The _ Sea Kings have been even mote· productive, picklng off 16. u.-aucllL...._. 011..-.. O.lttltt 51! Nullll 170 t7S H-•r.lOfl o:· LT W.lll 10 10t SltWll\ b to Pih 1 n .m McOillOUQh C Stevens '°' UI Oe8tu11 AO Pon<t !IS 161 W.•IQ.tard /t.'f Or..-iol'I 2U 190 Mllltf ''rt! McN•"lon 115 1H G6f'llOf oa Oom9f 1u uo ••ot..,.rton '"II Mllltr ltO 140 HallMr 'fl '"r-1'1 1U m Sttombot11t ft.. W.11 11$ 110 Hllllll c.n-1 *'Mar LI-. °""9w ~ ... O· O• L Lt c c M ~ ,., m H.trrllf or ... 'f JoMllMS ,10 1H 0'"-11.t ()1 RO MHdor 190 1H "Ml NI C OM91t lU 1 I t.r•kKcl O' to uvton no tlO MtlOof D I U°"99e1 ,OS tts SIMMI I.I 'Ta IWlll"I• tlO llS Gerrelt l • Q9 Merry UO IU ... C ... llet" '' I'll stihMI 1U UO IMffY t;I "ft Sot.ill 110 HO ... 'IC.111111 ft•v J'I. ,,_ HO Ml,c;.!l.l!"'~-M•;s . . . -_.,,,, f 88 DAILY PILOT Friday October29. 1978 . . First Winn~g Season. As Mesa Collects, 16-0 :·. netted 286 yards passing and' runnin& to Uni verslly's 40. By BOGER CAJlLSON OI !tit Oellf .. 11411 Si," The Costa Mesa H l&h Mustangs recorded ~ 16-0 South Coast League football victory over Irvine's University High Thursday nlgbt-clinching their first-ever winning se~n in the school's 17 .year history. And they did il in convincing f ashion, running over the Trojans or University with each of their wea p o n s -Dan Duddridge with the pitcbouts, Dave Brennen over the middJe, Dave Mollica with his passes and even more so, Mollica with his running. running with good moves Md speed. Mesa's dominance came early. Firs~ il was Chris Cathcart blocking a punt to give Meua 2-0 edge with a safety. Minutes later ·the Mus tangs bad their first touchdown when Mollica turned Unl's defense inside out with bis 49·yard scam-per. Duddridge kicked the firs t of two PATs and it was 9·0 with 6:38 spent in the game. When Mesa scored its second touchdown with 14 seconds left ln the third period, the wiMers bad Rick Ayers saved a touchdown when be caught Uni's Tony Fuller alter a 61·yard run to the CM seven and Stan MUler { recovered a rumble in the end zone In the fourth period to s tymie another Uni scorin~ 1 threaL · f Defensive h eroes for Mesa included Mike Brantley, Mike / Teregh1, J etc Frazier and Cathcart. ·j Steve Titles was University's standout on defense. At OCC Tonight QUARTERBACK DAVE JERANKO GUIDES ESTANCIA'S OFFENSE. O.llr l'llOt St .. I ,,_. • Additionally. the Mesans' ant-like defense, swarming the field through three quarters as the Mustangs built their 16-point lead, held University's speed in check until the verdict was sealed before 3,000 at Orange Coast College. FV 38-Point Pick 19-7 Triumph Lions Roll Past Newport Harbor By ED BURGART Oft~~ Dally Pllol Sl•tf Those who advocate b.all control football would have enjoye d watching th e Westminster High Lions play Thursday night. After struggling through a penally·m arrcd first half. the Lions turned lo their brwsang running game and scored a 19·7 . Sunset League decision ovt•r the Newport llarbor Sailors at Westmins ter Jligh. Holding the Sailors to no f1rM downs in the second half, lhe Lions also gained 134 of their 198 net rushing yards and broke a 7.7 tie with two touchdowns in the final period. Taking ad vantage of a 22.yard Newport Harbor punt late in the third period, the Lions drove 44 yard s r or the AO-<th ea d touchdown that came when Dou~ Boswell ran six yurcl-; off ta<.'klc with 11 : 31 left in the gaml' The conversion was wide Then with 7:53 r cm<.1 1n1ng, Dave Dominguez intercepted a Tars pass at the Lions 42 It was at that point when the Lions put together an impressive 58-yard dnve that consumed more than four minutes. Once again. it was Bo!>wc:ll who scored the TD. running four yards off tackle with 3:22 left . While Wes tminster impressed w1lh its runnin,:! game. it abo shored up a defense that was riddled by Sailors quarterback Greg Paquin in the firs t half. Paquin completed s ix of nine aerials for 97 yards during the first lwo periods, conn('('ting on a nine.yard swing pass to runnini! back Roy Ray with 34 seconds le.ft before halftime. Ray broke several tackles to score the touchdown and Eric Smith 's conversion tied the score. But after intermission, the Tars could only com1>letc one of 12 pas s e s a nd h ad lwo interce pted a s thc Lior.s displayed a much stronger pass rush. The Sailors had their chances in th e fir st half when Westminster was penaJ1zed 46 yards-the Tars had 60 yards in penalties during the same time. Starting from their 23.yard line early in the second quarter. the Tars-behind Paquin'!> s harp passing lo Mike Mello and Ray's bruising running drove lo Westmins ter's three-yard line with a first and goal. But they couldn't penetrate lhe middle and were stopped at the one. At the same time, a defense led by linebacker Don Barker held the Lions to five firs t downs. The game also featured Tim Wig more, ex-Mal er Uei (Santa Ana) quarterback, as a defensive back s t arter and part·lime quarterback. Coming in for running purposes, W1gmore picked up 31 y ards on six carncs GAME STATISTIC$ F~Htd(h111111't~ fU\htt~q Ftr\t d" """" p.ac.,lft'J Ft•\t~n\nenalf•f'\ Tf)Hlltt ldoWl"I\ "( trckrv· h1n~ y,l'"tt'O.,..,,~ VtrO<.l'lll,f Nq -tar0\11-1"\s-!S P\lnh a'l'1 di I VVd\~n•t•t•d Fumot.-, fumblP'\tO\l Score•v Ou•rt..-. N I ' '" .. "'' ?I .. ~ . ,.. ' I •I 0 ,, 0 I w I} 7 ] ti 717 ... :t 1)1 t JI \ 9,, 11 0 t) I N*""'°~rf)i'.\'Dor W' \IMonl,., 0 I 0 ,, •• RUSHING "'woor-t H•rtiot tel> ,., yl ~·ti Rav tl ., n 'Q W•rd 8 ~ ' ftQ P•ou1n ~ • 70 .1. TnMI\. lR M ·11 't Wt\tm1"\tf'r Bo\W~ll n 101 •O ] l GfJtA,t11 11 81 t S4 Wlqrno.o ~ )l 0 n N~l , ' n 1 0 voucll t 0 10 1)1) Tol•I, ~ 1n )4 ]q l"ASSINO NtWpertH•,_ P• O< ..... yq pc!. P•qu•I\ ,1 I l I'll> ))) Wutntln1i.r C•OUCll tl • 1 ... 101 W'<I"'°'~ I " , 0 0.1'\ Total h .. , ,., MD, Pius Tangle Warriors Slight Favorites DOWNEY -The Maler Dei High Monarchs of Santa An a begin the tou~hest part or their Angelu s L eastue football s chedule ton i~ht when they collide with the Pius X Warriors of Downey. Kickoff is 8 at Plus High. The Monarchs , 1·1 in league, face league·leading St. Paul or Santa fo'e Springs and rugged Servile of Anaheim in upcoming c l ashes and need a victory tonight to maintain title hopes. But the same can be said for the Warriors, also 1-1. And it's Pius, 5·1 overall a nd ranked No. 6 in the CIF 4·A poll, which is a three.point choice. The Warriors are given the edge because or running back Darren Nelson . r egarded as one of the Southland's premier prep runners. The speedy back has rushed for nearly 900 yards. But M ater Dei h as some weapons a l so, most notably quarterback Mark Drazba, who is effective with bis scramblfog and throwing the long pass. Drazba has completed 28 of 55 passes for 442 yards and has gained 232 yards on 60 carries. And the fncl that Pius was burned for two touchdown passes by St. Paul has to be encouraging for Wayne Cochrun 's Monarchs. M ater D e l i s not o nl y oCfensive·minded, h aving blanked two opponents. In league action, the Monarchs held Bishop Amat of La Puente to six points and St. Anthony of Long Beach to zero. Off ... ,. !iE Sllit0yl Rf Tool AG OomlnQU<'t C JoeGl- LG lr!Q!'•m LT Dlv1Mkl se llffvwsaert 08 Or•11N Fii O\Mf' re c;o.,,,.1e-s Sii Olek\On Otten,• U S "O Tool OT 1..i ·llQ Meceult'f OG 190 1111 Jo'"' G~4\0I\ 00 185 !IS Joto GIHson OT 110 llQ ()Ison LO 110 l'O Ewlnq L8 se 11s M<Gow11rt Le l&S 17S M&acl'larn CB 190 180 °'"<" ca 1H 11S 0 10\0f\ RB llS US Romt1N S Women's Volleyball VARSITY ~ter Del del SI. Anlllony SIS. U·•· IS. 10. Edfton~Hunl O~"Cll th, IS.7. New_, Hlrbor d~I Ftf\. V1ll•'f 15 •• 11°1\, 0 10 Wt11in1nuer d-' Marina '"11. IJ.4, 1~··· Unl-...riily def COUA M4>H 1MS, IH. IS.10 C4Mdtt Dllfta Hiii\ IJ-•. IS.7 . ........... 9tacn ci.t Mini°" Vltfo 1s.n .. 1s.•. S611Clemtntt dltf It Toro 1 .. 14, tS.7. E•len<I• Clef S1nta Ana Vtllt'r 1~ IS.10 JUNIOlt VAOITY ~It• 0.1 dtl \I Anl~Y IS.., ·~•t Hllf'll • ell Otf l!dltOfl H·• IS,, Ne•ll0!1 H•r-d<>I ,Ill Y•lley tf IS. 1• 14. U 10. MerlN *f W.\lll'lln\ltr t• t~ IS. If. ~'-.._ o. .... -. .. t1l ttl Ml PC owe KOfll\t. '~"°''· Or.,,•<11.. &tancia Collides WithSAV Estancia High of Costa Mesa, gunning for its second straight Century League football victory, takes on favored Santa Ana Valley tonight at Newp ort Harbor Hi gh. KickpfC is at 8 and the Eagles of Estancia coach Jim Bratten are 12·po int underdogs to the Falcons, who a re ranked No. 7 in the CIF 3·A poll and No. 9 in Orange County . The r e are two common oppone nts-Santa Ana and El Modena. Santa Ana Valley defeated Santa Ana, 15--0, but lost to El . Modena, 14·8. Es tancia nipped Santa Ana. 7·6 and lost to El Modena, 27·13. The Falcons of Santa Ana Valley coach Dick Hill have chalked up a S-1 record with a wealth of speed and a tough defense. Quarterbacks Andrew Paige and John Tagaloa, along with runners Rober t Powell and John Coles have excellent potential, although the Falcons have shown a tendency to error. Despite the mistakes, there'is also the big play factor which gives the F alcons the edge. Estancia counters with quarterback Dave Jeranko and runners Kirk Langdale, Dale Rickard and Craig Harrill. Langd ale, J e r anko a nd Ri ckard shared the running duty in defeating Santa Ana, carrying the ball 34 limes between them and gaining 114 yards. The E agles have not gone to the air as much the past two games, but when they do J eranko has good targets in 6·4 Mike Camp, Harrill and Toby O'Brien. Jeranko has hit 37 or 100 attempts for 540 yard s and fi ve" touchdowns. The only cas ualty in the Estancia setup is defensive guard Dan Killion, who is listed as unavailable with a sprained ankle. Bratten says his team's real hope in upsetting the Falcons lies in the abili ty to play emotionally h1~h on every play-to stop the big play syndrome. Twice the Fa Icons scored touchdowns in the last 20 seconds to win this year. e1talt(la 1tu11,,.u..- Olft ftM 0.ft"H TE 0"8rlon tu 111 Wllli•m\ OE T ll•<lll()t ?U 110 CA11<11<>1a Ol G Obvmt•"O ,'IO 110 Roll~ NC c C••r>dAll tlS Ill Windham OG G Pl\Ar\U ... 104. tlS .IOM OT T Snva~' 190 1n !Mtw<lllKtt oe <;E C•mo t'IO t'IO Obvm•tto LB 08 Jpr•ntto 170 llS Cunoff LO TO L.A"'!d81~ 110 t10 Jerantto CB l'B H•nlll IH 110 Lan9d•I• CB se Rlcuro 180 lllORl<kMd s UCI Net T~urney The first a nnual Anteate r doubles tennis t ournament wiJI be s taged al UC Irvine Nov. 13·14 and Nov. 20·21 with play being held in open men's, women's and mixed divisions and also B, C and D categories. The tourney Is open to players throughout Southern California with proceeds benefiting the UCI women's tennis program. Entry deadline is Monday. Entry b l anks are availa· ble at Crawford Hall on the UCI campus or by calling Doreen Jruh at833·6960. For coach Tom French and his Mus tangs it means they edge to within a half game or league leader Corona d el Mar, which is at Laguna Beach tonight. To Topple Oilers If the Trojans had a shot at containing Mesa's offense, the running of Mollica destroyed it. The sli ck Mesa quarterback ran 49 yards for one touchdown and two yards for another TD in netting 129 yards on lScarries. Most of his success began at the line of scrimmage where tackle John Pelichowski was fl attening his opponent time after time to ~ive Mollica his hole. Then Mollica took over, * * * GAME ST A TISTIC$ ""' CM Flr"\t down\ tU\l'unq • 11 F1r~t downs 0tt•ulnq 7 7 Ftr\t OOwn\ oenl!tt•«~ t 0 Total fir\t OO#f"I~ " .. Yard\ ru\tunq '" ,., V •rd"\ p.I\ ''"9 ,, ll YarO\IO!.l 44 " ~t vard\q.l•N'"'f "' 1'11 PVf\h•ttverlKI"" dl\t•nc-. • 1• I JlH ""~"""·"••d J tS s \1 Fumbll'\ tumblf"C. IO\I H l? Score by 011•r1tn Unlvttr"•tv 0 0 0 0 0 C.Ost• Mesa 9 0 7 0-16 AUSlftNG Vnl••MllV 1<11 yq yl ••• Futle• 16 m • I I Snift,.r I 11 0 3 I lan9madl' I ?'I 0 H 0.\Yt\ I! 'IO .ti) •1.9 l ot•I\ J9 711 .. . ) Cosl•MHA OuddroclQ<! 1\ ~· \" Br,.rtntn 11 ... .. 10 Molll<<t H "' 10 ~6 Tolals ., ?Al It 6 I PASSING University .,. pc ""' '" P<'I. DAv,s ~ ' I ,. .110 LAnqmAdie t t) 0 0 (II)() TOlals • , t ,. .?11 , .. , ...... "' Motl lea 1 J 0 " •1'1 After six weeks of gridiron warfare, Fountain Valley High School's Barons are undefeated and the Huntington Beach High· Oilers are winless. The two teams collide in a Sunset League outing tonight (8) on the Orange Coasl College field and the Barons b ave been installed as 38·i>oint favorites. Few will argue with the odds altho ugh coach Dave Va n Hoorebeke and his Oilers will show up for the game. "I've told the fellows they will have to play a perfect game just to make it a contest," Van Hoorebeke says. "We don't take anybody lightly and Huntington Beach ha s probably. been its own worst enemy with m istakes." coach Bruce Pickford of Fountain Valley says. Unfortunately for Huntington Beach, it appears to be a case of just how high the Barons wanl the score to mount. With Willie Gittens and Mike Musso doing the running, along with the passing of Doug Thompson, Fountain Va lley a ppears to have too much strength for the Oilers to contain. When it comes to defense the Barons are also among the top teams in Southern California. In six victories, Fount.a.in Valley has scored 198 points, an average of 33 per tilt. The Barons h ave allowed the opposition 17, an average oC less than three per game. When the CI F ratings were r eleased this week, 1''ountaln Valley received 19 of 20 first place votes. • Gilt.ens, a j unior, may be the top back in Cl F circles this season. He has rushed for 620 yards, an average of 6.9 per try, and has scored nine touchdowns. Four of them came last week against Newport Harbor. Doug Thompson, a junior wh has taken ovet' at quarterback for Injured Gary Coleman, has completed 34 of 67 pass attempts with four interceptions for yards and a pair of touchdowns. The Barons also have the top kicking specialis t in the area in placekicker Steve Steinke who Is capable in the 50·plus range. ,.ounl•l11 V•llty Ll- Otten1e Deltnse TE B. Slanton 110 ?OS MU\\O T Seymour 707 1•S Stallit1q\ • G R SlantOtl t8S ?OS Gt olr C B•enek 7tS 'Xll Sevmour G Grllt WS 11S 8oMV T ICO<tnlQ no ?OS Bo•Old SE Md•Q<:rurn 110 18S R S•~nlon 08 Thompson 160 110 Ma\on TB Gltl•M 160 tlS PaOlll• l'B MU\\O :>OS 161 w~,•·er FL HOlrnt!I t•S 191 Hal""'\ HuRUnflon llu<~ L5-~ DfltltM 0.ltnlf OE OT NG OT OE LB LB CB CB .. ... SE S<lrnpen IH 111 M<Cov lE RT Lonq t 10 10b Murphy Lr RG Boblft<kt 190 161 Nokl~VI(" NG C Lundquist l<fO 'XlO Colln R 1 LG Pt>rkons 111 lllO L"''tv RE LT Colin 100 1'!0 Rotn LB TE L•Uley 180 JIS ""'"'''"' LB 08 0 ""t\Undro t8S HS O'A'°'''"'dro CB Fa "9ttrr.on llS IH Hj~l'1rom CR TB Sw•rtl\out tS\ 1i.s Rul~ll SS WR Gltfll'I 110 131 Ar•fln f S Edison, Marina 'rangle In their final tuneup before their big showdown with the undefeated Fountain Valley High Barons, the Edison Chargers are 16Y1·point favorites t.o topple the crippled Marina Vikings tonight in a battle of Huntington Beacl\ schools. Kickoff is ot 8 at Westminster · High, and the Chargers figure lo have an easy time in improving their Sunset League football record to 3·0. Marina is 1·1. The Vikings, suffering key injuries on both lines, will be hard pressed to stop Edison's running game that is led by 201-pound tailback Jim Judd, who has rushed for 444 yards on 101 carries. The other tailback. Rey Cano, has picked up 214 yards on 40 attempts. They will be running at a line that is minus Shaun Mehaffey, the Vikings' best tackle who is si~lined with a liver ailment. Also, starting left tackle. Mike Howard, nose guard Mike Penner and end Alan Penner arc injured. In addition, the Vikings have had trouble stopping the run. allowing Los Alamitos to ramble for 451 yards. While Edison has a solid running game, it also has a talented quarterback jn Steve Rakhshani, who has completed 62 or 113 passes for 879 yards. He is generally considered to be the league's top signal caller . Marina will counter with a different t ype attack, one that Edison hasn't seen loo often. That is, the Vikes run from the veer a nd hav e a s t ead y Freshman Grid Results quarterback in Ron Vallercamp. who has rushed for 142 yards and passed for 375. They also have a breakaway ·running threat in Mike Fuentes. Ofle11•e Muln• LineuP• Utftnn 160M PolO,lnQl!Mnc LE SE 0 f>o1~ln911rn nr 110 LT Cherry 7?S 77\ Cncrr y LT LG Wlt'iOn no 170LOy·l NG CR PolMlnqllOrnit 180 lhS l(Mwl._ RT RG Lava 110 •~s Cner\1n R'E RT TuO~r tftS 110 And••r\o" L fl TE I< 1190'~ 190 llS Brandon l n 00 V~l!ercarno 19S 110 Gab,,~l'\On CR RB St>flnqH 1\0 us Hanvry c IJ RB Fut'n1rs ti,() tlOTr~'" "s<., FLSell>y llS tllOTorr~\ FS OflenS<I TE S'>e•Md RT HOlla(ldy RO S<nwartr C WllSOI\ LG Wll""rll'f LT Hulll SC Smit" OB ROh\M"I 1'8 S•rn°""' TB Juda FL ~!els Edh.,.Llneupo O.fenu 1"0 tlO lllt~n 1 JO l'l') W~l\""'n 110 180 Wlt~rby 7'1S tltO S11ee~\ 180 t IO Rand~! 718 110 s...-,,""•'' tr llS 110 Gin'""" llS tlS Sm1ll\ 1a\ 110 CAno 201 IJO Hydl!r no I IS Oevosie" OE OT NG OT OE Lil L~ CR CB ~ '; kore by Ounttrs SC \<l>rl"9 TO\-Green J, Srnllll. \\ I \ I 1 I I It I' I \I \ Ml,<lon V•ejo 0 0 0 0 -0 PA T-8an""r 7 '"""\•'.I O..na Hiii\ 6 o o o 6 Score by Ouuttn OH vorlnq TO-Sukut Gor""A .i.1 Mar I 0 •• 0 -21 Sroro llr Ouorltri Uqu"• e~ .. <11 () 0 0 0 -0 Un1v.,•1t11 n 0 O 1)-O COM vnrln!) TO•-Oennh J. C.O~t& MO\" O 14 J '' Vt PAT Odvv l CM .cor lno: TO• o,111•r J,. ScorebyOuarltr• Cho\MV. M.-1111. PAT-Tnomo-. Edl•onGr•el\ ,. 7 0 0-11 FG-Thomo\on • Mnrlna 0 0 0 •-6 Steir• by Oua•ler~ • Edl1on ~C!>rl,.o· T Ot -Manrr,., SanCt~rn.nlo O 1• 8 t.-71 C1rrow. Moran. PAT-Grose 3. Et Toro o O O O -O MllrlM -corlno ·TO ·Taylor "I llwln ~rm~~~ but bought my new cat in ~~~from JOHNSON 6 SON" Low Price. ond being treoted Uke o member of the Johnson Fomlly. wos worth going out ot my woy for. That's why I recommend yov drive to Johnson o 5on. Their Golden Touch service Is the ONLY woy to buy. Give em o rry They moke you feel real Important. And, to me. !hot Is important. Bill Skiles S•n JUMI C•p/llreno OllANOe COUNTY'S WlESl ll~N-ME~ OEALtflSlitP 66 YtAAS CJ FlllfNOLY fN/il..'( Sf.AV((! lit ·: I ohnson&son 29.-e HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA ~•O-Dt\30 COltllM T1lOUSHS Flawlessly tailored in our Classic Traditional Model. Available In G a b e '· d I n e • Flannel, Worsted . and Cllvafry Twill TRADITIONAt. CLOTOrNG •ooo TAITIWR.L4LW4Yl ltfM STYLI 17tti & lrvtne Ave. • W.tclltf Plan N9WP011 8eeotl • ~5-0792 ~a Bags 7-6 Polo Win Trltons Tabbed SC, El Toro Clash Tonight FV Runner Sets Recor d Brian Appell, ffttinl a w .... ..._. 1M1 ., ~ s i...&oru C""'"'S r 0 d In ...... 1 1M1 u ·• • c.~. 1L1 u 1>. 1 JoN• "''" e tt r ... • • Ill u ,, • 0 .. 1.10 ILi 14 "• • s parked CIF No. ' 1.wrc .... 11 i.:11 . 10. ~Ydt• <L> ranked Fountain Valley "·• HJ•'-lo z• -..... C*A IHlll')OaMHlllt ..... I ~., V "~-Ory I . lllel Oay. Hvn.•ktr, Qwne, over visiting HunUnitoo Str.-. 1c1 • ss: s MMi-"' 101 • R obert Brunswick Bea.ch In Sunset ~e •:s•. •. o. .. ,, ... 1c> 1•io0. 1 lttllQ9"man IOI 10 ... ; a Vll._,.a IOl tired In the winning South Coast League league-but haa played c ross country act on w ,.: '· "•"•rw" 101 ~:nJ 10. a udden d eath goal os footba ll rivals San b elle r than that , Thursday afternoon. 1Wri.101101u . L B .. •ll h Cl t d El Toro ' 1 di """7 M h ll M t "111111°'"'""''' aguna eac,. g emen e an me u ng a ...,.. romper ~s easrw e, ar na •••-1a,•ncmatMMtM edeed h os t Mission mix it up In a game ot over Dana Hills. SPOR1 PoSted a 27·29 wln o ver 1.--1.1ae11"1cn.tu11tvao.., Vlejo, 7-6, Jn South Coast running versus passing The Chargers of El Edls on of Huntingto n 1• H11111t m .o 11:0.. t.1tl1tY iEM> I I . _1 ,.,.. • T h l Beach •• Th• te•m• are H:n ; >. o1MM"o11 ltMI 11:1': 4 • .eague w ater po o a c tio n torugbt al 8 at .-.lSSlon oro ave two ab e .. .. .. K~Y9' llMI 0 :'21 s .,.~ ""'l· Thurs day afternoon. Viejo Hi1h. quarterbacks ln Steve Diab) tied at the No. 5 spot ln "'": "Oorev m ,.,.,, 1. w11~r · M eanwhile, l eague-The Tritons o f SC Key and Mike Sentak OS, the ClF 4·A poll wJ~ ::::::;;:;:o~~~\~~m,~11"· l eading Univ e r s ity coach Allie Schaff are and both figure to go to Huntington Beach and H1-1-.11mM•l'l11e ·<Irvine) s w amped host 10~-poinl choices to win the air in a n attempt to Westmfnster. 1• 161•" IMI 101•0: 7· "oc.rt' IM> · Doi h 10:4'; S. Lo .... (Ml IO;Mr 4. W•rniH, •E l T o ro, 22-2. And nnd s tay within slriJc.ing offset San C lemente's p l•DS Io other action, M.1M1101sa;s.cebov1c<M1111091· ... · ·u c d l M dl t r th So th t b d c ai t N wp o t H b $/ftvt ... 1•1 u :u;1• 1t11"•m.i11 e1 vis1 ng orona e ar, s ance o e u oug e e n se ag ns . e r a r or, mte;LS.bl•IMlll:1t;t .w1mtr, s parked by D ean Heck's C o a s t L e a g u e the run. wltbout slx ol lls t<>p a. 1M1111M; lO. ,..,,1. 1e111:.u. eight goals, routed Dana champions hip and a Their targets will be runners who a r e n o ..__ ... c11(tt11m""'·v•11.., Hiu 203 b t h i h CIF 2 A Rob dBob cb 1 __ ,. Battl ) g lb t l,Tettrtllt")10:1';2.~-< S, · • er n t e • a0< &r es auu e On er 00 e eam, fFl 10:44; a, Collroy IPI IO;SI; 4. Nttl E lsewhere, host Costa playoCfs. Mark Donohoo. bowed to Westxnlnster, '"' 10:•: s. "''""1111 1,.1 10:w; ... Me sa hand ed San A b asis f or San 11T·,,. ....... -.15-4.5. Akt1e1WIF>H:os:1.wOOC11oc1<tH1 _,, -A d ' S tb Co t ,l:as; •· hf'O IHI 11:14: '· WIMlt IHI• C le m e nte a 13·2 loss Clemente's role as the SE~"rOonohoo 1.0 Mission Viejo mgh's n JD 00 as 1 :lt;1Utlltf11f"llt:t1. beh.ind Mark Whitmore's favorite is the punishing =~~!,.~":'.~ ~ Dlablos and the Dolphins ·League action, Corona M••'•" Merhr uo c1u five goals. ground game the Tritons c -11mMcFe.,.n 1.0 d Dana Hills, two South del Mar swept by bost 1, n1e1 Pl=~~r11. ~ )n the lone junior work on the e nemy's LG-StevePin.. ieo Coast League footbafl Dana Hills, US-39, and 1w1 11:11: A. McF•rlln 1w1 11:JO: I I t h LT-Mlllt Hel'I"°'" 11S vi ill d ~. l Vl J j:)trntlt'I' IWI 11:0; ... f'lll(IM (W) co e g e ma c • interior. • "TE-<.-w91!J.cobo 1.0 teams in a stru ggle for s n. -ss 0$1 e o 11: .. ;1.<>1>et1tw111,s1:e.H1r11M<• Saddleback College fe ll Sch a r f sends bis oe-si-Kev m pride, cl ash t oni .. "t at d efeated Laguna Beach, oo 11:St1 •. Rine• cw1 11:00; to.. b f h l C . t fB-8111 F•l•br.,.,..r 11$ $an 1 614 15-32 Oltf'll-. (WI It: 1J. e o r e os ern~os, runners-Randy Adams , T8--<•0•"""11. us C e menteHigb. • u.i ... nlt'l'llSllM>llT- 10·7, in n o n -conference BUI Lawbaug h and Mike FL-Ro01n0tar1~ '" Klc~o(f is at 8 and the Elsewhere, University t. 111e1 ~.Mast°" 1u11o·«>: play. Saddleback is tied Dunt vi n -0 v er the 11 Tere o.i..... . game la rated a tossup Orvine) tripped up host s. Po.Mii 1u1 10:•2: •. v-1u1 ~1(1'*'4\ INl n •o ; • "~ INI U JJ t ICtll< ... I 00 14 12, 10-tot- \NllA·H l.itM '171 Ut l AU'IM I Cati IMI II OS, J 8ur1tMl11 tt l.Kno.r11111·tt • 11t1111111 J1:s Qlrry 11!1 11 41. o ltltOntr Ill I •ll<Jtr•lll II~.,_\ II ""'' ,. ,, ' , .... Mehr Oel 11•1 , .. , ,.1,. •• 11 ft; 1 lell\ole (Ml n .OS, • 0Hrv • IM.I 11.0f• t ~""'°" (I/ IJ:lli IO.. ~IO<l ll!IU·U. 1 Ill•' c"'""'" Oovl•v °"'""· 0o-( IMI II II S P ,., tl'l ll,U; ,.,...fl,IWll l!dM<l• 1•11111 II,.._ •stMclt IJll 1211 St~I• Alla Vtllty l. Lene•., I EM) 11 ;11; 1, 6 Prltl10 (Ml 11 U ; 1 Ar11nlt1 IMI "'>"; • Htrn•11oe1 u~1 u Gt: t, Holl••ten IMI n JI, 10 <Hllf9)S (M) u,. .. The Beffer lcrcJaln .. CHINOOK $6S9S . For the best choice In Chinooks,· select from the large lnvon~ory at Marquis Motors. Come in ~~~~~~!l.;Jl~~~todayl wilb ,Citrus and Palomar m iddle out or a tight LE-JtmM<F.-11 11a with n elther eleven E l T oro. 19·40, a nd :~~t~rt~:.~ ~~~,:!3;1Ji' for the lea d In Mission wishbon e with blockers ~~;::.:~:.:'..'" m enter l D g wit b a Estancia of Cos ta Mesa 11·10;1. L-.tlYIVI ll!ll;t.Ac\erJoll .. ~~~~;;;;~;;;;jiiii;;iiiiiii,ii~~======~--... Conference play with a Corky Calvert aod Mike qT-JolwlHm 1111 speculaUve advantage. beat E 1 M ode n a cu> ll:H; 10. Dovie <u> 11:10. 6-2 d qe-1cllO•vlson · 160 th (Orange) 23 82 a nd llYlt~DelllS>Ut1 ••111JX recor • H ackett o p e n i n g the 1..a-A"dYO•<k 165 Bo teams are 1·3 in • · • 'Alw•1M11o:tt;2.P1•mon•tM1 Sco•Oy Ov•'1•n ho les L&-0111 FalrDroll\er 11s league, 1·5 overall and ~ta Ana Valley, 25-30, 1o:s~; l. Mc<:er1,,.,. IMI 11 01; 4 •• Sold<llPr>ock 4 t l ,_ ,. I t' •. b 11 t l t l CB-Ro1>a.erre1 iu have fo und thell'· b' .... est tn a Century League lltr1••nd tMl ll:n ; s. P•n11r•11o IMI °'"''°' 3 A 1 1-10 s a a con ro s Ye cB-.<MrkOonollOO 160 666 11:U;6.McGowa11 10111·)4;1 Ma'°" '>4dd1•1><>ck uarino· Hlndtr•ktr, Of p}ay with th e Tritons Ss-Geor;eJl<obo 160 p r o bJe m attaining a tri•meet. . IP) 11:3'; I . M•rQuet CPI l?·OO: t. l(•t<n.Murpn~~~~;~·1· seldom going to the Fs-&b01••1n no cohesive ofte nsive e111,.,.;::rn~~Mlrl,.. Sot•l?~=~~~~;:,~~'i~;~:~:,~,~2=21· Scoroy °""tfft paSSi n g gam e. After TE-.M.~:" ~::::•Oflet11'1 110 attack. 1. Olrlsta11wn 1Elt:S3; 2. Platt IM> 1. Konrad ICI 10:25; 2. P,,lt JO) Coronaelf!I ~r S S 6 •-10 establis hing theif tough RT-Jlm MHCIOw• lU And neither t eam has 10:01; l . l•n1Clon IE) IO:OJ; •• 10:34S; 3. MtCt1111 (0) 10.40; 4. Dan& Hillt l 7 0 0-3 i RG-<:.orkv CAivert El\dlcotl (Ml 10:06; S. Golchteln (El' \..ul...., (0110:41: S. C•Clltr 10110:0 ; Scoring: COM-00.rm•n 7, OtrlCM. n side game, SC will c -RonlColron ~~.held any opponent to less 10:0?; 6. Otrcla (Ml 10:°'; ?, "l'ulttr (Cl 11:10; ?. AllQOIK IOI Pc°''· Oodtr t. wr19n1 6. HK~ '·. occ aslonally go to the LG-Mite H..:k•tt 190 than two touc hdowns. Mclersen IM> 10:10; '· o.H.,. .. IM> 11:"; •· Jollttson 101 11:40; t. ~" OH-~t•ne¥2,Mllo.c11. ts"d d "l' all lT-JoMEdwerCls 115 Coach Bill Cunerty's 10:21; t. Arclnlllf8 IEI 10:33; to. 1c1 11:tt;10.Aolln lo1 11:so. sce ... Dv0va'1en OU l .e an l S USU )' SE-6obHoover 60 Olety(MllO::M. • MIMlaaVleJal2'llJ91Ut11MllNcll I Un1voers1ty 6 S 1 •-11 e((e~tlVe. 06-&fadP.,ktr :10 Dolphins h a ve exhibited H-.IM<llf2'1CUl"11LV..,.. I. Sllrlver CMI U .Jl; 7. B6rnlley EITo•o 0 0 I 1-2 Bob Hoover is the HB-Randy"Clems 11S t h e more e xplosive '·"-ll(f'lt:4l(<ourMrecontl1 (MIU.:lt;3.Garm\h•uwnlll14:S7; S<Of"l"Q• Vnl-8•b.t !, P C.mc>llell • HB-8111 LaWO.ugll UO ?. a ........ lfl t:W.; J. Calv-IHI '· Oulst (Ml lS:IJ; S. Marple (LI 1 BrNn l M•ds.:n S. 1am°""' 3,. ma J 0 r t 8 r get f 0 r FB-Mlk•Ounlv1n 110 offense Wflh quarterback 10:01; 4. Spreltnr IFI IO:Clj; s. lS:tl; 6. Alltll ILi IS:1S; 7. ~trovlc" RR11<0~~"".,1 .. eo"uk ET-w11'°"• passes-with sophomore st eve c rap 0 and Harrell IHI lo:u : •. 01tton1 !HI IL> u :n; e. wym•n ILi lS::u; t. ~-"9 Brad Parker s lated t o s...ci-111e0tletlM receiver Steve Telaneus 10:1S;1.ou11 111110:11:1.snort1H1 fllldi<1<IL1u :••:10.c;.s11 cM1u:"· S<o•UIYO\Hlrlt" LE-MlkeHK~•lt ,.., 10;19; •. Sar,,.lenlo IF) 10.22; ~ S.llllallM,. \anC1.,n<1nt• 1 o o 7-l talce over at quarterback· LT-A11~S••w••• • 10s the 1·2 punch. S<Mot (Fl 10:14. Mlts"41¥kloln> IMI Lat-leKll '°''•~"' 14J•1J for G l en n D ill ,· NG-<.orkvC•l••rt 740 Crapo is SOpe t u .. 1 .. n1..,.11t1 14o11!:1T-i .0s0orne1Ml1S:1o;i.McAi.e '><o,,nq· SC-Hiit J CM F•0<~. RT-M1keOun1.,1n 170 a l'CeO . 1.GlitSSIUl•:Sl;l.O•rolUl•:st; (Ml IS:16; 3. Pl\llllos 1\..1 16:06; 4, ooi.enl wn11rnore\.Po1ul\o01>.LfW'e, repor tedly out wilh an RE-MlkelCrut,,.rs 1" p asser, h as clicked for 1L11n111v1 1o·o.; a. S<"modl 1e1 KHla11 1~1 l•·H; s. ear11art tLI .Arnoiol. ankle iniury. 1..e-.... av"cSem' m lour touchdown p asses. 10:01; s. vanw1e IE> 10:10: 6. 16;7s;"' V•'1 IMI 1':JS; 1. P•"'Sll Sor 11 Ou '1 -v l~Vlelskles • 20i Fl~ CUI IO:IJ; 7, Litt,..... IUI ILi 16:42; I. Ma"r..11 IM) tJ:CO. 'I, LA<Juna ~:C" ',., 1 : ~"2 0 I-' El Toro, unde r coach OB-AM•kMeswr~llt 16.S and is a running threat 10:!4; L Fuue11 1e1 1o:1t; '· E!lltrt Htlldl<L> 11:st.; 10. Bo111, ILi 11.11. M'"'°" v1e10 1 1 o o o 1 o-. M ac M oore, w as picked oe-er..s P•r~er 110 with bis o ptio n tactics -tVI 10:11; 10. G.lvien 1u1 IO:lCI. c"" 1•0 ltll oa,,. """ Scoronq· LO-Houl\, OrU<t\WICk, to finish las t in the 08-Merl<McEtroy 115 prOV}dlng biS &nk}e MaN~O.lf1tll4t1 PlftX t.Rtvnold\1011030;2.L..or.n(Cl l inU•lltr, Wt11lloc1<. W•nO.I 1, 08-Auulmmel 145 1.Eddy lMl t :a.icourMrecontl;?. IO·Sl;l.Larwooo 10111:14;4.Htlm\ ""1r1on MV--Oktl•kl. Scot....,. '· remains s table. H e's MartlllH IPl 10:0.:,. 01on IM110:10: 101 11:16; s. Hool• 1e1 11:u; "' Ebv.Bu.,,, b een plagued {or two '-GIDWtmMCM> 10:11;s.t..ewt1 (M> erowri 101 11:0 : 1. we1trnoret- .1uN1011vA1ts1Tv l"'-.18et Area seasons with ankle 10~10: 6. arambll• 1M1 1o:n; 1. 101 11:4'; •·carter 101 11:w.; '· Sc .... llYOvtr1t" ~..... ~rcla IPI \0:'6; L Gonl.-tt (Pl Mat911llft ICI ll:SI; 10. Hl911I,.. (0) .u111.,..n.1, 7 • 1 ._15 problems. to:a1; •· oar11<Ml1o:n; tO.$tolt IMI n:se.. lO:sa. U11lve"ltf (ltl IS.I EIT- CELEBRATE LOBSTER SEASON POLE SPEARS $7.95 ALUMIMUM 10 C& A. TClllk $91.95 NYLOH 2 WET SUITS $64.'5 .. EW!! YEAR AIR CARDS $35.00 ~ . Ei Toro • 0 0 0 t>-0 His major target is Hew•ert tfUhr (•11 ,,,, 1rv1 ..... -< ... l•slHU Uni \COrl119· G8 Hanf~ S, WllCO<> 4, G I s "' ~ "' 8o ) 11!1~;1'~--iltllJi!lllJlliLl~A~ ....... ~flt~~Wt'f~I • T e l a n e us . who bas w.stm111s1er •· \ldlU l0:11:1.Be~1n.et'tu1 ~:,~~.:~:.:Y:u:n~:~ steorrun, Ir S ports cau g ht 26 passes and 10~?.':";_·;~.~w/.,l,0'12~/,:; r.1:,~~~ ~~~~r:iu~~~:~~:"s. ~~~0 :~;~~:,o:: ~~~=!!!!!!!!!!!!:!:!:!:!!!~~~ Ltq averaged 19.5 yards per (WI 10:3'; s. H••LOt IWI 10:•1; &. f>. Grll•lv• IEI ll:U: 1. Higgins IEI Mt\:C~?::~" ~ ; ~ ;:: COmpJetiOO. Over•ll INI IO:a•; 1. Horn (WI 11:01; 11:16;8.Mortlmort 11111:11;9. Bl""r ScorinQ LB-Cllrl•l•n.rn l, Sho6! 8. Simkins INI 11:0S; 9. Newklrll (NI lllll:lt; 10.S-tl•ncl IEI 11:20. ~v-s11v~r 4, J . VHs•llo, Let. GlltLS TENNIS DoulllH Defensively it•s Paul 11:16; 10.Grar 1!'41 11:11. Hun1.iuc"'"' 1111 Ftn. van.., Jacob\ Hall, VAll,.TV P. Ford-Thompson (Ml 10\I IO· Beth l'c d R l k Tri-Meet 1. Oack (Fl IO:St: 1. Brew\t•r II=) S.11l•A11•V•ltty(OllUV.lE1Qn(I• R~lhl•h@n•Cll•"IY 6·1, lo,! lo e an C £1l8ft<laU>ll>1IEIM°"'"" 11•17;3 "Clltr (F)t1:20;4.Frv(HI' S<orebvOu•rt•r< SlnqlH Wll\on.l(lut•er 1·6. lo\I to Battersby who have Etht1claUSllJOl~•l1•AnaV1ll•'I' ll:U; '· Heoelt.elmer (fl 11:111>. C.Orona""' Mbr ' 4 , J -16 Jotln<oll (El ~I erokow 6-0. Clrl W~l~t•·Sm•lh 1·6: Hoftkslr•·91um. stood out (or Dana lfil.ls 1. MtlUll <El 10:U; 1. NeMll Dowen (Fl 11:3S; 1. Cowan IFI 1104): Oan&Hlll\ I 0 2 0 3 Hnrr .. o, del Wiison ._O; Wall If:) IMIW0116·7 lo•l l-6,J6;J. ForcHt11rr • •• • • • (EMI 10:1t; J. COf"ona (SI IO:?S; 4• 1. Rowllfl (Fl 11•46; 9. 11.rrison (HI XO<"lnq CdM Sliva 7. C"°""'"V won 6-1, Ir). 6--1; Moers tEI won b·Z, llOl\l losta.6,l-·6,0•6. M l S S I 0 n V le J 0 • Goar IEI IO:U; s. M<C.• IEI IO:tl; 11;4'; 10. h"O (Fl ll:SO. tenl')wllf)n 2. N~tt•r. Hub1noer, fJ.-0,,..0. V•ril•f hiJ b J IS ( • 'Turkn.,llet.Howict.Woll~ M111M7, Doubfft $anCle1M"ltCIS 'hlf6Vtlt!IT-meanW e, a~ 8 SO 6· lvact I l0:30; 1• AQU•I#' SI New,arl H.trbor (31) (IS) ' Jef\kln1l.OH-Ham111on,StmMs•2. For btl,,·Vtna rd (El def · 1111111., been burned b y iDJury -lO:M; I. Stlara ISi IO:JS; t. Monev Wu1ml11•1•r FllOSH-SOPN EI$ I • .,. s m I I" 6. '. d tJ f Htfll (El I c. I "all "th tailb k IEM) IO:l6; lO. Hovall•r ll!l IO:•. 1. 8r~nll IWI lt.01; 7. Oelrvn1>ft1 Sc ~ ...... -Chrlsloo~•rson·Colllnt 6·J, del n osl to lk nU-6 lo\llt espeCI Y Wl aC MhsleBV\ele IUI IUI U.-lucll IWI ll:lO; 3. R1msey (W) 11: .... · a. "'•Y -• .. en " O.hlslrGm No. Gtf Sise• won 6-A;. S tt S b h .., Coronadel Mar 2 O t ~ l ooel•loyaya 6-1; JaMISOfl·Mitrolt Mon'I• IEI lo.1 1·6 1-6 1·S· Ov.slle IEI CO pear, W 0 aS 1. Menn (Ml l):SS; 2. Anden<Jll (Ml 8r>Kktll, G. (WI ti 46: 5. Sd'flor (W) 0....HlllS . 1 I 1 7-i''(EI W Oii 6 ·2. 6·0, 6-1; IOSl3·6.:l-6.1-6. • • • been hampered with a ll:SS; l . Menn (Ml U :S6; •• ,U;o•; '· h•9•" 110 11:32; 7. Scorln9• CdM-Plo•r. Suck, Culltt-C..nftlno"'m 1e1 -n 6-1, 6-0, Oo11bln 8fldr•d<Je. Cllomuu. 0"1-T-Ot• 4, .. 2. MaCl"w-11-Loncll t EI lo(\ to knee injury SfllCe the 11etm11n. S<ore,ro•m't•rY . s...t.at..~~~~:~~~~;'isiafK1• :;:~~,,J:· .. t·~·~:;~":'.c!!;..~; preseason scrimmage. LAQuM~d'll 0 2 0 1-' Si ... IH IEI tosl 2·6, won •.•• WOii 1·6; Ml IMV!ele~ M:\\•onV1•10L& J t O 11 l .s ~~":.'7'e',".;.~·N~fR;;!: ~; 8'vwn·&akerVl~~SlollTtYH,l6,1-S. SE-V.ffR~: ~~~;~-_&.,-;, :",:i~~ol~<><:'•. °'"h!>Od l£l cle~u::rlgver &-a. U"lvml1y u':'i;i 1111 ~ta Mne • t~!~~~ ... ld F-•ly CU•k CEI d•I Frieson· Sl"'JIH c -AkltGrover Sore lly Ov•'1ff'l \.vi Cl"""'nte 1 0 1 0-l c,o, •• o\o\e'W 4' l l t.-•& '><o.,nq· SC -Gibb~. Cook ?. <:JI. L•r-1' Wnotmore J, CouQ!I. B••ton J, Poc'•ll ~.Turley. Scort by Ou•rten \Jni~nlly 1 1 7 7 "' El Toro I 0 0 I 1 Scorl'>O' Uni 4 anson, V~nrlttt. Sol•O ~. q,•llY ?, laChan<t, lyon' Er-Rich•• 2.' "'',.."" 9.1 Palmtr·MO<>f• CEI dei Hui ICI dolt Falltrmeler 6-l. Cltf RG-P•ul Henry Kenny Carmona .. ,, Po<>I O ar!< !El Gttwn 6-3. def R•o 6 0; Rolela11 ICll<Kt RT-Ro<li Glbson Ott B•<lt·BrAn::~o;lr;;r lot). ~~ ~ -'"°~:;~(C) lost 2 •• 2... ~:.!!:;~:~,.,. o .... Hiiis (0 (UY,) CCIM 0 u n ". 0 t b s r c) de f T8-Mltc"O....lka 51"91'1 1Cemlns'~'·Y'osl\1no 6·3, Clef FB-"l•nParker K~hlPr (ClO•I Ftld¥6-7 delGova Au,llmooay.c;ordon 6 ?, dol Oaly• S8-GrtQJones /i-4, oM Gouin 6·1: Root IC I IO'il 1·6, Ul\lorftaller 6 4; 'hler-Gr~ntllal IC) 3 ~.won 61; Ford ICI lost H. won 7-4, won &.•. 6-0, 6 3, ICtlorcy·LunCltllus 6' IClwon 1·6,6·1, tosl4·6, Doubler ., IHrcaw0 8alC1wl11 ICI det VAllSIT'I' Mc O on A Id • w a r a 6. o, d • t EcllOOI (Ill llll Wutmlnsltf' "IClormAn·J~ll-IM 6·7, lost to SCll.IH 1..1mo11.Rle1111 '6; t<.reter Porlerlleld Stro1ltr IWI Clal Jotrt Schie! ..0, Oltf IC I won 6·4 . 6 ·•. 1·5 ; Ju6-0;5"omsk11Wlwon6-4,l<KIP; GoodbO<lv·Llpvanlk ICI lost S.-7, a.6, Cnau•se CWI los1 lo J•mH 44, del Mini.., VleJeO.f-l.E-Er1c Olen no Grid Standings ~ SOUTHCOA.STll!AOUI! w l. PF ~ Co<ona~~r a t SI m• C<Hl•Mtt• a I IS l..a9UM8eKI\ 3 1 34 :: S....Cl•mente 2 t ., ltS 0..na Hllti 1 l 11 no E1Toro t 3 « ISS M(S\I°" Vltlo 1 3 3' Unl1te~lty 1 ~ ~ TIIYn&tr 'sS<-IH CMUIMe~l6,Unhre~llYO r..,1,,,1·1o•mw 215 eo.-....a ~I Mar at Lagu11a !le.tell 190 Mission Vltlo vs Oane Hilts at Soan 200 o""""'' . :: SM! Clemente vs El loro at Mlulon t7S VleJo ,.,.,.. • .,. .• 0.,,.. C'fl)l'eSS vs Sadellel>ack •I WHltrn High 911tEl!WAY l l!AGUI! W LT PF PA ) ; : ~I~ ~ 1208?6' llOS~OO 2 i 0 58 100 l , l .tO oS 1 1 1 34S6 8-aParl I J 0 U 118 Tllenday•s Sc.re AN11elml7, ~OllOll<JO T011l1hl's Games l..owtlltl Buena P1rk T rov at we \ttrn 5alyrdly'1 Game Runners 4 6. · Tomasic 6·J: Tteo,.. (WI wonl>-4.6.3: JUNIOR VAllSIT'I' McGr•w (WI Cltl Coal• 6 0, del Costa Meu 1111.'i 1110 U11lw"1ty Scl'lo<lltleler ~-·; HUMlll (WI_., f>.I, l T-cMI C.ldtr011 NG-#Mrc Mummert RT -Jerry Nel'IOll RE~afl<ly Brockman LB-Dan 01&rnltskl LB-Jar H•lt•,. CO-Paul LafOle CB-0.V.RHd S -Mlh8raw1ev S -0.von 8oW9r ISO i.s 160 uo S.v..,na vi Sunny Hiiis at Butna -------~~!!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~:.._ __ Palk SUNSl!TLIAOU• W L P" PA Follnt&lnValley 2 o 11 10 ~tMSAC WALNUT-The Coota Mesa High Mustangs, No. 1 in the CIF J·A cross country poll, attempt to prove th!y have one of California's lop teams Saturday when they oompele in the Mt. San i\lltonio lnvilatlonal. :: Sixty-rive races will be oonducted over the hilly, two-mile course and 230 h igh sc hool s fro m tjlroughoul lhe s tate will ~mpete. The first race ls at 8: 15 and the last one nt 3 :45. Teams will P<>mpetc In the varsity, f.unior var si t y, ;ophomore and h-es hme n l evels f or both boys and girls. :: Co:Ua Mesa, entered in th eAb o y s v a rs t ty )tweepst akes r ace, will be challenged b y Edison pf Huntin gton Beach, j'ountain Valley, Marina dr Huntingto n Beach and frtiss ion Viejo amon g .otkters. Slnqltt 6-1! 9coth IWI def Godwin 6-J, def O•.,..n (Ul lo\I 10 Korf1.6.del SoeerM;Mannln9IWl_n .. t,tra. Wm1nr 1 • IO'ol 10 V•n S<oyoc 1•· DouDl9' RrMCle IUI lllSI J·~. S·I. -6-1; CO•·H••Cllno (WI def 8ecker-Our'on tUI 1011 ._7 7.6 ....., 1.s, .. Forester M. lost to Wano•·Btl ... 1-6: Oou111.; MvlHllU·Lanen (WI WOii .. ,, ICKI :>-6; Adr lo·Lo11 m ls IU) Iott t o Mec•••·Wlllla ms (WI IOH lo M.iul MorfU 61 del Fl\Mr·ICt.on!y Brttt-tr·Wlllltmt 6·7, loH to Sliodowskl·Ltt 1-6; Moore Wllllt ins 61, Get l(lt<k·Crooet 6-0;. Culle": (WI won ._l, 6-4; Cllron-craWlord (WI G.-vs IVI WOii •·>. 6 4• 6"1• lo\t 10 8ov1e.w,,11e 1·6 def JaO.ltOfl·SlnQlty CUI IOSl4·6, 2-6. 4-6. 8.J\l\man-ltnt •»; Pavlon.Ce~<k'I' VARSITY (WI -n 6-J, 1·S; Oodson·"t'l'nt IWJ Mhdon Vle)o llV,11141 ~ fo\I lo Held-Jurc"en 1·6, IO\I to• Sl119les Ju-Our~u H; "d8m•·H•mly (WI .._rn11nd4!r IL I de~ Johnson 6--4, CIPf lost , ... a.~. SchnlMll 6-3 del Claute-16.0. W.I" ILi lotl H . won 1·6, M ; Kos1<1r (LI l<Kt GlltLSCltOSSCOUNTll'f ,..._ t . C"A UOI IHI Oen. HllH .. ,.... Ooulll.. . l. Do"'""'" 101 U:U: 2, J_, (Cl. P•ulJOll•HlllWOOCI (LI dt f f7•1t; J Cosmal• IOI 11·10;•.l(~ll'f' R o t II • 8 o w e r s 7. s, d e f IOI U: SA; S. P~llCllS (Cl U.W.; 6. 51 mp son. Gr a" ;o m 6. 7, d 1 I Holland ICI ll IS; 1. "lvarer ICI Ge111u.M<\-Wlnttr •·•; Sm1l""H-13:11; I Cotner IOI lJ·Jt; t . Gerti• I L I w o 11 6. 7 . 6 • 4 • 6 . 1 ; 1011•:•1; 10. 8ranl'\Oll ICI IS:ll. Thotnton-O'Sulllon lost 4 6, 4-6.a.-6. Unlw"lty (ISi Utl El T- Oa..a Hlll10ffftle TE-Mltc"h McGreoor T ~ryHale G -Paul lktllke C -cra10 WlnnlnollOlt G -IUCk B•ltersbv T -NellJenu11 SE -Pett Slrono 06-St•"" Crapo RB-J•fl Olcen qB~tllll HMOl'ft FL-SttW htanell\ O....Hlll10.f- OE-Mllc" M<Gr-r OT-8ob Henctrl<kMll'I NG-Rk• eatttn br OT-Rlc ... rd 0•9"tt OE-Torn ThonltOft LB-9eul Bel,,kt lll-Oavld E"low CB-Scott VoltMrdlng CB-&rMI Jarrett FS-61 .... Tll-"5 &$-Sttw O'Neill l!dlSOfl 1 0 so 1' 190 Westminster 2 1 SI 3S J03 M.arlna I l 6 5o4 115 Huntlng1on Buel\ O 2 ' 30 175 Newoort Har11or 0 l JI 11 1'0 Tluttt~y'sk .... ns Wln tmir11ter 19, HtwPOrt HtrbOr 1 !SS . T•"'ffll's 0."1ft 110 1 Edl\onlt\Marlna•IWlrslml~ us Fount•ln V•llev vi Hunllnoton llS &ea<h•IOCC 165 IMPllll! Ll!AOU• ACAOl!M't l EAGUE W l. PF PA Am*-0orlS11a11 l 0 140 19 Hunth'9\on V11tey C1'rlsll•11 2 o '62 u • Mar....,,,,_ I I ,. 41 Mle1-C1t1n o 3 6 's Htrol•O" 0 3 11 llS · S1tu,..av•1 GamH Hu11llngcon Valley Cllriulan al AmtNl•\Ador Cllrlsllan Ill MoirtM1N at MIG·Cltles (al CNltlS'tlAH LEAGUE WI.~ 190 C't'Pref• 2 0 42 110 1.tn"l•Mll05 2 0 SS UO LO¥• I I 10 110 s.ddltb9clt • I 1 It HO Katella I 2 J.4 PA . W LT P" PA 21 , Llbertv0.rl'11•n 4 o o "' 63 u Amonc.an Oorl\ll•n 2 1 o ar so 14 VklMVelley 01r. o i f J4 111 31 Cllvary 8ec>llsl o a I '9 113 17S KtftMCIY 0 ) U \60 T111M'May'1 k- 16! Kalell• U. Kennedy 12 160 T•"'•"''•Oa"'" 46 • T•"'9fol's~ame 40 Calvary Baptist v, "merit•" Owlsllanat Gelvln Park 111 S•lw .. y•s Gtm• lU loara "'Los Alamitos •t L.t ,..Ima UbH1'I' Ol•l\llan YI Vlttor V•lfrt OlrlsUAll at VlctOt' V•ll•1 HIQll 11:JO p.m.I. 17S Park • JUNIOlt VAltSITY 1 Ok~r IVl 11 ~: ~ ~"~lt(U) ~~~--~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~---~~~ LAt"11a 1111111~1 Mlnionvi.10 13·01;) M~··~· IEI u ·n :" RINI Sl11tln IEI 14:1•; S. Polnamus CUI U1ll: '- Ivory IMI Cltl Oe8Aun 6-a, •t Gooclly CU/ 14 '1; 1. Muro!W IVI RUwltr 6·4, dtt Rut~owskl 6-l: Ridge 14:7': I. Pow..11 IVI IS '31; 9. Pt'14111ps IMI won tt-1, 1011 •·1, 4·~; Cate IMl (I) IS:S7; 10 Smltn Ill IS: n . won 1>-7,6·1, tost 2·•· Pro Scores' NtllOflal HOOt'I' lu•ii& lM ""QelH S, "11MI• I • lon1nto l , 0.1roU t NV l•l~M"rt ~.St t.oul• 7 Phll&dtl!lllia l. PIU\bUrqnO Vancou.,.r J, Ct11~l41n<1 f NalleMI I Hhtball w"~ Oo!Otn State II?. Po'11an<t'? 0.11v1< 11• Mllwauk•" 100 Cl•\ltlanel II•, NV Knick\ ..:I llo•ton 117, lluflelo Its Pheasa·nt • O~sffd • Rtlldy to Cool! ELWELL FARMS Senta Ana 547·1193 Cosla Mesa 642·4311 1088* .. the.perfect. jacket . . the original G~9 • I 1mtxrled direct from !.n~land. all cotton windbre.ake.r with classic pla1d llniaj. -natureT britishW1 or "ClfNY . - • • •• • • • • • • • • STARTING OCTOBER 30th (Santa Ana Store Only) SPECIALS IN SKt, TENNIS AND BA~KPACKING EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING \ 20to 50%off . -. • • • • • • . • • • • • • • ,. • ' • • \' ~· " • • .... • • It • .. • DAILY PILOT Fnday.Oetober29. 1978 14-Mik· Bank Race Th~ ·Weekend . . By ALMON LOCKA.BEY Ol tl>e O.lly ,. ... Sltll The Newport Oce~ ~nc As~iation wUt wind up its year's 1>cUYity thla weekend with lbe ZTth sailing of the 14-Milc Banlc rac~ on Saturday and the annual meeting wi\h tbe custnrnary bru.nch at.Balboa Ycicht ClubSU,Oda,y. NOSA is the organiuU~n ,that had Us 1 beeinrungs with the famed Ensenada r ace. It sponsors only t.wo other races during the year -the 14-Mile Banlt and the Argosy, both fall events. This year's 1'-Mile Bank race will be in name only. The weather mark bas been moved to the new oil island several miles removed Crom the 14·MUe bank, an under sea mount. that rises to within 50 fathoms of the surface off the east end of Catalina Island. Yachts will be required to round the oil island and all of its outlying buoys to port. starune t.od..ay for the· annual Dou!J\as CUp match raclog championship. Ten collegiate salUn.i team& will be tom~tJpr. Rac!Qa commences. at noon today aQ1f Sattarday. School• competing ln t.h1s year's Douglas CUp are Cal State Long Beacl't. UCLA, U.S. Naval Academy <Annapolis), University or Hawaii~ .Unlverttty of Texas, Ur1ivttsity or Washington ana UC Santa Cruz. Los An1eles Yacht Club wlll wind up Its fall Harbor Series Sunday witb tbe sailing or the Marl net and race. For many ot the yacbts1 the race will be tbe final competition prior to the start of the Los Angeles to Muatlan'race which gets underway Nov.6. SOUTBEaN CALIFORNIA Yacht Racing Assoc1aUon calendar: • SUND A Y'S AC11VITIES WILL include the pu~n~tion~~~~forthel4·MiJeB~rue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and the Argosy, nomination of officers for the Sail a~ound the ~·~Id ~or $:'>~5 coming year and the Commodores Appreciation • ~ IA.IV• i 14 .*ti.I 4 race in Lido-14s. l . TUNINQ UP FOR HOBIE CHAMPIONSHIPS · Skippers Heading for Honolulu Clenlc · Balboa Yacht Club and the local Lido-14 Fleet l will be host to blind sailoni Crom the Orange County Braille Institute Saturday in which the blind or partialJy blind sailors will act as ski,ppers with sighted owners as crew, This will be the fourth year of the Braille Regatta. About 15 skippers are • expected to participate. Announcing the biggest international sailboat show ever held on. the West Coast. You'd have to travel to shipyards all over the world to find such an enormous selection of boats 'and gear. • Cocne get your hu.nds on all kinds of sailboats-tall ships and short ones, cruising ketches and racing sloops and dinghies built for lwo. Plan your trip to Long Beach now. You wouldn't want to miss your boat! '"""" I 1 ~ Hours: 2 PM to 10 PM Tucc;day-Frid3y, noon to • ~ ... • 1.Hobie· Cat Sailors In other local yachting activity, South Shore Yacht Club will wind up its lligb Point Series for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts on Saturday, and Newport Harbor Yacht Club will conduct the Roy H. McCullouch trophy series for Sabot sailors 16and ~~er~~Saturd.ay and Sunday. ~5::::5~10:30 PM S.iturday and Monduy, noon to 7 PM Sunday. Adm~on: adults S2. 75, children • 6-12 yrs. Sl.50, under 6 free. Compete iii Hawaii Hobie Cat·16 skippers from the Orange Coast and throughout the U.S. are enroute to Honolulu today to participate in the world championship for the class starting Monday off the beach at Waikiki. Many skippers have already qualified for the championship, but about 2S others will be competing for the 25 open spaces on the 96-boat roster. COLLEGIATE SAILORS FROM throughout the country will gather at Long Beach Yacht Club· j~~~t===- Special events C\'etyday. Boat Firm .Purchased Southern QJlifomia Sailboat Show, October22·31, Long Beach Arena. Racing will be on a round-robin basis. Skippers \rilll alternate boats, racing every other race out or &x for a total of ~ee. Mi ssion M a r in e Trumbull, president and Associates of Jrvine, chief executive of manufacturer of the Mission Marine said the Islander line or sailboats; a cq u is it ion w ou 1 d has announced that increase the firm's an agreement has been revenue to over $40 reached relative to the million per year. purchase of Pacemaker~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- crormcrly the Long B~chS.11bolt Showl · THE BOATS WILL BE furnished by Coast Catamaran Association. Skippers from the mainland will be required to bring only their own life jackets, trapeze harnesses and weights or J"equired). Jt' wilJ be the first time the Hobie-16 world championship has been held in Honolulu. The "Hobie-14 world's was held in the islands several years ago. · · Yach ts and the Egg · "Harbor Boat Company from Fuqua Industries of Atlanta, Ga. Terms of the agre· eme nt were not revealed, but David E. i. Coa.tal Weather Each country· having a Hobie Class association will send its ·national champion and other top skippers to compete. In addition to teams from Hawaii and the continental U.S., competitors are expected from France. Germany, Belgium, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Switzerland, Holland, Thailand, South·· America, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Guam, Saudi Arabia, Tahiti, and the Bahamas. ~tty Sli!l'IV lllfot.IQll S..lurtl•Y but ~-tow clouds ourln9 the Hrty mom1119h0ur,. L•otu va•l•ble ...,1.,0~ ni9lll and ,,_n11>11 hours. Highs Saturo•y 1n tne 70'1 C:O.\l&t l•mperatures w ill r11n9" betw een SS 'Ind 7S. tnlano •-.,.reture\ "'" renoe ""™""' 52 11no 11. The w•ter tempor•lure Wiit be NI. Sun, Moon, Tide11 FRIDAY • HOBIE ALTER, DESIGNER and creator of the llobie Cal, will be among those competing for the title. 51'!Cond h;ql\ 3-11 om, A 1 5c<OllCl IOW 10.11 p,m. 0 4 F"\I 11101\ Flr\llOW Sec;-l\1ql\ $e<Oncl tow SATURDAY s 34•.m. • 4 11·01 ... m. 7 \ The title defender will be Jeff Canepa, Santa Cruz, who has proved himself one of I.he top sailors in bol.h the Hobie-14 and 16 classes. t ·Atp.m. A A 11.3111.m. o~ SUHDAY First llTQI\ b ,. a m. A 8 A"llow 11 11 o.m. 7 O Qualifying races to select the 25 open positions wUl be sailed Monday and Tuesday. Final races for the championship will begin on Wednesday. Tbe races will be held off the beach from the Out.rigger Canie Club, host for the international event. S!!conclll1QI\ S·57p.m, A 4 ~-low 12:21pm. 0.7 Sun rl~~ 7:10a.m., set\6:030.m. .Moon rl~u U:25 p.m •• $ti$ 11:35 p>m. Tenant'• Vnoacare DEAR PAT: I rent a home here in Costa Mesa. Today a real estate agent came up and posted a "For Sale" sign on this property. I haven't heard anything from the landlord about his plans to sell and I haven't been able to contact him after more than a week of trying. What happens to my deposit if . I am forced to move? H.G., Costa Mesa If your landlord's property ls sold to another person, the landlord ls legally obligated to either transfer the de· posit to the new owner and notify you, the tenant, by registered mall or the transfer and or the new owner's name and address, or return the deposit to yoa. Jr your landlord does not comply, Jle la Hable for the deposit even though the uAJt bas been sold. U you can't. straighten this out with him, your next .step ls a small claims C°'\fl Hit. A"'8t Ro•e Projeet_ DEAR PAT: The last two summers I've been taking bags of sewing scraps and trim to four or live 1adie who worked in a!building on Avoca Avenue near Newport Boulevar I went there last week. They are ne and the place is closed. They volunteers, sewing quilts and toy for hospitals and rest homes. Can you help me find these ladies? 1 have called the Chamber or Commerce and a women's club In Costa Mesa, to no avail. D.C., N~wport Beach The only problem here Is that the "Volunteer Action Coter hu moved from Its previous location to 1'114 W. Coto problem? Then write lo Pol Dunn. Pal will cut red tape. gettm11 the OIU!Dt'TS ond action you 11eed 111 solve incqwtws an got~rnme-nl and bun. ne.u. M ori 11ou,. qul'st1011s lo Pot Dunn At You,. Service, Orange C~r Ooi/11 Pilot. P.O. &z 1S6ll, (."oslo Mesa, CA 921)}6. Jrn:ludc your telephone 11umber. The colwnn appears doily ucept Sollmtoys. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (phone; 675·9210). Your donations go to help the Aunt Rose Project, which provides quilts and clothing for Korean children. Bring your dona· tlons to the above address or phone the Retired Senior Volunteer Pro· gram at the center. All donations are gratefully accepted, according to .R.S.V.P. spokesman, Lee Apt. Otrt of Thu_ It'~ DEAR PAT: I visited a friend or ·mine in San Francisco recently. He h ad some very s harp satellite photographs of the San Francisco area in his apartment. 1 asked him where he'd gotten them and he said he'd ordered them by mail. I didn't · pursue it at the time, but now I've dedded that I'd like to get some for myself. My friend is on an extended European trip, so I can't get ordering information from rum. Can you tell me where to order these photos, and if .any of the Orange County area are available? J .J., Newport Beach If you're asking about NASA satellite pbotograpbs In black and white or Infrared "false•• color , they can be ordered from : Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Facility, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield-Road, Menlo Part, CA 14025, or ordered In person from the EROS ornce, 300 N. Los Allgeles St., Room '7838, Los Angeles. Yoa can reqaeet photos or tbe area of your choice from 567 miles op that encompass 115 x 115 mUes. Prices are available apon request for '• various sizes in both black and white and color pbotos. PUBLIC NOTICE • P\JBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC N011CE ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~,.,,.,.,~~.,-,,.,:-:--~\ SUl'•RtOR COURTOl'TMI Cal"-!•.°" tlle 11 dev of~. l'ICTITIOUS IUSIMHS STAT•Ol'CAU~UOAttOll 1'7UUA.M. MAM•STATUlllNT nta()OUNTYOlltORAltGll Said '"' pn1.,.r111 sublect to tile TNfo4lowl119peuon .. reOOl!'lltiusl- N .. A•Mt44 ""41tltn eftd toY9M to be ~y..r h 1'199•t: NO'T1C• 01' MIARINOON l'nlTIOM, ., ... ,.,In Ille City of 0r•"91.0ounttol STER EHCE ASSOCIATES, <lo DtRaCTtNO CO NVIYANCll 01' 0r-.. Stele of C•llfomle, Ind lb s.trll119 f'ftllllPl, 3'3 H1mt1ton. Cost• ••AL l'ltOl'attT1' SOLO ON •••••• •ddrus h 1'62 No rth Ml'M.CA.'201 CIONTRACT TMROUOM •scaow S.Cr~o.Or•""·Clll110f'Nt,Wltl't• Slerl1110 Plllltlp1, 3t3 "•mlltOft, •o•a•MINT EltllCUTIO I V 14-Q<tlclet<rfotlo•UilOllOw\: Oll&UMe~.CA.'2•27 . NCllD.,,fT , t.Ol 11 ef Trett He. attt, M ~ Rlcllerd Lawr•11t e, SOS ltll'I, '" .... Mllttr' of ll1t 11\at• of ~N Oii Meo recorded look,,.., Pt9'1aG. ,, ..... _, llHCll, CA.,,.., S. BROOte$..._Dtc .. «ed. , MCI 32 ol MIKlllllM9111 'MP._ flt<otd\ Cynlhlt lltll Oe Walker, C)lt Birth, HOT I Ca I> HElt&IY 01\/EH "'411 e otOl'.,.qeCounty, Celltornlt. • ,..._,llOft lleech, CA, '1..0 ' _,...,,"'of the ... tltiOfl of .... l'-IR!.T ••1t••11<• Is hereby "'*lo IN Tlllt~lnt$ilH-ucttdby•llmll-H,\'\'10MA L BANK' Ofl' ORAHOI! Pttlllon 011 Ille herel11 tot iur1Mr tdl*'\Mr\lllp CIOUHT'V, et tJle<ll10f' of ti.. Wiii ot ~r11cuten. • stlf'llnq 1"11111111' "°"N l . BROOKS, ffc•IMod, for"' OAT~D· Ott•rf7, 1t76. Tl\I' '''"""'"' w.es filed WCtll Ille ~\I <-'•It t OtUlft mMr11t1 l'llll'STNATIONALSANI{ • °"'"'Y Clertt M Or-Co\irltyOll ()0. tw .... ,_. cert .. 11 re.i titete ~ OF OltANGE COUHTV, ..-1, 1'1.. • .'-W9!9dK ... 11t t11 11ts tttttl-. -••tcll\ortf lll•Wlll f!MW lt09Sln A. OIEltRIClt •net MAltY t. ofJ0HNS.IROOltS , f'Ubllslltel Ore"" Coat! O.Tiy l'tltl OIRRl(l(, ~ -wife H jolflt ByMkh .. I P.0.-1~ Oc1 tf,ft.,hMNov.J, 1ffl 40>1 .. ~ wOl 119 "9141 et tM ~ Tru1t0fflc.,. !!* OtMr'f-N• 'ot "'9 SUDtrltr "°'"10A'-6NAMMl•TOtl c:.w1 of tllt Stitt of C.lllOnll~ Ill-ey ... RltY 1..Al.'-llt.~ 'fW 1119 ODl/flty of Orafl09, rot Olrl< tw "9tit._r t(ellltt Drlv• Wut, S•l'lta Ant, 1'\11111.i..f Or"'9t CNst o.nv flltllt.; Oct.,., >0, 11111 NO'f, i, 1tp6 ..,,,..,. ' Cla11\lled Ads sell bi«· itt'ms. small iteml or nny llcm. 642-5878. · b • ~ .dL: fl ~€1 CARE FOR YOUR BRAKE uADmmams SYSIEMI ~::~:;:'°"'··99 · MUl._.1111 s,..,,.,.s.1•11 C ,.,..._ ,.,__ ' s.oi c-.. ~o;;;:;',.;,2'' .. n.iaAYWI • -..,f,_y..., . MADf .... ....... 1..... .. ... "-..... 99c ...i llAJll '°' °"""' .... a;..., .. " 1111. °"'Pd For llAS1B ~ '°'' Adt11 •-• 49c UPAll lllS ,._ Of ........ Wit!. ........ " °'"""" \t«Adfvil"*''· lQWl-•.lfttl.dM 1 '' ,,.. MAii All~ •• .....,, .. ,, srt• PlD IH. 1.ff a Hord*"'•· • . 149 ::::.::" ·49c ... ,Mii. 1-Mrt<A\ll. ......... " l'WI& 541·5111 It' I. llfl tL .............. 64M264 ~SI MONIZ. L.tnl~ GIAU1Y ~·-~ PIOll<lt. &~ •• TIUMOHAll ' ~IMo\10...-11< 1.ff A'ltlf0t ..... CerOfM.12 S..ll1tol-,A¥Ollellle M Ito", llO-ttt• . ,, • , .. • t Arts /Dining Out \ . Entertainment EEKENDER Friday, October~. 1978 DAILY PILOT 'Guys and Dolls' Hope to C~arm . . , By JACKIE HYMAN OHM D•ll\f ll"lloUlatt No. it hasn't been changed lo .. Dudes and Chicks." Th.e classic Broadway musical is still "Guys and Dolls" and Robert Cohen believes it should stay that way. Cohen, chairman of drama at UC Irvine, said. "A musical is llke a machine. The scenery, the dance and the songs are all writ- ten to go together. You change it at your peril. "We explored the possibility (of updating il). We unanimously decided against it." THE MUSICAL, directed by Cohen and choreographed by Janice Gudde Plastino, will be performed at 8 p .m. Nov. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13. General ad- mission is $4.50 and student tickets are $2, with information available at 833·6617 or 831-6614. The work, based on Damon I Runyon stories about Broadway i9 racketeers and gamblers, was : wriUen by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows with music and lyrics by Frank Loesser. "It's the very first musical I ever saw in my life," Cohen said. "I saw the original production in 1950." "lt"s a very dated show," he admitted. "The naked slructure of the play is very evident. It's a very romantic play from a period that didn't examine Uungs the way we do. That's one of the play's charms. I don't think it's ever awkward for us. { t f High A re!h "The slang is very self- ev1<1ent. None or the slang is re- ally outdated. It's quite interest- ing.'' HE NOTED that be and the choreographer togethtt selected "Guys and Dolls." They had pre- viously worked together on "Cabaret," which opooed UCI's Village Theater in 1971. "Lots of people get involved in musicals. We had about 160 peo- ple audition for 'Guys and Dolls.• Musicals are making a gigantic comeback," Cohen said. "I think part or it has to do with the renaissance in dance. A lot more people are experienced in dance. This is a good dancing musical for men. We've got 26 men dancing in the show." The original stories by Damon Runyon took place in the 1930s, Cohen noted. ''It's a period that a lot or people look back to with nostalgia, including myself." AS FOR THE UCI production. "It's set in the period where we can find the costumes. I figure World War Il plus or minus 15 years. We 're working on a fairly tight budget." In bis work with Ms. Plastino, he said, "As I announced to the cast, I'm the general director and she's the real director." He ·said he regards his job as "artistic administration," work· ing with designers and making thousands of decisions. The artistic part concerns "de.' Pair perform "The Great American Marbel," one of several works to be performed by the Matti LascotDance Theatre Company -one of Orange County's professional troupes -when it begins a series of store·front performances. The concerts will take place on three suc· ceeding weekends beginning Nov. 5 and 6. Other dates in· elude Nov . 12-13, 19 and 20. Tickets, at $2.50 or $2, are !~available by calling 542~. ~ . veloping tbe character or the pro- duction, insuring that the story is being told and the relationships are evolving the way rela- tionships really evolve," Cohen said. He added that he is also stag- ing the two thirds of the show that is not danced, and coordinates scheduling, which can involve as many as three re- hearsals (for music, dance and acting) simultaneously .. Cohen said the dated quality of the musical shouldn't interfere with audience enjoyment. "STYLES change. It is not 'A Chorus Line.' But it is entertain- ing. Interestingly, the music is very sophisticated. The music is not dated a bit.'• "When does a play become a legitimate period play?" he said. "I think .the worst time to pro-duce a play is 10 years after it comes out. Now it's been a quarter century. I think there's a normal cycle. "It was the same with Shakespeare. At the time be died, his plays were not done at all." Featured in "Guys and Dolls" are Alex Golson, Virginia Wick, Paul Barber, Chana Thompson, Robbie Haymer and Mark Siciliani. Musical direction is by· Irvin Kimber, sets ·by Gary Belshe, costumes by Richard Triplett and lighting by Cameron Harvey. ' • UCI students Virginia i Wick and Alex Golson( star in Damon Runyon musical, "Guys and Dolls ... directed by Robert Cohen --~ GWC Offers English Comedy \ A blend between contemporary and period theater will be served up in Golden West College's pro- duction of the English comedy, "She Stoops to Conquer," open- ing Nov. 4. The play by Oliver Goldsmith, a classic of the English Restora- tion period, will run e ight performances under the direc- tion of Marvin Torrez, newest member of the theater arts faculty. Dates are Nov. 4, 5, 6, and 11 , 12. 13. at 8:30 p.m .: Nov. 7 at5:30 p.m ., a free performance for senior citizens only; and Nov 14, at 5:30 p.m. Advance tickets are available at the college bookstore at$3. "nlERE'S a huge acting pro- blem in this play because the cos tumes are so restricting and because of the presentational manner. We're trying to make the characters more human, and less like mannequins," Torrez said. At the same time, Torrez ln· tends to keep enough or the Restoration age to be theatrical· ly accurate. and to give the au- di ence a chance to see life as it was. Torrez has assembled a seasoned cast in the lead parts, including several who have done graduate work in theater. Renata Florin, Garden Grove; whose latest Golden West stage success was in "Old Times" this fall, has played in a string of col- lege productions from Kate in "Taming or the Shrew" to Dorothy in "Wizard of Oz." and Sadie Thompson in "Rain." OPPOSITE her will be Sander Kebre, who has his master's degree in theater from Cal State Long Beach. He has performed in "The Odd Couple," "Star Spangled Girl," and other shows. Don Hansen, a graduate of Cal State Fullerton, has performed in "White Lies," "The Fifteenth Candle," and "Way, Way Off. Broadway." Linda Seeley directed high school productions in Mt. Morris, Mich.. for six years, while Marsha Clarke studied at the Lee Strasberg Institute. Christopher Jackson has bis bachelor's degree in literature from Yale University, and Allen McCafferey has played in many Golden West shows. Others in the cast are Eric Crowley, Dan Ostro, Warren Sager, Terl Hamilton, Tony Usuno, Dana Lawrence, Bill • Melton, Robin Cooke, Tom Whit- by and Jean Heft. Set design for the show will be by Wally Huntoon. who plans to use a rake stage. wings and drops which were used in the English Restoration ~period. Costumes wtU be by Willlam Barbe, COS· tume tetbnician for the Center '!beater group in Los Angeles. SERIOUS MOMENT IN A RESTORATION COMEDY Linda Seeley, Sander Kebre, Don HanHn in "She Stoop• to Conquer" Canadian Ballet Makes Courity Date Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet will appear makes an Orange County appearance on Saturday, Nov. 13, In Plummer • Auditorium under the auspices of the· Fullerton College Artist· Lecture Series. The company, acclaimed as North America's longest·running professional ballet company, will dance at Plummer Auditorium, Chapman Avenue and Lemon Street, Fullerton. The two major works which the group will dance are "Adagiet· to" and "Family Scenes." Both works are by a South American choreographer, Oscar Araiz, and both have been internationally acclaimed. "Adagietto." danced by Bon- nie Wyckoff and Gary Norman, is an abstract work created to the music or Gustaf Mahler. It ls a story or affection, love and bliss. Francis Poulenc's double piano concerto ls the musical basis for "Family Scenes," a se. quence or loose portraits or a family group. It will be danced by Harry Williams, Sheri Cook, Kathleeh Dulfy, Marina Eglevsky and Frank Goulette. Others works to be performed are "Grand Pas Espagnol," a classical work on Spanlst> themes by Benjamin Harkarvy· "Spring Waters," a two·minut~ concert piece for two people by Asar M esserer of the Bolshoi Ballet and Paddy Stone's "The Hands." The company. under the artistic direction of Arnold Spohr, will also dance in Tor- rance and Bakersfield during its Southern California tour. Tickets, at $3.50 for adults and $2 for senior citizens and slu· dents, are available by sending checlls or money orden to the lecture series at 321 E. Chapman Ave .. Fullerton. Jazz Groups Entertain For Free Four Orange Coast College Jau · groups wlll present a free publlc concert at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in the OCCAudltorium. - The concert will feature ap. pearances by OCC's Saturday Jan Ensemble, Advanced Jau Ensemble, Beglnnin& Jan Ensemble, and Evening J'at~ Ensemble. All four groups a.reun· der the direction or Dr. Cbarlo Ruthetlord. • The Saturday J au Ense~bi. will perform first and will olfet works by AU Clausen and Doa Menza. Selections by CJau~ Mensa, Gary Denton, Be:;· Frledman, Kim Richmond, • Howle Se1unon will be presen by the Advanced J au Ensemble. The program for the Beg~ Juz Ena~mble will featureW<>l'G . by Clauaen and Ro1 Bri,..; . Evening Ja11 EMemble will#' tbe cap on lbe concert. : \ \ • (2 OAILYPILOT FAMI LY TEAMWORK -Sld Krofft, left, ·and his brother Mor· ty pose with Marie and Donny Osmond on the Los Angeles set of the "The Don- nie and Marie Osmond Show" which the Kroffts )roduce. • . ~ . . . . ... ... • • t ,. I 'l'fae Arts In Brief Handical»ped To See Films · A free aeries or films tor handlcappeCl persons will begin Saturday. cosponsored by Golden Wut Colle1e and the Westminster U ona Club. . The shows wUl be in GWC's Forum 2, 1$'144 Golden West St., Huntington Beach, at 10 a.m. The area is accessible to wheelchairs and in· terprfl.en wlll be available !or hearing -impaired persons. ,~uppets Lead Producers to Big Tin~e The series will be: "Ichabod and Mr. Toad," Saturday; "Son of F1ubber,'' Nov. 6; "The Legend of the Lone Ranger." Nov. 13; "Willy .Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,'' Nov. 27; ·"The Absent-Minded Professor," Dec. 4; and "Dr. Doo~tUe," Dec. u. Opera Course JJC 1rvine Extension will offer a course 'called "Let's Go to the Opera," taught by Marcelle Skinner Baker, that will include atten- dance at three New York City Opera Company performances at the Los Angeles Music Center. • LOS ANGELES (AP) •-The way Sid and Marty Krorct-see it, they learned the ropes or tele vision by ~pulling strings and play- ! ing with dolls. : Until they began pro- . ducing children's shows eight years ago and more recently the "Donny and Marie Show," the Krofft brothers were leading !·puppeteers. They come : from a family of Greek puppeteers. Besides "Donny and :Marie," the ABC prime ·time variety show, the ; Kroffts produce three •week end c h ildren's ·shows: "The Krofft • Supershow," a series : based on superheroes; . . • "Land or the Lost." a science fiction drama and "Far Out Space Nuts," which is comedy science fiction. In addi· tion , they own and operate a $14 million, eight-story indoor amusement park in Atlanta. TIIEIR first TV show, "H. R. Pufnstur." still seen in syndication, broke the stranglehold animated cartoons had on Saturday mornin~ s hows . ••Donn y and Marie," starring a brother and sister from the singing Os mond family, debuted in January and was ABC's firs t successful prime time variety show since Lawr e nce Welk and ''The Hollywood Palace." Jn 1960, Sid, 51, created a lavish musical revue s caled down to marionette size. Ittook24 people to pull the strings of the marionettes, costumed at a cost or $350,000. "Les Poupees" opened in Los Angeles, then played the World's Fairs in Seattle, New York a nd San Antonio, then went on to Las Vegas -wher e puppet nudity preceded the real thing. "All or our bag of tricks comes from our experience a s pup- peteers," said Marty, 39, who runs the business e nd and is th e s pokesm an . " 'Donny and Marie' gives us a chance to do it on a large scale. A lot of the in- spiration comes from the ideas we put into our puppet spectaculars." Unlike most variety s hows, which rely primarily on sketches and singing, the "Donny and Marie" show deals primarily in production numbers: large groups in carefully staged danc- ing and singlng. "PUPPETS as we do them are a live medium. It's bard to translate that ! UCI Art Students Show Work • • ,. STUDENT EXHIBIT-Works by UC Irvine art students, Tuesday through Nov. 6 in the UCI Art Gallery. Noon to 5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays. Free. PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW -Works by faculty and stud ents from the Newport School of Photo- graphy, Wednesday through Nov. 30 at the Al Belson Gallery, 3720 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. 2lo10 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays. CJUNA PAINTING -Exhibit by California China Painters Art Association, with demonstra- tions by Lourdes de la Ri va and John Bergman, lO a.m. to 6 p.m. today and Saturday at lluena Park Convention Hotel, 7675 Crescent Ave., Buena Park. $1.50. ALL MEDIA COMPETITION -Sponsored by Costa Mesa Art League, on display during Nov- ember at Glendale Federal Savings & Loan, 500 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Free. 'NATIONAL WATE RCOLOR SHOW -Monday through Nov. 29 at the Laguna Beach Museum of , Art, 307 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays-Mondays. Admission by· , donation. ART SALE -Prints from Ferdinand Roten Galleries, 11 a .m. to 2 p.m. Thursday in lobby of Galleries I Exhibits Orange Coast College Fine Arts Building, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Free admission. WATERCOLORS -And ink·and-wash paint- ings, by Didi Moore, now through Nov. 12 al the UC Irvine Student Health Center. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, at Verano Way and Circle View Drive. Free. 1'fASTER CRAFTSMEN-Unusual , collectible blo wn and leaded glass by four master craftsme n: John Leighton, Paul Brown, M. Rhys Williams and JohnCflnard Lewis. ART COM PETITION -Costa Mesa Art League's Fine Arts Open Competition, Glendale Federal Savings, 500 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Opens Nov. 4. STONE SCULPTURF.S -Norman Hines, as- sistant professor of art at Pomona ColJege in Claremont, exhibits work al Huntington Beach Libr ary, 7lll Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach. to TV -so we made peo- ple our puppets, as in 'Pufnstul.'" In the background, Sid was overseeing the t.ap- i n g of "D onny and Marie" as guest star George Burns, dressed as King Neptune, went through a "Minnie the Mermaid" production number. Ironically, their first ventures into TV were flops . "We were the only act that ever failed on 'The Ed Sullivan Show,' " said Marty. "I don't think it ever got on the air. We were that bad." A children 's puppet s how called "Here Comes Irving" never made it to the air, either . They finally made it onto television with their pup'pets as an act on "The Dean Martin· Show." "We learned that pup· pets in small doses work on television, but pup- pets in large doses won't," Marty said. When NBC asked them in 1968 t o c r eate a children 's s how, they dropped the.strings and came up with people dressed in puppet-like costumes. The result was "H.R . Pufnstuf," based on what had been a main character in their show for the San Antonio Hemisfair. At that time "Pufnstuf" was the onl y live show on Saturday mornings. In order to compete against the car- lOOUll, the KroCfts had to deve lop a fren e tic animated pace, like a cartoon's. Then did, however, establish a bridgehead for live s h ow s o n Saturday morning -a trend that continues to this d ay. After "Pufnstuf," they came up with "The Bugaloos," "Lidsville" and "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. Until r ecently, the Krqf ft brothers were the creative directors oC the Six Flags amusement parks in Atlanta, Dallas and St. Louis. They still draw salariei: and fees to operate puppet shows at Busc h Gardens in Williamsburg, Va .. and Kings Island at Cincin· nati, and they have their own World of Sid and Marty Krofft in Atlanta. The $14 millio n "World" is in the Omni International, an $80 million hotel-oCCi ce building complex. The indoor amusement park extends fr9m the eighth to the 15th floors, offer· ing what one critic said was more in the tradition or European fes tivals a nd A m e rican va"udev ille th a n the thril l -of -a -minute a musemen t s of most theme parks. The divis ion of duties i s not absolute . Sometimes Sid and Mar- ty are in each other 's ter- ritor y and at each other 's throats. "We fight. We beat up on each other ," said Marty.· "We're both high-strung people." Le<.:tures will be Nov. 23 and 30 and Dec. 7 and 14 ; performances will be Nov. 24, Dec. 2 an~ Dec. 10. Fee of $83 includes tickets and bus transportation. Additional information is avail&· ble by calling UCI Extension. 833-5524. Oa..Ut•cu Fair Seeka Taletet Artisans and entertainers are sought for the 5th Annual International Merrie Christmas Fair Dec.17·23 at the Sant.a Monica Civic Auditorium. The fair is sponsored by radio st ation KPFK. Entertainers should contact Mario Casella at (213) 877 -2711. Craftspeople interest ed in participating as concessionaires should contact Ray Tatar, KPFK Fair, Box 8639, Universal Cily,CA91608. DeadllneisNov.14. Ballo1eeen Mask Parade Rodney Allen Rippy will serve as Grand Marshall for the Ethnic Mask Parade, scheduled for 1 p.m. Oct. 31 at La J olla and Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, to continue east along Wilshire to Curson, disbanding at Hancock Park. Fii• o• A11t011 BrMClaaer The American premiere of a film made in Austria, "The Life or Anton Bruckner," will be given at 11 a .m . Oct. 30 and 31, Nov. 20 and 21, and Dec. 11 and 12 at The Music HaJl, 9036 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. Additional in· formation is available by calling (2.13) 274·~. N~ Pla11e tarf ... Sltote Reservations are now being taken for "The Viking Results,'' a new planetarium show at San- ta Ana College, 17th al Bristol StreeL It will run now through Nov. 23 al 7:15 p.m. Admission is free but reservations are required. They can be made by calling 835-~. Spedal Da11• at Krt•tt'• Special events at Knoll's Berry Farm: Youth Days, Nov. 6 and 7, tickets at $4.25 (must be purchased by mail -infor mation at 827-1776); Pioneer Days for senior citizens, Nov. 9 and 10, tickets at $3.50 (also by m ail - 827-1776). The incomparable 450SEL Sedan from Mercedes-Benz. Come and see what sets it apart from all the rest. There isn't another sedan in the w orld like the Mercedes-Benz 450SlCL. It has t he room of a touring car. but the handling of a sports sedan. It has the com- fort of a luxury car, but the engineering sophistication of an exotic sports car. We have this un ique automobile on display. You can begin to appreciate it by giving it a long look. But that is really just th~beginning . Ask us about a thorough test drive in the 45QsEL. Know what it's like to be set apart from all the rest. Friday, October 29. 1978 DAii. Y Pit.OT Q Coast Stages Light Up ,. Spooky Doings For Weekend .... Print Sale This color etching, created by American arrtst Will Barnet in 1911, is one of ap. proximately 600 prints that will be on ex- hibition and for sale at Orange Coast College from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m. Thursday in OCC's new Fine Arts Building. Brazilians Seek Violins, Cellos RIO. DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -While other Third World coun· tries ask European and American governments for jets, born b s and mmtary advi::.ors, Braul is a s king for violins, violas and cellos. The country is about to begin a sweepin~ new program of government· s upported c I ass1cal music education for pov. ert} level youn~ster:.. It hopes the proJect will turn out more native· born musicians to fill the nation's or chestras, as well as creating more or· chestras throughout the country. "The biggest problem is the in!.trumenls wh1rh do not exist ,·• s aid Marlos Nobrc. <lirN·tor of the National lnst1lutt• Out 'n' About colurnr11st Norm Stanley is ill. of Music. "We hope to collect 1500 instruments over the next twelve months." Nobre. a member or UNESCO's International Musical Council where he heads the Brazilian Music Commiltee, said he plans to ask the em· bassies or the United Slat.es, Germany, Japan, Italy, France, Russia, Chi n a and Czec hos lovakia t o donate instruments. The program, called Project Spiral, is an at- tempt to turn samba· loving Brazilians into de· votees of Beethoven and Rach. Since classical mus ic teachers are almos t as scarce as \'iolins, the project is based on a method of col· leC'tive teaching de- veloped by a Brazilian music professor, Alberto Jaffe. Two Teri~alii Steali Dinners Fors't.95 Heres another great offer that makes TllP Jolly Roqcr P1Jrfect for your dining out pleasure. Two ccmplete teriyaki steak dinners specially priced at Just $7.95 for both with the coupon below. This offer 1nclutln.::. two hc3r1y tenyaki steaks marinated 1n our spec1<1I oriental sauce and !'-l'rvccl with a grilled pineapple nng. Dinner also incluclcs soup du iour or fresh qJrden salad prepared with cucumbers and marinated mixed beans. nee pilaf and J piping hot loaf of our freshly baked bread. TONIGHr,OCl'OBE&zt -ntE MATCHMAKEll' -Comedy, 8:30 o'cloclc tonight lhrou1h Suoday at Chapman Collece's Waltmar Theater, Palm at Grand, Orange. $2.SO adult&, $1.50 atudeots. m-8821, ext. 332. 'KENNEDY'S CBILDBEN' -Drama. 8 o'clock tooilbt and Saturday in Oranee Coast ColJege Auditorium, 2101 Fairview Road. Coata Men. Free. TWO PLAYS -Newport Harbor High School Drama CJub presenta "God's Favorite" at 7:30 o'clock tonight aod 2 p.m. Saturday and "Play It Again, Sam" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the high school auditorium, S>O Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, Admission, $1.50 each or $2 !or both plays. • Times/Places 'SONGBAG' -Coffeehouse entertainment. 7:30 ·o'clock tonight in Golden West College Com- munity Center, 15744 Golden West SL, Hunt- ington Beach. $1. 'SOUTH PACIFl C' -8:30 o'clock tonight, Satur- day and Nov. 5 and 6, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. F Berton Civic Light Opera at Plummer A itorium, Chapman and Lemon streets, rton. $3.50·$5.SO adults, $2.50·$4.SO students 12·22, ·$3 children, 50 cents Jess for matinees. 879·17 2 afternoons. or Liberty, Mutual and Wallichs agencies. 'THE THREEPENNY OPERA' -Musical, 8:30 o'clock tonight and Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Cal State Long Beach Studio Theater. 6101 E . 7th St. $3·$3.50 general, $2-$2.50 students. (213) 498·4540. ADULT DRAMA -"When You Coming Back, Red Ryder?" Irvine Community Theater, Bristol Street at Red HUI Avenue, Costa Mesa. 8:30 o'clock tonight and Saturday. 557·7297. nMMY WITHE RSPOON -9: 15 p.m . to 2 a.m. tonjght through Sunday at Hungry Joe's Jazz Club, 1506 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. $4 plus one drink minimum. 'm E RULING CLASS' -Satiric comedy, 8 o'clock tonight and Saturday at South Coast Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. $4.50·$6.50. 646-1363 after1 p.rn. daily. 'I 00! I DO!' -Musical, now through Nov. 28 at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Avenida, Pico, San Clemente. $9.S0-$13.95. 492-9950. CONTI NUING IN LOS ANGELES -"Equus," through Nov. 6 at the Huntington Hartford Theater : "A Matter of Gravity," through Dec. 4 at the Ahmanson Theater; "Vanities," through Dec. 19 at the Mark Taper Forum ; "A Chorus Line." indefinite run at the Shubert Theater . Oren 7 Day.~ J1 1i:hr~t Quality f\Jltvl' i\l1•x1l·.in Foods ~~~ IN THE LOJNGE DON ALVARO CNGJITAA Mon.-Thur. 11 :30 o.m. to 10 p.m. Fri. & Sot. 11;30 o.m. to 11 p.n\. ( OCKT AILS Sunday 4 p.m. to I 0 p.m. ~on9 . ~'=9ffi=3=E.=A=DAMS~·=HU=N=Tl=NG=TO=N=B=EA=CH=96=2=·79=1 =1 ==- Roser. • • Anaheim, 2250 E Lincoln, 83~453 .• B1lboa Island, 203 Marine Ave. 6i3-8720 Buen11Park.8376 Lt1 Palma Ave, 995-761 1 I · · • Cotla Mesa. 2300 H3rbor 81Vd .. 54().8535 • Dana Point, 25100 Del Prado, 49&-0855 Irvine, 1727 E Oyer Rd .54S-..400 • NowPQrt Beteh, 3333 w Coast Hwy. 642·2295 ~elestial Lounge PRESENTS The KING of ROCK 'N' ROLL TOPPER TROOPER ... NOVEMBER 2 rhru 7 •FREE T-Shiru for ladies •FREE TOPPER records for Ev~rybody •DANCE CONTEST every Friday ... PRIZES (ladies Only) CET DOWN and BOOCIE to t=OYNOMITE SOUNDS of UTILE RICHARD, UCK BERRY, JERRY LEE LEWIS, and MOREi TO Pl.A YS 'EM AU/II Largest dance floor in West LA P~fica Hotcl <form~rly the Americana Hotel) 6161 Centlnel" Aven,ie (11 ~pulved~l Culver Ci1y 649-1n6 • Santa Ana, 33 Fashion Souaro. 5•2·3307 • .OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 24.1878 ., .. __________ _ .. • ; SATtsaOAY,OC'l'OBfUUI .'DANCE REVIEW -Pmormus rtom Bailey's Younc World Dance School. 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Huntington Center. 1m Edh:ager Ave., JlunUnitoo Beach. Free. SHORT OPEBAS -PucclDi'e "Gianni Schiccbl'' and s cene$ from otben, 8 p.m . Saturday and Sunday at Cal State Fullerton LltUe Theater, 800 N. State Colle1e Blvd., Fullertoo.. $2. 870+3371 weekda,y111a.m.to4 p.m. Sl1NDAY,O€TOBERSI 'MONSTEll M.ADIGRAL• -Gentry FamUy Singers, 2, 2:•s and 3:30 p.m . Sunday, plus. chlldren 'a entertainment, at South Coast PJaza, Bristol Street at the San Diego Freeway, Costa Mesa.Free. DIXIELAND JAZZ -King Zulu Paraders and others, 2 to 7 p .m . Sunday on t.he Queen Mary, Long Beach Harbor. Free. MONDAY,NOVEMBERl JAU. CONCERT -Studio Ensemble, 8 p.m. Monday in the multi-purpose room, Cal State Long Beach University Union, 6101 E. 7th SL, Long Beach. $2.50 general, $1 students. MISSION BIRTHDAY -Historical and cultural exhibits at Mission San Juan Capistrano Mo,n- day, its 200th birthday. TUESDAY,NOVEMBER2 ·NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?' -Comedy, 8:30 p.m . Nov. 2·22, Tuesdays-Saturdays, at Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. 494-0743after 1 p.m . 'SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN' -Captioned film for deaf, 4 p.m. Tuesday in Golden West College Forum 2, 15744 Golden West St .• Hunt- ingt-0n Beach. Free. PRAGUE STRING QUART°ET -Music by Prokofiev and Ravel, 8 : 15 p.m. Tuesday at Laguna Beach Higb School Auditorium, 625 Park Ave. Information, Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society, 499·3106 or 545-7535. PIANO DUET -By Raymond and Marjorie Jones, music by Mozart and Bartok, noon Tues- day at Or ange Coast College Music Studio 101. 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Free. THURSDAY,NOVEMBER4 'PLAY WITH A TIGER' -By Doris Lessing, 8 p.m. Nov. 4-6 in UC Irvine Little Theater, Room 161 of Hum anilies Hall. 75 cents. 'MAJOR BARBARA' -Shaw comedy, 8 p.m. Nov. 4-6 and 5 p.m . Nov. 7 in Santa Ana College's Phillips Hall, 17th at Bristol Street, Santa Ana. $2 general , $1 s tudents and senior citizens. 835·5971. 'OEDIPUS THE KING' Orama, 8 p.m . Nov. 4·6 and 11·13 in l'ullerton College Campus FOR YOUR DINING AND DANONG PlEASURE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHnY PRESENTING JERRY LAMBUTH THURSDAYS: 9-1:30 FRIDAYS: 5-1 :30 ~ ~ SATURDAYS: 9-1 :30 ~~).~i Th e ;/~A • ~,r_~,zy ,.J n ut{) ~-:~\ 1670 Newport •Yd. 14t 17 .. St.J Costa Mesa 642-8293 \ • (Two or more persons) Chicken Chow Mein. sweet and sour pork, eu (oo young, fried rice. fortune and almond cookies TWO LOCATIONS 1421I.17tft Sf. s ........ SSl-2626 2121 I. c-t Hwy. c-....... 67).fff9 HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL-Carnival, today tbroUCb Sunday at Mlle Squan Park, 16000 Brook.bunt St., Fountain Valley, wltb parado . at 10 a .m . Saturday, north on Brookhurst Street from Slatu A~enue. ~uoo for d~ -ta.Ue. ,• HAUNTED HOUSE -6 lo 10 o'clock tonlght and Saturday. 6 to mldlilaht SUnday in the Orange County Fairgrounds cafeteria on Falr Drive, Costa Mes a. $2, benefits March of Dimes (or$1in advance bycalling979-2270). HAU.OWEEN HAUNT-Wolfman J ack plus spooky rides, 1 o'clock lo 1 a .m. tonight and Saturday at Knoll's Berry Farm, Buena Park • $5.SO Jn advaace at aiencies, $6.SO at gate. HALLOWEEN IN ANAHEIM -Parade, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, from Glover Stadium, La Palma Park, south on Anaheim Boulevard to Lincoln, west on Lincoln to llllnols. Also, Sun- day fun day at Pearson Park; bring picnic lunch. Free. HALLOWEEN PLAYS -Scheherazade Players presents three difrerent productions for HaHoween. "Sherlock Holmes aod the Speckled Band," an all-female cast, 8 p.m. tonight al 8 and 12 p.m. Saturday; "An Even- ing of POE" at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, and "J ack- 0 -Lantem," original puppet play for children, noon and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Performances at Arthur's Barn, Heritage Park, 12174 Euclid, Garden Grove . Ad· mission, SO cents. HAUNTE D HOUSE -Irvine Jaycees sponsor a haunted house at the Irvine Company Home Show Building, Santa Ana Freeway and Myford Road. Admission, $1. Hours: Thurs- day, S.10 p.m. Thursday; 5p.m ,·midnight, Fri- day; 11 a.m.·10 p.m., Saturday, and 11 a .m .- midnigbt, Sunday. HALLOWEEN CONCERT -While Bread, local rock and roll band, will perform at 8 p. m . tonight at SELF High School, 16841 Milliken . Way, Irvine. Admission, $1. Sponsored by Irvine You lb Services Department. HAUNTED HOUSE-Youngsters four-years., old and older are invited to attend haunted house at Harvard Community Athletic Field. Hours: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Friday. Admission, 25 cents for bolb adults and children. Theater, 321 E. Chapman Ave .• Fullerton. $2.SO adults, $1.50 students. 871·8101 weekdays. 'GUYS AND DOLLS' -Muslcal, 8p.m. Nov. 4-6 and 10-13 at UC lrvine Village Theater. $4.50· adults. $2 students. 833·6617. 'SHE STOOPS TO OONQUER" -Comedy, 8:30 p.m. Nov. 4·6 and 11·13, and 5:30 p.m. Nov. 14 al <SeeTIMES, C4) JUST ONE VISIT.~ .. 0111• \i,il 1111J you'll lw e·unvi111.,-.I tit.Al Al'AO"NA ;,. 1h,. "'""' "'"'I" .. r•· .. 1""" ran I in S.mtlll'rn ( • Jl1for11i.A ••• Whrrr you 1·a11 ••ujuv ,..,.., • .,, .. ,,, rER- SIAN. A RM E:"ll \ ~. (;ttt;t;K & RUSSIAN ,.,,. ... ;.Alli"~ a• ""II " .. AMERICAN & CONTINt:"TAL , . .,;. 11i11r. Vi•il u• :.111y1i111•·. LUNCH-Mon. to Fri. I I :30 to 3 . ·" .. _.f .. Dt---7 ff n\'n : . RWl'll:'I""-: n H. OltlL,TAl.r. Dinner Menu praces start -$4.25 (8Ellvn.tw.'!!fll • ·1HIQll~ Live Entertainment Nightly • , APADANA Restaurant 600 Newport Center Dr., Ne wport leach (in Newpart Center across from Fashion Island) For Reservations Call: 640·7502 FREE VAUOATEO MRKING IANOUET fAClllllES 110 lo 100) ~irporter qnn BHEAKFAS Ll!~l'H nlllil'\ER COCKTAIL UA~Cl:\G CJ-Io tel PRESENTS OUTSTANDING DINING & ENTERTAINMENT .. * MEDITERRANEAN ROOM FOR EXQUISIT E CU ISINE-SERVICE DINNER SERVED FROM 5 PM LUNCH FHOM 11 :30 AM CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH FRO~I JO AM· 3 PM * Captain 's Table Coffee Shop SERVING 24 HOURS DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE LOUNGE 18700 MacARTHUR·NEWPORT Offl>SITf THE AIR..OltT) 833·2770 OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO "YOUR BIG PAR IT IS OUR BIG PLEASURE" COCKTAILS lfl. COSTA MESA• 296 E. 171h SI. Hit.LG REN SOUARE • EMS.7626 J2. BAI.BOA • 105 MAIN St. BALBOA PIER • 675 9600 6ANl<AMERICAll0. MA$TfltCHAl!G£ ond AMEIUC.AN EXPl!ESS • • 1• • OAILYPILOT Frld1y. October 29. 1978 ~olden ~~-~_;; ~ ~-1 flilia1'ragon - GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In 0,inese A Lo.C.Orte Dishes LUNCH•OINNER OAIL I( FOOd to Teke Out 11:30A.M. to 10P.M. ,.,,...._~ COITAMHA '4Z..7162. 64'-"'' Orange County's First All-Comedy Nightclub NOW .OPEN Top Comedy Entertainment Nightly Starting at 9:00 p.m. Cocktails and Specialty Nitetime Menu Served until 1:00 a.m. OPEN FOR LUNCH featuring giganlic sandwiches and salad bar HAPPY HOUR 4 : 00 to 7: 00 P. M. Generous Drinks and Free Hors d'oeuvrts THE LAFF STOP 2122 S.E. Bristol {at Birch) Newport Beach -714/751-7867 Take off for a fun evening at The Registry! • TIMES, PLACES • • • <From PageQ) Golden West College Theater, 1S7'4 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. S3 general, S2 students and senior citiien1. Tickets at boob tore or door. FRIDAY, NOVEMBElt S ALL-WOMEN PLAY -OCC Drama Club pre- sents Arthur Kopll's ooe-act comedy, "Chamber Mu.sic·• Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5·8, in OCC Drama Lab Theater. Curtain, 8 p.m. Admission, $1. PIDLHARMONIC CONCERT -The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra will open the Orange County Philharmonic Society's second series of live concerts at8:30 p.m. Nov. s in the Santa Ana HJeh School Auditonum, 520 W. Walnut, Santa Ana. Tickets, at $6·7 and $3 for students, are avaUable at 201 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach and Immetta's Ticket Agency, Disneyland Hotel. OON ELLIS -And rus big band, 9:30 lo 2 a .m. Nov. 5 and 6 at Hungry J~'s Jazz Club, 1506 Pacific Coast Highway. Huntington Beach. $5 plus one drink minimum. DANCE CONCERT -Matti Lascoe Dance. Theater Company, 8:30 p.m . Nov. S, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20 at Dance Loft, 218 W. 4th St., Santa Ana. S2.50 general, $2 students and senior citizens. 542-8650. SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 7 HYPNOTIST RETURNS -Jack !ting, master hypnotist, at 5 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7, at the Park Newport Spa, San Joaquin Hills and J am- boree Roads, Newport Beach. Admission, $1- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FOL.K MUSIC -Mispoche, singers and musi· cians who present in ternational and Israeli music, will appear at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6, at Temple B~th Shalom, 13031 Tustin Ave., Santa Ana. General admission, $4; students and senior citizens, $3, and patrons $15. SUMDOwtoa SPECIAL l Daffy s,eclah 5-wd 4 to' P..M. • M...flri. ~ lnc:i.de s_, or W... v......-, Pot.toft °" ltlc• C.tclt _. .... D9J I....._.._, SUS Prl-U. llitglM Ctlfl 14.H ""''OH ....... ...trff V9'i" dlllty 111 W. PaHzacf....otd City Pfcao-4t8-IZI I TEMPLE ~ARDEN$ ~-· ; CfJ'NSSS Rednurcrnt ):~~~~ LUNCHEON AND DINNER DAILY Sp•cial Luncheon luff.t $2.10 Monday thru Fnday 11 30 to 1 30 OutdOor Jam at Safari Amateur blueerass and folk music performer• wJll eather Nov. 7 for an outdoor Jam session at Lion Country Safari. .. Tbe day-long musical festival, "Bluegr ass· Revival" wm begfn at 9 a.m. ln an area adjacent to the wlldltfe park's entertainment center. Five West Coast Bluegrass bands will perform inside lhe park's entertainment tent. Headlining the show will be Dobro guitarist Mike Auldridge of Silver Springs, Md. He will appear with .. Hickory Nuts" and country singer Mary Lyn Dias at 1:45and 4:45p.m. Other groups appearing will be "Canyon Grass," 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.: "Lost Highway," 10:45 a.m. and 4 p.m.; "Buckhorn," 11:30a.m. and3:15p.m.; and "Anna Banana and the Five-Mile Boys," l p.m. Admission is free with Lion Country Safari's regular admission price or adults, $4.95 ; children, 3-11, $2 .95, and under three, free. Pmt1Po111 Sandy Duncan, Lucie Arnaz and Stockard Channing practice old school yell for the ir role in the Mark Taper Forum's "Vanities" which opens Thursday and will run through Dec. 19. Drop By El Matador Say Hello To Marcial TRY ORANGE COUNTv·s FINEST MEXICAN FOOD t ,., lit!!! Now Serving American & Mexican C' . Areakfast from 7 A M. Sat & Sun. , WMCHIOH c-E~•td•· 0...1 $1 65 Daity SPlCIAL Tl ~. c"'~ o o• U• ·' ••A• e • STox llil"tft dt•U,f'r COtll.l•ill. df1nttftt I IOS u sl lc•lell• 've. an•heim 1714 I U9·,tt4 l'orCUS1'0.N DESIGNED or Sl'OCK CUES!' CNECKC Call 714 548-2888 rr.11,.1) bl for /'REE SU1p/1 Kit PfR"<>NAL ~I R\'JC f PROMPT DI UVlRlt~ CAL-GRAPHICS PRESS IW~ MONRO\' IA A VI NIWl'OR'r IJl:ACU Ale you looking fM 0 ctrtoln something you ton'! find? Then you nHd o Doly Not douifi.d od. It's the ~HI way to rtoch ~ all along the Orang. C:OOst. list cal 642-5678 ond o frlencly doulfitd acf.vlsor will help you crtalt an inexpensive. NOW A TRULY SENSATIONAL SHOW!!! B 0 B WHITE Formerly With THE PLAnERS R A y LOWDON ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING Great evenings take off In The Grand Portage Restaurant and Saloon. Start with a superb dfnner featuring table-side gourmet cookery. Stay for dancing and swltched·on en1erlalnment. Come for dinner. Or the dancing. Try RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUMGE Fr .ihJring Exotic Troo1ca1 Drinks ~ c~7::L~:::=v:_o;~.~~:~:::~•o I '~.~ I 'oym.m is tosy, loo. Your I SOO ADAMS lot HorbCM"I And, hi Gord.ft Gro•~ ~ 'l '\ T ik.V_,, ri• I"' •• IT XII crtdif is good with Ul. but .tt«tin, sa.s m.s19. Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 P.M.-2:00 A.M. our 24 hour Gazebo, too. Now that's a happy landing! COSTA MESA 12201 tROOKHURST . M on.-Thur. 10 to 11 • fn. Sar. Sun. 7 AM to 12 M1dmght You can ct-ge your od. S40·1937 540-1921 IAI Chopmonl 638-7010 Or, put it on your Mo1ttr 1-----------------..-i siEiiiiiii~ii:iiiiizitiiCiii:iiCiiaCit:.=aeiEiCiCiiac5°I ChOfg• of BonkAmericOfd_ OUTRIGGER ROOM Floy~,. ,R!~.~! THE REGISTRY HOTEL ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT 18800 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine Phone 752·87n Ownt<l and operatll(I by Hotpltal11y Manaot,...nt C0<p., Dallas. Texas t t t f t 'J'rioof ~avorites Steall rerfyallf Sltrfmp rempul'a Cltlclien on a Sfiewer Served with Green Vegetables Soup · Rice · Green Tea t t t t t t t ,:;;~\,)n JlJol'tYn CROWN HOUSE ~" '""t-RESTAURANT 32802 COAST HWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL (AIC,_ V"""t''erb..,I 499-2626 496-5773 South Coaat'a Fineat Cuiaine IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT 314 FOREST AVE. LAGUNA BEACH (In n. "--'t .. dl t f f f 6.95 1JHDtfttll Ample Free Parking 494-9491 752-8558 t _____ _ t f #60 Fashion Island, Newport Center t t Reservations honored: 644·4811 t COME IN ANO BE OUR HONORED GUEST ,, ................ _ DAILY PILOT CLAMS • OYSTERS • SHRIMP • SWORDFISH • BASS ,~ LUNCHE0!!=~,~;5 11271 Peclfle Collt H¥WY. Huntington e.ld\ • (2131 512-1321 3901 EtC-Hilhwey Newport 8*" • 17141175-0900 HALIBUT • AB~LONE • LOBSTER • STEAKS A New Supper Experience Take A Dining Trip On A Train For a unique dining adventure, come aboard the glamour train. Lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. Savory cntrecs include Roast Prime Rib of Btt{, Rack of Lamb 8c Chesapeake Bay Scallops. Grand Central Stadon Lounge with Chowder Bar and Dining Can located in South C'.oast Plaza ill .Coeta Mesa. (71.f) 540-8822 CDme relive the paat. I For cocktail" or dining I Serving late for &he "Afttr" Crowd I Cre~s and oOler u1tique dishes I Wally Ruth at the piimo bar I Comforrable, ln(onnal, wi!h an octnn vi<'w Pko.r m~'-c rc~rvJtloM by ,.111in1t. 714/6-104000 Inquire about our specially-selected -~~wine of the month.~~- The best ploct to bvy Of sell ~ !ht Oronge C:OOst '' tht Doily ,ilot. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT KONA LANES 2699 'Harbor Costa Mesa 545-1112 Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st Pl., Newport Buch ORiolt 3-9S60 HOOfl to Mldni'Jht Oaily-We.iitftd1 U..tit I :00 o.m. o•u 11 YI.AAS"' ..,.uoa ... l .. Live Jazz by the Ocean. Jeff Harris Jazz Quartet Sundays 12 Mooft to 4 P.M. Plus Gourmet Champagne Brunell ·Elegantly Served Terrace-side Sundays 10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. nn,. ~ !U•taurant 361 Cliff Drive.Laguna Beach 92651 (714) 49+94n ! I 'I I ' I INSIDE WOODY ALLEN r~ ~10HAVE TO RAISE:' MY Fli&' ANOTWCR TEN ~'""RS MJ HOUR. FUNKY WINKERBEAM m.L ME' ca.lGR~ ... TANK McNAMARA CAN l EAT SOME CANDY'?·-I FEEL LIKE SOMETHING SWEET HOW A BOUT SOME CAKE OR ICE CREAM OR COOKIES ? by Jeff Miler & Bil Hinds by Ernie Bushtnlller · HOME SWEET HOME TODAY'S CRDSSWDRD PVZZLI PEANUTS UNITED Feature Syndicate Thurlday'IPuul•Solftd: ACROSS Slang GO UnllfnchrnQ 1 Drop heavily 52Hosllle 5 Where the courses ol Louvre ls eclion 10 Dance ol the 54 Pi.nt used '30s for 14 Affection seasoning 15 P01nt111g ~8 Make erect upward 59 Took on 16Kansas food community 60 Wind 17 Customer lnatrument 18 la·loword 6 2Mualcel 19 Rader passeges: screen sPol lnlorm11 20 Deserves 85 Feign 8 0 1 shlos: 35Hid1 lllarp 22 Auogant 67 In addition 6 ~=1100 ~~ ~~~onlte pefaon • 69So••k 7 So1kl 43 l<lndol 24 Ger den gwl wildly 8 Swee I gl1t• rel1Uon1 25 ·····In the 70 Anllloxlns 9 Backl11s •8 Clalrwoyanl dark 71 Under stats 48 Whirl 27 :;.::·,·overh: d nervous 10Bro'"'er ""' ew11 e strain u• 51 Gives 29Mect11nrt:a1 72se1ardisk: 11 HOiiows nosoltalily contrivances v 12Fullol to 32 Habnusl 73 At'~• time energyd 53 01 thntars drinker 7c Horse 13 Yawn• 54 Out-ol-d1te 33 Approx. 75 Makll 2231 P5ronoun .55 Contr11y cost loen• par 56 Pulls 1p11C 34 Pleas Ing to 28 Lukew1nn & 7 Father the mind OWN 28 Pack 36 Eth lea I D 29 G.t. fare 61 V. Borge, fot 40 Stalk fFruif 30 Wine erM 63 ~~. <42 C1bles 2 Be deprived 3 1 Tendon cornp1.rtmenl 4 c Had Ille of . 35 Prevent .,.5 Literal 3 Hammed II 37 Say ovlf 64 Requeallo perts up 1galn 00 4 7ll&bilitles • Die . 38 Curved 66 Dull finish 49 Dllmond> 5 One'S own 1truc1ur• 68 Honshu bay '~ ~ JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS IT'•~----. -.NC10tN1:Jc:M ~'r-:imid--t--1 MKIN '°°"- ML.M. DR. SMOCK GORDO. MOON MULLINS by Charles M. Schulz --------, by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Rye11 't!!!'Y· 0ctow 29, 1m DAIL V PILOT Qt by Georcp Lemont :; •-r's ...,o,. "f'HE! SAMe! .•• YOc.> see, 'T'HS NORSf! WA5 uUNIS AL-L-)90...,, AN' ')lt)CJ PON',- t..OOK MUCH t...H<e JUNS At..L.'150>-4 ••• so ..• • by Ferd Johnson .. our treasurer wishes me to announce abc bu resigned u she QR no lonaer find a headache remedy that does her a bit or good." DENNIS THE MENACE ... ~~ . . CG OAILYPILOT Frioay October 29 1976 ·cAR WASH: .... Where, between the hours of 9 and s anything can happen ... and usually does! "UI IUl"Gm1 ~1a1s f ru~l11 AJa1e • Cur1r tuli1 Want a mouse orean '! <I (or ot11er musical instrument) For clwifitd Atl ACTION Call A Dally Pilot Ad·~l•or 642·5678 f r1f 1SS1r lr1l1 t1re1 • Im llm · l1l11i1 far1as · larnbe Cari hd lnee · tlarem ltse • lh ~i11tr ~lsters ·lllthri 'mil W11ll11 ~ J&l ttl!MOU · M111c \1 IOIMU W'dllllHI · ~tteltl \1 MltWI ttBDUl t1d1cd '' m t1N~o• 1n mr m~wm& · u m um mn~crmx AUlfll~M rltWll · HtHNltOlOlu µ:GJ~·~~.~-~~ Afler yoo' ve ttied every~hi~ else ... §11 ll t l•ttr., ,_,.,Utilr ,,. 1.1 vr1y 01\ I CA riull1~ It's cash for keeps in a hilarious run for the money! ...... lllrTll•••• 1111m111 ...... _ lllllnlnfa.I .. , ~ .......... <\ • • ... • .., .. ... ~·ij ~ Holot": ~ .... t "'9:·.~---.. · ,,."' .... "' ~'·~ ~. r:,..,."" •• • ..,.,.. '"',.." , .. (', . , ..... ,uu ... ...,... • ~ .... ~ ..... G --.... , ... ,..., ............ f.... .. ... ..,,. ~"" o...,.., ..,, .0.-...1 r. t • -.. • .--~ --~----- Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs 1G> LOGE A 9uld• to co11uftunlt~ chvrchff and their event• •ppeere a.tcardep DAILY PILOT srcA. 1'4141 10I( ..... ...__ .... ...,,, ... ... " I Com MttY •546·27l i A WALTER MIRISCH PROOJCTOO "~~ a...n ,... CHARL TOO HESTON • HENRY FOOM JAMES COBURN • GLENN FOOD • HAL HO..Bfro( • TOOHIAO MIFOOE • ROOERT MITCHUM ·CLIFF ROBERTSOO ROOERT WMJNER ..... ·-Ql!TWlllMOl(Wl·~linlA ()RST~W\\8).-.[{)M)lDJ """''<"I' __ .....,. •• ('lffllf-c'ftO •• f'WIOVl'"ft ti rxJW.O S. SANFOOD • .oiN WILLIAMS · JACK SMOO ·WALTER MIAISCH "~~~=.:~: .PG~·~ .... HI WAY 39 -WESTMINSTER -53(-6282 OltAlfGE MAU 8 -ORANGE • 137-0340 BROOllHURST -ANAHEIM -772-5446 STAOIUM 0 I -ORANGE -639-6990 t CllftMA WEST -WESTMINST£R -892-4493 BRISTOL CINEMA -COSTA MESA : 540-7444 SADDLEBACll PLAZA • El TORO -581 ·5880 -- ----------- .. A portrayal of Morgan by Denni::. Hoµpe1 that ranges from m1plos1ve to endearing .. 1." l ·~ ' ' • (-·-0 ....,_ ........, _ _ .__ ............ ..,. .. ----DENNIS HOPPER . MAD DOG ·-·· .. JCAUn THOMAS _,_,,,..,ul'H: MORA •n}•" .. , ..... .,.,.. __ ........... \-"'""""h.,...Lat. t~ o.... .... ~ .. ~··'· .... ,.....-.._,. .. ~ .... NOW PUYIMG AT THESE SELECT THEATRES Plitt City Cttttr Or~ 634-9212 UA Westminster . Westminster 193-8541 I P1clllc 011ap Dr. In • Ora111e . 551·1122 Minn Soutb Coast • Bristol Costa Mesa ~ 546-2711 l PLEASE CALL TitEATRES FOR SHOWT1MES J -~·-NTOl CAI Wutt,... ""' f AMfl Y PlOf CN1 JO• ITUOIO .... YllW IAT. 10.ao DOO DAY AITllNOON11t ""' fltllM I TNI 11AH 1111 Will_,, NM -Ml NO DIPOllT NO 111U1Nttt -----~ SNOW Wllft & 111 tmlf .. _,,.. IJIWtff*- 11 ••"' Ill wrnt A MULi.., """ ftit ... . .. , ...... ... 531-9580 &lll s3ffuo ) ••o•t •t-531-9580 ..... -~ 531·9580 WMlll DOii n HUIT? Ill) MX>o• stuD•o-·· .... YllW I AT. 10.ao amauwm LOY•""' ""' flONT PAOI ,,., --..... MAD DOO MOllAN 1111 '"" IOlUUALL11t Mal ~ AUX I TMI GYPSY lit '"" MAllY I TONTO c-. 'ltC~tC TMUUIU ~Nf·IN IU"ftt IWA• llflfS KAltlOA I LYO Ottvt •tlll Sw911 lllMI Set. & Sul'l.4 •tn to 4 pm ORANGE. Oftvt -ll'I 1 & 2 $f1 .................... ,.,, ''" ...... ..,. ti ......... ll•d .... Fam~y Fun! Prol"91 811g!1na G1loret aoaorncu .... •• ""• ,...,, • ''. '". "' 1 .. • ... ,_, _ •• 4l 11.,0llUllT llOTICll CMllDfltll UflDU " ru11 ft-~tr-h I-• C•M,.o lolt SO.• U-I P-1 . _,, .. .. , ....... , 525-3521 llWll'T....,. . Ill wmt A IMfU C11t ""' OUIU WHAT WI UAlNID11t ----' • SN.IHI MOVll Ill) 2 ·TAXI Dlrvft ,., a • , ..... a nt1 llAH., 1&1n11c.ut1 1Mf1WAY1Nt '"" 1MI MINOINIUIOCNI -MUN•-Y NO•MIU 1 • THI flONT ~ 2 • llHffCK ~ i · IMAMIOO m ...... ~. llCMMI ,.,..,. CAI WAIMINI ""' fMllLY Pl.OflNt Wilt -..rf ... 1'19'f¥MI NO DOOSn MO llTUIN"' .,. """ ................... CAIWAIMtNt PA.Ml\ y 11\0'f '"' WHITI UNI PMI • . : ; .. . ~ : ' ) :· * x!.U rili *li;J.,1-:-r ~•ov1* s .... ;_ • MOW iHco~"'f A ... ($. ~ 'I Do:I Excellent at Sehastian9§ w~u ! BEL-CONGO ~.:OTEL : , ....... ,..a~ • t 14'"°'47 it Whe n one functions skirts the inherent ob- stacles but appears to re-· vel m the challenge. His pr oduction. and his rerformance, are top W'awer all thew ay. -..,...___,,_..,.. ___ ._. ..... ...-..--..... * * simultaneously as actor, direetor and set desi~er in a two·char acter musical, he runs the rr~at rh.k of L su.J 5i;::ht or one a~pect or lhe cperatlon to concentrate more fully on one of the others, rather like the adage about the lawyer who defends himself. laugh. lt ls, ln fact. a model production wluch the original s tars - Robert Pres ton and Mary Marlin -would surely applaud. full view of tho au· dlence ·and trans form themselves, quite believably. into an elder· ly couple prepnring lo move into a small apnrl· •lANll'S SO. COAST PLA:A Ml S .. ltfflf so nu MANN'S SO. COAST PLAZA t11I• llt» >•1t lm11l ~!Ill MANN'S so. com PUZA Col•llltU ~'''""'' ~1111 .. M.AUTHOt~ t~" woe QA\'I • oo-e·1 .. 1t·>o U.T/~llM 1.Jf,):.4t.&.• .. ......... "MAD 006 t.iORC:.M" 1 "''"" '"'' """ > •~1·.-..1 ... u "Stx WITH A SMllf' (JI) t·H '4T """ l 0 .. l.J .... 4t INEES DAILY AT INEMALANO MANN'S "AltCE IN WONDEll.C!il" (X) CINCMAUMD ~=-11• 11w '' .,,.., "FLESH GORDON" ...., .. ,. IU.IMI MANN'S C"IEMALAl:O Mith l!llhr ... ,.,. UllMI MANN'S CINCMALANO 1m h .,,..., b1•111t UllMI J JM:J .. t •lt ''"'""'"" "MARA THON MAH .. l.J .. J,.M.-11-1•..H "MARA TH O N MAH .. " ... , ...... J .. 7:41-10:00 lntel•mission Tom Titus Yet Dan Verre, who fills all three or these roles for the new produc· tion of "I Do, 1 Do" ;it Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, not only ln hls two year s as ex· ecutive director of the San Clemente dinner theater, Verre h as s t aged productions whlch have been spright· ly paced but not overly abounding in subtlety. However, bis •'I Do, I Do" ls completely devoid o f o verplaying, o f pushing for the quick VERRE AND HIS co- star, C. Brooks Almy in her Orange County debut, p e rform beautifully as a couple traversing Crom wedding day to retirement, deal·' ing with the various ob- stacles of life along the way. This opens the way for five different charac. terizations by both performers a's ti"1le takes lt.s toll, and all are splendidly interpreted~ · Verre is cute and com· teal in the rattier cliched role or a nervous bride· groom ort the wedding night, engaging as a still imma ture father and struggling novelist, in· sulferable as the self· 'Matter of Time' Blends Tiro Lives Japanese Art Demonstrated At Cal State By KATHE B. TRACY Of I~• Dally Pllo4 St.tft "A Matter of Time" is a mysti· fying and enthralling journey in· to the dream·like world of one woman 's life.Jong quest for wealth and power . An aging contessa, played by Ingrid Be rgm an, and a young woman, portrayed by Liza Min· nelli, seem to blend into one Bergman m agnilicently / stars as the somewhat senile, dignified but penniless contessa. Her fervor for Jiving allows her resur· rection through her young pro· tege. "The Martial Arts of Kabuki," a lecture.d emonstration, will be presented at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Studio Theatre at Cal State Long Beach, 6101 E . 7th St. mcnl. "I Do, I Do'' marks the centered successful entry or Sebastian's writer on the brink of West into full y pro· marital shambles, and fessionaJ stutul'I wltb an exceptionally effective Actors Equity Associa· in his last two sequences lJon contract. It was an as middle aged and inevitable step for the elderly. dinner theater, which Miss Almy offers a has been packed for sharp counterpoint as v i r t u a l I y e v e r y the wiser ol the two mar· performance for its last riage partners in virtual· several shows. ly each sequence but the "I Do. I Oo" conUnues third (in which she hits through November, her peak w Ith h er playing nightly except ''Fl am j ng Agnes·' Monday, at Sebastian's, number ). A s upe rb · 140 Aven1da Pico, San s inger will\ an immense Clemente. Reservations vocal range, she scores are being tak e n at highly toward the close 492.9950 of the show with "What I s a Wo m a n ?'' and ''Someone Needs Me." ~=-~~~~~l'!l~:!J!=:::::=:::~~?' person as the contessa tells her ,.. . 'life story. AT F IRST, Mi nnelli seems awkward and incomprehensible in her opening portrayal or the temptress. But as we go back in time and witn~ss her developing character, a new and original person comes into being. The troupe is from the National Theater lns Utute of Japan and is led by Bando Yaenosuke, said to be the most famous of the Kabuki f ig ht -scene teach e r s a nd choreographers . The event is sponsored by the CSCLB Asfan Society 's P e rforming Arts Program. THE FIR EWORKS or the second act, when on· ly divine providence pre· vents the fi ercely squab· bling couple from dis· solving, ar e served up with gusto, sharply ron· trasting the preceecUng youth.fut enthusiasm und the foll owin g mature reflection. The most touching moment comes near the end when lhc two performers apply their makeup on s tage m CAL LBOARD Speaking of Sebastian's, the dinner playhouse will hold auditions for its next production, ''The Sound of Music," on No' 13 al 10 a.m. for Equity members, nt noon on the same day for members of other performing un· ions, and on Nov. 14 al 10 a .m. for no n-Equit y perfor mers at the San Clemente theater. The Rodgers and Hammers· tein musical opens Dec. 12 for n minimum of 12 weeks ... Just as the contessa underwent -;::=================::::;-a rags·to·riches transformation, so does the young woman. She "A Matter of Time" is many stories of youth and aging, living and dying, of illusion and reality and of a life well·tasted. For some women, it could weU be a very personal experience. loves the same kind or men, lives the same lu xurious life style, pursues the same desires. As the contessa tells the woman: "What you are and what you have Uved are magical. .. " There will be important wealthy men who will go through lhe tortures of hell Directed by Liza's father, Vin · cente MlnneUi, screenplay by John Gay. Rated "PG." Kabuki blends the art or judo and kendo into a dance-like patte rn on the stage. The fighl·scene is often lhe climax or Kabuki plays. There is no admission char ge. MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW TONIGHT 8:55 P.M. .. Cc?~srPlazal just to press the ir lips to Jcttu11 you ..... THE GREATEST AFRICAN ADVENTURE EVER FILMED. ~~~~~~~~L_ EXCLUSIVE AT EDWARDS BRISTOL CINEMA "Splendiferously Funny." -Ptnf!/ofl* 01111011, Tht N~w Yorlctr "Rowdy, nutty entertainment." MON~Rl.7:2M:20 SAT-SUN 2:0CM:CIO 6:00·8:00.10:00 ~dwa rds BRISTOL CINEMA t :UJTOL AT MACARn<Cll 540-7444 THE POWER attamed by the heroine may have an incredible fairy tale qualltle for some. lts burdens m ay fr'ighten others. Still others may experience un. derstanding and it may inspire others lo great am bit ions. imamu ••• IGT114'1' YOV'(pG) ·~lf'"'I OE~ DUGAN , J, • MICHAEL WAAAEN T AMAAA C>OaSON vtlV'4£E WATSON , .. .,,,,~1 )A YNE MEADOWS,,.. .. ,.,......, WAYl.ANO flOWEkS s.. ....... ,b, l\ON Cl.Al\!( a '.>AM 80IWOC .... GEol\G£ SCHlAml\ CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES CO·HIT AT EDWARDS CINEMA "OBSESSION" CLIFF ROBERTSON OENl!:VIEVE BU.JOU> At tines it looked like it might cost them their jobs. US reputations, and maybe even their ives. REDFORD/IUFMAN "All THE PRE~~ ~ -·~-.. ~. ~ • .. .... • An AM{AICJIN INI( RNAll()NAI. l'1nure • BARBARA PARKINS · IAN HOLM · RENE KOUDEHOff "A MATTER OF TIME" 7:00 & 10:50 PREVIEW: 8:55 'THE FORTUNE' WILL NOT SCREEN TONIG fQ£RTPlll()t\'1l.J.,llNI• 11! • .>li\'Ll•l I"' ,,·11 ''o;~ FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENT£R (PG) Sar'"IJAfJ<WA!lXN ~.a;w:wubyMART1N6ALSNA t IAl. t ()U~l()( Jo\SONR:lWOS a-. S:J'\ fjf 'rk • • •• ,.. . .. LU UalT~· 4:4' ~ .... --.... '"' '"4:1Al M.\TiltlU S4T. & SIM.-1'41 THEA.TIE I. "BlrnRSWEn lOVE" STAHIHO LAMA TUIMER C:OLOlt lflOI THEA TR.IE 11--....... WALT DISHIY'S "SNOW WHITE AHD THI SEVEN DWARFS" & "NO DEPOSIT, "NO RETURN" CALL FOR CO-HITS Af""D SHOW TIMES \ 0.••••1' "'° ~""""""•M-•"""' .-.... -rHE PASSOVEAMT" sooili HARRY ANDREWS· HlGf GRlmTH · ZAlMAN Kll'(i · OONAlD PlEASfNC£ n1 SCOTT Wll.50N as •~H-co ~<11rre t».N ADI\ Mltl\AU l<A'(lfON l!Wl)v~11C11<-.1 N WllllAM 8UaNS IWlllJ. Hltll\YA lnlNA IV.UIANl()Tl5 KtVIH O'C.()NIO l.U!l•l ~ll(lR•WlllAM W0.1'1t'll'I PIOOxed "" !hied by UecutM' PIOliJcef Sc~ by WOLi SCHMIDT· t«HAO. CAMPUS· MENAHEM GOLAN· Mft.1AllD LAMP£U .n1 MTllOA KNOP -............ ~~""'""'~ ll-G4)~l10 l'tNi.t,Al.ONOllM ,,, ... ,.,.~'tOl~(jl\)\f, AnAn.ASl\HS...__ I c..-.to.IXUJU' .-is.emu:;_ edwards BRISTOL CINEMA Hf STOL AT MACARTHUR 540-7444 ·--·· - DAILY AT .S:»t:30·10:30 SATURDAY.SUNDAY 2: 30-4:~:30-t:30-1 Q:30 .. " ' £8 DAIL V PILOT Friday. Octobef 29. 1979 TV DAILY LOG I FRIDAY •V•NINQ 8 :00 a a oo CJQl (lJJ rn m ""' a ® (j) (12tl cv m 11ews U Sllt TrM (,£) CorMr Pyle -~t at hrtM .. f1111ily ...... 12 l2il S1¥ T rtk m llectric c.,.n, Oil llu• Ult l1t1k Q) Little ib1uls -6:30-u O.uh!Cutsts onc:lude Bob Hol)f, L1~ lurntr, Oun Jones, Peler Nero, Lonnie Shen • CJ) w, Cnthth 11Q) Mtrt "1111• S"°9 m fuuly Aft111 fD Fm• r. Zlt41tr b A Ca11chd1te Too Repruent1nc lhe Soc°'llsl P111y m fntllds of Man 7:00 D D fUJ CtJ ED l'e.s O LJars Club ff) 11tJ Thrtt Sons O C.Centratoon m I !Mt Lucy Q) H111etu11h. Horrorwood! famous Moms hosts a miely ~how lutu11n2 pertorm1nces from such monsteos u f rankenstein, Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Guests include Joey Bishop, Boll Dana, Shecky Greene, M1m1 Hones, Louie Nye and Don Rickles fB Go R1n1tr ~ Andy Gnlf1th fD Tht IU<Ncil/lehrer lttpoft m Drlntatic Serots m Tiie AINHIS r11111IJ -7:30- D Wild llill&dom a llowknc ,., Dolllrs lU Tht Ockl C.Uple D <tOJ t1S> (&l Holiy._. $4Wts I •) Tiie Muppets &\) Tht loltr's Wiid m Tiit 8rMJ eu11eh (J!) (}) C,lllPfll• .,, m 1111 W'lde60 •2t.1 Ho1an's Heroes fD Cllinntl 21 T11111ht m Aull liol don 8:00 ti UD CV (I) Spencer's 1'1loh Ba1bar1 Bel Ceddts 1uests u the lifne survovor ot 1 desert ,i1ne tmh lfllt luts htf stamm1 is well is thal of Spencer, Cus and Slan when the burning heal and the11 1n1111oes com b1ne lo 1eopard1tt the11 loves. Cl New! Bob Hope's World *' of ComtdJ. The best of Tefnision eomec1,. Ont 100 cuts! stirs a 111> m 11~ m fiffiiJJ Bob Hope's World of C-4y Bob 1~ 10<ned by lucotlt Ball and Neil Simon 11S ht bee1ns l11s 27th rear on HBC woth this 2 hour special lutu11n1 50"1i! ot lhe btst comedy sketches trom his shows om lht put 2~ yeus Comedy 11n1u from /1cl Btnny and GeOf&t Bu1ns to Can 1inll1s and r trnandel a ~: 'CJ (2hr) MA Lion h lft lh Struts" (d1a) ·~J-llmu Caaney, Barbara Hale C8) Mo,.•: ~J (2hr) "The Bo& Mouth" (com) "6/-Jtrry ltw1s, lfa1otd I StoRt. 0 (Qt) )flt ~Ththul Lynde Sllow Guests llellm Conway, llorence Hendtison, Bette While, Roz Kelley. and 811ty Barty. 1 • J u till hofilc Q Mow11: ltJ (Zhr) "frlzwllly" (com) "67-0ick Van Dyke, Barb11a f ddon, Dame Eclotll Evans. Q) Try To Bruk The 8'nk * With Jimmie Walker, Purl 8'iley & Mole! m ..... the Ian• ~ Q) hrry Muon IMJ MO¥it: (Cl (2hr) "ltlo Bravo'' (wes) ·59 John Wayne. Anr1e Oickonson. Dean Mar!IP. Rocky Ntl· son, Ward Bond. Waller Btenn1n, Claude A•1ns. John Russell fD Wnlonaton Wttl In «e11n m [) atno m Japanese l.Jncll'tt rroerams . -1:30- (.f) S.11 Diqo m Cfosa.W'rts fD Wo!M11's rohu SIMJ 6) Wiii SlrMI Wlff m Celntdy v 111etr Sllow 9:00 0 11'1> <J> rt > CIS fr~r Mowit: 1Cl (2hr) "ladltllft'' (dra) 74- Martin Sheen. S•SS'r Soattk, wa1ren Oates. R1mon B1ero, Alan Vint, Ciry llttie1ohn 1 his him is based on tllt Cuol rueale-ClmlH Starlwuthu 'llurder spree ot lht 19SOs 1n wh1(h 11 persons were brulttly m111dered. Parental d1sc1etoon •d~1sed. Q A WORLD ,REMIEREI * Look What's Happened To Rmm11y'1 Bl•r" 8 ((Jf) CJ)) (JJ) Alt Fr"ay Mofle: (C) (Zhr) "L... What's Ha,,1ne• tt Rose111ary's labJ'' (hor) '76-Slephtn McHalhe, Ruth Gordon, Ray Milland. Patty Duke Astin, Brode11ck C11wford, Gt0ttt Mwris. A chll~na SUSj)t11st drama t11e1ftf the rrowtll to •~hflood of lht hall·human/hall·de11on th1ld Wtlost hit is a !Mabrt batllelfO'llld bttwee11 humaa 1nd SltaniC forcu. • lob of Llqtls Wittl '* Stnt Me11, Aoftele Sdltll & Sb11 Cae111 ....... Critflll s.... • 'Ille Wirp. es... Dtctor St USA: ,..... I Mio Cim PJllJI SllllllllMJ ....... .,.. .... -9:30- (9 (()) '*'· Ille~ Q)~Tlfltia OINll1 10100 Q SEll'ICO·llY COP * PUTS UfE 011 UWCI D 9 Cl) ® Gt S1rplu "The Serbian Connection" Serpico llPSU 1111 dockworker in an effort to smnll 1 Piii th1t preys o" 111t1a1 1lltM. lncl11d1111 t Strb11n couple (J.tnet M11JO!r11 tlld Andrew Rubin) wl!o lft btfnelldtd by Serpico alld his fr',.1111, ltett O'Oey (0.1ba11 lllloadtt) • ........ (J)~ QIC....t . , ..... "~ e1er.u .. ~ -10:30-........ • IWtM °""' - 11:00 a e mu -..s • Cl) [O} !Ul (1) News 0 (Q9 (I)) IS Lort A•riu1 Styt. ll) riv r..o.n rtayN<k -~itJ .. •• m ,..,, Dou A r0t1r~lt 1r Of Gore V'tdll & CathJ Considers A Bil Dt1I m llbry Hlrtiua. Mary ltartnun Q) r•., Ille liurrt (I lJ CJ) Sbllno 1ltt Sun tD Fil• Classic: '"SNUst I TI11ttr -11:30-fl <In CD Cl) CIS lilt MOJit: ... ialonlatioll ~ ho• Ult llltwtk at .., pteu ... a c oo <1~ m ,,._, c.-w llkvit: "Tiie '•ilt ti Janet Mia" (drl) '47-Rosahnd Rusnll 8 (Qt) (()) Qt) B'ltle for the Milt Heust 1811'a Q.i) Tiie 700 ~ 12:00 a klt of WOlldlo O Mofle: {~ "c.11 Me Bonna" (com)"6J-Bob Hol)f. Anita lkbe1e. £doe Adams. G) ''° Foothll l'llybKk ID Cint1111 34 -12:30- 0 All·lli&ht Show: "OSS 117, Dou· bit A&ent," "Sahara on rlre," "Inv•· sion ot the Stu Creattrts'' D Slnptnst Thulrt Q) Movie: "A Very rrivltt All1i,.. (dra}"62-Bneolte llardot. Marcello Mastro1ann1 Qt> Nohe Dame foolbill Hi1hlijhts 1:00 D ()lJ 00 <l.OJ lllid111111t S,.c11J m T11t rn Club 2:00 ti Movie: "lllollle1 Busintss" (com) "31-Tht Marr &others &\) Dollbltftat•re IN¥Ms: "Another hrt ti the hrtst" (dra) 48-Frednc Ma1ch. Ann Blyth, fdt!IOfld 0'8'1t11. ·si..w ti A l>Hbr (mys) ·u- leresu W11aht, ~ph Collen. -2:30-m All·Nicht Show: "B1llr liar," "TM N1sfrt Holds T trrOI" tZl (1) TM ute Sllow -3:45- Movit: "i..ttptarts" (dra) '58- I SATURDAY I I MORNING 7:00 fl Steps to lurainr D l}IJ llJ QOJ m Woody Wood· pede1 (8J Wtthlld D ( 291 (8 ) 1UJ To111 I lurJ/ Gripe Ape Show (S lfut11tion 0 Toutll I the lswes m u11it riwt IE s.tf!I Yortr Show fD To11 I« Hullh -7:30-0 Tht S.flowtr c.m,,,., D Ill) 6) f10 !'in~ r-anther a Cfutm Wntin1 0 Hot ftldt• Sllow m V.-ury 11ews (1~ rn lllcl lulfalo m Mister •oe•11 8:00 0 t11) CU Sytvtster I Twetr a rttesttte11 ti) '°Pe)'t/8up Cartoons 8 (t2fl ())) O llbhrjlw O The l-ltan1er m MoN: "Kin the U111pif1" (com) ·~-w1t111m Btndti, Una Me1~el. Q) Rtllllper 1toom f2t Vokt of T "10 m Sesame Street -8:30- fl CI1J ill llJ Bwrs Bunny/Rold· r111111tr HOllr Q fai111 tor Today D (12.tJ Ct.ii Ut\ Scoobr Ooo/ °"""'"" Ha.tr D MM: CC) "Sip of llM hpn" Cadv) 55-Jett C~ndler, Rita Cam 9:00 Q Cl; Ct) OJI G McO.n a friends of MaR r• McMt: MTllt Grut O'llbfler" (d11) '37-f'al 0 Boen. Hu111ph1ey Boprt Ill Wo!Nw Ruf to Rell c;> Ollct UllOll A ClaA!C (R) EB tn11cflt -9:30- 0 IJ'l'J (J) (JJ Tarun: l.ofd ol the Jlln&lt D ~CD® Gt Monster Sq11ICI O Riflt1111n D ('21) (f l) Ile Tht ll1oftts Sltpersllew G) Movie: "l'llt C11nn1httr" (wts) ·so-CrecOIJ Peck. Helen westcort m Mtwit : ct> "The Mu From Bitter lllcl11" (wes) '55-lex Barker, John J)ehner. fZ'.)Zoollll IDAI Dia 10:00 • <m CJ) (I) SllalM/ttil ... D 8 CJ) tII D LaM et th Ult • -..: a::> "Second Int S«nt A&ttl" (com) 65-lom Adams. .. Pttff Bull. MIC r• $lltw ., ....,, lactoty Gl~llt.;e -10:30-• u <D cm 111 Jt1111 Uttl• .... 00 111*...,.. .... (dra) •sg_ Jollfl P•JM. William !!Mop. e ...ct1 c.t• :tt:"-' 11:00 e (l'l) ()) CJ) ArU e ft (() CIG1 Kida fro• c.u.u. • (8 (l)) 8 Junior Alflttl ....,'4et e Trllt AMl!t11tt 8Tllthlt111 . ""' Bolin Shines • m Solo • .,.HE FRC>Mr; CPG.I IANANAS INJ By MIKE P ASKEVIOI Ot U.. 0.lly ...... "-' ·rommy Bolin •s con- cert. at Santa Monica Civic ahould bave been a c:UJaster coMJderJl)g the problems tbe guitarist faced. Less than a week before Sunday's glg - following a national tour that was cut short by a sore throat -he was re· hearsing a new drum· mer and keyboardis t for his five·piece band. The outlook was s li ghtly ominous. When Bolin Look the stage he was immediate· ly troubled by an almost criminal sound m ii.; that often eliminated sax master Norma Jean ~ll's powerful solos. Feedback and mioor electrical failures exist- ed throughout his 90 minute set, accentuating lhe occasionally rough transitions expected from a band in Jts first performance. YET Bolin pulled It off with one ot the strongest solo performances in re· cent memory; leaving the near·capacity crowd shouting ror more after two encores. Although he was well aided by tbe supple bass lines of J im Haslip and some steady drum work TV Special Horwrs Latin Celebration Dia d e los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Latin Ame rica's traditional celebration of All Souls Day, will be the focus of a two-hour presentation at 7:30 p.m . on Monday, Channel28. It will examine the meaning of the holiday and its festivities , follow e d by the 90 - mlnute inte rn ational film classic "Macario," Brun<> Traven's eloquent alleg()ry illustrating the Mexican concept of de· ath. A mixture of early In· dian rituals and Chris· tian customs. Day or the Dead is an occasion when Latinos a nd Ch icanos "n ot only grieve with death but toler ate it and kid about it," according to Mex· ican actr ess Carmen Zapata. tiost of the "28 Tonight" prog ram . Sugar s kulls a nd marzipan coffins, along with toys, masks and marionettes, all reflect death's theme in the celebration. P e arl Due In Kingdom Pearl Bailey will make a Thanksgiving weekend appea ran ce a t Disneyland. Sh e will perform Friday a nd Saturday, Nov. 26-27, on a specially constructed stage on Disneyland's "River of America." 1511 W SUlllFlOWUI W, 0 ' BRISTOL CM, 540 05t4 A "SHOW WHITE & THI , V SEYIH DW .UFS• '"MO DEf'OSIT, HO al'TUlH'• 1 ,.a-..OOH T1L THHI" • "GATOa" trGI THE CITY SHOf'PING CENTRf OUHGE 6l4-ltl 1 ~ cm CEMTH CINEMA~ ... S.A. FAWY IMANCMISTEA EX I 0 C ,RWY ICITY OR. EX.I A."ROM MOOH 'TIU. TMla V "•ATOl"IN 1 2 "SMOW WHm & 'THI SIVIM DW AIPS" ICM "MO DllOSfT MO UNIN" ~ "IITTIHWllT l0¥r ''NHlll AHD THI llAK" Il l A "SIX WfTH A SMtLI .. V "SHAMf'OO" ll J "'• .,,_._. ..... ._ ..... ... -... ---~ ... ., ~· ......... It will include excerpts from a documentary on Mexico's observance produced by Charles and Ray Eames. The show will also feature a taped visit to Self He lp Graphics in East Los Angeles where area artists prepare for an up. coming local celebra· lion, part of their effort to revive the tradition in the Chicano community. Me sans On Stage A Costa Mesa-based danc e g r o up will p e rform a t the Hollywood Palladium tonight during a benefit concert. The Freedom Dan- cers. a disco·rock group, consists of Shoddy (Rod· dy) Brown , Karen Brown, Big Dave Brown, Stan Rodarte and Tarie Baginski. Their r e· pcrtoire includes a danc· ing fas hion show and humorous skits. from Mark Cranney - formerly with Jean U!c Ponty's band -tt was definitely BoUn 'a show as be strut t e d pugnaclouslr. about the stage thrust ng his fist in lbe air; exhorting the crowd in classic rock tradition. H e also charmed the audience with sly smtles when he indulged ln a -bit of bumping with Ms. Bell. • The jazz·llnged "Homeward Strut•• further demonstrated Bolin 's ability to play anything unde,r the sun. STRANGELY. lhepro. blems that prevented the show lrorn being a com- plete success also tended to enhance it. ll was truly exciting to , hear a band with new members stru ggle through adversity to pro- vide some thrilling mo. ments. And the nervous edge that existed was refreshing considering . --.~rn1 the increasingly slick presentation offered by many rock groups. This edge will disap.. pear after a fe w more concerts, but the co11- lidence that takes its ... MAn11 OFn..-... , 'TIA VILS WITH MY A.UNr "HOaMAH IS THAT your "HAllY & WAL1'9l .0 TOHIWYOlrC ... I .. FAMTASI CAlTOOH lttolT .. MAIL PILOT" .. MIDWAV- "'l'HE HIMDINlltUG .. CPGt .. AU THE ftltESIDIHTS MIN" "'IXECUTIVE ACTION'' CPGt '"l"HHI THI HAID WAY- ... IUCE Lii SU,. DliCIOH'" lflOI '"THI MAMSOM MASSACRr "TWITCH OF DEATH'" Cit "MARATHON MAN .. "FROM NOON"TIL THREE" But the foc us never veered from his shining guitar work. Already noted as one or rock's finest musicians. Bolin pushed his virtuosity to a new plateau as he fired out r esple nde nt solo bursts mixed with biting rhythms. Heavy use of echoplex and fuzz effects made his exotic guitar stylings all the more dazzling as he moved from reggae ("People, People") to hard-edged place should develop the .-------:-:-:-'."-:---:-:: __ -=-:-.,.._--:-:-==~=--i ·rock ("Post Toastie"). band furth e r . When Bolin's band returns to the area. be prepared for an awesom e show. JOHN WAYNE LAUREN BACALL .. edwards MESA CINEMA THESE TWO GREAT HITS NOW TOGETHER NEWPORT Bl YD. AT I 9TH ST. ---------l COSTAMESA ' =::::::::=====~ NEW PRICE l... '!'!.Sf.!~!<!.~ .F'F A08EATSON I GENEVlt:.VE BW~D s100 Plus (PG ) "ROBIN & MARIAN" SEAN CONNERY AUDREY HEPBURN iC'ii!.Ei MOH _,.IOA't .0.£.0UU: 1 ........ ,,. tATU"OAY•IUHOAt': t U.J »S t•1 00. • I O•IOJO !Kl WALTER MATTHAU C\Od TATUM OM AL F ROM THE SMASH BROADWAY HIT! A blzarr• "ory of fove. &';:.-='~ EDWARDS CINEMA MaffOl A f AD._..\ COSf4MtSA \U·J_!!l 11399 Plus Tax & License s1199 Plus Tax & license 11999 Plus Tax & License s1499 Plus Tax & license 12299 Plus Tax & license s2299 Plus Tax & license s1399 Plus Tax & License s1999 Plus Tax & License AYING ON 76's . '""' NOW YOU CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FACTORY DEALER REBATES ON ALL 1976 MODELS REMAINING IN STOCK. OVER 150 CARS AT OUR HIGHEST DISCOUNTS OF THE YEAR! ALSO ••• THE 1977'S ARE HERE AND WE INVITE YOU TO SEE AND DRIVE THE BRAND NEW THUNDERBIRD; LTD, LTD 11; GRANADA,.MUSTANG, OR PINTO TODAY! THE ACTION IS ALWAYS AT THEODORE ROBINS FORD! 72 DATSUN 1200 1199 o.. . & heot.r bullent condition. (306FYI) $199 Rodio . •t mo for 36 month,, deftrred On., $46.6~ P $256S 52 APR 18. 15"1. on op-poyment price · • proved etedif. '69 FORD TORINO GT '199~. 2 dt. hotdtop, V8, auto. tron1., ~':: ·~-::·;~ (ZWA656) $199 On., $J9. ~4 p$el600 S4 APR months, deferred poymen.' prrce . , 48.15% on approved a.cl1t. 73 FORD IAYEllCI 2 *· ~199 • . • «>nditioni119. pow• .--1ng, rocfio, v.a, ~~) $199 dn., $69.66 per month for h.ot9f. th( d.fmed payment prlc• $2706.76, APR 36 man 1, • 18.15% on oppr~ aedit. '72 FORD Pl~T!! ~~7m1 :~~ ~.'. Auto. tronl., rodio,h f 3.6 month' deferred $50 46 r mont or • · p•. $2015 56 APR 18.15"1. on op-poymenl price · ' proved credit. ETLE •19911. 74 VW 8£ condition. (728KKG) Radio & heater. Exc~or 36 month,, deftrred $199 On., $~1.18$3~1 4S APR 18.15"/. on op-poymenl p.rice · • proved credit. . '72 FORD Fl~ box rod~~eo'!. Auto. trans., H.O. """ou, 8 ft. ' mo for 36 (1804196) $199 dn., $S1.~8 p;;,2148 APR months, defened poylllefl.' P"" · ' II. U% on opprowd credit. 71 TORINO ~AIOI ''"'i . 1.~n~!. Automatic, foctory Off, pow..-r ::!nth for 36 f202Cl'T) $199 dn., $46.62 P• $2568 S2 APR months, Deferred poyn'lln.' price ' ' 18.1.$% Oft opp!O¥ecf credit. 72 FORD PllTO R/l ~l~a . 2 dt., 4 spd. trons., custom pol::· =· for t~ f636f'IO) $199 dn., $6$.82 p $2568 52 APR months, defemd po~t price , , 18.15% Oft opprowd a-t. FORD'S BETTER IDEAS FOR 1977 TRUCKS ARE HERE! PICKUPS, VANS, AND CLUBWAGONS IN STOCK! "·°' , .. ··"' °"'°" ttvM., fO(I °"•,,... •I-.'=· low .,,i.,, "'• ....,._ (S I s4499 P'lutTo• &. i..c.n .. LEASING? ORDER .YOUR 1977 CAR OR TRUCK TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY. WE LEASE ALL POPULAR MAKE VEHICLES COMPARE OUR COMPETITIVE RATES. '74 MUSTAllC II 2+2 '73 OLDS CUTUSS SUPREME CPL '74 VOLVO 9 PASS. WAGON 145WAGON --.-.-. ~--..... ·-&-.fll'1lKJ s3199 ~::. 75FORD T·llRD V.t . ..-• .,,<W.W,..., ...... ..,,.,__.., i.-11n -1 17299 ~':. ve.-. .......,•. ,.,,.-.... "'-. '"-' ---.--. . ......... __ . .._ .... _,7nJtO! '3199 ~ '4499 ~~::. 73DOHE HOUSECAR 74 FORD YAN E200 v.a.-"-~ -i..e. ...... "°:.,, f0lll3S) '3999 ~~ l ., ...... , .• ""· ~~ ...... .. ............... ""- ~·•'Mn _..., .............. ~ ...... PMTl.w'.OflMSAT.l• .. I ,_ ¥1, --· i.cto.y -. -·-.......... -· -1$6>0ol'I s2799~:~ 74PONTIAC 8RODPRIXJ TAR GA'ZB~• .. J:.:::.:=.:.;.:.::_ __ ,. <uV L ll(l&J..U.__...,.. __ ..;....,i .\f. .._ ~....... ~ ..-"':"'rt-tl0t'IC8 TO.~IOITOb To •• .'-:.,.-!;:.!;. ... .:s;. .. ....._, od. »'-Xw * --"" __.___._._______. ~Y ). 4.). • IUNlllOltCOVaTMTWa ._ --,_ . .__.,.to~ 11 IYAH CW CA.LI lllOIUHA flOll °' J:" Zodiec bwtt...... TMI QOUlfTY 011 04lAMCM !~" f~f~ :~:..:-..:.. oc:e:•• IA lhe ,._tter et th• IU•I• ef S JJY-. e.iv... _.,; 1, PHi i.Li ii' GUY CltEISE ''" • ,,..._ .,,., ""II.cl.IP G (;ltElll I~ ll'Hll.LIP )v.., lHi.t .. IOM ou. Clt!Dl,0.<-~;:• r,~ :;e:__ ~~~... ......c.t ,, _..,, ....... le v.oitor\ =~ 1:~... ..~ _,,. <'•""' ....... 1.,,. ----101._ .oOOI ~OI...... OtM IO flM w i. c.lelm• '" IM.itl<lt OI II-•IV.. ,.,...._....... h clt<tlfl•elw•MH <-'"''° ,, .........._ 0-tJ ~---Wflll • ... ~'""" ...... :!!;!"-::12::.-m= ~~~:!of Ofllco Of MICHAIL D. Mcl\'OV, 1).... o-1"0.. MVRCH1$0H ANO CVMMINOt Al· "-• .. _ 1.w... ""°"'.,. 9t y w, .eel Wlltlllro ll'llto. II\ 11 •...i"*i. '1 iv;,. ,, ..,__ N Ott ol Lot A-to.. '" LO\ ...... ">Z~:.:.=:_i ::~• ::?"'_ ::~·, ~l.,,wtllc.ht•llHOlll<el>lMjlll(tOf .. --~· MlnH\ of, ... 11"119••1-d In"'' ...... ~~·--~&°" r,:,::, _,, "rlllnlftQ 10 ._10 fttlle. S..cll n ""'-"" )2 To u \.• <lelfft\ with the "•<enOf-,-hln 11 c..-).) TI.o• 8J fo lfl\31 tit lltod Of i>r•MlllM •• t!onulG PUBUC NOTICE 01 ~t ~t:,':_. .. , ~~ Wllttl" teur month\ tll•r IM 11"1 760..•• )Ii°""""'""'".. ... IWlllllC.tloft•llfll•-tc• . ... __ \'llllO 27 -"'0 )IC-0-w U 0.tld0tt It 1t 1• ._-~AllO II 110. 'llA.. !Ml"·"'' JoOltM AltNOLD .. , 19 A •,,9 Wwld I~"°"""" M I tJ of "' • "''" »°'!''' "°°" .... _, '>O•cm: ... :.:.11'1:~: •• ::e ... 71 ~".;,,(Jr.t>J (}{).1.1 • .,.., ( ~ ... ':!1 MUltCHllOH&Cl.IMMINO ;;;;~~~=======:i:==========~-jA.....,"'•UW .......... ""'. 'IM~CA._,t PUBLIC N011CE PUBLIC N011CE .,.._IO.MC1•01 -------------------------.! f'llblltlledOr-(o.HI 0.11.,Pllol •''> fllCTITIOU$ 8USINftS MOTICIEOI' NOIMtlSPON$181UTY Ocl U, 11. l'I, .w>d HO• S. 1'1• 4)M 1t -NAMISTATIMINT ..,.l<t 1\ Nrtllr 91..., th.ll thl-.1------------.ll!t ..,._,"9 "''°"' ••• clolnq_,. a.ntonH wm ... , "" ••""'""1t11e ,., PUBLIC NOTICE • ~~RO..A PROPERTIES LTO, f!ltt *bC1 tr UMMIUtiM <Oftttected 1'1¥ . • ~ Gol\1 Hh;afl••Y Cor°"41 0.1 Myoiw .. _. '""" "'"'"11• Oii or .,_,.. f'Wllc ..._,.._ Wl11 -.. ...W.., 1119 .,.n 1111' .. 1• c.ta Ml ~ CiMwN.- lfl a Mu•hOH•"d.,.., Dolly B 0.led ::::,,:.,~CS:::,°''~' tk 1111 Oty :.'111. 11 "•'' on .... ~= MMlllOI~. ••o RIYtf ...... ~ 1116Ame<lc ......... Nob ....... (l""""ll· M .,,. "·"" -•• 8Mnl,CA.,_., ~ltllMw.C.t. n•U -a..-ul ... t'""9.il~•...,...,. ~ '-""•n I\ condu<ltcl !rt • ~'"'"°'9<19eCoe•t o.ltyPltot N9......-r-. "1t. OWllfAl"'1Nrtlllo Oct n 23 ~-"76 •• 11 ;.. Rto1rd t110 Ill• 1011ow1 .. , Ol•~B MuthOllaftd · ·-"'· -.,.,, -'k•tloM· TWS Slet•menl w•• ltlfCI Miii IN PUBLIC Nn...wCE 1. 11..-etl " ..... 11, •llf ~ ~Oor\onO<t 19, 1'76 vaa' Ot...._•I C•Mll•llf, 100, W••I '.t· ....,. 8.llllM 8outeverd. N•wP0'1 ~t<" , ~l\fttd Ortftqt Co.•I Deily PllOI PU8LIC NOTICE CelllOfftl• tor •bW>donm•nl ot 1 -1ton qd1-.tJ, 1', Nov , 11. 197• ,.,. -I<• I\ lle••b., 0'"*" th.ti IN 0 ol a-1119 Pt9<t "°''"of WHI Wit-. ol ~,. ~. C•hfO(f\11 ·--t. St reel belWttf\ c ..... on Drive ..,d • ._PUBLIC NOTICE ".t.ct~t V~ Aepert" No &for Gener .. Pacific AYtllu• Co •I• MtH . Ae•t""• Sh•ror>9, oubll\...., lft ti. C.lllornl• N"all•• O.cllfAlton ol ------------0<""91' C.O.\I ~tty Pllol °" AllQ0t It, Envlr-ntel tmoe<t l•led 10117'7• S-J0611 tt7•. 10 rttle<t Ille v•roov• tUdllH t , Gefttr•I Pia" Amt1tdme11I lllOlllQOUllTOll CAUflOltNIA corre<llons. OP·7 .. )C for ROQe• Mcl(I ...... 1131 COUNTY 011 OltANGl NI tmondocl rePD"I n•• -fltecl E•ul CO.ti Hlohwo, Coron• dtl '''" 3 _..,_0'ltlcQt111 .. ort .. wHt, with IN Oft1ce of Aevenu. 51\¥1no, C.11ton11e,forpermlu1on1o~the ~\.! S.Cau1, CA. Dl!Mr\n\i!nl ot Ille TrHwrv Acoov of ••nd Ule dnlonetlon ol property , • CASI! NUM8all 1111\ em~nded rePO•t i\ on Ille tor 1oot•d ti 11 .t.vo<ldo Street ~ 7tti ~ •, SaCIDNO Uo\a NDID pUbfi( ~·utiny In Room l()o, Olv ...... F.rNI-Ro.Cl. <:Ml• MIH, c::A tram '. Dt-• Co>t• MH•. C.lllorl\l•. Gerwtel O>mmerclat 10 HlQh o.Mltv -... ~.SUMMONS IMAltltlAOEl Publl•lled 0r•fl9e CoHl 0.lly Piiot, Aftldtntlol. Ht<;atllYe Oecl ... •llOll ol '",.. IM morrl-o• ol f'91111oNr Oct 1' 1976 '611·7 Envlronmontellme>acllllecltllf76 JQNtNE E. ZUMWALT •ftd Re!op(ln J. •tt-Petitto" •·7 .. SI for OKI• ~.1;1.EWWAlLACE ZVMWALT PUBLIC NOTICE ~ Pl•""lno Commlu lon n Fair ...,,cs, YM ll•vt ......... Tito 1------------10•lve. Co•tt "'''"· C.lllOfftll, for ~-' ............. ,, .,.. ........ CP ·l'llS -""'"°" to r•t-.,.._.,y IO<llfld 1'1!11 ......... ,., •lli.tt .,.., --"" NOTICE TO caEOITOlllS Ill 1111 & 1ttj Moflrovlo Ave-•nd t!J ~•Ila~ lltM Ill• l"*-llOft SU .. l!ltlOltOOUltTOllTllE & '17 'WIHI 1'11t Sl<ffl, Co\11 MHt. w!W. STATE 01' CALI FOllNIA flOll Cell'°"'!• l'Offt CI ICommor<leO to CL •110t V.... ... tkHee ........... lt TMIOOU NTYOl'ORANOE ILlmlttd Commer<l•ll A1CP .,,., 3c ct:--" •<lctlr co11tn Ud. tin .... A·-7I Rl-CP IRt\•def\Uell con1t.aen1 ""'" ·-1~ ... u .. .._.. E•••t•~· ELI ZA BETH e . llw~•IPllfl.CEOArequi-nt• ~-...... LH le I....,._ .... PORTMAN,OKOIMd. ... .. ~"'"'by llw Eflvl""""""el ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ttw Imp.cl Reoort lor the W.\h lde •"'-"4tMAe--nl ISHluolnolO"I c~'°"°' ',. tboYe N~-~t-, Pl°" •«ee>ltct by counc:ll ~'T!toPllll'-•h.t~lllfCltotll!lon trt•I •II ptf\o•u h•vlr>O ctalm• on•rn 11' "9 v-morfl-VOii ""'" -'"" tho de<tdenl ere ft'QUirod 10 4. It•-• ... l1llot1 111·7 .. SI for Coll• , .. " r""°"'" w11111n >Ootl'\ ot 1110 ....,.., w1111111e ne< .... ,., -.c,,.n.. ,...... Pltnnlno Gommlulon n ,..,, tti.lllll•wmmon1l•W'<W<1 on 1n1,,.oHlceoltlwclerltofltw--O•l'VO, Co\te Mt\•. Calllor,.. .. lot lllled<Ollrt.orlO~nltllen\.wllllllW ~mo.. lo,._ pr-11., lo<ai.d f you ltll to 111~ • -111en nt<~wryvouctwrs,.totM~ M tot to ... W.tt ltth SC•~ ~· wllhlft """ "'""' -,our c11r1..,11 M ., c;i_.,r•·S..11• "G" ~ -· C.lttornl• trom Ml llndu\lrt•H ,..._ffed..,tll,,.(OUrf ,.., ..... ,.,. Be.ell, CA '76SI, wllicll I\ 1,,., ptec.eol to MO IGe-•1 M•flulacl"'"'O)""" ~~ cont•lntno 1n1unct1w or _,~, ot Ille u.,de,.toned tn.all tMI IU.CP IRt1lditnll•ll con\l•lenl ..,,., o~orden <onurnlno o••••lon ol pro-le'\ oort•l"'"9 to Ille t\lete ot 'MtlO di 11\C 9'1'e'•' oie., C EO.t. '90V''...,."'' pefW>1 _,., ._rt, <lllld CV\lodv c-..1. within tour monlll• attM Ille ha"" b@on ,_, by Ille Envl-dl c""'' ~t. enorn .. 1 '"~ c~i.. h~l pullflC•llOll of 11111 notice. I mp•c I Atoorl tor tllt WtU \ldt ....... ot""' rolltf H m•., llt9'......, Deltct October ,, 1•16 Comn~nu., Pl°" ~ceoted by council by,,. coun, wttlclt COUid rewlt '" .... BILLIE STEElE onVJll7•. '*"',,.,,_'of•-•. ••-•no OI _, E.a<ulrla ol ltw Wiii S. llH-.,..lltl9" •• , .. u tor eo,1• ~.,.otettwrrelltt. oftlwlbowM--MHI PltMlftQ Commluloft. n Folr -i~wlNI ......... ~ .. UlltOe.001',.N Drive, C01l1 Mt ... C1ntornl1, tor ... Y ho tM• -·,.... ....... -~rt Stille "O" -Mi\iloft lo <•1-Of'OOtl1Y tocatoct .. ,,,_,,.,, N lllot ,..... wriftell y.,_ 8H<ll CA t2'SI al IMS Plac..,lle Awftue, Coste Mew. ,_.,.,Klfty,"'""""'"•ll,,., To~: 11io4M .... I Cllflornl1trontc1 ICom-rcl10 toC\. "1~1ed0clo0er 1. 1916. Altorftey tor eucutrl• ILlmlttct Commtrcl•ll contl\tont with • t WILLIAM •. SI JOHN, a.R Pt;llll-Or•-C.Oll\1 0.lly Pllol, Ille CJIPrltfll 111111 C!OA ~-rt!• I Nlodolt lne C•ton, o.pu1., Ocl. .. u. n . 29. 1916 h&Yt l>Hll mel llY Eftvlroriment.i C!!ULl 421s.16 Impact Report lor lllt W.•hlelt , ,.~ The ff\POMr .ond otller De<'""ll9d Com<flunlty Pl-11 •cutolld llY councll Ml*'S must be 1" wro1tn<1 ~rtcl In lllt PUBLIC NOTICE on._61~1.',7-'· -11110" 11.1 .... tor '-1· form Pft~<rlbeCl by Ille C111fornl1 " r• -....,., 0 Ruin ol Court Tllty mu\I ""'"" In ------------1 Meu PlaMlrtO Comml,,lon 71 F.olr wllll Ille pr-r IHlnot .. -STATIEMENTOl'WITHOR.t.W.t.L Drlvt , Co\la Mt~•. C•hlornl.o, tor ervke ot • <oe>r o1 t-11 on llltOM PAltTNEllSHf,.Olt -ml\slon to ruont pr-11., touttcl Tiie lime wMft 1 ~ UNINCOllPOltATIOASSOC1ATION M 7tf & "1 Center Slrfft •nd 1'7S tMO. servtct on . tMrlY _., •• ,., OPERATING UNDER ... , end 1110 Pl•Citnll• A ......... ~·· llrRWISlnq on Ille met-o1 -•tc. P'ICTITIOUS8U51NIUNAME Mttt C1 llfor nt• f rom .t.P F'dl''d.e-le ..e CCP 413 10 lllfou9" Ttw tollowi"9 perton ... , wllhdr-(.t.dmln1Qrtli•e MIO l'rolh\IONll 10 ~I~ ' · ~ ol ~/17/1t a\ • c:i-r•I oert~ or CL tLtmllNI Commorcl all con\i•tenl ~LMAltX memberfromlhlPMlno•shioorunln-wlllt the cirntrat ot•n CEO.t. &ma .. O.tom..,A .. _ C.OfflO'•l~••SOCl•llon-•tlno-r ,.qu1remenl• ...,.,.. -m4li l>v '"°' ,,._,., IM t1c1111ou1 bu,lneu name ol En.,.ronme11111 t~I lttllOfl '°' lhl' ~.CA-'7tll PACll'IC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. Wll1'hldl Commllftll., Pllfl •cc«olfCI 1>v 141; <TMll71·U41 2•00 Ml<ll•l,on Drive. lrvlnt, counc1t on6111116 AntflloylorPelllloMf Co1Noml•n71S 7. lier-........... .,..u tor OKI• P)ICllllMCI 0.oncie Coa•I 0..Uf l'llOI, The lklitl~ bu(I~\ Mrnt \II,._ Me1" Pl.tMlllQ GofftmlHIOft, n F•ir Ot't~a. u. n . ,., 1'7& 01·1• ..... t tor .... oertnot\/t•P WI\ llled"" 0.1 ..... CO••• Mn•. CelllOffll• tor ------------1 -!>tr H , 191S 1" tlMI Couney of oermiuion lo ,.,_ pro-tr ~l~d Or~ M 1700. 1712. 171'. tnl, Int. 11 ... 1 .. 1 . ' • • •' ~ NOTICE ol>OW D aily Pilot Clan· 1fted ads dis play their .. essages with le«lb1Uty and Impact? Our eds, we are proud lo say. r eally get r esull!i. Pho ne i>42-5678. Full N•mo...., Addreos ol the Pff-. Pl.c;onci. .t.vt-...., 716, ,,,_ lltll Wlthdt...,,"9 su..c. Co\11 MeH, c.11forftl .. from a Fran~O Mk......,a,Sutlt110,2«IO ICommerctell lo CL 11.lmlled Mlctwtton Drive. trvl1tt . Celilornl• Commercl•ll •"d MO IGe"•••I .,,., ""-1tUf.cl11rln9I conshtent with Ille TM\ \lateme11t OI wltlld<awl It -••I Pllll CEO.t. ft11\>l<-\~W WllllOut Pf111udto 10 on., contMCion IN been mtl by llw £nvlronmtnl .. lmpocl ullditrtlQIWd moy ,,... 111•1 Ile -• R-1 tor Ille W.111ldo Comm•""'' WH e Ofl1..., Of fOlnl ytnlu-lft -Plln 6CCeC>led by <-<II •11106. llu\lnou 111111, opert11no as "-clf•c I . ltelec•lloft Pormll 1 .. tt, tor ... trole11m Produ'I\ endtor P.cllk Gllben W. FtrOU\Of'I, ... WHI lllth ,..lroleum Produc:l1, tl\C, Slrettl. Co•I• "" .. • C111torn1a lor Fre11-G Ml<htil~ P4tt'MiHlon 10 r•to<•I• a \!not• temllv 11111 Nt. ,,_ "°""°· S90 \Cl fl In ••••. from IMI P\100\Md O<anqe Co•nl Da1lf Piiot P••<entle .t.venue. Coll• Moo. Oc t n ?'l and Nov \ 12 1970 ..... ,. C.lllornla, 10 lbo•e add re" In llft JO ___________ ..,...;.. ____________ 1ont .t.n Ewtmot 0Hltre11011 ol Envlronmen1011mo1ct liltn 101nn .. t. Zone E•copllo1t .,..,,,. .. z1.1 .. 111 . •: PVCLIC NOTICE PUBLIC l'tUTICE •11d AA ·U tor Re"o !'. Feubu• ·1•·•·, REPORTOFCONOITION Dl•t1of)ml'nteomo•nv woSartt•An• !TH COAS T NATIONAL BANK In the state of ~07":° c: .. ~;,f:~~~ ~·.~ p':','/:."':~ ~jfornia, at the CIOSe of buSineSS On September JQ, COtUlruCI 0 IOorlmtnt Untl\ wllll published In resPoO!I.: to call made by Comptroller •••lance for '' c1on~11y <1e•1i11on11~1 1 he Currency, under tltl~ 12, United States Code, Ml·""""''"· in• RJ·CP 1on• 10C<11t0•1 Ion 161. Charter number 16.453. National Bank ;!..~:10~•~"0:1:·:.~~~.~~~· ,.::':~ Ion N umber 14. ,.._, '"' "°"'"'o-·-~· ASSETS orote<l •tc•olHI by cour><•l ll 11m Statement of Resources and Liabr II ties .O:°G.1:;..! ~~~~.:::":~~!:,~ '•1 Thousands of dotlars • '°' costt M"•· C•1t•orn11 •Of ......: .... and due fro m b,....kS 1 l<LI fed v<tfon '" comm•rc•.tl PAtl ttwJ """'"''T ""1' ''' ·' '' · · '· · · · · · · • · • · · '· ,JV ._..,ementlollllow ... •h"9lf\t at\11nq reasury secunt e!I ....•...••.•..••.••.•••.•• 401 ,..,_, ••"•"'""' ,,, or~ 1o - gatlons of other U.S. Gov't. agencies e•cohOllc t>e•e••111• •n • c 1 ,_ : corps ..............•................•..•.•• 400 =:.:':'1on ~n~:'~.,:. ~=: al Reserve stock and •••"'"' 1omn• porate stock . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . ..•.••.•.•.••.• 36 11. 1-11:1ct111I011 .,..,,,.,, tl·U·"• al funds sold and securities purchased tor "" ..... 1,1.anc• L..,<>u• o1 '"-"' ,1w;nd t t II 700 Beien. SOS J1nt1 Str••I N•woo•I "' er agree m en S o rese ..... --..• ·. · · · · · · · -· · eo«ti. c.111orn1e •or conc111ion.1 v ... '~bans, Total (excluding ~rm111oootr••••dty<1rHe1111<10r • unearned income) .....•....•... 5,528 "mo••mum ot Ml c11110'~" 1n ""' 111 '•r<Pss · Reserve for ...,,.. .. Ible 1-· to<•tto •• :ion O••"O" ,,. .. _ iT:j • ,,.,_. OKI• Mll1", C•l1t0<nlf A Nf9tllvt ·~ •loan losses . . . • . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . ...•.. 3 0ec.11<111c1" of E11v1ronment•• 1mt)jt(1 .li.Oans, Net . _ . _ ..••.••........••......•.....••. s, 525 ..., "'" 10111116 Bank pre m ises f urnlture and fixtures and other n. 1-1Eact1111on .... m11 is.,.."' • • • • TTUH lor Bal .. 11\ A PtOlttfl S!sets re presenting bank premises ..•...•••.••• 259 o.ve1oomen1 , 1oos w"'' B••llo• Ofler assets 81 8ouleord, Ntwoort 1Jo6Cll, C.lllorlll•. "11:4.T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fC)f Concllt•on,.1 u~ .. ptrmlt to con,tn;ct ,........ AL ASSETS ........... •. • • · • • • • • · · • • · · · · • · · 8,963 • I~ """ conclOm•nlum orol;!« w<tll •,}', LIABILITIES •••ief\U to •llow l ,..., <l•"'''Y ~tftand deposits of lndlv!dua ls, <1tvto11on 1?'!06 "l 11.1un111 1~ 1n 1t1.cP partners h ips, a nd COl"Ps ••••••...•...•...•••..•. 3,696 :;::~.~;~·'::• r;::.~f.Tr:C~~~i':. Time and savings deposits of Individuals, w!)cllvl\llWI tor con<10mln1um llll"OCKf\. partnersh ip s, and corps .•••••••...•.••..•.•.•.. 3,469 1119nort1onot L01to. Tr.ct 4*slts of United States Government ••.•••.••••• 120 o:i.,.~•c1u:!.':.',.~~T'~!:~~: Its of commercl•I benks • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 '"'i ~1• ~u. ca11fot1t1•. '°' led end officers' checks .•.................... 281 _,,:,::' u; P""''~ 10 c.-"\IC' '°' L DOMESTIC DEPOSITS ................ 7,567 l"tilvc11ori' '" 1:11::,•;.~~·~,:io;, otel demand deposits ••••• , •• , ••• ,,098 ooutfeG o.,alno •o•u• Oftd tn I time end HVl"9S~lts .... 3,469 "" bll•1e11110 te11•re11e11 '" 111 II bllltl "<" -to«tect •t '"' _, 1 es ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••..•.• 1 .,,.... .. v.....,.,.. •• ., _ .._.. • •QUITY ~PITAL 11o11..-..ni, OHt. MeM. c:.tll9nll• 4 on stock a . Nolhiresauttwwlztd 192 ooo ... ,, •• OtcJ v•••o11 01 b N h tst-t60'200 £ftvlr_,..ef .M' • o. s ares O\I au..,.ng , ,., i.. '"'""'" ~ 1S·Jt.tt:1 (par velue l ..••...••..•••.••••.••...•...... 801 CKM M. c..11-•.,. t00 a-11 • • Slllltotus •••••••••••..••••..•• -.....••..•.••.•••••• .01 u ~"""t· c;.1...,...re. :'1 c...dll'-' vMIMded profits •...•..•... • •..•••••••.•..•.•••• 190 1n•con1!J.!! ~~";<~ •• ~~ ~rw for contingencies end other 1'°46 '-' 11.11111111 •ftd • ·~ 11w ··'*Itel reserves ••.•••.••.•••.•••..•••...•.... None 't11111ctiftQ _ _.'°" 111 ... 11..c:" -· Tm'.AL EQUITY CAPITAL ...................... 1,& =~!~~~:~· !~~.~~ ,~AL LIABILITIESAND o.c1er911on vi bv1ro11,.....1A1 ,_, QUITY CAPITAL ......... ·~ •••...••••••..•.. 8,963 WMll1tct10mna. -MEMORANDA tJ.-. •~i... .. ""'' zu .. m ~age for 1 Sor 30 c.alef'ldar days ending or °'''•"~..:.·~·~11~~ ·a.:!c~' , .WJth C811 date: llfor1tl• tor t CondlllOltll U'O h andduefrom .. ·-ks 1 527 ~•••-7'40'Q.lt 01 .. n11ct~f' • "'°'' • · • • • • • • • • · · • · • · · • · · ' o u ls0114 commenlet 11uHJ1nQ 111 • • funds sol~ and MCurltle!I purd\ased •·CP , ... , routed •• 1eee H••~, Under ~reements to resell ...••..••.•......... 900 BOllth•rct CKt• Mt ... c.111om1. • • .. ,~ltolns ........••.••........•........•..... 5,806 •••''"• D•<-l •t•••o" or .• "1mtdeposlts of S100,000or more In ""1"0nment•• '"'"'' ... ''''° .... ~tic offices ............................ 1,070 ~~ ... , '"'~"' .. '°" °" "'uoo ... I ~ ... , deposits • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7, 173 lt•tlont, ..... llono ,,...,,.,or CAii ThntdtPOllts Of Stoo.oooor mer. . '"' ofllo Of Tiit l'IAlllllnct 1~40lltttandlno es of rtport date) =-c:~~· 11 ""'r °'' ... T1mecertlflcatnofdeposltln cosTAMDA .. • •nomlnatlonsof$100,000or tn0t'e .............. 860 ~~=~=!•ON . l{!:t time depos Its In amount$ o-M w ;.._,,,, · .. · ~\!if~ '6r~,; C:Oi1i Oiiiy Pi1Gt; act.·~; ;;:::0 "*== ~7:., "'"' •T1* <1625-76 ..,,., ,,,. ..... 1. 'lrrrl "'~~( 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s . I F I E D 6 4 2 • .5 6 7 8 Tht SU-t M.bCIW• on thl ~ COlllt ... ._ ........ .... ....... , ... -....... ......__& .............. ._ __ ............_ DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ............ ~ .. ~ ..... . ..._ '-•._. -.JM ,.._,...:,.........,. You Con Stfl It, And It, [ ] One C.al SIMce Trade It With o Wont Ad 842•5878 Fott Creclt Approval ..--., ...... -... ____ ..... .......... 1ii-------itte..H,.. Sale ····················•·· .................................................................... . 11.M)RS: Afterifun Gwrel IOOZ Gc•rel 100 ..... ,.. 1002 Gt•r• IOOZ ::-~Md&~ a: .·.··~·=·~·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·= .. :·= .. ~·:·~·~· ·~·~·~·~·~·:·~·:··~·:·~·=·~·~·=·=·~··~·.·.·· •••• •••••• ••• .. •••••••• ••••• • ••• ••••••••••••• • "°" .._ diatefy. The DAILY "1.0T osl8nM1 liabUity for the fint 1,.. cOf"ntd iftt«tlOft Ofiy. Wllltr'1 Hoffee: A1J reaJ estate advertised In th15 newspaper is sub· Ject to the Federal Fair Housin g Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to adver tise "a n y pr e - ference, llmltatlon. or d.lscrimlnntion based on race. color, rehglon . sex. or national origin. or an intention lo make any such preference, limit•· Uon. or discnmmat1on." DUMATIC ~ITOIY C .... S Twentieth Century grandeur in a graciously formal home of son spoken elegance. Exposed balcon1-Stained glass. Crys tal chand elier. Rlcb hardwood fl oors . Elegant white carpets. Expensive wall coverings. Custom drapes. Gourmet island kitchen. Huge pantry. 3 B<tnns •• lam. rm. Spacious private master s uite & luxuriant master bath. $149,500 unfurnished. $169,500 comp. furnished. 21115-Ja ,, ....... 3 IDRM. COMD0-$55,500 . Located close to Dana Polnt Mart.na : this is the very popular 3 bdrm., 2-atory model known as The Buccaneer. Immediate occupancy available. A splendid Investment in a Cast growing & high appreciation area. 2 BDRM. CONDO-CdM South of Hwy .• flt'St offering & ln a highly desirable location; only a block to the ocean! $82,500 This newspaper will not ..W.01t1' CINla M.I. 644-4910 • • knowingly accept any • • advertising for real ~ ......................... . estate which is in viola· .....,... I0021 l.CIOIAIO•NIAlliDIEliLIMliiilAiilRil·ISil71j5ji..300Qli!ii!i~!I. UonoClhe law 1~ Hou~~ses~for~~s;a1et;~~~r-.......... ~:::::::::::: ............ "1G••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE 41R-f:AMIL Y S84,500 Immaculate Mes a Verde 4 bedroom doll house! Be aut iful Pacesetter hom e. Slat e entry wny. Gigantic for m a l living room -massive wa ll of Cirept.ace. Huge fa mily room .. Spotless gourmet kitc hen . Seclud ed mas ter wing -plus 3 more family 5ized bedroom s. Owner transferred. Must see t.o believe . Hurry -call 752-1700 now! 0>1"' ,, 1 ••1\tu';, 1111 .. ~I· l•liifJlll 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH • and would you believe only $71.500 r In one ol the prime areas of Irvine, this home is set on an wersized Jot on a ciuiet cul-d~sac. Squ~ clean and like new decor. T1J,.is is a Don Bird Exclusive that you wiQ not team about tn any other paper, so call us today. CALL NOW 752-7315 DONALD M . BIRD Associates. Realton 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CA.MIO HKiHLAMDS A bright. airy & cheerful ocean view home in one of CdM's lovely residential areas. A large lot on a cul de sac. Room tor 2 pools. if that's your desire. 4 Large bdrms. or 3 & ·a den & a big country kitchen. $123.500. So Jack be nimble. Jack be quick. Open Sun. l·S. 506 Rockford Place J _ -'13,-4400 HARBOR DMsiow of,...._ lllYntw.t Co. 0 Cameo HiCJhlonds t ~~ .......... !?~~ .................. !~ ~:~~ ...... _.!!'!~ !::::~ ..... _ ... !!!! cean view . privs c beach rights. combi~e1--------i 6 IDR 'I• ACRE THIS IS WHAT w/~paclous 4BR 2BA '" BAYfRQNJ ESTAn $65 000 CAWTllFOUMD prime C dM nrea ror • N N t' b .. perfect family home. All Ne This hard to find slngl ear ewpor • ac.. new crpts. firs, cstm ~rt Island story ramblin g est at ~:Ul~ ~:!.11~'::~3 drps. kit appl's. $128,500. Nice, bigs bedroo m , 3~ with over 2•400 sq. n. bath at only $63,900! Thi11 Shown b y a ppl. by bath,3cargarage family living a rea Is localed 0 end unit townhome ln- owner.644·0558 home right on the water . st~c l utdedi trlee·l,i n e cludea tennis, jacuui. Carlsbad By The SNl 2 br house w /lge fncd yd .. New paint & cpl Nr ocean. $46,000. 645·2423. dock Included. 50· Fron s rce m n u cs ro ""·========= l rd •-beach. Too many cuat.o pool. s auna, bll la s "' tage on the boy. Vacant featur es to mention ! privat e p ark. Call and ready to move into. Ra mbling gr ound s wit . .for a home In Newport s.g.2313 $220.000. room for 3 pools + R / Beach's Eastbluff. Big OPfN "' o. '' SftJN 1C11J1 N<t • POOL EST A TE or this unique home cal The BluHs, Corooa d e l t iJl i i 546-4141 parking. For a previe Canyon. Harbor View. , .•. ,~ 111 4 IEDROOMS M a r • B a y c res l . · ' · iil\ • Private roadway leads t o 9fi:!!:r(9, ••HI.IN 108' NtC< • Turtle roe k • Dover \ ~· [ Shores? We have lovely)!·--------· ~~~i:l~~c~~v:eJli~ ----------· . .., .. ,t~1nrn1 ~OU~ "ai~:!e to.:::. fHITASTIC men t . Epicu r ean . ~~---=--=••=Eil' and much more ... please Ml call ror app't . BAY VIEW kitchen. Separate Mom· H•~Oft leach FIXER UPPER in·Law quarter.; w /bath. _,, .. .., C f C I rth Soarin g s tai r case l () o.-. Home ONLY $74,000 • • 0 eswe IY Enjoy mothe r na ture at bedroom relreats. Lus h Clean, neat. 4 bedrm. REALTORS 640.00fO work with an unspoiled t r o pi ca I ba r k Ya rd ram rm, rece ntly painted Spacious 3 br. 2 ba plus.1-----------1 view of the Beck Bay w1sh1mmering summer in and out. Boat door . Cam rm home In sought NEWPORT HEIGHTS from this out.slandlng 3 fun pool. Skinny dippers patio. lge bark yard . after Npt. Bcb. Back Bay ll!ST IUYI bedrm, Bluffs home . d~ight! Owner bought Xlnt family horn~. or. area. Bring paint brush ..... XIOUS 0~-Thia popular Trina plan n e w . Mus t s ell Try fe red al a. low ~1.500. &tools !646·7711. ~~CUTSPRIC'"1t"5" la an e nd unit with 2 S9,JOO tota l d own I Hurryonthi.sone•. 1111 paUos. to insure leisure 847-6010 1·~ l Custom bulll home de living a t It 's best. ~"',~:.II~ II.IN ~ft(~(· F-f oMEs ; ~I~~ r !~ 1i~te7~:~ng Sl39.~~~~' 61 1e1ea11 .:~ .... =·~. VACANT ~~~·~~*:=~ ~ 549·8655 $46, 950. garage parking. He art o Ready to move into. 3 Newport Heights on poo NEWPORT BEACH bedroom o n large corner sized lot. 188.500 Pul LUXURY lot. N ewly painted. price .Call646-7171. COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE .INC. PUBLIC ~OTICE NOT1~:·:;2SALE Bes t buy In Baycrest ! brand new carpets ror ()PIN'" 9 zr;o; t1'i ,.:•::.~!t1~~?Vt~i~: ;~';iii~·:~~'.;~~; '~t.n~~ESTATE I 'llJS~ill ~:;ey!~o~ w111 t1t1tt1>Ull4lc •ucu.,..101"""'~' wing. Sunny country -----------•· :a!••11•= n."'et •~ 1· ed street to kitchen WI.th all ne w ap· ·---------"f'll "~ tn ...CS11ettnetbldde<"witll emlnlmum1tc Y"'/FH-"' private d rive. Secluded ::=?.~ ~;~~:'::!.,.,,,:.:= phances. including bullt $46,750 .,,_ · .,,_ entry lo lavish living ""November ' "'•· "' ,,,. ....,.., 01 '" microwave oven. $49,500 room. Epicurc:in kitchen ,0 00,.1w1.11101 Oo••'i••Mt.Suiteto(I), Large waler h e ater S lous f I ...,.,.IJOf'I Buc11 c1111 . """<Ill' 111•• + + + d eco rator's de 2 Bedroom , 2 bath. in· pac 3 br. 3 bn, fa -separate amt Y rooni. end 1n1eru1 1n aftd 10111s1 c.-11•n•••I 1· ht Don't 1 II lh dtvidual Condomiruu.m . home w /lge fa m rm, d New carpet and sparkl· PfOC>O"• ...... ,. •n '"" c.o .. ,,,, ot rg m ss a 1 Car garage wtelec door garage It workabop. Ing paint ' Sweeping <>•noe s•••• of C••••. OH<robolO .. for only $139.500 Cal Ind Cl bo master bedroom com· 1o11o~ 6467171 o p e ner-hi g hly u p . scp. osc to s Lotro1e1oc11.,.01A,.,1Ad!M11on10 Of'fNl•t 9•11PVN 'OPr 11.,1• graded, carpeting, wood ping.646-7711. plex Huge, huge rear Hewl)Of'1Ht•Q11tuu110Wn°"1rn.p,. paneling & mirrors. En· yard' Room for pool and corOtGtn-• Peqe'M Mr><""'°' ~ joy the communi'ty ........i, maybe t ennis! Seller re<ord\ol 0.of\~ COUf!lt t""" bo b d t ~1e1 Of'OP<'••Y "commonl\' llttDWn jacuu1. te nnis courts & ug t n ew an mus ~ o• TU\lln ..... N••fl9" &tec11 clubho Who' fl t" sell! Try $6500 down' ca;:::~. " ~ul>fo<I lo la-cow ·---------· ~USC. a.~,~ --=======---! ~~;.~~;~~ tON Nl(I • _.,,,, coridttlon• retlrlc11on., rlQM• A SWEETHEART [ I §;==~~i~~:::.E·.~?E~~: ~:e~r.~:~~~h~~~~n ANYTIME and ~~:!:t1~~ht! 3 -~ll~ftilJffi r ....... 01 •• 1ecn111n 11wtvtmanrto1 No rth Laguna Ex Nice bedrooms, coi · 11!11 Vnl1~5••11' Acc.eplenceot 111<>"-pansrve svndeck over·~~~~~~~~~~~ fire place. In remlly1 .. ---------· HI 1>lt1 I\ con01hOflll \I_, Bwe•'• -II ,_ 0 , ., ,.,,,,.,., c11.c11. 1n" "'" looking the blue P:icirlc. room, step.saver kitchen Voe-& ..... .ouiv•1ent 10 •O'il. ot 1ne ,.111noor1t•. P riced under market. with pantry, even u d in· unr ....1c11 •Mii Dt otC>O•lftd """' "''" 1':xclusiveS44·7270. Gnat ln•Htm.nfl ing room and carpeted Costa Mesa. 4 bedrm. Tru~t~tooe>enr•croworocetctlno\ Beauty shop and build· 1 1 C d formaJ d ining, fam rm, T"" under\lo"rcs •~\e•v•' tt1er•oh110 1 aoa · us tom ropes, I h d i ro1..:un,1no~11b1o\ ng + la rge t bedrm apt. nice wall-to·wall carpet· lge k tc en, w / nelle 0.1.0 0<1oei.r 12. 1•10 over db le gar. Choice tng1 deco rator wallpaper area. And much m ore 11 BETTY J, FARRELL Eastslde location. ana no association due11. Corner location adjactml Sot<loil TtuSIH Call d I h to k R f l e.J, llAHILL, ay or n g t Loc1tted in one of Irvine·• par · oom or mo or •-r•H..e• 646-3928: eves:MS-3581 top locations and priced home, boat or lrlr. Back 1•1 Orte St, S411t•.... to sell at 188.000. Call n~ East owner want.a qu_ick _,,..,hacll,CA ,,... al ~ 548-5880 T•: ow m.ftt.s for appointment to see s e • """'""'° ~ ... c:o..1 Delly~... The fastest draw In lb and appreciate. 673-3550. .u,n .tt.ane1tt,1'71 «t»r. West ... a Daily Pllo °'1N m 9~1 ~11JN10t1N<1 • -· : ~ HERITAGE PUBLIC NOTICE Claulrled Ad. &42·56'18. 1• (1 S©~JtllA-~~~S· ~·•1ltjllJtl SeUMSJeitenu . REl\LTO RS 642-5678 1002 That lntri911in9 Word Game wiflt a Chud.le Hll•I '"r C\M .. l'OllAN O·--"""" .. .... fo..-.,.........., -· be- low tO '°'"' ·-.. ""' .. -d• r r r r r r·r 1 I I I I I I I I o ..... 1002 ...... Decorator sha rp condo with quality upgrades. Beautiful grounds with multiple amenities make thls an outstanding investment. '94,500 Jtlt IANJOAOUINHILU"D . IN NIWPORT Cl.NT I" . ~!.~~.~~ ...... ~~~!.~~.~ .. :: .... ~c:'!!!!.~~~~ ........ ,~.~~~ ....... ~~::.~~-.~ ........ ,~.~~....... Frictay Octo~r 29. t976 DAILYPtLOT ~:J G ... ral I 00 o ... ,... I 002 G1M1.. I 002 G...,.., I 002 Gt Mc.. I OOZ .... ,.. I 001 HoettH For Sd9 Hott.Ht For W. Houtes For S• ................................................................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••It•••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••••••• • Cot M 10• ~t .._._ 1024 . ....------------GtMr• 1002 IQ HO • A4 9....-M L,9UID •T10111..1 ~~~~ ·•••••••••• •••• • ~ ,.. •...................... ............ . ..•..........•... . , ~-~~~~~~~~~ ,,_ All O' 4·PLIXIS log~ther_or COM $74 900 =-~...w.-~.-.M-4Jl&faw 'separate. Bnch with (2) 3BR + (2) ' UDO ISLE 283 units. Costa Mesa. Can be sold , -1 t Looklna for nn oH<-r '. 3 HOME OR INDUSTRIAL separately. Both for only $259,000. ~t of its kmd, ocean vu, bt.fi!dable hm ~oct:e~~ zc::~~l•~~m!,:i: 4 Sr. excellent condition home or s ite w /plans ready to ~o. Price just br11 nd new fumil y manufacturing 2000. 70x140 lot.-Plus FOU1tru:x .. all 2BR Anaheim, all one story. Only $95,000/lO<}a down DUf'LlX. Huntington Beach. Really nice. $67,000/ 10% down. Both are · 2BR. Big lot HOME Ir IMCOME. 3BR and Duplex. (2) 2BR on a lot in good area of Garden Grove. Only $89,000/ l5% down TWO UMITS Ir GUEST 9TltS. · (1) 3 & d e n, o nly $59.000/ 157o down, Westminster. GOOD PROPERTIES BEIMG SOLD BECAUSE OF l'ARTMERSHIP PROBLEMS. IY OWNER/AGEHT. . 540.0555 G.-.rol 1002GtMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• REALTORS 675-5511 OPEN HOUSE Thursday & Friday I ·5 413 Acacia A•e, Olde C0rona D.I Mer Classic Charm <Dutch Colonial) 3 Bedrm, fa.mily rm home. Shiny wood floors, Dutch door entry. Beautiful kitchen. $131,500. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy. . Corona ~ Mer 675-5511 Welton@C rn11µa 11y .. t • ' ' ~II. macnab I Irvine ~ realty . FINER HOMES HOM $74,500 TO Sl.200,000 WESTCUFF reduced $SOOO for very qwck sale. k!lcbt>n. 40' Lol. Wutk t workshop. parking for boats, equipmt., ~.;.~ and beac h. whatever! Price$74,000. Call; COM -DUPLEX South Of ~J ~1,~Q!~ & f~t bridge. 3 Br, dining rm & frplc ln front plus 2 br in rear w/slant bar !rplc in garages beneath. Owner requests long escrow. PENINSULA PT. Charming iJ ~~~~!~t ·~~to bay. beach, & tennis crts. Btfly lndscpd, secluded patio, guest apt over garage makes 3rd bdrm. Price just reduced to $139,900. 13 UNITS CM $290,000 A·l cond E-side units close to everything. Generate $29,000 annl income. Priced tosell this weekend. 675-2311 associated BROKERS--llEAL TORS 101~ W 8olboo i' 1 166 I 1002 Getterol 1002 OM THI SHOUS OF LAD fOllST Owners have bought in Newport and · are anx!ous to sell in Lake Forest. Handsome 2 story next t-0 the lake with stunnin g redwood deck, model home-Ii ke decor. complete air conditioning a nd Community Association with teen center, pool and tennis courts. Asking $99,690. Upi..il«)UI: 1-t()Ml:S REA.l TORS~ 675·6000 2443 Ean Coast Highway, Corona del Mar also in Mesa Verde, at 546-5990 I 002 I GIMf'ol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Custom 6500 s q. ft. waterfront home on ·the poin t. 134 Ft. frontage with magnificent view of boats & harbor. Slip for large boats. Rei:nodeling h as been started -finish it to your own taste. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Buy!>1d,. D"v•· N B 675 6161 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 64N200 SPANISH 642-2668 CBalAUOI TRI-LEVEL 4 BR -----------~ t--~~'4-l4-~ 2 STY $77,560 . For m u 1 e n l r y t o Gettffol I 002 Cotta Meta I 024 dramatic elegan ce. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Formal entertainment 3 houses I::. C.M. X1nt In· living room. Banquet OPEN SAT/SUH 1·5 come. On lite cornt>r Jot sized dining convt!.ni.e~tly 5600 RIVER AVE. newly redecoraled,..Prin. served fr?m ud~o1nang LIDO SAMDS only. ¥89, 546-0788 garden vi ew kitchen . ~1 ~parate family room 4 Bdrms .• 3 baths: extra Proresst?nally l~t;.l>d., w/crackling tlrt!placc & large corner lol, wul1' charming 3br, ~~ wel bar overlooks ter-beach. $79,$001 home, Open hcJu s rnce. Ideal ror casual en OPEM SUH. I ·5 Sat/Sun. _SSJ,500 &tf. tertaining. Artistic stairs 2934 JAVA RD. A.'lk for Rack. • ... s wee p lo mass iv e MESA.VERDE hideaway master su.ilc & Gracious 4 bdrm .• 2 b:i., guest qua rters. Hurry spotless . tge. lot • dc-Cor this almost new lached garage.Sll0,0001 model at a baq:ain COSTA MESA price' 963·7881 f'Jl'fN ;,, O · "s •\JVIC"'\/lf ,., ,, EASTSIDE [ •:1141 :'§4~~2?.~ •• 675-7060 * *Balboa Island* Balboa ia1mte1 Reduction Now $175,000 · $49.500." Cotta Mes.cl 3 BDRM. 2 bath, bl_g lol. Hurry on th_!~one. PILOT REAL ~~TE, 540-0SSS Large 5 Bedroom home in pres ti j!ious Westcliff. Boat or trailer storage space -room for pool -immediate occupancy. $139,500. Roy Romey 642-8235. (MJ l > •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SOUTHrou MANslOM OM SPYCiWS HIU! Jlu~c but charming Cape Cod home w/6 bedrooms, oak paneled family room . beamed ceilings & brlck fire place, large Jiving room w /fireplace. formal dining room, s pacious oak paneled bonus room w /beautiful built-ins. Gorgeous y1lrd, pool , jacuzzi, gazebo, playhouse + extended decks to view city lights, hills & ocean. The perfect family retreat? Marjorie Mahon 644-6200. (M12) · HAPPIMISS IS UVIMG IN THI RIGHT HOUSI! This charming Country French has to be the right ooe -3 year old custom on a lovely little channel·- used brick -leaded glass - marble fireplace -4 bedrooms - 2Y.i baths. Bob Owens 642·823S. (MlJ) A ILUE llllOM WHBI One of the Jast beautiful lots on lovely Promontory Bay -Couldn't be more pres tigious location I $175,000. Bob Owens 642-8235. (M 14 ) ""IA•TH ~· Sharp 2 bedroom/den home in Deerfield. J acuzzi & air cond. ONLY $74,500. Lynne Rothell 752-1414. (MIS) 642-1235 6444200 901 Dover Oriw HMbOf Vltw Center I rvllW •• C•mJIU' V•llty c.enter 7SZ..1414 cae: 110111 ILllRS ca. O_y~R 50 YEARS.OF SERVICE BLUFFS "Q" PLAN $105,000 2165 . Sq. ft. of Jiving. Impressive music room entry. 3 BR, 21h BA, sunken convers ation pit and firepl. Greenbelt setting, Move·ln be"l'ore Christmas! 111. DOYH DRIY! 631-1800 SEEK & 'INll HALLOWEEN S W E A L Y A C S 0 R P B C 0 X B 0 C D N I K P H U P V I S R K l R l A I L l B W E Y " 8 T R 0 J A K G H 0 S T Y N A ME A L L 0 w E,E NIE T s E R 0 F I L 0 S T E R A C S G K R T P l T A 0 L L 0 K T R E H E T H S A H T B 0 E H T H I H S R S H I Y P 0 D G A 0 H Y A I A R A E B I A l L E 8 0 1 C G Y l L WLTRMOHCOG8LJHKLT8l A l A P U 0 G S K D E 0 W G C 0 R E 0 l 0 E G T G 8 l A C K C G E A T I D W 8 W R I S E W I T C K R A 0 L H H R E DJTOOYYDNACAHAB NTOE M 0 H B C A A 0 I T I W I T1 C H E S N RV E MEWYRCHN KO~OTER W lowtn.tet'-1 H ow •PPter Ol'Wllr , k• wwd, up, 6own or dl~ly, Find •lldt llnd boic lt In. ~ Allha11ow Ghost · P1111pkfn j Black C•t Goblin Tre.t ~ Cand,y Moon Tr1 ck e Cos tunie~ Pranb W1 tchts TOCAorrow: Hodge Podge •HO• LOCATION!!! Eastside C.M. End or cul·de-sac. Wal k to Elementary, J r high, Library or Boy's Club. B ike to Harbor HI. WestcliCt Shopping, YM· CA o r Back B ay . Beautifully landscaped 3 bedrm. fam rm , Ill· tached dble gar. Call !or appt. 400Lll"-f'OllAU: C.MidE0lbMW SPANISH COTTAGE Lovely 3 bedroom plus den. Arched entryway, large yard, on cul·de·uc in Huntington Beach. CALL 962· 7787 9144 -.........ii...--....,.-2.a. ""1TfMi4-1Tr~1"- Trim 1 tree lavhhly or make a sparkllng mobllt. No cost way lo trim a tree and hive lols of lun! u~e scraps of Chrlslmas wrap. glitter beads, odds 'n' end$ Pattern 72651 pattern pie,es for 12 han&ings. mobile, Vivid mt buttons lfalll on 10 StoO for u ch patt~rn. Add p"llY dreu-hvtly '" cht(k' 35c e~h Paltem tor first.class or plaid plus hohdl!y red or airmail and handling. Stnd to: green (onlrnl. She'll choose Allee Brooks tllese pretty p11t~rs tor Plr· Needl&craft Dept. 105 t•es. school. llfet~e11ch. Da11y P1101 Prinled P11tem 914A: Child' Box t63. Old Chelsea Sta., Sitts 2. 4. ~· 8. S11~ 6 lakes New York. NY 10011 Pnnt I~ yds. •s : n 5l 2 rd. Name, Address, Zip, Send Sl.00 for n th e>attem, Pattern Number A,Od 35<' for ucll 1>1lttm I MORE th.an ever before! 20C f11st ·Class airman. handllna desll"S pl11S 3 tree printed in· Stnd t•: 5ide NtW 1976 N[EOLECRm Marla!"I Martin CATAlOC! Hu everything. 75c · · K€Y Paltein Dept. 442 Crochet •II~ Squares _ Sl.00 ,Qi.. D11ly P1101 Cr9cllet a Wardrobe _ $1 .00 OPEMHO~ 1--------1 Sat & Sun I t~· 2 BR &GAR. APT. 2 Cov. patios. nicely furn., So. of Hwy. 613 Begonia. On· Jy $107,500. Agt. 675-3222 •362 Ralcam PU(V,* Nl•at 2 bdrm just P!Un'tcd In & out on u quiet Cµl -de· sac-trees galoret....scc this bargain al $4!),!!60 A.C. Petitte, Rltr 2109 llarbor 81. C.M 548·<>.522 ,,.: '024 --------••••••••••••••••••••••• .tf.026 4 br, I >/4 ba •••••••• •• ••• ••··~···• Home for s ole by ownr. Nr !lhop'Jt & schools. Im· mac cond. Prin. only, 3067 Trinity Ur. C.M. Ei\N VIF.W DUPL~X. 3br, 2ba, lllOO xq. fl t)ft ltlf w/frplcs. $145,000."" ., lnS·44B9· ~ AMCHO ... I MESA VERDE IMYISTMi.ftS Priced for quick sale. r.,".', Hidden 2 story, 4 bdrm, 31 "===='7=1=4=1 -:4=t~~~=··=· b11, form. din rm, tami- rm. Pool-jacuzzi & view. Sll7,000. Open house Dal· ly. 2029Swon Dr. ~6-2277 . BEAUTIF\Qr OCEAN Vl~'tf D t• Open HouH och' ras IC I I AM to 4 PM. Reduction 4 Br:' 2 &, frplc, ,\afge Professionally decorated deck. St to st lot. 11,.qrgc and landscaped M eso side yard worksh~qr-.oC· Verde home on lbe golf II cc b o n u • r .q p m , course. Custom cabinets. SJ u.ooo. Call for ap1'\.• walk·behind wet bar. Maril WlllOfl ma.. raised hearth fireplace 4 645•555 7 .o;.r•• bedroom + formal din r---------Jna. separ~tc family Toro 'l'tlZ room. Alr condltlonins 8Klt, cull 540·1720 ••••••••••••••••••~•••• W R€ALTOP.s N 232 Weat 1a1h sr Nifty r111y Gu111s __ s1.oo York. NY 10011."Prln R1p,le Croclltl ., __ $l.OO TARIB.C IRAND HEW NEWPORT HTS. NAM E. ADDRESS, ZIP, !1"' 1+ llnlt l4ol • --Sl.25 4 B D R M , L A"'K IC' S f z E a n d s r y I. need cpolnl took _ S 1.00 " .:. 38R expandable, In • NlilMBEA ,,,.,,, Croc~et l oot .... ~t.OO .. t ' 0 R Es T w 11-.. k c super nbrhood w/hrdwd · · "alrpln Crochet look $1.00 "'#1111 C .. lfornlol" prlvllegea. Snit, swim, nrs, R&O, W/W crpt•, to ,.. •11ow ••• ti "' I Instant Crtclltl look _st.oo ·---------tennis. Only sm.~.:SUb· Ext. new Spanish texture ••ttn lrttf Stnd uw fer lnst111t Macta,., Boak _ st.00 Open hou1'e, Sot/Sun. For mil your lcrma. Q~r. stucco, Ira trffs & nkelY •Ill' lltW reu.wrnter hfftr11 lnst•nt Monn loolr S!.00 nle by owner. Eteganl PILOT REA~ ESliATE, Jd.,cpd lot. I.oh of rm for Cabltt-cll' c .. p011 l111ldt ftr Ce111111l1t1 CIR Boak Sl.00 Mesa Woods home. 4br, ~ il nra nhJcles + dbl car. fttt Nttff• ti 11wr clltlct. Co111pltt1 Al&han1 114 SI 00 Jba, rorm din rm, den,J-.._ ______ _ -.400.(0t"futsalo S.'475tllfW! 12P'rf11Af1lla"s !'ll . 50c lGJl32bonuu m,pool slu 'r ..,., Sew ..._ lllllt IMt SUS l e.-of 11 Qullts i i -SOc F 1-.1 V• 034 JACOIS REALTY l1tttltlt ,_,, Crafts si.oo Mntlllll Golltlook •2 50, I ot. pr o r d crt 'd & 1m1 Olli ey 675-6670 last.Mt r11fllttt ltff Sl.00 15 Qelftt for Today :3 -SOc lodscpd , l mmoc. All ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------1 lartatit Setrl .. htk SUO lotll ef 11 JlffJ Ill/fl • SOt nmeruues. w1tll( to J>flrk OWNER 38r 28a frplc iind what you Wllll 1 & S C. l'laza. 599,000 bltm, 162.500 all t<''rms. ' Dail)' PilotClan1Jieda. M7-9239~557 21ss. __ 83.1 ll03 SS2·9503 ' ' I , OAILYPILOT Ftlday.October29 197' ~~.~~ ....... ~!~.~~~ ....... ~.~~ ....... ~-~~ ....... ,~!.~.~ ....... ._ ~~.~~ ...... """''Fer W. Ho.Mt For We HonH flor W. a..,... S.och t 04' &....-leodt I 04' ...... HHJMI I 012 ,.._wpori lead! I 069 Ntwporl koch • I 0 .. 9 •w ftroperty 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Vahf 1034 onS.oct. 1040 '".._. t044 • 1:-COVINGTON -~~···RiisioE .......... ~;~;~~,;;; ..... ·;;;~~;~~;·~·~;~· s.::11::~~ ~1 0. I · n A FOUR PLEX •• •UTY" '°OL Ir JACUXZJ 4 1m, cbc>•~ lot Rl"11dy Wo -..ve 2 qualified out i::J,,.i..do J6{e Prld or ownuahip unih ~ 5"' 4 Stdroom 2 b;ith up O«. S12D,500. or orrcr. 0 r .• ' • t e b u y 0 I'. cm a Jovely tree lln~ ~uflc! /:i,'rc·, r~n~ ~n f~~; ~aded urPc:Llnj. 1-:aml Owoer. 551-4931/ M2 01 transfe.rred and waltlnsc BA YFRONT EXCLUSIVE. Pier & ~~m~~ 2 -r:.~~~nplu~ l1v1f1~ rm ,,; one In lhe l'J room, entry aate fo W 0 O D B R l D G • Commerc1·a1 to buy " bomt• m yuur slip. 4 BR., 4 ba. $275,000 f1rcph.1 rt• owncr'!i unit m.i.: er ull A . •h pnvacy. POOL isl yeur ESTATES P 1• lovely area. Price raruce plwi3two bed100munJt11 -11 ... <:r<>.'lll ~ e . opu r $11$000 lo $300000 We SP C OUS bd h 1 b · k 11tl'~ from Mlle SQuue J\.danu modi:!. U11.;td'i.l The ult1m oll· com r an 'scti your hom~ 6lt A 1 2 rm. omc. arge r1c Cla.cd iiarui;\·:-. Pnv:ate J1airtc·. A mu'l :m •, <'all & pre m ~um vlow lot merriul location 10 l971 prictllTOOAY,wby patio w/fountains & outdoor garden dttkandpatl<>d S139,SOO nolf.!4197 0321. auoo. Cull 833 OS07 ah l.al(unu &•ach Loaded wultt IC you oro con· room. $.165,000 Rmkcr co oiwr111ton 111• • • • • 5PM. N Q R 1 N S wllh charm & located s ideriog iollln( your vlh.'d . . ":1111 ' Townhouse. by owner "Moy• Up nut lo Muln Heh. J home, pleasocall forfr~tl COZY brick rrplc. for snuggle time. I I ...... -u ~ •• •,. HA. ". \ JlunUngtoo Vll'wPoU\l "" R £A LT Y Stores. appraisul~-"'-"'Y ~ • __ ,!t _!_ HR. 2~ .. ba .. 2 sty 11oc To Th• Good Uf•" ............ adds an intimate touch to this 3 bdrm. ' PlllC9 . _.. Sq. tt. Wet b<ir lmpml~ R:inehuSunJouquin Call Tiffi VU-:W FROM THE Rf!ALJOf1S • home. $147,000 Propltl"ll-• Muucun tih~ 111 entry tho experts, con<'urnlnf( '"'UAU4T JE.>C -4"-;4A4 . 7S2•'910 • ~ ED A 4 BR?. kitt·h.$7fl,9S0.9tl8·111i-O lh1: ;1dvunlages of hvln.: 1'01'-180 degree sweep ""' SO.LAGUNAOFFlCE LID'-'"· Rl!! ... LTY ••OOOUA1LJt .. 1WPOttTatACN " in this quiet, adult orlQlll· o ! c o n 11 L I t n t• & COUHTRY PLACE v ~ Tbh I ovoly h o m <' OPEN HOUSE cd (;ondo Village, in whltewutcr. 3 bodroom~. UambJing ch armer 3377Vla Lido. H.B. 673-7300. * UNITS * fc~~ures un uvcr!llicd • SAT & SUH l ·S Irvine. :i '·i baths, tkn w/wct tucked uway on quiet MlstloeVlefo 10&7 Mli\X' )ldrm, !!lone frpk, llcauL. cmpltl'v upard' San Joaquin nc3llors bf ar. dining room, 2 hinl' in Coast Royolo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3. 4, ti, 7, 8. 12.1 rn. 32, 40, drilt, W/W rrpls. 2 cnr ~ • 752 lG85 1rcpluces & benmed urea. Short walk to T H::t t l ldd , 48, 54. 60, 80 o Orani:o ~iii' .• bltnll incld ell •· 3 Br, 2 Ba. cslm cpl.ls <'cilmas. 3 v1ew decks. beach Many stulncd 0 •• er ,...._......._ h 1069 S Clemeltff 1076 County. Also-102 un1t!I. " d~ & wallpaper Prof s ,,,, 1 • · d k above ,500 by Nov lS. 2 ........ ,..... • .. ac an AJ rr b 1111 •· w•,ber. Jde<ill'J !orated 1 • 1 / 1 · , TURTLE RUCK 1 ..... ,500. f ass w111 ows, oo ., d 2 b ,....... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• so -o acr u 1 ng:c "" ... n CJX w rg covc•r 38 "B ll d •-r I & l l .,r en. • vVJ"uOVll e I l (In qulel street nt•ar Ft. patio. $69.500. 16602 l>o r, .. a . v, an "' am oors err a c·o ta. Nido, t•overed vutio. t.ov· Bayfroot Drama from t.op t·ommt:r1c1a prupcr y. VIJfllt1gh School. Asking J>r Owner842.7201. rms & atrium. Vaultt'<l Ji I. U 1'; BJ R () CY N . Custom F~ench doors 1 1 t. to bottom in tbi~ nt'W REDUCED Brand new units & rt• $17,9li0. ----------t ceilings, brick vatios. N£o:ST Warmly dl.'coral w_tsweTep1n,~ docea • fa!ds~;!~7a~l'~:prki~· t.lriking lownhom" OPEN llOUSI-: lililt:1>. W~ !!cl.I, list a111t COR/l'ISH.E. 002 2'1:58 qua! up~rd 's, iol>1dc t•cl , 2 llclrrn:c .• wood· views. wo ue rooms, • w/tot.al secunty ., Dr 2 • SAT&SUN t»tchongo, f rom 3 5 --BUYERS out.Viewlot.Acc~s to burning fire place!, library w/finplace, rrplc, brw c11t , guld d ks b b· ·,,~ ~5. _i.; milhun$$amonlhlnin· Hi-·E-onleach 10 .. 0 k & I .. kt h "-. d ' drapes l mmedoccupao· ec • l c uy ..,. J.. ~aAv1•Salvad11r \c•tm"O' pr"pcr\y. """"...,. ,. comm pr puo s . cn:i rmtnf! 1 c en °' w10 mg :itairc ai.c .to c 831:9288 boat slip al "our dour. n... h th ~ ' ~ v ••••••••••••••••••••••• S83.000 by owner. puuo. Vlewdctk.$79,~SO. ~.e000sky.Ht. slud10. y. S220,000.-0wne'r,G40-tllGI.. N ean vi~· ~mflio '' Pla!>ecallforanappou1l· 6 IJl"·den 2 ba . Nl•o r & SELLERS 833-3515. Prine only *494-8057* ....,., HELP.• owport. ac 0 omor· mentnow Mrirlna High. Blln Bll(.2. ()penSut/Sun 12·5 BY OWMER JVW, at San Clemente lo . • •$8!l.!l9o.968-57000'4nt·r. ---Owner must seJI im· doy.Come&sl.'ethl!!un· 1& jQuaJl 'l. _ _ Save up to $300. uo buy $82,000·BY OWNER WALK TO ALISO BEACH macu.late 3Br, 2 Ba home Bayfronl #8 Collins I sle. believable value. Jlow • PICIC9 EXECUTIVE DARGAlN ~~! o~::l~n~~tiu~~~~~~ Beaut. CulverdaJe i::xec 3 .liedroom. 2 bath, fa mi· 496•7222 831:08_36 due lo relocallun. Fully Tr a de or finance. can we do IL" Owner says Pr __a.I 6 Hf. 4 Da. S&S. NNar 4 br hme. Dix muster ly roum and Cireplace. UP"raded. Bllin",pau·o& $298,000. 673·7'170 or ''SELL."A~l.191M936or Op...-... •• Heal tor celcbrntin1: th1 s 1 •• d 11 •. F' I .. ~ 558-8723 6, ... .1..,.... 752-1910 b~il~h . o wn1•r. ltc s uite w ifplc, e lc~o nt c·c Uul.' "' po o fireplace. Nice ly __ --,...,......... l•OOOUA•lnNtWP<>tltHACH ....... on.I.,, ru·u l"''". 11rand opening or UUI r I I r I ""vlS ""7 """I __,_. llunlinglon Beach () ... J w y I n I I ~ UOft T I I I 4•·11 separate fum r'm ;iy · ea s caty carercquired.ReasoCfcr •-1 L I 107 rip ex.\\ p o o '' "'""""'"u ""° "''"' f orma av rm. w/ "c, ""'" .., .... n · {» ~ landscaped, mln'mum t-J TRULY IEAUTIFUL f1t·e. at Spnngduli· carer re e y a r <l 31700Coustllwy .J~ will be accepted. S63.500. ~Yue one Cop strono 8 Seaward H 1l.. Ccl ~t • CH PROPERTY Wurner. CJll ror furthc Cl So L guna 4!19 2237 (>l~\1 BALBOA. Just h sted. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIS4 ,SOO. t>7 3 ·1762 details,S4G 5536 w/coveredpatio. oseto :_.:..,•a ·· :::iu Principulsunly.768·0568 S 1 • 1, h } d d d '<1 pool & tennis courts. 9J Custom bullt home on For a c-2'.t ac .. unc o:> Owncr/Agt 3 ~~~~n.~e-;t~d"•.c.o 2 VILLA ASSOC Must see to arpreciate MYSTIC HILLS OPEN SUNDAY quiet strada. PerfcC't for from $10,750 full price. --. • • 1 a kt $68 500 <.; 11 No agents. Cal for appL 3 Bedrm, 3 bolh, sauna, r ~ ~ Only JO% down for this the tricycle set. Nearby Clevetend Fo~est ~rca. 3BH + 3.UNl f:S·CM ~716[ms. · · a ---------"-1 Wkdys 557.9zcJ:!; Aft 5 & view, view, view. Great '111 . l decorater Madrld620l tennis club ocean and SJC Re11lty. Jun Bishop t>rlnc1puls onty. IN'P; 'L ll.F..:,._Nl':T~ORK_ ASS.UMABL wknds. 559.4669 ~$·1~9c9(c,0u Al 1 vt t·173tt76o0r1n c . 23422Ca mpestre... badyDbedac.,hBe~sdrfor Mdom 544·8983or493·1~3S:_ _ ~o~e Rlty631·184t: • • " · g • t • byTrabuaco&Alicia an !1:" oom, en 4 Br pulio Lil D R kitch Duplex by owner. Sell 01· DEERFIELD REAL l!STATE p i i r If and dmmg room. J,argc • • ' ' ' ' d · r J>· • c . PATIO llOME OPEN HOUSE anoram c v ew o GO 40xl00 ft Jot ~37 500 2 ha, next to park, 11ns tra e. SQ. o a~ .. st ('.1;00 Buckhorn, 2 lir, den, 2 SAT Ii SUH 12·4 course&mountaln!. C JI S40 1ist • •"' ' . heat. 2 gur gur, $67,500. llwy,CdM .~skforMtkl'. . : ' "" GIANT Ba, upgrades. B~ d'wnt-r 292 VllJO, NO. LAG. r.':1':~h~m8~a~i~~c~ Dill 'I'h~~::1~ Realty a • 495·6895 _896-5511 brj213J59G·~ 'Moves You In " bdrm. fumily rm, S72,600 . 0 pen Il se. 2 Bedroom + bonus dramnticdomed skylight Santo Ano I 080 3 UNJTS $79.800 Vel11tans put your hard slory w/huge mas lt• Sat/Sun l·SPM, 10 Mint room. 180tkJ!rcc :.weep· above s piral stairway. M . rtl .. h 1069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• XlntconJ1lion&are,1 ~lll:.rie<lehi::ibihlytogood b<l rni l.ocaled o _G_la_d_e_.55_9_·55_18 ____ 1 In(( view. hl!ht & airy. Over 2500 sq. ft. Must ewpo eoc Pnnc.only./\gt833-17M · h h baauti!ul c.orner lo Walktobeach. ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• $56 000 USA>, on l li> c 01re 3 nuALITY sec. UF ~s od'fied ,, • H B 4 I f' ....... 000 bed'rm home. Seller will w /trailer access. Ool T' SEA l'llOPERTJES ll04 so. Coast Jlwy. TIIE, BL F • m 1 1 3 Bedrm home with ex· . . P ex, 1rm .,.,v, pay 4111 your costs over 4'·2 yrs old. Just hsted WITH A VIEW 499-1378 LAGUNA BEACH •·w' Plan. 3BR, 2~ba, cellent assumable VA prin only• Call AgL. SSOD1. Large kitchen, Jlurry! CaJI 846·553G $135.000 uy Owner * 497 2457 * compl redec w/trg mst IO""· lmruaculalo cond. _002_·_·_67_23_. ------ 0 1-'0H SALE BY OWN Ell • sua'te. Everytht'ng new .... briok rireplacl', shakl.' VILLA ASSOC 3 Br President home in Spac 3Br, 2ba. Opl·n . thruoul, lots or wood, Priced nt $59.000. Thasi---------• ~~:o:iy'r;:;.~~~!:u~i; • TurtlerockTcrrace beam ceilings . .ueaut1ful SPECTACULAR Oceun mirrors, wallpaper. oneyoucJnurford.Qulct Q e' CO U •t ...,..,. -c •IU:ALVALUE• occun \lt:W of coal>ll.tne. view,3RR,2Ba,frplc,2 Superpaliow/BBQ,we res idl•nlaal neigh · ran~e nl $ occui>encyOK. , ________ .,... 5596 Oa833kl~~Terrace $74.000. Ph .iW-1950 :lfl 6 yrs newf. 1950 Sq ._ ft. bar . Poul. $84,500. ~~~Y· 2t SurfHl•ull'f Will t•xc an.it'. up-tlo\\n• Has [yerythl·nglf SUPER IUY! ---------1 pm. Room or expansion 752-8141 days/ 6t0·203 s1dewuy1>or1>ellw1tbl5',., •• 3 Bedroom homt! "'it S'94.950. Owner. 499-2109 eves & wkends. ...__536-_.1•.7•4•o•r•5•36•"•754•"•2-•I ddwn. Spacious entr.v ht<ls you · f I By Owner. Deedie lrl CO .... DOMIHIUM H"'RIORVIEW ,. How Many new c11rpet10g, irep act! "Aspen" 2 Slry. 3Br. z•.~ " "' w <'I cy om e l o yo ur lovely laroe yard, oil i Charming 2 bdrm., 2 EMERALD BAY XLN'T AREA, cozy 27 HOMES w .... -inster I 098 Do y0 .. N••d? PR!JSTIGt-: 4 bedrm . " ba, din rm, fm rm. up· b th 't t l r II d 3Bd.rm&d C 48) 3 ft h SBR 3B ..... """ • """' ~ooc1 <'ondition. J!:xcel d & Id A k u uru • as e u y e· en or r , sq. • ome. , a, p • 1 En Mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ., ,., 24 t rnultl·balh. ~. p3rklt'n" "r s scp. s ·ing t d · n ea baths Wh1'te wnter va·ew D/R d 2 frpl ' 1 "'......n .., • ._..ltl· ·32up o " " localaon, close to shop ,... cora c • ma pn111e r · · .. · • en, c s, ge .... odel on cul-de·sac..._ ________ _. P _,_.., JaCUtZl home $76,000.551·4348aftS. fS ''I l S p 1 blk to bea"h $199000 lot ti Bo l/RV .ir• ,. whate\•eramounl. ,,.., pang, schools & freeway. ----------• o an" emen e. wee · • · • , pa o. a area. street, leg side yd for }''ormal d111i11g, t•asy liv $55,500. 1ng coas tline vie ws. byowner.497·2724 Xtras.548·3168 boat,car,etc .. Poolszlot. $7800 to Assume PrlnclpalsOnty ing, pool side fare ring Century 21 Surf Really THE LAST ROSE Dana Point llarbor is Ope h S 1 5 607 Cal. Coast ln\lcstawl~ Wa rtn earth Lones r., .. ,_7~.2 or"'"6.147 , f m ·s . bloom just minutes uwuy. Low EXQUISITE lluff$EarlyArea Pornl Bouusremouunt~· .Algt. take over 8'h% VA loan 714 :832-2823 thrqouL. <.:all now. Wl·,.__,,,,., _____ .... __ .~_1 .. o su mer 1 m monlhly fee. $65.000 SETTING 3 BR, 2i,, ba. end unit on ..... of $34,200. l';iyAl>lo $311._ ________ _ •ha~i:_~tochoo:1c from. •• and "001 days ahead call CROWN POl .... T In beuuliful La"una-greenbelt. Outslandlorr _67_J._760_l_. ______ 1 t ot a l per month. 3..._ ________ _ II for comfortable ltvlnA in "" " · ., B d h • .. this warm. rit hly de Marvelous lo<'alion only lovely 3 l>drm ., 2 bath cond. $125.000 e rm, sep. ome in Rnbnrts & S QM afawvtepsfr"mpoput:.1r uurdcrn home with AgentU-40·5560 good arcu., dblr gur. BalboaPenin. ,. .. S H E coratetl "Dover" 111 The• "' " v -" l 1 ---Needs TLC bul pnced al ... rt B h Terrace. Like new in Hll Crescent Bay Be:ich. ma ure trees, ur~c1__________ .... ew~ eac Realty R(oauliful 4 bctlrm, only respects, with 3 hclrms .. Thb 3 bdrm .. 2'2 bDlh private yard with brick HAR 1 0 R VIEW $42,000. 3 U NITS. Close to hc~t 112 y1•:.irs old . Air cond. 2 baths nnd shows likP a home, on a quiet cuJ d<' patio. Lots of pride or W 531"5800 bay hl.'ad1. Large com. uim , .. th 11''· Up~rndcd thruout. Plush model. llesl location on s.ic, hui; a Areal floor ownership here! Priced HOMES l•--e.sth-"•"'•e•n•R•e•ot-ty-•I forlable 2 bctlrm hom'-' + lun11"110tl '*ll(h landscapinA. $76,000. greenbelt. Near pool und phm ; low maintenimce to sell al $85,000 By owner, 3 Br, 2 Da, (2) 2 bedrm rentals. Ex· l'J , , , , . recreation area. Priced yard. Quality coni;lruc-fam, rm., Jg. cor. Jot, SHAKE ROOF cellenl property in <t as!lics 4 Bit, pool. I '· ' ' • t.osell atS74,500 t100. Garden room1with m·cr f1\'1'~1P~ many !-Ip g rades, f ee great. location. Owner ins ide. Imm ed . 962·4471(m: 546·8103 bit-an BBQ. SJS'l ,000 ~ Il3@fUI}~~ land. Pnn. only. 640-5345 HARBOR VIEW BEAUTY will carry lsllrust dect.I. :Ideal 10<' S72.000 _ _____ EMERALD_IA. Y 49n_2800 HOMES 4 Bedroom~. 3 baths, orrered 3t only fll7,500~ \ll 11 0 A h c t • large dining are n, c 1154C>-ll51 .-•a Y u n n • ~1cred1lh Ga rdens: Lg unique ome an i s own m NEIGHBOR! Here's a CARMEL fireplace & covered pau u 96 _ __ lo\ ely 3 br 21 z ba formal•--------• park-hke st:Ulnl! lldwd By owner: 3 Br, 2 Ba, roomy, homey, custom Corner Jot, 3 BR, 2 BA, .ith boat ate. $.56.950. KLING POOL clanmg rm. II! kitchen,· floors, board & batten fu rn1ly room TOW 3BR w/a lrg lovely pool. flaYm. lllnyd~mcp·. dpr.ora_estrsi,.ounmai·. I l:ii'ill d1ntng .irea, sep:irale walls , ca:.emenl "In· $87 500494-4442 ' Xtras inc. 1901 L.A. ,. · ,lil••••i•ll•-•I rlinl!. :1 llH. 2 Ii i\. paneled fJ m rm w frpk Woodbridae dows, a 11 m 8 k c ro r ' street l amp & even a Priced to sell now. Agt. ~. : d)Q ~ rm, h1~hl) up· m.1i.ll'r br "' dressinR Available early l~. 2 w:i rmlh &. countr) secret liquor cabinet! b73-7601. ----.. _._•_•_~•-•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_- ~HERITAGE ••• REALTORS d~~ d , ll&F p oo l . rm. Ul'aut landsc.1pecl BDRMS . 2 bulh !'i charm. Priv:itc entry LogunaHllls 1050 Dnveby2916lrvineAve • • Newport Beach. Tri-pkx s 6f;l pture d tropical re<.IU<'l'd lo $86,500. Open Cypresswood Model '" patm &_lo.rgc cleck ov~·r· ••••••••••••••••••••••• or come lo our Open PYGLASS HlLL, new 'R~alEsfofe oo Canal w/boat dock planttni: backycl -.i•Umg house S<•l & Sun 1·5 pm Park H o m es Wood look Pane trees with LAGUNA HILLS House Sun. 11-5 to see. 180 degree .ocean vu ••••••••••••••••••H••• $175,000.1-492-3710. ' L?YIL':!111111l Pnmc· ll.B I J l Barrhwood /\vc. Il)' bndge. Many t·xlras 111 ~l'l.'a n vis lus beyon~ 4br/3ba/fr/fpl/wetbar, Call Mike Parker/HaseJ home. Magruficent. by Mobll H m ~.~.5'IG·S&l0. Owner962·11fi7. duded. Yuur l'hOtct' of CIO!>e lo b<'ach & lenrui. Sellerm0Uv11ted540·9922 HagarAgts.997-48:;0 owner.544-8889,832·6980 ForS•ol .. 0 ea 1100 UNIQU F. DEL MAR 11 546-8640 . courts 3 Bdrms .. 2 halhs "' DUPLEX I t b h · u.~ ..... on carpels. + 11ut>!.l apt. with pn .. Jte Will Babysit your • UDO ISLE ••••••••••••••••••••••• d 1 c ose Lo de d • ........... ,~...,. ... • goo ncome. oa c "1. , ~-. _ HarbOllr I 042 elltf) & deck. $189,500 PROPERTY· YACHT 4 br, 3 ba, den/wet bar, 2 BR, lav rm & kitchen, w/charm. $159,000 . .Y/f,Uf(! r'"'4U ••••••••••••••••••••••• OR IUSIHESS frplc, 3 car gar. 40' cor. full bath, 8X40. $1250. v. K Howard co. REALTORS ~EW 3 Br, 2 Bo Condo 60' while you're gone. Semi· lot,. beam ceil. Ji v 548·6173 Ask for Mrs. l\fucllc·r, to tennii1, pool, jacuzzi. retired Marine Surveyor. rm/nagstone frplc. So. EXCLUSIVE (714) 755-5101 'Real Estate byMtNAY ~"~.l\iu\ '"'"·5700 "VS. c~ .. ossoc'IOles A l L 1 c pal i 0. $l 5 7. 5 0 0 . -----,.,,.,\NU ""° " ~·'"' _ _ · oc& re ereoces. Ownr/Brkr613-6756 '74 Ramada 2-UM.~5 Star Lots for Sale 2200 LOCJUftO Miguel I 052 'f!ft.~31~1e· 548 3612 El Toro Adult. Pct-Park. ••••• •••••••••. ••. ••••. nos N.Coan Hwy.,Logu.no •••••••••••••••••••••••l.!~~~----~~-~~l---~ .... ~E~W~P!'O~R~T~--l 2 BR, 2 Bu. huge fam-rr_n, A TTEHTIOM llANCllO SAN .101\QUIN 494-1177 Lowest Priced Oceanview * A·FRAME * ,... luxury cust. homo w/a1r, BUILDERS JI · t" .,· Pool Homt" wet bar, etc. Dir. 898-4411 .._, "For ~-.ale by Owner" u5z3 CAMn.."D ll'l'JltlE omc. in pres a.,1ous 2-Sty. 3 BR, 2 bn. Walk, or830·05"' nORCO AREA Thru opl'n houses in "' ,..,~ l : " · JUST LISTED. Enjoy the Monarch Bay Terrace. lo ocean, tennis & pools. Exclusive Baycresl """ 21/l ACRES Hmil'liu San Juuquin i OPEN UAILY i:irc nt view from the 2700 Sq. r t. contem· Needs TLC bul a "whal area. 3 BR. 3 BA. Family Comrt'tH'Ciol Irvine day:. a wt!ek Wl' h11vc __ s_A_._M_._T_O_G_, _P_.M __ • --1 decks of this nl.'ar new 3 porary home, 4 BR, 3 ba, of a buy" ats72,000 rm. Cathedral beam Ceil· # 1600 Ideal for sub-d1v1din,t! or: W.ESTWARD HO! m.iuy inll'n•:.tccl h11ycrs. New 31.>drm, 2balh home. ~room. 2 bath hilltop beam ceilings thru-0ut.. CAYWOOD REALTY ings A real bargain Properly. country eslate. Lols o( ; A~ tur WP.;t "" you can l'Jll 11:-;1ho11l markelmJ.: D<>erfield; 211 Deerwood home. $82,500. Catalina view from 548 1290 $87 sOO. Call for appt. •••••••••• ••• •••••••••• new construe lion in area. AC\. il >'IHI hkt• llW m·r on. )UUI u111l. E. By owner• Print• or1ly SPACIOUS multi-level, every room. Pool !lize lot. * . * ' . 645-347 4 BAY FR ONT Owncr will help fm:lnet", tl\1,l'i ,,. 1h,· r 111ion · J It It vaewsfromeveryroom,3 SISS,OOO.Owncr.496·6271 • .... F\Jll price S-t~.111111. J\gt, r'~ll•re~ pa111ut'l lln•11 ~.m CJ;1quin ,.a ors _~_s.ooo__ 1;.14-4340 bedroom, dining room. <'VCS, or days 640-1680 NEWPORT SHORES "III Orf ace hutlt.ltnJ.{, s pec· 673-76(11. rnA. :tt1·11·du\\ II I 1 vani: 75:! I~ den, 2 sep dbl garages. l'nnl'. only please. 3 Br + den, sun deck, I I It tncular view, luxurious --San Joaqul•n Only Sl39,500. . L---H.--1-highly upgrad0 d, 24 1 executive offic1•s. /\n xlnl LOTS, COSTA MESA J u 11 m " 1 t h r 111. ~ R,\NC'llOSAN .IOAQUIN '" in f I f I .. n 2 " 1 s "' N c ll A NT I N G 2 -a ICJU~ I 052 sq.fl. Steps lo bch, pools -• _ . vestment at $630,000. Two vacant, 1-with older 1rqp nN', .im1 v 11t0m .. nr 12 oa, 1x1pu ar . an B t "' ~· di111hjl room, 3 nlrc lll7C' LUI" Hn · ~t:i nv 1111 eau y bedroom, 3 bath den ••••••••••••••••••••••• tennis court, $97,509 . llLLGRUMDY house.n£•xtdoorls ncwe1· hcdtGOms Sp.1n1~h ~ti:. gr Jiles. \'ll'w AOIC cuur!lc You'll lo\•e lh<' new & the home over Io o king Prin only call for appL R~attor 675·616 I conslrucl1on. Gan b" ~•on t•"Ctl•nor, low ni.1111 & lake. SllS,000. 547·i044 price 100! Professionally 1-:ml'ral<I Bay. $129.500. On The 646·8607. Open Sat/Su Btll 3 B 2 R h 4 bought a~ n packa11c or de"orat"<l. 7c.2 .028J & SllJL·Lo u "'.At. EST/\'f E GoH Coun• l·S. r, 3 ome, CANNEHY VIT.L1'C: F.-sep..irulc" Cu ll for moro lt>n:incc )artb, l'O\'t•n·,I orl(JJ 321'1 " ... " "' ,..,-• houses from bca<'h hi .>~ I 640.0166, 11Jeai.e le uve 4!Ull093 . · • ·Newport. very haad to anfo rma t1un. /\i;:L. r~5ti VJl lle 'rifcd Nj;W trn ~\ l'k P rtrr~ mcssage,A.n ----·. .. 2 G,..et BACKBAYAREA bte~m cc,1lt~g:r1frplc, find C-2 1ots.JLotsina 673-760l T!EPEEPRICE f',,·nhm .t nr 2•:i U;,, ----LogunaBeach 10481 Propentes 31\ingsszedbdrms.,Jge~ aanumwwa c 3 ,gar. row. Just \\ailing to bc -- poµular (; l'lan Xlnt lcw-WE'RE DEALING! ••••••••••••••••••••••• O family rm. New cnrpe W/worltbench & lots or developed. For more in-Mobile home/ l.o~~t prn·t•cl h:111"' 111 S9K.SOO. 5 .t7 71144 or Bou~htunewhou'!c.Can PEN HOUSE thruout. Fresh paint sto~age.~l20,000or lense fo.call ,MS-0303 TrfrPrks 2300 J\~•ca. l think r.orth 8.13 :121 5 sell our 3Br. 2hn. Fam • OCEAM YfEW * SUHDAY 1•5 Owner liquidallng. Xln option. ~ FORF.STOrft<.;ON INC ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll.J\. . .-On frt• :11 mplt• land. ----------• rm in Cullforniu homrs area. OPEN SAT &SUN l ·a --10• wicle by SO' mobile hm. Po:o;:.'al>lt• ('0\'l'l't•ll WUAOn 3 Ttmfk r Id E h 5301 Raver Av1· Towne &. <..:ountry Shop· Endo!\ell porch & 'hcd • • 1 11 1 2 GRACIOUS at a bargain. Lse/opl, lo yrom JIC a-ors ,,.5 2016 1 1 C <> 3cce-i~ · 1·1 moms, purchase later. $69.000. c .. t_ H-• ''"7 ,,., • owner H'. p nit ente r -run!((', Cd rcl1nmcnL hm. #7 car!ftHr.igc" lll.'W carpet· .. nnd carefree Snn Luis 752.0283 & IMO 01611 , OM!IS FOR YOU 833·17&& ---Projected n et income llcuchwood. C:1po JJc.h. iaA:• i\SSU ~IAllLI-: V.A. Hey condo: 3 bdrms .. 2h please lenve meslluge, •PORTOFINO• HARBOR VIEW HOME $20,000 per yr. Solo or Cull 49G·2552 week<111y11 1.o.iin :It 7•,,, Ul'lllf( your buths, gorgeous home. Agt. I NT~A n VtL· OrlJ?lnal Porlofin<> Exchn!(. Owners. Prine. artllpm,orSut&Sun. S<nrnw. Only ~54.!100' away from traffic noise . ......;;'---------d 1 1 BONUSRM-POOI. Model. 3 Dr, 2'h Ha + only. 9611-3701. wknda -9tilll•lf>li __ Ma 11 y am c nit le 5 • LO<JUno Beach I 048 ' I.AGE an pr .ce< 556-1.'.182 AGT. honus rm w/loft bdrm & 531-12AA. RY OWNF.H, y£•ur rouncl ~ 1 d ••••••••• within r each -ll full bath, nir cond , ~ hot'Tw, Lukc Ar1·owhcad. :-<1y OWNER mml· ·possess. •••••• •••••••• d c 11 g h tr u I and NEWPORT SHOHES Spanish lilt•, pool, lots or CHOICE 3 Ur 3 Hu, fully cpt 'rl & l(iMtlY up11rnrlt'cl 2 Bdrm Ni?::r'JiJ~Dr~~~~~>~~e~ i;ubstantlol 2 Bdrm.+ ~ ~-:~!';:'~ 3~~ ~l0ar0 r~i brick work, new lndscp-BEA<..:ll LOCATIOfll drp'd, fplc', 5 off :strcl•l l~tl'oiclon <..:ontlncnt ul fa mily room home or. · Ins:+ much more. Merli<'ul, 01•ntal :•mlte11. Jl kn I(. J. g e pa t 1 o, T~ohomf', <'ticl unit, O!,ej'. f ~anJen ~clling. larl(o lol w /m ature 2Jfnr.,..4tfCe,.o $G8,500. Call us for othei OPEN HOl)_&.E Central location. Plrnly 714·:1.17 MG7 frp~. no wax floors: As· e e l . S86.95o. tre<'<. nnd nirc ocean 1 NPS lisUngal Property SAT &SUN H -5or ;ippt. prk11. Sl55.000 !~::b;~R.~~~. ·~~n.$~ltt~~~~·-E•X~P~E-_C•_•T•T•0---1 ~"'----s:~;.~~m to expnnd. • cu~io1. S ~o~~· House, 642-3850 Fei~n~ortSher~~g.500 Jny W ~;,/'~~~callor:s l\n~~ ~r;:y2 ~,~Y~~o~lll~ aHnO. Full pnce $39,000 IE E .... YIED viuw u °'""' 5-44Jy t ·S pictured above, with BY TH! PARK By owner (7!4) 998•2228 h me. Ni.cc prod ur;n8 9&1Uf738 art. 1.pm t'tinc " "'--"' llOOT ...... Terrece extensive frontage on 'One.story Luik hnma In -Dllplex.es/ 11ardcn, nice park lnSJC. oall!Oleose. Nero quick Plan 2 in Turtle Rock 1020so Coeat Hw~494·~t9 lbe Ca.irway. You'll be EaslblufC: tn move-In NEWPORT SHORES OftffuGI• 1800 Pool &Jacuzzi. Sl!l.500. escrow. Be aut. prof. land SPECTACULAR 2 SECLU DED proud to entertain in cond.ill(ln.$U2.~ lmmne.2BR,dell,2ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• KllljtoreRealty, -i.c.£ped. Atrium. Pallo • and luxurious t h is s p acious 3 26l&IASSWOOO l ow maint .. deluxe HEARNEWDUPLEX 4!13_·50_31_. __ _ Wet bur in famiJy rrn OCEAHVIEW custom home in lush Bdrm/Den home with ,_11a...1 5 "'T/SUM I 5 , t all .... h. """"...,... "" • ,ea ures, new ...uc • .....__.. H..:..u, T R .R/\NCIJ Rf;ALTY New excilln& luxury hlUs near Woods Cove. great privacy. views bit $73 500 D ,...,. ... ,._. • ....,,.. •DUL P. • K b & and ALL the extras -new ns. • · ry area. Close lo l>cb, ~hop-,.. .~ 551·2000 twnhm,3br,2"2 a.5':} 3 Bdrm / Den. Owne r . 262 Cedo, gina&schls.Lnr"e 3BR Jlorbor Rlvd, Co1'la ----------1 10% dwn. (;all for appt. Wonderful ocean & pool. Jacunl. air 64212280PENSAT/SUN .. " .. Mella. Vaeant. l bedroom WHITE GLOVE 752-5110, 21621 Ocean Va~· rn o u n ta In v I e w s, c on d l t 1 o n i n g , • rplc unit!!, pvL yards. furnh1hrd. Wulk to stor~ Clean, nnd you own the ta Dr. meture tree,. Private. interrom. etc. 1179,000. 1'5 huge lot. $117,000. Owner & bus. Low rent. Very land. Call us to sec lbisi----------1 MUST SELL St95.000. See It Sunday l ·S at 11----------1SanCIHMnte 107& 84S-2330or 552-7350. clean and ni ce. $4500. beauty & the pools, ten-PRESTIGE Irvine Cove; Shown by appoint• 23922 Paseo del COVES ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pbone~1915. nls, volley bnll & parks security, beautlfol aandy ment. C•mpo. .. ,. •*•PR F.SID F.NT lAL Oc.aa View Duplex ,. . .STARTER UPI nround It. 3 Ildrrns., 211.1 beach : charm in~ Your chance Ncwiboy H El o HTS, S54 ,000. Hr A(llto Pt. Marino Ranches, F•"'"• ~Tng your tst home? A bfl $89 500 bdrm• 3 ba .. spac ous ] PRESTJOtOUS 2 BEST BUY on &lyfronl awar~ winning SUpclr Plan E. 3 BR, 2~ 2 Years new. 2 Bed· Groves 27QO perfect 2 bedroom c(lt· ' liv. rm .. df'n, rormlll dln. • Temple Hilts • the goU course. condo. With 45 boat sJlp bo, clean " prlvato. rms. den l~'• bnth11, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ht hi d d ~ rm.: window walls open-custom home, newly Th Is ch arm l n g at door. $220,000. Owner Owner transferr"d & flrepl C:l'!i, ~paclous, F 11 r s A r. E o ~ toge a y upgra u ' 552·70 Ina to hua c, lus h , I h 640-3161 " • ~u s to.mlted decor ~ d ecora ted . 3 Span a style condo • anxious. $112,500. EXCHANGE. 40 ac thr'llOut. Donsoi y11rd3 secluded pntlo, pool; • Bdrm./Famlly Room. bu 2 Bdrmf2 baths, HIWPORTCltlST •B.E.RTHAHENRY• WortdWldelroktrt Grnpefr ull Ranch Wfthl·charmlng Gaze THE -.rarag6s. $225,000 lncl. Clrcullir drive1uy. lots or space and a ,_...,,. HOUs• REALTORS 492>4111 hlM>o 673-4145 w/vlew homcsltes. ~mi edn\~letc t he picture. VILLA 51aRndE.A""""'A'"'lNO coa• Hu1tc Jot could t ake wonder tut vlow or 1 .....,..""' " 8 215Del Mn, San Clem. · from Lo QulntaC.C . .Bllr. 71./968 ....... ·~·· "' .. l\.ICSt house. 1p11lm fairwav. Great tor mmac. 2 3lory, 2\1\ a . .__ ,....... 2000 7""·UO"' '" . ........, REALTORS vie"' I Deluxe condo·. " "' " nd l h l l "' nnL"'OP nwi-AUTY .__ ....... '' -" MOVING .. ., pool. ele. areal white perm. res. or as " co o u c o ce oca ... on ••• n.&u "' ~a ... •••••l'•••••••••••n•• ----------··t..~-· bdrm., 2 bu., unlque, lge. water view. Sl56,000. wetkcnd er, o nJ y l nr. bcacb. Spll\ level Jmmacula\e a BR, 2 RA, Kave up to $800 000 cash RMll latcrt. 1 UiHTALOHGI BY OWNER. Turtkrock den,wet.bar,dlnlnarm., o,.s....,1.1 961,000.See ltSunday· w/frplcllwetbarform11I Crplc, s boke roof, l t" hl'Vl'~t in'uniu & heh~ 2100 DMW by thC' t>c•c~ • Clen. Plan 1-A. 3 Br. 2 lrpl.; special llmOnltlc11. llllT ...... N .. Dr. l ·S.31"8WestNino, · dln£n1 rm. c\lslom paUog. on beaullfully c0mm'INOW?6.f0-8300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Ing 3 bedrm bom Ba, dbl rptc, ~lrium In decks, pool, Yllt'd, dbl. draptti.ccu·pellng,2car Jdacpd corner lot. J aat ' MulUplc toned lot w /cot· ~<am rm. form1.1I di LI v Rm I LI bra ry aar.$105,000 1,..~ijliji!tii_ii~jjllj craae. R:a500 l'irml ~stonlyS72.500. San Clemenle.12 unlt.a on la1te dwntown Costa ~~dpp:r~~~'e::~~h~~f =)~~~,.~~ .. ot;v,o/:k~Js: ONLPTEOORALLE .. J'!~.757 ~riors lt.y, Pbone .. :eETORTRHSAli.ENRY• ~built ros·com'l lul. Mesa. For 2 3.tl plex "'-"""'-.,. 646-1028 at & Sun U to'· .ru:.AL 492-U2l $21.000 arou, nr bcb. aame area. Pnnc only. &ahoppina 7l4/0Gll 4•56. '714 '752·0338 1093 N. Co sl, wauno &4.S-0295dally. 215 Del Mar, Son Clt"m. $210,000. ~h •112·5078 own. Owner 657·6524 an. 5pm. .. a 'I OhrlMI•---':11• -Uolwol•1d t::-IA1• -llofw-'•nl --F"d•! Ootobe•>9 1978 DAILVPILOT IN[ •...................... ·············-· .. -··· ....................... ....•.................. ...................•... ....................... ~ -:::.... .. ..... 1212 ........ 0ft1Hchl240 ........ l2401r'Ym lZ44Me..,,..lffc_8' J26t"°9MSU•~ A#*ft .. et'IFwWIMd ............. u.fwll. , ... 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --······················ •4•••················· ................................... ;;·~;;:.,,.,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• wm Duy ~II Ex('hng UGH!! OCEANFRONT vn .. w Mew,_-thocll ll69 CodoM•H )724 c.... .. Mw 11~2 anyr.ealorpetbOoaJ CHOICE OF 6 HOMES • RQCTAL$ • CONDO. 2 +Oen.~ <'•r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••~•· propcrty a nywh ·r~ ;!!"~t n~~U .!'oth·~,. bcc· .. 1ouomr II BR.a'~ ba • ~ priv.a\e piarltlna. full 81.UFFS l I• cl s BR G I.-....& •I •••• Cal 1·~ft l I .... '"' ... ~ ..... ·LL HU .... Tl~T~ .£ •cH 1 BR. d •o. 2 bll ••• IU'f3 lf'C\l.n~ bwldmii. U 'llM', • ~' . ..... ... c. r .....,.5 O\Ci.lmtnt bul t houi~ with oc~un A " "9 ~ liOA 28R & Pool ...... iij~ ssoo. pid-lo A.n 844 7211 bJ Lo\'ely 1~cinbcll S2$0 You bet tht'y'r~ un ~ 7u tm:?m VlCW t-;xtro la:c-rooms; PrimeLocatioos 281\, Plan A ••.•• $500 PoOI ~Aat6<1,S·ll33 dt'rprict.'d. Clean. Tl\at' ~ ... ~ ...... •tot• 4 bdrmi. . 4 l>attu. & ft1m1· 3 BR J 8R. ~Ba MOO Ocunfl'(!Ol, yrlv Uht • ll /\ R 0 T 0 F 1 N wily thlll opt wun'I lo111t '[I ·~· W..ted ztOO ly rm A l11riw t<nlertaln· '2 Ba. · · · · · · • $a85. mo. 2BK &Den • $450 Btt 2 ba. low~r duplex, EastbhJ( Exec. hom~. long Pur1f1t•d wat~r. " 2~!"$n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ment urea WIV.\'l bar & 4 BR. ram·rrn ............. $4.SO. mo. ~OR. PR.!& $4~ rrpl . h1undry rm S6:iO 4bf'. 2bll. ram rm Son l.ium.lry lots of atr«\'n ~r.1 want house In Milt5ion r111lc lfi-ated awlmmlna: 4 BR. 2 Ba, ......•.•..•.••. $l()(). mo. San l.u!s ltey $625 Agcnum 7000 lo\ltcr New crpts. drib. l'"'n· c:oH·~ &ura11es t'ORONA 01-:1. M~ Vit'JO Will buy dh ect tor raf~ Cull for further de· 4 BR. corner lol. 2 &. . ...... $400. mo 4 BR. ~It . . . $550 Nwpl Hnhts 3 br .! l>a t•<>r p:dnt. Walk to sc:hooh,. otr bl p.irkmg cl ult». 2 !Jr TownhOUl>t'. Jr.pJc <"BSh · 3BR 20~ $390 48.R . $175 bo.. • • 1 i hopii Lcnnli1 <·lub no pcb. 2020 1-'ullerton Vool . tcnnr,., t•onllnetital 8a11Thompt.onttc.ilty . IAY&llACH • 00•••••• "········ .mo. An~wcha\\'othenfor rwr mt! w ip1norumc Si7S/mo l.i11>. Rdl! ""e llblk& ofNt'Wpe>rt brcokftt'lt Sumc~& 4~ 18"10 REALTY 675-3000 3BR.ram·rm.2 ba ............. $425. lmmed!at~occupancy re:~~", VlCW .1vbrmk. 640-biiSorti45 22-tO Ave. l blk So. or Ouy. Catuhrrn \h.•wll Cl~c tu All Seasons Realty. 536-8844 or 847-7729 pr .c · ee n-c rm nc Costa Mesu > 642 8000 •m J •· f' ch pauo. New C"'ll!, puinl. ~ -J--s ... vPP ns ... .nc u Caah buyer11 w1utma for ·,. -_.. 6" ¥61 1 F'tiu:rUn1ts /SmMllol 0uplcx.lowcr.2bedrm.l $465.M7-11008orSS7-8711 C .. 1troao 3278 L.ARGE. qui<"I furn ._~·~~~~~~~ k ·l to R·4 l~och luts l>u lb. guraj&c. rcfrt8. -••••••••••••••••••••••• studio Ont• maturc.1 C·zoneVlctori.inhousc stove lncld. Xlnt loc. ,.....Valley 3214 HUl'IH ... hoc9t 3240 2 BR. on 'nEACH In OR. I Bu. m<1ny ittras. :m16P0loyU~il~~~nl ~~!Yll •t~.?.~t-IY1 21 br. 1 1~lk" t-'ixt'rC.:ommc.•rdalcor. $365/mo. yrly Uttrrct •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ""' ........ I l & I t "' • " ,.. ""' rnmC rp puo · AM bll II P k lkult.y64Z5200 NBW EXEC hmc. 3 Br 2 FftUREHTAL . <.;m no CoVI' l''urni:1hoo . ..-.. mo lt us mo. ~·5148aner6p m t>ch Adil ,· t!Jj • An~ea~vf~ehe>~u . -, -Ba . wc:tbnr, tam rm S&aVICm W.oodbndgeTwnhme38r ~/mowmler dowu . S lOO .uou - -----8:13~U74 11~~f~3 • poclous2BK.f fam·rm. ~. l82al t>cvonwood. liW\ " 2 Ha. A/C. upgrades ••. Eispec1.ill y l .ir.:c rl'fundnl>le c:leung dep. Ncwly decor.1bnJuple1<. · ur _ ~ ~:fd shl:ing<'entt.'r wt lgt• S>r•v3tt> patio. 842•4394 to lundlotds & h~nauh. lukt•& pool priv. U-tO·S5'12 4Br +Dcn. f'ront yard h• ll30·05tl5 Quwl. t::mpl'd odult 0135 A Hff)' !11>\'l'lnl 2 HRtf~ 11 W lroll..-1 wood bumm~ fircµluce Hentul11 t1tartln1.1 ul $SCIO --.:reen purk with J view of Santa Ana 3280 No ~ts.~ 1021 :.pi•c·ia 1 p~re.on Nt·'W lolboa673-4545 .. garogt' so or ltwy.LovelyGrecnbrook,JOr. per mo. & UIJ C.:illUnlv Pk Vlll3Rt' I. 2 the walt·r. ho.11!1 & • \:trl> blt111i; drai\•S -•• .,.. "73 """I 2 ua . L•nm u "'l, h«•, ~ ~ i.lory tnhom•·. 3br • .,, ., Spyglass lllll $GOO mo •••••··~~···••••••••••• I Br rurn upt $100. I' ref • .:' .. ,ut. trc~" .,..;...,. "; .. .,u .. ooo c .-•s1 1 ror urut• .. _'""" __ mo u .,.;., • u ".. 0 •• "'" ' ~ • llORSt: l'HOPF.RTY ddle ·•' N h 11 "'' '~~ """" .,,,,., '"' ·• Wialk to pool. pllr k & VI LA ASSOC bu. Carn rm. frplc & ~011 .Oceanfront homt.-on • ma u.,t o c 1 t n ·n 6'14 41141'.1or 675 ~,. tndui.tr1al ~hopi.. 1-tr1p SllAR P llOU~E· i;chool. Pool tee. wtr & L deck, xlra dean. lmml'<i prime Penlnl>ul.1 Point SJnt.1 Ana ll~bls Uack or pets. 645 2G19 :>18·08ti8 . -,.,. • stores, omc~ 640 fl:IOO Completely redon~! grdnr pd S$SO S36 1120 • occpy. ~25. incl tenrus. Wlth 3 Br $750/mo Day. t ~t, ~eporutc.o din $ll5 Buchclor trailer all~ Lov('ly ~ un. l lilltlo $385. 644·7~:ift GPM pools & jucuu1. ~:!-0736 Waterff'Oftt Homes rm. ~ c. gle 54r~.'!1pruhs 11 1· 1 I s 1 n ,, 1' ~· . ~un. r~lc. uul r~•Cht-1 Retlfds br. 2 ba, Hunllngton Day or 552 944<1 Mr Dunn room"' rorr::i "'· ~. t .. gar /\v·ut Nov 2~•11/o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'borechffs. 2 RR, den, Condo. pool. udulls only. · · 631-1400 MS-25:16 ~uchcombet. 1 'C SIS pets ti7S·J4ll. 645·29\9. Houses "'""shed spacious ltv-rm. giant .....,.,.°" a.ach 3240 Isl & lu::.l + SlOO. $285. WAL.NUTSQ·ullr3ct 2 Ur. 631 2011. 547 -2501 or ----~- back )ard l'\'t bch $575. •••••••••••••••••••••• mo '"--n Sun 12·4. 10110 2 O;l. dintn•' rm. pu•:... Large 2 BR. 2 DA Condo. 1179-1000 Ou•'ltix S""l'lul'ulur w~w •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• "t"' . " ""' ---t: !'>th Near Harbor ~ - -':. """ • ' CoroftadetM• ~3533 or 67S~ or41e?BK. l'2 !Jn, eatio. HolbumM.2·3280 air rood. C lo~{' to •NOWAVAIL• ~1389 -SH!'> bach. collage \II l~atton11rB11o:Coffll\&j3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6756224 frplc, gor. pool. Qule 1 3 b ? b ls pool . .av.liL $340 mo THE BLUfo'F'~. ~ 10 mo. 0 1 i 1 s 1 n ~ 1 l ~r. 2 ba. f':"'lr. ~10._ OCEANFRONT Oplx 20r, ad:a i ownhouse 1 "11 d ~3; i.. 1.r;, c-1 ~'.a~~ 0 · 552·0233 • $195 per month Ve ry nict-ly dt.'COrated Beuchcomber fee SIS l!riJI l<~tr +pa,~k5~· .yrs 2ba.£rplc.pvtroad S42S/ 3224 to c .$285.89t1·2-110 $345 /mo ~63 ·4569 l{.:iothoSanJoaquln 2 Br. BIG CANYON. $?50 to c-ondonrSo.Cst Plaza 3 631 2011 . 547 2501 or g15.4861i.;~·03,:s2333 ,':!'.0 winter. or $0001 yearly. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bdr. 4 blks beach. $285. 531-115451\gt. No Pee den. pvt patios on golf S995 per month br •. 11" ba. 2 ('ar gar • H~IOtiO --- 0 .....:..-- 613·5432 No pets. Avail. Ocl. 25. • .. ur.ya LIVED I.... c:ourseS495. 640-0997 HASTINGS & CO put10. dshwshr. nr pool. DcMa Point -3726 .. •2 Bit. I ~~ Ua. l blk ro 4 Bed I z b ths ,,.,.. """" ft 4 "" " Reul tor.. 640 5560 S3SO 752-0304 beach No ""l L 0 ,.., .. c 3 BR, 2 ba. frplr. deluxe room Pus 3 · ~a pm LANDMAuK CONDO 3br + den or 4 br. 2 ba. -. ---••••••••••••••••••••••• /\.,. ... ,. ?21""'1 " ..... " d I Y I I ii New paint and carpets. " Westminster 3298 S V 1 I / ,. •. ._. upex. r y me . ut · L:iq(e. Quiel corner .4Br •. 2 Ba. avail 9115. /\dultsover40yrs.2Br 1-'.R .. D.R .. frplc SlliS BLUFFS .upt•r ' .i s w ---~----~ _S&OO __ • m_o_. 6_7_5·_292_s ___ 1 Movc·in toduy Kidi. OK. Ch 1 Id r e n we I com c . 2Ba. washer/dryer. dbi mo 752·6800; eve 644·4663 Sharp 3 bl•drm <;ondo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'OUrtyard::. 1 br, ocean ~ • S485/mo636-!MY70 oven slovi.' dishwasher New C3rpt.'lm~ Xlnt loc Br. tam rm N1•a r view. ltllr $215 t br, n Cost M ~!·"4 t;xtra nice 2 br New $395./mo. PILOT HEA · Man'y r ec' racililics. furtlerock Plan 3. 4 br, Nr CUM Ill i\v,11 1 schools Lrg fncdyd.$.170 view $185 496·5293 a HO .,,,.~ natural wood kitchen. all ESTATE.~ SBR vacant near beach. ~/mo ooi.<»H5 · din'g & ram.rm .. P\tt yd .. lH 76. $650/mo. mo Call 839·155S. 673-2332 •••••••••••••••••••,~·· bltns Open beams. JBA. 3 car gar. Urick · view. 5595. mo. 644-1710 Coots & WaU ------------Ncwudult wut!!rlronbap~ patio, t·ovcred purking. ------p3u0 $475. 963·6372 Beaut lndscpd <I Br den orss2•1093 oc• 4(e2 DR. fam rm. t blk lo l..ocplna .. oclt 3748 in Mesa Verde. BcaDtiWI Pvt bcarh privg s .NeedcdbyDer l~l.3BR. . r pl · 1\·u ' :f ·' Realbtate shop'g &hus S.125 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lunds c:ap1ng Eio~p Adulli.. no pets. S425. mo. ba house w t~ar & Yafd H U N T I N G 1' O N drsh~~h r a./ ~a~c ;~ ~ · Deerfield Towohome 3 l>r. 640-6161 1140-392·1 Buch. Near heuch Utrl lionally nch intenors . Agent,644·8567 by n:sp. family w/rc! s. HARBOUR ARE/\. 3Dll, Ev£•S (175.j;t17 21~ bu. ~25. mo. 552·3640 -C--~--1_1 pd. Sl.95·$225 mo· $65 wk. 1&2 bdrms from~ ~ Nol over~ mo. Prcfe 2BA w/huge family room · · --eves & wkndi., Jasmine Creek. 2 1.Hl & vnuu""mums 1435 N. Csl. 494 ·2508 Ml>sa Verd~ VIiias. I~ CIUna Cove Och (;ollu~e. 2 Eai.t!>ldc. Plcasc phon & frplc, near schools. 3 Br. 2 ba. bllni.. dose t . d~n. n~w. Ueautifully de· UnfurnlsfMd 3425 ---Ml'SU Verde Dnvc: Eust Br. fplt', 1.•~ Ba, $350. 645·71!57art6pm. S425/mo. CALL TOBIN beach~ L1:tl' yard. S380. Rant'hoSan Jooqu111 lge2 cor !n5Agtu.i.i·U33 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CA:eanfronl bacb i.tudro Cui.ta Mt-i.a . c;.,i.4 1 t~S·0592. ti46·74M Agl M d IM B • B REALTY. 846·L371. .. W 642-lfl5:53(.i-1339 Br 212 Ba. fplc. din rm. --. --Sun Clemente Brand lox· S2U:> Ul rl i n d No 540·8871 If•' cob • c~.1 e · :ir ~ r. 2 u. ALSO HAVE other pro wctbar. upgradt.'S, patio. Nwpt Shores 3 bdrm. lll')' condos, 2 Br. 2 ba. k 1 t ch en -I~ 7 3 l 9 5, ------·-- New cpt~. drp~. bltns. perties for rent, Home~. Hunti!"jton pool. S495. 644-0-196 bath. nr b1::ic·h. tl·nnis. easy walk to beach. ut1I 536-0321 MESA VERD t:: a'rh fplc No pct~ .si10 mo. Apts .&Condos. ~r 3242 With beams. fplc. coin pd. $35()..$400 ~10 WCP -------Home atmosphere "t'&: ~ftC)tOft l~ach l I CO lst tlal>l. ~2 J.\81) ••••••••••••••••••••••• • EXCLUSIVE• parlor & 2 t•ur pa rking ,\g\ 498 l~ Beach Cott:.tAl' on Ort•an. brdeluxc apts 546.10~.1 •••••••••••••••••••••••Bo . Gourmet kit. 2 br, den.· 3 Br 3 l);i tov.nhoui.t· Unhcrsily P:irk l.ea~1· ,11 ::>ISO mo Uni ----l br. beaut ly clccornl('(I, ------,..,.,._ 2 Blks from Ocl•an Nt•w 2 3 ~k :b> l'3on~o 1~1 lcp·el ba, 2 car gar &>aut yd Spu~k It n.: new cond VLllage Ill c1uc Hum e'> 111..•J I tori. 3 Br, 2', bu condo in CM Cully furn S:JOO 11w1 ulll. CASA VICTORI~ sty,4Br2t:i U:i.f.imrm. +rlr ~50c~5g~I77 00 Co'"dpat.S37584G·l2"ti. s470 C:all "l.rla .. <Stanford m o d c l l 675-6000 S4iS/mo Partly furn 831·1616 1&2Br.DeluxeUnrur plush cpl~ & drp:,. dbl x a-; · R46·1371or84ti5456e\f«•s ' to wnhomc EnJ unit -Call5-16·0006 or Furn gas1wtrpd: 1mcl gar. fn<:d. p.lt10. & HARP' 3 Br 2 Ba. Fa Renl/Lc:ise 3 Br. 2 l>;i. · Beautiful tireenl>clt loca· lmmar 4 UH. 2'~ b.i . lgc ---/\dulls·Nopet~Sec glit.c ha I con>' S600 (; ;i II Rm. dose lo st'hools r r p I c. co' . d p.i t • tron. 3 UR. 3 lit\, :.unl..e n patio. 2 car gar 3 Blks to For rcnl ;J Ur. 2 Ba . .air wport ~ach 3769 Pool. rec rm. cleval.Or.- 9G8·3119or Y6K·3310 .. crpt/drps I Blk t!lem. lrvtM 3244 livang room. C(>l.\' flrmil• ocean S450 Mo on yrly cond. v. ;v.shrtdl')'r. clel' ••••••••••••••••••••••• .)25 Vi l'lorrn, 642·8'10 sv.1m & lcnm~ cluu. W school S350 mu Ca I ••••••••••••••••••••••• room with wood·burmng Isl! $.\IH2!IO AJ,.'t g ar opn r. new point. IEST WHY NOT? If;~ Sunken living room • Cathl'<fral c:erhng SIOO •, ul1I llou~e to pd.SJ85mo ~-llS7 !l62·0043,847·720G . LEl\SES i\VAILA,BLE r 1·pts lmm1.'tl 1tt.•cy 1n F'tn • h a r e . r e m .a I t' 3 br ., b· $275 U I . Llvt: tn lr\'1ne Vrl.lagc. rrt.'placc. plu~ anolht:r Bnght & t:hcerful l. Ur VI) 962 7771 . a ft Ii. BUY Beachcombt-r. frc SIS K d. ~ .... 1 a. k L'. up ~x. 4 I.Ir La Cuestn lnclds We haH? home~ a\ :ul for fareplac~. 1~ .the 1 arge houM!. ~ pac UIJQ a rt.' a. ~9712 Some VL'<>l>I~ ~a> )OU get 1 s ... ~ so r cc g a rd u n u r .. 00n1 r lca•e in.. ma~ter swtt. all·electn (' rug~. n·u'r & ds h"'>hr -lo\hul you pay for' We or ti31·2011.5 47·2:>0 lor Mninlkntah.~05370 ~~ • ..: > 3 k t h /\NL>f hi ~ vv ft 879 . 1060 _ _ · · k1tcht.'n. l'UStom up Walnul Squon· 1 c en · , , res > lll'W S:JQ). 645 .i9lb DELUXE 2 Br. sep. unit. fer more And lhc pnc:c rs i22S 2 br T 11 Kid:. ~l. grndcs S550 mo l:ktty Hanch Cal.llomt'!> patntecl. too.· U&c O $325, utal ml'I Ktds 0 less Mcml>cr1>h1µ tn u ok Fet• 968-4456 Agt l>ecrfrchJ lin1v Pk community club house. 2 Hr. 2 Bt1. S3SO mu ~ llruce 642-6.168 Health Club A l('nnt::. LOIJUINI leoch l 148 M,nn lkntal~ ~0 5370 . Oc Culverdall' C:ol 1•3rk lennt:. rourts, pouls & 716 Tu~lln Kd -club 1-1-cc lt'nnts ll'll'>Onl> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Blk:. from ean. t'llcv. 2 bdrm. )'Our cho•l'e or 3 Jal'u1.z1 1ncluckd 1\\'1111,1 t><1ti·35:13 5 71'~ Townhou~ Brlltards . swrmmrng I Bdrm Bachelor houi.l' KIDS,PETSOK sty.4Ur2'dia.fomrm. rromSJ.iOto~OO. blc1mmcdralclyalSSOIJJ Fumished 3SOO Golf Unvin.: lt;in~l' Slcadalyemplo)cd E.asts1fl1• sp.1c1ou~ 3 Br. plul>h cpts & drps. dbl Jbdrm.yourchoil'c of 14 month 47 Acar1.1 Tree. BLUFFS·3BR ••••••••••••••••••••••• Suunas + l(r cat ac- ~ \x.-drooms, 112 bul~ AUacht.'<i gura)lc Wa:.ht.'r /dryer hook·~ Pvt .v..ard with palw , . i\ctulls. S3SO mo FOXHOt.LOW I VILL.AG E I • 621 W Wilson, C.~. 642·4001 or &t.2·-• ol!IHU70 fpll'. S.17:> mo &l5·t!9&1 encl ~ar, rncd. patio. from S3J5. to S175 _!rvi~e 5:i2·75S2 One of 111cl•:.l. riu1C'tc:.l fo'ounta111 Valley 3 BR. tlVllies : SUnd<1y UBQ!>. ---balro ny SJOO. Cull .1 bdrm your ehoict• or G WOOOBHIOG E 3 llr 2 Bu~ !-tlrec.~ts '" Thl· Bluff, !l frplt·. l>1W. ~to\c, r~rng, l'arues with hvc bundb Occanfronl.~ttops111 ~and :\lt::Si\ Dt:.:L. :\IAR. 1 Ur. lGl-3119or008·3301 rrom$150to~ll5 din rm. fam rm. Poplur bdrm. 2'~ h:ith, -;µl it ~~hr/cJryr $325. m o l•'rc.'t!Sund ayhruoc h t::ASTSI DI': Fabarf~1 2Br. Ah:.1> Uch Monthly F~nn Hm. blln~. rplc •dbl 4 br l' b 2 • I No I' ee!I . :\lodd Nr park~ & lukt!. lcH~I daurrn w1lh cl111ing (irM & lao;t SIOO dl•iJll· huge ownt•f:. u111l "j""' or 6 mo~ ls1• s1;50 , garw opnr. fnl'd back yd · ·: .?'. c.ur ~a~.' i.:c RANCH REALTY ~70mo 552 I~:? arl•a. r1rc1•l.1C\". cll'luxl' ang. $50 rdundalJlc. l'ool \nurri.>nlllollur ... go('vt•n halc.o nr l'~. bc,1 -i99·1732 ~i frwl trCl'S St:!:;, Isl cul-dc-:.ac }d .JC tom W\'l bur, \lt'W llliJ~lcr·., & 11arl... ll•> rt'ls •~llHIO:li rurlh•·r .. •A II'• rift<: la ... t + $150 cln dep. N modules boat & t·ampcr. 551-2000 Dcl•rf1eld dcluxt· :.: ,,,. s wtl· Uq·rl0\1k.., i.:rl'cn •J'"''U·M!J02 m:.111lll'llllllt'l' c·rrw. pro i.torage. hkt.' new . ~leach 3169 d "·'1 '100 20122 Cuvc C.:r S.125 mu . twnhse 2Ur. "'·· l1 :i·. •·l·ll, nl·11 r pc111I 11bl -------feLsronal m··n ~. "'Ol"rll adults only no• ::::r.;.~•••••••••••••• og~ .,... ·;, , ....... c,tc:,1. UNIVERSITY l'AHK \'1 ' u Tow-'-ou ., " ""'" '" "A'"0""5 ' """.n..r gara••t• 1-;ntry lVlHI "" s.e t Cf h t d ""' "" MES ... Ver.ROE Ill. 3 Br 2'~ Ua + honu~ trplt". dbl gar. patio. I' d" •<.7r Unfurnished 3525 s a t a i•t1 r('s . .in "" Vcrynacclv decorat~'<lm rm .. Xlntlot AHlllNu,• Jl()()l.S375.K2G-0878 •t.'3 y now -J 1>crmu friendly ncrg hbor:-• J Br 2 B:i , Lido S~ind~. t blk lo bch. l'omm pool. winter S<l50. &15 i57j Thrt't' bl•drooms 2 b:.iths. terior 4 Bit ..., Ua frJ•IC 1 5495 5 17 70-14 o r 3248 <y t•.ir ll'iJ!.l' I I' hone ••••••••••••••••••••••• Models open daily 10 7 f;im1l y roum wtlh bltns .. cncl.,:a";,_i 'v:tcant' tci:J.3215 Logunaleach 832·1260or c~•·:-f>W·~ llunungton ~ach 213r. Sorry.noonc undur 21 & SanCI t 3176 frreplacc.covcrt•dp::1l10. Do ·, "· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ., I ': bJ nt.'w 1'pts & nu p e t :. Houmm a tt· ...... ~~.~.......... t-'unct"CI rear yurd-tloublc $395. nnll. 00:? Z.!!'>ll t.:nrv. Pk. II. ~ br. 2 ba RENTALS rlluff~ Co~do J Br. 2 '~a l'lrapes Jry1•r & ref rig in st'r\'1ct• available Mon gar. dog run. Ori\'e by -I Br Dean Garden Home. tnhom\>. frplc. c::ilhedral • ... GU...,A BE ... CH <X·l Ian prof clecoral l'I ;-.l'W p:unl S275. Call th to monthocc upanc·y Deluxe furn dupl~·~ (;on. do. Pool. gar, frpl. N. San Clem . S235. 4!13 ?39<1 wknds. No l;.'lt mo req'd. 3246 N Y k I W· lk be h 95 ce1I Imm S375 . I ~ "' ~ l'd, btn i.:rnbl'lt 10<' 't rly nr..5125 afl -JO cw or &ca~fo ,\to ac S4 .mo . ;ic tnl' OCEANSIDEOFUW\'JH 7!'>:?90001l ay:..~' '<> -·---• appt. S42S tmo ':OG.E 53fi.~39 tennis. pools , jacuzzi. ,\T \'ICTOHIA BEACll G4<1·7897 e\ l'i. UH1\NU NEW 3 Br Z'~ Ba. Oakv.OOIJ Garden /\pt.s CO · Realtors. ~·93-tti ••NEWER llO:\t E 4 !Jr ~~or 8'7l·GlOl. Mr. Pnvalc puthwa} lcadmi.l ----. . •., m1 from Dohency Sl 81!() Irvine (at 16th I c: 1'I !6-t5·0S50 3 BR. 2 Ba. frpl('. D w. 3bu.3cari.: .. ~hakcroof. lo beach ll>l Quahly 3 WestchffSpe<1ol Bch &DanaWharf.$525 Houws Unfurnished patio. crpt:.. drp::.. S-125 S up er b r 1 ~ht TURTLEHO<;K 3 B r .• RDR~I. CEO/\R 110;\IE Execul1vt' home 3000 per mo. 634-8282 8·5PM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t>t5i5-?7or-540 221 1 "~pacious"familyrm& fam.rm,2 Ba Lgcyard 2 ': Ualh:.. ::! l g t· +i.quar1· fl-el. w1lh 4 52.11012Evs. liOOlGthSt <atDo,c r l t"'-..1 3202 ---garden kitchen. lmmue. nr vurk & pool ~W5 nm 11replaces .\II b ill in bedrooms, family room. --17 141642 ~170 .,.. ........ -2 Hr. I B.a g.iraj!l". du:. "ond ~IOV" r1' vht Ill S200 ::.cl' dc1> M33·!J87!1 k1lrhen. Stained gla:.'I f(1rmal d1mng, 3 bat hi. J exes Unfum l600 ---- •••••• •• • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • l I I h .. ,... '" ~ ..._ " d • • • . ~ 11:.c 11 ... , :.. i. opp1r1i.: :>! Smi;!les ok g.i95 848 9-l2'7 1\1-'t. win ows. :\lus t havt' ci..· cur garage in CXl'C'llenl • •••• •••••••••••••••• Wintrr. 2 hr. util puacl, NEF.D\IH,NTAI. mo Frt•shl:> painted. t'ell.refercnccs.S680:'tfo. pndcofowners h1pnrea ,arS(c 3 BR. 2 Bi\ on balconyvww $300 Mo Weha,cthl'm' I ·I Bdrm 645·2715 For be. $425, spac1ou CllARMING 3 Ur up COMMERCIAL. STORE Sl200 month Please call Pcn1ns ula .at l lti E ~75i5orfi7:J-9202 K1ds. l)Ub. :11nglt·Ok alm<>!>t new 4 Or & Fa grndc<l lwnhme <W:ilnut orofricc rt!ntal Sc•parate JOSH WIGHT & ASSOC. Balboa C.:le,in. s;r.5 with - NEW EHA fcl.' 63811300 Spac1ou., :S br :! IJ;i 111 Hm. cust. thruuut. grdn Sq). Park & f>t.X>I. ~IS. bid.:. & rest rm . at at&I:! 5270 6 mu 1st.' (.;all Mr. Cole. Sparious 3 Ur. :? Ua. nr ;\ksa \'1.'rJc 5435. 1110. inc Cl<ISl' lo !>Chools 00 9'i99 Picadilly Circu:.. SltiO tli'5·2653 Jft 2pm to sec. beach & Lido Shopi. Nr. 3 B DH M . 1 I> :it h . f!i0111~_~.cn & pcb <>k :.ho1>5. N lint~ Uch pre " , Mo .. ELEC & WATl':H H1\RDOR VIF:W lf0:\1 ES /\1(1., The Jacki;on Group, Buses. 5425 mo. 673 2185 ~ v sti~l' area. Mt 6 ·3 C~LLEG~ PARK. ·lllr. PAJD. Upgradcd3br,2ba.din Ltd ------- f1r(lpl1.1cc 10402 ;\l11dm1. . 898 20~ 2 '.!bu, I· R . 2350sq fl. MISSION REALTY rm. lg!! kit . l>ltns. Palro. 2 hr. wanter rental s:lOIJ. Garden Gro\.l' 5310. 1:-.l M~i,a \er~~ 3~1J18 (~un~ry · · Newly 1>umtud Im med avail now. 673· I MS £-""-nt1 Fumished (213, 445·5H63 or 121J I & la!!l SSO rlcun1ng. ,\gt llub Dr J br. 2 2 ba. fum Condo. 2 Bil. 2 Bu, frplc. occup. S4W. Uwn640·17l-t :l8SS. Coast. L;.iguna ~:·;;••••••••••••••• 4-17.9443 540·0555 rm. nt·w t'IH ~. d rps . swam.pool.$295.mo. PhoneC94-07ll Harbor Vrl'w 3 hr, ram lalbo II nd 3706 •~~~~~~~--i pumll'<.I ant . 1.:175 :.<1. rt . Agt 5-16.8640 Turtler()('k 4 br , film rm. rm Mo 10 Mo ti mo o a 1 a OCEANFRONT :i br 2 ha amm;ic $.195 mu S!9·Ul64 Rcdec. Comm pool &um. Emerald Terr redwood & yrly 0IH• Pool fat Kid :•••••••••••••••••••••• new , dlx, 2 cur· gar: TUSTIN Laurelwooll or e\'l"> S<l6 3'i:ill a:.k ror4 BR, 2 ba, 2·~tory. wit S.SSOmo tWl-4151 .:lass. ocn vu. 2Bd, 2Ua, ok$595 6448159 Sml Uach apl. fum All Winler $SS0.673·6640 patio home. Unfurntl>htld Geor)o:l' huge patio & back yard. dmrm. 2 frplc. d bl gar. ---ut1I pd $165 mo. yrly ---- -2 story. JUK. 28/\, l't>Un Good neighborhood RENTALS s.550 lease. Call Thurs.· BIG CANYON TWNllS.t:: l.26"'2 Agate 615·2797 art l Deluxe I Ucdr oom. nr try kilchl•n, f1n•plaCl'. 2 2 Rr. I IJo, t·nc l ~ar. Yr ... old $450 mo .. \!fl. Sangle Family llome.!> Sun . 494·8806 2 Br2 Ua. ~mo pm beach. w1v1i.>w S2J01mo car ~.aral(C. pool, park. patio. n,·w pa ant. CJ?L'> & 003-5678. Ask ror l>i ck 3 BR, 2 Ba. s.185 64 I S..141 perm11nenl n73 2fl77 tr-nnrl> courlh A!osoc drp,, No pe t,. ~275. 3BR.2Ba $395 White Waler Ocean View ----F\tm.1 brapt Yrly. 5275 -- llul'S puid l.t•:iw $425 S!'>i W91 4 Br 2 Ba. s hag Wt W. 3BR.2lla $425 N Laguna. 4 BR. 3 BA, llAHBOIUIH.illLANUS. Ulll. pd Avail lltl5 NWPT S llRS b :1ch t•., mo + d1.·po!>ih ('all~. 11 2 B r 1 bltns.fplc,pat10,pvtpty. 3BR.2B:t -$1125 g1anl ram rm. bl•ams. Br fncd back yard< 67~922!#t.'ves blks to ocn. ({ar, pool 5-14·533b -~J>l·r l P'< r. rp c. S400.963·7W3 3BR,2Ba Stl(JO uewly decor $iOO mo p;H10 f'pll'. walk l ., Sl<Xl ~ ('h•c yrly Adib lnllry rm 6ts7 J oann. 1 BR.2•~ Ii<• S400 John Cod ~ H ... tltur \tanner~ Sl'houl. hl>rar} -Br. S275 P:r mo ontal 900 3Si2 lolboa Island 3206 OPl·ll hs l' 2 ti 30. Call 3 BURM. I'• lla. ~wt.'<11sh 1BR.2•, Ba $850 494 9791 & park. En:.1i;n & ltbr I It June IO. 2-6'" Collins ••••••••••••••••••••••• cH'h <213 >622 8303. days rrpl. newly rcdec'd. S39:i Tuwnhomc~ be S450 mu 673 242 Ave 213·332 ~----Bayfroot luxory 2br 2 bu 2IJOO ..,Q rt t:hildr"n "• ""lL tl:l3 tllll t.•Xl 137 963-Qli0/~2·7461 ._,BR. 2 8 .. ""'"" DUPLEX. 2 Ucdroom. I e's wkndi. • , • pvt d ub ltl'fl•ren1·c.., ' "'"~ " -" ~ ba th. close in. :)3S01mo -Col~ 2 l>drm upper S245 A\•a1l ~ov I for I mCJ •II< :i br. fam rm,~·• Im, 3 C'o1y t:·!>lclc 3Ull I BA. Surfer's Dream. S2ll5 2 2 Bil. 2 Ba ~1W RON WILLl1\MS Ill-ally. 3 + den or I Br S500 + utrl i\dult.:>. no pets. 499--tJ.17 1rnlao:-., IJa y v i1.•w.., frplc. 2 1ta r. lrg yd, br. Kids/pets/i.ngli.. fo'ee 2BR.2&. S.t35 1020 S . Coa~l llw y , Yearl). Wa lk to beach Part furn. No go r Yrly ., , . StOO ofr Avail l\ov 5th ~ardent.'r 675-»17 eves Main Rentals 540·5370 3 BR. 2 Ba . $450 Laguna Bea('h. 19Hl519 pools & tennis 645 979-1 o 673-~ evc1wecknds -~Br. 2 ba furn. 111 31st St t:all Now! 675 11771 2 BH. 2 Bu $525 1)42.5901 M r~ Jarvis ._. ... __ P • -·-' 1707 S29S mo winte r rental PIMECHEIC UYES UP TO ITS MAME --BAY MEADOW APfs 1&2 hr, gar. pool ~~b' 6 w11lt'r pd No kids , n1 µcu, From S220. 646-0013 _........_ Vlt.-:WOF OCEAN &<;ITV" Lile. bnghl airy, rtow . hr, 2 ti.a. frpl. d r w J" c u / t • g a r $3•1 i fi.12 'il~I;! " --.-. SISC> t.-:.1-;t:.1dc tnplcx.;Ji~r :! bu, frplc. y1.1rd. ·encl gar No peti.. 642· I ---MESA VEllOE b n ghl Nr . Westminster Mall. 2 BR.2 Bu ....... $525 I Br house, partially furn. ----etttn-a 675-3333art 4 pm Balboa hi. 2 Ur. rplc, Br. 2 Bu. Fam Rm. Br. Fam Rm. fplc. bltns 3 BR, 2'~ Ba ... • . S450 $235 mo. year uround Oceunvicw Condo 4Br ••••••••••.••••••••••••• I &2 BR gurden apt, (pr1c pt1t10.stovc.gur.nucpts. fplc's $450 17~ Iowa. $425.846-0021 38R,2Bu . $500 ol97·l385eves. dinrm.2 .. JOu,puol,tcn BEACJl,V1cw.p1cr.2 Br S..ClenMnfe 3776 dshwhr.pool.pvt ~,lk> S375. Isl. last ti.cc. Al!IO 644·1836 3BR,2Bu .. s:;oo ms secunty Kids OK $400 I Dr12'70. Adlts,util ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr lrvanc Ind. I\ t:a furn . 846·8r,75. (7141 3 Br 1"2 Ba, e ncl cou 4BR,2...,Ba $475 LocJ-GHill1 3250 ~.Cull(;hris.644·9000.' pd. 303 Jo:. Edgrwater. Bcnut furn Condo. 2 HR. $195 loS2JO SS7·2M1"" Sdl3·07!l4 or 12131 J39 11)55 2 Br. duplcll. bltns. drps. yard entry. Ofr tn gar, 4 BR. z• 2 Uu $495 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --Cl)8?1 2866 ocean view. w u I k to NEW- 3 b 1 -cpts. puliQ, :ums only, no SHJ\RP! $400 mo. Isl & AirCond/E..l.. 3 Br. 21"!? lfa, t:alahnu. p bcuch & rnrr Adultl> & I Br/2 Br. H2 Ba, bllfls. 1 r. 2 ~bu :rn1.11lc pl'ts. $215. Avutl Nov last Nr Ma rina Iii, 3 Or 2 8 . •t~d & 111.:hl ,icw l'rof. cJcl'. Uulboa P enin s ula l over tti only $3.'lO mo adlls. no pet s .• s•r · rum. res. Yrly to fum1ly 15th. 642 1298. 846-Gl193 'I -D., d~hwshr af', mcpRs, l'J>l!D:. 5'150 642 3030; 6.11 1153 bdrm. furnr!>hcd, uh Illies 21.1/332 20-13 for a1mt to pot10 645-0527 or 548,,uil l:Jall llardcs ty. Hcultor ----~ '-..t.! " • o m. an -- -puid. 1173·$410 or 673-7626 ----., -. ~ 675·2866 Super Sharp 3 Ur. 2 ua. New Calif. Cla:.5ic. Ex· /i< /.~ Rm. dose lo fwy,. No RL.UJ·'FS. 3 Bl<. 2 Oa eves !K'e. -Adult 1-:.sidc 1&2 br-c.~~I lcAoa Pl wl 3207 frc11hly puanled nu rpt.s. ccptionally r leun. 4Br or '1 1; peta. 499·2827 or 58l·!ll00 'l'wnh11c Pool & tl•nn1& - -Wntmlnstft" 1798 gar Pool. putlo. l.lke ett n o d s h w s h r . ti l> t g u r. 3Br & den. Incl yd ma int 022 86QO 1-.. Ml-.....a JZS2 c•rt!I s.'i2.!'1 t.11<H J368 11ft 3 Br. 2 ba I br. I bu I •••••••••••••• • •• •••••• new S200·S23S. 644·•R78 3 •:••• 2 ••b•••h••••••••••••• rent/lease no pets SJ7S & water. $l25 mo. call un w;.1· ......,...... .,...... 5pm wkJy::. block lo uce;m 1142 1334. $1CJ\ 8 h 1 . 11 --~ nr, 111 AcrOll" from mo. 642·9567 6. 840-3858 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---642·6!'>78or 642·7430 ""' ar eyr. putio. a /\dult l':·sidl• 2 br tn~ " e , Bay bouch. Lovely view. •• * MONARCH BAY -------0 l i I S 1 n"'JI It! 11 • ''" ba putlo (•ncl l" $l90yrly 1;1~ t30-1 DcmaPolnt 3226 1 Br l'OndO Cpts. drps, 'tSZ3CAMPU,t\..·fRVttel Vi l.LA-Very plus h 3 4 BR fam ily rm BAV .. 'RONT Benchroml>~r •• r~c SIS N; J>t't'.~. t.,ikt: new." 5 OCEANFRONT 2 B 18 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• retrtg. washer. drytlr ~ BDRM. 21~ BATll'. 1,850 baths 'ctosetoschool; Bachelor 1111t. $240. n10. 631-201 1. ;>47 ·2;,0I or 64Hl878 · '• $37S yrly Util ~ r.;~LRGOcnVu.Uppcrdplx. ca rport. LH· $195. OPENOAlLY sq. fl and panoramic shoppmg.$635. G75-4$3.1.9261': Balbota 8"1V-l060 Lorgc 3 brtownhous..-W/2 pets. 559-4221, 631 182G 2/ronv den, 2ba. bltns. 536-2315 8 1\.M TOG p M. oc~n d vle'S70:1~fri g . Let our rental dcpl. help Corw det Mer 3722 ~ 1 .... ,... buths , frplc pa"o-& ,.,;_ ____ .;..__....:_,;.__1 (l'J)lt'. nr Marina. S39S. Landm ark Home for rcn Sign by 11110 & get SlOO. ~ io.7'o·REALTY • you locate tenants or rcn ••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• UnfunlllMd j(Brage. ldeoJ iO<'. Allblls, Cottage Quaint 2 br. I ba, (2lJ) 360-2024 4 br ,2 ba 2 patio. hk FREE RENT• BeauUful . tal units Bach apt, qUlel area, new ••••••••••••••••••••••• $300. No pell!. 645·13UIOC' stove, refr1g . s m . pn . m o del hom e. 11 B. 4bdrm,2...,baexecullve 83l·!Mll Eve 496"4fll3 BAV&BEACH Jl'}lnt. t'Plll, utll pd. n30 1ai»ooPettlnwla 3107 1137·9Sl7 ,, • P4tlO, no sngls. Yrly. 3 BR, fam·rm. wae•. New· 968-0352. home In Irvine Pets. Ocean Vu 2 Br Condo R£At.TV 675· mQ 213-430 2900 •••••••••••••••••••••••1--;_. ______ _ $295 + Utll6-14·0997 ly dtt $125. mo. 644-021C k.tds olt' 2 1n. new 1 )'r 1 · • & 1 p Newer. f'r stding :.! br, 2 Xlra lge 2 sty, 1..., ba.dJn. <MaryorChuckl New Harbor Village leue.5Sl·2000.A1Jent i,1!~';; '"::itag':.° Adi~~: Very nice bachelor apt. bs balconlt!l> encl 2car rm. D/W, frplc. polio. Corofta def Mar 322 BTwo 321 Twnbse. dht 2 br. 2 ba. 1385 840-l6"4 &rS48·2S7l UTE 2 Br. fplc. new Sl401mo. Util Included ga~. walk to 'terry Yrlf pool Xtr:i. xt r&~ lac ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Po()l. te n. jacuui etc. •LEASH • cpt5. 2streets Cr bch. S395 Cell 494 1463. $ 3 8 s 6 4 o 4 4 2" ('IQ<Oet.s. sur . :ttlu11tff1'Y· S ot Hwy. <'harming 3 Br Fam Rm 3 Ba lmmed. occup Adj lfunt tSomc tor6 mos > ~ Vlefo 1267 yrly 673-3909, rum opt R b· th b· 1 cve:-i/wknd:t. 838·4424 Pet" $!95 6'16·81183~ nt'V.('r, 3 br, 2ba. lndry, W/\~ Mbr.1hp Sun/Sali r.;,~0~1 13l 5 mo. 3RR.2 bu. Fil . ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• For l~t· :1 llr nv llm !?~u~:~"1,lk~ bch ~ wkdys -Lgc bochclor. r (f1~. rt•fnJ.t No pets v:ill Clbinc.$495963-14~ • ocn t~~r220~a.FR =NewCa~tiUe4 Brdoonu.." comm pool. S525 incl Seavi \!W s 1s o mo S37S Yrly 4! br ~ ba 2 islovt•int.'l.Small o&lok. 12-1. S.SSO. Agt. ll15 moo f!....__a._,_ Y-"-SP01'1.ESS 4 Br 2 Bu . 3 aR: 2 ~:.'OR . $13S ~~~ ... ~S4· ;Jrmcoo1~""'~8~-drgrc~w ·, .. !_mGm1G'11~H ~""7An 67S-l377 story. 2 cur encl g~r. ~70 + ~o!I tl46-454~_Ji_ 5325 2 b r .--wvm -Y 3214 Fam Rm. fplc. on cul de " n1 IUO ,..., "''""""' ll::ll 642 1603 · r. rplc. gar ••••••••••••••••••••••• snc.nrlfc:hool.Scnrgllr, :\8R,2&,F'.R $435 -· -----CostaMesa 3724 cony ___ 2 Ur. llJ bu tow~usc. Kids/pcl.-~1sngl!>uk 1-'cc I l>r, 2 ba nr 405 Fwy. S425mo.847.11183 3 8R.2ba .. t'H-t 54503 BDRM Cordov.a. hi :aut1ful3br.2bu,home.•••••••••••••••••••••••Nr ucean 2 BR S!8S 2 Quiel. putio. OoJ('•'t'Jl, Muha Renluls. M0·5310 Gardcrwr . $311~, mo. 3 BR. 2 ba , FR.. . $416 point. bst v.1ew. walled 4 houstlti from b~och. lh S40 OO WEEK & UP BK 1345 i BR $250 · Couples only Sl23'/'1no Roomy duplex. 2 br. t ba. 968·R783. Avallablt' 11/l . 2 Br. I.,.. 3 BR. 211 ba., FR .... M25 yd. upgrd s, pllllO!i • b\111m n :llinQb. tprk • Stucil & t BR A tis • ~anhoil Rlty 676 Joann 548·7831l ir .. , adult. only, no pets. Yr~ b:t. 4 blkls to oceon. $3ZS. 3 BR.2~ ba, 1-~R. DR $SSO irtras. 1365/mo. 27115 Ta· ulrium wtwaterfall. 11ar. *TV <;. Se P • -:--.- lse. S3S0. 67'3·92Sl. Edlnger /Drooltbursl, rtl84M 91M evea 38R.2,,..ba,FR ... $62$ jo768·3487. w/workbench & lots of ·~~d Jt':,Ava:I Sto &wtnd.$175 Ulilpd.2 Br. 1 ba. new n••• ---------• ~upcr 3 br. 3 b.11, (pie, 3 BR.2ba, FR ...... $42S 8,..athtaklnfe view I For storage. ~mo. lae/lse :Cblldren~lun poo Sinllleaok. Ft..oe pa.Int. Encl aur, chifdtu RAYV1EW38r2Ba.fplc. DW. lndry rm, 142$/mo. reat House for Kids· rentorlse nowabr 2 ba opt. Open Sal &r Sun 15. •l.o'lll'monthlyrates MainRent.als.~5370 OK . No pets. -aio. t'Omer. Blkx to bc:h. $000. ~ or $3J·9S4& Agt. µ~~e o:~~~~~c R:!~.; 552·7000 2~at1•r•se l380. Avail' 5301 River Av•.6'5·2016 2378NC*1l0rl Blvd. 'cM Ba ain• S24S Utll pd l 642-3206: 631·0394. ..,,, j Nopets.644 8128 nMeto. yard. For Si.qles·lota Nov. tSlh. S.U·l953 81.UF'FS 3 Br. 2 88. l 548 975Sor645·3967 bd~dsJpet.sok. Fee LOE 1 Br. lol3 of&!;· sc. z br + dt•n, l ba. frplc. RC!dec 3 br 2 ba. ow. l>f'ivacy. 3Br. 3ba. Supt'r THE • 8~ 2 Bo Den fully level. c:oml"r unit, close SUS CAStTAS Ma.In Rent11h1, 540 mo aar. new p11lnl/C no wo11hl"ridryer fnc:d yd. 3 RIO. nu cpt • d.rps '37$. Shorp! New palnl, cpts, VILLACE crptd drpd • •1 d lO everything ~ mo chJldr nor pc.·~. e bll..i1 bc'h It :IC'hOOb. no 003~ or $31 ~) Aet drps. 1450 mo 142~18, • Water' Plld 161w.,Z.:/ · G«M933orm~ Mlnuh:111 lo NB. Buch & I WALK to Bny, t Br. stove ~ngl or marri(..od c:pltJlt)>. rct~ $38 5 073 Uf~ No •·c-t· ll88-0779Agt REAL TOR 'J68.42S8 or BK furn Adults. no pet.li. refr1-. t'Ptt. drp11. n Ref's rcqul"ltt'd S2rottlo. ct..ASSIF'I 0 w.U sell tt 2110 Newport Rlvd CM ~ ~ yrly ~ ~3 t C"ln fet• ,,.,,, l-Ul7 'I \ . De DAILY PILOT Friday Otlober 29 1976 Hoetff U•~ R..tah to Sh_.. 000 Office........ 4400 W.tttd 50 f 0 Lod. Fo.d p W ... ed 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l&Hhu.fw-.. ~..., •• ., ... ....,..., Af*lwwwatau.tw.. Mewpo.rtleoch 1169 2RT1 1~ ~a.2i.t>. 11 mlto TOPLOCATIOHS NHOACT10M! LOST : Slamcu nt•ut \crountamtSr. RuUt<'dor ;;.,;.,.·::••••••••• 3 • 1 •• 2 • ;:~,··•M•••••••••••3••1•2·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.:••••,•••b••••••••••• S. t'st Pl11za , ~123 mo HID'bor art":a't be11l. 100 Unllcd Bu•U>~ Inv t· male, Vic. Pine C.-rt'ek ffml·reurcd to do p'lrt .__.,.r -•• · ~ • Ha "' ~-•Z .. tt 1 • •· SU)imn CaU Sat. on 8P~. Sun an To l.000 .q. f\ l"rom m mcnb. tnc:. ~llforniu's Vlllaae, Ad.imii. C t. Umo work ror public ae .... \................. ...................... tte-bow 3t4 Nwpl llehchh •Z BR. SrM Ma i"'74 Rt;ALONOMl<:S <Arp liar&••t bu1lncs1 isah:s Weanna fl\•u l'ollJr 18 l'OUnUant. ~nd r~sumt-6t ' J GllANDOl'£NINC ...................... 1• • b;a ~oo mo. Nwpt Brokers tin lttOO lt'itm, zs oHkea 11l11te Iba. Uuiii.y. ~-71127 °t1f\.. :;:alar)' du lred to Ad • the ct u. t K d (,;. r p. t l-'em111~ to share 28r Con wide, 11 ln Oransc County 5. Rt•wurd I! •730. l)~ily .Palut, ro ~' .. _... into N._'W 3 8r, 2 Oa. C-0ndo ~· 64.6 3474 do.,. "anw Be11ut. loeu 1u.i ... u R..tal 4450 lo scrvictt yuur ne~. we . --I~. cost~ Mc11.1, C.a. lo lt!nnas. pool, J.•c:uu1 110 Pnol . 768 4937 ant <1espcr11tc ror busl• 1-'0UN.1>: Vork1c, female. 9:...tti2G •• gOod life. MSt).968·S700t-\!i. 2 8r.lb.lnrol'<'W'l.l(.tr n new . ••••••••••••••••••••••• D"""• ..... le> sell, WO have ~le •• B:ilb.o u Pe>11n . ,.fBl'rlO'IS ••, S:?tiSyrl).l\U\ 1 d~hwr Ne('d 2 ruommatc• IALIOAINM '"' .... ~ l..... 673c.!"""fl•t •t " • per<1on ,,.,,,,. 3144 128\ ... Str lMI 1"·0 • people With uooo .. -uune. ·-~-" ". _A ......... lo rill "USl ..... 101 ·~·· 1 1 • t•e .,.. Newport mani.lon Cull :SOO :1n. n. ln<'l •llok 01rc11 ·~~" ~ "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vi ·7570 bd , ~I s $200,000. who are ready, FOUND dark ¥l'OY position. ut l'ublH' S~•1 I I r R ho S IUah on hall. ~I IS.· l.illl r ul o > 17 , ore 8 & ulll. lU~ .un • l w1lllnJ1 & able to buy L•rench Poodle. Vic Garden & l.lbr"r' In tn>e I IC pdl 1Y.1.1~ o ,, pine fO«lSL Mll?<ll~k>r past OltC Clft p.tul t-'w AM ur .art~ I M. ti75.S7 &O ,. .. 1\M\bl1n<j Wdh:rlalls dnd qui ·t pools. Ulen to the JOG4plln Aph M.tln tkntJh. ~10 s:no now. Mariner Square Aptll. CdM. Onl~ hardwor lnl(. ·~ 1,1 bul>bllng Mll"•lms<1nd Pt0Wlr"1 lhlnno... RcnUn¥1rom S260. '\l11turt! ludy wunl~ qult!l I dca l build 111 i: roa· CALL Ull l>i2·48Sd re11pon1>1bl<.' pt'rson:o. '" '" .~ 1 u I \' 1 one Bdrm unfurn. Jpt arch1lect. h1w or hui.I l52S Me11a Verde Dr. w/soocl rer1:rcnce11 Ut'l'<i r .-<lult •'P«t111~111 home nt Plnocr~k \/11klg~ li Adult apts. ~as na pre ('tlC' 1' t'ar v 49"·972!1 Uuy!I. IU!7 9718 n c 118 0 rr1 <' ,.11 , 11 t' u r ~a8t, Su ale 100, (.;O!ttla FOUND: 10 Speed bike upply. All eQulp lillf>· ., ~.11 t\'lf\'•'' I leru you con enJoy unusu(JI pnv.xy view nuw Ii. u 11rc"ll"e • 3 br, l l>.i, ll pk. afl 7 hurljlw. Newpor\ f\rnch Mc:;a South Lo1una are:a. ~llcd, xlnl workln1t l'Ond ~:rluxU"' Irvine community. 64692111 $375. """ f t 751 37'"1 4092565 00 h 10 h k • w. " Twenty Pergolu, Culver > • -Cut d Approx 1.;..,, •q t, mO!I • .. · · per r. ' r w • o AMONG rnE FIRST TO CHOOSE the ~t & Sandburg, 2 bloekti i.o. DUI u :x 3 blk1:1 bch, 3 .Br. own w cntrl h~.at 111r cond. Dcul w the pro{e$sionul CuU l\ton & Tueii morn. k.M.t1tion.ll"·l>C"'>tunc:ar'9'ITlt'l)t,lhecolorsyouwMI. of Son Diego l"r wy. 2 lla. bltn-;. (pll', JH.tlll>. U•lncJb,.ntH! Cun aublc;ai1<t 000 11q It.----__::...-____ , SCRAM-LETS ll·ll:30only.G732268 Don't WJlt. lwo tennis coun~. Swimming pool SSS-llOO RUr. Yrly ~too. Ii I~ ltsll2 Shure a home or uptmcnl 42G 31st St. 075·<4271 Money to Loon 5025 ""-<U•P r"Y"I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANSWERS }'?i\1~ unlqm· W>llt.~ll pool ,J,1luU1. W<X>DRIDG 1-: 2 Br. Cpk, I', ll.1. 2 patio:;. ~£-... vAJ'l.S UNUMJnn Canary Villug,• A /REC CLERK ~d voll~~ll coun. Muuntdln lodge clubhouse with P INES 1\PT!'> encl )lllll)otc:h & gar, blk ~G«~~f'dHR Cnttui.:t• Id, lnd & lrd T.O.'s Kotnto -N<'cdy -Our e>1pt1 ndlni.: ucr.ount • !~c'pkicc. w n\CN>dtlon pit. b1lh.1rd~. gym, s<iun.,. 1, 2 & 3 bdrm units. to heh, co1111> reduc:or. c..i.~ )A>1.10•...q ~·4801 oi• t17:J.2'Jltl 1iJ::Jt~:0~1~11:J.~~ Unfll-Mt•lrk -in" <ll•1>t hus an lmant'<l H11rry101hcgoodhfe.,ndthenrclclx. Designed like early ~:1~"oo·sllC1fJcl:!.S:rISyrly . Forover5yr:..8324134 lndustrialRental 4500 tl73·4883Brokcr l''URNACJ:!:IJ position nvnil. in California bungalows. · · ------••••••••••••••••••••••• ---1 Sign outsido a roomin~ t\/Rccdvablti. Thls po:;1· f'AOM $265 TO $355 F. r 0 m $ 2 7 o. 1 1 5 1 BLK BCll. lgc 4 Br. 2 Ha, F'emak to share w /s:imc-PRIME LOCATION Mort~s, Trwst ho u i: ~· 1 n A I a ~ k u : lion req 's 3 yrs cxper. · lr1Gludmg Heat & Wal\.'!'. No lc<'l<.e Required. Pineslone. ore hrs 3-S: newly dcrtd. no pots. \'r· 3 Br, I wn~se. SU~>+ ulll . , Oeids S03S ••J-'tJRNAC~D ltoom l"or Uullcs wall lnl'lude majn-~ On~ n-,ir~-. ,._,"•th wkdays, 9·5:~IO wknds. h lsc ... ,.,< tlli!·l-143 C.M s.ul·l2tlJ. Mt 6pm. Good expo!lure. ~a!i) In· •••••••••••••h•••••••• Rent." tahung A/K lcdgers, typ • ,,.. ·~"" '"""''"" SS'> '"00 . ..,._., .!CJ'CSS & ci:rt:.S. l'lenty or . i •. . , )\W [k,tiroom. T,,., &th -·v• ------f' d 3 • I·' J> Ing IOVO t'CS °' prepanni,: 1en.1 Bi\. rl'fllj.( & :,,tO\l', Pemalt! lo 'hart· :!llr l~on parkan". On Brwkhur:.t LOANS 93 oun • mos 0 v uppy, ~ules report~. Sul...ry l.:l001\d.\m~Aw,111Costt1Mt>Sa. Townhonw 2 br. 2 ba. + "Ur 011 1110 11.,,1.,,hl" do" :.aml' llt.'a11t.1Cul & 1\tlanta 111 llunti11oto11 O remaleblk w twht und.cr r ,...._ C C ... • ~ ... , " L b s v l'ommt.'ni.urall' w/cxpt•r ,1cr())~ rom vrongc 0c:1st ollege Vool.mceareu,$330.mo s2ist mo <i&\\ 11.,1c1 l~c:.1t:1111, pool. \tcw neal·h .\ppro,.im:atcly Also2ftdTDLoon1 nll<'k, a I l'~· ac. ()ur('o 0 rrersxlntfrangc , b.:tweenH,l(bor..andFa1MeW. 552·0430aft 7 l'rcl m.•luri· ,iclull. 7lil!l\l:r7 llOO!><J ft.ofi:1ou11dnoor Fa1restTermsslnce1949 l.asalle & Mctudd~n l>cndab ('D~) !HO 1300. NOW REHl1NG Loguna leach 3848 \ \ ,at I n n I\. /\ ~ ,. 11 l \pl lo sha1 l' \\ n·.,p rem '.p.l«'l' !-.i.inan.:. $3251 m o. Sattfer Mtg. Co. 897_·_9003________ Apply Jn l'l•r:mn -~--------------,;;;;.;...;..;;;.;,...;_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• S-lff·ll(;lj :'\o\ 1 1 l'htld uh. ~1~711~1 r l'lummer. 642-2171 545·061 I WST: Sml hlal'k Poo<llu, Frontier, Inc. Sl25 mu ~5 :1:1n; fem. Clip•"•d. Sunta An11 5 • CMto Mesa 3824 Costa Mesa 3824 EAN vu. studio cot :! Ur, 11 J U.1 . 822 W . -Stornna ---USO SAVE$$ &2hl St. C~I &11;.~19 29 5 N. Airway •••_•••••••••••••••••-••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tage, sngl pc r!>on , no &llJua. 0,,,...11 s .. t ~sun. 1. m le roo 1 21 to -..,-. .11 b Located ut the end pets. $200 inc util 121;JlHbliiR3 ·e a mmu l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Private party wi uy orliakerSt.No.or 494·7986 -26• Ilesµ. C~~I. Sl6<!.SO + Storage i:arni:I.' E·side. your 2nd TO. 642·3573 LOST lt>·lG male poodle. .. GRANO OHHING FOX HOLLOW VILLAGE REFRESHMENTS!! ---------120r.2haanl'.11k"l'W11orl d_~p.Cmdy675·29Ul __ c.~1 . 12'<12'<<!8. SSS. 11 y rs. l(ruy , n eeds Ora~.:o·~l~o ... /\e!raporl. Std. t c;1 S21., - -· We l3uy2ndTrustDeeds medication. no t ags. "'~ u" " ~o.stt~~n·rl ~un. o. Fan··~l <Jc \ u lu<· SpJ, Fem ule lo ;,harl'" same. lO'x 12· door. G 12 ti243 Cash tmmed ! 645·1260 536-9549 or 9t;0·231i6. l•--------- -. I OAM to 71'M SAT & SUH SKwity D9'pOlff Wal .. d 491 S3AA ~I ~~~ll·nna:. .\\atl l>l·c t lu1cly apt. 2 Hr .. 2. Ba, Wurchouw.;, Hi.22 un Ci.l. Turner IUly ln\·esl. Co. LOST Bl k I f' k ... SSEMILY TR ... E ---------• .,.. """ l.;i.:urw Hills 5111> 4000 or 11 . , ... ., .1 ~· : ac ma c cc · " " L ..... I 3852 "'"" !'>81 ·IUSi Art 71'~1 or Sun. ,1!J"3.)67· 1·~~r.>ul '· ,,.u. monlh. $10 •. 000.Second TD. 10% in· &·Poo. white flea collur, Mature wo mun wuntl.'d -o "'....,. L.1·1c1 I•. I" I br· .111l .....,.-· '7--• u ·' • t re t r c l I $9 000 962 ""00 <->,•-" p 'hr. Must speak ••••••••••••••••••••••• kll"h'•I\, ltn•-r l l'lll , 1 l I G f R t '"J50 ---~ S ' " ' . •'->OQ ..,.. "" • • '" " • · arOCJH or en "' R~al w t d 4 600 ti42 ·63ti8JO<'I ----------some lo;nghsh. Apply in For 9uclh1ed TenCllth ~~ive near t he beach in a sparkling new town home of your own . Enjoy ~vacy, w oodburning fireplace, 'SWlmmmg pool & jacuzzi. Attached }lrage, 30' back yard. 2 bedrooms, 1 lfl baths. Adults. Enjoy the luxury of a new hom e without having to own it. Br, 2 ba apls. 29041 incl. S240 H75·'13•12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s an e -Lost : Br own llhr alluchc p e r 5 0 n 0 n I y . ~!10-~~7.orr Crown \'alley. WFSTCl !Ff"., hr ! .. h·1 Sanulcs garagl's fur rl'nl. w··~·~;~l::,)·~··l-:••r•1•i•s•h•e•d• Isl "flJ. approx. $7900. cuse In CM. Ocl 27. A I.T I•: RN A 'f 0 ll "" "°" .. , · ~. • · ' Sl5. mo. 31-1 2Ul h St. . '. · u 1 . . 81~'" payublc Sl50 mo.· Uespcralc ly need SPECIAi.TiES. 746 W. Na wport •-a-h 3869 tnhs~ _i;.t1ulls onl~' nn H t B .. ·I 8-lf"Kl>l>I l~c~1d£'1H l', Dupl~ x 01 will di~c:uunl 5'/o. 493·6319 papers. vuluuble only to 17th St, Costa Mcsu. "' -.. pC'l:.. I 1.!>I lkclfurd I .n un · cac 1· '· t1111do in t:uronu dcl ~t ar ---me. Hewar d-no c('les· ---------- •••••••••••••••• ••••••• .$325. mu 5·18 75:S:t Sin~lt.· ~a rage. t'le-..u. ur South of H-.u:k Buy. Announcements/ lion s. S86·0837, 540·101(; PARK NEWPORT Occ.tn\ltw. i.unu~·<:k. F111r IJr. i~n·a: S20 mu. (~111 t).11·!1190 --Penonal1/ Kent. Or mail 2265 So. APARTMENTS Br. :> H:i , lw'r'· t.i". ___ 5:'_6·5060 \' Ch ti Lost&FoWtd <irund S Ana 92705 Retth CJUGI ••l•ed f« I Y"" 621 W. Wltson, Costa Mesa 642-4991 h _ u J "'" _ oun...: r1sl1un 1110 'V ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ·--· __ _ Ontebay mJIUrl• •1dll!> $375 OfficeRental 4400 w1thwcllhehJ\'l'<l5H'll L &r-··-d SJ ' · 5350 Luxury Jp.irtmcnl ll\·ini.: t.>&5 !Rill ••••• •••• ••••• •• old d.111.:htl·r. nt•Nls a I od rvun 00 l'ersonals • ••••• • B l 1 ' \ ·' 'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • •••• ••• overlooking the "a tcr p E r. a p .... u, .... cso 11 EnJOY $750,000 la{'alth 2 Ur, furn or u11f \\fllt yr RIM LOCATION llunl lkh Not nvt•r SISO. 1,('tsl. Himalaya.~ Cat. Drinking problem." Costa Mesa spa, 7 swimmmg poob. 7 I\ S :1110 :.. ~ .1., h •lr l' Guod c\po:-Ut l'. Ea-,\ 111 c ';ill Land.i ;,31 :iw2 mall· Mona~rh I crrace Call Alrohol ll(•lphnc 3824 Huntinqton Beach 3840 laght<'CI lenna:. l'OUrl.., plu:o. ~l :l -127 KiXt. SIHl\1111~ gn·:-:o. & t·!lrC":-1•1,•111' ol area. Lai:. !Sag. Heward. 21 hrs :i day KJS.J!l:l() •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• miles ur blC'}C:lc trail-. :-.1111cl.1.1 µ<1rkml! On lit1H•l..hur .. l I t\r or H.ll'lt, lurn .ipl. -1!13-;,(}71 ------- :-. 1:" o \1 11 1• r !' o pulling. s hufllclHl.trtl. 2 & AtlantJ in llunllllJ.."1111 :-.\\Pl or l'~I ~lll'J ~li ----MASSAGE 1 Br. g.1r & end p.11111 Adult<; Her.. :-.o pet:. 5225 u111 p<t &15 2i 10 Bt'ach1\C)Od Apt:.. 1913 croquet. 1uml2 lwdroom 01>. 3 lir h.1 ul)Pl'r Heal·h. ,\µpru>.1matdy m.1'< 1:11 t4'13 ' LOST lfrward. Blk. Jab FIGURE MODELS .\la.:noha,11.U .urft'ra' plans autl 2 ~luq duple\ I Rll, ht:h Solt!' l!OCh<I Ct.ofi.:rnundfloor . malt'. L_af!Utla ll1lls. hr.:? hJ. 1000 "'t ft. townhous1:s lromS32!ISO +utll 5111 'l:J ll EH'' 'Jlt1t·e.S1~1un~ S:l25 mo 3Br <! u., hw. "Hl & lOl7 511"'718 ESCORTS Adult 2 ur w t•nl'I j!.11 'l'(llr1t.1 .... , \\ 111101. L') l . k l I h·IC.2f•ll! Call )Ir. Pl ummer, i,:aragc. ll\'('lkd h~ l,tffil· .-• -.--OUTC .. LLO ... LY ,. "' t't' rl l' I t' H•ni.. !lli.'l·ti767. ly l>l'I' I t-: !>Ill•• ('.!\) I.A~ .• l 10 It. (,old LJb. rem. . " n 200H ~l .1plt-sn;; mo Jal·u1t1. \ C, 1bh\\hr private patio' or :ire.q•rl'I ,.,1111 ,1 '-1:-><I tan wht. llhr coll.1r 631-381 I ~plU,ti31·32i7 Adult:, onl). :\o µel!>. balcontC''I. l'aq>\'l1n~. BAYFRONT lk .. p part\· hni,. rd',. " b1ui.s buckle, ".•«'. WESTCLIF~ BLDG. 2 Br. 1 hJ. I :.tor). ~ha.i. S2IO CJll new ~l~r ::al drapenc:.. Subll'rrancan m•ar Balblha 1,,.i11t.1 .:? hr, 1•1,.,1,t: ph11111• t.J" il!:i7 all Orungc .&. 17th, t:M. 4fPS. patio. fq1k, lll'.tm !!t>2·1800 parking with clc\ atur., 2 ha, hwclv Ila\ \'1l'\\ t.ipm !((•ward. &lti·21911 ce~l.. d,.h\\hr i.:a r . BYTHESEA Optional maul "l'(\ll't· Bltn kll . 1111 t·1i1t :o. 1111 ..r ... 1.c--... NEWPORT BEACH Cott\t\'t W1ntcldf Off«! •nd ltw1n• Aw• /\(11111• ~·'-11 ·_>1,'';.() l·,1111·11 Just north or Fa!>.hlOn llll'tl (KC'Ull,\' St. ;75 nlo. ./ r .......... -10<1M ' ....., v l"l'" ,I hr tldull ~· tnhsl'. I I d l I ..._ ct /,_..,...... ~-''ri ·11:i~ s an a • ;11n11un•c an )rh lt·a'c B.irn·ll He.ii\ v M\ta>c ·>-.' • • 2011 llh St 5;11; lill! San .Jou4 u1n 11111:. Rnad ti.It! ~IMI .1'1 .... i ... · T"lephon" ,~, 1I 10.11 1•w•u ../ ~" ..... Ml!CCfll .. Sl~~ .• 2 hr, k1<b & ~111itl1•., :! br. l'Ph . l)OUI. pluy yrl ' ~ • u "" ../ Xe<O• -·tc. ~.fee , _ _ n 11 p e 1, 2 <!u 11 A , for rent:.al 1nfo1·mul11.1n. ,I' s.cy ....-1c. ••••L .\l~anHt•111 .i1,,;i1U .1:riO l>l.'l;i\\an• ~l(jlf.lf>~i !'!call & <·I.,.,,,, I br ./.t.mp&e po••••o \\ h.d<:ull\' Yrh icaM'. ~!15 in11 lii.:l·Ou1l7 Call Mr. Howard 645·· 6101 PENINSULA PT. \l.1t11rc \\om.111 llc1»an·~ Lu:o.t . Whale f e male i.tullio or 1 Bi apt. rn t'nl·kt11m11 Hrno~~11rs1:. Sli.'> $;200 rani:•· \\\pl or \o~kt.0\\11 llli. · ·"~~~~. ( <l~t Jl'Cll llllh \\.111 ;tl:sO It!::\\ 1\ It I) !l·H>-.l 11.l , l• 1111 :. I d ,. r . I I m I l I' d !lti2 52211 b.1h~ ll't· 'llllll).( Ill .\l'hg lor n •nl 1\.11) 1-17 1 SI 00. REW ARD l\l{'d :-alt' guhkn rolor Miscellaneous fl'nt Cul lie I ltetricvcr 2 t'ir.,µnfurn.. r1•11n·d >ti :\I·:,\ H On•a II Cl\tld uk 22·1!! Hull(l'r~. fpil'. rll•WI} ~jf5-U! llUX 1\\'atl I I 1G _ !>llJ>t.'I' l'l<'Ull :! llr :i u,1. p.unll'd & l:ar, SJ()(), 2 BH , 1 ba unf SSOO yrl~ OCEANFRONT ~1·wpor1 Shn1 t"• Pupil'\ :1 br. :l h,1, 11n rh.1111wl 'l.i.tc• ) cl • i,: a r ,J i.: l' , " a ' Ill' r clrH·r I t.lk tn hc~u·h •I ~10 !-'HE~: HE~T· Rentals 4650 max. l,osl vie Pomon:.1 & 1·2 3 Rm uftin"' frnm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wtlsun. C:.~I. l0·22·7fi. No 2 ~r duplt•x ('pl ·i.: • rnc·d K<lli·lllll I yd.!slo\i· & rdnJ:., S215 3 Ur & 2 Br .1 pl~ '\r bch. ~2 ~115 1 dt·an, all bltns, i:ar. 1111 1111\ ;rnct• n•nl Lu rc:1pon:.1 hit· h•ni1n! ~o 11l'l!'>, ll•a\ t' m•·~·"•a!lc 531, 157ll 3 BR,2 ba. $.550 NEWPORT TERRACE 3 BR. 2 ha 1·011tlo $.500 SEA WIND CONDO 2 BR. clcn 2 ha S4SU BA YFRONT HOME • s.i5o ~ rl ,. bl• "11; !171 1 am San' Clemente 3876 ....... ;~·············· $125 per mo \rlJ \\'111tt·r n •nlull.11lomol11lt• t•nlh1rortal(s.645·4567. ,\11i>orkr l111td :".ot. .. 1't' homt• 2BH. lurn. S'.!75, Fiiunll \\'h ilt' gold rl'fl ll:JJ.J22:1Tai11•1011 114<! mo.1 wnstw::atch. 10 Ii' ~\l So 60' PER SQ FT Business/Invest/ C'o<1~l Plata. 557·K071 :nm .. 2 bu s.iooo ~to) 111 w 111 T..: w \ 1 i-; 1; v 0 llil7 ~\~r.{~;i~·~~;~· 'H Finance Fnund Cullie', re· male, SI' \1 ·1ot ·:-. :1 B1 .111 \11 ...... STEPS TO BEACH g.Jra.kn 'l'lllll:.!. li:l· ::! 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.111 whl. Bol!lu Ch1ra & KIDS, PETS OK \ \ ,111 110" I\ 1c1, o" Jcllt.. ~Ii;; moi 21,-, \\ DE X FF CES Business W a rn l' r ,\ \. e 11 B . .:..:-.,,~1d" 'I'·" u.11.. I 111 " . l' 1 2 flH 2 bath . ., s..&oo • LU E 0 I Oppo ...... ·n'1ty 5005 fl.lfi·2947 Loo' .. ._, ' ~;. h • n 11 t •I \I < I I\. ') I I 111 l I 'I'> 'I 11 l -r-Tu f· 1· ~..., v l•1.1rn 2 Br I Ila uttl 1111 " J ! •1 · · ~ · '• t •1mn1l & 11111 II 'l"l"' P.. ~. ~,:-, H\O • .,., K'Htl X.I:! K.:t!J4 ' • • 11H 5300 '-!"I ..,, " " ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • S315 '1tl0 lo 2000 i.q ll \, lo" . . Hit ;\ D Hl1111dc l ~malc ABORTION t'uun~eling & nernrul Preg. tcsl·~1\'a1I. wkncls :it llr llt:lplinc 5-17 111!15 r 1n :GNi\NT '' Carin~ cunfldl•ntt.al t•ounst-ling & n·fcrral Ahortion, acloptllrn & keeping- '' l'l',\H 1-; 5-17 251.l:! • S PIHITUAL lll':,\1)1.;Jt Fullv Lll'l'O:o.('" 312 N. Jo:I ('um1no Heal San Clt•mcntc. For a1111t; 4112-00:11 4!12·UIJI T1n•d of · Bonh Tu I 1l''" ·' Oal<'·l'arly ·Tak1· Trap., l>iamonrl <:1rb. Guys L.,c EVEFOTO DATE SJ-1.0231. s:11 1~1:;:i 2pm·Rpm 3 lit 2 ll.1 n•r11~. pool. ...... _Lak• Park ,.,.L. '''L'f'<l'\ I' 1 2 JS~ ..,q. It. l.t1i:.\1gul'l o, •harnatorl',<i l'h"ct.\lfi.t, puppy. l'laccnlaa & Gov. lndr~ :>.tr.1 I;.!\' & l'lc;tn ""... "' v.. ,., "" ' U\un· \11.,:0.1011 \ 11•J11 art-." •1.arlu·s \\(!.tr,.llt Cla!-!) l'rnor, C:~f filS·61HI *KAREN'S* • l><luxr 3 br. :!1 ~ h.1 . .ill br. rli·n, fqlh', P'I "t~I" 11. 1 . 1 S I> L' •OOOh.~TOHt. cn1,.1lr1>:. l11l.1nho1 II am\ o rf\\\ 0~~c 7 0I-\ ~IJll \\'illiun 1lhl1!<1r .palln.frpk 171 lo >l I .S•to l'l'1 2Mlli ·'llKJl l-1. •IJlt\l'l·:ltYWt'll\I !-"O U D . 3 Womens OlJTCALl.:\IASS/\lil-: l!lfk-r !>llj(I' \ \ .ul 1 x·t 31 \la ham u. 53b 3 lti5 or Santa Ana 38 80 l '1 OO •II L'ti l I'll l. l'h-,1nt•r Watrhes. S Hinj!s. ownn fil'~I 2t\!\I x.'IH 171!tl f>.1tl·ll>iKS 5.ll, 1711! ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE • Fl'll:'\ITl'll I·: Hl'f111 must 11lent1ty date lui.t . ....,.. h d 1 h - ---3 OFFICES < 'onlJl'I 1\J!cll !-.;1m \'ran.. Im-. lo:-l. Conlarl 11.li. fi. 3{lR dupll'\. 1 .· h.1, q1h, Ll(i· :! n~u~,~~'.~~·~ ial · >CE1\N FRO~T yrly 2 Larqe One Bedroom S 155 MO EACH iii 111>.1s 11 70 ~u INiOM Poltt'{' Uept. 536·5621 d~~!o , Crp Ir hll11 ' .... , .• "lti·'"'8 RR.1 Bu, d crk. ~:ar. cpl!'. R l I d U RO I 'T I r1· -11-1 k aDD';f ~?i3541ortil!i l:J:IO .,...i..,, ., '"' drps. no p<•ls. $38.'> lllllll>-1nt•u 1n.: ct ... Ft1wC.:OST/\:\IES/\l.m· LA HD MAT .OS : .a 1es J!OI 111· rr -. -•1 n r 1 1• ll ., N 1, w &15.3655 hw a:-hl·r S211!i per month 752-1700 INVESTMENT b rut'(" I" t :'Ii w 11 rt Bt I)'" 2BH L',·,11·1 1111(111, cit.I -· .· '· . -----l"1r'I .and la!-!l 1\"t'nl Ii h II II H 0 w r d ~cl ' ,. 11 u cl flt f .. :ii; W11~t11•r., J nd IO dn l'r'I _ ~ , · ' a l f!a~. hltn~ "l70 mo, ~.I~ l'I ~ ~'· r}Pr ~ r~~l.j(. Ur. adulls. 110 pl'I~. ~t)(I, S40·0SS5. [e I '"top !Mutton or (.'o~!a •S--_~.13. ------ir a'I \\<itcr 1111'1 -;m 1wl 01\ ~~c·ll 1;.i~· ~11'.,. l.'U11"s1 '1(1 '"· i.121 t: lblh SI. ~ Iii.tis ----------i lt~~;llitl ~IP~a for $!ti,!)()(). t'all lor I ')ST "m:1ll l>lk male do" l_"~':."f Dr art·a !'il!i ,'10fill '1 '· •" '1 " • Ci46 11101 ' ____ ......... -" " • ,.. -South La9una 3886 • ' .~-i sp1•1·1fll' lerm:-li73 11550. \\ hrn lt•i:s & l'YC brows. n I I Ht.•;i'1tt .:!Brl lla.l·11rn11n· 1 lllol'k 10 B<'.H'h. l.>!l' 1 ·(·wporl Shorc•s, l lJ blk ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.:.-:~:....!-!!!!!!!!-~-~-!!!·~·!li::!!•~-~!!!. '1'111 • ··' 'i.· 11 ' 1 ' E ·Sidt• CM . Ans. to V~bb • ~!,~~~.C~.'E°0:~~:':~:. r~;~:::·~:~~:w~i~ ~~:f ~f.~~;:;,:~' "~""··~ L{\;, '.~:.'Y\;'.'!.°::.'.::~::E ~-~;;=;~~~~:~:·:~:, [ ® UPJUilJ ,~:.:?;~, ,:·~· :'::, ,:: UJYE YOU": I h<'h 1'11 rt) & 1;.111w ruorn, !i75->!1 II -== -J\I ASSIST MANAGER Rcstuurant. l''ood Pari.. Jrv1n~~ t:xper'd am bttiou:. per~o11 wanted for j!rowml( i;mJll rl':.l. 1-'ur appl 545·5556. Mr. Van /\ndJ. ASST t.10 rt:l. ~Hi It Sl.'ntor <.:tllll'n. I.all' muint . Apl avail. tH2·1334; r.12·6!'>7tl or &t2 H30 AT EASE Of Newport Beach l'rci.e11lly 11 a!> /\ n Opt•nang In Our BOY'S SECTION On a purl·llmt-hu!tis for a mulurl' womun Wuuh1 you t!njuy Sl'rv1cinl! our y lllllll:t'r l'll~loll1l'I'" \\ti h their \,1rtn11s lillani:: & si1.inl! m'cd~'! Rl•ply tn Cla~s1f1ecl n!l no. 72R. c 11 Uatly Pilol. 1'0 Box lStiO. Co:-lJ ~\cs.1. t:a !l262\i •AUTO LOTMAN • Apply only If ex · 1wrlcnl't•d l''or n~w & u:.tod cars. Wai.h . wax & • dl'l<11l "ork oversee & kt-t•p caro; dcun. Apply an ~·r..,on JI 10 a .m. to l\11, Stanton. (;ood licncfits. Ml\RQOIS MOTORS 18~01 MARGUIRlll PKWt 'lonD1t<jOfrw1 .A.,·ry l ••' Ml\'>ION VII JO llJI ·1RH0 49~-1110 \utomQt1vc Car Lot Man Clean new l'Url!. Must lw cxpericnl'cd & rchublc. Good job. s;:nod hours . l'aid v.1cata11ns. Apvly in pc•rson mtly. Mr. Nlelst'n. !';o phclnc culls ;icreptccl. Terry Buick 5th & Walnut Jtuntlni:ton 13cu(•h iZ2 \\'.,llo Ur , 2 hr, I ha" total ,.1.1 l'l'rl••t'l II\ In.I! mal1· Shep. "St•1gcr". _ __ um. _ ),.;,I r111. !:'>i,·,·1 1111. ''ci 1 ... 1 •. 2 llr. I bu. 1:;1r.1i:e. :-<r. COFFEE SHOP \'1c· l'dw· rel~ & \V· r11~r f\11tnmot1'"t' -" "" · , "·' h 1 l d m wknd n •tn•;1t 1111 thl' IHVl="E 7 1nom ofl11·e · ~ '1 ~ •1 "· Prtm•e:.s l•:clith fort•\cr, , • . .,!~~i-lo\,.it 111·;\ll 411H ~~,·;,•l~1111~\1rt~·UOG 7:~~ .11h'1·11t11rou~ adult :o.,';1.1 "11111· 11 rnnfl·n·m·t· '"' , ~10.PEH,IM\ ll!l.~hok('r&f11·:it•ollar. Pl lJLY June:!li.l,l!lilllo Nl'\\ Uctaal Shop necdll 111•1 \ 1 h I'<' 19!1 :!ltJ:\ lrh·al C1•r .t<'t't.,111nt.1111,., Xlnt :1vm & f 1111 o1wra M42·\lt:JO JUnl·~hl, 21176. helµ. • 2 llr. rrph. 1frp'. hlln,., "kda)o; · · t•o ntr.i<"l •ll':o. snit 11111 111m c .. 11111 all ~car 11111ml . . . -Top WaJ!<',. paid. F:ngan<· ltfffi: ok '\n du~i. ~20 '17'-') I I Apartments F\imished •.1-,•.1 ',''-"'I "l(';lllOll ~l'.11" !ii :o;hort l.OS1 Hl.1l.·k h•mall' .ral. \Y .·1 II l r I' Ill a I c c r c \\ Sleunwr,,. enl!. paanl~r:oi, ... ~,· 1·.1<.'".1~," ~. '" -ir. 1)0(1. 1t.1r.a~1· '""' 3 lei s I u d 7 "" "'' n "I k 1· orUnfumished 3900 h1nir.., \.:1 11:11 1:!1111 · ~r.,u · JlY!: ass nl Re m cmlwr. so. Pacific, buffers & µolti.hl·rs. up--·::....ir.~.__B.AU ~;~.'~1h:1~::1h.5-ltl:l3i0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1501 w~stcliffDr. & 11111 ... CdM 6<10037i luxury saa llnJ: y:ac:hl holstcry :.h11mponeri.. ~GU Tit~: E:\.l'ITl'\C; \pa1tmcnt m.in:al(er t Hl•v.,u·il Sharl'l''<P Wrtknd •70!1. t•hcck oul. pkk·UP & de· \t•\\ flOrt F11aanr1JI 1'11 h I er n l I r -.. unit -----1· A I :-.1!'.ir hl'111 h ~llio I br. EXECUTIVE PALM MESA APTS ''"1 \ 11 ' 1 11 '• 1 U;ialy l'tlot l'U Bu:.. 151~1. avcn· PP Y at :, APARTMENTS l 'h1ld ok FL'" \11 .'.'.:l '1'1 ... S."I o "'T. Leasi"C) Offic e Space .ulull Mm1>ll·\ Ill llunl l.llllt . Ap!'1c•111 I oocllc Pup. CM Ci 'l2f2t 20sV II arbor Bl CM n:lr}wlor ~100 ,\( .1111 llt'nt ·"'· !'>411·~:170 RENT AL SERVICE <'<all on !'.ah• \1,111.1,1!1•1 lkh Fn•« ·•Ill ., l't'lt't•n malt"'. \ ~llow c·?ll;.1 r. Va(' • . . . ' ' -----MS I0311 • J Hr ~:UI Home:1. aµh. 1·11111111" 11~·11 c71'1Jh l2 :11111·\I /Iii tagl' ol ;:rn" •l·nl Writ llr•inkhur s t :<.:'.r~ielcl, i\nyonc oHf'rtng inrorma --- 'Furn ur L.nfurn 4 Blocks to b e ach 1-'rom $400'mnnth ll.1dl 1&2 llH 11.111\ l'tlol .111 ;:720 I'< llll tk\\urd .. H.>l 2'.11" lion. rt•j(a1 tl111~ th<• 1m·I· .\utO!>.al.c~ 2llr,1h;1 ~LO 2 br. pa1nlt>1I. clrapes. 673-7601,A<Jf. from:-.1•1.1 ('nron" l>a•I :\la1 . ll••v.I\ llt>\ l~t.tl. ''"lJ ,\h-.,.1 Founc~Eng hs h ShN•p. dt-nl. wlwrt' a wom11n ALl101M\lll:'llF.I '.' .\1l11lh, 11111wh <'rPl". I ha. i,:,1:. '>love. --·H \dull ... '" l'1 ·h tlt•t·ur.1tct.I ol 111·1·, 'I \\fl Ca 'l:!li:!li lloi:t. F •mul<• ,\pprQit 2 wus slrut•k tn th!' r.1u• al l'AHTS , t;JI .. : llllhM dthl'il llJr :'l:n pel~. m Ea~tblurf 2 hr, ~ ~ h.~· l.1•11\lc·'a1>1 \\tth o\\n h.athr m '"1'' ~r:. <I c;rdn Grove/ lletl & Apple". 1.1'-l Sun .SAt.ESPEHSON ~ hlli li.lllh ch1ldr1·11 ~ 1;, & d1•1>1Ji.ll. cnrl. . .:a~ .. 1\d.ull::. SJj,., , ., lllk' 1-:l~~'ci'\ '''" t10rl ~~·~~:f.'~~'.~·~:;~~ •1• ;~1 in BEAUTY SALON W , .. , m 1111 :. I e r u r ca clnv, pl{'u.,1• l':tll !1112 1•2111 Al'llon sali•sl)t'rson want -l''S !"th St & I' "' 6-IC}.S~lb; ,)!!I, i~l()Cl i\n11 SI\ :o.l11l1n11 , :di l'<111mt & H.1h lilr.17 . -eel, l'Xp1·racn<·1• an aulo LJ!t<.:lbr.2 1111.nl''l~hooJ ... .:..M ~. l'(', ___ ---s 11;··~·ll ('()l(()~\11 .. :l.\l\H lll\'f'lllllf\ 111l'111tl1·d Ill ---•SHARON'S• parti;µrch·rrccl .Servll'~ C'halllrm ok l-'1wd yfl. rn1 NEW :1 Hr 2 11:1, rl'l' rm. •DELUXE• Room• 4000 ~.alt'' 11111·1·. t •·cl11c•1•cl FO l' N () HI on1ll! <•r l'urrcn t account,, 111 ... ,. c57 "177 E tbl ff ~ I 2 b • $1Ml Dix ~uih'. an11ill' ~ ' (lt"rt· \I I '1 /\SSA(' I' '"" '"" " · etc r.m Bii() 11r C:ilv ,as u " >r. a (' tJ,(lllO to '"'" 1irn·l· o Churnp:.aitnc color ftm / ·1 ''" • • • '• .:rowin~ <·nmr>.•ny 2"----- . ---11 a'11 +' II BI j~. $350. Lease. Incl. :.ptll' ma~ter ••• ••.•••••••• •• • • •••• •• ))kl(. i\ , 67!l lili(Hl 'll0,5'HI !'>\abnlll :ill flH1·r... Tt•rnl'r. Spayed & collar. 4!Jll 1221 C.:O/\.ST IHSTHlllUTOllS . r._pool. qH:-.. drp~. !lll8S700r\'s suite. din rm & dbl Slrl'JllllF(rmsS60·SI05 mo. '\l<•VAY l:".\l.S'IMEN'I Vil'ofr llurbornr Bake r. (714 lSIU704i3 piu\ehnit. No C'h1ldn•n or _ .::.:_ --gara~e . J\ulo donr .'\ll ~I. wk. Sh1trr kit1 p Q BOXES pels.$200mo.22<l51-'t:a S200 •llp.Lainr l &2 nr. opener 8 ._;1111. Pool & bath. Shown Mon Sal lrandNewBldg. L'OHP (7\<llll lZ 7tKI SI005!1:lor5·1ll·ltl92. • • nyon Ur 113,11:1533 1'111>1Adult:..110 p1•ls . Nr recreation lll'l:;,, Adulh "<1nly" C:.111 aft lµm. Orrii·t's walh prl\ Mt>~ FOUNI> hlk re,;;.tle Lab f R t 2 l,."" l'pts. dt µ~. end iw~ .. 2!!J 15th St. Call only. No pets. ltl'l~i9n•"\1. 1i~li·005ll or hath!<. 45 l:t>nl:; a sq fl. !11' c;1n:,\T \10\I ,\. "Ill' or l'oinl~r m C.M. area. Or en ~~1 L''-', k ... 1 536·7315 86,5,\migos Way Ml!· M <'ludlllS:: .utihlie ... :JIM) (i(JO Bc1•1' & Wine oll 'Jlc !179-@98. 631-0727 Cl. "''"" n .,o c ogi> -u <I h ~<I ft 11na1s 64~ 29711 ... anul(e Y -'torr Full ft'<I un .. i11 -_ -,. . -2 ~ 3 ~ir u11ts. Cf'lS. drps . Gran a<ln Mgmt Co llqO~s S-!5 wk lll) with Roy McCardle 1'111111111: n<'itr "''" l>:tl:a l"OUND· f-'c".'• Bl~<'k Cat, Personal S•rvfces 5360 ~·to Srno I hr lrlr., l-11m1ly welcome. Call ----• k11cht·o . s:n !10 wk 111> Realtor 1810Mewport ,11•11111nal ;,ou i·a'h ,,. :0..111mc:s~ .. m1x. ll11thlund ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1 .. ,ur 1 It "·ro , 11flt•r7prnts-IO·:l2::?0 ·paciou!I nl·w 2 & :1 :ipts f>l>l 'li5f>orlilf>:l!lfi7 C t M 548 7729 7 1 lk 11 & Norll1ni;:ham. NU. •• ""' l' a1 u ~. ..... rt• .>. · 2 b , os a esa -R•~lcr. 1 t w ii an to c f'rct• lap rP11dtnJ: du~~cs 64:1-45:111. 2:Ms N('wpnrl ni-: \l'llWOnll Al>TS Bdrm~. .it h ( 11111\~ Slt•c•ptni,: 1'10 p vt bn .h11\ ltcdut•1•cl \o ~10.000 5-"4·1>4~1:1 ___ cverv Tiit"'· l1>m. C.lll ~ l.~1·lhr,cl111an1trm,A c. arros~ ~t•mocean r.ont 1•1t)lllcl da~<i· S2f> wk' Jlld lt.'rffi!! to i;ull <.;.lllFol'N D \:-ng well 4UliJ05.~11rt lipm -d~hwhr. Jot'unl. pool ~ewclt} recreat1onaldc llunt Hc.1ch •u;i 171 !1 CIJ~I 3SO to 11120 :Ill rt C'urt , Aurrc•lt ltl.,ill.Y tru111·~~pr1n••crSp .. nlcl. 2~r. 1ba.11moll W,111. to \elopment. !mmeu. 1~ -A t:. newly dt'corated. ll42 52tl0 ~ " .. w ~tn):. Arlult:. only, no pet!!. cupanc}'. h•mll1c" & 1-'11rn Um." k1tch l>rl\' Ma.'ilers.Brkr,f.73·4120 . n~).(ood hom~:_4tl6-4217 ~..:=! • .. li75 W i2 S200. llG2·l800 pets accepted. $.135. up ~1t~s1on VicJn Arca. . ---"'OUNO t h L· t -~---675 •911 B kr lf y N ... A St rr I •. E b Bo I Prl .. I ns .-{' ll'r YI(' ••••••••••••••••••••••• AYON Heed &~tra $ $ To Make Christmas Merrfer1 F.urn ahoul $-10 cm l'\'tr y $1110 y11u ~di J ., :1 n t\ Vl>N Hc1Jl'l't!Cnl.1ll\1' Sc•ll bcaullful ,.,afli-. Jl'wclr). rosmctl c:~. 111 nrl' I 'II s how }OU ho". CQIL S40·7041 or Zenith 7·135\l D~ .. _t t 38~6 $175 II() I br. Singles ok. .... r · • 5$k.i 05119 ou ecu · a l'1 "' 'Ila u 111uc m.c Warn{·r & Grnham 11.B School & """'rvtft & Beochcomber rec SIS -· l"urnashed Orftl'l'. rull N n . loc. SIS.000 + tn· S4r 8329 ' . S ·~•)••••••••••••••••••• 631.2011 54j .250l 0 NewportShore~.2br.2b1tWrkiotrem. Christian. kit THE EXECUTIVf: ventory.6Hl7S5eves. !.:._. --lnsfnlcffon 7005 S ·n -11 bl · EJ •. Jge 2 br. 2 ba. frPI<'. 879 l060 ' dplx. A\'all Nov 15. $315 prvl'I(. slcp'l lo b('h, N.B. SUITE. Rent includes L 0 ST : O o ch shun d ••••••••••••••••••••••• llA~Y ITTf, ' rl' A ~; dr~sing rm 1\dull8 + I mo .. yrly.fl..16·8473eves SlSO 67S·li 0tl. 1>45 2223 r1timc recept.. phone & RESTAURANT "Brownie". Vi<' Pleasant 1?"'111l· .needed f~r.ou,r -t~.c:nogrr', 1-·1on,1 .S28,5 Nr O<'nfrnl. ocn \'U, su11-Sl80.l8r.1\rlulh,nopets Guest Home 4150 mall i;ernl'e. Ulal & I.orated on Newport VkwSt'hl.1111. 8120169 IEAIARTENOlR )rolddaug~tcr.1/f,.trt· ~ & wutu pd l.lti 7:r7 I dt't'k, lll'Wer 2br, bltns. 1•"< Placentia .,. ... 2rO't jnnhon;al Sf't'\40<> & ore Bo.v lh net. Ideal ror arts v.l.1l.\8 Hcword. '·'ull or ()9rt·t1mn, ~ .. ~01!~~. c II p () H ch • .......,____ ....... In Valley lJ 34 I 1efr". lnllr>'· ix-> ',,..., "'"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 'l r " ,..,,,.. .,,... l'pt .. 1q:i-., ,.. askoboutdasi·minl equip av.111 • r"pnrl coupll.'.0Wnt>rv.1lltratn --Be ready to work a~ 0 ---- hhc1. nut lo, oar. ~6S -r\ t rm~. lov1nJ;t rarl'. <.:entt•r fi-lll !'>liO 0 11·k l':l, rk l't<>t·.1urnr1t LOSi ~1lky 't'nr Ans. lo •••o•••••••••••••••••• "' "' ti I d I ' proll'ss1onul bortcntln an BAtn SI l'T ... H teach<'r i,... • Married udlts. baby ok. Beautiful spnrious tux· u .u1<·t> diet'. O\'l'IY Akr fi73 i:J.~ "S'"'' Vi<' Wariwr & t Wf't•k J"rt'(• joh plut'l' nei•cl.,, muturi' lovio" Z.ur. l Ila. 2 Hr 2 llo. up !'>.'lli·2t:ll . un'nu" Studt'o Apt. Lr" p11tlo111rdn<i~M~33 IHO ~11 ft ~ana:lt• ollll't' 1'.1(' Ccmsl II\\) I01:lG ,. ~.. l k d .. b • .. ,. I I 1 I I ··-1-s1 w-....... d so I 0 inent ..... !ll!ilall<'c \\'UtnUtl fo1 Ill .n.1 bub.\ ra op s, nQ 1 11 •• ,n y paol. rose i:urdcn, \'Cr) V atl R t 1 4250 ·'''" 11 ~ Pl .tsun '"r --...... vnTI1 7 p ~I ~ 1 00 H cw .1 rd .. 4 pl(•:te nr . Malt•~, DELUXE . .. ... h oc Oft en o s ""'nclan1<" 11 II. SllO mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mtl 22711 Amrrkun Rnrtc•ml1·r~ 101\M :!P~I. rt-r's rcq'd . :nr. 2 Br.2 Ba.frplc,cnclosed private. ,,ear i:as ton ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8'172531 ANTt::I> \lahl<• tux Sl'ht1t)I t:allnfl21'\l.4'14·253'l 11 aaraae, areal locution Jslnnd. Young J>Cr!IOn on· Lu'<urlt•Ui', (urn vtlln on nrac•1,. .. or u,..•01111111. ()n. FOUNO. On llarbor & IHM E. l7th St. SA ·1.1...61...,. I h 111..0 " " ,. ly 759 0077 S"' FT " • " •" ,. S.'l4 l!JtiO 8abysllltr ".1ntc·cl. JI t )'r .-.,....., .. .,,.on eac ~"' S2'7~JTio.8.J7-2622 · · Su~11lit11 n1•11<'h n<•nr •576 .,, por1unitit·~rorexiiun'llon 20th, C.M .. 10121, !lmall • old. Your home, 5 Jay~. ,.,._,•••••••••••••••••• DAl,BOA PENINSULA l'ucrt:1 \':allrtrla. ·• lir'.\ I fTH VLY• by <'<> opcrotlvc 11grel•• blnek mule .dog w /Lan -C.M. area. 556 0710 · .. IRAHD HEW• Vacant 3 br, 1 ~ ba, patio, 2 Br.1 011. S.135 mo. ho S.W(I ~k 731 3777 VERY SllAHI'. 2 PV'f mcnt or mrriter or cut· marking~. tnmmcd. no Jolts Wanted. 7075 ----- 1 Br $22S mo. 2 Br $275 :=t&lra. 141l Ah•bama 645·63trl Ot'C S & RECF.PT. WET ris.iht C':ish or ln~lullmrnl collar "94·12.'lT ••••••••••••••••••••••• 13AUYSITTER. P 1Tlme ~ ,dlx 11 pt11, t1pn('lous 008.'l Rlfttali to Share 4 100 S A R • P V T H A • p11r('h11!>.I.' ol c hallenging ---VacaUon mother will nre In my home, o\'crniahl I, xlnt tocolinn nr Huntf!MJfon Bllchelor Park Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• STORAOEltM nn~uunts . Cotn)l<'t•·nl, foryourhome &Ch1ldren 2·3d11ysututlmctwlcco oihJnl(1on Cntr . ouch HorbOw 1142 Pertly rur n. $25& mo Shart•,upcrll n Twnhsr, !M;25~17 rompoteriit'd firm uble IFYOU while you're :away month 7y1 ohl.Cull J t•rf Btvd f l'~dlnaer Ave <'On·••••••••••••••••••••••• C:'lllSS6·<M21 lla m·9pm "Jllr.il str. cuntem rurn, lo handle the mo"t Drives. Ex. rrf. 6450514. Mur'lt.' cir l\Jrbera '¢Dit'nt to :1hpp'g & rwy:c ll.ACH YEARLY w c• t I> 11 r , f I r e p I , r•1uu 1'.;,ecut1vr11 Sulleo;. sophlbtleatcd "t u:itlon htvf' a service to offer or 161 0065 rnmpkin., rlyi;, 11:13 O.\f'll, ~ 4990 Nl•W Condo. I br, Ot'l'lar\ w11sh dt) 1•1 , l~ hr p 256 :-q ft v1c•w <>fc All Sn nr Cent ml oranQC a~ to i:.ell. plll<'r nn 11d ,1ft ti. li75 ;,m1 -~ v I e \4'. Ir PI c .. poo I. Dix 3 Br 2 tl•• UPl><'r dplx <'ntr P' t bu SlllO Incl uUI, i,('n.accs. ,\1rport TowN l'ount)' art'U prda•rn-d l n I h l' 0" II)' P II O l F,•m;al~· Country We!itl'rn Hit~ wml'lhinll tn a.t'll J ocu1g1, l1•nn11 (2 13 l <><'n vu fr t•nrl "un1xm h. !ilr mull', 21 3S Art 6 pm Pl.lua. 2082 l11< hl'll'ion call '92 \12.'t or wnte F' ClaS11IOcrl Sc:'l1on • SlnMtt would ltku to JOtn Sc•ll 1han1>1" ra11t with Daily Cf!(11,lr1N1 ud~ do It v.t'll ~ 1715 1475 _. utll f\4S 5374 tlfl8 032tl lr\'lne iS2 OZU O llo'<l.3 San Cl<'m<'nlt' rh Rf' 642 SGi8. band 646·:l635 f'1lot W.int Ali., • I t~J-IPA -,.. ... ._ u , . • --OAIL~PCl.o/ ;a:. Friday, OctOf>er ~ 1978 Add it ... Build it ... Dlaper lt •.• Hammer lt ••• Carpet I it. •. Cement it. .. Wire it ... Hoe it ... Crean it...Move IL.Press IL.Paint lt...Nail it ... Ptaster lt ... Fix it ... SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb lt. .. Patch n ... Pl pe It ... Remodel u;;.""I Roof it. .. Lelndscape lt...Tlle lt...Trlm lt ... S@wit.:.. Haul It ... Add it ... Plant it. .. Alter It ... Learn It... ~A-Room .-. • • Mllldec) '-... : Senke ~-..:......:._ .._., J......... ~"Mt • Palnti.g/Paperiftc) . • • ····--············--··••le•••••················· ................................................................................................................................................................ . AddltJons.rei:nodel1, reu ff ltFCABlNETS • UOUDAY Sf,'EClAL EsPC"d HawUan 1atdener. Remove cemrnl, HJ)balt,~omplete J~ nltorial MOVING? Lcl2Expr'd •C1JSTOM rAINTlNC * 10 •,:. olf w/ad. P lumbing. pricing, auperlor KJlchco, balh, ~tonae. Shampoo or Steam Yd deaau111. trlmmlna. dirt, tr~. etc. Fr est tcrvlcts: carpt\1, up· cnoa1noveyou.011n HI QUAJ.JTY·L O wtr •va, ltakl, balhri» worlunensblp, avg, 6(1 Re~•. Contra ct ors a.aoed. J Rmt, Hall or prunln a. Lt rtaul ·c "2 2lez,a Uc/tru1rd. holster)', wood, cork, all ..... 3'&$5&-12'45 mu. RATF.S encl. Rea1. '32·2468 day compl. Uc. f3l1'45 welc. o me. !151·307' & bath SlS.95. 5'.1·3547 It Ms.a?. 11.&...a..-a....-a-tiles floor. Local rers. . Call RrUC'c 546--0720 eves Pl bi •. H• ... •I 750-&SSI 531HMl 5S'M'308 ·~ 4111-3721, Skip. Frltnd.Jy Moving C.O. Eff1 um DI • "'-i\ n1 -i.-~•des of Green• Yard ••••••••••• ••••• ••• •••• clent friendly service EX.PERT PalnUni . lnlr & ReJ>!*lr. No Job too sw,all ~ ~-~-=-· ., l'-'ateriwt Cuo.. Royal aervlce.wantaREALLYCLEAN 1 _ ...... _.,._, Low'ut poss t a\u F.xtr. Free eat, work C&ll:Davenport751·98'11 •••••••••••••••••••••••re•••';•••••••••••••••••• I-•••••••••••••••••••••• down to ••E.J1b" prices! HOlJSEr Call Gingham ••••••••••••••••••••••• 847-0902 auaranteed. 00 -0295 • • Babnlttlng my home. MlNORHOMEREVAlR ~lng a P11rty? Ott· 64Q.t485 • Girl. Fr~est11,tw5-S123 txpr'd Landacupers. p-•-"l-/P~ P.v'-~~~B~:~~~~~':is~~ Mon-l"rl. Co1t11 Meaia/ Carpentry Plumbing & ti n K M u r r i e d T Sprin.lller1: Jnst1.1JI & ~· _ _,, ..,... .. ., ' ...., • G Gl.t'-Nwpt8ch arcut. S31·237f. Ceram ic The 540-~ Pro{e:1j11!orull barteodlng. tabeltero & Sons. Ex pr Jloosecleaoln& By ANN pair. ConcrC"to & brick ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• .. • services. • ~~Y ----------1----------t '92·514$ cardeoer. 1''r est&, re· E>.periencedw/refs. work &U-m78M:1loot: ralol·Rep;air·3S yrs In 1_M2_·93_1S_. _____ _ DAB,vSlTTlNC.My hom ~-r--•Stnfce ~ _ "/C __..._ asonablo. '4G·46S4 aft 493-06110afler5pm · . area, workm<1oi<hip ASPHALTRErAJR~. T••l.i-l.,.tr • Lato t'oreaL Any shttt .••••••••••••••••••••• ~ one........ 4pl'J\, ALL PHJ\SES l(Ullf. T11kc udv11nt. ot my ~ •••••••••••••••••• • 768-8:508 ""'ampoo & steam clea~ ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• South Coast Home & Of. Sprinklers. turf. J>l&ns, CXP"r 536-7056. . ,.,.. ----------r.,· c 1 b · h e . O:llotrador Cuatom Expr J ap•nHe atardener. lice Cleanlnti Service. etc St3telic~397<& · ~ CANOPY TV SVC CO • ..,_., Sen lee !~·l : 0°: Pt ~g 1 ~en m'"r ~ work: color." au:regate. Com pl maintenoance & Reliable, u hr's. 547-4281 cau ·Mlle hell 545-1588 PETERS PAlNTlNU ~ c:::i tst !Wle Scrvlc.Q ••••••••• •••••• ••• ..... bleach. Clcian liv r m din abo roncrete cul Ung. All cleanl$, rr est/reu lilro f'-· 1 __ , Expr'd re as. rat~. free at Fair Pncca 960'1633 DOOKKEEPlNO "hall sis A ' work g uar. L lc'd, 751-193'7 ..,..seceamng&Duildina MCISOfW'Y est.CallGencM2·0458 CaH631·2440 Tt'ffs.t'vlce ·.•·•· All phases bookkeeping, rm • vg rm bonded insured 492 3728 Maintenance. Very ••••••••••••••••••••••• . It C stalements, puyroll. etc. $7.50, couch $10, chair $5. • • Ron's completegatdenlng reusonable. 5S9·JS32 Fireplaces· Planters Point YOW' Cadftt Ornnfole Co. Aspha o. ···~··••••••••••••#•h <t yrs. exper. w/ CPA's, Guar~lim petodor.Crpt LEONITE CONCRETE service. Reas. rates. • \. , 8rlckc.oncrclePnllo AvrgExtrl.Sty$345 Removals , trlmm'1"• L~/ 11mall ac<.'ts. 962,8290 repair. 15 yrs expr. D<I ST AM P l N G. Cob· Npt, C.J\f, H.B. 541l-4987 No Time ~or tlous1:~urk. · B.loc}( Walls BBQ Pils 2·Sly ~/Jntr $4Srm Plano Ir Organ pr\.lning, free est.~~ -=--------•work myself· Refs blestone, brick k tile 4·8pm. Cal~ Us. South ~o~st Rer, EBts646-0464 Prkesincl mtr'l/lubor T•ncJ 6485 Fullylnsun.'<l. 642·~ ._,.Ii Auoclcrtes· 63 l·OlOl. patios, etc ~349 '----~-• Home/Office .cleaning Gunr, insrd, free est. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ' · Business Services ,..A. l M lllJ _.a1 ~•ec:es • ,M7·428l Free c~t. Slumpstone. tilt>, T'"od 636-7085 or 552·013 \ •ORGAN TUNING* Trimming-& remova 1'1 thl St l ..... rpe ao w ay yours~ ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• . blockwalls brick plan C Roo yng exper-. indlvidua l nco:'cT!x a cm;nta J or ~ioe. ~ep~lrs 4< ;.~~~·.:;~;~-;-~·~·•• •Handymtln&Qlrpe;ler Experienced lady seek_~· ters. Quality work at Tl!: Painting. lnt/i-;xt. Lie Allen· ono· g~rs Reas. Call Darre •Twc Plannln" ?rol dea!1Jog too .. Cuar wor_k LEE M. JAR'S ·. '• Anv .,! All home repairs. day work. fle!erences. , as pnces. Dob 750-9354, #25-1931. Ref. t~ree e11l . Newport Organs 645 1530 645--0118 ; l2A o d "'CM utbiggersavlDgs.Fresl Addltioos&0 e--te"-g .,..rrcl?esl 548.0449 • 968·S9SlbtwnS.30·lOpm 900-3953 Work gaur Won'l.be "'n·Pt-L--/R•poir · ·1 .. ., r o a way 64S·3646 '' •• ..... '"" • · · -.. • • r -~ 1nmmJng, Remova s, 642·0511 -962-5573 ~!~c;l170i>V • .... CleanflWI . derbld. An. 6pm 968·0887 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pruning Re~k ----------1WeCareCarpetClcaners ··~ 8lock, bnck, slumpstone . . PATCH PLASTERING D '631·2898 Bkpr/typing Span· En& in Steum clean or shoampoo *•George Pilmer &Soos Healhtg 645-7918 wal~s & planters. Expert-E?'Prl r:unting & Paper-••ALL TYPES•* an, • hm, 1.1lso ans calls for sm Also Upholstery·All work Adds/Rmdl/Puint.JPla.ns ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ly rnstalled. !I peel ally 1ng. ~us tom work + Free Est . S40.682S Wlndow CfeClfthtg bus. 642·6101. guar lt!!rs/MC fr est 81·109669 S57-693~ Hauling/moving, cleanup ltousecleanm.:, reason:i· priced. Coll Bob 536·9906 matenals, 25 yrs expcr, · .. •••••••••••••••••••• Rea~ Rates 645.371;; G .... _ _._ S7/up. Treework. Reas, ble rat~s, 1lo heavy mov-or63S-4384 references • .kichard. VERY NEAT PATCH Clear Vlew W I ndQ arvw~ · fast.freeest842·4597 ~.g,ref s.060·4868 ---900-3361 JOBS&TEXTURE ~lassHled ads sell big Don't drop the ball! Get a ••••••••••••••••••••••• The fastest clraw in the Free Est. 1193-1439 Washing & Housecleo Jtems, small Items or Jobwilhalow-costOaily WEEOJNG·CLEANUPS YOUHAVElTREADY Classified Ads sell big West. .. a Daily 1'1101 Try a Dal l y P i lot --Ing. Quality worl ,any Item. Just call Pilot Cl assified Ad. -Complet.eMaintenance l'U..llAUL!T AWAY Items, small items or Clas:.iricd Ad. f'hone ClassifledAdtobuy,llcllSELI. tdlc items with a Guaranteed. 642·1334 1 642 5678 Fr Tl M 8 6306 67J.Sl30 eves & wknds _ · · Phonl' 642·5678. ee est 642-9907 54 • any item. 642 54i78. 642-56711. ~e~methlng. Daily Pilot CJassified Ad. --------- Hf.Ip Wonted 71 o~ ...., w.t.d 7100 Help W•fed 7100 Help W•ted 7100 Help w~ 7100 HM, w ... t.ct 7100 Help Wa.ted 7100 .wp wanted 7100 Help W•ted 7tOL ................................................................................................................................................................. ········································~~·· BABYSITTER ed d h 0 Deliv'ery & misc. Full S WI PRl ... TING T e a c h e r ne Lei t ~ CAI RIVERS time, long brs , hard i;-ashion. Minded ~omen, .HO~ E YES \fi:mt Tme, perm. Earn " boo I . 'c· 17*.. MenorWomen work gd pay. Call A&L fanlasllcoppor.Substan· P/llmCJObS, ncxiblehrs Sl7S·$200 wk t'uller PRESS OPERATOR !SC('eamng Ir ex ·· M tbe25 er • nd Cl t " l . "th t hil k"ds . h I . F idl vrs + 1 bab·y Rer!I us oro\' Firewood & La ear-1a c:arn1n gs w1 ~u w e t arc u1 sc oo. BrushSule-s,S54-78M. or rap y growini: R~taurant ' FAR WEST SERVICES .... -w ·,,d .30· · · Apply In Person ing. (7 t4)646·2887. neglecting your family. Apply, Del Taco, 25252 ----shop. Xlnl benefits. 4 ee .. ys 7 · to 5 · Y.tlow Cob ----Full or p/time. Unlimit· Lu r a2 Rd, Lug Jliilll. NURSES AIDES Day work wk. Exper. re· Now interviewing For: !140-385!1. 11251 Sl ater Avenue DEL! ACO ed chance for advance· /\11 liharti:.. Ex per. prer"ci. q'd. E.0.K 493·8122 ext FouotalJ\ Valley 1;/ccds K1t.chen Help. ment. Car & phone nl'e. Inventory but will tram interested 33. ... COFFH SHOP BANK ING i----------1 P/t1mc posallons avail. C:ill 963 7470 for appl. Perso~ parties. 646-7764. ---------1 BOOKKEEPER CAllPEHTERS J?:iy help. $2·50 ~r . Poi;itions now op('n for LidoConvalescenl Ctr P it Sales. $40·$70 wk up. MAMAGEM&l'T TIWMEES IOATS 631· 1831 1720 Superior FIGHT INFLATION invl'ntory takl.'rs. xlnt 1555 Superior A\<'. NH !'l!t!O, ladies, students. Co~i1a"c~&':c~~r~hton Min 1 yr exper rt?Cfd. Ave, CM Add eltlra money Lo the startin~ sal;iry wirapid ---Eves/Sal 554·7851, Jrvinc National Bank Must have own tools & DENTAL ASST. family budget. Local increases ba:.ed. on ac· NURS~..S , • _839_·_7696 __ . ------ For-Coco's &SnackShops •:·~ Apply in person Tues., Wed. &Thurs. Nov. 2, 3, 4. · Lransp. Top wages & xlnt With orthodontic ex per. Amway distributor well l'uracy, uva1l.ih1hty, & RH s-LVN s·Aades Renl Estate Sales --·8l3-·37-(l(•l .• fo;.· •• o •.• 1-; •• _.,. benefits. Apply toSecuri· F/time. 5-18·2291, N.H. lrain. b'73·4:~ _ cJcµcndabihty. Early & To~ puy 1-:xµcr 'd need • ----------• ty Guard, Wcslsail Corp, ----------1~:irment cutler for Wet latl' mornini: uvallab1lity on r uppJy. CC1nv & acute JOIR #1 Belwn9am&4pm · At The Regional Office, 881 Dov~ Drive, Suite 13, Newport Beach. . , Equal Opportwdty E mployer .. BARMAID Wanted, no ex· 275 McCormick /\ ve, Dental Chair Assist. Suit mrl! .. ex per or will an a~!lct. C'alrulator or 10 lac1htv pl:.i<'cmcnt. # l 1 Sol ~r. nee Lil Agi;ce's Bar, Cm.ta '.\le-;n. Newport Beach Lra.m. i\ppl.v 9.12 Mon· key exp. helµrul . but not MonJon Nurses " •s :!_!.B.847·54!1_.____ C ;SHIER 646·4801 fo'ri.8.'rlW.lRthSt.,C.M. nce<l·lc~s. \~c .w1lll tr:.itan& Recjistry !ll;ftl LAldsti~rtsl I "' . OiSilWASHF.H want..:ll - ------u nmenc;i s uq~cis 63l·l313ortel:1·23tl5 tr " ve • '".'9 BEAUTY STYLIST Male or fem. pllime, ru·ghts Tue·Sun. l\pply in GNerol Office most s ucce.ssful rnven· ---H1Mtti.J.6on leach ·Help W•ted 7100 Hdp W•tH 110! ..... t do l~tcst trends In d & bt A 1 • to'"" Ao ""l '"'00 N "'"d '".t' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,...., ~ ays nig s. PP. Y person, Mano's 320l E. Permanent. part·time. 'J'" • 0 ' ..... ---1i1rses "'' es f:ountoin Volley , . ~.~;~~.styling. 837-42.SO , noon .Sp m ' nob b I e Cst Hwy CdM :\tu Ill Million Dollar l'Orp & Orderlies UnlicensL'<i or h<'<'ns<.'d. SALES • SECRET ARY __ -------• McCee't1 Conglomera· ' • staffing n ew ore in JANITORIAL F.xper. rrcf"d. Uayview Free 15.cJuy "Quick· Comrniss10ft Safes G c n e r a I 0 f, BOAT BUILDlHG tron, 673·5380 Terri. DOCTOR'S OFfo'ICE I rvine . Need <' n . HELPERS l'onv 1111:.r. 20:;5 ·1 hurin Start" tra1nrnlo(,pr<11:ram. For the •aggres11ivc & responsibllltles, safe & REPAIR Cashier , the:iter. Day BackOfc, will train: Typ-lhus1utic • p os iti ve ;\\'C. C\I 642-:1505 Call Monday Fnday pers on;1ble .. $000 t o dept. Rosan, Inc, 291ll 'l'I hr A 1 . Ing nee. Neat appear . 4 minded people to In· N . B a rl' .1 II e IP<' rs ask for Bev ask for Bill $1000+ llt•la1I lt•athcr C!lt Jfwy,NB E .O.E .. !\lu:.t l>c t·xper'rl w/paint " 1 t. • PP '1 in pcr!ion, Day/wk. Start $315/mo troducc inexpensive na· neC'ded to perform\ :mt·· "A"·:.15Cl4 ... 32 ... , •• 40 storl'. Man;1gen<al poten· ---------&ft·•rr~ntr.' 89.2 """5 709 E. BulbOJ Jllvd. "'a"""6 II k od tyordut1"e.s·1 e sweeµ1n" ~ " .... l /\ 1 T '"" "' ·' """ .....,""', · l1ona Y oown pr ucts · ' ... ....URSES "'IDES TARBELL li;.• rare\•r .. 111> Y . an· SECRET"'RY..·, • ----Balbo.1. --f ~ F k cll'UntnC restrooms. pull " "' \V l .,.,.,., J' t J ""° ~ BOATEHGIME --C"S--H-IE_R_S ___ 1DON UT Shop Help . rom&urtohc. ~ce Pj'-~ · ill!! w cl•ds •"'-ot ht>r i\C'ctk<l .11 J11.1nt1ni.;ton 5cry C cs• ·Pl .nsCoM Typing,shorlband.~•\in l ... STALLERS "' pill me PM !1h1rt. ~o ex 1111~ ' to er cd•nc 1 5.' dl'unun wcirk -10 11r .. 1icr Vallcv l mw. llo:.p. l\pp· tn:.\LTORS .,.?9· ,,.,1°3 3st ;i7 a' exp. nee. X I nl Co Min 1"yr exper. rcq'd, Ovcr2l f thmc.Good per nee. l"crnulc, a,t.?l' ~<'i:!~ ai.l'::;~~~~c·~~~--N~ "''-'t'k"'..i:oorlb<.'n1•r11 s l y 111 1•••1·i..o n 11 3112 1':qu.ilOpp1y Employl'r .,., ·= · bene fits . Rivlex ·J!! Must have own tools & ~lne~;~t~a~~~~ 25·45. Apply In person, cxper nee. & no selling (.'alll.m:.!ltim '\\)('111 ~rwmaa'~•:i.t'~~Pl\~I B . SALES /l''ULL-1'1ME. ~ustric~ 1r:;A 301 '.ii. lrunsp Top wa.:<'s .& xlf!l 2950 llarhor DI t';\1 Mr. Uonut, 135 K 17th St. involved. Xlnt 0µµ01• ror 644-3317 tw~·en ' • ' .:.. Spec1a lty s hop. 11. B. cve1is, an na. •'' l>em•r.ts. Apply t11St•t·ur1 _ · __ C_Ol.ta _M_cs_a ud v a nee men t. C,1 II THE IRVIME CO. Real EslalcSalcs Womnn, ex per. prer'd. SECRETARY • t y Gu ar<l, Wes ts:iil CASHIERS 833·H09S. T1m1.!llfc ~Newport CtrDr Nursini: t:XJ>ANO I Nf; Real Call S.12·4234-Stock Brokerage F'it'm (;orp : 275 ;\h·Cormick Cashiers wanted for self DHAFTSMAN Libranes, Inc Equ;il Op· Newport Meach RN SUPERVISOR t:s latc Office ntcd SALES HELP Typing 60 wpm. Cut ~v~ C.:osta Mt>sa ~erv1cc A8S i>lalion. Part DESIGN por Em~oyer l\111"__ Equal Oppor F.mployer 7-3:30 Shift. M usl have per<;onnel to sell house r:irt & t'/timc help. Ex Lori. 644-9111 " ----------c limc&fulltiml'openrngs GEHERALMFG. _ _ _ a c 1.1 t c ho sp it :i I lislinAs. l\lu!.t h;m:~ t<. E. per. prl'f'd. 54r..o4!14.1--------- BO/\TS In itll areas o( Oran~c ORAflSMAN 7:30-4.540·6142,Mon·t'ti Kl'::SNEL Help. wknds & '>Uµt'n1sory C'XIJcr Xlnt l.1c PhonL· for appt. F.lej?antc Lighting~retaryforSal/Sun,on WtLLARD BOA TS County. llere is a perfect ___ ___ -P time 2 d;iys wk. Own bencr1ts. Contact Mrs . ti75·3222 <.:cnt<'r. ly. Y~cht Bkr on ba3 llWOCondoi'/\vc op Pl Y for You Will design & detail ;i5.GOVER!'lJo:SS.live in,full car. Animal (•xpcr. pre· Jens en. CosL1 Mesa VachttngAssoc.646-D!')SI l"ounl:iin Valley houi.ew1vcs, middle age, scmbly line & testini: time for 2 children. ;\lust f'd. 5-10·4234 afl 6. :'ii cm o ri a I II o:; i l a I, SALES S<.'Ct 'y. legal trainee.''E* Appheution" Deing or semi retired to supple· eqwp for production & han ? Calif. dri \'ers lie. & ---1>12·273-1 -J. Herbert cellcnt typing skills req Taken For: ment your income. For prototype. Mu st be ex· speak En11hsh. be ublt: to R E. LEASI NG AGT. Holl Jewellers Airport area. 833-~ . F•-• h C t more information Call tremely :accurate & de· swim. E1von, 768 7645 LAMINATOR.S ~JL'fo'l-ct·. . for shopping centers. No··• intcrv1·ew1'ng at So. ~~ 1'"1 carpttn ..-S Part Tim", Inc. 8"'1 "~" ( I C 11...-' r L1"c Req Bkr 0 38 t1·•c .. Ass.-.Corn.nten ---~-·-.. ""'""' ta1lt'<I . Rcq's heavy use a t.6pm. West~a1 orp. s.11 uulll J H rb rt · · ·0 • "" Coast Pla7.a location for Sec urilly Gua d f-·r~ I ot draftin1' lools. Exper, -.--manur. hu.., immcd • e e quality sales oriented Jn1med~"'" g ll MlllCorpentws Cash er/Hostess should include drafting c.ran~moth~rly ty pe vacancies for ha11cJ HaU Jewellers .. I(. E SALES pcrsonnrl. Jewelry ex· Newport Bench. n llr Enc)lntt Men ~:t1~/~~1%s~ft~yro•w~~'. t r a 1 n i n g b c yon d babysi.tter nd d fo~ 2 sch. lam111ators w nt ka:.l I !'ow mtcrv1ewini; at So. • • per. desirable, hul not per wit. Graveyard s'll'Ul f:xpl.'rience Prcrerred 4 l~a"una. hi~hschool & 3 5 yr~ ai:e girb .. Mon tri 0.ur H rxper. W\• hu\'c 01)1.•n· Coast l'laza Loe. for Free 14 doy nee. Call M!>-1370 for Uniforms furn. Wkly pa~ 0.1y work wl•ck. Year " direct expt>r. Frontier or home +.lite ~sekp g ;ni:s on the n:1wlc1r Mon f1time ofc help. ·!'lease Training Course appt. w/overtimc & paid v.at around work. Over-lime. Child Care, my home. fersxlnteo. henents. Her. requar~·cJ. (;all artcr thru Thurs !'ih1rt or 7AM :apply bct wn <!·Spm in Call for ioter vl,e \• c;uod h<'ncfits. l\lcdacal South H.U. nr Edi!>on. 2 Apply In Person ~J0.963-2%3 to S:JOPJf +a part·limc pcrsononlv. . •Personal instruction SA LES l~Al>Y, cxper'd, 213/S73·9JSO. . insurance. Equal OµIJ(lr Children. 7 & !l, l .J0.5pm Or Send ll('c;ume To: GRAVEYARD shirt Fri thru Sun saml' Offic~ Attettdant • )lanai:rment opporly's mature, f /lime. APllly in F:mµlo~er !lhiVilnl art. 5 Judy M1lel'k1 X . hours Apply to the •lo RO•;. Commission person, IJuggs lnterna· Ser vice S tation Atten ---Fronti'er, Inc. PB /Ins. ser5v. p/Stime. security guard. 275 F.:ves & wknds. Mnturc. •OnthcJobtrarnm"" tional 2().13 WestchfC r>r, dant, exper'd. Do~ ~ -------CLEANING LADY. Once . llpm-7a m. o t /. un/· McCormick Ave, Costa F/time. Bayview Manor, " N.li. • Eves. Full & p/limtt,~p lo-Lie F/C!u. f 2955 u "'i Mon. 646·8000, EOE. •t 350 W 0 1y St <.: M •M;aoy lop orfirl'loc's nly Shell Slalioo l" ~ """ Hper, • .., u week or J to 4 hours ...... "' rway __ " esa. • < • • • • .. • • 1 C>rl· 1n :'1:\0 \•fl<•tt Ctr. 4!>3·7231 Loeatedallhcencl GROUNDSMAN 642350.';. Si\l.F.S,p/time,Monthru lrv111e,N8 . , Uher:.iri<'d work ror ex· f n k St N c Fri. 5·91'1\f. No eitpcr ---------""r'd self starlcr wanl· C<lllrge or lfiiih St•hool Oo ao ecr A .. opo. ort Saddle.bajckSCollleite, Mis· Laundrv P~rson Par1 t1ml' lonl' "a it res~. nee. W11l train. S.'J pt?r hr. Service Station AU~,n r,; .. r<'SJl. Call tHO·~t>:IO ma le. h l e h o~schold ran,.e o. Ir slon Vie 0 , ·a ary range Muture. 1\Jyvlcw Conv. ex1>er prer. Contacl k111.i RED CARPET For info. Cn ll 847-72fi7. danl, experienced. Ful " rlutirs. aft school. Mon CoslaMcsa $700.$$56 mo. 7 83l·tt7oo nr l>wayne :.it Sile!· REALTORS 962-1011 . orparl·llme.ApplyNc1 thru Fri . $l75 mo +~~~~~~~~-~~ext.'l02or3();Jbetwn8·5. ~~PG.i?.Uhurin /\vi:. cJlel>ackl.anes,5116 5300. t•ordeLaibc:ill Linda SEAMSTRESS, for s:ul Station 17th ~Irvine BOOKKEEPER Westc_htr t1_re:i 640·!>.'l3S Drivers ------------tort. Full Lime. l':xp. pref. CM ' ·'i VW OWNERS GUARDS LOOKtHG FOR PART· TIME tl. K SALES Costn Mesa. ti:ll -1842 , Thru t:~nera I, ll•dit~r • Companion liousckeepcr Cotto Me10 A FUTURE? OPPORTUNITY Sm:ill :icllvc ofrice has Scrv · SI a· Sa le:lmap ~lutemenls, Al j AH. SelC W/SOl'lal seeurily. h ve In, Stock vw Bu~s & vw Perm1111ent. l"ull & pnrt· j _.. r In production d1:pl. Hr!I opening for youn~ am· *Secretaries to SI 500 Mature. Perm. Gulf ~lo rte r. s ;1 I a r Y l'ook for elclerly lady. Van!! only. Let us place Ma or corp. nc~-u!I a ew Mon noon·4pm & 8pm· bilious salesman. Iles. & •Secretories/Lfl)ot 259'Jl ~own VaUe~:fky SllOO /s lurl. CM Url'a . $!11() mo 675 1932. • on ad"on your -auto & Ume. l'hone&lransprc· good people to train IO '.,,. lllV('~l.sales.K ahleHlty. J\sst toCntrlr Sl200mo LagNig. S4!l·222l. . you'll receivr S..'lS per mo q'd, Retired welcome. management pos. in a re 4am. Tues Spm·.I JUUm. W . -------- -COM,UTOR to drive 85 vou normally Call 546·0274, ofc hrs 10·2, t;iil floor, wall & paint No ex per. nee. W1l1 tn11n. 8700 . 19th SL (;.l\I. Employers P ay All l•'ces SERVlCE STATI~M llo k ., Cl cd W .. Apply Pennysavcr 1660 646-3997 Lb~ Heinders A0 cncy· · '' 11 s CRT upcrutor, p/timc, do. Call 752·1233, ask ror os en. business. Oootl money, • ' ·-------" Needed for go a e'tu Stud.nts w/ sound acetni; hk-SteveorJoe. GU_A_R_O_S---t \Int futun-. fantust1c Pl~:_cnta.l/l\•e.C:.M_. __ R.E.S ales Ne4!~~l~~~~.s~~lOO serviceorgoniution:'(t Housewin1 & .:rounc1, \'llnl'd duties in· DRIVERS P/time·Wknds. Newport hencfits To .. ~~·ceed PAST 1-: ll P /\II T I ST TtREO OF SELLING Call for J\ppt/F..~t:tb '65 Tow Tru1·k Driver, .(1 MOOftll9ht•n C'I; Input pn:paratll)n re· "-h area. Uniforms furn. mu:.l have amb1t1on & Ftfi1nr, cxpf'r or will HOUSES OR LOTS? ------Scrvkc Attendant. t1 <: icil'oto & inri t ICross-CountryJ '"" common sen111?. Call for t . 11 1 \ljl.iO l'la . SECRETARY Member or Gcrilo1 Mdl1011 Uollar Cor p ·01 .1 nl ( u N . 11· f l Teleph & car r e q'd . appl ColorTlle 645·1127 ram: llP Y .ccn J)on't w;int to rnmancc Gcneratfonfornjgbtdu 1weds mcm ~ women of operuting. <..:ul or uµpt. 0 spccia acense re · Retired ok. 833·4693 appt. l\1 d b 9• 9 ti:i. C.:o!>la Mesa. unother housl' wait for BOOKKEEPER ty. (;heck w /our boss any ni:c who c•nJ<'Y 6400l<IO MacGregor YachtC:O•.,, ____ -----on ay Nwn.am·.pm.-----t ·ro'-> Wo k Min.r,yr~/l/lkc.exper. Jlhil "R~b" l'ttcD,,.icl lllK'aklnKw/olhcr41 &whoc00k/D_n_v_e_4_d_u_~_s_pc_r_'642·68.'lO. .~. • ----------i--LVHl·ll~JO, · PBXAns.Scrv , ~~~~;r L~a~t/'~iher/1s Plea11ant P<'rson aht y. thc11dv11ntagcsof)oi"j~f :ire '".'l'l'<I w/thr ~average wk, 4 hrs per day. for ELECTRICIAN HAIRCUTTING -Chnr~c Nurse & Medlrll· P/l shirts. Varit•rl ~r.s. llO oltcrOlll!vC. Most peo· Oiplom:itlc yel w/lots of us. Ulck Walson Ar(p l runol lhl' m1i1Jobs. rldurly person. 548-71~ Residential, top pay, • PARLOUR 1ion, f•'/time. Apply Park w /twmc. wk~ds . 1 '1111i pie would hkc u scm11bly follow·lhru & ability to Aulot:enter, (AAA} Con piece work. Supervisory .i!A8$1stanls needed Supenor, 1445 Superior whrl~ training. 6'16 HQOO I priced th•al 1-:.oetatc Ill· gel thing~ done. t!ood tract Stallon, 2355 s.• El No actual !!ellinit In· COOl(S,EXPER'D abilities. So. <:ullr. Send 67S·0808 /\vc.N H.~2.24 10. EOI',. velilmC'nt. \~c have t yping. Fomaliurity caminoReal,SanC'Nln. volved & no s\'ltmg ap· In modified diets. Also) work history lo AD. 700.I~~~~~~~~~~----PIX EXf'ER'D thl'm. You don t have to w /computer Input & Apply In Person '· poinlments. Work w/onc Oishwashcr need ed. nutty Pilot, P .O.Box Ml\11> Wanted, Seachrr ' hst &w(• furnish lends. If KOOd al or)(:111i7.atio11. /\ or thl' most popular & Ha\.•vicw Conv. Hosn, J560 c M 92626 l-1laicr Drtos~1er wasntcl d l\lotcl, 166l S. Csl llwy, ~~111werinR Scrv Oprl. you're amh1lious, vro· hard work(lr w/lols '''In· SHIFT MAHAGU ' I I t ,, __ • · · n os o •• csa a on 1 ,_. h 4nA 4892 rul & /'/time graV<'Yl . ood · 1 1. • 1 1 t 1 *· .. <!'~!... succrss u J)roc ur :c !'n 205.S Thutin Ave, C.M.1----------i ___ _:64~2·11;t'• _;:ag,~ ----s hift!>. t\h;o. ''lll l!!d Ject a I: imai.:r. oo" ' a v l' "" Ao o" Car Washer l't Ct. QVn1e th1• ma_rkrl tnday. /In m-1;.i2.asos. .-... :\l W • shifts. Julia or Carol, ing ror isomcthml! <ilr· :. c (' r ct a ri n I I.: ram · :selling expur & mecb:IW· cxpcmuve product whose EN"INEER 11 A J R D R £SS E R · ::inagemenl omen 11 ferent with >.lol poten-mallrol skills will find n Utude dl.'slruhle. ?1{@11 name is ll hou11uhold COUtO'ER HELP a W/followlng Nwpt Uch.' r';onl .. mpor~ry Clothinl(. 833·97!JO. tiul, plense ('Ontact Mr . l'hullen11i111( position C11r Wa11h, 17tb &Tl-U't,l•. word th.ruout thr-world. 1''ull & P/time. Apt)ly Del MECHANICAL /\lso makeup artist for W< A · looking for an ug· PEOPLE PERSON Knott. 549 ~62.1 w/:m xlnt fulur<'. 1;nod CM. , • ' Work an Q youthful T ., • .,.2 L p Dd I d. t' f" ~re11:.1ve person w/b11ck : --------~. nnnorunC"' n"C". (',·111 " •• • aro. "''"" n oi-;" . ea intt coame 1c •rm. ground ln women '!'! F:xec n~!I p/l1mc as· R.E.S/\l,F..S .. ,.,... " ~ >-:.J._ friendly :itmosµhcrc & 1.nguna ll.11111. For production develop. 640-60'.Z3. clothlno & occe••. • as As· soc. In wh11le sup.ply l"ul· IUSl ... ESS Judy llnuplnl 549·97ll. S lllPPI NG/Stock vn:Tk have fun while you earn mt>nt or .small electro· . ... ... ~ ly cnpltnll7.ed 673 2223 " ext 27 tor apv<> ntm<.•nt. typing & fl ling, bra top pay. You receive :.1 CUSTODIAN It mechanical assembllell. Horse Trainer M/F, for st. M u.,nng~r of our --·--·-~ · ·· OPPORTUNITIES -------7-3:30.557·4381 .,•, guaranteed snl11ry + ex· s .addleb'.1ck Colleg~, Mill· Exper. In documenta-training stable. Quarters womens dept Ill our Offer 66t,<i mor·e com· SECRETARY _.,, ~-_ ~ lrt"mely liberal com· swn VleJO, llpm-7 .3011m. lion production line & salary. (714) 338·101l. WL~tmlnster Moll store. m is sion 5 • IS h ortc r ne11ional Soles oHkc tor ~~Of .;:.; mission & bonuses. Con· ~25 Shift d lrterentaal. troubleshootlnl' & cost 244-2213 Call for mtervw appt PHONE SALES escrow!!, l!µsier listings, th 1 s W o r Id W I d c o .an er ~ lt?!;ts & other incentive. SS7711s!s9"1sr/y r :31~9!oeo reduc tio n . Degreed HOSTESS. rulHlme over TheLook.540 4500. • busier phones. lli<cltinit s munufsclurl'r h41s an ~pt~~o ~pr tf!t ·x1nt ndvan ccment mo. 0 ' englneerpret'd 1 1 ' MARINI Phone Salt'll people, rlay wccks wilh no n111ht opening fo r a sales occ re ry lci;4oo PoS!llbillties for both men cx:l302or 303 bdwn 8·5. ST"'COSWIT.CH 1...ac 21. App Y n pers'?n• EL~TRICI us ,malr or fl?m:i lc. 16 to GS work. Selflno n $10,000 secy/co ord111;Hor. Posi-General Ofl1cc lo 00 &womun~ -"' "" Velvet Turtle, S9 Fashion ""' An years or a1c. Ctuoronteed business pays you tht• tion requl re~ uccurntc Fees Pd/Al110 Fee~ DATAEMTRYOPR 11398akcrCostiaMe1a lsland.N.B. MTo l Yf cxpet. rcq'd. wages or comml11110ns. ai:cnt. mori-money'thwn typing & good telephone Jrvinc PenonnelA(l~t'J No oxper-nee. You re· NF.WPORT BEACH F.x· 549-3041 HoU9(K'leaning. Mature Must have own loob & 250 l<:u !!l 17th Sl~ct, selling a $00.000. houi;c. communlcotion sk Ills. i88 E J7tb Costa M~d ceive full pay while beln" per·d on Keypunch or Equal Opp0r Employer \romen wanted. p /Time, transp. Top wages & xlnt Su ite o, Costa M e!'a, Interested'( Experienced F.xpcr preCerrod. but we SUite224 642:."l~ trulncd1. \'011 c11n work Data11ooKeybatchtl.O~ TopS.CarnC<'.S4S..Sl2l ,U>e 1 • neflls.Apply toSecuri· betwcen 5:00&ll:l0p.m. or !'ot f'SI Corp. will will t rain the rliiht~~~-~~~~~~ morn ng or eve hrs. Onlri por to eam opera on .,.iEXEC SECRETARY for lY Guard. West<i11ll Corp, 646-422.1 train you re s t. Cill perwon. Good slllury & Study Wort For U~ 10 min, by Fwy. from n I !\e~~ob~utryir1Typ-inve.s tmenl c o In Housekeeper-Live-In, 275 McCormick Ave, EqualOpportuf\lty 549-8629 for confidential benefits. Those lnternt· dymon. Plumbing. Ehle· ~~.~~~~.n~~un~w:?t":~ ~j~4)~~·50 M am, Fash ion Island. Muat must speak some Eng .• C~taMe!a . E'J;lployc~ interview. n. t;. Lie. re ed,ple1111eapply11l Lrical, O\rptnt.ry, P¥nt· ""u-"lf to ''l l"nst In· -----·----1 have 4 Y" expor., type ,reno, n ,wanted hto cul'!: MASSlWS~ '18·2R) lc1t1t. quired. P/\otMlF S?,lRr, l(NICld. Inti. Pay $10.$12 por-J\t. JV.~... .. ' D"'YHOSTISS 6S-70wpm sh80·90wpm or ove Y new ome .. f II I I I . • •---------er.,. rum e Call 8·10am 673·2012-"• veicll!falc this unuicunl "' · S · r11mlly In country set u t me POii ton in Division -·----·----- oppor. Contnrt Jcn<'lle Harry's New York Rina Af pl)', T Mt 369 an ting O r ange area t.hisaaite. No exp. nee PLUMIERS RETAIL 28181 Acropucrlo, Students wanted P?'t'. Taulbee. 833-8098. Grill, 4248 Mart1n1nle ~iuel Dr. Sult~ 200• l.&19·9Ge.s . We lritln. <:all 540·205.'I IOATS ASSISTAHTMGR SanJunnC:apo lfH8ynold.Trant:lM>o Tlmelife Libraries. Inc. Woy, N.D. (nHr O.C. ' ' L _ anytlmc. For Jr. sport!lwear chnln F,qual 0 11por F.mployer vlded. Sales oriented. Equal Opp<ir Employer Al~rt >Apply in pc"rliOD :Exp drug atore clerk. full Housekeeper. lite. Alter· MAT UR E w 0 M AN ~~~t \1f,~e e;~r t;,~~'t !\tore. Opportunity ror .,._ . d \ George, St7·0:U3 ::t~ l\l/F l().11.30amotl·3pm. Ume l.a"'•oa Bch. Call noons. &ood pay. N.B. /l l t l advaocem .. nt. Salarv + ~cretary. Shthn "e ect TAXCONC!T""'3 -· ... · area 644 6$16 p m e o we co m e transp. Top wues 4' xlnt " .1 tyr,cwrlter Mon Fri <>vw• .oys .... D GIRLS DELI GIRL 494·7518. · · newcomers It contact benclltJ. AQJ!ly~oSc(url-comm with exper. Apply · • · t ,.." In person ha r da,y11 C. M. 642·6330. needs p rt nor. ft~ Mtsalon Viejo • El Toro Sharp. cxper 'd. 9.4, Tues Houaekeoer, N.B. area. merchants. Flexible hrs. ty Gua rd, utsall Corp, P £TRlE'S ... OTICI ~x13 t7214• Irvine;. :·A ttr ca. Earn your own Thru Fri. 497·153:>. FA.CTORYWORIC Pl-lime , 2·$pm , 2~Neetd car, Utt typing. 275 McCormick Avo, " .,41 .-money sclllnn subscrtp· Oiov1nnl Dell, L1iun1 ctilldran ( 9 Ii 11 ). 547·3095. • C.0,,\a Mesa. 10 Westminster Moll how Dally Pilot Class-•---------- " Bch. Local m1nuhc turln1 Eoallsh s pe akln1 . Wutm1nster lfied eds dlap\ay their T .. , .. ~ .. -n•So.Cl-r.-..:.• lions after school. For ln· plant 11 1 ...... lna for full mat"-0..,.n tr•"• MEN for LA Times Home-· P~rson. Itek, A.B. I h I lb I "'"' '"" ~ ( l 11830 09U """ ..... .. .... •· ,...., me!lsages wt "' 1 1t)' $3 Hr. bone •ork 41,~~ _orm1&1~~--l>ELI ll~LP. Sol/Sun, t ime ahop help . D~)"l9f...i7oS dellvcryln CostaMeu & Oldt3GOcitper Apply at o.ndlmpact?Ourads,wc llvtry. Sat ll\ru ~ed F /time. Tue11 4 II ra· Alttmator Specialties. .:ves. 646-3$tt Now Po rt B c A c b Poat al lnatanf Prc11&, SEl.L Idle Items wilh 1t arr proud to say. rnlly l·Dprn. 835-0:rU uu'3.Y. f1nd what you wont In lunch. Somo exp nee. 746 W. J7th St., CM. S2 7 5 • S3 O 0 Per mo . 25201 LA Paa Rd, • 101, Daily Pilot Classified Ad g ct r es u Its. phone -·--------- Dally P11otClaaslrleds. 644-6100 l·Spm. CdM. Want Ads Call 842·S6'78 541M740_ La11 Hills 642·5678 &42·5678. Want ad resultll 6424MI ·--.. ~ .. • • I • I ". - .. , . • .. .... _ _, .. ~ ... 1 > F· ,_ ._ _ .. , -_ , • --'--11" __ .,, .. _ _ .......... _ ... ~ ... • 8010 ~ .• ~.. • ... .. _. • , • _ .... r 9040 Motorcydc1/ • -...,.-. · • · -• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••-••••••••·-· -••••••••••••••••••••• I, d•••.. 1015 ,....................... Scoota • t I SO • w-.a.......1 7e-· :& -IOI --... 1010 ..__. -QUEEN S.i ••\tr -.CONGLOllERAT1' ,. tcwe .... 41eofa~-. .. ••-•••••••• -n •e.yBollt •CJ1-•••••-••••••••••• .. H•· -...... -........ ieMe•••••••••••-••-•; -~;;~-;.~ .. ••• .. ••••••• AJDeriru MallouJ ..Sr o.,.... Sale. Sal • &aa ...... QiaUty. ralr _.. J .., tr•~ ilaa ~ Wlllll =· Bfl wl\l t.rlr: .. UST S E LL l t 1 S ~~' ... --llWISo Co· ... Pl'•H ·~te ... t~M.=: **I IUY** ~:f.· ~u.'!:.1&:'! ~":. ~~~:r~ ~t ... ~~·.1 6 =•uJ~, ~ =::: ~--tu-2913 f.~:.~·~~~.P~ii • --• -,_., --Good ···-" f'urt\IL--• .._. -..l-.. .,_, "'-co.....~ -.. .__ __ .... _ --ille. £\'t II S.t. 1:.-.• , .. ,_ :.rr:....,.. -OR .... , .. -4•1 -r ........ _.. u~., --. """""' ... M" dr9'UIC m-.. I -' ._·--------,...,.d. Call ll"8 ;r:.~:.. ·_Wu ... -.... G•-8:!~ •-v-•u ,.,_~.,.1•Bed san&•atlltSa.ora ~-E. ~. tJOSl rr... rlonMn& dRll 1 .. p 1'' 1·• 80."°8 Wbalu, -...... M "' . ~ • ·-1a.u1~·~.,.. -~~ CM.Maacl.tMar. wtUW, Hc:f, lp old. 1 Tttel, SllO 1 •ood .OB.P Ewlar.S.e. boat "lllblda'1Jfluper_. "~· Bouaka al Dryer 1175, Sltuhare MAS1IRS A.UC'nOH 1'°' yn. old "°'* P\aU Of F\&nltute. W'a41'' lldJul&ab&e draft cov•. trlr. romp , .. ,., 1IOO ml. warrut.t. sttu. 1~~. C•'"~f EJ«dr7tt $50.KtnmoN 64M"6&1JM6ZI m. t42·2i008 DOYBSMOllS b)Ckt Sot•, t.ov. Seat. \blw/Jt"draftmaddne XlotOC.S.IZJOO.tfl.MZt SSIQOarotter.d5-l22lor • ..... _ ..... •H ber $7.S, Mayta• Beda. Ola. Set. Bufftt. • 1 t' fo1dlq tbl. si.s' , _ _.,., • • S.+L;.a..... w u b e r no C uar·SAVEI New 6 uaed rum Yatcblnl ~h '-dlair. ti~MSALI cite. BMtofr.la.SCaft = · P'ormalam.1trt,twa1-~---------ma -•&o1 w C .. ~ I I ' choc: brwo (Ord 11 mog 1&08 Am.11ua Way N 8 8 NI-Nerc erul~. toaded, ............__ •--•~g;n ... :".;er ... _.,._ app1'•· m •c. W 1100 '1 old. Ukc new. Paid S7~. Sat.Oct.JO, tc».. -OH ... ~ ........ u1~· •Int cood. Low hra ~,.H/9••...,.•••1 .. a. 9160 __ .,,...... ....,... ,,_._ IOll Bariatn Nook. Now 2 a1kln1 $3SO. stereo & QMee.o Anne Coffee Tbl IW!SA VERDS Ooaolr)' Y ,;;;:"' -... . 2lJ.4S1·llOS.7l4...._..l -,- Tnlbt/OrderDaa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ C~M~64~.:J;0 w,; compGnenta, AM /FM. lUO. Bran • Cr atai Oub Goll equltJ cnem· WJ --• • ..................... . Anret•lvt, lntelllaont •PUILIC. Lape, earpbonu. stand, 3 ChandeUera. l85. rtce> benlllp. EHSSSMllN •00 ----,_ a.a lf Launch ao b.p ......... Ho.. ..... J*'90ll Meded to ba.ndle 549-S!m. moe old ll&S. Pb 89U722 $35. <•maJJ) chrome ft OJI\. t.rlr. ~u. "95/ol· llV1' to u• all pb-. ol order /llhlp-•FUIMITURI• ~ore Bed, lounae chr, CORNER GROUP -Red ClaN s.belvet, $80. 2 L&•!COLOR TV . Stereo Peh 1017 ftr.rrMDl.ac.-hll,yaelf-cootalJled ". lllnl o1 psrta. llee~nsJ •AUcnOM• dinette s~t. bookcaee, sso Also lamps & mile' meta I decora tiv e AMIF~pbono. byio•bo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ree«venowfor J l " Ille ·paatfuon, OPtr pre •T_.. 7ll0 PM• cotree tbl pulnt1n11. 642:00:,. · Dlvlden. SZQ. ea. AJJo Jl'15. rm. t • fl5. Bebe Parrot. fl Dier ...... W t06G ffolida,y w~ t.. l'clHHSA5. C , J»ricedtot1t1h644-0t'll lovely lampt, fnmed Mltc. Call~ eft 8 trai.aed, SfJ. tor bll'd. ~ .................... .,. REGENCYM<Yl'Oll 4*1•11•• .. • Flame 1tltch aofa & lov-P.tctura, ski booU. b1by °" S.t/Sun. eap, pla, area. 84$-Tl'lt Hobie 11, trlr, oew tram A HOME 8£NTAL8 YDTOperator stocla .... ..._ Twtnbedmattrene1for2 eseat, Inlaid wood s•me 1~nu.NO JUNKt Beerdrllle.r bolda'4Ke1 moftl.11.US.16f.8255or 925N.Harbor 8Jvd.6.A. l"uH Ume position open Sotu, hl&i-.-beda. Occ bed a $100. Oriental set w/miatching table, 7• 642.5287 ol beer ,... cond l200 ,.._. &.Ort-t 1090 581-7ao5. ••S3l·2SO.'S** aa a v ld e o d 11 p I a y wi~ ~et11 cocktail table, black *30. -•ndlathe.r clock. i tass f171..snt Call all tAM. . ••••••• .. •••••••• •••••• t;1• t«tnJnaJ operator for a •NIW&USED• Kllcheo table $30. 5 t~p coffee tbl lamps SaLonly!IJ.S.3842Bener · 1 • ""IELD'S Warehouse Columbia H MK II 2S' OPEN ROAD. tull7 11, hale/Four mlnl com-llDROO SET drawer bureau, c1.121tom glaaa top dln~\le, ati St.. lrvln• &uf Brd, toyw. RoyaJ COmm&relal Up· SaJe . .oo plaDOI 4 or· llbarD. 1leepe 5, head Mlt-eon&. Winter tat.el. outer. Some expericn« * M S made $4$. Knee hole woodklnaorqueenbdrm 1ames,etc. rl1ht V.cuum. X1nt &am,new/l&Md.Spinet.s. •c•illee1 Loll or sal11 ~ la des irable. but will Dressers, cbe.&a1 nl~ desk. 6 drawen SSS. Can 6 e l w I m at c b 1 n I MO. VED Everythlnt ioes cond. w/acceas. MS. Pvt. Gruda, Playtta Oolna I er 1ear. Wlll hcl~ ... -------C--- t.raln Individual with de st.ad1,he*1boaras,mlr '-weeoS•S.548-4987 arm~re. All ln like new S l lS 257 S t . P\y,988.2125 out ror bualne114. Rent •• 950 or olfw 2.1'. une AMY a mper momtnted t.)'plng •Pffd rors chest beds desks cood ~780 a u 0 · • 0 a w/opt to buy kawal Deya (714) 892-6651 Mr Mini· motor home. Root ud accuracy Work in baby r~ture, ~olor &NEW MAGNIFICENT . lsabel.CMNoon to 5 Pm!U,ey•chtclubmem-Steinway. e·aldwln: Endsley, Eve. (114 , air. full)' telf<00tained. pleHaot environmen.t blktwht television sets, ~U0S~~MN R80~:~GaracJes.t. 1055 3 Family. Antiques. lead berahlp, very reduced Chlclrertna. V•maba. ta-2717 lo ml. AM/Fii 1tereo •itb .100~ companv l•mps. pletures. chesl BEDROOM SET ALL ••••••••••••••••••••••• glass, furniture, clotbeJJ, rate .... _.144. Kimball, Wrlt'&r (714 ) SAILBOAT . SnJpe 15y,, r adio. $12,SOO Ph beoefals i ncluding ~ typefreeun. rumacea MIRRORED H.EAD· PUIUCAUCTIOH toys. Sat only 10-4 :30.zPERSlANRUGS hll" 838 ·2 7 70 . 12072 ioodcond wttllt traller _83_1_-0_149 _____ _ weeks vacauon of\er ?ne PLUS LOTS & LOTS OF BOARD. 1 OF A KlNl>' MANY FINE JTEMS OF 19381 Sierr• Anez. Turtle 6X12, 3 Pc. Gro'up old Brooltburat. GG. MSG. m.s839 FOc' Sale GMC 26' Ill.ff. yeer. ~~:nac~y c~:ili~ NICEMJ.Sa. Y UST SELL IMMEO. ESTATE J EWELRY . Rock.833-0527 Wicker, 4N-2193 eves. PLAYllPIAHO • fuJly equipped, lo mi, .. ~ etc A • 1 l $$SAVI$$ SACRIFICE.759·0077 AKT OBJECTS. AN · ESTATE SALE Anti-Must~ll! Turn o( the Cen-1S OLYMPIC FINN xlnts!ape.640-7.00 1. • · PP Y a Food available on the TIQUES. FINE FURN , . Id WinlTRAILER r Ono1e Coul Dally premJs~ Items sub·ect QU EEN Si w•terbed, ETC. PHONE FOR lN· ques, Cum & househo . CUSTOM lury /unuaoal s tyle . t&OO. 4.94-867E 88 DodgeTravco 28', fUUy Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .• to res~le We ho~or complete, black vinyl. FO & BROCHURE. Sat & Sun 9-4. 630 Would look great wlth tell cont'd, 2 air cood's. CostaMesa;betweentht Ba~k or America & 1toodcond.$100orbsl or &62200 Plumer.CM 646-3066. WOYIMWOODS antiques 25 Rolls ln· '74 ERICSON 35 & a1pe6,59MilllarJ Jeep, bounol8:00AM:S:OOPM. Ma s t er Charge t rade for Port. TV . Garage Sate· new 8 trk •~T080%0FF• cluded.$1350,540-3894. Newport Moori ng canvas encl. 831--0239, Call for •ppoantment Cashier's Checks & <Color)497·3895 4x8 HO train layaut. 3 la,,,.s tools & many Over401n-1'tockpatterns ~: v •-t nd solid $32,900. (714 1 963-3538; 663570Huel/Tony please. 6U-4.321 ext2?G. engines & much more. ."'-· . · · JUD co ·• 53&-5787 '' EquaJOpportunlLy CASH. Brown ultra-suede couch Also rabinet s tereo. m1schsehld1tems.306£. AJsoMINl-BLlNDS Y Maple w/bencb. ----------iroRRENT 25'ExplOttr. .. Employer MASTERS AUCTION SJOO. 2 chairs s.so ea .• H006ier ktchn cupboard, 20th St. CM. Sal 8 lll 64.5-M.'50 833-mo P /Pt,y, 1585. 673-7011 14' Catamaran. Fbr&la Atl llllluries. By week or Z0751/i Hwpt It lamp $30. end table $15 maple crnr cupboard, 10' 4PM "" chatna. many sizes. -·· Goods IOt4 hulls, Id cood. CiO/olr weekend.63CM004 ~AITRESS COSTA MESA 644·066ll boat. 15" US m ags. Sterling SUver. lge varie· 240Z, s ki rack, new. ;r ••• -.-;;r••••••••••••••• 879-ll20 •-B-e_a_u_t ___ 2_8_'_D_i_p_l_o_m_a_t r&>fy d oi~k A~~~~~s 646-8686 833·9625 Mstr bdrm. antique wht, 846-1746 ly, $4.00 & up. Good 551·3060 Wllaon Championship golf '7121' Clipper w/trlr, Xln1 Motor Home for rent. RJ)/s t 'a u r a nt 269811cycl 8020 hondpa lnled flowers, 3 FAMILY GARAGE s il ver Jllkate. cnvedNR...ttA set · llabt blu UP• clubs, 4 wooch, 8 irons. cood. Nr ne w T~ h~ Dally, wkly, mtbly. Sipe Newport Blvd C ·M · " S2000; sora & ottoman, SALE. rum clothil\g waJrus-lus & Ivory pea. hot wht' form top Gd coed. $35. 7S4·1370 mere. Running lights 10. Has stereo, air cood, -------·-·-· --••••••••••••••••••••••• whlte w /J>OPPY Clowers. etc 2i03 Federal CM' G<>odies. collectibles. lo .. ' .. .. 1 ; • head. etc. $320(). 547·48'n cruise control. 641-7619 WOMEN·NEED EXTllA NEW&US~DBIKE~.and Sl,000; Italian glass-top Sat/Su n ' . prices. S spd bike, Sl5. ~· lJ ea · $llO. Beaut.. WUIOn golf clubs. afUonweekdaya. aft.Spm. u ·1 parts. Crwsers. MX s. J coffee table $5()()· anti· Fiber glass t ow bot1I ba1 '-wheel•. Starter -----.....;;..---1..:::.:.;..;;=:.;_-_..__ __ P/T. F/1'-Nat'I Vitamin & 10 Spds Cycle &. Co. que white wiyell~ trim Speakers, D.R. chrs. tbl. w/oa.ra.. $35. 100 tools, Watrbd in fine cond, only set. S12S. '1U ·U2'7 i1· Ericson 1/8 , full) GM 26' Motor Coac:b. nr Oo nds di 'ltrt h11l or s 2488 NewPort Blvd .. C.M. Italian dining set. $1.650: chests, lamps, projec· 1~·$5.00. Sat/Sun. ~ 2Yrs old w/wtr heater lftl • .-._ equipped, 2 yrs old. Mort new. everything on tt. Work your own hrb-xlnt ~-7910 (2) Louis XV arm chairs, tors. skis. baby furn, River Ave .. N.8 . End ol $13S. CaU aft 6, 546-1146. 11 T1.r:;,.-5;___ 8098 tba1 D pays for itself 1"1lhE Cost $36,000. Sell /or c 11 r t hit I d misc High "'"lily 1807 43rd St on the Bay "'"• .__ argest charter serv ce. $20 000., to setUe esuate ~~e~. (7l:)ti73·~J1'.n · Peaugol IO·~peud PVlO e~1::l~e ~ e:. wOt~~r Port Wes!4~~ne,. N.8 . 67>LlSS., 13 Whl, 31pd bicycle $12:5, ••••••••••••••••••••••• l17,000 Eves ft wknds quietly. Pvt ownt, Can ---------• Xlnt cond. with new sew pieces, $40 to $200. Call Sat&Sun ~1Cl30. 31. 9am u--· 10 0 handm•de afghans, rag Brand New CB. I.Sharp 644-7872. beseen an)'tlme.4.93-t8U WAITRESS ups. $140. 548-1488 833-2643 to2pm. l ~ 6 Jam pinla ct. qt.a. Mite. de luxe 23 Channel 11' Whirlwind Sail boat & Tralen. Tnnel 9170 P /Time Ir v ine Food Bicycles. Men's 10 speed . F1 ....... _,. S Oc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 548-5101. w/dlgllal race, PA ' 1 all accessories SSOO/best ••••••••••••••••••••••• Puk u ·30.2pM Mon· S30 Woman's 3 speed Gorgeous tufted crescent ea ManYtJ. at. l. Tho r o ughbred Sad-Trunk mount antenna ol M2-8670 · Fri. A~t $170 'a mo. $20:642.2627 8'Sofa. ll cocoa. S37S. Oc-30lh. 10.4. 30801 So. Cst. dlebred Mare. Moving, Db~.oven, G&S Elec Stove w/cable. St!ll In carton. r. · n· '68 Sb.au. t:'illY SC. Some eve work avail. cas. Chr s, pale grn. Hwy. Laguna Bc h . must sell. Sacrifice at 30 $200 .• GAS Oshw1hr only$175.837-0713. '72 Hobie UI w/lrlr. Like Sips e. Wt1wmn1. xlnt Ex p er, ambition Peugeot mens 10 speed. Brocatelle. handcarved Treasures. antiques. S4.5() or best ofJer . Call $25., Slate pool tbl 4d . oewcood. Must see.Sac cond Rea1onable. MS-5556 21" frame, great cund cherrywood arms & legs. Look for signs F'ree ad 6'5-3846 S200 Loll ol uaed cpl.· Halhcraflet1 SX71 re-Sl.500/bst ofr. 675-4178 4$.2726. llOO Call 545·23'92 S200. pr Occas Chair. mission dsk .. dresser & drps. ceiver. Minl cond. Cov-. H•ve someth.11111 you want · erntwht, velvet back. Tallv Ho Farms 551-0714 en broadcast band lo 30 ~EEPS 4. U But. st•. lO &ell? Classified ads do Bat.avas 10 spd Tour ex $75 Turquoise Club ~t 30lb 8am-5pm. 16830 Board-Train-Lessons Ram art' At.bl ti Club M.C. 17$. Phone Reese loats. Slips/ ~~~erng . SS75torr . it well -Call NOW , cond Sewups lires . $80or Chrs. $50. both. Occas S!Jktree. F. Vly Herng., Box stalls $90-SlOO. Pipe Me!be,.:hl &.~otter 548-3414 Docks 907"u_1 __ • ------- 6'2-5678. best 54X·5822 <.:h r . Dao1sb, natural 4 Spool l9P. bac~pack, corrals $75, We reed & Call673-20'74f.' . :zenith 25•• Color Cooaole. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 15' Scoll&man Trlr. ~ ..... se BulldlfMJMaferials 8025 linen S7S Ften~h Prov ~~o.&te~~~!::. ~:: cleudaily. ~n,&Wstrn Nurnew.Costoverl700. Sllpe-Sailboata22'to2S' Slpe 5--46. Awning lncl. _..."' ••••••••••••••••••••••. antique ivory N1te Tbls, . lessons & traarung. 17262 CAAPIT Askino $250. 846·9094. Beat ln Nwpt Harbor TI58-0295 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • . S70 pr Twn Beds. w/k· masc. Newbope, Fo untain ~-673-8TUUll10pm •---------....... 8005 ArP.,.ROX . 250 •heels or ing sz Hdbrd ; pink tult· v ~ Valle 979.9475 at ALMOST NEW Kenwood Trallen. UtiUty 9180 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3/.8 exterior plywood. ed. plus king sz bdpprd &tE~~~I~~ y, IUILDHS KR6400 stereo receiver 30'. Private residence. $3. ••••••••••••••••••••••• W d I d used Ask _fur Dave 177 $175 Queensz turquoise lbl · 0 ' 1 5 8 h Jewe-lry 8070 PRICES and pair Cerwin-Vega p/t\. Nwpt Brh. 3X.S former Nationwide, On er an E 22nd St CM btwn Hide-a-bed, $125. Harbor _A_on r I u~ _:_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lowest prices on any 211 speakers . Asking 644·0878 en closed m etal & Of Antiques' Sam-5pm Vie)VHills,644-4440 BLOCK GARAGESALE WA ... TED major brand. C>ll tor $760.642-4489or 631-1574. loah S--'& flberalass w/locklngdrs. • K 't h C · b t · & --Oct 30 19·5> Fri ml """ freequole.lO·~pm. • ,.......... 0 0 lil SlOO taku . must sell HUGE wa r ehou s e 1 c e n a ine s Medit Din Rm set w/4 L · H 8 · b t TOP CASH DOLLAR (714 )497-1345 Rare Ampex "Crescen· s.J 9 I tills week ~15th Sl crummed with over 500 Formica Co1:1n~er lop~. 4 chairs. l lear. Xlnl cond Manlld w l. s~u~ f f r A I D FOR YOUR do" Stereo Record Plyr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• H B !16CM6t1 ' music boxes, nickelo· Ctto.l2 fl Fims.bculting $350/oCr . 645·7015 aft eo~:St-0 ar 0 JEWELRY. WATCHES, l"lneCoastCC reel to reel tape deck'76Ranger19'volvol0.&.1--·-·------- d.eon pianos, circus or· servicb':· llr~~i: your room 4pm. · ART OBJECTS. GOLD. Mmbr SSOO w/am-rm radio in walnut trailer lo hrs. $4950. Ulil. trailer, '72 Ford PU g ans, w o 11 c Io c k s. or en met .... mensions or . Everything goes: Anti s 1 L v ER SE R v IC E. cab. S.195. 613-5458 673-6610 bed w /hvy suspension & .. grandfather l'IM ks. plans forfreee~l Wkdys3pc Blonde Bdrm Suite. que rum .. 15• Coke FINE F URN & AN· .. ,73 3907 new tires SZ9S. 714, tascinauog ant1queil IH. Sat 8·12 llarden l_n· Maltress & box spnngs machine clothes VW TIQUES 645-2200 '°91 • loah& M.._ .. ,..... 64.5-81~ Ove.r $1000000Worth c1ustri,·~. 814 w 18th St. optional.640·7435 trike Corvair motor & . MC21316l6·ll5S lm'p•1d •••·••· ,_ i---------, ' l M Ph 642·2842 ' U t k 8075 ...... ----••••••••••••••••••••••• American lnteroatiooal Dining Rm or Game Set trans .. outboard motor. vn oc lCyourhubbyissize med ....................... C1ra.S./ AllfosforSat. ~alleries; 1802-TKelter Cots 8035 all wood, has 24" l\•af: muchmoreut424t-: Buy ••••••••••••••••••••••• you can buy him th~ 6--al 9010 Riiit 9fJO••••••••••••••••••••••• 1n g St., Irvine Tel ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··~·t n.u. ... ~11 ~75 Ca· 11 Ave Balboa rrn1nsulu Reg. Morgan mare. broke ran· .... "••hmere sweal"'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ... _.._.., 754-1777 Open Wec1 thru • """ ...,.,.,. """ ..,. ---to 1d • & dri v' blk ~·"' " " •••••••••••••••••••••• ~..,...!" Set. 9 AM to• PM . Visit' Pl-:RSl,\N K1tt1•m •. lo~·· 847 571:1 ESTATE SA Lt: f urn. par~de \ror1:?an µ~iding. avail. (roro Scotland Cor 15" Mobile raft Fbrgls Siesta Cab-over C•mper, CIGuic1 9520 quJllty.,~owpn>'>1lt'.:ts IP ) " 40 62 appl. on1t oil parnlinf!s, Eng West ern 1714 , Chnstmas for $35. From Boat wtlrlr. No eog. 11~·. Mll-cont. Pvt pty. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUIUCAUCTIOH hJK-93t)H -t~b~n 12mhng ~·~· x 4 misc SattSun IS-llO 33tHOll oursaJesman'ssamples. $200/bsl o fr . Ev es 968-3555 •OVER70CARS• MANY FINE ITEMS OF Ru!\i.1un Blue K ii tc•ns. sidee.chair~~l $~7~1rEa1t Cu n n In t: h .1 rn :\' c • ._._u 8078 C63all36our warehouse, 675-2963 '63 VW I bo •• CN INVENTORY F;STATE JEWELRY bed $50 75 3 W cs l m 11h t t' r N r -nery 1-1 1 N ikir1 p.u. w ca ve. -- .(RT OBJ ECTS. AN: pure r Ssl-7007 1·011 Brookhurst & Mt'Fad ·······················L Co Coo lryCI b ~~~8/'w';~~~yc II camper, 1500 eaaioe. ANTIQUES&CLASSICS 'DQUES, FINE FURN.. WALNUT den 554-1778 F'ork.Uns .. '62. 4.000 lbs ~~ly a::,em~ers h l~. 631~s-:pm. a $1300,2080Pomona.C.M. RoltS ~yce. Bentley A f:l'C. PHONE FOR IN·~ 8040 Oiled walnut commodes P t S. l? h•·lo mast. HNI ,,, .... , ..... 17 • .,.. ouc wtio•-• c 111 r T-Blrdt, From SSOO to FO & BROCHURE ••••••••••••••••••••••• f f l bl TV. Philco upright freezer , Baker $1850· 4000 lbs ..,.,., . .,..,.. • ., loats.MarW -"'" ~ a peh. S50000cars · . c 0 e e a e 5 • dbl mattres:. iJI bi>x :.pr· ' ' . ~ton. auto. V6. $1295. p B0 UY SEL. rTRADE ~2200 lnsb Setter Pups cabinet. stereo cabmel . h H d Tow Motor. xlnt cond .. Does Johnny need help re-E .. (IMIU.. 9030 847.3787 646·9775 busl · ..,.. AKC. shots. wormed. AJ ;n 2 l<trge table lam~. ":tgs. very c e: 8 e~ bulane, $1250 538·3068 or adin1? Have course for ••••••••••••••••••••••• ness ' ILZ FARGO & CO ~~~:s S~~:~ i•:~~ 645-7473 2 ! u!red chairs sofa All ~0:1:: ~~~~a~lhei it:~:s'. 633-5200. slow readers. <'Onsist~ of 4HP Mere. Oulboard . · 8305. Main&nta Ana nsylvanla, lge lot. good AKC Golden nemever IR excellent cond . low 1306 Sandcust ll' C.:dM Used Portable Welders records & booklet Cost ur12. locl& shalt. low hrs.~:=•/ 9150 l0to6, Moo.-Sat. prcf'dCall:>Rfi-56ti7uh fl S .,, . 11 99ft3 . s 11 .3 .. over SlOO. sell $25 Great shape. $2ZS. Call ClosedSunday1 buys . Sunday Oct. 31. Pups, show dogs. hl;Jnler. _...,__.__ ---s. !J .i PM _ _ Ca .54 ·. ti at · iu 642 3379 9am·12 6"-8400, ext 242. ••••••••••••••••••••••• * 547·9709 * 10-t>PM . The Sea<·llff ram pc~. Xlnl pC'ti11trN'. '10 ·NG Id white , d , am-4.~pm 6'»11 548-8>49 CHOPPER Motel, 1661 S. Co11st llwy. 4!l..1·1i86l ' ,w.1..: iud 'elvt•t ~at,~ l>U.n u;. ·' lo :>pn. --15" 750-15 new recap Slu. · pm, · '32 CHEV. ' dr Sedan Lag Bch. . ' ~•vhl! lu . 'win m11 pll· s.tt rw. wfr.ce. table. end Miscelloneous 8010 F'ord 15'' .split rim, 5·1ug. loah. Power 9040 '71 Honda 350, must see. 46,000 Orig ma. Runs like . i\KCIJa('hs.iu:ad~· h ca <lboard , ml :..r tahl~,, m:sc furn &•••••••••••••••••••••••Ford lS" drop c!lnler••••••••••••••••••••••• $350 or be~t offe r . anew car .S45Q0.87S.7829 Dl.nillft Saf Stds ch. :.lk• :ihots • houselwld Call alt li1>m ulhl r itcmi-. lllbl2 WA ... TED rim 5-lug . t.lsed side 30' Chris Cran Classic 640-4789 alter5.30PM. al't6pm ~·"2 ~ wormd• PSY lsld• SIOO . ~ ' Humsc) Lune. HB, INr n 1 • ..,0 o...,~ f · · Consis ting ot New up 17211 .. 448b 645·•1157 Magnolia/Yorktown 1 TOP CAS H DOLLAR ppes~.lo..-cutter or New tw i n e ngs .'73Yamaha6SO,dependa·1·.-_ . ..1....--,-rd--W-ood--W---En.1la d h rd ock . ·------ -paper or light metal sso. Completely overhauled. ble It newly tuned. ~ o y agoo. ptedr~p.1e!rta~lc wi~a2 1 YORKIE PUPPY MOVl:'-IG MJ<;t sch Ot'lir ANTl~U ~S 11nd MIS(.; rtv.!iPLR\,O, :,A~C°"~· Carlllon router wttbl S.SO: Per le ct condition. ~ Beaut. orig: cond. leaves. Host & hostess 2l'OODLE PUPPIES new mvnern rurn1Luw Fri /Sal 9 5, 25496 lhp 3-phase motor szs. $7500/bsl ofr. Sac. for Poeaibly best lO State. ebalr ch rs+ 6 straight Stud Serv Sl0-6455 Double bed, j!las1' andd Sawmill. Lake Fore!St SA~L\ ~~ES~ v~iL.f. Toronado lawn vacuum quick sale. CaU 642·1551 •Hu.sky '73, 125 new top a.,_640-8208 ________ _ chrs S clall riced . oak cofh-e table. stan -$75 333 E. 18th St. CM bottom ends, xtras. Fait. • Can .ue':een ,i{ fntlqu~AKC Reg Mghnn pu'ps . 1011 bookcase. chrome nm rm lbl. ch.r~. soli. Yl:"I E FURN & AN 642·~ -21.FllERFORM SSOO/b es t o ff er . 6110.,Clouk ctflter 1996 Nwpt lil CM Ch a mpion sired. re anrl wh1lc :u andin~ Barcelona chrs, lamps. TIQUES.64>2200 H.,dtop, custom trim, •Bultaco, 1970Matadortl New motor. mech mt, fKS.&468 · uonable 848--0563. la mp. 1 white Oriental rute 11tnds. rugf>. hsehld LUGGAGE TAGS-FMore:~~~11ngp ~.rm·~~ 0 MC 6 cyl outdrive Days Replica. $250. er partially restored. If)()(). ~;:..:::..::::__ _____ -t;---:--=-----:::-:;:;-1 ••ag •mp. mal(nzlnt' items. men·., t'lothm1c " law ·~ roUtio depot bestotrer.675-3736 ~.8toSdaily. ,' &YER PIAHO "'°"to You 8045 rack. chrome TV i.uand. mi.IC «2 El Modena NB from your business card 536-9368 _____,_ ·b . ,_:... til'" ....:...:.:..:...:.....:...:.;__:;.;..:....;....;...;___-1-------------ol ... Cc ••••••••••••••••••••••• de1k, Motobec•ne JO· Sal/Sun 10-S · Send one card for each •~ucr, aat ...,.,., .. SU.ulti 1851974 xJol. cood. '49 Buick 4 dr, 33,000 mt. •u.n• u1e ntury un-ABANDONEO! m other ape e d bike . m is · tag plus one 11pare. weAou fone . wt remote tr•iler with electr ic Makeolfer. $1250/bestorfer. U.U.I style. Would look cat ai 1 Uny kitten Free. cellaneous art objects. FUm. masc, movinl( All return p ermanently Mod 590. Near new wtncb. $4995 or make ol-675-0255. 638-5924 &teal ~Ith antiques. 25 ~J Ncumnrt Blvd. CM M2-4489 or 63J.1574 must go 2810 Hunt sealed attractive tag & Makeofr 754.1234 fer.642-2717 afl6pm. Rolls included. $1350. -,,.... · Ulgton. 960-31S7 t ti r '75HONDACB2:00T 1948 Pontiac, Silver ~. Adorable Hallowe~n kit, Maple Capt lbl, 4 Capt ----!I rap. mee ng aar Jne FUzz Buster radar detec Big roomy 16' fiberglass, La)ce new Be1toffer Streak. Nds deck lid & ha ed . ed b k BIG R S I Cor ID. reqwrement!I Pre tor . Midl1nd CB radio. 2 forward bunks & 5512'733 rear body work. Runa J\llllque Clocks lookina blk1whl w/ rule mark· c in. r wmg . •c umm•l'?e a c Oc venl los~ & theft! for u King Coil kmg sz bed storage, 100 HP Johnson . '"'eat. $400. Ph 644-3485, fol" unusual things for ~f~~:.J:1:;., ht try. ~~~-aA~m~a~!:· ~t;1 ~~11<~~':n~~:iRn~I.•~· H: personalized tag enclose Makeotfer11541 5078 0 /B. bltn tanks It vinyl 68 Honda 175 CL, newly 673-0612 mornings or (!brlslmas buy an anti· --• 30-C.C.M Sehl Chorule Group ror ~allpape.~. fabric or top & trlr. Many xtras. rebll eng, S+W ahockl, eves. qoe clock lay away now Ador .. ble blu(' eyed whit.... Aloha Day Glo paper & we Old Fubioned 2 aeat patic Dave 836-6120. •ood Ures S300 548-4309 •---.-.-----, ft>r Chrialmas at tu.8th kitten~. 8 weeks old Din.rm tbl, 45·· rnd w/leaf ---\\i ll back & trim your swing S20. sm&ll glrl•s ' .. ' · '--• St.ff.B.536·3932. 645-S3IJ. & 4 choirs , Dan ish Tools,..,. socket snap o~ lags. Or try two card! bike, lllce new $25 lZ'•ltAHDIAMICS '75 Yamaha OT 400 En-c~VeMcle1 tlJO . ,_ Walnut s100. o. E. tape wrench sel. Elec 'h back to l>ack. 646-2958 alU. Bristol Condition duro. Uke new. SBOO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• A!'l1ques Parking lot saJe Golden Lab. 3 yrs. re m. to recorder, reel-reel 125. drill. cement tools. misc PRICES. Tutefully Decorated. W ·3934 '47 WUlys J eep Statton Sat Oct 30th. l0·5. AH good home. Very good Toastma$1er tbl top oven tools & other Items 810 $2 ea or 3/~ Mite•••--Al Newport· $35.000. Wo1on tlbll eng SIOO/ Al1mlllve & collectab~et wtkida. 548--8711 . aft 5 $40. 548·2342. E . Oceanfront. Apt l , 4/S lags suoea. W--"'-.... 8011 <714> 544-935.1 75 Kawasaki K2400D. bit ofr. 264 Myrtle Lac f'l\ust 10. 1avlngs lo 50 *'· . Oalbou. Fuclng Balbou 6/9tag11 Sl.50eo. ..,.._ NI c e ! A c c: 1 . $600. Bc:b. Pb· 494-8376 • • &11•mple : lOOyr oldSilJcyTem er,Mule,AKC.AJlwoud4Posterklngslze park&pier lO ormoreSl.40ea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 13· 1,,y~n lapttrake in· 633-5688. · · Butcher Blk wa1 $395 loves kldti. needs alrec water bed Incl heater, ---SalesTax lncluded $$$CASHFOR board. Beaut. bay For sale '70 VW fiber '1•hed to S179. Memory Uon.549·2019 mattre11s, liner. frame Moving Pmg-Poog tbl.. NOCARD? Goodusedfurntrefrlas cruiser or ocean fisher. i 1Honda600 glaas Dune Dug. St . ll•ne Antiques, 219 rOODLE pad. $1 U. bs t ofr . boys single bd., metal Draw your own or send fn:n/stoves$44-076S ver y sound. $3500 ~':if~· leaa.I, top w/sd curtains. =d• Del Mar. San f' t Good H 53R-1549orl42·6688. dak & dresser , Sabot . nar,ne. addrrs&. p~ooe ' 640-8208 " MOO wto eng .• $16SO ente rec ;.6-2848 ome Beaut. Lane Wooden Cof-~.~lpab~.eda~~l.Mct!~~~ ~~.l~d'!~~~~h~ard per~~~:::; ~J' ;~mr,Y~ WIHt.,...tW 1:kVa~~a 250 M~. o,m w/eng. l20HP+ S36-l733 COllllCtor buy1ng Wesletn FemBeaale SP•Yed very fee & End tal>le. Muat tennl1 rockel•, book11, Send check or money or· men 634-512SorS75-t()22 21' Caravelle, Cuddy. e. e or tra e or '88 VW Dune Bugay. Ah. palotlngs, Indian gd w tchldrn lovable sell. Reas. ofr. 671-3076. much, much more. 4294 derto: · Mere lU, Portepott)I, VW. 548·3096 SV'Clcl teg•l. hvy rbrtlaaa ~:;,k, :.~.s:,:~: does n 't b ~rk . AiilSelling Fren ch P rov. Senlsa Way , Irvine PILOTPRIHTI~ Wanted hrge o~.~ VHF, b•lt tank, com-'75 Suzuki RM m, idnt Manxbody,1d cond.1ST S..Laguoa,Ca.926'1? ihot.l/lic.~3006. Screeo.amodern Cryst.ll Univ P k 552·9033. PO BoalS&O rub6ooed1aaraqe wi.., pau.etove,aln.k,lcebox, condition $700 l•kett. ~ l.Stb Sl, --;;;.._---------1---------t cut cllaodeUera. beout. Sat/Sun H Costa 'Mesa ca. 921628 leta. 548·549'7 an e.r 5pm swim step. hJ·frM bollrd, Cail~ HB. 960-4611 GJ=.J,!:~ .~!:eJ: 3~8~~:!.~e':~i:!· hand carved French Sunday Only . 660 Ross. PUIUCA~TIOM Small c.meat Mixer. 1--4 ~!:~te;!~"c'!':!'!~~ Molorcvdn/ ~f!.':'1 r ... Call Sll-1676 mg bome. 54l-6583. Pwini. chlmMy 640-6389 Costa Mesa, Nlaaara MANY ITSXS OF FINE cubit feeC. ror bom• pro Brittohlth. M-2115 aft Scoohn 91 SO Sc 9110 i-,ba _ _, "" II Musa1er.sul'llnmp,elec ESTAT.,. 'E W.,.LRY ject.~ 5-30~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 1010 M a I e Lab rad 0 r 1'" r DWUI~· ..... new. to heater. boy• ckltha .. ic. .. .,. • • r---------··----------;4!'!':.~ ............ Nuete.red. 11 mos old bar,Pers1mm«>!\.rurlike 1eme.s knic b aclt1 & ART OBJECTS, AN-t...acd Alumlnu m bo•l•U ' ... -551-151 I • ..-•. R/H door. upper very gd w/ltlds. To IC aeata. aray lucitc back.I. hsebld Items much ~UES. FINE FURN., ltt:et_... IOIJ W/trtr 7HP motor rood I -.. ..__ ... 7 2319 chrome legs. pd $50 ea. . • . PHONE FOR fN. ••••••••••••••••••••••• concl ilao 646-ltae' f,.eaer, bronze Call uume . .,..-aaklngt:isea.Kelvlnat.or more,comuffl !,.'!;...!! BROCHt1l\E-eonn Mln-0-MaUc elec. ' I ...-. 1s1•1 Free to 1ood home 3 kit reft'il. 6 fl"S, 1& cwt, 2 dr ANTIQUE Furn .. drapes, .............., «1u. ucellut condJ-12' Flbef'll ... 'bver ~. I ~man lee Malter. teoa. Slameft martdnp bottolll freeier . great bedspread, tampc, mlr-BEAUTY EQUIPMENT Uon. IBOO. P.P. 532.~ 4 HP Mere.Woood cond, YAMAHA ........ . . ·-'lwlca 147 7378 abaDe, ll.25or betolr. Blk ron, Spud1b acce.11.1t'1 new palnL • bit cir. I !'MW-used 1 monlb. S2!50 ' • • b~ckor e lee lnwn a big t i Sat-Sun IJ.S 216 FORS.ALE TrombiM. Yamaha, ex· 54W01$ ,_ l*aJled.171-12S2. 3 KJltJes. all they need 111 mower. work!\ perfect , AlbcrtPl.C.M. S36-9(il07 ctl1e.nl condJUon. Jlnnl""'·-nd----.-Sk-l _boa __ , 11111.Nl ..... A• ...... A.. 0• plahwuher . 1ood ~vl9_.!,.:Wht l cream/wbt l~ynoJd.145. Black Cur Out.aid el t UP& 17~.-0 Bra new 18 . t. V'WllQQC '1187 ~ .... .......,.. tik.t contour chair. teats Oaraae Sale. EverythJpg e ec: pos ' 0.ara« h\111, 464 Ford 1 .... 197' MIW • o.ii':t-3290 7-1-1,-n-d-.-0-m__.e·--.... -u-p-1-. -.. 2. cood a h a pe, l40. for kltct)en, otnce. b•bf t;.-:' ~ :_n,;:e~!~ RAMNON~ ... ~.:adow,!.~s Jet w/ jacuasl pumpi •1170 a r " Trtumpb port. ltwlna houteho&d, etc. Wrouabt ...... Left.le lncl.....,... .-. Seats 6.. cuatom up)d MX4001 • ~IGKRATOR, Sun weeks. ~ Shepherd + mach runa 1ood. 125. Iron. Sat ·w s. Sun aJI Calla.91112. etc.,alntcood,MS-aeea iotd/ora metaJ . flake lf71..W pot, 1t cu R. S2()(). W I rn o t a a e r I Lab. a.17~ day. 10291 MOllltor. KUAt. Toyota KnJtUn1 machine °= • •. • & paint., lacl.itAI trailer. nsooD S 1295 7... 557·1892. Bch _ __. ... _.. ol ... -me Priv/f>tJ S,,,200.151-9628 lfT1 M1W • -• . ~ Walnl Dtn Rm ll· · w/•cc•_..es ..... -e · ••••I IOI:•------------~ PUEZl'R, .mi ----IOIO blt, a· Iona. w/2 teara. MO¥to1 e· Putet qutJ\ed '•·962·1835 ···-•••••••···-• .. ••• 21',...'°llM XS750D 1m ..w 'I 976 ...... caibOftly. lt••••0••••••••••H•••• each*>". 7' butret "I tda 1100. Ice de11r $50. itonect lold d,atariOGQeOPltN HOU88! Sat Hardtop. custom trim. IU-OOll Rtdn·~"'ltioS · m'lll sell. blah ~c-chalre. $1,000. Kenmore wuber 6 chin• i &Old trtmm~ Bl~?.:'1~n\ Mu hlae. O.M.C •• f eyl., Ollldrtve. DTI 258 1tn MIW '592 1 "L1h11n llntJqu' ~ dryer 1100. power"'°"" nyatal.492-3712 Fu 1a.. £~c low bounl rad.lo, depth •MN .. 1i1~i•T•&U.J LFJ.ltlee 0 .£. •t o ,. 1 r S400 SS(), foldaway bed 120. Equ~pmeal ~ putt . ~r. oall tanlt, lllt ~GeN""11-.7' ot.ra featur\.'\1 t '1r1i.imQuO<'n ~ltt IJre~r iota Od&&cnd8 S•~aJJday. •IELPi Mu.st e11! 1'V•. nm Skit•rk Circle. lrall~r wltb electric $ SAVE $ •• t l e Cl onr f1, 1 rnnd tlJl'\l ~.St-II~&. dt SU.n l 5 ont.y. ~ 't~ler redloe & 1arace t'ClWP lr9l ne.. IH·807J o r winch...._ w mekt ol ~'1J.ln-4148 t 11.. hvtr $S4~7f.O WQY.C(lltoMese ~m• 642-8109 5ott-39tl fer.$U,2'l7afUpm. -::::::::::::::::::::::::==i.!'-':!::.-::::::::..:=:i::::::::::::::==========:i.:===:::0..-=~==::::::====:::.1.::::::;=:::::::::::::::::L:;;;;:;:;::::::::::::::==:::l:==:=.:======:=====::'J.~-==-:.:-:-::.::-=.:-:-::.::-=:--:.:-:-:::--==:-~~::--:--::=.:--::::~·-~ --~ ·- . ... ' * Every Kind Of Van * Every Model Of Van • From Ptaln Vans To Surfer Vans LATE MODEL TRADE-INS WE HAVE 1HE UNIT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR I st & HAllOlt • SAMf A AMA 531-6000 531-3421 WOl,Wmft4 tlto ~ ._,rW ......_ ... ort.d Alltol • .., ,rted ''ld!IY OclOO.r 29. 1978 DAILY PILOT " ····~················· ....... ..-~ .......................................................... . T~~·~~id tor ~~ ............. !?.1.i ~ 9720 "-de t1Z7 ~.~.~!.~ .. -••• ~.~!~~ ........ ~.~"!~.'!!!. ...... . ~ •·-'"""' .. _IL • •••••••••••••••••••• ...................... '''° -ura. ... "74 f.O cs. Sntf .• Vel S..&&.ea.IMa .____. .......,..,.... t74 .._. t74 ~· AJk Cor Paul tnt .. air, awr.o Is tape, TOP eo&lar Pala ..,..... Mew 76 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••H••••••••-••••••••• ••••••••••••••-•••••• HOWAU c .. .-•t autQ. Sta.mo 75N415 On ALL Trad~lns HONDA Cars Mertiedell Beu "ls. 460SE lt7S M•I lt7l POalCHI Dove&QuaUSll. '75 530l. Auto .• A /C, MIWPOaTDATSUN OYllt 100 1uo.roof. l mmae Ne IOADSY9 ti llTA_,. NEWPORTBEACH AM/FM •lereo. 26, lllDo••Street Toa.oo .. ,,._t ~~c';~~ ... lt.u.:oo A tWIUWW car~ SepMd,alreODd..IMno. WKPAYTOPOOLLAR mJ.Sl0.400.644-6747 NeatM1cArthur UNIVERSITY 4 • • tr P C*47~~,.4H ma•• 8u1 Or XLN't FOR1'0PUSED CARS "DBavaria, 4·r·11tereo. &Jamboree Roads ...... _._ -lealepltn. (IOOHPC> ~.:.. -•-8lJ.IJOO OW.•alll1 IADOUIAC« rvnEION.OOMESTIC ..... 89,ooo m . but has •lt7•410Sa• lt12MGl•T •UAft-orCLASSJCS had 1ood care. $6000. Ha.da c ... • &MC • YAU.IT .,....,,,..11111• U n """"" d DRIVE"" T ... Faotaatlc Coadtuon. In ucellellt eoodltlonl ••a 20 .. 0 .. -.~ yourcarbextraclean rm. -·13411 aya, or .. ,.._ ..,_ 111 ......... u ••. ~ •• --.... <T05SOG>. Cbact tb6 -• "" ..,.,._..,.., .... aeeusfirst. 75Maevea. t ..... LI!. 2850HarborBlvd. ,,..,.. ~·-"'""' ....._! "'----------IAUB IUICI .,,,., 1,,.... BMW. Cd tran• .. I I IM.. eo.t. Mesa S40--tMO PlnStrlpa·Caauu e · ......... '81 Poraetie RMd1ter. v• ...... ·-SAVE A •or Crul .. Control· All orta.•llnt.Nl50. 2D2SHarbor Blvd. xlnt MPG. Nu P•lnt. 4·1p, .. '72 Hoada Cpe. Nu ena. lhrced•• Options · m.ast CostaMesa 979·~ radials. Konls. $1650. SHOP&COMPARE clutch, r a dlal tires. M ainta in e d By WE BUY Mustsell.648-21405-1 IAllWICKDATSUN AM /FM stereo casse"'e. MOTSCWlNBACH!:R. i4 Poncbe 114·1.t Utn Sa J Cl -3315 •-17 AM/FM ate-. A·l cone!. •USED OAltS& ._ BMW 1600. AM/FM, . n uanCapittnno ea.n.673-100?. ,,,.. .....,. ~700. 496:7982 •·8Pm TRUCKS• Mtc.heUns. si•s. 833-131-1375 4tl-Jl75 ;4 Clvic. Ori& ownvr . lo t&WT05. onl.y. Comt ln or Call days 6'73·5157 evea TOP IUYER mil, new rad la I tires. 75 MU 240 =~~.r:. '72 3.~ Bavaria. Maroon. See u.a first.. & la.st! Top great cond $2000. IMIS& UWJBeachBlvd. tan tntr. 4 Spd, stereo. dollarpaldrorimports 588-0475. ~td.r:vS/d . Cttatu1.• .... ..... IT Hu ... Un•1ton Beach Mlchelins. 46.000ml. x.ln COSTA MESA '75 CIVIC. auto. R&U. ,HI > · au c: I •• 00 ~.a Pb W'btte Buy or lease All ~. e6 °"'· He 847·6087 • 549-3331 ............. sss:io. 83H022 DATSUN WOO. Pvt Party. Call · · nowt OllCQU teulq. '73 BMW 2002, air. 2.845HarborBlvd. 836-~l7.S52-0607 eves. HOUl!OF Molll fin. llUy pro TOP ~firAR amllfm. blue, lllnt cond. Costa Mesa S40-64l0 19'70 Hooda 600. oe1ot Ures. IMPORTS 11..-. JM.AIEDIATELY 581-8123 good cond .• pvt ply. $900. 1131121.asea BRrTllH CAR co. , '71 a.oz. fine cond. tspd., ~1076 -·---- ''71 911T Sliver. 5 apd. map. FM, aJr coocf, etc. l ()woer. Xl.nl. Muat sell Slo.500/0C' ott. 6'$-1825 or 913-l.acM '76 914 2 Ut,r.e. Lomt'1.Lolldad 77M251 FOR ALL 69 B_MW Xlnt. eood. AM/FM, mags. H<ll\l'I 7141523-7250 .,.,,.,_~ 4 WM.t Drins 9550 ,_.. 9560 FOREIGN CARS AM /f M. radial tires, &l!-1&41 .-v'( 714,94-m.4 '73 Porac1'e 9141.7. ....................... ....................... CALL OR COME IN cently tuned $2900. ....,.... 9730 2llO SI; '1L 39m, m.iDl. air, LoQ)lle~cond 1974 FORD 4X4 1973 FORD F250 TO SEE US MS-6799. i3 240Z. 31,000 mi. air ••••••••••••••••••••••• a uto, AM /f'M istere .... leT __ ....;Call...;...;...;..;.;.....:..;..;.,;,_ __ va. 4 apeed, air cond., UHGERJO..T l'iEWPORTIMPORTS cond. AMt fM . auto JAtirXJ tape.2topa,S10,800.Pvt. Select,rromeodlrre~nt.67 Porsche 913, New pwr. steering + brakes Automatic. pWT. steering 3IOOW. CstHwy. NB Fm~a~::.e~i/ofr. traoa. brown outside, All models, many colors pty, ~orm.2900. new, t.&Sed sports cars. clutch Good cond. with lockout bubs . +brakes. aircond .. H.D. 642-9405 Call 551·129S mag whl1, xlnt cond here now Discuss leas· 450SE Mercedes. 1974, by EZte.rms.Canlease. $4800/bst orr. 833·9031 (57200R). Only 43,786 camper, dual tanks & TOP $4900. Ph 556-0460 9 lo 7 ma. 60 Mos fm. Many owner xlnt cond. new 8Rm8HCARCO. l!:ileeo miles. S"""'laJ wheels + tires. '7l · 2002, good cond pm. programs. Mlchel1ns ·Tobacc 213Jll0.2525 -------- Now $4399 ""~ ... ~•Hbout.. r.7001 ff l 1976 Porsche Targa. (lOP773A). DOLLAR wu.,_ -0 er . i3 Datsun 610. xlnl cond. BRrTISHCAACO. b r own nl. $12 ,50 7141194 2154 metallic sU~r w/blacti: MAC HOWARD ONLY $4299 PAID ~31168 Compare & find u ·s the 2131H0·252S 833·0888 <9·5> 6«-6084, anodiled trim, Carrera Atrro&TRUCKSALES MAC HOWARD FOR CLEAN C.,t 9715 best buy intown at $21~. 714,'SIU-2154 (i-9> '72 MGB GT. Xlo\ cond .. mags. alr cood.. I track lst & Harbor, Santa Ana Alfl'O & TRUCK SALES IMPORT CARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp. 631·~646-7566 ~ Ml '72 600 t:'!'1M(2f:.~-~~~cb, sttreo & onty 5500 lllile8. 531·6000531-3421 lsl&Harbor,SantaAna 1976CAPRlll 73 Pvtpty.Lee,n4/998-2252 ·• . <Z28PRCI. Sl6.~ Prt. 531-6000531-3421 4 speed , a lr cond. & al JeftMft 9 2 wkd•Yll (714)642·.a42'7. 76MGI pty. call &46-8445; houn '71 Chevy Blazer, stick, stereo cassette. Buy or ••••.••••••••••••••••••• . Ch oice buy, lo·mi, atwork areloQJsokeep ai~. mud/snow tires. 57M •53 CMC·Semi $7!l5 •• 5 lease. (613MW~). 74.Jensen Healey '74 MB 2.f!OC. Light blue w/hardtop, 320 PPM. _t.ry..;_in...::g:..... ------ mi, $349S. 751,0774 eves CMC Dump truck $1500 SADDLUACI Very clean $.5800 Nigh exec car. $8950. Wltdys, Can lease/buy! Special! '71 9UT. Bright yellow. 1913 Ford F·250. 4x4, auto '58 Case 530 Baekh VAi.UY IMPORTS &weei;_e:.~kH94l ~~.7f2:if~i-~s & BRITISH CAA CO. ~pd. S·wtrmnt • •P· trans, pwr brakes. C714) S3500. lll888..f92S. lll-2040 495-4949 License plate: 233LWM 213/ll0~2525 pear. croup. AM /FM 847·1002· '75 Ford Courier. mus 73 '67 230 SL. 2.tops. auto. & ' 714'914-2154 stereo. •74 C--' 2800 DATSUN KCIMIMIM Ghia 973 air. $7800. l?800 552·1* '72 Toyota Landeruiser sell. Like new. Pnvat ..,... -"-------- XJnt COnd. Best Off rd party. Phone496-8705. V-6 eng. auto trans. fae COurt •••••••••••••••••••••• 638·S924 9746 '83PonscheS90. Restored. l-'----''--------i1-~lll'lp1rhd to..., air. DI•:-• & sun· ~-~ .._ 1111 •71 VW tires. & lu&gagf' rack. "' "' "14 --'61MIZ190SL ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. Ch ampa1ne Ford ..., Ton. Vu8, P/S, ••••••••••••••••••••••• roor. xlnt mech cond. KARMANN GHIA '70 Opel Kadetle Ratlye yellow. New ent. trans. $3550.5J6.l92S. 3 spd. ster eo. $2800. C.._ral 9701 ~.548·1487 $2095 4 s pd, fact air. AM /F • Lo mi, gd cond.. Askin& 646-7894. . ..... Jee w go eer d 673·3494 ••••••••••••••••••••••• d · 1 1 White w /black Interior & SJOOO. Ph ......... .,.... ---------P a n • g SPORTSC'"RF'" ... S! i3Capn, V-6,A/C,Sharp, stereo. ra ia s. on I II t di . ~ ·-.. ...., "-XJ ___ .. cond., nds come work. '75 Ford F·lOO, heavy dul "' "'" ... ...,,. Call M Killl 49,000 miles. Orig. co n exce en con t100. .... """' .... ....,. bl .. vuu. Sl500. or best offe r. suspension, P /S. P /B F.njoy over 60 new. used ~iio. 646~ an 6~ An exceptional car ' <ACH247>. 720PB.GT New Int & new paint. 548.Q875 afl 4 •·spd,lumberrack&t quality cars. Jags-&wk.ncb (606ETDI MUSTIESEIH Mags, A/C Showroom $3500.SM-0289. 75.JHP CJS _""_IOO __ -r~OJJ 54495 Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 I r•-'"11·<>. I t• I \\\ Hl'Nf'HWlON 11 &l H Tncb •••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 EL CAMINO boxes incl Only 11. Fiats-TR '1 -MC 's · CREVIER BEACH IMPORTS sharp. f..o.ml. Super de-1974 911 Targa. mi $4.200. 64().8208 Poncti.. etc. We buy, '71 Capri 2000. 4Spd. exten OTORS 848 DOVE ST. al. <o.ssGOO> Slvt'. 5-spd, stereo 6 air. 1---------1 sell, trade. lease. cstm body, suspension & M NEWPORT HACH BRmSHCAA CO. 34,000 ml. (293KRB). 1965 CHEVY BArTIStt CAA CO. eng work. &t orr over I 1t Ir lroodway 213fll0.2525 W .47'1. XJnt 2 1/JTONTRUCK 213/990-2525 S2000.549-3164eves. '74 260Z .. Mint con~.. s.taAwa 752-0900 714189 .. 2154 1975 Carrera Targa. ULllJty bed with tool bins 7141894-2854 •74 CAPRI CPE stereo. air . mags W1U 835-3171 ms JtOD. Perfect cond. _.__ Black & loaded. Air, ~fl. boom w/buckel. Et h . ...._ •. t accept reasonable orr. On• owner, rreeway _........ 9747 Becker FM. only M.000 OHL Y $3799 Atta ROMeO 9705 Wx ra s arp ans1'"'..,. ou . Ftnance all or part. P.P. ~ 9738 miles. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ml. Unreal. Only one M •c HOW •RD ••••••••••••••••••••••• csir~~~>s s Pe c I a I . 644-4184. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $79115 496-7 '72 Pantera. ThJs magnJCI· a round. <I DO 13 7 ). ~ .. 74 AISA ROMEO $2499 '74 Datsun 260Z 2 + 2. '74 Mazda RX3 Coupe, 4 cent one is in showroom 119.500. Imports of Santa Atrl'O&TRUCKSALES , 55995. Mag whls .. AC, spd. under wrnly. very 1938 Mercedes, 4 dr, 200. cond lhruoul & 100% Barbara. <80$)687·"67. Lst&Harbor.SuntaAaa SPIDER 540 •5630 AM /FM 835.9521 dean8373202 side m0\4nts, body xlnt, original wltti all equip. 73PORSCHE 914 531-6000531·3421 5 spd, factor y alloy · ' • ---runsgood.$7500.631·24~ ment & low act 1u --------•wheels. stereo cassette, 968--4.StG '73 Maida RX 2. cw eng, mileage. Only serh>ua Immaculate, top shape! Vans 9570 low mileage. A beautiful l973 Dats un Pkup. like 7,000 m1. x lnL. cond 350-SLIMMAC buyers seeking perfec· Special price, 10 pym~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Italian classle! Fan· n~w . ma j! whls. n••w S12951offcr.499·4349, First111.ooonrm lion need call please. don'twa1t ! <07890) tastl c co nditi on ! 2626HARIORILVD. R11dials. lo m1. cam1ir Met-cedesBenz 9740 640·53'77day 494.7021.eve Daysonly.(714)750-7033. BAITISHCARCO. 1975GMC SURFER YAN Automatic, chrome wire whef'l s , s unroof, Portholes. high backs, air cood.. pwr. steering &Strack. (07.W). 1975 DODGE YAM Automatic, m..,s.. pwr. steering, air cond. & high backs. <006N IN ). SADDLEIACIC VALLEY IMPORTS 831 -2040 495.4949 COOlLWB l COSTA MESA shcl1 .S2300 Call7541~4 ....................... •68M8%280$ Peageot 9749 213/990·2525 CREVIER FetTori 9723 '7l 450SE One or a kind, check this ....................... 7141894-2154 MOTORS Datwn 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• (596KM R) Elec. s un· one oul! l210HFR> We '71 PEUCEOT304 .... ·-· 9756 ht Ir lroodway ....................... 1975 FERRARI roof, stereo, lo-ma. Exel Buy I Selltrrade! 4 spd, xlnt. cood. Beat •••••=•~~;; .......... .. S... AN SAVE DINO 308 GT cond. BRrTISH CAA CO. olr. ~ •t D£AL£R IN U.S.A. 835-3171 Red w/pwr. windows, alr HOUSE O 213/llC).2525 Ponche '15 S S cond .• mag wheels. IMPORTSF 7141894-2854 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ROY '69 ALFA ROMEO IBUMA Red exLertor & in ex· cel l e nt condition (479BRYl. MUST IE SEEN 4TOCHOOSE '74 AISA ROMEO GTV's 0.00 Color $election One is NEW.Air eond. mag wheels. COS4MMY >. BEACH IMPORTS 848DOYEST. NEWPORT IE.ACH 752-0900 -- s t e r e o & 1 o , o o o •72 POI SC NE t 14 CARVE a miles. <353NDZ). 2131921-8588 '76 3000 MIZ Sapd, appearance group, ROUS·ROYCE 732401 PerfectCoaditioft 714/523-7250 Diesel. Milan Bm .. elec. alloy wheels. n ew =:,.-:t":. Uc.394MSU <4808 > BR•CH IMPORTS sun.rf. stereo. lo-ml. im· r adials. r ack. low __ _........, 5A D '64 MIZ 2205E maculate. (880PCN) m ileage. utr e me l •$4699• 848 OVE ST. CLASSIC COUPE Buy/Lease! sharp! <'740NPE> , __ a.ou __ o_s_UN_o_,,._n __ • • • • NEWPORT IEACH Rare 4 speed. sunroof. CREVIER t7&7 •73 DATSUM 1200 152 .. 0900 leather, s track stereo & HOUSE OF MOTORS 2 DR 2:50 engine. Buy or lease. IMPORTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 ROYER (384DLQI . $2499. Ea· tremely rare ! Outatand· mg condltion. 4 Speed. tinted glass. '64 330 CT 2+2· Burg/blk. Ul20NLE). 2111921-8588 ht & lroodway rad.Jo, heater. Stk#4655. Borrani's. 3·000 mi on SADDLll'"C"' c:-.t...-Awa rblt eng . 644 ·0850/ "' " 714f!t7250 _... • $1 799 • 842-00S4. VALLEY IMPORTS LM"-97•4 135-3171 . . 831-2040 495-4949 -.. •••• '72DATSUN 1200 Uc. 904GNN. (4843}. •$1699• •••• 68 330 CTC. Mint, ract ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.966 Porsche 9l2. Koma. HOUSE OF air. drk blu/tan int. 1960 Mettedes 220. 4 spd. 1975 MOB Citron yellow. rapid cool, race mark. IMPORTS $14,000. 644~/642-00$4 AM/FM radio, new in· blk trim, cln & sharp. Gd fresh valves. $4200. Make 2131921-e• Rat 9725 terior & tires. 25 mi per mechanical cond. Tun otr. (7141 Hm 673·7884, 71 .. 152,.7_ gal. Best offer or trade & ready. 64<41657. bus 750-0089. Jim. "" -...,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• f1 1968 FIAT 6~~.Jloc~~~ ~~ /,;.00,:· .WO.. UMd MhK. UMd ....._Used 850 SPIDER art 6pm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .... Unbelievable condition! One owner vehicle with only 37,000 miles. Mint condition, must see' Ul62CQlll ). NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Stref'l NEWPORT BEACH 83J.UOO LHw N•w-UMd OVER 100 MERCEDES ONDl5'LAY House of ltftDOrts AUTHORIZtD MERCEDES DEALER 6862 Manchester. Buena Park 523-7250 On the Santa Ana Fwy PACTOIY Aunto•n• CLEAN-UP SALE .000 5&IC110M °' 1976 •UMUMS • KOitMllS • SPOITAIOUTS • MATADOIS • PACMS Al.LAT 1976 CLEAN-UP SALE PRICES 1976 GREMLINS IT_....AT 8El' NO ~ S289600 8uy l'IOW end receive BUYER PROTECTION PLA"4 11 at no additional cost and eave over 1~n model Pl'ICea. BUY or Lg •••• CREVIER &I U 6 lltOAOWAY SAMfA AMA 835·3171 IN SAMTAAMA l"4 WlllllAft MWICI'~ •USIDIMW's• '73 &varia·CllOSLVY) '75200i· cm~BK > '76 200tlA • (0C99 I CJowcl 0. s..days ORANGE COUtn'Y'S OU>IST .... '74YWPASHa 33.000 actual mllH. GOOD ECONOMY! (498MVA). , • 10 DAIL y PILOT ftiday. October 29 1976' ....... 1.,00:.W . .... .....-w AaltOs., biipoi'W ..... .porW ...... '""orted Allto•. l•pa.rfed ~ . ·············•·•··•···· ······••••••··········· ........•.............. .........•••...•...••. . ............................................ . A.to., UMd 0Aadei. UMd ·~ UMCI Sd ' 97 Toyota 97'5 Toyota '7'5 T......... 97'7 Volbw..,.. 9770 olvo. '772 . ....................... ....................... •...•.•................ ······················ .........•.•.•.•...........•.•..•.•...........••••....•..•......•.••• ··················~···· •••................... I 974 SAAi •SALE 70 Toyota Corona, TOYOTA 73 ECONOMY 1973 VW SOUTHaH W.AGOHIACK ~ I~· 5795. CJ!ih CLASS.SPITFIRE 412WAGOH OltANGICOUMTY'S Automati<", air lOnd . ~..oo20 FO W/ha.rd1op, custom in Automatic, air eond., VOt.UMI ~lcrco C3!\!'I \\ " 1973TOYOTA n Sharp. Super deal. stereo" unbelleY&bly VOLYODEAUR li~.ikers & EMS"' hccli. CELICA '77 UO:ZSPS) immaculate! Musl see to (147LGC> Will !>ell BRITISH CAR CO. belaeve! (2WFB>. 1':XAMPLE. ur,md r\t'w UHDER·RET.AIL 4w!~_·,~~)d .. N· omwag Not yet·bul we do have 213llWM\·2525 ON&.Y SIHS 978 V I -t 2S L'"ll ,~..., ~ ,.., ,,,,_ NEWPORTDATSUN !,,uip,.!•~~0'~6) cu y ONLY$lS98 ~r: '7&i°:~~~1~)u,';:; 7141894-2854 8880oveStrect -,,. O~LY $~~96 1971 SAAi SOHETT Ill Blue extenor & m ex· cell,•nl co ndition . !~EQJ >. BEACH IMPORTS 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT IEACH Ml\RQOIS MOTORS :-~.,.o; M,,w(.ul 1111 t .... """ '>on Ou •1•.;f1 _., A., , t••I Mt,')IUN 'Ytl JO tU! .'~hO 4YJ .JO 752-0900 '75 Cellca ST. Perf cond, -------uutolrans. $3450. Call Toyota 9765 ··~···················· '72 Toyo la Murk JI Wa14on AulOmalic. air CQnd .. radio. heater, roof ruck & more! Paid over S3000 only 6 mos. ago musl sell, leaving coun· try (or Austrah:i next v.~k A:.k111~ $1..'l50tbcst offor. Supl·r runmn.i c:ar! Ph.•d:.t• l·all ·l!IU 2336 492.0924 ~--------1 1971 TOYOTA Corona 4Dr. Sedan Automatic with extreme· ly low mileage. (682DBA). ONLY Sl798 only Volbwogn 9770 NEWPORT BEACll "" ov ~·2997 ........................ 833· I 300 '11J1vw Camper. Reblt, -----""-~ tt B i clutch. generator, more. 1973 v~ ••-v er araa n $1950. orr. 645--0406. SUPER IHnE Mf\PQOIS MOTOR 5 Ml\RQOIS MOTORS •'·'0.'M•Hh,UtWlli i'"-\1\.' ")~, 'lJ11 ••o • • .. p A.,, , , t • .t Ml~'.OUN I/ti JO dJ I -.'~>1(.1 4~') -1.10 '73 V.W. Bus, Blue/White. Must sell. $3100/besl o!· ri;r. 675-8110. 4 spct..-d, 8 truck stereo & low miles. (3l3JBS). S.ADDLEIACK VALLEY IMPORTS lb"'\). ft\',Hh Lllill fl PkWt 'ltt1• l1.,.,1., t . -.-·A ••. ,~ 1 ... t Mt \~ll.)N Vii: J(1 .iJl·lbHO ~9)·1110 '72Super BeeUe. AM./FM, 831-2040 495.4949 Autos, Used looks & r uns x.lnl. $1850. • •• ••••••. •• •• • ••••• ••. 499-2t>'73 'bi VW Squureback, re-Genet-ol 990 I .;.;..,:....:::..::....:,,;___ ___ • ---1 bulll en((lne, sun.roor, ••••••••••••••••••••••• '68 CO RONA Auto·Rll, '68 Bug. ~.ooo m1., new clean. $1400. 546 S358 .... EWPORTER II AC Runs but nds wrk brakes, tires, muf£ler, & --------" $350_545•14oiA:skf~rl!:d.' int.S100064S-7388 vw '74 Su per Hui: SSSALE · vw .. /FM 74 · Orange, nu brks . i.lnl '69T t 6.1 Am ' m mi. cond. $2600. ~7l•l l GST·Bird·XEW115·$13SO oyo a clean cond. Creal gas 496-3577 68 VW·374MXl·SH50 Good shape. 645-0729. mi •g. $700/bst. 673·6342. · ' 67 VW F . R.·Wl PS04·$l l50 71 TOYOTA COlOtU. Au•o t r.1n1 flctO''f air eonO•t•Onino. v1nyt too lll61DSWI s1595 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '64 Bus-"74. Eng. (Clean) Volvo 977 Plush intr. Make orrer, ••••••••••••"'••••••••• must sell. 675-4978 '65 VW Bug. Good running '75VOLVO 164E SEDAM cond, Gd paint & tires. Auto, air, p i s. power --'$7"-00_o_r _bes_t._54_9_-054_1_--i windows. Un belicv ably 1961 vw BUG immaculate car! Mu:.t Good condition $695. be seen! (831NAI) SAVE or best offer. G1s.01u • CREVIER '70 VW Slat. Wagon, aulo shirt. AM/FM radio, air, new tires, new paint, 1 ownr. 57,000 mi. Pll: 5.'>.'l·-1490. MOTORS I st & Broadway SaetoAna 835-3171 00 <.:hev lm.-SYll207-$750 66 Chev 8 .J\ .. SYS572·$750 66 T· lllrd-SBM602-$750 &l Pont.-TMX663-$650 63 VW.CMZ98S·$950 Too many cars in family. Will sell any 1 of Lhc 4. All 68 VW Camper ·, Pop lop, OR A Nt:.E COUNTY ~ood, well equipped. '75 "" f" C:1maro LT, '74 <.:uUuss, LAST CHANCE FOR OUR LOWER THAN 1976 PRICE SALEll! tlll'l "•t "-l 1t4 l t 'I \\\ HuNflN~IOH lfA(.H Westphalia, $2000. VOLVO '72 Vega GT, '70 Olds (4 64S-Ol:W EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO drhdtp). 96.1·6M5 '70 vw Sqbk, new eng, Largest Volvo Dealer C 9905 ---------new paint. $1600. or bst in OranJ,l<' County I AM 1971 TOYOTA ofr.552·7168 .BUYorLEA.SE ••••••••••••••••••••••• CORO HA -• DIRECT Mon c y s av I.' r. '7 l . '72 vw Beetle, xlol cond. -Gremlin. 232 cu in. 6-cyl, A_ulom~t1c, AM /l'.M Destoffe!" ~I·~· ~~·f~I~ rad10,ncwl1res.673-8259. radio & a super looking . !).10.8100 • _, __ - - - lOFFEll EXPIRES NOVEMIER J, I '761 A NEW SHIPMENT OF '77 Z' s ARE HERE An early drop-off enables us to maKe ore-showing deliveries Come & take a look' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (WPl.F1000054~366) IMMEDIATE DBJVERY s99500 YOUR CHOICE OHL Y $45.45 MO. D~ price -SI 21UO; __. pwc...t.,e nrt• 21.57 for 24 lllOftftls, Cosh prict S995 '*'' tn & lkeew. 1971 DATSUN ST.ATIOH WAGON 4 soeed with air cond11tonmg (723EBSJ 1969 DODGE MOHACO 4 DOOR Hardtop Automalic. air cond. & lull PoWe< (XMP454} 1971 HONDA ood as economy (4888Ul l Ill•• car. (2270VI>. • • '74 GltEMLIN. Xlnl cond, OHL Y S 1495 · bu<'kel sc:rts, new tires. NEWPORT DA TSUH Bil 2025 s Manche$ter 29M. P'1 ply. S:icrlfic:c. 888 o Str t · 750 2011 make orr or trade. NEwrJ~~ s:XcH Anaheim -Evcs/wl..nds G75·118o. 833-1300 '75 Volvo, 241 Sl'd:m. air cla}s U:Jl·lll4 ___ _ '74 Toyol.i Cehc:a. 5 spd .. Quad lapedck., AM/l"M, Pvt Pty $2750. ti73 ~ltii or673-3671. 1972TOYOTA CELICA 4 speed, n1dio & vinyl roof. Won "l lu:.t long! 1109FEO ). 72VW SUP'lll HETU 4 -·FM reGtO Sttt. '3493 5 1895 cond,:1uto, l'S.1l~,OOOm1, ,75 PACER, AM/Fl'll $.'i200. SSl-059111 I · slereo, air cond, auto . 1975 VOLVO trans, special interior, 245 WAGOM while walh. Buy or take • O\lt•r b~. S!>ti v.lliO !I am lo Equipped w/f~rl. air 7 pm. cond .• automatic, pwr. -------- stccrin~. ::.lcrco radio. ·ro Austin America, xlnt One owner & less than rnnd. 48000 mi, Sac $550. 12,000 miles. (SGRM X<~ ). '19'J·l240 afl. G. hcf. noon. HOW $6398 ONLY S 1795 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT DATSUN 1972 VOLVO ,74 Le S abre Luxu!;. Bill MAXEY TOYOTA Buick 9910 1188 Dovt· SLrcct 145 WAGON Loaded. xlnl care. like NF.WPOHTBF.ACll Low m1leajll.',aul11matir. new i n:-.idll . $3200. t9t lt l•o,trill•d. 14'19')\\ HUNfl .... C.fO"" l l•CH 833;1 JOO uir cond. & roof rack. 581·374fi.' -·i;; Squareb:ick. $850. (7!JtiGIUl. Redun•d lo Triumph 9767 (;ood cond. P vt. ply. Cull ONLY $4198 ·73 El<'<'. LTD l'pc. Split •••••• • • • • • •• • • • • ••• •• • S.15 6879___ pwr ~l·:tt:., lnatkd, 0 1ig 1971 Triumph TR6 for Sak, i5 \'W Convl•rl, nwnr. S35!~5. XI. cond. A one owner cur XI.NT' 12.000 mi, AM/F:\r. 8 trk 640·7317._ ----- tS03UTB ) . .Buy or lc.1,.e. tape. $.1:;()(). 492·W25 CO,..VERTllLE SADDLEIACI< --...., VALLEY IMPORTS ·10 VW Wcslphalia Pop '72 Skylark, full pwr, Top Camper Van. Good super dean. 548·6787 oc 831-2040 495.4949 tond. Good l'ng., AM t l"M ti7J 3'iG2. · -radio. S2100. 968·2tM2. ---. • TR 7 NEW --Auto LeasincJ 9580 Auto l~as1n9 9580 Custom black bt•July ! '71 VW 9 Passeng<'r Hu-; ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L>1:.«US!\ henrf1h of ll•as Cle.in. l'nvatc part). IOJl liO :\lo!> fm 1\ll ().\l°. ~150. fiiJ-337-1. BRITISH CAR CO. vw Spirit Bubble top 213/990·2525 Cmpr Beaut. New steel 7141694-2854 r.1fl1.1ls. $3900. ti46·iW 1. ----....-- 'tii TR4 A. lHS. Ud t'Ond., '71 \'W cnnvt'rtiblc, orig radio. nu .illcrn.ilur & one owne r , pcrf . gt•nt.'ralor Call Sl:ll ·ti2!l8 (791 EllLl S24i7. Imports art R. of Sanla Barbara . -(805)68i·77ti7. TR-6'S 'G3 VW Bug-.-n-t-nw-n--u-p, Many to c:hoo:.(• fro.m . W<· S250 or hesl offer. buy. sell, trade C;1 ll us 1,..4.4798 no~' BRITISH CAR CO. '71 VW Cam pe r . xlnt 213/990-2525 C'Oncl. $2l!OO 714/694-2854 7~2·02·"'1 -- --'ll7 VW Hui:, xtra clean, 't~ THIUMPH S00cl' SllSO. 1550 9ii:l·255!'l 642 3379 ------- '75 TR7 1.o . m1 . mint ' Bu} / L<'3 'd ' I Trad <• t-: Z T t>r m -. Su Pl'r ch-<11. (O'J9N I' l') BRITISH CAR CO. 213/990-2525 714/694-2854 1969 VWBUG With maj?!', radio & ht·all·r. Tou~h litlle c:ar ! <0231.SZ >. . ONLYSll95 NEWPORT DA TSUH AAS! Dove Slrcet Nt-:Wl'OllT HEACll 833-1300 AU MAJfES I MOO&S CAIS I nucn INCLUDIMfi THI MARK Y .•• AND ntE All HEW UC~ COUGAI XU!! ILMDLAJ MEANS FULL MAIMTEHAHCE FULL SERVICE!! Ple•.Mt~'"-' ftldl~tFOI A~''"""' BUY·A NEW TOYOTA . . from ... 12 MONTHS , or 12,500 MILES SERVICE FREE! HERB FRIEDLANDER 537-5464 GARDEN G OVE FWY . and HE WILL SE·RVICE YOUR CAR !FREE! i.itAR - (AS PER FACTORY RECOMMENDATION) .12 MONTHS or · 12,500 MILES SERVICE FREE! . with this ad at time of purchase ........ ~ \ ' • -.... •,-,"" .Jt • ! ••• HER B FRIED LANDER --r~:~~~~!~~~·. · ... 1003 1 Ga r den Gro v•c: Bhd., Gard~n Grove 53 7 -5464·· .. - \:· ' , , ' ... .. ) . I .... UM'd .UM'd ..... UMHI UMd ...... UMd ....._UMCI Frlday.October29.1978 OAJt.V PILOT D J J ••••••••• ..... ••••• •••• ············-········ ....................... • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·······;;;; Aale9I. .... tlOCi..... .... .............. .... -,..,. ~ ............. !!.'.~ ::~:~ .......... !!!.s ttl 7 c:a.,.a.r tt21 C11t' fat ttJO •••u••••••• .. ••••••••• ............................ -. ••••• _ ... _ .. _ ...... . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tt74 CMIVIOUT '9TAC w.,oo. A/C' PJS. '75 MAia IV 71 COMAi XIJ7 'U WILOCAT. Cl111k 72CADIUAC body, apec wbla. IN5 Ph CPI DI VIW a.1298 eves. 58MOO dya .Full powu. leather "' CAMA.IO LT CPI PB. re<bb. Extras. 14 $1616 v . a 1 u t 0 m 1 t a t Air ;;d1t1onln1. tlnttd mpt OCI re&ular. $7:1(). Ph F\aUy 1oH.s tncludln& tran•ml11lon, power -1ua. steel bett.I radl&.I 540-l98 Ult wheel, crulae control. lteerilll. brakes fl wln· Wta!te Itri" Ure.s. lurbO lM Chrysler Newport 1 AM /FM tape, padded dowa. tilt wheel, •lr COG· b y d r a m a t I c m•. xlnt cond. SloOO. vinyl top. leather fn · dlttontn1 . AM I FM '1'3 BUICK APOLLO, terlor, AM/ FM tape Hatchback. Below Blue laudau top, air ft Ul Sooll MJ.-4~ wheef. t»aDUA) -C--:T-1c-----,-,-,-1 $2916. transmlulon. AM/FM M0-239C> terlor. air. cond. stereo Sharp car. stereo radio, console. Ser.SY89A8728Sl . (OSIMVB> ...................... GUSTAFSON CDP.:51) 9910 $4461. GUSTA FSON l INIOL N Mt AC"li11 ¥ 1 hlWO At•"' t> Bl •Cl llunlirllJIO•• 0 ... 11 ti 84_?~ s339 s. ····;;;·;u~c·o~···· Seein&ara1earea COMT. MARK IV Aakfcw Rick L IN COL N Ml ACllRY 16800 lit• .1< '' Bl 11d Hu111111qlon B<·a< h 8 4 2-8844 'GUS TAFSON l IN I ! 1 t N MI IH lJ 11 ' 1 ~ I t l • I I I t . I • ' I ' t I I \ I 'JI ' 1 Ht1nh11•J!1._111 Bt•rt1 t re' ~ :.. oast Full power. leather. • nereo i.pe. <'rube cont. '11 Cad. 4 Dr. lmmac. tiUJtwbeel. (9SMMX>. eer..tte tfll. _________ 1 "Cream Puff". Local re • altor"s ll'easure! A mua 330Weat.8aySt. ONLY $1699 ••••••••••~•••••••••••• '68 XR7 Cout•r. food 84:? 8844 Nabers Cadillac see! Super sharp! $2895. 1 ___ eo._t_a_M_es_a __ .... MAC HOW AID 1974 CotlYITTI cond. must adl. make o1. 640-5560 644-0505 ev AUTO" TRUCK SAL~ 4 lpffd....... rer. MZ·9'18:1 '76 Sevill e. Loade W ,500/bst offer. 615- t920 lit & Hat"bor, Sant a Ana Power steering. brakes, '69 Cou,ar X R7. FUiiy ... •••••••••••••••••••• Sll-6000531°3421 windows witb air cond., equipped. Lo ml. very P.,S..Ut"""-stereo & o nly 39.770 clean. SllOO. Ph551-H39 Quality and Price Guarantttd aft & PM. MS..U.lelttll 72COUGil 7 muea. (684KLM). -wf Y• ,.._, v.a. auto. trans .. ra ory OHL Y $6 799 ft.A-. Lca~init Spcci.11"" Preferred R.i1c~ .,.... air coodlUooln1. wer MAC HOW AID --r .., ..._ ateering. power b ea. AUTO & TRUCK SALES .. ••••••••••••••••••••• L.1rgc\I Sell'< 1 mn of New & Uwi.J ud1f1JC\ In Orange County Cad Coupe De Ville Ort COMNB.L tape deck, radl ater, l.st & Harbor Santa Ana '63 Convt. Lo ml. gd ahape eond. Full pwr, $800 0 Y•.__P~ whitewall li . vinyl 531_.000531•3421 "7S. See at~ Senlsa, t". 839.~ wkdys oo1 .-. root. tinted glass. wheel Irv. 5S2·9033or 546-$ZtS. 493·91Mwknds. Too MllC !N coven. <~GC> 1974 CORVETTE '70 Challenger. Slant a. Open ~OOUdV Cadillac Master Dealer 26oo+iMhor OlvJ Cosl.i Mc .... 510·1)1()() '76SEVILLE' CONlllll $2666• T·TO' PS. Must sell below blue Loeded $1 540-5630 Automatic, air cond .. bK. 9894. Call $.36-!Ml aft 493-~ l, CHEYIOl.ET 1Wllmtm1. ~:~~:;~lea. :,~eTlOO.Cbocbm. 74CADILLAC ~~~~d. VAWYI...,..,..__, c u at fot .. rull pwr .• CONYDTIILE 2626HAllOtlllV . ....-y"'• k»ded. l ownr. lo ml.. Nabers Cadillac v.a, auto trans. power 648-1200 COSTA MESA 13 1·2040 4tM949 must see. $S900. 98S-9t80. steering. power <disc) '71Kiftowood9 pass Ful £--. ..,._w tlOO .. --. .... __ ..-.. --.. Mew ftOO brakes, power windows, •-8 .. s -"9' -...., .,_., - t A /F pwr., a ..... ~ tr... ac. ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• ••••••••••••-•-•••• ••••••••••••-••-• • 71 CADILLAC 4000RSEDAN V-8, auto. trans .. factory air conditioning, power steering. power brakes, power windows. power seats. radio. he ater, whitewa ll tares, tinted glass. wheel covers. Buy it right! 1456DCH > $2999. S40·S630 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY power sea s. m $1300 968-0290 stereo radio, beater. --·-------1 whitewall tires, lint 1975 MOMU glass. wheel covers. TOWHECOUPI While on while. Red . le.ither in tenor. Collec-Automatic, air cood .. tors attention. Stk S707A. Land au " s t ere SAVE casseu.e. U03NIH>- 540-5630. 1011\~0\ ,~SO\ • L INl...OLN ·M~RCURV 2626 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA SADDLEIACI VAWY IMPORTS lll-2040 495-4949 '68 Chevelle 307 High performance. Best o(r. 673-5276. . '68 Wagon. 75M mi. 20M dlllac Coupe de V1Jle. on reblt eng, reblt trans. 1972, loaded. ong ownr. nu radial tires air P/B :!s-2~ 545 9162, Sun. PIS. S™J/ofr. ~. ' 2626HARBOR BLVD. 972 Cad II Cou d '68 lmpala, au.to, PIS. air. a ac, pe e 4dr S850 COSTA MESA Ville. all ictras. Pvt pty. ' S..1941 Ca.di Ila~ '72 Sedan De _!!500 _846-7994 '7S Chev Monza 2+ 2 Ville salver ice. lealht'r '73 Cpe de Valle, full pwr. Auto/Air xlnt cond Lo bl~. stereo tape deck. Am/Fm stereo, immac. mi'g S3tSo 644.1259· w cnase control. tall. pwr. must see! Must sell1---· --· -----t locks window & l>eat 752·6000 72 Caprice 4 dr sdn PS Twilight senlemal. cln. PB P/wiDciows AC ' pvt ply. $3200 r.rm. ·74 Cadillac Cpe de Ville. top. $1950 646-637& • 644-8429 All black Tape deck,--·--·---------------1 35,000 ma. Qill 644-8035 '70 Cbevelle Malibu A/C, 197l CADILLAC Camaro vinyl top. V8, PS. PB. COUPE DEVILLE •••••••••••••••••••••• $3400. 496-3410. D.P . Full power, leather. tall '74 LT. Auto, air. P/S '73 Chevy, 9 pass caprice w heel, cruise cont .. P/B rallye whls + EslateWgn.A/C,steroo. stereo tape & pwr. spht mor~. Xlnt concl. $Js new tires. Great shape. aeato. (N4SLlGYIB$>4. 699 Afl6.30,640-6139. 47,000 mi. $2795. Pb 646· l 158 Pvt pty. MAC HOWARD '68 Cumaro 327 4 s~. Headers mags more 1971 Nomad Station Wgn A\ITO &TRUC:K SALES $1400 67l·7713. • . A/C, p 1s: p /B. auto: 1st & Harbor. S<.mla Ana $1400. 831-1527, Lag Nig. 531-6000 53 1-3421 '68 Camaro. 327 auto. a1r,1----------1 ---------1 radio & heate r. PIS , '68 Chevy Nova. 6 cyl .. 2 '10 Coupe DeVille Full PJB. 8·4 track, ster dr .. Auto, Front end power. Sl ,7!15. tape. new cpts. vinyl damaged. $300 /bst ofr. Call 5484752 root. $1700 837·2869. 983-0145 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~·DATSUN ./ CHECK THESE PRICES ~ VES • 7 5 610 4 DOOR • AM/FM radK>. yellow. 6736 mile' 1T11gs. radial~. moulding, p1nstnpe. 1•11&1 ID IAYll __ WiY wan,,. '''' .......... ~..!!"' All4 -" .. =:=::·c t1nte ..,._. .. ........ , ........... -.. ' b • '76 .... ,,., --· il loMA .. OPHll HNI•· ~.:.:~ ..uas ... ~,.... ,,. fOIOIMOT· und ercoating (Ser IHt.6100-40634) (Stk 143311 '3244 HOW e 76 7 I 0 2 DOOi SID.AH e FactOIY air conditioning. AM/FM radio. stereo casaette. green. 5559 miles. mags. radials. m ou lding , pin stripe , undercoating . (Ser. JJHt.71007883§,l, (Stk. 148291. Y---CI y-- e75 710 2 DOOi SIDAHe Factory air cond1t1onlng, AM/FM radio. o range. 5063 miles. moulding. undercoat (Ser IJHl.7100530 17) (SOI 1<46151 S.Aft 13449 MOW e 76 610 2 DOOlt CPI. e Auto t ran s f act ory air cond1tloning. AM/FM stereo radio aqua 6568 mile s. moulding. undercoating. radials. '(Ser #Hl6 10·07 1174) (Stk 1:::) 14459 MOW e 76DATSUM710 e 4 D oor S tic k Shift 1ir condllloning. stereo 1811)8 8 track. Lo mileage Partial F1ctory Wlrr8nty remaining Stk. 15099. 1 = 13997 MOW e 76610WACiOM 4 IC)8ed. air conditioning, AM-f'M stereo. mouldings. only 7.835 miles Oemo #856244 Stk 17580 '4550 MOW SAYE '3B24 MOW ' •75 710 2 DOOi eow1• Factory air conditioning. AM radio. yellow. 3 711 miles. moulding, undercoating. (Ser No .J<Hl710026383l (Stk. t-4529). SAft '3644 MOW ' •71 710 4 Dooa smAM• Factory air ooncSttlOnlng, AM/FM 11e<eo radio. red. 9032 miles, moulding, undercoating. (Ser tJHL710040025) (Stk. M406l SAYE '3449 MOW e76 710 4 Dooa S.AMe AJr conditioning. Stl<* eftlft, radio Helter. etc. S1'K 6099. SA ft '4299 e 76DATSUM 710W8M e . Loaded w4th extras. Lo Lo miles. •~e. SAft '4695 MOW DRASTIC REDUCTIONS OM NEW '76 DATSUNS M1W 7 6 12 l 0 HATCHIACll 4 apeed, AM/FM stereo radio. licte mouldings Stk 1911 SAYI '3249MOW MIW '76110 4 DI. S9AN 4 epMd. AM/FM redio. 8 11'11Cte. 9lde mouldings. StlL tU08. s.n13849MOW 4 .,,.~. A M/,M redlo. aid• mouldings.. SUc. t821. SAYI SJ 149 MOW MIW?6&.o.- MIW lf76TOYOTA NIW lf76TOYOTA CORONAS! PKXUPS! STA...._.._ sn1 t..01f«R --·----•409.,-a ...... '72 HILUX . ......_~ '70MKI '*"' ftl'IOTA-Aino...nc -JO '1999 •1•" '11 YW ~ a.tl.Mf0.-4V •JIOTC ''Ill'"' '16" •1999 7JCOIOMA '7J C&JC.4 ~ .. ,,., ·~tw - MIW lt76 VOL VO V ALUESI 0..0 lt76 YOl.YO Z41D :td ltll. lt/9 .•. --• ..... .... • o.,., ..... ~, ..... W.17876 ~ 1976 YOLYO UIA ltll.lt19.•.... Ult.,.71 ~,.,,. W.18376 MIW lf7' YOUO 241A °'"" "'· "'· ...... ......... ~··NIGi Sale 17076 MIW lt76 YOLYO 2'4LA .. ,.,..::.-··· ......... ............ ~M111tM W.18676 ) ... w "'" .,11 .. 11,., ' ·~.o •••"'~'"''"'' S•' t90lASAOllM NEW76 MUSTANG I 876 TC>llNO NEW 76 pttm) COUPE •297, 7UlllAC.T. 4 IOleO ll CIOlf I ll Aldos. Used ....... U1ecl Allht.. UMd ....._ UM4 ._.. .. u.ec1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• OodcJe ttl5 ....... ""° 994 t twluog "52 tt60 5 1495 1974.0RD GU¥ TORINO J DOOR HAltOTOP Automatlt'. pwr ateer· Ina. alr cond . 1lereo t .-pe & \ltnyl roor (!mKBJ ) OMLY Sll99 MAC HOWARD AtJT(UrTRUCK SALES I.st " Harbor. Santa Ana Sll-6000 531·34JI '75 LTD exec oor, ammac. lo mUeage. air cond. lov· 7JllOID TORl .. OCPI v,... 1uto trans. lartory air cond1tlorun1. power rtn1. power brakes, radio, heater, wllltewall Urts. vinyl root. tinted al.as. w heel covers . Sharp ois you 'II rind (6201<.LLI $2111. 540·5630 1011\SO\ ,\ 'O\ • l INl lll N Ml '" Ullv Bill M AXEY TOYO TA ely green. 14300/~>sl ofr. 2626HAlltol ILVD. Iii 11 I • .,, t-I , I • I ~ \ ... \,l ... l IN'-.. I 1N If"' •l Pvt pty 813LQB 540-7llOO COSTA MISA 8·S wkdays, 524 21S7. wknds AskforBud oS R~n c he ro . a~l~. trans .. V·8. $1300. 2060 9940 '74 LTD Estate sale. Aulo. Pomona C.M. ••••••••••• •• • •• •• • •••• a.Ir. 21,000 mi. $3495/bsl U.Colft 9945 '72 Gran Tortnu ~prt C~. ofr. 531-8072 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orig owner Lu ma s , ~.<.:all 644·41173 70 Torino fM lHruck '69 UHCOLH ---s t ereo. CrJ~ars . .i.lr 51216 '72 LTD llrou~ham 2dr .. s hocks, 302-VS Nice ' all pwr . 11w windows. 11000 nex 646-6981 Louded with power steer AM lfM l.len.-o. splJt pwr mg & brakes. AM /FM 8 sea\Ji. lo m1'j! , new urcs, um> Ford LTD Country truck, Wl wheel, crwse brks. Sl99S 073.9364 Squire 10 pas::. wa~on. control. vlnr l top, air P/S. P /B , 11lr. rack, rood. Pnced to sell Lac 73 Ford. Gran Tonno. 2 AM/FM 'stereo S1200 393-JEU. I t.lr, Broghm. ~1cn."1>. P B. 556-724.8 P tS. A C'. S2 19S Mr ---------• ; Gray .>.&O·IU133 E vs i2 LTD Brougham, uuto. 548 J84..l air . stereo/radio Orig ---------1 owner $1950 1714 ) Call 642·5678 842·4831 --------- GUSTAFSON LIN COl N Ml Rcunv 16bOCi Bl•..ich Bli1cl Hunl riqlon BP.tr h 842-8844 9100 ..... .... 9100.... .... flOO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •WI IELIYEISll CASH OR TRADE OM Al'PIOY9 Cl9lll LEASE A#t M• or Modet Ctl''M•"Mattt.tw.s S40·5630 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 MUST A .. G II <Vll027$) l'ht'Ck lhJS pdcu.u OMLY$2'91 1974 PLYMOUTH Custom Soburban two seat SWt.ion W1t1on •l•1t· dard equipment loclud• !.!l•ct l"Oftlc •tnitlon, power dlsc fl'Of\t brak-. pow e r &t ee ri n 1 . uutomotlo lronsm~. rubber bum~r 1ur'dll. 2626HAaM>l ILVO. AM radio, Ugbt pocbp, 1.iand•rd alie Mi\RQ UIS MOTORS 4• " I .. 11 • "' ..... COSTA MISA whit walls. delWte wheel ' ' . I ' '" ,, •f4 .. l '74 U.,.COLN covers. left rem«• ml,... M .... ., IV l-'-'--"-===----"--=----1 ror. electric clock. lutS· .. , 1'11 ' -" '69 Muslantt Fostback. gage ruck, ta11Jote auto Vlrinyl lo~. lealbt>r ID· 117000 miles. v .,ry id lock. 360cld. 4 bbl. VI te or. Am/FM slcrt-'O, cond S1200 E 11e1. enatne. heavy duly IUS• full power. tilt wheel. 1133-7~ pension p ackaae. air <GOlLEM> --------1 <·ondlilonlna. tinted $6916. '6.S Muc.tang. uuto. mattli. wl..ndshleld. <DP-44> V-8. quad ta~. lo ma. 522 ·• S GUSTAFSON l INI l 'l IJ ML fH'lJ>IY 1 hHllll tj,. "' rt Al~,1 H•ir lor1•1l u·1 Bt>.ich sharp 96&3898eves. ---See in 1araao area '65 Must Sharp. 76. Ask for Rick stereo. nt>w tareit. iwrl _. mi .• V8 l'On::.ole, fuel uir. 0r;r: c-·t ---------• run 'g con d Sl 375 D Plot '69 MARKlll n 4 Mll·9~----330West8aySl. 842-8844 V-8. 11uto trans. factory MObl~ 9955 ___ Cost __ a_M_es_a __ _ alr coodiliooJng, power'••••••••••••••••••••••• st~ring. power brakes. 1975 O\DS power windows. power • '7l PLYMOUTH FURYCPE. St'Jl11. r ad io. ht'ater . c.tlass S..pre,... whitewall tires. vinyl COUPE Local cur-one roor. tinted gla:; ... a owner Low m1leage·lesc. cliw.1c with leuther SOI tudn 12.000 m1lec. V-8, auto. trons., factory Jtr cond1liorung. power steenng, power brakea. AM I Fl\1 radio, heitler, vinyl roof. C789GIP) 412 A <790LPHJ Reduced lo ONLY $4998 $2999. 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· M~ fl( l!f<Y 1011\SO\ & SO\ , LINCOI f'< MERCURY 2626HA.RIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA '71 LINCOLN 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN MEHCURV $2181. 540·5630 Most.est for the Leastest. '72 Plymouth f'ury IJI, New tires. air. clean, !>harp. $129~. flrm 847-2759 1975 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX JS Full power. air cood .. lill wheel & bucket seats. IJO.lLRVI ONLYS5399 MAC HOWARD AUTO & TRUCK SALES bl & Harbor. Santa Ana 531-6000 531-3421 CPE. . 2626HARIOR ILVD. ale or Trade ror sml V-8. Juto trans· factory COSTA MESA domestic or fore1°n Jtr condlttoning. power --------1 .. :-.teennll--po11oer brake::-. I 96 7 OLDS 98 sports rar. '70 Pontiac Powt•r windo'4s. powt•r Grand Prix. Very clean. 'l'JIS. A~l t FM rud10 . 4 doof', I own bi3~728 healer. whitewall t ires. car. Hal •••r •74 Grand Prix. Loaded. 'myl roof. l anted glas:.. yth. 1 Xlnt XJnt rond. Pvt ply S417S. w h c e I cove r 'i Lo lftCJ· C Ph 673·3599 m11t•agecar. c308CCE l 480 Broadway ,----- $2999 '71 Bonnevilh:. air. pwr • Co•ta Me•-. --"'--------t sl.t!enng. 4dr. $1000/bst 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN MERCURY i-1 Olds Della 88 . ~ dr ofr 586·8736 aft Gpm brown. wh1tt• "'n lop. '64 Pont Grand Prix. 281\t. S:J.iOO ti-lt).015-i Dcpend3blc tra ns p . 2626HARIOR llVD. Pinto 9957 Ru n~ gd New tlrcs. Bst ofr l\hke, 536·1549 or &t2~ COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·72 Pinto runabout. ne'4 Mercury 9950 tires. Jar cund . "cry '76 F1reb1rd Formula. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tkun. runi-l(n al. onl) Lo mt . good cond. '75 MERCURY 14.000 male!'> on engine :>57 9349 979-5554. MONARCH GHIA mort' 1nro ~41.i 211ss Auto trans. (actory air Sl495 00 IS Pont. wta1r. p/s. p/b. --good cond. seso. Call cond.•taoning, powe r '7·1 Ptnlo Sqwn Rc1d10 751·1022eves/wknds l>U.~nng. power <dist·> New radtall. sho~:kl. bat bral.cs. radio. he:!.ter . lery S2600 752 1637 ' ·-;7 Ponuuc Firebird . 'Ahtlewall tires. vinyl ----Formula 4()3 cum. Silver roof. tmted glas:.. wheel ·71 Pinto. nt:w tire-.. $850 blue Loaded. OnJy 800 covers BJack un black or offer Mt .: pm. Lall ma Special 5 yr, 50.000 Supernice.<0112Nn11 631-06:J6or6Jl·067H ma maant msr policy. $4999. Priced fo r qwck sale. 540-5630 '71 Pinto 2000 CC t•ni.:. $m50 496.3534 Jut e. SoOO Phone 97!1-().108 1976 PONTIAC ·7.i Pinto MJnu:.a l Iran!>. GRAND PRIX 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY xlnt 1·ond Must :.ell. 2DOORHARDTOP 2626HARIOR ILVD. 642·5161 t'lil':. Automatic, air cond ., COSTA MESA - - -d •-t ·,. ·7,1 f'into Xlnl cond pwr. wm ows "'s eenn .. '75 MERCURY ~~'.100 or bt!c.l of for with only 10.000 miles. "" 1380PDM). MARQUIS W AGOM ~st :.ell GJI 00~ OML y SS 799 Auto . Trans .. factory aar '74 Sqwre Slat1on Wa~on. M •c HOW• RD c:ondll1on1ng. po wt:r 4 . .;pd,Z1.000.lopcond "" "" sleeri;'1t!· power l>rake~. S2200 979 7 AUTO&TRUCKSALES 1 a d1 0 . h e al e r . 9 Lst&Harbor,SantaAna µJ:.scn~er <S58NDV 1 ·n Pinto. auto. ~unrool. 531-6000 5 3 I ·342 t $4888 :.harp• Ila~ only JO.~ • nu.' Lady owner Sl.790 ThunderiMrd 9970 540-5630 bi:J.4.132 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '55 T·BIRD. recent $tlOOP.. 1011\SO\ ,\SO\ • l INCOL N · Mf IKURY 2626HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA 1970 MARQUIS 4 dr. foll pwr Nr new radaab Make m t; ao offt·r' 644·1156 Plymouth 9960 cue.tom r cstorat1de. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S5000_f_1 rm~ l ·_337_7 __ ATLAS W4 Door Fully loaded Ch~t.r jPtymouth s1200 496·8871 Open Oaaly & Sun 'lll 10 VeCJO 9974 P)! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 292!1 llarbor Blvd · '74 Veg Hlchbk au•"' Co-.lo 1\1 t!&a 8 . · ...,.. 546 1934 J\/C, lo mt, nu u res. A·l . -$2(175. 830-0800 644·2877 9100 AllhK. Mew Alllol. Mew tlOI YOU'LL LIKE THE TOTAL BETTER at HERB FIEDLANDER IMPORTS ******************* 1976 FIATS 128 MODEL z Or's. • Dr's. Casloms. Wagoa's *************** You Pay 150" om Olr. lnvo6tt" ·Ask &o fft lk iavoltt *************** Many to Choose From Some Demos. ••••••••••••••• YOU PAY INVOICE~~ •flu orr. lnlaUd tptlot• Of uyt .._.. 11w Din n..itc AYll IO.A.C.I Sil IS F11""1%11.ft%1% FUIU'llll DmH'lttf Dew .. . ~ .... , .... ::•• '77 OLDS OMEGA Automatic transmission. tinted glass. (3S27C7L 1005 72) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ PLUS TAX & LICENSE ,67 PONTIAC FIREBIRD $AYE Automatic. radio and heater. Must see. (161PHG). DODCiE SWINGER , 70 Automatic. radio. heater. vinyl top. s 1 ·577 (892CFI) Automatic. power steering, power '73 PONTIAC LE MANS $ I brakeul• condillonin~ (359H01) 1777 ,71 MONTE CARLO $ Auto .. P.S .. P.B.: air~. ~nyl too. 1977 cust. wheels. silver mist II\ color. (874EJE) '74 TOYOTA WAGOH $2177 AM/FM radio. heater. (737L~). '73~~~.~~~~~B .. P.S . air$2277 conditioning. root rack. (624KLN) ,73 CUTLASS SUPREME s29 -Automatic. pawer steenng & brakes. , 77 air conditioning. vinyl tQP. (022MOLJ ,73 FORD MUSTANG $ Air cond1t1oning. power steer1ng. 2977 power brakes. (538HSU) CUTLASS SUPREME $ f Auto.. P S . P B . air cond11ioning 73 vlnyl top. AM/FM stereo. bucket 3177 seats. (737HOC) COUGARXR7 '72 Automallc. power steering. power $AYE brakes. air cond1t1oning. V1ny! toi>. lift wheel. power seats & windows. AM/FM stereo, rallye wheels. (254ETV) TAKE YOUR CHOICE 172 DATSUN 610 '72 CHEVY IMPALA Coupe. 4 s peed Automatic, power '70 CADILLAC COUPE transmission. radio and a t e e r i n g • a I r F u I I p o w e r . a I r heater. (449PCW). conditioning. (952EJM). conditioning. (409BZV). 5 1477 PLUS TAX & LICENSE Friday, October 29. 1978 GMC TRUCK CENTER OVH 60 'IJ TOHS V4 TOM5-4x4'~EA VY DUTY TRUCKS IM STOCK FOi IMMBHA Tl DBJVERY BRAND NEW '77 GMC Y2 TON Pickup (TCD147Z501415) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ PLUS TAX & LICENSE CADILLAC COMftlTIILI '74 El Dorado. Beauti ful mist blue exterior with white convertible top. Fully luxury eQu1pped. Must see. (474FJL). $AYE ,7----CHEVY CAPRICE s3377 4 Classic. Auto . P.S .. P.B .. air cond .. vinyl top, tilt wheel. Power windows. (519LFG J IUICK REGAL '74Auto .. P.s .. PB .• 1111 wneet. cru1se s3477 control, AM/FM 8 track. vinyl top, P1seats. rallye wheels. Gorgeous. (481JFH) ,7 OLDS CUTLASS $ 5 Salon coupe. Auto .. P.S .. P.B.. 4477 landau top, rallye wheels, power windows. (275LRV) f Automatic. power steering. power POHTIAC FIREBllD $ 7· brakes. vinyl top, air conditioning, 7 2 beMful lighl blue wtth whHe top. 45 7 (388LMV) ,7 CHIVY CAMARO $ · 6 Power steering. radio. heater. wtiite 4577 wall tires. O NLY 6700 miles. · (571413 ) . CUTLASS SUPREME ,75 BLACK BEAUTY. Black on black $4677 -coupe. Automatic, air conditioning, AM/FM stereo. P/windows. 1ift wheel, raflye wheels. bucket seats. I066NLDl OLDS VISTA CRUISER $ '76 Wagon. Auto .. P.S . PB. aircond . 9 5577 pass. Roof rack. low miles. ( 124 722) ,76 PONTIAC TRAMS.AM s5777 Auto. PS .. P.B . tilt wheel, AM/FM 8 !rack. rallye wheels. Black w/gold bird (537282). 6 Sedan The last of lhe Big 98. Thia AYE car has every Imaginable option. ,1 OLDS 98 REGEHCY $ 8000 mite beauty. (774621). TAKE YOUR CHOICE •73 CHEVY 1f2TOM Pickup . 8 ft. bed, ·automatic. power steering. power brakes, air con d i tioning. (133980) •73 BUICK REGAL Auto .. P.S .. P.B .. vinyl top, air conclltlonlng, radial tires. (838GWY) •74 HONDA . s.277 DOWN ~~~~~·~~~ s9411 cseo213os2s1 MO. ., ' BRAND NEW 1976 PLYMOUTH ARROW • 2-Dr. 4-speed. power brakes, bucket seats. tilt . steering wheel, tinted glass. Serial No. 7l24K67301S57 WHAT MORE CAN A LITTLE CAR GIVE? BRAND NEW 1976 VOLARE 2 DR. '76 MAZDA MIZER Coupe. 4 cylinder. 4 speed. AM/FM radio. 8 track. heater. (6&6PHJl •2191 ~72 AM JAVBJM l/..S, automatic. factory air conditioning, pOWer steering, power brakes. radio. heater, vinyl roof.(417FBH). •1111 172 CHIYSLB New Yorker Sedan. V-8. auto .. fac. air. P.S., PB .. P.W .. AM-fM radio, heater. WSW tires a vinyl top. (669 GIU) •1795 '70 AMC AMIASSADOR Sedan. V-8, aulomahc. air conditioning, power steeri no. power brakes. ·radio, heater, whitewall tires. (598AJG) •1091 ' '76 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner Coupe. V-8. automilio. power steering, radio. heater. bucket seats & console, space maker, rallye wheels. (067PCV) ·•429 172 CHEVY Impala Sedan. V..S. auto. trans., fact. air, P.S .. • P.B .. radio. heater & wswtires. (310 ETC~· •1395 '73 OLDS Oha6A CPI. v..a. automatic. factory air oondltionlng, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewall tires. (348HPC). •2395 '7J IUICI LA SAllE CUstom Sedan. V-8, automitlc, fadory air, power steering, pawer brakes, radio. heater, whitewall tlrea. vinyl roof • .tilt \ffhHI. (?58GN0) •2091 '72 F01D LTD '73DODGE100 YAM Brougham Sedan. V-8. auto .. trans. .• tac. air, V-8. automatic. AM/FM st• radio with tape, P.S .. P.B .. AM·FM radio. heater & wsw tires. heat8', custom Interior, bucket seats. mags. (789 FT A). (33700T) '3291 '76 PLY Fury Salon Sedan. V-8, -at11omatlc. air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewall tires. 111nyl roof, side mouldings. (319PECl •4195 '7 6 CHEVY WY P.U. 4 cylinder. 4 speedr AM/FM stereo radio with cassette. heater. CtC48842l '2MI '74 DO GI MONACO Sedan. V-8. automatic, factory air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewall tires, vinyl roof,' a\llseoontrot. C676JOZl. •2211 •74 FOID IAHGEI XL T Pickup. V-8, 4 speed. radio. heater, whltewall lires. (F10YRT24680). '2M5 .. -· '76 CHIY. COIDOIA. Cou1>9. V-8, automatic, factory air, power steering. power brakes:-power windows, AM/FM radio, heater, whlt9'Mlll tnt. vinyl top.(225NIN)'ll91 AU. CARS All Mac:T 10 PllOI SAU. ALL PllCll Mt YAUD UMTI.. It P .M. AU. NtCIS All PL1J TAXMlt~ SAi.iMS 1 .. 11·76. • . _,, GfANr . . ON SAVINGS l~~AINING Y91C~TIOHM_ · s.:~ I.ls If srocr ...:A71.A5N ••• FOR OW GRfA 1' VALUES! $ "304"-eng\n8 IE!S' steel anten~on track loCICS .... ~ radio. ~ilh stain 1JtOC19liC tra~ with 6 \nch rilTIS· ,..m ual eJ.naust. a H28 LAB 11'89 with ~~• fold rear sea':.."""2FG~T3 rel' 1>1"8• serial fl'V"" \ 7 Huntington Beach FOuntain Valley EDITION VOL. 69, NO. 303, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA F.RIDAY, OCJ'"OBER 29, 1976 TEN CENTS ,. T1-i1stee -Hop~fuls Discuss Issue I By RAV ESTRADA Of U.1 O•llY ..itee SU" Three of lbe four candidates in the Nov. 2 Huntington Beach Union Hlgb School District trustee special election look their campaigns before Westminster residents Thursday nighL Candidates Michael Vandor. John Hundley and James Hamilton all expressed concerns about the Coastline Regional Oc- O•llY l'lloC StMf P- SEEKf NG BOARD SEAT Marina Grad Vandor . cupation11I Program (CROP). which, they agreed, sbould be re- examined. "Employers may be taking ad- v ant.age of student labor." said Vandor, a Cal State Long Beach student and forpier Marina High School student body president. "We should keep a watchful eye on CROP.'• The 22-year-old. second time trustee candidate claimed some WANTS SCHOOL POST • Board Candidate Allen ~Final 2 Candidates Air School Views Editor's Note: Voter.Yin the Hunt- ington Beoch Union lfagh School DU· tnct will chooae . a MW mnibcr of ~ dUtrict'• Boort1 of Tnutee• dur· fig Tueaday'• eltctic>rt. There.are four candidatu-Doris Alien , Jomu Hom;iton, John IJ~ond Michael Vandor. F'ollowing are views erpressed by ·Mrs. Alim and Vandor in 07U1DeT tQ a que.Yhonnaire drawn up by the Hunt- ington Beach-Seal Beach League of ~Women Voters. The views o/ Hamilton.and Hundley were preunt- ed Thur.Yday. I Dori s Allen. of 8561 Fairmont Circle. Westminster, is a busi· nesswoman and housewire. She has served on the Westminster Cultural Arts Commission and the Orange County Status of Women Commission. Michael Vandor, 22, of 14221 Edwards St., Westminster, is a Cal State Long Be ach student. He was the Marina High School stu· dent body president in 1972. Question: What changes in lbe district's operation do you plan to advoc:ate? ALLEN: "Trustees should be more receptive to parents and visit classrooms. The board of trustees should negotiate direct- ly with the teachers' union. Ad- ministrators should be more ac- countable and teachers should be less administrative." VAN DOR : "The district at this point in time is generally con- sidered one of the best high school districts in Californi a. It is never in the best Interest to im· plement changes of a sweeping J)ature in a district considered lo be as successful In its ad- ministrative efforts as ours. J ad- vocate the elimination of high school credit being given to s tu- Survey Shows· dents for time put in jobs such as selling tacos and pumping gas. I see this u being totally unrelat- ed to occupational goals or education. Units earned this way are little more than a giveaway." Qaestton: Wllat sboald be done aboat overcrowding ln lbe bith schools? VANDoR: "To solve the pro- blem in the district we must make more efficient use or build· ing facilities. or the several op- tions open lo the board, I ad· vacate the establishment or a voluntary e nrollment night school as the best solution to the problem. It would ease the over- crowding probtem without man- dating students lo attend late af. ternoon classes and ·wUl enable older students to seek daytime employment while continuing their education." ·,, ALLEN: ''Due to the zero birth rate, there has been a declining enrollment in the elementary schools. This will catch up with the high schools in a few years. Meanwhil e, ther e a r e neighborhood schools that are being closed. I would work to cooperate with the elementary school districts to utilize those schools for the purpose or alternative fundamental schools for teaching basic education with discipline and dress codes for. those parents and students who wantlt." Questl~n: Do you belleve gradua- tion requirements sboald be stll· fened? VANDOR: "Absolutely." ALLEN: "Yes. It is the only fair solution to guaranteeing not only student knowledge, so he can have some control over his own destiny, but also for society to have educated citizens." Nude Bars Backed By Califomiam .. SACRAMENTO (AP) - California adults overwhelming- ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing should be allowed in n.lght clubs, according to a statewide poll. The State Alcobollc Beverage Control Board also was told . Thursday by state Sen. Alfred Song that he won a landslide re· electlon victory In 1970 desplte a tabloid published by hls Republican foe calling Song a bicker or "nudle bars ... The Montere y Park J>emocraC's testimony came at a bearing on a proposal by two Los Angeles-area nlghl clubs to strip the st.ate or authority ln the area of nude entertainment 8Dd give it lo cities and coun· ties. State law prohibits "bottom· less" nude dancing in bars licensed for sale and consump- tion or alcoholic beverages. It a lso regulate s the circumstances under which "topless" dancing can be performed. Song said bis district poll found only two pereent of voters feld nude dancing was an im· portant lsaue in 1970. Tbe public wouldn't object lo new rules because they "simply don't care,'' he added. On tht statewide survey, Dr. Peter Sherrill of the Fleld Research Corp. said more than 60 percent of the 1,000 adults surveyed agreed Utat adults should have the right to aee.nude entert&inmenL of the CROP vocational courses "are totally unrelated" to the purpose of high scbool education. "Some of them give units ror pumping gas or selling tacos and just make it easier to get out of school with very little educa- tion," Vandor added. Hamll~on, an attiomey, s aid be bad "reservations" about CROP and proposed to study its direc- tion. Hundley, wbo has a vocational education teaching credential, poioted. out that the high acbool district enrolls 40 percent ot all CROP students, but bas only one of five representatives on the program's board or directort. Tbe leacher-supervisOf' said be was involved in state legislation which stopped the expansion of regional occupational programs. ·'Now we must show a need for thffe coo rs es," Bundley said. On the tssuo of trustee represe_ntation, Hundley pro· pos~ the district be divided into sections represented by a member of the school board. Vandor suggested his election as trustee would ease the Westmins ter community's ''lack of faith" U1 the board because be is a Westmmster resident. On the issue of possible elemertlary and high school dis- trict unification. Hundley and Hamilton agreed this mlght be considered as an alternativt in the future. Hamilton said he would study tbe possibility but added "It would be difficult to devise a plan which would be fair for all." Hundley said unification should be "an effort or the public <See JSSU ES. Page AZ) Ford Gains • m State Six Percentage Points Separate Pair SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - President Ford has increased his lead over Democrat Jjmmy Carter to six percentage points in his race for California's 45 elec- toral votes, pollster Mervin Field said today. In a California Poll, Field said the Republican President is favored by 46 percent of the likely voters surveyed, and Carter by 40 percent. The survey reported three per- cent favoring the write-in can- didacy of independent Eugene McCarthy, three percent favor- ing other candidates and eight percent undecided. The results were based on a statewide telephone sample con· ducted Monday through Wednes- day. Poll interviewers contacted 1,695 persons by telephone, or whom 1,246 said they were re· gistered voters and planned to cast ballots in the Nov. 2 general election. or the total, 72 712 were Democrats, 411 w e re Republicans and 122fell into other categories. Io a survey three weeks earlier-. Oct. 7 and 8, Field said Ford led Carter 44·43. After earlier sur- Chamber's Board Backs HBRevamp The board of directors of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce has come out in sup- port or downtown r edevelop- ment. The board encouraged the city council to move ahead with the plan in a resolution. Chamber officials noted that the downtown area has been un- der study for many years while a search has been going on to find ways for revitalization, a better appearance and an improved economy. The board's resolution said lhat the downtown redevelop· 'ment plan, involving tax incre- ment financing, appears to be the most feasible Rian to improve the standards do~town and to pre· vent blight a nd furth er downw ardinovemenl. Executive Ma nager Ralph Kiser said the directors would meet Monday to review changes made by the city council last Tuesday. Al that lime, city council mem- bers rescinded an earlier ap· proval in concept of a plan by Voorheis, Trindle and Nelson (YrN). That plan conceivably would have permitted a 22·story hotel and an orflce complex to be de- veloped on a five·block area along Pacific Coast Highway op- posite the pier. The majority of the city council members said that municipal ap- proval of the plan was premature and didn't have the benefit of public Input. HB Officials .Meet at Club Huntington Beach City Council members are meeting with de- partment heads and other top- level city officials in an all-day retreat today at .the Seacliff Country Club. City Administrator Bud Belsito said lbat va1 1oua topics including city goals and obJcct.ives are to be discussed. He said other items may in- clude employe·employer rela- tions and develoPment ol a five- year economic plan. The meet1n1 ls open to mem· bera ol the preaa and to the public. It wu scheduled to st.art at 9 a.m. and to continue until 10 p.m. veys, Field reported Carter lead- ing Ford 53.33 in August and 44-40 in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. John Tunney regained a nar- row l ead over Republican challenger S.I. Hayakawa, and that Prop. 14 , the farm labor in- itiative, is still trailing. but by a narrower margin The poll gave Tunney a 4S-43 edge over Hayakawa with 12 per- cent undecided in surveying after their first televised debate Satur- day. Field reported a 47-43 edge for Tunney in September and a 43-43 tie in after an October sur- vey. Field reported the biggest shift in sentiment was over the farm labor Initiative sponsored by CesarCbavei. ..... ,.,...t. GAS-MASKED POLICE REMOVE SLAYING VICTIM Five Die In New Orleans Murder-SUlclde Man Shoots Four, Then Kills Himself NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Agun· man shot two men, held his wife and daughter hostage for four hours while his relatives begged him lo surrender, then shot both of them and hJmself to death, police said. A police spokesman said or- ficers were called Thursday when residents of a low·rent housing project reported gunshots: They arrived to find 17-year-old Emile And erson wounded In the Piloi Story On Robbery Holds Error An article in Tuesday's Dally Pilot listing the arrest of a s..,pect., in a service station holdup was in error. The news story ertoneously said that James Lopez, 1,, ot1n11 Bolsa Chica st. was taken blto custody in connection with an armed robbery late Monday by two men attlred in turUe neck sweatera andskl m asks. . Detect{ve Jack Welsh coo· firmed 1hur$day that !Apel was J)Ot lnvolved to the HuriUngt.on· Beach robbery. ''There waa no connectlon at an," beaald. The ml$take in the MWS article • waa attributed to coof\aslon stem·· mlne Crom reponlnl techniques wilhlhepoUce. Tbe Dally Pilot ~ the er· 1"0I' and any embanuament thatt ,_.,tory caused t.opei. . stomach on the balcony of a fourth-floor apartment. He died later. Officers at the scene said that when Ennis Charles, 25, saw them approaching, he grabbed his estranged wife Antoinette, 23, around the neck, put a revolver to her head and told police he would kill her if they didn't go away. Policesald theybackedoff, and Charles pulled bis wife into the apartment. Officers then summoned Charles' mother , grandfather and cl er gym an, hoping they could talk him into surrendering. ' "The man you shot is still alive," Charles' grandfather shouted through the closed door. ••you won't be tried for murder." "There's one in here who·s already dead," came the response from Charles. That victim was Earl Johnson, 21, who was alive al the time but died later of a bead 'Voond. Cbples refused to listen to · pleas from others, and police beard shots from in.side the apart- ment. About three hours later, they fired tear gas and rushed the apartment. Mrs. Charles and her 4·year·old daughter Lyn a lay dead on a bed. Otarlea was de1d on the floor al their feet. ' China Bays Unils WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. officials uy the Ford ad· mlnlstrat10d •Ul allow the aale of two u~U"fly ectvanced" com· puter 1ystem1 to China d a sym- bol o( IUl)pQrl ~or~ new 80Jttn· mnt. :-.. " _, . .. .. ~hnt .. , , t • l{e said in the survey this week, Prop.14 was trailing by 12pcrcen· tage points, 47·35with18 percent still undecided. Three weeks earlier, Field re· ported Prop. 14 trailing by 2Z percentage points, 53-31. Twoouto( three voters-66per ... cent -of those questioned said they would v<>te against the greyhound racing measure. * * * Caner Hits GOP Over . Inflation By Tbe Ass0clated Press Jimmy Carter s aid today Republicans have failed to s top inflation "because they believ~ that unemployment was th~ cure." A spokesman for Presi- d e nt Ford countered that economic indicators, which have ckop~d overall ror a second straight month, show "solid growth." Carter's a~tack came in an eeeoalc poeltaon t>aper. It ac· cuted RepubJJcans ol fearing "to stand up to powerful special in- teresfs . • . They have sought to play business and labor and agriculture and consumers against each other rather than seeking cooperation." , The Democratic presidential - nominee s aid he would aim economic aid programs at areas ol high unemployment, enforce antitrust laws more intensively and launch an active White House effort to hold down inflationary price increases. In Milwaukee, meanwhile, Ford told the Wisconsin branch of the National Education Associa· lion that the government's multi· pie education aid programs' should be consolidated because they cause confusion and un· necessary waste. He said school administrators "are buried under an avalanche of paper generated by no less than 128 separate and often overlap- ping federal aid to education pro-- grams." Ford gave no blueprint for re- organization but his proposal is part of a larger government· program consolidation plan he has been proposing for several months. The President got a warm welcome from the Wisconsin NEA. Its parent national or- ganization has endorsed Carter. Ford said he would not ''out- promise or outbid the opposi- tion." "Every program has its price," the President said , addlngthathls audience was too sophisticated and knowledgeable "to throw your support to the highest bid· der." ' Or:Q 7 :ast! Weather : Mostly sunny through ' Saturday with some low morning clouds . Cooler ( wlth highs in the 70s, low of about SO. INSIDE TODA V The plo11'• the thing. and tlri1 1 fl the u<Uon. See tod411'1 ' Weekender for a feoJ.ure on l UCI'• "Cuytand Doll&." ladex ;6J""' ..... , ...... A 2 D~ILYPILOT H/F ISSUES ••• Uc! not ot Ule board ot trusttts.•• Ile told the audience the measure could be e.&pem1ve dwinJC the flrlt year• or •t'IUala. but lt could brin« "better represenla- Uon" lo the district. Vandor and llundle-y clashed on the use or portable classrooms to eue overcrowrung problems 1n the district. I "1 oppose the extended use of these nomadic portables, Vlllldor said. "We don't need any more than we already have in tht dis· t.fict." Vandor uld a voluntary evening school would leas.en over· crowding. I Hundley proposed the use of. more nlocatable classrooms because or their economic benefits. He said the structures could be moved where they are most needed it and when enroll- ment declines. On the overcrowrung issue, Hamilton said, "We must face some inconveniences." He agrffd with the evening school idea and proposed consolidation of· classes and the purchase or lease of unused elementary school facilities m the dlstncl to ease lhe stude nt housing pro- bl em. Doris Allen, the fourth can- ' didate and a Westminster re- sident, did not attend the can- didates' night. I Council OKs Route Change For Parade ...... !•:fountain Valley city coun· ~hnen have criticized merchants ff)ong the propos ed city lblloween Parade route for de· fiiianding at the last minute that i:broute be changed. ::11owever. the council voted "foesday to reroute lhe parade so tfapt It would bypass most busi- (>esses. .•:The parade, ·scheduled for 9 i .m. Saturday , originally was X>uted along Brookhurst Street $com Slater to J-lell Avenue as it ~aslaslyear. · .;. But merchants near the corner 6:J Warner Avenue and ~ookhurst Street have objected <ll the route. They swd they would use business because or the (losure of the main thoroughfare for four hours. ; .. ;'J'he new route will be along $'arner Avenue from Ward Street 2'Jld then north on Brookhurst Sreet to Heil Avenue. .... ~Prime Rates ,· !Take a Drop NEW YORK (AP)-1\ number 'of major banks have announced they are cutting their prime lend· ;iog rates from 6~ to 61"1 percent. :the lower rate was first posted a :aay earlier by Continental 11- :lblois National Bank & Trust Co. • Citibank, the nation's second _largest. said its rate cut would take effect Monday, while No. 6 ).torgan Guaranty Trust Co. and seventh-ranked Continental ll-~ois lowered their rates today. ::The move had been expected ~y some industry observers, who Said the banks' formulas for dc- 1trmining the prime rate gave lhem the option or making the re- _ !fuction in the face of sluggish 1oandemands. , tAuto Slams f:Into Bank :, Huntington B~ach police are ~unting the registered owner or ~ver of a car that drove into a :iiorth city bank branch early to-~ay . •• He deposited the car inlo the ~ide of Lloyd 's Dank at the ~orthwest corner or Warner :Avenue and Golden West Street. :Puslng moderate damage to !li>th auto and structure, police ;ojd. ::· 'rhe counter girl al u nearby al· ~')light doughnut shop saw the !2:00 ~.m. accident an1 noted tho ~verned. ORANGE COAST H/F DAILY PILOT . :;.,.. Of'MtqJ (M 't D•lt• ll"IMi Wllft •Ni0HJ'""""9 ...,...t"tHtW1 ,_,n, l'tH•"'•~llW ...,0..~ CO.\t ••v&U~l""OCOm~""' "'0¥M•fl1t.1~· ~·"' • ~If\~ ~,,.,,.., '""W." , ,.,~., '""' (11'1 ... 14 Mitw H.weott .,..c.f\, HUt"'lt·"'l•on ,_IK"'f °'"' f•1111t "•lftt . lf ¥lfillf 0 \•fflf .... " Y•1l•'ll' A"°'1 -~=~'°"'~~~~~::TM~~:··~ .,.,,..,,_., ~Sl'llNJ O'•"t '" "'1 UO '#ft'\I IUY $tfM1. (''~•w, C..t.••'"'•.,..,._ "_ .. _ •• Pftt'.ott"t •ftd~·~ JM••.~ Vic.--· .... -.. ~ -r-etlt...,11 t••-,_._,"-...,.... Moft .. ,.,.r ..... CMttttll.\.-_ .... .... " ............ "" ..... ·-·-W.\10t•"'9~tEcJtw Huntlnalon had! omce ,>,1r11Nc~ _ _. Miolll,.AOdtt\\ P,O. ... ttt.'7WI Offlc•• ~.a. .. 1111160-"""' (•"• M<t•t JJOW.•1 ll••"IW' s.todltbOO V•llt V llltt l.-0 Pu -...... 0 .... , ..... T1leptlon1 ('714)14~ Cluelflld ~ct.ertlllng 142>M7'1 ,_Htrl!IOr-.c.""''~··~ ..... 1tt0 •s.'-"1 l'llt Gr-( .. II l'l#IVI•"" Ct..,. -MW\ ttefW'-+tMtrat~' ... "", .. • ttr W .. YtfUtt,...ffllil\ M tt lft MAf .. .. ....,...-CHI wUMw·t ,,.t.111 ,trrftlU •tf' •• -....-e (tHt .... _ .... ti Cf111 ~. ... ...,,. "'"u1e11 .. "" u u 1t• u,. :::.t:..•:.:~ _.,. .•. """'- ~J Oelry ~I«$~ Pllele STUMPS FOR FORD Treasury Chief ~mon Economic Con/ erence· 'Stumper' What was billed as an Orange County E conomic Outlook Con· ference Thursday at limes turned into last-minute c am· paign s tpmping for President .Ford. And U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon opened his luncheon speech with a plug for Rep. Charles Wiggins CR· Fullerton) who is seeking re- election Tuesday. Related story. Page A3. Simon called Wiggins "an out- standing member of Congress ... who has waged the gOOd fight for responsible government so effectively in the House of Representatives for the past 10 years." He also told the crowd ol busi- ness and government leaders that Democratic Presidenttal nominee Jimmy Carter stands for increased spending, higher laxes and bigger and hlgger eov- ernment. But President Ford. he said, stands for lower taxation, getting control of federal spending and balancing the budget. He pledged that if elected, Ford would "p~rs 11 e the moderate policies that are con- sistent with fighting the twin evils of unemployment and infla· tioo." Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller also praised Ford for what, he said was the President's com~ mitment to help solve the na- Uon 's energy crunch. by building more atomic power plants. ''The ex.governor ·of Georgia, who has had the opportunity to learn something about nuclear reactors and claims some ex- pertise has given nuclear reac· tors for civilian purposes the lowest priority,'' Tener said. "In a field where he has ex- perience his statements are not in an intelligent agreemen~ with the nation's needs," he said. Assistant Treasury Secretary Gerald Parsky several times mentioned the Carter campaign for the White House, accusing the • Democratic nominee of "mis- representin~ the position of this administration." Altered Bill Leath Girl to. Legal Woes A 15-year-old Huntington Beach girl is in trouble after pay- mg for her lunch at the Edison lligh School cafeteria with a $1 bill patched up to look like a $20 bill, police said today. The youngster was taken ioto c ustody and charged with possession of an altered banknote. Police conceded the offense ls likely to be handled informally through Orange County Juvenile Court, but warned that the prac· lice appears to be a growing fad. "They take a $1 bill and cut the corner off a $20 bill end paste it on, then pass it somewhere and get change for a $20 from a busy clerk or salesperson," said a police spokesman. "Then other kids hear about it from them and think it's 'a neat way to go·:· he added. "They just don't realize U's a serious crime." NEWYORK (AP)-Themedla upcrt who produced television ads for President Ford's eJecU.on camp&Jan was fired because he a1'o inu~s hard·core sex rums, UleNewYorkPoatsaidloday. The J>oat hld.. lbe expert, Michael Scott Goldbaum, was dis- missed Thursday night after the newspaper confronted him with his dual role. He then told Ford campaJen oUicials ol his film ac· tMty, the newspaper said. The Post said a White House spokesman bad no explanation why It h .lld not learned of Goldbaum 's other work. ''Obviously, ll the facts are true, the Presideot Ford Commit- tee would never have.associated themselves with a person in- volved in that type ol operation," the Post quoted Ford spokesman WUUam Greener as saying. The newspaper said that during the past week Goldbaum, 36. has divided his time between the Ford campaign -including some time each nJght with Ford taping radio spots.-and efforts to find an ac- tor Lo play the lead in a new sex film. The Post said that when it con· fronted Goldbaum with his dual role he denied he was producing a pornographic film but called back two hour s l ater and acknowledged he interviewed candidateslor the lead. Goldbaum said when he ex- plained the situation to the political consulting firm of Bailey. Deardourff & Eyre, which is supervising Ford's media ef- forts, he was fired by Douglas Bailey. • • "They did the right thing," he said. Bailey and John Deardourfi "in fact have asked me to ship back all original material ... every- thing to do with the President Ford campaign.'' be said. But Goldbaum denied be in· tended to make a pornographic rum. "My intention was to produce a very beautiful mm ... and not a dirty movie. I think it would be a film -well, I 'm notgoingtosayto you I think it's a film Jerry FOl'd would eo see; Ford is in~edlbly square, that 's one of the beautiful things about him." The Post said that Goldbaum conceded be bad been guilty ot "incredibly poor timing" and said •'these projects should never have overlapped." Utility Eyes Mexico for Nuclear Plant SAN DIEGO (AP)-San Diego Gas and E lectric says it is even looking at Baja California and Mexico's Coronado Islands for sites for nuclear power plants. 'Ibe informati9n was revealed Thursday by Harold F. Perla, a nuclear consultant IOI' the utility. who said efforts were being made to set up meetings with Mexican otficials on the possible construc- tion or SDG&E nuclear plants in that country. _ The state Energy Commission. has been conducting hearings this week on pl ans by the utility for the controversial Sundesert plant near Blythe. Officials from both Imperial and Riverside counties have pro- tested against granting a permit for the Sundesert project and: SDG&E has r evealed it does have other sites under consideration. The hearings brought out that the utility has been seeking an in- land site at Camp Pendleton for a plant. Art Auction Set Saturday The Edison High School A Cap- pella Choir Booster Club will pre- sent an art show and auction Saturday at 7 p .m. in the cafeteria, 21400 Magnolia St. The auction will raise money for new choir robes . 'J'hepubUc is invited. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. An orieinal oil painting will be given as a door prize. The show is arranged by Robert Sills Gallery. Inc. P•oto Finish Newlan4 Home Well Guarded An embarrassed enthusiast about things old and Plctureequo found himself beina 9ue1tioned by police Thurs4•Y aft«' tr)'ini for a unique speciaJ eftecta photo or Huntington .Beach's historic old Newland Jfouse. He raised a cr~aky old window to snap a rew p\cturee ol the ln· tenor from outside the house. bl'· in1ln1 squad c.ars soomlna to the bluff top overlootina the Talbert Valley. Tbc red·faced p~er explained all be WU gotng to take wM a plcture, lincerely con- vlncln1 ROlice he was not a burllar. Tiie old dwe1Ung, ballt before u.e turn or the century, where bead.I of &late wero wined and dined In Its heydl: ls completely wired wlth bur ar alarms and smoke detector I alarms. Da.lpated a ftatc historical Jandmart, tile N~land house is beini restored to itl ori&inal COO· cltlcm by the HuotlqtOn Beach JDltorical Society. OCEAN DRILLING RIG PRIMED FOR BIG MISSION 'New Generation of Otl Prospecting Off CoHt• Offshore Test Well By THOMAS MURPIUNE 01 Ille O•llY Pilot 11•11 Gulf Oil Corporation is prepar- ing today to sink a 9,000·foot test well at Tanner Banks in what company official say may "begin a new generation of oil prospect- ingoffthe Califomiacoast. '' TesC drilling will be ac· complisbed by a new $40 million semi-submersible drilling vessel Aleutian Key, operated for Gulf by Key International DriJling Company, Ltd. of Houston, Tex. Site of the exploratory effort wiJI be at a point 85 miles southwest of Long Beach and 40 miles from San Clemente Island. The location is roughly between San Clemente and San Nicolas islands. The 5, 760-acre undersea ..oil ·tract is one of .six purchased by Gulf in l ast December's federal sale. Gull bought the tract for $5.3 million. The com· pany paid $25 million for all six. The 260-foot apple.green Aleu- tian Key, which looks much like a permanent oil platform, is currently moored outside Port Hueneme, near Oxnard. Gulf oHicials are awaiting clearance of one more permit from the U.S. Geological Survey office hi Ventura. Dr. M.R.J .. Wyllie, Gulf's Wes t Coast divisional vice president, said is- suance of the permit is expected to be routine. Dr. Wyllie expects to get the go-ahead before Mon- day. Meanwhile, the Aleutian Key has been loaded with a full cargo of pipe and drilling equipment worth $500,000. Its 77-member crew is r eady to pull up her eight anchors and move to Tanner Banks. "JI Gulf gets that okay, we'll move Monday, set up on the site Tuesday and be drilJing by Wed - nesday night," declared Texan Leon Steinocher, area superin- tendentfor Key Dril. . Geologist Lyn Hazel, Gulr's area exploration manager, said the test -well will be punched down under 700 feet of water and will go 9,000 feet into the ocean floor. Hazel speculated they might" find "something significant" at as shallow a depth as 2,500 reet. Even Gulf olficials differ on the odds or finding a significant undersea oil field at the site. One company officer said it is one ·chance in 10. Dr. Wyllie said 1 in 100. Geologist Hazel suggested odds are 1in1,000. In any event, Hazel indicated the well is exploratory in nature and even if h hits oil, this hole would never be used for oil pro- duction. "ll we hit something, wewoulct permanently cap off the hole and move on to make two or three more exploratory drillings," the geologist explained. "We would . have to determine how signifi· cant the size oC the Held would be." Jf Gulf strikes oil off Tanner BanJcs, Dr. Wyllie said, the most practical method of transporting the crude would be by means ot an 85-mile pipeline to shore. "lf you use a pipeline. it allows you to produce gas from the wells, too," Wyllie explained. '"By other methods, the gast just has to be pumped right back into the wells. "Then California loses the benefit of the gas production ... Valley Schedules Exercise Classes The Fountain Valley Recrea- tion Department is. sponsoring two exercise classes, slim and trim, beginning Nov. 1, and aerobic dance, beginning Nov. 8. The fee is $17.SO for four weeks. For details, call 962-2424, ex- tension 236. Oilerettes Tops The Huntington Beach High School Oilerette Drill Team won first place in its division Tuesday at the Southland Field Compeli· tion held at Veterans' Memorial Stadium in Long Beach. The Oiler Marching Band won third place in the competition. Seminar OnBap.e .. Saturday One we.k after aatormy, emo- tiona.l town meeUni over Seal Beach's now -notoriou s Downtown Raplst who resaiains ot large, a second mfftin1 is scheduled Saturday. Women only are lnvited to the 1:30 p.m. workshop.seminar at Uie Martnn Community Center, Marine Drive near 5th Street, for discussion and demonstrations of self-derense tactics and methods of foiling a would·beraplst. Citlzt"Ds of the Old Town area of Seal Beach on the seawanl side of Pacific Coast Highway are inflamed over tbe six sex as· uutts comm ltted by the Downtown Rapist since July. Police Detective Diue Vas- quez of t he crime against persons detail and a spokesman for the Crisis Holline, will speak at the meeting. The self-protection seminar is not sponsored by any fonQal OC• ganlzation but a coalltioo ot con- cerned young people, many of them Cal State University Lone Beach coeds, who live in lhe area where the rapist strikes. Jailers Hide Isabel Peron . BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - Deposed Argentine Presi- dent Isabel Peron was whisked from the elegant mountain retreat which served as her j ail today and flown by her military captors to an unknown destination, the news ageo-· cy Notlcias Argentinas re· ported. Mrs. Peron had been un- der heavy guard in a gov- ernment-owned chalet in southern Argentina near the Chilean border since March 24, when the armed forces toppled h er in a coup. Carnival Set By RB School A Halloween carnival will be held Saturday at John H. Eader School, 9291 Banning Ave., Hunt- ington Beach, from 10a.m.-2p.m. The event is open to the public and sponsored by the school Parent-Teacher Association. The carniva l will feature a spook house, 10-centgame booths. a bakery, pizza and hot dog sales and white elephants. • City Chief Plans Message Monday Huntington Beach City Ad· minlstrator Bud Belsito will de- liver "a state or the city .. message to the l~al Coordinat· ing Council Monday at noon in the Murdy Park r ecreation facilities, according to the chairman or the civic group. Laurie Hill, head of the coun· cil, said all interested cJub representatives and community members a re invited to attend the Monday session. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS There Is a tendency to ta~e shortcuts these days. Atmoi;t every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing. there Is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical, and if the iron is too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. CleaninQ poses the ultimate test to this type of seam. and we have been called Innumerable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. · At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer. but our fine installations have been a maJor factbr In our growth through fifteen years In Costa Mesa. linoleum • wood floor II( t i(), i1 \47) 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CALIF. 9'16 11 • PHONE 6~6-~838 -6~6·23SS r · ' &Woe EDITION 'l;'o~ay's lo!li11g .Y. toeks VO~ 69, NO. 303, 4 SECTIONS1 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FOR NIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 TEN CENTS Oil, Gas, -Coal U.S. Energy .. Qitpe-Zarh By JOANNE REYNOLDS 0t 1111 Dally l'llOlltaH Uthe U.S. ls going lo provide all or its own energy by 1985, Coneress will have to enact a package or six bills proposed by President Ford. says Frank Zarb, head of the Federal Energy Ad· ministration. Zarb spoke in Newport Beach this morning, stressing that self sufficiency in energy production is necessary to the nation's economy and defense. He was a guest ot the Lincoln CJub, a group of Republican bwd- nessmen. They queried him !or an hour on energy tssues. Zarb emphasized tbe need for Congress to finish passage of Ford's 13·bill package of energy measures, which include remov· ing price controls from automobile petroleum products and from crude oll. He discounted the ability ol non- tosall fuels, such as nuclear power, solar or geothermal beat., lo contribute slgnificaoUy to the nation's energy sources. Instead, he stressed. the need for developing domestic sources of oil and gas and increasing coal production and consumption. Zarb, who h as headed the energy agency sihce 197,, also Oally ll'llot l'hoto lly Ri<ll•rd 1<-1 ... FIREMEN DOUSE FIRE THAT STARTED IN FRAMING OF HOUSE IN LAKE FOREST Wind-swept Embers Threatened Nearby Homes, Started Other Blazes said he wants to see Conaress pr~·. vide the impetus for private en· terprise to get into mass produc· tion of synthetic fuels, particular.· ly the 1asification and liqufaction of coal. ··we have more coal in this· rountry than the mldeasthasoil," hedeclared. ' Zarb said he wants the first generation of synthetic fuel plants to be built in the next ten years so • .., .t tha\ the technical and environ". mental problems -which are not known now-can be worked out. A bill which would have done just that was defeated al the close oC the cQngressional session by one vote over a procedural ques· tion and Zarb says he thinks a similar bilJ will fa.re much better in the upcoming session. "It was definitely the silly season in W ashin~ton, · · he said of ~· -the closing days of the session. "There was a deflnite sapping oC courage at certain points." Zarb told the 60 businessmen that "there 1ire no panaceas !or the energy problem. There are no hidden reservoirs tucked away that we can tap Into. And there are going to be no breakthroughs that will solve the problem." Zarb briefly touched on the <See E~RGY, Page AZ) Badhalll Booed By B'~ai B'_rith Debate· Response Blallled .... By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of ti" Dally l'llOI Staff Leisure World B'nai R'rilh members booed 'and booted As· semblyman Rooert Badham 's response Thursday night to a de· bate question on recurring con· trover sial remarks by Gen. George Brown, chairman or the Joint Chiefs of Starr. BACKS PROP. 14 Candidate Hall Oally Piiot Stiff l'IMllos BOOED OFF STAGE Assemblyman Badham 4 Hurt Fighting Flames . , . During the final scheduled joint appearances with Vivian Hall. his Democratic challenger in the 40th Congressional District race, Badham said politicians - and Jimmy Carter in particular -should be willing. to "forgi ve a $lip of t.be tongue liY a seneral of the Arrny." (Bro\vn is an Atr Force general). . , ) Flying Embers Threaten Neighborhood Flying s parks and embers from a burning Lake Forest tract house in the framing staces of con s tru c tion Thurs day threatened to des troy or serious· ly damage occupied homes in a nearby development. Four of the 60 Orange County firemen who responded lo the potentially disastrous blaze were injured. none seriously enough lo require hospitalization . The firemen were joined by citizens armed with garden hoses to pre· vent the fire from spreading. A county fire department cap· t ain was overheard lo say , "another three or four minutes and we might have lost a half· dozen or these houses along here." The blaze broke out at about 4:30 p.m. in a two·slory structure in the uncompleted "Woods" de· velopment near the junction of Window Bob and Tanbark Streets. · By the lime fire units reached the scene, the framed house was totally involved in names and the uncompleted house next door had been singed, accordin1t to Capt. Mike Amada of the El Toro Fire Station. When water from the high· pressure water hoses used by the firemen hit the burning building, the upper story collapsed, nar· rowly missing a hose crew. The cave·in threw cinders inl.o tbe air, where they were caught by the wind and rained onto the roofs of a number of homes along Timberline Way and Ginger Road in the tract immediately adjacent to the Woods develop· ment along Lake Forest Drive. Hundreds of local residents ran from their homes to watch lhe ac· lion and some clambered onto rooftops to hose down the cedar shingles. A fire deparlmenl spokesman said at least a half.dozen houses 8 Miles Apart sustained burn holes or varying sizes in their roofs. Firemen brought in a snorkel truck to survey the scene from a location along Timberline but its aerial hose~ were not needed Two of the Injured firemen SUS· CSee F IRE, Page A2> 2nd Mall Planned Among Coast Hills Discounting competition Crom the Irvine Company's recenUy announced shopping cente r. of· CiciaJs of the Mission Viejo Com· pany and the Edward J De Bartolo Corporation told or their agreement to develop another major retail complex in south Orange County Thursday. The S65 million Missioft Viejo Mall will be built within the Mis· sion Viejo planned community just east of the San Diego Freeway, between Crown Valley UCI Student Injured as Car Hits Tree A 21-year·old UC Irvine stu· dent suffered leg and arm frac· tures early today when he drove h.is car off the road and crashed Into a eucalyptus tree on cam· pus. and Avery parkways. It will be within about eight freeway miles or the planned Irvine Center as well as the exist· mg Laguna Hills Mall and Sad· dleback Valley Plaza Irvine Co~pany officials an· nounced plans for their center, on the sate where the Sant.a Ana and San Diego freeways merge, on Wednesday. Although they beat the Mission Viejo announcement by one day, the first phase of their center won't be developed until 1979 - one year after Mission Viejo's scheduled opening in fall, 1978. But Edward J . DeBartolo, pre· sident of the family-owned firm from Youngstown. Ohio, said, "We don't care if they open in 1976 ... When questioned about the competition and market by re· porters, he said, "If it hurts. anybody, it won't hurt Mission Viejo. It'll hurl somebody closer to them than us." And, Philip Reilly, president of the Mission Viejo Company, said (See CENTER, PageA2) At that point, the predominant· ly Jewish audience reacted so vocally that Badham had to curtail his response and sit down. Brown recently said the defense of Israel is a burden to the US Only moments beron-.Badham was booed. Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd of about 200 when sh~ :.aid Brown "should have been fired immediately because he has a history of mak· ing anli·semitic remarks that are not epw.ppriate 10 any govern· mentiwsltion. •· A number of the questions posed to the two candidates were tdated to the Middle East. ~n ttt.e subject or trade with the ~ab world. Badham said it is in 'our own national interest" to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and (See BOOS, Page A2L Jailers Hide Isabel Peron BUENO S AIRES . Argentina CAPl Deposed Argentine Presa· dent Isabel Per on was whisked from the elegant mountain retreat which served as her jail today and flown by her military captors lo a naval base near here, the news agency Noticias Argentinas re· PQrted. Mrs. Peron h ad been un- der heavy guard in a gov· ernment-owned chalet in southern Argentina near the Chilean border since Mar<:h 24, when the armed forces toppled her in a coup. Irvine City Council Delays Bingo Okay The Irvine City Council con· sidered allowing bingo playing in Irvine, bul has decided instead to wait at least six months before legalizing the game for local r esi- dents. The council unanimously voled to follow a wail·and·see recom· mendation from Police Chief Leo Peart, who said the city should proceed cautiously because other cities with new bingo ordinances have had trouble. Peart told the council . that, even though bingo playing would be legal only for charitable groups,· others easily could get tax-exempt charity status as re· llgious groups and use the bingo. playing for profit. not charity. Peart told the council at this Made Sex Film week's council meeting that of the 26 cities In Orange County, 13 already have adopted a bingo or- dinance, three have decided against such an ordinance and 10 are "standing by" with no de- cision yet .. Peart, who said h.is depart- merit has not yet received any citJzen requests lo allow bingo games, said that in some cities, bingo·playing is getting out of hand. Councilman John Burton at firs t said he wanled bingo legalized so it could provide a new fund-raising avenue for charities. But he later agreed with the others to wait six months and review the idea again at that lime. Ford's Television _Ad Expert Fired NEW YORK CAP> -A me<lia expert who produced television ads for President Ford's election campaign was fired because he. also is producing a hard-core s<'x film, the New York Post said to· day. , · • The Pos t s aid the expert, Michael Scott Goldbaum, was dis· missed Thursday night after the newspaper confronted him with .bis dual role. He then told Ford campaign orricials or h.is film ac· tivily, the m;wspapersaid. The Post said a White House 11pokesm an had no explanation why it had not learned or (.;oldbaum 's other work. "Obviously. if the facts are true. the President Ford Comntil· tee would never have associated themselves with a person in· volved In that type of operation," the Post quoted Ford spokesman William Greener assaying. \l'eather Mos tly s unny through Saturday with some low morning c lo uds. Cooler with highs irt the 70s, low or about SO. INSIDE TODA V The pla11's the thing and thi.! Eric L . Anderson of Yorba Lin· da, a UCI sophomore, was treat· ed at the scene by paramedics and then taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital. Officials there said he was later transferred to St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton, where he was admitted. Irvine police said Anderson was charged with drunken driv· ing. Poll Finds Node's OK Public Say1 Bottomk1• Ban A.llmrobl,e ,, The newspaper sald that during the past week Goldbaum, 36, has divided his lime between the Ford campaign -Including some time each night with Ford taping radio spots -and efforts to find an ac- tor to play the lead in a new sex film. ' • is the uasOft. See today's Weekender for .a feature on UC l 's "Guys and Dolt&." ' Index c ... Alt A4 ,,. ""' "" ... , ,,, .. " C6 Clot ,,. •• Cl•t ·------------ Officers report that the col- lision, which occurred shortly after midnight, took place on Campus Drive just west of Bridge Road. Witnesses told police the stu· dent was traveling eastbound on the road when be bounced off the curb, continued onto the rrassy area off the road and theTI bumped into a large ~aJyptus I tree. Police said the car was totally . destroyed in the wreclc. The tree · was moderately damaged. SACRAMENTO (AP) - California adults overwhelming- ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing should be allowed in night clubs, a ccording to a statewide poll. The State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board also was told Thursday' by state Seo. Allred Song that be won a landslide re- elec:Uon victory in 1W70 despite a tabloid published by his Republican foe caJllnf. Sonc a backer of "nudle bars. ' · The Mont erey Pa rk Democrat's testimony came at a hearln1 on a propoeaJ by two Los Angeles-area niaht clubs lo strip the state of authority in the area of nude entertainment and give it to ctµes and couo· Ues. · Stat~ law prohibits "bottom- less•· nude dancing In bars licensed for sale and con.sump· lion or alcoholic beverages. It als o regulates the cJrcum slances under •hich "topless" dancing can be perlor.med. Song said his dlstrlct poll fou,nd cmly two percent o( voters leld nude dancing was an lm· portent issue in 1970. The public d t. ft - I wouldn't object to new rules because Utey "simply don't care," he added. · ' On the statewide survey, Dr. Peter Sher'rlll ·or the Field Re~earch Corp. said more than 60 percent ,o f the 1,000 adults surveyed agreed that adults should have the right to set.nude entertainment. That degree of support would be "an overwhelming landslide" for any politician or issue, Sher- rill s'111... .. The poll was paid for by owne?'s of the Ball. a private club . CSee NUDES, P .. e A.J) The Post said lbat when it con- fronted Goldbaum with his dual role he denied he was pcoduclnc a pornographic film but called bath- t w o h o u r s l ate r a rjd acknowledged he interviewed candidates for the lead. Goldbaum said when he ex- plained the situation to the political consulting firm ol Balley, Deardourff & Eyre, whl~b. it superviaing Ford's media ef- forts, he was fi.red by Douglu Bailey. · , "They did the right thing," be . said. (8" PORNO, Page Al) - A2 OAILVPILOT · • Women 'HonOr'. H~ LOS /.NG.ELES (~) :_A women'.s organization plans to demonstrate agalnst S.L Jfquawa•a Loi Angeles he~dquarters todQY because a female ff· porter wa~ barred from an all·m.aJe clab 1n Santa Barbara. The demonstration announced Thursday by the Los Angeles chapter of the National Women's · Political Caucus st.ems from a Hayakawa appearance earlier in the campaign before the Channel City Club of Santa Barbara. Tho reporter, Ellen Hume of the Los Angeles Times, was kept out of the club during the ap- pearance. The organization said it would serve roast pig - jnHayakawa's honor -during the demonstration. Hayakawa, told about the plans by re~rtcrs, said Thursday, "l hope they have soy sauce w1th that roast pig.'' .. .•. Dally l'li.t Slatt -· STUMPS FOR FORD :: Treasury Chief Simon . · .· ~Candy Thieves ~Disappointed ~In Irvine Candy thieves who perhaps , were preparing for llalloweeh • -forced their way into a closed ·:Candy warehouse in Irvine, but : left with few treats when they : .discovered the building held only ;-damaged goodies. • Irvine Police r eported the theft 'occurred at Plus Products, 17162 : Murphy Ave., a candy manufac· . turer's warehouse. Burglars ap· . parently twisted off the front .: door knob and entered the build· · ing during the Wednesday morn· ing heist. But company officials told po!Jce they co uld not tell how much cand y w as missing because they were in the process or moving from the building and the merchandise was not inven· tori ed. . Besides. the warehouse con· :tained only damaged stock they · told police. ' Police theorized the thieves probably left with only a few ,treats bec~use th ey were disap. •J>Otnted w1lh the meager and ,,.damaged candy. •' ·' }Prime Rates ,• 'Take a Drop NEW YORK (AP}-A number of maJor banks have announced • they are cutting their prime lend· • ingrates from 6J• to 61,'.z percent. • The lower rate was first posted a : day earlier by Cont.mental JI. : lmois National Bank&TrustCo. Citibank, the nation's second '· Jari:est, said 1ls r ate cut would : lake effect Monday, while No. 6 • .Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. and ;;~cventh-ranked Continental II· !)inois lowered their rates today. Economic Conference ~Stumper' What was billed as an Orange County Economic Outlook Con· f erence Thur sday at limes turned into last-minute cam· paign stumping for President Ford. And U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon opened his luncheon speech with a plug for Rep. Charles Wiggins CR· Fullerton) who is seeking re· election Tuesday. Related story, PageA3. Simon called Wiggins "an out· standing member or Congress ..• who has waged the good light for responsible government so effectively in the House of Representatives for the past 10 years." He also told the crowd of busi· · ness and government leaders that Democratic Presidential nominee Jimmy Carter stands tor increased spending, higher taxes and bigger and bigger gov· ernment. But President Ford, he said, stands for lower taxation, getting control of federal spending and balancing the budget. He pledged th~t if elected, Ford w ould ''purs ue the moderate policies that are con- sistent with fighting the twin evils of unemployment and infla- tion." Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller also praised Ford for what he said was the President's com· mitment to help solve the na· lion's energy crunch by building more atomic power plants. "The ex.governor ·or Georgia, who has had the opportunity to )earn something about nuclear reactors and claims some ex· pertise has given nuclear t eac· tors for civilian purposes the lowest prion ty, ''Teller said. "In a field where he has ex· perience his statements are not in an intelligent agreement with the nation's needs,•' he said. * * * Front Page Al ENERGY ••• meeting slated for December in which the 0 PEC countries will de· cide on whether another price hike will beinslitutedontheirpro- ducts. He criticized the forecasts. "made by the so·called experts," who say the OPEC countries will up the price of oil by 15 percent. "They'll all get together and say, 'well look at what the Americans expect' and then raise the price 10 percent. These forecasts are just an exercise in a self.fulfilling prophecy. "ll's an expensive way to shoot yourself in the toot," Zarb ob· served. By Six Points larMI. lie •aid Jl'llaifter .W lr aaat to ta A.raba'll •• 1**511y to k._ llM.balanee." 1lri.1UaQ ta.kl It ls ''Mcasary tD lr9de wWa .. couwtaW. blll al Uae11met.11De, t!Mreareeleneota la the Ata1' world who are moderate and we must seek them out." She also noted that hrael bas proven lt bas a place in the Mid- dle East by helping the poor of tho Arab world wherever PG$1i· ble. • Both Badham and Mrs. Hall aald they IUPPort the continued existence or Israel in 1the family oC nations and o'f pose the boycott by the Arabs o American firms doing business with tho Jewish at.ate. A number of other topics were diacussed during the hour-long debate, including several oi the at.ate ballot propositions. The candidates both opposed Proposition 13, the dog racinl in· itlatlve, but voiced sharply divided opinions on Proposition 14, the farm worker measure. Badham said the legislative .framework for the type of reform sou1bt by farm labor leaders already exists in the form of a compromise bill enacted re· cently. · But he claimed Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. a nd labor activist. Cesar Chavez have reneged on their part of the agreement tbaL l~ to the compromise. Mrs. Hall said she "strongly supports'' Proposition 14 because It is a step toward giving "the un· derprivileged of our society the rights they deserve to decent salaries and working conditions and a better way of lite.'• . Other debate points included: -Consumer protection . Badham said there has to be a point after which "the most sophisticated consumers in the world" no longer need protec· tion. Mrs. Ha ll challenged Badham 's voting record on con· sumer affairs and said consumer protection and free enterprise ·Can co·ex.ist. FroatPageAJ . FIRE ••• tained nail punctures in the feet, another suffered a cut wrist and the fourth had a minor facial burn, the fire department spokesm an said. The injured men were iden· tified as Engineer s Tom Baumga rtner a nd Dennis Schwander of the Laguna Hills station and paid call firemen Jack Rondell and Kevin Caldwell o_r the El Toro station. . The cause of the fire was still under investigation today and arson had not been ruled out, ac· cording to Capt. Jim Stone. The framed house was a total loss with a value fixed at $25,000. No damage estimates were avaiia· ble tor the ot.ber homes. Froat Page Al NUDES ••• in Santa Monica, and the Other· Ball, ·a public bar in San Gabriel -the same clubs seeking the change in nude dancing regula· lions. Both have been cited by the ABC for alleged nude entertain- ment violations. . Song, an acquaintance of a former police chief who owns The Other Ball, h as also testified on its behalf at. other ABC pro- ceedings. Baxter Rice, ABC director, said alter the hearing that it may 1 be severaJ months before a de· cision is reached. •: The move had been expected :•by some industry observers, who ; said the banks' formul as for de· : terminiAg the prime rate gave :;the~ Lhe option of maJcing the re· ;:ductton In the face oC sluggish : .lQan demands. ~ ----=-~~~~~~~~--- ' · . OAANQE COAST Ford Edges A.he(U}, In California Poll . , , '• •• • I • I. •t DAILY PILOT llellortN -Pt"~,,,,.,.., •11\d t•,.eu~ JO<l II Cowtw Vk ....... .,. ••• ..., c;._ .. ,._ T-hlC.M'ril C.t1t0t T-., ... ....,.._ ,... ....... ,., ..... 0.tlttN,t..-ll1-.. ,1A11 JUll\t•lll Ma-1"0 hltn Office• 0..141 Mt\<I. J'IOW•_. a.-,"-\-lloK~ H .. ll-1'"\t .... .................. (~· .,,,, .. _ _....... ~1 .... 0 '1•1,.•· HJOILe,,.,_ •I \..-O•tot ,._., T•l•pllon• (7t4)M~ CIHalll.cl AdurU.int ~ s.ffl--V•llt YN<IW\Otllce atl-»10 "'°"' ""'c ........ -4ts.ot30 °'°'1'lallt ""Or•-(M\1 ~ °""' -· He ... ""' 11..... 111 .. ,,, .. __ ... Mett•r or edwertlHM•fll!O f"lff"ffft m1y H ftet .. v<tf wtU'~•v• ,,.,,., ottMlo•ff' •f ~fl4ftttWftff. ~~.:.':'\:::~:?; .. :'·.:·.~::, ~':. ==~ .. ~ M!!!f\!:,;e ,....,.,~,,: Miii,.,., SAN FRANCiSCO (AP) - President Ford has increased his lead over Democrat Jlmmy Carter to six percentage points in his race for California's 45 elec· toral votes, pollster Mervin Field said today. Jn a C8lifomia Poll, Field said the Republican President ta favored by46percentoftheUJcely voters surveyed, and Carter by 40 percent. The survey reported three per- cent favoring the write-in can· didacy of independent Eueene McCarthy, three percent favor- ing other candidates and eight percent undecided. The results were based on a statewide telephone sample con- ducted Monday th.rough Wednes- day. Poll lntervlewers contacted 1,895 persons by telephone. of whom l,246 saJd they wlf'O re- gistered voters and planned to cast ballots in the Nov. 2 ceneral election. Of the total, 112 were. De mocrat s. 411 wero Republicans and 122felllntoother categories. · In a survey three weeks earlier. Oct. 7 and 8, Field said Ford Jed Carter 44-43. After earlier sur- veys, FleJd reported Carter lead· tng Ford 53-33 in August and 44-40 in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. John Tunney rearalned a nar· row l ead over Republican challenger S.I. Hayakawa. and that Prop. 14. the farm labor in· lUaUve, is still traill.ng, but by a harrower margin. 'nle poll gave Tunney a CS-43 edce over Hayakawa with 12 per· cent undecided in surveying afle.r their first televlJed debate Satur· day. Field reported a 47-43 edge ror Tunney in Sel>tember and a 43""3 Ue ln alter an October sur· vey • Field reported the blBcest shJn In nnUment wu over the fann tabor tntt1atlve 1pon1or-ed by CetarChavei. Be 11ld ln the survey thll 'lltek, PrGp.14 WU lraJUn1byJ.apucen. t.Qe polntat 47-35 wllb JS percut 1till undeeJaed. OCEAN DRIWNO RIO PRIMED FOR BIG MISSION 'New Oeneratton of Oii Pro•pectlng Ott Coast' Offshore Test Well To Tap Tanner Oil By THOMAS MUBPIUNE Of U.e Dally ,,,_.Slaff Gulf Oil CoTporatlon ls prepar- ing today to sink a 9,000·foot test well al Tanner Banks in what company official say may "begin a new generation of oil prospect· ingofftheCaliforniacoast.'' office in Ventura. Dr. M.R.J .• Wyllie, Gulf's West Coast. divisional vice presid.enl, said is· suance of the permit is expected to be routine. Dr. Wyllle expects to get the go-ahead before Mon- day . I Gunman Kills S~lf, 4 Others NEW ORLEANS (AP)-AIU.D· man shot two men, beld l\1J wife and dauablcr hostage for four boul't while his relatives begced hlm to surrender , thensbotbothot them a.od h.lmsclr todeatb, poUco aaJd. A police spokesman said of. llcers were called Thursday when rcsldenu of a low·rent housing project reported gunshots. They arrived to find 17-year-old Emile Anderson wounded in the stomach on the balcony of a fourth·Ooor apartment. He died later. Office.rs at the scene said that when Ennis Charles, 25, saw them approachiq", he grubbed bis estranged wife Antoinette, 23, around the neck, put a revolver to her head and told police be would kill her irthey didn 't go away . Police said they backed off, and Charles pulled h.is wife into the apartment. Officer s then summoned Charles' mother, grandfather and clergyman, hoping they could talk him into surrendering. ''The m an you shot is still alive," Charles• grandfather shouted through the closed door. .. Youwon'tbe triedCormurder.'' ''Therp's one in here who's already d e ad," came the response from Charles. -; That victim was Earl JotJnson, 21, who was alive at the time but. diedlaterof ahead wound. Charles refused lo listen to pleas from others, and police heard shots from lnsiaeThe apart· ment. About three hours later, they fired tear gas and rushed the apartment. Mrs. Charle11 and her4-year-old daughter Lyn a lay dead on a bed. Charles was dead on the floor at their feet. TesC drilling will be ac· complisbed by a new $40 million semi-submersible drilling vessel Aleutian Key, operated for Gulf by Key International Drilling Company, Ltd. of Houston, Tex. Meanwhile, the Aleutian Key has been loaded with a full cargo or pipe and drilling equipment worth $500,000. I ts 77-member crew is ready to pull up her eight. anchors and m ove to Tanne( Banks. • Site or the exploratory effort will be at a point 85 miles southwest of Long Beach and 40 miles from San Clemente Island. The location.is roughly between San Clemente and Sao Nicolas "If Gulf gets that okay, we'll move Monday, set up on the site CENTER Tuesday and be drilling by Wed· • • • islands. The 5,760·acre undersea .Dil ·tract is one of ~ix purchased. by Gulf in l ast December's federal sale. Gulf bought the tract for $5.3 million. The com· pany paid $25 million for all six. The 260·foot apple-green Aleu- tian Key, which looks much· 'like a permanent oil platform, is currently moored outside Port Hueneme, near Oxnard. Gulf officials are awaiting clearance of one more permit from the U.S. Geological Survey E'ro• Page Al PORNO ••• nesday night," declared Texan Leon Steinocher. area superin· tendent for Key Dril. . Geologist Lyn Hazel. Gulf's area exploration m.nager, said the test well will be punched down under 700 feet o( water and will go 9,000 feet into the ocean floor. Hazel speculated tky might find "something significant" at as shallow a depth as 2,500 feel. Even Gulf officials differ on the odds of finding a significant undersea oil fi eld at the site. One . company officer" said it is' one chance m 10. Dr. Wyllie said 1 in 100. Geologist Hazel suggested odds are 1in1,000. In any event, Hazel indJeated the well is explor atory in nature and even if it hits oil . th.is hole would never be used for oil pro· duction. Bailey and John Deardourff"in "It we hit something, we would fact have asked me to ship back permanently cap off the hole and all original m aterial ... every. move on to make two or three thing to do with the President more exploratory drillings," the Fordcampaign,"hesaid. geologist explained. "We would •But Goldbaum denied he in· have to determine how signiri · tended to make a pornographic cant the size of the field would film. be." "My intention was to produce a Ir Gulf strikes oil off Tanner very beautiful film ••. ana nol a Banks, Dr. Wyllie said, the most dirty movie. I think it would be a practical method of transporting film -well, I'm notgoingtosayto the crude would be by means oC you I think it's a film J erry Ford an 85-mile pipeline to shore. would go see; Ford is incredibly "Il you use a pipeline, it allows square, that's one of the beautiful you to produce gas from the thingsabouthim." wells, too," Wyllie explained . his firm bases all their plans on what they believe will happen ac· cording to their ability to control it. James B. Slayden, president of Robinson's, which will have a store in both the Irvine and Mis· sion Viejo centers, said he was surprised that both centers would be opening around the same lime. But he said he is sure the area is developing at a rate to justify the opening of both. Similar r eferences t o the "awesome" growth of the area were made by George Foos, presi· ' dent of the May Company, which also will have stores in both cen· ters. The Mi ssion Viejo Mall is planned as a million square foot, enclosed, climate· controlled complex. It will inclu de Montgomery Ward as well as Robinson's and the May Com· pany and about 110 specialty shops. Construction of the center on the 68-acre si te js slated to begin in January. Developers say the design of the center will hlend with the: architectural style already established in Mission Viejo. Although the Mission Viejo. Company president refused to disclose the sale price of the pro· perty. a DeBartolo executive said, "They soaked us." The Post said that Goldbaum ''By other methods, the gastjust conceded he had lx.>en guilty of has to be pumped right back into The Ohio firm is the designer "incredibly poor timing" and the wells. developer and operator of th~ said "these projects should never "T~en California lo~es ,,the mall. A. subsidiary of May Com· haveoverlapped.~-'-'~~~~~.:.--be~n_e_r_1t_o_f_th_e_..:;..g_a_s ~p-rod~u_c_u_o_n_·~-=-·~p_a~ny=-w_1_ll~b~e_a~l~im~it~ed.:::....lp~artn=-=~e~r~. rrs AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing. there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical. and if the Iron is too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. lCleaninA poses the ultimate test to this type of seam . and we have been called .0.r:t.~f'.l:l.~rable times to repair someone else's seams which nave come apart. through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes tonger. but our fine installations have been a mafor factor in our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa. DEN'S. ... ••••••••••••••••• • -installation· custom draperies linoleum • wood floor UC. NO. 2l0427 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6 .. 6 • .4 838 -646·23S.5 • --- Friday~ CJo ing Pric \ ' NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Friday October 29, 1978 l /N OAIL't'PILOT AJ I 1878T~Laae Moving to Job? Check New-Law-·: BySYLVIAPORTER (EiQhlhmoSmaJ Tbe mllfions who will move to new places ol work ln 1m will find Lbe rule:11overnlng deductions for movln« tJtpeDHI much cuter and moreieoeroua than belore '.'speclflcally: -An Important change made by the 1978 Tax Re!Orm Act will lessen thedlstanceapenoomual move in 1971 lnorderto quallty for deducUonot movinl expenses tinder the 197$ and 1916 r ules. moving exp enses can't be deducted unless the new principal JOb location 1s at least 50 mUes farther from the former residence than wu lhe former job. Money's Worth VNDER THE lt71lAW, A move ln 1977 will qualify for a· movmg expense deduction if the new Job location ls al least35 miles farther away from homo than the present job location. -Another favorable change will allow 1977 move1"s tO deduct a greater amount than in 1976 for pre·move bousehunting, temporary liVlllg expenses at the new job locaUon and certain ~penses incurred with respect to tho sale, purchase or leaseof a residence. As before, the reasObable expenses or transporting the family, household goods and personal effects, the cost of meals and lodging en route, etc, are deductible Movers also can deduct a limited amount or pre move househunting. expenses, such as meals and lodgrng in searching for a new home, and temporary living expenses tn the new location. The deduction ltmitfor these expenses is $1,000in1976. But ui: 1977, the limit will beralsed to$1,500. • · -THIRD, THE DEDUCTION for costs incurred In selUn~ the old residence and l>tzylng a new home, such as brokers • commissions and attorney fees, ls increased in 1977 from $2,500 to$3,000. These higher limits can be applied to either of the last two categones. Thus, if pre-househunting expenses total only $1,000 ui 1977, the mover will be able to claim up to $2,000 for other expenses connected with selling the home. ID another ebange, the 1976 law has bad news for people who collect sick pay; the cbaage is retroactive to this entire year. THOSE WHO WERE absent from work beeause of Injury or sickness during 1975 could exclude up to $100 a week from rocomerece1ved whileoutofwork. This no longer is the case, even tr sick pay was received early m 1976. The only limited sick pay exclusion left in the law allows retired persons under 65, who are permanently and totally- disabled, to exclude up to $5,200 a year of their dtsability income. This $5,200 exclusion will be reduced dollar for dollar by any amount that the recipient's Income exceeds $15,000for the year. Stocks Move Ahead In Broad Advance NEW YORK (AP) ·-The stock market pushed ahead steadily today to post a broad grun an the next·to-last session before the pres1dential election. Trading was light. ' Brokers said some traders still seemed lo be buying on the theory that the market mJght be able lo gather strength after the pres1deotial race 1s settled Tuesday. An apparent plus in the economic news was the rapid spread or a quarter pomt cut in the prime lending rate, to 6~ percent, through the banking mduslry. Analysts said. investors also were encouraged by the equanimity with which the market took the expected news or a second straight monthly declme m the government's Ill· dex of leading econom1c indicators The Dow J ones index of 30 stocks gained 12 30 points to ' 964 93. Uo 2" t Up 7S S Up ua Uo 114 Up 9S Uo 91 Uo I 7 Uri 16 Ue> 86 Up 8 J Up 8 J St.o c k 11 In The S potlight NetD Y ork S ale • ... Due to late transmission today's listing will not · appear In the Daily Pilot. ~~ =~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UC> I 0 UP 77 UP 11 UC> 7 4 Uo 7J Up 7 J U11 7 o Off Pct;,, Oii • 4 Oii •• Otl • , Off 61 (Ill s. ()II S 1 Ott h Oii s 1 011 s J Olf SJ Oii •• Oii 4 I Oii A J ()II A 1 M'hat S tock • D f d Nl!W YORI( (API WMAT AM EX DID Htw YOAK. IAPI AdV.tlK•S l)t(llM \ UMl>•-d Toi.ti hlvu -..,. lllQll\ ""'" 1'1' low• ~ :~1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ °'' J. °'' J. Off 21 . . .. I 4 A J 2 DAILY PILOT Frl~y. Octob« 29. 19'7$ THE FAMILY CIRCU • By Bil Keane Honeywell SPECIAL PURCHASE .. ,.11ri.-...--.... .-....- "look, that two bubbles SMOKE For Psoriasis Drug J,inked • To 5 Deaths WASHINGTON CAP) -A potentially lethal psoriasis drug was allowed on the market because the manufacturer could not afford another safety test recommended by medical experts, a Food and Drug Administration official told Congress. The drug, Triazure, was pulled off the market Aug. 12 after "unusual and alarming" reports of blood clotting in patients, said Dr. J . Richard Crout, director of FD A's Bureau of Drugs. DUKING THE YEAR THAT TRJAZURE was in general use, it was associated with one death and six cases of blood clots in patients' veins and arteries, one of which resulted in amputation of a patient's leg. Crout said that 23 ( ) blood clots resulted CONSUMER among~ patients who , . were g iven the drug during clinical trials prior to general marketing, with two deaths, but the manufacturer insisted those cases were a coincidence not linked lO Triaiure. The FDA twice rejected the request by Calbiochem of La Jolla, for approval to market the drug on the grounds that its safety bad not been proven. BUT TRIAZURE WAS APPROVED Feb. 28, 1975, on the condition that labeling carry warnings of the clotting problem and that safety studies be continued during marketing. Three days later, Calbiochem sold its interest in the drug to Parke Davis&Co. Both the decision to approve Triuure and later to withdraw it were difficult to make, Crout told a House Government <>Perations subcommittee. But in the interim a new therapy for psoriasis involving the drugs methoxsalen combined with· bigh·intensity ultraviolet light had been developed which shows signs or being safer, be said. Alimony Out Violates Constitution BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -Alabama's alimony law has been ruled unconstitutioi:tal because it does not provide for awards to men in divorce cases. . Circuit Court Judge Frank Embey issued an order saying the law was "in direct violation of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in that it denies equal pl'olection of the law to all persons.'' TIIE RULING IN A DIVORCE case came when an attorney for William I. Able questioned the law's constitutionality. Lawyer R.B. Jones said bis client had suffered a stroke and was unable to provide for himself. State law said a judge may order a husband to pay an allowance to his former wife when the woman has no separate estate and insufficient living expense money. OCTOllR 28 5 p.a to 10 t"';; OCTOllR 29 5 pA to 111llll41e1dRlgM1WC111r .OCTOllR 30 11 a.&to IOp.111. OCTOllR 31 11 CUii. to MlcWcjhl · , MAM! THI WITCH COMTIST ~N1U AM IXPIHSI ft AID Tllft VJUWo FOi A. FAMILY OF FOUi TO DISHEYLAMD This nationwide Jaycee contest provides free transportation. lodging and admission and rfde tickets to Disneyland. tn C&lifomlL This Includes ground transPortation from IOdglng to OlsMYLand. A "Family" is defined as one to four pereoos who share the same dwelling as a family unit and QUallfy as such fOf family air rates and family oodglng ratee. Additional e~nse for different travel or lodging arrangements mu,t be the resoonsib11ity of the winning family. Decision of ttle Judges Is f1na~ In case of ties, winner wlll be selected by drawing. ~---------------------~ , ............................................ -.wttcJL, : ....................................................... , IADOl:ISS ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 1 lcm ................................ STATI ••••••• •j•I 1JIP •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• : •••••••••• A•I •••. .._ ____________________ _ - ...,.....,,.. ....... IH ... I JA 'fCllS HAUMT'9 HOUSI IM OU llYIMI CO. NOMI SNOW IUHt. ...,._.... ... Ill S-.AMI......., O.Nfi/ ........... A.DMISSIOH SI Sii YOU n •11 , . ALARM 19~0 Thi.a may llCl't'e your We. U it goes off at a party where 1800 people are smoking king alM dga:rettei. don't rip out all the wires. )\dt pu.ah the~eaker. and reHt. (Gu ... who did rip out the wires) • . WITHTUBE 397 Don the price say "3.9T'? I can't believe lt. Juat can't belleH lt. Wbole9Glen don't enn Mil it that low. How can we do it? 4 Fr. FLUOREScENT TUBES •••••••••••••. >. - 57h. BAMBOO . BIRD Thia ia the one the guy• really streak in for (streak? oh. oh) I mean, try not to mlH. The price ia leaa than half and you get a NEW TOOL GUARANTEE. May go Yery faat, 90 don't fool around. U you need one. c:ome t;mdgetiL ~ZEREX ~ ... -... ANTI-FREEZE & SUMMER COOLANT Gotta have It U you use the air conditioning a lot. it raiaea the boiling point and makes for boilover protection. And in the mountain• prevent• freezing • WESTERN TOILETS 111 bet they call theM .,Eastern" toilets back east. Llf etime fired porcelain (here'• the catch. the aeat ia extra!) WHITE ONLY CAGES CLOSEOUT 297 Single4t1 ~·~WHILE~~s_r_oc~K-LAS~T-S~~~-G_AL.~~~~-t----~~~~~~-::==::---:::-------t Story REGULAR. 29oo LO-BOY ••• 3 9oo 2 511 Story 3 6'7 Story Made better than 8ome tract homes l'•e ... u. E•er wonder how many houri it takea to make one of theM thinga? Not easy. ao appreciate it. SIX FOOT REDWOOD GRAPESTAIES 29! Still one of the beat fencing materiala we know of. Looks better a.a the years go by. (li I could say that for my bankbook. oh yeah.) Subject to stock on hand. GARBAGE DISPOSERS Hello, folb and welcome to the 4th Annual Garbage Derby. Jn lane 1 drlvlng a 3 year guaranteed husky National dlapoHr with wire wheels la "Phlhead" Naguraky. (Look at that guy, he really beUena thla stuff.) We1l pile up ours against anyone'•· Bring on the garbage, Jim. 3YJt 2700 GUARANTEED 5 YEAR GUAR. •••••• 3 8 OO 7 YEAR GUAR. •••••• 5 9oo NORWQOD BATH ... AND VAN CARPET 2 97W: srr. WIDTH Plushy stuff. Did the whole trunk of my car and it looks ••TY first rafe. plenty colors to chooMfrom. . , .. .. • .. ~~ :· I . .. .. . L , ·: :: •' D.!#DDfllDrh 20" ROTARY MOWER A really cheap price on a good 4 cycle engine, rotary mower. Like it says, we don't have a ton for this price, come early. 49°~ #5263-34 LASTS SHADE SWAG LAMP LoYely drum shade swag. Nubby fabric • lavish trim. multi-faceted glaH ball alao includes braH chain and mount:lng hardware. No. 336. 697 POWER ROOF VENTILATORS SMALL Ame 2900 · MODEL 1200 •••• LARGE r!~. 3700 Got a thermoatatlc: c:ontroL lf the attic get• too hot. It coola lt fast. You bualnesamen might need one for the office or lhop. ;TOILET lSEATS Nothing like a new seat. Not a splinter in a carload. Non·rusting hardware (l could Juat go on for hours.) ;.. "~~ 5 YR. GUARANTEED WATER HEATERS GAS OR ELECTRIC 20 GAL ••••••• 69.00 30 GAL ••••••• 79.00 40 GAL ••••••. 89.00 50GAL ••••• 99.00 ~~iillllii......_rnw,~moJ) • CEILING BEAMS 87! . ·Look IO real you think you should be a weight Wter to put one·up. But aha (aha?). they are . light aa a feather. TITAN PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER ?flee handy little spot beat•r. Won't set the world on fire, but may lust take the chill out of your tootalH or tu-.tu. Laguna/South Coast VOL. 69, NO. 303, 4 SECTIONS, .C2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 Aft ernoon N. "\'. Stocks , TEN CENTl , Oil, Gas, Coal U.S. Energy Hope-Zarh By JOANNE REYNOLDS ()! llM O•llJ P'll<ol SUH If the U.S. is going to provide all of its own e ne r gy by 1985, Congress will have lo enact a package of six bills proposed by President Ford, says f'rank Zarb, head of the Federal Energy Ad· ministration. Zarb spoke in Newport Beach this morning, s tressing that self sufficiency In energy production Is necessary to the nation's economy and defense. He was a guest ot the Lincoln Club, a 1troup or Republic~ busl· nessmen. They queried him for an hour on energy issues. Zarb emphasized the need for Congress to finish passage or Ford's 13-bill package of energy measures. which include remov· ing price controls from automobile petroleum products and from crude oil. He discounted the ability of non- rossll fuels, s uc h as nuclear power. solar or geothermal heat, to contribute significantly to the nation's energy sources. Instead, he stressed the need roe developlnc domestic sources of oll and gas and increasing coal production and consumption. Zarb, who has beaded the energy agency since 1974, also said be wants to see Congress pro· vide the impetus ror private en· terprise to get into mass produc- tion of synthetic fuels. part.icular- 1 y the iasi!lcation and liquf action of coal. ''We have mor~ coal in this country than the mi8east has oil," he.declared. Zarb said he wants the rtrst generation of synthetic fuel plants to be built in the next ten years so that the technical and environ- mental problems -which are not known now -can be worked out. A bill whJch would have done just that was defeated at the close of the congressional session by one vote over a procedural ques· tion and Zarb says he thinks a similar bill wUl fare much better • in the upcoming session. "It was definitely the silly season in Washington,'' he said or the closing days -or the session. "There was a definite sapping or courage at certain points.•• Zarb told the 00 businessmen that "there arc no panaceas for the energy problem. There are no hidden reser voirs tucked away that we c~n tap mto. And there are going to be no brea,kt.hrougbs ~ will solve the problem." Zarb briefl y touched on the (See ENERGY, Page AZ) Badha·ni Booed· By B'nai B'rith . ~ Bring On t h e S ea King s Laguna Beach lligh School footba l l players, who play Corona del Mar in a homecoming game tonight, were treated to breakfast at Harry Moon's Cottage Restaurant this morning. The Artists ate like champions -12 dozen pancak~s, 175 ,, Trial Slated r .... For Man Held On Sex Raps Jury trial has been set for a Capistrano Beach man arrested by Laguna Beach police after a 15·year .old boy said he was solicited for a lewd act hy a man who picked him up while hitchhiking. Richard W. Moan. 35. of 27911 Calle Real, will face trial Nov. 10. A legal motion .seeking dismissal of the charges was denied in a pretrial hearing Tuesday in Laguna Niguel Municipal Cour t. Moan was arrested Sept. 29 on a warrant alleging\ solicitation fol-lewd conduct and child molestation. The Capistr ano Beach man had been a La~una Beach School District substitute bus driver and worked for the city as a summer tram dn\'Cr l\toan·s attorney has claimed his client was driving a city tram at the lime the incident was alleged lo h ave occurred in a private car. Beach, Pier CurfewEnth ·in Clemente San Clemente has become a 24·hour beach community by ac- tion of the City Council sa usage links, seven dozen eggs, eight gaJ lons of orange juice and five gallons or milk. It was the 10th s uch breakfast the r estaurant h as hosted. They're calle d Pancake Demolition Derbies. Coach Den· nis Haryung, below, also participated. Debate Response Blamed By WI LLIAM SCHREIBE R Qi !fie OatlJ P'll91St•H Leisure World B'nai B'rith members booed and hooted As· semblyman Robert Badbam's response Thursday night to a de· bate question on recurring con· troversial remarks by Gen. George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During t h e final scheduled joint appearances with Vivian Hall. bla Democa:aUc challenger in Ua• -.ti OonaretliQnal lijatrict race, Badham said politicians - and Jimmy Carter ln particular -should be willln1 to "forJlve a slip of the tonsue by a ge~al of the Army." <Brown is an AJr Force general>. At that point, the predominant· ly Jewish audie nce reacted so vocally that Badham had to curt21l his response and sit down. Brown recently said the defense of Isr:iel is a burden to the U.S. Only moments before Bad.ham was booed, Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd of about 200 when she said Brown "should have been fired immediately because he has a history of mal<- ing anti-semitic remarks that are not appropriate in any govern· ment position.•· A number or the ques tions posed to the two candidates were related to the Middle East. On the subject of trade with the Arab world, Badham said it is in "our own national interest" to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel. He said whatever aid 1s sent to the Arabs is "necessary to keep the balance." Mrs. Hall said it is "necessary to trade with all countncs but at thesametime. thereareelemenL'i in the Ar a b world who are moderate and we must seek them out." She also noted that Israel has proven lt has a place in the Mid- dle East by helping the poor of the Arab world wherever possi- ble. Both Badham and Mrs. HH.11 said they support the continued existence of Isr ael in the family of nations and oppose the boycott by the Arabs of American firms doing business with the Jewish state. <See BOOS. Page A2) The council removed from the books this w eek a city ordinance that imposed a curfew on the public beaches and city pier from midnightto4 a .m. Poll Finds Node's OK Mayor B. Patrick Lane had asked that the code section be re· moved, arguing it was ridiculous for a beach city to prohibit its resi· dents from using the beach at any time. The ordinance was supposed to provide police a statute to clear the beach or loud and unruly parties or individuals. It's re· moval was not opposed by police. lad.ham to Sp eak f o Laguna Students State Assemblyman Robert E. Badham, Republican candidate for the 40lh Congressional Dis- trict, b scheduled to a ppear at Laguna Beach m.:h School at 10 a.m. Monday. l Badbam is to speak before t. career-oriented students about his own career ln politics. Public Says Bottomless Ban Allmmble SACRAMENTO CA P > - California adults overwhelming· ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing s hould be allowed in night c lubs. accordjng to a statewide poll. The State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board also was told Thursday by state Sen. Allred Song that he won a W\dslide re· election victory in 1970 despite a tabloid published by his Republican foe calling Song a backer or ''nudie bars ... The ~ont e r ey Park Democrat's testimony came at a hearing on a proposal by two Los Angeles-area night clubs to strlp the state ol authority in the area or nude entertainment and give it to cities and coun· ties. State law prohibits "bottom· leas" nude dancing in bars licensed for sale and consume· tion ol alcohollc beverages. lt also r eg ul ates the circum stances under which "topless" d ancing can be performed. Song said his district poll found only two percent of voters feld nude dancing was an Im· port.ant issue ln 1970. The public wouldn't object to new rules because they "simply don't care," he added. On the statewide survey, Dr. Peter Sherrill or the Field Research Corp. Hid more Ulan 60 percent of the 1 ,000 adults surveyed agreed that adults should have the right to see nude entertainment. That degree of aupport would be "an overwhelmlnC landalicle" for any poUOclan 01t lAue, &Mr: rill aald. ~-'\>·~· The poll was paid for by owner• ot the Ball, a private club in Santa Monica, and the Other Ball, a pubUc bar in San Gabriel -the same clubs seeking the cbanse in nude dancin1 regula- tions. Both have been cited by the ABC for alleged nude entertain· ment violations. Song, an acquaintance of a tormer police chief who owns 1be Other Ball, has also tesUfled on lts behalf at other ABC pro- ceeclln11. Baxter Rice, ABC director, said alter the bearing that lt may be several monlhl before a de· c:ision ls reached. He aald the .ABC ls empowered by law ~eld b)' the U,S. Supreme Court to re· suJate morality in placet where .. (lee NU DES, Pace AZ>: BACK$ PR9P. 14 Candidate Han O~lf Piiot Stall ,..,.. .. BOOED OFF STAGE Assemblyma n Badham Downtown Spanish Them e Approved The San Clem ente City Coundl has adopted architectural stan· dards geared to maintain the Spa nish s tyle theme of the downtown area. A study session is set for 7:30 p.m . Nov. 16 to forge specifics or downtown district boundaries and plans for landscaping, sidewalks and street lighting. Businesses existing within the district, will be encouraged-not. forced -to conform to a Sparush design. New construction will be required to be compatible with the theme. Among the design criteria adopted by the council are: -The use of tile when sloped roofs are built llea\·y wooden beams. iron grillwork. heavy stucco textures and theme- ortented window and door treat· ments will be encouraged --Outside wall color~ should be compatible with adjoining build- ings. -~ienc; must comolv with citv sien ordmances, but the use of heavy wooden, routed or sandblasted signs compatible with the theme are encouraged. Cost to the city for beaulifica· tion of the main business stMp, along Avenida Del Mar from El Camino Real to Calle Seville, bu been estimated roug hly a~ S700.000. l The city has included these cos ts in applications for federal fund- ing under thf' public works jobs bill. Specific costs and projects are to be determined by the council. Harris Ple a Date Delay ed OAKLAND (AP) -William Lagoo W and Emily Harris will not enter a omallpleas to a 13-count indictment in the Patricia Hearst kidnaping Di • C h until a judge rules on their mo-eS m ras tion to disqualify himsetc from A 24 -year -old Laguna Beach woman suffered fatal he:id in· juries Thursday afternoon when she loi-t control of ht>r ~mall foreign convertible and 11 rolled on top of her. Cahrorniu f11ghw uy Patrolmen said today The name of the victim was be-. ing withheld pending notification o( relatives. the CH P said. Patrolmen said the car was traveling on Santiago Canyon Road south of Modjeska Canyon • when the cr~occurred. The woman was dead at the scene, the CHP reported. Cranston Due At LB Rally U.S. Senator Alan Cranston <D· Calif.) ls scheduled to appear in a Laguna Beach rally from 4: 30 to 6 p.m . Saturday at the offices of Gumblner and Associates, 1550 S. CoastHighway. The rally is to boost Democratic candidates for state and naUoaal otfice. Following the Laguna Beach Tally, Cranston ls scheduled lo go to a Laauna Hills c~remony. however, detail$ were not Jm· mediately available. · t.he case, a court official says. The setr ·avowed Symbionese Liberation Army members' plea!'! will be delayed whllc Alameda County Superior Court Judge Alan Lindsay decides qow to rule on the motion or:::cJ~:~st Weathe r l Mostly sunny throug~ Saturday with some low~ morning clo uds . Coole with highs in the 70s, low o · about SO. I NSIDE TODAY The play'• the thing and this . ,1a the aea,son. See today'a•' Weekender for . a feature on UC l's "Guy& and Doll&." lnde~ L/SC Women tO 'Honor' Hayakauxi LOS ANGELES {AP)-A won1ef1 ortanlution plans to demonstrate against S.l. Rayakawa•a Lal Angeles headquarters today because a female re- porter was burred from an all·male club in Santa Barbara. The demonstration announced Thursday by the Los Angeles chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus stems from a Hayakawa appearance earlier in the campaign before the Channel City Club of Santa Barbara . The reporter, Ellen Hume of the Los Angeles 'rimes, w&.s kept out of the club during the ap- pem-ance. The organization said it would serve roast pig - in Hayaka_w a's honor -during the demonstration. Hayakawa, told about the plans by reporters~said Thursday, "l hope they have soy sauce with that roast pig." . . • $65 Million Mall Planned in Viejo By LAURIE KASPER OI the O•ll1 Pll<11 St•lf Discounting competition from the Irvine Company's recently announced shopping center. of. ficials of the Mission VieJO Com- pany and the Edward J . De Bartolo , Corporali on told of their agreement to develop another major retail complex. in south Orange County Thursday. • The $65 million Mission Viejo :Mall will be built wit.hin the Mis- ~ion Viejo planned community )ust easl of the San Diego j'reeway, between Crown Valley jllld Avery parkways. . ll will be within about eight E. eeway m iles or the planned . vine Center as well as the exist· g Laguna Hills Mall and Sad- dleback Valley Plaza · Irvine Company offi cials an- 11ounced plan:-for their center. on :<tie site where th<> Santa Ana and ~an Di<>go freeways merge. on . .\Yednesday ,: Although they beat the Mission ;~ejo announccmenl by one day, ·(tie first phase or their center ;won't be developed until 1979 - :· ~Carnival Set f:F or Kids in .•. /. . :~Laguna Beach • The Laguna Beach Recrea· ·lion Division and the Laguna "Reach IJovs Club will hold their • S I x t h A. n n u a I H a 11 ow e e n Carnival bt.>g mhing al 6 p.m. Saturday al the Boys Club, 1035 Laguna Canyon Road Boys Jnd girls of all ages arc :C.li g1ble to part1c1patc in the :festivities which include a pen· :ior carnival featuring more than ~ game booths. bobbing for ap· :P,Jes and a cartoon movie s how ·~ Youngsters who come in cos· :Wme arc eligible for 10 grand ~prize drawings . ;;. Prizes will be given for :Wookiesl, funni est, sweetest ~• d most origina l. Prizes will e provid ed by the Junior • omen's cluh. ::•The Laguna Beach Jaycees :Will sponsor a pumpkin carving ·eontest. Pumpkins arc not pro· \;ded Fro1tt Pag*" A(. NUDES . • • liquor is servcrl. Steven Solomon. attorney representing lhc two night clubs, !brought a college professor , d ance instruc1or . private in· vc5t1gator and Sen. Song to ie5tify. Solomon said the ARC is strict :pn neighborhood bars where the average guy buyR a drink and :watches nude dancing, but al· :;.lows the arnuent to do the same :!thing at big-name "legitimate" ::uu~aterR. ·:· "Hit's in I\ theater. they don't !:touch you," Solomon told a re· ::porter. ''Have it inn b~r and they :;rent you like n donkey.'' :-. ORANOE COAST L SC DAILY PILOT ·: . . •f" n.-Ot-a~ c~"' ('Ultv •t•14 ~'" *"''" l\ttw\"I• :* ~N-ft .. H,W'\ p,.,, t &>u~•~bttM ()r •,,.., t• (N\tP\fbhtl'W'V)(eMf'tl\W ~..,..,_. .. ,..,,1toA-\1tU p' • ~l\llllf'f Mel\Cl°''f' t,,rrNtf'I ''•NY tor Ct\t• •, M." H•""'90f1 fHie("' Huf\t~~tift ~Mf\ ~0\11\ •• 1.41'\ V•ll•f' l"wlfll•. )•d!fl•f\fO V11til•Y '1"'<1 • \.~&it«" ~ttii(.o,"t AV""Q"f'r .. ~I~ •.. ton I\ llK;OllVM>d S•tv,ct•v• ...._, ~"'"' ,,._ • • f"''"''°"' 0-1bt1"'l"f 01~1 I\ •I U0 Wt\t Ot;' : St,Ht, C...tt Ml\t. CAitl,.r.Wttt.,.,_ t . ,• .. . . . . . . ._ ......... -Prniotftt •"Cf ft\,ial""'r J•Oll C-Vtc.• "'•\IOtftt tM c;.,.. .. ~ '~""'.'""_.. Ed<t0< ~ .. "' .......... IMN<1• ... fi.,,tw 0-.,,..M L... elt ... rf, ..... A\\i ''""'' ""-~Olt'IQ Cdt"°" L•o11111 •••ch OHlc9 l' .. Gl•.....,,,.M,...t Molli .......... ,, , 0 ... -.,.,, OfftCH C..t.Mo•• UtlWt\111..,~t-~ .. ..... "00 ... llt ... ,,.,,9WC~&..IM·--« ~6Jlfl&,tc• V•ll•• ''"' L.1 Pu AO«I •t \.Oft 01"4' I •-rt T•l•pfto11• (7t4)~t CIHIHI~ Adv.11111119 ~-MTI L.afu111 h•ch AH O.nlftlMI: Telephon••.,...._. : Wor'"'' ,.,. O.•-C..'4 -·...i,.. ~ ~ Pri9'1'tY Hit ,.._, \to,u•\ Olui.tfAttM\ .,...,._. • Mttttr •r .tdlWtrtht"'•flllh ,....,~,,., ,,.., ._ ., ,..,,~uttd •UltOMt ,,.., •• , perrnlutefl 1t ~·--.. ~ ~,~,": • .,~~us::~!!T:11:1".:'.~::, ~':; ! =,:.t...::, ;::!,.~"~ -1•••. ,..mt•r• one year after Mission Viejo's scheduled opening in fall, 1978. But Edward J. De Bartolo, pre· sidenl of the family-owned firm from Youngstown, Ohio, said, "We don't care if they open in 1976." When questioned about the competition and market by re· l>Orters, he said, "IC it burls anybody, it won't hurt Mission Viejo. It'll hurt somebody closer tot.hem than us." And, Philip Reilly, president of the Mission Viejo Company, said his firm bases all J.hei.r plans on what they believe will happen ac- cording to their ability to control it. J ames B. Slayden. president ot Robinson's, which will have a store in both the Irvine and Mis· sion Viejo centers, s aid be was surprised that both centers would be opening around the same time. But he said he is sure the area is developing at a r ate to Justify the opening of both . Sim ilar references to the "awesome" growth or the area were made by George Foos, presi· dent of the May Company, which also will have stores in both cen· ters. The Mission Viejo Mall is planned as a million square foot, enclosed, c Ii ma le· controlled complex . It will include Montgomery Ward as well as Robi nson's and the May C.om · pany and about UO specialty shops. Construction Of the center on the 68-acre site is slated to begin in January. Nichols Rite Set Sunday In Laguna A memorial service Cor Laguna Beach resident Mabel E. Nichols will be held at 4 p. m. Sun- day al Community Presbyterian Church or Laguna Beach, 415 Forest Ave. Mrs. Nichols, who lived in the Art Colony s ince 1961 , died Thursday at her home after .l long illness. She was 81. Born in Rochester. N.Y . on May 2i. 1895, she was u women'5 counselor for the Eastman Kodak Co. for 13 years before her retirement. She was lhe widow of Harvard Univer s ity Graduate School Professor Frederick G. Nichols. Mrs. Nichols is survived by sis· ters, Mrs. Harry Belcher and Mrs. Doris Murphey of Laguna Beach, and two nephews, David Belcher of Dallas, Tex. and Richard Murphey or Anaheim. The Neptune Societ y of Newport Beach is handling cremation arrangements Cor burial at sea. Police Grab Two in Heist Two aJleged bank robbers w.ere arrested by La Habra police Thursday after they purportedly wrecked their get-away car and tried to nee on fool, poUce report- ed today. Officers said Gary Lopez Sole, 26, Monterrey Park, and Alfred Theodore Kraack, 42, Van Nuys, were aJTested just momenta after 26, Monterey Park, and Alfred. from Security Pacific NaUonal Bank, 200 S. Be acb Blvd. Police said the pair alle1edly took the cash from two tellen at gunpoint about 1 p .m ., then dashed into a car and Oed. Bedroom Burgled A burglar who gained entry via an open window took a necklace and coins wlth a total value of ~ from a Capistrano Beach home. Oran1e County 1herlrf'a oC· Ileen aald vlcllm Magdalena Mercader Boarman, 36, ol 34544 Calle Portola, told lhtm the val\lables were taken Crom her. muter bedniom whlle abe was awa)' al work. Emben Threaten Homes Flylng sparks and embers from a burning Lake Forest tract house in the framin& stages of c o n s t r u c t i ·o n T h u r s d a y threatened to destroy or serious· ly dam·age occupied homes in a nearby d~velopment. Four or the 60 Orange County firemen who r esponded to Lbe potentially di~astrous blaze were injured, none seriously enough to require hospitalliatlon. 'fhe firemen were joined by cit.Uens armed with garden hoses to pre· vent the fire from spreading, A county fire department cap- tain was overheard to say, "another three or lour minutes and we might have lost a half· dozen or these houses along here." The blaze broke out al about • 4:30 p.m . in a two-story structure in the uncompleted "Woods" de· velopment near the junction of Window Bob a nd T anbark Streets. By the time fire units reached the scene, the framed house was totally Involved in names and the: uncompleted house next door had been singed. accordin~ to Capt. Mike Amada of the El Toro Fire Station. 1 When waler from the hjgh· pressure water hoses used by the firemen hit the burning building, the upper story collapsed, nar· rowly missing a hose crew. The cave-In threw cinders into the air, where they were caught by the wind and rained onto the roofs of a number of homes along Timberline Way and Ginger Road in the tract immediately adjacent to the Woods develop- ment along Lake Forest Drive. Hundreds or local residents ran from their homes to watch the ac· lion and some clambered onto rooftops to hose down the cedar ~hingles. Fro• Page Al BOOS ... A number of other topics were discussed during the hour-long debate, Including several of the slate ballot propos itions. The candidates both opposed Proposition 13, the dog racing in· Hiative, but voiced sharply divided opinions on Proposition 14. the farm worker measure. Badham said the legislative framework for the type of refocm s ought by farm labor leaders already exists in the form of a compromise bill enacted re· cently. But he claimed Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and labor ucli\·ist Cesar Chavez have reneged on their part of the agreement that led to the compromise Mrs. Hall said she "strongly supports" Proposition 14 because it is a s tep toward giving "the un· derpriv1leged of our society the n ghts they deserve to decent s alaries and working conditions and a better way of life." Other debate points included: -Co n s umer protection. Badham said there has to be a point after which "the mos t sophisticated consumers in the world" no longer need protec· tion. Mrs. II all challenge d Radham 's voling record on con· sumer affairs and said consumer protection and free enterprise can co-exist. Special legislation lo aid the elderly. Badham said the "kin· des t thing Congress could do is simply stabilize the dollar." Mrs. HalJ said she favors federal as· sistance to senior citizens who are facing the loss of their homes due lo rising property truces and vigorous enforcement of govern- ment regulations. -National health insurance. Mrs. Hall said she favors the con· cept but isn't sure how It would be done. She said more emphasis should be placed on preventive medicine. Utility Eyes Mexico for Nuclear Plant SAN DIEGO CAP)-SanDlego Gas and Electric says it is even looking at Baja California and Mexico's Coronado blands 1or s ites for nuclear power plants . The information was revealed Thursday by Harold F. Perla, a nuclear consultant for the utility. who said efCorts were beln&. made to set up meeUngs with Mex.lean officials on the possible construe· tJon of SOG&E nuclear plants in that country. The slate Energy Commission hss been conducting hearings this week on pl Ans by the uUllly tor the controversial Sundeserl plant near Blythe. OCftclala from both Imperial and Rlverslde counties have pro- tested against grantini a permit (OC' the Sundesert project and SDOlcE ha1 ren aled it does have otbtrslte• under consideration. Th• bearinp br'OQ(hl out that lbe \IWll.Y hu been Heldn1 an in- land Ille at Camp Pendlltoo ror a plant t OCEAN DRILLING RIG PRIMED FOR BIO MISSION 'New Generation of Oii Prospecting Off Coast' Offshore Test Well To Tap Tanner Oil By THOMAS MURPIDNE OI Ille O•llY 1'11• Si.ff Gulf Oil Corporation is prepar· ing today to sink a 9,000-foot test well al Tanne r Banks in what company official say may "begin a new generation of oil prospect· ingoff the California coast." Test drilling will be ac· complished by a new $40 million semi-submersible dnlling vessel Aleutian Key, operated for Gulf bv Kev International Drilling Company. Ltd. of Houston. Tex. Site of the exploratory effort will be at a point 85 m ilcs southwest of Long Beach and 40 miles Crom San Clemente Island. The location is roughly between San Clemente a nd San Nicolas islands. The 5,760-acre undersea oil tract is one or .six purchased by Gulf in last Deccmher's federal s ale. Gulf bought the tract for $5.3 million. The com· pany paid $25 million for all six. The 260·foot apple·greea Aleu· tlan Key, which looks much like a permanent oil platform, as currently moored outside Port Hueneme. near Oxnard. Gulf officials are awaiting clearance of one more permit from the U.S . Geological Survey office la Ventur ... Dr. M.R.J .. Wy lli e. Gul f '6 West Coast divisional v1cE' ~resident, said is· sua.nce or the permit is expected to be routine. Dr. WyUie expects to gel the go-ahead before Mon· day. Meanwhile. the Aleutian Key has been loaded with a full cargo or pipe and drilling equipment worth $500,000. Its 77-member crew is ready to pull up her eight anc hors and move to Tanner Banks. "If Gulf gels th3t okay, we'll move Monday, set up on the site Tuesday and be drilling by Wed- nesday night." declared Texan Leon Steinocher, area superin· tendent for Key Dril. Geologist Lyn Hazel, Gulf's area exploration manager, said the test well will be punched down under 700 feet or water and wi ll go 9,000 feel into the ocean floor. Hazel speculated they mighf find "something significant" a t as s hallow a depth as 2,500 feel . Even Gulf oCficials differ on the odds of finding a significant undersea oil field at the site. One company officer said it is one chance in 10. Dr. Wyllie said 1 in 100. Geologist Huel suggested odds are 1 in 1,000. In any event, Haze) indicated the well is exploratory in nature and even if it hits oil. t.his hole would never be used for oil pro· duction. Police Set "lfwehilsomething,wewould permanently cap ore the hole and Op H move on to make two or three en OD.Se more exploratory drlllings," the geologist explained. "We would The Laguna Beach Police have lo determine how signifi· Department's remodeled facility cant the size 0£ the field would Confab Turns to Stumping Whot w us billed as an Orange County Economic Oulloot Con· lerence Thur1d11y al times turned into last-minute cam· p•ign stumping tor President Ford. And U.S. Treasury Secretary Wllllam Slmt>n opened hh lunc heon speech with a plug ror Hep. Chnrl<'s Wiulns CR · fullerton) who is seeking re· election Tuesday. Rel a tea story, Page A3. Simon called Wiggins "an out· standing member of Congress ... who has waged the good fight for responsible government so effecliv~ly in the House ot Representatives for the past 10 years." He also told the crowd or bual· ness and government leaders lhal Democratic Presidential nominee Jimmy Carter stands for Increased spending, higher taxes and bigger and bigger gov· ernment. But President Ford, he said, stands for lowe r taxation, getting control of federal spending and balancing the budget. He pledged that if elected, f''ord would "purs ue the moderate policies that are con· s istent with fighting the twin evils or unemployment and infla- tion." Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller also praised Ford for what he said was the President's com· mitment to help solve the na· lion's enerttY crunch by building more atomic power plants. "The ex-governor "of Georgia, who has had the opportunity lo learn something about nuclear reactors and claims some ex· pertise has given nuclear reac· tor" for civilian purposes the lowest priority.'' Teller said. "In a field where he has cx· perit.>nce his statements are not in an intelligent a~rcement wi th the nation 's needs." he• said. Assislanl Treasury Secretary Gerald P ar s ky several t imes mentioned the Carter campaign for the While House, accusing the Democratic nominee of "mis· representing the position of this administration." * * * Fro1tt Page Al ENERGY •.• meeting slated for December in which the OPEC countries will de· cide on whether another price hike will be ins ti luted on their pro· duels. He criticized ttte forecasts, "made by the so-called experts," who sav the OPEC countries will up the price or oil by 15percent. "They 'II a ll get together and say, ·we ll look al what the Americans expect' and then raise the prl ce 10 percent. These forecasts arc jus t an exercise in a self-fulfilling prophecy. '' ll 's an expensi vc way to shoot yourself in the fool," Zarb ob- served. will be open for public tours today be .. mm R ele ase Due until 8 p.m . a nd from noon to 8 ir Gulf strikes oil off Tanner p.m. Saturday al 505 Forest Banks, Dr. WylUe s aid. the most NEW YORK (AP) -Sen. Avenue. Laguna Beach. practical method of transporting Hubert Hufllphrey is due to be r e· The extensive remodeling the crude would be by means or leased from the Slo:m -Kettering added a second story lo the police an 85-mile pipeline to shore. Cancer Center this weekend or· building for detective and ad· "If you use a pipeline, it allows early next week. a hos pital ministrative offlcec;. Exoansion you to produce gas from the spokt•swoman says. The 65-year· of the department's records. lob· wells. loo ... Wyllie explained old Minnesota Democrat is r e- by, and communications areas "By other methods. the gast just covering from a cancer opera· was also made. has to be pumped right back into lion. His bladder was removed A ribbon-cutting ceremony and the wells. Oct. 7, and doctors say he will re· dedication was lo have been held "Then California loses the ce1ve anti-cancer drugs for at noon today. benefit of the gas production._'_' __ .several months. ~------------------------- fI"S AL WAYS WHAT Il' SEAMS There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot·melt tape which 1s several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that the tape Is attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendency to work loose from the primary backing. there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature o f the iron 1s critical. and if the iron 1s too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam Cleaninq poses the ultimate test to this type of seam. and we have· been called •.n.~.l!merable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart· through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally. sewing takes longer. but our fine installations have been a major factor In our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa. DEN'S. ••••••••••••••••• ,.31ia ... IK:a.;nstallation ·custom draperiss llnoleum • ·wood floor 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 926'27 • PHONE 6A6-.C838 -6.C6-23.5.5 ., • Orange Coast . EDITION I VOL. 69, NO. 303, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 I C. TEN CENTS . ;Oil, Gas, Coal U.S. En~rgy Hope-.ZOrb By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ot-. o.ur I'll .. sa..H Uthe U.S. is going to provide all of its own enercy by 1985, Congress will bave to enact a package of six bills proposed by President Ford, says FrankZarb, bead of the f'ederal Energy Ad· ministration. Zarb spoke in Newport Beach this morning, stressing that sell sufficiWlCY in energy production Economy 1 Growth Declines WASHING TON lAP) -The government index designed to predict future economic growth declined for the second month in a row in September, the Commerce Department said lo· day, bringing more bad pre· election news for the Ford ad· ministration. I The decline in the index or l eading ecooom ic indicators was seven·tenths o! a percent in September, the same as in August. Although the index' performance points to a pos&i- ble continuation of the economic slowdown registered in recent months , economists say they I can't be sure until it has 1?one down for three months in a row . But the latest report seems certain to raise new questions about the strength of the economic recovery, since other ·recent statistics on economic erowth and unemployment also have been disappointing. I In Milwaukee, where Presi· dent Ford was campaigning, ,..White House press secretary rfton Nessen issued a statement 1'saying, "An examination ol the hading economic index shows that the recent pause in our economic recovery is conclud· ing and the economy will con· tinue its solid growth. "We are particularly en· couraged by the two key in- dicators which have the most inOuence on future economic activity: capital goods orders and building permits. Both are significantly higher." Jimmy Carter, campaigning in Philadelphia, cited the in- dex's performance as "new evidence that the economic pie· ture ahead shows more un· 1employment and a further decline in the standard of living for the average worker. "We simply cannot depend on those who created this ·economic mess to clean it up. It's time for new leadership, with new ideas, to get our economy movin~ again," the Democratic presidential nominee s aid. One Com mercc Department analyst s aid it wasn't clear from the index whether the decline reflected the slowdown in economic growth that has already occurred, or whether it pointed to a further slowdown in the months ahead. The Commerce Department r evised its figures on the performance of the August in· dex, which oriRinally was re· ported to have dropped 1.5 per· cent. The revised figure show· Ing a decline of seven·tenths of a percent during the month still js considered a substantial drop. . The Augus t decline was the 'first in 18 months since the na· lion began to pull out o( the , deep recession of 1974·75. I Or::J.Coast Weather Mostly sunny through Saturday with some low morning clouds. Cooler with highs in the 70s, low or about50. INSIDE TODA 'Y The pla11'1 the thing.and this b the 1e<uon. See today's ·Weekender for . a /eature on UCl'1 "Guy1. and Dolts." Index Al Y-Senl~• 81 Meotf•I Ct I ....... .. -..1,lllld1 "'' ~11,,_~!'. "It 11,ttl ... 1 ... w1 A4 ..... -..... 0r-..c.-1y •• OeHlflM Ol•H....... eM Qolftkl CS Stl'ri• "9rtff All o-.ts .. N Cf Sfilftl U I Dt..-IMtk H Al .-awr11 .. 1 Al .. 11 ~..... 46 T..._....... Ct ..._ • ...,,..flt c: ..... ,,......,.. ~ I ....... At•11 -Mr A• 91 _M..,. A4 \ ~ ........ Ct .. "' , is necessary to the natit'n's economy and defense. He was a guest ol the Lincoln Club, a group o! Reeublican bu.si· nessmen. They quened him !or an hour on energy issues. Zarb emphasi~ the need for Congress to finish passage of Ford's 13·bill pa~kage or energy measures, which include remov· ing price controls from automobile petroleum products andrromcrudeoil. He discounted the abllityotnon· fossil fuels, sucb as nuclear power, solar or geothermal heat, to contribute significantly to the nation's energy sources. Instead, he stressed the need ror developing domestic sources ol oil and gas and increasing coal production and consumption. Zarb, who has headed the energy agency since 1974, also said he wants to see eon,ress pro. vide the lmpetus for private en· terprise to eet into mass produc· tion of sg'bthetic fuels, particular- 1 y the gasification and liqufactionofcoal. "We have more coal in this· country than the mideasthasoil.'' he declared. Zarb said he wants the first generation of synthetic fuel plants to be built in ~e next ten years so that the technical and envi.roo· mental problems -which are not known now-can be worltechKIL A bill which would have doM just that was defeated at the close ot the congressional session by one vote over a pl'OCedural ques- tion and Zarb says be thinks a similar bill will fare much better in the upcoming session. "It was definitely the silly season in W ashiogton. ••he said of the cloatng days of tbe session. ''There was a detlnite sar,ping ol cou.ra1e at certain polnts. ' Zarb told the 60 businessmen that "there are no panaceas fOl' the ener1Y problem. '1bere are no hidden reservolrs tucked away that we can tap into. And there are going to be no breakthroughs tbat will solve the problem." Zarb briefly touched on tbe (See ENEBG Y, Page Al) Badham Booed. .· By B'nai B'rith o.llf ,.. ... -.., ·~ "_ .... SO THERE REALLY IS A GREAT PUMPKIN David and. Elie Jenks at South Coast Plaza Monsters Due Prizes, Minw Set for Kids A "Mons ter Mardi Gras," compl~te with a costume parade, prizes and free carousel rides, will r be held at South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court Sunday afternoon. Youngsters will be vying for prizes in several costume categories, and will parade around the shopping complex following an entertainment program. Children will be treated to a juggler and mime s how, hocus·pocus from a magician, a I .ake Forest Fire Injures Four Firemen puppet show and a performance by the Gentry Family Singers. The costume contest, open to youngsters 12 and younger~ will include s ix c ate gories : bicentennial, spaced-out creepie .c reatures. international costumes, witches goblins and ghosties, •and gobble·de·gook (miscellaneous costumes.) The Halloween event, sponsored by the Costa Mesa department o! leisure services and the South Coast Plaza Merchants Association, is free. Registration begins at 2 p.m. and activities continue until 4:30 p.m. For m ore information, call the department of leisure services at 5.56·5300 ' Survey Shows Debate Response BlaDled By WILLIAM SCHR EIBER Of the Dolly Pllol St.II Leisure World B'nai B'rith members booed and hooted As- semblyman Robert Badham's response Thursday night to a de· bate question on recurring con· troversial remarks by Gen. George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs or Staff. During the final scheduled joint appearances with Vivian Hall, bis Democratic challenger in the 40th Congressional District race, Badbam said politicians - and Jimmy Carter in particular -should be "Uling to "forgive a slip ot the tongue by a general of the Army." <Brown is an Air Force general). At that point, the predominant· ly Jewish audience reacted so vocally that Badham had to curtail his response and sit down. Brown recently s aid the defense of Israel is a burden to the U.S. Only moments before Badham was booed, Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd or about 200 when she said Brown "should have been fired immediately because he has a history of mak- ing anti.semitic remarks that are not appropriate in any govern- ment position.'' A number or the questions posed to the two candidates were related to the Middle East. On the subject of trade with the Arab world, BadhaF, said it is in "our own national Interest" to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel. He said whatever aid i .. sent to the Arabs is "necessary tt keep the balance " <See BOOS. Page i\2) Flying sparks and embers from a burning Lake Forest tract house in the framing stages of construction Thursda y threatened to destroy or serious· ly damage occupied homes in a nearby development. Nude Bars Backed Four of the 60 Orange County firemen who responded lo the potentially disastroUs blaze were injured, none seriously enough to require hospitalization. The firemen were joined by citizens armed with gar~en hoS'es to pre- vent the fire fro spreading. A county fire epartment cap- tain was overheard to say, "another three or four minutes and we might have lost a half· dozen or these houses along here.'' The blue broke out at about 4:30 p.m. in a two.story structure in the uncompleted "Woods" de· velopment near the junction of Window Bob and Tanbark Streets. By the time fire units reached the scene, the framed house was totally involved in flames and lbe uncompleted house next door bad been singed, according to Capt. Mike Amada of the El Toro Fire Station. When water from the high· pTessure water hoses used by the firemen blt the burning building, the upper story collapsed, nar· rowly missing a hose crew. The cave·in threw cinders into the air, where they were caught by the wind and rained onto the roofs ol a nwnber of homes along Timberllne Way and Ginger Road in the tract immediately adjacent to the Woods develop- ment along Lake FOC'eSt Drive. By Californiam SACRAMENTO (AP) - California adulls overwhelming- ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing should be allowed in night clubs, according to a statewide poll. The State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board also was told Thursday by state Sen. Alfred Song that he won a landslide re- election victory in 1970 despite a tabloid published by his Republican foe calling Song a backer or "nudie bars ... The Monterey Park Democrat's testimony came at a hearing on a proposal by two Los Angeles·area night clubs to strip the state of authority in the area of nude entertainment and give It to cities and coun- ties. State law prohibits "bottom· l ess" nude danclna in bars licensed for sale and consump. tion or alcoholic beverages. It alao regulates the clrcumatancu under which "lopleas" daneing can be l performed. Soni uld hla dlsq1ct poll found only two percent of voters feld nude danclnf was an im- portant lasuc ln 1970. Tb public wouldn't object to '?.~~ ~-~ because they "simply don'r care,'' he added. On the statewide survey, Or. Peter Sherri II of the Field Research Corp. said more than 60 percent of the 1 ,000 adults s urveyed agreed that adults should have the right to see nude entertainment. • That degree ol support would be "an overwhelming land.slide .. for any politician oc issue, Sher· till said,... • The poll was pajd for by owners or the Ball, a private club in Santa Monica, and the Other · Ball. a public bar in San Gabrld -the same clubs seeking the cha.nae in nude dancing regula· lions. Both have been cited by the ABC (Or alleged nude entertaln- menl violations. Song, an acquaintance or a formel' police chief who owns the Otber8all. has also tcsUlied on it.a behalf at other ABC p~ ceedings. Baxter Rice, ABC director, said after the h•ariDC Ut&t lt !MY • be set er al •nlha before a de-t cbicm ls reached. He aald tho ' A.BC ls empowered by law U]>held by the U.S. SUpreme Court to re· .IUlate morality la places wbcto .• ii(NOf ts served. "' , . 'I • • • ~ • BACKS PROP. 1t Cendldate Hall 1 8 Mile~ Apart .. 'ti ... ,""" Sb" ~ BOOED OFF STAGE AMemblymen Bedh11m 2nd Mall Planned Among·Coast Hilh Discounting competition from . Viejo. It'll hurt somebody closer the Irvine Company's recently 1 to them than us." announced shopping center, of-' And, Philip Reilly, president of ficials of the Mission Viejo Com-the Mission Viejo Company, said pany and t h e Edward J. bis fU'm bases all their plans dQ De Bartolo Corporation told or what they believe will happen ac• their agreement to develop cording to their ability to control another major retail complex in it. - southOrangeCountyThursday. James B. Slayden, president of The $65 million Mission Viejo Robinson's, which will have a Mall will be built within the Mis· store in both the Irvine and Mis· sion Viejo planned community sion Viejo centers, said he was. just east of the San Diego surprised that both centers would Freeway, between Crown Valley be opening around the same time. and Avery parkways. But he said he ls sure the area.is . It will be within about eight deve~oping at a rate to jusuty the freeway miles or the planned operungofboth. Irvine Center as well as the exist-Similar references to tbe ing Laguna Hills Mall and Sad· "awesome" growth o! the area dleback Valley Plaza. were made by George Foos, prui- lrvine Company officials an· dent or the May Company, wblch nounced plans for their center, on also will have stores in both cen·• the site where the Santa Ana and <See CENTER, Page A2) San Diego freeways merge, on Wednesday. Although they beat the Mission Viejo announcement by one day, the first phase of their center won't be developed until 1979 - one year arter Mission Viejo's scheduled opening infall, 1978. Masked Man · Gets $303 in But Edward J . DeBartolo, pre-St t• H • sident of the ramily-0wned rirm 8 IOD e1st from Youngstown, Ohio. said, "We don't care if they open in 1976." When questioned about the competition and market by re- porters. he said. "U it hurts. anybody, it won't hurt Mission Jailers Hide Isabel Peron BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - Deposed Argentine Pre.I· dent Isabel Peron w•s whisked Crom the elegant mountain retreat which served as her jail today and flown by her military captors to a naval base near here, the news agency Noticlas Argenlinas re- ported. Mrs. Peron had been un· der heavy guard. in a gov· emment-owned chalet In southern Argentina near lhe Chllean border since March M, when the anMd forces toppled ber ln a coup. \ t A bandit wearing a gariah Halloween mask and wielding a butcher knife robbed a Cost.a Mesa service station or $303 late Thursday before trussing up tbe attendant and neeing into the night. Jack C. Royen, an attendant at the Mobil Oi Company station. 1701 Tustin Ave., said the strangely garbed robber jumped bim wbeo he w allted into a storeroom to turn off ailght. The attendant said he ran for the door where the knife· wielding suspect stopped him, saying, • 'l should kill you now 'because you ran from mtt." The bandit took a wallet eod· taining credit cards and $3 from Rogen before tying him up with ¥l extensfon cord and a length-of Chain in tbe•toreroom. The sustiect t.ben took lteya trom the attendant, making off wtt.h $300 h-om the ca.sh rellst.er. Roaen told police tt took blm 45 mlntltes to free himself of hia bondt and call officers. Police are look~· ror a ~ ~an wit.bf a medium Id, weli-~I a white 1blrt. d ,.ddim trOUHfl. probably HDS Ult -A~ W • ___ • ·-·~· .m-. . ' .. I . • l DAILY PILOT C SAN FRANCISCO (AP> - President Ford hM increased h1rs lc;sd over Democrat Jimmy <;arter to slx percent.ucc points in his race for Catttorn.la'• 4S e.lec· toral votes, $>0U&ler Mervin Field saJd today. In a California Poll. Field said the Republican President is r avored by 46 percent oC the Ukely voters surveyed, and Carter b140 percent. The survey rePort.ed l.bree per- cent favoring the write-in can- • didacy of independent Eugene McCarthy, three percent favor· • ing other candidates and ejght percent undecided. * * * Carter Hits GOP Over Inflation By Tbe Associated Press Jimmy Carte r said today Republicans have failed to s top inflation "because they believed that une mployment was the cure." A spokesm an fo r Presi- jen t r'o r d countered that dX)nom1c indicators, which have 4,-opped overall for a second ~jraight m onth, show "solid O-owth." (Editorial comment PageA6.) ~Carter's attack came in an ec:onomic position paper. It ac- oqsed Republicans ol fearing "lo ~$llld up to powerful special in- ~ests .•. They have sought to iS).~y business and labor and l!titiculture and consumer s Qainst each other rather than ~king cooperation." : ·The Democratic presidential C.Ominee said he would aim o<!onomic aid programs at areas ot high unemployment, enforce pi}Utrus t laws more intensively JiJd launch an active White House ff!ort to hold down inflationary ft:ice increases. -:~'In Milwaukee, meanwhile, P.ord told the Wisconsin branch of Q)e National Education Associa- that the government's multi- . educ a lion aid progr ams f uld be consolidated because Cfcey cause confusion and un- ()4?cessary waste. <J1e said school administrators v.are buried under an avalanche (Jc _paper generated by no less than 128 separate and often overlap- ping rederal aid to education pro- irams." Ford gave no blueprint for re- organization but his proposal IS f>art of a larger governmcnt- 9rogram consolidation plan he l>a.s been propos ing for several (Jlonths. · The President ~ot a warm v.•elcomc from the Wiscon~i n NEA. Its p ar ent national or- ~aniz;.at1on has endorsed Carter. . kesa Wreath Put on Grave Pf Lafayette ·The City of Costa Mesa has lit aced a com mcmorative wreath dft the 1?rave or French hero the ?darquis de Lafayette in Paris. • Former Costa Mesa Historical Society president 1 lcnry Panian placed the wreath on Lafayette's t?mbs tone earll~r this month as 4 part of Costa Mesa·s biccnten- J)iuJ progr am. •'A proclamation, s a~ncd by Mayor Dom1n1 c Raciti, cx-~tessed apprec i a lion for the ~nch gencrnl's aid in fi ghting tlte British during the American Slevolution. '1'he cily clerk's om cc thi111 ~k rcceivcd a letter of thanks {fym the president '>f the AS· ~iotlon Francc-Etat.11 Unls. .. .• .. • ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT • ...,,..c>_...c""'ut t>Ao., P'ltot -''"wf\·'"l"Com •.-.at .. Ht#\ fttt.-\\,.\ChtfM1"'tcl~Ytf'le0r~ ~ C.\t l'Vbll\~il'tQ r~tnPA"• """'Al# "'II~-..,. .1.-owttt~ MtlWI•• throu,,._ Fttd•-1 '°" (Mt• ~.... .... .. ~,t tl-.4tl'\ M_,,,,,~"WI ~ .,f\ f O\illft •• , •• 1\ V•l•t• f•••~" \•!"fO ft+• Vo111•••li' _.M ·~·""'•-'-1Wu1h("''' .,,.~""0 1lNllMi )...-. '' euM•,._. ~•tv'd•n 1n1:1 .. ~"' ""'-; '!::'(!,s:=~:t-~.·,~~~•~'~ U1 Wht ,_.~ :· .. . . ·. "-""-_.,."9 .. fllt•"ff .,.,.., J•Oll C: ........ "". ,.," ... "' .n.J °'""" .. """~ ,....,.,,"...,·· '•"""' ,.........,. ,.. .......... Mlt~QI"' f01f . ., OlfflM IO \... Ilk-•~ Oljlft ... ,.,,."' ,.." ... lf'tt••' Cott• Moe Ottb ).,. W•\t n 1Y ,tf'Hot ... "'"" ACl<I,._, I' 0 ~• llAt, ..,., • Frid8y Oe1ob~r 29 1978 The results were ba.'led on a statewide telephone sample con- ducted Monday lhr~h Wednes- day. Poll interviewers contacted 1.695 persons by telephone. or whom 1,246 said they were re- gistered voters and planm .. '<.I to cast ballots in the Nov. 2 general election. or the total, 712 were Democrat s. 411 were RepubUcans and 122 fell into other ca~gories. In a survey three weeks earlier. Oct. 7 and 8, Field said Ford led Carter 44-43. After earlier sw-. veys, Field reported Carter lead- ing rord 53-33 in August and 44-40 in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. J ohn Tunney re~ained a nar- row lead over Republican challenger S.l. Hayakawa, and that Prop. 14, the farm labor in- itiative, is still trailing, but by a narrower margin. The poll gave Tunney a 45-43 edge over Hayakawa with 12 per- cent undecided in surveying after their first televised debate Satur- day. Field reported a 47-13 edge for Tunney in September and a 43-43 lie in after an October sur. vey. Field reported the biggest shlfl in sentiment was over the farm labor initiative sponsored by Cesar Chavez. He said in the survey this week. Prop.14 was trailln~ by 12 percen- tage points, 47-35w1lh18 percent still undecided. Three weeks earlier, Field re· ported Prop. 14 trailing by 22 percentage points, 53-31. Two out of three voters-66per· cent -ot those questioned said they would vote against the greyhound r acing measure. 'FORD BILLS NEEDED' Energy Chief Zarb Fro• Page Al ENERGY •.. meeting slated for December in which the 0 P EC countries will de- cide on whether another price tuke will be instituted on their pro-ducts. He criticized the forecasts, "made by the so-called experts," who say the OPEC COWltries will up the price of oil by 15 percent. '"They'll all get together and say, •well look at what the Americans expect • and then raise the price 10 pe r cent. These forecasts are just an exercise in a self-fulfilling prophecy. · "It's an expensive way to shool yourself in the Coot," Zarb ot.- :.ervcd. Bookies Raided OXNARD (AP) -A raid at a home Thursday has resulted in the arrest or eight persons in what police describe as a "- mi I lion-a -year bookmaking· operation. The activities of the n ng. primarily off.track horse betting, netted $21,000 a week. Fro. Page Al BOOS FOR BADHAM. • • Mrs. Hall said it is "necessary to trade with all countries but at the same time, there are clements in the Arab world who are moder ate and we must seek them out." She also noted that Israel has proven it has a place in the Mid - dle East by helping the poor of the Arab world wherever possi- ble. Both Badham and Mrs. Hall said they support. the continued existence of Israel in the family or nations and oppose the boycotl by the Arabs or American firm'\ doing business with the J ewish state. A number of other lop1cs were dJscussed during the hour.Jong debate, including several of the state ballot propos itions. The candidates both opposed Propos ition 13, the dog r acing m- iti alive, but voiced sharply divided opinions on Proposition 14. the farm worker measure. Badham said the legislative framework for the type of reform sought by farm labor leaders already exists in the form or a compromise bill enacted r e - cently . But he claimed Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and labor activ1sl Cesar Chavez; have reneged on their part of the agreement lhol led to the compromise. Mrs. HaJl said she "strongly supports" Proposition 14 bccausr it is a step toward giving "the un- derprivileged of our society the ri ghts they deserve to decent salaries and working condillons .ind a better way oflife." Other debate points included -Consumer protection Badham said there has lo be a point after which "the most sophisticated consumers in the world" no longer need protec- t ion. Mrs . H a ll challeneed BadhCJm's voting record on con- sumer affairs and said consumer protection and free enterprise can co-exis t. -Special legislation to aid the elderly. Badham said the "kin- dest thing Congress could do is simply stabilize the dollar." Mrs Hall said she favors federal as- sistance to senior citizens who are facing the loss of their homes due to rising property ta.ices and vigorous enforcement of govern- ment regulations. -National health insurance. Mrs. Hall said she favors the con· cept bul isn't s ure how it would be done. She said more emphasis should be placed on preventive medicine. Dadham argued that s uc h meas ures are "simply ~htlized medicine" and that tnc nation's pn vale health in- surers and facilities do the job best. Tax reduction. Badham fell back to his contention that the free enterprise system must be allowed to work and government must be prevented from using defi cit spending. Mrs. Hall said national le aders s hould s ub- s li tu t e "people powe r for money" and '"pul a little in· itiative and imagination back in government " Scary House Still Open In Costa Mesa You still have untiJ the witching hour Sunday to visit the Haunted House at the Orange County rair· ~rounds 1n Costa Mesa Ghosts and gohhns arc holding an open house for the March of Dimes from 6 to 10 p.m daily and until m1dntE?ht Sunda,y m the cafeteria buildJng. The monster mansion features a ghouls' dining room. a torture rack. gorilla cage, <'askel dis- play, surgery room and other spine· tingling surprises. Admission is $2. with group ·rates available . Proceeds go to the Orange County Chapter o{ the March or Dimes. J.'or further information. call 979·2270 Pig on Menu Women 'Honor' Hayakmro LOS ANGELES (AP) -A women's organization plans to demonstrate agains t S.I. Hayak11wa's Los Angeles headquarters today because a female re- porter was barred from an all·male club in Santa Barbara . T he demonstration announced Thursday by the Los Angeles chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus st ems from a Hayakawa af pearance earlier in the campaign before lhe Channe City Club of Santa Barbara. The reporter, Ellen Hume of the Los Angeles Times, wns kept out or the club dtiring the ap· pcarance. The organization saitl It would serve roast pig - in Hayakawa's honor-during the demonstration. Hayakawa, told about the plans by reP,?rters, i;aid Thursday, "I hope they have soy sauce with that roast pig." CEN~ER. • • len. ,.he Ml11lon Viejo Mall la ptlltlled aa a mlllioa ..,. root. enaloHd, ell m ate·controtled "'complex. 1t w i ll include Montaomer,-Ward us well H Roblnson'11 and the May Com· pany and abOut 110 specialty shops. Construction or the center on the 68·acre site is slated lo begJo. in Janu::1ry. Developers say the de.sl,-nof the center will ble nd with tho architectural style already est~blished Ln Mission Vl~o. Although the Misslon Viejo Company president refused to disclose the sale price of tho pro- perty, a DeBartolo executive said, "They soaked~·" The Ohio firm Is the designer. developer and operator or the mall. A subsidiary of May Com- pany will be a limited partner, Negotiations for a limited partnership also are being finalized with the Montgomery Ward Properties Corporation. This will be the first West Coast project for DeBartolo, which has developed more thanlOOsbooping centers elsewhere. In addition to the farm's shop· ping center holdings in the East, it owns thoroughbred horse racing tracks in Ohio, Illinols and Louisiana, the only freeportserv· ing the Great Lakes, industrial parks, executive office develop. ment.s and the Holiday Inns chain.· Former CdM Teacher Gets· County Jail Former Corona del Mar High School teacher Alan Jay Schwalbe entered Orange County Jaj} Wednesday night lo begin serving the six·month sentence he drew more than two years ago following his conviction on morals offenses. . Porn Biz. Sideline Costs Joh NEW YORK CAP> -A media ex~rt who produced television nds ror President Ford's election campaign was fired because he ai.o la producing a hard-cores~ tum, the New York Patil Hid to- day. The Pos t said the expt-rt. Mi chael Scott Goldbuum, wus dis- missed Thursday night alter tho newspaper confront.ad him wlU1 his dual role. He then told Ford rampaign oltlclals ot his film ~c· tivity, the newspaper said. The Post said a While House spokesman bad no explannUon why it had not learned of tioldbaum 's other <Nork. . "Obviously. if the facts are 'true, the.President Ford Commit- tee would never have associated themselves with a person in- volved in that type of operation," · the Post quoted Ford spokesman William Greener as saying. The newspaper said that during the past week Goldbaum, 36, has divided bis Ume between the Ford campaign -including some time each night with Ford taping radlo spots -and efforts lo find an ac- tor to play the lead in a new sex film. The Post said that when it con- fronted Goldbaum with his duaJ role he denied he was producing a pornographic film butcalled back two hour s l ater and acknowledged he interviewed candidates for the lead. Goldbaum said when he ex· plained the situation to the political consulting firm or Bailey, Deardourff & Eyre, whlch is s upervising Ford's media ef· ron., he was fired by Douglas Bailey. "They did the right thing, .. he said. Bailey and John Deardourrr "in fact have asked me to ship back all original material ... every. thing to do with the President Ford campaign," be said. TONIClrr HAUNTED HOUSE -March ot Olmes benefit, Falrgou.nda cafeteria tbroulb OcL 30~ 6-10 p.m. Adm. $2. FOOTl'JALL -F.atancla vs. Santa Ana V ttlley at D4vidson "WHEN YOU CO.MING BACK, RED RYDER" -lrvlnc Community Thuter, Bristol at Rod 11111. Oct. 29-30. 8:30 o.m. "'I'll ~ RULING CLASS"- South Coaat Repertory Theater, through Oct. 30, 8 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS "Anne of the Thousand Days," OCC Forum, '/:30 p.m. Sl. OCC PLANETARIUM - "Variations on a Stellar Theme;• 7:30 and 9 p.m. OCC LECTURES-"lntroduc· tion t o Assertion Training," Science Lecture l, 7:30 p.m. "Earthquakes," Science Lecture 2, 7·30 pm. "World War II," Fine Arts Bldg.119, 7:30p.m. SATURDAY,OCf.3' . NEWPORT HARBOR IDGH DRAMAS -''God's Favorite," Auditorium, 2 p.m. "Play It Again, Sam," Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. OCC F ILM WATCH -"Etfl Briest," OCC Forum, 8 p.m . FOOTBALL -OCC vs. Santu Ana, Santa Ana Bowl, 7:30 p.m. Bergeson Gains More Supporters Two more members or the Orange County Republican Cen· tral Committee have announced their support for write-in can- didate Marian Bergeson in the 74th Assembly District. According to a spokesman for the Bergeson campaign, five of the committee's 36 voting mem- The conviction and sentence followed his trial on charges s te mming from his sexual r"e lationship with two male students at Corona del Mar High School. · But Goldbaum denied he in- tended to make a pornographic film. • bers have come out for Mrs. Defense attorney Ke ith Monroe said Schwalbe will be released from jail lo participate in bis trial Nov. 9 In Santa Ana municipal cou rt on morals charges filed by Santa Ana police Aug.3. Schwalbe was jailed on charges or Jewd conduct after offi cers investigated an incident that allegedly took place in the rest room or the Santa Ana Public Library on Civic Center Drive. Schwalbe, 44, was ordered to begin serving the deferred sentence when the California Supreme Court rejected his appeal of the Harbor Municipal Court1ury-verdict. Utility Eyes Mexico for Nuclear Plant 2 Grove Men Arrested in Gang Slaying Two Garden Grove men have been arrested in Costa Mesa on murder charges, more than a month after a shooting police believe was gang related, Garden Grove officers r eported tody to· day. Mario Lopez Hernandez and Michael Reyes Acedo, both 21. were taken into custody by or- ficers from Garden Grove, Costa Mesa and Santa Ana at a Costa Mesa home, police said. Both were booked into Orange County J ail on murder charges, police s aid, and bond was set at $50,000. Officers said they are accused or the Sept. 25 shooting death of Anthony Balandran. 24, Garden Grove. Two other men were wounded by gunfire in the incident. police said. SAN DIEGO (AP)-San Diego Gas and Electric says It Is even looking at Baja Californ!a and Mexico's Coronado Islands for sites for nuclear power plants. The information was revealed Fire Investigated Thursday by Harold F . Perla, a nuclear consul tant for the utility, HU NTINGTON PARK (AP) - who said efforts were being m ade Authorities are investigating ct to set up meetings with Mexican rire that razed a chemical plant officials on the possible construe-here, sending up billows of nox- lion of SDG&E nuclear plants in ious green smoke before beinl! that country. brought under control. ~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~ Bergeson . T wo of the 36 alternates to the committee also are supporting her write-in cam- paign. The two newe:it additions to Mrs. Bergeson's camp are Christopher Steele and Marlene Bumbera of Irvine. Other committee members who earlier came out ·ror Mrs. Bergeson are Karl Karcher or Anaheim; Donna Wllkinson, a San Cl e m e n te city coun- cilwoman, and Patrick Bonner or Irvine. Alterna tes Michael Nason of Mission Viejo and Tim Haidinger of Newport Be ach aJso have Joined the Be rgeson camp. Haid- 1nger was treasurer or Mrs. Bergeson's prim ary campaign. Bof A May Face Cutoff SACRAM ENTO (AP) -The Bank of America will handle $100 million in state housing bonds, but officials said it will have to take a firm s tand against the Arab boycott before getting further state business. State Treasurer J esse Unruh reports that the contract for the Housing Finance Agency bonds was awarded to the bank and three hrokcr at!c firms. Unruh had ~aid earlier that the stale would slop doing business with any bank that observes the economic boycott or Israel. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which 1s several times fa ster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that tho tape 1s attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing. there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temp~rature of the iron is cri tical. and 1f the iron is too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam CleaninQ poses the ultimate test to this type.of seam. and we have been called '".~.~~.~rable times to repair someone else s seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer. but our fine installations have been a major factor in our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa DEN'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ---~-·installation. custom draperies linoleum • wood floor 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CAllF. 92627 • PHONC 646.4838 -6A6 23~.5 ' I • Orange Coast EDITI ON T oday's 'C loHi a • Stooks ,VOL. 69, NO. 303, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 N TEN CENTS Gas, Co~ U.S. Energy Hope-Zarb By JOANNE REYNOLDS OfU1eD•llY ~ ... , .... lithe U.S. is going to provide all or its own energy by 1985, Congress will have to enact a package or six bills proposed by President Ford, says Frank Zarb, head of the Federal Energy Ad· ministration. Zarb spoke in Newport Beach this mOT'ning, s tressing that self sufficiency in energy production Economy .. Gromh Declines WASHINGTON CAP) -The government index designed to predict future economic growth declined for the second month in a row in September, the Commerce Department said to- day, bringing more bad pre- election news for the Ford ad- ministration. The decline in the index of leading economic indicators was seven-tenths of a percent in September, th e same as in August. Although the index• performance points to a possi- ble continuation or the economic slowdown r egistered in recent months, economists say they can't be sure until it has 2one down for three months in a row. . But the latest report seems certain to raise new questions about the s trength of the economic recovery, since other recent statistics on economic growth and unemployment also have been disappointing. In Milwaukee, where Presi- dent Ford was campaigning, White House press secretary ~on Nessen issued a statement aying, ''An examination of the ading economic index shows that the recent pause in our economic recovery is conch¥!· ing and the economy will con- tinue its solid growth. "We are particularly en- couraged by the two key in· dicators which have the most influence on future economic activity: capital goods orders l and building permits. Both are significantly higher." Jimmy Carter, campaigning in Philadelphia.. cited the in- dex's performance as "new evidence that the economic pic- ture .ahead shows more un- empley m en t and a further decline in the standard of living for the average worker . "We simply cannot depend on tho se who creat e d this economic mess to clean it up. Jt's time for new leadership, with new ideas , to get our economy moving again," lhe Democratic pres idential nominee said. One Commerce Department analyst said it was n 't clear from the index whether the decline renected the slowdown in economic growth that has already occurred, or whether it pointed to a further slowdown in the months ahead. The Commerce Department revised its figures on the performance of the August in· dex, which originally was re· ported to have dropped 1.5 l>(!r· cent. The revised figure show· ing a decline of seven-tenths of a percent during the month still js considered a substantial drop. . The August decline was the first in 18 months since the na· tion began to pull out or the de· ep recession of 1974·75. Or:n:ecJ_ Coas t Weathe r Mostly s unny through Saturday with some low morning clouds. Cooler with highs in the 70s, low of ' about50. I NSIDE T ODAY The play'• the thing and thU b the aearon. See today's ·Weekender /or a feature on UC!'& ''Guys and Dolla." c ... A10 A4 •• tl-J ,.,, .,., A1 .. 11 C6 c; ... A4 A4 (1-4 is necessary lo the naUon'a economy andde!ense. He was a guest of the Llocoln Club, a group ol Republican busl· nessmen. Tbe1queriedhimfor an hour on energy issues. • Zarb emphasized the need for Congress to Cinisb passage or Ford's 13-bill package cl energy measures, which include remov· ing price contrors Crom automobile petroleum products and from crude oil. Hediscounted the ability of non· fossil fuels, s uch as nuclear power, solar or geothermal beat, to contribute signWcanUy to the naUori'senergy sources. Instead, he stressed the need for developing dome$lic sources ol oil and gas atid increasing coal production and consumption. Zarb, who bas headed the energy agency since 1974, also said hew ants to see Congress pro· vide the impetus for private en- terprise to get into mass produc- tion of synthetic fuels, particular- 1 y the gasification and liqufaction or coal. "We have more coal in this· country t}\an the rqideast has oil," he declared. Zarb said he wants the first generation of synthetic fuel plants to be built in the next ten years so that the technical and environ· mental problems -which are not knownnow-cao be worked out. A bill which would have done just that was defeated at the close or the congressional session by one vote over a procedural ques- tion and Zarb says he thlnk.s a similar bill will rare muc,b helter in the upcoming session. "It was definitely the silly season in W asbin~on." be said of the closlng days-or the session. ..There was a definite sapping of courage at certain points." Zarb told the 60 businessmen that "there are no panaceas for the energy problem. There are no hidden reservoirs tucked &WIU' that we can tap into. And there are going to be no breakthroughs that will solve the problem.'' Zarb briefly touched on the (See ENE&G Y, Page AZ) Badhalll Booed By B'nai B'rith Dally ,. ... SU!f ....... FIREMEN HELP TEACHER FROM ilEVATOR ~ ·Ftetd Tr1p Becomes Adventure for Lani Thomaa, _Students Dang In There. Field Trip Gets Hung Up By MICHAEL PA.5KEVJCR. Of the D•llY ~ ... SUfl It was a field trip that teacher Lani Thomas and ber 14 fifth and sixth grade students from Anaheim will never forget. Miss Thomas and her youngsters from Crescent Elementary School today hoped to visit Republican Headquarters in the California 1st Bank Bl,_lild· ing on Westcliff Drive in Newport .Beach. They ended up spending nearly an bour in an elevator stuck l.ake Forest Fire Injures Four Firemen Flying sparks and embers from a burning Lake Forest tract house in the framing stages of construction Thursday threatened to destroy or serious- ly damage occupied homes in a nearby development. Four of the 60 Orange County firemen who responded to the potentially disastrous blaze were injured, none seriously enough to require ho~pitalization. The firemen were joined by citizens armed with garden hoses to pre· vent the fire from spreading. • between lhe second and third floor before being hauled to safe· ty by Newport Beach Firemen .. "No one's pregnant in there are they?" asked fireman Rich Middleborough as he peered through a s mall crack 'in the elevator door. There was no rep- ly from the 11and12-year~olds. The door wouldn't budge and the firemen hesitated at ruining the expensive door. Firemen climbed to the roof to pry open a hatch to the elevator shaft. Firemen removed the batch and lowered a ladder into the shaft. Meanwhile, the kids were hav- ing a fin e time· discussing whet.her they would ever make it out alive, according to Miss Thomas. \ She said !hdsplit a single piece of gum 14 ways and one child, up- on receiving his Portion asked, "Miss Thomas, is this our last ·supper?" It wasn't. Firemen Dave Englestad, Ken Hegle and Bill Van Horn began the slow process of bringing each child up the lad· der. After a few minutes, one of· ficer speculated that either the kids were multiplying or they were somehow finding their way back into the stalled elevator. When Miss Thomas made her way to daylight, she said, "I feel Uke I'm in a scene from Police Woman." The 11 a.m. drama was over and firemen escorted the children and Miss Thomas back <See STUCK, P age AZ) ·Debate Response BlaDled By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of 1111 D•1ly Piiot Si.ti Leisure World B'nai B'rilh members booed and hooted As - semblyman Robert Iladham's response Thursday night lo a de· bate question on recurring con· troversial remar~s by Gen. George Brown, chairman or the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During the final scheduled joint appearances with Vivian HalJ his Democratic challenger in th~ 40tb Congressional Diatrict raoe Badham said p0liticians - and Jimmy Carter in particular -should be willing to "forg.ive a slip or the tongue by a general of the Army." <Brown is an Air Force general ). At that point, the predominant- ly Jewish audience reacted so vocally that Badham had to curtail his response and sit down. Brown recently said the defense of Israel is a burden lo the U S. Only moments before Badham was booed. Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd of about 200 when she said Brown "should have been fired immediately because he has a history or ma.k· ing anti-semitic remarks that are not appropriate in any govern- ment position." A number of the questions posed to the two candidates were related to the Middle East. On the subject of trade with the Arab world, Badham said it is in <See BOOS, Page A2) Jailers Hide Isabel Peron BUENOS AIRES. Argenti na <AP) - Deposed Argentine Presi· dent Isabel P eron was whisked from the elegant mountain retreat which served as her jail today and flown by her military captors to a naval base near here, the news agency Notici as Arge ntinas re· ported. Mrs. Peron had been un· der heavy guard in a gov· ernment-owned chalet Jn southern Argentina near the Chilean border since March 24, whenabe armed forces toppled"° in a coup. BACKS P,.OP. 1. Candkt'ete Hall 8 Mile~ Apart Dally Piiot Sufi l'Mtff BOOED OFF STA(iE AtHmblyman Badham 2nd Mall Planned Among Coast Hil/,s Discounting competition from the Irvine Company's recently announced shopping center, of- fi cials of the Mission Viejo Com· pany and the Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation told of their agreement to develop another major retail complex in south Orange County Thursday. The $65 million Mission Viejo Mall will be built within the Mis· sion Viejo planned community just east of the San Diego Freeway, between Crown Valley and Avery parkways. .It will be within about eight freeway miles of the planned Irvine Center as well as the exist- ing Laguna Hills Mall and Sad· dleback Valley Plaza. Irvine Company officials an- nounced plans for their center, on the site where the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways merge, on . Wednesday. Although they beat the Mission Viejo announcement by one day, the first phase or their center won ·t be developed until 1979 - one year after Mission Viejo's scheduled opening in fall, 1978. But Edward J . beBartolo, pre· sident or the family·owned firm from Youngstown, Ohio, said, "We don't care if they open in 1976." When questioned about the competition and market by re· porters, he said, "If il hurts anybody. it won't hurt Mi.ssion Viejo. It'll hurt somebody closer lo them than us!' And, Philip Reilly, president of the Mission Viejo Company, said his firm bases all their plans· on wtiat they believe will happen ac• cording to their ability to control it. 'd l James B. Slayden, pres1 ento Rohinson's, which will have a store in both the Irvine and Mis· <See CENTER, Page A2) Test Drilling By Guff Oil Off Coast By THOMAS MVRPfUNE Of·~· Dally Pllol Stell Gulf o·il Corporation Is prepar· ing today to sink a 9,000-fool test well at Tanner Banks in what company official say may "begin a new generation or oil prospect· ing of( the California coast." . Tes t· drilling will , be ac .. • complisbed by a new $40 million semi-submersible drilling vessel Aleutian Key, operated for Gulf by Key International Drilling Company, Ltd. or Houston, Tex~ A county fire qepartment cap- tain was overheard to say. "another three or !our minutes and we might have lost a half· dozen or these houses along here." The blaze brote out at about 4:30 p.m. in a two-story structure in the uncompleted ''Woods" de· velopment near tbe junction of Window Bob and Tanbark Streets. Poll Finds Node's O~ Site or the exploratory effort will be al a point 85 miles southwest of Long Beach and ..0 miles from San Clemente Island. The location Is roughly between San Clemente and San Nicolas. islands. The 5, 760·acre undersea .Dil ·vact is one or ;!ix purchased. by Gui! in last December's federal sale. Gulf bought the tract for $5.3 million. The com- oany paid $25 million for all six. By the time fire Wlits reached the scene, the framed house was totally involved in names and the uncompleted house next door had been singed, according to Capt. Mike Amada or the El Toro Fire Station. Wben water Crom the bigh- pressure water hoses used ~Y the firemen hit the burning buUclinl~ the -~r story coll~ed. oar: rowb' mllsin1 a bOMcrew. Tbe cave-in threw dnden into the a1r. where they were eauiht by the wind and rained <¥\to the roofs of a number of homes along Tlmberllnc Way and Olnger Road ln the tnct lmmediateJy · adjacent to the Woods develop- ment alone Lake Fcnst Drtve. · Public Says Botromless Ban AllDwabl,e SACRA M EN TO (AP) -the area of nude entertainment California adults overwhelming-and give it to cities and coun· ly agree that nude -not lewd ties. -dancln1 should be allowed in State law prohibiL'I "boltom- night clubs, according to a less" nude dancing in bars sutewide poll. licensed for sale and consump- Tbt Slate Alcoholic Beverage Uon or alcoholic beverages. It Contl'O' Board also was told a I s o r e g u I a t e s t h e Thurtday by state Sen. Alfred · circumsta,nces under which SonJthal hewonalandsUdere-"toplesa" dancing can be election victory in 1970 despite performed. a tabloid published by his Song said his district poll Republican roe callin_g Song a round only two percent ot voters batker of "nudle bars." Jeld nude dancing W&.1 an tm- T h e M o p t ~ r e y P a r k portant issue in 1970. The public Democrat'• testlmoey came at wouldn't object to new rules a hearin• on a proposal by two because they ·'simply dol\'t Loi Anieles·aJ'ta ni«ht clubs to care." he odd ed. strtp the state or authority in On the s tatewide survey, Dr. .. "" ·:.;. . Peter Sherrill or the Field Research Corp. said more than 60 percent of the 1 ,000 adults surveyed agreed tbat adults should have the right to see nude entertainment. Thal degree or support would. be ''an overwhelming landslide" for any politician or issue, Sher· fill said. The p61J was pald for by. owners or the Ball, a private club. In Santa Monica, and the Other· Ball, a public bar in San Gabriel -the ume clubs seeking the chance 1n node dancmc recul•· • tiona, • ' I The 260-!ool apple-green Aleu· tian Key, which looks much· like a permanent oil platform, i.& currently moored outside Po..-. Hueneme, near Oxnard. • Gutr officials are awaiting clearance or one more permit from the U.S. Geological Survey oflice in Ventura. Dr. M.R.J .. WylHe~ Gulf's West Coast divisional vice president, said is· suance or the permit ls expectecl to be routine. Dr. Wyllie expect$ . to 1et the 10-abead before M~ day. Meanwhile, the AJeuUan K~y 1.)u been loaded with a f\all carF, <lee D~•f' ") 5. • • At OAIL v PILOT ' N Friday. October 29, 1978 In Call f ornia · . ;·Poll Say:s ;Ford ' . 0 I Leading Carter SAN 'PRANCISCO (AP) - President l''ord has increased his )eod over Democrat Jimmy Carter to sJx percentqe,points in Wa race for Callrorni&'• 45 elec· toral vote.$, poUster .Mervin Field said today. ln a California Poll, Field said the Republican Prealdenl is favored by 46 percent oC the likely votenwiurveyed, and carter by 40 percent. The survey reported three per- cent favoring the write-in can- didacy ot independe11t Eugene McCarthy, three percent favor- ing other candidates and eight percent undecided. j The results were based on a statewide telephone sample con- ducted Monday through Wednes-day. Poll inlervjewers contacted l,695 persons by telephone, of whom 1,246 said they were re- gistered voters and planned to ~ast ballots in the Nov. 2 general * * * Carter H its 'GOP Over .. ~nflation . :,:· ByTheAs.ocfatedPres& :· Jimmy Carter said today ·:lt,epublicans have !ailed to stop :tn6ation "because they believed 1.hat unemployment was the :tu.re." A spokesman for Presi; 'd~nt Ford countered that 0JMX>nomic indicators, wtuch have =t5ropped overall for a second :,traight month, show "solid ~owth." ·.Carter's attack came in an ~~onomic position paper. ll ac- :~ed Republicans of fearing "to :itand up to powerful spedal in· ;fJ)(ests ... They have sought to d»J~y business and labor and •1'triculture and consumers ;atainst each other rather than :aeeking cooper a ti on.•· :;,The Democr atic presidential ;ik>minee said he would aim ·~onomlc aid programs at areas ~ high unemployment,• enforce .fhtitrust laws more intensively 'ltnd launch an ncti ve White House effort to hold down inflationary ~ce increases. • Jn Milwaukee. meanwhile. "F'ord told the Wisconsin branch of the National Education J\ssocia- '\jon that the ~ovcrnment's multi- ple education aid programs .should be consolidated bc<.'ouse )bey cause confusion and un· )i-ecessary waste. .: He said school administrators •are buried under an avalanche <>f paper generated by no less than i28 separate and often ovcrlap- "ping federal aid to educ:ition pro- .grams." Ford i:Hvc no blueprint for re· i;organization but his proposal is ~art ot a larger government- progr am consolidation plan he pas been proposing for several f)tonths. · The Prl.'11ident g1)l ·a warm ~ekome from the Wisconsin NEA. Its parent national or· ganizalion has endorsed Carter. Ford said he would not "out· promise or outl>ill lhl' oppo:.1 -.~ .. ,..on. ~···Every program has 1tspricc," ·the President said, add in~ that his 11udience was too !->Oph1st1rall'd 'jind knowled.:cablc "to throw ·our !'>UPPorl lo the highec;t bid· :ctcr ·• :: :~. From P ogP 11 I . . ~STUCK ••• election. or the total, '112 werei Democrats, 411 were Republicans und J22fell lnt.oother ca~eories. In a survey three weeks earlier, Oct. 7 and 8, F'ield said Ford led Carter 44·43. Atter earlier sur- veys, lijeld reported Carter lead- ing Ford 53-33 in August Wld 44-'U in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. John Tunney regained a nar- row Jead over Republican challenger S.I. Hayakawa, and that Prop. 14, the farm labor in· Jtiative, is still trailing, but by a narrower margin. The pall gave Tunney a 45-43 edge over Hayakawa with 12 per- cent undecided in surveying alter their first televised debate Satur· day. Fjeld reported a 47-43 edge for Tunney in September and a 43-43 tie in after an October sur- vey. Field reported the bigg~t sbi!t in sentiment was over the farm labor initiative sponsored by Cesar Ch ave~ He said in l survey this week, Prop. 14 was tr "ling by 12 percee- tage points , 47-J with 18 percent still undecided. Three weeks earlier, Field re· ported Prop. 14 trailing by 22 percentage points. 53-31. 'fwo out of three voters -66 per- cent -of those questioned swd they would vote against the greyhound racing measure . CENTER ••• sion Viejo centers, said he was surprised that both centers would be opening around the same time. But he said he is sure the area is developing at a rate to justify the opening of both. Similar references lo the "awesome'' growth of the area were made by George Foos, presi· dent of the May Company, which also will have stores ln both cen·• ters. The Mission Viejo MaJl is planned as a million square foot. enclos ed, climate.controlled compl ex. !t will include Montgomery Ward as well as Robinson's and the May Com- pany and about 110 specialty shops. Conslru<'tion of the center on the fiH·acre site is ~lated to begin in January. De\'clopers say lhedei.ign oflhc center will blend with the architectural style alre..idy established in Mission Viejo. Although thC' Mission Viejo Company president refused tQ disclose the sale price of the pro· perty. a DeBarlolo executive said, "They ~oake~ us." The Ohio firm is the designer, developer and operutor or the mall. A subsidiary of May Com· pany will b<' a limited partner. Negotiations for a limited partners hip also are being finalized with the Montgomery Ward Properties Corporation. This will be the rirst W<>st Coast project (or DeBartolo. which h11c; developed more than lOOshopping centers elsewhere. Jn addition lo the nrm·s shop- ping center holdings in tho East. it owns thoroughbred horse racin~ tracks in Ohio, Illinois and Louisiana. the only free port scrv- m~ the Great Lakes. industrial parks, executive office develop- ments and the Holiday Inns chain. Delly ll'lttc l\4ltt ,_. STUMPS FOR FORD TreHury Chief 5'mon Ecorwmic Co nfere nce 'Stumper' -· NEW YORK (Al>) -A media upert who pfOduced television ads for President l''ord'a election campaign was fired because bo also is producing a hard-core sex film the New York Post said to. . . day. The Post said the expert, Michael Scott Ooldbaum, WlllS dis- missed Thursday night nftcr the newspaper confronted hlm with hh dual role. He then told Ford campaign officials oC his film ac- tivity, thenewspuperaaJd. The Post said a White House spokesman had no explanation why it had not learned or U<>ldbaum 's other work. "Obviously, ii the !acts are "true, the President Ford Commit- tee would never have associated themselves with a person tn- \'Olved in that type of operation," the Post quoted Ford spokesman William Greener assaying. The newspaper said that during the past week Goldbaum, 36, bas divided his time between the Ford campajgn -including some time What was biJJed as an Orange each night with Ford taping radio County Economic Outlook Con-spots -and efforts to find an ac- f e rence Thursday at times tor to play the lead in a new sex turned into las t·minute cam· film. paign stumping for President The Post said that when it con- Ford. fronted Goldbaum with his dual And U.S. Treasury S-ecretary role he denied he was producing a William S imon opened his· pornographicfilmbulcalledback luncheon s peech with a plug for t w 0 b o u r s 1 a t e r a n d Hep. Ch arles Wiggins (fl. acknowledged he interviewed .l"ullerton) who ts .seeking re-candidates for the lead. election Tuesday. I Related story, • <l>ldbaum said when he ex· PageA3.) plained the situation to the Simon called Wiggins "an oul-political consulting firm of standing member or Congress Bailey, Deardourff & Eyre, which who has waged the good is supervising Ford's medja ef- (1ght for responsible government forts, he was fired by Douglas so effectively in the llouse of Bailey. Representatives for the past 10 "They did the right thing," be )Cars." 'd Ile also told the crowd oC busi· saiB~itey and John Deatdourff "in· ness and government leaders fact have asked me to ship back that Democratic Presidential all original materiaJ ... every. nominee Jimmy Carter stands thing to do with the President for increased s pending, higher Ford campaign," he said. taxes and bigger and bigger gov-•But Goldbaum denied he in- crnmcnt • tended to make a pornographjc Rut President Ford, he said. film. stands for lower taxation, getting control of federal spending and balancing the budget. lie pledged that if elected, Ford would •·purs u e the moderate policies that are con- sistent with fighting the twin evils of unemployment and infla- tion.'' Atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller also praised Ford for wbaL t.e said was the PresidenL's com- mitment to help solve the na- t ion's energy crunch by building more atomic power plants. "The ex.governor of Georgia, who has had the opportunity to learn somethinl! about nuclear reactors and claims some ex· pertise has given nuclear reac- tors for civilian purposes the lowest priority,'' Teller said. "Jn a field where he has ex- perience his statement~ are not in an intelligent agreement with the nation's needs," he sail!. NB Burglary Suspect Held A Newport Beach man was in custody today following his ar- rest on suspicion of hurglary by Newport Beach detecttves. William Frank Reynolds, 22, of R04 Irvine Ave . Apartment. B·212. was taken into custody Thursday afte>rnoon by de- tectives who alle~c that he is r<'sponsible for break·ins at two homes in the Harbor Area. Former CdM Teacher Gets County Jail Former Corona del Mar High School teacher Alan Jay Schwalbe entered Orange County Jail Wednesday night t.o begin serving the slx·month sentence he drew more than two years ago following his conviction on morals offenses. The conviction and sentence followed his trial on charges stemming (rom his sexual r elationship with two male students at Corona del Mar High School. Defense attorney Keith Monroe said Schwalbe will be released from jail to participate in his trial Nov. 9 in Santa Ana municipal court. on morals charges filed by Santa Ana police Aug.3. Schwalbe was jailed on charges of lewd conduct after of!icers investigated an incident that allegedly took place in the rest room of the Santa Ana Public Library on Civic Center Drive. Schwalbe, 44 , was ordered to begin ser ving the deferred sentence when the California Supreme Court r ejected his appeal of the Harbor Municipal Court jury-verdict. 'FORD BILLS NEEDEQ' Energy Chief ZMb F ro•PageAJ ENERGY ••• meeting slated for December in which the 0 PEC countries will de- cide on whether another price hilce will be instituted on their PR>· ducts. He criticized the forecasts. "made by the so-called experts,•· who say the OPEC countries will up the price of oil by 15percent. "They'll all get together and say, 'well look at what the Americans expect' and then raise the p~ 10 percent. These ~s are just an exercise in a self.fulfilling prophecy. "It's an expensive way to shoot yourself in the foot," Zarb ot.- served. DRILL ••• ot pipe 1nd drilllng eqwpme.nt W<H1.h $$00,000, Jt.a TI·mtmMr ~ lq•ld)o to l'ull 'IP .,.. • ..,t anchors and move to Tanner Banks. "1! Oulf 1ct.t that okay, we'll move Monday, set up on the sltc Tu.may and be drUllq by Wed· nesday night," declared Tuan Leon Slelnocher, at\1a superin- tendent ror Koy Drtl. · G~to1lst Lyn Ruel, Gulf'a area exploration man-au. sJ.ld tho test well wUl be punched down under 700 feet ot w~ and will go 9,000 teet 'nt.o the oeean floor. lluel aspcculat.ed they might find "something algnlOcant" ctt as shallow a depth as 2,500 reet. Even Gull oClicials differ on the odds of finding-a signitlcant undersea oil lleld at the site. One· ·company omcer· said it ls· one chance in' 10. Dr. Wyllie said 1 in ·100. Geologist Hazel suggested odds are 1in1,000. Jn any event, Hazel indicated U1e well ls exploratory in nature and even if it hits oH, thJs hole would never be used for oil pro.• duction. "If we hit something, we would permanently cap of! the bole and move on to make two or three more exploratory drillings," the geologist explained. "We would have to determine how signifi. cant the size o( the field would, be." If Gulr strikes oil off Tanner Banks, Dr. Wyllie said, the most practical method of transporting the crude would be by means of an 85-mile pipeline to shore. ''U you use a pipeline, it allows you to produce gas from the wells, too," ~Y!lie explained.' F ro•Page Al BOOS FOR BADHAM. • • "our own national interest" to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel. He said whatever aid i! sent to the Arabs is "necessary to keep the balance." Mrs. Hall said it is "necessary to trade with all countries but at the same time, there are elements in the Arab world who arc moderate and we must seek them out.'.' She also noted that Israel has · proven it has a pl ace in the Mid· d.Je East by helping the poor or the Arab world wherever possi- ble. Both Badham and Mrs. HaJl said they support the continued existence of Israel in the family of naUons and oppose the boycott by the Arabs of American firms dolng business with the Jewish state. A number or other topics were discussed during the hour-long debate, including se\•erat of the state ballot propositions. The candidates both opposed Proposition 13, the dog racing m- itiati ve, but voiced sharply divided opinions on Proposition 14, the farm worker measure. Badham said the legislative framework for the type of reform sought by farm labor leaders. already exists in the form of a compromise bill enacted re· cently. But he clajmed Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and labor activist Cesar Chavez have reneged on their part or the agreement that led to the compromise. Mrs. Hall said she "strongly supports" Proposition 14 because it is a step toward giving "the un· derprivileged of our society the rights they deserve to decent salaries and working conditions and a better way of life." Other debate points included·. ' -Consumer protection. Badharn said there has to be a point after which "the most sophisticated consumers in the world" no longer need protec- tion. Mrs. H all challenged Badham 's voting r ecord on con- sumer affairs and said consumer protection und free enterprise can co-ex 1st. Special legislation to aid the elderly. Badham said the "kin· dest thing Congress could do is simply stabilize the dollar." Mrs. Hall said she favors federal as- sistance to senior citizens who are ! acing the loss of their homes due to rising property l3)(eS and vigorous enforcement of govern- ment regulations. -National health insurance. Mrs. Hall said she favors the con- cept but isn't sure how it would be done She said more emphasis should be placed on preventive medicine. Utility Eyes Mexico for Nuclear Plant SAN DIEGO (AP)-San Diego Gas and Electric says it is even looking at Baja California and Mexico's Coronado Islands for sites for nuclear power plants. The information was revealed Thursday by Harold F . Perla, a nuclear consultant for the utility, who said efforts were being made to set up meetings with Mexican oHicials on the possible construc- tion of SDG&E nuclear plants in that country. The slate Energy Commission has been conducting hearings this week on plans by the utility for the controversial Sundesert plant near Blythe. A spokesman for the police de- partment said that Reynolds was lraced from the li cense plate of a car that was seen aL the scene of one of the bur~larlc~. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS . :to their bus ror the sr-cond part of :their field trip -a journey to :l)emocrallc Headquarters. : Miss Thom as said her children would be using stairs !or the rest :ot the day. OAANQE COAST ti DAILY PILOT New-Rules Studied For Beach Frolics There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The· vast majority of carpet layers use t~e hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fa ct that .th e tape Is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and if the secon?ary b~ckrng has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there 1s nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical. and 1f the iron is too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam CleaninQ _poses the ultimate test to this type of selim. and we have been called lnnl!merable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. ,.t-•Ot-•~ ('o.ao 0•11, Ill"·~ -''"'Wf'IH "'"'"""1 .~,,...,,_,...,.,.. r,.,, 1•oubh.JW4t\vt .. f'\fo•J\<fl" Q.4\t f'\lbll\ftt"QI C.,Mf\1U\y MIW#f'"l'O•fH)M tfl> pwtll1\"flltl Mil\~•• '"''"\!Qtil f 11nA't , ... (f)tot• •w ...... OOf't I AMP'I tfU11111"'1ftw\ 1'-..,.1\ ,,.._,,,. 111_, Y•llt'f, ""'"•· \,li.l111tMt~ "¥itll•• • .,,! t~~"'tft1~11\Cft,-o ,._,.,..,,.,"''""-'''"' ,..,. I\ oubtl\~ .,.•lv•fhn .. ....,,, ""'""_..,, ,..., .. "'f'lfltwil "°"~''""'~ o•~"'' '' "' \.'" WP ... n,-, &t,-tin.C:O.••Meu CAHtft''ll•f t'1•,. lt• .. 1tN W ... ~t\+Ot.,t 4M O\rcw1Wf' '~-" c .... , Vkt 'rnklo~l •M ,,..,.,.i ...,._.. .,.._ ........ ,,, .. .,. ., ........... .......... ....... , . ..., .. ,., 0-. ...... ""' Ilk-,. ..... """'""' Mf~o,.,. u,. .. , T1l1pflon1 (7fC)~~ Cl1nlll1d ~dvertltlno ~·HTI C..wl.,_I 1'/l 0.1mq4 C<N<I _.,...,_. C.-~ Ne ftt'Wt \~tt••. U~tMW..'\, .. fl'it1~t•t •f9'•UM" •• •lfvt•th•""•'\t\ "''•'" ""9• .. ,..., .... ~Ct1 WHf'•vt t .. f1.AI .. ,Ml'tt•Aft tf _ _..._ ,..e•t it,,. "''•~ u ld "' r•••• Mou, c..1,,.,.1. ,.,.""•"•" ,., ~.,,,., 0 '" =~::,~~ :::!..::.~ ..-mr: ,... ... .,, Newport Beach offi cials arc contemplating changes in re· guJaUons governing ocean front beach activities such as beach volleyball and surfing Members of the city's Park~. Beaches and Recreation Com- mission already have suggested that more beach volleyball courts be installed. They are re- viewing surfing regulations with the idea or expanding the Umes oc-the areas open to board sur- fen. The review or these policles ls being undertaken as C.he com- mission prepare!'! nn OCClan front general plan. Gary Lovell, one of the com· mlssion m em beu appeared before tile city council Tuesday night to explain the? project. He said it covers four areas: beach volleyball, surlh11(, "ob· structlons and mluonduct," and public rest rooms. The commission spent the summer revlewtn1 beach volleyball courts and council mm arc e~pected to pass a resolution next month thal will allow the parks, beache!'I and recreation director to install more of them. The commission is about to take up sur!lng regulations which limit the times and places that board surfers can be in the water. Two students from Newport Harbor High School. Kurt MiUer and Dave Borlhwtck, appeared before the council Tuesday to ask that consideration be given to leaving more of the ocean beaches open to surfers. Lovell, in dlRcuasing the ocean front general plan, did not ex- plain what tbo commission will be studying when it gets t.o ob· st.ructions and misconduct. The study of pubUc rtst. rooms is potentially contro~nlaJ. Cur· rentJy. the only public real rooms on th• Ne~rt Ckun front are located at the Newport and Balboa Plers. Oceanfront homeowners have resisted pl1n1 lo In tall rest rooms at. otbet beach loc1Uon1. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches Sewing al so penetrates both secondary and pnmary backings. Naturally. sewing takes longer. but our fine installations have been a major factor in our growth through fifteen years rn Costa Mesa . DEN1S ••••••••••••••••• • . lnstallation ·custom draperies linoleum • wood Door 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627' • PHONE 6"6·.4838 -6"6·2355 I-.--------""!"-----------:------.. . . Saddle•aek EDITION VOL.. 69, NO. 303, .. SECTIONS, .. 2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1 A. r ternoon .Y. Stocks TEN CENTS ·Oil, Gas, ~Coal U.S. Energy llOj>e Zarh By 10ANNE REYNOLDS Of ttle 0•11 Y ,.. ... 14.tff Uthe U.S. is going to provide all of its own energy by 1985, Congress will have to enact a package of six bills proposed by President Ford, says Frank Zarb, head of the.Federal Energy Ad· ministration. Zarb spoke in Newport Beach this morning, stressing that self sufficiency in energy production is necessary to 'the nation's economy and defense. He was a guest ol the Lincoln Club, a «roup ot Republican busi- ne:-smen. They querieclblm ror an boor on energy issues. Zarb empbasiud the need for Congress t-0 finish passate ot Ford's 13-bllJ package or energy measures, which include remov- ing price controls from automobile petroJeum products andlromcrudeo!J. He dJacounted the ability ot noo- fossll fuels, such as nuclear power, solar or geothermal heat, to contribute significantly to the natlon'senergy sources. In.stead, be stressed the need lot" developing ~omestic sources ol oil and gas and increasing coal l>(Oductlon and consumption. Zarb, who bas headed the energy agency since 1974, also Dally Piiot P.,.10 tr ltlcll•"' Koe111..- FIRE MEN DOUSE FIRE THAT STARTED IN FRAMING OF HOUSE IN LAKE FOREST Wind-swept Embers Threatened Nearby Home1. Started Other Blazes 4 H11rt Fighting ~la~es Flying Embers Threaten Neighborhood 'Flying sparks and embers _ from a hw:nin& Lake Forest tract house in the framing stages or con s tru ctio n Thurs day threatened to destroy or serious· ly damage occupied homes in a 1 nearby development. Four or the 60 Orange County firemen who responded to the potentially disastrous blaze were injured, none seriously enough to require h ospitalization. The firemen were joined by citizens armed with garden hoses to pre· vent the-fire fromspreeding. A county fire department cap· ta in w as ovel'heard to say. "another three or four minutes and we might have lost a half· dozen of these houses along here." The blaze broke out at about 4:30 p.m. in a two·story structure in the uncompleted "Woods" de· velopment near the junction of Window Bob a nd Tanbark Streets. By the time fire units reached the scene. the framed house was totally involved in names and the uncompleted house next door had been singed, according lo Capt. Mike Amada of the El Toro Fire Station. When water trom the high- pressure water hoses used by the firemen hit the burn.in& building, the upper story collapsed, nar- rowly missing a hose crew. The cave-in threw clJlders into the air. where they were caught by the wind and rained Oflto the roofs of a number of homes along Timberline Way arid Ginger Road in the tract immediately adjacent to the Woods develop- ment along Lake Forest Drive. Hundreds of local.residents ~n Crom their homes to watch the ac· lion and some clambered onto rooftops lo hose down the cedar shingles. A fire department spokesman said al least a half-dozen houses 8 Mil~s Apart sustained burn holes of varying sizes in their roofs. Firemen brought in a snorkel truck to survey the scene rrom a location along Timberline but its aerial hoses were not needed. Two or the injured firemen SUS· (See FIRE, Page A2) 2nd Mall Planned Amnng Coast Hill,s Discounting competition from the Irvine Company's r ecently announced shopping center, of. flcials or the Mission Viejo Com· pany a nd the Edward J . DeBartolo Corporation told of their agreement to develop another major retail complex in south Orange County Thursday. The $65' million Mission Vi ejo Mall will be built within the Mis· sion Viejo planned community just east or the San Diego Freeway, between Crown Valley and Avery parkways. It will be within abQut eight freeway miles o( the planned Irvine Center as well as the exist- ing Laguna Hills Mall and Sad· dleback Valley Plaza. developing at a r ate lo justify the openin~ of both. Simila r refere nces to the "awesome" growth or the area were rnade by George Foos, presi· dent of the May Company, which also will havd stores in both cen- ters . The Mission Viejo Mall is ·planned as a million square foot, enclosed , climate-controlled complex . It wlll include Montgomery Ward as well as Robinson's and the May Com- pany and about 110 specialty shops. Construction or the center on the 68-acre site is slated to begin in January. Developers say the design of the center will blend with the architectural style already established in Mission Viejo. (See CENTER, Page A2) said hew ants to see Congress pro- vide the impetus ror private en- terprise to get into mass produc- tion or synthetic fuels, particular- 1 y th e aaslficatlon and liqufactionof coal. .. We have more coal in this· country than the mideastbasoil," he declared. Zarb said he wants the first generation of aynthetic fuel plants to be built in the 11ext ten years so 4 .. tbal the technical and environ· mental problems -which are not known now-can be worked out. A bill which would have done just that was defeated at the close ot the congressional session by one vote over a procedural ques- tion and Zarb says he thinks a similar blll will fare much better in the upcoming session. "It was definitely the silly season in W ashinjtton," he said of the closing days -or the session. "There was a definite sapping ol courage at certain points." Zarb told the 60 businessmen that "there are no panaceas for the energy problem. There are no hidden reservoirs tucked away that we can tap into. And there are going to be no breakthroughs that will solve the problem." Zarb briefly touched on the (See ENERGY, Page AZ) Badham Booed By B'nai ·B'rith Debate Response Blallled By WILLIAM SCHREIBER CM Ill• D•lly l'it.I M•lt Leisure World s ·na.i B'rith members booed and hooted As· semblyman Robert Badham's response Thursday night to a de- bate question on recurring con· troversial rem arks by Gen. George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During the final sc heduled joint appearances with Vivian Hall, his Democr atic challenger in the 40th Co ngressional Dislrict race. Dedham said politicians - and Jimmy Carter in particular -should be willing to "forgive a slip or lbe tongue by a general or the Army." (Brown Is an Air Force general). At that point, the predominant· ly Jewish audience reacted so vocally that Badham had lo curtail his response and sit down. Brown r ecently said the defense or Israel Is a burden lO the U.S Only mom ents before Badham was booed. Mrs. Hall drew loud applause from the crowd or about 200 when she s:ud Brown "should have been fired immediately because he has a history or mak· ing anti-semitic remarks that are not appropriate in any govern· ment position.'· A number of the questions posed to the two candidates were related to the Middle East. On the subject or trade with the Arab world, Badham said it is in "our own national interest'' to maintain a balance in the Middle East between the Arabs and Israel. He said whatever aid i~ sent to the Arabs is "necessary le keep the balance." Mrs. Half said it is "necessary to trade with all countries but at the same time, there are elements in the Arab world who are moderate and we must seek them out. .. She also noted that Israel has proven il has a place In the Mid- dle East by helping the poor or the Arab world wherever possi· ble. Both Badham and Mrs. Hall said they support the continued existence of Israel in the family of nations and oppose the boycott by the Arabs of Amerlcan firms doing business with the Jewish state. (See BOOS, Page AZ> BACKS PROP. 14 Cancftd•t• ttett Dally l'ilo! St•lf PllOles BOOED OFF STAGE AHemb'lyman S.dham Teachers Nix Pact; SVUSD at Impasse?. Negotiations between teachers and the Saddleback Valley Uniried School District could move to a n Impasse after teachers voted Thursday to reject the district's "last. best offer" for acootracl. Loa Young. president of the Board of Education, said this morning that trustees will. "in au probability" ask that an impasse be declared as soon as the)( re· ceive official notice from the Sad- dlebnck Vall ey Educators As- s ociation <SVEA ), wh ich 300 Students Stage Strike SAN DIEGO CAP) -About 300 students m issed a morning class at Mt. Carmel High School lo s how s upport for h ig her teachers' salaries Leaders or the demonstration said the walkout was called lo support teachers in their salary n eg o tiations in the Poway Unified School District, or which Mt. Carmel High is a part. Principal David Stine said no disciplinary action will be taken against the students. although parents will be notified. reprl!sents district teachers. She said the board will notify the state's Educational Employ- ment Relations Board, which will have rive d ays to s upply a mediator. If an agreement is not reached wHhln· 1s days of mediation, the proce&s will then switch to fact findings. Despite the impasse, Mrs. Young said, "schools will con- tinue to proceed in an orderly manner.·· She said the district is prepared for any event which may occur as a result of the break· off in negotiations. Mrs. You~ described the dis- trict•s last orrer as •·more than fair." But Ball Mecham, president of the SVEA, said. "this offer gives us nothing new.·· He said it is a "loss or working conditions and a loss or rights in this dislrict and we're not willing to settle ror that.·· He also said teachers feel It is "In essence. a slap in the face.'' Mechnm said teachers tried lo continue ne~otiations by placing a counter -offer on the bargaining table Wednesday . But he Said dis- trict representatives refused to even phys ically touch the package. Irvine Company officials an· nounced plans for their center, on the site where the Santa Ana and San ·Diego freeways merge,. on Wednesday. Although they but the Mission Viejo announcement by one day, the first phase of their center won't be developed until 1979 - one year after Mission Viejo's scheduled opening in fall , 1978. S\'VSD Bars Stuclent Nude's Fine With Drink, Poll Finds • Coast "'eatber Mostly s unny through Saturday with some low morning c louds . Cooler with highs in the 70s, low of about 50. INSIDE T ODAY The ploy's the thing. and thia b the 1eason. See todoy'a Weekender /or a feature on UC/"a "Guu' and Dotts," "' But Edward J . DeBartolo, pre· sident or the family-owned firm !tom Youngstown, Ohio, said, "We don't "Care if they open in 1976." When questioned about the competition and market by re· porters, he said, "U it hurts anybody, it won't hurt Mission Yiejo. It'll hurt somebody closer tothemthanus ." • And, Philip Reilly, president or the Mission Viejo Company, said his firm bans all .t.heir plans on what \My beUeYe wUl happen ac- cord.ins to their ability to control lt. James B. SI ayden, .P"Sident of Robinson's, wblcb will have a store ln bot.b U\e lrvine and Mis- sion Viejo ~enters, said be was · surprised that both centers would be opening around the same time. But he said be ts 1ure th• area la Meeting Suit Hint~d ..., ByLAURIE~PER Oflll•O•lly Pllee~ft A student representative to the Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Education charged this morning that "goon squad tactics" were used by teachen to eject him from their aasoc:laUon meeting Thursday. The allegallon was denied by BUI Mecham. president of the Saddleback Valley Educators As· soelatlon (SVEA). which was meetlnS ancl votin1 on the dis· tl1ct'acontractofter. The charfH were made by MarkHowel , •17·year-oldjunior ,t Mlaaloa Viejo ffllhScbool. Hil father, Preston Howell, t:!~ he will call ror an executive loo ol dlstrtct tn11i..s toast cherces be med aialnlt the threeteachen rnvolved.. He said he may also be filing criminal or civll action suits against the individual teacben and the association, depending on the advice of his al~y. The SVEA meeting was closed to all but member teachers. The younger Howell, said howeve~ bis interpretation ol the Civic \;enter Acl -which IUpulates use ot school raclllliet by the community -wu that be should be allowed to attend the meeting. Aller refusing one tearher's re· quest to leave lbe meeUn1. Howell sald be w u appro.c:hed b)' three leachen. One ol the teachers. wborn be deKribed as about slx-roo't·five and bu.sky, asked him to leave. "I'm about live·foot·Ove and not so husky 10 I was a little ... -·a. - scared," he said. The young man sald the other teachers stood by looking as though they might attack. "At the · time, I thouaht they may use physical violence on me," he said. He saJd he asked the teachers if they would remove him physical· ly tr he didn't leave. He said-Uley said they would use either bodily means or call the Sherilf. He said he left, fearing physical harm. But Mecham, who wu speak- ing to the assembled teachers at the time, said 1.bere weN no phyaJcaJ acts against tbe student nor wen "10011 squad lactica" UHd against him. He said Howen wu the onb' one wbo ref erred to pbysical action. . Mecham aJso aald the JOUDI <See STUDENT. PaceAJ) SACRAMENTO CAP) California adulta overwhelming- ly agree that nude -not lewd -dancing should be allowed in night clubs, according to a statewide poll. The Slate Alcoholic Beverap Control Board also was told Thursday by state Sen. Alfred Song that he won a landslide re·~ election victory ln 1970 despile a tabloid published by his Republican foe calling Song a backer of "nudie bars." The Monterey Par~ Democrat's testimony caroe at. a heartn1 on a pr~al by hto Loi An1eles-area rulht club& to strip the state of authority in the area of nude entert&ln.rneot and ctve il to c:lUes and c:oun. tles. State law prohJblts "bottom· <SM NUDES~Pase AZ) • -, I Al OAtL y PILOT SB Friday. Octohitr 29 187! ,,,..p.,..AJ BOOS ••• .,. :· Women 'Honor Ha~ A ....... ._. of otkt tapics •ere dlsam.d dwi.a• the ~·looB debate, 1Dcludlo1 aeveral of tbe atat. ball.:f.dpoaitlom. · LOS ANGELES ~)-A women's organh:atlon plans to demonstrate again.st S.1. Hayakawa'I tA>S Angeles headquarters today because a female re- porter was barred from an all-male club ln Santa Barbara. ..,.. c ... boUl ,.:-' ~lJ.the-. iDO l&Jatln. bat voleed 1harply · divided opinions on Proposition 14, the farm worker measure. The demonstration announced Thursday by the Los Angeles chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus stems from a Hayakawa appearance earlier in the campaign before the Channel City Club of Santa Barbara. Badham said the legislative rram~work Cor the type ot reform sought by !arm labor lead~ already exist& ln the form oI a compromlao bill enacted r e· cenUy. . The reporter. Ellen Hume ot the Los Angeles Times, was kept out of the club during the ap. pearance. But be claimed Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. a nd labor activist.. Cesar Chavez have reneged o.n their part or the agreement that led to the compromise. . The or ganization said it would serve roast pig - m Hayakawa' s honor -during the demonstration. · Hayakawa, told about the plans by reporters, said Thursday, "l hope they have soy sauce with that roast pig." Mrs. Hall said she "strongly supports'• Proposition 14 because it is a step toward giving ''the un· derprivileged of our societ.y the rights they deserve to decent salaries and working conditions and a better way of life." . . · B y Six Points Ford Edges Ahead In California Poll Other debate points included~ -Consum er protection. Bad.ham said there has to be a point after which ''the most sophisticated consumers in the world" no longer need prowc· lion. Mrs. Hall cbaUenfed Badham 's voting record on con· sumer affairs and said consumer • protection and free enterprise can co-exist. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - President Ford has increased his lead over Democrat Jimmy Carter to six percentage points in his race for California's 45 elec- toral votes, pollster Mervin Field said today. In a California Poll, Field said the Republican Pres ident is :favored by 46 per cent or the likely :voters surveyed, and Carter by 40 percent. : The survey reported three per· •tent favoring the write-in can- ?&dacy of independent Eugene ·McCarthy, three percent favor· :tng other candidates and eight 'percent undecided. The results were based on a ·statewide telephone sample con- • ducted Monday through Wednes- •day. •• · Poll interviewers contacted ":1..695 persons by telephone, of :whom 1,246 said they were re- .·gistered voters and planned to ·:cast ballots in the Nov. 2 general :·election. o r the total, ·.112 were :: D e m o c r a t s • 4 1 1 w e r e .. . E'ront Page A l ~CENTER ••• .· . :: . Although the Mission Viejo :·Company president refused to : disclose the sale price or the pro- : perty, a DeBartolo executive • said, "They soaked us." : The Ohio firm is the designer. : developer and operator of the 'mall. A subsidiary of May Com- 1 pany will be a limited partner. j'Negotiations f or a limited partne rs hip a ls o a re being fmalizcd with the Montgomery • Ward Properties Corporation. :. This will be the first West Coast :.project for De Bartolo. which has : developed more than lOOshopping : centers elsewhere. : In addition to the firm's shop- :·_ping center holdings in the East, it : owns thoroughbr ed horse racing :·tracks in Ohio. Illinois and :·Louisiana, the only free portserv- : ing the Great Lakes, industrial :-parks, executive office develop- :-ments and the Holiday lnnschain. # . . F rottt Page Al :FIRE ••• taincd nail punctures in the feet another suffered a cut wrist and : the fourth had a minor facial • burn, the fi r e department : spokesm an said. :: Th~ injured men were iden~ :·tified as Engineer s Tom ~au m gartner a nd Dennis Schwander or the Laguna Hills l·station and paid call firemen Jack Rondell and Kevin CaJdweJl of the El Toro station. , The cause of the tire was still I ,. under investigation today and .arson h ad not been ruled out ac· ~rding to Capt. Jim Stone. 'The framed house was a total loss with a value fixed at $25,000. No damage estimates were availa- }>le for the other homes. t •• t .. ·' ·" •' .· •• :: , . .. .. .· ~~ ;~ :--I ·= .. • •• ~. '· ' •• t: •• • •• •• , •• '• .. ~ ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 11.-11-,.," ... "' •N """I~ Vlff'°'..J:j~=-~ ,_.,,_. ....... ,,_ ..... ...,... MeM t .... 1!•- 0.tMIN l ... -P ..... ""''°'"'"'Mt-Ille IECll'"" lectdleb•C" Ven.r0ffte9 • "101U.P•111<>..i ot SM\ Do-,,_., Offlc•• Ot\l•Mt'-JJIWt•t...,,_ .. .... 11 ........ ~~ ,,.,, .... ,.8"~ u.-..... " 11 .. 0..._.,..11_ T .. •plto11• (714)fG.4321 C1H Mfl9d Ad~ertt""e tosl71 S-ltMOll•llff ...... Offl<• Mt.-3t0 '·--~ 4ff.OUO 58 Cl9olt' ... "" o..-. CNtt .....,,.., .... ~ -·· lie .... •ter!M. """'"-----·· M.Atttr ., ff•tf0HM•lllH "'''" M•Y M "..-.-Vcff wltf'tevt •"<t•t '"'"'"'..,_ et ---~=.~~ .. \:::::r. .. :··.:· c ~::, ":;':t flllllllfltifttfllly~ •• Miill ,. M ~My, M lht .. ., __ u. ........ ,.,,, l~~--~~~~- Republicans and 122fellintoother categories. In a survey three weeks earlier, Oct. 7 and 8, Field said Ford led Carter 44·43. After earlier sur- veys, Field reported Carter lead- ing Ford 53·33 in August and 44·40 in September. Field also reported that U.S. Sen. John Tunney regained a nar- row lead over Republican· challenger S.I. Hayakawa, and that Prop. 14, the farm labor in- itiative, is still trailing, but by a narrower margin. The poll gave Tunney a 4S.43• edge over Hayakawa with 12 per- cent undecided in surveying after their first televised debate Satur-day. Field r eported a 47-43 edge for Tunney in September and a 43-43 tie in after an October sur- vey. Field reported the biggest shift in sentiment was over the farm labor initiative sponsored by Cesar Chavez. He said in the survey this week, Prop. 14 was trailing by 12 percen· tage points, 47.35with18 percent still undecided. Viejo Woman . -Special legislation to aid the elderly. Badham said the "kin· dest thing Congress could do is simply stabilize the dollar." Mrs. Hall said she favors federal as- sistance to senior citizens who are facing the loss of their homes due to rising property taxes and vigorous enforcement of govern- ment regulations. -National health insurance. Mrs. Hall said she favors the con- cept but isn't sure bow it would be done. She said more emphasis should be placed on preventive medicine. Badham argued that such meas ures are "simply sociallted medicine" and that the nation's private health in- surers and facilities do the job best. · -Tax reduction. Bad.ham fell back to his contention that the free enterprise system must be allowed to work and government must be prevented from using deficit spending. Mrs. Hall said n ational leaders should sub· s titu te "people power for money'' and "put a little in· itiative and imagination back in government." Faces Drink~ Fro•Page A l Drug Charges· STUDENT •• Orange County sheriff's or-ficers jailed a Mission Viejo man got "very huffy and angry woman on multiple criminal aboulthesituation.'' charges alter she allegedly sup-"We can't understand w~y he plied alcohol to minors at a would want to be at our meeting," local park. · Mecham s ai.d. Deputies sairl they further Howell said he was at the meet- charged Barbara Anne Capaldo, ing because "I've ~n taught _in 21, with possession of mari-class to look at both sides or an ts- juana when they allegedly su~.andtop.urs1:1et~etru~. ro und the d r ug j n h er The distract s telling the possession. teachers they were lying and the They said they added charges teachers are !eJli~g the ~stri1~t or resisting arrest to the com· they were lying, he said. I plaint when Miss Capaldo, 24712 wanted ~olind out the truth." Nympha Drive, strenuously ob· . H~said he had gonetothemeet- jected to the arrest at El ingJusttohear whatteachershad Dorado Park, near the intersec-tosay. tion of Papagayo and Carrillb. By. being for.ced .. to leave ~e De puties s aid they were meeting, he said, My constitu- called to the park and found the lion al ri g hts have been defendant d istributing lar ge abridged." quantities of a lcohol to a But Mecham said it is the number of people under the age teachers' right to have their own of 21. meeting with their own counsel. Punldn Painters I These Aliso School kindergartners, alon1 with their classmates, recently spent Ume ln a Moulton Rancll pumpkin field selecting their own jack~o-lante:rns for cJe.. corating. Here. from left.. Lisa Undahl, Eric Price, Jody Doleman and Danny Sobel of El Toro give the finishinl touches to their Halloween artlat.ry. OCEAN DRIWNG RIG PRIMED FOR BIG MISSION 'Ne.w Generation of OU Pro1pectlng Off Coast' Offshore Test Well To Tap Tanner Oil By THOMAS MURPIUNE Ofllll Dallr ... lllSWff Gull Oil Corp<)ration is prepar- ing today to sink a 9,000·foot test well at Tanner Banks in what company ol!icial say may "begin a new generation of oil prospect- ing off the California coast." Test-drilling will be ac- complished by a new $40 million semi-submersible drilling vessel Aleutian Key, operated Jor Gull by Key International Drilling Company, Ltd. of Houston, Teic. Site or the exploratory effort will be at a point 85 miles southwest of Long Beach and 40 miles from San Clemente Island. The location is roughly between San Clemente and San Nicolas islands. · The 5,760-acr e undersea .oil ·tract is one oC .siic purchased. by Gulf in last December's federal sale. Gull bought the tract for $5.3 million. The com· pany paid $25 millloo!or all six. The· 260-foot apple-green Aleu· tian Key, which looks muc h like a permanent oU platform, is currently moored outside Port. Hueneme, near Oxnard. GuU officials are awaiting clearance of one more permit from the .U.S. Geol<?iical Survey Fro• Page Al ENERGY ••• meeting slated for December it which the 0 P EC countries will dt .. cide on whether another prit,,e hike will be instituted on their pro· ducts. He criticized the forecasts, "made by the so-called experts." who say the OPEC countries will upthepriceo!oil by15percent. ''They'll all get together and say, 'well look a t what the Americans expect• and then raise the price 10 percent. These forecasts are just an exercise in a selJ.fullilllng prophecy. "It's an expensive way to shoot yourself in the foot," Zarb ob· served. office in Ventura. Dr. M.R.J .. Wyllie, Gulf's West Coast divisional vice president, said is· suance of the permit is expected to be routine. Dr. Wyllie expects to get the go·ahead before Mon- day. Meanwhile, the Aleutian Key bas been loaded with a full cargo of pipe and drilling equipment worth $500,000. Its 77-member crew is ready to pull up her eight anchors and move to Tanner Banks. • ' "JI Gulf gets t)lat okay, we'll move Monday, set up on the site Tuesday and be drillirig by Wed- nesday night," declared Texan Leon Steinocher. area·superin· tendent for Key Dril. . Geologist Lyn Hazel, Gulf's · area exploration manager, said the test well will be punched down under 700 feet of water and will go 9,000 feet into the ocean floor. Hazel speculated they might fmd "something significant" at as shallow a depth as 2,500 feet . Even Gull officials differ on the odds or finding a slgnifitant undersea oil field at the site. One ·company officer· said it is" one chance in 10. Dr. Wyllie said 1 in ·100. Geologist Hazel suggested odds are 1in1,000. In any event, Hazel indicated the well is exploratory in nature and even if it hits oil, this hole would never be used for oil pro- duction. "Il we hit something, we would, permanently cap off the hole andr move on to make two or three more exploratory drillings," the geologist explained. "We would have to determine how signifi- cant the size of the field would be." If Gulf strikes oil off Tanner Banks, Dr. Wyllie said, the most practical m ethod of transporting the crude would be by means of an 85-mile pipeline to shore. "Il you use a pipeline, it allows you to produce gas from the wells, too," Wyllie explained. "By other methods, the gast just has to be pumped right back into the wells. "Then California loses the benefit of the gas production." Porn .Biz Sj deline -c o sts Joh NEW YORK CAP) -A media 6pert who ;produced television ads !or President Ford's elecUon c1mpai1n was fired because be also makes hard-core •ex films, the New York Post said today. The Post said the expert, Michael Scott Goldbaum, was dis- missed Thursday night alter the newspaper confronted him with h.is dual role. He then told Ford campaign officials of his film ac· Uvity, the newspaper said. The Post said a White House spo\esman had no explanation wby. it bad not learned or Goldbaum 's other wock. "Obviously, ii the facts are true, the President Ford Commit· tee would never have associated themselves with a person in· volved in that type or operation," the Post quoted Ford spokesman William Greener as saying. The newspaper s aid that during the past week Goldbaum, 36, has divided his tjme between the Ford campaign -including some time each night with Ford taping radio spots -a nd efrorls to find an ac· tor to play the lead in a new sex film. The Post said that when it con· fronted Goldbaum with his dual role be denied he was producing a pornographic rum but called back two hour s l a t e r and acknowledged he interviewed candidates for the lead. Goldbaum said when be ex- plained the situation to the political consulting firm or Balley, Deardourff & Eyre, which is supervising Ford's media ef- forts, be was fired by Douglas Bailey. Ero•Pa~Al NUDES ••• less" nude d a nclng in bars licensed for sale and consump· tion of alcoholic beverages. It a l so r eg ulate s the c ircumstances unde r which "topl ess" dancing can be performed. Song said his district poll found only two percent of voters !eld nude dancing was an im· portant issue in 1970, The public wouldn't object to new rules because they "simply don't care," he added. On the statewide survey, Dr. Peter· S he rrill of the Field Research Corp. said more than 60 percen t of the 1,000 adults surveyed agreed that adults should have the right to see nude entertainment. That degree ol support would be "an overwhelming landslide" !or any politician or issue, Sher· rill said .. The poll was paid !or by owners of the Ball, a private club in Santa Monica, and the Other Ball, a public bar in San Gabriel -the same clubs seeking the change in nude dancing-regula- tions. Both have been cited by the ABC for alleged nude entertain- ment violations. Song, an acquaintance of a former police chief whO' owns The Other Ball, has also testified on its behalf at other ABC pro- ceedinRs. ~axter Rice, ABC director, said after the hearing that it may be several m onths before a de· cision is reached. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS I There is a tendeney to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing. and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical. and if the iron is too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. pteaninQ poses the ultimate test to this type of seam. and we have been called 1n.".1.l!f'.1'.l.~rable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart: through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. · At Alden·s we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in these stitches. Sewing al so penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer, but our fine installations have been a major factor in our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa. DEN'S ·········••\••••• -··_.. -installat1on . custom draperies linoleum ~ wood floor llC f,JO. 2lC422 1663 Pl.ACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6.C6-.C8 J8 -6~6-23.S.5 r , .